Stringent UT hits comparison between HLT1 vs HLT2
Made the test for UT hits comparison between HLT1 and HLT2 more stringent. The current test only search for WARNING
This MR:
- We require 100% overlap of UT hit LHCbID between HLT1 and HLT2.
- Same number of UT hits matched to MC hits every time we test.
- Test fails when UT LHCbIDs is duplicated within an event. This should help bug catching in UT decoding.
Works with Allen!1663 (merged). Requires a new reference file.
Merge request reports
added RTA label
mentioned in merge request Allen!1663 (merged)
- [2024-06-06 18:00] Validation started with lhcb-2024-patches-mr#681
- [2024-06-09 03:39] Validation started with lhcb-2024-patches-mr#701
- [2024-06-10 22:15] Validation started with lhcb-2024-patches-mr#713
- [2024-06-11 11:30] Validation started with lhcb-2024-patches-mr#717
- [2024-06-11 12:24] Validation started with lhcb-2024-patches-mr#719
Edited by Software for LHCbadded 10 commits
dfa8a619...fd8a5112 - 8 commits from branch
- aa64e27b - Updated UT hits testing.
- f24321d1 - Added empty reference.
dfa8a619...fd8a5112 - 8 commits from branch
mentioned in merge request Allen!1525 (merged)
mentioned in commit e341e4ee
mentioned in commit Allen@08352c94
mentioned in merge request Allen!1670 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !3558 (merged)
mentioned in commit 2a0c0e90
mentioned in commit a55b00e8
mentioned in commit a5f63824
mentioned in commit 20059015
mentioned in commit Allen@f5c03c95
mentioned in commit Allen@8c815b4b
mentioned in commit Allen@9546c063
mentioned in issue Allen#442 (closed)
mentioned in commit acdee0ad
mentioned in commit 1ca5e7d8
mentioned in commit Allen@9e8362c5
mentioned in merge request Allen!1668 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !3554 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !3687 (closed)
mentioned in commit 3b2196c4