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Tighter Etac Selection to Create Diskspace for a New Line

Yujie Li requested to merge yujiel/tighterEtac into bandq_development

Tighter Etac Selection for Lb2etacpK selection lines, to Create Diskspace for a New Line with etac2KSKPi decay mode.

For Lb2etacpK, etac2HHHH lines, the rate is significantly too high. We still keep it in sprucing, and require it using the output of topo triggers, to help control the bandwidth cost. Now the rate is about 30Hz, and looks healthy.

We test the Lb2etacpK, etac2HHHH line rate by running hlt2 topo lines first, then band sprucing. The output is attached below:

LAZY_AND: Hlt2Topo2Body                          #=100000  Sum=1535        Eff=|( 1.535000 +- 0.0388772)%|

LAZY_AND: Hlt2Topo3Body                          #=100000  Sum=1348        Eff=|( 1.348000 +- 0.0364668)%|

LAZY_AND: SpruceBandQ_LbToEtacPpKm_EtacToHHHH    #=2625 Sum=3 Eff=|(0.1142857 +- 0.0659452)%|

For other etac decay modes, we find the rate quite small even when putting them in hlt2 as turbo line. The rate is at 30, 40Hz level.

LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_LbToEtacPpKm_EtacToKsDDKpPim #=100000 Sum=0 Eff=|( 0.000000 +- 0.00000 )%|

LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_LbToEtacPpKm_EtacToKsLLKpPim #=100000 Sum=3 Eff=|(0.003000000 +- 0.00173202)%|

LAZY_AND: Hlt2BandQ_LbToEtacPpKm_EtacToPpPm      #=100000 Sum=4 Eff=|(0.004000000 +- 0.00199996)%|
Edited by Mengzhen Wang

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