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B2OC: Modify cuts for BToDDs1(2460) lines

Linxuan Zhu requested to merge b2oc-lzhu-modifycut into b2oc_upgrade

Loose PT cut for soft pions of Ds1(2460) and add clone angle cut for two soft pions. The rate for the updated lines are the following

    LAZY_AND: SpruceB2OC_BdToDmDs2460p_Ds2460pToDsPiPi_DsToKHH_DmToHHH                               #=100000  Sum=34          Eff=|(0.03400000 +- 0.00582996)%|
    LAZY_AND: SpruceB2OC_BdToDstmDs2460p_DstmToD0Pi_Ds2460pToDsPiPi_DsToKHH                          #=100000  Sum=18          Eff=|(0.01800000 +- 0.00424226)%|
    LAZY_AND: SpruceB2OC_BuToD0Ds2460p_Ds2460pToDsPiPi_DsToKHH_D0ToKPi                               #=100000  Sum=29          Eff=|(0.02900000 +- 0.00538438)%|
    LAZY_AND: SpruceB2OC_BuToD0Ds2460p_Ds2460pToDsPiPi_DsToKHH_D0ToKPiPiPi                           #=100000  Sum=24          Eff=|(0.02400000 +- 0.00489839)%|

Merge request reports
