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editions for bandq_EoY_sprucing

Ivan Polyakov requested to merge ipolyako_for_bandq_EoY into bandq_EoY_sprucing
  • B->JpsiX decays
    • in b_to_jpsiX_lines number of exclusive B->JpsiX lines were using make_jpsi/psi2s instead of _detached_ versions. Why is that? Changing it to _detached_ versions cause cut has ~100% efficiency for signal and reduces rates by 50%


  • B->Dh decays:

    • fix bug in Xib lines in am_min: 5780 -> 5580 MeV

    • tighten cut on dm(Charm) to +-30(25) MeV (for Charm->4h) for B->Charm+hh and B->Charm+hhh decays

    • add cut D_BPVIPCHI2 > 4 for D coming from B->Dh(hh,hhh) decays

    • add cut on average of MINIPCHI2 of D-hadrons > 16/25/36 for D->hh/hhh/hhhh channels

    • add cut on average of MINIPCHI2 of B-hadrons > 16/25/36 for B->Dh/Dhh/Dhhh channels

    • put repeating code in tight_track function

  • B->JpsiX decays:

    • switch to make_detached_jpsi as mentioned above
    • add cut on average{muons}(MINIPCHI2) > 3**2
    • add cut on average{Bhadrons}(MINIPCHI2) > (1+n_hadrons)**2
    • add Psi2SKp mode to BuForSpectroscopy as it will add another ~3-5% to overall yield, roughly same as D0PiPiPi_K3Pi, for Bd, Lb, Bc such modes are expected to be further suppressed by factor >2x so not that interesting.
  • Bc->JpsiPi(3Pi) decays:

    • PT(pi)>700 MeV in Bc->JpsiPi (pure guess for now)
    • PT(pi_1)+PT(pi_2)+PT(pi_3) > 1500 MeV (pure guess for now)
Edited by Ivan Polyakov

Merge request reports
