SLB Nov Hackathon: charm baryon selection
Goal is to harmonize charm baryon selection and simplify code implementation. Based on studies in data with Lc, Xic+, and Omegac.
Tighten slightly PID selection on Lambda c to remove charm hadron combinatorial background, additionally:
- Move updated selection to the default charm hadron builder
- Remove overwritten cuts in all three users of Lc builder ( lnu, tau to mu, tau to 3pi) to use instead the default
- Remove multiple calculations of mass windows
- Cuts tighter than Lc munu selection in tau to mu are left in place
Port these cuts as well to the Xic+, Xic0, and Omegac lines. This is a mixture of tightened cuts: in particular pT and sum PT which were in place for Lc but make sense for e.g. Xic+ as well:
where signal and background are obtained via sweights from the Xic+ peak and the histograms are set to the same normalization.
Also loosened some cuts (daughter IP chi2 in particular).
Preliminary rate testing in Hlt2 with slb script gives bandwidth of : Bandwidth: 3.106 MB/s compared to 3.121 MB/s when running with master on Dec 2 A slight reduction may make sense because the tightened cuts on the Lc selection may be the largest effect as these are high rate lines.
It would be possible to tighten all the charm mass windows as they are very large (+- 80MeV after fit which is larger than meson modes).