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Draft: SLB Nov24 Hackathon

Gary Robertson requested to merge SLB-Nov24-hackathon into master

This MR will collect the various MRs coming out of the semileptonic working group hackathon.

Merge Request Description Expected Bandwidth Change
!4042 Update SLB line naming convention None
!4128 (merged) Tune BToXuTauNu lines -17.6% (Hlt2), -0.08GB/s (Spruce)
!4101 (merged) Removal of duplicated lines -0.16GB/s
!4104 (merged) Add same sign background lines for B->pi mu nu, Bs -> K mu nu, Bu -> D0 tau Hlt2 BW + 4.1%. Similar impact on spruce.
!4107 (merged) Add selective persistence (charged particles) + neutral to all spruce lines No change in Hlt2 BW. Spruce BW increases by +35% (50k events MinBias MC)
!4108 (merged) Turn off all tau->e lines -0.13GB/s
!4109 Application of the relation table algorithm to store MVA score
!4110 (merged) Charm meson tuning for SL
!4111 (merged) Enable fiducial cut
!4112 charm baryon selection
!4117 (merged) Adding Bs->Kenu line +8%
!4120 (merged) Update tau builder Sprucing: reduction of 22% in BW, 18% in event size, 6% in total rate.
!4122 (merged) remove hadronic electron lines -0.05 GB/s
!4182 Add flag to remove PID cuts No change in data BW
!4193 Replace BPV with OWNPV for SL lines and builders No change in BW, but expected increasein throughput

cc. @tfulghes, @amathad, @alupato

Edited by Gary Robertson

Merge request reports
