Draft: Cleaning up radiative modules
- Move all builders into the builders file and share selections where necessary so that there are no more than two builders (loose/tight) per composite
- Remove PID and pT cuts from KS selections
- Widen KK window in KSKK line
Moore logs on 100K data ($3186)
- Before this MR
- After #f98a748f : Confirms that there are no differences except increase in number of photons and selected events for BdToPiPiGamma
- After #7ccd1048 : There are many changes in rates, this is expected due to changes required to hadronic builders (looser cuts on KS, changes to mass windows, dedicated ppi building instead of repurposing pK builder)
- After #73be44b2
Edited by Fionn Caitlin Ros Bishop