Tune QEE high-pT and high-mass muon lines for 2025
FYI @lugrazet @isanders @paandreo @mvesteri
Changes aimed at reducing the rates to disk of the precision EW programme in QEE for 2025.
- Add a loose isolation cut to SingleHighPtMuon sprucing line,
- Do same to SingleHighPtMuonNoMuID, and tighten pT threshold. Add a SingleHighPtMuonNoMuIDNoIso line with tight pT threshold and tight prescale so we could still measure unbiased high-pT hadrons,
- Increase pT threshold to something much more sensible for Z single and double muID lines,
- Fix isolation cut in SingleHighPtMuonIso lines and tighten it up at HLT2 and sprucing,
- Kill SingleMuon back-up sprucing lines after discussion on redundant lines that "may be used in the future" at last RTA WP3 meeting,
- Small cleanup: use shared builder in
I have done some detailed studies (see bottom of description) that show that the first change should reduce the rate of our most costly line by around 40% for a loss of only ~2% relative efficiency per muon. I've also checked that we can perfectly supersede the cut offline. Nonetheless, I was still too scared to put the cut straight into HLT2, and in any case the disk budget is more important.
The other changes were sanity changes.
I've run a local bandwidth test in the same configuration as the nightlies, and overall this reduces the QEE full-stream sprucing bandwidth to disk by around 20%. The changes at HLT2 are pretty negligible.
Local bandwidth test to check I didn't break anything, and give some numbers to the above.