diff --git a/Hlt/RecoConf/python/RecoConf/rich_data_monitoring.py b/Hlt/RecoConf/python/RecoConf/rich_data_monitoring.py
index 470fc4f33e48b8de4a6f9b2418b7283d6973155c..7a7060074c06682b450f2f80bb9d5b7d9765e474 100644
--- a/Hlt/RecoConf/python/RecoConf/rich_data_monitoring.py
+++ b/Hlt/RecoConf/python/RecoConf/rich_data_monitoring.py
@@ -23,12 +23,15 @@ from PyConf.Algorithms import (
     Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__TrackSelEff as TrackSelEff,
     Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__SIMDPhotonCherenkovAngles as PhotAngles,
     Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__TrackRadiatorMaterial as TkMaterial,
-    Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__DLLs as DLLs,
+    Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__DLLs as DLLs,  #
+    Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__PhotonYield as PhotonYield,
+    Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__GeometricalEfficiencies as GeomEffs,
     Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__PixelBackgrounds as PixBackgrds)
 from PyConf.Tools import TrackSelector
-from .rich_reconstruction import get_radiator_bool_opts
+from .rich_reconstruction import (get_radiator_bool_opts,
+                                  get_detector_bool_opts)
@@ -70,13 +73,13 @@ def default_rich_monitors(moni_set="Standard"):
         "Expert": [
             "DecodingErrors", "RecoStats", "RichHits", "PixelClusters",
             "RichMaterial", "PixelBackgrounds", "TrackSelEff",
-            "PhotonCherenkovAngles", "DLLs"
+            "PhotonCherenkovAngles", "DLLs", "PhotonYields", "GeomEffs"
         # The default set of monitors
         "Standard": [
             "DecodingErrors", "RecoStats", "RichHits", "PixelClusters",
             "RichMaterial", "PixelBackgrounds", "TrackSelEff",
-            "PhotonCherenkovAngles", "DLLs"
+            "PhotonCherenkovAngles", "DLLs", "PhotonYields", "GeomEffs"
         # For monitoring at the pit
         "OnlineMonitoring": [
@@ -173,12 +176,15 @@ def make_rich_track_monitors(conf, reco_opts, moni_opts, moni_set="Standard"):
     # The dict of configured monitors to return
     results = {}
-    # The radiator options
-    rad_opts = get_radiator_bool_opts(reco_opts)
     # The track name for this configuration
     track_name = conf["TrackName"]
+    # The radiator options
+    rad_opts = get_radiator_bool_opts(reco_opts, track_name)
+    # Detector options
+    det_opts = get_detector_bool_opts(reco_opts, track_name)
     # Basic reco statistics
     key = "RecoStats"
     if key in monitors:
@@ -213,6 +219,7 @@ def make_rich_track_monitors(conf, reco_opts, moni_opts, moni_set="Standard"):
         tight_sel = moni_opts["TightTrackSelection"]
         results[key + "Tight"] = PhotAngles(
             name="RiCKRes" + track_name + "Tight",
+            Radiators=rad_opts,
@@ -225,6 +232,35 @@ def make_rich_track_monitors(conf, reco_opts, moni_opts, moni_set="Standard"):
+    # Photon Yields
+    key = "PhotonYields"
+    if key in monitors:
+        results["Emitted" + key] = PhotonYield(
+            name="RiTkEmittedYields" + track_name,
+            Radiators=rad_opts,
+            MaximumYields=(100, 800, 800),
+            TrackSegmentsLocation=conf["TrackSegments"],
+            PhotonYieldLocation=conf["EmittedYields"])
+        results["Detectable" + key] = PhotonYield(
+            name="RiTkDetectableYields" + track_name,
+            Radiators=rad_opts,
+            TrackSegmentsLocation=conf["TrackSegments"],
+            PhotonYieldLocation=conf["DetectableYields"])
+        results["Signal" + key] = PhotonYield(
+            name="RiTkSignalYields" + track_name,
+            Radiators=rad_opts,
+            TrackSegmentsLocation=conf["TrackSegments"],
+            PhotonYieldLocation=conf["SignalYields"])
+    # Geom. Effs.
+    key = "GeomEffs"
+    if key in monitors:
+        results[key] = GeomEffs(
+            name="RiTkGeomEffs" + track_name,
+            Radiators=rad_opts,
+            TrackSegmentsLocation=conf["TrackSegments"],
+            GeomEffsLocation=conf["GeomEffs"])
     # Rich material monitor
     key = "RichMaterial"
     if key in monitors:
@@ -238,6 +274,7 @@ def make_rich_track_monitors(conf, reco_opts, moni_opts, moni_set="Standard"):
     if key in monitors:
         results[key] = PixBackgrds(
             name="RichRecPixBkgs" + track_name,
+            Detectors=det_opts,
diff --git a/Hlt/RecoConf/python/RecoConf/rich_mc_checking.py b/Hlt/RecoConf/python/RecoConf/rich_mc_checking.py
index 522efbe3f9775a001957cbd7fcc89d6279e84464..d06b9908895c5a68e04a5ee8ce796b9b53187e54 100644
--- a/Hlt/RecoConf/python/RecoConf/rich_mc_checking.py
+++ b/Hlt/RecoConf/python/RecoConf/rich_mc_checking.py
@@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ from Hlt2Conf.data_from_file import mc_unpackers
 from .mc_checking import (make_links_lhcbids_mcparticles_tracking_system,
-from .rich_reconstruction import (get_radiator_bool_opts,
-                                  get_detector_bool_opts)
+from .rich_reconstruction import get_radiator_bool_opts
 from .rich_data_monitoring import default_rich_monitoring_options
@@ -111,10 +110,7 @@ def make_rich_checkers(conf, reco_opts, check_opts, moni_set="Standard"):
     track_name = conf["TrackName"]
     # The radiator options
-    rad_opts = get_radiator_bool_opts(reco_opts)
-    # Get the detector options
-    det_opts = get_detector_bool_opts(reco_opts)
+    rad_opts = get_radiator_bool_opts(reco_opts, track_name)
     # get the list of checkers to activate
     checkers = default_rich_checkers(moni_set)
diff --git a/Hlt/RecoConf/python/RecoConf/rich_reconstruction.py b/Hlt/RecoConf/python/RecoConf/rich_reconstruction.py
index d562228a33d36e840fa7f5030c6bebe50fcbef22..7bda4e26f1da535421d7150a7fc8a1b78fa61731 100644
--- a/Hlt/RecoConf/python/RecoConf/rich_reconstruction.py
+++ b/Hlt/RecoConf/python/RecoConf/rich_reconstruction.py
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ from PyConf.Algorithms import (
     Rich__Future__Rec__EmittedPhotonYields as EmittedYields,
     Rich__Future__Rec__TrackEmittedCherenkovAngles as EmittedCKAngles,
     Rich__Future__Rec__RayTraceCherenkovCones as EmittedMassCones,
-    Rich__Future__Rec__DetectablePhotonYields as DetectableYields,
     Rich__Future__Rec__GeomEffCKMassRings as GeomEff,
     Rich__Future__Rec__SelectTrackSegments as SelectTrackSegments,
     Rich__Future__Rec__SignalPhotonYields as SignalYields,
@@ -61,12 +60,6 @@ def default_rich_reco_options():
         # The RICH radiators to use
         "Radiators": ["Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas"],
-        # Tay tracing ring points (Max)
-        "NRayTracingRingPointsMax": (96, 96, 96),
-        # Tay tracing ring points (Min)
-        "NRayTracingRingPointsMin": (16, 16, 16),
-        # Tolerence for creating new ray traced CK rings (default 2.5% of CK theta)
-        "RayTracingNewCKRingTol": (0.005, 0.00125, 0.00075),
         # Maximum number of clusters GEC cut
@@ -96,6 +89,19 @@ def default_rich_reco_options():
+        # Tay tracing ring points (Max)
+        "NRayTracingRingPointsMax": (96, 96, 96),
+        # Tay tracing ring points (Min)
+        "NRayTracingRingPointsMin": (16, 16, 16),
+        # Tolerence for creating new ray traced CK rings (default 2.5% of CK theta)
+        "RayTracingNewCKRingTol": (0.005, 0.00125, 0.00075),
+        # Detectable Yields Treatment
+        "DetectableYieldsPrecision":
+        "Average",
         # Settings for the global PID minimisation
@@ -151,21 +157,23 @@ def default_rich_reco_options():
-def get_radiator_bool_opts(options):
-    # Radiators ( Aerogel not supported here )
+def get_radiator_bool_opts(options, tktype=""):
+    isUp = tktype == "Upstream" or tktype == "Up"
+    # Radiators
     return (
-        False,  #
+        False,  # Aerogel not supported at all
         "Rich1Gas" in options["Radiators"],
-        "Rich2Gas" in options["Radiators"])
+        "Rich2Gas" in options["Radiators"] and not isUp)
-def get_detector_bool_opts(options):
-    # Detectors ( Aerogel not supported here )
+def get_detector_bool_opts(options, tktype=""):
+    isUp = tktype == "Upstream" or tktype == "Up"
+    # Detectors
     return ("Rich1Gas" in options["Radiators"],
-            "Rich2Gas" in options["Radiators"])
+            "Rich2Gas" in options["Radiators"] and not isUp)
@@ -275,7 +283,7 @@ def make_rich_tracks(track_name, input_tracks, options):
     results["InputTracks"] = input_tracks
     # The radiator options
-    rad_opts = get_radiator_bool_opts(options)
+    rad_opts = get_radiator_bool_opts(options, track_name)
     # Create radiator segments from input tracks
     segments = SegmentCreator(
@@ -324,6 +332,13 @@ def make_rich_tracks(track_name, input_tracks, options):
     results["EmittedCKRings"] = emitMassCones.MassHypothesisRingsLocation
     # Detectable photon yields
+    if options["DetectableYieldsPrecision"] == "Full":
+        from PyConf.Algorithms import Rich__Future__Rec__DetectablePhotonYields as DetectableYields
+    elif options["DetectableYieldsPrecision"] == "Average":
+        from PyConf.Algorithms import Rich__Future__Rec__AverageDetectablePhotonYields as DetectableYields
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("Unknown detectable yield mode '" +
+                         options["DetectableYieldsPrecision"] + "'")
     detY = DetectableYields(
         name="RichDetectableYields" + track_name,
@@ -355,8 +370,8 @@ def make_rich_tracks(track_name, input_tracks, options):
-    results["SignalPhotonYields"] = sigYields.SignalPhotonYieldLocation
-    results["SignalPhotonSpectra"] = sigYields.SignalPhotonSpectraLocation
+    results["SignalYields"] = sigYields.SignalPhotonYieldLocation
+    results["SignalSpectra"] = sigYields.SignalPhotonSpectraLocation
     # Signal Cherenkov angles
     sigChAngles = SignalCherenkovAngles(
@@ -497,7 +512,7 @@ def make_rich_pids(track_name,
-        SignalPhotonYieldLocation=track_conf["SignalPhotonYields"],
+        SignalPhotonYieldLocation=track_conf["SignalYields"],
     results["SummaryTracks"] = recSum.SummaryTracksLocation
diff --git a/Hlt/RecoConf/python/RecoConf/yapf4078517uuv.py b/Hlt/RecoConf/python/RecoConf/yapf4078517uuv.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ac599073750ef212d4926072295312176a356c1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Hlt/RecoConf/python/RecoConf/yapf4078517uuv.py
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+# (c) Copyright 2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           #
+#                                                                             #
+# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
+# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
+#                                                                             #
+# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
+# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
+# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV
+from PyConf import configurable
+from PyConf.utilities import ConfigurationError
+from PyConf.Algorithms import (
+    Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__DecodingErrors as DecodingErrors,
+    Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__DetectorHits as DetectorHits,
+    Rich__Future__SmartIDClustering as RichClustering,
+    Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__PixelClusters as ClusterMoni,
+    Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__SIMDRecoStats as RecoStats,
+    Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__TrackSelEff as TrackSelEff,
+    Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__SIMDPhotonCherenkovAngles as PhotAngles,
+    Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__TrackRadiatorMaterial as TkMaterial,
+    Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__DLLs as DLLs, Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__PhotonYield
+    as PhotonYield, Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__PixelBackgrounds as PixBackgrds)
+from PyConf.Tools import TrackSelector
+from .rich_reconstruction import get_radiator_bool_opts
+def default_rich_monitoring_options():
+    """
+    Returns a dict of the default RICH data monitoring options
+    """
+    opts = {
+        "TightTrackSelection": {
+            "MinP": 10 * GeV,
+            "MinPt": 0.5 * GeV,
+            "MaxChi2": 2,
+            "MaxGhostProb": 0.1
+        }
+    }
+    return opts
+def default_rich_monitors(moni_set="Standard"):
+    """
+    Returns the set of monitors to activate
+    Args:
+        moni_set (string): Monitor set to activate
+    Returns:
+        dict of activated monitoring algorithms
+    """
+    monitors = {
+        # Activates all montiors
+        "Expert": [
+            "DecodingErrors", "RecoStats", "RichHits", "PixelClusters",
+            "RichMaterial", "PixelBackgrounds", "TrackSelEff",
+            "PhotonCherenkovAngles", "DLLs", "PhotonYields"
+        ],
+        # The default set of monitors
+        "Standard": [
+            "DecodingErrors", "RecoStats", "RichHits", "PixelClusters",
+            "RichMaterial", "PixelBackgrounds", "TrackSelEff",
+            "PhotonCherenkovAngles", "DLLs", "PhotonYields"
+        ],
+        # For monitoring at the pit
+        "OnlineMonitoring": [
+            "DecodingErrors", "RecoStats", "RichHits", "PixelClusters",
+            "TrackSelEff", "PhotonCherenkovAngles", "DLLs"
+        ],
+        "None": []
+    }
+    if moni_set not in monitors.keys():
+        raise ConfigurationError("Unknown histogram set " + moni_set)
+    return monitors[moni_set]
+def make_rich_pixel_monitors(conf, reco_opts, moni_opts, moni_set="Standard"):
+    """
+    Returns a set of RICH pixel only level monitors (i.e. tracking free).
+    Args:
+        conf       (dict): Reconstruction configuration (data) to run monitoring on
+        reco_opts  (dict): Reconstruction options
+        moni_opts  (dict): Data monitoring options
+        moni_set (string): Monitor set to activate
+    Returns:
+        dict of activated monitoring algorithms
+    """
+    # get the list of monitors to activate
+    monitors = default_rich_monitors(moni_set)
+    # The dict of configured monitors to return
+    results = {}
+    # Decoding errors
+    key = "DecodingErrors"
+    if key in monitors:
+        results[key] = DecodingErrors(
+            name="RichDecodingErrors",
+            DecodedDataLocation=conf["RichDecodedData"],
+            OdinLocation=conf["ODIN"])
+    # RICH hits
+    key = "RichHits"
+    if key in monitors:
+        results[key] = DetectorHits(
+            name="RichRecPixelQC", DecodedDataLocation=conf["RichDecodedData"])
+    # Rich Clustering checks
+    key = "PixelClusters"
+    if key in monitors:
+        # Run custom monitoring specific clustering here, to be decoupled
+        # from whatever the reco uses (likely no clustering).
+        clustering = RichClustering(
+            name="RichClusteringForMoni",
+            # Force clustering on for both RICHes
+            ApplyPixelClustering=(True, True),
+            # input data
+            DecodedDataLocation=conf["RichDecodedData"])
+        # ... and now the monitor for these clusters
+        results[key] = ClusterMoni(
+            name="RichRecPixelClusters",
+            RichPixelClustersLocation=clustering.RichPixelClustersLocation)
+    return results
+def make_rich_track_monitors(conf, reco_opts, moni_opts, moni_set="Standard"):
+    """
+    Returns a set of RICH track level monitors
+    Args:
+        conf       (dict): Reconstruction data configuration to run monitoring for
+        reco_opts  (dict): Reconstruction options
+        moni_opts  (dict): Data monitoring options
+        moni_set (string): Monitor set to activate
+    Returns:
+        dict of activated monitoring algorithms
+    """
+    # get the list of monitors to activate
+    monitors = default_rich_monitors(moni_set)
+    # The dict of configured monitors to return
+    results = {}
+    # The radiator options
+    rad_opts = get_radiator_bool_opts(reco_opts)
+    # The track name for this configuration
+    track_name = conf["TrackName"]
+    # Basic reco statistics
+    key = "RecoStats"
+    if key in monitors:
+        results[key] = RecoStats(
+            name="RichRecoStats" + track_name,
+            TrackToSegmentsLocation=conf["SelectedTrackToSegments"],
+            TrackSegmentsLocation=conf["TrackSegments"],
+            CherenkovPhotonLocation=conf["CherenkovPhotons"])
+    # RICH track selection efficiencies
+    key = "TrackSelEff"
+    if key in monitors:
+        results[key] = TrackSelEff(
+            name="RichTkSelEff" + track_name,
+            TracksLocation=conf["InputTracks"],
+            RichPIDsLocation=conf["RichPIDs"])
+    # RICH cherenkov photon angles
+    key = "PhotonCherenkovAngles"
+    if key in monitors:
+        # Standard monitor
+        results[key] = PhotAngles(
+            name="RiCKRes" + track_name,
+            Radiators=rad_opts,
+            TracksLocation=conf["InputTracks"],
+            TrackSegmentsLocation=conf["TrackSegments"],
+            CherenkovPhotonLocation=conf["CherenkovPhotons"],
+            CherenkovAnglesLocation=conf["SignalCKAngles"],
+            SummaryTracksLocation=conf["SummaryTracks"],
+            PhotonToParentsLocation=conf["PhotonToParents"])
+        # Tight monitor
+        tight_sel = moni_opts["TightTrackSelection"]
+        results[key + "Tight"] = PhotAngles(
+            name="RiCKRes" + track_name + "Tight",
+            TrackSelector=TrackSelector(
+                MinPCut=tight_sel["MinP"],
+                MinPtCut=tight_sel["MinPt"],
+                MaxChi2Cut=tight_sel["MaxChi2"],
+                MaxGhostProbCut=tight_sel["MaxGhostProb"]),
+            TracksLocation=conf["InputTracks"],
+            TrackSegmentsLocation=conf["TrackSegments"],
+            CherenkovPhotonLocation=conf["CherenkovPhotons"],
+            CherenkovAnglesLocation=conf["SignalCKAngles"],
+            SummaryTracksLocation=conf["SummaryTracks"],
+            PhotonToParentsLocation=conf["PhotonToParents"])
+    # Photon Yields
+    key = "PhotonYields"
+    if key in monitors:
+        results["Emitted" + key] = PhotonYield(
+            name="RiTkEmittedYields" + track_name,
+            Radiators=rad_opts,
+            MaximumYields=(100, 800, 800),
+            TrackSegmentsLocation=conf["TrackSegments"],
+            PhotonYieldLocation=conf["EmittedYields"])
+        results["Detectable" + key] = PhotonYield(
+            name="RiTkDetectableYields" + track_name,
+            Radiators=rad_opts,
+            TrackSegmentsLocation=conf["TrackSegments"],
+            PhotonYieldLocation=conf["DetectableYields"])
+        results["Signal" + key] = PhotonYield(
+            name="RiTkSignalYields" + track_name,
+            Radiators=rad_opts,
+            TrackSegmentsLocation=conf["TrackSegments"],
+            PhotonYieldLocation=conf["SignalYields"])
+    # Rich material monitor
+    key = "RichMaterial"
+    if key in monitors:
+        results[key] = TkMaterial(
+            name="RiTkMaterial" + track_name,
+            Radiators=rad_opts,
+            TrackSegmentsLocation=conf["TrackSegments"])
+    # Rich likelihood pixel backgrounds
+    key = "PixelBackgrounds"
+    if key in monitors:
+        results[key] = PixBackgrds(
+            name="RichRecPixBkgs" + track_name,
+            RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation=conf["RichSIMDPixels"],
+            PixelBackgroundsLocation=conf["RichPixelBackgrounds"])
+    # RICH DLL values
+    key = "DLLs"
+    if key in monitors:
+        results[key] = DLLs(
+            name="RichDLLs" + track_name, RichPIDsLocation=conf["RichPIDs"])
+    return results