WIP: B&Q basic builders and standard combinations
It defines the required structure for the B&Q developments following the example of the B2OC WG.
The onia folder has the builders subfolder, containing the onia filtered standard particles and combinations. They will be integrated with further developments in the near future, but the structure needs to be there before. Note that some code is so far shared with parts of the dimuon.py module.
Two lines have been registered in the BcToX and BpToX modules:
- Hlt2BcpToJpsiPipLine for Bc+ -> J/psi pi+ decays, whose cuts will be fine tuned later.
- Hlt2BpToJpsiKpOniaLine for B+ -> J/psi K+ decays; the only difference with the B2JpsiK module are in the kaon input particles.
Edited by Giovanni Cavallero