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add dimuon lines into onia

Mengzhen Wang requested to merge onia_dimuon into onia

This MR is to add the dimuon line registered in the onia directory, together with some preliminary persistence features.

  1. The option file for Moore test is changed a bit, to enable the dst production, add more input files and

  2. Add a individual file for dimuon line registration.

  3. Add the downstream track in track definition. For the previous make_charged_hadrons, redefine it as make_charged_long_hadrons to separate it to downstream tracks.

  4. Add the psi2S filter using the similar way as it for jpsi.

A quick test has been done based on master branch, and with the same changes on onia directory as this MR. The dst file can be generated directly from Moore (/eos/lhcb/wg/BandQ/trigger/Upgrade/persistency_studies/dst/Lb2JpsipK.dst), and tuple files can be generated based on this dst file (/eos/lhcb/wg/BandQ/trigger/Upgrade/persistency_studies/tuple/Lb2JpsipK.root, reconstruct Jpsi+pi combination, just a simple test on the persistence feature).

Next step is to add the Lambda and KS particles, as Biplab suggested.

Merge request reports
