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Introduce missing reference validation in reco tests

Sebastien Ponce requested to merge sponce_fixMissingRefs into master

The situation has been very strange before this commit : some tests had a reference file but several had none and were only counting ERROR and WARNING lines, so any counter change was completely unnoticed. After this merge request :

  • new ref files will be added for hlt2_reco_baseline, hlt2_reco_calo_resolution_gamma/pi0 and hlt2_reco_full_geometry tests
  • hlt1_reco_prforward test will be dropped
  • hlt1_reco_velo_only, hlt2_reco_test_ldst_input and hlt2_reco_tracking tests are moved to a subdirectory examples.qms of the test directory to make clear they are present as example code and not really testing things (beyond the fact that the example code can run)

This MR depends on Rec!2111 (merged) as the new ref files take it into account

Edited by Marian Stahl

Merge request reports
