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Add track and PV monitors when do_data_monitoring=True

Suzanne Klaver requested to merge sklaver_trackmonitors into master

This MR adds the configuration of 5 track monitors: TrackVertexMonitor, AlignmentOnlineMonitor, TrackFitMatchMonitor, TrackMonitor and TrackPV2HalfAlignMonitor. The aim is to produce all histograms that used to run in Brunel to monitor tracks also in Moore, at the used moment for the data challenges.

The monitors are configured in Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/python/RecoConf/, which is added to Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/python/RecoConf/

The qm test Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/tests/qmtest/hlt2_reco_baseline_DC.qmt is added to test and run code. This will replace Brunel/Rec/Brunel/tests/qmtest/brunel.qms/brunel-upgrade-datachallenge_def.qmt

Some monitors do not yet produce the expected output, e.g. TrackVertexMonitor produces many empty histograms which should be fixed by Rec!1831 (closed)

Depends on Rec!1974 (merged)

edit (acasaisv): Reference update MR: !674 (merged)

Edited by Adrian Casais Vidal

Merge request reports
