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remove the pT cut in the most basic dimuon constructor for onia lines

Mengzhen Wang requested to merge remove_pTcut_dimuon_forOnia into master

For the basic dimuon builder make_dimuon in the onia directory, it requires the pT of the dimuon structure to be larger than 600MeV.

make_dimuon is used for make_jpsi, make_psi2s, make_z, make_upsilon and make_detached_dimuon in the same file, and make_detached_dimuon is further used for make_detached_jpsi and make_detached_psi2s. However, for the final-target combiners, an additional dimuon pT cut is defined, and it is always looser than 600MeV (in fact they are all "larger than zero"). So the pT thresholds in all the high-level combiners does not work.

To test if the pT thresholds defined in high-level combiners overwrite the pT cut in make_dimuon, I used some B2Jpsirho samples and run the Hlt2JpsiToMuMuDetachedLine trigger line where the make_detached_jpsi() combiner is used, and the expected pT cut should be pT > 0. The default Moore configurations give a efficiency of 42.4%, and if setting the pT cut of make_dimuon to be 0, the efficiency becomes 43.1%. So the pT requirement in make_dimuon is not over-written, which makes the pT cuts defined in these high-level combiners not working. The unexpected cut of pT > 600MeV will stop us from the charmonium production measurements at these low-pT regions.

This issue might have two solutions: we can either remove the pT cut in make_dimuon, or rewrite the high-level combiners to use something like make_dimuon(minPt_dimuon=XXX, ...). This MR takes the first solution.

To make sure this change does not influence other trigger lines, I did

grep -r "make_dimuon(" *

in the Hlt/Hlt2Conf/python/Hlt2Conf/lines directory. It returns

onia/builders/ make_dimuon(
onia/builders/    return make_dimuon(
onia/builders/    dimuon = make_dimuon(minProbNN_muon=_PROBNNMU_JPSI)
onia/builders/    dimuon = make_dimuon(minProbNN_muon=_PROBNNMU_PSI2S)
onia/builders/    dimuon = make_dimuon(minProbNN_muon=_PROBNNMU_UPSILON)
onia/builders/    dimuon = make_dimuon()

where one is the definition of make_dimuon(, while the others are for the definition of make_jpsi, make_psi2s, make_z, make_upsilon and make_detached_dimuon, and all these high-level combiners have their own pT cut configs. (for make_detached_dimuon the pT cut is defined in make_detached_jpsi and make_detached_psi2s). So this change should be quite safe.

FYI @gcavalle @lan .

Edited by Mengzhen Wang

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