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Rename "TOS" efficiencies to "TrueSim" efficiencies in HltEfficiencyChecker to avoid confusion

Ross John Hunter requested to merge rjhunter-tos-renaming into master

FYI @rmatev @sstahl @mvesteri

Closes #23 (closed)

As discussed in #23 (closed), a few people are getting confused by the TOS efficiencies in HltEfficiencyChecker, thinking that it is the same TOS as Run 2 etc. so here I rename it throughout to TrueSim efficiencies as agreed in that issue discussion. The documentation is also changed in Moore!1298 (merged).

I also take this opportunity to do some modernization and cleaning up of HltEfficiencyChecker/scripts/

All tests pass locally for me so this ready for testing. Goes with Moore!1298 (merged).

Edited by Ross John Hunter

Merge request reports
