diff --git a/Phys/VertexFit/include/VertexFit/ParticleVertexFitter.h b/Phys/VertexFit/include/VertexFit/ParticleVertexFitter.h
index 4374e076e074bbd37b73b37ecc0b220e216c8c8a..74ce7e84a782a7afb7a2f209e9a85cff04bb4d9b 100644
--- a/Phys/VertexFit/include/VertexFit/ParticleVertexFitter.h
+++ b/Phys/VertexFit/include/VertexFit/ParticleVertexFitter.h
@@ -350,19 +350,25 @@ namespace Sel::Fitters {
                                       SymNxN<4, float_v>& p4cov, Matrix<4, 3, float_v>& gainmatrix ) const {
         // first need to 'update' the momentum vector. but for that we
         // first need to 'transport'.
-        VecN<4, float_v> mom = m_particle.momentum(); // 4-momentum
-        float_v const    pz  = Sel::get::pz( mom );
-        float_v const    tx  = m_q( 0 );
-        float_v const    ty  = m_q( 1 );
+        using Sel::Utils::fourMomentum;
+        auto          mom = fourMomentum( m_particle ); // 4-momentum
+        float_v const pz  = Z( mom );
+        float_v const tx  = m_q( 0 );
+        float_v const ty  = m_q( 1 );
         // first update the residual
-        float_v const               dz = Sel::get::z( vertexpos ) - Sel::get::z( m_particle );
-        VecN<2, float_v>            res{Sel::get::x( vertexpos ) - ( Sel::get::x( m_particle ) + tx * dz ),
-                             Sel::get::y( vertexpos ) - ( Sel::get::y( m_particle ) + ty * dz )};
-        auto const&                 R         = m_state.covXX();
-        auto const&                 Rinv      = m_G;
-        SymNxN<4, float_v> const    momCov    = m_particle.momCovMatrix();
-        Matrix<4, 3, float_v> const momPosCov = m_particle.momPosCovMatrix();
+        using namespace LHCb::LinAlg;
+        using Sel::Utils::referencePoint;
+        auto             particlepos = referencePoint( m_particle );
+        float_v const    dz          = Z( vertexpos ) - particlepos.Z();
+        VecN<2, float_v> res{X( vertexpos ) - ( particlepos.X() + tx * dz ),
+                             Y( vertexpos ) - ( particlepos.Y() + ty * dz )};
+        auto const&      R    = m_state.covXX();
+        auto const&      Rinv = m_G;
+        using Sel::Utils::momCovMatrix;
+        auto const momCov = momCovMatrix( m_particle );
+        using Sel::Utils::momPosCovMatrix;
+        auto const momPosCov = momPosCovMatrix( m_particle );
         // To do this right we need THREE projection matrices for the residual:
         //    r = A*x_vertex + B*mom_dau + C*x_dau
@@ -401,7 +407,7 @@ namespace Sel::Fitters {
         auto const deltap4 = K42 * res;
         p4                 = p4 + mom + deltap4;
         // to understand this, compare to what is done for the track
-        p4cov      = p4cov + momCov - LHCb::LinAlg::similarity( K42, R );
+        p4cov      = p4cov + momCov - similarity( K42, R );
         gainmatrix = gainmatrix + K42 * m_A;
@@ -644,7 +650,8 @@ namespace Sel::Fitters {
                   // TODO iron out API consistency, in the old model this would
                   //      have been child->endVertex()->position()
                   if constexpr ( Sel::type_traits::has_endVertex_v<std::decay_t<decltype( child )>> ) {
-                    tmp.emplace( child.endVertex(), mask_v{true} );
+                    using Sel::Utils::endVertexPos;
+                    tmp.emplace( LHCb::LinAlg::convert( endVertexPos( child ) ), mask_v{true} );
                   } else {
                     throw exception( "Resonance type didn't have an endVertex()" );