diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciNeutralTools/src/RestoreCaloRecoChain.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciNeutralTools/src/RestoreCaloRecoChain.cpp
index 8b378317105b3116f4694c7ad3e106b17c55eed3..06bf741f1b103b8714026b0f19f9a9bd987ed61c 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciNeutralTools/src/RestoreCaloRecoChain.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciNeutralTools/src/RestoreCaloRecoChain.cpp
@@ -22,8 +22,9 @@ DECLARE_ALGORITHM_FACTORY( RestoreCaloRecoChain )
 RestoreCaloRecoChain::RestoreCaloRecoChain( const std::string& name,
                                         ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-: DaVinciAlgorithm ( name , pSvcLocator ) 
+: DaVinciAlgorithm ( name , pSvcLocator ),
+  m_rndmSvc( 0 )
+  ,m_useRaw(false){
   declareProperty("TESprefix"    ,m_prefix="");
   declareProperty("Verbose"      ,m_verb=false);  // activate verbose printing
   declareProperty("UpdateLevel"  ,m_update=5 );  
@@ -494,6 +495,7 @@ bool RestoreCaloRecoChain::resumTree(const LHCb::Particle* p,bool head){
   LHCb::Particle* part = (LHCb::Particle*) p;
   part->setMomentum( mom );
   part->setMomCovMatrix( cov );
+  part->setMeasuredMass( part->momentum().M() ); // set the measured mass
   std::string type = ppSvc()->find(p->particleID())->name();
   if(head && counterStat->isQuiet())counter("Resum "+type+" tree") += 1;
   return true;
@@ -524,36 +526,42 @@ bool RestoreCaloRecoChain::refitTree(const LHCb::Particle* p){
 // =================================== //
 bool RestoreCaloRecoChain::copyTree(const LHCb::Particle* p, LHCb::DecayTree refit){
   const LHCb::Particle* rhs = refit.findClone( *p );
-  if( ! rhs ) return true;
-  LHCb::Particle* part=(LHCb::Particle*) p;
-  part->setMeasuredMass    (rhs->measuredMass()    );
-  part->setMeasuredMassErr (rhs->measuredMassErr() );
-  part->setMomentum        (rhs->momentum()        );
-  part->setReferencePoint  (rhs->referencePoint()  );
-  part->setMomCovMatrix    (rhs->momCovMatrix()    );
-  part->setPosCovMatrix    (rhs->posCovMatrix()    );
-  part->setPosMomCovMatrix (rhs->posMomCovMatrix() );
-  part->setWeight          (rhs->weight()          );
-  LHCb::Vertex* v = (LHCb::Vertex*) part->endVertex();
-  if( v && rhs->endVertex() ){
-    v->setTechnique  ( rhs->endVertex()->technique()                    );
-    v->setChi2AndDoF (rhs->endVertex()->chi2(),rhs->endVertex()->nDoF() );
-    v->setPosition   (rhs->endVertex()->position()                      );
-    v->setCovMatrix  (rhs->endVertex()->covMatrix()                     );}
-  else if( ! v && rhs->endVertex() ){
-    if(counterStat->isQuiet())counter("Refit tree has a different vtx structure")+=1;
-    if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) )debug() << p->particleID().pid() << " no vertex but rhs has" <<endmsg;
-    return true;
-  }
-  else if(  v  && ! rhs->endVertex() ){
-    if(counterStat->isQuiet())counter("Original tree has a different vtx structure")+=1;
-    if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) )debug() << p->particleID().pid() << " has vertex but rhs don't" <<endmsg;
-    return false;
-  }
-  // reset the daughters
+  std::string type = ppSvc()->find(p->particleID())->name();
+  //info() << "Copy Tree " << type << " find clone : rhs = "<< rhs <<  " #daughters " << (p->daughters()).size() << endmsg;
   bool ok=true;
-  for ( const LHCb::Particle* d : part->daughters() ){
-    ok=ok&&copyTree(d,refit);
+  if(  rhs ){
+    LHCb::Particle* part=(LHCb::Particle*) p;
+    part->setMeasuredMass    (rhs->measuredMass()    );
+    part->setMeasuredMassErr (rhs->measuredMassErr() );
+    part->setMomentum        (rhs->momentum()        );
+    part->setReferencePoint  (rhs->referencePoint()  );
+    part->setMomCovMatrix    (rhs->momCovMatrix()    );
+    part->setPosCovMatrix    (rhs->posCovMatrix()    );
+    part->setPosMomCovMatrix (rhs->posMomCovMatrix() );
+    part->setWeight          (rhs->weight()          );
+    LHCb::Vertex* v = (LHCb::Vertex*) part->endVertex();
+    if( v && rhs->endVertex() ){
+      v->setTechnique  (rhs->endVertex()->technique()                    );
+      v->setChi2AndDoF (rhs->endVertex()->chi2(),rhs->endVertex()->nDoF() );
+      v->setPosition   (rhs->endVertex()->position()                      );
+      v->setCovMatrix  (rhs->endVertex()->covMatrix()                     );}
+    else if( ! v && rhs->endVertex() ){
+      if(counterStat->isQuiet())counter("Refit tree has a different vtx structure")+=1;
+      if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) )debug() << p->particleID().pid() << " no vertex but rhs has" <<endmsg;
+    }
+    else if(  v  && ! rhs->endVertex() ){
+      if(counterStat->isQuiet())counter("Original tree has a different vtx structure")+=1;
+      if ( msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG) )debug() << p->particleID().pid() << " has vertex but rhs don't" <<endmsg;
+      ok=false;
+    }
+  }else
+    ok=false;
+  // reset the daughters
+  for ( const LHCb::Particle* d : p->daughters() ){
+    //info() << "   - DAUGHTER  " <<  ppSvc()->find(d->particleID())->name() << endmsg;
+    bool dok=copyTree(d,refit);
+    ok= dok && ok;
   return ok;
@@ -738,8 +746,8 @@ bool RestoreCaloRecoChain::updateProtoInfo(  LHCb::ProtoParticle* proto ){
   double hcal2ecal = ( ecal ) ? hcal/ecal : 0.;
   resetProtoInfo(proto, LHCb::ProtoParticle::CaloNeutralHcal2Ecal , hcal2ecal        ); // rebuild Hcal/Ecal
   resetProtoInfo(proto, LHCb::ProtoParticle::CaloNeutralPrs       , HypoPrsE         );
-  resetProtoInfo(proto, LHCb::ProtoParticle::ShowerShape    , Spread           ); // ** input to neutralID  && isPhoton (as Fr2)
-  resetProtoInfo(proto, LHCb::ProtoParticle::CaloNeutralSpd , HypoSpdM         ); // ** input to neutralID
+  //resetProtoInfo(proto, LHCb::ProtoParticle::ShowerShape    , Spread           ); // ** input to neutralID  && isPhoton (as Fr2)
+  //resetProtoInfo(proto, LHCb::ProtoParticle::CaloNeutralSpd , HypoSpdM         ); // ** input to neutralID
   resetProtoInfo(proto, LHCb::ProtoParticle::CaloClusterCode, ClusterCode      );
   resetProtoInfo(proto, LHCb::ProtoParticle::CaloClusterFrac, ClusterFrac, 1.  );        
   resetProtoInfo(proto, LHCb::ProtoParticle::Saturation     , Saturation , 0   );