diff --git a/PhysSel/PhysSelPython/python/PhysSelPython/Wrappers.py b/PhysSel/PhysSelPython/python/PhysSelPython/Wrappers.py
index a716e739d4105a30309d9bd6b09bd2f166583ba5..9152e7188bdafe758abffbe6fadee6dda3acec89 100755
--- a/PhysSel/PhysSelPython/python/PhysSelPython/Wrappers.py
+++ b/PhysSel/PhysSelPython/python/PhysSelPython/Wrappers.py
@@ -2062,18 +2062,42 @@ def RebuildSelection ( selection , replace = True , prefix = 'REBUILD:%s' ) :
     >>> from StandardParticles StdLoosePions
     >>> pions = RebuildSelection ( StdLoosePions )  ## by selection
+    module = None 
     if isinstance ( selection , AutomaticData ) :
-        n = selection .name()
-        n = n[:n.find('_Particles')]
-        d,r,n = n.rpartition('_')
-        if r and n : selection = n
-    if isinstance ( selection ,  str ) :        
+        n = selection . name ()
+        # n = n[:n.find('_Particles')]
+        # d,r,n = n.rpartition('_')
+        # if r and n : selection = n
+        phys , slash , nam = n.rpartition('/')
+        assert slash and nam, "RebuildSelection can't deduce the algorithm name from %" % n
+        selection = nam
+    if isinstance   ( selection , str ) :
         import importlib
-        COMMON    = importlib.import_module ( 'CommonParticles.%s' % selection )
-        algorithm = COMMON.algorithm 
-        if not algorithm :
-            raise AttributeError('No proper algorithm is found!')
+        algorithm = None 
+        try :
+            COMMON    = importlib.import_module ( 'CommonParticles.%s' % selection )
+            if   hasattr ( COMMON , 'algorithm' ) : algorithm = COMMON.algorithm
+            elif hasattr ( COMMON ,  selection  ) : algorithm = getattr ( COMMON , selection )
+        except:
+            import CommonParticles 
+            for i in  dir(CommonParticles) :
+                if not isinstance ( i , str ) : continue
+                try :
+                    COMMON    = importlib.import_module ( 'CommonParticles.%s' % i  )
+                    if hasattr ( COMMON ,  selection  ) :
+                        algorithm = getattr ( COMMON , selection )
+                        break 
+                except :
+                    continue
+        assert not algorithm is None, "Сan't find proper selection %s" % selection
     elif isinstance ( selection , Configurable  ) : algorithm = selection 
     else :
         raise AttributeError("Unknown selection type")