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Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors: add LoKi::CheckOverlap tool implementation of ICheckOverlap interface

Vanya Belyaev requested to merge vanya-check-overlap-v1 into master

see merge request !70 (closed)

add LoKi::CheckOverlap tool implementation of ICheckOverlap interface b with specific "overlap" treatment. (There are specific "clones" for Turbo++PerstistReco) New tool makes a three step identification of such overlaps for charged tracks

  • as "type1" clones
  • as "type2" clones
  • as fraction of shared hits

For neutrals is goes to CaloHypo-by-CaloHypo comparison.

For each CaloHypo first it tries to compare (numerically) CaloPosition ( center and parameters), otherwise switches to comparison of CaloCluster-by CaloCluster.

For each CaloCluster it compares seed-cells only (it is enough)

There are several configuration parameters:

        ( "Type1CloneSlopeDifference"   , 
          m_clone_type1_slope           , // clone "Type1" slope difference
          "Slope difference to identify ``Type1-clone'' [ignore, if negative]" ) ;
        ( "Type2CloneSlopeDifference"   , 
          m_clone_type2_slope           , // clone "Type2" slope difference
          "Slope difference to identify ``Type2-clone'' [ignore, if negative]" ) ;
        ( "Type2CloneQoverPDifference"   , 
          m_clone_type2_qOverP           , // clone "Type2" slope difference
          "Q/p   difference to identify ``Type2-clone'' [ignore, if negative]" ) ;
        ( "TrackOverlap"   , 
          m_overlap_tracks ,               // overlap criteria for tracks 
          "Overlap criteria for tracks (LHCb::HashID::overlap) [ignore if not 0<p<=1]" ) ;
        ( "CaloOverlap"    , 
          m_overlap_calos  ,               // overlap criteria for calo  
          "Overlap criteria for calo   (LHCb::HashID::overlap) [ignore if not 0<p<=1]" ) ;

Merge request reports
