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Make momentum scale calibration fairly trivial and uniform for all input data: D…

Vanya Belyaev requested to merge vanya-momentum-scaling-selections-v2 into master

Make momentum scale calibration fairly trivial and uniform for all input data: DST, uDST, Turbo/2015 and Turbo/2016

    • add MomentumScaling_TURBO_2015 "selection"
    • add MomentumScaling_TURBO_2016 "selection"
    • rewrite MomentumScaling

As a result, momentum scaling is totally transparent now for al linput dat atypes

  • regular DST
  • regular uDST
  • Turbo/2015
  • Turbo/2015

And the usage if fairly trivial

   ## for regular DST and/or uDST
   from PhysConf.Selection import MomentumScaling as MS

   ## for Turbo/2015
   from PhysConf.Selection import MomentumScaling_TURBO_2016 as MS

   ## for Turbo/2016
   from PhysConf.Selection import MomentumScaling_TURBO_2016 as MS

   ## some selection
   selection = ...

   ## apply momentum scaling for tracks:
   selection = MS ( selection )

   ## subsequent selection
   next = SOME_OTHER_SELECTION( ... , selection , ... )

   ## the most important stuff:
   the_year = '2011' ## or '2012', '2015', '2016', etc..
   from Configurables import CondDB
   CondDB ( LatestGlobalTagByDataType = the_year )

Merge request reports
