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  • gpietrzy/Rec
  • nbehling/Rec
  • rrabadan/Rec
  • hyeung/Rec
  • smokhnen/Rec
  • padeken/Rec
  • peilian/Rec
  • lambda-hse/Rec
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  • valassi/Rec
  • raaij/Rec
  • sstahl/Rec
  • jonrob/Rec
  • dcampora/Rec
  • graven/Rec
  • lhcb/Rec
22 results
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Commits on Source (147)
with 810 additions and 779 deletions
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)
project(Rec VERSION 35.21
project(Rec VERSION 36.2
# Enable testing with CTest/CDash
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ lhcb_add_subdirectories(
......@@ -33,23 +33,23 @@ constexpr bool isLeadingBX( std::uint16_t eventType ) {
constexpr bool isTrailingBX( std::uint16_t eventType ) {
return eventType & static_cast<std::uint16_t>( LHCb::ODIN::EventTypes::TriggerMaskPhysics );
return eventType & static_cast<std::uint16_t>( LHCb::ODIN::EventTypes::et_bit_10 );
constexpr bool isEmptyBeforeIsolatedBX( std::uint16_t eventType ) {
return eventType & static_cast<std::uint16_t>( LHCb::ODIN::EventTypes::TriggerMaskNoBias );
return eventType & static_cast<std::uint16_t>( LHCb::ODIN::EventTypes::et_bit_11 );
constexpr bool isEmptyAfterIsolatedBX( std::uint16_t eventType ) {
return eventType & static_cast<std::uint16_t>( LHCb::ODIN::EventTypes::TriggerMaskBeam1Gas );
return eventType & static_cast<std::uint16_t>( LHCb::ODIN::EventTypes::et_bit_12 );
constexpr bool isEmptyBeforeLeadingBX( std::uint16_t eventType ) {
return eventType & static_cast<std::uint16_t>( LHCb::ODIN::EventTypes::TriggerMaskBeam2Gas );
return eventType & static_cast<std::uint16_t>( LHCb::ODIN::EventTypes::et_bit_13 );
constexpr bool isEmptyAfterTrailingBX( std::uint16_t eventType ) {
return eventType & static_cast<std::uint16_t>( LHCb::ODIN::EventTypes::SequencerTrigger );
return eventType & static_cast<std::uint16_t>( LHCb::ODIN::EventTypes::et_bit_14 );
template <typename T>
......@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ Muon/MuonInterfaces
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ gaudi_add_library(MuonInterfacesLib
......@@ -11,26 +11,13 @@
#include "MuonInterfaces/IMuonClusterRec.h"
#include "MuonInterfaces/IMuonHitDecode.h"
#include "MuonInterfaces/IMuonPadRec.h"
#include "MuonInterfaces/IMuonTrackMomRec.h"
#include "MuonInterfaces/IMuonTrackRec.h"
#include "MuonInterfaces/MuonHit.h"
#include "MuonInterfaces/MuonLogHit.h"
#include "MuonInterfaces/MuonLogPad.h"
#include "MuonInterfaces/MuonNeuron.h"
#include "MuonInterfaces/MuonTrack.h"
#include "MuonInterfaces/Neuron.h"
MuonLogHit l1;
MuonLogPad x1;
MuonHit m1;
MuonTrack t1;
MuonNeuron n1( nullptr, nullptr );
std::vector<MuonLogHit*> k1;
std::vector<MuonLogPad*> z1;
std::vector<MuonHit*> v1;
std::vector<MuonTrack*> h1;
std::vector<MuonNeuron*> w1;
......@@ -10,21 +10,10 @@
<class name = "IMuonHitDecode"/>
<class name = "IMuonPadRec"/>
<class name = "IMuonClusterRec"/>
<class name = "IMuonTrackRec"/>
<class name = "IMuonTrackMomRec"/>
<class name="MuonLogHit"/>
<class name="MuonLogPad"/>
<class name="MuonHit"/>
<class name="MuonTrack"/>
<class name="MuonNeuron"/>
<class name="std::vector<MuonLogHit*>"/>
<class name="std::vector<MuonLogPad*>"/>
<class name="std::vector<MuonHit*>"/>
<class name="std::vector<MuonTrack*>"/>
<class name="std::vector<MuonNeuron*>"/>
* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#pragma once
#include "MuonDet/DeMuonDetector.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
#include <vector>
class MuonHit;
class MuonLogPad;
class IMuonFastPosTool;
* Interface to clustering algorithm for standalone muon reconstruction
* @author Giacomo GRAZIANI
* @date 2009-10-15
struct IMuonClusterRec : extend_interfaces<IAlgTool> {
DeclareInterfaceID( IMuonClusterRec, 4, 0 );
virtual std::vector<MuonHit> clusters( const std::vector<MuonLogPad>& pads,
DeMuonDetector const& muonDetector ) const = 0;
* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
// Include files
// from STL
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
// from Gaudi
#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
#include "Kernel/STLExtensions.h"
#include "MuonInterfaces/IMuonPadRec.h"
struct ClusterVars {
std::array<int, 4> ncl{};
std::array<float, 4> avg_cs{};
/** @class IMuonClusterRec2 IMuonClusterRec2.h MuonInterfaces/IMuonClusterRec2.h
* Interface to clustering algorithm
* @author Marco Santimaria
* @date 2017-06-23
struct IMuonClusterRec2 : extend_interfaces<IAlgTool> {
DeclareInterfaceID( IMuonClusterRec2, 1, 0 );
virtual ClusterVars clusters( LHCb::span<const MuonLogPad> pads ) const = 0;
* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#pragma once
#include "Detector/Muon/TileID.h"
#include "Event/RawBank.h"
#include "MuonDet/DeMuonDetector.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
#include <vector>
class MuonLogHit;
* @date 2008-01-25
class IMuonHitDecode : public extend_interfaces<IAlgTool> {
DeclareInterfaceID( IMuonHitDecode, 3, 0 );
/// list of decoded hits
virtual std::vector<MuonLogHit> hits( LHCb::RawBank::View const&, const DeMuonDetector& muonDetector ) const = 0;
virtual float tdc2ns( float TDCtime ) { return (float)( ( TDCtime - 7.5 ) * 25. / 16. ); }
virtual float tdc2ns_diff( float TDCdelta ) { return (float)( TDCdelta * 25. / 16. ); }
// specific for Online Monitoring
virtual int banksSize( LHCb::RawBank::BankType bankType, std::vector<int>& sizes ) = 0;
virtual unsigned int odeErrorWord( int T1, int BX ) = 0;
virtual int bankVersion() = 0;
virtual void dumpRawBanks() = 0;
virtual void dumpFrame( int Tell1, int ODE ) = 0;
virtual bool mappingIsOld() = 0;
virtual int l0id() = 0;
virtual int bcn() = 0;
virtual int cbcn() = 0;
virtual void setMultiBunch( int bxPerSide ) = 0;
virtual void unsetMultiBunch() = 0;
virtual bool multiBunch() = 0;
virtual int mbExtraBXPerside() = 0;
virtual bool centralBX() = 0;
virtual bool firstBX() = 0;
virtual bool lastBX() = 0;
virtual LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID tileFromODE( int ODEnumber, int ODEchannel ) = 0;
virtual int odeIndex( int ODEnumber ) = 0;
virtual int channelsPerQuadrant( int station, int region ) = 0;
virtual int nPadX( int s ) = 0;
virtual int nPadY( int s ) = 0;
virtual int nPadXvy( int s, int r ) = 0;
virtual int nPadYvx( int s, int r ) = 0;
virtual float padSizeX( int station, int region ) = 0;
virtual float padSizeY( int station, int region ) = 0;
virtual float padSizeXvy( int station, int region ) = 0;
virtual float padSizeYvx( int station, int region ) = 0;
virtual LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID tileFromLogCh( unsigned int q, unsigned int s, unsigned int r, short int io,
unsigned int ch ) = 0;
virtual bool completeEvent() = 0;
virtual void setCompleteEventMask( int mask ) { m_ceMask = mask; }
int m_ceMask;
* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
// Include files
// from STL
#include <string>
// from Gaudi
#include "Detector/Muon/TileID.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
/** @class IMuonTimeCor IMuonTimeCor.h MuonTools/IMuonTimeCor.h
* @author Alessia Satta
* @date 2009-12-22
struct IMuonTimeCor : extend_interfaces<IAlgTool> {
// Return the interface ID
DeclareInterfaceID( IMuonTimeCor, 2, 0 );
virtual StatusCode getCorrection( LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID tile, int& cor ) = 0;
virtual StatusCode getOutCorrection( LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID tile, int& cor ) = 0;
virtual StatusCode setOutCorrection( LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID tile, int cor ) = 0;
virtual StatusCode writeOutCorrection() = 0;
virtual StatusCode writeCorrection() = 0;
* (c) Copyright 2000-2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
// Include files
// from STL
#include <string>
// from Gaudi
#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
// from LHCb
#include "Event/Track.h"
class MuonTrack;
/** @class IMuonTrackMomRec IMuonTrackMomRec.h MuonInterfaces/IMuonTrackMomRec.h
* @author Giacomo Graziani
* @date 2010-02-10
struct IMuonTrackMomRec : extend_interfaces<IAlgTool> {
// Return the interface ID
DeclareInterfaceID( IMuonTrackMomRec, 4, 0 );
virtual std::unique_ptr<LHCb::Track> recMomentum( MuonTrack& track ) const = 0;
virtual double getBdl() const = 0;
* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#pragma once
#include "Event/RawEvent.h"
#include "MuonDet/DeMuonDetector.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
#include <vector>
class MuonHit;
class MuonTrack;
class MuonNeuron;
* @author Giovanni Passaleva / Giacomo Graziani
* @date 2008-04-11
struct IMuonTrackRec : extend_interfaces<IAlgTool> {
DeclareInterfaceID( IMuonTrackRec, 3, 0 );
virtual std::tuple<std::vector<MuonHit>, std::vector<MuonTrack>, bool> const
tracks( LHCb::RawBank::View const&, const DeMuonDetector& ) const = 0;
virtual void setZref( double Zref ) = 0;
virtual void setPhysicsTiming( bool PhysTiming ) = 0;
virtual void setAssumeCosmics( bool AssumeCosmics ) = 0;
virtual void setAssumePhysics( bool AssumePhysics ) = 0;
......@@ -8,39 +8,39 @@
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#ifndef MUONHIT_H
#define MUONHIT_H 1
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include "Detector/Muon/TileID.h"
#include "Math/GenVector/PositionVector3D.h"
#include "Math/GenVector/VectorUtil.h"
#include "Math/Point3D.h"
#include "Math/Vector3D.h"
#include "MuonInterfaces/MuonLogPad.h"
class MuonLogHit;
class IMuonFastPosTool;
/** @class MuonHit MuonHit.h
* represents hits for muon track (cluster of muon logical pads)
/** @class MuonPad MuonPad.h
* @author Giovanni Passaleva, Giacomo Graziani
* @date 2007-10-26
* Muon pad class for standalone muon track reconstruction
* @author Alessia
* @date 2022-09-29
#include "Detector/Muon/TileID.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/Vector3DTypes.h"
#include "MuonDAQ/CommonMuonHit.h"
#include "MuonDAQ/MuonHitContainer.h"
#include "MuonDet/DeMuonDetector.h"
#include "MuonInterfaces/MuonPad.h"
#include <ostream>
#include <vector>
namespace MuonClusterContainerLocation {
inline const std::string Default = "Muon/MuonClusters";
class MuonHit final : public ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<double>> {
class MuonCluster final {
/// constructor for empty cluster
MuonHit( IMuonFastPosTool const* posTool );
/// constructor from a MuonPad
MuonHit( const MuonLogPad* mp, IMuonFastPosTool const* posTool );
/// standard constructor
MuonCluster() = default;
/// constructor from pad
MuonCluster( const MuonPad* pad, const DeMuonDetector::TilePosition pad_position ) {
createFromPad( pad, pad_position );
// public member functions
/// add a logical pad to this cluster
void addPad( const MuonLogPad* mp );
/// add a pad to this cluster
void addPad( const MuonPad* pad, const DeMuonDetector::TilePosition pad_position );
/// store a progressive hit number for debugging
void setHitID( int id );
......@@ -48,10 +48,11 @@ public:
int hitPID() const { return m_pid; }
int hitMother() const { return m_mamy_pid; }
/// return the logical channels used for this cluster
std::vector<const MuonLogHit*> getHits() const;
std::vector<const CommonMuonHit*> getHits() const;
/// return the MuonTileIDs of the logical channels used for this cluster
std::vector<LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID> getTiles() const;
/// get the raw times of logical channels in this cluster
std::vector<float> getTimes() const;
std::array<double, 3> hitTile_Size() const; /// half-sizes of the tile(s) underlying this hit
double hitTile_dX() const /// dx half-size of the tile underlying this hit
......@@ -74,9 +75,9 @@ public:
/// retireve the hit ID
int hitID() const { return m_hit_ID; }
/// return the hit station
int station() const { return m_pads.empty() ? -1 : (int)m_pads[0]->tile().station(); }
int station() const { return m_pads.empty() ? -1 : m_pads[0]->tile().station(); }
/// return the hit region
int region() const { return m_pads.empty() ? -1 : (int)m_pads[0]->tile().region(); }
int region() const { return m_pads.empty() ? -1 : m_pads[0]->tile().region(); }
/// return the (first) MuonTileID of the underlying logical pad
LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID tile() const {
return !m_pads.empty() ? m_pads.front()->tile() : LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID{};
......@@ -86,55 +87,67 @@ public:
/// check if this is a true logical and not an uncrossed log. channel
bool isTruePad() const { return !m_pads.empty() && m_pads.front()->truepad(); }
/// return the (first) associated MuonLogPad object
const MuonLogPad* logPad() const { return !m_pads.empty() ? m_pads[0] : nullptr; }
/// return the associated MuonLogPad objects
const std::vector<const MuonLogPad*>& logPads() const { return m_pads; }
/// return the (first) associated MuonPad object
const MuonPad* pad() const { return !m_pads.empty() ? m_pads[0] : nullptr; }
/// return the associated MuonPad objects
const std::vector<const MuonPad*>& pads() const { return m_pads; }
/// return the MuonTileIDs of the logical pads used for this cluster
std::vector<LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID> getLogPadTiles() const;
std::vector<LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID> getPadTiles() const;
/// number of logical pads in this hit
int npads() const { return m_pads.size(); }
int clsizeX() const { return m_xsize; } /// cluster size in X
int clsizeY() const { return m_ysize; } /// cluster size in Y
double dX() const { return m_dx; } /// error on X position
double dY() const { return m_dy; } /// error on Y position
double dZ() const { return m_dz; } /// error on Z position
double minX() const { return m_hit_minx; }
double maxX() const { return m_hit_maxx; }
double minY() const { return m_hit_miny; }
double maxY() const { return m_hit_maxy; }
double minZ() const { return m_hit_minz; }
double maxZ() const { return m_hit_maxz; }
int npads() const { return m_pads.size(); }
int clsizeX() const { return m_xsize; } /// cluster size in X
int clsizeY() const { return m_ysize; } /// cluster size in Y
double dX() const { return m_dx; } /// error on X position
double dY() const { return m_dy; } /// error on Y position
double dZ() const { return m_dz; } /// error on Z position
double minX() const { return m_hit_minx; }
double maxX() const { return m_hit_maxx; }
double minY() const { return m_hit_miny; }
double maxY() const { return m_hit_maxy; }
double minZ() const { return m_hit_minz; }
double maxZ() const { return m_hit_maxz; }
double X() const { return m_position.X(); }
double Y() const { return m_position.Y(); }
double Z() const { return m_position.Z(); }
Gaudi::XYZVector pos() const { return m_position; }
MuonCluster& SetXYZ( double x, double y, double z ) {
m_position = {x, y, z};
return *this;
void createFromPad( const MuonLogPad* mp );
void createFromPad( const MuonPad* pad, const DeMuonDetector::TilePosition pad_position );
void recomputeTime();
IMuonFastPosTool const* m_posTool = nullptr;
std::vector<const MuonLogPad*> m_pads;
std::vector<double> m_padx;
std::vector<double> m_pady;
std::vector<double> m_padz;
double m_dx = 0;
double m_dy = 0;
double m_dz = 0;
double m_hit_minx = 0;
double m_hit_maxx = 0;
double m_hit_miny = 0;
double m_hit_maxy = 0;
double m_hit_minz = 0;
double m_hit_maxz = 0;
float m_time = 0;
float m_dtime = 0;
float m_mintime = 0;
float m_maxtime = 0;
int m_pid = 0;
int m_mamy_pid = 0;
int m_hit_ID = -1;
int m_xsize = 0;
int m_ysize = 0;
int m_zsize = 0;
std::vector<const MuonPad*> m_pads;
std::vector<double> m_padx;
std::vector<double> m_pady;
std::vector<double> m_padz;
Gaudi::XYZVector m_position{};
double m_dx = 0;
double m_dy = 0;
double m_dz = 0;
double m_hit_minx = 0;
double m_hit_maxx = 0;
double m_hit_miny = 0;
double m_hit_maxy = 0;
double m_hit_minz = 0;
double m_hit_maxz = 0;
float m_time = 0;
float m_dtime = 0;
float m_mintime = 0;
float m_maxtime = 0;
int m_pid = 0;
int m_mamy_pid = 0;
int m_hit_ID = -1;
int m_xsize = 0;
int m_ysize = 0;
int m_zsize = 0;
#endif // MUONHIT_H
using MuonClusters = std::vector<MuonCluster, LHCb::Allocators::EventLocal<MuonCluster>>;
typedef std::vector<const MuonCluster*> ConstMuonClusters;
typedef const Gaudi::Range_<MuonClusters> MuonClusterRange;
typedef const Gaudi::Range_<ConstMuonClusters> ConstMuonClusterRange;
......@@ -19,28 +19,28 @@ public:
MuonLogHit() = default;
/// constructor from tile
explicit MuonLogHit( LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID tile ) : m_tile( tile ) {}
inline LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID tile() const { return m_tile; }
inline int odeNumber() const { return m_ODEnumber; }
inline void setOdeNumber( unsigned int& OdeNumber ) { m_ODEnumber = (int)OdeNumber; }
inline int odeChannel() const { return m_ODEchannel; }
inline void setOdeChannel( unsigned int& OdeChannel ) { m_ODEchannel = (int)OdeChannel; }
inline int odeIndex() const { return m_ODEindex; }
inline void setOdeIndex( short int& OdeIndex ) { m_ODEindex = (int)OdeIndex; }
inline float time() const { // avoid bias due to bins 0 and 1 being added in bin 1
LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID tile() const { return m_tile; }
int odeNumber() const { return m_ODEnumber; }
void setOdeNumber( unsigned int& OdeNumber ) { m_ODEnumber = (int)OdeNumber; }
int odeChannel() const { return m_ODEchannel; }
void setOdeChannel( unsigned int& OdeChannel ) { m_ODEchannel = (int)OdeChannel; }
int odeIndex() const { return m_ODEindex; }
void setOdeIndex( short int& OdeIndex ) { m_ODEindex = (int)OdeIndex; }
float time() const { // avoid bias due to bins 0 and 1 being added in bin 1
return (float)( ( m_time + 50 * 16 ) % 16 == 1 ? m_time - 0.499 : m_time );
inline int rawtime() const { return m_time; }
inline bool intime() const { return ( m_time > -1 && m_time < 16 ); }
inline int bx() { return ( ( m_time + 160 ) / 16 - 10 ); }
int rawtime() const { return m_time; }
bool intime() const { return ( m_time > -1 && m_time < 16 ); }
int bx() { return ( ( m_time + 160 ) / 16 - 10 ); }
inline void setTime( int TDCtime ) { m_time = TDCtime; }
inline std::string odeName() const {
void setTime( int TDCtime ) { m_time = TDCtime; }
std::string odeName() const {
std::stringstream sname;
sname << "Q" << ( m_tile.quarter() + 1 ) << "M" << ( m_tile.station() + 1 ) << "R" << ( m_tile.region() + 1 ) << "_"
<< m_ODEindex;
return sname.str();
inline int odeHwID() const {
int odeHwID() const {
return ( m_tile.quarter() + 1 ) * 1000 + ( m_tile.station() + 1 ) * 100 + ( m_tile.region() + 1 ) * 10 + m_ODEindex;
......@@ -43,57 +43,66 @@ public:
assignTimes( hit1->time(), hit2->time() );
// public member functions
typedef enum { NOX = 0, XONEFE = 1, XTWOFE = 2, UNPAIRED = 3 } LogPadType;
enum class Type { NOX = 0, XONEFE = 1, XTWOFE = 2, UNPAIRED = 3 };
/// returns the type of logical pad (uncrossed, crossed with 1 or 2 FE channels, or unpaired log. channel)
inline LogPadType type() const {
if ( !m_truepad ) return UNPAIRED;
LogPadType t = XONEFE;
Type type() const {
if ( !m_truepad ) return Type::UNPAIRED;
if ( m_tile.station() == 0 || ( m_tile.station() > 2 && m_tile.region() == 0 ) ) {
t = NOX; // single log. channel
return Type::NOX; // single log. channel
} else {
if ( m_tile.station() > 0 && m_tile.station() < 3 && m_tile.region() < 2 )
t = XTWOFE; // double readout for M23R12
return Type::XTWOFE; // double readout for M23R12
return t;
return Type::XONEFE;
inline LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID tile() const { return m_tile; }
LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID tile() const { return m_tile; }
inline void assignTimes( float t1, float t2 ) {
void assignTimes( float t1, float t2 ) {
m_time = 0.5 * ( t1 + t2 );
m_dtime = 0.5 * ( t1 - t2 );
inline void shiftTimes( float d1, float d2 ) {
void shiftTimes( float d1, float d2 ) {
if ( !m_padhits.second ) return;
float t1 = ( m_padhits.first )->time() + d1;
float t2 = ( m_padhits.second )->time() + d2;
assignTimes( t1, t2 );
inline void shiftTime( float delay ) { m_time += delay; }
void shiftTime( float delay ) { m_time += delay; }
/// return the pad time (averaged for crossed pads), in TDC bits
inline float time() const { return m_time; }
inline float timeX() const {
LogPadType t = type();
return (float)( ( t == XONEFE || t == XTWOFE ) ? m_time + m_dtime : -9999. );
float time() const { return m_time; }
float timeX() const {
switch ( type() ) {
case Type::XONEFE:
case Type::XTWOFE:
return m_time + m_dtime;
return std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest();
inline float timeY() const {
LogPadType t = type();
return (float)( ( t == XONEFE || t == XTWOFE ) ? m_time - m_dtime : -9999. );
float timeY() const {
switch ( type() ) {
case Type::XONEFE:
case Type::XTWOFE:
return m_time - m_dtime;
return std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest();
/// return the half difference of the two hit times for crossed pads, in TDC bits
inline float dtime() const { return m_dtime; }
float dtime() const { return m_dtime; }
/// true if this is the crossing of two logical channels
inline bool crossed() const { return m_crossed; }
bool crossed() const { return m_crossed; }
/// true if it's a real logical pad (if false, it's an unpaired logical channel)
inline bool truepad() const { return m_truepad; }
inline void settruepad() { m_truepad = true; }
inline bool intime() const { return m_intime; }
inline MuonLogHit* getHit( unsigned int i ) { return i == 0 ? m_padhits.first : i == 1 ? m_padhits.second : nullptr; }
inline std::vector<MuonLogHit*> getHits() const {
bool truepad() const { return m_truepad; }
void settruepad() { m_truepad = true; }
bool intime() const { return m_intime; }
MuonLogHit* getHit( unsigned int i ) { return i == 0 ? m_padhits.first : i == 1 ? m_padhits.second : nullptr; }
std::vector<MuonLogHit*> getHits() const {
return m_padhits.second ? std::vector<MuonLogHit*>{m_padhits.first, m_padhits.second}
: std::vector<MuonLogHit*>( 1, m_padhits.first );
* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#pragma once
#include "Math/GenVector/VectorUtil.h"
#include "Math/Point3D.h"
#include "Math/Vector3D.h"
#include "MuonInterfaces/MuonHit.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
* A MuonNeuron is an object that describes the neurons used in the NNET
* pattern recognition in the Muon Detector. A Neuron is an oriented segment
* conventionally pointing outward the intteraction point. It is built out
* of pairs of MuonHits belonging to different Muon stations. It is
* characterised by a tail, a head, a set of neurons to which it is connected
* to and the corresponding weights.
* By convention, station and region of a neuron are those of the tail
* @author Giovanni Passaleva
* @date 2007-08-21
class MuonNeuron final {
MuonNeuron( MuonHit* h, MuonHit* t );
MuonNeuron( MuonHit* h, MuonHit* t, int s, int r );
MuonNeuron( MuonHit* h, MuonHit* t, int hID, int tID, int s, int r );
/// public member functions
/// return neuron head
MuonHit* head() const { return m_head; }
/// returns the neuron tail
MuonHit* tail() const { return m_tail; }
/// return the neuorn station.
inline int station() const { return m_station; }
/// return neuron region
inline int region() const { return m_region; }
/// calculate the neuron length in terms of crossed stations
int stationDifference();
/// return neuron length
double len() const;
/// return neuron length along z
double deltaZ() const;
double deltaZ( const int st ) const;
/// return neuron length in xz projection
double lenXZ() const;
/// return neuron length in yz projection
double lenYZ() const;
/// angle with another neuron in space
double angle( const MuonNeuron& n );
/// angle with another neuron in XZ
double angleXZ( const MuonNeuron& n );
/// angle with another neuron in YZ
double angleYZ( const MuonNeuron& n );
/// check if this is th with n
bool tailHead( const MuonNeuron& n ) const;
/// check if this is ht with n
bool headTail( const MuonNeuron& n ) const;
/// check if this is tt with n
bool tailTail( const MuonNeuron& n ) const;
/// check if this is hh with n
bool headHead( const MuonNeuron& n ) const;
/// check if this is connected to n
bool connectedTo( const MuonNeuron& n ) const;
/// return the neuron projection in the xz plan
ROOT::Math::XYZVector projXZ();
/// return the neuron projection in the yz plan
ROOT::Math::XYZVector projYZ();
/// store the neuron weights
void setWeight( MuonNeuron* n, double ww );
/// return the neuron weights
std::list<std::pair<MuonNeuron*, double>> getWeights();
/// retain only the best HT and TH weights
void cleanupWeights();
/// kill double length neurons if there is a unit length one
void killDoubleLength();
void killDoubleLength( const float angcut );
/// set a neuron status
void setStatus( double st );
/// return neuron status
double status();
/// Neuron ID, a progressive number for debugging purposes
void setNeuronID( int id );
/// retireve ID
int neuronID();
/// assign an ID to head and tail points
void setHeadTailID( int hID, int tID );
/// retireve head and tail IDs. First = head, Second = tail
std::pair<int, int> headTailID();
MuonHit* m_head = nullptr;
MuonHit* m_tail = nullptr;
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_neuron;
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_neuronXZ;
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_neuronYZ;
std::pair<const MuonNeuron*, double> m_weight;
std::list<std::pair<MuonNeuron*, double>> m_weight_list;
double m_status{1.0};
int m_station{-1};
int m_region{-1};
int m_headID{-1};
int m_tailID{-1};
int m_ID{-1};
void removeWeight( MuonNeuron* pn );
* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#pragma once
/** @class MuonPad MuonPad.h
* Muon pad class for standalone muon track reconstruction
* @author Alessia
* @date 2022-09-29
#include "Detector/Muon/TileID.h"
#include "MuonDAQ/CommonMuonHit.h"
#include "MuonDAQ/MuonHitContainer.h"
#include "MuonDet/DeMuonDetector.h"
#include "MuonLogPad.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <vector>
namespace MuonPadContainerLocation {
inline const std::string Default = "Muon/MuonPads";
class MuonPad final {
using LogPadType = MuonLogPad::Type;
/// standard constructor
MuonPad() = default;
/// constructor for uncrossed pad
MuonPad( const CommonMuonHit* hit, bool truepad, LogPadType type )
: m_tile{hit->tile()}, m_truepad{truepad}, m_muonhit{hit}, m_type{type} {
// range of TDC: [0;15] 1 bin corresponds to 25/16 ns
constexpr int lowerTDCvalue = -1;
constexpr int upperTDCvalue = 16;
// do some gimnastic to fill strips or pads
if ( hit->uncrossed() ) {
m_crossed = false;
m_subtiles[0] = ( hit->subtiles() )[0];
m_time = hit->time();
if ( m_time > lowerTDCvalue && m_time < upperTDCvalue ) m_intime = true;
} else {
m_crossed = true;
m_subtiles[0] = ( hit->subtiles() )[0];
m_subtiles[1] = ( hit->subtiles() )[1];
assignTimes( hit->time(), hit->time() - hit->deltaTime() );
int t2 = hit->time() - hit->deltaTime();
if ( ( (int)hit->time() > lowerTDCvalue && (int)hit->time() < upperTDCvalue ) &&
( t2 > lowerTDCvalue && t2 < upperTDCvalue ) )
m_intime = true;
// public member functions
/// returns the type of logical pad (uncrossed, crossed with 1 or 2 FE channels, or unpaired log. channel)
LogPadType type() const { return m_type; }
LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID tile() const { return m_tile; }
void assignTimes( float t1, float t2 ) {
m_time = 0.5 * ( t1 + t2 );
m_dtime = 0.5 * ( t1 - t2 );
/// return the pad time (averaged for crossed pads), in TDC bits
float time() const { return m_time; }
float timeX() const {
switch ( type() ) {
case LogPadType::XONEFE:
case LogPadType::XTWOFE:
return m_time + m_dtime;
return std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest();
float timeY() const {
switch ( type() ) {
case LogPadType::XONEFE:
case LogPadType::XTWOFE:
return m_time - m_dtime;
return std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest();
/// return the half difference of the two hit times for crossed pads, in TDC bits
float dtime() const { return m_dtime; }
/// true if this is the crossing of two logical channels
bool crossed() const { return m_crossed; }
/// true if it's a real logical pad (if false, it's an unpaired logical channel)
bool truepad() const { return m_truepad; }
void settruepad() { m_truepad = true; }
bool intime() const { return m_intime; }
LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID getHitTile( unsigned int i ) {
if ( i == 0 ) return m_subtiles[0];
if ( i == 1 ) return m_subtiles[1];
return LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID();
const CommonMuonHit* getHit() const { return m_muonhit; }
bool m_crossed = false;
LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID m_tile = {};
std::array<LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID, 2> m_subtiles{{}};
float m_time = 0;
float m_dtime = 0;
bool m_truepad = false;
bool m_intime = false;
const CommonMuonHit* m_muonhit{nullptr};
LogPadType m_type = LogPadType::UNPAIRED;
using MuonPads = std::vector<MuonPad, LHCb::Allocators::EventLocal<MuonPad>>;
using ConstMuonPads = std::vector<const MuonPad*>;
using MuonPadRange = const Gaudi::Range_<MuonPads>;
using ConstMuonPadRange = const Gaudi::Range_<ConstMuonPads>;
......@@ -8,17 +8,26 @@
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#pragma once
// Include files
#include "MuonInterfaces/MuonHit.h"
#include "MuonInterfaces/MuonCluster.h"
#include <GaudiKernel/Point4DTypes.h>
#include <GaudiKernel/StatusCode.h>
#include <GaudiKernel/Vector3DTypes.h>
#include "GaudiKernel/Range.h"
#include "Kernel/EventLocalAllocator.h"
#include "Kernel/STLExtensions.h"
#include "Detector/Muon/TileID.h"
#include "MuonDet/DeMuonDetector.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <ostream>
#include <vector>
/** @class MuonTrack MuonTrack.h
* A MuonTrack is an object containing a list of MuonHits belonging to a muon
......@@ -29,35 +38,29 @@
* @date 2007-08-21
namespace MuonTrackRec {
extern double muspeed;
extern double Zref;
extern bool PhysTiming;
extern bool IsCosmic;
extern bool IsPhysics;
} // namespace MuonTrackRec
namespace NNMuonTrackContainerLocation {
inline const std::string Default = "Muon/NNMuonTracks";
class MuonTrack final {
class NNMuonTrack final {
/// Standard constructor
MuonTrack() = default;
NNMuonTrack() = default;
/// public member functions
/// insert a hit in the track
void insert( const int id, MuonHit* xyz ) { m_muonTrack.emplace( id, xyz ); };
void insert( const int id, const MuonCluster* xyz ) { m_muonTrack.emplace( id, xyz ); };
/// store the best hit candidates in each station
void setBestCandidate( std::vector<const MuonHit*> bcand ) { m_bestcand = std::move( bcand ); }
void setBestCandidate( std::vector<const MuonCluster*> bcand ) { m_bestcand = std::move( bcand ); }
/// retrieve the array of best candidates. Best candidates
/// are sorted by station by construction
std::vector<const MuonHit*> bestCandidate() const { return m_bestcand; };
std::vector<const MuonCluster*> bestCandidate() const { return m_bestcand; };
/// set the clone flag
void setClone() { m_isClone = true; }
/// get the Clone flag
bool isClone() const { return m_isClone; }
/// return a vector with hits
std::vector<const MuonHit*> getHits() const;
std::vector<const MuonCluster*> getHits() const;
/// get the track span i.e. the max length in station units
int getSpan() const;
/// get the number of stations giving a hit to this track
......@@ -65,101 +68,87 @@ public:
// linear chi2 fit. Track is fitted separately in XZ, YZ, TZ (assuming speed of light)
StatusCode linFit();
// add XTalk tracks
StatusCode AddXTalk( const std::vector<MuonHit>& trackhits, float cut = 1.5, int m_skipStation = -1 );
StatusCode AddXTalk( const MuonClusters* trackhits, float cut = 1.5, int m_skipStation = -1 );
// linear fit to get particle speed
StatusCode speedFit();
inline double chi2x() const { return m_chi2x; } /// chi2/dof XZ
inline double chi2y() const { return m_chi2y; } /// chi2/dof YZ
StatusCode speedFit();
double chi2x() const { return m_chi2x; } /// chi2/dof XZ
double chi2y() const { return m_chi2y; } /// chi2/dof YZ
// slope XZ
inline double sx() const { return m_sx; }
double sx() const { return m_sx; }
// intercept XZ
inline double bx() const { return m_bx; }
double bx() const { return m_bx; }
// slope YZ
inline double sy() const { return m_sy; }
double sy() const { return m_sy; }
// direction (+1 forward or -1 backward)
double sz() const;
// intercept YZ
inline double by() const { return m_by; }
double by() const { return m_by; }
// track t0
inline double t0() const { return m_t0; }
double t0() const { return m_t0; }
// estimated error on time
inline double sigmat() const { return m_sigmat; }
double sigmat() const { return m_sigmat; }
// fitted speed (in c units)
inline double speed() {
if ( !m_speedFitted ) speedFit().ignore( /* AUTOMATICALLY ADDED FOR gaudi/Gaudi!763 */ );
double speed() {
if ( !m_speedFitted ) speedFit().ignore();
return m_speed;
// error on fitted speed (in c units)
inline double sigmaspeed() const { return m_sigmaspeed; }
double sigmaspeed() const { return m_sigmaspeed; }
// errors on the above parameters
inline double errsx() const { return m_errsx; }
inline double errbx() const { return m_errbx; }
inline double covbsx() const { return m_covbsx; }
inline double errsy() const { return m_errsy; }
inline double errby() const { return m_errby; }
inline double covbsy() const { return m_covbsy; }
inline double errt0() const { return m_errt0; }
double errsx() const { return m_errsx; }
double errbx() const { return m_errbx; }
double covbsx() const { return m_covbsx; }
double errsy() const { return m_errsy; }
double errby() const { return m_errby; }
double covbsy() const { return m_covbsy; }
double errt0() const { return m_errt0; }
// polar angles wrt beam axis (taking into account track direction)
inline double theta() const { return acos( sz() / sqrt( m_sx * m_sx + m_sy * m_sy + 1 ) ); }
inline double phi() const { return atan2( m_sy, m_sx ); }
double theta() const { return std::acos( sz() / std::sqrt( m_sx * m_sx + m_sy * m_sy + 1 ) ); }
double phi() const { return std::atan2( m_sy, m_sx ); }
// polar angles wrt vertical axis (pointing down)
inline double thetaVert() const { return acos( -( m_sy / sz() ) / sqrt( m_sx * m_sx + m_sy * m_sy + 1 ) ); }
inline double phiVert() const { return atan2( m_sx, sz() ); }
double thetaVert() const { return std::acos( -( m_sy / sz() ) / std::sqrt( m_sx * m_sx + m_sy * m_sy + 1 ) ); }
double phiVert() const { return std::atan2( m_sx, sz() ); }
// track extrapolation
void extrap( double Z, Gaudi::XYZTPoint& Pos, Gaudi::XYZTPoint* PosErr = NULL );
void extrap( double Z, Gaudi::XYZTPoint& Pos, Gaudi::XYZTPoint* PosErr = nullptr );
// residuals
Gaudi::XYZTPoint& residuals( MuonHit& hit );
Gaudi::XYZTPoint& residuals( const MuonCluster& hit );
// corrected time of i-th hit (i from 0)
double correctedTime( const MuonHit& hit ) const;
double correctedTime( const MuonCluster& hit ) const;
/// cluster size (total, and in the x/y views) associated to a given hit
/// (only if first hit of a given station, to avoid double counting)
int clsize( const MuonHit* hit, int& xsize, int& ysize ) const;
/// track momentum variables; setters
inline void setP( double p ) { m_trackP = p; }
inline void setPt( double pt ) { m_trackPt = pt; }
inline void setqOverP( double qp ) { m_trackqOverP = qp; }
inline void setMomentum( Gaudi::XYZVector mom ) { m_trackMomentum = mom; }
/// track momentum variables; getters
inline double p() const { return m_trackP; }
inline double pt() const { return m_trackPt; }
inline double qOverP() const { return m_trackqOverP; }
inline Gaudi::XYZVector momentum() const { return m_trackMomentum; }
int clsize( const MuonCluster* hit, int& xsize, int& ysize ) const;
double correctTOF( double rawT, double X, double Y, double Z ) const;
double correctTime( double rawT, double X, double Y, double Z ) const;
typedef std::map<int, MuonHit*>::value_type MuonTkVtype;
std::map<int, MuonHit*> m_muonTrack;
std::vector<const MuonHit*> m_bestcand;
bool m_isClone = false;
double m_chi2x = -1.;
double m_chi2y = -1.;
double m_sx = -1.;
double m_bx = -1.;
double m_sy = -1.;
double m_by = -1.;
double m_errsx = -1.;
double m_errbx = -1.;
double m_covbsx = -1.;
double m_errsy = -1.;
double m_errby = -1.;
double m_covbsy = -1.;
double m_t0 = -1.;
double m_errt0 = -1.;
double m_sigmat = -1.;
double m_speed = 0.;
double m_sigmaspeed = 0.;
bool m_speedFitted = false;
Gaudi::XYZTPoint m_point;
// track momentum tracks
double m_trackP = 0.;
double m_trackPt = 0.;
double m_trackqOverP = 0.;
Gaudi::XYZVector m_trackMomentum = {0., 0., 0.};
double correctTOF( double rawT, double X, double Y, double Z ) const;
double correctTime( double rawT, double X, double Y, double Z ) const;
std::map<int, const MuonCluster*> m_muonTrack;
std::vector<const MuonCluster*> m_bestcand;
bool m_isClone = false;
double m_chi2x = -1.;
double m_chi2y = -1.;
double m_sx = -1.;
double m_bx = -1.;
double m_sy = -1.;
double m_by = -1.;
double m_errsx = -1.;
double m_errbx = -1.;
double m_covbsx = -1.;
double m_errsy = -1.;
double m_errby = -1.;
double m_covbsy = -1.;
double m_t0 = -1.;
double m_errt0 = -1.;
double m_sigmat = -1.;
double m_speed = 0.;
double m_sigmaspeed = 0.;
bool m_speedFitted = false;
Gaudi::XYZTPoint m_point;
using NNMuonTracks = std::vector<NNMuonTrack, LHCb::Allocators::EventLocal<NNMuonTrack>>;
using ConstNNMuonTracks = std::vector<const NNMuonTrack*>;
using NNMuonTrackRange = const Gaudi::Range_<NNMuonTracks>;
using ConstNNMuonTrackRange = const Gaudi::Range_<ConstNNMuonTracks>;
* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#pragma once
#include "Math/GenVector/VectorUtil.h"
#include "Math/Point3D.h"
#include "Math/Vector3D.h"
#include "MuonInterfaces/MuonCluster.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
* A Neuron is an object that describes the neurons used in the NNET
* pattern recognition in the Muon Detector. A Neuron is an oriented segment
* conventionally pointing outward the intteraction point. It is built out
* of pairs of MuonHits belonging to different Muon stations. It is
* characterised by a tail, a head, a set of neurons to which it is connected
* to and the corresponding weights.
* By convention, station and region of a neuron are those of the tail
* @author Giovanni Passaleva
* @date 2007-08-21
namespace LHCb::Muon {
class Neuron final {
Neuron( const MuonCluster* h, const MuonCluster* t );
Neuron( const MuonCluster* h, const MuonCluster* t, int s, int r );
Neuron( const MuonCluster* h, const MuonCluster* t, int hID, int tID, int s, int r );
/// public member functions
/// return neuron head
const MuonCluster* head() const { return m_head; }
/// returns the neuron tail
const MuonCluster* tail() const { return m_tail; }
/// return the neuorn station.
int station() const { return m_station; }
/// return neuron region
int region() const { return m_region; }
/// calculate the neuron length in terms of crossed stations
int stationDifference();
/// return neuron length
double len() const;
/// return neuron length along z
// double deltaZ() const;
// double deltaZ( const int st ) const;
/// return neuron length in xz projection
double lenXZ() const;
/// return neuron length in yz projection
double lenYZ() const;
/// angle with another neuron in space
double angle( const Neuron& n );
/// angle with another neuron in XZ
double angleXZ( const Neuron& n );
/// angle with another neuron in YZ
double angleYZ( const Neuron& n );
/// check if this is th with n
bool tailHead( const Neuron& n ) const;
/// check if this is ht with n
bool headTail( const Neuron& n ) const;
/// check if this is tt with n
bool tailTail( const Neuron& n ) const;
/// check if this is hh with n
bool headHead( const Neuron& n ) const;
/// check if this is connected to n
bool connectedTo( const Neuron& n ) const;
/// return the neuron projection in the xz plan
ROOT::Math::XYZVector projXZ();
/// return the neuron projection in the yz plan
ROOT::Math::XYZVector projYZ();
/// store the neuron weights
void setWeight( Neuron* n, double ww );
/// return the neuron weights
const std::list<std::pair<Neuron*, double>>& getWeights() const;
/// retain only the best HT and TH weights
void cleanupWeights();
/// kill double length neurons if there is a unit length one
void killDoubleLength();
void killDoubleLength( const float angcut );
/// set a neuron status
void setStatus( double st );
/// return neuron status
double status();
/// Neuron ID, a progressive number for debugging purposes
void setNeuronID( int id );
/// retireve ID
int neuronID();
/// assign an ID to head and tail points
void setHeadTailID( int hID, int tID );
/// retireve head and tail IDs. First = head, Second = tail
std::pair<int, int> headTailID();
const MuonCluster* m_head = nullptr;
const MuonCluster* m_tail = nullptr;
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_neuron;
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_neuronXZ;
ROOT::Math::XYZVector m_neuronYZ;
std::pair<const Neuron*, double> m_weight;
std::list<std::pair<Neuron*, double>> m_weight_list;
double m_status{1.0};
int m_station{-1};
int m_region{-1};
int m_headID{-1};
int m_tailID{-1};
int m_ID{-1};
void removeWeight( Neuron* pn );
} // namespace LHCb::Muon
* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
// Include files
#include "MuonInterfaces/MuonHit.h"
#include "MuonDet/IMuonFastPosTool.h"
#include "MuonInterfaces/MuonLogHit.h"
#include "MuonInterfaces/MuonCluster.h"
#include "MuonInterfaces/MuonPad.h"
#include <cmath>
namespace {
double recomputePos( const std::vector<double>& data, double& dpos, int& clsize, double step ) {
double recomputeClusterPos( const std::vector<double>& data, double& dpos, int& clsize, double step ) {
int np = 0;
double sum = 0., sum2 = 0.;
for ( auto ip = data.begin(); ip != data.end(); ++ip ) {
......@@ -36,77 +35,32 @@ namespace {
} // namespace
MuonHit::MuonHit() = default;
MuonHit::MuonHit( IMuonFastPosTool const* posTool ) : m_posTool( posTool ) {}
// Constructor from a MuonLogPad
MuonHit::MuonHit( const MuonLogPad* mp, IMuonFastPosTool const* posTool )
: ROOT::Math::XYZPoint( 0., 0., 0. ), m_posTool( posTool ) {
createFromPad( mp );
void MuonHit::createFromPad( const MuonLogPad* mp ) {
void MuonCluster::createFromPad( const MuonPad* pad, const DeMuonDetector::TilePosition pos ) {
if ( mp->type() == MuonLogPad::UNPAIRED ) return;
auto pos = m_posTool->calcTilePos( mp->tile() );
if ( pos ) {
m_pads.push_back( mp );
m_padx.push_back( pos->x() );
m_pady.push_back( pos->y() );
m_padz.push_back( pos->z() );
if ( pad->type() == MuonPad::LogPadType::UNPAIRED ) return;
if ( pos.z() > 0 ) {
m_pads.push_back( pad );
m_padx.push_back( pos.x() );
m_pady.push_back( pos.y() );
m_padz.push_back( pos.z() );
static const auto isqrt_12 = 1.0 / std::sqrt( 12. );
m_dx = isqrt_12 * pos->dX();
m_dy = isqrt_12 * pos->dY();
m_dz = isqrt_12 * pos->dZ();
m_hit_minx = pos->x() - pos->dX();
m_hit_maxx = pos->x() + pos->dX();
m_hit_miny = pos->y() - pos->dY();
m_hit_maxy = pos->y() + pos->dY();
m_hit_minz = pos->z() - pos->dZ();
m_hit_maxz = pos->z() + pos->dZ();
SetXYZ( pos->x(), pos->y(), pos->z() );
m_dx = isqrt_12 * pos.dX();
m_dy = isqrt_12 * pos.dY();
m_dz = isqrt_12 * pos.dZ();
m_hit_minx = pos.x() - pos.dX();
m_hit_maxx = pos.x() + pos.dX();
m_hit_miny = pos.y() - pos.dY();
m_hit_maxy = pos.y() + pos.dY();
m_hit_minz = pos.z() - pos.dZ();
m_hit_maxz = pos.z() + pos.dZ();
SetXYZ( pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z() );
m_xsize = m_ysize = 1;
// public member functions
void MuonHit::addPad( const MuonLogPad* mp ) {
if ( mp->type() == MuonLogPad::UNPAIRED ) return;
if ( m_pads.empty() ) {
createFromPad( mp );
} else {
auto pos = m_posTool->calcTilePos( mp->tile() );
if ( pos ) {
m_pads.push_back( mp );
m_padx.push_back( pos->x() );
m_pady.push_back( pos->y() );
m_padz.push_back( pos->z() );
if ( ( pos->x() - pos->dX() ) < m_hit_minx ) m_hit_minx = pos->x() - pos->dX();
if ( ( pos->x() + pos->dX() ) > m_hit_maxx ) m_hit_maxx = pos->x() + pos->dX();
if ( ( pos->y() - pos->dY() ) < m_hit_miny ) m_hit_miny = pos->y() - pos->dY();
if ( ( pos->y() + pos->dY() ) > m_hit_maxy ) m_hit_maxy = pos->y() + pos->dY();
if ( ( pos->z() - pos->dZ() ) < m_hit_minz ) m_hit_minz = pos->z() - pos->dZ();
if ( ( pos->z() + pos->dZ() ) > m_hit_maxz ) m_hit_maxz = pos->z() + pos->dZ();
auto x = recomputePos( m_padx, m_dx, m_xsize, pos->dX() );
auto y = recomputePos( m_pady, m_dy, m_ysize, pos->dY() );
auto z = recomputePos( m_padz, m_dz, m_zsize, 10 * pos->dZ() );
SetXYZ( x, y, z );
void MuonHit::recomputeTime() {
void MuonCluster::recomputeTime() {
int np = 0;
float sum = 0., sum2 = 0.;
m_mintime = 999.;
......@@ -121,7 +75,7 @@ void MuonHit::recomputeTime() {
for ( const auto& pad : m_pads ) {
if ( pad->type() == MuonLogPad::XTWOFE ) { // consider the two measurements as independent
if ( pad->type() == MuonPad::LogPadType::XTWOFE ) { // consider the two measurements as independent
accumulate( pad->timeX() );
accumulate( pad->timeY() );
} else {
......@@ -138,55 +92,72 @@ void MuonHit::recomputeTime() {
void MuonCluster::addPad( const MuonPad* mp, const DeMuonDetector::TilePosition pos ) {
if ( mp->type() == MuonPad::LogPadType::UNPAIRED ) return;
if ( m_pads.empty() ) {
createFromPad( mp, pos );
} else {
if ( pos.z() > 0 ) {
m_pads.push_back( mp );
m_padx.push_back( pos.x() );
m_pady.push_back( pos.y() );
m_padz.push_back( pos.z() );
if ( ( pos.x() - pos.dX() ) < m_hit_minx ) m_hit_minx = pos.x() - pos.dX();
if ( ( pos.x() + pos.dX() ) > m_hit_maxx ) m_hit_maxx = pos.x() + pos.dX();
if ( ( pos.y() - pos.dY() ) < m_hit_miny ) m_hit_miny = pos.y() - pos.dY();
if ( ( pos.y() + pos.dY() ) > m_hit_maxy ) m_hit_maxy = pos.y() + pos.dY();
if ( ( pos.z() - pos.dZ() ) < m_hit_minz ) m_hit_minz = pos.z() - pos.dZ();
if ( ( pos.z() + pos.dZ() ) > m_hit_maxz ) m_hit_maxz = pos.z() + pos.dZ();
auto x = recomputeClusterPos( m_padx, m_dx, m_xsize, pos.dX() );
auto y = recomputeClusterPos( m_pady, m_dy, m_ysize, pos.dY() );
auto z = recomputeClusterPos( m_padz, m_dz, m_zsize, 10 * pos.dZ() );
SetXYZ( x, y, z );
/// return tile sizes
std::array<double, 3> MuonHit::hitTile_Size() const {
std::array<double, 3> MuonCluster::hitTile_Size() const {
return {( m_hit_maxx - m_hit_minx ) / 2., ( m_hit_maxy - m_hit_miny ) / 2., ( m_hit_maxz - m_hit_minz ) / 2.};
/// store a progressive hit number for debugging
void MuonHit::setHitID( int id ) {
void MuonCluster::setHitID( int id ) {
if ( id != 0 ) m_hit_ID = id;
std::vector<const MuonLogHit*> MuonHit::getHits() const {
std::vector<const MuonLogHit*> out;
std::vector<const CommonMuonHit*> MuonCluster::getHits() const {
std::vector<const CommonMuonHit*> out;
for ( const auto& pad : m_pads ) {
auto padhits = pad->getHits();
out.insert( out.end(), padhits.begin(), padhits.end() );
auto padhits = pad->getHit();
out.insert( out.end(), padhits );
return out;
std::vector<LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID> MuonHit::getTiles() const {
std::vector<LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID> tiles;
for ( const auto& pad : m_pads ) {
auto padhits = pad->getHits();
std::transform( padhits.begin(), padhits.end(), std::back_inserter( tiles ),
[]( const MuonLogHit* mlh ) { return mlh->tile(); } );
return tiles;
std::vector<LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID> MuonHit::getLogPadTiles() const {
std::vector<LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID> MuonCluster::getPadTiles() const {
std::vector<LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID> tiles;
tiles.reserve( m_pads.size() );
std::transform( m_pads.begin(), m_pads.end(), std::back_inserter( tiles ),
[]( const MuonLogPad* mlp ) { return mlp->tile(); } );
[]( const MuonPad* mlp ) { return mlp->tile(); } );
return tiles;
std::vector<float> MuonHit::getTimes() const {
std::vector<float> MuonCluster::getTimes() const {
auto hits = getHits();
std::vector<float> times;
times.reserve( hits.size() );
std::transform( hits.begin(), hits.end(), std::back_inserter( times ),
[]( const MuonLogHit* mlh ) { return mlh->time(); } );
[]( const CommonMuonHit* mlh ) { return mlh->time(); } );
return times;
LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID MuonHit::centerTile() const {
LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID MuonCluster::centerTile() const {
if ( m_pads.size() == 1 ) return m_pads.front()->tile();
double d2min = 9999999.;
double d2min = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID out;
for ( unsigned int ip = 0; ip < m_pads.size(); ip++ ) {
auto d2 = std::pow( m_padx[ip] - X(), 2 ) + std::pow( m_pady[ip] - Y(), 2 ) + std::pow( m_padz[ip] - Z(), 2 );
......@@ -195,10 +166,5 @@ LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID MuonHit::centerTile() const {
out = m_pads[ip]->tile();
if ( !out.isDefined() ) {
for ( unsigned int ip = 0; ip < m_pads.size(); ip++ ) {
std::cout << m_padx[ip] << " " << m_pady[ip] << " " << m_padz[ip] << std::endl;
return out;
* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration *
* *
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public *
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". *
* *
* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
* or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
#include "MuonInterfaces/MuonNeuron.h"
MuonNeuron::MuonNeuron( MuonHit* h, MuonHit* t ) : m_head( h ), m_tail( t ) {
m_neuron = *t - *h;
m_neuronXZ.SetX( m_neuron.X() );
m_neuronXZ.SetY( 0. );
m_neuronXZ.SetZ( m_neuron.Z() );
m_neuronYZ.SetX( 0. );
m_neuronYZ.SetY( m_neuron.Y() );
m_neuronYZ.SetZ( m_neuron.Z() );
MuonNeuron::MuonNeuron( MuonHit* h, MuonHit* t, int s, int r )
: m_head( h ), m_tail( t ), m_station( s ), m_region( r ) {
m_neuron = *t - *h;
m_neuronXZ.SetX( m_neuron.X() );
m_neuronXZ.SetY( 0. );
m_neuronXZ.SetZ( m_neuron.Z() );
m_neuronYZ.SetX( 0. );
m_neuronYZ.SetY( m_neuron.Y() );
m_neuronYZ.SetZ( m_neuron.Z() );
MuonNeuron::MuonNeuron( MuonHit* h, MuonHit* t, int hID, int tID, int s, int r )
: m_head( h ), m_tail( t ), m_station( s ), m_region( r ), m_headID( hID ), m_tailID( tID ) {
m_neuron = *t - *h;
m_neuronXZ.SetX( m_neuron.X() );
m_neuronXZ.SetY( 0. );
m_neuronXZ.SetZ( m_neuron.Z() );
m_neuronYZ.SetX( 0. );
m_neuronYZ.SetY( m_neuron.Y() );
m_neuronYZ.SetZ( m_neuron.Z() );
/// clean up weights
void MuonNeuron::cleanupWeights() {
double wmaxTH = -9999;
double wmaxHT = -9999;
MuonNeuron* pmaxTH = nullptr;
MuonNeuron* pmaxHT = nullptr;
auto iw = m_weight_list.begin();
while ( ( iw != m_weight_list.end() ) && ( !m_weight_list.empty() ) ) {
MuonNeuron* ConnNeur = iw->first;
if ( tailHead( *ConnNeur ) ) {
if ( iw->second >= wmaxTH ) {
wmaxTH = iw->second;
pmaxTH = iw->first;
iw = m_weight_list.erase( iw );
( *ConnNeur ).removeWeight( this );
} else if ( headTail( *ConnNeur ) ) {
if ( iw->second >= wmaxHT ) {
wmaxHT = iw->second;
pmaxHT = iw->first;
iw = m_weight_list.erase( iw );
( *ConnNeur ).removeWeight( this );
} else {
if ( pmaxTH ) {
setWeight( pmaxTH, wmaxTH );
pmaxTH->setWeight( this, wmaxTH );
if ( pmaxHT ) {
setWeight( pmaxHT, wmaxHT );
pmaxHT->setWeight( this, wmaxHT );
/// kill double length neurons if there is a unit length one
void MuonNeuron::killDoubleLength() {
// first check if there is at least 1 unit length neuron connected to this
auto iw = std::find_if( m_weight_list.begin(), m_weight_list.end(),
[]( const std::pair<MuonNeuron*, double>& w ) { return w.first->stationDifference() == 1; } );
bool go = ( iw != m_weight_list.end() );
if ( !go ) return;
iw = m_weight_list.begin();
while ( ( iw != m_weight_list.end() ) && ( !m_weight_list.empty() ) ) {
MuonNeuron* ConnNeur = iw->first;
if ( headHead( *ConnNeur ) || tailTail( *ConnNeur ) ) {
if ( ConnNeur->stationDifference() > 1 ) {
iw = m_weight_list.erase( iw );
( *ConnNeur ).removeWeight( this );
} else {
} else {
void MuonNeuron::removeWeight( MuonNeuron* pn ) {
auto iw = std::find_if( m_weight_list.begin(), m_weight_list.end(),
[&]( const std::pair<MuonNeuron*, double>& n ) { return n.first == pn; } );
if ( iw != m_weight_list.end() ) m_weight_list.erase( iw );
/// kill double length neurons if there is a unit length one
void MuonNeuron::killDoubleLength( const float angcut ) {
MuonNeuron* ConnNeur = 0;
MuonNeuron* ConnNeur1 = 0;
MuonNeuron* ConnNeur2 = 0;
if ( this->stationDifference() != 1 ) return;
// find L2 neurons in HH or TT and kill them if angleXZ smaller than 0.1
auto iw = m_weight_list.begin();
while ( ( iw != m_weight_list.end() ) && ( !m_weight_list.empty() ) ) {
ConnNeur = iw->first;
if ( headHead( *ConnNeur ) || tailTail( *ConnNeur ) ) {
if ( ConnNeur->stationDifference() > 1 && this->angleXZ( *ConnNeur ) < angcut ) {
iw = m_weight_list.erase( iw );
ConnNeur->removeWeight( this );
} else {
} else {
// find L1 neurons in HT. Then search for L2 neurons in HT close in angleXZ
// to the L1 one and kill them if angleXZ smaller than 0.1
auto iw1 = m_weight_list.begin();
while ( ( iw1 != m_weight_list.end() ) && ( !m_weight_list.empty() ) ) {
ConnNeur1 = iw1->first;
if ( headTail( *ConnNeur1 ) && ConnNeur1->stationDifference() == 1 ) {
// ok found an L1 HT with this. now search for an L2 HT
auto iw2 = m_weight_list.begin();
while ( ( iw2 != m_weight_list.end() ) && ( !m_weight_list.empty() ) ) {
ConnNeur2 = iw2->first;
if ( headTail( *ConnNeur2 ) && ConnNeur2->stationDifference() > 1 &&
ConnNeur2->angleXZ( *ConnNeur1 ) < angcut ) {
iw2 = m_weight_list.erase( iw2 ); // remove L2 from the list
ConnNeur2->removeWeight( this ); // remove this from L2
} else {
iw2++; // next one
} else {
iw1++; // look for next L1
// find L1 neurons in TH. Then search for L2 neurons in TH close in angleXZ
// to the L1 one and kill them if angleXZ smaller than 0.1
iw1 = m_weight_list.begin();
while ( ( iw1 != m_weight_list.end() ) && ( !m_weight_list.empty() ) ) {
ConnNeur1 = iw1->first;
if ( tailHead( *ConnNeur1 ) && ConnNeur1->stationDifference() == 1 ) {
// ok found an L1 HT with this. now search for an L2 HT
auto iw2 = m_weight_list.begin();
while ( ( iw2 != m_weight_list.end() ) && ( !m_weight_list.empty() ) ) {
ConnNeur2 = iw2->first;
if ( tailHead( *ConnNeur2 ) && ConnNeur2->stationDifference() > 1 &&
ConnNeur2->angleXZ( *ConnNeur1 ) < angcut ) {
iw2 = m_weight_list.erase( iw2 ); // remove L2 from the list
ConnNeur2->removeWeight( this ); // remove this from L2
} else {
iw2++; // next one
} else {
iw1++; // look for next L1
/// neuron length in terms of stations crossed
int MuonNeuron::stationDifference() { return ( m_head->station() - m_tail->station() ); }
/// return neuron length
double MuonNeuron::len() const { return sqrt( m_neuron.Mag2() ); }
/// return neuron length along Z
double MuonNeuron::deltaZ() const { return ( m_head->Z() - m_tail->Z() ); }
/// return distance along Z between the neuron station and the closest one
double MuonNeuron::deltaZ( const int st ) const {
double zsta[5] = {12100, 15200, 16400, 17600, 18800};
return ( zsta[st] - m_tail->Z() );
/// return neuron length in the xz plane
double MuonNeuron::lenXZ() const { return sqrt( m_neuronXZ.Mag2() ); }
/// return neuron length in the yz plane
double MuonNeuron::lenYZ() const { return sqrt( m_neuronYZ.Mag2() ); }
/// angle with another neuron in space
double MuonNeuron::angle( const MuonNeuron& n ) { return ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::Angle( m_neuron, n.m_neuron ); }
/// angle with another neuron in XZ
double MuonNeuron::angleXZ( const MuonNeuron& n ) { return ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::Angle( m_neuronXZ, n.m_neuronXZ ); }
/// angle with another neuron in YZ
double MuonNeuron::angleYZ( const MuonNeuron& n ) { return ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::Angle( m_neuronYZ, n.m_neuronYZ ); }
/// check if this is th with n
bool MuonNeuron::tailHead( const MuonNeuron& n ) const { return ( m_tail->hitID() == n.m_head->hitID() ); }
/// check if this is ht with n
bool MuonNeuron::headTail( const MuonNeuron& n ) const { return ( m_head->hitID() == n.m_tail->hitID() ); }
/// check if this is tt with n
bool MuonNeuron::tailTail( const MuonNeuron& n ) const { return ( m_tail->hitID() == n.m_tail->hitID() ); }
/// check if this is hh with n
bool MuonNeuron::headHead( const MuonNeuron& n ) const { return ( m_head->hitID() == n.m_head->hitID() ); }
/// check if this is connected to n
bool MuonNeuron::connectedTo( const MuonNeuron& n ) const {
return ( tailTail( n ) || headHead( n ) || tailHead( n ) || headTail( n ) );
/// return the neuron projection XZ
ROOT::Math::XYZVector MuonNeuron::projXZ() { return m_neuronXZ; }
/// return the neuron projection YZ
ROOT::Math::XYZVector MuonNeuron::projYZ() { return m_neuronYZ; }
/// store the weights
void MuonNeuron::setWeight( MuonNeuron* n, double ww ) {
m_weight.first = n;
m_weight.second = ww;
m_weight_list.emplace_back( n, ww );
/// retireve the weights
std::list<std::pair<MuonNeuron*, double>> MuonNeuron::getWeights() { return m_weight_list; }
/// set neuron status
void MuonNeuron::setStatus( double st ) { m_status = st; }
/// return neuron status
double MuonNeuron::status() { return m_status; }
/// Neuron ID
void MuonNeuron::setNeuronID( int id ) { m_ID = id; }
/// retireve ID
int MuonNeuron::neuronID() { return m_ID; }
/// assign an ID to head and tail points
void MuonNeuron::setHeadTailID( int hID, int tID ) {
m_headID = hID;
m_tailID = tID;
/// retireve head and tail IDs. First = head, Second = tail
std::pair<int, int> MuonNeuron::headTailID() {
std::pair<int, int> tmp;
tmp.first = m_headID;
tmp.second = m_tailID;
return tmp;