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Introduce PrTrackerDumper tool enabling offline studies looking to simple TTrees…

Renato Quagliani requested to merge TDR-PrTrackerDumperTool into TDR

I introduced this tool able to dump all hits in all tracking sub-detectors containing information of the MCParticles to enable offloading tracking developments for non-LHCb software experts. The tool works fine on TDR branch and it can produce plot such the one in attachment for a single event. Image_Pasted_at_2018-5-21_08-42

As in the description of the file, the tool dump 1 entry per MCParticle and within the entry it dumps a vector or vector for the private members of the base Hit class ( FT_x[size], FT_y[size]) where size is the Nb of hits associated to the MCParticle entry. This is done for UT/SciFi and Velo dumping the proper information which are used in the default tracking algorithms. This allow to associate to each hit the MCParticle it comes from offline and do truth matching offline.

For hits non associated to any MCParticles in the event a special entry is dump for each event : p<0 identify the vector of hits from noise and not having any MCParticle attached to it.

The tuple is filtering MCParticles for the dump only if that MCParticle didn't produce any hit in any of the sub-detector. Thus, the re-constructibility criteria needs to be applied offline (use the hasT, hasVelo , hasUT branch to do that). Also, for each entry the MCParticle momentum, eta, pid, vertex and Grand-mother particle ID is stored. This should allow to perform a wide spectrum of studies offline.

I developed this on top of TDR branch and I think it explains quite well how to produce a tuple within a functional framework and how to use the TDR MCLinkers to get MCParticles from hits. It should be possible to include it in master but one has to come back to the getIfExists call for the VPClusters and the Consumer algorithm is not defined in master.

People that could be interested in this tool: @dovombru , @dcampora , @gligorov , @lohenry , @tszumlak , @decianm , @flazzari , @rcenci

For the merge and availability to everyone, do you think it's worth to have it in master rather than in TDR? @cattanem , @sponce

I include also the T&A convener since I think a tool like that can help several people that want to contribute to upgrade tracking but they have to overcome the lack of knowledge concerning the LHCb software. @adudziak , @fpolci , @gdujany

Edited by Renato Quagliani

Merge request reports
