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WIP: Make full upgrade brunel run with TDR branch

Sascha Stahl requested to merge sstahl_fix_upgrade_tests into sponce_FixingHLT2

With this branch based on TDR the test brunel-upgrade-baseline.qmt runs through.

There are two main changes.

  • The TrackEventFitter got templated to support either std::vector<LHCb::Track> or LHCb::Tracks as input. For some muon monitoring it is important that the key of the unfitted and fitted track are the same. The instance with LHCb::Tracks has the old name so that backwards compatibility is easier.
  • Added a converter from std::vector<LHCb::RecVertex> to LHCb::RecVertices, this needs as input the keyed container of tracks used for the vertex finding so that the converter can update the links to tracks.

I adapted the configuration in TrackSys to have the converters in the right place.

LHCb!1346 (closed) adds a move constructor used in this merge request, without this merge request it should fall back to the copy constructor.

Edited by Sascha Stahl

Merge request reports
