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add the label for PairProduction, HadronicInteraction and isDecay in PrChecker2

Mengzhen Wang requested to merge upgrade-Add_MCVertexType_PrChecker2 into master

Three variables are added in PrChecker2 to label whether the track is originating from a decay, from a hadronic interaction or from a gamma->ee pair production. It might be useful if one would like to study the reconstruction performance of tracks from a decay or from the material interactions.

The log file and xml file of "make test" are attached: Test.xml Test.log

The modification is validated by using to generate the kinematic distributions of tracks. The output histograms can be found in lxplus: /afs/ As expected, no electrons are fromHI (from Hadronic Interaction), and no non-electron tracks are from PairProduction.

Edited by Marco Cattaneo

Merge request reports
