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Remove cuts on reconstructed quantities in PrTrackChecker

Sascha Stahl requested to merge sstahl_prchecker_adaptions into master
  • Removes cut 2<eta<5 on track quantities. This might be ill defined for some track categories and depends on state closest to beam. It's resolution is checked in the TrackResChecker already. The requirement on the MC particle is kept but moved to the configuration. This means the number of MC particles should not change.
  • Move ghostprob cuts on Best track container to a dedicated algorithm for Long and Downstream tracks. Removed the cut for the full container, as a good ghost prob cut might be different for different track types.

The possibility to apply eta and ghostprob cuts is still there but might be good to remove in the future. Using a dedicated algorithm to filter is much more flexible.

Changes were discussed in WP2 meeting, slides.

Edited by Marco Cattaneo

Merge request reports
