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Add PrTrackChecker dedicated to testing GhostProbability

Sascha Stahl requested to merge sstahl_addprchecker into master
  • Remove GhostProb cut from PrTrackCheckers which test long track and downstream track efficiencies in the Best track container.
  • Add two new PrTrackCheckers which include the removed GhostProb cuts which test long track and downstream track efficiencies in the Best track container.
  • Added electrons with P>5GeV to Long track efficiency checkers for completeness.
  • Added electrons with and without P>5GeV to Downstream track efficiency checkers for completeness.

With this merge request we can better see the effect of changes in the GhostProbability and have efficiencies as they are for the Best track container without track quality cuts.

Edited by Marco Cattaneo

Merge request reports
