From 966e206eb7fbbfdf0a4d6f0f9895f5693b1f9a83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Arthur Hennequin <>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2019 17:53:55 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 01/10] Regroup Velo Kalman fits + fix numerical precision

 Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp      |  40 +++++++--
 Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h | 136 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 162 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp
index 954a57c5842..dbc85dd7a0e 100644
--- a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
 #include "Event/PrVeloTracks.h"
 #include "PrKernel/PrPixelFastKalman.h"
+#include "VeloKalmanHelpers.h"
  * Velo only Kalman fit
@@ -36,9 +39,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
     using TracksVP  = Tracks;
     using TracksFT  = Forward::Tracks;
     using TracksFit = Fitted::Forward::Tracks;
-    using dType     = SIMDWrapper::scalar::types;
-    using I         = dType::int_v;
-    using F         = dType::float_v;
+    using simd      = SIMDWrapper::avx256::types;
+    using I         = simd::int_v;
+    using F         = simd::float_v;
     Kalman( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
@@ -59,8 +62,31 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
       TracksFit out{&tracksFT, tracksFT.zipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
       m_nbTracksCounter += tracksFT.size();
-      for ( int t = 0; t < tracksFT.size(); t += dType::size ) {
-        auto loop_mask = dType::loop_mask( t, tracksFT.size() );
+      for ( int t = 0; t < tracksFT.size(); t += simd::size ) {
+        auto loop_mask = simd::loop_mask( t, tracksFT.size() );
+        const I idxVP = tracksFT.trackVP<I>( t );
+        const F qop   = tracksFT.stateQoP<F>( t );
+        auto [stateInfo, chi2, nDof] = fitBackwardWithMomentum( loop_mask, tracksVP, idxVP, qop, hits, 0 );
+        // Store tracks in output
+        out.store_trackFT<I>( t, simd::indices( t ) );
+        out.store_QoP<F>( t, qop );
+        out.store_beamStatePos<F>( t, stateInfo.pos() );
+        out.store_beamStateDir<F>( t, stateInfo.dir() );
+        out.store_covX<F>( t, stateInfo.covX() );
+        out.store_covY<F>( t, stateInfo.covY() );
+        out.store_chi2<F>( t, chi2 / F( nDof ) );
+        out.store_chi2nDof<I>( t, nDof );
+        out.size() += simd::popcount( loop_mask );
+      }
+      /*for ( int t = 0; t < tracksFT.size(); t += simd::size ) {
+        auto loop_mask = simd::loop_mask( t, tracksFT.size() );
         // TODO: v2 with less gathers (with transposition)
         // TODO: masked gathers (for avx2/avx512)
@@ -82,8 +108,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         out.store_chi2<F>( t, chi2 / F( nDof ) );
         out.store_chi2nDof<I>( t, nDof );
-        out.size() += dType::popcount( loop_mask );
-      }
+        out.size() += simd::popcount( loop_mask );
+      }*/
       return out;
diff --git a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h
index f85b2664bb5..0ec2d7efb9b 100644
--- a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h
+++ b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ namespace VeloKalmanParam {
   constexpr float err = 0.0158771324f; // 0.055f / sqrt( 12 ); //TODO: find a solution so this compile with clang
   constexpr float wx  = err * err;
   constexpr float wy  = wx;
+  constexpr float scatterSensorParameters[4] = {0.54772f, 1.478845f, 0.626634f, -0.78f};
+  constexpr float scatterFoilParameters[2]   = {1.67f, 20.f};
 } // namespace VeloKalmanParam
 template <typename T>
@@ -87,8 +90,7 @@ inline void filter( const M& mask, const F& z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F& covXTx,
   const F predcovXTx   = covXTx + dz_t_covTxTx;
   const F dz_t_covXTx  = dz * covXTx;
-  const F predcovXX   = covXX + 2.f * dz_t_covXTx + dz * dz_t_covTxTx;
-  const F predcovTxTx = covTxTx;
+  const F predcovXX = covXX + 2.f * dz_t_covXTx + dz * dz_t_covTxTx;
   // compute the gain matrix
   const F R   = 1.0f / ( winv + predcovXX );
@@ -101,13 +103,13 @@ inline void filter( const M& mask, const F& z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F& covXTx,
   tx        = select( mask, tx + KTx * r, tx );
   // update the covariance matrix
-  covXX   = select( mask, ( 1.f - Kx ) * predcovXX, covXX );
-  covXTx  = select( mask, ( 1.f - Kx ) * predcovXTx, covXTx );
-  covTxTx = select( mask, predcovTxTx - KTx * predcovXTx, covTxTx );
+  covTxTx = select( mask, R * ( covTxTx * ( winv + covXX ) - covXTx * covXTx ), covTxTx );
+  covXTx  = select( mask, winv * KTx, covXTx );
+  covXX   = select( mask, winv * Kx, covXX );
 template <typename F, typename I, typename M>
-inline FittedState<F> fitBackward( const M& track_mask, LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, int t,
+inline FittedState<F> fitBackward( const M& track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, int t,
                                    const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Hits& hits, const int state_id ) {
   I       nHits   = tracks.nHits<I>( t );
   int     maxHits = nHits.hmax( track_mask );
@@ -140,7 +142,7 @@ inline FittedState<F> fitBackward( const M& track_mask, LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks&
 template <typename F, typename I, typename M>
-inline FittedState<F> fitForward( const M& track_mask, LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, int t,
+inline FittedState<F> fitForward( const M& track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, int t,
                                   const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Hits& hits, const int state_id ) {
   I       nHits   = tracks.nHits<I>( t );
   int     maxHits = nHits.hmax( track_mask );
@@ -172,3 +174,123 @@ inline FittedState<F> fitForward( const M& track_mask, LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& t
   return s;
+template <typename M, typename F>
+inline F filterWithMomentum( const M& mask, const F& z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F& covXTx, F& covTxTx, const F& zhit,
+                             const F& xhit, const F& winv, const F& qop ) {
+  // compute prediction
+  const F dz    = zhit - z;
+  const F predx = x + dz * tx;
+  const F dz_t_covTxTx = dz * covTxTx;
+  const F dz_t_covXTx  = dz * covXTx;
+  // Add noise
+  const F par1 = VeloKalmanParam::scatterSensorParameters[0];
+  const F par2 = VeloKalmanParam::scatterSensorParameters[1];
+  const F par6 = VeloKalmanParam::scatterSensorParameters[2];
+  const F par7 = VeloKalmanParam::scatterSensorParameters[3];
+  const F sigTx = par1 * 1e-5f + par2 * abs( qop );
+  const F sigX  = par6 * sigTx * abs( dz );
+  const F corr  = par7;
+  const F eXX   = sigX * sigX;
+  const F eXTx  = corr * sigX * sigTx;
+  const F eTxTx = sigTx * sigTx;
+  const F predcovXX  = covXX + 2.f * dz_t_covXTx + dz * dz_t_covTxTx + eXX;
+  const F predcovXTx = covXTx + dz_t_covTxTx + eXTx;
+  // const F predcovTxTx = covTxTx + eTxTx;
+  // compute the gain matrix
+  const F R   = 1.0f / ( winv + predcovXX );
+  const F Kx  = predcovXX * R;
+  const F KTx = predcovXTx * R;
+  // update the state vector
+  const F r = xhit - predx;
+  x         = select( mask, predx + Kx * r, x );
+  tx        = select( mask, tx + KTx * r, tx );
+  // update the covariance matrix
+  // Original:
+  // covXX   = select( mask, ( 1.f - Kx ) * predcovXX, covXX );
+  // covXTx  = select( mask, ( 1.f - Kx ) * predcovXTx, covXTx );
+  // covTxTx = select( mask, predcovTxTx - KTx * predcovXTx, covTxTx );
+  // Simplified (without noise):
+  // covTxTx = select( mask, R * ( covTxTx * ( winv + covXX ) - covXTx * covXTx ), covTxTx );
+  // covXTx  = select( mask, winv * KTx, covXTx );
+  // covXX   = select( mask, winv * Kx, covXX );
+  /*
+    Linearisation of the expression to avoid absorbtion:
+    TODO: verify + check if needed, simplify ?
+    covTxTx = predcovTxTx - KTx * predcovXTx
+    covTxTx = predcovTxTx - predcovXTx^2 / ( winv + predcovXX )
+    covTxTx = eTxTx + (covTxTx * ( winv + predcovXX ) - predcovXTx^2) / ( winv + predcovXX )
+    covTxTx = eTxTx + (covTxTx * ( winv + predcovXX ) - predcovXTx^2) / ( winv + predcovXX )
+    ((((((
+    predcovXTx^2 = (covXTx + dz*covTxTx + eXTx)^2
+                = covXTx^2 + (dz*covTxTx)^2 + eXTx^2 + 2*covXTx*dz*covTxTx + 2*covXTx*eXTx + 2*dz*covTxTx*eXTx
+    covTxTx * ( winv + predcovXX ) = covTxTx * ( winv + covXX + 2*dz*covXTx + dz^2*covTxTx + eXX )
+                                   = covTxTx * ( winv + covXX) + 2*dz*covXTx*covTxTx + (dz*covTxTx)^2 + eXX*covTxTx
+    ))))))
+    covTxTx = eTxTx + (covTxTx * ( winv + covXX) - covXTx^2 + eXX*covTxTx - eXTx*(eXTx + 2*(covXTx + dz*covTxTx))) / (
+    winv + predcovXX )
+   */
+  covTxTx = select( mask,
+                    eTxTx + R * ( covTxTx * ( winv + covXX ) - covXTx * covXTx + eXX * covTxTx -
+                                  eXTx * ( eXTx + 2.f * ( covXTx + dz_t_covTxTx ) ) ),
+                    covTxTx );
+  covXTx  = select( mask, winv * KTx, covXTx );
+  covXX   = select( mask, winv * Kx, covXX );
+  // return the chi2
+  return r * r * R;
+template <typename F, typename I, typename M>
+inline std::tuple<FittedState<F>, F, I>
+fitBackwardWithMomentum( const M& track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, const I idxVP, const F qop,
+                         const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Hits& hits, const int state_id ) {
+  const F err = 0.0125f;
+  const F wx  = err * err;
+  const F wy  = wx;
+  I       nHits   = tracks.maskgather_nHits<I, I>( idxVP, track_mask, 0 );
+  int     maxHits = nHits.hmax( track_mask );
+  I       idxHit0 = tracks.maskgather_hit<I, I>( idxVP, track_mask, 0, 0 );
+  Vec3<F> dir     = tracks.maskgather_stateDir<F, I>( idxVP, track_mask, 0.f, state_id );
+  Vec3<F> pos     = hits.maskgather_pos<F, I>( idxHit0, track_mask, 0.f );
+  FittedState<F> s = FittedState<F>( pos, dir, 100.f, 0.f, 0.0001f, 100.f, 0.f, 0.0001f );
+  F chi2 = 0.f;
+  for ( int i = 1; i < maxHits; i++ ) {
+    auto    mask   = track_mask && ( I( i ) < nHits );
+    I       idxHit = tracks.maskgather_hit<I, I>( idxVP, mask, I( 0 ), i );
+    Vec3<F> hit    = hits.maskgather_pos<F, I>( idxHit, mask, 0.f );
+    chi2 = chi2 + filterWithMomentum( mask, s.z, s.x, s.tx, s.covXX, s.covXTx, s.covTxTx, hit.z, hit.x, F( wx ), qop );
+    chi2 = chi2 + filterWithMomentum( mask, s.z, s.y, s.ty, s.covYY, s.covYTy, s.covTyTy, hit.z, hit.y, F( wy ), qop );
+    s.z  = select( mask, hit.z, s.z );
+  }
+  // Convert state at first measurement to state at closest to beam
+  const F t2 = s.dir().rho();
+  const F scat2RFFoil =
+      VeloKalmanParam::scatterFoilParameters[0] * ( 1.0 + VeloKalmanParam::scatterFoilParameters[1] * t2 ) * qop * qop;
+  s.covTxTx = s.covTxTx + scat2RFFoil;
+  s.covTyTy = s.covTyTy + scat2RFFoil;
+  s.transportTo( s.zBeam() );
+  return {s, chi2, 2 * nHits - 4};
\ No newline at end of file

From ef97e8a48e52f69ddd117861ea81d5f9c090c1fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Arthur Hennequin <>
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2020 11:52:36 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 02/10] Fix bug with simd VeloKalman, remove commented code

 Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp      | 26 -------------------
 Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h | 40 ++++++++++++------------------
 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp
index dbc85dd7a0e..46fa19761d8 100644
--- a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp
@@ -85,32 +85,6 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         out.size() += simd::popcount( loop_mask );
-      /*for ( int t = 0; t < tracksFT.size(); t += simd::size ) {
-        auto loop_mask = simd::loop_mask( t, tracksFT.size() );
-        // TODO: v2 with less gathers (with transposition)
-        // TODO: masked gathers (for avx2/avx512)
-        I       idxVP = tracksFT.trackVP<I>( t );
-        const F qop   = tracksFT.stateQoP<F>( t );
-        auto [stateInfo, chi2, nDof] = trackFitter( hits, tracksVP, idxVP, qop );
-        // Store tracks in output
-        out.store_trackFT<I>( t, t ); // TODO: index vector (for avx2/avx512)
-        out.store_QoP<F>( t, qop );
-        out.store_beamStatePos<F>( t, stateInfo.pos );
-        out.store_beamStateDir<F>( t, Vec3<F>( stateInfo.tx, stateInfo.ty, 1. ) );
-        out.store_covX<F>( t, Vec3<F>( stateInfo.covXX, stateInfo.covXTx, stateInfo.covTxTx ) );
-        out.store_covY<F>( t, Vec3<F>( stateInfo.covYY, stateInfo.covYTy, stateInfo.covTyTy ) );
-        out.store_chi2<F>( t, chi2 / F( nDof ) );
-        out.store_chi2nDof<I>( t, nDof );
-        out.size() += simd::popcount( loop_mask );
-      }*/
       return out;
diff --git a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h
index 0ec2d7efb9b..e4fb554133d 100644
--- a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h
+++ b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ public:
 template <typename M, typename F>
-inline void filter( const M& mask, const F& z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F& covXTx, F& covTxTx, const F& zhit,
-                    const F& xhit, const F& winv ) {
+inline void filter( const M mask, const F z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F& covXTx, F& covTxTx, const F zhit, const F xhit,
+                    const F winv ) {
   // compute prediction
   const F dz    = zhit - z;
   const F predx = x + dz * tx;
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ inline void filter( const M& mask, const F& z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F& covXTx,
 template <typename F, typename I, typename M>
-inline FittedState<F> fitBackward( const M& track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, int t,
+inline FittedState<F> fitBackward( const M track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, int t,
                                    const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Hits& hits, const int state_id ) {
   I       nHits   = tracks.nHits<I>( t );
   int     maxHits = nHits.hmax( track_mask );
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ inline FittedState<F> fitBackward( const M& track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tr
 template <typename F, typename I, typename M>
-inline FittedState<F> fitForward( const M& track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, int t,
+inline FittedState<F> fitForward( const M track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, int t,
                                   const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Hits& hits, const int state_id ) {
   I       nHits   = tracks.nHits<I>( t );
   int     maxHits = nHits.hmax( track_mask );
@@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ inline FittedState<F> fitForward( const M& track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tra
 template <typename M, typename F>
-inline F filterWithMomentum( const M& mask, const F& z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F& covXTx, F& covTxTx, const F& zhit,
-                             const F& xhit, const F& winv, const F& qop ) {
+inline F filterWithMomentum( const M mask, const F z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F& covXTx, F& covTxTx, const F zhit,
+                             const F xhit, const F winv, const F qop ) {
   // compute prediction
   const F dz    = zhit - z;
   const F predx = x + dz * tx;
@@ -201,7 +201,6 @@ inline F filterWithMomentum( const M& mask, const F& z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F
   const F predcovXX  = covXX + 2.f * dz_t_covXTx + dz * dz_t_covTxTx + eXX;
   const F predcovXTx = covXTx + dz_t_covTxTx + eXTx;
-  // const F predcovTxTx = covTxTx + eTxTx;
   // compute the gain matrix
   const F R   = 1.0f / ( winv + predcovXX );
@@ -214,22 +213,9 @@ inline F filterWithMomentum( const M& mask, const F& z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F
   tx        = select( mask, tx + KTx * r, tx );
   // update the covariance matrix
-  // Original:
-  // covXX   = select( mask, ( 1.f - Kx ) * predcovXX, covXX );
-  // covXTx  = select( mask, ( 1.f - Kx ) * predcovXTx, covXTx );
-  // covTxTx = select( mask, predcovTxTx - KTx * predcovXTx, covTxTx );
-  // Simplified (without noise):
-  // covTxTx = select( mask, R * ( covTxTx * ( winv + covXX ) - covXTx * covXTx ), covTxTx );
-  // covXTx  = select( mask, winv * KTx, covXTx );
-  // covXX   = select( mask, winv * Kx, covXX );
     Linearisation of the expression to avoid absorbtion:
-    TODO: verify + check if needed, simplify ?
     covTxTx = predcovTxTx - KTx * predcovXTx
     covTxTx = predcovTxTx - predcovXTx^2 / ( winv + predcovXX )
     covTxTx = eTxTx + (covTxTx * ( winv + predcovXX ) - predcovXTx^2) / ( winv + predcovXX )
@@ -256,7 +242,7 @@ inline F filterWithMomentum( const M& mask, const F& z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F
 template <typename F, typename I, typename M>
 inline std::tuple<FittedState<F>, F, I>
-fitBackwardWithMomentum( const M& track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, const I idxVP, const F qop,
+fitBackwardWithMomentum( const M track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, const I idxVP, const F qop,
                          const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Hits& hits, const int state_id ) {
   const F err = 0.0125f;
   const F wx  = err * err;
@@ -277,9 +263,15 @@ fitBackwardWithMomentum( const M& track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& trac
     I       idxHit = tracks.maskgather_hit<I, I>( idxVP, mask, I( 0 ), i );
     Vec3<F> hit    = hits.maskgather_pos<F, I>( idxHit, mask, 0.f );
-    chi2 = chi2 + filterWithMomentum( mask, s.z, s.x, s.tx, s.covXX, s.covXTx, s.covTxTx, hit.z, hit.x, F( wx ), qop );
-    chi2 = chi2 + filterWithMomentum( mask, s.z, s.y, s.ty, s.covYY, s.covYTy, s.covTyTy, hit.z, hit.y, F( wy ), qop );
-    s.z  = select( mask, hit.z, s.z );
+    chi2 = select(
+        mask,
+        chi2 + filterWithMomentum( mask, s.z, s.x, s.tx, s.covXX, s.covXTx, s.covTxTx, hit.z, hit.x, F( wx ), qop ),
+        chi2 );
+    chi2 = select(
+        mask,
+        chi2 + filterWithMomentum( mask, s.z, s.y, s.ty, s.covYY, s.covYTy, s.covTyTy, hit.z, hit.y, F( wy ), qop ),
+        chi2 );
+    s.z = select( mask, hit.z, s.z );
   // Convert state at first measurement to state at closest to beam

From 83cfe507022cc975ba7ec67322489178c51f5b97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chris Jones <>
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2020 10:37:39 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 03/10] Make use of LHCb SIMD memory alignment types in RICH

 .../RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecSIMDPixels.h    | 26 +++++++++----------
 .../RichFutureRecEvent/RichSummaryEventData.h |  5 +---
 .../                 |  4 ++-
 .../RichSIMDPhotonPredictedPixelSignal.cpp    |  8 +++---
 .../src/RichSIMDQuarticPhotonReco.cpp         |  8 +++---
 5 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecSIMDPixels.h b/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecSIMDPixels.h
index 5224281f796..d7966b902ee 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecSIMDPixels.h
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecSIMDPixels.h
@@ -34,9 +34,6 @@
 // Event
 #include "RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecSpacePoints.h"
-// Vc
-#include <Vc/common/alignedbase.h>
 namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
   /** @class SIMDPixel RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecSIMDPixels.h
@@ -47,7 +44,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
    *  @date   2017-10-16
-  class SIMDPixel final : public Vc::AlignedBase<Vc::VectorAlignment> {
+  class SIMDPixel final : public LHCb::SIMD::AlignedBase<LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment> {
     // types
@@ -85,10 +82,10 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
                const Mask&                mask )
         : m_rich( rich )
         , m_side( side )
+        , m_smartID( smartIDs )
         , m_gloPos( gPos )
         , m_locPos( lPos )
         , m_effArea( effArea )
-        , m_smartID( smartIDs )
         , m_scClusIn( scClusIn )
         , m_validMask( mask ) {}
@@ -164,23 +161,23 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     /// Panel
     Rich::Side m_side{Rich::InvalidSide};
+    /// The channel IDs for the photon detection points
+    SmartIDs m_smartID;
     /// Global position
-    Point m_gloPos;
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) Point m_gloPos;
     /// Local position
-    Point m_locPos;
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) Point m_locPos;
     /// Effective cluster area
-    SIMDFP m_effArea{SIMDFP::Zero()};
-    /// The channel IDs for the photon detection points
-    SmartIDs m_smartID;
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) SIMDFP m_effArea{SIMDFP::Zero()};
     /// Indices to the original scalar clusters
-    ScIndex m_scClusIn{-ScIndex::One()};
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) ScIndex m_scClusIn{-ScIndex::One()};
     /// validity mask (default initialised to false)
-    Mask m_validMask{Mask( false )};
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) Mask m_validMask{Mask( false )};
   /** @class SIMDPixelSummaries RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecSIMDPixels.h
@@ -191,7 +188,8 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
    *  @date   2017-10-16
-  class SIMDPixelSummaries final : public SIMD::STDVector<SIMDPixel>, public Vc::AlignedBase<Vc::VectorAlignment> {
+  class SIMDPixelSummaries final : public SIMD::STDVector<SIMDPixel>,
+                                   public LHCb::SIMD::AlignedBase<LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment> {
     // types
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/RichFutureRecEvent/RichSummaryEventData.h b/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/RichFutureRecEvent/RichSummaryEventData.h
index b0502f9bdc0..26b2d28281a 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/RichFutureRecEvent/RichSummaryEventData.h
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/RichFutureRecEvent/RichSummaryEventData.h
@@ -25,9 +25,6 @@
 // LHCb Event Model
 #include "Event/Track.h"
-// Vc
-#include <Vc/common/alignedbase.h>
 /** @namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Summary
  *  General namespace for RICH reconstruction summary information
@@ -46,7 +43,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Summary {
    *  @date   2016-09-30
-  class Track final : public Vc::AlignedBase<Vc::VectorAlignment> {
+  class Track final : public LHCb::SIMD::AlignedBase<LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment> {
     /// Type for a container of Tracks
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/python/RichFutureRecMonitors/ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/python/RichFutureRecMonitors/
index 18da8f2e4fe..c3d9eed2645 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/python/RichFutureRecMonitors/
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/python/RichFutureRecMonitors/
@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
 # Returns a configured monitoring (MC free) sequence.
 def RichRecMonitors(
-        GroupName="",  # Optional name given to this group.
+        # Optional name given to this group.
+        GroupName="",
         # General Data processing options
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDPhotonPredictedPixelSignal.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDPhotonPredictedPixelSignal.cpp
index ebb407eb385..23910cfb1db 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDPhotonPredictedPixelSignal.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDPhotonPredictedPixelSignal.cpp
@@ -139,16 +139,16 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     /// Cache SIMD minimum argument value for the probability value
-    SIMDFP m_minArgSIMD = SIMDFP::Zero();
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) SIMDFP m_minArgSIMD = SIMDFP::Zero();
     /// Cache exp(min arg)
-    SIMDFP m_expMinArg = SIMDFP::Zero();
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) SIMDFP m_expMinArg = SIMDFP::Zero();
     /// Cache SIMD minimum cut value for photon probability
-    RadiatorArray<SIMDFP> m_minPhotonProbSIMD = {{}};
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) RadiatorArray<SIMDFP> m_minPhotonProbSIMD = {{}};
     /// cached min exp(arg) factor
-    RadiatorArray<SIMDFP> m_minExpArgF = {{}};
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) RadiatorArray<SIMDFP> m_minExpArgF = {{}};
     /// The minimum expected track Cherenkov angle to be considered 'Above Threshold'
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDQuarticPhotonReco.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDQuarticPhotonReco.cpp
index c1e223886ca..ff60236fee4 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDQuarticPhotonReco.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDQuarticPhotonReco.cpp
@@ -165,10 +165,10 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     // SIMD cache of various quantities
     /// SIMD Minimum active segment fraction in each radiator
-    RadiatorArray<SIMDFP> m_minActiveFracSIMD = {{}};
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) RadiatorArray<SIMDFP> m_minActiveFracSIMD = {{}};
     /// SIMD Minimum tolerance for mirror reflection point during iterations
-    RadiatorArray<SIMDFP> m_minSphMirrTolItSIMD = {{}};
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) RadiatorArray<SIMDFP> m_minSphMirrTolItSIMD = {{}};
 } // namespace Rich::Future::Rec
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ using namespace Rich::Future::Rec;
 namespace {
   // constants
-  const SIMDQuarticPhotonReco::SIMDFP            HALF( 0.5f ), TWO( 2.0f );
-  const SIMDQuarticPhotonReco::SIMDFP::mask_type FALSE( false );
+  alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) const SIMDQuarticPhotonReco::SIMDFP HALF( 0.5f ), TWO( 2.0f );
+  alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) const SIMDQuarticPhotonReco::SIMDFP::mask_type FALSE( false );
 } // namespace

From 437feb5736c9777c341e2a17b361da1d85bae33c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Olli Lupton <>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 11:12:45 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 04/10] Use event-local allocator when Pr::Filter acts on a zip
 and puts the owning storage of the result onto the TES.

 Pr/PrAlgorithms/PrAlgorithms/PrFilter.h | 21 ++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/PrAlgorithms/PrFilter.h b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/PrAlgorithms/PrFilter.h
index 2596c6dbd58..a5145911ea0 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/PrAlgorithms/PrFilter.h
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/PrAlgorithms/PrFilter.h
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include "Functors/Filter.h"
 #include "Functors/with_functors.h"
 #include "GaudiAlg/Transformer.h"
+#include "Kernel/EventLocalUnique.h"
 #include "SOAContainer/SOAContainer.h"
 #include "SOAExtensions/ZipSelection.h"
@@ -59,13 +60,17 @@ namespace Pr {
-      static auto convert( bool filter_passed, FilteredType&& filtered ) {
+      static auto convert( EventContext const& evtCtx, bool filter_passed, FilteredType&& filtered ) {
         if constexpr ( WrapOutput ) {
           // OutputType is some owning type that we don't want to use directly, but
           // which we need to keep alive so that we can use a non-owning view into
           // it. Achieve this by wrapping it up in a unique_ptr -- so the address
-          // of the contained object is stable -- and returning that.
-          auto storage = std::make_unique<FilteredType>( std::move( filtered ) );
+          // of the contained object is stable -- and returning that. We use this
+          // special make_event_local_unique function to create a unique_ptr that is
+          // allocated using the custom, event-local memory pool and deleted with a
+          // custom, stateful, deleter.
+          auto storage =
+              LHCb::make_event_local_unique<FilteredType>( LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ), std::move( filtered ) );
           // Make a non-owning view, which will store the address of the object
           // hidden inside the unique_ptr.
           auto view = LHCb::Pr::make_zip( *storage.get() );
@@ -76,7 +81,7 @@ namespace Pr {
       // this is std::tuple<bool, A[, B]>
-      using AlgorithmOutput = std::invoke_result_t<decltype( convert ), bool, FilteredType>;
+      using AlgorithmOutput = std::invoke_result_t<decltype( convert ), EventContext const&, bool, FilteredType>;
       // helper to strip off the bool from the type
       template <typename T>
@@ -93,7 +98,8 @@ namespace Pr {
     // Just shorthand for below
     template <typename T>
-    using FilterTransform = Gaudi::Functional::MultiTransformerFilter<typename OutputHelper<T>::DataTuple( T const& )>;
+    using FilterTransform =
+        Gaudi::Functional::MultiTransformerFilter<typename OutputHelper<T>::DataTuple( EventContext const&, T const& )>;
     template <typename T>
     using SOAFilterTransform = Gaudi::Functional::MultiTransformerFilter<std::tuple<typename TypeHelper<T>::OutputType>(
@@ -132,7 +138,7 @@ namespace Pr {
         : Base( name, pSvcLocator, {"Input", ""}, OHelper::template names<typename Base::KeyValue>() ) {}
     // Return type is std::tuple<bool, A[, B]>
-    typename OHelper::AlgorithmOutput operator()( T const& in ) const override {
+    typename OHelper::AlgorithmOutput operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, T const& in ) const override {
       // Get the functor from the with_functors mixin
       auto const& pred = this->template getFunctor<FilterCut<T>>();
@@ -141,6 +147,7 @@ namespace Pr {
       // Update the statistics. Maybe the interface has changed and we can do this more elegantly?
       auto buffer = m_cutEff.buffer();
       // Avoid sign-comparison and promotion warnings
       using size_t = std::common_type_t<decltype( in.size() ), decltype( filtered.size() )>;
       for ( size_t i = 0; i < size_t( in.size() ); ++i ) { buffer += i < size_t( filtered.size() ); }
@@ -149,7 +156,7 @@ namespace Pr {
       auto filter_pass = !filtered.empty();
       // Add an extra conversion step if requested
-      return OHelper::convert( filter_pass, std::move( filtered ) );
+      return OHelper::convert( evtCtx, filter_pass, std::move( filtered ) );

From 301f72d8669ffb3cc49f9b87c3d00e6a53a5417a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Olli Lupton <>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 12:16:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 05/10] Use new Functors::PreparedFunctor<Out(In...)> type
 instead of std::function<Out(In...)> so a custom allocator can be used.
 Propagate EventContext and TopLevelInfo more consistently through functor

 Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Adapters.h        |  17 ++-
 Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Core.h            | 158 ++++++++++++++++----
 Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Filter.h          |   8 +-
 Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Function.h        |   8 +-
 Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/MVA.h             |   9 +-
 Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Utilities.h       |   4 +-
 Phys/FunctorCore/tests/src/TestFunctors.cpp |   4 +-
 7 files changed, 154 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Adapters.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Adapters.h
index 259661d8935..7f1c91c28fd 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Adapters.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Adapters.h
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ namespace Functors::Adapters {
       detail::bind( m_f, alg );
-    auto prepare() const {
-      return [f = detail::prepare( m_f )]( auto const& collection_of_items ) {
+    auto prepare( EventContext const& evtCtx, TopLevelInfo const& top_level ) const {
+      return [f = detail::prepare( m_f, evtCtx, top_level )]( auto const& collection_of_items ) {
         using std::begin;
         using std::end;
         // We need to cope if the container is full of std::reference_wrapper
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ namespace Functors::Adapters {
       detail::bind( m_f, alg );
-    auto prepare() const {
-      return [f = detail::prepare( m_f )]( auto const& collection_of_items ) {
+    auto prepare( EventContext const& evtCtx, TopLevelInfo const& top_level ) const {
+      return [f = detail::prepare( m_f, evtCtx, top_level )]( auto const& collection_of_items ) {
         using std::begin;
         using std::end;
         using std::min;
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ namespace Functors::Adapters {
       detail::bind( m_f, alg );
-    auto prepare() const {
-      return [f = detail::prepare( m_f )]( auto const& collection_of_items ) {
+    auto prepare( EventContext const& evtCtx, TopLevelInfo const& top_level ) const {
+      return [f = detail::prepare( m_f, evtCtx, top_level )]( auto const& collection_of_items ) {
         using std::begin;
         using std::end;
         using std::max;
@@ -164,11 +164,12 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
       detail::bind( m_f, alg );
-    auto prepare( /* event_context */ ) const {
+    auto prepare( EventContext const& evtCtx, TopLevelInfo const& top_level ) const {
       // The DataDepWrapper we are owned by injects the data dependencies that
       // ChildContainers contains the types of as the first arguments when
       // calling the lambda that we return here.
-      return [f = detail::prepare( m_f )]( ChildContainers const&... child_containers, auto const& input ) {
+      return [f = detail::prepare( m_f, evtCtx, top_level )]( ChildContainers const&... child_containers,
+                                                              auto const& input ) {
         // This adapter doesn't really make sense with input a variadic
         // parameter pack, so we hardcode that it's a single item.
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Core.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Core.h
index 709edeb2aff..6eea6284530 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Core.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Core.h
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
 #pragma once
 #include "Gaudi/Accumulators.h"
 #include "Gaudi/PluginService.h"
+#include "GaudiKernel/ThreadLocalContext.h"
+#include "Kernel/EventLocalUnique.h"
 #include "Kernel/SynchronizedValue.h"
 #include <typeinfo>
@@ -27,13 +29,21 @@ namespace Gaudi {
 namespace Functors {
   /** @class Functor
-   *  @brief Empty declaration of Type-erased wrapper around a generic functor
+   *  @brief Empty declaration of type-erased wrapper around a generic functor
-   *  This is specialised as Functors::Functor<OutputType(InputType)>.
+   *  This is specialised as Functors::Functor<OutputType(InputTypes...)>.
   template <typename>
   class Functor;
+  /** @class PreparedFunctor
+   *  @brief Empty declaration of type-erased wrapper around a generic prepared functor.
+   *
+   *  This is specialised as Functors::PreparedFunctor<OutputType(InputTypes...)>.
+   */
+  template <typename>
+  struct PreparedFunctor;
   /** @class AnyFunctor
    *  @brief Type-agnostic base class for functors, used in IFunctorFactory.
    *  @todo  Could consider using std::any's techniques for type-checking.
@@ -82,7 +92,7 @@ namespace Functors {
     template <typename T>
     inline constexpr bool has_prepare_v = Gaudi::cpp17::is_detected_v<has_prepare_, T>;
-    /** Helper to deterimine if the given type has a
+    /** Helper to determine if the given type has a
      *  prepare( TopLevelInfo const& ) method.
     template <typename T>
@@ -91,22 +101,25 @@ namespace Functors {
     template <typename T>
     inline constexpr bool has_prepare_TopLevelInfo_v = Gaudi::cpp17::is_detected_v<has_prepare_TopLevelInfo_, T>;
-    /** TODO deprecate this? */
-    template <typename Functor>
-    auto prepare( Functor const& f /* event_context */ ) {
-      if constexpr ( has_prepare_v<Functor> ) {
-        return f.prepare( /* event_context */ );
-      } else {
-        return std::cref( f );
-      }
-    }
+    /** Helper to determine if the given type has a
+     *  prepare( EventContext const&, TopLevelInfo const& ) method.
+     */
+    template <typename T>
+    using has_prepare_EventContext_TopLevelInfo_ =
+        decltype( std::declval<T>().prepare( std::declval<EventContext>(), std::declval<TopLevelInfo>() ) );
+    template <typename T>
+    inline constexpr bool has_prepare_EventContext_TopLevelInfo_v =
+        Gaudi::cpp17::is_detected_v<has_prepare_EventContext_TopLevelInfo_, T>;
     template <typename Functor>
-    auto prepare( Functor const& f /* evt_context */, TopLevelInfo const& top_level ) {
-      if constexpr ( has_prepare_TopLevelInfo_v<Functor> ) {
-        return f.prepare( /* evt_context */ top_level );
+    auto prepare( Functor const& f, EventContext const& evtCtx, TopLevelInfo const& top_level ) {
+      if constexpr ( has_prepare_EventContext_TopLevelInfo_v<Functor> ) {
+        return f.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
+      } else if constexpr ( has_prepare_TopLevelInfo_v<Functor> ) {
+        return f.prepare( top_level );
       } else if constexpr ( has_prepare_v<Functor> ) {
-        return f.prepare( /* evt_context */ );
+        return f.prepare();
       } else {
         return std::cref( f );
@@ -127,6 +140,78 @@ namespace Functors {
   } // namespace detail
+  /** @brief Type-erased wrapper around a generic prepared functor.
+   *
+   *  This is a std::function-like type-erasing wrapper that is used to store
+   *  and pass around prepared functors without exposing their extremely
+   *  verbose full types. This is very similar to std::function<Out(In)>, but
+   *  it supports custom allocators -- in this case LHCb's event-local one.
+   *
+   *  @todo Consider adding some local storage so we can avoid dynamic allocation
+   *        for "small" functors.
+   */
+  template <typename OutputType, typename... InputType>
+  struct PreparedFunctor<OutputType( InputType... )> final {
+    using result_type    = OutputType;
+    using allocator_type = LHCb::Allocators::EventLocal<void>;
+  private:
+    struct IPreparedFunctor {
+      virtual ~IPreparedFunctor()                                    = default;
+      virtual result_type           operator()( InputType... ) const = 0;
+      virtual std::type_info const& rtype() const                    = 0;
+    };
+    template <typename F>
+    struct PreparedFunctorImpl : public IPreparedFunctor {
+      PreparedFunctorImpl( F f ) : m_f{std::move( f )} {}
+      result_type           operator()( InputType... in ) const override { return std::invoke( m_f, in... ); }
+      std::type_info const& rtype() const override { return typeid( std::invoke_result_t<F, InputType...> ); }
+    private:
+      F m_f;
+    };
+    LHCb::event_local_unique_ptr<IPreparedFunctor> m_functor;
+  public:
+    /** Move constructor.
+     */
+    PreparedFunctor( PreparedFunctor&& ) = default;
+    /** Move assignment.
+     */
+    PreparedFunctor& operator=( PreparedFunctor&& ) = default;
+    /** Wrap the given functor up as a type-erased PreparedFunctor, using the
+     *  given allocator.
+     */
+    template <typename F>
+    PreparedFunctor( F f, allocator_type alloc )
+        : m_functor{LHCb::make_event_local_unique<PreparedFunctorImpl<F>>( std::move( alloc ), std::move( f ) )} {}
+    /** Invoke the prepared functor.
+     */
+    result_type operator()( InputType... in ) const {
+      if ( UNLIKELY( !m_functor ) ) { throw std::runtime_error( "Empty PreparedFunctor<Out(In...)> called" ); }
+      return std::invoke( *m_functor, in... );
+    }
+    /** Check if the prepared functor is invocable.
+     */
+    operator bool() const { return bool{m_functor}; }
+    /** Query the return type of the wrapped functor.
+     *  This will be convertible to result_type, but might differ from it.
+     */
+    std::type_info const& rtype() const {
+      if ( UNLIKELY( !m_functor ) ) {
+        throw std::runtime_error( "Empty PreparedFunctor<Out(In...)> return type queried" );
+      }
+      return m_functor->rtype();
+    }
+  };
   /** @brief Type-erased wrapper around a generic functor.
    *  This is a std::function-like type-erasing wrapper that is used to store
@@ -144,24 +229,25 @@ namespace Functors {
   class Functor<OutputType( InputType... )> final : public AnyFunctor {
     using result_type   = OutputType;
-    using prepared_type = std::function<OutputType( InputType... )>;
+    using prepared_type = PreparedFunctor<OutputType( InputType... )>;
     struct IFunctor {
-      virtual ~IFunctor()                                                                 = default;
-      virtual void                  bind( Gaudi::Algorithm* )                             = 0;
-      virtual result_type           operator()( TopLevelInfo const&, InputType... ) const = 0;
-      virtual prepared_type         prepare( TopLevelInfo const& ) const                  = 0;
-      virtual std::type_info const& rtype() const                                         = 0;
+      virtual ~IFunctor()                                     = default;
+      virtual void                  bind( Gaudi::Algorithm* ) = 0;
+      virtual result_type           operator()( EventContext const&, TopLevelInfo const&, InputType... ) const = 0;
+      virtual prepared_type         prepare( EventContext const&, TopLevelInfo const& ) const                  = 0;
+      virtual std::type_info const& rtype() const                                                              = 0;
     template <typename F>
     struct FunctorImpl : public IFunctor {
       FunctorImpl( F f ) : m_f( std::move( f ) ) {}
       void        bind( Gaudi::Algorithm* alg ) override { detail::bind( m_f, alg ); }
-      result_type operator()( /* evt_context */ TopLevelInfo const& top_level, InputType... input ) const override {
+      result_type operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, TopLevelInfo const& top_level,
+                              InputType... input ) const override {
         // Prepare and call in one go, avoiding the overhead of prepared_type
-        auto f = detail::prepare( m_f /* evt_context */, top_level );
+        auto f = detail::prepare( m_f, evtCtx, top_level );
         // If the arguments are std::variant, use the prepared functor as a
         // visitor, otherwise just call it
         if constexpr ( detail::are_all_variants_v<InputType...> ) {
@@ -170,16 +256,18 @@ namespace Functors {
           return std::invoke( std::move( f ), input... );
-      prepared_type prepare( /* evt_context */ TopLevelInfo const& top_level ) const override {
-        auto f = detail::prepare( m_f /* evt_context */, top_level );
+      prepared_type prepare( EventContext const& evtCtx, TopLevelInfo const& top_level ) const override {
+        auto f = detail::prepare( m_f, evtCtx, top_level );
         if constexpr ( detail::are_all_variants_v<InputType...> ) {
-          return [f = std::move( f )]( auto&&... x ) { return std::visit( f, x... ); };
+          return {[f = std::move( f )]( auto&&... x ) { return std::visit( f, x... ); },
+                  LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
         } else {
-          return f;
+          return {std::move( f ), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
       std::type_info const& rtype() const override {
-        using prepared_t = decltype( detail::prepare( m_f /* evt_context */, std::declval<TopLevelInfo>() ) );
+        using prepared_t =
+            decltype( detail::prepare( m_f, std::declval<EventContext>(), std::declval<TopLevelInfo>() ) );
         if constexpr ( detail::are_all_variants_v<InputType...> ) {
           return typeid( decltype( std::visit( std::declval<prepared_t>(), std::declval<InputType>()... ) ) );
         } else {
@@ -255,14 +343,18 @@ namespace Functors {
      * @param input Input to the contained object
      * @return      Output of the contained object
-    result_type operator()( InputType... input ) const {
+    result_type operator()( InputType... input ) const { return ( *this )( Gaudi::Hive::currentContext(), input... ); }
+    /** @brief Invoke the contained object, using the given EventContext.
+     */
+    result_type operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, InputType... input ) const {
       if ( UNLIKELY( !m_functor ) ) { throw std::runtime_error( "Empty Functor<Out(In...)> called" ); }
-      return std::invoke( *m_functor, m_top_level, input... );
+      return std::invoke( *m_functor, evtCtx, m_top_level, input... );
-    prepared_type prepare() const {
+    prepared_type prepare( EventContext const& evtCtx = Gaudi::Hive::currentContext() ) const {
       if ( UNLIKELY( !m_functor ) ) { throw std::runtime_error( "Empty Functor<Out(In...)> prepared" ); }
-      auto prepared = m_functor->prepare( m_top_level );
+      auto prepared = m_functor->prepare( evtCtx, m_top_level );
       if ( UNLIKELY( !prepared ) ) {
         throw std::runtime_error( "Functor<Out(In...)>::prepare() yielded an empty functor." );
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Filter.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Filter.h
index 26c6a195b7f..9751db56dd3 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Filter.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Filter.h
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ namespace Functors {
     /** Prepare the contained functor and bake it into a new lamba that can
      *  filter containers using the pre-prepared functor.
-    auto prepare( /* evt_context */ TopLevelInfo const& top_level ) const {
-      return [&top_level, f = detail::prepare( m_f /* evt_context */, top_level )]( auto const&... input ) {
+    auto prepare( EventContext const& evtCtx, TopLevelInfo const& top_level ) const {
+      return [&top_level, f = detail::prepare( m_f, evtCtx, top_level )]( auto const&... input ) {
         return detail::FilterImpl{}( f, top_level, input... );
@@ -144,6 +144,6 @@ namespace Functors {
    *  type.
   template <typename T>
-  using filtered_t =
-      std::decay_t<decltype( Filter{AcceptAll{}}.prepare( std::declval<TopLevelInfo>() )( std::declval<T>() ) )>;
+  using filtered_t = std::decay_t<decltype(
+      Filter{AcceptAll{}}.prepare( std::declval<EventContext>(), std::declval<TopLevelInfo>() )( std::declval<T>() ) )>;
 } // namespace Functors
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Function.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Function.h
index a9ca303331f..a6ebff201ae 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Function.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Function.h
@@ -158,7 +158,9 @@ namespace Functors {
       /** Prepare the composite functor for use. */
-      auto prepare() const { return prepare( std::index_sequence_for<F...>{} ); }
+      auto prepare( EventContext const& evtCtx, TopLevelInfo const& top_level ) const {
+        return prepare( evtCtx, top_level, std::index_sequence_for<F...>{} );
+      }
       /** Contained functors may have data-dependencies that need to be
        *  associated to the owning algorithm.
@@ -182,9 +184,9 @@ namespace Functors {
        *  of how to combine them into the result of the new (composed) functor.
       template <std::size_t... I>
-      auto prepare( std::index_sequence<I...> ) const {
+      auto prepare( EventContext const& evtCtx, TopLevelInfo const& top_level, std::index_sequence<I...> ) const {
         // Prepare all of the functors and capture the resulting tuple
-        return [fs = std::tuple{detail::prepare( std::get<I>( m_fs ) )...}]( auto const&... input ) {
+        return [fs = std::tuple{detail::prepare( std::get<I>( m_fs ), evtCtx, top_level )...}]( auto const&... input ) {
           if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<Operator, std::logical_and<>> ) {
             static_assert( sizeof...( I ) == 2 );
             // Operator{}( ... ) would not short-circuit in this case
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/MVA.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/MVA.h
index 375f56ce59f..ae88e7ae959 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/MVA.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/MVA.h
@@ -66,13 +66,16 @@ namespace Functors {
       /** Prepare the functor for use. */
-      auto prepare() const { return prepare( std::index_sequence_for<Inputs...>{} ); }
+      auto prepare( EventContext const& evtCtx, TopLevelInfo const& top_level ) const {
+        return prepare( evtCtx, top_level, std::index_sequence_for<Inputs...>{} );
+      }
       template <std::size_t... I>
-      auto prepare( std::index_sequence<I...> ) const {
+      auto prepare( EventContext const& evtCtx, TopLevelInfo const& top_level, std::index_sequence<I...> ) const {
         // Prepare all of the functors and capture the resulting tuple
-        return [this, fs = std::tuple{detail::prepare( std::get<I>( m_inputs ) )...}]( auto const&... input ) {
+        return [this, fs = std::tuple{detail::prepare( std::get<I>( m_inputs ), evtCtx, top_level )...}](
+                   auto const&... input ) {
           // Let the implementation specify if inputs should be float, double etc.
           std::array<typename MVAImpl::input_type, sizeof...( Inputs )> values;
           // Want to put the result of evaluating std::get<I>( m_inputs ) into values[m_indices[I]]
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Utilities.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Utilities.h
index 9547777711b..6465470e13b 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Utilities.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/Utilities.h
@@ -61,12 +61,12 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
      *  "prepared" functor that we return. If you wanted to do more complex
      *  data preparation then this base class is not suitable...
-    auto prepare() const {
+    auto prepare( EventContext const& evtCtx, TopLevelInfo const& top_level ) const {
       // Get a tuple of references to the data objects on the TES
       auto tuple_of_deps = prepare_helper( std::index_sequence_for<TESDepTypes...>{} );
       // Bake this into a new lambda that we return
-      return [f = detail::prepare( m_f ), tuple_of_deps]( auto const&... item ) {
+      return [f = detail::prepare( m_f, evtCtx, top_level ), tuple_of_deps]( auto const&... item ) {
         // call f( DType1 const&, DType2 const&, ...,
         //         AType1 const&, AType2 const&, ... )
         // where DTypeN are the elements of TESDepTypes and ATypeN are the
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/src/TestFunctors.cpp b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/src/TestFunctors.cpp
index a8e7d59ede5..1bf1ef04645 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/src/TestFunctors.cpp
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/src/TestFunctors.cpp
@@ -337,7 +337,9 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_combination_adapter ) {
   // Prepare it (in this case we know it provides .prepare() so we don't need
   // to use the detail::prepare() helper)
-  auto prepared = wrapped.prepare();
+  EventContext const           evtCtx;
+  Functors::TopLevelInfo const top_level;
+  auto                         prepared = wrapped.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
   // Actually call the converter, making sure to add the data dependencies that
   // the wrapper would have injected.

From 08a5b56268272740c24e9e15d030e802ae134ec9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Olli Lupton <>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 15:26:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 06/10] One more EventContext/TopLevelInfo change.

 Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/TrackLike.h | 6 ++++--
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/TrackLike.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/TrackLike.h
index f46dc329c28..ce12c5eb553 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/TrackLike.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/Functors/TrackLike.h
@@ -217,8 +217,10 @@ namespace Functors::Track {
       detail::bind( m_f, alg );
-    auto prepare() const {
-      return [f = detail::prepare( m_f )]( auto const& track ) { return f( track.closestToBeamState() ); };
+    auto prepare( EventContext const& evtCtx, TopLevelInfo const& top_level ) const {
+      return [f = detail::prepare( m_f, evtCtx, top_level )]( auto const& track ) {
+        return f( track.closestToBeamState() );
+      };

From 8e0ac04bcd104adea72893c1eaae78dfbf3fd08c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christoph Hasse <>
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2020 09:59:10 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 07/10] 1. hoist various calculations outside of the inner loop
 ( iteration loop) to only do them once per uttrack. 2. use Arthur's
 faster_upper_bound and unroll the linear search.

 .../src/SciFiTrackForwarding.cpp              | 441 ++++++++++--------
 .../src/SciFiTrackForwardingStoreHit.cpp      |   7 +-
 2 files changed, 250 insertions(+), 198 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/src/SciFiTrackForwarding.cpp b/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/src/SciFiTrackForwarding.cpp
index 524984af3c7..cc618bab453 100644
--- a/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/src/SciFiTrackForwarding.cpp
+++ b/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/src/SciFiTrackForwarding.cpp
@@ -182,68 +182,106 @@ namespace {
     int   numHits{0};     // number of hits this candidate holds
-  // Simple binary search
-  // FIXME the std binary search is pretty much as bad as it gets lets replace this as soon as makelhcbtracks is gone
-  [[using gnu: pure]] int inline getUpperBoundBinary( SciFiTrackForwardingHits::hits_t const& vec, int const start,
-                                                      int const end, float const val ) noexcept {
-    return std::distance( vec.begin(), std::upper_bound( vec.begin() + start, vec.begin() + end, val ) );
+  // Custom span that allow for negative indices
+  // needed for the upper_bound below
+  template <typename T>
+  class span {
+  public:
+    span() : m_data( nullptr ), m_size( 0 ) {}
+    span( T* data, int size ) : m_data( data ), m_size( size ) {}
+    T&  operator[]( int i ) const { return m_data[i]; }
+    int size() const { return m_size; }
+  private:
+    T*  m_data;
+    int m_size;
+  };
+  // fast_upper_bound from Arthur
+  template <class T>
+  int fast_upper_bound( const span<const T>& vec, const T value ) {
+    int size = vec.size();
+    int low  = 0;
+    int half1 = size / 2;
+    low += ( vec[low + half1] <= value ) * ( size - half1 );
+    size      = half1;
+    int half2 = size / 2;
+    low += ( vec[low + half2] <= value ) * ( size - half2 );
+    size      = half2;
+    int half3 = size / 2;
+    low += ( vec[low + half3] <= value ) * ( size - half3 );
+    size      = half3;
+    int half4 = size / 2;
+    low += ( vec[low + half4] <= value ) * ( size - half4 );
+    size      = half4;
+    int half5 = size / 2;
+    low += ( vec[low + half5] <= value ) * ( size - half5 );
+    size = half5;
+    do {
+      int half = size / 2;
+      low += ( vec[low + half] <= value ) * ( size - half );
+      size = half;
+    } while ( size > 0 );
+    return low;
+  }
+  [[using gnu: const, hot]] int getUpperBoundBinary( SciFiTrackForwardingHits::hits_t const& vec, int const start,
+                                                     int const end, float const val ) noexcept {
+    return start + fast_upper_bound( { + start, end - start}, val );
   // Simple linear search
   // since my vector container is padded by sentinels I can get rid of a check in the loop and simply advance until
   // condition is met
-  [[using gnu: pure]] int inline getUpperBoundLinear( SciFiTrackForwardingHits::hits_t const& vec, int start,
-                                                      float const val ) noexcept {
-    // FIXME unfortunately gcc doesn't want to vectorize this for me, let's get back to that at some point
-    // at the very least we can probably do better by unrolling this
+  [[using gnu: const, hot]] int getUpperBoundLinear( SciFiTrackForwardingHits::hits_t const& vec, int start,
+                                                     float const val ) noexcept {
+    using simd = SIMDWrapper::avx2::types;
+    using F    = simd::float_v;
+    // vector of comparison value
+    F vval{val};
     for ( ;; ) {
-      if ( vec[start] > val ) return start;
-      ++start;
+      // load vector of data
+      F vvec{ + start};
+      // comparison mask with true/false values
+      auto const mask = vval > vvec;
+      // sum of true values
+      auto const sum{popcount( mask )};
+      // if less than simd::size whe can stop
+      if ( sum < static_cast<int>( simd::size ) ) return start + sum;
+      // all values where smaller thus do next iteration
+      start += simd::size;
   // shared implementation between linear and binary hit search
-  [[using gnu: pure]] std::tuple<int, float> __Impl_SearchLayerForHit( SciFiTrackForwardingHits::hits_t const& hits,
-                                                                       int const upperIdx, float const prediction ) {
-    if ( ( hits[upperIdx] - prediction ) < ( prediction - hits[upperIdx - 1] ) ) {
-      return {upperIdx, ( hits[upperIdx] - prediction )};
-    } else {
-      return {upperIdx - 1, ( prediction - hits[upperIdx - 1] )};
-    }
-  }
-  [[using gnu: pure]] std::tuple<int, float> __Impl_SearchLayerForHitABS( SciFiTrackForwardingHits::hits_t const& hits,
-                                                                          int const upperIdx, float const prediction ) {
-    if ( std::abs( hits[upperIdx] - prediction ) < std::abs( hits[upperIdx - 1] - prediction ) ) {
-      return {upperIdx, std::abs( hits[upperIdx] - prediction )};
-    } else {
-      return {upperIdx - 1, std::abs( hits[upperIdx - 1] - prediction )};
-    }
+  [[using gnu: const, hot]] std::tuple<int, float>
+  __Impl_SearchLayerForHit( SciFiTrackForwardingHits::hits_t const& hits, int const upperIdx, float const prediction ) {
+    bool dIdx = std::abs( hits[upperIdx] - prediction ) >= std::abs( hits[upperIdx - 1] - prediction );
+    return {upperIdx - dIdx, std::abs( prediction - hits[upperIdx - dIdx] )};
   // given the hits of a station are in the vector hits+StartOffset ---- hits+EndOffset
   // this will find the closest x-hit to the x-prediction using binary search
-  [[using gnu: pure]] std::tuple<int, float> SearchLayerForHitBinary( SciFiTrackForwardingHits::hits_t const& hits,
-                                                                      int const StartOffset, int const EndOffset,
-                                                                      float const prediction ) {
+  [[using gnu: const, hot]] std::tuple<int, float>
+  SearchLayerForHitBinary( SciFiTrackForwardingHits::hits_t const& hits, int const StartOffset, int const EndOffset,
+                           float const prediction ) {
     int const upperIdx = getUpperBoundBinary( hits, StartOffset, EndOffset, prediction );
     return __Impl_SearchLayerForHit( hits, upperIdx, prediction );
   // same as above, although we use a linear search, EndOffset is not needed as the sentinel value ends the range
-  [[using gnu: pure]] std::tuple<int, float> SearchLayerForHitLinear( SciFiTrackForwardingHits::hits_t const& hits,
-                                                                      int const StartOffset, float const prediction ) {
+  [[using gnu: const, hot]] std::tuple<int, float>
+  SearchLayerForHitLinear( SciFiTrackForwardingHits::hits_t const& hits, int const StartOffset,
+                           float const prediction ) {
     int const upperIdx = getUpperBoundLinear( hits, StartOffset, prediction );
     return __Impl_SearchLayerForHit( hits, upperIdx, prediction );
-  [[using gnu: pure]] std::tuple<int, float> SearchLayerForHitLinearABS( SciFiTrackForwardingHits::hits_t const& hits,
-                                                                         int const   StartOffset,
-                                                                         float const prediction ) {
-    int const upperIdx = getUpperBoundLinear( hits, StartOffset, prediction );
-    return __Impl_SearchLayerForHitABS( hits, upperIdx, prediction );
-  }
   // helper function to fill a vector with some information later used in the linear fit
   // only to reduce code duplication and readability later on
   [[using gnu: always_inline]] void inline fillFitVec( std::array<float, 24>& fitvec, int& fitcnt, float const x,
@@ -474,7 +512,7 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
   auto CounterXDoubletsS3S2S1_2ndloop    = m_CounterXDoubletsS3S2S1_2ndloop.buffer();
   // I want this in GeV but default in LHCb is MeV so this is a compromise to have the property in MeV
-  float const minPTCutValue = p_minPt / 1000.0f;
+  float const minPTCutValue = p_minPt / float{Gaudi::Units::GeV};
   using dType = SIMDWrapper::scalar::types;
   using F     = dType::float_v;
@@ -490,84 +528,144 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
   //     they are then prolonged to S3 and S1
   const unsigned int num_iterations = p_SecondLoop ? 2 : 1;
-  // structure to flag which UT tracks have been promoted to long
-  // only used for the second loop
-  std::vector<bool> prolonged_ut_tracks( tracks.size(), false );
-  // loop over the iterations for searching doublets
-  for ( unsigned int iteration = 0; iteration < num_iterations; ++iteration ) {
-    // start our loop over UT tracks
-    // for ( auto const& uttrack : tracks ) {
-    for ( int uttrack = 0; uttrack < tracks.size(); uttrack += dType::size ) {
-      // if the current UT track has been promoted to long in the first iteration already,
-      // we don't need a second iteration
-      if ( iteration > 0 and prolonged_ut_tracks[uttrack] ) continue;
-      // placeholder for the best candidate
-      SciFiTrackForwardingCand bestcandidate{};
-      mydebug( "++++++++++ Start new UT track ++++++++++++++++" );
-      Vec3<F> const endv_pos = tracks.statePos<F>( uttrack );
-      Vec3<F> const endv_dir = tracks.stateDir<F>( uttrack );
-      // everything I need from the end velo state
-      float const endv_x    = endv_pos.x.cast();
-      float const endv_y    = endv_pos.y.cast();
-      float const endv_tx   = endv_dir.x.cast();
-      float const endv_ty   = endv_dir.y.cast();
-      float const endv_qp   = tracks.stateQoP<F>( uttrack ).cast();
-      float const endv_z    = endv_pos.z.cast();
-      float const endv_tx2  = endv_tx * endv_tx;
-      float const endv_ty2  = endv_ty * endv_ty;
-      float const endv_txy2 = endv_tx2 + endv_ty2;
-      float const endv_txy  = std::sqrt( endv_txy2 );
-      float const endv_pq   = 1.f / endv_qp;
-      float const endv_p    = std::abs( endv_pq );
-      float const endv_pz   = endv_p / std::sqrt( 1.f + endv_txy2 );
-      float const endv_pt   = endv_pz * endv_txy;
-      mydebug( "pt: ", endv_pt, "preselpt", p_preSelPT );
-      if ( endv_pt < p_preSelPT ) continue;
-      CounterAcceptedBuffer += 1;
-      // determine if a track is expected to intersect the seeding station from the top or the bottom
-      // first iteration:  about the middle of S3
-      // second iteration: about the middle of S2
-      bool const TrackGoesTroughUpperHalf = ( iteration == 0 ) ? ( endv_y + ( 9400.f - endv_z ) * endv_ty ) > 0
-                                                               : ( endv_y + ( 8700.f - endv_z ) * endv_ty ) > 0;
-      // extrapolate velo track y-position into 4 Layers of last station
-      // IIFE (Immediately invoked function expression) to keep yAtZ const
-      // compiler explorer tested that this isn't producing overhead over simple loop
-      auto const yAtZ = [&]() {
-        std::array<float, 12> tmp;
-        // determine if track goes through upper or lower half of detector
-        int cnt = TrackGoesTroughUpperHalf ? 12 : 0;
-        std::transform( cache.LayerZPos.begin() + cnt, cache.LayerZPos.begin() + 12 + cnt, tmp.begin(),
-                        [=]( float const z ) { return endv_y + ( z - endv_z ) * endv_ty; } );
-        return tmp;
-      }();
-      mydebug( "yatz: ", yAtZ );
-      // adjust the z-position to account for the predicted y-position of the track
-      auto const betterZ = [&]() {
-        std::array<float, 12> tmp;
-        // starting point depends on track going through upper or lower half of detector
-        int cnt = TrackGoesTroughUpperHalf ? 12 : 0;
-        std::transform( yAtZ.begin(), yAtZ.end(), cache.LayerZPos.begin() + cnt, tmp.begin(),
-                        [&]( float const y, float const z ) { return z + y * cache.dZdYFiber[cnt++]; } );
-        return tmp;
-      }();
-      mydebug( "betterz: ", TrackGoesTroughUpperHalf ? " upper half" : " lower half", betterZ );
-      int const ExtFac_Offset = TrackGoesTroughUpperHalf ? 12 : 0;
+  // start our loop over UT tracks
+  // for ( auto const& uttrack : tracks ) {
+  for ( int uttrack = 0; uttrack < tracks.size(); uttrack += dType::size ) {
+    // placeholder for the best candidate
+    SciFiTrackForwardingCand bestcandidate{};
+    mydebug( "++++++++++ Start new UT track ++++++++++++++++" );
+    Vec3<F> const endv_pos = tracks.statePos<F>( uttrack );
+    Vec3<F> const endv_dir = tracks.stateDir<F>( uttrack );
+    // everything I need from the end velo state
+    float const endv_x    = endv_pos.x.cast();
+    float const endv_y    = endv_pos.y.cast();
+    float const endv_tx   = endv_dir.x.cast();
+    float const endv_ty   = endv_dir.y.cast();
+    float const endv_qp   = tracks.stateQoP<F>( uttrack ).cast();
+    float const endv_z    = endv_pos.z.cast();
+    float const endv_tx2  = endv_tx * endv_tx;
+    float const endv_ty2  = endv_ty * endv_ty;
+    float const endv_txy2 = endv_tx2 + endv_ty2;
+    float const endv_txy  = std::sqrt( endv_txy2 );
+    float const endv_pq   = 1.f / endv_qp;
+    float const endv_p    = std::abs( endv_pq );
+    float const endv_pz   = endv_p / std::sqrt( 1.f + endv_txy2 );
+    float const endv_pt   = endv_pz * endv_txy;
+    mydebug( "pt: ", endv_pt, "preselpt", p_preSelPT );
+    if ( endv_pt < p_preSelPT ) continue;
+    CounterAcceptedBuffer += 1;
+    // determine if a track is expected to intersect the seeding station from the top or the bottom
+    // check is performed at last layer of second station.
+    bool const TrackGoesTroughUpperHalf = ( endv_y + ( cache.LayerZPos[8] - endv_z ) * endv_ty ) > 0;
+    // extrapolate velo track y-position into all 12 Layers
+    // IIFE (Immediately invoked function expression) to keep yAtZ const
+    // compiler explorer tested that this isn't producing overhead over simple loop
+    auto const yAtZ = [&]() {
+      std::array<float, 12> tmp;
+      // start at beginning or middle of array depending on if track goes through upper or lower half of detector
+      // see creation of GeomCache for more info
+      const auto halfSize = cache.LayerZPos.size() / 2;
+      int const  cnt      = TrackGoesTroughUpperHalf ? halfSize : 0;
+      std::transform( cache.LayerZPos.begin() + cnt, cache.LayerZPos.begin() + 12 + cnt, tmp.begin(),
+                      [=]( float const z ) { return endv_y + ( z - endv_z ) * endv_ty; } );
+      return tmp;
+    }();
+    mydebug( "yatz: ", yAtZ );
+    // adjust the z-position to account for the predicted y-position of the track
+    auto const betterZ = [&]() {
+      std::array<float, 12> tmp;
+      // start at beginning or middle of array depending on if track goes through upper or lower half of detector
+      // see creation of GeomCache for more info
+      const auto halfSize = cache.LayerZPos.size() / 2;
+      int        cnt      = TrackGoesTroughUpperHalf ? halfSize : 0;
+      std::transform( yAtZ.begin(), yAtZ.end(), cache.LayerZPos.begin() + cnt, tmp.begin(),
+                      [&]( float const y, float const z ) { return z + y * cache.dZdYFiber[cnt++]; } );
+      return tmp;
+    }();
+    mydebug( "betterz: ", TrackGoesTroughUpperHalf ? " upper half" : " lower half", betterZ );
+    auto const dXdYLayer = [&]() {
+      std::array<float, 6> tmp;
+      // start at beginning or middle of array depending on if track goes through upper or lower half of detector
+      // see creation of GeomCache for more info
+      const auto halfSize = cache.dXdYFiber.size() / 2;
+      int        cnt      = TrackGoesTroughUpperHalf ? halfSize : 0;
+      std::transform( tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), cache.dXdYFiber.begin() + cnt, tmp.begin(),
+                      [=]( float const /*unused*/, float const dxdy ) { return -dxdy; } );
+      return tmp;
+    }();
+    mydebug( "dXdYLayer", TrackGoesTroughUpperHalf ? " upper half" : " lower half", dXdYLayer );
+    // start at beginning or middle of array depending on if track goes through upper or lower half of detector
+    // see creation of GeomCache for more info
+    const auto halfSize      = cache.ExtFacS2.size() / 2;
+    int const  ExtFac_Offset = TrackGoesTroughUpperHalf ? halfSize : 0;
+    // charge * magnet polarity factor needed in various polynomials below
+    float const factor = std::copysign( 1.f, endv_qp ) * m_magscalefactor;
+    // charge over momentum is usally in MeV so make it GeV
+    float const qOpGeV = endv_qp * float{Gaudi::Units::GeV} * m_magscalefactor;
+    // extrapolate the track x-position into the scifi to determine search windows
+    // common term for both extrapolations below
+    float const term1 =
+        toSciFiExtParams[0] + endv_tx * ( -toSciFiExtParams[1] * factor + toSciFiExtParams[2] * endv_tx ) +
+        endv_ty2 * ( toSciFiExtParams[3] + endv_tx * ( toSciFiExtParams[4] * factor + toSciFiExtParams[5] * endv_tx ) );
+    // prediction of tracks x position with ut momentum estimate
+    float const xExt = qOpGeV * ( term1 + qOpGeV * ( toSciFiExtParams[6] * endv_tx + toSciFiExtParams[7] * qOpGeV ) );
+    // 1/p, given a minPT cut and the tracks slopes
+    float const minInvPGeV = factor / minPTCutValue * endv_txy / std::sqrt( 1.f + endv_txy2 );
+    // given the above value of 1/p this should be the tracks x-position
+    // we can use this to make our windows smaller given a minPT cut
+    float const minPTBorder =
+        minInvPGeV * ( term1 + minInvPGeV * ( toSciFiExtParams[6] * endv_tx + toSciFiExtParams[7] * minInvPGeV ) );
+    // set start and end points in 1D hit array depending on if a track is in upper or lower detector half
+    mydebug( "Selecting upper or lower  hits", TrackGoesTroughUpperHalf );
+    auto const Xzones    = TrackGoesTroughUpperHalf ? PrFTInfo::xZonesUpper : PrFTInfo::xZonesLower;
+    auto const UVzones   = TrackGoesTroughUpperHalf ? PrFTInfo::uvZonesUpper : PrFTInfo::uvZonesLower;
+    int const  startS3L0 = hithandler.zonerange[Xzones[4]].first;
+    int const  startS3L1 = hithandler.zonerange[UVzones[4]].first;
+    int const  startS3L2 = hithandler.zonerange[UVzones[5]].first;
+    int const  startS3L3 = hithandler.zonerange[Xzones[5]].first;
+    int const startS2L0 = hithandler.zonerange[Xzones[2]].first;
+    int const startS2L1 = hithandler.zonerange[UVzones[2]].first;
+    int const startS2L2 = hithandler.zonerange[UVzones[3]].first;
+    int const startS2L3 = hithandler.zonerange[Xzones[3]].first;
+    // each variable is a pair [startIdx, size]
+    auto const S1L0range = hithandler.zonerange[Xzones[0]];
+    auto const S1L1range = hithandler.zonerange[UVzones[0]];
+    auto const S1L2range = hithandler.zonerange[UVzones[1]];
+    auto const S1L3range = hithandler.zonerange[Xzones[1]];
+    //
+    // ########################################################
+    // loop over the iterations for searching doublets
+    // ########################################################
+    //
+    for ( unsigned int iteration = 0; iteration < num_iterations; ++iteration ) {
+      mydebug( "++++++++++ Start iteration", iteration, " ++++++++++" );
       // define some magic parameters for all the layers, depending on the current iteration
       float const ExtFac_alpha_S1L0 =
@@ -604,17 +702,6 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
       float const ExtFac_beta_S3L3  = ( iteration == 0 ) ? 0.f : cache.ExtFacS2[ExtFac_Offset + 10];
       float const ExtFac_gamma_S3L3 = ( iteration == 0 ) ? 0.f : cache.ExtFacS2[ExtFac_Offset + 11];
-      auto const dXdYLayer = [&]() {
-        std::array<float, 6> tmp;
-        // starting point depends on track going through upper or lower half of detector
-        int cnt = TrackGoesTroughUpperHalf ? 6 : 0;
-        std::transform( tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), cache.dXdYFiber.begin() + cnt, tmp.begin(),
-                        [=]( float const /*unused*/, float const dxdy ) { return -dxdy; } );
-        return tmp;
-      }();
-      mydebug( "dXdYLayer", TrackGoesTroughUpperHalf ? " upper half" : " lower half", dXdYLayer );
       // first iteration: delta in Z between kink position in magnet and z position of S3L0
       float const InvDeltaZMagS3L0 = 1.f / ( betterZ[8] - zPosKinkMagnet_S3 );
@@ -626,30 +713,6 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
       float const xAtMagnet_S2 = endv_x + ( zPosKinkMagnet_S2 - endv_z ) * endv_tx;
       float const xAtMagnet_S3 = endv_x + ( zPosKinkMagnet_S3 - endv_z ) * endv_tx;
-      // charge * magnet polarity factor needed in various polynomials below
-      float const factor = std::copysign( 1.f, endv_qp ) * m_magscalefactor;
-      // charge over momentum in GeV
-      float const qOpGeV = endv_qp * 1000.f * m_magscalefactor;
-      // extrapolate the track x-position into the scifi to determine search windows
-      // common term for both extrapolations below
-      float const term1 =
-          toSciFiExtParams[0] + endv_tx * ( -toSciFiExtParams[1] * factor + toSciFiExtParams[2] * endv_tx ) +
-          endv_ty2 *
-              ( toSciFiExtParams[3] + endv_tx * ( toSciFiExtParams[4] * factor + toSciFiExtParams[5] * endv_tx ) );
-      // prediction of tracks x position with ut momentum estimate
-      float const xExt = qOpGeV * ( term1 + qOpGeV * ( toSciFiExtParams[6] * endv_tx + toSciFiExtParams[7] * qOpGeV ) );
-      // 1/p, given a minPT cut and the tracks slopes
-      float const minInvPGeV = factor / minPTCutValue * endv_txy / std::sqrt( 1.f + endv_txy2 );
-      // given the above value of 1/p this should be the tracks x-position
-      // we can use this to make our windows smaller given a minPT cut
-      float const minPTBorder =
-          minInvPGeV * ( term1 + minInvPGeV * ( toSciFiExtParams[6] * endv_tx + toSciFiExtParams[7] * minInvPGeV ) );
       // extrapolate the velo straight into the SciFi
       // first iteration:  use the z position of S3L0
       // second iteration: use the z position of S2L0
@@ -690,11 +753,6 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
       mydebug( "qOpGeV", qOpGeV, "straight: ", straighExt, "xExt ", xExt, " dxref ", minPTBorder, "lowError",
                lowerError, "upError: ", upperError, "xmin", xMin, "xmax: ", xMax, "minInvPGeV", minInvPGeV );
-      // set start and end points in 1D hit array depending on if a track is in upper or lower detector half
-      mydebug( "Selecting upper or lower  hits", TrackGoesTroughUpperHalf );
-      auto const Xzones  = TrackGoesTroughUpperHalf ? PrFTInfo::xZonesUpper : PrFTInfo::xZonesLower;
-      auto const UVzones = TrackGoesTroughUpperHalf ? PrFTInfo::uvZonesUpper : PrFTInfo::uvZonesLower;
       // a range is a pair of start and size
       // first iteration: start with S3L0
       // second iteration: start with S2L0
@@ -704,22 +762,6 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
           getUpperBoundBinary( hithandler.hits, startRange.first, startRange.first + startRange.second, xMin );
       int const EndL0 = getUpperBoundBinary( hithandler.hits, startL0, startRange.first + startRange.second, xMax );
-      int const startS3L0 = hithandler.zonerange[Xzones[4]].first;
-      int const startS3L1 = hithandler.zonerange[UVzones[4]].first;
-      int const startS3L2 = hithandler.zonerange[UVzones[5]].first;
-      int const startS3L3 = hithandler.zonerange[Xzones[5]].first;
-      int const startS2L0 = hithandler.zonerange[Xzones[2]].first;
-      int const startS2L1 = hithandler.zonerange[UVzones[2]].first;
-      int const startS2L2 = hithandler.zonerange[UVzones[3]].first;
-      int const startS2L3 = hithandler.zonerange[Xzones[3]].first;
-      // each variable is a pair [startIdx, size]
-      auto const S1L0range = hithandler.zonerange[Xzones[0]];
-      auto const S1L1range = hithandler.zonerange[UVzones[0]];
-      auto const S1L2range = hithandler.zonerange[UVzones[1]];
-      auto const S1L3range = hithandler.zonerange[Xzones[1]];
       // some variables to cache offsets
       int startoffsetS3L0{startS3L0};
       int startoffsetS3L1{startS3L1};
@@ -792,7 +834,7 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
         // FIXME this is the most expensive search, luckily we can cache the starting point
         // however the first search is still costly, maybe we can perform the first search with an avx2 search
         // before the loop?
-        float const startoffset              = ( iteration == 0 ) ? startoffsetS3L3 : startoffsetS2L3;
+        auto const startoffset               = ( iteration == 0 ) ? startoffsetS3L3 : startoffsetS2L3;
         auto const [selectsecondXhit, Delta] = SearchLayerForHitLinear( hithandler.hits, startoffset, secondXhitPred );
         // cache an offset for the next search
@@ -993,7 +1035,7 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
           // get the best hit candidate
           auto const [selectS2L3_temp, DeltaS2L3] =
-              SearchLayerForHitLinearABS( hithandler.hits, startoffsetS2L3, S2x3pred );
+              SearchLayerForHitLinear( hithandler.hits, startoffsetS2L3, S2x3pred );
           // cache the position for the next search
           startoffsetS2L3 = selectS2L3_temp;
@@ -1018,7 +1060,7 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
           // get the hit candidate for S2L0
           auto const [selectS2L0_temp, DeltaS2L0] =
-              SearchLayerForHitLinearABS( hithandler.hits, startoffsetS2L0, S2x0pred );
+              SearchLayerForHitLinear( hithandler.hits, startoffsetS2L0, S2x0pred );
           // cache position for next search
           startoffsetS2L0 = selectS2L0_temp;
@@ -1058,7 +1100,7 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
           // get the best hit candidate
           auto const [selectS3L3_temp, DeltaS3L3] =
-              SearchLayerForHitLinearABS( hithandler.hits, startoffsetS3L3, S3x3pred );
+              SearchLayerForHitLinear( hithandler.hits, startoffsetS3L3, S3x3pred );
           // cache the position for the next search
           startoffsetS3L3 = selectS3L3_temp;
@@ -1086,7 +1128,7 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
           // get the hit candidate for S3L0
           auto const [selectS3L0_temp, DeltaS3L0] =
-              SearchLayerForHitLinearABS( hithandler.hits, startoffsetS3L0, S3x0pred );
+              SearchLayerForHitLinear( hithandler.hits, startoffsetS3L0, S3x0pred );
           // cache the position for the next search
           startoffsetS3L0 = selectS3L0_temp;
@@ -1135,11 +1177,11 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
                                  ( yAtZ[6] - 0.85f * ycorr ) * dXdYLayer[3];
           auto const [selectS2L1_temp, DeltaS2L1] =
-              SearchLayerForHitLinearABS( hithandler.hits, startoffsetS2L1, S2x1pred );
+              SearchLayerForHitLinear( hithandler.hits, startoffsetS2L1, S2x1pred );
           startoffsetS2L1 = selectS2L1_temp;
           auto const [selectS2L2_temp, DeltaS2L2] =
-              SearchLayerForHitLinearABS( hithandler.hits, startoffsetS2L2, S2x2pred );
+              SearchLayerForHitLinear( hithandler.hits, startoffsetS2L2, S2x2pred );
           startoffsetS2L2 = selectS2L2_temp;
           float const S2uvwindow = ( p_UV2W_b + p_UV2W_m * absDSlope );
@@ -1182,10 +1224,10 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
           mydebug( hithandler.hits[startS3L2 + 1], hithandler.hits[startS3L0 - 2] );
           mydebug( LHCb::LHCbID( hithandler.IDs[startS3L2 + 1] ), LHCb::LHCbID( hithandler.IDs[startS3L0 - 2] ) );
-          auto const [selectS3L1, DeltaS3L1] = SearchLayerForHitLinearABS( hithandler.hits, startoffsetS3L1, S3x1pred );
+          auto const [selectS3L1, DeltaS3L1] = SearchLayerForHitLinear( hithandler.hits, startoffsetS3L1, S3x1pred );
           startoffsetS3L1                    = selectS3L1;
-          auto const [selectS3L2, DeltaS3L2] = SearchLayerForHitLinearABS( hithandler.hits, startoffsetS3L2, S3x2pred );
+          auto const [selectS3L2, DeltaS3L2] = SearchLayerForHitLinear( hithandler.hits, startoffsetS3L2, S3x2pred );
           startoffsetS3L2                    = selectS3L2;
           float const S3uvwindow = ( p_UV3W_b_2ndloop + p_UV3W_m_2ndloop * absDSlope );
@@ -1405,11 +1447,22 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
         // For now a linear discriminant seems to do well enough. But if needed this could be substituted by a neural
         // net for better rejection of ghosts
         float const quality =
-            LDAParams[0] * vdt::fast_logf( 1.f + deltaMom ) + LDAParams[1] * vdt::fast_logf( 1.f + chi2 ) +
-            LDAParams[2] * vdt::fast_logf( std::abs( candPQ ) * endv_txy / std::sqrt( 1 + endv_txy2 ) ) +
-            LDAParams[3] * vdt::fast_logf( S3UVDelta ) + LDAParams[4] * vdt::fast_logf( S2UVDelta ) +
-            LDAParams[5] * vdt::fast_logf( S1UVDelta ) + LDAParams[6] * static_cast<float>( numuvhits ) +
-            LDAParams[7] * static_cast<float>( numxhits );
+            LDAParams[0] * approx_log( SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v( 1.f + deltaMom ) ).cast() +
+            LDAParams[1] * approx_log( SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v( 1.f + chi2 ) ).cast() +
+            LDAParams[2] *
+                approx_log( SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v( std::abs( candPQ ) * endv_txy / std::sqrt( 1 + endv_txy2 ) ) )
+                    .cast() +
+            LDAParams[3] * approx_log( SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v( S3UVDelta ) ).cast() +
+            LDAParams[4] * approx_log( SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v( S2UVDelta ) ).cast() +
+            LDAParams[5] * approx_log( SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v( S1UVDelta ) ).cast() +
+            LDAParams[6] * static_cast<float>( numuvhits ) + LDAParams[7] * static_cast<float>( numxhits );
+        // float const quality =
+        // LDAParams[0] * vdt::fast_logf( 1.f + deltaMom ) + LDAParams[1] * vdt::fast_logf( 1.f + chi2 ) +
+        // LDAParams[2] * vdt::fast_logf( std::abs( candPQ ) * endv_txy / std::sqrt( 1 + endv_txy2 ) ) +
+        // LDAParams[3] * vdt::fast_logf( S3UVDelta ) + LDAParams[4] * vdt::fast_logf( S2UVDelta ) +
+        // LDAParams[5] * vdt::fast_logf( S1UVDelta ) + LDAParams[6] * static_cast<float>( numuvhits ) +
+        // LDAParams[7] * static_cast<float>( numxhits );
         mydebug( "+++++++++Trackcandidate++++++++++++++++" );
         mydebug( candPQ, finaltx, endv_pq );
@@ -1423,9 +1476,6 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
-        // sort the LHCb IDs in increasing order
-        std::sort( tmpidvec.begin(), tmpidvec.end() );
         if ( quality < bestcandidate.quality ) {
           bestcandidate = {tmpidvec, candPQ, finaltx, newx0, quality, numuvhits + numxhits};
@@ -1474,13 +1524,12 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
         Output.size() += dType::popcount( mask );
-        // flag the current UT track as promoted to long track!
-        prolonged_ut_tracks[uttrack] = true;
+        // if we found a candidate we won't start the second loop
+        break;
       } // save the bestcandidate if we built one
-    } // end loop over UT tracks
-  }   // loop over the iterations
+    } // end loop over iterations
+  }   // loop over the UT tracks
   m_CounterOutput += Output.size();
   return Output;
diff --git a/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/src/SciFiTrackForwardingStoreHit.cpp b/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/src/SciFiTrackForwardingStoreHit.cpp
index 2e06d1fc1ee..1fb3bf5e3de 100644
--- a/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/src/SciFiTrackForwardingStoreHit.cpp
+++ b/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/src/SciFiTrackForwardingStoreHit.cpp
@@ -156,8 +156,11 @@ SciFiTrackForwardingHits SciFiTrackForwardingStoreHit::
-    hitvec.emplace_back( std::numeric_limits<float>::max() );
-    IDvec.emplace_back( 0 );
+    // padding of one simd length
+    for ( int idx{0}; idx < 8; ++idx ) {
+      hitvec.emplace_back( std::numeric_limits<float>::max() );
+      IDvec.emplace_back( 0 );
+    }
     tmp.zonerange[i] = {size, hitvec.size() - size};

From 9815f17143bd406ac3639e5e6d85efce7c8b0891 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andre Gunther <>
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2020 10:31:09 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 08/10] Improve access to geometry in PrStoreSciFiHits

 Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrStoreSciFiHits.cpp | 81 ++++++++++++++----------
 Pr/PrKernel/PrKernel/PrSciFiHits.h       |  5 +-
 2 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrStoreSciFiHits.cpp b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrStoreSciFiHits.cpp
index a7e931cfd28..851dfa1e827 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrStoreSciFiHits.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrStoreSciFiHits.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 * (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      *
 *                                                                             *
@@ -45,29 +46,40 @@ namespace {
     std::array<float, PrFTInfo::maxNumberMats>             m_mats_dxdy;
     std::array<float, PrFTInfo::maxNumberMats>             m_mats_dzdy;
     std::array<float, PrFTInfo::maxNumberMats>             m_mats_globaldy;
-    std::array<float, PrFTInfo::maxNumberMats>             m_mats_uBegin;
-    std::array<float, PrFTInfo::maxNumberMats>             m_mats_halfChannelPitch;
-    std::array<float, PrFTInfo::maxNumberMats>             m_mats_dieGap;
-    std::array<float, PrFTInfo::maxNumberMats>             m_mats_sipmPitch;
     std::array<Gaudi::XYZPointF, PrFTInfo::maxNumberMats>  m_mats_mirrorPoint;
     std::array<Gaudi::XYZVectorF, PrFTInfo::maxNumberMats> m_mats_ddx;
+    float m_mats_uBegin;
+    float m_mats_halfChannelPitch;
+    float m_mats_dieGap;
+    float m_mats_sipmPitch;
     MatsCache( const DeFTDetector& ftDet ) {
+      auto const first_mat = ftDet.stations()[0]->layers()[0]->quarters()[0]->modules()[0]->mats()[0];
+      // This parameters are constant accross all mats:
+      m_mats_dieGap           = first_mat->dieGap();
+      m_mats_sipmPitch        = first_mat->sipmPitch();
+      m_mats_uBegin           = first_mat->uBegin();
+      m_mats_halfChannelPitch = first_mat->halfChannelPitch();
       for ( auto station : ftDet.stations() ) {
         for ( auto layer : station->layers() ) {
           for ( auto quarter : layer->quarters() ) {
             for ( auto module : quarter->modules() ) {
               for ( auto mat : module->mats() ) {
-                auto index                     = mat->elementID().uniqueMat();
-                m_mats_dxdy[index]             = mat->dxdy();
-                m_mats_dzdy[index]             = mat->dzdy();
-                m_mats_globaldy[index]         = mat->globaldy();
-                m_mats_uBegin[index]           = mat->uBegin();
-                m_mats_halfChannelPitch[index] = mat->halfChannelPitch();
-                m_mats_dieGap[index]           = mat->dieGap();
-                m_mats_sipmPitch[index]        = mat->sipmPitch();
-                m_mats_mirrorPoint[index]      = mat->mirrorPoint();
-                m_mats_ddx[index]              = mat->ddx();
+                auto index = mat->elementID().uniqueMat();
+                assert( m_dieGap == mat->dieGap() && "Unexpected difference in dieGap" );
+                assert( m_sipmPitch == mat->sipmPitch() && "Unexpected difference in sipmPitch" );
+                assert( m_uBegin == mat->uBegin() && "Unexpected difference in uBegin" );
+                assert( m_halfChannelPitch == mat->halfChannelPitch() && "Unexpected difference in halfChannelPitch" );
+                m_mats_mirrorPoint[index] = mat->mirrorPoint();
+                m_mats_ddx[index]         = mat->ddx();
+                m_mats_dxdy[index]        = mat->dxdy();
+                m_mats_dzdy[index]        = mat->dzdy();
+                m_mats_globaldy[index]    = mat->globaldy();
@@ -150,16 +162,17 @@ PrSciFiHits PrStoreSciFiHits::operator()( FTLiteClusters const& clusters, MatsCa
       uint info     = ( iQuarter >> 1 ) | ( ( ( iQuarter << 4 ) ^ ( iQuarter << 5 ) ^ 128u ) & 128u );
       for ( auto const& clus : clusters.range( iQuarter ) ) { // TODO: store the cluster (it's and unsigned int)
                                                               // directly instead of oh the LHCb ID
-        LHCb::FTChannelID id           = clus.channelID();    // for the fitting
-        auto              index        = id.uniqueMat();
-        float             dxdy         = cache.m_mats_dxdy[index];
-        float             dzdy         = cache.m_mats_dzdy[index];
-        float             globaldy     = cache.m_mats_globaldy[index];
-        float             uFromChannel = cache.m_mats_uBegin[index] +
-                             ( 2 * + 1 + clus.fractionBit() ) * cache.m_mats_halfChannelPitch[index];
-        if ( id.die() ) uFromChannel += cache.m_mats_dieGap[index];
-        uFromChannel += id.sipm() * cache.m_mats_sipmPitch[index];
+        LHCb::FTChannelID id = clus.channelID();              // for the fitting
+        float             uFromChannel =
+            cache.m_mats_uBegin + ( 2 * + 1 + clus.fractionBit() ) * cache.m_mats_halfChannelPitch;
+        uFromChannel += id.die() * cache.m_mats_dieGap;
+        uFromChannel += id.sipm() * cache.m_mats_sipmPitch;
+        auto  index    = id.uniqueMat();
+        float dxdy     = cache.m_mats_dxdy[index];
+        float dzdy     = cache.m_mats_dzdy[index];
+        float globaldy = cache.m_mats_globaldy[index];
         auto  endPoint = cache.m_mats_mirrorPoint[index] + cache.m_mats_ddx[index] * uFromChannel;
         float yMin     = endPoint.y();
         float x0       = endPoint.x() - dxdy * yMin;
@@ -198,17 +211,17 @@ PrSciFiHits PrStoreSciFiHits::operator()( FTLiteClusters const& clusters, MatsCa
   zoneIndexes[PrFTInfo::NFTZones]     = zoneIndexes[xu[0]];
   zoneIndexes[PrFTInfo::NFTZones + 1] = hitvec.size();
-  const Vc::float_v one_f_large = Vc::float_v::One() * 1.e9f;
-  const Vc::float_v zero_f      = Vc::float_v::Zero();
- &*hitvec.end() );
- &*z0vec.end() );
- &*yMinvec.end() );
- &*yMaxvec.end() );
- &*werrvec.end() );
-  ( Vc::int_v::One() * std::numeric_limits<int>::max() ).store( &*planeCodevec.end() );
-  ( Vc::uint_v::Zero() ).store( &*IDvec.end() );
- &*dzDyvec.end() );
- &*dxDyvec.end() );
+  for ( unsigned i{0}; i < SIMDWrapper::avx256::types::size; ++i ) {
+    hitvec.emplace_back( 1.e9f );
+    z0vec.emplace_back( 1.e9f );
+    yMinvec.emplace_back( 1.e9f );
+    yMaxvec.emplace_back( 1.e9f );
+    planeCodevec.emplace_back( std::numeric_limits<int>::max() );
+    IDvec.emplace_back( 0 );
+    werrvec.emplace_back( 1.e9f );
+    dzDyvec.emplace_back( 0.f );
+    dxDyvec.emplace_back( 0.f );
+  }
   return tmp;
diff --git a/Pr/PrKernel/PrKernel/PrSciFiHits.h b/Pr/PrKernel/PrKernel/PrSciFiHits.h
index 7b41e13413b..d4cdd1705ce 100644
--- a/Pr/PrKernel/PrKernel/PrSciFiHits.h
+++ b/Pr/PrKernel/PrKernel/PrSciFiHits.h
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 #include "boost/container/small_vector.hpp"
 #include "boost/container/static_vector.hpp"
-#include <Vc/Vc>
 #include <vector>
 namespace {
@@ -55,7 +54,9 @@ namespace SciFiHits {
    * @param n size to increase
    * @returns size as multiple of float vector register size plus one register size
-  constexpr static std::size_t align_size( std::size_t n ) { return ( n / Vc::float_v::Size + 1 ) * Vc::float_v::Size; }
+  constexpr static std::size_t align_size( std::size_t n ) {
+    return ( n / SIMDWrapper::avx256::types::size + 1 ) * SIMDWrapper::avx256::types::size;
+  }
    *  @brief SoA container for SciFi hits

From ca097b4175361a093a5126f7424571143a5b71ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Arthur Hennequin <>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2019 17:53:55 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 09/10] Regroup Velo Kalman fits + fix numerical precision

 Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp      |  40 +++++++--
 Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h | 136 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 162 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp
index 954a57c5842..dbc85dd7a0e 100644
--- a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
 #include "Event/PrVeloTracks.h"
 #include "PrKernel/PrPixelFastKalman.h"
+#include "VeloKalmanHelpers.h"
  * Velo only Kalman fit
@@ -36,9 +39,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
     using TracksVP  = Tracks;
     using TracksFT  = Forward::Tracks;
     using TracksFit = Fitted::Forward::Tracks;
-    using dType     = SIMDWrapper::scalar::types;
-    using I         = dType::int_v;
-    using F         = dType::float_v;
+    using simd      = SIMDWrapper::avx256::types;
+    using I         = simd::int_v;
+    using F         = simd::float_v;
     Kalman( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
@@ -59,8 +62,31 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
       TracksFit out{&tracksFT, tracksFT.zipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
       m_nbTracksCounter += tracksFT.size();
-      for ( int t = 0; t < tracksFT.size(); t += dType::size ) {
-        auto loop_mask = dType::loop_mask( t, tracksFT.size() );
+      for ( int t = 0; t < tracksFT.size(); t += simd::size ) {
+        auto loop_mask = simd::loop_mask( t, tracksFT.size() );
+        const I idxVP = tracksFT.trackVP<I>( t );
+        const F qop   = tracksFT.stateQoP<F>( t );
+        auto [stateInfo, chi2, nDof] = fitBackwardWithMomentum( loop_mask, tracksVP, idxVP, qop, hits, 0 );
+        // Store tracks in output
+        out.store_trackFT<I>( t, simd::indices( t ) );
+        out.store_QoP<F>( t, qop );
+        out.store_beamStatePos<F>( t, stateInfo.pos() );
+        out.store_beamStateDir<F>( t, stateInfo.dir() );
+        out.store_covX<F>( t, stateInfo.covX() );
+        out.store_covY<F>( t, stateInfo.covY() );
+        out.store_chi2<F>( t, chi2 / F( nDof ) );
+        out.store_chi2nDof<I>( t, nDof );
+        out.size() += simd::popcount( loop_mask );
+      }
+      /*for ( int t = 0; t < tracksFT.size(); t += simd::size ) {
+        auto loop_mask = simd::loop_mask( t, tracksFT.size() );
         // TODO: v2 with less gathers (with transposition)
         // TODO: masked gathers (for avx2/avx512)
@@ -82,8 +108,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         out.store_chi2<F>( t, chi2 / F( nDof ) );
         out.store_chi2nDof<I>( t, nDof );
-        out.size() += dType::popcount( loop_mask );
-      }
+        out.size() += simd::popcount( loop_mask );
+      }*/
       return out;
diff --git a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h
index f85b2664bb5..0ec2d7efb9b 100644
--- a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h
+++ b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ namespace VeloKalmanParam {
   constexpr float err = 0.0158771324f; // 0.055f / sqrt( 12 ); //TODO: find a solution so this compile with clang
   constexpr float wx  = err * err;
   constexpr float wy  = wx;
+  constexpr float scatterSensorParameters[4] = {0.54772f, 1.478845f, 0.626634f, -0.78f};
+  constexpr float scatterFoilParameters[2]   = {1.67f, 20.f};
 } // namespace VeloKalmanParam
 template <typename T>
@@ -87,8 +90,7 @@ inline void filter( const M& mask, const F& z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F& covXTx,
   const F predcovXTx   = covXTx + dz_t_covTxTx;
   const F dz_t_covXTx  = dz * covXTx;
-  const F predcovXX   = covXX + 2.f * dz_t_covXTx + dz * dz_t_covTxTx;
-  const F predcovTxTx = covTxTx;
+  const F predcovXX = covXX + 2.f * dz_t_covXTx + dz * dz_t_covTxTx;
   // compute the gain matrix
   const F R   = 1.0f / ( winv + predcovXX );
@@ -101,13 +103,13 @@ inline void filter( const M& mask, const F& z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F& covXTx,
   tx        = select( mask, tx + KTx * r, tx );
   // update the covariance matrix
-  covXX   = select( mask, ( 1.f - Kx ) * predcovXX, covXX );
-  covXTx  = select( mask, ( 1.f - Kx ) * predcovXTx, covXTx );
-  covTxTx = select( mask, predcovTxTx - KTx * predcovXTx, covTxTx );
+  covTxTx = select( mask, R * ( covTxTx * ( winv + covXX ) - covXTx * covXTx ), covTxTx );
+  covXTx  = select( mask, winv * KTx, covXTx );
+  covXX   = select( mask, winv * Kx, covXX );
 template <typename F, typename I, typename M>
-inline FittedState<F> fitBackward( const M& track_mask, LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, int t,
+inline FittedState<F> fitBackward( const M& track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, int t,
                                    const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Hits& hits, const int state_id ) {
   I       nHits   = tracks.nHits<I>( t );
   int     maxHits = nHits.hmax( track_mask );
@@ -140,7 +142,7 @@ inline FittedState<F> fitBackward( const M& track_mask, LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks&
 template <typename F, typename I, typename M>
-inline FittedState<F> fitForward( const M& track_mask, LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, int t,
+inline FittedState<F> fitForward( const M& track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, int t,
                                   const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Hits& hits, const int state_id ) {
   I       nHits   = tracks.nHits<I>( t );
   int     maxHits = nHits.hmax( track_mask );
@@ -172,3 +174,123 @@ inline FittedState<F> fitForward( const M& track_mask, LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& t
   return s;
+template <typename M, typename F>
+inline F filterWithMomentum( const M& mask, const F& z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F& covXTx, F& covTxTx, const F& zhit,
+                             const F& xhit, const F& winv, const F& qop ) {
+  // compute prediction
+  const F dz    = zhit - z;
+  const F predx = x + dz * tx;
+  const F dz_t_covTxTx = dz * covTxTx;
+  const F dz_t_covXTx  = dz * covXTx;
+  // Add noise
+  const F par1 = VeloKalmanParam::scatterSensorParameters[0];
+  const F par2 = VeloKalmanParam::scatterSensorParameters[1];
+  const F par6 = VeloKalmanParam::scatterSensorParameters[2];
+  const F par7 = VeloKalmanParam::scatterSensorParameters[3];
+  const F sigTx = par1 * 1e-5f + par2 * abs( qop );
+  const F sigX  = par6 * sigTx * abs( dz );
+  const F corr  = par7;
+  const F eXX   = sigX * sigX;
+  const F eXTx  = corr * sigX * sigTx;
+  const F eTxTx = sigTx * sigTx;
+  const F predcovXX  = covXX + 2.f * dz_t_covXTx + dz * dz_t_covTxTx + eXX;
+  const F predcovXTx = covXTx + dz_t_covTxTx + eXTx;
+  // const F predcovTxTx = covTxTx + eTxTx;
+  // compute the gain matrix
+  const F R   = 1.0f / ( winv + predcovXX );
+  const F Kx  = predcovXX * R;
+  const F KTx = predcovXTx * R;
+  // update the state vector
+  const F r = xhit - predx;
+  x         = select( mask, predx + Kx * r, x );
+  tx        = select( mask, tx + KTx * r, tx );
+  // update the covariance matrix
+  // Original:
+  // covXX   = select( mask, ( 1.f - Kx ) * predcovXX, covXX );
+  // covXTx  = select( mask, ( 1.f - Kx ) * predcovXTx, covXTx );
+  // covTxTx = select( mask, predcovTxTx - KTx * predcovXTx, covTxTx );
+  // Simplified (without noise):
+  // covTxTx = select( mask, R * ( covTxTx * ( winv + covXX ) - covXTx * covXTx ), covTxTx );
+  // covXTx  = select( mask, winv * KTx, covXTx );
+  // covXX   = select( mask, winv * Kx, covXX );
+  /*
+    Linearisation of the expression to avoid absorbtion:
+    TODO: verify + check if needed, simplify ?
+    covTxTx = predcovTxTx - KTx * predcovXTx
+    covTxTx = predcovTxTx - predcovXTx^2 / ( winv + predcovXX )
+    covTxTx = eTxTx + (covTxTx * ( winv + predcovXX ) - predcovXTx^2) / ( winv + predcovXX )
+    covTxTx = eTxTx + (covTxTx * ( winv + predcovXX ) - predcovXTx^2) / ( winv + predcovXX )
+    ((((((
+    predcovXTx^2 = (covXTx + dz*covTxTx + eXTx)^2
+                = covXTx^2 + (dz*covTxTx)^2 + eXTx^2 + 2*covXTx*dz*covTxTx + 2*covXTx*eXTx + 2*dz*covTxTx*eXTx
+    covTxTx * ( winv + predcovXX ) = covTxTx * ( winv + covXX + 2*dz*covXTx + dz^2*covTxTx + eXX )
+                                   = covTxTx * ( winv + covXX) + 2*dz*covXTx*covTxTx + (dz*covTxTx)^2 + eXX*covTxTx
+    ))))))
+    covTxTx = eTxTx + (covTxTx * ( winv + covXX) - covXTx^2 + eXX*covTxTx - eXTx*(eXTx + 2*(covXTx + dz*covTxTx))) / (
+    winv + predcovXX )
+   */
+  covTxTx = select( mask,
+                    eTxTx + R * ( covTxTx * ( winv + covXX ) - covXTx * covXTx + eXX * covTxTx -
+                                  eXTx * ( eXTx + 2.f * ( covXTx + dz_t_covTxTx ) ) ),
+                    covTxTx );
+  covXTx  = select( mask, winv * KTx, covXTx );
+  covXX   = select( mask, winv * Kx, covXX );
+  // return the chi2
+  return r * r * R;
+template <typename F, typename I, typename M>
+inline std::tuple<FittedState<F>, F, I>
+fitBackwardWithMomentum( const M& track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, const I idxVP, const F qop,
+                         const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Hits& hits, const int state_id ) {
+  const F err = 0.0125f;
+  const F wx  = err * err;
+  const F wy  = wx;
+  I       nHits   = tracks.maskgather_nHits<I, I>( idxVP, track_mask, 0 );
+  int     maxHits = nHits.hmax( track_mask );
+  I       idxHit0 = tracks.maskgather_hit<I, I>( idxVP, track_mask, 0, 0 );
+  Vec3<F> dir     = tracks.maskgather_stateDir<F, I>( idxVP, track_mask, 0.f, state_id );
+  Vec3<F> pos     = hits.maskgather_pos<F, I>( idxHit0, track_mask, 0.f );
+  FittedState<F> s = FittedState<F>( pos, dir, 100.f, 0.f, 0.0001f, 100.f, 0.f, 0.0001f );
+  F chi2 = 0.f;
+  for ( int i = 1; i < maxHits; i++ ) {
+    auto    mask   = track_mask && ( I( i ) < nHits );
+    I       idxHit = tracks.maskgather_hit<I, I>( idxVP, mask, I( 0 ), i );
+    Vec3<F> hit    = hits.maskgather_pos<F, I>( idxHit, mask, 0.f );
+    chi2 = chi2 + filterWithMomentum( mask, s.z, s.x, s.tx, s.covXX, s.covXTx, s.covTxTx, hit.z, hit.x, F( wx ), qop );
+    chi2 = chi2 + filterWithMomentum( mask, s.z, s.y, s.ty, s.covYY, s.covYTy, s.covTyTy, hit.z, hit.y, F( wy ), qop );
+    s.z  = select( mask, hit.z, s.z );
+  }
+  // Convert state at first measurement to state at closest to beam
+  const F t2 = s.dir().rho();
+  const F scat2RFFoil =
+      VeloKalmanParam::scatterFoilParameters[0] * ( 1.0 + VeloKalmanParam::scatterFoilParameters[1] * t2 ) * qop * qop;
+  s.covTxTx = s.covTxTx + scat2RFFoil;
+  s.covTyTy = s.covTyTy + scat2RFFoil;
+  s.transportTo( s.zBeam() );
+  return {s, chi2, 2 * nHits - 4};
\ No newline at end of file

From 03611df8f5ef86e69fb7933abc73c9aa899eee02 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Arthur Hennequin <>
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2020 11:52:36 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 10/10] Fix bug with simd VeloKalman, remove commented code

 Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp      | 26 -------------------
 Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h | 40 ++++++++++++------------------
 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp
index dbc85dd7a0e..46fa19761d8 100644
--- a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp
@@ -85,32 +85,6 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         out.size() += simd::popcount( loop_mask );
-      /*for ( int t = 0; t < tracksFT.size(); t += simd::size ) {
-        auto loop_mask = simd::loop_mask( t, tracksFT.size() );
-        // TODO: v2 with less gathers (with transposition)
-        // TODO: masked gathers (for avx2/avx512)
-        I       idxVP = tracksFT.trackVP<I>( t );
-        const F qop   = tracksFT.stateQoP<F>( t );
-        auto [stateInfo, chi2, nDof] = trackFitter( hits, tracksVP, idxVP, qop );
-        // Store tracks in output
-        out.store_trackFT<I>( t, t ); // TODO: index vector (for avx2/avx512)
-        out.store_QoP<F>( t, qop );
-        out.store_beamStatePos<F>( t, stateInfo.pos );
-        out.store_beamStateDir<F>( t, Vec3<F>( stateInfo.tx, stateInfo.ty, 1. ) );
-        out.store_covX<F>( t, Vec3<F>( stateInfo.covXX, stateInfo.covXTx, stateInfo.covTxTx ) );
-        out.store_covY<F>( t, Vec3<F>( stateInfo.covYY, stateInfo.covYTy, stateInfo.covTyTy ) );
-        out.store_chi2<F>( t, chi2 / F( nDof ) );
-        out.store_chi2nDof<I>( t, nDof );
-        out.size() += simd::popcount( loop_mask );
-      }*/
       return out;
diff --git a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h
index 0ec2d7efb9b..e4fb554133d 100644
--- a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h
+++ b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ public:
 template <typename M, typename F>
-inline void filter( const M& mask, const F& z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F& covXTx, F& covTxTx, const F& zhit,
-                    const F& xhit, const F& winv ) {
+inline void filter( const M mask, const F z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F& covXTx, F& covTxTx, const F zhit, const F xhit,
+                    const F winv ) {
   // compute prediction
   const F dz    = zhit - z;
   const F predx = x + dz * tx;
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ inline void filter( const M& mask, const F& z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F& covXTx,
 template <typename F, typename I, typename M>
-inline FittedState<F> fitBackward( const M& track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, int t,
+inline FittedState<F> fitBackward( const M track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, int t,
                                    const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Hits& hits, const int state_id ) {
   I       nHits   = tracks.nHits<I>( t );
   int     maxHits = nHits.hmax( track_mask );
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ inline FittedState<F> fitBackward( const M& track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tr
 template <typename F, typename I, typename M>
-inline FittedState<F> fitForward( const M& track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, int t,
+inline FittedState<F> fitForward( const M track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, int t,
                                   const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Hits& hits, const int state_id ) {
   I       nHits   = tracks.nHits<I>( t );
   int     maxHits = nHits.hmax( track_mask );
@@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ inline FittedState<F> fitForward( const M& track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tra
 template <typename M, typename F>
-inline F filterWithMomentum( const M& mask, const F& z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F& covXTx, F& covTxTx, const F& zhit,
-                             const F& xhit, const F& winv, const F& qop ) {
+inline F filterWithMomentum( const M mask, const F z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F& covXTx, F& covTxTx, const F zhit,
+                             const F xhit, const F winv, const F qop ) {
   // compute prediction
   const F dz    = zhit - z;
   const F predx = x + dz * tx;
@@ -201,7 +201,6 @@ inline F filterWithMomentum( const M& mask, const F& z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F
   const F predcovXX  = covXX + 2.f * dz_t_covXTx + dz * dz_t_covTxTx + eXX;
   const F predcovXTx = covXTx + dz_t_covTxTx + eXTx;
-  // const F predcovTxTx = covTxTx + eTxTx;
   // compute the gain matrix
   const F R   = 1.0f / ( winv + predcovXX );
@@ -214,22 +213,9 @@ inline F filterWithMomentum( const M& mask, const F& z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F
   tx        = select( mask, tx + KTx * r, tx );
   // update the covariance matrix
-  // Original:
-  // covXX   = select( mask, ( 1.f - Kx ) * predcovXX, covXX );
-  // covXTx  = select( mask, ( 1.f - Kx ) * predcovXTx, covXTx );
-  // covTxTx = select( mask, predcovTxTx - KTx * predcovXTx, covTxTx );
-  // Simplified (without noise):
-  // covTxTx = select( mask, R * ( covTxTx * ( winv + covXX ) - covXTx * covXTx ), covTxTx );
-  // covXTx  = select( mask, winv * KTx, covXTx );
-  // covXX   = select( mask, winv * Kx, covXX );
     Linearisation of the expression to avoid absorbtion:
-    TODO: verify + check if needed, simplify ?
     covTxTx = predcovTxTx - KTx * predcovXTx
     covTxTx = predcovTxTx - predcovXTx^2 / ( winv + predcovXX )
     covTxTx = eTxTx + (covTxTx * ( winv + predcovXX ) - predcovXTx^2) / ( winv + predcovXX )
@@ -256,7 +242,7 @@ inline F filterWithMomentum( const M& mask, const F& z, F& x, F& tx, F& covXX, F
 template <typename F, typename I, typename M>
 inline std::tuple<FittedState<F>, F, I>
-fitBackwardWithMomentum( const M& track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, const I idxVP, const F qop,
+fitBackwardWithMomentum( const M track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracks, const I idxVP, const F qop,
                          const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Hits& hits, const int state_id ) {
   const F err = 0.0125f;
   const F wx  = err * err;
@@ -277,9 +263,15 @@ fitBackwardWithMomentum( const M& track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& trac
     I       idxHit = tracks.maskgather_hit<I, I>( idxVP, mask, I( 0 ), i );
     Vec3<F> hit    = hits.maskgather_pos<F, I>( idxHit, mask, 0.f );
-    chi2 = chi2 + filterWithMomentum( mask, s.z, s.x, s.tx, s.covXX, s.covXTx, s.covTxTx, hit.z, hit.x, F( wx ), qop );
-    chi2 = chi2 + filterWithMomentum( mask, s.z, s.y, s.ty, s.covYY, s.covYTy, s.covTyTy, hit.z, hit.y, F( wy ), qop );
-    s.z  = select( mask, hit.z, s.z );
+    chi2 = select(
+        mask,
+        chi2 + filterWithMomentum( mask, s.z, s.x, s.tx, s.covXX, s.covXTx, s.covTxTx, hit.z, hit.x, F( wx ), qop ),
+        chi2 );
+    chi2 = select(
+        mask,
+        chi2 + filterWithMomentum( mask, s.z, s.y, s.ty, s.covYY, s.covYTy, s.covTyTy, hit.z, hit.y, F( wy ), qop ),
+        chi2 );
+    s.z = select( mask, hit.z, s.z );
   // Convert state at first measurement to state at closest to beam