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Implementation of the second loop in SciFiTrackForwarding

Alessio Piucci requested to merge apiucci_SciFiTrackForwarding_2ndloop into master

Implementation in the SciFiTrackForwarding algorithm of a second loop for extending VeloUT tracks to the SciFi. Simplification of the hit management.

The second loop starts searching for x-doublets in the second SciFi station, and it continues into S3 and S1. This second iteration is only performed for the VeloUT tracks which have not been promoted to long by the first iteration of the algorithm.

Performances have been presented during the WP2 meeting on 27/01/2020:

Testing over 5k events of Bs -> phi phi signal MC: the second loop increases the reconstruction efficiency for long tracks of about 8% (32.5% --> 40.2%), for long tracks of high momentum from B of about 8% (82% --> 90%). The ghost rate increases of about 0.5% (2.5% --> 3.0%).

With the second loop, the HLT1 throughput decreases of about 4%.

cc: @chasse , @ahennequ , @decianm , @sstahl

Merge after !1815 (merged)

Edited by Andre Gunther

Merge request reports