diff --git a/Phys/ParticleCombiners/include/CombKernel/ParticleCombiner.h b/Phys/ParticleCombiners/include/CombKernel/ParticleCombiner.h
index fda074e62a437abbee7ffb1e834f293cd01c5c16..c27a1012baba69fdd46ad7eadeea6ddc010fbc49 100644
--- a/Phys/ParticleCombiners/include/CombKernel/ParticleCombiner.h
+++ b/Phys/ParticleCombiners/include/CombKernel/ParticleCombiner.h
@@ -555,13 +555,17 @@ private:
       // identical inputs (mild EWWW :()
       if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<std::tuple_element_t<IInput - 1, IterableInputTuple>,
                                     std::tuple_element_t<IInput, IterableInputTuple>> ) {
-        if ( decay.children()[IInput].pid() == decay.children()[IInput - 1].pid() ) {
+        if ( decay.children()[IInput].pid() == decay.children()[IInput - 1].pid() && !m_allow_different_inputs ) {
           // Yes, in this case we should insist that the `IInput`th and
           // `IInput-1`th inputs were, in fact, the same...
+          // There are some cases in which we don't want to enforce this (for example
+          // when long-lived particles are involved). This can be swtiched-off via
+          // the flag m_allow_different_inputs
           if ( !( std::get<IInput>( inputs ) == std::get<IInput - 1>( inputs ) ) ) {
-            throw GaudiException{"Got contiguous children with the same PIDs, but the corresponding algorithm inputs "
-                                 "were not the same. This is unsupported.",
-                                 "NBodyCombiner<name>", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+            throw GaudiException{
+                "Got contiguous children with the same PIDs, but the corresponding algorithm inputs "
+                "were not the same. If this is intentional, please set AllowDiffInputsForSameIDChildren = True. ",
+                "NBodyCombiner<name>", StatusCode::FAILURE};
           // In this case there is no need to come up with a new list of
           // indices, we will make a "triangular" (need a better name) loop
@@ -624,6 +628,8 @@ private:
   ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_particlePropSvc{this, "ParticlePropertySvc", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc"};
   Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_decay_descriptor{this, "DecayDescriptor", {}, "The decay topology to reconstruct."};
+  // By defalut, don't allow contiguous children with the same PID to have different algorithm inputs
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_allow_different_inputs{this, "AllowDiffInputsForSameIDChildren", false};
   /// Store decay objects parsed from the descriptor (this will be a maximum of
   /// two, in the case of a `[]cc` decay descriptor)
   std::vector<Decays::Decay> m_decays;
diff --git a/Phys/ParticleCombiners/include/CombKernel/ThOrCombiner.h b/Phys/ParticleCombiners/include/CombKernel/ThOrCombiner.h
index 3586ce7aa9474ad19d47f382aa8d36040eb6e8bf..57be0d258cee0af694b6756b477606f8c282b7a2 100644
--- a/Phys/ParticleCombiners/include/CombKernel/ThOrCombiner.h
+++ b/Phys/ParticleCombiners/include/CombKernel/ThOrCombiner.h
@@ -570,13 +570,17 @@ namespace ThOr {
         // identical inputs (mild EWWW :()
         if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<std::tuple_element_t<IInput - 1, IterableInputTuple>,
                                       std::tuple_element_t<IInput, IterableInputTuple>> ) {
-          if ( decay.children()[IInput].pid() == decay.children()[IInput - 1].pid() ) {
+          if ( decay.children()[IInput].pid() == decay.children()[IInput - 1].pid() && !m_allow_different_inputs ) {
             // Yes, in this case we should insist that the `IInput`th and
             // `IInput-1`th inputs were, in fact, the same...
-            if ( std::get<IInput>( inputs ) != std::get<IInput - 1>( inputs ) ) {
-              throw GaudiException{"Got contiguous children with the same PIDs, but the corresponding algorithm inputs "
-                                   "were not the same. This is unsupported.",
-                                   "ThOr::{name}Combiner", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+            // There are some cases in which we don't want to enforce this (for example
+            // when long-lived particles are involved). This can be swtiched-off via
+            // the flag m_allow_different_inputs
+            if ( !( std::get<IInput>( inputs ) == std::get<IInput - 1>( inputs ) ) ) {
+              throw GaudiException{
+                  "Got contiguous children with the same PIDs, but the corresponding algorithm inputs "
+                  "were not the same. If this is intentional, please set AllowDiffInputsForSameIDChildren = True.",
+                  "ThOr::{name}Combiner", StatusCode::FAILURE};
             // In this case there is no need to come up with a new list of
             // indices, we will make a "triangular" (need a better name) loop
@@ -1123,6 +1127,9 @@ namespace ThOr {
     // descriptors
     Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_decaydescriptor{this, "DecayDescriptor", "PleaseConfigureMe!",
                                                    "Please provide a decay descriptor!"};
+    // By defalut, don't allow contiguous children with the same PID to have different algorithm inputs
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_allow_different_inputs{this, "AllowDiffInputsForSameIDChildren", false};
     // vertex fitter
     VertexFitter m_vertex_fitter{this};