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Adding counters to hybrid seeding

Louis Henry requested to merge lohenry-seedingCounters into master

Added a family of counters to the Hybrid Seeding:

 |    Counter                                      |     #     |    sum     | mean/eff^* | rms/err^*  |     min     |     max     |
 | "Created XZ tracks (part 0)"                    |       300 |      36812 |     122.71 |
 | "Created XZ tracks (part 1)"                    |       300 |      29154 |     97.180 |
 | "Created XZ tracks in case 0"                   |       200 |      15753 |     78.765 |
 | "Created XZ tracks in case 1"                   |       200 |      23751 |     118.75 |
 | "Created XZ tracks in case 2"                   |       200 |      26462 |     132.31 |
 | "Created full hit combinations in case 0"       |     29177 |      29177 |     1.0000 |
 | "Created full hit combinations in case 1"       |     29875 |      29875 |     1.0000 |
 | "Created full hit combinations in case 2"       |     43422 |      43422 |     1.0000 |
 | "Created seed tracks"                           |       100 |      13299 |     132.99 |
 | "Created seed tracks (part 0)"                  |       100 |       6898 |     68.980 |
 | "Created seed tracks (part 1)"                  |       100 |       6401 |     64.010 |
 | "Created seed tracks in case 0"                 |       200 |       5770 |     28.850 |
 | "Created seed tracks in case 1"                 |       200 |      10968 |     54.840 |
 | "Created seed tracks in case 2"                 |       200 |      12640 |     63.200 |
 | "Created seed tracks in recovery step"          |       100 |        659 |     6.5900 |
 | "Created three hit combinations in case 0"      |    510093 |     334025 |    0.65483 |
 | "Created three hit combinations in case 1"      |    791112 |     585484 |    0.74008 |
 | "Created three hit combinations in case 2"      |   1436349 |    1372509 |    0.95555 |
 | "Created two hit combinations in case 0"        |    907094 |     907094 |     1.0000 |
 | "Created two hit combinations in case 1"        |   1211271 |    1211271 |     1.0000 |
 | "Created two hit combinations in case 2"        |   1666083 |    1666083 |     1.0000 |

Merge request reports
