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New PID Substitution DaVinci Tool

Jiahui Zhuo requested to merge jzhuo_SubsPID into master

Start from #305 (closed), implementing the comment #305 (comment 5363235).

This MR will add a new PID substitution Tool and a new DTF Tool for DaVinci, which has integrated the PID substitution. A minimal example of the usage could be:

DTF_KstG = DecayTreeFitter(
    Name = 'DTF_KstG',
    Input = B_Data,
    Substitutions = [
        ' B0 ->  ( K*(892)0 ->  K+ K-{{pi-}} ) gamma',
variables_all = FC({
    # Original particle
    # DTF Bd2KstGamma
    'DTF_KSTG_ID'      : F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ DTF_KstG.get_info( F.PARTICLE_ID ),
    'DTF_KSTG_ENERGY'  : DTF_KstG.get_info( F.ENERGY      ),
    'DTF_KSTG_CHI2DOF' : DTF_KstG.get_info( F.CHI2DOF     ),

A real example could be found in

Other example for SubstitutePID without DTF could be found in

This MR should be test with DaVinci!756 (merged)

FYI: @amathad @pkoppenb @erodrigu @fevolle

Closes #305 (closed) Closes #309 (closed)

Edited by Patrick Koppenburg

Merge request reports