RICH functors using RichPID object
Eliminate use of ProtoParticle additionalInfo for RICH functors, e.g. to be able to reduce ProtoParticle additionalInfo usage. Removes (now obsolete) use of copying RICH info to additionalInfo.
Includes separate functors for scaled versions of RichDLLe and RichDLLmu to avoid confusion in use with combined DLLs (with calo/muon).
Goes with: LHCb!4320 (merged)
fyi: @jonrob @tnanut @sberneta
related to !3596 (merged) and !3563 (closed), LHCb!4276 (closed)
Merge request reports
@sberneta shall I add your suggestions of RICH functors here too? Then I close !3563 (closed) and LHCb!4276 (closed)
Edited by Maarten Van Vegheladded 24 commits
c14931fb...2a960a42 - 22 commits from branch
- 972bb283 - moved rich functors to use richpid obj
- f99635de - added threshold and gas RICH functors
c14931fb...2a960a42 - 22 commits from branch
mentioned in merge request !3563 (closed)
mentioned in merge request LHCb!4276 (closed)
- Resolved by Sebastien Ponce
@jonrob should I also remove filling of the now obsolete Rich additionalInfo in this MR?
mentioned in merge request LHCb!4320 (merged)
added Event model label
mentioned in issue Moore#669 (closed)
mentioned in issue Moore#671 (closed)
added impactlow prioritymid labels