From eb7f30c302f28e63c1e24a74bbe2b3a0ddcfcb7d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: cprouve <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2023 12:37:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] delete IBTaggingTool.h and all the places where it is

 .../dict/DaVinciInterfacesDict.h              |   1 -
 .../dict/DaVinciInterfacesDict.xml            |   1 -
 .../include/Kernel/IBTaggingTool.h            | 104 ------------------
 .../include/Kernel/DVCommonBase.h             |  10 --
 4 files changed, 116 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/include/Kernel/IBTaggingTool.h

diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/dict/DaVinciInterfacesDict.h b/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/dict/DaVinciInterfacesDict.h
index e4120fba188..c4c60c7c469 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/dict/DaVinciInterfacesDict.h
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/dict/DaVinciInterfacesDict.h
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 // ============================================================================
 // DaVinciKernel
 // ============================================================================
-#include "Kernel/IBTaggingTool.h"
 #include "Kernel/ICaloParticleMaker.h"
 #include "Kernel/IChangePIDTool.h"
 #include "Kernel/ICheckOverlap.h"
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/dict/DaVinciInterfacesDict.xml b/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/dict/DaVinciInterfacesDict.xml
index ad0b8f44007..b8b67f8ac41 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/dict/DaVinciInterfacesDict.xml
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/dict/DaVinciInterfacesDict.xml
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 <!-- DaVinciInterfaces -->
-  <class name = "IBTaggingTool"/>
   <class name = "ICaloParticleMaker"/>
   <class name = "IChangePIDTool"/>
   <class name = "ICheckOverlap"/>
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/include/Kernel/IBTaggingTool.h b/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/include/Kernel/IBTaggingTool.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7af0fe05cdd..00000000000
--- a/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/include/Kernel/IBTaggingTool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      *
-*                                                                             *
-* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      *
-* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   *
-*                                                                             *
-* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
-* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  *
-* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       *
-// Include files
-// from STL
-#include <string>
-// from Gaudi
-#include "Event/FlavourTag.h"
-#include "Event/RecVertex.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
-/** @class IBTaggingTool IBTaggingTool.h
- *
- *  v2.0
- *  @author Marco Musy, Julian Wishahi
- *  @date   2004-2017
- */
-struct GAUDI_API IBTaggingTool : extend_interfaces<IAlgTool> {
-  DeclareInterfaceID( IBTaggingTool, 3, 0 );
-  /**
-   * @brief      Tag a signal candidates
-   *
-   * @param      flavTag  The flavour tag
-   * @param[in]  sigPart  The signal particle
-   *
-   * @return     StatusCode
-   */
-  virtual StatusCode tag( LHCb::FlavourTag& flavTag, const LHCb::Particle* sigPart ) = 0;
-  virtual StatusCode tag( LHCb::FlavourTag& flavTag, const LHCb::Particle* sigPart,
-                          const LHCb::RecVertex* assocVtx ) = 0;
-  virtual StatusCode tag( LHCb::FlavourTag& flavTag, const LHCb::Particle* sigPart, const LHCb::RecVertex* assocVtx,
-                          LHCb::Particle::ConstVector& tagParts ) = 0;
-  /**
-   * @brief      List of active Taggers
-   *
-   * @return     Vector of names of active taggers.
-   */
-  virtual std::vector<std::string> activeTaggerTypeNames() const = 0;
-  /**
-   * @brief      List of active Taggers
-   *
-   * @return     Vector of enum values of active taggers.
-   */
-  virtual std::vector<LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType> activeTaggerTypes() const = 0;
-  /**
-   * @brief      Names of the features used by the tagger for the tag decision
-   *
-   * @return     Vector of strings that represent the names of the features used
-   *             by the tagger for the previous tag decision.
-   *
-   * @todo       Make fully virtual
-   */
-  virtual std::vector<std::string> featureNames( LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType taggerType ) const = 0;
-  /**
-   * @brief      Values of the features used by the tagger for the tag decision
-   *
-   * @return     Vector of values of all features used for the previous tagging
-   *             decision. Follows the ordering as given by featureNames().
-   */
-  virtual std::vector<double> featureValues( LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType taggerType ) const = 0;
-  /**
-   * @brief      Feature names evaluated by the tagger for each tagging particle
-   *
-   * @return     Vector of strings that represent the names of the features used
-   *             by the tagger in the process of determining the previous tag
-   *             decision. In contrast to featureNames() this holds information
-   *             evaluated for each tagging particle.
-   */
-  virtual std::vector<std::string> featureNamesTagParts( LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType taggerType ) const = 0;
-  /**
-   * @brief      Feature values evaluated by the tagger for each tagging particle
-   *
-   * @return     A vector of vector of values of all features used for the
-   *             previous tagging decision. Each vector<double> represents one
-   *             'column' (associated to the featureName), each 'row' represents
-   *             the features of one tagging particle. The column ordering
-   *             follows the ones given by featureNamesTagParts().
-   */
-  virtual std::vector<std::vector<double>> featureValuesTagParts( LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType taggerType ) const = 0;
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/DVCommonBase.h b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/DVCommonBase.h
index c398ba0ab0d..aa88d71f7d4 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/DVCommonBase.h
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/DVCommonBase.h
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
 #include "Event/Particle.h"
 #include "Event/Vertex.h"
-#include "Kernel/IBTaggingTool.h"
 #include "Kernel/ICheckOverlap.h"
 #include "Kernel/IDVAlgorithm.h"
 #include "Kernel/IDecayTreeFit.h"
@@ -249,10 +248,6 @@ public:
     return this->getTool<IParticleFilter>( name, m_filterNames, this->defaultParticleFiltersNames(), m_filters, this );
-  /// Tagging Tool
-  IBTaggingTool* flavourTagging() const override {
-    return this->getTool<IBTaggingTool>( m_taggingToolName, m_taggingTool, this );
-  }
   /// Overridden from Gaudi Algo to produce a warning if not called by user
@@ -796,11 +791,6 @@ protected:
   /// Reference to CheckOverlap
   mutable ICheckOverlap* m_checkOverlap{nullptr};
-  /// Concrete Type of FlavourTagging tool
-  std::string m_taggingToolName{"BTaggingTool"};
-  /// Reference to FlavourTagging
-  mutable IBTaggingTool* m_taggingTool{nullptr};
   /// Reference to ParticleDescendants
   mutable IParticleDescendants* m_descendants{nullptr};
   /// Concrete Type of ParticleDescendants tool

From dd90c1ee17ffae1515ef101ca262b89033074290 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gitlab CI <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2023 11:44:37 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Fixed formatting

patch generated by
 Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/DVCommonBase.h | 1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/DVCommonBase.h b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/DVCommonBase.h
index aa88d71f7d4..982b0196e10 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/DVCommonBase.h
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/DVCommonBase.h
@@ -248,7 +248,6 @@ public:
     return this->getTool<IParticleFilter>( name, m_filterNames, this->defaultParticleFiltersNames(), m_filters, this );
   /// Overridden from Gaudi Algo to produce a warning if not called by user
   void setFilterPassed( bool state ) const;

From 33e4347cb8338d02ba0988bcbafd9db93acabb90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gitlab CI <>
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2023 09:46:36 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] Fixed formatting

patch generated by
 Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/DVCommonBase.h | 1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/DVCommonBase.h b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/DVCommonBase.h
index d811f0f9d89..982b0196e10 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/DVCommonBase.h
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/DVCommonBase.h
@@ -961,4 +961,3 @@ private:
   /// Default nickname mapping for DistanceCalculators
   const ToolMap& defaultDistanceCalculatorsNames() const;

From bb2c2516115c6c37a07cfe26b63b0c94f25a4e0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: cprouve <>
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2023 10:50:50 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] fix failure in rebase

 .../include/Kernel/DVCommonBase.h             | 963 ------------------
 1 file changed, 963 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/DVCommonBase.h

diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/DVCommonBase.h b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/DVCommonBase.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 982b0196e10..00000000000
--- a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/DVCommonBase.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,963 +0,0 @@
-* (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      *
-*                                                                             *
-* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      *
-* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   *
-*                                                                             *
-* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
-* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  *
-* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       *
-#pragma once
-#include <map>
-#include "GAUDI_VERSION.h"
-#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiTupleAlg.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/DataObjectHandle.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/HashMap.h"
-#include "GaudiKernel/VectorMap.h"
-#include "Kernel/IParticlePropertySvc.h"
-#include "Kernel/ParticleProperty.h"
-#include "Event/Particle.h"
-#include "Event/Vertex.h"
-#include "Kernel/ICheckOverlap.h"
-#include "Kernel/IDVAlgorithm.h"
-#include "Kernel/IDecayTreeFit.h"
-#include "Kernel/IDirectionFit.h"
-#include "Kernel/IDistanceCalculator.h"
-#include "Kernel/ILifetimeFitter.h"
-#include "Kernel/IMassFit.h"
-#include "Kernel/IPVReFitter.h"
-#include "Kernel/IParticleDescendants.h"
-#include "Kernel/IParticleFilter.h"
-#include "Kernel/IRelatedPVFinder.h"
-#include "Kernel/IVertexFit.h"
-#include "Kernel/Particle2Vertex.h"
-#include "Kernel/DaVinciFun.h"
-#include "Kernel/DefaultDVToolTypes.h"
-#include "Kernel/Guards.h"
-#include "DetDesc/DetectorElement.h"
-#include "DetDesc/GenericConditionAccessorHolder.h"
-/** @class DVCommonBase DVCommonBase.h Kernel/DVCommonBase.h
- *
- *  Base Class for DaVinci Selection Algorithms:
- *  Does the retrieval of all necessary DaVinci Tools
- *
- *  The specific configuration properties of the base class:
- *
- *  - <b>Inputs</b> : TES location of input data container.
- *
- *  - <b>Output</b> : TES location of output data container.
- *
- *  - <b>VertexFitters</b> : the map for possible vertex fitters.
- *      @see IVertexFit
- *      The semantic is
- *   @code
- *      MyAgl.VertexFitters = { "" : "OfflineVertexFitter" ,
- *                              "special" : "MySpecialVertexFitter" } ;
- *   @endcode
- *
- *   - <b>Distance Tools</b>  : the map of possible geometry tools
- *   @see IDistanceCalculator
- *
- *  - <b>ParticleFilters</b> : the map for possible particle filters
- *     @see IParticleFilter
- *
- *  - <b>ParticleCombiners</b> : the map for possible particle combiners
- *     @see IParticleCombiner
- *
- *  - <b>ParticleReFitters</b> : the map for possible particle re-fitters
- *     @see IParticleReFit
- *
- *  - <b>PVReFitters</b> : the map for possible primary vertex re-fitters
- *     @see IPVReFitter
- *
- *  - <b>ReFitPVs</b> : bool. Perform automatic PV re-fitting when asking for
- * best PV. Default: false.
- *
- *  - <b>UseP2PVRelations</b> : bool. Use P2PV relations internally
- * or calculate best PV on the fly. Forced to true if <b>ReFitPVs</b> is true.
- * Default: true.
- *
- *  - <b>WriteP2PVRelations</b> : bool. Write P2PV relations to
- * output TES location "<algorithm output location>/Particle2VertexRelations".
- * Writes the relations for all particles in the TES after saving local
- * particles, including relations for input particles. Does not write anything
- * Default: true.
- *
- *  - <b>IgnoreP2PVFromInputLocations</b> : Do not pick up <Inpus>"/Particle2VertexRelations".
- * Forces to calculate best PV on the fly. To be used specially if you want
- * to use ReFitPVs when the input algorithms didn't or vice versa.
- * Or to be sure that you are re-calculating the best PV in your own algorithm.
- * Bear in mind this involves potentially CPU expensive calculations.
- * Default: false.
- *
- *  - <b>DecayDescriptor</b>  : the decay descriptor ofthe algorithm
- *               in the spirit of (MC)DecayFinder tool by Olivier Dormond.
- *
- *
- *  - <b>ForceOutput</b> : boolean flag (default value is <c>true</c>)
- *    forcing the wrinting of empty containers if no output data are required.
- *
- *  - <b>PreloadTools</b> : the boolean flag (default value is <c>true</c>)
- *    to force the preloading of all nesessary tools at the initialization time
- *
- *  @author Chris Jones
- *  @date   2012-06-22
- */
-template <class PBASE>
-class DVCommonBase : public extends1<LHCb::DetDesc::ConditionAccessorHolder<PBASE>, IDVAlgorithm> {
-  DVCommonBase( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator );
-  LHCb::DetDesc::ConditionAccessor<DetectorElement> m_lhcb{this, "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_fiddledLocs{this, "ModifyLocations", true,
-                                      "if set to false, does not append /Particles to outputParticles location"};
-  /** Handle to the concrete implementation, or to the parent if
-   *  implementation does not derive from GaudiAlgorithm
-   */
-  const GaudiAlgorithm* gaudiAlg() const override { return this; }
-  // get IGeometryInfo
-  IGeometryInfo const& geometry() override { return *m_lhcb.get().geometry(); };
-  /// get the best related primary vertex
-  const LHCb::VertexBase* bestVertex( LHCb::Particle const* particle, IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const override {
-    return bestPV( particle, geometry );
-  }
-  /// get all loaded input particles
-  const LHCb::Particle::Range particles() const override {
-    return LHCb::Particle::Range( m_inputParts.begin(), m_inputParts.end() );
-  }
-  /** direct const access to container of input primary vertices.
-   *  @author Juan Palacios
-   */
-  inline const LHCb::RecVertex::Range primaryVertices() const override {
-    return this->template getIfExists<LHCb::RecVertex::Range>( m_PVLocation.value() );
-  }
-  /** Accessor for IDistanceCalculator tools by name/typename/nickname
-   *  @see IDistanceCalculator
-   *  @param name the tool name/typename/nickname
-   *  @return pointer to acquired tool
-   */
-  const IDistanceCalculator* distanceCalculator( const std::string& name = "" ) const override {
-    return this->getTool<IDistanceCalculator>( name, m_distanceCalculatorNames, this->defaultDistanceCalculatorsNames(),
-                                               m_distanceCalculators, this );
-  }
-  /** Accessor for ILifetimeFitter tools by name/typename/nickname
-   *  @see ILifetimeFitter
-   *  @param name the tool name/typename/nickname
-   *  @return pointer to aquired tool
-   */
-  const ILifetimeFitter* lifetimeFitter( const std::string& name = "" ) const override {
-    return this->getTool<ILifetimeFitter>( name, m_lifetimeFitterNames, this->defaultLifetimeFittersNames(),
-                                           m_lifetimeFitters, this );
-  }
-  /** Accessor for IVertexFit tools by name/typename/nickname
-   *  @see IVertexFit
-   *  @param name the tool name/typename/nickname
-   *  @return pointer to aquired tool
-   */
-  const IVertexFit* vertexFitter( const std::string& name = "" ) const override {
-    return this->getTool<IVertexFit>( name, m_vertexFitNames, this->defaultVertexFittersNames(), m_vertexFits, this );
-  }
-  /** Accessor for IParticleReFitter tools by name/typename/nickname
-   *  @see IParticleReFitter
-   *  @param name the tool name/typename/nickname
-   *  @return pointer to aquired tool
-   */
-  const IParticleReFitter* particleReFitter( const std::string& name = "" ) const override {
-    return this->getTool<IParticleReFitter>( name, m_particleReFitterNames, this->defaultParticleReFittersNames(),
-                                             m_particleReFitters, this );
-  }
-  /** Accessor for IDecayTreeFit tools by name/typename/nickname
-   *  @see IDecayTreeFit
-   *  @param name the tool name/typename/nickname
-   *  @return pointer to aquired tool
-   */
-  IDecayTreeFit* decayTreeFitter( const std::string& name = "" ) const override {
-    return this->getTool<IDecayTreeFit>( name, m_decayTreeFitterNames, this->defaultDecayTreeFittersNames(),
-                                         m_decayTreeFitters, this );
-  }
-  /** Accessor for IParticleCombiner tools by name/typename/nickname
-   *  @see IParticleCombiner
-   *  @param name the tool name/typename/nickname
-   *  @return pointer to aquired tool
-   */
-  const IParticleCombiner* particleCombiner( const std::string& name = "" ) const override {
-    return this->getTool<IParticleCombiner>( name, m_particleCombinerNames, this->defaultParticleCombinersNames(),
-                                             m_particleCombiners, this );
-  }
-  /** Accessor for IMassFit tools by name/typename/nickname
-   *  @see IMassFit
-   *  @param name the tool name/typename/nickname
-   *  @return pointer to aquired tool
-   */
-  const IMassFit* massFitter( const std::string& name = "" ) const override {
-    return this->getTool<IMassFit>( name, m_massFitterNames, this->defaultMassFittersNames(), m_massFitters, this );
-  }
-  /** Accessor for IDirectionFit tools by name/typename/nickname
-   *  @see IDirectionFit
-   *  @param name the tool name/typename/nickname
-   *  @return pointer to aquired tool
-   */
-  const IDirectionFit* directionFitter( const std::string& name = "" ) const override {
-    return this->getTool<IDirectionFit>( name, m_directionFitterNames, this->defaultDirectionFittersNames(),
-                                         m_directionFitters, this );
-  }
-  /** Accessor for IPVReFitter tools by name/typename/nickname
-   *  @see IPVReFitter
-   *  @param name the tool name/typename/nickname
-   *  @return pointer to aquired tool
-   */
-  const IPVReFitter* primaryVertexReFitter( const std::string& name = "" ) const override {
-    return this->getTool<IPVReFitter>( name, m_pvReFitterNames, this->defaultPVReFittersNames(), m_pvReFitters, this );
-  }
-  /** Accessor for Particle Filter Tool
-   *  @see IPArticleFilter
-   *  @param name the tool name/typename/nickname
-   *  @return pointer to aquired tool
-   */
-  const IParticleFilter* particleFilter( const std::string& name = "" ) const override {
-    return this->getTool<IParticleFilter>( name, m_filterNames, this->defaultParticleFiltersNames(), m_filters, this );
-  }
-  /// Overridden from Gaudi Algo to produce a warning if not called by user
-  void setFilterPassed( bool state ) const;
-  /// Overridden from Gaudi Algorithm
-  StatusCode sysExecute( const EventContext& ) override;
-  // Overridden from Gaudi Algorithm
-  StatusCode initialize() override;
-  // Overridden from Gaudi Algorithm
-  StatusCode finalize() override;
-  // Get decay descriptor
-  const std::string& getDecayDescriptor() const { return m_decayDescriptor; }
-  // Set decay descriptor
-  void setDecayDescriptor( const std::string& dd ) { m_decayDescriptor = dd; }
-  /**
-   * Direct const access to the tool that calculates the Particle->PV
-   * weighted relations
-   *
-   * @author Juan Palacios
-   **/
-  inline const IRelatedPVFinder* relatedPVFinder() const {
-    return this->getTool<IRelatedPVFinder>( m_pvRelatorName, m_pvRelator, this );
-  }
-  /**
-   * Cached access to default IPVReFitter tool.
-   *
-   * @author Juan Palacios
-   *
-   * @attention TO be removed. Use primaryVertexReFitter() instead.
-   **/
-  inline const IPVReFitter* defaultPVReFitter() const { return this->primaryVertexReFitter(); }
-  /**
-   * Inline access to best PV for a given particle.
-   *
-   **/
-  inline const LHCb::VertexBase* bestPV( LHCb::Particle const* particle, IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const {
-    return i_bestVertex( particle, geometry );
-  }
-  /**
-   * Calculate the best related PV for a particle and return it to the user
-   * If property "ReFitPVs" is set to true, this triggers a re-fit of the PVs
-   * after removing tracks coming from the particle in question. If not, then
-   * it uses the container of PVs obtained from method primaryVertices().
-   * Returns a newed pointer to a vertex either from the TES or stored in the
-   * local storage.
-   *
-   * @author Juan Palacios
-   * @param p LHCb::Particle to be related
-   * @return newed pointer to related vertex. TES or DV Algorithm in charge of
-   * memory management.
-   **/
-  const LHCb::VertexBase* calculateRelatedPV( LHCb::Particle const* p, IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const;
-  /**
-   * Get the related PV from the relations table, or call calculateRelatedPV
-   * if it isn't already there.
-   *
-   * @author Juan Palacios
-   * @date 10/02/2009
-   **/
-  const LHCb::VertexBase* getRelatedPV( LHCb::Particle const* p, IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const;
-  /**
-   * Relate a VertexBase to a Particle.
-   * Overwrites existing relation to that particle.
-   *
-   * @param part (INPUT) LHCb::Particle to which an LHCb::VertexBase
-   *                     will be related
-   * @param vert (INPUT) LHCb::VertexBase that will be related to part.
-   *
-   * @author Juan Palacios
-   **/
-  inline void relate( const LHCb::Particle* particle, const LHCb::VertexBase* vertex ) const {
-    if ( particle && vertex ) { m_p2PVMap[particle] = vertex; }
-  }
-  /**
-   *
-   * Remove the PV relation of a particle if there is one.
-   *
-   * @param particle
-   * @author Juan Palacios
-   **/
-  inline void unRelatePV( const LHCb::Particle* particle ) const override { m_p2PVMap.erase( particle ); }
-  /// Accessor for CheckOverlap Tool
-  inline ICheckOverlap* checkOverlap() const {
-    return this->getTool<ICheckOverlap>( m_checkOverlapName, m_checkOverlap );
-  }
-  /// Descendants
-  inline IParticleDescendants* descendants() const {
-    return this->getTool<IParticleDescendants>( m_descendantsName, m_descendants );
-  }
-  /** Accessor for ParticlePropertySvc
-   *  @see LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc
-   *  @return pointer to Particle Property Service
-   */
-  inline const LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc* ppSvc() const {
-    if ( !m_ppSvc ) { m_ppSvc = this->template svc<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc>( "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc", true ); }
-    return m_ppSvc;
-  }
-  /** helper method to get a proper ParticleProperty for the given name
-   *
-   *  @code
-   *
-   *   const LHCb::ParticleProperty* pion = pid ( "pi+" ) ;
-   *
-   *  @endcode
-   *
-   *  @see LHCb::ParticleProperty
-   *  @see LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc
-   *  @param name the particle name
-   *  @return pointer to particle property
-   */
-  inline const LHCb::ParticleProperty* pid( const std::string& name ) const {
-    const LHCb::ParticleProperty* pp = ppSvc()->find( name );
-    if ( !pp ) { this->Error( "pid('" + name + "') : invalid LHCb::ParticleProperty!" ).ignore(); }
-    return pp;
-  }
-  /** helper method to get a proper ParticleProperty for the given pid
-   *
-   *  @code
-   *
-   *   const LHCb::Particle* p = ... ;
-   *
-   *   const LHCb::ParticleProperty* pp = pid ( p->particleID() ) ;
-   *
-   *  @endcode
-   *
-   *  @see LHCb::ParticleProperty
-   *  @see LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc
-   *  @see LHCb::ParticleID
-   *  @param  id the particle pid
-   *  @return pointer to particle property
-   */
-  inline const LHCb::ParticleProperty* pid( const LHCb::ParticleID& id ) const {
-    const LHCb::ParticleProperty* pp = ppSvc()->find( id );
-    if ( !pp ) { this->Error( "pid() : invalid LHCb::ParticleProperty!" ).ignore(); }
-    return pp;
-  }
-  /// the actual type for mapping "tool nickname -> the actual type/name"
-  using ToolMap = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
-  /** helper protected function to load the tool on-demand
-   *  @param name name of tool
-   *  @param t    tool
-   *  @param ptr the pointer to this or NULL for private or common tools
-   *  @return tool
-   */
-  template <class TYPE>
-  TYPE* getTool( const std::string& name, TYPE*& t, const IInterface* ptr = NULL ) const {
-    if ( !t ) { t = this->template tool<TYPE>( name, ptr ); }
-    return t;
-  }
-  /** helper method to locate the tool by nickname
-   *
-   *  @attention it is for internal usage ONLY,
-   *             used for implementation of
-   *             concrete accessor functions
-   *
-   *  It is assumed that the map "nickname -> type/name" is performed
-   *  through the algorithm properties
-   *
-   *  @param nickName the nickname for the tool
-   *  @param nameMap  the actual mapping "nickname -> type/name"
-   *                 (to be specified through the properties)
-   *  @param toolMap  the actual storage of located tool, e.g.
-   *         std::map<std::string,TYPE*> or
-   *         Gaudi::Utils::VectorMap<std::string,TYPE*>
-   *  @param parent the parent of the tools
-   *  @return the located tool
-   */
-  template <class TYPE, class STORAGE>
-  TYPE* getTool( const std::string& nickName, const ToolMap& customMap, const ToolMap& defaultMap, STORAGE& toolMap,
-                 const IInterface* parent = NULL ) const {
-    TYPE* t = NULL;
-    // look within the local list of already located tools of given type
-    typename STORAGE::const_iterator ifind = toolMap.find( nickName );
-    // tool is in the list?
-    if ( toolMap.end() != ifind ) {
-      t = ifind->second;
-      if ( !t ) {
-        this->Exception( "getTool<" + System::typeinfoName( typeid( TYPE ) ) + ">('" + nickName +
-                         "'): tool points to NULL" );
-      }
-    } else {
-      // get the actual tool type
-      std::string             toolType = nickName;
-      ToolMap::const_iterator iname    = customMap.find( nickName );
-      if ( iname != customMap.end() ) {
-        toolType = iname->second;
-      } else {
-        iname = defaultMap.find( nickName );
-        if ( iname != defaultMap.end() ) { toolType = iname->second; }
-      }
-      // locate the tool
-      t = this->template tool<TYPE>( toolType, parent );
-      // add the located tool into the container
-      typename STORAGE::value_type value( nickName, t );
-      toolMap.insert( value );
-    }
-    return t; // RETURN
-  }
-  /**
-   * Access to the list of TES input locations given by the Inputs
-   * property
-   *
-   * @return vector or strings with TES input locations
-   */
-  inline const std::vector<std::string>& inputLocations() const { return m_inputLocations.value(); }
-  /**
-   * Access to the list of TES input locations given by the Inputs
-   * property
-   *
-   * @return vector or strings with TES input locations
-   */
-  inline std::vector<std::string>& inputLocations() { return m_inputLocations.value(); }
-  /// Marks a single particle for saving, ignoring it's decay tree.
-  /// Particle must be on the heap, either already in the TES or
-  /// newed by the client. Particle's decay products must be in the TES.
-  /// If these conditions are not met, saving to the TES via saveInTES will
-  /// fail.
-  ///
-  /// @attention use markTree, markNewTree methods
-  /// unless you are really sure all the decay products are in the TES.
-  ///
-  /// @attention if <b>particle</b> is on the TES they will not be saved
-  /// by default, special action is required via over-writing of _saveInTES.
-  ///
-  inline void markParticle( const LHCb::Particle* particle ) {
-    if ( m_parts.end() == std::find( m_parts.begin(), m_parts.end(), particle ) ) { m_parts.push_back( particle ); }
-  }
-  /// Mark particles for saving, ignoring it's decay tree.
-  /// Particles must be on the heap, either already in the TES or
-  /// newed by the client. Particle's decay products must be in the TES.
-  /// If these conditions are not met, savinf to the TES via saveInTES will
-  /// fail.
-  ///
-  /// @attention use markTrees, markNewTrees methods
-  /// unless you are really sure all the decay products are in the TES.
-  ///
-  /// @attention if <b>particles</b> are on the TES they will not be saved
-  /// by default, special action is required via over-writing of _saveInTES.
-  ///
-  template <class PARTICLES>
-  inline void markParticles( const PARTICLES& particles ) {
-    for ( typename PARTICLES::const_iterator iPart = particles.begin(); iPart != particles.end(); ++iPart ) {
-      markParticle( *iPart );
-    }
-  }
-  /// Mark a decay tree for saving. Scans decay tree marking
-  /// elements for saving. Each branch is followed and each vertex
-  /// is cloned until a vertex is found which is in the TES.
-  ///
-  /// @attention Cloning stops at vertices that are in the TES.
-  /// @param particle (INPUT) The head of the decay to be cloned and marked.
-  /// Ownership remains unchanged (either client's or TES).
-  /// @return the cloned head of the decay or the input if in TES.
-  ///
-  const LHCb::Particle* markTree( const LHCb::Particle* particle );
-  /// Mark particles for saving. Scans decay trees marking
-  /// elements for saving. Each branch is followed and each vertex
-  /// is cloned until a vertex is found which is in the TES.
-  ///
-  /// @attention Cloning stops at vertices that are in the TES.
-  /// @param heads (INPUT) The heads of the decays to be cloned and marked.
-  /// Ownership remains unchanged (either client's or TES).
-  ///
-  template <class PARTICLES>
-  inline void markTrees( const PARTICLES heads ) {
-    for ( typename PARTICLES::const_iterator iHead = heads.begin(); iHead != heads.end(); ++iHead ) {
-      markTree( *iHead );
-    }
-  }
-  /* Method removed since causing a memory leak, see JIRA task LHCBPS-1650
-  /// Clone a particle and mark for saving. Scans descendants cloning
-  /// and marking elements for saving. Each branch is followed until
-  /// a vertex is found which is in the TES.
-  ///
-  /// @attention particle is always cloned, but cloning of decays
-  /// stops at vertices that are in the TES.
-  /// @param particle (INPUT) The head of the decay to be cloned and marked.
-  /// Ownership remains unchanged (either client's or TES).
-  /// @return the cloned head of the decay or the input if in TES.
-  ///
-  const LHCb::Particle* cloneAndMarkTree(const LHCb::Particle* particle);
-  /// Clone particles and mark for saving. Scans descendants cloning
-  /// and marking elements for saving. Each branch is followed until
-  /// a vertex is found which is in the TES.
-  ///
-  /// @attention head is always cloned, but cloning of decays
-  /// stops at vertices that are in the TES.
-  /// @param heads (INPUT) The heads of the decays to be cloned and marked.
-  /// Ownership remains unchanged (either client's or TES).
-  /// @return the cloned head of the decay or the input if in TES.
-  ///
-  template <class PARTICLES>
-  void cloneAndMarkTrees(const PARTICLES& heads)
-  {
-    for ( typename PARTICLES::const_iterator iHead = heads.begin();
-          iHead != heads.end(); ++iHead ) { cloneAndMarkTree(*iHead); }
-  }
-  */
-  ///
-  /// Mark Particles head and its decay products for saving.
-  /// Elements already on the TES or their descendants will not be marked.
-  /// @param head (INPUT) Particle, head of decays to be stored.
-  ///      Algorithm takes over ownership. Element <b>must be on the heap</b>.
-  ///
-  inline void markNewTree( const LHCb::Particle* head ) {
-    DaVinci::Utils::findDecayTree( head, m_parts, m_secVerts, &m_inTES );
-  }
-  ///
-  /// Mark the particles in heads and their decay products for saving.
-  /// Elements already on the TES or their descendants will not be marked.
-  /// @param heads (INPUT) vector of heads of decays to be stored.
-  ///      Algorithm takes over ownership. Elements <b>must be on the heap</b>.
-  ///
-  template <class PARTICLES>
-  inline void markNewTrees( const PARTICLES& heads ) {
-    for ( typename PARTICLES::const_iterator iHead = heads.begin(); iHead != heads.end(); ++iHead ) {
-      markNewTree( *iHead );
-    }
-  }
-  /// Return the output location where data will be written to the TES
-  inline const std::string& outputLocation() const { return m_outputLocation; }
-  /// Return the output location where Particles will be written to the TES
-  inline const std::string& particleOutputLocation() const { return m_particleOutputLocation; }
-  /// Return the output location where decay vertices will be written
-  /// to the TES
-  inline const std::string& decayVertexOutputLocation() const { return m_decayVertexOutputLocation; }
-  /// Return the output location where data will be written to the TES
-  inline const std::string& tableOutputLocation() const { return m_tableOutputLocation; }
-  /// Get the best related PV from the local relations table. Return 0 if
-  /// nothing is there. Does not invoke any calculations.
-  inline const LHCb::VertexBase* getStoredBestPV( const LHCb::Particle* particle ) const {
-    P2PVMap::const_iterator iPV = m_p2PVMap.find( particle );
-    return ( iPV != m_p2PVMap.end() ? iPV->second : NULL );
-  }
-  /// Inline access to local input Particle storage.
-  inline const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector& i_particles() const { return m_inputParts; }
-  /// Inline access to local marked Particle storage.
-  inline const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector& i_markedParticles() const { return m_parts; }
-  /** Returns the full location of the given object in the Data Store
-   *
-   *  @param pObj Data object
-   *
-   *  @return Location of given data object
-   */
-  inline std::string objectLocation( const DataObject* pObj ) const {
-    return ( !pObj ? "" : ( pObj->registry() ? pObj->registry()->identifier() : "" ) );
-  }
-  /** Try and find the related PV by predicting the relations table
-   *  location from the Particle TES container location
-   */
-  const LHCb::VertexBase* relatePVViaParticleTESLoc( const LHCb::Particle* p ) const;
-  /**
-   * Inline access to best PV for a given particle.
-   *
-   **/
-  inline const LHCb::VertexBase* i_bestVertex( LHCb::Particle const* p, IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const {
-    return ( useP2PV() ? getRelatedPV( p, geometry ) : calculateRelatedPV( p, geometry ) );
-  }
-  /// Initialise relative Inputs
-  void initializeInputLocations();
-  /// Initialise Particle->PV relations input locations.
-  void initializeOutputLocations();
-  /// Load all tools.
-  /// The base class provides an instance of all type of tools
-  StatusCode loadTools();
-  /// Load particles, primary vertices, relations tables.
-  virtual StatusCode loadEventInput();
-  /// Load particles from Inputs
-  StatusCode loadParticles();
-  /// Load Particle->PV relations for loaded particles.
-  StatusCode loadParticle2PVRelations();
-  /// Take a range of Particle -> PV relations and store them locally,
-  /// overwriting existing relations with the same From.
-  void loadRelations( const Particle2Vertex::Table::Range& relations ) const;
-  /// Does the particle have a relation to a PV stored in the local
-  /// relations table?
-  inline bool hasStoredRelatedPV( const LHCb::Particle* particle ) const {
-    return ( m_p2PVMap.find( particle ) != m_p2PVMap.end() );
-  }
-  /// Does the event have more than 1 primary vertex?
-  inline bool multiPV() const { return ( this->primaryVertices().size() > 1 ); }
-  /// Should PVs be re-fitted when bestVertex is asked for?
-  inline bool refitPVs() const { return m_refitPVs.value(); }
-  /// Should Particle->PV relations table be used?
-  inline bool useP2PV() const { return ( refitPVs() ? true : m_useP2PV.value() ); }
-  /// Should Particle->PV relations be stored in the TES?
-  inline bool saveP2PV() const { return ( m_writeP2PV && !m_noPVs ); }
-  /// Save the local Particle->Vertex relations table to the TES
-  StatusCode saveP2PVRelations( IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const;
-  /// Scan the marked particles' decay trees and get or calculate
-  /// best PV relations and store them on the local map.
-  void buildP2PVMap( IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const;
-  /// Mark a local PV for saving.
-  const LHCb::RecVertex* mark( const LHCb::RecVertex* PV ) const;
-  template <class PARTICLES>
-  void i_markTrees( const PARTICLES& heads ) {
-    for ( typename PARTICLES::const_iterator iHead = heads.begin(); iHead != heads.end(); ++iHead ) {
-      DaVinci::Utils::findDecayTree( *iHead, m_parts, m_secVerts, &m_inTES );
-    }
-  }
-  /// Save local re-fitted PVs related to saved particles.
-  /// Only saves PVs that are not already in the TES.
-  void saveRefittedPVs( const LHCb::RecVertex::ConstVector& vToSave ) const;
-  /// Save all marked local particles not already in the TES.
-  /// Saves decay tree elements not already in TES, plus related
-  /// PV and relation table entry when applicable.
-  StatusCode saveInTES( IGeometryInfo const& geometry );
-  /// Save all marked local particles not already in the TES.
-  /// Saves decay tree elements not already in TES
-  /// This method can be overwritten if special TES saving actions are
-  /// required. Avoid if possible!
-  virtual StatusCode _saveInTES();
-  /// Write an empty Particles container of the same type as that in
-  /// saveInTES(). Can be overwritten for specialist actions.
-  virtual void writeEmptyTESContainers();
-  /// handle the update of "Inputs" property"
-  void handleInputsUpdate( Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase& /* p */ ); // update the factory
-  std::string m_outputLocation; ///< Output location TES folder.
-  std::string m_decayVertexOutputLocation; ///< Output location TES folder.
-  std::string m_tableOutputLocation; ///< Output location TES folder.
-  LHCb::Particle::ConstVector m_parts; ///< Local Container of local particles
-  LHCb::Particle::ConstVector m_inputParts; ///< Local container of input particles.
-  LHCb::Vertex::ConstVector m_secVerts; ///< Local Container of secondary vertices
-  mutable LHCb::RecVertex::ConstVector m_refittedPVs; ///< Local Container of re-fitted primary vertices
-  /// Type for mapping between Particles and PVs
-  using P2PVMap = GaudiUtils::HashMap<const LHCb::Particle*, const LHCb::VertexBase*>;
-  mutable P2PVMap m_p2PVMap; ///< Local store of Particle->PV relations.
-  /// The actual map of "nickname -> tool" for Vertex Fitters
-  mutable GaudiUtils::VectorMap<std::string, IVertexFit*> m_vertexFits;
-  /// Mapping of "nickname ->type/name" for Geometry Tools
-  ToolMap m_geomToolNames;
-  /// Mapping of "nickname ->type/name" for Particle Filters
-  /// The actual map of "nickname -> tool" for Particle Filters
-  mutable GaudiUtils::VectorMap<std::string, IParticleFilter*> m_filters;
-  /// The actual map of "nickname -> tool" for Particle Combiners
-  mutable GaudiUtils::VectorMap<std::string, IParticleCombiner*> m_particleCombiners;
-  /// The actual map of "nickname -> tool" for Particle Refitters
-  mutable GaudiUtils::VectorMap<std::string, IParticleReFitter*> m_particleReFitters;
-  /// The actual map of "nickname -> tool" for Particle Refitters
-  mutable GaudiUtils::VectorMap<std::string, IPVReFitter*> m_pvReFitters;
-  /// The actual map of "nickname -> tool" for Decay Tree fitters
-  mutable GaudiUtils::VectorMap<std::string, IDecayTreeFit*> m_decayTreeFitters;
-  /// The actual map of "nickname -> tool" for mass-constrained fitters
-  mutable GaudiUtils::VectorMap<std::string, IMassFit*> m_massFitters;
-  /// The actual map of "nickname -> tool" for lifetime fitters
-  mutable GaudiUtils::VectorMap<std::string, ILifetimeFitter*> m_lifetimeFitters;
-  /// The actual map of "nickname -> tool" for direction fitters
-  mutable GaudiUtils::VectorMap<std::string, IDirectionFit*> m_directionFitters;
-  /// the actual map of "nickname -> distance calculator"
-  mutable GaudiUtils::VectorMap<std::string, IDistanceCalculator*> m_distanceCalculators;
-  /// Reference to CheckOverlap
-  mutable ICheckOverlap* m_checkOverlap{nullptr};
-  /// Reference to ParticleDescendants
-  mutable IParticleDescendants* m_descendants{nullptr};
-  /// Concrete Type of ParticleDescendants tool
-  std::string m_descendantsName{"ParticleDescendants"};
-  /// Find the related PV
-  mutable IRelatedPVFinder* m_pvRelator{nullptr};
-  /// Reference to ParticlePropertySvc
-  mutable const LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc* m_ppSvc{nullptr};
-  /// Has setFilterPassed() already been called in current event?
-  mutable bool m_setFilterCalled{false};
-  /// Do we have more than one PV in the event?
-  bool m_multiPV{false};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_pvRelatorName{this, "PrimaryVertexRelator", DaVinci::DefaultTools::PVRelator};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_decayDescriptor{this, "DecayDescriptor", "", "Describes the decay"};
-  /// avoid the writeup of empty containers
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_forceOutput{this, "ForceOutput", true, "If true TES location is written"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_refitPVs{this, "ReFitPVs", false, "Refit PV"};
-  /// Do we want to use the Particle -> PV relations? Default: true.
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useP2PV{this, "UseP2PVRelations", true, "Use P->PV relations internally. \
-                                  Forced to true if re-fitting PVs. Otherwise disabled for single PV events. Default: true."};
-  /** Ignore Particle->PV relations from Inputs?
-   *  User-defined ones are kept. */
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_ignoreP2PVFromInputLocations{this, "IgnoreP2PVFromInputLocations", false};
-  /** Force building of Particle-> best PV relations for selected
-   *  particles and their decay products where applicable. Only has effect
-   *  if <b>WriteP2PVRelations</b> is true. This is a post-execute action
-   *  and has no effect over the user's execute actions. <b>Default</b> false.
-   *  Takes existing relations and adds missing ones. */
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_forceP2PVBuild{this, "ForceP2PVBuild", false,
-                                         "Force construction of P->PV relations table. Default: false"};
-  /// Do we want to write the Particle -> PV relations table to the TES?
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_writeP2PV{this, "WriteP2PVRelations", true,
-                                    "Write out P->PV relations table to TES. Default: true"};
-  /** Switch PreloadTools to false to not preload any tools.
-   *  This will have the effect that they will be loaded on demand, when needed,
-   *  at any event. This option is thus only recommended for use of DV Algorithm
-   *  to do something unrelated to physics analysis.
-   */
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_preloadTools{this, "PreloadTools", false, "If true all tools are pre-loaded in initialize"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_checkOverlapName{this, "CheckOverlapTool", "CheckOverlap:PUBLIC",
-                                                  "Name of Overlap Tool"};
-  Gaudi::Property<ToolMap>     m_vertexFitNames{this, "VertexFitters", {}, "Names of vertex fitters"};
-  Gaudi::Property<ToolMap> m_filterNames{this, "ParticleFilters", {}, "Names of ParticleFilters"};
-  Gaudi::Property<ToolMap> m_particleCombinerNames{
-      this, "ParticleCombiners", {}, "Names of particle combiners, the basic tools for creation of composed particles"};
-  Gaudi::Property<ToolMap> m_particleReFitterNames{this, "ParticleReFitters", {}, "Names of particle refitters"};
-  Gaudi::Property<ToolMap> m_pvReFitterNames{this, "PVReFitters", {}, "Names of Primary Vertex refitters"};
-  Gaudi::Property<ToolMap> m_decayTreeFitterNames{
-      this, "DecayTreeFitters", {}, "The mapping of nick/name/type for IDecaytreeFitFit tools"};
-  Gaudi::Property<ToolMap> m_massFitterNames{
-      this, "MassFitters", {}, "The mapping of nick/name/type for IMassFit tools"};
-  Gaudi::Property<ToolMap> m_lifetimeFitterNames{
-      this, "LifetimeFitters", {}, "The mapping of nick/name/type for ILifetimeFitter tools"};
-  Gaudi::Property<ToolMap> m_directionFitterNames{
-      this, "DirectionFitters", {}, "The mapping of nick/name/type for IDirectionFit tools"};
-  Gaudi::Property<ToolMap> m_distanceCalculatorNames{
-      this, "DistanceCalculators", {}, "The mapping of nick/name/type for IDistanceCalculator tools"};
-  /// InputLocations
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_inputLocations{
-      this, "Inputs", {}, &DVCommonBase<PBASE>::handleInputsUpdate, "Input Locations forwarded of Particles"};
-  /// User-defined Particle->PV relations locations
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_p2PVInputLocations{
-      this, "P2PVInputLocations", {}, "Particle -> PV Relations Input Locations"};
-  /// TES location of input PVs.
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_PVLocation{this, "InputPrimaryVertices", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary};
-  /// TES location of output particles
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_particleOutputLocation{this, "Output", "", "output location of a particle"};
-  /// Don't use PVs
-  bool m_noPVs{false};
-  /// Functor determining if LHCb::Particle is in TES.
-  DaVinci::Utils::ParticleInTES m_inTES;
-  /// Counter for "effective filters"
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_acceptCounter{this, "#accept"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>     m_nInputParticles{this, "# input particles"};
-private: // classes
-  /** @class DVAlgGuard
-   *
-   * Guard class to clear containers and Particle->PV relations table.
-   */
-  class DVAlgGuard {
-  public:
-    /// Constructor with data values
-    DVAlgGuard( LHCb::Particle::ConstVector& inputParticles, LHCb::Particle::ConstVector& localParticles,
-                LHCb::Vertex::ConstVector& localSecondaryVertices, LHCb::RecVertex::ConstVector& primaryVertices,
-                P2PVMap& tableP2PV )
-        : m_guardInputP( inputParticles )
-        , m_guardLocalP( localParticles )
-        , m_guardLocalSV( localSecondaryVertices )
-        , m_guardPV( primaryVertices )
-        , m_table( tableP2PV ) {}
-    /// Destructor
-    ~DVAlgGuard() { m_table.clear(); }
-  private:
-    /// Disallow default constructor
-    DVAlgGuard();
-  private:
-    DaVinci::Utils::OrphanPointerContainerGuard<LHCb::Particle::ConstVector>  m_guardInputP;
-    DaVinci::Utils::OrphanPointerContainerGuard<LHCb::Particle::ConstVector>  m_guardLocalP;
-    DaVinci::Utils::OrphanPointerContainerGuard<LHCb::Vertex::ConstVector>    m_guardLocalSV;
-    DaVinci::Utils::OrphanPointerContainerGuard<LHCb::RecVertex::ConstVector> m_guardPV;
-    P2PVMap&                                                                  m_table;
-  };
-  /// Default nickname mapping for VertexFitters
-  const ToolMap& defaultVertexFittersNames() const;
-  /// Default nickname mapping for ParticleFilters
-  const ToolMap& defaultParticleFiltersNames() const;
-  /// Default nickname mapping for ParticleCombiners
-  const ToolMap& defaultParticleCombinersNames() const;
-  /// Default nickname mapping for ParticleReFitters
-  const ToolMap& defaultParticleReFittersNames() const;
-  /// Default nickname mapping for PVReFitters
-  const ToolMap& defaultPVReFittersNames() const;
-  /// Default nickname mapping for DecayTreeFitters
-  const ToolMap& defaultDecayTreeFittersNames() const;
-  /// Default nickname mapping for MassFitters
-  const ToolMap& defaultMassFittersNames() const;
-  /// Default nickname mapping for LifetimeFitters
-  const ToolMap& defaultLifetimeFittersNames() const;
-  /// Default nickname mapping for DirectionFitters
-  const ToolMap& defaultDirectionFittersNames() const;
-  /// Default nickname mapping for DistanceCalculators
-  const ToolMap& defaultDistanceCalculatorsNames() const;