diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/CMakeLists.txt b/Tr/TrackMonitors/CMakeLists.txt
index 2fb7950cae1583770429380a2c4e51e045749b42..fd9bf5b5cdadda50d4750cb918afb55316caa988 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ gaudi_add_module(TrackMonitors
+        src/BeamSpotMonitor.cpp
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/BeamSpotMonitor.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/BeamSpotMonitor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..440b07bc4b328991ba9b9e0008e27b3183c52d01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/BeamSpotMonitor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+* (c) Copyright 2023 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           *
+*                                                                             *
+* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      *
+* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   *
+*                                                                             *
+* In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
+* granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  *
+* or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       *
+#include "Event/ODIN.h"
+#include "Event/RecVertex.h"
+#include "LHCbAlgs/Consumer.h"
+#include <Gaudi/Accumulators/Histogram.h>
+#include <filesystem>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <regex>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
+namespace {
+  using PVView = LHCb::RecVertex::Range;
+  /// Unbiased sample covariance calculator for off-diagonals
+  template <typename X, typename XX>
+  auto calculate_spread_offdiag( X const& x, X const& y, XX const& xy ) {
+    return ( xy.sum() - xy.nEntries() * x.mean() * y.mean() ) / ( xy.nEntries() - 1 );
+  }
+  /// Format position condition "<value>*mm"
+  template <typename T>
+  inline std::string format_position( T x ) {
+    return std::to_string( x / Gaudi::Units::mm ) + "*mm";
+  }
+  /// Format spread condition "<value>*mm2"
+  template <typename T>
+  inline std::string format_spread( T x ) {
+    return std::to_string( x / Gaudi::Units::mm2 ) + "*mm2";
+  }
+  /// Find largest version number in a directory
+  /// Adapted from AlignOnlineYMLCopier::AlignOnlineYMLCopier
+  template <typename T>
+  int find_max_version_number( T dir ) {
+    int        max_version_nr = -1;
+    std::regex regex_version_file( "^v([0-9]+)$" );
+    for ( const auto& entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator( dir ) ) {
+      auto        version_file_name = entry.path().stem().string();
+      std::smatch matches;
+      if ( std::regex_search( version_file_name, matches, regex_version_file ) && matches.size() > 1 &&
+           matches[1].matched ) {
+        int version_nr = std::stoi( matches[1] );
+        if ( version_nr > max_version_nr ) max_version_nr = version_nr;
+      }
+    }
+    return max_version_nr;
+  }
+} // namespace
+class BeamSpotMonitor : public LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void( LHCb::ODIN const&, PVView const& )> {
+  /// Standard constructor
+  BeamSpotMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator );
+  /// Algorithm execute
+  void operator()( LHCb::ODIN const&, PVView const& pvcontainer ) const override;
+  /// Initialization
+  StatusCode initialize() override {
+    return Consumer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
+      // Conditions writing path safety imitating RICH RefIndexCalib
+      const auto curPath = std::filesystem::current_path();
+      if ( m_writeDBFiles ) {
+        try {
+          if ( !std::filesystem::exists( m_conditionsDbPath.value() ) ) {
+            std::filesystem::create_directories( m_conditionsDbPath.value() );
+            if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) debug() << "Created " << m_conditionsDbPath.value() << endmsg;
+          }
+        } catch ( const std::filesystem::filesystem_error& expt ) {
+          warning() << "Cannot write to '" << m_conditionsDbPath.value() << "' -> Resetting Db path to '"
+                    << curPath.string() << "/conditions'" << endmsg;
+          m_conditionsDbPath = curPath.string() + "/conditions";
+        }
+        const std::filesystem::path conditions_dir =
+            std::filesystem::path( m_conditionsDbPath.value() ) / std::filesystem::path( m_conditionsPathInDb.value() );
+        try {
+          if ( !std::filesystem::exists( conditions_dir ) ) {
+            std::filesystem::create_directories( conditions_dir );
+            if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) debug() << "Created " << conditions_dir.string() << endmsg;
+          }
+        } catch ( const std::filesystem::filesystem_error& expt ) {
+          // TODO:  consider whether this is a recoverable condition.
+          throw GaudiException( "Conditions directory does not exist and cannot be created", name(),
+                                StatusCode::FAILURE );
+        }
+      }
+    } );
+  }
+  // Methods
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Non-thread-safe part of the event loop --- resetting and publishing
+  void check_and_publish_reset( unsigned ) const;
+  /// Conditions for and implementation of copying accumulating ctrs to cache
+  bool check_cache_counters() const;
+  void cache_counters() const;
+  /// Conditions for and implementation of publication of cached conditions
+  bool       check_publish() const;
+  bool       ymlFormatter( std::ostringstream& ) const;
+  bool       ymlFormatter( YAML::Emitter& ) const;
+  YAML::Node yamlNode() const;
+  bool       ymlWriter() const;
+  /// Conditions for value drifts
+  bool is_accum_delta_pos_over_thresh() const {
+    return ( std::abs( m_pvXPosCtr.mean() - m_c_pvXPosCtr.mean() ) > m_maxDeltaX ) ||
+           ( std::abs( m_pvYPosCtr.mean() - m_c_pvYPosCtr.mean() ) > m_maxDeltaY ) ||
+           ( std::abs( m_pvZPosCtr.mean() - m_c_pvZPosCtr.mean() ) > m_maxDeltaZ );
+  }
+  bool is_accum_delta_spread_over_thresh() const;
+  /// Reset the accumulators
+  bool check_reset_accumulators( const unsigned ) const;
+  void reset_accumulators( const unsigned ) const;
+  // Properties
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Output configuration properties
+  //...........................................................................
+  /// Report conditions to log (INFO)
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_condToLog{this, "LogConditions", false,
+                                    "Write conditions to logfile with level INFO when updating"};
+  /// Create direct run conditions
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_writeDBFiles{this, "MakeDBRunFile", false};
+  /// LHCB DB to write to path
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_conditionsDbPath{this, "conditionsDbPath", "/group/online/hlt/conditions.run3"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_conditionsPathInDb{
+      this, "conditionsPathInDb", "lhcb-conditions-database/Conditions/LHCb/Online/InteractionRegion.yml/.pool"};
+  // Accumulation configuration properties
+  //...........................................................................
+  Gaudi::Property<long unsigned> m_minPVsForCalib{this, "MinPVsForCalib", 100ul,
+                                                  "Minumum number of accumulated PVs for a calibration"};
+  /// Thresholds triggering updated publication
+  // TODO: Fix the implementation---histograms must be defined after config
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaX{this, "DeltaXMax", 2 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                      "Maximum allowed absolute difference in mean X from cached value"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaY{this, "DeltaYMax", 2 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                      "Maximum allowed absolute difference in mean Y from cached value"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaZ{this, "DeltaZMax", 20 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                      "Maximum allowed absolute difference in mean Z from cached value"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaXX{this, "DeltaXXMax", 2 * Gaudi::Units::mm2,
+                                       "Maximum allowed absolute difference in spread-matrix X^2 from cached value"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaXY{this, "DeltaXYMax", 2 * Gaudi::Units::mm2,
+                                       "Maximum allowed absolute difference in spread-matrix XY from cached value"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaYY{this, "DeltaYYMax", 2 * Gaudi::Units::mm2,
+                                       "Maximum allowed absolute difference in spread-matrix Y^2 from cached value"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaZX{this, "DeltaZXMax", 2 * Gaudi::Units::mm2,
+                                       "Maximum allowed absolute difference in spread-matrix ZX from cached value"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaYZ{this, "DeltaYZMax", 2 * Gaudi::Units::mm2,
+                                       "Maximum allowed absolute difference in spread-matrix YZ from cached value"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaZZ{this, "DeltaZZMax", 2 * Gaudi::Units::mm2,
+                                       "Maximum allowed absolute difference in spread-matrix Z^2 from cached value"};
+  /// Histogram limits
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histMaxXPV{this, "HistMaxXPV", 2 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histMaxYPV{this, "HistMaxYPV", 2 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histMinZPV{this, "HistMinZPV", -200 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histMaxZPV{this, "HistMaxZPV", 200 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histMinZPV_wide{this, "HistMinZPV_Wide", -1.5e3 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                            "Wide z window for PV plot"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histMaxZPV_wide{this, "HistMaxZPV_Wide", 1.5e3 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                            "Wide z window for PV plot"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histMaxXYPV{this, "HistMaxXYPV", 0.1 * Gaudi::Units::mm2};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histMaxYZPV{this, "HistMaxYZPV", 20 * Gaudi::Units::mm2};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histMaxZXPV{this, "HistMaxZXPV", 10.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm2};
+  // Accumulating statistics counters
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  mutable unsigned                                m_accRunNumber{0}; // Run number of last processed event
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>     m_pvXPosCtr{this, "PV x position"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>     m_pvYPosCtr{this, "PV y position"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>     m_pvZPosCtr{this, "PV z position"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_pvXYProdCtr{this, "PV x * y for covariance"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_pvYZProdCtr{this, "PV y * z for covariance"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_pvZXProdCtr{this, "PV z * x for covariance"};
+  // Cached statistics counters and variables
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  mutable unsigned                                m_c_accRunNumber{0}; // Run number of last cached event
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>     m_c_pvXPosCtr{this, "Cached PV x position"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>     m_c_pvYPosCtr{this, "Cached PV y position"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>     m_c_pvZPosCtr{this, "Cached PV z position"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_c_pvXYProdCtr{this, "Cached PV x * y for covariance"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_c_pvYZProdCtr{this, "Cached PV y * z for covariance"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_c_pvZXProdCtr{this, "Cached PV z * x for covariance"};
+  // Histograms
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_numPrimaryVertices{
+      this, "NumPrimaryVertices", "Primary vertices per event;Number of PVs;Entries", {11, -0.5, 10.5}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvNTracks{
+      this, "NumTracks", "Number of tracks per primary vertex;Number of tracks;Entries", {101, -0.5, 100.5}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvXPosition{
+      this, "PVPosX", "Primary vertex X position;PV X [mm];Entries", {200, -m_histMaxXPV, m_histMaxXPV}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvYPosition{
+      this, "PVPosY", "Primary vertex Y position;PV Y [mm];Entries", {200, -m_histMaxYPV, m_histMaxYPV}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvZPosition{
+      this, "PVPosZ", "Primary vertex Z position;PV Z [mm];Entries", {200, m_histMinZPV, m_histMaxZPV}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvZPositionWide{this,
+                                                              "PVPosZWide",
+                                                              "Primary vertex Z position (wide);PV Z [mm];Entries",
+                                                              {200, m_histMinZPV_wide, m_histMaxZPV_wide}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvXYPosCov{
+      this,
+      "PVCovXY",
+      "Interaction region covariance X-Y;PV (X - X_mean)*(Y - Y_mean) [mm2];Entries",
+      {200, -m_histMaxXYPV, m_histMaxXYPV}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvYZPosCov{
+      this,
+      "PVCovYZ",
+      "Interaction region covariance Y-Z;PV (Y - Y_mean)*(Z - Z_mean) [mm2];Entries",
+      {200, -m_histMaxYZPV, m_histMaxYZPV}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvZXPosCov{
+      this,
+      "PVCovZX",
+      "Interaction region covariance Z-X;PV (Z - Z_mean)*(X - X_mean) [mm2];Entries",
+      {200, -m_histMaxZXPV, m_histMaxZXPV}};
+  // Warning counters
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_badPVCount{this, "Too few PVs to produce IR conditions"};
+  // Other data members
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Lock for main event processing
+  mutable std::mutex m_mutex;
+// Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
+// Standard constructor, initializes variables
+BeamSpotMonitor::BeamSpotMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
+    : Consumer{name,
+               pSvcLocator,
+               {KeyValue{"ODINLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default},
+                KeyValue{"PVContainer", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary}}} {}
+// Algorithm execution
+void BeamSpotMonitor::operator()( LHCb::ODIN const& odin, PVView const& pvcontainer ) const {
+  const auto curRunNumber = odin.runNumber();
+  check_and_publish_reset( curRunNumber );
+  // Skip this event if it is from a run prior to the one we are accumulating.
+  if ( curRunNumber < m_accRunNumber ) return;
+  // number of primary vertices
+  ++m_numPrimaryVertices[pvcontainer.size()];
+  for ( const auto& pv : pvcontainer ) {
+    m_pvXPosCtr += pv->position().x();
+    m_pvYPosCtr += pv->position().y();
+    m_pvZPosCtr += pv->position().z();
+    m_pvXYProdCtr += pv->position().x() * pv->position().y();
+    m_pvYZProdCtr += pv->position().y() * pv->position().z();
+    m_pvZXProdCtr += pv->position().z() * pv->position().x();
+    ++m_pvNTracks[pv->tracks().size()];
+    ++m_pvXPosition[pv->position().x()];
+    ++m_pvYPosition[pv->position().y()];
+    ++m_pvZPosition[pv->position().z()];
+    ++m_pvZPositionWide[pv->position().z()];
+    // Must be incremented after accumulators to avoid excursion on first PV.
+    ++m_pvXYPosCov[( pv->position().x() - m_pvXPosCtr.mean() ) * ( pv->position().y() - m_pvYPosCtr.mean() )];
+    ++m_pvYZPosCov[( pv->position().y() - m_pvYPosCtr.mean() ) * ( pv->position().z() - m_pvZPosCtr.mean() )];
+    ++m_pvZXPosCov[( pv->position().z() - m_pvZPosCtr.mean() ) * ( pv->position().x() - m_pvXPosCtr.mean() )];
+  }
+// Non-thread-safe resetting and publishing
+void BeamSpotMonitor::check_and_publish_reset( unsigned curRunNumber ) const {
+  std::scoped_lock lock{m_mutex};
+  // Handle cacheing and publication before processing the event.
+  if ( check_reset_accumulators( curRunNumber ) ) {
+    if ( check_cache_counters() ) {
+      // Copy values of accumulating counters to cache
+      cache_counters();
+      if ( check_publish() ) { ymlWriter(); }
+    }
+    // Reset accumulators
+    reset_accumulators( curRunNumber );
+  }
+// Check for cacheing the counters
+bool BeamSpotMonitor::check_cache_counters() const {
+  return ( m_pvXPosCtr.nEntries() >= m_minPVsForCalib ) &&
+         ( m_c_pvXPosCtr.nEntries() == 0 || is_accum_delta_pos_over_thresh() || is_accum_delta_spread_over_thresh() );
+// Check whether to publish the cached counters
+bool BeamSpotMonitor::check_publish() const { return m_c_pvXPosCtr.nEntries() >= m_minPVsForCalib; }
+// Check whether to reset the accumulators
+// Reset when
+// - Accumulated at least the target number of PVs
+// - Processing an event from a new, subsequent run.
+bool BeamSpotMonitor::check_reset_accumulators( const unsigned curRunNumber ) const {
+  return ( m_pvXPosCtr.nEntries() >= m_minPVsForCalib ) || ( m_accRunNumber < curRunNumber );
+// Cache the counters
+void BeamSpotMonitor::cache_counters() const {
+  m_c_pvXPosCtr.reset();
+  m_c_pvYPosCtr.reset();
+  m_c_pvZPosCtr.reset();
+  m_c_pvXYProdCtr.reset();
+  m_c_pvYZProdCtr.reset();
+  m_c_pvZXProdCtr.reset();
+  m_c_pvXPosCtr.mergeAndReset( m_pvXPosCtr );
+  m_c_pvYPosCtr.mergeAndReset( m_pvYPosCtr );
+  m_c_pvZPosCtr.mergeAndReset( m_pvZPosCtr );
+  m_c_pvXYProdCtr.mergeAndReset( m_pvXYProdCtr );
+  m_c_pvYZProdCtr.mergeAndReset( m_pvYZProdCtr );
+  m_c_pvZXProdCtr.mergeAndReset( m_pvZXProdCtr );
+  m_c_accRunNumber = m_accRunNumber;
+// Check whether deltas of the spread matrix have exceeded thresholds.
+bool BeamSpotMonitor::is_accum_delta_spread_over_thresh() const {
+  return ( std::abs( m_c_pvXPosCtr.unbiased_sample_variance() - m_pvXPosCtr.unbiased_sample_variance() ) >
+           m_maxDeltaXX ) ||
+         ( std::abs( m_c_pvYPosCtr.unbiased_sample_variance() - m_pvYPosCtr.unbiased_sample_variance() ) >
+           m_maxDeltaYY ) ||
+         ( std::abs( m_c_pvZPosCtr.unbiased_sample_variance() - m_pvZPosCtr.unbiased_sample_variance() ) >
+           m_maxDeltaZZ ) ||
+         ( std::abs( calculate_spread_offdiag( m_c_pvXPosCtr, m_c_pvYPosCtr, m_c_pvXYProdCtr ) -
+                     calculate_spread_offdiag( m_pvXPosCtr, m_pvYPosCtr, m_pvXYProdCtr ) ) > m_maxDeltaXY ) ||
+         ( std::abs( calculate_spread_offdiag( m_c_pvZPosCtr, m_c_pvXPosCtr, m_c_pvZXProdCtr ) -
+                     calculate_spread_offdiag( m_pvZPosCtr, m_pvXPosCtr, m_pvZXProdCtr ) ) > m_maxDeltaZX ) ||
+         ( std::abs( calculate_spread_offdiag( m_c_pvYPosCtr, m_c_pvZPosCtr, m_c_pvYZProdCtr ) -
+                     calculate_spread_offdiag( m_pvYPosCtr, m_pvZPosCtr, m_pvYZProdCtr ) ) > m_maxDeltaYZ );
+// Reset the accumulators
+void BeamSpotMonitor::reset_accumulators( const unsigned curRunNumber ) const {
+  m_pvXPosCtr.reset();
+  m_pvYPosCtr.reset();
+  m_pvZPosCtr.reset();
+  m_pvXYProdCtr.reset();
+  m_pvYZProdCtr.reset();
+  m_pvZXProdCtr.reset();
+  m_accRunNumber = curRunNumber;
+// YML formatter
+// Format of example condition
+// lhcb-conditions-database/Conditions/LHCb/Online/InteractionRegion.yml/0/200
+// From its comments, the ordering of elements should be
+// InteractionRegion:
+//     position: <avg_position_x_y_z: [float x3]>
+//     spread: <spread_matrix_xx_xy_yy_xz_yz_zz: [float x6]>
+// The example conditions are
+// InteractionRegion:
+//     position: [ "0.0*mm", "0.0*mm", "0.0*mm" ]
+//     spread: [ "0.0064*mm2", "0.0*mm2", "0.0064*mm2", "0.0*mm2", "0.0*mm2", "2809.0*mm2" ]
+// Note that the numeric values and their units are enclosed in double quotes.
+bool BeamSpotMonitor::ymlFormatter( std::ostringstream& ymlbuff ) const {
+  //
+  if ( m_c_pvXPosCtr.nEntries() < m_minPVsForCalib ) {
+    ++m_badPVCount;
+    return false;
+  }
+  ymlbuff << "InteractionRegion:\n";
+  ymlbuff << "  position: [ \"" << format_position( m_c_pvXPosCtr.mean() ) << "\", \""
+          << format_position( m_c_pvYPosCtr.mean() ) << "\", \"" << format_position( m_c_pvZPosCtr.mean() ) << "\" ]\n";
+  ymlbuff << "  spread: [ \"" << format_spread( m_c_pvXPosCtr.unbiased_sample_variance() ) << "\", \""
+          << format_spread( calculate_spread_offdiag( m_c_pvXPosCtr, m_c_pvYPosCtr, m_c_pvXYProdCtr ) ) << "\", \""
+          << format_spread( m_c_pvYPosCtr.unbiased_sample_variance() ) << "\", \""
+          << format_spread( calculate_spread_offdiag( m_c_pvZPosCtr, m_c_pvXPosCtr, m_c_pvZXProdCtr ) ) << "\", \""
+          << format_spread( calculate_spread_offdiag( m_c_pvYPosCtr, m_c_pvZPosCtr, m_c_pvYZProdCtr ) ) << "\", \""
+          << format_spread( m_c_pvZPosCtr.unbiased_sample_variance() ) << "\" ]\n";
+  return true;
+bool BeamSpotMonitor::ymlFormatter( YAML::Emitter& yout ) const {
+  //
+  if ( m_c_pvXPosCtr.nEntries() < m_minPVsForCalib ) {
+    ++m_badPVCount;
+    return false;
+  }
+  yout.SetSeqFormat( YAML::Flow );
+  yout << YAML::BeginMap;
+  yout << YAML::Key << "InteractionRegion";
+  yout << YAML::Value << YAML::BeginMap;
+  yout << YAML::Key << "position";
+  yout << YAML::Value << YAML::BeginSeq;
+  yout << YAML::DoubleQuoted << format_position( m_c_pvXPosCtr.mean() ) << YAML::DoubleQuoted
+       << format_position( m_c_pvYPosCtr.mean() ) << YAML::DoubleQuoted << format_position( m_c_pvZPosCtr.mean() )
+       << YAML::EndSeq;
+  yout << YAML::Key << "spread";
+  yout << YAML::Value << YAML::BeginSeq;
+  yout << YAML::DoubleQuoted << format_spread( m_c_pvXPosCtr.unbiased_sample_variance() ) << YAML::DoubleQuoted
+       << format_spread( calculate_spread_offdiag( m_c_pvXPosCtr, m_c_pvYPosCtr, m_c_pvXYProdCtr ) )
+       << YAML::DoubleQuoted << format_spread( m_c_pvYPosCtr.unbiased_sample_variance() ) << YAML::DoubleQuoted
+       << format_spread( calculate_spread_offdiag( m_c_pvZPosCtr, m_c_pvXPosCtr, m_c_pvZXProdCtr ) )
+       << YAML::DoubleQuoted
+       << format_spread( calculate_spread_offdiag( m_c_pvYPosCtr, m_c_pvZPosCtr, m_c_pvYZProdCtr ) )
+       << YAML::DoubleQuoted << format_spread( m_c_pvZPosCtr.unbiased_sample_variance() ) << YAML::EndSeq;
+  yout << YAML::EndMap << YAML::EndMap;
+  return true;
+// Experimental construction of YAML::Node
+// Ultimately, the format of InteractionRegion.yml, with double quoted
+//   string values but unquoted string keys, requires a custom emitter method
+//   using the current yaml-cpp interface.
+// This can be a more robuse way of construction the YAML if the formatting
+// complications are resolved or determined to be irrelevant.
+YAML::Node BeamSpotMonitor::yamlNode() const {
+  const std::string irkey = "InteractionRegion";
+  const std::string pkey  = "position";
+  const std::string skey  = "spread";
+  YAML::Node ir;
+  ir[irkey][pkey].push_back( format_position( m_c_pvXPosCtr.mean() ) );
+  ir[irkey][pkey].push_back( format_position( m_c_pvYPosCtr.mean() ) );
+  ir[irkey][pkey].push_back( format_position( m_c_pvZPosCtr.mean() ) );
+  ir[irkey][skey].push_back( format_spread( m_c_pvXPosCtr.unbiased_sample_variance() ) );
+  ir[irkey][skey].push_back(
+      format_spread( calculate_spread_offdiag( m_c_pvXPosCtr, m_c_pvYPosCtr, m_c_pvXYProdCtr ) ) );
+  ir[irkey][skey].push_back( format_spread( m_c_pvYPosCtr.unbiased_sample_variance() ) );
+  ir[irkey][skey].push_back(
+      format_spread( calculate_spread_offdiag( m_c_pvZPosCtr, m_c_pvXPosCtr, m_c_pvZXProdCtr ) ) );
+  ir[irkey][skey].push_back(
+      format_spread( calculate_spread_offdiag( m_c_pvYPosCtr, m_c_pvZPosCtr, m_c_pvYZProdCtr ) ) );
+  ir[irkey][skey].push_back( format_spread( m_c_pvZPosCtr.unbiased_sample_variance() ) );
+  ir[irkey][pkey].SetStyle( YAML::EmitterStyle::Flow );
+  ir[irkey][skey].SetStyle( YAML::EmitterStyle::Flow );
+  return ir;
+bool BeamSpotMonitor::ymlWriter() const {
+  std::ostringstream ymlBuff;
+  if ( !ymlFormatter( ymlBuff ) ) {
+    throw GaudiException( "YAML formatting of conditions failed - unable to write new conditions", name(),
+                          StatusCode::FAILURE );
+  }
+  if ( m_condToLog ) info() << ymlBuff.str() << endmsg;
+  if ( m_writeDBFiles ) {
+    // Adapting file handling from RICH RefIndexCalib
+    const std::filesystem::path conditions_dir =
+        std::filesystem::path( m_conditionsDbPath.value() ) / std::filesystem::path( m_conditionsPathInDb.value() );
+    const auto max_version_nr = find_max_version_number( conditions_dir );
+    const std::filesystem::path conditions_file( "v" + std::to_string( max_version_nr + 1 ) );
+    const std::filesystem::path full_conditions_path = conditions_dir / conditions_file;
+    // Outfile.
+    std::ofstream logging( full_conditions_path.string().c_str() );
+    logging << ymlBuff.str();
+    logging.close();
+  }
+  return true;