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New correlations targeted a priori for PbPb

Titus Mombaecher requested to merge tm_recomon_corr into master

This MR targets some more correlation histograms requested by IFT:

  • nFTClusters vs ghostProb (Profile) - in the new TrackCorrelationsMonitor class
  • ECAL energy vs nVELO tracks - in the new MonitorTrackECALCorrelations class
  • ECAL energy vs nLong tracks - in a new MonitorTrackECALCorrelations class

Because the TrackMonitor class is used in many instances, I built a new TrackCorrelationsMonitor class that makes the nFTClusters vs ghostProb and the extrapolated track distributions and is only used in RecoMon and not in all the other tasks that don't need it.

Goes together with Moore!4027

(the plots below are done with pp collisions at 13.6TeV, mu=5.3, so the ranges are not the same as for PbPb)




Edited by Titus Mombaecher

Merge request reports
