diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format
index c543b2de50c6a4f8b5c5043adc4a0c91a5fcb4cd..6c5d4b74fa1e579c1e97099ffa47fa3ba22ace70 100644
--- a/.clang-format
+++ b/.clang-format
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 UseTab:          Never
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+ColumnLimit:     120
 Language:        JavaScript
 ColumnLimit:     120
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 645516f52b344348f99030b5abf9e8185ada86d6..f111f065d3a6531df0615dfd85c6b7919ab316c6 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -11,9 +11,6 @@
   TARGET_BRANCH: master
-  tags: [cvmfs]
   image: gitlab-registry.cern.ch/ci-tools/ci-worker:cc7
diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
index 20d005bc58913ff13209e8ed18787d8bdb76dfb4..bd02cc443e12f5832767a5a8f0daacd744d79166 100644
--- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -1,21 +1,6 @@
 -   repo: local
-    -   id: clang-format
-        name: clang-format
-        types_or: [c++, c, cuda]
-        language: system
-        entry: /cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/bin/x86_64-almalinux9/lcg-clang-format-8.0.0 -i
-        args: ["-style=file"]
-        require_serial: false
-    -   id: clang-format
-        name: clang-format (non-standard extensions)
-        types_or: [file]
-        files: \.(icc|icpp)$
-        language: system
-        entry: /cvmfs/lhcb.cern.ch/lib/bin/x86_64-almalinux9/lcg-clang-format-8.0.0 -i
-        args: ["-style=file"]
-        require_serial: false
     -   id: test-inputs-use-testfiledb
         name: test inputs use TestFileDB
         description: make sure all inputs to test options files are going through FileTestDB
@@ -23,7 +8,28 @@ repos:
         types_or: [python, yaml]
         exclude: ".pre-commit-config.yaml"
         entry: 'eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/.*$(?<!fillingscheme.txt")'
--   repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-yapf
-    rev: v0.24.0
+-   repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
+    rev: v4.4.0
+    hooks:
+    -   id: trailing-whitespace
+    -   id: end-of-file-fixer
+    -   id: check-yaml
+        exclude: "\\.clang-format$"
+    -   id: check-added-large-files
+-   repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-clang-format
+    rev: v16.0.6
+    hooks:
+    -   id: clang-format
+    -   id: clang-format
+        name: clang-format (non-standard extensions)
+        types_or: [file]
+        files: \.(icc|icpp)$
+-   repo: https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit
+    # Ruff version.
+    rev: v0.9.1
-    -   id: yapf
+    # Run the linter.
+    -   id: ruff
+        args: [ --fix ]
+    # Run the formatter.
+    -   id: ruff-format
index b598405fba040fe7a5688bc69c26587233f17f3f..b61d906708a5ef06b9cea9ab9ce1dd7093e35cb7 100644
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ This helps with the validation of code prior to making it available in the offic
 - Bug fixes specific to a given processing should be committed to the corresponding `XXX-patches` branch.
 - Any changes or fixes for Run 1 and Run 2 analysis (or re-reconstruction, re-stripping) should go to the `run2-patches` branch.
-  Fixes also relevant to specific `XXX-patches` branches should be flagged as such, they will  be propagated by the applications managers. 
+  Fixes also relevant to specific `XXX-patches` branches should be flagged as such, they will  be propagated by the applications managers.
 - Any changes specific to Run 3 should go to `master` or `2024-patches`. See above for when using one or the other.
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/doc/release.notes b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/doc/release.notes
index ba432fa316dbe9013ff978322b09f7614a4999b3..a86ea047743611aa3f93e2653afd7d19c4865740 100755
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/doc/release.notes
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/doc/release.notes
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ! Package     : CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst
 ! Responsible : Olivier Deschamps odescham@in2p3.fr
-! Purpose     : CaloFuture monitoring of Dst tape 
+! Purpose     : CaloFuture monitoring of Dst tape
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ! 2016-08-16 - Olivier Deschamps
-  - implement counter() switch based on FutureCounterLevel tool 
+  - implement counter() switch based on FutureCounterLevel tool
 ! 2016-06-11 - Deschamps Olivier for J.-F. Marchand
  - ResolvedPi0Monitor : add 2d histo for pi0 mass versus cell index
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@
   -fix clang warnings
 ! 2015-10-22 - O. Deschamps
-  -initialize base-class (CaloFutureMoniAlg) everywhere 
+  -initialize base-class (CaloFutureMoniAlg) everywhere
 !========================= CaloFutureMoniDst v5r19 2015-10-13 =========================
 ! 2015-08-30 - Gerhard Raven
  - remove DECLARE_ALGORITHM_FACTORY( CaloFutureMoniAlg ) and DECLARE_ALGORITHM_FACTORY( CaloFutureNtpBase )
    as these are not 'concrete' algorithms, but base classes from which one first must inherit
-   and implement execute before they are useful. 
+   and implement execute before they are useful.
 ! 2015-08-12 - Gerhard Raven
  - remove #include of obsolete Gaudi headers
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 !========================= CaloFutureMoniDst v5r17 2014-05-13 =======================
 ! 2014-05-06 - Marco Cattaneo
  - CaloFutureMoniAlg.cpp: use setHistoTopDir in initialize() instead of
-   setProperty("HistoTopDir") in constructor. Removes need for debug() in 
+   setProperty("HistoTopDir") in constructor. Removes need for debug() in
  - CaloFutureEFlowAlg.cpp: remove unnecessary debug() in constructor
  - Above two changes fix unprotected debug() warnings
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
 !========================= CaloFutureMoniDst v5r10 2012-04-13 =======================
 ! 2012-04-05 - Olivier Deschamps
  - Add eta->gg monitoring (re-use resolvedPi0 algorithm)
- - SpdMonitor : set splitArea=true as the default for CaloFuture2Dview histos 
+ - SpdMonitor : set splitArea=true as the default for CaloFuture2Dview histos
 !========================= CaloFutureMoniDst v5r9 2011-09-06 ========================
 ! 2011-09-03 - Olivier Deschamps
@@ -118,14 +118,14 @@
  - Fix windows warning, converting double to int
 ! 2010-09-30 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Undo part of previous fix, which was causing a relations table to not be 
+ - Undo part of previous fix, which was causing a relations table to not be
    loaded, causing the algorithm to throw ane exception. This was masking the
    finalization crash, that is still there....
-! 2010-09-30 - Olivier Deschamps 
+! 2010-09-30 - Olivier Deschamps
   - CaloFuturePhotonChecker : fix finalization crash
-! 2010-09-30 - Olivier Deschamps 
+! 2010-09-30 - Olivier Deschamps
   - Improve CaloFuturePi0Ntp & CaloFutureElectronNtp
   - add new ntp algorithm : CaloFutureAlignmentNtp
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
 ! 2010-04-12 - Dmitry GOLUBKOV
  - doc/release.notes : corrected the place of the second comment from 2010-04-12
  - Monitor.py : check if properties were already set before setting them
- - cmt/requirements: version incremented to v5r1 
+ - cmt/requirements: version incremented to v5r1
 !========================== CaloFutureMoniDst v5r0 2010-04-12 =======================
 ! 2010-04-12 - Dmitry GOLUBKOV
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
  - Fixed windows warnings in CaloFutureEMuPIDMon.cpp and CaloFuturePi0Checker.cpp
 ! 2010-04-02 - Dmitry Golubkov
- - CaloFutureEMuPIDMon.cpp: fixed an SLC5 warning: type qualifiers ignored on function return type 
+ - CaloFutureEMuPIDMon.cpp: fixed an SLC5 warning: type qualifiers ignored on function return type
 ! 2010-03-31 - Dmitry Golubkov
   - following Vanya's suggestion remove completely CaloFutureEMuMonitor, CaloFutureEMuChecker
@@ -201,16 +201,16 @@
 ! 2010-03-08 - Olivier Deschamps
   - adapt CaloFuturePhotonChecker to change in CaloFuturePIDs
   @TODO : review checkers (use CaloFutureMCTools ...)
 ! 2010-03-08 - Olivier Deschamps
  - make use of CaloFutureAlgUtils to define context-dependent TES inputs
  - add control counters
- - CaloFutureMoniDstConf 
+ - CaloFutureMoniDstConf
     - add missing ProtoElectronMonitor
     - delegate the TES I/O to CaloFutureAlgUtils
  - Usage :
@@ -251,22 +251,22 @@
 ! 2009-12-11 - Olivier Deschamps
  - CaloFutureProtoElectronMonitor : make use of proto->info(PrsE) instead of CaloFutureHypo2CaloFuture tool.
-! 2009-12-11 - Olivier Deschamps 
+! 2009-12-11 - Olivier Deschamps
  - CaloFutureMoniAlg : remove verbose line
  - new algorithm CaloFutureProtoElectronMonitor
  - CaloFuturePi0Monitor : add pi0 mass peak with Y-selection of clusters.
 !========================== CaloFutureMoniDst v4r2 2009-12-11 =======================
-! 2009-12-01 - Olivier Deschamps 
+! 2009-12-01 - Olivier Deschamps
  - CaloFutureMoniAlg : protection against non booked histograms in hfillX methods
-! 2009-11-30 - Olivier Deschamps 
+! 2009-11-30 - Olivier Deschamps
  - CaloFutureMoniAlg : add saturation bin(s) by default for 1D histograms
 !========================== CaloFutureMoniDst v4r1 2009-10-20 =======================
-! 2009-10-16 - Olivier Deschamps for Aurelien Martens 
+! 2009-10-16 - Olivier Deschamps for Aurelien Martens
  - Update in CaloFutureEFlowAlg
 ! 2009-10-06 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -274,13 +274,13 @@
 ! 2009-10-01 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - CaloFutureMoniAlg.h :
-    minor fix for the recent modification in CaloFutureCellCode functions 
+    minor fix for the recent modification in CaloFutureCellCode functions
 ! 2009-09-14 - Olivier Deschamps
- - CaloFuturePi0Monitor : 
+ - CaloFuturePi0Monitor :
      - selection of non-converted photons
      - isolation criteria
-     - Add background subtracted histo 
+     - Add background subtracted histo
 ! 2009-09-08 - Olivier Deschamps
  - Add background histo in resolved pi0 monitor
@@ -292,20 +292,20 @@
  - CaloFuturePIDsChecker.cpp : fix division by zero in divide()
 ! 2009-09-01 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - fix warnings in configurables 
+ - fix warnings in configurables
 ! 2009-08-31 - Olivier Deschamps
  - fix bug in CaloFutureMoniAlg (SplitAreas/m_split property/member already exists in inherited CaloFuture2DView)
 ! 2009-08-11 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - futher polishing of configurables 
+ - futher polishing of configurables
 ! 2009-08-05 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - add proepr configurable 
-   version incremen to v4r0 
+ - add proepr configurable
+   version incremen to v4r0
 ! 2009-07-30 - Dmitry GOLUBKOV
  - CaloFutureEMuMonitor.cpp add protection when no charged ProtoParticle
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
  - Clean up dependencies in requirements
 ! 2009-07-24 - Chris Jones
- - change std::map< std::string, XXX * > to 
+ - change std::map< std::string, XXX * > to
    GaudiUtils::HashMap< const std::string, XXX * > for faster lookups.
 !========================== CaloFutureMoniDst v3r8 2009-06-17 =======================
@@ -329,32 +329,32 @@
 ! 2009-06-03 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Fix for windows, do not use fabs with int argument, use abs
  - Use _snprintf, not snprintf on windows
 ! 2009-05-22 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Fix invalid matrix indices in computation of "shape" in CaloFuturePhotonChecker.cpp
 !========================== CaloFutureMoniDst v3r6 2009-05-08 =======================
 ! 2009-05-05 - Olivier Deschamps for Aurelien Martens
-  - CaloFutureEFlowAlg.cpp  : add protection 
-  - CaloFutureEFlowAlg.opts : change default setting 
+  - CaloFutureEFlowAlg.cpp  : add protection
+  - CaloFutureEFlowAlg.opts : change default setting
 ! 2009-04-24 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Fix compilation warning for gcc43
  - Replace endreq by endmsg (obsolescent in Gaudi v21)
 ! 2009-04-21 - Olivier Deschamps for Dmitry Goloubkov
- - CaloFutureEMuMonitor/Checker.{cpp,h} : produce histogram (+analysis) of CaloFuturePID 
+ - CaloFutureEMuMonitor/Checker.{cpp,h} : produce histogram (+analysis) of CaloFuturePID
 ! 2009-04-20 - Olivier Deschamps for Aurelien Martens
  - CaloFutureEFlowAlg.{cpp,h,opts} : produce histogram for 'Energy-Flow' calibration
    method (Aurelien Martens)
 !========================== CaloFutureMoniDst v3r5 2009-03-10 =======================
-! 2009-03-06 - Olivier Deschamps 
+! 2009-03-06 - Olivier Deschamps
  - set CaloFutureDQ.opt histo selection as default in CaloFutureMonitor.opts for Brunel
  - new options : CaloFutureFullMonitoring.opts (to be added to produce the whole histo set)
-! 2009-02-20 - Olivier Deschamps 
+! 2009-02-20 - Olivier Deschamps
  - Clean monitoring algorithms
  - add protection against missing data inputs here and there
  - new options : CaloFutureDQ.opts : selection of relevant monitoring histo for Data Quality stuff
@@ -409,15 +409,15 @@
  - add dependency on DaVinciMCKernel in requirements
 ! 2007-08-24 - Olivier Deschamps
- - fix unchecked StatusCodes 
+ - fix unchecked StatusCodes
 ! 2007-08-22 - Albert Puig & Olivier Deschamps
  - new SpdMonitor algorithm
 ! 2007-07-25 - Konstantin Beloous & Olivier Deschamps
- - Major release 
+ - Major release
     -  package updated for DC06
-    -  First step toward an online usage of the Monitoring part 
+    -  First step toward an online usage of the Monitoring part
     -  histograms production reviewed and improved
     -  some algorithm names have changed
     -  2 types of algorithms : Monitor's (relying on data only) and Checker's (relying on MC)
@@ -428,23 +428,23 @@
 !========================== CaloFutureMoniDst v2r1 2005-12-08 ===================
 ! 2005-12-08 - Olivier Deschamps
- - CaloFuturePIDsMonitor.cpp use Track::History == 'Cnv' Tracks only 
+ - CaloFuturePIDsMonitor.cpp use Track::History == 'Cnv' Tracks only
 !========================== CaloFutureMoniDst v2r0 2005-11-04 ===================
 ! 2005-11-04 - Olivier Deschamps
  - Adapt to new Track Event Model (TrackEvent v1r4)
-  modified file :  
+  modified file :
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
    version increment to v2r0
 !======================== CaloFutureMoniDst v1r2 2005-06-02 =========================
 ! 2005-06-02 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Adapt job options to change in phase name from BrunelMoni to Moni (for 
+ - Adapt job options to change in phase name from BrunelMoni to Moni (for
    monitoring without MC truth) and Check (for checking with MC truth)
 ========================= CaloFutureMoniDst v1r1 2005-05-13 =========================
@@ -452,19 +452,19 @@
  - Fix ambiguous call to overloaded log10 function, for Windows
 ! 2005-05-08 - Vanya BELYAEV
-   - eliminate all associators 
-   - a lot of minor cosmetic changes 
-   - cmt/requirements 
-    version increment to v1r1 
+   - eliminate all associators
+   - a lot of minor cosmetic changes
+   - cmt/requirements
+    version increment to v1r1
 ========================= CaloFutureMoniDst v1r0 2004-10-27 =========================
 ! 2004-10-27 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - tiny improvements in algorithms 
+ - tiny improvements in algorithms
 ! 2004-10-25 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - the new package: the code is imported from CaloFuture/CaloFutureMonitor package 
+ - the new package: the code is imported from CaloFuture/CaloFutureMonitor package
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! The END 
+! The END
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/options/CaloFutureFullMonitoring.opts b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/options/CaloFutureFullMonitoring.opts
index d7bb9b62d5622a7ab46c69d5e5ba1577b021c583..5b7a87d539c1176a898f9131b4a2c1ac9cf85a96 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/options/CaloFutureFullMonitoring.opts
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/options/CaloFutureFullMonitoring.opts
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 // Define the monitoring sequence
 #include "$CALOFUTUREMONIDSTOPTS/CaloFutureMonitor.opts"
-// force the complete histo set production 
+// force the complete histo set production
 EcalDigitMon.histoList   += { "All" };
 HcalDigitMon.histoList   += { "All" };
 PrsDigitMon.histoList    += { "All" };
-SpdDigitMon.histoList    += { "All" }; 
-EcalClusterMon.histoList += { "All" }; 
-ElectronMon.histoList    += { "All" }; 
-PhotonMon.histoList      += { "All" }; 
+SpdDigitMon.histoList    += { "All" };
+EcalClusterMon.histoList += { "All" };
+ElectronMon.histoList    += { "All" };
+PhotonMon.histoList      += { "All" };
 SplitPhotonMon.histoList += { "All" };
-MergedPi0Mon.histoList   += { "All" }; 
+MergedPi0Mon.histoList   += { "All" };
 ResolvedPi0Mon.histoList += { "All" };
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/options/CaloFuturePIDsChecker.opts b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/options/CaloFuturePIDsChecker.opts
index 4495723f4b93466d5ce9b3e52db61796e99e4634..e7963f24570401e38bb39e3caa77aa9ba5dbc90f 100755
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/options/CaloFuturePIDsChecker.opts
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/options/CaloFuturePIDsChecker.opts
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 //   - type = TrackType
 //   - Acceptance == TrackAcceptance
 //   -  DLL<input> > Cut
-//   - Associated MC-type = Particle, 0 (Ghost) and non-Particle 
+//   - Associated MC-type = Particle, 0 (Ghost) and non-Particle
 PIDeEcalChecker.Particle      =  11                  ;
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/options/CaloFutureProtoPMonitor.opts b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/options/CaloFutureProtoPMonitor.opts
index ded152e95b5e96c14d13ccabd18927d580ac1074..e469b5f99fbba80e11ae5452bdce905903830142 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/options/CaloFutureProtoPMonitor.opts
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/options/CaloFutureProtoPMonitor.opts
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-CaloFutureProtoPMon.Members    += { "CaloFutureProtoElectronMonitor/EcalProtoElectronMon"};             
+CaloFutureProtoPMon.Members    += { "CaloFutureProtoElectronMonitor/EcalProtoElectronMon"};
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloClusterMonitor.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloClusterMonitor.cpp
index c1bfb3a3853e0ce2b0c8fcca9c9d754a609a5e2f..ac36f1d9244b4664f3c90ae31257d555a440be72 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloClusterMonitor.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloClusterMonitor.cpp
@@ -49,35 +49,36 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     void       operator()( const Input& ) const override;
     ClusterMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"Input", CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureClusterLocation( name )}} ) {}
+        : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
+                    { KeyValue{ "Input", CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureClusterLocation( name ) } } ) {}
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>         m_histoNClusters{this, "nClusters"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>         m_histoNDigits{this, "nDigits"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>         m_histoNDigits_forE{this, "nDigits_forE"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>         m_histoEnergy{this, "energy"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>         m_histoET{this, "ET"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>         m_histoX{this, "x"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>         m_histoY{this, "y"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2>         m_histoXY{this, "x-y"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::WeightedHistogram<2> m_histoXY_eW{this, "x-y-eW"};
-    mutable CellIDHistogram<calo>                     m_position2D{this, "position2D"};
-    mutable WeightedCellIDHistogram<calo>             m_position2D_eW{this, "position2D-eW"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>        m_clusters{this, "# clusters over threshold"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>         m_histoNClusters{ this, "nClusters" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>         m_histoNDigits{ this, "nDigits" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>         m_histoNDigits_forE{ this, "nDigits_forE" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>         m_histoEnergy{ this, "energy" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>         m_histoET{ this, "ET" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>         m_histoX{ this, "x" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>         m_histoY{ this, "y" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2>         m_histoXY{ this, "x-y" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::WeightedHistogram<2> m_histoXY_eW{ this, "x-y-eW" };
+    mutable CellIDHistogram<calo>                     m_position2D{ this, "position2D" };
+    mutable WeightedCellIDHistogram<calo>             m_position2D_eW{ this, "position2D-eW" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>        m_clusters{ this, "# clusters over threshold" };
-    Gaudi::Property<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> m_multHist{this, "HistoMultiplicity", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( 0., 2000., 100 )};
-    Gaudi::Property<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> m_sizeHist{this, "HistoSize", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( 0., 25., 25 )};
+    Gaudi::Property<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> m_multHist{ this, "HistoMultiplicity", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( 0., 2000., 100 ) };
+    Gaudi::Property<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> m_sizeHist{ this, "HistoSize", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( 0., 25., 25 ) };
     Gaudi::Property<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> m_energyHist{
-        this, "HistoEnergy", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( 0. * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 250. * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 100 )};
+        this, "HistoEnergy", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( 0. * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 250. * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 100 ) };
     Gaudi::Property<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> m_etHist{
-        this, "HistoEt", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( 0. * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 15. * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 100 )};
+        this, "HistoEt", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( 0. * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 15. * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 100 ) };
     Gaudi::Property<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> m_xHist{
-        this, "HistoX", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( -4 * Gaudi::Units::meter, +4 * Gaudi::Units::meter, 50 )};
+        this, "HistoX", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( -4 * Gaudi::Units::meter, +4 * Gaudi::Units::meter, 50 ) };
     Gaudi::Property<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> m_yHist{
-        this, "HistoY", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( -4 * Gaudi::Units::meter, +4 * Gaudi::Units::meter, 50 )};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_eFilter{this, "EnergyFilter", -100.};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_etFilter{this, "EtFilter", -100.};
+        this, "HistoY", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( -4 * Gaudi::Units::meter, +4 * Gaudi::Units::meter, 50 ) };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_eFilter{ this, "EnergyFilter", -100. };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_etFilter{ this, "EtFilter", -100. };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( ClusterMonitor<Detector::Calo::CellCode::Index::EcalCalo>, "CaloClusterECALMonitor" )
@@ -91,25 +92,25 @@ StatusCode LHCb::Calo::ClusterMonitor<calo>::initialize() {
     // define range of new histograms from properties
     using Axis1D = Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis<double>;
     m_histoNClusters.setTitle( "# of Clusters " + inputLocation() );
-    m_histoNClusters.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{m_multHist} );
+    m_histoNClusters.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{ m_multHist } );
     m_histoNDigits.setTitle( "Cluster digit multiplicity " + inputLocation() );
-    m_histoNDigits.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{m_sizeHist} );
+    m_histoNDigits.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{ m_sizeHist } );
     m_histoNDigits_forE.setTitle( "Cluster digit used for Energy multiplicity " + inputLocation() );
-    m_histoNDigits_forE.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{m_sizeHist} );
+    m_histoNDigits_forE.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{ m_sizeHist } );
     m_histoEnergy.setTitle( "Cluster Energy " + inputLocation() );
-    m_histoEnergy.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{m_energyHist} );
+    m_histoEnergy.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{ m_energyHist } );
     m_histoET.setTitle( "Cluster Et " + inputLocation() );
-    m_histoET.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{m_etHist} );
+    m_histoET.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{ m_etHist } );
     m_histoX.setTitle( "Cluster x " + inputLocation() );
-    m_histoX.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{m_xHist} );
+    m_histoX.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{ m_xHist } );
     m_histoY.setTitle( "Cluster y " + inputLocation() );
-    m_histoY.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{m_yHist} );
+    m_histoY.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{ m_yHist } );
     m_histoXY.setTitle( "Cluster barycenter position x vs y " + inputLocation() );
-    m_histoXY.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{m_xHist} );
-    m_histoXY.setAxis<1>( Axis1D{m_yHist} );
+    m_histoXY.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{ m_xHist } );
+    m_histoXY.setAxis<1>( Axis1D{ m_yHist } );
     m_histoXY_eW.setTitle( "Energy-weighted cluster barycenter position x vs y " + inputLocation() );
-    m_histoXY_eW.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{m_xHist} );
-    m_histoXY_eW.setAxis<1>( Axis1D{m_yHist} );
+    m_histoXY_eW.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{ m_xHist } );
+    m_histoXY_eW.setAxis<1>( Axis1D{ m_yHist } );
     m_position2D.setTitle( "Cluster position 2Dview " + inputLocation() );
     m_position2D_eW.setTitle( "Cluster position 2Dview " + inputLocation() );
   } );
@@ -142,8 +143,8 @@ void LHCb::Calo::ClusterMonitor<calo>::operator()( const Input& clusters ) const
-    ++m_histoXY[{x, y}];
-    m_histoXY_eW[{x, y}] += e;
+    ++m_histoXY[{ x, y }];
+    m_histoXY_eW[{ x, y }] += e;
     int iuse = std::count_if( entries.begin(), entries.end(),
                               []( const auto& e ) { return e.status().test( CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForEnergy ); } );
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloDigitMonitor.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloDigitMonitor.cpp
index b41b89f503fc9f75c8bf933283d35a8d56440270..c2301ba5f33dc3654cd59aeab4809d406076d164 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloDigitMonitor.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloDigitMonitor.cpp
@@ -53,32 +53,32 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     std::string m_detData{};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>  m_histoMultiplicity{this, "Multiplicity"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>  m_histoDigitX{this, "DigitX"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>  m_histoDigitY{this, "DigitY"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2>  m_histoDigitXY{this, "DigitXY"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>  m_histoET{this, "ET"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>  m_histoADC{this, "ADC"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_digits{this, "# digits over threshold"};
-    mutable WeightedCellIDHistogram<calo>      m_histoAccEnergy{this, "_7"};
-    mutable CellIDHistogram<calo>              m_histoAccDigits{this, "_8"};
-    mutable WeightedCellIDHistogram<calo>      m_histoAccADCs{this, "_9"};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<int>> m_Calib_BXIDsA{this, "Calib_BXIDsA"};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<int>> m_Calib_BXIDsB{this, "Calib_BXIDsB"};
-    Gaudi::Property<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> m_multHist{this, "HistoMultiplicity", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( 0., 2000., 100 )};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>  m_histoMultiplicity{ this, "Multiplicity" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>  m_histoDigitX{ this, "DigitX" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>  m_histoDigitY{ this, "DigitY" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2>  m_histoDigitXY{ this, "DigitXY" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>  m_histoET{ this, "ET" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>  m_histoADC{ this, "ADC" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_digits{ this, "# digits over threshold" };
+    mutable WeightedCellIDHistogram<calo>      m_histoAccEnergy{ this, "_7" };
+    mutable CellIDHistogram<calo>              m_histoAccDigits{ this, "_8" };
+    mutable WeightedCellIDHistogram<calo>      m_histoAccADCs{ this, "_9" };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<int>> m_Calib_BXIDsA{ this, "Calib_BXIDsA" };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<int>> m_Calib_BXIDsB{ this, "Calib_BXIDsB" };
+    Gaudi::Property<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> m_multHist{ this, "HistoMultiplicity", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( 0., 2000., 100 ) };
     Gaudi::Property<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> m_etHist{
-        this, "HistoEt", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( 0. * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 15. * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 100 )};
+        this, "HistoEt", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( 0. * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 15. * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 100 ) };
     Gaudi::Property<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> m_xHist{
-        this, "HistoX", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( -4 * Gaudi::Units::meter, +4 * Gaudi::Units::meter, 50 )};
+        this, "HistoX", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( -4 * Gaudi::Units::meter, +4 * Gaudi::Units::meter, 50 ) };
     Gaudi::Property<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> m_yHist{
-        this, "HistoY", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( -4 * Gaudi::Units::meter, +4 * Gaudi::Units::meter, 50 )};
-    Gaudi::Property<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> m_adcHist{this, "HistoAdc", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( 0., 4096., 4096 )};
+        this, "HistoY", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( -4 * Gaudi::Units::meter, +4 * Gaudi::Units::meter, 50 ) };
+    Gaudi::Property<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> m_adcHist{ this, "HistoAdc", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( 0., 4096., 4096 ) };
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_eFilter{this, "EnergyFilter", -100.};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_etFilter{this, "EtFilter", -100.};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_adcFilter{this, "ADCFilter", -100.};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_eFilter{ this, "EnergyFilter", -100. };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_etFilter{ this, "EtFilter", -100. };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_adcFilter{ this, "ADCFilter", -100. };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( DigitMonitor<Detector::Calo::CellCode::Index::EcalCalo>, "CaloDigitECALMonitor" )
@@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
 template <LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellCode::Index calo>
 LHCb::Calo::DigitMonitor<calo>::DigitMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {KeyValue{"Input", CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureDigitLocation( toString( calo ) )},
-                 KeyValue{"ODINLocation", ODINLocation::Default},
-                 KeyValue{"Detector", Calo::Utilities::DeCaloFutureLocation( toString( calo ) )}} )
-    , m_detData{toString( calo )} {}
+                { KeyValue{ "Input", CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureDigitLocation( toString( calo ) ) },
+                  KeyValue{ "ODINLocation", ODINLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "Detector", Calo::Utilities::DeCaloFutureLocation( toString( calo ) ) } } )
+    , m_detData{ toString( calo ) } {}
 template <LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellCode::Index calo>
 StatusCode LHCb::Calo::DigitMonitor<calo>::initialize() {
@@ -105,18 +105,18 @@ StatusCode LHCb::Calo::DigitMonitor<calo>::initialize() {
     // define range of new histograms from properties
     using Axis1D = Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis<double>;
     m_histoMultiplicity.setTitle( "Number of digits" );
-    m_histoMultiplicity.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{m_multHist} );
+    m_histoMultiplicity.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{ m_multHist } );
     m_histoDigitX.setTitle( "Digit X" );
-    m_histoDigitX.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{m_xHist} );
+    m_histoDigitX.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{ m_xHist } );
     m_histoDigitY.setTitle( "Digit Y" );
-    m_histoDigitY.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{m_yHist} );
+    m_histoDigitY.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{ m_yHist } );
     m_histoDigitXY.setTitle( "Digit position x vs y" );
-    m_histoDigitXY.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{m_xHist} );
-    m_histoDigitXY.setAxis<1>( Axis1D{m_yHist} );
+    m_histoDigitXY.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{ m_xHist } );
+    m_histoDigitXY.setAxis<1>( Axis1D{ m_yHist } );
     m_histoET.setTitle( "ET" );
-    m_histoET.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{m_etHist} );
+    m_histoET.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{ m_etHist } );
     m_histoADC.setTitle( "ADC" );
-    m_histoADC.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{m_adcHist} );
+    m_histoADC.setAxis<0>( Axis1D{ m_adcHist } );
   } );
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ void LHCb::Calo::DigitMonitor<calo>::operator()( const Input& digits, const LHCb
-      ++m_histoDigitXY[{x, y}];
+      ++m_histoDigitXY[{ x, y }];
     m_histoAccEnergy[id] += e;
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloHistogramSink.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloHistogramSink.cpp
index b73ddc978977965e9982592728a9590e82d1a73a..4c53e559e16ebdf90032fb049b89a8eb017b6661 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloHistogramSink.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloHistogramSink.cpp
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Histograming::Sink {
       Root& m_root;
     HistoRegistry const registry = {
-        {{"histogram:CellIDHistogram"s, 1}, &GHSink::saveRootHisto<Traits1D<HistoFlavour::Regular>>},
-        {{"histogram:WeightedCellIDHistogram"s, 1}, &GHSink::saveRootHisto<Traits1D<HistoFlavour::Regular>>},
-        {{"histogram:ProfileCellIDHistogram"s, 1}, saveProfileRootHistoWrapper<1>( *this )},
-        {{"histogram:WeightedProfileCellIDHistogram"s, 1}, saveProfileRootHistoWrapper<1>( *this )},
-        {{"histogram:CellIDHistogram"s, 2}, &GHSink::saveRootHisto<Traits2D<HistoFlavour::Regular>>},
-        {{"histogram:WeightedCellIDHistogram"s, 2}, &GHSink::saveRootHisto<Traits2D<HistoFlavour::Regular>>},
-        {{"histogram:ProfileCellIDHistogram"s, 2}, saveProfileRootHistoWrapper<2>( *this )},
-        {{"histogram:WeightedProfileCellIDHistogram"s, 2}, saveProfileRootHistoWrapper<2>( *this )}};
+        { { "histogram:CellIDHistogram"s, 1 }, &GHSink::saveRootHisto<Traits1D<HistoFlavour::Regular>> },
+        { { "histogram:WeightedCellIDHistogram"s, 1 }, &GHSink::saveRootHisto<Traits1D<HistoFlavour::Regular>> },
+        { { "histogram:ProfileCellIDHistogram"s, 1 }, saveProfileRootHistoWrapper<1>( *this ) },
+        { { "histogram:WeightedProfileCellIDHistogram"s, 1 }, saveProfileRootHistoWrapper<1>( *this ) },
+        { { "histogram:CellIDHistogram"s, 2 }, &GHSink::saveRootHisto<Traits2D<HistoFlavour::Regular>> },
+        { { "histogram:WeightedCellIDHistogram"s, 2 }, &GHSink::saveRootHisto<Traits2D<HistoFlavour::Regular>> },
+        { { "histogram:ProfileCellIDHistogram"s, 2 }, saveProfileRootHistoWrapper<2>( *this ) },
+        { { "histogram:WeightedProfileCellIDHistogram"s, 2 }, saveProfileRootHistoWrapper<2>( *this ) } };
     StatusCode initialize() override {
       return Base::initialize().andThen( [&] {
         for ( auto& [id, func] : registry ) { registerHandler( id, func ); }
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Histograming::Sink {
     Gaudi::Property<bool> m_convertProfiles{
         this, "ConvertProfileHistos", true,
         "If true, no profile histos are saved. These are converted to a pair of regular histograms, one plotting the "
-        "mean and the other the rms of the original data"};
+        "mean and the other the rms of the original data" };
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloLEDMonitor.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloLEDMonitor.cpp
index ef0bd0ca8205cbc574cb7d22b54e8d8dd94b759a..0b6f9f6f041f8208742b14d2b8b9e92e92fc3009 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloLEDMonitor.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloLEDMonitor.cpp
@@ -42,39 +42,39 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     LEDMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator );
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_hTime{this, "time", "time", {3600, 0, 3600}};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_spectrum{this, "Spectrum", false, "activate spectrum per channel histogramming"};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>             m_useEmpty{this, "UseEmptyEvent", true};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<int>> m_febs{this, "SkipPinFEBs"}; // Expert usage (Hcal : MUST REMOVE THE UNFIRED PIN
-    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_led{this, "DefaultLED", 0}; // look only to LED m_led when several (<0 -> check all LEDs)
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_pedRate{this, "PedestalRate", 100};   // percent
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_checkRate = {this, "CheckRate", 0.5}; // Full check rate
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_rangesSignal{this, "RangesSignal", {75., 3840., 100.}};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_rangesPedestal{this, "RangesPedestal", {-15.5, 20.5, 36.}};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_rangesRatio{this, "RangesRatio", {0., 20., 20.}};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_rangesAll{this, "RangesAll", {-256, 3840., 256.}};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_windowsSignal{this, "WindowsSignal", {75., 3840.}};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_windowsPedestal{this, "WindowsPedestal", {-15., 20.}};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_windowsRatio{this, "WindowsRatio", {75., 3840.}};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_windowsAll{this, "WindowsAll", {-15, 20., 100, 3840.}};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>                m_invertSignal{this, "InvertWindowSignal", false};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>                m_invertPedestal{this, "InvertWindowPedestal", false};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>                m_invertRatio{this, "InvertWindowRatio", false};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>                m_invertAll{this, "InvertWindowAll", true};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string>         m_summaryNameSignal{this, "SummaryNameSignal", "LED"};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string>         m_summaryNamePedestal{this, "SummaryNamePedestal", "Pedestal"};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string>         m_summaryNameRatio{this, "SummaryNameRatio", "Ratio"};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string>         m_summaryNameAll{this, "SummaryNameAlll", "Desert"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double>              m_summaryRate{this, "SummaryRate", 100.};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_histoRateSignal{this, "HistoRateSignal", 6.};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_histoRatePedestal{this, "HistoRatePedestal", 50.};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_histoRateRatio{this, "HistoRateRatio", 6.};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_histoRateAll{this, "HistoRateAll", 5.};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_hTime{ this, "time", "time", { 3600, 0, 3600 } };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_spectrum{ this, "Spectrum", false, "activate spectrum per channel histogramming" };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>             m_useEmpty{ this, "UseEmptyEvent", true };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<int>> m_febs{ this, "SkipPinFEBs" }; // Expert usage (Hcal : MUST REMOVE THE UNFIRED PIN
+    Gaudi::Property<int> m_led{ this, "DefaultLED", 0 }; // look only to LED m_led when several (<0 -> check all LEDs)
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_pedRate{ this, "PedestalRate", 100 };   // percent
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_checkRate = { this, "CheckRate", 0.5 }; // Full check rate
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_rangesSignal{ this, "RangesSignal", { 75., 3840., 100. } };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_rangesPedestal{ this, "RangesPedestal", { -15.5, 20.5, 36. } };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_rangesRatio{ this, "RangesRatio", { 0., 20., 20. } };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_rangesAll{ this, "RangesAll", { -256, 3840., 256. } };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_windowsSignal{ this, "WindowsSignal", { 75., 3840. } };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_windowsPedestal{ this, "WindowsPedestal", { -15., 20. } };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_windowsRatio{ this, "WindowsRatio", { 75., 3840. } };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_windowsAll{ this, "WindowsAll", { -15, 20., 100, 3840. } };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>                m_invertSignal{ this, "InvertWindowSignal", false };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>                m_invertPedestal{ this, "InvertWindowPedestal", false };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>                m_invertRatio{ this, "InvertWindowRatio", false };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>                m_invertAll{ this, "InvertWindowAll", true };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string>         m_summaryNameSignal{ this, "SummaryNameSignal", "LED" };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string>         m_summaryNamePedestal{ this, "SummaryNamePedestal", "Pedestal" };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string>         m_summaryNameRatio{ this, "SummaryNameRatio", "Ratio" };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string>         m_summaryNameAll{ this, "SummaryNameAlll", "Desert" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double>              m_summaryRate{ this, "SummaryRate", 100. };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_histoRateSignal{ this, "HistoRateSignal", 6. };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_histoRatePedestal{ this, "HistoRatePedestal", 50. };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_histoRateRatio{ this, "HistoRateRatio", 6. };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_histoRateAll{ this, "HistoRateAll", 5. };
     inline bool isInBankList( const Detector::Calo::CellID& id, const DeCalorimeter& caloDet ) const;
     inline int  whichLedIsFired( const std::vector<int>& leds, const Event::Calo::Digits& digits,
@@ -98,12 +98,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     mutable bool m_det;
     mutable bool m_check;
-    Gaudi::Property<int>              m_cellCheck{this, "CheckNCell", 7};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<int>> m_banks{this, "Banks"}; // Active when not pinDriven only
+    Gaudi::Property<int>              m_cellCheck{ this, "CheckNCell", 7 };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<int>> m_banks{ this, "Banks" }; // Active when not pinDriven only
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_sbSel{this, "StandBySel", 20};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_xt{this, "KillXTalk", true};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_threshold{this, "ADCThreshold", 50};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_sbSel{ this, "StandBySel", 20 };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_xt{ this, "KillXTalk", true };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_threshold{ this, "ADCThreshold", 50 };
     mutable double        m_shoot;
     mutable Rndm::Numbers m_rnd;
@@ -124,9 +124,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
 template <LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellCode::Index calo>
 LHCb::Calo::LEDMonitor<calo>::LEDMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {{"InputODIN", ODINLocation::Default},
-                 {"Input", CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureDigitLocation( name )},
-                 {"Detector", Calo::Utilities::DeCaloFutureLocation( name )}} ) {}
+                { { "InputODIN", ODINLocation::Default },
+                  { "Input", CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureDigitLocation( name ) },
+                  { "Detector", Calo::Utilities::DeCaloFutureLocation( name ) } } ) {}
 template <LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellCode::Index calo>
 StatusCode LHCb::Calo::LEDMonitor<calo>::initialize() {
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ StatusCode LHCb::Calo::LEDMonitor<calo>::initialize() {
     auto       rndm = svc<IRndmGenSvc>( "RndmGenSvc", true );
     StatusCode sc   = m_rnd.initialize( rndm, Rndm::Flat( 0.0, 100 ) );
     if ( sc.isFailure() )
-      throw GaudiException{"Unable to initialize Flat distribution", "addConditionDerivation", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "Unable to initialize Flat distribution", "addConditionDerivation", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     m_signalProfile.emplace( this, fmt::format( "Profile/{}/Profile2D", m_summaryNameSignal ),
                              fmt::format( "{} Summary/{} data 'profile'", toString( calo ), m_summaryNameSignal ) );
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ void LHCb::Calo::LEDMonitor<calo>::fillSummaryHisto( const LHCb::Detector::Calo:
   double rate = m_summaryRate;
   if ( rate < m_shoot ) return;
-  std::vector<double> windows = {75., 3840};
+  std::vector<double> windows = { 75., 3840 };
   bool                invert  = false;
   std::string         name    = type;
   if ( type == "Signal" ) {
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloPedestal.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloPedestal.cpp
index ccd04960b27af4fd76a8fa1973ce6627740ba20f..8fe97add3c1f13b44c193b407e82a19de6bc184f 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloPedestal.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloPedestal.cpp
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     mutable CellIDHistogram<calo, 2, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, double> m_ADC1Hist{
-        this, fmt::format( "{}Cells/subch1", toString( calo ) )};
+        this, fmt::format( "{}Cells/subch1", toString( calo ) ) };
     mutable CellIDHistogram<calo, 2, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, double> m_ADC2Hist{
-        this, fmt::format( "{}Cells/subch2", toString( calo ) )};
+        this, fmt::format( "{}Cells/subch2", toString( calo ) ) };
-    Gaudi::Property<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> m_adcHist{this, "HistoAdc", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( 0., 4096., 4096 )};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>             m_adcFilter{this, "ADCFilter", -100.};
+    Gaudi::Property<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> m_adcHist{ this, "HistoAdc", Gaudi::Histo1DDef( 0., 4096., 4096 ) };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>             m_adcFilter{ this, "ADCFilter", -100. };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( Pedestal<Detector::Calo::CellCode::Index::EcalCalo>, "CaloECALPedestal" )
@@ -52,17 +52,17 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
 template <LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellCode::Index calo>
 LHCb::Calo::Pedestal<calo>::Pedestal( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {KeyValue{"Input", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureDigitLocation( name )},
-                 KeyValue{"ODINLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default}} ) {}
+                { KeyValue{ "Input", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureDigitLocation( name ) },
+                  KeyValue{ "ODINLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default } } ) {}
 template <LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellCode::Index calo>
 StatusCode LHCb::Calo::Pedestal<calo>::initialize() {
   return Consumer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
     info() << " digits from " << inputLocation() << endmsg;
     m_ADC1Hist.setTitle( fmt::format( "{} channel, per cell", toString( calo ) ) );
-    m_ADC1Hist.template setAxis<0>( Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis<double>{m_adcHist} );
+    m_ADC1Hist.template setAxis<0>( Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis<double>{ m_adcHist } );
     m_ADC2Hist.setTitle( fmt::format( "{} channel, per cell", toString( calo ) ) );
-    m_ADC2Hist.template setAxis<0>( Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis<double>{m_adcHist} );
+    m_ADC2Hist.template setAxis<0>( Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis<double>{ m_adcHist } );
   } );
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ void LHCb::Calo::Pedestal<calo>::operator()( const Event::Calo::Digits& digits,
     const auto adc = digit.adc();
     if ( digit.adc() < m_adcFilter ) continue;
     if ( bcID % 2 == 0 ) {
-      ++m_ADC1Hist[{id, adc}];
+      ++m_ADC1Hist[{ id, adc }];
     } else {
-      ++m_ADC2Hist[{id, adc}];
+      ++m_ADC2Hist[{ id, adc }];
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloTAEData.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloTAEData.cpp
index 5aca4d815e928c7bc109ada2d225094c70e35521..77a0f0aae89d33a432c75654872ef7b07819dff2 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloTAEData.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloTAEData.cpp
@@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithms {
     CaloTAEData( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                    {KeyValue{"Input", CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureDigitLocation( name )},
-                     KeyValue{"ODINLocation", ODINLocation::Default}} ) {}
+                    { KeyValue{ "Input", CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureDigitLocation( name ) },
+                      KeyValue{ "ODINLocation", ODINLocation::Default } } ) {}
     void operator()( const Input& digits, const ODIN& odin ) const override {
       if ( m_writeTuple.value() ) {
-        std::vector<float> cell_list{11109.0, 11098.0, 7077.0, 7065.0, 2853.0, 2842.0};
+        std::vector<float> cell_list{ 11109.0, 11098.0, 7077.0, 7065.0, 2853.0, 2842.0 };
         auto               tuple = this->nTuple( "TAEData" );
         std::vector<double> digitE;
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithms {
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_writeTuple{this, "writeTuple", false};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_writeTuple{ this, "writeTuple", false };
 } // namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithms
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloTimeAlignment.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloTimeAlignment.cpp
index 18d9f4176c1a54b16ddbc6b2ba55603ee38340c7..7c662ec017faaa88cc6c318d55a90c1655f5b248 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloTimeAlignment.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/CaloTimeAlignment.cpp
@@ -52,14 +52,14 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     TimeAlignment( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator );
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<int>> m_TAE_BXIDs{this, "TAE_BXIDs"};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>            m_adcFilter{this, "ADCFilter", -100.};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<int>> m_TAE_BXIDs{ this, "TAE_BXIDs" };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>            m_adcFilter{ this, "ADCFilter", -100. };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2> m_ta_e{
-        this, "TA_E", "Energy per BX", {3600, 0, 3600}, {124, 0, 250. * Gaudi::Units::GeV}};
+        this, "TA_E", "Energy per BX", { 3600, 0, 3600 }, { 124, 0, 250. * Gaudi::Units::GeV } };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2> m_ta_adc{
-        this, "TA_ADC", "ADC per BX", {3600, 0, 3600}, {4096, 0, 4096}};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_tae_bx{this, "TAE BXIDs", "TAE BXIDs", {4000, 0, 4000}};
+        this, "TA_ADC", "ADC per BX", { 3600, 0, 3600 }, { 4096, 0, 4096 } };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_tae_bx{ this, "TAE BXIDs", "TAE BXIDs", { 4000, 0, 4000 } };
     struct FormatCrateHistTitle {
       auto operator()( size_t n ) { return fmt::format( "TAE_crate{}", n + DeCalorimeter::minCrate<calo> ); }
@@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // We create one histogram per crate for tae
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2>, DeCalorimeter::nbCrates<calo>>
-        m_tae_crate{this, FormatCrateHistTitle{}, FormatCrateHistTitle{}, {3600, 0, 3600}, {3600, 0, 3600}};
+        m_tae_crate{ this, FormatCrateHistTitle{}, FormatCrateHistTitle{}, { 3600, 0, 3600 }, { 3600, 0, 3600 } };
     // 2D histogram, where the first dimension is the CellID and the second the tae window value
     mutable StaticWeightedCellIDHistogram<calo, 2, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, double> m_tae_window{
         fmt::format( "{}Cells", toString( calo ) ),
         fmt::format( "{} tae window per channel", toString( calo ) ),
-        {11, -5, 6}};
+        { 11, -5, 6 } };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( TimeAlignment<Detector::Calo::CellCode::Index::EcalCalo>, "CaloECALTimeAlignment" )
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
 template <LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellCode::Index calo>
 LHCb::Calo::TimeAlignment<calo>::TimeAlignment( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {KeyValue{"Input", CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureDigitLocation( name )},
-                 KeyValue{"ODINLocation", ODINLocation::Default},
-                 KeyValue{"Detector", LHCb::Calo::Utilities::DeCaloFutureLocation( name )}} ) {}
+                { KeyValue{ "Input", CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureDigitLocation( name ) },
+                  KeyValue{ "ODINLocation", ODINLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "Detector", LHCb::Calo::Utilities::DeCaloFutureLocation( name ) } } ) {}
 template <LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellCode::Index calo>
 void LHCb::Calo::TimeAlignment<calo>::operator()( const Event::Calo::Digits& digits, const LHCb::ODIN& odin,
@@ -99,12 +99,12 @@ void LHCb::Calo::TimeAlignment<calo>::operator()( const Event::Calo::Digits& dig
   const auto bcID = odin.bunchId();
   for ( const auto& digit : digits ) {
     if ( digit.adc() < m_adcFilter ) continue;
-    ++m_ta_e[{bcID, digit.energy()}];
-    ++m_ta_adc[{bcID, digit.adc()}];
+    ++m_ta_e[{ bcID, digit.energy() }];
+    ++m_ta_adc[{ bcID, digit.adc() }];
     // Fill per crate histograms (TAE mode)
     const auto crate = caloDet.cardCrate( caloDet.cardNumber( digit.cellID() ) );
-    ++m_tae_crate[crate - DeCalorimeter::minCrate<calo>][{bcID, digit.adc()}];
+    ++m_tae_crate[crate - DeCalorimeter::minCrate<calo>][{ bcID, digit.adc() }];
     // Fill cell by cell histograms (TAE mode)
     int TAEwindow = -9999;
@@ -112,6 +112,6 @@ void LHCb::Calo::TimeAlignment<calo>::operator()( const Event::Calo::Digits& dig
       if ( ( bcID < TAEbx + 5 ) & ( bcID > TAEbx - 5 ) ) { TAEwindow = bcID - TAEbx; }
-    if ( TAEwindow > -9999 ) { m_tae_window[{digit.cellID(), TAEwindow}] += digit.adc(); }
+    if ( TAEwindow > -9999 ) { m_tae_window[{ digit.cellID(), TAEwindow }] += digit.adc(); }
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/ChargedPIDsChecker.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/ChargedPIDsChecker.cpp
index d03b5ddd51bd21114ccd486bc633c3ed2cff6f1c..618fd54258f9fc6971cb0066a89e2324419747a5 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/ChargedPIDsChecker.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/ChargedPIDsChecker.cpp
@@ -66,30 +66,30 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithms {
     // standard constructor
     ChargedPIDsChecker( std::string const& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-        : base_type{name,
-                    pSvc,
-                    {KeyValue{"Tracks", ""}, KeyValue{"ChargedPIDs", ""}, KeyValue{"BremInfos", ""},
-                     KeyValue{"MCLinks", ""}, KeyValue{"MCParticles", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"Detector", DeCalorimeterLocation::Ecal}}} {}
+        : base_type{ name,
+                     pSvc,
+                     { KeyValue{ "Tracks", "" }, KeyValue{ "ChargedPIDs", "" }, KeyValue{ "BremInfos", "" },
+                       KeyValue{ "MCLinks", "" }, KeyValue{ "MCParticles", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                       KeyValue{ "Detector", DeCalorimeterLocation::Ecal } } } {}
     // main execution
     void operator()( Tracks const&, ChargedPIDs const&, BremInfos const&, LHCb::LinksByKey const&,
                      LHCb::MCParticles const&, DeCalorimeter const& ) const override;
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>               m_checktype{this, "CheckTrackType", false};
-    Gaudi::Property<LHCb::Track::Types> m_type{this, "TrackType", LHCb::Track::Types::Unknown};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>               m_checktype{ this, "CheckTrackType", false };
+    Gaudi::Property<LHCb::Track::Types> m_type{ this, "TrackType", LHCb::Track::Types::Unknown };
     // monitoring
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_clchi2_el{this, "Track-cluster match chi2 for electrons"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_clchi2_pi{this, "Track-cluster match chi2 for pions"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_eop_ecal_el{this, "Ecal electron shower E/p for electrons"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_eop_ecal_pi{this, "Ecal electron shower E/p for pions"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_eop_hcal_el{this, "Hcal E/p for electrons"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_eop_hcal_pi{this, "Hcal E/p for pions"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_breme_res{this, "Brem reco reso"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_breme_cl_res{this, "Brem reco reso (cluster)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_breme_tr_res{this, "Brem reco reso (track-based)"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_clchi2_el{ this, "Track-cluster match chi2 for electrons" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_clchi2_pi{ this, "Track-cluster match chi2 for pions" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_eop_ecal_el{ this, "Ecal electron shower E/p for electrons" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_eop_ecal_pi{ this, "Ecal electron shower E/p for pions" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_eop_hcal_el{ this, "Hcal E/p for electrons" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_eop_hcal_pi{ this, "Hcal E/p for pions" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_breme_res{ this, "Brem reco reso" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_breme_cl_res{ this, "Brem reco reso (cluster)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_breme_tr_res{ this, "Brem reco reso (track-based)" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( ChargedPIDsChecker, "CaloChargedPIDsChecker" )
@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithms {
       // check type if asked
       if ( m_checktype && m_type != track->type() ) continue;
       // get MC truth
-      double                  maxWeight{0};
-      const LHCb::MCParticle* mcp{nullptr};
+      double                  maxWeight{ 0 };
+      const LHCb::MCParticle* mcp{ nullptr };
       links.applyToLinks( track->key(),
                           [&maxWeight, &mcp, &mcparts]( unsigned int, unsigned int mcPartKey, float weight ) {
                             if ( weight > maxWeight ) {
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/ChargedPIDsMonitor.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/ChargedPIDsMonitor.cpp
index 4f572b6d6dbd56c7bfacaaf2234d24aaf752050f..060ceb75543bc5f527bee1552319bd794c36d628 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/ChargedPIDsMonitor.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/ChargedPIDsMonitor.cpp
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // standard constructor
     ChargedPIDsMonitor( std::string const& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-        : base_type{name,
-                    pSvc,
-                    {KeyValue{"Tracks", ""}, KeyValue{"ChargedPID", ""}, KeyValue{"BremInfo", ""},
-                     KeyValue{"Clusters", ""}, KeyValue{"Detector", DeCalorimeterLocation::Ecal}}} {}
+        : base_type{ name,
+                     pSvc,
+                     { KeyValue{ "Tracks", "" }, KeyValue{ "ChargedPID", "" }, KeyValue{ "BremInfo", "" },
+                       KeyValue{ "Clusters", "" }, KeyValue{ "Detector", DeCalorimeterLocation::Ecal } } } {}
     // main execution
     void operator()( Tracks const&, ChargedPID const&, BremInfo const&, Clusters const&,
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // properties
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_cluster_track_residuals{this, "ClusterTrackResiduals", true,
-                                                    "Add cluster-track residual histograms"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_cluster_track_residuals{ this, "ClusterTrackResiduals", true,
+                                                     "Add cluster-track residual histograms" };
     //// histograms ////
     using Hist1F     = Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, float>;
@@ -59,37 +59,39 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // track - cluster matching
     float          max_res_dist = 120.f;
-    mutable Hist1F m_histos_clust_chi2{this, "ClustChi2", "Chi2 of track - cluster (Ecal) matching",
-                                       AxisF{301, -0.1f, 30.f}};
-    mutable Hist1F m_histos_cls_trk_res_x{this, "ClsTrkResidual_x", "Residual in x of cluster versus track position",
-                                          AxisF{240, -max_res_dist, max_res_dist}};
-    mutable Hist1F m_histos_cls_trk_res_y{this, "ClsTrkResidual_y", "Residual in y of cluster versus track position",
-                                          AxisF{240, -max_res_dist, max_res_dist}};
+    mutable Hist1F m_histos_clust_chi2{ this, "ClustChi2", "Chi2 of track - cluster (Ecal) matching",
+                                        AxisF{ 301, -0.1f, 30.f } };
+    mutable Hist1F m_histos_cls_trk_res_x{ this, "ClsTrkResidual_x", "Residual in x of cluster versus track position",
+                                           AxisF{ 240, -max_res_dist, max_res_dist } };
+    mutable Hist1F m_histos_cls_trk_res_y{ this, "ClsTrkResidual_y", "Residual in y of cluster versus track position",
+                                           AxisF{ 240, -max_res_dist, max_res_dist } };
     // electron pid ecal
-    mutable EffCounter m_counter_inecal{this, "InEcalAcc"};
-    mutable EffCounter m_counter_hasecale{this, "HasEcalEnergy"};
-    mutable Hist1F m_histos_eop_ecal{this, "EoverP_Ecal", "E (Ecal) over (track) momentum", AxisF{204, -0.04f, 2.f}};
-    mutable Hist1F m_histos_eop_ecal_hasbrem{this, "EoverP_Ecal_hasbrem",
-                                             "E (Ecal) over (track) momentum (with HasBrem)", AxisF{204, -0.04f, 2.f}};
+    mutable EffCounter m_counter_inecal{ this, "InEcalAcc" };
+    mutable EffCounter m_counter_hasecale{ this, "HasEcalEnergy" };
+    mutable Hist1F     m_histos_eop_ecal{ this, "EoverP_Ecal", "E (Ecal) over (track) momentum",
+                                      AxisF{ 204, -0.04f, 2.f } };
+    mutable Hist1F     m_histos_eop_ecal_hasbrem{
+        this, "EoverP_Ecal_hasbrem", "E (Ecal) over (track) momentum (with HasBrem)", AxisF{ 204, -0.04f, 2.f } };
     mutable Hist1F m_histos_eshowerdll{
         this, "ElectronShowerDLL",
         "DLL of electron versus pion using per-cell E / p (with track-based energy estimation)",
-        AxisF{250, -15.f, 10.f}};
+        AxisF{ 250, -15.f, 10.f } };
     // hcal
-    mutable EffCounter m_counter_inhcal{this, "InHcalAcc"};
-    mutable EffCounter m_counter_hashcale{this, "HasHcalEnergy"};
-    mutable Hist1F m_histos_eop_hcal{this, "EoverP_Hcal", "E (Hcal) over (track) momentum", AxisF{204, -0.04f, 2.f}};
+    mutable EffCounter m_counter_inhcal{ this, "InHcalAcc" };
+    mutable EffCounter m_counter_hashcale{ this, "HasHcalEnergy" };
+    mutable Hist1F     m_histos_eop_hcal{ this, "EoverP_Hcal", "E (Hcal) over (track) momentum",
+                                      AxisF{ 204, -0.04f, 2.f } };
     // brem related
-    mutable EffCounter m_counter_inbrem{this, "InBremAcc"};
-    mutable EffCounter m_counter_hasbrem{this, "HasBrem"};
-    mutable Hist1F m_histos_bremchi2{this, "BremChi2", "Chi2 of photon cluster vs track extrapolation under brem hypo",
-                                     AxisF{124, -0.1f, 6.1f}};
-    mutable Hist1F m_histos_brempide{this, "BremPIDe", "BremPIDe", AxisF{150, -2.5f, 5.f}};
-    mutable Hist1F m_histos_bremeop{this, "BremEoverP", "BremEnergy / (BremEnergy + p (track))",
-                                    AxisF{120, -0.1f, 1.1f}};
+    mutable EffCounter m_counter_inbrem{ this, "InBremAcc" };
+    mutable EffCounter m_counter_hasbrem{ this, "HasBrem" };
+    mutable Hist1F m_histos_bremchi2{ this, "BremChi2", "Chi2 of photon cluster vs track extrapolation under brem hypo",
+                                      AxisF{ 124, -0.1f, 6.1f } };
+    mutable Hist1F m_histos_brempide{ this, "BremPIDe", "BremPIDe", AxisF{ 150, -2.5f, 5.f } };
+    mutable Hist1F m_histos_bremeop{ this, "BremEoverP", "BremEnergy / (BremEnergy + p (track))",
+                                     AxisF{ 120, -0.1f, 1.1f } };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( ChargedPIDsMonitor, "CaloChargedPIDsMonitor" )
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/FutureCounterLevel.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/FutureCounterLevel.cpp
index 4eeff85ba3ab01d1feba3ef0c076f19432011aea..213f84f3b56d494975634201ba3e9d7d8604034d 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/FutureCounterLevel.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureMoniDst/src/FutureCounterLevel.cpp
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
  *  @date   2016-08-13
 class FutureCounterLevel final : public extends<GaudiTool, IFutureCounterLevel> {
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_clevel{this, "SetLevel", 1, "quiet mode is the default"};
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_clevel{ this, "SetLevel", 1, "quiet mode is the default" };
   using extends::extends;
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/doc/release.notes b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/doc/release.notes
index aadb9f7bedda1ce329627c9cbe89bc38fb25bab3..73116eadcd8ee14957e2543932b5c25605e14351 100755
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/doc/release.notes
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/doc/release.notes
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ! Package     : CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs
 ! Responsible : Olivier Deschamps odescham@in2p3.fr
-! Purpose     : CaloFuturerimeter PIDs 
+! Purpose     : CaloFuturerimeter PIDs
 ! 2016-08-16 - Olivier Deschamps
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 !========================= CaloFuturePIDs v5r22 2016-03-17 =========================
 ! 2016-03-05 - Olivier Deschamps
-  - CaloFuturePIDs configurable :  add slots to configure the Accepted Track::Types 
+  - CaloFuturePIDs configurable :  add slots to configure the Accepted Track::Types
   - src : add counter per track type in match algs
 ! 2016-02-24 - Olivier Deschamps
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
 !========================= CaloFuturePIDs v5r21 2016-01-28 =========================
 ! 2016-25-01 - Olivier Deschamps
- - CaloFuturePhotonMatch,CaloFutureElectronMatch, CaloFutureBremMatch tools : 
-        - move m_position and m_plane data members to the base tool (CaloFutureTrackMatch) and invoke a BeginEvent reset 
+ - CaloFuturePhotonMatch,CaloFutureElectronMatch, CaloFutureBremMatch tools :
+        - move m_position and m_plane data members to the base tool (CaloFutureTrackMatch) and invoke a BeginEvent reset
         - this fixes the (rare) initialization issues producing difference in the offline versus online reconstruction
 !========================= CaloFuturePIDs v5r20p1 2015-10-13 =========================
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 !========================= CaloFuturePIDs v5r15 2013-10-24 =========================
 ! 2013-10-09 - Olivier Deschamps
- -  python/CaloFuturePIDs/*.py : 
+ -  python/CaloFuturePIDs/*.py :
         - possibility to set-up a configuration without active Spd/Prs  (NoSpdPrs = <False> flag)
         - see CaloFutureReco releases.notes for detail
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
  - Fix UNINIT_CTOR defects
 !========================= CaloFuturePIDs v5r11 2011-12-15 =========================
-! 2011-12-09 - Olivier Deschamps 
+! 2011-12-09 - Olivier Deschamps
   - CaloFuturePIDs/PIDs.py : fix external cluster setup
 !========================= CaloFuturePIDs v5r10 2011-11-08 =========================
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
 !========================== CaloFuturePIDs v5r7 2010-08-25 ========================
 ! 2010-08-17 - Olivier Deschamps
- - new version of CaloFuturePhotonIDAlg (get data from condDB or THS) from F. Machefert 
+ - new version of CaloFuturePhotonIDAlg (get data from condDB or THS) from F. Machefert
  - python/PIDs.py : remove default hardcoded neutralID PDF
  - python/Configuration.py : add PIDList to select the PID component(s) to be added to the caloPIDs sequence
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
 ! 2010-05-19 - Gerhard Raven
- - only summarize 'match' errors, do not print (see https://savannah.cern.ch/bugs/?67077) 
+ - only summarize 'match' errors, do not print (see https://savannah.cern.ch/bugs/?67077)
 !========================== CaloFuturePIDs v5r5 2010-03-19 =========================
 ! 2010-03-12 - Dmitry Golubkov
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
 ! 2010-03-08 - Olivier Deschamps
- - Configurables : 
+ - Configurables :
    - adapt to changes in CaloKernel/ConfUtils
    - make all component context-dependent
    - add few slots (SkipNeutral, SkipCharged )
@@ -160,9 +160,9 @@
    - new algorithm CaloFuturePhotonIdALg : produce <Hypo,Likelihood> relation table -> NeutralProtoPALg
       -> remove obsolete CaloFuturePhotonEstimatorTool and CaloFutureSingleGammaTool
    - use TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator by default everywhere
-   - add counters to monitor algorithms I/O 
+   - add counters to monitor algorithms I/O
- - TODO : 
+ - TODO :
    - CaloFuturePIDsConf : split the sequence by CaloFuturePIDs technique and add PIDsList configuration (to be synchronized with CaloFutureReclo/Processor)
@@ -186,31 +186,31 @@
  - Tagged the package
 ! 2009-10-30 - Olivier Deschamps
  -  fix unchecked StatusCode
 ! 2009-10-30 - Vanya Belyaev
- -  suppress few warnigs 
+ -  suppress few warnigs
 ! 2009-10-25 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add ICaloFutureDigit4Track interface for all <CALOFUTURE>EnergyForTrack tools 
+ - add ICaloFutureDigit4Track interface for all <CALOFUTURE>EnergyForTrack tools
  - CaloFutureEnergyForTrack.cpp
-    fix the typo in  property name 
+    fix the typo in  property name
  - cmt/requirements
-     version increment to v5r2 
+     version increment to v5r2
 !========================== CaloFuturePIDs v5r1p1 2009-09-30 =========================
 ! 2009-09-30 - Olivier Deschamps
- - reduce CaloFutureTrackMatchAlg verbosity 
+ - reduce CaloFutureTrackMatchAlg verbosity
-! 2009-09-03 - Olivier Deschamps 
+! 2009-09-03 - Olivier Deschamps
  - reduce InCaloFutureAcceptance/CaloFutureTrackMatchAlg verbosity when no good tracks found (warning->debug)
  - add protection against missing inputs
@@ -219,9 +219,9 @@
  - Remove obsolete file src/CaloFuturePIDs_dll.cpp
 ! 2009-09-01 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - suppress warnings for consigurables 
- - cmt/requirements 
-      version increment to v5r1 
+ - suppress warnings for consigurables
+ - cmt/requirements
+      version increment to v5r1
 !========================== CaloFuturePIDs v5r0 2009-08-31 =========================
 ! 2009-08-21 - Olivier Deschamps
@@ -229,12 +229,12 @@
 ! 2009-08-10 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - polish the configurables 
+ - polish the configurables
 ! 2009-08-05 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - add the configurables 
- - version increment to v5r0 
+ - add the configurables
+ - version increment to v5r0
 !========================== CaloFuturePIDs v4r17 2009-05-25 =========================
 ! 2009-05-15 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -302,10 +302,10 @@
  - Fix doxygen warnings
 ! 2007-05-26 - Victor Egorychev
-- DLL hist (DC06) for different BremPID added, needs ParamFiles v6r1 
+- DLL hist (DC06) for different BremPID added, needs ParamFiles v6r1
 - src/BremPIDeAlg.cpp
   - new PIDs from DC06 added
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
     version increment to v4r7
 !========================== CaloFuturePIDs v4r6 2007-03-02 ==========================
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
  - Change CALOFUTUREPIDOPTS variable to CALOFUTUREPIDSOPTS, to be standard....
 ! 2006-11-06 - Victor Egorychev
-- DLL hist (DC06) for different types tracks for PIDe/mu added 
+- DLL hist (DC06) for different types tracks for PIDe/mu added
   (Ecal, Hcal, Prs). For BremPID - still old hist
 - src/FutureEcalPIDeAlg.cpp
   - new PIDs from DC06 added for Long, Downstream, TTrack tracks
@@ -342,15 +342,15 @@
   - hist for different track types added
 - src/CaloFutureID2DLL.h
   - hist for different track types added
- - cmt/requirements 
-    version increment to v4r5 
+ - cmt/requirements
+    version increment to v4r5
 ! ========================= CaloFuturePIDs v4r4 2006-09-28 ===================
 ! 2006-09-28 - Victor Egorychev
  - src/Linear.h
-    bug fix for invalid linear state extrapolation 
- - cmt/requirements 
-    version increment to v4r4 
+    bug fix for invalid linear state extrapolation
+ - cmt/requirements
+    version increment to v4r4
 ! ========================= CaloFuturePIDs v4r3 2006-08-03 ===================
 ! 2006-08-03 - Chris Jones
@@ -361,23 +361,23 @@
  - ToString.h : remove all templates now in GaudiKernel/ToStream.h
 !========================== CaloFuturePIDs v4r1 2006-06-27 ===================
-! 2006-06-27 - Olivier Deschamps 
+! 2006-06-27 - Olivier Deschamps
   - CaloFutureReco/CaloFuturePIDs repackaging :
     - add CaloFutureSingleGammaTool/CaloFuturePhotonEstimatorTool from CaloFutureReco/
-    - increment the release number in cmt/requirements 
+    - increment the release number in cmt/requirements
 !========================== CaloFuturePIDs v4r0 2006-06-22 ===================
 ! 2006-06-22 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - fix the inconsistencies in the configuration of 
-   accepted types for "Brem"-related algorithms 
+ - fix the inconsistencies in the configuration of
+   accepted types for "Brem"-related algorithms
 ! 2006-06-21 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - fix the problem for "Brem"-tools.
    now it tries to get the fixed states:
-      AtTT, EndRich1, BegRich1, EndVelo, 
+      AtTT, EndRich1, BegRich1, EndVelo,
    othwrwise it used the state nearest to 2*meter (and x<4*meter).
    Also use the explicite extrapolation
- - Linear.h  - explicite linear extrapolator. 
+ - Linear.h  - explicite linear extrapolator.
     The speed-up of BremMatch algorthm is approximately 2 times "9"->"4"
 ! 2006-06-20 - Olivier Deschamps
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@
 ! 2005-11-04 - Olivier Deschamps
  - Adapt to new Track Event Model (TrackEvent v1r4)
-  modified file :  
+  modified file :
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
    version increment to v3r0
 !========================= CaloFuturePIDs v2r6 2005-06-02 ===========================
@@ -411,25 +411,25 @@
 ! 2005-05-10 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - src/CaloFuturePIDsData.cpp
-   1) rename "match" -> "mat" as N-Tuple item name to please PAW 
-                                     (thanks to Kirill VORONCHEV) 
-   2) add photon match estimator  
-   3) cosmetic modifications 
- - src/CaloFuturePIDsData.h 
-    remove the file 
+   1) rename "match" -> "mat" as N-Tuple item name to please PAW
+                                     (thanks to Kirill VORONCHEV)
+   2) add photon match estimator
+   3) cosmetic modifications
+ - src/CaloFuturePIDsData.h
+    remove the file
 !========================= CaloFuturePIDs v2r5 2005-05-09 ===========================
 ! 2005-05-08 - Vanya BELYAEV
-    Eliminate all *associators*  
-    Now everything works directly with relation tables 
+    Eliminate all *associators*
+    Now everything works directly with relation tables
     (Assuming the proper instrumentation of "Data-On-Demand" service)
  - options/CaloFuturePIDsOnDemand.opt
      new configuration file (TEST-PHASE) for "CaloFuturePIDs-On-Demand"
- - cmt/requirements 
-     version increment to v2r5 
+ - cmt/requirements
+     version increment to v2r5
 !======================= CaloFuturePIDs v2r4p1 2005-03-08 =====================
 ! 2005-03-08 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -439,17 +439,17 @@
 !======================== CaloFuturePIDs v2r4 2004-09-08 ======================
 ! 2004-09-02 - Vanya BELYAEV
-   make the preparation for HLT/Trigger development 
- - update for modifier CaloFutureInterfaces 
- - cmt/requirements 
-   version increment to v2r4 
+   make the preparation for HLT/Trigger development
+ - update for modifier CaloFutureInterfaces
+ - cmt/requirements
+   version increment to v2r4
 !======================== CaloFuturePIDs v2r3 2004-04-27 ======================
 ! 2004-04-27 - Vanya Belyaev
  -  src/CaloFuturePIDsData.cpp
-    fix stupid misprint in type name for associator 
+    fix stupid misprint in type name for associator
  -  cmt/requirements
-    increment the version to v2r3 
+    increment the version to v2r3
 !======================== CaloFuturePIDs v2r2 2004-04-19 ======================
 ! 2004-04-19 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -458,75 +458,75 @@
 ! 2004-04-18 - Vanya Belyaev
  - src/CaloFuturePhotonEstimatorTool.h,.cpp
    the updated version of PhotonID tool from Frederic Machefert
- - options/PhotonPDF.opts 
-   the updated file with parameters 
+ - options/PhotonPDF.opts
+   the updated file with parameters
  - cmt/requirements
-   increment the version to v2r2 
+   increment the version to v2r2
 !======================== CaloFuturePIDs v2r1 2004-03-18 ======================
 ! 2004-03-17 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - src/CaloFuturePhotonEstimatorTool.h,cpp
    new tool for photon ID estimate from Frederic Machefert
-   The origina version from Frederic is udapted a bit to 
-   new GaudiTool/CaloFutureTool methods and to 
-   "typo"-fix ICaloFutureLikelyhood -> ICaloFutureLikelihood 
- - src/CaloFuturePIDsData.h/.cpp  
-   new algorithm to fill NTuple needed to populate 
-   the reference histograms for charged particle ID 
+   The origina version from Frederic is udapted a bit to
+   new GaudiTool/CaloFutureTool methods and to
+   "typo"-fix ICaloFutureLikelyhood -> ICaloFutureLikelihood
+ - src/CaloFuturePIDsData.h/.cpp
+   new algorithm to fill NTuple needed to populate
+   the reference histograms for charged particle ID
- - src/CaloFuturePIDs_load.cpp - add new tool and new 
-                           algorithm to the list of 
-                           known components 
+ - src/CaloFuturePIDs_load.cpp - add new tool and new
+                           algorithm to the list of
+                           known components
- - cmt/requirements  increment the version to v2r1 
+ - cmt/requirements  increment the version to v2r1
- - options/PhotonPDF.opts 
-   configuration of CaloFuturePhotonEstimatorTool/PhotonPID 
+ - options/PhotonPDF.opts
+   configuration of CaloFuturePhotonEstimatorTool/PhotonPID
    ********** ATTENTION: tool name is choosen to be 'PhotonPID' *********
 !======================== CaloFuturePIDs v2r0 2004-03-08 ======================
 ! 2004-03-08 - Marco Cattaneo
  - In CaloFutureTrack2Estimator.h/.cpp, CaloFutureTrack2Idalg.h/.cpp
    . rename m_upstream to m_downstream
-   . rename UseUpstream property to UseDownstream 
+   . rename UseUpstream property to UseDownstream
    . use new isDownstream() method of TrStoredTrack instead of upstream()
  - In *.opts
-   . rename UseUpstream property to UseDownstream 
+   . rename UseUpstream property to UseDownstream
 ! 2004-02-17 - Vanya BELYAEV
-   -  update for reading the input histograms from 
+   -  update for reading the input histograms from
-      $PARAMFILEROOT/data/CaloFuturePIDs.root  
-        or 
-      $PARAMFILEROOT/data/CaloFuturePIDs.root 
+      $PARAMFILEROOT/data/CaloFuturePIDs.root
+        or
+      $PARAMFILEROOT/data/CaloFuturePIDs.root
-  -   remove 'text' histograms from options directory 
+  -   remove 'text' histograms from options directory
-  -   cmt/requirements increment teh MAJOR version 
+  -   cmt/requirements increment teh MAJOR version
 !======================== CaloFuturePIDs v1r2 2003-12-11 ======================
 ! 2003-12-11 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Move to Gaudi v13:
    . requirements:        use CaloFutureInterfaces v3r*
-   . CaloFutureTrack2IdAlg.cpp: adapt to AIDA 3.0 
+   . CaloFutureTrack2IdAlg.cpp: adapt to AIDA 3.0
 !======================== CaloFuturePIDs v1r1 2003-07-17 ======================
 ! 2003-07-17 - Ivan BELYAEV
- - src/CaloFutureTrackEval.cpp 
-   fix an error (return m_bad valeu for zero energy deposition) 
- - cmt/requirements  increase the version 
+ - src/CaloFutureTrackEval.cpp
+   fix an error (return m_bad valeu for zero energy deposition)
+ - cmt/requirements  increase the version
 ! 2003-07-17 - Ivan BELYAEV
- - minor change if algorithms to speed-up a code a little bit 
- - options introduce a low/high limits for estimators to skip 
-   'bad' records 
+ - minor change if algorithms to speed-up a code a little bit
+ - options introduce a low/high limits for estimators to skip
+   'bad' records
 !======================== CaloFuturePIDs v1r0 2003-04-17 ======================
 ! 2003-04-17 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Remove "#" from "#include" when it appears in doxygen comment lines of job 
+ - Remove "#" from "#include" when it appears in doxygen comment lines of job
    options, as this breaks the production tools
 ! 2003-03-13 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - new package 
+ - new package
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/python/CaloFuturePIDs/Configuration.py b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/python/CaloFuturePIDs/Configuration.py
index 10d478cafef5acfa3833307a0515ff43e44a4c15..87b0d43f67cb06c06b61ac7f9e042eb3b21f84f1 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/python/CaloFuturePIDs/Configuration.py
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/python/CaloFuturePIDs/Configuration.py
@@ -17,22 +17,22 @@
 Configurable for CaloFuturerimeter PID
 # =============================================================================
 __author__ = "Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@nikhef.nl"
 # =============================================================================
-__all__ = ('HltCaloFuturePIDsConf', 'OffLineCaloFuturePIDsConf',
-           'CaloFuturePIDsConf')
+__all__ = ("HltCaloFuturePIDsConf", "OffLineCaloFuturePIDsConf", "CaloFuturePIDsConf")
 # =============================================================================
-from LHCbKernel.Configuration import *
+import logging
+from CaloKernel.ConfUtils import addAlgs, printOnDemand, prntCmp, setTheProperty
 from Configurables import HistogramSvc
+from LHCbKernel.Configuration import *
-from CaloKernel.ConfUtils import (addAlgs, printOnDemand, prntCmp,
-                                  setTheProperty)
-from CaloFuturePIDs.PIDs import caloPIDs
-from CaloFuturePIDs.PIDs import referencePIDs
-import logging
-_log = logging.getLogger('CaloFuturePIDs')
+from CaloFuturePIDs.PIDs import caloPIDs, referencePIDs
+_log = logging.getLogger("CaloFuturePIDs")
 # =============================================================================
@@ -44,59 +44,35 @@ class CaloFuturePIDsConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
     Class/Configurable to define the calorimeter PID
     ## define the slots
     __slots__ = {
-        "Context":
-        ''  # The context within which to run
-        ,
-        "MeasureTime":
-        False  # Measure the time for sequencers
-        ,
-        "OutputLevel":
-        INFO  # The global output level
+        "Context": "",  # The context within which to run
+        "MeasureTime": False,  # Measure the time for sequencers
+        "OutputLevel": INFO,  # The global output level
-        ,
-        'Sequence':
-        ''  # The sequencer to add the CALOFUTURE reconstruction algorithms to
-        ,
-        'PIDList': [
-            'InAcceptance', 'Match', 'Energy', 'Chi2', 'DLL', 'NeutralPID'
-        ]  # List of PID fragments to be included (alternative full sequence per technique : [ 'EcalPID', 'BremPID', 'HcalPID', 'NeutralPID' ] )
-        ,
-        'EnablePIDsOnDemand':
-        False  # enable Reco-On-Demand
+        "Sequence": "",  # The sequencer to add the CALOFUTURE reconstruction algorithms to
+        "PIDList": [
+            "InAcceptance",
+            "Match",
+            "Energy",
+            "Chi2",
+            "DLL",
+            "NeutralPID",
+        ],  # List of PID fragments to be included (alternative full sequence per technique : [ 'EcalPID', 'BremPID', 'HcalPID', 'NeutralPID' ] )
+        "EnablePIDsOnDemand": False,  # enable Reco-On-Demand
-        ,
-        'DataType':
-        'MC09'  # Data type
-        ,
-        'TrackLocation':
-        ''  # track location to be used (default use CaloFutureAlgUtils default)
-        ,
-        'ClMatchTrTypes': [
-        ]  # Track types for Cluster matching (if not set the alg. default is used i.e. Long + Downstream + TTracks)
-        ,
-        'CaloFuturePIDTrTypes': [
-        ]  # Track types for CaloFuturePID (if not set the alg. default is used i.e. Long + Downstream + TTracks)
-        ,
-        'BremPIDTrTypes': [
-        ]  # Track types for BremPID (if not set the alg. default is used i.e. Long + Upstream + Velo)
-        ,
-        'SkipNeutrals':
-        False  # skip neutralID (already run in CaloFutureRecoConf by default)
-        ,
-        'SkipCharged':
-        False  # skip chargedID
-        ,
-        'FastPID':
-        False  # speed-up PID (lighter sequence)
-        ,
-        'ExternalClusters':
-        ''  # use non-default cluster container
-        ,
-        'Verbose':
-        False
+        "DataType": "MC09",  # Data type
+        "TrackLocation": "",  # track location to be used (default use CaloFutureAlgUtils default)
+        "ClMatchTrTypes": [],  # Track types for Cluster matching (if not set the alg. default is used i.e. Long + Downstream + TTracks)
+        "CaloFuturePIDTrTypes": [],  # Track types for CaloFuturePID (if not set the alg. default is used i.e. Long + Downstream + TTracks)
+        "BremPIDTrTypes": [],  # Track types for BremPID (if not set the alg. default is used i.e. Long + Upstream + Velo)
+        "SkipNeutrals": False,  # skip neutralID (already run in CaloFutureRecoConf by default)
+        "SkipCharged": False,  # skip chargedID
+        "FastPID": False,  # speed-up PID (lighter sequence)
+        "ExternalClusters": "",  # use non-default cluster container
+        "Verbose": False,
     ## Configure recontruction of CaloFuture Charged  PIDs
@@ -105,22 +81,22 @@ class CaloFuturePIDsConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
         Configure recontruction of CaloFuture Charged  PIDs
         cmp = caloPIDs(
-            self.getProp('EnablePIDsOnDemand'),
-            self.getProp('PIDList'),
-            self.getProp('TrackLocation'),
-            self.getProp('ClMatchTrTypes'),
-            self.getProp('CaloFuturePIDTrTypes'),
-            self.getProp('BremPIDTrTypes'),
-            self.getProp('SkipNeutrals'),
-            self.getProp('SkipCharged'),
-            self.getProp('FastPID'),
-            self.getProp('ExternalClusters'),
+            self.getProp("EnablePIDsOnDemand"),
+            self.getProp("PIDList"),
+            self.getProp("TrackLocation"),
+            self.getProp("ClMatchTrTypes"),
+            self.getProp("CaloFuturePIDTrTypes"),
+            self.getProp("BremPIDTrTypes"),
+            self.getProp("SkipNeutrals"),
+            self.getProp("SkipCharged"),
+            self.getProp("FastPID"),
+            self.getProp("ExternalClusters"),
-        _log.info('Configured CaloFuture PIDs           : %s ' % cmp.name())
+        _log.info("Configured CaloFuture PIDs           : %s " % cmp.name())
         return cmp
@@ -129,13 +105,13 @@ class CaloFuturePIDsConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
         Check the configuration
-        _log.debug('CaloFuturePIDsConf: Configuration is not checked!')
+        _log.debug("CaloFuturePIDsConf: Configuration is not checked!")
     def printConf(self, verbose=False):
-        if self.getProp('Verbose') or verbose:
+        if self.getProp("Verbose") or verbose:
-## CaloFuturerimeter PID Configuration
+    ## CaloFuturerimeter PID Configuration
     def applyConf(self):
@@ -146,22 +122,23 @@ class CaloFuturePIDsConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
         pids = self.caloPIDs()
-        setTheProperty(pids, 'MeasureTime', self.getProp('MeasureTime'))
+        setTheProperty(pids, "MeasureTime", self.getProp("MeasureTime"))
         if self.isPropertySet("OutputLevel"):
-            setTheProperty(pids, 'OutputLevel', self.getProp('OutputLevel'))
+            setTheProperty(pids, "OutputLevel", self.getProp("OutputLevel"))
-        if self.getProp('Sequence'):
+        if self.getProp("Sequence"):
             addAlgs(self.Sequence, pids)
-            _log.info('Configure main CaloFuture PIDs Sequence  : %s ' %
-                      self.Sequence.name())
-            if self.getProp('Verbose'):
+            _log.info(
+                "Configure main CaloFuture PIDs Sequence  : %s " % self.Sequence.name()
+            )
+            if self.getProp("Verbose"):
-            _log.info('Configure CaloFuturerimeter PIDs blocks ')
-            if self.getProp('Verbose'):
+            _log.info("Configure CaloFuturerimeter PIDs blocks ")
+            if self.getProp("Verbose"):
-        if self.getProp('EnablePIDsOnDemand'):
+        if self.getProp("EnablePIDsOnDemand"):
@@ -174,6 +151,7 @@ class HltCaloFuturePIDsConf(CaloFuturePIDsConf):
     Class/Configurable to define the calorimeter PID for Hlt
     __slots__ = {}
     ## Check the configuration
@@ -193,6 +171,7 @@ class OffLineCaloFuturePIDsConf(CaloFuturePIDsConf):
     Class/Configurable to define the calorimeter PID for Off-Line
     __slots__ = {}
     ## Check the configuration
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/python/CaloFuturePIDs/PIDs.py b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/python/CaloFuturePIDs/PIDs.py
index 7709e16334229dd320864f285ad4f3925b441634..253321bb9c85c87b0267b8fb22db962ad9a254c1 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/python/CaloFuturePIDs/PIDs.py
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/python/CaloFuturePIDs/PIDs.py
@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@
 The major building blocks of CaloFuturerimeter PID
 from __future__ import print_function
 # =============================================================================
 __author__ = "Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@nikhef.nl"
 # =============================================================================
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
+from CaloKernel.ConfUtils import addAlgs, setTheProperty
 from Configurables import GaudiSequencer
-from CaloKernel.ConfUtils import (setTheProperty, addAlgs)
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 # =============================================================================
@@ -38,11 +38,10 @@ def inEcalAcc(enableRecoOnDemand, trackLocation="", matchTrTypes=[]):
-    from Configurables import (InEcalFutureAcceptance,
-                               InEcalFutureAcceptanceAlg)
+    from Configurables import InEcalFutureAcceptance, InEcalFutureAcceptanceAlg
     ## check if the track is in Ecal acceptance
-    inEcal = InEcalFutureAcceptanceAlg('InECALFuture')
+    inEcal = InEcalFutureAcceptanceAlg("InECALFuture")
     if trackLocation:
         inEcal.Inputs = trackLocation
@@ -55,11 +54,13 @@ def inEcalAcc(enableRecoOnDemand, trackLocation="", matchTrTypes=[]):
 ## ============================================================================
 ## define the minimal track match sequnce for photon recontruction
-def trackMatch(enableRecoOnDemand,
-               trackLocation="",
-               matchTrTypes=[],
-               fastReco=False,
-               clusterLocation=""):
+def trackMatch(
+    enableRecoOnDemand,
+    trackLocation="",
+    matchTrTypes=[],
+    fastReco=False,
+    clusterLocation="",
     Define the minimal track match sequnce for photon reconstruction
@@ -68,17 +69,17 @@ def trackMatch(enableRecoOnDemand,
     from Configurables import FuturePhotonMatchAlg
-    seq = GaudiSequencer('CaloFutureTrackMatch')
+    seq = GaudiSequencer("CaloFutureTrackMatch")
     ## perform the actual track <-> cluster match
-    clmatch = FuturePhotonMatchAlg('FutureClusterMatch')
+    clmatch = FuturePhotonMatchAlg("FutureClusterMatch")
-    if clusterLocation != '':
+    if clusterLocation != "":
         clmatch.Calos = clusterLocation
-#    log.info(" ========= trackLocation = " + trackLocation )
+    #    log.info(" ========= trackLocation = " + trackLocation )
-## check if the track is in Ecal acceptance
+    ## check if the track is in Ecal acceptance
     inEcal = inEcalAcc(enableRecoOnDemand, trackLocation, matchTrTypes)
     seq.Members = [inEcal, clmatch]
@@ -96,34 +97,43 @@ def trackMatch(enableRecoOnDemand,
 # =================================================================================
 ## define various CaloFuture PIDs evaluation
-def caloPIDs(enableRecoOnDemand,
-             list,
-             trackLocation='',
-             matchTrTypes=[],
-             caloTrTypes=[],
-             bremTrTypes=[],
-             skipNeutrals=False,
-             skipCharged=False,
-             fastPID=False,
-             clusterLocation='',
-             name=''):
+def caloPIDs(
+    enableRecoOnDemand,
+    list,
+    trackLocation="",
+    matchTrTypes=[],
+    caloTrTypes=[],
+    bremTrTypes=[],
+    skipNeutrals=False,
+    skipCharged=False,
+    fastPID=False,
+    clusterLocation="",
+    name="",
     Define various CaloFuture PIDs evaluation
     from Configurables import (
-        InEcalFutureAcceptance, InEcalFutureAcceptanceAlg,
-        InBremFutureAcceptance, FutureInBremFutureAcceptanceAlg,
-        InHcalFutureAcceptance, InHcalFutureAcceptanceAlg)
-    from Configurables import (FutureElectronMatchAlg, BremMatchAlgFuture)
-    from Configurables import (FutureTrack2EcalEAlg, FutureTrack2HcalEAlg)
-    from Configurables import (FutureEcalChi22ID, BremChi22IDFuture,
-                               FutureClusChi22ID, FutureEcalPIDeAlg,
-                               BremPIDeAlgFuture, FutureHcalPIDeAlg,
-                               FutureEcalPIDmuAlg, FutureHcalPIDmuAlg)
+        BremChi22IDFuture,
+        BremMatchAlgFuture,
+        BremPIDeAlgFuture,
+        FutureClusChi22ID,
+        FutureEcalChi22ID,
+        FutureEcalPIDeAlg,
+        FutureEcalPIDmuAlg,
+        FutureElectronMatchAlg,
+        FutureHcalPIDeAlg,
+        FutureHcalPIDmuAlg,
+        FutureInBremFutureAcceptanceAlg,
+        FutureTrack2EcalEAlg,
+        FutureTrack2HcalEAlg,
+        InBremFutureAcceptance,
+        InEcalFutureAcceptance,
+        InEcalFutureAcceptanceAlg,
+        InHcalFutureAcceptance,
+        InHcalFutureAcceptanceAlg,
+    )
     ##  SANITY CHECK FOR TRACK TYPES (caloTrTypes must be included  in matchTrTypes)
     defMatchTrTypes = ["Long", "Downstream", "Ttrack"]
@@ -132,7 +142,7 @@ def caloPIDs(enableRecoOnDemand,
     for item in caloTrTypes:
         if item not in defMatchTrTypes:
             raise AttributeError(
-                'TrackTypes for ClusterMatching must include CaloFuturePID TrackTypes'
+                "TrackTypes for ClusterMatching must include CaloFuturePID TrackTypes"
     if matchTrTypes != []:
@@ -143,28 +153,29 @@ def caloPIDs(enableRecoOnDemand,
         log.info(" ! Will use track types = % s for bremPID" % bremTrTypes)
     ## global PID sequence
-    _name = 'CaloFuturePIDs' + name
+    _name = "CaloFuturePIDs" + name
     seq = GaudiSequencer(_name)
     seq.Members = []
     ## add Charged
     if not skipCharged:
-        _name = 'ChargedPIDs' + name
+        _name = "ChargedPIDs" + name
         charged = GaudiSequencer(_name)
         # inAcceptance
-        inAcc = GaudiSequencer('InCaloFutureAcceptance')
+        inAcc = GaudiSequencer("InCaloFutureAcceptance")
         inECAL = inEcalAcc(enableRecoOnDemand, trackLocation, matchTrTypes)
-        inHCAL = InHcalFutureAcceptanceAlg('InHCALFuture')
-        inBREM = FutureInBremFutureAcceptanceAlg('InBREMFuture')
+        inHCAL = InHcalFutureAcceptanceAlg("InHCALFuture")
+        inBREM = FutureInBremFutureAcceptanceAlg("InBREMFuture")
         inAcc.Members = [inECAL, inHCAL, inBREM]
         # matching
-        match = GaudiSequencer('CaloFutureMatch')
-        cluster = trackMatch(enableRecoOnDemand, trackLocation, matchTrTypes,
-                             fastPID, clusterLocation)
+        match = GaudiSequencer("CaloFutureMatch")
+        cluster = trackMatch(
+            enableRecoOnDemand, trackLocation, matchTrTypes, fastPID, clusterLocation
+        )
         electron = FutureElectronMatchAlg("ElectronMatchFuture")
         brem = BremMatchAlgFuture("BremMatchFuture")
@@ -172,39 +183,37 @@ def caloPIDs(enableRecoOnDemand,
         match.Members = [cluster, electron, brem]
         # energy
-        energy = GaudiSequencer('CaloFutureEnergy')
-        ecalE = FutureTrack2EcalEAlg('EcalEFuture')
-        hcalE = FutureTrack2HcalEAlg('HcalEFuture')
+        energy = GaudiSequencer("CaloFutureEnergy")
+        ecalE = FutureTrack2EcalEAlg("EcalEFuture")
+        hcalE = FutureTrack2HcalEAlg("HcalEFuture")
         energy.Members = [ecalE, hcalE]
         # Chi2's
-        chi2 = GaudiSequencer('CaloFutureChi2')
-        eChi2 = FutureEcalChi22ID('FutureEcalChi22ID')
-        bChi2 = BremChi22IDFuture('BremChi22IDFuture')
-        cChi2 = FutureClusChi22ID('FutureClusChi22ID')
+        chi2 = GaudiSequencer("CaloFutureChi2")
+        eChi2 = FutureEcalChi22ID("FutureEcalChi22ID")
+        bChi2 = BremChi22IDFuture("BremChi22IDFuture")
+        cChi2 = FutureClusChi22ID("FutureClusChi22ID")
         chi2.Members = [eChi2, bChi2, cChi2]
         # DLL
-        dlle = GaudiSequencer('CaloFutureDLLeFuture')
-        dllmu = GaudiSequencer('CaloFutureDLLmuFuture')
-        ecale = FutureEcalPIDeAlg('EcalPIDeFuture')
-        breme = BremPIDeAlgFuture('BremPIDeFuture')
-        hcale = FutureHcalPIDeAlg('HcalPIDeFuture')
-        ecalmu = FutureEcalPIDmuAlg('EcalPIDmuFuture')
-        hcalmu = FutureHcalPIDmuAlg('HcalPIDmuFuture')
+        dlle = GaudiSequencer("CaloFutureDLLeFuture")
+        dllmu = GaudiSequencer("CaloFutureDLLmuFuture")
+        ecale = FutureEcalPIDeAlg("EcalPIDeFuture")
+        breme = BremPIDeAlgFuture("BremPIDeFuture")
+        hcale = FutureHcalPIDeAlg("HcalPIDeFuture")
+        ecalmu = FutureEcalPIDmuAlg("EcalPIDmuFuture")
+        hcalmu = FutureHcalPIDmuAlg("HcalPIDmuFuture")
         dllmu.Members = [ecalmu, hcalmu]
         dlle.Members = [ecale, breme, hcale]
         # alternative sequence (per caloPID technique)
-        ecalT = GaudiSequencer('EcalPIDFuture')
-        ecalT.Members = [
-            inECAL, cluster, electron, ecalE, eChi2, cChi2, ecale, ecalmu
-        ]
+        ecalT = GaudiSequencer("EcalPIDFuture")
+        ecalT.Members = [inECAL, cluster, electron, ecalE, eChi2, cChi2, ecale, ecalmu]
-        hcalT = GaudiSequencer('HcalPIDFuture')
+        hcalT = GaudiSequencer("HcalPIDFuture")
         hcalT.Members = [inHCAL, hcalE, hcale, hcalmu]
-        bremT = GaudiSequencer('BremPIDFuture')
+        bremT = GaudiSequencer("BremPIDFuture")
         bremT.Members = [inBREM, brem, bChi2, breme]
         # === Redefine accepted track types ===
@@ -240,35 +249,46 @@ def caloPIDs(enableRecoOnDemand,
         charged.Members = []
         # updatXe global sequence with charged
-        if 'InAcceptance' in list: charged.Members += [inAcc]
-        if 'Match' in list: charged.Members += [match]
-        if 'Energy' in list: charged.Members += [energy]
-        if 'Chi2' in list: charged.Members += [chi2]
-        if 'DLL' in list or 'DLLe' in list: charged.Members += [dlle]
-        if 'DLL' in list or 'DLLmu' in list: charged.Members += [dllmu]
+        if "InAcceptance" in list:
+            charged.Members += [inAcc]
+        if "Match" in list:
+            charged.Members += [match]
+        if "Energy" in list:
+            charged.Members += [energy]
+        if "Chi2" in list:
+            charged.Members += [chi2]
+        if "DLL" in list or "DLLe" in list:
+            charged.Members += [dlle]
+        if "DLL" in list or "DLLmu" in list:
+            charged.Members += [dllmu]
         # alternative full sequence per technique
-        if 'EcalPID' in list: charged.Members += [ecalT]
-        if 'BremPID' in list: charged.Members += [bremT]
-        if 'HcalPID' in list: charged.Members += [hcalT]
-        if charged.Members: addAlgs(seq, charged)
+        if "EcalPID" in list:
+            charged.Members += [ecalT]
+        if "BremPID" in list:
+            charged.Members += [bremT]
+        if "HcalPID" in list:
+            charged.Members += [hcalT]
+        if charged.Members:
+            addAlgs(seq, charged)
-    log.debug('Configure CaloFuture PIDs  Reco : %s' % (seq.name()))
+    log.debug("Configure CaloFuture PIDs  Reco : %s" % (seq.name()))
     return seq
-def referencePIDs(dataType=''):
+def referencePIDs(dataType=""):
     Define various reference Histograms on THS
-    hsvc = HistogramSvc('HistogramDataSvc')
+    hsvc = HistogramSvc("HistogramDataSvc")
     inputs = hsvc.Input
     # photon PDF default
     pfound = False
     for line in inputs:
-        if 0 == line.find('CaloFutureNeutralPIDs'): pfound = True
+        if 0 == line.find("CaloFutureNeutralPIDs"):
+            pfound = True
     if pfound:
@@ -282,13 +302,12 @@ def referencePIDs(dataType=''):
     # charged PDF default
     found = False
     for line in inputs:
-        if 0 == line.find('CaloFuturePIDs'): found = True
+        if 0 == line.find("CaloFuturePIDs"):
+            found = True
     if found:
-        log.info(
-            "CaloFuturePIDsConf: LUN 'CaloFuturePIDs' has been defined already"
-        )
-    elif 'DC06' == dataType:
+        log.info("CaloFuturePIDsConf: LUN 'CaloFuturePIDs' has been defined already")
+    elif "DC06" == dataType:
         hsvc.Input += [
             "CaloFuturePIDs DATAFILE='$PARAMFILESROOT/data/CaloPIDs_DC06_v2.root' TYP='ROOT'"
@@ -301,5 +320,5 @@ def referencePIDs(dataType=''):
 # =============================================================================
-if '__main__' == __name__:
+if "__main__" == __name__:
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/AcceptanceCaloAlgs.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/AcceptanceCaloAlgs.cpp
index dcd8b379278801a22654b22ec62ea03e094c328c..a56b8f2b7c440dacd793fcbab3c55a928420641e 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/AcceptanceCaloAlgs.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/AcceptanceCaloAlgs.cpp
@@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
         return acceptance == CaloAcceptance::Brem ? SL::FirstMeasurement : SL::EndRich2;
       case TT::Velo:
       case TT::Upstream:
-        return acceptance == CaloAcceptance::Brem ? std::optional{SL::ClosestToBeam} : std::nullopt;
+        return acceptance == CaloAcceptance::Brem ? std::optional{ SL::ClosestToBeam } : std::nullopt;
       case TT::Ttrack:
         return ( acceptance == CaloAcceptance::Ecal ) || ( acceptance == CaloAcceptance::Hcal )
-                   ? std::optional{SL::LastMeasurement}
+                   ? std::optional{ SL::LastMeasurement }
                    : std::nullopt;
         return std::nullopt;
@@ -106,15 +106,15 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // properties
-    Gaudi::Property<CaloAcceptance>   m_acc_type{this, "AcceptanceType", CaloAcceptance::Unknown, "Acceptance type."};
-    Gaudi::Property<CaloPlane::Plane> m_plane{this, "CalorimeterPlane", CaloPlane::ShowerMax,
-                                              "Calorimeter plane to where track state is extrapolated."};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>             m_fiducial{this, "UseFiducial", true,
-                                     "Only consider area where calo-track intersection is in fiducial volume of calo."};
+    Gaudi::Property<CaloAcceptance>   m_acc_type{ this, "AcceptanceType", CaloAcceptance::Unknown, "Acceptance type." };
+    Gaudi::Property<CaloPlane::Plane> m_plane{ this, "CalorimeterPlane", CaloPlane::ShowerMax,
+                                               "Calorimeter plane to where track state is extrapolated." };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>             m_fiducial{
+        this, "UseFiducial", true, "Only consider area where calo-track intersection is in fiducial volume of calo." };
     // statistics
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nTracks{this, "#total tracks"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nAccept{this, "#tracks in acceptance"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nTracks{ this, "#total tracks" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nAccept{ this, "#tracks in acceptance" };
   // ============================= IMPLEMENTATION ===============================
@@ -130,10 +130,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       : AcceptanceCaloAlg<OutputData>::Transformer(
             name, pSvc,
             // Inputs
-            {typename AcceptanceCaloAlg<OutputData>::KeyValue( "Tracks", "" ),
-             typename AcceptanceCaloAlg<OutputData>::KeyValue( "Calorimeter", "" )},
+            { typename AcceptanceCaloAlg<OutputData>::KeyValue( "Tracks", "" ),
+              typename AcceptanceCaloAlg<OutputData>::KeyValue( "Calorimeter", "" ) },
             // Output
-            {typename AcceptanceCaloAlg<OutputData>::KeyValue( "Output", "" )} ) {}
+            { typename AcceptanceCaloAlg<OutputData>::KeyValue( "Output", "" ) } ) {}
   // ============================================================================
   //   Algorithm execution
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/CaloChargedBremAlg.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/CaloChargedBremAlg.cpp
index a614abfe8c868a6e0ddbd3b36a7915e3e9e3c937..d42f90f5b55fc124e0af200aa3b3e122e166c1e3 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/CaloChargedBremAlg.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/CaloChargedBremAlg.cpp
@@ -40,21 +40,21 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // bremsstrahlung recovery options
-    Gaudi::Property<BremMethod> m_bremmethod{this, "BremMethod", BremMethod::Mixed, "Brem recovery method"};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>      m_bremchi2_max{this, "BremChi2Max", 6.,
-                                          "Maximum chi2 of cluster for track to use brem recovery (any 'BremMethod')"};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>      m_bremchi2_thr{
+    Gaudi::Property<BremMethod> m_bremmethod{ this, "BremMethod", BremMethod::Mixed, "Brem recovery method" };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>      m_bremchi2_max{
+        this, "BremChi2Max", 6., "Maximum chi2 of cluster for track to use brem recovery (any 'BremMethod')" };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_bremchi2_thr{
         this, "BremChi2Threshold", 1.0,
-        "Threshold of chi2 of cluster when to switch to track-based brem recovery for 'BremMethod::Mixed'"};
+        "Threshold of chi2 of cluster when to switch to track-based brem recovery for 'BremMethod::Mixed'" };
     // DLL parametrization locations
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_histo_location{this, "HistLocation", "",
-                                                  "Histogram location for histoSvc/ParamFiles"};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_histo_location{ this, "HistLocation", "",
+                                                   "Histogram location for histoSvc/ParamFiles" };
     Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_paramfiles_location{
         this, "ParamFilesLocation", "paramfile://data/CaloPID/DLLs_parametrization_histograms_122022.root",
-        "Location of ROOT file for charged calo PID DLL histograms"};
+        "Location of ROOT file for charged calo PID DLL histograms" };
-    ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_file{this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc", "Service used to retrieve file contents"};
+    ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_file{ this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc", "Service used to retrieve file contents" };
     // DLL histograms
     std::unique_ptr<DLLs_3D const> m_dlls;
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
   CaloChargedBremAlg::CaloChargedBremAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
       : Transformer( name, pSvc,
                      // Inputs
-                     {KeyValue( "InBrem", "" ), KeyValue( "BremEnergy", "" ), KeyValue( "Brems", "" )},
+                     { KeyValue( "InBrem", "" ), KeyValue( "BremEnergy", "" ), KeyValue( "Brems", "" ) },
                      // Output
-                     {KeyValue( "Output", "" )} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue( "Output", "" ) } ) {}
   // ============================================================================
   // Initialization of algorithm / tool
@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       info() << "getting DLL histograms from " << m_paramfiles_location.value() << endmsg;
       const auto buffer = m_file->read( m_paramfiles_location );
       if ( !buffer ) throw GaudiException( "Failed to obtain histogram file content", __func__, StatusCode::FAILURE );
-      m_dlls =
-          std::make_unique<DLLs_3D>( TMemFile::ZeroCopyView_t{buffer->data(), buffer->size()}, hLoc, getHistoMap3D() );
+      m_dlls = std::make_unique<DLLs_3D>( TMemFile::ZeroCopyView_t{ buffer->data(), buffer->size() }, hLoc,
+                                          getHistoMap3D() );
     } );
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/CaloChargedInfoUtils.h b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/CaloChargedInfoUtils.h
index e1616946f52fa42faedb7dc3d4aac74751f01790..ebf96700485b017f11d63d1841aa590ffe70df4c 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/CaloChargedInfoUtils.h
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/CaloChargedInfoUtils.h
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       using CellID     = LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID;
       struct Match {
-        int    index{-1};
-        float  chi2{FLT_MAX};
+        int    index{ -1 };
+        float  chi2{ FLT_MAX };
         CellID cellid{};
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       auto cluster  = proxy.relation( match->index ).to();
       match->index  = cluster.indices().cast();
       match->cellid = cluster.cellID();
-      return EnergyMatch{std::move( *match ), cluster.energy()};
+      return EnergyMatch{ std::move( *match ), cluster.energy() };
     // above one, but for brem with additional info
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       auto cluster  = relation.to();
       match->index  = cluster.indices().cast();
       match->cellid = cluster.cellID();
-      return EnergyDeltaXMatch{std::move( *match ), cluster.energy(), relation.template get<DeltaXType>().cast(),
-                               relation.template get<BendingCorrectionType>().cast()};
+      return EnergyDeltaXMatch{ std::move( *match ), cluster.energy(), relation.template get<DeltaXType>().cast(),
+                                relation.template get<BendingCorrectionType>().cast() };
     // to get brem energy, optimized between track-based and cluster method
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       DLLType     type;
       TrackType   track;
       friend bool operator<( DLLIndex const& lhs, DLLIndex const& rhs ) {
-        return std::pair{lhs.type, lhs.track} < std::pair{rhs.type, rhs.track};
+        return std::pair{ lhs.type, lhs.track } < std::pair{ rhs.type, rhs.track };
@@ -155,33 +155,33 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // histo type to location map
     inline DLLs_2D::HistoMap getHistoMap2D() {
       return {
-          {{DLLType::EcalPIDm, TrackType::Long}, "hist_DLL_EcalPIDmu"},
-          {{DLLType::EcalPIDm, TrackType::Downstream}, "hist_DLL_EcalPIDmu"},
-          {{DLLType::EcalPIDm, TrackType::Ttrack}, "hist_DLL_EcalPIDmu"},
-          {{DLLType::HcalPIDe, TrackType::Long}, "hist_DLL_HcalPIDe"},
-          {{DLLType::HcalPIDe, TrackType::Downstream}, "hist_DLL_HcalPIDe"},
-          {{DLLType::HcalPIDe, TrackType::Ttrack}, "hist_DLL_HcalPIDe"},
-          {{DLLType::HcalPIDm, TrackType::Long}, "hist_DLL_HcalPIDmu"},
-          {{DLLType::HcalPIDm, TrackType::Downstream}, "hist_DLL_HcalPIDmu"},
-          {{DLLType::HcalPIDm, TrackType::Ttrack}, "hist_DLL_HcalPIDmu"},
+          { { DLLType::EcalPIDm, TrackType::Long }, "hist_DLL_EcalPIDmu" },
+          { { DLLType::EcalPIDm, TrackType::Downstream }, "hist_DLL_EcalPIDmu" },
+          { { DLLType::EcalPIDm, TrackType::Ttrack }, "hist_DLL_EcalPIDmu" },
+          { { DLLType::HcalPIDe, TrackType::Long }, "hist_DLL_HcalPIDe" },
+          { { DLLType::HcalPIDe, TrackType::Downstream }, "hist_DLL_HcalPIDe" },
+          { { DLLType::HcalPIDe, TrackType::Ttrack }, "hist_DLL_HcalPIDe" },
+          { { DLLType::HcalPIDm, TrackType::Long }, "hist_DLL_HcalPIDmu" },
+          { { DLLType::HcalPIDm, TrackType::Downstream }, "hist_DLL_HcalPIDmu" },
+          { { DLLType::HcalPIDm, TrackType::Ttrack }, "hist_DLL_HcalPIDmu" },
     inline DLLs_3D::HistoMap getHistoMap3D() {
       return {
-          {{DLLType::EcalPIDe, TrackType::Long}, "hist_DLL_EcalPIDe"},
-          {{DLLType::EcalPIDe, TrackType::Downstream}, "hist_DLL_EcalPIDe"},
-          {{DLLType::EcalPIDe, TrackType::Ttrack}, "hist_DLL_EcalPIDe"},
-          {{DLLType::BremPIDe, TrackType::Long}, "hist_DLL_BremPIDe"},
-          {{DLLType::BremPIDe, TrackType::Upstream}, "hist_DLL_BremPIDe"},
-          {{DLLType::BremPIDe, TrackType::Downstream}, "hist_DLL_BremPIDe"},
-          {{DLLType::BremPIDe, TrackType::Velo}, "hist_DLL_BremPIDe"},
+          { { DLLType::EcalPIDe, TrackType::Long }, "hist_DLL_EcalPIDe" },
+          { { DLLType::EcalPIDe, TrackType::Downstream }, "hist_DLL_EcalPIDe" },
+          { { DLLType::EcalPIDe, TrackType::Ttrack }, "hist_DLL_EcalPIDe" },
+          { { DLLType::BremPIDe, TrackType::Long }, "hist_DLL_BremPIDe" },
+          { { DLLType::BremPIDe, TrackType::Upstream }, "hist_DLL_BremPIDe" },
+          { { DLLType::BremPIDe, TrackType::Downstream }, "hist_DLL_BremPIDe" },
+          { { DLLType::BremPIDe, TrackType::Velo }, "hist_DLL_BremPIDe" },
     template <DLLType dtype, typename DLL_t>
     auto getDLL_2D( DLL_t const& dlls, TrackType ttype, float varx, float vary ) {
-      auto hist       = dlls.hist( {dtype, ttype} );
+      auto hist       = dlls.hist( { dtype, ttype } );
       auto is_inrange = ( varx >= hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() ) && ( varx < hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() );
       varx            = clip( varx, hist->GetXaxis() );
       vary            = clip( vary, hist->GetYaxis() );
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     template <DLLType dtype, typename DLL_t>
     auto getDLL_3D( DLL_t const& dlls, TrackType ttype, float varx, float vary, float varz ) {
-      auto hist       = dlls.hist( {dtype, ttype} );
+      auto hist       = dlls.hist( { dtype, ttype } );
       auto is_inrange = ( varx >= hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() ) && ( varx < hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() ) &&
                         ( vary >= hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmin() ) && ( vary < hist->GetYaxis()->GetXmax() );
       varx = clip( varx, hist->GetXaxis() );
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/CaloChargedPIDsAlg.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/CaloChargedPIDsAlg.cpp
index 5ce8fac579b70a2c5711550f5b6dfffc55ecd441..4a07ca95162226d06d189898329d5fd264286a59 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/CaloChargedPIDsAlg.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/CaloChargedPIDsAlg.cpp
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // DLL parametrization locations
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_histo_location{this, "HistLocation", "",
-                                                  "Histogram location for histoSvc/ParamFiles"};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_histo_location{ this, "HistLocation", "",
+                                                   "Histogram location for histoSvc/ParamFiles" };
     Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_paramfiles_location{
         this, "ParamFilesLocation", "paramfile://data/CaloPID/DLLs_parametrization_histograms_122022.root",
-        "Location of ROOT file for charged calo PID DLL histograms"};
+        "Location of ROOT file for charged calo PID DLL histograms" };
-    ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_file{this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc", "Service used to retrieve file contents"};
+    ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_file{ this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc", "Service used to retrieve file contents" };
     // DLL histograms
     std::unique_ptr<DLLs_2D const> m_dlls_2D;
     std::unique_ptr<DLLs_3D const> m_dlls_3D;
@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
   CaloChargedPIDsAlg::CaloChargedPIDsAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
       : Transformer( name, pSvc,
                      // Inputs
-                     {KeyValue( "InEcal", "" ), KeyValue( "InHcal", "" ), KeyValue( "HcalEnergy", "" ),
-                      KeyValue( "Tracks2Clusters", "" ), KeyValue( "Tracks2Electrons", "" ),
-                      KeyValue( "ElectronShower", "" )},
+                     { KeyValue( "InEcal", "" ), KeyValue( "InHcal", "" ), KeyValue( "HcalEnergy", "" ),
+                       KeyValue( "Tracks2Clusters", "" ), KeyValue( "Tracks2Electrons", "" ),
+                       KeyValue( "ElectronShower", "" ) },
                      // Output
-                     {KeyValue( "Output", "" )} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue( "Output", "" ) } ) {}
   // ============================================================================
   // Initialization of algorithm / tool
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       info() << "getting DLL histograms from " << m_paramfiles_location.value() << endmsg;
       const auto buffer = m_file->read( m_paramfiles_location );
       if ( !buffer ) throw GaudiException( "Failed to obtain histogram file content", __func__, StatusCode::FAILURE );
-      auto f    = TMemFile::ZeroCopyView_t{buffer->data(), buffer->size()};
+      auto f    = TMemFile::ZeroCopyView_t{ buffer->data(), buffer->size() };
       m_dlls_2D = std::make_unique<DLLs_2D>( f, hLoc, getHistoMap2D() );
       m_dlls_3D = std::make_unique<DLLs_3D>( f, hLoc, getHistoMap3D() );
     } );
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/MergeTrackMatchTables.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/MergeTrackMatchTables.cpp
index 37846a17eba997fca17dc832c072b97b78feddfb..a0a91eb1bee8e11c1cb32d611778b199ffb70b7e 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/MergeTrackMatchTables.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/MergeTrackMatchTables.cpp
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
   MergeTrackMatchTables::MergeTrackMatchTables( std::string const& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : MergingTransformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                             // inputs
-                            {"Inputs", {}},
+                            { "Inputs", {} },
                             // outputs
-                            {"Output", ""} ) {}
+                            { "Output", "" } ) {}
   OutputData MergeTrackMatchTables::operator()( Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<InputData> const& tables ) const {
     // define output
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // write to output, only relations for those clusters having a track nearby
     for ( auto chi2 : chi2s.simd() ) {
-      auto selection = chi2.get<Chi2>() < SIMDWrapper::best::types::float_v{FLT_MAX};
+      auto selection = chi2.get<Chi2>() < SIMDWrapper::best::types::float_v{ FLT_MAX };
       output_table.compress_back( selection && chi2.loop_mask() ).set( chi2.indices(), chi2.get<Chi2>() );
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/SelectiveBremMatchAlg.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/SelectiveBremMatchAlg.cpp
index d897e074184260aacabe22813eeae6164071395e..8daaf68feb0b385fa3bda15ad36afe309b326806 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/SelectiveBremMatchAlg.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/SelectiveBremMatchAlg.cpp
@@ -88,18 +88,18 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // state locations of first and last state
     std::optional<std::pair<SL, SL>> extrapolation_statelocs_brem( Tracks const& tracks ) {
-      auto const state_first_map = std::map<TT, SL>{{TT::Long, SL::ClosestToBeam},
-                                                    {TT::Downstream, SL::FirstMeasurement},
-                                                    {TT::Velo, SL::ClosestToBeam},
-                                                    {TT::Upstream, SL::ClosestToBeam}};
-      auto const state_last_map  = std::map<TT, SL>{{TT::Long, SL::EndRich1},
-                                                   {TT::Downstream, SL::FirstMeasurement},
-                                                   {TT::Velo, SL::LastMeasurement},
-                                                   {TT::Upstream, SL::LastMeasurement}};
+      auto const state_first_map = std::map<TT, SL>{ { TT::Long, SL::ClosestToBeam },
+                                                     { TT::Downstream, SL::FirstMeasurement },
+                                                     { TT::Velo, SL::ClosestToBeam },
+                                                     { TT::Upstream, SL::ClosestToBeam } };
+      auto const state_last_map  = std::map<TT, SL>{ { TT::Long, SL::EndRich1 },
+                                                     { TT::Downstream, SL::FirstMeasurement },
+                                                     { TT::Velo, SL::LastMeasurement },
+                                                     { TT::Upstream, SL::LastMeasurement } };
       auto const trktype         = tracks.type();
       if ( state_first_map.find( trktype ) == state_first_map.end() ) return std::nullopt;
-      auto const statelocs = std::pair<SL, SL>{state_first_map.at( trktype ), state_last_map.at( trktype )};
-      return std::optional<std::pair<SL, SL>>{statelocs};
+      auto const statelocs = std::pair<SL, SL>{ state_first_map.at( trktype ), state_last_map.at( trktype ) };
+      return std::optional<std::pair<SL, SL>>{ statelocs };
     // propagates first state and last-before-magnet state of track to calo plane
@@ -131,26 +131,26 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // properties
     int                   m_nmaxelements;
-    Gaudi::Property<int>  m_nsquares{this,
-                                    "nNeighborSquares",
-                                    1,
-                                    [this]( auto& ) { m_nmaxelements = std::pow( 2 * m_nsquares + 1, 2 ); },
-                                    Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true},
-                                    "Number of squares of cells around central cell to scan for clusters"};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_usespread{this, "useSpread", false, "Use spread or cellsize/sqrt(12) for uncertainties"};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>  m_nmaxcellsxscan{this, "nMaxCellsXScan", 8,
-                                          "maximum number of cells added in scan counting from first to last state"};
-    Gaudi::Property<CaloPlane::Plane> m_caloplane{this, "CaloPlane", CaloPlane::ShowerMax,
-                                                  "Plane at the calorimeter of where to extrapolate to"};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>            m_threshold{this, "MaxChi2Threshold", 10000., "Maximum allowed chi2 value"};
+    Gaudi::Property<int>  m_nsquares{ this,
+                                     "nNeighborSquares",
+                                     1,
+                                     [this]( auto& ) { m_nmaxelements = std::pow( 2 * m_nsquares + 1, 2 ); },
+                                     Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true },
+                                     "Number of squares of cells around central cell to scan for clusters" };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_usespread{ this, "useSpread", false, "Use spread or cellsize/sqrt(12) for uncertainties" };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>  m_nmaxcellsxscan{ this, "nMaxCellsXScan", 8,
+                                           "maximum number of cells added in scan counting from first to last state" };
+    Gaudi::Property<CaloPlane::Plane> m_caloplane{ this, "CaloPlane", CaloPlane::ShowerMax,
+                                                   "Plane at the calorimeter of where to extrapolate to" };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>            m_threshold{ this, "MaxChi2Threshold", 10000., "Maximum allowed chi2 value" };
     // statistics
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>          m_nMatchFailure{this, "#match failure"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>          m_nLinks{this, "#links in table"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>          m_nOverflow{this, "#above threshold"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float>     m_chi2{this, "average chi2"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float>     m_etrackbased{this, "average energy (track based)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_not_unique{this, "Failed to generate index"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>          m_nMatchFailure{ this, "#match failure" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>          m_nLinks{ this, "#links in table" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>          m_nOverflow{ this, "#above threshold" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float>     m_chi2{ this, "average chi2" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float>     m_etrackbased{ this, "average energy (track based)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_not_unique{ this, "Failed to generate index" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( SelectiveBremMatchAlg, "SelectiveBremMatchAlg" )
@@ -168,16 +168,16 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       : MultiTransformer(
             name, pSvc,
             // Inputs
-            {KeyValue( "Detector", {CaloFutureAlgUtils::DeCaloFutureLocation( "Ecal" )} ),
-             KeyValue( "InputHypos", {CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureHypoLocation( "Photons" )} ),
-             KeyValue( "InputDigits", {CaloDigitLocation::Ecal} ), KeyValue( "TracksInCalo", "" ),
+            { KeyValue( "Detector", { CaloFutureAlgUtils::DeCaloFutureLocation( "Ecal" ) } ),
+              KeyValue( "InputHypos", { CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureHypoLocation( "Photons" ) } ),
+              KeyValue( "InputDigits", { CaloDigitLocation::Ecal } ), KeyValue( "TracksInCalo", "" ),
 #ifdef USE_DD4HEP
-             KeyValue( "cellSizeCovariances", {"/world:AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-cellsizecovariances"} )},
+              KeyValue( "cellSizeCovariances", { "/world:AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-cellsizecovariances" } ) },
-             KeyValue( "cellSizeCovariances", {"AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-cellsizecovariances"} )},
+              KeyValue( "cellSizeCovariances", { "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-cellsizecovariances" } ) },
             // Outputs
-            {KeyValue( "OutputMatchTable", {} ), KeyValue( "OutputEnergyTable", {} )} ) {
+            { KeyValue( "OutputMatchTable", {} ), KeyValue( "OutputEnergyTable", {} ) } ) {
   // ============================================================================
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
   StatusCode SelectiveBremMatchAlg::initialize() {
     return MultiTransformer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
       addConditionDerivation<cellSizeCovariances( const DeCalorimeter& )>(
-          {CaloFutureAlgUtils::DeCaloFutureLocation( "Ecal" )}, inputLocation<cellSizeCovariances>() );
+          { CaloFutureAlgUtils::DeCaloFutureLocation( "Ecal" ) }, inputLocation<cellSizeCovariances>() );
     } );
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
                                                 CaloDigits const& digits, TracksInBrem const& tracksincalo,
                                                 cellSizeCovariances const& cellsizecovs ) const {
     // output containers
-    auto result = std::tuple{MatchTable( &*tracksincalo.from(), &caloobjects ), EnergyTable( &*tracksincalo.from() )};
+    auto result = std::tuple{ MatchTable( &*tracksincalo.from(), &caloobjects ), EnergyTable( &*tracksincalo.from() ) };
     auto& [trtable, entable] = result;
     // reserve memory
@@ -223,15 +223,15 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // miscellaneous info
     const auto   plane_at_calo = calo.plane( m_caloplane );
-    const auto   other_planes  = std::array{calo.plane( CaloPlane::Front ), calo.plane( CaloPlane::Back )};
+    const auto   other_planes  = std::array{ calo.plane( CaloPlane::Front ), calo.plane( CaloPlane::Back ) };
     const auto   cscovs        = cellsizecovs();
     const double mincellsize   = cellsizecovs.cellsizes()[Detector::Calo::CellCode::CaloArea::Inner];
     // for track-based energy scan, ignoring tilt is precise enough when extrapolating from calo front
     // these are on top of the showermax plane
     const auto z_energy_planes =
-        std::array{-calo.plane( CaloPlane::Front ).HesseDistance(), -calo.plane( CaloPlane::Middle ).HesseDistance(),
-                   -calo.plane( CaloPlane::Back ).HesseDistance()};
+        std::array{ -calo.plane( CaloPlane::Front ).HesseDistance(), -calo.plane( CaloPlane::Middle ).HesseDistance(),
+                    -calo.plane( CaloPlane::Back ).HesseDistance() };
     // declare what is needed in loop
     Gaudi::XYZPoint   scanposition;
@@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       std::optional<float> full_dx = std::nullopt;
       if ( state_loc_electron.has_value() ) {
         auto ref_ele = track.state( state_loc_electron.value() );
-        full_dx      = {std::abs( state_first.x() -
-                             ( ref_ele.x().cast() + ref_ele.tx().cast() * ( state_first.z() - ref_ele.z().cast() ) ) )};
+        full_dx      = { std::abs( state_first.x() - ( ref_ele.x().cast() +
+                                                  ref_ele.tx().cast() * ( state_first.z() - ref_ele.z().cast() ) ) ) };
       // look for CellIDs from first to last state
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       // obtain relevant info for matching from track
       // take last state cov, as this should be largest
-      track_fpos = {state_first.x(), state_first.y()};
+      track_fpos = { state_first.x(), state_first.y() };
       track_cov  = state_last.covariance().Sub<Gaudi::SymMatrix2x2>( 0, 0 );
       // loop over local calo objects and calculate chi2
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
         if ( caloobj == clusters.end() ) continue;
         // obtain calo obj info
-        calo_pos = {caloobj->position().x(), caloobj->position().y()};
+        calo_pos = { caloobj->position().x(), caloobj->position().y() };
         comb_cov = ( m_usespread ? caloobj->spread() : cscovs[caloobj->cellID().area()] ) + track_cov;
         // allow for a window between first and last state before magnet
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/SelectiveElectronMatchAlg.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/SelectiveElectronMatchAlg.cpp
index e7240e856d00df615d145d0a37a7e065efe7703c..e3f95028b460b701a49a20646a8fa85c0bb140cb 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/SelectiveElectronMatchAlg.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/SelectiveElectronMatchAlg.cpp
@@ -63,12 +63,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       electronXcorrections() = default; // needed by DD4hep even if unused !
       electronXcorrections( YAML::Node const& c )
-          : alphaPOut{c["alphaPOut"].as<std::array<double, 4>>()}
-          , alphaNOut{c["alphaNOut"].as<std::array<double, 4>>()}
-          , alphaPMid{c["alphaPMid"].as<std::array<double, 4>>()}
-          , alphaNMid{c["alphaNMid"].as<std::array<double, 4>>()}
-          , alphaPInn{c["alphaPInn"].as<std::array<double, 4>>()}
-          , alphaNInn{c["alphaNInn"].as<std::array<double, 4>>()} {}
+          : alphaPOut{ c["alphaPOut"].as<std::array<double, 4>>() }
+          , alphaNOut{ c["alphaNOut"].as<std::array<double, 4>>() }
+          , alphaPMid{ c["alphaPMid"].as<std::array<double, 4>>() }
+          , alphaNMid{ c["alphaNMid"].as<std::array<double, 4>>() }
+          , alphaPInn{ c["alphaPInn"].as<std::array<double, 4>>() }
+          , alphaNInn{ c["alphaNInn"].as<std::array<double, 4>>() } {}
       const std::array<double, 4>& operator()( const int area, const int charge, const int polarity ) const {
         bool qpolarity = charge * polarity > 0;
@@ -132,26 +132,26 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // properties
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>             m_addenergy{this, "AddEnergy", true, "add energy / momentum measurement in chi2"};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>             m_onesided{this, "OneSidedE", true,
-                                     "use only lower sided E/p (to avoid cluster overlap issues)"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_addenergy{ this, "AddEnergy", true, "add energy / momentum measurement in chi2" };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_onesided{ this, "OneSidedE", true,
+                                      "use only lower sided E/p (to avoid cluster overlap issues)" };
     Gaudi::Property<CaloPlane::Plane> m_caloplane{
         this, "CaloPlane", CaloPlane::ShowerMax,
-        "Plane at the calorimeter of where to extrapolate to (ShowerMax for electrons)"};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>       m_threshold{this, "MaxChi2Threshold", 10000., "Maximum allowed chi2 value"};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_xcorrectionlocation{this, "XCorrectionLocation",
+        "Plane at the calorimeter of where to extrapolate to (ShowerMax for electrons)" };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>       m_threshold{ this, "MaxChi2Threshold", 10000., "Maximum allowed chi2 value" };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_xcorrectionlocation{ this, "XCorrectionLocation",
 #ifdef USE_DD4HEP
-                                                       "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:ElectronXCorrection",
+                                                        "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:ElectronXCorrection",
-                                                       "/dd/Conditions/ParticleID/Calo/ElectronXCorrection",
+                                                        "/dd/Conditions/ParticleID/Calo/ElectronXCorrection",
-                                                       "location in CondDB of x-corrections for electrons"};
+                                                        "location in CondDB of x-corrections for electrons" };
     // statistics
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>          m_nMatchFailure{this, "#match failure"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>          m_nLinks{this, "#links in table"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>          m_nOverflow{this, "#above threshold"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float>     m_chi2{this, "average chi2"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_not_unique{this, "Failed to generate index"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>          m_nMatchFailure{ this, "#match failure" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>          m_nLinks{ this, "#links in table" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>          m_nOverflow{ this, "#above threshold" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float>     m_chi2{ this, "average chi2" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_not_unique{ this, "Failed to generate index" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( SelectiveElectronMatchAlg, "SelectiveElectronMatchAlg" )
@@ -168,17 +168,17 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
   SelectiveElectronMatchAlg::SelectiveElectronMatchAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
       : Transformer( name, pSvc,
                      // Inputs
-                     {KeyValue( "Detector", {CaloFutureAlgUtils::DeCaloFutureLocation( "Ecal" )} ),
-                      KeyValue( "InputHypos", {LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureHypoLocation( "Electrons" )} ),
-                      KeyValue( "InputTracks2Clusters", "" ),
+                     { KeyValue( "Detector", { CaloFutureAlgUtils::DeCaloFutureLocation( "Ecal" ) } ),
+                       KeyValue( "InputHypos", { LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureHypoLocation( "Electrons" ) } ),
+                       KeyValue( "InputTracks2Clusters", "" ),
 #ifdef USE_DD4HEP
-                      KeyValue( "XCorrections", {"/world:AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-xcorrections"} ),
+                       KeyValue( "XCorrections", { "/world:AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-xcorrections" } ),
-                      KeyValue( "XCorrections", {"AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-xcorrections"} ),
+                       KeyValue( "XCorrections", { "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-xcorrections" } ),
-                      KeyValue( "Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path )},
+                       KeyValue( "Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path ) },
                      // Outputs
-                     {KeyValue( "Output", "" )} ) {
+                     { KeyValue( "Output", "" ) } ) {
   // ============================================================================
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
   // ============================================================================
   StatusCode SelectiveElectronMatchAlg::initialize() {
     auto sc = Transformer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
-      addConditionDerivation<electronXcorrections( YAML::Node const& )>( {m_xcorrectionlocation.value()},
+      addConditionDerivation<electronXcorrections( YAML::Node const& )>( { m_xcorrectionlocation.value() },
                                                                          inputLocation<electronXcorrections>() );
     } );
     return sc;
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       if ( !propagateToCaloWithCov( state, ref_state, plane_at_calo ) ) continue;
       // obtain relevant info for matching from track
-      track_pos            = {state.x(), state.y(), state.p()};
+      track_pos            = { state.x(), state.y(), state.p() };
       track_pos_local( 2 ) = track_pos( 2 );
       get3DTrackCovariance( track_cov, state );
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
         track_pos_local( 1 ) = track_pos( 1 ) + ( state.ty() * delta_z );
         // obtain calo obj info
-        calo_pos = {caloobj->position().x(), caloobj->position().y(), caloobj->energy()};
+        calo_pos = { caloobj->position().x(), caloobj->position().y(), caloobj->energy() };
         comb_cov = track_cov + caloobj->covariance();
         diff_pos = calo_pos - track_pos_local;
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/SelectiveMatchUtils.h b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/SelectiveMatchUtils.h
index 094efac75db55bfdd570fef93efdc9dcbca1799f..1c57f3e478210df96831cf984d9489d3b710829b 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/SelectiveMatchUtils.h
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/SelectiveMatchUtils.h
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // simplified covariances based on cell size for outer, middle and inner region
     class cellSizeCovariances {
-      std::array<double, 3>          m_cellsizes = {0., 0., 0.};
+      std::array<double, 3>          m_cellsizes = { 0., 0., 0. };
       std::array<Match2D::Matrix, 3> m_covariances;
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
         for ( unsigned int n = 0; n < 3; n++ ) m_cellsizes[n] = calo.cellSize( n );
         // convert them to covariance matrices
         Match2D::Matrix identity = ROOT::Math::SMatrixIdentity();
-        m_covariances            = std::array<Match2D::Matrix, 3>{( std::pow( m_cellsizes[0], 2 ) / 12. ) * identity,
-                                                       ( std::pow( m_cellsizes[1], 2 ) / 12. ) * identity,
-                                                       ( std::pow( m_cellsizes[2], 2 ) / 12. ) * identity};
+        m_covariances            = std::array<Match2D::Matrix, 3>{ ( std::pow( m_cellsizes[0], 2 ) / 12. ) * identity,
+                                                                   ( std::pow( m_cellsizes[1], 2 ) / 12. ) * identity,
+                                                                   ( std::pow( m_cellsizes[2], 2 ) / 12. ) * identity };
       // access (operator) to covariances
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/SelectiveTrackMatchAlg.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/SelectiveTrackMatchAlg.cpp
index e12f1ea2bb628ab34ee7ba8ab94be744797dd038..ee7ee96363e0a646572830d7010856158b3a71c2 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/SelectiveTrackMatchAlg.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/SelectiveTrackMatchAlg.cpp
@@ -66,25 +66,25 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // properties
     int                   m_nmaxelements;
-    Gaudi::Property<int>  m_nsquares{this,
-                                    "nNeighborSquares",
-                                    1,
-                                    [this]( auto& ) { m_nmaxelements = std::pow( 2 * m_nsquares + 1, 2 ); },
-                                    Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true},
-                                    "Number of squares of cells around central cell to scan for clusters"};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_usespread{this, "useSpread", false, "Use spread or cellsize/sqrt(12) for uncertainties"};
+    Gaudi::Property<int>  m_nsquares{ this,
+                                     "nNeighborSquares",
+                                     1,
+                                     [this]( auto& ) { m_nmaxelements = std::pow( 2 * m_nsquares + 1, 2 ); },
+                                     Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true },
+                                     "Number of squares of cells around central cell to scan for clusters" };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_usespread{ this, "useSpread", false, "Use spread or cellsize/sqrt(12) for uncertainties" };
     Gaudi::Property<CaloPlane::Plane> m_caloplane{
         this, "CaloPlane", CaloPlane::Middle,
-        "Plane at the calorimeter of where to extrapolate to (middle is for hadrons)"};
+        "Plane at the calorimeter of where to extrapolate to (middle is for hadrons)" };
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_threshold{this, "MaxChi2Threshold", 10000., "Maximum allowed chi2 value"};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_threshold{ this, "MaxChi2Threshold", 10000., "Maximum allowed chi2 value" };
     // statistics
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>          m_nMatchFailure{this, "#match failure"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>          m_nLinks{this, "#links in table"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>          m_nOverflow{this, "#above threshold"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float>     m_chi2{this, "average chi2"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_not_unique{this, "Failed to generate index"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>          m_nMatchFailure{ this, "#match failure" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>          m_nLinks{ this, "#links in table" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>          m_nOverflow{ this, "#above threshold" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float>     m_chi2{ this, "average chi2" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_not_unique{ this, "Failed to generate index" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( SelectiveTrackMatchAlg, "SelectiveTrackMatchAlg" )
@@ -99,18 +99,19 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
   // ============================================================================
   SelectiveTrackMatchAlg::SelectiveTrackMatchAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-      : Transformer( name, pSvc,
-                     // Inputs
-                     {KeyValue( "Detector", {CaloFutureAlgUtils::DeCaloFutureLocation( "Ecal" )} ),
-                      KeyValue( "InputClusters", {CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureClusterLocation( "Ecal" )} ),
-                      KeyValue( "InputTracksInCalo", "" ),
+      : Transformer(
+            name, pSvc,
+            // Inputs
+            { KeyValue( "Detector", { CaloFutureAlgUtils::DeCaloFutureLocation( "Ecal" ) } ),
+              KeyValue( "InputClusters", { CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureClusterLocation( "Ecal" ) } ),
+              KeyValue( "InputTracksInCalo", "" ),
 #ifdef USE_DD4HEP
-                      KeyValue( "cellSizeCovariances", {"/world:AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-cellsizecovariances"} )},
+              KeyValue( "cellSizeCovariances", { "/world:AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-cellsizecovariances" } ) },
-                      KeyValue( "cellSizeCovariances", {"AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-cellsizecovariances"} )},
+              KeyValue( "cellSizeCovariances", { "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-cellsizecovariances" } ) },
-                     // Outputs
-                     {KeyValue( "Output", {CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureIdLocation( "ClusterMatch" )} )} ) {
+            // Outputs
+            { KeyValue( "Output", { CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureIdLocation( "ClusterMatch" ) } ) } ) {
   // ============================================================================
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
   StatusCode SelectiveTrackMatchAlg::initialize() {
     auto sc = Transformer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
       addConditionDerivation<cellSizeCovariances( const DeCalorimeter& )>(
-          {CaloFutureAlgUtils::DeCaloFutureLocation( "Ecal" )}, inputLocation<cellSizeCovariances>() );
+          { CaloFutureAlgUtils::DeCaloFutureLocation( "Ecal" ) }, inputLocation<cellSizeCovariances>() );
     } );
     return sc;
@@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // some info that can be loaded before loop(s)
     const auto plane_at_calo = calo.plane( m_caloplane );
-    const auto other_planes  = std::array{calo.plane( CaloPlane::Front ), calo.plane( CaloPlane::Back )};
+    const auto other_planes  = std::array{ calo.plane( CaloPlane::Front ), calo.plane( CaloPlane::Back ) };
     const auto cscovs        = cellsizecovs();
     // declare what is needed in the loop
@@ -198,14 +199,14 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       // obtain relevant info for matching from track
-      track_pos = {state.x(), state.y()};
+      track_pos = { state.x(), state.y() };
       track_cov = state.covariance().Sub<Gaudi::SymMatrix2x2>( 0, 0 );
       // loop over local calo objects and calculate chi2
       for ( const auto& cellid : found_caloobjs ) {
         const auto caloobj = *caloindex.find( cellid );
         // obtain calo obj info
-        calo_pos = {caloobj.position().x(), caloobj.position().y()};
+        calo_pos = { caloobj.position().x(), caloobj.position().y() };
         comb_cov = ( m_usespread ? caloobj.spread() : cscovs[caloobj.cellID().area()] ) + track_cov;
         // calculate chi2
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/TrackBasedElectronShowerAlg.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/TrackBasedElectronShowerAlg.cpp
index 9395909d2df83dd466454fd4bc8233cca062d0a9..878da99d46ccdac6461a6af87eddb316fbc130a7 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/TrackBasedElectronShowerAlg.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/TrackBasedElectronShowerAlg.cpp
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       HistType    type;
       Region      region;
       friend bool operator<( HistIndex const& lhs, HistIndex const& rhs ) {
-        return std::pair{lhs.type, lhs.region} < std::pair{rhs.type, rhs.region};
+        return std::pair{ lhs.type, lhs.region } < std::pair{ rhs.type, rhs.region };
@@ -97,15 +97,17 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       auto map = CellEnergyParams::HistoMap{};
       // config
       const std::map<Region, std::string> regs = {
-          {Region::Outer, "outer"}, {Region::Middle, "middle"}, {Region::Inner, "inner"}};
-      const std::map<HistType, std::string> hnames = {
-          {HistType::Height10, "h10"}, {HistType::Height100, "h100"}, {HistType::Mid, "mid"}, {HistType::Rate, "rate"}};
+          { Region::Outer, "outer" }, { Region::Middle, "middle" }, { Region::Inner, "inner" } };
+      const std::map<HistType, std::string> hnames = { { HistType::Height10, "h10" },
+                                                       { HistType::Height100, "h100" },
+                                                       { HistType::Mid, "mid" },
+                                                       { HistType::Rate, "rate" } };
       for ( auto const& reg : regs ) {
         for ( auto const& hname : hnames ) {
-          map[{hname.first, reg.first}] = "hist_" + hname.second + "_" + reg.second;
+          map[{ hname.first, reg.first }] = "hist_" + hname.second + "_" + reg.second;
-      map[{HistType::DLL, Region::All}] = "hist_dll";
+      map[{ HistType::DLL, Region::All }] = "hist_dll";
       return map;
@@ -117,25 +119,25 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       switch ( iplevel ) {
       case 1: {
         // hybrid version: only interpolate for height if close enough, rest binned
-        const int iGlobalBin = ceps.hist( {HistType::Height10, showpars.region} )
+        const int iGlobalBin = ceps.hist( { HistType::Height10, showpars.region } )
                                    ->FindFixBin( showpars.theta, showpars.txy, showpars.lbar );
-        sigpars.mid  = ceps.hist( {HistType::Mid, showpars.region} )->GetBinContent( iGlobalBin );
-        sigpars.rate = ceps.hist( {HistType::Rate, showpars.region} )->GetBinContent( iGlobalBin );
+        sigpars.mid  = ceps.hist( { HistType::Mid, showpars.region } )->GetBinContent( iGlobalBin );
+        sigpars.rate = ceps.hist( { HistType::Rate, showpars.region } )->GetBinContent( iGlobalBin );
         // max distance coincides with min fraction of 0.01 for height 1
         if ( showpars.d < sigpars.mid - Constants::norm_fmin / sigpars.rate ) {
           bool  switch_h = showpars.momentum > Constants::midmom;
-          float height   = ceps.hist( {( switch_h ) ? HistType::Height100 : HistType::Height10, showpars.region} )
+          float height   = ceps.hist( { ( switch_h ) ? HistType::Height100 : HistType::Height10, showpars.region } )
                              ->Interpolate( showpars.theta, showpars.txy, showpars.lbar );
-          float delta_h = ceps.hist( {HistType::Height100, showpars.region} )->GetBinContent( iGlobalBin ) -
-                          ceps.hist( {HistType::Height10, showpars.region} )->GetBinContent( iGlobalBin );
+          float delta_h = ceps.hist( { HistType::Height100, showpars.region } )->GetBinContent( iGlobalBin ) -
+                          ceps.hist( { HistType::Height10, showpars.region } )->GetBinContent( iGlobalBin );
           sigpars.height = delta_h * std::max( ( LHCb::Math::Approx::approx_log( showpars.momentum ) -
                                                  ( switch_h ? Constants::log100 : Constants::log10 ) ) *
                                                ( switch_h ? -1.f : 0.f ) ) +
         } else {
-          float h10      = ceps.hist( {HistType::Height10, showpars.region} )->GetBinContent( iGlobalBin );
-          float h100     = ceps.hist( {HistType::Height100, showpars.region} )->GetBinContent( iGlobalBin );
+          float h10      = ceps.hist( { HistType::Height10, showpars.region } )->GetBinContent( iGlobalBin );
+          float h100     = ceps.hist( { HistType::Height100, showpars.region } )->GetBinContent( iGlobalBin );
           sigpars.height = ( h100 - h10 ) *
                                std::max( LHCb::Math::Approx::approx_log( showpars.momentum ) - Constants::log10, 0.f ) *
                                Constants::dlog_inv +
@@ -145,32 +147,32 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       case 2: {
         // interpolate all
-        float h10 = ceps.hist( {HistType::Height10, showpars.region} )
+        float h10 = ceps.hist( { HistType::Height10, showpars.region } )
                         ->Interpolate( showpars.theta, showpars.txy, showpars.lbar );
-        float h100 = ceps.hist( {HistType::Height100, showpars.region} )
+        float h100 = ceps.hist( { HistType::Height100, showpars.region } )
                          ->Interpolate( showpars.theta, showpars.txy, showpars.lbar );
         sigpars.height = ( h100 - h10 ) *
                              std::max( LHCb::Math::Approx::approx_log( showpars.momentum ) - Constants::log10, 0.f ) *
                              Constants::dlog_inv +
         sigpars.mid =
-            ceps.hist( {HistType::Mid, showpars.region} )->Interpolate( showpars.theta, showpars.txy, showpars.lbar );
-        sigpars.rate =
-            ceps.hist( {HistType::Rate, showpars.region} )->Interpolate( showpars.theta, showpars.txy, showpars.lbar );
+            ceps.hist( { HistType::Mid, showpars.region } )->Interpolate( showpars.theta, showpars.txy, showpars.lbar );
+        sigpars.rate = ceps.hist( { HistType::Rate, showpars.region } )
+                           ->Interpolate( showpars.theta, showpars.txy, showpars.lbar );
       default: {
         // no interpolation
-        const int iGlobalBin = ceps.hist( {HistType::Height10, showpars.region} )
+        const int iGlobalBin = ceps.hist( { HistType::Height10, showpars.region } )
                                    ->FindFixBin( showpars.theta, showpars.txy, showpars.lbar );
-        float h10      = ceps.hist( {HistType::Height10, showpars.region} )->GetBinContent( iGlobalBin );
-        float h100     = ceps.hist( {HistType::Height100, showpars.region} )->GetBinContent( iGlobalBin );
+        float h10      = ceps.hist( { HistType::Height10, showpars.region } )->GetBinContent( iGlobalBin );
+        float h100     = ceps.hist( { HistType::Height100, showpars.region } )->GetBinContent( iGlobalBin );
         sigpars.height = ( h100 - h10 ) *
                              std::max( LHCb::Math::Approx::approx_log( showpars.momentum ) - Constants::log10, 0.f ) *
                              Constants::dlog_inv +
-        sigpars.mid  = ceps.hist( {HistType::Mid, showpars.region} )->GetBinContent( iGlobalBin );
-        sigpars.rate = ceps.hist( {HistType::Mid, showpars.region} )->GetBinContent( iGlobalBin );
+        sigpars.mid  = ceps.hist( { HistType::Mid, showpars.region } )->GetBinContent( iGlobalBin );
+        sigpars.rate = ceps.hist( { HistType::Mid, showpars.region } )->GetBinContent( iGlobalBin );
@@ -184,12 +186,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // obtain histogram ranges
     std::array<std::pair<float, float>, 3> getHist3DRanges( const TH3D* hist ) {
       std::array<std::pair<float, float>, 3> range;
-      range[0] = {(float)hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter( 1 ) + Constants::eps,
-                  (float)hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter( hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() ) - Constants::eps};
-      range[1] = {(float)hist->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter( 1 ) + Constants::eps,
-                  (float)hist->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter( hist->GetYaxis()->GetNbins() ) - Constants::eps};
-      range[2] = {(float)hist->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter( 1 ) + Constants::eps,
-                  (float)hist->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter( hist->GetZaxis()->GetNbins() ) - Constants::eps};
+      range[0] = { (float)hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter( 1 ) + Constants::eps,
+                   (float)hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter( hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() ) - Constants::eps };
+      range[1] = { (float)hist->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter( 1 ) + Constants::eps,
+                   (float)hist->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter( hist->GetYaxis()->GetNbins() ) - Constants::eps };
+      range[2] = { (float)hist->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter( 1 ) + Constants::eps,
+                   (float)hist->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter( hist->GetZaxis()->GetNbins() ) - Constants::eps };
       return range;
@@ -229,46 +231,46 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // general algorithm properties
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_fmin{this, "minFraction", 0.1, "Minimum expected energy fraction for use in E/p"};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_nzplanes{this, "nPlanesInZ", 6,
-                                    "Number of planes in z to scan for track-intersection cells"};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_fmin{ this, "minFraction", 0.1, "Minimum expected energy fraction for use in E/p" };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_nzplanes{ this, "nPlanesInZ", 6,
+                                     "Number of planes in z to scan for track-intersection cells" };
     int                    m_nmaxelements;
-    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_nsquares{this,
-                                    "nNeighborSquares",
-                                    1,
-                                    [this]( auto& ) { m_nmaxelements = std::pow( 2 * m_nsquares + 1, 2 ); },
-                                    Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true},
-                                    "Number of squares of neighbours added around track-intersection cells"};
+    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_nsquares{ this,
+                                     "nNeighborSquares",
+                                     1,
+                                     [this]( auto& ) { m_nmaxelements = std::pow( 2 * m_nsquares + 1, 2 ); },
+                                     Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true },
+                                     "Number of squares of neighbours added around track-intersection cells" };
     Gaudi::Property<int>   m_iplevel{
         this, "interpolationLevel", 1,
-        "Level of interpolation with sigmoid parameter histograms (0 is none; 1 only height; 2 all)"};
+        "Level of interpolation with sigmoid parameter histograms (0 is none; 1 only height; 2 all)" };
     Gaudi::Property<std::vector<float>> m_maxcelldists{
-        {160 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 140 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 120 * Gaudi::Units::mm},
+        { 160 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 140 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 120 * Gaudi::Units::mm },
         "maximum cell distances at which full energy-expectation calculation is still done, per region (outer, middle, "
-        "inner)"};
+        "inner)" };
     // parameter origins
-    Gaudi::Property<int>         m_historigin{this, "histOrigin", 1,
-                                      "Method to obtain histograms: 0 is histogram service; 1 is ParamFiles"};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_histo_location{this, "HistoLocation", "CALO/TRACKBASEDPIDE",
-                                                  "Histogram location for histoSvc/ParamFiles"};
+    Gaudi::Property<int>         m_historigin{ this, "histOrigin", 1,
+                                       "Method to obtain histograms: 0 is histogram service; 1 is ParamFiles" };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_histo_location{ this, "HistoLocation", "CALO/TRACKBASEDPIDE",
+                                                   "Histogram location for histoSvc/ParamFiles" };
     Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_paramfiles_location{
         this, "ParamFilesLocation", "paramfile://data/CaloPID/eshower_trackbased_parametrization.root",
-        "Location of ROOT file for parametrization histograms"};
+        "Location of ROOT file for parametrization histograms" };
     // parameter histograms
     std::unique_ptr<CellEnergyParams const> m_cellparams;
     // services
-    ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_filesvc{this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc",
-                                         "Service used to retrieve file contents"};
+    ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_filesvc{ this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc",
+                                          "Service used to retrieve file contents" };
     // statistics
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>      m_nfailures{this, "#tracks that failed"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>      m_nnocells{this, "#tracks with no associated core cells"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_eop{this, "average E/p"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_dll{this, "average DLL"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>      m_nfailures{ this, "#tracks that failed" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>      m_nnocells{ this, "#tracks with no associated core cells" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_eop{ this, "average E/p" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_dll{ this, "average DLL" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( TrackBasedElectronShowerAlg, "TrackBasedElectronShowerAlg" )
@@ -278,10 +280,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
   TrackBasedElectronShowerAlg::TrackBasedElectronShowerAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
       : Transformer( name, pSvc,
                      // Inputs
-                     {KeyValue( "TracksInCalo", "" ), KeyValue( "Digits", {CaloDigitLocation::Ecal} ),
-                      KeyValue( "Detector", {CaloFutureAlgUtils::DeCaloFutureLocation( "Ecal" )} )},
+                     { KeyValue( "TracksInCalo", "" ), KeyValue( "Digits", { CaloDigitLocation::Ecal } ),
+                       KeyValue( "Detector", { CaloFutureAlgUtils::DeCaloFutureLocation( "Ecal" ) } ) },
                      // Outputs
-                     {KeyValue( "Output", "" )} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue( "Output", "" ) } ) {}
   StatusCode TrackBasedElectronShowerAlg::initialize() {
     return Transformer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
@@ -300,7 +302,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
         std::string hLoc = m_histo_location.value();
         info() << "getting parametrization histograms from " << m_paramfiles_location.value() << endmsg;
         auto buffer  = m_filesvc->read( m_paramfiles_location );
-        m_cellparams = std::make_unique<CellEnergyParams>( TMemFile::ZeroCopyView_t{buffer->data(), buffer->size()},
+        m_cellparams = std::make_unique<CellEnergyParams>( TMemFile::ZeroCopyView_t{ buffer->data(), buffer->size() },
                                                            m_histo_location.value(), getHistoMap() );
@@ -326,8 +328,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     const auto  plane_calofront = calo.plane( CaloPlane::Front );
     // histogram ranges
-    auto range_sp  = getHist3DRanges( m_cellparams->hist( {HistType::Rate, Region::Outer} ) );
-    auto range_dll = getHist3DRanges( m_cellparams->hist( {HistType::DLL, Region::All} ) );
+    auto range_sp  = getHist3DRanges( m_cellparams->hist( { HistType::Rate, Region::Outer } ) );
+    auto range_dll = getHist3DRanges( m_cellparams->hist( { HistType::DLL, Region::All } ) );
     // objects needed inside loop
     LHCb::StateVector state_front;
@@ -384,10 +386,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
         xcell              = Gaudi::Vector2F( cellcenter.x() - track_pos[0], cellcenter.y() - track_pos[1] );
         showerparam.region = static_cast<Region>( cellid.area() );
         showerparam.lbar   = ( showerparam.txy > Constants::eps )
-                               ? forceinrange( Dot( xtrack, xcell ) / Dot( xtrack, xtrack ), range_sp[2] )
-                               : Constants::eps;
-        dist          = xcell - showerparam.lbar * xtrack;
-        showerparam.d = approx_sqrt( Dot( dist, dist ) );
+                                 ? forceinrange( Dot( xtrack, xcell ) / Dot( xtrack, xtrack ), range_sp[2] )
+                                 : Constants::eps;
+        dist               = xcell - showerparam.lbar * xtrack;
+        showerparam.d      = approx_sqrt( Dot( dist, dist ) );
         // further calculation only relevant at small distances
         if ( showerparam.d > m_maxcelldists[showerparam.region] ) {
           showentry.fraction = 0.f;
@@ -417,7 +419,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       for ( const auto& se : showerentries ) {
         if ( se.fraction >= m_fmin ) energy += se.energy;
         if ( se.fraction > range_dll[1].first ) {
-          dll += m_cellparams->hist( {HistType::DLL, Region::All} )
+          dll += m_cellparams->hist( { HistType::DLL, Region::All } )
                      ->Interpolate( forceinrange( invmom * se.energy, range_dll[0] ),
                                     forceinrange( se.fraction, range_dll[1] ), logmom );
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/TrackToCaloEnergyAlgs.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/TrackToCaloEnergyAlgs.cpp
index eb5c75ca4e5f8b66813dca5255713e1f39a70f7d..7f72a6352c8e8cdeda75ba7688f0df231787bed6 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/TrackToCaloEnergyAlgs.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFuturePIDs/src/TrackToCaloEnergyAlgs.cpp
@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // properties
     Gaudi::Property<int> m_nplanes{
         this, "nCaloPlanes", 7,
-        "Number of calorimeter planes where track state - calo cell intersection if performed."};
+        "Number of calorimeter planes where track state - calo cell intersection if performed." };
     // statistics
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_energy{this, "energy (calo) associated to track"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_energy{ this, "energy (calo) associated to track" };
   // ============================= IMPLEMENTATION ===============================
@@ -98,18 +98,19 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       : TrackToCaloEnergyAlg<TracksInCalo, OutputData>::Transformer(
             name, pSvc,
             // Inputs
-            {typename TrackToCaloEnergyAlg<TracksInCalo, OutputData>::KeyValue( "TracksInCalo", "" ),
-             typename TrackToCaloEnergyAlg<TracksInCalo, OutputData>::KeyValue( "Digits", "" ),
-             typename TrackToCaloEnergyAlg<TracksInCalo, OutputData>::KeyValue( "Calorimeter", "" )},
+            { typename TrackToCaloEnergyAlg<TracksInCalo, OutputData>::KeyValue( "TracksInCalo", "" ),
+              typename TrackToCaloEnergyAlg<TracksInCalo, OutputData>::KeyValue( "Digits", "" ),
+              typename TrackToCaloEnergyAlg<TracksInCalo, OutputData>::KeyValue( "Calorimeter", "" ) },
             // Output
-            {typename TrackToCaloEnergyAlg<TracksInCalo, OutputData>::KeyValue( "Output", "" )} ) {}
+            { typename TrackToCaloEnergyAlg<TracksInCalo, OutputData>::KeyValue( "Output", "" ) } ) {}
   // ============================================================================
   //   Algorithm execution
   // ============================================================================
   template <typename TracksInCalo, typename OutputData>
-  OutputData TrackToCaloEnergyAlg<TracksInCalo, OutputData>::
-             operator()( TracksInCalo const& tracksincalo, CaloDigits const& digits, DeCalorimeter const& calo ) const {
+  OutputData TrackToCaloEnergyAlg<TracksInCalo, OutputData>::operator()( TracksInCalo const&  tracksincalo,
+                                                                         CaloDigits const&    digits,
+                                                                         DeCalorimeter const& calo ) const {
     // declare output
     OutputData output_table( tracksincalo.from() );
     output_table.reserve( tracksincalo.size() );
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/doc/release.notes b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/doc/release.notes
index 0c2ee2ef0314eb8b21bca44024e544b9c19d2ac7..8daf6138d5f724c57f511fc039659cfddadf4a87 100755
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/doc/release.notes
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/doc/release.notes
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ! Package     : CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco
-! Responsible : Olivier Deschamps odescham@in2p3.fr 
-! Purpose     : Main Package for CaloFuturerimeter Reconstruction Software 
+! Responsible : Olivier Deschamps odescham@in2p3.fr
+! Purpose     : Main Package for CaloFuturerimeter Reconstruction Software
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ! 2017-08-10 - O.Deschamps
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 ! 2016-02-17 - Olivier Deschamps
  - Configuration.py : - fix :  propagate cluster mask to  SplitClusters
-                      - revert change done in 2015-12-05 :  the exception handling to check TES was done on purpose - to avoid triggering the splitcluster onDemand with another instance 
+                      - revert change done in 2015-12-05 :  the exception handling to check TES was done on purpose - to avoid triggering the splitcluster onDemand with another instance
                       of the same algorithm !
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
  - CaloFutureCorrectionBase.cpp: add workaround to prevent wierd FPE with clang
 ! 2015-12-05 - Gerhard Raven
- - avoid the use of exception handling to find out whether there already is an 
+ - avoid the use of exception handling to find out whether there already is an
    object on the TES...
 !========================= CaloFutureReco v5r26 2015-10-23 ==========================
@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@
  - Fix bad assert.
 ! 2015-03-26 - Gerhard Raven
-  -  CaloFutureCorrectionBase::getParams: 
+  -  CaloFutureCorrectionBase::getParams:
    o don't create an empty vector if it won't be needed
    o cache counters by (type, areaName) instead of creating a string containing
       both every single time, and then looking them up by string
-   This reduces the # of calls to new/delete in the HLT by ~10% (!), and speeds up 
+   This reduces the # of calls to new/delete in the HLT by ~10% (!), and speeds up
    the HLT (in its preliminary 2015 configuration) by ~1%.
 !========================= CaloFutureReco v5r23 2015-02-23 =========================
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 !========================= CaloFutureReco v5r21p1 2014-09-28 =========================
 ! 2014-09-28
   - CaloFutureMergedPi0 : fix bug that affect sub-seed definition in some configuration
-  - Configuration.py : decrease MergedPi0Pt threshold from 2 GeV to 1.5 GeV 
+  - Configuration.py : decrease MergedPi0Pt threshold from 2 GeV to 1.5 GeV
      (applies on cluster pT before merged hypothesis is fully reconstructed)
 !========================= CaloFutureReco v5r21 2014-09-08 =========================
@@ -119,19 +119,19 @@
   - FutureClusterCovarianceMatrixTool : allow for covariance parametrization per CaloFuture area - improve DB access
   - FutureSubClusterSelectorTool      : improve DB access
   - add Hcal default settings for Jet-related reconstruction
 ! 2014-07-02 - Olivier Deschamps
   - CaloFutureShowerOverlapTool : add protection in case of missing ShowerProfile
   - CaloFutureMergedPi0 : add minimal ET cut on splitPhoton (applied to both cluster and corrected CaloFutureHypo)
   - CaloFutureXCorrection : skip correction in case of negative energy
 ! 2014-07-01 - Olivier Deschamps
-  - Photon/Electron/MergedPi0 CaloFutureHypos : skip CaloFutureHypos with negative energy (if any) 
+  - Photon/Electron/MergedPi0 CaloFutureHypos : skip CaloFutureHypos with negative energy (if any)
 ! 2014-06-30 - Olivier Deschamps
   - Reconstruction.py : skip single-cell "clusters" for CaloFutureHypo building
   - CaloFutureSelectCluster : add a cut on entries.size()
-  - CaloFutureMergedPi0 : fix property name causing a crash in Moore 
+  - CaloFutureMergedPi0 : fix property name causing a crash in Moore
 ! 2014-06-30 - Marco Cattaneo
   - fix verbosity of CaloFuture{L,E,S}Correction.cpp constructor
@@ -152,13 +152,13 @@
   - src/CaloFutureMergedPi0 & CaloFutureShowerOverlap  : mergePi0 reconstruction and ClusterOverlap based on the above tool (note : CaloFutureMergedPi0Alg is now obsolete)
   - adapt to change in cluster masking : CaloFutureClusterizationTool, FutureSubClusterSelectorBase, CaloFutureClusterCovarianceAlg, FutureSubClusterSelector3x3, FutureClusterCovarianceMatrixTool
-  - CaloFutureCorrectionBase  : map new corrections and implement generic DB access for cluster masks                   
+  - CaloFutureCorrectionBase  : map new corrections and implement generic DB access for cluster masks
   - CaloFutureSCorrection.cpp : add new Alexis' correction
-  - python/CaloFutureReco/Configuration.py  : new slots to select cluster masks :  ClusterEnergyMasks and ClusterPositionMasks (default : get mask setting from DB) 
+  - python/CaloFutureReco/Configuration.py  : new slots to select cluster masks :  ClusterEnergyMasks and ClusterPositionMasks (default : get mask setting from DB)
   - python/CaloFutureReco/Reconstruction.py : propagate masks to ClusterCovariance , ClusterOverlap & MergedPi0
                                       : use CaloFutureMergedPi0     (replacing the now obsolete CaloFutureMergedPi0Alg)
-                                      : use CaloFutureShowerOverlap (replacing the now obsolete CaloFutureSharedCellAlg)  
+                                      : use CaloFutureShowerOverlap (replacing the now obsolete CaloFutureSharedCellAlg)
@@ -179,12 +179,12 @@
 !========================= CaloFutureReco v5r17 2013-10-24 =========================
 ! 2013-10-09 - Olivier Deschamps
- -  python/CaloFutureReco/*.py : 
+ -  python/CaloFutureReco/*.py :
         - possibility to set-up a configuration without active Spd/Prs  (NoSpdPrs = <False> flag)
                 - configure the caloReco/Pids algorithms in order they don't access Prs/Spd detectorElement nor Digits
-                - remove any component related to Prs/Spd  in the reconstruction sequence : 
+                - remove any component related to Prs/Spd  in the reconstruction sequence :
                          digits decoding via CaloFutureDigitsConf, cluster filtering, photonID, pi0/gamma separation, neutral/charged ID
-        - NoSpdPrs flag propagated to CaloFuturePIDs configuration via CaloFutureProcessor and CaloFutureDigitsConf configured with [Ecal,Hcal] only 
+        - NoSpdPrs flag propagated to CaloFuturePIDs configuration via CaloFutureProcessor and CaloFutureDigitsConf configured with [Ecal,Hcal] only
  -  src/CaloFutureMergedPi0AlgAlg :  protect against accessing Prs/Spd digits when they don't exist
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
 ! 2012-10-08 - Olivier Deschamps
   - fix coverity problems
-!========================= CaloFutureReco v5r15 2012-06-25 ========================= 
+!========================= CaloFutureReco v5r15 2012-06-25 =========================
 ! 2012-06-24 - Olivier Deschamps
   - FutureClusterCovarianceMatrixTool : get covariance parameters from condDB when
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
 ! 2012-06-23 - Olivier Deschamps
   - CaloFutureMergedPi0Alg : add covariance matrix for SplitClusters & SplitPhotons
     (assume no correlation)
-  - CaloFutureECorrection  : allow spd-dependent PileUp subtraction 
+  - CaloFutureECorrection  : allow spd-dependent PileUp subtraction
 ! 2011-12-10 - Olivier Deschamps
   - Configurable CaloFutureLine : add ClusterizationLevel tag for L0CaloFuture2CaloFuture
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
  - CaloFutureMergedPi0Alg: Fix potential memory leak, probably never fired
    (Coverity defect 17572)
  - Fix UNINIT_CTOR defects
- - Fix trivial icc remarks  
+ - Fix trivial icc remarks
 !========================= CaloFutureReco v5r13 2011-11-26 =========================
 ! 2011-11-25 - Olivier Deschamps
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
 ! 2011-08-27 - Olivier Deschamps
 	- fix tracks list reset in CaloFutureProcessor.XXSequence when called from CaloFutureLines
 	- python/Configuration.py : remove dependency on GlobalRecoConf (was producing loop in configurable).
-															TrackTypes & TrackCuts is now private property with the same default 
+															TrackTypes & TrackCuts is now private property with the same default
 															as in GlobalRecoConf so far
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@
 !========================= CaloFutureReco v5r8 2011-01-17 ========================
 - 2010-12-20 - Olivier Deschamps
- - reduce verbosity and fix untested StatusCode 
+ - reduce verbosity and fix untested StatusCode
 - 2010-12-16 - Olivier Deschamps :
  - Update CaloFutureCorrectionBase to handle S/L-corrections + ShowerProfile parametrisation from condDB
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
  - SinglePhotonAlg : fix typo in default setting
 - 2010-09-23 - Olivier Deschamps :
-  - CaloFutureCorrection : 
+  - CaloFutureCorrection :
     - add new functions in CaloFutureCorrectionBase
     - adapt CaloFutureLCorrection to the new correction framework (adapt options and configurable)
     - CaloFutureECorrection : allow for beta_prs  dependency with energy
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@
 !========================== CaloFutureReco v5r6  2010-06-01 =======================
 ! 2010-08-17 - Olivier Deschamps
- - python/Configuration.py : CaloFutureProcessor adapted to change in CaloFuturePIDs (PIDList) + consolidation of the configurables 
+ - python/Configuration.py : CaloFutureProcessor adapted to change in CaloFuturePIDs (PIDList) + consolidation of the configurables
 !========================== CaloFutureReco v5r5p2  2010-06-01 =======================
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@
 		 - adap CaloFutureECorrection.opts & python/Correction.py to the new property syntax
 		 - so far options contains parametrization for MC data. Data correction should be defined via new table in condDB.
-		 - TODO : 
+		 - TODO :
 			- adapt CaloFutureSCorrection and CaloFutureLCorrection accordingly
 		  - review parametrization for MC2010
 			- adapt CaloFutureMergedPi0Rec parametrization
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@
 !========================== CaloFutureReco v5r4p1  2010-03-31 =========================
 ! 2010-03-27 - V. Gligorov
   - Fix incorrect configuration of CaloFuturePIDsConf and CaloFutureDigitsConf in Configuration.py
-    Please see (https://savannah.cern.ch/task/index.php?12691) for futuredetails 
+    Please see (https://savannah.cern.ch/task/index.php?12691) for futuredetails
 !========================== CaloFutureReco v5r4  2010-03-19 =========================
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@
 ! 2010-03-10 - Olivier Deschamps
- - CaloFutureProcessor CU : 
+ - CaloFutureProcessor CU :
     - add neutralProtoSequence() + chargedProtoSequence
     -  all sequence() : add ProtoPrefixLocation as argument
     - Context have the priority over instanceName when set. If not Context = instance
@@ -415,11 +415,11 @@
    build time dependencies on CaloFuturePIDsConf and CaloFutureDigitConf in Configuration.py
 ! 2010-03-08 - Olivier Deschamps
- - Configurables : 
+ - Configurables :
    - adapt to changes in CaloKernel/ConfUtils
    - make all component context-dependent
    - add few slots (SkipNeutral, usePrs, ...)
-   - new CU : 
+   - new CU :
      - CaloFutureProcessor() : produce CaloFutureRecoPID / CaloFuture-ProtoPUpdate / Full sequencers for a given track location(s)
      - fully instantiable
      - to be used for HLT2's processings
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@
  - src :
    - CaloFutureSelectCluster : add Et cut
- - TODO : 
+ - TODO :
    - Configurables : special Hlt's settings to speed up the processing (Cluster Et cut , Et cut of electron before track match, ...)
    - CaloFutureProcessor() CU : split ProtoP update by CaloFuturePID technique (to be synchronized with CaloFuturePIDsConf)
    - CellularAutomaton : EtCut + level !=0 to be active simultaneously
@@ -461,10 +461,10 @@
  - CaloFutureClusterizationTool.cpp : fix uninitialized neighbour cell list for level=1
 ! 2009-10-27 - Vanya Belyaev
- - make usage off CaloFutureDigitConf configurable to access digits 
+ - make usage off CaloFutureDigitConf configurable to access digits
 ! 2009-10-26 - Olivier Deschamps
-  - CaloFutureRecoOnDemand : CaloFutureDigitsSeq imported from CaloFutureDAQ 
+  - CaloFutureRecoOnDemand : CaloFutureDigitsSeq imported from CaloFutureDAQ
   - CaloFutureElectronAlg  : fix hypothesis setting (uncorrect since a while!)
 !========================== CaloFutureReco v5r2  2009-10-22 =========================
@@ -475,12 +475,12 @@
  - Remove CaloFuturePacking.py, moved to GaudiConf
 ! 2009-10-10 - Vanya Belyaev
- - CaloFutureReco/CaloFuturePacking.py 
-    new function to control packing/unpacking of CaloFuturerimeter objects on DST 
+ - CaloFutureReco/CaloFuturePacking.py
+    new function to control packing/unpacking of CaloFuturerimeter objects on DST
 ! 2009-09-28 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add the possibility to use both Tracks and Spd ( in *OR* mode) 
-   as neutrality criterion for clusters  
+ - add the possibility to use both Tracks and Spd ( in *OR* mode)
+   as neutrality criterion for clusters
 ! 2009-09-26 - Juan Palacios
  - python/CaloFutureReco/Reconstruction.py
@@ -488,21 +488,21 @@
  - cmt/requirements
   . Increase version to v5r1p1
-! 2009-09-17 - Olivier Deschamps 
+! 2009-09-17 - Olivier Deschamps
  - CaloFutureStandaloneClusterSelection.opts : fix bug in Photon selection
-! 2009-09-14 - Olivier Deschamps 
+! 2009-09-14 - Olivier Deschamps
  - Brunel.opts, HltCaloFutureSeq.opts, python/Reconstruction.py :
    remove CaloFutureGetterInit/CaloFutureDigitGetter (no longer needed)
 !========================== CaloFutureReco v5r1  2009-09-04 =========================
-! 2009-09-04 - Olivier Deschamps 
+! 2009-09-04 - Olivier Deschamps
  - remove Warning verbosity in CaloFutureElectronAlg initialize
 ! 2009-09-01 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - fix warnings for Configurables 
+ - fix warnings for Configurables
  - cmt/requirements
-     version increment to v5r1 
+     version increment to v5r1
 !========================== CaloFutureReco v5r0  2009-08-31 =========================
 ! 2009-08-21 - Olivier Deschamps
@@ -514,18 +514,18 @@
  - Add missing #include <memory> for std::auto_ptr
 ! 2009-08-10 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - further polishing of configurables 
+ - further polishing of configurables
 ! 2009-08-05 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - add proper configurables for calorimetr recontruction 
- - version increment to v5r0 
+ - add proper configurables for calorimetr recontruction
+ - version increment to v5r0
 !========================== CaloFutureReco v4r21 2009-07-28 =========================
 ! 2009-07-28 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Remove obsolete file CaloFutureReco_dll.cpp
-! 2009-07-24 - Olivier Deschamps 
- - options/CaloFutureRecoOnDemand.opts : Add digit sequence in CaloFutureCluster-onDemand 
+! 2009-07-24 - Olivier Deschamps
+ - options/CaloFutureRecoOnDemand.opts : Add digit sequence in CaloFutureCluster-onDemand
                                    to please HLT
 !========================== CaloFutureReco v4r20 2009-06-30 =======================
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@
  - Replace all endreq by endmsg
  - Fix untested StatusCodes when calling Warning() and Error()
-! 2009-06-17 O. Deschamps 
+! 2009-06-17 O. Deschamps
  - CelAutoTaggedCell : resurrect constructor/destructor
                        (without the id argument leading to warnings)
@@ -544,12 +544,12 @@
  - CaloFutureClusterisationTool : prepare for fast HLT clusterisation
 !========================== CaloFutureReco v4r19p1 2009-05-25 =======================
-! 2009-05-10 - Vanya Belyaev 
+! 2009-05-10 - Vanya Belyaev
  - FutureClusterSpreadTool.cpp
-   add (debug) printout of counters for spread-corrected clusters 
+   add (debug) printout of counters for spread-corrected clusters
- - cmt/requirements 
-   version increment to v4r19p1 
+ - cmt/requirements
+   version increment to v4r19p1
 !========================== CaloFutureReco v4r19 2009-05-08 =========================
 ! 2008-04-17 - Olivier Deschamps
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@
    either CaloFuturePIDs.opts or CaloFuturePIDs-DC06.opts
 ! 2009-03-11 - Victor Egorychev
- - CaloFuturePIDs_DC09_v1.root file with new PDF for DC09 in BrunelPID.opts and CaloFuturePIDs.opt 
+ - CaloFuturePIDs_DC09_v1.root file with new PDF for DC09 in BrunelPID.opts and CaloFuturePIDs.opt
 ! 2009-03-10 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Clean up messages in CaloFutureMergedPi0Alg:
@@ -602,11 +602,11 @@
  - options/HltCaloFutureSeq.opts
    . use FutureCellularAutomatonAlg as default clusterisation algorithm
      (as already done for offline sequence)
-   . remove obsolete CaloFutureClusterCorrect3x3Position/EcalPosition 
+   . remove obsolete CaloFutureClusterCorrect3x3Position/EcalPosition
      (handled by the clusterisation)
  - options/(Hlt)ClusterSelection.opts : add default protection against negative
    cluster energy ( e > threshold = 0 )
 ! 2008-10-02 - Olivier Deschamps
   - fix typo in (HLT)MergedPi0Rec.opts
@@ -615,35 +615,35 @@
   - fix bad setting in HltClusterSelection.opts
 ! 2008-09-14 - Olivier Deschamps
-  - new cluster selection tools : 
+  - new cluster selection tools :
     - CaloFutureSelectCluster  : cluster selection with energy and #entries
     - CaloFutureSelectClusterWithPrs : cluster selection with Prs energy and multiplicity
     - CaloFutureSelectNeutralClusterWithSpd : cluster selection with Spd hits multiplicity
     - CaloFutureSelectNeutralClusterWithTracks (replace CaloFutureSelectNeutralCluster)
-  - CaloFutureExtraDigits : use of the new CaloFutureHypo2CaloFuture tool (located inCaloFutureTools)  
-    as CaloFutureSelectClusterWithPrs & CaloFutureSelectNeutralClusterWithSpd 
-    Bonus : the matching now takes the actual calo alignment into account 
+  - CaloFutureExtraDigits : use of the new CaloFutureHypo2CaloFuture tool (located inCaloFutureTools)
+    as CaloFutureSelectClusterWithPrs & CaloFutureSelectNeutralClusterWithSpd
+    Bonus : the matching now takes the actual calo alignment into account
   - CaloFutureElectronAlg : remove hardcoded Prs/Spd criteria (use selection tool instead)
-  - CellularAutomaton & FutureCellularAutomatonAlg & CaloFutureClusterizationTool : 
+  - CellularAutomaton & FutureCellularAutomatonAlg & CaloFutureClusterizationTool :
     - fix problem of incomplete  clusteriwation due to rare digits configuration
     - add statistics printout in finalize()
     - complete FutureCellularAutomatonAlg (Level property + missing HLT/CaloFuture context)
-    - include the possibility to select digit for energy computation using 
+    - include the possibility to select digit for energy computation using
      CaloFutureUtils/CellSelector (mask by options)  : default '3x3' mask
-     --> CaloFutureClusterCorrect3x3Energy in principle obsolete. 
+     --> CaloFutureClusterCorrect3x3Energy in principle obsolete.
      Could be remove from options (To be checked)
   - FutureCellularAutomatonAlg is now the default in Brunel options (and on-Demand)
-    and replace 'CellularAutomaton' everywhere 
+    and replace 'CellularAutomaton' everywhere
     (obsolete now and to be remove in the next release)
-  - new options :   
+  - new options :
     - (Hlt)ClusterSelection.opts : based on tracks (default)
     - CaloFutureStandaloneClusterSelection.opts : based on Prs/Spd
     - CaloFutureStandalonePartialReco.opts : partial reco (no pid) to be used for commissioning
-    - remove ExtraDigits.opts (default setting now in CaloFutureTools/CaloFutureHypo2CaloFuture) 
+    - remove ExtraDigits.opts (default setting now in CaloFutureTools/CaloFutureHypo2CaloFuture)
     - Et(cluster)>2GeV is now the default for offline MergedPi0 reconstruction (as for Hlt)
   - adapt here and there to change in CaloFutureUtils & CaloFutureTools
@@ -699,8 +699,8 @@
  - options/Brunel.opts, options/BrunelPIDs.opts
  - added new DLL hist for CaloFuture PIDe/mu (CaloFuturePIDs_DC06_v2.root) in ECAL, HCAL, Prs
    and Brem
- - cmt/requirement 
-   version increment to v4r8 
+ - cmt/requirement
+   version increment to v4r8
 !========================== CaloFutureReco v4r7 2007-03-05 ==========================
 ! 2007-03-05 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -728,8 +728,8 @@
  - added new DLL hist for CaloFuture PIDe/mu (CaloFuturePIDs_DC06_v1.root) in ECAL, HCAL, Prs
    for different types of tracks
  - old hist for Brem PIDe (CaloFuturePIDs.root)
- - cmt/requirement 
-   version increment to v4r5 
+ - cmt/requirement
+   version increment to v4r5
 ! 2006-10-27 - Olivier Deschamps
  - Preliminary setting for DC06 (CaloFutureECorrections.opts)
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@
 !========================== CaloFutureReco v4r4 2006-10-17 ===================
 ! 2006-10-17 - Olivier Deschamps
- - fix CaloFutureMergedPi0Alg 
+ - fix CaloFutureMergedPi0Alg
 ! 2006-10-13 - Olivier Deschamps
  - Modify CaloFutureMergedPi0Alg to allow the separate creation of CaloFutureClusters and CaloFutureHypos
  - Add DVCaloFutureRecoOnDemand.opts : CaloFutureDigits and CaloFutureClusters on-Demand for DaVinci usage
@@ -762,7 +762,7 @@
   - move CaloFutureSingleGammaTool/CaloFuturePhotonEstimatorTool to CaloFuturePIDs/
   - adapt to change in RecEvent (enums)
   - simplify the dependency in cmt/requirements (remove TrackXX/LHCbMath dependency)
-  - increment the release number in cmt/requirements 
+  - increment the release number in cmt/requirements
 !========================== CaloFutureReco v4r0 2006-06-22 ===================
 ! 2006-06-21 - Vanya BELYAEV
@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@
 ! 2006-06-14 - Olivier Deschamps
  - 2nd step of the migration towards DC06 software : cleaning + debugging
- - Adapt to changes in LHCb v21r1 
+ - Adapt to changes in LHCb v21r1
  - re-implement CaloFutureSinglePhotonAlg tools required by NeutralProtoPAlg
  - add temporarly CaloFuturePhotonEstimatorTool (moved from CaloFuturePID) + options/PhotonPDF.opts
    in order NeutralProtoPAlg can run work without CaloFuturePID.
@@ -792,7 +792,7 @@
 ! 2005-11-04 - Olivier Deschamps
  - Adapt to new Track Event Model (TrackEvent v1r4)
-  modified file :  
+  modified file :
@@ -802,7 +802,7 @@
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
    version increment to v3r0
 !============================ CaloFutureReco v2r9 2005-06-02 ========================
 ! 2005-06-02 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -817,18 +817,18 @@
 ! 2005-05-24 - P. Koppenburg
  - options/CaloFutureRecoOnDemand.opts
    . Fix typo in /Event/Rec/CaloFuture/ElectronMatch (no "n")
 !=========================== CaloFutureReco v2r8 2005-05-09 =========================
 ! 2005-05-06 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - src/CaloFutureTrackAlg.h src/CaloFutureTrackAlg.cpp,
-     files are moved into CaloFuture/CaloFutureUtils package 
- - src/CaloFutureCluster2TrackAlg.h, 
+     files are moved into CaloFuture/CaloFutureUtils package
+ - src/CaloFutureCluster2TrackAlg.h,
      remove this file
- - src/CaloFutureHypo2TrackAlg.h, 
-   src/CaloFutureCluster2TrackAlg.cpp 
+ - src/CaloFutureHypo2TrackAlg.h,
+   src/CaloFutureCluster2TrackAlg.cpp
      files are updated for new location of CaloFutureTrackAlg.h
      and removal of src/CaloFutureCluster2TrackAlg.h
@@ -836,92 +836,92 @@
      the prototype (INVALID NOW) for future "CaloFuture-Reco-On-Demand"
  - cmt/requirements
-     version incremement to v2r8 
+     version incremement to v2r8
 !========================= CaloFutureReco v2r7p1 2005-03-07 ==================
 ! 2005-03-07 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Fix many doxygen warnings
 ! 2005-02-17 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - options/NeutralCluster.opts 
- - options/ChargedCluster.opts 
-           fix for new associators 
- - cmt/requirements 
-           version incement to v2r7p1 
+ - options/NeutralCluster.opts
+ - options/ChargedCluster.opts
+           fix for new associators
+ - cmt/requirements
+           version incement to v2r7p1
 !========================== CaloFutureReco v2r7 2004-12-13 ===================
 ! 2004-12-13 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Fix some doxygen warnings
 ! 2004-12-10 - Ivan BELYAEV
- - add new algorithm: few more steps to 'Fast' (a'la HLT) CaloFuturerimeter 
-   reconstruction 
+ - add new algorithm: few more steps to 'Fast' (a'la HLT) CaloFuturerimeter
+   reconstruction
      - CaloFutureHypo2TrgTrackAlg.h,.cpp
      - CaloFutureTrgSelectNeutralCluster.h,.cpp
- - cmt/requirements 
-    version increment to v2r7 
+ - cmt/requirements
+    version increment to v2r7
 !========================== CaloFutureReco v2r6 2004-10-27 ===================
 ! 2004-10-27 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - src/CaloFutureTrackAlg.h, src/CaloFutureTrackAlg.cpp
-    the algorithm is modified to take advantage from 
-    new class TrTrackUse from CaloFuture/CaloFutureUtils package 
+    the algorithm is modified to take advantage from
+    new class TrTrackUse from CaloFuture/CaloFutureUtils package
  - src/CaloFutureMergedPi0Alg.h, src/CaloFutureMergedPi0Alg.cpp
-    new property "EtCut" is added to skip the processing of 
+    new property "EtCut" is added to skip the processing of
     clusters with small transverse energy.
     The default value of this oproperty is -100*GeV
-   (which implies "NO CUT", and "BACKWARD-COMPATIBILITY" 
-    in the sense of absolute reproducibility of results). 
+   (which implies "NO CUT", and "BACKWARD-COMPATIBILITY"
+    in the sense of absolute reproducibility of results).
     The idea comes from Olivier Deschamps and Cristina Carloganu.
-    Another new property "MaxIterations" is added to reduce the 
-    number of iterations 
+    Another new property "MaxIterations" is added to reduce the
+    number of iterations
     The default value (16) is "BACKWARD-COMPATIBLE"
     The idea comes from Olivier Deschamps and Cristina Carloganu.
     In addition few "tiny" modification are applied:
-      - remove "count" loop 
+      - remove "count" loop
       - location of spddigits and prs digits are moved from internal loop
-        to a top level 
+        to a top level
-    The usage of EtCut=1.5*GeV and MaxIteration=6 togather with 
-    these 'technical' optimizations  
+    The usage of EtCut=1.5*GeV and MaxIteration=6 togather with
+    these 'technical' optimizations
     speeds up the execution of the algorithm approxmately 20 times.
- The package *REQUIRES* : 
-  - CaloFuture/CaloFutureUtils with versions >= v4r8 
-  - CaloFuture/CaloFutureEvent with version  >= v13r6  
+ The package *REQUIRES* :
+  - CaloFuture/CaloFutureUtils with versions >= v4r8
+  - CaloFuture/CaloFutureEvent with version  >= v13r6
 ! 2004-10-26 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - src/CaloFutureCluster2TrackAlg.h, src/CaloFutureCluster2TrackAlg.cpp
  - src/CaloFutureHypo2TrackAlg.h, src/CaloFutureHypo2TrackAlg.cpp
-     update in properties for better dealing with track types 
+     update in properties for better dealing with track types
    it is done with the helper algorithm base CaloFutureTrackAlg,
-   which allow to select/reject a certain track categories 
-   according to 
+   which allow to select/reject a certain track categories
+   according to
       - general criteria (unique?error?),
       - track categories ( is'*'?)
       - algorithms ('*'?)
 - options/BremMatch.opts
 - options/Brem2Match.opts
-   update the configuratin files for new property names 
+   update the configuratin files for new property names
 ! 2004-10-26 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - introduce FAST "photon" matching of trigger track (TrgTrach) with 
+ - introduce FAST "photon" matching of trigger track (TrgTrach) with
    CaloFuturetrimeter clusters. For a moment follow "off-line" phylosophy:
-   perfroam all-to-all mathcing and save result as a relation table 
+   perfroam all-to-all mathcing and save result as a relation table
    in TES. The supporting algorithm CaloFutureCluster2TrgTrackAlg does this job.
-   The execution is 5-6 times faster than the execution of 
-   "standard" photon matching. The efficiency need to be testes 
+   The execution is 5-6 times faster than the execution of
+   "standard" photon matching. The efficiency need to be testes
    and studied.
    In real environment one coudl gain addiitonal factor of 2
    (since if one uses this "o nly" fo select neutral clusters - "photons")
-   one does not need all-to-all matching (and one does not need to 
-   register the table in TES!),  one just che the existence of 
-   tracks with chi2<cut, which should be "fast" procedure.  
+   one does not need all-to-all matching (and one does not need to
+   register the table in TES!),  one just che the existence of
+   tracks with chi2<cut, which should be "fast" procedure.
 ! 2004-10-24 - Vanya BELYAEV
@@ -929,72 +929,72 @@
      add new 'tool' for (hopefully) improved 'bremstrahlung' matching.
-     the tool need to be tested with *LARGE* statistics 
- - options/Brem2Match.opts 
-     new file for 'Brem2Match' algorithm configuration 
+     the tool need to be tested with *LARGE* statistics
+ - options/Brem2Match.opts
+     new file for 'Brem2Match' algorithm configuration
  - options/BremMatch.opts
-     add 'include' for new file Brem2Match.opts  
+     add 'include' for new file Brem2Match.opts
 ! 2004-10-24 - Vanya BELYAEV
  -  src/CaloFutureTrackMathcPhotonAlg.cpp
        remove obsolete algorithm
- -  src/CaloFutureTrack*.cpp 
+ -  src/CaloFutureTrack*.cpp
        improve a little bit the error-reporting printout
 ! 2004-10-22 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - src/CaloFutureTrackMatchBase.h
-   1) modify the internal match structure MatchStruct1 
-      to invert the matrix in the constructor 
-   2) modify the internal chi2 method to be more efficient 
-      (eliminate the intermediate matrices) 
+   1) modify the internal match structure MatchStruct1
+      to invert the matrix in the constructor
+   2) modify the internal chi2 method to be more efficient
+      (eliminate the intermediate matrices)
    3) introduce local matrix storage
-   4) itoriducet mtrxOp methods for fast evaluation of matrix products 
+   4) itoriducet mtrxOp methods for fast evaluation of matrix products
+       in overall (142) gives >10% impromevent in CPU performance
-       in overall (142) gives >10% impromevent in CPU performance 
+   5) introduce new internal structure MatchStruct2
+   6) introduce set of new "chi2" methods dealing with MatchStruct2
-   5) introduce new internal structure MatchStruct2 
-   6) introduce set of new "chi2" methods dealing with MatchStruct2 
-        (5) and (6) are the steps toward HLT matching 
+        (5) and (6) are the steps toward HLT matching
  - src/CellularAutomaton.cpp
-   change the Error-Code for 'uclusterized cells' warning message 
-   from FAILURE to SUCCESS to redice a bit the potential confusion 
+   change the Error-Code for 'uclusterized cells' warning message
+   from FAILURE to SUCCESS to redice a bit the potential confusion
 ! 2004-10-22 - Vanya BELYAEV
-   (requires the recent modifications in Event/CaloFutureEvent  >= 13r6 ) 
+   (requires the recent modifications in Event/CaloFutureEvent  >= 13r6 )
  - src/CellularAutomaton.h
-     The algorithm gas got 2 new properties 
-   "Sort"     (boolean, default = true ) - the flag which indicates wether 
-                                           the sorting of clusters should 
+     The algorithm gas got 2 new properties
+   "Sort"     (boolean, default = true ) - the flag which indicates wether
+                                           the sorting of clusters should
                                            be performed
-   "SprtByET" (boolean, default = false) - the flag which indicates 
-                                           which sorting criteria (energy 
-                                           versus transverse energy) is used 
+   "SprtByET" (boolean, default = false) - the flag which indicates
+                                           which sorting criteria (energy
+                                           versus transverse energy) is used
                                            for sorting
    The default settings corresponds to "backward-compatibility"
-  - src/CaloFutureDeleteObject.h, src/CaloDeteleObject.cpp  
+  - src/CaloFutureDeleteObject.h, src/CaloDeteleObject.cpp
     remove the obsolete algorithm
       one should use TESFilter algorithm from  Kernel/LHCbAlgs package
-  - src/CaloFutureCheckObjects.h, src/CaloFutureCheckObjects.cpp  
+  - src/CaloFutureCheckObjects.h, src/CaloFutureCheckObjects.cpp
     remove obsolete algorithm
-      one should use TESCheck algorithm from  Kernel/LHCbAlgs package 
+      one should use TESCheck algorithm from  Kernel/LHCbAlgs package
   - src/CaloFutureReco_load.cpp
-    remove the factory instantiations for removed obsolete algorithms 
+    remove the factory instantiations for removed obsolete algorithms
-  - cmt/requirements 
-   version increment to v2r6 
+  - cmt/requirements
+   version increment to v2r6
 !======================= CaloFutureReco v2r5 2004-09-08 ======================
 ! 2004-09-08 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -1005,54 +1005,54 @@
   - src/CelAutoTaggedCell.h
-   trivial modification to obtain 25% CPU gain 
+   trivial modification to obtain 25% CPU gain
 ! 2004-09-05 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - src/CaloFutureCheckObjectsAlg.h(.cpp)
-   new trivial algorithm for checking the existence 
-   (and by product, the loading!) of objects in Gaudi transient store 
+   new trivial algorithm for checking the existence
+   (and by product, the loading!) of objects in Gaudi transient store
  - src/CaloFutureReco_load.cpp
-   add the decalration of the new algorithm 
+   add the decalration of the new algorithm
 ! 2004-09-02 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - prepare for HLT/Trigger developments 
+ - prepare for HLT/Trigger developments
 !======================= CaloFutureReco v2r4 2004-07-22 ======================
 ! 2004-07-21 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - src/CaloFutureClusterCorrect3x3Position.cpp 
-    1. fix compilation warnings 
- - src/CaloFuture04ECorrection.cpp 
-    1. fix compilation warnings 
-    2. add 'info' printout for accepter hypos 
-    3. suppress excessive 'INFO' printout 
-    4. add 'EmCharged' to the list of accepted hypos 
- - src/CaloFuture04SCorrection.cpp 
-    1. fix compilation warnings 
-    2. add 'EmCharged' to the list of accepted hypos 
-    3. add 'info' printout for accepter hypos 
- - src/CaloFuture04LCorrection.cpp 
-    1. fix compilation warnings 
-    2. add 'info' printout for accepter hypos 
-    3. add 'EmCharged' to the list of accepted hypos 
- - cmt/requirements   
-    1. increment the version to v2r4 
+ - src/CaloFutureClusterCorrect3x3Position.cpp
+    1. fix compilation warnings
+ - src/CaloFuture04ECorrection.cpp
+    1. fix compilation warnings
+    2. add 'info' printout for accepter hypos
+    3. suppress excessive 'INFO' printout
+    4. add 'EmCharged' to the list of accepted hypos
+ - src/CaloFuture04SCorrection.cpp
+    1. fix compilation warnings
+    2. add 'EmCharged' to the list of accepted hypos
+    3. add 'info' printout for accepter hypos
+ - src/CaloFuture04LCorrection.cpp
+    1. fix compilation warnings
+    2. add 'info' printout for accepter hypos
+    3. add 'EmCharged' to the list of accepted hypos
+ - cmt/requirements
+    1. increment the version to v2r4
 ! 2004-07-20 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - CaloFutureMergedPi0Alg.cpp 
-   1. make a fix for segmentation fault for 
-   3-cell cluster at the edge of calorimeter, where 
-   only seed digit has positive energy. 
+ - CaloFutureMergedPi0Alg.cpp
+   1. make a fix for segmentation fault for
+   3-cell cluster at the edge of calorimeter, where
+   only seed digit has positive energy.
    For this case "subrow" and "subcol" values were not defined
-   it result in SubClus[1][1][1] = NULL and a further segmentation 
-   fault. 
-   2.  Few minor fixes to suppress compiler warnings about 
-       the unused variables 
- - cmt/requirements  increment the version to v2r3p2 
+   it result in SubClus[1][1][1] = NULL and a further segmentation
+   fault.
+   2.  Few minor fixes to suppress compiler warnings about
+       the unused variables
+ - cmt/requirements  increment the version to v2r3p2
 !======================= CaloFutureReco v2r3p1 2004-06-03 ======================
 ! 2004-06-03 - Ivan Belyaev
  - src/CaloFutureReco_load.cpp
@@ -1061,26 +1061,26 @@
 !======================== CaloFutureReco v2r3 2004-06-03 =======================
 ! 2004-06-03 - Ivan Belyaev
  - src/CaloFutureE0Correction.cpp
-  new version of energy corrections for DC04 
+  new version of energy corrections for DC04
  - src/CaloFutureClusterCorrect3x3Position.cpp(.h)
-  position correction for DC04 
- - options/CaloFuture04ECorrection.opts 
-  updated parameters for corrections 
- - cmt/requirement  increment teh version to v2r3 
+  position correction for DC04
+ - options/CaloFuture04ECorrection.opts
+  updated parameters for corrections
+ - cmt/requirement  increment teh version to v2r3
 !======================== CaloFutureReco v2r2 2004-06-02 =======================
 ! 2004-05-11 - Vanya BELYAEV
-- src/CaloFuture04ECorrection.cpp 
-   modification of energy correction tool to be used for analysis 
+- src/CaloFuture04ECorrection.cpp
+   modification of energy correction tool to be used for analysis
    of DC04 data (produced with XmlDDDB >= v22r2 ) from Oliver Deschamps
-- options/CaloFuture04*.opts 
-   new parameters foe E/S/L corrections to be used for DC04 data 
-   from Olivier Deschamps 
-- cmt/requirements 
-   increment the version to v2r2 
+- options/CaloFuture04*.opts
+   new parameters foe E/S/L corrections to be used for DC04 data
+   from Olivier Deschamps
+- cmt/requirements
+   increment the version to v2r2
 !======================= CaloFutureReco v2r1p1 2004-03-29 ======================
 ! 2004-03-29 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Fix Reco.opts to avoid multiple inclusion of options files
@@ -1089,36 +1089,36 @@
 ! 2004-03-17 - Vanya BELYAEV
   - add new (04) Correction s from Olivier Deschamps
   - remove some obsoltee stuff from 'options' directory
-  - few minor fixes 
-  - cmt/requirements increment the version to v2r1 
+  - few minor fixes
+  - cmt/requirements increment the version to v2r1
 !======================== CaloFutureReco v2r0 2004-03-08 =======================
 ! 2004-03-08 - Marco Cattaneo
  - In CaloFutureCluster2TrackAlg.h/cpp, CaloFutureHypo2TrackAlg.h/cpp:
    . rename m_upstream to m_downstream
-   . rename UseUpstream property to UseDownstream 
+   . rename UseUpstream property to UseDownstream
    . use new isDownstream() method of TrStoredTrack instead of upstream()
  - In CaloFutureTrackMatchBase.cpp, CaloFutureTrackMatchBremm.cpp, CaloFutureTrackMatchElectron.cpp
    . use new isDownstream() method of TrStoredTrack instead of upstream()
  - In BremMatch.opts, ElectronMatch.opts, HcalPIDe.opts, PhotonMatch.opts
-   . rename UseUpstream property to UseDownstream 
+   . rename UseUpstream property to UseDownstream
 ! 2004-02-17 - Ivan BELYAEV
- - update for new CaloFuture/CaloKernel and CaloFuture/CaloFutureInterface  
- - increase teh *MAJOR* version to v2r0 
+ - update for new CaloFuture/CaloKernel and CaloFuture/CaloFutureInterface
+ - increase teh *MAJOR* version to v2r0
 !======================== CaloFutureReco v1r8 2004-01-13 =======================
 ! 2004-01-13 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - src/CellularAutomaton.cpp 
- - src/CaloFutureMergedPi0Alg.cpp    
-             1) initialize new data field "seed" for the CaloFutureCluster 
-             2) set version (==2) for new container of Clusters 
+ - src/CellularAutomaton.cpp
+ - src/CaloFutureMergedPi0Alg.cpp
+             1) initialize new data field "seed" for the CaloFutureCluster
+             2) set version (==2) for new container of Clusters
 !======================== CaloFutureReco v1r7 2003-12-11 =======================
 ! 2003-12-11 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Move to Gaudi v13, VC71 
+ - Move to Gaudi v13, VC71
    . requirements: use CaloFutureInterfaces v3r0
    . Remove WIN32 implementations of std::max and std::min
@@ -1130,41 +1130,41 @@
 !======================== CaloFutureReco v1r6 2003-06-23 ========================
 ! 2003-06-23 - Ivan Belyaev
- - Few fixes for new compiler 
+ - Few fixes for new compiler
 ! 2003-05-15 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - src/CaloFutureSinglePhotonAlg.cpp 
- - src/CaloFutureElectronAlg.cpp         
-    in the case of errors in used tools, the cluster/hypo is skipped now 
-    (no error return)   
- - cmt/requirments                 increase the version 
+ - src/CaloFutureSinglePhotonAlg.cpp
+ - src/CaloFutureElectronAlg.cpp
+    in the case of errors in used tools, the cluster/hypo is skipped now
+    (no error return)
+ - cmt/requirments                 increase the version
 !====================== CaloFutureReco v1r5 2003-04-30 ==========================
 ! 2003-04-11 - Vanya BELYAEV
    new files:
  - src/CaloFutureNewECorrection.h,.cpp        new Energy correction from O. Deschamps
- - src/CaloFutureNewSCorrection.h,.cpp        new S-correctin tool from O.Deschamps 
+ - src/CaloFutureNewSCorrection.h,.cpp        new S-correctin tool from O.Deschamps
  - src/CaloFutureNewLCorrection.h,.cpp        new L-correction tool from O.Deschams
  - options/CaloFutureNewECorrectionParam.opts parameters
  - options/CaloFutureNewSCorrectionParam.opts parameters
- - options/CaloFutureNewLCorrectionParam.opts parameters 
+ - options/CaloFutureNewLCorrectionParam.opts parameters
- - src/CaloFutureReco_load.cpp                add new tools 
- - cmt/requirements                     increse the version to v1r5 
+ - src/CaloFutureReco_load.cpp                add new tools
+ - cmt/requirements                     increse the version to v1r5
 ! 2003-04-08 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - src/CaloFutureHyposMerge.cpp    Add split photons (CaloFutureHypoLocation::SplitPhotons)
-                             to the default list of "merged" hypos 
+                             to the default list of "merged" hypos
 !====================== CaloFutureReco v1r4 2003-03-24 ==========================
 ! 2003-03-13 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - move *ALL* PID algorithms and tools into new package CaloFuturePIDs 
- - increase the version to v1r4 
- - src/CaloFutureMergedPi0Alg.cpp  -   <<<<<<<<<<< VERY IMPORTANT BUG FIX >>>>>>>>>>>> 
-   For merged pi0s "the first" split photons gets the extra cluster 
-   and "the second one" gets only native/merged cluster 
- - src/CaloFutureHypoReShuffleAlg.h,.cpp new algorithm to fix the bug 
- - cmt/requirements          - increase the version 
+ - move *ALL* PID algorithms and tools into new package CaloFuturePIDs
+ - increase the version to v1r4
+ - src/CaloFutureMergedPi0Alg.cpp  -   <<<<<<<<<<< VERY IMPORTANT BUG FIX >>>>>>>>>>>>
+   For merged pi0s "the first" split photons gets the extra cluster
+   and "the second one" gets only native/merged cluster
+ - src/CaloFutureHypoReShuffleAlg.h,.cpp new algorithm to fix the bug
+ - cmt/requirements          - increase the version
 ! 2003-02-24 - Richard Beneyton
@@ -1173,31 +1173,31 @@
 !======================== CaloFutureReco v1r3p1 2003-02-13 ======================
 ! 2003-02-11 - Ivan BELYAEV
- - src/CaloFutureSingleGammaTool.cpp    - add protection against MergedPi0s, which have no 
-                                    CaloFuturePosition* field and reduce the debug printout 
- - cmt/requirements               - increase the version number 
+ - src/CaloFutureSingleGammaTool.cpp    - add protection against MergedPi0s, which have no
+                                    CaloFuturePosition* field and reduce the debug printout
+ - cmt/requirements               - increase the version number
 !======================== CaloFutureReco v1r3 2003-02-04 ========================
 ! 2003-02-04 - Ivan BELYAEV
   - src/CaloFutureSingleGammaTool.h,.cpp - updated version of the tool by Frederic MACHEFERT
-  - src/CaloFuturePrsCorrection.h        - improve calibration formula 
-  - options/PrsCorrE.opts          - new calibration constants for electrons 
+  - src/CaloFuturePrsCorrection.h        - improve calibration formula
+  - options/PrsCorrE.opts          - new calibration constants for electrons
   - options/PrsCorrG.opts          - new calibration constants for photons
-  - options/Brunel.opts            - reshuffling of "PIDs" algorithms 
-  - cmt/requirements               - increase the version 
+  - options/Brunel.opts            - reshuffling of "PIDs" algorithms
+  - cmt/requirements               - increase the version
 ! 2003-01-31 - Richard Beneyton
  - src/CaloFutureSCorrectionFinal    - update function, add border and covariance
  - src/CaloFutureLCorrectionSimplev  - update function
- - options/LCorrectionSimple   - define parameter 
+ - options/LCorrectionSimple   - define parameter
  - options/SCorrectionFinal    - define parameter
 !======================= CaloFutureReco v1r2p1 2003-01-23 =======================
-! 2003-01-22 - Ivan BELYAEV 
- - src/CaloFutureExtraDigits.h         - tiny fix 
+! 2003-01-22 - Ivan BELYAEV
+ - src/CaloFutureExtraDigits.h         - tiny fix
                                    remove unused variable
 ! 2003-01-19 - Ivan Belyaev
  - src/CaloFutureTrackEval.cpp       - fix small "memory leak" (1 TrState per job)
@@ -1211,20 +1211,20 @@
 !======================== CaloFutureReco v1r1 2002-12-02 =====================
 ! 2002-11-29 - Ivan Belyaev
- - cmt/requirements               version update 
- - src/CaloFutureTrackEval.h,.cpp       new generic tool for Spd/Prs/Ecal/HCal 
+ - cmt/requirements               version update
+ - src/CaloFutureTrackEval.h,.cpp       new generic tool for Spd/Prs/Ecal/HCal
                                   energy evaluation for given track by V.Romanovsky
-                                  default parameters configured for Hcal 
- - src/CaloFutureTrackMatchBremm.h,.cpp improved error printout 
- - src/CaloFutureSCorrectionFinal.cpp   check the position before using it 
+                                  default parameters configured for Hcal
+ - src/CaloFutureTrackMatchBremm.h,.cpp improved error printout
+ - src/CaloFutureSCorrectionFinal.cpp   check the position before using it
- - options/PhotonRec.opts         switch OFF S-corrections by R.Beneyton 
-                                  a) no covarioance matrix yet 
+ - options/PhotonRec.opts         switch OFF S-corrections by R.Beneyton
+                                  a) no covarioance matrix yet
                                   b) no border treatment
                                   use 2TANH correction from K.Beloous
  - options/SShape2Tanh.opts       new (tuned) parametrisations from S-corrections
- - options/ElectronRec.opts       switch OFF S-corrections by R.Beneyton 
+ - options/ElectronRec.opts       switch OFF S-corrections by R.Beneyton
                                   use 2TANH correction from K.Beloous
 ! 2002-11-20 - Richard Beneyton
@@ -1237,41 +1237,41 @@
  - Add missing factory for CaloFutureHyposMerge algorithm
 ! 2002-11-18 - Ivan Belyaev
- - options/Brunel.opts    quick fix to remove Hcal estrimators 
- - options/PrsPID*.opts   remove "pragma" directives used for debugging 
+ - options/Brunel.opts    quick fix to remove Hcal estrimators
+ - options/PrsPID*.opts   remove "pragma" directives used for debugging
-! 2002-11-17 - Ivan Belyaev 
+! 2002-11-17 - Ivan Belyaev
   - src/CaloFutureSCorrectionFinal.cpp  - add missing std::max fro WIN32 compilation
 ! 2002-11-17 - Ivan Belyaev
- - src/CaloFutureTrackIdEval.cpp,.h     - remove these prototypes 
- - CaloFutureTrack2EstimatorAlg.cpp,.h  - new generic algorithm for building the 
-                                    generic relations of tracks and 
+ - src/CaloFutureTrackIdEval.cpp,.h     - remove these prototypes
+ - CaloFutureTrack2EstimatorAlg.cpp,.h  - new generic algorithm for building the
+                                    generic relations of tracks and
                                     some caloriemter estimators
                                     (e.g. energy in Hcal or energy in Prs)
- - CaloFutureTrack2IdAlg.cpp, .h        - new generic algorithm to build 
-                                    the actual PID estimators from 
-                                    measured values using reference 
-                                    "Signal" and "Background" distributions 
+ - CaloFutureTrack2IdAlg.cpp, .h        - new generic algorithm to build
+                                    the actual PID estimators from
+                                    measured values using reference
+                                    "Signal" and "Background" distributions
  - CaloFutureTrackEcalEval.cpp,.h      - concrete tool, which frm given chi2 table
-                                    gets Ecal estimator 
- - CaloFutureTrackHcalEval.cpp,.h      - prototype of concrete tool, which evaluates 
-                                   the energy in Hcal for given track 
- - CaloFutureTrackPrsEval.cpp,.h       - concrete tool, which evaluates 
-                                   the energy in Prs for given track 
- - options/*.opts                - a lot of new configuration options, 
-                                   need to ne tuned next week 
+                                    gets Ecal estimator
+ - CaloFutureTrackHcalEval.cpp,.h      - prototype of concrete tool, which evaluates
+                                   the energy in Hcal for given track
+ - CaloFutureTrackPrsEval.cpp,.h       - concrete tool, which evaluates
+                                   the energy in Prs for given track
+ - options/*.opts                - a lot of new configuration options,
+                                   need to ne tuned next week
 ! 2002-11-14 - Richard Beneyton
  - Update L Correction coeff and calcul in CaloFutureLCorrectionSimple
    with default parameters in code (supressed in option file)
- - Add CaloFutureSCorrectionFinal with hardcoded default coeff 
+ - Add CaloFutureSCorrectionFinal with hardcoded default coeff
    supressed in option file)
-   rq.: alg not based on CaloFutureSCorrectionSequence due to special 
+   rq.: alg not based on CaloFutureSCorrectionSequence due to special
     energies definition
 ! 2002-10-31 - Ivan Belyaev
- - New package 
- - All algorithms from CaloFutureAlgs,CaloFutureRec,CaloFutureTools,CaloFutureTrackTools 
-	are grouped together 
+ - New package
+ - All algorithms from CaloFutureAlgs,CaloFutureRec,CaloFutureTools,CaloFutureTrackTools
+	are grouped together
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/python/CaloFutureReco/Configuration.py b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/python/CaloFutureReco/Configuration.py
index 4eb37d5888577831271d55cb5150baaeeffc1a0e..49d790f300451bca3ec6fc20f4fffbb8fd6726d1 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/python/CaloFutureReco/Configuration.py
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/python/CaloFutureReco/Configuration.py
@@ -17,31 +17,45 @@
 Configurable for CaloFuturerimeter Reconstruction
 from __future__ import print_function
 # =============================================================================
 from future.utils import raise_
 __author__ = "Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@nikhef.nl"
 # =============================================================================
-__all__ = ('HltCaloFutureRecoConf', 'OffLineCaloFutureRecoConf',
-           'CaloFutureRecoConf', 'CaloFutureProcessor', 'CaloFutureLines')
+__all__ = (
+    "HltCaloFutureRecoConf",
+    "OffLineCaloFutureRecoConf",
+    "CaloFutureRecoConf",
+    "CaloFutureProcessor",
+    "CaloFutureLines",
 # =============================================================================
-from LHCbKernel.Configuration import *
+import logging
-from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import MeV, GeV
-from CaloKernel.ConfUtils import (addAlgs, printOnDemand, prntCmp, hltContext,
-                                  setTheProperty)
-from CaloFutureReco.Reconstruction import (
-    clusterFutureReco, classifyClusPhotonElec, mergedPi0FutureReco)
+from CaloKernel.ConfUtils import (
+    addAlgs,
+    hltContext,
+    printOnDemand,
+    prntCmp,
+    setTheProperty,
-from Configurables import CaloFutureDigitConf
-from Configurables import CaloFuturePIDsConf
 ##from Configurables            import GlobalRecoConf
-from Configurables import GaudiSequencer
+from Configurables import CaloFutureDigitConf, CaloFuturePIDsConf, GaudiSequencer
+from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV, MeV
+from LHCbKernel.Configuration import *
-import logging
-_log = logging.getLogger('CaloFutureReco')
+from CaloFutureReco.Reconstruction import (
+    classifyClusPhotonElec,
+    clusterFutureReco,
+    mergedPi0FutureReco,
+_log = logging.getLogger("CaloFutureReco")
 import os
@@ -56,162 +70,87 @@ class CaloFutureRecoConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
     Class/Configurable to define the calorimeter reconstruction
     ## define the slots
     __slots__ = {
-        "Context":
-        ''  # The context to run (default = offline)
-        ,
-        "MeasureTime":
-        False  # Measure the time for sequencers
-        ,
-        "OutputLevel":
-        INFO  # The global output level
+        "Context": "",  # The context to run (default = offline)
+        "MeasureTime": False,  # Measure the time for sequencers
+        "OutputLevel": INFO,  # The global output level
-        ,
-        'Sequence':
-        None  # The sequencer to add the CALOFUTURE reconstruction algorithms to
-        ,
-        'RecList': [
-            'Digits',
-            'Clusters',
-            'Photons',
-            'MergedPi0s',
-            'SplitPhotons',  # the same action as 'MergedPi0s'
-            'Electrons'
-        ]  #
-        ,
-        'ForceDigits':
-        True  # Force digits recontruction to be run with Clusters
-        ,
-        'CreateADCs':
-        False  # Create CaloFuture-ADCs
-        ,
-        'UseTracks':
-        True  # Use Tracks as Neutrality Criteria
-        ,
-        'UseTracksE':
-        True  # Use Tracks as Charge  Criteria
-        ,
-        'UseTracksM':
-        True  # Use Tracks for MergedPi0s-ID
-        ,
-        'CaloFutureStandalone':
-        False  # useTrackX = false
-        ,
-        'NeutralID':
-        False  # Apply neutralID (CaloFuturePIDs is in charge + problems with onDemand to be fixed)
-        ,
-        'EnableRecoOnDemand':
-        False  # Enable Reco-On-Demand (only for components on RecList)
-        ,
-        'TrackLocation':
-        ''  # Track location (Neutral/Charged cluster selection with UseTrack(E) )
-        ,
-        'ClMatchTrTypes': [
-        ]  # Accepted track types for cluster matching (default Long, Downstream , TTracks)
-        ,
-        'ExternalClusters':
-        ''  # Start the reconstruction sequence from an external cluster container (HLT)
-        ,
-        'FastReco':
-        False  # faster reconstruction (HLT)
-        ,
-        'SkipNeutrals':
-        False,
-        'SkipCharged':
-        False,
-        'ForceOnDemand':
-        False  # force DoD for ALL components (incl. those not in RecList)
-        ,
-        'PhotonEt':
-        50. * MeV  # Min Cluster Et
-        ,
-        'ElectronPt':
-        50. * MeV  # Min Cluster Et
-        ,
-        'MergedPi0Pt':
-        1.5 * GeV,
-        'ClusterPt':
-        0.,
-        'MakeExternalClustersWithTag':
-        '',
-        'ClusterEnergyMasks': [],
-        'ClusterPositionMasks': [],
-        'Verbose':
-        False,
-        'SetCounters':
-        1  # Quiet is the default
+        "Sequence": None,  # The sequencer to add the CALOFUTURE reconstruction algorithms to
+        "RecList": [
+            "Digits",
+            "Clusters",
+            "Photons",
+            "MergedPi0s",
+            "SplitPhotons",  # the same action as 'MergedPi0s'
+            "Electrons",
+        ],  #
+        "ForceDigits": True,  # Force digits recontruction to be run with Clusters
+        "CreateADCs": False,  # Create CaloFuture-ADCs
+        "UseTracks": True,  # Use Tracks as Neutrality Criteria
+        "UseTracksE": True,  # Use Tracks as Charge  Criteria
+        "UseTracksM": True,  # Use Tracks for MergedPi0s-ID
+        "CaloFutureStandalone": False,  # useTrackX = false
+        "NeutralID": False,  # Apply neutralID (CaloFuturePIDs is in charge + problems with onDemand to be fixed)
+        "EnableRecoOnDemand": False,  # Enable Reco-On-Demand (only for components on RecList)
+        "TrackLocation": "",  # Track location (Neutral/Charged cluster selection with UseTrack(E) )
+        "ClMatchTrTypes": [],  # Accepted track types for cluster matching (default Long, Downstream , TTracks)
+        "ExternalClusters": "",  # Start the reconstruction sequence from an external cluster container (HLT)
+        "FastReco": False,  # faster reconstruction (HLT)
+        "SkipNeutrals": False,
+        "SkipCharged": False,
+        "ForceOnDemand": False,  # force DoD for ALL components (incl. those not in RecList)
+        "PhotonEt": 50.0 * MeV,  # Min Cluster Et
+        "ElectronPt": 50.0 * MeV,  # Min Cluster Et
+        "MergedPi0Pt": 1.5 * GeV,
+        "ClusterPt": 0.0,
+        "MakeExternalClustersWithTag": "",
+        "ClusterEnergyMasks": [],
+        "ClusterPositionMasks": [],
+        "Verbose": False,
+        "SetCounters": 1,  # Quiet is the default
     ## documentation lines
     _propertyDocDct = {
-        "Context":
-        """ The context to run """,
-        "MeasureTime":
-        """ Measure the time for sequencers """,
-        "OutputLevel":
-        """ The global output level """
+        "Context": """ The context to run """,
+        "MeasureTime": """ Measure the time for sequencers """,
+        "OutputLevel": """ The global output level """,
-        ,
-        'Sequence':
-        """ The sequencer to add the CALOFUTURE reconstruction algorithms to """,
-        'RecList':
-        """ The recontruction sketch """,
-        'ForceDigits':
-        """ Force digits recontruction to be run with Clusters """,
-        'CreateADCs':
-        """ Create CaloFuture-ADCs """,
-        'UseTracks':
-        """ Use Tracks as Neutrality criterion """,
-        'UseTracksE':
-        """ Use Tracks as Charge criterion """,
-        'UseTracksM':
-        """ Use Tracks for MergedPi0s-ID """,
-        'CaloFutureStandalone':
-        """ UseTrack = false """,
-        'NeutralID':
-        """ Apply neutralID """,
-        'EnableRecoOnDemand':
-        """ Enable Reco-On-Demand (for components in RecList) """,
-        'TrackLocation':
-        """ TrackLocation (Photon/Electron selection)""",
-        'ClMatchTrTypes':
-        """ Accepted track types for cluster matching (default Long, Downstream , TTracks) """,
-        'SkipNeutrals':
-        """ Skip Neutral reco components in RecList""",
-        'SkipCharged':
-        """ Skip Charged reco components in RecList""",
-        'ForceOnDemand':
-        """ force DoD for ALL components""",
-        'FastReco':
-        """ Speed-up reconstruction (empty so far)""",
-        'ExternalClusters':
-        """ Start the reconstruction sequence from an external cluster container (HLT)""",
-        'PhotonEt':
-        """ Photon Hypo Et cut """,
-        'ElectronPt':
-        """ Electron Hypo Pt cut """,
-        'MergedPi0Pt':
-        """ MergedPi0 Pt cut """,
-        'ClusterPt':
-        """ Cluster Pt """,
-        'MakeExternalClustersWithTag':
-        """ Build tagged external clusters in the sequence (only if ExternalClusters != '')""",
-        'ClusterEnergyMasks':
-        """ Set the cluster mask for energy   evaluation (default : set from DB) """,
-        'ClusterPositionMasks':
-        """ Set the cluster mask for position evaluation (default : set from DB) """,
-        'Verbose':
-        """ Verbose printout""",
-        'SetCounters':
-        """ Counters verbosity"""
+        "Sequence": """ The sequencer to add the CALOFUTURE reconstruction algorithms to """,
+        "RecList": """ The recontruction sketch """,
+        "ForceDigits": """ Force digits recontruction to be run with Clusters """,
+        "CreateADCs": """ Create CaloFuture-ADCs """,
+        "UseTracks": """ Use Tracks as Neutrality criterion """,
+        "UseTracksE": """ Use Tracks as Charge criterion """,
+        "UseTracksM": """ Use Tracks for MergedPi0s-ID """,
+        "CaloFutureStandalone": """ UseTrack = false """,
+        "NeutralID": """ Apply neutralID """,
+        "EnableRecoOnDemand": """ Enable Reco-On-Demand (for components in RecList) """,
+        "TrackLocation": """ TrackLocation (Photon/Electron selection)""",
+        "ClMatchTrTypes": """ Accepted track types for cluster matching (default Long, Downstream , TTracks) """,
+        "SkipNeutrals": """ Skip Neutral reco components in RecList""",
+        "SkipCharged": """ Skip Charged reco components in RecList""",
+        "ForceOnDemand": """ force DoD for ALL components""",
+        "FastReco": """ Speed-up reconstruction (empty so far)""",
+        "ExternalClusters": """ Start the reconstruction sequence from an external cluster container (HLT)""",
+        "PhotonEt": """ Photon Hypo Et cut """,
+        "ElectronPt": """ Electron Hypo Pt cut """,
+        "MergedPi0Pt": """ MergedPi0 Pt cut """,
+        "ClusterPt": """ Cluster Pt """,
+        "MakeExternalClustersWithTag": """ Build tagged external clusters in the sequence (only if ExternalClusters != '')""",
+        "ClusterEnergyMasks": """ Set the cluster mask for energy   evaluation (default : set from DB) """,
+        "ClusterPositionMasks": """ Set the cluster mask for position evaluation (default : set from DB) """,
+        "Verbose": """ Verbose printout""",
+        "SetCounters": """ Counters verbosity""",
     ## used configurables
-    __used_configurables__ = ((CaloFutureDigitConf, None), )
+    __used_configurables__ = ((CaloFutureDigitConf, None),)
     ## configure processing of Digits
     def digits(self):
@@ -219,11 +158,11 @@ class CaloFutureRecoConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
         Configure processing of Digits
         digitConf = CaloFutureDigitConf()
-        digitConf.OutputLevel = self.getProp('OutputLevel')
-        digitConf.EnableDigitsOnDemand = self.getProp('EnableRecoOnDemand')
-        digitConf.CreateADCs = self.getProp('CreateADCs')
-        digitConf.Verbose = self.getProp('Verbose')
-        digitConf.Detectors = ['Ecal', 'Hcal']
+        digitConf.OutputLevel = self.getProp("OutputLevel")
+        digitConf.EnableDigitsOnDemand = self.getProp("EnableRecoOnDemand")
+        digitConf.CreateADCs = self.getProp("CreateADCs")
+        digitConf.Verbose = self.getProp("Verbose")
+        digitConf.Detectors = ["Ecal", "Hcal"]
         return digitConf.digits()
@@ -233,14 +172,18 @@ class CaloFutureRecoConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
         Configure reconstruction of Ecal Clusters
         cmp = clusterFutureReco(
-            self.getProp('EnableRecoOnDemand'), self.getProp('ClusterPt'),
-            self.getProp('FastReco'), self.getProp('ExternalClusters'),
-            self.getProp('MakeExternalClustersWithTag'),
-            self.getProp('ClusterEnergyMasks'),
-            self.getProp('ClusterPositionMasks'), self.getProp('MergedPi0Pt'))
-        _log.info('Configured Ecal Clusters Reco : %s ' % cmp.name())
-        if self.getProp('ForceDigits'):
+            self.getProp("EnableRecoOnDemand"),
+            self.getProp("ClusterPt"),
+            self.getProp("FastReco"),
+            self.getProp("ExternalClusters"),
+            self.getProp("MakeExternalClustersWithTag"),
+            self.getProp("ClusterEnergyMasks"),
+            self.getProp("ClusterPositionMasks"),
+            self.getProp("MergedPi0Pt"),
+        )
+        _log.info("Configured Ecal Clusters Reco : %s " % cmp.name())
+        if self.getProp("ForceDigits"):
             ## insert digits into Cluster Sequence
             cmp.Members = [self.digits()] + cmp.Members
@@ -252,19 +195,25 @@ class CaloFutureRecoConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
         Define the reconstruction of Photons
-        uTracks = self.getProp('UseTracks')
-        if self.getProp('CaloFutureStandalone'):
+        uTracks = self.getProp("UseTracks")
+        if self.getProp("CaloFutureStandalone"):
             uTracks = False
         cmp = classifyClusPhotonElec(
-            self.getProp('EnableRecoOnDemand'), uTracks,
-            self.getProp('TrackLocation'), self.getProp('NeutralID'),
-            self.getProp('PhotonEt'), self.getProp('ElectronPt'),
-            self.getProp('FastReco'), self.getProp('ExternalClusters'),
-            self.getProp('ClMatchTrTypes'))
+            self.getProp("EnableRecoOnDemand"),
+            uTracks,
+            self.getProp("TrackLocation"),
+            self.getProp("NeutralID"),
+            self.getProp("PhotonEt"),
+            self.getProp("ElectronPt"),
+            self.getProp("FastReco"),
+            self.getProp("ExternalClusters"),
+            self.getProp("ClMatchTrTypes"),
+        )
-        _log.info('Configured photon and electron hypo reconstruction : %s ' %
-                  cmp.name())
+        _log.info(
+            "Configured photon and electron hypo reconstruction : %s " % cmp.name()
+        )
         return cmp
     ## Configure recontruction of Merged Pi0
@@ -272,19 +221,23 @@ class CaloFutureRecoConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
         Configure recontruction of Merged Pi0
-        uTracks = self.getProp('UseTracksM')
-        if self.getProp('CaloFutureStandalone'):
+        uTracks = self.getProp("UseTracksM")
+        if self.getProp("CaloFutureStandalone"):
             uTracks = False
         cmp = mergedPi0FutureReco(
-            self.getProp('EnableRecoOnDemand'),
-            self.getProp('NeutralID'), uTracks, self.getProp('MergedPi0Pt'),
-            self.getProp('FastReco'), self.getProp('ExternalClusters'),
-            self.getProp('ClusterEnergyMasks'),
-            self.getProp('ClusterPositionMasks'))
+            self.getProp("EnableRecoOnDemand"),
+            self.getProp("NeutralID"),
+            uTracks,
+            self.getProp("MergedPi0Pt"),
+            self.getProp("FastReco"),
+            self.getProp("ExternalClusters"),
+            self.getProp("ClusterEnergyMasks"),
+            self.getProp("ClusterPositionMasks"),
+        )
-        _log.info('Configured Merged Pi0 Reco : %s ' % cmp.name())
+        _log.info("Configured Merged Pi0 Reco : %s " % cmp.name())
         return cmp
     ## Check the configuration
@@ -292,20 +245,21 @@ class CaloFutureRecoConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
         Check the configuration
-        _log.debug('Configuration is not checked !')
+        _log.debug("Configuration is not checked !")
     def setCounterLevel(self):
         # == Counter level
-        from Configurables import ToolSvc, FutureCounterLevel
+        from Configurables import FutureCounterLevel, ToolSvc
         tsvc = ToolSvc()
         tsvc.addTool(FutureCounterLevel, name="CounterLevel")
-        level = self.getProp('SetCounters')
-        _log.info('Configurabe : Counter level is %s ', level)
+        level = self.getProp("SetCounters")
+        _log.info("Configurabe : Counter level is %s ", level)
         tsvc.CounterLevel.SetLevel = level
     def printConf(self, verbose=False):
         _log.info("CaloFutureRecoConf : upgrade configuration without Spd/Prs")
-        if self.getProp('Verbose') or verbose:
+        if self.getProp("Verbose") or verbose:
     ## Calorimeter Reconstruction Configuration
@@ -316,20 +270,21 @@ class CaloFutureRecoConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
-        _log.info('Apply CaloFutureRecoConf configuration for %s ',
-                  self.getProp('RecList'))
+        _log.info(
+            "Apply CaloFutureRecoConf configuration for %s ", self.getProp("RecList")
+        )
-        recList = self.getProp('RecList')
-        skipNeutrals = self.getProp('SkipNeutrals')
-        skipCharged = self.getProp('SkipCharged')
-        forceOnDemand = self.getProp('ForceOnDemand')
+        recList = self.getProp("RecList")
+        skipNeutrals = self.getProp("SkipNeutrals")
+        skipCharged = self.getProp("SkipCharged")
+        forceOnDemand = self.getProp("ForceOnDemand")
         seq = []
         # configure all components for DoD
         if forceOnDemand:
-            _log.info('Force Data-On-Demand for all components')
-            self.setProp('EnableRecoOnDemand', 'True')
+            _log.info("Force Data-On-Demand for all components")
+            self.setProp("EnableRecoOnDemand", "True")
@@ -338,40 +293,39 @@ class CaloFutureRecoConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
         # add only the requested components to the sequence
-        if 'Digits' in recList:
+        if "Digits" in recList:
             addAlgs(seq, self.digits())
-        if 'Clusters' in recList:
+        if "Clusters" in recList:
             addAlgs(seq, self.clusters())
-            if 'Digits' not in recList:
+            if "Digits" not in recList:
         if (not skipCharged) or (not skipNeutrals):
-            if ('Photons' in recList) or ('Electrons' in recList):
+            if ("Photons" in recList) or ("Electrons" in recList):
                 addAlgs(seq, self.photonsAndElectrons())
         if not skipNeutrals:
-            if 'MergedPi0s' in recList or 'SplitPhotons' in recList:
+            if "MergedPi0s" in recList or "SplitPhotons" in recList:
                 addAlgs(seq, self.mergedPi0s())
-        setTheProperty(seq, 'Context', self.getProp('Context'))
-        setTheProperty(seq, 'MeasureTime', self.getProp('MeasureTime'))
+        setTheProperty(seq, "Context", self.getProp("Context"))
+        setTheProperty(seq, "MeasureTime", self.getProp("MeasureTime"))
         if self.isPropertySet("OutputLevel"):
-            setTheProperty(seq, 'OutputLevel', self.getProp('OutputLevel'))
+            setTheProperty(seq, "OutputLevel", self.getProp("OutputLevel"))
-        if self.isPropertySet('Sequence'):
-            main = self.getProp('Sequence')
+        if self.isPropertySet("Sequence"):
+            main = self.getProp("Sequence")
             addAlgs(main, seq)
-            _log.info(
-                'Configure main CaloFuture Reco Sequence  : %s ' % main.name())
-            if self.getProp('Verbose'):
+            _log.info("Configure main CaloFuture Reco Sequence  : %s " % main.name())
+            if self.getProp("Verbose"):
-            _log.info('Configure CaloFuturerimeter Reco blocks ')
-            if self.getProp('Verbose'):
+            _log.info("Configure CaloFuturerimeter Reco blocks ")
+            if self.getProp("Verbose"):
-        if self.getProp('EnableRecoOnDemand'):
+        if self.getProp("EnableRecoOnDemand"):
             _log.info("CaloFutureReco onDemand enabled")
-            if self.getProp('Verbose'):
+            if self.getProp("Verbose"):
@@ -385,6 +339,7 @@ class HltCaloFutureRecoConf(CaloFutureRecoConf):
     Class/Configurable to define the calorimeter reconstruction for Hlt
     __slots__ = {}
     ## Check the configuration
@@ -392,8 +347,8 @@ class HltCaloFutureRecoConf(CaloFutureRecoConf):
         Check the configuration
-        if not hltContext(self.getProp('Context')):
-            raise AttributeError('Invalid context for HltCaloFutureRecoConf')
+        if not hltContext(self.getProp("Context")):
+            raise AttributeError("Invalid context for HltCaloFutureRecoConf")
 # =============================================================================
@@ -406,6 +361,7 @@ class OffLineCaloFutureRecoConf(CaloFutureRecoConf):
     Class/Configurable to define the calorimeter reconstruction for Off-Line
     __slots__ = {}
     ## Check the configuration
@@ -413,9 +369,8 @@ class OffLineCaloFutureRecoConf(CaloFutureRecoConf):
         Check the configuration
-        if hltContext(self.getProp('Context')):
-            raise AttributeError(
-                'Invalid context for OffLineCaloFutureRecoConf')
+        if hltContext(self.getProp("Context")):
+            raise AttributeError("Invalid context for OffLineCaloFutureRecoConf")
 # =============================================================================
@@ -428,257 +383,259 @@ class CaloFutureProcessor(CaloFutureRecoConf, LHCbConfigurableUser):
     ## define the additional slots
     __slots__ = {
-        'CaloFutureReco': True,  ## process CaloFutureReco part
-        'CaloFuturePIDs': True,  ## process CaloFuturePID part
-        'EnableOnDemand':
-        False,  ## overwrite EnableRecoOnDemand & EnablePIDsOnDemand
-        'ProtoOnDemand': False,
-        'NeutralProtoLocation': '',
-        'ChargedProtoLocation': '',
-        'CaloFutureSequencer': None,
-        'ProtoSequencer': None,
-        'NeutralProtoSequencer': None,
-        'ChargedProtoSequencer': None,
+        "CaloFutureReco": True,  ## process CaloFutureReco part
+        "CaloFuturePIDs": True,  ## process CaloFuturePID part
+        "EnableOnDemand": False,  ## overwrite EnableRecoOnDemand & EnablePIDsOnDemand
+        "ProtoOnDemand": False,
+        "NeutralProtoLocation": "",
+        "ChargedProtoLocation": "",
+        "CaloFutureSequencer": None,
+        "ProtoSequencer": None,
+        "NeutralProtoSequencer": None,
+        "ChargedProtoSequencer": None,
         ## PRIVATE TrackTypes & TrackCuts property (as in GlobalRecoConf) : for ChargedProto creation OnD.
         "TrackTypes": ["Long", "Upstream", "Downstream"],
         "TrackCuts": {
-            "Long": {
-                "Chi2Cut": [0, 10]
-            },
-            "Upstream": {
-                "Chi2Cut": [0, 10]
-            },
-            "Downstream": {
-                "Chi2Cut": [0, 10]
-            }
+            "Long": {"Chi2Cut": [0, 10]},
+            "Upstream": {"Chi2Cut": [0, 10]},
+            "Downstream": {"Chi2Cut": [0, 10]},
-        'DataType': 'MC09',
-        'CaloFuturePIDTrTypes': [],
-        'BremPIDTrTypes': [],
-        'PIDList': [
-            'InAcceptance', 'Match', 'Energy', 'Chi2', 'DLL', 'NeutralPID'
-        ]  # List of PID fragments to be included (alternative full sequence per technique : [ 'EcalPID', 'BremPID', 'HcalPID','NeutralPID' ] )
+        "DataType": "MC09",
+        "CaloFuturePIDTrTypes": [],
+        "BremPIDTrTypes": [],
+        "PIDList": [
+            "InAcceptance",
+            "Match",
+            "Energy",
+            "Chi2",
+            "DLL",
+            "NeutralPID",
+        ],  # List of PID fragments to be included (alternative full sequence per technique : [ 'EcalPID', 'BremPID', 'HcalPID','NeutralPID' ] )
     ## used configurables
-    __used_configurables__ = ((CaloFuturePIDsConf, None), (CaloFutureDigitConf,
-                                                           None))
+    __used_configurables__ = ((CaloFuturePIDsConf, None), (CaloFutureDigitConf, None))
     def caloPIDs(self):
-        pidConf = CaloFuturePIDsConf('CaloFuturePIDsFor' + self.getName())
-        pidConf.Verbose = self.getProp('Verbose')
-        pidConf.EnablePIDsOnDemand = self.getProp('EnableOnDemand')
-        pidConf.PIDList = self.getProp('PIDList')
-        pidConf.TrackLocation = self.getProp('TrackLocation')
-        pidConf.ClMatchTrTypes = self.getProp('ClMatchTrTypes')
-        pidConf.CaloFuturePIDTrTypes = self.getProp('CaloFuturePIDTrTypes')
-        pidConf.BremPIDTrTypes = self.getProp('BremPIDTrTypes')
-        pidConf.SkipNeutrals = self.getProp('SkipNeutrals')
-        pidConf.SkipCharged = self.getProp('SkipCharged')
-        pidConf.FastPID = self.getProp('FastReco')
-        pidConf.ExternalClusters = self.getProp('ExternalClusters')
-        pidConf.DataType = self.getProp('DataType')
-        pidConf.OutputLevel = self.getProp('OutputLevel')
+        pidConf = CaloFuturePIDsConf("CaloFuturePIDsFor" + self.getName())
+        pidConf.Verbose = self.getProp("Verbose")
+        pidConf.EnablePIDsOnDemand = self.getProp("EnableOnDemand")
+        pidConf.PIDList = self.getProp("PIDList")
+        pidConf.TrackLocation = self.getProp("TrackLocation")
+        pidConf.ClMatchTrTypes = self.getProp("ClMatchTrTypes")
+        pidConf.CaloFuturePIDTrTypes = self.getProp("CaloFuturePIDTrTypes")
+        pidConf.BremPIDTrTypes = self.getProp("BremPIDTrTypes")
+        pidConf.SkipNeutrals = self.getProp("SkipNeutrals")
+        pidConf.SkipCharged = self.getProp("SkipCharged")
+        pidConf.FastPID = self.getProp("FastReco")
+        pidConf.ExternalClusters = self.getProp("ExternalClusters")
+        pidConf.DataType = self.getProp("DataType")
+        pidConf.OutputLevel = self.getProp("OutputLevel")
         return pidConf.caloPIDs()
-    def caloFutureSequence(self, tracks=''):
+    def caloFutureSequence(self, tracks=""):
         _log.info("TEST:  caloFutureSequence")
-        seq = GaudiSequencer(self.getName() + 'CaloFutureSeq')
+        seq = GaudiSequencer(self.getName() + "CaloFutureSeq")
         seq.Members[:] = []
         self.setProp("CaloFutureSequencer", seq)
         if tracks:
             self.setProp("TrackLocation", tracks)
                 "CaloFutureProcessor.caloFutureSequence : update TrackLocation %s: "
-                % tracks)
+                % tracks
+            )
         return seq
-    def protoSequence(self, tracks='', protoPrefix=''):
+    def protoSequence(self, tracks="", protoPrefix=""):
         _log.info("TEST:  photonFutureSequence")
-        seq = GaudiSequencer(self.getName() + 'ProtoPUpdateSeq')
+        seq = GaudiSequencer(self.getName() + "ProtoPUpdateSeq")
         seq.Members[:] = []
         self.setProp("ProtoSequencer", seq)
         if tracks:
             self.setProp("TrackLocation", tracks)
-                "CaloFutureProcessor.protoSequence : update TrackLocation %s: "
-                % tracks)
+                "CaloFutureProcessor.protoSequence : update TrackLocation %s: " % tracks
+            )
         if protoPrefix:
-            nloc = os.path.join(protoPrefix, 'Neutrals')
-            cloc = os.path.join(protoPrefix, 'Charged')
+            nloc = os.path.join(protoPrefix, "Neutrals")
+            cloc = os.path.join(protoPrefix, "Charged")
             self.setProp("ChargedProtoLocation", cloc)
             self.setProp("NeutralProtoLocation", nloc)
                 "CaloFutureProcessor.protoSequence : update protoP Location with prefix %s: "
-                % protoPrefix)
+                % protoPrefix
+            )
         return seq
-    def chargedProtoSequence(self, tracks='', protoPrefix=''):
+    def chargedProtoSequence(self, tracks="", protoPrefix=""):
         _log.info("TEST:  chargedProtoFutureSequence")
-        seq = GaudiSequencer(self.getName() + 'ChargedProtoPUpdateSeq')
+        seq = GaudiSequencer(self.getName() + "ChargedProtoPUpdateSeq")
         seq.Members[:] = []
         self.setProp("ChargedProtoSequencer", seq)
         if tracks:
             self.setProp("TrackLocation", tracks)
                 "CaloFutureProcessor.chargedProtoSequence : update TrackLocation %s: "
-                % tracks)
+                % tracks
+            )
         if protoPrefix:
             cloc = protoPrefix
-            if not cloc.endswith('Charged'):
-                cloc = os.path.join(protoPrefix, 'Charged')
+            if not cloc.endswith("Charged"):
+                cloc = os.path.join(protoPrefix, "Charged")
             self.setProp("ChargedProtoLocation", cloc)
                 "CaloFutureProcessor.chargedProtoSequence : update protoP Location with prefix %s: "
-                % protoPrefix)
+                % protoPrefix
+            )
         return seq
-    def neutralProtoSequence(self, tracks='', protoPrefix=''):
+    def neutralProtoSequence(self, tracks="", protoPrefix=""):
         _log.info("TEST:  neutralProtoSequence")
-        seq = GaudiSequencer(self.getName() + 'NeutralProtoPUpdateSeq')
+        seq = GaudiSequencer(self.getName() + "NeutralProtoPUpdateSeq")
         seq.Members[:] = []
         self.setProp("NeutralProtoSequencer", seq)
         if tracks:
             self.setProp("TrackLocation", tracks)
                 "CaloFutureProcessor.neutralProtoSequence : update TrackLocation %s: "
-                % tracks)
+                % tracks
+            )
         if protoPrefix:
             nloc = protoPrefix
-            if not nloc.endswith('Neutrals'):
-                nloc = os.path.join(protoPrefix, 'Neutrals')
+            if not nloc.endswith("Neutrals"):
+                nloc = os.path.join(protoPrefix, "Neutrals")
             self.setProp("NeutralProtoLocation", nloc)
                 "CaloFutureProcessor.neutralProtoSequence : update protoP Location with prefix %s: "
-                % protoPrefix)
+                % protoPrefix
+            )
         return seq
-    def sequence(self, tracks='', protoPrefix=''):
+    def sequence(self, tracks="", protoPrefix=""):
         _log.info("TEST:  sequence")
-        seq = GaudiSequencer(self.getName() + 'FullSeq')
+        seq = GaudiSequencer(self.getName() + "FullSeq")
         seq.Members[:] = []
         self.setProp("Sequence", seq)
         if tracks:
             self.setProp("TrackLocation", tracks)
-                "CaloFutureProcessor.sequence : update TrackLocation %s: " %
-                tracks)
+                "CaloFutureProcessor.sequence : update TrackLocation %s: " % tracks
+            )
         if protoPrefix:
-            nloc = os.path.join(protoPrefix, 'Neutrals')
-            cloc = os.path.join(protoPrefix, 'Charged')
+            nloc = os.path.join(protoPrefix, "Neutrals")
+            cloc = os.path.join(protoPrefix, "Charged")
             self.setProp("ChargedProtoLocation", cloc)
             self.setProp("NeutralProtoLocation", nloc)
                 "CaloFutureProcessor.sequence : update protoP Location with prefix %s: "
-                % protoPrefix)
+                % protoPrefix
+            )
         return seq
     def printConf(self, verbose=False):
-        _log.info(
-            "CaloFutureProcessor : upgrade configuration without Spd/Prs")
-        if self.getProp('Verbose') or verbose:
+        _log.info("CaloFutureProcessor : upgrade configuration without Spd/Prs")
+        if self.getProp("Verbose") or verbose:
     def applyConf(self):
-        _log.info('Apply CaloFutureProcessor configuration for %s and %s',
-                  self.getProp('RecList'), self.getProp('PIDList'))
+        _log.info(
+            "Apply CaloFutureProcessor configuration for %s and %s",
+            self.getProp("RecList"),
+            self.getProp("PIDList"),
+        )
-        knownMasks = ['3x3', '2x2', 'SwissCross']
+        knownMasks = ["3x3", "2x2", "SwissCross"]
-        for tag in self.getProp('ClusterEnergyMasks'):
+        for tag in self.getProp("ClusterEnergyMasks"):
             if tag not in knownMasks:
-                    AttributeError, 'ClusterEnergyMasks contains unknown tag' +
-                    tag + ' -should be in' + knownMasks)
-        for tag in self.getProp('ClusterPositionMasks'):
+                    AttributeError,
+                    "ClusterEnergyMasks contains unknown tag"
+                    + tag
+                    + " -should be in"
+                    + knownMasks,
+                )
+        for tag in self.getProp("ClusterPositionMasks"):
             if tag not in knownMasks:
-                    AttributeError, 'PositionEnergyMasks contains unknown tag '
-                    + tag + ' -should be in' + knownMasks)
-        from Configurables import (GaudiSequencer,
-                                   ChargedProtoParticleAddCaloInfo,
-                                   ChargedProtoParticleAddBremInfo,
-                                   ChargedProtoParticleAddCombineDLLs,
-                                   FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker)
+                    AttributeError,
+                    "PositionEnergyMasks contains unknown tag "
+                    + tag
+                    + " -should be in"
+                    + knownMasks,
+                )
+        from Configurables import (
+            ChargedProtoParticleAddBremInfo,
+            ChargedProtoParticleAddCaloInfo,
+            ChargedProtoParticleAddCombineDLLs,
+            FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker,
+            GaudiSequencer,
+        )
         fullSeq = []
-        if self.getName() == 'CaloFutureProcessor' and (
-                self.getProp('Context') == ''
-                or self.getProp('Context') == 'CaloFutureProcessor'):
+        if self.getName() == "CaloFutureProcessor" and (
+            self.getProp("Context") == ""
+            or self.getProp("Context") == "CaloFutureProcessor"
+        ):
-                'Context', 'Offline'
+                "Context", "Offline"
             )  # default is Offline is neither context nor name is specified
         # overwrite Reco & PID onDemand
-        dod = self.getProp('EnableOnDemand')
-        pdod = self.getProp('ProtoOnDemand')
-        if dod:
-            pdod = dod
-        self.setProp('EnableRecoOnDemand', dod)
+        dod = self.getProp("EnableOnDemand")
+        self.setProp("EnableRecoOnDemand", dod)
         ## define the calo sequence
         caloSeq = []
-        doReco = self.getProp('CaloFutureReco')
-        doPIDs = self.getProp('CaloFuturePIDs')
-        skipNeutrals = self.getProp('SkipNeutrals')
-        skipCharged = self.getProp('SkipCharged')
-        context = self.getProp('Context')
+        doReco = self.getProp("CaloFutureReco")
+        doPIDs = self.getProp("CaloFuturePIDs")
+        skipNeutrals = self.getProp("SkipNeutrals")
+        skipCharged = self.getProp("SkipCharged")
         # CaloFutureReco sequence
         recoSeq = GaudiSequencer("CaloFutureRecoFor" + self.getName())
         recoSeq.Members[:] = []
-        recList = self.getProp('RecList')
+        recList = self.getProp("RecList")
         # configure all components by default (DoD)
-        forceOnDemand = self.getProp('ForceOnDemand')
+        forceOnDemand = self.getProp("ForceOnDemand")
         if forceOnDemand:
-            self.setProp('EnableOnDemand', 'True')
-            self.setProp('EnableRecoOnDemand', 'True')
-            dig = self.digits()
-            clu = self.clusters()
-            phe = self.photonsAndElectrons()
-            mer = self.mergedPi0s()
+            self.setProp("EnableOnDemand", "True")
+            self.setProp("EnableRecoOnDemand", "True")
         #  add only the requested components to the sequence
-        if 'Digits' in recList:
+        if "Digits" in recList:
             addAlgs(recoSeq, self.digits())
-        if 'Clusters' in recList:
+        if "Clusters" in recList:
             addAlgs(recoSeq, self.clusters())
-            if 'Digits' not in recList:
+            if "Digits" not in recList:
         if (not skipNeutrals) or (not skipCharged):
-            if 'Photons' in recList or 'Electrons' in recList:
+            if "Photons" in recList or "Electrons" in recList:
                 addAlgs(recoSeq, self.photonsAndElectrons())
         if not skipNeutrals:
-            if 'MergedPi0s' in recList or 'SplitPhotons' in recList:
+            if "MergedPi0s" in recList or "SplitPhotons" in recList:
                 addAlgs(recoSeq, self.mergedPi0s())
-        # CaloFuturePIDs sequence
-        #        pidSeq = getAlgo( GaudiSequencer , "CaloFuturePIDsSeq" , context )
-        #        addAlgs ( pidSeq , self.caloPIDs  () )
         pidSeq = self.caloPIDs()
         # update CaloFutureSequence
@@ -688,23 +645,22 @@ class CaloFutureProcessor(CaloFutureRecoConf, LHCbConfigurableUser):
             addAlgs(caloSeq, pidSeq)
         ## propagate the global properties
-        setTheProperty(caloSeq, 'MeasureTime', self.getProp('MeasureTime'))
+        setTheProperty(caloSeq, "MeasureTime", self.getProp("MeasureTime"))
         if self.isPropertySet("OutputLevel"):
-            setTheProperty(caloSeq, 'OutputLevel', self.getProp('OutputLevel'))
+            setTheProperty(caloSeq, "OutputLevel", self.getProp("OutputLevel"))
         ######## ProtoParticle update ##########
         protoSeq = []
         cProtoSeq = []
         nProtoSeq = []
         #  ProtoParticle locations
-        nloc = self.getProp('NeutralProtoLocation')
-        cloc = self.getProp('ChargedProtoLocation')
+        nloc = self.getProp("NeutralProtoLocation")
+        cloc = self.getProp("ChargedProtoLocation")
         # ChargedProtoParticle
-        if not self.getProp('SkipCharged'):
+        if not self.getProp("SkipCharged"):
             # ChargedProtoP Maker on demand (not in any sequencer)  ####
-            maker = FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker(
-                "ChargedProtoMaker", AddInfo=[])
+            maker = FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker("ChargedProtoMaker", AddInfo=[])
             def addInfo(typ, name):
                 t = maker.addTool(typ, name)
@@ -713,26 +669,34 @@ class CaloFutureProcessor(CaloFutureRecoConf, LHCbConfigurableUser):
             calos = addInfo(ChargedProtoParticleAddCaloInfo, "AddCalo")
-            from Configurables import LHCb__Converters__Calo__Hypo__v1__fromV2 as HypoConverter
+            from Configurables import (
+                LHCb__Converters__Calo__Hypo__v1__fromV2 as HypoConverter,
+            )
             ecal_converter1 = HypoConverter("HypoConverter_" + calos.getName())
             ecal_converter1.InputHypos = "PleaseSetMeCorrectly"
             ecal_converter1.InputClusters = "Rec/Converted/Calo/EcalClusters"
-            ecal_converter1.OutputHypos = "/Event/Rec/Converted/" + calos.getName(
-            ) + "/Hypos"
+            ecal_converter1.OutputHypos = (
+                "/Event/Rec/Converted/" + calos.getName() + "/Hypos"
+            )
+            from Configurables import (
+                LHCb__Converters__Calo__Hypo2TrackTable__v1__fromV2 as HypoTableConverter,
+            )
-            from Configurables import LHCb__Converters__Calo__Hypo2TrackTable__v1__fromV2 as HypoTableConverter
-            ecal_converter2 = HypoTableConverter("HypoTableConveter_" +
-                                                 calos.getName())
+            ecal_converter2 = HypoTableConverter("HypoTableConveter_" + calos.getName())
             ecal_converter2.InputTable = calos.InputElectronMatchLocation
             ecal_converter2.InputHypotheses = ecal_converter1.OutputHypos
-            ecal_converter2.OutputTable = "/Event/Rec/Converted/" + calos.getName(
-            ) + "/HypoTable"
+            ecal_converter2.OutputTable = (
+                "/Event/Rec/Converted/" + calos.getName() + "/HypoTable"
+            )
-            calos.InputElectronMatchLocation = ecal_converter2.OutputTable  # HypoTrTable2D
+            calos.InputElectronMatchLocation = (
+                ecal_converter2.OutputTable
+            )  # HypoTrTable2D
-            brem = addInfo(ChargedProtoParticleAddBremInfo, "AddBrem")
-            comb = addInfo(ChargedProtoParticleAddCombineDLLs,
-                           "AddCombineDLLs")
+            addInfo(ChargedProtoParticleAddBremInfo, "AddBrem")
+            addInfo(ChargedProtoParticleAddCombineDLLs, "AddCombineDLLs")
             # protoPMaker settings (from GlobalRecoConf)
             from Configurables import DelegatingTrackSelector, GaudiSequencer
@@ -740,12 +704,13 @@ class CaloFutureProcessor(CaloFutureRecoConf, LHCbConfigurableUser):
             ##ttypes = ppConf.getProp('TrackTypes')
             ##tcuts  = ppConf.getProp('TrackCuts')
-            ttypes = self.getProp('TrackTypes')
-            tcuts = self.getProp('TrackCuts')
+            ttypes = self.getProp("TrackTypes")
+            tcuts = self.getProp("TrackCuts")
             maker.addTool(DelegatingTrackSelector, name="TrackSelector")
             maker.TrackSelector.TrackTypes = ttypes
             from Configurables import TrackSelector
             for type in ttypes:
                 maker.TrackSelector.addTool(TrackSelector, name=type)
                 ts = getattr(maker.TrackSelector, type)
@@ -758,20 +723,19 @@ class CaloFutureProcessor(CaloFutureRecoConf, LHCbConfigurableUser):
             if cloc:
                 maker.Output = cloc
-            maker.Inputs = [self.getProp('TrackLocation')]
+            maker.Inputs = [self.getProp("TrackLocation")]
             # Fill the sequence
-            cpSeq = GaudiSequencer(self.getName() +
-                                   "ChargedProtoPCaloFutureUpdateSeq")
+            cpSeq = GaudiSequencer(self.getName() + "ChargedProtoPCaloFutureUpdateSeq")
             addAlgs(protoSeq, cpSeq)
             addAlgs(cProtoSeq, cpSeq.Members)
         # NeutralProtoParticleProtoP components
-        if not self.getProp('SkipNeutrals'):
+        if not self.getProp("SkipNeutrals"):
             from Configurables import FutureNeutralProtoPAlg
             suffix = "For" + self.getName()
-            neutral = FutureNeutralProtoPAlg("FutureNeutralProtoPMaker" +
-                                             suffix)
+            neutral = FutureNeutralProtoPAlg("FutureNeutralProtoPMaker" + suffix)
             # location
             if nloc:
                 neutral.ProtoParticleLocation = nloc
@@ -780,72 +744,69 @@ class CaloFutureProcessor(CaloFutureRecoConf, LHCbConfigurableUser):
             addAlgs(nProtoSeq, neutral)
         ## propagate the global properties
-        setTheProperty(protoSeq, 'MeasureTime', self.getProp('MeasureTime'))
+        setTheProperty(protoSeq, "MeasureTime", self.getProp("MeasureTime"))
         if self.isPropertySet("OutputLevel"):
-            setTheProperty(protoSeq, 'OutputLevel',
-                           self.getProp('OutputLevel'))
+            setTheProperty(protoSeq, "OutputLevel", self.getProp("OutputLevel"))
-        setTheProperty(nProtoSeq, 'MeasureTime', self.getProp('MeasureTime'))
+        setTheProperty(nProtoSeq, "MeasureTime", self.getProp("MeasureTime"))
         if self.isPropertySet("OutputLevel"):
-            setTheProperty(nProtoSeq, 'OutputLevel',
-                           self.getProp('OutputLevel'))
+            setTheProperty(nProtoSeq, "OutputLevel", self.getProp("OutputLevel"))
-        setTheProperty(cProtoSeq, 'MeasureTime', self.getProp('MeasureTime'))
+        setTheProperty(cProtoSeq, "MeasureTime", self.getProp("MeasureTime"))
         if self.isPropertySet("OutputLevel"):
-            setTheProperty(cProtoSeq, 'OutputLevel',
-                           self.getProp('OutputLevel'))
+            setTheProperty(cProtoSeq, "OutputLevel", self.getProp("OutputLevel"))
         # Full sequence
         addAlgs(fullSeq, caloSeq)
         addAlgs(fullSeq, protoSeq)
         ## define the sequencers
-        if self.isPropertySet('Sequence'):
-            main = self.getProp('Sequence')
+        if self.isPropertySet("Sequence"):
+            main = self.getProp("Sequence")
             main.Members[:] = []
             addAlgs(main, fullSeq)
-            _log.info('Configure full sequence %s with ' % main.name())
-            _log.info('    Reco : %s ' % self.getProp('RecList'))
-            _log.info('    PIDs : %s ' % self.getProp('PIDList'))
-            _log.info('    and ProtoParticle update')
-            if self.getProp('Verbose'):
+            _log.info("Configure full sequence %s with " % main.name())
+            _log.info("    Reco : %s " % self.getProp("RecList"))
+            _log.info("    PIDs : %s " % self.getProp("PIDList"))
+            _log.info("    and ProtoParticle update")
+            if self.getProp("Verbose"):
-        if self.isPropertySet('CaloFutureSequencer'):
-            calo = self.getProp('CaloFutureSequencer')
+        if self.isPropertySet("CaloFutureSequencer"):
+            calo = self.getProp("CaloFutureSequencer")
             calo.Members[:] = []
             addAlgs(calo, caloSeq)
-            _log.info('Configure caloFutureSequencer  : %s ' % calo.name())
-            if self.getProp('Verbose'):
+            _log.info("Configure caloFutureSequencer  : %s " % calo.name())
+            if self.getProp("Verbose"):
-        if self.isPropertySet('ProtoSequencer'):
-            proto = self.getProp('ProtoSequencer')
+        if self.isPropertySet("ProtoSequencer"):
+            proto = self.getProp("ProtoSequencer")
             proto.Members[:] = []
             addAlgs(proto, protoSeq)
-            _log.info('Configure protoSequencer  : %s ' % proto.name())
-            if self.getProp('Verbose'):
+            _log.info("Configure protoSequencer  : %s " % proto.name())
+            if self.getProp("Verbose"):
-        if self.isPropertySet('ChargedProtoSequencer'):
-            cproto = self.getProp('ChargedProtoSequencer')
+        if self.isPropertySet("ChargedProtoSequencer"):
+            cproto = self.getProp("ChargedProtoSequencer")
             cproto.Members[:] = []
             addAlgs(cproto, cProtoSeq)
-            _log.info('Configure chargedProtoSequencer  : %s ' % cproto.name())
-            if self.getProp('Verbose'):
+            _log.info("Configure chargedProtoSequencer  : %s " % cproto.name())
+            if self.getProp("Verbose"):
-        if self.isPropertySet('NeutralProtoSequencer'):
-            nproto = self.getProp('NeutralProtoSequencer')
+        if self.isPropertySet("NeutralProtoSequencer"):
+            nproto = self.getProp("NeutralProtoSequencer")
             nproto.Members[:] = []
             addAlgs(nproto, nProtoSeq)
-            _log.info('Configure neutralProtoSequencer  : %s ' % nproto.name())
-            if self.getProp('Verbose'):
+            _log.info("Configure neutralProtoSequencer  : %s " % nproto.name())
+            if self.getProp("Verbose"):
-        if self.getProp('EnableOnDemand'):
+        if self.getProp("EnableOnDemand"):
             _log.info("CaloFutureProcessor onDemand enabled")
-            if self.getProp('Verbose'):
+            if self.getProp("Verbose"):
@@ -859,33 +820,26 @@ class CaloFutureLines(LHCbConfigurableUser):
     ## define the additional slots
     __slots__ = {
-        'TrackLocation':
-        '',  # Track location (Neutral/Charged cluster selection with UseTrack(E) )
-        'HighPhoton':
-        True,  ## process the highEt-threshold photon reconstruction
-        'LowPhoton':
-        True,  ## process the lowEt-threshold photon reconstruction
-        'LowElectron':
-        True,  ## process the LowEt-threshold electron reconstruction
-        'EnableOnDemand':
-        False,  ## overwrite EnableRecoOnDemand & EnablePIDsOnDemand
-        'HighEt': 2000. * MeV,
-        'LowEt': 300. * MeV,
-        'ClusterEtFactor':
-        1.,  # pre-cut on cluster Et is factor * Low(High)ET (should be <=1)
-        'L0CaloFuture2CaloFuture': True,
-        'ClusterizationLevel':
-        2,  # clusterizationLevel (when L0CaloFuture2CaloFuture == True only)
-        'ProtoOnDemand': False,
-        'Sequencer': None,
-        'OutputLevel': INFO,
-        'HighEtProtoPPrefix': '',
-        'LowEtProtoPPrefix': '',
+        "TrackLocation": "",  # Track location (Neutral/Charged cluster selection with UseTrack(E) )
+        "HighPhoton": True,  ## process the highEt-threshold photon reconstruction
+        "LowPhoton": True,  ## process the lowEt-threshold photon reconstruction
+        "LowElectron": True,  ## process the LowEt-threshold electron reconstruction
+        "EnableOnDemand": False,  ## overwrite EnableRecoOnDemand & EnablePIDsOnDemand
+        "HighEt": 2000.0 * MeV,
+        "LowEt": 300.0 * MeV,
+        "ClusterEtFactor": 1.0,  # pre-cut on cluster Et is factor * Low(High)ET (should be <=1)
+        "L0CaloFuture2CaloFuture": True,
+        "ClusterizationLevel": 2,  # clusterizationLevel (when L0CaloFuture2CaloFuture == True only)
+        "ProtoOnDemand": False,
+        "Sequencer": None,
+        "OutputLevel": INFO,
+        "HighEtProtoPPrefix": "",
+        "LowEtProtoPPrefix": "",
-    def sequence(self, tracks=''):
+    def sequence(self, tracks=""):
         _log.info("TEST:  def sequence")
-        seq = GaudiSequencer('CaloFutureLines' + self.getName())
+        seq = GaudiSequencer("CaloFutureLines" + self.getName())
         seq.Members[:] = []
         self.setProp("Sequencer", seq)
         self.setProp("TrackLocation", tracks)
@@ -893,117 +847,115 @@ class CaloFutureLines(LHCbConfigurableUser):
         return seq
     def applyConf(self):
-        from Configurables import (GaudiSequencer, HltL0CaloFutureCandidates)
+        from Configurables import GaudiSequencer, HltL0CaloFutureCandidates
         # overwrite Reco & PID onDemand
-        dod = self.getProp('EnableOnDemand')
-        pdod = self.getProp('ProtoOnDemand')
+        dod = self.getProp("EnableOnDemand")
+        pdod = self.getProp("ProtoOnDemand")
         if dod:
             pdod = dod
-        trackLocation = self.getProp('TrackLocation')
+        trackLocation = self.getProp("TrackLocation")
-        caloLines = GaudiSequencer('CaloFutureLinesSeq' + self.getName())
+        caloLines = GaudiSequencer("CaloFutureLinesSeq" + self.getName())
         caloLines.Members[:] = []
-        if self.getProp('L0CaloFuture2CaloFuture'):
-            l0calo2calo = HltL0CaloFutureCandidates('L0CaloFuture2CaloFuture')
-            if self.getProp('ClusterizationLevel') > 0:
-                level = self.getProp('ClusterizationLevel')
+        if self.getProp("L0CaloFuture2CaloFuture"):
+            l0calo2calo = HltL0CaloFutureCandidates("L0CaloFuture2CaloFuture")
+            if self.getProp("ClusterizationLevel") > 0:
+                level = self.getProp("ClusterizationLevel")
                 l0calo2calo.ClusterizationLevel = level
             addAlgs(caloLines, l0calo2calo)
-            tagHighP = ''
-            tagLowP = ''
-            tagLowE = ''
+            tagHighP = ""
+            tagLowP = ""
+            tagLowE = ""
-            tagHighP = 'HighPhoton'
-            tagLowP = 'LowPhoton'
-            tagLowE = 'LowElectron'
+            tagHighP = "HighPhoton"
+            tagLowP = "LowPhoton"
+            tagLowE = "LowElectron"
         name = self.getName()
-        fac = self.getProp('ClusterEtFactor')
+        fac = self.getProp("ClusterEtFactor")
-        if self.getProp('HighPhoton'):
+        if self.getProp("HighPhoton"):
             hp = CaloFutureProcessor(
-                name + 'HighPhoton',
+                name + "HighPhoton",
-                RecList=['Digits', 'Clusters', 'Photons'],
+                RecList=["Digits", "Clusters", "Photons"],
-                ClusterPt=self.getProp('HighEt') * fac,
-                PhotonEt=self.getProp('HighEt'),
-                MakeExternalClustersWithTag=tagHighP)
+                ClusterPt=self.getProp("HighEt") * fac,
+                PhotonEt=self.getProp("HighEt"),
+                MakeExternalClustersWithTag=tagHighP,
+            )
             addAlgs(caloLines, hp.caloFutureSequence(tracks=trackLocation))
-            if self.getProp('HighEtProtoPPrefix') == '':
-                hploc = name + 'HighPhoton/ProtoP'
+            if self.getProp("HighEtProtoPPrefix") == "":
+                hploc = name + "HighPhoton/ProtoP"
-                hploc = self.getProp('HighEtProtoPPrefix')
+                hploc = self.getProp("HighEtProtoPPrefix")
-                hp.neutralProtoSequence(
-                    protoPrefix=hploc, tracks=trackLocation))
+                hp.neutralProtoSequence(protoPrefix=hploc, tracks=trackLocation),
+            )
-        if self.getProp('LowPhoton'):
+        if self.getProp("LowPhoton"):
             lp = CaloFutureProcessor(
-                name + 'LowPhoton',
+                name + "LowPhoton",
-                RecList=[
-                    'Digits', 'Clusters', 'Photons', 'MergedPi0s',
-                    'SplitPhotons'
-                ],
+                RecList=["Digits", "Clusters", "Photons", "MergedPi0s", "SplitPhotons"],
-                ClusterPt=self.getProp('LowEt') * fac,
-                PhotonEt=self.getProp('LowEt'),
-                MakeExternalClustersWithTag=tagLowP)
+                ClusterPt=self.getProp("LowEt") * fac,
+                PhotonEt=self.getProp("LowEt"),
+                MakeExternalClustersWithTag=tagLowP,
+            )
             addAlgs(caloLines, lp.caloFutureSequence(tracks=trackLocation))
-            if self.getProp('LowEtProtoPPrefix') == '':
-                lploc = name + 'LowPhoton/ProtoP'
+            if self.getProp("LowEtProtoPPrefix") == "":
+                lploc = name + "LowPhoton/ProtoP"
-                lploc = self.getProp('LowEtProtoPPrefix')
+                lploc = self.getProp("LowEtProtoPPrefix")
-                lp.neutralProtoSequence(
-                    protoPrefix=lploc, tracks=trackLocation))
+                lp.neutralProtoSequence(protoPrefix=lploc, tracks=trackLocation),
+            )
-        if self.getProp('LowElectron'):
+        if self.getProp("LowElectron"):
             le = CaloFutureProcessor(
-                name + 'LowElectron',
+                name + "LowElectron",
-                RecList=['Digits', 'Clusters', 'Electrons'],
+                RecList=["Digits", "Clusters", "Electrons"],
-                ClusterPt=self.getProp('LowEt') * fac,
-                ElectronPt=self.getProp('LowEt'),
+                ClusterPt=self.getProp("LowEt") * fac,
+                ElectronPt=self.getProp("LowEt"),
-                MakeExternalClustersWithTag=tagLowE)
+                MakeExternalClustersWithTag=tagLowE,
+            )
             addAlgs(caloLines, le.caloFutureSequence(tracks=trackLocation))
-            if self.getProp('LowEtProtoPPrefix') == '':
-                leloc = name + 'LowElectron/ProtoP'
+            if self.getProp("LowEtProtoPPrefix") == "":
+                leloc = name + "LowElectron/ProtoP"
-                leloc = self.getProp('LowEtProtoPPrefix')
+                leloc = self.getProp("LowEtProtoPPrefix")
-                le.chargedProtoSequence(
-                    protoPrefix=leloc, tracks=trackLocation))
+                le.chargedProtoSequence(protoPrefix=leloc, tracks=trackLocation),
+            )
         caloLines.IgnoreFilterPassed = True
         ## propagate the global properties
         if self.isPropertySet("OutputLevel"):
-            setTheProperty(caloLines, 'OutputLevel',
-                           self.getProp('OutputLevel'))
+            setTheProperty(caloLines, "OutputLevel", self.getProp("OutputLevel"))
         ## define the sequencers
-        if self.isPropertySet('Sequencer'):
-            main = self.getProp('Sequencer')
+        if self.isPropertySet("Sequencer"):
+            main = self.getProp("Sequencer")
             addAlgs(main, caloLines)
 # =============================================================================
-if '__main__' == __name__:
+if "__main__" == __name__:
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/python/CaloFutureReco/Reconstruction.py b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/python/CaloFutureReco/Reconstruction.py
index 563635f9c16fd3ba733e37e400d7459a98ce2123..1579f9c1524be8cfc8d89189ddaca9e814fa46dd 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/python/CaloFutureReco/Reconstruction.py
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/python/CaloFutureReco/Reconstruction.py
@@ -18,25 +18,29 @@
 The major building blocks of CaloFuturerimeter Reconstruction
 from __future__ import print_function
 # =============================================================================
 __author__ = "Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@nikhef.nl"
 # =============================================================================
-__all__ = ('clustersReco', 'photonsReco', 'mergedPi0sReco')
+__all__ = ("clustersReco", "photonsReco", "mergedPi0sReco")
 # =============================================================================
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
+import logging
+from CaloKernel.ConfUtils import (
+    addAlgs,
+    caloOnDemand,
+    onDemand,
+    prntCmp,
+    setTheProperty,
 from Configurables import GaudiSequencer
-from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import MeV, GeV
-from CaloKernel.ConfUtils import (prntCmp, addAlgs, setTheProperty, onDemand,
-                                  caloOnDemand)
-import logging
 from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
-_log = logging.getLogger('CaloFutureReco')
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
+from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV, MeV
+_log = logging.getLogger("CaloFutureReco")
 # =============================================================================
@@ -49,7 +53,7 @@ def digitsFutureReco(createADC):
     from CaloFutureDAQ.CaloFutureDigits import caloDigits
-        'CaloFutureReco.digitsFutureReco is deprecated, use CaloFutureDigitConf instead'
+        "CaloFutureReco.digitsFutureReco is deprecated, use CaloFutureDigitConf instead"
     return caloDigits(createADC)
@@ -57,21 +61,25 @@ def digitsFutureReco(createADC):
 ## ============================================================================
 ## define the recontruction of Ecal clusters
-def clusterFutureReco(enableRecoOnDemand,
-                      clusterPt=0.,
-                      fastReco=False,
-                      external='',
-                      makeTag=False,
-                      masksE=[],
-                      masksP=[],
-                      mergedPi0Pt=2 * GeV):
+def clusterFutureReco(
+    enableRecoOnDemand,
+    clusterPt=0.0,
+    fastReco=False,
+    external="",
+    makeTag=False,
+    masksE=[],
+    masksP=[],
+    mergedPi0Pt=2 * GeV,
     Define the recontruction of Ecal Clusters
-    from Configurables import (FutureCellularAutomatonAlg,
-                               CaloFutureShowerOverlap,
-                               CaloFutureClusterCovarianceAlg)
+    from Configurables import (
+        CaloFutureClusterCovarianceAlg,
+        CaloFutureShowerOverlap,
+        FutureCellularAutomatonAlg,
+    )
     ## Define the sequencer
     seq = GaudiSequencer("ClusterFutureReco")
@@ -81,23 +89,47 @@ def clusterFutureReco(enableRecoOnDemand,
     clust = FutureCellularAutomatonAlg("FutureEcalClust")
     share = CaloFutureShowerOverlap("FutureEcalShare")
-    share.SubClusterSelector = 'FutureSubClusterSelectorTool/EcalClusterTag'
-    share.SubClusterSelector.ConditionName = '/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:EcalClusterMasks' if UseDD4Hep else 'Conditions/Reco/Calo/EcalClusterMasks'
-    share.SubClusterSelector.CaloFutureCorrectionBase = 'CaloFutureCorrectionBase/DBAccessor'
-    share.SubClusterSelector.CaloFutureCorrectionBase.ConditionName = share.EcalClusterTag.ConditionName
-    share.OverlapTool = 'CaloFutureShowerOverlapTool/PhotonShowerOverlap'
-    share.OverlapTool.Profile = '/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:PhotonShowerProfile' if UseDD4Hep else 'Conditions/Reco/Calo/PhotonShowerProfile'
-    share.OverlapTool.CaloFutureCorrectionBase = 'CaloFutureCorrectionBase/ShowerProfile'
+    share.SubClusterSelector = "FutureSubClusterSelectorTool/EcalClusterTag"
+    share.SubClusterSelector.ConditionName = (
+        "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:EcalClusterMasks"
+        if UseDD4Hep
+        else "Conditions/Reco/Calo/EcalClusterMasks"
+    )
+    share.SubClusterSelector.CaloFutureCorrectionBase = (
+        "CaloFutureCorrectionBase/DBAccessor"
+    )
+    share.SubClusterSelector.CaloFutureCorrectionBase.ConditionName = (
+        share.EcalClusterTag.ConditionName
+    )
+    share.OverlapTool = "CaloFutureShowerOverlapTool/PhotonShowerOverlap"
+    share.OverlapTool.Profile = (
+        "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:PhotonShowerProfile"
+        if UseDD4Hep
+        else "Conditions/Reco/Calo/PhotonShowerProfile"
+    )
+    share.OverlapTool.CaloFutureCorrectionBase = (
+        "CaloFutureCorrectionBase/ShowerProfile"
+    )
     share.OverlapTool.CaloFutureCorrectionBase.ConditionName = share.OverlapTool.Profile
     covar = CaloFutureClusterCovarianceAlg("FutureEcalCovar")
-    covar.CovarianceTool = 'FutureClusterCovarianceMatrixTool/EcalCovarTool'
-    covar.CovarianceTool.ConditionName = '/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:EcalCovariance' if UseDD4Hep else 'Conditions/Reco/Calo/EcalCovariance'
-    covar.CovarianceTool.CorrectionBase = 'CaloFutureCorrectionBase/DBAccessor'
-    covar.CovarianceTool.CorrectionBase.ConditionName = covar.CovarianceTool.ConditionName
-    covar.TaggerTool = 'FutureSubClusterSelectorTool/EcalClusterTag'
-    covar.TaggerTool.Profile = '/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:EcalClusterMasks' if UseDD4Hep else 'Conditions/Reco/Calo/EcalClusterMasks'
-    covar.TaggerTool.CaloFutureCorrectionBase = 'CaloFutureCorrectionBase/DBAccessor'
+    covar.CovarianceTool = "FutureClusterCovarianceMatrixTool/EcalCovarTool"
+    covar.CovarianceTool.ConditionName = (
+        "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:EcalCovariance"
+        if UseDD4Hep
+        else "Conditions/Reco/Calo/EcalCovariance"
+    )
+    covar.CovarianceTool.CorrectionBase = "CaloFutureCorrectionBase/DBAccessor"
+    covar.CovarianceTool.CorrectionBase.ConditionName = (
+        covar.CovarianceTool.ConditionName
+    )
+    covar.TaggerTool = "FutureSubClusterSelectorTool/EcalClusterTag"
+    covar.TaggerTool.Profile = (
+        "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:EcalClusterMasks"
+        if UseDD4Hep
+        else "Conditions/Reco/Calo/EcalClusterMasks"
+    )
+    covar.TaggerTool.CaloFutureCorrectionBase = "CaloFutureCorrectionBase/DBAccessor"
     covar.TaggerTool.CaloFutureCorrectionBase.ConditionName = covar.TaggerTool.Profile
     if masksE != []:
@@ -107,10 +139,10 @@ def clusterFutureReco(enableRecoOnDemand,
         share.PositionTags = masksP
         covar.PositionTags = masksP
-    if external != '':  # use non-default clusters
+    if external != "":  # use non-default clusters
         share.InputData = external
         covar.InputData = external
-        if makeTag != '':  # make the non-default clusters
+        if makeTag != "":  # make the non-default clusters
             seq.Members += [clust]
             clust.OutputData = external
@@ -120,23 +152,20 @@ def clusterFutureReco(enableRecoOnDemand,
         clust.ETcut = clusterPt
         clust.withET = True
-    from Configurables import LHCb__Converters__Calo__Cluster__v1__fromV2 as ClusterConverter
+    from Configurables import (
+        LHCb__Converters__Calo__Cluster__v1__fromV2 as ClusterConverter,
+    )
     convert = ClusterConverter("CaloClusterConverter")
     convert.InputClusters = covar.OutputData
     convert.OutputDigits = "Rec/Converted/Digits"
-    convert.OutputClusters = str(convert.InputClusters).replace(
-        "Rec", "Rec/Converted")
+    convert.OutputClusters = str(convert.InputClusters).replace("Rec", "Rec/Converted")
     seq.Members += [share, covar, convert]
-    ## setup onDemand for SplitClusters
-    if enableRecoOnDemand:
-        splitSeq = mergedPi0FutureReco(enableRecoOnDemand, False, False,
-                                       mergedPi0Pt, False, '', masksE, masksP)
     ## printout
-    _log.debug('Configure Ecal Cluster Reco Seq : %s' % (seq.name()))
+    _log.debug("Configure Ecal Cluster Reco Seq : %s" % (seq.name()))
     if enableRecoOnDemand:
-        _log.info('ClusterFutureReco onDemand')
+        _log.info("ClusterFutureReco onDemand")
     return seq
@@ -144,21 +173,26 @@ def clusterFutureReco(enableRecoOnDemand,
 # ============================================================================
 ## define the reconstruction of Single Photons and Electrons
-def classifyClusPhotonElec(enableRecoOnDemand,
-                           useTracks=True,
-                           trackLocation='',
-                           neutralID=True,
-                           photonEt=50. * MeV,
-                           electronPt=50. * MeV,
-                           fastReco=False,
-                           external='',
-                           matchTrTypes=[]):
+def classifyClusPhotonElec(
+    enableRecoOnDemand,
+    useTracks=True,
+    trackLocation="",
+    neutralID=True,
+    photonEt=50.0 * MeV,
+    electronPt=50.0 * MeV,
+    fastReco=False,
+    external="",
+    matchTrTypes=[],
     Define reconstruction of Single Photons and Electrons
-    from Configurables import ClassifyPhotonElectronAlg
-    from Configurables import (CaloFutureECorrection, CaloFutureSCorrection,
-                               CaloFutureLCorrection)
+    from Configurables import (
+        CaloFutureECorrection,
+        CaloFutureLCorrection,
+        CaloFutureSCorrection,
+        ClassifyPhotonElectronAlg,
+    )
     ## build the sequence
     seq = GaudiSequencer("ClassifyClusters")
@@ -169,14 +203,16 @@ def classifyClusPhotonElec(enableRecoOnDemand,
     # FIX ME: make dependency explicit
     if useTracks:  # false to run calo standalone
         from CaloFuturePIDs.PIDs import trackMatch
-        tm = trackMatch(enableRecoOnDemand, trackLocation, matchTrTypes,
-                        fastReco, external)
+        tm = trackMatch(
+            enableRecoOnDemand, trackLocation, matchTrTypes, fastReco, external
+        )
         addAlgs(seq, tm)
     # 2/ classify clusters in Single Photon and Electron hypotheses
     alg = ClassifyPhotonElectronAlg("ClassifyPhotonElectron")
-    if external != '':
+    if external != "":
         alg.InputData = external
     alg.MinDigits = 2  # skip single-cell clusters
@@ -187,77 +223,124 @@ def classifyClusPhotonElec(enableRecoOnDemand,
     ## correction tools : E/S/L
     # tool configuration via condDB only (remove default configuration)
-    ecor_phot = alg.addTool(CaloFutureECorrection, 'ECorrectionPhoton')
-    ecor_phot.ConditionName = '/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:PhotonECorrection' if UseDD4Hep else 'Conditions/Reco/Calo/PhotonECorrection'
-    scor_phot = alg.addTool(CaloFutureSCorrection, 'SCorrectionPhoton')
-    scor_phot.ConditionName = '/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:PhotonSCorrection' if UseDD4Hep else 'Conditions/Reco/Calo/PhotonSCorrection'
-    lcor_phot = alg.addTool(CaloFutureLCorrection, 'LCorrectionPhoton')
-    lcor_phot.ConditionName = '/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:PhotonLCorrection' if UseDD4Hep else 'Conditions/Reco/Calo/PhotonLCorrection'
+    ecor_phot = alg.addTool(CaloFutureECorrection, "ECorrectionPhoton")
+    ecor_phot.ConditionName = (
+        "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:PhotonECorrection"
+        if UseDD4Hep
+        else "Conditions/Reco/Calo/PhotonECorrection"
+    )
+    scor_phot = alg.addTool(CaloFutureSCorrection, "SCorrectionPhoton")
+    scor_phot.ConditionName = (
+        "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:PhotonSCorrection"
+        if UseDD4Hep
+        else "Conditions/Reco/Calo/PhotonSCorrection"
+    )
+    lcor_phot = alg.addTool(CaloFutureLCorrection, "LCorrectionPhoton")
+    lcor_phot.ConditionName = (
+        "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:PhotonLCorrection"
+        if UseDD4Hep
+        else "Conditions/Reco/Calo/PhotonLCorrection"
+    )
     alg.PhotonCorrection = [ecor_phot, scor_phot, lcor_phot]
-    ecor_ele = alg.addTool(CaloFutureECorrection, 'ECorrectionElectron')
-    ecor_ele.ConditionName = '/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:ElectronECorrection' if UseDD4Hep else 'Conditions/Reco/Calo/ElectronECorrection'
-    scor_ele = alg.addTool(CaloFutureSCorrection, 'SCorrectionElectron')
-    scor_ele.ConditionName = '/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:ElectronSCorrection' if UseDD4Hep else 'Conditions/Reco/Calo/ElectronSCorrection'
-    lcor_ele = alg.addTool(CaloFutureLCorrection, 'LCorrectionElectron')
-    lcor_ele.ConditionName = '/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:ElectronLCorrection' if UseDD4Hep else 'Conditions/Reco/Calo/ElectronLCorrection'
+    ecor_ele = alg.addTool(CaloFutureECorrection, "ECorrectionElectron")
+    ecor_ele.ConditionName = (
+        "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:ElectronECorrection"
+        if UseDD4Hep
+        else "Conditions/Reco/Calo/ElectronECorrection"
+    )
+    scor_ele = alg.addTool(CaloFutureSCorrection, "SCorrectionElectron")
+    scor_ele.ConditionName = (
+        "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:ElectronSCorrection"
+        if UseDD4Hep
+        else "Conditions/Reco/Calo/ElectronSCorrection"
+    )
+    lcor_ele = alg.addTool(CaloFutureLCorrection, "LCorrectionElectron")
+    lcor_ele.ConditionName = (
+        "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:ElectronLCorrection"
+        if UseDD4Hep
+        else "Conditions/Reco/Calo/ElectronLCorrection"
+    )
     alg.ElectronCorrection = [ecor_ele, scor_ele, lcor_ele]
     # update the sequence
     addAlgs(seq, alg)
     ## printout
-    _log.debug('Configure Classify Clusters Seq : %s' % seq.name())
+    _log.debug("Configure Classify Clusters Seq : %s" % seq.name())
     if enableRecoOnDemand:
-        _log.info('ClassifyClusters onDemand')
+        _log.info("ClassifyClusters onDemand")
     return seq
 # =============================================================================
 ## define the reconstruction of Merged Pi0s Hypos
-def mergedPi0FutureReco(enableRecoOnDemand,
-                        neutralID=True,
-                        useTracks=True,
-                        mergedPi0Pt=2 * GeV,
-                        fastReco=False,
-                        external='',
-                        masksE=[],
-                        masksP=[]):
+def mergedPi0FutureReco(
+    enableRecoOnDemand,
+    neutralID=True,
+    useTracks=True,
+    mergedPi0Pt=2 * GeV,
+    fastReco=False,
+    external="",
+    masksE=[],
+    masksP=[],
     Define the recontruction of Merged Pi0s
-    from Configurables import CaloFutureMergedPi0
-    from Configurables import (CaloFutureECorrection, CaloFutureSCorrection,
-                               CaloFutureLCorrection)
+    from Configurables import (
+        CaloFutureECorrection,
+        CaloFutureLCorrection,
+        CaloFutureMergedPi0,
+        CaloFutureSCorrection,
+    )
     # build the sequences
-    seq = GaudiSequencer('MergedPi0FutureReco')
-    sseq = GaudiSequencer('SplitClusterFutureReco')
+    seq = GaudiSequencer("MergedPi0FutureReco")
     ## Merged Pi0
-    pi0 = CaloFutureMergedPi0('MergedPi0RecFuture')
-    pi0.EcalCovariance = 'FutureClusterCovarianceMatrixTool/EcalCovariance'
-    pi0.EcalCovariance.ConditionName = '/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:EcalCovariance' if UseDD4Hep else 'Conditions/Reco/Calo/EcalCovariance'
-    pi0.EcalCovariance.CorrectionBase = 'CaloFutureCorrectionBase/DBAccessor'
+    pi0 = CaloFutureMergedPi0("MergedPi0RecFuture")
+    pi0.EcalCovariance = "FutureClusterCovarianceMatrixTool/EcalCovariance"
+    pi0.EcalCovariance.ConditionName = (
+        "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:EcalCovariance"
+        if UseDD4Hep
+        else "Conditions/Reco/Calo/EcalCovariance"
+    )
+    pi0.EcalCovariance.CorrectionBase = "CaloFutureCorrectionBase/DBAccessor"
     pi0.EcalCovariance.CorrectionBase.ConditionName = pi0.EcalCovariance.ConditionName
-    pi0.EcalClusterTag = 'FutureSubClusterSelectorTool/EcalClusterTag'
-    pi0.EcalClusterTag.ConditionName = '/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:EcalClusterMasks' if UseDD4Hep else 'Conditions/Reco/Calo/EcalClusterMasks'
-    pi0.EcalClusterTag.CaloFutureCorrectionBase = 'CaloFutureCorrectionBase/DBAccessor'
-    pi0.EcalClusterTag.CaloFutureCorrectionBase.ConditionName = pi0.EcalClusterTag.ConditionName
-    pi0.SplitPhotonShowerOverlap = 'CaloFutureShowerOverlapTool/SplitPhotonShowerOverlap'
-    pi0.SplitPhotonShowerOverlap.Profile = '/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:PhotonShowerProfile' if UseDD4Hep else 'Conditions/Reco/Calo/PhotonShowerProfile'
-    pi0.SplitPhotonShowerOverlap.CaloFutureCorrectionBase = 'CaloFutureCorrectionBase/ShowerProfile'
-    pi0.SplitPhotonShowerOverlap.CaloFutureCorrectionBase.ConditionName = pi0.SplitPhotonShowerOverlap.Profile
+    pi0.EcalClusterTag = "FutureSubClusterSelectorTool/EcalClusterTag"
+    pi0.EcalClusterTag.ConditionName = (
+        "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:EcalClusterMasks"
+        if UseDD4Hep
+        else "Conditions/Reco/Calo/EcalClusterMasks"
+    )
+    pi0.EcalClusterTag.CaloFutureCorrectionBase = "CaloFutureCorrectionBase/DBAccessor"
+    pi0.EcalClusterTag.CaloFutureCorrectionBase.ConditionName = (
+        pi0.EcalClusterTag.ConditionName
+    )
+    pi0.SplitPhotonShowerOverlap = (
+        "CaloFutureShowerOverlapTool/SplitPhotonShowerOverlap"
+    )
+    pi0.SplitPhotonShowerOverlap.Profile = (
+        "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:PhotonShowerProfile"
+        if UseDD4Hep
+        else "Conditions/Reco/Calo/PhotonShowerProfile"
+    )
+    pi0.SplitPhotonShowerOverlap.CaloFutureCorrectionBase = (
+        "CaloFutureCorrectionBase/ShowerProfile"
+    )
+    pi0.SplitPhotonShowerOverlap.CaloFutureCorrectionBase.ConditionName = (
+        pi0.SplitPhotonShowerOverlap.Profile
+    )
     if masksE != []:
         pi0.EnergyTags = masksE
     if masksP != []:
         pi0.PositionTags = masksP
-    if external != '':
+    if external != "":
         pi0.InputData = external
     pi0.EtCut = mergedPi0Pt
@@ -273,23 +356,26 @@ def mergedPi0FutureReco(enableRecoOnDemand,
     # tool configuration via condDB only (remove default configuration)
     pi0.PhotonTools = [
-        pi0.addTool(CaloFutureECorrection, 'ECorrectionPi0'),
-        pi0.addTool(CaloFutureSCorrection, 'SCorrectionPi0'),
-        pi0.addTool(CaloFutureLCorrection, 'LCorrectionPi0')
+        pi0.addTool(CaloFutureECorrection, "ECorrectionPi0"),
+        pi0.addTool(CaloFutureSCorrection, "SCorrectionPi0"),
+        pi0.addTool(CaloFutureLCorrection, "LCorrectionPi0"),
-    from Configurables import LHCb__Converters__Calo__Cluster__v1__fromV2 as ClusterConverter
+    from Configurables import (
+        LHCb__Converters__Calo__Cluster__v1__fromV2 as ClusterConverter,
+    )
     convert = ClusterConverter("CaloSplitClusterConverter")
     convert.InputClusters = pi0.SplitClusters
-    convert.OutputClusters = str(convert.InputClusters).replace(
-        "Rec", "Rec/Converted")
+    convert.OutputClusters = str(convert.InputClusters).replace("Rec", "Rec/Converted")
     convert.OutputDigits = "Rec/Calo/Converted/SplitClusterDigits"
     seq.Members = [pi0, convert]
     ## 3/ (PhotonFrom)MergedID
     if neutralID:
-        from CaloFuturePIDs.PIDs import (MergedID, PhotonFromMergedID)
+        from CaloFuturePIDs.PIDs import MergedID, PhotonFromMergedID
         idSeq = GaudiSequencer("MergedIDSeq")
         mID = MergedID(enableRecoOnDemand, useTracks)
         pmID = PhotonFromMergedID(enableRecoOnDemand, useTracks)
@@ -297,13 +383,13 @@ def mergedPi0FutureReco(enableRecoOnDemand,
         addAlgs(seq, idSeq)
     ## printout
-    _log.debug('Configure MergedPi0 Reco Seq : %s' % (seq.name()))
+    _log.debug("Configure MergedPi0 Reco Seq : %s" % (seq.name()))
     if enableRecoOnDemand:
-        _log.info('MergedPi0FutureReco onDemand')
+        _log.info("MergedPi0FutureReco onDemand")
     return seq
 # =============================================================================
-if '__main__' == __name__:
+if "__main__" == __name__:
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloClusterCovarianceAlg.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloClusterCovarianceAlg.cpp
index f699bc4d11e167f059610c2203c7f5cabf22355a..27343ccb414e9f01c8143574ad677281ef06b8c1 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloClusterCovarianceAlg.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloClusterCovarianceAlg.cpp
@@ -45,40 +45,41 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithms {
     // tool used for covariance matrix calculation
     ToolHandle<LHCb::Calo::ClusterCovarianceMatrixTool> m_cov{
         this, "CovarianceTool",
-        "FutureClusterCovarianceMatrixTool/" + toString( Utilities::CaloIndexFromAlg( name() ) ) + "CovarTool"};
-    ToolHandle<SubClusterSelectorTool> m_tagger{this, "TaggerTool",
-                                                "FutureSubClusterSelectorTool/" +
-                                                    toString( Utilities::CaloIndexFromAlg( name() ) ) + "ClusterTag"};
+        "FutureClusterCovarianceMatrixTool/" + toString( Utilities::CaloIndexFromAlg( name() ) ) + "CovarTool" };
+    ToolHandle<SubClusterSelectorTool> m_tagger{ this, "TaggerTool",
+                                                 "FutureSubClusterSelectorTool/" +
+                                                     toString( Utilities::CaloIndexFromAlg( name() ) ) + "ClusterTag" };
     // tool used for cluster spread estimation
     ToolHandle<LHCb::Calo::ClusterSpreadTool> m_spread{
         this, "SpreadTool",
-        "FutureClusterSpreadTool/" + toString( Utilities::CaloIndexFromAlg( name() ) ) + "SpreadTool"};
+        "FutureClusterSpreadTool/" + toString( Utilities::CaloIndexFromAlg( name() ) ) + "SpreadTool" };
     // following properties are inherited by the selector tool when defined:
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string>              m_tagName{this, "TaggerName"};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_taggerE{this, "EnergyTags"};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_taggerP{this, "PositionTags"};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string>              m_tagName{ this, "TaggerName" };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_taggerE{ this, "EnergyTags" };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_taggerP{ this, "PositionTags" };
     // counter
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_clusters{this, "# clusters"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_clusters{ this, "# clusters" };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_cov_error{this, "Error from cov,    skip cluster "};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_spread_error{this, "Error from spread, skip cluster "};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_tagger_error{this, "Error from tagger, skip cluster "};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_cov_error{ this, "Error from cov,    skip cluster " };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_spread_error{ this, "Error from spread, skip cluster " };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_tagger_error{ this, "Error from tagger, skip cluster " };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( ClusterCovariance, "CaloFutureClusterCovarianceAlg" )
   ClusterCovariance::ClusterCovariance( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"Detector", Utilities::DeCaloFutureLocation( name )},
-                      KeyValue{"InputData", CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureClusterLocation( name, "EcalOverlap" )}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputData", CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureClusterLocation( name, "Ecal" )} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "Detector", Utilities::DeCaloFutureLocation( name ) },
+                       KeyValue{ "InputData", CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureClusterLocation( name, "EcalOverlap" ) } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputData", CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureClusterLocation( name, "Ecal" ) } ) {}
-  [[gnu::flatten]] Event::Calo::Clusters ClusterCovariance::
-                                         operator()( const EventContext& evtCtx, const DeCalorimeter& calo, const Event::Calo::Clusters& clusters ) const {
+  [[gnu::flatten]] Event::Calo::Clusters ClusterCovariance::operator()( const EventContext&          evtCtx,
+                                                                        const DeCalorimeter&         calo,
+                                                                        const Event::Calo::Clusters& clusters ) const {
     // create new container for output clusters
-    Event::Calo::Clusters outputClusters{Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
+    Event::Calo::Clusters outputClusters{ Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) };
     outputClusters.reserve( clusters.size() );
     // get parameters from m_cov and m_tagger, this is basically a local cache
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloCorrectionBase.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloCorrectionBase.cpp
index 3b0b2b6e1bd4259147ecc6fa6446db2a734e69df..418cf44d125629f9d2c2902b1197c5a4346f8624 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloCorrectionBase.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloCorrectionBase.cpp
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Correction {
       derivative += cnt * ( *i ) * v;
       v *= var;
-    return {cor, derivative};
+    return { cor, derivative };
   Result InversePolynomial::correction( float var ) const {
     auto cor = Polynomial::correction( var );
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Correction {
   Result ReciprocalPolynomial::correction( float var ) const {
-    if ( essentiallyZero( var ) ) return {pars[0], 0.}; // CHECKME
+    if ( essentiallyZero( var ) ) return { pars[0], 0. }; // CHECKME
     auto cor = Polynomial::correction( 1.0 / var );
     cor.derivative *= -1.0 / ( var * var );
     return cor;
@@ -79,23 +79,23 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Correction {
       return ( 1 - y ) / ( 1 + y );
     float mytanh_val = mytanh( c * ( var + d ) );
-    return {a + b * mytanh_val, b * c * ( 1 - mytanh_val * mytanh_val )};
+    return { a + b * mytanh_val, b * c * ( 1 - mytanh_val * mytanh_val ) };
   Result Sshape::correction( float var ) const {
     if ( b > 0 ) {
       float arg  = cache * var / delta;
       float sapo = approx_sqrt( arg * arg + 1.f );
-      return {b * LHCb::Math::Approx::approx_log( arg + sapo ), b / delta * cache / sapo};
+      return { b * LHCb::Math::Approx::approx_log( arg + sapo ), b / delta * cache / sapo };
-    return {0, 0}; // CHECKME
+    return { 0, 0 }; // CHECKME
   Result Sinusoidal::correction( float var ) const {
     constexpr float twopi = 2 * M_PI;
     float           sin_val, cos_val;
     LHCb::Math::fast_sincos( twopi * var, sin_val, cos_val );
-    return {A * sin_val, A * twopi * cos_val};
+    return { A * sin_val, A * twopi * cos_val };
   Result ShowerProfile::correction( float var ) const {
@@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Correction {
       auto tmp1 = pars[0] * vapprox_exp( -pars[1] * var );
       auto tmp2 = pars[2] * vapprox_exp( -pars[3] * var );
       auto tmp3 = pars[4] * vapprox_exp( -pars[5] * var );
-      return {tmp1 + tmp2 + tmp3, -pars[1] * tmp1 - pars[3] * tmp2 - pars[5] * tmp3};
+      return { tmp1 + tmp2 + tmp3, -pars[1] * tmp1 - pars[3] * tmp2 - pars[5] * tmp3 };
     } else {
       auto tmp1 = pars[6] * vapprox_exp( -pars[7] * var );
       auto tmp2 = pars[8] * vapprox_exp( -pars[9] * var );
-      return {2 - tmp1 - tmp2, pars[7] * tmp1 + pars[9] * tmp2};
+      return { 2 - tmp1 - tmp2, pars[7] * tmp1 + pars[9] * tmp2 };
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Correction {
   StatusCode Base::initialize() {
     return ConditionAccessorHolder::initialize().andThen( [&]() -> StatusCode {
       if ( m_hypos.empty() ) return Error( "Empty vector of allowed Calorimeter Hypotheses!" );
-      addConditionDerivation( {m_conditionName}, m_params.key(), [&]( YAML::Node const& cond ) {
+      addConditionDerivation( { m_conditionName }, m_params.key(), [&]( YAML::Node const& cond ) {
         Parameters params;
         for ( auto it = cond.begin(); it != cond.end(); it++ ) {
           auto type = accept( it->first.as<std::string>() );
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Correction {
         warning() << "o Size of DB parameter vector does not match the expectation for the DB specified type."
                   << endmsg;
-      for ( auto& i : fun ) i = ParamVector{{std::next( params.begin(), 2 ), params.end()}};
+      for ( auto& i : fun ) i = ParamVector{ { std::next( params.begin(), 2 ), params.end() } };
     } else {
       if ( 3 * dim + 2 != static_cast<int>( params.size() ) ) {
         warning() << "o Size of DB parameter vector does not match the expectation for the DB specified type."
@@ -176,70 +176,70 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Correction {
         switch ( func ) {
         case FunctionType::Polynomial:
           if ( !p.empty() ) {
-            fun[area] = Polynomial{{p.begin(), p.end()}};
+            fun[area] = Polynomial{ { p.begin(), p.end() } };
           } else {
             error() << "Inconsistent # of parameters for " << func << endmsg;
         case FunctionType::InversPolynomial:
           if ( !p.empty() ) {
-            fun[area] = InversePolynomial{p};
+            fun[area] = InversePolynomial{ p };
           } else {
             error() << "Inconsistent # of parameters for " << func << endmsg;
         case FunctionType::ExpPolynomial:
           if ( !p.empty() ) {
-            fun[area] = ExpPolynomial{p};
+            fun[area] = ExpPolynomial{ p };
           } else {
             error() << "Inconsistent # of parameters for " << func << endmsg;
         case FunctionType::ReciprocalPolynomial:
           if ( !p.empty() ) {
-            fun[area] = ReciprocalPolynomial{p};
+            fun[area] = ReciprocalPolynomial{ p };
           } else {
             error() << "Inconsistent # of parameters for " << func << endmsg;
         case FunctionType::Sigmoid:
           if ( p.size() == 4 ) {
-            fun[area] = Sigmoid{LHCb::make_span( p ).first<4>()};
+            fun[area] = Sigmoid{ LHCb::make_span( p ).first<4>() };
           } else {
             error() << "Inconsistent # of parameters for sigmoid" << endmsg;
         case FunctionType::Sshape:
           if ( p.size() == 1 ) {
-            fun[area] = Sshape{p[0]};
+            fun[area] = Sshape{ p[0] };
           } else {
             error() << "Inconsistent # of parameters for Sshape" << endmsg;
         case FunctionType::SshapeMod:
           if ( p.size() == 1 ) {
-            fun[area] = SshapeMod{p[0]};
+            fun[area] = SshapeMod{ p[0] };
           } else {
             error() << "Inconsistent # of parameters for SshapeMod" << endmsg;
         case FunctionType::ShowerProfile:
           if ( p.size() == 10 ) {
-            fun[area] = ShowerProfile{LHCb::make_span( p ).first<10>()};
+            fun[area] = ShowerProfile{ LHCb::make_span( p ).first<10>() };
           } else {
             error() << "Inconsistent # of parameters for ShowerProfile" << endmsg;
         case FunctionType::Sinusoidal:
           if ( p.size() == 1 ) {
-            fun[area] = Sinusoidal{p[0]};
+            fun[area] = Sinusoidal{ p[0] };
           } else {
             error() << "Inconsistent # of parameters for Sinusoidal" << endmsg;
         case FunctionType::ParamList:
           assert( !p.empty() );
-          fun[area] = ParamVector{{p.begin(), p.end()}};
+          fun[area] = ParamVector{ { p.begin(), p.end() } };
           error() << "got unknown function" << endmsg;
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloCorrectionBase.h b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloCorrectionBase.h
index 1f227ab7fc5468538393a8cad4c25e292cee0425..758b43b45c5a5789b1857d119b05d36bbacd0db6 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloCorrectionBase.h
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloCorrectionBase.h
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Correction {
     Result correction( float var ) const;
   struct InversePolynomial final : private Polynomial {
-    InversePolynomial( LHCb::span<const float> p ) : Polynomial{{p.begin(), p.end()}} {}
+    InversePolynomial( LHCb::span<const float> p ) : Polynomial{ { p.begin(), p.end() } } {}
     static constexpr const char* name = "InversePolynomial";
     Result                       correction( float var ) const;
@@ -92,18 +92,18 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Correction {
     static constexpr const char* name = "ExpPolynomial";
     float                        cached;
     ExpPolynomial( LHCb::span<const float> p )
-        : Polynomial{{p.begin(), p.end()}}, cached{LHCb::Math::Approx::vapprox_exp( (float)p[0] )} {}
+        : Polynomial{ { p.begin(), p.end() } }, cached{ LHCb::Math::Approx::vapprox_exp( (float)p[0] ) } {}
     Result correction( float var ) const;
   struct ReciprocalPolynomial final : private Polynomial {
     static constexpr const char* name = "ReciprocalPolynomial";
-    ReciprocalPolynomial( LHCb::span<const float> p ) : Polynomial{{p.begin(), p.end()}} {}
+    ReciprocalPolynomial( LHCb::span<const float> p ) : Polynomial{ { p.begin(), p.end() } } {}
     Result correction( float var ) const;
   struct Sigmoid final {
     static constexpr const char* name = "Sigmoid";
     float                        a, b, c, d;
-    Sigmoid( LHCb::span<const float, 4> p ) : a{p[0]}, b{p[1]}, c{p[2]}, d{p[3]} {}
+    Sigmoid( LHCb::span<const float, 4> p ) : a{ p[0] }, b{ p[1] }, c{ p[2] }, d{ p[3] } {}
     Result correction( float var ) const;
   struct Sshape {
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Correction {
     constexpr static float       delta = 0.5;
     float                        b;
     float                        cache;
-    Sshape( float b, bool modified = false ) : b{b}, cache{!essentiallyZero( b ) ? mysinh( delta / b ) : INFINITY} {
+    Sshape( float b, bool modified = false ) : b{ b }, cache{ !essentiallyZero( b ) ? mysinh( delta / b ) : INFINITY } {
       if ( !modified ) cache = LHCb::Math::Approx::approx_sqrt( 1.f + cache * cache );
     Result correction( float var ) const;
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Correction {
   struct Sinusoidal final {
     static constexpr const char* name = "Sinusoidal";
     float                        A;
-    Sinusoidal( float s ) : A{s} {}
+    Sinusoidal( float s ) : A{ s } {}
     Result correction( float var ) const;
   struct ParamVector final {
@@ -197,38 +197,38 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Correction {
     using ACounter   = Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<>;
     using SCounter   = Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>;
-    static constexpr int k_numOfCaloAreas{4};
+    static constexpr int k_numOfCaloAreas{ 4 };
     template <typename P, typename COUNTER = SCounter>
     static auto make_counters( P* parent, std::string_view prefix ) {
       using namespace std::string_view_literals;
       return std::apply(
           [parent, prefix]( auto&&... args ) {
-            return std::array{COUNTER{parent, fmt::format( "{}{}", prefix, args )}...};
+            return std::array{ COUNTER{ parent, fmt::format( "{}{}", prefix, args ) }... };
-          std::array{"Outer"sv, "Middle"sv, "Inner"sv, "PinArea"sv} );
+          std::array{ "Outer"sv, "Middle"sv, "Inner"sv, "PinArea"sv } );
     LHCb::ClusterFunctors::ClusterArea       m_area;
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>                    m_correctCovariance{this, "CorrectCovariance", true};
-    Gaudi::Property<VectorOfHypothesesTypes> m_hypos{this,
-                                                     "Hypotheses",
-                                                     {
-                                                         LHCb::Event::Calo::Hypotheses::Type::Photon,
-                                                         LHCb::Event::Calo::Hypotheses::Type::PhotonFromMergedPi0,
-                                                         LHCb::Event::Calo::Hypotheses::Type::EmCharged,
-                                                     },
-                                                     "acceptable hypotheses"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>                    m_correctCovariance{ this, "CorrectCovariance", true };
+    Gaudi::Property<VectorOfHypothesesTypes> m_hypos{ this,
+                                                      "Hypotheses",
+                                                      {
+                                                          LHCb::Event::Calo::Hypotheses::Type::Photon,
+                                                          LHCb::Event::Calo::Hypotheses::Type::PhotonFromMergedPi0,
+                                                          LHCb::Event::Calo::Hypotheses::Type::EmCharged,
+                                                      },
+                                                      "acceptable hypotheses" };
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_conditionName{this, "ConditionName",
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_conditionName{ this, "ConditionName",
 #ifdef USE_DD4HEP
-                                                 "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:EcalClusterMasks"
+                                                  "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:EcalClusterMasks"
-                                                 "Conditions/Reco/Calo/EcalClusterMasks"
+                                                  "Conditions/Reco/Calo/EcalClusterMasks"
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_corrections{this, "Corrections", {"All"}};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_corrections{ this, "Corrections", { "All" } };
     std::optional<Type> accept( const std::string& name ) const {
       auto b = std::any_of( m_corrections.begin(), m_corrections.end(),
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Correction {
       return std::visit( []( const auto& i ) { return i.name; }, cp );
-    ConditionAccessor<Parameters> m_params{this, name() + "-Parameters"};
+    ConditionAccessor<Parameters> m_params{ this, name() + "-Parameters" };
     void                          constructParams( Functions&, const LHCb::span<const double> );
     Parameters                    constructParams( YAML::Node const& );
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloECorrection.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloECorrection.cpp
index 332f0e643a354934e1cac76a89de3a93b3264b19..453b7f7edc9311a383d328dbcf27285b305a99d9 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloECorrection.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloECorrection.cpp
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public:
   float at( LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID id ) const {
     int cellID = id.index();
     if ( std::isnan( m_constants[cellID] ) ) {
-      throw std::runtime_error{"Requested pileup correction for cellID that was not specified in the file"};
+      throw std::runtime_error{ "Requested pileup correction for cellID that was not specified in the file" };
     return m_constants[cellID];
@@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // FIXME One should not use ConditionAccessors by hand in a Tool
     // The Conditions should be declared at the algorithm level
     // and be used transparently via the functional framework
-    DetDesc::ConditionAccessor<DeCalorimeter>       m_calo{this, "DeCalo", DeCalorimeterLocation::Ecal};
-    DetDesc::ConditionAccessor<Detector::Calo::Map> m_offsets{this, "CaloMaps", "EcalMaps"};
-    ToolHandle<Interfaces::IElectron>               m_caloElectron{this, "ElectronTool", "CaloFutureElectron"};
+    DetDesc::ConditionAccessor<DeCalorimeter>       m_calo{ this, "DeCalo", DeCalorimeterLocation::Ecal };
+    DetDesc::ConditionAccessor<Detector::Calo::Map> m_offsets{ this, "CaloMaps", "EcalMaps" };
+    ToolHandle<Interfaces::IElectron>               m_caloElectron{ this, "ElectronTool", "CaloFutureElectron" };
     struct ECorrInputParams {
       Detector::Calo::CellID cellID;
@@ -164,19 +164,19 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
                          Event::Calo::Clusters::reference<SIMDWrapper::Scalar, Pr::ProxyBehaviour::Contiguous> cluster,
                          CaloFuture2Track::ICluster2TrackTable2D const& ctable, IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const;
-    mutable IncCounter m_counterSkippedNegativeEnergyCorrection{this, "Skip negative energy correction"};
+    mutable IncCounter m_counterSkippedNegativeEnergyCorrection{ this, "Skip negative energy correction" };
-    mutable SCounter m_counterPileupOffset{this, "Pileup offset"};
-    mutable SCounter m_counterPileupSubstractedRatio{this, "Pileup subtracted ratio"};
-    mutable SCounter m_counterPileupScale{this, "Pileup scale"};
+    mutable SCounter m_counterPileupOffset{ this, "Pileup offset" };
+    mutable SCounter m_counterPileupSubstractedRatio{ this, "Pileup subtracted ratio" };
+    mutable SCounter m_counterPileupScale{ this, "Pileup scale" };
-    mutable IncCounter m_counterUnphysical{this, "Unphysical d(Ehypo)/d(Ecluster)"};
+    mutable IncCounter m_counterUnphysical{ this, "Unphysical d(Ehypo)/d(Ecluster)" };
-    mutable IncCounter m_counterUnphysicalVariance{this, "Unphysical variance(Ehypo)"};
+    mutable IncCounter m_counterUnphysicalVariance{ this, "Unphysical variance(Ehypo)" };
     mutable std::array<SCounter, k_numOfCaloAreas> m_countersAlpha = make_counters( this, "<alpha> " );
-    ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_filesvc{this, "FileAccess", "ParamFileSvc"};
+    ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_filesvc{ this, "FileAccess", "ParamFileSvc" };
     std::optional<PileupMap>   m_pileupMap;
     void                       read_pileup_map() {
       auto s = m_filesvc->read( m_pileupMapName.value() );
@@ -184,10 +184,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       m_pileupMap.emplace( *s );
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_pileupMapName{this, "PileupMapFileName", "paramfile://data/PileUpOffset.json",
-                                                 [this]( auto& ) {
-                                                   if ( m_pileupMap ) read_pileup_map();
-                                                 }};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_pileupMapName{ this, "PileupMapFileName", "paramfile://data/PileUpOffset.json",
+                                                  [this]( auto& ) {
+                                                    if ( m_pileupMap ) read_pileup_map();
+                                                  } };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( ECorrection, "CaloFutureECorrection" )
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
   StatusCode ECorrection::initialize() {
     return extends::initialize().andThen( [&] {
-      this->addSharedConditionDerivation( {m_calo.key()}, m_offsets.key(), &createMap );
+      this->addSharedConditionDerivation( { m_calo.key() }, m_offsets.key(), &createMap );
     } );
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
      *  (7) Position of seed cell  :    seedPos (OK for split!)
-    ECorrInputParams params{cellID, seedPos, xBar, yBar, (float)position.z(), eEcal, dtheta, cellID.area()};
+    ECorrInputParams params{ cellID, seedPos, xBar, yBar, (float)position.z(), eEcal, dtheta, cellID.area() };
     // get parameters from base class, needed to call getCorrection*
     Correction::Parameters const& baseParams = getParameters();
@@ -454,8 +454,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     float bDist = Math::Approx::approx_sqrt( 2.f * ( Asx * Asx + Asy * Asy ) );
-    int signX = shiftAs( cellID.col(), std::array{0, 0, 8}, area );
-    int signY = shiftAs( cellID.row(), std::array{6, 12, 14}, area );
+    int signX = shiftAs( cellID.col(), std::array{ 0, 0, 8 }, area );
+    int signY = shiftAs( cellID.row(), std::array{ 6, 12, 14 }, area );
     Asx *= signX; // Asx1
     Asy *= signY; // Asy1
@@ -471,18 +471,18 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     float aG = getCorrection( baseParams, Correction::Type::alphaG, cellID ).value_or( 1. ); // global Ecal factor
     //// aE = alphaE(eEcal)
     const auto aECorDer = getCorrectionAndDerivative( baseParams, Correction::Type::alphaE, cellID, eEcal )
-                              .value_or( Correction::Result{1., 0.} ); // longitudinal leakage
+                              .value_or( Correction::Result{ 1., 0. } ); // longitudinal leakage
     const auto aE       = aECorDer.value;
     const auto aBCorDer = getCorrectionAndDerivative( baseParams, Correction::Type::alphaB, cellID, bDist )
-                              .value_or( Correction::Result{1., 0.} ); // lateral leakage
+                              .value_or( Correction::Result{ 1., 0. } ); // lateral leakage
     const auto aB = aBCorDer.value;
     //// aX = alphaX(Asx1)
     const auto aXCorDer = getCorrectionAndDerivative( baseParams, Correction::Type::alphaX, cellID, Asx )
-                              .value_or( Correction::Result{1., 0.} ); // module frame dead material X-direction
+                              .value_or( Correction::Result{ 1., 0. } ); // module frame dead material X-direction
     const auto aX = aXCorDer.value;
     //// aY = alphaY(Asy1)
     const auto aYCorDer = getCorrectionAndDerivative( baseParams, Correction::Type::alphaY, cellID, Asy )
-                              .value_or( Correction::Result{1., 0.} ); // module frame dead material Y-direction
+                              .value_or( Correction::Result{ 1., 0. } ); // module frame dead material Y-direction
     const auto aY = aYCorDer.value;
     if ( m_correctCovariance ) {
       DaE = aECorDer.derivative;
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloLCorrection.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloLCorrection.cpp
index 5d8b2f1355721ea29648c89d8f9606e4b1bb2903..9c969e4642bf37f2fd79e6888513f369ba08823b 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloLCorrection.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloLCorrection.cpp
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
                         IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const override;
-    Gaudi::XYZPoint m_origin = {0, 0, 0};
+    Gaudi::XYZPoint m_origin = { 0, 0, 0 };
     template <typename Point>
     std::array<float, 4> compute( const DeCalorimeter& calo, const Point& pos, Detector::Calo::CellID cellID,
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       float      temp      = ( 1. + tg_fps / xyz_offset );
       float      cos_theta = temp * Math::fast_rsqrt( tan_theta * tan_theta + temp * temp );
       const auto dz_fps    = cos_theta * tg_fps;
-      return {g, d, z0, dz_fps};
+      return { g, d, z0, dz_fps };
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloMergedPi0.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloMergedPi0.cpp
index 2dcd0f1ee487c6e50167b4b49988dd727936d591..1b700bd99e7e08c7cd5481099b4ba2e038d320ac 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloMergedPi0.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloMergedPi0.cpp
@@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithm {
                                     LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID seed, LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID seed2, FloatE seede,
                                     FloatE seed2e, Entries&& entries, FloatZ z, DeCalorimeter const& det ) const {
-      constexpr auto used   = LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Status{LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForEnergy,
-                                                          LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForPosition,
-                                                          LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForCovariance};
-      constexpr auto seed_s = LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Status{LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::SeedCell,
-                                                            LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::LocalMaximum} |
+      constexpr auto used   = LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Status{ LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForEnergy,
+                                                           LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForPosition,
+                                                           LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForCovariance };
+      constexpr auto seed_s = LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Status{ LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::SeedCell,
+                                                             LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::LocalMaximum } |
       auto cluster = clusters.emplace_back<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar>();
@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithm {
         if ( isNeighbor( seed, e.cellID() ) ) {
           // set initial weights
           auto weight = ( e.cellID() == seed2 ? 0
-                                              : ( e.cellID() != seed && isNeighbor( seed2, e.cellID() ) )
-                                                    ? ( seede / ( seede + seed2e ) * e.fraction() )
-                                                    : e.fraction() );
+                          : ( e.cellID() != seed && isNeighbor( seed2, e.cellID() ) )
+                              ? ( seede / ( seede + seed2e ) * e.fraction() )
+                              : e.fraction() );
           auto entry  = cluster.entries().emplace_back();
           entry.setCellID( e.cellID() );
           entry.setEnergy( e.energy() );
@@ -112,45 +112,46 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithm {
       cluster.setCellID( seed );
       cluster.setType( Clusters::Type::Area3x3 );
       cluster.setEnergy( r->Etot );
-      cluster.setPosition( {r->x, r->y, z} );
+      cluster.setPosition( { r->x, r->y, z } );
       return cluster;
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_etCut{this, "EtCut", 1500 * Gaudi::Units::MeV}; // minimal ET of clusters to consider
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minET{this, "SplitPhotonMinET", 0.}; // minimal ET of resulting split-clusters and photons
-    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_iter{this, "MaxIterations", 25,
-                                "Max iterations in ShowerOverlapTool. If negative, stop when tolerance is "
-                                "reached."}; // forwarded to ShowerOverlapTool
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_applyLSCorr{this, "ApplyLSCorr", true};
-    ToolHandleArray<Interfaces::IProcessHypos> m_gTools{this, "PhotonTools", {}};
-    ToolHandle<Interfaces::IShowerOverlap>    m_oTool{this, "SplitPhotonShowerOverlap",
-                                                   "CaloFutureShowerOverlapTool/SplitPhotonShowerOverlap"};
-    ToolHandle<SubClusterSelectorTool>        m_tagger{this, "EcalClusterTag", "SubClusterSelectorTool/EcalClusterTag"};
-    ToolHandle<LHCb::Calo::ClusterSpreadTool> m_spread{this, "EcalSpread", "FutureClusterSpreadTool/EcalSpread"};
-    ToolHandle<LHCb::Calo::ClusterCovarianceMatrixTool> m_cov{this, "EcalCovariance",
-                                                              "FutureClusterCovarianceMatrixTool/EcalCovariance"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cntNo2ndSeed{this, "Cluster without 2nd seed found"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cntFailsToTagECluster1{this, "Fails to tag(E) cluster (1)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cntFailsToTagECluster2{this, "Fails to tag(E) cluster (2)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cntFailsToSetCovariance{this, "Fails to set covariance"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cntFailsToSetSpread{this, "Fails to set spread"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_cntPi0sSize{this, "clusters => mergedPi0s"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_cntSplitClustersSize{this, "clusters => splitClusters"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_g1_error{this, "Error from 'Tool' for g1"};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_etCut{ this, "EtCut", 1500 * Gaudi::Units::MeV }; // minimal ET of clusters to consider
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minET{ this, "SplitPhotonMinET",
+                                    0. }; // minimal ET of resulting split-clusters and photons
+    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_iter{ this, "MaxIterations", 25,
+                                 "Max iterations in ShowerOverlapTool. If negative, stop when tolerance is "
+                                   "reached." }; // forwarded to ShowerOverlapTool
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_applyLSCorr{ this, "ApplyLSCorr", true };
+    ToolHandleArray<Interfaces::IProcessHypos> m_gTools{ this, "PhotonTools", {} };
+    ToolHandle<Interfaces::IShowerOverlap> m_oTool{ this, "SplitPhotonShowerOverlap",
+                                                    "CaloFutureShowerOverlapTool/SplitPhotonShowerOverlap" };
+    ToolHandle<SubClusterSelectorTool>     m_tagger{ this, "EcalClusterTag", "SubClusterSelectorTool/EcalClusterTag" };
+    ToolHandle<LHCb::Calo::ClusterSpreadTool> m_spread{ this, "EcalSpread", "FutureClusterSpreadTool/EcalSpread" };
+    ToolHandle<LHCb::Calo::ClusterCovarianceMatrixTool> m_cov{ this, "EcalCovariance",
+                                                               "FutureClusterCovarianceMatrixTool/EcalCovariance" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cntNo2ndSeed{ this, "Cluster without 2nd seed found" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cntFailsToTagECluster1{ this, "Fails to tag(E) cluster (1)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cntFailsToTagECluster2{ this, "Fails to tag(E) cluster (2)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cntFailsToSetCovariance{ this, "Fails to set covariance" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cntFailsToSetSpread{ this, "Fails to set spread" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_cntPi0sSize{ this, "clusters => mergedPi0s" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_cntSplitClustersSize{ this, "clusters => splitClusters" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_g1_error{ this, "Error from 'Tool' for g1" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_tag_failed{
-        this, "SplitCluster tagging failed - keep the initial 3x3 tagging"};
+        this, "SplitCluster tagging failed - keep the initial 3x3 tagging" };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterPhotonsDeltaX{this, "Photon Delta(X)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterPhotonsDeltaY{this, "Photon Delta(Y)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterPhotonsDeltaZ{this, "Photon Delta(Z)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterPhotonsDeltaE{this, "Photon Delta(E)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterPhotonsCorrectedEnergy{this, "Corrected energy"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterPhotonsDeltaX{ this, "Photon Delta(X)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterPhotonsDeltaY{ this, "Photon Delta(Y)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterPhotonsDeltaZ{ this, "Photon Delta(Z)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterPhotonsDeltaE{ this, "Photon Delta(E)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterPhotonsCorrectedEnergy{ this, "Corrected energy" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( MergedPi0, "CaloFutureMergedPi0" )
@@ -172,12 +173,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithm {
             // Input
-            {KeyValue{"InputData", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureClusterLocation( "Ecal" )},
-             KeyValue{"Detector", DeCalorimeterLocation::Ecal},
-             KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}, KeyValue{"PrimaryVertices", ""}},
+            { KeyValue{ "InputData", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureClusterLocation( "Ecal" ) },
+              KeyValue{ "Detector", DeCalorimeterLocation::Ecal },
+              KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top }, KeyValue{ "PrimaryVertices", "" } },
             // Output
-            {KeyValue{"MergedPi0s", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureHypoLocation( "MergedPi0s" )},
-             KeyValue{"SplitClusters", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureClusterLocation( "SplitClusters" )}}} {}
+            { KeyValue{ "MergedPi0s", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureHypoLocation( "MergedPi0s" ) },
+              KeyValue{ "SplitClusters", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureClusterLocation( "SplitClusters" ) } } } {}
   // ============================================================================
@@ -185,17 +186,17 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithm {
                                                           DeCalorimeter const& det, DetectorElement const& geometry,
                                                           PrimaryVertices const& vertices ) const {
-    auto result =
-        std::tuple<Hypotheses, Clusters>{Hypotheses{Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )},
-                                         Clusters{Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )}};
+    auto result = std::tuple<Hypotheses, Clusters>{
+        Hypotheses{ Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) },
+        Clusters{ Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) } };
     auto& [pi0s, out] = result;
     pi0s.reserve( clusters.size() );
-    Clusters splitClusters{Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
+    Clusters splitClusters{ Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) };
     splitClusters.reserve( 2 * clusters.size() );
     boost::container::small_vector<ClusterTriplet, 1024> triplets;
     // - setup the estimator of cluster transverse energy
-    const auto eT = LHCb::CaloDataFunctor::EnergyTransverse{&det};
+    const auto eT = LHCb::CaloDataFunctor::EnergyTransverse{ &det };
     float zNominal = det.toGlobal( Gaudi::XYZPoint() ).z() + det.zOffset();
@@ -230,12 +231,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithm {
       // 2nd seed should must have a positive energy !
       using Float             = decltype( entries[0].energy() );
       auto [seed2, _, seed2e] = std::accumulate(
-          entries.begin(), entries.end(), std::tuple{LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID{}, Float{0}, Float{0}},
+          entries.begin(), entries.end(), std::tuple{ LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID{}, Float{ 0 }, Float{ 0 } },
           [&]( auto ee, const auto& entry ) {
             if ( entry.cellID() == seed ) return ee;
             auto ecel = entry.energy() * entry.fraction();
             return ( ecel > std::get<1>( ee ) && ecel < seede && isNeighbor( seed, entry.cellID() ) )
-                       ? std::tuple{entry.cellID(), ecel, entry.energy()}
+                       ? std::tuple{ entry.cellID(), ecel, entry.energy() }
                        : ee;
           } );
       assert( seed2 != seed );
@@ -249,8 +250,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithm {
       // == apply the mergedPi0 tool : subtract shower overlap
       m_oTool->process( det, cl1, cl2, geometry, m_iter,
-                        LHCb::Calo::Interfaces::IShowerOverlap::propagateInitialWeights{true},
-                        LHCb::Calo::Interfaces::IShowerOverlap::applyCorrections{m_applyLSCorr.value()} );
+                        LHCb::Calo::Interfaces::IShowerOverlap::propagateInitialWeights{ true },
+                        LHCb::Calo::Interfaces::IShowerOverlap::applyCorrections{ m_applyLSCorr.value() } );
       // skip negative energy "clusters"
       auto exy1 = LHCb::CaloDataFunctor::calculateClusterEXY( cl1.entries(), &det );
@@ -262,8 +263,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithm {
-      triplets.push_back( ClusterTriplet{cluster, cl1, cl2} ); // C++20: use emplace_back when aggregate initialization
-                                                               // is possible in emplace_back...
+      triplets.push_back( ClusterTriplet{ cluster, cl1, cl2 } ); // C++20: use emplace_back when aggregate
+                                                                 // initialization is possible in emplace_back...
       // == APPLY CLUSTER TOOLS : Energy tagger,  covariance & spread (position tagger already applied):
       // to reduce branching, unconditionally increment all counter buffers
@@ -309,7 +310,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithm {
            LHCb::Calo::Momentum( triplet.photon2 ).pt() < m_minET )
       pi0s.emplace_back( Hypotheses::Type::Pi0Merged, triplet.merged.cellID(),
-                         {triplet.merged, triplet.photon1, triplet.photon2} );
+                         { triplet.merged, triplet.photon1, triplet.photon2 } );
       // monitor calibration applied to clusters
       update_counters( triplet.photon1 );
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloSCorrection.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloSCorrection.cpp
index bf95f2444501bc5269f3eb01edb081b3d260ad85..39afd6dbb6dde9696cfbcc6714e5ea32ebd925db 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloSCorrection.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloSCorrection.cpp
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) && m_correctCovariance )
         debugDerivativesCalculation( baseParams, calo, params, results );
-      return {xCor, yCor, dXhy_dXcl, dYhy_dYcl};
+      return { xCor, yCor, dXhy_dXcl, dYhy_dYcl };
@@ -196,9 +196,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     const LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID& cellID   = cluster.cellID();
     auto                                seedPos  = calo.cellCenter( cellID );
-    auto [xCor, yCor, dXhy_dXcl, dYhy_dYcl] = compute( calo, {cellID, seedPos, xBar, yBar, z} );
+    auto [xCor, yCor, dXhy_dXcl, dYhy_dYcl] = compute( calo, { cellID, seedPos, xBar, yBar, z } );
-    cluster.setPosition( {xCor, yCor, z} );
+    cluster.setPosition( { xCor, yCor, z } );
     if ( m_correctCovariance ) updateCovariance( dXhy_dXcl, dYhy_dYcl, cluster );
     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
   SCorrection::SCorrResults SCorrection::calculateSCorrections( Correction::Parameters const& baseParams,
                                                                 DeCalorimeter const&          calo,
                                                                 SCorrInputParams const&       params ) const {
-    SCorrResults                        results{0, 0, 0, 0};
+    SCorrResults                        results{ 0, 0, 0, 0 };
     const LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID& cellID  = params.cellID;
     const Gaudi::XYZPoint&              seedPos = params.seedPos;
     const float&                        z       = params.z;
@@ -222,11 +222,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // Sshape correction :
     auto AsxCorDer = getCorrectionAndDerivative( baseParams, Correction::Type::shapeX, cellID, Asx )
-                         .value_or( Correction::Result{Asx, 1.} );
+                         .value_or( Correction::Result{ Asx, 1. } );
     Asx                  = AsxCorDer.value; // Asx1
     const auto DshapeX   = AsxCorDer.derivative;
     auto       AsyCorDer = getCorrectionAndDerivative( baseParams, Correction::Type::shapeY, cellID, Asy )
-                         .value_or( Correction::Result{Asy, 1.} );
+                         .value_or( Correction::Result{ Asy, 1. } );
     Asy                = AsyCorDer.value; // Asy1
     const auto DshapeY = AsyCorDer.derivative;
@@ -236,30 +236,30 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     const float thx             = LHCb::Math::fast_atan2( xs, (float)z );
     const float thy             = LHCb::Math::fast_atan2( ys, (float)z );
     const auto [daX, DangularX] = getCorrectionAndDerivative( baseParams, Correction::Type::angularX, cellID, thx )
-                                      .value_or( Correction::Result{0., 0.} );
+                                      .value_or( Correction::Result{ 0., 0. } );
     const auto [daY, DangularY] = getCorrectionAndDerivative( baseParams, Correction::Type::angularY, cellID, thy )
-                                      .value_or( Correction::Result{0., 0.} );
+                                      .value_or( Correction::Result{ 0., 0. } );
     Asx -= daX;
     Asy -= daY;
     // residual correction (if any):
     auto dcXCorDer = getCorrectionAndDerivative( baseParams, Correction::Type::residual, cellID, Asx )
-                         .value_or( Correction::Result{0., 0.} );
+                         .value_or( Correction::Result{ 0., 0. } );
     auto dcX = dcXCorDer.value;
     if ( essentiallyZero( dcX ) ) {
       // check X-specific correction
       dcXCorDer = getCorrectionAndDerivative( baseParams, Correction::Type::residualX, cellID, Asx )
-                      .value_or( Correction::Result{0., 0.} );
+                      .value_or( Correction::Result{ 0., 0. } );
       dcX = dcXCorDer.value;
     const auto DresidualX = dcXCorDer.derivative;
     auto       dcYCorDer  = getCorrectionAndDerivative( baseParams, Correction::Type::residual, cellID, Asy )
-                         .value_or( Correction::Result{0., 0.} );
+                         .value_or( Correction::Result{ 0., 0. } );
     auto dcY = dcYCorDer.value;
     if ( essentiallyZero( dcY ) ) {
       // check Y-specific correction
       dcYCorDer = getCorrectionAndDerivative( baseParams, Correction::Type::residualY, cellID, Asy )
-                      .value_or( Correction::Result{0., 0.} );
+                      .value_or( Correction::Result{ 0., 0. } );
       dcY = dcYCorDer.value;
     const auto DresidualY = dcYCorDer.derivative;
@@ -270,11 +270,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     const auto [ddcX, DasymX] =
         getCorrectionAndDerivative( baseParams, ( xBar < 0 ) ? Correction::Type::asymM : Correction::Type::asymP,
                                     cellID, Asx )
-            .value_or( Correction::Result{0., 0.} );
+            .value_or( Correction::Result{ 0., 0. } );
     const auto [ddcY, DasymY] =
         getCorrectionAndDerivative( baseParams, ( yBar < 0 ) ? Correction::Type::asymM : Correction::Type::asymP,
                                     cellID, Asy )
-            .value_or( Correction::Result{0., 0.} );
+            .value_or( Correction::Result{ 0., 0. } );
     Asx += ddcX; // Asx4
     Asy += ddcY; // Asy4
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloShowerOverlap.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloShowerOverlap.cpp
index 17ee306929fc198985a05a98eef96240cf6ccade..a5a9ca485c4378f913159cfa4d0fe45b2c6d0d32 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloShowerOverlap.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloShowerOverlap.cpp
@@ -63,28 +63,28 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
         IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const;
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_cluster_tagging_failed{
-        this, "Cluster tagging failed - keep the initial 3x3 tagging"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_negative_E{this, "negative E clusters (removed)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterDeltaX{this, "Delta(X)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterDeltaY{this, "Delta(Y)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterDeltaZ{this, "Delta(Z)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterDeltaE{this, "Delta(E)"};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_dMin{this, "DistanceThreshold", 4};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_etMin{this, "MinEtThreshold", 50., "( ET1 > x && ET2 > x)"};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_etMin2{this, "MaxEtThreshold", 150., "( ET2 > y || ET2 > y)"};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_iter{this, "Iterations", 5,
-                                "Max iterations in ShowerOverlapTool. If negative, stop when tolerance is reached."};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_applyLSCorr{this, "ApplyLSCorr", false};
+        this, "Cluster tagging failed - keep the initial 3x3 tagging" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_negative_E{ this, "negative E clusters (removed)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterDeltaX{ this, "Delta(X)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterDeltaY{ this, "Delta(Y)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterDeltaZ{ this, "Delta(Z)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterDeltaE{ this, "Delta(E)" };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_dMin{ this, "DistanceThreshold", 4 };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_etMin{ this, "MinEtThreshold", 50., "( ET1 > x && ET2 > x)" };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_etMin2{ this, "MaxEtThreshold", 150., "( ET2 > y || ET2 > y)" };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_iter{ this, "Iterations", 5,
+                                 "Max iterations in ShowerOverlapTool. If negative, stop when tolerance is reached." };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_applyLSCorr{ this, "ApplyLSCorr", false };
     // following properties are inherited by the selector tool when defined :
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_taggerP{this, "PositionTags"};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_taggerE{this, "EnergyTags"};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_taggerP{ this, "PositionTags" };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_taggerE{ this, "EnergyTags" };
-    ToolHandle<Interfaces::IShowerOverlap> m_oTool{this, "OverlapTool",
-                                                   "CaloFutureShowerOverlapTool/PhotonShowerOverlap"};
-    ToolHandle<SubClusterSelectorTool>     m_tagger{this, "SubClusterSelector",
-                                                "FutureSubClusterSelectorTool/EcalClusterTag"};
+    ToolHandle<Interfaces::IShowerOverlap> m_oTool{ this, "OverlapTool",
+                                                    "CaloFutureShowerOverlapTool/PhotonShowerOverlap" };
+    ToolHandle<SubClusterSelectorTool>     m_tagger{ this, "SubClusterSelector",
+                                                 "FutureSubClusterSelectorTool/EcalClusterTag" };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( ShowerOverlap, "CaloFutureShowerOverlap" )
@@ -96,10 +96,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       : Transformer{
-            {KeyValue{"InputData", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureClusterLocation( name, "EcalRaw" )},
-             KeyValue{"Detector", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::DeCaloFutureLocation( name )},
-             KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-            KeyValue{"OutputData", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureClusterLocation( name, "EcalOverlap" )}} {}
+            { KeyValue{ "InputData", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureClusterLocation( name, "EcalRaw" ) },
+              KeyValue{ "Detector", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::DeCaloFutureLocation( name ) },
+              KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+            KeyValue{ "OutputData", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureClusterLocation( name, "EcalOverlap" ) } } {}
   // Main execution
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
                                                          DetectorElement const&             geometry ) const {
     // sort clusters, as this algorithm depends on the ordering
-    auto                        eT                   = LHCb::CaloDataFunctor::EnergyTransverse{&det};
+    auto                        eT                   = LHCb::CaloDataFunctor::EnergyTransverse{ &det };
     LHCb::Event::Calo::Clusters outputClusters       = clusters.sorted( eT );
     auto                        outputClustersScalar = outputClusters.scalar();
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     for ( auto e1 : c1.entries() ) {
       auto entries2 = c2.entries();
       auto e2       = std::find_if( entries2.begin(), entries2.end(),
-                              [id = e1.cellID()]( const auto& e2 ) { return e2.cellID() == id; } );
+                                    [id = e1.cellID()]( const auto& e2 ) { return e2.cellID() == id; } );
       if ( e2 != entries2.end() ) {
         const auto totE = c1.e() + c2.e();
         e1.setFraction( c1.e() / totE );
@@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
         .orElse( [&] { ++m_cluster_tagging_failed; } )
     // correct entry weight for shower overlap (assuming EM cluster)
-    m_oTool->process( calo, c1, c2, geometry, m_iter, Interfaces::IShowerOverlap::propagateInitialWeights{false},
-                      Interfaces::IShowerOverlap::applyCorrections{m_applyLSCorr.value()} );
+    m_oTool->process( calo, c1, c2, geometry, m_iter, Interfaces::IShowerOverlap::propagateInitialWeights{ false },
+                      Interfaces::IShowerOverlap::applyCorrections{ m_applyLSCorr.value() } );
 } // namespace LHCb::Calo
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloShowerOverlapTool.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloShowerOverlapTool.cpp
index dd34f2c63b8d9998ce4c953653874024ff2f7060..fcddfae9d7b7f8189e39cc6200eb4c195869a732 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloShowerOverlapTool.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CaloShowerOverlapTool.cpp
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ namespace {
   Gaudi::LorentzVector to_p4( Gaudi::XYZPointF loc, float e ) {
-    auto dir = ( loc - Gaudi::XYZPointF{0, 0, 0} ).Unit();
-    return {e * dir.x(), e * dir.y(), e * dir.z(), e};
+    auto dir = ( loc - Gaudi::XYZPointF{ 0, 0, 0 } ).Unit();
+    return { e * dir.x(), e * dir.y(), e * dir.z(), e };
 } // namespace
@@ -64,25 +64,25 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Tools {
                    LHCb::Event::Calo::Clusters::reference<SIMDWrapper::Scalar, LHCb::Pr::ProxyBehaviour::Contiguous> c,
                    IGeometryInfo const& geometry, bool hypoCorrection ) const;
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_minSize{this, "ClusterMinSize", 2};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string>  m_pcond{this, "Profile",
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_minSize{ this, "ClusterMinSize", 2 };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string>  m_pcond{ this, "Profile",
 #ifdef USE_DD4HEP
-                                         "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:PhotonShowerProfile"
+                                          "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:PhotonShowerProfile"
-                                         "Conditions/Reco/Calo/PhotonShowerProfile"
+                                          "Conditions/Reco/Calo/PhotonShowerProfile"
-    ToolHandle<Interfaces::IProcessHypos>             m_stool{this, "CaloFutureSCorrection",
-                                                  "CaloFutureSCorrection/" + correctionType( name() ) + "SCorrection"};
+    ToolHandle<Interfaces::IProcessHypos> m_stool{
+        this, "CaloFutureSCorrection", "CaloFutureSCorrection/" + correctionType( name() ) + "SCorrection" };
     ToolHandle<LHCb::Calo::Interfaces::IProcessHypos> m_ltool{
-        this, "CaloFutureLCorrection", "CaloFutureLCorrection/" + correctionType( name() ) + "LCorrection"};
-    ToolHandle<Correction::Base> m_shape{this, "CaloFutureCorrectionBase", "CaloFutureCorrectionBase/ShowerProfile"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_skippedSize{this, "Overlap correction skipped due to cluster size"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_skippedEnergy{this, "Overlap correction skipped due to cluster energy"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_positionFailed{this, "Cluster position failed"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_lcorr_error{this, "LCorrection could not be evaluated"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_scorr_error{this, "SCorrection could not be evaluated"};
+        this, "CaloFutureLCorrection", "CaloFutureLCorrection/" + correctionType( name() ) + "LCorrection" };
+    ToolHandle<Correction::Base> m_shape{ this, "CaloFutureCorrectionBase", "CaloFutureCorrectionBase/ShowerProfile" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_skippedSize{ this, "Overlap correction skipped due to cluster size" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_skippedEnergy{ this, "Overlap correction skipped due to cluster energy" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_positionFailed{ this, "Cluster position failed" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_lcorr_error{ this, "LCorrection could not be evaluated" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_scorr_error{ this, "SCorrection could not be evaluated" };
   namespace {
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Tools {
               IGeometryInfo const& ) {
       auto skip = []( auto status ) {
-        return status.noneOf( {CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForEnergy, CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForPosition} );
+        return status.noneOf( { CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForEnergy, CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForPosition } );
       // cluster1  -> cluster2 spillover
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Tools {
     // typical transversal resolution (LHCb note 2003 091, page 5): 1.5mm, 3mm and 7mm for the inner, middle and outer
     // part of Ecal, respectively (∼ 4%, 5% and 6% of the cell size)
-    constexpr float resolution_transversal_all[3] = {7.0, 3.0, 1.5};
+    constexpr float resolution_transversal_all[3] = { 7.0, 3.0, 1.5 };
     // distance in transversal plane
     auto distance = []( const float x1, const float x2, const float y1, const float y2 ) {
       const float dx = x2 - x1;
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Tools {
     auto ret = LHCb::Calo::Functor::calculateClusterEXY( cluster.entries(), &calo );
     if ( ret ) {
       cluster.setEnergy( ret->Etot );
-      cluster.setPosition( {ret->x, ret->y, cluster.position().Z()} );
+      cluster.setPosition( { ret->x, ret->y, cluster.position().Z() } );
     } else {
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CellMatrix3x3.h b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CellMatrix3x3.h
index 6efeb7da7fcab1e90640201dcf949596974afd84..e9e5d6b0d1487a4abda9156eb6c42913754c7629 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CellMatrix3x3.h
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CellMatrix3x3.h
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public:
   /** the standard constructor
    *  @param Det pointer to calorimeter detector
-  CellMatrix3x3( const DeCalorimeter* det = nullptr ) : CellMatrix{det} {}
+  CellMatrix3x3( const DeCalorimeter* det = nullptr ) : CellMatrix{ det } {}
   /** the major method. It returns "true" if the cell
    *  belongs to 3x3 sub-matrix around the seed
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CellSelector.h b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CellSelector.h
index 274b07a4ecf8a63620cefbf48679d9a25a6298c4..2778bd68e7d3213775a2a6ba3c8a63cdcc70151c 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CellSelector.h
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CellSelector.h
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       friend std::ostream& toStream( Selector s, std::ostream& os ) { return os << std::quoted( toString( s ), '\'' ); }
-      CellSelector( const DeCalorimeter* det = nullptr, Selector = Selector{-1} );
+      CellSelector( const DeCalorimeter* det = nullptr, Selector = Selector{ -1 } );
       double operator()( LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID seed, LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID cell ) const {
         return std::visit(
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     StatusCode parse( CellSelector::Selector& s, const std::string& str ) {
-      constexpr auto values = std::array{CellSelector::Selector::s3x3, CellSelector::Selector::s2x2,
-                                         CellSelector::Selector::SwissCross, CellSelector::Selector::Neighbour};
+      constexpr auto values = std::array{ CellSelector::Selector::s3x3, CellSelector::Selector::s2x2,
+                                          CellSelector::Selector::SwissCross, CellSelector::Selector::Neighbour };
       auto           i =
           std::find_if( values.begin(), values.end(), [s = unquote( str )]( auto v ) { return toString( v ) == s; } );
       return i != values.end() ? ( s = *i, StatusCode::SUCCESS ) : StatusCode::FAILURE;
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CellSwissCross.h b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CellSwissCross.h
index 7b742787e887950fd6663fed1eccc5ce61786f91..978d763ec5df71005b2d38c332999e563d6611f4 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CellSwissCross.h
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CellSwissCross.h
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public:
   /** Standard constructor
    *  @param Det pointer to calorimeter detector
-  CellSwissCross( const DeCalorimeter* det = nullptr ) : CellMatrix{det} {}
+  CellSwissCross( const DeCalorimeter* det = nullptr ) : CellMatrix{ det } {}
   /** the major method. It returns "true" if the cell
    *  belongs to "swiss-cross" sub-matrix around the seed
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CellularAutomatonAlg.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CellularAutomatonAlg.cpp
index 6746937feec8b1a255eae82258d8be6fd22c9351..881e6c28e70578310084c115180908a7a4de17fe 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CellularAutomatonAlg.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/CellularAutomatonAlg.cpp
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
   namespace {
     // ============================================================================
     constexpr auto usedForE =
-        CaloDigitStatus::Status{CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForEnergy, CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForCovariance};
+        CaloDigitStatus::Status{ CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForEnergy, CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForCovariance };
     constexpr auto usedForP =
-        CaloDigitStatus::Status{CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForPosition, CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForCovariance};
+        CaloDigitStatus::Status{ CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForPosition, CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForCovariance };
     constexpr auto seed =
         ( usedForP | usedForE | CaloDigitStatus::Mask::SeedCell | CaloDigitStatus::Mask::LocalMaximum );
     // ============================================================================
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       // ==========================================================================
       // Constructor
       CelAutoTaggedCell() = default;
-      CelAutoTaggedCell( Detector::Calo::CellID id, double energy ) : m_id{id}, m_energy{energy} {}
+      CelAutoTaggedCell( Detector::Calo::CellID id, double energy ) : m_id{ id }, m_energy{ energy } {}
       // ==========================================================================
       // Getters
       LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID cellID() const { return m_id; }
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     template <typename Digit, typename Hits>
     bool isLocMax( const Digit& digit, const Hits& hits, const DeCalorimeter& det, double et_cut ) {
       double e  = digit.e();
-      auto   et = LHCb::CaloDataFunctor::EnergyTransverse{&det};
+      auto   et = LHCb::CaloDataFunctor::EnergyTransverse{ &det };
       double eT = et( &digit );
       for ( const auto& i : det.neighborCells( digit.cellID() ) ) {
         auto cell = hits[i];
@@ -204,20 +204,20 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
                                             const LHCb::Event::Calo::Digits& ) const override; ///< Algorithm execution
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>           m_neig_level{this, "Level", 0};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>                   m_withET{this, "withET", false};
-    Gaudi::Property<double>                 m_ETcut{this, "ETcut", -10. * Gaudi::Units::GeV};
-    Gaudi::Property<CellSelector::Selector> m_usedE{this, "CellSelectorForEnergy", CellSelector::Selector::s3x3};
-    Gaudi::Property<CellSelector::Selector> m_usedP{this, "CellSelectorForPosition", CellSelector::Selector::s3x3};
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>           m_passMax{this, "MaxIteration", 10};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_clusters{this, "# clusters"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_passes{this, "# clusterization passes"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_negative{this, "Negative energy clusters"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_clusterEnergy{this, "Cluster energy"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_negativeSeed{this, "Negative seed energy"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_clusterSize{this, "Cluster size"};
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>           m_neig_level{ this, "Level", 0 };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>                   m_withET{ this, "withET", false };
+    Gaudi::Property<double>                 m_ETcut{ this, "ETcut", -10. * Gaudi::Units::GeV };
+    Gaudi::Property<CellSelector::Selector> m_usedE{ this, "CellSelectorForEnergy", CellSelector::Selector::s3x3 };
+    Gaudi::Property<CellSelector::Selector> m_usedP{ this, "CellSelectorForPosition", CellSelector::Selector::s3x3 };
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>           m_passMax{ this, "MaxIteration", 10 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_clusters{ this, "# clusters" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_passes{ this, "# clusterization passes" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_negative{ this, "Negative energy clusters" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_clusterEnergy{ this, "Cluster energy" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_negativeSeed{ this, "Negative seed energy" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_clusterSize{ this, "Cluster size" };
   // ============================================================================
@@ -230,9 +230,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
   // ============================================================================
   CellularAutomaton::CellularAutomaton( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"Detector", Utilities::DeCaloFutureLocation( name )},
-                      KeyValue{"InputData", Utilities::CaloFutureDigitLocation( name )}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputData", Utilities::CaloFutureClusterLocation( name, "EcalRaw" )} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "Detector", Utilities::DeCaloFutureLocation( name ) },
+                       KeyValue{ "InputData", Utilities::CaloFutureDigitLocation( name ) } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputData", Utilities::CaloFutureClusterLocation( name, "EcalRaw" ) } ) {}
   // ============================================================================
   //  Finalize
@@ -250,15 +250,15 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
                                                        const LHCb::Event::Calo::Digits& hits ) const ///< Algorithm
                                                                                                      ///< execution
-    Event::Calo::Clusters clusters{Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
+    Event::Calo::Clusters clusters{ Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) };
     clusters.reserve( hits.size() );
     // cmb: this needs to be done every time in order
     // to allow different detectors in the same algorithm
     // --> to be revisited in a future round
-    auto addDigit = [useForE = CellSelector{&detector, m_usedE.value()},
-                     useForP = CellSelector{&detector, m_usedP.value()}]( auto begin, auto end, auto digits,
-                                                                          LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID  seedID,
-                                                                          LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Status init ) {
+    auto addDigit = [useForE = CellSelector{ &detector, m_usedE.value() },
+                     useForP = CellSelector{ &detector, m_usedP.value() }]( auto begin, auto end, auto digits,
+                                                                            LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID  seedID,
+                                                                            LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Status init ) {
       // transform!
       std::for_each( begin, end, [&, seedID = seedID, init = init]( const auto* i ) {
         LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID cellID = i->cellID();
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // Create access direct and sequential on the tagged cells
     /// container to tagged  cells with direct (by CellID key)  access
-    CaloVector<CelAutoTaggedCell*> taggedCellsDirect{nullptr};
+    CaloVector<CelAutoTaggedCell*> taggedCellsDirect{ nullptr };
     taggedCellsDirect.reserve( local_size );
     taggedCellsDirect.setSize( 14000 );
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
         cluster.setCellID( seedID );
         cluster.setType( Event::Calo::Clusters::Type::CellularAutomaton );
         cluster.setEnergy( exy->Etot );
-        cluster.setPosition( {exy->x, exy->y, (float)detector.cellCenter( seedID ).z()} );
+        cluster.setPosition( { exy->x, exy->y, (float)detector.cellCenter( seedID ).z() } );
         clusterEnergy_counter += cluster.energy();
         clusterSize_counter += cluster.size();
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/ClassifyPhotonElectronAlg.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/ClassifyPhotonElectronAlg.cpp
index 12882a787ad42ff9978a9bfaa99354c83dcc1360..62adc1df2e9d313e04fbd7201145ac0f37764a8f 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/ClassifyPhotonElectronAlg.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/ClassifyPhotonElectronAlg.cpp
@@ -74,18 +74,18 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithm {
       template <typename Component>
       Counters( Component* parent, std::string_view sv )
-          : m_dX{parent, std::string{sv}.append( " Delta(X)" )}
-          , m_dY{parent, std::string{sv}.append( " Delta(Y)" )}
-          , m_dZ{parent, std::string{sv}.append( " Delta(Z)" )}
-          , m_dE{parent, std::string{sv}.append( " Delta(E)" )}
-          , m_E{parent, std::string{sv}.append( " corrected energy" )} {}
+          : m_dX{ parent, std::string{ sv }.append( " Delta(X)" ) }
+          , m_dY{ parent, std::string{ sv }.append( " Delta(Y)" ) }
+          , m_dZ{ parent, std::string{ sv }.append( " Delta(Z)" ) }
+          , m_dE{ parent, std::string{ sv }.append( " Delta(E)" ) }
+          , m_E{ parent, std::string{ sv }.append( " corrected energy" ) } {}
       auto save_initial_values( Hypotheses const& hypos ) {
         std::vector<std::array<double, 4>> Vect_start{};
         Vect_start.reserve( hypos.size() );
         for ( auto hypo : hypos.scalar() ) {
           const auto& pos = hypo.position();
-          Vect_start.push_back( {pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z(), hypo.energy()} );
+          Vect_start.push_back( { pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z(), hypo.energy() } );
         return Vect_start;
@@ -124,11 +124,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithm {
     ClassifyPhotonElectronBase( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
         : ClassifyPhotonElectronBase<TrackMatchTable>::MultiTransformer(
               name, pSvc,
-              {KeyValue( "Detector", CaloFutureAlgUtils::DeCaloFutureLocation( "Ecal" ) ),
-               KeyValue( "InputClusters", CaloClusterLocation::Ecal ), KeyValue( "InputTable", "" ),
-               KeyValue( "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top ), KeyValue( "PrimaryVertices", "" )},
-              {KeyValue( "OutputPhotons", HypothesesLocation::Photons ),
-               KeyValue( "OutputElectrons", HypothesesLocation::Electrons )} ) {}
+              { KeyValue( "Detector", CaloFutureAlgUtils::DeCaloFutureLocation( "Ecal" ) ),
+                KeyValue( "InputClusters", CaloClusterLocation::Ecal ), KeyValue( "InputTable", "" ),
+                KeyValue( "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top ), KeyValue( "PrimaryVertices", "" ) },
+              { KeyValue( "OutputPhotons", HypothesesLocation::Photons ),
+                KeyValue( "OutputElectrons", HypothesesLocation::Electrons ) } ) {}
     // returns 2 Hypotheses: photons and electrons respectively
     std::tuple<Hypotheses, Hypotheses> operator()( const EventContext& evtCtx, DeCalorimeter const&, Clusters const&,
@@ -149,34 +149,34 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithm {
     // Correction tools for now used as they were in
     // SinglePhotonAlg and ElectronAlg
     ToolHandleArray<Interfaces::IProcessHypos> m_correc_photon{
-        this, "PhotonCorrection", {}, "List of tools for 'fine-corrections'"};
+        this, "PhotonCorrection", {}, "List of tools for 'fine-corrections'" };
     ToolHandleArray<Interfaces::IProcessHypos> m_correc_electr{
-        this, "ElectronCorrection", {}, "List of tools for 'fine-corrections'"};
+        this, "ElectronCorrection", {}, "List of tools for 'fine-corrections'" };
     // selection cuts
-    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_ecut{this, "MinEnergy", 0., "Threshold on cluster energy"};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_eTcut{this, "MinET", 0., "Threshold on cluster transverse energy"};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minDigits{this, "MinDigits", 0, "Threshold on minimum cluster digits"};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_maxDigits{this, "MaxDigits", 9999, "Threshold on maximum cluster digits"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_photonEtCut{this, "PhotonMinEt", 0., "Threshold on photon cluster & hypo ET"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_electrEtCut{this, "ElectrMinEt", 0., "Threshold on electron cluster & hypo ET"};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_photonChi2Cut{this, "PhotonMinChi2", 0.,
-                                           "Threshold on minimum photon cluster track match chi2"};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_electrChi2Cut{this, "ElectrMaxChi2", 0.,
-                                           "Threshold on maximum electron cluster track match chi2"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterPhotons{this, "photonHypos"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterElectrs{this, "electronHypos"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>     m_photons_rejected_after_correction{this,
-                                                                               "Photons pT-rejected after correction"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>     m_electrons_rejected_after_correction{
-        this, "Electrons pT-rejected after correction"};
-    mutable Counters m_photon_counters{this, "Photon"};
-    mutable Counters m_electron_counters{this, "Electron"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_errApply{this,
-                                                                   "Error from Correction Tool - skip the cluster", 3};
+    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_ecut{ this, "MinEnergy", 0., "Threshold on cluster energy" };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_eTcut{ this, "MinET", 0., "Threshold on cluster transverse energy" };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minDigits{ this, "MinDigits", 0, "Threshold on minimum cluster digits" };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_maxDigits{ this, "MaxDigits", 9999, "Threshold on maximum cluster digits" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_photonEtCut{ this, "PhotonMinEt", 0., "Threshold on photon cluster & hypo ET" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_electrEtCut{ this, "ElectrMinEt", 0., "Threshold on electron cluster & hypo ET" };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_photonChi2Cut{ this, "PhotonMinChi2", 0.,
+                                            "Threshold on minimum photon cluster track match chi2" };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_electrChi2Cut{ this, "ElectrMaxChi2", 0.,
+                                            "Threshold on maximum electron cluster track match chi2" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterPhotons{ this, "photonHypos" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_counterElectrs{ this, "electronHypos" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>     m_photons_rejected_after_correction{
+        this, "Photons pT-rejected after correction" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_electrons_rejected_after_correction{
+        this, "Electrons pT-rejected after correction" };
+    mutable Counters m_photon_counters{ this, "Photon" };
+    mutable Counters m_electron_counters{ this, "Electron" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_errApply{
+        this, "Error from Correction Tool - skip the cluster", 3 };
   // specific implementations of ClassifyPhotonElectronBase
@@ -193,13 +193,13 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithm {
   //   Algorithm execution
   // ============================================================================
   template <typename TrackMatchTable>
-  std::tuple<Hypotheses, Hypotheses> ClassifyPhotonElectronBase<TrackMatchTable>::
-                                     operator()( const EventContext& evtCtx, DeCalorimeter const& calo, Clusters const& clusters,
-              TrackMatchTable const& table, DetectorElement const& lhcb, PrimaryVertices const& vertLoc ) const {
+  std::tuple<Hypotheses, Hypotheses> ClassifyPhotonElectronBase<TrackMatchTable>::operator()(
+      const EventContext& evtCtx, DeCalorimeter const& calo, Clusters const& clusters, TrackMatchTable const& table,
+      DetectorElement const& lhcb, PrimaryVertices const& vertLoc ) const {
     // output containers
     auto result = std::tuple<Hypotheses, Hypotheses>{
-        Hypotheses{Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )},
-        Hypotheses{Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )}};
+        Hypotheses{ Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) },
+        Hypotheses{ Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) } };
     auto& [photons, electrons] = result;
     photons.reserve( clusters.size() );
     photons.clusters().reserve( clusters.size() );
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithm {
     electrons.clusters().reserve( clusters.size() );
     // used in the loop
-    auto eT = CaloDataFunctor::EnergyTransverse{&calo};
+    auto eT = CaloDataFunctor::EnergyTransverse{ &calo };
     // lookup of cluster-track matches
     // using view, same indexing as clusters
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithm {
           if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
             this->debug() << " --> Cluster satisfies photon e, et, digits, pt and chi2 requirements" << endmsg;
-          photons.emplace_back( Hypotheses::Type::Photon, cl.cellID(), {cl} );
+          photons.emplace_back( Hypotheses::Type::Photon, cl.cellID(), { cl } );
         // 2. check if cluster fullfills electron hypo requirements
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Algorithm {
           if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
             this->debug() << " --> Cluster satisfies electron e, et, digits, pt and chi2 requirements" << endmsg;
-          electrons.emplace_back( Hypotheses::Type::EmCharged, cl.cellID(), {cl} );
+          electrons.emplace_back( Hypotheses::Type::EmCharged, cl.cellID(), { cl } );
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/ClusterCovarianceMatrixTool.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/ClusterCovarianceMatrixTool.cpp
index b9a1a186a905e5871f4d69ed25e2da4d50db13d3..36fb5eba008dc79f36b736bd4a3d767e2545559b 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/ClusterCovarianceMatrixTool.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/ClusterCovarianceMatrixTool.cpp
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
   ClusterCovarianceMatrixTool::getParams( Correction::Parameters const& baseParams ) {
     LHCb::Calo::CovarianceMatrixTool::detail::ParameterMap parameters;
     for ( unsigned int area = 0; area < 3; ++area ) { // loop over calo area
-      const auto& params =
-          m_dbAccessor->getParamVector( baseParams, Correction::Type::ClusterCovariance,
-                                        Detector::Calo::CellID{Detector::Calo::CellCode::Index::EcalCalo, area, 0, 0} );
+      const auto& params = m_dbAccessor->getParamVector(
+          baseParams, Correction::Type::ClusterCovariance,
+          Detector::Calo::CellID{ Detector::Calo::CellCode::Index::EcalCalo, area, 0, 0 } );
       // FIXME: read Calo index from DeCalorimeter
       if ( params.size() > CovarianceMatrixTool::detail::Parameter::Last ) ++m_parExceeded;
       if ( params.size() < CovarianceMatrixTool::detail::Parameter::Last ) {
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     return ConditionAccessorHolder::initialize().andThen( [&] {
       // depends on m_conditionName so that calls to m_dbAccessor give proper results
-          {m_conditionName, m_dbAccessor->getParamConditionPath()}, m_parameters.key(),
+          { m_conditionName, m_dbAccessor->getParamConditionPath() }, m_parameters.key(),
           [&]( YAML::Node const&, Correction::Parameters const& baseParams ) { return getParams( baseParams ); } );
       return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
     } );
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/ClusterCovarianceMatrixTool.h b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/ClusterCovarianceMatrixTool.h
index 91937ea808f5261a8084028e73c10aa3ea0fbc0d..9199ecbab02d2234874363f5727e89ddf4ba25d9 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/ClusterCovarianceMatrixTool.h
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/ClusterCovarianceMatrixTool.h
@@ -189,17 +189,17 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::CovarianceMatrixTool::detail {
         return static_cast<int>( lhs.i ) - static_cast<int>( rhs.i );
-    constexpr static auto begin() { return Iterator{0}; }
-    constexpr static auto end() { return Iterator{Parameter::Last}; }
+    constexpr static auto begin() { return Iterator{ 0 }; }
+    constexpr static auto end() { return Iterator{ Parameter::Last }; }
     constexpr static auto size() { return Parameter::Last; }
     static const char* name( Parameter p ) {
-      constexpr auto names = std::array{"Stochastic", "GainError", "IncoherentNoise", "CoherentNoise",
-                                        "ConstantE",  "ConstantX", "ConstantY"};
+      constexpr auto names = std::array{ "Stochastic", "GainError", "IncoherentNoise", "CoherentNoise",
+                                         "ConstantE",  "ConstantX", "ConstantY" };
       return names[p];
     static const char* unit( Parameter p ) {
-      constexpr auto units = std::array{"Sqrt(GeV)", "", "ADC", "ADC", "MeV", "mm", "mm"};
+      constexpr auto units = std::array{ "Sqrt(GeV)", "", "ADC", "ADC", "MeV", "mm", "mm" };
       return units[p];
@@ -228,7 +228,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::CovarianceMatrixTool::detail {
     [[nodiscard]] bool                       empty() const { return m_present.none(); }
     [[nodiscard]] bool                       contains( Parameter p ) const { return m_present.test( p ); }
     [[nodiscard]] const std::vector<double>& at( Parameter p ) const {
-      if ( !contains( p ) ) throw std::out_of_range{fmt::format( "Parameter '{}' not present", Parameters::name( p ) )};
+      if ( !contains( p ) )
+        throw std::out_of_range{ fmt::format( "Parameter '{}' not present", Parameters::name( p ) ) };
       return m_params[p];
     [[nodiscard]] std::vector<double>& operator[]( Parameter p ) {
@@ -254,7 +255,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::CovarianceMatrixTool::detail {
     friend std::string toString( ParameterMap const& pm ) {
       std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>> m;
       for ( auto p : Parameters{} ) {
-        if ( pm.contains( p ) ) m.insert( {Parameters::name( p ), pm.at( p )} );
+        if ( pm.contains( p ) ) m.insert( { Parameters::name( p ), pm.at( p ) } );
       return Gaudi::Utils::toString( m );
@@ -316,7 +317,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       for ( auto&& [i, entry] : LHCb::range::enumerate( entries ) ) {
         /// check the status
         if ( entry.status().anyOf(
-                 {LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForEnergy, LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForPosition} ) )
+                 { LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForEnergy, LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForPosition } ) )
           entry.addStatus( LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForCovariance );
           entry.removeStatus( LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForCovariance );
@@ -412,7 +413,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       // does energy have a reasonable value?
       if ( eTE <= 0 ) cluster.setEnergy( 0 );
-      if ( eTP <= 0 ) cluster.setPosition( {0, 0, cluster.position().z()} );
+      if ( eTP <= 0 ) cluster.setPosition( { 0, 0, cluster.position().z() } );
       if ( eTE <= 0 || eTP <= 0 ) {
         return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -437,7 +438,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       // update cluster patameters
       cluster.setEnergy( Ecl );
-      cluster.setPosition( {Xcl, Ycl, cluster.position().z()} );
+      cluster.setPosition( { Xcl, Ycl, cluster.position().z() } );
       // update cluster matrix
       LHCb::LinAlg::MatSym<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3> covariance;
@@ -455,19 +456,19 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     CovarianceMatrixTool::detail::ParameterMap getParams( Correction::Parameters const& );
-    ConditionAccessor<CovarianceMatrixTool::detail::ParameterMap> m_parameters{this, name() + "_Parameters"};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string>                                  m_conditionName{this, "ConditionName",
+    ConditionAccessor<CovarianceMatrixTool::detail::ParameterMap> m_parameters{ this, name() + "_Parameters" };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string>                                  m_conditionName{ this, "ConditionName",
 #ifdef USE_DD4HEP
-                                                 "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:EcalCovariance"
+                                                  "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:EcalCovariance"
-                                                 "Conditions/Reco/Calo/EcalCovariance"
+                                                  "Conditions/Reco/Calo/EcalCovariance"
-    ToolHandle<Correction::Base> m_dbAccessor = {this, "CorrectionBase", "CaloFutureCorrectionBase/DBAccessor"};
+    ToolHandle<Correction::Base> m_dbAccessor = { this, "CorrectionBase", "CaloFutureCorrectionBase/DBAccessor" };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_negative_energy{this, "negative energy cluster"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_negative_energy{ this, "negative energy cluster" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_parExceeded{
-        this, "Parameters vector exceeds the number of known parameters"};
+        this, "Parameters vector exceeds the number of known parameters" };
     /** calorimeter resolution (A*A*GeV)
      *  @return A*A*GeV resolution parameter
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/ClusterSpreadTool.h b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/ClusterSpreadTool.h
index be95a40d94e9c98cde9e871710133836d12e2225..8e3c6d89cf7d10c755d0319e07e003d5d7d4569a 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/ClusterSpreadTool.h
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/ClusterSpreadTool.h
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     template <typename ClusterType>
     [[gnu::always_inline]] inline StatusCode compute( const DeCalorimeter& calo, ClusterType c ) const {
-      auto et = LHCb::CaloDataFunctor::EnergyTransverse{&calo};
+      auto et = LHCb::CaloDataFunctor::EnergyTransverse{ &calo };
       if ( c.size() == 0 ) {
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       constexpr double e_prec  = 0.2 * Gaudi::Units::MeV;
       Gaudi::SymMatrix2x2 cov{};
-      Gaudi::Vector2      mean{0., 0.};
+      Gaudi::Vector2      mean{ 0., 0. };
       double              etot = 0;
       unsigned int ncells = 0;
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
         if ( weight <= 0 ) continue;
-        const Gaudi::Vector2 xy = {pos.x(), pos.y()};
+        const Gaudi::Vector2 xy = { pos.x(), pos.y() };
         // accumulate the energy
         etot += weight;
@@ -180,7 +180,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
               // the matrix is numerically diagonal? => trivial eigenvectors
               absLess( cov( 1, 0 ), x_prec2 ) ? 0.0 :
                                               // find "the best non-zero" eigenvector
-                  absLess( diff1, diff2 ) ? std::atan2( cov( 1, 0 ), diff2 ) : std::atan2( diff1, -cov( 1, 0 ) );
+                  absLess( diff1, diff2 ) ? std::atan2( cov( 1, 0 ), diff2 )
+                                          : std::atan2( diff1, -cov( 1, 0 ) );
           const double cphi = std::cos( phi );
           const double sphi = std::sin( phi );
@@ -207,13 +208,13 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_skipped_size{this, "# clusters skipped - cluster size"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_skipped_ncells{this, "# clusters skipped - no positive cells"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_skipped_energy{this, "# clusters skipped - negative energy"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_skipped_etot{this, "# clusters skipped - negative E tot"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_skipped_seed{this, "# clusters skipped - seed not found"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<int>   m_cells{this, "Corrected Clusters: # cells "};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_ratio{this, "Corrected Clusters: size ratio"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_energy{this, "Corrected Clusters: ET"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_skipped_size{ this, "# clusters skipped - cluster size" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_skipped_ncells{ this, "# clusters skipped - no positive cells" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_skipped_energy{ this, "# clusters skipped - negative energy" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_skipped_etot{ this, "# clusters skipped - negative E tot" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_skipped_seed{ this, "# clusters skipped - seed not found" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<int>   m_cells{ this, "Corrected Clusters: # cells " };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_ratio{ this, "Corrected Clusters: size ratio" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_energy{ this, "Corrected Clusters: ET" };
 } // namespace LHCb::Calo
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/Converters.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/Converters.cpp
index fdeb847bc075a7a6cc3cf8aacbfbbe0356df7f28..521a1328ea9a6a70e8e31f001856756c059271dc 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/Converters.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/Converters.cpp
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Calo {
     [[gnu::noreturn]] void throw_exception( EC::ErrorCode ec, const char* tag ) {
       auto sc = StatusCode( ec );
-      throw GaudiException{sc.message(), tag, std::move( sc )};
+      throw GaudiException{ sc.message(), tag, std::move( sc ) };
 #define OOPS( x ) throw_exception( x, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ )
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Calo {
         if ( !c ) continue;
         auto cellid = id( *c );
         if ( !cellid ) continue;
-        auto& i = index[LHCb::Detector::Calo::Index{cellid}];
+        auto& i = index[LHCb::Detector::Calo::Index{ cellid }];
         if constexpr ( policy == Policy::requireUnique ) {
           if ( i ) OOPS( EC::ErrorCode::INDEX_NOT_UNIQUE );
           i = c;
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Calo {
       const auto& pos = cl.position();
       return LHCb::CaloPosition{}
           .setZ( pos.z() )
-          .setParameters( {pos.x(), pos.y(), cl.e()} )
+          .setParameters( { pos.x(), pos.y(), cl.e() } )
           .setCovariance( cl.covariance() )
           .setCenter( cl.center() )
           .setSpread( cl.spread() );
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Calo {
         } else {
           if ( !essentiallyEqual( (float)digi->e(), e.energy() ) ) OOPS( EC::ErrorCode::INCONSISTENT_DIGIT_ENERGY );
-        return LHCb::CaloClusterEntry{digi, e.status(), e.fraction()};
+        return LHCb::CaloClusterEntry{ digi, e.status(), e.fraction() };
       } );
       auto ret = cluster.get();
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Calo {
       hypo->setHypothesis( toHypo( h.hypothesis() ) );
       hypo->setPosition( std::make_unique<LHCb::CaloPosition>( createCaloPosition( h.clusters()[0] ) ) );
       // overwrite part of default CaloPosition with the hypo settings...
-      hypo->position()->setZ( h.position().z() ).setParameters( {h.position().x(), h.position().y(), h.energy()} );
+      hypo->position()->setZ( h.position().z() ).setParameters( { h.position().x(), h.position().y(), h.energy() } );
       for ( const auto& c : h.clusters() ) {
         auto out = convert_cluster( c );
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Calo {
           [idx = makeIndex<Policy::requireUnique>( clusters )](
               LHCb::Event::Calo::Clusters::const_reference<SIMDWrapper::Scalar, LHCb::Pr::ProxyBehaviour::ScatterGather>
                   cr ) {
-            auto ptr = idx[LHCb::Detector::Calo::Index{cr.cellID()}];
+            auto ptr = idx[LHCb::Detector::Calo::Index{ cr.cellID() }];
             if ( !ptr ) OOPS( EC::ErrorCode::NO_CLUSTER_MATCH_FOUND );
             return ptr;
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Calo {
         // allow for up to three clusters per cellID...
         auto index = std::array<std::array<const LHCb::CaloCluster*, 4>, LHCb::Detector::Calo::Index::max()>{};
         for ( const LHCb::CaloCluster* ptr : c ) {
-          auto& ptrs = index[LHCb::Detector::Calo::Index{ptr->seed()}];
+          auto& ptrs = index[LHCb::Detector::Calo::Index{ ptr->seed() }];
           auto  p    = std::find( ptrs.begin(), ptrs.end(), nullptr );
           if ( p == ptrs.end() ) OOPS( EC::ErrorCode::TOO_MANY_MATCHES );
           *p = ptr;
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Calo {
           [idx = index( clusters )](
               LHCb::Event::Calo::Clusters::const_reference<SIMDWrapper::Scalar, LHCb::Pr::ProxyBehaviour::ScatterGather>
                   cr ) {
-            auto i       = idx[LHCb::Detector::Calo::Index{cr.cellID()}];
+            auto i       = idx[LHCb::Detector::Calo::Index{ cr.cellID() }];
             auto n_match = std::distance( i.begin(), std::find( i.begin(), i.end(), nullptr ) );
             if ( n_match == 1 ) return i.front(); // fast path: single candidate, don't do anything fancy...
             if ( n_match == 0 ) OOPS( EC::ErrorCode::NO_CLUSTER_MATCH_FOUND );
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Calo {
             auto pos = std::make_unique<LHCb::CaloPosition>( splitCluster->position() );
             // but overwrite part of default CaloPosition with the E/S/L calibrated values
             pos->setZ( sc.position().z() )
-                .setParameters( {sc.position().x(), sc.position().y(), sc.energy()} )
+                .setParameters( { sc.position().x(), sc.position().y(), sc.energy() } )
                 .setCovariance( sc.covariance() );
             g->setPosition( std::move( pos ) );
             return g;
@@ -343,10 +343,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Calo {
     using Result = std::tuple<LHCb::CaloCluster::Container, LHCb::CaloDigits>;
     struct fromV2 : Algorithm::MultiTransformer<Result( const LHCb::Event::Calo::Clusters& )> {
       fromV2( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-          : MultiTransformer{name,
-                             pSvcLocator,
-                             KeyValue{"InputClusters", ""},
-                             {KeyValue{"OutputClusters", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputDigits", ""}}} {}
+          : MultiTransformer{ name,
+                              pSvcLocator,
+                              KeyValue{ "InputClusters", "" },
+                              { KeyValue{ "OutputClusters", "" }, KeyValue{ "OutputDigits", "" } } } {}
       Result operator()( const LHCb::Event::Calo::Clusters& clusters ) const override {
         auto result                          = Result{};
@@ -368,10 +368,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Calo {
     struct fromV2 : Algorithm::MultiTransformer<Result( const LHCb::Event::Calo::Hypotheses&,
                                                         const LHCb::CaloCluster::Container& )> {
       fromV2( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-          : MultiTransformer{name,
-                             pSvcLocator,
-                             {KeyValue{"InputHypos", ""}, KeyValue{"InputClusters", ""}},
-                             {KeyValue{"OutputHypos", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputTable", ""}}} {}
+          : MultiTransformer{ name,
+                              pSvcLocator,
+                              { KeyValue{ "InputHypos", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputClusters", "" } },
+                              { KeyValue{ "OutputHypos", "" }, KeyValue{ "OutputTable", "" } } } {}
       Result operator()( const LHCb::Event::Calo::Hypotheses& hypos,
                          const LHCb::CaloCluster::Container&  clusters ) const override {
@@ -400,14 +400,14 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Calo {
             : MultiTransformer{
-                  {KeyValue{"InputHypos", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureHypoLocation( "OldHypos" )},
-                   KeyValue{"InputClusters", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureClusterLocation( "OldClusters" )},
-                   KeyValue{"InputSplitClusters",
-                            LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureClusterLocation( "OldSplitClusters" )}},
-                  {KeyValue{"OutputHypos", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureHypoLocation( "OldHypos" )},
-                   KeyValue{"OutputSplitPhotons",
-                            LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureHypoLocation( "OldSplitPhotonsFromMergedPi0Hypos" )},
-                   KeyValue{"OutputTable", "Rec/Calo/Hypo2CellID"}}} {}
+                  { KeyValue{ "InputHypos", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureHypoLocation( "OldHypos" ) },
+                    KeyValue{ "InputClusters", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureClusterLocation( "OldClusters" ) },
+                    KeyValue{ "InputSplitClusters",
+                              LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureClusterLocation( "OldSplitClusters" ) } },
+                  { KeyValue{ "OutputHypos", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureHypoLocation( "OldHypos" ) },
+                    KeyValue{ "OutputSplitPhotons",
+                              LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureHypoLocation( "OldSplitPhotonsFromMergedPi0Hypos" ) },
+                    KeyValue{ "OutputTable", "Rec/Calo/Hypo2CellID" } } } {}
         Result operator()( const LHCb::Event::Calo::Hypotheses& hypos,
                            const LHCb::CaloCluster::Container&  inputClusters,
@@ -442,12 +442,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Calo {
     struct fromV2 : Algorithm::Transformer<OutputTable( InputTable const&, LHCb::CaloCluster::Container const& )> {
       fromV2( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-          : Transformer{name,
-                        pSvcLocator,
-                        {KeyValue{"InputTable", ""}, KeyValue{"InputClusters", ""}},
-                        KeyValue{"OutputTable", ""}} {}
+          : Transformer{ name,
+                         pSvcLocator,
+                         { KeyValue{ "InputTable", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputClusters", "" } },
+                         KeyValue{ "OutputTable", "" } } {}
       OutputTable operator()( InputTable const& in, const LHCb::CaloCluster::Container& clusters ) const override {
-        auto out   = OutputTable{in.relations().size()};
+        auto out   = OutputTable{ in.relations().size() };
         auto index = makeIndex<Policy::takeFirst>( clusters );
         for ( const auto& r : in.relations() ) {
           // why do we have a key(edContainer) and then not use keys to look up objects?
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Calo {
           // So the KeyedContainer<CaloCluster> cannot use the obvious cellID key, and instead it
           // uses an internally assigned int instead. So we cannot lookup by key, and thus have to make our own index
           // ;-( so we cannot just do: auto* c = clusters( r.from() ); and instead we do:
-          auto c = index[LHCb::Detector::Calo::Index{r.from()}];
+          auto c = index[LHCb::Detector::Calo::Index{ r.from() }];
           if ( !c ) OOPS( EC::ErrorCode::NO_CLUSTER_MATCH_FOUND );
           out.i_push( c, r.to(), r.weight() );
@@ -474,17 +474,17 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Calo {
     struct fromV2 : Algorithm::Transformer<OutputTable( InputTable const&, LHCb::CaloHypo::Container const& )> {
       fromV2( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-          : Transformer{name,
-                        pSvcLocator,
-                        {KeyValue{"InputTable", ""}, KeyValue{"InputHypotheses", ""}},
-                        KeyValue{"OutputTable", ""}} {}
+          : Transformer{ name,
+                         pSvcLocator,
+                         { KeyValue{ "InputTable", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputHypotheses", "" } },
+                         KeyValue{ "OutputTable", "" } } {}
       OutputTable operator()( InputTable const& in, LHCb::CaloHypo::Container const& hypos ) const override {
-        auto out   = OutputTable{in.relations().size()};
+        auto out   = OutputTable{ in.relations().size() };
         auto index = makeIndex<Policy::takeFirst>( hypos, []( const LHCb::CaloHypo& h ) {
           return LHCb::Calo::Functor::cellID( LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::ClusterFromHypo( h, false ) );
         } );
         for ( const auto& r : in.relations() ) {
-          auto h = index[LHCb::Detector::Calo::Index{r.from()}];
+          auto h = index[LHCb::Detector::Calo::Index{ r.from() }];
           if ( !h ) OOPS( EC::ErrorCode::NO_HYPO_MATCH_FOUND );
           out.i_push( h, r.to(), r.weight() );
@@ -504,16 +504,17 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Calo {
     struct fromV2 : Algorithm::MultiTransformer<std::tuple<OutputTable, LHCb::LinksByKey>(
                         LHCb::CaloHypo::Container const&, Old2NewHypo const&, InputTable const& )> {
       fromV2( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-          : MultiTransformer{name,
-                             pSvcLocator,
-                             {KeyValue{"InputHypos", ""}, KeyValue{"Old2New", ""}, KeyValue{"InputTable", ""}},
-                             {KeyValue{"OutputTable", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputLinks", ""}}} {}
+          : MultiTransformer{ name,
+                              pSvcLocator,
+                              { KeyValue{ "InputHypos", "" }, KeyValue{ "Old2New", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputTable", "" } },
+                              { KeyValue{ "OutputTable", "" }, KeyValue{ "OutputLinks", "" } } } {}
       std::tuple<OutputTable, LHCb::LinksByKey> operator()( LHCb::CaloHypo::Container const& hypos,
                                                             Old2NewHypo const&               convert,
                                                             InputTable const&                in ) const override {
-        auto out             = std::tuple{OutputTable{hypos.size() * 3},
-                              LHCb::LinksByKey{std::in_place_type<LHCb::CaloHypo>, std::in_place_type<LHCb::MCParticle>,
-                                               LHCb::LinksByKey::Order::decreasingWeight}};
+        auto out =
+            std::tuple{ OutputTable{ hypos.size() * 3 },
+                        LHCb::LinksByKey{ std::in_place_type<LHCb::CaloHypo>, std::in_place_type<LHCb::MCParticle>,
+                                          LHCb::LinksByKey::Order::decreasingWeight } };
         auto& [table, links] = out;
         auto convert_inverse = convert.inverse();
         for ( const auto& h : hypos ) {
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/GraphClustering.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/GraphClustering.cpp
index 6810852ba86d43ee7a46e6c1f774866708d614dd..9fad1e29eb97f59514a1c21a0cf2a6e5a40fea68 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/GraphClustering.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/GraphClustering.cpp
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     template <typename Container>
     auto simd_find( const Container& vec, simd::int_v value ) {
-      for ( size_t i{0}; i < vec.size(); i += simd::size ) {
-        if ( const auto mask = ( simd::int_v{vec.data() + i} == value ); any( mask ) ) {
+      for ( size_t i{ 0 }; i < vec.size(); i += simd::size ) {
+        if ( const auto mask = ( simd::int_v{ vec.data() + i } == value ); any( mask ) ) {
           return any( mask && simd::loop_mask( i, vec.size() ) );
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     class Graph {
-      static constexpr size_t           m_size{6016};
+      static constexpr size_t           m_size{ 6016 };
       std::vector<small_vector<int, 8>> m_adj_u; // Pointer to an array containing adjacency vectors
       std::vector<WeightedEdge>         m_adj_weighted;
       std::vector<WeightedEdge>         m_adj_weighted_pred;
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
           assert( n < (int)m_adj_weighted.size() );
           auto& edges = m_adj_weighted[n];
           if ( edges.size() < 2 ) { continue; }
-          auto totalEnergy{0.f};
+          auto totalEnergy{ 0.f };
           for ( const auto& ed : edges ) {
             const auto e = ed.first;
             if ( const auto energy_e = seedToClEnergy.find( e ); energy_e != seedToClEnergy.end() ) {
@@ -146,9 +146,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     constexpr auto usedForE =
-        CaloDigitStatus::Status{CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForEnergy, CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForCovariance};
+        CaloDigitStatus::Status{ CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForEnergy, CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForCovariance };
     constexpr auto usedForP =
-        CaloDigitStatus::Status{CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForPosition, CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForCovariance};
+        CaloDigitStatus::Status{ CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForPosition, CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForCovariance };
     constexpr auto seed =
         ( usedForP | usedForE | CaloDigitStatus::Mask::SeedCell | CaloDigitStatus::Mask::LocalMaximum );
   } // namespace
@@ -165,16 +165,16 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
                                             const LHCb::Event::Calo::Digits& ) const override; ///< Algorithm execution
-    Gaudi::Property<float>                  m_threshold{this, "EnergyThreshold", 50};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>                  m_pi0_min_seed_e{this, "MinPi0SeedEnergyThreshold", 1000};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>                  m_pi0_min_f1{this, "MinPi0F1Threshold", 25};
-    Gaudi::Property<CellSelector::Selector> m_usedE{this, "CellSelectorForEnergy", CellSelector::Selector::s3x3};
-    Gaudi::Property<CellSelector::Selector> m_usedP{this, "CellSelectorForPosition", CellSelector::Selector::s3x3};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_clusters{this, "# clusters"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_negative{this, "Negative energy clusters"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_clusterEnergy{this, "Cluster energy"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_clusterSize{this, "Cluster size"};
+    Gaudi::Property<float>                  m_threshold{ this, "EnergyThreshold", 50 };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>                  m_pi0_min_seed_e{ this, "MinPi0SeedEnergyThreshold", 1000 };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>                  m_pi0_min_f1{ this, "MinPi0F1Threshold", 25 };
+    Gaudi::Property<CellSelector::Selector> m_usedE{ this, "CellSelectorForEnergy", CellSelector::Selector::s3x3 };
+    Gaudi::Property<CellSelector::Selector> m_usedP{ this, "CellSelectorForPosition", CellSelector::Selector::s3x3 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_clusters{ this, "# clusters" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_negative{ this, "Negative energy clusters" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_clusterEnergy{ this, "Cluster energy" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_clusterSize{ this, "Cluster size" };
   // ============================================================================
@@ -187,9 +187,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
   // ============================================================================
   GraphClustering::GraphClustering( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"Detector", Utilities::DeCaloFutureLocation( name )},
-                      KeyValue{"InputData", Utilities::CaloFutureDigitLocation( name )}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputData", Utilities::CaloFutureClusterLocation( name, "EcalRaw" )} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "Detector", Utilities::DeCaloFutureLocation( name ) },
+                       KeyValue{ "InputData", Utilities::CaloFutureDigitLocation( name ) } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputData", Utilities::CaloFutureClusterLocation( name, "EcalRaw" ) } ) {}
   // ============================================================================
   //  Finalize
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
-      } else if ( simd_find( mergedPi0, simd::int_v{dense_id} ) ) {
+      } else if ( simd_find( mergedPi0, simd::int_v{ dense_id } ) ) {
         const auto seed = G.adjWeighted( dense_id ).begin()->first;
         for ( auto n : detector.neighborCells( id ) ) {
           const auto cell = digits.find( n );
@@ -249,13 +249,13 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
-    Event::Calo::Clusters clustersGraph{Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
+    Event::Calo::Clusters clustersGraph{ Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) };
     clustersGraph.reserve( 2100 );
     auto         clusterEnergy_counter = m_clusterEnergy.buffer();
     auto         clusterSize_counter   = m_clusterSize.buffer();
     unsigned int nNegative             = 0;
-    auto         useForE               = CellSelector{&detector, m_usedE.value()};
-    auto         useForP               = CellSelector{&detector, m_usedP.value()};
+    auto         useForE               = CellSelector{ &detector, m_usedE.value() };
+    auto         useForP               = CellSelector{ &detector, m_usedP.value() };
     /// Get the connected components:
     const auto conComp = G.connectedComponents();
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
               cluster.setCellID( cellid );
               cluster.setType( Event::Calo::Clusters::Type::CellularAutomaton );
               cluster.setEnergy( exy->Etot );
-              cluster.setPosition( {exy->x, exy->y, (float)detector.cellCenter( cellid ).z()} );
+              cluster.setPosition( { exy->x, exy->y, (float)detector.cellCenter( cellid ).z() } );
               clusterEnergy_counter += cluster.energy();
               clusterSize_counter += cluster.size();
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelector2x2.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelector2x2.cpp
index e32a91e1082e9921ff4a1fa190add44e0f4cb664..45a1c1cc3df3ab07f97b5463cd91fb6b8f63b292 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelector2x2.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelector2x2.cpp
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
                           CellMatrix2x2::SubMatrixType& type, double& energy ) const;
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_no_seed{
-        this, "could not find the seed of the cluster in 'choice2x2()'."};
+        this, "could not find the seed of the cluster in 'choice2x2()'." };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( SubClusterSelector2x2, "SubClusterSelector2x2" )
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     CellMatrix2x2::SubMatrixType type;
     return choice2x2( calo, entries, type, energy ).andThen( [&] {
-      return Functor::Cluster::tagTheSubCluster( entries, CellMatrix2x2{&calo, type}, modify(), mask(),
+      return Functor::Cluster::tagTheSubCluster( entries, CellMatrix2x2{ &calo, type }, modify(), mask(),
                                                  DigitStatus::Mask::ModifiedByMax2x2Tagger );
     } );
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     double                       energy;
     CellMatrix2x2::SubMatrixType type;
     return choice2x2( calo, entries, type, energy ).andThen( [&] {
-      return Functor::Cluster::untagTheSubCluster( entries, CellMatrix2x2{&calo, type},
+      return Functor::Cluster::untagTheSubCluster( entries, CellMatrix2x2{ &calo, type },
                                                    DigitStatus::Mask::ModifiedByMax2x2Tagger );
     } );
@@ -109,12 +109,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     // loop over all entried
-    constexpr auto mode = std::array{CellMatrix2x2::UpperLeft, CellMatrix2x2::UpperRight, CellMatrix2x2::LowerLeft,
-                                     CellMatrix2x2::LowerRight};
+    constexpr auto mode = std::array{ CellMatrix2x2::UpperLeft, CellMatrix2x2::UpperRight, CellMatrix2x2::LowerLeft,
+                                      CellMatrix2x2::LowerRight };
     std::array<double, 4> e;
     for ( int j = 0; j < 4; ++j ) {
-      auto matrix = CellMatrix2x2{&calo, mode[j]};
+      auto matrix = CellMatrix2x2{ &calo, mode[j] };
       e[j]        = std::accumulate( entries.begin(), entries.end(), 0., [&]( double e, const auto& entry ) {
         double frac = matrix( seedCell, entry.cellID() );
         return e + frac * entry.energy();
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelector3x3.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelector3x3.cpp
index f9e255b39b285ce8b9504511cd185ca414fe0bc8..56c9d4c2036a1c8415273f359ae9fb4694ee7a63 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelector3x3.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelector3x3.cpp
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     tag( const DeCalorimeter& calo,
          Event::Calo::Clusters::Entries<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar, LHCb::Pr::ProxyBehaviour::Contiguous>
              entries ) const override {
-      return Functor::Cluster::tagTheSubCluster( entries, CellMatrix3x3{&calo}, modify(), mask(),
+      return Functor::Cluster::tagTheSubCluster( entries, CellMatrix3x3{ &calo }, modify(), mask(),
                                                  DigitStatus::Mask::ModifiedBy3x3Tagger );
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     untag( const DeCalorimeter& calo,
            Event::Calo::Clusters::Entries<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar, LHCb::Pr::ProxyBehaviour::Contiguous>
                entries ) const override {
-      return Functor::Cluster::untagTheSubCluster( entries, CellMatrix3x3{&calo},
+      return Functor::Cluster::untagTheSubCluster( entries, CellMatrix3x3{ &calo },
                                                    DigitStatus::Mask::ModifiedBy3x3Tagger );
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelectorBase.h b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelectorBase.h
index 4be1811324a98738de1ae804ad53c47ae21e7d01..4c5145a2885e85f317ebe43a78cd5b048c213726 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelectorBase.h
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelectorBase.h
@@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     bool modify() const { return m_modify; }
-    LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Status m_mask = LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Status{LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForEnergy,
-                                                                         LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForPosition,
-                                                                         LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForCovariance};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_modify{this, "ModifyFractions", false};
+    LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Status m_mask = LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Status{
+        LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForEnergy, LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForPosition,
+        LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForCovariance };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_modify{ this, "ModifyFractions", false };
 } // namespace LHCb::Calo
 // ============================================================================
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelectorSwissCross.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelectorSwissCross.cpp
index e8a3d22f4ea4753de5d6529159c4b63cdc87ac9b..3198d04bb40a592bb2d77cb5e75b358502127ace 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelectorSwissCross.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelectorSwissCross.cpp
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     tag( const DeCalorimeter& calo,
          Event::Calo::Clusters::Entries<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar, LHCb::Pr::ProxyBehaviour::Contiguous>
              entries ) const override {
-      return Functor::Cluster::tagTheSubCluster( entries, CellSwissCross{&calo}, modify(), mask(),
+      return Functor::Cluster::tagTheSubCluster( entries, CellSwissCross{ &calo }, modify(), mask(),
                                                  DigitStatus::Mask::ModifiedBySwissCrossTagger );
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     untag( const DeCalorimeter& calo,
            Event::Calo::Clusters::Entries<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar, LHCb::Pr::ProxyBehaviour::Contiguous>
                entries ) const override {
-      return Functor::Cluster::untagTheSubCluster( entries, CellSwissCross{&calo},
+      return Functor::Cluster::untagTheSubCluster( entries, CellSwissCross{ &calo },
                                                    DigitStatus::Mask::ModifiedBySwissCrossTagger );
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelectorTool.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelectorTool.cpp
index dc00aa6aa095ee5380c5a6f5682de39202cd3f94..62806e4d5ea24be236f12ec547ddc86d7f09da55 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelectorTool.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelectorTool.cpp
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     return ConditionAccessorHolder::initialize().andThen( [&] {
       // depends on m_condition so that calls to m_dbAccessor give proper results
-          {m_condition, m_dbAccessor->getParamConditionPath()}, m_tags.key(),
+          { m_condition, m_dbAccessor->getParamConditionPath() }, m_tags.key(),
           [&]( YAML::Node const&, Correction::Parameters const& baseParams ) { return getParams( baseParams ); } );
       return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
     } );
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelectorTool.h b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelectorTool.h
index e673002a76716fd7a6662d16cc3240a7db0e14fc..72282cc04217cb93fdc00e0790a38aa314e58dcc 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelectorTool.h
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureReco/src/SubClusterSelectorTool.h
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     constexpr int            nMask           = Last + 1;
-    inline const std::string maskName[nMask] = {"3x3", "2x2", "SwissCross", "Unknown"};
+    inline const std::string maskName[nMask] = { "3x3", "2x2", "SwissCross", "Unknown" };
   } // namespace CaloFutureClusterMask
   static const InterfaceID IID_SubClusterSelectorTool( "SubClusterSelectorTool", 1, 0 );
@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_taggerE{this, "EnergyTags", {}};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_taggerP{this, "PositionTags", {}};
-    ConditionAccessor<Tags>                   m_tags{this, name() + "-SubClusterSelectorToolTags"};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_taggerE{ this, "EnergyTags", {} };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_taggerP{ this, "PositionTags", {} };
+    ConditionAccessor<Tags>                   m_tags{ this, name() + "-SubClusterSelectorToolTags" };
     Tags getParams( Correction::Parameters const& );
@@ -97,31 +97,32 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
-            {"", "useDB"},
-            {"useDB", "useDB"},
-            {"3x3", "SubClusterSelector3x3"},
-            {"2x2", "SubClusterSelector2x2"},
-            {"SwissCross", "SubClusterSelectorSwissCross"},
+            { "", "useDB" },
+            { "useDB", "useDB" },
+            { "3x3", "SubClusterSelector3x3" },
+            { "2x2", "SubClusterSelector2x2" },
+            { "SwissCross", "SubClusterSelectorSwissCross" },
-        "associate known cluster mask to tagger tool"};
+        "associate known cluster mask to tagger tool" };
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_condition{this, "ConditionName",
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_condition{ this, "ConditionName",
 #ifdef USE_DD4HEP
-                                             "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:EcalClusterMasks"
+                                              "/world/DownstreamRegion/Ecal:EcalClusterMasks"
-                                             "Conditions/Reco/Calo/EcalClusterMasks"
+                                              "Conditions/Reco/Calo/EcalClusterMasks"
-    ToolHandle<Correction::Base>  m_dbAccessor{this, "CaloFutureCorrectionBase", "CaloFutureCorrectionBase/DBAccessor"};
+    ToolHandle<Correction::Base>  m_dbAccessor{ this, "CaloFutureCorrectionBase",
+                                               "CaloFutureCorrectionBase/DBAccessor" };
     LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Status m_energyStatus = LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Status{
-        LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForEnergy, LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForCovariance};
+        LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForEnergy, LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForCovariance };
     LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Status m_positionStatus = LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Status{
-        LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForPosition, LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForCovariance};
+        LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForPosition, LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForCovariance };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_tagger{this, "Tagger not found"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_energy_update_failed{this,
-                                                                                 "Cannot update energy mask from DB"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_tagger{ this, "Tagger not found" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_energy_update_failed{ this,
+                                                                                  "Cannot update energy mask from DB" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_position_update_failed{
-        this, "Cannot update position mask from DB"};
+        this, "Cannot update position mask from DB" };
 } // namespace LHCb::Calo
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/doc/release.notes b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/doc/release.notes
index 17cca1b7a90064436886e76ed45fa32d80d97875..ece4e1ec678ef911295297f2a60563febf9c3676 100755
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/doc/release.notes
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/doc/release.notes
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
  - CaloFuture2MC tool : fix bug that affect the merged-pi0 matching based on CaloFutureHypo Linker table
 ! 2016-09-05 - Olivier Deschamps
-  - propagate saturation & barycenter information 
+  - propagate saturation & barycenter information
 ! 2016-08-16 - Olivier Deschamps
   - new tool : FutureCounterLevel
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@
 !========================= CaloFutureTools v6r10 2014-09-12 =========================
 ! 2014-09-12 - O. Deschamps
-  - CaloFutureHypoEstimator.cpp : implement ClusterCode & ClusterFrac 
+  - CaloFutureHypoEstimator.cpp : implement ClusterCode & ClusterFrac
 !========================= CaloFutureTools v6r9 2014-07-14 =========================
 ! 2014-06-30 - Olivier Deschamps
-  - FutureGammaPi0SeparationTool : improve & speed-up the evaluation of Prs-related variables 
+  - FutureGammaPi0SeparationTool : improve & speed-up the evaluation of Prs-related variables
                              protect against unphysical value
 ! 2014-06-29 - Olivier Deschamps
@@ -88,15 +88,15 @@
  - Fix unused variable in previous commit
  - Fix UNINIT_CTOR defects
-! 2012-05-22 - Olivier Deschamps for Miriam Calvo 
+! 2012-05-22 - Olivier Deschamps for Miriam Calvo
  - FutureGammaPi0SeparationTool  : new version of the tool (incl. Prs info)
 ! 2012-05-14 - Olivier Deschamps
- - new algorithm : CheckCaloFutureHypoRef - check CaloFutureHypo->CaloFutureCluster* smart 
-                                      reference backward compatibility 
+ - new algorithm : CheckCaloFutureHypoRef - check CaloFutureHypo->CaloFutureCluster* smart
+                                      reference backward compatibility
 ! 2012-05-10 - Olivier Deschamps
- - L0CaloFuture2CaloFuture tool : default clusterization level set to 2 
+ - L0CaloFuture2CaloFuture tool : default clusterization level set to 2
                       (5x5 area for merged pi0)
 !========================= CaloFutureTools v6r3p1 2011-12-14 =========================
@@ -161,10 +161,10 @@
 !========================== CaloFutureTools v5r14 2009-11-27 =========================
 ! 2009-11-17 - Olivier Deschamps
- - CaloFuture2MCTool : 
+ - CaloFuture2MCTool :
   - new methods :
-      isCaloFuture(particle) 
-      isPureNeutralCaloFuture(particle) 
+      isCaloFuture(particle)
+      isPureNeutralCaloFuture(particle)
   - complete the code (still not fully completed)
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
 !========================== CaloFutureTools v5r12 2009-10-20 =========================
 ! 2009-12-21 - Olivier Deschamps
   -  adapt to change in CaloFutureDAQ
-  -  improve CaloFuture2MCTool.{cpp,h} : not yet complete but usable 
+  -  improve CaloFuture2MCTool.{cpp,h} : not yet complete but usable
 ! 2009-09-15 - Olivier Deschamps
   - new tool : CaloFuture2MCTool.{cpp,h} : handle CaloFuture object->MC relation
@@ -187,18 +187,18 @@
   - use Relations in requirements
 ! 2009-09-14 - Olivier Deschamps
-  - adapt to change in CaloFutureDAQ/CaloFutureReadoutTool 
+  - adapt to change in CaloFutureDAQ/CaloFutureReadoutTool
     (->CaloFutureCosmicsTool & CaloFutureGetterTool & L0CaloFuture2CaloFutureTool)
 ! 2009-09-11 - Olivier Deschamps
- - CaloFuture2CaloFuture.cpp : 
-   - make use of CaloFutureAlgUtils.h to define context-dependent TES I/O 
+ - CaloFuture2CaloFuture.cpp :
+   - make use of CaloFutureAlgUtils.h to define context-dependent TES I/O
    - caloGetterTool : public -> private tool
    - use caloGetterTool in isLocMax(id) method
 ! 2009-09-11 - Olivier Deschamps
- - CalOGetterTool.cpp : make use of CaloFutureAlgUtils.h to define context-dependent TES I/O 
+ - CalOGetterTool.cpp : make use of CaloFutureAlgUtils.h to define context-dependent TES I/O
 ! 2009-09-04 - Dmitry Golubkov
  - cmt/requirements version increment to v5r12
@@ -222,11 +222,11 @@
  - adapt to change in CaloFutureDAQ
 ! 2009-08-10 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - CaloFuture2CaloFuture & CaloFutureGetter 
-    fix the problem of mandatory "update" 
+ - CaloFuture2CaloFuture & CaloFutureGetter
+    fix the problem of mandatory "update"
 ! 2009-08-05 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - fix the signature 
+ - fix the signature
 ! 2009-08-02 - Dmitry GOLUBKOV
  - L0CaloFuture2CaloFutureTool.cpp: method to return CaloFutureClusters around the CaloFutureCellID
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
  - Replace endreq by endmsg
 ! 2009-05-10 - Vanya Belyaev
- - a bit more statistical prinout  
+ - a bit more statistical prinout
  - cmt/requirements
      verison increment to v5r9
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
  - Fix gcc 4.3 warnings
 ! 2008-12-05 - Olivier Deschamps
- - CaloFutureCosmicsTrackTool :: fix bug in Hcal timing 
+ - CaloFutureCosmicsTrackTool :: fix bug in Hcal timing
 !========================== CaloFutureTools v5r5 2008-10-01 =========================
 ! 2008-09-11 - Olivier Deschamps
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
 !========================== CaloFutureTools v5r2 2008-07-02 =========================
 ! 2008-06-30 - Olivier Deschamps
  - add asymmetry monitoring in CaloFutureCosmicsTrackAlg
- - add 'kernel' variable computation in CaloFutureCosmicsTool 
+ - add 'kernel' variable computation in CaloFutureCosmicsTool
 ! 2008-06-26 - Juan PALACIOS
  - cmt/requirements
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@
 !========================== CaloFutureTools v5r1 2008-06-05 =========================
 ! 2008-06-05 - Marco Cattaneo
   - Fix acos() for windows (cannot take an int argument)
 ! 2008-06-04 - Deschamps Olivier
   - tune the verbosity
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
   - fix bug in CaloFutureCosmicsTrackTool.cpp (Hcal state replicated Ecal state)
 ! 2008-05-22 - Deschamps Olivier
-  - Add new tools and alg for cosmics track reconstruction in calorimeter : 
+  - Add new tools and alg for cosmics track reconstruction in calorimeter :
 	CaloFutureCosmicsTool, CaloFutureCosmicsTrackTool, CaloFutureCosmicsTrackAlg
 !========================== CaloFutureTools v5r0 2008-05-08 =========================
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFuture2CaloFuture.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFuture2CaloFuture.cpp
index ba6548e005e7e80395f8b2077919ec12987722af..584a9a49b4b37a18f97da6c8ba275bc1f29b3d40 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFuture2CaloFuture.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFuture2CaloFuture.cpp
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ CaloFuture2CaloFuture::cellIDs_( const DeCalorimeter& fromCalo, const LHCb::Dete
       for ( int j = 0; j != 2; ++j ) {
         double x = fromCalo.cellCenter( fromId ).X() + ( i * 2 - 1 ) * fromSize;
         double y = fromCalo.cellCenter( fromId ).Y() + ( j * 2 - 1 ) * fromSize;
-        if ( auto cornerId = toCalo.Cell( {x, y, center.Z()} ); cornerId ) toId = cornerId;
+        if ( auto cornerId = toCalo.Cell( { x, y, center.Z() } ); cornerId ) toId = cornerId;
@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ CaloFuture2CaloFuture::cellIDs_( const DeCalorimeter& fromCalo, const LHCb::Dete
   for ( int i = 0; i != pad; ++i ) {
     for ( int j = 0; j != pad; ++j ) {
-      if ( fromIndex != toIndex ) toId = toCalo.Cell( {x0 + i * fromSize / pad, y0 + j * fromSize / pad, center.Z()} );
+      if ( fromIndex != toIndex )
+        toId = toCalo.Cell( { x0 + i * fromSize / pad, y0 + j * fromSize / pad, center.Z() } );
       if ( !toId ) continue;
       assert( toId.calo() == toIndex );
       container = addCell( toId, digits, std::move( container ) );
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFuture2CaloFuture.h b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFuture2CaloFuture.h
index 86907e9d43637bc557adba95110a735c12efbe68..63d49eafa309665549a64c4c34da43a63f4e3624 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFuture2CaloFuture.h
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFuture2CaloFuture.h
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ protected:
     Map() = default;
     template <typename Args>
     Map( Args&& ecal, Args&& hcal )
-        : content{std::make_from_tuple<T>( std::forward<Args>( ecal ) ),
-                  std::make_from_tuple<T>( std::forward<Args>( hcal ) )} {}
+        : content{ std::make_from_tuple<T>( std::forward<Args>( ecal ) ),
+                   std::make_from_tuple<T>( std::forward<Args>( hcal ) ) } {}
     T& operator[]( LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellCode::Index idx ) {
       switch ( idx ) {
       case LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellCode::Index::EcalCalo:
@@ -99,5 +99,5 @@ protected:
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_geo{this, "IdealGeometry", true};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_geo{ this, "IdealGeometry", true };
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFuture2MCTool.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFuture2MCTool.cpp
index 474688ee15d0f8195103e4b86e9e232347a31100..ab663b2d77981e97166e5f5639a5a94ca6f65141 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFuture2MCTool.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFuture2MCTool.cpp
@@ -126,12 +126,12 @@ private:
   LHCb::Particle*                         m_part    = nullptr;
   CaloFutureMCTools::CaloFutureMCMap      m_mcMap;
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_cluster2MCLoc{this, "Cluster2MCTable",
-                                               "Relations/" + LHCb::CaloClusterLocation::Default,
-                                               "Cluster->MC relation table location"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_cluster2MCLoc{ this, "Cluster2MCTable",
+                                                "Relations/" + LHCb::CaloClusterLocation::Default,
+                                                "Cluster->MC relation table location" };
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_digit2MCLoc{this, "Digit2MCTable", "Relations/" + LHCb::CaloDigitLocation::Default,
-                                             "Digit->MC relation table location"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_digit2MCLoc{ this, "Digit2MCTable", "Relations/" + LHCb::CaloDigitLocation::Default,
+                                              "Digit->MC relation table location" };
   LHCb::CaloFuture2MC::IClusterTable*                         m_cluster2MC = nullptr;
   LHCb::CaloFuture2MC::IDigitTable*                           m_digit2MC   = nullptr;
@@ -139,36 +139,36 @@ private:
   const LHCb::MCParticle*                                     m_maxMC      = nullptr;
   const LHCb::MCParticle*                                     m_bestMC     = nullptr;
   std::map<std::string, std::vector<const LHCb::MCParticle*>> m_treeMap;
-  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_ppsvc{this, "ParticlePropertySvc", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc"};
+  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_ppsvc{ this, "ParticlePropertySvc", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc" };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_hypo2Cluster{this, "Hypo2Cluster", false,
-                                       "(part->protoP)->hypo->cluster cascade ( or use  hypo->MC linker tables)"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_hypo2Cluster{ this, "Hypo2Cluster", false,
+                                        "(part->protoP)->hypo->cluster cascade ( or use  hypo->MC linker tables)" };
   Gaudi::Property<bool> m_cluster2Digit{
       this, "Cluster2Digits", false,
-      "(part->protoP)->hypo->cluster->digit cascade ( or use cluster->MC relation tables)"};
+      "(part->protoP)->hypo->cluster->digit cascade ( or use cluster->MC relation tables)" };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_merged2Split{this, "Merged2Split", false,
-                                       "expert usage (merged->split->cluster - NOT IMPLEMENTED so far)"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_merged2Split{ this, "Merged2Split", false,
+                                        "expert usage (merged->split->cluster - NOT IMPLEMENTED so far)" };
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_sFilter{this, "DigitStatusFilter",
-                                 static_cast<int>( LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForEnergy ),
-                                 "digit filter in case of ..->digit->MC table is used"};
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_sFilter{ this, "DigitStatusFilter",
+                                  static_cast<int>( LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForEnergy ),
+                                  "digit filter in case of ..->digit->MC table is used" };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nProtoAppearsTwice{this,
-                                                              "ProtoParticle appears twice in the same decay chain"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nHypoAppearsTwice{this,
-                                                             "CaloFutureHypo appears twice in the same decay chain"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nHypo2Cluster{this, "!! Hypo->Cluster"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nHypo2MC{this, "CaloFutureHypo->MC matching"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nIllDefHypo{this, "ill-defined CaloFutureHypo"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nProtoAppearsTwice{ this,
+                                                               "ProtoParticle appears twice in the same decay chain" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nHypoAppearsTwice{ this,
+                                                              "CaloFutureHypo appears twice in the same decay chain" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nHypo2Cluster{ this, "!! Hypo->Cluster" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nHypo2MC{ this, "CaloFutureHypo->MC matching" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nIllDefHypo{ this, "ill-defined CaloFutureHypo" };
   int                                  m_category = 0;
   int                                  m_depth    = -1;
   unsigned int                         m_nFrag    = 0;
   PublicToolHandle<ICaloFuture2MCTool> m_tool     = {
-      this, "MCTool", "CaloFuture2MCTool/CaloFutureFragment2MCTool"}; // CAUTION : THE TOOL CANNOT BE PRIVATE !!
+      this, "MCTool", "CaloFuture2MCTool/CaloFutureFragment2MCTool" }; // CAUTION : THE TOOL CANNOT BE PRIVATE !!
 // Declaration of the Tool Factory
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ void CaloFuture2MCTool::addHypo( const LHCb::CaloHypo* hypo ) {
   if ( !m_hypo2Cluster ) {
     // 2 - get the relevant linker
     std::string loc = ( hypo->parent() && hypo->parent()->registry() ) ? hypo->parent()->registry()->identifier() : "";
-    auto        links = SmartDataPtr<LHCb::LinksByKey>{evtSvc(), LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( loc )};
+    auto        links = SmartDataPtr<LHCb::LinksByKey>{ evtSvc(), LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( loc ) };
     if ( !links ) {
       Warning( "No Hypo2MC link at '" + loc + "' ", StatusCode::SUCCESS, 1 ).ignore();
       Warning( " ... try using Hypo->Cluster reference  ", StatusCode::SUCCESS, 1 ).ignore();
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ void CaloFuture2MCTool::addHypo( const LHCb::CaloHypo* hypo ) {
     } // ===> force hypo->cluster cascade
     else {
       // - built (particle,weight) map
-      for ( auto const& [p, w] : LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{links}.weightedRange( hypo ) ) m_mcMap[&p] += w;
+      for ( auto const& [p, w] : LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{ links }.weightedRange( hypo ) ) m_mcMap[&p] += w;
       if ( hypo->hypothesis() == LHCb::CaloHypo::Hypothesis::Pi0Merged )
         m_sum += LHCb::Calo::Momentum( hypo ).e();
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFutureElectron.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFutureElectron.cpp
index 8f600a76467a62cb02220b26c2bcfbe0959a5f21..25b9c07bb8518f5129d49336983c721d2fad9ecb 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFutureElectron.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFutureElectron.cpp
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Tools {
                      IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const;
     // configuration-dependent state
-    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{this, "Extrapolator", "TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator"};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>         m_tolerance{this, "Tolerance", 0.01};
+    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{ this, "Extrapolator", "TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator" };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>         m_tolerance{ this, "Tolerance", 0.01 };
   // Declaration of the Tool Factory
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Tools {
   Interfaces::hypoPairStruct Electron::getElectronBrem( ProtoParticle const& proto ) const {
-    if ( !proto.track() ) return {nullptr, nullptr};
+    if ( !proto.track() ) return { nullptr, nullptr };
     Interfaces::hypoPairStruct hypoPair;
     for ( const CaloHypo* hypo : proto.calo() ) {
       if ( !hypo ) continue;
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Tools {
     if ( !( hypoPair && hypoPair.electronHypo->position() ) ) { // Electron hypo is mandatory - brem. not
-      return {nullptr, nullptr};
+      return { nullptr, nullptr };
     return hypoPair;
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Tools {
     Gaudi::XYZPoint     point;
     Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3 matrix;
     proto.track()->position( point, matrix );
-    return {hypoPair.bremHypo, point, matrix};
+    return { hypoPair.bremHypo, point, matrix };
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFutureHypo2CaloFuture.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFutureHypo2CaloFuture.cpp
index 7c4486747b80597b1cb8980263ef2eef349d404f..8b50f75211d6d4614be8a296baf195d7dc688eb6 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFutureHypo2CaloFuture.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFutureHypo2CaloFuture.cpp
@@ -56,16 +56,17 @@ private:
                                                  const DeCalorimeter&             toCalo,
                                                  const LHCb::Event::Calo::Digits& digits ) const;
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>                                m_seed{this, "Seed", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>                                m_neighb{this, "AddNeighbors", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>                                m_line{this, "PhotonLine", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>                                m_whole{this, "WholeCluster", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>                                 m_status{this, "StatusMask", 0x0};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>                               m_x{this, "xTolerance", 5. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>                               m_y{this, "yTolerance", 5. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>                                m_seed{ this, "Seed", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>                                m_neighb{ this, "AddNeighbors", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>                                m_line{ this, "PhotonLine", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>                                m_whole{ this, "WholeCluster", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>                                 m_status{ this, "StatusMask", 0x0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>                               m_x{ this, "xTolerance", 5. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>                               m_y{ this, "yTolerance", 5. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
   Map<DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Event::Calo::Digits>> m_handles{
       std::forward_as_tuple( this, "EcalDigitsLocation", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureDigitLocation( "Ecal" ) ),
-      std::forward_as_tuple( this, "HcalDigitsLocation", LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureDigitLocation( "Hcal" ) )};
+      std::forward_as_tuple( this, "HcalDigitsLocation",
+                             LHCb::CaloFutureAlgUtils::CaloFutureDigitLocation( "Hcal" ) ) };
 // Declaration of the Tool Factory
@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ CaloFutureHypo2CaloFuture::cellIDs( const DeCalorimeter& fromCalo, const LHCb::C
   auto lineID = LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID();
   if ( m_line && fromHypo.position() ) {
-    lineID = intersect( toCalo, {fromHypo.position()->x(), fromHypo.position()->y(), fromHypo.position()->z()} );
+    lineID = intersect( toCalo, { fromHypo.position()->x(), fromHypo.position()->y(), fromHypo.position()->z() } );
   return cellIDs( fromCalo, *cluster, toCalo, digits, lineID );
@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ std::vector<LHCb::Event::Calo::Digit> CaloFutureHypo2CaloFuture::cellIDs( const
     auto point = Gaudi::XYZPoint();
     if ( !lineID ) {
       const auto& point = fromCluster.position();
-      lineID            = intersect( toCalo, {point.x(), point.y(), point.z()} );
+      lineID            = intersect( toCalo, { point.x(), point.y(), point.z() } );
     if ( lineID ) {
       assert( lineID.calo() == toCalo.index() );
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFutureHypoEstimator.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFutureHypoEstimator.cpp
index f880cbb455ef9d196fa6f75ca35f0d4db28be22a..6d891eca12d813ead13091c42a931acfe90140f4 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFutureHypoEstimator.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/CaloFutureHypoEstimator.cpp
@@ -53,20 +53,20 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     StatusCode _setProperty( const std::string& p, const std::string& v ) override { return setProperty( p, v ); };
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_extrapol{this, "Extrapolation", true};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_seed{this, "AddSeed", false};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_neig{this, "AddNeighbors", false};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_extrapol{ this, "Extrapolation", true };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_seed{ this, "AddSeed", false };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_neig{ this, "AddNeighbors", false };
-    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Event::Calo::Digits> m_digits{this, "DigitLocation", CaloDigitLocation::Ecal};
+    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Event::Calo::Digits> m_digits{ this, "DigitLocation", CaloDigitLocation::Ecal };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nEmptyCluster{this, "Empty cluster"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nSeedPointsToNull{this, "Seed points to NULL"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nEmptyCluster{ this, "Empty cluster" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nSeedPointsToNull{ this, "Seed points to NULL" };
-    ToolHandle<Interfaces::IHypo2Calo>          m_toCaloFuture{this, "Hypo2Calo", "CaloFutureHypo2CaloFuture"};
-    ToolHandle<Interfaces::IElectron>           m_electron{this, "Electron", "CaloFutureElectron"};
-    ToolHandle<Interfaces::IGammaPi0Separation> m_GammaPi0{this, "Pi0Separation", "FutureGammaPi0SeparationTool"};
-    ToolHandle<Interfaces::IGammaPi0Separation> m_GammaPi0XGB{this, "Pi0SeparationXGB", "FutureGammaPi0XGBoostTool"};
-    ToolHandle<Interfaces::INeutralID>          m_neutralID{this, "NeutralID", "FutureNeutralIDTool"};
+    ToolHandle<Interfaces::IHypo2Calo>          m_toCaloFuture{ this, "Hypo2Calo", "CaloFutureHypo2CaloFuture" };
+    ToolHandle<Interfaces::IElectron>           m_electron{ this, "Electron", "CaloFutureElectron" };
+    ToolHandle<Interfaces::IGammaPi0Separation> m_GammaPi0{ this, "Pi0Separation", "FutureGammaPi0SeparationTool" };
+    ToolHandle<Interfaces::IGammaPi0Separation> m_GammaPi0XGB{ this, "Pi0SeparationXGB", "FutureGammaPi0XGBoostTool" };
+    ToolHandle<Interfaces::INeutralID>          m_neutralID{ this, "NeutralID", "FutureNeutralIDTool" };
   // Declaration of the Tool Factory
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
         data[DataType::CellID]           = sid.all();
         data[DataType::Spread]           = cluster->position().spread()( 1, 1 ) + cluster->position().spread()( 0, 0 );
         // E4
-        std::array<double, 4> e4s       = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+        std::array<double, 4> e4s       = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
         double                e9        = 0.;
         double                ee9       = 0.; // full cluster energy without fraction applied
         double                e2        = 0.;
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
           if ( !dig ) continue;
           double ecel = dig->e() * ie.fraction();
           if ( ie.status().anyOf(
-                   {LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForEnergy, LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForCovariance} ) &&
+                   { LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForEnergy, LHCb::CaloDigitStatus::Mask::UseForCovariance } ) &&
                fromCalo.isSaturated( dig->e(), dig->cellID() ) )
           LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID id = dig->cellID();
@@ -246,16 +246,16 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
 #  pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpedantic"
-    auto obs = LHCb::Calo::Interfaces::INeutralID::Observables{.e1frac    = get_( DataType::isPhotonfracE1 ),
-                                                               .e2frac    = get_( DataType::isPhotonfracE2 ),
-                                                               .e3frac    = get_( DataType::isPhotonfracE3 ),
-                                                               .e4frac    = get_( DataType::isPhotonfracE4 ),
-                                                               .eseedfrac = get_( DataType::isPhotonfracEseed ),
-                                                               .e6frac    = get_( DataType::isPhotonfracE6 ),
-                                                               .e7frac    = get_( DataType::isPhotonfracE7 ),
-                                                               .e8frac    = get_( DataType::isPhotonfracE8 ),
-                                                               .e9frac    = get_( DataType::isPhotonfracE9 ),
-                                                               .area      = CaloRegion};
+    auto obs = LHCb::Calo::Interfaces::INeutralID::Observables{ .e1frac    = get_( DataType::isPhotonfracE1 ),
+                                                                .e2frac    = get_( DataType::isPhotonfracE2 ),
+                                                                .e3frac    = get_( DataType::isPhotonfracE3 ),
+                                                                .e4frac    = get_( DataType::isPhotonfracE4 ),
+                                                                .eseedfrac = get_( DataType::isPhotonfracEseed ),
+                                                                .e6frac    = get_( DataType::isPhotonfracE6 ),
+                                                                .e7frac    = get_( DataType::isPhotonfracE7 ),
+                                                                .e8frac    = get_( DataType::isPhotonfracE8 ),
+                                                                .e9frac    = get_( DataType::isPhotonfracE9 ),
+                                                                .area      = CaloRegion };
 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
     insert_if( DataType::isNotH, m_neutralID->isNotH( hypo, obs ) );
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/ChargedPIDsConverter.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/ChargedPIDsConverter.cpp
index 362d847ece71458429cb1bfb887333fb520134ac..f1ae33f64f473c281adf92e4ef5291cf5e690529 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/ChargedPIDsConverter.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/ChargedPIDsConverter.cpp
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     using KeyValue = typename ChargedPIDConverter<InputData, OutputData, Relations>::KeyValue;
     ChargedPIDConverter( std::string const& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
         : ChargedPIDConverter<InputData, OutputData, Relations>::Transformer(
-              name, pSvc, {KeyValue( "ChargedPIDs", "" ), KeyValue( "Relations", "" )}, {KeyValue( "Output", "" )} ) {}
+              name, pSvc, { KeyValue( "ChargedPIDs", "" ), KeyValue( "Relations", "" ) },
+              { KeyValue( "Output", "" ) } ) {}
     typename OutputData::Container operator()( InputData const& data, Relations const& relations ) const override {
       // define output
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/FutureGammaPi0SeparationTool.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/FutureGammaPi0SeparationTool.cpp
index 694ea04f696c8328efc28fd9efcbfa3a7f4eb2a0..2ce48d7b7486e96242e4ef40fda0427c927c748d 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/FutureGammaPi0SeparationTool.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/FutureGammaPi0SeparationTool.cpp
@@ -38,12 +38,12 @@
 namespace LHCb::Calo {
   namespace {
     // TMVA discriminant
-    constexpr auto inputVars = std::array<std::string_view, 10>{"fracE1", "fracE2", "fracE3", "fracE4", "fracEseed",
-                                                                "fracE6", "fracE7", "fracE8", "fracE9", "Et"};
+    constexpr auto inputVars = std::array<std::string_view, 10>{ "fracE1", "fracE2", "fracE3", "fracE4", "fracEseed",
+                                                                 "fracE6", "fracE7", "fracE8", "fracE9", "Et" };
-    const ReadMLPOuter  s_reader0{inputVars};
-    const ReadMLPMiddle s_reader1{inputVars};
-    const ReadMLPInner  s_reader2{inputVars};
+    const ReadMLPOuter  s_reader0{ inputVars };
+    const ReadMLPMiddle s_reader1{ inputVars };
+    const ReadMLPInner  s_reader2{ inputVars };
   } // namespace
   class GammaPi0Separation : public extends<GaudiTool, Interfaces::IGammaPi0Separation> {
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
                                             const LHCb::Event::Calo::v2::Digits& digits ) const override;
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minPt{this, "MinPt", 2000.}; // there are very few merged pi0 below 2 GeV
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minPt{ this, "MinPt", 2000. }; // there are very few merged pi0 below 2 GeV
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( GammaPi0Separation, "FutureGammaPi0SeparationTool" )
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
   std::optional<double> GammaPi0Separation::isPhoton( Observables const& observables ) const {
     if ( observables.Et < m_minPt ) return {};
-    const auto input = std::array{observables.fracE1,    observables.fracE2,    observables.fracE3, observables.fracE4,
-                                  observables.fracEseed, observables.fracE6,    observables.fracE7, observables.fracE8,
-                                  observables.fracE9,    observables.Et / 1000.};
+    const auto input = std::array{ observables.fracE1,    observables.fracE2,    observables.fracE3, observables.fracE4,
+                                   observables.fracEseed, observables.fracE6,    observables.fracE7, observables.fracE8,
+                                   observables.fracE9,    observables.Et / 1000. };
     switch ( observables.area ) {
     case 0:
       return s_reader0.GetMvaValue( input );
@@ -114,17 +114,17 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) debug() << "Inside IsPhoton observables ------" << endmsg;
-    double Ecl{0.};
-    int    area{-1};
-    double fracEseed{0.};
-    double fracE1{0.};
-    double fracE2{0.};
-    double fracE3{0.};
-    double fracE4{0.};
-    double fracE6{0.};
-    double fracE7{0.};
-    double fracE8{0.};
-    double fracE9{0.};
+    double Ecl{ 0. };
+    int    area{ -1 };
+    double fracEseed{ 0. };
+    double fracE1{ 0. };
+    double fracE2{ 0. };
+    double fracE3{ 0. };
+    double fracE4{ 0. };
+    double fracE6{ 0. };
+    double fracE7{ 0. };
+    double fracE8{ 0. };
+    double fracE9{ 0. };
     Detector::Calo::CellID seedID = cluster->seed();
     area                          = seedID.area();
@@ -141,16 +141,16 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     //  |1 | 2  |3 |
     //  ------------
-    std::array<float, 9> rawEnergyVector{0};
+    std::array<float, 9> rawEnergyVector{ 0 };
     auto                 rawEnergy = [&rawEnergyVector]( int i, int j ) -> float& {
       return rawEnergyVector[( i + 1 ) * 3 + ( j + 1 )];
-    constexpr auto offsets = std::array{-1, 0, 1};
+    constexpr auto offsets = std::array{ -1, 0, 1 };
     for ( auto col_number : offsets ) {
       for ( auto row_number : offsets ) {
-        const auto id =
-            Detector::Calo::CellID{seedID.calo(), seedID.area(), seedID.row() + row_number, seedID.col() + col_number};
+        const auto id = Detector::Calo::CellID{ seedID.calo(), seedID.area(), seedID.row() + row_number,
+                                                seedID.col() + col_number };
         if ( !isValid( id ) ) continue;
         if ( auto digit = digits( id ); digit ) {
           rawEnergy( col_number, row_number ) = digit->energy();
@@ -177,18 +177,18 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
 #  pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpedantic"
-    Observables observables{.fracE1    = fracE1,
-                            .fracE2    = fracE2,
-                            .fracE3    = fracE3,
-                            .fracE4    = fracE4,
-                            .fracEseed = fracEseed,
-                            .fracE6    = fracE6,
-                            .fracE7    = fracE7,
-                            .fracE8    = fracE8,
-                            .fracE9    = fracE9,
-                            .Et        = Et,
-                            .Ecl       = Ecl,
-                            .area      = area};
+    Observables observables{ .fracE1    = fracE1,
+                             .fracE2    = fracE2,
+                             .fracE3    = fracE3,
+                             .fracE4    = fracE4,
+                             .fracEseed = fracEseed,
+                             .fracE6    = fracE6,
+                             .fracE7    = fracE7,
+                             .fracE8    = fracE8,
+                             .fracE9    = fracE9,
+                             .Et        = Et,
+                             .Ecl       = Ecl,
+                             .area      = area };
 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
     return observables;
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/FutureGammaPi0XGBoostTool.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/FutureGammaPi0XGBoostTool.cpp
index db802aa89c0d18b6c3e8afbce29737c4a2c0342f..202f4801879378f48532c94c42878f138f1fe791 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/FutureGammaPi0XGBoostTool.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/FutureGammaPi0XGBoostTool.cpp
@@ -35,16 +35,16 @@ namespace {
   size_t getClusterType( const LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID& id ) {
-    constexpr auto     CaloFutureNCol = std::array{64, 32, 16, 16};
-    constexpr auto     CaloFutureNRow = std::array{52, 20, 12, 12};
-    constexpr auto     Granularity    = std::array{1, 2, 3};
+    constexpr auto     CaloFutureNCol = std::array{ 64, 32, 16, 16 };
+    constexpr auto     CaloFutureNRow = std::array{ 52, 20, 12, 12 };
+    constexpr auto     Granularity    = std::array{ 1, 2, 3 };
     constexpr unsigned ClusterSize    = 5;
     int type( id.area() );
     int xOffsetOut  = std::min( int( id.col() - ( 32 - CaloFutureNCol[type] * Granularity[type] / 2 ) ), // left edge
-                               int( 31 + CaloFutureNCol[type] * Granularity[type] / 2 - id.col() ) );   // right edge
+                                int( 31 + CaloFutureNCol[type] * Granularity[type] / 2 - id.col() ) );   // right edge
     int yOffsetOut  = std::min( int( id.row() - ( 32 - CaloFutureNRow[type] * Granularity[type] / 2 ) ),
-                               int( 31 + CaloFutureNRow[type] * Granularity[type] / 2 - id.row() ) );
+                                int( 31 + CaloFutureNRow[type] * Granularity[type] / 2 - id.row() ) );
     int innerWidth  = CaloFutureNCol[type + 1] * ( type != 2 ? Granularity[type] : 1 ); // process inner hole specially
     int innerHeight = CaloFutureNRow[type + 1] * ( type != 2 ? Granularity[type] : 1 ); // process inner hole specially
@@ -59,17 +59,17 @@ namespace {
   std::array<float, 25> getDigitEnergies( int cluster_type, LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID centerID,
                                           const LHCb::Event::Calo::Digits& digits ) {
-    std::array<float, 25> rawEnergyVector{0};
+    std::array<float, 25> rawEnergyVector{ 0 };
     auto                  rawEnergy = [&rawEnergyVector]( int i, int j ) -> float& {
       return rawEnergyVector[( i + 2 ) * 5 + ( j + 2 )];
-    constexpr auto offsets = std::array{-2, -1, 0, 1, 2};
+    constexpr auto offsets = std::array{ -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 };
     if ( cluster_type > 2 ) {
       for ( auto col_number : offsets ) {
         for ( auto row_number : offsets ) {
-          const auto id = LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID{centerID.calo(), centerID.area(), centerID.row() + row_number,
-                                                       centerID.col() + col_number};
+          const auto id = LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID{ centerID.calo(), centerID.area(), centerID.row() + row_number,
+                                                        centerID.col() + col_number };
           if ( !isValid( id ) ) continue;
           if ( auto digit = digits( id ); digit ) rawEnergy( col_number, row_number ) = digit->energy();
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ namespace {
     } else {
       for ( auto col_number : offsets ) {
         for ( auto row_number : offsets ) {
-          const auto id = LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID{centerID.calo(), centerID.area(), centerID.row() + row_number,
-                                                       centerID.col() + col_number};
+          const auto id = LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID{ centerID.calo(), centerID.area(), centerID.row() + row_number,
+                                                        centerID.col() + col_number };
           if ( !isValid( id ) ) continue;
           if ( auto digit = digits( id ); digit ) rawEnergy( col_number, row_number ) = digit->energy();
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ namespace {
   class XGBClassifier final {
     mutable std::mutex           m_mut;
-    mutable std::array<float, 2> m_predictionsCache = {0, 0};
+    mutable std::array<float, 2> m_predictionsCache = { 0, 0 };
     mutable DMatrixHandle        m_cache_matrix, m_feature_matrix;
     mutable BoosterHandle        m_booster;
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ namespace {
         throw std::runtime_error( "Failed to load XGBModel from buffer" );
     double operator()( LHCb::span<const float> features ) const {
-      auto lock = std::lock_guard{m_mut};
+      auto lock = std::lock_guard{ m_mut };
       XGDMatrixCreateFromMat( features.data(), 1, features.size(), 0, &m_feature_matrix );
       unsigned long predictions_length = 0;
       const float*  predictions        = nullptr;
@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       using namespace std::literals;
       return extends::initialize().andThen( [&] {
-        constexpr auto names = std::array{"simpl0"sv,  "simpl1"sv,  "simpl2"sv,  "bound03"sv, "bound14"sv,
-                                          "bound25"sv, "bound06"sv, "bound17"sv, "bound28"sv};
+        constexpr auto names = std::array{ "simpl0"sv,  "simpl1"sv,  "simpl2"sv,  "bound03"sv, "bound14"sv,
+                                           "bound25"sv, "bound06"sv, "bound17"sv, "bound28"sv };
         for ( auto&& [i, xgb] : range::enumerate( m_xgb ) ) {
           auto fname = fmt::format( "paramfile://data/GammaPi0XgbTool_{}.model", names[i] );
           if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) { verbose() << "reading XGB model from " << fname << endmsg; }
@@ -168,11 +168,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
       return ( *m_xgb[cluster_type] )( getDigitEnergies( cluster_type, id, *m_digits.get() ) );
-    Gaudi::Property<float>                          m_minPt{this, "MinPt", 2000.};
-    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Event::Calo::Digits> m_digits{this, "DigitLocation", CaloDigitLocation::Ecal};
-    ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_file{this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc", "Service used to retrieve file contents"};
+    Gaudi::Property<float>                          m_minPt{ this, "MinPt", 2000. };
+    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Event::Calo::Digits> m_digits{ this, "DigitLocation", CaloDigitLocation::Ecal };
+    ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_file{ this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc", "Service used to retrieve file contents" };
     std::array<std::optional<XGBClassifier>, 9>           m_xgb;
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_bad_type{this, "Unsupperted cluster type"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_bad_type{ this, "Unsupperted cluster type" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( GammaPi0XGBoost, "FutureGammaPi0XGBoostTool" )
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/FutureNeutralIDTool.cpp b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/FutureNeutralIDTool.cpp
index 317541b07426a9215a5194e027a1dc8a1f2fbdcf..1626110cd2080b4265de1a99a0c6baede20e6712 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/FutureNeutralIDTool.cpp
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/FutureNeutralIDTool.cpp
@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@
 namespace LHCb::Calo {
   namespace {
-    constexpr auto inputVarNames = std::array<std::string_view, 9>{"fracE1", "fracE2", "fracE3", "fracE4", "fracEseed",
-                                                                   "fracE6", "fracE7", "fracE8", "fracE9"};
+    constexpr auto inputVarNames = std::array<std::string_view, 9>{ "fracE1", "fracE2", "fracE3", "fracE4", "fracEseed",
+                                                                    "fracE6", "fracE7", "fracE8", "fracE9" };
-    const ReadMLPHInner  s_reader2{inputVarNames};
-    const ReadMLPHMiddle s_reader1{inputVarNames};
-    const ReadMLPHOuter  s_reader0{inputVarNames};
+    const ReadMLPHInner  s_reader2{ inputVarNames };
+    const ReadMLPHMiddle s_reader1{ inputVarNames };
+    const ReadMLPHOuter  s_reader0{ inputVarNames };
   } // namespace
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
     double isNotH( const Interfaces::INeutralID::Observables& v ) const override {
       const auto input =
-          std::array{v.e1frac, v.e2frac, v.e3frac, v.e4frac, v.eseedfrac, v.e6frac, v.e7frac, v.e8frac, v.e9frac};
+          std::array{ v.e1frac, v.e2frac, v.e3frac, v.e4frac, v.eseedfrac, v.e6frac, v.e7frac, v.e8frac, v.e9frac };
       switch ( v.area ) {
       case 0:
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo {
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minPt{this, "MinPt", 75.};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minPt{ this, "MinPt", 75. };
   // Declaration of the Tool Factory
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/IGammaPi0SeparationTool.h b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/IGammaPi0SeparationTool.h
index 835ae89dcda55d00c456d0469c87816c3bd3f474..9ef301964b335c05bdabc8a720f626cb7a03f682 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/IGammaPi0SeparationTool.h
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/IGammaPi0SeparationTool.h
@@ -28,18 +28,18 @@ namespace LHCb::Calo::Interfaces {
   struct IGammaPi0Separation : extend_interfaces<IAlgTool> {
     struct Observables {
-      double fracE1{0};
-      double fracE2{0};
-      double fracE3{0};
-      double fracE4{0};
-      double fracEseed{0};
-      double fracE6{0};
-      double fracE7{0};
-      double fracE8{0};
-      double fracE9{0};
-      double Et{0};
-      double Ecl{0};
-      int    area{0};
+      double fracE1{ 0 };
+      double fracE2{ 0 };
+      double fracE3{ 0 };
+      double fracE4{ 0 };
+      double fracEseed{ 0 };
+      double fracE6{ 0 };
+      double fracE7{ 0 };
+      double fracE8{ 0 };
+      double fracE9{ 0 };
+      double Et{ 0 };
+      double Ecl{ 0 };
+      int    area{ 0 };
     // Return the interface ID
     DeclareInterfaceID( IGammaPi0Separation, 2, 0 );
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_H_inner.C b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_H_inner.C
index faf5457b118a5ebda6a6aaf7bb33265692123d87..1476f76868f985fe0adc0e385a7e5b5479fde9bf 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_H_inner.C
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_H_inner.C
@@ -101,55 +101,55 @@ namespace Data::ReadMLPHInner {
     // Normalization transformation
     constexpr auto fMin_1 =
-        std::array{std::array{-0.126388713717, -0.139410734177, -0.137271896005, -0.147227719426, 0.200036898255,
-                              -0.128019049764, -0.195828691125, -0.114431194961, -0.172588512301},
-                   std::array{-0.140813097358, -0.11138343811, -0.125993549824, -0.144452929497, 0.135082438588,
-                              -0.160523056984, -0.131005212665, -0.153247758746, -0.137483417988},
-                   std::array{-0.140813097358, -0.139410734177, -0.137271896005, -0.147227719426, 0.135082438588,
-                              -0.160523056984, -0.195828691125, -0.153247758746, -0.172588512301}};
+        std::array{ std::array{ -0.126388713717, -0.139410734177, -0.137271896005, -0.147227719426, 0.200036898255,
+                                -0.128019049764, -0.195828691125, -0.114431194961, -0.172588512301 },
+                    std::array{ -0.140813097358, -0.11138343811, -0.125993549824, -0.144452929497, 0.135082438588,
+                                -0.160523056984, -0.131005212665, -0.153247758746, -0.137483417988 },
+                    std::array{ -0.140813097358, -0.139410734177, -0.137271896005, -0.147227719426, 0.135082438588,
+                                -0.160523056984, -0.195828691125, -0.153247758746, -0.172588512301 } };
     constexpr auto fMax_1 =
-        std::array{std::array{0.352079391479, 0.539303302765, 0.449519902468, 0.491340994835, 1.31137573719,
-                              0.519417881966, 0.399017363787, 0.533139109612, 0.447410911322},
-                   std::array{0.44899430871, 0.468828141689, 0.482935339212, 0.502812743187, 1.19125139713,
-                              0.485027074814, 0.44386869669, 0.499527543783, 0.459551632404},
-                   std::array{0.44899430871, 0.539303302765, 0.482935339212, 0.502812743187, 1.31137573719,
-                              0.519417881966, 0.44386869669, 0.533139109612, 0.459551632404}};
+        std::array{ std::array{ 0.352079391479, 0.539303302765, 0.449519902468, 0.491340994835, 1.31137573719,
+                                0.519417881966, 0.399017363787, 0.533139109612, 0.447410911322 },
+                    std::array{ 0.44899430871, 0.468828141689, 0.482935339212, 0.502812743187, 1.19125139713,
+                                0.485027074814, 0.44386869669, 0.499527543783, 0.459551632404 },
+                    std::array{ 0.44899430871, 0.539303302765, 0.482935339212, 0.502812743187, 1.31137573719,
+                                0.519417881966, 0.44386869669, 0.533139109612, 0.459551632404 } };
     // weight matrix from layer 0 to 1
     constexpr auto fWeightMatrix0to1 = std::array{
-        std::array{-0.768344824855872, -2.1979013688362, -0.939913092928029, -0.906947937490384, -1.70515506237624,
-                   -0.319068335017765, 0.299355753981265, 3.31142967799943, 0.223340960415213, -0.212439754995487},
-        std::array{1.80608594199172, -2.50530556844779, -0.637959055875342, -2.96764335380513, 4.10491609257577,
-                   1.87106057184041, -0.635751711435271, 1.85526375228023, 1.57555573146871, 0.370502353568081},
-        std::array{0.527248125813546, -0.416913102861955, 0.192125732159274, 1.4445082384563, 0.604861550288342,
-                   -3.30117781609398, 0.689407636883195, 0.685505265981109, -0.984558296619742, -1.42872690857851},
-        std::array{5.33831543630887, 5.17245423720476, 5.26776637871476, 6.16370813234337, 10.9801192075486,
-                   6.41712694647997, -3.73400173491101, -24.7275966326113, -2.84140805244608, -5.02468155365119},
-        std::array{4.48669917474464, -1.8487540552227, 0.613701892156025, -1.78023054865855, 0.327403107109213,
-                   -0.666227954795512, 0.974388375761939, -0.353049990455244, -2.77740820742302, 0.820874783902317},
-        std::array{-1.69847179684072, -0.175365363605958, -0.829464692680845, 0.0046316076121839, 1.92780784733841,
-                   0.657651966900329, -0.51442592136225, 0.683821680521208, 0.451331341128691, 0.648010448886695},
-        std::array{1.81895282731932, 2.17672682658848, -0.920765353140827, 0.996747884904092, 1.09653368948432,
-                   -1.67679120435122, -0.140763100862611, -1.75879692246824, 0.740947618892347, -1.427175677997},
-        std::array{7.0573188080443, 7.8451092078208, -6.63073158246502, 6.95138315493782, 14.016929766438,
-                   -28.0199051775889, 6.89190760271404, 8.24592723355141, -6.16184568139477, -7.34051531829907},
-        std::array{-0.0733444989313001, 1.38406746094216, 1.45192278216375, -1.16397395366091, 0.0670610984506287,
-                   1.6294400538039, 1.30327927516488, -2.16140295353957, -1.06572937188725, -1.57791855454015}};
+        std::array{ -0.768344824855872, -2.1979013688362, -0.939913092928029, -0.906947937490384, -1.70515506237624,
+                    -0.319068335017765, 0.299355753981265, 3.31142967799943, 0.223340960415213, -0.212439754995487 },
+        std::array{ 1.80608594199172, -2.50530556844779, -0.637959055875342, -2.96764335380513, 4.10491609257577,
+                    1.87106057184041, -0.635751711435271, 1.85526375228023, 1.57555573146871, 0.370502353568081 },
+        std::array{ 0.527248125813546, -0.416913102861955, 0.192125732159274, 1.4445082384563, 0.604861550288342,
+                    -3.30117781609398, 0.689407636883195, 0.685505265981109, -0.984558296619742, -1.42872690857851 },
+        std::array{ 5.33831543630887, 5.17245423720476, 5.26776637871476, 6.16370813234337, 10.9801192075486,
+                    6.41712694647997, -3.73400173491101, -24.7275966326113, -2.84140805244608, -5.02468155365119 },
+        std::array{ 4.48669917474464, -1.8487540552227, 0.613701892156025, -1.78023054865855, 0.327403107109213,
+                    -0.666227954795512, 0.974388375761939, -0.353049990455244, -2.77740820742302, 0.820874783902317 },
+        std::array{ -1.69847179684072, -0.175365363605958, -0.829464692680845, 0.0046316076121839, 1.92780784733841,
+                    0.657651966900329, -0.51442592136225, 0.683821680521208, 0.451331341128691, 0.648010448886695 },
+        std::array{ 1.81895282731932, 2.17672682658848, -0.920765353140827, 0.996747884904092, 1.09653368948432,
+                    -1.67679120435122, -0.140763100862611, -1.75879692246824, 0.740947618892347, -1.427175677997 },
+        std::array{ 7.0573188080443, 7.8451092078208, -6.63073158246502, 6.95138315493782, 14.016929766438,
+                    -28.0199051775889, 6.89190760271404, 8.24592723355141, -6.16184568139477, -7.34051531829907 },
+        std::array{ -0.0733444989313001, 1.38406746094216, 1.45192278216375, -1.16397395366091, 0.0670610984506287,
+                    1.6294400538039, 1.30327927516488, -2.16140295353957, -1.06572937188725, -1.57791855454015 } };
     // weight matrix from layer 1 to 2
     constexpr auto fWeightMatrix1to2 =
-        std::array{-2.68994429564918, 1.58978773372041, 3.91993950979052,  -1.5535261985431, 1.19928779393608,
-                   4.65746096444488,  3.26594013318893, -1.70881031348903, 2.76660022788495, 3.77460699206932};
+        std::array{ -2.68994429564918, 1.58978773372041, 3.91993950979052,  -1.5535261985431, 1.19928779393608,
+                    4.65746096444488,  3.26594013318893, -1.70881031348903, 2.76660022788495, 3.77460699206932 };
     // the training input variables
     constexpr auto validator =
-        TMV::Utils::Validator{"ReadMLPHInner", std::tuple{"fracE1", "fracE2", "fracE3", "fracE4", "fracEseed", "fracE6",
-                                                          "fracE7", "fracE8", "fracE9"}};
+        TMV::Utils::Validator{ "ReadMLPHInner", std::tuple{ "fracE1", "fracE2", "fracE3", "fracE4", "fracEseed",
+                                                            "fracE6", "fracE7", "fracE8", "fracE9" } };
-    constexpr auto transformer = TMV::Utils::Transformer{fMin_1, fMax_1};
-    constexpr auto l0To1       = TMV::Utils::Layer{fWeightMatrix0to1, ActivationFnc};
-    constexpr auto l1To2       = TMV::Utils::Layer{fWeightMatrix1to2, OutputActivationFnc};
-    constexpr auto MVA         = TMV::Utils::MVA{validator, transformer, 2, l0To1, l1To2};
+    constexpr auto transformer = TMV::Utils::Transformer{ fMin_1, fMax_1 };
+    constexpr auto l0To1       = TMV::Utils::Layer{ fWeightMatrix0to1, ActivationFnc };
+    constexpr auto l1To2       = TMV::Utils::Layer{ fWeightMatrix1to2, OutputActivationFnc };
+    constexpr auto MVA         = TMV::Utils::MVA{ validator, transformer, 2, l0To1, l1To2 };
   } // namespace
 } // namespace Data::ReadMLPHInner
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_H_middle.C b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_H_middle.C
index 90fa4b3ddc7090c3acdeff8b03ed429823d22955..e13ecde2dd957482f9916eff5dea59aa094a418c 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_H_middle.C
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_H_middle.C
@@ -101,55 +101,55 @@ namespace Data::ReadMLPHMiddle {
     // Normalization transformation
     constexpr auto fMin_1 =
-        std::array{std::array{-0.180593907833, -0.151716500521, -0.216716110706, -0.163436755538, 0.0578971579671,
-                              -0.191029891372, -0.184195950627, -0.192670628428, -0.212707176805},
-                   std::array{-0.184250742197, -0.164724186063, -0.171345025301, -0.184997737408, 0.0330240167677,
-                              -0.257074505091, -0.190231963992, -0.194924339652, -0.205805703998},
-                   std::array{-0.184250742197, -0.164724186063, -0.216716110706, -0.184997737408, 0.0330240167677,
-                              -0.257074505091, -0.190231963992, -0.194924339652, -0.212707176805}};
+        std::array{ std::array{ -0.180593907833, -0.151716500521, -0.216716110706, -0.163436755538, 0.0578971579671,
+                                -0.191029891372, -0.184195950627, -0.192670628428, -0.212707176805 },
+                    std::array{ -0.184250742197, -0.164724186063, -0.171345025301, -0.184997737408, 0.0330240167677,
+                                -0.257074505091, -0.190231963992, -0.194924339652, -0.205805703998 },
+                    std::array{ -0.184250742197, -0.164724186063, -0.216716110706, -0.184997737408, 0.0330240167677,
+                                -0.257074505091, -0.190231963992, -0.194924339652, -0.212707176805 } };
     constexpr auto fMax_1 =
-        std::array{std::array{0.80723965168, 0.545081615448, 0.704621016979, 0.755800306797, 1.60290372372,
-                              0.765266060829, 0.791082143784, 0.566249787807, 0.784780263901},
-                   std::array{0.806771039963, 0.558665275574, 0.844425261021, 0.820176422596, 1.52706480026,
-                              0.832035958767, 0.848194479942, 0.567717313766, 0.922476112843},
-                   std::array{0.80723965168, 0.558665275574, 0.844425261021, 0.820176422596, 1.60290372372,
-                              0.832035958767, 0.848194479942, 0.567717313766, 0.922476112843}};
+        std::array{ std::array{ 0.80723965168, 0.545081615448, 0.704621016979, 0.755800306797, 1.60290372372,
+                                0.765266060829, 0.791082143784, 0.566249787807, 0.784780263901 },
+                    std::array{ 0.806771039963, 0.558665275574, 0.844425261021, 0.820176422596, 1.52706480026,
+                                0.832035958767, 0.848194479942, 0.567717313766, 0.922476112843 },
+                    std::array{ 0.80723965168, 0.558665275574, 0.844425261021, 0.820176422596, 1.60290372372,
+                                0.832035958767, 0.848194479942, 0.567717313766, 0.922476112843 } };
     // weight matrix from layer 0 to 1
     constexpr auto fWeightMatrix0to1 = std::array{
-        std::array{0.426463632595623, -1.38237545756149, -4.85003147829583, 1.27932157357076, 3.26240360130551,
-                   -4.65628893942299, -4.53637419915128, 2.18704292249009, 2.0127102839142, 0.300765820730824},
-        std::array{-1.30800244254481, 1.4299526099625, 2.11840101219231, -7.19261653439867, 3.83397826608208,
-                   2.54282273620988, -0.258105783637862, 1.51790754116778, 2.26818859779945, 0.682959593717636},
-        std::array{-2.10648270307239, -4.46130054620954, -1.81681336348268, 0.625105470132663, 1.68273178952565,
-                   0.549617270996029, 1.20390938181562, 0.787987791473059, 1.44409077848589, -1.20381923705681},
-        std::array{-0.764702145686324, -1.41231670761937, 0.00240709884539659, -2.19074554230603, -3.21900173861052,
-                   8.64571889411421, -2.3124147378762, -1.16968438002578, 1.18903315076348, -0.0458687441037299},
-        std::array{0.931724778704851, -5.13319071255125, 1.09385148295311, 1.49675396020746, 2.9637566128948,
-                   1.69381206860436, 1.42591624465428, -5.66176431560232, 1.48673202683762, -0.95769537374774},
-        std::array{1.14747463710574, 1.2163218782297, -3.00358432084211, 2.12649482779284, 4.46630512516987,
-                   2.104051340277, -3.61802726011812, 1.89210062858265, -3.12408441647481, 0.139257938702907},
-        std::array{-0.117621550012976, 1.13285328183916, 0.671910460885041, 0.909831095109371, 1.85290878612333,
-                   0.958614081675939, -0.729608144005077, -5.73280730993973, -0.758884167733876, -0.830555601484293},
-        std::array{2.27999343816693, 1.96204913777368, 3.35928312119271, -8.01016553360505, 5.014059543723,
-                   -9.76270654506313, 2.75446545593349, 2.19259429637269, 2.58487857430284, -1.99874115937752},
-        std::array{6.74504659868593, -2.49689311774881, 5.03178404975525, -3.48045522471043, -4.64942921234117,
-                   -3.9441215530281, -0.553928795961498, -2.68297046244042, -1.1994436929941, 0.918096364737461}};
+        std::array{ 0.426463632595623, -1.38237545756149, -4.85003147829583, 1.27932157357076, 3.26240360130551,
+                    -4.65628893942299, -4.53637419915128, 2.18704292249009, 2.0127102839142, 0.300765820730824 },
+        std::array{ -1.30800244254481, 1.4299526099625, 2.11840101219231, -7.19261653439867, 3.83397826608208,
+                    2.54282273620988, -0.258105783637862, 1.51790754116778, 2.26818859779945, 0.682959593717636 },
+        std::array{ -2.10648270307239, -4.46130054620954, -1.81681336348268, 0.625105470132663, 1.68273178952565,
+                    0.549617270996029, 1.20390938181562, 0.787987791473059, 1.44409077848589, -1.20381923705681 },
+        std::array{ -0.764702145686324, -1.41231670761937, 0.00240709884539659, -2.19074554230603, -3.21900173861052,
+                    8.64571889411421, -2.3124147378762, -1.16968438002578, 1.18903315076348, -0.0458687441037299 },
+        std::array{ 0.931724778704851, -5.13319071255125, 1.09385148295311, 1.49675396020746, 2.9637566128948,
+                    1.69381206860436, 1.42591624465428, -5.66176431560232, 1.48673202683762, -0.95769537374774 },
+        std::array{ 1.14747463710574, 1.2163218782297, -3.00358432084211, 2.12649482779284, 4.46630512516987,
+                    2.104051340277, -3.61802726011812, 1.89210062858265, -3.12408441647481, 0.139257938702907 },
+        std::array{ -0.117621550012976, 1.13285328183916, 0.671910460885041, 0.909831095109371, 1.85290878612333,
+                    0.958614081675939, -0.729608144005077, -5.73280730993973, -0.758884167733876, -0.830555601484293 },
+        std::array{ 2.27999343816693, 1.96204913777368, 3.35928312119271, -8.01016553360505, 5.014059543723,
+                    -9.76270654506313, 2.75446545593349, 2.19259429637269, 2.58487857430284, -1.99874115937752 },
+        std::array{ 6.74504659868593, -2.49689311774881, 5.03178404975525, -3.48045522471043, -4.64942921234117,
+                    -3.9441215530281, -0.553928795961498, -2.68297046244042, -1.1994436929941, 0.918096364737461 } };
     // weight matrix from layer 1 to 2
     constexpr auto fWeightMatrix1to2 =
-        std::array{-0.670682765187192, 1.74035718411496, 2.03609272111418,  -1.60362106235283, -1.82658677442234,
-                   1.36798261716024,   1.73691813529119, -1.68901373458535, 1.1356110110776,   -4.20377765027302};
+        std::array{ -0.670682765187192, 1.74035718411496, 2.03609272111418,  -1.60362106235283, -1.82658677442234,
+                    1.36798261716024,   1.73691813529119, -1.68901373458535, 1.1356110110776,   -4.20377765027302 };
     // the training input variables
     constexpr auto validator =
-        TMV::Utils::Validator{"ReadMLPHMiddle", std::tuple{"fracE1", "fracE2", "fracE3", "fracE4", "fracEseed",
-                                                           "fracE6", "fracE7", "fracE8", "fracE9"}};
+        TMV::Utils::Validator{ "ReadMLPHMiddle", std::tuple{ "fracE1", "fracE2", "fracE3", "fracE4", "fracEseed",
+                                                             "fracE6", "fracE7", "fracE8", "fracE9" } };
-    constexpr auto transformer = TMV::Utils::Transformer{fMin_1, fMax_1};
-    constexpr auto l0To1       = TMV::Utils::Layer{fWeightMatrix0to1, ActivationFnc};
-    constexpr auto l1To2       = TMV::Utils::Layer{fWeightMatrix1to2, OutputActivationFnc};
-    constexpr auto MVA         = TMV::Utils::MVA{validator, transformer, 2, l0To1, l1To2};
+    constexpr auto transformer = TMV::Utils::Transformer{ fMin_1, fMax_1 };
+    constexpr auto l0To1       = TMV::Utils::Layer{ fWeightMatrix0to1, ActivationFnc };
+    constexpr auto l1To2       = TMV::Utils::Layer{ fWeightMatrix1to2, OutputActivationFnc };
+    constexpr auto MVA         = TMV::Utils::MVA{ validator, transformer, 2, l0To1, l1To2 };
   } // namespace
 } // namespace Data::ReadMLPHMiddle
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_H_outer.C b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_H_outer.C
index 1612386dae1cebf5a42eaf89bdf753de58bb3987..54bb7b63ad91cc6de0ad6cc90644756aeef0cd0c 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_H_outer.C
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_H_outer.C
@@ -101,55 +101,55 @@ namespace Data::ReadMLPHOuter {
     // Normalization transformation
     constexpr auto fMin_1 =
-        std::array{std::array{-0.191468730569, -0.251114070415, -0.238714829087, -0.245630010962, 0.0188593510538,
-                              -0.236244127154, -0.230187982321, -0.223056018353, -0.252370625734},
-                   std::array{-0.225853681564, -0.207380637527, -0.235106766224, -0.210186034441, 0.0235662292689,
-                              -0.252621412277, -0.216596588492, -0.269369602203, -0.201922953129},
-                   std::array{-0.225853681564, -0.251114070415, -0.238714829087, -0.245630010962, 0.0188593510538,
-                              -0.252621412277, -0.230187982321, -0.269369602203, -0.252370625734}};
+        std::array{ std::array{ -0.191468730569, -0.251114070415, -0.238714829087, -0.245630010962, 0.0188593510538,
+                                -0.236244127154, -0.230187982321, -0.223056018353, -0.252370625734 },
+                    std::array{ -0.225853681564, -0.207380637527, -0.235106766224, -0.210186034441, 0.0235662292689,
+                                -0.252621412277, -0.216596588492, -0.269369602203, -0.201922953129 },
+                    std::array{ -0.225853681564, -0.251114070415, -0.238714829087, -0.245630010962, 0.0188593510538,
+                                -0.252621412277, -0.230187982321, -0.269369602203, -0.252370625734 } };
     constexpr auto fMax_1 =
-        std::array{std::array{0.912901759148, 0.620135545731, 0.871809363365, 0.869298577309, 1.71378040314,
-                              0.90743470192, 0.919755160809, 0.586659193039, 0.946566343307},
-                   std::array{0.900194227695, 0.621873795986, 0.921248316765, 0.924712240696, 1.71566569805,
-                              0.907746732235, 0.963424623013, 0.644044220448, 0.901920735836},
-                   std::array{0.912901759148, 0.621873795986, 0.921248316765, 0.924712240696, 1.71566569805,
-                              0.907746732235, 0.963424623013, 0.644044220448, 0.946566343307}};
+        std::array{ std::array{ 0.912901759148, 0.620135545731, 0.871809363365, 0.869298577309, 1.71378040314,
+                                0.90743470192, 0.919755160809, 0.586659193039, 0.946566343307 },
+                    std::array{ 0.900194227695, 0.621873795986, 0.921248316765, 0.924712240696, 1.71566569805,
+                                0.907746732235, 0.963424623013, 0.644044220448, 0.901920735836 },
+                    std::array{ 0.912901759148, 0.621873795986, 0.921248316765, 0.924712240696, 1.71566569805,
+                                0.907746732235, 0.963424623013, 0.644044220448, 0.946566343307 } };
     // weight matrix from layer 0 to 1
     constexpr auto fWeightMatrix0to1 = std::array{
-        std::array{-2.63783779795429, 2.99681558216399, 0.765957201171226, -2.61379982435056, -3.76392975375205,
-                   4.17737394841874, -2.07734295556257, -0.0331113386847928, 2.04902944512898, -0.0610409171083741},
-        std::array{-0.425646551903259, -2.39483279461827, 2.62112450202232, -4.81749381830912, 3.75681606261778,
-                   3.26424149075393, -1.6908088681585, 2.0948656726522, 1.92167308702087, 0.747174868229813},
-        std::array{2.841939598538, -3.09185533541239, 2.07850453342508, 1.26036278588272, -6.87423034856875,
-                   -0.150815684547615, 3.75189730790889, -1.81365626523678, 3.7426344432008, -1.17964965890902},
-        std::array{0.517246753228809, -2.42783345680948, -1.14560994594797, -1.46394267698195, -1.74208389980193,
-                   6.18739513556233, 2.27624104069633, -3.04833584953965, -1.50470425959014, 0.0458114966255308},
-        std::array{-2.87779451442692, 4.95346168665955, -5.1297533484951, 8.25694086406459, 10.2995745873078,
-                   8.14113578186165, -8.59743882437723, 5.68389551651562, -8.25372578501055, -3.35191231146711},
-        std::array{-2.94347030563167, 1.34114347707877, -2.92062207322333, 1.10143350547321, 3.38507108868554,
-                   1.28298850696391, 1.47020029562246, 1.47569767993437, -1.63786045930472, 0.285375581717407},
-        std::array{0.754930703926905, -0.292139016522224, 0.525505525724506, 0.129776914184119, 2.96785170479151,
-                   2.24158787747547, -4.46322200652617, -5.47324248925436, 0.506418809413807, -0.66555853855955},
-        std::array{1.79078390219955, -0.839168518328465, 2.37885556227126, -4.80061249541309, 3.94010753236038,
-                   -4.14544965545653, 0.648434819634493, 0.250632958231791, 1.83782585264795, -1.82784330022728},
-        std::array{4.30704448120911, 3.50044959948664, 0.00508727095800918, -8.96869121422014, 4.57921562472627,
-                   3.41839711022584, 2.1784426120291, -7.00769539307194, -2.91916099961862, -1.62860301231356}};
+        std::array{ -2.63783779795429, 2.99681558216399, 0.765957201171226, -2.61379982435056, -3.76392975375205,
+                    4.17737394841874, -2.07734295556257, -0.0331113386847928, 2.04902944512898, -0.0610409171083741 },
+        std::array{ -0.425646551903259, -2.39483279461827, 2.62112450202232, -4.81749381830912, 3.75681606261778,
+                    3.26424149075393, -1.6908088681585, 2.0948656726522, 1.92167308702087, 0.747174868229813 },
+        std::array{ 2.841939598538, -3.09185533541239, 2.07850453342508, 1.26036278588272, -6.87423034856875,
+                    -0.150815684547615, 3.75189730790889, -1.81365626523678, 3.7426344432008, -1.17964965890902 },
+        std::array{ 0.517246753228809, -2.42783345680948, -1.14560994594797, -1.46394267698195, -1.74208389980193,
+                    6.18739513556233, 2.27624104069633, -3.04833584953965, -1.50470425959014, 0.0458114966255308 },
+        std::array{ -2.87779451442692, 4.95346168665955, -5.1297533484951, 8.25694086406459, 10.2995745873078,
+                    8.14113578186165, -8.59743882437723, 5.68389551651562, -8.25372578501055, -3.35191231146711 },
+        std::array{ -2.94347030563167, 1.34114347707877, -2.92062207322333, 1.10143350547321, 3.38507108868554,
+                    1.28298850696391, 1.47020029562246, 1.47569767993437, -1.63786045930472, 0.285375581717407 },
+        std::array{ 0.754930703926905, -0.292139016522224, 0.525505525724506, 0.129776914184119, 2.96785170479151,
+                    2.24158787747547, -4.46322200652617, -5.47324248925436, 0.506418809413807, -0.66555853855955 },
+        std::array{ 1.79078390219955, -0.839168518328465, 2.37885556227126, -4.80061249541309, 3.94010753236038,
+                    -4.14544965545653, 0.648434819634493, 0.250632958231791, 1.83782585264795, -1.82784330022728 },
+        std::array{ 4.30704448120911, 3.50044959948664, 0.00508727095800918, -8.96869121422014, 4.57921562472627,
+                    3.41839711022584, 2.1784426120291, -7.00769539307194, -2.91916099961862, -1.62860301231356 } };
     // weight matrix from layer 1 to 2
     constexpr auto fWeightMatrix1to2 =
-        std::array{-0.971668066248549, 1.28433158174873,  1.36659135825722,  -1.15805954334154, -0.563544866075,
-                   1.55571296066712,   0.895663106485581, -1.88181550520302, 0.608970770569372, -2.41861919144114};
+        std::array{ -0.971668066248549, 1.28433158174873,  1.36659135825722,  -1.15805954334154, -0.563544866075,
+                    1.55571296066712,   0.895663106485581, -1.88181550520302, 0.608970770569372, -2.41861919144114 };
     // the training input variables
     constexpr auto validator =
-        TMV::Utils::Validator{"ReadMLPHOuter", std::tuple{"fracE1", "fracE2", "fracE3", "fracE4", "fracEseed", "fracE6",
-                                                          "fracE7", "fracE8", "fracE9"}};
+        TMV::Utils::Validator{ "ReadMLPHOuter", std::tuple{ "fracE1", "fracE2", "fracE3", "fracE4", "fracEseed",
+                                                            "fracE6", "fracE7", "fracE8", "fracE9" } };
-    constexpr auto transformer = TMV::Utils::Transformer{fMin_1, fMax_1};
-    constexpr auto l0To1       = TMV::Utils::Layer{fWeightMatrix0to1, ActivationFnc};
-    constexpr auto l1To2       = TMV::Utils::Layer{fWeightMatrix1to2, OutputActivationFnc};
-    constexpr auto MVA         = TMV::Utils::MVA{validator, transformer, 2, l0To1, l1To2};
+    constexpr auto transformer = TMV::Utils::Transformer{ fMin_1, fMax_1 };
+    constexpr auto l0To1       = TMV::Utils::Layer{ fWeightMatrix0to1, ActivationFnc };
+    constexpr auto l1To2       = TMV::Utils::Layer{ fWeightMatrix1to2, OutputActivationFnc };
+    constexpr auto MVA         = TMV::Utils::MVA{ validator, transformer, 2, l0To1, l1To2 };
   } // namespace
 } // namespace Data::ReadMLPHOuter
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_inner.C b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_inner.C
index d6ecf16e9c53e281e4c1aa81cd5c14ee7b3963c7..e11b4be83a9b2cb255d57e73289c3bba73af7976 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_inner.C
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_inner.C
@@ -104,67 +104,67 @@ namespace Data::ReadMLPInner {
     // Normalization transformation, initialisation
     constexpr auto fMin_1 = std::array{
-        std::array{-0.00198796624318, -0.00215498171747, -0.00177178543527, -0.00208954326808, 0.034051630646,
-                   -0.00280335964635, -0.00194630539045, -0.00277676782571, -0.00385475391522, 2.00066828728},
-        std::array{-0.00176436058246, -0.00200005155057, -0.00254167243838, -0.0011355348397, 0.197875663638,
-                   -0.00198318064213, -0.00228969682939, -0.00194063456729, -0.00159838388208, 2.00060749054},
-        std::array{-0.00198796624318, -0.00215498171747, -0.00254167243838, -0.00208954326808, 0.034051630646,
-                   -0.00280335964635, -0.00228969682939, -0.00277676782571, -0.00385475391522, 2.00060749054}};
+        std::array{ -0.00198796624318, -0.00215498171747, -0.00177178543527, -0.00208954326808, 0.034051630646,
+                    -0.00280335964635, -0.00194630539045, -0.00277676782571, -0.00385475391522, 2.00066828728 },
+        std::array{ -0.00176436058246, -0.00200005155057, -0.00254167243838, -0.0011355348397, 0.197875663638,
+                    -0.00198318064213, -0.00228969682939, -0.00194063456729, -0.00159838388208, 2.00060749054 },
+        std::array{ -0.00198796624318, -0.00215498171747, -0.00254167243838, -0.00208954326808, 0.034051630646,
+                    -0.00280335964635, -0.00228969682939, -0.00277676782571, -0.00385475391522, 2.00060749054 } };
     constexpr auto fMax_1 =
-        std::array{std::array{0.298671633005, 0.465184569359, 0.291880369186, 0.451889395714, 0.953236103058,
-                              0.456907629967, 0.306165158749, 0.461210012436, 0.293805390596, 24.0820713043},
-                   std::array{0.429448157549, 0.453826248646, 0.444466114044, 0.469378530979, 0.906697630882,
-                              0.47236764431, 0.42861238122, 0.447018384933, 0.440069496632, 29.4433078766},
-                   std::array{0.429448157549, 0.465184569359, 0.444466114044, 0.469378530979, 0.953236103058,
-                              0.47236764431, 0.42861238122, 0.461210012436, 0.440069496632, 29.4433078766}};
+        std::array{ std::array{ 0.298671633005, 0.465184569359, 0.291880369186, 0.451889395714, 0.953236103058,
+                                0.456907629967, 0.306165158749, 0.461210012436, 0.293805390596, 24.0820713043 },
+                    std::array{ 0.429448157549, 0.453826248646, 0.444466114044, 0.469378530979, 0.906697630882,
+                                0.47236764431, 0.42861238122, 0.447018384933, 0.440069496632, 29.4433078766 },
+                    std::array{ 0.429448157549, 0.465184569359, 0.444466114044, 0.469378530979, 0.953236103058,
+                                0.47236764431, 0.42861238122, 0.461210012436, 0.440069496632, 29.4433078766 } };
     // weight matrix from layer 0 to 1
     constexpr auto fWeightMatrix0to1 =
-        std::array{std::array{-0.985335160973618, -6.67931433815913, 6.82392026173755, 1.69582275021297,
-                              3.57129073967505, 1.12514901339897, 0.266869927912525, -6.28067789358299,
-                              6.95205392613507, -0.904656806287974, -1.4603929623076},
-                   std::array{2.10748984930235, -0.134929184921827, -0.627965176721353, 1.56502759657526,
-                              0.836321581003512, 1.34383839413578, 0.479273654820681, -1.32513672506628,
-                              0.775164730469395, 0.0493650571682389, -1.80415067884722},
-                   std::array{-0.702448067411557, -7.98681307016533, 5.02709422770136, 0.143345741246158,
-                              1.25502079472121, -10.8872546208244, 2.19910353060669, -0.454684683858646,
-                              -0.669888637810434, -0.0281551044163271, -12.461611756555},
-                   std::array{-0.48990539792607, -0.970523967468077, -0.298617487101007, -0.615556688859541,
-                              1.33901456042377, -0.889110874027364, -0.460871611867257, -0.803392995020684,
-                              -0.337322688406954, -4.5690973816318, -8.6408121007897},
-                   std::array{-2.77671532935746, -1.53204760061346, 0.0829827703148823, -1.46341108252287,
-                              -3.7675817599428, 6.30327290663336, -0.583928890032717, 6.32509322934298,
-                              -5.00616934013949, -0.113805421374926, 3.64367890360636},
-                   std::array{-6.86876782199281, 4.76027257543677, 0.788595537608121, -2.52799185478243,
-                              -6.72852622761777, -3.13609699546236, -7.23682125218895, 5.98061015940384,
-                              2.94618075009842, 0.581576344098958, 1.13210681178618},
-                   std::array{-1.00703118749707, 0.131461920829255, 1.91571634346451, -9.30909464522452,
-                              1.30351083593439, 0.142350578760852, 4.00647900652347, -8.08358601746906,
-                              -1.18266066035196, -0.0785651990914711, -12.7661302379648},
-                   std::array{-4.36501648542364, 6.828416997626, -0.192316444156694, 7.18723939192428,
-                              -2.92983968871285, -1.1487584480626, -0.212193423813941, -0.494125390666021,
-                              -3.40114865037688, 0.0421927933808669, 5.69266329140161},
-                   std::array{-5.13435448460134, -0.803118108904071, -4.85927436859816, 8.0781338250635,
-                              -2.86703402520859, 7.60548727815092, -5.11794185379839, -0.935045766560244,
-                              -5.01457080175552, 0.625638641392796, -2.93183336616653},
-                   std::array{-1.339327559491, 2.72660655745387, -1.31175274042089, 1.58168254322843, -2.14067189861168,
-                              1.26490374580979, -0.847318811706012, -1.86094298725024, -0.630394109056789,
-                              -0.0236486664775165, 2.04682618362147}};
+        std::array{ std::array{ -0.985335160973618, -6.67931433815913, 6.82392026173755, 1.69582275021297,
+                                3.57129073967505, 1.12514901339897, 0.266869927912525, -6.28067789358299,
+                                6.95205392613507, -0.904656806287974, -1.4603929623076 },
+                    std::array{ 2.10748984930235, -0.134929184921827, -0.627965176721353, 1.56502759657526,
+                                0.836321581003512, 1.34383839413578, 0.479273654820681, -1.32513672506628,
+                                0.775164730469395, 0.0493650571682389, -1.80415067884722 },
+                    std::array{ -0.702448067411557, -7.98681307016533, 5.02709422770136, 0.143345741246158,
+                                1.25502079472121, -10.8872546208244, 2.19910353060669, -0.454684683858646,
+                                -0.669888637810434, -0.0281551044163271, -12.461611756555 },
+                    std::array{ -0.48990539792607, -0.970523967468077, -0.298617487101007, -0.615556688859541,
+                                1.33901456042377, -0.889110874027364, -0.460871611867257, -0.803392995020684,
+                                -0.337322688406954, -4.5690973816318, -8.6408121007897 },
+                    std::array{ -2.77671532935746, -1.53204760061346, 0.0829827703148823, -1.46341108252287,
+                                -3.7675817599428, 6.30327290663336, -0.583928890032717, 6.32509322934298,
+                                -5.00616934013949, -0.113805421374926, 3.64367890360636 },
+                    std::array{ -6.86876782199281, 4.76027257543677, 0.788595537608121, -2.52799185478243,
+                                -6.72852622761777, -3.13609699546236, -7.23682125218895, 5.98061015940384,
+                                2.94618075009842, 0.581576344098958, 1.13210681178618 },
+                    std::array{ -1.00703118749707, 0.131461920829255, 1.91571634346451, -9.30909464522452,
+                                1.30351083593439, 0.142350578760852, 4.00647900652347, -8.08358601746906,
+                                -1.18266066035196, -0.0785651990914711, -12.7661302379648 },
+                    std::array{ -4.36501648542364, 6.828416997626, -0.192316444156694, 7.18723939192428,
+                                -2.92983968871285, -1.1487584480626, -0.212193423813941, -0.494125390666021,
+                                -3.40114865037688, 0.0421927933808669, 5.69266329140161 },
+                    std::array{ -5.13435448460134, -0.803118108904071, -4.85927436859816, 8.0781338250635,
+                                -2.86703402520859, 7.60548727815092, -5.11794185379839, -0.935045766560244,
+                                -5.01457080175552, 0.625638641392796, -2.93183336616653 },
+                    std::array{ -1.339327559491, 2.72660655745387, -1.31175274042089, 1.58168254322843,
+                                -2.14067189861168, 1.26490374580979, -0.847318811706012, -1.86094298725024,
+                                -0.630394109056789, -0.0236486664775165, 2.04682618362147 } };
     // weight matrix from layer 1 to 2
     constexpr auto fWeightMatrix1to2 = std::array{
         -2.72007944285266, -1.29152034820886, 1.88879727185053, 2.19028814752033,  -2.11712335078242, 2.64299195918365,
-        2.08403354167435,  -1.99648308705913, 3.09280621282882, -1.69176171948825, -0.643618082110088};
+        2.08403354167435,  -1.99648308705913, 3.09280621282882, -1.69176171948825, -0.643618082110088 };
     // the training input variables
     constexpr auto validator =
-        TMV::Utils::Validator{"ReadMLPInner", std::tuple{"fracE1", "fracE2", "fracE3", "fracE4", "fracEseed", "fracE6",
-                                                         "fracE7", "fracE8", "fracE9", "Et"}};
+        TMV::Utils::Validator{ "ReadMLPInner", std::tuple{ "fracE1", "fracE2", "fracE3", "fracE4", "fracEseed",
+                                                           "fracE6", "fracE7", "fracE8", "fracE9", "Et" } };
     // Normalization transformation
-    constexpr auto transformer = TMV::Utils::Transformer{fMin_1, fMax_1};
-    constexpr auto l0To1       = TMV::Utils::Layer{fWeightMatrix0to1, ActivationFnc};
-    constexpr auto l1To2       = TMV::Utils::Layer{fWeightMatrix1to2, OutputActivationFnc};
-    constexpr auto MVA         = TMV::Utils::MVA{validator, transformer, 2, l0To1, l1To2};
+    constexpr auto transformer = TMV::Utils::Transformer{ fMin_1, fMax_1 };
+    constexpr auto l0To1       = TMV::Utils::Layer{ fWeightMatrix0to1, ActivationFnc };
+    constexpr auto l1To2       = TMV::Utils::Layer{ fWeightMatrix1to2, OutputActivationFnc };
+    constexpr auto MVA         = TMV::Utils::MVA{ validator, transformer, 2, l0To1, l1To2 };
   } // namespace
 } // namespace Data::ReadMLPInner
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_middle.C b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_middle.C
index d263a4c351d28c3a07d775a11cde78463d659ea1..cfc4ff169950f3662977419236fdf253944a672e 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_middle.C
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_middle.C
@@ -104,68 +104,68 @@ namespace Data::ReadMLPMiddle {
     // Normalization transformation, initialisation
     constexpr auto fMin_1 = std::array{
-        std::array{-0.00362621294335, -0.00275945081376, -0.00313531467691, -0.00450527248904, 0.246648788452,
-                   -0.00276463152841, -0.00332471798174, -0.00180006388109, -0.00440689036623, 2.00030565262},
-        std::array{-0.00318898749538, -0.00224394164979, -0.00181982072536, -0.00381390075199, 0.224020346999,
-                   -0.00146057619713, -0.00164786248934, -0.00151467497926, -0.00248911418021, 2.00102257729},
-        std::array{-0.00362621294335, -0.00275945081376, -0.00313531467691, -0.00450527248904, 0.224020346999,
-                   -0.00276463152841, -0.00332471798174, -0.00180006388109, -0.00440689036623, 2.00030565262}};
+        std::array{ -0.00362621294335, -0.00275945081376, -0.00313531467691, -0.00450527248904, 0.246648788452,
+                    -0.00276463152841, -0.00332471798174, -0.00180006388109, -0.00440689036623, 2.00030565262 },
+        std::array{ -0.00318898749538, -0.00224394164979, -0.00181982072536, -0.00381390075199, 0.224020346999,
+                    -0.00146057619713, -0.00164786248934, -0.00151467497926, -0.00248911418021, 2.00102257729 },
+        std::array{ -0.00362621294335, -0.00275945081376, -0.00313531467691, -0.00450527248904, 0.224020346999,
+                    -0.00276463152841, -0.00332471798174, -0.00180006388109, -0.00440689036623, 2.00030565262 } };
     constexpr auto fMax_1 =
-        std::array{std::array{0.338223308325, 0.464425057173, 0.317308604717, 0.465190768242, 0.934969782829,
-                              0.479072362185, 0.306119203568, 0.465661257505, 0.401705533266, 28.4925460815},
-                   std::array{0.443809837103, 0.457774341106, 0.45265597105, 0.463830649853, 0.896284222603,
-                              0.467007666826, 0.471353650093, 0.461849570274, 0.457188129425, 23.836101532},
-                   std::array{0.443809837103, 0.464425057173, 0.45265597105, 0.465190768242, 0.934969782829,
-                              0.479072362185, 0.471353650093, 0.465661257505, 0.457188129425, 28.4925460815}};
+        std::array{ std::array{ 0.338223308325, 0.464425057173, 0.317308604717, 0.465190768242, 0.934969782829,
+                                0.479072362185, 0.306119203568, 0.465661257505, 0.401705533266, 28.4925460815 },
+                    std::array{ 0.443809837103, 0.457774341106, 0.45265597105, 0.463830649853, 0.896284222603,
+                                0.467007666826, 0.471353650093, 0.461849570274, 0.457188129425, 23.836101532 },
+                    std::array{ 0.443809837103, 0.464425057173, 0.45265597105, 0.465190768242, 0.934969782829,
+                                0.479072362185, 0.471353650093, 0.465661257505, 0.457188129425, 28.4925460815 } };
     // weight matrix from layer 0 to 1
     constexpr auto fWeightMatrix0to1 =
-        std::array{std::array{2.76038716664637, -4.04151404322157, 3.00363447574542, 0.32630807509579, 1.21735893663165,
-                              0.468891930484242, 2.97364929150601, -4.50393081062551, 3.78353928213453,
-                              0.117549226952447, 2.88653311389283},
-                   std::array{3.66665865299493, 3.18848329623295, -2.30197628571885, 2.95330109637166, 4.80194364386187,
-                              -7.56415550763011, 1.74857418140998, -6.51238814418744, 7.12400332693267,
-                              -0.0750151473873144, -2.5905476275632},
-                   std::array{-2.03119870964679, -5.36695952071148, 2.95668733640128, 0.31839452493056,
-                              0.734390005415991, -8.9357892446043, 0.849259653846504, 0.110406189330802,
-                              -0.495912457348653, 0.648425185127335, -12.0844689928302},
-                   std::array{0.483662499925511, 0.0440833076353419, 0.612581277943129, 0.781799170346265,
-                              3.44276313331265, -0.185666593831779, 1.78203654142531, 0.670887757460542,
-                              0.61488639311317, -6.38350460427769, -2.4815103889677},
-                   std::array{0.854730605215466, -3.92929893560465, -3.76171518708365, 5.70415204806725,
-                              -6.01761091419949, -3.7371243329302, -7.43416448429159, 7.22907400152492,
-                              0.942310722330599, 0.191582837840389, 2.13456378726523},
-                   std::array{-4.49897972824554, -0.690664957083194, 0.716448249798002, 5.68486457629061,
-                              -1.53343564701672, 1.3384447198659, -4.60493527150641, -0.778274420933426,
-                              0.804899625987248, 0.176217668230878, 0.607393485206533},
-                   std::array{-1.30446219042648, -1.27021425758672, 2.62706254945813, -3.36606182483553,
-                              0.712052850508852, -0.450461790435611, -1.27197965730986, -5.34650244810965,
-                              2.56681873522447, -0.904958205590199, -6.94792557699129},
-                   std::array{-6.7735318221976, 5.6598846829997, 0.682707862715019, 9.1915971661894, -4.49833005051649,
-                              -2.57716147876984, -1.01022884376554, -2.07227383728691, -3.32344841860545,
-                              -0.0799548512018979, 3.31745772930459},
-                   std::array{0.809321368915275, -1.29160053786155, -4.87882111428126, 0.86475458509803,
-                              -2.25068819888714, 7.93477566732004, -1.87058591488525, -1.22228712292729,
-                              -5.37394273816012, -0.134691885144756, -1.73982552982106},
-                   std::array{-0.262826807588696, 4.37482666278269, -0.694797698127611, 0.135384827423615,
-                              -1.46258391643328, -0.964217742135818, -1.54084589876999, -1.89149551924808,
-                              -1.83676372570172, 0.377462943676275, 0.612542767222117}};
+        std::array{ std::array{ 2.76038716664637, -4.04151404322157, 3.00363447574542, 0.32630807509579,
+                                1.21735893663165, 0.468891930484242, 2.97364929150601, -4.50393081062551,
+                                3.78353928213453, 0.117549226952447, 2.88653311389283 },
+                    std::array{ 3.66665865299493, 3.18848329623295, -2.30197628571885, 2.95330109637166,
+                                4.80194364386187, -7.56415550763011, 1.74857418140998, -6.51238814418744,
+                                7.12400332693267, -0.0750151473873144, -2.5905476275632 },
+                    std::array{ -2.03119870964679, -5.36695952071148, 2.95668733640128, 0.31839452493056,
+                                0.734390005415991, -8.9357892446043, 0.849259653846504, 0.110406189330802,
+                                -0.495912457348653, 0.648425185127335, -12.0844689928302 },
+                    std::array{ 0.483662499925511, 0.0440833076353419, 0.612581277943129, 0.781799170346265,
+                                3.44276313331265, -0.185666593831779, 1.78203654142531, 0.670887757460542,
+                                0.61488639311317, -6.38350460427769, -2.4815103889677 },
+                    std::array{ 0.854730605215466, -3.92929893560465, -3.76171518708365, 5.70415204806725,
+                                -6.01761091419949, -3.7371243329302, -7.43416448429159, 7.22907400152492,
+                                0.942310722330599, 0.191582837840389, 2.13456378726523 },
+                    std::array{ -4.49897972824554, -0.690664957083194, 0.716448249798002, 5.68486457629061,
+                                -1.53343564701672, 1.3384447198659, -4.60493527150641, -0.778274420933426,
+                                0.804899625987248, 0.176217668230878, 0.607393485206533 },
+                    std::array{ -1.30446219042648, -1.27021425758672, 2.62706254945813, -3.36606182483553,
+                                0.712052850508852, -0.450461790435611, -1.27197965730986, -5.34650244810965,
+                                2.56681873522447, -0.904958205590199, -6.94792557699129 },
+                    std::array{ -6.7735318221976, 5.6598846829997, 0.682707862715019, 9.1915971661894,
+                                -4.49833005051649, -2.57716147876984, -1.01022884376554, -2.07227383728691,
+                                -3.32344841860545, -0.0799548512018979, 3.31745772930459 },
+                    std::array{ 0.809321368915275, -1.29160053786155, -4.87882111428126, 0.86475458509803,
+                                -2.25068819888714, 7.93477566732004, -1.87058591488525, -1.22228712292729,
+                                -5.37394273816012, -0.134691885144756, -1.73982552982106 },
+                    std::array{ -0.262826807588696, 4.37482666278269, -0.694797698127611, 0.135384827423615,
+                                -1.46258391643328, -0.964217742135818, -1.54084589876999, -1.89149551924808,
+                                -1.83676372570172, 0.377462943676275, 0.612542767222117 } };
     // weight matrix from layer 1 to 2
     constexpr auto fWeightMatrix1to2 = std::array{
         -3.98421652744576, 2.62121698628654,  2.67617318859809, 2.10508119817919,  -2.32974568104083, 3.50577557902819,
-        1.18458245306864,  -2.21274037187777, 3.93960416012021, -1.57074818992032, 0.677169403408848};
+        1.18458245306864,  -2.21274037187777, 3.93960416012021, -1.57074818992032, 0.677169403408848 };
     // the training input variables
     constexpr auto validator =
-        TMV::Utils::Validator{"ReadMLPMiddle", std::tuple{"fracE1", "fracE2", "fracE3", "fracE4", "fracEseed", "fracE6",
-                                                          "fracE7", "fracE8", "fracE9", "Et"}};
+        TMV::Utils::Validator{ "ReadMLPMiddle", std::tuple{ "fracE1", "fracE2", "fracE3", "fracE4", "fracEseed",
+                                                            "fracE6", "fracE7", "fracE8", "fracE9", "Et" } };
     // Normalization transformation
-    constexpr auto transformer = TMV::Utils::Transformer{fMin_1, fMax_1};
-    constexpr auto l0To1       = TMV::Utils::Layer{fWeightMatrix0to1, ActivationFnc};
-    constexpr auto l1To2       = TMV::Utils::Layer{fWeightMatrix1to2, OutputActivationFnc};
-    constexpr auto MVA         = TMV::Utils::MVA{validator, transformer, 2, l0To1, l1To2};
+    constexpr auto transformer = TMV::Utils::Transformer{ fMin_1, fMax_1 };
+    constexpr auto l0To1       = TMV::Utils::Layer{ fWeightMatrix0to1, ActivationFnc };
+    constexpr auto l1To2       = TMV::Utils::Layer{ fWeightMatrix1to2, OutputActivationFnc };
+    constexpr auto MVA         = TMV::Utils::MVA{ validator, transformer, 2, l0To1, l1To2 };
   } // namespace
 } // namespace Data::ReadMLPMiddle
diff --git a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_outer.C b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_outer.C
index 0f20848717cf907d787b5462b6de396564246b63..b35b55b6be0245039b8e89362a16f7342aa771e7 100644
--- a/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_outer.C
+++ b/CaloFuture/CaloFutureTools/src/TMV_MLP_outer.C
@@ -104,67 +104,67 @@ namespace Data::ReadMLPOuter {
     // Normalization transformation, initialisation
     constexpr auto fMin_1 = std::array{
-        std::array{-0.00585694145411, -0.00372967659496, -0.00521682342514, -0.00510058039799, 0.265968024731,
-                   -0.00351497041993, -0.00498923519626, -0.00360777252354, -0.00504248123616, 2.00008296967},
-        std::array{-0.00364904268645, -0.00269618327729, -0.00332048162818, -0.00353046110831, 0.244679421186,
-                   -0.00212266086601, -0.0036069448106, -0.00335578480735, -0.00387839134783, 2.00026464462},
-        std::array{-0.00585694145411, -0.00372967659496, -0.00521682342514, -0.00510058039799, 0.244679421186,
-                   -0.00351497041993, -0.00498923519626, -0.00360777252354, -0.00504248123616, 2.00008296967}};
+        std::array{ -0.00585694145411, -0.00372967659496, -0.00521682342514, -0.00510058039799, 0.265968024731,
+                    -0.00351497041993, -0.00498923519626, -0.00360777252354, -0.00504248123616, 2.00008296967 },
+        std::array{ -0.00364904268645, -0.00269618327729, -0.00332048162818, -0.00353046110831, 0.244679421186,
+                    -0.00212266086601, -0.0036069448106, -0.00335578480735, -0.00387839134783, 2.00026464462 },
+        std::array{ -0.00585694145411, -0.00372967659496, -0.00521682342514, -0.00510058039799, 0.244679421186,
+                    -0.00351497041993, -0.00498923519626, -0.00360777252354, -0.00504248123616, 2.00008296967 } };
     constexpr auto fMax_1 =
-        std::array{std::array{0.383371472359, 0.486372023821, 0.383990854025, 0.495141297579, 0.99722892046,
-                              0.489519536495, 0.362838953733, 0.494223743677, 0.362343728542, 36.9764709473},
-                   std::array{0.48633980751, 0.484035283327, 0.500095963478, 0.488680481911, 0.992968201637,
-                              0.485506862402, 0.504979848862, 0.483686566353, 0.482421725988, 31.7305660248},
-                   std::array{0.48633980751, 0.486372023821, 0.500095963478, 0.495141297579, 0.99722892046,
-                              0.489519536495, 0.504979848862, 0.494223743677, 0.482421725988, 36.9764709473}};
+        std::array{ std::array{ 0.383371472359, 0.486372023821, 0.383990854025, 0.495141297579, 0.99722892046,
+                                0.489519536495, 0.362838953733, 0.494223743677, 0.362343728542, 36.9764709473 },
+                    std::array{ 0.48633980751, 0.484035283327, 0.500095963478, 0.488680481911, 0.992968201637,
+                                0.485506862402, 0.504979848862, 0.483686566353, 0.482421725988, 31.7305660248 },
+                    std::array{ 0.48633980751, 0.486372023821, 0.500095963478, 0.495141297579, 0.99722892046,
+                                0.489519536495, 0.504979848862, 0.494223743677, 0.482421725988, 36.9764709473 } };
     // weight matrix from layer 0 to 1
     constexpr auto fWeightMatrix0to1 =
-        std::array{std::array{-3.8023074475667, -1.1221214762377, 2.67729876341333, 3.73281566600319, 0.653128471562461,
-                              -0.507632318067886, -4.58566203590406, -2.18588917797908, 3.52357464869377,
-                              0.394131138876674, -3.36915873255655},
-                   std::array{0.144871873064987, -1.30573987015623, -0.808705453839635, 1.33078532747442,
-                              1.30157239583867, -1.33986086386954, -0.121501717001273, -2.02123666830181,
-                              -0.34229132951064, -0.749747452379817, -5.09893141279735},
-                   std::array{4.85318720357496, -9.6831640688174, 8.60258099100305, 5.03462111007123, 7.66989107009247,
-                              -12.8397618626741, 5.50602512531977, 5.11155841642725, 1.05356665208532,
-                              -0.105548081196178, -0.142715616330995},
-                   std::array{1.04315981966232, 1.57126018786599, 2.29117394573692, 1.30010261956654, 4.80174643967462,
-                              1.5889202730569, 1.41090786425427, 1.87271462821717, 2.2689617364759, -9.20615595947603,
-                              1.33669664210807},
-                   std::array{-6.11673830608888, -5.62018583324095, -0.998492931945713, -5.62715172056906,
-                              -8.51920730409647, 7.25714118322435, -0.912902168830915, 10.4842629949413,
-                              -7.57034718225539, -0.18653250735766, -0.364694695939555},
-                   std::array{-4.87188938981142, 9.41289316436391, -4.70115505322563, -1.94808960354632,
-                              -2.59647542547226, -1.4549817353981, 1.46331210557046, -0.192582981588764,
-                              1.29297042770919, 0.0931093081199275, 2.69770364330379},
-                   std::array{-0.883186423555733, 3.59601676776759, 4.43381365354318, -11.4011699617978,
-                              5.37285950559134, 3.56821696277832, 5.94345436669425, -5.17248363247441, 1.16390234226787,
-                              0.199026174785122, -4.12062206085009},
-                   std::array{-8.07622741788328, 8.28425556045971, -2.18081166641194, 11.86476073119, -7.87697859318641,
-                              -5.10117278897715, -0.551058852872578, -5.26397332832142, -6.14105205677438,
-                              -0.361183752933385, 0.434423771017723},
-                   std::array{-3.72758604829265, -1.50984046660433, -3.86110697161158, 6.3712304417838,
-                              -2.46231613875371, 6.3608403433007, -3.48964756819854, -1.76454458842433,
-                              -3.42102412075924, 0.457620967471817, -1.11699580679959},
-                   std::array{-2.3786280714693, 0.622088505208794, 0.420784883593261, -0.905587165298832,
-                              -1.86147586255429, -0.803069671101432, -4.788827594347, 6.70623709889904,
-                              -3.74563992377071, 0.247211727674174, -1.47770754812125}};
+        std::array{ std::array{ -3.8023074475667, -1.1221214762377, 2.67729876341333, 3.73281566600319,
+                                0.653128471562461, -0.507632318067886, -4.58566203590406, -2.18588917797908,
+                                3.52357464869377, 0.394131138876674, -3.36915873255655 },
+                    std::array{ 0.144871873064987, -1.30573987015623, -0.808705453839635, 1.33078532747442,
+                                1.30157239583867, -1.33986086386954, -0.121501717001273, -2.02123666830181,
+                                -0.34229132951064, -0.749747452379817, -5.09893141279735 },
+                    std::array{ 4.85318720357496, -9.6831640688174, 8.60258099100305, 5.03462111007123,
+                                7.66989107009247, -12.8397618626741, 5.50602512531977, 5.11155841642725,
+                                1.05356665208532, -0.105548081196178, -0.142715616330995 },
+                    std::array{ 1.04315981966232, 1.57126018786599, 2.29117394573692, 1.30010261956654,
+                                4.80174643967462, 1.5889202730569, 1.41090786425427, 1.87271462821717, 2.2689617364759,
+                                -9.20615595947603, 1.33669664210807 },
+                    std::array{ -6.11673830608888, -5.62018583324095, -0.998492931945713, -5.62715172056906,
+                                -8.51920730409647, 7.25714118322435, -0.912902168830915, 10.4842629949413,
+                                -7.57034718225539, -0.18653250735766, -0.364694695939555 },
+                    std::array{ -4.87188938981142, 9.41289316436391, -4.70115505322563, -1.94808960354632,
+                                -2.59647542547226, -1.4549817353981, 1.46331210557046, -0.192582981588764,
+                                1.29297042770919, 0.0931093081199275, 2.69770364330379 },
+                    std::array{ -0.883186423555733, 3.59601676776759, 4.43381365354318, -11.4011699617978,
+                                5.37285950559134, 3.56821696277832, 5.94345436669425, -5.17248363247441,
+                                1.16390234226787, 0.199026174785122, -4.12062206085009 },
+                    std::array{ -8.07622741788328, 8.28425556045971, -2.18081166641194, 11.86476073119,
+                                -7.87697859318641, -5.10117278897715, -0.551058852872578, -5.26397332832142,
+                                -6.14105205677438, -0.361183752933385, 0.434423771017723 },
+                    std::array{ -3.72758604829265, -1.50984046660433, -3.86110697161158, 6.3712304417838,
+                                -2.46231613875371, 6.3608403433007, -3.48964756819854, -1.76454458842433,
+                                -3.42102412075924, 0.457620967471817, -1.11699580679959 },
+                    std::array{ -2.3786280714693, 0.622088505208794, 0.420784883593261, -0.905587165298832,
+                                -1.86147586255429, -0.803069671101432, -4.788827594347, 6.70623709889904,
+                                -3.74563992377071, 0.247211727674174, -1.47770754812125 } };
     // weight matrix from layer 1 to 2
     constexpr auto fWeightMatrix1to2 = std::array{
         -1.1922550294412, 1.77138755819638,  2.29525278387093, 1.74723300155767, -2.58468015463216, 3.14714041521783,
-        2.54811119021798, -2.28774566665374, 3.25751825574194, 3.74292993231659, 0.0196932497138272};
+        2.54811119021798, -2.28774566665374, 3.25751825574194, 3.74292993231659, 0.0196932497138272 };
     // the training input variables
     constexpr auto validator =
-        TMV::Utils::Validator{"ReadMLPOuter", std::tuple{"fracE1", "fracE2", "fracE3", "fracE4", "fracEseed", "fracE6",
-                                                         "fracE7", "fracE8", "fracE9", "Et"}};
+        TMV::Utils::Validator{ "ReadMLPOuter", std::tuple{ "fracE1", "fracE2", "fracE3", "fracE4", "fracEseed",
+                                                           "fracE6", "fracE7", "fracE8", "fracE9", "Et" } };
     // Normalization transformation
-    constexpr auto transformer = TMV::Utils::Transformer{fMin_1, fMax_1};
-    constexpr auto l0To1       = TMV::Utils::Layer{fWeightMatrix0to1, ActivationFnc};
-    constexpr auto l1To2       = TMV::Utils::Layer{fWeightMatrix1to2, OutputActivationFnc};
-    constexpr auto MVA         = TMV::Utils::MVA{validator, transformer, 2, l0To1, l1To2};
+    constexpr auto transformer = TMV::Utils::Transformer{ fMin_1, fMax_1 };
+    constexpr auto l0To1       = TMV::Utils::Layer{ fWeightMatrix0to1, ActivationFnc };
+    constexpr auto l1To2       = TMV::Utils::Layer{ fWeightMatrix1to2, OutputActivationFnc };
+    constexpr auto MVA         = TMV::Utils::MVA{ validator, transformer, 2, l0To1, l1To2 };
   } // namespace
 } // namespace Data::ReadMLPOuter
diff --git a/FT/FTMonitors/src/FTClusterMonitor.cpp b/FT/FTMonitors/src/FTClusterMonitor.cpp
index 4a5b68b37b7319091355743e89f675e511ec5691..40f16e12cf135250c3fe47c1f7920f26b1994ae0 100644
--- a/FT/FTMonitors/src/FTClusterMonitor.cpp
+++ b/FT/FTMonitors/src/FTClusterMonitor.cpp
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ private:
   mutable LHCb::cxx::SynchronizedValue<std::map<std::uint32_t, Gaudi::Time>> m_startTimes;
   // TAE global
-  mutable GA::Counter<> m_nCalls{this, "number of calls"};
+  mutable GA::Counter<> m_nCalls{ this, "number of calls" };
   enum FillType {
@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ private:
   std::map<std::tuple<fillT, taeT, binT, unsigned int>, WeightedHistogram1D>     m_PseudoChannelPerQuarter;
   std::map<std::tuple<fillT, taeT, binT, stationT, layerT>, WeightedHistogram1D> m_PseudoChannelPerStationAndLayer;
   std::map<std::tuple<fillT, taeT, binT, stationT, layerT, quarterT>, WeightedHistogram1D>
-                                                                                              m_PseudoChannelPerStationAndLayerAndQuarter;
-  std::map<std::tuple<fillT, taeT, stationT>, WeightedHistogram1D>                            m_lcpst;
+                                                                   m_PseudoChannelPerStationAndLayerAndQuarter;
+  std::map<std::tuple<fillT, taeT, stationT>, WeightedHistogram1D> m_lcpst;
   std::map<std::tuple<fillT, taeT, stationT, layerT, quarterT>, WeightedHistogram1D>          m_sipmpq;
   std::map<std::tuple<fillT, taeT, stationT, layerT, quarterT>, WeightedHistogram1D>          m_fracpq;
   std::map<std::tuple<fillT, taeT, stationT, layerT, quarterT>, WeightedHistogram1D>          m_pseusizepq;
@@ -161,33 +161,34 @@ private:
   std::optional<Mutable<GA::Histogram<1, GA::atomicity::full, HistArthmeticType>>> m_belowThreshold;
   std::optional<Mutable<GA::Histogram<1, GA::atomicity::full, HistArthmeticType>>> m_eventsPerBunchCrossing;
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_drawHistsPerStation{this, "DrawHistsPerStation", true, "Enable histrograms per station"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_drawHistsPerQuarter{this, "DrawHistsPerQuarter", true, "Enable histrograms per quarter"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_drawHistsPerModule{this, "DrawHistsPerModule", true, "Enable histograms per module"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_drawCorrelationPlots{this, "DrawCorrelationPlots", true, "Enable correlation plots"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_drawTimeDependentPlots{this, "DrawTimeDependentPlots", false, "Enable time dependent plots"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_normalization{this, "Normalization", 1.,
-                                          "Normalization factor to use in weighted histograms"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string>  m_extraInfo{this, "ExtraInfo", "", "Extra information to add to the plot"};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_timingStepsTotal{this, "TimingStepsTotal", 0, "Total number of timing scan steps"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_drawHistsPerStation{ this, "DrawHistsPerStation", true, "Enable histrograms per station" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_drawHistsPerQuarter{ this, "DrawHistsPerQuarter", true, "Enable histrograms per quarter" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_drawHistsPerModule{ this, "DrawHistsPerModule", true, "Enable histograms per module" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_drawCorrelationPlots{ this, "DrawCorrelationPlots", true, "Enable correlation plots" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_drawTimeDependentPlots{ this, "DrawTimeDependentPlots", false,
+                                                  "Enable time dependent plots" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_normalization{ this, "Normalization", 1.,
+                                           "Normalization factor to use in weighted histograms" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string>  m_extraInfo{ this, "ExtraInfo", "", "Extra information to add to the plot" };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_timingStepsTotal{ this, "TimingStepsTotal", 0, "Total number of timing scan steps" };
   Gaudi::Property<std::vector<unsigned int>> m_ModulesToSkip{
-      this, "ModulesToSkip", {}, "a list of modules in quarters to skip"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<unsigned int>>        m_SiPMsToSkip{this, "SiPMsToSkip", {}, "a list of SiPMs to skip"};
+      this, "ModulesToSkip", {}, "a list of modules in quarters to skip" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<unsigned int>>        m_SiPMsToSkip{ this, "SiPMsToSkip", {}, "a list of SiPMs to skip" };
   Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::vector<double>>> m_ChannelsToSkip{
-      this, "ChannelsToSkip", {}, "a list of pseudochannels in quarters to skip"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<unsigned int>> m_StepsToSkip{this, "StepsToSkip", {}, "a list of Scan Steps to skip"};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>              m_maxTAEHalfWindow{this, "TAEHalfWindow", 7, "max TAE half window"};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>              m_maxTAEDetailedHalfWindow{this, "TAEDetailedHalfWindow", 2,
-                                                           "max TAE detailed half window"};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_clustersPerBxMin{this, "ClustersPerBxMin", 10, "Low threshold for cluster per BX"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_enableTAE{this, "enableTAE", true, "enable TAE mode"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string>  m_dns{this, "DNS", "mon01", "DIM node to subscribe to"};
+      this, "ChannelsToSkip", {}, "a list of pseudochannels in quarters to skip" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<unsigned int>> m_StepsToSkip{ this, "StepsToSkip", {}, "a list of Scan Steps to skip" };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>              m_maxTAEHalfWindow{ this, "TAEHalfWindow", 7, "max TAE half window" };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>              m_maxTAEDetailedHalfWindow{ this, "TAEDetailedHalfWindow", 2,
+                                                            "max TAE detailed half window" };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_clustersPerBxMin{ this, "ClustersPerBxMin", 10, "Low threshold for cluster per BX" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_enableTAE{ this, "enableTAE", true, "enable TAE mode" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string>  m_dns{ this, "DNS", "mon01", "DIM node to subscribe to" };
   std::optional<FillingSchemeProvider>       m_fillingSchemeProvider;
   Gaudi::Property<std::vector<unsigned int>> m_TAEBunchIdsOverride{
-      this, "TAEBunchIds", {}, "Center bunch ids of all TAE groups"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_fillingScheme{this, "FillingScheme", "", "Fill scheme"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_online{this, "Online", true, "Run online monitoring"};
+      this, "TAEBunchIds", {}, "Center bunch ids of all TAE groups" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_fillingScheme{ this, "FillingScheme", "", "Fill scheme" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_online{ this, "Online", true, "Run online monitoring" };
 // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
@@ -195,8 +196,8 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( FTClusterMonitor )
 FTClusterMonitor::FTClusterMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {KeyValue{"ClusterLocation", LHCb::FTLiteClusterLocation::Default},
-                 KeyValue{"InputODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default}} ) {}
+                { KeyValue{ "ClusterLocation", LHCb::FTLiteClusterLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "InputODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default } } ) {}
 StatusCode FTClusterMonitor::initialize() {
   return Consumer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
@@ -212,90 +213,92 @@ StatusCode FTClusterMonitor::initialize() {
     if ( m_clustersPerBxMin > 0 ) {
       m_belowThreshold.emplace( this, "BelowThreshold",
                                 fmt::format( "Number of events below threshold{};Clusters;Events", m_extraInfo ),
-                                Axis{m_clustersPerBxMin, -0.5f, m_clustersPerBxMin - 0.5f} );
+                                Axis{ m_clustersPerBxMin, -0.5f, m_clustersPerBxMin - 0.5f } );
     m_eventsPerBunchCrossing.emplace( this, "EventsPerBunchCrossing",
                                       fmt::format( "bunch crossing ID{}; BX ID; Events", m_extraInfo ),
-                                      Axis{FTMonitoring::maxFillID, -0.5f, FTMonitoring::maxFillID - 0.5f} );
+                                      Axis{ FTMonitoring::maxFillID, -0.5f, FTMonitoring::maxFillID - 0.5f } );
     m_TAEHandler.emplace( this, m_enableTAE, m_maxTAEHalfWindow, m_extraInfo );
     m_clustersPerBunchCrossing.emplace( this, "ClustersPerBunchCrossing",
                                         fmt::format( "bunch crossing ID{};BX ID;Clusters", m_extraInfo ),
-                                        Axis{FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f} );
-    m_clustersPerTAE.emplace( this, "nClustersPerTAE",
-                              fmt::format( "Number of clusters per TAE{};TAE;Clusters", m_extraInfo ),
-                              Axis{2 * m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 1, -0.5f - m_maxTAEHalfWindow, m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 0.5f} );
+                                        Axis{ FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f } );
+    m_clustersPerTAE.emplace(
+        this, "nClustersPerTAE", fmt::format( "Number of clusters per TAE{};TAE;Clusters", m_extraInfo ),
+        Axis{ 2 * m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 1, -0.5f - m_maxTAEHalfWindow, m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 0.5f } );
     for ( auto& bxtype : BXTypeNames ) {
-      buildHistogram( this, m_clustersPerTAEODIN, bxtype, fmt::format( "ODIN/nClustersPerTAE{}", bxtype ),
-                      fmt::format( "Number of clusters per TAE {}{};TAE index;Clusters", bxtype, m_extraInfo ),
-                      Axis{2 * m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 1, -2 * static_cast<int>( m_maxTAEHalfWindow ) - 1 - 0.5f, -0.5f} );
+      buildHistogram(
+          this, m_clustersPerTAEODIN, bxtype, fmt::format( "ODIN/nClustersPerTAE{}", bxtype ),
+          fmt::format( "Number of clusters per TAE {}{};TAE index;Clusters", bxtype, m_extraInfo ),
+          Axis{ 2 * m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 1, -2 * static_cast<int>( m_maxTAEHalfWindow ) - 1 - 0.5f, -0.5f } );
         this, "TAESiPM", fmt::format( "TAE per SiPM{};SiPM;TAE", m_extraInfo ),
-        std::tuple{Axis{FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f},
-                   Axis{2 * m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 1, -0.5f - m_maxTAEHalfWindow, m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 0.5f}} );
+        std::tuple{ Axis{ FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f },
+                    Axis{ 2 * m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 1, -0.5f - m_maxTAEHalfWindow, m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 0.5f } } );
     m_meanTAESiPMProfile.emplace( this, "meanTAESiPMProfile",
                                   fmt::format( "mean TAE per SiPM{};SiPM;mean TAE", m_extraInfo ),
-                                  Axis{FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f} );
+                                  Axis{ FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f } );
         this, "nClustersPerModulePerTime",
         fmt::format( "Number of clusters per module{};Time since start of run / s;Module index", m_extraInfo ),
-        std::tuple{Axis{500, -0.5f, 5000 - 0.5f},
-                   Axis{FTConstants::nModulesTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nModulesTotal - 0.5f}} );
+        std::tuple{ Axis{ 500, -0.5f, 5000 - 0.5f },
+                    Axis{ FTConstants::nModulesTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nModulesTotal - 0.5f } } );
         this, "ClustersPerEventPerSiPM",
         fmt::format( "Clusters Per Event per SiPM{};SiPM;Clusters / Event", m_extraInfo ),
-        std::tuple{Axis{FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f},
-                   Axis{50, -0.5f, 50 - 0.5f}} );
+        std::tuple{ Axis{ FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f },
+                    Axis{ 50, -0.5f, 50 - 0.5f } } );
         this, "ClustersPerEventPerSiPMProfile",
         fmt::format( "Clusters Per Event per SiPM{};SiPM;Clusters / Event / SiPM", m_extraInfo ),
-        Axis{FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f} );
-    m_ClustersPerEventPerBX.emplace(
-        this, "ClustersPerEventPerBX", fmt::format( "Clusters Per Event per BX{};BX ID;Clusters / BX", m_extraInfo ),
-        std::tuple{Axis{FTMonitoring::maxFillID, -0.5f, FTMonitoring::maxFillID - 0.5f}, Axis{101, -50.0f, 10050.0f}} );
+        Axis{ FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f } );
+    m_ClustersPerEventPerBX.emplace( this, "ClustersPerEventPerBX",
+                                     fmt::format( "Clusters Per Event per BX{};BX ID;Clusters / BX", m_extraInfo ),
+                                     std::tuple{ Axis{ FTMonitoring::maxFillID, -0.5f, FTMonitoring::maxFillID - 0.5f },
+                                                 Axis{ 101, -50.0f, 10050.0f } } );
         this, "ClustersPerEventPerBXProfile",
         fmt::format( "Clusters Per Event per BX{};BX ID;Clusters / BX", m_extraInfo ),
-        Axis{FTMonitoring::maxFillID, -0.5f, FTMonitoring::maxFillID - 0.5f} );
+        Axis{ FTMonitoring::maxFillID, -0.5f, FTMonitoring::maxFillID - 0.5f } );
         this, "ClustersPerEventPerBXProfileBB",
         fmt::format( "Clusters Per Event per beam-beam BX{};BX ID;Clusters / BX", m_extraInfo ),
-        Axis{FTMonitoring::maxFillID, -0.5f, FTMonitoring::maxFillID - 0.5f} );
+        Axis{ FTMonitoring::maxFillID, -0.5f, FTMonitoring::maxFillID - 0.5f } );
     for ( const auto side : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::allSides ) {
       buildHistogram( this, m_clustersPerBunchCrossingInSide, side,
                       fmt::format( "ClustersPerBunchCrossing{}Side", to_string( side ) ),
                       fmt::format( "Bunch crossing ID in {}-side{};BX ID;Clusters", to_string( side ), m_extraInfo ),
-                      Axis{FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f} );
+                      Axis{ FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f } );
           this, m_clustersPerTAEInSide, side, fmt::format( "nClustersPerTAE{}Side", to_string( side ) ),
           fmt::format( "Number of clusters per TAE in {}-side{};TAE;Clusters", to_string( side ), m_extraInfo ),
-          Axis{2 * m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 1, -0.5f - m_maxTAEHalfWindow, m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 0.5f} );
+          Axis{ 2 * m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 1, -0.5f - m_maxTAEHalfWindow, m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 0.5f } );
       buildHistogram( this, m_meanTAESiPMProfileInSide, side,
                       fmt::format( "meanTAESiPMProfile{}Side", to_string( side ) ),
                       fmt::format( "mean TAE per SiPM in {}-side{};SiPM;mean TAE", to_string( side ), m_extraInfo ),
-                      Axis{FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f} );
+                      Axis{ FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f } );
     if ( m_timingStepsTotal > 0 && m_maxTAEHalfWindow > 0 ) {
       m_clustersPerStep.emplace( this, fmt::format( "stepping/clustersPerStep" ),
                                  fmt::format( "Clusters per step{};Step;Clusters", m_extraInfo ),
-                                 Axis{512, -0.5f, 512 - 0.5f} );
+                                 Axis{ 512, -0.5f, 512 - 0.5f } );
       for ( unsigned int step = 0; step < m_timingStepsTotal; step++ ) {
             this, m_TAESiPM_step, step, fmt::format( "stepping/TAESiPM_step{}", step ),
             fmt::format( "TAE per SiPM step {}{};SiPM;TAE", step, m_extraInfo ),
-            std::tuple{Axis{FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f},
-                       Axis{2 * m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 1, -0.5f - m_maxTAEHalfWindow, m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 0.5f}} );
+            std::tuple{ Axis{ FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f },
+                        Axis{ 2 * m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 1, -0.5f - m_maxTAEHalfWindow, m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 0.5f } } );
         buildHistogram( this, m_meanTAESiPMProfile_step, step, fmt::format( "stepping/meanTAESiPMProfile{}", step ),
                         fmt::format( "mean TAE per SiPM {}{};SiPM; mean TAE", step, m_extraInfo ),
-                        Axis{FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f} );
+                        Axis{ FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f } );
@@ -313,10 +316,10 @@ StatusCode FTClusterMonitor::initialize() {
                   fmt::format( "SiPM Correlation {} {} vs {} for {}{};SiPMNumber_{};SiPM number_{}",
                                to_string( stationID ), to_string( layerID_1 ), to_string( layerID_2 ),
                                to_string( quarterID ), m_extraInfo, to_string( layerID_1 ), to_string( layerID_2 ) ),
-                  std::tuple{Axis{FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter - 0.5f,
-                                  "SiPM Number " + to_string( layerID_1 )},
-                             Axis{FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter - 0.5f,
-                                  "SiPM number " + to_string( layerID_2 )}} );
+                  std::tuple{ Axis{ FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter - 0.5f,
+                                    "SiPM Number " + to_string( layerID_1 ) },
+                              Axis{ FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter - 0.5f,
+                                    "SiPM number " + to_string( layerID_2 ) } } );
@@ -336,10 +339,10 @@ StatusCode FTClusterMonitor::initialize() {
                                to_string( stationID_1 ), to_string( stationID_2 ), to_string( layerID ),
                                to_string( quarterID ), m_extraInfo, to_string( stationID_1 ),
                                to_string( stationID_2 ) ),
-                  std::tuple{Axis{FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter - 0.5f,
-                                  fmt::format( "SiPM Number {}", to_string( stationID_1 ) )},
-                             Axis{FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter - 0.5f,
-                                  fmt::format( "SiPM number {}", to_string( stationID_2 ) )}} );
+                  std::tuple{ Axis{ FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter - 0.5f,
+                                    fmt::format( "SiPM Number {}", to_string( stationID_1 ) ) },
+                              Axis{ FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter - 0.5f,
+                                    fmt::format( "SiPM number {}", to_string( stationID_2 ) ) } } );
@@ -350,20 +353,20 @@ StatusCode FTClusterMonitor::initialize() {
       for ( const auto layerID : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::allLayerIDs ) {
         for ( const auto quarterID : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::allQuarterIDs ) {
-              this, m_TAESiPMinQuarter, {stationID, layerID, quarterID},
+              this, m_TAESiPMinQuarter, { stationID, layerID, quarterID },
               fmt::format( "meanTAEPerSiPMInQuarter/{}",
                            LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::quarterString( stationID, layerID, quarterID ) ),
               fmt::format( "Mean TAE in {}{};SiPM;mean TAE",
                            LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::quarterString( stationID, layerID, quarterID ), m_extraInfo ),
-              std::tuple{Axis{FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter - 0.5f},
-                         Axis{2 * m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 1, -0.5f - m_maxTAEHalfWindow, m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 0.5f}} );
+              std::tuple{ Axis{ FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter - 0.5f },
+                          Axis{ 2 * m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 1, -0.5f - m_maxTAEHalfWindow, m_maxTAEHalfWindow + 0.5f } } );
     createClusterHistograms( {} );
     for ( int tae = -m_maxTAEHalfWindow; tae < static_cast<int>( m_maxTAEHalfWindow ) + 1; ++tae ) {
-      createClusterHistograms( {tae} );
+      createClusterHistograms( { tae } );
     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -379,90 +382,90 @@ void FTClusterMonitor::createClusterHistograms( const std::optional<int> tae ) {
   buildHistogram( this, m_nClustersPerEvent, tae, fmt::format( "{}nClusters", taePrefix ),
                   fmt::format( "Number of clusters{};Clusters/event; Events", m_extraInfo ),
-                  Axis{1000, -0.5f, 10000 - 0.5f} );
+                  Axis{ 1000, -0.5f, 10000 - 0.5f } );
   buildHistogram( this, m_nClustersPerEventLog10, tae, fmt::format( "{}nClustersLog10", taePrefix ),
                   fmt::format( "Number of clusters{};log_10(Clusters)/event; Events", m_extraInfo ),
-                  Axis{500, 0.f, 5.f} );
+                  Axis{ 500, 0.f, 5.f } );
   buildHistogram( this, m_lcisipm, tae, fmt::format( "{}LiteClustersInSiPM", taePrefix ),
                   fmt::format( "Lite clusters per SiPM{};Number of clusters;Number of SiPMs", m_extraInfo ),
-                  Axis{21, -0.5f, 21 - 0.5f} );
+                  Axis{ 21, -0.5f, 21 - 0.5f } );
   buildHistogram( this, m_clustersSideProfile, tae, fmt::format( "{}clusters/clustersSideProfile", taePrefix ),
                   fmt::format( "Average number of clusters{};Side;Average number of clusters", m_extraInfo ),
-                  Axis{FTConstants::nSides, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSides - 0.5f} );
+                  Axis{ FTConstants::nSides, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSides - 0.5f } );
   buildHistogram( this, m_clustersQuarterProfile, tae, fmt::format( "{}clusters/clustersQuarterProfile", taePrefix ),
                   fmt::format( "Average number of clusters{};Quarter;Average number of clusters", m_extraInfo ),
-                  Axis{FTConstants::nQuartersTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nQuartersTotal - 0.5f} );
+                  Axis{ FTConstants::nQuartersTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nQuartersTotal - 0.5f } );
   buildHistogram( this, m_clustersModuleProfile, tae, fmt::format( "{}clusters/clustersModuleProfile", taePrefix ),
                   fmt::format( "Average number of clusters{};Module;Average number of clusters", m_extraInfo ),
-                  Axis{FTConstants::nModulesTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nModulesTotal - 0.5f} );
+                  Axis{ FTConstants::nModulesTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nModulesTotal - 0.5f } );
   buildHistogram( this, m_clustersChannelModuleHistogram, tae,
                   fmt::format( +"{}clusters/clustersChannelModule", taePrefix ),
                   fmt::format( "Number of clusters per channel and module{};Channel;Module", m_extraInfo ),
-                  std::tuple{Axis{FTConstants::nChannels, -0.5f, FTConstants::nChannels - 0.5f},
-                             Axis{FTConstants::nModulesTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nModulesTotal - 0.5f}} );
+                  std::tuple{ Axis{ FTConstants::nChannels, -0.5f, FTConstants::nChannels - 0.5f },
+                              Axis{ FTConstants::nModulesTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nModulesTotal - 0.5f } } );
       this, m_clustersQuarterChannelHistogram, tae, fmt::format( "{}clusters/clustersQuarterChannel", taePrefix ),
       fmt::format( "Number of clusters per channel and quarter{};Quarter;Channel", m_extraInfo ),
-      std::tuple{Axis{FTConstants::nQuartersTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nQuartersTotal - 0.5f},
-                 Axis{FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter - 0.5f}} );
+      std::tuple{ Axis{ FTConstants::nQuartersTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nQuartersTotal - 0.5f },
+                  Axis{ FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter - 0.5f } } );
   buildHistogram( this, m_clustersQuarterModuleHistogram, tae,
                   fmt::format( +"{}clusters/clustersQuarterModule", taePrefix ),
                   fmt::format( "Number of clusters quarter and module{};Quarter;Module", m_extraInfo ),
-                  std::tuple{Axis{FTConstants::nQuartersTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nQuartersTotal - 0.5f},
-                             Axis{FTConstants::nModulesMax, -0.5f, FTConstants::nModulesMax - 0.5f}} );
+                  std::tuple{ Axis{ FTConstants::nQuartersTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nQuartersTotal - 0.5f },
+                              Axis{ FTConstants::nModulesMax, -0.5f, FTConstants::nModulesMax - 0.5f } } );
       this, m_clustersSideHistogram, tae, fmt::format( "{}clusters/clustersSide", taePrefix ),
       fmt::format( "Clusters{};Side;Clusters", m_extraInfo ),
-      std::tuple{Axis{FTConstants::nSides, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSides - 0.5f}, Axis{1000, -0.5f, 1000 - 0.5f}} );
+      std::tuple{ Axis{ FTConstants::nSides, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSides - 0.5f }, Axis{ 1000, -0.5f, 1000 - 0.5f } } );
   buildHistogram( this, m_clustersQuarterHistogram, tae, fmt::format( "{}clusters/clustersQuarter", taePrefix ),
                   fmt::format( "Clusters{};Quarter;Clusters", m_extraInfo ),
-                  std::tuple{Axis{FTConstants::nQuartersTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nQuartersTotal - 0.5f},
-                             Axis{500, -0.5f, 500 - 0.5f}} );
+                  std::tuple{ Axis{ FTConstants::nQuartersTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nQuartersTotal - 0.5f },
+                              Axis{ 500, -0.5f, 500 - 0.5f } } );
   buildHistogram( this, m_clustersModuleHistogram, tae, fmt::format( "{}clusters/clustersModule", taePrefix ),
                   fmt::format( "Clusters{};Module;Clusters", m_extraInfo ),
-                  std::tuple{Axis{FTConstants::nModulesTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nModulesTotal - 0.5f},
-                             Axis{500, -0.5f, 500 - 0.5f}} );
+                  std::tuple{ Axis{ FTConstants::nModulesTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nModulesTotal - 0.5f },
+                              Axis{ 500, -0.5f, 500 - 0.5f } } );
   for ( unsigned int fillType = 0; fillType < FillType::NUM_FillTypes; ++fillType ) {
     if ( tae && static_cast<unsigned int>( abs( *tae ) ) > m_maxTAEDetailedHalfWindow ) { continue; }
     const std::string fprefix = ( FillType::WEIGHTED == fillType ? taePrefix + "weighted/" : taePrefix );
-    buildHistogram( this, m_lciq, {fillType, tae}, fprefix + "LiteClustersPerQuarter",
+    buildHistogram( this, m_lciq, { fillType, tae }, fprefix + "LiteClustersPerQuarter",
                     fmt::format( "Number of clusters{};Quarter;Clusters", m_extraInfo ),
-                    Axis{FTConstants::nQuartersTotal, -0.5, FTConstants::nQuartersTotal} );
-    buildHistogram( this, m_lcps, {fillType, tae}, fprefix + "LiteClustersPerStation",
+                    Axis{ FTConstants::nQuartersTotal, -0.5, FTConstants::nQuartersTotal } );
+    buildHistogram( this, m_lcps, { fillType, tae }, fprefix + "LiteClustersPerStation",
                     fmt::format( "Lite clusters per station{}; Station; Clusters", m_extraInfo ),
-                    Axis{FTConstants::nStations, 0.5f, FTConstants::nStations - 0.5f} );
-    buildHistogram( this, m_lcpm, {fillType, tae}, fprefix + "LiteClustersPerModule",
+                    Axis{ FTConstants::nStations, 0.5f, FTConstants::nStations - 0.5f } );
+    buildHistogram( this, m_lcpm, { fillType, tae }, fprefix + "LiteClustersPerModule",
                     fmt::format( "Lite clusters per module{}; Module; Clusters", m_extraInfo ),
-                    Axis{FTConstants::nModulesMax, -0.5f, FTConstants::nModulesMax - 0.5f} );
-    buildHistogram( this, m_lcpsipm, {fillType, tae}, fprefix + "LiteClustersPerSiPM",
+                    Axis{ FTConstants::nModulesMax, -0.5f, FTConstants::nModulesMax - 0.5f } );
+    buildHistogram( this, m_lcpsipm, { fillType, tae }, fprefix + "LiteClustersPerSiPM",
                     fmt::format( "Lite clusters per SiPM; SiPMID; Clusters", m_extraInfo ),
-                    Axis{FTConstants::nSiPMsPerModule, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsPerModule - 0.5f} );
-    buildHistogram( this, m_lcpc, {fillType, tae}, fprefix + "LiteClustersPerChannel",
+                    Axis{ FTConstants::nSiPMsPerModule, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsPerModule - 0.5f } );
+    buildHistogram( this, m_lcpc, { fillType, tae }, fprefix + "LiteClustersPerChannel",
                     fmt::format( "Lite clusters per channel; Channel; Clusters", m_extraInfo ),
-                    Axis{FTConstants::nChannels, -0.5f, FTConstants::nChannels - 0.5f} );
-    buildHistogram( this, m_lcf, {fillType, tae}, fprefix + "LiteClusterFraction",
-                    fmt::format( "Lite cluster fraction;Fraction", m_extraInfo ), Axis{2, -0.25, 0.75} );
-    buildHistogram( this, m_lcs, {fillType, tae}, fprefix + "LiteClusterSize",
+                    Axis{ FTConstants::nChannels, -0.5f, FTConstants::nChannels - 0.5f } );
+    buildHistogram( this, m_lcf, { fillType, tae }, fprefix + "LiteClusterFraction",
+                    fmt::format( "Lite cluster fraction;Fraction", m_extraInfo ), Axis{ 2, -0.25, 0.75 } );
+    buildHistogram( this, m_lcs, { fillType, tae }, fprefix + "LiteClusterSize",
                     fmt::format( "Lite cluster size{};Size;Clusters", m_extraInfo ),
-                    Axis{FTConstants::RawBank::maxPseudoSize, -0.5f, FTConstants::RawBank::maxPseudoSize - 0.5f} );
-    buildHistogram(
-        this, m_lcsf, {fillType, tae}, fprefix + "LiteClusterSizeVsFraction",
-        fmt::format( "Cluster size vs fraction{};Size;Fraction", m_extraInfo ),
-        std::tuple{Axis{FTConstants::RawBank::maxPseudoSize, -0.5f, FTConstants::RawBank::maxPseudoSize - 0.5f, "Size"},
-                   Axis{2, -0.25, 0.75, "Fraction"}} );
+                    Axis{ FTConstants::RawBank::maxPseudoSize, -0.5f, FTConstants::RawBank::maxPseudoSize - 0.5f } );
+    buildHistogram( this, m_lcsf, { fillType, tae }, fprefix + "LiteClusterSizeVsFraction",
+                    fmt::format( "Cluster size vs fraction{};Size;Fraction", m_extraInfo ),
+                    std::tuple{ Axis{ FTConstants::RawBank::maxPseudoSize, -0.5f,
+                                      FTConstants::RawBank::maxPseudoSize - 0.5f, "Size" },
+                                Axis{ 2, -0.25, 0.75, "Fraction" } } );
-        this, m_lcqsipm, {fillType, tae}, fprefix + "QuarterVsSiPMNumber",
+        this, m_lcqsipm, { fillType, tae }, fprefix + "QuarterVsSiPMNumber",
         fmt::format( "Quarter ID vs SiPMNumber{}; Quarter ID; SiPM number", m_extraInfo ),
-            Axis{FTConstants::nQuartersTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nQuartersTotal - 0.5f, "Quarter ID"},
-            Axis{FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter - 0.5f, "SiPM number"}} );
+            Axis{ FTConstants::nQuartersTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nQuartersTotal - 0.5f, "Quarter ID" },
+            Axis{ FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter - 0.5f, "SiPM number" } } );
-    for ( const unsigned int channelsPerBin : {1, 64} ) {
+    for ( const unsigned int channelsPerBin : { 1, 64 } ) {
       std::string channelsPerBinStr  = "";
       std::string channelsPerBinName = "";
       if ( channelsPerBin != 1 ) {
@@ -471,37 +474,38 @@ void FTClusterMonitor::createClusterHistograms( const std::optional<int> tae ) {
       std::string post = channelsPerBinName;
-          this, m_PseudoChannel, {fillType, tae, channelsPerBin}, fprefix + "LiteClustersPerPseudoChannel" + post,
+          this, m_PseudoChannel, { fillType, tae, channelsPerBin }, fprefix + "LiteClustersPerPseudoChannel" + post,
           fmt::format( "clusters per pseudo channel{};Pseudo channel;Clusters{}", m_extraInfo, channelsPerBinStr ),
-          Axis{FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter / channelsPerBin, -0.5,
-               FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter - 0.5f} );
+          Axis{ FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter / channelsPerBin, -0.5,
+                FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter - 0.5f } );
       for ( unsigned int iLayerIdx = 0; iLayerIdx < LHCb::Detector::FT::nLayersTotal; iLayerIdx++ ) {
-        buildHistogram( this, m_PseudoChannelPerLayer, {fillType, tae, channelsPerBin, iLayerIdx},
+        buildHistogram( this, m_PseudoChannelPerLayer, { fillType, tae, channelsPerBin, iLayerIdx },
                         fmt::format( "{}perLayer/LiteClustersPerPseudoChannel/L{}{}", fprefix, iLayerIdx, post ),
                         fmt::format( "clusters per pseudo channel in {}{};Pseudo channel;Clusters{}", iLayerIdx,
                                      m_extraInfo, channelsPerBinStr ),
-                        Axis{FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter / channelsPerBin, -0.5f,
-                             FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter - 0.5f} );
+                        Axis{ FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter / channelsPerBin, -0.5f,
+                              FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter - 0.5f } );
       for ( unsigned int iQuarterIdx = 0; iQuarterIdx < LHCb::Detector::FT::nQuartersTotal; iQuarterIdx++ ) {
-            this, m_PseudoChannelPerQuarter, {fillType, tae, channelsPerBin, iQuarterIdx},
+            this, m_PseudoChannelPerQuarter, { fillType, tae, channelsPerBin, iQuarterIdx },
             fmt::format( "{}perQuarter/LiteClustersPerPseudoChannel/Q{:02d}{}", fprefix, iQuarterIdx, post ),
             fmt::format( "clusters per pseudo channel in {}{};Pseudo channel;Clusters{}", iQuarterIdx, m_extraInfo,
                          channelsPerBinStr ),
-            Axis{FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter / channelsPerBin, -0.5,
-                 FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter - 0.5f} );
+            Axis{ FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter / channelsPerBin, -0.5,
+                  FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter - 0.5f } );
       for ( const auto stationID : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::allStationIDs ) {
         for ( const auto layerID : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::allLayerIDs ) {
-          buildHistogram( this, m_PseudoChannelPerStationAndLayer, {fillType, tae, channelsPerBin, stationID, layerID},
+          buildHistogram( this, m_PseudoChannelPerStationAndLayer,
+                          { fillType, tae, channelsPerBin, stationID, layerID },
                           fmt::format( "{}perStationAndLayer/LiteClustersPerPseudoChannel/{}{}{}", fprefix,
                                        to_string( stationID ), to_string( layerID ), post ),
                           fmt::format( "clusters per pseudo channel in {}{}{};Pseudo channel;Clusters{}",
                                        to_string( stationID ), to_string( layerID ), m_extraInfo, channelsPerBinStr ),
-                          Axis{FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter / channelsPerBin, -0.5,
-                               FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter - 0.5f} );
+                          Axis{ FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter / channelsPerBin, -0.5,
+                                FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter - 0.5f } );
       for ( const auto stationID : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::allStationIDs ) {
@@ -509,14 +513,14 @@ void FTClusterMonitor::createClusterHistograms( const std::optional<int> tae ) {
           for ( const auto quarterID : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::allQuarterIDs ) {
                 this, m_PseudoChannelPerStationAndLayerAndQuarter,
-                {fillType, tae, channelsPerBin, stationID, layerID, quarterID},
+                { fillType, tae, channelsPerBin, stationID, layerID, quarterID },
                 fmt::format( "{}perStationAndLayerAndQuarter/LiteClustersPerPseudoChannel/{}{}", fprefix,
                              LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::quarterString( stationID, layerID, quarterID ), post ),
                 fmt::format( "clusters per pseudo channel in {}{};Pseudo "
                              LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::quarterString( stationID, layerID, quarterID ), m_extraInfo ),
-                Axis{FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter / channelsPerBin, -0.5,
-                     FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter - 0.5f} );
+                Axis{ FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter / channelsPerBin, -0.5,
+                      FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter - 0.5f } );
@@ -526,38 +530,39 @@ void FTClusterMonitor::createClusterHistograms( const std::optional<int> tae ) {
     for ( const auto stationID : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::allStationIDs ) {
       if ( m_drawHistsPerStation ) {
-            this, m_lcpst, {fillType, tae, stationID},
+            this, m_lcpst, { fillType, tae, stationID },
             fmt::format( "{}perStation/LiteClusters/{}", fprefix, to_string( stationID ) ),
             fmt::format( "Lite Clusters In Station {}{}; Module ID; Clusters", to_string( stationID ), m_extraInfo ),
-            Axis{FTConstants::nModulesPerStation( to_unsigned( stationID ) ), -0.5f,
-                 FTConstants::nModulesPerStation( to_unsigned( stationID ) ) - 0.5f} );
+            Axis{ FTConstants::nModulesPerStation( to_unsigned( stationID ) ), -0.5f,
+                  FTConstants::nModulesPerStation( to_unsigned( stationID ) ) - 0.5f } );
       for ( const auto layerID : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::allLayerIDs ) {
         for ( const auto quarterID : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::allQuarterIDs ) {
           const auto SLQ = LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::quarterString( stationID, layerID, quarterID );
           if ( m_drawHistsPerQuarter ) {
+            buildHistogram( this, m_fracpq, { fillType, tae, stationID, layerID, quarterID },
+                            fprefix + "perQuarter/Fraction/" + SLQ,
+                            fmt::format( "Fraction in {}{};Fraction;Clusters", SLQ, m_extraInfo ),
+                            Axis{ 2, -0.25, 0.75 } );
-                this, m_fracpq, {fillType, tae, stationID, layerID, quarterID}, fprefix + "perQuarter/Fraction/" + SLQ,
-                fmt::format( "Fraction in {}{};Fraction;Clusters", SLQ, m_extraInfo ), Axis{2, -0.25, 0.75} );
-            buildHistogram(
-                this, m_pseusizepq, {fillType, tae, stationID, layerID, quarterID},
+                this, m_pseusizepq, { fillType, tae, stationID, layerID, quarterID },
                 fprefix + "perQuarter/PseudoSize/" + SLQ,
                 fmt::format( "Pseudo size in {}{};Pseudo size; Clusters", SLQ, m_extraInfo ),
-                Axis{FTConstants::RawBank::maxPseudoSize, -0.5f, FTConstants::RawBank::maxPseudoSize - 0.5f} );
-            buildHistogram( this, m_sipmpq, {fillType, tae, stationID, layerID, quarterID},
+                Axis{ FTConstants::RawBank::maxPseudoSize, -0.5f, FTConstants::RawBank::maxPseudoSize - 0.5f } );
+            buildHistogram( this, m_sipmpq, { fillType, tae, stationID, layerID, quarterID },
                             fprefix + "perQuarter/ClustersPerSiPM/" + SLQ,
                             fmt::format( "Clusters per SiPM in {}{};SiPM number;Clusters", SLQ, m_extraInfo ),
-                            Axis{FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter - 0.5f} );
+                            Axis{ FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter - 0.5f } );
           if ( m_drawHistsPerModule ) {
             for ( const auto moduleID : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::allModuleIDsInStation( stationID ) ) {
               const auto SLQM = fmt::format( "{}{}", SLQ, to_string( moduleID ) );
-                  this, m_lcichpm, {fillType, tae, stationID, layerID, quarterID, moduleID},
+                  this, m_lcichpm, { fillType, tae, stationID, layerID, quarterID, moduleID },
                   fprefix + "perModule/LiteClustersPerChannel/" + SLQM,
                   fmt::format( "Lite Clusters Per Channel in {}{};Channel number; Clusters", SLQM, m_extraInfo ),
-                  Axis{FTConstants::nChannelsPerModule, -0.5f, FTConstants::nChannelsPerModule - 0.5f} );
+                  Axis{ FTConstants::nChannelsPerModule, -0.5f, FTConstants::nChannelsPerModule - 0.5f } );
@@ -621,12 +626,12 @@ void FTClusterMonitor::operator()( const FTLiteClusters& clusters, const ODIN& o
   std::array<unsigned int, FTConstants::nQuartersTotal> clustersQuarter = {};
   std::array<unsigned int, FTConstants::nModulesTotal>  clustersModule  = {};
   std::array<std::array<unsigned int, FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter>, FTConstants::nQuartersTotal>
-                                                                                              clustersQuarterChannel = {};
+      clustersQuarterChannel = {};
   std::array<std::array<unsigned int, FTConstants::nModulesMax>, FTConstants::nQuartersTotal> clustersQuarterModule =
   std::array<std::array<unsigned int, FTConstants::nModulesTotal>, FTConstants::nChannels> clustersChannelModule = {};
-  unsigned int clustersPerSiPM[FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal] = {0};
+  unsigned int clustersPerSiPM[FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal] = { 0 };
   unsigned int clustersPerBX                             = 0;
   unsigned int clustersPerBXBB                           = 0;
@@ -682,14 +687,14 @@ void FTClusterMonitor::operator()( const FTLiteClusters& clusters, const ODIN& o
     if ( m_drawTimeDependentPlots ) {
-      ++( *m_nClustersPerModulePerTime )[H2DArg{*timeSinceStartOfRun, globalModuleIdx}];
+      ++( *m_nClustersPerModulePerTime )[H2DArg{ *timeSinceStartOfRun, globalModuleIdx }];
     if ( odin.isTAE() ) {
       ( *m_meanTAESiPMProfile )[globalSiPMIdx] += *tae;
       m_meanTAESiPMProfileInSide.at( chanID.getSide() )[globalSiPMIdx] += *tae;
-      ++( *m_TAESiPM )[H2DArg{globalSiPMIdx, *tae}];
-      ++m_TAESiPMinQuarter.at( {stationID, layerID, quarterID} )[H2DArg{localSiPMIdx_quarter, *tae}];
+      ++( *m_TAESiPM )[H2DArg{ globalSiPMIdx, *tae }];
+      ++m_TAESiPMinQuarter.at( { stationID, layerID, quarterID } )[H2DArg{ localSiPMIdx_quarter, *tae }];
       ++( *m_clustersPerTAE )[*tae];
       ++m_clustersPerTAEODIN.at( "All" )[-odin.timeAlignmentEventIndex()];
@@ -729,7 +734,7 @@ void FTClusterMonitor::operator()( const FTLiteClusters& clusters, const ODIN& o
       if ( m_timingStepsTotal > 0 && odin.calibrationStep() < m_timingStepsTotal ) {
         m_meanTAESiPMProfile_step.at( odin.calibrationStep() )[globalSiPMIdx] += *tae;
-        ++m_TAESiPM_step.at( odin.calibrationStep() )[H2DArg{globalSiPMIdx, *tae}];
+        ++m_TAESiPM_step.at( odin.calibrationStep() )[H2DArg{ globalSiPMIdx, *tae }];
         ++( *m_clustersPerStep )[odin.calibrationStep()];
@@ -745,36 +750,36 @@ void FTClusterMonitor::operator()( const FTLiteClusters& clusters, const ODIN& o
         weight = 1. / (double)clusters.size();
         weight /= m_normalization;
-      m_lcps.at( {fillType, tae} )[station] += weight;
-      m_lcpm.at( {fillType, tae} )[chanID.localModuleIdx()] += weight;
-      m_lcpsipm.at( {fillType, tae} )[chanID.sipmInModule()] += weight;
-      m_lcpc.at( {fillType, tae} )[chanID.channel()] += weight;
-      for ( const unsigned int channelsPerBin : {1, 64} ) {
-        m_PseudoChannel.at( {fillType, tae, channelsPerBin} )[pseudoChannelIdx] += weight;
-        m_PseudoChannelPerQuarter.at( {fillType, tae, channelsPerBin, globalQuarterIdx} )[pseudoChannelIdx] += weight;
-        m_PseudoChannelPerLayer.at( {fillType, tae, channelsPerBin, globalLayerIdx} )[pseudoChannelIdx] += weight;
-        m_PseudoChannelPerStationAndLayer.at( {fillType, tae, channelsPerBin, stationID, layerID} )[pseudoChannelIdx] +=
-            weight;
+      m_lcps.at( { fillType, tae } )[station] += weight;
+      m_lcpm.at( { fillType, tae } )[chanID.localModuleIdx()] += weight;
+      m_lcpsipm.at( { fillType, tae } )[chanID.sipmInModule()] += weight;
+      m_lcpc.at( { fillType, tae } )[chanID.channel()] += weight;
+      for ( const unsigned int channelsPerBin : { 1, 64 } ) {
+        m_PseudoChannel.at( { fillType, tae, channelsPerBin } )[pseudoChannelIdx] += weight;
+        m_PseudoChannelPerQuarter.at( { fillType, tae, channelsPerBin, globalQuarterIdx } )[pseudoChannelIdx] += weight;
+        m_PseudoChannelPerLayer.at( { fillType, tae, channelsPerBin, globalLayerIdx } )[pseudoChannelIdx] += weight;
+        m_PseudoChannelPerStationAndLayer.at(
+            { fillType, tae, channelsPerBin, stationID, layerID } )[pseudoChannelIdx] += weight;
-            {fillType, tae, channelsPerBin, stationID, layerID, quarterID} )[pseudoChannelIdx] += weight;
+            { fillType, tae, channelsPerBin, stationID, layerID, quarterID } )[pseudoChannelIdx] += weight;
-      m_lcf.at( {fillType, tae} )[cluster.fraction()] += weight;
-      m_lcs.at( {fillType, tae} )[cluster.pseudoSize()] += weight;
-      m_lcsf.at( {fillType, tae} )[H2DArg{cluster.pseudoSize(), cluster.fraction()}] += weight;
+      m_lcf.at( { fillType, tae } )[cluster.fraction()] += weight;
+      m_lcs.at( { fillType, tae } )[cluster.pseudoSize()] += weight;
+      m_lcsf.at( { fillType, tae } )[H2DArg{ cluster.pseudoSize(), cluster.fraction() }] += weight;
       if ( m_drawHistsPerQuarter ) {
-        m_lciq.at( {fillType, tae} )[globalQuarterIdx] += weight;
-        m_lcqsipm.at( {fillType, tae} )[H2DArg{globalQuarterIdx, localSiPMIdx_quarter}] += weight;
-        m_fracpq.at( {fillType, tae, stationID, layerID, quarterID} )[cluster.fraction()] += weight;
-        m_pseusizepq.at( {fillType, tae, stationID, layerID, quarterID} )[cluster.pseudoSize()] += weight;
-        m_sipmpq.at( {fillType, tae, stationID, layerID, quarterID} )[localSiPMIdx_quarter] += weight;
+        m_lciq.at( { fillType, tae } )[globalQuarterIdx] += weight;
+        m_lcqsipm.at( { fillType, tae } )[H2DArg{ globalQuarterIdx, localSiPMIdx_quarter }] += weight;
+        m_fracpq.at( { fillType, tae, stationID, layerID, quarterID } )[cluster.fraction()] += weight;
+        m_pseusizepq.at( { fillType, tae, stationID, layerID, quarterID } )[cluster.pseudoSize()] += weight;
+        m_sipmpq.at( { fillType, tae, stationID, layerID, quarterID } )[localSiPMIdx_quarter] += weight;
       if ( m_drawHistsPerStation ) {
-        m_lcpst.at( {fillType, tae, stationID} )[chanID.localModuleIdx_station()] += weight;
+        m_lcpst.at( { fillType, tae, stationID } )[chanID.localModuleIdx_station()] += weight;
       if ( m_drawHistsPerModule ) {
-        m_lcichpm.at( {fillType, tae, stationID, layerID, quarterID, moduleID} )[chanID.localChannelIdx_module()] +=
+        m_lcichpm.at( { fillType, tae, stationID, layerID, quarterID, moduleID } )[chanID.localChannelIdx_module()] +=
@@ -791,15 +796,15 @@ void FTClusterMonitor::operator()( const FTLiteClusters& clusters, const ODIN& o
   ++m_lcisipm.at( tae )[clustersInSiPM]; // Fill this for the last time
   for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < FTConstants::nSides; ++i ) {
-    ++m_clustersSideHistogram.at( *tae )[H2DArg{i, clustersSide[i]}];
+    ++m_clustersSideHistogram.at( *tae )[H2DArg{ i, clustersSide[i] }];
     m_clustersSideProfile.at( *tae )[i] += clustersSide[i];
   for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < FTConstants::nQuartersTotal; ++i ) {
-    ++m_clustersQuarterHistogram.at( *tae )[H2DArg{i, clustersQuarter[i]}];
+    ++m_clustersQuarterHistogram.at( *tae )[H2DArg{ i, clustersQuarter[i] }];
     m_clustersQuarterProfile.at( *tae )[i] += clustersQuarter[i];
   for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < FTConstants::nModulesTotal; ++i ) {
-    ++m_clustersModuleHistogram.at( *tae )[H2DArg{i, clustersModule[i]}];
+    ++m_clustersModuleHistogram.at( *tae )[H2DArg{ i, clustersModule[i] }];
     m_clustersModuleProfile.at( *tae )[i] += clustersModule[i];
   for ( unsigned int quarter = 0; quarter < FTConstants::nQuartersTotal; ++quarter ) {
diff --git a/FT/FTMonitors/src/FTDigitMonitor.cpp b/FT/FTMonitors/src/FTDigitMonitor.cpp
index e54c3d5a122df8a21abd922298d063890d04fc49..1c9d2059cdb88e18dcee65881cf6d4f4f65083b4 100644
--- a/FT/FTMonitors/src/FTDigitMonitor.cpp
+++ b/FT/FTMonitors/src/FTDigitMonitor.cpp
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ private:
   std::optional<TAEHandler> m_TAEHandler;
   // TAE global
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nCalls{this, "number of calls"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nCalls{ this, "number of calls" };
   std::optional<Histo1D>                 m_eventsPerBunchCrossing;
   std::optional<Histo1D>                 m_nDigits;
@@ -98,23 +98,23 @@ private:
   std::map<std::tuple<fillT, taeT, binT, stationT, layerT, quarterT>, Histo1D>
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string>  m_extraInfo{this, "ExtraInfo", "", "Extra information to add to the plot"};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxTAEHalfWindow{this, "TAEHalfWindow", 7, "TAE half window"};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxTAEDetailedHalfWindow{this, "TAEDetailedHalfWindow", 2,
-                                                           "max TAE detailed half window"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_enableTAE{this, "enableTAE", true, "enable TAE mode"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string>  m_extraInfo{ this, "ExtraInfo", "", "Extra information to add to the plot" };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxTAEHalfWindow{ this, "TAEHalfWindow", 7, "TAE half window" };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxTAEDetailedHalfWindow{ this, "TAEDetailedHalfWindow", 2,
+                                                            "max TAE detailed half window" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_enableTAE{ this, "enableTAE", true, "enable TAE mode" };
   Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_drawHistsPerBXIDVsSiPM{
       this, "DrawHistsPerBXIDVsSiPM", false,
-      "Enable 2-dim histrograms per BXID (bunch crossing ID) vs SiPM (per station/layer/quarter)"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_drawHistsPerPseudochannel{this, "DrawHistsPerPseudochannel", false,
-                                                    "Enable histrograms per pseudochannel (per station/layer/quarter)"};
+      "Enable 2-dim histrograms per BXID (bunch crossing ID) vs SiPM (per station/layer/quarter)" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_drawHistsPerPseudochannel{
+      this, "DrawHistsPerPseudochannel", false, "Enable histrograms per pseudochannel (per station/layer/quarter)" };
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string>               m_dns{this, "DNS", "mon01", "DIM node to subscribe to"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string>               m_dns{ this, "DNS", "mon01", "DIM node to subscribe to" };
   std::optional<FillingSchemeProvider>       m_fillingSchemeProvider;
   Gaudi::Property<std::vector<unsigned int>> m_TAEBunchIdsOverride{
-      this, "TAEBunchIds", {}, "Center bunch ids of all TAE groups"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_fillingScheme{this, "FillingScheme", "", "Fill scheme"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_online{this, "Online", true, "Run online monitoring"};
+      this, "TAEBunchIds", {}, "Center bunch ids of all TAE groups" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_fillingScheme{ this, "FillingScheme", "", "Fill scheme" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_online{ this, "Online", true, "Run online monitoring" };
 // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( FTDigitMonitor )
 FTDigitMonitor::FTDigitMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {KeyValue{"DigitLocation", LHCb::FTDigitLocation::Default},
-                 KeyValue{"FTDetectorLocation", DeFTDetectorLocation::Default},
-                 KeyValue{"InputODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default}} ) {}
+                { KeyValue{ "DigitLocation", LHCb::FTDigitLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "FTDetectorLocation", DeFTDetectorLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "InputODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default } } ) {}
 StatusCode FTDigitMonitor::initialize() {
   return Consumer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
@@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ StatusCode FTDigitMonitor::initialize() {
     m_eventsPerBunchCrossing.emplace( this, "EventsPerBunchCrossing",
                                       fmt::format( "bunch crossing ID{}; BX ID; Events", m_extraInfo ),
-                                      Axis{4096, -0.5f, 4095 + 0.5f} );
+                                      Axis{ 4096, -0.5f, 4095 + 0.5f } );
     m_nDigits.emplace( this, "nDigits", fmt::format( "Number of digits{}; Digits/event; Events", m_extraInfo ),
-                       Axis{200, -0.5f, 6e5 + 0.5f} );
+                       Axis{ 200, -0.5f, 6e5 + 0.5f } );
     m_TAEHandler.emplace( this, m_enableTAE, m_maxTAEHalfWindow, m_extraInfo );
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ void FTDigitMonitor::createHistograms() {
   createDigitHistograms( {} );
   for ( int tae = -m_maxTAEHalfWindow; tae < static_cast<int>( m_maxTAEHalfWindow ) + 1; ++tae ) {
-    createDigitHistograms( {tae} );
+    createDigitHistograms( { tae } );
@@ -166,33 +166,33 @@ void FTDigitMonitor::createDigitHistograms( std::optional<int> tae ) {
   buildHistogram( this, m_ADCCounts, tae, prefix + "ADCCounts",
                   fmt::format( "Charge in 2bit ADC{};Charge/digit [ADC];Number of digits", m_extraInfo ),
-                  Axis{FTConstants::RawBank::maxAdcCharge, -0.5f, FTConstants::RawBank::maxAdcCharge - 0.5f} );
+                  Axis{ FTConstants::RawBank::maxAdcCharge, -0.5f, FTConstants::RawBank::maxAdcCharge - 0.5f } );
   buildHistogram( this, m_digitsPerStation, tae, prefix + "DigitsPerStation",
                   fmt::format( "Digits per station{};Station;Digits", m_extraInfo ),
-                  Axis{FTConstants::nStations, 0.5f, FTConstants::nStations + 0.5f} );
+                  Axis{ FTConstants::nStations, 0.5f, FTConstants::nStations + 0.5f } );
   buildHistogram( this, m_digitsPerModule, tae, prefix + "DigitsPerModule",
                   fmt::format( "Digits per module{};Module;Digits", m_extraInfo ),
-                  Axis{FTConstants::nModulesMax, -0.5f, FTConstants::nModulesMax - 0.5f} );
+                  Axis{ FTConstants::nModulesMax, -0.5f, FTConstants::nModulesMax - 0.5f } );
   buildHistogram( this, m_digitsPerMat, tae, prefix + "DigitsPerMat",
                   fmt::format( "Digits per mat{};Mat;Digits", m_extraInfo ),
-                  Axis{FTConstants::nMats, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMats - 0.5f} );
+                  Axis{ FTConstants::nMats, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMats - 0.5f } );
   buildHistogram( this, m_digitsPerSiPM, tae, prefix + "DigitsPerSiPM",
                   fmt::format( "Digits per SiPM{};SiPMID;Digits", m_extraInfo ),
-                  Axis{FTConstants::nSiPMsPerModule, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsPerModule - 0.5f} );
+                  Axis{ FTConstants::nSiPMsPerModule, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsPerModule - 0.5f } );
   buildHistogram( this, m_digitsPerChannel, tae, prefix + "DigitsPerChannel",
                   fmt::format( "Digits per channel{};Channel;Digits", m_extraInfo ),
-                  Axis{FTConstants::nChannels, -0.5f, FTConstants::nChannels - 0.5f} );
+                  Axis{ FTConstants::nChannels, -0.5f, FTConstants::nChannels - 0.5f } );
   buildHistogram( this, m_digitsPerQuarter, tae, prefix + "DigitsPerQuarter",
                   fmt::format( "Digits per quarter{};Quarter;Digits", m_extraInfo ),
-                  Axis{FTConstants::nQuarters, -0.5f, FTConstants::nQuarters - 0.5f} );
+                  Axis{ FTConstants::nQuarters, -0.5f, FTConstants::nQuarters - 0.5f } );
   buildHistogram( this, m_digitsPerMatModule, tae, prefix + "DigitsPerMatModule",
                   fmt::format( "Digits per mat and module{};Mat;Module", m_extraInfo ),
-                  std::tuple{Axis{FTConstants::nMats, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMats - 0.5f, "Mat"},
-                             Axis{FTConstants::nModulesMax, -0.5f, FTConstants::nModulesMax - 0.5f, "Module"}} );
+                  std::tuple{ Axis{ FTConstants::nMats, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMats - 0.5f, "Mat" },
+                              Axis{ FTConstants::nModulesMax, -0.5f, FTConstants::nModulesMax - 0.5f, "Module" } } );
   buildHistogram( this, m_digitsPerQuarterLayer, tae, prefix + "DigitsPerQuarterLayer",
                   fmt::format( "Digits per quarter and layer{};Quarter;Layer", m_extraInfo ),
-                  std::tuple{Axis{FTConstants::nQuarters, -0.5f, FTConstants::nQuarters - 0.5f, "Quarter"},
-                             Axis{FTConstants::nLayers, -0.5f, FTConstants::nLayers - 0.5f, "Layer"}} );
+                  std::tuple{ Axis{ FTConstants::nQuarters, -0.5f, FTConstants::nQuarters - 0.5f, "Quarter" },
+                              Axis{ FTConstants::nLayers, -0.5f, FTConstants::nLayers - 0.5f, "Layer" } } );
   // hists per fill type
   for ( unsigned int fillType = 0; fillType < FillType::NUM_FillTypes; ++fillType ) {
@@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ void FTDigitMonitor::createDigitHistograms( std::optional<int> tae ) {
     // histograms per bunch crossing ID
-    buildHistogram( this, m_BunchCrossing, {fillType, tae}, prefix + fprefix + "PerBunchCrossing",
-                    fmt::format( "{}{};BX ID;{}", title, m_extraInfo, ylabel ), Axis{4096, -0.5f, 4095 + 0.5f} );
+    buildHistogram( this, m_BunchCrossing, { fillType, tae }, prefix + fprefix + "PerBunchCrossing",
+                    fmt::format( "{}{};BX ID;{}", title, m_extraInfo, ylabel ), Axis{ 4096, -0.5f, 4095 + 0.5f } );
     // histograms per SiPM ID vs bunch crossing ID
     if ( m_drawHistsPerBXIDVsSiPM ) {
@@ -218,22 +218,22 @@ void FTDigitMonitor::createDigitHistograms( std::optional<int> tae ) {
         for ( const auto layerID : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::allLayerIDs ) {
           for ( const auto quarterID : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::allQuarterIDs ) {
-                this, m_BXIDVsSiPMPerStationAndLayerAndQuarter, {fillType, tae, stationID, layerID, quarterID},
+                this, m_BXIDVsSiPMPerStationAndLayerAndQuarter, { fillType, tae, stationID, layerID, quarterID },
                 prefix + fmt::format( "perStationAndLayerAndQuarter/{}PerBXIDVsSiPM/{}", fprefix,
                                       LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::quarterString( stationID, layerID, quarterID ) ),
                 fmt::format( "{} per bunch crossing and SIPM in {}{};BX ID; SiPM ID", title,
                              LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::quarterString( stationID, layerID, quarterID ), m_extraInfo ),
-                std::tuple{Axis{4096 / 8, -0.5f, 4096 / 8 - 0.5f, "BX ID"}, // focus on first 512 BXIDs,
-                                                                            // otherwise TH2 too large
-                           Axis{FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter - 0.5f,
-                                "SiPM ID"}} );
+                std::tuple{ Axis{ 4096 / 8, -0.5f, 4096 / 8 - 0.5f, "BX ID" }, // focus on first 512 BXIDs,
+                                                                               // otherwise TH2 too large
+                            Axis{ FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter, -0.5f, FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter - 0.5f,
+                                  "SiPM ID" } } );
     // histograms per pseudochannel
-    for ( const unsigned int channelsPerBin : {1, 64} ) {
+    for ( const unsigned int channelsPerBin : { 1, 64 } ) {
       std::string channelsPerBinStr  = "";
       std::string channelsPerBinName = "";
       if ( channelsPerBin != 1 ) {
@@ -243,10 +243,10 @@ void FTDigitMonitor::createDigitHistograms( std::optional<int> tae ) {
       std::string post = channelsPerBinName;
-          this, m_PseudoChannel, {fillType, tae, channelsPerBin}, prefix + fprefix + "PerPseudoChannel" + post,
+          this, m_PseudoChannel, { fillType, tae, channelsPerBin }, prefix + fprefix + "PerPseudoChannel" + post,
           fmt::format( "{} per pseudo channel{};Pseudo channel;{}{}", title, m_extraInfo, ylabel, channelsPerBinStr ),
-          Axis{FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter / channelsPerBin, -0.5f,
-               FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter - 0.5f} );
+          Axis{ FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter / channelsPerBin, -0.5f,
+                FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter - 0.5f } );
       if ( m_drawHistsPerPseudochannel ) {
         for ( const auto stationID : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::allStationIDs ) {
@@ -254,15 +254,15 @@ void FTDigitMonitor::createDigitHistograms( std::optional<int> tae ) {
             for ( const auto quarterID : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::allQuarterIDs ) {
                   this, m_PseudoChannelPerStationAndLayerAndQuarter,
-                  {fillType, tae, channelsPerBin, stationID, layerID, quarterID},
+                  { fillType, tae, channelsPerBin, stationID, layerID, quarterID },
                   prefix + fmt::format( "perStationAndLayerAndQuarter/{}PerPseudoChannel/{}{}", fprefix,
                                         LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::quarterString( stationID, layerID, quarterID ),
                                         post ),
                   fmt::format( "{} per pseudo channel in {}{};Pseudo channel;{}{}", title,
                                LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::quarterString( stationID, layerID, quarterID ), m_extraInfo,
                                ylabel, channelsPerBinStr ),
-                  Axis{FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter / channelsPerBin, -0.5f,
-                       FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter - 0.5f} );
+                  Axis{ FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter / channelsPerBin, -0.5f,
+                        FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter - 0.5f } );
@@ -344,19 +344,20 @@ void FTDigitMonitor::fillHistograms( const std::optional<int> tae, const LHCb::F
       weight = int( Digit.adcCount() == int( fillType - FillType::ADCZERO ) );
-    m_BunchCrossing.at( {fillType, tae} )[odin.bunchId()] += weight;
+    m_BunchCrossing.at( { fillType, tae } )[odin.bunchId()] += weight;
     if ( mod ) {
-      for ( const unsigned int channelsPerBin : {1, 64} ) {
-        m_PseudoChannel.at( {fillType, tae, channelsPerBin} )[pseudoChannelIdx] += weight;
+      for ( const unsigned int channelsPerBin : { 1, 64 } ) {
+        m_PseudoChannel.at( { fillType, tae, channelsPerBin } )[pseudoChannelIdx] += weight;
         if ( m_drawHistsPerPseudochannel ) {
-              {fillType, tae, channelsPerBin, stationID, layerID, quarterID} )[pseudoChannelIdx] += weight;
+              { fillType, tae, channelsPerBin, stationID, layerID, quarterID } )[pseudoChannelIdx] += weight;
       if ( m_drawHistsPerBXIDVsSiPM ) {
-            {fillType, tae, stationID, layerID, quarterID} )[H2DArg( odin.bunchId(), localSiPMIdx_quarter )] += weight;
+            { fillType, tae, stationID, layerID, quarterID } )[H2DArg( odin.bunchId(), localSiPMIdx_quarter )] +=
+            weight;
diff --git a/FT/FTMonitors/src/FTLiteClusterMonitor.cpp b/FT/FTMonitors/src/FTLiteClusterMonitor.cpp
index 914088e64dafd2106e8beebacd8f1507755778cb..8030cdd0dbc07a98001343e9294d2af5cd143abd 100644
--- a/FT/FTMonitors/src/FTLiteClusterMonitor.cpp
+++ b/FT/FTMonitors/src/FTLiteClusterMonitor.cpp
@@ -50,20 +50,20 @@ public:
   // Event level histograms
   // FIXME: Create here directly, how to treat mutable?
-  const Axis a_bxid = Axis{4096, // *TODO: Is there a constant instead? // FIXME: constexpr?
-                           -0.5f, 4096 - 0.5f};
-  mutable Histogram2D m_clustersPerEvent_bxid{this, "ClustersPerEventPerBX",
-                                              "Clusters Per Event per BX;BX ID;Clusters / BX", a_bxid,
-                                              Axis{351, -50.0f, 35050.0f}};
-  mutable Histogram1D m_clusters_bxid_c{this, "ClustersPerBunchCrossingCSide",
-                                        "Bunch crossing ID (C-side);BX ID;Clusters", a_bxid};
-  mutable Histogram1D m_clusters_bxid_a{this, "ClustersPerBunchCrossingASide",
-                                        "Bunch crossing ID (A-side);BX ID;Clusters", a_bxid};
-  mutable Histogram1D m_clusters_bxid{this, "ClustersPerBunchCrossing", "Bunch crossing ID;BX ID;Clusters", a_bxid};
-  mutable Histogram1D m_events_bxid{this, "EventsPerBunchCrossing", "Bunch crossing ID; BX ID; Events", a_bxid};
-  mutable Histogram1D m_clusters{this, "nClusters", "Number of clusters;Clusters/event; Events",
-                                 Axis{2700, -0.5f, 27000 - 0.5f}};
+  const Axis a_bxid = Axis{ 4096, // *TODO: Is there a constant instead? // FIXME: constexpr?
+                            -0.5f, 4096 - 0.5f };
+  mutable Histogram2D m_clustersPerEvent_bxid{ this, "ClustersPerEventPerBX",
+                                               "Clusters Per Event per BX;BX ID;Clusters / BX", a_bxid,
+                                               Axis{ 351, -50.0f, 35050.0f } };
+  mutable Histogram1D m_clusters_bxid_c{ this, "ClustersPerBunchCrossingCSide",
+                                         "Bunch crossing ID (C-side);BX ID;Clusters", a_bxid };
+  mutable Histogram1D m_clusters_bxid_a{ this, "ClustersPerBunchCrossingASide",
+                                         "Bunch crossing ID (A-side);BX ID;Clusters", a_bxid };
+  mutable Histogram1D m_clusters_bxid{ this, "ClustersPerBunchCrossing", "Bunch crossing ID;BX ID;Clusters", a_bxid };
+  mutable Histogram1D m_events_bxid{ this, "EventsPerBunchCrossing", "Bunch crossing ID; BX ID; Events", a_bxid };
+  mutable Histogram1D m_clusters{ this, "nClusters", "Number of clusters;Clusters/event; Events",
+                                  Axis{ 2700, -0.5f, 27000 - 0.5f } };
   enum struct ColType { BB, B1, B2, EE, ERROR };
@@ -94,15 +94,15 @@ private:
     static constexpr float m_quarter_to_layer = 1. / ( FTConstants::nHalfLayers + m_l_gap );
     // Axis
-    const Axis a_sipm_per_module = Axis{2u * ( FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter + m_h_gap ),
-                                        -( FTConstants::nModulesMax + m_h_gap * m_sipm_to_module ),
-                                        +( FTConstants::nModulesMax + m_h_gap * m_sipm_to_module )};
+    const Axis a_sipm_per_module = Axis{ 2u * ( FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter + m_h_gap ),
+                                         -( FTConstants::nModulesMax + m_h_gap * m_sipm_to_module ),
+                                         +( FTConstants::nModulesMax + m_h_gap * m_sipm_to_module ) };
     const Axis a_quarter_per_layer =
-        Axis{FTConstants::nHalfLayers * FTConstants::nLayersTotal // #half layers
-                 + m_l_gap * ( FTConstants::nLayersTotal - 1 )    // #gaps between layers
-                 + 2 * m_v_gap,                                   // #empty bins on top+bottom
-             -m_quarter_to_layer*( 1 + m_v_gap ) + m_l_center,
-             +m_quarter_to_layer*( 1 + m_v_gap ) + m_l_center + FTConstants::nLayersTotal - 1};
+        Axis{ FTConstants::nHalfLayers * FTConstants::nLayersTotal // #half layers
+                  + m_l_gap * ( FTConstants::nLayersTotal - 1 )    // #gaps between layers
+                  + 2 * m_v_gap,                                   // #empty bins on top+bottom
+              -m_quarter_to_layer * ( 1 + m_v_gap ) + m_l_center,
+              +m_quarter_to_layer * ( 1 + m_v_gap ) + m_l_center + FTConstants::nLayersTotal - 1 };
     // Histograms
     std::optional<Histogram2D>                              m_clusters;
@@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ private:
     // Axis
     const Axis a_quarter_channel_idx =
-        Axis{FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter, -0.5, FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter - 0.5f};
-    const Axis a_quarter_channel_idx_sipm = Axis{FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter / FTConstants::nChannels, -0.5,
-                                                 FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter - 0.5f};
+        Axis{ FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter, -0.5, FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter - 0.5f };
+    const Axis a_quarter_channel_idx_sipm = Axis{ FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter / FTConstants::nChannels, -0.5,
+                                                  FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter - 0.5f };
     // Plot TLQ histograms?
     const bool m_TLQ;
@@ -157,9 +157,9 @@ private:
   // -------------------------------------------------------------
-  mutable GA::Counter<> m_nCalls{this, "number of calls"};
+  mutable GA::Counter<> m_nCalls{ this, "number of calls" };
-  const std::set<ColType> m_colTypeHists = {ColType::BB, ColType::B1, ColType::B2, ColType::EE};
+  const std::set<ColType> m_colTypeHists = { ColType::BB, ColType::B1, ColType::B2, ColType::EE };
   // structs
   mutable ChannelIdxHistograms       m_channel_idx_hists;
@@ -223,8 +223,8 @@ void FTLiteClusterMonitor::ChannelIdxHistograms::fill( const LHCb::Detector::FTC
     const auto layer_idx   = static_cast<unsigned int>( channel_id.layer() );
     const auto quarter_idx = static_cast<unsigned int>( channel_id.quarter() );
-    ++m_TLQ_channel.at( {station, layer_idx, quarter_idx} )[quarter_channel_idx];
-    ++m_TLQ_SiPM.at( {station, layer_idx, quarter_idx} )[quarter_channel_idx];
+    ++m_TLQ_channel.at( { station, layer_idx, quarter_idx } )[quarter_channel_idx];
+    ++m_TLQ_SiPM.at( { station, layer_idx, quarter_idx } )[quarter_channel_idx];
   m_quarter_sipm_hists.fill( channel_id );
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ FTLiteClusterMonitor::QuarterSiPMHistograms::QuarterSiPMHistograms( FTLiteCluste
   if ( m_plot_slices ) {
     for ( size_t station = 1; station <= FTConstants::nStations; ++station ) {
       for ( size_t layer = 0; layer < FTConstants::nLayers; ++layer ) {
-        for ( bool y_up : {true, false} ) {
+        for ( bool y_up : { true, false } ) {
           std::string TLY_title = fmt::format( "T{}L{} (y {} 0)", station, layer, y_up ? ">" : "<" );
           std::string TLY_name  = fmt::format( "T{}L{}{}", station, layer, y_up ? "U" : "D" );
@@ -286,9 +286,9 @@ void FTLiteClusterMonitor::QuarterSiPMHistograms::fill( const LHCb::Detector::FT
   const bool y_up = ( quarter_idx < 2 ? false : true );
   // fill histograms
-  if ( m_plot_2D ) { ++( *m_clusters )[{x, y}]; }
-  if ( m_plot_profile ) { ( *m_profile )[{x, y}] += variable; }
-  if ( m_plot_slices ) { ++m_clusters_TLY.at( {station, layer_idx, y_up} )[x]; }
+  if ( m_plot_2D ) { ++( *m_clusters )[{ x, y }]; }
+  if ( m_plot_profile ) { ( *m_profile )[{ x, y }] += variable; }
+  if ( m_plot_slices ) { ++m_clusters_TLY.at( { station, layer_idx, y_up } )[x]; }
 // ClustersPerEventHistograms
@@ -298,11 +298,11 @@ FTLiteClusterMonitor::ClustersPerEventHistograms::ClustersPerEventHistograms( FT
   m_ClustersPerEventPerSiPM = std::make_unique<Histogram2D>(
       owner, folder + "ClustersPerEventPerSiPM", "Clusters Per Event per SiPM;SiPM;Clusters / Event",
-      Axis{FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f}, Axis{32, -0.5f, 32 - 0.5f} );
+      Axis{ FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f }, Axis{ 32, -0.5f, 32 - 0.5f } );
   m_ClustersPerEventPerSiPMProfile = std::make_unique<ProfileHistogram>(
       owner, folder + "ClustersPerEventPerSiPMProfile", "Clusters Per Event per SiPM;SiPM;#LTClusters / Event#GT",
-      Axis{FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f} );
+      Axis{ FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f } );
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ void FTLiteClusterMonitor::ClustersPerEventHistograms::update( const LHCb::Detec
 void FTLiteClusterMonitor::ClustersPerEventHistograms::fill() {
   for ( size_t sipm_idx = 0; sipm_idx < FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal; sipm_idx++ ) {
     ( *m_ClustersPerEventPerSiPMProfile )[sipm_idx] += m_clustersPerSiPM[sipm_idx];
-    ++( *m_ClustersPerEventPerSiPM )[{sipm_idx, m_clustersPerSiPM[sipm_idx]}];
+    ++( *m_ClustersPerEventPerSiPM )[{ sipm_idx, m_clustersPerSiPM[sipm_idx] }];
@@ -335,8 +335,8 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( FTLiteClusterMonitor )
 FTLiteClusterMonitor::FTLiteClusterMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {KeyValue{"ClusterLocation", LHCb::FTLiteClusterLocation::Default},
-                 KeyValue{"InputODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default}} )
+                { KeyValue{ "ClusterLocation", LHCb::FTLiteClusterLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "InputODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default } } )
     , m_channel_idx_hists( this, true )
     , m_clusters_per_event_hists( this ) {}
@@ -345,16 +345,15 @@ FTLiteClusterMonitor::FTLiteClusterMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator
 StatusCode FTLiteClusterMonitor::initialize() {
   return Consumer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
     for ( ColType colType : m_colTypeHists ) {
-      const std::string folder =
-          ( colType == ColType::BB )
-              ? "BeamBeam/"
-              : ( colType == ColType::B1 )
-                    ? "BeamGas1/"
-                    : ( colType == ColType::B2 ) ? "BeamGas2/" : ( colType == ColType::EE ) ? "EmptyEmpty/" : "BXERROR";
+      const std::string folder = ( colType == ColType::BB )   ? "BeamBeam/"
+                                 : ( colType == ColType::B1 ) ? "BeamGas1/"
+                                 : ( colType == ColType::B2 ) ? "BeamGas2/"
+                                 : ( colType == ColType::EE ) ? "EmptyEmpty/"
+                                                              : "BXERROR";
       m_colType_clusters.emplace( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple( colType ),
                                   std::forward_as_tuple( this, folder + "nClusters",
                                                          "Number of clusters;Clusters/event; Events",
-                                                         Axis{2700, -0.5f, 27000 - 0.5f} ) );
+                                                         Axis{ 2700, -0.5f, 27000 - 0.5f } ) );
       m_colType_channel_idx_hists.emplace( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple( colType ),
                                            std::forward_as_tuple( this, false, folder ) );
       m_colType_clusters_per_event_hists.emplace( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple( colType ),
@@ -384,9 +383,11 @@ void FTLiteClusterMonitor::operator()( const FTLiteClusters& clusters, const ODI
   bool       isBeam2Gas = bx_type == LHCb::ODIN::BXTypes::Beam2;
   bool       isEmpty    = bx_type == LHCb::ODIN::BXTypes::NoBeam;
-  ColType colType = isPhysics
-                        ? ColType::BB
-                        : isBeam1Gas ? ColType::B1 : isBeam2Gas ? ColType::B2 : isEmpty ? ColType::EE : ColType::ERROR;
+  ColType colType = isPhysics    ? ColType::BB
+                    : isBeam1Gas ? ColType::B1
+                    : isBeam2Gas ? ColType::B2
+                    : isEmpty    ? ColType::EE
+                                 : ColType::ERROR;
   bool fill_colType = std::find( m_colTypeHists.begin(), m_colTypeHists.end(), colType ) != m_colTypeHists.end();
@@ -418,7 +419,7 @@ void FTLiteClusterMonitor::operator()( const FTLiteClusters& clusters, const ODI
   // Per Bunch crossing
-  ++m_clustersPerEvent_bxid[{bunch_id, n_clusters}];
+  ++m_clustersPerEvent_bxid[{ bunch_id, n_clusters }];
   m_clusters_bxid[bunch_id] += n_clusters;
   m_clusters_bxid_a[bunch_id] += nClustersASide;
   m_clusters_bxid_c[bunch_id] += nClustersCSide;
diff --git a/FT/FTMonitors/src/FTLiteClusterTAEMonitor.cpp b/FT/FTMonitors/src/FTLiteClusterTAEMonitor.cpp
index c96d399e7d443c851979dde3d25f0ae9c4714f71..731e46c9e1572b7d2c3fbe33202b706ce3e4c941 100644
--- a/FT/FTMonitors/src/FTLiteClusterTAEMonitor.cpp
+++ b/FT/FTMonitors/src/FTLiteClusterTAEMonitor.cpp
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public:
   void operator()( ODINVector const&, InputVector const& ) const override;
-  LHCb::TAE::Handler m_taeHandler{this};
+  LHCb::TAE::Handler m_taeHandler{ this };
   using Histogram1D        = GA::Histogram<1, GA::atomicity::full, float>;
   using Histogram2D        = GA::Histogram<2, GA::atomicity::full, float>;
@@ -98,15 +98,15 @@ private:
     static constexpr float m_quarter_to_layer = 1. / ( FTConstants::nHalfLayers + m_l_gap );
     // Axis
-    const Axis a_sipm_per_module = Axis{2u * ( FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter + m_h_gap ),
-                                        -( FTConstants::nModulesMax + m_h_gap * m_sipm_to_module ),
-                                        +( FTConstants::nModulesMax + m_h_gap * m_sipm_to_module )};
+    const Axis a_sipm_per_module = Axis{ 2u * ( FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter + m_h_gap ),
+                                         -( FTConstants::nModulesMax + m_h_gap * m_sipm_to_module ),
+                                         +( FTConstants::nModulesMax + m_h_gap * m_sipm_to_module ) };
     const Axis a_quarter_per_layer =
-        Axis{FTConstants::nHalfLayers * FTConstants::nLayersTotal // #half layers
-                 + m_l_gap * ( FTConstants::nLayersTotal - 1 )    // #gaps between layers
-                 + 2 * m_v_gap,                                   // #empty bins on top+bottom
-             -m_quarter_to_layer*( 1 + m_v_gap ) + m_l_center,
-             +m_quarter_to_layer*( 1 + m_v_gap ) + m_l_center + FTConstants::nLayersTotal - 1};
+        Axis{ FTConstants::nHalfLayers * FTConstants::nLayersTotal // #half layers
+                  + m_l_gap * ( FTConstants::nLayersTotal - 1 )    // #gaps between layers
+                  + 2 * m_v_gap,                                   // #empty bins on top+bottom
+              -m_quarter_to_layer * ( 1 + m_v_gap ) + m_l_center,
+              +m_quarter_to_layer * ( 1 + m_v_gap ) + m_l_center + FTConstants::nLayersTotal - 1 };
     // Histograms
     std::optional<Histogram2D>                              m_clusters;
@@ -138,19 +138,19 @@ private:
     const Axis a_sipm;
     // TODO: Make this an option?
-    const std::set<TaeType> m_cluster_hists = {TaeType::AllBX,
-                                               TaeType::IndexAllBX,
-                                               TaeType::IsolatedBX,
-                                               TaeType::FakeIsoBX,
-                                               TaeType::LeadingBX,
-                                               TaeType::TailingBX,
-                                               TaeType::OdinIsolatedBX,
-                                               TaeType::OdinFakeIsoBX,
-                                               TaeType::OdinIndexIsolatedBX,
-                                               TaeType::OdinIndexFakeIsoBX};
+    const std::set<TaeType> m_cluster_hists = { TaeType::AllBX,
+                                                TaeType::IndexAllBX,
+                                                TaeType::IsolatedBX,
+                                                TaeType::FakeIsoBX,
+                                                TaeType::LeadingBX,
+                                                TaeType::TailingBX,
+                                                TaeType::OdinIsolatedBX,
+                                                TaeType::OdinFakeIsoBX,
+                                                TaeType::OdinIndexIsolatedBX,
+                                                TaeType::OdinIndexFakeIsoBX };
     const std::set<TaeType> m_event_hists   = {
         TaeType::IndexAllBX,          TaeType::OdinIsolatedBX,     TaeType::OdinFakeIsoBX,      TaeType::OdinCombinedBX,
-        TaeType::OdinIndexIsolatedBX, TaeType::OdinIndexFakeIsoBX, TaeType::OdinIndexCombinedBX};
+        TaeType::OdinIndexIsolatedBX, TaeType::OdinIndexFakeIsoBX, TaeType::OdinIndexCombinedBX };
     // Histograms
     mutable std::map<TaeType, Histogram1D>           m_clusters;
@@ -170,14 +170,14 @@ private:
   // TAE global
-  mutable GA::Counter<> m_nCalls{this, "number of calls"};
+  mutable GA::Counter<> m_nCalls{ this, "number of calls" };
   // FIXME: Options
   // Gaudi::Property<bool> m_drawHistsPerQuarter{this, "DrawHistsPerQuarter", true, "Enable histrograms per quarter"};
   const unsigned int   m_maxTAEHalfWindow = 7;
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_SuperTAEHalfWindow{this, "SuperTAEHalfWindow", 3, "Define SuperTAE HalfWindow size"};
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_SuperTAEHalfWindow{ this, "SuperTAEHalfWindow", 3, "Define SuperTAE HalfWindow size" };
-  const std::set<ColType> m_colTypeHists = {ColType::BB, ColType::B1, ColType::B2, ColType::EE};
+  const std::set<ColType> m_colTypeHists = { ColType::BB, ColType::B1, ColType::B2, ColType::EE };
   // structs
   TAEHistograms m_tae_hists;
@@ -190,9 +190,9 @@ FTLiteClusterTAEMonitor::TAEHistograms::TAEHistograms( FTLiteClusterTAEMonitor*
     : m_maxTAE( static_cast<int>( owner->m_maxTAEHalfWindow ) )
     , a_tae_corr( 2 * m_maxTAE + 1, -m_maxTAE - 0.5f, m_maxTAE + 0.5f )
     , a_tae_idx( 15, 0.5, 15.5 )
-    , a_tae_iso( 3, -0.5, 2.5, "", {"Before", "Isolated", "After"} )
-    , a_tae_fake( 4, -0.5, 3.5, "", {"Before", "Leading", "Trailing", "After"} )
-    , a_tae_comb( 3, -0.5, 2.5, "", {"Before", "Collision", "After"} )
+    , a_tae_iso( 3, -0.5, 2.5, "", { "Before", "Isolated", "After" } )
+    , a_tae_fake( 4, -0.5, 3.5, "", { "Before", "Leading", "Trailing", "After" } )
+    , a_tae_comb( 3, -0.5, 2.5, "", { "Before", "Collision", "After" } )
     , a_sipm( FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5f, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5f ) {
   for ( auto tae_type : m_cluster_hists ) {
@@ -201,11 +201,10 @@ FTLiteClusterTAEMonitor::TAEHistograms::TAEHistograms( FTLiteClusterTAEMonitor*
     const Axis& a_tae = ( tae_type == TaeType::IndexAllBX || tae_type == TaeType::OdinIndexIsolatedBX ||
                           tae_type == TaeType::OdinIndexFakeIsoBX || tae_type == TaeType::OdinIndexCombinedBX )
                             ? a_tae_idx
-                            : ( tae_type == TaeType::OdinIsolatedBX )
-                                  ? a_tae_iso
-                                  : ( tae_type == TaeType::OdinFakeIsoBX )
-                                        ? a_tae_fake
-                                        : ( tae_type == TaeType::OdinCombinedBX ) ? a_tae_comb : a_tae_corr;
+                        : ( tae_type == TaeType::OdinIsolatedBX ) ? a_tae_iso
+                        : ( tae_type == TaeType::OdinFakeIsoBX )  ? a_tae_fake
+                        : ( tae_type == TaeType::OdinCombinedBX ) ? a_tae_comb
+                                                                  : a_tae_corr;
     // declare histograms
     m_clusters.emplace( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple( tae_type ),
@@ -242,17 +241,16 @@ FTLiteClusterTAEMonitor::TAEHistograms::TAEHistograms( FTLiteClusterTAEMonitor*
     const Axis& a_tae = ( tae_type == TaeType::IndexAllBX || tae_type == TaeType::OdinIndexIsolatedBX ||
                           tae_type == TaeType::OdinIndexFakeIsoBX || tae_type == TaeType::OdinIndexCombinedBX )
                             ? a_tae_idx
-                            : ( tae_type == TaeType::OdinIsolatedBX )
-                                  ? a_tae_iso
-                                  : ( tae_type == TaeType::OdinFakeIsoBX )
-                                        ? a_tae_fake
-                                        : ( tae_type == TaeType::OdinCombinedBX ) ? a_tae_comb : a_tae_corr;
+                        : ( tae_type == TaeType::OdinIsolatedBX ) ? a_tae_iso
+                        : ( tae_type == TaeType::OdinFakeIsoBX )  ? a_tae_fake
+                        : ( tae_type == TaeType::OdinCombinedBX ) ? a_tae_comb
+                                                                  : a_tae_corr;
     // declare histograms
         std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple( tae_type ),
         std::forward_as_tuple( owner, fmt::format( "{}/ClustersPerEvent", tae_name( tae_type ).c_str() ),
-                               "Clusters/Event per TAE;TAE;Clusters/Event", a_tae, Axis{351, -50.0f, 35050.0f} ) );
+                               "Clusters/Event per TAE;TAE;Clusters/Event", a_tae, Axis{ 351, -50.0f, 35050.0f } ) );
@@ -355,8 +353,10 @@ FTLiteClusterTAEMonitor::TaeTypes FTLiteClusterTAEMonitor::TAEHistograms::eval_o
   // fake tae
-  if ( tae_corr == -1 ? isEmptyBeforeLead
-                      : tae_corr == 0 ? isLeadingBX || isTrailingBX : tae_corr == 1 ? isEmptyAfterTrail : isEmpty ) {
+  if ( tae_corr == -1  ? isEmptyBeforeLead
+       : tae_corr == 0 ? isLeadingBX || isTrailingBX
+       : tae_corr == 1 ? isEmptyAfterTrail
+                       : isEmpty ) {
     tae_types[TaeType::FakeIsoBX] = tae_corr;
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ void FTLiteClusterTAEMonitor::TAEHistograms::fill_cluster( const LHCb::Detector:
     if ( std::find( m_cluster_hists.begin(), m_cluster_hists.end(), type ) == m_cluster_hists.end() ) { continue; }
     ++m_clusters.at( type )[tae];
-    ++m_sipm.at( type )[{global_sipm_idx, tae}];
+    ++m_sipm.at( type )[{ global_sipm_idx, tae }];
     m_sipm_profile.at( type )[global_sipm_idx] += tae;
     m_quarter_sipm_hists.at( type ).fill( channel_id, tae );
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ void FTLiteClusterTAEMonitor::TAEHistograms::fill_event( const int nClusters, co
     // Only fill requested histograms
     if ( std::find( m_event_hists.begin(), m_event_hists.end(), type ) == m_event_hists.end() ) { continue; }
-    ++m_clustersPerEvent.at( type )[{tae, nClusters}];
+    ++m_clustersPerEvent.at( type )[{ tae, nClusters }];
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ FTLiteClusterTAEMonitor::QuarterSiPMHistograms::QuarterSiPMHistograms( FTLiteClu
   if ( m_plot_slices ) {
     for ( size_t station = 1; station <= FTConstants::nStations; ++station ) {
       for ( size_t layer = 0; layer < FTConstants::nLayers; ++layer ) {
-        for ( bool y_up : {true, false} ) {
+        for ( bool y_up : { true, false } ) {
           std::string TLY_title = fmt::format( "T{}L{} (y {} 0)", station, layer, y_up ? ">" : "<" );
           std::string TLY_name  = fmt::format( "T{}L{}{}", station, layer, y_up ? "U" : "D" );
@@ -490,9 +490,9 @@ void FTLiteClusterTAEMonitor::QuarterSiPMHistograms::fill( const LHCb::Detector:
   const bool y_up = ( quarter_idx < 2 ? false : true );
   // fill histograms
-  if ( m_plot_2D ) { ++( *m_clusters )[{x, y}]; }
-  if ( m_plot_profile ) { ( *m_profile )[{x, y}] += variable; }
-  if ( m_plot_slices ) { ++m_clusters_TLY.at( {station, layer_idx, y_up} )[x]; }
+  if ( m_plot_2D ) { ++( *m_clusters )[{ x, y }]; }
+  if ( m_plot_profile ) { ( *m_profile )[{ x, y }] += variable; }
+  if ( m_plot_slices ) { ++m_clusters_TLY.at( { station, layer_idx, y_up } )[x]; }
 // -------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( FTLiteClusterTAEMonitor )
 FTLiteClusterTAEMonitor::FTLiteClusterTAEMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : LHCb::Algorithm::MergingConsumer<void( ODINVector const&, InputVector const& )>(
-          name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValues{"ODINVector", {}}, KeyValues{"InputVector", {}}} )
+          name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValues{ "ODINVector", {} }, KeyValues{ "InputVector", {} } } )
     , m_tae_hists( this ){};
 // -------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -530,9 +530,11 @@ void FTLiteClusterTAEMonitor::operator()( ODINVector const& odinVector, InputVec
     bool       isBeam1Gas = bx_type == LHCb::ODIN::BXTypes::Beam1;
     bool       isBeam2Gas = bx_type == LHCb::ODIN::BXTypes::Beam2;
     bool       isEmpty    = bx_type == LHCb::ODIN::BXTypes::NoBeam;
-    ColType    colType =
-        isPhysics ? ColType::BB
-                  : isBeam1Gas ? ColType::B1 : isBeam2Gas ? ColType::B2 : isEmpty ? ColType::EE : ColType::ERROR;
+    ColType    colType    = isPhysics    ? ColType::BB
+                            : isBeam1Gas ? ColType::B1
+                            : isBeam2Gas ? ColType::B2
+                            : isEmpty    ? ColType::EE
+                                         : ColType::ERROR;
     const TaeTypes taeTypes = m_tae_hists.eval_odin( odin, colType );
     for ( const auto& cluster : clusters.range() ) {
diff --git a/FT/FTMonitors/src/FTMonitoring.h b/FT/FTMonitors/src/FTMonitoring.h
index f455ac457356c3d70d7b277c93c0e929926c66b0..97ea00e3a7f742b2fb358eb0830a647d941ed084 100644
--- a/FT/FTMonitors/src/FTMonitoring.h
+++ b/FT/FTMonitors/src/FTMonitoring.h
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class Mutable {
   template <typename... Args, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible_v<T, Args...>>>
-  Mutable( Args&&... args ) : m_t{std::forward<Args>( args )...} {}
+  Mutable( Args&&... args ) : m_t{ std::forward<Args>( args )... } {}
   template <typename Arg>
   decltype( auto ) operator[]( Arg&& arg ) const {
diff --git a/FT/FTMonitors/src/FillingSchemeProvider.cpp b/FT/FTMonitors/src/FillingSchemeProvider.cpp
index 495bc2e0421b1b3cc4da5169d23b60709bed5cd2..3b6d4731c1a7856ad288234a6ab5dea23bb88063 100644
--- a/FT/FTMonitors/src/FillingSchemeProvider.cpp
+++ b/FT/FTMonitors/src/FillingSchemeProvider.cpp
@@ -38,19 +38,19 @@ namespace {
     mutable std::mutex                     m_mutex{};
     mutable std::shared_ptr<FillingScheme> m_data{};
-    mutable bool                           m_changed{false};
+    mutable bool                           m_changed{ false };
     struct DP {
-      int                   id{0};
-      time_t                last{0};
-      FillingSchemeFromDIM* algo{nullptr};
-      size_t*               size{nullptr};
-      std::string*          str{nullptr};
+      int                   id{ 0 };
+      time_t                last{ 0 };
+      FillingSchemeFromDIM* algo{ nullptr };
+      size_t*               size{ nullptr };
+      std::string*          str{ nullptr };
     DP   m_svcB1FS;
     DP   m_svcB2FS;
-    long m_dns_ID{0L};
+    long m_dns_ID{ 0L };
     std::string m_dns;
@@ -66,14 +66,14 @@ namespace {
     FillingSchemeFromDIM( const std::string& dns ) : m_dns( dns ) { subscribe(); }
     virtual ~FillingSchemeFromDIM() override { unsubscribe(); }
     virtual bool changed() const override {
-      auto _ = std::unique_lock{m_mutex};
+      auto _ = std::unique_lock{ m_mutex };
       return m_changed;
     virtual std::shared_ptr<FillingScheme> data() const override;
   std::shared_ptr<FillingSchemeFromDIM::FillingScheme> FillingSchemeFromDIM::data() const {
-    auto _ = std::unique_lock{m_mutex};
+    auto _ = std::unique_lock{ m_mutex };
     if ( m_changed ) {
       const std::string& beam1 = m_raw.first;
       const std::string& beam2 = m_raw.second;
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ namespace {
     if ( tag && address && size && *size ) {
       int                       len = *size;
       FillingSchemeFromDIM::DP* dp  = *(FillingSchemeFromDIM::DP**)tag;
-      auto                      _   = std::unique_lock{dp->algo->m_mutex};
+      auto                      _   = std::unique_lock{ dp->algo->m_mutex };
       const char*               val = (const char*)address;
       dp->last                      = ::time( 0 );
       dp->algo->m_changed           = true;
@@ -128,14 +128,14 @@ namespace {
       m_svcB1FS.algo = this;
       m_svcB1FS.str  = &m_raw.first;
       m_svcB1FS.id   = ::dic_info_service_dns( m_dns_ID, "LHC/B1FillingScheme", MONITORED, 0, 0, 0, fs_str_handler,
-                                             (long)&m_svcB1FS, 0, 0 );
+                                               (long)&m_svcB1FS, 0, 0 );
     if ( 0 == m_svcB2FS.id ) {
       m_svcB2FS.last = 0;
       m_svcB2FS.algo = this;
       m_svcB2FS.str  = &m_raw.second;
       m_svcB2FS.id   = ::dic_info_service_dns( m_dns_ID, "LHC/B2FillingScheme", MONITORED, 0, 0, 0, fs_str_handler,
-                                             (long)&m_svcB2FS, 0, 0 );
+                                               (long)&m_svcB2FS, 0, 0 );
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ FillingSchemeProvider::FillingScheme::FillingScheme( FillingSchemeProvider::Fill
     unsigned   prev       = m_table.back() & Masks::MaskBXType;
     const bool wraparound = prev == ( m_table.front() & Masks::MaskBXType );
     const auto it         = std::find_if( m_table.begin(), m_table.end(),
-                                  [prev]( unsigned code ) { return ( code & Masks::MaskBXType ) != prev; } );
+                                          [prev]( unsigned code ) { return ( code & Masks::MaskBXType ) != prev; } );
     for ( size_type i = it - m_table.begin(); m_table.size() != i; ++i ) {
       const unsigned info = m_table[i] & Masks::MaskBXType;
       if ( prev != info ) {
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ FillingSchemeProvider::analyseFillingScheme( FillingSchemeProvider::FillingSchem
 std::shared_ptr<const FillingSchemeProvider::FillingScheme> FillingSchemeProvider::get() const {
-  auto _ = std::unique_lock{m_mtx};
+  auto _ = std::unique_lock{ m_mtx };
   if ( m_source->changed() || !m_data ) {
     // we don't have the filling scheme yet, so get it
     m_data = std::make_shared<FillingScheme>( retrieveFillingScheme() );
diff --git a/FT/FTMonitors/src/FillingSchemeProvider.h b/FT/FTMonitors/src/FillingSchemeProvider.h
index 40a11534ecd15f07798825b6b0ccce91920850b0..a2f5ab510483ac664b50c0b01a2184e796af8df5 100644
--- a/FT/FTMonitors/src/FillingSchemeProvider.h
+++ b/FT/FTMonitors/src/FillingSchemeProvider.h
@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ public:
       constexpr TypedExtent() noexcept = default;
       constexpr TypedExtent( unsigned first, unsigned last, BXTypes bxtype, const FillingScheme& parent ) noexcept
           : m_first( first ), m_last( last ), m_type( bxtype ), m_parent( &parent ) {}
-      constexpr TypedExtent( const TypedExtent& /* unused */ ) noexcept = default;
-      constexpr TypedExtent( TypedExtent&& /* unused */ ) noexcept      = default;
+      constexpr TypedExtent( const TypedExtent& /* unused */ ) noexcept            = default;
+      constexpr TypedExtent( TypedExtent&& /* unused */ ) noexcept                 = default;
       constexpr TypedExtent& operator=( const TypedExtent& /* unused */ ) noexcept = default;
-      constexpr TypedExtent& operator=( TypedExtent&& /* unused */ ) noexcept = default;
+      constexpr TypedExtent& operator=( TypedExtent&& /* unused */ ) noexcept      = default;
       constexpr unsigned             first() const noexcept { return m_first; }
       constexpr unsigned             last() const noexcept { return m_last; }
@@ -110,9 +110,9 @@ public:
       ShiftTailingBX2 = 7,
     constexpr static inline unsigned s_masksLeading[3] = {
-        FillingScheme::Masks::MaskLeading, FillingScheme::Masks::MaskLeadingBX1, FillingScheme::Masks::MaskLeadingBX2};
+        FillingScheme::Masks::MaskLeading, FillingScheme::Masks::MaskLeadingBX1, FillingScheme::Masks::MaskLeadingBX2 };
     constexpr static inline unsigned s_masksTailing[3] = {
-        FillingScheme::Masks::MaskTailing, FillingScheme::Masks::MaskTailingBX1, FillingScheme::Masks::MaskTailingBX2};
+        FillingScheme::Masks::MaskTailing, FillingScheme::Masks::MaskTailingBX1, FillingScheme::Masks::MaskTailingBX2 };
     FillingSchemeVector        m_table;
     BunchIDList                m_ee;
@@ -205,10 +205,10 @@ private:
   /// mutex to protect multithreaded access
   mutable std::mutex m_mtx;
   /// shared pointer to filling scheme
-  mutable std::shared_ptr<FillingScheme> m_data{nullptr};
+  mutable std::shared_ptr<FillingScheme> m_data{ nullptr };
   /// unique pointer to filling scheme source
-  std::unique_ptr<FillingSchemeSourceBase> m_source{nullptr};
+  std::unique_ptr<FillingSchemeSourceBase> m_source{ nullptr };
   /// get filling scheme from data source
   FillingSchemeVector retrieveFillingScheme( /* pass through conditions */ ) const;
diff --git a/FT/FTMonitors/src/TAEHandler.h b/FT/FTMonitors/src/TAEHandler.h
index a427f3887178fa4bf04f6b6f9dcbaec00049d4e0..5bf69bd232eddee6ad072fcef86f2ada8d473891 100644
--- a/FT/FTMonitors/src/TAEHandler.h
+++ b/FT/FTMonitors/src/TAEHandler.h
@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@ class TAEHandler {
   template <typename Owner>
   TAEHandler( Owner* owner, bool enableTAE, unsigned int maxTAEHalfWindow, std::string_view extraInfo )
-      : m_enableTAE{enableTAE}
-      , m_maxTAEHalfWindow{maxTAEHalfWindow}
+      : m_enableTAE{ enableTAE }
+      , m_maxTAEHalfWindow{ maxTAEHalfWindow }
       , m_TAE( owner, "TAEEvents", fmt::format( "TAE events{};TAE;Events", extraInfo ),
-               Axis{2 * maxTAEHalfWindow + 1, -0.5f - maxTAEHalfWindow, maxTAEHalfWindow + 0.5f} )
+               Axis{ 2 * maxTAEHalfWindow + 1, -0.5f - maxTAEHalfWindow, maxTAEHalfWindow + 0.5f } )
       , m_TAEindex( owner, "TAEIndex", fmt::format( "TAE events{};TAE index;Events", extraInfo ),
-                    Axis{2 * maxTAEHalfWindow + 1, -0.5f, 2 * maxTAEHalfWindow + 0.5f} )
-      , m_TAEErrors{owner, "TAEErrors", fmt::format( "TAE errors{};TAE errors;Events", extraInfo ),
-                    Axis{NUM_ERRORS, -0.5f, static_cast<float>( NUM_ERRORS ) - 0.5f}}
-      , m_tae_bunch_id_not_set{owner, "TAE bunch IDs are not set"} {}
+                    Axis{ 2 * maxTAEHalfWindow + 1, -0.5f, 2 * maxTAEHalfWindow + 0.5f } )
+      , m_TAEErrors{ owner, "TAEErrors", fmt::format( "TAE errors{};TAE errors;Events", extraInfo ),
+                     Axis{ NUM_ERRORS, -0.5f, static_cast<float>( NUM_ERRORS ) - 0.5f } }
+      , m_tae_bunch_id_not_set{ owner, "TAE bunch IDs are not set" } {}
   std::optional<int> fromOdin( const LHCb::ODIN& odin, LHCb::span<unsigned int> bunchIds ) const {
     if ( !m_enableTAE ) {
diff --git a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/monitoring.py b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/monitoring.py
index 67501126aee83bd909ac73f460e65b21bf09a7bd..f7d0dc59388857254bdf933a97c4110d5689b7ef 100644
--- a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/monitoring.py
+++ b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/monitoring.py
@@ -9,13 +9,21 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+from PyConf.application import (
+    ApplicationOptions,
+    configure,
+    configure_input,
+    default_raw_banks,
+    make_odin,
 from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode
-from PyConf.application import ApplicationOptions, default_raw_banks, make_odin, configure_input, configure
 def filling_scheme(fname):
-    from XRootD import client
     import tempfile
+    from XRootD import client
     with client.File() as f:
         status, _ = f.open(str(fname))
         if not status.ok:
@@ -24,7 +32,7 @@ def filling_scheme(fname):
         if not status.ok:
             raise RuntimeError(f"could not read {fname}: {status.message}")
         with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", delete=False) as f:
-            f.write(data.decode('utf-8'))
+            f.write(data.decode("utf-8"))
             return f.name
@@ -36,24 +44,28 @@ def configureInput(fileDBEntry, monitoringFileName, evt_max=1000):
     options.force_odin = True
     config = configure_input(options)
     from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
     if UseDD4Hep:
         dd4hepSvc = config[
-            "LHCb::Det::LbDD4hep::DD4hepSvc/LHCb::Det::LbDD4hep::DD4hepSvc"]
+            "LHCb::Det::LbDD4hep::DD4hepSvc/LHCb::Det::LbDD4hep::DD4hepSvc"
+        ]
         dd4hepSvc.DetectorList = ["/world", "FT"]
     return options, config
 def zs_cluster_monitoring():
-    options, config = configureInput('FTZSClusterMonitoring',
-                                     'zs_cluster_monitoring.json')
+    options, config = configureInput(
+        "FTZSClusterMonitoring", "zs_cluster_monitoring.json"
+    )
+    from PyConf.Algorithms import FTClusterMonitor, FTRawBankDecoder
-    from PyConf.Algorithms import FTRawBankDecoder, FTClusterMonitor
     odin = make_odin()
     clusters = FTRawBankDecoder(
-        name="DecodeFT", RawBanks=default_raw_banks('FTCluster'),
-        Odin=odin).OutputLocation
+        name="DecodeFT", RawBanks=default_raw_banks("FTCluster"), Odin=odin
+    ).OutputLocation
     monitor = FTClusterMonitor(
-        name='FTClusterMonitor',
+        name="FTClusterMonitor",
@@ -63,66 +75,72 @@ def zs_cluster_monitoring():
-        Online=False)
+        Online=False,
+    )
     nconfig = configure(
-        options, CompositeNode('SciFiMonitorSequence', children=[monitor]))
+        options, CompositeNode("SciFiMonitorSequence", children=[monitor])
+    )
     # amend JSONSink config
-    jsonSink = nconfig[
-        "Gaudi::Monitoring::JSONSink/Gaudi__Monitoring__JSONSink"]
+    jsonSink = nconfig["Gaudi::Monitoring::JSONSink/Gaudi__Monitoring__JSONSink"]
     jsonSink.NamesToSave = [
-        '.*MainEvent/LiteClustersPerPseudoChannel_64', '.*nClustersPerTAE'
+        ".*MainEvent/LiteClustersPerPseudoChannel_64",
+        ".*nClustersPerTAE",
 def zs_lite_cluster_monitoring():
-    options, config = configureInput('FTZSLiteClusterMonitoring',
-                                     'zs_lite_cluster_monitoring.json')
+    options, config = configureInput(
+        "FTZSLiteClusterMonitoring", "zs_lite_cluster_monitoring.json"
+    )
+    from PyConf.Algorithms import FTLiteClusterMonitor, FTRawBankDecoder
-    from PyConf.Algorithms import FTRawBankDecoder, FTLiteClusterMonitor
     odin = make_odin()
     clusters = FTRawBankDecoder(
-        name="DecodeFT", RawBanks=default_raw_banks('FTCluster'),
-        Odin=odin).OutputLocation
+        name="DecodeFT", RawBanks=default_raw_banks("FTCluster"), Odin=odin
+    ).OutputLocation
     monitor = FTLiteClusterMonitor(
-        name='FTLiteClusterMonitor',
-        ClusterLocation=clusters,
-        InputODIN=make_odin())
+        name="FTLiteClusterMonitor", ClusterLocation=clusters, InputODIN=make_odin()
+    )
     nconfig = configure(
-        options, CompositeNode('SciFiMonitorSequence', children=[monitor]))
+        options, CompositeNode("SciFiMonitorSequence", children=[monitor])
+    )
     # amend JSONSink config
     from os import environ
-    debug = environ.get("DEBUG_SCIFI", None) != None
+    debug = environ.get("DEBUG_SCIFI", None) is not None
     if debug:
         print("[INFO] Debug mode")
-    jsonSink = nconfig[
-        "Gaudi::Monitoring::JSONSink/Gaudi__Monitoring__JSONSink"]
+    jsonSink = nconfig["Gaudi::Monitoring::JSONSink/Gaudi__Monitoring__JSONSink"]
     if not debug:
         jsonSink.NamesToSave = [
-            '^ClustersPerQuarterChannelIdx_SiPM$',
-            '^TLQ_Clusters_SiPM/T3L3Q0$',
-            '^BeamBeam/ClustersPerQuarterChannelIdx_SiPM$',
+            "^ClustersPerQuarterChannelIdx_SiPM$",
+            "^TLQ_Clusters_SiPM/T3L3Q0$",
+            "^BeamBeam/ClustersPerQuarterChannelIdx_SiPM$",
-    jsonSink.ComponentsToSave = ['FTLiteClusterMonitor']
+    jsonSink.ComponentsToSave = ["FTLiteClusterMonitor"]
 def nzs_cluster_monitoring():
-    options, config = configureInput('FTNZSClusterMonitoring',
-                                     'nzs_cluster_monitoring.json', 100)
+    options, config = configureInput(
+        "FTNZSClusterMonitoring", "nzs_cluster_monitoring.json", 100
+    )
+    from PyConf.Algorithms import FTClusterMonitor, FTNZSRawBankDecoder
-    from PyConf.Algorithms import FTNZSRawBankDecoder, FTClusterMonitor
-    odin = make_odin()
     clusters = FTNZSRawBankDecoder(
-        name="DecodeFT", RawBank=default_raw_banks('FTNZS')).NZSClusterLocation
+        name="DecodeFT", RawBank=default_raw_banks("FTNZS")
+    ).NZSClusterLocation
     monitor = FTClusterMonitor(
-        name='FTClusterMonitor',
+        name="FTClusterMonitor",
@@ -132,16 +150,18 @@ def nzs_cluster_monitoring():
-        Online=False)
+        Online=False,
+    )
     nconfig = configure(
-        options, CompositeNode('SciFiMonitorSequence', children=[monitor]))
+        options, CompositeNode("SciFiMonitorSequence", children=[monitor])
+    )
     # amend JSONSink config
-    jsonSink = nconfig[
-        "Gaudi::Monitoring::JSONSink/Gaudi__Monitoring__JSONSink"]
+    jsonSink = nconfig["Gaudi::Monitoring::JSONSink/Gaudi__Monitoring__JSONSink"]
     jsonSink.NamesToSave = [
-        '.*MainEvent/LiteClustersPerPseudoChannel_64', '.*nClustersPerTAE'
+        ".*MainEvent/LiteClustersPerPseudoChannel_64",
+        ".*nClustersPerTAE",
@@ -149,17 +169,23 @@ def nzs_cluster_monitoring():
 def nzs_cluster_monitoring_from_digits():
     options, config = configureInput(
-        'FTNZSClusterMonitoring', 'nzs_cluster_monitoring_from_digits.json',
-        100)
+        "FTNZSClusterMonitoring", "nzs_cluster_monitoring_from_digits.json", 100
+    )
+    from PyConf.Algorithms import (
+        FTClusterMonitor,
+        FTNZSClusterCreator,
+        FTNZSRawBankDecoder,
+    )
-    from PyConf.Algorithms import FTNZSRawBankDecoder, FTNZSClusterCreator, FTClusterMonitor
-    odin = make_odin()
     digits = FTNZSRawBankDecoder(
-        name="DecodeFT", RawBank=default_raw_banks('FTNZS')).OutputLocation
+        name="DecodeFT", RawBank=default_raw_banks("FTNZS")
+    ).OutputLocation
     clusters = FTNZSClusterCreator(
-        name="ClusterFT", InputLocation=digits).OutputLocation
+        name="ClusterFT", InputLocation=digits
+    ).OutputLocation
     monitor = FTClusterMonitor(
-        name='FTClusterMonitor',
+        name="FTClusterMonitor",
@@ -169,31 +195,35 @@ def nzs_cluster_monitoring_from_digits():
-        Online=False)
+        Online=False,
+    )
     nconfig = configure(
-        options, CompositeNode('SciFiMonitorSequence', children=[monitor]))
+        options, CompositeNode("SciFiMonitorSequence", children=[monitor])
+    )
     # amend JSONSink config
-    jsonSink = nconfig[
-        "Gaudi::Monitoring::JSONSink/Gaudi__Monitoring__JSONSink"]
+    jsonSink = nconfig["Gaudi::Monitoring::JSONSink/Gaudi__Monitoring__JSONSink"]
     jsonSink.NamesToSave = [
-        '.*MainEvent/LiteClustersPerPseudoChannel_64', '.*nClustersPerTAE'
+        ".*MainEvent/LiteClustersPerPseudoChannel_64",
+        ".*nClustersPerTAE",
 def nzs_digit_monitoring():
-    options, config = configureInput('FTNZSClusterMonitoring',
-                                     'nzs_digit_monitoring.json', 300)
+    options, config = configureInput(
+        "FTNZSClusterMonitoring", "nzs_digit_monitoring.json", 300
+    )
+    from PyConf.Algorithms import FTDigitMonitor, FTNZSRawBankDecoder
-    from PyConf.Algorithms import FTNZSRawBankDecoder, FTDigitMonitor
-    odin = make_odin()
     digits = FTNZSRawBankDecoder(
-        name="DecodeFT", RawBank=default_raw_banks('FTNZS')).OutputLocation
+        name="DecodeFT", RawBank=default_raw_banks("FTNZS")
+    ).OutputLocation
     monitor = FTDigitMonitor(
-        name='FTDigitMonitor',
+        name="FTDigitMonitor",
@@ -201,14 +231,15 @@ def nzs_digit_monitoring():
-        Online=False)
+        Online=False,
+    )
     nconfig = configure(
-        options, CompositeNode('SciFiMonitorSequence', children=[monitor]))
+        options, CompositeNode("SciFiMonitorSequence", children=[monitor])
+    )
     # amend JSONSink config
-    jsonSink = nconfig[
-        "Gaudi::Monitoring::JSONSink/Gaudi__Monitoring__JSONSink"]
-    jsonSink.NamesToSave = ['TAEErrors', 'TAEEvents', 'TAEHalfWindows']
+    jsonSink = nconfig["Gaudi::Monitoring::JSONSink/Gaudi__Monitoring__JSONSink"]
+    jsonSink.NamesToSave = ["TAEErrors", "TAEEvents", "TAEHalfWindows"]
diff --git a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/nzs_cluster_monitoring.py b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/nzs_cluster_monitoring.py
index 6013ebe7035ece71da1ee2226e97d8135fddbb10..7dcbaf20bb6dbf9da09ea7cd7e397a98016b20b9 100644
--- a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/nzs_cluster_monitoring.py
+++ b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/nzs_cluster_monitoring.py
@@ -9,10 +9,12 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from pathlib import Path
 import sys
+from pathlib import Path
 path_root = Path(__file__).parents[0]
 import monitoring
diff --git a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/nzs_cluster_monitoring_from_digits.py b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/nzs_cluster_monitoring_from_digits.py
index 557f90cc816778b9bfafe70a0b07c6e9fce67411..ee9c04c47f994eca7c14e4ae4302d8f5b6471673 100644
--- a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/nzs_cluster_monitoring_from_digits.py
+++ b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/nzs_cluster_monitoring_from_digits.py
@@ -9,10 +9,12 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from pathlib import Path
 import sys
+from pathlib import Path
 path_root = Path(__file__).parents[0]
 import monitoring
diff --git a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/nzs_digit_monitoring.py b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/nzs_digit_monitoring.py
index 11ff4ae9f689d9dbeda59c03684dff79aee5ad95..0c0d631df8aa7d658b212900427159fb44fd7e7e 100644
--- a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/nzs_digit_monitoring.py
+++ b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/nzs_digit_monitoring.py
@@ -9,10 +9,12 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from pathlib import Path
 import sys
+from pathlib import Path
 path_root = Path(__file__).parents[0]
 import monitoring
diff --git a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/zs_cluster_monitoring.py b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/zs_cluster_monitoring.py
index 02c5dd41ef72894367bf7a35c0e3e40608d59b71..9635d46d4531abb528a86064259678b8e4f213db 100644
--- a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/zs_cluster_monitoring.py
+++ b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/zs_cluster_monitoring.py
@@ -9,10 +9,12 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from pathlib import Path
 import sys
+from pathlib import Path
 path_root = Path(__file__).parents[0]
 import monitoring
diff --git a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/zs_lite_cluster_monitoring.py b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/zs_lite_cluster_monitoring.py
index 63469e7ed992357ed091d075786fa3e3e580f3a9..9a3ebc58149778ff4c1180490c577c35c6b49284 100644
--- a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/zs_lite_cluster_monitoring.py
+++ b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/options/zs_lite_cluster_monitoring.py
@@ -9,10 +9,12 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from pathlib import Path
 import sys
+from pathlib import Path
 path_root = Path(__file__).parents[0]
 import monitoring
diff --git a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/python/glue.py b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/python/glue.py
index aa5e10a74e551fed976ffe02e0aa62eae58783bb..15672220afad740489dcfc860da7dbf5a1a674c6 100644
--- a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/python/glue.py
+++ b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/python/glue.py
@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 def filling_scheme(fname):
-    from XRootD import client
     import tempfile
+    from XRootD import client
     with client.File() as f:
         status, _ = f.open(str(fname))
         if not status.ok:
@@ -19,5 +21,5 @@ def filling_scheme(fname):
         if not status.ok:
             raise RuntimeError(f"could not read {fname}: {status.message}")
         with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", delete=False) as f:
-            f.write(data.decode('utf-8'))
+            f.write(data.decode("utf-8"))
             return f.name
diff --git a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/refs/nzs_cluster_monitoring.json b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/refs/nzs_cluster_monitoring.json
index cd5201523b9d1a8784b05f21713271dcef980880..bf03cbb951f7aea7dc052fbb43f9bd8808d044cb 100644
--- a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/refs/nzs_cluster_monitoring.json
+++ b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/refs/nzs_cluster_monitoring.json
@@ -252,4 +252,4 @@
         "name": "nClustersPerTAE"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/refs/nzs_cluster_monitoring_from_digits.json b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/refs/nzs_cluster_monitoring_from_digits.json
index 399119a55b70c4572a845cb99f2e342cf3c2493f..50e86fbc06f42d98c234238bbf7312feb77e3117 100644
--- a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/refs/nzs_cluster_monitoring_from_digits.json
+++ b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/refs/nzs_cluster_monitoring_from_digits.json
@@ -252,4 +252,4 @@
         "name": "nClustersPerTAE"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/refs/nzs_digit_monitoring.json b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/refs/nzs_digit_monitoring.json
index 440515052e0eb0c948f175f42dfdf1fbd1796e73..06da4fec43ab16696788cd88da41b3795b477f14 100644
--- a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/refs/nzs_digit_monitoring.json
+++ b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/refs/nzs_digit_monitoring.json
@@ -64,4 +64,4 @@
         "name": "TAEEvents"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/refs/zs_cluster_monitoring.json b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/refs/zs_cluster_monitoring.json
index 39837139349dcbfa65b280887daaf97864308b14..69afe0cff6f2530ee15ab308ddf1077bd20e8d87 100644
--- a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/refs/zs_cluster_monitoring.json
+++ b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/refs/zs_cluster_monitoring.json
@@ -252,4 +252,4 @@
         "name": "nClustersPerTAE"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/refs/zs_lite_cluster_monitoring.json b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/refs/zs_lite_cluster_monitoring.json
index 2c2313e4717891277655b82eaabdea74db10542c..5f856464c0b4a57f7e19d2142628cf0e3cd5dd42 100644
--- a/FT/FTMonitors/tests/refs/zs_lite_cluster_monitoring.json
+++ b/FT/FTMonitors/tests/refs/zs_lite_cluster_monitoring.json
@@ -356,4 +356,4 @@
         "name": "TLQ_Clusters_SiPM/T3L3Q0"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MicroDST/MicroDSTAlgorithm/doc/release.notes b/MicroDST/MicroDSTAlgorithm/doc/release.notes
index beb7e350470bf5ddc9e06c25f58fc1c4d66ece04..7c4672bb09c644d375359000f4bf3aafff3a50c8 100755
--- a/MicroDST/MicroDSTAlgorithm/doc/release.notes
+++ b/MicroDST/MicroDSTAlgorithm/doc/release.notes
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
 !========================= MicroDSTAlgorithm v5r9 2014-06-13 =========================
-! 2014-06-08 - Anton Poluektov 
+! 2014-06-08 - Anton Poluektov
  - Move RelatedInfoMap to LHCb namespace.
-! 2014-05-24 - Anton Poluektov 
+! 2014-05-24 - Anton Poluektov
  - Add CopyParticle2RelatedInfo.
 !========================= MicroDSTAlgorithm v5r8 2013-06-13 =========================
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
  - Added CMake configuration file.
 ! 2012-11-08 - Chris Jones
- - Update CopyParticle2BackgroundCategory and CopyParticle2MCRelations to 
+ - Update CopyParticle2BackgroundCategory and CopyParticle2MCRelations to
    recursively search through the particle trees and to find all associated
    relations tables and clone them.
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 !========================= MicroDSTAlgorithm v5r3 2011-05-13 ================
 ! 2011-05-10 - Thomas Blake
- - Removed addRef from MoveDataObject, this is done in unregisterObject 
+ - Removed addRef from MoveDataObject, this is done in unregisterObject
    . See Savannah bug #82051.
 !========================== MicroDSTAlgorithm v5r2 2011-02-20 ===============
@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@
 ! 2010-10-07 - Juan Palacios
  ** Requires MicroDST/MicroDSTBase v3r0 or higher.
- - CopyParticle2PVMap, 
-   CopyParticle2TisTosDecisions, 
-   CopyParticle2LHCbIDs, 
+ - CopyParticle2PVMap,
+   CopyParticle2TisTosDecisions,
+   CopyParticle2LHCbIDs,
   . Adapt to changes in MicoDST/MicroDSTBase: niceLocationName is now member
     of MicroDSTCommon, not free function.
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
 !========================== MicroDSTAlgorithm v4r2 2010-10-05 =================
 ! 2010-10-05 - Juan Palacios
- - Added MoveDataObject MicroDSTAlgorithm. Simply moves a DataObject from 
+ - Added MoveDataObject MicroDSTAlgorithm. Simply moves a DataObject from
    "/Event/A/B/C/B" to "/Event/<OutputPrefix>/A/B/C/D", there OutputPrefix
    is set by the OutputPrefix property.
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
 ! 2010-09-28 - Juan Palacios
  - Add CopyParticle2TisTosDecisions algorithm.
-  . Takes cloned Particles, HltDecReports, and creates a 
+  . Takes cloned Particles, HltDecReports, and creates a
     Particle->vector<unsigned int> map. Each unsigned int represents a TisTos
  - cmt/requirements
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
     as well as T::Selection.
 ! 2010-02-24 - Juan Palacios
- - Added CopyParticle2BackgroundCategory, MicroDSTAlgorithm to clone a 
+ - Added CopyParticle2BackgroundCategory, MicroDSTAlgorithm to clone a
    Particle->backgroundCategory (int) 1D relations table.
  - cmt/requirements
   . Increase to v3r10
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
 !========================== MicroDSTAlgorithm v3r8 2009-10-01 =================
 ! 2009-09-02 - Juan PALACIOS
- - CopyParticle2PVRelations now copies unweighted relations. 
+ - CopyParticle2PVRelations now copies unweighted relations.
  - Added CopyParticle2PVWeightedRelations to cover lost functionality.
 !========================== MicroDSTAlgorithm v3r7 2009-08-11 =================
@@ -210,16 +210,16 @@
 ! 2009-04-30 - Juan PALACIOS
  - Remove CopyRelatedMCParticles and CopyParticle2PVLink
-  . Replaced by CopyParticle2MCRelations and CopyParticle2PVRelations, two 
+  . Replaced by CopyParticle2MCRelations and CopyParticle2PVRelations, two
     specialisations of MicroDST::RelationsClonerAlg
 ! 2009-04-15 - Juan PALACIOS
- - Add CopyParticle2PVRelations, a MicroDSTAlgorithm to copy a 
+ - Add CopyParticle2PVRelations, a MicroDSTAlgorithm to copy a
    Particle->RecVertex relations table and all the Tos that the Froms point to
  - cmt/requirements
   . Increase version to v3r6
   . Use Phys/DaVinciMCKernel
- - Add CopyParticle2MCRelations, a MicroDSTAlgorithm to copy a 
+ - Add CopyParticle2MCRelations, a MicroDSTAlgorithm to copy a
    Particle->MCParticle relations table and all the Tos that the Froms point to
 !========================== MicroDSTAlgorithm v3r5 2009-04-08 =================
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
  - src/CopyPrimaryVertices.h
  - src/CopyProtoParticles.h
  - src/src/CopyRecHeader.h
-  . Use DECLARE_NAMED_ALGORITHM_FACTORY(type, name) to allow for autmatic 
+  . Use DECLARE_NAMED_ALGORITHM_FACTORY(type, name) to allow for autmatic
     generation of configurables from typedefs of template specialisations.
  - cmt/requirements
   . Increase version to v3r4
@@ -272,13 +272,13 @@
 ! 2008-09-24 - Juan PALACIOS
  - src/CopyRelatedMCParticles.cpp
-  . Associators don't seem able to associate LHCb::Particles coming from 
+  . Associators don't seem able to associate LHCb::Particles coming from
     locations like /Event/microDST/Phys/... for some reason I have no time
     to look into. Solve by passing the original LHCb::Particles, cloning
     their associated LHCb::MCParticles, and making Relations between them
-    and the previously cloned LHCb::Particle if it exists. Does nothing if it 
+    and the previously cloned LHCb::Particle if it exists. Does nothing if it
     doesn't exist.
-    The requirement is that the LHCb::Particles from the input TES location 
+    The requirement is that the LHCb::Particles from the input TES location
     have already been cloned. Nasty, but necessary.
  - src/CopyRelatedMCParticles.h
   . Update doxygen in light of the above changes.
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
  - src/CopyProtoParticles.cpp
  - src/CopyProtoParticles.h
  - src/CopyRecHeader.h
-  . Re-implement all these simple algorithms as templates of ObjectClonerAlg<T> or 
+  . Re-implement all these simple algorithms as templates of ObjectClonerAlg<T> or
     KeyedContainerClonerAlg<T>. Write the necessary specialisaitons of BindType2Cloner<T>,
     Location<T> and Defaults<T>
@@ -329,13 +329,13 @@
 ! 2008-08-19 - Juan PALACIOS
  - srd/CopyParticle2PVLink.h
-  . Remove fragile 
+  . Remove fragile
       const std::string particleLocation(const std::string& tableLocation);
   . Correct errors in doxygen documentation
  - src/CopyParticle2PVLink.cpp
   . Change logic of tableOfClones(const Particle2Vertex::Table* table) method.
-    Now take all information from relations table, and check that From and To 
+    Now take all information from relations table, and check that From and To
     objects have already been cloned and stored in the TES by other algorithms.
     Only clone associations if this is the case.
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
  - cmt/requirements
   . Increase version to v3r3
  - src/CopyFlavourTag{.cpp, .h}
-  . Algorithm now delegates cloning action to implementation of 
+  . Algorithm now delegates cloning action to implementation of
     ICloneFlavourTagging interface. Needed to add this to allow to add
     a pointer to a clone of the B candidate that has been tagged.
   . Add property "ICloneFlavourTag" to allow to switch between different
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
 ! 2008-04-16 - Juan PALACIOS
  - Add algorithm CopyFlavourTag to copy keyed container of LHCb::FlavourTags.
  - src/CopyMCParticle.h
-  . Swap include of "MicroDST/ICloneMCParticle.h" for forward declaration of 
+  . Swap include of "MicroDST/ICloneMCParticle.h" for forward declaration of
  - src/CopyMCParticle.cpp
   . #include "MicroDST/ICloneMCParticle.h"
@@ -383,17 +383,17 @@
   . Fix doxygen typos.
 ! 2008-04-01 - Juan PALACIOS
  - Add src/CopyRelatedProtoParticles{.cpp, .h}
   . This has the old funcitonality of CopyProtoParticles. It takes as input
     a location of LHCb::Particles from the property InputLocation, and clones
-    the LHCb::ProtoParticles related to them and all their daughters and 
-    outgoing particles. Internally it uses an implementation of 
+    the LHCb::ProtoParticles related to them and all their daughters and
+    outgoing particles. Internally it uses an implementation of
     ICloneProtoParticle, set by default to ProtoParticleCloner.
  - src/CopyProtoParticles{.h, .cpp}
-  . Change logic. Algorithm now takes all ProtoParticles in InputLocation and 
-    clones them. Internally it now uses an implementation of 
+  . Change logic. Algorithm now takes all ProtoParticles in InputLocation and
+    clones them. Internally it now uses an implementation of
     ICloneProtoParticle, set by default to ProtoParticleCloner.
 ! 2008-03-26 - Juan PALACIOS
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@
 ! 2008-03-20 - Juan PALACIOS
  - src/CopyRelatedMCParticles.h
   . Remove obsolete private methods.
-  . Add std::string m_mcParticleClonerName to control ICloneMCParticle via 
+  . Add std::string m_mcParticleClonerName to control ICloneMCParticle via
  - src/CopyRelatedMCParticles.cpp
   . Add property ICloneMCParticle to control implementation to be used.
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@
   . Move MicroDST interface headers to .cpp file.
 ! 2008-03-19 - Juan PALACIOS
  - src/CopyParticles{.cpp, .h}
   . Remove all private methods. These were not used anymore. Functionality
     now in the IParticleCloner and IVertexCloner implementations.
@@ -434,18 +434,18 @@
 ! 2008-03-06 - Juan PALACIOS
  - src/CopyRelatedMCParticles{.h, .cpp}
-  . Swap Relation2DD<LHCb::Particle, LHCb::MCParticle> for 
+  . Swap Relation2DD<LHCb::Particle, LHCb::MCParticle> for
     RelationWeighted2DD<LHCb::Particle, LHCb::MCParticle, double>
 ! 2008-02-26 - Juan PALACIOS
  - src/CopyRelatedMCParticles.h
   . Remove LinkerWithKey<LHCb::MCParticle, LHCb::Particle>* data member.
     Use local automatic instance instead.
-  . include Relations/Relation2D.h and add 
+  . include Relations/Relation2D.h and add
     LHCb::Relation2D<LHCb::Particle, LHCb::MCParticle>* data member.
  - src/CopyRelatedMCParticles.cpp
-  . Use Relation2D<LHCb::Particle, LHCb::MCParticle> to store 
-    Particle->MCParticle relations in TES and MicroDST while problems with 
+  . Use Relation2D<LHCb::Particle, LHCb::MCParticle> to store
+    Particle->MCParticle relations in TES and MicroDST while problems with
     Linkers get ironed out.
   . Set TES location of Particle->MCParticle relations table to
     InputLocation + "/RelatedMCParticles"
@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@
 ! 2008-02-12 - Juan PALACIOS
  - src/CopyRelatedMCParticles.cpp, CreateMicroDSTMCAlg.cpp, TestDST.cpp
   . Adapt to future removal of Particle2MCLinker constructor taking simple
-    string as location of objects to associate. Pass a size 1 
+    string as location of objects to associate. Pass a size 1
     std::vector<std::string> instead.
 ! 2008-02-11 - Juan PALACIOS
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@
  - MicroDST/CopyAndStoreData.h
   . Make protected methods public.
  - Added MicroDST/IDoSomethingToParticle.h
-  . Simple tool interface to manipulate particles and store related 
+  . Simple tool interface to manipulate particles and store related
     information on local store. Implementations must be owned by a
     CopyAndStoreData instance.
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@
 ! 2007-10-23 - Juan PALACIOS
  - Add src/CopyProtoParticles{.cpp, .h}
-  . Algorithm to store protoparticles related to particle decay trees starting 
+  . Algorithm to store protoparticles related to particle decay trees starting
     from TES location of LHCb::Particles given by option InputLocation.
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@
  - Add src/CopyParticle2PVLink{.cpp, .h}
   . Algorithm to store the links between particles and primary vertices.
     Simply used relations table associated to particle TES location.
-    Users must pass location of table. Original location of particles is 
+    Users must pass location of table. Original location of particles is
     inferred from this. Default offline PV location is assumed.
 ! 2007-10-18 - Juan PALACIOS
@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@
   . Reorganization of functors.
 ! 2007-10-16 - Juan PALACIOS
- - Add algorithm CopyPrimaryVertices to components library. 
+ - Add algorithm CopyPrimaryVertices to components library.
  - Modifications to CopyAndStoreData base class.
@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@
  - comment out POOL catalogue in example options file to create MicroDST
 ! 2007-05-17 - Ulrich Kerzel
- - add a counter to CreateMicroDSTAlg how many 
+ - add a counter to CreateMicroDSTAlg how many
    particles in the input location (e.g. B cand)
    were stored (not including the daughters, etc)
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@
 ! 2007-05-10 - Patrick Koppenburg
  - Rename test.opts into DVTestMicroDST.opts to follow the
    unwritten rule that main DaVinci option files are called
-   DV*.opts 
+   DV*.opts
 ! 2007-04-19 - Ulrich Kerzel
  - add /Event/MC header to microDST
@@ -673,13 +673,13 @@
 ! 2007-04-13 - Ulrich Kerzel
  - also write mother of MC particle to microDST
- - encapsulate execution of composite associator 
+ - encapsulate execution of composite associator
    in try{} catch(...){} to avoid incident manager
-   ending the algorithm in TestDST.cpp 
+   ending the algorithm in TestDST.cpp
    (not a bug!)
 ! 2007-04-12 - Ulrich Kerzel
- - treat endVertex()->outgoingParticles() and daughters() 
+ - treat endVertex()->outgoingParticles() and daughters()
    separately in CreateMicroDstAlg.cpp
 ! 2007-04-12 - Ulrich Kerzel
@@ -768,4 +768,3 @@
 ! ====================================================================
diff --git a/MicroDST/MicroDSTAlgorithm/src/CopyMCRelationsTargets.cpp b/MicroDST/MicroDSTAlgorithm/src/CopyMCRelationsTargets.cpp
index fdc8af4de2a13aaf4d5cf59a362e222cb53772b2..63d6eac6742f06372a1c9e27d9d9be38c3905abd 100644
--- a/MicroDST/MicroDSTAlgorithm/src/CopyMCRelationsTargets.cpp
+++ b/MicroDST/MicroDSTAlgorithm/src/CopyMCRelationsTargets.cpp
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ namespace MicroDST {
     /// Standard constructor
     CopyMCRelationsTargets( std::string name, ISvcLocator* locator )
-        : MergingTransformer{name, locator, {"InputLocations", {}}} {}
+        : MergingTransformer{ name, locator, { "InputLocations", {} } } {}
@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ namespace MicroDST {
-    ToolHandle<IMCCloner> m_cloner{this, "MCCloner", "MCCloner"};
+    ToolHandle<IMCCloner> m_cloner{ this, "MCCloner", "MCCloner" };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_container_absent{this, "Input container absent"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>     m_nEntries{this, "# of cloned entries"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_container_absent{ this, "Input container absent" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>     m_nEntries{ this, "# of cloned entries" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( CopyMCRelationsTargets, "CopyMCRelationsTargets" )
diff --git a/MicroDST/MicroDSTAlgorithm/src/CopySignalMCParticles.cpp b/MicroDST/MicroDSTAlgorithm/src/CopySignalMCParticles.cpp
index 5a8cf0f8b945a3f704012a1d9d3e71a6326359a6..b78233f01587809d09dd5cc5673f26ebd82daccb 100644
--- a/MicroDST/MicroDSTAlgorithm/src/CopySignalMCParticles.cpp
+++ b/MicroDST/MicroDSTAlgorithm/src/CopySignalMCParticles.cpp
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
 class CopySignalMCParticles final : public Gaudi::Algorithm {
   /// MCParticle Cloner
-  ToolHandle<MicroDST::IMCCloner> m_cloner{this, "MCCloner", "MCCloner"};
+  ToolHandle<MicroDST::IMCCloner> m_cloner{ this, "MCCloner", "MCCloner" };
   /// Location of MCParticles to clone
-  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCParticles> m_mcPs{this, "MCParticlesLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default};
+  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCParticles> m_mcPs{ this, "MCParticlesLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_isSignal{this, "copy signal"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_container_present{this, "input container present"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_isSignal{ this, "copy signal" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_container_present{ this, "input container present" };
   /// Standard constructor
diff --git a/MicroDST/MicroDSTAlgorithm/src/MCParticleCloner.cpp b/MicroDST/MicroDSTAlgorithm/src/MCParticleCloner.cpp
index 18e0ae25ec06385cbc186925c7aa2efcf5e368db..c9845d427f57fb87fd9fb9aaa5fd12a3e823e83a 100644
--- a/MicroDST/MicroDSTAlgorithm/src/MCParticleCloner.cpp
+++ b/MicroDST/MicroDSTAlgorithm/src/MCParticleCloner.cpp
@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ class MCParticleCloner final : public extends<GaudiTool, MicroDST::IMCCloner> {
   std::string outputTESLocation( DataObject const* d ) const { return outputTESLocation( objectLocation( d ) ); }
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cloned_mcvertex{this, "MCVertices cloned"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cloned_mcparticle{this, "MCParticles cloned"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string>                   m_outputPrefix{this, "OutputPrefix", "MicroDST"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cloned_mcvertex{ this, "MCVertices cloned" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cloned_mcparticle{ this, "MCParticles cloned" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string>                   m_outputPrefix{ this, "OutputPrefix", "MicroDST" };
   std::string                                    m_rootInTES = "/Event/";
   template <typename Type>
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/CMakeLists.txt b/Muon/MuonID/CMakeLists.txt
index 654f580eb44bb8ab396360cede61ad86d662f09f..3cbf6ec7d07b15dd48fcbc7392fc7940609367fd 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -49,4 +49,3 @@ gaudi_add_module(MuonID
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/doc/release.notes b/Muon/MuonID/doc/release.notes
index 8f24c548ee6344173c784ee444440c6873d698f2..2f7f63c0ada22e7c562405322ffa7e39eeaaa9c9 100755
--- a/Muon/MuonID/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/doc/release.notes
@@ -7,28 +7,28 @@
  - Add second constructor to CommonMuonHit to interfere less with Hlt1.
 ! 2017-08-24 - Ricardo Vazquez Gomez
- - Fix compilation warnings.  
+ - Fix compilation warnings.
  - During the tests it has been found that the older version of the code produced a higher number of candidates with the upgrade configuration.
-   This was due to a bug in the was IsMuon & IsMuonLoose were evaluated. The old version did not take into account M2 and used random hits 
-   from an unbound counter not corresponding to a real muon station. 
+   This was due to a bug in the was IsMuon & IsMuonLoose were evaluated. The old version did not take into account M2 and used random hits
+   from an unbound counter not corresponding to a real muon station.
 ! 2017-08-22 - Ricardo Vazquez Gomez
  - Fixes to the MVATool have been included. The number of stations is not fixed anymore, but taken from the detector. This makes the code
    compatible with the upgrade tests.
  - Part of the code implementations developed to deal with a different number of stations have been ported from the future-MuonIDAlgLiteFunctional
-   branch into this version. Those contain changes to have the correct number of used stations, the correct numeration of the stations regardless 
+   branch into this version. Those contain changes to have the correct number of used stations, the correct numeration of the stations regardless
    of the detector configuration. The Stations are also always taken from the DeMuonDetector
 ! 2017-08-17 - Ricardo Vazquez Gomez
  - add all the algorithms needed to compute a BDT for the MuonID.
  - This implementation contains 20 variables as input, all of them are per track/per hit information => no nshared.
  - The number of variables has been kept to the minimum taht does not alter the performance. The BDT parameters have been optimized
-   taking into account the speed of the code. No significant loss of performance is lost by reducing the granularity of the BDT. 
+   taking into account the speed of the code. No significant loss of performance is lost by reducing the granularity of the BDT.
 ! 2017-04-24 - Ricardo Vazquez Gomez
  - initialize explicitly unsigned in MuonChi2MatchTool.h
  - change struct to class
- - protect debug/verbose messages 
+ - protect debug/verbose messages
 ! 2017-04-21 - Ricardo Vazquez Gomez
  - Add the new variables into the MuonPID. The chi2 using correlated hits is included
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
  - prefer switch/case over if-then-else-if cascade
  - prefer std::array over std::vector if size is a compile-time constant
  - prefer std::array over C-style array
- - replace string option by enum 
+ - replace string option by enum
  - qualify internal classes as final
  - reduce size of Uniformer
  - prefer std::upper_bound over raw loop (log(N) instead of N)
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_chi2b.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_chi2b.py
index 432fe1f35a3b7b513f28746068990a17dc4dc6c2..19d1cdb4d1a92a8236b295fbe56fe9964fb33014 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_chi2b.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_chi2b.py
@@ -9,672 +9,2416 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2008_def_chi2b = [
-    0.0, 1.19643536295, 1.7799429438800001, 2.5000897208500001,
-    3.0593132287299998, 3.4839286608000002, 3.9982294568999999,
-    4.4402913862600002, 4.8147369692600002, 5.3054432104, 5.8105717909600001,
-    6.1370968299099999, 6.7475810144699997, 7.3015792720599997,
-    7.6896019690199999, 8.13938977856, 8.4515096605100002, 8.9879216562900002,
-    9.4927671192999998, 10.085788064899999, 10.625255410199999, 11.0026891093,
-    11.3895870178, 11.843719932200001, 12.253271789299999, 12.767614137500001,
-    13.262427498099999, 13.786048882799999, 14.16595075, 14.643883369899999,
-    15.146539539600001, 15.7813472808, 16.280656373900001, 16.655646821400001,
-    17.114459585199999, 17.598615494000001, 18.184936752399999,
-    18.740805828900001, 19.248318706700001, 19.9296167205, 20.463100761100002,
-    21.2124495216, 21.626706539400001, 22.210655822100001, 22.700941956400001,
-    23.302821910599999, 23.920510033900001, 24.580456784700001, 25.2569820073,
-    25.959142340700001, 26.512265281099999, 27.196530728900001,
-    27.733216163200002, 28.478633239299999, 29.299270036500001,
-    30.256722160100001, 30.986221208, 31.737877171200001, 32.3960443243,
-    33.105226859200002, 33.767065963699999, 34.404378731100003,
-    34.924274373000003, 35.644436068099999, 36.564111572900003,
-    37.417350414600001, 38.238436024899997, 38.799991177199999,
-    39.436095377800001, 40.277347542100003, 41.016879076899997,
-    41.908435708699997, 42.819594709699999, 43.738915136400003,
-    44.846693151399997, 45.536023954699999, 46.546157932100002,
-    47.460643921100001, 48.624537354399997, 49.4055755953, 50.186510797700002,
-    51.175277055499997, 52.089204297199998, 53.122068163400002,
-    54.127727041100002, 54.940780204399999, 56.114554909900001, 57.0656839854,
-    57.894406169100002, 59.009235477799997, 60.0914392866, 61.208045864900001,
-    62.2858241466, 63.543350702799998, 64.856196127700002, 66.682225449399994,
-    68.209557105800002, 69.742463108799996, 71.750057073999997,
-    73.414467924899995, 75.307815587799993, 77.118795934299996,
-    78.812379695000004, 80.355455134600007, 81.877925440300004,
-    83.662200974800001, 85.224686517899997, 86.615321828199995,
-    88.267510348100004, 89.802469557099997, 91.374895675700003,
-    93.408025320799993, 95.336052711299999, 97.395921625599996,
-    98.859486409499993, 100.657442178, 102.99984774399999, 105.41734144900001,
-    107.273191485, 109.044242849, 110.937136356, 113.583166593,
-    115.56257233300001, 117.846911268, 120.681655831, 122.799469999,
-    124.375415383, 126.97394391900001, 129.436815795, 132.49568735599999,
-    135.98857834699999, 138.09223868300001, 141.65649987800001,
-    146.09086464500001, 149.16576952099999, 152.208770273, 155.187653896,
-    157.43246798000001, 160.43301280700001, 162.84002901100001,
-    166.77052560600001, 169.29494600500001, 172.91801473500001, 176.654293306,
-    180.23478114700001, 183.296380473, 186.73903581499999, 190.86755789399999,
-    195.654394298, 199.69558299600001, 203.92254700699999, 208.397049907,
-    213.10008202399999, 217.93095747000001, 222.20188235800001,
-    227.07325009499999, 230.860699883, 237.97819378299999, 245.85743037500001,
-    252.73101680400001, 258.89556405000002, 268.60486464500002,
-    276.47499798699999, 282.03633185400003, 289.17078451600003,
-    302.06749436299998, 312.57905513100002, 322.60452264899999, 331.014610371,
-    341.75075497, 350.173888159, 361.88637575400003, 371.61412230500002,
-    385.17435225200001, 400.72319405799999, 411.753441162, 422.75058281299999,
-    437.11037701999999, 453.45288953800002, 474.420871385, 488.318616894,
-    512.11653910200005, 535.54182501000003, 555.56166528300002,
-    573.43505104999997, 593.13241480700003, 614.79560775100003, 649.435414896,
-    688.17560751799999, 721.87795355000003, 773.415382937, 813.66800489900004,
-    877.39648314099998, 964.732528602, 1069.40860047, 1223.88660858,
-    1424.4787858300001, 1674.8315303500001, 1977.7544173799999, 2651.83993319,
-    200410.392804, 0.0, 1.1584312650099999, 1.8096405876999999, 2.08809545024,
-    2.39759603108, 2.8210825374900002, 3.2262415616500002, 3.6767261063199999,
-    4.0712643350700004, 4.3358305431000002, 4.6961593196700004,
-    5.0048297457600004, 5.3979863436900004, 5.8290699240099997,
-    6.1960232764300001, 6.5088252292500002, 6.8948342983900002,
-    7.2696660689300003, 7.5399291096800001, 8.01313726329, 8.3889381116700008,
-    8.8151563879800001, 9.3221845714700002, 9.7919081310700005,
-    10.197322679699999, 10.690667428799999, 11.1669675994, 11.439377929899999,
-    11.6674844277, 12.008682137099999, 12.4556500154, 12.8218557119,
-    13.3281486992, 13.7095661165, 14.2163312161, 14.836869545500001,
-    15.3589870134, 15.8272834403, 16.238276813700001, 16.5883025266,
-    17.023074348600002, 17.414160002799999, 17.848152475399999,
-    18.247715569499999, 18.664561518999999, 19.075395695600001,
-    19.486374441700001, 19.973916476399999, 20.5269080381, 21.020846655300002,
-    21.507367194299999, 22.0135312996, 22.461208124300001, 23.036281720800002,
-    23.480764591, 23.9941998794, 24.413118882100001, 24.9392923634,
-    25.478485752899999, 26.086617298499998, 26.6809648813, 27.1950947449,
-    28.074728258899999, 28.720521756, 29.3654350726, 30.087513917199999,
-    30.702053779700002, 31.306689242899999, 31.780186689299999, 32.4753156827,
-    33.135143889299997, 33.888469867399998, 34.645545953000003,
-    35.367533057599999, 36.110020627200001, 36.758678629099997,
-    37.497664023799999, 38.081984167100003, 38.997417122999998,
-    39.672472603700001, 40.429274192199998, 41.295854716299999,
-    41.954930876799999, 42.5972412096, 43.276950597999999, 44.159449579799997,
-    45.025165711200003, 45.821814644200003, 46.555175562499997,
-    47.583311010599999, 48.589989172199999, 49.510833894599998,
-    50.257035760699999, 51.092289456800003, 52.258119141000002,
-    52.938195970499997, 53.804888863800002, 54.8416712187, 55.960279943899998,
-    57.006686652699997, 58.274563175499999, 59.3790074307, 60.283128322000003,
-    61.549512813600003, 62.4978155636, 63.834912981700001, 64.904107601199996,
-    66.223931861400004, 67.086972593499993, 68.397576571800002,
-    69.942186175000003, 71.207027708799998, 72.602512277200006,
-    73.560342838699995, 74.967359775099993, 76.577240733500005,
-    78.057764533799997, 79.513502422499997, 81.078073566599997,
-    82.165643638800006, 83.719127560900006, 85.148667228299999,
-    86.337704861199995, 87.860157790000002, 89.431109054900006,
-    90.980131378099998, 92.433634234400003, 94.226038238300006,
-    95.621501725399995, 97.080958997099998, 99.134428385800007,
-    101.04854586800001, 102.97657310699999, 105.139486026, 107.602665034,
-    109.70147691299999, 112.05021857600001, 114.125549412, 116.61722458,
-    118.189314409, 120.82322130999999, 123.127890034, 125.47513250999999,
-    127.848312975, 130.41431036200001, 133.57317560600001, 136.49161050999999,
-    140.74286875799999, 143.71689255300001, 146.67120050400001,
-    149.59581133399999, 152.22756825499999, 156.533766931, 160.06017973100001,
-    165.11262847200001, 169.23166942399999, 175.315765167, 179.524732857,
-    183.40525104400001, 188.17945511100001, 191.82963235400001, 197.202013322,
-    202.34316464599999, 207.99698327900001, 215.67824328500001,
-    224.47764356499999, 230.63417344199999, 236.60643002699999,
-    242.61055810900001, 251.77410247, 259.46544586200002, 268.047248459,
-    276.79107524199998, 286.15718497099999, 295.84758942399998,
-    305.58034509200002, 314.60780894999999, 325.34498936799997,
-    338.27578485100003, 348.53507352600002, 362.42239857200002, 375.083278597,
-    389.444337389, 407.52083932199997, 423.996775576, 439.86516896699999,
-    461.74456199100001, 481.21447879099998, 506.20652181600002,
-    531.64557102599997, 563.79744206400005, 601.85836871599997,
-    633.07763874900002, 693.45668289599996, 762.28141866299995,
-    852.11407475700003, 985.769367053, 1195.0785449099999, 1389.62431328,
-    2042.8647050500001, 78636.810297999997, 0.0, 1.0297464516799999,
-    1.60346935644, 2.0630353810100002, 2.4007054222700002, 2.7231158619300002,
-    3.0845870231900001, 3.3825315783100001, 3.7827559602099998,
-    4.1271402089200002, 4.4667826236700003, 4.7067760450099998,
-    5.1713770843100004, 5.53668279583, 5.74764546799, 6.1299980556899998,
-    6.3496742207699999, 6.6781045773500001, 7.12938206889, 7.39578341085,
-    7.7627325807999998, 8.0843024355399997, 8.3430476893299996,
-    8.7253588764300005, 9.0323780076000002, 9.3251680266000001,
-    9.7700665673099998, 10.103065082900001, 10.4121667828, 10.792220887399999,
-    11.114426525200001, 11.3987065041, 11.7259278942, 12.148971416,
-    12.454565579200001, 12.7910859418, 13.0925963376, 13.4917267129,
-    13.8568357546, 14.099344370200001, 14.466338023, 14.773502690999999,
-    15.1559213702, 15.4627289245, 15.735248281500001, 16.264394708800001,
-    16.624779056400001, 17.059591039099999, 17.366603691200002, 17.645800374,
-    18.074841360299999, 18.3713457528, 18.6782869727, 19.1657010441,
-    19.623227022799998, 20.045230785600001, 20.669991472, 21.181226625299999,
-    21.496046951899999, 22.092489347299999, 22.5203682028, 22.913515129299999,
-    23.382882170199998, 23.760241867400001, 24.103618211899999,
-    24.540791235699999, 25.0420139973, 25.4305135832, 26.0666776578,
-    26.564557883900001, 27.273553850399999, 27.7820097687, 28.3303665601,
-    28.745443715499999, 29.332968781000002, 30.009561780399999, 30.6135990386,
-    31.065902801899998, 31.520776554800001, 32.034559784499997,
-    32.646134072499997, 33.136621810400001, 34.091020344699999,
-    34.492997237600001, 34.960981709999999, 35.534538623400003,
-    36.397290535000003, 36.973557298199999, 37.496289196399999,
-    38.275574691300001, 39.132056666700002, 39.940285424599999,
-    40.663404855499998, 41.192514081399999, 41.940303401100003,
-    42.428268793400001, 43.002423862000001, 43.754682545599998,
-    44.392160792200002, 45.226295550300001, 45.955474380200002, 46.6701829171,
-    47.223011101499999, 47.870306336100001, 49.055475024800003,
-    49.870096181000001, 50.573112358800003, 51.511936900599999,
-    52.294025013499997, 52.962422501100001, 54.0366510279, 54.7208861318,
-    55.623480251799997, 56.401930573599998, 57.257184440700001,
-    58.072153872400001, 58.874410881099998, 60.104082592799998,
-    61.246007962100002, 62.248201307400002, 63.333179544099998, 64.4524632575,
-    65.680454143800006, 66.683104472400004, 67.860077341099995,
-    68.838786806399995, 69.8305645449, 71.030064286699997, 72.106640080299996,
-    73.718568832599999, 74.8928190476, 76.122150548999997, 77.8978499384,
-    79.078046305800001, 80.938626385199996, 82.707864462499998,
-    84.409564379399995, 85.580444997300006, 87.015983902800002,
-    88.433916929199995, 90.027633876400003, 91.989641288499996,
-    94.085497345299999, 97.019197389300004, 98.948948656499994, 101.110113046,
-    102.857621045, 104.948948472, 107.370061428, 110.309341836, 113.069785897,
-    115.334911873, 118.811007467, 121.8903905, 124.534635235, 127.237679828,
-    130.822044406, 133.95795785600001, 137.088601866, 141.331942336,
-    144.39698896600001, 148.46879151300001, 151.54049203599999, 156.010435457,
-    159.23907638899999, 163.84405742499999, 167.20574813600001, 171.571248282,
-    175.307565178, 180.898544257, 188.209642444, 192.88951267100001,
-    199.07961470500001, 204.98453083699999, 210.87189762099999,
-    217.37683173400001, 226.04598215600001, 233.03168449699999, 241.629711085,
-    246.946999901, 257.88334712900001, 264.42034237600001, 275.808770686,
-    285.32670270400001, 296.425658236, 311.66211481800002, 325.77524805600001,
-    339.41158178199998, 359.89737101100002, 378.89288395099999,
-    407.45313021999999, 430.825250423, 463.86767345999999, 495.964419029,
-    532.31966564899994, 589.85183477299995, 656.18178811200005,
-    784.26433017099998, 943.24503690999995, 1302.9980653, 102139.29543300001,
-    0.0, 0.86743237287200003, 1.3552076122000001, 1.74882176592,
-    2.1568118435899999, 2.5442077510700001, 2.7836243977500001, 3.00643655951,
-    3.2689355412999999, 3.5104534629600002, 3.8022522251600002,
-    4.0581864022299996, 4.3187967801799996, 4.5167601174499996,
-    4.8300373207899998, 5.1908096910400001, 5.4523307194299999,
-    5.7058518279000001, 6.0398043860700001, 6.3374641220700001,
-    6.6584016957400003, 6.8846773738299998, 7.1723016125100001, 7.48248963179,
-    7.7608348148299999, 8.0287909583299992, 8.3818549816299992,
-    8.7220174560999997, 9.0911091549999998, 9.35929759333, 9.6835960622500004,
-    9.9959322308900003, 10.3919770948, 10.747496464799999, 11.051538298500001,
-    11.316949795799999, 11.6183662131, 11.847164556699999, 12.1264569509,
-    12.437037774, 12.678519424999999, 13.016651663899999, 13.442219338399999,
-    13.7024184299, 14.0640518316, 14.3690724623, 14.6322090714,
-    15.003935011899999, 15.4618156875, 15.691396925499999, 16.018873943599999,
-    16.325083680199999, 16.72412623, 17.1800229961, 17.565089287999999,
-    17.955333696, 18.350394168699999, 18.662332183499998, 19.055520775400002,
-    19.3243741866, 19.697736269300002, 20.1598827376, 20.587558148399999,
-    20.947803652899999, 21.377289620700001, 21.7382160949, 22.148445907799999,
-    22.538187253499999, 22.969405032299999, 23.3515975378, 23.7868814409,
-    24.248895708799999, 24.763958241200001, 25.1997621694, 25.508926166199998,
-    25.958095899700002, 26.333188731500002, 26.824658796200001, 27.2155445271,
-    27.6568308628, 28.003116157499999, 28.541185737399999, 29.063342253199998,
-    29.560897612200002, 30.089418954599999, 30.597578276299998,
-    31.089081956699999, 31.4765648224, 31.894925652200001, 32.457647031999997,
-    33.030174841600001, 33.487885595199998, 34.018036955900001,
-    34.729723770100001, 35.271537205000001, 35.835399970200001,
-    36.307941559900001, 37.035916915500003, 37.561814357099998,
-    38.147376215199998, 38.7343663929, 39.318444863700002, 40.219249623899998,
-    40.878162636200003, 41.4384018103, 42.125905574999997, 42.975687067999999,
-    43.8669515737, 44.7165019555, 45.320383934500001, 46.290441078699999,
-    47.103139229999996, 47.737629462800001, 48.481018605400003, 49.4000519043,
-    50.130121766099997, 51.236341089200003, 52.022103237400003,
-    53.121350018199998, 54.3133505427, 55.198931289699999, 56.1880323006,
-    57.196115179099998, 58.388588195399997, 59.017601707799997,
-    60.191491397699998, 61.1785764937, 62.150011268, 63.062827775300001,
-    64.255070623099996, 65.725583058799998, 67.146069528200002,
-    68.855182272500002, 70.625039886400003, 72.517402771500002,
-    74.012329769800004, 75.142684897799995, 77.263163371999994,
-    78.970113074099999, 81.015664056600002, 82.952470754299995,
-    84.358247795500006, 86.345419452399994, 87.398236220800001,
-    88.877403817100003, 91.486012660200004, 93.475534618099999,
-    95.836579746699996, 99.517911350299997, 102.47972814000001,
-    104.56502959399999, 106.80315385900001, 109.427661664, 112.172083348,
-    114.752710729, 117.319711297, 120.332179395, 122.523137369,
-    125.80426376699999, 128.152192243, 130.68223203400001, 135.03565554799999,
-    138.836718018, 142.72321670599999, 145.83471307600001, 148.23894481900001,
-    150.940455676, 155.45888045199999, 160.45763036100001, 165.78439021700001,
-    170.10783283399999, 176.981973885, 182.24637161699999, 187.99729957,
-    193.341158584, 201.153499485, 209.89557814400001, 215.512255272,
-    222.916166694, 234.63262219500001, 242.24162438799999, 250.84387633899999,
-    264.39217630600001, 286.10701643599998, 294.863916168, 309.35324268800002,
-    326.01462315399999, 343.064113615, 361.99177679500002, 387.72006495800002,
-    407.06863126899998, 432.93714764600003, 471.081198336, 512.23599568500003,
-    547.44287580900004, 597.93801741300001, 672.97299630600003,
-    816.76871595199998, 996.88891773900002, 1291.9070935100001,
-    161358.74421500001, 0.0, 0.99453276649300004, 1.34957440998, 1.80040223325,
-    2.1674828403999999, 2.48530115303, 2.78071282241, 3.0627252072600002,
-    3.2784701121599999, 3.5719852163999999, 3.9766675073700002,
-    4.1919498196699996, 4.4401116787000001, 4.7010850741399999,
-    4.8325546723099997, 4.9905503588400002, 5.2121802011499998,
-    5.4487589889699999, 5.7199962258500001, 5.9713598443100002,
-    6.2934525916500004, 6.5164568592299998, 6.7356095053300002,
-    6.9021306576599999, 7.1721655965900002, 7.3281530158799999,
-    7.5914585431999999, 7.8254960779699996, 7.9993083693299996,
-    8.2012397418000003, 8.3720004276700006, 8.6300188092199992,
-    8.9217519372599998, 9.3077081475300005, 9.6043493889500002,
-    9.8964144834100001, 10.211666127200001, 10.4213008992, 10.788691589500001,
-    11.051012050900001, 11.344200771000001, 11.725614780600001, 11.9588900773,
-    12.2827247511, 12.637968324099999, 12.966823288900001, 13.168992016800001,
-    13.4745396448, 13.785583859500001, 14.036187573499999, 14.3890843198,
-    14.7328997316, 15.1242120858, 15.3426967014, 15.6612958042, 15.9789841683,
-    16.360263102400001, 16.772235545499999, 17.216064751899999,
-    17.589241161899999, 17.8572448364, 18.1950328878, 18.559156973699999,
-    18.792157978999999, 19.092364930399999, 19.509183897500002, 19.8903785993,
-    20.395241299399999, 20.715609197399999, 21.129151485000001, 21.4384474457,
-    21.8051370373, 22.0983151782, 22.589355123800001, 22.923955315299999,
-    23.293660984199999, 23.8073499164, 24.164663172499999, 24.468464225200002,
-    24.9136660319, 25.292481224799999, 25.704244781, 26.122315593700002,
-    26.745139958900001, 27.142677224500002, 27.678661556600002,
-    28.172552657800001, 28.7004617023, 29.254574122400001, 29.9576316134,
-    30.320919945, 30.8651150524, 31.535303165799998, 32.0284025188,
-    32.4595794536, 32.939819047199997, 33.536005820299998, 34.287543194800001,
-    34.940091845399998, 35.379675577999997, 36.122305638999997,
-    36.623643357600002, 37.258982358499999, 37.645211866499999,
-    38.348043171800001, 39.121822204899999, 39.903193717900002, 40.5501905506,
-    41.172201017399999, 41.965871158399999, 42.633532572999997,
-    43.135795547100003, 43.854137299599998, 44.859996618799997,
-    45.622113159199998, 46.6849616684, 47.678221519899999, 48.843464619499997,
-    49.8146602526, 50.688647234999998, 51.583461331899997, 52.591197556700003,
-    53.717957165400001, 55.506732086500001, 56.662175622500001,
-    58.167854235900002, 59.062885457699998, 60.411246125200002,
-    61.391033951200001, 62.368874448500002, 63.688858420800003,
-    64.888271486199997, 66.635858121799998, 67.817878363199995,
-    68.880671285700004, 70.095051569500001, 71.501848303100005,
-    72.775151774600005, 74.558541465199994, 76.409518135499994,
-    77.761688797700003, 79.005647183500002, 80.295269079099995, 82.4136017931,
-    84.613797778800006, 86.016896733899998, 87.430508335200003,
-    88.670983118500004, 90.231433799300007, 91.891509509399995,
-    94.498776834500006, 97.249232232899999, 98.623021338599997, 101.238294708,
-    102.87975996900001, 105.291018643, 107.24435443199999, 109.666596011,
-    113.098272596, 115.61031488, 119.614780612, 123.287443794, 126.249115391,
-    128.58356817500001, 131.775900138, 135.290949961, 139.29796378500001,
-    146.262327629, 150.00976835200001, 154.61572367400001, 160.255070652,
-    165.26334147099999, 170.16736670500001, 173.77829739699999,
-    179.56132179599999, 184.561922764, 190.69775108499999, 196.65891324699999,
-    203.521908177, 211.093916154, 221.47514707299999, 231.47529352399999,
-    237.75562241, 244.883786829, 253.30171895399999, 261.76505171600002,
-    278.98552843200002, 292.60068635200003, 311.55099943599998,
-    325.88771172899999, 343.19537559700001, 365.551962753, 393.39248336999998,
-    422.56973752499999, 461.27635287499999, 502.54248837599999,
-    563.31345992700005, 636.33864636400006, 803.18510591400002, 1017.18613565,
-    2073.8933950400001, 0.0, 0.84882448919599995, 1.1297295603899999,
-    1.43790054577, 1.8034031745600001, 2.1567378511699999, 2.46200691124,
-    2.7164909210600001, 2.9725139778099998, 3.3258460814699999, 3.51565620581,
-    3.6829072744900002, 3.8503255597599999, 4.0960101060699996,
-    4.3195587197099998, 4.5180080510099998, 4.7208657011600001,
-    4.9188747051200004, 5.0822519781400004, 5.2471047837700002,
-    5.4397152562800004, 5.6442757923500002, 5.94422558704, 6.2491652156599997,
-    6.5158366836499999, 6.6694208713499998, 6.9618320371699998,
-    7.0954639576199998, 7.3925975604899996, 7.6671833348599998,
-    8.0270911346999991, 8.2155617499000009, 8.3810446408000008,
-    8.6728270830500005, 8.9919564023300005, 9.1979666478599995,
-    9.4613822654199993, 9.8638159812400001, 10.064467502699999,
-    10.300861637400001, 10.5922395715, 10.898994478100001, 11.2204623911,
-    11.462764891000001, 11.827261590299999, 12.083868714099999,
-    12.386429319099999, 12.6393019529, 12.853547404, 13.1367142199,
-    13.3487410123, 13.656895326200001, 14.024084867899999, 14.2305895378,
-    14.537063637599999, 14.7677980479, 14.983400628, 15.254355192,
-    15.4728650747, 15.7833358443, 16.258317366699998, 16.591420611899999,
-    16.7968951537, 17.321484078699999, 17.688159546000001, 17.9917501318,
-    18.4264735655, 18.751733764800001, 19.0344300858, 19.372343152500001,
-    19.740307887699998, 20.051092925599999, 20.305765000400001,
-    20.618187255599999, 20.819816596500001, 21.0782135131, 21.397939723499999,
-    21.854582025799999, 22.2881163357, 22.6506377304, 22.877000473599999,
-    23.384389492899999, 23.836418588899999, 24.222254926800002,
-    24.655197791999999, 25.022161849, 25.444878252500001, 26.053606325400001,
-    26.614004877900001, 27.0211182404, 27.401244503200001, 27.7850805052,
-    28.159129948299999, 28.6603675532, 29.200278675, 29.671973053799999,
-    30.210222716600001, 30.961837351900002, 31.650008409800002,
-    32.094382395700002, 32.843304519299998, 33.577328693699997,
-    34.237700249100001, 34.801256214399999, 35.485455770500003, 35.9765981579,
-    36.670725593599997, 37.170285661000001, 37.990796691500002,
-    38.642774190700003, 39.528303337300002, 39.978645888499997, 40.8020907732,
-    41.489481081900003, 42.4638964743, 43.139901183799999, 44.090235702199998,
-    45.199560705499998, 45.817027413600002, 47.017044573200003,
-    48.262105780699997, 49.1479688362, 50.425156699799999, 51.855557858499999,
-    52.673049050499998, 53.828962193300001, 54.706265736600002, 55.754088218,
-    56.6875216169, 57.802232958300003, 59.077269420699999, 59.802668045799997,
-    60.803463371600003, 62.277143198700003, 63.318223359400001,
-    64.249051654799999, 65.723438296400005, 66.690473547300002,
-    67.987683240400003, 69.312005970800001, 70.335791722799996,
-    71.525547407700003, 73.2296426005, 74.761566365899995, 76.401961372800002,
-    78.083813237900003, 79.959478159499994, 81.411397194700001,
-    83.907706583600003, 85.130641549399996, 86.564841115600004,
-    88.151400025100003, 90.839542183500001, 93.404373994799997,
-    95.237850676600004, 96.510747774899997, 98.111723876599996,
-    100.59771252100001, 103.473781565, 106.22999075200001, 109.035110547,
-    111.514197384, 114.660071867, 117.91431810100001, 120.95989149899999,
-    125.315578238, 127.97488147200001, 131.55766028400001, 133.79550634099999,
-    136.780043667, 143.37105514300001, 147.41143759799999, 152.70084909799999,
-    158.68963683999999, 163.480470784, 168.40748618699999, 176.23576411799999,
-    181.51714572399999, 188.435573998, 193.69868358400001, 201.866252981,
-    209.69486823, 221.66246932499999, 231.771152277, 245.05347127900001,
-    258.89263676799999, 273.73973170099998, 290.43652293600002,
-    304.91784651400002, 317.71453254800002, 345.81680795, 370.51493599600002,
-    396.34922032399999, 427.34649876600002, 472.648184012, 548.811516697,
-    616.97696803199995, 698.58074685700001, 921.70016827699999, 1351.93476429,
-    4555.3138270099998, 0.0, 1.05775845422, 1.30722302885, 1.6550836259599999,
-    2.0164548998499998, 2.22264762997, 2.4339426832900002, 2.63987900941,
-    2.8474331698999999, 3.1394413773199998, 3.3488811388099999,
-    3.5845593259999999, 3.7278526245200001, 3.89707499961, 4.0930076946499998,
-    4.2667403322500004, 4.4444123281100003, 4.7057346005499996,
-    4.8776095749700001, 5.0766543427900004, 5.2576254422700002,
-    5.4227043983799996, 5.5565800836300001, 5.6921444728099999,
-    5.8967927912900002, 6.0520540232300002, 6.18092403149, 6.4448963355100002,
-    6.6606765375799997, 6.8569177525900002, 6.9871721176600001,
-    7.1997752419300003, 7.4790143792799997, 7.6433232341600004,
-    7.8838845337299999, 8.0362724982000007, 8.2491173118100001,
-    8.4854912803700007, 8.7981272976200007, 8.98771466078, 9.2672797478700009,
-    9.4910127015200008, 9.7196918691600001, 9.9958458284499994, 10.2946220832,
-    10.5192779153, 10.7367739562, 11.0486241079, 11.264306749099999,
-    11.610683487999999, 11.8590324631, 12.102995508599999, 12.274140378,
-    12.5626984562, 12.777400244300001, 13.0071767612, 13.3075190692,
-    13.506522563900001, 13.7736133375, 14.034237147500001, 14.3718879313,
-    14.704450492399999, 15.006497291000001, 15.4860321302, 15.8250864202,
-    16.068562412599999, 16.366417189700002, 16.791695786399998, 17.1963988083,
-    17.692784723599999, 17.9889456748, 18.250281237599999, 18.540758284100001,
-    19.105488743399999, 19.3676116446, 19.9057967233, 20.372155027400002,
-    20.617865943399998, 21.0056881543, 21.3998014925, 21.886629124399999,
-    22.301586328599999, 22.8157840378, 23.1577773249, 23.562675140700001,
-    23.9908312801, 24.371709623200001, 24.853048289, 25.321527433499998,
-    25.817410943100001, 26.333798079699999, 26.743897014000002,
-    27.404019467800001, 27.750455412299999, 28.245307990099999, 28.8302203846,
-    29.238499632700002, 29.908395497000001, 30.222815192500001,
-    30.759701009099999, 31.296847612400001, 31.809133106099999, 32.3396270004,
-    33.065629932, 33.614025315299997, 34.269816387299997, 35.012311410899997,
-    35.852750563500003, 36.404141805499997, 36.8294660038, 37.935726292200002,
-    38.368785425900001, 39.1826087245, 40.008409596500002, 40.726090274800001,
-    41.337873114600001, 42.209034503799998, 43.359563836100001, 44.113217655,
-    44.844831191300003, 45.6845486769, 46.347966789700003, 47.331044909100001,
-    48.2533342455, 49.162487231599997, 50.1543142202, 50.931869310099998,
-    51.636126617899997, 52.181963144800001, 53.396775668799997,
-    55.032301978100001, 55.596427951899997, 56.5791496927, 57.542454919599997,
-    58.554653988799998, 59.636429710999998, 61.407241399900002,
-    62.509754862100003, 63.601590468700003, 64.824312135300005,
-    66.386878043999999, 67.693732305799998, 69.365119204300001,
-    71.025400599899996, 72.653909433799996, 74.395827576000002,
-    75.769964444999999, 77.234020831500004, 78.433715899099994,
-    81.101681241799994, 83.076307199300004, 84.5988995469, 86.376895072899998,
-    88.194960597199994, 90.441746414899995, 92.189595910199998,
-    93.440994131400004, 95.435247487400005, 99.0558885879, 101.49204924999999,
-    104.088533635, 106.181199298, 109.219007221, 112.61624315100001,
-    116.029069048, 119.96844246400001, 124.344004768, 127.91969076300001,
-    132.149553927, 135.922055457, 140.068507211, 144.15378361399999,
-    148.60536720600001, 153.82589839900001, 158.576947158, 165.555672257,
-    171.63158056899999, 176.33047682, 181.08906739299999, 186.793582875,
-    192.534521512, 203.56027511299999, 211.12137373499999, 218.32402486300001,
-    227.271126122, 239.72295971400001, 255.439273482, 266.59600377999999,
-    284.21895951499999, 302.86802943499998, 319.3660428, 335.96299544999999,
-    371.29655514500001, 386.65083379800001, 434.96311705400001,
-    521.05039447499996, 574.39597849699999, 643.38261744700003,
-    749.10677599899998, 937.47346937500004, 2164.74350723, 0.0,
-    0.87216036854099999, 1.1731523662100001, 1.4528318226800001,
-    1.7506036653599999, 1.95830274355, 2.1933454622299999, 2.4315041290299999,
-    2.6097449606700001, 2.8143037344300001, 2.98234250898, 3.14296097174,
-    3.28163067285, 3.4197130756399998, 3.5577964282300001, 3.7192315259700002,
-    3.8806453857499998, 4.0848607038400004, 4.27058822443, 4.4259870320300001,
-    4.6202853710799996, 4.8079818422300002, 4.9703096793699997,
-    5.1771997283899998, 5.32208420074, 5.4736064223099996, 5.6716933713,
-    5.7948310020399996, 5.9616974056899998, 6.1294408520800001,
-    6.3200579482499997, 6.5465172585299998, 6.7046238334500003,
-    6.8696070854100002, 7.0421250211300004, 7.21408035417, 7.3666599903499996,
-    7.5629677715200003, 7.7854370727999997, 8.0250690670800005,
-    8.2018499794099995, 8.4165599450900004, 8.6205648003099995,
-    8.8020739087200006, 8.9976602698800008, 9.2090483824400007, 9.40554714598,
-    9.6268466056699999, 9.8387845757699992, 10.063513496600001, 10.3066855573,
-    10.5490401104, 10.760759543200001, 11.0190557159, 11.247083638299999,
-    11.487903512700001, 11.690503747999999, 11.9163331257, 12.1540624086,
-    12.3754681949, 12.6225724062, 12.8298548017, 13.105360490300001,
-    13.352707515200001, 13.600565291800001, 13.8363089384, 14.081226945299999,
-    14.370552543500001, 14.6854081396, 14.959606431799999, 15.238257795699999,
-    15.488877516500001, 15.783357724, 16.059268546999999, 16.371064702799998,
-    16.635482564899998, 16.926054678500002, 17.2595416636, 17.558429913600001,
-    17.873233837699999, 18.1713476396, 18.437921946300001, 18.808552489299998,
-    19.094615129400001, 19.521706635899999, 19.8753230885, 20.298514125000001,
-    20.622495869000002, 20.9353854017, 21.4098244692, 21.829437198099999,
-    22.259602406999999, 22.672559352, 23.1204515296, 23.483853294300001,
-    23.9484201462, 24.3248985436, 24.847141378100002, 25.2522052389,
-    25.681308357599999, 26.205337182699999, 26.576187536300001,
-    27.078663830899998, 27.677873063900002, 28.2381539971, 28.8023214868,
-    29.3993510241, 29.912833547399998, 30.573666294900001, 31.104430988600001,
-    31.796146883399999, 32.497170738500003, 33.279496414699999,
-    34.098064962599999, 34.843216272900001, 35.542133214099998,
-    36.276287779500002, 36.975928357500003, 37.504257990799999,
-    38.314777833900003, 39.177430845000004, 39.819717746400002,
-    40.407911670099999, 41.120240020300002, 41.978665155199998,
-    42.866256983200003, 43.496257352299999, 44.207718886199999,
-    44.967775733800003, 45.845529661199997, 46.8316582737, 47.606961498799997,
-    48.454226783199999, 49.675775014400003, 50.5811434361, 51.543186701800003,
-    52.633751532200002, 53.929547364699999, 55.037714174199998,
-    56.301767675000001, 57.451158926300003, 58.714248343199998,
-    59.628151489899999, 60.807000845600001, 62.156996127799999,
-    63.456997649599998, 65.008915114800004, 66.386142722499997,
-    67.978491519900004, 69.422238847200006, 70.791592380799997,
-    72.011370736700002, 73.522117942199998, 75.359756207299995,
-    77.030728253800007, 78.893995033400003, 80.530957561600005,
-    81.946598575099998, 84.055736077199995, 86.177382717599997,
-    88.231077799399998, 90.830107187099998, 93.291203665799998,
-    96.842991020100001, 99.738754614200005, 102.822309851, 106.472937214,
-    109.712921572, 112.28819169, 115.383539528, 118.33937052500001, 121.6283803,
-    126.21758780099999, 130.559458404, 135.25935161000001, 139.64966053500001,
-    144.08321394399999, 149.81024360000001, 155.95824547500001,
-    160.54965979900001, 165.74901272299999, 173.07092800300001, 181.971265612,
-    190.12184997899999, 199.140874, 208.94440364799999, 219.692760295,
-    231.41654560800001, 244.813734337, 260.64934893600002, 276.86471985399999,
-    297.854074072, 327.675880581, 363.64694161300002, 395.28587648799999,
-    430.29646448199998, 476.771927382, 552.10628605099998, 688.09209059399996,
-    965.66929444699997, 5512.1265341500002, 0.0, 0.62589083024600001,
-    1.0089155589900001, 1.2669403239100001, 1.4930834132099999, 1.6647456778,
-    1.86494432327, 2.0537877508200002, 2.25391444537, 2.4255788848600002,
-    2.5625113900800001, 2.70119472848, 2.8053232942299999, 2.92720031662,
-    3.1007147687100001, 3.2394799841499999, 3.39215368186, 3.5920914079299999,
-    3.74416489544, 3.8829579282000002, 4.0121750001200001, 4.1604435034699998,
-    4.2969491096299999, 4.4303864671199999, 4.5829179833699998,
-    4.7183684166099997, 4.8667168998800001, 4.9825970049999997,
-    5.1443596513600003, 5.29642331298, 5.5116304645699996, 5.6662601962099997,
-    5.8151835779100001, 5.9375451382, 6.1570517624500001, 6.3131151288699998,
-    6.52398099929, 6.6722523007500003, 6.86154545663, 7.0599193283100004,
-    7.3129107271700002, 7.5490299843899997, 7.7172198221199997,
-    7.8648526311499998, 8.0837370196799991, 8.2593266698099992,
-    8.4613117407199994, 8.6884386074200002, 8.8745901890700001,
-    9.1116656074600009, 9.3126467721299999, 9.5071399643899994,
-    9.7151605657500006, 9.9551889093600003, 10.149609288200001, 10.3401891662,
-    10.621445531099999, 10.8426697409, 11.0272843935, 11.270829726400001,
-    11.4694723487, 11.6178469386, 11.821109029700001, 12.021790796499999,
-    12.3252449453, 12.5092794759, 12.818332850699999, 13.020756306899999,
-    13.310810976799999, 13.5124599496, 13.767115336, 14.0644181972,
-    14.332859790200001, 14.5607314245, 14.9082657073, 15.125302185800001,
-    15.3715537263, 15.670518073, 16.0341797918, 16.263188094,
-    16.565119653299998, 16.768979356500001, 17.107996179400001, 17.3155602187,
-    17.633055544099999, 17.978850956799999, 18.239306430100001,
-    18.603581283899999, 18.890651686000002, 19.2448822751, 19.6097734435,
-    19.926314503299999, 20.1586253842, 20.499346128900001, 20.763220895300002,
-    21.214468897100001, 21.6883372251, 21.932186764800001, 22.421734858200001,
-    22.8480131942, 23.3200873278, 23.594830171000002, 24.038195447900002,
-    24.408468226699998, 24.92649372, 25.442113401899999, 25.8447679595,
-    26.3726873799, 26.812905815000001, 27.122537899899999, 27.7422113077,
-    28.078738693199998, 28.5723682014, 29.0944195565, 29.5634253395,
-    30.1247268702, 30.983710482300001, 31.826570418700001, 32.3620827385,
-    33.029481950899999, 33.566683207600001, 34.288337869199999,
-    34.942294123800004, 35.546860066900003, 36.362485731600003, 37.2408130333,
-    38.058683128600002, 38.750745497600001, 39.428888690199997,
-    40.115263124599998, 40.901282995400003, 41.4018687274, 42.138788071800001,
-    43.018359615500003, 44.106243223500002, 45.093539481699999, 45.8411771739,
-    46.570250118399997, 47.841644068400001, 49.303024838200002,
-    50.464239790100002, 51.234103358299997, 52.317696309799999, 53.0996279724,
-    54.369256693700002, 55.965980526800003, 57.287395203700001,
-    58.636793195099997, 60.683809927200002, 62.106524762100001,
-    63.455965556400002, 64.508962315299996, 65.830030819000001, 67.3272861871,
-    68.485336924099997, 69.962539390399996, 71.3643490332, 73.207148927299997,
-    75.267417445500001, 77.636856277999996, 79.567969825700004,
-    81.887922453399995, 84.409393872699994, 86.252385378499994,
-    89.609195726400003, 92.058129085499999, 94.237863167399993,
-    97.130241311000006, 99.337287984200003, 102.785121426, 105.16684627799999,
-    108.155644287, 111.12424827, 114.20309084500001, 118.25567124200001,
-    120.63906266799999, 126.769351089, 131.30368792600001, 135.35008283600001,
-    140.167179914, 146.276635801, 154.69830296500001, 162.097699463,
-    168.49842445199999, 174.39338381300001, 183.839663489, 194.04584716900001,
-    205.199824904, 216.99026627999999, 226.397941844, 239.11086462599999,
-    257.98370514300001, 272.68513598700002, 294.38470478199997,
-    317.32579381900001, 352.86648779500001, 396.000885729, 447.65133356299998,
-    552.83482503000005, 744.96290114700003, 7762.8570038400003, 0.0,
-    0.36214416262600002, 0.60004394504000003, 0.87269790764999999,
-    1.0816835608199999, 1.1769418756600001, 1.3339406513100001,
-    1.5379932977899999, 1.64092011303, 1.8114937983699999, 1.92478153605,
-    2.0791194022399999, 2.18522431294, 2.3239286241100001, 2.4474903603299998,
-    2.56875405118, 2.6706112235399999, 2.7868128103399998, 2.89962589709,
-    3.0247650187300001, 3.1799188214799998, 3.3163269799299999,
-    3.4326557716099999, 3.5761530940699999, 3.6698664516599999,
-    3.8395536775700001, 3.9742173052399998, 4.0666621486399999,
-    4.1860672163199997, 4.2677782405900002, 4.39398556059, 4.5599359743100001,
-    4.7182993929599997, 4.8549576225899997, 4.9793340551199998,
-    5.1106161380800001, 5.22653369925, 5.3697032505699998, 5.5502664604199996,
-    5.6901435710500001, 5.81186063054, 5.9447132463900001, 6.05627291431,
-    6.16844943146, 6.3088485415099997, 6.5158703652999996, 6.6663173981500004,
-    6.7889778856399996, 6.92685753591, 7.05832274623, 7.2113778586999997,
-    7.3735471867099998, 7.4967882360999996, 7.67708191997, 7.8383618689299999,
-    8.0007809638400005, 8.2598039090000004, 8.4646047196400005,
-    8.6068680876200006, 8.7919284529800006, 8.9449623581599997,
-    9.1615349379200008, 9.3168642346000006, 9.4680652743600007,
-    9.7295350278099999, 9.9208554836600005, 10.0769753157, 10.1731120514,
-    10.3276036073, 10.6154476322, 10.8889357781, 11.016681222400001,
-    11.166106582099999, 11.3010656278, 11.460114477099999, 11.6049507496,
-    11.754826317499999, 12.128326894900001, 12.393725440500001,
-    12.601959282999999, 12.929220557000001, 13.2033834409, 13.496651655100001,
-    13.6720510495, 14.0106799329, 14.2715969553, 14.4738353905,
-    14.887431385199999, 15.0448999294, 15.3053817024, 15.6545606815,
-    15.9636364194, 16.322553926800001, 16.694194434500002, 17.030383725899998,
-    17.430560569699999, 17.700358551699999, 18.117532589300001,
-    18.425291790799999, 18.722525176000001, 19.151242618000001, 19.5588949566,
-    19.985716502399999, 20.4476355348, 20.9045258441, 21.276626095099999,
-    21.575188439600002, 22.0493676255, 22.446726857400002, 22.7039434454,
-    23.13535392, 23.679737149400001, 24.0913996564, 24.592582522600001,
-    24.846344199699999, 25.1692127267, 25.707613397399999, 26.060921460599999,
-    26.402713800499999, 26.7672555555, 27.323489971800001, 28.1384294904,
-    28.886585523400001, 29.625952655700001, 30.049929096700001,
-    30.912490141700001, 31.7116329208, 32.432935618400002, 33.0836818525,
-    33.756748210399998, 34.448977073899997, 34.967596885500001,
-    35.526411413300004, 36.153337627600003, 37.193655335499997,
-    37.865997652899999, 38.746337718900001, 39.2502404719, 39.9758412025,
-    40.513914754399998, 41.377973330099998, 42.134772359599999,
-    42.670801806599997, 43.359820479100001, 44.8475078349, 45.403055004400002,
-    46.8336235847, 47.7113874912, 48.6941028253, 49.650345725199998,
-    50.665570570200003, 51.724056971300001, 53.992577544, 55.575370979100001,
-    57.251984441700003, 58.745608337299998, 60.1648035049, 61.246203909800002,
-    62.419975842699998, 63.422574513400001, 64.876159087000005,
-    66.885247274500003, 68.391010214800005, 69.915828121700002, 72.4871931144,
-    74.172952607699997, 75.652527461199995, 78.468287273000001,
-    80.721637548800004, 83.956121732200003, 87.163249777199994,
-    88.897109974100005, 91.2752939664, 93.173034590599997, 95.435791827200006,
-    100.344464677, 104.832073959, 109.276679528, 112.578422989,
-    114.53132503400001, 119.746495774, 124.493025184, 129.95658998100001,
-    134.31216815799999, 137.89688887400001, 140.67569338600001, 147.559990177,
-    157.91491644199999, 164.60831501999999, 171.84101301800001,
-    186.69105907299999, 195.42122663699999, 208.16940782099999,
-    238.53526263200001, 245.87424240300001, 268.33659908499999, 292.616848678,
-    312.784421705, 376.69900637799998, 486.40594854400001, 909.54311207000001,
-    0.0, 0.29947032321799999, 0.52334873310399999, 0.68115226771299997,
-    0.86995042995600003, 0.98257819082099995, 1.1046843742300001,
-    1.1768999986299999, 1.2647418797800001, 1.36884910987, 1.4645619499,
-    1.5759885725, 1.6653002782099999, 1.75269298364, 1.87728664641,
-    1.9895373943000001, 2.0546833007099998, 2.1563717716299999,
-    2.2189233742900001, 2.3098127374300002, 2.4206150527000001,
-    2.4845079548800002, 2.6079748566799998, 2.6769284875300001,
-    2.7907616607699999, 2.8700892704999998, 2.93034323954, 2.9963469551599999,
-    3.06834808782, 3.1480022766900002, 3.2256769408800001, 3.30379140374,
-    3.3884221330000002, 3.4570332483000001, 3.54002670756, 3.6248614990800001,
-    3.7101075382699999, 3.7687182426899999, 3.8163207208699998, 3.89049827354,
-    3.9685665546200002, 4.0278252280400002, 4.1485435748499997,
-    4.2118118690999999, 4.2767713334400002, 4.3538326518200003,
-    4.4579713825800003, 4.5508743169399999, 4.6676333956900002, 4.74653167618,
-    4.8197525947199997, 4.9241035310900001, 5.0189077614800004,
-    5.1005151570300002, 5.2006018753400003, 5.2927488243700003,
-    5.4001527926900001, 5.4768772282700002, 5.5890430439100003,
-    5.7009271960400003, 5.80755356372, 5.9548448325700001, 6.0994726695899999,
-    6.25645276871, 6.3819964031299996, 6.4711966493400004, 6.5880414298299996,
-    6.7348102011000002, 6.8307196477099996, 6.9337887910999996,
-    7.1040524671199998, 7.2069620188099996, 7.3301993509400001,
-    7.4527574858900003, 7.5532437966600003, 7.6852803779599999,
-    7.8640635376499999, 8.0318076099900004, 8.1796189996499997,
-    8.3642059418999999, 8.5050041495500004, 8.6533583034700001,
-    8.7675089334600003, 8.90401831396, 9.0651446520400008, 9.2032868451700001,
-    9.3704603805200009, 9.5586269002000002, 9.7223680241999997,
-    9.9347655253599996, 10.098260913100001, 10.255212992300001, 10.4208240003,
-    10.5811816078, 10.765906323299999, 10.957390713400001, 11.087388472400001,
-    11.328556388399999, 11.528238631900001, 11.7872480683, 11.915456216899999,
-    12.1248574875, 12.422258492999999, 12.630647267100001, 12.8227992595,
-    13.1516423519, 13.4269728621, 13.7263917941, 13.910454382299999,
-    14.1519663254, 14.338029858300001, 14.560423425, 14.770007548300001,
-    14.9841095141, 15.334444082699999, 15.4948694147, 15.855824070500001,
-    16.241262736900001, 16.5489680156, 16.821966605299998, 17.034108685700001,
-    17.2704823658, 17.5373816422, 17.870520279099999, 18.260020296,
-    18.612564062099999, 18.852361614399999, 19.4196515169, 19.842134040099999,
-    20.208065711, 20.730183175899999, 21.211762532200002, 21.724835097900002,
-    22.113935455899998, 22.527518860600001, 22.952535640800001,
-    23.578085247400001, 24.165234135199999, 24.660451264300001,
-    25.101613714700001, 25.726113937200001, 26.0893457106, 26.669907244299999,
-    27.169577979900001, 27.596626516000001, 28.329601780800001,
-    28.779048282000002, 29.224608145400001, 29.781331889800001,
-    30.432540589399999, 31.415359296199998, 31.9605897486, 32.492956216000003,
-    33.285631429200002, 34.070187818800001, 35.060381063199998,
-    35.680990641100003, 36.895345624699999, 37.869889303100003, 38.7151898057,
-    39.673959652199997, 40.7449007739, 42.072602957599997, 43.253042370099998,
-    44.872848970500002, 46.556160648899997, 48.1796820673, 49.545397762699999,
-    51.074845857200003, 52.800367472799998, 54.781904047099999, 56.6419800444,
-    58.294167776899997, 59.890254052499998, 62.933262895200002,
-    64.383209257600001, 66.273695300300005, 68.879466623300004,
-    71.737383912400006, 73.694424811299996, 76.676559064200006,
-    79.509307012099995, 82.2830341003, 85.991392160700002, 90.717177404200001,
-    94.429171780900006, 97.473571158699997, 102.467911147, 107.546301419,
-    114.342831581, 121.31476895, 126.05533253199999, 137.91440966299999,
-    144.79876003499999, 163.923571595, 181.508527445, 213.04454604899999,
-    245.38055141000001, 301.25496328499997, 332.04731076600001,
-    25328.083268499999, 0.0, 0.16960710904000001, 0.24797331543600001,
-    0.30236896744000002, 0.34361899401099999, 0.40999983457,
-    0.48890969043100002, 0.54342837436299996, 0.60861265194400005,
-    0.64673129635399995, 0.69004038945699997, 0.73679534547199999,
-    0.77536960959000001, 0.82841780807499998, 0.90256777434299995,
-    0.93909860962199998, 1.00410024985, 1.0408385717899999, 1.11535670052,
-    1.14711502865, 1.15928977273, 1.18798598113, 1.2274534778099999,
-    1.26769475616, 1.3002205824799999, 1.3310033753199999, 1.3446656342200001,
-    1.3760840745, 1.39081400794, 1.4505341583, 1.4632661604999999,
-    1.4984860150399999, 1.5529767251, 1.57864986714, 1.6173517424399999,
-    1.67533252068, 1.70471580487, 1.7278608476799999, 1.7811033034399999,
-    1.82818139122, 1.86555208204, 1.8941511847700001, 1.92488230379,
-    1.95851626987, 1.99363516305, 2.0170055272299998, 2.0586483531600002,
-    2.0850970425700002, 2.1085030088000001, 2.1283137664099998, 2.16603036339,
-    2.19060342065, 2.2345184857999998, 2.2714847812799999, 2.2993152139899999,
-    2.3222064716699999, 2.3498083965699998, 2.3879408831800002,
-    2.4133674625900001, 2.45645766658, 2.5043169972600001, 2.5332218388799999,
-    2.5860056276300001, 2.6092200429700001, 2.6593928409799998,
-    2.7167476183999999, 2.7528966109600002, 2.8165365213600002,
-    2.8466368258900001, 2.8966874532100002, 2.9315763405099999,
-    2.9602961735200002, 2.9944957343700001, 3.0486180954200002,
-    3.1054310960799998, 3.17422308542, 3.22876924922, 3.2476266926499999,
-    3.2895811744699999, 3.33758062866, 3.3814007836000002, 3.4235448060599998,
-    3.49735659195, 3.5619485828699999, 3.61508084496, 3.6882879176299999,
-    3.7441381326799998, 3.8290921697, 3.87138230506, 3.9399367140599999,
-    3.9855674425799998, 4.03423244708, 4.1224800094800003, 4.1617950069500003,
-    4.2098466376400001, 4.2671599100500002, 4.3072566201600004,
-    4.3243450788600004, 4.3957664746200003, 4.4519812552699998,
-    4.4969306764399999, 4.5152175579399998, 4.56732663911, 4.6752821882199997,
-    4.7424836408799997, 4.8540575522499996, 4.9112049708600001,
-    4.9863832664899999, 5.0723492115899997, 5.1341872206300003,
-    5.1757472919899996, 5.2672883329999998, 5.3193278175799996,
-    5.3545440009799998, 5.3662639863299999, 5.4478164688200001, 5.51018935901,
-    5.6222469255899998, 5.7031572715200003, 5.78511780914, 5.87666466639,
-    6.0267396241600002, 6.1198844067399998, 6.1979622858300001, 6.28159827041,
-    6.3904158104600004, 6.4453162825900003, 6.5218544413200004,
-    6.6086381632900002, 6.6725993210399999, 6.8163144940900002, 6.97804495911,
-    7.0227642352400004, 7.1626846845100003, 7.3423024204600003,
-    7.5327362668799998, 7.6978310374000003, 7.7611027450999996, 7.88016729875,
-    7.9472676633599999, 8.1244228188799994, 8.2399482591299993,
-    8.3372351004799992, 8.5151888904599993, 8.5980587770099994,
-    8.7064795243800006, 8.9028549639799994, 9.1412099458099991,
-    9.2928218155500009, 9.5260445012799995, 9.7243731171600007,
-    9.9194989507500004, 10.158387747800001, 10.358305334700001, 10.8456897256,
-    11.0126503317, 11.1397484418, 11.3568231431, 11.725070023000001,
-    11.952829343599999, 12.355631104, 12.741115586999999, 12.9604116418,
-    13.0782774906, 13.386035293300001, 13.7586242928, 14.065910686100001,
-    14.481276965199999, 14.8428342578, 15.0857067332, 15.5610363036,
-    15.9877621903, 16.564935242699999, 17.222646941699999, 17.705236311899998,
-    18.2065490938, 18.6451801326, 19.1223591105, 19.606893553199999,
-    20.1404072423, 20.653286086600001, 21.431578720299999, 21.979215851300001,
-    23.048094735900001, 23.846359740299999, 24.3529984143, 24.985293486700002,
-    25.965109587899999, 26.669072074799999, 27.831042996200001,
-    29.685768165100001, 30.986492906100001, 32.7579031852, 34.704015628800001,
-    39.043339889599999, 43.627269160300003, 50.063241984299999,
-    55.522634061300003, 63.83632205, 80.274312648399999, 121.666396689
+    0.0,
+    1.19643536295,
+    1.7799429438800001,
+    2.5000897208500001,
+    3.0593132287299998,
+    3.4839286608000002,
+    3.9982294568999999,
+    4.4402913862600002,
+    4.8147369692600002,
+    5.3054432104,
+    5.8105717909600001,
+    6.1370968299099999,
+    6.7475810144699997,
+    7.3015792720599997,
+    7.6896019690199999,
+    8.13938977856,
+    8.4515096605100002,
+    8.9879216562900002,
+    9.4927671192999998,
+    10.085788064899999,
+    10.625255410199999,
+    11.0026891093,
+    11.3895870178,
+    11.843719932200001,
+    12.253271789299999,
+    12.767614137500001,
+    13.262427498099999,
+    13.786048882799999,
+    14.16595075,
+    14.643883369899999,
+    15.146539539600001,
+    15.7813472808,
+    16.280656373900001,
+    16.655646821400001,
+    17.114459585199999,
+    17.598615494000001,
+    18.184936752399999,
+    18.740805828900001,
+    19.248318706700001,
+    19.9296167205,
+    20.463100761100002,
+    21.2124495216,
+    21.626706539400001,
+    22.210655822100001,
+    22.700941956400001,
+    23.302821910599999,
+    23.920510033900001,
+    24.580456784700001,
+    25.2569820073,
+    25.959142340700001,
+    26.512265281099999,
+    27.196530728900001,
+    27.733216163200002,
+    28.478633239299999,
+    29.299270036500001,
+    30.256722160100001,
+    30.986221208,
+    31.737877171200001,
+    32.3960443243,
+    33.105226859200002,
+    33.767065963699999,
+    34.404378731100003,
+    34.924274373000003,
+    35.644436068099999,
+    36.564111572900003,
+    37.417350414600001,
+    38.238436024899997,
+    38.799991177199999,
+    39.436095377800001,
+    40.277347542100003,
+    41.016879076899997,
+    41.908435708699997,
+    42.819594709699999,
+    43.738915136400003,
+    44.846693151399997,
+    45.536023954699999,
+    46.546157932100002,
+    47.460643921100001,
+    48.624537354399997,
+    49.4055755953,
+    50.186510797700002,
+    51.175277055499997,
+    52.089204297199998,
+    53.122068163400002,
+    54.127727041100002,
+    54.940780204399999,
+    56.114554909900001,
+    57.0656839854,
+    57.894406169100002,
+    59.009235477799997,
+    60.0914392866,
+    61.208045864900001,
+    62.2858241466,
+    63.543350702799998,
+    64.856196127700002,
+    66.682225449399994,
+    68.209557105800002,
+    69.742463108799996,
+    71.750057073999997,
+    73.414467924899995,
+    75.307815587799993,
+    77.118795934299996,
+    78.812379695000004,
+    80.355455134600007,
+    81.877925440300004,
+    83.662200974800001,
+    85.224686517899997,
+    86.615321828199995,
+    88.267510348100004,
+    89.802469557099997,
+    91.374895675700003,
+    93.408025320799993,
+    95.336052711299999,
+    97.395921625599996,
+    98.859486409499993,
+    100.657442178,
+    102.99984774399999,
+    105.41734144900001,
+    107.273191485,
+    109.044242849,
+    110.937136356,
+    113.583166593,
+    115.56257233300001,
+    117.846911268,
+    120.681655831,
+    122.799469999,
+    124.375415383,
+    126.97394391900001,
+    129.436815795,
+    132.49568735599999,
+    135.98857834699999,
+    138.09223868300001,
+    141.65649987800001,
+    146.09086464500001,
+    149.16576952099999,
+    152.208770273,
+    155.187653896,
+    157.43246798000001,
+    160.43301280700001,
+    162.84002901100001,
+    166.77052560600001,
+    169.29494600500001,
+    172.91801473500001,
+    176.654293306,
+    180.23478114700001,
+    183.296380473,
+    186.73903581499999,
+    190.86755789399999,
+    195.654394298,
+    199.69558299600001,
+    203.92254700699999,
+    208.397049907,
+    213.10008202399999,
+    217.93095747000001,
+    222.20188235800001,
+    227.07325009499999,
+    230.860699883,
+    237.97819378299999,
+    245.85743037500001,
+    252.73101680400001,
+    258.89556405000002,
+    268.60486464500002,
+    276.47499798699999,
+    282.03633185400003,
+    289.17078451600003,
+    302.06749436299998,
+    312.57905513100002,
+    322.60452264899999,
+    331.014610371,
+    341.75075497,
+    350.173888159,
+    361.88637575400003,
+    371.61412230500002,
+    385.17435225200001,
+    400.72319405799999,
+    411.753441162,
+    422.75058281299999,
+    437.11037701999999,
+    453.45288953800002,
+    474.420871385,
+    488.318616894,
+    512.11653910200005,
+    535.54182501000003,
+    555.56166528300002,
+    573.43505104999997,
+    593.13241480700003,
+    614.79560775100003,
+    649.435414896,
+    688.17560751799999,
+    721.87795355000003,
+    773.415382937,
+    813.66800489900004,
+    877.39648314099998,
+    964.732528602,
+    1069.40860047,
+    1223.88660858,
+    1424.4787858300001,
+    1674.8315303500001,
+    1977.7544173799999,
+    2651.83993319,
+    200410.392804,
+    0.0,
+    1.1584312650099999,
+    1.8096405876999999,
+    2.08809545024,
+    2.39759603108,
+    2.8210825374900002,
+    3.2262415616500002,
+    3.6767261063199999,
+    4.0712643350700004,
+    4.3358305431000002,
+    4.6961593196700004,
+    5.0048297457600004,
+    5.3979863436900004,
+    5.8290699240099997,
+    6.1960232764300001,
+    6.5088252292500002,
+    6.8948342983900002,
+    7.2696660689300003,
+    7.5399291096800001,
+    8.01313726329,
+    8.3889381116700008,
+    8.8151563879800001,
+    9.3221845714700002,
+    9.7919081310700005,
+    10.197322679699999,
+    10.690667428799999,
+    11.1669675994,
+    11.439377929899999,
+    11.6674844277,
+    12.008682137099999,
+    12.4556500154,
+    12.8218557119,
+    13.3281486992,
+    13.7095661165,
+    14.2163312161,
+    14.836869545500001,
+    15.3589870134,
+    15.8272834403,
+    16.238276813700001,
+    16.5883025266,
+    17.023074348600002,
+    17.414160002799999,
+    17.848152475399999,
+    18.247715569499999,
+    18.664561518999999,
+    19.075395695600001,
+    19.486374441700001,
+    19.973916476399999,
+    20.5269080381,
+    21.020846655300002,
+    21.507367194299999,
+    22.0135312996,
+    22.461208124300001,
+    23.036281720800002,
+    23.480764591,
+    23.9941998794,
+    24.413118882100001,
+    24.9392923634,
+    25.478485752899999,
+    26.086617298499998,
+    26.6809648813,
+    27.1950947449,
+    28.074728258899999,
+    28.720521756,
+    29.3654350726,
+    30.087513917199999,
+    30.702053779700002,
+    31.306689242899999,
+    31.780186689299999,
+    32.4753156827,
+    33.135143889299997,
+    33.888469867399998,
+    34.645545953000003,
+    35.367533057599999,
+    36.110020627200001,
+    36.758678629099997,
+    37.497664023799999,
+    38.081984167100003,
+    38.997417122999998,
+    39.672472603700001,
+    40.429274192199998,
+    41.295854716299999,
+    41.954930876799999,
+    42.5972412096,
+    43.276950597999999,
+    44.159449579799997,
+    45.025165711200003,
+    45.821814644200003,
+    46.555175562499997,
+    47.583311010599999,
+    48.589989172199999,
+    49.510833894599998,
+    50.257035760699999,
+    51.092289456800003,
+    52.258119141000002,
+    52.938195970499997,
+    53.804888863800002,
+    54.8416712187,
+    55.960279943899998,
+    57.006686652699997,
+    58.274563175499999,
+    59.3790074307,
+    60.283128322000003,
+    61.549512813600003,
+    62.4978155636,
+    63.834912981700001,
+    64.904107601199996,
+    66.223931861400004,
+    67.086972593499993,
+    68.397576571800002,
+    69.942186175000003,
+    71.207027708799998,
+    72.602512277200006,
+    73.560342838699995,
+    74.967359775099993,
+    76.577240733500005,
+    78.057764533799997,
+    79.513502422499997,
+    81.078073566599997,
+    82.165643638800006,
+    83.719127560900006,
+    85.148667228299999,
+    86.337704861199995,
+    87.860157790000002,
+    89.431109054900006,
+    90.980131378099998,
+    92.433634234400003,
+    94.226038238300006,
+    95.621501725399995,
+    97.080958997099998,
+    99.134428385800007,
+    101.04854586800001,
+    102.97657310699999,
+    105.139486026,
+    107.602665034,
+    109.70147691299999,
+    112.05021857600001,
+    114.125549412,
+    116.61722458,
+    118.189314409,
+    120.82322130999999,
+    123.127890034,
+    125.47513250999999,
+    127.848312975,
+    130.41431036200001,
+    133.57317560600001,
+    136.49161050999999,
+    140.74286875799999,
+    143.71689255300001,
+    146.67120050400001,
+    149.59581133399999,
+    152.22756825499999,
+    156.533766931,
+    160.06017973100001,
+    165.11262847200001,
+    169.23166942399999,
+    175.315765167,
+    179.524732857,
+    183.40525104400001,
+    188.17945511100001,
+    191.82963235400001,
+    197.202013322,
+    202.34316464599999,
+    207.99698327900001,
+    215.67824328500001,
+    224.47764356499999,
+    230.63417344199999,
+    236.60643002699999,
+    242.61055810900001,
+    251.77410247,
+    259.46544586200002,
+    268.047248459,
+    276.79107524199998,
+    286.15718497099999,
+    295.84758942399998,
+    305.58034509200002,
+    314.60780894999999,
+    325.34498936799997,
+    338.27578485100003,
+    348.53507352600002,
+    362.42239857200002,
+    375.083278597,
+    389.444337389,
+    407.52083932199997,
+    423.996775576,
+    439.86516896699999,
+    461.74456199100001,
+    481.21447879099998,
+    506.20652181600002,
+    531.64557102599997,
+    563.79744206400005,
+    601.85836871599997,
+    633.07763874900002,
+    693.45668289599996,
+    762.28141866299995,
+    852.11407475700003,
+    985.769367053,
+    1195.0785449099999,
+    1389.62431328,
+    2042.8647050500001,
+    78636.810297999997,
+    0.0,
+    1.0297464516799999,
+    1.60346935644,
+    2.0630353810100002,
+    2.4007054222700002,
+    2.7231158619300002,
+    3.0845870231900001,
+    3.3825315783100001,
+    3.7827559602099998,
+    4.1271402089200002,
+    4.4667826236700003,
+    4.7067760450099998,
+    5.1713770843100004,
+    5.53668279583,
+    5.74764546799,
+    6.1299980556899998,
+    6.3496742207699999,
+    6.6781045773500001,
+    7.12938206889,
+    7.39578341085,
+    7.7627325807999998,
+    8.0843024355399997,
+    8.3430476893299996,
+    8.7253588764300005,
+    9.0323780076000002,
+    9.3251680266000001,
+    9.7700665673099998,
+    10.103065082900001,
+    10.4121667828,
+    10.792220887399999,
+    11.114426525200001,
+    11.3987065041,
+    11.7259278942,
+    12.148971416,
+    12.454565579200001,
+    12.7910859418,
+    13.0925963376,
+    13.4917267129,
+    13.8568357546,
+    14.099344370200001,
+    14.466338023,
+    14.773502690999999,
+    15.1559213702,
+    15.4627289245,
+    15.735248281500001,
+    16.264394708800001,
+    16.624779056400001,
+    17.059591039099999,
+    17.366603691200002,
+    17.645800374,
+    18.074841360299999,
+    18.3713457528,
+    18.6782869727,
+    19.1657010441,
+    19.623227022799998,
+    20.045230785600001,
+    20.669991472,
+    21.181226625299999,
+    21.496046951899999,
+    22.092489347299999,
+    22.5203682028,
+    22.913515129299999,
+    23.382882170199998,
+    23.760241867400001,
+    24.103618211899999,
+    24.540791235699999,
+    25.0420139973,
+    25.4305135832,
+    26.0666776578,
+    26.564557883900001,
+    27.273553850399999,
+    27.7820097687,
+    28.3303665601,
+    28.745443715499999,
+    29.332968781000002,
+    30.009561780399999,
+    30.6135990386,
+    31.065902801899998,
+    31.520776554800001,
+    32.034559784499997,
+    32.646134072499997,
+    33.136621810400001,
+    34.091020344699999,
+    34.492997237600001,
+    34.960981709999999,
+    35.534538623400003,
+    36.397290535000003,
+    36.973557298199999,
+    37.496289196399999,
+    38.275574691300001,
+    39.132056666700002,
+    39.940285424599999,
+    40.663404855499998,
+    41.192514081399999,
+    41.940303401100003,
+    42.428268793400001,
+    43.002423862000001,
+    43.754682545599998,
+    44.392160792200002,
+    45.226295550300001,
+    45.955474380200002,
+    46.6701829171,
+    47.223011101499999,
+    47.870306336100001,
+    49.055475024800003,
+    49.870096181000001,
+    50.573112358800003,
+    51.511936900599999,
+    52.294025013499997,
+    52.962422501100001,
+    54.0366510279,
+    54.7208861318,
+    55.623480251799997,
+    56.401930573599998,
+    57.257184440700001,
+    58.072153872400001,
+    58.874410881099998,
+    60.104082592799998,
+    61.246007962100002,
+    62.248201307400002,
+    63.333179544099998,
+    64.4524632575,
+    65.680454143800006,
+    66.683104472400004,
+    67.860077341099995,
+    68.838786806399995,
+    69.8305645449,
+    71.030064286699997,
+    72.106640080299996,
+    73.718568832599999,
+    74.8928190476,
+    76.122150548999997,
+    77.8978499384,
+    79.078046305800001,
+    80.938626385199996,
+    82.707864462499998,
+    84.409564379399995,
+    85.580444997300006,
+    87.015983902800002,
+    88.433916929199995,
+    90.027633876400003,
+    91.989641288499996,
+    94.085497345299999,
+    97.019197389300004,
+    98.948948656499994,
+    101.110113046,
+    102.857621045,
+    104.948948472,
+    107.370061428,
+    110.309341836,
+    113.069785897,
+    115.334911873,
+    118.811007467,
+    121.8903905,
+    124.534635235,
+    127.237679828,
+    130.822044406,
+    133.95795785600001,
+    137.088601866,
+    141.331942336,
+    144.39698896600001,
+    148.46879151300001,
+    151.54049203599999,
+    156.010435457,
+    159.23907638899999,
+    163.84405742499999,
+    167.20574813600001,
+    171.571248282,
+    175.307565178,
+    180.898544257,
+    188.209642444,
+    192.88951267100001,
+    199.07961470500001,
+    204.98453083699999,
+    210.87189762099999,
+    217.37683173400001,
+    226.04598215600001,
+    233.03168449699999,
+    241.629711085,
+    246.946999901,
+    257.88334712900001,
+    264.42034237600001,
+    275.808770686,
+    285.32670270400001,
+    296.425658236,
+    311.66211481800002,
+    325.77524805600001,
+    339.41158178199998,
+    359.89737101100002,
+    378.89288395099999,
+    407.45313021999999,
+    430.825250423,
+    463.86767345999999,
+    495.964419029,
+    532.31966564899994,
+    589.85183477299995,
+    656.18178811200005,
+    784.26433017099998,
+    943.24503690999995,
+    1302.9980653,
+    102139.29543300001,
+    0.0,
+    0.86743237287200003,
+    1.3552076122000001,
+    1.74882176592,
+    2.1568118435899999,
+    2.5442077510700001,
+    2.7836243977500001,
+    3.00643655951,
+    3.2689355412999999,
+    3.5104534629600002,
+    3.8022522251600002,
+    4.0581864022299996,
+    4.3187967801799996,
+    4.5167601174499996,
+    4.8300373207899998,
+    5.1908096910400001,
+    5.4523307194299999,
+    5.7058518279000001,
+    6.0398043860700001,
+    6.3374641220700001,
+    6.6584016957400003,
+    6.8846773738299998,
+    7.1723016125100001,
+    7.48248963179,
+    7.7608348148299999,
+    8.0287909583299992,
+    8.3818549816299992,
+    8.7220174560999997,
+    9.0911091549999998,
+    9.35929759333,
+    9.6835960622500004,
+    9.9959322308900003,
+    10.3919770948,
+    10.747496464799999,
+    11.051538298500001,
+    11.316949795799999,
+    11.6183662131,
+    11.847164556699999,
+    12.1264569509,
+    12.437037774,
+    12.678519424999999,
+    13.016651663899999,
+    13.442219338399999,
+    13.7024184299,
+    14.0640518316,
+    14.3690724623,
+    14.6322090714,
+    15.003935011899999,
+    15.4618156875,
+    15.691396925499999,
+    16.018873943599999,
+    16.325083680199999,
+    16.72412623,
+    17.1800229961,
+    17.565089287999999,
+    17.955333696,
+    18.350394168699999,
+    18.662332183499998,
+    19.055520775400002,
+    19.3243741866,
+    19.697736269300002,
+    20.1598827376,
+    20.587558148399999,
+    20.947803652899999,
+    21.377289620700001,
+    21.7382160949,
+    22.148445907799999,
+    22.538187253499999,
+    22.969405032299999,
+    23.3515975378,
+    23.7868814409,
+    24.248895708799999,
+    24.763958241200001,
+    25.1997621694,
+    25.508926166199998,
+    25.958095899700002,
+    26.333188731500002,
+    26.824658796200001,
+    27.2155445271,
+    27.6568308628,
+    28.003116157499999,
+    28.541185737399999,
+    29.063342253199998,
+    29.560897612200002,
+    30.089418954599999,
+    30.597578276299998,
+    31.089081956699999,
+    31.4765648224,
+    31.894925652200001,
+    32.457647031999997,
+    33.030174841600001,
+    33.487885595199998,
+    34.018036955900001,
+    34.729723770100001,
+    35.271537205000001,
+    35.835399970200001,
+    36.307941559900001,
+    37.035916915500003,
+    37.561814357099998,
+    38.147376215199998,
+    38.7343663929,
+    39.318444863700002,
+    40.219249623899998,
+    40.878162636200003,
+    41.4384018103,
+    42.125905574999997,
+    42.975687067999999,
+    43.8669515737,
+    44.7165019555,
+    45.320383934500001,
+    46.290441078699999,
+    47.103139229999996,
+    47.737629462800001,
+    48.481018605400003,
+    49.4000519043,
+    50.130121766099997,
+    51.236341089200003,
+    52.022103237400003,
+    53.121350018199998,
+    54.3133505427,
+    55.198931289699999,
+    56.1880323006,
+    57.196115179099998,
+    58.388588195399997,
+    59.017601707799997,
+    60.191491397699998,
+    61.1785764937,
+    62.150011268,
+    63.062827775300001,
+    64.255070623099996,
+    65.725583058799998,
+    67.146069528200002,
+    68.855182272500002,
+    70.625039886400003,
+    72.517402771500002,
+    74.012329769800004,
+    75.142684897799995,
+    77.263163371999994,
+    78.970113074099999,
+    81.015664056600002,
+    82.952470754299995,
+    84.358247795500006,
+    86.345419452399994,
+    87.398236220800001,
+    88.877403817100003,
+    91.486012660200004,
+    93.475534618099999,
+    95.836579746699996,
+    99.517911350299997,
+    102.47972814000001,
+    104.56502959399999,
+    106.80315385900001,
+    109.427661664,
+    112.172083348,
+    114.752710729,
+    117.319711297,
+    120.332179395,
+    122.523137369,
+    125.80426376699999,
+    128.152192243,
+    130.68223203400001,
+    135.03565554799999,
+    138.836718018,
+    142.72321670599999,
+    145.83471307600001,
+    148.23894481900001,
+    150.940455676,
+    155.45888045199999,
+    160.45763036100001,
+    165.78439021700001,
+    170.10783283399999,
+    176.981973885,
+    182.24637161699999,
+    187.99729957,
+    193.341158584,
+    201.153499485,
+    209.89557814400001,
+    215.512255272,
+    222.916166694,
+    234.63262219500001,
+    242.24162438799999,
+    250.84387633899999,
+    264.39217630600001,
+    286.10701643599998,
+    294.863916168,
+    309.35324268800002,
+    326.01462315399999,
+    343.064113615,
+    361.99177679500002,
+    387.72006495800002,
+    407.06863126899998,
+    432.93714764600003,
+    471.081198336,
+    512.23599568500003,
+    547.44287580900004,
+    597.93801741300001,
+    672.97299630600003,
+    816.76871595199998,
+    996.88891773900002,
+    1291.9070935100001,
+    161358.74421500001,
+    0.0,
+    0.99453276649300004,
+    1.34957440998,
+    1.80040223325,
+    2.1674828403999999,
+    2.48530115303,
+    2.78071282241,
+    3.0627252072600002,
+    3.2784701121599999,
+    3.5719852163999999,
+    3.9766675073700002,
+    4.1919498196699996,
+    4.4401116787000001,
+    4.7010850741399999,
+    4.8325546723099997,
+    4.9905503588400002,
+    5.2121802011499998,
+    5.4487589889699999,
+    5.7199962258500001,
+    5.9713598443100002,
+    6.2934525916500004,
+    6.5164568592299998,
+    6.7356095053300002,
+    6.9021306576599999,
+    7.1721655965900002,
+    7.3281530158799999,
+    7.5914585431999999,
+    7.8254960779699996,
+    7.9993083693299996,
+    8.2012397418000003,
+    8.3720004276700006,
+    8.6300188092199992,
+    8.9217519372599998,
+    9.3077081475300005,
+    9.6043493889500002,
+    9.8964144834100001,
+    10.211666127200001,
+    10.4213008992,
+    10.788691589500001,
+    11.051012050900001,
+    11.344200771000001,
+    11.725614780600001,
+    11.9588900773,
+    12.2827247511,
+    12.637968324099999,
+    12.966823288900001,
+    13.168992016800001,
+    13.4745396448,
+    13.785583859500001,
+    14.036187573499999,
+    14.3890843198,
+    14.7328997316,
+    15.1242120858,
+    15.3426967014,
+    15.6612958042,
+    15.9789841683,
+    16.360263102400001,
+    16.772235545499999,
+    17.216064751899999,
+    17.589241161899999,
+    17.8572448364,
+    18.1950328878,
+    18.559156973699999,
+    18.792157978999999,
+    19.092364930399999,
+    19.509183897500002,
+    19.8903785993,
+    20.395241299399999,
+    20.715609197399999,
+    21.129151485000001,
+    21.4384474457,
+    21.8051370373,
+    22.0983151782,
+    22.589355123800001,
+    22.923955315299999,
+    23.293660984199999,
+    23.8073499164,
+    24.164663172499999,
+    24.468464225200002,
+    24.9136660319,
+    25.292481224799999,
+    25.704244781,
+    26.122315593700002,
+    26.745139958900001,
+    27.142677224500002,
+    27.678661556600002,
+    28.172552657800001,
+    28.7004617023,
+    29.254574122400001,
+    29.9576316134,
+    30.320919945,
+    30.8651150524,
+    31.535303165799998,
+    32.0284025188,
+    32.4595794536,
+    32.939819047199997,
+    33.536005820299998,
+    34.287543194800001,
+    34.940091845399998,
+    35.379675577999997,
+    36.122305638999997,
+    36.623643357600002,
+    37.258982358499999,
+    37.645211866499999,
+    38.348043171800001,
+    39.121822204899999,
+    39.903193717900002,
+    40.5501905506,
+    41.172201017399999,
+    41.965871158399999,
+    42.633532572999997,
+    43.135795547100003,
+    43.854137299599998,
+    44.859996618799997,
+    45.622113159199998,
+    46.6849616684,
+    47.678221519899999,
+    48.843464619499997,
+    49.8146602526,
+    50.688647234999998,
+    51.583461331899997,
+    52.591197556700003,
+    53.717957165400001,
+    55.506732086500001,
+    56.662175622500001,
+    58.167854235900002,
+    59.062885457699998,
+    60.411246125200002,
+    61.391033951200001,
+    62.368874448500002,
+    63.688858420800003,
+    64.888271486199997,
+    66.635858121799998,
+    67.817878363199995,
+    68.880671285700004,
+    70.095051569500001,
+    71.501848303100005,
+    72.775151774600005,
+    74.558541465199994,
+    76.409518135499994,
+    77.761688797700003,
+    79.005647183500002,
+    80.295269079099995,
+    82.4136017931,
+    84.613797778800006,
+    86.016896733899998,
+    87.430508335200003,
+    88.670983118500004,
+    90.231433799300007,
+    91.891509509399995,
+    94.498776834500006,
+    97.249232232899999,
+    98.623021338599997,
+    101.238294708,
+    102.87975996900001,
+    105.291018643,
+    107.24435443199999,
+    109.666596011,
+    113.098272596,
+    115.61031488,
+    119.614780612,
+    123.287443794,
+    126.249115391,
+    128.58356817500001,
+    131.775900138,
+    135.290949961,
+    139.29796378500001,
+    146.262327629,
+    150.00976835200001,
+    154.61572367400001,
+    160.255070652,
+    165.26334147099999,
+    170.16736670500001,
+    173.77829739699999,
+    179.56132179599999,
+    184.561922764,
+    190.69775108499999,
+    196.65891324699999,
+    203.521908177,
+    211.093916154,
+    221.47514707299999,
+    231.47529352399999,
+    237.75562241,
+    244.883786829,
+    253.30171895399999,
+    261.76505171600002,
+    278.98552843200002,
+    292.60068635200003,
+    311.55099943599998,
+    325.88771172899999,
+    343.19537559700001,
+    365.551962753,
+    393.39248336999998,
+    422.56973752499999,
+    461.27635287499999,
+    502.54248837599999,
+    563.31345992700005,
+    636.33864636400006,
+    803.18510591400002,
+    1017.18613565,
+    2073.8933950400001,
+    0.0,
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+    2.46200691124,
+    2.7164909210600001,
+    2.9725139778099998,
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+    3.51565620581,
+    3.6829072744900002,
+    3.8503255597599999,
+    4.0960101060699996,
+    4.3195587197099998,
+    4.5180080510099998,
+    4.7208657011600001,
+    4.9188747051200004,
+    5.0822519781400004,
+    5.2471047837700002,
+    5.4397152562800004,
+    5.6442757923500002,
+    5.94422558704,
+    6.2491652156599997,
+    6.5158366836499999,
+    6.6694208713499998,
+    6.9618320371699998,
+    7.0954639576199998,
+    7.3925975604899996,
+    7.6671833348599998,
+    8.0270911346999991,
+    8.2155617499000009,
+    8.3810446408000008,
+    8.6728270830500005,
+    8.9919564023300005,
+    9.1979666478599995,
+    9.4613822654199993,
+    9.8638159812400001,
+    10.064467502699999,
+    10.300861637400001,
+    10.5922395715,
+    10.898994478100001,
+    11.2204623911,
+    11.462764891000001,
+    11.827261590299999,
+    12.083868714099999,
+    12.386429319099999,
+    12.6393019529,
+    12.853547404,
+    13.1367142199,
+    13.3487410123,
+    13.656895326200001,
+    14.024084867899999,
+    14.2305895378,
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+    14.7677980479,
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+    15.254355192,
+    15.4728650747,
+    15.7833358443,
+    16.258317366699998,
+    16.591420611899999,
+    16.7968951537,
+    17.321484078699999,
+    17.688159546000001,
+    17.9917501318,
+    18.4264735655,
+    18.751733764800001,
+    19.0344300858,
+    19.372343152500001,
+    19.740307887699998,
+    20.051092925599999,
+    20.305765000400001,
+    20.618187255599999,
+    20.819816596500001,
+    21.0782135131,
+    21.397939723499999,
+    21.854582025799999,
+    22.2881163357,
+    22.6506377304,
+    22.877000473599999,
+    23.384389492899999,
+    23.836418588899999,
+    24.222254926800002,
+    24.655197791999999,
+    25.022161849,
+    25.444878252500001,
+    26.053606325400001,
+    26.614004877900001,
+    27.0211182404,
+    27.401244503200001,
+    27.7850805052,
+    28.159129948299999,
+    28.6603675532,
+    29.200278675,
+    29.671973053799999,
+    30.210222716600001,
+    30.961837351900002,
+    31.650008409800002,
+    32.094382395700002,
+    32.843304519299998,
+    33.577328693699997,
+    34.237700249100001,
+    34.801256214399999,
+    35.485455770500003,
+    35.9765981579,
+    36.670725593599997,
+    37.170285661000001,
+    37.990796691500002,
+    38.642774190700003,
+    39.528303337300002,
+    39.978645888499997,
+    40.8020907732,
+    41.489481081900003,
+    42.4638964743,
+    43.139901183799999,
+    44.090235702199998,
+    45.199560705499998,
+    45.817027413600002,
+    47.017044573200003,
+    48.262105780699997,
+    49.1479688362,
+    50.425156699799999,
+    51.855557858499999,
+    52.673049050499998,
+    53.828962193300001,
+    54.706265736600002,
+    55.754088218,
+    56.6875216169,
+    57.802232958300003,
+    59.077269420699999,
+    59.802668045799997,
+    60.803463371600003,
+    62.277143198700003,
+    63.318223359400001,
+    64.249051654799999,
+    65.723438296400005,
+    66.690473547300002,
+    67.987683240400003,
+    69.312005970800001,
+    70.335791722799996,
+    71.525547407700003,
+    73.2296426005,
+    74.761566365899995,
+    76.401961372800002,
+    78.083813237900003,
+    79.959478159499994,
+    81.411397194700001,
+    83.907706583600003,
+    85.130641549399996,
+    86.564841115600004,
+    88.151400025100003,
+    90.839542183500001,
+    93.404373994799997,
+    95.237850676600004,
+    96.510747774899997,
+    98.111723876599996,
+    100.59771252100001,
+    103.473781565,
+    106.22999075200001,
+    109.035110547,
+    111.514197384,
+    114.660071867,
+    117.91431810100001,
+    120.95989149899999,
+    125.315578238,
+    127.97488147200001,
+    131.55766028400001,
+    133.79550634099999,
+    136.780043667,
+    143.37105514300001,
+    147.41143759799999,
+    152.70084909799999,
+    158.68963683999999,
+    163.480470784,
+    168.40748618699999,
+    176.23576411799999,
+    181.51714572399999,
+    188.435573998,
+    193.69868358400001,
+    201.866252981,
+    209.69486823,
+    221.66246932499999,
+    231.771152277,
+    245.05347127900001,
+    258.89263676799999,
+    273.73973170099998,
+    290.43652293600002,
+    304.91784651400002,
+    317.71453254800002,
+    345.81680795,
+    370.51493599600002,
+    396.34922032399999,
+    427.34649876600002,
+    472.648184012,
+    548.811516697,
+    616.97696803199995,
+    698.58074685700001,
+    921.70016827699999,
+    1351.93476429,
+    4555.3138270099998,
+    0.0,
+    1.05775845422,
+    1.30722302885,
+    1.6550836259599999,
+    2.0164548998499998,
+    2.22264762997,
+    2.4339426832900002,
+    2.63987900941,
+    2.8474331698999999,
+    3.1394413773199998,
+    3.3488811388099999,
+    3.5845593259999999,
+    3.7278526245200001,
+    3.89707499961,
+    4.0930076946499998,
+    4.2667403322500004,
+    4.4444123281100003,
+    4.7057346005499996,
+    4.8776095749700001,
+    5.0766543427900004,
+    5.2576254422700002,
+    5.4227043983799996,
+    5.5565800836300001,
+    5.6921444728099999,
+    5.8967927912900002,
+    6.0520540232300002,
+    6.18092403149,
+    6.4448963355100002,
+    6.6606765375799997,
+    6.8569177525900002,
+    6.9871721176600001,
+    7.1997752419300003,
+    7.4790143792799997,
+    7.6433232341600004,
+    7.8838845337299999,
+    8.0362724982000007,
+    8.2491173118100001,
+    8.4854912803700007,
+    8.7981272976200007,
+    8.98771466078,
+    9.2672797478700009,
+    9.4910127015200008,
+    9.7196918691600001,
+    9.9958458284499994,
+    10.2946220832,
+    10.5192779153,
+    10.7367739562,
+    11.0486241079,
+    11.264306749099999,
+    11.610683487999999,
+    11.8590324631,
+    12.102995508599999,
+    12.274140378,
+    12.5626984562,
+    12.777400244300001,
+    13.0071767612,
+    13.3075190692,
+    13.506522563900001,
+    13.7736133375,
+    14.034237147500001,
+    14.3718879313,
+    14.704450492399999,
+    15.006497291000001,
+    15.4860321302,
+    15.8250864202,
+    16.068562412599999,
+    16.366417189700002,
+    16.791695786399998,
+    17.1963988083,
+    17.692784723599999,
+    17.9889456748,
+    18.250281237599999,
+    18.540758284100001,
+    19.105488743399999,
+    19.3676116446,
+    19.9057967233,
+    20.372155027400002,
+    20.617865943399998,
+    21.0056881543,
+    21.3998014925,
+    21.886629124399999,
+    22.301586328599999,
+    22.8157840378,
+    23.1577773249,
+    23.562675140700001,
+    23.9908312801,
+    24.371709623200001,
+    24.853048289,
+    25.321527433499998,
+    25.817410943100001,
+    26.333798079699999,
+    26.743897014000002,
+    27.404019467800001,
+    27.750455412299999,
+    28.245307990099999,
+    28.8302203846,
+    29.238499632700002,
+    29.908395497000001,
+    30.222815192500001,
+    30.759701009099999,
+    31.296847612400001,
+    31.809133106099999,
+    32.3396270004,
+    33.065629932,
+    33.614025315299997,
+    34.269816387299997,
+    35.012311410899997,
+    35.852750563500003,
+    36.404141805499997,
+    36.8294660038,
+    37.935726292200002,
+    38.368785425900001,
+    39.1826087245,
+    40.008409596500002,
+    40.726090274800001,
+    41.337873114600001,
+    42.209034503799998,
+    43.359563836100001,
+    44.113217655,
+    44.844831191300003,
+    45.6845486769,
+    46.347966789700003,
+    47.331044909100001,
+    48.2533342455,
+    49.162487231599997,
+    50.1543142202,
+    50.931869310099998,
+    51.636126617899997,
+    52.181963144800001,
+    53.396775668799997,
+    55.032301978100001,
+    55.596427951899997,
+    56.5791496927,
+    57.542454919599997,
+    58.554653988799998,
+    59.636429710999998,
+    61.407241399900002,
+    62.509754862100003,
+    63.601590468700003,
+    64.824312135300005,
+    66.386878043999999,
+    67.693732305799998,
+    69.365119204300001,
+    71.025400599899996,
+    72.653909433799996,
+    74.395827576000002,
+    75.769964444999999,
+    77.234020831500004,
+    78.433715899099994,
+    81.101681241799994,
+    83.076307199300004,
+    84.5988995469,
+    86.376895072899998,
+    88.194960597199994,
+    90.441746414899995,
+    92.189595910199998,
+    93.440994131400004,
+    95.435247487400005,
+    99.0558885879,
+    101.49204924999999,
+    104.088533635,
+    106.181199298,
+    109.219007221,
+    112.61624315100001,
+    116.029069048,
+    119.96844246400001,
+    124.344004768,
+    127.91969076300001,
+    132.149553927,
+    135.922055457,
+    140.068507211,
+    144.15378361399999,
+    148.60536720600001,
+    153.82589839900001,
+    158.576947158,
+    165.555672257,
+    171.63158056899999,
+    176.33047682,
+    181.08906739299999,
+    186.793582875,
+    192.534521512,
+    203.56027511299999,
+    211.12137373499999,
+    218.32402486300001,
+    227.271126122,
+    239.72295971400001,
+    255.439273482,
+    266.59600377999999,
+    284.21895951499999,
+    302.86802943499998,
+    319.3660428,
+    335.96299544999999,
+    371.29655514500001,
+    386.65083379800001,
+    434.96311705400001,
+    521.05039447499996,
+    574.39597849699999,
+    643.38261744700003,
+    749.10677599899998,
+    937.47346937500004,
+    2164.74350723,
+    0.0,
+    0.87216036854099999,
+    1.1731523662100001,
+    1.4528318226800001,
+    1.7506036653599999,
+    1.95830274355,
+    2.1933454622299999,
+    2.4315041290299999,
+    2.6097449606700001,
+    2.8143037344300001,
+    2.98234250898,
+    3.14296097174,
+    3.28163067285,
+    3.4197130756399998,
+    3.5577964282300001,
+    3.7192315259700002,
+    3.8806453857499998,
+    4.0848607038400004,
+    4.27058822443,
+    4.4259870320300001,
+    4.6202853710799996,
+    4.8079818422300002,
+    4.9703096793699997,
+    5.1771997283899998,
+    5.32208420074,
+    5.4736064223099996,
+    5.6716933713,
+    5.7948310020399996,
+    5.9616974056899998,
+    6.1294408520800001,
+    6.3200579482499997,
+    6.5465172585299998,
+    6.7046238334500003,
+    6.8696070854100002,
+    7.0421250211300004,
+    7.21408035417,
+    7.3666599903499996,
+    7.5629677715200003,
+    7.7854370727999997,
+    8.0250690670800005,
+    8.2018499794099995,
+    8.4165599450900004,
+    8.6205648003099995,
+    8.8020739087200006,
+    8.9976602698800008,
+    9.2090483824400007,
+    9.40554714598,
+    9.6268466056699999,
+    9.8387845757699992,
+    10.063513496600001,
+    10.3066855573,
+    10.5490401104,
+    10.760759543200001,
+    11.0190557159,
+    11.247083638299999,
+    11.487903512700001,
+    11.690503747999999,
+    11.9163331257,
+    12.1540624086,
+    12.3754681949,
+    12.6225724062,
+    12.8298548017,
+    13.105360490300001,
+    13.352707515200001,
+    13.600565291800001,
+    13.8363089384,
+    14.081226945299999,
+    14.370552543500001,
+    14.6854081396,
+    14.959606431799999,
+    15.238257795699999,
+    15.488877516500001,
+    15.783357724,
+    16.059268546999999,
+    16.371064702799998,
+    16.635482564899998,
+    16.926054678500002,
+    17.2595416636,
+    17.558429913600001,
+    17.873233837699999,
+    18.1713476396,
+    18.437921946300001,
+    18.808552489299998,
+    19.094615129400001,
+    19.521706635899999,
+    19.8753230885,
+    20.298514125000001,
+    20.622495869000002,
+    20.9353854017,
+    21.4098244692,
+    21.829437198099999,
+    22.259602406999999,
+    22.672559352,
+    23.1204515296,
+    23.483853294300001,
+    23.9484201462,
+    24.3248985436,
+    24.847141378100002,
+    25.2522052389,
+    25.681308357599999,
+    26.205337182699999,
+    26.576187536300001,
+    27.078663830899998,
+    27.677873063900002,
+    28.2381539971,
+    28.8023214868,
+    29.3993510241,
+    29.912833547399998,
+    30.573666294900001,
+    31.104430988600001,
+    31.796146883399999,
+    32.497170738500003,
+    33.279496414699999,
+    34.098064962599999,
+    34.843216272900001,
+    35.542133214099998,
+    36.276287779500002,
+    36.975928357500003,
+    37.504257990799999,
+    38.314777833900003,
+    39.177430845000004,
+    39.819717746400002,
+    40.407911670099999,
+    41.120240020300002,
+    41.978665155199998,
+    42.866256983200003,
+    43.496257352299999,
+    44.207718886199999,
+    44.967775733800003,
+    45.845529661199997,
+    46.8316582737,
+    47.606961498799997,
+    48.454226783199999,
+    49.675775014400003,
+    50.5811434361,
+    51.543186701800003,
+    52.633751532200002,
+    53.929547364699999,
+    55.037714174199998,
+    56.301767675000001,
+    57.451158926300003,
+    58.714248343199998,
+    59.628151489899999,
+    60.807000845600001,
+    62.156996127799999,
+    63.456997649599998,
+    65.008915114800004,
+    66.386142722499997,
+    67.978491519900004,
+    69.422238847200006,
+    70.791592380799997,
+    72.011370736700002,
+    73.522117942199998,
+    75.359756207299995,
+    77.030728253800007,
+    78.893995033400003,
+    80.530957561600005,
+    81.946598575099998,
+    84.055736077199995,
+    86.177382717599997,
+    88.231077799399998,
+    90.830107187099998,
+    93.291203665799998,
+    96.842991020100001,
+    99.738754614200005,
+    102.822309851,
+    106.472937214,
+    109.712921572,
+    112.28819169,
+    115.383539528,
+    118.33937052500001,
+    121.6283803,
+    126.21758780099999,
+    130.559458404,
+    135.25935161000001,
+    139.64966053500001,
+    144.08321394399999,
+    149.81024360000001,
+    155.95824547500001,
+    160.54965979900001,
+    165.74901272299999,
+    173.07092800300001,
+    181.971265612,
+    190.12184997899999,
+    199.140874,
+    208.94440364799999,
+    219.692760295,
+    231.41654560800001,
+    244.813734337,
+    260.64934893600002,
+    276.86471985399999,
+    297.854074072,
+    327.675880581,
+    363.64694161300002,
+    395.28587648799999,
+    430.29646448199998,
+    476.771927382,
+    552.10628605099998,
+    688.09209059399996,
+    965.66929444699997,
+    5512.1265341500002,
+    0.0,
+    0.62589083024600001,
+    1.0089155589900001,
+    1.2669403239100001,
+    1.4930834132099999,
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+    1.86494432327,
+    2.0537877508200002,
+    2.25391444537,
+    2.4255788848600002,
+    2.5625113900800001,
+    2.70119472848,
+    2.8053232942299999,
+    2.92720031662,
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+    3.2394799841499999,
+    3.39215368186,
+    3.5920914079299999,
+    3.74416489544,
+    3.8829579282000002,
+    4.0121750001200001,
+    4.1604435034699998,
+    4.2969491096299999,
+    4.4303864671199999,
+    4.5829179833699998,
+    4.7183684166099997,
+    4.8667168998800001,
+    4.9825970049999997,
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+    5.29642331298,
+    5.5116304645699996,
+    5.6662601962099997,
+    5.8151835779100001,
+    5.9375451382,
+    6.1570517624500001,
+    6.3131151288699998,
+    6.52398099929,
+    6.6722523007500003,
+    6.86154545663,
+    7.0599193283100004,
+    7.3129107271700002,
+    7.5490299843899997,
+    7.7172198221199997,
+    7.8648526311499998,
+    8.0837370196799991,
+    8.2593266698099992,
+    8.4613117407199994,
+    8.6884386074200002,
+    8.8745901890700001,
+    9.1116656074600009,
+    9.3126467721299999,
+    9.5071399643899994,
+    9.7151605657500006,
+    9.9551889093600003,
+    10.149609288200001,
+    10.3401891662,
+    10.621445531099999,
+    10.8426697409,
+    11.0272843935,
+    11.270829726400001,
+    11.4694723487,
+    11.6178469386,
+    11.821109029700001,
+    12.021790796499999,
+    12.3252449453,
+    12.5092794759,
+    12.818332850699999,
+    13.020756306899999,
+    13.310810976799999,
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+    15.670518073,
+    16.0341797918,
+    16.263188094,
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+    16.768979356500001,
+    17.107996179400001,
+    17.3155602187,
+    17.633055544099999,
+    17.978850956799999,
+    18.239306430100001,
+    18.603581283899999,
+    18.890651686000002,
+    19.2448822751,
+    19.6097734435,
+    19.926314503299999,
+    20.1586253842,
+    20.499346128900001,
+    20.763220895300002,
+    21.214468897100001,
+    21.6883372251,
+    21.932186764800001,
+    22.421734858200001,
+    22.8480131942,
+    23.3200873278,
+    23.594830171000002,
+    24.038195447900002,
+    24.408468226699998,
+    24.92649372,
+    25.442113401899999,
+    25.8447679595,
+    26.3726873799,
+    26.812905815000001,
+    27.122537899899999,
+    27.7422113077,
+    28.078738693199998,
+    28.5723682014,
+    29.0944195565,
+    29.5634253395,
+    30.1247268702,
+    30.983710482300001,
+    31.826570418700001,
+    32.3620827385,
+    33.029481950899999,
+    33.566683207600001,
+    34.288337869199999,
+    34.942294123800004,
+    35.546860066900003,
+    36.362485731600003,
+    37.2408130333,
+    38.058683128600002,
+    38.750745497600001,
+    39.428888690199997,
+    40.115263124599998,
+    40.901282995400003,
+    41.4018687274,
+    42.138788071800001,
+    43.018359615500003,
+    44.106243223500002,
+    45.093539481699999,
+    45.8411771739,
+    46.570250118399997,
+    47.841644068400001,
+    49.303024838200002,
+    50.464239790100002,
+    51.234103358299997,
+    52.317696309799999,
+    53.0996279724,
+    54.369256693700002,
+    55.965980526800003,
+    57.287395203700001,
+    58.636793195099997,
+    60.683809927200002,
+    62.106524762100001,
+    63.455965556400002,
+    64.508962315299996,
+    65.830030819000001,
+    67.3272861871,
+    68.485336924099997,
+    69.962539390399996,
+    71.3643490332,
+    73.207148927299997,
+    75.267417445500001,
+    77.636856277999996,
+    79.567969825700004,
+    81.887922453399995,
+    84.409393872699994,
+    86.252385378499994,
+    89.609195726400003,
+    92.058129085499999,
+    94.237863167399993,
+    97.130241311000006,
+    99.337287984200003,
+    102.785121426,
+    105.16684627799999,
+    108.155644287,
+    111.12424827,
+    114.20309084500001,
+    118.25567124200001,
+    120.63906266799999,
+    126.769351089,
+    131.30368792600001,
+    135.35008283600001,
+    140.167179914,
+    146.276635801,
+    154.69830296500001,
+    162.097699463,
+    168.49842445199999,
+    174.39338381300001,
+    183.839663489,
+    194.04584716900001,
+    205.199824904,
+    216.99026627999999,
+    226.397941844,
+    239.11086462599999,
+    257.98370514300001,
+    272.68513598700002,
+    294.38470478199997,
+    317.32579381900001,
+    352.86648779500001,
+    396.000885729,
+    447.65133356299998,
+    552.83482503000005,
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+    0.0,
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+    3.1799188214799998,
+    3.3163269799299999,
+    3.4326557716099999,
+    3.5761530940699999,
+    3.6698664516599999,
+    3.8395536775700001,
+    3.9742173052399998,
+    4.0666621486399999,
+    4.1860672163199997,
+    4.2677782405900002,
+    4.39398556059,
+    4.5599359743100001,
+    4.7182993929599997,
+    4.8549576225899997,
+    4.9793340551199998,
+    5.1106161380800001,
+    5.22653369925,
+    5.3697032505699998,
+    5.5502664604199996,
+    5.6901435710500001,
+    5.81186063054,
+    5.9447132463900001,
+    6.05627291431,
+    6.16844943146,
+    6.3088485415099997,
+    6.5158703652999996,
+    6.6663173981500004,
+    6.7889778856399996,
+    6.92685753591,
+    7.05832274623,
+    7.2113778586999997,
+    7.3735471867099998,
+    7.4967882360999996,
+    7.67708191997,
+    7.8383618689299999,
+    8.0007809638400005,
+    8.2598039090000004,
+    8.4646047196400005,
+    8.6068680876200006,
+    8.7919284529800006,
+    8.9449623581599997,
+    9.1615349379200008,
+    9.3168642346000006,
+    9.4680652743600007,
+    9.7295350278099999,
+    9.9208554836600005,
+    10.0769753157,
+    10.1731120514,
+    10.3276036073,
+    10.6154476322,
+    10.8889357781,
+    11.016681222400001,
+    11.166106582099999,
+    11.3010656278,
+    11.460114477099999,
+    11.6049507496,
+    11.754826317499999,
+    12.128326894900001,
+    12.393725440500001,
+    12.601959282999999,
+    12.929220557000001,
+    13.2033834409,
+    13.496651655100001,
+    13.6720510495,
+    14.0106799329,
+    14.2715969553,
+    14.4738353905,
+    14.887431385199999,
+    15.0448999294,
+    15.3053817024,
+    15.6545606815,
+    15.9636364194,
+    16.322553926800001,
+    16.694194434500002,
+    17.030383725899998,
+    17.430560569699999,
+    17.700358551699999,
+    18.117532589300001,
+    18.425291790799999,
+    18.722525176000001,
+    19.151242618000001,
+    19.5588949566,
+    19.985716502399999,
+    20.4476355348,
+    20.9045258441,
+    21.276626095099999,
+    21.575188439600002,
+    22.0493676255,
+    22.446726857400002,
+    22.7039434454,
+    23.13535392,
+    23.679737149400001,
+    24.0913996564,
+    24.592582522600001,
+    24.846344199699999,
+    25.1692127267,
+    25.707613397399999,
+    26.060921460599999,
+    26.402713800499999,
+    26.7672555555,
+    27.323489971800001,
+    28.1384294904,
+    28.886585523400001,
+    29.625952655700001,
+    30.049929096700001,
+    30.912490141700001,
+    31.7116329208,
+    32.432935618400002,
+    33.0836818525,
+    33.756748210399998,
+    34.448977073899997,
+    34.967596885500001,
+    35.526411413300004,
+    36.153337627600003,
+    37.193655335499997,
+    37.865997652899999,
+    38.746337718900001,
+    39.2502404719,
+    39.9758412025,
+    40.513914754399998,
+    41.377973330099998,
+    42.134772359599999,
+    42.670801806599997,
+    43.359820479100001,
+    44.8475078349,
+    45.403055004400002,
+    46.8336235847,
+    47.7113874912,
+    48.6941028253,
+    49.650345725199998,
+    50.665570570200003,
+    51.724056971300001,
+    53.992577544,
+    55.575370979100001,
+    57.251984441700003,
+    58.745608337299998,
+    60.1648035049,
+    61.246203909800002,
+    62.419975842699998,
+    63.422574513400001,
+    64.876159087000005,
+    66.885247274500003,
+    68.391010214800005,
+    69.915828121700002,
+    72.4871931144,
+    74.172952607699997,
+    75.652527461199995,
+    78.468287273000001,
+    80.721637548800004,
+    83.956121732200003,
+    87.163249777199994,
+    88.897109974100005,
+    91.2752939664,
+    93.173034590599997,
+    95.435791827200006,
+    100.344464677,
+    104.832073959,
+    109.276679528,
+    112.578422989,
+    114.53132503400001,
+    119.746495774,
+    124.493025184,
+    129.95658998100001,
+    134.31216815799999,
+    137.89688887400001,
+    140.67569338600001,
+    147.559990177,
+    157.91491644199999,
+    164.60831501999999,
+    171.84101301800001,
+    186.69105907299999,
+    195.42122663699999,
+    208.16940782099999,
+    238.53526263200001,
+    245.87424240300001,
+    268.33659908499999,
+    292.616848678,
+    312.784421705,
+    376.69900637799998,
+    486.40594854400001,
+    909.54311207000001,
+    0.0,
+    0.29947032321799999,
+    0.52334873310399999,
+    0.68115226771299997,
+    0.86995042995600003,
+    0.98257819082099995,
+    1.1046843742300001,
+    1.1768999986299999,
+    1.2647418797800001,
+    1.36884910987,
+    1.4645619499,
+    1.5759885725,
+    1.6653002782099999,
+    1.75269298364,
+    1.87728664641,
+    1.9895373943000001,
+    2.0546833007099998,
+    2.1563717716299999,
+    2.2189233742900001,
+    2.3098127374300002,
+    2.4206150527000001,
+    2.4845079548800002,
+    2.6079748566799998,
+    2.6769284875300001,
+    2.7907616607699999,
+    2.8700892704999998,
+    2.93034323954,
+    2.9963469551599999,
+    3.06834808782,
+    3.1480022766900002,
+    3.2256769408800001,
+    3.30379140374,
+    3.3884221330000002,
+    3.4570332483000001,
+    3.54002670756,
+    3.6248614990800001,
+    3.7101075382699999,
+    3.7687182426899999,
+    3.8163207208699998,
+    3.89049827354,
+    3.9685665546200002,
+    4.0278252280400002,
+    4.1485435748499997,
+    4.2118118690999999,
+    4.2767713334400002,
+    4.3538326518200003,
+    4.4579713825800003,
+    4.5508743169399999,
+    4.6676333956900002,
+    4.74653167618,
+    4.8197525947199997,
+    4.9241035310900001,
+    5.0189077614800004,
+    5.1005151570300002,
+    5.2006018753400003,
+    5.2927488243700003,
+    5.4001527926900001,
+    5.4768772282700002,
+    5.5890430439100003,
+    5.7009271960400003,
+    5.80755356372,
+    5.9548448325700001,
+    6.0994726695899999,
+    6.25645276871,
+    6.3819964031299996,
+    6.4711966493400004,
+    6.5880414298299996,
+    6.7348102011000002,
+    6.8307196477099996,
+    6.9337887910999996,
+    7.1040524671199998,
+    7.2069620188099996,
+    7.3301993509400001,
+    7.4527574858900003,
+    7.5532437966600003,
+    7.6852803779599999,
+    7.8640635376499999,
+    8.0318076099900004,
+    8.1796189996499997,
+    8.3642059418999999,
+    8.5050041495500004,
+    8.6533583034700001,
+    8.7675089334600003,
+    8.90401831396,
+    9.0651446520400008,
+    9.2032868451700001,
+    9.3704603805200009,
+    9.5586269002000002,
+    9.7223680241999997,
+    9.9347655253599996,
+    10.098260913100001,
+    10.255212992300001,
+    10.4208240003,
+    10.5811816078,
+    10.765906323299999,
+    10.957390713400001,
+    11.087388472400001,
+    11.328556388399999,
+    11.528238631900001,
+    11.7872480683,
+    11.915456216899999,
+    12.1248574875,
+    12.422258492999999,
+    12.630647267100001,
+    12.8227992595,
+    13.1516423519,
+    13.4269728621,
+    13.7263917941,
+    13.910454382299999,
+    14.1519663254,
+    14.338029858300001,
+    14.560423425,
+    14.770007548300001,
+    14.9841095141,
+    15.334444082699999,
+    15.4948694147,
+    15.855824070500001,
+    16.241262736900001,
+    16.5489680156,
+    16.821966605299998,
+    17.034108685700001,
+    17.2704823658,
+    17.5373816422,
+    17.870520279099999,
+    18.260020296,
+    18.612564062099999,
+    18.852361614399999,
+    19.4196515169,
+    19.842134040099999,
+    20.208065711,
+    20.730183175899999,
+    21.211762532200002,
+    21.724835097900002,
+    22.113935455899998,
+    22.527518860600001,
+    22.952535640800001,
+    23.578085247400001,
+    24.165234135199999,
+    24.660451264300001,
+    25.101613714700001,
+    25.726113937200001,
+    26.0893457106,
+    26.669907244299999,
+    27.169577979900001,
+    27.596626516000001,
+    28.329601780800001,
+    28.779048282000002,
+    29.224608145400001,
+    29.781331889800001,
+    30.432540589399999,
+    31.415359296199998,
+    31.9605897486,
+    32.492956216000003,
+    33.285631429200002,
+    34.070187818800001,
+    35.060381063199998,
+    35.680990641100003,
+    36.895345624699999,
+    37.869889303100003,
+    38.7151898057,
+    39.673959652199997,
+    40.7449007739,
+    42.072602957599997,
+    43.253042370099998,
+    44.872848970500002,
+    46.556160648899997,
+    48.1796820673,
+    49.545397762699999,
+    51.074845857200003,
+    52.800367472799998,
+    54.781904047099999,
+    56.6419800444,
+    58.294167776899997,
+    59.890254052499998,
+    62.933262895200002,
+    64.383209257600001,
+    66.273695300300005,
+    68.879466623300004,
+    71.737383912400006,
+    73.694424811299996,
+    76.676559064200006,
+    79.509307012099995,
+    82.2830341003,
+    85.991392160700002,
+    90.717177404200001,
+    94.429171780900006,
+    97.473571158699997,
+    102.467911147,
+    107.546301419,
+    114.342831581,
+    121.31476895,
+    126.05533253199999,
+    137.91440966299999,
+    144.79876003499999,
+    163.923571595,
+    181.508527445,
+    213.04454604899999,
+    245.38055141000001,
+    301.25496328499997,
+    332.04731076600001,
+    25328.083268499999,
+    0.0,
+    0.16960710904000001,
+    0.24797331543600001,
+    0.30236896744000002,
+    0.34361899401099999,
+    0.40999983457,
+    0.48890969043100002,
+    0.54342837436299996,
+    0.60861265194400005,
+    0.64673129635399995,
+    0.69004038945699997,
+    0.73679534547199999,
+    0.77536960959000001,
+    0.82841780807499998,
+    0.90256777434299995,
+    0.93909860962199998,
+    1.00410024985,
+    1.0408385717899999,
+    1.11535670052,
+    1.14711502865,
+    1.15928977273,
+    1.18798598113,
+    1.2274534778099999,
+    1.26769475616,
+    1.3002205824799999,
+    1.3310033753199999,
+    1.3446656342200001,
+    1.3760840745,
+    1.39081400794,
+    1.4505341583,
+    1.4632661604999999,
+    1.4984860150399999,
+    1.5529767251,
+    1.57864986714,
+    1.6173517424399999,
+    1.67533252068,
+    1.70471580487,
+    1.7278608476799999,
+    1.7811033034399999,
+    1.82818139122,
+    1.86555208204,
+    1.8941511847700001,
+    1.92488230379,
+    1.95851626987,
+    1.99363516305,
+    2.0170055272299998,
+    2.0586483531600002,
+    2.0850970425700002,
+    2.1085030088000001,
+    2.1283137664099998,
+    2.16603036339,
+    2.19060342065,
+    2.2345184857999998,
+    2.2714847812799999,
+    2.2993152139899999,
+    2.3222064716699999,
+    2.3498083965699998,
+    2.3879408831800002,
+    2.4133674625900001,
+    2.45645766658,
+    2.5043169972600001,
+    2.5332218388799999,
+    2.5860056276300001,
+    2.6092200429700001,
+    2.6593928409799998,
+    2.7167476183999999,
+    2.7528966109600002,
+    2.8165365213600002,
+    2.8466368258900001,
+    2.8966874532100002,
+    2.9315763405099999,
+    2.9602961735200002,
+    2.9944957343700001,
+    3.0486180954200002,
+    3.1054310960799998,
+    3.17422308542,
+    3.22876924922,
+    3.2476266926499999,
+    3.2895811744699999,
+    3.33758062866,
+    3.3814007836000002,
+    3.4235448060599998,
+    3.49735659195,
+    3.5619485828699999,
+    3.61508084496,
+    3.6882879176299999,
+    3.7441381326799998,
+    3.8290921697,
+    3.87138230506,
+    3.9399367140599999,
+    3.9855674425799998,
+    4.03423244708,
+    4.1224800094800003,
+    4.1617950069500003,
+    4.2098466376400001,
+    4.2671599100500002,
+    4.3072566201600004,
+    4.3243450788600004,
+    4.3957664746200003,
+    4.4519812552699998,
+    4.4969306764399999,
+    4.5152175579399998,
+    4.56732663911,
+    4.6752821882199997,
+    4.7424836408799997,
+    4.8540575522499996,
+    4.9112049708600001,
+    4.9863832664899999,
+    5.0723492115899997,
+    5.1341872206300003,
+    5.1757472919899996,
+    5.2672883329999998,
+    5.3193278175799996,
+    5.3545440009799998,
+    5.3662639863299999,
+    5.4478164688200001,
+    5.51018935901,
+    5.6222469255899998,
+    5.7031572715200003,
+    5.78511780914,
+    5.87666466639,
+    6.0267396241600002,
+    6.1198844067399998,
+    6.1979622858300001,
+    6.28159827041,
+    6.3904158104600004,
+    6.4453162825900003,
+    6.5218544413200004,
+    6.6086381632900002,
+    6.6725993210399999,
+    6.8163144940900002,
+    6.97804495911,
+    7.0227642352400004,
+    7.1626846845100003,
+    7.3423024204600003,
+    7.5327362668799998,
+    7.6978310374000003,
+    7.7611027450999996,
+    7.88016729875,
+    7.9472676633599999,
+    8.1244228188799994,
+    8.2399482591299993,
+    8.3372351004799992,
+    8.5151888904599993,
+    8.5980587770099994,
+    8.7064795243800006,
+    8.9028549639799994,
+    9.1412099458099991,
+    9.2928218155500009,
+    9.5260445012799995,
+    9.7243731171600007,
+    9.9194989507500004,
+    10.158387747800001,
+    10.358305334700001,
+    10.8456897256,
+    11.0126503317,
+    11.1397484418,
+    11.3568231431,
+    11.725070023000001,
+    11.952829343599999,
+    12.355631104,
+    12.741115586999999,
+    12.9604116418,
+    13.0782774906,
+    13.386035293300001,
+    13.7586242928,
+    14.065910686100001,
+    14.481276965199999,
+    14.8428342578,
+    15.0857067332,
+    15.5610363036,
+    15.9877621903,
+    16.564935242699999,
+    17.222646941699999,
+    17.705236311899998,
+    18.2065490938,
+    18.6451801326,
+    19.1223591105,
+    19.606893553199999,
+    20.1404072423,
+    20.653286086600001,
+    21.431578720299999,
+    21.979215851300001,
+    23.048094735900001,
+    23.846359740299999,
+    24.3529984143,
+    24.985293486700002,
+    25.965109587899999,
+    26.669072074799999,
+    27.831042996200001,
+    29.685768165100001,
+    30.986492906100001,
+    32.7579031852,
+    34.704015628800001,
+    39.043339889599999,
+    43.627269160300003,
+    50.063241984299999,
+    55.522634061300003,
+    63.83632205,
+    80.274312648399999,
+    121.666396689,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_chi2s.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_chi2s.py
index 745586a8f6e13f4be29cc8bd4d7dcfe4ddc9d745..cb8502cab5449ef2b6fca83275d8556f27a7372e 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_chi2s.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_chi2s.py
@@ -9,994 +9,3421 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2008_def_chi2s = [
-    0.0, 0.14444029837799999, 0.22835657018399999, 0.34413732731800001,
-    0.46587804732900001, 0.65270096936599997, 0.81143218193800004,
-    1.00226438356, 1.03788125951, 1.24257294992, 1.32793236661, 1.34635418779,
-    1.4371572854100001, 1.5191327005499999, 1.54602854301, 1.7046681136999999,
-    1.87758836483, 1.9813264417300001, 2.1146974377399999, 2.1938492694299998,
-    2.4097221919699998, 2.5070571186900001, 2.6311171881000002,
-    2.7328195551999999, 2.7736899606000001, 3.0227873463499999, 3.10803398473,
-    3.1824676694599998, 3.3138417252000001, 3.4291812515900002, 3.50419808407,
-    3.7101281572199998, 3.8432672208200001, 3.8796565679100001,
-    3.9915562540499998, 4.0723303682700003, 4.2029321661800001,
-    4.3768188648899997, 4.4816827669199997, 4.6990199258800001,
-    4.8084875822399997, 4.8365914296700003, 5.0590152661600003,
-    5.1248841813699997, 5.1771937064899998, 5.4889247870900002, 5.57813871862,
-    5.6972377675899999, 5.8456278064799996, 6.06915586574, 6.1204251477299998,
-    6.17699599008, 6.3172684659999998, 6.4192197959800001, 6.52383433373,
-    6.6186618180399996, 6.7251587769999999, 6.7866374808999996,
-    6.8276218028500004, 6.9188765840600004, 7.1331898582499997,
-    7.2065701539399996, 7.3244993804199998, 7.36483433106, 7.5193634033699999,
-    7.7822629874100002, 8.2222416265000007, 8.4497457766200004,
-    8.5930318077999992, 8.7570172042000003, 8.9696132883900006,
-    9.1272011085100004, 9.4333510895299995, 9.5278688390900008,
-    9.8002379139299993, 10.062964643999999, 10.572141176200001,
-    10.796071421700001, 10.9985214683, 11.3182197168, 11.660606036000001,
-    11.847287044, 12.432752901300001, 12.5532808679, 12.920547884299999,
-    13.715431382, 13.9427496484, 14.252177361499999, 14.3846625264,
-    14.6017942841, 14.867988867399999, 15.211408408800001, 15.4524408633,
-    15.8995520183, 16.278660079800002, 16.607110122000002, 17.2812107494,
-    17.425166927999999, 17.6847110579, 17.924433366199999, 18.107368758,
-    18.486488274799999, 18.675113313000001, 18.821461450800001,
-    19.392315572800001, 20.026821224999999, 21.515140794000001,
-    22.458730085300001, 22.563704860600001, 23.2879347571, 23.969079893499998,
-    24.336542956300001, 24.499336477500002, 25.0036717642, 25.774135368900001,
-    26.0929925969, 26.934629466499999, 27.458541006800001, 27.8422100246,
-    28.5518247111, 28.965082549800002, 30.702632564599998, 31.123950922300001,
-    31.264305230000002, 31.965843641500001, 32.212378185600002,
-    34.283698532999999, 35.219561660799997, 36.755695116600002,
-    37.138783892900001, 37.986001245399997, 38.621250490999998, 38.9481443707,
-    39.3726060041, 40.276085332900003, 41.898719000699998, 42.396709494500001,
-    43.749429257499997, 44.676029422900001, 46.364739487400001,
-    47.275528738799999, 47.869005850699999, 48.490202586899997,
-    49.788875049200001, 50.404381347099999, 52.2209766649, 52.7548497923,
-    53.758555342299999, 56.144346903600002, 58.857197224499998,
-    61.218540911200002, 62.083264127200003, 62.809329462100003,
-    64.673596130899995, 70.530443844700002, 71.037859097099997,
-    74.956651292000004, 75.479775530200001, 77.970753225099998,
-    78.784135755700007, 83.634030189599997, 87.631048698900003,
-    89.682360645100005, 91.657671611699996, 93.431100026199999,
-    96.871787694199995, 98.904758199400007, 100.903126246, 104.97935501800001,
-    117.211912426, 118.593299874, 123.983293097, 126.40072390500001,
-    132.90804449300001, 135.77425614000001, 145.645663189, 150.462714554,
-    154.135665945, 158.670439012, 161.11217567599999, 165.74332436700001,
-    168.951515621, 173.84826456100001, 184.64661891700001, 188.990674536,
-    195.25008580400001, 200.52870912200001, 208.31911763799999,
-    223.21659264900001, 234.232880967, 297.24728825900002, 321.93167475199999,
-    332.08151963699999, 346.34478154800001, 377.30757977899998,
-    403.47421662800002, 425.16143535399999, 572.37340253299999,
-    766.55659324999999, 1611.5984637199999, 1611.5984637199999, 0.0,
-    0.083813974438700006, 0.31831933895699999, 0.34638794272399998,
-    0.46455080305099999, 0.49519963016099999, 0.54548279077600004,
-    0.56403794228199999, 0.60837298377799998, 0.68118756294600002,
-    0.70071771432399999, 0.78976831924699997, 0.81703862518199999,
-    0.83363911177799999, 0.89857941080399995, 0.94493515463400002,
-    0.99107239417899995, 1.0238060094799999, 1.0799844142199999, 1.11400208909,
-    1.1685453374400001, 1.18519938288, 1.22148339123, 1.2645577512499999,
-    1.3045626778799999, 1.3391777624900001, 1.3826642013199999, 1.4644506572,
-    1.5099094374299999, 1.5888224991, 1.62182558706, 1.65137395874,
-    1.6991401368100001, 1.7758428480799999, 1.8277920540999999,
-    1.9017455410199999, 1.9705532488599999, 2.0324665469399998,
-    2.0752937413999999, 2.1185145273899999, 2.1611322415299998,
-    2.1917842756499999, 2.22729976286, 2.2777275853000001, 2.32665524011,
-    2.3543342053699998, 2.3935181153, 2.44446825618, 2.50093820286,
-    2.5844026906000002, 2.6884797637600002, 2.78657713546, 2.81180130111,
-    2.84116667305, 2.9014197632199998, 2.9952091375399998, 3.0386348574599999,
-    3.0956021427799998, 3.1328046143999999, 3.1631373405500001,
-    3.2039828237700001, 3.29405069373, 3.3496993056400002, 3.4055971771900002,
-    3.5073893196000001, 3.5755835925800001, 3.6580199126399999,
-    3.7782186004999998, 3.8741030635099998, 3.9119985650200002,
-    3.9699909851999999, 4.0132311662099998, 4.07009700397, 4.1555761906299997,
-    4.2241691161799997, 4.3896744175800002, 4.5146783570400002,
-    4.6155145535499997, 4.7783116523600002, 4.8822447657900003,
-    4.9863031398300004, 5.0556875698599999, 5.13217451548, 5.1928716528900001,
-    5.2987216440799996, 5.4584561742300002, 5.6054585689499996,
-    5.7579579032500003, 5.8452201175000003, 5.9593969184300004,
-    6.1479798348300001, 6.2484864308999999, 6.3722452057199996,
-    6.5705963806599996, 6.6811287682699998, 6.7311130873599998,
-    6.7864435351600001, 6.9196277988999997, 7.1929613935300001,
-    7.3441277346099998, 7.3800960628999999, 7.4749874111999999,
-    7.6512577099200003, 7.77153906732, 7.9243829575799998, 8.2024869676600005,
-    8.2599528374899993, 8.4119253626999999, 8.5469992409900009,
-    8.9001784810399993, 9.2121022677299997, 9.2412472507699999,
-    9.4431345314800001, 9.6680036066100001, 9.7816077025699997,
-    9.9566055535700002, 10.359764716899999, 10.506972293900001, 10.7808329052,
-    11.3592743902, 11.7111644662, 11.8605742172, 12.291120808400001,
-    12.5270770795, 12.7952635728, 12.9362140074, 13.4529548967, 13.5501939602,
-    13.8515392309, 14.251817031, 14.6798102809, 14.9162575219, 15.3044645221,
-    15.963210610899999, 16.293018033300001, 16.528628889099998,
-    16.769307273999999, 17.050491132000001, 17.233636284700001,
-    17.435953831300001, 18.114197076100002, 18.209546654099999,
-    18.677206457099999, 18.876676305499998, 19.277115787700001,
-    19.603010971100002, 20.061147162099999, 20.558554522000001, 21.1117685004,
-    22.012839372799998, 22.378322630900001, 22.859288315200001,
-    23.142180705200001, 24.245079698800001, 25.9020405244, 26.507190805699999,
-    27.4739929789, 27.988361249099999, 28.8421369677, 29.731031435799999,
-    31.265395005199998, 31.947761314699999, 32.3600162185, 33.960158921500003,
-    35.2205479892, 37.329919228900003, 38.591860211300002, 39.653380662899998,
-    40.416668255899999, 41.847439486799999, 42.946435578200003,
-    44.555593529500001, 46.195425314700003, 48.272380437999999, 50.7171113769,
-    54.108838268299998, 57.192427144600003, 60.232285910500003,
-    61.154227242799998, 66.058563735700005, 68.912059708300006,
-    72.377827169900002, 74.8258152975, 76.523326659299997, 80.2223354204,
-    83.911959833699996, 89.242198798399997, 91.759192939900004, 100.917764795,
-    108.556622026, 117.397361636, 128.654564397, 132.220775344, 146.851921275,
-    158.21656178999999, 195.59053564300001, 220.40862631100001,
-    243.67073925299999, 279.44509449999998, 385.39670284599998, 2229.5014584,
-    0.0, 0.134568667089, 0.22096714722800001, 0.241982365309, 0.282582147299,
-    0.30887973543699998, 0.35848485966299998, 0.41670345418499999,
-    0.45274913222000002, 0.49984586837299999, 0.54693631356799999,
-    0.57642906524899995, 0.60428947073799999, 0.64551627763399999,
-    0.67184177451600002, 0.70559205139299996, 0.73195413388499997,
-    0.75941154288699997, 0.79316878417600001, 0.82828163530300003,
-    0.84996727554600005, 0.86244322276499996, 0.884092879818,
-    0.90053656979100005, 0.92189301683699998, 0.937781050186, 0.958448778068,
-    0.975518145216, 0.99972035165499995, 1.01410165008, 1.0561167276200001,
-    1.07137630702, 1.0888616342999999, 1.1214366313199999, 1.14842012372,
-    1.16675344893, 1.1928671069600001, 1.21185202445, 1.2444492257999999,
-    1.26555362339, 1.3020670717, 1.33144019427, 1.3700782606599999,
-    1.3922490459600001, 1.4214195703900001, 1.4412309995599999,
-    1.4713854851299999, 1.4981194360000001, 1.5156807782599999,
-    1.5353937789600001, 1.58193085489, 1.6363825813699999, 1.6679066542700001,
-    1.6953948491199999, 1.7432788369000001, 1.7757706818400001, 1.81420953428,
-    1.8369562966299999, 1.86603816317, 1.9079331429399999, 1.93559913056,
-    1.96441828434, 2.0090532694099998, 2.0388004444800001, 2.0592603576499999,
-    2.0856426528799998, 2.1175114071599999, 2.1825469443399999,
-    2.2474604253599999, 2.2749390467700001, 2.3121411416000002, 2.37177298826,
-    2.4274122023400002, 2.5181769644699998, 2.5418057541599999,
-    2.6434630075899999, 2.6747329533199999, 2.7266999242900001,
-    2.7654445970700001, 2.8140457094300002, 2.8559643406999999,
-    2.9061498475100001, 2.9702744923500002, 3.0318004993800001,
-    3.0771937025499998, 3.1682821350100001, 3.21259901675, 3.2495167992399998,
-    3.2811541713699999, 3.3233868123799999, 3.3736627766299998,
-    3.4058671494200001, 3.4805577671700001, 3.5668223714799998,
-    3.6084238266100002, 3.6537321290999998, 3.7175778126500001,
-    3.7450147871700001, 3.86111106714, 3.9410134870100002, 4.0067546356400001,
-    4.1423679617299998, 4.2024818847300001, 4.2596486695399998,
-    4.3063451426699997, 4.3689910892499997, 4.4722054954099999,
-    4.5632364049399996, 4.6512485022599996, 4.6978386313799998,
-    4.7798445058399999, 4.8531420455600003, 4.9717578546299999,
-    5.0417112146500003, 5.17081749886, 5.3019735577100002, 5.3705152383400003,
-    5.5084455462199999, 5.6182818515299999, 5.70571954448, 5.8223915078699999,
-    5.9441571869700001, 6.0647963728700001, 6.27675467201, 6.3795693788000003,
-    6.4992010115000003, 6.7279283143099997, 6.83719902118, 6.9670805423799997,
-    7.1376257228400002, 7.3185795684699997, 7.4174379003000004,
-    7.6252542819300002, 7.7560876076699996, 7.97791101428, 8.1287972523200001,
-    8.2935032606900005, 8.4263936568899993, 8.7299676982999994,
-    8.9000309257799994, 9.2106417444800002, 9.4067341973099996,
-    9.6877599453100007, 9.8288098032200004, 10.1462267898, 10.4430670065,
-    10.7710082101, 10.9083004672, 11.0537899029, 11.351140496499999,
-    11.538958771800001, 11.919288993, 12.375346950699999, 12.6154005045,
-    12.9524855025, 13.285189669299999, 13.649405117900001, 13.802655147899999,
-    14.3746878025, 14.8989750379, 15.0686452095, 15.44874785,
-    15.955460911599999, 16.199894288199999, 17.0458946378, 17.5301252159,
-    18.4112497281, 18.916626085899999, 19.3485479418, 19.9851877306,
-    20.604288900899999, 20.943333255799999, 22.112819051599999,
-    22.959668231999999, 23.9954402314, 25.035153965599999, 25.796351962900001,
-    26.3445116589, 27.598244108500001, 29.492678119099999, 31.494753701,
-    33.570886100899997, 35.411126519100002, 38.343129207700002,
-    40.297936357899999, 43.269089215000001, 46.554746459699999, 50.1438786354,
-    55.452409753200001, 63.874460149000001, 67.985459050900005,
-    72.783745624700003, 78.750906101200002, 87.178006099399994,
-    99.277342007100003, 112.32447045000001, 150.08323985000001,
-    191.04328713300001, 243.74940976799999, 298.61209890999999,
-    610.57351237299997, 0.0, 0.14365451929100001, 0.18957677402299999,
-    0.22199376087, 0.23947365917300001, 0.27923813419900001,
-    0.30376922239699999, 0.34130260137399998, 0.37018363348299999,
-    0.39852502592, 0.42043849640699998, 0.449086279049, 0.48566461460900001,
-    0.51522238701900003, 0.53527463838099998, 0.55878126111399995,
-    0.57558991560799999, 0.60170381902000003, 0.61440597833099997,
-    0.62492627680099999, 0.64456984690600005, 0.66038800753100002,
-    0.67204091430099999, 0.68713981404900004, 0.69934187376699997,
-    0.71638006601299997, 0.73072718468300002, 0.75753415419600001,
-    0.76939140872400003, 0.79364917250900002, 0.811751128298,
-    0.82030423753799997, 0.84036478778699997, 0.85629058780800005,
-    0.88242755870699996, 0.90879942564799998, 0.92603904590499997,
-    0.93855599609700002, 0.95967573616799995, 0.96617694541400001,
-    0.98792001044, 1.00156976046, 1.01153057626, 1.0353518346699999,
-    1.05486723045, 1.07085911512, 1.09910531917, 1.11522376431,
-    1.1305179753100001, 1.1546508204399999, 1.1781173432600001, 1.19157394455,
-    1.2190490331999999, 1.24787505864, 1.27361506734, 1.2980636222699999,
-    1.31518378894, 1.3450052218399999, 1.3740854471799999, 1.39558556012,
-    1.41519699656, 1.4321123741399999, 1.45909622379, 1.4759330072700001,
-    1.4910300726400001, 1.51232373124, 1.5490811046699999, 1.5782570548899999,
-    1.6116668459000001, 1.62617849191, 1.6591646731, 1.69383967991,
-    1.72149942318, 1.74810559857, 1.7978507557100001, 1.8196064275499999,
-    1.8439294053699999, 1.85951442745, 1.89107086338, 1.93673967856,
-    1.96033355989, 1.99524000334, 2.0280809922900001, 2.0465420455199999,
-    2.0660751500700001, 2.1082666292100001, 2.1419500113600001,
-    2.1692545932899998, 2.1918809811900002, 2.2313430406800001,
-    2.2895699616299998, 2.3198331260499998, 2.3513058338000001,
-    2.4080887408899998, 2.4815537977800002, 2.50851999576, 2.5617387306700001,
-    2.6055769623199998, 2.6324085179700001, 2.6961178878899998,
-    2.7413602155099999, 2.7712317948799998, 2.8112071562300001,
-    2.8581867699200001, 2.9190632974400001, 2.9439800057899999,
-    3.0104094840100002, 3.05330503281, 3.10048262834, 3.17539590266,
-    3.24511619487, 3.3056217356499999, 3.3894902835899998, 3.4335423889599999,
-    3.4854372314700002, 3.5606476568300001, 3.6043560751500001, 3.66406156029,
-    3.7660563649099998, 3.82560813033, 3.9466078971199998, 4.0283572412000002,
-    4.07714877006, 4.1552108679300002, 4.2392816813699996, 4.3147199438200001,
-    4.3721369730999999, 4.4555652323799997, 4.5860495006899997,
-    4.6665459593199996, 4.7624381582100002, 4.8488614634399996, 4.97179759557,
-    5.0150206490000002, 5.1053040689999998, 5.2812791639799999,
-    5.3716757235900001, 5.5829288018599996, 5.6518465465299998,
-    5.7620823724100001, 5.8560109031899996, 6.0128804814499999,
-    6.1465396667499999, 6.2414128574400003, 6.3854761500099997,
-    6.5447042531899999, 6.7541882725000004, 6.9854005143200002,
-    7.1367012840399999, 7.3218030112200001, 7.49946696682, 7.6472229734199999,
-    7.8443990144000004, 7.99745891313, 8.1776134189099992, 8.3773452967500006,
-    8.5328760252000002, 8.7514477358700002, 9.0436490880000004,
-    9.2332685611399992, 9.5356141275600006, 9.7666024864200001, 9.94823040132,
-    10.300958636400001, 10.771366926100001, 11.085233969500001, 11.3324457523,
-    11.7174375167, 12.143472104400001, 12.303553276000001, 12.6481061467,
-    12.833583689599999, 13.203659956699999, 13.5986055699, 14.043362878,
-    14.626177334199999, 15.0760755417, 15.580834984399999, 16.312841933200001,
-    16.9821347018, 17.9935383499, 19.206358017199999, 19.9097935496,
-    20.7049210144, 21.193393770899998, 22.4118111278, 23.293576085200002,
-    24.460751301199998, 27.218111206700002, 28.9534668252, 31.141828193399999,
-    33.063105836200002, 36.594408596199997, 41.9655259134, 50.634196787,
-    57.4170436749, 66.004841056100005, 79.707781310800002, 93.567004987600001,
-    129.369356154, 263.52530093899998, 0.0, 0.099110105290900002,
-    0.152330008962, 0.19277005116400001, 0.21849998202900001,
-    0.23666692719999999, 0.257596221751, 0.27451854288499999,
-    0.29857050680000002, 0.31354284220099998, 0.33022769626800003,
-    0.33745039990999998, 0.34950560680999998, 0.36896880619099998,
-    0.38855134185000001, 0.41755081359899998, 0.425150061144,
-    0.44306593384300003, 0.45497931754199999, 0.480210732157,
-    0.49961199725900002, 0.52519732628100002, 0.54104302118299996,
-    0.55456165182600003, 0.57645288194699995, 0.58830880718699996,
-    0.61047699977699998, 0.62243525124499999, 0.64059305866600003,
-    0.64864591793299997, 0.66076567911499995, 0.67269456457499999,
-    0.69062452712199995, 0.70930687903199996, 0.72584855411399996,
-    0.74121377368600005, 0.75125743091999997, 0.77150265368000004,
-    0.78324441542400003, 0.79888631364700002, 0.81247216458500005,
-    0.83204971232799996, 0.84425730939599997, 0.85740264943900002,
-    0.87520806795200001, 0.88821997325500002, 0.90285273820699996,
-    0.918029579805, 0.92615377290000001, 0.944808560001, 0.95843032520799998,
-    0.96908459648199996, 0.98091068958799998, 0.99546224846599995,
-    1.0114143418099999, 1.0370041029999999, 1.05163455603, 1.06941917585,
-    1.0849323260699999, 1.09786891934, 1.1200484481799999, 1.1401856044400001,
-    1.1614766378400001, 1.1779927836999999, 1.18794131464, 1.19800995642,
-    1.2153169910399999, 1.23620743467, 1.2464006441, 1.28309014464,
-    1.30117129963, 1.3139480025800001, 1.32973840183, 1.34585218726,
-    1.36483113807, 1.3880086518200001, 1.4038694678400001, 1.4269838991299999,
-    1.4531887240500001, 1.4761551228100001, 1.49140958787, 1.50497619744,
-    1.51748249595, 1.54755568638, 1.56624981363, 1.5996976922199999,
-    1.6270535823300001, 1.64604277857, 1.66675355419, 1.69387124571,
-    1.7124303672300001, 1.7402106696399999, 1.7770409733200001, 1.79456862305,
-    1.8202531872000001, 1.84460821986, 1.86760077894, 1.89650572807,
-    1.9192579590500001, 1.95188224797, 1.96482546943, 1.9921085106,
-    2.0131483132499999, 2.05544343578, 2.0827595529899998, 2.1347983483699999,
-    2.16760564415, 2.2014516721900002, 2.2315870739900001, 2.2636169272100002,
-    2.30995438871, 2.3374033408299999, 2.3738865256000001, 2.3951038330599999,
-    2.4431717219700002, 2.4826850222400001, 2.5185317615099998,
-    2.5638428795100001, 2.6284306548999998, 2.66623660644, 2.7096591116400002,
-    2.7586335740300001, 2.8025663346699998, 2.8401708445299998,
-    2.8783352938300002, 2.9063543000399998, 2.9593598772399998,
-    2.9957288325500002, 3.0605506942799998, 3.10955011278, 3.1789052606700001,
-    3.2428513432099999, 3.3274186461299999, 3.4074444667899999, 3.4504525115,
-    3.52884017973, 3.5708077150699999, 3.6772565091299998, 3.7474521798599998,
-    3.8121617114599999, 3.9240511321899998, 4.02413852901, 4.0815085453500002,
-    4.1825546762599997, 4.2751667515599996, 4.3741820336400004,
-    4.4834872676200002, 4.5686814128700002, 4.6358562892300004,
-    4.8094489254399999, 4.9654168327999999, 5.1314477165500003, 5.25148158988,
-    5.4403573194500003, 5.6010313900300002, 5.7161651882199997,
-    5.8958565355000001, 6.0361890974200003, 6.16740467168, 6.3041850958600003,
-    6.44114745164, 6.60541649452, 6.7974616801999996, 6.97815602873,
-    7.1388403799600004, 7.4314686713300002, 7.8384931901600003,
-    8.2177028271400001, 8.6453372183900008, 9.1543142843100007,
-    9.3764541677899995, 9.7962854173, 10.1633267175, 10.574689812400001,
-    11.0937462194, 11.4000754819, 11.9914359538, 12.3258902671, 12.7457696507,
-    13.361289611, 14.0129741907, 14.632251501600001, 15.099323370900001,
-    16.134748603599999, 16.802461663300001, 17.854647673100001,
-    18.834756072000001, 20.042735115799999, 21.573609706300001,
-    22.868457402400001, 24.574192288399999, 26.8474848352, 30.083792871499998,
-    34.499075183899997, 38.6709205943, 44.689686852000001, 52.857340428500002,
-    72.813133754999996, 91.564507002300005, 158.818628891, 939.11373358000003,
-    0.0, 0.071205885244299993, 0.099254028698600005, 0.14849104281600001,
-    0.17292354310999999, 0.20032666224500001, 0.226406277543,
-    0.23815469487599999, 0.26703405121599999, 0.28197072629300002,
-    0.296082146193, 0.31125854952699999, 0.32554466413499999,
-    0.33804933218900002, 0.35118970952299999, 0.371085578114,
-    0.39491385706400001, 0.413740038782, 0.42221028600999999,
-    0.44225862765200002, 0.458189520006, 0.48022475118199998,
-    0.49685298807599998, 0.51500317491299996, 0.53482118753700003,
-    0.55247938228399995, 0.57330658115499999, 0.58475963165199996,
-    0.60106501656199995, 0.62413217304400004, 0.63793653903699998,
-    0.65128873183500002, 0.66636704386000001, 0.67951755835000005,
-    0.68956025540200006, 0.70245093627400002, 0.71504184012600003,
-    0.73014210840100002, 0.74713784886300005, 0.75935155136999999,
-    0.77523714645700004, 0.78405425336400003, 0.79615963931099998,
-    0.81110455864499997, 0.82545864838799998, 0.83566202986100002,
-    0.85063666826600004, 0.87077765663700002, 0.88045508705099995,
-    0.89294081845100004, 0.90498155226699994, 0.91781500438800001,
-    0.93111410315300003, 0.94545406555199996, 0.95838819225799998,
-    0.96877608392100001, 0.98476526685599997, 1.0010342642000001,
-    1.0119849276699999, 1.03464783319, 1.05455213715, 1.0711504321800001,
-    1.08010453195, 1.1004877825999999, 1.10818262538, 1.1246761488799999,
-    1.13470825936, 1.14750678231, 1.1632448283100001, 1.18449169262,
-    1.2011657527599999, 1.2152811055699999, 1.2364506326, 1.24964319272,
-    1.2661037937899999, 1.2785791013300001, 1.2962377117699999,
-    1.3138558072099999, 1.3362693854300001, 1.34951663893, 1.3637686600700001,
-    1.37717976853, 1.3942209300999999, 1.4185816293, 1.43866597309,
-    1.45276157482, 1.48127714521, 1.5023296186499999, 1.52673585641,
-    1.5503318122600001, 1.5888091586999999, 1.6062719352799999,
-    1.6295964377400001, 1.6612388523299999, 1.6812256221899999, 1.70508917316,
-    1.72112188896, 1.74686294045, 1.7609156044800001, 1.7888509017400001,
-    1.8132839677799999, 1.8432731273, 1.8705117570000001, 1.89982085224,
-    1.9362197326199999, 1.96069015259, 1.9880007387600001, 2.0201535914000002,
-    2.0573265057399999, 2.0987964366999998, 2.13211771373, 2.1622274845799998,
-    2.1903685766800001, 2.22533347206, 2.26089786499, 2.3105003291199999,
-    2.33786317109, 2.37516129651, 2.4193923972300002, 2.4579148222399998,
-    2.5029183158800001, 2.53381912593, 2.5677307283899999, 2.6162502017999998,
-    2.6750579269800001, 2.7203789138199999, 2.7458139153899999,
-    2.8254724574300001, 2.8565396273200001, 2.9040559269499999,
-    2.9651085310499998, 3.0196812095999999, 3.0843657504699999,
-    3.1558869808600001, 3.2223894339400001, 3.2603729802400001,
-    3.3614620894799998, 3.4362647479800001, 3.53920130259, 3.5756943688499998,
-    3.64101261846, 3.7233677998300001, 3.8016940916299999, 3.9106972227400001,
-    3.9990351336300001, 4.0897762814999998, 4.1774051907800001,
-    4.2798115401099999, 4.3711459042799996, 4.4838086749199997,
-    4.5942578656300004, 4.69725646861, 4.8356147641699998, 4.9568908200199999,
-    5.0559387430399996, 5.1307907403700002, 5.29064241813, 5.4495402731300002,
-    5.5692069479899997, 5.8023798879999999, 5.9217137438199998,
-    6.1545111640699997, 6.2686946022500001, 6.4619248209700002,
-    6.6102067457500002, 6.8760747683199996, 7.1590374621899997, 7.31422994403,
-    7.6196963320300002, 7.9330981866299997, 8.3005559691100004,
-    8.5080589881200002, 8.9030525835399992, 9.3843270585099994, 9.88649146809,
-    10.279354769599999, 10.603107312100001, 11.1118716186, 11.4784714402,
-    12.035536117199999, 12.847959552400001, 13.415735074900001, 14.1791106731,
-    15.0355747631, 16.9356357166, 17.805067612999999, 19.342641049299999,
-    21.009071134500001, 23.1764543914, 25.379614414799999, 27.885782949300001,
-    29.619482312399999, 33.254904224999997, 36.867160964200004, 40.4774911481,
-    50.2787838733, 62.180321216899998, 80.798575822199993, 94.584243390899999,
-    131.07441246799999, 532.11553542800004, 0.0, 0.066750493128400007,
-    0.10229228903, 0.14064849221799999, 0.16816604212, 0.185917820027,
-    0.21145207109799999, 0.22637409875299999, 0.23827441847700001,
-    0.25325002214100001, 0.282002121386, 0.29459754431500002, 0.309921025947,
-    0.32256024829399998, 0.33607649321799998, 0.35308583886400002,
-    0.366974488228, 0.38834215578600001, 0.407453141593, 0.42152609543199998,
-    0.44240079751299999, 0.45519187153599999, 0.46297707882400002,
-    0.47982221228700001, 0.49667630123599998, 0.508498258634,
-    0.51689250307900003, 0.53635170713299996, 0.55035959890200004,
-    0.56783201126299998, 0.58585694882899997, 0.59530161133699999,
-    0.60864863465700003, 0.61872677583699998, 0.63314266869000002,
-    0.64227626695200002, 0.66366778123400005, 0.67270302950299998,
-    0.68420389566899997, 0.69282668375900003, 0.70143224682899996,
-    0.71443579991700001, 0.72615598912400003, 0.73642045277699997,
-    0.74797476862599999, 0.75717018072300002, 0.76798353829599997,
-    0.77486375038599997, 0.79414765885500005, 0.80854204945800001,
-    0.82112865231700005, 0.83235531435499999, 0.84902111566299998,
-    0.85542717883200003, 0.85897397230799999, 0.87704088496099997,
-    0.89151271520300002, 0.90700102609599997, 0.920719450271,
-    0.92891160690200003, 0.938857619857, 0.94825684266300003,
-    0.95986000285999995, 0.96960811962399995, 0.989941122374, 1.00360008757,
-    1.02107596077, 1.03643638202, 1.0502377328700001, 1.0717680324100001,
-    1.0865864964900001, 1.0954103929900001, 1.10647648545, 1.11919554073,
-    1.1348944810799999, 1.1478893503600001, 1.1583683144100001, 1.17725367471,
-    1.1977476949200001, 1.2115494448899999, 1.2227006682499999, 1.23641648061,
-    1.2453807854500001, 1.2593987794899999, 1.26998244399, 1.2869142286699999,
-    1.30049557207, 1.31446944898, 1.3295110779099999, 1.3446024810899999,
-    1.3719517782999999, 1.3907558123199999, 1.40705250973, 1.4264556633200001,
-    1.4396767485499999, 1.46991083644, 1.4987499147300001, 1.51363764814,
-    1.5369634294400001, 1.55497159429, 1.58019513401, 1.58671558905,
-    1.6122642631099999, 1.6513557926, 1.68400062899, 1.7089437540000001,
-    1.72753924255, 1.7453552720800001, 1.7758454361, 1.7994335997999999,
-    1.82770292952, 1.84731671466, 1.8985423459799999, 1.9145465641699999,
-    1.9448048626000001, 1.9916997561000001, 2.0178550764300001,
-    2.0361698775099999, 2.0577739526799999, 2.0831203668899998,
-    2.1103632127899998, 2.1537354568799998, 2.1788561526999999,
-    2.2045213341899998, 2.2224788538400002, 2.2635629295799999,
-    2.3165276562799999, 2.34821085414, 2.3981207218199998, 2.4198916383700002,
-    2.4597388271499998, 2.5017065354999999, 2.56256913084, 2.60073239413,
-    2.6306494736500001, 2.6860626220700001, 2.7343736190899999,
-    2.8116594856499999, 2.8637335040699998, 2.9264728333900001,
-    2.9955476839699999, 3.05285386085, 3.1356878770200001, 3.2072182033300001,
-    3.26764142152, 3.3485823077900001, 3.4312097504199999, 3.4816563758900001,
-    3.5584231314100001, 3.6375811375099998, 3.7335599506700001,
-    3.8014008857100001, 3.8705553019300001, 3.9806979118000001,
-    4.0971698101299996, 4.1749168167999997, 4.3083366103599996, 4.38165849577,
-    4.5310804208600004, 4.6613092856899998, 4.7803056653900002,
-    4.9095209439899996, 5.0546229367600004, 5.2110820221100003,
-    5.3463510691199998, 5.52429734599, 5.6756130707899999, 5.9685799046800003,
-    6.1860199186999996, 6.3195153450500001, 6.6566660244499998,
-    6.9673972764899998, 7.26908683037, 7.6488825007600001, 7.8611350773700002,
-    8.2320652147600004, 8.4210908255200003, 8.9496041073600008,
-    9.5584199425000005, 10.1439245514, 10.6423118073, 11.0791716855,
-    11.838823182500001, 12.7106408238, 14.1580993885, 15.148907718,
-    15.904843132, 17.434395016500002, 18.518727628800001, 20.121463138599999,
-    22.7076019362, 24.3760430058, 27.247058263300001, 30.661631466599999,
-    33.079547519400002, 39.127879890599999, 48.943565214800003, 59.4575606151,
-    91.335874697400001, 141.45432793200001, 411.661489776, 0.0,
-    0.069952231864699996, 0.103404633578, 0.125014068162, 0.146010270449,
-    0.16359155444599999, 0.178864568833, 0.19599840432599999,
-    0.21261593381499999, 0.22711972642700001, 0.243111674684,
-    0.25767461785399998, 0.27180823360799999, 0.28563106170000002,
-    0.30065227522400001, 0.31466033367599999, 0.32740274431499999,
-    0.34144162964000002, 0.35392977821499999, 0.36739586603699997,
-    0.37668601825699999, 0.38997906091099999, 0.40341912954199999,
-    0.416373727157, 0.426895908682, 0.43977830899800002, 0.45258671966300001,
-    0.466514605217, 0.477389064152, 0.48977333283500002, 0.50163197604999998,
-    0.51199626571900003, 0.52444304417700005, 0.535756267392,
-    0.54517617178599997, 0.556723976482, 0.56923743022399997,
-    0.58148013003300003, 0.59338244193300005, 0.60349023988499995,
-    0.61844448197599999, 0.63082462731599998, 0.64077938591500005,
-    0.65387489192500003, 0.66469357132100004, 0.67819373925399995,
-    0.68727074573400004, 0.69848718075600003, 0.71043795726600001,
-    0.71961915177299995, 0.72969713364300004, 0.74107602282600005,
-    0.75606721670699994, 0.76643518425500001, 0.77845497049099999,
-    0.78839543992500005, 0.80132022172700001, 0.81246877456,
-    0.82543482006900004, 0.835142423425, 0.84674802068300004,
-    0.85967143818799996, 0.87125300477599998, 0.88408451673499999,
-    0.89664194416599996, 0.91062205430599996, 0.92119895144599995,
-    0.93242997074199996, 0.94571219445300003, 0.96041450364400005,
-    0.97224013435699996, 0.98495533130900004, 0.99919196810900002,
-    1.0129236124100001, 1.02562802722, 1.0390578098300001, 1.05327349462,
-    1.06699289985, 1.08003878786, 1.0911503311699999, 1.10287478431,
-    1.11752324595, 1.1314149261899999, 1.1474113539199999, 1.1623424598800001,
-    1.1809099334199999, 1.19698636893, 1.21181796755, 1.22544671282,
-    1.24244196167, 1.25768137753, 1.2753336486, 1.29073541071,
-    1.3028499501799999, 1.3187969502100001, 1.33382177937, 1.35329432786,
-    1.3654396608399999, 1.3831852898699999, 1.4053731868899999,
-    1.4244601671899999, 1.4458595538900001, 1.4624828517299999, 1.48424757851,
-    1.50258889287, 1.5267644454, 1.54442727619, 1.56845111196,
-    1.5867698647199999, 1.60842558029, 1.6313088751, 1.6534369558899999,
-    1.6753389600899999, 1.69620207473, 1.7204189063699999, 1.7419530680599999,
-    1.76805842778, 1.7922030172000001, 1.8188034212699999, 1.85148643519,
-    1.8773786266000001, 1.90256305862, 1.9386203775399999, 1.9687813707199999,
-    1.9981566611499999, 2.0245303042499998, 2.0584208427499999,
-    2.0946946719900001, 2.1348120365500001, 2.1791471443199999,
-    2.2224520832399999, 2.2595687931800001, 2.3106923875200001,
-    2.3553963857400002, 2.3983286546599998, 2.4436515071799998,
-    2.4865189620699999, 2.5405446707500001, 2.59421388661, 2.64091695706,
-    2.6996385735900001, 2.7473734419100002, 2.8035977565799999,
-    2.8535299568900001, 2.91542786179, 2.9893281334399999, 3.0516305485699999,
-    3.1163028661999999, 3.1947678399299999, 3.2663049222699998,
-    3.3339853805400002, 3.40237096205, 3.4768322926400002, 3.5806851899900001,
-    3.6801840510099999, 3.7872722453700001, 3.8916915748699998,
-    3.9917050980400002, 4.0940578914500003, 4.19602458524, 4.3323371208100001,
-    4.4338250448399998, 4.5732353526800003, 4.7071896650899996,
-    4.8371637819700002, 4.9861306159599996, 5.1247005951200002,
-    5.2989900989100001, 5.4331191858299999, 5.5988276453600001,
-    5.8197641223699996, 6.0307234869500004, 6.2629671258800004,
-    6.4723292924600004, 6.73373305351, 7.0011281823499996, 7.2896172889599997,
-    7.6282663585300003, 7.9822597848400001, 8.4459703825899997,
-    8.8384469969099992, 9.2101115074000006, 9.73610634934, 10.3512776241,
-    10.917239822399999, 11.6235706159, 12.2958078571, 12.939563854899999,
-    14.2324201348, 15.485703747200001, 16.9857809226, 18.432059703,
-    20.321399149499999, 22.561711453099999, 25.531954585200001,
-    29.543395520299999, 34.331229479900003, 42.111056517599998,
-    54.231741921900003, 88.569928594700002, 402.90323270200003, 0.0,
-    0.063832780404899994, 0.097778217097499995, 0.12370909607, 0.150339924072,
-    0.16482266304000001, 0.17990570626399999, 0.190646713912,
-    0.20163809948600001, 0.216830757348, 0.22812951506500001,
-    0.24021891326399999, 0.25541866841600003, 0.269018368043,
-    0.28049226030899999, 0.29164957411100001, 0.30229091825999999,
-    0.31343659256900003, 0.327727185596, 0.33950733116499998,
-    0.35546334505900001, 0.36812325794200002, 0.38133767715299999,
-    0.394597620963, 0.404978263841, 0.41815375781000003, 0.42864653293400001,
-    0.444894300819, 0.454376903331, 0.46341028375999999, 0.47599157488299998,
-    0.48560628028199998, 0.49777311032799998, 0.508833944353,
-    0.52141721957599996, 0.53079993862899999, 0.54083525487700002,
-    0.55116155918099996, 0.56028981112599996, 0.571200303066,
-    0.58044683485600002, 0.58839931947599999, 0.59900193670599999,
-    0.60844513668900002, 0.61984074999700001, 0.630706376051,
-    0.64055060618699999, 0.65022883648700003, 0.65969805240099999,
-    0.67173860230299998, 0.683039145269, 0.69151743825699996,
-    0.70492328902000001, 0.71497674644599996, 0.72455754197800004,
-    0.73626892393499999, 0.74666068393600005, 0.75711837954399996,
-    0.76917986479, 0.78031391817899998, 0.79003646883199996,
-    0.80178135233600001, 0.81294330929500003, 0.82479240642999996,
-    0.83793294590599998, 0.84856051750299999, 0.857727050288, 0.867523080562,
-    0.87989898293299995, 0.88810730552100003, 0.89899588869799996,
-    0.90918788036700005, 0.92161182284099996, 0.93310880618299996,
-    0.94666983786799996, 0.95950586438800001, 0.96954717752200004,
-    0.98183054360800004, 0.99327109762300003, 1.0071871810099999, 1.0199396023,
-    1.0299591745400001, 1.0433590956800001, 1.0579526586200001, 1.0722037652,
-    1.0856825564000001, 1.10062275455, 1.11366547931, 1.12553109294,
-    1.1369984132099999, 1.1497029036699999, 1.16306292312, 1.17522255584,
-    1.1892082610600001, 1.2041212236300001, 1.22190050707, 1.2347118934600001,
-    1.2504314859500001, 1.2629302579599999, 1.2791680786099999, 1.29405735901,
-    1.3107720617700001, 1.32643387797, 1.3415152129300001, 1.3620274129300001,
-    1.3823476697499999, 1.40444011877, 1.42173569526, 1.4364703857500001,
-    1.45484612731, 1.47972134044, 1.49655634371, 1.5141380044499999,
-    1.53379025535, 1.5555036580899999, 1.5714663036600001, 1.59647294538,
-    1.6138151759899999, 1.6380127097199999, 1.6594163419300001,
-    1.6820072233800001, 1.7019879011500001, 1.7246555912899999, 1.75616951171,
-    1.7809849497500001, 1.8095401046899999, 1.83533696471, 1.8573176551099999,
-    1.88542875324, 1.92090178934, 1.9505618811500001, 1.9774596313099999,
-    2.0068544301600002, 2.0350921018900001, 2.0643959097, 2.1062800026400001,
-    2.1347376230699999, 2.1742676793900002, 2.2104098855299998,
-    2.2514941680099998, 2.2912348247100001, 2.3349554164100002,
-    2.3796253970099999, 2.41766195211, 2.4815347228200002, 2.5296861327400002,
-    2.57523096673, 2.6414826618, 2.6880090127099998, 2.7379395286100001,
-    2.7971131333199999, 2.8454615301600001, 2.9012187913899998,
-    2.9675790254000001, 3.04978866032, 3.12354871979, 3.2117080755199998,
-    3.3031992991200001, 3.3786495999400001, 3.4622786505200001,
-    3.5341733641599999, 3.5975451787299999, 3.7026608369999998, 3.82558431557,
-    3.9485708722999999, 4.0749917626799999, 4.2182278466299996,
-    4.3815530054699998, 4.5579379614200004, 4.7079073862299996,
-    4.8861754887000002, 5.0662849643500003, 5.2496674690900003,
-    5.4708584275999996, 5.6873944276300001, 5.9465154086899998, 6.10841977807,
-    6.32522045284, 6.6457452149499998, 6.8963618663700004, 7.1600629694100002,
-    7.4849075540900003, 7.8078159674899998, 8.1135987260599993,
-    8.6434490614699993, 9.3138777741999998, 9.9096943796500003, 10.5413045729,
-    11.158948712999999, 11.999104899500001, 12.8985733307, 13.9490047253,
-    15.518092394, 17.033131729600001, 18.432082803299998, 20.708613102099999,
-    23.123985660399999, 27.884421759599999, 36.561019225000003,
-    61.076641297099997, 468.04625970900003, 0.0, 0.067076529355799996,
-    0.097824586424400006, 0.12058047219699999, 0.135066352689,
-    0.15703805450399999, 0.16865220856099999, 0.18272153189500001,
-    0.19456107267299999, 0.20905544303500001, 0.22429021016199999,
-    0.23682684978499999, 0.24961005214199999, 0.26225295033399998,
-    0.27282432554800001, 0.283602099439, 0.29623312604699997,
-    0.30840842319700001, 0.31645548412699998, 0.33143452632300002,
-    0.343712260145, 0.35341928343099999, 0.36635377466399999,
-    0.37717670892999999, 0.39032523504299999, 0.40013045900700001,
-    0.41162395957300002, 0.42423155816699998, 0.43186283101,
-    0.44215015996599999, 0.45428937582200002, 0.46224971743999999,
-    0.47594444504299999, 0.48807023390400001, 0.49693964716900002,
-    0.51019137347099996, 0.52165237357899996, 0.53174150971800005,
-    0.54256492119300004, 0.55515020156399997, 0.56325486596700003,
-    0.57178372078899997, 0.57891384744999996, 0.58826455880299999,
-    0.59910449639800001, 0.60935191848000003, 0.61881052080400001,
-    0.62702569041300005, 0.63798126176500003, 0.64999626073299999,
-    0.66409842520700002, 0.67206511322700002, 0.68117655017099998,
-    0.69235691936599997, 0.70629027472700001, 0.71718753920199996,
-    0.72825030830899995, 0.73958277894699997, 0.74721313986399995,
-    0.75951044739999996, 0.77054717878099999, 0.78033716992000002,
-    0.791657009508, 0.80069783012999995, 0.81151864388700001,
-    0.82257967604500004, 0.83376565960100002, 0.84367481175100001,
-    0.85373445615999999, 0.86281664475599995, 0.87277267299399997,
-    0.88522150941099997, 0.895112829577, 0.90741716188900001,
-    0.91619554643300005, 0.92601655850499998, 0.93734361345600004,
-    0.94620041333000005, 0.95712672909899998, 0.96744573225499997,
-    0.98318977108299999, 0.99187947130599996, 1.00505446816,
-    1.0135141032699999, 1.02598410227, 1.0352951482399999, 1.0473143060900001,
-    1.0610104522899999, 1.07557548922, 1.0886540525699999, 1.1030302993000001,
-    1.1222000890499999, 1.1397653729499999, 1.15430437835, 1.1696993848599999,
-    1.1869488960800001, 1.20122564741, 1.2141587142000001, 1.2257708751700001,
-    1.2411522805399999, 1.2560045466400001, 1.27446251035, 1.2841952131300001,
-    1.2982208578200001, 1.3182157576, 1.3298159782600001, 1.3424136029,
-    1.3604328317200001, 1.3767068167600001, 1.39749108045, 1.4148267830400001,
-    1.43982412632, 1.45450195158, 1.47070553463, 1.4842104270200001,
-    1.5036094415600001, 1.5196111004899999, 1.5427837280000001, 1.56874118822,
-    1.59012806749, 1.6156339281200001, 1.6415259814800001, 1.6627342303899999,
-    1.68678597138, 1.7123700775899999, 1.7355941341300001, 1.7575287234700001,
-    1.77549370303, 1.8023242212999999, 1.8306364744700001, 1.86843117775,
-    1.89616140233, 1.92693168508, 1.94653908551, 1.9674301249699999,
-    2.0023775987399999, 2.0410970809600002, 2.0712419181500001,
-    2.1001298794399998, 2.1435551353000002, 2.18745519946, 2.2407411531300001,
-    2.2877176484300001, 2.3482386991299999, 2.3878544206000001,
-    2.4256485211599998, 2.4689746994299999, 2.54115707404, 2.6060044637200002,
-    2.6471446480799998, 2.7082778846300002, 2.7625848318599999,
-    2.8217618519399998, 2.8730281955899999, 2.94944935405, 2.9984511177900002,
-    3.06158326156, 3.1477109402800001, 3.2264457052400002, 3.3135370713699999,
-    3.3913116560900001, 3.46766561982, 3.5469306652600001, 3.6270133483599998,
-    3.7196516111200002, 3.8300128499600001, 3.9706856961599999,
-    4.0624593885399998, 4.16862605645, 4.32355081595, 4.4582130280000003,
-    4.5901068198399999, 4.7253251831799998, 4.8713623347399997,
-    5.0670691161099999, 5.2375849693000003, 5.3887073546400002,
-    5.6495635870200003, 5.8884178613599998, 6.1407571599699997,
-    6.3858608976199998, 6.6661948102800004, 7.0439049067599999,
-    7.3559915120800001, 7.73009363221, 8.2262361691900008, 8.8019442355600006,
-    9.2680434525499997, 9.7743200198599993, 10.6920252267, 11.3785733059,
-    12.170137853, 13.036613519199999, 14.486048819000001, 16.028067222499999,
-    17.977721620600001, 20.963719555200001, 25.110074835700001,
-    32.315204575999999, 51.776266767099997, 108.063764331, 0.0,
-    0.074209559522700003, 0.108008052641, 0.12807119272199999, 0.145696860505,
-    0.15949782790200001, 0.17030767784699999, 0.181856162219, 0.194359775116,
-    0.206545451204, 0.216886655718, 0.227597454714, 0.239520822277,
-    0.24975972163499999, 0.26174800391699998, 0.27515156150300002,
-    0.28928260960800001, 0.30056007218699998, 0.31177038148300001,
-    0.32223273686999998, 0.33233709398299999, 0.34226863585799999,
-    0.35054033371600002, 0.36272022538900001, 0.37265758299599999,
-    0.38450845354800001, 0.392952528902, 0.40280374789700002,
-    0.41239163517100003, 0.42225057636800001, 0.43390677896199997,
-    0.44589553585300001, 0.456357880291, 0.46605928183400003,
-    0.47533877800199997, 0.485109944056, 0.49754601794199999,
-    0.50792030114300002, 0.51923692407099997, 0.52864927728800004,
-    0.53777407420400003, 0.54790751383199998, 0.55673983995999998,
-    0.56698607143699997, 0.57670367642800002, 0.58667471005899996,
-    0.596751819495, 0.60570130209100004, 0.61498993393199997,
-    0.62532916186599996, 0.63421809777399996, 0.643945582415, 0.652131236,
-    0.66037342159400003, 0.66984241853199999, 0.68013004284099998,
-    0.68891506562500004, 0.69795858717600001, 0.70724072355500001,
-    0.71773910407499997, 0.72600456224599996, 0.73529066837299994,
-    0.74465581544199999, 0.75311728489600005, 0.76285052475299997,
-    0.77230557399699995, 0.78194921514500004, 0.79213459741699999,
-    0.80258535964699995, 0.81396443458699996, 0.82267338024400005,
-    0.83206771620599995, 0.83984893131100002, 0.85244698240700001,
-    0.860212067124, 0.87121284808199995, 0.88206426743400002, 0.893602624377,
-    0.90550090295300001, 0.91868520951400001, 0.92977380346299998,
-    0.94206318246999998, 0.95246633238900003, 0.96670282891199999,
-    0.97605982209599995, 0.98559747736000003, 0.99585577432700001,
-    1.00707064259, 1.01710690075, 1.02898182166, 1.04428034784,
-    1.0538694818500001, 1.06500309695, 1.0756346263800001, 1.08768054822,
-    1.0986564112699999, 1.11056517658, 1.1222492032, 1.13556072341,
-    1.1472841566, 1.16118311944, 1.17259765348, 1.1861421571199999,
-    1.1985894798400001, 1.20980222263, 1.2233664048399999, 1.2385002300500001,
-    1.2516226459299999, 1.2669008712400001, 1.2794959423800001,
-    1.2958611531299999, 1.31116706463, 1.32857407312, 1.34365731571,
-    1.35879876289, 1.3767427480700001, 1.3927745273200001, 1.41141387435,
-    1.4296441628400001, 1.4469934928999999, 1.46603314043, 1.4837471764900001,
-    1.5016602720400001, 1.51855715617, 1.5372635274499999, 1.55585749083,
-    1.5776110083899999, 1.59566951462, 1.62476079488, 1.6471928626000001,
-    1.6678247338300001, 1.6864094001200001, 1.7115934443700001,
-    1.7389659531499999, 1.76721239977, 1.78849994105, 1.81312786502,
-    1.8365295582100001, 1.8646738456900001, 1.8978807795199999, 1.9240405234,
-    1.9549490789899999, 1.98972377392, 2.0200230888899999, 2.0589141742399999,
-    2.10302415543, 2.14058485254, 2.1818536127199999, 2.2299519963300001,
-    2.2712959938699999, 2.3135445986500001, 2.3566542270399999,
-    2.3959056922599999, 2.4446333513399998, 2.4952439185199999,
-    2.5492654399200001, 2.6106037504100001, 2.6602865229799999,
-    2.7105208912299998, 2.7745671455899998, 2.8333797499900002,
-    2.9008461857499999, 2.96494326499, 3.0289889630300002, 3.10234506861,
-    3.1725169557099999, 3.2548023935399999, 3.3312575634499999, 3.41501385226,
-    3.5077691502100001, 3.6109139158899999, 3.70736489466, 3.8078795299400001,
-    3.9399935880500001, 4.0729162849399998, 4.1754315477999997, 4.32871701963,
-    4.4670420558400004, 4.6172360869400002, 4.7801353008799996,
-    4.9685158392900002, 5.1787521224099997, 5.3659561809799996,
-    5.5579867362700002, 5.80647069765, 6.0770936171800001, 6.3474439077599998,
-    6.62582338065, 6.9727248909400004, 7.3991913842899999, 7.8834449215399998,
-    8.5166144845100007, 9.2030546325000007, 9.88020733826, 10.866036106699999,
-    12.0758777085, 14.18128042, 16.712052750600002, 20.430876708300001,
-    27.2913398323, 198.831343334, 0.0, 0.069244384700200001,
-    0.088432101515100003, 0.10716305206, 0.12503845091900001, 0.140404065533,
-    0.15732758095900001, 0.17026163426999999, 0.181554153262,
-    0.19229104097999999, 0.20063488720700001, 0.20918075219000001,
-    0.22448851398700001, 0.23329259600999999, 0.243417838223,
-    0.25098683398999999, 0.26086665715599999, 0.26722012921400001,
-    0.27447102517700001, 0.28549280903099999, 0.29370514330199998,
-    0.30435794709199998, 0.31171401890299999, 0.32079725821600003,
-    0.33073290586199999, 0.340392028515, 0.35038726600499998,
-    0.35811690266399998, 0.36447411653700001, 0.37185544116399999,
-    0.381082348721, 0.390780214455, 0.39830952785200002, 0.40748168602500001,
-    0.41488373765499997, 0.42543510561100001, 0.43158160961199998,
-    0.44002625662900002, 0.44926347686599999, 0.45776432919799998,
-    0.468022411503, 0.47664440380200002, 0.48258490950499999,
-    0.48896171374500003, 0.496491820137, 0.50698509859999996,
-    0.51452015906199999, 0.52068937139100002, 0.52946408477100004,
-    0.53880448153799998, 0.548801791313, 0.555995027759, 0.56369511933200001,
-    0.57026213611200005, 0.57917412801400003, 0.58903117523000004,
-    0.59960305490099997, 0.60673607228299997, 0.61394249280099999,
-    0.62335872512500001, 0.62950473092000003, 0.63564906077100003,
-    0.64370653836500002, 0.65068290176499999, 0.65692425783200004,
-    0.66660140937199996, 0.67467287438699997, 0.68340267482299999,
-    0.69234704669500002, 0.70022548729900003, 0.70878108772100001,
-    0.71517132508000003, 0.72483344563800001, 0.73510369684400001,
-    0.74464179844099998, 0.75114169742299997, 0.75948786098200005,
-    0.76927896632399995, 0.780181603981, 0.79038397953499995,
-    0.79658809158499999, 0.80565180419899995, 0.81340080992999997,
-    0.82502676166900002, 0.83237961296700003, 0.84110268556400003,
-    0.85232968998699998, 0.86273446105600005, 0.87069963084699997,
-    0.88137854582999997, 0.89128913714400004, 0.90061058757400003,
-    0.90609412190700001, 0.91504032505999999, 0.92415693050900005,
-    0.93648983181699996, 0.94349116139300004, 0.95300702282700001,
-    0.96521719153999996, 0.97733292798399996, 0.98974230043699996,
-    1.0028012640199999, 1.01236890773, 1.0253034214500001, 1.0345343165800001,
-    1.0429324387700001, 1.0534672371, 1.06628868009, 1.07468795352,
-    1.08633326882, 1.09933424957, 1.1068518163600001, 1.12106242894,
-    1.13430375102, 1.1497669909499999, 1.16355554605, 1.1741333470999999,
-    1.1865602471200001, 1.19552264974, 1.20964466299, 1.2206552660600001,
-    1.2334735428900001, 1.2446193507100001, 1.26228052188, 1.2733668809500001,
-    1.2862487980799999, 1.29915564596, 1.31311637923, 1.3325804596099999,
-    1.34251302023, 1.3591003659500001, 1.377169549, 1.3924811167,
-    1.40750771045, 1.4232614989300001, 1.4396669344899999, 1.4651287187599999,
-    1.4899491085200001, 1.50816578923, 1.5249813512099999, 1.5484316629499999,
-    1.56552035633, 1.58626075727, 1.60321824898, 1.6254795315799999,
-    1.64592427713, 1.6680292001699999, 1.6929771865600001, 1.71641044875,
-    1.73825985627, 1.7655221754799999, 1.7903694698399999, 1.8124234588000001,
-    1.83919765728, 1.86770929471, 1.9001015000199999, 1.9321267789500001,
-    1.95584199638, 1.99690811411, 2.0217444230499999, 2.05376297292,
-    2.0929451083099999, 2.12301731176, 2.1526232798299998, 2.19298807375,
-    2.2255018723100002, 2.2689246505599998, 2.3179026897699999,
-    2.3644121098699999, 2.4221039841300001, 2.4838688069799999, 2.53466998697,
-    2.6042919607999999, 2.6812450073999998, 2.7654172146999998,
-    2.8309204248399999, 2.9094078948100002, 2.9876772553499999,
-    3.0748530970700001, 3.1622064731699999, 3.24147451246, 3.32558384886,
-    3.4422202342600001, 3.5775338240400001, 3.7141610497599999, 3.87173250803,
-    4.0663966875900002, 4.29308118297, 4.4781034155099997, 4.7041054642700004,
-    5.0488522514199996, 5.3311777928700002, 5.6656935490200002,
-    6.1539089237400004, 6.8843836607600002, 7.4347424954000001,
-    8.2978267417500007, 9.6243020157500005, 11.369168954199999,
-    15.540639672399999, 76.1760172643, 0.0, 0.049706365699999998,
-    0.0666592682662, 0.088322065368899999, 0.104536859611, 0.11923256786399999,
-    0.127291144238, 0.13502577832400001, 0.140820543469, 0.15139945632400001,
-    0.16099717066999999, 0.16793664804899999, 0.179770597659,
-    0.18534480911599999, 0.19437588065, 0.20501796081000001,
-    0.21442507195499999, 0.223638661722, 0.235448046864, 0.24069837603999999,
-    0.249796619168, 0.2569021037, 0.26571241794099998, 0.273484835112,
-    0.28264031867099998, 0.29203238294299999, 0.30128506578199998,
-    0.30890798204499997, 0.31400372247300001, 0.32085907990500001,
-    0.33018590514200002, 0.33434813763600002, 0.34099138695100001,
-    0.34839419218399997, 0.36043796979300002, 0.366921197137, 0.374978179395,
-    0.380142953738, 0.38497527854699998, 0.39412431397300002,
-    0.40294224279800001, 0.41036947119900002, 0.42097414080500001,
-    0.426696154529, 0.43405547629300001, 0.438076390323, 0.44626941882600002,
-    0.45209988855099997, 0.46025667702299999, 0.46751534699899999,
-    0.47569740786199999, 0.48648925341600002, 0.49365845173799999,
-    0.50062076512099996, 0.50762099689399998, 0.51599561488599999,
-    0.52069070294499997, 0.52771734894599998, 0.53507770527700005,
-    0.53957262010100004, 0.54687563426600005, 0.55882733756900005,
-    0.56778279961099998, 0.57581367970300001, 0.58169558514099995,
-    0.589416835832, 0.59799990574399997, 0.60309451416000004,
-    0.60776585343300005, 0.61113211528400002, 0.620751519689,
-    0.63049668177200002, 0.64186111209399999, 0.649049389792,
-    0.65881032984999999, 0.667603399933, 0.67500088551600002,
-    0.68058962597299999, 0.68475592303099997, 0.69020553863599998,
-    0.69297641552300004, 0.69919890922799999, 0.70692564551500003,
-    0.71223085652100004, 0.72213575435900001, 0.730079802251,
-    0.73971307206199999, 0.74754515744299999, 0.75906245692899998,
-    0.76535806436599996, 0.768435170424, 0.77936645084, 0.78371319966099995,
-    0.793548757173, 0.79992665980300004, 0.80669075308100002, 0.813805390164,
-    0.82073219292800004, 0.82530292600499999, 0.83254418888299997,
-    0.84023227490600005, 0.84610269681500005, 0.850974506809,
-    0.85604916181199997, 0.86800267070000003, 0.87548269182500005,
-    0.88170746226899999, 0.89168104316600005, 0.89886785180600004,
-    0.90941660694899995, 0.92091095976000004, 0.92713708903799996,
-    0.93255472954399998, 0.94075570205600001, 0.95405981205900003,
-    0.96338844277799995, 0.97402552055400005, 0.98526481076200001,
-    0.99808150342699997, 1.00881814468, 1.0181152037700001, 1.02462072395,
-    1.0362614133200001, 1.0501057383200001, 1.05573829434, 1.0663375241399999,
-    1.0815544234900001, 1.0920197863400001, 1.10280835408, 1.1180455459900001,
-    1.1302349147199999, 1.14338393376, 1.1517784771899999, 1.16459044846,
-    1.17843359548, 1.1909602731, 1.2038564818399999, 1.2161138792399999,
-    1.22899884794, 1.24167619324, 1.25804220029, 1.26669854112, 1.28319750286,
-    1.29839920006, 1.31138545902, 1.3222317000599999, 1.34185918055,
-    1.3547619368999999, 1.3711217067000001, 1.3874485756199999,
-    1.4017178245899999, 1.4176863825099999, 1.43525875504, 1.4513358921899999,
-    1.4669285814799999, 1.49058059786, 1.51243917885, 1.5343601628600001,
-    1.5519685841999999, 1.5858246281799999, 1.6052702545799999,
-    1.6255288476200001, 1.645511371, 1.67744979518, 1.7003145979100001,
-    1.7236176675199999, 1.74467645265, 1.7809151811699999, 1.8104241704099999,
-    1.85100020932, 1.8902605480300001, 1.9127629589099999, 1.94264465956,
-    1.98831619403, 2.0462312106199998, 2.1088091964400002, 2.1589111550700002,
-    2.19880416124, 2.2551363689100001, 2.32115689321, 2.3900112406699998,
-    2.4355086734200002, 2.53167527975, 2.5574390199299999, 2.69075228193,
-    2.80722131929, 2.8827815963000001, 3.0169724035100001, 3.1020365340699998,
-    3.2877647668300001, 3.4186314330799998, 3.55711527829, 3.7777833577900002,
-    4.0940063095600001, 4.35113022089, 4.7722176832300001, 5.4945754250499999,
-    6.0600360065499999, 6.7983858917699997, 9.1234186672500002,
-    40.009378980599998, 0.0, 0.067895952064799994, 0.084300078749299998,
-    0.095052432169299997, 0.102638659398, 0.112117784904, 0.11826939027900001,
-    0.12549932636300001, 0.12979818836900001, 0.14651996704600001,
-    0.15100212390600001, 0.161663165759, 0.16954870848299999, 0.177081348221,
-    0.18018558524200001, 0.18303580819699999, 0.19216015759300001,
-    0.19761816342399999, 0.20405892001000001, 0.208512677383, 0.2121909193,
-    0.219201257102, 0.226866968867, 0.23794276716900001, 0.24987132195699999,
-    0.25465170763400002, 0.26099785587800001, 0.26730559655899999,
-    0.28331961066, 0.29096521670800002, 0.29624967979200001,
-    0.29829805930100001, 0.30951316035100002, 0.31770754811700003,
-    0.32720886553700002, 0.33647444911699997, 0.34198895204000002,
-    0.35025569471500001, 0.35723583674800002, 0.36574792956399999,
-    0.37381139126899998, 0.38799391889500001, 0.39067031169299998,
-    0.39620024782899999, 0.40020907354500002, 0.406629782376,
-    0.41587001647900002, 0.42064605710199998, 0.427983894024,
-    0.43880340547500002, 0.446223080223, 0.450449340882, 0.45558651616200002,
-    0.46105934588699998, 0.46416526610600001, 0.47234232416100003,
-    0.47838800081799998, 0.48398364517499998, 0.49028214090200001,
-    0.499284532015, 0.50451360745100005, 0.509733914146, 0.51534943972199998,
-    0.51694525305200001, 0.52351544417600004, 0.52741635274900001,
-    0.53030801158100005, 0.54039249319000005, 0.543358519993,
-    0.55090831684899999, 0.56351528162800002, 0.57109497028699996,
-    0.57678495336900004, 0.58431894816300001, 0.59453107257500004,
-    0.60337885959000004, 0.61000337793399995, 0.61727383516599998,
-    0.62371645808300002, 0.629855469291, 0.64046230499599999,
-    0.64338774420900002, 0.64928236111199999, 0.65253922932700004,
-    0.65630438988100004, 0.66542800844200001, 0.67245369789099996,
-    0.67689678974900003, 0.68490163471400001, 0.697879548796,
-    0.70321721042899998, 0.70825620560000002, 0.71214130965099998,
-    0.71606229576000002, 0.72849739743399999, 0.72997690491599998,
-    0.73496304621899999, 0.74722916204000001, 0.75461055645599995,
-    0.76049922669799996, 0.76492250952399998, 0.77219537422499995,
-    0.77615043430200004, 0.78272629883699996, 0.78806707738399995,
-    0.803877101727, 0.81237050231600005, 0.82231101211000002,
-    0.82643891219300003, 0.82994343368199996, 0.84104036655799996,
-    0.85001450139900003, 0.85722719700299999, 0.86813520497600005,
-    0.87634807207999998, 0.87849406127499996, 0.88626760274000005,
-    0.89464524886600005, 0.89854680515700003, 0.90579336081200001,
-    0.90937836218900003, 0.92263809143499997, 0.92671709472899999,
-    0.93140291302300005, 0.93889838636400003, 0.94817473635500005,
-    0.95134624523199995, 0.95948566447500006, 0.96931430537899999,
-    0.97827519300099997, 0.98284090499800003, 0.98853660864199999,
-    0.99999303088000002, 1.00933104878, 1.02227252775, 1.0339923686800001,
-    1.03840687036, 1.04500879737, 1.05122171927, 1.06723984471, 1.07953686403,
-    1.09113807067, 1.10417487551, 1.11446546637, 1.1254220105599999,
-    1.1353940360999999, 1.16144655068, 1.1695186521200001, 1.1831819617599999,
-    1.2096151764900001, 1.2368935164299999, 1.2456266675500001, 1.25296303964,
-    1.26564891435, 1.2701959942000001, 1.28466851306, 1.29873724956,
-    1.31966389347, 1.3313272542500001, 1.34786430325, 1.3621826611400001,
-    1.3720433831700001, 1.3971090305, 1.4043458957999999, 1.4238434153299999,
-    1.4590867995000001, 1.4854743821, 1.5153253015599999, 1.54813838085,
-    1.57329724758, 1.6116532666100001, 1.62277970085, 1.63219947245,
-    1.6666665269000001, 1.73127681763, 1.7492774307700001, 1.80557771894,
-    1.8267234865099999, 1.88934211181, 1.9203963709, 1.99466093314,
-    2.0230718376899999, 2.0628543274000002, 2.1367073224899999,
-    2.1821320160500002, 2.22093938088, 2.3072520016700002, 2.3621845025599999,
-    2.44517002578, 2.5015913727800001, 2.5975738754100002, 2.7045052724200001,
-    2.8865631109500001, 3.1260959842, 3.39849260601, 3.6254807685400001,
-    4.0097191798100003, 4.5724242129699997, 5.4143250544999999,
-    6.3272292972399997, 17.5560575511, 0.0, 0.085458258148600003,
-    0.098622234580399995, 0.106568524017, 0.108057180859, 0.1107805041,
-    0.11464013028599999, 0.13602438252499999, 0.14300574817799999,
-    0.146684159845, 0.15122598984999999, 0.154733085331, 0.161754974932,
-    0.17723910406000001, 0.18032389045700001, 0.18658548177699999,
-    0.18746673820000001, 0.19896129970099999, 0.209234599805,
-    0.21980562614900001, 0.228062016284, 0.23711187915099999,
-    0.23869840689499999, 0.240361816358, 0.27144033681000002,
-    0.27327373169399999, 0.27458858408600001, 0.28007177711800002,
-    0.28248298888899998, 0.28387767697499999, 0.287453003343, 0.292023090998,
-    0.29519223190999999, 0.31407066578100001, 0.32033662902100002,
-    0.32377361486099998, 0.33791304018399998, 0.340145093994,
-    0.34355792125200002, 0.35986952431000002, 0.36278049873099999,
-    0.36565591999199998, 0.36887445402199998, 0.37307785833099999,
-    0.37522358431500002, 0.38644599385299999, 0.38905873533300001,
-    0.39011760635100001, 0.39429900482899999, 0.40016937602000002,
-    0.40636267913899998, 0.408103464438, 0.411985395905, 0.42002274379400001,
-    0.42424580987299998, 0.42889507706199997, 0.43431096613499998,
-    0.43634598755999998, 0.44074601502999999, 0.44833586654099999,
-    0.44981411452999998, 0.45139144803199999, 0.45825414352600002,
-    0.465858692219, 0.46971239089400002, 0.48073097106200002,
-    0.49008253400700003, 0.49019267044199999, 0.49421178442399999,
-    0.49592401222499999, 0.51649450538700004, 0.52148438326400004,
-    0.52450649919199999, 0.52875492868700003, 0.53851929926099995,
-    0.55522500190799995, 0.56567545616600001, 0.57500972364500003,
-    0.575413910571, 0.577492611263, 0.58282093829299997, 0.5882333891,
-    0.59178334343399996, 0.59490514439200004, 0.59707926005599998,
-    0.60398628531999998, 0.61018821270699997, 0.62788446277499999,
-    0.62845001268199996, 0.63245592828700004, 0.64203220116600002,
-    0.64960047364600004, 0.65218235923199996, 0.65302094855500004,
-    0.65709800478699998, 0.66525750618900004, 0.66772838617499997,
-    0.66931616078599998, 0.67398981338899999, 0.67995566798200002,
-    0.69261712558099997, 0.69323176238100004, 0.70328807748099997,
-    0.70817581305300004, 0.71362676385000001, 0.72122326659400005,
-    0.72982093594899999, 0.73501610749799995, 0.74418077769299995,
-    0.74740381350899998, 0.75972971198000006, 0.76542085452499997,
-    0.77293727748999996, 0.77569521588599999, 0.79040702133899998,
-    0.79124143409100001, 0.79674835901600005, 0.801314329913,
-    0.80761727105100001, 0.81334526814800001, 0.82599153547399995,
-    0.835753037664, 0.84010997734000004, 0.84324537731399996,
-    0.84524994337100001, 0.852251511771, 0.85726585936199995,
-    0.86776513236499997, 0.87321839355800002, 0.88257634312599997,
-    0.88885223178899997, 0.89462277052799999, 0.89929289721500005,
-    0.91054077473399997, 0.91235045283799998, 0.91859506476800001,
-    0.92379410344599999, 0.92778311003299996, 0.95200833907100002,
-    0.96058777907100001, 0.96275379136000006, 0.96711989399800002,
-    0.98158423342400003, 0.99959381644599998, 1.0158547410300001,
-    1.0257344455099999, 1.0386164152999999, 1.05829394823, 1.0652432737599999,
-    1.06870005665, 1.0850122523800001, 1.08895555924, 1.1035938848,
-    1.1079237802499999, 1.14480878564, 1.1555554675299999, 1.1789854119500001,
-    1.21604495077, 1.21944541763, 1.2255115895799999, 1.2349135122299999,
-    1.2574900653700001, 1.2756099428300001, 1.27830965632, 1.29563470054,
-    1.33511311013, 1.37879372829, 1.4104141532900001, 1.42999159888,
-    1.4340564609599999, 1.4404309370999999, 1.45125639917, 1.4753290649999999,
-    1.50104361326, 1.5067651051299999, 1.56173064277, 1.5867665737000001,
-    1.6529842751699999, 1.68573957888, 1.6981474139899999, 1.7544189081799999,
-    1.79075077468, 1.8606238073600001, 1.9675939468600001, 1.99649367583,
-    2.0088494420599998, 2.0624960910299999, 2.1345821995000001, 2.25477797389,
-    2.4129377727399999, 2.4947352830499998, 2.6183637912700002,
-    3.0074794112299998, 3.1791961046799999, 3.4293356642399999,
-    3.8514844690699999, 4.2517228191100003, 4.9637069833399998,
-    6.0765632038800002, 6.7603904355099997, 10.3173126473, 0.0,
-    0.078613919986899997, 0.086706257325800007, 0.086706257325800007,
-    0.114789651673, 0.12273957318299999, 0.127062920365, 0.128484790396,
-    0.13578225807899999, 0.13578225807899999, 0.14730174056500001,
-    0.14730174056500001, 0.15501754607599999, 0.17160764402600001,
-    0.17160764402600001, 0.17716597523700001, 0.19318889167600001,
-    0.201064059002, 0.20544566915199999, 0.208662339522, 0.208662339522,
-    0.209070783313, 0.217981911645, 0.21984720431800001, 0.22959168302800001,
-    0.22959168302800001, 0.22979925938500001, 0.23023398217900001,
-    0.23282324285100001, 0.23847389001200001, 0.24981772981200001,
-    0.24981772981200001, 0.251976912788, 0.26484603340399998, 0.267063574626,
-    0.276065116128, 0.27955725551999999, 0.27955725551999999,
-    0.29253129065099998, 0.29257984585899999, 0.29426519135099999,
-    0.29991973517600001, 0.29991973517600001, 0.300865581125,
-    0.30629956382500001, 0.33189640078299998, 0.33193362117300002,
-    0.332892715999, 0.332892715999, 0.33786995917700002, 0.34286355479300001,
-    0.35037131399499999, 0.36538777844499998, 0.36538777844499998,
-    0.39533598300400002, 0.40761459269400002, 0.43071349334699999,
-    0.44611156073300001, 0.44821302280300002, 0.44821302280300002,
-    0.45970379461999999, 0.479322648149, 0.49927725766600001,
-    0.50856338644599997, 0.50856338644599997, 0.51381349247600006,
-    0.52312377414900002, 0.52365255460899995, 0.524357535308,
-    0.52449511360300005, 0.53246792168500001, 0.53246792168500001,
-    0.53406269761799996, 0.54066543759600005, 0.54165597718199998,
-    0.54165597718199998, 0.54286979560399995, 0.54565296744199998,
-    0.54680412639599996, 0.55924698793600003, 0.55948804920899997,
-    0.55948804920899997, 0.56237285913900004, 0.61191574840100005,
-    0.61803286518099998, 0.62621800263899996, 0.62894744300399996,
-    0.62894744300399996, 0.64175065233299999, 0.64274226864700001,
-    0.643141090937, 0.64957757771299995, 0.64957757771299995,
-    0.65462416615899999, 0.65508592379599995, 0.65577214273499995,
-    0.65867533793400002, 0.65966257080699997, 0.65966257080699997,
-    0.67002637381200003, 0.6862767676, 0.68775204324200001,
-    0.68935688154399999, 0.68935688154399999, 0.68958321519599997,
-    0.69489243672400003, 0.69799974598299996, 0.70085954020999996,
-    0.70570470911100003, 0.70570470911100003, 0.71529355939600003,
-    0.71529355939600003, 0.73061672396900001, 0.73147192102699998,
-    0.73147192102699998, 0.73172502367900005, 0.74705904753800001,
-    0.75069245931200002, 0.76171481537700003, 0.78431047228100004,
-    0.78431047228100004, 0.79589062785700004, 0.79985244088700003,
-    0.80739451523600003, 0.80995278660199999, 0.80995278660199999,
-    0.818149271693, 0.81876691441600002, 0.82187704197599998,
-    0.82398018051199995, 0.83061310912300002, 0.83061310912300002,
-    0.841520560606, 0.84283988029500001, 0.845286826815, 0.85635186159599996,
-    0.88301536060399999, 0.88301536060399999, 0.89457113891100004,
-    0.90319721159599997, 0.91110728614600001, 0.920115781518, 0.920115781518,
-    0.924752016362, 0.93270708632099997, 0.93634613579199999,
-    0.93668785307699998, 0.938056933654, 0.938056933654, 0.963093301648,
-    0.97003534928799995, 0.97433733039600001, 0.98296990885400004,
-    0.98296990885400004, 0.99165891962800001, 0.99363899328700001,
-    1.00411505522, 1.0082220608200001, 1.04142653436, 1.04142653436,
-    1.05299960148, 1.0584566497800001, 1.0631344471799999, 1.0702232139000001,
-    1.0702232139000001, 1.0745255061000001, 1.07801171048, 1.09546502235,
-    1.1130150782399999, 1.1212890952400001, 1.1453294864700001,
-    1.1453294864700001, 1.14683578271, 1.14912419314, 1.1868862875699999,
-    1.1868862875699999, 1.2135111146399999, 1.2764048086199999,
-    1.3014758897300001, 1.33521824385, 1.3586680634799999, 1.3586680634799999,
-    1.39549136126, 1.4365610253900001, 1.4568919919400001, 1.5925258819899999,
-    1.67910648307, 1.67910648307, 1.7175836223800001, 1.8595366530499999,
-    2.22804691293, 2.4236335095200001, 2.4236335095200001, 2.5444902152200002,
-    2.7565764210300001, 3.0002289122299999, 3.2770080283, 6.1761254131100003,
-    6.1761254131100003, 9.0448113096899991, 9.0448113096899991, 0.0, 0.0,
-    0.084719549076999995, 0.084719549076999995, 0.162771060016, 0.162771060016,
-    0.162771060016, 0.174797101293, 0.174797101293, 0.19337957316099999,
-    0.19634700654600001, 0.19634700654600001, 0.19634700654600001,
-    0.19634700654600001, 0.19855375347500001, 0.19855375347500001,
-    0.19855375347500001, 0.200626535691, 0.200626535691, 0.20443169045699999,
-    0.20443169045699999, 0.20546703844700001, 0.20546703844700001,
-    0.20546703844700001, 0.22648266447400001, 0.22648266447400001,
-    0.240550688555, 0.240550688555, 0.240550688555, 0.25396349222699999,
-    0.26176107887200001, 0.26176107887200001, 0.26176107887200001,
-    0.26176107887200001, 0.27888116985299999, 0.27888116985299999,
-    0.29428424249599999, 0.29428424249599999, 0.29428424249599999,
-    0.299788951114, 0.299788951114, 0.31720186969399999, 0.31720186969399999,
-    0.31720186969399999, 0.35285717429300001, 0.35285717429300001,
-    0.35967187727099997, 0.35967187727099997, 0.35967187727099997,
-    0.36425099049600002, 0.37144632312499998, 0.37144632312499998,
-    0.37144632312499998, 0.37144632312499998, 0.393647946528, 0.393647946528,
-    0.40432582434100001, 0.40432582434100001, 0.40432582434100001,
-    0.41409827036399999, 0.41409827036399999, 0.42605819547399998,
-    0.42605819547399998, 0.438201525694, 0.438201525694, 0.438201525694,
-    0.52412206191900002, 0.52412206191900002, 0.53036211888999996,
-    0.53036211888999996, 0.53947846940699995, 0.53947846940699995,
-    0.53947846940699995, 0.54022582851800005, 0.54022582851800005,
-    0.54022582851800005, 0.55304014916499999, 0.55304014916499999,
-    0.58228935374099999, 0.58228935374099999, 0.58228935374099999,
-    0.60596028174500005, 0.60596028174500005, 0.61041536468199997,
-    0.61041536468199997, 0.61041536468199997, 0.65478363743500001,
-    0.65478363743500001, 0.67732197187900001, 0.67732197187900001,
-    0.69170398708900005, 0.69170398708900005, 0.69170398708900005,
-    0.71778169588399998, 0.71778169588399998, 0.71778169588399998,
-    0.724448255762, 0.724448255762, 0.73445742378500001, 0.73445742378500001,
-    0.73445742378500001, 0.74008547261299995, 0.74008547261299995,
-    0.74881364436599995, 0.74881364436599995, 0.77742926704699999,
-    0.77742926704699999, 0.77742926704699999, 0.80214410030399996,
-    0.80214410030399996, 0.80237181021399995, 0.80237181021399995,
-    0.80237181021399995, 0.80480889025799995, 0.80480889025799995,
-    0.81567228496599997, 0.81567228496599997, 0.81567228496599997,
-    0.82045939538299995, 0.82045939538299995, 0.82352724851000003,
-    0.82352724851000003, 0.82352724851000003, 0.832308451359, 0.832308451359,
-    0.85064319551300005, 0.85064319551300005, 0.85064319551300005,
-    0.86707524700500005, 0.86707524700500005, 0.87113615998799998,
-    0.87113615998799998, 0.87113615998799998, 0.893480617719, 0.893480617719,
-    0.91025084198899997, 0.91025084198899997, 0.91025084198899997,
-    0.92945707303699998, 0.92945707303699998, 0.94367179870100004,
-    0.94367179870100004, 0.96249504634000005, 0.96249504634000005,
-    0.96249504634000005, 1.04851239622, 1.04851239622, 1.05472835341,
-    1.05472835341, 1.05472835341, 1.0571022668900001, 1.0571022668900001,
-    1.0795501896999999, 1.0795501896999999, 1.0795501896999999, 1.08606295202,
-    1.08606295202, 1.1610428489, 1.1610428489, 1.1610428489,
-    1.1737862567099999, 1.1737862567099999, 1.19233887401, 1.19233887401,
-    1.19233887401, 1.23499695024, 1.23499695024, 1.32872584115, 1.32872584115,
-    1.32872584115, 1.4875655673799999, 1.4875655673799999, 1.7768916535799999,
-    1.7768916535799999, 1.7768916535799999, 1.90484127934, 1.90484127934,
-    1.9108413266499999, 1.9108413266499999, 1.9108413266499999,
-    2.0007729910999998, 2.0007729910999998, 2.3382342441700001,
-    2.3382342441700001, 2.5987544026, 2.5987544026, 2.5987544026,
-    2.6082788293000001, 2.6082788293000001, 2.6082788293000001,
-    2.8392763735900002, 2.8392763735900002, 3.3819024131300002,
-    3.3819024131300002, 3.7018275480299998, 3.7018275480299998,
-    3.7018275480299998, 4.72930160618, 4.72930160618, 4.72930160618, 4.72930160618
+    0.0,
+    0.14444029837799999,
+    0.22835657018399999,
+    0.34413732731800001,
+    0.46587804732900001,
+    0.65270096936599997,
+    0.81143218193800004,
+    1.00226438356,
+    1.03788125951,
+    1.24257294992,
+    1.32793236661,
+    1.34635418779,
+    1.4371572854100001,
+    1.5191327005499999,
+    1.54602854301,
+    1.7046681136999999,
+    1.87758836483,
+    1.9813264417300001,
+    2.1146974377399999,
+    2.1938492694299998,
+    2.4097221919699998,
+    2.5070571186900001,
+    2.6311171881000002,
+    2.7328195551999999,
+    2.7736899606000001,
+    3.0227873463499999,
+    3.10803398473,
+    3.1824676694599998,
+    3.3138417252000001,
+    3.4291812515900002,
+    3.50419808407,
+    3.7101281572199998,
+    3.8432672208200001,
+    3.8796565679100001,
+    3.9915562540499998,
+    4.0723303682700003,
+    4.2029321661800001,
+    4.3768188648899997,
+    4.4816827669199997,
+    4.6990199258800001,
+    4.8084875822399997,
+    4.8365914296700003,
+    5.0590152661600003,
+    5.1248841813699997,
+    5.1771937064899998,
+    5.4889247870900002,
+    5.57813871862,
+    5.6972377675899999,
+    5.8456278064799996,
+    6.06915586574,
+    6.1204251477299998,
+    6.17699599008,
+    6.3172684659999998,
+    6.4192197959800001,
+    6.52383433373,
+    6.6186618180399996,
+    6.7251587769999999,
+    6.7866374808999996,
+    6.8276218028500004,
+    6.9188765840600004,
+    7.1331898582499997,
+    7.2065701539399996,
+    7.3244993804199998,
+    7.36483433106,
+    7.5193634033699999,
+    7.7822629874100002,
+    8.2222416265000007,
+    8.4497457766200004,
+    8.5930318077999992,
+    8.7570172042000003,
+    8.9696132883900006,
+    9.1272011085100004,
+    9.4333510895299995,
+    9.5278688390900008,
+    9.8002379139299993,
+    10.062964643999999,
+    10.572141176200001,
+    10.796071421700001,
+    10.9985214683,
+    11.3182197168,
+    11.660606036000001,
+    11.847287044,
+    12.432752901300001,
+    12.5532808679,
+    12.920547884299999,
+    13.715431382,
+    13.9427496484,
+    14.252177361499999,
+    14.3846625264,
+    14.6017942841,
+    14.867988867399999,
+    15.211408408800001,
+    15.4524408633,
+    15.8995520183,
+    16.278660079800002,
+    16.607110122000002,
+    17.2812107494,
+    17.425166927999999,
+    17.6847110579,
+    17.924433366199999,
+    18.107368758,
+    18.486488274799999,
+    18.675113313000001,
+    18.821461450800001,
+    19.392315572800001,
+    20.026821224999999,
+    21.515140794000001,
+    22.458730085300001,
+    22.563704860600001,
+    23.2879347571,
+    23.969079893499998,
+    24.336542956300001,
+    24.499336477500002,
+    25.0036717642,
+    25.774135368900001,
+    26.0929925969,
+    26.934629466499999,
+    27.458541006800001,
+    27.8422100246,
+    28.5518247111,
+    28.965082549800002,
+    30.702632564599998,
+    31.123950922300001,
+    31.264305230000002,
+    31.965843641500001,
+    32.212378185600002,
+    34.283698532999999,
+    35.219561660799997,
+    36.755695116600002,
+    37.138783892900001,
+    37.986001245399997,
+    38.621250490999998,
+    38.9481443707,
+    39.3726060041,
+    40.276085332900003,
+    41.898719000699998,
+    42.396709494500001,
+    43.749429257499997,
+    44.676029422900001,
+    46.364739487400001,
+    47.275528738799999,
+    47.869005850699999,
+    48.490202586899997,
+    49.788875049200001,
+    50.404381347099999,
+    52.2209766649,
+    52.7548497923,
+    53.758555342299999,
+    56.144346903600002,
+    58.857197224499998,
+    61.218540911200002,
+    62.083264127200003,
+    62.809329462100003,
+    64.673596130899995,
+    70.530443844700002,
+    71.037859097099997,
+    74.956651292000004,
+    75.479775530200001,
+    77.970753225099998,
+    78.784135755700007,
+    83.634030189599997,
+    87.631048698900003,
+    89.682360645100005,
+    91.657671611699996,
+    93.431100026199999,
+    96.871787694199995,
+    98.904758199400007,
+    100.903126246,
+    104.97935501800001,
+    117.211912426,
+    118.593299874,
+    123.983293097,
+    126.40072390500001,
+    132.90804449300001,
+    135.77425614000001,
+    145.645663189,
+    150.462714554,
+    154.135665945,
+    158.670439012,
+    161.11217567599999,
+    165.74332436700001,
+    168.951515621,
+    173.84826456100001,
+    184.64661891700001,
+    188.990674536,
+    195.25008580400001,
+    200.52870912200001,
+    208.31911763799999,
+    223.21659264900001,
+    234.232880967,
+    297.24728825900002,
+    321.93167475199999,
+    332.08151963699999,
+    346.34478154800001,
+    377.30757977899998,
+    403.47421662800002,
+    425.16143535399999,
+    572.37340253299999,
+    766.55659324999999,
+    1611.5984637199999,
+    1611.5984637199999,
+    0.0,
+    0.083813974438700006,
+    0.31831933895699999,
+    0.34638794272399998,
+    0.46455080305099999,
+    0.49519963016099999,
+    0.54548279077600004,
+    0.56403794228199999,
+    0.60837298377799998,
+    0.68118756294600002,
+    0.70071771432399999,
+    0.78976831924699997,
+    0.81703862518199999,
+    0.83363911177799999,
+    0.89857941080399995,
+    0.94493515463400002,
+    0.99107239417899995,
+    1.0238060094799999,
+    1.0799844142199999,
+    1.11400208909,
+    1.1685453374400001,
+    1.18519938288,
+    1.22148339123,
+    1.2645577512499999,
+    1.3045626778799999,
+    1.3391777624900001,
+    1.3826642013199999,
+    1.4644506572,
+    1.5099094374299999,
+    1.5888224991,
+    1.62182558706,
+    1.65137395874,
+    1.6991401368100001,
+    1.7758428480799999,
+    1.8277920540999999,
+    1.9017455410199999,
+    1.9705532488599999,
+    2.0324665469399998,
+    2.0752937413999999,
+    2.1185145273899999,
+    2.1611322415299998,
+    2.1917842756499999,
+    2.22729976286,
+    2.2777275853000001,
+    2.32665524011,
+    2.3543342053699998,
+    2.3935181153,
+    2.44446825618,
+    2.50093820286,
+    2.5844026906000002,
+    2.6884797637600002,
+    2.78657713546,
+    2.81180130111,
+    2.84116667305,
+    2.9014197632199998,
+    2.9952091375399998,
+    3.0386348574599999,
+    3.0956021427799998,
+    3.1328046143999999,
+    3.1631373405500001,
+    3.2039828237700001,
+    3.29405069373,
+    3.3496993056400002,
+    3.4055971771900002,
+    3.5073893196000001,
+    3.5755835925800001,
+    3.6580199126399999,
+    3.7782186004999998,
+    3.8741030635099998,
+    3.9119985650200002,
+    3.9699909851999999,
+    4.0132311662099998,
+    4.07009700397,
+    4.1555761906299997,
+    4.2241691161799997,
+    4.3896744175800002,
+    4.5146783570400002,
+    4.6155145535499997,
+    4.7783116523600002,
+    4.8822447657900003,
+    4.9863031398300004,
+    5.0556875698599999,
+    5.13217451548,
+    5.1928716528900001,
+    5.2987216440799996,
+    5.4584561742300002,
+    5.6054585689499996,
+    5.7579579032500003,
+    5.8452201175000003,
+    5.9593969184300004,
+    6.1479798348300001,
+    6.2484864308999999,
+    6.3722452057199996,
+    6.5705963806599996,
+    6.6811287682699998,
+    6.7311130873599998,
+    6.7864435351600001,
+    6.9196277988999997,
+    7.1929613935300001,
+    7.3441277346099998,
+    7.3800960628999999,
+    7.4749874111999999,
+    7.6512577099200003,
+    7.77153906732,
+    7.9243829575799998,
+    8.2024869676600005,
+    8.2599528374899993,
+    8.4119253626999999,
+    8.5469992409900009,
+    8.9001784810399993,
+    9.2121022677299997,
+    9.2412472507699999,
+    9.4431345314800001,
+    9.6680036066100001,
+    9.7816077025699997,
+    9.9566055535700002,
+    10.359764716899999,
+    10.506972293900001,
+    10.7808329052,
+    11.3592743902,
+    11.7111644662,
+    11.8605742172,
+    12.291120808400001,
+    12.5270770795,
+    12.7952635728,
+    12.9362140074,
+    13.4529548967,
+    13.5501939602,
+    13.8515392309,
+    14.251817031,
+    14.6798102809,
+    14.9162575219,
+    15.3044645221,
+    15.963210610899999,
+    16.293018033300001,
+    16.528628889099998,
+    16.769307273999999,
+    17.050491132000001,
+    17.233636284700001,
+    17.435953831300001,
+    18.114197076100002,
+    18.209546654099999,
+    18.677206457099999,
+    18.876676305499998,
+    19.277115787700001,
+    19.603010971100002,
+    20.061147162099999,
+    20.558554522000001,
+    21.1117685004,
+    22.012839372799998,
+    22.378322630900001,
+    22.859288315200001,
+    23.142180705200001,
+    24.245079698800001,
+    25.9020405244,
+    26.507190805699999,
+    27.4739929789,
+    27.988361249099999,
+    28.8421369677,
+    29.731031435799999,
+    31.265395005199998,
+    31.947761314699999,
+    32.3600162185,
+    33.960158921500003,
+    35.2205479892,
+    37.329919228900003,
+    38.591860211300002,
+    39.653380662899998,
+    40.416668255899999,
+    41.847439486799999,
+    42.946435578200003,
+    44.555593529500001,
+    46.195425314700003,
+    48.272380437999999,
+    50.7171113769,
+    54.108838268299998,
+    57.192427144600003,
+    60.232285910500003,
+    61.154227242799998,
+    66.058563735700005,
+    68.912059708300006,
+    72.377827169900002,
+    74.8258152975,
+    76.523326659299997,
+    80.2223354204,
+    83.911959833699996,
+    89.242198798399997,
+    91.759192939900004,
+    100.917764795,
+    108.556622026,
+    117.397361636,
+    128.654564397,
+    132.220775344,
+    146.851921275,
+    158.21656178999999,
+    195.59053564300001,
+    220.40862631100001,
+    243.67073925299999,
+    279.44509449999998,
+    385.39670284599998,
+    2229.5014584,
+    0.0,
+    0.134568667089,
+    0.22096714722800001,
+    0.241982365309,
+    0.282582147299,
+    0.30887973543699998,
+    0.35848485966299998,
+    0.41670345418499999,
+    0.45274913222000002,
+    0.49984586837299999,
+    0.54693631356799999,
+    0.57642906524899995,
+    0.60428947073799999,
+    0.64551627763399999,
+    0.67184177451600002,
+    0.70559205139299996,
+    0.73195413388499997,
+    0.75941154288699997,
+    0.79316878417600001,
+    0.82828163530300003,
+    0.84996727554600005,
+    0.86244322276499996,
+    0.884092879818,
+    0.90053656979100005,
+    0.92189301683699998,
+    0.937781050186,
+    0.958448778068,
+    0.975518145216,
+    0.99972035165499995,
+    1.01410165008,
+    1.0561167276200001,
+    1.07137630702,
+    1.0888616342999999,
+    1.1214366313199999,
+    1.14842012372,
+    1.16675344893,
+    1.1928671069600001,
+    1.21185202445,
+    1.2444492257999999,
+    1.26555362339,
+    1.3020670717,
+    1.33144019427,
+    1.3700782606599999,
+    1.3922490459600001,
+    1.4214195703900001,
+    1.4412309995599999,
+    1.4713854851299999,
+    1.4981194360000001,
+    1.5156807782599999,
+    1.5353937789600001,
+    1.58193085489,
+    1.6363825813699999,
+    1.6679066542700001,
+    1.6953948491199999,
+    1.7432788369000001,
+    1.7757706818400001,
+    1.81420953428,
+    1.8369562966299999,
+    1.86603816317,
+    1.9079331429399999,
+    1.93559913056,
+    1.96441828434,
+    2.0090532694099998,
+    2.0388004444800001,
+    2.0592603576499999,
+    2.0856426528799998,
+    2.1175114071599999,
+    2.1825469443399999,
+    2.2474604253599999,
+    2.2749390467700001,
+    2.3121411416000002,
+    2.37177298826,
+    2.4274122023400002,
+    2.5181769644699998,
+    2.5418057541599999,
+    2.6434630075899999,
+    2.6747329533199999,
+    2.7266999242900001,
+    2.7654445970700001,
+    2.8140457094300002,
+    2.8559643406999999,
+    2.9061498475100001,
+    2.9702744923500002,
+    3.0318004993800001,
+    3.0771937025499998,
+    3.1682821350100001,
+    3.21259901675,
+    3.2495167992399998,
+    3.2811541713699999,
+    3.3233868123799999,
+    3.3736627766299998,
+    3.4058671494200001,
+    3.4805577671700001,
+    3.5668223714799998,
+    3.6084238266100002,
+    3.6537321290999998,
+    3.7175778126500001,
+    3.7450147871700001,
+    3.86111106714,
+    3.9410134870100002,
+    4.0067546356400001,
+    4.1423679617299998,
+    4.2024818847300001,
+    4.2596486695399998,
+    4.3063451426699997,
+    4.3689910892499997,
+    4.4722054954099999,
+    4.5632364049399996,
+    4.6512485022599996,
+    4.6978386313799998,
+    4.7798445058399999,
+    4.8531420455600003,
+    4.9717578546299999,
+    5.0417112146500003,
+    5.17081749886,
+    5.3019735577100002,
+    5.3705152383400003,
+    5.5084455462199999,
+    5.6182818515299999,
+    5.70571954448,
+    5.8223915078699999,
+    5.9441571869700001,
+    6.0647963728700001,
+    6.27675467201,
+    6.3795693788000003,
+    6.4992010115000003,
+    6.7279283143099997,
+    6.83719902118,
+    6.9670805423799997,
+    7.1376257228400002,
+    7.3185795684699997,
+    7.4174379003000004,
+    7.6252542819300002,
+    7.7560876076699996,
+    7.97791101428,
+    8.1287972523200001,
+    8.2935032606900005,
+    8.4263936568899993,
+    8.7299676982999994,
+    8.9000309257799994,
+    9.2106417444800002,
+    9.4067341973099996,
+    9.6877599453100007,
+    9.8288098032200004,
+    10.1462267898,
+    10.4430670065,
+    10.7710082101,
+    10.9083004672,
+    11.0537899029,
+    11.351140496499999,
+    11.538958771800001,
+    11.919288993,
+    12.375346950699999,
+    12.6154005045,
+    12.9524855025,
+    13.285189669299999,
+    13.649405117900001,
+    13.802655147899999,
+    14.3746878025,
+    14.8989750379,
+    15.0686452095,
+    15.44874785,
+    15.955460911599999,
+    16.199894288199999,
+    17.0458946378,
+    17.5301252159,
+    18.4112497281,
+    18.916626085899999,
+    19.3485479418,
+    19.9851877306,
+    20.604288900899999,
+    20.943333255799999,
+    22.112819051599999,
+    22.959668231999999,
+    23.9954402314,
+    25.035153965599999,
+    25.796351962900001,
+    26.3445116589,
+    27.598244108500001,
+    29.492678119099999,
+    31.494753701,
+    33.570886100899997,
+    35.411126519100002,
+    38.343129207700002,
+    40.297936357899999,
+    43.269089215000001,
+    46.554746459699999,
+    50.1438786354,
+    55.452409753200001,
+    63.874460149000001,
+    67.985459050900005,
+    72.783745624700003,
+    78.750906101200002,
+    87.178006099399994,
+    99.277342007100003,
+    112.32447045000001,
+    150.08323985000001,
+    191.04328713300001,
+    243.74940976799999,
+    298.61209890999999,
+    610.57351237299997,
+    0.0,
+    0.14365451929100001,
+    0.18957677402299999,
+    0.22199376087,
+    0.23947365917300001,
+    0.27923813419900001,
+    0.30376922239699999,
+    0.34130260137399998,
+    0.37018363348299999,
+    0.39852502592,
+    0.42043849640699998,
+    0.449086279049,
+    0.48566461460900001,
+    0.51522238701900003,
+    0.53527463838099998,
+    0.55878126111399995,
+    0.57558991560799999,
+    0.60170381902000003,
+    0.61440597833099997,
+    0.62492627680099999,
+    0.64456984690600005,
+    0.66038800753100002,
+    0.67204091430099999,
+    0.68713981404900004,
+    0.69934187376699997,
+    0.71638006601299997,
+    0.73072718468300002,
+    0.75753415419600001,
+    0.76939140872400003,
+    0.79364917250900002,
+    0.811751128298,
+    0.82030423753799997,
+    0.84036478778699997,
+    0.85629058780800005,
+    0.88242755870699996,
+    0.90879942564799998,
+    0.92603904590499997,
+    0.93855599609700002,
+    0.95967573616799995,
+    0.96617694541400001,
+    0.98792001044,
+    1.00156976046,
+    1.01153057626,
+    1.0353518346699999,
+    1.05486723045,
+    1.07085911512,
+    1.09910531917,
+    1.11522376431,
+    1.1305179753100001,
+    1.1546508204399999,
+    1.1781173432600001,
+    1.19157394455,
+    1.2190490331999999,
+    1.24787505864,
+    1.27361506734,
+    1.2980636222699999,
+    1.31518378894,
+    1.3450052218399999,
+    1.3740854471799999,
+    1.39558556012,
+    1.41519699656,
+    1.4321123741399999,
+    1.45909622379,
+    1.4759330072700001,
+    1.4910300726400001,
+    1.51232373124,
+    1.5490811046699999,
+    1.5782570548899999,
+    1.6116668459000001,
+    1.62617849191,
+    1.6591646731,
+    1.69383967991,
+    1.72149942318,
+    1.74810559857,
+    1.7978507557100001,
+    1.8196064275499999,
+    1.8439294053699999,
+    1.85951442745,
+    1.89107086338,
+    1.93673967856,
+    1.96033355989,
+    1.99524000334,
+    2.0280809922900001,
+    2.0465420455199999,
+    2.0660751500700001,
+    2.1082666292100001,
+    2.1419500113600001,
+    2.1692545932899998,
+    2.1918809811900002,
+    2.2313430406800001,
+    2.2895699616299998,
+    2.3198331260499998,
+    2.3513058338000001,
+    2.4080887408899998,
+    2.4815537977800002,
+    2.50851999576,
+    2.5617387306700001,
+    2.6055769623199998,
+    2.6324085179700001,
+    2.6961178878899998,
+    2.7413602155099999,
+    2.7712317948799998,
+    2.8112071562300001,
+    2.8581867699200001,
+    2.9190632974400001,
+    2.9439800057899999,
+    3.0104094840100002,
+    3.05330503281,
+    3.10048262834,
+    3.17539590266,
+    3.24511619487,
+    3.3056217356499999,
+    3.3894902835899998,
+    3.4335423889599999,
+    3.4854372314700002,
+    3.5606476568300001,
+    3.6043560751500001,
+    3.66406156029,
+    3.7660563649099998,
+    3.82560813033,
+    3.9466078971199998,
+    4.0283572412000002,
+    4.07714877006,
+    4.1552108679300002,
+    4.2392816813699996,
+    4.3147199438200001,
+    4.3721369730999999,
+    4.4555652323799997,
+    4.5860495006899997,
+    4.6665459593199996,
+    4.7624381582100002,
+    4.8488614634399996,
+    4.97179759557,
+    5.0150206490000002,
+    5.1053040689999998,
+    5.2812791639799999,
+    5.3716757235900001,
+    5.5829288018599996,
+    5.6518465465299998,
+    5.7620823724100001,
+    5.8560109031899996,
+    6.0128804814499999,
+    6.1465396667499999,
+    6.2414128574400003,
+    6.3854761500099997,
+    6.5447042531899999,
+    6.7541882725000004,
+    6.9854005143200002,
+    7.1367012840399999,
+    7.3218030112200001,
+    7.49946696682,
+    7.6472229734199999,
+    7.8443990144000004,
+    7.99745891313,
+    8.1776134189099992,
+    8.3773452967500006,
+    8.5328760252000002,
+    8.7514477358700002,
+    9.0436490880000004,
+    9.2332685611399992,
+    9.5356141275600006,
+    9.7666024864200001,
+    9.94823040132,
+    10.300958636400001,
+    10.771366926100001,
+    11.085233969500001,
+    11.3324457523,
+    11.7174375167,
+    12.143472104400001,
+    12.303553276000001,
+    12.6481061467,
+    12.833583689599999,
+    13.203659956699999,
+    13.5986055699,
+    14.043362878,
+    14.626177334199999,
+    15.0760755417,
+    15.580834984399999,
+    16.312841933200001,
+    16.9821347018,
+    17.9935383499,
+    19.206358017199999,
+    19.9097935496,
+    20.7049210144,
+    21.193393770899998,
+    22.4118111278,
+    23.293576085200002,
+    24.460751301199998,
+    27.218111206700002,
+    28.9534668252,
+    31.141828193399999,
+    33.063105836200002,
+    36.594408596199997,
+    41.9655259134,
+    50.634196787,
+    57.4170436749,
+    66.004841056100005,
+    79.707781310800002,
+    93.567004987600001,
+    129.369356154,
+    263.52530093899998,
+    0.0,
+    0.099110105290900002,
+    0.152330008962,
+    0.19277005116400001,
+    0.21849998202900001,
+    0.23666692719999999,
+    0.257596221751,
+    0.27451854288499999,
+    0.29857050680000002,
+    0.31354284220099998,
+    0.33022769626800003,
+    0.33745039990999998,
+    0.34950560680999998,
+    0.36896880619099998,
+    0.38855134185000001,
+    0.41755081359899998,
+    0.425150061144,
+    0.44306593384300003,
+    0.45497931754199999,
+    0.480210732157,
+    0.49961199725900002,
+    0.52519732628100002,
+    0.54104302118299996,
+    0.55456165182600003,
+    0.57645288194699995,
+    0.58830880718699996,
+    0.61047699977699998,
+    0.62243525124499999,
+    0.64059305866600003,
+    0.64864591793299997,
+    0.66076567911499995,
+    0.67269456457499999,
+    0.69062452712199995,
+    0.70930687903199996,
+    0.72584855411399996,
+    0.74121377368600005,
+    0.75125743091999997,
+    0.77150265368000004,
+    0.78324441542400003,
+    0.79888631364700002,
+    0.81247216458500005,
+    0.83204971232799996,
+    0.84425730939599997,
+    0.85740264943900002,
+    0.87520806795200001,
+    0.88821997325500002,
+    0.90285273820699996,
+    0.918029579805,
+    0.92615377290000001,
+    0.944808560001,
+    0.95843032520799998,
+    0.96908459648199996,
+    0.98091068958799998,
+    0.99546224846599995,
+    1.0114143418099999,
+    1.0370041029999999,
+    1.05163455603,
+    1.06941917585,
+    1.0849323260699999,
+    1.09786891934,
+    1.1200484481799999,
+    1.1401856044400001,
+    1.1614766378400001,
+    1.1779927836999999,
+    1.18794131464,
+    1.19800995642,
+    1.2153169910399999,
+    1.23620743467,
+    1.2464006441,
+    1.28309014464,
+    1.30117129963,
+    1.3139480025800001,
+    1.32973840183,
+    1.34585218726,
+    1.36483113807,
+    1.3880086518200001,
+    1.4038694678400001,
+    1.4269838991299999,
+    1.4531887240500001,
+    1.4761551228100001,
+    1.49140958787,
+    1.50497619744,
+    1.51748249595,
+    1.54755568638,
+    1.56624981363,
+    1.5996976922199999,
+    1.6270535823300001,
+    1.64604277857,
+    1.66675355419,
+    1.69387124571,
+    1.7124303672300001,
+    1.7402106696399999,
+    1.7770409733200001,
+    1.79456862305,
+    1.8202531872000001,
+    1.84460821986,
+    1.86760077894,
+    1.89650572807,
+    1.9192579590500001,
+    1.95188224797,
+    1.96482546943,
+    1.9921085106,
+    2.0131483132499999,
+    2.05544343578,
+    2.0827595529899998,
+    2.1347983483699999,
+    2.16760564415,
+    2.2014516721900002,
+    2.2315870739900001,
+    2.2636169272100002,
+    2.30995438871,
+    2.3374033408299999,
+    2.3738865256000001,
+    2.3951038330599999,
+    2.4431717219700002,
+    2.4826850222400001,
+    2.5185317615099998,
+    2.5638428795100001,
+    2.6284306548999998,
+    2.66623660644,
+    2.7096591116400002,
+    2.7586335740300001,
+    2.8025663346699998,
+    2.8401708445299998,
+    2.8783352938300002,
+    2.9063543000399998,
+    2.9593598772399998,
+    2.9957288325500002,
+    3.0605506942799998,
+    3.10955011278,
+    3.1789052606700001,
+    3.2428513432099999,
+    3.3274186461299999,
+    3.4074444667899999,
+    3.4504525115,
+    3.52884017973,
+    3.5708077150699999,
+    3.6772565091299998,
+    3.7474521798599998,
+    3.8121617114599999,
+    3.9240511321899998,
+    4.02413852901,
+    4.0815085453500002,
+    4.1825546762599997,
+    4.2751667515599996,
+    4.3741820336400004,
+    4.4834872676200002,
+    4.5686814128700002,
+    4.6358562892300004,
+    4.8094489254399999,
+    4.9654168327999999,
+    5.1314477165500003,
+    5.25148158988,
+    5.4403573194500003,
+    5.6010313900300002,
+    5.7161651882199997,
+    5.8958565355000001,
+    6.0361890974200003,
+    6.16740467168,
+    6.3041850958600003,
+    6.44114745164,
+    6.60541649452,
+    6.7974616801999996,
+    6.97815602873,
+    7.1388403799600004,
+    7.4314686713300002,
+    7.8384931901600003,
+    8.2177028271400001,
+    8.6453372183900008,
+    9.1543142843100007,
+    9.3764541677899995,
+    9.7962854173,
+    10.1633267175,
+    10.574689812400001,
+    11.0937462194,
+    11.4000754819,
+    11.9914359538,
+    12.3258902671,
+    12.7457696507,
+    13.361289611,
+    14.0129741907,
+    14.632251501600001,
+    15.099323370900001,
+    16.134748603599999,
+    16.802461663300001,
+    17.854647673100001,
+    18.834756072000001,
+    20.042735115799999,
+    21.573609706300001,
+    22.868457402400001,
+    24.574192288399999,
+    26.8474848352,
+    30.083792871499998,
+    34.499075183899997,
+    38.6709205943,
+    44.689686852000001,
+    52.857340428500002,
+    72.813133754999996,
+    91.564507002300005,
+    158.818628891,
+    939.11373358000003,
+    0.0,
+    0.071205885244299993,
+    0.099254028698600005,
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+    0.17292354310999999,
+    0.20032666224500001,
+    0.226406277543,
+    0.23815469487599999,
+    0.26703405121599999,
+    0.28197072629300002,
+    0.296082146193,
+    0.31125854952699999,
+    0.32554466413499999,
+    0.33804933218900002,
+    0.35118970952299999,
+    0.371085578114,
+    0.39491385706400001,
+    0.413740038782,
+    0.42221028600999999,
+    0.44225862765200002,
+    0.458189520006,
+    0.48022475118199998,
+    0.49685298807599998,
+    0.51500317491299996,
+    0.53482118753700003,
+    0.55247938228399995,
+    0.57330658115499999,
+    0.58475963165199996,
+    0.60106501656199995,
+    0.62413217304400004,
+    0.63793653903699998,
+    0.65128873183500002,
+    0.66636704386000001,
+    0.67951755835000005,
+    0.68956025540200006,
+    0.70245093627400002,
+    0.71504184012600003,
+    0.73014210840100002,
+    0.74713784886300005,
+    0.75935155136999999,
+    0.77523714645700004,
+    0.78405425336400003,
+    0.79615963931099998,
+    0.81110455864499997,
+    0.82545864838799998,
+    0.83566202986100002,
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+    0.88045508705099995,
+    0.89294081845100004,
+    0.90498155226699994,
+    0.91781500438800001,
+    0.93111410315300003,
+    0.94545406555199996,
+    0.95838819225799998,
+    0.96877608392100001,
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+    1.0119849276699999,
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+    1.05455213715,
+    1.0711504321800001,
+    1.08010453195,
+    1.1004877825999999,
+    1.10818262538,
+    1.1246761488799999,
+    1.13470825936,
+    1.14750678231,
+    1.1632448283100001,
+    1.18449169262,
+    1.2011657527599999,
+    1.2152811055699999,
+    1.2364506326,
+    1.24964319272,
+    1.2661037937899999,
+    1.2785791013300001,
+    1.2962377117699999,
+    1.3138558072099999,
+    1.3362693854300001,
+    1.34951663893,
+    1.3637686600700001,
+    1.37717976853,
+    1.3942209300999999,
+    1.4185816293,
+    1.43866597309,
+    1.45276157482,
+    1.48127714521,
+    1.5023296186499999,
+    1.52673585641,
+    1.5503318122600001,
+    1.5888091586999999,
+    1.6062719352799999,
+    1.6295964377400001,
+    1.6612388523299999,
+    1.6812256221899999,
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+    1.72112188896,
+    1.74686294045,
+    1.7609156044800001,
+    1.7888509017400001,
+    1.8132839677799999,
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+    1.89982085224,
+    1.9362197326199999,
+    1.96069015259,
+    1.9880007387600001,
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+    2.0573265057399999,
+    2.0987964366999998,
+    2.13211771373,
+    2.1622274845799998,
+    2.1903685766800001,
+    2.22533347206,
+    2.26089786499,
+    2.3105003291199999,
+    2.33786317109,
+    2.37516129651,
+    2.4193923972300002,
+    2.4579148222399998,
+    2.5029183158800001,
+    2.53381912593,
+    2.5677307283899999,
+    2.6162502017999998,
+    2.6750579269800001,
+    2.7203789138199999,
+    2.7458139153899999,
+    2.8254724574300001,
+    2.8565396273200001,
+    2.9040559269499999,
+    2.9651085310499998,
+    3.0196812095999999,
+    3.0843657504699999,
+    3.1558869808600001,
+    3.2223894339400001,
+    3.2603729802400001,
+    3.3614620894799998,
+    3.4362647479800001,
+    3.53920130259,
+    3.5756943688499998,
+    3.64101261846,
+    3.7233677998300001,
+    3.8016940916299999,
+    3.9106972227400001,
+    3.9990351336300001,
+    4.0897762814999998,
+    4.1774051907800001,
+    4.2798115401099999,
+    4.3711459042799996,
+    4.4838086749199997,
+    4.5942578656300004,
+    4.69725646861,
+    4.8356147641699998,
+    4.9568908200199999,
+    5.0559387430399996,
+    5.1307907403700002,
+    5.29064241813,
+    5.4495402731300002,
+    5.5692069479899997,
+    5.8023798879999999,
+    5.9217137438199998,
+    6.1545111640699997,
+    6.2686946022500001,
+    6.4619248209700002,
+    6.6102067457500002,
+    6.8760747683199996,
+    7.1590374621899997,
+    7.31422994403,
+    7.6196963320300002,
+    7.9330981866299997,
+    8.3005559691100004,
+    8.5080589881200002,
+    8.9030525835399992,
+    9.3843270585099994,
+    9.88649146809,
+    10.279354769599999,
+    10.603107312100001,
+    11.1118716186,
+    11.4784714402,
+    12.035536117199999,
+    12.847959552400001,
+    13.415735074900001,
+    14.1791106731,
+    15.0355747631,
+    16.9356357166,
+    17.805067612999999,
+    19.342641049299999,
+    21.009071134500001,
+    23.1764543914,
+    25.379614414799999,
+    27.885782949300001,
+    29.619482312399999,
+    33.254904224999997,
+    36.867160964200004,
+    40.4774911481,
+    50.2787838733,
+    62.180321216899998,
+    80.798575822199993,
+    94.584243390899999,
+    131.07441246799999,
+    532.11553542800004,
+    0.0,
+    0.066750493128400007,
+    0.10229228903,
+    0.14064849221799999,
+    0.16816604212,
+    0.185917820027,
+    0.21145207109799999,
+    0.22637409875299999,
+    0.23827441847700001,
+    0.25325002214100001,
+    0.282002121386,
+    0.29459754431500002,
+    0.309921025947,
+    0.32256024829399998,
+    0.33607649321799998,
+    0.35308583886400002,
+    0.366974488228,
+    0.38834215578600001,
+    0.407453141593,
+    0.42152609543199998,
+    0.44240079751299999,
+    0.45519187153599999,
+    0.46297707882400002,
+    0.47982221228700001,
+    0.49667630123599998,
+    0.508498258634,
+    0.51689250307900003,
+    0.53635170713299996,
+    0.55035959890200004,
+    0.56783201126299998,
+    0.58585694882899997,
+    0.59530161133699999,
+    0.60864863465700003,
+    0.61872677583699998,
+    0.63314266869000002,
+    0.64227626695200002,
+    0.66366778123400005,
+    0.67270302950299998,
+    0.68420389566899997,
+    0.69282668375900003,
+    0.70143224682899996,
+    0.71443579991700001,
+    0.72615598912400003,
+    0.73642045277699997,
+    0.74797476862599999,
+    0.75717018072300002,
+    0.76798353829599997,
+    0.77486375038599997,
+    0.79414765885500005,
+    0.80854204945800001,
+    0.82112865231700005,
+    0.83235531435499999,
+    0.84902111566299998,
+    0.85542717883200003,
+    0.85897397230799999,
+    0.87704088496099997,
+    0.89151271520300002,
+    0.90700102609599997,
+    0.920719450271,
+    0.92891160690200003,
+    0.938857619857,
+    0.94825684266300003,
+    0.95986000285999995,
+    0.96960811962399995,
+    0.989941122374,
+    1.00360008757,
+    1.02107596077,
+    1.03643638202,
+    1.0502377328700001,
+    1.0717680324100001,
+    1.0865864964900001,
+    1.0954103929900001,
+    1.10647648545,
+    1.11919554073,
+    1.1348944810799999,
+    1.1478893503600001,
+    1.1583683144100001,
+    1.17725367471,
+    1.1977476949200001,
+    1.2115494448899999,
+    1.2227006682499999,
+    1.23641648061,
+    1.2453807854500001,
+    1.2593987794899999,
+    1.26998244399,
+    1.2869142286699999,
+    1.30049557207,
+    1.31446944898,
+    1.3295110779099999,
+    1.3446024810899999,
+    1.3719517782999999,
+    1.3907558123199999,
+    1.40705250973,
+    1.4264556633200001,
+    1.4396767485499999,
+    1.46991083644,
+    1.4987499147300001,
+    1.51363764814,
+    1.5369634294400001,
+    1.55497159429,
+    1.58019513401,
+    1.58671558905,
+    1.6122642631099999,
+    1.6513557926,
+    1.68400062899,
+    1.7089437540000001,
+    1.72753924255,
+    1.7453552720800001,
+    1.7758454361,
+    1.7994335997999999,
+    1.82770292952,
+    1.84731671466,
+    1.8985423459799999,
+    1.9145465641699999,
+    1.9448048626000001,
+    1.9916997561000001,
+    2.0178550764300001,
+    2.0361698775099999,
+    2.0577739526799999,
+    2.0831203668899998,
+    2.1103632127899998,
+    2.1537354568799998,
+    2.1788561526999999,
+    2.2045213341899998,
+    2.2224788538400002,
+    2.2635629295799999,
+    2.3165276562799999,
+    2.34821085414,
+    2.3981207218199998,
+    2.4198916383700002,
+    2.4597388271499998,
+    2.5017065354999999,
+    2.56256913084,
+    2.60073239413,
+    2.6306494736500001,
+    2.6860626220700001,
+    2.7343736190899999,
+    2.8116594856499999,
+    2.8637335040699998,
+    2.9264728333900001,
+    2.9955476839699999,
+    3.05285386085,
+    3.1356878770200001,
+    3.2072182033300001,
+    3.26764142152,
+    3.3485823077900001,
+    3.4312097504199999,
+    3.4816563758900001,
+    3.5584231314100001,
+    3.6375811375099998,
+    3.7335599506700001,
+    3.8014008857100001,
+    3.8705553019300001,
+    3.9806979118000001,
+    4.0971698101299996,
+    4.1749168167999997,
+    4.3083366103599996,
+    4.38165849577,
+    4.5310804208600004,
+    4.6613092856899998,
+    4.7803056653900002,
+    4.9095209439899996,
+    5.0546229367600004,
+    5.2110820221100003,
+    5.3463510691199998,
+    5.52429734599,
+    5.6756130707899999,
+    5.9685799046800003,
+    6.1860199186999996,
+    6.3195153450500001,
+    6.6566660244499998,
+    6.9673972764899998,
+    7.26908683037,
+    7.6488825007600001,
+    7.8611350773700002,
+    8.2320652147600004,
+    8.4210908255200003,
+    8.9496041073600008,
+    9.5584199425000005,
+    10.1439245514,
+    10.6423118073,
+    11.0791716855,
+    11.838823182500001,
+    12.7106408238,
+    14.1580993885,
+    15.148907718,
+    15.904843132,
+    17.434395016500002,
+    18.518727628800001,
+    20.121463138599999,
+    22.7076019362,
+    24.3760430058,
+    27.247058263300001,
+    30.661631466599999,
+    33.079547519400002,
+    39.127879890599999,
+    48.943565214800003,
+    59.4575606151,
+    91.335874697400001,
+    141.45432793200001,
+    411.661489776,
+    0.0,
+    0.069952231864699996,
+    0.103404633578,
+    0.125014068162,
+    0.146010270449,
+    0.16359155444599999,
+    0.178864568833,
+    0.19599840432599999,
+    0.21261593381499999,
+    0.22711972642700001,
+    0.243111674684,
+    0.25767461785399998,
+    0.27180823360799999,
+    0.28563106170000002,
+    0.30065227522400001,
+    0.31466033367599999,
+    0.32740274431499999,
+    0.34144162964000002,
+    0.35392977821499999,
+    0.36739586603699997,
+    0.37668601825699999,
+    0.38997906091099999,
+    0.40341912954199999,
+    0.416373727157,
+    0.426895908682,
+    0.43977830899800002,
+    0.45258671966300001,
+    0.466514605217,
+    0.477389064152,
+    0.48977333283500002,
+    0.50163197604999998,
+    0.51199626571900003,
+    0.52444304417700005,
+    0.535756267392,
+    0.54517617178599997,
+    0.556723976482,
+    0.56923743022399997,
+    0.58148013003300003,
+    0.59338244193300005,
+    0.60349023988499995,
+    0.61844448197599999,
+    0.63082462731599998,
+    0.64077938591500005,
+    0.65387489192500003,
+    0.66469357132100004,
+    0.67819373925399995,
+    0.68727074573400004,
+    0.69848718075600003,
+    0.71043795726600001,
+    0.71961915177299995,
+    0.72969713364300004,
+    0.74107602282600005,
+    0.75606721670699994,
+    0.76643518425500001,
+    0.77845497049099999,
+    0.78839543992500005,
+    0.80132022172700001,
+    0.81246877456,
+    0.82543482006900004,
+    0.835142423425,
+    0.84674802068300004,
+    0.85967143818799996,
+    0.87125300477599998,
+    0.88408451673499999,
+    0.89664194416599996,
+    0.91062205430599996,
+    0.92119895144599995,
+    0.93242997074199996,
+    0.94571219445300003,
+    0.96041450364400005,
+    0.97224013435699996,
+    0.98495533130900004,
+    0.99919196810900002,
+    1.0129236124100001,
+    1.02562802722,
+    1.0390578098300001,
+    1.05327349462,
+    1.06699289985,
+    1.08003878786,
+    1.0911503311699999,
+    1.10287478431,
+    1.11752324595,
+    1.1314149261899999,
+    1.1474113539199999,
+    1.1623424598800001,
+    1.1809099334199999,
+    1.19698636893,
+    1.21181796755,
+    1.22544671282,
+    1.24244196167,
+    1.25768137753,
+    1.2753336486,
+    1.29073541071,
+    1.3028499501799999,
+    1.3187969502100001,
+    1.33382177937,
+    1.35329432786,
+    1.3654396608399999,
+    1.3831852898699999,
+    1.4053731868899999,
+    1.4244601671899999,
+    1.4458595538900001,
+    1.4624828517299999,
+    1.48424757851,
+    1.50258889287,
+    1.5267644454,
+    1.54442727619,
+    1.56845111196,
+    1.5867698647199999,
+    1.60842558029,
+    1.6313088751,
+    1.6534369558899999,
+    1.6753389600899999,
+    1.69620207473,
+    1.7204189063699999,
+    1.7419530680599999,
+    1.76805842778,
+    1.7922030172000001,
+    1.8188034212699999,
+    1.85148643519,
+    1.8773786266000001,
+    1.90256305862,
+    1.9386203775399999,
+    1.9687813707199999,
+    1.9981566611499999,
+    2.0245303042499998,
+    2.0584208427499999,
+    2.0946946719900001,
+    2.1348120365500001,
+    2.1791471443199999,
+    2.2224520832399999,
+    2.2595687931800001,
+    2.3106923875200001,
+    2.3553963857400002,
+    2.3983286546599998,
+    2.4436515071799998,
+    2.4865189620699999,
+    2.5405446707500001,
+    2.59421388661,
+    2.64091695706,
+    2.6996385735900001,
+    2.7473734419100002,
+    2.8035977565799999,
+    2.8535299568900001,
+    2.91542786179,
+    2.9893281334399999,
+    3.0516305485699999,
+    3.1163028661999999,
+    3.1947678399299999,
+    3.2663049222699998,
+    3.3339853805400002,
+    3.40237096205,
+    3.4768322926400002,
+    3.5806851899900001,
+    3.6801840510099999,
+    3.7872722453700001,
+    3.8916915748699998,
+    3.9917050980400002,
+    4.0940578914500003,
+    4.19602458524,
+    4.3323371208100001,
+    4.4338250448399998,
+    4.5732353526800003,
+    4.7071896650899996,
+    4.8371637819700002,
+    4.9861306159599996,
+    5.1247005951200002,
+    5.2989900989100001,
+    5.4331191858299999,
+    5.5988276453600001,
+    5.8197641223699996,
+    6.0307234869500004,
+    6.2629671258800004,
+    6.4723292924600004,
+    6.73373305351,
+    7.0011281823499996,
+    7.2896172889599997,
+    7.6282663585300003,
+    7.9822597848400001,
+    8.4459703825899997,
+    8.8384469969099992,
+    9.2101115074000006,
+    9.73610634934,
+    10.3512776241,
+    10.917239822399999,
+    11.6235706159,
+    12.2958078571,
+    12.939563854899999,
+    14.2324201348,
+    15.485703747200001,
+    16.9857809226,
+    18.432059703,
+    20.321399149499999,
+    22.561711453099999,
+    25.531954585200001,
+    29.543395520299999,
+    34.331229479900003,
+    42.111056517599998,
+    54.231741921900003,
+    88.569928594700002,
+    402.90323270200003,
+    0.0,
+    0.063832780404899994,
+    0.097778217097499995,
+    0.12370909607,
+    0.150339924072,
+    0.16482266304000001,
+    0.17990570626399999,
+    0.190646713912,
+    0.20163809948600001,
+    0.216830757348,
+    0.22812951506500001,
+    0.24021891326399999,
+    0.25541866841600003,
+    0.269018368043,
+    0.28049226030899999,
+    0.29164957411100001,
+    0.30229091825999999,
+    0.31343659256900003,
+    0.327727185596,
+    0.33950733116499998,
+    0.35546334505900001,
+    0.36812325794200002,
+    0.38133767715299999,
+    0.394597620963,
+    0.404978263841,
+    0.41815375781000003,
+    0.42864653293400001,
+    0.444894300819,
+    0.454376903331,
+    0.46341028375999999,
+    0.47599157488299998,
+    0.48560628028199998,
+    0.49777311032799998,
+    0.508833944353,
+    0.52141721957599996,
+    0.53079993862899999,
+    0.54083525487700002,
+    0.55116155918099996,
+    0.56028981112599996,
+    0.571200303066,
+    0.58044683485600002,
+    0.58839931947599999,
+    0.59900193670599999,
+    0.60844513668900002,
+    0.61984074999700001,
+    0.630706376051,
+    0.64055060618699999,
+    0.65022883648700003,
+    0.65969805240099999,
+    0.67173860230299998,
+    0.683039145269,
+    0.69151743825699996,
+    0.70492328902000001,
+    0.71497674644599996,
+    0.72455754197800004,
+    0.73626892393499999,
+    0.74666068393600005,
+    0.75711837954399996,
+    0.76917986479,
+    0.78031391817899998,
+    0.79003646883199996,
+    0.80178135233600001,
+    0.81294330929500003,
+    0.82479240642999996,
+    0.83793294590599998,
+    0.84856051750299999,
+    0.857727050288,
+    0.867523080562,
+    0.87989898293299995,
+    0.88810730552100003,
+    0.89899588869799996,
+    0.90918788036700005,
+    0.92161182284099996,
+    0.93310880618299996,
+    0.94666983786799996,
+    0.95950586438800001,
+    0.96954717752200004,
+    0.98183054360800004,
+    0.99327109762300003,
+    1.0071871810099999,
+    1.0199396023,
+    1.0299591745400001,
+    1.0433590956800001,
+    1.0579526586200001,
+    1.0722037652,
+    1.0856825564000001,
+    1.10062275455,
+    1.11366547931,
+    1.12553109294,
+    1.1369984132099999,
+    1.1497029036699999,
+    1.16306292312,
+    1.17522255584,
+    1.1892082610600001,
+    1.2041212236300001,
+    1.22190050707,
+    1.2347118934600001,
+    1.2504314859500001,
+    1.2629302579599999,
+    1.2791680786099999,
+    1.29405735901,
+    1.3107720617700001,
+    1.32643387797,
+    1.3415152129300001,
+    1.3620274129300001,
+    1.3823476697499999,
+    1.40444011877,
+    1.42173569526,
+    1.4364703857500001,
+    1.45484612731,
+    1.47972134044,
+    1.49655634371,
+    1.5141380044499999,
+    1.53379025535,
+    1.5555036580899999,
+    1.5714663036600001,
+    1.59647294538,
+    1.6138151759899999,
+    1.6380127097199999,
+    1.6594163419300001,
+    1.6820072233800001,
+    1.7019879011500001,
+    1.7246555912899999,
+    1.75616951171,
+    1.7809849497500001,
+    1.8095401046899999,
+    1.83533696471,
+    1.8573176551099999,
+    1.88542875324,
+    1.92090178934,
+    1.9505618811500001,
+    1.9774596313099999,
+    2.0068544301600002,
+    2.0350921018900001,
+    2.0643959097,
+    2.1062800026400001,
+    2.1347376230699999,
+    2.1742676793900002,
+    2.2104098855299998,
+    2.2514941680099998,
+    2.2912348247100001,
+    2.3349554164100002,
+    2.3796253970099999,
+    2.41766195211,
+    2.4815347228200002,
+    2.5296861327400002,
+    2.57523096673,
+    2.6414826618,
+    2.6880090127099998,
+    2.7379395286100001,
+    2.7971131333199999,
+    2.8454615301600001,
+    2.9012187913899998,
+    2.9675790254000001,
+    3.04978866032,
+    3.12354871979,
+    3.2117080755199998,
+    3.3031992991200001,
+    3.3786495999400001,
+    3.4622786505200001,
+    3.5341733641599999,
+    3.5975451787299999,
+    3.7026608369999998,
+    3.82558431557,
+    3.9485708722999999,
+    4.0749917626799999,
+    4.2182278466299996,
+    4.3815530054699998,
+    4.5579379614200004,
+    4.7079073862299996,
+    4.8861754887000002,
+    5.0662849643500003,
+    5.2496674690900003,
+    5.4708584275999996,
+    5.6873944276300001,
+    5.9465154086899998,
+    6.10841977807,
+    6.32522045284,
+    6.6457452149499998,
+    6.8963618663700004,
+    7.1600629694100002,
+    7.4849075540900003,
+    7.8078159674899998,
+    8.1135987260599993,
+    8.6434490614699993,
+    9.3138777741999998,
+    9.9096943796500003,
+    10.5413045729,
+    11.158948712999999,
+    11.999104899500001,
+    12.8985733307,
+    13.9490047253,
+    15.518092394,
+    17.033131729600001,
+    18.432082803299998,
+    20.708613102099999,
+    23.123985660399999,
+    27.884421759599999,
+    36.561019225000003,
+    61.076641297099997,
+    468.04625970900003,
+    0.0,
+    0.067076529355799996,
+    0.097824586424400006,
+    0.12058047219699999,
+    0.135066352689,
+    0.15703805450399999,
+    0.16865220856099999,
+    0.18272153189500001,
+    0.19456107267299999,
+    0.20905544303500001,
+    0.22429021016199999,
+    0.23682684978499999,
+    0.24961005214199999,
+    0.26225295033399998,
+    0.27282432554800001,
+    0.283602099439,
+    0.29623312604699997,
+    0.30840842319700001,
+    0.31645548412699998,
+    0.33143452632300002,
+    0.343712260145,
+    0.35341928343099999,
+    0.36635377466399999,
+    0.37717670892999999,
+    0.39032523504299999,
+    0.40013045900700001,
+    0.41162395957300002,
+    0.42423155816699998,
+    0.43186283101,
+    0.44215015996599999,
+    0.45428937582200002,
+    0.46224971743999999,
+    0.47594444504299999,
+    0.48807023390400001,
+    0.49693964716900002,
+    0.51019137347099996,
+    0.52165237357899996,
+    0.53174150971800005,
+    0.54256492119300004,
+    0.55515020156399997,
+    0.56325486596700003,
+    0.57178372078899997,
+    0.57891384744999996,
+    0.58826455880299999,
+    0.59910449639800001,
+    0.60935191848000003,
+    0.61881052080400001,
+    0.62702569041300005,
+    0.63798126176500003,
+    0.64999626073299999,
+    0.66409842520700002,
+    0.67206511322700002,
+    0.68117655017099998,
+    0.69235691936599997,
+    0.70629027472700001,
+    0.71718753920199996,
+    0.72825030830899995,
+    0.73958277894699997,
+    0.74721313986399995,
+    0.75951044739999996,
+    0.77054717878099999,
+    0.78033716992000002,
+    0.791657009508,
+    0.80069783012999995,
+    0.81151864388700001,
+    0.82257967604500004,
+    0.83376565960100002,
+    0.84367481175100001,
+    0.85373445615999999,
+    0.86281664475599995,
+    0.87277267299399997,
+    0.88522150941099997,
+    0.895112829577,
+    0.90741716188900001,
+    0.91619554643300005,
+    0.92601655850499998,
+    0.93734361345600004,
+    0.94620041333000005,
+    0.95712672909899998,
+    0.96744573225499997,
+    0.98318977108299999,
+    0.99187947130599996,
+    1.00505446816,
+    1.0135141032699999,
+    1.02598410227,
+    1.0352951482399999,
+    1.0473143060900001,
+    1.0610104522899999,
+    1.07557548922,
+    1.0886540525699999,
+    1.1030302993000001,
+    1.1222000890499999,
+    1.1397653729499999,
+    1.15430437835,
+    1.1696993848599999,
+    1.1869488960800001,
+    1.20122564741,
+    1.2141587142000001,
+    1.2257708751700001,
+    1.2411522805399999,
+    1.2560045466400001,
+    1.27446251035,
+    1.2841952131300001,
+    1.2982208578200001,
+    1.3182157576,
+    1.3298159782600001,
+    1.3424136029,
+    1.3604328317200001,
+    1.3767068167600001,
+    1.39749108045,
+    1.4148267830400001,
+    1.43982412632,
+    1.45450195158,
+    1.47070553463,
+    1.4842104270200001,
+    1.5036094415600001,
+    1.5196111004899999,
+    1.5427837280000001,
+    1.56874118822,
+    1.59012806749,
+    1.6156339281200001,
+    1.6415259814800001,
+    1.6627342303899999,
+    1.68678597138,
+    1.7123700775899999,
+    1.7355941341300001,
+    1.7575287234700001,
+    1.77549370303,
+    1.8023242212999999,
+    1.8306364744700001,
+    1.86843117775,
+    1.89616140233,
+    1.92693168508,
+    1.94653908551,
+    1.9674301249699999,
+    2.0023775987399999,
+    2.0410970809600002,
+    2.0712419181500001,
+    2.1001298794399998,
+    2.1435551353000002,
+    2.18745519946,
+    2.2407411531300001,
+    2.2877176484300001,
+    2.3482386991299999,
+    2.3878544206000001,
+    2.4256485211599998,
+    2.4689746994299999,
+    2.54115707404,
+    2.6060044637200002,
+    2.6471446480799998,
+    2.7082778846300002,
+    2.7625848318599999,
+    2.8217618519399998,
+    2.8730281955899999,
+    2.94944935405,
+    2.9984511177900002,
+    3.06158326156,
+    3.1477109402800001,
+    3.2264457052400002,
+    3.3135370713699999,
+    3.3913116560900001,
+    3.46766561982,
+    3.5469306652600001,
+    3.6270133483599998,
+    3.7196516111200002,
+    3.8300128499600001,
+    3.9706856961599999,
+    4.0624593885399998,
+    4.16862605645,
+    4.32355081595,
+    4.4582130280000003,
+    4.5901068198399999,
+    4.7253251831799998,
+    4.8713623347399997,
+    5.0670691161099999,
+    5.2375849693000003,
+    5.3887073546400002,
+    5.6495635870200003,
+    5.8884178613599998,
+    6.1407571599699997,
+    6.3858608976199998,
+    6.6661948102800004,
+    7.0439049067599999,
+    7.3559915120800001,
+    7.73009363221,
+    8.2262361691900008,
+    8.8019442355600006,
+    9.2680434525499997,
+    9.7743200198599993,
+    10.6920252267,
+    11.3785733059,
+    12.170137853,
+    13.036613519199999,
+    14.486048819000001,
+    16.028067222499999,
+    17.977721620600001,
+    20.963719555200001,
+    25.110074835700001,
+    32.315204575999999,
+    51.776266767099997,
+    108.063764331,
+    0.0,
+    0.074209559522700003,
+    0.108008052641,
+    0.12807119272199999,
+    0.145696860505,
+    0.15949782790200001,
+    0.17030767784699999,
+    0.181856162219,
+    0.194359775116,
+    0.206545451204,
+    0.216886655718,
+    0.227597454714,
+    0.239520822277,
+    0.24975972163499999,
+    0.26174800391699998,
+    0.27515156150300002,
+    0.28928260960800001,
+    0.30056007218699998,
+    0.31177038148300001,
+    0.32223273686999998,
+    0.33233709398299999,
+    0.34226863585799999,
+    0.35054033371600002,
+    0.36272022538900001,
+    0.37265758299599999,
+    0.38450845354800001,
+    0.392952528902,
+    0.40280374789700002,
+    0.41239163517100003,
+    0.42225057636800001,
+    0.43390677896199997,
+    0.44589553585300001,
+    0.456357880291,
+    0.46605928183400003,
+    0.47533877800199997,
+    0.485109944056,
+    0.49754601794199999,
+    0.50792030114300002,
+    0.51923692407099997,
+    0.52864927728800004,
+    0.53777407420400003,
+    0.54790751383199998,
+    0.55673983995999998,
+    0.56698607143699997,
+    0.57670367642800002,
+    0.58667471005899996,
+    0.596751819495,
+    0.60570130209100004,
+    0.61498993393199997,
+    0.62532916186599996,
+    0.63421809777399996,
+    0.643945582415,
+    0.652131236,
+    0.66037342159400003,
+    0.66984241853199999,
+    0.68013004284099998,
+    0.68891506562500004,
+    0.69795858717600001,
+    0.70724072355500001,
+    0.71773910407499997,
+    0.72600456224599996,
+    0.73529066837299994,
+    0.74465581544199999,
+    0.75311728489600005,
+    0.76285052475299997,
+    0.77230557399699995,
+    0.78194921514500004,
+    0.79213459741699999,
+    0.80258535964699995,
+    0.81396443458699996,
+    0.82267338024400005,
+    0.83206771620599995,
+    0.83984893131100002,
+    0.85244698240700001,
+    0.860212067124,
+    0.87121284808199995,
+    0.88206426743400002,
+    0.893602624377,
+    0.90550090295300001,
+    0.91868520951400001,
+    0.92977380346299998,
+    0.94206318246999998,
+    0.95246633238900003,
+    0.96670282891199999,
+    0.97605982209599995,
+    0.98559747736000003,
+    0.99585577432700001,
+    1.00707064259,
+    1.01710690075,
+    1.02898182166,
+    1.04428034784,
+    1.0538694818500001,
+    1.06500309695,
+    1.0756346263800001,
+    1.08768054822,
+    1.0986564112699999,
+    1.11056517658,
+    1.1222492032,
+    1.13556072341,
+    1.1472841566,
+    1.16118311944,
+    1.17259765348,
+    1.1861421571199999,
+    1.1985894798400001,
+    1.20980222263,
+    1.2233664048399999,
+    1.2385002300500001,
+    1.2516226459299999,
+    1.2669008712400001,
+    1.2794959423800001,
+    1.2958611531299999,
+    1.31116706463,
+    1.32857407312,
+    1.34365731571,
+    1.35879876289,
+    1.3767427480700001,
+    1.3927745273200001,
+    1.41141387435,
+    1.4296441628400001,
+    1.4469934928999999,
+    1.46603314043,
+    1.4837471764900001,
+    1.5016602720400001,
+    1.51855715617,
+    1.5372635274499999,
+    1.55585749083,
+    1.5776110083899999,
+    1.59566951462,
+    1.62476079488,
+    1.6471928626000001,
+    1.6678247338300001,
+    1.6864094001200001,
+    1.7115934443700001,
+    1.7389659531499999,
+    1.76721239977,
+    1.78849994105,
+    1.81312786502,
+    1.8365295582100001,
+    1.8646738456900001,
+    1.8978807795199999,
+    1.9240405234,
+    1.9549490789899999,
+    1.98972377392,
+    2.0200230888899999,
+    2.0589141742399999,
+    2.10302415543,
+    2.14058485254,
+    2.1818536127199999,
+    2.2299519963300001,
+    2.2712959938699999,
+    2.3135445986500001,
+    2.3566542270399999,
+    2.3959056922599999,
+    2.4446333513399998,
+    2.4952439185199999,
+    2.5492654399200001,
+    2.6106037504100001,
+    2.6602865229799999,
+    2.7105208912299998,
+    2.7745671455899998,
+    2.8333797499900002,
+    2.9008461857499999,
+    2.96494326499,
+    3.0289889630300002,
+    3.10234506861,
+    3.1725169557099999,
+    3.2548023935399999,
+    3.3312575634499999,
+    3.41501385226,
+    3.5077691502100001,
+    3.6109139158899999,
+    3.70736489466,
+    3.8078795299400001,
+    3.9399935880500001,
+    4.0729162849399998,
+    4.1754315477999997,
+    4.32871701963,
+    4.4670420558400004,
+    4.6172360869400002,
+    4.7801353008799996,
+    4.9685158392900002,
+    5.1787521224099997,
+    5.3659561809799996,
+    5.5579867362700002,
+    5.80647069765,
+    6.0770936171800001,
+    6.3474439077599998,
+    6.62582338065,
+    6.9727248909400004,
+    7.3991913842899999,
+    7.8834449215399998,
+    8.5166144845100007,
+    9.2030546325000007,
+    9.88020733826,
+    10.866036106699999,
+    12.0758777085,
+    14.18128042,
+    16.712052750600002,
+    20.430876708300001,
+    27.2913398323,
+    198.831343334,
+    0.0,
+    0.069244384700200001,
+    0.088432101515100003,
+    0.10716305206,
+    0.12503845091900001,
+    0.140404065533,
+    0.15732758095900001,
+    0.17026163426999999,
+    0.181554153262,
+    0.19229104097999999,
+    0.20063488720700001,
+    0.20918075219000001,
+    0.22448851398700001,
+    0.23329259600999999,
+    0.243417838223,
+    0.25098683398999999,
+    0.26086665715599999,
+    0.26722012921400001,
+    0.27447102517700001,
+    0.28549280903099999,
+    0.29370514330199998,
+    0.30435794709199998,
+    0.31171401890299999,
+    0.32079725821600003,
+    0.33073290586199999,
+    0.340392028515,
+    0.35038726600499998,
+    0.35811690266399998,
+    0.36447411653700001,
+    0.37185544116399999,
+    0.381082348721,
+    0.390780214455,
+    0.39830952785200002,
+    0.40748168602500001,
+    0.41488373765499997,
+    0.42543510561100001,
+    0.43158160961199998,
+    0.44002625662900002,
+    0.44926347686599999,
+    0.45776432919799998,
+    0.468022411503,
+    0.47664440380200002,
+    0.48258490950499999,
+    0.48896171374500003,
+    0.496491820137,
+    0.50698509859999996,
+    0.51452015906199999,
+    0.52068937139100002,
+    0.52946408477100004,
+    0.53880448153799998,
+    0.548801791313,
+    0.555995027759,
+    0.56369511933200001,
+    0.57026213611200005,
+    0.57917412801400003,
+    0.58903117523000004,
+    0.59960305490099997,
+    0.60673607228299997,
+    0.61394249280099999,
+    0.62335872512500001,
+    0.62950473092000003,
+    0.63564906077100003,
+    0.64370653836500002,
+    0.65068290176499999,
+    0.65692425783200004,
+    0.66660140937199996,
+    0.67467287438699997,
+    0.68340267482299999,
+    0.69234704669500002,
+    0.70022548729900003,
+    0.70878108772100001,
+    0.71517132508000003,
+    0.72483344563800001,
+    0.73510369684400001,
+    0.74464179844099998,
+    0.75114169742299997,
+    0.75948786098200005,
+    0.76927896632399995,
+    0.780181603981,
+    0.79038397953499995,
+    0.79658809158499999,
+    0.80565180419899995,
+    0.81340080992999997,
+    0.82502676166900002,
+    0.83237961296700003,
+    0.84110268556400003,
+    0.85232968998699998,
+    0.86273446105600005,
+    0.87069963084699997,
+    0.88137854582999997,
+    0.89128913714400004,
+    0.90061058757400003,
+    0.90609412190700001,
+    0.91504032505999999,
+    0.92415693050900005,
+    0.93648983181699996,
+    0.94349116139300004,
+    0.95300702282700001,
+    0.96521719153999996,
+    0.97733292798399996,
+    0.98974230043699996,
+    1.0028012640199999,
+    1.01236890773,
+    1.0253034214500001,
+    1.0345343165800001,
+    1.0429324387700001,
+    1.0534672371,
+    1.06628868009,
+    1.07468795352,
+    1.08633326882,
+    1.09933424957,
+    1.1068518163600001,
+    1.12106242894,
+    1.13430375102,
+    1.1497669909499999,
+    1.16355554605,
+    1.1741333470999999,
+    1.1865602471200001,
+    1.19552264974,
+    1.20964466299,
+    1.2206552660600001,
+    1.2334735428900001,
+    1.2446193507100001,
+    1.26228052188,
+    1.2733668809500001,
+    1.2862487980799999,
+    1.29915564596,
+    1.31311637923,
+    1.3325804596099999,
+    1.34251302023,
+    1.3591003659500001,
+    1.377169549,
+    1.3924811167,
+    1.40750771045,
+    1.4232614989300001,
+    1.4396669344899999,
+    1.4651287187599999,
+    1.4899491085200001,
+    1.50816578923,
+    1.5249813512099999,
+    1.5484316629499999,
+    1.56552035633,
+    1.58626075727,
+    1.60321824898,
+    1.6254795315799999,
+    1.64592427713,
+    1.6680292001699999,
+    1.6929771865600001,
+    1.71641044875,
+    1.73825985627,
+    1.7655221754799999,
+    1.7903694698399999,
+    1.8124234588000001,
+    1.83919765728,
+    1.86770929471,
+    1.9001015000199999,
+    1.9321267789500001,
+    1.95584199638,
+    1.99690811411,
+    2.0217444230499999,
+    2.05376297292,
+    2.0929451083099999,
+    2.12301731176,
+    2.1526232798299998,
+    2.19298807375,
+    2.2255018723100002,
+    2.2689246505599998,
+    2.3179026897699999,
+    2.3644121098699999,
+    2.4221039841300001,
+    2.4838688069799999,
+    2.53466998697,
+    2.6042919607999999,
+    2.6812450073999998,
+    2.7654172146999998,
+    2.8309204248399999,
+    2.9094078948100002,
+    2.9876772553499999,
+    3.0748530970700001,
+    3.1622064731699999,
+    3.24147451246,
+    3.32558384886,
+    3.4422202342600001,
+    3.5775338240400001,
+    3.7141610497599999,
+    3.87173250803,
+    4.0663966875900002,
+    4.29308118297,
+    4.4781034155099997,
+    4.7041054642700004,
+    5.0488522514199996,
+    5.3311777928700002,
+    5.6656935490200002,
+    6.1539089237400004,
+    6.8843836607600002,
+    7.4347424954000001,
+    8.2978267417500007,
+    9.6243020157500005,
+    11.369168954199999,
+    15.540639672399999,
+    76.1760172643,
+    0.0,
+    0.049706365699999998,
+    0.0666592682662,
+    0.088322065368899999,
+    0.104536859611,
+    0.11923256786399999,
+    0.127291144238,
+    0.13502577832400001,
+    0.140820543469,
+    0.15139945632400001,
+    0.16099717066999999,
+    0.16793664804899999,
+    0.179770597659,
+    0.18534480911599999,
+    0.19437588065,
+    0.20501796081000001,
+    0.21442507195499999,
+    0.223638661722,
+    0.235448046864,
+    0.24069837603999999,
+    0.249796619168,
+    0.2569021037,
+    0.26571241794099998,
+    0.273484835112,
+    0.28264031867099998,
+    0.29203238294299999,
+    0.30128506578199998,
+    0.30890798204499997,
+    0.31400372247300001,
+    0.32085907990500001,
+    0.33018590514200002,
+    0.33434813763600002,
+    0.34099138695100001,
+    0.34839419218399997,
+    0.36043796979300002,
+    0.366921197137,
+    0.374978179395,
+    0.380142953738,
+    0.38497527854699998,
+    0.39412431397300002,
+    0.40294224279800001,
+    0.41036947119900002,
+    0.42097414080500001,
+    0.426696154529,
+    0.43405547629300001,
+    0.438076390323,
+    0.44626941882600002,
+    0.45209988855099997,
+    0.46025667702299999,
+    0.46751534699899999,
+    0.47569740786199999,
+    0.48648925341600002,
+    0.49365845173799999,
+    0.50062076512099996,
+    0.50762099689399998,
+    0.51599561488599999,
+    0.52069070294499997,
+    0.52771734894599998,
+    0.53507770527700005,
+    0.53957262010100004,
+    0.54687563426600005,
+    0.55882733756900005,
+    0.56778279961099998,
+    0.57581367970300001,
+    0.58169558514099995,
+    0.589416835832,
+    0.59799990574399997,
+    0.60309451416000004,
+    0.60776585343300005,
+    0.61113211528400002,
+    0.620751519689,
+    0.63049668177200002,
+    0.64186111209399999,
+    0.649049389792,
+    0.65881032984999999,
+    0.667603399933,
+    0.67500088551600002,
+    0.68058962597299999,
+    0.68475592303099997,
+    0.69020553863599998,
+    0.69297641552300004,
+    0.69919890922799999,
+    0.70692564551500003,
+    0.71223085652100004,
+    0.72213575435900001,
+    0.730079802251,
+    0.73971307206199999,
+    0.74754515744299999,
+    0.75906245692899998,
+    0.76535806436599996,
+    0.768435170424,
+    0.77936645084,
+    0.78371319966099995,
+    0.793548757173,
+    0.79992665980300004,
+    0.80669075308100002,
+    0.813805390164,
+    0.82073219292800004,
+    0.82530292600499999,
+    0.83254418888299997,
+    0.84023227490600005,
+    0.84610269681500005,
+    0.850974506809,
+    0.85604916181199997,
+    0.86800267070000003,
+    0.87548269182500005,
+    0.88170746226899999,
+    0.89168104316600005,
+    0.89886785180600004,
+    0.90941660694899995,
+    0.92091095976000004,
+    0.92713708903799996,
+    0.93255472954399998,
+    0.94075570205600001,
+    0.95405981205900003,
+    0.96338844277799995,
+    0.97402552055400005,
+    0.98526481076200001,
+    0.99808150342699997,
+    1.00881814468,
+    1.0181152037700001,
+    1.02462072395,
+    1.0362614133200001,
+    1.0501057383200001,
+    1.05573829434,
+    1.0663375241399999,
+    1.0815544234900001,
+    1.0920197863400001,
+    1.10280835408,
+    1.1180455459900001,
+    1.1302349147199999,
+    1.14338393376,
+    1.1517784771899999,
+    1.16459044846,
+    1.17843359548,
+    1.1909602731,
+    1.2038564818399999,
+    1.2161138792399999,
+    1.22899884794,
+    1.24167619324,
+    1.25804220029,
+    1.26669854112,
+    1.28319750286,
+    1.29839920006,
+    1.31138545902,
+    1.3222317000599999,
+    1.34185918055,
+    1.3547619368999999,
+    1.3711217067000001,
+    1.3874485756199999,
+    1.4017178245899999,
+    1.4176863825099999,
+    1.43525875504,
+    1.4513358921899999,
+    1.4669285814799999,
+    1.49058059786,
+    1.51243917885,
+    1.5343601628600001,
+    1.5519685841999999,
+    1.5858246281799999,
+    1.6052702545799999,
+    1.6255288476200001,
+    1.645511371,
+    1.67744979518,
+    1.7003145979100001,
+    1.7236176675199999,
+    1.74467645265,
+    1.7809151811699999,
+    1.8104241704099999,
+    1.85100020932,
+    1.8902605480300001,
+    1.9127629589099999,
+    1.94264465956,
+    1.98831619403,
+    2.0462312106199998,
+    2.1088091964400002,
+    2.1589111550700002,
+    2.19880416124,
+    2.2551363689100001,
+    2.32115689321,
+    2.3900112406699998,
+    2.4355086734200002,
+    2.53167527975,
+    2.5574390199299999,
+    2.69075228193,
+    2.80722131929,
+    2.8827815963000001,
+    3.0169724035100001,
+    3.1020365340699998,
+    3.2877647668300001,
+    3.4186314330799998,
+    3.55711527829,
+    3.7777833577900002,
+    4.0940063095600001,
+    4.35113022089,
+    4.7722176832300001,
+    5.4945754250499999,
+    6.0600360065499999,
+    6.7983858917699997,
+    9.1234186672500002,
+    40.009378980599998,
+    0.0,
+    0.067895952064799994,
+    0.084300078749299998,
+    0.095052432169299997,
+    0.102638659398,
+    0.112117784904,
+    0.11826939027900001,
+    0.12549932636300001,
+    0.12979818836900001,
+    0.14651996704600001,
+    0.15100212390600001,
+    0.161663165759,
+    0.16954870848299999,
+    0.177081348221,
+    0.18018558524200001,
+    0.18303580819699999,
+    0.19216015759300001,
+    0.19761816342399999,
+    0.20405892001000001,
+    0.208512677383,
+    0.2121909193,
+    0.219201257102,
+    0.226866968867,
+    0.23794276716900001,
+    0.24987132195699999,
+    0.25465170763400002,
+    0.26099785587800001,
+    0.26730559655899999,
+    0.28331961066,
+    0.29096521670800002,
+    0.29624967979200001,
+    0.29829805930100001,
+    0.30951316035100002,
+    0.31770754811700003,
+    0.32720886553700002,
+    0.33647444911699997,
+    0.34198895204000002,
+    0.35025569471500001,
+    0.35723583674800002,
+    0.36574792956399999,
+    0.37381139126899998,
+    0.38799391889500001,
+    0.39067031169299998,
+    0.39620024782899999,
+    0.40020907354500002,
+    0.406629782376,
+    0.41587001647900002,
+    0.42064605710199998,
+    0.427983894024,
+    0.43880340547500002,
+    0.446223080223,
+    0.450449340882,
+    0.45558651616200002,
+    0.46105934588699998,
+    0.46416526610600001,
+    0.47234232416100003,
+    0.47838800081799998,
+    0.48398364517499998,
+    0.49028214090200001,
+    0.499284532015,
+    0.50451360745100005,
+    0.509733914146,
+    0.51534943972199998,
+    0.51694525305200001,
+    0.52351544417600004,
+    0.52741635274900001,
+    0.53030801158100005,
+    0.54039249319000005,
+    0.543358519993,
+    0.55090831684899999,
+    0.56351528162800002,
+    0.57109497028699996,
+    0.57678495336900004,
+    0.58431894816300001,
+    0.59453107257500004,
+    0.60337885959000004,
+    0.61000337793399995,
+    0.61727383516599998,
+    0.62371645808300002,
+    0.629855469291,
+    0.64046230499599999,
+    0.64338774420900002,
+    0.64928236111199999,
+    0.65253922932700004,
+    0.65630438988100004,
+    0.66542800844200001,
+    0.67245369789099996,
+    0.67689678974900003,
+    0.68490163471400001,
+    0.697879548796,
+    0.70321721042899998,
+    0.70825620560000002,
+    0.71214130965099998,
+    0.71606229576000002,
+    0.72849739743399999,
+    0.72997690491599998,
+    0.73496304621899999,
+    0.74722916204000001,
+    0.75461055645599995,
+    0.76049922669799996,
+    0.76492250952399998,
+    0.77219537422499995,
+    0.77615043430200004,
+    0.78272629883699996,
+    0.78806707738399995,
+    0.803877101727,
+    0.81237050231600005,
+    0.82231101211000002,
+    0.82643891219300003,
+    0.82994343368199996,
+    0.84104036655799996,
+    0.85001450139900003,
+    0.85722719700299999,
+    0.86813520497600005,
+    0.87634807207999998,
+    0.87849406127499996,
+    0.88626760274000005,
+    0.89464524886600005,
+    0.89854680515700003,
+    0.90579336081200001,
+    0.90937836218900003,
+    0.92263809143499997,
+    0.92671709472899999,
+    0.93140291302300005,
+    0.93889838636400003,
+    0.94817473635500005,
+    0.95134624523199995,
+    0.95948566447500006,
+    0.96931430537899999,
+    0.97827519300099997,
+    0.98284090499800003,
+    0.98853660864199999,
+    0.99999303088000002,
+    1.00933104878,
+    1.02227252775,
+    1.0339923686800001,
+    1.03840687036,
+    1.04500879737,
+    1.05122171927,
+    1.06723984471,
+    1.07953686403,
+    1.09113807067,
+    1.10417487551,
+    1.11446546637,
+    1.1254220105599999,
+    1.1353940360999999,
+    1.16144655068,
+    1.1695186521200001,
+    1.1831819617599999,
+    1.2096151764900001,
+    1.2368935164299999,
+    1.2456266675500001,
+    1.25296303964,
+    1.26564891435,
+    1.2701959942000001,
+    1.28466851306,
+    1.29873724956,
+    1.31966389347,
+    1.3313272542500001,
+    1.34786430325,
+    1.3621826611400001,
+    1.3720433831700001,
+    1.3971090305,
+    1.4043458957999999,
+    1.4238434153299999,
+    1.4590867995000001,
+    1.4854743821,
+    1.5153253015599999,
+    1.54813838085,
+    1.57329724758,
+    1.6116532666100001,
+    1.62277970085,
+    1.63219947245,
+    1.6666665269000001,
+    1.73127681763,
+    1.7492774307700001,
+    1.80557771894,
+    1.8267234865099999,
+    1.88934211181,
+    1.9203963709,
+    1.99466093314,
+    2.0230718376899999,
+    2.0628543274000002,
+    2.1367073224899999,
+    2.1821320160500002,
+    2.22093938088,
+    2.3072520016700002,
+    2.3621845025599999,
+    2.44517002578,
+    2.5015913727800001,
+    2.5975738754100002,
+    2.7045052724200001,
+    2.8865631109500001,
+    3.1260959842,
+    3.39849260601,
+    3.6254807685400001,
+    4.0097191798100003,
+    4.5724242129699997,
+    5.4143250544999999,
+    6.3272292972399997,
+    17.5560575511,
+    0.0,
+    0.085458258148600003,
+    0.098622234580399995,
+    0.106568524017,
+    0.108057180859,
+    0.1107805041,
+    0.11464013028599999,
+    0.13602438252499999,
+    0.14300574817799999,
+    0.146684159845,
+    0.15122598984999999,
+    0.154733085331,
+    0.161754974932,
+    0.17723910406000001,
+    0.18032389045700001,
+    0.18658548177699999,
+    0.18746673820000001,
+    0.19896129970099999,
+    0.209234599805,
+    0.21980562614900001,
+    0.228062016284,
+    0.23711187915099999,
+    0.23869840689499999,
+    0.240361816358,
+    0.27144033681000002,
+    0.27327373169399999,
+    0.27458858408600001,
+    0.28007177711800002,
+    0.28248298888899998,
+    0.28387767697499999,
+    0.287453003343,
+    0.292023090998,
+    0.29519223190999999,
+    0.31407066578100001,
+    0.32033662902100002,
+    0.32377361486099998,
+    0.33791304018399998,
+    0.340145093994,
+    0.34355792125200002,
+    0.35986952431000002,
+    0.36278049873099999,
+    0.36565591999199998,
+    0.36887445402199998,
+    0.37307785833099999,
+    0.37522358431500002,
+    0.38644599385299999,
+    0.38905873533300001,
+    0.39011760635100001,
+    0.39429900482899999,
+    0.40016937602000002,
+    0.40636267913899998,
+    0.408103464438,
+    0.411985395905,
+    0.42002274379400001,
+    0.42424580987299998,
+    0.42889507706199997,
+    0.43431096613499998,
+    0.43634598755999998,
+    0.44074601502999999,
+    0.44833586654099999,
+    0.44981411452999998,
+    0.45139144803199999,
+    0.45825414352600002,
+    0.465858692219,
+    0.46971239089400002,
+    0.48073097106200002,
+    0.49008253400700003,
+    0.49019267044199999,
+    0.49421178442399999,
+    0.49592401222499999,
+    0.51649450538700004,
+    0.52148438326400004,
+    0.52450649919199999,
+    0.52875492868700003,
+    0.53851929926099995,
+    0.55522500190799995,
+    0.56567545616600001,
+    0.57500972364500003,
+    0.575413910571,
+    0.577492611263,
+    0.58282093829299997,
+    0.5882333891,
+    0.59178334343399996,
+    0.59490514439200004,
+    0.59707926005599998,
+    0.60398628531999998,
+    0.61018821270699997,
+    0.62788446277499999,
+    0.62845001268199996,
+    0.63245592828700004,
+    0.64203220116600002,
+    0.64960047364600004,
+    0.65218235923199996,
+    0.65302094855500004,
+    0.65709800478699998,
+    0.66525750618900004,
+    0.66772838617499997,
+    0.66931616078599998,
+    0.67398981338899999,
+    0.67995566798200002,
+    0.69261712558099997,
+    0.69323176238100004,
+    0.70328807748099997,
+    0.70817581305300004,
+    0.71362676385000001,
+    0.72122326659400005,
+    0.72982093594899999,
+    0.73501610749799995,
+    0.74418077769299995,
+    0.74740381350899998,
+    0.75972971198000006,
+    0.76542085452499997,
+    0.77293727748999996,
+    0.77569521588599999,
+    0.79040702133899998,
+    0.79124143409100001,
+    0.79674835901600005,
+    0.801314329913,
+    0.80761727105100001,
+    0.81334526814800001,
+    0.82599153547399995,
+    0.835753037664,
+    0.84010997734000004,
+    0.84324537731399996,
+    0.84524994337100001,
+    0.852251511771,
+    0.85726585936199995,
+    0.86776513236499997,
+    0.87321839355800002,
+    0.88257634312599997,
+    0.88885223178899997,
+    0.89462277052799999,
+    0.89929289721500005,
+    0.91054077473399997,
+    0.91235045283799998,
+    0.91859506476800001,
+    0.92379410344599999,
+    0.92778311003299996,
+    0.95200833907100002,
+    0.96058777907100001,
+    0.96275379136000006,
+    0.96711989399800002,
+    0.98158423342400003,
+    0.99959381644599998,
+    1.0158547410300001,
+    1.0257344455099999,
+    1.0386164152999999,
+    1.05829394823,
+    1.0652432737599999,
+    1.06870005665,
+    1.0850122523800001,
+    1.08895555924,
+    1.1035938848,
+    1.1079237802499999,
+    1.14480878564,
+    1.1555554675299999,
+    1.1789854119500001,
+    1.21604495077,
+    1.21944541763,
+    1.2255115895799999,
+    1.2349135122299999,
+    1.2574900653700001,
+    1.2756099428300001,
+    1.27830965632,
+    1.29563470054,
+    1.33511311013,
+    1.37879372829,
+    1.4104141532900001,
+    1.42999159888,
+    1.4340564609599999,
+    1.4404309370999999,
+    1.45125639917,
+    1.4753290649999999,
+    1.50104361326,
+    1.5067651051299999,
+    1.56173064277,
+    1.5867665737000001,
+    1.6529842751699999,
+    1.68573957888,
+    1.6981474139899999,
+    1.7544189081799999,
+    1.79075077468,
+    1.8606238073600001,
+    1.9675939468600001,
+    1.99649367583,
+    2.0088494420599998,
+    2.0624960910299999,
+    2.1345821995000001,
+    2.25477797389,
+    2.4129377727399999,
+    2.4947352830499998,
+    2.6183637912700002,
+    3.0074794112299998,
+    3.1791961046799999,
+    3.4293356642399999,
+    3.8514844690699999,
+    4.2517228191100003,
+    4.9637069833399998,
+    6.0765632038800002,
+    6.7603904355099997,
+    10.3173126473,
+    0.0,
+    0.078613919986899997,
+    0.086706257325800007,
+    0.086706257325800007,
+    0.114789651673,
+    0.12273957318299999,
+    0.127062920365,
+    0.128484790396,
+    0.13578225807899999,
+    0.13578225807899999,
+    0.14730174056500001,
+    0.14730174056500001,
+    0.15501754607599999,
+    0.17160764402600001,
+    0.17160764402600001,
+    0.17716597523700001,
+    0.19318889167600001,
+    0.201064059002,
+    0.20544566915199999,
+    0.208662339522,
+    0.208662339522,
+    0.209070783313,
+    0.217981911645,
+    0.21984720431800001,
+    0.22959168302800001,
+    0.22959168302800001,
+    0.22979925938500001,
+    0.23023398217900001,
+    0.23282324285100001,
+    0.23847389001200001,
+    0.24981772981200001,
+    0.24981772981200001,
+    0.251976912788,
+    0.26484603340399998,
+    0.267063574626,
+    0.276065116128,
+    0.27955725551999999,
+    0.27955725551999999,
+    0.29253129065099998,
+    0.29257984585899999,
+    0.29426519135099999,
+    0.29991973517600001,
+    0.29991973517600001,
+    0.300865581125,
+    0.30629956382500001,
+    0.33189640078299998,
+    0.33193362117300002,
+    0.332892715999,
+    0.332892715999,
+    0.33786995917700002,
+    0.34286355479300001,
+    0.35037131399499999,
+    0.36538777844499998,
+    0.36538777844499998,
+    0.39533598300400002,
+    0.40761459269400002,
+    0.43071349334699999,
+    0.44611156073300001,
+    0.44821302280300002,
+    0.44821302280300002,
+    0.45970379461999999,
+    0.479322648149,
+    0.49927725766600001,
+    0.50856338644599997,
+    0.50856338644599997,
+    0.51381349247600006,
+    0.52312377414900002,
+    0.52365255460899995,
+    0.524357535308,
+    0.52449511360300005,
+    0.53246792168500001,
+    0.53246792168500001,
+    0.53406269761799996,
+    0.54066543759600005,
+    0.54165597718199998,
+    0.54165597718199998,
+    0.54286979560399995,
+    0.54565296744199998,
+    0.54680412639599996,
+    0.55924698793600003,
+    0.55948804920899997,
+    0.55948804920899997,
+    0.56237285913900004,
+    0.61191574840100005,
+    0.61803286518099998,
+    0.62621800263899996,
+    0.62894744300399996,
+    0.62894744300399996,
+    0.64175065233299999,
+    0.64274226864700001,
+    0.643141090937,
+    0.64957757771299995,
+    0.64957757771299995,
+    0.65462416615899999,
+    0.65508592379599995,
+    0.65577214273499995,
+    0.65867533793400002,
+    0.65966257080699997,
+    0.65966257080699997,
+    0.67002637381200003,
+    0.6862767676,
+    0.68775204324200001,
+    0.68935688154399999,
+    0.68935688154399999,
+    0.68958321519599997,
+    0.69489243672400003,
+    0.69799974598299996,
+    0.70085954020999996,
+    0.70570470911100003,
+    0.70570470911100003,
+    0.71529355939600003,
+    0.71529355939600003,
+    0.73061672396900001,
+    0.73147192102699998,
+    0.73147192102699998,
+    0.73172502367900005,
+    0.74705904753800001,
+    0.75069245931200002,
+    0.76171481537700003,
+    0.78431047228100004,
+    0.78431047228100004,
+    0.79589062785700004,
+    0.79985244088700003,
+    0.80739451523600003,
+    0.80995278660199999,
+    0.80995278660199999,
+    0.818149271693,
+    0.81876691441600002,
+    0.82187704197599998,
+    0.82398018051199995,
+    0.83061310912300002,
+    0.83061310912300002,
+    0.841520560606,
+    0.84283988029500001,
+    0.845286826815,
+    0.85635186159599996,
+    0.88301536060399999,
+    0.88301536060399999,
+    0.89457113891100004,
+    0.90319721159599997,
+    0.91110728614600001,
+    0.920115781518,
+    0.920115781518,
+    0.924752016362,
+    0.93270708632099997,
+    0.93634613579199999,
+    0.93668785307699998,
+    0.938056933654,
+    0.938056933654,
+    0.963093301648,
+    0.97003534928799995,
+    0.97433733039600001,
+    0.98296990885400004,
+    0.98296990885400004,
+    0.99165891962800001,
+    0.99363899328700001,
+    1.00411505522,
+    1.0082220608200001,
+    1.04142653436,
+    1.04142653436,
+    1.05299960148,
+    1.0584566497800001,
+    1.0631344471799999,
+    1.0702232139000001,
+    1.0702232139000001,
+    1.0745255061000001,
+    1.07801171048,
+    1.09546502235,
+    1.1130150782399999,
+    1.1212890952400001,
+    1.1453294864700001,
+    1.1453294864700001,
+    1.14683578271,
+    1.14912419314,
+    1.1868862875699999,
+    1.1868862875699999,
+    1.2135111146399999,
+    1.2764048086199999,
+    1.3014758897300001,
+    1.33521824385,
+    1.3586680634799999,
+    1.3586680634799999,
+    1.39549136126,
+    1.4365610253900001,
+    1.4568919919400001,
+    1.5925258819899999,
+    1.67910648307,
+    1.67910648307,
+    1.7175836223800001,
+    1.8595366530499999,
+    2.22804691293,
+    2.4236335095200001,
+    2.4236335095200001,
+    2.5444902152200002,
+    2.7565764210300001,
+    3.0002289122299999,
+    3.2770080283,
+    6.1761254131100003,
+    6.1761254131100003,
+    9.0448113096899991,
+    9.0448113096899991,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.084719549076999995,
+    0.084719549076999995,
+    0.162771060016,
+    0.162771060016,
+    0.162771060016,
+    0.174797101293,
+    0.174797101293,
+    0.19337957316099999,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19855375347500001,
+    0.19855375347500001,
+    0.19855375347500001,
+    0.200626535691,
+    0.200626535691,
+    0.20443169045699999,
+    0.20443169045699999,
+    0.20546703844700001,
+    0.20546703844700001,
+    0.20546703844700001,
+    0.22648266447400001,
+    0.22648266447400001,
+    0.240550688555,
+    0.240550688555,
+    0.240550688555,
+    0.25396349222699999,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.27888116985299999,
+    0.27888116985299999,
+    0.29428424249599999,
+    0.29428424249599999,
+    0.29428424249599999,
+    0.299788951114,
+    0.299788951114,
+    0.31720186969399999,
+    0.31720186969399999,
+    0.31720186969399999,
+    0.35285717429300001,
+    0.35285717429300001,
+    0.35967187727099997,
+    0.35967187727099997,
+    0.35967187727099997,
+    0.36425099049600002,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.393647946528,
+    0.393647946528,
+    0.40432582434100001,
+    0.40432582434100001,
+    0.40432582434100001,
+    0.41409827036399999,
+    0.41409827036399999,
+    0.42605819547399998,
+    0.42605819547399998,
+    0.438201525694,
+    0.438201525694,
+    0.438201525694,
+    0.52412206191900002,
+    0.52412206191900002,
+    0.53036211888999996,
+    0.53036211888999996,
+    0.53947846940699995,
+    0.53947846940699995,
+    0.53947846940699995,
+    0.54022582851800005,
+    0.54022582851800005,
+    0.54022582851800005,
+    0.55304014916499999,
+    0.55304014916499999,
+    0.58228935374099999,
+    0.58228935374099999,
+    0.58228935374099999,
+    0.60596028174500005,
+    0.60596028174500005,
+    0.61041536468199997,
+    0.61041536468199997,
+    0.61041536468199997,
+    0.65478363743500001,
+    0.65478363743500001,
+    0.67732197187900001,
+    0.67732197187900001,
+    0.69170398708900005,
+    0.69170398708900005,
+    0.69170398708900005,
+    0.71778169588399998,
+    0.71778169588399998,
+    0.71778169588399998,
+    0.724448255762,
+    0.724448255762,
+    0.73445742378500001,
+    0.73445742378500001,
+    0.73445742378500001,
+    0.74008547261299995,
+    0.74008547261299995,
+    0.74881364436599995,
+    0.74881364436599995,
+    0.77742926704699999,
+    0.77742926704699999,
+    0.77742926704699999,
+    0.80214410030399996,
+    0.80214410030399996,
+    0.80237181021399995,
+    0.80237181021399995,
+    0.80237181021399995,
+    0.80480889025799995,
+    0.80480889025799995,
+    0.81567228496599997,
+    0.81567228496599997,
+    0.81567228496599997,
+    0.82045939538299995,
+    0.82045939538299995,
+    0.82352724851000003,
+    0.82352724851000003,
+    0.82352724851000003,
+    0.832308451359,
+    0.832308451359,
+    0.85064319551300005,
+    0.85064319551300005,
+    0.85064319551300005,
+    0.86707524700500005,
+    0.86707524700500005,
+    0.87113615998799998,
+    0.87113615998799998,
+    0.87113615998799998,
+    0.893480617719,
+    0.893480617719,
+    0.91025084198899997,
+    0.91025084198899997,
+    0.91025084198899997,
+    0.92945707303699998,
+    0.92945707303699998,
+    0.94367179870100004,
+    0.94367179870100004,
+    0.96249504634000005,
+    0.96249504634000005,
+    0.96249504634000005,
+    1.04851239622,
+    1.04851239622,
+    1.05472835341,
+    1.05472835341,
+    1.05472835341,
+    1.0571022668900001,
+    1.0571022668900001,
+    1.0795501896999999,
+    1.0795501896999999,
+    1.0795501896999999,
+    1.08606295202,
+    1.08606295202,
+    1.1610428489,
+    1.1610428489,
+    1.1610428489,
+    1.1737862567099999,
+    1.1737862567099999,
+    1.19233887401,
+    1.19233887401,
+    1.19233887401,
+    1.23499695024,
+    1.23499695024,
+    1.32872584115,
+    1.32872584115,
+    1.32872584115,
+    1.4875655673799999,
+    1.4875655673799999,
+    1.7768916535799999,
+    1.7768916535799999,
+    1.7768916535799999,
+    1.90484127934,
+    1.90484127934,
+    1.9108413266499999,
+    1.9108413266499999,
+    1.9108413266499999,
+    2.0007729910999998,
+    2.0007729910999998,
+    2.3382342441700001,
+    2.3382342441700001,
+    2.5987544026,
+    2.5987544026,
+    2.5987544026,
+    2.6082788293000001,
+    2.6082788293000001,
+    2.6082788293000001,
+    2.8392763735900002,
+    2.8392763735900002,
+    3.3819024131300002,
+    3.3819024131300002,
+    3.7018275480299998,
+    3.7018275480299998,
+    3.7018275480299998,
+    4.72930160618,
+    4.72930160618,
+    4.72930160618,
+    4.72930160618,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_distb.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_distb.py
index 18e12038c61bc68b6f3b0752cdef5d9ab27340ff..52ca2be9ed8241aa04da0e6a4ac5abd67eb35b9f 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_distb.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_distb.py
@@ -9,802 +9,2416 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2008_def_distb = [
-    0.0, 0.56094372606762677, 0.7748555093433106, 0.95310767752176617,
-    1.1906079835411554, 1.4135063615181933, 1.5469706087575439,
-    1.717637715444549, 1.9078084450312611, 2.078830865302939,
-    2.3673694393209286, 2.5652916154906422, 2.719176314163422,
-    2.9143350583182777, 3.0556867288035465, 3.3314071492430846,
-    3.5309373944964433, 3.7198259542235506, 3.9746173222307726,
-    4.1716075147757152, 4.3331714146492013, 4.5010791980770231,
-    4.7010753304750965, 4.8936058791922381, 5.1037597147293932,
-    5.2592473096915198, 5.4933808099586612, 5.6277238343814533,
-    5.8620859412865522, 6.1059450539869653, 6.3120134479962893,
-    6.5830830775944706, 6.8200926493441481, 7.0702834736372564,
-    7.3483462204604635, 7.6264067744909951, 7.8372782469612465,
-    8.0617780685477705, 8.3995622657866384, 8.7403882283600378,
-    9.0992605207420993, 9.3705162889778926, 9.75889880418889,
-    10.194686638374007, 10.438514323942188, 10.726873592781514,
-    11.069318434988878, 11.396569108340843, 11.801419844938572,
-    12.128206841266881, 12.485948104637052, 12.756299870388832,
-    13.076944452763826, 13.458692068837927, 13.824717813822369,
-    14.316393196413889, 14.621905587891465, 14.888480073624264,
-    15.335930506891625, 15.609627342322275, 16.191900883034002,
-    16.54381609680534, 17.147813194052553, 17.468929751742763,
-    17.940480341162086, 18.345046931400908, 18.601290104964175,
-    19.011371018239437, 19.335036342308854, 19.740516156682062,
-    20.13447317647455, 20.462447938558235, 21.091090849462493,
-    21.556877958704259, 21.823267014913611, 22.208749180717806,
-    22.786099855049944, 23.371401551338806, 23.73315353587088,
-    24.31738397233147, 24.625223648727555, 25.069412618036147,
-    25.928099135972015, 26.497110723217201, 27.085968731165757,
-    27.631123699960334, 28.187584878982072, 28.991619387322526,
-    29.353231676085986, 30.083376143103514, 30.880607280324416,
-    31.435216510900492, 32.392330109783813, 32.921554836523583,
-    33.514110805447565, 34.303809151243847, 35.456294459561711,
-    36.280791683627093, 36.940252784295062, 37.717899566227963,
-    38.457688239199655, 39.596732893642503, 40.36400419560065,
-    40.945135884536548, 41.797758649637814, 42.487275414278201,
-    43.921777494122409, 44.874273975496472, 45.67446232320151,
-    46.727212320012811, 47.45119952715492, 48.639858771576726,
-    49.370473491276989, 50.528638968567975, 51.389834372987714,
-    52.582079342007546, 53.589199085657242, 54.585243505081834,
-    55.622223351244195, 56.936556831025484, 58.385520290381457,
-    59.451232373507203, 60.588566421499443, 62.401492617291595,
-    63.88804064081846, 65.599157033995837, 67.204436723739235,
-    69.4912133287594, 71.622345320740351, 73.103725049112015,
-    75.089813374922841, 76.884823802108912, 78.275061550352873,
-    80.357326438684495, 83.305006897820235, 85.400732831032357,
-    87.218868459052473, 89.130072489534143, 91.252783666141042,
-    92.815637585979999, 95.739391170148252, 98.435092605981637,
-    100.31960869294872, 102.50286766025864, 105.48705400852423,
-    108.82295714914468, 111.39204546177986, 114.62248349802513,
-    117.87687880992867, 119.40484241859349, 122.7734081083525,
-    125.26971884287919, 128.55177396728385, 131.66269963489299,
-    136.57359107720188, 140.51816667169177, 144.16804544736863,
-    150.35987039520109, 154.72466658210519, 160.54109480247283,
-    164.18861964598716, 170.24309324015738, 175.29889321042558,
-    183.11630724838597, 189.01683118972002, 196.90975774880297,
-    204.49263459337524, 213.04893801936598, 219.75869942751646,
-    228.19907555440614, 239.44926809073948, 248.20168822805923,
-    259.25320106736922, 265.44318466962994, 277.32312416782054,
-    288.56952434288797, 298.64263419554209, 315.25981209742378,
-    331.89024853535398, 342.74298087821637, 360.77964203727674,
-    378.48547030119011, 392.5550051422876, 405.31614074355014,
-    421.74150173342304, 441.4412304371254, 457.82211257306926,
-    480.45566322885566, 513.45774433642032, 555.4000490334372,
-    605.92811073979146, 652.49495125201292, 704.61385101258315,
-    786.33845891481292, 874.04643470496728, 1012.3600088462719,
-    1159.4774300577808, 1379.2669821003758, 1756.1106436012778,
-    2357.4547208831491, 217148.93534056327, 0.0, 0.46532971898727915,
-    0.68496949409616426, 0.94645340397600952, 1.102736193185504,
-    1.312453009792369, 1.4867727436472011, 1.6340240974064906,
-    1.8260512349059785, 1.9700706984768943, 2.1040893787044128,
-    2.2333135236192967, 2.3880111121966587, 2.5520785579949155,
-    2.6739841145948597, 2.8075636832160806, 2.9039966303754365,
-    3.0345967971695451, 3.2102417439344437, 3.3137856992787351,
-    3.4376002808848787, 3.5571277890563819, 3.6898499180667237,
-    3.799063723671626, 3.94997555574531, 4.0925736583580976,
-    4.2086028832412561, 4.3390635740171728, 4.4761244808887941,
-    4.6023420572801266, 4.7263227277876512, 4.8591547764014482,
-    5.0957595508246589, 5.30514679884981, 5.4401600222425195,
-    5.5717535777959721, 5.7003644346866409, 5.8768488839999593,
-    5.991691304228997, 6.1771150398732244, 6.3465048845874961,
-    6.4948860632013519, 6.6772230060948159, 6.8030943590107249,
-    6.9813191429783039, 7.165284199966873, 7.3873559281058423,
-    7.5948269266966975, 7.801592658633016, 7.9955249125214145,
-    8.1905643672046686, 8.3270830680818655, 8.5054910750061179,
-    8.7225666260180663, 8.9368113184240965, 9.1376808053645888,
-    9.3633428615533649, 9.5990825604962264, 9.7364383724201087,
-    9.9186955590691088, 10.124746714296, 10.40687565362729, 10.737648017833138,
-    11.012188237958963, 11.214102933586581, 11.45440355061357,
-    11.736264046084917, 12.026226014607102, 12.245762888886343,
-    12.541549269023777, 12.756641375192153, 12.98360561266394,
-    13.288306417225625, 13.526164571303489, 13.75503655409527,
-    14.117128492708087, 14.374029807073448, 14.712173108685258,
-    14.981897180990096, 15.344366904559326, 15.600391910392348,
-    16.020999494977502, 16.300440442407332, 16.606309936976054,
-    16.902143272482817, 17.159816580240875, 17.461774805635738,
-    17.781122815339479, 18.119654210560597, 18.48063214553467,
-    18.820102897217541, 19.161710076244763, 19.479832189525602,
-    19.848403979835609, 20.122299299121863, 20.43004460334555,
-    20.753188532047265, 21.116860477662346, 21.534773567291243,
-    22.137744141529421, 22.45219966811996, 22.843712755485114,
-    23.327127510714419, 23.801219885543535, 24.400068243422009,
-    24.859199781454677, 25.249212813218318, 25.681597611963909,
-    26.218124149559316, 26.865624109857663, 27.476273115575268,
-    28.003316090112232, 28.465744086402083, 29.114406317582951,
-    29.863184721251695, 30.645923853117178, 31.411221663197541,
-    32.083675244596449, 32.623907125336849, 33.542071438820663,
-    34.423855107765, 35.090015994189059, 35.83529395578082, 36.739635743840758,
-    37.456669272617518, 38.267335328548761, 39.333029993613607,
-    40.288484522728531, 41.508400903755643, 42.819861162087363,
-    43.639905039190687, 44.572666361081048, 45.821482473822918,
-    46.862153416881057, 48.147392790601714, 49.404082667631819,
-    50.527705863342902, 52.004399737632923, 53.494784474459131,
-    54.714589396642559, 55.67232429415796, 56.793224205114853,
-    58.007050364060461, 59.680200263089169, 61.232876696778597,
-    62.427428818562269, 63.973042504689445, 65.632536988952083,
-    67.347413597855891, 69.065640807296859, 70.464693299553076,
-    72.418849794356461, 74.105138155507049, 75.662376323980538,
-    77.872835649845626, 79.967351057764517, 81.928379445805646,
-    84.034972341121062, 86.103344705230924, 88.477411000229537,
-    90.312287755291578, 92.507210044700187, 95.060608477240947,
-    97.679889639836844, 100.54820722011901, 104.05860073649033,
-    106.9975903165883, 110.72495391129446, 114.47278880860986,
-    118.67332903577829, 122.47362728985475, 127.29751063199502,
-    131.9947396665213, 137.58105901899614, 143.2436551636288,
-    148.62549462778085, 155.59863941964065, 162.63324375828105,
-    168.58328521973854, 176.47623591935073, 187.10110318413911,
-    194.1945607895322, 205.76585363429373, 218.54795010442368,
-    224.54362476449748, 231.28500418937108, 243.28574251055934,
-    254.11346183370961, 270.37086108698531, 283.71979921314824,
-    298.26484833307381, 309.41788972573079, 335.8183191815636,
-    361.8565261478937, 398.47210782079094, 453.94084657359673,
-    537.44153147414909, 644.04067764548461, 779.41712961885173,
-    1047.3517440661496, 32924.039482636828, 0.0, 0.44937757329633327,
-    0.61250349172115959, 0.7863111534649565, 0.88962062078461757,
-    1.0382238515645796, 1.1737343879099387, 1.3675367911897895,
-    1.4812885968395111, 1.6632187662691276, 1.8341758133782387,
-    1.9619748247014435, 2.0552125983628433, 2.1703209170187905,
-    2.2961317300880717, 2.3982858575534443, 2.4969661855862513,
-    2.6039206933082872, 2.7154863269399461, 2.7935806808717341,
-    2.9157144052335742, 3.0304254455360686, 3.1804609723019346,
-    3.2662231643163544, 3.3535831040758928, 3.4593860912217078,
-    3.5730577882484265, 3.6829046499090672, 3.7926322745010292,
-    3.918389650507887, 4.0461615056476345, 4.1688075178063455,
-    4.261935760927039, 4.3872821403468514, 4.4849226816074195,
-    4.5815647915521316, 4.7329622842326859, 4.8333438381787959,
-    4.9751149870072844, 5.1439939747359258, 5.2679283122041474,
-    5.3979939515818964, 5.4986148492629514, 5.5833034840702549,
-    5.7762491544651375, 5.8901795208691912, 6.0406044947405793,
-    6.1414968907338547, 6.3109595855296661, 6.4702277997994733,
-    6.6084310395612746, 6.7478047002924155, 6.8791042308295953,
-    6.9969768325569115, 7.1196791826285173, 7.2490813954518822,
-    7.4130615395895152, 7.6062113466901806, 7.7506437587572199,
-    7.8830685300393055, 8.0353926744476123, 8.1996939525956183,
-    8.4142220833085606, 8.5808330010701201, 8.7445310419872921,
-    8.9841822249357115, 9.181432418740652, 9.3539737653904709,
-    9.5793187725543287, 9.7462277892814431, 9.9098280489576762,
-    10.04079373626851, 10.211734359829405, 10.501564944142677,
-    10.710373784142686, 10.886736785556671, 11.066921822136326,
-    11.235485714770356, 11.437646009474888, 11.67346914949365,
-    11.83325542414009, 12.036493633448316, 12.32938637637468,
-    12.554138183666348, 12.743210513050011, 12.983810120622046,
-    13.174204038774839, 13.3680862872507, 13.620942224242304,
-    13.890272176459577, 14.165385082423146, 14.413231848006964,
-    14.724376594252243, 14.977328826245193, 15.231234613500565,
-    15.55914351677969, 15.781820608210545, 16.091194364415028,
-    16.347431974296502, 16.596030336748036, 16.887891775703359,
-    17.178071227425107, 17.48876537215957, 17.802979490086393,
-    18.167601675413529, 18.451234059983907, 18.773722324177371,
-    19.095678793499459, 19.393224208627331, 19.892470444495725,
-    20.360431028492791, 20.714816695587093, 21.109538106861837,
-    21.528542624887123, 21.903763658847744, 22.32752745556132,
-    22.932277869765915, 23.443859045149278, 24.010482595441839,
-    24.454443667170533, 24.893590041546005, 25.519805040678591,
-    25.948341902144293, 26.521018356962905, 27.203480036460771,
-    27.923098995772133, 28.875462789782972, 29.551018023069748,
-    29.950704440314354, 30.476114881076313, 31.046996042296136,
-    31.828920785208862, 32.724644642398538, 33.519807747032317,
-    34.207784670738299, 34.978220277672911, 35.82880248810423,
-    36.674526307149222, 37.539567643195326, 38.598050079089823,
-    39.461587691403167, 40.326650088153748, 41.3817881768775,
-    42.413485151973958, 43.434107971290473, 44.327692773369833,
-    45.281573404128643, 46.623500435435595, 47.845340004545946,
-    48.925490779005997, 50.099817716244445, 51.130922527278209,
-    52.52201636244277, 54.171384212197573, 56.251402930866988,
-    57.343667697555219, 59.060037223666868, 60.886212298901022,
-    62.282534857812919, 63.86965941245365, 65.907528655065505,
-    68.060546344496487, 69.886943517625568, 72.15339782090426,
-    74.790861312079699, 76.921991723046403, 79.835163669975174,
-    82.098620972009513, 84.019415664127024, 87.941587866072609,
-    90.308304219949349, 93.475153751625228, 96.866828921040394,
-    99.559133387387135, 103.13311038199714, 107.13838078377783,
-    111.61641909521742, 116.39540365181381, 122.02402340139254,
-    126.12078269274167, 131.70138789081315, 136.7872837632539,
-    142.28439193970823, 147.89576596130524, 152.23255441740992,
-    157.7226413282819, 164.37241204310453, 173.15971613514671,
-    180.11295998936518, 188.48112308463158, 202.36800846564165,
-    217.16809097558243, 229.45603073021095, 243.95331007710857,
-    267.19713077328231, 291.31657906696654, 319.83880240534251,
-    369.84715199786609, 456.83736037240828, 563.36551513987104,
-    1212.4845181047338, 0.0, 0.39299523597374442, 0.57756602839919102,
-    0.74933717643467546, 0.84798806113800529, 0.98808387915300122,
-    1.0731681865898071, 1.1904878246948769, 1.3296105353290197,
-    1.4470486564441511, 1.6132307202687894, 1.7334018816456787,
-    1.8405138120116515, 1.9401180825384614, 2.0206956222611518,
-    2.088323294417457, 2.1965858893088366, 2.2678507808547295,
-    2.3513510591465976, 2.452940588067142, 2.5244403869314138,
-    2.6111507000688201, 2.686185953440015, 2.7762991589505912,
-    2.8623591840837115, 2.9644501753879853, 3.0534304377734371,
-    3.1183306038752914, 3.2022029138736583, 3.3578682900076662,
-    3.4578586494674859, 3.5567846506796079, 3.6352803762683252,
-    3.7653628446367353, 3.8440117447262629, 3.9584732534380351,
-    4.0302646502503574, 4.1218781156084869, 4.211981828454741,
-    4.3396760587886405, 4.4201415569911395, 4.5235887459809963,
-    4.6307469822655509, 4.7731054586827728, 4.8838280863806549,
-    4.9937362132930252, 5.1605178704372632, 5.2560966186259481,
-    5.3556600842824587, 5.4678635206702646, 5.5973168757166114,
-    5.7048755075035276, 5.8878433771286218, 6.0190112054897522,
-    6.118844708522011, 6.2719026695437989, 6.3725565545753042,
-    6.4738742707717662, 6.5961657370971558, 6.6863432232288851,
-    6.8285306029142401, 6.9529888304791623, 7.0345923470005971,
-    7.153050087371815, 7.23828648460319, 7.3488613350575518,
-    7.5297259666276082, 7.665228962415263, 7.814513809818397,
-    7.9676729944874758, 8.0965767962005515, 8.258619388928004,
-    8.4038000906770929, 8.5498166593706451, 8.6979091856223683,
-    8.8099783579444786, 8.9513067459030502, 9.1237502030553657,
-    9.3482831702262139, 9.5044967504159725, 9.6593366065001636,
-    9.82253449013227, 9.9874115529723486, 10.137506876476476,
-    10.289126599046901, 10.444223952502876, 10.599915162622709,
-    10.734363441288647, 10.917595405084366, 11.108460594133211,
-    11.352160340302392, 11.607842306499339, 11.798599260283471,
-    12.009365871239995, 12.251934875461144, 12.49314138461267,
-    12.815528078713546, 13.078160801731713, 13.367979668775682,
-    13.61963788461563, 13.830407348960653, 14.134759793056256,
-    14.406222062237235, 14.719108048702839, 15.039806819372597,
-    15.357959034733886, 15.742708764682598, 16.038031868942646,
-    16.342061974077719, 16.619014591659234, 16.995469066261826,
-    17.440245060531616, 17.749017033014272, 18.105417999557947,
-    18.521262453800805, 18.847635914656443, 19.422978973137425,
-    19.69919609219999, 20.085099945021412, 20.537864119839881,
-    21.008059900732494, 21.532289222273434, 22.054776673981362,
-    22.335014932602295, 22.916014727566228, 23.337139989662067,
-    23.720719036927843, 24.388060450004911, 24.84313177402456,
-    25.486862832547693, 26.168604409957322, 26.702984764635431,
-    27.287480741291404, 27.801078630394546, 28.269720592443107,
-    28.926401527988713, 29.605430975118843, 30.330319669354552,
-    31.30134009465884, 31.993708205209099, 32.73067706792078,
-    33.486394058985752, 34.167581724784604, 35.401930848802451,
-    36.065974473699839, 36.896350829985813, 37.7813927333629,
-    38.921309661559299, 39.97516998571502, 40.789572211691727,
-    42.125840794801142, 43.644711500275349, 44.85355032164108,
-    45.812829425455917, 47.046058315709615, 48.449631897327926,
-    49.622408318720304, 51.04144247927352, 53.201024346560494,
-    54.577940901359469, 55.974500547503887, 57.300272604946706,
-    58.935437915672885, 61.253114155133289, 63.821740538824884,
-    65.624318697869271, 67.454483508361619, 69.123018783403808,
-    71.210354296257066, 74.567150230165254, 76.23070335468914,
-    78.271987515678816, 81.071827225516031, 83.453646862710841,
-    86.529339530495577, 89.958680391197973, 92.139227178417912,
-    95.452626979151631, 98.96652527128883, 102.73989810547134,
-    106.50759157615551, 111.64659346669681, 115.90393310434297,
-    120.92459723788905, 125.40052719866213, 129.67134907792868,
-    135.46294701412262, 142.5538801102015, 151.30070681491432,
-    157.84567716877518, 169.5170423411827, 178.87680934745092,
-    193.39884029816415, 208.14234715671577, 235.5424670602799,
-    259.89890359594898, 295.34858783034383, 334.33861915695468,
-    435.37594838703143, 500.4258992515953, 26136.224608103177, 0.0,
-    0.39973293565211121, 0.54970468651962101, 0.69428019898164828,
-    0.80416896659170267, 0.97256228280721502, 1.0741947545845139,
-    1.1635254227187484, 1.2659631876378288, 1.3822232353331732,
-    1.4871416503290158, 1.6059691148096156, 1.7314193523743162,
-    1.8189928465042873, 1.9334458898159075, 2.0377516716510327,
-    2.1075833274228066, 2.217744079961764, 2.2892931053076637,
-    2.370399790641895, 2.4612447561840849, 2.5289316577717074,
-    2.6468319175582824, 2.7635584974075624, 2.8487982858984613,
-    2.960003647452937, 3.040264995484101, 3.1340583717433561,
-    3.235843360825664, 3.3184989258906628, 3.3887498944054912,
-    3.4742665307996607, 3.5562981091035697, 3.6417013733235564,
-    3.7311047300627127, 3.8872996993864741, 3.9804799011541103,
-    4.0534756404067585, 4.1363024053202926, 4.2208974321794877,
-    4.2861111457481496, 4.3766112965174155, 4.4823314746332565,
-    4.5480736492020721, 4.6140282594933879, 4.6927572802426791,
-    4.7950758075336255, 4.8965365095798212, 5.0072589054206107,
-    5.0975160269495143, 5.2362442989591846, 5.3289517016526302,
-    5.4178449031775839, 5.5118563643244292, 5.5991786537930563,
-    5.7292585294169509, 5.8455520624288511, 5.9835086379946096,
-    6.1056860394816654, 6.2159830829296503, 6.3853574209981945,
-    6.4974583447731833, 6.6378799857782989, 6.7643189783177879,
-    6.9331608618050389, 7.0563877476272356, 7.1597694820310664,
-    7.2747575984770805, 7.4061511602581902, 7.566805332709456,
-    7.7166738418404099, 7.8275904312086375, 7.9656564706412034,
-    8.1244717048328159, 8.3128776945349419, 8.4492226274061721,
-    8.6026791744357034, 8.7913701590231152, 8.9674862747079285,
-    9.203292738543686, 9.4039626926929181, 9.5311545009803265,
-    9.7551708743344214, 9.9026582594455501, 10.022592104276631,
-    10.254556398686347, 10.441547514468155, 10.55911902240299,
-    10.753522809241019, 10.926077226400229, 11.111675067184086,
-    11.282496796620391, 11.542358714530458, 11.747566119524583,
-    12.063275519031006, 12.341240623919091, 12.652985756993917,
-    12.911635251767006, 13.185612347682703, 13.397850815278218,
-    13.510168018667791, 13.823974357607668, 14.079700135326661,
-    14.319520604253412, 14.516982034078424, 14.715852185550794,
-    14.964361234520684, 15.243919353703765, 15.434116248837348,
-    15.848964391761008, 16.086776522206492, 16.492027051516569,
-    16.795026784147762, 17.200208653485955, 17.498774119010612,
-    17.697568539728877, 17.989065229745375, 18.378303894171673,
-    18.701677957394676, 19.000050086953262, 19.305072306272276,
-    19.640223854343546, 20.148513190788542, 20.571031137831589,
-    20.950263329212515, 21.493452145932224, 21.900647991805542,
-    22.368835386038555, 22.757466417332257, 23.266697302860564,
-    23.748918186455164, 24.013428277953601, 24.436060444302342,
-    24.839469583056065, 25.343925184450622, 25.873641504196087,
-    26.482510119485095, 27.117741302188946, 28.028030125009568,
-    28.67264931970686, 29.423325760610378, 29.889992195728581,
-    30.465443031984776, 31.309530466130287, 31.901260500752073,
-    32.799551692053072, 33.541476679668996, 34.443620232941036,
-    35.302557206918429, 36.095895295724823, 36.967344523130116,
-    37.972365673128152, 39.113785970733069, 40.183225976540719,
-    41.415014418976391, 42.519519437606419, 43.877982190483891,
-    45.274268146469012, 46.598258997931197, 47.577075478663595,
-    49.30474498506122, 50.820118338226344, 52.111331702490496,
-    53.410484924257844, 54.902819374535113, 56.280708096832775,
-    57.753628438949818, 58.879346286077769, 59.968520735732298,
-    60.999746067677791, 62.753450775062085, 64.030882243935793,
-    65.729557300284014, 67.561576034705098, 69.665957842633134,
-    71.539525862837877, 73.715255033933218, 76.042333108418404,
-    79.197194154406716, 82.16221890263013, 85.299196384291619,
-    89.066358132689487, 91.826772968117325, 96.091493878155831,
-    101.23287053213269, 106.50298553112719, 109.91541659247912,
-    113.35584144711426, 119.43260281154497, 126.01710530963756,
-    135.83275402928408, 143.34767183967989, 153.86665354982301,
-    165.32615555272824, 178.67838621083195, 195.7780863511025,
-    213.10059234298109, 235.43734867679117, 282.56546879749584,
-    344.49428452558914, 1032.3156481054148, 0.0, 0.28542906758282582,
-    0.44835957796562231, 0.62651997706725926, 0.72080554472755054,
-    0.85153448889118422, 1.0135203835548705, 1.1497401649165981,
-    1.249689630633253, 1.3399789001967404, 1.4564959287102479,
-    1.5525185391245844, 1.645337296328182, 1.7029587642670561,
-    1.7998807148268574, 1.8818193335491449, 1.9378684814241007,
-    2.0045089255406014, 2.0748139436457822, 2.1773066185618797,
-    2.2832712158697772, 2.3883600529626685, 2.51854086329767,
-    2.6082969305879526, 2.6653570235348072, 2.7353083692676279,
-    2.8357637619195271, 2.949800063298929, 3.0384811951680373,
-    3.1078994075124524, 3.2335260889505033, 3.2990419647626399,
-    3.3727668828240933, 3.4799226620744226, 3.5425893742655994,
-    3.602653782843948, 3.6809307822931201, 3.7636220805378935,
-    3.8356481276880539, 3.9348563402662586, 4.0173932529537133,
-    4.1063926031921367, 4.1717702846007647, 4.2630914745857496,
-    4.3776816586639553, 4.4711604153944746, 4.5898411942902397,
-    4.6529598063193873, 4.7594223012672128, 4.859397400196225,
-    4.9911351337934935, 5.0565770304775857, 5.1225454425221839,
-    5.2210476830787913, 5.3162453599135313, 5.4019041740602542,
-    5.4940746055002112, 5.6136974622961269, 5.7781825322921838,
-    5.8753555715066135, 5.9710447043669799, 6.0693550815356012,
-    6.2210987536494446, 6.3057281942751633, 6.4213140942100821,
-    6.5389008456679329, 6.6598814572271587, 6.7667995850353684,
-    6.8447945703412136, 6.9638166797290806, 7.089919065426475,
-    7.2063358053191635, 7.352017914006157, 7.4537565287326801,
-    7.582581434309609, 7.7515979917104838, 7.922857945264326,
-    8.1036189902911531, 8.3020028506929222, 8.4634925955724825,
-    8.6391711422358544, 8.7635395423761935, 8.8992877245899145,
-    9.0893279549043093, 9.3039711595273165, 9.4509385898117682,
-    9.5886214810203292, 9.7390698728931344, 9.9541876691465312,
-    10.169584740152244, 10.408818535856438, 10.659936222779091,
-    10.885872639294179, 11.234872889392312, 11.380004892188218,
-    11.630544911322611, 11.842161705728255, 12.145847767420936,
-    12.330853164469056, 12.583698055254121, 12.816494298528724,
-    13.030768267855716, 13.340667906325312, 13.590963465427643,
-    13.838270526487388, 14.074223027757553, 14.348879588563831,
-    14.623052429806279, 14.889780883997153, 15.16693031574218,
-    15.627987742305928, 15.886715102647821, 16.122720491922152,
-    16.370043221512347, 16.698521062776425, 17.014791424541087,
-    17.277243625151677, 17.630298905505015, 17.922468720470825,
-    18.149957595022286, 18.504105261759602, 18.795720406240982,
-    19.18862905514699, 19.475658613972989, 19.718119783763974,
-    20.003625971835866, 20.315035816376586, 20.769230895348553,
-    21.215197103344, 21.721451002558126, 22.141375933409783,
-    22.495823827116208, 22.862304058851613, 23.305091172097715,
-    23.849319624238138, 24.24364699835543, 24.720699200556524,
-    25.085626207841511, 25.638589513652505, 26.154907865789191,
-    26.464735192229831, 26.827306144197109, 27.546994095945028,
-    28.177135131091795, 28.63885753555148, 29.495195057633349,
-    29.842693161801382, 30.377067174788916, 30.875858140539503,
-    31.744346334559026, 32.758933651918937, 33.726942266387887,
-    34.215890876186286, 35.205804764096222, 36.335678040868849,
-    37.11614771455158, 37.941465739425929, 38.859334633575578,
-    39.928208407832223, 40.699477662771486, 41.819209837420011,
-    43.215290220738062, 43.752358355431525, 44.477418638451525,
-    45.544939322383215, 46.640235116349203, 47.579833058320212,
-    49.08201798196896, 50.659250361498124, 51.765930922941273,
-    53.63059431256552, 55.1000160675475, 56.73201493619726, 58.246215912516156,
-    59.40623788602521, 61.827647106103718, 64.49842649472086,
-    66.976553190431929, 70.198059650548117, 73.471061518231679,
-    75.97093457032166, 78.702576395464334, 81.611672320767141,
-    83.584533696176564, 89.483719245164707, 95.503007633435587,
-    99.897758416618558, 104.5780094282018, 111.60694946504658,
-    117.51568863458957, 127.92288436293775, 136.29858810722959,
-    147.30418079416475, 162.5922919611979, 173.4980042718681,
-    184.44721960771685, 206.66903439286079, 235.60943993849668,
-    279.42538519180954, 395.73590980190897, 767.7437697537913, 0.0,
-    0.36374037786845004, 0.55995190555689123, 0.68730867176589694,
-    0.8050753739354829, 0.92714388919158952, 1.0175094347724474,
-    1.0720068922506483, 1.1785486021612082, 1.2657419124971916,
-    1.4035727483941891, 1.4650786245458309, 1.5545465660549713,
-    1.650599565868383, 1.6933702592952453, 1.7732804777571083,
-    1.8838172082592433, 1.954950718947722, 2.0048840780203179,
-    2.0683672686827492, 2.1645078261391331, 2.2612520597106451,
-    2.3359440089385646, 2.3981343988484136, 2.4476156886612883,
-    2.5691159773482495, 2.6084450349000678, 2.6658038289568791,
-    2.802053890520781, 2.8561183704950697, 2.9543741961709769,
-    3.0135138877978185, 3.0505910337969002, 3.129399027027457,
-    3.1984302483970564, 3.3186190937914195, 3.4057540256655323,
-    3.4777981689415913, 3.5184191917833267, 3.5975803130944266,
-    3.6588848905491038, 3.8130976291367, 3.8802414294541254, 3.957222730170348,
-    4.0900593899149893, 4.1986310350360245, 4.3311490651060334,
-    4.4373460503609401, 4.5587919710581124, 4.6277536709616927,
-    4.6884807290574564, 4.7843280503620607, 4.8638283249690355,
-    4.948337773654341, 5.1040636578149838, 5.1795964194464377,
-    5.2973077144211338, 5.3522785288725707, 5.4939098011676935,
-    5.6180430790090652, 5.7470634587269451, 5.8397056876634732,
-    5.9561260760004444, 6.0433823634687371, 6.1235992948872031,
-    6.2504421209611483, 6.4113950981142374, 6.5516323124086711,
-    6.7244564776287783, 6.8618195100648141, 6.9505641642794975,
-    7.0916813413393385, 7.2272991950515504, 7.3163089878854173,
-    7.4623335136659801, 7.6110387010371117, 7.7791913595037805,
-    7.936641896374983, 8.0878941913267184, 8.2595490578730129,
-    8.385431944546335, 8.5207274071897672, 8.6857803464137824,
-    8.8101649975015821, 8.9536744831786148, 9.0600596564391367,
-    9.2078447326702051, 9.3228888631291884, 9.4666810933090737,
-    9.5842181319219488, 9.7117679522558404, 9.8364937741290674,
-    9.9578885988719605, 10.050258999773828, 10.222935957512945,
-    10.316390929540351, 10.475548798393795, 10.645698388425439,
-    10.784281041251679, 10.948840474245644, 11.18619695562867,
-    11.391007009711993, 11.567902525938473, 11.71609814428081,
-    11.986239831997279, 12.114994517734564, 12.299234012158884,
-    12.519873907814063, 12.863454387962484, 13.071436848150757,
-    13.401814698265529, 13.616665965772345, 13.917822552439985,
-    14.188207378128368, 14.392249303363604, 14.565292790891043,
-    14.8227217543752, 15.082488535254081, 15.353996053129002,
-    15.71970041593713, 16.055798117141507, 16.350541959618788,
-    16.59026542651214, 16.985800718119268, 17.454849654596948,
-    17.727304029707067, 18.074448871862273, 18.657077244754035,
-    19.113484525377181, 19.562570052919153, 20.051208287923327,
-    20.510845671810618, 20.868530774744045, 21.265799148848728,
-    21.905779229740901, 22.253576842522836, 22.93054457765145,
-    23.206345747345235, 23.442698316367355, 23.819566588138276,
-    24.284074517836409, 24.787572758168594, 25.29135993018971,
-    25.702149605001754, 26.244235212381223, 26.972918611793055,
-    27.497687861234269, 27.803253080067293, 28.455954373351648,
-    28.799808431536636, 29.848012115835569, 30.659490646833433,
-    31.278494629826003, 31.986230266586109, 32.844426473455414,
-    33.467758528183403, 34.226128209009545, 35.361957028401591,
-    36.258109649477035, 36.936669242532219, 37.818365857787754,
-    38.696285651145452, 40.081917650133853, 40.64346996992446,
-    41.711711592656641, 42.702888952548854, 43.463449958527363,
-    44.933303891653537, 46.280030045429775, 46.884828739246672,
-    47.9164412951895, 48.816783602198043, 51.059938151143868,
-    52.990341731171874, 55.149664388125281, 56.632548806783447,
-    59.744429378935919, 61.750152716933627, 64.13446025245527,
-    65.894498123950655, 68.469194455591804, 72.127321506278804,
-    75.510184634367306, 79.070343457944233, 82.83698071207391,
-    86.213350717712743, 91.263841459235479, 96.251898067968696,
-    100.97702206389322, 110.24223086163732, 122.08402559600439,
-    133.28649360785434, 143.88249756506781, 165.37750731198261,
-    172.54296243585648, 184.52345636646612, 205.19933792261477,
-    225.68130093091153, 254.48608422209975, 356.13158711494771,
-    667.13884179705951, 0.0, 0.26354229304624982, 0.38447836652746359,
-    0.47827776444151504, 0.57102745980500924, 0.66953353299980622,
-    0.7418659221489563, 0.83156847070200968, 0.90459644576835174,
-    1.0010729921508612, 1.0747030979707302, 1.1266171474464457,
-    1.2074942519793959, 1.2865431026365461, 1.3473439404701553,
-    1.4202020302877516, 1.4768893225494599, 1.5313969774675775,
-    1.5909847654923739, 1.6475355098467457, 1.6997939412324161,
-    1.7637752265692834, 1.8242615872864518, 1.8898188947673684,
-    1.9509538324144411, 2.0098808061983942, 2.0640737132115903,
-    2.1250621349491174, 2.1880199036006234, 2.2482335097460373,
-    2.3224687338799601, 2.3810854640962966, 2.4539462471917695,
-    2.5205389108480092, 2.5736335433800064, 2.6351983220648534,
-    2.7117894124038844, 2.7769524741702436, 2.8358464472920151,
-    2.8923290609616985, 2.952869124430904, 3.019886501351988,
-    3.0890122216294262, 3.1640429065297679, 3.230928687772761,
-    3.2871518048094348, 3.3658272937032447, 3.4150577541035902,
-    3.5021039779235932, 3.5747695852696721, 3.6487836281519805,
-    3.7241574101269204, 3.8142260058409829, 3.889886219446729,
-    3.959556232893171, 4.0356800011365941, 4.1057394274812147,
-    4.1980461864106902, 4.309452131909552, 4.3828331762835537,
-    4.4695204020316721, 4.5367508600967223, 4.6233009941728263,
-    4.723559288314422, 4.8418135782046221, 4.9493007712556114,
-    5.0770358904447308, 5.1638022761303857, 5.258523659828418,
-    5.355344510356554, 5.4603287604488076, 5.5379537810288211,
-    5.6249248142354942, 5.7220275089216761, 5.838923475249886,
-    5.9497212657328467, 6.0583843755738309, 6.1867532212460965,
-    6.3064698765052771, 6.4319591322171776, 6.5483864027049101,
-    6.6488785338577285, 6.7665965268891011, 6.9052017507528056,
-    7.045854866965354, 7.2014256979466307, 7.330485956308558,
-    7.4487327302385404, 7.5665345877761823, 7.6547168896849138,
-    7.8054455606559943, 7.9504829122596341, 8.0783042696456278,
-    8.2122962977826681, 8.3879105778396355, 8.5583569201645879,
-    8.7283836649546007, 8.883891378612029, 9.0083786843632403,
-    9.1761351492455319, 9.3638324400389497, 9.5907615887485385,
-    9.7594846934193047, 10.010833472510898, 10.185621904747663,
-    10.346951216302086, 10.520062141237078, 10.706681377384809,
-    10.967233078599998, 11.138591663326494, 11.336327609263476,
-    11.538065870352529, 11.780969742764785, 12.040396856930878,
-    12.278033460635026, 12.572587972604635, 12.836717579047866,
-    13.112528685175548, 13.349919258349592, 13.711232799022634,
-    13.952743864796032, 14.173739895596908, 14.465060589666624,
-    14.731797503743392, 14.982825032585207, 15.26649112996823,
-    15.569851389101043, 15.807990176918581, 16.100384923714998,
-    16.357766493568764, 16.777677977704688, 17.171170485060028,
-    17.439164114500958, 17.753339594991331, 18.098780157602537,
-    18.506119482642575, 18.872634818431685, 19.158220809140616,
-    19.460619214965231, 19.861854966350609, 20.194551637195691,
-    20.572956591632238, 20.928294578986577, 21.344426709478942,
-    21.66166937542549, 22.240766877718343, 22.565729819049889,
-    23.044323591163653, 23.475228287516739, 23.932777693805892,
-    24.431735905582023, 24.9753478724361, 25.444631767712121,
-    26.034501673986167, 26.793728332827442, 27.366686796047183,
-    27.957289531847202, 28.628949210391269, 29.141828609314189,
-    29.719739181851036, 30.30594251575133, 30.960727844584873,
-    32.027496656930069, 32.974018472252368, 33.863248797022031,
-    34.561629815364022, 35.481873500994837, 36.425956905396923,
-    37.348331262937052, 38.205344049967586, 39.198221653394434,
-    40.278372389201685, 41.677786414811592, 43.065418693400801,
-    44.574973160850661, 46.276760954798682, 47.637500721436417,
-    49.306031705719278, 51.89715331335065, 54.021647205722303,
-    56.568849685307754, 58.260272125967838, 61.01559773170208,
-    63.460178968983008, 66.681062849099575, 70.419627156287063,
-    73.920166575505235, 77.213692861072445, 81.815040784668199,
-    85.962566683415389, 91.041503329412507, 95.177144795049969,
-    99.955722087200343, 108.58955753524259, 117.80784071631163,
-    130.37475347981882, 147.21446326393803, 169.18325814487829,
-    205.95766196129654, 265.65512151989378, 87848.280391018183, 0.0,
-    0.19490317513848199, 0.31818006814142752, 0.44431328428917849,
-    0.51127610159630021, 0.60383086895704507, 0.66138230429826461,
-    0.71265972318194859, 0.76129462676019677, 0.83795014966870063,
-    0.89283607223616412, 0.94121780304322211, 0.99883776020744297,
-    1.0583181972227838, 1.1082428211928517, 1.1713208117143756,
-    1.2148024624665414, 1.2609968601390287, 1.3328682001354739,
-    1.3925492252792258, 1.4667867999704067, 1.514482258913509,
-    1.5743932825824867, 1.6055483247197799, 1.6735799139620093,
-    1.7242981980275145, 1.7695095310430997, 1.8260039068052139,
-    1.8847715885877299, 1.9197993080657989, 1.9744731923762646,
-    2.0311915914165062, 2.1097644028458769, 2.1664244086126137,
-    2.2431869595868097, 2.2837360345225766, 2.3556313195570087,
-    2.405430036905444, 2.4505170860355792, 2.4989854383785239,
-    2.5407069198492236, 2.5973895600257899, 2.6662262216343775,
-    2.7003533281249101, 2.7540559919851004, 2.8059856736986672,
-    2.8744094871135686, 2.9296784011089727, 2.9987201241218648,
-    3.060603076649417, 3.149353771093593, 3.2335250198149148,
-    3.2987481250279922, 3.3813159530575105, 3.420245321649098,
-    3.4667630445198467, 3.5404207818987037, 3.6319368958518181,
-    3.7059200378072354, 3.7740034108713001, 3.8372038077261137,
-    3.9197610988151039, 3.9886257099364339, 4.0660495867193172,
-    4.138300196794412, 4.2257097559547683, 4.3260432863760752,
-    4.4121971145250116, 4.5042890038890597, 4.5643129623079091,
-    4.6632837420436948, 4.760388268790428, 4.8656859399723364,
-    4.9325603768335293, 5.0342194443918942, 5.1201176332551412,
-    5.2068094592308221, 5.2861985755361616, 5.3619402279344657,
-    5.4488952829979578, 5.5661630444890307, 5.6302459604039878,
-    5.7251570645424943, 5.8265289703090026, 5.9757197595129812,
-    6.0745229648833075, 6.1917517048051831, 6.2953470395796423,
-    6.403259690218019, 6.4917627633704118, 6.6358190501534073,
-    6.7679316573810269, 6.8686794099073571, 6.951123042441683,
-    7.0714773931514774, 7.1876874501549377, 7.2851841541363633,
-    7.4277247272769777, 7.545118161206557, 7.6796631181823791,
-    7.8167880642937018, 7.9566071237538072, 8.0603936878360543,
-    8.1832039873181959, 8.3115755716587163, 8.4320844813486833,
-    8.5902802761521784, 8.7221702888496431, 8.8514060135926869,
-    9.0332345688234028, 9.1963706908372931, 9.3367587179861236,
-    9.497006030540005, 9.6427753811526102, 9.8532189063800164,
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-    10.531791667580992, 10.703985943887844, 10.93278400032537,
-    11.15334897515447, 11.279161608656203, 11.493658887982159,
-    11.629213658946661, 11.813149108077441, 12.148329929207353,
-    12.428225959361159, 12.590673999087862, 12.794134333415222,
-    13.002054595845699, 13.29166579030848, 13.555249875763497,
-    13.805021300146676, 14.163857718369647, 14.396612581875223,
-    14.68307313946254, 14.923008872428863, 15.32205455142778,
-    15.692053745001203, 16.016016291617053, 16.269176030476242,
-    16.559936897997712, 16.907361798334914, 17.258247430228977,
-    17.522507804773419, 17.819739257247601, 18.300494526840033,
-    18.61675208077844, 18.901401014716043, 19.417022408557258,
-    19.797904233478242, 20.228015085729147, 20.637954339218549,
-    21.183210911355513, 21.771881557448339, 22.21773210897102,
-    22.779612813526374, 23.276529546096842, 23.849594764724543,
-    24.446921593531446, 25.015101229550464, 25.658559396356374,
-    26.282199605420455, 27.105386636499361, 27.676243476410885,
-    28.419439927324717, 29.184424065828914, 29.883208551297241,
-    30.862499878001806, 31.713413996846523, 32.826935291082727,
-    33.72406490654123, 34.680776796431886, 35.528359794461842,
-    36.670845950707843, 37.969249977719763, 39.273981900912467,
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-    44.630074152677139, 46.308911078822682, 48.422856008629161,
-    49.774586644602294, 51.781332900742051, 53.252372889554401,
-    55.257436943999878, 57.314324693762337, 60.134437476839075,
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-    105.43467161328387, 123.71872542791084, 144.47153346382115,
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-    0.43376997866650091, 0.49429543879132976, 0.53862866326746572,
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-    0.71376871279852483, 0.76604518711445135, 0.80762780660631495,
-    0.86702460155016359, 0.92578293211375118, 0.96655278458941574,
-    1.012408711382466, 1.0389370892326379, 1.0979094469421704,
-    1.1360967828124768, 1.1843998812376955, 1.2121765466487182,
-    1.2356656356376803, 1.269517337829088, 1.3064220440414478,
-    1.3456604109067491, 1.3847455871539975, 1.4433510659744919,
-    1.4787246262422706, 1.5290320752062629, 1.5562124703009197,
-    1.6073426914107938, 1.6404681580522233, 1.6702244973685063,
-    1.73063179859356, 1.7750006715499509, 1.8279516044521678,
-    1.859195201800822, 1.9053170452940513, 1.9280767671566097,
-    1.9902516035810496, 2.0186760912468551, 2.092657238098997,
-    2.1474948054253384, 2.1871961512096565, 2.2317816251782281,
-    2.2907742739410164, 2.3359180870369833, 2.3869816483688759,
-    2.4529856457177273, 2.4909203390683849, 2.5537529934964778,
-    2.6292032978804851, 2.6784202619777213, 2.7190242328666847,
-    2.7592501032192169, 2.8141411237425067, 2.8832878890394928,
-    2.9253711343109838, 2.9954526684612648, 3.0483400308079833,
-    3.1195790079290284, 3.1882923341376097, 3.2475133828248954,
-    3.3082893597110878, 3.3998621255091428, 3.47762860298067,
-    3.5504403144136871, 3.6091991238429708, 3.6617110799009782,
-    3.747352642356359, 3.7869413127021954, 3.8494017410196837,
-    3.9492065318655385, 4.0178432318231367, 4.1459135647020364,
-    4.2117067391482745, 4.2819404568634685, 4.3483465566680453,
-    4.4244779495490469, 4.4626585143965478, 4.529665123797245,
-    4.590443570999347, 4.6959724608287416, 4.7546121047868048,
-    4.8565039814092676, 4.9526895878521771, 5.0443764740864374,
-    5.1192000512767368, 5.2222704461323, 5.3679136440586834, 5.44561515189495,
-    5.573881356101074, 5.6587732114410647, 5.7456859581229036,
-    5.8285056653676959, 5.9249388997940375, 6.0008874169591815,
-    6.1408249280378238, 6.1925479765893821, 6.257597707865, 6.3482665820132933,
-    6.4362617657783012, 6.5018677743421236, 6.5990992264693222,
-    6.7059841755319676, 6.8408659416578956, 6.9783602936172588,
-    7.0768404883339144, 7.275512674657814, 7.3760305080718176,
-    7.4852630022878435, 7.5558323048134834, 7.6469369887215128,
-    7.7796586853873126, 7.8927874437708638, 7.9917930786552116,
-    8.1024563434454961, 8.2999865668501034, 8.4506558762494599,
-    8.5965995871403145, 8.8639775066208841, 8.963955758417768,
-    9.1445204978480277, 9.3391048111935557, 9.4789266524635813,
-    9.6269538620278485, 9.798523665360058, 9.9267454692157209,
-    10.135523291360611, 10.266903541690644, 10.45005203381487,
-    10.715778409248584, 10.96464567850493, 11.083463676843031,
-    11.256660301260217, 11.500996192642983, 11.687974340512826,
-    11.903229343489697, 12.133709181931877, 12.310998874748263,
-    12.750272219083747, 13.056147482613222, 13.253490555112993,
-    13.675145968268881, 13.924230477174909, 14.217574079767886,
-    14.571236022596374, 14.939288725850155, 15.314551253615292,
-    15.575987515584663, 15.833645863054313, 16.200485384427974,
-    16.477465196601848, 16.843241153808755, 17.272849032588312,
-    17.796542227272955, 18.154946140541519, 18.42280855377696,
-    18.768141850732011, 19.187362345680633, 19.591309885228171,
-    19.89722345376024, 20.702595711695711, 21.128564543818339,
-    21.527729127045859, 21.98660526945358, 22.521671536797641,
-    23.024367946134102, 23.561848505072032, 24.014992900974836,
-    24.436576472708754, 25.503186568685322, 26.610835772872736,
-    27.151442239196715, 27.70328225888667, 28.806039995726948,
-    29.627287233320377, 30.315284533811624, 31.327683853768139,
-    32.147834022257314, 32.92691659425568, 34.04201415685305,
-    35.413352753610873, 36.221826443150817, 37.977707465427912,
-    39.36878752355473, 40.951879054950432, 42.365682197246947,
-    44.629804117764586, 46.795396750300675, 49.67533805194968,
-    54.589345174300426, 59.129570664612665, 65.197403972300108,
-    72.17408937465612, 82.574762345786382, 93.478082113773723,
-    137.00082761546682, 199.8118228761337, 0.0, 0.10986207372166874,
-    0.14872621306540318, 0.19845064349132605, 0.23956108970357301,
-    0.27567089124994565, 0.30377868213388104, 0.33708359499769869,
-    0.36673053244321807, 0.39912993308020295, 0.426779015978206,
-    0.44779438158941426, 0.47517643738476034, 0.50286573074575236,
-    0.52693060971954953, 0.55098158547076637, 0.58123019985394664,
-    0.60493909669532997, 0.63389774238520347, 0.67186606098347501,
-    0.69617002023919206, 0.72425525288091774, 0.74131268328835165,
-    0.75822441587657952, 0.78496504186460769, 0.81439669478023768,
-    0.83597937513562759, 0.86590383841807772, 0.8832207398905233,
-    0.9128885288784947, 0.93278832232658382, 0.9712970144945392,
-    0.98805434822469451, 1.017363705614581, 1.0437582087199948,
-    1.0718487411987458, 1.1004250896437773, 1.1194711959360109,
-    1.1437610856843738, 1.1703135770105868, 1.2056434217949175,
-    1.2338045789280789, 1.2543783796951538, 1.2881091828814166,
-    1.3112986519959224, 1.3412713397963407, 1.3643779221604135,
-    1.3915419763427743, 1.4135745730894449, 1.4437349779195308,
-    1.4780368538634174, 1.5059249898934794, 1.5377824779923701,
-    1.5720832254223982, 1.6052142651949446, 1.6359894194069291,
-    1.6698249679324384, 1.7010194250562272, 1.7272294927445859,
-    1.7640864928040065, 1.8021508917193763, 1.836941181297739,
-    1.8572858792099074, 1.8790413654272671, 1.9118884108245098,
-    1.942073490357896, 1.9694860799879985, 2.0015645272239428,
-    2.0522149106625998, 2.0912660589444134, 2.1247257810064668,
-    2.1749093251088301, 2.2217650563723126, 2.2797139028050473,
-    2.3273351675369698, 2.3662520837977135, 2.4085161957373407,
-    2.44842259128407, 2.4966048731591064, 2.5293551875388931,
-    2.5632601598410365, 2.6058201417068219, 2.6332894599197223,
-    2.6736218730705206, 2.7182676740160878, 2.7675212194433909,
-    2.812780412941005, 2.851379316835152, 2.8952580472277556,
-    2.9324664002449192, 2.9730447751871556, 3.0227975296309393,
-    3.0615273198990827, 3.1268021698603428, 3.174893627551298,
-    3.2193684712802222, 3.2683746695506959, 3.3223129099795639,
-    3.373078633435032, 3.436781965208882, 3.4965341709413189,
-    3.5485636123343998, 3.6258706424876941, 3.6600532837001367,
-    3.70560155555301, 3.7650593373841739, 3.8358507676461393,
-    3.9084549757206171, 3.9708021023524647, 4.0212671115382888,
-    4.0946288617889595, 4.1394244422887896, 4.2188351505187107,
-    4.2823861107092336, 4.345215736329938, 4.4124531199132271,
-    4.4715502537649803, 4.5793747033075158, 4.6772348615589658,
-    4.7793135998354499, 4.8587348255519132, 4.9729544448725447,
-    5.0694000105385566, 5.1648687512296263, 5.2375026757215011,
-    5.3107689102038451, 5.3918869300439356, 5.4798227286901664,
-    5.5404131589193328, 5.648241044217758, 5.7449977826195706,
-    5.8598429438509489, 5.9784308800284593, 6.0724910376893559,
-    6.2240939885017204, 6.3418997607004348, 6.4869662152984544,
-    6.6005309624044228, 6.7321547133945252, 6.8313273194562418,
-    6.9553827276444107, 7.0978539209087161, 7.2385617409417087,
-    7.4083545257663301, 7.5207064390014864, 7.6784562087734116,
-    7.8094272468662487, 7.9694720845049609, 8.1498776347751605,
-    8.3017112945801781, 8.5266505277166349, 8.6503142671472784,
-    8.9054272928070564, 9.1373026527777839, 9.3315715528110896,
-    9.5401595700260877, 9.7597048968193185, 9.9666371700161704,
-    10.22144069326451, 10.408114251683418, 10.676084943208242,
-    10.908036087339795, 11.20436716656776, 11.477519824720831,
-    11.808217307144476, 12.095306359268855, 12.384349218033464,
-    12.685309460589796, 12.923557637527606, 13.204138344604788,
-    13.616900691559191, 13.979656973992922, 14.606515576714788,
-    14.962258652534821, 15.314510650339031, 15.724483559731054,
-    16.382829228207918, 17.009132961353529, 17.366569031693889,
-    17.900210603831621, 18.648573105414446, 19.363994023453447,
-    20.143558523165193, 20.828002130195308, 21.73898624871266,
-    22.409876982562661, 23.415203632804776, 24.355119676733135,
-    25.938175172718896, 27.639017238717773, 29.341494300849057,
-    30.595119225694788, 32.714674098003904, 35.49272152410154,
-    37.928565199883295, 43.491713440727274, 47.581292491927705,
-    57.969627624865709, 63.340294577285306, 80.397876878853367,
-    1699.4418298669216, 0.0, 0.057563746961587628, 0.072111582138628103,
-    0.08953965473080569, 0.096680126595439592, 0.11426458268489206,
-    0.12297408594046662, 0.13531860413261979, 0.14452962166237915,
-    0.18495685986529226, 0.19550850903207695, 0.22061034782875669,
-    0.24758609568932677, 0.2612060900760057, 0.26777787436395784,
-    0.27913993724767144, 0.29698064960443493, 0.31244925057107031,
-    0.32122508788845933, 0.33311366430341305, 0.34236037155250942,
-    0.35256380627730061, 0.35729858105022982, 0.36206918848814695,
-    0.36696792159332803, 0.37634614206748435, 0.38534850898782269,
-    0.3894744547332164, 0.40001857990165496, 0.40628143701841141,
-    0.41257543810712505, 0.42792024247708083, 0.43741390937376029,
-    0.44679385424881979, 0.45338668180597402, 0.45852917891908479,
-    0.46847035670602488, 0.47881191760237773, 0.48636454017775488,
-    0.49953494697176376, 0.50860731875951681, 0.51485110540295576,
-    0.52109982877729388, 0.52856828716304816, 0.53396501041075717,
-    0.54519067350690764, 0.55087030570382234, 0.56120787950497175,
-    0.56947875574614748, 0.57879694500782908, 0.59045771217758214,
-    0.60020074472460661, 0.61356581621742379, 0.62339692092995469,
-    0.62921777922324307, 0.63757958596122966, 0.64566282308710643,
-    0.65337163144903077, 0.65757954743934188, 0.66731107005984081,
-    0.68506693378151473, 0.69407449975565316, 0.71475464833393743,
-    0.71919154363460669, 0.72854121818321049, 0.73768805533929283,
-    0.74964936797719572, 0.77319064552644212, 0.78475208628536974,
-    0.79568283458133116, 0.80765736770217855, 0.81877434008276662,
-    0.82795271525666825, 0.83973491168326087, 0.84972560110746476,
-    0.85639470621002023, 0.8647134858775507, 0.88244802261826683,
-    0.89985271988240045, 0.92340768696765485, 0.93788541450428287,
-    0.94792835531188524, 0.96027918757802155, 0.96921149562521636,
-    0.97952213604373195, 0.98854957689191614, 0.99970116951294496,
-    1.00882043327571, 1.0201870773908586, 1.041349919759516,
-    1.0556530343908901, 1.0756585260782074, 1.088223830319788,
-    1.0958784727426483, 1.1149995386526934, 1.1304796415226661,
-    1.1446063542280724, 1.1638356180596499, 1.1745794869462154,
-    1.193511657405055, 1.2182391405087374, 1.2382096317106388,
-    1.2472982421708765, 1.2622218704529613, 1.2744400683695623,
-    1.2908221594923039, 1.305167165044943, 1.3252374721898401,
-    1.3384679854994657, 1.3542873322844842, 1.3724563152241775,
-    1.3892962190041085, 1.4109408775708268, 1.419655422200014,
-    1.4315263030154188, 1.4527276892177177, 1.4683378048771656,
-    1.4867165057343337, 1.516076453749051, 1.5433792065946024,
-    1.5553543482759045, 1.5609831318052232, 1.5806764726673499,
-    1.6041131847991026, 1.6344144243726575, 1.6710888016711845,
-    1.7061932731840148, 1.7354452179890347, 1.7630243267926291,
-    1.7975788676407549, 1.814028785525206, 1.8281150670319055,
-    1.8550087441605427, 1.8737649522280617, 1.8856226040366797,
-    1.9079304881331332, 1.9442107218496263, 1.9659920408787115,
-    1.9983699901526899, 2.0223202139688512, 2.0401740051464592,
-    2.0748888988742027, 2.1149914291249212, 2.1360608521646109,
-    2.1565833101041338, 2.1693334907915234, 2.207376721598215,
-    2.2255919603217067, 2.272629194554781, 2.3279774087392666,
-    2.3517585387327471, 2.3910765083557908, 2.4703248547335415,
-    2.5208338119493607, 2.5806226807785433, 2.6402836153572076,
-    2.7185362598168772, 2.7677835795641461, 2.8180997959029526,
-    2.8326345693021624, 2.8701055927549652, 2.9318268717765115,
-    3.0139842815042615, 3.0571236539047622, 3.1734047661118234,
-    3.2297672388561938, 3.3059073464928148, 3.3897975561487925,
-    3.4745601523423382, 3.5452181551689357, 3.6265670674665991,
-    3.7050473014775043, 3.8309245560041219, 3.9372996837644192,
-    4.0716930145722978, 4.212857083996437, 4.2692123731220972,
-    4.46591990841738, 4.5523023767467139, 4.6548916677892533,
-    4.7758394764018659, 4.9758326990027228, 5.2769985200911247,
-    5.5486096014042028, 5.7245726086000337, 6.0102407093754762,
-    6.1426829331257933, 6.287333950013684, 6.5928811370882103,
-    6.9367730409204489, 7.0646691460119388, 7.2083448239980932,
-    7.5049899728910674, 8.1901484843386374, 8.6011704867597345,
-    9.304469886954676, 10.665731252277961, 11.88866301597937,
-    13.361123901157045, 18.497872676781789, 25.178694947474682
+    0.0,
+    0.56094372606762677,
+    0.7748555093433106,
+    0.95310767752176617,
+    1.1906079835411554,
+    1.4135063615181933,
+    1.5469706087575439,
+    1.717637715444549,
+    1.9078084450312611,
+    2.078830865302939,
+    2.3673694393209286,
+    2.5652916154906422,
+    2.719176314163422,
+    2.9143350583182777,
+    3.0556867288035465,
+    3.3314071492430846,
+    3.5309373944964433,
+    3.7198259542235506,
+    3.9746173222307726,
+    4.1716075147757152,
+    4.3331714146492013,
+    4.5010791980770231,
+    4.7010753304750965,
+    4.8936058791922381,
+    5.1037597147293932,
+    5.2592473096915198,
+    5.4933808099586612,
+    5.6277238343814533,
+    5.8620859412865522,
+    6.1059450539869653,
+    6.3120134479962893,
+    6.5830830775944706,
+    6.8200926493441481,
+    7.0702834736372564,
+    7.3483462204604635,
+    7.6264067744909951,
+    7.8372782469612465,
+    8.0617780685477705,
+    8.3995622657866384,
+    8.7403882283600378,
+    9.0992605207420993,
+    9.3705162889778926,
+    9.75889880418889,
+    10.194686638374007,
+    10.438514323942188,
+    10.726873592781514,
+    11.069318434988878,
+    11.396569108340843,
+    11.801419844938572,
+    12.128206841266881,
+    12.485948104637052,
+    12.756299870388832,
+    13.076944452763826,
+    13.458692068837927,
+    13.824717813822369,
+    14.316393196413889,
+    14.621905587891465,
+    14.888480073624264,
+    15.335930506891625,
+    15.609627342322275,
+    16.191900883034002,
+    16.54381609680534,
+    17.147813194052553,
+    17.468929751742763,
+    17.940480341162086,
+    18.345046931400908,
+    18.601290104964175,
+    19.011371018239437,
+    19.335036342308854,
+    19.740516156682062,
+    20.13447317647455,
+    20.462447938558235,
+    21.091090849462493,
+    21.556877958704259,
+    21.823267014913611,
+    22.208749180717806,
+    22.786099855049944,
+    23.371401551338806,
+    23.73315353587088,
+    24.31738397233147,
+    24.625223648727555,
+    25.069412618036147,
+    25.928099135972015,
+    26.497110723217201,
+    27.085968731165757,
+    27.631123699960334,
+    28.187584878982072,
+    28.991619387322526,
+    29.353231676085986,
+    30.083376143103514,
+    30.880607280324416,
+    31.435216510900492,
+    32.392330109783813,
+    32.921554836523583,
+    33.514110805447565,
+    34.303809151243847,
+    35.456294459561711,
+    36.280791683627093,
+    36.940252784295062,
+    37.717899566227963,
+    38.457688239199655,
+    39.596732893642503,
+    40.36400419560065,
+    40.945135884536548,
+    41.797758649637814,
+    42.487275414278201,
+    43.921777494122409,
+    44.874273975496472,
+    45.67446232320151,
+    46.727212320012811,
+    47.45119952715492,
+    48.639858771576726,
+    49.370473491276989,
+    50.528638968567975,
+    51.389834372987714,
+    52.582079342007546,
+    53.589199085657242,
+    54.585243505081834,
+    55.622223351244195,
+    56.936556831025484,
+    58.385520290381457,
+    59.451232373507203,
+    60.588566421499443,
+    62.401492617291595,
+    63.88804064081846,
+    65.599157033995837,
+    67.204436723739235,
+    69.4912133287594,
+    71.622345320740351,
+    73.103725049112015,
+    75.089813374922841,
+    76.884823802108912,
+    78.275061550352873,
+    80.357326438684495,
+    83.305006897820235,
+    85.400732831032357,
+    87.218868459052473,
+    89.130072489534143,
+    91.252783666141042,
+    92.815637585979999,
+    95.739391170148252,
+    98.435092605981637,
+    100.31960869294872,
+    102.50286766025864,
+    105.48705400852423,
+    108.82295714914468,
+    111.39204546177986,
+    114.62248349802513,
+    117.87687880992867,
+    119.40484241859349,
+    122.7734081083525,
+    125.26971884287919,
+    128.55177396728385,
+    131.66269963489299,
+    136.57359107720188,
+    140.51816667169177,
+    144.16804544736863,
+    150.35987039520109,
+    154.72466658210519,
+    160.54109480247283,
+    164.18861964598716,
+    170.24309324015738,
+    175.29889321042558,
+    183.11630724838597,
+    189.01683118972002,
+    196.90975774880297,
+    204.49263459337524,
+    213.04893801936598,
+    219.75869942751646,
+    228.19907555440614,
+    239.44926809073948,
+    248.20168822805923,
+    259.25320106736922,
+    265.44318466962994,
+    277.32312416782054,
+    288.56952434288797,
+    298.64263419554209,
+    315.25981209742378,
+    331.89024853535398,
+    342.74298087821637,
+    360.77964203727674,
+    378.48547030119011,
+    392.5550051422876,
+    405.31614074355014,
+    421.74150173342304,
+    441.4412304371254,
+    457.82211257306926,
+    480.45566322885566,
+    513.45774433642032,
+    555.4000490334372,
+    605.92811073979146,
+    652.49495125201292,
+    704.61385101258315,
+    786.33845891481292,
+    874.04643470496728,
+    1012.3600088462719,
+    1159.4774300577808,
+    1379.2669821003758,
+    1756.1106436012778,
+    2357.4547208831491,
+    217148.93534056327,
+    0.0,
+    0.46532971898727915,
+    0.68496949409616426,
+    0.94645340397600952,
+    1.102736193185504,
+    1.312453009792369,
+    1.4867727436472011,
+    1.6340240974064906,
+    1.8260512349059785,
+    1.9700706984768943,
+    2.1040893787044128,
+    2.2333135236192967,
+    2.3880111121966587,
+    2.5520785579949155,
+    2.6739841145948597,
+    2.8075636832160806,
+    2.9039966303754365,
+    3.0345967971695451,
+    3.2102417439344437,
+    3.3137856992787351,
+    3.4376002808848787,
+    3.5571277890563819,
+    3.6898499180667237,
+    3.799063723671626,
+    3.94997555574531,
+    4.0925736583580976,
+    4.2086028832412561,
+    4.3390635740171728,
+    4.4761244808887941,
+    4.6023420572801266,
+    4.7263227277876512,
+    4.8591547764014482,
+    5.0957595508246589,
+    5.30514679884981,
+    5.4401600222425195,
+    5.5717535777959721,
+    5.7003644346866409,
+    5.8768488839999593,
+    5.991691304228997,
+    6.1771150398732244,
+    6.3465048845874961,
+    6.4948860632013519,
+    6.6772230060948159,
+    6.8030943590107249,
+    6.9813191429783039,
+    7.165284199966873,
+    7.3873559281058423,
+    7.5948269266966975,
+    7.801592658633016,
+    7.9955249125214145,
+    8.1905643672046686,
+    8.3270830680818655,
+    8.5054910750061179,
+    8.7225666260180663,
+    8.9368113184240965,
+    9.1376808053645888,
+    9.3633428615533649,
+    9.5990825604962264,
+    9.7364383724201087,
+    9.9186955590691088,
+    10.124746714296,
+    10.40687565362729,
+    10.737648017833138,
+    11.012188237958963,
+    11.214102933586581,
+    11.45440355061357,
+    11.736264046084917,
+    12.026226014607102,
+    12.245762888886343,
+    12.541549269023777,
+    12.756641375192153,
+    12.98360561266394,
+    13.288306417225625,
+    13.526164571303489,
+    13.75503655409527,
+    14.117128492708087,
+    14.374029807073448,
+    14.712173108685258,
+    14.981897180990096,
+    15.344366904559326,
+    15.600391910392348,
+    16.020999494977502,
+    16.300440442407332,
+    16.606309936976054,
+    16.902143272482817,
+    17.159816580240875,
+    17.461774805635738,
+    17.781122815339479,
+    18.119654210560597,
+    18.48063214553467,
+    18.820102897217541,
+    19.161710076244763,
+    19.479832189525602,
+    19.848403979835609,
+    20.122299299121863,
+    20.43004460334555,
+    20.753188532047265,
+    21.116860477662346,
+    21.534773567291243,
+    22.137744141529421,
+    22.45219966811996,
+    22.843712755485114,
+    23.327127510714419,
+    23.801219885543535,
+    24.400068243422009,
+    24.859199781454677,
+    25.249212813218318,
+    25.681597611963909,
+    26.218124149559316,
+    26.865624109857663,
+    27.476273115575268,
+    28.003316090112232,
+    28.465744086402083,
+    29.114406317582951,
+    29.863184721251695,
+    30.645923853117178,
+    31.411221663197541,
+    32.083675244596449,
+    32.623907125336849,
+    33.542071438820663,
+    34.423855107765,
+    35.090015994189059,
+    35.83529395578082,
+    36.739635743840758,
+    37.456669272617518,
+    38.267335328548761,
+    39.333029993613607,
+    40.288484522728531,
+    41.508400903755643,
+    42.819861162087363,
+    43.639905039190687,
+    44.572666361081048,
+    45.821482473822918,
+    46.862153416881057,
+    48.147392790601714,
+    49.404082667631819,
+    50.527705863342902,
+    52.004399737632923,
+    53.494784474459131,
+    54.714589396642559,
+    55.67232429415796,
+    56.793224205114853,
+    58.007050364060461,
+    59.680200263089169,
+    61.232876696778597,
+    62.427428818562269,
+    63.973042504689445,
+    65.632536988952083,
+    67.347413597855891,
+    69.065640807296859,
+    70.464693299553076,
+    72.418849794356461,
+    74.105138155507049,
+    75.662376323980538,
+    77.872835649845626,
+    79.967351057764517,
+    81.928379445805646,
+    84.034972341121062,
+    86.103344705230924,
+    88.477411000229537,
+    90.312287755291578,
+    92.507210044700187,
+    95.060608477240947,
+    97.679889639836844,
+    100.54820722011901,
+    104.05860073649033,
+    106.9975903165883,
+    110.72495391129446,
+    114.47278880860986,
+    118.67332903577829,
+    122.47362728985475,
+    127.29751063199502,
+    131.9947396665213,
+    137.58105901899614,
+    143.2436551636288,
+    148.62549462778085,
+    155.59863941964065,
+    162.63324375828105,
+    168.58328521973854,
+    176.47623591935073,
+    187.10110318413911,
+    194.1945607895322,
+    205.76585363429373,
+    218.54795010442368,
+    224.54362476449748,
+    231.28500418937108,
+    243.28574251055934,
+    254.11346183370961,
+    270.37086108698531,
+    283.71979921314824,
+    298.26484833307381,
+    309.41788972573079,
+    335.8183191815636,
+    361.8565261478937,
+    398.47210782079094,
+    453.94084657359673,
+    537.44153147414909,
+    644.04067764548461,
+    779.41712961885173,
+    1047.3517440661496,
+    32924.039482636828,
+    0.0,
+    0.44937757329633327,
+    0.61250349172115959,
+    0.7863111534649565,
+    0.88962062078461757,
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+    1.1737343879099387,
+    1.3675367911897895,
+    1.4812885968395111,
+    1.6632187662691276,
+    1.8341758133782387,
+    1.9619748247014435,
+    2.0552125983628433,
+    2.1703209170187905,
+    2.2961317300880717,
+    2.3982858575534443,
+    2.4969661855862513,
+    2.6039206933082872,
+    2.7154863269399461,
+    2.7935806808717341,
+    2.9157144052335742,
+    3.0304254455360686,
+    3.1804609723019346,
+    3.2662231643163544,
+    3.3535831040758928,
+    3.4593860912217078,
+    3.5730577882484265,
+    3.6829046499090672,
+    3.7926322745010292,
+    3.918389650507887,
+    4.0461615056476345,
+    4.1688075178063455,
+    4.261935760927039,
+    4.3872821403468514,
+    4.4849226816074195,
+    4.5815647915521316,
+    4.7329622842326859,
+    4.8333438381787959,
+    4.9751149870072844,
+    5.1439939747359258,
+    5.2679283122041474,
+    5.3979939515818964,
+    5.4986148492629514,
+    5.5833034840702549,
+    5.7762491544651375,
+    5.8901795208691912,
+    6.0406044947405793,
+    6.1414968907338547,
+    6.3109595855296661,
+    6.4702277997994733,
+    6.6084310395612746,
+    6.7478047002924155,
+    6.8791042308295953,
+    6.9969768325569115,
+    7.1196791826285173,
+    7.2490813954518822,
+    7.4130615395895152,
+    7.6062113466901806,
+    7.7506437587572199,
+    7.8830685300393055,
+    8.0353926744476123,
+    8.1996939525956183,
+    8.4142220833085606,
+    8.5808330010701201,
+    8.7445310419872921,
+    8.9841822249357115,
+    9.181432418740652,
+    9.3539737653904709,
+    9.5793187725543287,
+    9.7462277892814431,
+    9.9098280489576762,
+    10.04079373626851,
+    10.211734359829405,
+    10.501564944142677,
+    10.710373784142686,
+    10.886736785556671,
+    11.066921822136326,
+    11.235485714770356,
+    11.437646009474888,
+    11.67346914949365,
+    11.83325542414009,
+    12.036493633448316,
+    12.32938637637468,
+    12.554138183666348,
+    12.743210513050011,
+    12.983810120622046,
+    13.174204038774839,
+    13.3680862872507,
+    13.620942224242304,
+    13.890272176459577,
+    14.165385082423146,
+    14.413231848006964,
+    14.724376594252243,
+    14.977328826245193,
+    15.231234613500565,
+    15.55914351677969,
+    15.781820608210545,
+    16.091194364415028,
+    16.347431974296502,
+    16.596030336748036,
+    16.887891775703359,
+    17.178071227425107,
+    17.48876537215957,
+    17.802979490086393,
+    18.167601675413529,
+    18.451234059983907,
+    18.773722324177371,
+    19.095678793499459,
+    19.393224208627331,
+    19.892470444495725,
+    20.360431028492791,
+    20.714816695587093,
+    21.109538106861837,
+    21.528542624887123,
+    21.903763658847744,
+    22.32752745556132,
+    22.932277869765915,
+    23.443859045149278,
+    24.010482595441839,
+    24.454443667170533,
+    24.893590041546005,
+    25.519805040678591,
+    25.948341902144293,
+    26.521018356962905,
+    27.203480036460771,
+    27.923098995772133,
+    28.875462789782972,
+    29.551018023069748,
+    29.950704440314354,
+    30.476114881076313,
+    31.046996042296136,
+    31.828920785208862,
+    32.724644642398538,
+    33.519807747032317,
+    34.207784670738299,
+    34.978220277672911,
+    35.82880248810423,
+    36.674526307149222,
+    37.539567643195326,
+    38.598050079089823,
+    39.461587691403167,
+    40.326650088153748,
+    41.3817881768775,
+    42.413485151973958,
+    43.434107971290473,
+    44.327692773369833,
+    45.281573404128643,
+    46.623500435435595,
+    47.845340004545946,
+    48.925490779005997,
+    50.099817716244445,
+    51.130922527278209,
+    52.52201636244277,
+    54.171384212197573,
+    56.251402930866988,
+    57.343667697555219,
+    59.060037223666868,
+    60.886212298901022,
+    62.282534857812919,
+    63.86965941245365,
+    65.907528655065505,
+    68.060546344496487,
+    69.886943517625568,
+    72.15339782090426,
+    74.790861312079699,
+    76.921991723046403,
+    79.835163669975174,
+    82.098620972009513,
+    84.019415664127024,
+    87.941587866072609,
+    90.308304219949349,
+    93.475153751625228,
+    96.866828921040394,
+    99.559133387387135,
+    103.13311038199714,
+    107.13838078377783,
+    111.61641909521742,
+    116.39540365181381,
+    122.02402340139254,
+    126.12078269274167,
+    131.70138789081315,
+    136.7872837632539,
+    142.28439193970823,
+    147.89576596130524,
+    152.23255441740992,
+    157.7226413282819,
+    164.37241204310453,
+    173.15971613514671,
+    180.11295998936518,
+    188.48112308463158,
+    202.36800846564165,
+    217.16809097558243,
+    229.45603073021095,
+    243.95331007710857,
+    267.19713077328231,
+    291.31657906696654,
+    319.83880240534251,
+    369.84715199786609,
+    456.83736037240828,
+    563.36551513987104,
+    1212.4845181047338,
+    0.0,
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+    1.8405138120116515,
+    1.9401180825384614,
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+    2.1965858893088366,
+    2.2678507808547295,
+    2.3513510591465976,
+    2.452940588067142,
+    2.5244403869314138,
+    2.6111507000688201,
+    2.686185953440015,
+    2.7762991589505912,
+    2.8623591840837115,
+    2.9644501753879853,
+    3.0534304377734371,
+    3.1183306038752914,
+    3.2022029138736583,
+    3.3578682900076662,
+    3.4578586494674859,
+    3.5567846506796079,
+    3.6352803762683252,
+    3.7653628446367353,
+    3.8440117447262629,
+    3.9584732534380351,
+    4.0302646502503574,
+    4.1218781156084869,
+    4.211981828454741,
+    4.3396760587886405,
+    4.4201415569911395,
+    4.5235887459809963,
+    4.6307469822655509,
+    4.7731054586827728,
+    4.8838280863806549,
+    4.9937362132930252,
+    5.1605178704372632,
+    5.2560966186259481,
+    5.3556600842824587,
+    5.4678635206702646,
+    5.5973168757166114,
+    5.7048755075035276,
+    5.8878433771286218,
+    6.0190112054897522,
+    6.118844708522011,
+    6.2719026695437989,
+    6.3725565545753042,
+    6.4738742707717662,
+    6.5961657370971558,
+    6.6863432232288851,
+    6.8285306029142401,
+    6.9529888304791623,
+    7.0345923470005971,
+    7.153050087371815,
+    7.23828648460319,
+    7.3488613350575518,
+    7.5297259666276082,
+    7.665228962415263,
+    7.814513809818397,
+    7.9676729944874758,
+    8.0965767962005515,
+    8.258619388928004,
+    8.4038000906770929,
+    8.5498166593706451,
+    8.6979091856223683,
+    8.8099783579444786,
+    8.9513067459030502,
+    9.1237502030553657,
+    9.3482831702262139,
+    9.5044967504159725,
+    9.6593366065001636,
+    9.82253449013227,
+    9.9874115529723486,
+    10.137506876476476,
+    10.289126599046901,
+    10.444223952502876,
+    10.599915162622709,
+    10.734363441288647,
+    10.917595405084366,
+    11.108460594133211,
+    11.352160340302392,
+    11.607842306499339,
+    11.798599260283471,
+    12.009365871239995,
+    12.251934875461144,
+    12.49314138461267,
+    12.815528078713546,
+    13.078160801731713,
+    13.367979668775682,
+    13.61963788461563,
+    13.830407348960653,
+    14.134759793056256,
+    14.406222062237235,
+    14.719108048702839,
+    15.039806819372597,
+    15.357959034733886,
+    15.742708764682598,
+    16.038031868942646,
+    16.342061974077719,
+    16.619014591659234,
+    16.995469066261826,
+    17.440245060531616,
+    17.749017033014272,
+    18.105417999557947,
+    18.521262453800805,
+    18.847635914656443,
+    19.422978973137425,
+    19.69919609219999,
+    20.085099945021412,
+    20.537864119839881,
+    21.008059900732494,
+    21.532289222273434,
+    22.054776673981362,
+    22.335014932602295,
+    22.916014727566228,
+    23.337139989662067,
+    23.720719036927843,
+    24.388060450004911,
+    24.84313177402456,
+    25.486862832547693,
+    26.168604409957322,
+    26.702984764635431,
+    27.287480741291404,
+    27.801078630394546,
+    28.269720592443107,
+    28.926401527988713,
+    29.605430975118843,
+    30.330319669354552,
+    31.30134009465884,
+    31.993708205209099,
+    32.73067706792078,
+    33.486394058985752,
+    34.167581724784604,
+    35.401930848802451,
+    36.065974473699839,
+    36.896350829985813,
+    37.7813927333629,
+    38.921309661559299,
+    39.97516998571502,
+    40.789572211691727,
+    42.125840794801142,
+    43.644711500275349,
+    44.85355032164108,
+    45.812829425455917,
+    47.046058315709615,
+    48.449631897327926,
+    49.622408318720304,
+    51.04144247927352,
+    53.201024346560494,
+    54.577940901359469,
+    55.974500547503887,
+    57.300272604946706,
+    58.935437915672885,
+    61.253114155133289,
+    63.821740538824884,
+    65.624318697869271,
+    67.454483508361619,
+    69.123018783403808,
+    71.210354296257066,
+    74.567150230165254,
+    76.23070335468914,
+    78.271987515678816,
+    81.071827225516031,
+    83.453646862710841,
+    86.529339530495577,
+    89.958680391197973,
+    92.139227178417912,
+    95.452626979151631,
+    98.96652527128883,
+    102.73989810547134,
+    106.50759157615551,
+    111.64659346669681,
+    115.90393310434297,
+    120.92459723788905,
+    125.40052719866213,
+    129.67134907792868,
+    135.46294701412262,
+    142.5538801102015,
+    151.30070681491432,
+    157.84567716877518,
+    169.5170423411827,
+    178.87680934745092,
+    193.39884029816415,
+    208.14234715671577,
+    235.5424670602799,
+    259.89890359594898,
+    295.34858783034383,
+    334.33861915695468,
+    435.37594838703143,
+    500.4258992515953,
+    26136.224608103177,
+    0.0,
+    0.39973293565211121,
+    0.54970468651962101,
+    0.69428019898164828,
+    0.80416896659170267,
+    0.97256228280721502,
+    1.0741947545845139,
+    1.1635254227187484,
+    1.2659631876378288,
+    1.3822232353331732,
+    1.4871416503290158,
+    1.6059691148096156,
+    1.7314193523743162,
+    1.8189928465042873,
+    1.9334458898159075,
+    2.0377516716510327,
+    2.1075833274228066,
+    2.217744079961764,
+    2.2892931053076637,
+    2.370399790641895,
+    2.4612447561840849,
+    2.5289316577717074,
+    2.6468319175582824,
+    2.7635584974075624,
+    2.8487982858984613,
+    2.960003647452937,
+    3.040264995484101,
+    3.1340583717433561,
+    3.235843360825664,
+    3.3184989258906628,
+    3.3887498944054912,
+    3.4742665307996607,
+    3.5562981091035697,
+    3.6417013733235564,
+    3.7311047300627127,
+    3.8872996993864741,
+    3.9804799011541103,
+    4.0534756404067585,
+    4.1363024053202926,
+    4.2208974321794877,
+    4.2861111457481496,
+    4.3766112965174155,
+    4.4823314746332565,
+    4.5480736492020721,
+    4.6140282594933879,
+    4.6927572802426791,
+    4.7950758075336255,
+    4.8965365095798212,
+    5.0072589054206107,
+    5.0975160269495143,
+    5.2362442989591846,
+    5.3289517016526302,
+    5.4178449031775839,
+    5.5118563643244292,
+    5.5991786537930563,
+    5.7292585294169509,
+    5.8455520624288511,
+    5.9835086379946096,
+    6.1056860394816654,
+    6.2159830829296503,
+    6.3853574209981945,
+    6.4974583447731833,
+    6.6378799857782989,
+    6.7643189783177879,
+    6.9331608618050389,
+    7.0563877476272356,
+    7.1597694820310664,
+    7.2747575984770805,
+    7.4061511602581902,
+    7.566805332709456,
+    7.7166738418404099,
+    7.8275904312086375,
+    7.9656564706412034,
+    8.1244717048328159,
+    8.3128776945349419,
+    8.4492226274061721,
+    8.6026791744357034,
+    8.7913701590231152,
+    8.9674862747079285,
+    9.203292738543686,
+    9.4039626926929181,
+    9.5311545009803265,
+    9.7551708743344214,
+    9.9026582594455501,
+    10.022592104276631,
+    10.254556398686347,
+    10.441547514468155,
+    10.55911902240299,
+    10.753522809241019,
+    10.926077226400229,
+    11.111675067184086,
+    11.282496796620391,
+    11.542358714530458,
+    11.747566119524583,
+    12.063275519031006,
+    12.341240623919091,
+    12.652985756993917,
+    12.911635251767006,
+    13.185612347682703,
+    13.397850815278218,
+    13.510168018667791,
+    13.823974357607668,
+    14.079700135326661,
+    14.319520604253412,
+    14.516982034078424,
+    14.715852185550794,
+    14.964361234520684,
+    15.243919353703765,
+    15.434116248837348,
+    15.848964391761008,
+    16.086776522206492,
+    16.492027051516569,
+    16.795026784147762,
+    17.200208653485955,
+    17.498774119010612,
+    17.697568539728877,
+    17.989065229745375,
+    18.378303894171673,
+    18.701677957394676,
+    19.000050086953262,
+    19.305072306272276,
+    19.640223854343546,
+    20.148513190788542,
+    20.571031137831589,
+    20.950263329212515,
+    21.493452145932224,
+    21.900647991805542,
+    22.368835386038555,
+    22.757466417332257,
+    23.266697302860564,
+    23.748918186455164,
+    24.013428277953601,
+    24.436060444302342,
+    24.839469583056065,
+    25.343925184450622,
+    25.873641504196087,
+    26.482510119485095,
+    27.117741302188946,
+    28.028030125009568,
+    28.67264931970686,
+    29.423325760610378,
+    29.889992195728581,
+    30.465443031984776,
+    31.309530466130287,
+    31.901260500752073,
+    32.799551692053072,
+    33.541476679668996,
+    34.443620232941036,
+    35.302557206918429,
+    36.095895295724823,
+    36.967344523130116,
+    37.972365673128152,
+    39.113785970733069,
+    40.183225976540719,
+    41.415014418976391,
+    42.519519437606419,
+    43.877982190483891,
+    45.274268146469012,
+    46.598258997931197,
+    47.577075478663595,
+    49.30474498506122,
+    50.820118338226344,
+    52.111331702490496,
+    53.410484924257844,
+    54.902819374535113,
+    56.280708096832775,
+    57.753628438949818,
+    58.879346286077769,
+    59.968520735732298,
+    60.999746067677791,
+    62.753450775062085,
+    64.030882243935793,
+    65.729557300284014,
+    67.561576034705098,
+    69.665957842633134,
+    71.539525862837877,
+    73.715255033933218,
+    76.042333108418404,
+    79.197194154406716,
+    82.16221890263013,
+    85.299196384291619,
+    89.066358132689487,
+    91.826772968117325,
+    96.091493878155831,
+    101.23287053213269,
+    106.50298553112719,
+    109.91541659247912,
+    113.35584144711426,
+    119.43260281154497,
+    126.01710530963756,
+    135.83275402928408,
+    143.34767183967989,
+    153.86665354982301,
+    165.32615555272824,
+    178.67838621083195,
+    195.7780863511025,
+    213.10059234298109,
+    235.43734867679117,
+    282.56546879749584,
+    344.49428452558914,
+    1032.3156481054148,
+    0.0,
+    0.28542906758282582,
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+    0.62651997706725926,
+    0.72080554472755054,
+    0.85153448889118422,
+    1.0135203835548705,
+    1.1497401649165981,
+    1.249689630633253,
+    1.3399789001967404,
+    1.4564959287102479,
+    1.5525185391245844,
+    1.645337296328182,
+    1.7029587642670561,
+    1.7998807148268574,
+    1.8818193335491449,
+    1.9378684814241007,
+    2.0045089255406014,
+    2.0748139436457822,
+    2.1773066185618797,
+    2.2832712158697772,
+    2.3883600529626685,
+    2.51854086329767,
+    2.6082969305879526,
+    2.6653570235348072,
+    2.7353083692676279,
+    2.8357637619195271,
+    2.949800063298929,
+    3.0384811951680373,
+    3.1078994075124524,
+    3.2335260889505033,
+    3.2990419647626399,
+    3.3727668828240933,
+    3.4799226620744226,
+    3.5425893742655994,
+    3.602653782843948,
+    3.6809307822931201,
+    3.7636220805378935,
+    3.8356481276880539,
+    3.9348563402662586,
+    4.0173932529537133,
+    4.1063926031921367,
+    4.1717702846007647,
+    4.2630914745857496,
+    4.3776816586639553,
+    4.4711604153944746,
+    4.5898411942902397,
+    4.6529598063193873,
+    4.7594223012672128,
+    4.859397400196225,
+    4.9911351337934935,
+    5.0565770304775857,
+    5.1225454425221839,
+    5.2210476830787913,
+    5.3162453599135313,
+    5.4019041740602542,
+    5.4940746055002112,
+    5.6136974622961269,
+    5.7781825322921838,
+    5.8753555715066135,
+    5.9710447043669799,
+    6.0693550815356012,
+    6.2210987536494446,
+    6.3057281942751633,
+    6.4213140942100821,
+    6.5389008456679329,
+    6.6598814572271587,
+    6.7667995850353684,
+    6.8447945703412136,
+    6.9638166797290806,
+    7.089919065426475,
+    7.2063358053191635,
+    7.352017914006157,
+    7.4537565287326801,
+    7.582581434309609,
+    7.7515979917104838,
+    7.922857945264326,
+    8.1036189902911531,
+    8.3020028506929222,
+    8.4634925955724825,
+    8.6391711422358544,
+    8.7635395423761935,
+    8.8992877245899145,
+    9.0893279549043093,
+    9.3039711595273165,
+    9.4509385898117682,
+    9.5886214810203292,
+    9.7390698728931344,
+    9.9541876691465312,
+    10.169584740152244,
+    10.408818535856438,
+    10.659936222779091,
+    10.885872639294179,
+    11.234872889392312,
+    11.380004892188218,
+    11.630544911322611,
+    11.842161705728255,
+    12.145847767420936,
+    12.330853164469056,
+    12.583698055254121,
+    12.816494298528724,
+    13.030768267855716,
+    13.340667906325312,
+    13.590963465427643,
+    13.838270526487388,
+    14.074223027757553,
+    14.348879588563831,
+    14.623052429806279,
+    14.889780883997153,
+    15.16693031574218,
+    15.627987742305928,
+    15.886715102647821,
+    16.122720491922152,
+    16.370043221512347,
+    16.698521062776425,
+    17.014791424541087,
+    17.277243625151677,
+    17.630298905505015,
+    17.922468720470825,
+    18.149957595022286,
+    18.504105261759602,
+    18.795720406240982,
+    19.18862905514699,
+    19.475658613972989,
+    19.718119783763974,
+    20.003625971835866,
+    20.315035816376586,
+    20.769230895348553,
+    21.215197103344,
+    21.721451002558126,
+    22.141375933409783,
+    22.495823827116208,
+    22.862304058851613,
+    23.305091172097715,
+    23.849319624238138,
+    24.24364699835543,
+    24.720699200556524,
+    25.085626207841511,
+    25.638589513652505,
+    26.154907865789191,
+    26.464735192229831,
+    26.827306144197109,
+    27.546994095945028,
+    28.177135131091795,
+    28.63885753555148,
+    29.495195057633349,
+    29.842693161801382,
+    30.377067174788916,
+    30.875858140539503,
+    31.744346334559026,
+    32.758933651918937,
+    33.726942266387887,
+    34.215890876186286,
+    35.205804764096222,
+    36.335678040868849,
+    37.11614771455158,
+    37.941465739425929,
+    38.859334633575578,
+    39.928208407832223,
+    40.699477662771486,
+    41.819209837420011,
+    43.215290220738062,
+    43.752358355431525,
+    44.477418638451525,
+    45.544939322383215,
+    46.640235116349203,
+    47.579833058320212,
+    49.08201798196896,
+    50.659250361498124,
+    51.765930922941273,
+    53.63059431256552,
+    55.1000160675475,
+    56.73201493619726,
+    58.246215912516156,
+    59.40623788602521,
+    61.827647106103718,
+    64.49842649472086,
+    66.976553190431929,
+    70.198059650548117,
+    73.471061518231679,
+    75.97093457032166,
+    78.702576395464334,
+    81.611672320767141,
+    83.584533696176564,
+    89.483719245164707,
+    95.503007633435587,
+    99.897758416618558,
+    104.5780094282018,
+    111.60694946504658,
+    117.51568863458957,
+    127.92288436293775,
+    136.29858810722959,
+    147.30418079416475,
+    162.5922919611979,
+    173.4980042718681,
+    184.44721960771685,
+    206.66903439286079,
+    235.60943993849668,
+    279.42538519180954,
+    395.73590980190897,
+    767.7437697537913,
+    0.0,
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+    2.2612520597106451,
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+    2.3981343988484136,
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+    2.5691159773482495,
+    2.6084450349000678,
+    2.6658038289568791,
+    2.802053890520781,
+    2.8561183704950697,
+    2.9543741961709769,
+    3.0135138877978185,
+    3.0505910337969002,
+    3.129399027027457,
+    3.1984302483970564,
+    3.3186190937914195,
+    3.4057540256655323,
+    3.4777981689415913,
+    3.5184191917833267,
+    3.5975803130944266,
+    3.6588848905491038,
+    3.8130976291367,
+    3.8802414294541254,
+    3.957222730170348,
+    4.0900593899149893,
+    4.1986310350360245,
+    4.3311490651060334,
+    4.4373460503609401,
+    4.5587919710581124,
+    4.6277536709616927,
+    4.6884807290574564,
+    4.7843280503620607,
+    4.8638283249690355,
+    4.948337773654341,
+    5.1040636578149838,
+    5.1795964194464377,
+    5.2973077144211338,
+    5.3522785288725707,
+    5.4939098011676935,
+    5.6180430790090652,
+    5.7470634587269451,
+    5.8397056876634732,
+    5.9561260760004444,
+    6.0433823634687371,
+    6.1235992948872031,
+    6.2504421209611483,
+    6.4113950981142374,
+    6.5516323124086711,
+    6.7244564776287783,
+    6.8618195100648141,
+    6.9505641642794975,
+    7.0916813413393385,
+    7.2272991950515504,
+    7.3163089878854173,
+    7.4623335136659801,
+    7.6110387010371117,
+    7.7791913595037805,
+    7.936641896374983,
+    8.0878941913267184,
+    8.2595490578730129,
+    8.385431944546335,
+    8.5207274071897672,
+    8.6857803464137824,
+    8.8101649975015821,
+    8.9536744831786148,
+    9.0600596564391367,
+    9.2078447326702051,
+    9.3228888631291884,
+    9.4666810933090737,
+    9.5842181319219488,
+    9.7117679522558404,
+    9.8364937741290674,
+    9.9578885988719605,
+    10.050258999773828,
+    10.222935957512945,
+    10.316390929540351,
+    10.475548798393795,
+    10.645698388425439,
+    10.784281041251679,
+    10.948840474245644,
+    11.18619695562867,
+    11.391007009711993,
+    11.567902525938473,
+    11.71609814428081,
+    11.986239831997279,
+    12.114994517734564,
+    12.299234012158884,
+    12.519873907814063,
+    12.863454387962484,
+    13.071436848150757,
+    13.401814698265529,
+    13.616665965772345,
+    13.917822552439985,
+    14.188207378128368,
+    14.392249303363604,
+    14.565292790891043,
+    14.8227217543752,
+    15.082488535254081,
+    15.353996053129002,
+    15.71970041593713,
+    16.055798117141507,
+    16.350541959618788,
+    16.59026542651214,
+    16.985800718119268,
+    17.454849654596948,
+    17.727304029707067,
+    18.074448871862273,
+    18.657077244754035,
+    19.113484525377181,
+    19.562570052919153,
+    20.051208287923327,
+    20.510845671810618,
+    20.868530774744045,
+    21.265799148848728,
+    21.905779229740901,
+    22.253576842522836,
+    22.93054457765145,
+    23.206345747345235,
+    23.442698316367355,
+    23.819566588138276,
+    24.284074517836409,
+    24.787572758168594,
+    25.29135993018971,
+    25.702149605001754,
+    26.244235212381223,
+    26.972918611793055,
+    27.497687861234269,
+    27.803253080067293,
+    28.455954373351648,
+    28.799808431536636,
+    29.848012115835569,
+    30.659490646833433,
+    31.278494629826003,
+    31.986230266586109,
+    32.844426473455414,
+    33.467758528183403,
+    34.226128209009545,
+    35.361957028401591,
+    36.258109649477035,
+    36.936669242532219,
+    37.818365857787754,
+    38.696285651145452,
+    40.081917650133853,
+    40.64346996992446,
+    41.711711592656641,
+    42.702888952548854,
+    43.463449958527363,
+    44.933303891653537,
+    46.280030045429775,
+    46.884828739246672,
+    47.9164412951895,
+    48.816783602198043,
+    51.059938151143868,
+    52.990341731171874,
+    55.149664388125281,
+    56.632548806783447,
+    59.744429378935919,
+    61.750152716933627,
+    64.13446025245527,
+    65.894498123950655,
+    68.469194455591804,
+    72.127321506278804,
+    75.510184634367306,
+    79.070343457944233,
+    82.83698071207391,
+    86.213350717712743,
+    91.263841459235479,
+    96.251898067968696,
+    100.97702206389322,
+    110.24223086163732,
+    122.08402559600439,
+    133.28649360785434,
+    143.88249756506781,
+    165.37750731198261,
+    172.54296243585648,
+    184.52345636646612,
+    205.19933792261477,
+    225.68130093091153,
+    254.48608422209975,
+    356.13158711494771,
+    667.13884179705951,
+    0.0,
+    0.26354229304624982,
+    0.38447836652746359,
+    0.47827776444151504,
+    0.57102745980500924,
+    0.66953353299980622,
+    0.7418659221489563,
+    0.83156847070200968,
+    0.90459644576835174,
+    1.0010729921508612,
+    1.0747030979707302,
+    1.1266171474464457,
+    1.2074942519793959,
+    1.2865431026365461,
+    1.3473439404701553,
+    1.4202020302877516,
+    1.4768893225494599,
+    1.5313969774675775,
+    1.5909847654923739,
+    1.6475355098467457,
+    1.6997939412324161,
+    1.7637752265692834,
+    1.8242615872864518,
+    1.8898188947673684,
+    1.9509538324144411,
+    2.0098808061983942,
+    2.0640737132115903,
+    2.1250621349491174,
+    2.1880199036006234,
+    2.2482335097460373,
+    2.3224687338799601,
+    2.3810854640962966,
+    2.4539462471917695,
+    2.5205389108480092,
+    2.5736335433800064,
+    2.6351983220648534,
+    2.7117894124038844,
+    2.7769524741702436,
+    2.8358464472920151,
+    2.8923290609616985,
+    2.952869124430904,
+    3.019886501351988,
+    3.0890122216294262,
+    3.1640429065297679,
+    3.230928687772761,
+    3.2871518048094348,
+    3.3658272937032447,
+    3.4150577541035902,
+    3.5021039779235932,
+    3.5747695852696721,
+    3.6487836281519805,
+    3.7241574101269204,
+    3.8142260058409829,
+    3.889886219446729,
+    3.959556232893171,
+    4.0356800011365941,
+    4.1057394274812147,
+    4.1980461864106902,
+    4.309452131909552,
+    4.3828331762835537,
+    4.4695204020316721,
+    4.5367508600967223,
+    4.6233009941728263,
+    4.723559288314422,
+    4.8418135782046221,
+    4.9493007712556114,
+    5.0770358904447308,
+    5.1638022761303857,
+    5.258523659828418,
+    5.355344510356554,
+    5.4603287604488076,
+    5.5379537810288211,
+    5.6249248142354942,
+    5.7220275089216761,
+    5.838923475249886,
+    5.9497212657328467,
+    6.0583843755738309,
+    6.1867532212460965,
+    6.3064698765052771,
+    6.4319591322171776,
+    6.5483864027049101,
+    6.6488785338577285,
+    6.7665965268891011,
+    6.9052017507528056,
+    7.045854866965354,
+    7.2014256979466307,
+    7.330485956308558,
+    7.4487327302385404,
+    7.5665345877761823,
+    7.6547168896849138,
+    7.8054455606559943,
+    7.9504829122596341,
+    8.0783042696456278,
+    8.2122962977826681,
+    8.3879105778396355,
+    8.5583569201645879,
+    8.7283836649546007,
+    8.883891378612029,
+    9.0083786843632403,
+    9.1761351492455319,
+    9.3638324400389497,
+    9.5907615887485385,
+    9.7594846934193047,
+    10.010833472510898,
+    10.185621904747663,
+    10.346951216302086,
+    10.520062141237078,
+    10.706681377384809,
+    10.967233078599998,
+    11.138591663326494,
+    11.336327609263476,
+    11.538065870352529,
+    11.780969742764785,
+    12.040396856930878,
+    12.278033460635026,
+    12.572587972604635,
+    12.836717579047866,
+    13.112528685175548,
+    13.349919258349592,
+    13.711232799022634,
+    13.952743864796032,
+    14.173739895596908,
+    14.465060589666624,
+    14.731797503743392,
+    14.982825032585207,
+    15.26649112996823,
+    15.569851389101043,
+    15.807990176918581,
+    16.100384923714998,
+    16.357766493568764,
+    16.777677977704688,
+    17.171170485060028,
+    17.439164114500958,
+    17.753339594991331,
+    18.098780157602537,
+    18.506119482642575,
+    18.872634818431685,
+    19.158220809140616,
+    19.460619214965231,
+    19.861854966350609,
+    20.194551637195691,
+    20.572956591632238,
+    20.928294578986577,
+    21.344426709478942,
+    21.66166937542549,
+    22.240766877718343,
+    22.565729819049889,
+    23.044323591163653,
+    23.475228287516739,
+    23.932777693805892,
+    24.431735905582023,
+    24.9753478724361,
+    25.444631767712121,
+    26.034501673986167,
+    26.793728332827442,
+    27.366686796047183,
+    27.957289531847202,
+    28.628949210391269,
+    29.141828609314189,
+    29.719739181851036,
+    30.30594251575133,
+    30.960727844584873,
+    32.027496656930069,
+    32.974018472252368,
+    33.863248797022031,
+    34.561629815364022,
+    35.481873500994837,
+    36.425956905396923,
+    37.348331262937052,
+    38.205344049967586,
+    39.198221653394434,
+    40.278372389201685,
+    41.677786414811592,
+    43.065418693400801,
+    44.574973160850661,
+    46.276760954798682,
+    47.637500721436417,
+    49.306031705719278,
+    51.89715331335065,
+    54.021647205722303,
+    56.568849685307754,
+    58.260272125967838,
+    61.01559773170208,
+    63.460178968983008,
+    66.681062849099575,
+    70.419627156287063,
+    73.920166575505235,
+    77.213692861072445,
+    81.815040784668199,
+    85.962566683415389,
+    91.041503329412507,
+    95.177144795049969,
+    99.955722087200343,
+    108.58955753524259,
+    117.80784071631163,
+    130.37475347981882,
+    147.21446326393803,
+    169.18325814487829,
+    205.95766196129654,
+    265.65512151989378,
+    87848.280391018183,
+    0.0,
+    0.19490317513848199,
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+    0.66138230429826461,
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+    0.94121780304322211,
+    0.99883776020744297,
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+    1.1713208117143756,
+    1.2148024624665414,
+    1.2609968601390287,
+    1.3328682001354739,
+    1.3925492252792258,
+    1.4667867999704067,
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+    1.5743932825824867,
+    1.6055483247197799,
+    1.6735799139620093,
+    1.7242981980275145,
+    1.7695095310430997,
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+    1.8847715885877299,
+    1.9197993080657989,
+    1.9744731923762646,
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+    2.1097644028458769,
+    2.1664244086126137,
+    2.2431869595868097,
+    2.2837360345225766,
+    2.3556313195570087,
+    2.405430036905444,
+    2.4505170860355792,
+    2.4989854383785239,
+    2.5407069198492236,
+    2.5973895600257899,
+    2.6662262216343775,
+    2.7003533281249101,
+    2.7540559919851004,
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+    2.8744094871135686,
+    2.9296784011089727,
+    2.9987201241218648,
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+    3.2335250198149148,
+    3.2987481250279922,
+    3.3813159530575105,
+    3.420245321649098,
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+    3.5404207818987037,
+    3.6319368958518181,
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+    3.7740034108713001,
+    3.8372038077261137,
+    3.9197610988151039,
+    3.9886257099364339,
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+    4.138300196794412,
+    4.2257097559547683,
+    4.3260432863760752,
+    4.4121971145250116,
+    4.5042890038890597,
+    4.5643129623079091,
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+    4.760388268790428,
+    4.8656859399723364,
+    4.9325603768335293,
+    5.0342194443918942,
+    5.1201176332551412,
+    5.2068094592308221,
+    5.2861985755361616,
+    5.3619402279344657,
+    5.4488952829979578,
+    5.5661630444890307,
+    5.6302459604039878,
+    5.7251570645424943,
+    5.8265289703090026,
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+    6.0745229648833075,
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+    6.7679316573810269,
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+    7.4277247272769777,
+    7.545118161206557,
+    7.6796631181823791,
+    7.8167880642937018,
+    7.9566071237538072,
+    8.0603936878360543,
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+    8.3115755716587163,
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+    8.5902802761521784,
+    8.7221702888496431,
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+    9.1963706908372931,
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+    9.8532189063800164,
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+    10.168236220470268,
+    10.348527513241617,
+    10.531791667580992,
+    10.703985943887844,
+    10.93278400032537,
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+    11.279161608656203,
+    11.493658887982159,
+    11.629213658946661,
+    11.813149108077441,
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+    12.590673999087862,
+    12.794134333415222,
+    13.002054595845699,
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+    13.555249875763497,
+    13.805021300146676,
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+    14.396612581875223,
+    14.68307313946254,
+    14.923008872428863,
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+    15.692053745001203,
+    16.016016291617053,
+    16.269176030476242,
+    16.559936897997712,
+    16.907361798334914,
+    17.258247430228977,
+    17.522507804773419,
+    17.819739257247601,
+    18.300494526840033,
+    18.61675208077844,
+    18.901401014716043,
+    19.417022408557258,
+    19.797904233478242,
+    20.228015085729147,
+    20.637954339218549,
+    21.183210911355513,
+    21.771881557448339,
+    22.21773210897102,
+    22.779612813526374,
+    23.276529546096842,
+    23.849594764724543,
+    24.446921593531446,
+    25.015101229550464,
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+    26.282199605420455,
+    27.105386636499361,
+    27.676243476410885,
+    28.419439927324717,
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+    29.883208551297241,
+    30.862499878001806,
+    31.713413996846523,
+    32.826935291082727,
+    33.72406490654123,
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+    35.528359794461842,
+    36.670845950707843,
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+    41.483302822400162,
+    43.211405024691217,
+    44.630074152677139,
+    46.308911078822682,
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+    49.774586644602294,
+    51.781332900742051,
+    53.252372889554401,
+    55.257436943999878,
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+    60.134437476839075,
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+    67.805529413896068,
+    72.960204750804039,
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+    95.851443874433429,
+    105.43467161328387,
+    123.71872542791084,
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+    0.0,
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+    1.1843998812376955,
+    1.2121765466487182,
+    1.2356656356376803,
+    1.269517337829088,
+    1.3064220440414478,
+    1.3456604109067491,
+    1.3847455871539975,
+    1.4433510659744919,
+    1.4787246262422706,
+    1.5290320752062629,
+    1.5562124703009197,
+    1.6073426914107938,
+    1.6404681580522233,
+    1.6702244973685063,
+    1.73063179859356,
+    1.7750006715499509,
+    1.8279516044521678,
+    1.859195201800822,
+    1.9053170452940513,
+    1.9280767671566097,
+    1.9902516035810496,
+    2.0186760912468551,
+    2.092657238098997,
+    2.1474948054253384,
+    2.1871961512096565,
+    2.2317816251782281,
+    2.2907742739410164,
+    2.3359180870369833,
+    2.3869816483688759,
+    2.4529856457177273,
+    2.4909203390683849,
+    2.5537529934964778,
+    2.6292032978804851,
+    2.6784202619777213,
+    2.7190242328666847,
+    2.7592501032192169,
+    2.8141411237425067,
+    2.8832878890394928,
+    2.9253711343109838,
+    2.9954526684612648,
+    3.0483400308079833,
+    3.1195790079290284,
+    3.1882923341376097,
+    3.2475133828248954,
+    3.3082893597110878,
+    3.3998621255091428,
+    3.47762860298067,
+    3.5504403144136871,
+    3.6091991238429708,
+    3.6617110799009782,
+    3.747352642356359,
+    3.7869413127021954,
+    3.8494017410196837,
+    3.9492065318655385,
+    4.0178432318231367,
+    4.1459135647020364,
+    4.2117067391482745,
+    4.2819404568634685,
+    4.3483465566680453,
+    4.4244779495490469,
+    4.4626585143965478,
+    4.529665123797245,
+    4.590443570999347,
+    4.6959724608287416,
+    4.7546121047868048,
+    4.8565039814092676,
+    4.9526895878521771,
+    5.0443764740864374,
+    5.1192000512767368,
+    5.2222704461323,
+    5.3679136440586834,
+    5.44561515189495,
+    5.573881356101074,
+    5.6587732114410647,
+    5.7456859581229036,
+    5.8285056653676959,
+    5.9249388997940375,
+    6.0008874169591815,
+    6.1408249280378238,
+    6.1925479765893821,
+    6.257597707865,
+    6.3482665820132933,
+    6.4362617657783012,
+    6.5018677743421236,
+    6.5990992264693222,
+    6.7059841755319676,
+    6.8408659416578956,
+    6.9783602936172588,
+    7.0768404883339144,
+    7.275512674657814,
+    7.3760305080718176,
+    7.4852630022878435,
+    7.5558323048134834,
+    7.6469369887215128,
+    7.7796586853873126,
+    7.8927874437708638,
+    7.9917930786552116,
+    8.1024563434454961,
+    8.2999865668501034,
+    8.4506558762494599,
+    8.5965995871403145,
+    8.8639775066208841,
+    8.963955758417768,
+    9.1445204978480277,
+    9.3391048111935557,
+    9.4789266524635813,
+    9.6269538620278485,
+    9.798523665360058,
+    9.9267454692157209,
+    10.135523291360611,
+    10.266903541690644,
+    10.45005203381487,
+    10.715778409248584,
+    10.96464567850493,
+    11.083463676843031,
+    11.256660301260217,
+    11.500996192642983,
+    11.687974340512826,
+    11.903229343489697,
+    12.133709181931877,
+    12.310998874748263,
+    12.750272219083747,
+    13.056147482613222,
+    13.253490555112993,
+    13.675145968268881,
+    13.924230477174909,
+    14.217574079767886,
+    14.571236022596374,
+    14.939288725850155,
+    15.314551253615292,
+    15.575987515584663,
+    15.833645863054313,
+    16.200485384427974,
+    16.477465196601848,
+    16.843241153808755,
+    17.272849032588312,
+    17.796542227272955,
+    18.154946140541519,
+    18.42280855377696,
+    18.768141850732011,
+    19.187362345680633,
+    19.591309885228171,
+    19.89722345376024,
+    20.702595711695711,
+    21.128564543818339,
+    21.527729127045859,
+    21.98660526945358,
+    22.521671536797641,
+    23.024367946134102,
+    23.561848505072032,
+    24.014992900974836,
+    24.436576472708754,
+    25.503186568685322,
+    26.610835772872736,
+    27.151442239196715,
+    27.70328225888667,
+    28.806039995726948,
+    29.627287233320377,
+    30.315284533811624,
+    31.327683853768139,
+    32.147834022257314,
+    32.92691659425568,
+    34.04201415685305,
+    35.413352753610873,
+    36.221826443150817,
+    37.977707465427912,
+    39.36878752355473,
+    40.951879054950432,
+    42.365682197246947,
+    44.629804117764586,
+    46.795396750300675,
+    49.67533805194968,
+    54.589345174300426,
+    59.129570664612665,
+    65.197403972300108,
+    72.17408937465612,
+    82.574762345786382,
+    93.478082113773723,
+    137.00082761546682,
+    199.8118228761337,
+    0.0,
+    0.10986207372166874,
+    0.14872621306540318,
+    0.19845064349132605,
+    0.23956108970357301,
+    0.27567089124994565,
+    0.30377868213388104,
+    0.33708359499769869,
+    0.36673053244321807,
+    0.39912993308020295,
+    0.426779015978206,
+    0.44779438158941426,
+    0.47517643738476034,
+    0.50286573074575236,
+    0.52693060971954953,
+    0.55098158547076637,
+    0.58123019985394664,
+    0.60493909669532997,
+    0.63389774238520347,
+    0.67186606098347501,
+    0.69617002023919206,
+    0.72425525288091774,
+    0.74131268328835165,
+    0.75822441587657952,
+    0.78496504186460769,
+    0.81439669478023768,
+    0.83597937513562759,
+    0.86590383841807772,
+    0.8832207398905233,
+    0.9128885288784947,
+    0.93278832232658382,
+    0.9712970144945392,
+    0.98805434822469451,
+    1.017363705614581,
+    1.0437582087199948,
+    1.0718487411987458,
+    1.1004250896437773,
+    1.1194711959360109,
+    1.1437610856843738,
+    1.1703135770105868,
+    1.2056434217949175,
+    1.2338045789280789,
+    1.2543783796951538,
+    1.2881091828814166,
+    1.3112986519959224,
+    1.3412713397963407,
+    1.3643779221604135,
+    1.3915419763427743,
+    1.4135745730894449,
+    1.4437349779195308,
+    1.4780368538634174,
+    1.5059249898934794,
+    1.5377824779923701,
+    1.5720832254223982,
+    1.6052142651949446,
+    1.6359894194069291,
+    1.6698249679324384,
+    1.7010194250562272,
+    1.7272294927445859,
+    1.7640864928040065,
+    1.8021508917193763,
+    1.836941181297739,
+    1.8572858792099074,
+    1.8790413654272671,
+    1.9118884108245098,
+    1.942073490357896,
+    1.9694860799879985,
+    2.0015645272239428,
+    2.0522149106625998,
+    2.0912660589444134,
+    2.1247257810064668,
+    2.1749093251088301,
+    2.2217650563723126,
+    2.2797139028050473,
+    2.3273351675369698,
+    2.3662520837977135,
+    2.4085161957373407,
+    2.44842259128407,
+    2.4966048731591064,
+    2.5293551875388931,
+    2.5632601598410365,
+    2.6058201417068219,
+    2.6332894599197223,
+    2.6736218730705206,
+    2.7182676740160878,
+    2.7675212194433909,
+    2.812780412941005,
+    2.851379316835152,
+    2.8952580472277556,
+    2.9324664002449192,
+    2.9730447751871556,
+    3.0227975296309393,
+    3.0615273198990827,
+    3.1268021698603428,
+    3.174893627551298,
+    3.2193684712802222,
+    3.2683746695506959,
+    3.3223129099795639,
+    3.373078633435032,
+    3.436781965208882,
+    3.4965341709413189,
+    3.5485636123343998,
+    3.6258706424876941,
+    3.6600532837001367,
+    3.70560155555301,
+    3.7650593373841739,
+    3.8358507676461393,
+    3.9084549757206171,
+    3.9708021023524647,
+    4.0212671115382888,
+    4.0946288617889595,
+    4.1394244422887896,
+    4.2188351505187107,
+    4.2823861107092336,
+    4.345215736329938,
+    4.4124531199132271,
+    4.4715502537649803,
+    4.5793747033075158,
+    4.6772348615589658,
+    4.7793135998354499,
+    4.8587348255519132,
+    4.9729544448725447,
+    5.0694000105385566,
+    5.1648687512296263,
+    5.2375026757215011,
+    5.3107689102038451,
+    5.3918869300439356,
+    5.4798227286901664,
+    5.5404131589193328,
+    5.648241044217758,
+    5.7449977826195706,
+    5.8598429438509489,
+    5.9784308800284593,
+    6.0724910376893559,
+    6.2240939885017204,
+    6.3418997607004348,
+    6.4869662152984544,
+    6.6005309624044228,
+    6.7321547133945252,
+    6.8313273194562418,
+    6.9553827276444107,
+    7.0978539209087161,
+    7.2385617409417087,
+    7.4083545257663301,
+    7.5207064390014864,
+    7.6784562087734116,
+    7.8094272468662487,
+    7.9694720845049609,
+    8.1498776347751605,
+    8.3017112945801781,
+    8.5266505277166349,
+    8.6503142671472784,
+    8.9054272928070564,
+    9.1373026527777839,
+    9.3315715528110896,
+    9.5401595700260877,
+    9.7597048968193185,
+    9.9666371700161704,
+    10.22144069326451,
+    10.408114251683418,
+    10.676084943208242,
+    10.908036087339795,
+    11.20436716656776,
+    11.477519824720831,
+    11.808217307144476,
+    12.095306359268855,
+    12.384349218033464,
+    12.685309460589796,
+    12.923557637527606,
+    13.204138344604788,
+    13.616900691559191,
+    13.979656973992922,
+    14.606515576714788,
+    14.962258652534821,
+    15.314510650339031,
+    15.724483559731054,
+    16.382829228207918,
+    17.009132961353529,
+    17.366569031693889,
+    17.900210603831621,
+    18.648573105414446,
+    19.363994023453447,
+    20.143558523165193,
+    20.828002130195308,
+    21.73898624871266,
+    22.409876982562661,
+    23.415203632804776,
+    24.355119676733135,
+    25.938175172718896,
+    27.639017238717773,
+    29.341494300849057,
+    30.595119225694788,
+    32.714674098003904,
+    35.49272152410154,
+    37.928565199883295,
+    43.491713440727274,
+    47.581292491927705,
+    57.969627624865709,
+    63.340294577285306,
+    80.397876878853367,
+    1699.4418298669216,
+    0.0,
+    0.057563746961587628,
+    0.072111582138628103,
+    0.08953965473080569,
+    0.096680126595439592,
+    0.11426458268489206,
+    0.12297408594046662,
+    0.13531860413261979,
+    0.14452962166237915,
+    0.18495685986529226,
+    0.19550850903207695,
+    0.22061034782875669,
+    0.24758609568932677,
+    0.2612060900760057,
+    0.26777787436395784,
+    0.27913993724767144,
+    0.29698064960443493,
+    0.31244925057107031,
+    0.32122508788845933,
+    0.33311366430341305,
+    0.34236037155250942,
+    0.35256380627730061,
+    0.35729858105022982,
+    0.36206918848814695,
+    0.36696792159332803,
+    0.37634614206748435,
+    0.38534850898782269,
+    0.3894744547332164,
+    0.40001857990165496,
+    0.40628143701841141,
+    0.41257543810712505,
+    0.42792024247708083,
+    0.43741390937376029,
+    0.44679385424881979,
+    0.45338668180597402,
+    0.45852917891908479,
+    0.46847035670602488,
+    0.47881191760237773,
+    0.48636454017775488,
+    0.49953494697176376,
+    0.50860731875951681,
+    0.51485110540295576,
+    0.52109982877729388,
+    0.52856828716304816,
+    0.53396501041075717,
+    0.54519067350690764,
+    0.55087030570382234,
+    0.56120787950497175,
+    0.56947875574614748,
+    0.57879694500782908,
+    0.59045771217758214,
+    0.60020074472460661,
+    0.61356581621742379,
+    0.62339692092995469,
+    0.62921777922324307,
+    0.63757958596122966,
+    0.64566282308710643,
+    0.65337163144903077,
+    0.65757954743934188,
+    0.66731107005984081,
+    0.68506693378151473,
+    0.69407449975565316,
+    0.71475464833393743,
+    0.71919154363460669,
+    0.72854121818321049,
+    0.73768805533929283,
+    0.74964936797719572,
+    0.77319064552644212,
+    0.78475208628536974,
+    0.79568283458133116,
+    0.80765736770217855,
+    0.81877434008276662,
+    0.82795271525666825,
+    0.83973491168326087,
+    0.84972560110746476,
+    0.85639470621002023,
+    0.8647134858775507,
+    0.88244802261826683,
+    0.89985271988240045,
+    0.92340768696765485,
+    0.93788541450428287,
+    0.94792835531188524,
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+    0.96921149562521636,
+    0.97952213604373195,
+    0.98854957689191614,
+    0.99970116951294496,
+    1.00882043327571,
+    1.0201870773908586,
+    1.041349919759516,
+    1.0556530343908901,
+    1.0756585260782074,
+    1.088223830319788,
+    1.0958784727426483,
+    1.1149995386526934,
+    1.1304796415226661,
+    1.1446063542280724,
+    1.1638356180596499,
+    1.1745794869462154,
+    1.193511657405055,
+    1.2182391405087374,
+    1.2382096317106388,
+    1.2472982421708765,
+    1.2622218704529613,
+    1.2744400683695623,
+    1.2908221594923039,
+    1.305167165044943,
+    1.3252374721898401,
+    1.3384679854994657,
+    1.3542873322844842,
+    1.3724563152241775,
+    1.3892962190041085,
+    1.4109408775708268,
+    1.419655422200014,
+    1.4315263030154188,
+    1.4527276892177177,
+    1.4683378048771656,
+    1.4867165057343337,
+    1.516076453749051,
+    1.5433792065946024,
+    1.5553543482759045,
+    1.5609831318052232,
+    1.5806764726673499,
+    1.6041131847991026,
+    1.6344144243726575,
+    1.6710888016711845,
+    1.7061932731840148,
+    1.7354452179890347,
+    1.7630243267926291,
+    1.7975788676407549,
+    1.814028785525206,
+    1.8281150670319055,
+    1.8550087441605427,
+    1.8737649522280617,
+    1.8856226040366797,
+    1.9079304881331332,
+    1.9442107218496263,
+    1.9659920408787115,
+    1.9983699901526899,
+    2.0223202139688512,
+    2.0401740051464592,
+    2.0748888988742027,
+    2.1149914291249212,
+    2.1360608521646109,
+    2.1565833101041338,
+    2.1693334907915234,
+    2.207376721598215,
+    2.2255919603217067,
+    2.272629194554781,
+    2.3279774087392666,
+    2.3517585387327471,
+    2.3910765083557908,
+    2.4703248547335415,
+    2.5208338119493607,
+    2.5806226807785433,
+    2.6402836153572076,
+    2.7185362598168772,
+    2.7677835795641461,
+    2.8180997959029526,
+    2.8326345693021624,
+    2.8701055927549652,
+    2.9318268717765115,
+    3.0139842815042615,
+    3.0571236539047622,
+    3.1734047661118234,
+    3.2297672388561938,
+    3.3059073464928148,
+    3.3897975561487925,
+    3.4745601523423382,
+    3.5452181551689357,
+    3.6265670674665991,
+    3.7050473014775043,
+    3.8309245560041219,
+    3.9372996837644192,
+    4.0716930145722978,
+    4.212857083996437,
+    4.2692123731220972,
+    4.46591990841738,
+    4.5523023767467139,
+    4.6548916677892533,
+    4.7758394764018659,
+    4.9758326990027228,
+    5.2769985200911247,
+    5.5486096014042028,
+    5.7245726086000337,
+    6.0102407093754762,
+    6.1426829331257933,
+    6.287333950013684,
+    6.5928811370882103,
+    6.9367730409204489,
+    7.0646691460119388,
+    7.2083448239980932,
+    7.5049899728910674,
+    8.1901484843386374,
+    8.6011704867597345,
+    9.304469886954676,
+    10.665731252277961,
+    11.88866301597937,
+    13.361123901157045,
+    18.497872676781789,
+    25.178694947474682,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_dists.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_dists.py
index 32735db625baa68767ad3f77b31f00178b324972..50a2dcb68495bf483b97c7a8cf68c51fe70bffbc 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_dists.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_dists.py
@@ -9,1136 +9,3421 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2008_def_dists = [
-    0.0, 0.057628562576303784, 0.091878457821655726, 0.1132900806480715,
-    0.16850875337211296, 0.23480972950916859, 0.25538164963671517,
-    0.31559279249314726, 0.3709861971858377, 0.39525547000677452,
-    0.48512586717169626, 0.50506908796001859, 0.57765035525262631,
-    0.62148541152837633, 0.64263863444579483, 0.69882483312164267,
-    0.7161545153916149, 0.80411890720042356, 0.8805970872918405,
-    0.95906879172041093, 0.9964168954980418, 1.0467630571651532,
-    1.0811313132957849, 1.107613450320283, 1.1414327414809755,
-    1.200680497698831, 1.2258265309284444, 1.3292666112945957,
-    1.3827312359018287, 1.4123188606803245, 1.5512850653633397,
-    1.6356584995938095, 1.6731651325192813, 1.7284734590792767,
-    1.7492218434041287, 1.7668984797381611, 1.859839254768237,
-    1.8915873446892628, 1.906971142493358, 1.9739012545347705,
-    2.0042595869827151, 2.0404670643203007, 2.0801334669349569,
-    2.1361786545358559, 2.1800889828349126, 2.2526723098806514,
-    2.4615221000598324, 2.522133895087689, 2.5349568672753051,
-    2.6130589764080723, 2.7500027760987162, 2.8562937139926889,
-    2.9119263033764744, 3.0019158345608132, 3.075603035061484,
-    3.1141526815876208, 3.1813265812952172, 3.3676587418240587,
-    3.554323576839598, 3.6496213142048179, 3.6874293716075122,
-    3.7856923728140917, 3.8474310667342051, 3.9949344157172133,
-    4.125555286661946, 4.3290913548691856, 4.4952013654404812,
-    4.556343784992352, 4.639912221981799, 4.7146391204010234,
-    4.8227084013441566, 4.9863406697764292, 5.1842339785740776,
-    5.3023803998521304, 5.4750202011939866, 5.54048973773856,
-    5.6494197613846904, 6.031189352625824, 6.1768307442788197,
-    6.2620964668403225, 6.4351623085815, 6.7265466116268859,
-    6.7915288820461273, 6.858752135722245, 7.0391175979404581,
-    7.1234944848067601, 7.3258340038478451, 7.6012540830071256,
-    7.8610379546027023, 8.1407339356122499, 8.6344134454714787,
-    8.7180144432721391, 9.0978762948485237, 9.2738466401608814,
-    9.3278635864048827, 9.4424890946840847, 9.6030189615224657,
-    9.7486413490900201, 9.9120876012927628, 10.0634236132968,
-    10.415298132107214, 10.522058512873633, 10.613299539059163,
-    10.777003890057323, 11.19134404322137, 11.263117192375013,
-    11.498561061679176, 12.21806762702662, 12.483196087543357,
-    13.54470365954359, 13.849619017840872, 14.123084642390928,
-    14.398832659078749, 14.566089250066417, 14.807446823406554,
-    14.954042474253805, 15.017632122375311, 15.534486588862363,
-    16.087579752773408, 16.335273051167704, 16.59865583486215,
-    16.787365784531143, 16.930772808747413, 16.978230896616772,
-    17.45341757723757, 17.54161801859598, 17.670822982069833,
-    18.057953137339432, 18.349411130934708, 18.874645742669262,
-    19.811500245302732, 20.617053831744901, 21.425708785184192,
-    22.13342945397601, 22.514800015329385, 22.600876120356858,
-    22.995926973030485, 23.562574109846953, 24.294710403256879,
-    24.710775959864485, 25.735807637080889, 26.538055293359648,
-    27.290028726831821, 27.773430106003083, 29.668208899311839,
-    29.767759573249858, 30.328136166047656, 31.494086670497492,
-    31.717352094096093, 32.525981982450979, 33.265585384845679,
-    33.751316746168612, 34.201802003064067, 36.899918838933765,
-    38.096479462365799, 39.516017768346714, 39.989735840240321,
-    41.194468318352641, 43.299364753871842, 43.400612046669139,
-    44.217051933181644, 45.224566778084622, 46.422304247376758,
-    46.960808813383558, 48.299557096246531, 49.543362472280329,
-    52.100735352804534, 53.655447353773283, 55.960391277909508,
-    59.70514539293125, 61.843693253111184, 68.081331605587849,
-    71.540166073226146, 73.270793327751335, 76.171347038456744,
-    76.713947935814872, 79.452578223589953, 81.242818023980888,
-    85.253618574552505, 90.576557423795492, 92.997247053710012,
-    95.821107577619216, 106.64500479999833, 120.18058037798956,
-    126.50923215826064, 131.32814912989315, 147.1399472964454,
-    167.43638431036157, 192.68604805851697, 214.74959666043176,
-    236.90417250922937, 270.13811088102972, 311.13617202210634,
-    348.43212870989748, 397.49279405192692, 418.52939500887197,
-    490.05308025042825, 601.26449991098229, 943.69926165035622,
-    2272.151119348498, 2272.151119348498, 0.0, 0.068201728466174436,
-    0.11237783313391692, 0.12830033204755303, 0.14738276605539258,
-    0.17452595819420164, 0.18740679497876259, 0.22092788589298604,
-    0.24698157312934674, 0.26321755681186182, 0.278982404063846,
-    0.29425614113597565, 0.30386598141884186, 0.33348471684689712,
-    0.35448258891286477, 0.38416466052319098, 0.41799061907192603,
-    0.43332985148006498, 0.46022545438188606, 0.46720029992587914,
-    0.4834191580769957, 0.49135304898180576, 0.50065137294598305,
-    0.54116902167600822, 0.56502516934264901, 0.58383186711851243,
-    0.59988283878047788, 0.61745037135253056, 0.64851934211375817,
-    0.65771446388077714, 0.68201656335208749, 0.69501882934571635,
-    0.70859407070539537, 0.76811748190181783, 0.785547174693628,
-    0.80584170571483826, 0.80977921469642378, 0.84983656800224905,
-    0.87762202858938831, 0.89989293732657549, 0.92737970573962192,
-    0.94822275849814597, 0.97010634169397159, 1.0004701361644599,
-    1.027252813486935, 1.0516264427778705, 1.085865795301199,
-    1.1039829998101676, 1.1231421375848933, 1.1351908524310048,
-    1.1870327649828589, 1.2108652899633887, 1.2418615536907456,
-    1.2620878726057261, 1.2831955088252662, 1.306480565141986,
-    1.3214819027067988, 1.3819750197102438, 1.3964962886754628,
-    1.4416267404974048, 1.4723276588556404, 1.5102821076425617,
-    1.5397500825876973, 1.5614284610319382, 1.6110339651345407,
-    1.6433416553385205, 1.6728829936173992, 1.6999366415445392,
-    1.7240699041761254, 1.7508519958752469, 1.7969849629216739,
-    1.8430561905053708, 1.8717904098493616, 1.9063368309633759,
-    1.9506003143418458, 2.0298196868542142, 2.0991713956674101,
-    2.1633526448161282, 2.2629929459851224, 2.29081267396016,
-    2.3416198215358914, 2.3573314548287789, 2.4218587714491338,
-    2.4993355473824033, 2.5384325382544848, 2.6491004992037666,
-    2.7210651339892107, 2.8237246255258426, 2.8700824362814488,
-    2.9188785020766925, 2.9635962519687955, 3.0154773635321317,
-    3.1026722776260538, 3.1782308010920812, 3.2642539873638139,
-    3.322125355058692, 3.3714861504441376, 3.4218839487759731,
-    3.5144951962763513, 3.5765944072239031, 3.6273675925681212,
-    3.7247691072149096, 3.8232379391542128, 3.8893216636307564,
-    3.9288057496282955, 4.0390899251352117, 4.1600948751312279,
-    4.1871263152018612, 4.2621860547974828, 4.3500604627307435,
-    4.5436519743962078, 4.5849723086596628, 4.729044783865576,
-    4.8683804704143165, 4.9563493866144599, 5.0241568504440179,
-    5.1468726623856105, 5.1949999782992462, 5.3140299451508861,
-    5.4879645142694358, 5.7223471643025841, 5.8380855647564118,
-    5.953449532130346, 6.0187020640170728, 6.2108553226358252,
-    6.3916059248644403, 6.4913362763076323, 6.6031140372618351,
-    6.6636491589809301, 6.9509407634766989, 7.1531488937141772,
-    7.2409474401975658, 7.4303919093490327, 7.5669382679335202,
-    7.7441286658925934, 7.9000616206163423, 8.0724648473816156,
-    8.2412216959472371, 8.4137214458024516, 8.6069007301001861,
-    8.7736666850099372, 8.9890876982826367, 9.155130462775519,
-    9.3411611417176861, 9.4866270624314577, 9.5872328045423547,
-    9.8527914805110655, 9.9514305967967953, 10.292405041584022,
-    10.75673026860011, 11.169289189746417, 11.46807997463821,
-    11.689766834399332, 11.966027273630296, 12.351431387718186,
-    12.727667430393458, 13.119586645059071, 13.424611040389257,
-    13.786397020277862, 13.968352336123267, 14.21068016740667,
-    14.453408188853816, 15.461180267394132, 15.895481313307476,
-    16.317601512617198, 16.780792483093965, 17.624171385239844,
-    18.139839382922045, 18.594772196087924, 20.516375547145831,
-    21.567448512929186, 21.977404088239552, 23.299471636450161,
-    24.278490139740818, 24.993212131783924, 26.592135163847711,
-    27.623113931391885, 28.865470012834731, 29.227604875711496,
-    31.101999334866235, 31.57497302654869, 32.684647994128909,
-    33.375146403972977, 37.692891082911196, 39.851813023596023,
-    41.523584144387264, 46.008072429817098, 49.647884975691284,
-    52.784847459347759, 54.294626625518887, 63.228644431972903,
-    69.726924033194564, 74.015904215742552, 86.164937892726826,
-    100.73311845118887, 112.18515642738907, 135.19609351797098,
-    176.61381022152227, 242.73583361720463, 308.26543522152377,
-    513.52205453065437, 0.0, 0.064681645397600726, 0.097055786527166205,
-    0.11671616479466058, 0.14904699771147067, 0.1812546389613125,
-    0.20555172420798953, 0.2183799557562153, 0.24037810467237944,
-    0.25036231174093732, 0.26632542829596018, 0.2738878158208915,
-    0.28695869973365634, 0.30912145801504926, 0.32069346660692333,
-    0.32716841268857905, 0.33921112396795472, 0.35411605334840923,
-    0.36992181322350265, 0.37555978900730691, 0.39245722745804307,
-    0.40098714822474785, 0.40795369226674527, 0.4172218451215533,
-    0.42679459853118645, 0.45012838868569222, 0.46395657933185602,
-    0.47588120991692906, 0.4859429317025537, 0.5012486174834101,
-    0.51554915854539141, 0.52673766504363306, 0.54037167562839805,
-    0.55386824464727247, 0.56986151348392444, 0.58441413430603695,
-    0.59504137541093982, 0.60183139418849574, 0.6097548033252651,
-    0.61636145539533693, 0.63729376685379835, 0.65492235590733228,
-    0.66704610998785618, 0.700953708734812, 0.7190525585629578,
-    0.73579423752153761, 0.74901914818208437, 0.7639095729012253,
-    0.78507593810209142, 0.7991677445398635, 0.82057225160808045,
-    0.83874577852045251, 0.8514279150065982, 0.86730722882820255,
-    0.890038058955962, 0.90572082476051208, 0.93235631316890322,
-    0.95142142918059724, 0.969384366562271, 0.99218758210384461,
-    1.00299637932868, 1.0092887025882542, 1.0324830139871306,
-    1.0486654108510693, 1.0641141875260127, 1.0835468393653898,
-    1.1071616076049358, 1.1168131966461825, 1.1456586118817482,
-    1.1644419001186364, 1.1774811339270124, 1.2092190407790164,
-    1.2384799339065578, 1.2616903228237686, 1.2889294434698533,
-    1.3164843722957189, 1.3568929832436432, 1.3789685995582368,
-    1.4016262455149839, 1.4303108283460788, 1.4487819999160492,
-    1.48021838699676, 1.5050773691689014, 1.5354136497221011,
-    1.5761026989532505, 1.5976227134137739, 1.6180255352377244,
-    1.6461488070064747, 1.6754933786486672, 1.7043391941827599,
-    1.7436653784542346, 1.7574238222395258, 1.8083751761401707,
-    1.8364695449180659, 1.8853960408395598, 1.9209489973470637,
-    1.9614779158767812, 1.9837030977196592, 2.0254456515521015,
-    2.06356755784513, 2.1061669436995003, 2.1608319242443135,
-    2.176533829184859, 2.2139646657342289, 2.2418326677035214,
-    2.2819602869499667, 2.3275988135789891, 2.355439289035997,
-    2.4108423085380779, 2.4436348968031414, 2.5031234860019178,
-    2.5439256045997136, 2.5773599788744934, 2.6327828846554593,
-    2.6997266593235456, 2.7317169496478648, 2.8033821298933836,
-    2.872746199477366, 2.911616529815233, 2.9546022533503957,
-    3.0081446390299069, 3.0894107259868058, 3.1461648060150367,
-    3.2073093130678618, 3.2707390207274067, 3.3815481629909145,
-    3.4779532042245807, 3.4955043576213232, 3.5757478436815138,
-    3.6322878543855621, 3.7796644436769657, 3.8151756075230678,
-    3.8802551661883786, 4.0289839922041422, 4.1279506765446614,
-    4.1958722575439298, 4.2681132445184655, 4.3694161532010058,
-    4.4793716338291727, 4.5714087303580433, 4.6493194432085412,
-    4.7141095620043281, 4.8655065654352976, 4.9733934483219935,
-    5.038859603913723, 5.1120453856118537, 5.2240263349175526,
-    5.326857227285414, 5.4452851717228903, 5.6191948437507619,
-    5.8251247312267305, 6.0364763774143135, 6.1085463321063269,
-    6.2898990925768432, 6.4181400947195311, 6.6210137015645536,
-    6.7263257016206106, 6.8855750366072552, 7.1232383189565454,
-    7.4007790575336729, 7.5183445501556623, 7.6542486054829189,
-    7.7796080000079355, 8.0776151677243515, 8.4160158721268967,
-    8.6283072431350387, 9.0099513745919317, 9.1985032179916839,
-    9.3715895144040058, 9.689097239085406, 9.9747151298520151,
-    10.162420972781135, 10.525043005039576, 10.9348593423718,
-    11.220406152599313, 11.472292936429914, 12.331513581808927,
-    12.99141401636353, 13.792445320126436, 14.159631387529567,
-    14.898875104642451, 15.391013071702499, 16.58446392489617,
-    17.397044111420918, 18.246693100142146, 19.539678557308235,
-    21.894007859929044, 23.769625964542684, 25.674579790101415,
-    28.595587316047272, 30.020256306881702, 33.276780738700346,
-    35.817076665002631, 42.110340471763912, 48.790270781601912,
-    54.046938187573666, 67.878422664921544, 86.808719614124982,
-    106.08957126365338, 212.6174296424627, 530.67951165916725, 0.0,
-    0.066200047903027276, 0.083721669217692474, 0.097716651445752478,
-    0.11022140255760769, 0.12682667647071302, 0.1310312002419774,
-    0.14174741060946225, 0.15012768070557803, 0.16322364512908868,
-    0.18204188144428807, 0.1932509011687073, 0.20736566877237284,
-    0.21677471984321531, 0.22208330716146871, 0.2368478044903545,
-    0.24800109075566285, 0.26042292583219756, 0.27071259593706476,
-    0.28654565496167866, 0.29337837365624814, 0.30198842285047178,
-    0.30844586201328328, 0.3149470593102916, 0.32463921048140526,
-    0.33612661364720992, 0.34538798562234241, 0.35362965043869748,
-    0.36471294151406786, 0.37175950729075813, 0.38160665904037616,
-    0.38574106898579719, 0.39688874219887516, 0.40205350235521997,
-    0.41084581512509888, 0.4190808913198204, 0.43544148967863316,
-    0.44346612867974777, 0.45227198826541537, 0.46661118452309958,
-    0.47567354802653689, 0.49123378069289259, 0.5026379690695526,
-    0.51145199410264641, 0.5230420844440421, 0.53633757129515192,
-    0.55323199501557874, 0.5709327471747897, 0.57668332951826085,
-    0.58661731761735014, 0.60316797340939221, 0.61231767919746716,
-    0.62173743546202065, 0.63367739150206992, 0.64417081791316222,
-    0.650588306867667, 0.66136245644028779, 0.67194367164364066,
-    0.68483211499577568, 0.69390170098605697, 0.70978541298372555,
-    0.71733880725642318, 0.72982716816440152, 0.744382107200665,
-    0.75464756880526096, 0.76971757975591903, 0.79092500924780884,
-    0.80139259706827826, 0.82007493231551376, 0.83636749901593976,
-    0.85607123696181142, 0.87178377197180712, 0.89028508898771552,
-    0.90709689710063435, 0.92105845964996935, 0.94062127053830347,
-    0.95072473335636265, 0.96303055939494286, 0.97648251804695785,
-    0.99369926534400232, 1.0090186828881174, 1.0418114909215104,
-    1.0698515568115963, 1.0781642613654208, 1.0953662056922651,
-    1.1107307176100356, 1.1257267330935268, 1.1471842785819382,
-    1.1676817560236403, 1.1877943080225843, 1.216398240925453,
-    1.2316053787491037, 1.2474229964718553, 1.269525880355836,
-    1.3019912398706039, 1.3277002379637455, 1.3443466595361551,
-    1.3685810866232899, 1.3984804559046911, 1.4355750324517496,
-    1.460852572211057, 1.4948996531027956, 1.5268570238239529,
-    1.5522940777876273, 1.5719325888893447, 1.6024193084645637,
-    1.633598364214381, 1.6528693309141695, 1.6741744069714672,
-    1.7003470022341649, 1.735298179037982, 1.7582063751832995,
-    1.7909792627750754, 1.8300707159778025, 1.8684354743589122,
-    1.9062901732716007, 1.9304116745252333, 1.9651822643793164,
-    2.0028643201051111, 2.0355079559039346, 2.0677432834609206,
-    2.0974741272119317, 2.1477636951029404, 2.1758324097429544,
-    2.2038264839493977, 2.2387897181326624, 2.2799150775007226,
-    2.3116834558621813, 2.3770756042717061, 2.4423912978053499,
-    2.5043639857858704, 2.6183935138202945, 2.6651645510870448,
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-    2.8874618455541339, 2.9299786710240685, 2.9902882140860028,
-    3.0106036707675705, 3.0721304018549587, 3.1161855866638852,
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-    3.8952813228916106, 4.0427476635565807, 4.0982562136044365,
-    4.2381714903602026, 4.325585224629334, 4.460333473236096,
-    4.5891338691369086, 4.6893335143109196, 4.7853618220189347,
-    4.8500011901031046, 4.9499390325888388, 5.0651986930646391,
-    5.1906420764523, 5.3052661921332698, 5.3795959386387144, 5.4884702877024898,
-    5.6251182444238585, 5.736009877510825, 5.8235819678819309,
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-    6.7828263511308, 6.9787759843247965, 7.2868999104783532, 7.604505778440271,
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-    10.142102955347768, 10.870897424798827, 11.627557560059024,
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-    15.608105497185557, 16.823724341129342, 18.261126223618554,
-    19.636996869210478, 20.562702661180669, 21.601610993499339,
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-    0.087959980883483738, 0.10194236904560904, 0.11008607182951631,
-    0.11465366805246813, 0.12715531070407432, 0.13166809405389251,
-    0.13847247629313228, 0.14384864573811881, 0.15002396002358567,
-    0.15562720051884482, 0.16116827009383153, 0.16632968738513401,
-    0.17136648014616976, 0.17900086203665841, 0.18694008640938087,
-    0.19702916534694626, 0.20392975208968295, 0.21361422240935368,
-    0.22042948071555513, 0.23063300033673573, 0.23966278802965957,
-    0.24711447349179011, 0.25303301261186184, 0.25579240638304279,
-    0.26267170853506805, 0.26750482270286108, 0.27493473053623635,
-    0.28258910182162267, 0.28822901265050227, 0.29608647684984479,
-    0.30214524820456018, 0.30864368126348923, 0.31508865166237593,
-    0.32124032165523375, 0.33011261444903611, 0.33703483646960708,
-    0.34733723809596734, 0.35691769635678916, 0.36690708933320493,
-    0.37128928317734283, 0.37755689980492391, 0.38701609409764459,
-    0.39302164725609023, 0.40331084641477311, 0.41072208837025759,
-    0.41852937501544424, 0.42932124920083142, 0.43324849767497853,
-    0.43993900664314145, 0.44761176101936301, 0.45202419082248341,
-    0.45529173163984443, 0.46653702581395917, 0.47399725820611593,
-    0.48198881472501576, 0.48708257057534343, 0.49302150180651805,
-    0.49978383605626248, 0.51339894682816312, 0.52160424774706593,
-    0.52748289873084886, 0.53676595811893124, 0.5455171486636371,
-    0.5534396873141485, 0.56241263737675429, 0.56973323223537264,
-    0.57574914723880954, 0.58234713319994302, 0.59066240355655708,
-    0.60510984788748057, 0.61807462013879144, 0.62637623226295402,
-    0.63542696189453973, 0.64701799464926024, 0.65882045306679504,
-    0.67141179273787532, 0.67909380683392095, 0.68707873750652504,
-    0.69640315687854726, 0.70807547488547196, 0.71771853550219356,
-    0.73309718820363279, 0.74214506352540133, 0.75177033126786774,
-    0.76943956404912883, 0.79020165814710741, 0.80781062970338047,
-    0.81634889994531135, 0.82618810526895436, 0.84005098189915028,
-    0.86666756102772669, 0.87735918829690207, 0.88554074010562978,
-    0.90240999323032145, 0.91632635431957332, 0.92982256792581119,
-    0.93859572806129865, 0.95740797855505955, 0.97317410516930258,
-    0.98783906755984918, 1.0108980555570175, 1.0284511401075709,
-    1.0482594431498151, 1.0611613677510832, 1.0784870131371229,
-    1.0919180174352818, 1.1135514694962279, 1.125494491992268,
-    1.1410712650872479, 1.1674352256776539, 1.184785119317356,
-    1.2096294450605212, 1.2323778220867625, 1.2549931419768594,
-    1.2806924911813222, 1.3081961580241186, 1.3320238796794894,
-    1.3534172327636966, 1.3807267144923916, 1.4001500408447822,
-    1.4316269135391197, 1.449518126496226, 1.4807942237706289, 1.4996141554775,
-    1.51697171202322, 1.5501818193618728, 1.5774423949301954,
-    1.6090796134626164, 1.6337740770081619, 1.6692908417512815,
-    1.6961331386742853, 1.7261310689460392, 1.7616614368687207,
-    1.7805522635031978, 1.8048113834777242, 1.8629871128198423,
-    1.9197945215709944, 1.9552472287743048, 2.006402075733154,
-    2.0427474979249962, 2.074496897491799, 2.1328916089262004,
-    2.1753943657622523, 2.2401831220855666, 2.270693018282933,
-    2.3105641384054061, 2.3945586906581622, 2.4399768881846882,
-    2.5000049081492532, 2.5621934580643706, 2.6392295124107816,
-    2.7208587148102463, 2.8097139724064282, 2.8701110813681128,
-    2.9862082469647095, 3.0488516638446339, 3.1242308091436368,
-    3.243153466201278, 3.3051260648856364, 3.4863819457159302,
-    3.5505875681994588, 3.7448427188152658, 3.8463429990501901,
-    3.9838928478843263, 4.1238239879386667, 4.2490672817706532,
-    4.3599387844761468, 4.473253957654526, 4.6690383558822228,
-    4.8383638550300123, 5.0032896939841258, 5.1925150031279994,
-    5.4083749056768973, 5.8187938054935762, 6.1416785529469493,
-    6.5966499906173439, 6.9452175432435155, 7.3694350201120091,
-    7.6611410187916773, 8.1962221951718313, 8.3985520655394108,
-    8.954871482916916, 9.5555811691967367, 10.075581787179221,
-    10.666984624254228, 11.269430893231096, 12.244383827267271,
-    13.43327333120301, 15.035950482663642, 16.932372656888262,
-    19.087843838164819, 21.876507647307918, 24.329735267714369,
-    32.551612521357441, 42.817333269075768, 80.868741705532841,
-    263.02173214876871, 0.0, 0.039467746129120185, 0.051824916097853023,
-    0.061771901689009187, 0.071565972010870144, 0.076518802143588971,
-    0.085618493830758285, 0.093725626920029337, 0.10393841275774901,
-    0.11413580827974683, 0.12152641148533293, 0.12627525292174707,
-    0.12968718206917149, 0.13855089010953145, 0.14242136361586646,
-    0.14961341703535569, 0.15878848104707796, 0.16821185149526602,
-    0.17193496653825602, 0.18370817507532361, 0.19347902698219727,
-    0.20136482066552064, 0.20583838921300673, 0.21305461768025999,
-    0.22181194102152516, 0.22504305621818932, 0.23406898010225857,
-    0.2398853548764919, 0.24436856459787337, 0.25265341913397688,
-    0.26007714837241541, 0.26691829493661323, 0.26931297477030441,
-    0.27726914154785853, 0.28210711764692858, 0.2859614857691346,
-    0.29125186385881313, 0.29881267745856349, 0.30375673974281647,
-    0.30854811947856214, 0.31656603656425492, 0.32546607312581727,
-    0.33113501361486541, 0.33582693482769788, 0.34276150289703894,
-    0.35127805306418919, 0.35845367388296762, 0.36558831277905995,
-    0.36979924962746219, 0.37578338456878752, 0.38327703665171509,
-    0.38743278300825934, 0.3933947408991858, 0.40090502054506943,
-    0.41078320064762447, 0.41434452765896151, 0.42079409894287106,
-    0.4255673661624485, 0.43408043802357538, 0.43842453852669183,
-    0.44479957009297705, 0.44911932255159215, 0.46075892982346434,
-    0.47136693037959077, 0.47672759686825411, 0.48530543752076094,
-    0.49072973814548543, 0.49757125712438277, 0.50205891056941676,
-    0.50989707552295971, 0.52048634390291548, 0.52487724594117247,
-    0.53197428010086045, 0.54193181090656062, 0.54669601892015796,
-    0.55199308212187415, 0.56177797788147832, 0.57397840735843453,
-    0.58305121749436828, 0.58875829816518199, 0.60014475586825022,
-    0.61146976460798996, 0.62147757074967558, 0.62937535472116102,
-    0.63521150679693283, 0.6443683639844624, 0.65570350537151256,
-    0.66248422346281488, 0.67431167007929649, 0.68081103970994383,
-    0.70070897539479826, 0.70949394177954128, 0.72368744374810079,
-    0.73324494948980001, 0.74442385396599853, 0.75726956491948028,
-    0.76814002853040864, 0.78549563545170853, 0.79690455102462399,
-    0.80911780465283023, 0.8217559489409707, 0.83736881584366574,
-    0.84769382359635626, 0.86418498778599284, 0.88747705639947372,
-    0.90131822030096298, 0.91456928681735306, 0.926248872898779,
-    0.94662179325634455, 0.95246146300701406, 0.96865365604621834,
-    0.98601045426396106, 1.004370843669373, 1.0278846153106977,
-    1.044847701668429, 1.0629345673978381, 1.0786014914723667,
-    1.0929756602733387, 1.1261078972699916, 1.1512164532678049,
-    1.1694773456967209, 1.2047879047450252, 1.2191337268903064,
-    1.2371236242769537, 1.2604030750182345, 1.2728991082384753,
-    1.3021733465601504, 1.3366400801240468, 1.3669786453201016,
-    1.3893263316106292, 1.4142311210562548, 1.4371089884829913,
-    1.4735470017754577, 1.520014037615578, 1.5362080843085604,
-    1.57308131482694, 1.6005512179859467, 1.6311466151664402,
-    1.6766677965478609, 1.702427114649556, 1.7358113192351368,
-    1.7589620076466705, 1.8122197381889422, 1.8371172353927989,
-    1.8839698049061866, 1.9368978033833055, 1.9859165193893249,
-    2.0266473776917446, 2.0435418938412577, 2.0904755804619093,
-    2.137008395650732, 2.2105679265040039, 2.2912315391120952,
-    2.3171846492564172, 2.3789143587376254, 2.4392413643504884,
-    2.4804720034966028, 2.5405224136745002, 2.5964604917467198,
-    2.6705999263123781, 2.7251943964162413, 2.772341712266535,
-    2.8651026212603763, 2.9882335264110305, 3.0505642000004207,
-    3.1879882564475781, 3.2713189106502325, 3.3340572644275901,
-    3.3973177283139346, 3.5111941452660176, 3.6432762400676104,
-    3.7893397930271497, 3.8962740628195554, 4.0871617267378353,
-    4.2202691837388713, 4.3774443034324424, 4.4936111350115695,
-    4.7506236842341369, 5.0112340217497193, 5.3496875229084306,
-    5.5766544089000956, 5.8287954513602722, 6.3423620558230542,
-    6.7899919751160516, 7.1981726869941802, 7.7399452080885132,
-    8.3342259680123636, 9.1990412068218603, 9.6467855088846335,
-    10.137584353746163, 10.89364428926409, 11.552396435112094,
-    13.030143614298112, 14.095239648815568, 16.252904088875191,
-    20.637122578101994, 25.04746535648458, 29.349607631916427,
-    39.069463698724505, 53.341542218906731, 131.24704840076191, 0.0,
-    0.032884942472054493, 0.044042928317071753, 0.051717952097554462,
-    0.058447068850037934, 0.068821794240992967, 0.076446506641690143,
-    0.083331576500669718, 0.090983634325567123, 0.097188602723129819,
-    0.1088593709111567, 0.11459623029540639, 0.11844837313630252,
-    0.12384168852201749, 0.12684488135204505, 0.13447015956640213,
-    0.1391542676007054, 0.14625472031000056, 0.15200345906187301,
-    0.15688159917859762, 0.16356525869840099, 0.16595293381775883,
-    0.17208869146003852, 0.17708137414161021, 0.18245018966878032,
-    0.18979132041734897, 0.19637969400495253, 0.2032346071402627,
-    0.20694798677484283, 0.21265331651833888, 0.21882977443215981,
-    0.22494202116978182, 0.23178859272489064, 0.23787915511551139,
-    0.24313950482755242, 0.24682307808790133, 0.24943612844036106,
-    0.25577269021993287, 0.26291464226288852, 0.26970943169082667,
-    0.2725648028979728, 0.28144606977956577, 0.28556551666434349,
-    0.29091966470999592, 0.29709027671048366, 0.30175232279695008,
-    0.30845384710365537, 0.31297498910818361, 0.3160194068150165,
-    0.31918148875981589, 0.32331388150265972, 0.32927405147803945,
-    0.33377069470184595, 0.33894412800963025, 0.34522709990281475,
-    0.35123488575457434, 0.3558821207267826, 0.36144785378066896,
-    0.37019315147158249, 0.37724004091309249, 0.3829924502040804,
-    0.38790812361879717, 0.39588105871510798, 0.40044226663641691,
-    0.40836868589232361, 0.41402643554261809, 0.41875667916369519,
-    0.42450774070868258, 0.43229589405318924, 0.43734997488844168,
-    0.44538394823457816, 0.45353980762093016, 0.45851077590488476,
-    0.46383676125545098, 0.47059046215711398, 0.4762006151939136,
-    0.48431439285713834, 0.49389826855702679, 0.49974442650636974,
-    0.50732118012468475, 0.51342129390440416, 0.52297582923711328,
-    0.53288748131056163, 0.54544803680941312, 0.55056947454571459,
-    0.5630440930673537, 0.57647988095569747, 0.58254891183837865,
-    0.59122845087621589, 0.5957914205706567, 0.60314265091258978,
-    0.61908921631667679, 0.62247554745711642, 0.63329981498300048,
-    0.64301069689433055, 0.64989657369654952, 0.65888445152749431,
-    0.66647227612873217, 0.67668838768171136, 0.68893091987254185,
-    0.7025879217168467, 0.71826561462270089, 0.72771455488965531,
-    0.7391009553915564, 0.75223783989741744, 0.76166485140694018,
-    0.77084000065236591, 0.79065365493321382, 0.804383247442233,
-    0.81683812596185346, 0.82843493554640024, 0.84246759604107702,
-    0.86350701623054671, 0.88180313041705505, 0.90376335449490075,
-    0.91286915972557914, 0.92036986380455399, 0.9291438387362384,
-    0.95352040422537032, 0.96809418471522612, 0.9828969762772849,
-    0.99701637984191405, 1.0053920653287929, 1.0224322964595809,
-    1.0436497009914834, 1.0616070630675405, 1.0802764748267883,
-    1.0951850173844457, 1.1193411761447549, 1.1379681972224709,
-    1.1599468248342446, 1.1886340506700033, 1.2148385191461482,
-    1.2481418152125123, 1.2792573174668869, 1.3154615262708993,
-    1.342394558445551, 1.3629899838283757, 1.3761143300434635,
-    1.4093858037430134, 1.4522804850005502, 1.4748979300612479,
-    1.5306210379322103, 1.5495843761095305, 1.584244002737959,
-    1.6126131532613874, 1.6604506166505426, 1.6921120149154147,
-    1.7126738210319639, 1.7396125064233854, 1.785135464734434,
-    1.824889085813346, 1.8829431177071814, 1.9343935926685978,
-    1.9916768565010168, 2.0267961688503453, 2.0766377474824029,
-    2.1330899777256795, 2.1848037174415449, 2.2801579583808342,
-    2.3579957571857286, 2.4501358388830012, 2.5153457412512981,
-    2.582374390832427, 2.633575300083673, 2.7077686567647499,
-    2.7684316125814457, 2.8476458237947857, 2.9627792222491238,
-    3.0403520366260612, 3.1093550063736379, 3.2559496906005565,
-    3.384456584459806, 3.5451252896822063, 3.658802669941331,
-    3.8535789702629515, 4.1036627374662622, 4.3847833011124493,
-    4.5324017993862, 4.6567473442819232, 4.8795997539612124,
-    5.0351805245400989, 5.4071167044869721, 5.8112812324471728,
-    6.387968909517352, 6.6133968886491754, 6.9446864587547097,
-    7.5543017399007653, 8.3092309621502434, 8.9855329925540648,
-    9.7607248945108189, 10.562225389927731, 11.547524333694614,
-    13.042152628954279, 15.066816239535164, 16.843645091885804,
-    22.29298319668764, 27.78918358142127, 36.15482791135674,
-    48.467620573432804, 150.75527930067238, 0.0, 0.030475436329936944,
-    0.041455577211803325, 0.050587167936695224, 0.058798726126600857,
-    0.065119327951945208, 0.073499955494061478, 0.07885113088345877,
-    0.085143786389228412, 0.08965572615115161, 0.094178377769283547,
-    0.098501280404947864, 0.1030958981377707, 0.10869385918561442,
-    0.11297670615452211, 0.11689141102215121, 0.1214840331703515,
-    0.12584718500031158, 0.12987214864837779, 0.13468557220683824,
-    0.13924503288786391, 0.14386351348014154, 0.1493340912759876,
-    0.15399302445531154, 0.15891197422219733, 0.16342430790220985,
-    0.16862541478716603, 0.17284449028563825, 0.17822842307181602,
-    0.1820267480405092, 0.18688153961477047, 0.1927267317388851,
-    0.1970428163553993, 0.20121205502603673, 0.20565232504914904,
-    0.20898176045815323, 0.21456701344386478, 0.2193381728343505,
-    0.2241310071800133, 0.22817700334024027, 0.23233337863145165,
-    0.23720906624202601, 0.24191353394033271, 0.24708942468474382,
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-    0.45589276061599149, 0.4637504954853186, 0.46972702984856168,
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-    1.223355141542398, 1.2503166821062022, 1.2755553790294463,
-    1.2974083183962621, 1.3271479307498393, 1.3598997679834393,
-    1.3966740129081683, 1.4270275926175096, 1.4608948615990871,
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-    1.5994377044435546, 1.638305110435522, 1.6786361340413112,
-    1.7240031947949774, 1.7621335157109532, 1.8101134128648371,
-    1.8620922391744734, 1.9224643921259204, 1.9710346661166867,
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-    2.6084557648811311, 2.7199516996724253, 2.8338987909810287,
-    2.9216428190030639, 3.0360484810989852, 3.1500945673097052,
-    3.270619104044989, 3.4227068074159761, 3.5665311638055055,
-    3.7247617410661675, 3.925297648069769, 4.1375118576391934,
-    4.3398004727933692, 4.5346219219569655, 4.7447780176553112,
-    5.0148304110646036, 5.3334608060172872, 5.7276260586600891,
-    6.1890543526613122, 6.6801902478700868, 7.2800631153055209,
-    7.8835838788384223, 8.6803326930194569, 9.7122609465184322,
-    10.941190698085899, 12.542472669018284, 14.627074477598748,
-    17.832826769519468, 22.898509435438054, 33.157382047966806,
-    268.8200344237456, 0.0, 0.028898274302596512, 0.040633940377108956,
-    0.047933728659069468, 0.054523381031400885, 0.06011329230279238,
-    0.065188383675028702, 0.071626919796562605, 0.077168570402807349,
-    0.083037174267918165, 0.08755686111436492, 0.092118428080118928,
-    0.096425123862060327, 0.10043552253883403, 0.10554902051980319,
-    0.11009718665642487, 0.11326275217950955, 0.11698509676168573,
-    0.12080022735318345, 0.12517509152109374, 0.13013769328680053,
-    0.13345882034603812, 0.13747142162715098, 0.14150064959740938,
-    0.14442943761896229, 0.14941148229826645, 0.15440519818373027,
-    0.15783715568801643, 0.16265630037450993, 0.16672946241207018,
-    0.17011132508732738, 0.17420920933779047, 0.1787571250538082,
-    0.18406358630263245, 0.18924049544452431, 0.19306320330392984,
-    0.19641759705419837, 0.20044589719386452, 0.20365259207914921,
-    0.20746114210240005, 0.21178663359554398, 0.21561802968012542,
-    0.2201648522340745, 0.22394901627082189, 0.22890960512700576,
-    0.23288763477408511, 0.23799769247855981, 0.24277846906856382,
-    0.24620220114345401, 0.25085581063453694, 0.2547852657654528,
-    0.2584622001605798, 0.26226644168550362, 0.26587748056735006,
-    0.27001206297540875, 0.27333957150348165, 0.27844160533530171,
-    0.28262027978412785, 0.28651353733567758, 0.29232034746442948,
-    0.29580376680146625, 0.29935090999568476, 0.30309728324775276,
-    0.30715090410428514, 0.31201121511000857, 0.31571249520502215,
-    0.31981978170465836, 0.32351704294037775, 0.32816906538652812,
-    0.33260532162929424, 0.3375253795185012, 0.34227658789873155,
-    0.34672628630214691, 0.35173264439552276, 0.35642244422141933,
-    0.36316985109331051, 0.36811409230691677, 0.3739818336331292,
-    0.37900422010827939, 0.38371686137179334, 0.38830090222693142,
-    0.39314672036266179, 0.39750505605076314, 0.40399586297398238,
-    0.40779084214158268, 0.41471724442253388, 0.419908928474307,
-    0.42527068506941523, 0.43082110702825382, 0.43546343483577804,
-    0.44058928875209435, 0.4501165160939869, 0.455800248584872,
-    0.46250910353077601, 0.4679792550227716, 0.4771052601340332,
-    0.48317268060065444, 0.49024307149325064, 0.49795121259530739,
-    0.50489713934710001, 0.51144292478572784, 0.52042454216218859,
-    0.52715808936571795, 0.53458634795400084, 0.54336964463015824,
-    0.55167313602281232, 0.55895482076372938, 0.56755092529864581,
-    0.5767512365389893, 0.58757892054706506, 0.59812779085356993,
-    0.60674604159456691, 0.61595140194035713, 0.62390929987658528,
-    0.63464413788738838, 0.64205470333131864, 0.64919687404877857,
-    0.66358361675173039, 0.67457487585108067, 0.68565375079097346,
-    0.69515353663280854, 0.70835712049313537, 0.71637388222414811,
-    0.72810587108889246, 0.74259519148707775, 0.75505940962506923,
-    0.76533718705099252, 0.77978770960457156, 0.79277034764412091,
-    0.81042776509929326, 0.8252185957527518, 0.84081567710998861,
-    0.85591239426333621, 0.87366392436831841, 0.8906804437761574,
-    0.90431935636817162, 0.92374870367862294, 0.9403922748286605,
-    0.96024005012655089, 0.9834409532310171, 1.0063612444728725,
-    1.0237103083075751, 1.0406894015881631, 1.0646614938416241,
-    1.0953872473777502, 1.1182073342474079, 1.1431128152282664,
-    1.1700990970833274, 1.1937825903128636, 1.2194906544605457,
-    1.2510699786546229, 1.2724440268105714, 1.3012328136568787,
-    1.3306077291828782, 1.3661125359622348, 1.4057121542663247,
-    1.438874003521625, 1.4852719546886077, 1.53160091645302,
-    1.5835611112903651, 1.6195792978908965, 1.6633225682365109,
-    1.7092772469624007, 1.7547058942561764, 1.7983361923251511,
-    1.8554877739779563, 1.9046272406631959, 1.9419569456472263,
-    2.007485115392952, 2.0766613504192311, 2.1363921756522712,
-    2.2042343314393218, 2.2881456308297792, 2.3461181458892382,
-    2.4247974852833076, 2.5226066296330565, 2.6287822381475663,
-    2.7093614689581362, 2.8121552403853838, 2.9431246632384611,
-    3.0643163534914351, 3.196540002859162, 3.3476671295609703,
-    3.578795801196712, 3.7570824917749248, 3.956586592960103,
-    4.1768360199630372, 4.472267971856815, 4.7565859357335603,
-    4.9434439507675787, 5.3520609425930763, 5.8616989500167476,
-    6.4670935400506355, 7.1530922193648818, 7.7821104509969494,
-    8.8151940771286945, 9.7442668096522507, 11.579039475678208,
-    14.881052320293959, 23.3134974983852, 162.64936699836366, 0.0,
-    0.024602282011824184, 0.033143590712601562, 0.04010112014507021,
-    0.047902150582693877, 0.053593751494366668, 0.062881795990017086,
-    0.069817105932830248, 0.074260939707892284, 0.078749877606011834,
-    0.081760044924091488, 0.084762821011376818, 0.089159093597265968,
-    0.094139760178390847, 0.097396291127248735, 0.10077623786944703,
-    0.10375890948969808, 0.10775393339205297, 0.11107421600652036,
-    0.11454249675077989, 0.11920949455998719, 0.12303922825017929,
-    0.12645066727981549, 0.13048462720436904, 0.1341988563625206,
-    0.13791508807970299, 0.14051821878738302, 0.14390700642876164,
-    0.14729815411578639, 0.15116482000305284, 0.15414159957761076,
-    0.15804245202080439, 0.16172156388894671, 0.16616763697232559,
-    0.17065475263188637, 0.17483972650814011, 0.17834701051598184,
-    0.18178605513225987, 0.18596570995349604, 0.19037643524106021,
-    0.19362400150613118, 0.19718898681246891, 0.2022368611342357,
-    0.20627559864432171, 0.21047667837856643, 0.21441293730751429,
-    0.21798145949842526, 0.22269174316657275, 0.22805839010378598,
-    0.23142809067166253, 0.23544682877794354, 0.23918263561370051,
-    0.24332300301909804, 0.24826906410872435, 0.25329675001124591,
-    0.25742137093006096, 0.26143472523908162, 0.26537197580924371,
-    0.26880822609496718, 0.27325053108693759, 0.27801599017393808,
-    0.28185455264796982, 0.28551898655760571, 0.28969797468999514,
-    0.29469614849601827, 0.29819033120752614, 0.30227519353061394,
-    0.30780461335572351, 0.31237611153645817, 0.31627202746095395,
-    0.31963567780659174, 0.32237740964523504, 0.32589638801542542,
-    0.3305286646674907, 0.33420221321848032, 0.33989663227054645,
-    0.34416327912283068, 0.35034447837510441, 0.35498972403807633,
-    0.35855091882620921, 0.36327633213491833, 0.36753998247607372,
-    0.3729367659785795, 0.37985192360779313, 0.38437016760352599,
-    0.39005755502373884, 0.39482572425216256, 0.4001927093622929,
-    0.40602742972788325, 0.41233512801313243, 0.41899152804988438,
-    0.42337530114761357, 0.42792125565896905, 0.43382026465554158,
-    0.44268614546944335, 0.44830619792220222, 0.45415410061721351,
-    0.46167530106933863, 0.46895550041529654, 0.47530473993436245,
-    0.48211460809658874, 0.48857483722379846, 0.49668510358579077,
-    0.502197066237135, 0.50751626698891095, 0.51264907367868728,
-    0.51969473148215983, 0.52818547378333625, 0.5349708260232352,
-    0.54112734609955404, 0.54811112287301356, 0.55616647069377034,
-    0.56629653003164915, 0.57402173658393196, 0.58265287411054412,
-    0.5936899552780841, 0.60345904162633524, 0.61533841077412088,
-    0.6228300863754348, 0.63457632801607111, 0.64512830577873503,
-    0.65448141887048117, 0.66218373436088196, 0.67678504831115915,
-    0.68732881229737786, 0.69861201377323079, 0.70832408210492892,
-    0.72121539173424809, 0.7359553436177424, 0.7531392829935406,
-    0.76543733074434961, 0.77710358182478712, 0.79485555672259334,
-    0.81224713754094657, 0.82988361758294238, 0.84792677249400605,
-    0.86258822924608003, 0.88223434681999902, 0.8944425527153399,
-    0.90955292927291309, 0.92359168030991856, 0.94256546540532238,
-    0.96434694242106067, 0.98312881507572292, 1.0032438887848716,
-    1.0221149781502081, 1.051983899991995, 1.0734774915118375,
-    1.099530441789152, 1.127960244545553, 1.1534134957090025,
-    1.1740889749056131, 1.2012742900536555, 1.2342300186242645,
-    1.2639939024901934, 1.2928179180773745, 1.3208800657063657,
-    1.3529947499482198, 1.3990112708325715, 1.4319941184494371,
-    1.4710663063309652, 1.5244700765754542, 1.5635439274849725,
-    1.5954367199073531, 1.6323134541541804, 1.6724715064169311,
-    1.7158054453195073, 1.7557217613084009, 1.8048129564898812,
-    1.8315787027457608, 1.8815354841358516, 1.9566650167344006,
-    2.0217329340053252, 2.0871078895617967, 2.174040010957027,
-    2.2381267311291735, 2.3160142472723693, 2.4147723365413021,
-    2.5376474031182616, 2.6272818671259373, 2.7401975123216742,
-    2.8684444249229628, 3.0130575018172316, 3.1604260734920331,
-    3.2962359526985634, 3.4644518032671439, 3.6844961008964079,
-    3.869097249632687, 4.0583540650809953, 4.2786209475461598,
-    4.5240194654211052, 4.822566531353826, 5.2714477848841934,
-    5.9366668833227134, 6.6736260326271726, 7.4551267397319529,
-    8.3647745090344028, 9.8450415285668225, 13.306780281265262,
-    17.423150761794336, 35.674610410451407, 0.0, 0.026072158368489466,
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-    0.057774560304207197, 0.063146496944509634, 0.067588098405070435,
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-    0.083942709652846864, 0.087666574981076481, 0.091817280544786176,
-    0.095686966687175301, 0.099145626961583258, 0.10201499654232103,
-    0.10517988601597632, 0.10903765629410936, 0.11233875871599709,
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-    0.12514181216632086, 0.12858606228948036, 0.13177179631102987,
-    0.13482024094190459, 0.13784834878294833, 0.14173344180612701,
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-    0.15493735233574032, 0.157933736355726, 0.16144421044205534,
-    0.16496481804605914, 0.16826466934931564, 0.17176157430765859,
-    0.17500874461399182, 0.17804879932812664, 0.18119742226991276,
-    0.18460902834327048, 0.18841699006227006, 0.19203375816854248,
-    0.19532030848596255, 0.19938169412343268, 0.20296708531160809,
-    0.20618735671870392, 0.21005410851308523, 0.21234742151711827,
-    0.21601167034217333, 0.2193383757310533, 0.222820615737646,
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-    0.23843514043598069, 0.24127671289852604, 0.24517794764409234,
-    0.24860194155386806, 0.25245137707720106, 0.25637962117578617,
-    0.26045765403062382, 0.26378413560952962, 0.26727514960402926,
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-    0.28346759202211091, 0.28803025780779556, 0.29103424057548449,
-    0.2948369270235498, 0.29857003211993777, 0.30250669156367849,
-    0.30693020880140259, 0.31089496342193434, 0.31523727395296902,
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-    0.44655303590621287, 0.45317266402900153, 0.45915054065776795,
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-    0.50243188982979481, 0.51091693503362012, 0.51956374319976362,
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-    0.55062127393281413, 0.55819389427687915, 0.56684075835760694,
-    0.57623528957134074, 0.5852137336415546, 0.59460081643291185,
-    0.60431695479865122, 0.61470640426964351, 0.62697542247017701,
-    0.63629726675946074, 0.64618052793061942, 0.65666316630386357,
-    0.66697229921408963, 0.67607240691087234, 0.68567631485065328,
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-    0.73335327137205786, 0.7491983752217467, 0.76288874208982593,
-    0.77518238687845964, 0.78603287042076431, 0.79995968268653628,
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-    0.90333809106860474, 0.92310933391162042, 0.9405629243797472,
-    0.95692109407032377, 0.97963547072788137, 1.0004217317748421,
-    1.0236926463114733, 1.0479024684311415, 1.0736587494567686,
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-    1.7874905505861236, 1.8348302383376642, 1.8883747008525986,
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-    0.069075624012220505, 0.073207759498264968, 0.075280554146869794,
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-    0.088903479078186923, 0.09243845286973873, 0.094364478720997277,
-    0.096709129954935052, 0.099600772001187554, 0.10194958435962591,
-    0.10513809510421018, 0.10794208190913103, 0.11150222159681712,
-    0.1142579134971833, 0.11634657875634755, 0.11969047101715455,
-    0.12161519787344191, 0.12385053356930883, 0.12634084519901401,
-    0.1291305476386892, 0.13156417910210463, 0.13417493406967573,
-    0.13679964962661262, 0.13945990964839527, 0.14181342525248586,
-    0.14549282281256487, 0.14783340369717113, 0.14958856732057474,
-    0.15255382916645896, 0.15544319048994837, 0.1591542931569995,
-    0.16119409443564187, 0.16370574506975646, 0.16653288283113751,
-    0.16902699557221748, 0.1717260132509677, 0.17468466981937897,
-    0.1779552731592591, 0.18111140017332697, 0.18333071563005016,
-    0.18636531857836564, 0.19016088025525124, 0.19209155599903649,
-    0.19565401433448046, 0.19789779372738567, 0.20022629670546713,
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-    0.26013522490314944, 0.26367297455136646, 0.26617604776659792,
-    0.26987259220624055, 0.27275363634505095, 0.27623705412540422,
-    0.27871993911088333, 0.28203251770501186, 0.28491073583870125,
-    0.28814332922843749, 0.29094277059610124, 0.2938064288488651,
-    0.2969815313602166, 0.30045527623320389, 0.30317724130982737,
-    0.30666702944803848, 0.30970778832795376, 0.31259577673706118,
-    0.31539427764199768, 0.31988050312274674, 0.32178656835758568,
-    0.32443980138047129, 0.3277688075192623, 0.33195003313090921,
-    0.33561880003007449, 0.33962945622215918, 0.34377428459224846,
-    0.349067132730848, 0.35295036042250361, 0.35729246702459938,
-    0.36187726953066712, 0.36506622168141156, 0.36986324059850173,
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-    0.3866300329330194, 0.39204361455678038, 0.3962317851808338,
-    0.4030804475511377, 0.40814046916968216, 0.4119865334190676,
-    0.41817342893503151, 0.42349477228870891, 0.42867287716554325,
-    0.43313666513603649, 0.43739315237997622, 0.44219051331195619,
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-    0.55076304278607535, 0.55854776590405919, 0.56582581731679704,
-    0.57267437404735588, 0.58175877378359275, 0.59034691980596277,
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-    0.6294844755918888, 0.63775217112429661, 0.65038656712647513,
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-    0.79515932542339285, 0.81254279994519929, 0.82700166070107894,
-    0.84377746720044, 0.8616801611253373, 0.87312979926600642,
-    0.89306244383302025, 0.91157949941262495, 0.93649830671061973,
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-    1.0223665747906359, 1.0503696830959937, 1.0755078532636331,
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-    1.1971228830372136, 1.2429765744431311, 1.27151817897234,
-    1.3196059857459572, 1.3607077146634539, 1.4080100832014402,
-    1.4436105483598447, 1.5062656999309187, 1.5705018855286448,
-    1.6196741040179319, 1.7017546419225014, 1.7817219551686443,
-    1.8729498330391841, 2.006473698316642, 2.0957964833521063,
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-    0.070562077753977034, 0.072564969601282711, 0.075957653960410501,
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-    0.092226052618394103, 0.095203088495300195, 0.097507441529407504,
-    0.09931583216850505, 0.10098213901865467, 0.10362977207550068,
-    0.106536499498979, 0.10886405033186211, 0.11088891781357048,
-    0.11328699495935905, 0.11540087510304135, 0.11799931027470408,
-    0.12050531073316835, 0.12242779955312402, 0.12514823721707605,
-    0.12721735558212802, 0.12933447430330011, 0.13203036634017445,
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-    0.14017857392699531, 0.14260782990365448, 0.14507059221307408,
-    0.14695417225791405, 0.1497654226781093, 0.15138564492801476,
-    0.15472639458976323, 0.15772367683889396, 0.16045043223988531,
-    0.16195088977448327, 0.1653371285663317, 0.16739293400606811,
-    0.16902564888868615, 0.17135686517783991, 0.17417715392414423,
-    0.17596450913872053, 0.17803129891730965, 0.1805883516853817,
-    0.1825060880502859, 0.1838873485985828, 0.18554056668826283,
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-    0.19515118537205678, 0.19721801513205642, 0.19995735714435001,
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-    0.21798646354299808, 0.22017242536159604, 0.22218023639013998,
-    0.22376317029676776, 0.22537433505677418, 0.22809119148663043,
-    0.23139281037580572, 0.23480276077988851, 0.23684629676326219,
-    0.23958019092042915, 0.24220286199703944, 0.24366569953375267,
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-    0.2538581843802209, 0.25651702169266016, 0.26003397601516304,
-    0.26243381994538789, 0.26573203122069483, 0.26815769894861019,
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-    0.27748117382633419, 0.280031855760834, 0.28299682369589024,
-    0.28524892290169052, 0.28898573042967923, 0.29228482183314008,
-    0.29504239920787978, 0.29806595908916128, 0.30100912736728097,
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-    0.32974764249150712, 0.33492335792956868, 0.33718040901799218,
-    0.3445901607353572, 0.34780889710624885, 0.35093774887440915,
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-    0.41888281162295166, 0.42393582615245412, 0.42822578404852624,
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-    0.46794991783126505, 0.47105981062684799, 0.47694020659007907,
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-    0.62969186089776408, 0.63837174738104929, 0.65949504499792255,
-    0.67141801254799327, 0.68600870858985674, 0.70043252145572876,
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-    0.83016666521645444, 0.85350687238710088, 0.87938142652533746,
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-    1.1213085582112645, 1.1519192766424888, 1.2067063531674953,
-    1.2531782152469926, 1.3107295260357585, 1.3724083852801383,
-    1.4468184839518206, 1.5305694103262035, 1.6312349936217583,
-    1.756018052127331, 1.8367605970857828, 2.1866989616417953,
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-    0.088756661262206285, 0.089943943671740606, 0.091007938101520788,
-    0.094928097449594656, 0.099174513732067163, 0.10225836726704171,
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-    0.12838761114223329, 0.13077332351034465, 0.13313785622768695,
-    0.13467524077070694, 0.13767775043346175, 0.1395173441181872,
-    0.14023356529287612, 0.14136086842893428, 0.14571034508839201,
-    0.1469532644277852, 0.14759361899260168, 0.14842017101772531,
-    0.15242521256839886, 0.15426856023023913, 0.15672970714335024,
-    0.15841699106659399, 0.16004962219962768, 0.16049659367868152,
-    0.16157625338408105, 0.16342153321263841, 0.16532114637213219,
-    0.16564588513427789, 0.16769053519184424, 0.16854825098054121,
-    0.17028923250134065, 0.17081950396614154, 0.17342913449829525,
-    0.17419644038376433, 0.17653031453657719, 0.17786246650019316,
-    0.17958041035624855, 0.18003570826506662, 0.18432275493254124,
-    0.18459458761615619, 0.18561588691792064, 0.18819478610235629,
-    0.18893514209622653, 0.19095535469625224, 0.19170408021332064,
-    0.19567600800094345, 0.19999780259216959, 0.20284315225727748,
-    0.20373012583225134, 0.20456046242286197, 0.20898756476926456,
-    0.2100591678518928, 0.21318265146979337, 0.21479341720286452,
-    0.21493894958991802, 0.21552884148320978, 0.21678370295180605,
-    0.22005390213330656, 0.2208750353533499, 0.22231160974944153,
-    0.22547606652116448, 0.22883502427842192, 0.23247314084489223,
-    0.23365595384777041, 0.23970523046509304, 0.24138410146972589,
-    0.24522137341984301, 0.24570522451863233, 0.24780703706547635,
-    0.24933355507759977, 0.25284652657486378, 0.25514210353592087,
-    0.26026745358900111, 0.26128019347213516, 0.26202930456238355,
-    0.2653982496052657, 0.27065798701145305, 0.27463053229655843,
-    0.27595152381920862, 0.27800957551439981, 0.27890303616529488,
-    0.28289551881522107, 0.28379888321436764, 0.28474455516979619,
-    0.28548889806913502, 0.28851856129741399, 0.28925469033111689,
-    0.28955788894271245, 0.29350305977266933, 0.29609872122681807,
-    0.30241998726464192, 0.30382080452923382, 0.30448438898977698,
-    0.30631757913135704, 0.30916236790296231, 0.31205028913580696,
-    0.31313738153954629, 0.31539404590186959, 0.32210740953492534,
-    0.32318384166541836, 0.32403796494592974, 0.32464341580886236,
-    0.32818473413596672, 0.33067902264725552, 0.33203810229003639,
-    0.33962444057763569, 0.34073403626495863, 0.34374538688334105,
-    0.34554821131082758, 0.34684735903657665, 0.34836578284950859,
-    0.35197282198795432, 0.35911745218986346, 0.36040424548108152,
-    0.36271817789575339, 0.36453208838267026, 0.3722041874594319,
-    0.3850959970374066, 0.3967374853148608, 0.41083356110814401,
-    0.41558974094228335, 0.41984747597880934, 0.42851282447107242,
-    0.44033883814796876, 0.44769850108485965, 0.45485476695336086,
-    0.45517769344815051, 0.46988589941579539, 0.47336234940402983,
-    0.48228476100040185, 0.4963129125170842, 0.52496401740850696,
-    0.54174268466224507, 0.56778264213285756, 0.59947949441738635,
-    0.61618637620027639, 0.62469990851376267, 0.63559373655292239,
-    0.64028148402424645, 0.6417944978527288, 0.66120751834923108,
-    0.67230387905415456, 0.68549918126957876, 0.73574140945002686,
-    0.76189058824857092, 0.78177211477759978, 0.78478497130854397,
-    0.81183845339312055, 0.92595133931696894, 1.0420074377189543,
-    1.1184834461004387, 1.1868475850375335, 1.3795391514935433,
-    1.6690912806799729, 3.620579386400943, 4.4069707474488888, 0.0,
-    0.030864281125046841, 0.03669053240718801, 0.03669053240718801,
-    0.039541803469962257, 0.039755585819827695, 0.041911399040835309,
-    0.044531607387296508, 0.046731484997993428, 0.046731484997993428,
-    0.06192300563276, 0.06192300563276, 0.066085275241882221,
-    0.067880636244234044, 0.067880636244234044, 0.069612626096000677,
-    0.071396391336907949, 0.074309967475605268, 0.078162954961568054,
-    0.079768809149418779, 0.079768809149418779, 0.081322012057796628,
-    0.081579918597752932, 0.081965289512041781, 0.082670774423793988,
-    0.082670774423793988, 0.083676047986424987, 0.083826394915856112,
-    0.085375798643674658, 0.085510183074035503, 0.088324648985544513,
-    0.088324648985544513, 0.089066018619338688, 0.089523451445578398,
-    0.092390560807742189, 0.10166676719934153, 0.10195388252236594,
-    0.10195388252236594, 0.10528536390229394, 0.10679858905504509,
-    0.10764192688172415, 0.11227193635040114, 0.11227193635040114,
-    0.11244606922440568, 0.1136218868259553, 0.11451053199472827,
-    0.11659577642426923, 0.11691086289458787, 0.11691086289458787,
-    0.1173211686698568, 0.11960461186081611, 0.12046430069545827,
-    0.12256846680870316, 0.12256846680870316, 0.12280198926010166,
-    0.1257225389684917, 0.13059187471398534, 0.13073228193993355,
-    0.13136136021211561, 0.13136136021211561, 0.13233380712258788,
-    0.13614938779187713, 0.14007489771345971, 0.14560628646680376,
-    0.14560628646680376, 0.14756930951437783, 0.14916144609305121,
-    0.14922882591595366, 0.15191188357115223, 0.15579801420071124,
-    0.15610306654452089, 0.15610306654452089, 0.15875192987335729,
-    0.16047737283948593, 0.16705380313003848, 0.16705380313003848,
-    0.168016882808462, 0.17068350389171213, 0.17282355855710782,
-    0.17412526193089098, 0.17681813754652775, 0.17681813754652775,
-    0.17715999760351636, 0.17756752055286806, 0.17871040321678122,
-    0.18018603591927709, 0.18070221855952068, 0.18070221855952068,
-    0.18495477280536446, 0.18580464561947918, 0.18637382093258065,
-    0.18739559121993163, 0.18739559121993163, 0.18989848932672079,
-    0.1902906960015, 0.19079530690057658, 0.19139358210577725,
-    0.1938767861484369, 0.1938767861484369, 0.19812320558888927,
-    0.19864349781538035, 0.20096245867613949, 0.20739126731129648,
-    0.20739126731129648, 0.20890608427242904, 0.21005835424486638,
-    0.21737774907061119, 0.21854346896037202, 0.22284661457281491,
-    0.22284661457281491, 0.23203519715709653, 0.23203519715709653,
-    0.23558872825006388, 0.23602589936541735, 0.23602589936541735,
-    0.23638998760967109, 0.23703292133804643, 0.24047672111025759,
-    0.24232933889648617, 0.24387144046296869, 0.24387144046296869,
-    0.24388260654882868, 0.24896631802503422, 0.25046853137361336,
-    0.25166045673406662, 0.25166045673406662, 0.25359663196242094,
-    0.25498419205566342, 0.25901909865108758, 0.26243633410773498,
-    0.26917225709613957, 0.26917225709613957, 0.27179969406100962,
-    0.27215636119935699, 0.27269960957360972, 0.27295835182412659,
-    0.27444977275651289, 0.27444977275651289, 0.274486965108864,
-    0.27757442781989727, 0.28007367094306918, 0.28306039462916666,
-    0.28306039462916666, 0.29022692808414607, 0.29319016306643131,
-    0.2953248123792146, 0.29727012315484735, 0.30055429636041897,
-    0.30055429636041897, 0.30274018734482672, 0.30371328246605706,
-    0.31089484427626424, 0.31222083890057561, 0.31222083890057561,
-    0.31342334287374385, 0.31360922339798514, 0.31781375837493059,
-    0.32086597698136354, 0.32397526199152671, 0.32397526199152671,
-    0.3252274384988707, 0.32557079328326183, 0.33071479846211244,
-    0.33213366103834452, 0.33213366103834452, 0.33806274054259133,
-    0.34060768522908541, 0.34066725641268175, 0.35070821312772565,
-    0.35281117830908848, 0.36022367837676228, 0.36022367837676228,
-    0.36359476452865169, 0.36867343874662684, 0.37500703454904866,
-    0.37500703454904866, 0.37559552094037618, 0.37776360565050465,
-    0.37911941464036175, 0.38043414821366556, 0.38673933256135501,
-    0.38673933256135501, 0.41493531465793626, 0.42545225470978032,
-    0.43335020944353286, 0.45946584864513479, 0.47934271794544625,
-    0.47934271794544625, 0.4835397584082895, 0.507001135566851,
-    0.53670698552411766, 0.62709022030658668, 0.62709022030658668,
-    0.6307562723487633, 0.6978337089986677, 0.96104664619258018,
-    0.97932419086538236, 1.3786097683148981, 1.3786097683148981,
-    2.1383436514004277, 2.1383436514004277, 0.0, 0.0, 0.040258951562044121,
-    0.040258951562044121, 0.04337227036223338, 0.04337227036223338,
-    0.04337227036223338, 0.056733258526878674, 0.056733258526878674,
-    0.059895656757221916, 0.063352892119378321, 0.063352892119378321,
-    0.063352892119378321, 0.063352892119378321, 0.063460760236515132,
-    0.063460760236515132, 0.063460760236515132, 0.064176771962993165,
-    0.064176771962993165, 0.069374734097819607, 0.069374734097819607,
-    0.069941635924431284, 0.069941635924431284, 0.069941635924431284,
-    0.07441063086446581, 0.07441063086446581, 0.090038436293935278,
-    0.090038436293935278, 0.090038436293935278, 0.093919282982153851,
-    0.098259451815303545, 0.098259451815303545, 0.098259451815303545,
-    0.098259451815303545, 0.11221645527330414, 0.11221645527330414,
-    0.11464109406455952, 0.11464109406455952, 0.11464109406455952,
-    0.11504122558884447, 0.11504122558884447, 0.11661461574279566,
-    0.11661461574279566, 0.11661461574279566, 0.11694434342186813,
-    0.11694434342186813, 0.12361989892840071, 0.12361989892840071,
-    0.12361989892840071, 0.12731915639699826, 0.13338496267239372,
-    0.13338496267239372, 0.13338496267239372, 0.13338496267239372,
-    0.14060738795616895, 0.14060738795616895, 0.14577369503859991,
-    0.14577369503859991, 0.14577369503859991, 0.15154574744822344,
-    0.15154574744822344, 0.15338029980440129, 0.15338029980440129,
-    0.155704785287297, 0.155704785287297, 0.155704785287297,
-    0.16408818329459646, 0.16408818329459646, 0.16611008928152352,
-    0.16611008928152352, 0.16793010863802235, 0.16793010863802235,
-    0.16793010863802235, 0.17350035363146732, 0.17350035363146732,
-    0.17350035363146732, 0.17720670978465847, 0.17720670978465847,
-    0.18778273599380949, 0.18778273599380949, 0.18778273599380949,
-    0.1956978506206099, 0.1956978506206099, 0.20618188353800229,
-    0.20618188353800229, 0.20618188353800229, 0.20667910131294201,
-    0.20667910131294201, 0.20897230394199579, 0.20897230394199579,
-    0.21603929997442067, 0.21603929997442067, 0.21603929997442067,
-    0.21750678346847724, 0.21750678346847724, 0.21750678346847724,
-    0.22319258104633796, 0.22319258104633796, 0.22577633029393052,
-    0.22577633029393052, 0.22577633029393052, 0.22835066066328252,
-    0.22835066066328252, 0.23127950794349347, 0.23127950794349347,
-    0.2335912050904361, 0.2335912050904361, 0.2335912050904361,
-    0.23855651821128016, 0.23855651821128016, 0.2403910894270215,
-    0.2403910894270215, 0.2403910894270215, 0.24693892553945757,
-    0.24693892553945757, 0.25144395559134397, 0.25144395559134397,
-    0.25144395559134397, 0.26144207730435715, 0.26144207730435715,
-    0.26316375812762322, 0.26316375812762322, 0.26316375812762322,
-    0.269250257528246, 0.269250257528246, 0.26976356545845359,
-    0.26976356545845359, 0.26976356545845359, 0.27207502394872296,
-    0.27207502394872296, 0.2722348959852619, 0.2722348959852619,
-    0.2722348959852619, 0.27399949932593481, 0.27399949932593481,
-    0.28525376986066708, 0.28525376986066708, 0.28525376986066708,
-    0.28581273013248543, 0.28581273013248543, 0.28581555874501124,
-    0.28581555874501124, 0.28725787127206887, 0.28725787127206887,
-    0.28725787127206887, 0.29182201476670522, 0.29182201476670522,
-    0.29774917483412067, 0.29774917483412067, 0.29774917483412067,
-    0.3221172335419677, 0.3221172335419677, 0.32286123906893716,
-    0.32286123906893716, 0.32286123906893716, 0.32784329797451783,
-    0.32784329797451783, 0.39859714532471063, 0.39859714532471063,
-    0.39859714532471063, 0.40861269762703839, 0.40861269762703839,
-    0.43492497337962299, 0.43492497337962299, 0.43492497337962299,
-    0.45154247181726737, 0.45154247181726737, 0.47903191315956584,
-    0.47903191315956584, 0.47903191315956584, 0.48764413130617162,
-    0.48764413130617162, 0.55753055427216291, 0.55753055427216291,
-    0.55753055427216291, 0.59950889251110473, 0.59950889251110473,
-    0.62302532522821363, 0.62302532522821363, 0.62302532522821363,
-    0.70821265192750071, 0.70821265192750071, 0.78923825478405685,
-    0.78923825478405685, 0.80991304315555079, 0.80991304315555079,
-    0.80991304315555079, 0.88217017561019562, 0.88217017561019562,
-    0.88217017561019562, 0.90564207937415331, 0.90564207937415331,
-    0.92743264762046396, 0.92743264762046396, 1.0496487600196804,
-    1.0496487600196804, 1.0496487600196804, 1.2152980938033116,
-    1.2152980938033116, 1.2152980938033116, 1.2152980938033116
+    0.0,
+    0.057628562576303784,
+    0.091878457821655726,
+    0.1132900806480715,
+    0.16850875337211296,
+    0.23480972950916859,
+    0.25538164963671517,
+    0.31559279249314726,
+    0.3709861971858377,
+    0.39525547000677452,
+    0.48512586717169626,
+    0.50506908796001859,
+    0.57765035525262631,
+    0.62148541152837633,
+    0.64263863444579483,
+    0.69882483312164267,
+    0.7161545153916149,
+    0.80411890720042356,
+    0.8805970872918405,
+    0.95906879172041093,
+    0.9964168954980418,
+    1.0467630571651532,
+    1.0811313132957849,
+    1.107613450320283,
+    1.1414327414809755,
+    1.200680497698831,
+    1.2258265309284444,
+    1.3292666112945957,
+    1.3827312359018287,
+    1.4123188606803245,
+    1.5512850653633397,
+    1.6356584995938095,
+    1.6731651325192813,
+    1.7284734590792767,
+    1.7492218434041287,
+    1.7668984797381611,
+    1.859839254768237,
+    1.8915873446892628,
+    1.906971142493358,
+    1.9739012545347705,
+    2.0042595869827151,
+    2.0404670643203007,
+    2.0801334669349569,
+    2.1361786545358559,
+    2.1800889828349126,
+    2.2526723098806514,
+    2.4615221000598324,
+    2.522133895087689,
+    2.5349568672753051,
+    2.6130589764080723,
+    2.7500027760987162,
+    2.8562937139926889,
+    2.9119263033764744,
+    3.0019158345608132,
+    3.075603035061484,
+    3.1141526815876208,
+    3.1813265812952172,
+    3.3676587418240587,
+    3.554323576839598,
+    3.6496213142048179,
+    3.6874293716075122,
+    3.7856923728140917,
+    3.8474310667342051,
+    3.9949344157172133,
+    4.125555286661946,
+    4.3290913548691856,
+    4.4952013654404812,
+    4.556343784992352,
+    4.639912221981799,
+    4.7146391204010234,
+    4.8227084013441566,
+    4.9863406697764292,
+    5.1842339785740776,
+    5.3023803998521304,
+    5.4750202011939866,
+    5.54048973773856,
+    5.6494197613846904,
+    6.031189352625824,
+    6.1768307442788197,
+    6.2620964668403225,
+    6.4351623085815,
+    6.7265466116268859,
+    6.7915288820461273,
+    6.858752135722245,
+    7.0391175979404581,
+    7.1234944848067601,
+    7.3258340038478451,
+    7.6012540830071256,
+    7.8610379546027023,
+    8.1407339356122499,
+    8.6344134454714787,
+    8.7180144432721391,
+    9.0978762948485237,
+    9.2738466401608814,
+    9.3278635864048827,
+    9.4424890946840847,
+    9.6030189615224657,
+    9.7486413490900201,
+    9.9120876012927628,
+    10.0634236132968,
+    10.415298132107214,
+    10.522058512873633,
+    10.613299539059163,
+    10.777003890057323,
+    11.19134404322137,
+    11.263117192375013,
+    11.498561061679176,
+    12.21806762702662,
+    12.483196087543357,
+    13.54470365954359,
+    13.849619017840872,
+    14.123084642390928,
+    14.398832659078749,
+    14.566089250066417,
+    14.807446823406554,
+    14.954042474253805,
+    15.017632122375311,
+    15.534486588862363,
+    16.087579752773408,
+    16.335273051167704,
+    16.59865583486215,
+    16.787365784531143,
+    16.930772808747413,
+    16.978230896616772,
+    17.45341757723757,
+    17.54161801859598,
+    17.670822982069833,
+    18.057953137339432,
+    18.349411130934708,
+    18.874645742669262,
+    19.811500245302732,
+    20.617053831744901,
+    21.425708785184192,
+    22.13342945397601,
+    22.514800015329385,
+    22.600876120356858,
+    22.995926973030485,
+    23.562574109846953,
+    24.294710403256879,
+    24.710775959864485,
+    25.735807637080889,
+    26.538055293359648,
+    27.290028726831821,
+    27.773430106003083,
+    29.668208899311839,
+    29.767759573249858,
+    30.328136166047656,
+    31.494086670497492,
+    31.717352094096093,
+    32.525981982450979,
+    33.265585384845679,
+    33.751316746168612,
+    34.201802003064067,
+    36.899918838933765,
+    38.096479462365799,
+    39.516017768346714,
+    39.989735840240321,
+    41.194468318352641,
+    43.299364753871842,
+    43.400612046669139,
+    44.217051933181644,
+    45.224566778084622,
+    46.422304247376758,
+    46.960808813383558,
+    48.299557096246531,
+    49.543362472280329,
+    52.100735352804534,
+    53.655447353773283,
+    55.960391277909508,
+    59.70514539293125,
+    61.843693253111184,
+    68.081331605587849,
+    71.540166073226146,
+    73.270793327751335,
+    76.171347038456744,
+    76.713947935814872,
+    79.452578223589953,
+    81.242818023980888,
+    85.253618574552505,
+    90.576557423795492,
+    92.997247053710012,
+    95.821107577619216,
+    106.64500479999833,
+    120.18058037798956,
+    126.50923215826064,
+    131.32814912989315,
+    147.1399472964454,
+    167.43638431036157,
+    192.68604805851697,
+    214.74959666043176,
+    236.90417250922937,
+    270.13811088102972,
+    311.13617202210634,
+    348.43212870989748,
+    397.49279405192692,
+    418.52939500887197,
+    490.05308025042825,
+    601.26449991098229,
+    943.69926165035622,
+    2272.151119348498,
+    2272.151119348498,
+    0.0,
+    0.068201728466174436,
+    0.11237783313391692,
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+    0.14738276605539258,
+    0.17452595819420164,
+    0.18740679497876259,
+    0.22092788589298604,
+    0.24698157312934674,
+    0.26321755681186182,
+    0.278982404063846,
+    0.29425614113597565,
+    0.30386598141884186,
+    0.33348471684689712,
+    0.35448258891286477,
+    0.38416466052319098,
+    0.41799061907192603,
+    0.43332985148006498,
+    0.46022545438188606,
+    0.46720029992587914,
+    0.4834191580769957,
+    0.49135304898180576,
+    0.50065137294598305,
+    0.54116902167600822,
+    0.56502516934264901,
+    0.58383186711851243,
+    0.59988283878047788,
+    0.61745037135253056,
+    0.64851934211375817,
+    0.65771446388077714,
+    0.68201656335208749,
+    0.69501882934571635,
+    0.70859407070539537,
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+    0.785547174693628,
+    0.80584170571483826,
+    0.80977921469642378,
+    0.84983656800224905,
+    0.87762202858938831,
+    0.89989293732657549,
+    0.92737970573962192,
+    0.94822275849814597,
+    0.97010634169397159,
+    1.0004701361644599,
+    1.027252813486935,
+    1.0516264427778705,
+    1.085865795301199,
+    1.1039829998101676,
+    1.1231421375848933,
+    1.1351908524310048,
+    1.1870327649828589,
+    1.2108652899633887,
+    1.2418615536907456,
+    1.2620878726057261,
+    1.2831955088252662,
+    1.306480565141986,
+    1.3214819027067988,
+    1.3819750197102438,
+    1.3964962886754628,
+    1.4416267404974048,
+    1.4723276588556404,
+    1.5102821076425617,
+    1.5397500825876973,
+    1.5614284610319382,
+    1.6110339651345407,
+    1.6433416553385205,
+    1.6728829936173992,
+    1.6999366415445392,
+    1.7240699041761254,
+    1.7508519958752469,
+    1.7969849629216739,
+    1.8430561905053708,
+    1.8717904098493616,
+    1.9063368309633759,
+    1.9506003143418458,
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+    2.0991713956674101,
+    2.1633526448161282,
+    2.2629929459851224,
+    2.29081267396016,
+    2.3416198215358914,
+    2.3573314548287789,
+    2.4218587714491338,
+    2.4993355473824033,
+    2.5384325382544848,
+    2.6491004992037666,
+    2.7210651339892107,
+    2.8237246255258426,
+    2.8700824362814488,
+    2.9188785020766925,
+    2.9635962519687955,
+    3.0154773635321317,
+    3.1026722776260538,
+    3.1782308010920812,
+    3.2642539873638139,
+    3.322125355058692,
+    3.3714861504441376,
+    3.4218839487759731,
+    3.5144951962763513,
+    3.5765944072239031,
+    3.6273675925681212,
+    3.7247691072149096,
+    3.8232379391542128,
+    3.8893216636307564,
+    3.9288057496282955,
+    4.0390899251352117,
+    4.1600948751312279,
+    4.1871263152018612,
+    4.2621860547974828,
+    4.3500604627307435,
+    4.5436519743962078,
+    4.5849723086596628,
+    4.729044783865576,
+    4.8683804704143165,
+    4.9563493866144599,
+    5.0241568504440179,
+    5.1468726623856105,
+    5.1949999782992462,
+    5.3140299451508861,
+    5.4879645142694358,
+    5.7223471643025841,
+    5.8380855647564118,
+    5.953449532130346,
+    6.0187020640170728,
+    6.2108553226358252,
+    6.3916059248644403,
+    6.4913362763076323,
+    6.6031140372618351,
+    6.6636491589809301,
+    6.9509407634766989,
+    7.1531488937141772,
+    7.2409474401975658,
+    7.4303919093490327,
+    7.5669382679335202,
+    7.7441286658925934,
+    7.9000616206163423,
+    8.0724648473816156,
+    8.2412216959472371,
+    8.4137214458024516,
+    8.6069007301001861,
+    8.7736666850099372,
+    8.9890876982826367,
+    9.155130462775519,
+    9.3411611417176861,
+    9.4866270624314577,
+    9.5872328045423547,
+    9.8527914805110655,
+    9.9514305967967953,
+    10.292405041584022,
+    10.75673026860011,
+    11.169289189746417,
+    11.46807997463821,
+    11.689766834399332,
+    11.966027273630296,
+    12.351431387718186,
+    12.727667430393458,
+    13.119586645059071,
+    13.424611040389257,
+    13.786397020277862,
+    13.968352336123267,
+    14.21068016740667,
+    14.453408188853816,
+    15.461180267394132,
+    15.895481313307476,
+    16.317601512617198,
+    16.780792483093965,
+    17.624171385239844,
+    18.139839382922045,
+    18.594772196087924,
+    20.516375547145831,
+    21.567448512929186,
+    21.977404088239552,
+    23.299471636450161,
+    24.278490139740818,
+    24.993212131783924,
+    26.592135163847711,
+    27.623113931391885,
+    28.865470012834731,
+    29.227604875711496,
+    31.101999334866235,
+    31.57497302654869,
+    32.684647994128909,
+    33.375146403972977,
+    37.692891082911196,
+    39.851813023596023,
+    41.523584144387264,
+    46.008072429817098,
+    49.647884975691284,
+    52.784847459347759,
+    54.294626625518887,
+    63.228644431972903,
+    69.726924033194564,
+    74.015904215742552,
+    86.164937892726826,
+    100.73311845118887,
+    112.18515642738907,
+    135.19609351797098,
+    176.61381022152227,
+    242.73583361720463,
+    308.26543522152377,
+    513.52205453065437,
+    0.0,
+    0.064681645397600726,
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+    0.2183799557562153,
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+    0.25036231174093732,
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+    0.2738878158208915,
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+    0.4172218451215533,
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+    0.56986151348392444,
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+    0.6097548033252651,
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+    0.65492235590733228,
+    0.66704610998785618,
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+    0.7190525585629578,
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+    0.74901914818208437,
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+    0.7991677445398635,
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+    0.83874577852045251,
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+    0.86730722882820255,
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+    0.93235631316890322,
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+    1.0092887025882542,
+    1.0324830139871306,
+    1.0486654108510693,
+    1.0641141875260127,
+    1.0835468393653898,
+    1.1071616076049358,
+    1.1168131966461825,
+    1.1456586118817482,
+    1.1644419001186364,
+    1.1774811339270124,
+    1.2092190407790164,
+    1.2384799339065578,
+    1.2616903228237686,
+    1.2889294434698533,
+    1.3164843722957189,
+    1.3568929832436432,
+    1.3789685995582368,
+    1.4016262455149839,
+    1.4303108283460788,
+    1.4487819999160492,
+    1.48021838699676,
+    1.5050773691689014,
+    1.5354136497221011,
+    1.5761026989532505,
+    1.5976227134137739,
+    1.6180255352377244,
+    1.6461488070064747,
+    1.6754933786486672,
+    1.7043391941827599,
+    1.7436653784542346,
+    1.7574238222395258,
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+    1.8364695449180659,
+    1.8853960408395598,
+    1.9209489973470637,
+    1.9614779158767812,
+    1.9837030977196592,
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+    2.1608319242443135,
+    2.176533829184859,
+    2.2139646657342289,
+    2.2418326677035214,
+    2.2819602869499667,
+    2.3275988135789891,
+    2.355439289035997,
+    2.4108423085380779,
+    2.4436348968031414,
+    2.5031234860019178,
+    2.5439256045997136,
+    2.5773599788744934,
+    2.6327828846554593,
+    2.6997266593235456,
+    2.7317169496478648,
+    2.8033821298933836,
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+    2.911616529815233,
+    2.9546022533503957,
+    3.0081446390299069,
+    3.0894107259868058,
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+    3.2073093130678618,
+    3.2707390207274067,
+    3.3815481629909145,
+    3.4779532042245807,
+    3.4955043576213232,
+    3.5757478436815138,
+    3.6322878543855621,
+    3.7796644436769657,
+    3.8151756075230678,
+    3.8802551661883786,
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+    4.3694161532010058,
+    4.4793716338291727,
+    4.5714087303580433,
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+    4.7141095620043281,
+    4.8655065654352976,
+    4.9733934483219935,
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+    5.1120453856118537,
+    5.2240263349175526,
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+    5.6191948437507619,
+    5.8251247312267305,
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+    6.2898990925768432,
+    6.4181400947195311,
+    6.6210137015645536,
+    6.7263257016206106,
+    6.8855750366072552,
+    7.1232383189565454,
+    7.4007790575336729,
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+    7.6542486054829189,
+    7.7796080000079355,
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+    8.6283072431350387,
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+    9.3715895144040058,
+    9.689097239085406,
+    9.9747151298520151,
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+    10.525043005039576,
+    10.9348593423718,
+    11.220406152599313,
+    11.472292936429914,
+    12.331513581808927,
+    12.99141401636353,
+    13.792445320126436,
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+    15.391013071702499,
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+    17.397044111420918,
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+    54.046938187573666,
+    67.878422664921544,
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+    0.0,
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+    2.3116834558621813,
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+    2.6183935138202945,
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+    2.7642312413471197,
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+    3.3415607515486019,
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+    3.5495511431068625,
+    3.6258591972624328,
+    3.6947502192132147,
+    3.7950739251414829,
+    3.8952813228916106,
+    4.0427476635565807,
+    4.0982562136044365,
+    4.2381714903602026,
+    4.325585224629334,
+    4.460333473236096,
+    4.5891338691369086,
+    4.6893335143109196,
+    4.7853618220189347,
+    4.8500011901031046,
+    4.9499390325888388,
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+    5.3052661921332698,
+    5.3795959386387144,
+    5.4884702877024898,
+    5.6251182444238585,
+    5.736009877510825,
+    5.8235819678819309,
+    6.0452731168242577,
+    6.1535182776969091,
+    6.4223906871159802,
+    6.7828263511308,
+    6.9787759843247965,
+    7.2868999104783532,
+    7.604505778440271,
+    7.9090260134516059,
+    8.4851413606010251,
+    8.6965137695221202,
+    9.0770837937907398,
+    9.3896211096143869,
+    9.7704946596107849,
+    10.142102955347768,
+    10.870897424798827,
+    11.627557560059024,
+    12.487371659037647,
+    13.393741745878474,
+    14.080823719400907,
+    15.608105497185557,
+    16.823724341129342,
+    18.261126223618554,
+    19.636996869210478,
+    20.562702661180669,
+    21.601610993499339,
+    23.839730158552172,
+    27.477708564377878,
+    33.318576554469637,
+    49.103081020159834,
+    73.345872444192949,
+    106.52935418648646,
+    0.0,
+    0.049394419396927715,
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+    0.079308002177416376,
+    0.087959980883483738,
+    0.10194236904560904,
+    0.11008607182951631,
+    0.11465366805246813,
+    0.12715531070407432,
+    0.13166809405389251,
+    0.13847247629313228,
+    0.14384864573811881,
+    0.15002396002358567,
+    0.15562720051884482,
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+    0.16632968738513401,
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+    0.18694008640938087,
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+    0.20392975208968295,
+    0.21361422240935368,
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+    0.25303301261186184,
+    0.25579240638304279,
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+    0.26750482270286108,
+    0.27493473053623635,
+    0.28258910182162267,
+    0.28822901265050227,
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+    0.30864368126348923,
+    0.31508865166237593,
+    0.32124032165523375,
+    0.33011261444903611,
+    0.33703483646960708,
+    0.34733723809596734,
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+    0.37755689980492391,
+    0.38701609409764459,
+    0.39302164725609023,
+    0.40331084641477311,
+    0.41072208837025759,
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+    0.42932124920083142,
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+    0.43993900664314145,
+    0.44761176101936301,
+    0.45202419082248341,
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+    0.47399725820611593,
+    0.48198881472501576,
+    0.48708257057534343,
+    0.49302150180651805,
+    0.49978383605626248,
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+    0.52160424774706593,
+    0.52748289873084886,
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+    0.56973323223537264,
+    0.57574914723880954,
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+    0.60510984788748057,
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+    0.67909380683392095,
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+    0.73309718820363279,
+    0.74214506352540133,
+    0.75177033126786774,
+    0.76943956404912883,
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+    0.98783906755984918,
+    1.0108980555570175,
+    1.0284511401075709,
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+    1.0611613677510832,
+    1.0784870131371229,
+    1.0919180174352818,
+    1.1135514694962279,
+    1.125494491992268,
+    1.1410712650872479,
+    1.1674352256776539,
+    1.184785119317356,
+    1.2096294450605212,
+    1.2323778220867625,
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+    1.2806924911813222,
+    1.3081961580241186,
+    1.3320238796794894,
+    1.3534172327636966,
+    1.3807267144923916,
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+    1.4316269135391197,
+    1.449518126496226,
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+    1.4996141554775,
+    1.51697171202322,
+    1.5501818193618728,
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+    1.6090796134626164,
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+    1.7261310689460392,
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+    1.8048113834777242,
+    1.8629871128198423,
+    1.9197945215709944,
+    1.9552472287743048,
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+    2.0427474979249962,
+    2.074496897491799,
+    2.1328916089262004,
+    2.1753943657622523,
+    2.2401831220855666,
+    2.270693018282933,
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+    2.4399768881846882,
+    2.5000049081492532,
+    2.5621934580643706,
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+    2.7208587148102463,
+    2.8097139724064282,
+    2.8701110813681128,
+    2.9862082469647095,
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+    3.1242308091436368,
+    3.243153466201278,
+    3.3051260648856364,
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+    3.5505875681994588,
+    3.7448427188152658,
+    3.8463429990501901,
+    3.9838928478843263,
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+    4.2490672817706532,
+    4.3599387844761468,
+    4.473253957654526,
+    4.6690383558822228,
+    4.8383638550300123,
+    5.0032896939841258,
+    5.1925150031279994,
+    5.4083749056768973,
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+    6.5966499906173439,
+    6.9452175432435155,
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+    8.954871482916916,
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+    10.666984624254228,
+    11.269430893231096,
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+    13.43327333120301,
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+    16.932372656888262,
+    19.087843838164819,
+    21.876507647307918,
+    24.329735267714369,
+    32.551612521357441,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.076518802143588971,
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+    0.14961341703535569,
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+    0.26691829493661323,
+    0.26931297477030441,
+    0.27726914154785853,
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+    0.2859614857691346,
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+    0.29881267745856349,
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+    0.30854811947856214,
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+    0.33113501361486541,
+    0.33582693482769788,
+    0.34276150289703894,
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+    0.35845367388296762,
+    0.36558831277905995,
+    0.36979924962746219,
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+    0.38743278300825934,
+    0.3933947408991858,
+    0.40090502054506943,
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+    0.41434452765896151,
+    0.42079409894287106,
+    0.4255673661624485,
+    0.43408043802357538,
+    0.43842453852669183,
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+    0.47672759686825411,
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+    0.49072973814548543,
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+    0.54193181090656062,
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+    0.96865365604621834,
+    0.98601045426396106,
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+    1.0629345673978381,
+    1.0786014914723667,
+    1.0929756602733387,
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+    1.1512164532678049,
+    1.1694773456967209,
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+    1.2191337268903064,
+    1.2371236242769537,
+    1.2604030750182345,
+    1.2728991082384753,
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+    1.3366400801240468,
+    1.3669786453201016,
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+    1.4142311210562548,
+    1.4371089884829913,
+    1.4735470017754577,
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+    1.5362080843085604,
+    1.57308131482694,
+    1.6005512179859467,
+    1.6311466151664402,
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+    1.702427114649556,
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+    1.8371172353927989,
+    1.8839698049061866,
+    1.9368978033833055,
+    1.9859165193893249,
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+    2.3789143587376254,
+    2.4392413643504884,
+    2.4804720034966028,
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+    2.8651026212603763,
+    2.9882335264110305,
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+    3.2713189106502325,
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+    3.7893397930271497,
+    3.8962740628195554,
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+    4.2202691837388713,
+    4.3774443034324424,
+    4.4936111350115695,
+    4.7506236842341369,
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+    14.095239648815568,
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+    1.1379681972224709,
+    1.1599468248342446,
+    1.1886340506700033,
+    1.2148385191461482,
+    1.2481418152125123,
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+    1.3154615262708993,
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+    1.5495843761095305,
+    1.584244002737959,
+    1.6126131532613874,
+    1.6604506166505426,
+    1.6921120149154147,
+    1.7126738210319639,
+    1.7396125064233854,
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+    1.824889085813346,
+    1.8829431177071814,
+    1.9343935926685978,
+    1.9916768565010168,
+    2.0267961688503453,
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+    2.1330899777256795,
+    2.1848037174415449,
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+    2.4501358388830012,
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+    2.7077686567647499,
+    2.7684316125814457,
+    2.8476458237947857,
+    2.9627792222491238,
+    3.0403520366260612,
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+    3.2559496906005565,
+    3.384456584459806,
+    3.5451252896822063,
+    3.658802669941331,
+    3.8535789702629515,
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+    4.3847833011124493,
+    4.5324017993862,
+    4.6567473442819232,
+    4.8795997539612124,
+    5.0351805245400989,
+    5.4071167044869721,
+    5.8112812324471728,
+    6.387968909517352,
+    6.6133968886491754,
+    6.9446864587547097,
+    7.5543017399007653,
+    8.3092309621502434,
+    8.9855329925540648,
+    9.7607248945108189,
+    10.562225389927731,
+    11.547524333694614,
+    13.042152628954279,
+    15.066816239535164,
+    16.843645091885804,
+    22.29298319668764,
+    27.78918358142127,
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+    48.467620573432804,
+    150.75527930067238,
+    0.0,
+    0.030475436329936944,
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+    0.058798726126600857,
+    0.065119327951945208,
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+    0.07885113088345877,
+    0.085143786389228412,
+    0.08965572615115161,
+    0.094178377769283547,
+    0.098501280404947864,
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+    0.1214840331703515,
+    0.12584718500031158,
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+    0.1820267480405092,
+    0.18688153961477047,
+    0.1927267317388851,
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+    0.20898176045815323,
+    0.21456701344386478,
+    0.2193381728343505,
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+    0.22817700334024027,
+    0.23233337863145165,
+    0.23720906624202601,
+    0.24191353394033271,
+    0.24708942468474382,
+    0.25285280260759901,
+    0.25671572324736464,
+    0.26213421506917656,
+    0.26638683139162828,
+    0.27152578772723279,
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+    0.28593911283892171,
+    0.29087431204884701,
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+    0.34595494789256998,
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+    0.36600266939188625,
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+    0.37731624495426341,
+    0.38179171447482013,
+    0.38695470344853578,
+    0.39172315899130233,
+    0.39614948723382537,
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+    0.40528704514340191,
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+    0.53071416140395877,
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+    0.57882534017246046,
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+    0.87584528603730916,
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+    1.1725936611440071,
+    1.1991674830298438,
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+    1.2755553790294463,
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+    1.7240031947949774,
+    1.7621335157109532,
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+    2.2034358794278646,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.096425123862060327,
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+    0.14941148229826645,
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+    0.18924049544452431,
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+    0.2547852657654528,
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+    0.27333957150348165,
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+    1.1700990970833274,
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+    1.3306077291828782,
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+    2.9431246632384611,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.37985192360779313,
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+    0.39005755502373884,
+    0.39482572425216256,
+    0.4001927093622929,
+    0.40602742972788325,
+    0.41233512801313243,
+    0.41899152804988438,
+    0.42337530114761357,
+    0.42792125565896905,
+    0.43382026465554158,
+    0.44268614546944335,
+    0.44830619792220222,
+    0.45415410061721351,
+    0.46167530106933863,
+    0.46895550041529654,
+    0.47530473993436245,
+    0.48211460809658874,
+    0.48857483722379846,
+    0.49668510358579077,
+    0.502197066237135,
+    0.50751626698891095,
+    0.51264907367868728,
+    0.51969473148215983,
+    0.52818547378333625,
+    0.5349708260232352,
+    0.54112734609955404,
+    0.54811112287301356,
+    0.55616647069377034,
+    0.56629653003164915,
+    0.57402173658393196,
+    0.58265287411054412,
+    0.5936899552780841,
+    0.60345904162633524,
+    0.61533841077412088,
+    0.6228300863754348,
+    0.63457632801607111,
+    0.64512830577873503,
+    0.65448141887048117,
+    0.66218373436088196,
+    0.67678504831115915,
+    0.68732881229737786,
+    0.69861201377323079,
+    0.70832408210492892,
+    0.72121539173424809,
+    0.7359553436177424,
+    0.7531392829935406,
+    0.76543733074434961,
+    0.77710358182478712,
+    0.79485555672259334,
+    0.81224713754094657,
+    0.82988361758294238,
+    0.84792677249400605,
+    0.86258822924608003,
+    0.88223434681999902,
+    0.8944425527153399,
+    0.90955292927291309,
+    0.92359168030991856,
+    0.94256546540532238,
+    0.96434694242106067,
+    0.98312881507572292,
+    1.0032438887848716,
+    1.0221149781502081,
+    1.051983899991995,
+    1.0734774915118375,
+    1.099530441789152,
+    1.127960244545553,
+    1.1534134957090025,
+    1.1740889749056131,
+    1.2012742900536555,
+    1.2342300186242645,
+    1.2639939024901934,
+    1.2928179180773745,
+    1.3208800657063657,
+    1.3529947499482198,
+    1.3990112708325715,
+    1.4319941184494371,
+    1.4710663063309652,
+    1.5244700765754542,
+    1.5635439274849725,
+    1.5954367199073531,
+    1.6323134541541804,
+    1.6724715064169311,
+    1.7158054453195073,
+    1.7557217613084009,
+    1.8048129564898812,
+    1.8315787027457608,
+    1.8815354841358516,
+    1.9566650167344006,
+    2.0217329340053252,
+    2.0871078895617967,
+    2.174040010957027,
+    2.2381267311291735,
+    2.3160142472723693,
+    2.4147723365413021,
+    2.5376474031182616,
+    2.6272818671259373,
+    2.7401975123216742,
+    2.8684444249229628,
+    3.0130575018172316,
+    3.1604260734920331,
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+    3.4644518032671439,
+    3.6844961008964079,
+    3.869097249632687,
+    4.0583540650809953,
+    4.2786209475461598,
+    4.5240194654211052,
+    4.822566531353826,
+    5.2714477848841934,
+    5.9366668833227134,
+    6.6736260326271726,
+    7.4551267397319529,
+    8.3647745090344028,
+    9.8450415285668225,
+    13.306780281265262,
+    17.423150761794336,
+    35.674610410451407,
+    0.0,
+    0.026072158368489466,
+    0.036900224781724264,
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+    0.051368104055365224,
+    0.057774560304207197,
+    0.063146496944509634,
+    0.067588098405070435,
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+    0.080103152511407455,
+    0.083942709652846864,
+    0.087666574981076481,
+    0.091817280544786176,
+    0.095686966687175301,
+    0.099145626961583258,
+    0.10201499654232103,
+    0.10517988601597632,
+    0.10903765629410936,
+    0.11233875871599709,
+    0.11536415976301187,
+    0.11841077260641984,
+    0.12163826850713737,
+    0.12514181216632086,
+    0.12858606228948036,
+    0.13177179631102987,
+    0.13482024094190459,
+    0.13784834878294833,
+    0.14173344180612701,
+    0.1443921643498963,
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+    0.15145826578672161,
+    0.15493735233574032,
+    0.157933736355726,
+    0.16144421044205534,
+    0.16496481804605914,
+    0.16826466934931564,
+    0.17176157430765859,
+    0.17500874461399182,
+    0.17804879932812664,
+    0.18119742226991276,
+    0.18460902834327048,
+    0.18841699006227006,
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+    0.19532030848596255,
+    0.19938169412343268,
+    0.20296708531160809,
+    0.20618735671870392,
+    0.21005410851308523,
+    0.21234742151711827,
+    0.21601167034217333,
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+    0.222820615737646,
+    0.22619381050579929,
+    0.23003091052614577,
+    0.23415565946236791,
+    0.23843514043598069,
+    0.24127671289852604,
+    0.24517794764409234,
+    0.24860194155386806,
+    0.25245137707720106,
+    0.25637962117578617,
+    0.26045765403062382,
+    0.26378413560952962,
+    0.26727514960402926,
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+    0.27484241340019733,
+    0.27916743423061174,
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+    0.28803025780779556,
+    0.29103424057548449,
+    0.2948369270235498,
+    0.29857003211993777,
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+    0.30693020880140259,
+    0.31089496342193434,
+    0.31523727395296902,
+    0.31963281400208449,
+    0.32299918409538603,
+    0.32683085030433912,
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+    0.33471837712211988,
+    0.33909222602081823,
+    0.34276815018760209,
+    0.34765709135230655,
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+    0.35661461412974371,
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+    0.36462562668761184,
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+    0.37904116253667841,
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+    0.38891575774564258,
+    0.39360053923178462,
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+    0.40892518527823574,
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+    0.41971691479383916,
+    0.42599384924960337,
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+    0.4364633576555077,
+    0.4415508493771485,
+    0.44655303590621287,
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+    0.45915054065776795,
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+    0.52657472160011631,
+    0.53391907857488219,
+    0.54231740014001373,
+    0.55062127393281413,
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+    0.7491983752217467,
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+    0.97963547072788137,
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+    1.0736587494567686,
+    1.1029019665569759,
+    1.12906516845161,
+    1.1535229840512065,
+    1.183650543141433,
+    1.2145616634515819,
+    1.2433817141554775,
+    1.2742936392427719,
+    1.3109612706104625,
+    1.3449613279449495,
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+    1.4151051032327249,
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+    1.4970878314012157,
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+    1.7346054874616406,
+    1.7874905505861236,
+    1.8348302383376642,
+    1.8883747008525986,
+    1.9710178297482999,
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+    3.5810252651374039,
+    3.793190415760634,
+    4.1676272347122065,
+    4.4916169379050928,
+    4.8904487124863456,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.054427244640566273,
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+    0.09243845286973873,
+    0.094364478720997277,
+    0.096709129954935052,
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+    0.12385053356930883,
+    0.12634084519901401,
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+    0.13679964962661262,
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+    0.14181342525248586,
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+    0.14783340369717113,
+    0.14958856732057474,
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+    0.1591542931569995,
+    0.16119409443564187,
+    0.16370574506975646,
+    0.16653288283113751,
+    0.16902699557221748,
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+    0.18333071563005016,
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+    0.19016088025525124,
+    0.19209155599903649,
+    0.19565401433448046,
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+    0.23328733118479639,
+    0.23565035124699107,
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+    0.27871993911088333,
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+    0.30666702944803848,
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+    1.5705018855286448,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.095203088495300195,
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+    0.17803129891730965,
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+    0.1825060880502859,
+    0.1838873485985828,
+    0.18554056668826283,
+    0.18688214127303718,
+    0.19034439134742612,
+    0.19315414674660081,
+    0.19515118537205678,
+    0.19721801513205642,
+    0.19995735714435001,
+    0.202946145175666,
+    0.20558544474904342,
+    0.20755322999229742,
+    0.20900643222762244,
+    0.21121684498145538,
+    0.2141429261516028,
+    0.21798646354299808,
+    0.22017242536159604,
+    0.22218023639013998,
+    0.22376317029676776,
+    0.22537433505677418,
+    0.22809119148663043,
+    0.23139281037580572,
+    0.23480276077988851,
+    0.23684629676326219,
+    0.23958019092042915,
+    0.24220286199703944,
+    0.24366569953375267,
+    0.24625074936964272,
+    0.24915921270974223,
+    0.25224407083384365,
+    0.2538581843802209,
+    0.25651702169266016,
+    0.26003397601516304,
+    0.26243381994538789,
+    0.26573203122069483,
+    0.26815769894861019,
+    0.27071592524571436,
+    0.27210161216348083,
+    0.27479515468230203,
+    0.27748117382633419,
+    0.280031855760834,
+    0.28299682369589024,
+    0.28524892290169052,
+    0.28898573042967923,
+    0.29228482183314008,
+    0.29504239920787978,
+    0.29806595908916128,
+    0.30100912736728097,
+    0.30284142122993929,
+    0.30711397725763068,
+    0.30933508238145735,
+    0.31253352531706291,
+    0.31451417053860403,
+    0.31873834499509557,
+    0.32074973819730013,
+    0.3227054052696956,
+    0.32713499329815404,
+    0.32974764249150712,
+    0.33492335792956868,
+    0.33718040901799218,
+    0.3445901607353572,
+    0.34780889710624885,
+    0.35093774887440915,
+    0.35623622197550575,
+    0.36041747761865661,
+    0.3642024692932514,
+    0.36810814698209304,
+    0.37267235846192165,
+    0.37479086986451726,
+    0.37861500834946049,
+    0.38309681552259905,
+    0.38664479850030559,
+    0.39090235429868447,
+    0.39557988601615102,
+    0.40024979955036705,
+    0.40474065571274853,
+    0.41182223255228778,
+    0.41565261202748732,
+    0.41888281162295166,
+    0.42393582615245412,
+    0.42822578404852624,
+    0.43294724828815934,
+    0.43951811737015356,
+    0.44722396323185154,
+    0.456459221718371,
+    0.46045447756416902,
+    0.46515308472591632,
+    0.46794991783126505,
+    0.47105981062684799,
+    0.47694020659007907,
+    0.48566640347419093,
+    0.4925745593913089,
+    0.49834783552581607,
+    0.50583387303211413,
+    0.51446464375101153,
+    0.52037516362506031,
+    0.53000380193173813,
+    0.5385532513944602,
+    0.54874910866185223,
+    0.557812399599245,
+    0.56788840989487577,
+    0.57980243654512897,
+    0.59369025108432061,
+    0.60559961256557782,
+    0.61889472781609867,
+    0.62969186089776408,
+    0.63837174738104929,
+    0.65949504499792255,
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+    0.71339160274800251,
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+    0.94541747300904144,
+    0.96712639337790818,
+    1.0077289627906116,
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+    1.0814656481052898,
+    1.1213085582112645,
+    1.1519192766424888,
+    1.2067063531674953,
+    1.2531782152469926,
+    1.3107295260357585,
+    1.3724083852801383,
+    1.4468184839518206,
+    1.5305694103262035,
+    1.6312349936217583,
+    1.756018052127331,
+    1.8367605970857828,
+    2.1866989616417953,
+    2.6254576951184867,
+    6.6659216112228403,
+    0.0,
+    0.022907607978118902,
+    0.029821550682582357,
+    0.041345273775706924,
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+    0.050555949727830833,
+    0.051530800253982594,
+    0.054552378113468664,
+    0.057086940000512496,
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+    0.062248198918549692,
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+    0.068044804113331997,
+    0.068908259193016616,
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+    0.072933767937089555,
+    0.074986799025957215,
+    0.077263304695632015,
+    0.077976304453341666,
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+    0.082270832598215493,
+    0.085046708133008728,
+    0.087447299482588489,
+    0.088756661262206285,
+    0.089943943671740606,
+    0.091007938101520788,
+    0.094928097449594656,
+    0.099174513732067163,
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+    0.10576989225044739,
+    0.10833249442743473,
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+    0.11482544288738511,
+    0.11669347663279424,
+    0.11877928264418412,
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+    0.12165567868304332,
+    0.12370102433239426,
+    0.12612018039059264,
+    0.12684700576746685,
+    0.12878646240712111,
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+    0.13306734076172619,
+    0.13372880707703153,
+    0.13736038992044558,
+    0.13881715097710293,
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+    0.14124573991521217,
+    0.14311942643715578,
+    0.14513581305673817,
+    0.14595784685930299,
+    0.14716393061676503,
+    0.14885367705639466,
+    0.15050993397888962,
+    0.15162964533831316,
+    0.15369975683678072,
+    0.15435469959388012,
+    0.15577759046058082,
+    0.15668226730841731,
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+    0.16531349295331907,
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+    0.17070372367338077,
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+    0.17701318273239205,
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+    0.18481043739856384,
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+    0.18665041599964075,
+    0.18938007981684934,
+    0.19112692772630277,
+    0.19315708801010689,
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+    0.1996477292940389,
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+    0.20659034076463945,
+    0.20796810335371782,
+    0.20983542523783127,
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+    0.21255804907160578,
+    0.21431203105213031,
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+    0.21896636799431354,
+    0.21986294549536606,
+    0.22078232590253416,
+    0.22179327232323751,
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+    0.22774633679825707,
+    0.22885586498217825,
+    0.23208931497029114,
+    0.23445635314933294,
+    0.23554916368095241,
+    0.23985598287746046,
+    0.24076111746584605,
+    0.24198970919459603,
+    0.24456695954672134,
+    0.24539417383496825,
+    0.24905154968712961,
+    0.25090707777222615,
+    0.25130106870142177,
+    0.25451533183987707,
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+    0.26093120395291297,
+    0.26335008874127647,
+    0.26856790047127449,
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+    0.28247854937130817,
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+    0.30921735043703502,
+    0.31232747522186072,
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+    0.31898849977118987,
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+    0.32447138047106261,
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+    0.33493496691600139,
+    0.33845815307623212,
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+    0.36735725529631541,
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+    0.38546836603235024,
+    0.38836897993416342,
+    0.39553820461710354,
+    0.40116462511742196,
+    0.40279764229171539,
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+    0.43638042629268897,
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+    0.44829733628879731,
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+    0.47692651434693667,
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+    0.49140553703676787,
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+    0.54513452026347542,
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+    1.4769805157017351,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.04852625796660219,
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+    0.058789366804777823,
+    0.059894670960058481,
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+    0.063705491238154652,
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+    0.066539564546213181,
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+    0.075029578028714114,
+    0.076090220871986247,
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+    0.081406116039587209,
+    0.08164553964490695,
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+    0.084590953870938804,
+    0.086465834117303964,
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+    0.089886020317945056,
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+    0.093694972932557227,
+    0.094937834404926119,
+    0.097040224291640623,
+    0.097667138521545876,
+    0.099969968038602502,
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+    0.10780079213283225,
+    0.10889375095854625,
+    0.10903938989013479,
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+    0.11326518811097527,
+    0.11352509387853861,
+    0.11567847555302868,
+    0.11768952386243653,
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+    0.12232339630742434,
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+    0.12496470498144355,
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+    0.12639939557206845,
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+    0.13467524077070694,
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+    0.1395173441181872,
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+    0.14136086842893428,
+    0.14571034508839201,
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+    0.14759361899260168,
+    0.14842017101772531,
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+    0.15426856023023913,
+    0.15672970714335024,
+    0.15841699106659399,
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+    0.16157625338408105,
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+    0.16854825098054121,
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+    0.17342913449829525,
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+    0.18561588691792064,
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+    0.18893514209622653,
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+    0.19999780259216959,
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+    0.20373012583225134,
+    0.20456046242286197,
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+    0.21479341720286452,
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+    0.21552884148320978,
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+    0.28548889806913502,
+    0.28851856129741399,
+    0.28925469033111689,
+    0.28955788894271245,
+    0.29350305977266933,
+    0.29609872122681807,
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+    0.30382080452923382,
+    0.30448438898977698,
+    0.30631757913135704,
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+    0.36271817789575339,
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+    1.3795391514935433,
+    1.6690912806799729,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.03669053240718801,
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+    0.046731484997993428,
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+    0.06192300563276,
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+    0.067880636244234044,
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+    0.079768809149418779,
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+    0.082670774423793988,
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+    0.088324648985544513,
+    0.089066018619338688,
+    0.089523451445578398,
+    0.092390560807742189,
+    0.10166676719934153,
+    0.10195388252236594,
+    0.10195388252236594,
+    0.10528536390229394,
+    0.10679858905504509,
+    0.10764192688172415,
+    0.11227193635040114,
+    0.11227193635040114,
+    0.11244606922440568,
+    0.1136218868259553,
+    0.11451053199472827,
+    0.11659577642426923,
+    0.11691086289458787,
+    0.11691086289458787,
+    0.1173211686698568,
+    0.11960461186081611,
+    0.12046430069545827,
+    0.12256846680870316,
+    0.12256846680870316,
+    0.12280198926010166,
+    0.1257225389684917,
+    0.13059187471398534,
+    0.13073228193993355,
+    0.13136136021211561,
+    0.13136136021211561,
+    0.13233380712258788,
+    0.13614938779187713,
+    0.14007489771345971,
+    0.14560628646680376,
+    0.14560628646680376,
+    0.14756930951437783,
+    0.14916144609305121,
+    0.14922882591595366,
+    0.15191188357115223,
+    0.15579801420071124,
+    0.15610306654452089,
+    0.15610306654452089,
+    0.15875192987335729,
+    0.16047737283948593,
+    0.16705380313003848,
+    0.16705380313003848,
+    0.168016882808462,
+    0.17068350389171213,
+    0.17282355855710782,
+    0.17412526193089098,
+    0.17681813754652775,
+    0.17681813754652775,
+    0.17715999760351636,
+    0.17756752055286806,
+    0.17871040321678122,
+    0.18018603591927709,
+    0.18070221855952068,
+    0.18070221855952068,
+    0.18495477280536446,
+    0.18580464561947918,
+    0.18637382093258065,
+    0.18739559121993163,
+    0.18739559121993163,
+    0.18989848932672079,
+    0.1902906960015,
+    0.19079530690057658,
+    0.19139358210577725,
+    0.1938767861484369,
+    0.1938767861484369,
+    0.19812320558888927,
+    0.19864349781538035,
+    0.20096245867613949,
+    0.20739126731129648,
+    0.20739126731129648,
+    0.20890608427242904,
+    0.21005835424486638,
+    0.21737774907061119,
+    0.21854346896037202,
+    0.22284661457281491,
+    0.22284661457281491,
+    0.23203519715709653,
+    0.23203519715709653,
+    0.23558872825006388,
+    0.23602589936541735,
+    0.23602589936541735,
+    0.23638998760967109,
+    0.23703292133804643,
+    0.24047672111025759,
+    0.24232933889648617,
+    0.24387144046296869,
+    0.24387144046296869,
+    0.24388260654882868,
+    0.24896631802503422,
+    0.25046853137361336,
+    0.25166045673406662,
+    0.25166045673406662,
+    0.25359663196242094,
+    0.25498419205566342,
+    0.25901909865108758,
+    0.26243633410773498,
+    0.26917225709613957,
+    0.26917225709613957,
+    0.27179969406100962,
+    0.27215636119935699,
+    0.27269960957360972,
+    0.27295835182412659,
+    0.27444977275651289,
+    0.27444977275651289,
+    0.274486965108864,
+    0.27757442781989727,
+    0.28007367094306918,
+    0.28306039462916666,
+    0.28306039462916666,
+    0.29022692808414607,
+    0.29319016306643131,
+    0.2953248123792146,
+    0.29727012315484735,
+    0.30055429636041897,
+    0.30055429636041897,
+    0.30274018734482672,
+    0.30371328246605706,
+    0.31089484427626424,
+    0.31222083890057561,
+    0.31222083890057561,
+    0.31342334287374385,
+    0.31360922339798514,
+    0.31781375837493059,
+    0.32086597698136354,
+    0.32397526199152671,
+    0.32397526199152671,
+    0.3252274384988707,
+    0.32557079328326183,
+    0.33071479846211244,
+    0.33213366103834452,
+    0.33213366103834452,
+    0.33806274054259133,
+    0.34060768522908541,
+    0.34066725641268175,
+    0.35070821312772565,
+    0.35281117830908848,
+    0.36022367837676228,
+    0.36022367837676228,
+    0.36359476452865169,
+    0.36867343874662684,
+    0.37500703454904866,
+    0.37500703454904866,
+    0.37559552094037618,
+    0.37776360565050465,
+    0.37911941464036175,
+    0.38043414821366556,
+    0.38673933256135501,
+    0.38673933256135501,
+    0.41493531465793626,
+    0.42545225470978032,
+    0.43335020944353286,
+    0.45946584864513479,
+    0.47934271794544625,
+    0.47934271794544625,
+    0.4835397584082895,
+    0.507001135566851,
+    0.53670698552411766,
+    0.62709022030658668,
+    0.62709022030658668,
+    0.6307562723487633,
+    0.6978337089986677,
+    0.96104664619258018,
+    0.97932419086538236,
+    1.3786097683148981,
+    1.3786097683148981,
+    2.1383436514004277,
+    2.1383436514004277,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.040258951562044121,
+    0.040258951562044121,
+    0.04337227036223338,
+    0.04337227036223338,
+    0.04337227036223338,
+    0.056733258526878674,
+    0.056733258526878674,
+    0.059895656757221916,
+    0.063352892119378321,
+    0.063352892119378321,
+    0.063352892119378321,
+    0.063352892119378321,
+    0.063460760236515132,
+    0.063460760236515132,
+    0.063460760236515132,
+    0.064176771962993165,
+    0.064176771962993165,
+    0.069374734097819607,
+    0.069374734097819607,
+    0.069941635924431284,
+    0.069941635924431284,
+    0.069941635924431284,
+    0.07441063086446581,
+    0.07441063086446581,
+    0.090038436293935278,
+    0.090038436293935278,
+    0.090038436293935278,
+    0.093919282982153851,
+    0.098259451815303545,
+    0.098259451815303545,
+    0.098259451815303545,
+    0.098259451815303545,
+    0.11221645527330414,
+    0.11221645527330414,
+    0.11464109406455952,
+    0.11464109406455952,
+    0.11464109406455952,
+    0.11504122558884447,
+    0.11504122558884447,
+    0.11661461574279566,
+    0.11661461574279566,
+    0.11661461574279566,
+    0.11694434342186813,
+    0.11694434342186813,
+    0.12361989892840071,
+    0.12361989892840071,
+    0.12361989892840071,
+    0.12731915639699826,
+    0.13338496267239372,
+    0.13338496267239372,
+    0.13338496267239372,
+    0.13338496267239372,
+    0.14060738795616895,
+    0.14060738795616895,
+    0.14577369503859991,
+    0.14577369503859991,
+    0.14577369503859991,
+    0.15154574744822344,
+    0.15154574744822344,
+    0.15338029980440129,
+    0.15338029980440129,
+    0.155704785287297,
+    0.155704785287297,
+    0.155704785287297,
+    0.16408818329459646,
+    0.16408818329459646,
+    0.16611008928152352,
+    0.16611008928152352,
+    0.16793010863802235,
+    0.16793010863802235,
+    0.16793010863802235,
+    0.17350035363146732,
+    0.17350035363146732,
+    0.17350035363146732,
+    0.17720670978465847,
+    0.17720670978465847,
+    0.18778273599380949,
+    0.18778273599380949,
+    0.18778273599380949,
+    0.1956978506206099,
+    0.1956978506206099,
+    0.20618188353800229,
+    0.20618188353800229,
+    0.20618188353800229,
+    0.20667910131294201,
+    0.20667910131294201,
+    0.20897230394199579,
+    0.20897230394199579,
+    0.21603929997442067,
+    0.21603929997442067,
+    0.21603929997442067,
+    0.21750678346847724,
+    0.21750678346847724,
+    0.21750678346847724,
+    0.22319258104633796,
+    0.22319258104633796,
+    0.22577633029393052,
+    0.22577633029393052,
+    0.22577633029393052,
+    0.22835066066328252,
+    0.22835066066328252,
+    0.23127950794349347,
+    0.23127950794349347,
+    0.2335912050904361,
+    0.2335912050904361,
+    0.2335912050904361,
+    0.23855651821128016,
+    0.23855651821128016,
+    0.2403910894270215,
+    0.2403910894270215,
+    0.2403910894270215,
+    0.24693892553945757,
+    0.24693892553945757,
+    0.25144395559134397,
+    0.25144395559134397,
+    0.25144395559134397,
+    0.26144207730435715,
+    0.26144207730435715,
+    0.26316375812762322,
+    0.26316375812762322,
+    0.26316375812762322,
+    0.269250257528246,
+    0.269250257528246,
+    0.26976356545845359,
+    0.26976356545845359,
+    0.26976356545845359,
+    0.27207502394872296,
+    0.27207502394872296,
+    0.2722348959852619,
+    0.2722348959852619,
+    0.2722348959852619,
+    0.27399949932593481,
+    0.27399949932593481,
+    0.28525376986066708,
+    0.28525376986066708,
+    0.28525376986066708,
+    0.28581273013248543,
+    0.28581273013248543,
+    0.28581555874501124,
+    0.28581555874501124,
+    0.28725787127206887,
+    0.28725787127206887,
+    0.28725787127206887,
+    0.29182201476670522,
+    0.29182201476670522,
+    0.29774917483412067,
+    0.29774917483412067,
+    0.29774917483412067,
+    0.3221172335419677,
+    0.3221172335419677,
+    0.32286123906893716,
+    0.32286123906893716,
+    0.32286123906893716,
+    0.32784329797451783,
+    0.32784329797451783,
+    0.39859714532471063,
+    0.39859714532471063,
+    0.39859714532471063,
+    0.40861269762703839,
+    0.40861269762703839,
+    0.43492497337962299,
+    0.43492497337962299,
+    0.43492497337962299,
+    0.45154247181726737,
+    0.45154247181726737,
+    0.47903191315956584,
+    0.47903191315956584,
+    0.47903191315956584,
+    0.48764413130617162,
+    0.48764413130617162,
+    0.55753055427216291,
+    0.55753055427216291,
+    0.55753055427216291,
+    0.59950889251110473,
+    0.59950889251110473,
+    0.62302532522821363,
+    0.62302532522821363,
+    0.62302532522821363,
+    0.70821265192750071,
+    0.70821265192750071,
+    0.78923825478405685,
+    0.78923825478405685,
+    0.80991304315555079,
+    0.80991304315555079,
+    0.80991304315555079,
+    0.88217017561019562,
+    0.88217017561019562,
+    0.88217017561019562,
+    0.90564207937415331,
+    0.90564207937415331,
+    0.92743264762046396,
+    0.92743264762046396,
+    1.0496487600196804,
+    1.0496487600196804,
+    1.0496487600196804,
+    1.2152980938033116,
+    1.2152980938033116,
+    1.2152980938033116,
+    1.2152980938033116,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_gamoms.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_gamoms.py
index ea511b287cca323b0a4b3e783cdae24dd9b2ff78..4b503e133e05fe81392d581299a290c2f5a8fa08 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_gamoms.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_gamoms.py
@@ -9,14 +9,84 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2008_def_gamoms = [
-    0, 350.0, 1050.0, 1750.0, 2450.0, 3150.0, 3850.0, 4550.0, 5250.0, 5950.0,
-    6650.0, 7350.0, 8050.0, 8750.0, 9450.0, 10150.0, 10850.0, 11550.0, 12250.0,
-    12950.0, 13650.0, 14350.0, 15050.0, 15750.0, 16450.0, 17150.0, 17850.0,
-    18550.0, 19250.0, 19950.0, 20650.0, 21350.0, 22050.0, 22750.0, 23450.0,
-    24150.0, 24850.0, 25550.0, 26250.0, 26950.0, 27650.0, 28350.0, 29050.0,
-    29750.0, 30450.0, 31150.0, 31850.0, 32550.0, 33250.0, 33950.0, 34650.0,
-    35350.0, 36050.0, 36750.0, 37450.0, 38150.0, 38850.0, 39550.0, 40250.0,
-    40950.0, 41650.0, 42350.0, 43050.0, 43750.0, 44450.0, 45150.0, 45850.0,
-    46550.0, 47250.0, 47950.0, 48650.0, 49350.0, 50050.0, 50750.0, 51450.0,
-    52150.0, 52850.0, 53550.0, 54250.0, 54950.0
+    0,
+    350.0,
+    1050.0,
+    1750.0,
+    2450.0,
+    3150.0,
+    3850.0,
+    4550.0,
+    5250.0,
+    5950.0,
+    6650.0,
+    7350.0,
+    8050.0,
+    8750.0,
+    9450.0,
+    10150.0,
+    10850.0,
+    11550.0,
+    12250.0,
+    12950.0,
+    13650.0,
+    14350.0,
+    15050.0,
+    15750.0,
+    16450.0,
+    17150.0,
+    17850.0,
+    18550.0,
+    19250.0,
+    19950.0,
+    20650.0,
+    21350.0,
+    22050.0,
+    22750.0,
+    23450.0,
+    24150.0,
+    24850.0,
+    25550.0,
+    26250.0,
+    26950.0,
+    27650.0,
+    28350.0,
+    29050.0,
+    29750.0,
+    30450.0,
+    31150.0,
+    31850.0,
+    32550.0,
+    33250.0,
+    33950.0,
+    34650.0,
+    35350.0,
+    36050.0,
+    36750.0,
+    37450.0,
+    38150.0,
+    38850.0,
+    39550.0,
+    40250.0,
+    40950.0,
+    41650.0,
+    42350.0,
+    43050.0,
+    43750.0,
+    44450.0,
+    45150.0,
+    45850.0,
+    46550.0,
+    47250.0,
+    47950.0,
+    48650.0,
+    49350.0,
+    50050.0,
+    50750.0,
+    51450.0,
+    52150.0,
+    52850.0,
+    53550.0,
+    54250.0,
+    54950.0,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_gaprobs.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_gaprobs.py
index f666ffa3bb5f2fd47a97646e7a97f9deda5ce502..851c27533acf5d0ea17a028bf90e2d5d900e5ddb 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_gaprobs.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2008_def_gaprobs.py
@@ -9,99 +9,324 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2008_def_gaprobs = [
-    0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.91489362716699996, 0.95692306757000001,
-    0.98613864183400002, 0.99072849750500003, 0.98903292417499999,
-    0.98952460288999999, 0.99774098396300004, 0.99152541160600005,
-    0.99343830347100004, 0.99500310421000004, 0.99360203742999997,
-    0.99673414230299995, 0.99803018569900004, 0.99857753515199998,
-    0.99271136522299996, 0.993197262287, 0.997596144676, 0.99408286809900004,
-    0.99648505449299996, 0.99720668792699996, 0.99559080600700001,
-    0.99696666002300005, 0.99382078647600003, 0.99571734666800005,
-    0.99760192632699995, 0.99768519401599998, 0.99423962831500001,
-    0.99749684333800004, 0.99865412712099999, 0.99725276231799997,
-    0.99565845727900004, 1.0, 0.995768666267, 0.99697428941699995,
-    0.99658703804000004, 0.995065808296, 0.998257815838, 0.99835252761799997,
-    0.99401199817700003, 1.0, 0.99435025453600001, 0.99797159433399996,
-    0.99582463502899998, 0.99365752935399998, 0.99794661998699996,
-    0.99550563097, 0.99768519401599998, 0.99052131176000002,
-    0.99722993373900004, 0.99507391452799998, 0.98961037397399998,
-    0.99184781312900006, 0.98863637447399999, 0.99135446548499995,
-    0.99723756313300005, 0.99006623029700003, 0.99099099636099997,
-    0.99672132730499996, 0.992857158184, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.98947370052299999,
-    0.99640285968800002, 0.99641579389599999, 0.98892986774400005,
-    0.984126985073, 0.99591839313499997, 0.98765432834599998,
-    0.98712444305400004, 0.99523806571999995, 0.98076921701399999, 1.0, 1.0,
-    1.0, 1.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.031914893537799999, 0.68923074006999996,
-    0.94653463363599999, 0.97483444213899995, 0.98404783010499997,
-    0.98952460288999999, 0.99397587776200003, 0.99022161960599997,
-    0.99081367254300001, 0.99312931299200002, 0.99488162994399998,
-    0.99738734960599995, 0.99606043100399999, 0.99431008100499996,
-    0.99562680721300001, 0.99546486139299994, 0.997596144676,
-    0.99408286809900004, 0.99648505449299996, 0.996275603771,
-    0.99823635816599998, 0.99494439363499998, 0.99485069513299995,
-    0.99678802490200002, 0.99520385265400002, 0.99884259700800004,
-    0.99539172649399998, 0.99374216795000003, 0.99730819463700005,
-    0.99450546503100001, 0.99565845727900004, 1.0, 0.99435824155800001,
-    0.99546140432399999, 0.99488055706, 0.99342107772800003,
-    0.99651569127999995, 0.99670511484099999, 0.99401199817700003,
-    0.99616122245799998, 0.99811673164400005, 0.99594318866700005,
-    0.99791228771200002, 0.99154335260399995, 0.99794661998699996,
-    0.99775278568299997, 0.99768519401599998, 0.99289101362200005,
-    0.99722993373900004, 0.99014776945100003, 0.98961037397399998,
-    0.99728262424500003, 0.98863637447399999, 0.98559075593900003,
-    0.99447512626599999, 0.98675495386099998, 0.98798799514799995,
-    0.99672132730499996, 0.98571425676299995, 0.99662160873399996, 1.0, 1.0,
-    0.98947370052299999, 0.99640285968800002, 0.99641579389599999,
-    0.98892986774400005, 0.99603176116900005, 0.99591839313499997,
-    0.99588477611500004, 0.99570816755299996, 0.99523806571999995,
-    0.98076921701399999, 1.0, 0.99545454978900005, 0.98958331346499995, 1.0, 0,
-    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.31881189346299998, 0.88344371318799997,
-    0.95014953613300002, 0.97824335098299997, 0.97515058517499997,
-    0.98370271921200003, 0.98556429147699998, 0.99250465631499996,
-    0.99168264865900002, 0.99281513690900003, 0.99409061670300003,
-    0.99217641353599995, 0.99271136522299996, 0.99168556928600005,
-    0.99439102411299995, 0.99492812156699995, 0.99384886026399999,
-    0.99720668792699996, 0.99029982090000002, 0.99089992046399999,
-    0.99382078647600003, 0.99571734666800005, 0.99040764570200002,
-    0.99884259700800004, 0.98847925663000002, 0.99624532461199999,
-    0.99327051639599995, 0.99450546503100001, 0.99710565805399998,
-    0.99855905771300002, 0.99012696742999995, 0.99546140432399999,
-    0.99317407607999997, 0.99013155698800004, 1.0, 0.99341022968299997,
-    0.99201595783200003, 0.99808061122900005, 0.99811673164400005,
-    0.99594318866700005, 0.99791228771200002, 0.98308670520800001,
-    0.99794661998699996, 0.99775278568299997, 1.0, 0.99052131176000002,
-    0.99445980787300003, 0.99014776945100003, 0.984415590763,
-    0.98913043737399997, 0.98579543829000005, 0.97982710599900003,
-    0.98895025253299995, 0.98675495386099998, 0.98798799514799995,
-    0.99672132730499996, 0.98928570747400002, 0.99662160873399996,
-    0.98207885026899999, 0.99658703804000004, 0.98596489429500001,
-    0.98920863866800002, 0.99641579389599999, 0.98154979944200005,
-    0.98809522390399995, 0.99591839313499997, 0.99176955223100005,
-    0.982832610607, 0.98571425676299995, 0.98076921701399999, 1.0,
-    0.99545454978900005, 0.99479168653500005, 1.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
-    0.00198019808158, 0.076821193098999999, 0.595214366913,
-    0.90491539239899998, 0.95858430862400001, 0.96870923042299995,
-    0.98556429147699998, 0.98750782012899996, 0.98784387111700001,
-    0.98889613151599998, 0.99146419763600002, 0.99359887838399996,
-    0.98833817243599997, 0.993197262287, 0.99038463830900003,
-    0.99492812156699995, 0.99384886026399999, 0.99720668792699996,
-    0.99206346273400003, 0.99494439363499998, 0.99176108837099997,
-    0.99357599019999998, 0.99040764570200002, 0.99652779102300004,
-    0.98732721805599999, 0.99374216795000003, 0.99327051639599995,
-    0.99587911367399995, 0.99565845727900004, 0.99711817503,
-    0.99294781684900002, 0.98940998315799999, 0.98634815216100002,
-    0.991776287556, 0.99477350711800006, 0.99341022968299997,
-    0.98602795600899995, 0.99232244491599997, 0.99811673164400005,
-    0.993914783001, 0.99791228771200002, 0.98520082235299999,
-    0.99794661998699996, 0.99775278568299997, 0.99768519401599998,
-    0.98815166950199995, 0.99445980787300003, 0.99261081218699998,
-    0.98701298236799995, 0.99184781312900006, 0.991477251053,
-    0.97694522142399998, 0.99171268940000001, 0.98344373702999999,
-    0.98498499393500005, 0.99344259500499998, 0.98928570747400002,
-    0.99324321746800004, 0.98924732208300004, 0.99658703804000004,
-    0.98596489429500001, 0.98561149835600004, 0.98207885026899999,
-    0.985239863396, 0.98809522390399995, 0.98775511980099995,
-    0.99588477611500004, 0.98712444305400004, 0.98095238208799995,
-    0.97596156597100003, 0.99512195587200003, 0.99090909957899997,
-    0.98958331346499995, 1.0
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.91489362716699996,
+    0.95692306757000001,
+    0.98613864183400002,
+    0.99072849750500003,
+    0.98903292417499999,
+    0.98952460288999999,
+    0.99774098396300004,
+    0.99152541160600005,
+    0.99343830347100004,
+    0.99500310421000004,
+    0.99360203742999997,
+    0.99673414230299995,
+    0.99803018569900004,
+    0.99857753515199998,
+    0.99271136522299996,
+    0.993197262287,
+    0.997596144676,
+    0.99408286809900004,
+    0.99648505449299996,
+    0.99720668792699996,
+    0.99559080600700001,
+    0.99696666002300005,
+    0.99382078647600003,
+    0.99571734666800005,
+    0.99760192632699995,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.99423962831500001,
+    0.99749684333800004,
+    0.99865412712099999,
+    0.99725276231799997,
+    0.99565845727900004,
+    1.0,
+    0.995768666267,
+    0.99697428941699995,
+    0.99658703804000004,
+    0.995065808296,
+    0.998257815838,
+    0.99835252761799997,
+    0.99401199817700003,
+    1.0,
+    0.99435025453600001,
+    0.99797159433399996,
+    0.99582463502899998,
+    0.99365752935399998,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99550563097,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.99052131176000002,
+    0.99722993373900004,
+    0.99507391452799998,
+    0.98961037397399998,
+    0.99184781312900006,
+    0.98863637447399999,
+    0.99135446548499995,
+    0.99723756313300005,
+    0.99006623029700003,
+    0.99099099636099997,
+    0.99672132730499996,
+    0.992857158184,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    0.98947370052299999,
+    0.99640285968800002,
+    0.99641579389599999,
+    0.98892986774400005,
+    0.984126985073,
+    0.99591839313499997,
+    0.98765432834599998,
+    0.98712444305400004,
+    0.99523806571999995,
+    0.98076921701399999,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.031914893537799999,
+    0.68923074006999996,
+    0.94653463363599999,
+    0.97483444213899995,
+    0.98404783010499997,
+    0.98952460288999999,
+    0.99397587776200003,
+    0.99022161960599997,
+    0.99081367254300001,
+    0.99312931299200002,
+    0.99488162994399998,
+    0.99738734960599995,
+    0.99606043100399999,
+    0.99431008100499996,
+    0.99562680721300001,
+    0.99546486139299994,
+    0.997596144676,
+    0.99408286809900004,
+    0.99648505449299996,
+    0.996275603771,
+    0.99823635816599998,
+    0.99494439363499998,
+    0.99485069513299995,
+    0.99678802490200002,
+    0.99520385265400002,
+    0.99884259700800004,
+    0.99539172649399998,
+    0.99374216795000003,
+    0.99730819463700005,
+    0.99450546503100001,
+    0.99565845727900004,
+    1.0,
+    0.99435824155800001,
+    0.99546140432399999,
+    0.99488055706,
+    0.99342107772800003,
+    0.99651569127999995,
+    0.99670511484099999,
+    0.99401199817700003,
+    0.99616122245799998,
+    0.99811673164400005,
+    0.99594318866700005,
+    0.99791228771200002,
+    0.99154335260399995,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99775278568299997,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.99289101362200005,
+    0.99722993373900004,
+    0.99014776945100003,
+    0.98961037397399998,
+    0.99728262424500003,
+    0.98863637447399999,
+    0.98559075593900003,
+    0.99447512626599999,
+    0.98675495386099998,
+    0.98798799514799995,
+    0.99672132730499996,
+    0.98571425676299995,
+    0.99662160873399996,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    0.98947370052299999,
+    0.99640285968800002,
+    0.99641579389599999,
+    0.98892986774400005,
+    0.99603176116900005,
+    0.99591839313499997,
+    0.99588477611500004,
+    0.99570816755299996,
+    0.99523806571999995,
+    0.98076921701399999,
+    1.0,
+    0.99545454978900005,
+    0.98958331346499995,
+    1.0,
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.31881189346299998,
+    0.88344371318799997,
+    0.95014953613300002,
+    0.97824335098299997,
+    0.97515058517499997,
+    0.98370271921200003,
+    0.98556429147699998,
+    0.99250465631499996,
+    0.99168264865900002,
+    0.99281513690900003,
+    0.99409061670300003,
+    0.99217641353599995,
+    0.99271136522299996,
+    0.99168556928600005,
+    0.99439102411299995,
+    0.99492812156699995,
+    0.99384886026399999,
+    0.99720668792699996,
+    0.99029982090000002,
+    0.99089992046399999,
+    0.99382078647600003,
+    0.99571734666800005,
+    0.99040764570200002,
+    0.99884259700800004,
+    0.98847925663000002,
+    0.99624532461199999,
+    0.99327051639599995,
+    0.99450546503100001,
+    0.99710565805399998,
+    0.99855905771300002,
+    0.99012696742999995,
+    0.99546140432399999,
+    0.99317407607999997,
+    0.99013155698800004,
+    1.0,
+    0.99341022968299997,
+    0.99201595783200003,
+    0.99808061122900005,
+    0.99811673164400005,
+    0.99594318866700005,
+    0.99791228771200002,
+    0.98308670520800001,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99775278568299997,
+    1.0,
+    0.99052131176000002,
+    0.99445980787300003,
+    0.99014776945100003,
+    0.984415590763,
+    0.98913043737399997,
+    0.98579543829000005,
+    0.97982710599900003,
+    0.98895025253299995,
+    0.98675495386099998,
+    0.98798799514799995,
+    0.99672132730499996,
+    0.98928570747400002,
+    0.99662160873399996,
+    0.98207885026899999,
+    0.99658703804000004,
+    0.98596489429500001,
+    0.98920863866800002,
+    0.99641579389599999,
+    0.98154979944200005,
+    0.98809522390399995,
+    0.99591839313499997,
+    0.99176955223100005,
+    0.982832610607,
+    0.98571425676299995,
+    0.98076921701399999,
+    1.0,
+    0.99545454978900005,
+    0.99479168653500005,
+    1.0,
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.00198019808158,
+    0.076821193098999999,
+    0.595214366913,
+    0.90491539239899998,
+    0.95858430862400001,
+    0.96870923042299995,
+    0.98556429147699998,
+    0.98750782012899996,
+    0.98784387111700001,
+    0.98889613151599998,
+    0.99146419763600002,
+    0.99359887838399996,
+    0.98833817243599997,
+    0.993197262287,
+    0.99038463830900003,
+    0.99492812156699995,
+    0.99384886026399999,
+    0.99720668792699996,
+    0.99206346273400003,
+    0.99494439363499998,
+    0.99176108837099997,
+    0.99357599019999998,
+    0.99040764570200002,
+    0.99652779102300004,
+    0.98732721805599999,
+    0.99374216795000003,
+    0.99327051639599995,
+    0.99587911367399995,
+    0.99565845727900004,
+    0.99711817503,
+    0.99294781684900002,
+    0.98940998315799999,
+    0.98634815216100002,
+    0.991776287556,
+    0.99477350711800006,
+    0.99341022968299997,
+    0.98602795600899995,
+    0.99232244491599997,
+    0.99811673164400005,
+    0.993914783001,
+    0.99791228771200002,
+    0.98520082235299999,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99775278568299997,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.98815166950199995,
+    0.99445980787300003,
+    0.99261081218699998,
+    0.98701298236799995,
+    0.99184781312900006,
+    0.991477251053,
+    0.97694522142399998,
+    0.99171268940000001,
+    0.98344373702999999,
+    0.98498499393500005,
+    0.99344259500499998,
+    0.98928570747400002,
+    0.99324321746800004,
+    0.98924732208300004,
+    0.99658703804000004,
+    0.98596489429500001,
+    0.98561149835600004,
+    0.98207885026899999,
+    0.985239863396,
+    0.98809522390399995,
+    0.98775511980099995,
+    0.99588477611500004,
+    0.98712444305400004,
+    0.98095238208799995,
+    0.97596156597100003,
+    0.99512195587200003,
+    0.99090909957899997,
+    0.98958331346499995,
+    1.0,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_chi2b.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_chi2b.py
index a415ec731bed6653ff89f12aa4bc4c77f3d33734..35e7129d4248227adb8a21650e04b000dfc57c0a 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_chi2b.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_chi2b.py
@@ -9,672 +9,2416 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2009_def_chi2b = [
-    0.0, 1.19643536295, 1.7799429438800001, 2.5000897208500001,
-    3.0593132287299998, 3.4839286608000002, 3.9982294568999999,
-    4.4402913862600002, 4.8147369692600002, 5.3054432104, 5.8105717909600001,
-    6.1370968299099999, 6.7475810144699997, 7.3015792720599997,
-    7.6896019690199999, 8.13938977856, 8.4515096605100002, 8.9879216562900002,
-    9.4927671192999998, 10.085788064899999, 10.625255410199999, 11.0026891093,
-    11.3895870178, 11.843719932200001, 12.253271789299999, 12.767614137500001,
-    13.262427498099999, 13.786048882799999, 14.16595075, 14.643883369899999,
-    15.146539539600001, 15.7813472808, 16.280656373900001, 16.655646821400001,
-    17.114459585199999, 17.598615494000001, 18.184936752399999,
-    18.740805828900001, 19.248318706700001, 19.9296167205, 20.463100761100002,
-    21.2124495216, 21.626706539400001, 22.210655822100001, 22.700941956400001,
-    23.302821910599999, 23.920510033900001, 24.580456784700001, 25.2569820073,
-    25.959142340700001, 26.512265281099999, 27.196530728900001,
-    27.733216163200002, 28.478633239299999, 29.299270036500001,
-    30.256722160100001, 30.986221208, 31.737877171200001, 32.3960443243,
-    33.105226859200002, 33.767065963699999, 34.404378731100003,
-    34.924274373000003, 35.644436068099999, 36.564111572900003,
-    37.417350414600001, 38.238436024899997, 38.799991177199999,
-    39.436095377800001, 40.277347542100003, 41.016879076899997,
-    41.908435708699997, 42.819594709699999, 43.738915136400003,
-    44.846693151399997, 45.536023954699999, 46.546157932100002,
-    47.460643921100001, 48.624537354399997, 49.4055755953, 50.186510797700002,
-    51.175277055499997, 52.089204297199998, 53.122068163400002,
-    54.127727041100002, 54.940780204399999, 56.114554909900001, 57.0656839854,
-    57.894406169100002, 59.009235477799997, 60.0914392866, 61.208045864900001,
-    62.2858241466, 63.543350702799998, 64.856196127700002, 66.682225449399994,
-    68.209557105800002, 69.742463108799996, 71.750057073999997,
-    73.414467924899995, 75.307815587799993, 77.118795934299996,
-    78.812379695000004, 80.355455134600007, 81.877925440300004,
-    83.662200974800001, 85.224686517899997, 86.615321828199995,
-    88.267510348100004, 89.802469557099997, 91.374895675700003,
-    93.408025320799993, 95.336052711299999, 97.395921625599996,
-    98.859486409499993, 100.657442178, 102.99984774399999, 105.41734144900001,
-    107.273191485, 109.044242849, 110.937136356, 113.583166593,
-    115.56257233300001, 117.846911268, 120.681655831, 122.799469999,
-    124.375415383, 126.97394391900001, 129.436815795, 132.49568735599999,
-    135.98857834699999, 138.09223868300001, 141.65649987800001,
-    146.09086464500001, 149.16576952099999, 152.208770273, 155.187653896,
-    157.43246798000001, 160.43301280700001, 162.84002901100001,
-    166.77052560600001, 169.29494600500001, 172.91801473500001, 176.654293306,
-    180.23478114700001, 183.296380473, 186.73903581499999, 190.86755789399999,
-    195.654394298, 199.69558299600001, 203.92254700699999, 208.397049907,
-    213.10008202399999, 217.93095747000001, 222.20188235800001,
-    227.07325009499999, 230.860699883, 237.97819378299999, 245.85743037500001,
-    252.73101680400001, 258.89556405000002, 268.60486464500002,
-    276.47499798699999, 282.03633185400003, 289.17078451600003,
-    302.06749436299998, 312.57905513100002, 322.60452264899999, 331.014610371,
-    341.75075497, 350.173888159, 361.88637575400003, 371.61412230500002,
-    385.17435225200001, 400.72319405799999, 411.753441162, 422.75058281299999,
-    437.11037701999999, 453.45288953800002, 474.420871385, 488.318616894,
-    512.11653910200005, 535.54182501000003, 555.56166528300002,
-    573.43505104999997, 593.13241480700003, 614.79560775100003, 649.435414896,
-    688.17560751799999, 721.87795355000003, 773.415382937, 813.66800489900004,
-    877.39648314099998, 964.732528602, 1069.40860047, 1223.88660858,
-    1424.4787858300001, 1674.8315303500001, 1977.7544173799999, 2651.83993319,
-    200410.392804, 0.0, 1.1584312650099999, 1.8096405876999999, 2.08809545024,
-    2.39759603108, 2.8210825374900002, 3.2262415616500002, 3.6767261063199999,
-    4.0712643350700004, 4.3358305431000002, 4.6961593196700004,
-    5.0048297457600004, 5.3979863436900004, 5.8290699240099997,
-    6.1960232764300001, 6.5088252292500002, 6.8948342983900002,
-    7.2696660689300003, 7.5399291096800001, 8.01313726329, 8.3889381116700008,
-    8.8151563879800001, 9.3221845714700002, 9.7919081310700005,
-    10.197322679699999, 10.690667428799999, 11.1669675994, 11.439377929899999,
-    11.6674844277, 12.008682137099999, 12.4556500154, 12.8218557119,
-    13.3281486992, 13.7095661165, 14.2163312161, 14.836869545500001,
-    15.3589870134, 15.8272834403, 16.238276813700001, 16.5883025266,
-    17.023074348600002, 17.414160002799999, 17.848152475399999,
-    18.247715569499999, 18.664561518999999, 19.075395695600001,
-    19.486374441700001, 19.973916476399999, 20.5269080381, 21.020846655300002,
-    21.507367194299999, 22.0135312996, 22.461208124300001, 23.036281720800002,
-    23.480764591, 23.9941998794, 24.413118882100001, 24.9392923634,
-    25.478485752899999, 26.086617298499998, 26.6809648813, 27.1950947449,
-    28.074728258899999, 28.720521756, 29.3654350726, 30.087513917199999,
-    30.702053779700002, 31.306689242899999, 31.780186689299999, 32.4753156827,
-    33.135143889299997, 33.888469867399998, 34.645545953000003,
-    35.367533057599999, 36.110020627200001, 36.758678629099997,
-    37.497664023799999, 38.081984167100003, 38.997417122999998,
-    39.672472603700001, 40.429274192199998, 41.295854716299999,
-    41.954930876799999, 42.5972412096, 43.276950597999999, 44.159449579799997,
-    45.025165711200003, 45.821814644200003, 46.555175562499997,
-    47.583311010599999, 48.589989172199999, 49.510833894599998,
-    50.257035760699999, 51.092289456800003, 52.258119141000002,
-    52.938195970499997, 53.804888863800002, 54.8416712187, 55.960279943899998,
-    57.006686652699997, 58.274563175499999, 59.3790074307, 60.283128322000003,
-    61.549512813600003, 62.4978155636, 63.834912981700001, 64.904107601199996,
-    66.223931861400004, 67.086972593499993, 68.397576571800002,
-    69.942186175000003, 71.207027708799998, 72.602512277200006,
-    73.560342838699995, 74.967359775099993, 76.577240733500005,
-    78.057764533799997, 79.513502422499997, 81.078073566599997,
-    82.165643638800006, 83.719127560900006, 85.148667228299999,
-    86.337704861199995, 87.860157790000002, 89.431109054900006,
-    90.980131378099998, 92.433634234400003, 94.226038238300006,
-    95.621501725399995, 97.080958997099998, 99.134428385800007,
-    101.04854586800001, 102.97657310699999, 105.139486026, 107.602665034,
-    109.70147691299999, 112.05021857600001, 114.125549412, 116.61722458,
-    118.189314409, 120.82322130999999, 123.127890034, 125.47513250999999,
-    127.848312975, 130.41431036200001, 133.57317560600001, 136.49161050999999,
-    140.74286875799999, 143.71689255300001, 146.67120050400001,
-    149.59581133399999, 152.22756825499999, 156.533766931, 160.06017973100001,
-    165.11262847200001, 169.23166942399999, 175.315765167, 179.524732857,
-    183.40525104400001, 188.17945511100001, 191.82963235400001, 197.202013322,
-    202.34316464599999, 207.99698327900001, 215.67824328500001,
-    224.47764356499999, 230.63417344199999, 236.60643002699999,
-    242.61055810900001, 251.77410247, 259.46544586200002, 268.047248459,
-    276.79107524199998, 286.15718497099999, 295.84758942399998,
-    305.58034509200002, 314.60780894999999, 325.34498936799997,
-    338.27578485100003, 348.53507352600002, 362.42239857200002, 375.083278597,
-    389.444337389, 407.52083932199997, 423.996775576, 439.86516896699999,
-    461.74456199100001, 481.21447879099998, 506.20652181600002,
-    531.64557102599997, 563.79744206400005, 601.85836871599997,
-    633.07763874900002, 693.45668289599996, 762.28141866299995,
-    852.11407475700003, 985.769367053, 1195.0785449099999, 1389.62431328,
-    2042.8647050500001, 78636.810297999997, 0.0, 1.0297464516799999,
-    1.60346935644, 2.0630353810100002, 2.4007054222700002, 2.7231158619300002,
-    3.0845870231900001, 3.3825315783100001, 3.7827559602099998,
-    4.1271402089200002, 4.4667826236700003, 4.7067760450099998,
-    5.1713770843100004, 5.53668279583, 5.74764546799, 6.1299980556899998,
-    6.3496742207699999, 6.6781045773500001, 7.12938206889, 7.39578341085,
-    7.7627325807999998, 8.0843024355399997, 8.3430476893299996,
-    8.7253588764300005, 9.0323780076000002, 9.3251680266000001,
-    9.7700665673099998, 10.103065082900001, 10.4121667828, 10.792220887399999,
-    11.114426525200001, 11.3987065041, 11.7259278942, 12.148971416,
-    12.454565579200001, 12.7910859418, 13.0925963376, 13.4917267129,
-    13.8568357546, 14.099344370200001, 14.466338023, 14.773502690999999,
-    15.1559213702, 15.4627289245, 15.735248281500001, 16.264394708800001,
-    16.624779056400001, 17.059591039099999, 17.366603691200002, 17.645800374,
-    18.074841360299999, 18.3713457528, 18.6782869727, 19.1657010441,
-    19.623227022799998, 20.045230785600001, 20.669991472, 21.181226625299999,
-    21.496046951899999, 22.092489347299999, 22.5203682028, 22.913515129299999,
-    23.382882170199998, 23.760241867400001, 24.103618211899999,
-    24.540791235699999, 25.0420139973, 25.4305135832, 26.0666776578,
-    26.564557883900001, 27.273553850399999, 27.7820097687, 28.3303665601,
-    28.745443715499999, 29.332968781000002, 30.009561780399999, 30.6135990386,
-    31.065902801899998, 31.520776554800001, 32.034559784499997,
-    32.646134072499997, 33.136621810400001, 34.091020344699999,
-    34.492997237600001, 34.960981709999999, 35.534538623400003,
-    36.397290535000003, 36.973557298199999, 37.496289196399999,
-    38.275574691300001, 39.132056666700002, 39.940285424599999,
-    40.663404855499998, 41.192514081399999, 41.940303401100003,
-    42.428268793400001, 43.002423862000001, 43.754682545599998,
-    44.392160792200002, 45.226295550300001, 45.955474380200002, 46.6701829171,
-    47.223011101499999, 47.870306336100001, 49.055475024800003,
-    49.870096181000001, 50.573112358800003, 51.511936900599999,
-    52.294025013499997, 52.962422501100001, 54.0366510279, 54.7208861318,
-    55.623480251799997, 56.401930573599998, 57.257184440700001,
-    58.072153872400001, 58.874410881099998, 60.104082592799998,
-    61.246007962100002, 62.248201307400002, 63.333179544099998, 64.4524632575,
-    65.680454143800006, 66.683104472400004, 67.860077341099995,
-    68.838786806399995, 69.8305645449, 71.030064286699997, 72.106640080299996,
-    73.718568832599999, 74.8928190476, 76.122150548999997, 77.8978499384,
-    79.078046305800001, 80.938626385199996, 82.707864462499998,
-    84.409564379399995, 85.580444997300006, 87.015983902800002,
-    88.433916929199995, 90.027633876400003, 91.989641288499996,
-    94.085497345299999, 97.019197389300004, 98.948948656499994, 101.110113046,
-    102.857621045, 104.948948472, 107.370061428, 110.309341836, 113.069785897,
-    115.334911873, 118.811007467, 121.8903905, 124.534635235, 127.237679828,
-    130.822044406, 133.95795785600001, 137.088601866, 141.331942336,
-    144.39698896600001, 148.46879151300001, 151.54049203599999, 156.010435457,
-    159.23907638899999, 163.84405742499999, 167.20574813600001, 171.571248282,
-    175.307565178, 180.898544257, 188.209642444, 192.88951267100001,
-    199.07961470500001, 204.98453083699999, 210.87189762099999,
-    217.37683173400001, 226.04598215600001, 233.03168449699999, 241.629711085,
-    246.946999901, 257.88334712900001, 264.42034237600001, 275.808770686,
-    285.32670270400001, 296.425658236, 311.66211481800002, 325.77524805600001,
-    339.41158178199998, 359.89737101100002, 378.89288395099999,
-    407.45313021999999, 430.825250423, 463.86767345999999, 495.964419029,
-    532.31966564899994, 589.85183477299995, 656.18178811200005,
-    784.26433017099998, 943.24503690999995, 1302.9980653, 102139.29543300001,
-    0.0, 0.86743237287200003, 1.3552076122000001, 1.74882176592,
-    2.1568118435899999, 2.5442077510700001, 2.7836243977500001, 3.00643655951,
-    3.2689355412999999, 3.5104534629600002, 3.8022522251600002,
-    4.0581864022299996, 4.3187967801799996, 4.5167601174499996,
-    4.8300373207899998, 5.1908096910400001, 5.4523307194299999,
-    5.7058518279000001, 6.0398043860700001, 6.3374641220700001,
-    6.6584016957400003, 6.8846773738299998, 7.1723016125100001, 7.48248963179,
-    7.7608348148299999, 8.0287909583299992, 8.3818549816299992,
-    8.7220174560999997, 9.0911091549999998, 9.35929759333, 9.6835960622500004,
-    9.9959322308900003, 10.3919770948, 10.747496464799999, 11.051538298500001,
-    11.316949795799999, 11.6183662131, 11.847164556699999, 12.1264569509,
-    12.437037774, 12.678519424999999, 13.016651663899999, 13.442219338399999,
-    13.7024184299, 14.0640518316, 14.3690724623, 14.6322090714,
-    15.003935011899999, 15.4618156875, 15.691396925499999, 16.018873943599999,
-    16.325083680199999, 16.72412623, 17.1800229961, 17.565089287999999,
-    17.955333696, 18.350394168699999, 18.662332183499998, 19.055520775400002,
-    19.3243741866, 19.697736269300002, 20.1598827376, 20.587558148399999,
-    20.947803652899999, 21.377289620700001, 21.7382160949, 22.148445907799999,
-    22.538187253499999, 22.969405032299999, 23.3515975378, 23.7868814409,
-    24.248895708799999, 24.763958241200001, 25.1997621694, 25.508926166199998,
-    25.958095899700002, 26.333188731500002, 26.824658796200001, 27.2155445271,
-    27.6568308628, 28.003116157499999, 28.541185737399999, 29.063342253199998,
-    29.560897612200002, 30.089418954599999, 30.597578276299998,
-    31.089081956699999, 31.4765648224, 31.894925652200001, 32.457647031999997,
-    33.030174841600001, 33.487885595199998, 34.018036955900001,
-    34.729723770100001, 35.271537205000001, 35.835399970200001,
-    36.307941559900001, 37.035916915500003, 37.561814357099998,
-    38.147376215199998, 38.7343663929, 39.318444863700002, 40.219249623899998,
-    40.878162636200003, 41.4384018103, 42.125905574999997, 42.975687067999999,
-    43.8669515737, 44.7165019555, 45.320383934500001, 46.290441078699999,
-    47.103139229999996, 47.737629462800001, 48.481018605400003, 49.4000519043,
-    50.130121766099997, 51.236341089200003, 52.022103237400003,
-    53.121350018199998, 54.3133505427, 55.198931289699999, 56.1880323006,
-    57.196115179099998, 58.388588195399997, 59.017601707799997,
-    60.191491397699998, 61.1785764937, 62.150011268, 63.062827775300001,
-    64.255070623099996, 65.725583058799998, 67.146069528200002,
-    68.855182272500002, 70.625039886400003, 72.517402771500002,
-    74.012329769800004, 75.142684897799995, 77.263163371999994,
-    78.970113074099999, 81.015664056600002, 82.952470754299995,
-    84.358247795500006, 86.345419452399994, 87.398236220800001,
-    88.877403817100003, 91.486012660200004, 93.475534618099999,
-    95.836579746699996, 99.517911350299997, 102.47972814000001,
-    104.56502959399999, 106.80315385900001, 109.427661664, 112.172083348,
-    114.752710729, 117.319711297, 120.332179395, 122.523137369,
-    125.80426376699999, 128.152192243, 130.68223203400001, 135.03565554799999,
-    138.836718018, 142.72321670599999, 145.83471307600001, 148.23894481900001,
-    150.940455676, 155.45888045199999, 160.45763036100001, 165.78439021700001,
-    170.10783283399999, 176.981973885, 182.24637161699999, 187.99729957,
-    193.341158584, 201.153499485, 209.89557814400001, 215.512255272,
-    222.916166694, 234.63262219500001, 242.24162438799999, 250.84387633899999,
-    264.39217630600001, 286.10701643599998, 294.863916168, 309.35324268800002,
-    326.01462315399999, 343.064113615, 361.99177679500002, 387.72006495800002,
-    407.06863126899998, 432.93714764600003, 471.081198336, 512.23599568500003,
-    547.44287580900004, 597.93801741300001, 672.97299630600003,
-    816.76871595199998, 996.88891773900002, 1291.9070935100001,
-    161358.74421500001, 0.0, 0.99453276649300004, 1.34957440998, 1.80040223325,
-    2.1674828403999999, 2.48530115303, 2.78071282241, 3.0627252072600002,
-    3.2784701121599999, 3.5719852163999999, 3.9766675073700002,
-    4.1919498196699996, 4.4401116787000001, 4.7010850741399999,
-    4.8325546723099997, 4.9905503588400002, 5.2121802011499998,
-    5.4487589889699999, 5.7199962258500001, 5.9713598443100002,
-    6.2934525916500004, 6.5164568592299998, 6.7356095053300002,
-    6.9021306576599999, 7.1721655965900002, 7.3281530158799999,
-    7.5914585431999999, 7.8254960779699996, 7.9993083693299996,
-    8.2012397418000003, 8.3720004276700006, 8.6300188092199992,
-    8.9217519372599998, 9.3077081475300005, 9.6043493889500002,
-    9.8964144834100001, 10.211666127200001, 10.4213008992, 10.788691589500001,
-    11.051012050900001, 11.344200771000001, 11.725614780600001, 11.9588900773,
-    12.2827247511, 12.637968324099999, 12.966823288900001, 13.168992016800001,
-    13.4745396448, 13.785583859500001, 14.036187573499999, 14.3890843198,
-    14.7328997316, 15.1242120858, 15.3426967014, 15.6612958042, 15.9789841683,
-    16.360263102400001, 16.772235545499999, 17.216064751899999,
-    17.589241161899999, 17.8572448364, 18.1950328878, 18.559156973699999,
-    18.792157978999999, 19.092364930399999, 19.509183897500002, 19.8903785993,
-    20.395241299399999, 20.715609197399999, 21.129151485000001, 21.4384474457,
-    21.8051370373, 22.0983151782, 22.589355123800001, 22.923955315299999,
-    23.293660984199999, 23.8073499164, 24.164663172499999, 24.468464225200002,
-    24.9136660319, 25.292481224799999, 25.704244781, 26.122315593700002,
-    26.745139958900001, 27.142677224500002, 27.678661556600002,
-    28.172552657800001, 28.7004617023, 29.254574122400001, 29.9576316134,
-    30.320919945, 30.8651150524, 31.535303165799998, 32.0284025188,
-    32.4595794536, 32.939819047199997, 33.536005820299998, 34.287543194800001,
-    34.940091845399998, 35.379675577999997, 36.122305638999997,
-    36.623643357600002, 37.258982358499999, 37.645211866499999,
-    38.348043171800001, 39.121822204899999, 39.903193717900002, 40.5501905506,
-    41.172201017399999, 41.965871158399999, 42.633532572999997,
-    43.135795547100003, 43.854137299599998, 44.859996618799997,
-    45.622113159199998, 46.6849616684, 47.678221519899999, 48.843464619499997,
-    49.8146602526, 50.688647234999998, 51.583461331899997, 52.591197556700003,
-    53.717957165400001, 55.506732086500001, 56.662175622500001,
-    58.167854235900002, 59.062885457699998, 60.411246125200002,
-    61.391033951200001, 62.368874448500002, 63.688858420800003,
-    64.888271486199997, 66.635858121799998, 67.817878363199995,
-    68.880671285700004, 70.095051569500001, 71.501848303100005,
-    72.775151774600005, 74.558541465199994, 76.409518135499994,
-    77.761688797700003, 79.005647183500002, 80.295269079099995, 82.4136017931,
-    84.613797778800006, 86.016896733899998, 87.430508335200003,
-    88.670983118500004, 90.231433799300007, 91.891509509399995,
-    94.498776834500006, 97.249232232899999, 98.623021338599997, 101.238294708,
-    102.87975996900001, 105.291018643, 107.24435443199999, 109.666596011,
-    113.098272596, 115.61031488, 119.614780612, 123.287443794, 126.249115391,
-    128.58356817500001, 131.775900138, 135.290949961, 139.29796378500001,
-    146.262327629, 150.00976835200001, 154.61572367400001, 160.255070652,
-    165.26334147099999, 170.16736670500001, 173.77829739699999,
-    179.56132179599999, 184.561922764, 190.69775108499999, 196.65891324699999,
-    203.521908177, 211.093916154, 221.47514707299999, 231.47529352399999,
-    237.75562241, 244.883786829, 253.30171895399999, 261.76505171600002,
-    278.98552843200002, 292.60068635200003, 311.55099943599998,
-    325.88771172899999, 343.19537559700001, 365.551962753, 393.39248336999998,
-    422.56973752499999, 461.27635287499999, 502.54248837599999,
-    563.31345992700005, 636.33864636400006, 803.18510591400002, 1017.18613565,
-    2073.8933950400001, 0.0, 0.84882448919599995, 1.1297295603899999,
-    1.43790054577, 1.8034031745600001, 2.1567378511699999, 2.46200691124,
-    2.7164909210600001, 2.9725139778099998, 3.3258460814699999, 3.51565620581,
-    3.6829072744900002, 3.8503255597599999, 4.0960101060699996,
-    4.3195587197099998, 4.5180080510099998, 4.7208657011600001,
-    4.9188747051200004, 5.0822519781400004, 5.2471047837700002,
-    5.4397152562800004, 5.6442757923500002, 5.94422558704, 6.2491652156599997,
-    6.5158366836499999, 6.6694208713499998, 6.9618320371699998,
-    7.0954639576199998, 7.3925975604899996, 7.6671833348599998,
-    8.0270911346999991, 8.2155617499000009, 8.3810446408000008,
-    8.6728270830500005, 8.9919564023300005, 9.1979666478599995,
-    9.4613822654199993, 9.8638159812400001, 10.064467502699999,
-    10.300861637400001, 10.5922395715, 10.898994478100001, 11.2204623911,
-    11.462764891000001, 11.827261590299999, 12.083868714099999,
-    12.386429319099999, 12.6393019529, 12.853547404, 13.1367142199,
-    13.3487410123, 13.656895326200001, 14.024084867899999, 14.2305895378,
-    14.537063637599999, 14.7677980479, 14.983400628, 15.254355192,
-    15.4728650747, 15.7833358443, 16.258317366699998, 16.591420611899999,
-    16.7968951537, 17.321484078699999, 17.688159546000001, 17.9917501318,
-    18.4264735655, 18.751733764800001, 19.0344300858, 19.372343152500001,
-    19.740307887699998, 20.051092925599999, 20.305765000400001,
-    20.618187255599999, 20.819816596500001, 21.0782135131, 21.397939723499999,
-    21.854582025799999, 22.2881163357, 22.6506377304, 22.877000473599999,
-    23.384389492899999, 23.836418588899999, 24.222254926800002,
-    24.655197791999999, 25.022161849, 25.444878252500001, 26.053606325400001,
-    26.614004877900001, 27.0211182404, 27.401244503200001, 27.7850805052,
-    28.159129948299999, 28.6603675532, 29.200278675, 29.671973053799999,
-    30.210222716600001, 30.961837351900002, 31.650008409800002,
-    32.094382395700002, 32.843304519299998, 33.577328693699997,
-    34.237700249100001, 34.801256214399999, 35.485455770500003, 35.9765981579,
-    36.670725593599997, 37.170285661000001, 37.990796691500002,
-    38.642774190700003, 39.528303337300002, 39.978645888499997, 40.8020907732,
-    41.489481081900003, 42.4638964743, 43.139901183799999, 44.090235702199998,
-    45.199560705499998, 45.817027413600002, 47.017044573200003,
-    48.262105780699997, 49.1479688362, 50.425156699799999, 51.855557858499999,
-    52.673049050499998, 53.828962193300001, 54.706265736600002, 55.754088218,
-    56.6875216169, 57.802232958300003, 59.077269420699999, 59.802668045799997,
-    60.803463371600003, 62.277143198700003, 63.318223359400001,
-    64.249051654799999, 65.723438296400005, 66.690473547300002,
-    67.987683240400003, 69.312005970800001, 70.335791722799996,
-    71.525547407700003, 73.2296426005, 74.761566365899995, 76.401961372800002,
-    78.083813237900003, 79.959478159499994, 81.411397194700001,
-    83.907706583600003, 85.130641549399996, 86.564841115600004,
-    88.151400025100003, 90.839542183500001, 93.404373994799997,
-    95.237850676600004, 96.510747774899997, 98.111723876599996,
-    100.59771252100001, 103.473781565, 106.22999075200001, 109.035110547,
-    111.514197384, 114.660071867, 117.91431810100001, 120.95989149899999,
-    125.315578238, 127.97488147200001, 131.55766028400001, 133.79550634099999,
-    136.780043667, 143.37105514300001, 147.41143759799999, 152.70084909799999,
-    158.68963683999999, 163.480470784, 168.40748618699999, 176.23576411799999,
-    181.51714572399999, 188.435573998, 193.69868358400001, 201.866252981,
-    209.69486823, 221.66246932499999, 231.771152277, 245.05347127900001,
-    258.89263676799999, 273.73973170099998, 290.43652293600002,
-    304.91784651400002, 317.71453254800002, 345.81680795, 370.51493599600002,
-    396.34922032399999, 427.34649876600002, 472.648184012, 548.811516697,
-    616.97696803199995, 698.58074685700001, 921.70016827699999, 1351.93476429,
-    4555.3138270099998, 0.0, 1.05775845422, 1.30722302885, 1.6550836259599999,
-    2.0164548998499998, 2.22264762997, 2.4339426832900002, 2.63987900941,
-    2.8474331698999999, 3.1394413773199998, 3.3488811388099999,
-    3.5845593259999999, 3.7278526245200001, 3.89707499961, 4.0930076946499998,
-    4.2667403322500004, 4.4444123281100003, 4.7057346005499996,
-    4.8776095749700001, 5.0766543427900004, 5.2576254422700002,
-    5.4227043983799996, 5.5565800836300001, 5.6921444728099999,
-    5.8967927912900002, 6.0520540232300002, 6.18092403149, 6.4448963355100002,
-    6.6606765375799997, 6.8569177525900002, 6.9871721176600001,
-    7.1997752419300003, 7.4790143792799997, 7.6433232341600004,
-    7.8838845337299999, 8.0362724982000007, 8.2491173118100001,
-    8.4854912803700007, 8.7981272976200007, 8.98771466078, 9.2672797478700009,
-    9.4910127015200008, 9.7196918691600001, 9.9958458284499994, 10.2946220832,
-    10.5192779153, 10.7367739562, 11.0486241079, 11.264306749099999,
-    11.610683487999999, 11.8590324631, 12.102995508599999, 12.274140378,
-    12.5626984562, 12.777400244300001, 13.0071767612, 13.3075190692,
-    13.506522563900001, 13.7736133375, 14.034237147500001, 14.3718879313,
-    14.704450492399999, 15.006497291000001, 15.4860321302, 15.8250864202,
-    16.068562412599999, 16.366417189700002, 16.791695786399998, 17.1963988083,
-    17.692784723599999, 17.9889456748, 18.250281237599999, 18.540758284100001,
-    19.105488743399999, 19.3676116446, 19.9057967233, 20.372155027400002,
-    20.617865943399998, 21.0056881543, 21.3998014925, 21.886629124399999,
-    22.301586328599999, 22.8157840378, 23.1577773249, 23.562675140700001,
-    23.9908312801, 24.371709623200001, 24.853048289, 25.321527433499998,
-    25.817410943100001, 26.333798079699999, 26.743897014000002,
-    27.404019467800001, 27.750455412299999, 28.245307990099999, 28.8302203846,
-    29.238499632700002, 29.908395497000001, 30.222815192500001,
-    30.759701009099999, 31.296847612400001, 31.809133106099999, 32.3396270004,
-    33.065629932, 33.614025315299997, 34.269816387299997, 35.012311410899997,
-    35.852750563500003, 36.404141805499997, 36.8294660038, 37.935726292200002,
-    38.368785425900001, 39.1826087245, 40.008409596500002, 40.726090274800001,
-    41.337873114600001, 42.209034503799998, 43.359563836100001, 44.113217655,
-    44.844831191300003, 45.6845486769, 46.347966789700003, 47.331044909100001,
-    48.2533342455, 49.162487231599997, 50.1543142202, 50.931869310099998,
-    51.636126617899997, 52.181963144800001, 53.396775668799997,
-    55.032301978100001, 55.596427951899997, 56.5791496927, 57.542454919599997,
-    58.554653988799998, 59.636429710999998, 61.407241399900002,
-    62.509754862100003, 63.601590468700003, 64.824312135300005,
-    66.386878043999999, 67.693732305799998, 69.365119204300001,
-    71.025400599899996, 72.653909433799996, 74.395827576000002,
-    75.769964444999999, 77.234020831500004, 78.433715899099994,
-    81.101681241799994, 83.076307199300004, 84.5988995469, 86.376895072899998,
-    88.194960597199994, 90.441746414899995, 92.189595910199998,
-    93.440994131400004, 95.435247487400005, 99.0558885879, 101.49204924999999,
-    104.088533635, 106.181199298, 109.219007221, 112.61624315100001,
-    116.029069048, 119.96844246400001, 124.344004768, 127.91969076300001,
-    132.149553927, 135.922055457, 140.068507211, 144.15378361399999,
-    148.60536720600001, 153.82589839900001, 158.576947158, 165.555672257,
-    171.63158056899999, 176.33047682, 181.08906739299999, 186.793582875,
-    192.534521512, 203.56027511299999, 211.12137373499999, 218.32402486300001,
-    227.271126122, 239.72295971400001, 255.439273482, 266.59600377999999,
-    284.21895951499999, 302.86802943499998, 319.3660428, 335.96299544999999,
-    371.29655514500001, 386.65083379800001, 434.96311705400001,
-    521.05039447499996, 574.39597849699999, 643.38261744700003,
-    749.10677599899998, 937.47346937500004, 2164.74350723, 0.0,
-    0.87216036854099999, 1.1731523662100001, 1.4528318226800001,
-    1.7506036653599999, 1.95830274355, 2.1933454622299999, 2.4315041290299999,
-    2.6097449606700001, 2.8143037344300001, 2.98234250898, 3.14296097174,
-    3.28163067285, 3.4197130756399998, 3.5577964282300001, 3.7192315259700002,
-    3.8806453857499998, 4.0848607038400004, 4.27058822443, 4.4259870320300001,
-    4.6202853710799996, 4.8079818422300002, 4.9703096793699997,
-    5.1771997283899998, 5.32208420074, 5.4736064223099996, 5.6716933713,
-    5.7948310020399996, 5.9616974056899998, 6.1294408520800001,
-    6.3200579482499997, 6.5465172585299998, 6.7046238334500003,
-    6.8696070854100002, 7.0421250211300004, 7.21408035417, 7.3666599903499996,
-    7.5629677715200003, 7.7854370727999997, 8.0250690670800005,
-    8.2018499794099995, 8.4165599450900004, 8.6205648003099995,
-    8.8020739087200006, 8.9976602698800008, 9.2090483824400007, 9.40554714598,
-    9.6268466056699999, 9.8387845757699992, 10.063513496600001, 10.3066855573,
-    10.5490401104, 10.760759543200001, 11.0190557159, 11.247083638299999,
-    11.487903512700001, 11.690503747999999, 11.9163331257, 12.1540624086,
-    12.3754681949, 12.6225724062, 12.8298548017, 13.105360490300001,
-    13.352707515200001, 13.600565291800001, 13.8363089384, 14.081226945299999,
-    14.370552543500001, 14.6854081396, 14.959606431799999, 15.238257795699999,
-    15.488877516500001, 15.783357724, 16.059268546999999, 16.371064702799998,
-    16.635482564899998, 16.926054678500002, 17.2595416636, 17.558429913600001,
-    17.873233837699999, 18.1713476396, 18.437921946300001, 18.808552489299998,
-    19.094615129400001, 19.521706635899999, 19.8753230885, 20.298514125000001,
-    20.622495869000002, 20.9353854017, 21.4098244692, 21.829437198099999,
-    22.259602406999999, 22.672559352, 23.1204515296, 23.483853294300001,
-    23.9484201462, 24.3248985436, 24.847141378100002, 25.2522052389,
-    25.681308357599999, 26.205337182699999, 26.576187536300001,
-    27.078663830899998, 27.677873063900002, 28.2381539971, 28.8023214868,
-    29.3993510241, 29.912833547399998, 30.573666294900001, 31.104430988600001,
-    31.796146883399999, 32.497170738500003, 33.279496414699999,
-    34.098064962599999, 34.843216272900001, 35.542133214099998,
-    36.276287779500002, 36.975928357500003, 37.504257990799999,
-    38.314777833900003, 39.177430845000004, 39.819717746400002,
-    40.407911670099999, 41.120240020300002, 41.978665155199998,
-    42.866256983200003, 43.496257352299999, 44.207718886199999,
-    44.967775733800003, 45.845529661199997, 46.8316582737, 47.606961498799997,
-    48.454226783199999, 49.675775014400003, 50.5811434361, 51.543186701800003,
-    52.633751532200002, 53.929547364699999, 55.037714174199998,
-    56.301767675000001, 57.451158926300003, 58.714248343199998,
-    59.628151489899999, 60.807000845600001, 62.156996127799999,
-    63.456997649599998, 65.008915114800004, 66.386142722499997,
-    67.978491519900004, 69.422238847200006, 70.791592380799997,
-    72.011370736700002, 73.522117942199998, 75.359756207299995,
-    77.030728253800007, 78.893995033400003, 80.530957561600005,
-    81.946598575099998, 84.055736077199995, 86.177382717599997,
-    88.231077799399998, 90.830107187099998, 93.291203665799998,
-    96.842991020100001, 99.738754614200005, 102.822309851, 106.472937214,
-    109.712921572, 112.28819169, 115.383539528, 118.33937052500001, 121.6283803,
-    126.21758780099999, 130.559458404, 135.25935161000001, 139.64966053500001,
-    144.08321394399999, 149.81024360000001, 155.95824547500001,
-    160.54965979900001, 165.74901272299999, 173.07092800300001, 181.971265612,
-    190.12184997899999, 199.140874, 208.94440364799999, 219.692760295,
-    231.41654560800001, 244.813734337, 260.64934893600002, 276.86471985399999,
-    297.854074072, 327.675880581, 363.64694161300002, 395.28587648799999,
-    430.29646448199998, 476.771927382, 552.10628605099998, 688.09209059399996,
-    965.66929444699997, 5512.1265341500002, 0.0, 0.62589083024600001,
-    1.0089155589900001, 1.2669403239100001, 1.4930834132099999, 1.6647456778,
-    1.86494432327, 2.0537877508200002, 2.25391444537, 2.4255788848600002,
-    2.5625113900800001, 2.70119472848, 2.8053232942299999, 2.92720031662,
-    3.1007147687100001, 3.2394799841499999, 3.39215368186, 3.5920914079299999,
-    3.74416489544, 3.8829579282000002, 4.0121750001200001, 4.1604435034699998,
-    4.2969491096299999, 4.4303864671199999, 4.5829179833699998,
-    4.7183684166099997, 4.8667168998800001, 4.9825970049999997,
-    5.1443596513600003, 5.29642331298, 5.5116304645699996, 5.6662601962099997,
-    5.8151835779100001, 5.9375451382, 6.1570517624500001, 6.3131151288699998,
-    6.52398099929, 6.6722523007500003, 6.86154545663, 7.0599193283100004,
-    7.3129107271700002, 7.5490299843899997, 7.7172198221199997,
-    7.8648526311499998, 8.0837370196799991, 8.2593266698099992,
-    8.4613117407199994, 8.6884386074200002, 8.8745901890700001,
-    9.1116656074600009, 9.3126467721299999, 9.5071399643899994,
-    9.7151605657500006, 9.9551889093600003, 10.149609288200001, 10.3401891662,
-    10.621445531099999, 10.8426697409, 11.0272843935, 11.270829726400001,
-    11.4694723487, 11.6178469386, 11.821109029700001, 12.021790796499999,
-    12.3252449453, 12.5092794759, 12.818332850699999, 13.020756306899999,
-    13.310810976799999, 13.5124599496, 13.767115336, 14.0644181972,
-    14.332859790200001, 14.5607314245, 14.9082657073, 15.125302185800001,
-    15.3715537263, 15.670518073, 16.0341797918, 16.263188094,
-    16.565119653299998, 16.768979356500001, 17.107996179400001, 17.3155602187,
-    17.633055544099999, 17.978850956799999, 18.239306430100001,
-    18.603581283899999, 18.890651686000002, 19.2448822751, 19.6097734435,
-    19.926314503299999, 20.1586253842, 20.499346128900001, 20.763220895300002,
-    21.214468897100001, 21.6883372251, 21.932186764800001, 22.421734858200001,
-    22.8480131942, 23.3200873278, 23.594830171000002, 24.038195447900002,
-    24.408468226699998, 24.92649372, 25.442113401899999, 25.8447679595,
-    26.3726873799, 26.812905815000001, 27.122537899899999, 27.7422113077,
-    28.078738693199998, 28.5723682014, 29.0944195565, 29.5634253395,
-    30.1247268702, 30.983710482300001, 31.826570418700001, 32.3620827385,
-    33.029481950899999, 33.566683207600001, 34.288337869199999,
-    34.942294123800004, 35.546860066900003, 36.362485731600003, 37.2408130333,
-    38.058683128600002, 38.750745497600001, 39.428888690199997,
-    40.115263124599998, 40.901282995400003, 41.4018687274, 42.138788071800001,
-    43.018359615500003, 44.106243223500002, 45.093539481699999, 45.8411771739,
-    46.570250118399997, 47.841644068400001, 49.303024838200002,
-    50.464239790100002, 51.234103358299997, 52.317696309799999, 53.0996279724,
-    54.369256693700002, 55.965980526800003, 57.287395203700001,
-    58.636793195099997, 60.683809927200002, 62.106524762100001,
-    63.455965556400002, 64.508962315299996, 65.830030819000001, 67.3272861871,
-    68.485336924099997, 69.962539390399996, 71.3643490332, 73.207148927299997,
-    75.267417445500001, 77.636856277999996, 79.567969825700004,
-    81.887922453399995, 84.409393872699994, 86.252385378499994,
-    89.609195726400003, 92.058129085499999, 94.237863167399993,
-    97.130241311000006, 99.337287984200003, 102.785121426, 105.16684627799999,
-    108.155644287, 111.12424827, 114.20309084500001, 118.25567124200001,
-    120.63906266799999, 126.769351089, 131.30368792600001, 135.35008283600001,
-    140.167179914, 146.276635801, 154.69830296500001, 162.097699463,
-    168.49842445199999, 174.39338381300001, 183.839663489, 194.04584716900001,
-    205.199824904, 216.99026627999999, 226.397941844, 239.11086462599999,
-    257.98370514300001, 272.68513598700002, 294.38470478199997,
-    317.32579381900001, 352.86648779500001, 396.000885729, 447.65133356299998,
-    552.83482503000005, 744.96290114700003, 7762.8570038400003, 0.0,
-    0.36214416262600002, 0.60004394504000003, 0.87269790764999999,
-    1.0816835608199999, 1.1769418756600001, 1.3339406513100001,
-    1.5379932977899999, 1.64092011303, 1.8114937983699999, 1.92478153605,
-    2.0791194022399999, 2.18522431294, 2.3239286241100001, 2.4474903603299998,
-    2.56875405118, 2.6706112235399999, 2.7868128103399998, 2.89962589709,
-    3.0247650187300001, 3.1799188214799998, 3.3163269799299999,
-    3.4326557716099999, 3.5761530940699999, 3.6698664516599999,
-    3.8395536775700001, 3.9742173052399998, 4.0666621486399999,
-    4.1860672163199997, 4.2677782405900002, 4.39398556059, 4.5599359743100001,
-    4.7182993929599997, 4.8549576225899997, 4.9793340551199998,
-    5.1106161380800001, 5.22653369925, 5.3697032505699998, 5.5502664604199996,
-    5.6901435710500001, 5.81186063054, 5.9447132463900001, 6.05627291431,
-    6.16844943146, 6.3088485415099997, 6.5158703652999996, 6.6663173981500004,
-    6.7889778856399996, 6.92685753591, 7.05832274623, 7.2113778586999997,
-    7.3735471867099998, 7.4967882360999996, 7.67708191997, 7.8383618689299999,
-    8.0007809638400005, 8.2598039090000004, 8.4646047196400005,
-    8.6068680876200006, 8.7919284529800006, 8.9449623581599997,
-    9.1615349379200008, 9.3168642346000006, 9.4680652743600007,
-    9.7295350278099999, 9.9208554836600005, 10.0769753157, 10.1731120514,
-    10.3276036073, 10.6154476322, 10.8889357781, 11.016681222400001,
-    11.166106582099999, 11.3010656278, 11.460114477099999, 11.6049507496,
-    11.754826317499999, 12.128326894900001, 12.393725440500001,
-    12.601959282999999, 12.929220557000001, 13.2033834409, 13.496651655100001,
-    13.6720510495, 14.0106799329, 14.2715969553, 14.4738353905,
-    14.887431385199999, 15.0448999294, 15.3053817024, 15.6545606815,
-    15.9636364194, 16.322553926800001, 16.694194434500002, 17.030383725899998,
-    17.430560569699999, 17.700358551699999, 18.117532589300001,
-    18.425291790799999, 18.722525176000001, 19.151242618000001, 19.5588949566,
-    19.985716502399999, 20.4476355348, 20.9045258441, 21.276626095099999,
-    21.575188439600002, 22.0493676255, 22.446726857400002, 22.7039434454,
-    23.13535392, 23.679737149400001, 24.0913996564, 24.592582522600001,
-    24.846344199699999, 25.1692127267, 25.707613397399999, 26.060921460599999,
-    26.402713800499999, 26.7672555555, 27.323489971800001, 28.1384294904,
-    28.886585523400001, 29.625952655700001, 30.049929096700001,
-    30.912490141700001, 31.7116329208, 32.432935618400002, 33.0836818525,
-    33.756748210399998, 34.448977073899997, 34.967596885500001,
-    35.526411413300004, 36.153337627600003, 37.193655335499997,
-    37.865997652899999, 38.746337718900001, 39.2502404719, 39.9758412025,
-    40.513914754399998, 41.377973330099998, 42.134772359599999,
-    42.670801806599997, 43.359820479100001, 44.8475078349, 45.403055004400002,
-    46.8336235847, 47.7113874912, 48.6941028253, 49.650345725199998,
-    50.665570570200003, 51.724056971300001, 53.992577544, 55.575370979100001,
-    57.251984441700003, 58.745608337299998, 60.1648035049, 61.246203909800002,
-    62.419975842699998, 63.422574513400001, 64.876159087000005,
-    66.885247274500003, 68.391010214800005, 69.915828121700002, 72.4871931144,
-    74.172952607699997, 75.652527461199995, 78.468287273000001,
-    80.721637548800004, 83.956121732200003, 87.163249777199994,
-    88.897109974100005, 91.2752939664, 93.173034590599997, 95.435791827200006,
-    100.344464677, 104.832073959, 109.276679528, 112.578422989,
-    114.53132503400001, 119.746495774, 124.493025184, 129.95658998100001,
-    134.31216815799999, 137.89688887400001, 140.67569338600001, 147.559990177,
-    157.91491644199999, 164.60831501999999, 171.84101301800001,
-    186.69105907299999, 195.42122663699999, 208.16940782099999,
-    238.53526263200001, 245.87424240300001, 268.33659908499999, 292.616848678,
-    312.784421705, 376.69900637799998, 486.40594854400001, 909.54311207000001,
-    0.0, 0.29947032321799999, 0.52334873310399999, 0.68115226771299997,
-    0.86995042995600003, 0.98257819082099995, 1.1046843742300001,
-    1.1768999986299999, 1.2647418797800001, 1.36884910987, 1.4645619499,
-    1.5759885725, 1.6653002782099999, 1.75269298364, 1.87728664641,
-    1.9895373943000001, 2.0546833007099998, 2.1563717716299999,
-    2.2189233742900001, 2.3098127374300002, 2.4206150527000001,
-    2.4845079548800002, 2.6079748566799998, 2.6769284875300001,
-    2.7907616607699999, 2.8700892704999998, 2.93034323954, 2.9963469551599999,
-    3.06834808782, 3.1480022766900002, 3.2256769408800001, 3.30379140374,
-    3.3884221330000002, 3.4570332483000001, 3.54002670756, 3.6248614990800001,
-    3.7101075382699999, 3.7687182426899999, 3.8163207208699998, 3.89049827354,
-    3.9685665546200002, 4.0278252280400002, 4.1485435748499997,
-    4.2118118690999999, 4.2767713334400002, 4.3538326518200003,
-    4.4579713825800003, 4.5508743169399999, 4.6676333956900002, 4.74653167618,
-    4.8197525947199997, 4.9241035310900001, 5.0189077614800004,
-    5.1005151570300002, 5.2006018753400003, 5.2927488243700003,
-    5.4001527926900001, 5.4768772282700002, 5.5890430439100003,
-    5.7009271960400003, 5.80755356372, 5.9548448325700001, 6.0994726695899999,
-    6.25645276871, 6.3819964031299996, 6.4711966493400004, 6.5880414298299996,
-    6.7348102011000002, 6.8307196477099996, 6.9337887910999996,
-    7.1040524671199998, 7.2069620188099996, 7.3301993509400001,
-    7.4527574858900003, 7.5532437966600003, 7.6852803779599999,
-    7.8640635376499999, 8.0318076099900004, 8.1796189996499997,
-    8.3642059418999999, 8.5050041495500004, 8.6533583034700001,
-    8.7675089334600003, 8.90401831396, 9.0651446520400008, 9.2032868451700001,
-    9.3704603805200009, 9.5586269002000002, 9.7223680241999997,
-    9.9347655253599996, 10.098260913100001, 10.255212992300001, 10.4208240003,
-    10.5811816078, 10.765906323299999, 10.957390713400001, 11.087388472400001,
-    11.328556388399999, 11.528238631900001, 11.7872480683, 11.915456216899999,
-    12.1248574875, 12.422258492999999, 12.630647267100001, 12.8227992595,
-    13.1516423519, 13.4269728621, 13.7263917941, 13.910454382299999,
-    14.1519663254, 14.338029858300001, 14.560423425, 14.770007548300001,
-    14.9841095141, 15.334444082699999, 15.4948694147, 15.855824070500001,
-    16.241262736900001, 16.5489680156, 16.821966605299998, 17.034108685700001,
-    17.2704823658, 17.5373816422, 17.870520279099999, 18.260020296,
-    18.612564062099999, 18.852361614399999, 19.4196515169, 19.842134040099999,
-    20.208065711, 20.730183175899999, 21.211762532200002, 21.724835097900002,
-    22.113935455899998, 22.527518860600001, 22.952535640800001,
-    23.578085247400001, 24.165234135199999, 24.660451264300001,
-    25.101613714700001, 25.726113937200001, 26.0893457106, 26.669907244299999,
-    27.169577979900001, 27.596626516000001, 28.329601780800001,
-    28.779048282000002, 29.224608145400001, 29.781331889800001,
-    30.432540589399999, 31.415359296199998, 31.9605897486, 32.492956216000003,
-    33.285631429200002, 34.070187818800001, 35.060381063199998,
-    35.680990641100003, 36.895345624699999, 37.869889303100003, 38.7151898057,
-    39.673959652199997, 40.7449007739, 42.072602957599997, 43.253042370099998,
-    44.872848970500002, 46.556160648899997, 48.1796820673, 49.545397762699999,
-    51.074845857200003, 52.800367472799998, 54.781904047099999, 56.6419800444,
-    58.294167776899997, 59.890254052499998, 62.933262895200002,
-    64.383209257600001, 66.273695300300005, 68.879466623300004,
-    71.737383912400006, 73.694424811299996, 76.676559064200006,
-    79.509307012099995, 82.2830341003, 85.991392160700002, 90.717177404200001,
-    94.429171780900006, 97.473571158699997, 102.467911147, 107.546301419,
-    114.342831581, 121.31476895, 126.05533253199999, 137.91440966299999,
-    144.79876003499999, 163.923571595, 181.508527445, 213.04454604899999,
-    245.38055141000001, 301.25496328499997, 332.04731076600001,
-    25328.083268499999, 0.0, 0.16960710904000001, 0.24797331543600001,
-    0.30236896744000002, 0.34361899401099999, 0.40999983457,
-    0.48890969043100002, 0.54342837436299996, 0.60861265194400005,
-    0.64673129635399995, 0.69004038945699997, 0.73679534547199999,
-    0.77536960959000001, 0.82841780807499998, 0.90256777434299995,
-    0.93909860962199998, 1.00410024985, 1.0408385717899999, 1.11535670052,
-    1.14711502865, 1.15928977273, 1.18798598113, 1.2274534778099999,
-    1.26769475616, 1.3002205824799999, 1.3310033753199999, 1.3446656342200001,
-    1.3760840745, 1.39081400794, 1.4505341583, 1.4632661604999999,
-    1.4984860150399999, 1.5529767251, 1.57864986714, 1.6173517424399999,
-    1.67533252068, 1.70471580487, 1.7278608476799999, 1.7811033034399999,
-    1.82818139122, 1.86555208204, 1.8941511847700001, 1.92488230379,
-    1.95851626987, 1.99363516305, 2.0170055272299998, 2.0586483531600002,
-    2.0850970425700002, 2.1085030088000001, 2.1283137664099998, 2.16603036339,
-    2.19060342065, 2.2345184857999998, 2.2714847812799999, 2.2993152139899999,
-    2.3222064716699999, 2.3498083965699998, 2.3879408831800002,
-    2.4133674625900001, 2.45645766658, 2.5043169972600001, 2.5332218388799999,
-    2.5860056276300001, 2.6092200429700001, 2.6593928409799998,
-    2.7167476183999999, 2.7528966109600002, 2.8165365213600002,
-    2.8466368258900001, 2.8966874532100002, 2.9315763405099999,
-    2.9602961735200002, 2.9944957343700001, 3.0486180954200002,
-    3.1054310960799998, 3.17422308542, 3.22876924922, 3.2476266926499999,
-    3.2895811744699999, 3.33758062866, 3.3814007836000002, 3.4235448060599998,
-    3.49735659195, 3.5619485828699999, 3.61508084496, 3.6882879176299999,
-    3.7441381326799998, 3.8290921697, 3.87138230506, 3.9399367140599999,
-    3.9855674425799998, 4.03423244708, 4.1224800094800003, 4.1617950069500003,
-    4.2098466376400001, 4.2671599100500002, 4.3072566201600004,
-    4.3243450788600004, 4.3957664746200003, 4.4519812552699998,
-    4.4969306764399999, 4.5152175579399998, 4.56732663911, 4.6752821882199997,
-    4.7424836408799997, 4.8540575522499996, 4.9112049708600001,
-    4.9863832664899999, 5.0723492115899997, 5.1341872206300003,
-    5.1757472919899996, 5.2672883329999998, 5.3193278175799996,
-    5.3545440009799998, 5.3662639863299999, 5.4478164688200001, 5.51018935901,
-    5.6222469255899998, 5.7031572715200003, 5.78511780914, 5.87666466639,
-    6.0267396241600002, 6.1198844067399998, 6.1979622858300001, 6.28159827041,
-    6.3904158104600004, 6.4453162825900003, 6.5218544413200004,
-    6.6086381632900002, 6.6725993210399999, 6.8163144940900002, 6.97804495911,
-    7.0227642352400004, 7.1626846845100003, 7.3423024204600003,
-    7.5327362668799998, 7.6978310374000003, 7.7611027450999996, 7.88016729875,
-    7.9472676633599999, 8.1244228188799994, 8.2399482591299993,
-    8.3372351004799992, 8.5151888904599993, 8.5980587770099994,
-    8.7064795243800006, 8.9028549639799994, 9.1412099458099991,
-    9.2928218155500009, 9.5260445012799995, 9.7243731171600007,
-    9.9194989507500004, 10.158387747800001, 10.358305334700001, 10.8456897256,
-    11.0126503317, 11.1397484418, 11.3568231431, 11.725070023000001,
-    11.952829343599999, 12.355631104, 12.741115586999999, 12.9604116418,
-    13.0782774906, 13.386035293300001, 13.7586242928, 14.065910686100001,
-    14.481276965199999, 14.8428342578, 15.0857067332, 15.5610363036,
-    15.9877621903, 16.564935242699999, 17.222646941699999, 17.705236311899998,
-    18.2065490938, 18.6451801326, 19.1223591105, 19.606893553199999,
-    20.1404072423, 20.653286086600001, 21.431578720299999, 21.979215851300001,
-    23.048094735900001, 23.846359740299999, 24.3529984143, 24.985293486700002,
-    25.965109587899999, 26.669072074799999, 27.831042996200001,
-    29.685768165100001, 30.986492906100001, 32.7579031852, 34.704015628800001,
-    39.043339889599999, 43.627269160300003, 50.063241984299999,
-    55.522634061300003, 63.83632205, 80.274312648399999, 121.666396689
+    0.0,
+    1.19643536295,
+    1.7799429438800001,
+    2.5000897208500001,
+    3.0593132287299998,
+    3.4839286608000002,
+    3.9982294568999999,
+    4.4402913862600002,
+    4.8147369692600002,
+    5.3054432104,
+    5.8105717909600001,
+    6.1370968299099999,
+    6.7475810144699997,
+    7.3015792720599997,
+    7.6896019690199999,
+    8.13938977856,
+    8.4515096605100002,
+    8.9879216562900002,
+    9.4927671192999998,
+    10.085788064899999,
+    10.625255410199999,
+    11.0026891093,
+    11.3895870178,
+    11.843719932200001,
+    12.253271789299999,
+    12.767614137500001,
+    13.262427498099999,
+    13.786048882799999,
+    14.16595075,
+    14.643883369899999,
+    15.146539539600001,
+    15.7813472808,
+    16.280656373900001,
+    16.655646821400001,
+    17.114459585199999,
+    17.598615494000001,
+    18.184936752399999,
+    18.740805828900001,
+    19.248318706700001,
+    19.9296167205,
+    20.463100761100002,
+    21.2124495216,
+    21.626706539400001,
+    22.210655822100001,
+    22.700941956400001,
+    23.302821910599999,
+    23.920510033900001,
+    24.580456784700001,
+    25.2569820073,
+    25.959142340700001,
+    26.512265281099999,
+    27.196530728900001,
+    27.733216163200002,
+    28.478633239299999,
+    29.299270036500001,
+    30.256722160100001,
+    30.986221208,
+    31.737877171200001,
+    32.3960443243,
+    33.105226859200002,
+    33.767065963699999,
+    34.404378731100003,
+    34.924274373000003,
+    35.644436068099999,
+    36.564111572900003,
+    37.417350414600001,
+    38.238436024899997,
+    38.799991177199999,
+    39.436095377800001,
+    40.277347542100003,
+    41.016879076899997,
+    41.908435708699997,
+    42.819594709699999,
+    43.738915136400003,
+    44.846693151399997,
+    45.536023954699999,
+    46.546157932100002,
+    47.460643921100001,
+    48.624537354399997,
+    49.4055755953,
+    50.186510797700002,
+    51.175277055499997,
+    52.089204297199998,
+    53.122068163400002,
+    54.127727041100002,
+    54.940780204399999,
+    56.114554909900001,
+    57.0656839854,
+    57.894406169100002,
+    59.009235477799997,
+    60.0914392866,
+    61.208045864900001,
+    62.2858241466,
+    63.543350702799998,
+    64.856196127700002,
+    66.682225449399994,
+    68.209557105800002,
+    69.742463108799996,
+    71.750057073999997,
+    73.414467924899995,
+    75.307815587799993,
+    77.118795934299996,
+    78.812379695000004,
+    80.355455134600007,
+    81.877925440300004,
+    83.662200974800001,
+    85.224686517899997,
+    86.615321828199995,
+    88.267510348100004,
+    89.802469557099997,
+    91.374895675700003,
+    93.408025320799993,
+    95.336052711299999,
+    97.395921625599996,
+    98.859486409499993,
+    100.657442178,
+    102.99984774399999,
+    105.41734144900001,
+    107.273191485,
+    109.044242849,
+    110.937136356,
+    113.583166593,
+    115.56257233300001,
+    117.846911268,
+    120.681655831,
+    122.799469999,
+    124.375415383,
+    126.97394391900001,
+    129.436815795,
+    132.49568735599999,
+    135.98857834699999,
+    138.09223868300001,
+    141.65649987800001,
+    146.09086464500001,
+    149.16576952099999,
+    152.208770273,
+    155.187653896,
+    157.43246798000001,
+    160.43301280700001,
+    162.84002901100001,
+    166.77052560600001,
+    169.29494600500001,
+    172.91801473500001,
+    176.654293306,
+    180.23478114700001,
+    183.296380473,
+    186.73903581499999,
+    190.86755789399999,
+    195.654394298,
+    199.69558299600001,
+    203.92254700699999,
+    208.397049907,
+    213.10008202399999,
+    217.93095747000001,
+    222.20188235800001,
+    227.07325009499999,
+    230.860699883,
+    237.97819378299999,
+    245.85743037500001,
+    252.73101680400001,
+    258.89556405000002,
+    268.60486464500002,
+    276.47499798699999,
+    282.03633185400003,
+    289.17078451600003,
+    302.06749436299998,
+    312.57905513100002,
+    322.60452264899999,
+    331.014610371,
+    341.75075497,
+    350.173888159,
+    361.88637575400003,
+    371.61412230500002,
+    385.17435225200001,
+    400.72319405799999,
+    411.753441162,
+    422.75058281299999,
+    437.11037701999999,
+    453.45288953800002,
+    474.420871385,
+    488.318616894,
+    512.11653910200005,
+    535.54182501000003,
+    555.56166528300002,
+    573.43505104999997,
+    593.13241480700003,
+    614.79560775100003,
+    649.435414896,
+    688.17560751799999,
+    721.87795355000003,
+    773.415382937,
+    813.66800489900004,
+    877.39648314099998,
+    964.732528602,
+    1069.40860047,
+    1223.88660858,
+    1424.4787858300001,
+    1674.8315303500001,
+    1977.7544173799999,
+    2651.83993319,
+    200410.392804,
+    0.0,
+    1.1584312650099999,
+    1.8096405876999999,
+    2.08809545024,
+    2.39759603108,
+    2.8210825374900002,
+    3.2262415616500002,
+    3.6767261063199999,
+    4.0712643350700004,
+    4.3358305431000002,
+    4.6961593196700004,
+    5.0048297457600004,
+    5.3979863436900004,
+    5.8290699240099997,
+    6.1960232764300001,
+    6.5088252292500002,
+    6.8948342983900002,
+    7.2696660689300003,
+    7.5399291096800001,
+    8.01313726329,
+    8.3889381116700008,
+    8.8151563879800001,
+    9.3221845714700002,
+    9.7919081310700005,
+    10.197322679699999,
+    10.690667428799999,
+    11.1669675994,
+    11.439377929899999,
+    11.6674844277,
+    12.008682137099999,
+    12.4556500154,
+    12.8218557119,
+    13.3281486992,
+    13.7095661165,
+    14.2163312161,
+    14.836869545500001,
+    15.3589870134,
+    15.8272834403,
+    16.238276813700001,
+    16.5883025266,
+    17.023074348600002,
+    17.414160002799999,
+    17.848152475399999,
+    18.247715569499999,
+    18.664561518999999,
+    19.075395695600001,
+    19.486374441700001,
+    19.973916476399999,
+    20.5269080381,
+    21.020846655300002,
+    21.507367194299999,
+    22.0135312996,
+    22.461208124300001,
+    23.036281720800002,
+    23.480764591,
+    23.9941998794,
+    24.413118882100001,
+    24.9392923634,
+    25.478485752899999,
+    26.086617298499998,
+    26.6809648813,
+    27.1950947449,
+    28.074728258899999,
+    28.720521756,
+    29.3654350726,
+    30.087513917199999,
+    30.702053779700002,
+    31.306689242899999,
+    31.780186689299999,
+    32.4753156827,
+    33.135143889299997,
+    33.888469867399998,
+    34.645545953000003,
+    35.367533057599999,
+    36.110020627200001,
+    36.758678629099997,
+    37.497664023799999,
+    38.081984167100003,
+    38.997417122999998,
+    39.672472603700001,
+    40.429274192199998,
+    41.295854716299999,
+    41.954930876799999,
+    42.5972412096,
+    43.276950597999999,
+    44.159449579799997,
+    45.025165711200003,
+    45.821814644200003,
+    46.555175562499997,
+    47.583311010599999,
+    48.589989172199999,
+    49.510833894599998,
+    50.257035760699999,
+    51.092289456800003,
+    52.258119141000002,
+    52.938195970499997,
+    53.804888863800002,
+    54.8416712187,
+    55.960279943899998,
+    57.006686652699997,
+    58.274563175499999,
+    59.3790074307,
+    60.283128322000003,
+    61.549512813600003,
+    62.4978155636,
+    63.834912981700001,
+    64.904107601199996,
+    66.223931861400004,
+    67.086972593499993,
+    68.397576571800002,
+    69.942186175000003,
+    71.207027708799998,
+    72.602512277200006,
+    73.560342838699995,
+    74.967359775099993,
+    76.577240733500005,
+    78.057764533799997,
+    79.513502422499997,
+    81.078073566599997,
+    82.165643638800006,
+    83.719127560900006,
+    85.148667228299999,
+    86.337704861199995,
+    87.860157790000002,
+    89.431109054900006,
+    90.980131378099998,
+    92.433634234400003,
+    94.226038238300006,
+    95.621501725399995,
+    97.080958997099998,
+    99.134428385800007,
+    101.04854586800001,
+    102.97657310699999,
+    105.139486026,
+    107.602665034,
+    109.70147691299999,
+    112.05021857600001,
+    114.125549412,
+    116.61722458,
+    118.189314409,
+    120.82322130999999,
+    123.127890034,
+    125.47513250999999,
+    127.848312975,
+    130.41431036200001,
+    133.57317560600001,
+    136.49161050999999,
+    140.74286875799999,
+    143.71689255300001,
+    146.67120050400001,
+    149.59581133399999,
+    152.22756825499999,
+    156.533766931,
+    160.06017973100001,
+    165.11262847200001,
+    169.23166942399999,
+    175.315765167,
+    179.524732857,
+    183.40525104400001,
+    188.17945511100001,
+    191.82963235400001,
+    197.202013322,
+    202.34316464599999,
+    207.99698327900001,
+    215.67824328500001,
+    224.47764356499999,
+    230.63417344199999,
+    236.60643002699999,
+    242.61055810900001,
+    251.77410247,
+    259.46544586200002,
+    268.047248459,
+    276.79107524199998,
+    286.15718497099999,
+    295.84758942399998,
+    305.58034509200002,
+    314.60780894999999,
+    325.34498936799997,
+    338.27578485100003,
+    348.53507352600002,
+    362.42239857200002,
+    375.083278597,
+    389.444337389,
+    407.52083932199997,
+    423.996775576,
+    439.86516896699999,
+    461.74456199100001,
+    481.21447879099998,
+    506.20652181600002,
+    531.64557102599997,
+    563.79744206400005,
+    601.85836871599997,
+    633.07763874900002,
+    693.45668289599996,
+    762.28141866299995,
+    852.11407475700003,
+    985.769367053,
+    1195.0785449099999,
+    1389.62431328,
+    2042.8647050500001,
+    78636.810297999997,
+    0.0,
+    1.0297464516799999,
+    1.60346935644,
+    2.0630353810100002,
+    2.4007054222700002,
+    2.7231158619300002,
+    3.0845870231900001,
+    3.3825315783100001,
+    3.7827559602099998,
+    4.1271402089200002,
+    4.4667826236700003,
+    4.7067760450099998,
+    5.1713770843100004,
+    5.53668279583,
+    5.74764546799,
+    6.1299980556899998,
+    6.3496742207699999,
+    6.6781045773500001,
+    7.12938206889,
+    7.39578341085,
+    7.7627325807999998,
+    8.0843024355399997,
+    8.3430476893299996,
+    8.7253588764300005,
+    9.0323780076000002,
+    9.3251680266000001,
+    9.7700665673099998,
+    10.103065082900001,
+    10.4121667828,
+    10.792220887399999,
+    11.114426525200001,
+    11.3987065041,
+    11.7259278942,
+    12.148971416,
+    12.454565579200001,
+    12.7910859418,
+    13.0925963376,
+    13.4917267129,
+    13.8568357546,
+    14.099344370200001,
+    14.466338023,
+    14.773502690999999,
+    15.1559213702,
+    15.4627289245,
+    15.735248281500001,
+    16.264394708800001,
+    16.624779056400001,
+    17.059591039099999,
+    17.366603691200002,
+    17.645800374,
+    18.074841360299999,
+    18.3713457528,
+    18.6782869727,
+    19.1657010441,
+    19.623227022799998,
+    20.045230785600001,
+    20.669991472,
+    21.181226625299999,
+    21.496046951899999,
+    22.092489347299999,
+    22.5203682028,
+    22.913515129299999,
+    23.382882170199998,
+    23.760241867400001,
+    24.103618211899999,
+    24.540791235699999,
+    25.0420139973,
+    25.4305135832,
+    26.0666776578,
+    26.564557883900001,
+    27.273553850399999,
+    27.7820097687,
+    28.3303665601,
+    28.745443715499999,
+    29.332968781000002,
+    30.009561780399999,
+    30.6135990386,
+    31.065902801899998,
+    31.520776554800001,
+    32.034559784499997,
+    32.646134072499997,
+    33.136621810400001,
+    34.091020344699999,
+    34.492997237600001,
+    34.960981709999999,
+    35.534538623400003,
+    36.397290535000003,
+    36.973557298199999,
+    37.496289196399999,
+    38.275574691300001,
+    39.132056666700002,
+    39.940285424599999,
+    40.663404855499998,
+    41.192514081399999,
+    41.940303401100003,
+    42.428268793400001,
+    43.002423862000001,
+    43.754682545599998,
+    44.392160792200002,
+    45.226295550300001,
+    45.955474380200002,
+    46.6701829171,
+    47.223011101499999,
+    47.870306336100001,
+    49.055475024800003,
+    49.870096181000001,
+    50.573112358800003,
+    51.511936900599999,
+    52.294025013499997,
+    52.962422501100001,
+    54.0366510279,
+    54.7208861318,
+    55.623480251799997,
+    56.401930573599998,
+    57.257184440700001,
+    58.072153872400001,
+    58.874410881099998,
+    60.104082592799998,
+    61.246007962100002,
+    62.248201307400002,
+    63.333179544099998,
+    64.4524632575,
+    65.680454143800006,
+    66.683104472400004,
+    67.860077341099995,
+    68.838786806399995,
+    69.8305645449,
+    71.030064286699997,
+    72.106640080299996,
+    73.718568832599999,
+    74.8928190476,
+    76.122150548999997,
+    77.8978499384,
+    79.078046305800001,
+    80.938626385199996,
+    82.707864462499998,
+    84.409564379399995,
+    85.580444997300006,
+    87.015983902800002,
+    88.433916929199995,
+    90.027633876400003,
+    91.989641288499996,
+    94.085497345299999,
+    97.019197389300004,
+    98.948948656499994,
+    101.110113046,
+    102.857621045,
+    104.948948472,
+    107.370061428,
+    110.309341836,
+    113.069785897,
+    115.334911873,
+    118.811007467,
+    121.8903905,
+    124.534635235,
+    127.237679828,
+    130.822044406,
+    133.95795785600001,
+    137.088601866,
+    141.331942336,
+    144.39698896600001,
+    148.46879151300001,
+    151.54049203599999,
+    156.010435457,
+    159.23907638899999,
+    163.84405742499999,
+    167.20574813600001,
+    171.571248282,
+    175.307565178,
+    180.898544257,
+    188.209642444,
+    192.88951267100001,
+    199.07961470500001,
+    204.98453083699999,
+    210.87189762099999,
+    217.37683173400001,
+    226.04598215600001,
+    233.03168449699999,
+    241.629711085,
+    246.946999901,
+    257.88334712900001,
+    264.42034237600001,
+    275.808770686,
+    285.32670270400001,
+    296.425658236,
+    311.66211481800002,
+    325.77524805600001,
+    339.41158178199998,
+    359.89737101100002,
+    378.89288395099999,
+    407.45313021999999,
+    430.825250423,
+    463.86767345999999,
+    495.964419029,
+    532.31966564899994,
+    589.85183477299995,
+    656.18178811200005,
+    784.26433017099998,
+    943.24503690999995,
+    1302.9980653,
+    102139.29543300001,
+    0.0,
+    0.86743237287200003,
+    1.3552076122000001,
+    1.74882176592,
+    2.1568118435899999,
+    2.5442077510700001,
+    2.7836243977500001,
+    3.00643655951,
+    3.2689355412999999,
+    3.5104534629600002,
+    3.8022522251600002,
+    4.0581864022299996,
+    4.3187967801799996,
+    4.5167601174499996,
+    4.8300373207899998,
+    5.1908096910400001,
+    5.4523307194299999,
+    5.7058518279000001,
+    6.0398043860700001,
+    6.3374641220700001,
+    6.6584016957400003,
+    6.8846773738299998,
+    7.1723016125100001,
+    7.48248963179,
+    7.7608348148299999,
+    8.0287909583299992,
+    8.3818549816299992,
+    8.7220174560999997,
+    9.0911091549999998,
+    9.35929759333,
+    9.6835960622500004,
+    9.9959322308900003,
+    10.3919770948,
+    10.747496464799999,
+    11.051538298500001,
+    11.316949795799999,
+    11.6183662131,
+    11.847164556699999,
+    12.1264569509,
+    12.437037774,
+    12.678519424999999,
+    13.016651663899999,
+    13.442219338399999,
+    13.7024184299,
+    14.0640518316,
+    14.3690724623,
+    14.6322090714,
+    15.003935011899999,
+    15.4618156875,
+    15.691396925499999,
+    16.018873943599999,
+    16.325083680199999,
+    16.72412623,
+    17.1800229961,
+    17.565089287999999,
+    17.955333696,
+    18.350394168699999,
+    18.662332183499998,
+    19.055520775400002,
+    19.3243741866,
+    19.697736269300002,
+    20.1598827376,
+    20.587558148399999,
+    20.947803652899999,
+    21.377289620700001,
+    21.7382160949,
+    22.148445907799999,
+    22.538187253499999,
+    22.969405032299999,
+    23.3515975378,
+    23.7868814409,
+    24.248895708799999,
+    24.763958241200001,
+    25.1997621694,
+    25.508926166199998,
+    25.958095899700002,
+    26.333188731500002,
+    26.824658796200001,
+    27.2155445271,
+    27.6568308628,
+    28.003116157499999,
+    28.541185737399999,
+    29.063342253199998,
+    29.560897612200002,
+    30.089418954599999,
+    30.597578276299998,
+    31.089081956699999,
+    31.4765648224,
+    31.894925652200001,
+    32.457647031999997,
+    33.030174841600001,
+    33.487885595199998,
+    34.018036955900001,
+    34.729723770100001,
+    35.271537205000001,
+    35.835399970200001,
+    36.307941559900001,
+    37.035916915500003,
+    37.561814357099998,
+    38.147376215199998,
+    38.7343663929,
+    39.318444863700002,
+    40.219249623899998,
+    40.878162636200003,
+    41.4384018103,
+    42.125905574999997,
+    42.975687067999999,
+    43.8669515737,
+    44.7165019555,
+    45.320383934500001,
+    46.290441078699999,
+    47.103139229999996,
+    47.737629462800001,
+    48.481018605400003,
+    49.4000519043,
+    50.130121766099997,
+    51.236341089200003,
+    52.022103237400003,
+    53.121350018199998,
+    54.3133505427,
+    55.198931289699999,
+    56.1880323006,
+    57.196115179099998,
+    58.388588195399997,
+    59.017601707799997,
+    60.191491397699998,
+    61.1785764937,
+    62.150011268,
+    63.062827775300001,
+    64.255070623099996,
+    65.725583058799998,
+    67.146069528200002,
+    68.855182272500002,
+    70.625039886400003,
+    72.517402771500002,
+    74.012329769800004,
+    75.142684897799995,
+    77.263163371999994,
+    78.970113074099999,
+    81.015664056600002,
+    82.952470754299995,
+    84.358247795500006,
+    86.345419452399994,
+    87.398236220800001,
+    88.877403817100003,
+    91.486012660200004,
+    93.475534618099999,
+    95.836579746699996,
+    99.517911350299997,
+    102.47972814000001,
+    104.56502959399999,
+    106.80315385900001,
+    109.427661664,
+    112.172083348,
+    114.752710729,
+    117.319711297,
+    120.332179395,
+    122.523137369,
+    125.80426376699999,
+    128.152192243,
+    130.68223203400001,
+    135.03565554799999,
+    138.836718018,
+    142.72321670599999,
+    145.83471307600001,
+    148.23894481900001,
+    150.940455676,
+    155.45888045199999,
+    160.45763036100001,
+    165.78439021700001,
+    170.10783283399999,
+    176.981973885,
+    182.24637161699999,
+    187.99729957,
+    193.341158584,
+    201.153499485,
+    209.89557814400001,
+    215.512255272,
+    222.916166694,
+    234.63262219500001,
+    242.24162438799999,
+    250.84387633899999,
+    264.39217630600001,
+    286.10701643599998,
+    294.863916168,
+    309.35324268800002,
+    326.01462315399999,
+    343.064113615,
+    361.99177679500002,
+    387.72006495800002,
+    407.06863126899998,
+    432.93714764600003,
+    471.081198336,
+    512.23599568500003,
+    547.44287580900004,
+    597.93801741300001,
+    672.97299630600003,
+    816.76871595199998,
+    996.88891773900002,
+    1291.9070935100001,
+    161358.74421500001,
+    0.0,
+    0.99453276649300004,
+    1.34957440998,
+    1.80040223325,
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+    2.48530115303,
+    2.78071282241,
+    3.0627252072600002,
+    3.2784701121599999,
+    3.5719852163999999,
+    3.9766675073700002,
+    4.1919498196699996,
+    4.4401116787000001,
+    4.7010850741399999,
+    4.8325546723099997,
+    4.9905503588400002,
+    5.2121802011499998,
+    5.4487589889699999,
+    5.7199962258500001,
+    5.9713598443100002,
+    6.2934525916500004,
+    6.5164568592299998,
+    6.7356095053300002,
+    6.9021306576599999,
+    7.1721655965900002,
+    7.3281530158799999,
+    7.5914585431999999,
+    7.8254960779699996,
+    7.9993083693299996,
+    8.2012397418000003,
+    8.3720004276700006,
+    8.6300188092199992,
+    8.9217519372599998,
+    9.3077081475300005,
+    9.6043493889500002,
+    9.8964144834100001,
+    10.211666127200001,
+    10.4213008992,
+    10.788691589500001,
+    11.051012050900001,
+    11.344200771000001,
+    11.725614780600001,
+    11.9588900773,
+    12.2827247511,
+    12.637968324099999,
+    12.966823288900001,
+    13.168992016800001,
+    13.4745396448,
+    13.785583859500001,
+    14.036187573499999,
+    14.3890843198,
+    14.7328997316,
+    15.1242120858,
+    15.3426967014,
+    15.6612958042,
+    15.9789841683,
+    16.360263102400001,
+    16.772235545499999,
+    17.216064751899999,
+    17.589241161899999,
+    17.8572448364,
+    18.1950328878,
+    18.559156973699999,
+    18.792157978999999,
+    19.092364930399999,
+    19.509183897500002,
+    19.8903785993,
+    20.395241299399999,
+    20.715609197399999,
+    21.129151485000001,
+    21.4384474457,
+    21.8051370373,
+    22.0983151782,
+    22.589355123800001,
+    22.923955315299999,
+    23.293660984199999,
+    23.8073499164,
+    24.164663172499999,
+    24.468464225200002,
+    24.9136660319,
+    25.292481224799999,
+    25.704244781,
+    26.122315593700002,
+    26.745139958900001,
+    27.142677224500002,
+    27.678661556600002,
+    28.172552657800001,
+    28.7004617023,
+    29.254574122400001,
+    29.9576316134,
+    30.320919945,
+    30.8651150524,
+    31.535303165799998,
+    32.0284025188,
+    32.4595794536,
+    32.939819047199997,
+    33.536005820299998,
+    34.287543194800001,
+    34.940091845399998,
+    35.379675577999997,
+    36.122305638999997,
+    36.623643357600002,
+    37.258982358499999,
+    37.645211866499999,
+    38.348043171800001,
+    39.121822204899999,
+    39.903193717900002,
+    40.5501905506,
+    41.172201017399999,
+    41.965871158399999,
+    42.633532572999997,
+    43.135795547100003,
+    43.854137299599998,
+    44.859996618799997,
+    45.622113159199998,
+    46.6849616684,
+    47.678221519899999,
+    48.843464619499997,
+    49.8146602526,
+    50.688647234999998,
+    51.583461331899997,
+    52.591197556700003,
+    53.717957165400001,
+    55.506732086500001,
+    56.662175622500001,
+    58.167854235900002,
+    59.062885457699998,
+    60.411246125200002,
+    61.391033951200001,
+    62.368874448500002,
+    63.688858420800003,
+    64.888271486199997,
+    66.635858121799998,
+    67.817878363199995,
+    68.880671285700004,
+    70.095051569500001,
+    71.501848303100005,
+    72.775151774600005,
+    74.558541465199994,
+    76.409518135499994,
+    77.761688797700003,
+    79.005647183500002,
+    80.295269079099995,
+    82.4136017931,
+    84.613797778800006,
+    86.016896733899998,
+    87.430508335200003,
+    88.670983118500004,
+    90.231433799300007,
+    91.891509509399995,
+    94.498776834500006,
+    97.249232232899999,
+    98.623021338599997,
+    101.238294708,
+    102.87975996900001,
+    105.291018643,
+    107.24435443199999,
+    109.666596011,
+    113.098272596,
+    115.61031488,
+    119.614780612,
+    123.287443794,
+    126.249115391,
+    128.58356817500001,
+    131.775900138,
+    135.290949961,
+    139.29796378500001,
+    146.262327629,
+    150.00976835200001,
+    154.61572367400001,
+    160.255070652,
+    165.26334147099999,
+    170.16736670500001,
+    173.77829739699999,
+    179.56132179599999,
+    184.561922764,
+    190.69775108499999,
+    196.65891324699999,
+    203.521908177,
+    211.093916154,
+    221.47514707299999,
+    231.47529352399999,
+    237.75562241,
+    244.883786829,
+    253.30171895399999,
+    261.76505171600002,
+    278.98552843200002,
+    292.60068635200003,
+    311.55099943599998,
+    325.88771172899999,
+    343.19537559700001,
+    365.551962753,
+    393.39248336999998,
+    422.56973752499999,
+    461.27635287499999,
+    502.54248837599999,
+    563.31345992700005,
+    636.33864636400006,
+    803.18510591400002,
+    1017.18613565,
+    2073.8933950400001,
+    0.0,
+    0.84882448919599995,
+    1.1297295603899999,
+    1.43790054577,
+    1.8034031745600001,
+    2.1567378511699999,
+    2.46200691124,
+    2.7164909210600001,
+    2.9725139778099998,
+    3.3258460814699999,
+    3.51565620581,
+    3.6829072744900002,
+    3.8503255597599999,
+    4.0960101060699996,
+    4.3195587197099998,
+    4.5180080510099998,
+    4.7208657011600001,
+    4.9188747051200004,
+    5.0822519781400004,
+    5.2471047837700002,
+    5.4397152562800004,
+    5.6442757923500002,
+    5.94422558704,
+    6.2491652156599997,
+    6.5158366836499999,
+    6.6694208713499998,
+    6.9618320371699998,
+    7.0954639576199998,
+    7.3925975604899996,
+    7.6671833348599998,
+    8.0270911346999991,
+    8.2155617499000009,
+    8.3810446408000008,
+    8.6728270830500005,
+    8.9919564023300005,
+    9.1979666478599995,
+    9.4613822654199993,
+    9.8638159812400001,
+    10.064467502699999,
+    10.300861637400001,
+    10.5922395715,
+    10.898994478100001,
+    11.2204623911,
+    11.462764891000001,
+    11.827261590299999,
+    12.083868714099999,
+    12.386429319099999,
+    12.6393019529,
+    12.853547404,
+    13.1367142199,
+    13.3487410123,
+    13.656895326200001,
+    14.024084867899999,
+    14.2305895378,
+    14.537063637599999,
+    14.7677980479,
+    14.983400628,
+    15.254355192,
+    15.4728650747,
+    15.7833358443,
+    16.258317366699998,
+    16.591420611899999,
+    16.7968951537,
+    17.321484078699999,
+    17.688159546000001,
+    17.9917501318,
+    18.4264735655,
+    18.751733764800001,
+    19.0344300858,
+    19.372343152500001,
+    19.740307887699998,
+    20.051092925599999,
+    20.305765000400001,
+    20.618187255599999,
+    20.819816596500001,
+    21.0782135131,
+    21.397939723499999,
+    21.854582025799999,
+    22.2881163357,
+    22.6506377304,
+    22.877000473599999,
+    23.384389492899999,
+    23.836418588899999,
+    24.222254926800002,
+    24.655197791999999,
+    25.022161849,
+    25.444878252500001,
+    26.053606325400001,
+    26.614004877900001,
+    27.0211182404,
+    27.401244503200001,
+    27.7850805052,
+    28.159129948299999,
+    28.6603675532,
+    29.200278675,
+    29.671973053799999,
+    30.210222716600001,
+    30.961837351900002,
+    31.650008409800002,
+    32.094382395700002,
+    32.843304519299998,
+    33.577328693699997,
+    34.237700249100001,
+    34.801256214399999,
+    35.485455770500003,
+    35.9765981579,
+    36.670725593599997,
+    37.170285661000001,
+    37.990796691500002,
+    38.642774190700003,
+    39.528303337300002,
+    39.978645888499997,
+    40.8020907732,
+    41.489481081900003,
+    42.4638964743,
+    43.139901183799999,
+    44.090235702199998,
+    45.199560705499998,
+    45.817027413600002,
+    47.017044573200003,
+    48.262105780699997,
+    49.1479688362,
+    50.425156699799999,
+    51.855557858499999,
+    52.673049050499998,
+    53.828962193300001,
+    54.706265736600002,
+    55.754088218,
+    56.6875216169,
+    57.802232958300003,
+    59.077269420699999,
+    59.802668045799997,
+    60.803463371600003,
+    62.277143198700003,
+    63.318223359400001,
+    64.249051654799999,
+    65.723438296400005,
+    66.690473547300002,
+    67.987683240400003,
+    69.312005970800001,
+    70.335791722799996,
+    71.525547407700003,
+    73.2296426005,
+    74.761566365899995,
+    76.401961372800002,
+    78.083813237900003,
+    79.959478159499994,
+    81.411397194700001,
+    83.907706583600003,
+    85.130641549399996,
+    86.564841115600004,
+    88.151400025100003,
+    90.839542183500001,
+    93.404373994799997,
+    95.237850676600004,
+    96.510747774899997,
+    98.111723876599996,
+    100.59771252100001,
+    103.473781565,
+    106.22999075200001,
+    109.035110547,
+    111.514197384,
+    114.660071867,
+    117.91431810100001,
+    120.95989149899999,
+    125.315578238,
+    127.97488147200001,
+    131.55766028400001,
+    133.79550634099999,
+    136.780043667,
+    143.37105514300001,
+    147.41143759799999,
+    152.70084909799999,
+    158.68963683999999,
+    163.480470784,
+    168.40748618699999,
+    176.23576411799999,
+    181.51714572399999,
+    188.435573998,
+    193.69868358400001,
+    201.866252981,
+    209.69486823,
+    221.66246932499999,
+    231.771152277,
+    245.05347127900001,
+    258.89263676799999,
+    273.73973170099998,
+    290.43652293600002,
+    304.91784651400002,
+    317.71453254800002,
+    345.81680795,
+    370.51493599600002,
+    396.34922032399999,
+    427.34649876600002,
+    472.648184012,
+    548.811516697,
+    616.97696803199995,
+    698.58074685700001,
+    921.70016827699999,
+    1351.93476429,
+    4555.3138270099998,
+    0.0,
+    1.05775845422,
+    1.30722302885,
+    1.6550836259599999,
+    2.0164548998499998,
+    2.22264762997,
+    2.4339426832900002,
+    2.63987900941,
+    2.8474331698999999,
+    3.1394413773199998,
+    3.3488811388099999,
+    3.5845593259999999,
+    3.7278526245200001,
+    3.89707499961,
+    4.0930076946499998,
+    4.2667403322500004,
+    4.4444123281100003,
+    4.7057346005499996,
+    4.8776095749700001,
+    5.0766543427900004,
+    5.2576254422700002,
+    5.4227043983799996,
+    5.5565800836300001,
+    5.6921444728099999,
+    5.8967927912900002,
+    6.0520540232300002,
+    6.18092403149,
+    6.4448963355100002,
+    6.6606765375799997,
+    6.8569177525900002,
+    6.9871721176600001,
+    7.1997752419300003,
+    7.4790143792799997,
+    7.6433232341600004,
+    7.8838845337299999,
+    8.0362724982000007,
+    8.2491173118100001,
+    8.4854912803700007,
+    8.7981272976200007,
+    8.98771466078,
+    9.2672797478700009,
+    9.4910127015200008,
+    9.7196918691600001,
+    9.9958458284499994,
+    10.2946220832,
+    10.5192779153,
+    10.7367739562,
+    11.0486241079,
+    11.264306749099999,
+    11.610683487999999,
+    11.8590324631,
+    12.102995508599999,
+    12.274140378,
+    12.5626984562,
+    12.777400244300001,
+    13.0071767612,
+    13.3075190692,
+    13.506522563900001,
+    13.7736133375,
+    14.034237147500001,
+    14.3718879313,
+    14.704450492399999,
+    15.006497291000001,
+    15.4860321302,
+    15.8250864202,
+    16.068562412599999,
+    16.366417189700002,
+    16.791695786399998,
+    17.1963988083,
+    17.692784723599999,
+    17.9889456748,
+    18.250281237599999,
+    18.540758284100001,
+    19.105488743399999,
+    19.3676116446,
+    19.9057967233,
+    20.372155027400002,
+    20.617865943399998,
+    21.0056881543,
+    21.3998014925,
+    21.886629124399999,
+    22.301586328599999,
+    22.8157840378,
+    23.1577773249,
+    23.562675140700001,
+    23.9908312801,
+    24.371709623200001,
+    24.853048289,
+    25.321527433499998,
+    25.817410943100001,
+    26.333798079699999,
+    26.743897014000002,
+    27.404019467800001,
+    27.750455412299999,
+    28.245307990099999,
+    28.8302203846,
+    29.238499632700002,
+    29.908395497000001,
+    30.222815192500001,
+    30.759701009099999,
+    31.296847612400001,
+    31.809133106099999,
+    32.3396270004,
+    33.065629932,
+    33.614025315299997,
+    34.269816387299997,
+    35.012311410899997,
+    35.852750563500003,
+    36.404141805499997,
+    36.8294660038,
+    37.935726292200002,
+    38.368785425900001,
+    39.1826087245,
+    40.008409596500002,
+    40.726090274800001,
+    41.337873114600001,
+    42.209034503799998,
+    43.359563836100001,
+    44.113217655,
+    44.844831191300003,
+    45.6845486769,
+    46.347966789700003,
+    47.331044909100001,
+    48.2533342455,
+    49.162487231599997,
+    50.1543142202,
+    50.931869310099998,
+    51.636126617899997,
+    52.181963144800001,
+    53.396775668799997,
+    55.032301978100001,
+    55.596427951899997,
+    56.5791496927,
+    57.542454919599997,
+    58.554653988799998,
+    59.636429710999998,
+    61.407241399900002,
+    62.509754862100003,
+    63.601590468700003,
+    64.824312135300005,
+    66.386878043999999,
+    67.693732305799998,
+    69.365119204300001,
+    71.025400599899996,
+    72.653909433799996,
+    74.395827576000002,
+    75.769964444999999,
+    77.234020831500004,
+    78.433715899099994,
+    81.101681241799994,
+    83.076307199300004,
+    84.5988995469,
+    86.376895072899998,
+    88.194960597199994,
+    90.441746414899995,
+    92.189595910199998,
+    93.440994131400004,
+    95.435247487400005,
+    99.0558885879,
+    101.49204924999999,
+    104.088533635,
+    106.181199298,
+    109.219007221,
+    112.61624315100001,
+    116.029069048,
+    119.96844246400001,
+    124.344004768,
+    127.91969076300001,
+    132.149553927,
+    135.922055457,
+    140.068507211,
+    144.15378361399999,
+    148.60536720600001,
+    153.82589839900001,
+    158.576947158,
+    165.555672257,
+    171.63158056899999,
+    176.33047682,
+    181.08906739299999,
+    186.793582875,
+    192.534521512,
+    203.56027511299999,
+    211.12137373499999,
+    218.32402486300001,
+    227.271126122,
+    239.72295971400001,
+    255.439273482,
+    266.59600377999999,
+    284.21895951499999,
+    302.86802943499998,
+    319.3660428,
+    335.96299544999999,
+    371.29655514500001,
+    386.65083379800001,
+    434.96311705400001,
+    521.05039447499996,
+    574.39597849699999,
+    643.38261744700003,
+    749.10677599899998,
+    937.47346937500004,
+    2164.74350723,
+    0.0,
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+    1.4528318226800001,
+    1.7506036653599999,
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+    2.1933454622299999,
+    2.4315041290299999,
+    2.6097449606700001,
+    2.8143037344300001,
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+    3.28163067285,
+    3.4197130756399998,
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+    3.7192315259700002,
+    3.8806453857499998,
+    4.0848607038400004,
+    4.27058822443,
+    4.4259870320300001,
+    4.6202853710799996,
+    4.8079818422300002,
+    4.9703096793699997,
+    5.1771997283899998,
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+    5.4736064223099996,
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+    5.7948310020399996,
+    5.9616974056899998,
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+    6.3200579482499997,
+    6.5465172585299998,
+    6.7046238334500003,
+    6.8696070854100002,
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+    7.21408035417,
+    7.3666599903499996,
+    7.5629677715200003,
+    7.7854370727999997,
+    8.0250690670800005,
+    8.2018499794099995,
+    8.4165599450900004,
+    8.6205648003099995,
+    8.8020739087200006,
+    8.9976602698800008,
+    9.2090483824400007,
+    9.40554714598,
+    9.6268466056699999,
+    9.8387845757699992,
+    10.063513496600001,
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+    10.5490401104,
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+    11.247083638299999,
+    11.487903512700001,
+    11.690503747999999,
+    11.9163331257,
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+    12.8298548017,
+    13.105360490300001,
+    13.352707515200001,
+    13.600565291800001,
+    13.8363089384,
+    14.081226945299999,
+    14.370552543500001,
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+    14.959606431799999,
+    15.238257795699999,
+    15.488877516500001,
+    15.783357724,
+    16.059268546999999,
+    16.371064702799998,
+    16.635482564899998,
+    16.926054678500002,
+    17.2595416636,
+    17.558429913600001,
+    17.873233837699999,
+    18.1713476396,
+    18.437921946300001,
+    18.808552489299998,
+    19.094615129400001,
+    19.521706635899999,
+    19.8753230885,
+    20.298514125000001,
+    20.622495869000002,
+    20.9353854017,
+    21.4098244692,
+    21.829437198099999,
+    22.259602406999999,
+    22.672559352,
+    23.1204515296,
+    23.483853294300001,
+    23.9484201462,
+    24.3248985436,
+    24.847141378100002,
+    25.2522052389,
+    25.681308357599999,
+    26.205337182699999,
+    26.576187536300001,
+    27.078663830899998,
+    27.677873063900002,
+    28.2381539971,
+    28.8023214868,
+    29.3993510241,
+    29.912833547399998,
+    30.573666294900001,
+    31.104430988600001,
+    31.796146883399999,
+    32.497170738500003,
+    33.279496414699999,
+    34.098064962599999,
+    34.843216272900001,
+    35.542133214099998,
+    36.276287779500002,
+    36.975928357500003,
+    37.504257990799999,
+    38.314777833900003,
+    39.177430845000004,
+    39.819717746400002,
+    40.407911670099999,
+    41.120240020300002,
+    41.978665155199998,
+    42.866256983200003,
+    43.496257352299999,
+    44.207718886199999,
+    44.967775733800003,
+    45.845529661199997,
+    46.8316582737,
+    47.606961498799997,
+    48.454226783199999,
+    49.675775014400003,
+    50.5811434361,
+    51.543186701800003,
+    52.633751532200002,
+    53.929547364699999,
+    55.037714174199998,
+    56.301767675000001,
+    57.451158926300003,
+    58.714248343199998,
+    59.628151489899999,
+    60.807000845600001,
+    62.156996127799999,
+    63.456997649599998,
+    65.008915114800004,
+    66.386142722499997,
+    67.978491519900004,
+    69.422238847200006,
+    70.791592380799997,
+    72.011370736700002,
+    73.522117942199998,
+    75.359756207299995,
+    77.030728253800007,
+    78.893995033400003,
+    80.530957561600005,
+    81.946598575099998,
+    84.055736077199995,
+    86.177382717599997,
+    88.231077799399998,
+    90.830107187099998,
+    93.291203665799998,
+    96.842991020100001,
+    99.738754614200005,
+    102.822309851,
+    106.472937214,
+    109.712921572,
+    112.28819169,
+    115.383539528,
+    118.33937052500001,
+    121.6283803,
+    126.21758780099999,
+    130.559458404,
+    135.25935161000001,
+    139.64966053500001,
+    144.08321394399999,
+    149.81024360000001,
+    155.95824547500001,
+    160.54965979900001,
+    165.74901272299999,
+    173.07092800300001,
+    181.971265612,
+    190.12184997899999,
+    199.140874,
+    208.94440364799999,
+    219.692760295,
+    231.41654560800001,
+    244.813734337,
+    260.64934893600002,
+    276.86471985399999,
+    297.854074072,
+    327.675880581,
+    363.64694161300002,
+    395.28587648799999,
+    430.29646448199998,
+    476.771927382,
+    552.10628605099998,
+    688.09209059399996,
+    965.66929444699997,
+    5512.1265341500002,
+    0.0,
+    0.62589083024600001,
+    1.0089155589900001,
+    1.2669403239100001,
+    1.4930834132099999,
+    1.6647456778,
+    1.86494432327,
+    2.0537877508200002,
+    2.25391444537,
+    2.4255788848600002,
+    2.5625113900800001,
+    2.70119472848,
+    2.8053232942299999,
+    2.92720031662,
+    3.1007147687100001,
+    3.2394799841499999,
+    3.39215368186,
+    3.5920914079299999,
+    3.74416489544,
+    3.8829579282000002,
+    4.0121750001200001,
+    4.1604435034699998,
+    4.2969491096299999,
+    4.4303864671199999,
+    4.5829179833699998,
+    4.7183684166099997,
+    4.8667168998800001,
+    4.9825970049999997,
+    5.1443596513600003,
+    5.29642331298,
+    5.5116304645699996,
+    5.6662601962099997,
+    5.8151835779100001,
+    5.9375451382,
+    6.1570517624500001,
+    6.3131151288699998,
+    6.52398099929,
+    6.6722523007500003,
+    6.86154545663,
+    7.0599193283100004,
+    7.3129107271700002,
+    7.5490299843899997,
+    7.7172198221199997,
+    7.8648526311499998,
+    8.0837370196799991,
+    8.2593266698099992,
+    8.4613117407199994,
+    8.6884386074200002,
+    8.8745901890700001,
+    9.1116656074600009,
+    9.3126467721299999,
+    9.5071399643899994,
+    9.7151605657500006,
+    9.9551889093600003,
+    10.149609288200001,
+    10.3401891662,
+    10.621445531099999,
+    10.8426697409,
+    11.0272843935,
+    11.270829726400001,
+    11.4694723487,
+    11.6178469386,
+    11.821109029700001,
+    12.021790796499999,
+    12.3252449453,
+    12.5092794759,
+    12.818332850699999,
+    13.020756306899999,
+    13.310810976799999,
+    13.5124599496,
+    13.767115336,
+    14.0644181972,
+    14.332859790200001,
+    14.5607314245,
+    14.9082657073,
+    15.125302185800001,
+    15.3715537263,
+    15.670518073,
+    16.0341797918,
+    16.263188094,
+    16.565119653299998,
+    16.768979356500001,
+    17.107996179400001,
+    17.3155602187,
+    17.633055544099999,
+    17.978850956799999,
+    18.239306430100001,
+    18.603581283899999,
+    18.890651686000002,
+    19.2448822751,
+    19.6097734435,
+    19.926314503299999,
+    20.1586253842,
+    20.499346128900001,
+    20.763220895300002,
+    21.214468897100001,
+    21.6883372251,
+    21.932186764800001,
+    22.421734858200001,
+    22.8480131942,
+    23.3200873278,
+    23.594830171000002,
+    24.038195447900002,
+    24.408468226699998,
+    24.92649372,
+    25.442113401899999,
+    25.8447679595,
+    26.3726873799,
+    26.812905815000001,
+    27.122537899899999,
+    27.7422113077,
+    28.078738693199998,
+    28.5723682014,
+    29.0944195565,
+    29.5634253395,
+    30.1247268702,
+    30.983710482300001,
+    31.826570418700001,
+    32.3620827385,
+    33.029481950899999,
+    33.566683207600001,
+    34.288337869199999,
+    34.942294123800004,
+    35.546860066900003,
+    36.362485731600003,
+    37.2408130333,
+    38.058683128600002,
+    38.750745497600001,
+    39.428888690199997,
+    40.115263124599998,
+    40.901282995400003,
+    41.4018687274,
+    42.138788071800001,
+    43.018359615500003,
+    44.106243223500002,
+    45.093539481699999,
+    45.8411771739,
+    46.570250118399997,
+    47.841644068400001,
+    49.303024838200002,
+    50.464239790100002,
+    51.234103358299997,
+    52.317696309799999,
+    53.0996279724,
+    54.369256693700002,
+    55.965980526800003,
+    57.287395203700001,
+    58.636793195099997,
+    60.683809927200002,
+    62.106524762100001,
+    63.455965556400002,
+    64.508962315299996,
+    65.830030819000001,
+    67.3272861871,
+    68.485336924099997,
+    69.962539390399996,
+    71.3643490332,
+    73.207148927299997,
+    75.267417445500001,
+    77.636856277999996,
+    79.567969825700004,
+    81.887922453399995,
+    84.409393872699994,
+    86.252385378499994,
+    89.609195726400003,
+    92.058129085499999,
+    94.237863167399993,
+    97.130241311000006,
+    99.337287984200003,
+    102.785121426,
+    105.16684627799999,
+    108.155644287,
+    111.12424827,
+    114.20309084500001,
+    118.25567124200001,
+    120.63906266799999,
+    126.769351089,
+    131.30368792600001,
+    135.35008283600001,
+    140.167179914,
+    146.276635801,
+    154.69830296500001,
+    162.097699463,
+    168.49842445199999,
+    174.39338381300001,
+    183.839663489,
+    194.04584716900001,
+    205.199824904,
+    216.99026627999999,
+    226.397941844,
+    239.11086462599999,
+    257.98370514300001,
+    272.68513598700002,
+    294.38470478199997,
+    317.32579381900001,
+    352.86648779500001,
+    396.000885729,
+    447.65133356299998,
+    552.83482503000005,
+    744.96290114700003,
+    7762.8570038400003,
+    0.0,
+    0.36214416262600002,
+    0.60004394504000003,
+    0.87269790764999999,
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+    1.1769418756600001,
+    1.3339406513100001,
+    1.5379932977899999,
+    1.64092011303,
+    1.8114937983699999,
+    1.92478153605,
+    2.0791194022399999,
+    2.18522431294,
+    2.3239286241100001,
+    2.4474903603299998,
+    2.56875405118,
+    2.6706112235399999,
+    2.7868128103399998,
+    2.89962589709,
+    3.0247650187300001,
+    3.1799188214799998,
+    3.3163269799299999,
+    3.4326557716099999,
+    3.5761530940699999,
+    3.6698664516599999,
+    3.8395536775700001,
+    3.9742173052399998,
+    4.0666621486399999,
+    4.1860672163199997,
+    4.2677782405900002,
+    4.39398556059,
+    4.5599359743100001,
+    4.7182993929599997,
+    4.8549576225899997,
+    4.9793340551199998,
+    5.1106161380800001,
+    5.22653369925,
+    5.3697032505699998,
+    5.5502664604199996,
+    5.6901435710500001,
+    5.81186063054,
+    5.9447132463900001,
+    6.05627291431,
+    6.16844943146,
+    6.3088485415099997,
+    6.5158703652999996,
+    6.6663173981500004,
+    6.7889778856399996,
+    6.92685753591,
+    7.05832274623,
+    7.2113778586999997,
+    7.3735471867099998,
+    7.4967882360999996,
+    7.67708191997,
+    7.8383618689299999,
+    8.0007809638400005,
+    8.2598039090000004,
+    8.4646047196400005,
+    8.6068680876200006,
+    8.7919284529800006,
+    8.9449623581599997,
+    9.1615349379200008,
+    9.3168642346000006,
+    9.4680652743600007,
+    9.7295350278099999,
+    9.9208554836600005,
+    10.0769753157,
+    10.1731120514,
+    10.3276036073,
+    10.6154476322,
+    10.8889357781,
+    11.016681222400001,
+    11.166106582099999,
+    11.3010656278,
+    11.460114477099999,
+    11.6049507496,
+    11.754826317499999,
+    12.128326894900001,
+    12.393725440500001,
+    12.601959282999999,
+    12.929220557000001,
+    13.2033834409,
+    13.496651655100001,
+    13.6720510495,
+    14.0106799329,
+    14.2715969553,
+    14.4738353905,
+    14.887431385199999,
+    15.0448999294,
+    15.3053817024,
+    15.6545606815,
+    15.9636364194,
+    16.322553926800001,
+    16.694194434500002,
+    17.030383725899998,
+    17.430560569699999,
+    17.700358551699999,
+    18.117532589300001,
+    18.425291790799999,
+    18.722525176000001,
+    19.151242618000001,
+    19.5588949566,
+    19.985716502399999,
+    20.4476355348,
+    20.9045258441,
+    21.276626095099999,
+    21.575188439600002,
+    22.0493676255,
+    22.446726857400002,
+    22.7039434454,
+    23.13535392,
+    23.679737149400001,
+    24.0913996564,
+    24.592582522600001,
+    24.846344199699999,
+    25.1692127267,
+    25.707613397399999,
+    26.060921460599999,
+    26.402713800499999,
+    26.7672555555,
+    27.323489971800001,
+    28.1384294904,
+    28.886585523400001,
+    29.625952655700001,
+    30.049929096700001,
+    30.912490141700001,
+    31.7116329208,
+    32.432935618400002,
+    33.0836818525,
+    33.756748210399998,
+    34.448977073899997,
+    34.967596885500001,
+    35.526411413300004,
+    36.153337627600003,
+    37.193655335499997,
+    37.865997652899999,
+    38.746337718900001,
+    39.2502404719,
+    39.9758412025,
+    40.513914754399998,
+    41.377973330099998,
+    42.134772359599999,
+    42.670801806599997,
+    43.359820479100001,
+    44.8475078349,
+    45.403055004400002,
+    46.8336235847,
+    47.7113874912,
+    48.6941028253,
+    49.650345725199998,
+    50.665570570200003,
+    51.724056971300001,
+    53.992577544,
+    55.575370979100001,
+    57.251984441700003,
+    58.745608337299998,
+    60.1648035049,
+    61.246203909800002,
+    62.419975842699998,
+    63.422574513400001,
+    64.876159087000005,
+    66.885247274500003,
+    68.391010214800005,
+    69.915828121700002,
+    72.4871931144,
+    74.172952607699997,
+    75.652527461199995,
+    78.468287273000001,
+    80.721637548800004,
+    83.956121732200003,
+    87.163249777199994,
+    88.897109974100005,
+    91.2752939664,
+    93.173034590599997,
+    95.435791827200006,
+    100.344464677,
+    104.832073959,
+    109.276679528,
+    112.578422989,
+    114.53132503400001,
+    119.746495774,
+    124.493025184,
+    129.95658998100001,
+    134.31216815799999,
+    137.89688887400001,
+    140.67569338600001,
+    147.559990177,
+    157.91491644199999,
+    164.60831501999999,
+    171.84101301800001,
+    186.69105907299999,
+    195.42122663699999,
+    208.16940782099999,
+    238.53526263200001,
+    245.87424240300001,
+    268.33659908499999,
+    292.616848678,
+    312.784421705,
+    376.69900637799998,
+    486.40594854400001,
+    909.54311207000001,
+    0.0,
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+    1.1768999986299999,
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+    1.6653002782099999,
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+    1.9895373943000001,
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+    2.2189233742900001,
+    2.3098127374300002,
+    2.4206150527000001,
+    2.4845079548800002,
+    2.6079748566799998,
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+    2.8700892704999998,
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+    3.1480022766900002,
+    3.2256769408800001,
+    3.30379140374,
+    3.3884221330000002,
+    3.4570332483000001,
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+    3.6248614990800001,
+    3.7101075382699999,
+    3.7687182426899999,
+    3.8163207208699998,
+    3.89049827354,
+    3.9685665546200002,
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+    4.1485435748499997,
+    4.2118118690999999,
+    4.2767713334400002,
+    4.3538326518200003,
+    4.4579713825800003,
+    4.5508743169399999,
+    4.6676333956900002,
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+    4.8197525947199997,
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+    5.7009271960400003,
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+    5.9548448325700001,
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+    6.3819964031299996,
+    6.4711966493400004,
+    6.5880414298299996,
+    6.7348102011000002,
+    6.8307196477099996,
+    6.9337887910999996,
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+    7.3301993509400001,
+    7.4527574858900003,
+    7.5532437966600003,
+    7.6852803779599999,
+    7.8640635376499999,
+    8.0318076099900004,
+    8.1796189996499997,
+    8.3642059418999999,
+    8.5050041495500004,
+    8.6533583034700001,
+    8.7675089334600003,
+    8.90401831396,
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+    9.2032868451700001,
+    9.3704603805200009,
+    9.5586269002000002,
+    9.7223680241999997,
+    9.9347655253599996,
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+    10.255212992300001,
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+    10.957390713400001,
+    11.087388472400001,
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+    11.7872480683,
+    11.915456216899999,
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+    12.422258492999999,
+    12.630647267100001,
+    12.8227992595,
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+    13.910454382299999,
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+    14.338029858300001,
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+    14.770007548300001,
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+    15.855824070500001,
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+    16.5489680156,
+    16.821966605299998,
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+    17.870520279099999,
+    18.260020296,
+    18.612564062099999,
+    18.852361614399999,
+    19.4196515169,
+    19.842134040099999,
+    20.208065711,
+    20.730183175899999,
+    21.211762532200002,
+    21.724835097900002,
+    22.113935455899998,
+    22.527518860600001,
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+    23.578085247400001,
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+    25.101613714700001,
+    25.726113937200001,
+    26.0893457106,
+    26.669907244299999,
+    27.169577979900001,
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+    28.329601780800001,
+    28.779048282000002,
+    29.224608145400001,
+    29.781331889800001,
+    30.432540589399999,
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+    32.492956216000003,
+    33.285631429200002,
+    34.070187818800001,
+    35.060381063199998,
+    35.680990641100003,
+    36.895345624699999,
+    37.869889303100003,
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+    39.673959652199997,
+    40.7449007739,
+    42.072602957599997,
+    43.253042370099998,
+    44.872848970500002,
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+    49.545397762699999,
+    51.074845857200003,
+    52.800367472799998,
+    54.781904047099999,
+    56.6419800444,
+    58.294167776899997,
+    59.890254052499998,
+    62.933262895200002,
+    64.383209257600001,
+    66.273695300300005,
+    68.879466623300004,
+    71.737383912400006,
+    73.694424811299996,
+    76.676559064200006,
+    79.509307012099995,
+    82.2830341003,
+    85.991392160700002,
+    90.717177404200001,
+    94.429171780900006,
+    97.473571158699997,
+    102.467911147,
+    107.546301419,
+    114.342831581,
+    121.31476895,
+    126.05533253199999,
+    137.91440966299999,
+    144.79876003499999,
+    163.923571595,
+    181.508527445,
+    213.04454604899999,
+    245.38055141000001,
+    301.25496328499997,
+    332.04731076600001,
+    25328.083268499999,
+    0.0,
+    0.16960710904000001,
+    0.24797331543600001,
+    0.30236896744000002,
+    0.34361899401099999,
+    0.40999983457,
+    0.48890969043100002,
+    0.54342837436299996,
+    0.60861265194400005,
+    0.64673129635399995,
+    0.69004038945699997,
+    0.73679534547199999,
+    0.77536960959000001,
+    0.82841780807499998,
+    0.90256777434299995,
+    0.93909860962199998,
+    1.00410024985,
+    1.0408385717899999,
+    1.11535670052,
+    1.14711502865,
+    1.15928977273,
+    1.18798598113,
+    1.2274534778099999,
+    1.26769475616,
+    1.3002205824799999,
+    1.3310033753199999,
+    1.3446656342200001,
+    1.3760840745,
+    1.39081400794,
+    1.4505341583,
+    1.4632661604999999,
+    1.4984860150399999,
+    1.5529767251,
+    1.57864986714,
+    1.6173517424399999,
+    1.67533252068,
+    1.70471580487,
+    1.7278608476799999,
+    1.7811033034399999,
+    1.82818139122,
+    1.86555208204,
+    1.8941511847700001,
+    1.92488230379,
+    1.95851626987,
+    1.99363516305,
+    2.0170055272299998,
+    2.0586483531600002,
+    2.0850970425700002,
+    2.1085030088000001,
+    2.1283137664099998,
+    2.16603036339,
+    2.19060342065,
+    2.2345184857999998,
+    2.2714847812799999,
+    2.2993152139899999,
+    2.3222064716699999,
+    2.3498083965699998,
+    2.3879408831800002,
+    2.4133674625900001,
+    2.45645766658,
+    2.5043169972600001,
+    2.5332218388799999,
+    2.5860056276300001,
+    2.6092200429700001,
+    2.6593928409799998,
+    2.7167476183999999,
+    2.7528966109600002,
+    2.8165365213600002,
+    2.8466368258900001,
+    2.8966874532100002,
+    2.9315763405099999,
+    2.9602961735200002,
+    2.9944957343700001,
+    3.0486180954200002,
+    3.1054310960799998,
+    3.17422308542,
+    3.22876924922,
+    3.2476266926499999,
+    3.2895811744699999,
+    3.33758062866,
+    3.3814007836000002,
+    3.4235448060599998,
+    3.49735659195,
+    3.5619485828699999,
+    3.61508084496,
+    3.6882879176299999,
+    3.7441381326799998,
+    3.8290921697,
+    3.87138230506,
+    3.9399367140599999,
+    3.9855674425799998,
+    4.03423244708,
+    4.1224800094800003,
+    4.1617950069500003,
+    4.2098466376400001,
+    4.2671599100500002,
+    4.3072566201600004,
+    4.3243450788600004,
+    4.3957664746200003,
+    4.4519812552699998,
+    4.4969306764399999,
+    4.5152175579399998,
+    4.56732663911,
+    4.6752821882199997,
+    4.7424836408799997,
+    4.8540575522499996,
+    4.9112049708600001,
+    4.9863832664899999,
+    5.0723492115899997,
+    5.1341872206300003,
+    5.1757472919899996,
+    5.2672883329999998,
+    5.3193278175799996,
+    5.3545440009799998,
+    5.3662639863299999,
+    5.4478164688200001,
+    5.51018935901,
+    5.6222469255899998,
+    5.7031572715200003,
+    5.78511780914,
+    5.87666466639,
+    6.0267396241600002,
+    6.1198844067399998,
+    6.1979622858300001,
+    6.28159827041,
+    6.3904158104600004,
+    6.4453162825900003,
+    6.5218544413200004,
+    6.6086381632900002,
+    6.6725993210399999,
+    6.8163144940900002,
+    6.97804495911,
+    7.0227642352400004,
+    7.1626846845100003,
+    7.3423024204600003,
+    7.5327362668799998,
+    7.6978310374000003,
+    7.7611027450999996,
+    7.88016729875,
+    7.9472676633599999,
+    8.1244228188799994,
+    8.2399482591299993,
+    8.3372351004799992,
+    8.5151888904599993,
+    8.5980587770099994,
+    8.7064795243800006,
+    8.9028549639799994,
+    9.1412099458099991,
+    9.2928218155500009,
+    9.5260445012799995,
+    9.7243731171600007,
+    9.9194989507500004,
+    10.158387747800001,
+    10.358305334700001,
+    10.8456897256,
+    11.0126503317,
+    11.1397484418,
+    11.3568231431,
+    11.725070023000001,
+    11.952829343599999,
+    12.355631104,
+    12.741115586999999,
+    12.9604116418,
+    13.0782774906,
+    13.386035293300001,
+    13.7586242928,
+    14.065910686100001,
+    14.481276965199999,
+    14.8428342578,
+    15.0857067332,
+    15.5610363036,
+    15.9877621903,
+    16.564935242699999,
+    17.222646941699999,
+    17.705236311899998,
+    18.2065490938,
+    18.6451801326,
+    19.1223591105,
+    19.606893553199999,
+    20.1404072423,
+    20.653286086600001,
+    21.431578720299999,
+    21.979215851300001,
+    23.048094735900001,
+    23.846359740299999,
+    24.3529984143,
+    24.985293486700002,
+    25.965109587899999,
+    26.669072074799999,
+    27.831042996200001,
+    29.685768165100001,
+    30.986492906100001,
+    32.7579031852,
+    34.704015628800001,
+    39.043339889599999,
+    43.627269160300003,
+    50.063241984299999,
+    55.522634061300003,
+    63.83632205,
+    80.274312648399999,
+    121.666396689,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_chi2s.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_chi2s.py
index bf16457d402a1d21519599a3825159530588f62c..14785baf92104afc24307243522879cec6c4bf15 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_chi2s.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_chi2s.py
@@ -9,994 +9,3421 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2009_def_chi2s = [
-    0.0, 0.14444029837799999, 0.22835657018399999, 0.34413732731800001,
-    0.46587804732900001, 0.65270096936599997, 0.81143218193800004,
-    1.00226438356, 1.03788125951, 1.24257294992, 1.32793236661, 1.34635418779,
-    1.4371572854100001, 1.5191327005499999, 1.54602854301, 1.7046681136999999,
-    1.87758836483, 1.9813264417300001, 2.1146974377399999, 2.1938492694299998,
-    2.4097221919699998, 2.5070571186900001, 2.6311171881000002,
-    2.7328195551999999, 2.7736899606000001, 3.0227873463499999, 3.10803398473,
-    3.1824676694599998, 3.3138417252000001, 3.4291812515900002, 3.50419808407,
-    3.7101281572199998, 3.8432672208200001, 3.8796565679100001,
-    3.9915562540499998, 4.0723303682700003, 4.2029321661800001,
-    4.3768188648899997, 4.4816827669199997, 4.6990199258800001,
-    4.8084875822399997, 4.8365914296700003, 5.0590152661600003,
-    5.1248841813699997, 5.1771937064899998, 5.4889247870900002, 5.57813871862,
-    5.6972377675899999, 5.8456278064799996, 6.06915586574, 6.1204251477299998,
-    6.17699599008, 6.3172684659999998, 6.4192197959800001, 6.52383433373,
-    6.6186618180399996, 6.7251587769999999, 6.7866374808999996,
-    6.8276218028500004, 6.9188765840600004, 7.1331898582499997,
-    7.2065701539399996, 7.3244993804199998, 7.36483433106, 7.5193634033699999,
-    7.7822629874100002, 8.2222416265000007, 8.4497457766200004,
-    8.5930318077999992, 8.7570172042000003, 8.9696132883900006,
-    9.1272011085100004, 9.4333510895299995, 9.5278688390900008,
-    9.8002379139299993, 10.062964643999999, 10.572141176200001,
-    10.796071421700001, 10.9985214683, 11.3182197168, 11.660606036000001,
-    11.847287044, 12.432752901300001, 12.5532808679, 12.920547884299999,
-    13.715431382, 13.9427496484, 14.252177361499999, 14.3846625264,
-    14.6017942841, 14.867988867399999, 15.211408408800001, 15.4524408633,
-    15.8995520183, 16.278660079800002, 16.607110122000002, 17.2812107494,
-    17.425166927999999, 17.6847110579, 17.924433366199999, 18.107368758,
-    18.486488274799999, 18.675113313000001, 18.821461450800001,
-    19.392315572800001, 20.026821224999999, 21.515140794000001,
-    22.458730085300001, 22.563704860600001, 23.2879347571, 23.969079893499998,
-    24.336542956300001, 24.499336477500002, 25.0036717642, 25.774135368900001,
-    26.0929925969, 26.934629466499999, 27.458541006800001, 27.8422100246,
-    28.5518247111, 28.965082549800002, 30.702632564599998, 31.123950922300001,
-    31.264305230000002, 31.965843641500001, 32.212378185600002,
-    34.283698532999999, 35.219561660799997, 36.755695116600002,
-    37.138783892900001, 37.986001245399997, 38.621250490999998, 38.9481443707,
-    39.3726060041, 40.276085332900003, 41.898719000699998, 42.396709494500001,
-    43.749429257499997, 44.676029422900001, 46.364739487400001,
-    47.275528738799999, 47.869005850699999, 48.490202586899997,
-    49.788875049200001, 50.404381347099999, 52.2209766649, 52.7548497923,
-    53.758555342299999, 56.144346903600002, 58.857197224499998,
-    61.218540911200002, 62.083264127200003, 62.809329462100003,
-    64.673596130899995, 70.530443844700002, 71.037859097099997,
-    74.956651292000004, 75.479775530200001, 77.970753225099998,
-    78.784135755700007, 83.634030189599997, 87.631048698900003,
-    89.682360645100005, 91.657671611699996, 93.431100026199999,
-    96.871787694199995, 98.904758199400007, 100.903126246, 104.97935501800001,
-    117.211912426, 118.593299874, 123.983293097, 126.40072390500001,
-    132.90804449300001, 135.77425614000001, 145.645663189, 150.462714554,
-    154.135665945, 158.670439012, 161.11217567599999, 165.74332436700001,
-    168.951515621, 173.84826456100001, 184.64661891700001, 188.990674536,
-    195.25008580400001, 200.52870912200001, 208.31911763799999,
-    223.21659264900001, 234.232880967, 297.24728825900002, 321.93167475199999,
-    332.08151963699999, 346.34478154800001, 377.30757977899998,
-    403.47421662800002, 425.16143535399999, 572.37340253299999,
-    766.55659324999999, 1611.5984637199999, 1611.5984637199999, 0.0,
-    0.083813974438700006, 0.31831933895699999, 0.34638794272399998,
-    0.46455080305099999, 0.49519963016099999, 0.54548279077600004,
-    0.56403794228199999, 0.60837298377799998, 0.68118756294600002,
-    0.70071771432399999, 0.78976831924699997, 0.81703862518199999,
-    0.83363911177799999, 0.89857941080399995, 0.94493515463400002,
-    0.99107239417899995, 1.0238060094799999, 1.0799844142199999, 1.11400208909,
-    1.1685453374400001, 1.18519938288, 1.22148339123, 1.2645577512499999,
-    1.3045626778799999, 1.3391777624900001, 1.3826642013199999, 1.4644506572,
-    1.5099094374299999, 1.5888224991, 1.62182558706, 1.65137395874,
-    1.6991401368100001, 1.7758428480799999, 1.8277920540999999,
-    1.9017455410199999, 1.9705532488599999, 2.0324665469399998,
-    2.0752937413999999, 2.1185145273899999, 2.1611322415299998,
-    2.1917842756499999, 2.22729976286, 2.2777275853000001, 2.32665524011,
-    2.3543342053699998, 2.3935181153, 2.44446825618, 2.50093820286,
-    2.5844026906000002, 2.6884797637600002, 2.78657713546, 2.81180130111,
-    2.84116667305, 2.9014197632199998, 2.9952091375399998, 3.0386348574599999,
-    3.0956021427799998, 3.1328046143999999, 3.1631373405500001,
-    3.2039828237700001, 3.29405069373, 3.3496993056400002, 3.4055971771900002,
-    3.5073893196000001, 3.5755835925800001, 3.6580199126399999,
-    3.7782186004999998, 3.8741030635099998, 3.9119985650200002,
-    3.9699909851999999, 4.0132311662099998, 4.07009700397, 4.1555761906299997,
-    4.2241691161799997, 4.3896744175800002, 4.5146783570400002,
-    4.6155145535499997, 4.7783116523600002, 4.8822447657900003,
-    4.9863031398300004, 5.0556875698599999, 5.13217451548, 5.1928716528900001,
-    5.2987216440799996, 5.4584561742300002, 5.6054585689499996,
-    5.7579579032500003, 5.8452201175000003, 5.9593969184300004,
-    6.1479798348300001, 6.2484864308999999, 6.3722452057199996,
-    6.5705963806599996, 6.6811287682699998, 6.7311130873599998,
-    6.7864435351600001, 6.9196277988999997, 7.1929613935300001,
-    7.3441277346099998, 7.3800960628999999, 7.4749874111999999,
-    7.6512577099200003, 7.77153906732, 7.9243829575799998, 8.2024869676600005,
-    8.2599528374899993, 8.4119253626999999, 8.5469992409900009,
-    8.9001784810399993, 9.2121022677299997, 9.2412472507699999,
-    9.4431345314800001, 9.6680036066100001, 9.7816077025699997,
-    9.9566055535700002, 10.359764716899999, 10.506972293900001, 10.7808329052,
-    11.3592743902, 11.7111644662, 11.8605742172, 12.291120808400001,
-    12.5270770795, 12.7952635728, 12.9362140074, 13.4529548967, 13.5501939602,
-    13.8515392309, 14.251817031, 14.6798102809, 14.9162575219, 15.3044645221,
-    15.963210610899999, 16.293018033300001, 16.528628889099998,
-    16.769307273999999, 17.050491132000001, 17.233636284700001,
-    17.435953831300001, 18.114197076100002, 18.209546654099999,
-    18.677206457099999, 18.876676305499998, 19.277115787700001,
-    19.603010971100002, 20.061147162099999, 20.558554522000001, 21.1117685004,
-    22.012839372799998, 22.378322630900001, 22.859288315200001,
-    23.142180705200001, 24.245079698800001, 25.9020405244, 26.507190805699999,
-    27.4739929789, 27.988361249099999, 28.8421369677, 29.731031435799999,
-    31.265395005199998, 31.947761314699999, 32.3600162185, 33.960158921500003,
-    35.2205479892, 37.329919228900003, 38.591860211300002, 39.653380662899998,
-    40.416668255899999, 41.847439486799999, 42.946435578200003,
-    44.555593529500001, 46.195425314700003, 48.272380437999999, 50.7171113769,
-    54.108838268299998, 57.192427144600003, 60.232285910500003,
-    61.154227242799998, 66.058563735700005, 68.912059708300006,
-    72.377827169900002, 74.8258152975, 76.523326659299997, 80.2223354204,
-    83.911959833699996, 89.242198798399997, 91.759192939900004, 100.917764795,
-    108.556622026, 117.397361636, 128.654564397, 132.220775344, 146.851921275,
-    158.21656178999999, 195.59053564300001, 220.40862631100001,
-    243.67073925299999, 279.44509449999998, 385.39670284599998, 2229.5014584,
-    0.0, 0.134568667089, 0.22096714722800001, 0.241982365309, 0.282582147299,
-    0.30887973543699998, 0.35848485966299998, 0.41670345418499999,
-    0.45274913222000002, 0.49984586837299999, 0.54693631356799999,
-    0.57642906524899995, 0.60428947073799999, 0.64551627763399999,
-    0.67184177451600002, 0.70559205139299996, 0.73195413388499997,
-    0.75941154288699997, 0.79316878417600001, 0.82828163530300003,
-    0.84996727554600005, 0.86244322276499996, 0.884092879818,
-    0.90053656979100005, 0.92189301683699998, 0.937781050186, 0.958448778068,
-    0.975518145216, 0.99972035165499995, 1.01410165008, 1.0561167276200001,
-    1.07137630702, 1.0888616342999999, 1.1214366313199999, 1.14842012372,
-    1.16675344893, 1.1928671069600001, 1.21185202445, 1.2444492257999999,
-    1.26555362339, 1.3020670717, 1.33144019427, 1.3700782606599999,
-    1.3922490459600001, 1.4214195703900001, 1.4412309995599999,
-    1.4713854851299999, 1.4981194360000001, 1.5156807782599999,
-    1.5353937789600001, 1.58193085489, 1.6363825813699999, 1.6679066542700001,
-    1.6953948491199999, 1.7432788369000001, 1.7757706818400001, 1.81420953428,
-    1.8369562966299999, 1.86603816317, 1.9079331429399999, 1.93559913056,
-    1.96441828434, 2.0090532694099998, 2.0388004444800001, 2.0592603576499999,
-    2.0856426528799998, 2.1175114071599999, 2.1825469443399999,
-    2.2474604253599999, 2.2749390467700001, 2.3121411416000002, 2.37177298826,
-    2.4274122023400002, 2.5181769644699998, 2.5418057541599999,
-    2.6434630075899999, 2.6747329533199999, 2.7266999242900001,
-    2.7654445970700001, 2.8140457094300002, 2.8559643406999999,
-    2.9061498475100001, 2.9702744923500002, 3.0318004993800001,
-    3.0771937025499998, 3.1682821350100001, 3.21259901675, 3.2495167992399998,
-    3.2811541713699999, 3.3233868123799999, 3.3736627766299998,
-    3.4058671494200001, 3.4805577671700001, 3.5668223714799998,
-    3.6084238266100002, 3.6537321290999998, 3.7175778126500001,
-    3.7450147871700001, 3.86111106714, 3.9410134870100002, 4.0067546356400001,
-    4.1423679617299998, 4.2024818847300001, 4.2596486695399998,
-    4.3063451426699997, 4.3689910892499997, 4.4722054954099999,
-    4.5632364049399996, 4.6512485022599996, 4.6978386313799998,
-    4.7798445058399999, 4.8531420455600003, 4.9717578546299999,
-    5.0417112146500003, 5.17081749886, 5.3019735577100002, 5.3705152383400003,
-    5.5084455462199999, 5.6182818515299999, 5.70571954448, 5.8223915078699999,
-    5.9441571869700001, 6.0647963728700001, 6.27675467201, 6.3795693788000003,
-    6.4992010115000003, 6.7279283143099997, 6.83719902118, 6.9670805423799997,
-    7.1376257228400002, 7.3185795684699997, 7.4174379003000004,
-    7.6252542819300002, 7.7560876076699996, 7.97791101428, 8.1287972523200001,
-    8.2935032606900005, 8.4263936568899993, 8.7299676982999994,
-    8.9000309257799994, 9.2106417444800002, 9.4067341973099996,
-    9.6877599453100007, 9.8288098032200004, 10.1462267898, 10.4430670065,
-    10.7710082101, 10.9083004672, 11.0537899029, 11.351140496499999,
-    11.538958771800001, 11.919288993, 12.375346950699999, 12.6154005045,
-    12.9524855025, 13.285189669299999, 13.649405117900001, 13.802655147899999,
-    14.3746878025, 14.8989750379, 15.0686452095, 15.44874785,
-    15.955460911599999, 16.199894288199999, 17.0458946378, 17.5301252159,
-    18.4112497281, 18.916626085899999, 19.3485479418, 19.9851877306,
-    20.604288900899999, 20.943333255799999, 22.112819051599999,
-    22.959668231999999, 23.9954402314, 25.035153965599999, 25.796351962900001,
-    26.3445116589, 27.598244108500001, 29.492678119099999, 31.494753701,
-    33.570886100899997, 35.411126519100002, 38.343129207700002,
-    40.297936357899999, 43.269089215000001, 46.554746459699999, 50.1438786354,
-    55.452409753200001, 63.874460149000001, 67.985459050900005,
-    72.783745624700003, 78.750906101200002, 87.178006099399994,
-    99.277342007100003, 112.32447045000001, 150.08323985000001,
-    191.04328713300001, 243.74940976799999, 298.61209890999999,
-    610.57351237299997, 0.0, 0.14365451929100001, 0.18957677402299999,
-    0.22199376087, 0.23947365917300001, 0.27923813419900001,
-    0.30376922239699999, 0.34130260137399998, 0.37018363348299999,
-    0.39852502592, 0.42043849640699998, 0.449086279049, 0.48566461460900001,
-    0.51522238701900003, 0.53527463838099998, 0.55878126111399995,
-    0.57558991560799999, 0.60170381902000003, 0.61440597833099997,
-    0.62492627680099999, 0.64456984690600005, 0.66038800753100002,
-    0.67204091430099999, 0.68713981404900004, 0.69934187376699997,
-    0.71638006601299997, 0.73072718468300002, 0.75753415419600001,
-    0.76939140872400003, 0.79364917250900002, 0.811751128298,
-    0.82030423753799997, 0.84036478778699997, 0.85629058780800005,
-    0.88242755870699996, 0.90879942564799998, 0.92603904590499997,
-    0.93855599609700002, 0.95967573616799995, 0.96617694541400001,
-    0.98792001044, 1.00156976046, 1.01153057626, 1.0353518346699999,
-    1.05486723045, 1.07085911512, 1.09910531917, 1.11522376431,
-    1.1305179753100001, 1.1546508204399999, 1.1781173432600001, 1.19157394455,
-    1.2190490331999999, 1.24787505864, 1.27361506734, 1.2980636222699999,
-    1.31518378894, 1.3450052218399999, 1.3740854471799999, 1.39558556012,
-    1.41519699656, 1.4321123741399999, 1.45909622379, 1.4759330072700001,
-    1.4910300726400001, 1.51232373124, 1.5490811046699999, 1.5782570548899999,
-    1.6116668459000001, 1.62617849191, 1.6591646731, 1.69383967991,
-    1.72149942318, 1.74810559857, 1.7978507557100001, 1.8196064275499999,
-    1.8439294053699999, 1.85951442745, 1.89107086338, 1.93673967856,
-    1.96033355989, 1.99524000334, 2.0280809922900001, 2.0465420455199999,
-    2.0660751500700001, 2.1082666292100001, 2.1419500113600001,
-    2.1692545932899998, 2.1918809811900002, 2.2313430406800001,
-    2.2895699616299998, 2.3198331260499998, 2.3513058338000001,
-    2.4080887408899998, 2.4815537977800002, 2.50851999576, 2.5617387306700001,
-    2.6055769623199998, 2.6324085179700001, 2.6961178878899998,
-    2.7413602155099999, 2.7712317948799998, 2.8112071562300001,
-    2.8581867699200001, 2.9190632974400001, 2.9439800057899999,
-    3.0104094840100002, 3.05330503281, 3.10048262834, 3.17539590266,
-    3.24511619487, 3.3056217356499999, 3.3894902835899998, 3.4335423889599999,
-    3.4854372314700002, 3.5606476568300001, 3.6043560751500001, 3.66406156029,
-    3.7660563649099998, 3.82560813033, 3.9466078971199998, 4.0283572412000002,
-    4.07714877006, 4.1552108679300002, 4.2392816813699996, 4.3147199438200001,
-    4.3721369730999999, 4.4555652323799997, 4.5860495006899997,
-    4.6665459593199996, 4.7624381582100002, 4.8488614634399996, 4.97179759557,
-    5.0150206490000002, 5.1053040689999998, 5.2812791639799999,
-    5.3716757235900001, 5.5829288018599996, 5.6518465465299998,
-    5.7620823724100001, 5.8560109031899996, 6.0128804814499999,
-    6.1465396667499999, 6.2414128574400003, 6.3854761500099997,
-    6.5447042531899999, 6.7541882725000004, 6.9854005143200002,
-    7.1367012840399999, 7.3218030112200001, 7.49946696682, 7.6472229734199999,
-    7.8443990144000004, 7.99745891313, 8.1776134189099992, 8.3773452967500006,
-    8.5328760252000002, 8.7514477358700002, 9.0436490880000004,
-    9.2332685611399992, 9.5356141275600006, 9.7666024864200001, 9.94823040132,
-    10.300958636400001, 10.771366926100001, 11.085233969500001, 11.3324457523,
-    11.7174375167, 12.143472104400001, 12.303553276000001, 12.6481061467,
-    12.833583689599999, 13.203659956699999, 13.5986055699, 14.043362878,
-    14.626177334199999, 15.0760755417, 15.580834984399999, 16.312841933200001,
-    16.9821347018, 17.9935383499, 19.206358017199999, 19.9097935496,
-    20.7049210144, 21.193393770899998, 22.4118111278, 23.293576085200002,
-    24.460751301199998, 27.218111206700002, 28.9534668252, 31.141828193399999,
-    33.063105836200002, 36.594408596199997, 41.9655259134, 50.634196787,
-    57.4170436749, 66.004841056100005, 79.707781310800002, 93.567004987600001,
-    129.369356154, 263.52530093899998, 0.0, 0.099110105290900002,
-    0.152330008962, 0.19277005116400001, 0.21849998202900001,
-    0.23666692719999999, 0.257596221751, 0.27451854288499999,
-    0.29857050680000002, 0.31354284220099998, 0.33022769626800003,
-    0.33745039990999998, 0.34950560680999998, 0.36896880619099998,
-    0.38855134185000001, 0.41755081359899998, 0.425150061144,
-    0.44306593384300003, 0.45497931754199999, 0.480210732157,
-    0.49961199725900002, 0.52519732628100002, 0.54104302118299996,
-    0.55456165182600003, 0.57645288194699995, 0.58830880718699996,
-    0.61047699977699998, 0.62243525124499999, 0.64059305866600003,
-    0.64864591793299997, 0.66076567911499995, 0.67269456457499999,
-    0.69062452712199995, 0.70930687903199996, 0.72584855411399996,
-    0.74121377368600005, 0.75125743091999997, 0.77150265368000004,
-    0.78324441542400003, 0.79888631364700002, 0.81247216458500005,
-    0.83204971232799996, 0.84425730939599997, 0.85740264943900002,
-    0.87520806795200001, 0.88821997325500002, 0.90285273820699996,
-    0.918029579805, 0.92615377290000001, 0.944808560001, 0.95843032520799998,
-    0.96908459648199996, 0.98091068958799998, 0.99546224846599995,
-    1.0114143418099999, 1.0370041029999999, 1.05163455603, 1.06941917585,
-    1.0849323260699999, 1.09786891934, 1.1200484481799999, 1.1401856044400001,
-    1.1614766378400001, 1.1779927836999999, 1.18794131464, 1.19800995642,
-    1.2153169910399999, 1.23620743467, 1.2464006441, 1.28309014464,
-    1.30117129963, 1.3139480025800001, 1.32973840183, 1.34585218726,
-    1.36483113807, 1.3880086518200001, 1.4038694678400001, 1.4269838991299999,
-    1.4531887240500001, 1.4761551228100001, 1.49140958787, 1.50497619744,
-    1.51748249595, 1.54755568638, 1.56624981363, 1.5996976922199999,
-    1.6270535823300001, 1.64604277857, 1.66675355419, 1.69387124571,
-    1.7124303672300001, 1.7402106696399999, 1.7770409733200001, 1.79456862305,
-    1.8202531872000001, 1.84460821986, 1.86760077894, 1.89650572807,
-    1.9192579590500001, 1.95188224797, 1.96482546943, 1.9921085106,
-    2.0131483132499999, 2.05544343578, 2.0827595529899998, 2.1347983483699999,
-    2.16760564415, 2.2014516721900002, 2.2315870739900001, 2.2636169272100002,
-    2.30995438871, 2.3374033408299999, 2.3738865256000001, 2.3951038330599999,
-    2.4431717219700002, 2.4826850222400001, 2.5185317615099998,
-    2.5638428795100001, 2.6284306548999998, 2.66623660644, 2.7096591116400002,
-    2.7586335740300001, 2.8025663346699998, 2.8401708445299998,
-    2.8783352938300002, 2.9063543000399998, 2.9593598772399998,
-    2.9957288325500002, 3.0605506942799998, 3.10955011278, 3.1789052606700001,
-    3.2428513432099999, 3.3274186461299999, 3.4074444667899999, 3.4504525115,
-    3.52884017973, 3.5708077150699999, 3.6772565091299998, 3.7474521798599998,
-    3.8121617114599999, 3.9240511321899998, 4.02413852901, 4.0815085453500002,
-    4.1825546762599997, 4.2751667515599996, 4.3741820336400004,
-    4.4834872676200002, 4.5686814128700002, 4.6358562892300004,
-    4.8094489254399999, 4.9654168327999999, 5.1314477165500003, 5.25148158988,
-    5.4403573194500003, 5.6010313900300002, 5.7161651882199997,
-    5.8958565355000001, 6.0361890974200003, 6.16740467168, 6.3041850958600003,
-    6.44114745164, 6.60541649452, 6.7974616801999996, 6.97815602873,
-    7.1388403799600004, 7.4314686713300002, 7.8384931901600003,
-    8.2177028271400001, 8.6453372183900008, 9.1543142843100007,
-    9.3764541677899995, 9.7962854173, 10.1633267175, 10.574689812400001,
-    11.0937462194, 11.4000754819, 11.9914359538, 12.3258902671, 12.7457696507,
-    13.361289611, 14.0129741907, 14.632251501600001, 15.099323370900001,
-    16.134748603599999, 16.802461663300001, 17.854647673100001,
-    18.834756072000001, 20.042735115799999, 21.573609706300001,
-    22.868457402400001, 24.574192288399999, 26.8474848352, 30.083792871499998,
-    34.499075183899997, 38.6709205943, 44.689686852000001, 52.857340428500002,
-    72.813133754999996, 91.564507002300005, 158.818628891, 939.11373358000003,
-    0.0, 0.071205885244299993, 0.099254028698600005, 0.14849104281600001,
-    0.17292354310999999, 0.20032666224500001, 0.226406277543,
-    0.23815469487599999, 0.26703405121599999, 0.28197072629300002,
-    0.296082146193, 0.31125854952699999, 0.32554466413499999,
-    0.33804933218900002, 0.35118970952299999, 0.371085578114,
-    0.39491385706400001, 0.413740038782, 0.42221028600999999,
-    0.44225862765200002, 0.458189520006, 0.48022475118199998,
-    0.49685298807599998, 0.51500317491299996, 0.53482118753700003,
-    0.55247938228399995, 0.57330658115499999, 0.58475963165199996,
-    0.60106501656199995, 0.62413217304400004, 0.63793653903699998,
-    0.65128873183500002, 0.66636704386000001, 0.67951755835000005,
-    0.68956025540200006, 0.70245093627400002, 0.71504184012600003,
-    0.73014210840100002, 0.74713784886300005, 0.75935155136999999,
-    0.77523714645700004, 0.78405425336400003, 0.79615963931099998,
-    0.81110455864499997, 0.82545864838799998, 0.83566202986100002,
-    0.85063666826600004, 0.87077765663700002, 0.88045508705099995,
-    0.89294081845100004, 0.90498155226699994, 0.91781500438800001,
-    0.93111410315300003, 0.94545406555199996, 0.95838819225799998,
-    0.96877608392100001, 0.98476526685599997, 1.0010342642000001,
-    1.0119849276699999, 1.03464783319, 1.05455213715, 1.0711504321800001,
-    1.08010453195, 1.1004877825999999, 1.10818262538, 1.1246761488799999,
-    1.13470825936, 1.14750678231, 1.1632448283100001, 1.18449169262,
-    1.2011657527599999, 1.2152811055699999, 1.2364506326, 1.24964319272,
-    1.2661037937899999, 1.2785791013300001, 1.2962377117699999,
-    1.3138558072099999, 1.3362693854300001, 1.34951663893, 1.3637686600700001,
-    1.37717976853, 1.3942209300999999, 1.4185816293, 1.43866597309,
-    1.45276157482, 1.48127714521, 1.5023296186499999, 1.52673585641,
-    1.5503318122600001, 1.5888091586999999, 1.6062719352799999,
-    1.6295964377400001, 1.6612388523299999, 1.6812256221899999, 1.70508917316,
-    1.72112188896, 1.74686294045, 1.7609156044800001, 1.7888509017400001,
-    1.8132839677799999, 1.8432731273, 1.8705117570000001, 1.89982085224,
-    1.9362197326199999, 1.96069015259, 1.9880007387600001, 2.0201535914000002,
-    2.0573265057399999, 2.0987964366999998, 2.13211771373, 2.1622274845799998,
-    2.1903685766800001, 2.22533347206, 2.26089786499, 2.3105003291199999,
-    2.33786317109, 2.37516129651, 2.4193923972300002, 2.4579148222399998,
-    2.5029183158800001, 2.53381912593, 2.5677307283899999, 2.6162502017999998,
-    2.6750579269800001, 2.7203789138199999, 2.7458139153899999,
-    2.8254724574300001, 2.8565396273200001, 2.9040559269499999,
-    2.9651085310499998, 3.0196812095999999, 3.0843657504699999,
-    3.1558869808600001, 3.2223894339400001, 3.2603729802400001,
-    3.3614620894799998, 3.4362647479800001, 3.53920130259, 3.5756943688499998,
-    3.64101261846, 3.7233677998300001, 3.8016940916299999, 3.9106972227400001,
-    3.9990351336300001, 4.0897762814999998, 4.1774051907800001,
-    4.2798115401099999, 4.3711459042799996, 4.4838086749199997,
-    4.5942578656300004, 4.69725646861, 4.8356147641699998, 4.9568908200199999,
-    5.0559387430399996, 5.1307907403700002, 5.29064241813, 5.4495402731300002,
-    5.5692069479899997, 5.8023798879999999, 5.9217137438199998,
-    6.1545111640699997, 6.2686946022500001, 6.4619248209700002,
-    6.6102067457500002, 6.8760747683199996, 7.1590374621899997, 7.31422994403,
-    7.6196963320300002, 7.9330981866299997, 8.3005559691100004,
-    8.5080589881200002, 8.9030525835399992, 9.3843270585099994, 9.88649146809,
-    10.279354769599999, 10.603107312100001, 11.1118716186, 11.4784714402,
-    12.035536117199999, 12.847959552400001, 13.415735074900001, 14.1791106731,
-    15.0355747631, 16.9356357166, 17.805067612999999, 19.342641049299999,
-    21.009071134500001, 23.1764543914, 25.379614414799999, 27.885782949300001,
-    29.619482312399999, 33.254904224999997, 36.867160964200004, 40.4774911481,
-    50.2787838733, 62.180321216899998, 80.798575822199993, 94.584243390899999,
-    131.07441246799999, 532.11553542800004, 0.0, 0.066750493128400007,
-    0.10229228903, 0.14064849221799999, 0.16816604212, 0.185917820027,
-    0.21145207109799999, 0.22637409875299999, 0.23827441847700001,
-    0.25325002214100001, 0.282002121386, 0.29459754431500002, 0.309921025947,
-    0.32256024829399998, 0.33607649321799998, 0.35308583886400002,
-    0.366974488228, 0.38834215578600001, 0.407453141593, 0.42152609543199998,
-    0.44240079751299999, 0.45519187153599999, 0.46297707882400002,
-    0.47982221228700001, 0.49667630123599998, 0.508498258634,
-    0.51689250307900003, 0.53635170713299996, 0.55035959890200004,
-    0.56783201126299998, 0.58585694882899997, 0.59530161133699999,
-    0.60864863465700003, 0.61872677583699998, 0.63314266869000002,
-    0.64227626695200002, 0.66366778123400005, 0.67270302950299998,
-    0.68420389566899997, 0.69282668375900003, 0.70143224682899996,
-    0.71443579991700001, 0.72615598912400003, 0.73642045277699997,
-    0.74797476862599999, 0.75717018072300002, 0.76798353829599997,
-    0.77486375038599997, 0.79414765885500005, 0.80854204945800001,
-    0.82112865231700005, 0.83235531435499999, 0.84902111566299998,
-    0.85542717883200003, 0.85897397230799999, 0.87704088496099997,
-    0.89151271520300002, 0.90700102609599997, 0.920719450271,
-    0.92891160690200003, 0.938857619857, 0.94825684266300003,
-    0.95986000285999995, 0.96960811962399995, 0.989941122374, 1.00360008757,
-    1.02107596077, 1.03643638202, 1.0502377328700001, 1.0717680324100001,
-    1.0865864964900001, 1.0954103929900001, 1.10647648545, 1.11919554073,
-    1.1348944810799999, 1.1478893503600001, 1.1583683144100001, 1.17725367471,
-    1.1977476949200001, 1.2115494448899999, 1.2227006682499999, 1.23641648061,
-    1.2453807854500001, 1.2593987794899999, 1.26998244399, 1.2869142286699999,
-    1.30049557207, 1.31446944898, 1.3295110779099999, 1.3446024810899999,
-    1.3719517782999999, 1.3907558123199999, 1.40705250973, 1.4264556633200001,
-    1.4396767485499999, 1.46991083644, 1.4987499147300001, 1.51363764814,
-    1.5369634294400001, 1.55497159429, 1.58019513401, 1.58671558905,
-    1.6122642631099999, 1.6513557926, 1.68400062899, 1.7089437540000001,
-    1.72753924255, 1.7453552720800001, 1.7758454361, 1.7994335997999999,
-    1.82770292952, 1.84731671466, 1.8985423459799999, 1.9145465641699999,
-    1.9448048626000001, 1.9916997561000001, 2.0178550764300001,
-    2.0361698775099999, 2.0577739526799999, 2.0831203668899998,
-    2.1103632127899998, 2.1537354568799998, 2.1788561526999999,
-    2.2045213341899998, 2.2224788538400002, 2.2635629295799999,
-    2.3165276562799999, 2.34821085414, 2.3981207218199998, 2.4198916383700002,
-    2.4597388271499998, 2.5017065354999999, 2.56256913084, 2.60073239413,
-    2.6306494736500001, 2.6860626220700001, 2.7343736190899999,
-    2.8116594856499999, 2.8637335040699998, 2.9264728333900001,
-    2.9955476839699999, 3.05285386085, 3.1356878770200001, 3.2072182033300001,
-    3.26764142152, 3.3485823077900001, 3.4312097504199999, 3.4816563758900001,
-    3.5584231314100001, 3.6375811375099998, 3.7335599506700001,
-    3.8014008857100001, 3.8705553019300001, 3.9806979118000001,
-    4.0971698101299996, 4.1749168167999997, 4.3083366103599996, 4.38165849577,
-    4.5310804208600004, 4.6613092856899998, 4.7803056653900002,
-    4.9095209439899996, 5.0546229367600004, 5.2110820221100003,
-    5.3463510691199998, 5.52429734599, 5.6756130707899999, 5.9685799046800003,
-    6.1860199186999996, 6.3195153450500001, 6.6566660244499998,
-    6.9673972764899998, 7.26908683037, 7.6488825007600001, 7.8611350773700002,
-    8.2320652147600004, 8.4210908255200003, 8.9496041073600008,
-    9.5584199425000005, 10.1439245514, 10.6423118073, 11.0791716855,
-    11.838823182500001, 12.7106408238, 14.1580993885, 15.148907718,
-    15.904843132, 17.434395016500002, 18.518727628800001, 20.121463138599999,
-    22.7076019362, 24.3760430058, 27.247058263300001, 30.661631466599999,
-    33.079547519400002, 39.127879890599999, 48.943565214800003, 59.4575606151,
-    91.335874697400001, 141.45432793200001, 411.661489776, 0.0,
-    0.069952231864699996, 0.103404633578, 0.125014068162, 0.146010270449,
-    0.16359155444599999, 0.178864568833, 0.19599840432599999,
-    0.21261593381499999, 0.22711972642700001, 0.243111674684,
-    0.25767461785399998, 0.27180823360799999, 0.28563106170000002,
-    0.30065227522400001, 0.31466033367599999, 0.32740274431499999,
-    0.34144162964000002, 0.35392977821499999, 0.36739586603699997,
-    0.37668601825699999, 0.38997906091099999, 0.40341912954199999,
-    0.416373727157, 0.426895908682, 0.43977830899800002, 0.45258671966300001,
-    0.466514605217, 0.477389064152, 0.48977333283500002, 0.50163197604999998,
-    0.51199626571900003, 0.52444304417700005, 0.535756267392,
-    0.54517617178599997, 0.556723976482, 0.56923743022399997,
-    0.58148013003300003, 0.59338244193300005, 0.60349023988499995,
-    0.61844448197599999, 0.63082462731599998, 0.64077938591500005,
-    0.65387489192500003, 0.66469357132100004, 0.67819373925399995,
-    0.68727074573400004, 0.69848718075600003, 0.71043795726600001,
-    0.71961915177299995, 0.72969713364300004, 0.74107602282600005,
-    0.75606721670699994, 0.76643518425500001, 0.77845497049099999,
-    0.78839543992500005, 0.80132022172700001, 0.81246877456,
-    0.82543482006900004, 0.835142423425, 0.84674802068300004,
-    0.85967143818799996, 0.87125300477599998, 0.88408451673499999,
-    0.89664194416599996, 0.91062205430599996, 0.92119895144599995,
-    0.93242997074199996, 0.94571219445300003, 0.96041450364400005,
-    0.97224013435699996, 0.98495533130900004, 0.99919196810900002,
-    1.0129236124100001, 1.02562802722, 1.0390578098300001, 1.05327349462,
-    1.06699289985, 1.08003878786, 1.0911503311699999, 1.10287478431,
-    1.11752324595, 1.1314149261899999, 1.1474113539199999, 1.1623424598800001,
-    1.1809099334199999, 1.19698636893, 1.21181796755, 1.22544671282,
-    1.24244196167, 1.25768137753, 1.2753336486, 1.29073541071,
-    1.3028499501799999, 1.3187969502100001, 1.33382177937, 1.35329432786,
-    1.3654396608399999, 1.3831852898699999, 1.4053731868899999,
-    1.4244601671899999, 1.4458595538900001, 1.4624828517299999, 1.48424757851,
-    1.50258889287, 1.5267644454, 1.54442727619, 1.56845111196,
-    1.5867698647199999, 1.60842558029, 1.6313088751, 1.6534369558899999,
-    1.6753389600899999, 1.69620207473, 1.7204189063699999, 1.7419530680599999,
-    1.76805842778, 1.7922030172000001, 1.8188034212699999, 1.85148643519,
-    1.8773786266000001, 1.90256305862, 1.9386203775399999, 1.9687813707199999,
-    1.9981566611499999, 2.0245303042499998, 2.0584208427499999,
-    2.0946946719900001, 2.1348120365500001, 2.1791471443199999,
-    2.2224520832399999, 2.2595687931800001, 2.3106923875200001,
-    2.3553963857400002, 2.3983286546599998, 2.4436515071799998,
-    2.4865189620699999, 2.5405446707500001, 2.59421388661, 2.64091695706,
-    2.6996385735900001, 2.7473734419100002, 2.8035977565799999,
-    2.8535299568900001, 2.91542786179, 2.9893281334399999, 3.0516305485699999,
-    3.1163028661999999, 3.1947678399299999, 3.2663049222699998,
-    3.3339853805400002, 3.40237096205, 3.4768322926400002, 3.5806851899900001,
-    3.6801840510099999, 3.7872722453700001, 3.8916915748699998,
-    3.9917050980400002, 4.0940578914500003, 4.19602458524, 4.3323371208100001,
-    4.4338250448399998, 4.5732353526800003, 4.7071896650899996,
-    4.8371637819700002, 4.9861306159599996, 5.1247005951200002,
-    5.2989900989100001, 5.4331191858299999, 5.5988276453600001,
-    5.8197641223699996, 6.0307234869500004, 6.2629671258800004,
-    6.4723292924600004, 6.73373305351, 7.0011281823499996, 7.2896172889599997,
-    7.6282663585300003, 7.9822597848400001, 8.4459703825899997,
-    8.8384469969099992, 9.2101115074000006, 9.73610634934, 10.3512776241,
-    10.917239822399999, 11.6235706159, 12.2958078571, 12.939563854899999,
-    14.2324201348, 15.485703747200001, 16.9857809226, 18.432059703,
-    20.321399149499999, 22.561711453099999, 25.531954585200001,
-    29.543395520299999, 34.331229479900003, 42.111056517599998,
-    54.231741921900003, 88.569928594700002, 402.90323270200003, 0.0,
-    0.063832780404899994, 0.097778217097499995, 0.12370909607, 0.150339924072,
-    0.16482266304000001, 0.17990570626399999, 0.190646713912,
-    0.20163809948600001, 0.216830757348, 0.22812951506500001,
-    0.24021891326399999, 0.25541866841600003, 0.269018368043,
-    0.28049226030899999, 0.29164957411100001, 0.30229091825999999,
-    0.31343659256900003, 0.327727185596, 0.33950733116499998,
-    0.35546334505900001, 0.36812325794200002, 0.38133767715299999,
-    0.394597620963, 0.404978263841, 0.41815375781000003, 0.42864653293400001,
-    0.444894300819, 0.454376903331, 0.46341028375999999, 0.47599157488299998,
-    0.48560628028199998, 0.49777311032799998, 0.508833944353,
-    0.52141721957599996, 0.53079993862899999, 0.54083525487700002,
-    0.55116155918099996, 0.56028981112599996, 0.571200303066,
-    0.58044683485600002, 0.58839931947599999, 0.59900193670599999,
-    0.60844513668900002, 0.61984074999700001, 0.630706376051,
-    0.64055060618699999, 0.65022883648700003, 0.65969805240099999,
-    0.67173860230299998, 0.683039145269, 0.69151743825699996,
-    0.70492328902000001, 0.71497674644599996, 0.72455754197800004,
-    0.73626892393499999, 0.74666068393600005, 0.75711837954399996,
-    0.76917986479, 0.78031391817899998, 0.79003646883199996,
-    0.80178135233600001, 0.81294330929500003, 0.82479240642999996,
-    0.83793294590599998, 0.84856051750299999, 0.857727050288, 0.867523080562,
-    0.87989898293299995, 0.88810730552100003, 0.89899588869799996,
-    0.90918788036700005, 0.92161182284099996, 0.93310880618299996,
-    0.94666983786799996, 0.95950586438800001, 0.96954717752200004,
-    0.98183054360800004, 0.99327109762300003, 1.0071871810099999, 1.0199396023,
-    1.0299591745400001, 1.0433590956800001, 1.0579526586200001, 1.0722037652,
-    1.0856825564000001, 1.10062275455, 1.11366547931, 1.12553109294,
-    1.1369984132099999, 1.1497029036699999, 1.16306292312, 1.17522255584,
-    1.1892082610600001, 1.2041212236300001, 1.22190050707, 1.2347118934600001,
-    1.2504314859500001, 1.2629302579599999, 1.2791680786099999, 1.29405735901,
-    1.3107720617700001, 1.32643387797, 1.3415152129300001, 1.3620274129300001,
-    1.3823476697499999, 1.40444011877, 1.42173569526, 1.4364703857500001,
-    1.45484612731, 1.47972134044, 1.49655634371, 1.5141380044499999,
-    1.53379025535, 1.5555036580899999, 1.5714663036600001, 1.59647294538,
-    1.6138151759899999, 1.6380127097199999, 1.6594163419300001,
-    1.6820072233800001, 1.7019879011500001, 1.7246555912899999, 1.75616951171,
-    1.7809849497500001, 1.8095401046899999, 1.83533696471, 1.8573176551099999,
-    1.88542875324, 1.92090178934, 1.9505618811500001, 1.9774596313099999,
-    2.0068544301600002, 2.0350921018900001, 2.0643959097, 2.1062800026400001,
-    2.1347376230699999, 2.1742676793900002, 2.2104098855299998,
-    2.2514941680099998, 2.2912348247100001, 2.3349554164100002,
-    2.3796253970099999, 2.41766195211, 2.4815347228200002, 2.5296861327400002,
-    2.57523096673, 2.6414826618, 2.6880090127099998, 2.7379395286100001,
-    2.7971131333199999, 2.8454615301600001, 2.9012187913899998,
-    2.9675790254000001, 3.04978866032, 3.12354871979, 3.2117080755199998,
-    3.3031992991200001, 3.3786495999400001, 3.4622786505200001,
-    3.5341733641599999, 3.5975451787299999, 3.7026608369999998, 3.82558431557,
-    3.9485708722999999, 4.0749917626799999, 4.2182278466299996,
-    4.3815530054699998, 4.5579379614200004, 4.7079073862299996,
-    4.8861754887000002, 5.0662849643500003, 5.2496674690900003,
-    5.4708584275999996, 5.6873944276300001, 5.9465154086899998, 6.10841977807,
-    6.32522045284, 6.6457452149499998, 6.8963618663700004, 7.1600629694100002,
-    7.4849075540900003, 7.8078159674899998, 8.1135987260599993,
-    8.6434490614699993, 9.3138777741999998, 9.9096943796500003, 10.5413045729,
-    11.158948712999999, 11.999104899500001, 12.8985733307, 13.9490047253,
-    15.518092394, 17.033131729600001, 18.432082803299998, 20.708613102099999,
-    23.123985660399999, 27.884421759599999, 36.561019225000003,
-    61.076641297099997, 468.04625970900003, 0.0, 0.067076529355799996,
-    0.097824586424400006, 0.12058047219699999, 0.135066352689,
-    0.15703805450399999, 0.16865220856099999, 0.18272153189500001,
-    0.19456107267299999, 0.20905544303500001, 0.22429021016199999,
-    0.23682684978499999, 0.24961005214199999, 0.26225295033399998,
-    0.27282432554800001, 0.283602099439, 0.29623312604699997,
-    0.30840842319700001, 0.31645548412699998, 0.33143452632300002,
-    0.343712260145, 0.35341928343099999, 0.36635377466399999,
-    0.37717670892999999, 0.39032523504299999, 0.40013045900700001,
-    0.41162395957300002, 0.42423155816699998, 0.43186283101,
-    0.44215015996599999, 0.45428937582200002, 0.46224971743999999,
-    0.47594444504299999, 0.48807023390400001, 0.49693964716900002,
-    0.51019137347099996, 0.52165237357899996, 0.53174150971800005,
-    0.54256492119300004, 0.55515020156399997, 0.56325486596700003,
-    0.57178372078899997, 0.57891384744999996, 0.58826455880299999,
-    0.59910449639800001, 0.60935191848000003, 0.61881052080400001,
-    0.62702569041300005, 0.63798126176500003, 0.64999626073299999,
-    0.66409842520700002, 0.67206511322700002, 0.68117655017099998,
-    0.69235691936599997, 0.70629027472700001, 0.71718753920199996,
-    0.72825030830899995, 0.73958277894699997, 0.74721313986399995,
-    0.75951044739999996, 0.77054717878099999, 0.78033716992000002,
-    0.791657009508, 0.80069783012999995, 0.81151864388700001,
-    0.82257967604500004, 0.83376565960100002, 0.84367481175100001,
-    0.85373445615999999, 0.86281664475599995, 0.87277267299399997,
-    0.88522150941099997, 0.895112829577, 0.90741716188900001,
-    0.91619554643300005, 0.92601655850499998, 0.93734361345600004,
-    0.94620041333000005, 0.95712672909899998, 0.96744573225499997,
-    0.98318977108299999, 0.99187947130599996, 1.00505446816,
-    1.0135141032699999, 1.02598410227, 1.0352951482399999, 1.0473143060900001,
-    1.0610104522899999, 1.07557548922, 1.0886540525699999, 1.1030302993000001,
-    1.1222000890499999, 1.1397653729499999, 1.15430437835, 1.1696993848599999,
-    1.1869488960800001, 1.20122564741, 1.2141587142000001, 1.2257708751700001,
-    1.2411522805399999, 1.2560045466400001, 1.27446251035, 1.2841952131300001,
-    1.2982208578200001, 1.3182157576, 1.3298159782600001, 1.3424136029,
-    1.3604328317200001, 1.3767068167600001, 1.39749108045, 1.4148267830400001,
-    1.43982412632, 1.45450195158, 1.47070553463, 1.4842104270200001,
-    1.5036094415600001, 1.5196111004899999, 1.5427837280000001, 1.56874118822,
-    1.59012806749, 1.6156339281200001, 1.6415259814800001, 1.6627342303899999,
-    1.68678597138, 1.7123700775899999, 1.7355941341300001, 1.7575287234700001,
-    1.77549370303, 1.8023242212999999, 1.8306364744700001, 1.86843117775,
-    1.89616140233, 1.92693168508, 1.94653908551, 1.9674301249699999,
-    2.0023775987399999, 2.0410970809600002, 2.0712419181500001,
-    2.1001298794399998, 2.1435551353000002, 2.18745519946, 2.2407411531300001,
-    2.2877176484300001, 2.3482386991299999, 2.3878544206000001,
-    2.4256485211599998, 2.4689746994299999, 2.54115707404, 2.6060044637200002,
-    2.6471446480799998, 2.7082778846300002, 2.7625848318599999,
-    2.8217618519399998, 2.8730281955899999, 2.94944935405, 2.9984511177900002,
-    3.06158326156, 3.1477109402800001, 3.2264457052400002, 3.3135370713699999,
-    3.3913116560900001, 3.46766561982, 3.5469306652600001, 3.6270133483599998,
-    3.7196516111200002, 3.8300128499600001, 3.9706856961599999,
-    4.0624593885399998, 4.16862605645, 4.32355081595, 4.4582130280000003,
-    4.5901068198399999, 4.7253251831799998, 4.8713623347399997,
-    5.0670691161099999, 5.2375849693000003, 5.3887073546400002,
-    5.6495635870200003, 5.8884178613599998, 6.1407571599699997,
-    6.3858608976199998, 6.6661948102800004, 7.0439049067599999,
-    7.3559915120800001, 7.73009363221, 8.2262361691900008, 8.8019442355600006,
-    9.2680434525499997, 9.7743200198599993, 10.6920252267, 11.3785733059,
-    12.170137853, 13.036613519199999, 14.486048819000001, 16.028067222499999,
-    17.977721620600001, 20.963719555200001, 25.110074835700001,
-    32.315204575999999, 51.776266767099997, 108.063764331, 0.0,
-    0.074209559522700003, 0.108008052641, 0.12807119272199999, 0.145696860505,
-    0.15949782790200001, 0.17030767784699999, 0.181856162219, 0.194359775116,
-    0.206545451204, 0.216886655718, 0.227597454714, 0.239520822277,
-    0.24975972163499999, 0.26174800391699998, 0.27515156150300002,
-    0.28928260960800001, 0.30056007218699998, 0.31177038148300001,
-    0.32223273686999998, 0.33233709398299999, 0.34226863585799999,
-    0.35054033371600002, 0.36272022538900001, 0.37265758299599999,
-    0.38450845354800001, 0.392952528902, 0.40280374789700002,
-    0.41239163517100003, 0.42225057636800001, 0.43390677896199997,
-    0.44589553585300001, 0.456357880291, 0.46605928183400003,
-    0.47533877800199997, 0.485109944056, 0.49754601794199999,
-    0.50792030114300002, 0.51923692407099997, 0.52864927728800004,
-    0.53777407420400003, 0.54790751383199998, 0.55673983995999998,
-    0.56698607143699997, 0.57670367642800002, 0.58667471005899996,
-    0.596751819495, 0.60570130209100004, 0.61498993393199997,
-    0.62532916186599996, 0.63421809777399996, 0.643945582415, 0.652131236,
-    0.66037342159400003, 0.66984241853199999, 0.68013004284099998,
-    0.68891506562500004, 0.69795858717600001, 0.70724072355500001,
-    0.71773910407499997, 0.72600456224599996, 0.73529066837299994,
-    0.74465581544199999, 0.75311728489600005, 0.76285052475299997,
-    0.77230557399699995, 0.78194921514500004, 0.79213459741699999,
-    0.80258535964699995, 0.81396443458699996, 0.82267338024400005,
-    0.83206771620599995, 0.83984893131100002, 0.85244698240700001,
-    0.860212067124, 0.87121284808199995, 0.88206426743400002, 0.893602624377,
-    0.90550090295300001, 0.91868520951400001, 0.92977380346299998,
-    0.94206318246999998, 0.95246633238900003, 0.96670282891199999,
-    0.97605982209599995, 0.98559747736000003, 0.99585577432700001,
-    1.00707064259, 1.01710690075, 1.02898182166, 1.04428034784,
-    1.0538694818500001, 1.06500309695, 1.0756346263800001, 1.08768054822,
-    1.0986564112699999, 1.11056517658, 1.1222492032, 1.13556072341,
-    1.1472841566, 1.16118311944, 1.17259765348, 1.1861421571199999,
-    1.1985894798400001, 1.20980222263, 1.2233664048399999, 1.2385002300500001,
-    1.2516226459299999, 1.2669008712400001, 1.2794959423800001,
-    1.2958611531299999, 1.31116706463, 1.32857407312, 1.34365731571,
-    1.35879876289, 1.3767427480700001, 1.3927745273200001, 1.41141387435,
-    1.4296441628400001, 1.4469934928999999, 1.46603314043, 1.4837471764900001,
-    1.5016602720400001, 1.51855715617, 1.5372635274499999, 1.55585749083,
-    1.5776110083899999, 1.59566951462, 1.62476079488, 1.6471928626000001,
-    1.6678247338300001, 1.6864094001200001, 1.7115934443700001,
-    1.7389659531499999, 1.76721239977, 1.78849994105, 1.81312786502,
-    1.8365295582100001, 1.8646738456900001, 1.8978807795199999, 1.9240405234,
-    1.9549490789899999, 1.98972377392, 2.0200230888899999, 2.0589141742399999,
-    2.10302415543, 2.14058485254, 2.1818536127199999, 2.2299519963300001,
-    2.2712959938699999, 2.3135445986500001, 2.3566542270399999,
-    2.3959056922599999, 2.4446333513399998, 2.4952439185199999,
-    2.5492654399200001, 2.6106037504100001, 2.6602865229799999,
-    2.7105208912299998, 2.7745671455899998, 2.8333797499900002,
-    2.9008461857499999, 2.96494326499, 3.0289889630300002, 3.10234506861,
-    3.1725169557099999, 3.2548023935399999, 3.3312575634499999, 3.41501385226,
-    3.5077691502100001, 3.6109139158899999, 3.70736489466, 3.8078795299400001,
-    3.9399935880500001, 4.0729162849399998, 4.1754315477999997, 4.32871701963,
-    4.4670420558400004, 4.6172360869400002, 4.7801353008799996,
-    4.9685158392900002, 5.1787521224099997, 5.3659561809799996,
-    5.5579867362700002, 5.80647069765, 6.0770936171800001, 6.3474439077599998,
-    6.62582338065, 6.9727248909400004, 7.3991913842899999, 7.8834449215399998,
-    8.5166144845100007, 9.2030546325000007, 9.88020733826, 10.866036106699999,
-    12.0758777085, 14.18128042, 16.712052750600002, 20.430876708300001,
-    27.2913398323, 198.831343334, 0.0, 0.069244384700200001,
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-    0.15732758095900001, 0.17026163426999999, 0.181554153262,
-    0.19229104097999999, 0.20063488720700001, 0.20918075219000001,
-    0.22448851398700001, 0.23329259600999999, 0.243417838223,
-    0.25098683398999999, 0.26086665715599999, 0.26722012921400001,
-    0.27447102517700001, 0.28549280903099999, 0.29370514330199998,
-    0.30435794709199998, 0.31171401890299999, 0.32079725821600003,
-    0.33073290586199999, 0.340392028515, 0.35038726600499998,
-    0.35811690266399998, 0.36447411653700001, 0.37185544116399999,
-    0.381082348721, 0.390780214455, 0.39830952785200002, 0.40748168602500001,
-    0.41488373765499997, 0.42543510561100001, 0.43158160961199998,
-    0.44002625662900002, 0.44926347686599999, 0.45776432919799998,
-    0.468022411503, 0.47664440380200002, 0.48258490950499999,
-    0.48896171374500003, 0.496491820137, 0.50698509859999996,
-    0.51452015906199999, 0.52068937139100002, 0.52946408477100004,
-    0.53880448153799998, 0.548801791313, 0.555995027759, 0.56369511933200001,
-    0.57026213611200005, 0.57917412801400003, 0.58903117523000004,
-    0.59960305490099997, 0.60673607228299997, 0.61394249280099999,
-    0.62335872512500001, 0.62950473092000003, 0.63564906077100003,
-    0.64370653836500002, 0.65068290176499999, 0.65692425783200004,
-    0.66660140937199996, 0.67467287438699997, 0.68340267482299999,
-    0.69234704669500002, 0.70022548729900003, 0.70878108772100001,
-    0.71517132508000003, 0.72483344563800001, 0.73510369684400001,
-    0.74464179844099998, 0.75114169742299997, 0.75948786098200005,
-    0.76927896632399995, 0.780181603981, 0.79038397953499995,
-    0.79658809158499999, 0.80565180419899995, 0.81340080992999997,
-    0.82502676166900002, 0.83237961296700003, 0.84110268556400003,
-    0.85232968998699998, 0.86273446105600005, 0.87069963084699997,
-    0.88137854582999997, 0.89128913714400004, 0.90061058757400003,
-    0.90609412190700001, 0.91504032505999999, 0.92415693050900005,
-    0.93648983181699996, 0.94349116139300004, 0.95300702282700001,
-    0.96521719153999996, 0.97733292798399996, 0.98974230043699996,
-    1.0028012640199999, 1.01236890773, 1.0253034214500001, 1.0345343165800001,
-    1.0429324387700001, 1.0534672371, 1.06628868009, 1.07468795352,
-    1.08633326882, 1.09933424957, 1.1068518163600001, 1.12106242894,
-    1.13430375102, 1.1497669909499999, 1.16355554605, 1.1741333470999999,
-    1.1865602471200001, 1.19552264974, 1.20964466299, 1.2206552660600001,
-    1.2334735428900001, 1.2446193507100001, 1.26228052188, 1.2733668809500001,
-    1.2862487980799999, 1.29915564596, 1.31311637923, 1.3325804596099999,
-    1.34251302023, 1.3591003659500001, 1.377169549, 1.3924811167,
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-    1.4899491085200001, 1.50816578923, 1.5249813512099999, 1.5484316629499999,
-    1.56552035633, 1.58626075727, 1.60321824898, 1.6254795315799999,
-    1.64592427713, 1.6680292001699999, 1.6929771865600001, 1.71641044875,
-    1.73825985627, 1.7655221754799999, 1.7903694698399999, 1.8124234588000001,
-    1.83919765728, 1.86770929471, 1.9001015000199999, 1.9321267789500001,
-    1.95584199638, 1.99690811411, 2.0217444230499999, 2.05376297292,
-    2.0929451083099999, 2.12301731176, 2.1526232798299998, 2.19298807375,
-    2.2255018723100002, 2.2689246505599998, 2.3179026897699999,
-    2.3644121098699999, 2.4221039841300001, 2.4838688069799999, 2.53466998697,
-    2.6042919607999999, 2.6812450073999998, 2.7654172146999998,
-    2.8309204248399999, 2.9094078948100002, 2.9876772553499999,
-    3.0748530970700001, 3.1622064731699999, 3.24147451246, 3.32558384886,
-    3.4422202342600001, 3.5775338240400001, 3.7141610497599999, 3.87173250803,
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-    5.0488522514199996, 5.3311777928700002, 5.6656935490200002,
-    6.1539089237400004, 6.8843836607600002, 7.4347424954000001,
-    8.2978267417500007, 9.6243020157500005, 11.369168954199999,
-    15.540639672399999, 76.1760172643, 0.0, 0.049706365699999998,
-    0.0666592682662, 0.088322065368899999, 0.104536859611, 0.11923256786399999,
-    0.127291144238, 0.13502577832400001, 0.140820543469, 0.15139945632400001,
-    0.16099717066999999, 0.16793664804899999, 0.179770597659,
-    0.18534480911599999, 0.19437588065, 0.20501796081000001,
-    0.21442507195499999, 0.223638661722, 0.235448046864, 0.24069837603999999,
-    0.249796619168, 0.2569021037, 0.26571241794099998, 0.273484835112,
-    0.28264031867099998, 0.29203238294299999, 0.30128506578199998,
-    0.30890798204499997, 0.31400372247300001, 0.32085907990500001,
-    0.33018590514200002, 0.33434813763600002, 0.34099138695100001,
-    0.34839419218399997, 0.36043796979300002, 0.366921197137, 0.374978179395,
-    0.380142953738, 0.38497527854699998, 0.39412431397300002,
-    0.40294224279800001, 0.41036947119900002, 0.42097414080500001,
-    0.426696154529, 0.43405547629300001, 0.438076390323, 0.44626941882600002,
-    0.45209988855099997, 0.46025667702299999, 0.46751534699899999,
-    0.47569740786199999, 0.48648925341600002, 0.49365845173799999,
-    0.50062076512099996, 0.50762099689399998, 0.51599561488599999,
-    0.52069070294499997, 0.52771734894599998, 0.53507770527700005,
-    0.53957262010100004, 0.54687563426600005, 0.55882733756900005,
-    0.56778279961099998, 0.57581367970300001, 0.58169558514099995,
-    0.589416835832, 0.59799990574399997, 0.60309451416000004,
-    0.60776585343300005, 0.61113211528400002, 0.620751519689,
-    0.63049668177200002, 0.64186111209399999, 0.649049389792,
-    0.65881032984999999, 0.667603399933, 0.67500088551600002,
-    0.68058962597299999, 0.68475592303099997, 0.69020553863599998,
-    0.69297641552300004, 0.69919890922799999, 0.70692564551500003,
-    0.71223085652100004, 0.72213575435900001, 0.730079802251,
-    0.73971307206199999, 0.74754515744299999, 0.75906245692899998,
-    0.76535806436599996, 0.768435170424, 0.77936645084, 0.78371319966099995,
-    0.793548757173, 0.79992665980300004, 0.80669075308100002, 0.813805390164,
-    0.82073219292800004, 0.82530292600499999, 0.83254418888299997,
-    0.84023227490600005, 0.84610269681500005, 0.850974506809,
-    0.85604916181199997, 0.86800267070000003, 0.87548269182500005,
-    0.88170746226899999, 0.89168104316600005, 0.89886785180600004,
-    0.90941660694899995, 0.92091095976000004, 0.92713708903799996,
-    0.93255472954399998, 0.94075570205600001, 0.95405981205900003,
-    0.96338844277799995, 0.97402552055400005, 0.98526481076200001,
-    0.99808150342699997, 1.00881814468, 1.0181152037700001, 1.02462072395,
-    1.0362614133200001, 1.0501057383200001, 1.05573829434, 1.0663375241399999,
-    1.0815544234900001, 1.0920197863400001, 1.10280835408, 1.1180455459900001,
-    1.1302349147199999, 1.14338393376, 1.1517784771899999, 1.16459044846,
-    1.17843359548, 1.1909602731, 1.2038564818399999, 1.2161138792399999,
-    1.22899884794, 1.24167619324, 1.25804220029, 1.26669854112, 1.28319750286,
-    1.29839920006, 1.31138545902, 1.3222317000599999, 1.34185918055,
-    1.3547619368999999, 1.3711217067000001, 1.3874485756199999,
-    1.4017178245899999, 1.4176863825099999, 1.43525875504, 1.4513358921899999,
-    1.4669285814799999, 1.49058059786, 1.51243917885, 1.5343601628600001,
-    1.5519685841999999, 1.5858246281799999, 1.6052702545799999,
-    1.6255288476200001, 1.645511371, 1.67744979518, 1.7003145979100001,
-    1.7236176675199999, 1.74467645265, 1.7809151811699999, 1.8104241704099999,
-    1.85100020932, 1.8902605480300001, 1.9127629589099999, 1.94264465956,
-    1.98831619403, 2.0462312106199998, 2.1088091964400002, 2.1589111550700002,
-    2.19880416124, 2.2551363689100001, 2.32115689321, 2.3900112406699998,
-    2.4355086734200002, 2.53167527975, 2.5574390199299999, 2.69075228193,
-    2.80722131929, 2.8827815963000001, 3.0169724035100001, 3.1020365340699998,
-    3.2877647668300001, 3.4186314330799998, 3.55711527829, 3.7777833577900002,
-    4.0940063095600001, 4.35113022089, 4.7722176832300001, 5.4945754250499999,
-    6.0600360065499999, 6.7983858917699997, 9.1234186672500002,
-    40.009378980599998, 0.0, 0.067895952064799994, 0.084300078749299998,
-    0.095052432169299997, 0.102638659398, 0.112117784904, 0.11826939027900001,
-    0.12549932636300001, 0.12979818836900001, 0.14651996704600001,
-    0.15100212390600001, 0.161663165759, 0.16954870848299999, 0.177081348221,
-    0.18018558524200001, 0.18303580819699999, 0.19216015759300001,
-    0.19761816342399999, 0.20405892001000001, 0.208512677383, 0.2121909193,
-    0.219201257102, 0.226866968867, 0.23794276716900001, 0.24987132195699999,
-    0.25465170763400002, 0.26099785587800001, 0.26730559655899999,
-    0.28331961066, 0.29096521670800002, 0.29624967979200001,
-    0.29829805930100001, 0.30951316035100002, 0.31770754811700003,
-    0.32720886553700002, 0.33647444911699997, 0.34198895204000002,
-    0.35025569471500001, 0.35723583674800002, 0.36574792956399999,
-    0.37381139126899998, 0.38799391889500001, 0.39067031169299998,
-    0.39620024782899999, 0.40020907354500002, 0.406629782376,
-    0.41587001647900002, 0.42064605710199998, 0.427983894024,
-    0.43880340547500002, 0.446223080223, 0.450449340882, 0.45558651616200002,
-    0.46105934588699998, 0.46416526610600001, 0.47234232416100003,
-    0.47838800081799998, 0.48398364517499998, 0.49028214090200001,
-    0.499284532015, 0.50451360745100005, 0.509733914146, 0.51534943972199998,
-    0.51694525305200001, 0.52351544417600004, 0.52741635274900001,
-    0.53030801158100005, 0.54039249319000005, 0.543358519993,
-    0.55090831684899999, 0.56351528162800002, 0.57109497028699996,
-    0.57678495336900004, 0.58431894816300001, 0.59453107257500004,
-    0.60337885959000004, 0.61000337793399995, 0.61727383516599998,
-    0.62371645808300002, 0.629855469291, 0.64046230499599999,
-    0.64338774420900002, 0.64928236111199999, 0.65253922932700004,
-    0.65630438988100004, 0.66542800844200001, 0.67245369789099996,
-    0.67689678974900003, 0.68490163471400001, 0.697879548796,
-    0.70321721042899998, 0.70825620560000002, 0.71214130965099998,
-    0.71606229576000002, 0.72849739743399999, 0.72997690491599998,
-    0.73496304621899999, 0.74722916204000001, 0.75461055645599995,
-    0.76049922669799996, 0.76492250952399998, 0.77219537422499995,
-    0.77615043430200004, 0.78272629883699996, 0.78806707738399995,
-    0.803877101727, 0.81237050231600005, 0.82231101211000002,
-    0.82643891219300003, 0.82994343368199996, 0.84104036655799996,
-    0.85001450139900003, 0.85722719700299999, 0.86813520497600005,
-    0.87634807207999998, 0.87849406127499996, 0.88626760274000005,
-    0.89464524886600005, 0.89854680515700003, 0.90579336081200001,
-    0.90937836218900003, 0.92263809143499997, 0.92671709472899999,
-    0.93140291302300005, 0.93889838636400003, 0.94817473635500005,
-    0.95134624523199995, 0.95948566447500006, 0.96931430537899999,
-    0.97827519300099997, 0.98284090499800003, 0.98853660864199999,
-    0.99999303088000002, 1.00933104878, 1.02227252775, 1.0339923686800001,
-    1.03840687036, 1.04500879737, 1.05122171927, 1.06723984471, 1.07953686403,
-    1.09113807067, 1.10417487551, 1.11446546637, 1.1254220105599999,
-    1.1353940360999999, 1.16144655068, 1.1695186521200001, 1.1831819617599999,
-    1.2096151764900001, 1.2368935164299999, 1.2456266675500001, 1.25296303964,
-    1.26564891435, 1.2701959942000001, 1.28466851306, 1.29873724956,
-    1.31966389347, 1.3313272542500001, 1.34786430325, 1.3621826611400001,
-    1.3720433831700001, 1.3971090305, 1.4043458957999999, 1.4238434153299999,
-    1.4590867995000001, 1.4854743821, 1.5153253015599999, 1.54813838085,
-    1.57329724758, 1.6116532666100001, 1.62277970085, 1.63219947245,
-    1.6666665269000001, 1.73127681763, 1.7492774307700001, 1.80557771894,
-    1.8267234865099999, 1.88934211181, 1.9203963709, 1.99466093314,
-    2.0230718376899999, 2.0628543274000002, 2.1367073224899999,
-    2.1821320160500002, 2.22093938088, 2.3072520016700002, 2.3621845025599999,
-    2.44517002578, 2.5015913727800001, 2.5975738754100002, 2.7045052724200001,
-    2.8865631109500001, 3.1260959842, 3.39849260601, 3.6254807685400001,
-    4.0097191798100003, 4.5724242129699997, 5.4143250544999999,
-    6.3272292972399997, 17.5560575511, 0.0, 0.085458258148600003,
-    0.098622234580399995, 0.106568524017, 0.108057180859, 0.1107805041,
-    0.11464013028599999, 0.13602438252499999, 0.14300574817799999,
-    0.146684159845, 0.15122598984999999, 0.154733085331, 0.161754974932,
-    0.17723910406000001, 0.18032389045700001, 0.18658548177699999,
-    0.18746673820000001, 0.19896129970099999, 0.209234599805,
-    0.21980562614900001, 0.228062016284, 0.23711187915099999,
-    0.23869840689499999, 0.240361816358, 0.27144033681000002,
-    0.27327373169399999, 0.27458858408600001, 0.28007177711800002,
-    0.28248298888899998, 0.28387767697499999, 0.287453003343, 0.292023090998,
-    0.29519223190999999, 0.31407066578100001, 0.32033662902100002,
-    0.32377361486099998, 0.33791304018399998, 0.340145093994,
-    0.34355792125200002, 0.35986952431000002, 0.36278049873099999,
-    0.36565591999199998, 0.36887445402199998, 0.37307785833099999,
-    0.37522358431500002, 0.38644599385299999, 0.38905873533300001,
-    0.39011760635100001, 0.39429900482899999, 0.40016937602000002,
-    0.40636267913899998, 0.408103464438, 0.411985395905, 0.42002274379400001,
-    0.42424580987299998, 0.42889507706199997, 0.43431096613499998,
-    0.43634598755999998, 0.44074601502999999, 0.44833586654099999,
-    0.44981411452999998, 0.45139144803199999, 0.45825414352600002,
-    0.465858692219, 0.46971239089400002, 0.48073097106200002,
-    0.49008253400700003, 0.49019267044199999, 0.49421178442399999,
-    0.49592401222499999, 0.51649450538700004, 0.52148438326400004,
-    0.52450649919199999, 0.52875492868700003, 0.53851929926099995,
-    0.55522500190799995, 0.56567545616600001, 0.57500972364500003,
-    0.575413910571, 0.577492611263, 0.58282093829299997, 0.5882333891,
-    0.59178334343399996, 0.59490514439200004, 0.59707926005599998,
-    0.60398628531999998, 0.61018821270699997, 0.62788446277499999,
-    0.62845001268199996, 0.63245592828700004, 0.64203220116600002,
-    0.64960047364600004, 0.65218235923199996, 0.65302094855500004,
-    0.65709800478699998, 0.66525750618900004, 0.66772838617499997,
-    0.66931616078599998, 0.67398981338899999, 0.67995566798200002,
-    0.69261712558099997, 0.69323176238100004, 0.70328807748099997,
-    0.70817581305300004, 0.71362676385000001, 0.72122326659400005,
-    0.72982093594899999, 0.73501610749799995, 0.74418077769299995,
-    0.74740381350899998, 0.75972971198000006, 0.76542085452499997,
-    0.77293727748999996, 0.77569521588599999, 0.79040702133899998,
-    0.79124143409100001, 0.79674835901600005, 0.801314329913,
-    0.80761727105100001, 0.81334526814800001, 0.82599153547399995,
-    0.835753037664, 0.84010997734000004, 0.84324537731399996,
-    0.84524994337100001, 0.852251511771, 0.85726585936199995,
-    0.86776513236499997, 0.87321839355800002, 0.88257634312599997,
-    0.88885223178899997, 0.89462277052799999, 0.89929289721500005,
-    0.91054077473399997, 0.91235045283799998, 0.91859506476800001,
-    0.92379410344599999, 0.92778311003299996, 0.95200833907100002,
-    0.96058777907100001, 0.96275379136000006, 0.96711989399800002,
-    0.98158423342400003, 0.99959381644599998, 1.0158547410300001,
-    1.0257344455099999, 1.0386164152999999, 1.05829394823, 1.0652432737599999,
-    1.06870005665, 1.0850122523800001, 1.08895555924, 1.1035938848,
-    1.1079237802499999, 1.14480878564, 1.1555554675299999, 1.1789854119500001,
-    1.21604495077, 1.21944541763, 1.2255115895799999, 1.2349135122299999,
-    1.2574900653700001, 1.2756099428300001, 1.27830965632, 1.29563470054,
-    1.33511311013, 1.37879372829, 1.4104141532900001, 1.42999159888,
-    1.4340564609599999, 1.4404309370999999, 1.45125639917, 1.4753290649999999,
-    1.50104361326, 1.5067651051299999, 1.56173064277, 1.5867665737000001,
-    1.6529842751699999, 1.68573957888, 1.6981474139899999, 1.7544189081799999,
-    1.79075077468, 1.8606238073600001, 1.9675939468600001, 1.99649367583,
-    2.0088494420599998, 2.0624960910299999, 2.1345821995000001, 2.25477797389,
-    2.4129377727399999, 2.4947352830499998, 2.6183637912700002,
-    3.0074794112299998, 3.1791961046799999, 3.4293356642399999,
-    3.8514844690699999, 4.2517228191100003, 4.9637069833399998,
-    6.0765632038800002, 6.7603904355099997, 10.3173126473, 0.0,
-    0.078613919986899997, 0.086706257325800007, 0.086706257325800007,
-    0.114789651673, 0.12273957318299999, 0.127062920365, 0.128484790396,
-    0.13578225807899999, 0.13578225807899999, 0.14730174056500001,
-    0.14730174056500001, 0.15501754607599999, 0.17160764402600001,
-    0.17160764402600001, 0.17716597523700001, 0.19318889167600001,
-    0.201064059002, 0.20544566915199999, 0.208662339522, 0.208662339522,
-    0.209070783313, 0.217981911645, 0.21984720431800001, 0.22959168302800001,
-    0.22959168302800001, 0.22979925938500001, 0.23023398217900001,
-    0.23282324285100001, 0.23847389001200001, 0.24981772981200001,
-    0.24981772981200001, 0.251976912788, 0.26484603340399998, 0.267063574626,
-    0.276065116128, 0.27955725551999999, 0.27955725551999999,
-    0.29253129065099998, 0.29257984585899999, 0.29426519135099999,
-    0.29991973517600001, 0.29991973517600001, 0.300865581125,
-    0.30629956382500001, 0.33189640078299998, 0.33193362117300002,
-    0.332892715999, 0.332892715999, 0.33786995917700002, 0.34286355479300001,
-    0.35037131399499999, 0.36538777844499998, 0.36538777844499998,
-    0.39533598300400002, 0.40761459269400002, 0.43071349334699999,
-    0.44611156073300001, 0.44821302280300002, 0.44821302280300002,
-    0.45970379461999999, 0.479322648149, 0.49927725766600001,
-    0.50856338644599997, 0.50856338644599997, 0.51381349247600006,
-    0.52312377414900002, 0.52365255460899995, 0.524357535308,
-    0.52449511360300005, 0.53246792168500001, 0.53246792168500001,
-    0.53406269761799996, 0.54066543759600005, 0.54165597718199998,
-    0.54165597718199998, 0.54286979560399995, 0.54565296744199998,
-    0.54680412639599996, 0.55924698793600003, 0.55948804920899997,
-    0.55948804920899997, 0.56237285913900004, 0.61191574840100005,
-    0.61803286518099998, 0.62621800263899996, 0.62894744300399996,
-    0.62894744300399996, 0.64175065233299999, 0.64274226864700001,
-    0.643141090937, 0.64957757771299995, 0.64957757771299995,
-    0.65462416615899999, 0.65508592379599995, 0.65577214273499995,
-    0.65867533793400002, 0.65966257080699997, 0.65966257080699997,
-    0.67002637381200003, 0.6862767676, 0.68775204324200001,
-    0.68935688154399999, 0.68935688154399999, 0.68958321519599997,
-    0.69489243672400003, 0.69799974598299996, 0.70085954020999996,
-    0.70570470911100003, 0.70570470911100003, 0.71529355939600003,
-    0.71529355939600003, 0.73061672396900001, 0.73147192102699998,
-    0.73147192102699998, 0.73172502367900005, 0.74705904753800001,
-    0.75069245931200002, 0.76171481537700003, 0.78431047228100004,
-    0.78431047228100004, 0.79589062785700004, 0.79985244088700003,
-    0.80739451523600003, 0.80995278660199999, 0.80995278660199999,
-    0.818149271693, 0.81876691441600002, 0.82187704197599998,
-    0.82398018051199995, 0.83061310912300002, 0.83061310912300002,
-    0.841520560606, 0.84283988029500001, 0.845286826815, 0.85635186159599996,
-    0.88301536060399999, 0.88301536060399999, 0.89457113891100004,
-    0.90319721159599997, 0.91110728614600001, 0.920115781518, 0.920115781518,
-    0.924752016362, 0.93270708632099997, 0.93634613579199999,
-    0.93668785307699998, 0.938056933654, 0.938056933654, 0.963093301648,
-    0.97003534928799995, 0.97433733039600001, 0.98296990885400004,
-    0.98296990885400004, 0.99165891962800001, 0.99363899328700001,
-    1.00411505522, 1.0082220608200001, 1.04142653436, 1.04142653436,
-    1.05299960148, 1.0584566497800001, 1.0631344471799999, 1.0702232139000001,
-    1.0702232139000001, 1.0745255061000001, 1.07801171048, 1.09546502235,
-    1.1130150782399999, 1.1212890952400001, 1.1453294864700001,
-    1.1453294864700001, 1.14683578271, 1.14912419314, 1.1868862875699999,
-    1.1868862875699999, 1.2135111146399999, 1.2764048086199999,
-    1.3014758897300001, 1.33521824385, 1.3586680634799999, 1.3586680634799999,
-    1.39549136126, 1.4365610253900001, 1.4568919919400001, 1.5925258819899999,
-    1.67910648307, 1.67910648307, 1.7175836223800001, 1.8595366530499999,
-    2.22804691293, 2.4236335095200001, 2.4236335095200001, 2.5444902152200002,
-    2.7565764210300001, 3.0002289122299999, 3.2770080283, 6.1761254131100003,
-    6.1761254131100003, 9.0448113096899991, 9.0448113096899991, 0.0, 0.0,
-    0.084719549076999995, 0.084719549076999995, 0.162771060016, 0.162771060016,
-    0.162771060016, 0.174797101293, 0.174797101293, 0.19337957316099999,
-    0.19634700654600001, 0.19634700654600001, 0.19634700654600001,
-    0.19634700654600001, 0.19855375347500001, 0.19855375347500001,
-    0.19855375347500001, 0.200626535691, 0.200626535691, 0.20443169045699999,
-    0.20443169045699999, 0.20546703844700001, 0.20546703844700001,
-    0.20546703844700001, 0.22648266447400001, 0.22648266447400001,
-    0.240550688555, 0.240550688555, 0.240550688555, 0.25396349222699999,
-    0.26176107887200001, 0.26176107887200001, 0.26176107887200001,
-    0.26176107887200001, 0.27888116985299999, 0.27888116985299999,
-    0.29428424249599999, 0.29428424249599999, 0.29428424249599999,
-    0.299788951114, 0.299788951114, 0.31720186969399999, 0.31720186969399999,
-    0.31720186969399999, 0.35285717429300001, 0.35285717429300001,
-    0.35967187727099997, 0.35967187727099997, 0.35967187727099997,
-    0.36425099049600002, 0.37144632312499998, 0.37144632312499998,
-    0.37144632312499998, 0.37144632312499998, 0.393647946528, 0.393647946528,
-    0.40432582434100001, 0.40432582434100001, 0.40432582434100001,
-    0.41409827036399999, 0.41409827036399999, 0.42605819547399998,
-    0.42605819547399998, 0.438201525694, 0.438201525694, 0.438201525694,
-    0.52412206191900002, 0.52412206191900002, 0.53036211888999996,
-    0.53036211888999996, 0.53947846940699995, 0.53947846940699995,
-    0.53947846940699995, 0.54022582851800005, 0.54022582851800005,
-    0.54022582851800005, 0.55304014916499999, 0.55304014916499999,
-    0.58228935374099999, 0.58228935374099999, 0.58228935374099999,
-    0.60596028174500005, 0.60596028174500005, 0.61041536468199997,
-    0.61041536468199997, 0.61041536468199997, 0.65478363743500001,
-    0.65478363743500001, 0.67732197187900001, 0.67732197187900001,
-    0.69170398708900005, 0.69170398708900005, 0.69170398708900005,
-    0.71778169588399998, 0.71778169588399998, 0.71778169588399998,
-    0.724448255762, 0.724448255762, 0.73445742378500001, 0.73445742378500001,
-    0.73445742378500001, 0.74008547261299995, 0.74008547261299995,
-    0.74881364436599995, 0.74881364436599995, 0.77742926704699999,
-    0.77742926704699999, 0.77742926704699999, 0.80214410030399996,
-    0.80214410030399996, 0.80237181021399995, 0.80237181021399995,
-    0.80237181021399995, 0.80480889025799995, 0.80480889025799995,
-    0.81567228496599997, 0.81567228496599997, 0.81567228496599997,
-    0.82045939538299995, 0.82045939538299995, 0.82352724851000003,
-    0.82352724851000003, 0.82352724851000003, 0.832308451359, 0.832308451359,
-    0.85064319551300005, 0.85064319551300005, 0.85064319551300005,
-    0.86707524700500005, 0.86707524700500005, 0.87113615998799998,
-    0.87113615998799998, 0.87113615998799998, 0.893480617719, 0.893480617719,
-    0.91025084198899997, 0.91025084198899997, 0.91025084198899997,
-    0.92945707303699998, 0.92945707303699998, 0.94367179870100004,
-    0.94367179870100004, 0.96249504634000005, 0.96249504634000005,
-    0.96249504634000005, 1.04851239622, 1.04851239622, 1.05472835341,
-    1.05472835341, 1.05472835341, 1.0571022668900001, 1.0571022668900001,
-    1.0795501896999999, 1.0795501896999999, 1.0795501896999999, 1.08606295202,
-    1.08606295202, 1.1610428489, 1.1610428489, 1.1610428489,
-    1.1737862567099999, 1.1737862567099999, 1.19233887401, 1.19233887401,
-    1.19233887401, 1.23499695024, 1.23499695024, 1.32872584115, 1.32872584115,
-    1.32872584115, 1.4875655673799999, 1.4875655673799999, 1.7768916535799999,
-    1.7768916535799999, 1.7768916535799999, 1.90484127934, 1.90484127934,
-    1.9108413266499999, 1.9108413266499999, 1.9108413266499999,
-    2.0007729910999998, 2.0007729910999998, 2.3382342441700001,
-    2.3382342441700001, 2.5987544026, 2.5987544026, 2.5987544026,
-    2.6082788293000001, 2.6082788293000001, 2.6082788293000001,
-    2.8392763735900002, 2.8392763735900002, 3.3819024131300002,
-    3.3819024131300002, 3.7018275480299998, 3.7018275480299998,
-    3.7018275480299998, 4.72930160618, 4.72930160618, 4.72930160618, 4.72930160618
+    0.0,
+    0.14444029837799999,
+    0.22835657018399999,
+    0.34413732731800001,
+    0.46587804732900001,
+    0.65270096936599997,
+    0.81143218193800004,
+    1.00226438356,
+    1.03788125951,
+    1.24257294992,
+    1.32793236661,
+    1.34635418779,
+    1.4371572854100001,
+    1.5191327005499999,
+    1.54602854301,
+    1.7046681136999999,
+    1.87758836483,
+    1.9813264417300001,
+    2.1146974377399999,
+    2.1938492694299998,
+    2.4097221919699998,
+    2.5070571186900001,
+    2.6311171881000002,
+    2.7328195551999999,
+    2.7736899606000001,
+    3.0227873463499999,
+    3.10803398473,
+    3.1824676694599998,
+    3.3138417252000001,
+    3.4291812515900002,
+    3.50419808407,
+    3.7101281572199998,
+    3.8432672208200001,
+    3.8796565679100001,
+    3.9915562540499998,
+    4.0723303682700003,
+    4.2029321661800001,
+    4.3768188648899997,
+    4.4816827669199997,
+    4.6990199258800001,
+    4.8084875822399997,
+    4.8365914296700003,
+    5.0590152661600003,
+    5.1248841813699997,
+    5.1771937064899998,
+    5.4889247870900002,
+    5.57813871862,
+    5.6972377675899999,
+    5.8456278064799996,
+    6.06915586574,
+    6.1204251477299998,
+    6.17699599008,
+    6.3172684659999998,
+    6.4192197959800001,
+    6.52383433373,
+    6.6186618180399996,
+    6.7251587769999999,
+    6.7866374808999996,
+    6.8276218028500004,
+    6.9188765840600004,
+    7.1331898582499997,
+    7.2065701539399996,
+    7.3244993804199998,
+    7.36483433106,
+    7.5193634033699999,
+    7.7822629874100002,
+    8.2222416265000007,
+    8.4497457766200004,
+    8.5930318077999992,
+    8.7570172042000003,
+    8.9696132883900006,
+    9.1272011085100004,
+    9.4333510895299995,
+    9.5278688390900008,
+    9.8002379139299993,
+    10.062964643999999,
+    10.572141176200001,
+    10.796071421700001,
+    10.9985214683,
+    11.3182197168,
+    11.660606036000001,
+    11.847287044,
+    12.432752901300001,
+    12.5532808679,
+    12.920547884299999,
+    13.715431382,
+    13.9427496484,
+    14.252177361499999,
+    14.3846625264,
+    14.6017942841,
+    14.867988867399999,
+    15.211408408800001,
+    15.4524408633,
+    15.8995520183,
+    16.278660079800002,
+    16.607110122000002,
+    17.2812107494,
+    17.425166927999999,
+    17.6847110579,
+    17.924433366199999,
+    18.107368758,
+    18.486488274799999,
+    18.675113313000001,
+    18.821461450800001,
+    19.392315572800001,
+    20.026821224999999,
+    21.515140794000001,
+    22.458730085300001,
+    22.563704860600001,
+    23.2879347571,
+    23.969079893499998,
+    24.336542956300001,
+    24.499336477500002,
+    25.0036717642,
+    25.774135368900001,
+    26.0929925969,
+    26.934629466499999,
+    27.458541006800001,
+    27.8422100246,
+    28.5518247111,
+    28.965082549800002,
+    30.702632564599998,
+    31.123950922300001,
+    31.264305230000002,
+    31.965843641500001,
+    32.212378185600002,
+    34.283698532999999,
+    35.219561660799997,
+    36.755695116600002,
+    37.138783892900001,
+    37.986001245399997,
+    38.621250490999998,
+    38.9481443707,
+    39.3726060041,
+    40.276085332900003,
+    41.898719000699998,
+    42.396709494500001,
+    43.749429257499997,
+    44.676029422900001,
+    46.364739487400001,
+    47.275528738799999,
+    47.869005850699999,
+    48.490202586899997,
+    49.788875049200001,
+    50.404381347099999,
+    52.2209766649,
+    52.7548497923,
+    53.758555342299999,
+    56.144346903600002,
+    58.857197224499998,
+    61.218540911200002,
+    62.083264127200003,
+    62.809329462100003,
+    64.673596130899995,
+    70.530443844700002,
+    71.037859097099997,
+    74.956651292000004,
+    75.479775530200001,
+    77.970753225099998,
+    78.784135755700007,
+    83.634030189599997,
+    87.631048698900003,
+    89.682360645100005,
+    91.657671611699996,
+    93.431100026199999,
+    96.871787694199995,
+    98.904758199400007,
+    100.903126246,
+    104.97935501800001,
+    117.211912426,
+    118.593299874,
+    123.983293097,
+    126.40072390500001,
+    132.90804449300001,
+    135.77425614000001,
+    145.645663189,
+    150.462714554,
+    154.135665945,
+    158.670439012,
+    161.11217567599999,
+    165.74332436700001,
+    168.951515621,
+    173.84826456100001,
+    184.64661891700001,
+    188.990674536,
+    195.25008580400001,
+    200.52870912200001,
+    208.31911763799999,
+    223.21659264900001,
+    234.232880967,
+    297.24728825900002,
+    321.93167475199999,
+    332.08151963699999,
+    346.34478154800001,
+    377.30757977899998,
+    403.47421662800002,
+    425.16143535399999,
+    572.37340253299999,
+    766.55659324999999,
+    1611.5984637199999,
+    1611.5984637199999,
+    0.0,
+    0.083813974438700006,
+    0.31831933895699999,
+    0.34638794272399998,
+    0.46455080305099999,
+    0.49519963016099999,
+    0.54548279077600004,
+    0.56403794228199999,
+    0.60837298377799998,
+    0.68118756294600002,
+    0.70071771432399999,
+    0.78976831924699997,
+    0.81703862518199999,
+    0.83363911177799999,
+    0.89857941080399995,
+    0.94493515463400002,
+    0.99107239417899995,
+    1.0238060094799999,
+    1.0799844142199999,
+    1.11400208909,
+    1.1685453374400001,
+    1.18519938288,
+    1.22148339123,
+    1.2645577512499999,
+    1.3045626778799999,
+    1.3391777624900001,
+    1.3826642013199999,
+    1.4644506572,
+    1.5099094374299999,
+    1.5888224991,
+    1.62182558706,
+    1.65137395874,
+    1.6991401368100001,
+    1.7758428480799999,
+    1.8277920540999999,
+    1.9017455410199999,
+    1.9705532488599999,
+    2.0324665469399998,
+    2.0752937413999999,
+    2.1185145273899999,
+    2.1611322415299998,
+    2.1917842756499999,
+    2.22729976286,
+    2.2777275853000001,
+    2.32665524011,
+    2.3543342053699998,
+    2.3935181153,
+    2.44446825618,
+    2.50093820286,
+    2.5844026906000002,
+    2.6884797637600002,
+    2.78657713546,
+    2.81180130111,
+    2.84116667305,
+    2.9014197632199998,
+    2.9952091375399998,
+    3.0386348574599999,
+    3.0956021427799998,
+    3.1328046143999999,
+    3.1631373405500001,
+    3.2039828237700001,
+    3.29405069373,
+    3.3496993056400002,
+    3.4055971771900002,
+    3.5073893196000001,
+    3.5755835925800001,
+    3.6580199126399999,
+    3.7782186004999998,
+    3.8741030635099998,
+    3.9119985650200002,
+    3.9699909851999999,
+    4.0132311662099998,
+    4.07009700397,
+    4.1555761906299997,
+    4.2241691161799997,
+    4.3896744175800002,
+    4.5146783570400002,
+    4.6155145535499997,
+    4.7783116523600002,
+    4.8822447657900003,
+    4.9863031398300004,
+    5.0556875698599999,
+    5.13217451548,
+    5.1928716528900001,
+    5.2987216440799996,
+    5.4584561742300002,
+    5.6054585689499996,
+    5.7579579032500003,
+    5.8452201175000003,
+    5.9593969184300004,
+    6.1479798348300001,
+    6.2484864308999999,
+    6.3722452057199996,
+    6.5705963806599996,
+    6.6811287682699998,
+    6.7311130873599998,
+    6.7864435351600001,
+    6.9196277988999997,
+    7.1929613935300001,
+    7.3441277346099998,
+    7.3800960628999999,
+    7.4749874111999999,
+    7.6512577099200003,
+    7.77153906732,
+    7.9243829575799998,
+    8.2024869676600005,
+    8.2599528374899993,
+    8.4119253626999999,
+    8.5469992409900009,
+    8.9001784810399993,
+    9.2121022677299997,
+    9.2412472507699999,
+    9.4431345314800001,
+    9.6680036066100001,
+    9.7816077025699997,
+    9.9566055535700002,
+    10.359764716899999,
+    10.506972293900001,
+    10.7808329052,
+    11.3592743902,
+    11.7111644662,
+    11.8605742172,
+    12.291120808400001,
+    12.5270770795,
+    12.7952635728,
+    12.9362140074,
+    13.4529548967,
+    13.5501939602,
+    13.8515392309,
+    14.251817031,
+    14.6798102809,
+    14.9162575219,
+    15.3044645221,
+    15.963210610899999,
+    16.293018033300001,
+    16.528628889099998,
+    16.769307273999999,
+    17.050491132000001,
+    17.233636284700001,
+    17.435953831300001,
+    18.114197076100002,
+    18.209546654099999,
+    18.677206457099999,
+    18.876676305499998,
+    19.277115787700001,
+    19.603010971100002,
+    20.061147162099999,
+    20.558554522000001,
+    21.1117685004,
+    22.012839372799998,
+    22.378322630900001,
+    22.859288315200001,
+    23.142180705200001,
+    24.245079698800001,
+    25.9020405244,
+    26.507190805699999,
+    27.4739929789,
+    27.988361249099999,
+    28.8421369677,
+    29.731031435799999,
+    31.265395005199998,
+    31.947761314699999,
+    32.3600162185,
+    33.960158921500003,
+    35.2205479892,
+    37.329919228900003,
+    38.591860211300002,
+    39.653380662899998,
+    40.416668255899999,
+    41.847439486799999,
+    42.946435578200003,
+    44.555593529500001,
+    46.195425314700003,
+    48.272380437999999,
+    50.7171113769,
+    54.108838268299998,
+    57.192427144600003,
+    60.232285910500003,
+    61.154227242799998,
+    66.058563735700005,
+    68.912059708300006,
+    72.377827169900002,
+    74.8258152975,
+    76.523326659299997,
+    80.2223354204,
+    83.911959833699996,
+    89.242198798399997,
+    91.759192939900004,
+    100.917764795,
+    108.556622026,
+    117.397361636,
+    128.654564397,
+    132.220775344,
+    146.851921275,
+    158.21656178999999,
+    195.59053564300001,
+    220.40862631100001,
+    243.67073925299999,
+    279.44509449999998,
+    385.39670284599998,
+    2229.5014584,
+    0.0,
+    0.134568667089,
+    0.22096714722800001,
+    0.241982365309,
+    0.282582147299,
+    0.30887973543699998,
+    0.35848485966299998,
+    0.41670345418499999,
+    0.45274913222000002,
+    0.49984586837299999,
+    0.54693631356799999,
+    0.57642906524899995,
+    0.60428947073799999,
+    0.64551627763399999,
+    0.67184177451600002,
+    0.70559205139299996,
+    0.73195413388499997,
+    0.75941154288699997,
+    0.79316878417600001,
+    0.82828163530300003,
+    0.84996727554600005,
+    0.86244322276499996,
+    0.884092879818,
+    0.90053656979100005,
+    0.92189301683699998,
+    0.937781050186,
+    0.958448778068,
+    0.975518145216,
+    0.99972035165499995,
+    1.01410165008,
+    1.0561167276200001,
+    1.07137630702,
+    1.0888616342999999,
+    1.1214366313199999,
+    1.14842012372,
+    1.16675344893,
+    1.1928671069600001,
+    1.21185202445,
+    1.2444492257999999,
+    1.26555362339,
+    1.3020670717,
+    1.33144019427,
+    1.3700782606599999,
+    1.3922490459600001,
+    1.4214195703900001,
+    1.4412309995599999,
+    1.4713854851299999,
+    1.4981194360000001,
+    1.5156807782599999,
+    1.5353937789600001,
+    1.58193085489,
+    1.6363825813699999,
+    1.6679066542700001,
+    1.6953948491199999,
+    1.7432788369000001,
+    1.7757706818400001,
+    1.81420953428,
+    1.8369562966299999,
+    1.86603816317,
+    1.9079331429399999,
+    1.93559913056,
+    1.96441828434,
+    2.0090532694099998,
+    2.0388004444800001,
+    2.0592603576499999,
+    2.0856426528799998,
+    2.1175114071599999,
+    2.1825469443399999,
+    2.2474604253599999,
+    2.2749390467700001,
+    2.3121411416000002,
+    2.37177298826,
+    2.4274122023400002,
+    2.5181769644699998,
+    2.5418057541599999,
+    2.6434630075899999,
+    2.6747329533199999,
+    2.7266999242900001,
+    2.7654445970700001,
+    2.8140457094300002,
+    2.8559643406999999,
+    2.9061498475100001,
+    2.9702744923500002,
+    3.0318004993800001,
+    3.0771937025499998,
+    3.1682821350100001,
+    3.21259901675,
+    3.2495167992399998,
+    3.2811541713699999,
+    3.3233868123799999,
+    3.3736627766299998,
+    3.4058671494200001,
+    3.4805577671700001,
+    3.5668223714799998,
+    3.6084238266100002,
+    3.6537321290999998,
+    3.7175778126500001,
+    3.7450147871700001,
+    3.86111106714,
+    3.9410134870100002,
+    4.0067546356400001,
+    4.1423679617299998,
+    4.2024818847300001,
+    4.2596486695399998,
+    4.3063451426699997,
+    4.3689910892499997,
+    4.4722054954099999,
+    4.5632364049399996,
+    4.6512485022599996,
+    4.6978386313799998,
+    4.7798445058399999,
+    4.8531420455600003,
+    4.9717578546299999,
+    5.0417112146500003,
+    5.17081749886,
+    5.3019735577100002,
+    5.3705152383400003,
+    5.5084455462199999,
+    5.6182818515299999,
+    5.70571954448,
+    5.8223915078699999,
+    5.9441571869700001,
+    6.0647963728700001,
+    6.27675467201,
+    6.3795693788000003,
+    6.4992010115000003,
+    6.7279283143099997,
+    6.83719902118,
+    6.9670805423799997,
+    7.1376257228400002,
+    7.3185795684699997,
+    7.4174379003000004,
+    7.6252542819300002,
+    7.7560876076699996,
+    7.97791101428,
+    8.1287972523200001,
+    8.2935032606900005,
+    8.4263936568899993,
+    8.7299676982999994,
+    8.9000309257799994,
+    9.2106417444800002,
+    9.4067341973099996,
+    9.6877599453100007,
+    9.8288098032200004,
+    10.1462267898,
+    10.4430670065,
+    10.7710082101,
+    10.9083004672,
+    11.0537899029,
+    11.351140496499999,
+    11.538958771800001,
+    11.919288993,
+    12.375346950699999,
+    12.6154005045,
+    12.9524855025,
+    13.285189669299999,
+    13.649405117900001,
+    13.802655147899999,
+    14.3746878025,
+    14.8989750379,
+    15.0686452095,
+    15.44874785,
+    15.955460911599999,
+    16.199894288199999,
+    17.0458946378,
+    17.5301252159,
+    18.4112497281,
+    18.916626085899999,
+    19.3485479418,
+    19.9851877306,
+    20.604288900899999,
+    20.943333255799999,
+    22.112819051599999,
+    22.959668231999999,
+    23.9954402314,
+    25.035153965599999,
+    25.796351962900001,
+    26.3445116589,
+    27.598244108500001,
+    29.492678119099999,
+    31.494753701,
+    33.570886100899997,
+    35.411126519100002,
+    38.343129207700002,
+    40.297936357899999,
+    43.269089215000001,
+    46.554746459699999,
+    50.1438786354,
+    55.452409753200001,
+    63.874460149000001,
+    67.985459050900005,
+    72.783745624700003,
+    78.750906101200002,
+    87.178006099399994,
+    99.277342007100003,
+    112.32447045000001,
+    150.08323985000001,
+    191.04328713300001,
+    243.74940976799999,
+    298.61209890999999,
+    610.57351237299997,
+    0.0,
+    0.14365451929100001,
+    0.18957677402299999,
+    0.22199376087,
+    0.23947365917300001,
+    0.27923813419900001,
+    0.30376922239699999,
+    0.34130260137399998,
+    0.37018363348299999,
+    0.39852502592,
+    0.42043849640699998,
+    0.449086279049,
+    0.48566461460900001,
+    0.51522238701900003,
+    0.53527463838099998,
+    0.55878126111399995,
+    0.57558991560799999,
+    0.60170381902000003,
+    0.61440597833099997,
+    0.62492627680099999,
+    0.64456984690600005,
+    0.66038800753100002,
+    0.67204091430099999,
+    0.68713981404900004,
+    0.69934187376699997,
+    0.71638006601299997,
+    0.73072718468300002,
+    0.75753415419600001,
+    0.76939140872400003,
+    0.79364917250900002,
+    0.811751128298,
+    0.82030423753799997,
+    0.84036478778699997,
+    0.85629058780800005,
+    0.88242755870699996,
+    0.90879942564799998,
+    0.92603904590499997,
+    0.93855599609700002,
+    0.95967573616799995,
+    0.96617694541400001,
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+    1.0353518346699999,
+    1.05486723045,
+    1.07085911512,
+    1.09910531917,
+    1.11522376431,
+    1.1305179753100001,
+    1.1546508204399999,
+    1.1781173432600001,
+    1.19157394455,
+    1.2190490331999999,
+    1.24787505864,
+    1.27361506734,
+    1.2980636222699999,
+    1.31518378894,
+    1.3450052218399999,
+    1.3740854471799999,
+    1.39558556012,
+    1.41519699656,
+    1.4321123741399999,
+    1.45909622379,
+    1.4759330072700001,
+    1.4910300726400001,
+    1.51232373124,
+    1.5490811046699999,
+    1.5782570548899999,
+    1.6116668459000001,
+    1.62617849191,
+    1.6591646731,
+    1.69383967991,
+    1.72149942318,
+    1.74810559857,
+    1.7978507557100001,
+    1.8196064275499999,
+    1.8439294053699999,
+    1.85951442745,
+    1.89107086338,
+    1.93673967856,
+    1.96033355989,
+    1.99524000334,
+    2.0280809922900001,
+    2.0465420455199999,
+    2.0660751500700001,
+    2.1082666292100001,
+    2.1419500113600001,
+    2.1692545932899998,
+    2.1918809811900002,
+    2.2313430406800001,
+    2.2895699616299998,
+    2.3198331260499998,
+    2.3513058338000001,
+    2.4080887408899998,
+    2.4815537977800002,
+    2.50851999576,
+    2.5617387306700001,
+    2.6055769623199998,
+    2.6324085179700001,
+    2.6961178878899998,
+    2.7413602155099999,
+    2.7712317948799998,
+    2.8112071562300001,
+    2.8581867699200001,
+    2.9190632974400001,
+    2.9439800057899999,
+    3.0104094840100002,
+    3.05330503281,
+    3.10048262834,
+    3.17539590266,
+    3.24511619487,
+    3.3056217356499999,
+    3.3894902835899998,
+    3.4335423889599999,
+    3.4854372314700002,
+    3.5606476568300001,
+    3.6043560751500001,
+    3.66406156029,
+    3.7660563649099998,
+    3.82560813033,
+    3.9466078971199998,
+    4.0283572412000002,
+    4.07714877006,
+    4.1552108679300002,
+    4.2392816813699996,
+    4.3147199438200001,
+    4.3721369730999999,
+    4.4555652323799997,
+    4.5860495006899997,
+    4.6665459593199996,
+    4.7624381582100002,
+    4.8488614634399996,
+    4.97179759557,
+    5.0150206490000002,
+    5.1053040689999998,
+    5.2812791639799999,
+    5.3716757235900001,
+    5.5829288018599996,
+    5.6518465465299998,
+    5.7620823724100001,
+    5.8560109031899996,
+    6.0128804814499999,
+    6.1465396667499999,
+    6.2414128574400003,
+    6.3854761500099997,
+    6.5447042531899999,
+    6.7541882725000004,
+    6.9854005143200002,
+    7.1367012840399999,
+    7.3218030112200001,
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+    7.6472229734199999,
+    7.8443990144000004,
+    7.99745891313,
+    8.1776134189099992,
+    8.3773452967500006,
+    8.5328760252000002,
+    8.7514477358700002,
+    9.0436490880000004,
+    9.2332685611399992,
+    9.5356141275600006,
+    9.7666024864200001,
+    9.94823040132,
+    10.300958636400001,
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+    11.085233969500001,
+    11.3324457523,
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+    12.143472104400001,
+    12.303553276000001,
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+    12.833583689599999,
+    13.203659956699999,
+    13.5986055699,
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+    15.580834984399999,
+    16.312841933200001,
+    16.9821347018,
+    17.9935383499,
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+    19.9097935496,
+    20.7049210144,
+    21.193393770899998,
+    22.4118111278,
+    23.293576085200002,
+    24.460751301199998,
+    27.218111206700002,
+    28.9534668252,
+    31.141828193399999,
+    33.063105836200002,
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+    57.4170436749,
+    66.004841056100005,
+    79.707781310800002,
+    93.567004987600001,
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+    263.52530093899998,
+    0.0,
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+    0.27451854288499999,
+    0.29857050680000002,
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+    0.33745039990999998,
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+    0.36896880619099998,
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+    0.45497931754199999,
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+    0.61047699977699998,
+    0.62243525124499999,
+    0.64059305866600003,
+    0.64864591793299997,
+    0.66076567911499995,
+    0.67269456457499999,
+    0.69062452712199995,
+    0.70930687903199996,
+    0.72584855411399996,
+    0.74121377368600005,
+    0.75125743091999997,
+    0.77150265368000004,
+    0.78324441542400003,
+    0.79888631364700002,
+    0.81247216458500005,
+    0.83204971232799996,
+    0.84425730939599997,
+    0.85740264943900002,
+    0.87520806795200001,
+    0.88821997325500002,
+    0.90285273820699996,
+    0.918029579805,
+    0.92615377290000001,
+    0.944808560001,
+    0.95843032520799998,
+    0.96908459648199996,
+    0.98091068958799998,
+    0.99546224846599995,
+    1.0114143418099999,
+    1.0370041029999999,
+    1.05163455603,
+    1.06941917585,
+    1.0849323260699999,
+    1.09786891934,
+    1.1200484481799999,
+    1.1401856044400001,
+    1.1614766378400001,
+    1.1779927836999999,
+    1.18794131464,
+    1.19800995642,
+    1.2153169910399999,
+    1.23620743467,
+    1.2464006441,
+    1.28309014464,
+    1.30117129963,
+    1.3139480025800001,
+    1.32973840183,
+    1.34585218726,
+    1.36483113807,
+    1.3880086518200001,
+    1.4038694678400001,
+    1.4269838991299999,
+    1.4531887240500001,
+    1.4761551228100001,
+    1.49140958787,
+    1.50497619744,
+    1.51748249595,
+    1.54755568638,
+    1.56624981363,
+    1.5996976922199999,
+    1.6270535823300001,
+    1.64604277857,
+    1.66675355419,
+    1.69387124571,
+    1.7124303672300001,
+    1.7402106696399999,
+    1.7770409733200001,
+    1.79456862305,
+    1.8202531872000001,
+    1.84460821986,
+    1.86760077894,
+    1.89650572807,
+    1.9192579590500001,
+    1.95188224797,
+    1.96482546943,
+    1.9921085106,
+    2.0131483132499999,
+    2.05544343578,
+    2.0827595529899998,
+    2.1347983483699999,
+    2.16760564415,
+    2.2014516721900002,
+    2.2315870739900001,
+    2.2636169272100002,
+    2.30995438871,
+    2.3374033408299999,
+    2.3738865256000001,
+    2.3951038330599999,
+    2.4431717219700002,
+    2.4826850222400001,
+    2.5185317615099998,
+    2.5638428795100001,
+    2.6284306548999998,
+    2.66623660644,
+    2.7096591116400002,
+    2.7586335740300001,
+    2.8025663346699998,
+    2.8401708445299998,
+    2.8783352938300002,
+    2.9063543000399998,
+    2.9593598772399998,
+    2.9957288325500002,
+    3.0605506942799998,
+    3.10955011278,
+    3.1789052606700001,
+    3.2428513432099999,
+    3.3274186461299999,
+    3.4074444667899999,
+    3.4504525115,
+    3.52884017973,
+    3.5708077150699999,
+    3.6772565091299998,
+    3.7474521798599998,
+    3.8121617114599999,
+    3.9240511321899998,
+    4.02413852901,
+    4.0815085453500002,
+    4.1825546762599997,
+    4.2751667515599996,
+    4.3741820336400004,
+    4.4834872676200002,
+    4.5686814128700002,
+    4.6358562892300004,
+    4.8094489254399999,
+    4.9654168327999999,
+    5.1314477165500003,
+    5.25148158988,
+    5.4403573194500003,
+    5.6010313900300002,
+    5.7161651882199997,
+    5.8958565355000001,
+    6.0361890974200003,
+    6.16740467168,
+    6.3041850958600003,
+    6.44114745164,
+    6.60541649452,
+    6.7974616801999996,
+    6.97815602873,
+    7.1388403799600004,
+    7.4314686713300002,
+    7.8384931901600003,
+    8.2177028271400001,
+    8.6453372183900008,
+    9.1543142843100007,
+    9.3764541677899995,
+    9.7962854173,
+    10.1633267175,
+    10.574689812400001,
+    11.0937462194,
+    11.4000754819,
+    11.9914359538,
+    12.3258902671,
+    12.7457696507,
+    13.361289611,
+    14.0129741907,
+    14.632251501600001,
+    15.099323370900001,
+    16.134748603599999,
+    16.802461663300001,
+    17.854647673100001,
+    18.834756072000001,
+    20.042735115799999,
+    21.573609706300001,
+    22.868457402400001,
+    24.574192288399999,
+    26.8474848352,
+    30.083792871499998,
+    34.499075183899997,
+    38.6709205943,
+    44.689686852000001,
+    52.857340428500002,
+    72.813133754999996,
+    91.564507002300005,
+    158.818628891,
+    939.11373358000003,
+    0.0,
+    0.071205885244299993,
+    0.099254028698600005,
+    0.14849104281600001,
+    0.17292354310999999,
+    0.20032666224500001,
+    0.226406277543,
+    0.23815469487599999,
+    0.26703405121599999,
+    0.28197072629300002,
+    0.296082146193,
+    0.31125854952699999,
+    0.32554466413499999,
+    0.33804933218900002,
+    0.35118970952299999,
+    0.371085578114,
+    0.39491385706400001,
+    0.413740038782,
+    0.42221028600999999,
+    0.44225862765200002,
+    0.458189520006,
+    0.48022475118199998,
+    0.49685298807599998,
+    0.51500317491299996,
+    0.53482118753700003,
+    0.55247938228399995,
+    0.57330658115499999,
+    0.58475963165199996,
+    0.60106501656199995,
+    0.62413217304400004,
+    0.63793653903699998,
+    0.65128873183500002,
+    0.66636704386000001,
+    0.67951755835000005,
+    0.68956025540200006,
+    0.70245093627400002,
+    0.71504184012600003,
+    0.73014210840100002,
+    0.74713784886300005,
+    0.75935155136999999,
+    0.77523714645700004,
+    0.78405425336400003,
+    0.79615963931099998,
+    0.81110455864499997,
+    0.82545864838799998,
+    0.83566202986100002,
+    0.85063666826600004,
+    0.87077765663700002,
+    0.88045508705099995,
+    0.89294081845100004,
+    0.90498155226699994,
+    0.91781500438800001,
+    0.93111410315300003,
+    0.94545406555199996,
+    0.95838819225799998,
+    0.96877608392100001,
+    0.98476526685599997,
+    1.0010342642000001,
+    1.0119849276699999,
+    1.03464783319,
+    1.05455213715,
+    1.0711504321800001,
+    1.08010453195,
+    1.1004877825999999,
+    1.10818262538,
+    1.1246761488799999,
+    1.13470825936,
+    1.14750678231,
+    1.1632448283100001,
+    1.18449169262,
+    1.2011657527599999,
+    1.2152811055699999,
+    1.2364506326,
+    1.24964319272,
+    1.2661037937899999,
+    1.2785791013300001,
+    1.2962377117699999,
+    1.3138558072099999,
+    1.3362693854300001,
+    1.34951663893,
+    1.3637686600700001,
+    1.37717976853,
+    1.3942209300999999,
+    1.4185816293,
+    1.43866597309,
+    1.45276157482,
+    1.48127714521,
+    1.5023296186499999,
+    1.52673585641,
+    1.5503318122600001,
+    1.5888091586999999,
+    1.6062719352799999,
+    1.6295964377400001,
+    1.6612388523299999,
+    1.6812256221899999,
+    1.70508917316,
+    1.72112188896,
+    1.74686294045,
+    1.7609156044800001,
+    1.7888509017400001,
+    1.8132839677799999,
+    1.8432731273,
+    1.8705117570000001,
+    1.89982085224,
+    1.9362197326199999,
+    1.96069015259,
+    1.9880007387600001,
+    2.0201535914000002,
+    2.0573265057399999,
+    2.0987964366999998,
+    2.13211771373,
+    2.1622274845799998,
+    2.1903685766800001,
+    2.22533347206,
+    2.26089786499,
+    2.3105003291199999,
+    2.33786317109,
+    2.37516129651,
+    2.4193923972300002,
+    2.4579148222399998,
+    2.5029183158800001,
+    2.53381912593,
+    2.5677307283899999,
+    2.6162502017999998,
+    2.6750579269800001,
+    2.7203789138199999,
+    2.7458139153899999,
+    2.8254724574300001,
+    2.8565396273200001,
+    2.9040559269499999,
+    2.9651085310499998,
+    3.0196812095999999,
+    3.0843657504699999,
+    3.1558869808600001,
+    3.2223894339400001,
+    3.2603729802400001,
+    3.3614620894799998,
+    3.4362647479800001,
+    3.53920130259,
+    3.5756943688499998,
+    3.64101261846,
+    3.7233677998300001,
+    3.8016940916299999,
+    3.9106972227400001,
+    3.9990351336300001,
+    4.0897762814999998,
+    4.1774051907800001,
+    4.2798115401099999,
+    4.3711459042799996,
+    4.4838086749199997,
+    4.5942578656300004,
+    4.69725646861,
+    4.8356147641699998,
+    4.9568908200199999,
+    5.0559387430399996,
+    5.1307907403700002,
+    5.29064241813,
+    5.4495402731300002,
+    5.5692069479899997,
+    5.8023798879999999,
+    5.9217137438199998,
+    6.1545111640699997,
+    6.2686946022500001,
+    6.4619248209700002,
+    6.6102067457500002,
+    6.8760747683199996,
+    7.1590374621899997,
+    7.31422994403,
+    7.6196963320300002,
+    7.9330981866299997,
+    8.3005559691100004,
+    8.5080589881200002,
+    8.9030525835399992,
+    9.3843270585099994,
+    9.88649146809,
+    10.279354769599999,
+    10.603107312100001,
+    11.1118716186,
+    11.4784714402,
+    12.035536117199999,
+    12.847959552400001,
+    13.415735074900001,
+    14.1791106731,
+    15.0355747631,
+    16.9356357166,
+    17.805067612999999,
+    19.342641049299999,
+    21.009071134500001,
+    23.1764543914,
+    25.379614414799999,
+    27.885782949300001,
+    29.619482312399999,
+    33.254904224999997,
+    36.867160964200004,
+    40.4774911481,
+    50.2787838733,
+    62.180321216899998,
+    80.798575822199993,
+    94.584243390899999,
+    131.07441246799999,
+    532.11553542800004,
+    0.0,
+    0.066750493128400007,
+    0.10229228903,
+    0.14064849221799999,
+    0.16816604212,
+    0.185917820027,
+    0.21145207109799999,
+    0.22637409875299999,
+    0.23827441847700001,
+    0.25325002214100001,
+    0.282002121386,
+    0.29459754431500002,
+    0.309921025947,
+    0.32256024829399998,
+    0.33607649321799998,
+    0.35308583886400002,
+    0.366974488228,
+    0.38834215578600001,
+    0.407453141593,
+    0.42152609543199998,
+    0.44240079751299999,
+    0.45519187153599999,
+    0.46297707882400002,
+    0.47982221228700001,
+    0.49667630123599998,
+    0.508498258634,
+    0.51689250307900003,
+    0.53635170713299996,
+    0.55035959890200004,
+    0.56783201126299998,
+    0.58585694882899997,
+    0.59530161133699999,
+    0.60864863465700003,
+    0.61872677583699998,
+    0.63314266869000002,
+    0.64227626695200002,
+    0.66366778123400005,
+    0.67270302950299998,
+    0.68420389566899997,
+    0.69282668375900003,
+    0.70143224682899996,
+    0.71443579991700001,
+    0.72615598912400003,
+    0.73642045277699997,
+    0.74797476862599999,
+    0.75717018072300002,
+    0.76798353829599997,
+    0.77486375038599997,
+    0.79414765885500005,
+    0.80854204945800001,
+    0.82112865231700005,
+    0.83235531435499999,
+    0.84902111566299998,
+    0.85542717883200003,
+    0.85897397230799999,
+    0.87704088496099997,
+    0.89151271520300002,
+    0.90700102609599997,
+    0.920719450271,
+    0.92891160690200003,
+    0.938857619857,
+    0.94825684266300003,
+    0.95986000285999995,
+    0.96960811962399995,
+    0.989941122374,
+    1.00360008757,
+    1.02107596077,
+    1.03643638202,
+    1.0502377328700001,
+    1.0717680324100001,
+    1.0865864964900001,
+    1.0954103929900001,
+    1.10647648545,
+    1.11919554073,
+    1.1348944810799999,
+    1.1478893503600001,
+    1.1583683144100001,
+    1.17725367471,
+    1.1977476949200001,
+    1.2115494448899999,
+    1.2227006682499999,
+    1.23641648061,
+    1.2453807854500001,
+    1.2593987794899999,
+    1.26998244399,
+    1.2869142286699999,
+    1.30049557207,
+    1.31446944898,
+    1.3295110779099999,
+    1.3446024810899999,
+    1.3719517782999999,
+    1.3907558123199999,
+    1.40705250973,
+    1.4264556633200001,
+    1.4396767485499999,
+    1.46991083644,
+    1.4987499147300001,
+    1.51363764814,
+    1.5369634294400001,
+    1.55497159429,
+    1.58019513401,
+    1.58671558905,
+    1.6122642631099999,
+    1.6513557926,
+    1.68400062899,
+    1.7089437540000001,
+    1.72753924255,
+    1.7453552720800001,
+    1.7758454361,
+    1.7994335997999999,
+    1.82770292952,
+    1.84731671466,
+    1.8985423459799999,
+    1.9145465641699999,
+    1.9448048626000001,
+    1.9916997561000001,
+    2.0178550764300001,
+    2.0361698775099999,
+    2.0577739526799999,
+    2.0831203668899998,
+    2.1103632127899998,
+    2.1537354568799998,
+    2.1788561526999999,
+    2.2045213341899998,
+    2.2224788538400002,
+    2.2635629295799999,
+    2.3165276562799999,
+    2.34821085414,
+    2.3981207218199998,
+    2.4198916383700002,
+    2.4597388271499998,
+    2.5017065354999999,
+    2.56256913084,
+    2.60073239413,
+    2.6306494736500001,
+    2.6860626220700001,
+    2.7343736190899999,
+    2.8116594856499999,
+    2.8637335040699998,
+    2.9264728333900001,
+    2.9955476839699999,
+    3.05285386085,
+    3.1356878770200001,
+    3.2072182033300001,
+    3.26764142152,
+    3.3485823077900001,
+    3.4312097504199999,
+    3.4816563758900001,
+    3.5584231314100001,
+    3.6375811375099998,
+    3.7335599506700001,
+    3.8014008857100001,
+    3.8705553019300001,
+    3.9806979118000001,
+    4.0971698101299996,
+    4.1749168167999997,
+    4.3083366103599996,
+    4.38165849577,
+    4.5310804208600004,
+    4.6613092856899998,
+    4.7803056653900002,
+    4.9095209439899996,
+    5.0546229367600004,
+    5.2110820221100003,
+    5.3463510691199998,
+    5.52429734599,
+    5.6756130707899999,
+    5.9685799046800003,
+    6.1860199186999996,
+    6.3195153450500001,
+    6.6566660244499998,
+    6.9673972764899998,
+    7.26908683037,
+    7.6488825007600001,
+    7.8611350773700002,
+    8.2320652147600004,
+    8.4210908255200003,
+    8.9496041073600008,
+    9.5584199425000005,
+    10.1439245514,
+    10.6423118073,
+    11.0791716855,
+    11.838823182500001,
+    12.7106408238,
+    14.1580993885,
+    15.148907718,
+    15.904843132,
+    17.434395016500002,
+    18.518727628800001,
+    20.121463138599999,
+    22.7076019362,
+    24.3760430058,
+    27.247058263300001,
+    30.661631466599999,
+    33.079547519400002,
+    39.127879890599999,
+    48.943565214800003,
+    59.4575606151,
+    91.335874697400001,
+    141.45432793200001,
+    411.661489776,
+    0.0,
+    0.069952231864699996,
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+    0.146010270449,
+    0.16359155444599999,
+    0.178864568833,
+    0.19599840432599999,
+    0.21261593381499999,
+    0.22711972642700001,
+    0.243111674684,
+    0.25767461785399998,
+    0.27180823360799999,
+    0.28563106170000002,
+    0.30065227522400001,
+    0.31466033367599999,
+    0.32740274431499999,
+    0.34144162964000002,
+    0.35392977821499999,
+    0.36739586603699997,
+    0.37668601825699999,
+    0.38997906091099999,
+    0.40341912954199999,
+    0.416373727157,
+    0.426895908682,
+    0.43977830899800002,
+    0.45258671966300001,
+    0.466514605217,
+    0.477389064152,
+    0.48977333283500002,
+    0.50163197604999998,
+    0.51199626571900003,
+    0.52444304417700005,
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+    0.54517617178599997,
+    0.556723976482,
+    0.56923743022399997,
+    0.58148013003300003,
+    0.59338244193300005,
+    0.60349023988499995,
+    0.61844448197599999,
+    0.63082462731599998,
+    0.64077938591500005,
+    0.65387489192500003,
+    0.66469357132100004,
+    0.67819373925399995,
+    0.68727074573400004,
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+    0.71043795726600001,
+    0.71961915177299995,
+    0.72969713364300004,
+    0.74107602282600005,
+    0.75606721670699994,
+    0.76643518425500001,
+    0.77845497049099999,
+    0.78839543992500005,
+    0.80132022172700001,
+    0.81246877456,
+    0.82543482006900004,
+    0.835142423425,
+    0.84674802068300004,
+    0.85967143818799996,
+    0.87125300477599998,
+    0.88408451673499999,
+    0.89664194416599996,
+    0.91062205430599996,
+    0.92119895144599995,
+    0.93242997074199996,
+    0.94571219445300003,
+    0.96041450364400005,
+    0.97224013435699996,
+    0.98495533130900004,
+    0.99919196810900002,
+    1.0129236124100001,
+    1.02562802722,
+    1.0390578098300001,
+    1.05327349462,
+    1.06699289985,
+    1.08003878786,
+    1.0911503311699999,
+    1.10287478431,
+    1.11752324595,
+    1.1314149261899999,
+    1.1474113539199999,
+    1.1623424598800001,
+    1.1809099334199999,
+    1.19698636893,
+    1.21181796755,
+    1.22544671282,
+    1.24244196167,
+    1.25768137753,
+    1.2753336486,
+    1.29073541071,
+    1.3028499501799999,
+    1.3187969502100001,
+    1.33382177937,
+    1.35329432786,
+    1.3654396608399999,
+    1.3831852898699999,
+    1.4053731868899999,
+    1.4244601671899999,
+    1.4458595538900001,
+    1.4624828517299999,
+    1.48424757851,
+    1.50258889287,
+    1.5267644454,
+    1.54442727619,
+    1.56845111196,
+    1.5867698647199999,
+    1.60842558029,
+    1.6313088751,
+    1.6534369558899999,
+    1.6753389600899999,
+    1.69620207473,
+    1.7204189063699999,
+    1.7419530680599999,
+    1.76805842778,
+    1.7922030172000001,
+    1.8188034212699999,
+    1.85148643519,
+    1.8773786266000001,
+    1.90256305862,
+    1.9386203775399999,
+    1.9687813707199999,
+    1.9981566611499999,
+    2.0245303042499998,
+    2.0584208427499999,
+    2.0946946719900001,
+    2.1348120365500001,
+    2.1791471443199999,
+    2.2224520832399999,
+    2.2595687931800001,
+    2.3106923875200001,
+    2.3553963857400002,
+    2.3983286546599998,
+    2.4436515071799998,
+    2.4865189620699999,
+    2.5405446707500001,
+    2.59421388661,
+    2.64091695706,
+    2.6996385735900001,
+    2.7473734419100002,
+    2.8035977565799999,
+    2.8535299568900001,
+    2.91542786179,
+    2.9893281334399999,
+    3.0516305485699999,
+    3.1163028661999999,
+    3.1947678399299999,
+    3.2663049222699998,
+    3.3339853805400002,
+    3.40237096205,
+    3.4768322926400002,
+    3.5806851899900001,
+    3.6801840510099999,
+    3.7872722453700001,
+    3.8916915748699998,
+    3.9917050980400002,
+    4.0940578914500003,
+    4.19602458524,
+    4.3323371208100001,
+    4.4338250448399998,
+    4.5732353526800003,
+    4.7071896650899996,
+    4.8371637819700002,
+    4.9861306159599996,
+    5.1247005951200002,
+    5.2989900989100001,
+    5.4331191858299999,
+    5.5988276453600001,
+    5.8197641223699996,
+    6.0307234869500004,
+    6.2629671258800004,
+    6.4723292924600004,
+    6.73373305351,
+    7.0011281823499996,
+    7.2896172889599997,
+    7.6282663585300003,
+    7.9822597848400001,
+    8.4459703825899997,
+    8.8384469969099992,
+    9.2101115074000006,
+    9.73610634934,
+    10.3512776241,
+    10.917239822399999,
+    11.6235706159,
+    12.2958078571,
+    12.939563854899999,
+    14.2324201348,
+    15.485703747200001,
+    16.9857809226,
+    18.432059703,
+    20.321399149499999,
+    22.561711453099999,
+    25.531954585200001,
+    29.543395520299999,
+    34.331229479900003,
+    42.111056517599998,
+    54.231741921900003,
+    88.569928594700002,
+    402.90323270200003,
+    0.0,
+    0.063832780404899994,
+    0.097778217097499995,
+    0.12370909607,
+    0.150339924072,
+    0.16482266304000001,
+    0.17990570626399999,
+    0.190646713912,
+    0.20163809948600001,
+    0.216830757348,
+    0.22812951506500001,
+    0.24021891326399999,
+    0.25541866841600003,
+    0.269018368043,
+    0.28049226030899999,
+    0.29164957411100001,
+    0.30229091825999999,
+    0.31343659256900003,
+    0.327727185596,
+    0.33950733116499998,
+    0.35546334505900001,
+    0.36812325794200002,
+    0.38133767715299999,
+    0.394597620963,
+    0.404978263841,
+    0.41815375781000003,
+    0.42864653293400001,
+    0.444894300819,
+    0.454376903331,
+    0.46341028375999999,
+    0.47599157488299998,
+    0.48560628028199998,
+    0.49777311032799998,
+    0.508833944353,
+    0.52141721957599996,
+    0.53079993862899999,
+    0.54083525487700002,
+    0.55116155918099996,
+    0.56028981112599996,
+    0.571200303066,
+    0.58044683485600002,
+    0.58839931947599999,
+    0.59900193670599999,
+    0.60844513668900002,
+    0.61984074999700001,
+    0.630706376051,
+    0.64055060618699999,
+    0.65022883648700003,
+    0.65969805240099999,
+    0.67173860230299998,
+    0.683039145269,
+    0.69151743825699996,
+    0.70492328902000001,
+    0.71497674644599996,
+    0.72455754197800004,
+    0.73626892393499999,
+    0.74666068393600005,
+    0.75711837954399996,
+    0.76917986479,
+    0.78031391817899998,
+    0.79003646883199996,
+    0.80178135233600001,
+    0.81294330929500003,
+    0.82479240642999996,
+    0.83793294590599998,
+    0.84856051750299999,
+    0.857727050288,
+    0.867523080562,
+    0.87989898293299995,
+    0.88810730552100003,
+    0.89899588869799996,
+    0.90918788036700005,
+    0.92161182284099996,
+    0.93310880618299996,
+    0.94666983786799996,
+    0.95950586438800001,
+    0.96954717752200004,
+    0.98183054360800004,
+    0.99327109762300003,
+    1.0071871810099999,
+    1.0199396023,
+    1.0299591745400001,
+    1.0433590956800001,
+    1.0579526586200001,
+    1.0722037652,
+    1.0856825564000001,
+    1.10062275455,
+    1.11366547931,
+    1.12553109294,
+    1.1369984132099999,
+    1.1497029036699999,
+    1.16306292312,
+    1.17522255584,
+    1.1892082610600001,
+    1.2041212236300001,
+    1.22190050707,
+    1.2347118934600001,
+    1.2504314859500001,
+    1.2629302579599999,
+    1.2791680786099999,
+    1.29405735901,
+    1.3107720617700001,
+    1.32643387797,
+    1.3415152129300001,
+    1.3620274129300001,
+    1.3823476697499999,
+    1.40444011877,
+    1.42173569526,
+    1.4364703857500001,
+    1.45484612731,
+    1.47972134044,
+    1.49655634371,
+    1.5141380044499999,
+    1.53379025535,
+    1.5555036580899999,
+    1.5714663036600001,
+    1.59647294538,
+    1.6138151759899999,
+    1.6380127097199999,
+    1.6594163419300001,
+    1.6820072233800001,
+    1.7019879011500001,
+    1.7246555912899999,
+    1.75616951171,
+    1.7809849497500001,
+    1.8095401046899999,
+    1.83533696471,
+    1.8573176551099999,
+    1.88542875324,
+    1.92090178934,
+    1.9505618811500001,
+    1.9774596313099999,
+    2.0068544301600002,
+    2.0350921018900001,
+    2.0643959097,
+    2.1062800026400001,
+    2.1347376230699999,
+    2.1742676793900002,
+    2.2104098855299998,
+    2.2514941680099998,
+    2.2912348247100001,
+    2.3349554164100002,
+    2.3796253970099999,
+    2.41766195211,
+    2.4815347228200002,
+    2.5296861327400002,
+    2.57523096673,
+    2.6414826618,
+    2.6880090127099998,
+    2.7379395286100001,
+    2.7971131333199999,
+    2.8454615301600001,
+    2.9012187913899998,
+    2.9675790254000001,
+    3.04978866032,
+    3.12354871979,
+    3.2117080755199998,
+    3.3031992991200001,
+    3.3786495999400001,
+    3.4622786505200001,
+    3.5341733641599999,
+    3.5975451787299999,
+    3.7026608369999998,
+    3.82558431557,
+    3.9485708722999999,
+    4.0749917626799999,
+    4.2182278466299996,
+    4.3815530054699998,
+    4.5579379614200004,
+    4.7079073862299996,
+    4.8861754887000002,
+    5.0662849643500003,
+    5.2496674690900003,
+    5.4708584275999996,
+    5.6873944276300001,
+    5.9465154086899998,
+    6.10841977807,
+    6.32522045284,
+    6.6457452149499998,
+    6.8963618663700004,
+    7.1600629694100002,
+    7.4849075540900003,
+    7.8078159674899998,
+    8.1135987260599993,
+    8.6434490614699993,
+    9.3138777741999998,
+    9.9096943796500003,
+    10.5413045729,
+    11.158948712999999,
+    11.999104899500001,
+    12.8985733307,
+    13.9490047253,
+    15.518092394,
+    17.033131729600001,
+    18.432082803299998,
+    20.708613102099999,
+    23.123985660399999,
+    27.884421759599999,
+    36.561019225000003,
+    61.076641297099997,
+    468.04625970900003,
+    0.0,
+    0.067076529355799996,
+    0.097824586424400006,
+    0.12058047219699999,
+    0.135066352689,
+    0.15703805450399999,
+    0.16865220856099999,
+    0.18272153189500001,
+    0.19456107267299999,
+    0.20905544303500001,
+    0.22429021016199999,
+    0.23682684978499999,
+    0.24961005214199999,
+    0.26225295033399998,
+    0.27282432554800001,
+    0.283602099439,
+    0.29623312604699997,
+    0.30840842319700001,
+    0.31645548412699998,
+    0.33143452632300002,
+    0.343712260145,
+    0.35341928343099999,
+    0.36635377466399999,
+    0.37717670892999999,
+    0.39032523504299999,
+    0.40013045900700001,
+    0.41162395957300002,
+    0.42423155816699998,
+    0.43186283101,
+    0.44215015996599999,
+    0.45428937582200002,
+    0.46224971743999999,
+    0.47594444504299999,
+    0.48807023390400001,
+    0.49693964716900002,
+    0.51019137347099996,
+    0.52165237357899996,
+    0.53174150971800005,
+    0.54256492119300004,
+    0.55515020156399997,
+    0.56325486596700003,
+    0.57178372078899997,
+    0.57891384744999996,
+    0.58826455880299999,
+    0.59910449639800001,
+    0.60935191848000003,
+    0.61881052080400001,
+    0.62702569041300005,
+    0.63798126176500003,
+    0.64999626073299999,
+    0.66409842520700002,
+    0.67206511322700002,
+    0.68117655017099998,
+    0.69235691936599997,
+    0.70629027472700001,
+    0.71718753920199996,
+    0.72825030830899995,
+    0.73958277894699997,
+    0.74721313986399995,
+    0.75951044739999996,
+    0.77054717878099999,
+    0.78033716992000002,
+    0.791657009508,
+    0.80069783012999995,
+    0.81151864388700001,
+    0.82257967604500004,
+    0.83376565960100002,
+    0.84367481175100001,
+    0.85373445615999999,
+    0.86281664475599995,
+    0.87277267299399997,
+    0.88522150941099997,
+    0.895112829577,
+    0.90741716188900001,
+    0.91619554643300005,
+    0.92601655850499998,
+    0.93734361345600004,
+    0.94620041333000005,
+    0.95712672909899998,
+    0.96744573225499997,
+    0.98318977108299999,
+    0.99187947130599996,
+    1.00505446816,
+    1.0135141032699999,
+    1.02598410227,
+    1.0352951482399999,
+    1.0473143060900001,
+    1.0610104522899999,
+    1.07557548922,
+    1.0886540525699999,
+    1.1030302993000001,
+    1.1222000890499999,
+    1.1397653729499999,
+    1.15430437835,
+    1.1696993848599999,
+    1.1869488960800001,
+    1.20122564741,
+    1.2141587142000001,
+    1.2257708751700001,
+    1.2411522805399999,
+    1.2560045466400001,
+    1.27446251035,
+    1.2841952131300001,
+    1.2982208578200001,
+    1.3182157576,
+    1.3298159782600001,
+    1.3424136029,
+    1.3604328317200001,
+    1.3767068167600001,
+    1.39749108045,
+    1.4148267830400001,
+    1.43982412632,
+    1.45450195158,
+    1.47070553463,
+    1.4842104270200001,
+    1.5036094415600001,
+    1.5196111004899999,
+    1.5427837280000001,
+    1.56874118822,
+    1.59012806749,
+    1.6156339281200001,
+    1.6415259814800001,
+    1.6627342303899999,
+    1.68678597138,
+    1.7123700775899999,
+    1.7355941341300001,
+    1.7575287234700001,
+    1.77549370303,
+    1.8023242212999999,
+    1.8306364744700001,
+    1.86843117775,
+    1.89616140233,
+    1.92693168508,
+    1.94653908551,
+    1.9674301249699999,
+    2.0023775987399999,
+    2.0410970809600002,
+    2.0712419181500001,
+    2.1001298794399998,
+    2.1435551353000002,
+    2.18745519946,
+    2.2407411531300001,
+    2.2877176484300001,
+    2.3482386991299999,
+    2.3878544206000001,
+    2.4256485211599998,
+    2.4689746994299999,
+    2.54115707404,
+    2.6060044637200002,
+    2.6471446480799998,
+    2.7082778846300002,
+    2.7625848318599999,
+    2.8217618519399998,
+    2.8730281955899999,
+    2.94944935405,
+    2.9984511177900002,
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+    3.1477109402800001,
+    3.2264457052400002,
+    3.3135370713699999,
+    3.3913116560900001,
+    3.46766561982,
+    3.5469306652600001,
+    3.6270133483599998,
+    3.7196516111200002,
+    3.8300128499600001,
+    3.9706856961599999,
+    4.0624593885399998,
+    4.16862605645,
+    4.32355081595,
+    4.4582130280000003,
+    4.5901068198399999,
+    4.7253251831799998,
+    4.8713623347399997,
+    5.0670691161099999,
+    5.2375849693000003,
+    5.3887073546400002,
+    5.6495635870200003,
+    5.8884178613599998,
+    6.1407571599699997,
+    6.3858608976199998,
+    6.6661948102800004,
+    7.0439049067599999,
+    7.3559915120800001,
+    7.73009363221,
+    8.2262361691900008,
+    8.8019442355600006,
+    9.2680434525499997,
+    9.7743200198599993,
+    10.6920252267,
+    11.3785733059,
+    12.170137853,
+    13.036613519199999,
+    14.486048819000001,
+    16.028067222499999,
+    17.977721620600001,
+    20.963719555200001,
+    25.110074835700001,
+    32.315204575999999,
+    51.776266767099997,
+    108.063764331,
+    0.0,
+    0.074209559522700003,
+    0.108008052641,
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+    0.145696860505,
+    0.15949782790200001,
+    0.17030767784699999,
+    0.181856162219,
+    0.194359775116,
+    0.206545451204,
+    0.216886655718,
+    0.227597454714,
+    0.239520822277,
+    0.24975972163499999,
+    0.26174800391699998,
+    0.27515156150300002,
+    0.28928260960800001,
+    0.30056007218699998,
+    0.31177038148300001,
+    0.32223273686999998,
+    0.33233709398299999,
+    0.34226863585799999,
+    0.35054033371600002,
+    0.36272022538900001,
+    0.37265758299599999,
+    0.38450845354800001,
+    0.392952528902,
+    0.40280374789700002,
+    0.41239163517100003,
+    0.42225057636800001,
+    0.43390677896199997,
+    0.44589553585300001,
+    0.456357880291,
+    0.46605928183400003,
+    0.47533877800199997,
+    0.485109944056,
+    0.49754601794199999,
+    0.50792030114300002,
+    0.51923692407099997,
+    0.52864927728800004,
+    0.53777407420400003,
+    0.54790751383199998,
+    0.55673983995999998,
+    0.56698607143699997,
+    0.57670367642800002,
+    0.58667471005899996,
+    0.596751819495,
+    0.60570130209100004,
+    0.61498993393199997,
+    0.62532916186599996,
+    0.63421809777399996,
+    0.643945582415,
+    0.652131236,
+    0.66037342159400003,
+    0.66984241853199999,
+    0.68013004284099998,
+    0.68891506562500004,
+    0.69795858717600001,
+    0.70724072355500001,
+    0.71773910407499997,
+    0.72600456224599996,
+    0.73529066837299994,
+    0.74465581544199999,
+    0.75311728489600005,
+    0.76285052475299997,
+    0.77230557399699995,
+    0.78194921514500004,
+    0.79213459741699999,
+    0.80258535964699995,
+    0.81396443458699996,
+    0.82267338024400005,
+    0.83206771620599995,
+    0.83984893131100002,
+    0.85244698240700001,
+    0.860212067124,
+    0.87121284808199995,
+    0.88206426743400002,
+    0.893602624377,
+    0.90550090295300001,
+    0.91868520951400001,
+    0.92977380346299998,
+    0.94206318246999998,
+    0.95246633238900003,
+    0.96670282891199999,
+    0.97605982209599995,
+    0.98559747736000003,
+    0.99585577432700001,
+    1.00707064259,
+    1.01710690075,
+    1.02898182166,
+    1.04428034784,
+    1.0538694818500001,
+    1.06500309695,
+    1.0756346263800001,
+    1.08768054822,
+    1.0986564112699999,
+    1.11056517658,
+    1.1222492032,
+    1.13556072341,
+    1.1472841566,
+    1.16118311944,
+    1.17259765348,
+    1.1861421571199999,
+    1.1985894798400001,
+    1.20980222263,
+    1.2233664048399999,
+    1.2385002300500001,
+    1.2516226459299999,
+    1.2669008712400001,
+    1.2794959423800001,
+    1.2958611531299999,
+    1.31116706463,
+    1.32857407312,
+    1.34365731571,
+    1.35879876289,
+    1.3767427480700001,
+    1.3927745273200001,
+    1.41141387435,
+    1.4296441628400001,
+    1.4469934928999999,
+    1.46603314043,
+    1.4837471764900001,
+    1.5016602720400001,
+    1.51855715617,
+    1.5372635274499999,
+    1.55585749083,
+    1.5776110083899999,
+    1.59566951462,
+    1.62476079488,
+    1.6471928626000001,
+    1.6678247338300001,
+    1.6864094001200001,
+    1.7115934443700001,
+    1.7389659531499999,
+    1.76721239977,
+    1.78849994105,
+    1.81312786502,
+    1.8365295582100001,
+    1.8646738456900001,
+    1.8978807795199999,
+    1.9240405234,
+    1.9549490789899999,
+    1.98972377392,
+    2.0200230888899999,
+    2.0589141742399999,
+    2.10302415543,
+    2.14058485254,
+    2.1818536127199999,
+    2.2299519963300001,
+    2.2712959938699999,
+    2.3135445986500001,
+    2.3566542270399999,
+    2.3959056922599999,
+    2.4446333513399998,
+    2.4952439185199999,
+    2.5492654399200001,
+    2.6106037504100001,
+    2.6602865229799999,
+    2.7105208912299998,
+    2.7745671455899998,
+    2.8333797499900002,
+    2.9008461857499999,
+    2.96494326499,
+    3.0289889630300002,
+    3.10234506861,
+    3.1725169557099999,
+    3.2548023935399999,
+    3.3312575634499999,
+    3.41501385226,
+    3.5077691502100001,
+    3.6109139158899999,
+    3.70736489466,
+    3.8078795299400001,
+    3.9399935880500001,
+    4.0729162849399998,
+    4.1754315477999997,
+    4.32871701963,
+    4.4670420558400004,
+    4.6172360869400002,
+    4.7801353008799996,
+    4.9685158392900002,
+    5.1787521224099997,
+    5.3659561809799996,
+    5.5579867362700002,
+    5.80647069765,
+    6.0770936171800001,
+    6.3474439077599998,
+    6.62582338065,
+    6.9727248909400004,
+    7.3991913842899999,
+    7.8834449215399998,
+    8.5166144845100007,
+    9.2030546325000007,
+    9.88020733826,
+    10.866036106699999,
+    12.0758777085,
+    14.18128042,
+    16.712052750600002,
+    20.430876708300001,
+    27.2913398323,
+    198.831343334,
+    0.0,
+    0.069244384700200001,
+    0.088432101515100003,
+    0.10716305206,
+    0.12503845091900001,
+    0.140404065533,
+    0.15732758095900001,
+    0.17026163426999999,
+    0.181554153262,
+    0.19229104097999999,
+    0.20063488720700001,
+    0.20918075219000001,
+    0.22448851398700001,
+    0.23329259600999999,
+    0.243417838223,
+    0.25098683398999999,
+    0.26086665715599999,
+    0.26722012921400001,
+    0.27447102517700001,
+    0.28549280903099999,
+    0.29370514330199998,
+    0.30435794709199998,
+    0.31171401890299999,
+    0.32079725821600003,
+    0.33073290586199999,
+    0.340392028515,
+    0.35038726600499998,
+    0.35811690266399998,
+    0.36447411653700001,
+    0.37185544116399999,
+    0.381082348721,
+    0.390780214455,
+    0.39830952785200002,
+    0.40748168602500001,
+    0.41488373765499997,
+    0.42543510561100001,
+    0.43158160961199998,
+    0.44002625662900002,
+    0.44926347686599999,
+    0.45776432919799998,
+    0.468022411503,
+    0.47664440380200002,
+    0.48258490950499999,
+    0.48896171374500003,
+    0.496491820137,
+    0.50698509859999996,
+    0.51452015906199999,
+    0.52068937139100002,
+    0.52946408477100004,
+    0.53880448153799998,
+    0.548801791313,
+    0.555995027759,
+    0.56369511933200001,
+    0.57026213611200005,
+    0.57917412801400003,
+    0.58903117523000004,
+    0.59960305490099997,
+    0.60673607228299997,
+    0.61394249280099999,
+    0.62335872512500001,
+    0.62950473092000003,
+    0.63564906077100003,
+    0.64370653836500002,
+    0.65068290176499999,
+    0.65692425783200004,
+    0.66660140937199996,
+    0.67467287438699997,
+    0.68340267482299999,
+    0.69234704669500002,
+    0.70022548729900003,
+    0.70878108772100001,
+    0.71517132508000003,
+    0.72483344563800001,
+    0.73510369684400001,
+    0.74464179844099998,
+    0.75114169742299997,
+    0.75948786098200005,
+    0.76927896632399995,
+    0.780181603981,
+    0.79038397953499995,
+    0.79658809158499999,
+    0.80565180419899995,
+    0.81340080992999997,
+    0.82502676166900002,
+    0.83237961296700003,
+    0.84110268556400003,
+    0.85232968998699998,
+    0.86273446105600005,
+    0.87069963084699997,
+    0.88137854582999997,
+    0.89128913714400004,
+    0.90061058757400003,
+    0.90609412190700001,
+    0.91504032505999999,
+    0.92415693050900005,
+    0.93648983181699996,
+    0.94349116139300004,
+    0.95300702282700001,
+    0.96521719153999996,
+    0.97733292798399996,
+    0.98974230043699996,
+    1.0028012640199999,
+    1.01236890773,
+    1.0253034214500001,
+    1.0345343165800001,
+    1.0429324387700001,
+    1.0534672371,
+    1.06628868009,
+    1.07468795352,
+    1.08633326882,
+    1.09933424957,
+    1.1068518163600001,
+    1.12106242894,
+    1.13430375102,
+    1.1497669909499999,
+    1.16355554605,
+    1.1741333470999999,
+    1.1865602471200001,
+    1.19552264974,
+    1.20964466299,
+    1.2206552660600001,
+    1.2334735428900001,
+    1.2446193507100001,
+    1.26228052188,
+    1.2733668809500001,
+    1.2862487980799999,
+    1.29915564596,
+    1.31311637923,
+    1.3325804596099999,
+    1.34251302023,
+    1.3591003659500001,
+    1.377169549,
+    1.3924811167,
+    1.40750771045,
+    1.4232614989300001,
+    1.4396669344899999,
+    1.4651287187599999,
+    1.4899491085200001,
+    1.50816578923,
+    1.5249813512099999,
+    1.5484316629499999,
+    1.56552035633,
+    1.58626075727,
+    1.60321824898,
+    1.6254795315799999,
+    1.64592427713,
+    1.6680292001699999,
+    1.6929771865600001,
+    1.71641044875,
+    1.73825985627,
+    1.7655221754799999,
+    1.7903694698399999,
+    1.8124234588000001,
+    1.83919765728,
+    1.86770929471,
+    1.9001015000199999,
+    1.9321267789500001,
+    1.95584199638,
+    1.99690811411,
+    2.0217444230499999,
+    2.05376297292,
+    2.0929451083099999,
+    2.12301731176,
+    2.1526232798299998,
+    2.19298807375,
+    2.2255018723100002,
+    2.2689246505599998,
+    2.3179026897699999,
+    2.3644121098699999,
+    2.4221039841300001,
+    2.4838688069799999,
+    2.53466998697,
+    2.6042919607999999,
+    2.6812450073999998,
+    2.7654172146999998,
+    2.8309204248399999,
+    2.9094078948100002,
+    2.9876772553499999,
+    3.0748530970700001,
+    3.1622064731699999,
+    3.24147451246,
+    3.32558384886,
+    3.4422202342600001,
+    3.5775338240400001,
+    3.7141610497599999,
+    3.87173250803,
+    4.0663966875900002,
+    4.29308118297,
+    4.4781034155099997,
+    4.7041054642700004,
+    5.0488522514199996,
+    5.3311777928700002,
+    5.6656935490200002,
+    6.1539089237400004,
+    6.8843836607600002,
+    7.4347424954000001,
+    8.2978267417500007,
+    9.6243020157500005,
+    11.369168954199999,
+    15.540639672399999,
+    76.1760172643,
+    0.0,
+    0.049706365699999998,
+    0.0666592682662,
+    0.088322065368899999,
+    0.104536859611,
+    0.11923256786399999,
+    0.127291144238,
+    0.13502577832400001,
+    0.140820543469,
+    0.15139945632400001,
+    0.16099717066999999,
+    0.16793664804899999,
+    0.179770597659,
+    0.18534480911599999,
+    0.19437588065,
+    0.20501796081000001,
+    0.21442507195499999,
+    0.223638661722,
+    0.235448046864,
+    0.24069837603999999,
+    0.249796619168,
+    0.2569021037,
+    0.26571241794099998,
+    0.273484835112,
+    0.28264031867099998,
+    0.29203238294299999,
+    0.30128506578199998,
+    0.30890798204499997,
+    0.31400372247300001,
+    0.32085907990500001,
+    0.33018590514200002,
+    0.33434813763600002,
+    0.34099138695100001,
+    0.34839419218399997,
+    0.36043796979300002,
+    0.366921197137,
+    0.374978179395,
+    0.380142953738,
+    0.38497527854699998,
+    0.39412431397300002,
+    0.40294224279800001,
+    0.41036947119900002,
+    0.42097414080500001,
+    0.426696154529,
+    0.43405547629300001,
+    0.438076390323,
+    0.44626941882600002,
+    0.45209988855099997,
+    0.46025667702299999,
+    0.46751534699899999,
+    0.47569740786199999,
+    0.48648925341600002,
+    0.49365845173799999,
+    0.50062076512099996,
+    0.50762099689399998,
+    0.51599561488599999,
+    0.52069070294499997,
+    0.52771734894599998,
+    0.53507770527700005,
+    0.53957262010100004,
+    0.54687563426600005,
+    0.55882733756900005,
+    0.56778279961099998,
+    0.57581367970300001,
+    0.58169558514099995,
+    0.589416835832,
+    0.59799990574399997,
+    0.60309451416000004,
+    0.60776585343300005,
+    0.61113211528400002,
+    0.620751519689,
+    0.63049668177200002,
+    0.64186111209399999,
+    0.649049389792,
+    0.65881032984999999,
+    0.667603399933,
+    0.67500088551600002,
+    0.68058962597299999,
+    0.68475592303099997,
+    0.69020553863599998,
+    0.69297641552300004,
+    0.69919890922799999,
+    0.70692564551500003,
+    0.71223085652100004,
+    0.72213575435900001,
+    0.730079802251,
+    0.73971307206199999,
+    0.74754515744299999,
+    0.75906245692899998,
+    0.76535806436599996,
+    0.768435170424,
+    0.77936645084,
+    0.78371319966099995,
+    0.793548757173,
+    0.79992665980300004,
+    0.80669075308100002,
+    0.813805390164,
+    0.82073219292800004,
+    0.82530292600499999,
+    0.83254418888299997,
+    0.84023227490600005,
+    0.84610269681500005,
+    0.850974506809,
+    0.85604916181199997,
+    0.86800267070000003,
+    0.87548269182500005,
+    0.88170746226899999,
+    0.89168104316600005,
+    0.89886785180600004,
+    0.90941660694899995,
+    0.92091095976000004,
+    0.92713708903799996,
+    0.93255472954399998,
+    0.94075570205600001,
+    0.95405981205900003,
+    0.96338844277799995,
+    0.97402552055400005,
+    0.98526481076200001,
+    0.99808150342699997,
+    1.00881814468,
+    1.0181152037700001,
+    1.02462072395,
+    1.0362614133200001,
+    1.0501057383200001,
+    1.05573829434,
+    1.0663375241399999,
+    1.0815544234900001,
+    1.0920197863400001,
+    1.10280835408,
+    1.1180455459900001,
+    1.1302349147199999,
+    1.14338393376,
+    1.1517784771899999,
+    1.16459044846,
+    1.17843359548,
+    1.1909602731,
+    1.2038564818399999,
+    1.2161138792399999,
+    1.22899884794,
+    1.24167619324,
+    1.25804220029,
+    1.26669854112,
+    1.28319750286,
+    1.29839920006,
+    1.31138545902,
+    1.3222317000599999,
+    1.34185918055,
+    1.3547619368999999,
+    1.3711217067000001,
+    1.3874485756199999,
+    1.4017178245899999,
+    1.4176863825099999,
+    1.43525875504,
+    1.4513358921899999,
+    1.4669285814799999,
+    1.49058059786,
+    1.51243917885,
+    1.5343601628600001,
+    1.5519685841999999,
+    1.5858246281799999,
+    1.6052702545799999,
+    1.6255288476200001,
+    1.645511371,
+    1.67744979518,
+    1.7003145979100001,
+    1.7236176675199999,
+    1.74467645265,
+    1.7809151811699999,
+    1.8104241704099999,
+    1.85100020932,
+    1.8902605480300001,
+    1.9127629589099999,
+    1.94264465956,
+    1.98831619403,
+    2.0462312106199998,
+    2.1088091964400002,
+    2.1589111550700002,
+    2.19880416124,
+    2.2551363689100001,
+    2.32115689321,
+    2.3900112406699998,
+    2.4355086734200002,
+    2.53167527975,
+    2.5574390199299999,
+    2.69075228193,
+    2.80722131929,
+    2.8827815963000001,
+    3.0169724035100001,
+    3.1020365340699998,
+    3.2877647668300001,
+    3.4186314330799998,
+    3.55711527829,
+    3.7777833577900002,
+    4.0940063095600001,
+    4.35113022089,
+    4.7722176832300001,
+    5.4945754250499999,
+    6.0600360065499999,
+    6.7983858917699997,
+    9.1234186672500002,
+    40.009378980599998,
+    0.0,
+    0.067895952064799994,
+    0.084300078749299998,
+    0.095052432169299997,
+    0.102638659398,
+    0.112117784904,
+    0.11826939027900001,
+    0.12549932636300001,
+    0.12979818836900001,
+    0.14651996704600001,
+    0.15100212390600001,
+    0.161663165759,
+    0.16954870848299999,
+    0.177081348221,
+    0.18018558524200001,
+    0.18303580819699999,
+    0.19216015759300001,
+    0.19761816342399999,
+    0.20405892001000001,
+    0.208512677383,
+    0.2121909193,
+    0.219201257102,
+    0.226866968867,
+    0.23794276716900001,
+    0.24987132195699999,
+    0.25465170763400002,
+    0.26099785587800001,
+    0.26730559655899999,
+    0.28331961066,
+    0.29096521670800002,
+    0.29624967979200001,
+    0.29829805930100001,
+    0.30951316035100002,
+    0.31770754811700003,
+    0.32720886553700002,
+    0.33647444911699997,
+    0.34198895204000002,
+    0.35025569471500001,
+    0.35723583674800002,
+    0.36574792956399999,
+    0.37381139126899998,
+    0.38799391889500001,
+    0.39067031169299998,
+    0.39620024782899999,
+    0.40020907354500002,
+    0.406629782376,
+    0.41587001647900002,
+    0.42064605710199998,
+    0.427983894024,
+    0.43880340547500002,
+    0.446223080223,
+    0.450449340882,
+    0.45558651616200002,
+    0.46105934588699998,
+    0.46416526610600001,
+    0.47234232416100003,
+    0.47838800081799998,
+    0.48398364517499998,
+    0.49028214090200001,
+    0.499284532015,
+    0.50451360745100005,
+    0.509733914146,
+    0.51534943972199998,
+    0.51694525305200001,
+    0.52351544417600004,
+    0.52741635274900001,
+    0.53030801158100005,
+    0.54039249319000005,
+    0.543358519993,
+    0.55090831684899999,
+    0.56351528162800002,
+    0.57109497028699996,
+    0.57678495336900004,
+    0.58431894816300001,
+    0.59453107257500004,
+    0.60337885959000004,
+    0.61000337793399995,
+    0.61727383516599998,
+    0.62371645808300002,
+    0.629855469291,
+    0.64046230499599999,
+    0.64338774420900002,
+    0.64928236111199999,
+    0.65253922932700004,
+    0.65630438988100004,
+    0.66542800844200001,
+    0.67245369789099996,
+    0.67689678974900003,
+    0.68490163471400001,
+    0.697879548796,
+    0.70321721042899998,
+    0.70825620560000002,
+    0.71214130965099998,
+    0.71606229576000002,
+    0.72849739743399999,
+    0.72997690491599998,
+    0.73496304621899999,
+    0.74722916204000001,
+    0.75461055645599995,
+    0.76049922669799996,
+    0.76492250952399998,
+    0.77219537422499995,
+    0.77615043430200004,
+    0.78272629883699996,
+    0.78806707738399995,
+    0.803877101727,
+    0.81237050231600005,
+    0.82231101211000002,
+    0.82643891219300003,
+    0.82994343368199996,
+    0.84104036655799996,
+    0.85001450139900003,
+    0.85722719700299999,
+    0.86813520497600005,
+    0.87634807207999998,
+    0.87849406127499996,
+    0.88626760274000005,
+    0.89464524886600005,
+    0.89854680515700003,
+    0.90579336081200001,
+    0.90937836218900003,
+    0.92263809143499997,
+    0.92671709472899999,
+    0.93140291302300005,
+    0.93889838636400003,
+    0.94817473635500005,
+    0.95134624523199995,
+    0.95948566447500006,
+    0.96931430537899999,
+    0.97827519300099997,
+    0.98284090499800003,
+    0.98853660864199999,
+    0.99999303088000002,
+    1.00933104878,
+    1.02227252775,
+    1.0339923686800001,
+    1.03840687036,
+    1.04500879737,
+    1.05122171927,
+    1.06723984471,
+    1.07953686403,
+    1.09113807067,
+    1.10417487551,
+    1.11446546637,
+    1.1254220105599999,
+    1.1353940360999999,
+    1.16144655068,
+    1.1695186521200001,
+    1.1831819617599999,
+    1.2096151764900001,
+    1.2368935164299999,
+    1.2456266675500001,
+    1.25296303964,
+    1.26564891435,
+    1.2701959942000001,
+    1.28466851306,
+    1.29873724956,
+    1.31966389347,
+    1.3313272542500001,
+    1.34786430325,
+    1.3621826611400001,
+    1.3720433831700001,
+    1.3971090305,
+    1.4043458957999999,
+    1.4238434153299999,
+    1.4590867995000001,
+    1.4854743821,
+    1.5153253015599999,
+    1.54813838085,
+    1.57329724758,
+    1.6116532666100001,
+    1.62277970085,
+    1.63219947245,
+    1.6666665269000001,
+    1.73127681763,
+    1.7492774307700001,
+    1.80557771894,
+    1.8267234865099999,
+    1.88934211181,
+    1.9203963709,
+    1.99466093314,
+    2.0230718376899999,
+    2.0628543274000002,
+    2.1367073224899999,
+    2.1821320160500002,
+    2.22093938088,
+    2.3072520016700002,
+    2.3621845025599999,
+    2.44517002578,
+    2.5015913727800001,
+    2.5975738754100002,
+    2.7045052724200001,
+    2.8865631109500001,
+    3.1260959842,
+    3.39849260601,
+    3.6254807685400001,
+    4.0097191798100003,
+    4.5724242129699997,
+    5.4143250544999999,
+    6.3272292972399997,
+    17.5560575511,
+    0.0,
+    0.085458258148600003,
+    0.098622234580399995,
+    0.106568524017,
+    0.108057180859,
+    0.1107805041,
+    0.11464013028599999,
+    0.13602438252499999,
+    0.14300574817799999,
+    0.146684159845,
+    0.15122598984999999,
+    0.154733085331,
+    0.161754974932,
+    0.17723910406000001,
+    0.18032389045700001,
+    0.18658548177699999,
+    0.18746673820000001,
+    0.19896129970099999,
+    0.209234599805,
+    0.21980562614900001,
+    0.228062016284,
+    0.23711187915099999,
+    0.23869840689499999,
+    0.240361816358,
+    0.27144033681000002,
+    0.27327373169399999,
+    0.27458858408600001,
+    0.28007177711800002,
+    0.28248298888899998,
+    0.28387767697499999,
+    0.287453003343,
+    0.292023090998,
+    0.29519223190999999,
+    0.31407066578100001,
+    0.32033662902100002,
+    0.32377361486099998,
+    0.33791304018399998,
+    0.340145093994,
+    0.34355792125200002,
+    0.35986952431000002,
+    0.36278049873099999,
+    0.36565591999199998,
+    0.36887445402199998,
+    0.37307785833099999,
+    0.37522358431500002,
+    0.38644599385299999,
+    0.38905873533300001,
+    0.39011760635100001,
+    0.39429900482899999,
+    0.40016937602000002,
+    0.40636267913899998,
+    0.408103464438,
+    0.411985395905,
+    0.42002274379400001,
+    0.42424580987299998,
+    0.42889507706199997,
+    0.43431096613499998,
+    0.43634598755999998,
+    0.44074601502999999,
+    0.44833586654099999,
+    0.44981411452999998,
+    0.45139144803199999,
+    0.45825414352600002,
+    0.465858692219,
+    0.46971239089400002,
+    0.48073097106200002,
+    0.49008253400700003,
+    0.49019267044199999,
+    0.49421178442399999,
+    0.49592401222499999,
+    0.51649450538700004,
+    0.52148438326400004,
+    0.52450649919199999,
+    0.52875492868700003,
+    0.53851929926099995,
+    0.55522500190799995,
+    0.56567545616600001,
+    0.57500972364500003,
+    0.575413910571,
+    0.577492611263,
+    0.58282093829299997,
+    0.5882333891,
+    0.59178334343399996,
+    0.59490514439200004,
+    0.59707926005599998,
+    0.60398628531999998,
+    0.61018821270699997,
+    0.62788446277499999,
+    0.62845001268199996,
+    0.63245592828700004,
+    0.64203220116600002,
+    0.64960047364600004,
+    0.65218235923199996,
+    0.65302094855500004,
+    0.65709800478699998,
+    0.66525750618900004,
+    0.66772838617499997,
+    0.66931616078599998,
+    0.67398981338899999,
+    0.67995566798200002,
+    0.69261712558099997,
+    0.69323176238100004,
+    0.70328807748099997,
+    0.70817581305300004,
+    0.71362676385000001,
+    0.72122326659400005,
+    0.72982093594899999,
+    0.73501610749799995,
+    0.74418077769299995,
+    0.74740381350899998,
+    0.75972971198000006,
+    0.76542085452499997,
+    0.77293727748999996,
+    0.77569521588599999,
+    0.79040702133899998,
+    0.79124143409100001,
+    0.79674835901600005,
+    0.801314329913,
+    0.80761727105100001,
+    0.81334526814800001,
+    0.82599153547399995,
+    0.835753037664,
+    0.84010997734000004,
+    0.84324537731399996,
+    0.84524994337100001,
+    0.852251511771,
+    0.85726585936199995,
+    0.86776513236499997,
+    0.87321839355800002,
+    0.88257634312599997,
+    0.88885223178899997,
+    0.89462277052799999,
+    0.89929289721500005,
+    0.91054077473399997,
+    0.91235045283799998,
+    0.91859506476800001,
+    0.92379410344599999,
+    0.92778311003299996,
+    0.95200833907100002,
+    0.96058777907100001,
+    0.96275379136000006,
+    0.96711989399800002,
+    0.98158423342400003,
+    0.99959381644599998,
+    1.0158547410300001,
+    1.0257344455099999,
+    1.0386164152999999,
+    1.05829394823,
+    1.0652432737599999,
+    1.06870005665,
+    1.0850122523800001,
+    1.08895555924,
+    1.1035938848,
+    1.1079237802499999,
+    1.14480878564,
+    1.1555554675299999,
+    1.1789854119500001,
+    1.21604495077,
+    1.21944541763,
+    1.2255115895799999,
+    1.2349135122299999,
+    1.2574900653700001,
+    1.2756099428300001,
+    1.27830965632,
+    1.29563470054,
+    1.33511311013,
+    1.37879372829,
+    1.4104141532900001,
+    1.42999159888,
+    1.4340564609599999,
+    1.4404309370999999,
+    1.45125639917,
+    1.4753290649999999,
+    1.50104361326,
+    1.5067651051299999,
+    1.56173064277,
+    1.5867665737000001,
+    1.6529842751699999,
+    1.68573957888,
+    1.6981474139899999,
+    1.7544189081799999,
+    1.79075077468,
+    1.8606238073600001,
+    1.9675939468600001,
+    1.99649367583,
+    2.0088494420599998,
+    2.0624960910299999,
+    2.1345821995000001,
+    2.25477797389,
+    2.4129377727399999,
+    2.4947352830499998,
+    2.6183637912700002,
+    3.0074794112299998,
+    3.1791961046799999,
+    3.4293356642399999,
+    3.8514844690699999,
+    4.2517228191100003,
+    4.9637069833399998,
+    6.0765632038800002,
+    6.7603904355099997,
+    10.3173126473,
+    0.0,
+    0.078613919986899997,
+    0.086706257325800007,
+    0.086706257325800007,
+    0.114789651673,
+    0.12273957318299999,
+    0.127062920365,
+    0.128484790396,
+    0.13578225807899999,
+    0.13578225807899999,
+    0.14730174056500001,
+    0.14730174056500001,
+    0.15501754607599999,
+    0.17160764402600001,
+    0.17160764402600001,
+    0.17716597523700001,
+    0.19318889167600001,
+    0.201064059002,
+    0.20544566915199999,
+    0.208662339522,
+    0.208662339522,
+    0.209070783313,
+    0.217981911645,
+    0.21984720431800001,
+    0.22959168302800001,
+    0.22959168302800001,
+    0.22979925938500001,
+    0.23023398217900001,
+    0.23282324285100001,
+    0.23847389001200001,
+    0.24981772981200001,
+    0.24981772981200001,
+    0.251976912788,
+    0.26484603340399998,
+    0.267063574626,
+    0.276065116128,
+    0.27955725551999999,
+    0.27955725551999999,
+    0.29253129065099998,
+    0.29257984585899999,
+    0.29426519135099999,
+    0.29991973517600001,
+    0.29991973517600001,
+    0.300865581125,
+    0.30629956382500001,
+    0.33189640078299998,
+    0.33193362117300002,
+    0.332892715999,
+    0.332892715999,
+    0.33786995917700002,
+    0.34286355479300001,
+    0.35037131399499999,
+    0.36538777844499998,
+    0.36538777844499998,
+    0.39533598300400002,
+    0.40761459269400002,
+    0.43071349334699999,
+    0.44611156073300001,
+    0.44821302280300002,
+    0.44821302280300002,
+    0.45970379461999999,
+    0.479322648149,
+    0.49927725766600001,
+    0.50856338644599997,
+    0.50856338644599997,
+    0.51381349247600006,
+    0.52312377414900002,
+    0.52365255460899995,
+    0.524357535308,
+    0.52449511360300005,
+    0.53246792168500001,
+    0.53246792168500001,
+    0.53406269761799996,
+    0.54066543759600005,
+    0.54165597718199998,
+    0.54165597718199998,
+    0.54286979560399995,
+    0.54565296744199998,
+    0.54680412639599996,
+    0.55924698793600003,
+    0.55948804920899997,
+    0.55948804920899997,
+    0.56237285913900004,
+    0.61191574840100005,
+    0.61803286518099998,
+    0.62621800263899996,
+    0.62894744300399996,
+    0.62894744300399996,
+    0.64175065233299999,
+    0.64274226864700001,
+    0.643141090937,
+    0.64957757771299995,
+    0.64957757771299995,
+    0.65462416615899999,
+    0.65508592379599995,
+    0.65577214273499995,
+    0.65867533793400002,
+    0.65966257080699997,
+    0.65966257080699997,
+    0.67002637381200003,
+    0.6862767676,
+    0.68775204324200001,
+    0.68935688154399999,
+    0.68935688154399999,
+    0.68958321519599997,
+    0.69489243672400003,
+    0.69799974598299996,
+    0.70085954020999996,
+    0.70570470911100003,
+    0.70570470911100003,
+    0.71529355939600003,
+    0.71529355939600003,
+    0.73061672396900001,
+    0.73147192102699998,
+    0.73147192102699998,
+    0.73172502367900005,
+    0.74705904753800001,
+    0.75069245931200002,
+    0.76171481537700003,
+    0.78431047228100004,
+    0.78431047228100004,
+    0.79589062785700004,
+    0.79985244088700003,
+    0.80739451523600003,
+    0.80995278660199999,
+    0.80995278660199999,
+    0.818149271693,
+    0.81876691441600002,
+    0.82187704197599998,
+    0.82398018051199995,
+    0.83061310912300002,
+    0.83061310912300002,
+    0.841520560606,
+    0.84283988029500001,
+    0.845286826815,
+    0.85635186159599996,
+    0.88301536060399999,
+    0.88301536060399999,
+    0.89457113891100004,
+    0.90319721159599997,
+    0.91110728614600001,
+    0.920115781518,
+    0.920115781518,
+    0.924752016362,
+    0.93270708632099997,
+    0.93634613579199999,
+    0.93668785307699998,
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+    0.938056933654,
+    0.963093301648,
+    0.97003534928799995,
+    0.97433733039600001,
+    0.98296990885400004,
+    0.98296990885400004,
+    0.99165891962800001,
+    0.99363899328700001,
+    1.00411505522,
+    1.0082220608200001,
+    1.04142653436,
+    1.04142653436,
+    1.05299960148,
+    1.0584566497800001,
+    1.0631344471799999,
+    1.0702232139000001,
+    1.0702232139000001,
+    1.0745255061000001,
+    1.07801171048,
+    1.09546502235,
+    1.1130150782399999,
+    1.1212890952400001,
+    1.1453294864700001,
+    1.1453294864700001,
+    1.14683578271,
+    1.14912419314,
+    1.1868862875699999,
+    1.1868862875699999,
+    1.2135111146399999,
+    1.2764048086199999,
+    1.3014758897300001,
+    1.33521824385,
+    1.3586680634799999,
+    1.3586680634799999,
+    1.39549136126,
+    1.4365610253900001,
+    1.4568919919400001,
+    1.5925258819899999,
+    1.67910648307,
+    1.67910648307,
+    1.7175836223800001,
+    1.8595366530499999,
+    2.22804691293,
+    2.4236335095200001,
+    2.4236335095200001,
+    2.5444902152200002,
+    2.7565764210300001,
+    3.0002289122299999,
+    3.2770080283,
+    6.1761254131100003,
+    6.1761254131100003,
+    9.0448113096899991,
+    9.0448113096899991,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.084719549076999995,
+    0.084719549076999995,
+    0.162771060016,
+    0.162771060016,
+    0.162771060016,
+    0.174797101293,
+    0.174797101293,
+    0.19337957316099999,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19855375347500001,
+    0.19855375347500001,
+    0.19855375347500001,
+    0.200626535691,
+    0.200626535691,
+    0.20443169045699999,
+    0.20443169045699999,
+    0.20546703844700001,
+    0.20546703844700001,
+    0.20546703844700001,
+    0.22648266447400001,
+    0.22648266447400001,
+    0.240550688555,
+    0.240550688555,
+    0.240550688555,
+    0.25396349222699999,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.27888116985299999,
+    0.27888116985299999,
+    0.29428424249599999,
+    0.29428424249599999,
+    0.29428424249599999,
+    0.299788951114,
+    0.299788951114,
+    0.31720186969399999,
+    0.31720186969399999,
+    0.31720186969399999,
+    0.35285717429300001,
+    0.35285717429300001,
+    0.35967187727099997,
+    0.35967187727099997,
+    0.35967187727099997,
+    0.36425099049600002,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.393647946528,
+    0.393647946528,
+    0.40432582434100001,
+    0.40432582434100001,
+    0.40432582434100001,
+    0.41409827036399999,
+    0.41409827036399999,
+    0.42605819547399998,
+    0.42605819547399998,
+    0.438201525694,
+    0.438201525694,
+    0.438201525694,
+    0.52412206191900002,
+    0.52412206191900002,
+    0.53036211888999996,
+    0.53036211888999996,
+    0.53947846940699995,
+    0.53947846940699995,
+    0.53947846940699995,
+    0.54022582851800005,
+    0.54022582851800005,
+    0.54022582851800005,
+    0.55304014916499999,
+    0.55304014916499999,
+    0.58228935374099999,
+    0.58228935374099999,
+    0.58228935374099999,
+    0.60596028174500005,
+    0.60596028174500005,
+    0.61041536468199997,
+    0.61041536468199997,
+    0.61041536468199997,
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+    0.65478363743500001,
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+    0.67732197187900001,
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+    0.69170398708900005,
+    0.69170398708900005,
+    0.71778169588399998,
+    0.71778169588399998,
+    0.71778169588399998,
+    0.724448255762,
+    0.724448255762,
+    0.73445742378500001,
+    0.73445742378500001,
+    0.73445742378500001,
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+    0.74008547261299995,
+    0.74881364436599995,
+    0.74881364436599995,
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+    4.72930160618,
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diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_distb.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_distb.py
index 76562b170b5656be6da6a98edfa21504d039a4cf..a2d791e83f6f129de55a6b1605f05cf198fd66e1 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_distb.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_distb.py
@@ -9,802 +9,2416 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2009_def_distb = [
-    0.0, 0.56094372606762677, 0.7748555093433106, 0.95310767752176617,
-    1.1906079835411554, 1.4135063615181933, 1.5469706087575439,
-    1.717637715444549, 1.9078084450312611, 2.078830865302939,
-    2.3673694393209286, 2.5652916154906422, 2.719176314163422,
-    2.9143350583182777, 3.0556867288035465, 3.3314071492430846,
-    3.5309373944964433, 3.7198259542235506, 3.9746173222307726,
-    4.1716075147757152, 4.3331714146492013, 4.5010791980770231,
-    4.7010753304750965, 4.8936058791922381, 5.1037597147293932,
-    5.2592473096915198, 5.4933808099586612, 5.6277238343814533,
-    5.8620859412865522, 6.1059450539869653, 6.3120134479962893,
-    6.5830830775944706, 6.8200926493441481, 7.0702834736372564,
-    7.3483462204604635, 7.6264067744909951, 7.8372782469612465,
-    8.0617780685477705, 8.3995622657866384, 8.7403882283600378,
-    9.0992605207420993, 9.3705162889778926, 9.75889880418889,
-    10.194686638374007, 10.438514323942188, 10.726873592781514,
-    11.069318434988878, 11.396569108340843, 11.801419844938572,
-    12.128206841266881, 12.485948104637052, 12.756299870388832,
-    13.076944452763826, 13.458692068837927, 13.824717813822369,
-    14.316393196413889, 14.621905587891465, 14.888480073624264,
-    15.335930506891625, 15.609627342322275, 16.191900883034002,
-    16.54381609680534, 17.147813194052553, 17.468929751742763,
-    17.940480341162086, 18.345046931400908, 18.601290104964175,
-    19.011371018239437, 19.335036342308854, 19.740516156682062,
-    20.13447317647455, 20.462447938558235, 21.091090849462493,
-    21.556877958704259, 21.823267014913611, 22.208749180717806,
-    22.786099855049944, 23.371401551338806, 23.73315353587088,
-    24.31738397233147, 24.625223648727555, 25.069412618036147,
-    25.928099135972015, 26.497110723217201, 27.085968731165757,
-    27.631123699960334, 28.187584878982072, 28.991619387322526,
-    29.353231676085986, 30.083376143103514, 30.880607280324416,
-    31.435216510900492, 32.392330109783813, 32.921554836523583,
-    33.514110805447565, 34.303809151243847, 35.456294459561711,
-    36.280791683627093, 36.940252784295062, 37.717899566227963,
-    38.457688239199655, 39.596732893642503, 40.36400419560065,
-    40.945135884536548, 41.797758649637814, 42.487275414278201,
-    43.921777494122409, 44.874273975496472, 45.67446232320151,
-    46.727212320012811, 47.45119952715492, 48.639858771576726,
-    49.370473491276989, 50.528638968567975, 51.389834372987714,
-    52.582079342007546, 53.589199085657242, 54.585243505081834,
-    55.622223351244195, 56.936556831025484, 58.385520290381457,
-    59.451232373507203, 60.588566421499443, 62.401492617291595,
-    63.88804064081846, 65.599157033995837, 67.204436723739235,
-    69.4912133287594, 71.622345320740351, 73.103725049112015,
-    75.089813374922841, 76.884823802108912, 78.275061550352873,
-    80.357326438684495, 83.305006897820235, 85.400732831032357,
-    87.218868459052473, 89.130072489534143, 91.252783666141042,
-    92.815637585979999, 95.739391170148252, 98.435092605981637,
-    100.31960869294872, 102.50286766025864, 105.48705400852423,
-    108.82295714914468, 111.39204546177986, 114.62248349802513,
-    117.87687880992867, 119.40484241859349, 122.7734081083525,
-    125.26971884287919, 128.55177396728385, 131.66269963489299,
-    136.57359107720188, 140.51816667169177, 144.16804544736863,
-    150.35987039520109, 154.72466658210519, 160.54109480247283,
-    164.18861964598716, 170.24309324015738, 175.29889321042558,
-    183.11630724838597, 189.01683118972002, 196.90975774880297,
-    204.49263459337524, 213.04893801936598, 219.75869942751646,
-    228.19907555440614, 239.44926809073948, 248.20168822805923,
-    259.25320106736922, 265.44318466962994, 277.32312416782054,
-    288.56952434288797, 298.64263419554209, 315.25981209742378,
-    331.89024853535398, 342.74298087821637, 360.77964203727674,
-    378.48547030119011, 392.5550051422876, 405.31614074355014,
-    421.74150173342304, 441.4412304371254, 457.82211257306926,
-    480.45566322885566, 513.45774433642032, 555.4000490334372,
-    605.92811073979146, 652.49495125201292, 704.61385101258315,
-    786.33845891481292, 874.04643470496728, 1012.3600088462719,
-    1159.4774300577808, 1379.2669821003758, 1756.1106436012778,
-    2357.4547208831491, 217148.93534056327, 0.0, 0.46532971898727915,
-    0.68496949409616426, 0.94645340397600952, 1.102736193185504,
-    1.312453009792369, 1.4867727436472011, 1.6340240974064906,
-    1.8260512349059785, 1.9700706984768943, 2.1040893787044128,
-    2.2333135236192967, 2.3880111121966587, 2.5520785579949155,
-    2.6739841145948597, 2.8075636832160806, 2.9039966303754365,
-    3.0345967971695451, 3.2102417439344437, 3.3137856992787351,
-    3.4376002808848787, 3.5571277890563819, 3.6898499180667237,
-    3.799063723671626, 3.94997555574531, 4.0925736583580976,
-    4.2086028832412561, 4.3390635740171728, 4.4761244808887941,
-    4.6023420572801266, 4.7263227277876512, 4.8591547764014482,
-    5.0957595508246589, 5.30514679884981, 5.4401600222425195,
-    5.5717535777959721, 5.7003644346866409, 5.8768488839999593,
-    5.991691304228997, 6.1771150398732244, 6.3465048845874961,
-    6.4948860632013519, 6.6772230060948159, 6.8030943590107249,
-    6.9813191429783039, 7.165284199966873, 7.3873559281058423,
-    7.5948269266966975, 7.801592658633016, 7.9955249125214145,
-    8.1905643672046686, 8.3270830680818655, 8.5054910750061179,
-    8.7225666260180663, 8.9368113184240965, 9.1376808053645888,
-    9.3633428615533649, 9.5990825604962264, 9.7364383724201087,
-    9.9186955590691088, 10.124746714296, 10.40687565362729, 10.737648017833138,
-    11.012188237958963, 11.214102933586581, 11.45440355061357,
-    11.736264046084917, 12.026226014607102, 12.245762888886343,
-    12.541549269023777, 12.756641375192153, 12.98360561266394,
-    13.288306417225625, 13.526164571303489, 13.75503655409527,
-    14.117128492708087, 14.374029807073448, 14.712173108685258,
-    14.981897180990096, 15.344366904559326, 15.600391910392348,
-    16.020999494977502, 16.300440442407332, 16.606309936976054,
-    16.902143272482817, 17.159816580240875, 17.461774805635738,
-    17.781122815339479, 18.119654210560597, 18.48063214553467,
-    18.820102897217541, 19.161710076244763, 19.479832189525602,
-    19.848403979835609, 20.122299299121863, 20.43004460334555,
-    20.753188532047265, 21.116860477662346, 21.534773567291243,
-    22.137744141529421, 22.45219966811996, 22.843712755485114,
-    23.327127510714419, 23.801219885543535, 24.400068243422009,
-    24.859199781454677, 25.249212813218318, 25.681597611963909,
-    26.218124149559316, 26.865624109857663, 27.476273115575268,
-    28.003316090112232, 28.465744086402083, 29.114406317582951,
-    29.863184721251695, 30.645923853117178, 31.411221663197541,
-    32.083675244596449, 32.623907125336849, 33.542071438820663,
-    34.423855107765, 35.090015994189059, 35.83529395578082, 36.739635743840758,
-    37.456669272617518, 38.267335328548761, 39.333029993613607,
-    40.288484522728531, 41.508400903755643, 42.819861162087363,
-    43.639905039190687, 44.572666361081048, 45.821482473822918,
-    46.862153416881057, 48.147392790601714, 49.404082667631819,
-    50.527705863342902, 52.004399737632923, 53.494784474459131,
-    54.714589396642559, 55.67232429415796, 56.793224205114853,
-    58.007050364060461, 59.680200263089169, 61.232876696778597,
-    62.427428818562269, 63.973042504689445, 65.632536988952083,
-    67.347413597855891, 69.065640807296859, 70.464693299553076,
-    72.418849794356461, 74.105138155507049, 75.662376323980538,
-    77.872835649845626, 79.967351057764517, 81.928379445805646,
-    84.034972341121062, 86.103344705230924, 88.477411000229537,
-    90.312287755291578, 92.507210044700187, 95.060608477240947,
-    97.679889639836844, 100.54820722011901, 104.05860073649033,
-    106.9975903165883, 110.72495391129446, 114.47278880860986,
-    118.67332903577829, 122.47362728985475, 127.29751063199502,
-    131.9947396665213, 137.58105901899614, 143.2436551636288,
-    148.62549462778085, 155.59863941964065, 162.63324375828105,
-    168.58328521973854, 176.47623591935073, 187.10110318413911,
-    194.1945607895322, 205.76585363429373, 218.54795010442368,
-    224.54362476449748, 231.28500418937108, 243.28574251055934,
-    254.11346183370961, 270.37086108698531, 283.71979921314824,
-    298.26484833307381, 309.41788972573079, 335.8183191815636,
-    361.8565261478937, 398.47210782079094, 453.94084657359673,
-    537.44153147414909, 644.04067764548461, 779.41712961885173,
-    1047.3517440661496, 32924.039482636828, 0.0, 0.44937757329633327,
-    0.61250349172115959, 0.7863111534649565, 0.88962062078461757,
-    1.0382238515645796, 1.1737343879099387, 1.3675367911897895,
-    1.4812885968395111, 1.6632187662691276, 1.8341758133782387,
-    1.9619748247014435, 2.0552125983628433, 2.1703209170187905,
-    2.2961317300880717, 2.3982858575534443, 2.4969661855862513,
-    2.6039206933082872, 2.7154863269399461, 2.7935806808717341,
-    2.9157144052335742, 3.0304254455360686, 3.1804609723019346,
-    3.2662231643163544, 3.3535831040758928, 3.4593860912217078,
-    3.5730577882484265, 3.6829046499090672, 3.7926322745010292,
-    3.918389650507887, 4.0461615056476345, 4.1688075178063455,
-    4.261935760927039, 4.3872821403468514, 4.4849226816074195,
-    4.5815647915521316, 4.7329622842326859, 4.8333438381787959,
-    4.9751149870072844, 5.1439939747359258, 5.2679283122041474,
-    5.3979939515818964, 5.4986148492629514, 5.5833034840702549,
-    5.7762491544651375, 5.8901795208691912, 6.0406044947405793,
-    6.1414968907338547, 6.3109595855296661, 6.4702277997994733,
-    6.6084310395612746, 6.7478047002924155, 6.8791042308295953,
-    6.9969768325569115, 7.1196791826285173, 7.2490813954518822,
-    7.4130615395895152, 7.6062113466901806, 7.7506437587572199,
-    7.8830685300393055, 8.0353926744476123, 8.1996939525956183,
-    8.4142220833085606, 8.5808330010701201, 8.7445310419872921,
-    8.9841822249357115, 9.181432418740652, 9.3539737653904709,
-    9.5793187725543287, 9.7462277892814431, 9.9098280489576762,
-    10.04079373626851, 10.211734359829405, 10.501564944142677,
-    10.710373784142686, 10.886736785556671, 11.066921822136326,
-    11.235485714770356, 11.437646009474888, 11.67346914949365,
-    11.83325542414009, 12.036493633448316, 12.32938637637468,
-    12.554138183666348, 12.743210513050011, 12.983810120622046,
-    13.174204038774839, 13.3680862872507, 13.620942224242304,
-    13.890272176459577, 14.165385082423146, 14.413231848006964,
-    14.724376594252243, 14.977328826245193, 15.231234613500565,
-    15.55914351677969, 15.781820608210545, 16.091194364415028,
-    16.347431974296502, 16.596030336748036, 16.887891775703359,
-    17.178071227425107, 17.48876537215957, 17.802979490086393,
-    18.167601675413529, 18.451234059983907, 18.773722324177371,
-    19.095678793499459, 19.393224208627331, 19.892470444495725,
-    20.360431028492791, 20.714816695587093, 21.109538106861837,
-    21.528542624887123, 21.903763658847744, 22.32752745556132,
-    22.932277869765915, 23.443859045149278, 24.010482595441839,
-    24.454443667170533, 24.893590041546005, 25.519805040678591,
-    25.948341902144293, 26.521018356962905, 27.203480036460771,
-    27.923098995772133, 28.875462789782972, 29.551018023069748,
-    29.950704440314354, 30.476114881076313, 31.046996042296136,
-    31.828920785208862, 32.724644642398538, 33.519807747032317,
-    34.207784670738299, 34.978220277672911, 35.82880248810423,
-    36.674526307149222, 37.539567643195326, 38.598050079089823,
-    39.461587691403167, 40.326650088153748, 41.3817881768775,
-    42.413485151973958, 43.434107971290473, 44.327692773369833,
-    45.281573404128643, 46.623500435435595, 47.845340004545946,
-    48.925490779005997, 50.099817716244445, 51.130922527278209,
-    52.52201636244277, 54.171384212197573, 56.251402930866988,
-    57.343667697555219, 59.060037223666868, 60.886212298901022,
-    62.282534857812919, 63.86965941245365, 65.907528655065505,
-    68.060546344496487, 69.886943517625568, 72.15339782090426,
-    74.790861312079699, 76.921991723046403, 79.835163669975174,
-    82.098620972009513, 84.019415664127024, 87.941587866072609,
-    90.308304219949349, 93.475153751625228, 96.866828921040394,
-    99.559133387387135, 103.13311038199714, 107.13838078377783,
-    111.61641909521742, 116.39540365181381, 122.02402340139254,
-    126.12078269274167, 131.70138789081315, 136.7872837632539,
-    142.28439193970823, 147.89576596130524, 152.23255441740992,
-    157.7226413282819, 164.37241204310453, 173.15971613514671,
-    180.11295998936518, 188.48112308463158, 202.36800846564165,
-    217.16809097558243, 229.45603073021095, 243.95331007710857,
-    267.19713077328231, 291.31657906696654, 319.83880240534251,
-    369.84715199786609, 456.83736037240828, 563.36551513987104,
-    1212.4845181047338, 0.0, 0.39299523597374442, 0.57756602839919102,
-    0.74933717643467546, 0.84798806113800529, 0.98808387915300122,
-    1.0731681865898071, 1.1904878246948769, 1.3296105353290197,
-    1.4470486564441511, 1.6132307202687894, 1.7334018816456787,
-    1.8405138120116515, 1.9401180825384614, 2.0206956222611518,
-    2.088323294417457, 2.1965858893088366, 2.2678507808547295,
-    2.3513510591465976, 2.452940588067142, 2.5244403869314138,
-    2.6111507000688201, 2.686185953440015, 2.7762991589505912,
-    2.8623591840837115, 2.9644501753879853, 3.0534304377734371,
-    3.1183306038752914, 3.2022029138736583, 3.3578682900076662,
-    3.4578586494674859, 3.5567846506796079, 3.6352803762683252,
-    3.7653628446367353, 3.8440117447262629, 3.9584732534380351,
-    4.0302646502503574, 4.1218781156084869, 4.211981828454741,
-    4.3396760587886405, 4.4201415569911395, 4.5235887459809963,
-    4.6307469822655509, 4.7731054586827728, 4.8838280863806549,
-    4.9937362132930252, 5.1605178704372632, 5.2560966186259481,
-    5.3556600842824587, 5.4678635206702646, 5.5973168757166114,
-    5.7048755075035276, 5.8878433771286218, 6.0190112054897522,
-    6.118844708522011, 6.2719026695437989, 6.3725565545753042,
-    6.4738742707717662, 6.5961657370971558, 6.6863432232288851,
-    6.8285306029142401, 6.9529888304791623, 7.0345923470005971,
-    7.153050087371815, 7.23828648460319, 7.3488613350575518,
-    7.5297259666276082, 7.665228962415263, 7.814513809818397,
-    7.9676729944874758, 8.0965767962005515, 8.258619388928004,
-    8.4038000906770929, 8.5498166593706451, 8.6979091856223683,
-    8.8099783579444786, 8.9513067459030502, 9.1237502030553657,
-    9.3482831702262139, 9.5044967504159725, 9.6593366065001636,
-    9.82253449013227, 9.9874115529723486, 10.137506876476476,
-    10.289126599046901, 10.444223952502876, 10.599915162622709,
-    10.734363441288647, 10.917595405084366, 11.108460594133211,
-    11.352160340302392, 11.607842306499339, 11.798599260283471,
-    12.009365871239995, 12.251934875461144, 12.49314138461267,
-    12.815528078713546, 13.078160801731713, 13.367979668775682,
-    13.61963788461563, 13.830407348960653, 14.134759793056256,
-    14.406222062237235, 14.719108048702839, 15.039806819372597,
-    15.357959034733886, 15.742708764682598, 16.038031868942646,
-    16.342061974077719, 16.619014591659234, 16.995469066261826,
-    17.440245060531616, 17.749017033014272, 18.105417999557947,
-    18.521262453800805, 18.847635914656443, 19.422978973137425,
-    19.69919609219999, 20.085099945021412, 20.537864119839881,
-    21.008059900732494, 21.532289222273434, 22.054776673981362,
-    22.335014932602295, 22.916014727566228, 23.337139989662067,
-    23.720719036927843, 24.388060450004911, 24.84313177402456,
-    25.486862832547693, 26.168604409957322, 26.702984764635431,
-    27.287480741291404, 27.801078630394546, 28.269720592443107,
-    28.926401527988713, 29.605430975118843, 30.330319669354552,
-    31.30134009465884, 31.993708205209099, 32.73067706792078,
-    33.486394058985752, 34.167581724784604, 35.401930848802451,
-    36.065974473699839, 36.896350829985813, 37.7813927333629,
-    38.921309661559299, 39.97516998571502, 40.789572211691727,
-    42.125840794801142, 43.644711500275349, 44.85355032164108,
-    45.812829425455917, 47.046058315709615, 48.449631897327926,
-    49.622408318720304, 51.04144247927352, 53.201024346560494,
-    54.577940901359469, 55.974500547503887, 57.300272604946706,
-    58.935437915672885, 61.253114155133289, 63.821740538824884,
-    65.624318697869271, 67.454483508361619, 69.123018783403808,
-    71.210354296257066, 74.567150230165254, 76.23070335468914,
-    78.271987515678816, 81.071827225516031, 83.453646862710841,
-    86.529339530495577, 89.958680391197973, 92.139227178417912,
-    95.452626979151631, 98.96652527128883, 102.73989810547134,
-    106.50759157615551, 111.64659346669681, 115.90393310434297,
-    120.92459723788905, 125.40052719866213, 129.67134907792868,
-    135.46294701412262, 142.5538801102015, 151.30070681491432,
-    157.84567716877518, 169.5170423411827, 178.87680934745092,
-    193.39884029816415, 208.14234715671577, 235.5424670602799,
-    259.89890359594898, 295.34858783034383, 334.33861915695468,
-    435.37594838703143, 500.4258992515953, 26136.224608103177, 0.0,
-    0.39973293565211121, 0.54970468651962101, 0.69428019898164828,
-    0.80416896659170267, 0.97256228280721502, 1.0741947545845139,
-    1.1635254227187484, 1.2659631876378288, 1.3822232353331732,
-    1.4871416503290158, 1.6059691148096156, 1.7314193523743162,
-    1.8189928465042873, 1.9334458898159075, 2.0377516716510327,
-    2.1075833274228066, 2.217744079961764, 2.2892931053076637,
-    2.370399790641895, 2.4612447561840849, 2.5289316577717074,
-    2.6468319175582824, 2.7635584974075624, 2.8487982858984613,
-    2.960003647452937, 3.040264995484101, 3.1340583717433561,
-    3.235843360825664, 3.3184989258906628, 3.3887498944054912,
-    3.4742665307996607, 3.5562981091035697, 3.6417013733235564,
-    3.7311047300627127, 3.8872996993864741, 3.9804799011541103,
-    4.0534756404067585, 4.1363024053202926, 4.2208974321794877,
-    4.2861111457481496, 4.3766112965174155, 4.4823314746332565,
-    4.5480736492020721, 4.6140282594933879, 4.6927572802426791,
-    4.7950758075336255, 4.8965365095798212, 5.0072589054206107,
-    5.0975160269495143, 5.2362442989591846, 5.3289517016526302,
-    5.4178449031775839, 5.5118563643244292, 5.5991786537930563,
-    5.7292585294169509, 5.8455520624288511, 5.9835086379946096,
-    6.1056860394816654, 6.2159830829296503, 6.3853574209981945,
-    6.4974583447731833, 6.6378799857782989, 6.7643189783177879,
-    6.9331608618050389, 7.0563877476272356, 7.1597694820310664,
-    7.2747575984770805, 7.4061511602581902, 7.566805332709456,
-    7.7166738418404099, 7.8275904312086375, 7.9656564706412034,
-    8.1244717048328159, 8.3128776945349419, 8.4492226274061721,
-    8.6026791744357034, 8.7913701590231152, 8.9674862747079285,
-    9.203292738543686, 9.4039626926929181, 9.5311545009803265,
-    9.7551708743344214, 9.9026582594455501, 10.022592104276631,
-    10.254556398686347, 10.441547514468155, 10.55911902240299,
-    10.753522809241019, 10.926077226400229, 11.111675067184086,
-    11.282496796620391, 11.542358714530458, 11.747566119524583,
-    12.063275519031006, 12.341240623919091, 12.652985756993917,
-    12.911635251767006, 13.185612347682703, 13.397850815278218,
-    13.510168018667791, 13.823974357607668, 14.079700135326661,
-    14.319520604253412, 14.516982034078424, 14.715852185550794,
-    14.964361234520684, 15.243919353703765, 15.434116248837348,
-    15.848964391761008, 16.086776522206492, 16.492027051516569,
-    16.795026784147762, 17.200208653485955, 17.498774119010612,
-    17.697568539728877, 17.989065229745375, 18.378303894171673,
-    18.701677957394676, 19.000050086953262, 19.305072306272276,
-    19.640223854343546, 20.148513190788542, 20.571031137831589,
-    20.950263329212515, 21.493452145932224, 21.900647991805542,
-    22.368835386038555, 22.757466417332257, 23.266697302860564,
-    23.748918186455164, 24.013428277953601, 24.436060444302342,
-    24.839469583056065, 25.343925184450622, 25.873641504196087,
-    26.482510119485095, 27.117741302188946, 28.028030125009568,
-    28.67264931970686, 29.423325760610378, 29.889992195728581,
-    30.465443031984776, 31.309530466130287, 31.901260500752073,
-    32.799551692053072, 33.541476679668996, 34.443620232941036,
-    35.302557206918429, 36.095895295724823, 36.967344523130116,
-    37.972365673128152, 39.113785970733069, 40.183225976540719,
-    41.415014418976391, 42.519519437606419, 43.877982190483891,
-    45.274268146469012, 46.598258997931197, 47.577075478663595,
-    49.30474498506122, 50.820118338226344, 52.111331702490496,
-    53.410484924257844, 54.902819374535113, 56.280708096832775,
-    57.753628438949818, 58.879346286077769, 59.968520735732298,
-    60.999746067677791, 62.753450775062085, 64.030882243935793,
-    65.729557300284014, 67.561576034705098, 69.665957842633134,
-    71.539525862837877, 73.715255033933218, 76.042333108418404,
-    79.197194154406716, 82.16221890263013, 85.299196384291619,
-    89.066358132689487, 91.826772968117325, 96.091493878155831,
-    101.23287053213269, 106.50298553112719, 109.91541659247912,
-    113.35584144711426, 119.43260281154497, 126.01710530963756,
-    135.83275402928408, 143.34767183967989, 153.86665354982301,
-    165.32615555272824, 178.67838621083195, 195.7780863511025,
-    213.10059234298109, 235.43734867679117, 282.56546879749584,
-    344.49428452558914, 1032.3156481054148, 0.0, 0.28542906758282582,
-    0.44835957796562231, 0.62651997706725926, 0.72080554472755054,
-    0.85153448889118422, 1.0135203835548705, 1.1497401649165981,
-    1.249689630633253, 1.3399789001967404, 1.4564959287102479,
-    1.5525185391245844, 1.645337296328182, 1.7029587642670561,
-    1.7998807148268574, 1.8818193335491449, 1.9378684814241007,
-    2.0045089255406014, 2.0748139436457822, 2.1773066185618797,
-    2.2832712158697772, 2.3883600529626685, 2.51854086329767,
-    2.6082969305879526, 2.6653570235348072, 2.7353083692676279,
-    2.8357637619195271, 2.949800063298929, 3.0384811951680373,
-    3.1078994075124524, 3.2335260889505033, 3.2990419647626399,
-    3.3727668828240933, 3.4799226620744226, 3.5425893742655994,
-    3.602653782843948, 3.6809307822931201, 3.7636220805378935,
-    3.8356481276880539, 3.9348563402662586, 4.0173932529537133,
-    4.1063926031921367, 4.1717702846007647, 4.2630914745857496,
-    4.3776816586639553, 4.4711604153944746, 4.5898411942902397,
-    4.6529598063193873, 4.7594223012672128, 4.859397400196225,
-    4.9911351337934935, 5.0565770304775857, 5.1225454425221839,
-    5.2210476830787913, 5.3162453599135313, 5.4019041740602542,
-    5.4940746055002112, 5.6136974622961269, 5.7781825322921838,
-    5.8753555715066135, 5.9710447043669799, 6.0693550815356012,
-    6.2210987536494446, 6.3057281942751633, 6.4213140942100821,
-    6.5389008456679329, 6.6598814572271587, 6.7667995850353684,
-    6.8447945703412136, 6.9638166797290806, 7.089919065426475,
-    7.2063358053191635, 7.352017914006157, 7.4537565287326801,
-    7.582581434309609, 7.7515979917104838, 7.922857945264326,
-    8.1036189902911531, 8.3020028506929222, 8.4634925955724825,
-    8.6391711422358544, 8.7635395423761935, 8.8992877245899145,
-    9.0893279549043093, 9.3039711595273165, 9.4509385898117682,
-    9.5886214810203292, 9.7390698728931344, 9.9541876691465312,
-    10.169584740152244, 10.408818535856438, 10.659936222779091,
-    10.885872639294179, 11.234872889392312, 11.380004892188218,
-    11.630544911322611, 11.842161705728255, 12.145847767420936,
-    12.330853164469056, 12.583698055254121, 12.816494298528724,
-    13.030768267855716, 13.340667906325312, 13.590963465427643,
-    13.838270526487388, 14.074223027757553, 14.348879588563831,
-    14.623052429806279, 14.889780883997153, 15.16693031574218,
-    15.627987742305928, 15.886715102647821, 16.122720491922152,
-    16.370043221512347, 16.698521062776425, 17.014791424541087,
-    17.277243625151677, 17.630298905505015, 17.922468720470825,
-    18.149957595022286, 18.504105261759602, 18.795720406240982,
-    19.18862905514699, 19.475658613972989, 19.718119783763974,
-    20.003625971835866, 20.315035816376586, 20.769230895348553,
-    21.215197103344, 21.721451002558126, 22.141375933409783,
-    22.495823827116208, 22.862304058851613, 23.305091172097715,
-    23.849319624238138, 24.24364699835543, 24.720699200556524,
-    25.085626207841511, 25.638589513652505, 26.154907865789191,
-    26.464735192229831, 26.827306144197109, 27.546994095945028,
-    28.177135131091795, 28.63885753555148, 29.495195057633349,
-    29.842693161801382, 30.377067174788916, 30.875858140539503,
-    31.744346334559026, 32.758933651918937, 33.726942266387887,
-    34.215890876186286, 35.205804764096222, 36.335678040868849,
-    37.11614771455158, 37.941465739425929, 38.859334633575578,
-    39.928208407832223, 40.699477662771486, 41.819209837420011,
-    43.215290220738062, 43.752358355431525, 44.477418638451525,
-    45.544939322383215, 46.640235116349203, 47.579833058320212,
-    49.08201798196896, 50.659250361498124, 51.765930922941273,
-    53.63059431256552, 55.1000160675475, 56.73201493619726, 58.246215912516156,
-    59.40623788602521, 61.827647106103718, 64.49842649472086,
-    66.976553190431929, 70.198059650548117, 73.471061518231679,
-    75.97093457032166, 78.702576395464334, 81.611672320767141,
-    83.584533696176564, 89.483719245164707, 95.503007633435587,
-    99.897758416618558, 104.5780094282018, 111.60694946504658,
-    117.51568863458957, 127.92288436293775, 136.29858810722959,
-    147.30418079416475, 162.5922919611979, 173.4980042718681,
-    184.44721960771685, 206.66903439286079, 235.60943993849668,
-    279.42538519180954, 395.73590980190897, 767.7437697537913, 0.0,
-    0.36374037786845004, 0.55995190555689123, 0.68730867176589694,
-    0.8050753739354829, 0.92714388919158952, 1.0175094347724474,
-    1.0720068922506483, 1.1785486021612082, 1.2657419124971916,
-    1.4035727483941891, 1.4650786245458309, 1.5545465660549713,
-    1.650599565868383, 1.6933702592952453, 1.7732804777571083,
-    1.8838172082592433, 1.954950718947722, 2.0048840780203179,
-    2.0683672686827492, 2.1645078261391331, 2.2612520597106451,
-    2.3359440089385646, 2.3981343988484136, 2.4476156886612883,
-    2.5691159773482495, 2.6084450349000678, 2.6658038289568791,
-    2.802053890520781, 2.8561183704950697, 2.9543741961709769,
-    3.0135138877978185, 3.0505910337969002, 3.129399027027457,
-    3.1984302483970564, 3.3186190937914195, 3.4057540256655323,
-    3.4777981689415913, 3.5184191917833267, 3.5975803130944266,
-    3.6588848905491038, 3.8130976291367, 3.8802414294541254, 3.957222730170348,
-    4.0900593899149893, 4.1986310350360245, 4.3311490651060334,
-    4.4373460503609401, 4.5587919710581124, 4.6277536709616927,
-    4.6884807290574564, 4.7843280503620607, 4.8638283249690355,
-    4.948337773654341, 5.1040636578149838, 5.1795964194464377,
-    5.2973077144211338, 5.3522785288725707, 5.4939098011676935,
-    5.6180430790090652, 5.7470634587269451, 5.8397056876634732,
-    5.9561260760004444, 6.0433823634687371, 6.1235992948872031,
-    6.2504421209611483, 6.4113950981142374, 6.5516323124086711,
-    6.7244564776287783, 6.8618195100648141, 6.9505641642794975,
-    7.0916813413393385, 7.2272991950515504, 7.3163089878854173,
-    7.4623335136659801, 7.6110387010371117, 7.7791913595037805,
-    7.936641896374983, 8.0878941913267184, 8.2595490578730129,
-    8.385431944546335, 8.5207274071897672, 8.6857803464137824,
-    8.8101649975015821, 8.9536744831786148, 9.0600596564391367,
-    9.2078447326702051, 9.3228888631291884, 9.4666810933090737,
-    9.5842181319219488, 9.7117679522558404, 9.8364937741290674,
-    9.9578885988719605, 10.050258999773828, 10.222935957512945,
-    10.316390929540351, 10.475548798393795, 10.645698388425439,
-    10.784281041251679, 10.948840474245644, 11.18619695562867,
-    11.391007009711993, 11.567902525938473, 11.71609814428081,
-    11.986239831997279, 12.114994517734564, 12.299234012158884,
-    12.519873907814063, 12.863454387962484, 13.071436848150757,
-    13.401814698265529, 13.616665965772345, 13.917822552439985,
-    14.188207378128368, 14.392249303363604, 14.565292790891043,
-    14.8227217543752, 15.082488535254081, 15.353996053129002,
-    15.71970041593713, 16.055798117141507, 16.350541959618788,
-    16.59026542651214, 16.985800718119268, 17.454849654596948,
-    17.727304029707067, 18.074448871862273, 18.657077244754035,
-    19.113484525377181, 19.562570052919153, 20.051208287923327,
-    20.510845671810618, 20.868530774744045, 21.265799148848728,
-    21.905779229740901, 22.253576842522836, 22.93054457765145,
-    23.206345747345235, 23.442698316367355, 23.819566588138276,
-    24.284074517836409, 24.787572758168594, 25.29135993018971,
-    25.702149605001754, 26.244235212381223, 26.972918611793055,
-    27.497687861234269, 27.803253080067293, 28.455954373351648,
-    28.799808431536636, 29.848012115835569, 30.659490646833433,
-    31.278494629826003, 31.986230266586109, 32.844426473455414,
-    33.467758528183403, 34.226128209009545, 35.361957028401591,
-    36.258109649477035, 36.936669242532219, 37.818365857787754,
-    38.696285651145452, 40.081917650133853, 40.64346996992446,
-    41.711711592656641, 42.702888952548854, 43.463449958527363,
-    44.933303891653537, 46.280030045429775, 46.884828739246672,
-    47.9164412951895, 48.816783602198043, 51.059938151143868,
-    52.990341731171874, 55.149664388125281, 56.632548806783447,
-    59.744429378935919, 61.750152716933627, 64.13446025245527,
-    65.894498123950655, 68.469194455591804, 72.127321506278804,
-    75.510184634367306, 79.070343457944233, 82.83698071207391,
-    86.213350717712743, 91.263841459235479, 96.251898067968696,
-    100.97702206389322, 110.24223086163732, 122.08402559600439,
-    133.28649360785434, 143.88249756506781, 165.37750731198261,
-    172.54296243585648, 184.52345636646612, 205.19933792261477,
-    225.68130093091153, 254.48608422209975, 356.13158711494771,
-    667.13884179705951, 0.0, 0.26354229304624982, 0.38447836652746359,
-    0.47827776444151504, 0.57102745980500924, 0.66953353299980622,
-    0.7418659221489563, 0.83156847070200968, 0.90459644576835174,
-    1.0010729921508612, 1.0747030979707302, 1.1266171474464457,
-    1.2074942519793959, 1.2865431026365461, 1.3473439404701553,
-    1.4202020302877516, 1.4768893225494599, 1.5313969774675775,
-    1.5909847654923739, 1.6475355098467457, 1.6997939412324161,
-    1.7637752265692834, 1.8242615872864518, 1.8898188947673684,
-    1.9509538324144411, 2.0098808061983942, 2.0640737132115903,
-    2.1250621349491174, 2.1880199036006234, 2.2482335097460373,
-    2.3224687338799601, 2.3810854640962966, 2.4539462471917695,
-    2.5205389108480092, 2.5736335433800064, 2.6351983220648534,
-    2.7117894124038844, 2.7769524741702436, 2.8358464472920151,
-    2.8923290609616985, 2.952869124430904, 3.019886501351988,
-    3.0890122216294262, 3.1640429065297679, 3.230928687772761,
-    3.2871518048094348, 3.3658272937032447, 3.4150577541035902,
-    3.5021039779235932, 3.5747695852696721, 3.6487836281519805,
-    3.7241574101269204, 3.8142260058409829, 3.889886219446729,
-    3.959556232893171, 4.0356800011365941, 4.1057394274812147,
-    4.1980461864106902, 4.309452131909552, 4.3828331762835537,
-    4.4695204020316721, 4.5367508600967223, 4.6233009941728263,
-    4.723559288314422, 4.8418135782046221, 4.9493007712556114,
-    5.0770358904447308, 5.1638022761303857, 5.258523659828418,
-    5.355344510356554, 5.4603287604488076, 5.5379537810288211,
-    5.6249248142354942, 5.7220275089216761, 5.838923475249886,
-    5.9497212657328467, 6.0583843755738309, 6.1867532212460965,
-    6.3064698765052771, 6.4319591322171776, 6.5483864027049101,
-    6.6488785338577285, 6.7665965268891011, 6.9052017507528056,
-    7.045854866965354, 7.2014256979466307, 7.330485956308558,
-    7.4487327302385404, 7.5665345877761823, 7.6547168896849138,
-    7.8054455606559943, 7.9504829122596341, 8.0783042696456278,
-    8.2122962977826681, 8.3879105778396355, 8.5583569201645879,
-    8.7283836649546007, 8.883891378612029, 9.0083786843632403,
-    9.1761351492455319, 9.3638324400389497, 9.5907615887485385,
-    9.7594846934193047, 10.010833472510898, 10.185621904747663,
-    10.346951216302086, 10.520062141237078, 10.706681377384809,
-    10.967233078599998, 11.138591663326494, 11.336327609263476,
-    11.538065870352529, 11.780969742764785, 12.040396856930878,
-    12.278033460635026, 12.572587972604635, 12.836717579047866,
-    13.112528685175548, 13.349919258349592, 13.711232799022634,
-    13.952743864796032, 14.173739895596908, 14.465060589666624,
-    14.731797503743392, 14.982825032585207, 15.26649112996823,
-    15.569851389101043, 15.807990176918581, 16.100384923714998,
-    16.357766493568764, 16.777677977704688, 17.171170485060028,
-    17.439164114500958, 17.753339594991331, 18.098780157602537,
-    18.506119482642575, 18.872634818431685, 19.158220809140616,
-    19.460619214965231, 19.861854966350609, 20.194551637195691,
-    20.572956591632238, 20.928294578986577, 21.344426709478942,
-    21.66166937542549, 22.240766877718343, 22.565729819049889,
-    23.044323591163653, 23.475228287516739, 23.932777693805892,
-    24.431735905582023, 24.9753478724361, 25.444631767712121,
-    26.034501673986167, 26.793728332827442, 27.366686796047183,
-    27.957289531847202, 28.628949210391269, 29.141828609314189,
-    29.719739181851036, 30.30594251575133, 30.960727844584873,
-    32.027496656930069, 32.974018472252368, 33.863248797022031,
-    34.561629815364022, 35.481873500994837, 36.425956905396923,
-    37.348331262937052, 38.205344049967586, 39.198221653394434,
-    40.278372389201685, 41.677786414811592, 43.065418693400801,
-    44.574973160850661, 46.276760954798682, 47.637500721436417,
-    49.306031705719278, 51.89715331335065, 54.021647205722303,
-    56.568849685307754, 58.260272125967838, 61.01559773170208,
-    63.460178968983008, 66.681062849099575, 70.419627156287063,
-    73.920166575505235, 77.213692861072445, 81.815040784668199,
-    85.962566683415389, 91.041503329412507, 95.177144795049969,
-    99.955722087200343, 108.58955753524259, 117.80784071631163,
-    130.37475347981882, 147.21446326393803, 169.18325814487829,
-    205.95766196129654, 265.65512151989378, 87848.280391018183, 0.0,
-    0.19490317513848199, 0.31818006814142752, 0.44431328428917849,
-    0.51127610159630021, 0.60383086895704507, 0.66138230429826461,
-    0.71265972318194859, 0.76129462676019677, 0.83795014966870063,
-    0.89283607223616412, 0.94121780304322211, 0.99883776020744297,
-    1.0583181972227838, 1.1082428211928517, 1.1713208117143756,
-    1.2148024624665414, 1.2609968601390287, 1.3328682001354739,
-    1.3925492252792258, 1.4667867999704067, 1.514482258913509,
-    1.5743932825824867, 1.6055483247197799, 1.6735799139620093,
-    1.7242981980275145, 1.7695095310430997, 1.8260039068052139,
-    1.8847715885877299, 1.9197993080657989, 1.9744731923762646,
-    2.0311915914165062, 2.1097644028458769, 2.1664244086126137,
-    2.2431869595868097, 2.2837360345225766, 2.3556313195570087,
-    2.405430036905444, 2.4505170860355792, 2.4989854383785239,
-    2.5407069198492236, 2.5973895600257899, 2.6662262216343775,
-    2.7003533281249101, 2.7540559919851004, 2.8059856736986672,
-    2.8744094871135686, 2.9296784011089727, 2.9987201241218648,
-    3.060603076649417, 3.149353771093593, 3.2335250198149148,
-    3.2987481250279922, 3.3813159530575105, 3.420245321649098,
-    3.4667630445198467, 3.5404207818987037, 3.6319368958518181,
-    3.7059200378072354, 3.7740034108713001, 3.8372038077261137,
-    3.9197610988151039, 3.9886257099364339, 4.0660495867193172,
-    4.138300196794412, 4.2257097559547683, 4.3260432863760752,
-    4.4121971145250116, 4.5042890038890597, 4.5643129623079091,
-    4.6632837420436948, 4.760388268790428, 4.8656859399723364,
-    4.9325603768335293, 5.0342194443918942, 5.1201176332551412,
-    5.2068094592308221, 5.2861985755361616, 5.3619402279344657,
-    5.4488952829979578, 5.5661630444890307, 5.6302459604039878,
-    5.7251570645424943, 5.8265289703090026, 5.9757197595129812,
-    6.0745229648833075, 6.1917517048051831, 6.2953470395796423,
-    6.403259690218019, 6.4917627633704118, 6.6358190501534073,
-    6.7679316573810269, 6.8686794099073571, 6.951123042441683,
-    7.0714773931514774, 7.1876874501549377, 7.2851841541363633,
-    7.4277247272769777, 7.545118161206557, 7.6796631181823791,
-    7.8167880642937018, 7.9566071237538072, 8.0603936878360543,
-    8.1832039873181959, 8.3115755716587163, 8.4320844813486833,
-    8.5902802761521784, 8.7221702888496431, 8.8514060135926869,
-    9.0332345688234028, 9.1963706908372931, 9.3367587179861236,
-    9.497006030540005, 9.6427753811526102, 9.8532189063800164,
-    10.050461242163172, 10.168236220470268, 10.348527513241617,
-    10.531791667580992, 10.703985943887844, 10.93278400032537,
-    11.15334897515447, 11.279161608656203, 11.493658887982159,
-    11.629213658946661, 11.813149108077441, 12.148329929207353,
-    12.428225959361159, 12.590673999087862, 12.794134333415222,
-    13.002054595845699, 13.29166579030848, 13.555249875763497,
-    13.805021300146676, 14.163857718369647, 14.396612581875223,
-    14.68307313946254, 14.923008872428863, 15.32205455142778,
-    15.692053745001203, 16.016016291617053, 16.269176030476242,
-    16.559936897997712, 16.907361798334914, 17.258247430228977,
-    17.522507804773419, 17.819739257247601, 18.300494526840033,
-    18.61675208077844, 18.901401014716043, 19.417022408557258,
-    19.797904233478242, 20.228015085729147, 20.637954339218549,
-    21.183210911355513, 21.771881557448339, 22.21773210897102,
-    22.779612813526374, 23.276529546096842, 23.849594764724543,
-    24.446921593531446, 25.015101229550464, 25.658559396356374,
-    26.282199605420455, 27.105386636499361, 27.676243476410885,
-    28.419439927324717, 29.184424065828914, 29.883208551297241,
-    30.862499878001806, 31.713413996846523, 32.826935291082727,
-    33.72406490654123, 34.680776796431886, 35.528359794461842,
-    36.670845950707843, 37.969249977719763, 39.273981900912467,
-    40.244728926237393, 41.483302822400162, 43.211405024691217,
-    44.630074152677139, 46.308911078822682, 48.422856008629161,
-    49.774586644602294, 51.781332900742051, 53.252372889554401,
-    55.257436943999878, 57.314324693762337, 60.134437476839075,
-    64.643054466595004, 67.805529413896068, 72.960204750804039,
-    78.548035565623934, 86.612578466349305, 95.851443874433429,
-    105.43467161328387, 123.71872542791084, 144.47153346382115,
-    176.91525388308472, 309.16164265953068, 0.0, 0.093398210950316154,
-    0.1964204104101267, 0.28305640434431101, 0.37579074941364743,
-    0.43376997866650091, 0.49429543879132976, 0.53862866326746572,
-    0.58159097219579325, 0.61215633846525852, 0.66489866088651661,
-    0.71376871279852483, 0.76604518711445135, 0.80762780660631495,
-    0.86702460155016359, 0.92578293211375118, 0.96655278458941574,
-    1.012408711382466, 1.0389370892326379, 1.0979094469421704,
-    1.1360967828124768, 1.1843998812376955, 1.2121765466487182,
-    1.2356656356376803, 1.269517337829088, 1.3064220440414478,
-    1.3456604109067491, 1.3847455871539975, 1.4433510659744919,
-    1.4787246262422706, 1.5290320752062629, 1.5562124703009197,
-    1.6073426914107938, 1.6404681580522233, 1.6702244973685063,
-    1.73063179859356, 1.7750006715499509, 1.8279516044521678,
-    1.859195201800822, 1.9053170452940513, 1.9280767671566097,
-    1.9902516035810496, 2.0186760912468551, 2.092657238098997,
-    2.1474948054253384, 2.1871961512096565, 2.2317816251782281,
-    2.2907742739410164, 2.3359180870369833, 2.3869816483688759,
-    2.4529856457177273, 2.4909203390683849, 2.5537529934964778,
-    2.6292032978804851, 2.6784202619777213, 2.7190242328666847,
-    2.7592501032192169, 2.8141411237425067, 2.8832878890394928,
-    2.9253711343109838, 2.9954526684612648, 3.0483400308079833,
-    3.1195790079290284, 3.1882923341376097, 3.2475133828248954,
-    3.3082893597110878, 3.3998621255091428, 3.47762860298067,
-    3.5504403144136871, 3.6091991238429708, 3.6617110799009782,
-    3.747352642356359, 3.7869413127021954, 3.8494017410196837,
-    3.9492065318655385, 4.0178432318231367, 4.1459135647020364,
-    4.2117067391482745, 4.2819404568634685, 4.3483465566680453,
-    4.4244779495490469, 4.4626585143965478, 4.529665123797245,
-    4.590443570999347, 4.6959724608287416, 4.7546121047868048,
-    4.8565039814092676, 4.9526895878521771, 5.0443764740864374,
-    5.1192000512767368, 5.2222704461323, 5.3679136440586834, 5.44561515189495,
-    5.573881356101074, 5.6587732114410647, 5.7456859581229036,
-    5.8285056653676959, 5.9249388997940375, 6.0008874169591815,
-    6.1408249280378238, 6.1925479765893821, 6.257597707865, 6.3482665820132933,
-    6.4362617657783012, 6.5018677743421236, 6.5990992264693222,
-    6.7059841755319676, 6.8408659416578956, 6.9783602936172588,
-    7.0768404883339144, 7.275512674657814, 7.3760305080718176,
-    7.4852630022878435, 7.5558323048134834, 7.6469369887215128,
-    7.7796586853873126, 7.8927874437708638, 7.9917930786552116,
-    8.1024563434454961, 8.2999865668501034, 8.4506558762494599,
-    8.5965995871403145, 8.8639775066208841, 8.963955758417768,
-    9.1445204978480277, 9.3391048111935557, 9.4789266524635813,
-    9.6269538620278485, 9.798523665360058, 9.9267454692157209,
-    10.135523291360611, 10.266903541690644, 10.45005203381487,
-    10.715778409248584, 10.96464567850493, 11.083463676843031,
-    11.256660301260217, 11.500996192642983, 11.687974340512826,
-    11.903229343489697, 12.133709181931877, 12.310998874748263,
-    12.750272219083747, 13.056147482613222, 13.253490555112993,
-    13.675145968268881, 13.924230477174909, 14.217574079767886,
-    14.571236022596374, 14.939288725850155, 15.314551253615292,
-    15.575987515584663, 15.833645863054313, 16.200485384427974,
-    16.477465196601848, 16.843241153808755, 17.272849032588312,
-    17.796542227272955, 18.154946140541519, 18.42280855377696,
-    18.768141850732011, 19.187362345680633, 19.591309885228171,
-    19.89722345376024, 20.702595711695711, 21.128564543818339,
-    21.527729127045859, 21.98660526945358, 22.521671536797641,
-    23.024367946134102, 23.561848505072032, 24.014992900974836,
-    24.436576472708754, 25.503186568685322, 26.610835772872736,
-    27.151442239196715, 27.70328225888667, 28.806039995726948,
-    29.627287233320377, 30.315284533811624, 31.327683853768139,
-    32.147834022257314, 32.92691659425568, 34.04201415685305,
-    35.413352753610873, 36.221826443150817, 37.977707465427912,
-    39.36878752355473, 40.951879054950432, 42.365682197246947,
-    44.629804117764586, 46.795396750300675, 49.67533805194968,
-    54.589345174300426, 59.129570664612665, 65.197403972300108,
-    72.17408937465612, 82.574762345786382, 93.478082113773723,
-    137.00082761546682, 199.8118228761337, 0.0, 0.10986207372166874,
-    0.14872621306540318, 0.19845064349132605, 0.23956108970357301,
-    0.27567089124994565, 0.30377868213388104, 0.33708359499769869,
-    0.36673053244321807, 0.39912993308020295, 0.426779015978206,
-    0.44779438158941426, 0.47517643738476034, 0.50286573074575236,
-    0.52693060971954953, 0.55098158547076637, 0.58123019985394664,
-    0.60493909669532997, 0.63389774238520347, 0.67186606098347501,
-    0.69617002023919206, 0.72425525288091774, 0.74131268328835165,
-    0.75822441587657952, 0.78496504186460769, 0.81439669478023768,
-    0.83597937513562759, 0.86590383841807772, 0.8832207398905233,
-    0.9128885288784947, 0.93278832232658382, 0.9712970144945392,
-    0.98805434822469451, 1.017363705614581, 1.0437582087199948,
-    1.0718487411987458, 1.1004250896437773, 1.1194711959360109,
-    1.1437610856843738, 1.1703135770105868, 1.2056434217949175,
-    1.2338045789280789, 1.2543783796951538, 1.2881091828814166,
-    1.3112986519959224, 1.3412713397963407, 1.3643779221604135,
-    1.3915419763427743, 1.4135745730894449, 1.4437349779195308,
-    1.4780368538634174, 1.5059249898934794, 1.5377824779923701,
-    1.5720832254223982, 1.6052142651949446, 1.6359894194069291,
-    1.6698249679324384, 1.7010194250562272, 1.7272294927445859,
-    1.7640864928040065, 1.8021508917193763, 1.836941181297739,
-    1.8572858792099074, 1.8790413654272671, 1.9118884108245098,
-    1.942073490357896, 1.9694860799879985, 2.0015645272239428,
-    2.0522149106625998, 2.0912660589444134, 2.1247257810064668,
-    2.1749093251088301, 2.2217650563723126, 2.2797139028050473,
-    2.3273351675369698, 2.3662520837977135, 2.4085161957373407,
-    2.44842259128407, 2.4966048731591064, 2.5293551875388931,
-    2.5632601598410365, 2.6058201417068219, 2.6332894599197223,
-    2.6736218730705206, 2.7182676740160878, 2.7675212194433909,
-    2.812780412941005, 2.851379316835152, 2.8952580472277556,
-    2.9324664002449192, 2.9730447751871556, 3.0227975296309393,
-    3.0615273198990827, 3.1268021698603428, 3.174893627551298,
-    3.2193684712802222, 3.2683746695506959, 3.3223129099795639,
-    3.373078633435032, 3.436781965208882, 3.4965341709413189,
-    3.5485636123343998, 3.6258706424876941, 3.6600532837001367,
-    3.70560155555301, 3.7650593373841739, 3.8358507676461393,
-    3.9084549757206171, 3.9708021023524647, 4.0212671115382888,
-    4.0946288617889595, 4.1394244422887896, 4.2188351505187107,
-    4.2823861107092336, 4.345215736329938, 4.4124531199132271,
-    4.4715502537649803, 4.5793747033075158, 4.6772348615589658,
-    4.7793135998354499, 4.8587348255519132, 4.9729544448725447,
-    5.0694000105385566, 5.1648687512296263, 5.2375026757215011,
-    5.3107689102038451, 5.3918869300439356, 5.4798227286901664,
-    5.5404131589193328, 5.648241044217758, 5.7449977826195706,
-    5.8598429438509489, 5.9784308800284593, 6.0724910376893559,
-    6.2240939885017204, 6.3418997607004348, 6.4869662152984544,
-    6.6005309624044228, 6.7321547133945252, 6.8313273194562418,
-    6.9553827276444107, 7.0978539209087161, 7.2385617409417087,
-    7.4083545257663301, 7.5207064390014864, 7.6784562087734116,
-    7.8094272468662487, 7.9694720845049609, 8.1498776347751605,
-    8.3017112945801781, 8.5266505277166349, 8.6503142671472784,
-    8.9054272928070564, 9.1373026527777839, 9.3315715528110896,
-    9.5401595700260877, 9.7597048968193185, 9.9666371700161704,
-    10.22144069326451, 10.408114251683418, 10.676084943208242,
-    10.908036087339795, 11.20436716656776, 11.477519824720831,
-    11.808217307144476, 12.095306359268855, 12.384349218033464,
-    12.685309460589796, 12.923557637527606, 13.204138344604788,
-    13.616900691559191, 13.979656973992922, 14.606515576714788,
-    14.962258652534821, 15.314510650339031, 15.724483559731054,
-    16.382829228207918, 17.009132961353529, 17.366569031693889,
-    17.900210603831621, 18.648573105414446, 19.363994023453447,
-    20.143558523165193, 20.828002130195308, 21.73898624871266,
-    22.409876982562661, 23.415203632804776, 24.355119676733135,
-    25.938175172718896, 27.639017238717773, 29.341494300849057,
-    30.595119225694788, 32.714674098003904, 35.49272152410154,
-    37.928565199883295, 43.491713440727274, 47.581292491927705,
-    57.969627624865709, 63.340294577285306, 80.397876878853367,
-    1699.4418298669216, 0.0, 0.057563746961587628, 0.072111582138628103,
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-    0.12297408594046662, 0.13531860413261979, 0.14452962166237915,
-    0.18495685986529226, 0.19550850903207695, 0.22061034782875669,
-    0.24758609568932677, 0.2612060900760057, 0.26777787436395784,
-    0.27913993724767144, 0.29698064960443493, 0.31244925057107031,
-    0.32122508788845933, 0.33311366430341305, 0.34236037155250942,
-    0.35256380627730061, 0.35729858105022982, 0.36206918848814695,
-    0.36696792159332803, 0.37634614206748435, 0.38534850898782269,
-    0.3894744547332164, 0.40001857990165496, 0.40628143701841141,
-    0.41257543810712505, 0.42792024247708083, 0.43741390937376029,
-    0.44679385424881979, 0.45338668180597402, 0.45852917891908479,
-    0.46847035670602488, 0.47881191760237773, 0.48636454017775488,
-    0.49953494697176376, 0.50860731875951681, 0.51485110540295576,
-    0.52109982877729388, 0.52856828716304816, 0.53396501041075717,
-    0.54519067350690764, 0.55087030570382234, 0.56120787950497175,
-    0.56947875574614748, 0.57879694500782908, 0.59045771217758214,
-    0.60020074472460661, 0.61356581621742379, 0.62339692092995469,
-    0.62921777922324307, 0.63757958596122966, 0.64566282308710643,
-    0.65337163144903077, 0.65757954743934188, 0.66731107005984081,
-    0.68506693378151473, 0.69407449975565316, 0.71475464833393743,
-    0.71919154363460669, 0.72854121818321049, 0.73768805533929283,
-    0.74964936797719572, 0.77319064552644212, 0.78475208628536974,
-    0.79568283458133116, 0.80765736770217855, 0.81877434008276662,
-    0.82795271525666825, 0.83973491168326087, 0.84972560110746476,
-    0.85639470621002023, 0.8647134858775507, 0.88244802261826683,
-    0.89985271988240045, 0.92340768696765485, 0.93788541450428287,
-    0.94792835531188524, 0.96027918757802155, 0.96921149562521636,
-    0.97952213604373195, 0.98854957689191614, 0.99970116951294496,
-    1.00882043327571, 1.0201870773908586, 1.041349919759516,
-    1.0556530343908901, 1.0756585260782074, 1.088223830319788,
-    1.0958784727426483, 1.1149995386526934, 1.1304796415226661,
-    1.1446063542280724, 1.1638356180596499, 1.1745794869462154,
-    1.193511657405055, 1.2182391405087374, 1.2382096317106388,
-    1.2472982421708765, 1.2622218704529613, 1.2744400683695623,
-    1.2908221594923039, 1.305167165044943, 1.3252374721898401,
-    1.3384679854994657, 1.3542873322844842, 1.3724563152241775,
-    1.3892962190041085, 1.4109408775708268, 1.419655422200014,
-    1.4315263030154188, 1.4527276892177177, 1.4683378048771656,
-    1.4867165057343337, 1.516076453749051, 1.5433792065946024,
-    1.5553543482759045, 1.5609831318052232, 1.5806764726673499,
-    1.6041131847991026, 1.6344144243726575, 1.6710888016711845,
-    1.7061932731840148, 1.7354452179890347, 1.7630243267926291,
-    1.7975788676407549, 1.814028785525206, 1.8281150670319055,
-    1.8550087441605427, 1.8737649522280617, 1.8856226040366797,
-    1.9079304881331332, 1.9442107218496263, 1.9659920408787115,
-    1.9983699901526899, 2.0223202139688512, 2.0401740051464592,
-    2.0748888988742027, 2.1149914291249212, 2.1360608521646109,
-    2.1565833101041338, 2.1693334907915234, 2.207376721598215,
-    2.2255919603217067, 2.272629194554781, 2.3279774087392666,
-    2.3517585387327471, 2.3910765083557908, 2.4703248547335415,
-    2.5208338119493607, 2.5806226807785433, 2.6402836153572076,
-    2.7185362598168772, 2.7677835795641461, 2.8180997959029526,
-    2.8326345693021624, 2.8701055927549652, 2.9318268717765115,
-    3.0139842815042615, 3.0571236539047622, 3.1734047661118234,
-    3.2297672388561938, 3.3059073464928148, 3.3897975561487925,
-    3.4745601523423382, 3.5452181551689357, 3.6265670674665991,
-    3.7050473014775043, 3.8309245560041219, 3.9372996837644192,
-    4.0716930145722978, 4.212857083996437, 4.2692123731220972,
-    4.46591990841738, 4.5523023767467139, 4.6548916677892533,
-    4.7758394764018659, 4.9758326990027228, 5.2769985200911247,
-    5.5486096014042028, 5.7245726086000337, 6.0102407093754762,
-    6.1426829331257933, 6.287333950013684, 6.5928811370882103,
-    6.9367730409204489, 7.0646691460119388, 7.2083448239980932,
-    7.5049899728910674, 8.1901484843386374, 8.6011704867597345,
-    9.304469886954676, 10.665731252277961, 11.88866301597937,
-    13.361123901157045, 18.497872676781789, 25.178694947474682
+    0.0,
+    0.56094372606762677,
+    0.7748555093433106,
+    0.95310767752176617,
+    1.1906079835411554,
+    1.4135063615181933,
+    1.5469706087575439,
+    1.717637715444549,
+    1.9078084450312611,
+    2.078830865302939,
+    2.3673694393209286,
+    2.5652916154906422,
+    2.719176314163422,
+    2.9143350583182777,
+    3.0556867288035465,
+    3.3314071492430846,
+    3.5309373944964433,
+    3.7198259542235506,
+    3.9746173222307726,
+    4.1716075147757152,
+    4.3331714146492013,
+    4.5010791980770231,
+    4.7010753304750965,
+    4.8936058791922381,
+    5.1037597147293932,
+    5.2592473096915198,
+    5.4933808099586612,
+    5.6277238343814533,
+    5.8620859412865522,
+    6.1059450539869653,
+    6.3120134479962893,
+    6.5830830775944706,
+    6.8200926493441481,
+    7.0702834736372564,
+    7.3483462204604635,
+    7.6264067744909951,
+    7.8372782469612465,
+    8.0617780685477705,
+    8.3995622657866384,
+    8.7403882283600378,
+    9.0992605207420993,
+    9.3705162889778926,
+    9.75889880418889,
+    10.194686638374007,
+    10.438514323942188,
+    10.726873592781514,
+    11.069318434988878,
+    11.396569108340843,
+    11.801419844938572,
+    12.128206841266881,
+    12.485948104637052,
+    12.756299870388832,
+    13.076944452763826,
+    13.458692068837927,
+    13.824717813822369,
+    14.316393196413889,
+    14.621905587891465,
+    14.888480073624264,
+    15.335930506891625,
+    15.609627342322275,
+    16.191900883034002,
+    16.54381609680534,
+    17.147813194052553,
+    17.468929751742763,
+    17.940480341162086,
+    18.345046931400908,
+    18.601290104964175,
+    19.011371018239437,
+    19.335036342308854,
+    19.740516156682062,
+    20.13447317647455,
+    20.462447938558235,
+    21.091090849462493,
+    21.556877958704259,
+    21.823267014913611,
+    22.208749180717806,
+    22.786099855049944,
+    23.371401551338806,
+    23.73315353587088,
+    24.31738397233147,
+    24.625223648727555,
+    25.069412618036147,
+    25.928099135972015,
+    26.497110723217201,
+    27.085968731165757,
+    27.631123699960334,
+    28.187584878982072,
+    28.991619387322526,
+    29.353231676085986,
+    30.083376143103514,
+    30.880607280324416,
+    31.435216510900492,
+    32.392330109783813,
+    32.921554836523583,
+    33.514110805447565,
+    34.303809151243847,
+    35.456294459561711,
+    36.280791683627093,
+    36.940252784295062,
+    37.717899566227963,
+    38.457688239199655,
+    39.596732893642503,
+    40.36400419560065,
+    40.945135884536548,
+    41.797758649637814,
+    42.487275414278201,
+    43.921777494122409,
+    44.874273975496472,
+    45.67446232320151,
+    46.727212320012811,
+    47.45119952715492,
+    48.639858771576726,
+    49.370473491276989,
+    50.528638968567975,
+    51.389834372987714,
+    52.582079342007546,
+    53.589199085657242,
+    54.585243505081834,
+    55.622223351244195,
+    56.936556831025484,
+    58.385520290381457,
+    59.451232373507203,
+    60.588566421499443,
+    62.401492617291595,
+    63.88804064081846,
+    65.599157033995837,
+    67.204436723739235,
+    69.4912133287594,
+    71.622345320740351,
+    73.103725049112015,
+    75.089813374922841,
+    76.884823802108912,
+    78.275061550352873,
+    80.357326438684495,
+    83.305006897820235,
+    85.400732831032357,
+    87.218868459052473,
+    89.130072489534143,
+    91.252783666141042,
+    92.815637585979999,
+    95.739391170148252,
+    98.435092605981637,
+    100.31960869294872,
+    102.50286766025864,
+    105.48705400852423,
+    108.82295714914468,
+    111.39204546177986,
+    114.62248349802513,
+    117.87687880992867,
+    119.40484241859349,
+    122.7734081083525,
+    125.26971884287919,
+    128.55177396728385,
+    131.66269963489299,
+    136.57359107720188,
+    140.51816667169177,
+    144.16804544736863,
+    150.35987039520109,
+    154.72466658210519,
+    160.54109480247283,
+    164.18861964598716,
+    170.24309324015738,
+    175.29889321042558,
+    183.11630724838597,
+    189.01683118972002,
+    196.90975774880297,
+    204.49263459337524,
+    213.04893801936598,
+    219.75869942751646,
+    228.19907555440614,
+    239.44926809073948,
+    248.20168822805923,
+    259.25320106736922,
+    265.44318466962994,
+    277.32312416782054,
+    288.56952434288797,
+    298.64263419554209,
+    315.25981209742378,
+    331.89024853535398,
+    342.74298087821637,
+    360.77964203727674,
+    378.48547030119011,
+    392.5550051422876,
+    405.31614074355014,
+    421.74150173342304,
+    441.4412304371254,
+    457.82211257306926,
+    480.45566322885566,
+    513.45774433642032,
+    555.4000490334372,
+    605.92811073979146,
+    652.49495125201292,
+    704.61385101258315,
+    786.33845891481292,
+    874.04643470496728,
+    1012.3600088462719,
+    1159.4774300577808,
+    1379.2669821003758,
+    1756.1106436012778,
+    2357.4547208831491,
+    217148.93534056327,
+    0.0,
+    0.46532971898727915,
+    0.68496949409616426,
+    0.94645340397600952,
+    1.102736193185504,
+    1.312453009792369,
+    1.4867727436472011,
+    1.6340240974064906,
+    1.8260512349059785,
+    1.9700706984768943,
+    2.1040893787044128,
+    2.2333135236192967,
+    2.3880111121966587,
+    2.5520785579949155,
+    2.6739841145948597,
+    2.8075636832160806,
+    2.9039966303754365,
+    3.0345967971695451,
+    3.2102417439344437,
+    3.3137856992787351,
+    3.4376002808848787,
+    3.5571277890563819,
+    3.6898499180667237,
+    3.799063723671626,
+    3.94997555574531,
+    4.0925736583580976,
+    4.2086028832412561,
+    4.3390635740171728,
+    4.4761244808887941,
+    4.6023420572801266,
+    4.7263227277876512,
+    4.8591547764014482,
+    5.0957595508246589,
+    5.30514679884981,
+    5.4401600222425195,
+    5.5717535777959721,
+    5.7003644346866409,
+    5.8768488839999593,
+    5.991691304228997,
+    6.1771150398732244,
+    6.3465048845874961,
+    6.4948860632013519,
+    6.6772230060948159,
+    6.8030943590107249,
+    6.9813191429783039,
+    7.165284199966873,
+    7.3873559281058423,
+    7.5948269266966975,
+    7.801592658633016,
+    7.9955249125214145,
+    8.1905643672046686,
+    8.3270830680818655,
+    8.5054910750061179,
+    8.7225666260180663,
+    8.9368113184240965,
+    9.1376808053645888,
+    9.3633428615533649,
+    9.5990825604962264,
+    9.7364383724201087,
+    9.9186955590691088,
+    10.124746714296,
+    10.40687565362729,
+    10.737648017833138,
+    11.012188237958963,
+    11.214102933586581,
+    11.45440355061357,
+    11.736264046084917,
+    12.026226014607102,
+    12.245762888886343,
+    12.541549269023777,
+    12.756641375192153,
+    12.98360561266394,
+    13.288306417225625,
+    13.526164571303489,
+    13.75503655409527,
+    14.117128492708087,
+    14.374029807073448,
+    14.712173108685258,
+    14.981897180990096,
+    15.344366904559326,
+    15.600391910392348,
+    16.020999494977502,
+    16.300440442407332,
+    16.606309936976054,
+    16.902143272482817,
+    17.159816580240875,
+    17.461774805635738,
+    17.781122815339479,
+    18.119654210560597,
+    18.48063214553467,
+    18.820102897217541,
+    19.161710076244763,
+    19.479832189525602,
+    19.848403979835609,
+    20.122299299121863,
+    20.43004460334555,
+    20.753188532047265,
+    21.116860477662346,
+    21.534773567291243,
+    22.137744141529421,
+    22.45219966811996,
+    22.843712755485114,
+    23.327127510714419,
+    23.801219885543535,
+    24.400068243422009,
+    24.859199781454677,
+    25.249212813218318,
+    25.681597611963909,
+    26.218124149559316,
+    26.865624109857663,
+    27.476273115575268,
+    28.003316090112232,
+    28.465744086402083,
+    29.114406317582951,
+    29.863184721251695,
+    30.645923853117178,
+    31.411221663197541,
+    32.083675244596449,
+    32.623907125336849,
+    33.542071438820663,
+    34.423855107765,
+    35.090015994189059,
+    35.83529395578082,
+    36.739635743840758,
+    37.456669272617518,
+    38.267335328548761,
+    39.333029993613607,
+    40.288484522728531,
+    41.508400903755643,
+    42.819861162087363,
+    43.639905039190687,
+    44.572666361081048,
+    45.821482473822918,
+    46.862153416881057,
+    48.147392790601714,
+    49.404082667631819,
+    50.527705863342902,
+    52.004399737632923,
+    53.494784474459131,
+    54.714589396642559,
+    55.67232429415796,
+    56.793224205114853,
+    58.007050364060461,
+    59.680200263089169,
+    61.232876696778597,
+    62.427428818562269,
+    63.973042504689445,
+    65.632536988952083,
+    67.347413597855891,
+    69.065640807296859,
+    70.464693299553076,
+    72.418849794356461,
+    74.105138155507049,
+    75.662376323980538,
+    77.872835649845626,
+    79.967351057764517,
+    81.928379445805646,
+    84.034972341121062,
+    86.103344705230924,
+    88.477411000229537,
+    90.312287755291578,
+    92.507210044700187,
+    95.060608477240947,
+    97.679889639836844,
+    100.54820722011901,
+    104.05860073649033,
+    106.9975903165883,
+    110.72495391129446,
+    114.47278880860986,
+    118.67332903577829,
+    122.47362728985475,
+    127.29751063199502,
+    131.9947396665213,
+    137.58105901899614,
+    143.2436551636288,
+    148.62549462778085,
+    155.59863941964065,
+    162.63324375828105,
+    168.58328521973854,
+    176.47623591935073,
+    187.10110318413911,
+    194.1945607895322,
+    205.76585363429373,
+    218.54795010442368,
+    224.54362476449748,
+    231.28500418937108,
+    243.28574251055934,
+    254.11346183370961,
+    270.37086108698531,
+    283.71979921314824,
+    298.26484833307381,
+    309.41788972573079,
+    335.8183191815636,
+    361.8565261478937,
+    398.47210782079094,
+    453.94084657359673,
+    537.44153147414909,
+    644.04067764548461,
+    779.41712961885173,
+    1047.3517440661496,
+    32924.039482636828,
+    0.0,
+    0.44937757329633327,
+    0.61250349172115959,
+    0.7863111534649565,
+    0.88962062078461757,
+    1.0382238515645796,
+    1.1737343879099387,
+    1.3675367911897895,
+    1.4812885968395111,
+    1.6632187662691276,
+    1.8341758133782387,
+    1.9619748247014435,
+    2.0552125983628433,
+    2.1703209170187905,
+    2.2961317300880717,
+    2.3982858575534443,
+    2.4969661855862513,
+    2.6039206933082872,
+    2.7154863269399461,
+    2.7935806808717341,
+    2.9157144052335742,
+    3.0304254455360686,
+    3.1804609723019346,
+    3.2662231643163544,
+    3.3535831040758928,
+    3.4593860912217078,
+    3.5730577882484265,
+    3.6829046499090672,
+    3.7926322745010292,
+    3.918389650507887,
+    4.0461615056476345,
+    4.1688075178063455,
+    4.261935760927039,
+    4.3872821403468514,
+    4.4849226816074195,
+    4.5815647915521316,
+    4.7329622842326859,
+    4.8333438381787959,
+    4.9751149870072844,
+    5.1439939747359258,
+    5.2679283122041474,
+    5.3979939515818964,
+    5.4986148492629514,
+    5.5833034840702549,
+    5.7762491544651375,
+    5.8901795208691912,
+    6.0406044947405793,
+    6.1414968907338547,
+    6.3109595855296661,
+    6.4702277997994733,
+    6.6084310395612746,
+    6.7478047002924155,
+    6.8791042308295953,
+    6.9969768325569115,
+    7.1196791826285173,
+    7.2490813954518822,
+    7.4130615395895152,
+    7.6062113466901806,
+    7.7506437587572199,
+    7.8830685300393055,
+    8.0353926744476123,
+    8.1996939525956183,
+    8.4142220833085606,
+    8.5808330010701201,
+    8.7445310419872921,
+    8.9841822249357115,
+    9.181432418740652,
+    9.3539737653904709,
+    9.5793187725543287,
+    9.7462277892814431,
+    9.9098280489576762,
+    10.04079373626851,
+    10.211734359829405,
+    10.501564944142677,
+    10.710373784142686,
+    10.886736785556671,
+    11.066921822136326,
+    11.235485714770356,
+    11.437646009474888,
+    11.67346914949365,
+    11.83325542414009,
+    12.036493633448316,
+    12.32938637637468,
+    12.554138183666348,
+    12.743210513050011,
+    12.983810120622046,
+    13.174204038774839,
+    13.3680862872507,
+    13.620942224242304,
+    13.890272176459577,
+    14.165385082423146,
+    14.413231848006964,
+    14.724376594252243,
+    14.977328826245193,
+    15.231234613500565,
+    15.55914351677969,
+    15.781820608210545,
+    16.091194364415028,
+    16.347431974296502,
+    16.596030336748036,
+    16.887891775703359,
+    17.178071227425107,
+    17.48876537215957,
+    17.802979490086393,
+    18.167601675413529,
+    18.451234059983907,
+    18.773722324177371,
+    19.095678793499459,
+    19.393224208627331,
+    19.892470444495725,
+    20.360431028492791,
+    20.714816695587093,
+    21.109538106861837,
+    21.528542624887123,
+    21.903763658847744,
+    22.32752745556132,
+    22.932277869765915,
+    23.443859045149278,
+    24.010482595441839,
+    24.454443667170533,
+    24.893590041546005,
+    25.519805040678591,
+    25.948341902144293,
+    26.521018356962905,
+    27.203480036460771,
+    27.923098995772133,
+    28.875462789782972,
+    29.551018023069748,
+    29.950704440314354,
+    30.476114881076313,
+    31.046996042296136,
+    31.828920785208862,
+    32.724644642398538,
+    33.519807747032317,
+    34.207784670738299,
+    34.978220277672911,
+    35.82880248810423,
+    36.674526307149222,
+    37.539567643195326,
+    38.598050079089823,
+    39.461587691403167,
+    40.326650088153748,
+    41.3817881768775,
+    42.413485151973958,
+    43.434107971290473,
+    44.327692773369833,
+    45.281573404128643,
+    46.623500435435595,
+    47.845340004545946,
+    48.925490779005997,
+    50.099817716244445,
+    51.130922527278209,
+    52.52201636244277,
+    54.171384212197573,
+    56.251402930866988,
+    57.343667697555219,
+    59.060037223666868,
+    60.886212298901022,
+    62.282534857812919,
+    63.86965941245365,
+    65.907528655065505,
+    68.060546344496487,
+    69.886943517625568,
+    72.15339782090426,
+    74.790861312079699,
+    76.921991723046403,
+    79.835163669975174,
+    82.098620972009513,
+    84.019415664127024,
+    87.941587866072609,
+    90.308304219949349,
+    93.475153751625228,
+    96.866828921040394,
+    99.559133387387135,
+    103.13311038199714,
+    107.13838078377783,
+    111.61641909521742,
+    116.39540365181381,
+    122.02402340139254,
+    126.12078269274167,
+    131.70138789081315,
+    136.7872837632539,
+    142.28439193970823,
+    147.89576596130524,
+    152.23255441740992,
+    157.7226413282819,
+    164.37241204310453,
+    173.15971613514671,
+    180.11295998936518,
+    188.48112308463158,
+    202.36800846564165,
+    217.16809097558243,
+    229.45603073021095,
+    243.95331007710857,
+    267.19713077328231,
+    291.31657906696654,
+    319.83880240534251,
+    369.84715199786609,
+    456.83736037240828,
+    563.36551513987104,
+    1212.4845181047338,
+    0.0,
+    0.39299523597374442,
+    0.57756602839919102,
+    0.74933717643467546,
+    0.84798806113800529,
+    0.98808387915300122,
+    1.0731681865898071,
+    1.1904878246948769,
+    1.3296105353290197,
+    1.4470486564441511,
+    1.6132307202687894,
+    1.7334018816456787,
+    1.8405138120116515,
+    1.9401180825384614,
+    2.0206956222611518,
+    2.088323294417457,
+    2.1965858893088366,
+    2.2678507808547295,
+    2.3513510591465976,
+    2.452940588067142,
+    2.5244403869314138,
+    2.6111507000688201,
+    2.686185953440015,
+    2.7762991589505912,
+    2.8623591840837115,
+    2.9644501753879853,
+    3.0534304377734371,
+    3.1183306038752914,
+    3.2022029138736583,
+    3.3578682900076662,
+    3.4578586494674859,
+    3.5567846506796079,
+    3.6352803762683252,
+    3.7653628446367353,
+    3.8440117447262629,
+    3.9584732534380351,
+    4.0302646502503574,
+    4.1218781156084869,
+    4.211981828454741,
+    4.3396760587886405,
+    4.4201415569911395,
+    4.5235887459809963,
+    4.6307469822655509,
+    4.7731054586827728,
+    4.8838280863806549,
+    4.9937362132930252,
+    5.1605178704372632,
+    5.2560966186259481,
+    5.3556600842824587,
+    5.4678635206702646,
+    5.5973168757166114,
+    5.7048755075035276,
+    5.8878433771286218,
+    6.0190112054897522,
+    6.118844708522011,
+    6.2719026695437989,
+    6.3725565545753042,
+    6.4738742707717662,
+    6.5961657370971558,
+    6.6863432232288851,
+    6.8285306029142401,
+    6.9529888304791623,
+    7.0345923470005971,
+    7.153050087371815,
+    7.23828648460319,
+    7.3488613350575518,
+    7.5297259666276082,
+    7.665228962415263,
+    7.814513809818397,
+    7.9676729944874758,
+    8.0965767962005515,
+    8.258619388928004,
+    8.4038000906770929,
+    8.5498166593706451,
+    8.6979091856223683,
+    8.8099783579444786,
+    8.9513067459030502,
+    9.1237502030553657,
+    9.3482831702262139,
+    9.5044967504159725,
+    9.6593366065001636,
+    9.82253449013227,
+    9.9874115529723486,
+    10.137506876476476,
+    10.289126599046901,
+    10.444223952502876,
+    10.599915162622709,
+    10.734363441288647,
+    10.917595405084366,
+    11.108460594133211,
+    11.352160340302392,
+    11.607842306499339,
+    11.798599260283471,
+    12.009365871239995,
+    12.251934875461144,
+    12.49314138461267,
+    12.815528078713546,
+    13.078160801731713,
+    13.367979668775682,
+    13.61963788461563,
+    13.830407348960653,
+    14.134759793056256,
+    14.406222062237235,
+    14.719108048702839,
+    15.039806819372597,
+    15.357959034733886,
+    15.742708764682598,
+    16.038031868942646,
+    16.342061974077719,
+    16.619014591659234,
+    16.995469066261826,
+    17.440245060531616,
+    17.749017033014272,
+    18.105417999557947,
+    18.521262453800805,
+    18.847635914656443,
+    19.422978973137425,
+    19.69919609219999,
+    20.085099945021412,
+    20.537864119839881,
+    21.008059900732494,
+    21.532289222273434,
+    22.054776673981362,
+    22.335014932602295,
+    22.916014727566228,
+    23.337139989662067,
+    23.720719036927843,
+    24.388060450004911,
+    24.84313177402456,
+    25.486862832547693,
+    26.168604409957322,
+    26.702984764635431,
+    27.287480741291404,
+    27.801078630394546,
+    28.269720592443107,
+    28.926401527988713,
+    29.605430975118843,
+    30.330319669354552,
+    31.30134009465884,
+    31.993708205209099,
+    32.73067706792078,
+    33.486394058985752,
+    34.167581724784604,
+    35.401930848802451,
+    36.065974473699839,
+    36.896350829985813,
+    37.7813927333629,
+    38.921309661559299,
+    39.97516998571502,
+    40.789572211691727,
+    42.125840794801142,
+    43.644711500275349,
+    44.85355032164108,
+    45.812829425455917,
+    47.046058315709615,
+    48.449631897327926,
+    49.622408318720304,
+    51.04144247927352,
+    53.201024346560494,
+    54.577940901359469,
+    55.974500547503887,
+    57.300272604946706,
+    58.935437915672885,
+    61.253114155133289,
+    63.821740538824884,
+    65.624318697869271,
+    67.454483508361619,
+    69.123018783403808,
+    71.210354296257066,
+    74.567150230165254,
+    76.23070335468914,
+    78.271987515678816,
+    81.071827225516031,
+    83.453646862710841,
+    86.529339530495577,
+    89.958680391197973,
+    92.139227178417912,
+    95.452626979151631,
+    98.96652527128883,
+    102.73989810547134,
+    106.50759157615551,
+    111.64659346669681,
+    115.90393310434297,
+    120.92459723788905,
+    125.40052719866213,
+    129.67134907792868,
+    135.46294701412262,
+    142.5538801102015,
+    151.30070681491432,
+    157.84567716877518,
+    169.5170423411827,
+    178.87680934745092,
+    193.39884029816415,
+    208.14234715671577,
+    235.5424670602799,
+    259.89890359594898,
+    295.34858783034383,
+    334.33861915695468,
+    435.37594838703143,
+    500.4258992515953,
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+    0.0,
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+    1.2659631876378288,
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+    1.4871416503290158,
+    1.6059691148096156,
+    1.7314193523743162,
+    1.8189928465042873,
+    1.9334458898159075,
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+    2.1075833274228066,
+    2.217744079961764,
+    2.2892931053076637,
+    2.370399790641895,
+    2.4612447561840849,
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+    2.7635584974075624,
+    2.8487982858984613,
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+    3.1340583717433561,
+    3.235843360825664,
+    3.3184989258906628,
+    3.3887498944054912,
+    3.4742665307996607,
+    3.5562981091035697,
+    3.6417013733235564,
+    3.7311047300627127,
+    3.8872996993864741,
+    3.9804799011541103,
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+    4.1363024053202926,
+    4.2208974321794877,
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+    4.4823314746332565,
+    4.5480736492020721,
+    4.6140282594933879,
+    4.6927572802426791,
+    4.7950758075336255,
+    4.8965365095798212,
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+    5.0975160269495143,
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+    5.4178449031775839,
+    5.5118563643244292,
+    5.5991786537930563,
+    5.7292585294169509,
+    5.8455520624288511,
+    5.9835086379946096,
+    6.1056860394816654,
+    6.2159830829296503,
+    6.3853574209981945,
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+    6.6378799857782989,
+    6.7643189783177879,
+    6.9331608618050389,
+    7.0563877476272356,
+    7.1597694820310664,
+    7.2747575984770805,
+    7.4061511602581902,
+    7.566805332709456,
+    7.7166738418404099,
+    7.8275904312086375,
+    7.9656564706412034,
+    8.1244717048328159,
+    8.3128776945349419,
+    8.4492226274061721,
+    8.6026791744357034,
+    8.7913701590231152,
+    8.9674862747079285,
+    9.203292738543686,
+    9.4039626926929181,
+    9.5311545009803265,
+    9.7551708743344214,
+    9.9026582594455501,
+    10.022592104276631,
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+    10.55911902240299,
+    10.753522809241019,
+    10.926077226400229,
+    11.111675067184086,
+    11.282496796620391,
+    11.542358714530458,
+    11.747566119524583,
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+    12.652985756993917,
+    12.911635251767006,
+    13.185612347682703,
+    13.397850815278218,
+    13.510168018667791,
+    13.823974357607668,
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+    14.319520604253412,
+    14.516982034078424,
+    14.715852185550794,
+    14.964361234520684,
+    15.243919353703765,
+    15.434116248837348,
+    15.848964391761008,
+    16.086776522206492,
+    16.492027051516569,
+    16.795026784147762,
+    17.200208653485955,
+    17.498774119010612,
+    17.697568539728877,
+    17.989065229745375,
+    18.378303894171673,
+    18.701677957394676,
+    19.000050086953262,
+    19.305072306272276,
+    19.640223854343546,
+    20.148513190788542,
+    20.571031137831589,
+    20.950263329212515,
+    21.493452145932224,
+    21.900647991805542,
+    22.368835386038555,
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+    23.266697302860564,
+    23.748918186455164,
+    24.013428277953601,
+    24.436060444302342,
+    24.839469583056065,
+    25.343925184450622,
+    25.873641504196087,
+    26.482510119485095,
+    27.117741302188946,
+    28.028030125009568,
+    28.67264931970686,
+    29.423325760610378,
+    29.889992195728581,
+    30.465443031984776,
+    31.309530466130287,
+    31.901260500752073,
+    32.799551692053072,
+    33.541476679668996,
+    34.443620232941036,
+    35.302557206918429,
+    36.095895295724823,
+    36.967344523130116,
+    37.972365673128152,
+    39.113785970733069,
+    40.183225976540719,
+    41.415014418976391,
+    42.519519437606419,
+    43.877982190483891,
+    45.274268146469012,
+    46.598258997931197,
+    47.577075478663595,
+    49.30474498506122,
+    50.820118338226344,
+    52.111331702490496,
+    53.410484924257844,
+    54.902819374535113,
+    56.280708096832775,
+    57.753628438949818,
+    58.879346286077769,
+    59.968520735732298,
+    60.999746067677791,
+    62.753450775062085,
+    64.030882243935793,
+    65.729557300284014,
+    67.561576034705098,
+    69.665957842633134,
+    71.539525862837877,
+    73.715255033933218,
+    76.042333108418404,
+    79.197194154406716,
+    82.16221890263013,
+    85.299196384291619,
+    89.066358132689487,
+    91.826772968117325,
+    96.091493878155831,
+    101.23287053213269,
+    106.50298553112719,
+    109.91541659247912,
+    113.35584144711426,
+    119.43260281154497,
+    126.01710530963756,
+    135.83275402928408,
+    143.34767183967989,
+    153.86665354982301,
+    165.32615555272824,
+    178.67838621083195,
+    195.7780863511025,
+    213.10059234298109,
+    235.43734867679117,
+    282.56546879749584,
+    344.49428452558914,
+    1032.3156481054148,
+    0.0,
+    0.28542906758282582,
+    0.44835957796562231,
+    0.62651997706725926,
+    0.72080554472755054,
+    0.85153448889118422,
+    1.0135203835548705,
+    1.1497401649165981,
+    1.249689630633253,
+    1.3399789001967404,
+    1.4564959287102479,
+    1.5525185391245844,
+    1.645337296328182,
+    1.7029587642670561,
+    1.7998807148268574,
+    1.8818193335491449,
+    1.9378684814241007,
+    2.0045089255406014,
+    2.0748139436457822,
+    2.1773066185618797,
+    2.2832712158697772,
+    2.3883600529626685,
+    2.51854086329767,
+    2.6082969305879526,
+    2.6653570235348072,
+    2.7353083692676279,
+    2.8357637619195271,
+    2.949800063298929,
+    3.0384811951680373,
+    3.1078994075124524,
+    3.2335260889505033,
+    3.2990419647626399,
+    3.3727668828240933,
+    3.4799226620744226,
+    3.5425893742655994,
+    3.602653782843948,
+    3.6809307822931201,
+    3.7636220805378935,
+    3.8356481276880539,
+    3.9348563402662586,
+    4.0173932529537133,
+    4.1063926031921367,
+    4.1717702846007647,
+    4.2630914745857496,
+    4.3776816586639553,
+    4.4711604153944746,
+    4.5898411942902397,
+    4.6529598063193873,
+    4.7594223012672128,
+    4.859397400196225,
+    4.9911351337934935,
+    5.0565770304775857,
+    5.1225454425221839,
+    5.2210476830787913,
+    5.3162453599135313,
+    5.4019041740602542,
+    5.4940746055002112,
+    5.6136974622961269,
+    5.7781825322921838,
+    5.8753555715066135,
+    5.9710447043669799,
+    6.0693550815356012,
+    6.2210987536494446,
+    6.3057281942751633,
+    6.4213140942100821,
+    6.5389008456679329,
+    6.6598814572271587,
+    6.7667995850353684,
+    6.8447945703412136,
+    6.9638166797290806,
+    7.089919065426475,
+    7.2063358053191635,
+    7.352017914006157,
+    7.4537565287326801,
+    7.582581434309609,
+    7.7515979917104838,
+    7.922857945264326,
+    8.1036189902911531,
+    8.3020028506929222,
+    8.4634925955724825,
+    8.6391711422358544,
+    8.7635395423761935,
+    8.8992877245899145,
+    9.0893279549043093,
+    9.3039711595273165,
+    9.4509385898117682,
+    9.5886214810203292,
+    9.7390698728931344,
+    9.9541876691465312,
+    10.169584740152244,
+    10.408818535856438,
+    10.659936222779091,
+    10.885872639294179,
+    11.234872889392312,
+    11.380004892188218,
+    11.630544911322611,
+    11.842161705728255,
+    12.145847767420936,
+    12.330853164469056,
+    12.583698055254121,
+    12.816494298528724,
+    13.030768267855716,
+    13.340667906325312,
+    13.590963465427643,
+    13.838270526487388,
+    14.074223027757553,
+    14.348879588563831,
+    14.623052429806279,
+    14.889780883997153,
+    15.16693031574218,
+    15.627987742305928,
+    15.886715102647821,
+    16.122720491922152,
+    16.370043221512347,
+    16.698521062776425,
+    17.014791424541087,
+    17.277243625151677,
+    17.630298905505015,
+    17.922468720470825,
+    18.149957595022286,
+    18.504105261759602,
+    18.795720406240982,
+    19.18862905514699,
+    19.475658613972989,
+    19.718119783763974,
+    20.003625971835866,
+    20.315035816376586,
+    20.769230895348553,
+    21.215197103344,
+    21.721451002558126,
+    22.141375933409783,
+    22.495823827116208,
+    22.862304058851613,
+    23.305091172097715,
+    23.849319624238138,
+    24.24364699835543,
+    24.720699200556524,
+    25.085626207841511,
+    25.638589513652505,
+    26.154907865789191,
+    26.464735192229831,
+    26.827306144197109,
+    27.546994095945028,
+    28.177135131091795,
+    28.63885753555148,
+    29.495195057633349,
+    29.842693161801382,
+    30.377067174788916,
+    30.875858140539503,
+    31.744346334559026,
+    32.758933651918937,
+    33.726942266387887,
+    34.215890876186286,
+    35.205804764096222,
+    36.335678040868849,
+    37.11614771455158,
+    37.941465739425929,
+    38.859334633575578,
+    39.928208407832223,
+    40.699477662771486,
+    41.819209837420011,
+    43.215290220738062,
+    43.752358355431525,
+    44.477418638451525,
+    45.544939322383215,
+    46.640235116349203,
+    47.579833058320212,
+    49.08201798196896,
+    50.659250361498124,
+    51.765930922941273,
+    53.63059431256552,
+    55.1000160675475,
+    56.73201493619726,
+    58.246215912516156,
+    59.40623788602521,
+    61.827647106103718,
+    64.49842649472086,
+    66.976553190431929,
+    70.198059650548117,
+    73.471061518231679,
+    75.97093457032166,
+    78.702576395464334,
+    81.611672320767141,
+    83.584533696176564,
+    89.483719245164707,
+    95.503007633435587,
+    99.897758416618558,
+    104.5780094282018,
+    111.60694946504658,
+    117.51568863458957,
+    127.92288436293775,
+    136.29858810722959,
+    147.30418079416475,
+    162.5922919611979,
+    173.4980042718681,
+    184.44721960771685,
+    206.66903439286079,
+    235.60943993849668,
+    279.42538519180954,
+    395.73590980190897,
+    767.7437697537913,
+    0.0,
+    0.36374037786845004,
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+    0.8050753739354829,
+    0.92714388919158952,
+    1.0175094347724474,
+    1.0720068922506483,
+    1.1785486021612082,
+    1.2657419124971916,
+    1.4035727483941891,
+    1.4650786245458309,
+    1.5545465660549713,
+    1.650599565868383,
+    1.6933702592952453,
+    1.7732804777571083,
+    1.8838172082592433,
+    1.954950718947722,
+    2.0048840780203179,
+    2.0683672686827492,
+    2.1645078261391331,
+    2.2612520597106451,
+    2.3359440089385646,
+    2.3981343988484136,
+    2.4476156886612883,
+    2.5691159773482495,
+    2.6084450349000678,
+    2.6658038289568791,
+    2.802053890520781,
+    2.8561183704950697,
+    2.9543741961709769,
+    3.0135138877978185,
+    3.0505910337969002,
+    3.129399027027457,
+    3.1984302483970564,
+    3.3186190937914195,
+    3.4057540256655323,
+    3.4777981689415913,
+    3.5184191917833267,
+    3.5975803130944266,
+    3.6588848905491038,
+    3.8130976291367,
+    3.8802414294541254,
+    3.957222730170348,
+    4.0900593899149893,
+    4.1986310350360245,
+    4.3311490651060334,
+    4.4373460503609401,
+    4.5587919710581124,
+    4.6277536709616927,
+    4.6884807290574564,
+    4.7843280503620607,
+    4.8638283249690355,
+    4.948337773654341,
+    5.1040636578149838,
+    5.1795964194464377,
+    5.2973077144211338,
+    5.3522785288725707,
+    5.4939098011676935,
+    5.6180430790090652,
+    5.7470634587269451,
+    5.8397056876634732,
+    5.9561260760004444,
+    6.0433823634687371,
+    6.1235992948872031,
+    6.2504421209611483,
+    6.4113950981142374,
+    6.5516323124086711,
+    6.7244564776287783,
+    6.8618195100648141,
+    6.9505641642794975,
+    7.0916813413393385,
+    7.2272991950515504,
+    7.3163089878854173,
+    7.4623335136659801,
+    7.6110387010371117,
+    7.7791913595037805,
+    7.936641896374983,
+    8.0878941913267184,
+    8.2595490578730129,
+    8.385431944546335,
+    8.5207274071897672,
+    8.6857803464137824,
+    8.8101649975015821,
+    8.9536744831786148,
+    9.0600596564391367,
+    9.2078447326702051,
+    9.3228888631291884,
+    9.4666810933090737,
+    9.5842181319219488,
+    9.7117679522558404,
+    9.8364937741290674,
+    9.9578885988719605,
+    10.050258999773828,
+    10.222935957512945,
+    10.316390929540351,
+    10.475548798393795,
+    10.645698388425439,
+    10.784281041251679,
+    10.948840474245644,
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+    11.391007009711993,
+    11.567902525938473,
+    11.71609814428081,
+    11.986239831997279,
+    12.114994517734564,
+    12.299234012158884,
+    12.519873907814063,
+    12.863454387962484,
+    13.071436848150757,
+    13.401814698265529,
+    13.616665965772345,
+    13.917822552439985,
+    14.188207378128368,
+    14.392249303363604,
+    14.565292790891043,
+    14.8227217543752,
+    15.082488535254081,
+    15.353996053129002,
+    15.71970041593713,
+    16.055798117141507,
+    16.350541959618788,
+    16.59026542651214,
+    16.985800718119268,
+    17.454849654596948,
+    17.727304029707067,
+    18.074448871862273,
+    18.657077244754035,
+    19.113484525377181,
+    19.562570052919153,
+    20.051208287923327,
+    20.510845671810618,
+    20.868530774744045,
+    21.265799148848728,
+    21.905779229740901,
+    22.253576842522836,
+    22.93054457765145,
+    23.206345747345235,
+    23.442698316367355,
+    23.819566588138276,
+    24.284074517836409,
+    24.787572758168594,
+    25.29135993018971,
+    25.702149605001754,
+    26.244235212381223,
+    26.972918611793055,
+    27.497687861234269,
+    27.803253080067293,
+    28.455954373351648,
+    28.799808431536636,
+    29.848012115835569,
+    30.659490646833433,
+    31.278494629826003,
+    31.986230266586109,
+    32.844426473455414,
+    33.467758528183403,
+    34.226128209009545,
+    35.361957028401591,
+    36.258109649477035,
+    36.936669242532219,
+    37.818365857787754,
+    38.696285651145452,
+    40.081917650133853,
+    40.64346996992446,
+    41.711711592656641,
+    42.702888952548854,
+    43.463449958527363,
+    44.933303891653537,
+    46.280030045429775,
+    46.884828739246672,
+    47.9164412951895,
+    48.816783602198043,
+    51.059938151143868,
+    52.990341731171874,
+    55.149664388125281,
+    56.632548806783447,
+    59.744429378935919,
+    61.750152716933627,
+    64.13446025245527,
+    65.894498123950655,
+    68.469194455591804,
+    72.127321506278804,
+    75.510184634367306,
+    79.070343457944233,
+    82.83698071207391,
+    86.213350717712743,
+    91.263841459235479,
+    96.251898067968696,
+    100.97702206389322,
+    110.24223086163732,
+    122.08402559600439,
+    133.28649360785434,
+    143.88249756506781,
+    165.37750731198261,
+    172.54296243585648,
+    184.52345636646612,
+    205.19933792261477,
+    225.68130093091153,
+    254.48608422209975,
+    356.13158711494771,
+    667.13884179705951,
+    0.0,
+    0.26354229304624982,
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+    1.2865431026365461,
+    1.3473439404701553,
+    1.4202020302877516,
+    1.4768893225494599,
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+    1.5909847654923739,
+    1.6475355098467457,
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+    1.8242615872864518,
+    1.8898188947673684,
+    1.9509538324144411,
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+    2.1250621349491174,
+    2.1880199036006234,
+    2.2482335097460373,
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+    2.4539462471917695,
+    2.5205389108480092,
+    2.5736335433800064,
+    2.6351983220648534,
+    2.7117894124038844,
+    2.7769524741702436,
+    2.8358464472920151,
+    2.8923290609616985,
+    2.952869124430904,
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+    3.1640429065297679,
+    3.230928687772761,
+    3.2871518048094348,
+    3.3658272937032447,
+    3.4150577541035902,
+    3.5021039779235932,
+    3.5747695852696721,
+    3.6487836281519805,
+    3.7241574101269204,
+    3.8142260058409829,
+    3.889886219446729,
+    3.959556232893171,
+    4.0356800011365941,
+    4.1057394274812147,
+    4.1980461864106902,
+    4.309452131909552,
+    4.3828331762835537,
+    4.4695204020316721,
+    4.5367508600967223,
+    4.6233009941728263,
+    4.723559288314422,
+    4.8418135782046221,
+    4.9493007712556114,
+    5.0770358904447308,
+    5.1638022761303857,
+    5.258523659828418,
+    5.355344510356554,
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+    5.5379537810288211,
+    5.6249248142354942,
+    5.7220275089216761,
+    5.838923475249886,
+    5.9497212657328467,
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+    6.1867532212460965,
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+    6.4319591322171776,
+    6.5483864027049101,
+    6.6488785338577285,
+    6.7665965268891011,
+    6.9052017507528056,
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+    7.4487327302385404,
+    7.5665345877761823,
+    7.6547168896849138,
+    7.8054455606559943,
+    7.9504829122596341,
+    8.0783042696456278,
+    8.2122962977826681,
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+    8.7283836649546007,
+    8.883891378612029,
+    9.0083786843632403,
+    9.1761351492455319,
+    9.3638324400389497,
+    9.5907615887485385,
+    9.7594846934193047,
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+    10.346951216302086,
+    10.520062141237078,
+    10.706681377384809,
+    10.967233078599998,
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+    11.336327609263476,
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+    11.780969742764785,
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+    12.836717579047866,
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+    13.349919258349592,
+    13.711232799022634,
+    13.952743864796032,
+    14.173739895596908,
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+    14.982825032585207,
+    15.26649112996823,
+    15.569851389101043,
+    15.807990176918581,
+    16.100384923714998,
+    16.357766493568764,
+    16.777677977704688,
+    17.171170485060028,
+    17.439164114500958,
+    17.753339594991331,
+    18.098780157602537,
+    18.506119482642575,
+    18.872634818431685,
+    19.158220809140616,
+    19.460619214965231,
+    19.861854966350609,
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+    20.572956591632238,
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+    21.344426709478942,
+    21.66166937542549,
+    22.240766877718343,
+    22.565729819049889,
+    23.044323591163653,
+    23.475228287516739,
+    23.932777693805892,
+    24.431735905582023,
+    24.9753478724361,
+    25.444631767712121,
+    26.034501673986167,
+    26.793728332827442,
+    27.366686796047183,
+    27.957289531847202,
+    28.628949210391269,
+    29.141828609314189,
+    29.719739181851036,
+    30.30594251575133,
+    30.960727844584873,
+    32.027496656930069,
+    32.974018472252368,
+    33.863248797022031,
+    34.561629815364022,
+    35.481873500994837,
+    36.425956905396923,
+    37.348331262937052,
+    38.205344049967586,
+    39.198221653394434,
+    40.278372389201685,
+    41.677786414811592,
+    43.065418693400801,
+    44.574973160850661,
+    46.276760954798682,
+    47.637500721436417,
+    49.306031705719278,
+    51.89715331335065,
+    54.021647205722303,
+    56.568849685307754,
+    58.260272125967838,
+    61.01559773170208,
+    63.460178968983008,
+    66.681062849099575,
+    70.419627156287063,
+    73.920166575505235,
+    77.213692861072445,
+    81.815040784668199,
+    85.962566683415389,
+    91.041503329412507,
+    95.177144795049969,
+    99.955722087200343,
+    108.58955753524259,
+    117.80784071631163,
+    130.37475347981882,
+    147.21446326393803,
+    169.18325814487829,
+    205.95766196129654,
+    265.65512151989378,
+    87848.280391018183,
+    0.0,
+    0.19490317513848199,
+    0.31818006814142752,
+    0.44431328428917849,
+    0.51127610159630021,
+    0.60383086895704507,
+    0.66138230429826461,
+    0.71265972318194859,
+    0.76129462676019677,
+    0.83795014966870063,
+    0.89283607223616412,
+    0.94121780304322211,
+    0.99883776020744297,
+    1.0583181972227838,
+    1.1082428211928517,
+    1.1713208117143756,
+    1.2148024624665414,
+    1.2609968601390287,
+    1.3328682001354739,
+    1.3925492252792258,
+    1.4667867999704067,
+    1.514482258913509,
+    1.5743932825824867,
+    1.6055483247197799,
+    1.6735799139620093,
+    1.7242981980275145,
+    1.7695095310430997,
+    1.8260039068052139,
+    1.8847715885877299,
+    1.9197993080657989,
+    1.9744731923762646,
+    2.0311915914165062,
+    2.1097644028458769,
+    2.1664244086126137,
+    2.2431869595868097,
+    2.2837360345225766,
+    2.3556313195570087,
+    2.405430036905444,
+    2.4505170860355792,
+    2.4989854383785239,
+    2.5407069198492236,
+    2.5973895600257899,
+    2.6662262216343775,
+    2.7003533281249101,
+    2.7540559919851004,
+    2.8059856736986672,
+    2.8744094871135686,
+    2.9296784011089727,
+    2.9987201241218648,
+    3.060603076649417,
+    3.149353771093593,
+    3.2335250198149148,
+    3.2987481250279922,
+    3.3813159530575105,
+    3.420245321649098,
+    3.4667630445198467,
+    3.5404207818987037,
+    3.6319368958518181,
+    3.7059200378072354,
+    3.7740034108713001,
+    3.8372038077261137,
+    3.9197610988151039,
+    3.9886257099364339,
+    4.0660495867193172,
+    4.138300196794412,
+    4.2257097559547683,
+    4.3260432863760752,
+    4.4121971145250116,
+    4.5042890038890597,
+    4.5643129623079091,
+    4.6632837420436948,
+    4.760388268790428,
+    4.8656859399723364,
+    4.9325603768335293,
+    5.0342194443918942,
+    5.1201176332551412,
+    5.2068094592308221,
+    5.2861985755361616,
+    5.3619402279344657,
+    5.4488952829979578,
+    5.5661630444890307,
+    5.6302459604039878,
+    5.7251570645424943,
+    5.8265289703090026,
+    5.9757197595129812,
+    6.0745229648833075,
+    6.1917517048051831,
+    6.2953470395796423,
+    6.403259690218019,
+    6.4917627633704118,
+    6.6358190501534073,
+    6.7679316573810269,
+    6.8686794099073571,
+    6.951123042441683,
+    7.0714773931514774,
+    7.1876874501549377,
+    7.2851841541363633,
+    7.4277247272769777,
+    7.545118161206557,
+    7.6796631181823791,
+    7.8167880642937018,
+    7.9566071237538072,
+    8.0603936878360543,
+    8.1832039873181959,
+    8.3115755716587163,
+    8.4320844813486833,
+    8.5902802761521784,
+    8.7221702888496431,
+    8.8514060135926869,
+    9.0332345688234028,
+    9.1963706908372931,
+    9.3367587179861236,
+    9.497006030540005,
+    9.6427753811526102,
+    9.8532189063800164,
+    10.050461242163172,
+    10.168236220470268,
+    10.348527513241617,
+    10.531791667580992,
+    10.703985943887844,
+    10.93278400032537,
+    11.15334897515447,
+    11.279161608656203,
+    11.493658887982159,
+    11.629213658946661,
+    11.813149108077441,
+    12.148329929207353,
+    12.428225959361159,
+    12.590673999087862,
+    12.794134333415222,
+    13.002054595845699,
+    13.29166579030848,
+    13.555249875763497,
+    13.805021300146676,
+    14.163857718369647,
+    14.396612581875223,
+    14.68307313946254,
+    14.923008872428863,
+    15.32205455142778,
+    15.692053745001203,
+    16.016016291617053,
+    16.269176030476242,
+    16.559936897997712,
+    16.907361798334914,
+    17.258247430228977,
+    17.522507804773419,
+    17.819739257247601,
+    18.300494526840033,
+    18.61675208077844,
+    18.901401014716043,
+    19.417022408557258,
+    19.797904233478242,
+    20.228015085729147,
+    20.637954339218549,
+    21.183210911355513,
+    21.771881557448339,
+    22.21773210897102,
+    22.779612813526374,
+    23.276529546096842,
+    23.849594764724543,
+    24.446921593531446,
+    25.015101229550464,
+    25.658559396356374,
+    26.282199605420455,
+    27.105386636499361,
+    27.676243476410885,
+    28.419439927324717,
+    29.184424065828914,
+    29.883208551297241,
+    30.862499878001806,
+    31.713413996846523,
+    32.826935291082727,
+    33.72406490654123,
+    34.680776796431886,
+    35.528359794461842,
+    36.670845950707843,
+    37.969249977719763,
+    39.273981900912467,
+    40.244728926237393,
+    41.483302822400162,
+    43.211405024691217,
+    44.630074152677139,
+    46.308911078822682,
+    48.422856008629161,
+    49.774586644602294,
+    51.781332900742051,
+    53.252372889554401,
+    55.257436943999878,
+    57.314324693762337,
+    60.134437476839075,
+    64.643054466595004,
+    67.805529413896068,
+    72.960204750804039,
+    78.548035565623934,
+    86.612578466349305,
+    95.851443874433429,
+    105.43467161328387,
+    123.71872542791084,
+    144.47153346382115,
+    176.91525388308472,
+    309.16164265953068,
+    0.0,
+    0.093398210950316154,
+    0.1964204104101267,
+    0.28305640434431101,
+    0.37579074941364743,
+    0.43376997866650091,
+    0.49429543879132976,
+    0.53862866326746572,
+    0.58159097219579325,
+    0.61215633846525852,
+    0.66489866088651661,
+    0.71376871279852483,
+    0.76604518711445135,
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+    0.86702460155016359,
+    0.92578293211375118,
+    0.96655278458941574,
+    1.012408711382466,
+    1.0389370892326379,
+    1.0979094469421704,
+    1.1360967828124768,
+    1.1843998812376955,
+    1.2121765466487182,
+    1.2356656356376803,
+    1.269517337829088,
+    1.3064220440414478,
+    1.3456604109067491,
+    1.3847455871539975,
+    1.4433510659744919,
+    1.4787246262422706,
+    1.5290320752062629,
+    1.5562124703009197,
+    1.6073426914107938,
+    1.6404681580522233,
+    1.6702244973685063,
+    1.73063179859356,
+    1.7750006715499509,
+    1.8279516044521678,
+    1.859195201800822,
+    1.9053170452940513,
+    1.9280767671566097,
+    1.9902516035810496,
+    2.0186760912468551,
+    2.092657238098997,
+    2.1474948054253384,
+    2.1871961512096565,
+    2.2317816251782281,
+    2.2907742739410164,
+    2.3359180870369833,
+    2.3869816483688759,
+    2.4529856457177273,
+    2.4909203390683849,
+    2.5537529934964778,
+    2.6292032978804851,
+    2.6784202619777213,
+    2.7190242328666847,
+    2.7592501032192169,
+    2.8141411237425067,
+    2.8832878890394928,
+    2.9253711343109838,
+    2.9954526684612648,
+    3.0483400308079833,
+    3.1195790079290284,
+    3.1882923341376097,
+    3.2475133828248954,
+    3.3082893597110878,
+    3.3998621255091428,
+    3.47762860298067,
+    3.5504403144136871,
+    3.6091991238429708,
+    3.6617110799009782,
+    3.747352642356359,
+    3.7869413127021954,
+    3.8494017410196837,
+    3.9492065318655385,
+    4.0178432318231367,
+    4.1459135647020364,
+    4.2117067391482745,
+    4.2819404568634685,
+    4.3483465566680453,
+    4.4244779495490469,
+    4.4626585143965478,
+    4.529665123797245,
+    4.590443570999347,
+    4.6959724608287416,
+    4.7546121047868048,
+    4.8565039814092676,
+    4.9526895878521771,
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+    5.1192000512767368,
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+    5.3679136440586834,
+    5.44561515189495,
+    5.573881356101074,
+    5.6587732114410647,
+    5.7456859581229036,
+    5.8285056653676959,
+    5.9249388997940375,
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+    6.1408249280378238,
+    6.1925479765893821,
+    6.257597707865,
+    6.3482665820132933,
+    6.4362617657783012,
+    6.5018677743421236,
+    6.5990992264693222,
+    6.7059841755319676,
+    6.8408659416578956,
+    6.9783602936172588,
+    7.0768404883339144,
+    7.275512674657814,
+    7.3760305080718176,
+    7.4852630022878435,
+    7.5558323048134834,
+    7.6469369887215128,
+    7.7796586853873126,
+    7.8927874437708638,
+    7.9917930786552116,
+    8.1024563434454961,
+    8.2999865668501034,
+    8.4506558762494599,
+    8.5965995871403145,
+    8.8639775066208841,
+    8.963955758417768,
+    9.1445204978480277,
+    9.3391048111935557,
+    9.4789266524635813,
+    9.6269538620278485,
+    9.798523665360058,
+    9.9267454692157209,
+    10.135523291360611,
+    10.266903541690644,
+    10.45005203381487,
+    10.715778409248584,
+    10.96464567850493,
+    11.083463676843031,
+    11.256660301260217,
+    11.500996192642983,
+    11.687974340512826,
+    11.903229343489697,
+    12.133709181931877,
+    12.310998874748263,
+    12.750272219083747,
+    13.056147482613222,
+    13.253490555112993,
+    13.675145968268881,
+    13.924230477174909,
+    14.217574079767886,
+    14.571236022596374,
+    14.939288725850155,
+    15.314551253615292,
+    15.575987515584663,
+    15.833645863054313,
+    16.200485384427974,
+    16.477465196601848,
+    16.843241153808755,
+    17.272849032588312,
+    17.796542227272955,
+    18.154946140541519,
+    18.42280855377696,
+    18.768141850732011,
+    19.187362345680633,
+    19.591309885228171,
+    19.89722345376024,
+    20.702595711695711,
+    21.128564543818339,
+    21.527729127045859,
+    21.98660526945358,
+    22.521671536797641,
+    23.024367946134102,
+    23.561848505072032,
+    24.014992900974836,
+    24.436576472708754,
+    25.503186568685322,
+    26.610835772872736,
+    27.151442239196715,
+    27.70328225888667,
+    28.806039995726948,
+    29.627287233320377,
+    30.315284533811624,
+    31.327683853768139,
+    32.147834022257314,
+    32.92691659425568,
+    34.04201415685305,
+    35.413352753610873,
+    36.221826443150817,
+    37.977707465427912,
+    39.36878752355473,
+    40.951879054950432,
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+    44.629804117764586,
+    46.795396750300675,
+    49.67533805194968,
+    54.589345174300426,
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+    65.197403972300108,
+    72.17408937465612,
+    82.574762345786382,
+    93.478082113773723,
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+    0.0,
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+    1.1703135770105868,
+    1.2056434217949175,
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+    1.2543783796951538,
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+    1.3112986519959224,
+    1.3412713397963407,
+    1.3643779221604135,
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+    1.4135745730894449,
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+    1.4780368538634174,
+    1.5059249898934794,
+    1.5377824779923701,
+    1.5720832254223982,
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+    1.6359894194069291,
+    1.6698249679324384,
+    1.7010194250562272,
+    1.7272294927445859,
+    1.7640864928040065,
+    1.8021508917193763,
+    1.836941181297739,
+    1.8572858792099074,
+    1.8790413654272671,
+    1.9118884108245098,
+    1.942073490357896,
+    1.9694860799879985,
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+    2.2797139028050473,
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+    2.44842259128407,
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+    2.8952580472277556,
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+    3.1268021698603428,
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+    3.5485636123343998,
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+    3.6600532837001367,
+    3.70560155555301,
+    3.7650593373841739,
+    3.8358507676461393,
+    3.9084549757206171,
+    3.9708021023524647,
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+    4.0946288617889595,
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+    4.2188351505187107,
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+    4.4124531199132271,
+    4.4715502537649803,
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+    4.8587348255519132,
+    4.9729544448725447,
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+    5.2375026757215011,
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+    5.4798227286901664,
+    5.5404131589193328,
+    5.648241044217758,
+    5.7449977826195706,
+    5.8598429438509489,
+    5.9784308800284593,
+    6.0724910376893559,
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+    6.7321547133945252,
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+    6.9553827276444107,
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+    7.2385617409417087,
+    7.4083545257663301,
+    7.5207064390014864,
+    7.6784562087734116,
+    7.8094272468662487,
+    7.9694720845049609,
+    8.1498776347751605,
+    8.3017112945801781,
+    8.5266505277166349,
+    8.6503142671472784,
+    8.9054272928070564,
+    9.1373026527777839,
+    9.3315715528110896,
+    9.5401595700260877,
+    9.7597048968193185,
+    9.9666371700161704,
+    10.22144069326451,
+    10.408114251683418,
+    10.676084943208242,
+    10.908036087339795,
+    11.20436716656776,
+    11.477519824720831,
+    11.808217307144476,
+    12.095306359268855,
+    12.384349218033464,
+    12.685309460589796,
+    12.923557637527606,
+    13.204138344604788,
+    13.616900691559191,
+    13.979656973992922,
+    14.606515576714788,
+    14.962258652534821,
+    15.314510650339031,
+    15.724483559731054,
+    16.382829228207918,
+    17.009132961353529,
+    17.366569031693889,
+    17.900210603831621,
+    18.648573105414446,
+    19.363994023453447,
+    20.143558523165193,
+    20.828002130195308,
+    21.73898624871266,
+    22.409876982562661,
+    23.415203632804776,
+    24.355119676733135,
+    25.938175172718896,
+    27.639017238717773,
+    29.341494300849057,
+    30.595119225694788,
+    32.714674098003904,
+    35.49272152410154,
+    37.928565199883295,
+    43.491713440727274,
+    47.581292491927705,
+    57.969627624865709,
+    63.340294577285306,
+    80.397876878853367,
+    1699.4418298669216,
+    0.0,
+    0.057563746961587628,
+    0.072111582138628103,
+    0.08953965473080569,
+    0.096680126595439592,
+    0.11426458268489206,
+    0.12297408594046662,
+    0.13531860413261979,
+    0.14452962166237915,
+    0.18495685986529226,
+    0.19550850903207695,
+    0.22061034782875669,
+    0.24758609568932677,
+    0.2612060900760057,
+    0.26777787436395784,
+    0.27913993724767144,
+    0.29698064960443493,
+    0.31244925057107031,
+    0.32122508788845933,
+    0.33311366430341305,
+    0.34236037155250942,
+    0.35256380627730061,
+    0.35729858105022982,
+    0.36206918848814695,
+    0.36696792159332803,
+    0.37634614206748435,
+    0.38534850898782269,
+    0.3894744547332164,
+    0.40001857990165496,
+    0.40628143701841141,
+    0.41257543810712505,
+    0.42792024247708083,
+    0.43741390937376029,
+    0.44679385424881979,
+    0.45338668180597402,
+    0.45852917891908479,
+    0.46847035670602488,
+    0.47881191760237773,
+    0.48636454017775488,
+    0.49953494697176376,
+    0.50860731875951681,
+    0.51485110540295576,
+    0.52109982877729388,
+    0.52856828716304816,
+    0.53396501041075717,
+    0.54519067350690764,
+    0.55087030570382234,
+    0.56120787950497175,
+    0.56947875574614748,
+    0.57879694500782908,
+    0.59045771217758214,
+    0.60020074472460661,
+    0.61356581621742379,
+    0.62339692092995469,
+    0.62921777922324307,
+    0.63757958596122966,
+    0.64566282308710643,
+    0.65337163144903077,
+    0.65757954743934188,
+    0.66731107005984081,
+    0.68506693378151473,
+    0.69407449975565316,
+    0.71475464833393743,
+    0.71919154363460669,
+    0.72854121818321049,
+    0.73768805533929283,
+    0.74964936797719572,
+    0.77319064552644212,
+    0.78475208628536974,
+    0.79568283458133116,
+    0.80765736770217855,
+    0.81877434008276662,
+    0.82795271525666825,
+    0.83973491168326087,
+    0.84972560110746476,
+    0.85639470621002023,
+    0.8647134858775507,
+    0.88244802261826683,
+    0.89985271988240045,
+    0.92340768696765485,
+    0.93788541450428287,
+    0.94792835531188524,
+    0.96027918757802155,
+    0.96921149562521636,
+    0.97952213604373195,
+    0.98854957689191614,
+    0.99970116951294496,
+    1.00882043327571,
+    1.0201870773908586,
+    1.041349919759516,
+    1.0556530343908901,
+    1.0756585260782074,
+    1.088223830319788,
+    1.0958784727426483,
+    1.1149995386526934,
+    1.1304796415226661,
+    1.1446063542280724,
+    1.1638356180596499,
+    1.1745794869462154,
+    1.193511657405055,
+    1.2182391405087374,
+    1.2382096317106388,
+    1.2472982421708765,
+    1.2622218704529613,
+    1.2744400683695623,
+    1.2908221594923039,
+    1.305167165044943,
+    1.3252374721898401,
+    1.3384679854994657,
+    1.3542873322844842,
+    1.3724563152241775,
+    1.3892962190041085,
+    1.4109408775708268,
+    1.419655422200014,
+    1.4315263030154188,
+    1.4527276892177177,
+    1.4683378048771656,
+    1.4867165057343337,
+    1.516076453749051,
+    1.5433792065946024,
+    1.5553543482759045,
+    1.5609831318052232,
+    1.5806764726673499,
+    1.6041131847991026,
+    1.6344144243726575,
+    1.6710888016711845,
+    1.7061932731840148,
+    1.7354452179890347,
+    1.7630243267926291,
+    1.7975788676407549,
+    1.814028785525206,
+    1.8281150670319055,
+    1.8550087441605427,
+    1.8737649522280617,
+    1.8856226040366797,
+    1.9079304881331332,
+    1.9442107218496263,
+    1.9659920408787115,
+    1.9983699901526899,
+    2.0223202139688512,
+    2.0401740051464592,
+    2.0748888988742027,
+    2.1149914291249212,
+    2.1360608521646109,
+    2.1565833101041338,
+    2.1693334907915234,
+    2.207376721598215,
+    2.2255919603217067,
+    2.272629194554781,
+    2.3279774087392666,
+    2.3517585387327471,
+    2.3910765083557908,
+    2.4703248547335415,
+    2.5208338119493607,
+    2.5806226807785433,
+    2.6402836153572076,
+    2.7185362598168772,
+    2.7677835795641461,
+    2.8180997959029526,
+    2.8326345693021624,
+    2.8701055927549652,
+    2.9318268717765115,
+    3.0139842815042615,
+    3.0571236539047622,
+    3.1734047661118234,
+    3.2297672388561938,
+    3.3059073464928148,
+    3.3897975561487925,
+    3.4745601523423382,
+    3.5452181551689357,
+    3.6265670674665991,
+    3.7050473014775043,
+    3.8309245560041219,
+    3.9372996837644192,
+    4.0716930145722978,
+    4.212857083996437,
+    4.2692123731220972,
+    4.46591990841738,
+    4.5523023767467139,
+    4.6548916677892533,
+    4.7758394764018659,
+    4.9758326990027228,
+    5.2769985200911247,
+    5.5486096014042028,
+    5.7245726086000337,
+    6.0102407093754762,
+    6.1426829331257933,
+    6.287333950013684,
+    6.5928811370882103,
+    6.9367730409204489,
+    7.0646691460119388,
+    7.2083448239980932,
+    7.5049899728910674,
+    8.1901484843386374,
+    8.6011704867597345,
+    9.304469886954676,
+    10.665731252277961,
+    11.88866301597937,
+    13.361123901157045,
+    18.497872676781789,
+    25.178694947474682,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_dists.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_dists.py
index d97dbd028ef0e7f9eb70ab2acfbc8854802628ed..8a07e671f880810bdc6e46e7a1aa3de1508a9b9b 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_dists.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_dists.py
@@ -9,1136 +9,3421 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2009_def_dists = [
-    0.0, 0.057628562576303784, 0.091878457821655726, 0.1132900806480715,
-    0.16850875337211296, 0.23480972950916859, 0.25538164963671517,
-    0.31559279249314726, 0.3709861971858377, 0.39525547000677452,
-    0.48512586717169626, 0.50506908796001859, 0.57765035525262631,
-    0.62148541152837633, 0.64263863444579483, 0.69882483312164267,
-    0.7161545153916149, 0.80411890720042356, 0.8805970872918405,
-    0.95906879172041093, 0.9964168954980418, 1.0467630571651532,
-    1.0811313132957849, 1.107613450320283, 1.1414327414809755,
-    1.200680497698831, 1.2258265309284444, 1.3292666112945957,
-    1.3827312359018287, 1.4123188606803245, 1.5512850653633397,
-    1.6356584995938095, 1.6731651325192813, 1.7284734590792767,
-    1.7492218434041287, 1.7668984797381611, 1.859839254768237,
-    1.8915873446892628, 1.906971142493358, 1.9739012545347705,
-    2.0042595869827151, 2.0404670643203007, 2.0801334669349569,
-    2.1361786545358559, 2.1800889828349126, 2.2526723098806514,
-    2.4615221000598324, 2.522133895087689, 2.5349568672753051,
-    2.6130589764080723, 2.7500027760987162, 2.8562937139926889,
-    2.9119263033764744, 3.0019158345608132, 3.075603035061484,
-    3.1141526815876208, 3.1813265812952172, 3.3676587418240587,
-    3.554323576839598, 3.6496213142048179, 3.6874293716075122,
-    3.7856923728140917, 3.8474310667342051, 3.9949344157172133,
-    4.125555286661946, 4.3290913548691856, 4.4952013654404812,
-    4.556343784992352, 4.639912221981799, 4.7146391204010234,
-    4.8227084013441566, 4.9863406697764292, 5.1842339785740776,
-    5.3023803998521304, 5.4750202011939866, 5.54048973773856,
-    5.6494197613846904, 6.031189352625824, 6.1768307442788197,
-    6.2620964668403225, 6.4351623085815, 6.7265466116268859,
-    6.7915288820461273, 6.858752135722245, 7.0391175979404581,
-    7.1234944848067601, 7.3258340038478451, 7.6012540830071256,
-    7.8610379546027023, 8.1407339356122499, 8.6344134454714787,
-    8.7180144432721391, 9.0978762948485237, 9.2738466401608814,
-    9.3278635864048827, 9.4424890946840847, 9.6030189615224657,
-    9.7486413490900201, 9.9120876012927628, 10.0634236132968,
-    10.415298132107214, 10.522058512873633, 10.613299539059163,
-    10.777003890057323, 11.19134404322137, 11.263117192375013,
-    11.498561061679176, 12.21806762702662, 12.483196087543357,
-    13.54470365954359, 13.849619017840872, 14.123084642390928,
-    14.398832659078749, 14.566089250066417, 14.807446823406554,
-    14.954042474253805, 15.017632122375311, 15.534486588862363,
-    16.087579752773408, 16.335273051167704, 16.59865583486215,
-    16.787365784531143, 16.930772808747413, 16.978230896616772,
-    17.45341757723757, 17.54161801859598, 17.670822982069833,
-    18.057953137339432, 18.349411130934708, 18.874645742669262,
-    19.811500245302732, 20.617053831744901, 21.425708785184192,
-    22.13342945397601, 22.514800015329385, 22.600876120356858,
-    22.995926973030485, 23.562574109846953, 24.294710403256879,
-    24.710775959864485, 25.735807637080889, 26.538055293359648,
-    27.290028726831821, 27.773430106003083, 29.668208899311839,
-    29.767759573249858, 30.328136166047656, 31.494086670497492,
-    31.717352094096093, 32.525981982450979, 33.265585384845679,
-    33.751316746168612, 34.201802003064067, 36.899918838933765,
-    38.096479462365799, 39.516017768346714, 39.989735840240321,
-    41.194468318352641, 43.299364753871842, 43.400612046669139,
-    44.217051933181644, 45.224566778084622, 46.422304247376758,
-    46.960808813383558, 48.299557096246531, 49.543362472280329,
-    52.100735352804534, 53.655447353773283, 55.960391277909508,
-    59.70514539293125, 61.843693253111184, 68.081331605587849,
-    71.540166073226146, 73.270793327751335, 76.171347038456744,
-    76.713947935814872, 79.452578223589953, 81.242818023980888,
-    85.253618574552505, 90.576557423795492, 92.997247053710012,
-    95.821107577619216, 106.64500479999833, 120.18058037798956,
-    126.50923215826064, 131.32814912989315, 147.1399472964454,
-    167.43638431036157, 192.68604805851697, 214.74959666043176,
-    236.90417250922937, 270.13811088102972, 311.13617202210634,
-    348.43212870989748, 397.49279405192692, 418.52939500887197,
-    490.05308025042825, 601.26449991098229, 943.69926165035622,
-    2272.151119348498, 2272.151119348498, 0.0, 0.068201728466174436,
-    0.11237783313391692, 0.12830033204755303, 0.14738276605539258,
-    0.17452595819420164, 0.18740679497876259, 0.22092788589298604,
-    0.24698157312934674, 0.26321755681186182, 0.278982404063846,
-    0.29425614113597565, 0.30386598141884186, 0.33348471684689712,
-    0.35448258891286477, 0.38416466052319098, 0.41799061907192603,
-    0.43332985148006498, 0.46022545438188606, 0.46720029992587914,
-    0.4834191580769957, 0.49135304898180576, 0.50065137294598305,
-    0.54116902167600822, 0.56502516934264901, 0.58383186711851243,
-    0.59988283878047788, 0.61745037135253056, 0.64851934211375817,
-    0.65771446388077714, 0.68201656335208749, 0.69501882934571635,
-    0.70859407070539537, 0.76811748190181783, 0.785547174693628,
-    0.80584170571483826, 0.80977921469642378, 0.84983656800224905,
-    0.87762202858938831, 0.89989293732657549, 0.92737970573962192,
-    0.94822275849814597, 0.97010634169397159, 1.0004701361644599,
-    1.027252813486935, 1.0516264427778705, 1.085865795301199,
-    1.1039829998101676, 1.1231421375848933, 1.1351908524310048,
-    1.1870327649828589, 1.2108652899633887, 1.2418615536907456,
-    1.2620878726057261, 1.2831955088252662, 1.306480565141986,
-    1.3214819027067988, 1.3819750197102438, 1.3964962886754628,
-    1.4416267404974048, 1.4723276588556404, 1.5102821076425617,
-    1.5397500825876973, 1.5614284610319382, 1.6110339651345407,
-    1.6433416553385205, 1.6728829936173992, 1.6999366415445392,
-    1.7240699041761254, 1.7508519958752469, 1.7969849629216739,
-    1.8430561905053708, 1.8717904098493616, 1.9063368309633759,
-    1.9506003143418458, 2.0298196868542142, 2.0991713956674101,
-    2.1633526448161282, 2.2629929459851224, 2.29081267396016,
-    2.3416198215358914, 2.3573314548287789, 2.4218587714491338,
-    2.4993355473824033, 2.5384325382544848, 2.6491004992037666,
-    2.7210651339892107, 2.8237246255258426, 2.8700824362814488,
-    2.9188785020766925, 2.9635962519687955, 3.0154773635321317,
-    3.1026722776260538, 3.1782308010920812, 3.2642539873638139,
-    3.322125355058692, 3.3714861504441376, 3.4218839487759731,
-    3.5144951962763513, 3.5765944072239031, 3.6273675925681212,
-    3.7247691072149096, 3.8232379391542128, 3.8893216636307564,
-    3.9288057496282955, 4.0390899251352117, 4.1600948751312279,
-    4.1871263152018612, 4.2621860547974828, 4.3500604627307435,
-    4.5436519743962078, 4.5849723086596628, 4.729044783865576,
-    4.8683804704143165, 4.9563493866144599, 5.0241568504440179,
-    5.1468726623856105, 5.1949999782992462, 5.3140299451508861,
-    5.4879645142694358, 5.7223471643025841, 5.8380855647564118,
-    5.953449532130346, 6.0187020640170728, 6.2108553226358252,
-    6.3916059248644403, 6.4913362763076323, 6.6031140372618351,
-    6.6636491589809301, 6.9509407634766989, 7.1531488937141772,
-    7.2409474401975658, 7.4303919093490327, 7.5669382679335202,
-    7.7441286658925934, 7.9000616206163423, 8.0724648473816156,
-    8.2412216959472371, 8.4137214458024516, 8.6069007301001861,
-    8.7736666850099372, 8.9890876982826367, 9.155130462775519,
-    9.3411611417176861, 9.4866270624314577, 9.5872328045423547,
-    9.8527914805110655, 9.9514305967967953, 10.292405041584022,
-    10.75673026860011, 11.169289189746417, 11.46807997463821,
-    11.689766834399332, 11.966027273630296, 12.351431387718186,
-    12.727667430393458, 13.119586645059071, 13.424611040389257,
-    13.786397020277862, 13.968352336123267, 14.21068016740667,
-    14.453408188853816, 15.461180267394132, 15.895481313307476,
-    16.317601512617198, 16.780792483093965, 17.624171385239844,
-    18.139839382922045, 18.594772196087924, 20.516375547145831,
-    21.567448512929186, 21.977404088239552, 23.299471636450161,
-    24.278490139740818, 24.993212131783924, 26.592135163847711,
-    27.623113931391885, 28.865470012834731, 29.227604875711496,
-    31.101999334866235, 31.57497302654869, 32.684647994128909,
-    33.375146403972977, 37.692891082911196, 39.851813023596023,
-    41.523584144387264, 46.008072429817098, 49.647884975691284,
-    52.784847459347759, 54.294626625518887, 63.228644431972903,
-    69.726924033194564, 74.015904215742552, 86.164937892726826,
-    100.73311845118887, 112.18515642738907, 135.19609351797098,
-    176.61381022152227, 242.73583361720463, 308.26543522152377,
-    513.52205453065437, 0.0, 0.064681645397600726, 0.097055786527166205,
-    0.11671616479466058, 0.14904699771147067, 0.1812546389613125,
-    0.20555172420798953, 0.2183799557562153, 0.24037810467237944,
-    0.25036231174093732, 0.26632542829596018, 0.2738878158208915,
-    0.28695869973365634, 0.30912145801504926, 0.32069346660692333,
-    0.32716841268857905, 0.33921112396795472, 0.35411605334840923,
-    0.36992181322350265, 0.37555978900730691, 0.39245722745804307,
-    0.40098714822474785, 0.40795369226674527, 0.4172218451215533,
-    0.42679459853118645, 0.45012838868569222, 0.46395657933185602,
-    0.47588120991692906, 0.4859429317025537, 0.5012486174834101,
-    0.51554915854539141, 0.52673766504363306, 0.54037167562839805,
-    0.55386824464727247, 0.56986151348392444, 0.58441413430603695,
-    0.59504137541093982, 0.60183139418849574, 0.6097548033252651,
-    0.61636145539533693, 0.63729376685379835, 0.65492235590733228,
-    0.66704610998785618, 0.700953708734812, 0.7190525585629578,
-    0.73579423752153761, 0.74901914818208437, 0.7639095729012253,
-    0.78507593810209142, 0.7991677445398635, 0.82057225160808045,
-    0.83874577852045251, 0.8514279150065982, 0.86730722882820255,
-    0.890038058955962, 0.90572082476051208, 0.93235631316890322,
-    0.95142142918059724, 0.969384366562271, 0.99218758210384461,
-    1.00299637932868, 1.0092887025882542, 1.0324830139871306,
-    1.0486654108510693, 1.0641141875260127, 1.0835468393653898,
-    1.1071616076049358, 1.1168131966461825, 1.1456586118817482,
-    1.1644419001186364, 1.1774811339270124, 1.2092190407790164,
-    1.2384799339065578, 1.2616903228237686, 1.2889294434698533,
-    1.3164843722957189, 1.3568929832436432, 1.3789685995582368,
-    1.4016262455149839, 1.4303108283460788, 1.4487819999160492,
-    1.48021838699676, 1.5050773691689014, 1.5354136497221011,
-    1.5761026989532505, 1.5976227134137739, 1.6180255352377244,
-    1.6461488070064747, 1.6754933786486672, 1.7043391941827599,
-    1.7436653784542346, 1.7574238222395258, 1.8083751761401707,
-    1.8364695449180659, 1.8853960408395598, 1.9209489973470637,
-    1.9614779158767812, 1.9837030977196592, 2.0254456515521015,
-    2.06356755784513, 2.1061669436995003, 2.1608319242443135,
-    2.176533829184859, 2.2139646657342289, 2.2418326677035214,
-    2.2819602869499667, 2.3275988135789891, 2.355439289035997,
-    2.4108423085380779, 2.4436348968031414, 2.5031234860019178,
-    2.5439256045997136, 2.5773599788744934, 2.6327828846554593,
-    2.6997266593235456, 2.7317169496478648, 2.8033821298933836,
-    2.872746199477366, 2.911616529815233, 2.9546022533503957,
-    3.0081446390299069, 3.0894107259868058, 3.1461648060150367,
-    3.2073093130678618, 3.2707390207274067, 3.3815481629909145,
-    3.4779532042245807, 3.4955043576213232, 3.5757478436815138,
-    3.6322878543855621, 3.7796644436769657, 3.8151756075230678,
-    3.8802551661883786, 4.0289839922041422, 4.1279506765446614,
-    4.1958722575439298, 4.2681132445184655, 4.3694161532010058,
-    4.4793716338291727, 4.5714087303580433, 4.6493194432085412,
-    4.7141095620043281, 4.8655065654352976, 4.9733934483219935,
-    5.038859603913723, 5.1120453856118537, 5.2240263349175526,
-    5.326857227285414, 5.4452851717228903, 5.6191948437507619,
-    5.8251247312267305, 6.0364763774143135, 6.1085463321063269,
-    6.2898990925768432, 6.4181400947195311, 6.6210137015645536,
-    6.7263257016206106, 6.8855750366072552, 7.1232383189565454,
-    7.4007790575336729, 7.5183445501556623, 7.6542486054829189,
-    7.7796080000079355, 8.0776151677243515, 8.4160158721268967,
-    8.6283072431350387, 9.0099513745919317, 9.1985032179916839,
-    9.3715895144040058, 9.689097239085406, 9.9747151298520151,
-    10.162420972781135, 10.525043005039576, 10.9348593423718,
-    11.220406152599313, 11.472292936429914, 12.331513581808927,
-    12.99141401636353, 13.792445320126436, 14.159631387529567,
-    14.898875104642451, 15.391013071702499, 16.58446392489617,
-    17.397044111420918, 18.246693100142146, 19.539678557308235,
-    21.894007859929044, 23.769625964542684, 25.674579790101415,
-    28.595587316047272, 30.020256306881702, 33.276780738700346,
-    35.817076665002631, 42.110340471763912, 48.790270781601912,
-    54.046938187573666, 67.878422664921544, 86.808719614124982,
-    106.08957126365338, 212.6174296424627, 530.67951165916725, 0.0,
-    0.066200047903027276, 0.083721669217692474, 0.097716651445752478,
-    0.11022140255760769, 0.12682667647071302, 0.1310312002419774,
-    0.14174741060946225, 0.15012768070557803, 0.16322364512908868,
-    0.18204188144428807, 0.1932509011687073, 0.20736566877237284,
-    0.21677471984321531, 0.22208330716146871, 0.2368478044903545,
-    0.24800109075566285, 0.26042292583219756, 0.27071259593706476,
-    0.28654565496167866, 0.29337837365624814, 0.30198842285047178,
-    0.30844586201328328, 0.3149470593102916, 0.32463921048140526,
-    0.33612661364720992, 0.34538798562234241, 0.35362965043869748,
-    0.36471294151406786, 0.37175950729075813, 0.38160665904037616,
-    0.38574106898579719, 0.39688874219887516, 0.40205350235521997,
-    0.41084581512509888, 0.4190808913198204, 0.43544148967863316,
-    0.44346612867974777, 0.45227198826541537, 0.46661118452309958,
-    0.47567354802653689, 0.49123378069289259, 0.5026379690695526,
-    0.51145199410264641, 0.5230420844440421, 0.53633757129515192,
-    0.55323199501557874, 0.5709327471747897, 0.57668332951826085,
-    0.58661731761735014, 0.60316797340939221, 0.61231767919746716,
-    0.62173743546202065, 0.63367739150206992, 0.64417081791316222,
-    0.650588306867667, 0.66136245644028779, 0.67194367164364066,
-    0.68483211499577568, 0.69390170098605697, 0.70978541298372555,
-    0.71733880725642318, 0.72982716816440152, 0.744382107200665,
-    0.75464756880526096, 0.76971757975591903, 0.79092500924780884,
-    0.80139259706827826, 0.82007493231551376, 0.83636749901593976,
-    0.85607123696181142, 0.87178377197180712, 0.89028508898771552,
-    0.90709689710063435, 0.92105845964996935, 0.94062127053830347,
-    0.95072473335636265, 0.96303055939494286, 0.97648251804695785,
-    0.99369926534400232, 1.0090186828881174, 1.0418114909215104,
-    1.0698515568115963, 1.0781642613654208, 1.0953662056922651,
-    1.1107307176100356, 1.1257267330935268, 1.1471842785819382,
-    1.1676817560236403, 1.1877943080225843, 1.216398240925453,
-    1.2316053787491037, 1.2474229964718553, 1.269525880355836,
-    1.3019912398706039, 1.3277002379637455, 1.3443466595361551,
-    1.3685810866232899, 1.3984804559046911, 1.4355750324517496,
-    1.460852572211057, 1.4948996531027956, 1.5268570238239529,
-    1.5522940777876273, 1.5719325888893447, 1.6024193084645637,
-    1.633598364214381, 1.6528693309141695, 1.6741744069714672,
-    1.7003470022341649, 1.735298179037982, 1.7582063751832995,
-    1.7909792627750754, 1.8300707159778025, 1.8684354743589122,
-    1.9062901732716007, 1.9304116745252333, 1.9651822643793164,
-    2.0028643201051111, 2.0355079559039346, 2.0677432834609206,
-    2.0974741272119317, 2.1477636951029404, 2.1758324097429544,
-    2.2038264839493977, 2.2387897181326624, 2.2799150775007226,
-    2.3116834558621813, 2.3770756042717061, 2.4423912978053499,
-    2.5043639857858704, 2.6183935138202945, 2.6651645510870448,
-    2.6996454559378718, 2.7642312413471197, 2.8501819058526374,
-    2.8874618455541339, 2.9299786710240685, 2.9902882140860028,
-    3.0106036707675705, 3.0721304018549587, 3.1161855866638852,
-    3.2369909410932256, 3.2937695851357418, 3.3415607515486019,
-    3.4135640311960804, 3.4863864701809169, 3.5495511431068625,
-    3.6258591972624328, 3.6947502192132147, 3.7950739251414829,
-    3.8952813228916106, 4.0427476635565807, 4.0982562136044365,
-    4.2381714903602026, 4.325585224629334, 4.460333473236096,
-    4.5891338691369086, 4.6893335143109196, 4.7853618220189347,
-    4.8500011901031046, 4.9499390325888388, 5.0651986930646391,
-    5.1906420764523, 5.3052661921332698, 5.3795959386387144, 5.4884702877024898,
-    5.6251182444238585, 5.736009877510825, 5.8235819678819309,
-    6.0452731168242577, 6.1535182776969091, 6.4223906871159802,
-    6.7828263511308, 6.9787759843247965, 7.2868999104783532, 7.604505778440271,
-    7.9090260134516059, 8.4851413606010251, 8.6965137695221202,
-    9.0770837937907398, 9.3896211096143869, 9.7704946596107849,
-    10.142102955347768, 10.870897424798827, 11.627557560059024,
-    12.487371659037647, 13.393741745878474, 14.080823719400907,
-    15.608105497185557, 16.823724341129342, 18.261126223618554,
-    19.636996869210478, 20.562702661180669, 21.601610993499339,
-    23.839730158552172, 27.477708564377878, 33.318576554469637,
-    49.103081020159834, 73.345872444192949, 106.52935418648646, 0.0,
-    0.049394419396927715, 0.064736734696013376, 0.079308002177416376,
-    0.087959980883483738, 0.10194236904560904, 0.11008607182951631,
-    0.11465366805246813, 0.12715531070407432, 0.13166809405389251,
-    0.13847247629313228, 0.14384864573811881, 0.15002396002358567,
-    0.15562720051884482, 0.16116827009383153, 0.16632968738513401,
-    0.17136648014616976, 0.17900086203665841, 0.18694008640938087,
-    0.19702916534694626, 0.20392975208968295, 0.21361422240935368,
-    0.22042948071555513, 0.23063300033673573, 0.23966278802965957,
-    0.24711447349179011, 0.25303301261186184, 0.25579240638304279,
-    0.26267170853506805, 0.26750482270286108, 0.27493473053623635,
-    0.28258910182162267, 0.28822901265050227, 0.29608647684984479,
-    0.30214524820456018, 0.30864368126348923, 0.31508865166237593,
-    0.32124032165523375, 0.33011261444903611, 0.33703483646960708,
-    0.34733723809596734, 0.35691769635678916, 0.36690708933320493,
-    0.37128928317734283, 0.37755689980492391, 0.38701609409764459,
-    0.39302164725609023, 0.40331084641477311, 0.41072208837025759,
-    0.41852937501544424, 0.42932124920083142, 0.43324849767497853,
-    0.43993900664314145, 0.44761176101936301, 0.45202419082248341,
-    0.45529173163984443, 0.46653702581395917, 0.47399725820611593,
-    0.48198881472501576, 0.48708257057534343, 0.49302150180651805,
-    0.49978383605626248, 0.51339894682816312, 0.52160424774706593,
-    0.52748289873084886, 0.53676595811893124, 0.5455171486636371,
-    0.5534396873141485, 0.56241263737675429, 0.56973323223537264,
-    0.57574914723880954, 0.58234713319994302, 0.59066240355655708,
-    0.60510984788748057, 0.61807462013879144, 0.62637623226295402,
-    0.63542696189453973, 0.64701799464926024, 0.65882045306679504,
-    0.67141179273787532, 0.67909380683392095, 0.68707873750652504,
-    0.69640315687854726, 0.70807547488547196, 0.71771853550219356,
-    0.73309718820363279, 0.74214506352540133, 0.75177033126786774,
-    0.76943956404912883, 0.79020165814710741, 0.80781062970338047,
-    0.81634889994531135, 0.82618810526895436, 0.84005098189915028,
-    0.86666756102772669, 0.87735918829690207, 0.88554074010562978,
-    0.90240999323032145, 0.91632635431957332, 0.92982256792581119,
-    0.93859572806129865, 0.95740797855505955, 0.97317410516930258,
-    0.98783906755984918, 1.0108980555570175, 1.0284511401075709,
-    1.0482594431498151, 1.0611613677510832, 1.0784870131371229,
-    1.0919180174352818, 1.1135514694962279, 1.125494491992268,
-    1.1410712650872479, 1.1674352256776539, 1.184785119317356,
-    1.2096294450605212, 1.2323778220867625, 1.2549931419768594,
-    1.2806924911813222, 1.3081961580241186, 1.3320238796794894,
-    1.3534172327636966, 1.3807267144923916, 1.4001500408447822,
-    1.4316269135391197, 1.449518126496226, 1.4807942237706289, 1.4996141554775,
-    1.51697171202322, 1.5501818193618728, 1.5774423949301954,
-    1.6090796134626164, 1.6337740770081619, 1.6692908417512815,
-    1.6961331386742853, 1.7261310689460392, 1.7616614368687207,
-    1.7805522635031978, 1.8048113834777242, 1.8629871128198423,
-    1.9197945215709944, 1.9552472287743048, 2.006402075733154,
-    2.0427474979249962, 2.074496897491799, 2.1328916089262004,
-    2.1753943657622523, 2.2401831220855666, 2.270693018282933,
-    2.3105641384054061, 2.3945586906581622, 2.4399768881846882,
-    2.5000049081492532, 2.5621934580643706, 2.6392295124107816,
-    2.7208587148102463, 2.8097139724064282, 2.8701110813681128,
-    2.9862082469647095, 3.0488516638446339, 3.1242308091436368,
-    3.243153466201278, 3.3051260648856364, 3.4863819457159302,
-    3.5505875681994588, 3.7448427188152658, 3.8463429990501901,
-    3.9838928478843263, 4.1238239879386667, 4.2490672817706532,
-    4.3599387844761468, 4.473253957654526, 4.6690383558822228,
-    4.8383638550300123, 5.0032896939841258, 5.1925150031279994,
-    5.4083749056768973, 5.8187938054935762, 6.1416785529469493,
-    6.5966499906173439, 6.9452175432435155, 7.3694350201120091,
-    7.6611410187916773, 8.1962221951718313, 8.3985520655394108,
-    8.954871482916916, 9.5555811691967367, 10.075581787179221,
-    10.666984624254228, 11.269430893231096, 12.244383827267271,
-    13.43327333120301, 15.035950482663642, 16.932372656888262,
-    19.087843838164819, 21.876507647307918, 24.329735267714369,
-    32.551612521357441, 42.817333269075768, 80.868741705532841,
-    263.02173214876871, 0.0, 0.039467746129120185, 0.051824916097853023,
-    0.061771901689009187, 0.071565972010870144, 0.076518802143588971,
-    0.085618493830758285, 0.093725626920029337, 0.10393841275774901,
-    0.11413580827974683, 0.12152641148533293, 0.12627525292174707,
-    0.12968718206917149, 0.13855089010953145, 0.14242136361586646,
-    0.14961341703535569, 0.15878848104707796, 0.16821185149526602,
-    0.17193496653825602, 0.18370817507532361, 0.19347902698219727,
-    0.20136482066552064, 0.20583838921300673, 0.21305461768025999,
-    0.22181194102152516, 0.22504305621818932, 0.23406898010225857,
-    0.2398853548764919, 0.24436856459787337, 0.25265341913397688,
-    0.26007714837241541, 0.26691829493661323, 0.26931297477030441,
-    0.27726914154785853, 0.28210711764692858, 0.2859614857691346,
-    0.29125186385881313, 0.29881267745856349, 0.30375673974281647,
-    0.30854811947856214, 0.31656603656425492, 0.32546607312581727,
-    0.33113501361486541, 0.33582693482769788, 0.34276150289703894,
-    0.35127805306418919, 0.35845367388296762, 0.36558831277905995,
-    0.36979924962746219, 0.37578338456878752, 0.38327703665171509,
-    0.38743278300825934, 0.3933947408991858, 0.40090502054506943,
-    0.41078320064762447, 0.41434452765896151, 0.42079409894287106,
-    0.4255673661624485, 0.43408043802357538, 0.43842453852669183,
-    0.44479957009297705, 0.44911932255159215, 0.46075892982346434,
-    0.47136693037959077, 0.47672759686825411, 0.48530543752076094,
-    0.49072973814548543, 0.49757125712438277, 0.50205891056941676,
-    0.50989707552295971, 0.52048634390291548, 0.52487724594117247,
-    0.53197428010086045, 0.54193181090656062, 0.54669601892015796,
-    0.55199308212187415, 0.56177797788147832, 0.57397840735843453,
-    0.58305121749436828, 0.58875829816518199, 0.60014475586825022,
-    0.61146976460798996, 0.62147757074967558, 0.62937535472116102,
-    0.63521150679693283, 0.6443683639844624, 0.65570350537151256,
-    0.66248422346281488, 0.67431167007929649, 0.68081103970994383,
-    0.70070897539479826, 0.70949394177954128, 0.72368744374810079,
-    0.73324494948980001, 0.74442385396599853, 0.75726956491948028,
-    0.76814002853040864, 0.78549563545170853, 0.79690455102462399,
-    0.80911780465283023, 0.8217559489409707, 0.83736881584366574,
-    0.84769382359635626, 0.86418498778599284, 0.88747705639947372,
-    0.90131822030096298, 0.91456928681735306, 0.926248872898779,
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-    0.98601045426396106, 1.004370843669373, 1.0278846153106977,
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-    1.8839698049061866, 1.9368978033833055, 1.9859165193893249,
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-    2.4804720034966028, 2.5405224136745002, 2.5964604917467198,
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-    2.8651026212603763, 2.9882335264110305, 3.0505642000004207,
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-    4.7506236842341369, 5.0112340217497193, 5.3496875229084306,
-    5.5766544089000956, 5.8287954513602722, 6.3423620558230542,
-    6.7899919751160516, 7.1981726869941802, 7.7399452080885132,
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-    0.1088593709111567, 0.11459623029540639, 0.11844837313630252,
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-    0.1391542676007054, 0.14625472031000056, 0.15200345906187301,
-    0.15688159917859762, 0.16356525869840099, 0.16595293381775883,
-    0.17208869146003852, 0.17708137414161021, 0.18245018966878032,
-    0.18979132041734897, 0.19637969400495253, 0.2032346071402627,
-    0.20694798677484283, 0.21265331651833888, 0.21882977443215981,
-    0.22494202116978182, 0.23178859272489064, 0.23787915511551139,
-    0.24313950482755242, 0.24682307808790133, 0.24943612844036106,
-    0.25577269021993287, 0.26291464226288852, 0.26970943169082667,
-    0.2725648028979728, 0.28144606977956577, 0.28556551666434349,
-    0.29091966470999592, 0.29709027671048366, 0.30175232279695008,
-    0.30845384710365537, 0.31297498910818361, 0.3160194068150165,
-    0.31918148875981589, 0.32331388150265972, 0.32927405147803945,
-    0.33377069470184595, 0.33894412800963025, 0.34522709990281475,
-    0.35123488575457434, 0.3558821207267826, 0.36144785378066896,
-    0.37019315147158249, 0.37724004091309249, 0.3829924502040804,
-    0.38790812361879717, 0.39588105871510798, 0.40044226663641691,
-    0.40836868589232361, 0.41402643554261809, 0.41875667916369519,
-    0.42450774070868258, 0.43229589405318924, 0.43734997488844168,
-    0.44538394823457816, 0.45353980762093016, 0.45851077590488476,
-    0.46383676125545098, 0.47059046215711398, 0.4762006151939136,
-    0.48431439285713834, 0.49389826855702679, 0.49974442650636974,
-    0.50732118012468475, 0.51342129390440416, 0.52297582923711328,
-    0.53288748131056163, 0.54544803680941312, 0.55056947454571459,
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-    0.7391009553915564, 0.75223783989741744, 0.76166485140694018,
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-    0.91286915972557914, 0.92036986380455399, 0.9291438387362384,
-    0.95352040422537032, 0.96809418471522612, 0.9828969762772849,
-    0.99701637984191405, 1.0053920653287929, 1.0224322964595809,
-    1.0436497009914834, 1.0616070630675405, 1.0802764748267883,
-    1.0951850173844457, 1.1193411761447549, 1.1379681972224709,
-    1.1599468248342446, 1.1886340506700033, 1.2148385191461482,
-    1.2481418152125123, 1.2792573174668869, 1.3154615262708993,
-    1.342394558445551, 1.3629899838283757, 1.3761143300434635,
-    1.4093858037430134, 1.4522804850005502, 1.4748979300612479,
-    1.5306210379322103, 1.5495843761095305, 1.584244002737959,
-    1.6126131532613874, 1.6604506166505426, 1.6921120149154147,
-    1.7126738210319639, 1.7396125064233854, 1.785135464734434,
-    1.824889085813346, 1.8829431177071814, 1.9343935926685978,
-    1.9916768565010168, 2.0267961688503453, 2.0766377474824029,
-    2.1330899777256795, 2.1848037174415449, 2.2801579583808342,
-    2.3579957571857286, 2.4501358388830012, 2.5153457412512981,
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-    2.7684316125814457, 2.8476458237947857, 2.9627792222491238,
-    3.0403520366260612, 3.1093550063736379, 3.2559496906005565,
-    3.384456584459806, 3.5451252896822063, 3.658802669941331,
-    3.8535789702629515, 4.1036627374662622, 4.3847833011124493,
-    4.5324017993862, 4.6567473442819232, 4.8795997539612124,
-    5.0351805245400989, 5.4071167044869721, 5.8112812324471728,
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-    7.5543017399007653, 8.3092309621502434, 8.9855329925540648,
-    9.7607248945108189, 10.562225389927731, 11.547524333694614,
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-    48.467620573432804, 150.75527930067238, 0.0, 0.030475436329936944,
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-    0.065119327951945208, 0.073499955494061478, 0.07885113088345877,
-    0.085143786389228412, 0.08965572615115161, 0.094178377769283547,
-    0.098501280404947864, 0.1030958981377707, 0.10869385918561442,
-    0.11297670615452211, 0.11689141102215121, 0.1214840331703515,
-    0.12584718500031158, 0.12987214864837779, 0.13468557220683824,
-    0.13924503288786391, 0.14386351348014154, 0.1493340912759876,
-    0.15399302445531154, 0.15891197422219733, 0.16342430790220985,
-    0.16862541478716603, 0.17284449028563825, 0.17822842307181602,
-    0.1820267480405092, 0.18688153961477047, 0.1927267317388851,
-    0.1970428163553993, 0.20121205502603673, 0.20565232504914904,
-    0.20898176045815323, 0.21456701344386478, 0.2193381728343505,
-    0.2241310071800133, 0.22817700334024027, 0.23233337863145165,
-    0.23720906624202601, 0.24191353394033271, 0.24708942468474382,
-    0.25285280260759901, 0.25671572324736464, 0.26213421506917656,
-    0.26638683139162828, 0.27152578772723279, 0.2762872026065426,
-    0.28128390667450365, 0.28593911283892171, 0.29087431204884701,
-    0.29557087416205607, 0.30019592182315891, 0.30513806758216755,
-    0.31016793114986319, 0.31616724797260032, 0.32041768091414635,
-    0.32514136402938837, 0.330175514469844, 0.33510934856577768,
-    0.34052636062698755, 0.34595494789256998, 0.35149217534601079,
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-    0.38695470344853578, 0.39172315899130233, 0.39614948723382537,
-    0.3998385857290081, 0.40528704514340191, 0.4113906789211898,
-    0.41723754661044737, 0.42330595508586388, 0.4298295205380972,
-    0.43639003733749093, 0.44294781550179985, 0.45031606698625348,
-    0.45589276061599149, 0.4637504954853186, 0.46972702984856168,
-    0.47691662036234045, 0.48515870923762039, 0.49260277947704278,
-    0.50180009274783677, 0.50899844136237671, 0.51521773387918002,
-    0.52259062361544673, 0.53071416140395877, 0.53996499482812654,
-    0.54675197629336969, 0.55561683421554353, 0.56353596314369636,
-    0.57266468438633022, 0.57882534017246046, 0.5879193586669369,
-    0.59795376910115772, 0.60910017566901453, 0.62152501089463474,
-    0.62899125612273621, 0.63944993844645304, 0.65079039292032037,
-    0.65990599756610113, 0.67267050134312967, 0.6811396504155568,
-    0.69102170908780658, 0.70572381661063954, 0.71917690416970415,
-    0.73053302980642632, 0.74479922749569372, 0.75660131757288107,
-    0.76966460911714163, 0.78382775044111574, 0.79890547769142994,
-    0.81316878697223616, 0.82632592595142507, 0.84038976545168742,
-    0.85889454588180414, 0.87584528603730916, 0.88938215721139913,
-    0.90647622547342221, 0.92517109894543503, 0.9420929353690477,
-    0.95887351889851813, 0.97485760015251421, 0.99539728475785438,
-    1.0168269490191464, 1.0321969253945085, 1.0509239949366704,
-    1.0749039195763974, 1.0954893550189169, 1.1204402411184233,
-    1.1460855159498731, 1.1725936611440071, 1.1991674830298438,
-    1.223355141542398, 1.2503166821062022, 1.2755553790294463,
-    1.2974083183962621, 1.3271479307498393, 1.3598997679834393,
-    1.3966740129081683, 1.4270275926175096, 1.4608948615990871,
-    1.4952195611664525, 1.5313585561683203, 1.5640142535985393,
-    1.5994377044435546, 1.638305110435522, 1.6786361340413112,
-    1.7240031947949774, 1.7621335157109532, 1.8101134128648371,
-    1.8620922391744734, 1.9224643921259204, 1.9710346661166867,
-    2.0344533242374103, 2.0831877260508893, 2.1372551671286524,
-    2.2034358794278646, 2.2716335521446531, 2.3429160177345003,
-    2.4104357266981919, 2.480935437184201, 2.5343673042490624,
-    2.6084557648811311, 2.7199516996724253, 2.8338987909810287,
-    2.9216428190030639, 3.0360484810989852, 3.1500945673097052,
-    3.270619104044989, 3.4227068074159761, 3.5665311638055055,
-    3.7247617410661675, 3.925297648069769, 4.1375118576391934,
-    4.3398004727933692, 4.5346219219569655, 4.7447780176553112,
-    5.0148304110646036, 5.3334608060172872, 5.7276260586600891,
-    6.1890543526613122, 6.6801902478700868, 7.2800631153055209,
-    7.8835838788384223, 8.6803326930194569, 9.7122609465184322,
-    10.941190698085899, 12.542472669018284, 14.627074477598748,
-    17.832826769519468, 22.898509435438054, 33.157382047966806,
-    268.8200344237456, 0.0, 0.028898274302596512, 0.040633940377108956,
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-    0.065188383675028702, 0.071626919796562605, 0.077168570402807349,
-    0.083037174267918165, 0.08755686111436492, 0.092118428080118928,
-    0.096425123862060327, 0.10043552253883403, 0.10554902051980319,
-    0.11009718665642487, 0.11326275217950955, 0.11698509676168573,
-    0.12080022735318345, 0.12517509152109374, 0.13013769328680053,
-    0.13345882034603812, 0.13747142162715098, 0.14150064959740938,
-    0.14442943761896229, 0.14941148229826645, 0.15440519818373027,
-    0.15783715568801643, 0.16265630037450993, 0.16672946241207018,
-    0.17011132508732738, 0.17420920933779047, 0.1787571250538082,
-    0.18406358630263245, 0.18924049544452431, 0.19306320330392984,
-    0.19641759705419837, 0.20044589719386452, 0.20365259207914921,
-    0.20746114210240005, 0.21178663359554398, 0.21561802968012542,
-    0.2201648522340745, 0.22394901627082189, 0.22890960512700576,
-    0.23288763477408511, 0.23799769247855981, 0.24277846906856382,
-    0.24620220114345401, 0.25085581063453694, 0.2547852657654528,
-    0.2584622001605798, 0.26226644168550362, 0.26587748056735006,
-    0.27001206297540875, 0.27333957150348165, 0.27844160533530171,
-    0.28262027978412785, 0.28651353733567758, 0.29232034746442948,
-    0.29580376680146625, 0.29935090999568476, 0.30309728324775276,
-    0.30715090410428514, 0.31201121511000857, 0.31571249520502215,
-    0.31981978170465836, 0.32351704294037775, 0.32816906538652812,
-    0.33260532162929424, 0.3375253795185012, 0.34227658789873155,
-    0.34672628630214691, 0.35173264439552276, 0.35642244422141933,
-    0.36316985109331051, 0.36811409230691677, 0.3739818336331292,
-    0.37900422010827939, 0.38371686137179334, 0.38830090222693142,
-    0.39314672036266179, 0.39750505605076314, 0.40399586297398238,
-    0.40779084214158268, 0.41471724442253388, 0.419908928474307,
-    0.42527068506941523, 0.43082110702825382, 0.43546343483577804,
-    0.44058928875209435, 0.4501165160939869, 0.455800248584872,
-    0.46250910353077601, 0.4679792550227716, 0.4771052601340332,
-    0.48317268060065444, 0.49024307149325064, 0.49795121259530739,
-    0.50489713934710001, 0.51144292478572784, 0.52042454216218859,
-    0.52715808936571795, 0.53458634795400084, 0.54336964463015824,
-    0.55167313602281232, 0.55895482076372938, 0.56755092529864581,
-    0.5767512365389893, 0.58757892054706506, 0.59812779085356993,
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-    0.63464413788738838, 0.64205470333131864, 0.64919687404877857,
-    0.66358361675173039, 0.67457487585108067, 0.68565375079097346,
-    0.69515353663280854, 0.70835712049313537, 0.71637388222414811,
-    0.72810587108889246, 0.74259519148707775, 0.75505940962506923,
-    0.76533718705099252, 0.77978770960457156, 0.79277034764412091,
-    0.81042776509929326, 0.8252185957527518, 0.84081567710998861,
-    0.85591239426333621, 0.87366392436831841, 0.8906804437761574,
-    0.90431935636817162, 0.92374870367862294, 0.9403922748286605,
-    0.96024005012655089, 0.9834409532310171, 1.0063612444728725,
-    1.0237103083075751, 1.0406894015881631, 1.0646614938416241,
-    1.0953872473777502, 1.1182073342474079, 1.1431128152282664,
-    1.1700990970833274, 1.1937825903128636, 1.2194906544605457,
-    1.2510699786546229, 1.2724440268105714, 1.3012328136568787,
-    1.3306077291828782, 1.3661125359622348, 1.4057121542663247,
-    1.438874003521625, 1.4852719546886077, 1.53160091645302,
-    1.5835611112903651, 1.6195792978908965, 1.6633225682365109,
-    1.7092772469624007, 1.7547058942561764, 1.7983361923251511,
-    1.8554877739779563, 1.9046272406631959, 1.9419569456472263,
-    2.007485115392952, 2.0766613504192311, 2.1363921756522712,
-    2.2042343314393218, 2.2881456308297792, 2.3461181458892382,
-    2.4247974852833076, 2.5226066296330565, 2.6287822381475663,
-    2.7093614689581362, 2.8121552403853838, 2.9431246632384611,
-    3.0643163534914351, 3.196540002859162, 3.3476671295609703,
-    3.578795801196712, 3.7570824917749248, 3.956586592960103,
-    4.1768360199630372, 4.472267971856815, 4.7565859357335603,
-    4.9434439507675787, 5.3520609425930763, 5.8616989500167476,
-    6.4670935400506355, 7.1530922193648818, 7.7821104509969494,
-    8.8151940771286945, 9.7442668096522507, 11.579039475678208,
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-    0.069817105932830248, 0.074260939707892284, 0.078749877606011834,
-    0.081760044924091488, 0.084762821011376818, 0.089159093597265968,
-    0.094139760178390847, 0.097396291127248735, 0.10077623786944703,
-    0.10375890948969808, 0.10775393339205297, 0.11107421600652036,
-    0.11454249675077989, 0.11920949455998719, 0.12303922825017929,
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-    0.13791508807970299, 0.14051821878738302, 0.14390700642876164,
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-    0.10517988601597632, 0.10903765629410936, 0.11233875871599709,
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-    0.15493735233574032, 0.157933736355726, 0.16144421044205534,
-    0.16496481804605914, 0.16826466934931564, 0.17176157430765859,
-    0.17500874461399182, 0.17804879932812664, 0.18119742226991276,
-    0.18460902834327048, 0.18841699006227006, 0.19203375816854248,
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-    0.90333809106860474, 0.92310933391162042, 0.9405629243797472,
-    0.95692109407032377, 0.97963547072788137, 1.0004217317748421,
-    1.0236926463114733, 1.0479024684311415, 1.0736587494567686,
-    1.1029019665569759, 1.12906516845161, 1.1535229840512065,
-    1.183650543141433, 1.2145616634515819, 1.2433817141554775,
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-    1.4970878314012157, 1.544365849864396, 1.5852559389906491,
-    1.6289127182967043, 1.6763419507458905, 1.7346054874616406,
-    1.7874905505861236, 1.8348302383376642, 1.8883747008525986,
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-    2.1969238514695641, 2.2946506914354945, 2.3927630404203812,
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-    0.069075624012220505, 0.073207759498264968, 0.075280554146869794,
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-    0.088903479078186923, 0.09243845286973873, 0.094364478720997277,
-    0.096709129954935052, 0.099600772001187554, 0.10194958435962591,
-    0.10513809510421018, 0.10794208190913103, 0.11150222159681712,
-    0.1142579134971833, 0.11634657875634755, 0.11969047101715455,
-    0.12161519787344191, 0.12385053356930883, 0.12634084519901401,
-    0.1291305476386892, 0.13156417910210463, 0.13417493406967573,
-    0.13679964962661262, 0.13945990964839527, 0.14181342525248586,
-    0.14549282281256487, 0.14783340369717113, 0.14958856732057474,
-    0.15255382916645896, 0.15544319048994837, 0.1591542931569995,
-    0.16119409443564187, 0.16370574506975646, 0.16653288283113751,
-    0.16902699557221748, 0.1717260132509677, 0.17468466981937897,
-    0.1779552731592591, 0.18111140017332697, 0.18333071563005016,
-    0.18636531857836564, 0.19016088025525124, 0.19209155599903649,
-    0.19565401433448046, 0.19789779372738567, 0.20022629670546713,
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-    0.23875228245044389, 0.24183177104791836, 0.2447595964898302,
-    0.24820098427265322, 0.25154143481035013, 0.25581771326492664,
-    0.26013522490314944, 0.26367297455136646, 0.26617604776659792,
-    0.26987259220624055, 0.27275363634505095, 0.27623705412540422,
-    0.27871993911088333, 0.28203251770501186, 0.28491073583870125,
-    0.28814332922843749, 0.29094277059610124, 0.2938064288488651,
-    0.2969815313602166, 0.30045527623320389, 0.30317724130982737,
-    0.30666702944803848, 0.30970778832795376, 0.31259577673706118,
-    0.31539427764199768, 0.31988050312274674, 0.32178656835758568,
-    0.32443980138047129, 0.3277688075192623, 0.33195003313090921,
-    0.33561880003007449, 0.33962945622215918, 0.34377428459224846,
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-    0.36187726953066712, 0.36506622168141156, 0.36986324059850173,
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-    0.3866300329330194, 0.39204361455678038, 0.3962317851808338,
-    0.4030804475511377, 0.40814046916968216, 0.4119865334190676,
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-    0.43313666513603649, 0.43739315237997622, 0.44219051331195619,
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-    0.55076304278607535, 0.55854776590405919, 0.56582581731679704,
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-    1.1971228830372136, 1.2429765744431311, 1.27151817897234,
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-    0.37861500834946049, 0.38309681552259905, 0.38664479850030559,
-    0.39090235429868447, 0.39557988601615102, 0.40024979955036705,
-    0.40474065571274853, 0.41182223255228778, 0.41565261202748732,
-    0.41888281162295166, 0.42393582615245412, 0.42822578404852624,
-    0.43294724828815934, 0.43951811737015356, 0.44722396323185154,
-    0.456459221718371, 0.46045447756416902, 0.46515308472591632,
-    0.46794991783126505, 0.47105981062684799, 0.47694020659007907,
-    0.48566640347419093, 0.4925745593913089, 0.49834783552581607,
-    0.50583387303211413, 0.51446464375101153, 0.52037516362506031,
-    0.53000380193173813, 0.5385532513944602, 0.54874910866185223,
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-    0.59369025108432061, 0.60559961256557782, 0.61889472781609867,
-    0.62969186089776408, 0.63837174738104929, 0.65949504499792255,
-    0.67141801254799327, 0.68600870858985674, 0.70043252145572876,
-    0.71339160274800251, 0.73333888359098232, 0.7460716086234207,
-    0.77171882001476177, 0.79223386524767436, 0.80514904996463144,
-    0.83016666521645444, 0.85350687238710088, 0.87938142652533746,
-    0.90714316395586614, 0.94541747300904144, 0.96712639337790818,
-    1.0077289627906116, 1.0578436059764642, 1.0814656481052898,
-    1.1213085582112645, 1.1519192766424888, 1.2067063531674953,
-    1.2531782152469926, 1.3107295260357585, 1.3724083852801383,
-    1.4468184839518206, 1.5305694103262035, 1.6312349936217583,
-    1.756018052127331, 1.8367605970857828, 2.1866989616417953,
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-    0.029821550682582357, 0.041345273775706924, 0.047618453577416696,
-    0.050555949727830833, 0.051530800253982594, 0.054552378113468664,
-    0.057086940000512496, 0.060602812091659256, 0.062248198918549692,
-    0.064804482413347478, 0.068044804113331997, 0.068908259193016616,
-    0.071132441977344307, 0.072933767937089555, 0.074986799025957215,
-    0.077263304695632015, 0.077976304453341666, 0.080549007965029493,
-    0.082270832598215493, 0.085046708133008728, 0.087447299482588489,
-    0.088756661262206285, 0.089943943671740606, 0.091007938101520788,
-    0.094928097449594656, 0.099174513732067163, 0.10225836726704171,
-    0.10576989225044739, 0.10833249442743473, 0.11038664233579089,
-    0.11189318059686042, 0.11482544288738511, 0.11669347663279424,
-    0.11877928264418412, 0.12047520194953332, 0.12165567868304332,
-    0.12370102433239426, 0.12612018039059264, 0.12684700576746685,
-    0.12878646240712111, 0.13057121120289508, 0.13306734076172619,
-    0.13372880707703153, 0.13736038992044558, 0.13881715097710293,
-    0.14064884529964838, 0.14124573991521217, 0.14311942643715578,
-    0.14513581305673817, 0.14595784685930299, 0.14716393061676503,
-    0.14885367705639466, 0.15050993397888962, 0.15162964533831316,
-    0.15369975683678072, 0.15435469959388012, 0.15577759046058082,
-    0.15668226730841731, 0.1584071432356994, 0.16082946927662081,
-    0.16239265698907479, 0.16531349295331907, 0.16703861065645129,
-    0.16929110758385099, 0.17070372367338077, 0.17240081949003247,
-    0.17401929655089876, 0.17549939813262669, 0.17701318273239205,
-    0.17868149692193935, 0.18147990984218215, 0.18481043739856384,
-    0.18569720961339536, 0.18665041599964075, 0.18938007981684934,
-    0.19112692772630277, 0.19315708801010689, 0.19508059108287254,
-    0.19644468311306196, 0.19883785512746996, 0.1996477292940389,
-    0.20328799229092981, 0.20659034076463945, 0.20796810335371782,
-    0.20983542523783127, 0.2115840603792295, 0.21255804907160578,
-    0.21431203105213031, 0.21628777053004405, 0.21896636799431354,
-    0.21986294549536606, 0.22078232590253416, 0.22179327232323751,
-    0.22426607190724099, 0.22774633679825707, 0.22885586498217825,
-    0.23208931497029114, 0.23445635314933294, 0.23554916368095241,
-    0.23985598287746046, 0.24076111746584605, 0.24198970919459603,
-    0.24456695954672134, 0.24539417383496825, 0.24905154968712961,
-    0.25090707777222615, 0.25130106870142177, 0.25451533183987707,
-    0.25566996933756181, 0.25867328796775041, 0.26064956359600089,
-    0.26093120395291297, 0.26335008874127647, 0.26856790047127449,
-    0.27254893327198854, 0.27567782840817318, 0.28124267210164966,
-    0.28247854937130817, 0.28625114431857379, 0.29082925078376376,
-    0.29320605506152064, 0.29647487884551421, 0.29850592855711272,
-    0.30094246795171609, 0.30299611653537667, 0.30732808774918102,
-    0.30921735043703502, 0.31232747522186072, 0.31576319709815054,
-    0.31898849977118987, 0.32108644244395629, 0.32447138047106261,
-    0.3276024319651058, 0.33168278635557902, 0.33493496691600139,
-    0.33845815307623212, 0.34437679545267702, 0.34822020725155695,
-    0.35388817414966195, 0.35700939815500266, 0.36137972027986198,
-    0.36735725529631541, 0.37122673740911644, 0.37736118189762147,
-    0.38121463316019755, 0.38546836603235024, 0.38836897993416342,
-    0.39553820461710354, 0.40116462511742196, 0.40279764229171539,
-    0.40785429136994455, 0.4120631734290916, 0.41819001160031855,
-    0.4234655903840544, 0.43068989317940309, 0.4331178277657271,
-    0.43638042629268897, 0.44171464739442051, 0.44829733628879731,
-    0.45755514155993304, 0.46339964109942611, 0.47692651434693667,
-    0.48203233568420067, 0.49140553703676787, 0.50067617538535925,
-    0.50624500029535147, 0.509762509086366, 0.52599740110606863,
-    0.53670458159003154, 0.54068269935836055, 0.54513452026347542,
-    0.55442379727646218, 0.5804414969611561, 0.58740464650794555,
-    0.59797187392502571, 0.60955631740740246, 0.62001210363745418,
-    0.62794424312588415, 0.64232876391400828, 0.65803432767723335,
-    0.67702143179047414, 0.69561200182704575, 0.70599633378133608,
-    0.73591608002676656, 0.75513253846758877, 0.78397996641105416,
-    0.80710202421052646, 0.84525049120784146, 0.9052678157224523,
-    0.9490825408336746, 1.016326214794693, 1.0596533647480635,
-    1.1401329656445862, 1.2775775816110475, 1.3755053508861865,
-    1.4769805157017351, 1.6399119604908177, 2.1348657056627016,
-    3.1990537574230995, 0.0, 0.037229647806545842, 0.042899747607156292,
-    0.04852625796660219, 0.053427828682963238, 0.057846043814273482,
-    0.058789366804777823, 0.059894670960058481, 0.061806496819415593,
-    0.06288357937563871, 0.063705491238154652, 0.064624564349766864,
-    0.066539564546213181, 0.068117644205825445, 0.069689987448183402,
-    0.072973810118958204, 0.075029578028714114, 0.076090220871986247,
-    0.078275623933525537, 0.080159770792154389, 0.081406116039587209,
-    0.08164553964490695, 0.083593049530192948, 0.084590953870938804,
-    0.086465834117303964, 0.08822532572632788, 0.089186854619600464,
-    0.089886020317945056, 0.092572749202295607, 0.093694972932557227,
-    0.094937834404926119, 0.097040224291640623, 0.097667138521545876,
-    0.099969968038602502, 0.10417048484174087, 0.10780079213283225,
-    0.10889375095854625, 0.10903938989013479, 0.11128176917618536,
-    0.11257507660636565, 0.11326518811097527, 0.11352509387853861,
-    0.11567847555302868, 0.11768952386243653, 0.1204905958236033,
-    0.12232339630742434, 0.12313609921978132, 0.12415844929489957,
-    0.12496470498144355, 0.1256037537020967, 0.12639939557206845,
-    0.12838761114223329, 0.13077332351034465, 0.13313785622768695,
-    0.13467524077070694, 0.13767775043346175, 0.1395173441181872,
-    0.14023356529287612, 0.14136086842893428, 0.14571034508839201,
-    0.1469532644277852, 0.14759361899260168, 0.14842017101772531,
-    0.15242521256839886, 0.15426856023023913, 0.15672970714335024,
-    0.15841699106659399, 0.16004962219962768, 0.16049659367868152,
-    0.16157625338408105, 0.16342153321263841, 0.16532114637213219,
-    0.16564588513427789, 0.16769053519184424, 0.16854825098054121,
-    0.17028923250134065, 0.17081950396614154, 0.17342913449829525,
-    0.17419644038376433, 0.17653031453657719, 0.17786246650019316,
-    0.17958041035624855, 0.18003570826506662, 0.18432275493254124,
-    0.18459458761615619, 0.18561588691792064, 0.18819478610235629,
-    0.18893514209622653, 0.19095535469625224, 0.19170408021332064,
-    0.19567600800094345, 0.19999780259216959, 0.20284315225727748,
-    0.20373012583225134, 0.20456046242286197, 0.20898756476926456,
-    0.2100591678518928, 0.21318265146979337, 0.21479341720286452,
-    0.21493894958991802, 0.21552884148320978, 0.21678370295180605,
-    0.22005390213330656, 0.2208750353533499, 0.22231160974944153,
-    0.22547606652116448, 0.22883502427842192, 0.23247314084489223,
-    0.23365595384777041, 0.23970523046509304, 0.24138410146972589,
-    0.24522137341984301, 0.24570522451863233, 0.24780703706547635,
-    0.24933355507759977, 0.25284652657486378, 0.25514210353592087,
-    0.26026745358900111, 0.26128019347213516, 0.26202930456238355,
-    0.2653982496052657, 0.27065798701145305, 0.27463053229655843,
-    0.27595152381920862, 0.27800957551439981, 0.27890303616529488,
-    0.28289551881522107, 0.28379888321436764, 0.28474455516979619,
-    0.28548889806913502, 0.28851856129741399, 0.28925469033111689,
-    0.28955788894271245, 0.29350305977266933, 0.29609872122681807,
-    0.30241998726464192, 0.30382080452923382, 0.30448438898977698,
-    0.30631757913135704, 0.30916236790296231, 0.31205028913580696,
-    0.31313738153954629, 0.31539404590186959, 0.32210740953492534,
-    0.32318384166541836, 0.32403796494592974, 0.32464341580886236,
-    0.32818473413596672, 0.33067902264725552, 0.33203810229003639,
-    0.33962444057763569, 0.34073403626495863, 0.34374538688334105,
-    0.34554821131082758, 0.34684735903657665, 0.34836578284950859,
-    0.35197282198795432, 0.35911745218986346, 0.36040424548108152,
-    0.36271817789575339, 0.36453208838267026, 0.3722041874594319,
-    0.3850959970374066, 0.3967374853148608, 0.41083356110814401,
-    0.41558974094228335, 0.41984747597880934, 0.42851282447107242,
-    0.44033883814796876, 0.44769850108485965, 0.45485476695336086,
-    0.45517769344815051, 0.46988589941579539, 0.47336234940402983,
-    0.48228476100040185, 0.4963129125170842, 0.52496401740850696,
-    0.54174268466224507, 0.56778264213285756, 0.59947949441738635,
-    0.61618637620027639, 0.62469990851376267, 0.63559373655292239,
-    0.64028148402424645, 0.6417944978527288, 0.66120751834923108,
-    0.67230387905415456, 0.68549918126957876, 0.73574140945002686,
-    0.76189058824857092, 0.78177211477759978, 0.78478497130854397,
-    0.81183845339312055, 0.92595133931696894, 1.0420074377189543,
-    1.1184834461004387, 1.1868475850375335, 1.3795391514935433,
-    1.6690912806799729, 3.620579386400943, 4.4069707474488888, 0.0,
-    0.030864281125046841, 0.03669053240718801, 0.03669053240718801,
-    0.039541803469962257, 0.039755585819827695, 0.041911399040835309,
-    0.044531607387296508, 0.046731484997993428, 0.046731484997993428,
-    0.06192300563276, 0.06192300563276, 0.066085275241882221,
-    0.067880636244234044, 0.067880636244234044, 0.069612626096000677,
-    0.071396391336907949, 0.074309967475605268, 0.078162954961568054,
-    0.079768809149418779, 0.079768809149418779, 0.081322012057796628,
-    0.081579918597752932, 0.081965289512041781, 0.082670774423793988,
-    0.082670774423793988, 0.083676047986424987, 0.083826394915856112,
-    0.085375798643674658, 0.085510183074035503, 0.088324648985544513,
-    0.088324648985544513, 0.089066018619338688, 0.089523451445578398,
-    0.092390560807742189, 0.10166676719934153, 0.10195388252236594,
-    0.10195388252236594, 0.10528536390229394, 0.10679858905504509,
-    0.10764192688172415, 0.11227193635040114, 0.11227193635040114,
-    0.11244606922440568, 0.1136218868259553, 0.11451053199472827,
-    0.11659577642426923, 0.11691086289458787, 0.11691086289458787,
-    0.1173211686698568, 0.11960461186081611, 0.12046430069545827,
-    0.12256846680870316, 0.12256846680870316, 0.12280198926010166,
-    0.1257225389684917, 0.13059187471398534, 0.13073228193993355,
-    0.13136136021211561, 0.13136136021211561, 0.13233380712258788,
-    0.13614938779187713, 0.14007489771345971, 0.14560628646680376,
-    0.14560628646680376, 0.14756930951437783, 0.14916144609305121,
-    0.14922882591595366, 0.15191188357115223, 0.15579801420071124,
-    0.15610306654452089, 0.15610306654452089, 0.15875192987335729,
-    0.16047737283948593, 0.16705380313003848, 0.16705380313003848,
-    0.168016882808462, 0.17068350389171213, 0.17282355855710782,
-    0.17412526193089098, 0.17681813754652775, 0.17681813754652775,
-    0.17715999760351636, 0.17756752055286806, 0.17871040321678122,
-    0.18018603591927709, 0.18070221855952068, 0.18070221855952068,
-    0.18495477280536446, 0.18580464561947918, 0.18637382093258065,
-    0.18739559121993163, 0.18739559121993163, 0.18989848932672079,
-    0.1902906960015, 0.19079530690057658, 0.19139358210577725,
-    0.1938767861484369, 0.1938767861484369, 0.19812320558888927,
-    0.19864349781538035, 0.20096245867613949, 0.20739126731129648,
-    0.20739126731129648, 0.20890608427242904, 0.21005835424486638,
-    0.21737774907061119, 0.21854346896037202, 0.22284661457281491,
-    0.22284661457281491, 0.23203519715709653, 0.23203519715709653,
-    0.23558872825006388, 0.23602589936541735, 0.23602589936541735,
-    0.23638998760967109, 0.23703292133804643, 0.24047672111025759,
-    0.24232933889648617, 0.24387144046296869, 0.24387144046296869,
-    0.24388260654882868, 0.24896631802503422, 0.25046853137361336,
-    0.25166045673406662, 0.25166045673406662, 0.25359663196242094,
-    0.25498419205566342, 0.25901909865108758, 0.26243633410773498,
-    0.26917225709613957, 0.26917225709613957, 0.27179969406100962,
-    0.27215636119935699, 0.27269960957360972, 0.27295835182412659,
-    0.27444977275651289, 0.27444977275651289, 0.274486965108864,
-    0.27757442781989727, 0.28007367094306918, 0.28306039462916666,
-    0.28306039462916666, 0.29022692808414607, 0.29319016306643131,
-    0.2953248123792146, 0.29727012315484735, 0.30055429636041897,
-    0.30055429636041897, 0.30274018734482672, 0.30371328246605706,
-    0.31089484427626424, 0.31222083890057561, 0.31222083890057561,
-    0.31342334287374385, 0.31360922339798514, 0.31781375837493059,
-    0.32086597698136354, 0.32397526199152671, 0.32397526199152671,
-    0.3252274384988707, 0.32557079328326183, 0.33071479846211244,
-    0.33213366103834452, 0.33213366103834452, 0.33806274054259133,
-    0.34060768522908541, 0.34066725641268175, 0.35070821312772565,
-    0.35281117830908848, 0.36022367837676228, 0.36022367837676228,
-    0.36359476452865169, 0.36867343874662684, 0.37500703454904866,
-    0.37500703454904866, 0.37559552094037618, 0.37776360565050465,
-    0.37911941464036175, 0.38043414821366556, 0.38673933256135501,
-    0.38673933256135501, 0.41493531465793626, 0.42545225470978032,
-    0.43335020944353286, 0.45946584864513479, 0.47934271794544625,
-    0.47934271794544625, 0.4835397584082895, 0.507001135566851,
-    0.53670698552411766, 0.62709022030658668, 0.62709022030658668,
-    0.6307562723487633, 0.6978337089986677, 0.96104664619258018,
-    0.97932419086538236, 1.3786097683148981, 1.3786097683148981,
-    2.1383436514004277, 2.1383436514004277, 0.0, 0.0, 0.040258951562044121,
-    0.040258951562044121, 0.04337227036223338, 0.04337227036223338,
-    0.04337227036223338, 0.056733258526878674, 0.056733258526878674,
-    0.059895656757221916, 0.063352892119378321, 0.063352892119378321,
-    0.063352892119378321, 0.063352892119378321, 0.063460760236515132,
-    0.063460760236515132, 0.063460760236515132, 0.064176771962993165,
-    0.064176771962993165, 0.069374734097819607, 0.069374734097819607,
-    0.069941635924431284, 0.069941635924431284, 0.069941635924431284,
-    0.07441063086446581, 0.07441063086446581, 0.090038436293935278,
-    0.090038436293935278, 0.090038436293935278, 0.093919282982153851,
-    0.098259451815303545, 0.098259451815303545, 0.098259451815303545,
-    0.098259451815303545, 0.11221645527330414, 0.11221645527330414,
-    0.11464109406455952, 0.11464109406455952, 0.11464109406455952,
-    0.11504122558884447, 0.11504122558884447, 0.11661461574279566,
-    0.11661461574279566, 0.11661461574279566, 0.11694434342186813,
-    0.11694434342186813, 0.12361989892840071, 0.12361989892840071,
-    0.12361989892840071, 0.12731915639699826, 0.13338496267239372,
-    0.13338496267239372, 0.13338496267239372, 0.13338496267239372,
-    0.14060738795616895, 0.14060738795616895, 0.14577369503859991,
-    0.14577369503859991, 0.14577369503859991, 0.15154574744822344,
-    0.15154574744822344, 0.15338029980440129, 0.15338029980440129,
-    0.155704785287297, 0.155704785287297, 0.155704785287297,
-    0.16408818329459646, 0.16408818329459646, 0.16611008928152352,
-    0.16611008928152352, 0.16793010863802235, 0.16793010863802235,
-    0.16793010863802235, 0.17350035363146732, 0.17350035363146732,
-    0.17350035363146732, 0.17720670978465847, 0.17720670978465847,
-    0.18778273599380949, 0.18778273599380949, 0.18778273599380949,
-    0.1956978506206099, 0.1956978506206099, 0.20618188353800229,
-    0.20618188353800229, 0.20618188353800229, 0.20667910131294201,
-    0.20667910131294201, 0.20897230394199579, 0.20897230394199579,
-    0.21603929997442067, 0.21603929997442067, 0.21603929997442067,
-    0.21750678346847724, 0.21750678346847724, 0.21750678346847724,
-    0.22319258104633796, 0.22319258104633796, 0.22577633029393052,
-    0.22577633029393052, 0.22577633029393052, 0.22835066066328252,
-    0.22835066066328252, 0.23127950794349347, 0.23127950794349347,
-    0.2335912050904361, 0.2335912050904361, 0.2335912050904361,
-    0.23855651821128016, 0.23855651821128016, 0.2403910894270215,
-    0.2403910894270215, 0.2403910894270215, 0.24693892553945757,
-    0.24693892553945757, 0.25144395559134397, 0.25144395559134397,
-    0.25144395559134397, 0.26144207730435715, 0.26144207730435715,
-    0.26316375812762322, 0.26316375812762322, 0.26316375812762322,
-    0.269250257528246, 0.269250257528246, 0.26976356545845359,
-    0.26976356545845359, 0.26976356545845359, 0.27207502394872296,
-    0.27207502394872296, 0.2722348959852619, 0.2722348959852619,
-    0.2722348959852619, 0.27399949932593481, 0.27399949932593481,
-    0.28525376986066708, 0.28525376986066708, 0.28525376986066708,
-    0.28581273013248543, 0.28581273013248543, 0.28581555874501124,
-    0.28581555874501124, 0.28725787127206887, 0.28725787127206887,
-    0.28725787127206887, 0.29182201476670522, 0.29182201476670522,
-    0.29774917483412067, 0.29774917483412067, 0.29774917483412067,
-    0.3221172335419677, 0.3221172335419677, 0.32286123906893716,
-    0.32286123906893716, 0.32286123906893716, 0.32784329797451783,
-    0.32784329797451783, 0.39859714532471063, 0.39859714532471063,
-    0.39859714532471063, 0.40861269762703839, 0.40861269762703839,
-    0.43492497337962299, 0.43492497337962299, 0.43492497337962299,
-    0.45154247181726737, 0.45154247181726737, 0.47903191315956584,
-    0.47903191315956584, 0.47903191315956584, 0.48764413130617162,
-    0.48764413130617162, 0.55753055427216291, 0.55753055427216291,
-    0.55753055427216291, 0.59950889251110473, 0.59950889251110473,
-    0.62302532522821363, 0.62302532522821363, 0.62302532522821363,
-    0.70821265192750071, 0.70821265192750071, 0.78923825478405685,
-    0.78923825478405685, 0.80991304315555079, 0.80991304315555079,
-    0.80991304315555079, 0.88217017561019562, 0.88217017561019562,
-    0.88217017561019562, 0.90564207937415331, 0.90564207937415331,
-    0.92743264762046396, 0.92743264762046396, 1.0496487600196804,
-    1.0496487600196804, 1.0496487600196804, 1.2152980938033116,
-    1.2152980938033116, 1.2152980938033116, 1.2152980938033116
+    0.0,
+    0.057628562576303784,
+    0.091878457821655726,
+    0.1132900806480715,
+    0.16850875337211296,
+    0.23480972950916859,
+    0.25538164963671517,
+    0.31559279249314726,
+    0.3709861971858377,
+    0.39525547000677452,
+    0.48512586717169626,
+    0.50506908796001859,
+    0.57765035525262631,
+    0.62148541152837633,
+    0.64263863444579483,
+    0.69882483312164267,
+    0.7161545153916149,
+    0.80411890720042356,
+    0.8805970872918405,
+    0.95906879172041093,
+    0.9964168954980418,
+    1.0467630571651532,
+    1.0811313132957849,
+    1.107613450320283,
+    1.1414327414809755,
+    1.200680497698831,
+    1.2258265309284444,
+    1.3292666112945957,
+    1.3827312359018287,
+    1.4123188606803245,
+    1.5512850653633397,
+    1.6356584995938095,
+    1.6731651325192813,
+    1.7284734590792767,
+    1.7492218434041287,
+    1.7668984797381611,
+    1.859839254768237,
+    1.8915873446892628,
+    1.906971142493358,
+    1.9739012545347705,
+    2.0042595869827151,
+    2.0404670643203007,
+    2.0801334669349569,
+    2.1361786545358559,
+    2.1800889828349126,
+    2.2526723098806514,
+    2.4615221000598324,
+    2.522133895087689,
+    2.5349568672753051,
+    2.6130589764080723,
+    2.7500027760987162,
+    2.8562937139926889,
+    2.9119263033764744,
+    3.0019158345608132,
+    3.075603035061484,
+    3.1141526815876208,
+    3.1813265812952172,
+    3.3676587418240587,
+    3.554323576839598,
+    3.6496213142048179,
+    3.6874293716075122,
+    3.7856923728140917,
+    3.8474310667342051,
+    3.9949344157172133,
+    4.125555286661946,
+    4.3290913548691856,
+    4.4952013654404812,
+    4.556343784992352,
+    4.639912221981799,
+    4.7146391204010234,
+    4.8227084013441566,
+    4.9863406697764292,
+    5.1842339785740776,
+    5.3023803998521304,
+    5.4750202011939866,
+    5.54048973773856,
+    5.6494197613846904,
+    6.031189352625824,
+    6.1768307442788197,
+    6.2620964668403225,
+    6.4351623085815,
+    6.7265466116268859,
+    6.7915288820461273,
+    6.858752135722245,
+    7.0391175979404581,
+    7.1234944848067601,
+    7.3258340038478451,
+    7.6012540830071256,
+    7.8610379546027023,
+    8.1407339356122499,
+    8.6344134454714787,
+    8.7180144432721391,
+    9.0978762948485237,
+    9.2738466401608814,
+    9.3278635864048827,
+    9.4424890946840847,
+    9.6030189615224657,
+    9.7486413490900201,
+    9.9120876012927628,
+    10.0634236132968,
+    10.415298132107214,
+    10.522058512873633,
+    10.613299539059163,
+    10.777003890057323,
+    11.19134404322137,
+    11.263117192375013,
+    11.498561061679176,
+    12.21806762702662,
+    12.483196087543357,
+    13.54470365954359,
+    13.849619017840872,
+    14.123084642390928,
+    14.398832659078749,
+    14.566089250066417,
+    14.807446823406554,
+    14.954042474253805,
+    15.017632122375311,
+    15.534486588862363,
+    16.087579752773408,
+    16.335273051167704,
+    16.59865583486215,
+    16.787365784531143,
+    16.930772808747413,
+    16.978230896616772,
+    17.45341757723757,
+    17.54161801859598,
+    17.670822982069833,
+    18.057953137339432,
+    18.349411130934708,
+    18.874645742669262,
+    19.811500245302732,
+    20.617053831744901,
+    21.425708785184192,
+    22.13342945397601,
+    22.514800015329385,
+    22.600876120356858,
+    22.995926973030485,
+    23.562574109846953,
+    24.294710403256879,
+    24.710775959864485,
+    25.735807637080889,
+    26.538055293359648,
+    27.290028726831821,
+    27.773430106003083,
+    29.668208899311839,
+    29.767759573249858,
+    30.328136166047656,
+    31.494086670497492,
+    31.717352094096093,
+    32.525981982450979,
+    33.265585384845679,
+    33.751316746168612,
+    34.201802003064067,
+    36.899918838933765,
+    38.096479462365799,
+    39.516017768346714,
+    39.989735840240321,
+    41.194468318352641,
+    43.299364753871842,
+    43.400612046669139,
+    44.217051933181644,
+    45.224566778084622,
+    46.422304247376758,
+    46.960808813383558,
+    48.299557096246531,
+    49.543362472280329,
+    52.100735352804534,
+    53.655447353773283,
+    55.960391277909508,
+    59.70514539293125,
+    61.843693253111184,
+    68.081331605587849,
+    71.540166073226146,
+    73.270793327751335,
+    76.171347038456744,
+    76.713947935814872,
+    79.452578223589953,
+    81.242818023980888,
+    85.253618574552505,
+    90.576557423795492,
+    92.997247053710012,
+    95.821107577619216,
+    106.64500479999833,
+    120.18058037798956,
+    126.50923215826064,
+    131.32814912989315,
+    147.1399472964454,
+    167.43638431036157,
+    192.68604805851697,
+    214.74959666043176,
+    236.90417250922937,
+    270.13811088102972,
+    311.13617202210634,
+    348.43212870989748,
+    397.49279405192692,
+    418.52939500887197,
+    490.05308025042825,
+    601.26449991098229,
+    943.69926165035622,
+    2272.151119348498,
+    2272.151119348498,
+    0.0,
+    0.068201728466174436,
+    0.11237783313391692,
+    0.12830033204755303,
+    0.14738276605539258,
+    0.17452595819420164,
+    0.18740679497876259,
+    0.22092788589298604,
+    0.24698157312934674,
+    0.26321755681186182,
+    0.278982404063846,
+    0.29425614113597565,
+    0.30386598141884186,
+    0.33348471684689712,
+    0.35448258891286477,
+    0.38416466052319098,
+    0.41799061907192603,
+    0.43332985148006498,
+    0.46022545438188606,
+    0.46720029992587914,
+    0.4834191580769957,
+    0.49135304898180576,
+    0.50065137294598305,
+    0.54116902167600822,
+    0.56502516934264901,
+    0.58383186711851243,
+    0.59988283878047788,
+    0.61745037135253056,
+    0.64851934211375817,
+    0.65771446388077714,
+    0.68201656335208749,
+    0.69501882934571635,
+    0.70859407070539537,
+    0.76811748190181783,
+    0.785547174693628,
+    0.80584170571483826,
+    0.80977921469642378,
+    0.84983656800224905,
+    0.87762202858938831,
+    0.89989293732657549,
+    0.92737970573962192,
+    0.94822275849814597,
+    0.97010634169397159,
+    1.0004701361644599,
+    1.027252813486935,
+    1.0516264427778705,
+    1.085865795301199,
+    1.1039829998101676,
+    1.1231421375848933,
+    1.1351908524310048,
+    1.1870327649828589,
+    1.2108652899633887,
+    1.2418615536907456,
+    1.2620878726057261,
+    1.2831955088252662,
+    1.306480565141986,
+    1.3214819027067988,
+    1.3819750197102438,
+    1.3964962886754628,
+    1.4416267404974048,
+    1.4723276588556404,
+    1.5102821076425617,
+    1.5397500825876973,
+    1.5614284610319382,
+    1.6110339651345407,
+    1.6433416553385205,
+    1.6728829936173992,
+    1.6999366415445392,
+    1.7240699041761254,
+    1.7508519958752469,
+    1.7969849629216739,
+    1.8430561905053708,
+    1.8717904098493616,
+    1.9063368309633759,
+    1.9506003143418458,
+    2.0298196868542142,
+    2.0991713956674101,
+    2.1633526448161282,
+    2.2629929459851224,
+    2.29081267396016,
+    2.3416198215358914,
+    2.3573314548287789,
+    2.4218587714491338,
+    2.4993355473824033,
+    2.5384325382544848,
+    2.6491004992037666,
+    2.7210651339892107,
+    2.8237246255258426,
+    2.8700824362814488,
+    2.9188785020766925,
+    2.9635962519687955,
+    3.0154773635321317,
+    3.1026722776260538,
+    3.1782308010920812,
+    3.2642539873638139,
+    3.322125355058692,
+    3.3714861504441376,
+    3.4218839487759731,
+    3.5144951962763513,
+    3.5765944072239031,
+    3.6273675925681212,
+    3.7247691072149096,
+    3.8232379391542128,
+    3.8893216636307564,
+    3.9288057496282955,
+    4.0390899251352117,
+    4.1600948751312279,
+    4.1871263152018612,
+    4.2621860547974828,
+    4.3500604627307435,
+    4.5436519743962078,
+    4.5849723086596628,
+    4.729044783865576,
+    4.8683804704143165,
+    4.9563493866144599,
+    5.0241568504440179,
+    5.1468726623856105,
+    5.1949999782992462,
+    5.3140299451508861,
+    5.4879645142694358,
+    5.7223471643025841,
+    5.8380855647564118,
+    5.953449532130346,
+    6.0187020640170728,
+    6.2108553226358252,
+    6.3916059248644403,
+    6.4913362763076323,
+    6.6031140372618351,
+    6.6636491589809301,
+    6.9509407634766989,
+    7.1531488937141772,
+    7.2409474401975658,
+    7.4303919093490327,
+    7.5669382679335202,
+    7.7441286658925934,
+    7.9000616206163423,
+    8.0724648473816156,
+    8.2412216959472371,
+    8.4137214458024516,
+    8.6069007301001861,
+    8.7736666850099372,
+    8.9890876982826367,
+    9.155130462775519,
+    9.3411611417176861,
+    9.4866270624314577,
+    9.5872328045423547,
+    9.8527914805110655,
+    9.9514305967967953,
+    10.292405041584022,
+    10.75673026860011,
+    11.169289189746417,
+    11.46807997463821,
+    11.689766834399332,
+    11.966027273630296,
+    12.351431387718186,
+    12.727667430393458,
+    13.119586645059071,
+    13.424611040389257,
+    13.786397020277862,
+    13.968352336123267,
+    14.21068016740667,
+    14.453408188853816,
+    15.461180267394132,
+    15.895481313307476,
+    16.317601512617198,
+    16.780792483093965,
+    17.624171385239844,
+    18.139839382922045,
+    18.594772196087924,
+    20.516375547145831,
+    21.567448512929186,
+    21.977404088239552,
+    23.299471636450161,
+    24.278490139740818,
+    24.993212131783924,
+    26.592135163847711,
+    27.623113931391885,
+    28.865470012834731,
+    29.227604875711496,
+    31.101999334866235,
+    31.57497302654869,
+    32.684647994128909,
+    33.375146403972977,
+    37.692891082911196,
+    39.851813023596023,
+    41.523584144387264,
+    46.008072429817098,
+    49.647884975691284,
+    52.784847459347759,
+    54.294626625518887,
+    63.228644431972903,
+    69.726924033194564,
+    74.015904215742552,
+    86.164937892726826,
+    100.73311845118887,
+    112.18515642738907,
+    135.19609351797098,
+    176.61381022152227,
+    242.73583361720463,
+    308.26543522152377,
+    513.52205453065437,
+    0.0,
+    0.064681645397600726,
+    0.097055786527166205,
+    0.11671616479466058,
+    0.14904699771147067,
+    0.1812546389613125,
+    0.20555172420798953,
+    0.2183799557562153,
+    0.24037810467237944,
+    0.25036231174093732,
+    0.26632542829596018,
+    0.2738878158208915,
+    0.28695869973365634,
+    0.30912145801504926,
+    0.32069346660692333,
+    0.32716841268857905,
+    0.33921112396795472,
+    0.35411605334840923,
+    0.36992181322350265,
+    0.37555978900730691,
+    0.39245722745804307,
+    0.40098714822474785,
+    0.40795369226674527,
+    0.4172218451215533,
+    0.42679459853118645,
+    0.45012838868569222,
+    0.46395657933185602,
+    0.47588120991692906,
+    0.4859429317025537,
+    0.5012486174834101,
+    0.51554915854539141,
+    0.52673766504363306,
+    0.54037167562839805,
+    0.55386824464727247,
+    0.56986151348392444,
+    0.58441413430603695,
+    0.59504137541093982,
+    0.60183139418849574,
+    0.6097548033252651,
+    0.61636145539533693,
+    0.63729376685379835,
+    0.65492235590733228,
+    0.66704610998785618,
+    0.700953708734812,
+    0.7190525585629578,
+    0.73579423752153761,
+    0.74901914818208437,
+    0.7639095729012253,
+    0.78507593810209142,
+    0.7991677445398635,
+    0.82057225160808045,
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+    0.86730722882820255,
+    0.890038058955962,
+    0.90572082476051208,
+    0.93235631316890322,
+    0.95142142918059724,
+    0.969384366562271,
+    0.99218758210384461,
+    1.00299637932868,
+    1.0092887025882542,
+    1.0324830139871306,
+    1.0486654108510693,
+    1.0641141875260127,
+    1.0835468393653898,
+    1.1071616076049358,
+    1.1168131966461825,
+    1.1456586118817482,
+    1.1644419001186364,
+    1.1774811339270124,
+    1.2092190407790164,
+    1.2384799339065578,
+    1.2616903228237686,
+    1.2889294434698533,
+    1.3164843722957189,
+    1.3568929832436432,
+    1.3789685995582368,
+    1.4016262455149839,
+    1.4303108283460788,
+    1.4487819999160492,
+    1.48021838699676,
+    1.5050773691689014,
+    1.5354136497221011,
+    1.5761026989532505,
+    1.5976227134137739,
+    1.6180255352377244,
+    1.6461488070064747,
+    1.6754933786486672,
+    1.7043391941827599,
+    1.7436653784542346,
+    1.7574238222395258,
+    1.8083751761401707,
+    1.8364695449180659,
+    1.8853960408395598,
+    1.9209489973470637,
+    1.9614779158767812,
+    1.9837030977196592,
+    2.0254456515521015,
+    2.06356755784513,
+    2.1061669436995003,
+    2.1608319242443135,
+    2.176533829184859,
+    2.2139646657342289,
+    2.2418326677035214,
+    2.2819602869499667,
+    2.3275988135789891,
+    2.355439289035997,
+    2.4108423085380779,
+    2.4436348968031414,
+    2.5031234860019178,
+    2.5439256045997136,
+    2.5773599788744934,
+    2.6327828846554593,
+    2.6997266593235456,
+    2.7317169496478648,
+    2.8033821298933836,
+    2.872746199477366,
+    2.911616529815233,
+    2.9546022533503957,
+    3.0081446390299069,
+    3.0894107259868058,
+    3.1461648060150367,
+    3.2073093130678618,
+    3.2707390207274067,
+    3.3815481629909145,
+    3.4779532042245807,
+    3.4955043576213232,
+    3.5757478436815138,
+    3.6322878543855621,
+    3.7796644436769657,
+    3.8151756075230678,
+    3.8802551661883786,
+    4.0289839922041422,
+    4.1279506765446614,
+    4.1958722575439298,
+    4.2681132445184655,
+    4.3694161532010058,
+    4.4793716338291727,
+    4.5714087303580433,
+    4.6493194432085412,
+    4.7141095620043281,
+    4.8655065654352976,
+    4.9733934483219935,
+    5.038859603913723,
+    5.1120453856118537,
+    5.2240263349175526,
+    5.326857227285414,
+    5.4452851717228903,
+    5.6191948437507619,
+    5.8251247312267305,
+    6.0364763774143135,
+    6.1085463321063269,
+    6.2898990925768432,
+    6.4181400947195311,
+    6.6210137015645536,
+    6.7263257016206106,
+    6.8855750366072552,
+    7.1232383189565454,
+    7.4007790575336729,
+    7.5183445501556623,
+    7.6542486054829189,
+    7.7796080000079355,
+    8.0776151677243515,
+    8.4160158721268967,
+    8.6283072431350387,
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+    9.1985032179916839,
+    9.3715895144040058,
+    9.689097239085406,
+    9.9747151298520151,
+    10.162420972781135,
+    10.525043005039576,
+    10.9348593423718,
+    11.220406152599313,
+    11.472292936429914,
+    12.331513581808927,
+    12.99141401636353,
+    13.792445320126436,
+    14.159631387529567,
+    14.898875104642451,
+    15.391013071702499,
+    16.58446392489617,
+    17.397044111420918,
+    18.246693100142146,
+    19.539678557308235,
+    21.894007859929044,
+    23.769625964542684,
+    25.674579790101415,
+    28.595587316047272,
+    30.020256306881702,
+    33.276780738700346,
+    35.817076665002631,
+    42.110340471763912,
+    48.790270781601912,
+    54.046938187573666,
+    67.878422664921544,
+    86.808719614124982,
+    106.08957126365338,
+    212.6174296424627,
+    530.67951165916725,
+    0.0,
+    0.066200047903027276,
+    0.083721669217692474,
+    0.097716651445752478,
+    0.11022140255760769,
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+    0.1310312002419774,
+    0.14174741060946225,
+    0.15012768070557803,
+    0.16322364512908868,
+    0.18204188144428807,
+    0.1932509011687073,
+    0.20736566877237284,
+    0.21677471984321531,
+    0.22208330716146871,
+    0.2368478044903545,
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+    0.38160665904037616,
+    0.38574106898579719,
+    0.39688874219887516,
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+    0.4190808913198204,
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+    0.46661118452309958,
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+    0.5026379690695526,
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+    0.53633757129515192,
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+    0.5709327471747897,
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+    0.58661731761735014,
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+    0.63367739150206992,
+    0.64417081791316222,
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+    0.66136245644028779,
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+    0.68483211499577568,
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+    0.71733880725642318,
+    0.72982716816440152,
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+    0.75464756880526096,
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+    0.79092500924780884,
+    0.80139259706827826,
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+    0.83636749901593976,
+    0.85607123696181142,
+    0.87178377197180712,
+    0.89028508898771552,
+    0.90709689710063435,
+    0.92105845964996935,
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+    0.97648251804695785,
+    0.99369926534400232,
+    1.0090186828881174,
+    1.0418114909215104,
+    1.0698515568115963,
+    1.0781642613654208,
+    1.0953662056922651,
+    1.1107307176100356,
+    1.1257267330935268,
+    1.1471842785819382,
+    1.1676817560236403,
+    1.1877943080225843,
+    1.216398240925453,
+    1.2316053787491037,
+    1.2474229964718553,
+    1.269525880355836,
+    1.3019912398706039,
+    1.3277002379637455,
+    1.3443466595361551,
+    1.3685810866232899,
+    1.3984804559046911,
+    1.4355750324517496,
+    1.460852572211057,
+    1.4948996531027956,
+    1.5268570238239529,
+    1.5522940777876273,
+    1.5719325888893447,
+    1.6024193084645637,
+    1.633598364214381,
+    1.6528693309141695,
+    1.6741744069714672,
+    1.7003470022341649,
+    1.735298179037982,
+    1.7582063751832995,
+    1.7909792627750754,
+    1.8300707159778025,
+    1.8684354743589122,
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+    1.9304116745252333,
+    1.9651822643793164,
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+    2.1477636951029404,
+    2.1758324097429544,
+    2.2038264839493977,
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+    2.3116834558621813,
+    2.3770756042717061,
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+    2.6183935138202945,
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+    2.7642312413471197,
+    2.8501819058526374,
+    2.8874618455541339,
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+    2.9902882140860028,
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+    3.3415607515486019,
+    3.4135640311960804,
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+    3.5495511431068625,
+    3.6258591972624328,
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+    3.7950739251414829,
+    3.8952813228916106,
+    4.0427476635565807,
+    4.0982562136044365,
+    4.2381714903602026,
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+    4.5891338691369086,
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+    4.7853618220189347,
+    4.8500011901031046,
+    4.9499390325888388,
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+    5.4884702877024898,
+    5.6251182444238585,
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+    5.8235819678819309,
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+    6.1535182776969091,
+    6.4223906871159802,
+    6.7828263511308,
+    6.9787759843247965,
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+    7.9090260134516059,
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+    8.6965137695221202,
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+    9.7704946596107849,
+    10.142102955347768,
+    10.870897424798827,
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+    19.636996869210478,
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+    21.601610993499339,
+    23.839730158552172,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.14384864573811881,
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+    0.37755689980492391,
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+    2.8097139724064282,
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+    3.3051260648856364,
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+    3.5505875681994588,
+    3.7448427188152658,
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+    3.9838928478843263,
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+    4.2490672817706532,
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+    4.473253957654526,
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+    4.8383638550300123,
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+    6.5966499906173439,
+    6.9452175432435155,
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+    11.269430893231096,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.2859614857691346,
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+    0.29881267745856349,
+    0.30375673974281647,
+    0.30854811947856214,
+    0.31656603656425492,
+    0.32546607312581727,
+    0.33113501361486541,
+    0.33582693482769788,
+    0.34276150289703894,
+    0.35127805306418919,
+    0.35845367388296762,
+    0.36558831277905995,
+    0.36979924962746219,
+    0.37578338456878752,
+    0.38327703665171509,
+    0.38743278300825934,
+    0.3933947408991858,
+    0.40090502054506943,
+    0.41078320064762447,
+    0.41434452765896151,
+    0.42079409894287106,
+    0.4255673661624485,
+    0.43408043802357538,
+    0.43842453852669183,
+    0.44479957009297705,
+    0.44911932255159215,
+    0.46075892982346434,
+    0.47136693037959077,
+    0.47672759686825411,
+    0.48530543752076094,
+    0.49072973814548543,
+    0.49757125712438277,
+    0.50205891056941676,
+    0.50989707552295971,
+    0.52048634390291548,
+    0.52487724594117247,
+    0.53197428010086045,
+    0.54193181090656062,
+    0.54669601892015796,
+    0.55199308212187415,
+    0.56177797788147832,
+    0.57397840735843453,
+    0.58305121749436828,
+    0.58875829816518199,
+    0.60014475586825022,
+    0.61146976460798996,
+    0.62147757074967558,
+    0.62937535472116102,
+    0.63521150679693283,
+    0.6443683639844624,
+    0.65570350537151256,
+    0.66248422346281488,
+    0.67431167007929649,
+    0.68081103970994383,
+    0.70070897539479826,
+    0.70949394177954128,
+    0.72368744374810079,
+    0.73324494948980001,
+    0.74442385396599853,
+    0.75726956491948028,
+    0.76814002853040864,
+    0.78549563545170853,
+    0.79690455102462399,
+    0.80911780465283023,
+    0.8217559489409707,
+    0.83736881584366574,
+    0.84769382359635626,
+    0.86418498778599284,
+    0.88747705639947372,
+    0.90131822030096298,
+    0.91456928681735306,
+    0.926248872898779,
+    0.94662179325634455,
+    0.95246146300701406,
+    0.96865365604621834,
+    0.98601045426396106,
+    1.004370843669373,
+    1.0278846153106977,
+    1.044847701668429,
+    1.0629345673978381,
+    1.0786014914723667,
+    1.0929756602733387,
+    1.1261078972699916,
+    1.1512164532678049,
+    1.1694773456967209,
+    1.2047879047450252,
+    1.2191337268903064,
+    1.2371236242769537,
+    1.2604030750182345,
+    1.2728991082384753,
+    1.3021733465601504,
+    1.3366400801240468,
+    1.3669786453201016,
+    1.3893263316106292,
+    1.4142311210562548,
+    1.4371089884829913,
+    1.4735470017754577,
+    1.520014037615578,
+    1.5362080843085604,
+    1.57308131482694,
+    1.6005512179859467,
+    1.6311466151664402,
+    1.6766677965478609,
+    1.702427114649556,
+    1.7358113192351368,
+    1.7589620076466705,
+    1.8122197381889422,
+    1.8371172353927989,
+    1.8839698049061866,
+    1.9368978033833055,
+    1.9859165193893249,
+    2.0266473776917446,
+    2.0435418938412577,
+    2.0904755804619093,
+    2.137008395650732,
+    2.2105679265040039,
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+    2.3171846492564172,
+    2.3789143587376254,
+    2.4392413643504884,
+    2.4804720034966028,
+    2.5405224136745002,
+    2.5964604917467198,
+    2.6705999263123781,
+    2.7251943964162413,
+    2.772341712266535,
+    2.8651026212603763,
+    2.9882335264110305,
+    3.0505642000004207,
+    3.1879882564475781,
+    3.2713189106502325,
+    3.3340572644275901,
+    3.3973177283139346,
+    3.5111941452660176,
+    3.6432762400676104,
+    3.7893397930271497,
+    3.8962740628195554,
+    4.0871617267378353,
+    4.2202691837388713,
+    4.3774443034324424,
+    4.4936111350115695,
+    4.7506236842341369,
+    5.0112340217497193,
+    5.3496875229084306,
+    5.5766544089000956,
+    5.8287954513602722,
+    6.3423620558230542,
+    6.7899919751160516,
+    7.1981726869941802,
+    7.7399452080885132,
+    8.3342259680123636,
+    9.1990412068218603,
+    9.6467855088846335,
+    10.137584353746163,
+    10.89364428926409,
+    11.552396435112094,
+    13.030143614298112,
+    14.095239648815568,
+    16.252904088875191,
+    20.637122578101994,
+    25.04746535648458,
+    29.349607631916427,
+    39.069463698724505,
+    53.341542218906731,
+    131.24704840076191,
+    0.0,
+    0.032884942472054493,
+    0.044042928317071753,
+    0.051717952097554462,
+    0.058447068850037934,
+    0.068821794240992967,
+    0.076446506641690143,
+    0.083331576500669718,
+    0.090983634325567123,
+    0.097188602723129819,
+    0.1088593709111567,
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+    0.11844837313630252,
+    0.12384168852201749,
+    0.12684488135204505,
+    0.13447015956640213,
+    0.1391542676007054,
+    0.14625472031000056,
+    0.15200345906187301,
+    0.15688159917859762,
+    0.16356525869840099,
+    0.16595293381775883,
+    0.17208869146003852,
+    0.17708137414161021,
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+    0.18979132041734897,
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+    0.2032346071402627,
+    0.20694798677484283,
+    0.21265331651833888,
+    0.21882977443215981,
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+    0.23178859272489064,
+    0.23787915511551139,
+    0.24313950482755242,
+    0.24682307808790133,
+    0.24943612844036106,
+    0.25577269021993287,
+    0.26291464226288852,
+    0.26970943169082667,
+    0.2725648028979728,
+    0.28144606977956577,
+    0.28556551666434349,
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+    0.29709027671048366,
+    0.30175232279695008,
+    0.30845384710365537,
+    0.31297498910818361,
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+    0.31918148875981589,
+    0.32331388150265972,
+    0.32927405147803945,
+    0.33377069470184595,
+    0.33894412800963025,
+    0.34522709990281475,
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+    0.3558821207267826,
+    0.36144785378066896,
+    0.37019315147158249,
+    0.37724004091309249,
+    0.3829924502040804,
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+    0.39588105871510798,
+    0.40044226663641691,
+    0.40836868589232361,
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+    0.41875667916369519,
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+    0.43229589405318924,
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+    0.44538394823457816,
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+    0.46383676125545098,
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+    0.48431439285713834,
+    0.49389826855702679,
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+    0.50732118012468475,
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+    0.53288748131056163,
+    0.54544803680941312,
+    0.55056947454571459,
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+    0.5957914205706567,
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+    0.65888445152749431,
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+    0.7025879217168467,
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+    0.7391009553915564,
+    0.75223783989741744,
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+    0.804383247442233,
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+    0.82843493554640024,
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+    0.88180313041705505,
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+    0.9291438387362384,
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+    0.96809418471522612,
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+    1.0951850173844457,
+    1.1193411761447549,
+    1.1379681972224709,
+    1.1599468248342446,
+    1.1886340506700033,
+    1.2148385191461482,
+    1.2481418152125123,
+    1.2792573174668869,
+    1.3154615262708993,
+    1.342394558445551,
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+    1.4093858037430134,
+    1.4522804850005502,
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+    1.5306210379322103,
+    1.5495843761095305,
+    1.584244002737959,
+    1.6126131532613874,
+    1.6604506166505426,
+    1.6921120149154147,
+    1.7126738210319639,
+    1.7396125064233854,
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+    1.824889085813346,
+    1.8829431177071814,
+    1.9343935926685978,
+    1.9916768565010168,
+    2.0267961688503453,
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+    2.4501358388830012,
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+    2.7077686567647499,
+    2.7684316125814457,
+    2.8476458237947857,
+    2.9627792222491238,
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+    3.5451252896822063,
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+    3.8535789702629515,
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+    4.6567473442819232,
+    4.8795997539612124,
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+    5.8112812324471728,
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+    8.9855329925540648,
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+    10.562225389927731,
+    11.547524333694614,
+    13.042152628954279,
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+    16.843645091885804,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.07885113088345877,
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+    0.08965572615115161,
+    0.094178377769283547,
+    0.098501280404947864,
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+    0.11689141102215121,
+    0.1214840331703515,
+    0.12584718500031158,
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+    0.13468557220683824,
+    0.13924503288786391,
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+    0.15891197422219733,
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+    0.1820267480405092,
+    0.18688153961477047,
+    0.1927267317388851,
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+    0.20898176045815323,
+    0.21456701344386478,
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+    0.22817700334024027,
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+    0.23720906624202601,
+    0.24191353394033271,
+    0.24708942468474382,
+    0.25285280260759901,
+    0.25671572324736464,
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+    0.27152578772723279,
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+    0.28593911283892171,
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+    0.38695470344853578,
+    0.39172315899130233,
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+    1.2755553790294463,
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+    1.8620922391744734,
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+    2.8338987909810287,
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+    3.270619104044989,
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+    8.6803326930194569,
+    9.7122609465184322,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.11009718665642487,
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+    0.11698509676168573,
+    0.12080022735318345,
+    0.12517509152109374,
+    0.13013769328680053,
+    0.13345882034603812,
+    0.13747142162715098,
+    0.14150064959740938,
+    0.14442943761896229,
+    0.14941148229826645,
+    0.15440519818373027,
+    0.15783715568801643,
+    0.16265630037450993,
+    0.16672946241207018,
+    0.17011132508732738,
+    0.17420920933779047,
+    0.1787571250538082,
+    0.18406358630263245,
+    0.18924049544452431,
+    0.19306320330392984,
+    0.19641759705419837,
+    0.20044589719386452,
+    0.20365259207914921,
+    0.20746114210240005,
+    0.21178663359554398,
+    0.21561802968012542,
+    0.2201648522340745,
+    0.22394901627082189,
+    0.22890960512700576,
+    0.23288763477408511,
+    0.23799769247855981,
+    0.24277846906856382,
+    0.24620220114345401,
+    0.25085581063453694,
+    0.2547852657654528,
+    0.2584622001605798,
+    0.26226644168550362,
+    0.26587748056735006,
+    0.27001206297540875,
+    0.27333957150348165,
+    0.27844160533530171,
+    0.28262027978412785,
+    0.28651353733567758,
+    0.29232034746442948,
+    0.29580376680146625,
+    0.29935090999568476,
+    0.30309728324775276,
+    0.30715090410428514,
+    0.31201121511000857,
+    0.31571249520502215,
+    0.31981978170465836,
+    0.32351704294037775,
+    0.32816906538652812,
+    0.33260532162929424,
+    0.3375253795185012,
+    0.34227658789873155,
+    0.34672628630214691,
+    0.35173264439552276,
+    0.35642244422141933,
+    0.36316985109331051,
+    0.36811409230691677,
+    0.3739818336331292,
+    0.37900422010827939,
+    0.38371686137179334,
+    0.38830090222693142,
+    0.39314672036266179,
+    0.39750505605076314,
+    0.40399586297398238,
+    0.40779084214158268,
+    0.41471724442253388,
+    0.419908928474307,
+    0.42527068506941523,
+    0.43082110702825382,
+    0.43546343483577804,
+    0.44058928875209435,
+    0.4501165160939869,
+    0.455800248584872,
+    0.46250910353077601,
+    0.4679792550227716,
+    0.4771052601340332,
+    0.48317268060065444,
+    0.49024307149325064,
+    0.49795121259530739,
+    0.50489713934710001,
+    0.51144292478572784,
+    0.52042454216218859,
+    0.52715808936571795,
+    0.53458634795400084,
+    0.54336964463015824,
+    0.55167313602281232,
+    0.55895482076372938,
+    0.56755092529864581,
+    0.5767512365389893,
+    0.58757892054706506,
+    0.59812779085356993,
+    0.60674604159456691,
+    0.61595140194035713,
+    0.62390929987658528,
+    0.63464413788738838,
+    0.64205470333131864,
+    0.64919687404877857,
+    0.66358361675173039,
+    0.67457487585108067,
+    0.68565375079097346,
+    0.69515353663280854,
+    0.70835712049313537,
+    0.71637388222414811,
+    0.72810587108889246,
+    0.74259519148707775,
+    0.75505940962506923,
+    0.76533718705099252,
+    0.77978770960457156,
+    0.79277034764412091,
+    0.81042776509929326,
+    0.8252185957527518,
+    0.84081567710998861,
+    0.85591239426333621,
+    0.87366392436831841,
+    0.8906804437761574,
+    0.90431935636817162,
+    0.92374870367862294,
+    0.9403922748286605,
+    0.96024005012655089,
+    0.9834409532310171,
+    1.0063612444728725,
+    1.0237103083075751,
+    1.0406894015881631,
+    1.0646614938416241,
+    1.0953872473777502,
+    1.1182073342474079,
+    1.1431128152282664,
+    1.1700990970833274,
+    1.1937825903128636,
+    1.2194906544605457,
+    1.2510699786546229,
+    1.2724440268105714,
+    1.3012328136568787,
+    1.3306077291828782,
+    1.3661125359622348,
+    1.4057121542663247,
+    1.438874003521625,
+    1.4852719546886077,
+    1.53160091645302,
+    1.5835611112903651,
+    1.6195792978908965,
+    1.6633225682365109,
+    1.7092772469624007,
+    1.7547058942561764,
+    1.7983361923251511,
+    1.8554877739779563,
+    1.9046272406631959,
+    1.9419569456472263,
+    2.007485115392952,
+    2.0766613504192311,
+    2.1363921756522712,
+    2.2042343314393218,
+    2.2881456308297792,
+    2.3461181458892382,
+    2.4247974852833076,
+    2.5226066296330565,
+    2.6287822381475663,
+    2.7093614689581362,
+    2.8121552403853838,
+    2.9431246632384611,
+    3.0643163534914351,
+    3.196540002859162,
+    3.3476671295609703,
+    3.578795801196712,
+    3.7570824917749248,
+    3.956586592960103,
+    4.1768360199630372,
+    4.472267971856815,
+    4.7565859357335603,
+    4.9434439507675787,
+    5.3520609425930763,
+    5.8616989500167476,
+    6.4670935400506355,
+    7.1530922193648818,
+    7.7821104509969494,
+    8.8151940771286945,
+    9.7442668096522507,
+    11.579039475678208,
+    14.881052320293959,
+    23.3134974983852,
+    162.64936699836366,
+    0.0,
+    0.024602282011824184,
+    0.033143590712601562,
+    0.04010112014507021,
+    0.047902150582693877,
+    0.053593751494366668,
+    0.062881795990017086,
+    0.069817105932830248,
+    0.074260939707892284,
+    0.078749877606011834,
+    0.081760044924091488,
+    0.084762821011376818,
+    0.089159093597265968,
+    0.094139760178390847,
+    0.097396291127248735,
+    0.10077623786944703,
+    0.10375890948969808,
+    0.10775393339205297,
+    0.11107421600652036,
+    0.11454249675077989,
+    0.11920949455998719,
+    0.12303922825017929,
+    0.12645066727981549,
+    0.13048462720436904,
+    0.1341988563625206,
+    0.13791508807970299,
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+    0.14390700642876164,
+    0.14729815411578639,
+    0.15116482000305284,
+    0.15414159957761076,
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+    0.16616763697232559,
+    0.17065475263188637,
+    0.17483972650814011,
+    0.17834701051598184,
+    0.18178605513225987,
+    0.18596570995349604,
+    0.19037643524106021,
+    0.19362400150613118,
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+    0.2022368611342357,
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+    0.21047667837856643,
+    0.21441293730751429,
+    0.21798145949842526,
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+    0.22805839010378598,
+    0.23142809067166253,
+    0.23544682877794354,
+    0.23918263561370051,
+    0.24332300301909804,
+    0.24826906410872435,
+    0.25329675001124591,
+    0.25742137093006096,
+    0.26143472523908162,
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+    0.27801599017393808,
+    0.28185455264796982,
+    0.28551898655760571,
+    0.28969797468999514,
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+    0.30780461335572351,
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+    0.33420221321848032,
+    0.33989663227054645,
+    0.34416327912283068,
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+    0.35498972403807633,
+    0.35855091882620921,
+    0.36327633213491833,
+    0.36753998247607372,
+    0.3729367659785795,
+    0.37985192360779313,
+    0.38437016760352599,
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+    0.39482572425216256,
+    0.4001927093622929,
+    0.40602742972788325,
+    0.41233512801313243,
+    0.41899152804988438,
+    0.42337530114761357,
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+    0.46895550041529654,
+    0.47530473993436245,
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+    0.48857483722379846,
+    0.49668510358579077,
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+    0.50751626698891095,
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+    0.54112734609955404,
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+    0.55616647069377034,
+    0.56629653003164915,
+    0.57402173658393196,
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+    0.5936899552780841,
+    0.60345904162633524,
+    0.61533841077412088,
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+    0.65448141887048117,
+    0.66218373436088196,
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+    0.69861201377323079,
+    0.70832408210492892,
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+    0.82988361758294238,
+    0.84792677249400605,
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+    0.88223434681999902,
+    0.8944425527153399,
+    0.90955292927291309,
+    0.92359168030991856,
+    0.94256546540532238,
+    0.96434694242106067,
+    0.98312881507572292,
+    1.0032438887848716,
+    1.0221149781502081,
+    1.051983899991995,
+    1.0734774915118375,
+    1.099530441789152,
+    1.127960244545553,
+    1.1534134957090025,
+    1.1740889749056131,
+    1.2012742900536555,
+    1.2342300186242645,
+    1.2639939024901934,
+    1.2928179180773745,
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+    1.3529947499482198,
+    1.3990112708325715,
+    1.4319941184494371,
+    1.4710663063309652,
+    1.5244700765754542,
+    1.5635439274849725,
+    1.5954367199073531,
+    1.6323134541541804,
+    1.6724715064169311,
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+    1.7557217613084009,
+    1.8048129564898812,
+    1.8315787027457608,
+    1.8815354841358516,
+    1.9566650167344006,
+    2.0217329340053252,
+    2.0871078895617967,
+    2.174040010957027,
+    2.2381267311291735,
+    2.3160142472723693,
+    2.4147723365413021,
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+    2.6272818671259373,
+    2.7401975123216742,
+    2.8684444249229628,
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+    3.1604260734920331,
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+    3.6844961008964079,
+    3.869097249632687,
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+    4.2786209475461598,
+    4.5240194654211052,
+    4.822566531353826,
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+    5.9366668833227134,
+    6.6736260326271726,
+    7.4551267397319529,
+    8.3647745090344028,
+    9.8450415285668225,
+    13.306780281265262,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.057774560304207197,
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+    0.067588098405070435,
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+    0.083942709652846864,
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+    0.095686966687175301,
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+    0.10201499654232103,
+    0.10517988601597632,
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+    0.11841077260641984,
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+    0.12514181216632086,
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+    0.13482024094190459,
+    0.13784834878294833,
+    0.14173344180612701,
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+    0.15145826578672161,
+    0.15493735233574032,
+    0.157933736355726,
+    0.16144421044205534,
+    0.16496481804605914,
+    0.16826466934931564,
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+    0.17500874461399182,
+    0.17804879932812664,
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+    0.18841699006227006,
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+    0.21005410851308523,
+    0.21234742151711827,
+    0.21601167034217333,
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+    0.222820615737646,
+    0.22619381050579929,
+    0.23003091052614577,
+    0.23415565946236791,
+    0.23843514043598069,
+    0.24127671289852604,
+    0.24517794764409234,
+    0.24860194155386806,
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+    0.26378413560952962,
+    0.26727514960402926,
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+    0.27484241340019733,
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+    0.30693020880140259,
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+    0.38891575774564258,
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+    1.1029019665569759,
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+    1.1535229840512065,
+    1.183650543141433,
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+    1.2433817141554775,
+    1.2742936392427719,
+    1.3109612706104625,
+    1.3449613279449495,
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+    1.4151051032327249,
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+    1.4970878314012157,
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+    1.5852559389906491,
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+    1.7346054874616406,
+    1.7874905505861236,
+    1.8348302383376642,
+    1.8883747008525986,
+    1.9710178297482999,
+    2.0327376391000698,
+    2.1131140769950014,
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+    2.2946506914354945,
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+    2.7919843701169169,
+    2.9728330577394462,
+    3.1407377025361027,
+    3.3485082966286388,
+    3.5810252651374039,
+    3.793190415760634,
+    4.1676272347122065,
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+    36.574431675278419,
+    0.0,
+    0.028921816660492792,
+    0.038476208480468108,
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+    0.054427244640566273,
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+    0.062901418988622379,
+    0.065683103076441055,
+    0.069075624012220505,
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+    0.075280554146869794,
+    0.079462144204613699,
+    0.083297706495367232,
+    0.086394086487673827,
+    0.088903479078186923,
+    0.09243845286973873,
+    0.094364478720997277,
+    0.096709129954935052,
+    0.099600772001187554,
+    0.10194958435962591,
+    0.10513809510421018,
+    0.10794208190913103,
+    0.11150222159681712,
+    0.1142579134971833,
+    0.11634657875634755,
+    0.11969047101715455,
+    0.12161519787344191,
+    0.12385053356930883,
+    0.12634084519901401,
+    0.1291305476386892,
+    0.13156417910210463,
+    0.13417493406967573,
+    0.13679964962661262,
+    0.13945990964839527,
+    0.14181342525248586,
+    0.14549282281256487,
+    0.14783340369717113,
+    0.14958856732057474,
+    0.15255382916645896,
+    0.15544319048994837,
+    0.1591542931569995,
+    0.16119409443564187,
+    0.16370574506975646,
+    0.16653288283113751,
+    0.16902699557221748,
+    0.1717260132509677,
+    0.17468466981937897,
+    0.1779552731592591,
+    0.18111140017332697,
+    0.18333071563005016,
+    0.18636531857836564,
+    0.19016088025525124,
+    0.19209155599903649,
+    0.19565401433448046,
+    0.19789779372738567,
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+    0.20335515738656165,
+    0.20665614531626331,
+    0.20885428273616122,
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+    0.21443174939028406,
+    0.2181358361099921,
+    0.2214704825023979,
+    0.22450859729188807,
+    0.22759981694087877,
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+    0.23328733118479639,
+    0.23565035124699107,
+    0.23875228245044389,
+    0.24183177104791836,
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+    0.24820098427265322,
+    0.25154143481035013,
+    0.25581771326492664,
+    0.26013522490314944,
+    0.26367297455136646,
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+    0.26987259220624055,
+    0.27275363634505095,
+    0.27623705412540422,
+    0.27871993911088333,
+    0.28203251770501186,
+    0.28491073583870125,
+    0.28814332922843749,
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+    0.2938064288488651,
+    0.2969815313602166,
+    0.30045527623320389,
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+    0.30666702944803848,
+    0.30970778832795376,
+    0.31259577673706118,
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+    0.32443980138047129,
+    0.3277688075192623,
+    0.33195003313090921,
+    0.33561880003007449,
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+    0.34377428459224846,
+    0.349067132730848,
+    0.35295036042250361,
+    0.35729246702459938,
+    0.36187726953066712,
+    0.36506622168141156,
+    0.36986324059850173,
+    0.37569852555383199,
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+    0.38294669891233701,
+    0.3866300329330194,
+    0.39204361455678038,
+    0.3962317851808338,
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+    0.40814046916968216,
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+    0.41817342893503151,
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+    0.42867287716554325,
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+    0.44643158583414966,
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+    0.46825247944091547,
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+    0.49349388643954339,
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+    0.73226719735392387,
+    0.7457490295034942,
+    0.76151155409015303,
+    0.7788125970268942,
+    0.79515932542339285,
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+    1.101139306224127,
+    1.1388797172799137,
+    1.1665602377614628,
+    1.1971228830372136,
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+    1.4080100832014402,
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+    1.5705018855286448,
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+    1.8729498330391841,
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+    0.0,
+    0.018339072203810237,
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+    0.059563400199632022,
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+    0.075957653960410501,
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+    0.095203088495300195,
+    0.097507441529407504,
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+    0.106536499498979,
+    0.10886405033186211,
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+    0.11540087510304135,
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+    0.12242779955312402,
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+    0.12721735558212802,
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+    0.13203036634017445,
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+    0.13682939156923718,
+    0.13887038216932518,
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+    0.16902564888868615,
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+    0.1825060880502859,
+    0.1838873485985828,
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+    0.18688214127303718,
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+    0.19515118537205678,
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+    0.2538581843802209,
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+    0.27479515468230203,
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+    0.29806595908916128,
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+    0.32974764249150712,
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+    0.33718040901799218,
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+    0.35093774887440915,
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+    0.37861500834946049,
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+    0.50583387303211413,
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+    0.57980243654512897,
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+    1.1519192766424888,
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+    0.0,
+    0.022907607978118902,
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+    0.051530800253982594,
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+    0.75513253846758877,
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+    0.9052678157224523,
+    0.9490825408336746,
+    1.016326214794693,
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+    1.1401329656445862,
+    1.2775775816110475,
+    1.3755053508861865,
+    1.4769805157017351,
+    1.6399119604908177,
+    2.1348657056627016,
+    3.1990537574230995,
+    0.0,
+    0.037229647806545842,
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+    0.04852625796660219,
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+    0.058789366804777823,
+    0.059894670960058481,
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+    0.06288357937563871,
+    0.063705491238154652,
+    0.064624564349766864,
+    0.066539564546213181,
+    0.068117644205825445,
+    0.069689987448183402,
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+    0.075029578028714114,
+    0.076090220871986247,
+    0.078275623933525537,
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+    0.081406116039587209,
+    0.08164553964490695,
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+    0.084590953870938804,
+    0.086465834117303964,
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+    0.089886020317945056,
+    0.092572749202295607,
+    0.093694972932557227,
+    0.094937834404926119,
+    0.097040224291640623,
+    0.097667138521545876,
+    0.099969968038602502,
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+    0.10780079213283225,
+    0.10889375095854625,
+    0.10903938989013479,
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+    0.11326518811097527,
+    0.11352509387853861,
+    0.11567847555302868,
+    0.11768952386243653,
+    0.1204905958236033,
+    0.12232339630742434,
+    0.12313609921978132,
+    0.12415844929489957,
+    0.12496470498144355,
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+    0.12639939557206845,
+    0.12838761114223329,
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+    0.13467524077070694,
+    0.13767775043346175,
+    0.1395173441181872,
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+    0.14136086842893428,
+    0.14571034508839201,
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+    0.14759361899260168,
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+    0.15672970714335024,
+    0.15841699106659399,
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+    0.16342153321263841,
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+    0.16854825098054121,
+    0.17028923250134065,
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+    0.17342913449829525,
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+    0.18561588691792064,
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+    0.18893514209622653,
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+    0.21479341720286452,
+    0.21493894958991802,
+    0.21552884148320978,
+    0.21678370295180605,
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+    0.2208750353533499,
+    0.22231160974944153,
+    0.22547606652116448,
+    0.22883502427842192,
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+    0.28289551881522107,
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+    0.28548889806913502,
+    0.28851856129741399,
+    0.28925469033111689,
+    0.28955788894271245,
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+    0.36271817789575339,
+    0.36453208838267026,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.03669053240718801,
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+    0.046731484997993428,
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+    0.06192300563276,
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+    0.067880636244234044,
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+    0.079768809149418779,
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+    0.082670774423793988,
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+    0.088324648985544513,
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+    0.10195388252236594,
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+    0.11227193635040114,
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+    0.11451053199472827,
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+    0.11691086289458787,
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+    0.12256846680870316,
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+    0.13136136021211561,
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+    0.14560628646680376,
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+    0.15610306654452089,
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+    0.16705380313003848,
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+    0.17681813754652775,
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+    0.18070221855952068,
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+    0.18739559121993163,
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+    0.1938767861484369,
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+    0.20739126731129648,
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+    0.22284661457281491,
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+    0.23203519715709653,
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+    0.23602589936541735,
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+    0.24387144046296869,
+    0.24388260654882868,
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+    0.25166045673406662,
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+    0.26917225709613957,
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+    0.27444977275651289,
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+    0.28306039462916666,
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+    0.30055429636041897,
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+    0.32397526199152671,
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+    0.33213366103834452,
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+    0.37500703454904866,
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+    0.38673933256135501,
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+    0.47934271794544625,
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+    1.3786097683148981,
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+    2.1383436514004277,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
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+    0.04337227036223338,
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+    0.056733258526878674,
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+    0.063352892119378321,
+    0.063352892119378321,
+    0.063352892119378321,
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+    0.063460760236515132,
+    0.063460760236515132,
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+    0.069941635924431284,
+    0.069941635924431284,
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+    0.090038436293935278,
+    0.090038436293935278,
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+    0.098259451815303545,
+    0.098259451815303545,
+    0.098259451815303545,
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+    0.11464109406455952,
+    0.11464109406455952,
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+    0.11661461574279566,
+    0.11661461574279566,
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+    0.11694434342186813,
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+    0.12361989892840071,
+    0.12361989892840071,
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+    0.13338496267239372,
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+    0.14577369503859991,
+    0.14577369503859991,
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+    0.15338029980440129,
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+    0.155704785287297,
+    0.155704785287297,
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+    0.16408818329459646,
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+    0.17350035363146732,
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+    0.18778273599380949,
+    0.18778273599380949,
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+    0.20618188353800229,
+    0.20618188353800229,
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+    0.2335912050904361,
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+    0.23855651821128016,
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+    0.2403910894270215,
+    0.2403910894270215,
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+    0.25144395559134397,
+    0.25144395559134397,
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+    0.26144207730435715,
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+    0.26976356545845359,
+    0.26976356545845359,
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+    0.2722348959852619,
+    0.2722348959852619,
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+    0.28581555874501124,
+    0.28581555874501124,
+    0.28725787127206887,
+    0.28725787127206887,
+    0.28725787127206887,
+    0.29182201476670522,
+    0.29182201476670522,
+    0.29774917483412067,
+    0.29774917483412067,
+    0.29774917483412067,
+    0.3221172335419677,
+    0.3221172335419677,
+    0.32286123906893716,
+    0.32286123906893716,
+    0.32286123906893716,
+    0.32784329797451783,
+    0.32784329797451783,
+    0.39859714532471063,
+    0.39859714532471063,
+    0.39859714532471063,
+    0.40861269762703839,
+    0.40861269762703839,
+    0.43492497337962299,
+    0.43492497337962299,
+    0.43492497337962299,
+    0.45154247181726737,
+    0.45154247181726737,
+    0.47903191315956584,
+    0.47903191315956584,
+    0.47903191315956584,
+    0.48764413130617162,
+    0.48764413130617162,
+    0.55753055427216291,
+    0.55753055427216291,
+    0.55753055427216291,
+    0.59950889251110473,
+    0.59950889251110473,
+    0.62302532522821363,
+    0.62302532522821363,
+    0.62302532522821363,
+    0.70821265192750071,
+    0.70821265192750071,
+    0.78923825478405685,
+    0.78923825478405685,
+    0.80991304315555079,
+    0.80991304315555079,
+    0.80991304315555079,
+    0.88217017561019562,
+    0.88217017561019562,
+    0.88217017561019562,
+    0.90564207937415331,
+    0.90564207937415331,
+    0.92743264762046396,
+    0.92743264762046396,
+    1.0496487600196804,
+    1.0496487600196804,
+    1.0496487600196804,
+    1.2152980938033116,
+    1.2152980938033116,
+    1.2152980938033116,
+    1.2152980938033116,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_gamoms.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_gamoms.py
index 06933d0719462de47db7dd4c329056bb286ffa7e..78c26f07f44d4f10664c9d41089f3fed34c2d2b0 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_gamoms.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_gamoms.py
@@ -9,14 +9,84 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2009_def_gamoms = [
-    0, 350.0, 1050.0, 1750.0, 2450.0, 3150.0, 3850.0, 4550.0, 5250.0, 5950.0,
-    6650.0, 7350.0, 8050.0, 8750.0, 9450.0, 10150.0, 10850.0, 11550.0, 12250.0,
-    12950.0, 13650.0, 14350.0, 15050.0, 15750.0, 16450.0, 17150.0, 17850.0,
-    18550.0, 19250.0, 19950.0, 20650.0, 21350.0, 22050.0, 22750.0, 23450.0,
-    24150.0, 24850.0, 25550.0, 26250.0, 26950.0, 27650.0, 28350.0, 29050.0,
-    29750.0, 30450.0, 31150.0, 31850.0, 32550.0, 33250.0, 33950.0, 34650.0,
-    35350.0, 36050.0, 36750.0, 37450.0, 38150.0, 38850.0, 39550.0, 40250.0,
-    40950.0, 41650.0, 42350.0, 43050.0, 43750.0, 44450.0, 45150.0, 45850.0,
-    46550.0, 47250.0, 47950.0, 48650.0, 49350.0, 50050.0, 50750.0, 51450.0,
-    52150.0, 52850.0, 53550.0, 54250.0, 54950.0
+    0,
+    350.0,
+    1050.0,
+    1750.0,
+    2450.0,
+    3150.0,
+    3850.0,
+    4550.0,
+    5250.0,
+    5950.0,
+    6650.0,
+    7350.0,
+    8050.0,
+    8750.0,
+    9450.0,
+    10150.0,
+    10850.0,
+    11550.0,
+    12250.0,
+    12950.0,
+    13650.0,
+    14350.0,
+    15050.0,
+    15750.0,
+    16450.0,
+    17150.0,
+    17850.0,
+    18550.0,
+    19250.0,
+    19950.0,
+    20650.0,
+    21350.0,
+    22050.0,
+    22750.0,
+    23450.0,
+    24150.0,
+    24850.0,
+    25550.0,
+    26250.0,
+    26950.0,
+    27650.0,
+    28350.0,
+    29050.0,
+    29750.0,
+    30450.0,
+    31150.0,
+    31850.0,
+    32550.0,
+    33250.0,
+    33950.0,
+    34650.0,
+    35350.0,
+    36050.0,
+    36750.0,
+    37450.0,
+    38150.0,
+    38850.0,
+    39550.0,
+    40250.0,
+    40950.0,
+    41650.0,
+    42350.0,
+    43050.0,
+    43750.0,
+    44450.0,
+    45150.0,
+    45850.0,
+    46550.0,
+    47250.0,
+    47950.0,
+    48650.0,
+    49350.0,
+    50050.0,
+    50750.0,
+    51450.0,
+    52150.0,
+    52850.0,
+    53550.0,
+    54250.0,
+    54950.0,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_gaprobs.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_gaprobs.py
index 236373963af5b545ce000e3a1b74d95663ada544..2ff28a38cf926257ffa65fde5e1e102df1a90536 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_gaprobs.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2009_def_gaprobs.py
@@ -9,99 +9,324 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2009_def_gaprobs = [
-    0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.91489362716699996, 0.95692306757000001,
-    0.98613864183400002, 0.99072849750500003, 0.98903292417499999,
-    0.98952460288999999, 0.99774098396300004, 0.99152541160600005,
-    0.99343830347100004, 0.99500310421000004, 0.99360203742999997,
-    0.99673414230299995, 0.99803018569900004, 0.99857753515199998,
-    0.99271136522299996, 0.993197262287, 0.997596144676, 0.99408286809900004,
-    0.99648505449299996, 0.99720668792699996, 0.99559080600700001,
-    0.99696666002300005, 0.99382078647600003, 0.99571734666800005,
-    0.99760192632699995, 0.99768519401599998, 0.99423962831500001,
-    0.99749684333800004, 0.99865412712099999, 0.99725276231799997,
-    0.99565845727900004, 1.0, 0.995768666267, 0.99697428941699995,
-    0.99658703804000004, 0.995065808296, 0.998257815838, 0.99835252761799997,
-    0.99401199817700003, 1.0, 0.99435025453600001, 0.99797159433399996,
-    0.99582463502899998, 0.99365752935399998, 0.99794661998699996,
-    0.99550563097, 0.99768519401599998, 0.99052131176000002,
-    0.99722993373900004, 0.99507391452799998, 0.98961037397399998,
-    0.99184781312900006, 0.98863637447399999, 0.99135446548499995,
-    0.99723756313300005, 0.99006623029700003, 0.99099099636099997,
-    0.99672132730499996, 0.992857158184, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.98947370052299999,
-    0.99640285968800002, 0.99641579389599999, 0.98892986774400005,
-    0.984126985073, 0.99591839313499997, 0.98765432834599998,
-    0.98712444305400004, 0.99523806571999995, 0.98076921701399999, 1.0, 1.0,
-    1.0, 1.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.031914893537799999, 0.68923074006999996,
-    0.94653463363599999, 0.97483444213899995, 0.98404783010499997,
-    0.98952460288999999, 0.99397587776200003, 0.99022161960599997,
-    0.99081367254300001, 0.99312931299200002, 0.99488162994399998,
-    0.99738734960599995, 0.99606043100399999, 0.99431008100499996,
-    0.99562680721300001, 0.99546486139299994, 0.997596144676,
-    0.99408286809900004, 0.99648505449299996, 0.996275603771,
-    0.99823635816599998, 0.99494439363499998, 0.99485069513299995,
-    0.99678802490200002, 0.99520385265400002, 0.99884259700800004,
-    0.99539172649399998, 0.99374216795000003, 0.99730819463700005,
-    0.99450546503100001, 0.99565845727900004, 1.0, 0.99435824155800001,
-    0.99546140432399999, 0.99488055706, 0.99342107772800003,
-    0.99651569127999995, 0.99670511484099999, 0.99401199817700003,
-    0.99616122245799998, 0.99811673164400005, 0.99594318866700005,
-    0.99791228771200002, 0.99154335260399995, 0.99794661998699996,
-    0.99775278568299997, 0.99768519401599998, 0.99289101362200005,
-    0.99722993373900004, 0.99014776945100003, 0.98961037397399998,
-    0.99728262424500003, 0.98863637447399999, 0.98559075593900003,
-    0.99447512626599999, 0.98675495386099998, 0.98798799514799995,
-    0.99672132730499996, 0.98571425676299995, 0.99662160873399996, 1.0, 1.0,
-    0.98947370052299999, 0.99640285968800002, 0.99641579389599999,
-    0.98892986774400005, 0.99603176116900005, 0.99591839313499997,
-    0.99588477611500004, 0.99570816755299996, 0.99523806571999995,
-    0.98076921701399999, 1.0, 0.99545454978900005, 0.98958331346499995, 1.0, 0,
-    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.31881189346299998, 0.88344371318799997,
-    0.95014953613300002, 0.97824335098299997, 0.97515058517499997,
-    0.98370271921200003, 0.98556429147699998, 0.99250465631499996,
-    0.99168264865900002, 0.99281513690900003, 0.99409061670300003,
-    0.99217641353599995, 0.99271136522299996, 0.99168556928600005,
-    0.99439102411299995, 0.99492812156699995, 0.99384886026399999,
-    0.99720668792699996, 0.99029982090000002, 0.99089992046399999,
-    0.99382078647600003, 0.99571734666800005, 0.99040764570200002,
-    0.99884259700800004, 0.98847925663000002, 0.99624532461199999,
-    0.99327051639599995, 0.99450546503100001, 0.99710565805399998,
-    0.99855905771300002, 0.99012696742999995, 0.99546140432399999,
-    0.99317407607999997, 0.99013155698800004, 1.0, 0.99341022968299997,
-    0.99201595783200003, 0.99808061122900005, 0.99811673164400005,
-    0.99594318866700005, 0.99791228771200002, 0.98308670520800001,
-    0.99794661998699996, 0.99775278568299997, 1.0, 0.99052131176000002,
-    0.99445980787300003, 0.99014776945100003, 0.984415590763,
-    0.98913043737399997, 0.98579543829000005, 0.97982710599900003,
-    0.98895025253299995, 0.98675495386099998, 0.98798799514799995,
-    0.99672132730499996, 0.98928570747400002, 0.99662160873399996,
-    0.98207885026899999, 0.99658703804000004, 0.98596489429500001,
-    0.98920863866800002, 0.99641579389599999, 0.98154979944200005,
-    0.98809522390399995, 0.99591839313499997, 0.99176955223100005,
-    0.982832610607, 0.98571425676299995, 0.98076921701399999, 1.0,
-    0.99545454978900005, 0.99479168653500005, 1.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
-    0.00198019808158, 0.076821193098999999, 0.595214366913,
-    0.90491539239899998, 0.95858430862400001, 0.96870923042299995,
-    0.98556429147699998, 0.98750782012899996, 0.98784387111700001,
-    0.98889613151599998, 0.99146419763600002, 0.99359887838399996,
-    0.98833817243599997, 0.993197262287, 0.99038463830900003,
-    0.99492812156699995, 0.99384886026399999, 0.99720668792699996,
-    0.99206346273400003, 0.99494439363499998, 0.99176108837099997,
-    0.99357599019999998, 0.99040764570200002, 0.99652779102300004,
-    0.98732721805599999, 0.99374216795000003, 0.99327051639599995,
-    0.99587911367399995, 0.99565845727900004, 0.99711817503,
-    0.99294781684900002, 0.98940998315799999, 0.98634815216100002,
-    0.991776287556, 0.99477350711800006, 0.99341022968299997,
-    0.98602795600899995, 0.99232244491599997, 0.99811673164400005,
-    0.993914783001, 0.99791228771200002, 0.98520082235299999,
-    0.99794661998699996, 0.99775278568299997, 0.99768519401599998,
-    0.98815166950199995, 0.99445980787300003, 0.99261081218699998,
-    0.98701298236799995, 0.99184781312900006, 0.991477251053,
-    0.97694522142399998, 0.99171268940000001, 0.98344373702999999,
-    0.98498499393500005, 0.99344259500499998, 0.98928570747400002,
-    0.99324321746800004, 0.98924732208300004, 0.99658703804000004,
-    0.98596489429500001, 0.98561149835600004, 0.98207885026899999,
-    0.985239863396, 0.98809522390399995, 0.98775511980099995,
-    0.99588477611500004, 0.98712444305400004, 0.98095238208799995,
-    0.97596156597100003, 0.99512195587200003, 0.99090909957899997,
-    0.98958331346499995, 1.0
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.91489362716699996,
+    0.95692306757000001,
+    0.98613864183400002,
+    0.99072849750500003,
+    0.98903292417499999,
+    0.98952460288999999,
+    0.99774098396300004,
+    0.99152541160600005,
+    0.99343830347100004,
+    0.99500310421000004,
+    0.99360203742999997,
+    0.99673414230299995,
+    0.99803018569900004,
+    0.99857753515199998,
+    0.99271136522299996,
+    0.993197262287,
+    0.997596144676,
+    0.99408286809900004,
+    0.99648505449299996,
+    0.99720668792699996,
+    0.99559080600700001,
+    0.99696666002300005,
+    0.99382078647600003,
+    0.99571734666800005,
+    0.99760192632699995,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.99423962831500001,
+    0.99749684333800004,
+    0.99865412712099999,
+    0.99725276231799997,
+    0.99565845727900004,
+    1.0,
+    0.995768666267,
+    0.99697428941699995,
+    0.99658703804000004,
+    0.995065808296,
+    0.998257815838,
+    0.99835252761799997,
+    0.99401199817700003,
+    1.0,
+    0.99435025453600001,
+    0.99797159433399996,
+    0.99582463502899998,
+    0.99365752935399998,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99550563097,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.99052131176000002,
+    0.99722993373900004,
+    0.99507391452799998,
+    0.98961037397399998,
+    0.99184781312900006,
+    0.98863637447399999,
+    0.99135446548499995,
+    0.99723756313300005,
+    0.99006623029700003,
+    0.99099099636099997,
+    0.99672132730499996,
+    0.992857158184,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    0.98947370052299999,
+    0.99640285968800002,
+    0.99641579389599999,
+    0.98892986774400005,
+    0.984126985073,
+    0.99591839313499997,
+    0.98765432834599998,
+    0.98712444305400004,
+    0.99523806571999995,
+    0.98076921701399999,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.031914893537799999,
+    0.68923074006999996,
+    0.94653463363599999,
+    0.97483444213899995,
+    0.98404783010499997,
+    0.98952460288999999,
+    0.99397587776200003,
+    0.99022161960599997,
+    0.99081367254300001,
+    0.99312931299200002,
+    0.99488162994399998,
+    0.99738734960599995,
+    0.99606043100399999,
+    0.99431008100499996,
+    0.99562680721300001,
+    0.99546486139299994,
+    0.997596144676,
+    0.99408286809900004,
+    0.99648505449299996,
+    0.996275603771,
+    0.99823635816599998,
+    0.99494439363499998,
+    0.99485069513299995,
+    0.99678802490200002,
+    0.99520385265400002,
+    0.99884259700800004,
+    0.99539172649399998,
+    0.99374216795000003,
+    0.99730819463700005,
+    0.99450546503100001,
+    0.99565845727900004,
+    1.0,
+    0.99435824155800001,
+    0.99546140432399999,
+    0.99488055706,
+    0.99342107772800003,
+    0.99651569127999995,
+    0.99670511484099999,
+    0.99401199817700003,
+    0.99616122245799998,
+    0.99811673164400005,
+    0.99594318866700005,
+    0.99791228771200002,
+    0.99154335260399995,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99775278568299997,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.99289101362200005,
+    0.99722993373900004,
+    0.99014776945100003,
+    0.98961037397399998,
+    0.99728262424500003,
+    0.98863637447399999,
+    0.98559075593900003,
+    0.99447512626599999,
+    0.98675495386099998,
+    0.98798799514799995,
+    0.99672132730499996,
+    0.98571425676299995,
+    0.99662160873399996,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    0.98947370052299999,
+    0.99640285968800002,
+    0.99641579389599999,
+    0.98892986774400005,
+    0.99603176116900005,
+    0.99591839313499997,
+    0.99588477611500004,
+    0.99570816755299996,
+    0.99523806571999995,
+    0.98076921701399999,
+    1.0,
+    0.99545454978900005,
+    0.98958331346499995,
+    1.0,
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.31881189346299998,
+    0.88344371318799997,
+    0.95014953613300002,
+    0.97824335098299997,
+    0.97515058517499997,
+    0.98370271921200003,
+    0.98556429147699998,
+    0.99250465631499996,
+    0.99168264865900002,
+    0.99281513690900003,
+    0.99409061670300003,
+    0.99217641353599995,
+    0.99271136522299996,
+    0.99168556928600005,
+    0.99439102411299995,
+    0.99492812156699995,
+    0.99384886026399999,
+    0.99720668792699996,
+    0.99029982090000002,
+    0.99089992046399999,
+    0.99382078647600003,
+    0.99571734666800005,
+    0.99040764570200002,
+    0.99884259700800004,
+    0.98847925663000002,
+    0.99624532461199999,
+    0.99327051639599995,
+    0.99450546503100001,
+    0.99710565805399998,
+    0.99855905771300002,
+    0.99012696742999995,
+    0.99546140432399999,
+    0.99317407607999997,
+    0.99013155698800004,
+    1.0,
+    0.99341022968299997,
+    0.99201595783200003,
+    0.99808061122900005,
+    0.99811673164400005,
+    0.99594318866700005,
+    0.99791228771200002,
+    0.98308670520800001,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99775278568299997,
+    1.0,
+    0.99052131176000002,
+    0.99445980787300003,
+    0.99014776945100003,
+    0.984415590763,
+    0.98913043737399997,
+    0.98579543829000005,
+    0.97982710599900003,
+    0.98895025253299995,
+    0.98675495386099998,
+    0.98798799514799995,
+    0.99672132730499996,
+    0.98928570747400002,
+    0.99662160873399996,
+    0.98207885026899999,
+    0.99658703804000004,
+    0.98596489429500001,
+    0.98920863866800002,
+    0.99641579389599999,
+    0.98154979944200005,
+    0.98809522390399995,
+    0.99591839313499997,
+    0.99176955223100005,
+    0.982832610607,
+    0.98571425676299995,
+    0.98076921701399999,
+    1.0,
+    0.99545454978900005,
+    0.99479168653500005,
+    1.0,
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.00198019808158,
+    0.076821193098999999,
+    0.595214366913,
+    0.90491539239899998,
+    0.95858430862400001,
+    0.96870923042299995,
+    0.98556429147699998,
+    0.98750782012899996,
+    0.98784387111700001,
+    0.98889613151599998,
+    0.99146419763600002,
+    0.99359887838399996,
+    0.98833817243599997,
+    0.993197262287,
+    0.99038463830900003,
+    0.99492812156699995,
+    0.99384886026399999,
+    0.99720668792699996,
+    0.99206346273400003,
+    0.99494439363499998,
+    0.99176108837099997,
+    0.99357599019999998,
+    0.99040764570200002,
+    0.99652779102300004,
+    0.98732721805599999,
+    0.99374216795000003,
+    0.99327051639599995,
+    0.99587911367399995,
+    0.99565845727900004,
+    0.99711817503,
+    0.99294781684900002,
+    0.98940998315799999,
+    0.98634815216100002,
+    0.991776287556,
+    0.99477350711800006,
+    0.99341022968299997,
+    0.98602795600899995,
+    0.99232244491599997,
+    0.99811673164400005,
+    0.993914783001,
+    0.99791228771200002,
+    0.98520082235299999,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99775278568299997,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.98815166950199995,
+    0.99445980787300003,
+    0.99261081218699998,
+    0.98701298236799995,
+    0.99184781312900006,
+    0.991477251053,
+    0.97694522142399998,
+    0.99171268940000001,
+    0.98344373702999999,
+    0.98498499393500005,
+    0.99344259500499998,
+    0.98928570747400002,
+    0.99324321746800004,
+    0.98924732208300004,
+    0.99658703804000004,
+    0.98596489429500001,
+    0.98561149835600004,
+    0.98207885026899999,
+    0.985239863396,
+    0.98809522390399995,
+    0.98775511980099995,
+    0.99588477611500004,
+    0.98712444305400004,
+    0.98095238208799995,
+    0.97596156597100003,
+    0.99512195587200003,
+    0.99090909957899997,
+    0.98958331346499995,
+    1.0,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_chi2b.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_chi2b.py
index 820745b9641134275ca6aa3e90d05dea58caa471..e109bc1b01a2491add47f0de07f20616735432b9 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_chi2b.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_chi2b.py
@@ -9,672 +9,2416 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2010_def_chi2b = [
-    0.0, 1.19643536295, 1.7799429438800001, 2.5000897208500001,
-    3.0593132287299998, 3.4839286608000002, 3.9982294568999999,
-    4.4402913862600002, 4.8147369692600002, 5.3054432104, 5.8105717909600001,
-    6.1370968299099999, 6.7475810144699997, 7.3015792720599997,
-    7.6896019690199999, 8.13938977856, 8.4515096605100002, 8.9879216562900002,
-    9.4927671192999998, 10.085788064899999, 10.625255410199999, 11.0026891093,
-    11.3895870178, 11.843719932200001, 12.253271789299999, 12.767614137500001,
-    13.262427498099999, 13.786048882799999, 14.16595075, 14.643883369899999,
-    15.146539539600001, 15.7813472808, 16.280656373900001, 16.655646821400001,
-    17.114459585199999, 17.598615494000001, 18.184936752399999,
-    18.740805828900001, 19.248318706700001, 19.9296167205, 20.463100761100002,
-    21.2124495216, 21.626706539400001, 22.210655822100001, 22.700941956400001,
-    23.302821910599999, 23.920510033900001, 24.580456784700001, 25.2569820073,
-    25.959142340700001, 26.512265281099999, 27.196530728900001,
-    27.733216163200002, 28.478633239299999, 29.299270036500001,
-    30.256722160100001, 30.986221208, 31.737877171200001, 32.3960443243,
-    33.105226859200002, 33.767065963699999, 34.404378731100003,
-    34.924274373000003, 35.644436068099999, 36.564111572900003,
-    37.417350414600001, 38.238436024899997, 38.799991177199999,
-    39.436095377800001, 40.277347542100003, 41.016879076899997,
-    41.908435708699997, 42.819594709699999, 43.738915136400003,
-    44.846693151399997, 45.536023954699999, 46.546157932100002,
-    47.460643921100001, 48.624537354399997, 49.4055755953, 50.186510797700002,
-    51.175277055499997, 52.089204297199998, 53.122068163400002,
-    54.127727041100002, 54.940780204399999, 56.114554909900001, 57.0656839854,
-    57.894406169100002, 59.009235477799997, 60.0914392866, 61.208045864900001,
-    62.2858241466, 63.543350702799998, 64.856196127700002, 66.682225449399994,
-    68.209557105800002, 69.742463108799996, 71.750057073999997,
-    73.414467924899995, 75.307815587799993, 77.118795934299996,
-    78.812379695000004, 80.355455134600007, 81.877925440300004,
-    83.662200974800001, 85.224686517899997, 86.615321828199995,
-    88.267510348100004, 89.802469557099997, 91.374895675700003,
-    93.408025320799993, 95.336052711299999, 97.395921625599996,
-    98.859486409499993, 100.657442178, 102.99984774399999, 105.41734144900001,
-    107.273191485, 109.044242849, 110.937136356, 113.583166593,
-    115.56257233300001, 117.846911268, 120.681655831, 122.799469999,
-    124.375415383, 126.97394391900001, 129.436815795, 132.49568735599999,
-    135.98857834699999, 138.09223868300001, 141.65649987800001,
-    146.09086464500001, 149.16576952099999, 152.208770273, 155.187653896,
-    157.43246798000001, 160.43301280700001, 162.84002901100001,
-    166.77052560600001, 169.29494600500001, 172.91801473500001, 176.654293306,
-    180.23478114700001, 183.296380473, 186.73903581499999, 190.86755789399999,
-    195.654394298, 199.69558299600001, 203.92254700699999, 208.397049907,
-    213.10008202399999, 217.93095747000001, 222.20188235800001,
-    227.07325009499999, 230.860699883, 237.97819378299999, 245.85743037500001,
-    252.73101680400001, 258.89556405000002, 268.60486464500002,
-    276.47499798699999, 282.03633185400003, 289.17078451600003,
-    302.06749436299998, 312.57905513100002, 322.60452264899999, 331.014610371,
-    341.75075497, 350.173888159, 361.88637575400003, 371.61412230500002,
-    385.17435225200001, 400.72319405799999, 411.753441162, 422.75058281299999,
-    437.11037701999999, 453.45288953800002, 474.420871385, 488.318616894,
-    512.11653910200005, 535.54182501000003, 555.56166528300002,
-    573.43505104999997, 593.13241480700003, 614.79560775100003, 649.435414896,
-    688.17560751799999, 721.87795355000003, 773.415382937, 813.66800489900004,
-    877.39648314099998, 964.732528602, 1069.40860047, 1223.88660858,
-    1424.4787858300001, 1674.8315303500001, 1977.7544173799999, 2651.83993319,
-    200410.392804, 0.0, 1.1584312650099999, 1.8096405876999999, 2.08809545024,
-    2.39759603108, 2.8210825374900002, 3.2262415616500002, 3.6767261063199999,
-    4.0712643350700004, 4.3358305431000002, 4.6961593196700004,
-    5.0048297457600004, 5.3979863436900004, 5.8290699240099997,
-    6.1960232764300001, 6.5088252292500002, 6.8948342983900002,
-    7.2696660689300003, 7.5399291096800001, 8.01313726329, 8.3889381116700008,
-    8.8151563879800001, 9.3221845714700002, 9.7919081310700005,
-    10.197322679699999, 10.690667428799999, 11.1669675994, 11.439377929899999,
-    11.6674844277, 12.008682137099999, 12.4556500154, 12.8218557119,
-    13.3281486992, 13.7095661165, 14.2163312161, 14.836869545500001,
-    15.3589870134, 15.8272834403, 16.238276813700001, 16.5883025266,
-    17.023074348600002, 17.414160002799999, 17.848152475399999,
-    18.247715569499999, 18.664561518999999, 19.075395695600001,
-    19.486374441700001, 19.973916476399999, 20.5269080381, 21.020846655300002,
-    21.507367194299999, 22.0135312996, 22.461208124300001, 23.036281720800002,
-    23.480764591, 23.9941998794, 24.413118882100001, 24.9392923634,
-    25.478485752899999, 26.086617298499998, 26.6809648813, 27.1950947449,
-    28.074728258899999, 28.720521756, 29.3654350726, 30.087513917199999,
-    30.702053779700002, 31.306689242899999, 31.780186689299999, 32.4753156827,
-    33.135143889299997, 33.888469867399998, 34.645545953000003,
-    35.367533057599999, 36.110020627200001, 36.758678629099997,
-    37.497664023799999, 38.081984167100003, 38.997417122999998,
-    39.672472603700001, 40.429274192199998, 41.295854716299999,
-    41.954930876799999, 42.5972412096, 43.276950597999999, 44.159449579799997,
-    45.025165711200003, 45.821814644200003, 46.555175562499997,
-    47.583311010599999, 48.589989172199999, 49.510833894599998,
-    50.257035760699999, 51.092289456800003, 52.258119141000002,
-    52.938195970499997, 53.804888863800002, 54.8416712187, 55.960279943899998,
-    57.006686652699997, 58.274563175499999, 59.3790074307, 60.283128322000003,
-    61.549512813600003, 62.4978155636, 63.834912981700001, 64.904107601199996,
-    66.223931861400004, 67.086972593499993, 68.397576571800002,
-    69.942186175000003, 71.207027708799998, 72.602512277200006,
-    73.560342838699995, 74.967359775099993, 76.577240733500005,
-    78.057764533799997, 79.513502422499997, 81.078073566599997,
-    82.165643638800006, 83.719127560900006, 85.148667228299999,
-    86.337704861199995, 87.860157790000002, 89.431109054900006,
-    90.980131378099998, 92.433634234400003, 94.226038238300006,
-    95.621501725399995, 97.080958997099998, 99.134428385800007,
-    101.04854586800001, 102.97657310699999, 105.139486026, 107.602665034,
-    109.70147691299999, 112.05021857600001, 114.125549412, 116.61722458,
-    118.189314409, 120.82322130999999, 123.127890034, 125.47513250999999,
-    127.848312975, 130.41431036200001, 133.57317560600001, 136.49161050999999,
-    140.74286875799999, 143.71689255300001, 146.67120050400001,
-    149.59581133399999, 152.22756825499999, 156.533766931, 160.06017973100001,
-    165.11262847200001, 169.23166942399999, 175.315765167, 179.524732857,
-    183.40525104400001, 188.17945511100001, 191.82963235400001, 197.202013322,
-    202.34316464599999, 207.99698327900001, 215.67824328500001,
-    224.47764356499999, 230.63417344199999, 236.60643002699999,
-    242.61055810900001, 251.77410247, 259.46544586200002, 268.047248459,
-    276.79107524199998, 286.15718497099999, 295.84758942399998,
-    305.58034509200002, 314.60780894999999, 325.34498936799997,
-    338.27578485100003, 348.53507352600002, 362.42239857200002, 375.083278597,
-    389.444337389, 407.52083932199997, 423.996775576, 439.86516896699999,
-    461.74456199100001, 481.21447879099998, 506.20652181600002,
-    531.64557102599997, 563.79744206400005, 601.85836871599997,
-    633.07763874900002, 693.45668289599996, 762.28141866299995,
-    852.11407475700003, 985.769367053, 1195.0785449099999, 1389.62431328,
-    2042.8647050500001, 78636.810297999997, 0.0, 1.0297464516799999,
-    1.60346935644, 2.0630353810100002, 2.4007054222700002, 2.7231158619300002,
-    3.0845870231900001, 3.3825315783100001, 3.7827559602099998,
-    4.1271402089200002, 4.4667826236700003, 4.7067760450099998,
-    5.1713770843100004, 5.53668279583, 5.74764546799, 6.1299980556899998,
-    6.3496742207699999, 6.6781045773500001, 7.12938206889, 7.39578341085,
-    7.7627325807999998, 8.0843024355399997, 8.3430476893299996,
-    8.7253588764300005, 9.0323780076000002, 9.3251680266000001,
-    9.7700665673099998, 10.103065082900001, 10.4121667828, 10.792220887399999,
-    11.114426525200001, 11.3987065041, 11.7259278942, 12.148971416,
-    12.454565579200001, 12.7910859418, 13.0925963376, 13.4917267129,
-    13.8568357546, 14.099344370200001, 14.466338023, 14.773502690999999,
-    15.1559213702, 15.4627289245, 15.735248281500001, 16.264394708800001,
-    16.624779056400001, 17.059591039099999, 17.366603691200002, 17.645800374,
-    18.074841360299999, 18.3713457528, 18.6782869727, 19.1657010441,
-    19.623227022799998, 20.045230785600001, 20.669991472, 21.181226625299999,
-    21.496046951899999, 22.092489347299999, 22.5203682028, 22.913515129299999,
-    23.382882170199998, 23.760241867400001, 24.103618211899999,
-    24.540791235699999, 25.0420139973, 25.4305135832, 26.0666776578,
-    26.564557883900001, 27.273553850399999, 27.7820097687, 28.3303665601,
-    28.745443715499999, 29.332968781000002, 30.009561780399999, 30.6135990386,
-    31.065902801899998, 31.520776554800001, 32.034559784499997,
-    32.646134072499997, 33.136621810400001, 34.091020344699999,
-    34.492997237600001, 34.960981709999999, 35.534538623400003,
-    36.397290535000003, 36.973557298199999, 37.496289196399999,
-    38.275574691300001, 39.132056666700002, 39.940285424599999,
-    40.663404855499998, 41.192514081399999, 41.940303401100003,
-    42.428268793400001, 43.002423862000001, 43.754682545599998,
-    44.392160792200002, 45.226295550300001, 45.955474380200002, 46.6701829171,
-    47.223011101499999, 47.870306336100001, 49.055475024800003,
-    49.870096181000001, 50.573112358800003, 51.511936900599999,
-    52.294025013499997, 52.962422501100001, 54.0366510279, 54.7208861318,
-    55.623480251799997, 56.401930573599998, 57.257184440700001,
-    58.072153872400001, 58.874410881099998, 60.104082592799998,
-    61.246007962100002, 62.248201307400002, 63.333179544099998, 64.4524632575,
-    65.680454143800006, 66.683104472400004, 67.860077341099995,
-    68.838786806399995, 69.8305645449, 71.030064286699997, 72.106640080299996,
-    73.718568832599999, 74.8928190476, 76.122150548999997, 77.8978499384,
-    79.078046305800001, 80.938626385199996, 82.707864462499998,
-    84.409564379399995, 85.580444997300006, 87.015983902800002,
-    88.433916929199995, 90.027633876400003, 91.989641288499996,
-    94.085497345299999, 97.019197389300004, 98.948948656499994, 101.110113046,
-    102.857621045, 104.948948472, 107.370061428, 110.309341836, 113.069785897,
-    115.334911873, 118.811007467, 121.8903905, 124.534635235, 127.237679828,
-    130.822044406, 133.95795785600001, 137.088601866, 141.331942336,
-    144.39698896600001, 148.46879151300001, 151.54049203599999, 156.010435457,
-    159.23907638899999, 163.84405742499999, 167.20574813600001, 171.571248282,
-    175.307565178, 180.898544257, 188.209642444, 192.88951267100001,
-    199.07961470500001, 204.98453083699999, 210.87189762099999,
-    217.37683173400001, 226.04598215600001, 233.03168449699999, 241.629711085,
-    246.946999901, 257.88334712900001, 264.42034237600001, 275.808770686,
-    285.32670270400001, 296.425658236, 311.66211481800002, 325.77524805600001,
-    339.41158178199998, 359.89737101100002, 378.89288395099999,
-    407.45313021999999, 430.825250423, 463.86767345999999, 495.964419029,
-    532.31966564899994, 589.85183477299995, 656.18178811200005,
-    784.26433017099998, 943.24503690999995, 1302.9980653, 102139.29543300001,
-    0.0, 0.86743237287200003, 1.3552076122000001, 1.74882176592,
-    2.1568118435899999, 2.5442077510700001, 2.7836243977500001, 3.00643655951,
-    3.2689355412999999, 3.5104534629600002, 3.8022522251600002,
-    4.0581864022299996, 4.3187967801799996, 4.5167601174499996,
-    4.8300373207899998, 5.1908096910400001, 5.4523307194299999,
-    5.7058518279000001, 6.0398043860700001, 6.3374641220700001,
-    6.6584016957400003, 6.8846773738299998, 7.1723016125100001, 7.48248963179,
-    7.7608348148299999, 8.0287909583299992, 8.3818549816299992,
-    8.7220174560999997, 9.0911091549999998, 9.35929759333, 9.6835960622500004,
-    9.9959322308900003, 10.3919770948, 10.747496464799999, 11.051538298500001,
-    11.316949795799999, 11.6183662131, 11.847164556699999, 12.1264569509,
-    12.437037774, 12.678519424999999, 13.016651663899999, 13.442219338399999,
-    13.7024184299, 14.0640518316, 14.3690724623, 14.6322090714,
-    15.003935011899999, 15.4618156875, 15.691396925499999, 16.018873943599999,
-    16.325083680199999, 16.72412623, 17.1800229961, 17.565089287999999,
-    17.955333696, 18.350394168699999, 18.662332183499998, 19.055520775400002,
-    19.3243741866, 19.697736269300002, 20.1598827376, 20.587558148399999,
-    20.947803652899999, 21.377289620700001, 21.7382160949, 22.148445907799999,
-    22.538187253499999, 22.969405032299999, 23.3515975378, 23.7868814409,
-    24.248895708799999, 24.763958241200001, 25.1997621694, 25.508926166199998,
-    25.958095899700002, 26.333188731500002, 26.824658796200001, 27.2155445271,
-    27.6568308628, 28.003116157499999, 28.541185737399999, 29.063342253199998,
-    29.560897612200002, 30.089418954599999, 30.597578276299998,
-    31.089081956699999, 31.4765648224, 31.894925652200001, 32.457647031999997,
-    33.030174841600001, 33.487885595199998, 34.018036955900001,
-    34.729723770100001, 35.271537205000001, 35.835399970200001,
-    36.307941559900001, 37.035916915500003, 37.561814357099998,
-    38.147376215199998, 38.7343663929, 39.318444863700002, 40.219249623899998,
-    40.878162636200003, 41.4384018103, 42.125905574999997, 42.975687067999999,
-    43.8669515737, 44.7165019555, 45.320383934500001, 46.290441078699999,
-    47.103139229999996, 47.737629462800001, 48.481018605400003, 49.4000519043,
-    50.130121766099997, 51.236341089200003, 52.022103237400003,
-    53.121350018199998, 54.3133505427, 55.198931289699999, 56.1880323006,
-    57.196115179099998, 58.388588195399997, 59.017601707799997,
-    60.191491397699998, 61.1785764937, 62.150011268, 63.062827775300001,
-    64.255070623099996, 65.725583058799998, 67.146069528200002,
-    68.855182272500002, 70.625039886400003, 72.517402771500002,
-    74.012329769800004, 75.142684897799995, 77.263163371999994,
-    78.970113074099999, 81.015664056600002, 82.952470754299995,
-    84.358247795500006, 86.345419452399994, 87.398236220800001,
-    88.877403817100003, 91.486012660200004, 93.475534618099999,
-    95.836579746699996, 99.517911350299997, 102.47972814000001,
-    104.56502959399999, 106.80315385900001, 109.427661664, 112.172083348,
-    114.752710729, 117.319711297, 120.332179395, 122.523137369,
-    125.80426376699999, 128.152192243, 130.68223203400001, 135.03565554799999,
-    138.836718018, 142.72321670599999, 145.83471307600001, 148.23894481900001,
-    150.940455676, 155.45888045199999, 160.45763036100001, 165.78439021700001,
-    170.10783283399999, 176.981973885, 182.24637161699999, 187.99729957,
-    193.341158584, 201.153499485, 209.89557814400001, 215.512255272,
-    222.916166694, 234.63262219500001, 242.24162438799999, 250.84387633899999,
-    264.39217630600001, 286.10701643599998, 294.863916168, 309.35324268800002,
-    326.01462315399999, 343.064113615, 361.99177679500002, 387.72006495800002,
-    407.06863126899998, 432.93714764600003, 471.081198336, 512.23599568500003,
-    547.44287580900004, 597.93801741300001, 672.97299630600003,
-    816.76871595199998, 996.88891773900002, 1291.9070935100001,
-    161358.74421500001, 0.0, 0.99453276649300004, 1.34957440998, 1.80040223325,
-    2.1674828403999999, 2.48530115303, 2.78071282241, 3.0627252072600002,
-    3.2784701121599999, 3.5719852163999999, 3.9766675073700002,
-    4.1919498196699996, 4.4401116787000001, 4.7010850741399999,
-    4.8325546723099997, 4.9905503588400002, 5.2121802011499998,
-    5.4487589889699999, 5.7199962258500001, 5.9713598443100002,
-    6.2934525916500004, 6.5164568592299998, 6.7356095053300002,
-    6.9021306576599999, 7.1721655965900002, 7.3281530158799999,
-    7.5914585431999999, 7.8254960779699996, 7.9993083693299996,
-    8.2012397418000003, 8.3720004276700006, 8.6300188092199992,
-    8.9217519372599998, 9.3077081475300005, 9.6043493889500002,
-    9.8964144834100001, 10.211666127200001, 10.4213008992, 10.788691589500001,
-    11.051012050900001, 11.344200771000001, 11.725614780600001, 11.9588900773,
-    12.2827247511, 12.637968324099999, 12.966823288900001, 13.168992016800001,
-    13.4745396448, 13.785583859500001, 14.036187573499999, 14.3890843198,
-    14.7328997316, 15.1242120858, 15.3426967014, 15.6612958042, 15.9789841683,
-    16.360263102400001, 16.772235545499999, 17.216064751899999,
-    17.589241161899999, 17.8572448364, 18.1950328878, 18.559156973699999,
-    18.792157978999999, 19.092364930399999, 19.509183897500002, 19.8903785993,
-    20.395241299399999, 20.715609197399999, 21.129151485000001, 21.4384474457,
-    21.8051370373, 22.0983151782, 22.589355123800001, 22.923955315299999,
-    23.293660984199999, 23.8073499164, 24.164663172499999, 24.468464225200002,
-    24.9136660319, 25.292481224799999, 25.704244781, 26.122315593700002,
-    26.745139958900001, 27.142677224500002, 27.678661556600002,
-    28.172552657800001, 28.7004617023, 29.254574122400001, 29.9576316134,
-    30.320919945, 30.8651150524, 31.535303165799998, 32.0284025188,
-    32.4595794536, 32.939819047199997, 33.536005820299998, 34.287543194800001,
-    34.940091845399998, 35.379675577999997, 36.122305638999997,
-    36.623643357600002, 37.258982358499999, 37.645211866499999,
-    38.348043171800001, 39.121822204899999, 39.903193717900002, 40.5501905506,
-    41.172201017399999, 41.965871158399999, 42.633532572999997,
-    43.135795547100003, 43.854137299599998, 44.859996618799997,
-    45.622113159199998, 46.6849616684, 47.678221519899999, 48.843464619499997,
-    49.8146602526, 50.688647234999998, 51.583461331899997, 52.591197556700003,
-    53.717957165400001, 55.506732086500001, 56.662175622500001,
-    58.167854235900002, 59.062885457699998, 60.411246125200002,
-    61.391033951200001, 62.368874448500002, 63.688858420800003,
-    64.888271486199997, 66.635858121799998, 67.817878363199995,
-    68.880671285700004, 70.095051569500001, 71.501848303100005,
-    72.775151774600005, 74.558541465199994, 76.409518135499994,
-    77.761688797700003, 79.005647183500002, 80.295269079099995, 82.4136017931,
-    84.613797778800006, 86.016896733899998, 87.430508335200003,
-    88.670983118500004, 90.231433799300007, 91.891509509399995,
-    94.498776834500006, 97.249232232899999, 98.623021338599997, 101.238294708,
-    102.87975996900001, 105.291018643, 107.24435443199999, 109.666596011,
-    113.098272596, 115.61031488, 119.614780612, 123.287443794, 126.249115391,
-    128.58356817500001, 131.775900138, 135.290949961, 139.29796378500001,
-    146.262327629, 150.00976835200001, 154.61572367400001, 160.255070652,
-    165.26334147099999, 170.16736670500001, 173.77829739699999,
-    179.56132179599999, 184.561922764, 190.69775108499999, 196.65891324699999,
-    203.521908177, 211.093916154, 221.47514707299999, 231.47529352399999,
-    237.75562241, 244.883786829, 253.30171895399999, 261.76505171600002,
-    278.98552843200002, 292.60068635200003, 311.55099943599998,
-    325.88771172899999, 343.19537559700001, 365.551962753, 393.39248336999998,
-    422.56973752499999, 461.27635287499999, 502.54248837599999,
-    563.31345992700005, 636.33864636400006, 803.18510591400002, 1017.18613565,
-    2073.8933950400001, 0.0, 0.84882448919599995, 1.1297295603899999,
-    1.43790054577, 1.8034031745600001, 2.1567378511699999, 2.46200691124,
-    2.7164909210600001, 2.9725139778099998, 3.3258460814699999, 3.51565620581,
-    3.6829072744900002, 3.8503255597599999, 4.0960101060699996,
-    4.3195587197099998, 4.5180080510099998, 4.7208657011600001,
-    4.9188747051200004, 5.0822519781400004, 5.2471047837700002,
-    5.4397152562800004, 5.6442757923500002, 5.94422558704, 6.2491652156599997,
-    6.5158366836499999, 6.6694208713499998, 6.9618320371699998,
-    7.0954639576199998, 7.3925975604899996, 7.6671833348599998,
-    8.0270911346999991, 8.2155617499000009, 8.3810446408000008,
-    8.6728270830500005, 8.9919564023300005, 9.1979666478599995,
-    9.4613822654199993, 9.8638159812400001, 10.064467502699999,
-    10.300861637400001, 10.5922395715, 10.898994478100001, 11.2204623911,
-    11.462764891000001, 11.827261590299999, 12.083868714099999,
-    12.386429319099999, 12.6393019529, 12.853547404, 13.1367142199,
-    13.3487410123, 13.656895326200001, 14.024084867899999, 14.2305895378,
-    14.537063637599999, 14.7677980479, 14.983400628, 15.254355192,
-    15.4728650747, 15.7833358443, 16.258317366699998, 16.591420611899999,
-    16.7968951537, 17.321484078699999, 17.688159546000001, 17.9917501318,
-    18.4264735655, 18.751733764800001, 19.0344300858, 19.372343152500001,
-    19.740307887699998, 20.051092925599999, 20.305765000400001,
-    20.618187255599999, 20.819816596500001, 21.0782135131, 21.397939723499999,
-    21.854582025799999, 22.2881163357, 22.6506377304, 22.877000473599999,
-    23.384389492899999, 23.836418588899999, 24.222254926800002,
-    24.655197791999999, 25.022161849, 25.444878252500001, 26.053606325400001,
-    26.614004877900001, 27.0211182404, 27.401244503200001, 27.7850805052,
-    28.159129948299999, 28.6603675532, 29.200278675, 29.671973053799999,
-    30.210222716600001, 30.961837351900002, 31.650008409800002,
-    32.094382395700002, 32.843304519299998, 33.577328693699997,
-    34.237700249100001, 34.801256214399999, 35.485455770500003, 35.9765981579,
-    36.670725593599997, 37.170285661000001, 37.990796691500002,
-    38.642774190700003, 39.528303337300002, 39.978645888499997, 40.8020907732,
-    41.489481081900003, 42.4638964743, 43.139901183799999, 44.090235702199998,
-    45.199560705499998, 45.817027413600002, 47.017044573200003,
-    48.262105780699997, 49.1479688362, 50.425156699799999, 51.855557858499999,
-    52.673049050499998, 53.828962193300001, 54.706265736600002, 55.754088218,
-    56.6875216169, 57.802232958300003, 59.077269420699999, 59.802668045799997,
-    60.803463371600003, 62.277143198700003, 63.318223359400001,
-    64.249051654799999, 65.723438296400005, 66.690473547300002,
-    67.987683240400003, 69.312005970800001, 70.335791722799996,
-    71.525547407700003, 73.2296426005, 74.761566365899995, 76.401961372800002,
-    78.083813237900003, 79.959478159499994, 81.411397194700001,
-    83.907706583600003, 85.130641549399996, 86.564841115600004,
-    88.151400025100003, 90.839542183500001, 93.404373994799997,
-    95.237850676600004, 96.510747774899997, 98.111723876599996,
-    100.59771252100001, 103.473781565, 106.22999075200001, 109.035110547,
-    111.514197384, 114.660071867, 117.91431810100001, 120.95989149899999,
-    125.315578238, 127.97488147200001, 131.55766028400001, 133.79550634099999,
-    136.780043667, 143.37105514300001, 147.41143759799999, 152.70084909799999,
-    158.68963683999999, 163.480470784, 168.40748618699999, 176.23576411799999,
-    181.51714572399999, 188.435573998, 193.69868358400001, 201.866252981,
-    209.69486823, 221.66246932499999, 231.771152277, 245.05347127900001,
-    258.89263676799999, 273.73973170099998, 290.43652293600002,
-    304.91784651400002, 317.71453254800002, 345.81680795, 370.51493599600002,
-    396.34922032399999, 427.34649876600002, 472.648184012, 548.811516697,
-    616.97696803199995, 698.58074685700001, 921.70016827699999, 1351.93476429,
-    4555.3138270099998, 0.0, 1.05775845422, 1.30722302885, 1.6550836259599999,
-    2.0164548998499998, 2.22264762997, 2.4339426832900002, 2.63987900941,
-    2.8474331698999999, 3.1394413773199998, 3.3488811388099999,
-    3.5845593259999999, 3.7278526245200001, 3.89707499961, 4.0930076946499998,
-    4.2667403322500004, 4.4444123281100003, 4.7057346005499996,
-    4.8776095749700001, 5.0766543427900004, 5.2576254422700002,
-    5.4227043983799996, 5.5565800836300001, 5.6921444728099999,
-    5.8967927912900002, 6.0520540232300002, 6.18092403149, 6.4448963355100002,
-    6.6606765375799997, 6.8569177525900002, 6.9871721176600001,
-    7.1997752419300003, 7.4790143792799997, 7.6433232341600004,
-    7.8838845337299999, 8.0362724982000007, 8.2491173118100001,
-    8.4854912803700007, 8.7981272976200007, 8.98771466078, 9.2672797478700009,
-    9.4910127015200008, 9.7196918691600001, 9.9958458284499994, 10.2946220832,
-    10.5192779153, 10.7367739562, 11.0486241079, 11.264306749099999,
-    11.610683487999999, 11.8590324631, 12.102995508599999, 12.274140378,
-    12.5626984562, 12.777400244300001, 13.0071767612, 13.3075190692,
-    13.506522563900001, 13.7736133375, 14.034237147500001, 14.3718879313,
-    14.704450492399999, 15.006497291000001, 15.4860321302, 15.8250864202,
-    16.068562412599999, 16.366417189700002, 16.791695786399998, 17.1963988083,
-    17.692784723599999, 17.9889456748, 18.250281237599999, 18.540758284100001,
-    19.105488743399999, 19.3676116446, 19.9057967233, 20.372155027400002,
-    20.617865943399998, 21.0056881543, 21.3998014925, 21.886629124399999,
-    22.301586328599999, 22.8157840378, 23.1577773249, 23.562675140700001,
-    23.9908312801, 24.371709623200001, 24.853048289, 25.321527433499998,
-    25.817410943100001, 26.333798079699999, 26.743897014000002,
-    27.404019467800001, 27.750455412299999, 28.245307990099999, 28.8302203846,
-    29.238499632700002, 29.908395497000001, 30.222815192500001,
-    30.759701009099999, 31.296847612400001, 31.809133106099999, 32.3396270004,
-    33.065629932, 33.614025315299997, 34.269816387299997, 35.012311410899997,
-    35.852750563500003, 36.404141805499997, 36.8294660038, 37.935726292200002,
-    38.368785425900001, 39.1826087245, 40.008409596500002, 40.726090274800001,
-    41.337873114600001, 42.209034503799998, 43.359563836100001, 44.113217655,
-    44.844831191300003, 45.6845486769, 46.347966789700003, 47.331044909100001,
-    48.2533342455, 49.162487231599997, 50.1543142202, 50.931869310099998,
-    51.636126617899997, 52.181963144800001, 53.396775668799997,
-    55.032301978100001, 55.596427951899997, 56.5791496927, 57.542454919599997,
-    58.554653988799998, 59.636429710999998, 61.407241399900002,
-    62.509754862100003, 63.601590468700003, 64.824312135300005,
-    66.386878043999999, 67.693732305799998, 69.365119204300001,
-    71.025400599899996, 72.653909433799996, 74.395827576000002,
-    75.769964444999999, 77.234020831500004, 78.433715899099994,
-    81.101681241799994, 83.076307199300004, 84.5988995469, 86.376895072899998,
-    88.194960597199994, 90.441746414899995, 92.189595910199998,
-    93.440994131400004, 95.435247487400005, 99.0558885879, 101.49204924999999,
-    104.088533635, 106.181199298, 109.219007221, 112.61624315100001,
-    116.029069048, 119.96844246400001, 124.344004768, 127.91969076300001,
-    132.149553927, 135.922055457, 140.068507211, 144.15378361399999,
-    148.60536720600001, 153.82589839900001, 158.576947158, 165.555672257,
-    171.63158056899999, 176.33047682, 181.08906739299999, 186.793582875,
-    192.534521512, 203.56027511299999, 211.12137373499999, 218.32402486300001,
-    227.271126122, 239.72295971400001, 255.439273482, 266.59600377999999,
-    284.21895951499999, 302.86802943499998, 319.3660428, 335.96299544999999,
-    371.29655514500001, 386.65083379800001, 434.96311705400001,
-    521.05039447499996, 574.39597849699999, 643.38261744700003,
-    749.10677599899998, 937.47346937500004, 2164.74350723, 0.0,
-    0.87216036854099999, 1.1731523662100001, 1.4528318226800001,
-    1.7506036653599999, 1.95830274355, 2.1933454622299999, 2.4315041290299999,
-    2.6097449606700001, 2.8143037344300001, 2.98234250898, 3.14296097174,
-    3.28163067285, 3.4197130756399998, 3.5577964282300001, 3.7192315259700002,
-    3.8806453857499998, 4.0848607038400004, 4.27058822443, 4.4259870320300001,
-    4.6202853710799996, 4.8079818422300002, 4.9703096793699997,
-    5.1771997283899998, 5.32208420074, 5.4736064223099996, 5.6716933713,
-    5.7948310020399996, 5.9616974056899998, 6.1294408520800001,
-    6.3200579482499997, 6.5465172585299998, 6.7046238334500003,
-    6.8696070854100002, 7.0421250211300004, 7.21408035417, 7.3666599903499996,
-    7.5629677715200003, 7.7854370727999997, 8.0250690670800005,
-    8.2018499794099995, 8.4165599450900004, 8.6205648003099995,
-    8.8020739087200006, 8.9976602698800008, 9.2090483824400007, 9.40554714598,
-    9.6268466056699999, 9.8387845757699992, 10.063513496600001, 10.3066855573,
-    10.5490401104, 10.760759543200001, 11.0190557159, 11.247083638299999,
-    11.487903512700001, 11.690503747999999, 11.9163331257, 12.1540624086,
-    12.3754681949, 12.6225724062, 12.8298548017, 13.105360490300001,
-    13.352707515200001, 13.600565291800001, 13.8363089384, 14.081226945299999,
-    14.370552543500001, 14.6854081396, 14.959606431799999, 15.238257795699999,
-    15.488877516500001, 15.783357724, 16.059268546999999, 16.371064702799998,
-    16.635482564899998, 16.926054678500002, 17.2595416636, 17.558429913600001,
-    17.873233837699999, 18.1713476396, 18.437921946300001, 18.808552489299998,
-    19.094615129400001, 19.521706635899999, 19.8753230885, 20.298514125000001,
-    20.622495869000002, 20.9353854017, 21.4098244692, 21.829437198099999,
-    22.259602406999999, 22.672559352, 23.1204515296, 23.483853294300001,
-    23.9484201462, 24.3248985436, 24.847141378100002, 25.2522052389,
-    25.681308357599999, 26.205337182699999, 26.576187536300001,
-    27.078663830899998, 27.677873063900002, 28.2381539971, 28.8023214868,
-    29.3993510241, 29.912833547399998, 30.573666294900001, 31.104430988600001,
-    31.796146883399999, 32.497170738500003, 33.279496414699999,
-    34.098064962599999, 34.843216272900001, 35.542133214099998,
-    36.276287779500002, 36.975928357500003, 37.504257990799999,
-    38.314777833900003, 39.177430845000004, 39.819717746400002,
-    40.407911670099999, 41.120240020300002, 41.978665155199998,
-    42.866256983200003, 43.496257352299999, 44.207718886199999,
-    44.967775733800003, 45.845529661199997, 46.8316582737, 47.606961498799997,
-    48.454226783199999, 49.675775014400003, 50.5811434361, 51.543186701800003,
-    52.633751532200002, 53.929547364699999, 55.037714174199998,
-    56.301767675000001, 57.451158926300003, 58.714248343199998,
-    59.628151489899999, 60.807000845600001, 62.156996127799999,
-    63.456997649599998, 65.008915114800004, 66.386142722499997,
-    67.978491519900004, 69.422238847200006, 70.791592380799997,
-    72.011370736700002, 73.522117942199998, 75.359756207299995,
-    77.030728253800007, 78.893995033400003, 80.530957561600005,
-    81.946598575099998, 84.055736077199995, 86.177382717599997,
-    88.231077799399998, 90.830107187099998, 93.291203665799998,
-    96.842991020100001, 99.738754614200005, 102.822309851, 106.472937214,
-    109.712921572, 112.28819169, 115.383539528, 118.33937052500001, 121.6283803,
-    126.21758780099999, 130.559458404, 135.25935161000001, 139.64966053500001,
-    144.08321394399999, 149.81024360000001, 155.95824547500001,
-    160.54965979900001, 165.74901272299999, 173.07092800300001, 181.971265612,
-    190.12184997899999, 199.140874, 208.94440364799999, 219.692760295,
-    231.41654560800001, 244.813734337, 260.64934893600002, 276.86471985399999,
-    297.854074072, 327.675880581, 363.64694161300002, 395.28587648799999,
-    430.29646448199998, 476.771927382, 552.10628605099998, 688.09209059399996,
-    965.66929444699997, 5512.1265341500002, 0.0, 0.62589083024600001,
-    1.0089155589900001, 1.2669403239100001, 1.4930834132099999, 1.6647456778,
-    1.86494432327, 2.0537877508200002, 2.25391444537, 2.4255788848600002,
-    2.5625113900800001, 2.70119472848, 2.8053232942299999, 2.92720031662,
-    3.1007147687100001, 3.2394799841499999, 3.39215368186, 3.5920914079299999,
-    3.74416489544, 3.8829579282000002, 4.0121750001200001, 4.1604435034699998,
-    4.2969491096299999, 4.4303864671199999, 4.5829179833699998,
-    4.7183684166099997, 4.8667168998800001, 4.9825970049999997,
-    5.1443596513600003, 5.29642331298, 5.5116304645699996, 5.6662601962099997,
-    5.8151835779100001, 5.9375451382, 6.1570517624500001, 6.3131151288699998,
-    6.52398099929, 6.6722523007500003, 6.86154545663, 7.0599193283100004,
-    7.3129107271700002, 7.5490299843899997, 7.7172198221199997,
-    7.8648526311499998, 8.0837370196799991, 8.2593266698099992,
-    8.4613117407199994, 8.6884386074200002, 8.8745901890700001,
-    9.1116656074600009, 9.3126467721299999, 9.5071399643899994,
-    9.7151605657500006, 9.9551889093600003, 10.149609288200001, 10.3401891662,
-    10.621445531099999, 10.8426697409, 11.0272843935, 11.270829726400001,
-    11.4694723487, 11.6178469386, 11.821109029700001, 12.021790796499999,
-    12.3252449453, 12.5092794759, 12.818332850699999, 13.020756306899999,
-    13.310810976799999, 13.5124599496, 13.767115336, 14.0644181972,
-    14.332859790200001, 14.5607314245, 14.9082657073, 15.125302185800001,
-    15.3715537263, 15.670518073, 16.0341797918, 16.263188094,
-    16.565119653299998, 16.768979356500001, 17.107996179400001, 17.3155602187,
-    17.633055544099999, 17.978850956799999, 18.239306430100001,
-    18.603581283899999, 18.890651686000002, 19.2448822751, 19.6097734435,
-    19.926314503299999, 20.1586253842, 20.499346128900001, 20.763220895300002,
-    21.214468897100001, 21.6883372251, 21.932186764800001, 22.421734858200001,
-    22.8480131942, 23.3200873278, 23.594830171000002, 24.038195447900002,
-    24.408468226699998, 24.92649372, 25.442113401899999, 25.8447679595,
-    26.3726873799, 26.812905815000001, 27.122537899899999, 27.7422113077,
-    28.078738693199998, 28.5723682014, 29.0944195565, 29.5634253395,
-    30.1247268702, 30.983710482300001, 31.826570418700001, 32.3620827385,
-    33.029481950899999, 33.566683207600001, 34.288337869199999,
-    34.942294123800004, 35.546860066900003, 36.362485731600003, 37.2408130333,
-    38.058683128600002, 38.750745497600001, 39.428888690199997,
-    40.115263124599998, 40.901282995400003, 41.4018687274, 42.138788071800001,
-    43.018359615500003, 44.106243223500002, 45.093539481699999, 45.8411771739,
-    46.570250118399997, 47.841644068400001, 49.303024838200002,
-    50.464239790100002, 51.234103358299997, 52.317696309799999, 53.0996279724,
-    54.369256693700002, 55.965980526800003, 57.287395203700001,
-    58.636793195099997, 60.683809927200002, 62.106524762100001,
-    63.455965556400002, 64.508962315299996, 65.830030819000001, 67.3272861871,
-    68.485336924099997, 69.962539390399996, 71.3643490332, 73.207148927299997,
-    75.267417445500001, 77.636856277999996, 79.567969825700004,
-    81.887922453399995, 84.409393872699994, 86.252385378499994,
-    89.609195726400003, 92.058129085499999, 94.237863167399993,
-    97.130241311000006, 99.337287984200003, 102.785121426, 105.16684627799999,
-    108.155644287, 111.12424827, 114.20309084500001, 118.25567124200001,
-    120.63906266799999, 126.769351089, 131.30368792600001, 135.35008283600001,
-    140.167179914, 146.276635801, 154.69830296500001, 162.097699463,
-    168.49842445199999, 174.39338381300001, 183.839663489, 194.04584716900001,
-    205.199824904, 216.99026627999999, 226.397941844, 239.11086462599999,
-    257.98370514300001, 272.68513598700002, 294.38470478199997,
-    317.32579381900001, 352.86648779500001, 396.000885729, 447.65133356299998,
-    552.83482503000005, 744.96290114700003, 7762.8570038400003, 0.0,
-    0.36214416262600002, 0.60004394504000003, 0.87269790764999999,
-    1.0816835608199999, 1.1769418756600001, 1.3339406513100001,
-    1.5379932977899999, 1.64092011303, 1.8114937983699999, 1.92478153605,
-    2.0791194022399999, 2.18522431294, 2.3239286241100001, 2.4474903603299998,
-    2.56875405118, 2.6706112235399999, 2.7868128103399998, 2.89962589709,
-    3.0247650187300001, 3.1799188214799998, 3.3163269799299999,
-    3.4326557716099999, 3.5761530940699999, 3.6698664516599999,
-    3.8395536775700001, 3.9742173052399998, 4.0666621486399999,
-    4.1860672163199997, 4.2677782405900002, 4.39398556059, 4.5599359743100001,
-    4.7182993929599997, 4.8549576225899997, 4.9793340551199998,
-    5.1106161380800001, 5.22653369925, 5.3697032505699998, 5.5502664604199996,
-    5.6901435710500001, 5.81186063054, 5.9447132463900001, 6.05627291431,
-    6.16844943146, 6.3088485415099997, 6.5158703652999996, 6.6663173981500004,
-    6.7889778856399996, 6.92685753591, 7.05832274623, 7.2113778586999997,
-    7.3735471867099998, 7.4967882360999996, 7.67708191997, 7.8383618689299999,
-    8.0007809638400005, 8.2598039090000004, 8.4646047196400005,
-    8.6068680876200006, 8.7919284529800006, 8.9449623581599997,
-    9.1615349379200008, 9.3168642346000006, 9.4680652743600007,
-    9.7295350278099999, 9.9208554836600005, 10.0769753157, 10.1731120514,
-    10.3276036073, 10.6154476322, 10.8889357781, 11.016681222400001,
-    11.166106582099999, 11.3010656278, 11.460114477099999, 11.6049507496,
-    11.754826317499999, 12.128326894900001, 12.393725440500001,
-    12.601959282999999, 12.929220557000001, 13.2033834409, 13.496651655100001,
-    13.6720510495, 14.0106799329, 14.2715969553, 14.4738353905,
-    14.887431385199999, 15.0448999294, 15.3053817024, 15.6545606815,
-    15.9636364194, 16.322553926800001, 16.694194434500002, 17.030383725899998,
-    17.430560569699999, 17.700358551699999, 18.117532589300001,
-    18.425291790799999, 18.722525176000001, 19.151242618000001, 19.5588949566,
-    19.985716502399999, 20.4476355348, 20.9045258441, 21.276626095099999,
-    21.575188439600002, 22.0493676255, 22.446726857400002, 22.7039434454,
-    23.13535392, 23.679737149400001, 24.0913996564, 24.592582522600001,
-    24.846344199699999, 25.1692127267, 25.707613397399999, 26.060921460599999,
-    26.402713800499999, 26.7672555555, 27.323489971800001, 28.1384294904,
-    28.886585523400001, 29.625952655700001, 30.049929096700001,
-    30.912490141700001, 31.7116329208, 32.432935618400002, 33.0836818525,
-    33.756748210399998, 34.448977073899997, 34.967596885500001,
-    35.526411413300004, 36.153337627600003, 37.193655335499997,
-    37.865997652899999, 38.746337718900001, 39.2502404719, 39.9758412025,
-    40.513914754399998, 41.377973330099998, 42.134772359599999,
-    42.670801806599997, 43.359820479100001, 44.8475078349, 45.403055004400002,
-    46.8336235847, 47.7113874912, 48.6941028253, 49.650345725199998,
-    50.665570570200003, 51.724056971300001, 53.992577544, 55.575370979100001,
-    57.251984441700003, 58.745608337299998, 60.1648035049, 61.246203909800002,
-    62.419975842699998, 63.422574513400001, 64.876159087000005,
-    66.885247274500003, 68.391010214800005, 69.915828121700002, 72.4871931144,
-    74.172952607699997, 75.652527461199995, 78.468287273000001,
-    80.721637548800004, 83.956121732200003, 87.163249777199994,
-    88.897109974100005, 91.2752939664, 93.173034590599997, 95.435791827200006,
-    100.344464677, 104.832073959, 109.276679528, 112.578422989,
-    114.53132503400001, 119.746495774, 124.493025184, 129.95658998100001,
-    134.31216815799999, 137.89688887400001, 140.67569338600001, 147.559990177,
-    157.91491644199999, 164.60831501999999, 171.84101301800001,
-    186.69105907299999, 195.42122663699999, 208.16940782099999,
-    238.53526263200001, 245.87424240300001, 268.33659908499999, 292.616848678,
-    312.784421705, 376.69900637799998, 486.40594854400001, 909.54311207000001,
-    0.0, 0.29947032321799999, 0.52334873310399999, 0.68115226771299997,
-    0.86995042995600003, 0.98257819082099995, 1.1046843742300001,
-    1.1768999986299999, 1.2647418797800001, 1.36884910987, 1.4645619499,
-    1.5759885725, 1.6653002782099999, 1.75269298364, 1.87728664641,
-    1.9895373943000001, 2.0546833007099998, 2.1563717716299999,
-    2.2189233742900001, 2.3098127374300002, 2.4206150527000001,
-    2.4845079548800002, 2.6079748566799998, 2.6769284875300001,
-    2.7907616607699999, 2.8700892704999998, 2.93034323954, 2.9963469551599999,
-    3.06834808782, 3.1480022766900002, 3.2256769408800001, 3.30379140374,
-    3.3884221330000002, 3.4570332483000001, 3.54002670756, 3.6248614990800001,
-    3.7101075382699999, 3.7687182426899999, 3.8163207208699998, 3.89049827354,
-    3.9685665546200002, 4.0278252280400002, 4.1485435748499997,
-    4.2118118690999999, 4.2767713334400002, 4.3538326518200003,
-    4.4579713825800003, 4.5508743169399999, 4.6676333956900002, 4.74653167618,
-    4.8197525947199997, 4.9241035310900001, 5.0189077614800004,
-    5.1005151570300002, 5.2006018753400003, 5.2927488243700003,
-    5.4001527926900001, 5.4768772282700002, 5.5890430439100003,
-    5.7009271960400003, 5.80755356372, 5.9548448325700001, 6.0994726695899999,
-    6.25645276871, 6.3819964031299996, 6.4711966493400004, 6.5880414298299996,
-    6.7348102011000002, 6.8307196477099996, 6.9337887910999996,
-    7.1040524671199998, 7.2069620188099996, 7.3301993509400001,
-    7.4527574858900003, 7.5532437966600003, 7.6852803779599999,
-    7.8640635376499999, 8.0318076099900004, 8.1796189996499997,
-    8.3642059418999999, 8.5050041495500004, 8.6533583034700001,
-    8.7675089334600003, 8.90401831396, 9.0651446520400008, 9.2032868451700001,
-    9.3704603805200009, 9.5586269002000002, 9.7223680241999997,
-    9.9347655253599996, 10.098260913100001, 10.255212992300001, 10.4208240003,
-    10.5811816078, 10.765906323299999, 10.957390713400001, 11.087388472400001,
-    11.328556388399999, 11.528238631900001, 11.7872480683, 11.915456216899999,
-    12.1248574875, 12.422258492999999, 12.630647267100001, 12.8227992595,
-    13.1516423519, 13.4269728621, 13.7263917941, 13.910454382299999,
-    14.1519663254, 14.338029858300001, 14.560423425, 14.770007548300001,
-    14.9841095141, 15.334444082699999, 15.4948694147, 15.855824070500001,
-    16.241262736900001, 16.5489680156, 16.821966605299998, 17.034108685700001,
-    17.2704823658, 17.5373816422, 17.870520279099999, 18.260020296,
-    18.612564062099999, 18.852361614399999, 19.4196515169, 19.842134040099999,
-    20.208065711, 20.730183175899999, 21.211762532200002, 21.724835097900002,
-    22.113935455899998, 22.527518860600001, 22.952535640800001,
-    23.578085247400001, 24.165234135199999, 24.660451264300001,
-    25.101613714700001, 25.726113937200001, 26.0893457106, 26.669907244299999,
-    27.169577979900001, 27.596626516000001, 28.329601780800001,
-    28.779048282000002, 29.224608145400001, 29.781331889800001,
-    30.432540589399999, 31.415359296199998, 31.9605897486, 32.492956216000003,
-    33.285631429200002, 34.070187818800001, 35.060381063199998,
-    35.680990641100003, 36.895345624699999, 37.869889303100003, 38.7151898057,
-    39.673959652199997, 40.7449007739, 42.072602957599997, 43.253042370099998,
-    44.872848970500002, 46.556160648899997, 48.1796820673, 49.545397762699999,
-    51.074845857200003, 52.800367472799998, 54.781904047099999, 56.6419800444,
-    58.294167776899997, 59.890254052499998, 62.933262895200002,
-    64.383209257600001, 66.273695300300005, 68.879466623300004,
-    71.737383912400006, 73.694424811299996, 76.676559064200006,
-    79.509307012099995, 82.2830341003, 85.991392160700002, 90.717177404200001,
-    94.429171780900006, 97.473571158699997, 102.467911147, 107.546301419,
-    114.342831581, 121.31476895, 126.05533253199999, 137.91440966299999,
-    144.79876003499999, 163.923571595, 181.508527445, 213.04454604899999,
-    245.38055141000001, 301.25496328499997, 332.04731076600001,
-    25328.083268499999, 0.0, 0.16960710904000001, 0.24797331543600001,
-    0.30236896744000002, 0.34361899401099999, 0.40999983457,
-    0.48890969043100002, 0.54342837436299996, 0.60861265194400005,
-    0.64673129635399995, 0.69004038945699997, 0.73679534547199999,
-    0.77536960959000001, 0.82841780807499998, 0.90256777434299995,
-    0.93909860962199998, 1.00410024985, 1.0408385717899999, 1.11535670052,
-    1.14711502865, 1.15928977273, 1.18798598113, 1.2274534778099999,
-    1.26769475616, 1.3002205824799999, 1.3310033753199999, 1.3446656342200001,
-    1.3760840745, 1.39081400794, 1.4505341583, 1.4632661604999999,
-    1.4984860150399999, 1.5529767251, 1.57864986714, 1.6173517424399999,
-    1.67533252068, 1.70471580487, 1.7278608476799999, 1.7811033034399999,
-    1.82818139122, 1.86555208204, 1.8941511847700001, 1.92488230379,
-    1.95851626987, 1.99363516305, 2.0170055272299998, 2.0586483531600002,
-    2.0850970425700002, 2.1085030088000001, 2.1283137664099998, 2.16603036339,
-    2.19060342065, 2.2345184857999998, 2.2714847812799999, 2.2993152139899999,
-    2.3222064716699999, 2.3498083965699998, 2.3879408831800002,
-    2.4133674625900001, 2.45645766658, 2.5043169972600001, 2.5332218388799999,
-    2.5860056276300001, 2.6092200429700001, 2.6593928409799998,
-    2.7167476183999999, 2.7528966109600002, 2.8165365213600002,
-    2.8466368258900001, 2.8966874532100002, 2.9315763405099999,
-    2.9602961735200002, 2.9944957343700001, 3.0486180954200002,
-    3.1054310960799998, 3.17422308542, 3.22876924922, 3.2476266926499999,
-    3.2895811744699999, 3.33758062866, 3.3814007836000002, 3.4235448060599998,
-    3.49735659195, 3.5619485828699999, 3.61508084496, 3.6882879176299999,
-    3.7441381326799998, 3.8290921697, 3.87138230506, 3.9399367140599999,
-    3.9855674425799998, 4.03423244708, 4.1224800094800003, 4.1617950069500003,
-    4.2098466376400001, 4.2671599100500002, 4.3072566201600004,
-    4.3243450788600004, 4.3957664746200003, 4.4519812552699998,
-    4.4969306764399999, 4.5152175579399998, 4.56732663911, 4.6752821882199997,
-    4.7424836408799997, 4.8540575522499996, 4.9112049708600001,
-    4.9863832664899999, 5.0723492115899997, 5.1341872206300003,
-    5.1757472919899996, 5.2672883329999998, 5.3193278175799996,
-    5.3545440009799998, 5.3662639863299999, 5.4478164688200001, 5.51018935901,
-    5.6222469255899998, 5.7031572715200003, 5.78511780914, 5.87666466639,
-    6.0267396241600002, 6.1198844067399998, 6.1979622858300001, 6.28159827041,
-    6.3904158104600004, 6.4453162825900003, 6.5218544413200004,
-    6.6086381632900002, 6.6725993210399999, 6.8163144940900002, 6.97804495911,
-    7.0227642352400004, 7.1626846845100003, 7.3423024204600003,
-    7.5327362668799998, 7.6978310374000003, 7.7611027450999996, 7.88016729875,
-    7.9472676633599999, 8.1244228188799994, 8.2399482591299993,
-    8.3372351004799992, 8.5151888904599993, 8.5980587770099994,
-    8.7064795243800006, 8.9028549639799994, 9.1412099458099991,
-    9.2928218155500009, 9.5260445012799995, 9.7243731171600007,
-    9.9194989507500004, 10.158387747800001, 10.358305334700001, 10.8456897256,
-    11.0126503317, 11.1397484418, 11.3568231431, 11.725070023000001,
-    11.952829343599999, 12.355631104, 12.741115586999999, 12.9604116418,
-    13.0782774906, 13.386035293300001, 13.7586242928, 14.065910686100001,
-    14.481276965199999, 14.8428342578, 15.0857067332, 15.5610363036,
-    15.9877621903, 16.564935242699999, 17.222646941699999, 17.705236311899998,
-    18.2065490938, 18.6451801326, 19.1223591105, 19.606893553199999,
-    20.1404072423, 20.653286086600001, 21.431578720299999, 21.979215851300001,
-    23.048094735900001, 23.846359740299999, 24.3529984143, 24.985293486700002,
-    25.965109587899999, 26.669072074799999, 27.831042996200001,
-    29.685768165100001, 30.986492906100001, 32.7579031852, 34.704015628800001,
-    39.043339889599999, 43.627269160300003, 50.063241984299999,
-    55.522634061300003, 63.83632205, 80.274312648399999, 121.666396689
+    0.0,
+    1.19643536295,
+    1.7799429438800001,
+    2.5000897208500001,
+    3.0593132287299998,
+    3.4839286608000002,
+    3.9982294568999999,
+    4.4402913862600002,
+    4.8147369692600002,
+    5.3054432104,
+    5.8105717909600001,
+    6.1370968299099999,
+    6.7475810144699997,
+    7.3015792720599997,
+    7.6896019690199999,
+    8.13938977856,
+    8.4515096605100002,
+    8.9879216562900002,
+    9.4927671192999998,
+    10.085788064899999,
+    10.625255410199999,
+    11.0026891093,
+    11.3895870178,
+    11.843719932200001,
+    12.253271789299999,
+    12.767614137500001,
+    13.262427498099999,
+    13.786048882799999,
+    14.16595075,
+    14.643883369899999,
+    15.146539539600001,
+    15.7813472808,
+    16.280656373900001,
+    16.655646821400001,
+    17.114459585199999,
+    17.598615494000001,
+    18.184936752399999,
+    18.740805828900001,
+    19.248318706700001,
+    19.9296167205,
+    20.463100761100002,
+    21.2124495216,
+    21.626706539400001,
+    22.210655822100001,
+    22.700941956400001,
+    23.302821910599999,
+    23.920510033900001,
+    24.580456784700001,
+    25.2569820073,
+    25.959142340700001,
+    26.512265281099999,
+    27.196530728900001,
+    27.733216163200002,
+    28.478633239299999,
+    29.299270036500001,
+    30.256722160100001,
+    30.986221208,
+    31.737877171200001,
+    32.3960443243,
+    33.105226859200002,
+    33.767065963699999,
+    34.404378731100003,
+    34.924274373000003,
+    35.644436068099999,
+    36.564111572900003,
+    37.417350414600001,
+    38.238436024899997,
+    38.799991177199999,
+    39.436095377800001,
+    40.277347542100003,
+    41.016879076899997,
+    41.908435708699997,
+    42.819594709699999,
+    43.738915136400003,
+    44.846693151399997,
+    45.536023954699999,
+    46.546157932100002,
+    47.460643921100001,
+    48.624537354399997,
+    49.4055755953,
+    50.186510797700002,
+    51.175277055499997,
+    52.089204297199998,
+    53.122068163400002,
+    54.127727041100002,
+    54.940780204399999,
+    56.114554909900001,
+    57.0656839854,
+    57.894406169100002,
+    59.009235477799997,
+    60.0914392866,
+    61.208045864900001,
+    62.2858241466,
+    63.543350702799998,
+    64.856196127700002,
+    66.682225449399994,
+    68.209557105800002,
+    69.742463108799996,
+    71.750057073999997,
+    73.414467924899995,
+    75.307815587799993,
+    77.118795934299996,
+    78.812379695000004,
+    80.355455134600007,
+    81.877925440300004,
+    83.662200974800001,
+    85.224686517899997,
+    86.615321828199995,
+    88.267510348100004,
+    89.802469557099997,
+    91.374895675700003,
+    93.408025320799993,
+    95.336052711299999,
+    97.395921625599996,
+    98.859486409499993,
+    100.657442178,
+    102.99984774399999,
+    105.41734144900001,
+    107.273191485,
+    109.044242849,
+    110.937136356,
+    113.583166593,
+    115.56257233300001,
+    117.846911268,
+    120.681655831,
+    122.799469999,
+    124.375415383,
+    126.97394391900001,
+    129.436815795,
+    132.49568735599999,
+    135.98857834699999,
+    138.09223868300001,
+    141.65649987800001,
+    146.09086464500001,
+    149.16576952099999,
+    152.208770273,
+    155.187653896,
+    157.43246798000001,
+    160.43301280700001,
+    162.84002901100001,
+    166.77052560600001,
+    169.29494600500001,
+    172.91801473500001,
+    176.654293306,
+    180.23478114700001,
+    183.296380473,
+    186.73903581499999,
+    190.86755789399999,
+    195.654394298,
+    199.69558299600001,
+    203.92254700699999,
+    208.397049907,
+    213.10008202399999,
+    217.93095747000001,
+    222.20188235800001,
+    227.07325009499999,
+    230.860699883,
+    237.97819378299999,
+    245.85743037500001,
+    252.73101680400001,
+    258.89556405000002,
+    268.60486464500002,
+    276.47499798699999,
+    282.03633185400003,
+    289.17078451600003,
+    302.06749436299998,
+    312.57905513100002,
+    322.60452264899999,
+    331.014610371,
+    341.75075497,
+    350.173888159,
+    361.88637575400003,
+    371.61412230500002,
+    385.17435225200001,
+    400.72319405799999,
+    411.753441162,
+    422.75058281299999,
+    437.11037701999999,
+    453.45288953800002,
+    474.420871385,
+    488.318616894,
+    512.11653910200005,
+    535.54182501000003,
+    555.56166528300002,
+    573.43505104999997,
+    593.13241480700003,
+    614.79560775100003,
+    649.435414896,
+    688.17560751799999,
+    721.87795355000003,
+    773.415382937,
+    813.66800489900004,
+    877.39648314099998,
+    964.732528602,
+    1069.40860047,
+    1223.88660858,
+    1424.4787858300001,
+    1674.8315303500001,
+    1977.7544173799999,
+    2651.83993319,
+    200410.392804,
+    0.0,
+    1.1584312650099999,
+    1.8096405876999999,
+    2.08809545024,
+    2.39759603108,
+    2.8210825374900002,
+    3.2262415616500002,
+    3.6767261063199999,
+    4.0712643350700004,
+    4.3358305431000002,
+    4.6961593196700004,
+    5.0048297457600004,
+    5.3979863436900004,
+    5.8290699240099997,
+    6.1960232764300001,
+    6.5088252292500002,
+    6.8948342983900002,
+    7.2696660689300003,
+    7.5399291096800001,
+    8.01313726329,
+    8.3889381116700008,
+    8.8151563879800001,
+    9.3221845714700002,
+    9.7919081310700005,
+    10.197322679699999,
+    10.690667428799999,
+    11.1669675994,
+    11.439377929899999,
+    11.6674844277,
+    12.008682137099999,
+    12.4556500154,
+    12.8218557119,
+    13.3281486992,
+    13.7095661165,
+    14.2163312161,
+    14.836869545500001,
+    15.3589870134,
+    15.8272834403,
+    16.238276813700001,
+    16.5883025266,
+    17.023074348600002,
+    17.414160002799999,
+    17.848152475399999,
+    18.247715569499999,
+    18.664561518999999,
+    19.075395695600001,
+    19.486374441700001,
+    19.973916476399999,
+    20.5269080381,
+    21.020846655300002,
+    21.507367194299999,
+    22.0135312996,
+    22.461208124300001,
+    23.036281720800002,
+    23.480764591,
+    23.9941998794,
+    24.413118882100001,
+    24.9392923634,
+    25.478485752899999,
+    26.086617298499998,
+    26.6809648813,
+    27.1950947449,
+    28.074728258899999,
+    28.720521756,
+    29.3654350726,
+    30.087513917199999,
+    30.702053779700002,
+    31.306689242899999,
+    31.780186689299999,
+    32.4753156827,
+    33.135143889299997,
+    33.888469867399998,
+    34.645545953000003,
+    35.367533057599999,
+    36.110020627200001,
+    36.758678629099997,
+    37.497664023799999,
+    38.081984167100003,
+    38.997417122999998,
+    39.672472603700001,
+    40.429274192199998,
+    41.295854716299999,
+    41.954930876799999,
+    42.5972412096,
+    43.276950597999999,
+    44.159449579799997,
+    45.025165711200003,
+    45.821814644200003,
+    46.555175562499997,
+    47.583311010599999,
+    48.589989172199999,
+    49.510833894599998,
+    50.257035760699999,
+    51.092289456800003,
+    52.258119141000002,
+    52.938195970499997,
+    53.804888863800002,
+    54.8416712187,
+    55.960279943899998,
+    57.006686652699997,
+    58.274563175499999,
+    59.3790074307,
+    60.283128322000003,
+    61.549512813600003,
+    62.4978155636,
+    63.834912981700001,
+    64.904107601199996,
+    66.223931861400004,
+    67.086972593499993,
+    68.397576571800002,
+    69.942186175000003,
+    71.207027708799998,
+    72.602512277200006,
+    73.560342838699995,
+    74.967359775099993,
+    76.577240733500005,
+    78.057764533799997,
+    79.513502422499997,
+    81.078073566599997,
+    82.165643638800006,
+    83.719127560900006,
+    85.148667228299999,
+    86.337704861199995,
+    87.860157790000002,
+    89.431109054900006,
+    90.980131378099998,
+    92.433634234400003,
+    94.226038238300006,
+    95.621501725399995,
+    97.080958997099998,
+    99.134428385800007,
+    101.04854586800001,
+    102.97657310699999,
+    105.139486026,
+    107.602665034,
+    109.70147691299999,
+    112.05021857600001,
+    114.125549412,
+    116.61722458,
+    118.189314409,
+    120.82322130999999,
+    123.127890034,
+    125.47513250999999,
+    127.848312975,
+    130.41431036200001,
+    133.57317560600001,
+    136.49161050999999,
+    140.74286875799999,
+    143.71689255300001,
+    146.67120050400001,
+    149.59581133399999,
+    152.22756825499999,
+    156.533766931,
+    160.06017973100001,
+    165.11262847200001,
+    169.23166942399999,
+    175.315765167,
+    179.524732857,
+    183.40525104400001,
+    188.17945511100001,
+    191.82963235400001,
+    197.202013322,
+    202.34316464599999,
+    207.99698327900001,
+    215.67824328500001,
+    224.47764356499999,
+    230.63417344199999,
+    236.60643002699999,
+    242.61055810900001,
+    251.77410247,
+    259.46544586200002,
+    268.047248459,
+    276.79107524199998,
+    286.15718497099999,
+    295.84758942399998,
+    305.58034509200002,
+    314.60780894999999,
+    325.34498936799997,
+    338.27578485100003,
+    348.53507352600002,
+    362.42239857200002,
+    375.083278597,
+    389.444337389,
+    407.52083932199997,
+    423.996775576,
+    439.86516896699999,
+    461.74456199100001,
+    481.21447879099998,
+    506.20652181600002,
+    531.64557102599997,
+    563.79744206400005,
+    601.85836871599997,
+    633.07763874900002,
+    693.45668289599996,
+    762.28141866299995,
+    852.11407475700003,
+    985.769367053,
+    1195.0785449099999,
+    1389.62431328,
+    2042.8647050500001,
+    78636.810297999997,
+    0.0,
+    1.0297464516799999,
+    1.60346935644,
+    2.0630353810100002,
+    2.4007054222700002,
+    2.7231158619300002,
+    3.0845870231900001,
+    3.3825315783100001,
+    3.7827559602099998,
+    4.1271402089200002,
+    4.4667826236700003,
+    4.7067760450099998,
+    5.1713770843100004,
+    5.53668279583,
+    5.74764546799,
+    6.1299980556899998,
+    6.3496742207699999,
+    6.6781045773500001,
+    7.12938206889,
+    7.39578341085,
+    7.7627325807999998,
+    8.0843024355399997,
+    8.3430476893299996,
+    8.7253588764300005,
+    9.0323780076000002,
+    9.3251680266000001,
+    9.7700665673099998,
+    10.103065082900001,
+    10.4121667828,
+    10.792220887399999,
+    11.114426525200001,
+    11.3987065041,
+    11.7259278942,
+    12.148971416,
+    12.454565579200001,
+    12.7910859418,
+    13.0925963376,
+    13.4917267129,
+    13.8568357546,
+    14.099344370200001,
+    14.466338023,
+    14.773502690999999,
+    15.1559213702,
+    15.4627289245,
+    15.735248281500001,
+    16.264394708800001,
+    16.624779056400001,
+    17.059591039099999,
+    17.366603691200002,
+    17.645800374,
+    18.074841360299999,
+    18.3713457528,
+    18.6782869727,
+    19.1657010441,
+    19.623227022799998,
+    20.045230785600001,
+    20.669991472,
+    21.181226625299999,
+    21.496046951899999,
+    22.092489347299999,
+    22.5203682028,
+    22.913515129299999,
+    23.382882170199998,
+    23.760241867400001,
+    24.103618211899999,
+    24.540791235699999,
+    25.0420139973,
+    25.4305135832,
+    26.0666776578,
+    26.564557883900001,
+    27.273553850399999,
+    27.7820097687,
+    28.3303665601,
+    28.745443715499999,
+    29.332968781000002,
+    30.009561780399999,
+    30.6135990386,
+    31.065902801899998,
+    31.520776554800001,
+    32.034559784499997,
+    32.646134072499997,
+    33.136621810400001,
+    34.091020344699999,
+    34.492997237600001,
+    34.960981709999999,
+    35.534538623400003,
+    36.397290535000003,
+    36.973557298199999,
+    37.496289196399999,
+    38.275574691300001,
+    39.132056666700002,
+    39.940285424599999,
+    40.663404855499998,
+    41.192514081399999,
+    41.940303401100003,
+    42.428268793400001,
+    43.002423862000001,
+    43.754682545599998,
+    44.392160792200002,
+    45.226295550300001,
+    45.955474380200002,
+    46.6701829171,
+    47.223011101499999,
+    47.870306336100001,
+    49.055475024800003,
+    49.870096181000001,
+    50.573112358800003,
+    51.511936900599999,
+    52.294025013499997,
+    52.962422501100001,
+    54.0366510279,
+    54.7208861318,
+    55.623480251799997,
+    56.401930573599998,
+    57.257184440700001,
+    58.072153872400001,
+    58.874410881099998,
+    60.104082592799998,
+    61.246007962100002,
+    62.248201307400002,
+    63.333179544099998,
+    64.4524632575,
+    65.680454143800006,
+    66.683104472400004,
+    67.860077341099995,
+    68.838786806399995,
+    69.8305645449,
+    71.030064286699997,
+    72.106640080299996,
+    73.718568832599999,
+    74.8928190476,
+    76.122150548999997,
+    77.8978499384,
+    79.078046305800001,
+    80.938626385199996,
+    82.707864462499998,
+    84.409564379399995,
+    85.580444997300006,
+    87.015983902800002,
+    88.433916929199995,
+    90.027633876400003,
+    91.989641288499996,
+    94.085497345299999,
+    97.019197389300004,
+    98.948948656499994,
+    101.110113046,
+    102.857621045,
+    104.948948472,
+    107.370061428,
+    110.309341836,
+    113.069785897,
+    115.334911873,
+    118.811007467,
+    121.8903905,
+    124.534635235,
+    127.237679828,
+    130.822044406,
+    133.95795785600001,
+    137.088601866,
+    141.331942336,
+    144.39698896600001,
+    148.46879151300001,
+    151.54049203599999,
+    156.010435457,
+    159.23907638899999,
+    163.84405742499999,
+    167.20574813600001,
+    171.571248282,
+    175.307565178,
+    180.898544257,
+    188.209642444,
+    192.88951267100001,
+    199.07961470500001,
+    204.98453083699999,
+    210.87189762099999,
+    217.37683173400001,
+    226.04598215600001,
+    233.03168449699999,
+    241.629711085,
+    246.946999901,
+    257.88334712900001,
+    264.42034237600001,
+    275.808770686,
+    285.32670270400001,
+    296.425658236,
+    311.66211481800002,
+    325.77524805600001,
+    339.41158178199998,
+    359.89737101100002,
+    378.89288395099999,
+    407.45313021999999,
+    430.825250423,
+    463.86767345999999,
+    495.964419029,
+    532.31966564899994,
+    589.85183477299995,
+    656.18178811200005,
+    784.26433017099998,
+    943.24503690999995,
+    1302.9980653,
+    102139.29543300001,
+    0.0,
+    0.86743237287200003,
+    1.3552076122000001,
+    1.74882176592,
+    2.1568118435899999,
+    2.5442077510700001,
+    2.7836243977500001,
+    3.00643655951,
+    3.2689355412999999,
+    3.5104534629600002,
+    3.8022522251600002,
+    4.0581864022299996,
+    4.3187967801799996,
+    4.5167601174499996,
+    4.8300373207899998,
+    5.1908096910400001,
+    5.4523307194299999,
+    5.7058518279000001,
+    6.0398043860700001,
+    6.3374641220700001,
+    6.6584016957400003,
+    6.8846773738299998,
+    7.1723016125100001,
+    7.48248963179,
+    7.7608348148299999,
+    8.0287909583299992,
+    8.3818549816299992,
+    8.7220174560999997,
+    9.0911091549999998,
+    9.35929759333,
+    9.6835960622500004,
+    9.9959322308900003,
+    10.3919770948,
+    10.747496464799999,
+    11.051538298500001,
+    11.316949795799999,
+    11.6183662131,
+    11.847164556699999,
+    12.1264569509,
+    12.437037774,
+    12.678519424999999,
+    13.016651663899999,
+    13.442219338399999,
+    13.7024184299,
+    14.0640518316,
+    14.3690724623,
+    14.6322090714,
+    15.003935011899999,
+    15.4618156875,
+    15.691396925499999,
+    16.018873943599999,
+    16.325083680199999,
+    16.72412623,
+    17.1800229961,
+    17.565089287999999,
+    17.955333696,
+    18.350394168699999,
+    18.662332183499998,
+    19.055520775400002,
+    19.3243741866,
+    19.697736269300002,
+    20.1598827376,
+    20.587558148399999,
+    20.947803652899999,
+    21.377289620700001,
+    21.7382160949,
+    22.148445907799999,
+    22.538187253499999,
+    22.969405032299999,
+    23.3515975378,
+    23.7868814409,
+    24.248895708799999,
+    24.763958241200001,
+    25.1997621694,
+    25.508926166199998,
+    25.958095899700002,
+    26.333188731500002,
+    26.824658796200001,
+    27.2155445271,
+    27.6568308628,
+    28.003116157499999,
+    28.541185737399999,
+    29.063342253199998,
+    29.560897612200002,
+    30.089418954599999,
+    30.597578276299998,
+    31.089081956699999,
+    31.4765648224,
+    31.894925652200001,
+    32.457647031999997,
+    33.030174841600001,
+    33.487885595199998,
+    34.018036955900001,
+    34.729723770100001,
+    35.271537205000001,
+    35.835399970200001,
+    36.307941559900001,
+    37.035916915500003,
+    37.561814357099998,
+    38.147376215199998,
+    38.7343663929,
+    39.318444863700002,
+    40.219249623899998,
+    40.878162636200003,
+    41.4384018103,
+    42.125905574999997,
+    42.975687067999999,
+    43.8669515737,
+    44.7165019555,
+    45.320383934500001,
+    46.290441078699999,
+    47.103139229999996,
+    47.737629462800001,
+    48.481018605400003,
+    49.4000519043,
+    50.130121766099997,
+    51.236341089200003,
+    52.022103237400003,
+    53.121350018199998,
+    54.3133505427,
+    55.198931289699999,
+    56.1880323006,
+    57.196115179099998,
+    58.388588195399997,
+    59.017601707799997,
+    60.191491397699998,
+    61.1785764937,
+    62.150011268,
+    63.062827775300001,
+    64.255070623099996,
+    65.725583058799998,
+    67.146069528200002,
+    68.855182272500002,
+    70.625039886400003,
+    72.517402771500002,
+    74.012329769800004,
+    75.142684897799995,
+    77.263163371999994,
+    78.970113074099999,
+    81.015664056600002,
+    82.952470754299995,
+    84.358247795500006,
+    86.345419452399994,
+    87.398236220800001,
+    88.877403817100003,
+    91.486012660200004,
+    93.475534618099999,
+    95.836579746699996,
+    99.517911350299997,
+    102.47972814000001,
+    104.56502959399999,
+    106.80315385900001,
+    109.427661664,
+    112.172083348,
+    114.752710729,
+    117.319711297,
+    120.332179395,
+    122.523137369,
+    125.80426376699999,
+    128.152192243,
+    130.68223203400001,
+    135.03565554799999,
+    138.836718018,
+    142.72321670599999,
+    145.83471307600001,
+    148.23894481900001,
+    150.940455676,
+    155.45888045199999,
+    160.45763036100001,
+    165.78439021700001,
+    170.10783283399999,
+    176.981973885,
+    182.24637161699999,
+    187.99729957,
+    193.341158584,
+    201.153499485,
+    209.89557814400001,
+    215.512255272,
+    222.916166694,
+    234.63262219500001,
+    242.24162438799999,
+    250.84387633899999,
+    264.39217630600001,
+    286.10701643599998,
+    294.863916168,
+    309.35324268800002,
+    326.01462315399999,
+    343.064113615,
+    361.99177679500002,
+    387.72006495800002,
+    407.06863126899998,
+    432.93714764600003,
+    471.081198336,
+    512.23599568500003,
+    547.44287580900004,
+    597.93801741300001,
+    672.97299630600003,
+    816.76871595199998,
+    996.88891773900002,
+    1291.9070935100001,
+    161358.74421500001,
+    0.0,
+    0.99453276649300004,
+    1.34957440998,
+    1.80040223325,
+    2.1674828403999999,
+    2.48530115303,
+    2.78071282241,
+    3.0627252072600002,
+    3.2784701121599999,
+    3.5719852163999999,
+    3.9766675073700002,
+    4.1919498196699996,
+    4.4401116787000001,
+    4.7010850741399999,
+    4.8325546723099997,
+    4.9905503588400002,
+    5.2121802011499998,
+    5.4487589889699999,
+    5.7199962258500001,
+    5.9713598443100002,
+    6.2934525916500004,
+    6.5164568592299998,
+    6.7356095053300002,
+    6.9021306576599999,
+    7.1721655965900002,
+    7.3281530158799999,
+    7.5914585431999999,
+    7.8254960779699996,
+    7.9993083693299996,
+    8.2012397418000003,
+    8.3720004276700006,
+    8.6300188092199992,
+    8.9217519372599998,
+    9.3077081475300005,
+    9.6043493889500002,
+    9.8964144834100001,
+    10.211666127200001,
+    10.4213008992,
+    10.788691589500001,
+    11.051012050900001,
+    11.344200771000001,
+    11.725614780600001,
+    11.9588900773,
+    12.2827247511,
+    12.637968324099999,
+    12.966823288900001,
+    13.168992016800001,
+    13.4745396448,
+    13.785583859500001,
+    14.036187573499999,
+    14.3890843198,
+    14.7328997316,
+    15.1242120858,
+    15.3426967014,
+    15.6612958042,
+    15.9789841683,
+    16.360263102400001,
+    16.772235545499999,
+    17.216064751899999,
+    17.589241161899999,
+    17.8572448364,
+    18.1950328878,
+    18.559156973699999,
+    18.792157978999999,
+    19.092364930399999,
+    19.509183897500002,
+    19.8903785993,
+    20.395241299399999,
+    20.715609197399999,
+    21.129151485000001,
+    21.4384474457,
+    21.8051370373,
+    22.0983151782,
+    22.589355123800001,
+    22.923955315299999,
+    23.293660984199999,
+    23.8073499164,
+    24.164663172499999,
+    24.468464225200002,
+    24.9136660319,
+    25.292481224799999,
+    25.704244781,
+    26.122315593700002,
+    26.745139958900001,
+    27.142677224500002,
+    27.678661556600002,
+    28.172552657800001,
+    28.7004617023,
+    29.254574122400001,
+    29.9576316134,
+    30.320919945,
+    30.8651150524,
+    31.535303165799998,
+    32.0284025188,
+    32.4595794536,
+    32.939819047199997,
+    33.536005820299998,
+    34.287543194800001,
+    34.940091845399998,
+    35.379675577999997,
+    36.122305638999997,
+    36.623643357600002,
+    37.258982358499999,
+    37.645211866499999,
+    38.348043171800001,
+    39.121822204899999,
+    39.903193717900002,
+    40.5501905506,
+    41.172201017399999,
+    41.965871158399999,
+    42.633532572999997,
+    43.135795547100003,
+    43.854137299599998,
+    44.859996618799997,
+    45.622113159199998,
+    46.6849616684,
+    47.678221519899999,
+    48.843464619499997,
+    49.8146602526,
+    50.688647234999998,
+    51.583461331899997,
+    52.591197556700003,
+    53.717957165400001,
+    55.506732086500001,
+    56.662175622500001,
+    58.167854235900002,
+    59.062885457699998,
+    60.411246125200002,
+    61.391033951200001,
+    62.368874448500002,
+    63.688858420800003,
+    64.888271486199997,
+    66.635858121799998,
+    67.817878363199995,
+    68.880671285700004,
+    70.095051569500001,
+    71.501848303100005,
+    72.775151774600005,
+    74.558541465199994,
+    76.409518135499994,
+    77.761688797700003,
+    79.005647183500002,
+    80.295269079099995,
+    82.4136017931,
+    84.613797778800006,
+    86.016896733899998,
+    87.430508335200003,
+    88.670983118500004,
+    90.231433799300007,
+    91.891509509399995,
+    94.498776834500006,
+    97.249232232899999,
+    98.623021338599997,
+    101.238294708,
+    102.87975996900001,
+    105.291018643,
+    107.24435443199999,
+    109.666596011,
+    113.098272596,
+    115.61031488,
+    119.614780612,
+    123.287443794,
+    126.249115391,
+    128.58356817500001,
+    131.775900138,
+    135.290949961,
+    139.29796378500001,
+    146.262327629,
+    150.00976835200001,
+    154.61572367400001,
+    160.255070652,
+    165.26334147099999,
+    170.16736670500001,
+    173.77829739699999,
+    179.56132179599999,
+    184.561922764,
+    190.69775108499999,
+    196.65891324699999,
+    203.521908177,
+    211.093916154,
+    221.47514707299999,
+    231.47529352399999,
+    237.75562241,
+    244.883786829,
+    253.30171895399999,
+    261.76505171600002,
+    278.98552843200002,
+    292.60068635200003,
+    311.55099943599998,
+    325.88771172899999,
+    343.19537559700001,
+    365.551962753,
+    393.39248336999998,
+    422.56973752499999,
+    461.27635287499999,
+    502.54248837599999,
+    563.31345992700005,
+    636.33864636400006,
+    803.18510591400002,
+    1017.18613565,
+    2073.8933950400001,
+    0.0,
+    0.84882448919599995,
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+    1.43790054577,
+    1.8034031745600001,
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+    2.46200691124,
+    2.7164909210600001,
+    2.9725139778099998,
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+    3.51565620581,
+    3.6829072744900002,
+    3.8503255597599999,
+    4.0960101060699996,
+    4.3195587197099998,
+    4.5180080510099998,
+    4.7208657011600001,
+    4.9188747051200004,
+    5.0822519781400004,
+    5.2471047837700002,
+    5.4397152562800004,
+    5.6442757923500002,
+    5.94422558704,
+    6.2491652156599997,
+    6.5158366836499999,
+    6.6694208713499998,
+    6.9618320371699998,
+    7.0954639576199998,
+    7.3925975604899996,
+    7.6671833348599998,
+    8.0270911346999991,
+    8.2155617499000009,
+    8.3810446408000008,
+    8.6728270830500005,
+    8.9919564023300005,
+    9.1979666478599995,
+    9.4613822654199993,
+    9.8638159812400001,
+    10.064467502699999,
+    10.300861637400001,
+    10.5922395715,
+    10.898994478100001,
+    11.2204623911,
+    11.462764891000001,
+    11.827261590299999,
+    12.083868714099999,
+    12.386429319099999,
+    12.6393019529,
+    12.853547404,
+    13.1367142199,
+    13.3487410123,
+    13.656895326200001,
+    14.024084867899999,
+    14.2305895378,
+    14.537063637599999,
+    14.7677980479,
+    14.983400628,
+    15.254355192,
+    15.4728650747,
+    15.7833358443,
+    16.258317366699998,
+    16.591420611899999,
+    16.7968951537,
+    17.321484078699999,
+    17.688159546000001,
+    17.9917501318,
+    18.4264735655,
+    18.751733764800001,
+    19.0344300858,
+    19.372343152500001,
+    19.740307887699998,
+    20.051092925599999,
+    20.305765000400001,
+    20.618187255599999,
+    20.819816596500001,
+    21.0782135131,
+    21.397939723499999,
+    21.854582025799999,
+    22.2881163357,
+    22.6506377304,
+    22.877000473599999,
+    23.384389492899999,
+    23.836418588899999,
+    24.222254926800002,
+    24.655197791999999,
+    25.022161849,
+    25.444878252500001,
+    26.053606325400001,
+    26.614004877900001,
+    27.0211182404,
+    27.401244503200001,
+    27.7850805052,
+    28.159129948299999,
+    28.6603675532,
+    29.200278675,
+    29.671973053799999,
+    30.210222716600001,
+    30.961837351900002,
+    31.650008409800002,
+    32.094382395700002,
+    32.843304519299998,
+    33.577328693699997,
+    34.237700249100001,
+    34.801256214399999,
+    35.485455770500003,
+    35.9765981579,
+    36.670725593599997,
+    37.170285661000001,
+    37.990796691500002,
+    38.642774190700003,
+    39.528303337300002,
+    39.978645888499997,
+    40.8020907732,
+    41.489481081900003,
+    42.4638964743,
+    43.139901183799999,
+    44.090235702199998,
+    45.199560705499998,
+    45.817027413600002,
+    47.017044573200003,
+    48.262105780699997,
+    49.1479688362,
+    50.425156699799999,
+    51.855557858499999,
+    52.673049050499998,
+    53.828962193300001,
+    54.706265736600002,
+    55.754088218,
+    56.6875216169,
+    57.802232958300003,
+    59.077269420699999,
+    59.802668045799997,
+    60.803463371600003,
+    62.277143198700003,
+    63.318223359400001,
+    64.249051654799999,
+    65.723438296400005,
+    66.690473547300002,
+    67.987683240400003,
+    69.312005970800001,
+    70.335791722799996,
+    71.525547407700003,
+    73.2296426005,
+    74.761566365899995,
+    76.401961372800002,
+    78.083813237900003,
+    79.959478159499994,
+    81.411397194700001,
+    83.907706583600003,
+    85.130641549399996,
+    86.564841115600004,
+    88.151400025100003,
+    90.839542183500001,
+    93.404373994799997,
+    95.237850676600004,
+    96.510747774899997,
+    98.111723876599996,
+    100.59771252100001,
+    103.473781565,
+    106.22999075200001,
+    109.035110547,
+    111.514197384,
+    114.660071867,
+    117.91431810100001,
+    120.95989149899999,
+    125.315578238,
+    127.97488147200001,
+    131.55766028400001,
+    133.79550634099999,
+    136.780043667,
+    143.37105514300001,
+    147.41143759799999,
+    152.70084909799999,
+    158.68963683999999,
+    163.480470784,
+    168.40748618699999,
+    176.23576411799999,
+    181.51714572399999,
+    188.435573998,
+    193.69868358400001,
+    201.866252981,
+    209.69486823,
+    221.66246932499999,
+    231.771152277,
+    245.05347127900001,
+    258.89263676799999,
+    273.73973170099998,
+    290.43652293600002,
+    304.91784651400002,
+    317.71453254800002,
+    345.81680795,
+    370.51493599600002,
+    396.34922032399999,
+    427.34649876600002,
+    472.648184012,
+    548.811516697,
+    616.97696803199995,
+    698.58074685700001,
+    921.70016827699999,
+    1351.93476429,
+    4555.3138270099998,
+    0.0,
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+    2.8474331698999999,
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+    3.3488811388099999,
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+    3.7278526245200001,
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+    4.4444123281100003,
+    4.7057346005499996,
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+    5.4227043983799996,
+    5.5565800836300001,
+    5.6921444728099999,
+    5.8967927912900002,
+    6.0520540232300002,
+    6.18092403149,
+    6.4448963355100002,
+    6.6606765375799997,
+    6.8569177525900002,
+    6.9871721176600001,
+    7.1997752419300003,
+    7.4790143792799997,
+    7.6433232341600004,
+    7.8838845337299999,
+    8.0362724982000007,
+    8.2491173118100001,
+    8.4854912803700007,
+    8.7981272976200007,
+    8.98771466078,
+    9.2672797478700009,
+    9.4910127015200008,
+    9.7196918691600001,
+    9.9958458284499994,
+    10.2946220832,
+    10.5192779153,
+    10.7367739562,
+    11.0486241079,
+    11.264306749099999,
+    11.610683487999999,
+    11.8590324631,
+    12.102995508599999,
+    12.274140378,
+    12.5626984562,
+    12.777400244300001,
+    13.0071767612,
+    13.3075190692,
+    13.506522563900001,
+    13.7736133375,
+    14.034237147500001,
+    14.3718879313,
+    14.704450492399999,
+    15.006497291000001,
+    15.4860321302,
+    15.8250864202,
+    16.068562412599999,
+    16.366417189700002,
+    16.791695786399998,
+    17.1963988083,
+    17.692784723599999,
+    17.9889456748,
+    18.250281237599999,
+    18.540758284100001,
+    19.105488743399999,
+    19.3676116446,
+    19.9057967233,
+    20.372155027400002,
+    20.617865943399998,
+    21.0056881543,
+    21.3998014925,
+    21.886629124399999,
+    22.301586328599999,
+    22.8157840378,
+    23.1577773249,
+    23.562675140700001,
+    23.9908312801,
+    24.371709623200001,
+    24.853048289,
+    25.321527433499998,
+    25.817410943100001,
+    26.333798079699999,
+    26.743897014000002,
+    27.404019467800001,
+    27.750455412299999,
+    28.245307990099999,
+    28.8302203846,
+    29.238499632700002,
+    29.908395497000001,
+    30.222815192500001,
+    30.759701009099999,
+    31.296847612400001,
+    31.809133106099999,
+    32.3396270004,
+    33.065629932,
+    33.614025315299997,
+    34.269816387299997,
+    35.012311410899997,
+    35.852750563500003,
+    36.404141805499997,
+    36.8294660038,
+    37.935726292200002,
+    38.368785425900001,
+    39.1826087245,
+    40.008409596500002,
+    40.726090274800001,
+    41.337873114600001,
+    42.209034503799998,
+    43.359563836100001,
+    44.113217655,
+    44.844831191300003,
+    45.6845486769,
+    46.347966789700003,
+    47.331044909100001,
+    48.2533342455,
+    49.162487231599997,
+    50.1543142202,
+    50.931869310099998,
+    51.636126617899997,
+    52.181963144800001,
+    53.396775668799997,
+    55.032301978100001,
+    55.596427951899997,
+    56.5791496927,
+    57.542454919599997,
+    58.554653988799998,
+    59.636429710999998,
+    61.407241399900002,
+    62.509754862100003,
+    63.601590468700003,
+    64.824312135300005,
+    66.386878043999999,
+    67.693732305799998,
+    69.365119204300001,
+    71.025400599899996,
+    72.653909433799996,
+    74.395827576000002,
+    75.769964444999999,
+    77.234020831500004,
+    78.433715899099994,
+    81.101681241799994,
+    83.076307199300004,
+    84.5988995469,
+    86.376895072899998,
+    88.194960597199994,
+    90.441746414899995,
+    92.189595910199998,
+    93.440994131400004,
+    95.435247487400005,
+    99.0558885879,
+    101.49204924999999,
+    104.088533635,
+    106.181199298,
+    109.219007221,
+    112.61624315100001,
+    116.029069048,
+    119.96844246400001,
+    124.344004768,
+    127.91969076300001,
+    132.149553927,
+    135.922055457,
+    140.068507211,
+    144.15378361399999,
+    148.60536720600001,
+    153.82589839900001,
+    158.576947158,
+    165.555672257,
+    171.63158056899999,
+    176.33047682,
+    181.08906739299999,
+    186.793582875,
+    192.534521512,
+    203.56027511299999,
+    211.12137373499999,
+    218.32402486300001,
+    227.271126122,
+    239.72295971400001,
+    255.439273482,
+    266.59600377999999,
+    284.21895951499999,
+    302.86802943499998,
+    319.3660428,
+    335.96299544999999,
+    371.29655514500001,
+    386.65083379800001,
+    434.96311705400001,
+    521.05039447499996,
+    574.39597849699999,
+    643.38261744700003,
+    749.10677599899998,
+    937.47346937500004,
+    2164.74350723,
+    0.0,
+    0.87216036854099999,
+    1.1731523662100001,
+    1.4528318226800001,
+    1.7506036653599999,
+    1.95830274355,
+    2.1933454622299999,
+    2.4315041290299999,
+    2.6097449606700001,
+    2.8143037344300001,
+    2.98234250898,
+    3.14296097174,
+    3.28163067285,
+    3.4197130756399998,
+    3.5577964282300001,
+    3.7192315259700002,
+    3.8806453857499998,
+    4.0848607038400004,
+    4.27058822443,
+    4.4259870320300001,
+    4.6202853710799996,
+    4.8079818422300002,
+    4.9703096793699997,
+    5.1771997283899998,
+    5.32208420074,
+    5.4736064223099996,
+    5.6716933713,
+    5.7948310020399996,
+    5.9616974056899998,
+    6.1294408520800001,
+    6.3200579482499997,
+    6.5465172585299998,
+    6.7046238334500003,
+    6.8696070854100002,
+    7.0421250211300004,
+    7.21408035417,
+    7.3666599903499996,
+    7.5629677715200003,
+    7.7854370727999997,
+    8.0250690670800005,
+    8.2018499794099995,
+    8.4165599450900004,
+    8.6205648003099995,
+    8.8020739087200006,
+    8.9976602698800008,
+    9.2090483824400007,
+    9.40554714598,
+    9.6268466056699999,
+    9.8387845757699992,
+    10.063513496600001,
+    10.3066855573,
+    10.5490401104,
+    10.760759543200001,
+    11.0190557159,
+    11.247083638299999,
+    11.487903512700001,
+    11.690503747999999,
+    11.9163331257,
+    12.1540624086,
+    12.3754681949,
+    12.6225724062,
+    12.8298548017,
+    13.105360490300001,
+    13.352707515200001,
+    13.600565291800001,
+    13.8363089384,
+    14.081226945299999,
+    14.370552543500001,
+    14.6854081396,
+    14.959606431799999,
+    15.238257795699999,
+    15.488877516500001,
+    15.783357724,
+    16.059268546999999,
+    16.371064702799998,
+    16.635482564899998,
+    16.926054678500002,
+    17.2595416636,
+    17.558429913600001,
+    17.873233837699999,
+    18.1713476396,
+    18.437921946300001,
+    18.808552489299998,
+    19.094615129400001,
+    19.521706635899999,
+    19.8753230885,
+    20.298514125000001,
+    20.622495869000002,
+    20.9353854017,
+    21.4098244692,
+    21.829437198099999,
+    22.259602406999999,
+    22.672559352,
+    23.1204515296,
+    23.483853294300001,
+    23.9484201462,
+    24.3248985436,
+    24.847141378100002,
+    25.2522052389,
+    25.681308357599999,
+    26.205337182699999,
+    26.576187536300001,
+    27.078663830899998,
+    27.677873063900002,
+    28.2381539971,
+    28.8023214868,
+    29.3993510241,
+    29.912833547399998,
+    30.573666294900001,
+    31.104430988600001,
+    31.796146883399999,
+    32.497170738500003,
+    33.279496414699999,
+    34.098064962599999,
+    34.843216272900001,
+    35.542133214099998,
+    36.276287779500002,
+    36.975928357500003,
+    37.504257990799999,
+    38.314777833900003,
+    39.177430845000004,
+    39.819717746400002,
+    40.407911670099999,
+    41.120240020300002,
+    41.978665155199998,
+    42.866256983200003,
+    43.496257352299999,
+    44.207718886199999,
+    44.967775733800003,
+    45.845529661199997,
+    46.8316582737,
+    47.606961498799997,
+    48.454226783199999,
+    49.675775014400003,
+    50.5811434361,
+    51.543186701800003,
+    52.633751532200002,
+    53.929547364699999,
+    55.037714174199998,
+    56.301767675000001,
+    57.451158926300003,
+    58.714248343199998,
+    59.628151489899999,
+    60.807000845600001,
+    62.156996127799999,
+    63.456997649599998,
+    65.008915114800004,
+    66.386142722499997,
+    67.978491519900004,
+    69.422238847200006,
+    70.791592380799997,
+    72.011370736700002,
+    73.522117942199998,
+    75.359756207299995,
+    77.030728253800007,
+    78.893995033400003,
+    80.530957561600005,
+    81.946598575099998,
+    84.055736077199995,
+    86.177382717599997,
+    88.231077799399998,
+    90.830107187099998,
+    93.291203665799998,
+    96.842991020100001,
+    99.738754614200005,
+    102.822309851,
+    106.472937214,
+    109.712921572,
+    112.28819169,
+    115.383539528,
+    118.33937052500001,
+    121.6283803,
+    126.21758780099999,
+    130.559458404,
+    135.25935161000001,
+    139.64966053500001,
+    144.08321394399999,
+    149.81024360000001,
+    155.95824547500001,
+    160.54965979900001,
+    165.74901272299999,
+    173.07092800300001,
+    181.971265612,
+    190.12184997899999,
+    199.140874,
+    208.94440364799999,
+    219.692760295,
+    231.41654560800001,
+    244.813734337,
+    260.64934893600002,
+    276.86471985399999,
+    297.854074072,
+    327.675880581,
+    363.64694161300002,
+    395.28587648799999,
+    430.29646448199998,
+    476.771927382,
+    552.10628605099998,
+    688.09209059399996,
+    965.66929444699997,
+    5512.1265341500002,
+    0.0,
+    0.62589083024600001,
+    1.0089155589900001,
+    1.2669403239100001,
+    1.4930834132099999,
+    1.6647456778,
+    1.86494432327,
+    2.0537877508200002,
+    2.25391444537,
+    2.4255788848600002,
+    2.5625113900800001,
+    2.70119472848,
+    2.8053232942299999,
+    2.92720031662,
+    3.1007147687100001,
+    3.2394799841499999,
+    3.39215368186,
+    3.5920914079299999,
+    3.74416489544,
+    3.8829579282000002,
+    4.0121750001200001,
+    4.1604435034699998,
+    4.2969491096299999,
+    4.4303864671199999,
+    4.5829179833699998,
+    4.7183684166099997,
+    4.8667168998800001,
+    4.9825970049999997,
+    5.1443596513600003,
+    5.29642331298,
+    5.5116304645699996,
+    5.6662601962099997,
+    5.8151835779100001,
+    5.9375451382,
+    6.1570517624500001,
+    6.3131151288699998,
+    6.52398099929,
+    6.6722523007500003,
+    6.86154545663,
+    7.0599193283100004,
+    7.3129107271700002,
+    7.5490299843899997,
+    7.7172198221199997,
+    7.8648526311499998,
+    8.0837370196799991,
+    8.2593266698099992,
+    8.4613117407199994,
+    8.6884386074200002,
+    8.8745901890700001,
+    9.1116656074600009,
+    9.3126467721299999,
+    9.5071399643899994,
+    9.7151605657500006,
+    9.9551889093600003,
+    10.149609288200001,
+    10.3401891662,
+    10.621445531099999,
+    10.8426697409,
+    11.0272843935,
+    11.270829726400001,
+    11.4694723487,
+    11.6178469386,
+    11.821109029700001,
+    12.021790796499999,
+    12.3252449453,
+    12.5092794759,
+    12.818332850699999,
+    13.020756306899999,
+    13.310810976799999,
+    13.5124599496,
+    13.767115336,
+    14.0644181972,
+    14.332859790200001,
+    14.5607314245,
+    14.9082657073,
+    15.125302185800001,
+    15.3715537263,
+    15.670518073,
+    16.0341797918,
+    16.263188094,
+    16.565119653299998,
+    16.768979356500001,
+    17.107996179400001,
+    17.3155602187,
+    17.633055544099999,
+    17.978850956799999,
+    18.239306430100001,
+    18.603581283899999,
+    18.890651686000002,
+    19.2448822751,
+    19.6097734435,
+    19.926314503299999,
+    20.1586253842,
+    20.499346128900001,
+    20.763220895300002,
+    21.214468897100001,
+    21.6883372251,
+    21.932186764800001,
+    22.421734858200001,
+    22.8480131942,
+    23.3200873278,
+    23.594830171000002,
+    24.038195447900002,
+    24.408468226699998,
+    24.92649372,
+    25.442113401899999,
+    25.8447679595,
+    26.3726873799,
+    26.812905815000001,
+    27.122537899899999,
+    27.7422113077,
+    28.078738693199998,
+    28.5723682014,
+    29.0944195565,
+    29.5634253395,
+    30.1247268702,
+    30.983710482300001,
+    31.826570418700001,
+    32.3620827385,
+    33.029481950899999,
+    33.566683207600001,
+    34.288337869199999,
+    34.942294123800004,
+    35.546860066900003,
+    36.362485731600003,
+    37.2408130333,
+    38.058683128600002,
+    38.750745497600001,
+    39.428888690199997,
+    40.115263124599998,
+    40.901282995400003,
+    41.4018687274,
+    42.138788071800001,
+    43.018359615500003,
+    44.106243223500002,
+    45.093539481699999,
+    45.8411771739,
+    46.570250118399997,
+    47.841644068400001,
+    49.303024838200002,
+    50.464239790100002,
+    51.234103358299997,
+    52.317696309799999,
+    53.0996279724,
+    54.369256693700002,
+    55.965980526800003,
+    57.287395203700001,
+    58.636793195099997,
+    60.683809927200002,
+    62.106524762100001,
+    63.455965556400002,
+    64.508962315299996,
+    65.830030819000001,
+    67.3272861871,
+    68.485336924099997,
+    69.962539390399996,
+    71.3643490332,
+    73.207148927299997,
+    75.267417445500001,
+    77.636856277999996,
+    79.567969825700004,
+    81.887922453399995,
+    84.409393872699994,
+    86.252385378499994,
+    89.609195726400003,
+    92.058129085499999,
+    94.237863167399993,
+    97.130241311000006,
+    99.337287984200003,
+    102.785121426,
+    105.16684627799999,
+    108.155644287,
+    111.12424827,
+    114.20309084500001,
+    118.25567124200001,
+    120.63906266799999,
+    126.769351089,
+    131.30368792600001,
+    135.35008283600001,
+    140.167179914,
+    146.276635801,
+    154.69830296500001,
+    162.097699463,
+    168.49842445199999,
+    174.39338381300001,
+    183.839663489,
+    194.04584716900001,
+    205.199824904,
+    216.99026627999999,
+    226.397941844,
+    239.11086462599999,
+    257.98370514300001,
+    272.68513598700002,
+    294.38470478199997,
+    317.32579381900001,
+    352.86648779500001,
+    396.000885729,
+    447.65133356299998,
+    552.83482503000005,
+    744.96290114700003,
+    7762.8570038400003,
+    0.0,
+    0.36214416262600002,
+    0.60004394504000003,
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+    1.3339406513100001,
+    1.5379932977899999,
+    1.64092011303,
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+    2.3239286241100001,
+    2.4474903603299998,
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+    2.6706112235399999,
+    2.7868128103399998,
+    2.89962589709,
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+    3.1799188214799998,
+    3.3163269799299999,
+    3.4326557716099999,
+    3.5761530940699999,
+    3.6698664516599999,
+    3.8395536775700001,
+    3.9742173052399998,
+    4.0666621486399999,
+    4.1860672163199997,
+    4.2677782405900002,
+    4.39398556059,
+    4.5599359743100001,
+    4.7182993929599997,
+    4.8549576225899997,
+    4.9793340551199998,
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+    5.3697032505699998,
+    5.5502664604199996,
+    5.6901435710500001,
+    5.81186063054,
+    5.9447132463900001,
+    6.05627291431,
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+    6.3088485415099997,
+    6.5158703652999996,
+    6.6663173981500004,
+    6.7889778856399996,
+    6.92685753591,
+    7.05832274623,
+    7.2113778586999997,
+    7.3735471867099998,
+    7.4967882360999996,
+    7.67708191997,
+    7.8383618689299999,
+    8.0007809638400005,
+    8.2598039090000004,
+    8.4646047196400005,
+    8.6068680876200006,
+    8.7919284529800006,
+    8.9449623581599997,
+    9.1615349379200008,
+    9.3168642346000006,
+    9.4680652743600007,
+    9.7295350278099999,
+    9.9208554836600005,
+    10.0769753157,
+    10.1731120514,
+    10.3276036073,
+    10.6154476322,
+    10.8889357781,
+    11.016681222400001,
+    11.166106582099999,
+    11.3010656278,
+    11.460114477099999,
+    11.6049507496,
+    11.754826317499999,
+    12.128326894900001,
+    12.393725440500001,
+    12.601959282999999,
+    12.929220557000001,
+    13.2033834409,
+    13.496651655100001,
+    13.6720510495,
+    14.0106799329,
+    14.2715969553,
+    14.4738353905,
+    14.887431385199999,
+    15.0448999294,
+    15.3053817024,
+    15.6545606815,
+    15.9636364194,
+    16.322553926800001,
+    16.694194434500002,
+    17.030383725899998,
+    17.430560569699999,
+    17.700358551699999,
+    18.117532589300001,
+    18.425291790799999,
+    18.722525176000001,
+    19.151242618000001,
+    19.5588949566,
+    19.985716502399999,
+    20.4476355348,
+    20.9045258441,
+    21.276626095099999,
+    21.575188439600002,
+    22.0493676255,
+    22.446726857400002,
+    22.7039434454,
+    23.13535392,
+    23.679737149400001,
+    24.0913996564,
+    24.592582522600001,
+    24.846344199699999,
+    25.1692127267,
+    25.707613397399999,
+    26.060921460599999,
+    26.402713800499999,
+    26.7672555555,
+    27.323489971800001,
+    28.1384294904,
+    28.886585523400001,
+    29.625952655700001,
+    30.049929096700001,
+    30.912490141700001,
+    31.7116329208,
+    32.432935618400002,
+    33.0836818525,
+    33.756748210399998,
+    34.448977073899997,
+    34.967596885500001,
+    35.526411413300004,
+    36.153337627600003,
+    37.193655335499997,
+    37.865997652899999,
+    38.746337718900001,
+    39.2502404719,
+    39.9758412025,
+    40.513914754399998,
+    41.377973330099998,
+    42.134772359599999,
+    42.670801806599997,
+    43.359820479100001,
+    44.8475078349,
+    45.403055004400002,
+    46.8336235847,
+    47.7113874912,
+    48.6941028253,
+    49.650345725199998,
+    50.665570570200003,
+    51.724056971300001,
+    53.992577544,
+    55.575370979100001,
+    57.251984441700003,
+    58.745608337299998,
+    60.1648035049,
+    61.246203909800002,
+    62.419975842699998,
+    63.422574513400001,
+    64.876159087000005,
+    66.885247274500003,
+    68.391010214800005,
+    69.915828121700002,
+    72.4871931144,
+    74.172952607699997,
+    75.652527461199995,
+    78.468287273000001,
+    80.721637548800004,
+    83.956121732200003,
+    87.163249777199994,
+    88.897109974100005,
+    91.2752939664,
+    93.173034590599997,
+    95.435791827200006,
+    100.344464677,
+    104.832073959,
+    109.276679528,
+    112.578422989,
+    114.53132503400001,
+    119.746495774,
+    124.493025184,
+    129.95658998100001,
+    134.31216815799999,
+    137.89688887400001,
+    140.67569338600001,
+    147.559990177,
+    157.91491644199999,
+    164.60831501999999,
+    171.84101301800001,
+    186.69105907299999,
+    195.42122663699999,
+    208.16940782099999,
+    238.53526263200001,
+    245.87424240300001,
+    268.33659908499999,
+    292.616848678,
+    312.784421705,
+    376.69900637799998,
+    486.40594854400001,
+    909.54311207000001,
+    0.0,
+    0.29947032321799999,
+    0.52334873310399999,
+    0.68115226771299997,
+    0.86995042995600003,
+    0.98257819082099995,
+    1.1046843742300001,
+    1.1768999986299999,
+    1.2647418797800001,
+    1.36884910987,
+    1.4645619499,
+    1.5759885725,
+    1.6653002782099999,
+    1.75269298364,
+    1.87728664641,
+    1.9895373943000001,
+    2.0546833007099998,
+    2.1563717716299999,
+    2.2189233742900001,
+    2.3098127374300002,
+    2.4206150527000001,
+    2.4845079548800002,
+    2.6079748566799998,
+    2.6769284875300001,
+    2.7907616607699999,
+    2.8700892704999998,
+    2.93034323954,
+    2.9963469551599999,
+    3.06834808782,
+    3.1480022766900002,
+    3.2256769408800001,
+    3.30379140374,
+    3.3884221330000002,
+    3.4570332483000001,
+    3.54002670756,
+    3.6248614990800001,
+    3.7101075382699999,
+    3.7687182426899999,
+    3.8163207208699998,
+    3.89049827354,
+    3.9685665546200002,
+    4.0278252280400002,
+    4.1485435748499997,
+    4.2118118690999999,
+    4.2767713334400002,
+    4.3538326518200003,
+    4.4579713825800003,
+    4.5508743169399999,
+    4.6676333956900002,
+    4.74653167618,
+    4.8197525947199997,
+    4.9241035310900001,
+    5.0189077614800004,
+    5.1005151570300002,
+    5.2006018753400003,
+    5.2927488243700003,
+    5.4001527926900001,
+    5.4768772282700002,
+    5.5890430439100003,
+    5.7009271960400003,
+    5.80755356372,
+    5.9548448325700001,
+    6.0994726695899999,
+    6.25645276871,
+    6.3819964031299996,
+    6.4711966493400004,
+    6.5880414298299996,
+    6.7348102011000002,
+    6.8307196477099996,
+    6.9337887910999996,
+    7.1040524671199998,
+    7.2069620188099996,
+    7.3301993509400001,
+    7.4527574858900003,
+    7.5532437966600003,
+    7.6852803779599999,
+    7.8640635376499999,
+    8.0318076099900004,
+    8.1796189996499997,
+    8.3642059418999999,
+    8.5050041495500004,
+    8.6533583034700001,
+    8.7675089334600003,
+    8.90401831396,
+    9.0651446520400008,
+    9.2032868451700001,
+    9.3704603805200009,
+    9.5586269002000002,
+    9.7223680241999997,
+    9.9347655253599996,
+    10.098260913100001,
+    10.255212992300001,
+    10.4208240003,
+    10.5811816078,
+    10.765906323299999,
+    10.957390713400001,
+    11.087388472400001,
+    11.328556388399999,
+    11.528238631900001,
+    11.7872480683,
+    11.915456216899999,
+    12.1248574875,
+    12.422258492999999,
+    12.630647267100001,
+    12.8227992595,
+    13.1516423519,
+    13.4269728621,
+    13.7263917941,
+    13.910454382299999,
+    14.1519663254,
+    14.338029858300001,
+    14.560423425,
+    14.770007548300001,
+    14.9841095141,
+    15.334444082699999,
+    15.4948694147,
+    15.855824070500001,
+    16.241262736900001,
+    16.5489680156,
+    16.821966605299998,
+    17.034108685700001,
+    17.2704823658,
+    17.5373816422,
+    17.870520279099999,
+    18.260020296,
+    18.612564062099999,
+    18.852361614399999,
+    19.4196515169,
+    19.842134040099999,
+    20.208065711,
+    20.730183175899999,
+    21.211762532200002,
+    21.724835097900002,
+    22.113935455899998,
+    22.527518860600001,
+    22.952535640800001,
+    23.578085247400001,
+    24.165234135199999,
+    24.660451264300001,
+    25.101613714700001,
+    25.726113937200001,
+    26.0893457106,
+    26.669907244299999,
+    27.169577979900001,
+    27.596626516000001,
+    28.329601780800001,
+    28.779048282000002,
+    29.224608145400001,
+    29.781331889800001,
+    30.432540589399999,
+    31.415359296199998,
+    31.9605897486,
+    32.492956216000003,
+    33.285631429200002,
+    34.070187818800001,
+    35.060381063199998,
+    35.680990641100003,
+    36.895345624699999,
+    37.869889303100003,
+    38.7151898057,
+    39.673959652199997,
+    40.7449007739,
+    42.072602957599997,
+    43.253042370099998,
+    44.872848970500002,
+    46.556160648899997,
+    48.1796820673,
+    49.545397762699999,
+    51.074845857200003,
+    52.800367472799998,
+    54.781904047099999,
+    56.6419800444,
+    58.294167776899997,
+    59.890254052499998,
+    62.933262895200002,
+    64.383209257600001,
+    66.273695300300005,
+    68.879466623300004,
+    71.737383912400006,
+    73.694424811299996,
+    76.676559064200006,
+    79.509307012099995,
+    82.2830341003,
+    85.991392160700002,
+    90.717177404200001,
+    94.429171780900006,
+    97.473571158699997,
+    102.467911147,
+    107.546301419,
+    114.342831581,
+    121.31476895,
+    126.05533253199999,
+    137.91440966299999,
+    144.79876003499999,
+    163.923571595,
+    181.508527445,
+    213.04454604899999,
+    245.38055141000001,
+    301.25496328499997,
+    332.04731076600001,
+    25328.083268499999,
+    0.0,
+    0.16960710904000001,
+    0.24797331543600001,
+    0.30236896744000002,
+    0.34361899401099999,
+    0.40999983457,
+    0.48890969043100002,
+    0.54342837436299996,
+    0.60861265194400005,
+    0.64673129635399995,
+    0.69004038945699997,
+    0.73679534547199999,
+    0.77536960959000001,
+    0.82841780807499998,
+    0.90256777434299995,
+    0.93909860962199998,
+    1.00410024985,
+    1.0408385717899999,
+    1.11535670052,
+    1.14711502865,
+    1.15928977273,
+    1.18798598113,
+    1.2274534778099999,
+    1.26769475616,
+    1.3002205824799999,
+    1.3310033753199999,
+    1.3446656342200001,
+    1.3760840745,
+    1.39081400794,
+    1.4505341583,
+    1.4632661604999999,
+    1.4984860150399999,
+    1.5529767251,
+    1.57864986714,
+    1.6173517424399999,
+    1.67533252068,
+    1.70471580487,
+    1.7278608476799999,
+    1.7811033034399999,
+    1.82818139122,
+    1.86555208204,
+    1.8941511847700001,
+    1.92488230379,
+    1.95851626987,
+    1.99363516305,
+    2.0170055272299998,
+    2.0586483531600002,
+    2.0850970425700002,
+    2.1085030088000001,
+    2.1283137664099998,
+    2.16603036339,
+    2.19060342065,
+    2.2345184857999998,
+    2.2714847812799999,
+    2.2993152139899999,
+    2.3222064716699999,
+    2.3498083965699998,
+    2.3879408831800002,
+    2.4133674625900001,
+    2.45645766658,
+    2.5043169972600001,
+    2.5332218388799999,
+    2.5860056276300001,
+    2.6092200429700001,
+    2.6593928409799998,
+    2.7167476183999999,
+    2.7528966109600002,
+    2.8165365213600002,
+    2.8466368258900001,
+    2.8966874532100002,
+    2.9315763405099999,
+    2.9602961735200002,
+    2.9944957343700001,
+    3.0486180954200002,
+    3.1054310960799998,
+    3.17422308542,
+    3.22876924922,
+    3.2476266926499999,
+    3.2895811744699999,
+    3.33758062866,
+    3.3814007836000002,
+    3.4235448060599998,
+    3.49735659195,
+    3.5619485828699999,
+    3.61508084496,
+    3.6882879176299999,
+    3.7441381326799998,
+    3.8290921697,
+    3.87138230506,
+    3.9399367140599999,
+    3.9855674425799998,
+    4.03423244708,
+    4.1224800094800003,
+    4.1617950069500003,
+    4.2098466376400001,
+    4.2671599100500002,
+    4.3072566201600004,
+    4.3243450788600004,
+    4.3957664746200003,
+    4.4519812552699998,
+    4.4969306764399999,
+    4.5152175579399998,
+    4.56732663911,
+    4.6752821882199997,
+    4.7424836408799997,
+    4.8540575522499996,
+    4.9112049708600001,
+    4.9863832664899999,
+    5.0723492115899997,
+    5.1341872206300003,
+    5.1757472919899996,
+    5.2672883329999998,
+    5.3193278175799996,
+    5.3545440009799998,
+    5.3662639863299999,
+    5.4478164688200001,
+    5.51018935901,
+    5.6222469255899998,
+    5.7031572715200003,
+    5.78511780914,
+    5.87666466639,
+    6.0267396241600002,
+    6.1198844067399998,
+    6.1979622858300001,
+    6.28159827041,
+    6.3904158104600004,
+    6.4453162825900003,
+    6.5218544413200004,
+    6.6086381632900002,
+    6.6725993210399999,
+    6.8163144940900002,
+    6.97804495911,
+    7.0227642352400004,
+    7.1626846845100003,
+    7.3423024204600003,
+    7.5327362668799998,
+    7.6978310374000003,
+    7.7611027450999996,
+    7.88016729875,
+    7.9472676633599999,
+    8.1244228188799994,
+    8.2399482591299993,
+    8.3372351004799992,
+    8.5151888904599993,
+    8.5980587770099994,
+    8.7064795243800006,
+    8.9028549639799994,
+    9.1412099458099991,
+    9.2928218155500009,
+    9.5260445012799995,
+    9.7243731171600007,
+    9.9194989507500004,
+    10.158387747800001,
+    10.358305334700001,
+    10.8456897256,
+    11.0126503317,
+    11.1397484418,
+    11.3568231431,
+    11.725070023000001,
+    11.952829343599999,
+    12.355631104,
+    12.741115586999999,
+    12.9604116418,
+    13.0782774906,
+    13.386035293300001,
+    13.7586242928,
+    14.065910686100001,
+    14.481276965199999,
+    14.8428342578,
+    15.0857067332,
+    15.5610363036,
+    15.9877621903,
+    16.564935242699999,
+    17.222646941699999,
+    17.705236311899998,
+    18.2065490938,
+    18.6451801326,
+    19.1223591105,
+    19.606893553199999,
+    20.1404072423,
+    20.653286086600001,
+    21.431578720299999,
+    21.979215851300001,
+    23.048094735900001,
+    23.846359740299999,
+    24.3529984143,
+    24.985293486700002,
+    25.965109587899999,
+    26.669072074799999,
+    27.831042996200001,
+    29.685768165100001,
+    30.986492906100001,
+    32.7579031852,
+    34.704015628800001,
+    39.043339889599999,
+    43.627269160300003,
+    50.063241984299999,
+    55.522634061300003,
+    63.83632205,
+    80.274312648399999,
+    121.666396689,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_chi2s.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_chi2s.py
index 18b74e011d45961c87a4089a10599b0a6f9016dd..9b9a2a66e8f44efc317b2c60f8962114308d6c16 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_chi2s.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_chi2s.py
@@ -9,994 +9,3421 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2010_def_chi2s = [
-    0.0, 0.14444029837799999, 0.22835657018399999, 0.34413732731800001,
-    0.46587804732900001, 0.65270096936599997, 0.81143218193800004,
-    1.00226438356, 1.03788125951, 1.24257294992, 1.32793236661, 1.34635418779,
-    1.4371572854100001, 1.5191327005499999, 1.54602854301, 1.7046681136999999,
-    1.87758836483, 1.9813264417300001, 2.1146974377399999, 2.1938492694299998,
-    2.4097221919699998, 2.5070571186900001, 2.6311171881000002,
-    2.7328195551999999, 2.7736899606000001, 3.0227873463499999, 3.10803398473,
-    3.1824676694599998, 3.3138417252000001, 3.4291812515900002, 3.50419808407,
-    3.7101281572199998, 3.8432672208200001, 3.8796565679100001,
-    3.9915562540499998, 4.0723303682700003, 4.2029321661800001,
-    4.3768188648899997, 4.4816827669199997, 4.6990199258800001,
-    4.8084875822399997, 4.8365914296700003, 5.0590152661600003,
-    5.1248841813699997, 5.1771937064899998, 5.4889247870900002, 5.57813871862,
-    5.6972377675899999, 5.8456278064799996, 6.06915586574, 6.1204251477299998,
-    6.17699599008, 6.3172684659999998, 6.4192197959800001, 6.52383433373,
-    6.6186618180399996, 6.7251587769999999, 6.7866374808999996,
-    6.8276218028500004, 6.9188765840600004, 7.1331898582499997,
-    7.2065701539399996, 7.3244993804199998, 7.36483433106, 7.5193634033699999,
-    7.7822629874100002, 8.2222416265000007, 8.4497457766200004,
-    8.5930318077999992, 8.7570172042000003, 8.9696132883900006,
-    9.1272011085100004, 9.4333510895299995, 9.5278688390900008,
-    9.8002379139299993, 10.062964643999999, 10.572141176200001,
-    10.796071421700001, 10.9985214683, 11.3182197168, 11.660606036000001,
-    11.847287044, 12.432752901300001, 12.5532808679, 12.920547884299999,
-    13.715431382, 13.9427496484, 14.252177361499999, 14.3846625264,
-    14.6017942841, 14.867988867399999, 15.211408408800001, 15.4524408633,
-    15.8995520183, 16.278660079800002, 16.607110122000002, 17.2812107494,
-    17.425166927999999, 17.6847110579, 17.924433366199999, 18.107368758,
-    18.486488274799999, 18.675113313000001, 18.821461450800001,
-    19.392315572800001, 20.026821224999999, 21.515140794000001,
-    22.458730085300001, 22.563704860600001, 23.2879347571, 23.969079893499998,
-    24.336542956300001, 24.499336477500002, 25.0036717642, 25.774135368900001,
-    26.0929925969, 26.934629466499999, 27.458541006800001, 27.8422100246,
-    28.5518247111, 28.965082549800002, 30.702632564599998, 31.123950922300001,
-    31.264305230000002, 31.965843641500001, 32.212378185600002,
-    34.283698532999999, 35.219561660799997, 36.755695116600002,
-    37.138783892900001, 37.986001245399997, 38.621250490999998, 38.9481443707,
-    39.3726060041, 40.276085332900003, 41.898719000699998, 42.396709494500001,
-    43.749429257499997, 44.676029422900001, 46.364739487400001,
-    47.275528738799999, 47.869005850699999, 48.490202586899997,
-    49.788875049200001, 50.404381347099999, 52.2209766649, 52.7548497923,
-    53.758555342299999, 56.144346903600002, 58.857197224499998,
-    61.218540911200002, 62.083264127200003, 62.809329462100003,
-    64.673596130899995, 70.530443844700002, 71.037859097099997,
-    74.956651292000004, 75.479775530200001, 77.970753225099998,
-    78.784135755700007, 83.634030189599997, 87.631048698900003,
-    89.682360645100005, 91.657671611699996, 93.431100026199999,
-    96.871787694199995, 98.904758199400007, 100.903126246, 104.97935501800001,
-    117.211912426, 118.593299874, 123.983293097, 126.40072390500001,
-    132.90804449300001, 135.77425614000001, 145.645663189, 150.462714554,
-    154.135665945, 158.670439012, 161.11217567599999, 165.74332436700001,
-    168.951515621, 173.84826456100001, 184.64661891700001, 188.990674536,
-    195.25008580400001, 200.52870912200001, 208.31911763799999,
-    223.21659264900001, 234.232880967, 297.24728825900002, 321.93167475199999,
-    332.08151963699999, 346.34478154800001, 377.30757977899998,
-    403.47421662800002, 425.16143535399999, 572.37340253299999,
-    766.55659324999999, 1611.5984637199999, 1611.5984637199999, 0.0,
-    0.083813974438700006, 0.31831933895699999, 0.34638794272399998,
-    0.46455080305099999, 0.49519963016099999, 0.54548279077600004,
-    0.56403794228199999, 0.60837298377799998, 0.68118756294600002,
-    0.70071771432399999, 0.78976831924699997, 0.81703862518199999,
-    0.83363911177799999, 0.89857941080399995, 0.94493515463400002,
-    0.99107239417899995, 1.0238060094799999, 1.0799844142199999, 1.11400208909,
-    1.1685453374400001, 1.18519938288, 1.22148339123, 1.2645577512499999,
-    1.3045626778799999, 1.3391777624900001, 1.3826642013199999, 1.4644506572,
-    1.5099094374299999, 1.5888224991, 1.62182558706, 1.65137395874,
-    1.6991401368100001, 1.7758428480799999, 1.8277920540999999,
-    1.9017455410199999, 1.9705532488599999, 2.0324665469399998,
-    2.0752937413999999, 2.1185145273899999, 2.1611322415299998,
-    2.1917842756499999, 2.22729976286, 2.2777275853000001, 2.32665524011,
-    2.3543342053699998, 2.3935181153, 2.44446825618, 2.50093820286,
-    2.5844026906000002, 2.6884797637600002, 2.78657713546, 2.81180130111,
-    2.84116667305, 2.9014197632199998, 2.9952091375399998, 3.0386348574599999,
-    3.0956021427799998, 3.1328046143999999, 3.1631373405500001,
-    3.2039828237700001, 3.29405069373, 3.3496993056400002, 3.4055971771900002,
-    3.5073893196000001, 3.5755835925800001, 3.6580199126399999,
-    3.7782186004999998, 3.8741030635099998, 3.9119985650200002,
-    3.9699909851999999, 4.0132311662099998, 4.07009700397, 4.1555761906299997,
-    4.2241691161799997, 4.3896744175800002, 4.5146783570400002,
-    4.6155145535499997, 4.7783116523600002, 4.8822447657900003,
-    4.9863031398300004, 5.0556875698599999, 5.13217451548, 5.1928716528900001,
-    5.2987216440799996, 5.4584561742300002, 5.6054585689499996,
-    5.7579579032500003, 5.8452201175000003, 5.9593969184300004,
-    6.1479798348300001, 6.2484864308999999, 6.3722452057199996,
-    6.5705963806599996, 6.6811287682699998, 6.7311130873599998,
-    6.7864435351600001, 6.9196277988999997, 7.1929613935300001,
-    7.3441277346099998, 7.3800960628999999, 7.4749874111999999,
-    7.6512577099200003, 7.77153906732, 7.9243829575799998, 8.2024869676600005,
-    8.2599528374899993, 8.4119253626999999, 8.5469992409900009,
-    8.9001784810399993, 9.2121022677299997, 9.2412472507699999,
-    9.4431345314800001, 9.6680036066100001, 9.7816077025699997,
-    9.9566055535700002, 10.359764716899999, 10.506972293900001, 10.7808329052,
-    11.3592743902, 11.7111644662, 11.8605742172, 12.291120808400001,
-    12.5270770795, 12.7952635728, 12.9362140074, 13.4529548967, 13.5501939602,
-    13.8515392309, 14.251817031, 14.6798102809, 14.9162575219, 15.3044645221,
-    15.963210610899999, 16.293018033300001, 16.528628889099998,
-    16.769307273999999, 17.050491132000001, 17.233636284700001,
-    17.435953831300001, 18.114197076100002, 18.209546654099999,
-    18.677206457099999, 18.876676305499998, 19.277115787700001,
-    19.603010971100002, 20.061147162099999, 20.558554522000001, 21.1117685004,
-    22.012839372799998, 22.378322630900001, 22.859288315200001,
-    23.142180705200001, 24.245079698800001, 25.9020405244, 26.507190805699999,
-    27.4739929789, 27.988361249099999, 28.8421369677, 29.731031435799999,
-    31.265395005199998, 31.947761314699999, 32.3600162185, 33.960158921500003,
-    35.2205479892, 37.329919228900003, 38.591860211300002, 39.653380662899998,
-    40.416668255899999, 41.847439486799999, 42.946435578200003,
-    44.555593529500001, 46.195425314700003, 48.272380437999999, 50.7171113769,
-    54.108838268299998, 57.192427144600003, 60.232285910500003,
-    61.154227242799998, 66.058563735700005, 68.912059708300006,
-    72.377827169900002, 74.8258152975, 76.523326659299997, 80.2223354204,
-    83.911959833699996, 89.242198798399997, 91.759192939900004, 100.917764795,
-    108.556622026, 117.397361636, 128.654564397, 132.220775344, 146.851921275,
-    158.21656178999999, 195.59053564300001, 220.40862631100001,
-    243.67073925299999, 279.44509449999998, 385.39670284599998, 2229.5014584,
-    0.0, 0.134568667089, 0.22096714722800001, 0.241982365309, 0.282582147299,
-    0.30887973543699998, 0.35848485966299998, 0.41670345418499999,
-    0.45274913222000002, 0.49984586837299999, 0.54693631356799999,
-    0.57642906524899995, 0.60428947073799999, 0.64551627763399999,
-    0.67184177451600002, 0.70559205139299996, 0.73195413388499997,
-    0.75941154288699997, 0.79316878417600001, 0.82828163530300003,
-    0.84996727554600005, 0.86244322276499996, 0.884092879818,
-    0.90053656979100005, 0.92189301683699998, 0.937781050186, 0.958448778068,
-    0.975518145216, 0.99972035165499995, 1.01410165008, 1.0561167276200001,
-    1.07137630702, 1.0888616342999999, 1.1214366313199999, 1.14842012372,
-    1.16675344893, 1.1928671069600001, 1.21185202445, 1.2444492257999999,
-    1.26555362339, 1.3020670717, 1.33144019427, 1.3700782606599999,
-    1.3922490459600001, 1.4214195703900001, 1.4412309995599999,
-    1.4713854851299999, 1.4981194360000001, 1.5156807782599999,
-    1.5353937789600001, 1.58193085489, 1.6363825813699999, 1.6679066542700001,
-    1.6953948491199999, 1.7432788369000001, 1.7757706818400001, 1.81420953428,
-    1.8369562966299999, 1.86603816317, 1.9079331429399999, 1.93559913056,
-    1.96441828434, 2.0090532694099998, 2.0388004444800001, 2.0592603576499999,
-    2.0856426528799998, 2.1175114071599999, 2.1825469443399999,
-    2.2474604253599999, 2.2749390467700001, 2.3121411416000002, 2.37177298826,
-    2.4274122023400002, 2.5181769644699998, 2.5418057541599999,
-    2.6434630075899999, 2.6747329533199999, 2.7266999242900001,
-    2.7654445970700001, 2.8140457094300002, 2.8559643406999999,
-    2.9061498475100001, 2.9702744923500002, 3.0318004993800001,
-    3.0771937025499998, 3.1682821350100001, 3.21259901675, 3.2495167992399998,
-    3.2811541713699999, 3.3233868123799999, 3.3736627766299998,
-    3.4058671494200001, 3.4805577671700001, 3.5668223714799998,
-    3.6084238266100002, 3.6537321290999998, 3.7175778126500001,
-    3.7450147871700001, 3.86111106714, 3.9410134870100002, 4.0067546356400001,
-    4.1423679617299998, 4.2024818847300001, 4.2596486695399998,
-    4.3063451426699997, 4.3689910892499997, 4.4722054954099999,
-    4.5632364049399996, 4.6512485022599996, 4.6978386313799998,
-    4.7798445058399999, 4.8531420455600003, 4.9717578546299999,
-    5.0417112146500003, 5.17081749886, 5.3019735577100002, 5.3705152383400003,
-    5.5084455462199999, 5.6182818515299999, 5.70571954448, 5.8223915078699999,
-    5.9441571869700001, 6.0647963728700001, 6.27675467201, 6.3795693788000003,
-    6.4992010115000003, 6.7279283143099997, 6.83719902118, 6.9670805423799997,
-    7.1376257228400002, 7.3185795684699997, 7.4174379003000004,
-    7.6252542819300002, 7.7560876076699996, 7.97791101428, 8.1287972523200001,
-    8.2935032606900005, 8.4263936568899993, 8.7299676982999994,
-    8.9000309257799994, 9.2106417444800002, 9.4067341973099996,
-    9.6877599453100007, 9.8288098032200004, 10.1462267898, 10.4430670065,
-    10.7710082101, 10.9083004672, 11.0537899029, 11.351140496499999,
-    11.538958771800001, 11.919288993, 12.375346950699999, 12.6154005045,
-    12.9524855025, 13.285189669299999, 13.649405117900001, 13.802655147899999,
-    14.3746878025, 14.8989750379, 15.0686452095, 15.44874785,
-    15.955460911599999, 16.199894288199999, 17.0458946378, 17.5301252159,
-    18.4112497281, 18.916626085899999, 19.3485479418, 19.9851877306,
-    20.604288900899999, 20.943333255799999, 22.112819051599999,
-    22.959668231999999, 23.9954402314, 25.035153965599999, 25.796351962900001,
-    26.3445116589, 27.598244108500001, 29.492678119099999, 31.494753701,
-    33.570886100899997, 35.411126519100002, 38.343129207700002,
-    40.297936357899999, 43.269089215000001, 46.554746459699999, 50.1438786354,
-    55.452409753200001, 63.874460149000001, 67.985459050900005,
-    72.783745624700003, 78.750906101200002, 87.178006099399994,
-    99.277342007100003, 112.32447045000001, 150.08323985000001,
-    191.04328713300001, 243.74940976799999, 298.61209890999999,
-    610.57351237299997, 0.0, 0.14365451929100001, 0.18957677402299999,
-    0.22199376087, 0.23947365917300001, 0.27923813419900001,
-    0.30376922239699999, 0.34130260137399998, 0.37018363348299999,
-    0.39852502592, 0.42043849640699998, 0.449086279049, 0.48566461460900001,
-    0.51522238701900003, 0.53527463838099998, 0.55878126111399995,
-    0.57558991560799999, 0.60170381902000003, 0.61440597833099997,
-    0.62492627680099999, 0.64456984690600005, 0.66038800753100002,
-    0.67204091430099999, 0.68713981404900004, 0.69934187376699997,
-    0.71638006601299997, 0.73072718468300002, 0.75753415419600001,
-    0.76939140872400003, 0.79364917250900002, 0.811751128298,
-    0.82030423753799997, 0.84036478778699997, 0.85629058780800005,
-    0.88242755870699996, 0.90879942564799998, 0.92603904590499997,
-    0.93855599609700002, 0.95967573616799995, 0.96617694541400001,
-    0.98792001044, 1.00156976046, 1.01153057626, 1.0353518346699999,
-    1.05486723045, 1.07085911512, 1.09910531917, 1.11522376431,
-    1.1305179753100001, 1.1546508204399999, 1.1781173432600001, 1.19157394455,
-    1.2190490331999999, 1.24787505864, 1.27361506734, 1.2980636222699999,
-    1.31518378894, 1.3450052218399999, 1.3740854471799999, 1.39558556012,
-    1.41519699656, 1.4321123741399999, 1.45909622379, 1.4759330072700001,
-    1.4910300726400001, 1.51232373124, 1.5490811046699999, 1.5782570548899999,
-    1.6116668459000001, 1.62617849191, 1.6591646731, 1.69383967991,
-    1.72149942318, 1.74810559857, 1.7978507557100001, 1.8196064275499999,
-    1.8439294053699999, 1.85951442745, 1.89107086338, 1.93673967856,
-    1.96033355989, 1.99524000334, 2.0280809922900001, 2.0465420455199999,
-    2.0660751500700001, 2.1082666292100001, 2.1419500113600001,
-    2.1692545932899998, 2.1918809811900002, 2.2313430406800001,
-    2.2895699616299998, 2.3198331260499998, 2.3513058338000001,
-    2.4080887408899998, 2.4815537977800002, 2.50851999576, 2.5617387306700001,
-    2.6055769623199998, 2.6324085179700001, 2.6961178878899998,
-    2.7413602155099999, 2.7712317948799998, 2.8112071562300001,
-    2.8581867699200001, 2.9190632974400001, 2.9439800057899999,
-    3.0104094840100002, 3.05330503281, 3.10048262834, 3.17539590266,
-    3.24511619487, 3.3056217356499999, 3.3894902835899998, 3.4335423889599999,
-    3.4854372314700002, 3.5606476568300001, 3.6043560751500001, 3.66406156029,
-    3.7660563649099998, 3.82560813033, 3.9466078971199998, 4.0283572412000002,
-    4.07714877006, 4.1552108679300002, 4.2392816813699996, 4.3147199438200001,
-    4.3721369730999999, 4.4555652323799997, 4.5860495006899997,
-    4.6665459593199996, 4.7624381582100002, 4.8488614634399996, 4.97179759557,
-    5.0150206490000002, 5.1053040689999998, 5.2812791639799999,
-    5.3716757235900001, 5.5829288018599996, 5.6518465465299998,
-    5.7620823724100001, 5.8560109031899996, 6.0128804814499999,
-    6.1465396667499999, 6.2414128574400003, 6.3854761500099997,
-    6.5447042531899999, 6.7541882725000004, 6.9854005143200002,
-    7.1367012840399999, 7.3218030112200001, 7.49946696682, 7.6472229734199999,
-    7.8443990144000004, 7.99745891313, 8.1776134189099992, 8.3773452967500006,
-    8.5328760252000002, 8.7514477358700002, 9.0436490880000004,
-    9.2332685611399992, 9.5356141275600006, 9.7666024864200001, 9.94823040132,
-    10.300958636400001, 10.771366926100001, 11.085233969500001, 11.3324457523,
-    11.7174375167, 12.143472104400001, 12.303553276000001, 12.6481061467,
-    12.833583689599999, 13.203659956699999, 13.5986055699, 14.043362878,
-    14.626177334199999, 15.0760755417, 15.580834984399999, 16.312841933200001,
-    16.9821347018, 17.9935383499, 19.206358017199999, 19.9097935496,
-    20.7049210144, 21.193393770899998, 22.4118111278, 23.293576085200002,
-    24.460751301199998, 27.218111206700002, 28.9534668252, 31.141828193399999,
-    33.063105836200002, 36.594408596199997, 41.9655259134, 50.634196787,
-    57.4170436749, 66.004841056100005, 79.707781310800002, 93.567004987600001,
-    129.369356154, 263.52530093899998, 0.0, 0.099110105290900002,
-    0.152330008962, 0.19277005116400001, 0.21849998202900001,
-    0.23666692719999999, 0.257596221751, 0.27451854288499999,
-    0.29857050680000002, 0.31354284220099998, 0.33022769626800003,
-    0.33745039990999998, 0.34950560680999998, 0.36896880619099998,
-    0.38855134185000001, 0.41755081359899998, 0.425150061144,
-    0.44306593384300003, 0.45497931754199999, 0.480210732157,
-    0.49961199725900002, 0.52519732628100002, 0.54104302118299996,
-    0.55456165182600003, 0.57645288194699995, 0.58830880718699996,
-    0.61047699977699998, 0.62243525124499999, 0.64059305866600003,
-    0.64864591793299997, 0.66076567911499995, 0.67269456457499999,
-    0.69062452712199995, 0.70930687903199996, 0.72584855411399996,
-    0.74121377368600005, 0.75125743091999997, 0.77150265368000004,
-    0.78324441542400003, 0.79888631364700002, 0.81247216458500005,
-    0.83204971232799996, 0.84425730939599997, 0.85740264943900002,
-    0.87520806795200001, 0.88821997325500002, 0.90285273820699996,
-    0.918029579805, 0.92615377290000001, 0.944808560001, 0.95843032520799998,
-    0.96908459648199996, 0.98091068958799998, 0.99546224846599995,
-    1.0114143418099999, 1.0370041029999999, 1.05163455603, 1.06941917585,
-    1.0849323260699999, 1.09786891934, 1.1200484481799999, 1.1401856044400001,
-    1.1614766378400001, 1.1779927836999999, 1.18794131464, 1.19800995642,
-    1.2153169910399999, 1.23620743467, 1.2464006441, 1.28309014464,
-    1.30117129963, 1.3139480025800001, 1.32973840183, 1.34585218726,
-    1.36483113807, 1.3880086518200001, 1.4038694678400001, 1.4269838991299999,
-    1.4531887240500001, 1.4761551228100001, 1.49140958787, 1.50497619744,
-    1.51748249595, 1.54755568638, 1.56624981363, 1.5996976922199999,
-    1.6270535823300001, 1.64604277857, 1.66675355419, 1.69387124571,
-    1.7124303672300001, 1.7402106696399999, 1.7770409733200001, 1.79456862305,
-    1.8202531872000001, 1.84460821986, 1.86760077894, 1.89650572807,
-    1.9192579590500001, 1.95188224797, 1.96482546943, 1.9921085106,
-    2.0131483132499999, 2.05544343578, 2.0827595529899998, 2.1347983483699999,
-    2.16760564415, 2.2014516721900002, 2.2315870739900001, 2.2636169272100002,
-    2.30995438871, 2.3374033408299999, 2.3738865256000001, 2.3951038330599999,
-    2.4431717219700002, 2.4826850222400001, 2.5185317615099998,
-    2.5638428795100001, 2.6284306548999998, 2.66623660644, 2.7096591116400002,
-    2.7586335740300001, 2.8025663346699998, 2.8401708445299998,
-    2.8783352938300002, 2.9063543000399998, 2.9593598772399998,
-    2.9957288325500002, 3.0605506942799998, 3.10955011278, 3.1789052606700001,
-    3.2428513432099999, 3.3274186461299999, 3.4074444667899999, 3.4504525115,
-    3.52884017973, 3.5708077150699999, 3.6772565091299998, 3.7474521798599998,
-    3.8121617114599999, 3.9240511321899998, 4.02413852901, 4.0815085453500002,
-    4.1825546762599997, 4.2751667515599996, 4.3741820336400004,
-    4.4834872676200002, 4.5686814128700002, 4.6358562892300004,
-    4.8094489254399999, 4.9654168327999999, 5.1314477165500003, 5.25148158988,
-    5.4403573194500003, 5.6010313900300002, 5.7161651882199997,
-    5.8958565355000001, 6.0361890974200003, 6.16740467168, 6.3041850958600003,
-    6.44114745164, 6.60541649452, 6.7974616801999996, 6.97815602873,
-    7.1388403799600004, 7.4314686713300002, 7.8384931901600003,
-    8.2177028271400001, 8.6453372183900008, 9.1543142843100007,
-    9.3764541677899995, 9.7962854173, 10.1633267175, 10.574689812400001,
-    11.0937462194, 11.4000754819, 11.9914359538, 12.3258902671, 12.7457696507,
-    13.361289611, 14.0129741907, 14.632251501600001, 15.099323370900001,
-    16.134748603599999, 16.802461663300001, 17.854647673100001,
-    18.834756072000001, 20.042735115799999, 21.573609706300001,
-    22.868457402400001, 24.574192288399999, 26.8474848352, 30.083792871499998,
-    34.499075183899997, 38.6709205943, 44.689686852000001, 52.857340428500002,
-    72.813133754999996, 91.564507002300005, 158.818628891, 939.11373358000003,
-    0.0, 0.071205885244299993, 0.099254028698600005, 0.14849104281600001,
-    0.17292354310999999, 0.20032666224500001, 0.226406277543,
-    0.23815469487599999, 0.26703405121599999, 0.28197072629300002,
-    0.296082146193, 0.31125854952699999, 0.32554466413499999,
-    0.33804933218900002, 0.35118970952299999, 0.371085578114,
-    0.39491385706400001, 0.413740038782, 0.42221028600999999,
-    0.44225862765200002, 0.458189520006, 0.48022475118199998,
-    0.49685298807599998, 0.51500317491299996, 0.53482118753700003,
-    0.55247938228399995, 0.57330658115499999, 0.58475963165199996,
-    0.60106501656199995, 0.62413217304400004, 0.63793653903699998,
-    0.65128873183500002, 0.66636704386000001, 0.67951755835000005,
-    0.68956025540200006, 0.70245093627400002, 0.71504184012600003,
-    0.73014210840100002, 0.74713784886300005, 0.75935155136999999,
-    0.77523714645700004, 0.78405425336400003, 0.79615963931099998,
-    0.81110455864499997, 0.82545864838799998, 0.83566202986100002,
-    0.85063666826600004, 0.87077765663700002, 0.88045508705099995,
-    0.89294081845100004, 0.90498155226699994, 0.91781500438800001,
-    0.93111410315300003, 0.94545406555199996, 0.95838819225799998,
-    0.96877608392100001, 0.98476526685599997, 1.0010342642000001,
-    1.0119849276699999, 1.03464783319, 1.05455213715, 1.0711504321800001,
-    1.08010453195, 1.1004877825999999, 1.10818262538, 1.1246761488799999,
-    1.13470825936, 1.14750678231, 1.1632448283100001, 1.18449169262,
-    1.2011657527599999, 1.2152811055699999, 1.2364506326, 1.24964319272,
-    1.2661037937899999, 1.2785791013300001, 1.2962377117699999,
-    1.3138558072099999, 1.3362693854300001, 1.34951663893, 1.3637686600700001,
-    1.37717976853, 1.3942209300999999, 1.4185816293, 1.43866597309,
-    1.45276157482, 1.48127714521, 1.5023296186499999, 1.52673585641,
-    1.5503318122600001, 1.5888091586999999, 1.6062719352799999,
-    1.6295964377400001, 1.6612388523299999, 1.6812256221899999, 1.70508917316,
-    1.72112188896, 1.74686294045, 1.7609156044800001, 1.7888509017400001,
-    1.8132839677799999, 1.8432731273, 1.8705117570000001, 1.89982085224,
-    1.9362197326199999, 1.96069015259, 1.9880007387600001, 2.0201535914000002,
-    2.0573265057399999, 2.0987964366999998, 2.13211771373, 2.1622274845799998,
-    2.1903685766800001, 2.22533347206, 2.26089786499, 2.3105003291199999,
-    2.33786317109, 2.37516129651, 2.4193923972300002, 2.4579148222399998,
-    2.5029183158800001, 2.53381912593, 2.5677307283899999, 2.6162502017999998,
-    2.6750579269800001, 2.7203789138199999, 2.7458139153899999,
-    2.8254724574300001, 2.8565396273200001, 2.9040559269499999,
-    2.9651085310499998, 3.0196812095999999, 3.0843657504699999,
-    3.1558869808600001, 3.2223894339400001, 3.2603729802400001,
-    3.3614620894799998, 3.4362647479800001, 3.53920130259, 3.5756943688499998,
-    3.64101261846, 3.7233677998300001, 3.8016940916299999, 3.9106972227400001,
-    3.9990351336300001, 4.0897762814999998, 4.1774051907800001,
-    4.2798115401099999, 4.3711459042799996, 4.4838086749199997,
-    4.5942578656300004, 4.69725646861, 4.8356147641699998, 4.9568908200199999,
-    5.0559387430399996, 5.1307907403700002, 5.29064241813, 5.4495402731300002,
-    5.5692069479899997, 5.8023798879999999, 5.9217137438199998,
-    6.1545111640699997, 6.2686946022500001, 6.4619248209700002,
-    6.6102067457500002, 6.8760747683199996, 7.1590374621899997, 7.31422994403,
-    7.6196963320300002, 7.9330981866299997, 8.3005559691100004,
-    8.5080589881200002, 8.9030525835399992, 9.3843270585099994, 9.88649146809,
-    10.279354769599999, 10.603107312100001, 11.1118716186, 11.4784714402,
-    12.035536117199999, 12.847959552400001, 13.415735074900001, 14.1791106731,
-    15.0355747631, 16.9356357166, 17.805067612999999, 19.342641049299999,
-    21.009071134500001, 23.1764543914, 25.379614414799999, 27.885782949300001,
-    29.619482312399999, 33.254904224999997, 36.867160964200004, 40.4774911481,
-    50.2787838733, 62.180321216899998, 80.798575822199993, 94.584243390899999,
-    131.07441246799999, 532.11553542800004, 0.0, 0.066750493128400007,
-    0.10229228903, 0.14064849221799999, 0.16816604212, 0.185917820027,
-    0.21145207109799999, 0.22637409875299999, 0.23827441847700001,
-    0.25325002214100001, 0.282002121386, 0.29459754431500002, 0.309921025947,
-    0.32256024829399998, 0.33607649321799998, 0.35308583886400002,
-    0.366974488228, 0.38834215578600001, 0.407453141593, 0.42152609543199998,
-    0.44240079751299999, 0.45519187153599999, 0.46297707882400002,
-    0.47982221228700001, 0.49667630123599998, 0.508498258634,
-    0.51689250307900003, 0.53635170713299996, 0.55035959890200004,
-    0.56783201126299998, 0.58585694882899997, 0.59530161133699999,
-    0.60864863465700003, 0.61872677583699998, 0.63314266869000002,
-    0.64227626695200002, 0.66366778123400005, 0.67270302950299998,
-    0.68420389566899997, 0.69282668375900003, 0.70143224682899996,
-    0.71443579991700001, 0.72615598912400003, 0.73642045277699997,
-    0.74797476862599999, 0.75717018072300002, 0.76798353829599997,
-    0.77486375038599997, 0.79414765885500005, 0.80854204945800001,
-    0.82112865231700005, 0.83235531435499999, 0.84902111566299998,
-    0.85542717883200003, 0.85897397230799999, 0.87704088496099997,
-    0.89151271520300002, 0.90700102609599997, 0.920719450271,
-    0.92891160690200003, 0.938857619857, 0.94825684266300003,
-    0.95986000285999995, 0.96960811962399995, 0.989941122374, 1.00360008757,
-    1.02107596077, 1.03643638202, 1.0502377328700001, 1.0717680324100001,
-    1.0865864964900001, 1.0954103929900001, 1.10647648545, 1.11919554073,
-    1.1348944810799999, 1.1478893503600001, 1.1583683144100001, 1.17725367471,
-    1.1977476949200001, 1.2115494448899999, 1.2227006682499999, 1.23641648061,
-    1.2453807854500001, 1.2593987794899999, 1.26998244399, 1.2869142286699999,
-    1.30049557207, 1.31446944898, 1.3295110779099999, 1.3446024810899999,
-    1.3719517782999999, 1.3907558123199999, 1.40705250973, 1.4264556633200001,
-    1.4396767485499999, 1.46991083644, 1.4987499147300001, 1.51363764814,
-    1.5369634294400001, 1.55497159429, 1.58019513401, 1.58671558905,
-    1.6122642631099999, 1.6513557926, 1.68400062899, 1.7089437540000001,
-    1.72753924255, 1.7453552720800001, 1.7758454361, 1.7994335997999999,
-    1.82770292952, 1.84731671466, 1.8985423459799999, 1.9145465641699999,
-    1.9448048626000001, 1.9916997561000001, 2.0178550764300001,
-    2.0361698775099999, 2.0577739526799999, 2.0831203668899998,
-    2.1103632127899998, 2.1537354568799998, 2.1788561526999999,
-    2.2045213341899998, 2.2224788538400002, 2.2635629295799999,
-    2.3165276562799999, 2.34821085414, 2.3981207218199998, 2.4198916383700002,
-    2.4597388271499998, 2.5017065354999999, 2.56256913084, 2.60073239413,
-    2.6306494736500001, 2.6860626220700001, 2.7343736190899999,
-    2.8116594856499999, 2.8637335040699998, 2.9264728333900001,
-    2.9955476839699999, 3.05285386085, 3.1356878770200001, 3.2072182033300001,
-    3.26764142152, 3.3485823077900001, 3.4312097504199999, 3.4816563758900001,
-    3.5584231314100001, 3.6375811375099998, 3.7335599506700001,
-    3.8014008857100001, 3.8705553019300001, 3.9806979118000001,
-    4.0971698101299996, 4.1749168167999997, 4.3083366103599996, 4.38165849577,
-    4.5310804208600004, 4.6613092856899998, 4.7803056653900002,
-    4.9095209439899996, 5.0546229367600004, 5.2110820221100003,
-    5.3463510691199998, 5.52429734599, 5.6756130707899999, 5.9685799046800003,
-    6.1860199186999996, 6.3195153450500001, 6.6566660244499998,
-    6.9673972764899998, 7.26908683037, 7.6488825007600001, 7.8611350773700002,
-    8.2320652147600004, 8.4210908255200003, 8.9496041073600008,
-    9.5584199425000005, 10.1439245514, 10.6423118073, 11.0791716855,
-    11.838823182500001, 12.7106408238, 14.1580993885, 15.148907718,
-    15.904843132, 17.434395016500002, 18.518727628800001, 20.121463138599999,
-    22.7076019362, 24.3760430058, 27.247058263300001, 30.661631466599999,
-    33.079547519400002, 39.127879890599999, 48.943565214800003, 59.4575606151,
-    91.335874697400001, 141.45432793200001, 411.661489776, 0.0,
-    0.069952231864699996, 0.103404633578, 0.125014068162, 0.146010270449,
-    0.16359155444599999, 0.178864568833, 0.19599840432599999,
-    0.21261593381499999, 0.22711972642700001, 0.243111674684,
-    0.25767461785399998, 0.27180823360799999, 0.28563106170000002,
-    0.30065227522400001, 0.31466033367599999, 0.32740274431499999,
-    0.34144162964000002, 0.35392977821499999, 0.36739586603699997,
-    0.37668601825699999, 0.38997906091099999, 0.40341912954199999,
-    0.416373727157, 0.426895908682, 0.43977830899800002, 0.45258671966300001,
-    0.466514605217, 0.477389064152, 0.48977333283500002, 0.50163197604999998,
-    0.51199626571900003, 0.52444304417700005, 0.535756267392,
-    0.54517617178599997, 0.556723976482, 0.56923743022399997,
-    0.58148013003300003, 0.59338244193300005, 0.60349023988499995,
-    0.61844448197599999, 0.63082462731599998, 0.64077938591500005,
-    0.65387489192500003, 0.66469357132100004, 0.67819373925399995,
-    0.68727074573400004, 0.69848718075600003, 0.71043795726600001,
-    0.71961915177299995, 0.72969713364300004, 0.74107602282600005,
-    0.75606721670699994, 0.76643518425500001, 0.77845497049099999,
-    0.78839543992500005, 0.80132022172700001, 0.81246877456,
-    0.82543482006900004, 0.835142423425, 0.84674802068300004,
-    0.85967143818799996, 0.87125300477599998, 0.88408451673499999,
-    0.89664194416599996, 0.91062205430599996, 0.92119895144599995,
-    0.93242997074199996, 0.94571219445300003, 0.96041450364400005,
-    0.97224013435699996, 0.98495533130900004, 0.99919196810900002,
-    1.0129236124100001, 1.02562802722, 1.0390578098300001, 1.05327349462,
-    1.06699289985, 1.08003878786, 1.0911503311699999, 1.10287478431,
-    1.11752324595, 1.1314149261899999, 1.1474113539199999, 1.1623424598800001,
-    1.1809099334199999, 1.19698636893, 1.21181796755, 1.22544671282,
-    1.24244196167, 1.25768137753, 1.2753336486, 1.29073541071,
-    1.3028499501799999, 1.3187969502100001, 1.33382177937, 1.35329432786,
-    1.3654396608399999, 1.3831852898699999, 1.4053731868899999,
-    1.4244601671899999, 1.4458595538900001, 1.4624828517299999, 1.48424757851,
-    1.50258889287, 1.5267644454, 1.54442727619, 1.56845111196,
-    1.5867698647199999, 1.60842558029, 1.6313088751, 1.6534369558899999,
-    1.6753389600899999, 1.69620207473, 1.7204189063699999, 1.7419530680599999,
-    1.76805842778, 1.7922030172000001, 1.8188034212699999, 1.85148643519,
-    1.8773786266000001, 1.90256305862, 1.9386203775399999, 1.9687813707199999,
-    1.9981566611499999, 2.0245303042499998, 2.0584208427499999,
-    2.0946946719900001, 2.1348120365500001, 2.1791471443199999,
-    2.2224520832399999, 2.2595687931800001, 2.3106923875200001,
-    2.3553963857400002, 2.3983286546599998, 2.4436515071799998,
-    2.4865189620699999, 2.5405446707500001, 2.59421388661, 2.64091695706,
-    2.6996385735900001, 2.7473734419100002, 2.8035977565799999,
-    2.8535299568900001, 2.91542786179, 2.9893281334399999, 3.0516305485699999,
-    3.1163028661999999, 3.1947678399299999, 3.2663049222699998,
-    3.3339853805400002, 3.40237096205, 3.4768322926400002, 3.5806851899900001,
-    3.6801840510099999, 3.7872722453700001, 3.8916915748699998,
-    3.9917050980400002, 4.0940578914500003, 4.19602458524, 4.3323371208100001,
-    4.4338250448399998, 4.5732353526800003, 4.7071896650899996,
-    4.8371637819700002, 4.9861306159599996, 5.1247005951200002,
-    5.2989900989100001, 5.4331191858299999, 5.5988276453600001,
-    5.8197641223699996, 6.0307234869500004, 6.2629671258800004,
-    6.4723292924600004, 6.73373305351, 7.0011281823499996, 7.2896172889599997,
-    7.6282663585300003, 7.9822597848400001, 8.4459703825899997,
-    8.8384469969099992, 9.2101115074000006, 9.73610634934, 10.3512776241,
-    10.917239822399999, 11.6235706159, 12.2958078571, 12.939563854899999,
-    14.2324201348, 15.485703747200001, 16.9857809226, 18.432059703,
-    20.321399149499999, 22.561711453099999, 25.531954585200001,
-    29.543395520299999, 34.331229479900003, 42.111056517599998,
-    54.231741921900003, 88.569928594700002, 402.90323270200003, 0.0,
-    0.063832780404899994, 0.097778217097499995, 0.12370909607, 0.150339924072,
-    0.16482266304000001, 0.17990570626399999, 0.190646713912,
-    0.20163809948600001, 0.216830757348, 0.22812951506500001,
-    0.24021891326399999, 0.25541866841600003, 0.269018368043,
-    0.28049226030899999, 0.29164957411100001, 0.30229091825999999,
-    0.31343659256900003, 0.327727185596, 0.33950733116499998,
-    0.35546334505900001, 0.36812325794200002, 0.38133767715299999,
-    0.394597620963, 0.404978263841, 0.41815375781000003, 0.42864653293400001,
-    0.444894300819, 0.454376903331, 0.46341028375999999, 0.47599157488299998,
-    0.48560628028199998, 0.49777311032799998, 0.508833944353,
-    0.52141721957599996, 0.53079993862899999, 0.54083525487700002,
-    0.55116155918099996, 0.56028981112599996, 0.571200303066,
-    0.58044683485600002, 0.58839931947599999, 0.59900193670599999,
-    0.60844513668900002, 0.61984074999700001, 0.630706376051,
-    0.64055060618699999, 0.65022883648700003, 0.65969805240099999,
-    0.67173860230299998, 0.683039145269, 0.69151743825699996,
-    0.70492328902000001, 0.71497674644599996, 0.72455754197800004,
-    0.73626892393499999, 0.74666068393600005, 0.75711837954399996,
-    0.76917986479, 0.78031391817899998, 0.79003646883199996,
-    0.80178135233600001, 0.81294330929500003, 0.82479240642999996,
-    0.83793294590599998, 0.84856051750299999, 0.857727050288, 0.867523080562,
-    0.87989898293299995, 0.88810730552100003, 0.89899588869799996,
-    0.90918788036700005, 0.92161182284099996, 0.93310880618299996,
-    0.94666983786799996, 0.95950586438800001, 0.96954717752200004,
-    0.98183054360800004, 0.99327109762300003, 1.0071871810099999, 1.0199396023,
-    1.0299591745400001, 1.0433590956800001, 1.0579526586200001, 1.0722037652,
-    1.0856825564000001, 1.10062275455, 1.11366547931, 1.12553109294,
-    1.1369984132099999, 1.1497029036699999, 1.16306292312, 1.17522255584,
-    1.1892082610600001, 1.2041212236300001, 1.22190050707, 1.2347118934600001,
-    1.2504314859500001, 1.2629302579599999, 1.2791680786099999, 1.29405735901,
-    1.3107720617700001, 1.32643387797, 1.3415152129300001, 1.3620274129300001,
-    1.3823476697499999, 1.40444011877, 1.42173569526, 1.4364703857500001,
-    1.45484612731, 1.47972134044, 1.49655634371, 1.5141380044499999,
-    1.53379025535, 1.5555036580899999, 1.5714663036600001, 1.59647294538,
-    1.6138151759899999, 1.6380127097199999, 1.6594163419300001,
-    1.6820072233800001, 1.7019879011500001, 1.7246555912899999, 1.75616951171,
-    1.7809849497500001, 1.8095401046899999, 1.83533696471, 1.8573176551099999,
-    1.88542875324, 1.92090178934, 1.9505618811500001, 1.9774596313099999,
-    2.0068544301600002, 2.0350921018900001, 2.0643959097, 2.1062800026400001,
-    2.1347376230699999, 2.1742676793900002, 2.2104098855299998,
-    2.2514941680099998, 2.2912348247100001, 2.3349554164100002,
-    2.3796253970099999, 2.41766195211, 2.4815347228200002, 2.5296861327400002,
-    2.57523096673, 2.6414826618, 2.6880090127099998, 2.7379395286100001,
-    2.7971131333199999, 2.8454615301600001, 2.9012187913899998,
-    2.9675790254000001, 3.04978866032, 3.12354871979, 3.2117080755199998,
-    3.3031992991200001, 3.3786495999400001, 3.4622786505200001,
-    3.5341733641599999, 3.5975451787299999, 3.7026608369999998, 3.82558431557,
-    3.9485708722999999, 4.0749917626799999, 4.2182278466299996,
-    4.3815530054699998, 4.5579379614200004, 4.7079073862299996,
-    4.8861754887000002, 5.0662849643500003, 5.2496674690900003,
-    5.4708584275999996, 5.6873944276300001, 5.9465154086899998, 6.10841977807,
-    6.32522045284, 6.6457452149499998, 6.8963618663700004, 7.1600629694100002,
-    7.4849075540900003, 7.8078159674899998, 8.1135987260599993,
-    8.6434490614699993, 9.3138777741999998, 9.9096943796500003, 10.5413045729,
-    11.158948712999999, 11.999104899500001, 12.8985733307, 13.9490047253,
-    15.518092394, 17.033131729600001, 18.432082803299998, 20.708613102099999,
-    23.123985660399999, 27.884421759599999, 36.561019225000003,
-    61.076641297099997, 468.04625970900003, 0.0, 0.067076529355799996,
-    0.097824586424400006, 0.12058047219699999, 0.135066352689,
-    0.15703805450399999, 0.16865220856099999, 0.18272153189500001,
-    0.19456107267299999, 0.20905544303500001, 0.22429021016199999,
-    0.23682684978499999, 0.24961005214199999, 0.26225295033399998,
-    0.27282432554800001, 0.283602099439, 0.29623312604699997,
-    0.30840842319700001, 0.31645548412699998, 0.33143452632300002,
-    0.343712260145, 0.35341928343099999, 0.36635377466399999,
-    0.37717670892999999, 0.39032523504299999, 0.40013045900700001,
-    0.41162395957300002, 0.42423155816699998, 0.43186283101,
-    0.44215015996599999, 0.45428937582200002, 0.46224971743999999,
-    0.47594444504299999, 0.48807023390400001, 0.49693964716900002,
-    0.51019137347099996, 0.52165237357899996, 0.53174150971800005,
-    0.54256492119300004, 0.55515020156399997, 0.56325486596700003,
-    0.57178372078899997, 0.57891384744999996, 0.58826455880299999,
-    0.59910449639800001, 0.60935191848000003, 0.61881052080400001,
-    0.62702569041300005, 0.63798126176500003, 0.64999626073299999,
-    0.66409842520700002, 0.67206511322700002, 0.68117655017099998,
-    0.69235691936599997, 0.70629027472700001, 0.71718753920199996,
-    0.72825030830899995, 0.73958277894699997, 0.74721313986399995,
-    0.75951044739999996, 0.77054717878099999, 0.78033716992000002,
-    0.791657009508, 0.80069783012999995, 0.81151864388700001,
-    0.82257967604500004, 0.83376565960100002, 0.84367481175100001,
-    0.85373445615999999, 0.86281664475599995, 0.87277267299399997,
-    0.88522150941099997, 0.895112829577, 0.90741716188900001,
-    0.91619554643300005, 0.92601655850499998, 0.93734361345600004,
-    0.94620041333000005, 0.95712672909899998, 0.96744573225499997,
-    0.98318977108299999, 0.99187947130599996, 1.00505446816,
-    1.0135141032699999, 1.02598410227, 1.0352951482399999, 1.0473143060900001,
-    1.0610104522899999, 1.07557548922, 1.0886540525699999, 1.1030302993000001,
-    1.1222000890499999, 1.1397653729499999, 1.15430437835, 1.1696993848599999,
-    1.1869488960800001, 1.20122564741, 1.2141587142000001, 1.2257708751700001,
-    1.2411522805399999, 1.2560045466400001, 1.27446251035, 1.2841952131300001,
-    1.2982208578200001, 1.3182157576, 1.3298159782600001, 1.3424136029,
-    1.3604328317200001, 1.3767068167600001, 1.39749108045, 1.4148267830400001,
-    1.43982412632, 1.45450195158, 1.47070553463, 1.4842104270200001,
-    1.5036094415600001, 1.5196111004899999, 1.5427837280000001, 1.56874118822,
-    1.59012806749, 1.6156339281200001, 1.6415259814800001, 1.6627342303899999,
-    1.68678597138, 1.7123700775899999, 1.7355941341300001, 1.7575287234700001,
-    1.77549370303, 1.8023242212999999, 1.8306364744700001, 1.86843117775,
-    1.89616140233, 1.92693168508, 1.94653908551, 1.9674301249699999,
-    2.0023775987399999, 2.0410970809600002, 2.0712419181500001,
-    2.1001298794399998, 2.1435551353000002, 2.18745519946, 2.2407411531300001,
-    2.2877176484300001, 2.3482386991299999, 2.3878544206000001,
-    2.4256485211599998, 2.4689746994299999, 2.54115707404, 2.6060044637200002,
-    2.6471446480799998, 2.7082778846300002, 2.7625848318599999,
-    2.8217618519399998, 2.8730281955899999, 2.94944935405, 2.9984511177900002,
-    3.06158326156, 3.1477109402800001, 3.2264457052400002, 3.3135370713699999,
-    3.3913116560900001, 3.46766561982, 3.5469306652600001, 3.6270133483599998,
-    3.7196516111200002, 3.8300128499600001, 3.9706856961599999,
-    4.0624593885399998, 4.16862605645, 4.32355081595, 4.4582130280000003,
-    4.5901068198399999, 4.7253251831799998, 4.8713623347399997,
-    5.0670691161099999, 5.2375849693000003, 5.3887073546400002,
-    5.6495635870200003, 5.8884178613599998, 6.1407571599699997,
-    6.3858608976199998, 6.6661948102800004, 7.0439049067599999,
-    7.3559915120800001, 7.73009363221, 8.2262361691900008, 8.8019442355600006,
-    9.2680434525499997, 9.7743200198599993, 10.6920252267, 11.3785733059,
-    12.170137853, 13.036613519199999, 14.486048819000001, 16.028067222499999,
-    17.977721620600001, 20.963719555200001, 25.110074835700001,
-    32.315204575999999, 51.776266767099997, 108.063764331, 0.0,
-    0.074209559522700003, 0.108008052641, 0.12807119272199999, 0.145696860505,
-    0.15949782790200001, 0.17030767784699999, 0.181856162219, 0.194359775116,
-    0.206545451204, 0.216886655718, 0.227597454714, 0.239520822277,
-    0.24975972163499999, 0.26174800391699998, 0.27515156150300002,
-    0.28928260960800001, 0.30056007218699998, 0.31177038148300001,
-    0.32223273686999998, 0.33233709398299999, 0.34226863585799999,
-    0.35054033371600002, 0.36272022538900001, 0.37265758299599999,
-    0.38450845354800001, 0.392952528902, 0.40280374789700002,
-    0.41239163517100003, 0.42225057636800001, 0.43390677896199997,
-    0.44589553585300001, 0.456357880291, 0.46605928183400003,
-    0.47533877800199997, 0.485109944056, 0.49754601794199999,
-    0.50792030114300002, 0.51923692407099997, 0.52864927728800004,
-    0.53777407420400003, 0.54790751383199998, 0.55673983995999998,
-    0.56698607143699997, 0.57670367642800002, 0.58667471005899996,
-    0.596751819495, 0.60570130209100004, 0.61498993393199997,
-    0.62532916186599996, 0.63421809777399996, 0.643945582415, 0.652131236,
-    0.66037342159400003, 0.66984241853199999, 0.68013004284099998,
-    0.68891506562500004, 0.69795858717600001, 0.70724072355500001,
-    0.71773910407499997, 0.72600456224599996, 0.73529066837299994,
-    0.74465581544199999, 0.75311728489600005, 0.76285052475299997,
-    0.77230557399699995, 0.78194921514500004, 0.79213459741699999,
-    0.80258535964699995, 0.81396443458699996, 0.82267338024400005,
-    0.83206771620599995, 0.83984893131100002, 0.85244698240700001,
-    0.860212067124, 0.87121284808199995, 0.88206426743400002, 0.893602624377,
-    0.90550090295300001, 0.91868520951400001, 0.92977380346299998,
-    0.94206318246999998, 0.95246633238900003, 0.96670282891199999,
-    0.97605982209599995, 0.98559747736000003, 0.99585577432700001,
-    1.00707064259, 1.01710690075, 1.02898182166, 1.04428034784,
-    1.0538694818500001, 1.06500309695, 1.0756346263800001, 1.08768054822,
-    1.0986564112699999, 1.11056517658, 1.1222492032, 1.13556072341,
-    1.1472841566, 1.16118311944, 1.17259765348, 1.1861421571199999,
-    1.1985894798400001, 1.20980222263, 1.2233664048399999, 1.2385002300500001,
-    1.2516226459299999, 1.2669008712400001, 1.2794959423800001,
-    1.2958611531299999, 1.31116706463, 1.32857407312, 1.34365731571,
-    1.35879876289, 1.3767427480700001, 1.3927745273200001, 1.41141387435,
-    1.4296441628400001, 1.4469934928999999, 1.46603314043, 1.4837471764900001,
-    1.5016602720400001, 1.51855715617, 1.5372635274499999, 1.55585749083,
-    1.5776110083899999, 1.59566951462, 1.62476079488, 1.6471928626000001,
-    1.6678247338300001, 1.6864094001200001, 1.7115934443700001,
-    1.7389659531499999, 1.76721239977, 1.78849994105, 1.81312786502,
-    1.8365295582100001, 1.8646738456900001, 1.8978807795199999, 1.9240405234,
-    1.9549490789899999, 1.98972377392, 2.0200230888899999, 2.0589141742399999,
-    2.10302415543, 2.14058485254, 2.1818536127199999, 2.2299519963300001,
-    2.2712959938699999, 2.3135445986500001, 2.3566542270399999,
-    2.3959056922599999, 2.4446333513399998, 2.4952439185199999,
-    2.5492654399200001, 2.6106037504100001, 2.6602865229799999,
-    2.7105208912299998, 2.7745671455899998, 2.8333797499900002,
-    2.9008461857499999, 2.96494326499, 3.0289889630300002, 3.10234506861,
-    3.1725169557099999, 3.2548023935399999, 3.3312575634499999, 3.41501385226,
-    3.5077691502100001, 3.6109139158899999, 3.70736489466, 3.8078795299400001,
-    3.9399935880500001, 4.0729162849399998, 4.1754315477999997, 4.32871701963,
-    4.4670420558400004, 4.6172360869400002, 4.7801353008799996,
-    4.9685158392900002, 5.1787521224099997, 5.3659561809799996,
-    5.5579867362700002, 5.80647069765, 6.0770936171800001, 6.3474439077599998,
-    6.62582338065, 6.9727248909400004, 7.3991913842899999, 7.8834449215399998,
-    8.5166144845100007, 9.2030546325000007, 9.88020733826, 10.866036106699999,
-    12.0758777085, 14.18128042, 16.712052750600002, 20.430876708300001,
-    27.2913398323, 198.831343334, 0.0, 0.069244384700200001,
-    0.088432101515100003, 0.10716305206, 0.12503845091900001, 0.140404065533,
-    0.15732758095900001, 0.17026163426999999, 0.181554153262,
-    0.19229104097999999, 0.20063488720700001, 0.20918075219000001,
-    0.22448851398700001, 0.23329259600999999, 0.243417838223,
-    0.25098683398999999, 0.26086665715599999, 0.26722012921400001,
-    0.27447102517700001, 0.28549280903099999, 0.29370514330199998,
-    0.30435794709199998, 0.31171401890299999, 0.32079725821600003,
-    0.33073290586199999, 0.340392028515, 0.35038726600499998,
-    0.35811690266399998, 0.36447411653700001, 0.37185544116399999,
-    0.381082348721, 0.390780214455, 0.39830952785200002, 0.40748168602500001,
-    0.41488373765499997, 0.42543510561100001, 0.43158160961199998,
-    0.44002625662900002, 0.44926347686599999, 0.45776432919799998,
-    0.468022411503, 0.47664440380200002, 0.48258490950499999,
-    0.48896171374500003, 0.496491820137, 0.50698509859999996,
-    0.51452015906199999, 0.52068937139100002, 0.52946408477100004,
-    0.53880448153799998, 0.548801791313, 0.555995027759, 0.56369511933200001,
-    0.57026213611200005, 0.57917412801400003, 0.58903117523000004,
-    0.59960305490099997, 0.60673607228299997, 0.61394249280099999,
-    0.62335872512500001, 0.62950473092000003, 0.63564906077100003,
-    0.64370653836500002, 0.65068290176499999, 0.65692425783200004,
-    0.66660140937199996, 0.67467287438699997, 0.68340267482299999,
-    0.69234704669500002, 0.70022548729900003, 0.70878108772100001,
-    0.71517132508000003, 0.72483344563800001, 0.73510369684400001,
-    0.74464179844099998, 0.75114169742299997, 0.75948786098200005,
-    0.76927896632399995, 0.780181603981, 0.79038397953499995,
-    0.79658809158499999, 0.80565180419899995, 0.81340080992999997,
-    0.82502676166900002, 0.83237961296700003, 0.84110268556400003,
-    0.85232968998699998, 0.86273446105600005, 0.87069963084699997,
-    0.88137854582999997, 0.89128913714400004, 0.90061058757400003,
-    0.90609412190700001, 0.91504032505999999, 0.92415693050900005,
-    0.93648983181699996, 0.94349116139300004, 0.95300702282700001,
-    0.96521719153999996, 0.97733292798399996, 0.98974230043699996,
-    1.0028012640199999, 1.01236890773, 1.0253034214500001, 1.0345343165800001,
-    1.0429324387700001, 1.0534672371, 1.06628868009, 1.07468795352,
-    1.08633326882, 1.09933424957, 1.1068518163600001, 1.12106242894,
-    1.13430375102, 1.1497669909499999, 1.16355554605, 1.1741333470999999,
-    1.1865602471200001, 1.19552264974, 1.20964466299, 1.2206552660600001,
-    1.2334735428900001, 1.2446193507100001, 1.26228052188, 1.2733668809500001,
-    1.2862487980799999, 1.29915564596, 1.31311637923, 1.3325804596099999,
-    1.34251302023, 1.3591003659500001, 1.377169549, 1.3924811167,
-    1.40750771045, 1.4232614989300001, 1.4396669344899999, 1.4651287187599999,
-    1.4899491085200001, 1.50816578923, 1.5249813512099999, 1.5484316629499999,
-    1.56552035633, 1.58626075727, 1.60321824898, 1.6254795315799999,
-    1.64592427713, 1.6680292001699999, 1.6929771865600001, 1.71641044875,
-    1.73825985627, 1.7655221754799999, 1.7903694698399999, 1.8124234588000001,
-    1.83919765728, 1.86770929471, 1.9001015000199999, 1.9321267789500001,
-    1.95584199638, 1.99690811411, 2.0217444230499999, 2.05376297292,
-    2.0929451083099999, 2.12301731176, 2.1526232798299998, 2.19298807375,
-    2.2255018723100002, 2.2689246505599998, 2.3179026897699999,
-    2.3644121098699999, 2.4221039841300001, 2.4838688069799999, 2.53466998697,
-    2.6042919607999999, 2.6812450073999998, 2.7654172146999998,
-    2.8309204248399999, 2.9094078948100002, 2.9876772553499999,
-    3.0748530970700001, 3.1622064731699999, 3.24147451246, 3.32558384886,
-    3.4422202342600001, 3.5775338240400001, 3.7141610497599999, 3.87173250803,
-    4.0663966875900002, 4.29308118297, 4.4781034155099997, 4.7041054642700004,
-    5.0488522514199996, 5.3311777928700002, 5.6656935490200002,
-    6.1539089237400004, 6.8843836607600002, 7.4347424954000001,
-    8.2978267417500007, 9.6243020157500005, 11.369168954199999,
-    15.540639672399999, 76.1760172643, 0.0, 0.049706365699999998,
-    0.0666592682662, 0.088322065368899999, 0.104536859611, 0.11923256786399999,
-    0.127291144238, 0.13502577832400001, 0.140820543469, 0.15139945632400001,
-    0.16099717066999999, 0.16793664804899999, 0.179770597659,
-    0.18534480911599999, 0.19437588065, 0.20501796081000001,
-    0.21442507195499999, 0.223638661722, 0.235448046864, 0.24069837603999999,
-    0.249796619168, 0.2569021037, 0.26571241794099998, 0.273484835112,
-    0.28264031867099998, 0.29203238294299999, 0.30128506578199998,
-    0.30890798204499997, 0.31400372247300001, 0.32085907990500001,
-    0.33018590514200002, 0.33434813763600002, 0.34099138695100001,
-    0.34839419218399997, 0.36043796979300002, 0.366921197137, 0.374978179395,
-    0.380142953738, 0.38497527854699998, 0.39412431397300002,
-    0.40294224279800001, 0.41036947119900002, 0.42097414080500001,
-    0.426696154529, 0.43405547629300001, 0.438076390323, 0.44626941882600002,
-    0.45209988855099997, 0.46025667702299999, 0.46751534699899999,
-    0.47569740786199999, 0.48648925341600002, 0.49365845173799999,
-    0.50062076512099996, 0.50762099689399998, 0.51599561488599999,
-    0.52069070294499997, 0.52771734894599998, 0.53507770527700005,
-    0.53957262010100004, 0.54687563426600005, 0.55882733756900005,
-    0.56778279961099998, 0.57581367970300001, 0.58169558514099995,
-    0.589416835832, 0.59799990574399997, 0.60309451416000004,
-    0.60776585343300005, 0.61113211528400002, 0.620751519689,
-    0.63049668177200002, 0.64186111209399999, 0.649049389792,
-    0.65881032984999999, 0.667603399933, 0.67500088551600002,
-    0.68058962597299999, 0.68475592303099997, 0.69020553863599998,
-    0.69297641552300004, 0.69919890922799999, 0.70692564551500003,
-    0.71223085652100004, 0.72213575435900001, 0.730079802251,
-    0.73971307206199999, 0.74754515744299999, 0.75906245692899998,
-    0.76535806436599996, 0.768435170424, 0.77936645084, 0.78371319966099995,
-    0.793548757173, 0.79992665980300004, 0.80669075308100002, 0.813805390164,
-    0.82073219292800004, 0.82530292600499999, 0.83254418888299997,
-    0.84023227490600005, 0.84610269681500005, 0.850974506809,
-    0.85604916181199997, 0.86800267070000003, 0.87548269182500005,
-    0.88170746226899999, 0.89168104316600005, 0.89886785180600004,
-    0.90941660694899995, 0.92091095976000004, 0.92713708903799996,
-    0.93255472954399998, 0.94075570205600001, 0.95405981205900003,
-    0.96338844277799995, 0.97402552055400005, 0.98526481076200001,
-    0.99808150342699997, 1.00881814468, 1.0181152037700001, 1.02462072395,
-    1.0362614133200001, 1.0501057383200001, 1.05573829434, 1.0663375241399999,
-    1.0815544234900001, 1.0920197863400001, 1.10280835408, 1.1180455459900001,
-    1.1302349147199999, 1.14338393376, 1.1517784771899999, 1.16459044846,
-    1.17843359548, 1.1909602731, 1.2038564818399999, 1.2161138792399999,
-    1.22899884794, 1.24167619324, 1.25804220029, 1.26669854112, 1.28319750286,
-    1.29839920006, 1.31138545902, 1.3222317000599999, 1.34185918055,
-    1.3547619368999999, 1.3711217067000001, 1.3874485756199999,
-    1.4017178245899999, 1.4176863825099999, 1.43525875504, 1.4513358921899999,
-    1.4669285814799999, 1.49058059786, 1.51243917885, 1.5343601628600001,
-    1.5519685841999999, 1.5858246281799999, 1.6052702545799999,
-    1.6255288476200001, 1.645511371, 1.67744979518, 1.7003145979100001,
-    1.7236176675199999, 1.74467645265, 1.7809151811699999, 1.8104241704099999,
-    1.85100020932, 1.8902605480300001, 1.9127629589099999, 1.94264465956,
-    1.98831619403, 2.0462312106199998, 2.1088091964400002, 2.1589111550700002,
-    2.19880416124, 2.2551363689100001, 2.32115689321, 2.3900112406699998,
-    2.4355086734200002, 2.53167527975, 2.5574390199299999, 2.69075228193,
-    2.80722131929, 2.8827815963000001, 3.0169724035100001, 3.1020365340699998,
-    3.2877647668300001, 3.4186314330799998, 3.55711527829, 3.7777833577900002,
-    4.0940063095600001, 4.35113022089, 4.7722176832300001, 5.4945754250499999,
-    6.0600360065499999, 6.7983858917699997, 9.1234186672500002,
-    40.009378980599998, 0.0, 0.067895952064799994, 0.084300078749299998,
-    0.095052432169299997, 0.102638659398, 0.112117784904, 0.11826939027900001,
-    0.12549932636300001, 0.12979818836900001, 0.14651996704600001,
-    0.15100212390600001, 0.161663165759, 0.16954870848299999, 0.177081348221,
-    0.18018558524200001, 0.18303580819699999, 0.19216015759300001,
-    0.19761816342399999, 0.20405892001000001, 0.208512677383, 0.2121909193,
-    0.219201257102, 0.226866968867, 0.23794276716900001, 0.24987132195699999,
-    0.25465170763400002, 0.26099785587800001, 0.26730559655899999,
-    0.28331961066, 0.29096521670800002, 0.29624967979200001,
-    0.29829805930100001, 0.30951316035100002, 0.31770754811700003,
-    0.32720886553700002, 0.33647444911699997, 0.34198895204000002,
-    0.35025569471500001, 0.35723583674800002, 0.36574792956399999,
-    0.37381139126899998, 0.38799391889500001, 0.39067031169299998,
-    0.39620024782899999, 0.40020907354500002, 0.406629782376,
-    0.41587001647900002, 0.42064605710199998, 0.427983894024,
-    0.43880340547500002, 0.446223080223, 0.450449340882, 0.45558651616200002,
-    0.46105934588699998, 0.46416526610600001, 0.47234232416100003,
-    0.47838800081799998, 0.48398364517499998, 0.49028214090200001,
-    0.499284532015, 0.50451360745100005, 0.509733914146, 0.51534943972199998,
-    0.51694525305200001, 0.52351544417600004, 0.52741635274900001,
-    0.53030801158100005, 0.54039249319000005, 0.543358519993,
-    0.55090831684899999, 0.56351528162800002, 0.57109497028699996,
-    0.57678495336900004, 0.58431894816300001, 0.59453107257500004,
-    0.60337885959000004, 0.61000337793399995, 0.61727383516599998,
-    0.62371645808300002, 0.629855469291, 0.64046230499599999,
-    0.64338774420900002, 0.64928236111199999, 0.65253922932700004,
-    0.65630438988100004, 0.66542800844200001, 0.67245369789099996,
-    0.67689678974900003, 0.68490163471400001, 0.697879548796,
-    0.70321721042899998, 0.70825620560000002, 0.71214130965099998,
-    0.71606229576000002, 0.72849739743399999, 0.72997690491599998,
-    0.73496304621899999, 0.74722916204000001, 0.75461055645599995,
-    0.76049922669799996, 0.76492250952399998, 0.77219537422499995,
-    0.77615043430200004, 0.78272629883699996, 0.78806707738399995,
-    0.803877101727, 0.81237050231600005, 0.82231101211000002,
-    0.82643891219300003, 0.82994343368199996, 0.84104036655799996,
-    0.85001450139900003, 0.85722719700299999, 0.86813520497600005,
-    0.87634807207999998, 0.87849406127499996, 0.88626760274000005,
-    0.89464524886600005, 0.89854680515700003, 0.90579336081200001,
-    0.90937836218900003, 0.92263809143499997, 0.92671709472899999,
-    0.93140291302300005, 0.93889838636400003, 0.94817473635500005,
-    0.95134624523199995, 0.95948566447500006, 0.96931430537899999,
-    0.97827519300099997, 0.98284090499800003, 0.98853660864199999,
-    0.99999303088000002, 1.00933104878, 1.02227252775, 1.0339923686800001,
-    1.03840687036, 1.04500879737, 1.05122171927, 1.06723984471, 1.07953686403,
-    1.09113807067, 1.10417487551, 1.11446546637, 1.1254220105599999,
-    1.1353940360999999, 1.16144655068, 1.1695186521200001, 1.1831819617599999,
-    1.2096151764900001, 1.2368935164299999, 1.2456266675500001, 1.25296303964,
-    1.26564891435, 1.2701959942000001, 1.28466851306, 1.29873724956,
-    1.31966389347, 1.3313272542500001, 1.34786430325, 1.3621826611400001,
-    1.3720433831700001, 1.3971090305, 1.4043458957999999, 1.4238434153299999,
-    1.4590867995000001, 1.4854743821, 1.5153253015599999, 1.54813838085,
-    1.57329724758, 1.6116532666100001, 1.62277970085, 1.63219947245,
-    1.6666665269000001, 1.73127681763, 1.7492774307700001, 1.80557771894,
-    1.8267234865099999, 1.88934211181, 1.9203963709, 1.99466093314,
-    2.0230718376899999, 2.0628543274000002, 2.1367073224899999,
-    2.1821320160500002, 2.22093938088, 2.3072520016700002, 2.3621845025599999,
-    2.44517002578, 2.5015913727800001, 2.5975738754100002, 2.7045052724200001,
-    2.8865631109500001, 3.1260959842, 3.39849260601, 3.6254807685400001,
-    4.0097191798100003, 4.5724242129699997, 5.4143250544999999,
-    6.3272292972399997, 17.5560575511, 0.0, 0.085458258148600003,
-    0.098622234580399995, 0.106568524017, 0.108057180859, 0.1107805041,
-    0.11464013028599999, 0.13602438252499999, 0.14300574817799999,
-    0.146684159845, 0.15122598984999999, 0.154733085331, 0.161754974932,
-    0.17723910406000001, 0.18032389045700001, 0.18658548177699999,
-    0.18746673820000001, 0.19896129970099999, 0.209234599805,
-    0.21980562614900001, 0.228062016284, 0.23711187915099999,
-    0.23869840689499999, 0.240361816358, 0.27144033681000002,
-    0.27327373169399999, 0.27458858408600001, 0.28007177711800002,
-    0.28248298888899998, 0.28387767697499999, 0.287453003343, 0.292023090998,
-    0.29519223190999999, 0.31407066578100001, 0.32033662902100002,
-    0.32377361486099998, 0.33791304018399998, 0.340145093994,
-    0.34355792125200002, 0.35986952431000002, 0.36278049873099999,
-    0.36565591999199998, 0.36887445402199998, 0.37307785833099999,
-    0.37522358431500002, 0.38644599385299999, 0.38905873533300001,
-    0.39011760635100001, 0.39429900482899999, 0.40016937602000002,
-    0.40636267913899998, 0.408103464438, 0.411985395905, 0.42002274379400001,
-    0.42424580987299998, 0.42889507706199997, 0.43431096613499998,
-    0.43634598755999998, 0.44074601502999999, 0.44833586654099999,
-    0.44981411452999998, 0.45139144803199999, 0.45825414352600002,
-    0.465858692219, 0.46971239089400002, 0.48073097106200002,
-    0.49008253400700003, 0.49019267044199999, 0.49421178442399999,
-    0.49592401222499999, 0.51649450538700004, 0.52148438326400004,
-    0.52450649919199999, 0.52875492868700003, 0.53851929926099995,
-    0.55522500190799995, 0.56567545616600001, 0.57500972364500003,
-    0.575413910571, 0.577492611263, 0.58282093829299997, 0.5882333891,
-    0.59178334343399996, 0.59490514439200004, 0.59707926005599998,
-    0.60398628531999998, 0.61018821270699997, 0.62788446277499999,
-    0.62845001268199996, 0.63245592828700004, 0.64203220116600002,
-    0.64960047364600004, 0.65218235923199996, 0.65302094855500004,
-    0.65709800478699998, 0.66525750618900004, 0.66772838617499997,
-    0.66931616078599998, 0.67398981338899999, 0.67995566798200002,
-    0.69261712558099997, 0.69323176238100004, 0.70328807748099997,
-    0.70817581305300004, 0.71362676385000001, 0.72122326659400005,
-    0.72982093594899999, 0.73501610749799995, 0.74418077769299995,
-    0.74740381350899998, 0.75972971198000006, 0.76542085452499997,
-    0.77293727748999996, 0.77569521588599999, 0.79040702133899998,
-    0.79124143409100001, 0.79674835901600005, 0.801314329913,
-    0.80761727105100001, 0.81334526814800001, 0.82599153547399995,
-    0.835753037664, 0.84010997734000004, 0.84324537731399996,
-    0.84524994337100001, 0.852251511771, 0.85726585936199995,
-    0.86776513236499997, 0.87321839355800002, 0.88257634312599997,
-    0.88885223178899997, 0.89462277052799999, 0.89929289721500005,
-    0.91054077473399997, 0.91235045283799998, 0.91859506476800001,
-    0.92379410344599999, 0.92778311003299996, 0.95200833907100002,
-    0.96058777907100001, 0.96275379136000006, 0.96711989399800002,
-    0.98158423342400003, 0.99959381644599998, 1.0158547410300001,
-    1.0257344455099999, 1.0386164152999999, 1.05829394823, 1.0652432737599999,
-    1.06870005665, 1.0850122523800001, 1.08895555924, 1.1035938848,
-    1.1079237802499999, 1.14480878564, 1.1555554675299999, 1.1789854119500001,
-    1.21604495077, 1.21944541763, 1.2255115895799999, 1.2349135122299999,
-    1.2574900653700001, 1.2756099428300001, 1.27830965632, 1.29563470054,
-    1.33511311013, 1.37879372829, 1.4104141532900001, 1.42999159888,
-    1.4340564609599999, 1.4404309370999999, 1.45125639917, 1.4753290649999999,
-    1.50104361326, 1.5067651051299999, 1.56173064277, 1.5867665737000001,
-    1.6529842751699999, 1.68573957888, 1.6981474139899999, 1.7544189081799999,
-    1.79075077468, 1.8606238073600001, 1.9675939468600001, 1.99649367583,
-    2.0088494420599998, 2.0624960910299999, 2.1345821995000001, 2.25477797389,
-    2.4129377727399999, 2.4947352830499998, 2.6183637912700002,
-    3.0074794112299998, 3.1791961046799999, 3.4293356642399999,
-    3.8514844690699999, 4.2517228191100003, 4.9637069833399998,
-    6.0765632038800002, 6.7603904355099997, 10.3173126473, 0.0,
-    0.078613919986899997, 0.086706257325800007, 0.086706257325800007,
-    0.114789651673, 0.12273957318299999, 0.127062920365, 0.128484790396,
-    0.13578225807899999, 0.13578225807899999, 0.14730174056500001,
-    0.14730174056500001, 0.15501754607599999, 0.17160764402600001,
-    0.17160764402600001, 0.17716597523700001, 0.19318889167600001,
-    0.201064059002, 0.20544566915199999, 0.208662339522, 0.208662339522,
-    0.209070783313, 0.217981911645, 0.21984720431800001, 0.22959168302800001,
-    0.22959168302800001, 0.22979925938500001, 0.23023398217900001,
-    0.23282324285100001, 0.23847389001200001, 0.24981772981200001,
-    0.24981772981200001, 0.251976912788, 0.26484603340399998, 0.267063574626,
-    0.276065116128, 0.27955725551999999, 0.27955725551999999,
-    0.29253129065099998, 0.29257984585899999, 0.29426519135099999,
-    0.29991973517600001, 0.29991973517600001, 0.300865581125,
-    0.30629956382500001, 0.33189640078299998, 0.33193362117300002,
-    0.332892715999, 0.332892715999, 0.33786995917700002, 0.34286355479300001,
-    0.35037131399499999, 0.36538777844499998, 0.36538777844499998,
-    0.39533598300400002, 0.40761459269400002, 0.43071349334699999,
-    0.44611156073300001, 0.44821302280300002, 0.44821302280300002,
-    0.45970379461999999, 0.479322648149, 0.49927725766600001,
-    0.50856338644599997, 0.50856338644599997, 0.51381349247600006,
-    0.52312377414900002, 0.52365255460899995, 0.524357535308,
-    0.52449511360300005, 0.53246792168500001, 0.53246792168500001,
-    0.53406269761799996, 0.54066543759600005, 0.54165597718199998,
-    0.54165597718199998, 0.54286979560399995, 0.54565296744199998,
-    0.54680412639599996, 0.55924698793600003, 0.55948804920899997,
-    0.55948804920899997, 0.56237285913900004, 0.61191574840100005,
-    0.61803286518099998, 0.62621800263899996, 0.62894744300399996,
-    0.62894744300399996, 0.64175065233299999, 0.64274226864700001,
-    0.643141090937, 0.64957757771299995, 0.64957757771299995,
-    0.65462416615899999, 0.65508592379599995, 0.65577214273499995,
-    0.65867533793400002, 0.65966257080699997, 0.65966257080699997,
-    0.67002637381200003, 0.6862767676, 0.68775204324200001,
-    0.68935688154399999, 0.68935688154399999, 0.68958321519599997,
-    0.69489243672400003, 0.69799974598299996, 0.70085954020999996,
-    0.70570470911100003, 0.70570470911100003, 0.71529355939600003,
-    0.71529355939600003, 0.73061672396900001, 0.73147192102699998,
-    0.73147192102699998, 0.73172502367900005, 0.74705904753800001,
-    0.75069245931200002, 0.76171481537700003, 0.78431047228100004,
-    0.78431047228100004, 0.79589062785700004, 0.79985244088700003,
-    0.80739451523600003, 0.80995278660199999, 0.80995278660199999,
-    0.818149271693, 0.81876691441600002, 0.82187704197599998,
-    0.82398018051199995, 0.83061310912300002, 0.83061310912300002,
-    0.841520560606, 0.84283988029500001, 0.845286826815, 0.85635186159599996,
-    0.88301536060399999, 0.88301536060399999, 0.89457113891100004,
-    0.90319721159599997, 0.91110728614600001, 0.920115781518, 0.920115781518,
-    0.924752016362, 0.93270708632099997, 0.93634613579199999,
-    0.93668785307699998, 0.938056933654, 0.938056933654, 0.963093301648,
-    0.97003534928799995, 0.97433733039600001, 0.98296990885400004,
-    0.98296990885400004, 0.99165891962800001, 0.99363899328700001,
-    1.00411505522, 1.0082220608200001, 1.04142653436, 1.04142653436,
-    1.05299960148, 1.0584566497800001, 1.0631344471799999, 1.0702232139000001,
-    1.0702232139000001, 1.0745255061000001, 1.07801171048, 1.09546502235,
-    1.1130150782399999, 1.1212890952400001, 1.1453294864700001,
-    1.1453294864700001, 1.14683578271, 1.14912419314, 1.1868862875699999,
-    1.1868862875699999, 1.2135111146399999, 1.2764048086199999,
-    1.3014758897300001, 1.33521824385, 1.3586680634799999, 1.3586680634799999,
-    1.39549136126, 1.4365610253900001, 1.4568919919400001, 1.5925258819899999,
-    1.67910648307, 1.67910648307, 1.7175836223800001, 1.8595366530499999,
-    2.22804691293, 2.4236335095200001, 2.4236335095200001, 2.5444902152200002,
-    2.7565764210300001, 3.0002289122299999, 3.2770080283, 6.1761254131100003,
-    6.1761254131100003, 9.0448113096899991, 9.0448113096899991, 0.0, 0.0,
-    0.084719549076999995, 0.084719549076999995, 0.162771060016, 0.162771060016,
-    0.162771060016, 0.174797101293, 0.174797101293, 0.19337957316099999,
-    0.19634700654600001, 0.19634700654600001, 0.19634700654600001,
-    0.19634700654600001, 0.19855375347500001, 0.19855375347500001,
-    0.19855375347500001, 0.200626535691, 0.200626535691, 0.20443169045699999,
-    0.20443169045699999, 0.20546703844700001, 0.20546703844700001,
-    0.20546703844700001, 0.22648266447400001, 0.22648266447400001,
-    0.240550688555, 0.240550688555, 0.240550688555, 0.25396349222699999,
-    0.26176107887200001, 0.26176107887200001, 0.26176107887200001,
-    0.26176107887200001, 0.27888116985299999, 0.27888116985299999,
-    0.29428424249599999, 0.29428424249599999, 0.29428424249599999,
-    0.299788951114, 0.299788951114, 0.31720186969399999, 0.31720186969399999,
-    0.31720186969399999, 0.35285717429300001, 0.35285717429300001,
-    0.35967187727099997, 0.35967187727099997, 0.35967187727099997,
-    0.36425099049600002, 0.37144632312499998, 0.37144632312499998,
-    0.37144632312499998, 0.37144632312499998, 0.393647946528, 0.393647946528,
-    0.40432582434100001, 0.40432582434100001, 0.40432582434100001,
-    0.41409827036399999, 0.41409827036399999, 0.42605819547399998,
-    0.42605819547399998, 0.438201525694, 0.438201525694, 0.438201525694,
-    0.52412206191900002, 0.52412206191900002, 0.53036211888999996,
-    0.53036211888999996, 0.53947846940699995, 0.53947846940699995,
-    0.53947846940699995, 0.54022582851800005, 0.54022582851800005,
-    0.54022582851800005, 0.55304014916499999, 0.55304014916499999,
-    0.58228935374099999, 0.58228935374099999, 0.58228935374099999,
-    0.60596028174500005, 0.60596028174500005, 0.61041536468199997,
-    0.61041536468199997, 0.61041536468199997, 0.65478363743500001,
-    0.65478363743500001, 0.67732197187900001, 0.67732197187900001,
-    0.69170398708900005, 0.69170398708900005, 0.69170398708900005,
-    0.71778169588399998, 0.71778169588399998, 0.71778169588399998,
-    0.724448255762, 0.724448255762, 0.73445742378500001, 0.73445742378500001,
-    0.73445742378500001, 0.74008547261299995, 0.74008547261299995,
-    0.74881364436599995, 0.74881364436599995, 0.77742926704699999,
-    0.77742926704699999, 0.77742926704699999, 0.80214410030399996,
-    0.80214410030399996, 0.80237181021399995, 0.80237181021399995,
-    0.80237181021399995, 0.80480889025799995, 0.80480889025799995,
-    0.81567228496599997, 0.81567228496599997, 0.81567228496599997,
-    0.82045939538299995, 0.82045939538299995, 0.82352724851000003,
-    0.82352724851000003, 0.82352724851000003, 0.832308451359, 0.832308451359,
-    0.85064319551300005, 0.85064319551300005, 0.85064319551300005,
-    0.86707524700500005, 0.86707524700500005, 0.87113615998799998,
-    0.87113615998799998, 0.87113615998799998, 0.893480617719, 0.893480617719,
-    0.91025084198899997, 0.91025084198899997, 0.91025084198899997,
-    0.92945707303699998, 0.92945707303699998, 0.94367179870100004,
-    0.94367179870100004, 0.96249504634000005, 0.96249504634000005,
-    0.96249504634000005, 1.04851239622, 1.04851239622, 1.05472835341,
-    1.05472835341, 1.05472835341, 1.0571022668900001, 1.0571022668900001,
-    1.0795501896999999, 1.0795501896999999, 1.0795501896999999, 1.08606295202,
-    1.08606295202, 1.1610428489, 1.1610428489, 1.1610428489,
-    1.1737862567099999, 1.1737862567099999, 1.19233887401, 1.19233887401,
-    1.19233887401, 1.23499695024, 1.23499695024, 1.32872584115, 1.32872584115,
-    1.32872584115, 1.4875655673799999, 1.4875655673799999, 1.7768916535799999,
-    1.7768916535799999, 1.7768916535799999, 1.90484127934, 1.90484127934,
-    1.9108413266499999, 1.9108413266499999, 1.9108413266499999,
-    2.0007729910999998, 2.0007729910999998, 2.3382342441700001,
-    2.3382342441700001, 2.5987544026, 2.5987544026, 2.5987544026,
-    2.6082788293000001, 2.6082788293000001, 2.6082788293000001,
-    2.8392763735900002, 2.8392763735900002, 3.3819024131300002,
-    3.3819024131300002, 3.7018275480299998, 3.7018275480299998,
-    3.7018275480299998, 4.72930160618, 4.72930160618, 4.72930160618, 4.72930160618
+    0.0,
+    0.14444029837799999,
+    0.22835657018399999,
+    0.34413732731800001,
+    0.46587804732900001,
+    0.65270096936599997,
+    0.81143218193800004,
+    1.00226438356,
+    1.03788125951,
+    1.24257294992,
+    1.32793236661,
+    1.34635418779,
+    1.4371572854100001,
+    1.5191327005499999,
+    1.54602854301,
+    1.7046681136999999,
+    1.87758836483,
+    1.9813264417300001,
+    2.1146974377399999,
+    2.1938492694299998,
+    2.4097221919699998,
+    2.5070571186900001,
+    2.6311171881000002,
+    2.7328195551999999,
+    2.7736899606000001,
+    3.0227873463499999,
+    3.10803398473,
+    3.1824676694599998,
+    3.3138417252000001,
+    3.4291812515900002,
+    3.50419808407,
+    3.7101281572199998,
+    3.8432672208200001,
+    3.8796565679100001,
+    3.9915562540499998,
+    4.0723303682700003,
+    4.2029321661800001,
+    4.3768188648899997,
+    4.4816827669199997,
+    4.6990199258800001,
+    4.8084875822399997,
+    4.8365914296700003,
+    5.0590152661600003,
+    5.1248841813699997,
+    5.1771937064899998,
+    5.4889247870900002,
+    5.57813871862,
+    5.6972377675899999,
+    5.8456278064799996,
+    6.06915586574,
+    6.1204251477299998,
+    6.17699599008,
+    6.3172684659999998,
+    6.4192197959800001,
+    6.52383433373,
+    6.6186618180399996,
+    6.7251587769999999,
+    6.7866374808999996,
+    6.8276218028500004,
+    6.9188765840600004,
+    7.1331898582499997,
+    7.2065701539399996,
+    7.3244993804199998,
+    7.36483433106,
+    7.5193634033699999,
+    7.7822629874100002,
+    8.2222416265000007,
+    8.4497457766200004,
+    8.5930318077999992,
+    8.7570172042000003,
+    8.9696132883900006,
+    9.1272011085100004,
+    9.4333510895299995,
+    9.5278688390900008,
+    9.8002379139299993,
+    10.062964643999999,
+    10.572141176200001,
+    10.796071421700001,
+    10.9985214683,
+    11.3182197168,
+    11.660606036000001,
+    11.847287044,
+    12.432752901300001,
+    12.5532808679,
+    12.920547884299999,
+    13.715431382,
+    13.9427496484,
+    14.252177361499999,
+    14.3846625264,
+    14.6017942841,
+    14.867988867399999,
+    15.211408408800001,
+    15.4524408633,
+    15.8995520183,
+    16.278660079800002,
+    16.607110122000002,
+    17.2812107494,
+    17.425166927999999,
+    17.6847110579,
+    17.924433366199999,
+    18.107368758,
+    18.486488274799999,
+    18.675113313000001,
+    18.821461450800001,
+    19.392315572800001,
+    20.026821224999999,
+    21.515140794000001,
+    22.458730085300001,
+    22.563704860600001,
+    23.2879347571,
+    23.969079893499998,
+    24.336542956300001,
+    24.499336477500002,
+    25.0036717642,
+    25.774135368900001,
+    26.0929925969,
+    26.934629466499999,
+    27.458541006800001,
+    27.8422100246,
+    28.5518247111,
+    28.965082549800002,
+    30.702632564599998,
+    31.123950922300001,
+    31.264305230000002,
+    31.965843641500001,
+    32.212378185600002,
+    34.283698532999999,
+    35.219561660799997,
+    36.755695116600002,
+    37.138783892900001,
+    37.986001245399997,
+    38.621250490999998,
+    38.9481443707,
+    39.3726060041,
+    40.276085332900003,
+    41.898719000699998,
+    42.396709494500001,
+    43.749429257499997,
+    44.676029422900001,
+    46.364739487400001,
+    47.275528738799999,
+    47.869005850699999,
+    48.490202586899997,
+    49.788875049200001,
+    50.404381347099999,
+    52.2209766649,
+    52.7548497923,
+    53.758555342299999,
+    56.144346903600002,
+    58.857197224499998,
+    61.218540911200002,
+    62.083264127200003,
+    62.809329462100003,
+    64.673596130899995,
+    70.530443844700002,
+    71.037859097099997,
+    74.956651292000004,
+    75.479775530200001,
+    77.970753225099998,
+    78.784135755700007,
+    83.634030189599997,
+    87.631048698900003,
+    89.682360645100005,
+    91.657671611699996,
+    93.431100026199999,
+    96.871787694199995,
+    98.904758199400007,
+    100.903126246,
+    104.97935501800001,
+    117.211912426,
+    118.593299874,
+    123.983293097,
+    126.40072390500001,
+    132.90804449300001,
+    135.77425614000001,
+    145.645663189,
+    150.462714554,
+    154.135665945,
+    158.670439012,
+    161.11217567599999,
+    165.74332436700001,
+    168.951515621,
+    173.84826456100001,
+    184.64661891700001,
+    188.990674536,
+    195.25008580400001,
+    200.52870912200001,
+    208.31911763799999,
+    223.21659264900001,
+    234.232880967,
+    297.24728825900002,
+    321.93167475199999,
+    332.08151963699999,
+    346.34478154800001,
+    377.30757977899998,
+    403.47421662800002,
+    425.16143535399999,
+    572.37340253299999,
+    766.55659324999999,
+    1611.5984637199999,
+    1611.5984637199999,
+    0.0,
+    0.083813974438700006,
+    0.31831933895699999,
+    0.34638794272399998,
+    0.46455080305099999,
+    0.49519963016099999,
+    0.54548279077600004,
+    0.56403794228199999,
+    0.60837298377799998,
+    0.68118756294600002,
+    0.70071771432399999,
+    0.78976831924699997,
+    0.81703862518199999,
+    0.83363911177799999,
+    0.89857941080399995,
+    0.94493515463400002,
+    0.99107239417899995,
+    1.0238060094799999,
+    1.0799844142199999,
+    1.11400208909,
+    1.1685453374400001,
+    1.18519938288,
+    1.22148339123,
+    1.2645577512499999,
+    1.3045626778799999,
+    1.3391777624900001,
+    1.3826642013199999,
+    1.4644506572,
+    1.5099094374299999,
+    1.5888224991,
+    1.62182558706,
+    1.65137395874,
+    1.6991401368100001,
+    1.7758428480799999,
+    1.8277920540999999,
+    1.9017455410199999,
+    1.9705532488599999,
+    2.0324665469399998,
+    2.0752937413999999,
+    2.1185145273899999,
+    2.1611322415299998,
+    2.1917842756499999,
+    2.22729976286,
+    2.2777275853000001,
+    2.32665524011,
+    2.3543342053699998,
+    2.3935181153,
+    2.44446825618,
+    2.50093820286,
+    2.5844026906000002,
+    2.6884797637600002,
+    2.78657713546,
+    2.81180130111,
+    2.84116667305,
+    2.9014197632199998,
+    2.9952091375399998,
+    3.0386348574599999,
+    3.0956021427799998,
+    3.1328046143999999,
+    3.1631373405500001,
+    3.2039828237700001,
+    3.29405069373,
+    3.3496993056400002,
+    3.4055971771900002,
+    3.5073893196000001,
+    3.5755835925800001,
+    3.6580199126399999,
+    3.7782186004999998,
+    3.8741030635099998,
+    3.9119985650200002,
+    3.9699909851999999,
+    4.0132311662099998,
+    4.07009700397,
+    4.1555761906299997,
+    4.2241691161799997,
+    4.3896744175800002,
+    4.5146783570400002,
+    4.6155145535499997,
+    4.7783116523600002,
+    4.8822447657900003,
+    4.9863031398300004,
+    5.0556875698599999,
+    5.13217451548,
+    5.1928716528900001,
+    5.2987216440799996,
+    5.4584561742300002,
+    5.6054585689499996,
+    5.7579579032500003,
+    5.8452201175000003,
+    5.9593969184300004,
+    6.1479798348300001,
+    6.2484864308999999,
+    6.3722452057199996,
+    6.5705963806599996,
+    6.6811287682699998,
+    6.7311130873599998,
+    6.7864435351600001,
+    6.9196277988999997,
+    7.1929613935300001,
+    7.3441277346099998,
+    7.3800960628999999,
+    7.4749874111999999,
+    7.6512577099200003,
+    7.77153906732,
+    7.9243829575799998,
+    8.2024869676600005,
+    8.2599528374899993,
+    8.4119253626999999,
+    8.5469992409900009,
+    8.9001784810399993,
+    9.2121022677299997,
+    9.2412472507699999,
+    9.4431345314800001,
+    9.6680036066100001,
+    9.7816077025699997,
+    9.9566055535700002,
+    10.359764716899999,
+    10.506972293900001,
+    10.7808329052,
+    11.3592743902,
+    11.7111644662,
+    11.8605742172,
+    12.291120808400001,
+    12.5270770795,
+    12.7952635728,
+    12.9362140074,
+    13.4529548967,
+    13.5501939602,
+    13.8515392309,
+    14.251817031,
+    14.6798102809,
+    14.9162575219,
+    15.3044645221,
+    15.963210610899999,
+    16.293018033300001,
+    16.528628889099998,
+    16.769307273999999,
+    17.050491132000001,
+    17.233636284700001,
+    17.435953831300001,
+    18.114197076100002,
+    18.209546654099999,
+    18.677206457099999,
+    18.876676305499998,
+    19.277115787700001,
+    19.603010971100002,
+    20.061147162099999,
+    20.558554522000001,
+    21.1117685004,
+    22.012839372799998,
+    22.378322630900001,
+    22.859288315200001,
+    23.142180705200001,
+    24.245079698800001,
+    25.9020405244,
+    26.507190805699999,
+    27.4739929789,
+    27.988361249099999,
+    28.8421369677,
+    29.731031435799999,
+    31.265395005199998,
+    31.947761314699999,
+    32.3600162185,
+    33.960158921500003,
+    35.2205479892,
+    37.329919228900003,
+    38.591860211300002,
+    39.653380662899998,
+    40.416668255899999,
+    41.847439486799999,
+    42.946435578200003,
+    44.555593529500001,
+    46.195425314700003,
+    48.272380437999999,
+    50.7171113769,
+    54.108838268299998,
+    57.192427144600003,
+    60.232285910500003,
+    61.154227242799998,
+    66.058563735700005,
+    68.912059708300006,
+    72.377827169900002,
+    74.8258152975,
+    76.523326659299997,
+    80.2223354204,
+    83.911959833699996,
+    89.242198798399997,
+    91.759192939900004,
+    100.917764795,
+    108.556622026,
+    117.397361636,
+    128.654564397,
+    132.220775344,
+    146.851921275,
+    158.21656178999999,
+    195.59053564300001,
+    220.40862631100001,
+    243.67073925299999,
+    279.44509449999998,
+    385.39670284599998,
+    2229.5014584,
+    0.0,
+    0.134568667089,
+    0.22096714722800001,
+    0.241982365309,
+    0.282582147299,
+    0.30887973543699998,
+    0.35848485966299998,
+    0.41670345418499999,
+    0.45274913222000002,
+    0.49984586837299999,
+    0.54693631356799999,
+    0.57642906524899995,
+    0.60428947073799999,
+    0.64551627763399999,
+    0.67184177451600002,
+    0.70559205139299996,
+    0.73195413388499997,
+    0.75941154288699997,
+    0.79316878417600001,
+    0.82828163530300003,
+    0.84996727554600005,
+    0.86244322276499996,
+    0.884092879818,
+    0.90053656979100005,
+    0.92189301683699998,
+    0.937781050186,
+    0.958448778068,
+    0.975518145216,
+    0.99972035165499995,
+    1.01410165008,
+    1.0561167276200001,
+    1.07137630702,
+    1.0888616342999999,
+    1.1214366313199999,
+    1.14842012372,
+    1.16675344893,
+    1.1928671069600001,
+    1.21185202445,
+    1.2444492257999999,
+    1.26555362339,
+    1.3020670717,
+    1.33144019427,
+    1.3700782606599999,
+    1.3922490459600001,
+    1.4214195703900001,
+    1.4412309995599999,
+    1.4713854851299999,
+    1.4981194360000001,
+    1.5156807782599999,
+    1.5353937789600001,
+    1.58193085489,
+    1.6363825813699999,
+    1.6679066542700001,
+    1.6953948491199999,
+    1.7432788369000001,
+    1.7757706818400001,
+    1.81420953428,
+    1.8369562966299999,
+    1.86603816317,
+    1.9079331429399999,
+    1.93559913056,
+    1.96441828434,
+    2.0090532694099998,
+    2.0388004444800001,
+    2.0592603576499999,
+    2.0856426528799998,
+    2.1175114071599999,
+    2.1825469443399999,
+    2.2474604253599999,
+    2.2749390467700001,
+    2.3121411416000002,
+    2.37177298826,
+    2.4274122023400002,
+    2.5181769644699998,
+    2.5418057541599999,
+    2.6434630075899999,
+    2.6747329533199999,
+    2.7266999242900001,
+    2.7654445970700001,
+    2.8140457094300002,
+    2.8559643406999999,
+    2.9061498475100001,
+    2.9702744923500002,
+    3.0318004993800001,
+    3.0771937025499998,
+    3.1682821350100001,
+    3.21259901675,
+    3.2495167992399998,
+    3.2811541713699999,
+    3.3233868123799999,
+    3.3736627766299998,
+    3.4058671494200001,
+    3.4805577671700001,
+    3.5668223714799998,
+    3.6084238266100002,
+    3.6537321290999998,
+    3.7175778126500001,
+    3.7450147871700001,
+    3.86111106714,
+    3.9410134870100002,
+    4.0067546356400001,
+    4.1423679617299998,
+    4.2024818847300001,
+    4.2596486695399998,
+    4.3063451426699997,
+    4.3689910892499997,
+    4.4722054954099999,
+    4.5632364049399996,
+    4.6512485022599996,
+    4.6978386313799998,
+    4.7798445058399999,
+    4.8531420455600003,
+    4.9717578546299999,
+    5.0417112146500003,
+    5.17081749886,
+    5.3019735577100002,
+    5.3705152383400003,
+    5.5084455462199999,
+    5.6182818515299999,
+    5.70571954448,
+    5.8223915078699999,
+    5.9441571869700001,
+    6.0647963728700001,
+    6.27675467201,
+    6.3795693788000003,
+    6.4992010115000003,
+    6.7279283143099997,
+    6.83719902118,
+    6.9670805423799997,
+    7.1376257228400002,
+    7.3185795684699997,
+    7.4174379003000004,
+    7.6252542819300002,
+    7.7560876076699996,
+    7.97791101428,
+    8.1287972523200001,
+    8.2935032606900005,
+    8.4263936568899993,
+    8.7299676982999994,
+    8.9000309257799994,
+    9.2106417444800002,
+    9.4067341973099996,
+    9.6877599453100007,
+    9.8288098032200004,
+    10.1462267898,
+    10.4430670065,
+    10.7710082101,
+    10.9083004672,
+    11.0537899029,
+    11.351140496499999,
+    11.538958771800001,
+    11.919288993,
+    12.375346950699999,
+    12.6154005045,
+    12.9524855025,
+    13.285189669299999,
+    13.649405117900001,
+    13.802655147899999,
+    14.3746878025,
+    14.8989750379,
+    15.0686452095,
+    15.44874785,
+    15.955460911599999,
+    16.199894288199999,
+    17.0458946378,
+    17.5301252159,
+    18.4112497281,
+    18.916626085899999,
+    19.3485479418,
+    19.9851877306,
+    20.604288900899999,
+    20.943333255799999,
+    22.112819051599999,
+    22.959668231999999,
+    23.9954402314,
+    25.035153965599999,
+    25.796351962900001,
+    26.3445116589,
+    27.598244108500001,
+    29.492678119099999,
+    31.494753701,
+    33.570886100899997,
+    35.411126519100002,
+    38.343129207700002,
+    40.297936357899999,
+    43.269089215000001,
+    46.554746459699999,
+    50.1438786354,
+    55.452409753200001,
+    63.874460149000001,
+    67.985459050900005,
+    72.783745624700003,
+    78.750906101200002,
+    87.178006099399994,
+    99.277342007100003,
+    112.32447045000001,
+    150.08323985000001,
+    191.04328713300001,
+    243.74940976799999,
+    298.61209890999999,
+    610.57351237299997,
+    0.0,
+    0.14365451929100001,
+    0.18957677402299999,
+    0.22199376087,
+    0.23947365917300001,
+    0.27923813419900001,
+    0.30376922239699999,
+    0.34130260137399998,
+    0.37018363348299999,
+    0.39852502592,
+    0.42043849640699998,
+    0.449086279049,
+    0.48566461460900001,
+    0.51522238701900003,
+    0.53527463838099998,
+    0.55878126111399995,
+    0.57558991560799999,
+    0.60170381902000003,
+    0.61440597833099997,
+    0.62492627680099999,
+    0.64456984690600005,
+    0.66038800753100002,
+    0.67204091430099999,
+    0.68713981404900004,
+    0.69934187376699997,
+    0.71638006601299997,
+    0.73072718468300002,
+    0.75753415419600001,
+    0.76939140872400003,
+    0.79364917250900002,
+    0.811751128298,
+    0.82030423753799997,
+    0.84036478778699997,
+    0.85629058780800005,
+    0.88242755870699996,
+    0.90879942564799998,
+    0.92603904590499997,
+    0.93855599609700002,
+    0.95967573616799995,
+    0.96617694541400001,
+    0.98792001044,
+    1.00156976046,
+    1.01153057626,
+    1.0353518346699999,
+    1.05486723045,
+    1.07085911512,
+    1.09910531917,
+    1.11522376431,
+    1.1305179753100001,
+    1.1546508204399999,
+    1.1781173432600001,
+    1.19157394455,
+    1.2190490331999999,
+    1.24787505864,
+    1.27361506734,
+    1.2980636222699999,
+    1.31518378894,
+    1.3450052218399999,
+    1.3740854471799999,
+    1.39558556012,
+    1.41519699656,
+    1.4321123741399999,
+    1.45909622379,
+    1.4759330072700001,
+    1.4910300726400001,
+    1.51232373124,
+    1.5490811046699999,
+    1.5782570548899999,
+    1.6116668459000001,
+    1.62617849191,
+    1.6591646731,
+    1.69383967991,
+    1.72149942318,
+    1.74810559857,
+    1.7978507557100001,
+    1.8196064275499999,
+    1.8439294053699999,
+    1.85951442745,
+    1.89107086338,
+    1.93673967856,
+    1.96033355989,
+    1.99524000334,
+    2.0280809922900001,
+    2.0465420455199999,
+    2.0660751500700001,
+    2.1082666292100001,
+    2.1419500113600001,
+    2.1692545932899998,
+    2.1918809811900002,
+    2.2313430406800001,
+    2.2895699616299998,
+    2.3198331260499998,
+    2.3513058338000001,
+    2.4080887408899998,
+    2.4815537977800002,
+    2.50851999576,
+    2.5617387306700001,
+    2.6055769623199998,
+    2.6324085179700001,
+    2.6961178878899998,
+    2.7413602155099999,
+    2.7712317948799998,
+    2.8112071562300001,
+    2.8581867699200001,
+    2.9190632974400001,
+    2.9439800057899999,
+    3.0104094840100002,
+    3.05330503281,
+    3.10048262834,
+    3.17539590266,
+    3.24511619487,
+    3.3056217356499999,
+    3.3894902835899998,
+    3.4335423889599999,
+    3.4854372314700002,
+    3.5606476568300001,
+    3.6043560751500001,
+    3.66406156029,
+    3.7660563649099998,
+    3.82560813033,
+    3.9466078971199998,
+    4.0283572412000002,
+    4.07714877006,
+    4.1552108679300002,
+    4.2392816813699996,
+    4.3147199438200001,
+    4.3721369730999999,
+    4.4555652323799997,
+    4.5860495006899997,
+    4.6665459593199996,
+    4.7624381582100002,
+    4.8488614634399996,
+    4.97179759557,
+    5.0150206490000002,
+    5.1053040689999998,
+    5.2812791639799999,
+    5.3716757235900001,
+    5.5829288018599996,
+    5.6518465465299998,
+    5.7620823724100001,
+    5.8560109031899996,
+    6.0128804814499999,
+    6.1465396667499999,
+    6.2414128574400003,
+    6.3854761500099997,
+    6.5447042531899999,
+    6.7541882725000004,
+    6.9854005143200002,
+    7.1367012840399999,
+    7.3218030112200001,
+    7.49946696682,
+    7.6472229734199999,
+    7.8443990144000004,
+    7.99745891313,
+    8.1776134189099992,
+    8.3773452967500006,
+    8.5328760252000002,
+    8.7514477358700002,
+    9.0436490880000004,
+    9.2332685611399992,
+    9.5356141275600006,
+    9.7666024864200001,
+    9.94823040132,
+    10.300958636400001,
+    10.771366926100001,
+    11.085233969500001,
+    11.3324457523,
+    11.7174375167,
+    12.143472104400001,
+    12.303553276000001,
+    12.6481061467,
+    12.833583689599999,
+    13.203659956699999,
+    13.5986055699,
+    14.043362878,
+    14.626177334199999,
+    15.0760755417,
+    15.580834984399999,
+    16.312841933200001,
+    16.9821347018,
+    17.9935383499,
+    19.206358017199999,
+    19.9097935496,
+    20.7049210144,
+    21.193393770899998,
+    22.4118111278,
+    23.293576085200002,
+    24.460751301199998,
+    27.218111206700002,
+    28.9534668252,
+    31.141828193399999,
+    33.063105836200002,
+    36.594408596199997,
+    41.9655259134,
+    50.634196787,
+    57.4170436749,
+    66.004841056100005,
+    79.707781310800002,
+    93.567004987600001,
+    129.369356154,
+    263.52530093899998,
+    0.0,
+    0.099110105290900002,
+    0.152330008962,
+    0.19277005116400001,
+    0.21849998202900001,
+    0.23666692719999999,
+    0.257596221751,
+    0.27451854288499999,
+    0.29857050680000002,
+    0.31354284220099998,
+    0.33022769626800003,
+    0.33745039990999998,
+    0.34950560680999998,
+    0.36896880619099998,
+    0.38855134185000001,
+    0.41755081359899998,
+    0.425150061144,
+    0.44306593384300003,
+    0.45497931754199999,
+    0.480210732157,
+    0.49961199725900002,
+    0.52519732628100002,
+    0.54104302118299996,
+    0.55456165182600003,
+    0.57645288194699995,
+    0.58830880718699996,
+    0.61047699977699998,
+    0.62243525124499999,
+    0.64059305866600003,
+    0.64864591793299997,
+    0.66076567911499995,
+    0.67269456457499999,
+    0.69062452712199995,
+    0.70930687903199996,
+    0.72584855411399996,
+    0.74121377368600005,
+    0.75125743091999997,
+    0.77150265368000004,
+    0.78324441542400003,
+    0.79888631364700002,
+    0.81247216458500005,
+    0.83204971232799996,
+    0.84425730939599997,
+    0.85740264943900002,
+    0.87520806795200001,
+    0.88821997325500002,
+    0.90285273820699996,
+    0.918029579805,
+    0.92615377290000001,
+    0.944808560001,
+    0.95843032520799998,
+    0.96908459648199996,
+    0.98091068958799998,
+    0.99546224846599995,
+    1.0114143418099999,
+    1.0370041029999999,
+    1.05163455603,
+    1.06941917585,
+    1.0849323260699999,
+    1.09786891934,
+    1.1200484481799999,
+    1.1401856044400001,
+    1.1614766378400001,
+    1.1779927836999999,
+    1.18794131464,
+    1.19800995642,
+    1.2153169910399999,
+    1.23620743467,
+    1.2464006441,
+    1.28309014464,
+    1.30117129963,
+    1.3139480025800001,
+    1.32973840183,
+    1.34585218726,
+    1.36483113807,
+    1.3880086518200001,
+    1.4038694678400001,
+    1.4269838991299999,
+    1.4531887240500001,
+    1.4761551228100001,
+    1.49140958787,
+    1.50497619744,
+    1.51748249595,
+    1.54755568638,
+    1.56624981363,
+    1.5996976922199999,
+    1.6270535823300001,
+    1.64604277857,
+    1.66675355419,
+    1.69387124571,
+    1.7124303672300001,
+    1.7402106696399999,
+    1.7770409733200001,
+    1.79456862305,
+    1.8202531872000001,
+    1.84460821986,
+    1.86760077894,
+    1.89650572807,
+    1.9192579590500001,
+    1.95188224797,
+    1.96482546943,
+    1.9921085106,
+    2.0131483132499999,
+    2.05544343578,
+    2.0827595529899998,
+    2.1347983483699999,
+    2.16760564415,
+    2.2014516721900002,
+    2.2315870739900001,
+    2.2636169272100002,
+    2.30995438871,
+    2.3374033408299999,
+    2.3738865256000001,
+    2.3951038330599999,
+    2.4431717219700002,
+    2.4826850222400001,
+    2.5185317615099998,
+    2.5638428795100001,
+    2.6284306548999998,
+    2.66623660644,
+    2.7096591116400002,
+    2.7586335740300001,
+    2.8025663346699998,
+    2.8401708445299998,
+    2.8783352938300002,
+    2.9063543000399998,
+    2.9593598772399998,
+    2.9957288325500002,
+    3.0605506942799998,
+    3.10955011278,
+    3.1789052606700001,
+    3.2428513432099999,
+    3.3274186461299999,
+    3.4074444667899999,
+    3.4504525115,
+    3.52884017973,
+    3.5708077150699999,
+    3.6772565091299998,
+    3.7474521798599998,
+    3.8121617114599999,
+    3.9240511321899998,
+    4.02413852901,
+    4.0815085453500002,
+    4.1825546762599997,
+    4.2751667515599996,
+    4.3741820336400004,
+    4.4834872676200002,
+    4.5686814128700002,
+    4.6358562892300004,
+    4.8094489254399999,
+    4.9654168327999999,
+    5.1314477165500003,
+    5.25148158988,
+    5.4403573194500003,
+    5.6010313900300002,
+    5.7161651882199997,
+    5.8958565355000001,
+    6.0361890974200003,
+    6.16740467168,
+    6.3041850958600003,
+    6.44114745164,
+    6.60541649452,
+    6.7974616801999996,
+    6.97815602873,
+    7.1388403799600004,
+    7.4314686713300002,
+    7.8384931901600003,
+    8.2177028271400001,
+    8.6453372183900008,
+    9.1543142843100007,
+    9.3764541677899995,
+    9.7962854173,
+    10.1633267175,
+    10.574689812400001,
+    11.0937462194,
+    11.4000754819,
+    11.9914359538,
+    12.3258902671,
+    12.7457696507,
+    13.361289611,
+    14.0129741907,
+    14.632251501600001,
+    15.099323370900001,
+    16.134748603599999,
+    16.802461663300001,
+    17.854647673100001,
+    18.834756072000001,
+    20.042735115799999,
+    21.573609706300001,
+    22.868457402400001,
+    24.574192288399999,
+    26.8474848352,
+    30.083792871499998,
+    34.499075183899997,
+    38.6709205943,
+    44.689686852000001,
+    52.857340428500002,
+    72.813133754999996,
+    91.564507002300005,
+    158.818628891,
+    939.11373358000003,
+    0.0,
+    0.071205885244299993,
+    0.099254028698600005,
+    0.14849104281600001,
+    0.17292354310999999,
+    0.20032666224500001,
+    0.226406277543,
+    0.23815469487599999,
+    0.26703405121599999,
+    0.28197072629300002,
+    0.296082146193,
+    0.31125854952699999,
+    0.32554466413499999,
+    0.33804933218900002,
+    0.35118970952299999,
+    0.371085578114,
+    0.39491385706400001,
+    0.413740038782,
+    0.42221028600999999,
+    0.44225862765200002,
+    0.458189520006,
+    0.48022475118199998,
+    0.49685298807599998,
+    0.51500317491299996,
+    0.53482118753700003,
+    0.55247938228399995,
+    0.57330658115499999,
+    0.58475963165199996,
+    0.60106501656199995,
+    0.62413217304400004,
+    0.63793653903699998,
+    0.65128873183500002,
+    0.66636704386000001,
+    0.67951755835000005,
+    0.68956025540200006,
+    0.70245093627400002,
+    0.71504184012600003,
+    0.73014210840100002,
+    0.74713784886300005,
+    0.75935155136999999,
+    0.77523714645700004,
+    0.78405425336400003,
+    0.79615963931099998,
+    0.81110455864499997,
+    0.82545864838799998,
+    0.83566202986100002,
+    0.85063666826600004,
+    0.87077765663700002,
+    0.88045508705099995,
+    0.89294081845100004,
+    0.90498155226699994,
+    0.91781500438800001,
+    0.93111410315300003,
+    0.94545406555199996,
+    0.95838819225799998,
+    0.96877608392100001,
+    0.98476526685599997,
+    1.0010342642000001,
+    1.0119849276699999,
+    1.03464783319,
+    1.05455213715,
+    1.0711504321800001,
+    1.08010453195,
+    1.1004877825999999,
+    1.10818262538,
+    1.1246761488799999,
+    1.13470825936,
+    1.14750678231,
+    1.1632448283100001,
+    1.18449169262,
+    1.2011657527599999,
+    1.2152811055699999,
+    1.2364506326,
+    1.24964319272,
+    1.2661037937899999,
+    1.2785791013300001,
+    1.2962377117699999,
+    1.3138558072099999,
+    1.3362693854300001,
+    1.34951663893,
+    1.3637686600700001,
+    1.37717976853,
+    1.3942209300999999,
+    1.4185816293,
+    1.43866597309,
+    1.45276157482,
+    1.48127714521,
+    1.5023296186499999,
+    1.52673585641,
+    1.5503318122600001,
+    1.5888091586999999,
+    1.6062719352799999,
+    1.6295964377400001,
+    1.6612388523299999,
+    1.6812256221899999,
+    1.70508917316,
+    1.72112188896,
+    1.74686294045,
+    1.7609156044800001,
+    1.7888509017400001,
+    1.8132839677799999,
+    1.8432731273,
+    1.8705117570000001,
+    1.89982085224,
+    1.9362197326199999,
+    1.96069015259,
+    1.9880007387600001,
+    2.0201535914000002,
+    2.0573265057399999,
+    2.0987964366999998,
+    2.13211771373,
+    2.1622274845799998,
+    2.1903685766800001,
+    2.22533347206,
+    2.26089786499,
+    2.3105003291199999,
+    2.33786317109,
+    2.37516129651,
+    2.4193923972300002,
+    2.4579148222399998,
+    2.5029183158800001,
+    2.53381912593,
+    2.5677307283899999,
+    2.6162502017999998,
+    2.6750579269800001,
+    2.7203789138199999,
+    2.7458139153899999,
+    2.8254724574300001,
+    2.8565396273200001,
+    2.9040559269499999,
+    2.9651085310499998,
+    3.0196812095999999,
+    3.0843657504699999,
+    3.1558869808600001,
+    3.2223894339400001,
+    3.2603729802400001,
+    3.3614620894799998,
+    3.4362647479800001,
+    3.53920130259,
+    3.5756943688499998,
+    3.64101261846,
+    3.7233677998300001,
+    3.8016940916299999,
+    3.9106972227400001,
+    3.9990351336300001,
+    4.0897762814999998,
+    4.1774051907800001,
+    4.2798115401099999,
+    4.3711459042799996,
+    4.4838086749199997,
+    4.5942578656300004,
+    4.69725646861,
+    4.8356147641699998,
+    4.9568908200199999,
+    5.0559387430399996,
+    5.1307907403700002,
+    5.29064241813,
+    5.4495402731300002,
+    5.5692069479899997,
+    5.8023798879999999,
+    5.9217137438199998,
+    6.1545111640699997,
+    6.2686946022500001,
+    6.4619248209700002,
+    6.6102067457500002,
+    6.8760747683199996,
+    7.1590374621899997,
+    7.31422994403,
+    7.6196963320300002,
+    7.9330981866299997,
+    8.3005559691100004,
+    8.5080589881200002,
+    8.9030525835399992,
+    9.3843270585099994,
+    9.88649146809,
+    10.279354769599999,
+    10.603107312100001,
+    11.1118716186,
+    11.4784714402,
+    12.035536117199999,
+    12.847959552400001,
+    13.415735074900001,
+    14.1791106731,
+    15.0355747631,
+    16.9356357166,
+    17.805067612999999,
+    19.342641049299999,
+    21.009071134500001,
+    23.1764543914,
+    25.379614414799999,
+    27.885782949300001,
+    29.619482312399999,
+    33.254904224999997,
+    36.867160964200004,
+    40.4774911481,
+    50.2787838733,
+    62.180321216899998,
+    80.798575822199993,
+    94.584243390899999,
+    131.07441246799999,
+    532.11553542800004,
+    0.0,
+    0.066750493128400007,
+    0.10229228903,
+    0.14064849221799999,
+    0.16816604212,
+    0.185917820027,
+    0.21145207109799999,
+    0.22637409875299999,
+    0.23827441847700001,
+    0.25325002214100001,
+    0.282002121386,
+    0.29459754431500002,
+    0.309921025947,
+    0.32256024829399998,
+    0.33607649321799998,
+    0.35308583886400002,
+    0.366974488228,
+    0.38834215578600001,
+    0.407453141593,
+    0.42152609543199998,
+    0.44240079751299999,
+    0.45519187153599999,
+    0.46297707882400002,
+    0.47982221228700001,
+    0.49667630123599998,
+    0.508498258634,
+    0.51689250307900003,
+    0.53635170713299996,
+    0.55035959890200004,
+    0.56783201126299998,
+    0.58585694882899997,
+    0.59530161133699999,
+    0.60864863465700003,
+    0.61872677583699998,
+    0.63314266869000002,
+    0.64227626695200002,
+    0.66366778123400005,
+    0.67270302950299998,
+    0.68420389566899997,
+    0.69282668375900003,
+    0.70143224682899996,
+    0.71443579991700001,
+    0.72615598912400003,
+    0.73642045277699997,
+    0.74797476862599999,
+    0.75717018072300002,
+    0.76798353829599997,
+    0.77486375038599997,
+    0.79414765885500005,
+    0.80854204945800001,
+    0.82112865231700005,
+    0.83235531435499999,
+    0.84902111566299998,
+    0.85542717883200003,
+    0.85897397230799999,
+    0.87704088496099997,
+    0.89151271520300002,
+    0.90700102609599997,
+    0.920719450271,
+    0.92891160690200003,
+    0.938857619857,
+    0.94825684266300003,
+    0.95986000285999995,
+    0.96960811962399995,
+    0.989941122374,
+    1.00360008757,
+    1.02107596077,
+    1.03643638202,
+    1.0502377328700001,
+    1.0717680324100001,
+    1.0865864964900001,
+    1.0954103929900001,
+    1.10647648545,
+    1.11919554073,
+    1.1348944810799999,
+    1.1478893503600001,
+    1.1583683144100001,
+    1.17725367471,
+    1.1977476949200001,
+    1.2115494448899999,
+    1.2227006682499999,
+    1.23641648061,
+    1.2453807854500001,
+    1.2593987794899999,
+    1.26998244399,
+    1.2869142286699999,
+    1.30049557207,
+    1.31446944898,
+    1.3295110779099999,
+    1.3446024810899999,
+    1.3719517782999999,
+    1.3907558123199999,
+    1.40705250973,
+    1.4264556633200001,
+    1.4396767485499999,
+    1.46991083644,
+    1.4987499147300001,
+    1.51363764814,
+    1.5369634294400001,
+    1.55497159429,
+    1.58019513401,
+    1.58671558905,
+    1.6122642631099999,
+    1.6513557926,
+    1.68400062899,
+    1.7089437540000001,
+    1.72753924255,
+    1.7453552720800001,
+    1.7758454361,
+    1.7994335997999999,
+    1.82770292952,
+    1.84731671466,
+    1.8985423459799999,
+    1.9145465641699999,
+    1.9448048626000001,
+    1.9916997561000001,
+    2.0178550764300001,
+    2.0361698775099999,
+    2.0577739526799999,
+    2.0831203668899998,
+    2.1103632127899998,
+    2.1537354568799998,
+    2.1788561526999999,
+    2.2045213341899998,
+    2.2224788538400002,
+    2.2635629295799999,
+    2.3165276562799999,
+    2.34821085414,
+    2.3981207218199998,
+    2.4198916383700002,
+    2.4597388271499998,
+    2.5017065354999999,
+    2.56256913084,
+    2.60073239413,
+    2.6306494736500001,
+    2.6860626220700001,
+    2.7343736190899999,
+    2.8116594856499999,
+    2.8637335040699998,
+    2.9264728333900001,
+    2.9955476839699999,
+    3.05285386085,
+    3.1356878770200001,
+    3.2072182033300001,
+    3.26764142152,
+    3.3485823077900001,
+    3.4312097504199999,
+    3.4816563758900001,
+    3.5584231314100001,
+    3.6375811375099998,
+    3.7335599506700001,
+    3.8014008857100001,
+    3.8705553019300001,
+    3.9806979118000001,
+    4.0971698101299996,
+    4.1749168167999997,
+    4.3083366103599996,
+    4.38165849577,
+    4.5310804208600004,
+    4.6613092856899998,
+    4.7803056653900002,
+    4.9095209439899996,
+    5.0546229367600004,
+    5.2110820221100003,
+    5.3463510691199998,
+    5.52429734599,
+    5.6756130707899999,
+    5.9685799046800003,
+    6.1860199186999996,
+    6.3195153450500001,
+    6.6566660244499998,
+    6.9673972764899998,
+    7.26908683037,
+    7.6488825007600001,
+    7.8611350773700002,
+    8.2320652147600004,
+    8.4210908255200003,
+    8.9496041073600008,
+    9.5584199425000005,
+    10.1439245514,
+    10.6423118073,
+    11.0791716855,
+    11.838823182500001,
+    12.7106408238,
+    14.1580993885,
+    15.148907718,
+    15.904843132,
+    17.434395016500002,
+    18.518727628800001,
+    20.121463138599999,
+    22.7076019362,
+    24.3760430058,
+    27.247058263300001,
+    30.661631466599999,
+    33.079547519400002,
+    39.127879890599999,
+    48.943565214800003,
+    59.4575606151,
+    91.335874697400001,
+    141.45432793200001,
+    411.661489776,
+    0.0,
+    0.069952231864699996,
+    0.103404633578,
+    0.125014068162,
+    0.146010270449,
+    0.16359155444599999,
+    0.178864568833,
+    0.19599840432599999,
+    0.21261593381499999,
+    0.22711972642700001,
+    0.243111674684,
+    0.25767461785399998,
+    0.27180823360799999,
+    0.28563106170000002,
+    0.30065227522400001,
+    0.31466033367599999,
+    0.32740274431499999,
+    0.34144162964000002,
+    0.35392977821499999,
+    0.36739586603699997,
+    0.37668601825699999,
+    0.38997906091099999,
+    0.40341912954199999,
+    0.416373727157,
+    0.426895908682,
+    0.43977830899800002,
+    0.45258671966300001,
+    0.466514605217,
+    0.477389064152,
+    0.48977333283500002,
+    0.50163197604999998,
+    0.51199626571900003,
+    0.52444304417700005,
+    0.535756267392,
+    0.54517617178599997,
+    0.556723976482,
+    0.56923743022399997,
+    0.58148013003300003,
+    0.59338244193300005,
+    0.60349023988499995,
+    0.61844448197599999,
+    0.63082462731599998,
+    0.64077938591500005,
+    0.65387489192500003,
+    0.66469357132100004,
+    0.67819373925399995,
+    0.68727074573400004,
+    0.69848718075600003,
+    0.71043795726600001,
+    0.71961915177299995,
+    0.72969713364300004,
+    0.74107602282600005,
+    0.75606721670699994,
+    0.76643518425500001,
+    0.77845497049099999,
+    0.78839543992500005,
+    0.80132022172700001,
+    0.81246877456,
+    0.82543482006900004,
+    0.835142423425,
+    0.84674802068300004,
+    0.85967143818799996,
+    0.87125300477599998,
+    0.88408451673499999,
+    0.89664194416599996,
+    0.91062205430599996,
+    0.92119895144599995,
+    0.93242997074199996,
+    0.94571219445300003,
+    0.96041450364400005,
+    0.97224013435699996,
+    0.98495533130900004,
+    0.99919196810900002,
+    1.0129236124100001,
+    1.02562802722,
+    1.0390578098300001,
+    1.05327349462,
+    1.06699289985,
+    1.08003878786,
+    1.0911503311699999,
+    1.10287478431,
+    1.11752324595,
+    1.1314149261899999,
+    1.1474113539199999,
+    1.1623424598800001,
+    1.1809099334199999,
+    1.19698636893,
+    1.21181796755,
+    1.22544671282,
+    1.24244196167,
+    1.25768137753,
+    1.2753336486,
+    1.29073541071,
+    1.3028499501799999,
+    1.3187969502100001,
+    1.33382177937,
+    1.35329432786,
+    1.3654396608399999,
+    1.3831852898699999,
+    1.4053731868899999,
+    1.4244601671899999,
+    1.4458595538900001,
+    1.4624828517299999,
+    1.48424757851,
+    1.50258889287,
+    1.5267644454,
+    1.54442727619,
+    1.56845111196,
+    1.5867698647199999,
+    1.60842558029,
+    1.6313088751,
+    1.6534369558899999,
+    1.6753389600899999,
+    1.69620207473,
+    1.7204189063699999,
+    1.7419530680599999,
+    1.76805842778,
+    1.7922030172000001,
+    1.8188034212699999,
+    1.85148643519,
+    1.8773786266000001,
+    1.90256305862,
+    1.9386203775399999,
+    1.9687813707199999,
+    1.9981566611499999,
+    2.0245303042499998,
+    2.0584208427499999,
+    2.0946946719900001,
+    2.1348120365500001,
+    2.1791471443199999,
+    2.2224520832399999,
+    2.2595687931800001,
+    2.3106923875200001,
+    2.3553963857400002,
+    2.3983286546599998,
+    2.4436515071799998,
+    2.4865189620699999,
+    2.5405446707500001,
+    2.59421388661,
+    2.64091695706,
+    2.6996385735900001,
+    2.7473734419100002,
+    2.8035977565799999,
+    2.8535299568900001,
+    2.91542786179,
+    2.9893281334399999,
+    3.0516305485699999,
+    3.1163028661999999,
+    3.1947678399299999,
+    3.2663049222699998,
+    3.3339853805400002,
+    3.40237096205,
+    3.4768322926400002,
+    3.5806851899900001,
+    3.6801840510099999,
+    3.7872722453700001,
+    3.8916915748699998,
+    3.9917050980400002,
+    4.0940578914500003,
+    4.19602458524,
+    4.3323371208100001,
+    4.4338250448399998,
+    4.5732353526800003,
+    4.7071896650899996,
+    4.8371637819700002,
+    4.9861306159599996,
+    5.1247005951200002,
+    5.2989900989100001,
+    5.4331191858299999,
+    5.5988276453600001,
+    5.8197641223699996,
+    6.0307234869500004,
+    6.2629671258800004,
+    6.4723292924600004,
+    6.73373305351,
+    7.0011281823499996,
+    7.2896172889599997,
+    7.6282663585300003,
+    7.9822597848400001,
+    8.4459703825899997,
+    8.8384469969099992,
+    9.2101115074000006,
+    9.73610634934,
+    10.3512776241,
+    10.917239822399999,
+    11.6235706159,
+    12.2958078571,
+    12.939563854899999,
+    14.2324201348,
+    15.485703747200001,
+    16.9857809226,
+    18.432059703,
+    20.321399149499999,
+    22.561711453099999,
+    25.531954585200001,
+    29.543395520299999,
+    34.331229479900003,
+    42.111056517599998,
+    54.231741921900003,
+    88.569928594700002,
+    402.90323270200003,
+    0.0,
+    0.063832780404899994,
+    0.097778217097499995,
+    0.12370909607,
+    0.150339924072,
+    0.16482266304000001,
+    0.17990570626399999,
+    0.190646713912,
+    0.20163809948600001,
+    0.216830757348,
+    0.22812951506500001,
+    0.24021891326399999,
+    0.25541866841600003,
+    0.269018368043,
+    0.28049226030899999,
+    0.29164957411100001,
+    0.30229091825999999,
+    0.31343659256900003,
+    0.327727185596,
+    0.33950733116499998,
+    0.35546334505900001,
+    0.36812325794200002,
+    0.38133767715299999,
+    0.394597620963,
+    0.404978263841,
+    0.41815375781000003,
+    0.42864653293400001,
+    0.444894300819,
+    0.454376903331,
+    0.46341028375999999,
+    0.47599157488299998,
+    0.48560628028199998,
+    0.49777311032799998,
+    0.508833944353,
+    0.52141721957599996,
+    0.53079993862899999,
+    0.54083525487700002,
+    0.55116155918099996,
+    0.56028981112599996,
+    0.571200303066,
+    0.58044683485600002,
+    0.58839931947599999,
+    0.59900193670599999,
+    0.60844513668900002,
+    0.61984074999700001,
+    0.630706376051,
+    0.64055060618699999,
+    0.65022883648700003,
+    0.65969805240099999,
+    0.67173860230299998,
+    0.683039145269,
+    0.69151743825699996,
+    0.70492328902000001,
+    0.71497674644599996,
+    0.72455754197800004,
+    0.73626892393499999,
+    0.74666068393600005,
+    0.75711837954399996,
+    0.76917986479,
+    0.78031391817899998,
+    0.79003646883199996,
+    0.80178135233600001,
+    0.81294330929500003,
+    0.82479240642999996,
+    0.83793294590599998,
+    0.84856051750299999,
+    0.857727050288,
+    0.867523080562,
+    0.87989898293299995,
+    0.88810730552100003,
+    0.89899588869799996,
+    0.90918788036700005,
+    0.92161182284099996,
+    0.93310880618299996,
+    0.94666983786799996,
+    0.95950586438800001,
+    0.96954717752200004,
+    0.98183054360800004,
+    0.99327109762300003,
+    1.0071871810099999,
+    1.0199396023,
+    1.0299591745400001,
+    1.0433590956800001,
+    1.0579526586200001,
+    1.0722037652,
+    1.0856825564000001,
+    1.10062275455,
+    1.11366547931,
+    1.12553109294,
+    1.1369984132099999,
+    1.1497029036699999,
+    1.16306292312,
+    1.17522255584,
+    1.1892082610600001,
+    1.2041212236300001,
+    1.22190050707,
+    1.2347118934600001,
+    1.2504314859500001,
+    1.2629302579599999,
+    1.2791680786099999,
+    1.29405735901,
+    1.3107720617700001,
+    1.32643387797,
+    1.3415152129300001,
+    1.3620274129300001,
+    1.3823476697499999,
+    1.40444011877,
+    1.42173569526,
+    1.4364703857500001,
+    1.45484612731,
+    1.47972134044,
+    1.49655634371,
+    1.5141380044499999,
+    1.53379025535,
+    1.5555036580899999,
+    1.5714663036600001,
+    1.59647294538,
+    1.6138151759899999,
+    1.6380127097199999,
+    1.6594163419300001,
+    1.6820072233800001,
+    1.7019879011500001,
+    1.7246555912899999,
+    1.75616951171,
+    1.7809849497500001,
+    1.8095401046899999,
+    1.83533696471,
+    1.8573176551099999,
+    1.88542875324,
+    1.92090178934,
+    1.9505618811500001,
+    1.9774596313099999,
+    2.0068544301600002,
+    2.0350921018900001,
+    2.0643959097,
+    2.1062800026400001,
+    2.1347376230699999,
+    2.1742676793900002,
+    2.2104098855299998,
+    2.2514941680099998,
+    2.2912348247100001,
+    2.3349554164100002,
+    2.3796253970099999,
+    2.41766195211,
+    2.4815347228200002,
+    2.5296861327400002,
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+    2.6880090127099998,
+    2.7379395286100001,
+    2.7971131333199999,
+    2.8454615301600001,
+    2.9012187913899998,
+    2.9675790254000001,
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+    3.12354871979,
+    3.2117080755199998,
+    3.3031992991200001,
+    3.3786495999400001,
+    3.4622786505200001,
+    3.5341733641599999,
+    3.5975451787299999,
+    3.7026608369999998,
+    3.82558431557,
+    3.9485708722999999,
+    4.0749917626799999,
+    4.2182278466299996,
+    4.3815530054699998,
+    4.5579379614200004,
+    4.7079073862299996,
+    4.8861754887000002,
+    5.0662849643500003,
+    5.2496674690900003,
+    5.4708584275999996,
+    5.6873944276300001,
+    5.9465154086899998,
+    6.10841977807,
+    6.32522045284,
+    6.6457452149499998,
+    6.8963618663700004,
+    7.1600629694100002,
+    7.4849075540900003,
+    7.8078159674899998,
+    8.1135987260599993,
+    8.6434490614699993,
+    9.3138777741999998,
+    9.9096943796500003,
+    10.5413045729,
+    11.158948712999999,
+    11.999104899500001,
+    12.8985733307,
+    13.9490047253,
+    15.518092394,
+    17.033131729600001,
+    18.432082803299998,
+    20.708613102099999,
+    23.123985660399999,
+    27.884421759599999,
+    36.561019225000003,
+    61.076641297099997,
+    468.04625970900003,
+    0.0,
+    0.067076529355799996,
+    0.097824586424400006,
+    0.12058047219699999,
+    0.135066352689,
+    0.15703805450399999,
+    0.16865220856099999,
+    0.18272153189500001,
+    0.19456107267299999,
+    0.20905544303500001,
+    0.22429021016199999,
+    0.23682684978499999,
+    0.24961005214199999,
+    0.26225295033399998,
+    0.27282432554800001,
+    0.283602099439,
+    0.29623312604699997,
+    0.30840842319700001,
+    0.31645548412699998,
+    0.33143452632300002,
+    0.343712260145,
+    0.35341928343099999,
+    0.36635377466399999,
+    0.37717670892999999,
+    0.39032523504299999,
+    0.40013045900700001,
+    0.41162395957300002,
+    0.42423155816699998,
+    0.43186283101,
+    0.44215015996599999,
+    0.45428937582200002,
+    0.46224971743999999,
+    0.47594444504299999,
+    0.48807023390400001,
+    0.49693964716900002,
+    0.51019137347099996,
+    0.52165237357899996,
+    0.53174150971800005,
+    0.54256492119300004,
+    0.55515020156399997,
+    0.56325486596700003,
+    0.57178372078899997,
+    0.57891384744999996,
+    0.58826455880299999,
+    0.59910449639800001,
+    0.60935191848000003,
+    0.61881052080400001,
+    0.62702569041300005,
+    0.63798126176500003,
+    0.64999626073299999,
+    0.66409842520700002,
+    0.67206511322700002,
+    0.68117655017099998,
+    0.69235691936599997,
+    0.70629027472700001,
+    0.71718753920199996,
+    0.72825030830899995,
+    0.73958277894699997,
+    0.74721313986399995,
+    0.75951044739999996,
+    0.77054717878099999,
+    0.78033716992000002,
+    0.791657009508,
+    0.80069783012999995,
+    0.81151864388700001,
+    0.82257967604500004,
+    0.83376565960100002,
+    0.84367481175100001,
+    0.85373445615999999,
+    0.86281664475599995,
+    0.87277267299399997,
+    0.88522150941099997,
+    0.895112829577,
+    0.90741716188900001,
+    0.91619554643300005,
+    0.92601655850499998,
+    0.93734361345600004,
+    0.94620041333000005,
+    0.95712672909899998,
+    0.96744573225499997,
+    0.98318977108299999,
+    0.99187947130599996,
+    1.00505446816,
+    1.0135141032699999,
+    1.02598410227,
+    1.0352951482399999,
+    1.0473143060900001,
+    1.0610104522899999,
+    1.07557548922,
+    1.0886540525699999,
+    1.1030302993000001,
+    1.1222000890499999,
+    1.1397653729499999,
+    1.15430437835,
+    1.1696993848599999,
+    1.1869488960800001,
+    1.20122564741,
+    1.2141587142000001,
+    1.2257708751700001,
+    1.2411522805399999,
+    1.2560045466400001,
+    1.27446251035,
+    1.2841952131300001,
+    1.2982208578200001,
+    1.3182157576,
+    1.3298159782600001,
+    1.3424136029,
+    1.3604328317200001,
+    1.3767068167600001,
+    1.39749108045,
+    1.4148267830400001,
+    1.43982412632,
+    1.45450195158,
+    1.47070553463,
+    1.4842104270200001,
+    1.5036094415600001,
+    1.5196111004899999,
+    1.5427837280000001,
+    1.56874118822,
+    1.59012806749,
+    1.6156339281200001,
+    1.6415259814800001,
+    1.6627342303899999,
+    1.68678597138,
+    1.7123700775899999,
+    1.7355941341300001,
+    1.7575287234700001,
+    1.77549370303,
+    1.8023242212999999,
+    1.8306364744700001,
+    1.86843117775,
+    1.89616140233,
+    1.92693168508,
+    1.94653908551,
+    1.9674301249699999,
+    2.0023775987399999,
+    2.0410970809600002,
+    2.0712419181500001,
+    2.1001298794399998,
+    2.1435551353000002,
+    2.18745519946,
+    2.2407411531300001,
+    2.2877176484300001,
+    2.3482386991299999,
+    2.3878544206000001,
+    2.4256485211599998,
+    2.4689746994299999,
+    2.54115707404,
+    2.6060044637200002,
+    2.6471446480799998,
+    2.7082778846300002,
+    2.7625848318599999,
+    2.8217618519399998,
+    2.8730281955899999,
+    2.94944935405,
+    2.9984511177900002,
+    3.06158326156,
+    3.1477109402800001,
+    3.2264457052400002,
+    3.3135370713699999,
+    3.3913116560900001,
+    3.46766561982,
+    3.5469306652600001,
+    3.6270133483599998,
+    3.7196516111200002,
+    3.8300128499600001,
+    3.9706856961599999,
+    4.0624593885399998,
+    4.16862605645,
+    4.32355081595,
+    4.4582130280000003,
+    4.5901068198399999,
+    4.7253251831799998,
+    4.8713623347399997,
+    5.0670691161099999,
+    5.2375849693000003,
+    5.3887073546400002,
+    5.6495635870200003,
+    5.8884178613599998,
+    6.1407571599699997,
+    6.3858608976199998,
+    6.6661948102800004,
+    7.0439049067599999,
+    7.3559915120800001,
+    7.73009363221,
+    8.2262361691900008,
+    8.8019442355600006,
+    9.2680434525499997,
+    9.7743200198599993,
+    10.6920252267,
+    11.3785733059,
+    12.170137853,
+    13.036613519199999,
+    14.486048819000001,
+    16.028067222499999,
+    17.977721620600001,
+    20.963719555200001,
+    25.110074835700001,
+    32.315204575999999,
+    51.776266767099997,
+    108.063764331,
+    0.0,
+    0.074209559522700003,
+    0.108008052641,
+    0.12807119272199999,
+    0.145696860505,
+    0.15949782790200001,
+    0.17030767784699999,
+    0.181856162219,
+    0.194359775116,
+    0.206545451204,
+    0.216886655718,
+    0.227597454714,
+    0.239520822277,
+    0.24975972163499999,
+    0.26174800391699998,
+    0.27515156150300002,
+    0.28928260960800001,
+    0.30056007218699998,
+    0.31177038148300001,
+    0.32223273686999998,
+    0.33233709398299999,
+    0.34226863585799999,
+    0.35054033371600002,
+    0.36272022538900001,
+    0.37265758299599999,
+    0.38450845354800001,
+    0.392952528902,
+    0.40280374789700002,
+    0.41239163517100003,
+    0.42225057636800001,
+    0.43390677896199997,
+    0.44589553585300001,
+    0.456357880291,
+    0.46605928183400003,
+    0.47533877800199997,
+    0.485109944056,
+    0.49754601794199999,
+    0.50792030114300002,
+    0.51923692407099997,
+    0.52864927728800004,
+    0.53777407420400003,
+    0.54790751383199998,
+    0.55673983995999998,
+    0.56698607143699997,
+    0.57670367642800002,
+    0.58667471005899996,
+    0.596751819495,
+    0.60570130209100004,
+    0.61498993393199997,
+    0.62532916186599996,
+    0.63421809777399996,
+    0.643945582415,
+    0.652131236,
+    0.66037342159400003,
+    0.66984241853199999,
+    0.68013004284099998,
+    0.68891506562500004,
+    0.69795858717600001,
+    0.70724072355500001,
+    0.71773910407499997,
+    0.72600456224599996,
+    0.73529066837299994,
+    0.74465581544199999,
+    0.75311728489600005,
+    0.76285052475299997,
+    0.77230557399699995,
+    0.78194921514500004,
+    0.79213459741699999,
+    0.80258535964699995,
+    0.81396443458699996,
+    0.82267338024400005,
+    0.83206771620599995,
+    0.83984893131100002,
+    0.85244698240700001,
+    0.860212067124,
+    0.87121284808199995,
+    0.88206426743400002,
+    0.893602624377,
+    0.90550090295300001,
+    0.91868520951400001,
+    0.92977380346299998,
+    0.94206318246999998,
+    0.95246633238900003,
+    0.96670282891199999,
+    0.97605982209599995,
+    0.98559747736000003,
+    0.99585577432700001,
+    1.00707064259,
+    1.01710690075,
+    1.02898182166,
+    1.04428034784,
+    1.0538694818500001,
+    1.06500309695,
+    1.0756346263800001,
+    1.08768054822,
+    1.0986564112699999,
+    1.11056517658,
+    1.1222492032,
+    1.13556072341,
+    1.1472841566,
+    1.16118311944,
+    1.17259765348,
+    1.1861421571199999,
+    1.1985894798400001,
+    1.20980222263,
+    1.2233664048399999,
+    1.2385002300500001,
+    1.2516226459299999,
+    1.2669008712400001,
+    1.2794959423800001,
+    1.2958611531299999,
+    1.31116706463,
+    1.32857407312,
+    1.34365731571,
+    1.35879876289,
+    1.3767427480700001,
+    1.3927745273200001,
+    1.41141387435,
+    1.4296441628400001,
+    1.4469934928999999,
+    1.46603314043,
+    1.4837471764900001,
+    1.5016602720400001,
+    1.51855715617,
+    1.5372635274499999,
+    1.55585749083,
+    1.5776110083899999,
+    1.59566951462,
+    1.62476079488,
+    1.6471928626000001,
+    1.6678247338300001,
+    1.6864094001200001,
+    1.7115934443700001,
+    1.7389659531499999,
+    1.76721239977,
+    1.78849994105,
+    1.81312786502,
+    1.8365295582100001,
+    1.8646738456900001,
+    1.8978807795199999,
+    1.9240405234,
+    1.9549490789899999,
+    1.98972377392,
+    2.0200230888899999,
+    2.0589141742399999,
+    2.10302415543,
+    2.14058485254,
+    2.1818536127199999,
+    2.2299519963300001,
+    2.2712959938699999,
+    2.3135445986500001,
+    2.3566542270399999,
+    2.3959056922599999,
+    2.4446333513399998,
+    2.4952439185199999,
+    2.5492654399200001,
+    2.6106037504100001,
+    2.6602865229799999,
+    2.7105208912299998,
+    2.7745671455899998,
+    2.8333797499900002,
+    2.9008461857499999,
+    2.96494326499,
+    3.0289889630300002,
+    3.10234506861,
+    3.1725169557099999,
+    3.2548023935399999,
+    3.3312575634499999,
+    3.41501385226,
+    3.5077691502100001,
+    3.6109139158899999,
+    3.70736489466,
+    3.8078795299400001,
+    3.9399935880500001,
+    4.0729162849399998,
+    4.1754315477999997,
+    4.32871701963,
+    4.4670420558400004,
+    4.6172360869400002,
+    4.7801353008799996,
+    4.9685158392900002,
+    5.1787521224099997,
+    5.3659561809799996,
+    5.5579867362700002,
+    5.80647069765,
+    6.0770936171800001,
+    6.3474439077599998,
+    6.62582338065,
+    6.9727248909400004,
+    7.3991913842899999,
+    7.8834449215399998,
+    8.5166144845100007,
+    9.2030546325000007,
+    9.88020733826,
+    10.866036106699999,
+    12.0758777085,
+    14.18128042,
+    16.712052750600002,
+    20.430876708300001,
+    27.2913398323,
+    198.831343334,
+    0.0,
+    0.069244384700200001,
+    0.088432101515100003,
+    0.10716305206,
+    0.12503845091900001,
+    0.140404065533,
+    0.15732758095900001,
+    0.17026163426999999,
+    0.181554153262,
+    0.19229104097999999,
+    0.20063488720700001,
+    0.20918075219000001,
+    0.22448851398700001,
+    0.23329259600999999,
+    0.243417838223,
+    0.25098683398999999,
+    0.26086665715599999,
+    0.26722012921400001,
+    0.27447102517700001,
+    0.28549280903099999,
+    0.29370514330199998,
+    0.30435794709199998,
+    0.31171401890299999,
+    0.32079725821600003,
+    0.33073290586199999,
+    0.340392028515,
+    0.35038726600499998,
+    0.35811690266399998,
+    0.36447411653700001,
+    0.37185544116399999,
+    0.381082348721,
+    0.390780214455,
+    0.39830952785200002,
+    0.40748168602500001,
+    0.41488373765499997,
+    0.42543510561100001,
+    0.43158160961199998,
+    0.44002625662900002,
+    0.44926347686599999,
+    0.45776432919799998,
+    0.468022411503,
+    0.47664440380200002,
+    0.48258490950499999,
+    0.48896171374500003,
+    0.496491820137,
+    0.50698509859999996,
+    0.51452015906199999,
+    0.52068937139100002,
+    0.52946408477100004,
+    0.53880448153799998,
+    0.548801791313,
+    0.555995027759,
+    0.56369511933200001,
+    0.57026213611200005,
+    0.57917412801400003,
+    0.58903117523000004,
+    0.59960305490099997,
+    0.60673607228299997,
+    0.61394249280099999,
+    0.62335872512500001,
+    0.62950473092000003,
+    0.63564906077100003,
+    0.64370653836500002,
+    0.65068290176499999,
+    0.65692425783200004,
+    0.66660140937199996,
+    0.67467287438699997,
+    0.68340267482299999,
+    0.69234704669500002,
+    0.70022548729900003,
+    0.70878108772100001,
+    0.71517132508000003,
+    0.72483344563800001,
+    0.73510369684400001,
+    0.74464179844099998,
+    0.75114169742299997,
+    0.75948786098200005,
+    0.76927896632399995,
+    0.780181603981,
+    0.79038397953499995,
+    0.79658809158499999,
+    0.80565180419899995,
+    0.81340080992999997,
+    0.82502676166900002,
+    0.83237961296700003,
+    0.84110268556400003,
+    0.85232968998699998,
+    0.86273446105600005,
+    0.87069963084699997,
+    0.88137854582999997,
+    0.89128913714400004,
+    0.90061058757400003,
+    0.90609412190700001,
+    0.91504032505999999,
+    0.92415693050900005,
+    0.93648983181699996,
+    0.94349116139300004,
+    0.95300702282700001,
+    0.96521719153999996,
+    0.97733292798399996,
+    0.98974230043699996,
+    1.0028012640199999,
+    1.01236890773,
+    1.0253034214500001,
+    1.0345343165800001,
+    1.0429324387700001,
+    1.0534672371,
+    1.06628868009,
+    1.07468795352,
+    1.08633326882,
+    1.09933424957,
+    1.1068518163600001,
+    1.12106242894,
+    1.13430375102,
+    1.1497669909499999,
+    1.16355554605,
+    1.1741333470999999,
+    1.1865602471200001,
+    1.19552264974,
+    1.20964466299,
+    1.2206552660600001,
+    1.2334735428900001,
+    1.2446193507100001,
+    1.26228052188,
+    1.2733668809500001,
+    1.2862487980799999,
+    1.29915564596,
+    1.31311637923,
+    1.3325804596099999,
+    1.34251302023,
+    1.3591003659500001,
+    1.377169549,
+    1.3924811167,
+    1.40750771045,
+    1.4232614989300001,
+    1.4396669344899999,
+    1.4651287187599999,
+    1.4899491085200001,
+    1.50816578923,
+    1.5249813512099999,
+    1.5484316629499999,
+    1.56552035633,
+    1.58626075727,
+    1.60321824898,
+    1.6254795315799999,
+    1.64592427713,
+    1.6680292001699999,
+    1.6929771865600001,
+    1.71641044875,
+    1.73825985627,
+    1.7655221754799999,
+    1.7903694698399999,
+    1.8124234588000001,
+    1.83919765728,
+    1.86770929471,
+    1.9001015000199999,
+    1.9321267789500001,
+    1.95584199638,
+    1.99690811411,
+    2.0217444230499999,
+    2.05376297292,
+    2.0929451083099999,
+    2.12301731176,
+    2.1526232798299998,
+    2.19298807375,
+    2.2255018723100002,
+    2.2689246505599998,
+    2.3179026897699999,
+    2.3644121098699999,
+    2.4221039841300001,
+    2.4838688069799999,
+    2.53466998697,
+    2.6042919607999999,
+    2.6812450073999998,
+    2.7654172146999998,
+    2.8309204248399999,
+    2.9094078948100002,
+    2.9876772553499999,
+    3.0748530970700001,
+    3.1622064731699999,
+    3.24147451246,
+    3.32558384886,
+    3.4422202342600001,
+    3.5775338240400001,
+    3.7141610497599999,
+    3.87173250803,
+    4.0663966875900002,
+    4.29308118297,
+    4.4781034155099997,
+    4.7041054642700004,
+    5.0488522514199996,
+    5.3311777928700002,
+    5.6656935490200002,
+    6.1539089237400004,
+    6.8843836607600002,
+    7.4347424954000001,
+    8.2978267417500007,
+    9.6243020157500005,
+    11.369168954199999,
+    15.540639672399999,
+    76.1760172643,
+    0.0,
+    0.049706365699999998,
+    0.0666592682662,
+    0.088322065368899999,
+    0.104536859611,
+    0.11923256786399999,
+    0.127291144238,
+    0.13502577832400001,
+    0.140820543469,
+    0.15139945632400001,
+    0.16099717066999999,
+    0.16793664804899999,
+    0.179770597659,
+    0.18534480911599999,
+    0.19437588065,
+    0.20501796081000001,
+    0.21442507195499999,
+    0.223638661722,
+    0.235448046864,
+    0.24069837603999999,
+    0.249796619168,
+    0.2569021037,
+    0.26571241794099998,
+    0.273484835112,
+    0.28264031867099998,
+    0.29203238294299999,
+    0.30128506578199998,
+    0.30890798204499997,
+    0.31400372247300001,
+    0.32085907990500001,
+    0.33018590514200002,
+    0.33434813763600002,
+    0.34099138695100001,
+    0.34839419218399997,
+    0.36043796979300002,
+    0.366921197137,
+    0.374978179395,
+    0.380142953738,
+    0.38497527854699998,
+    0.39412431397300002,
+    0.40294224279800001,
+    0.41036947119900002,
+    0.42097414080500001,
+    0.426696154529,
+    0.43405547629300001,
+    0.438076390323,
+    0.44626941882600002,
+    0.45209988855099997,
+    0.46025667702299999,
+    0.46751534699899999,
+    0.47569740786199999,
+    0.48648925341600002,
+    0.49365845173799999,
+    0.50062076512099996,
+    0.50762099689399998,
+    0.51599561488599999,
+    0.52069070294499997,
+    0.52771734894599998,
+    0.53507770527700005,
+    0.53957262010100004,
+    0.54687563426600005,
+    0.55882733756900005,
+    0.56778279961099998,
+    0.57581367970300001,
+    0.58169558514099995,
+    0.589416835832,
+    0.59799990574399997,
+    0.60309451416000004,
+    0.60776585343300005,
+    0.61113211528400002,
+    0.620751519689,
+    0.63049668177200002,
+    0.64186111209399999,
+    0.649049389792,
+    0.65881032984999999,
+    0.667603399933,
+    0.67500088551600002,
+    0.68058962597299999,
+    0.68475592303099997,
+    0.69020553863599998,
+    0.69297641552300004,
+    0.69919890922799999,
+    0.70692564551500003,
+    0.71223085652100004,
+    0.72213575435900001,
+    0.730079802251,
+    0.73971307206199999,
+    0.74754515744299999,
+    0.75906245692899998,
+    0.76535806436599996,
+    0.768435170424,
+    0.77936645084,
+    0.78371319966099995,
+    0.793548757173,
+    0.79992665980300004,
+    0.80669075308100002,
+    0.813805390164,
+    0.82073219292800004,
+    0.82530292600499999,
+    0.83254418888299997,
+    0.84023227490600005,
+    0.84610269681500005,
+    0.850974506809,
+    0.85604916181199997,
+    0.86800267070000003,
+    0.87548269182500005,
+    0.88170746226899999,
+    0.89168104316600005,
+    0.89886785180600004,
+    0.90941660694899995,
+    0.92091095976000004,
+    0.92713708903799996,
+    0.93255472954399998,
+    0.94075570205600001,
+    0.95405981205900003,
+    0.96338844277799995,
+    0.97402552055400005,
+    0.98526481076200001,
+    0.99808150342699997,
+    1.00881814468,
+    1.0181152037700001,
+    1.02462072395,
+    1.0362614133200001,
+    1.0501057383200001,
+    1.05573829434,
+    1.0663375241399999,
+    1.0815544234900001,
+    1.0920197863400001,
+    1.10280835408,
+    1.1180455459900001,
+    1.1302349147199999,
+    1.14338393376,
+    1.1517784771899999,
+    1.16459044846,
+    1.17843359548,
+    1.1909602731,
+    1.2038564818399999,
+    1.2161138792399999,
+    1.22899884794,
+    1.24167619324,
+    1.25804220029,
+    1.26669854112,
+    1.28319750286,
+    1.29839920006,
+    1.31138545902,
+    1.3222317000599999,
+    1.34185918055,
+    1.3547619368999999,
+    1.3711217067000001,
+    1.3874485756199999,
+    1.4017178245899999,
+    1.4176863825099999,
+    1.43525875504,
+    1.4513358921899999,
+    1.4669285814799999,
+    1.49058059786,
+    1.51243917885,
+    1.5343601628600001,
+    1.5519685841999999,
+    1.5858246281799999,
+    1.6052702545799999,
+    1.6255288476200001,
+    1.645511371,
+    1.67744979518,
+    1.7003145979100001,
+    1.7236176675199999,
+    1.74467645265,
+    1.7809151811699999,
+    1.8104241704099999,
+    1.85100020932,
+    1.8902605480300001,
+    1.9127629589099999,
+    1.94264465956,
+    1.98831619403,
+    2.0462312106199998,
+    2.1088091964400002,
+    2.1589111550700002,
+    2.19880416124,
+    2.2551363689100001,
+    2.32115689321,
+    2.3900112406699998,
+    2.4355086734200002,
+    2.53167527975,
+    2.5574390199299999,
+    2.69075228193,
+    2.80722131929,
+    2.8827815963000001,
+    3.0169724035100001,
+    3.1020365340699998,
+    3.2877647668300001,
+    3.4186314330799998,
+    3.55711527829,
+    3.7777833577900002,
+    4.0940063095600001,
+    4.35113022089,
+    4.7722176832300001,
+    5.4945754250499999,
+    6.0600360065499999,
+    6.7983858917699997,
+    9.1234186672500002,
+    40.009378980599998,
+    0.0,
+    0.067895952064799994,
+    0.084300078749299998,
+    0.095052432169299997,
+    0.102638659398,
+    0.112117784904,
+    0.11826939027900001,
+    0.12549932636300001,
+    0.12979818836900001,
+    0.14651996704600001,
+    0.15100212390600001,
+    0.161663165759,
+    0.16954870848299999,
+    0.177081348221,
+    0.18018558524200001,
+    0.18303580819699999,
+    0.19216015759300001,
+    0.19761816342399999,
+    0.20405892001000001,
+    0.208512677383,
+    0.2121909193,
+    0.219201257102,
+    0.226866968867,
+    0.23794276716900001,
+    0.24987132195699999,
+    0.25465170763400002,
+    0.26099785587800001,
+    0.26730559655899999,
+    0.28331961066,
+    0.29096521670800002,
+    0.29624967979200001,
+    0.29829805930100001,
+    0.30951316035100002,
+    0.31770754811700003,
+    0.32720886553700002,
+    0.33647444911699997,
+    0.34198895204000002,
+    0.35025569471500001,
+    0.35723583674800002,
+    0.36574792956399999,
+    0.37381139126899998,
+    0.38799391889500001,
+    0.39067031169299998,
+    0.39620024782899999,
+    0.40020907354500002,
+    0.406629782376,
+    0.41587001647900002,
+    0.42064605710199998,
+    0.427983894024,
+    0.43880340547500002,
+    0.446223080223,
+    0.450449340882,
+    0.45558651616200002,
+    0.46105934588699998,
+    0.46416526610600001,
+    0.47234232416100003,
+    0.47838800081799998,
+    0.48398364517499998,
+    0.49028214090200001,
+    0.499284532015,
+    0.50451360745100005,
+    0.509733914146,
+    0.51534943972199998,
+    0.51694525305200001,
+    0.52351544417600004,
+    0.52741635274900001,
+    0.53030801158100005,
+    0.54039249319000005,
+    0.543358519993,
+    0.55090831684899999,
+    0.56351528162800002,
+    0.57109497028699996,
+    0.57678495336900004,
+    0.58431894816300001,
+    0.59453107257500004,
+    0.60337885959000004,
+    0.61000337793399995,
+    0.61727383516599998,
+    0.62371645808300002,
+    0.629855469291,
+    0.64046230499599999,
+    0.64338774420900002,
+    0.64928236111199999,
+    0.65253922932700004,
+    0.65630438988100004,
+    0.66542800844200001,
+    0.67245369789099996,
+    0.67689678974900003,
+    0.68490163471400001,
+    0.697879548796,
+    0.70321721042899998,
+    0.70825620560000002,
+    0.71214130965099998,
+    0.71606229576000002,
+    0.72849739743399999,
+    0.72997690491599998,
+    0.73496304621899999,
+    0.74722916204000001,
+    0.75461055645599995,
+    0.76049922669799996,
+    0.76492250952399998,
+    0.77219537422499995,
+    0.77615043430200004,
+    0.78272629883699996,
+    0.78806707738399995,
+    0.803877101727,
+    0.81237050231600005,
+    0.82231101211000002,
+    0.82643891219300003,
+    0.82994343368199996,
+    0.84104036655799996,
+    0.85001450139900003,
+    0.85722719700299999,
+    0.86813520497600005,
+    0.87634807207999998,
+    0.87849406127499996,
+    0.88626760274000005,
+    0.89464524886600005,
+    0.89854680515700003,
+    0.90579336081200001,
+    0.90937836218900003,
+    0.92263809143499997,
+    0.92671709472899999,
+    0.93140291302300005,
+    0.93889838636400003,
+    0.94817473635500005,
+    0.95134624523199995,
+    0.95948566447500006,
+    0.96931430537899999,
+    0.97827519300099997,
+    0.98284090499800003,
+    0.98853660864199999,
+    0.99999303088000002,
+    1.00933104878,
+    1.02227252775,
+    1.0339923686800001,
+    1.03840687036,
+    1.04500879737,
+    1.05122171927,
+    1.06723984471,
+    1.07953686403,
+    1.09113807067,
+    1.10417487551,
+    1.11446546637,
+    1.1254220105599999,
+    1.1353940360999999,
+    1.16144655068,
+    1.1695186521200001,
+    1.1831819617599999,
+    1.2096151764900001,
+    1.2368935164299999,
+    1.2456266675500001,
+    1.25296303964,
+    1.26564891435,
+    1.2701959942000001,
+    1.28466851306,
+    1.29873724956,
+    1.31966389347,
+    1.3313272542500001,
+    1.34786430325,
+    1.3621826611400001,
+    1.3720433831700001,
+    1.3971090305,
+    1.4043458957999999,
+    1.4238434153299999,
+    1.4590867995000001,
+    1.4854743821,
+    1.5153253015599999,
+    1.54813838085,
+    1.57329724758,
+    1.6116532666100001,
+    1.62277970085,
+    1.63219947245,
+    1.6666665269000001,
+    1.73127681763,
+    1.7492774307700001,
+    1.80557771894,
+    1.8267234865099999,
+    1.88934211181,
+    1.9203963709,
+    1.99466093314,
+    2.0230718376899999,
+    2.0628543274000002,
+    2.1367073224899999,
+    2.1821320160500002,
+    2.22093938088,
+    2.3072520016700002,
+    2.3621845025599999,
+    2.44517002578,
+    2.5015913727800001,
+    2.5975738754100002,
+    2.7045052724200001,
+    2.8865631109500001,
+    3.1260959842,
+    3.39849260601,
+    3.6254807685400001,
+    4.0097191798100003,
+    4.5724242129699997,
+    5.4143250544999999,
+    6.3272292972399997,
+    17.5560575511,
+    0.0,
+    0.085458258148600003,
+    0.098622234580399995,
+    0.106568524017,
+    0.108057180859,
+    0.1107805041,
+    0.11464013028599999,
+    0.13602438252499999,
+    0.14300574817799999,
+    0.146684159845,
+    0.15122598984999999,
+    0.154733085331,
+    0.161754974932,
+    0.17723910406000001,
+    0.18032389045700001,
+    0.18658548177699999,
+    0.18746673820000001,
+    0.19896129970099999,
+    0.209234599805,
+    0.21980562614900001,
+    0.228062016284,
+    0.23711187915099999,
+    0.23869840689499999,
+    0.240361816358,
+    0.27144033681000002,
+    0.27327373169399999,
+    0.27458858408600001,
+    0.28007177711800002,
+    0.28248298888899998,
+    0.28387767697499999,
+    0.287453003343,
+    0.292023090998,
+    0.29519223190999999,
+    0.31407066578100001,
+    0.32033662902100002,
+    0.32377361486099998,
+    0.33791304018399998,
+    0.340145093994,
+    0.34355792125200002,
+    0.35986952431000002,
+    0.36278049873099999,
+    0.36565591999199998,
+    0.36887445402199998,
+    0.37307785833099999,
+    0.37522358431500002,
+    0.38644599385299999,
+    0.38905873533300001,
+    0.39011760635100001,
+    0.39429900482899999,
+    0.40016937602000002,
+    0.40636267913899998,
+    0.408103464438,
+    0.411985395905,
+    0.42002274379400001,
+    0.42424580987299998,
+    0.42889507706199997,
+    0.43431096613499998,
+    0.43634598755999998,
+    0.44074601502999999,
+    0.44833586654099999,
+    0.44981411452999998,
+    0.45139144803199999,
+    0.45825414352600002,
+    0.465858692219,
+    0.46971239089400002,
+    0.48073097106200002,
+    0.49008253400700003,
+    0.49019267044199999,
+    0.49421178442399999,
+    0.49592401222499999,
+    0.51649450538700004,
+    0.52148438326400004,
+    0.52450649919199999,
+    0.52875492868700003,
+    0.53851929926099995,
+    0.55522500190799995,
+    0.56567545616600001,
+    0.57500972364500003,
+    0.575413910571,
+    0.577492611263,
+    0.58282093829299997,
+    0.5882333891,
+    0.59178334343399996,
+    0.59490514439200004,
+    0.59707926005599998,
+    0.60398628531999998,
+    0.61018821270699997,
+    0.62788446277499999,
+    0.62845001268199996,
+    0.63245592828700004,
+    0.64203220116600002,
+    0.64960047364600004,
+    0.65218235923199996,
+    0.65302094855500004,
+    0.65709800478699998,
+    0.66525750618900004,
+    0.66772838617499997,
+    0.66931616078599998,
+    0.67398981338899999,
+    0.67995566798200002,
+    0.69261712558099997,
+    0.69323176238100004,
+    0.70328807748099997,
+    0.70817581305300004,
+    0.71362676385000001,
+    0.72122326659400005,
+    0.72982093594899999,
+    0.73501610749799995,
+    0.74418077769299995,
+    0.74740381350899998,
+    0.75972971198000006,
+    0.76542085452499997,
+    0.77293727748999996,
+    0.77569521588599999,
+    0.79040702133899998,
+    0.79124143409100001,
+    0.79674835901600005,
+    0.801314329913,
+    0.80761727105100001,
+    0.81334526814800001,
+    0.82599153547399995,
+    0.835753037664,
+    0.84010997734000004,
+    0.84324537731399996,
+    0.84524994337100001,
+    0.852251511771,
+    0.85726585936199995,
+    0.86776513236499997,
+    0.87321839355800002,
+    0.88257634312599997,
+    0.88885223178899997,
+    0.89462277052799999,
+    0.89929289721500005,
+    0.91054077473399997,
+    0.91235045283799998,
+    0.91859506476800001,
+    0.92379410344599999,
+    0.92778311003299996,
+    0.95200833907100002,
+    0.96058777907100001,
+    0.96275379136000006,
+    0.96711989399800002,
+    0.98158423342400003,
+    0.99959381644599998,
+    1.0158547410300001,
+    1.0257344455099999,
+    1.0386164152999999,
+    1.05829394823,
+    1.0652432737599999,
+    1.06870005665,
+    1.0850122523800001,
+    1.08895555924,
+    1.1035938848,
+    1.1079237802499999,
+    1.14480878564,
+    1.1555554675299999,
+    1.1789854119500001,
+    1.21604495077,
+    1.21944541763,
+    1.2255115895799999,
+    1.2349135122299999,
+    1.2574900653700001,
+    1.2756099428300001,
+    1.27830965632,
+    1.29563470054,
+    1.33511311013,
+    1.37879372829,
+    1.4104141532900001,
+    1.42999159888,
+    1.4340564609599999,
+    1.4404309370999999,
+    1.45125639917,
+    1.4753290649999999,
+    1.50104361326,
+    1.5067651051299999,
+    1.56173064277,
+    1.5867665737000001,
+    1.6529842751699999,
+    1.68573957888,
+    1.6981474139899999,
+    1.7544189081799999,
+    1.79075077468,
+    1.8606238073600001,
+    1.9675939468600001,
+    1.99649367583,
+    2.0088494420599998,
+    2.0624960910299999,
+    2.1345821995000001,
+    2.25477797389,
+    2.4129377727399999,
+    2.4947352830499998,
+    2.6183637912700002,
+    3.0074794112299998,
+    3.1791961046799999,
+    3.4293356642399999,
+    3.8514844690699999,
+    4.2517228191100003,
+    4.9637069833399998,
+    6.0765632038800002,
+    6.7603904355099997,
+    10.3173126473,
+    0.0,
+    0.078613919986899997,
+    0.086706257325800007,
+    0.086706257325800007,
+    0.114789651673,
+    0.12273957318299999,
+    0.127062920365,
+    0.128484790396,
+    0.13578225807899999,
+    0.13578225807899999,
+    0.14730174056500001,
+    0.14730174056500001,
+    0.15501754607599999,
+    0.17160764402600001,
+    0.17160764402600001,
+    0.17716597523700001,
+    0.19318889167600001,
+    0.201064059002,
+    0.20544566915199999,
+    0.208662339522,
+    0.208662339522,
+    0.209070783313,
+    0.217981911645,
+    0.21984720431800001,
+    0.22959168302800001,
+    0.22959168302800001,
+    0.22979925938500001,
+    0.23023398217900001,
+    0.23282324285100001,
+    0.23847389001200001,
+    0.24981772981200001,
+    0.24981772981200001,
+    0.251976912788,
+    0.26484603340399998,
+    0.267063574626,
+    0.276065116128,
+    0.27955725551999999,
+    0.27955725551999999,
+    0.29253129065099998,
+    0.29257984585899999,
+    0.29426519135099999,
+    0.29991973517600001,
+    0.29991973517600001,
+    0.300865581125,
+    0.30629956382500001,
+    0.33189640078299998,
+    0.33193362117300002,
+    0.332892715999,
+    0.332892715999,
+    0.33786995917700002,
+    0.34286355479300001,
+    0.35037131399499999,
+    0.36538777844499998,
+    0.36538777844499998,
+    0.39533598300400002,
+    0.40761459269400002,
+    0.43071349334699999,
+    0.44611156073300001,
+    0.44821302280300002,
+    0.44821302280300002,
+    0.45970379461999999,
+    0.479322648149,
+    0.49927725766600001,
+    0.50856338644599997,
+    0.50856338644599997,
+    0.51381349247600006,
+    0.52312377414900002,
+    0.52365255460899995,
+    0.524357535308,
+    0.52449511360300005,
+    0.53246792168500001,
+    0.53246792168500001,
+    0.53406269761799996,
+    0.54066543759600005,
+    0.54165597718199998,
+    0.54165597718199998,
+    0.54286979560399995,
+    0.54565296744199998,
+    0.54680412639599996,
+    0.55924698793600003,
+    0.55948804920899997,
+    0.55948804920899997,
+    0.56237285913900004,
+    0.61191574840100005,
+    0.61803286518099998,
+    0.62621800263899996,
+    0.62894744300399996,
+    0.62894744300399996,
+    0.64175065233299999,
+    0.64274226864700001,
+    0.643141090937,
+    0.64957757771299995,
+    0.64957757771299995,
+    0.65462416615899999,
+    0.65508592379599995,
+    0.65577214273499995,
+    0.65867533793400002,
+    0.65966257080699997,
+    0.65966257080699997,
+    0.67002637381200003,
+    0.6862767676,
+    0.68775204324200001,
+    0.68935688154399999,
+    0.68935688154399999,
+    0.68958321519599997,
+    0.69489243672400003,
+    0.69799974598299996,
+    0.70085954020999996,
+    0.70570470911100003,
+    0.70570470911100003,
+    0.71529355939600003,
+    0.71529355939600003,
+    0.73061672396900001,
+    0.73147192102699998,
+    0.73147192102699998,
+    0.73172502367900005,
+    0.74705904753800001,
+    0.75069245931200002,
+    0.76171481537700003,
+    0.78431047228100004,
+    0.78431047228100004,
+    0.79589062785700004,
+    0.79985244088700003,
+    0.80739451523600003,
+    0.80995278660199999,
+    0.80995278660199999,
+    0.818149271693,
+    0.81876691441600002,
+    0.82187704197599998,
+    0.82398018051199995,
+    0.83061310912300002,
+    0.83061310912300002,
+    0.841520560606,
+    0.84283988029500001,
+    0.845286826815,
+    0.85635186159599996,
+    0.88301536060399999,
+    0.88301536060399999,
+    0.89457113891100004,
+    0.90319721159599997,
+    0.91110728614600001,
+    0.920115781518,
+    0.920115781518,
+    0.924752016362,
+    0.93270708632099997,
+    0.93634613579199999,
+    0.93668785307699998,
+    0.938056933654,
+    0.938056933654,
+    0.963093301648,
+    0.97003534928799995,
+    0.97433733039600001,
+    0.98296990885400004,
+    0.98296990885400004,
+    0.99165891962800001,
+    0.99363899328700001,
+    1.00411505522,
+    1.0082220608200001,
+    1.04142653436,
+    1.04142653436,
+    1.05299960148,
+    1.0584566497800001,
+    1.0631344471799999,
+    1.0702232139000001,
+    1.0702232139000001,
+    1.0745255061000001,
+    1.07801171048,
+    1.09546502235,
+    1.1130150782399999,
+    1.1212890952400001,
+    1.1453294864700001,
+    1.1453294864700001,
+    1.14683578271,
+    1.14912419314,
+    1.1868862875699999,
+    1.1868862875699999,
+    1.2135111146399999,
+    1.2764048086199999,
+    1.3014758897300001,
+    1.33521824385,
+    1.3586680634799999,
+    1.3586680634799999,
+    1.39549136126,
+    1.4365610253900001,
+    1.4568919919400001,
+    1.5925258819899999,
+    1.67910648307,
+    1.67910648307,
+    1.7175836223800001,
+    1.8595366530499999,
+    2.22804691293,
+    2.4236335095200001,
+    2.4236335095200001,
+    2.5444902152200002,
+    2.7565764210300001,
+    3.0002289122299999,
+    3.2770080283,
+    6.1761254131100003,
+    6.1761254131100003,
+    9.0448113096899991,
+    9.0448113096899991,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.084719549076999995,
+    0.084719549076999995,
+    0.162771060016,
+    0.162771060016,
+    0.162771060016,
+    0.174797101293,
+    0.174797101293,
+    0.19337957316099999,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19855375347500001,
+    0.19855375347500001,
+    0.19855375347500001,
+    0.200626535691,
+    0.200626535691,
+    0.20443169045699999,
+    0.20443169045699999,
+    0.20546703844700001,
+    0.20546703844700001,
+    0.20546703844700001,
+    0.22648266447400001,
+    0.22648266447400001,
+    0.240550688555,
+    0.240550688555,
+    0.240550688555,
+    0.25396349222699999,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.27888116985299999,
+    0.27888116985299999,
+    0.29428424249599999,
+    0.29428424249599999,
+    0.29428424249599999,
+    0.299788951114,
+    0.299788951114,
+    0.31720186969399999,
+    0.31720186969399999,
+    0.31720186969399999,
+    0.35285717429300001,
+    0.35285717429300001,
+    0.35967187727099997,
+    0.35967187727099997,
+    0.35967187727099997,
+    0.36425099049600002,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.393647946528,
+    0.393647946528,
+    0.40432582434100001,
+    0.40432582434100001,
+    0.40432582434100001,
+    0.41409827036399999,
+    0.41409827036399999,
+    0.42605819547399998,
+    0.42605819547399998,
+    0.438201525694,
+    0.438201525694,
+    0.438201525694,
+    0.52412206191900002,
+    0.52412206191900002,
+    0.53036211888999996,
+    0.53036211888999996,
+    0.53947846940699995,
+    0.53947846940699995,
+    0.53947846940699995,
+    0.54022582851800005,
+    0.54022582851800005,
+    0.54022582851800005,
+    0.55304014916499999,
+    0.55304014916499999,
+    0.58228935374099999,
+    0.58228935374099999,
+    0.58228935374099999,
+    0.60596028174500005,
+    0.60596028174500005,
+    0.61041536468199997,
+    0.61041536468199997,
+    0.61041536468199997,
+    0.65478363743500001,
+    0.65478363743500001,
+    0.67732197187900001,
+    0.67732197187900001,
+    0.69170398708900005,
+    0.69170398708900005,
+    0.69170398708900005,
+    0.71778169588399998,
+    0.71778169588399998,
+    0.71778169588399998,
+    0.724448255762,
+    0.724448255762,
+    0.73445742378500001,
+    0.73445742378500001,
+    0.73445742378500001,
+    0.74008547261299995,
+    0.74008547261299995,
+    0.74881364436599995,
+    0.74881364436599995,
+    0.77742926704699999,
+    0.77742926704699999,
+    0.77742926704699999,
+    0.80214410030399996,
+    0.80214410030399996,
+    0.80237181021399995,
+    0.80237181021399995,
+    0.80237181021399995,
+    0.80480889025799995,
+    0.80480889025799995,
+    0.81567228496599997,
+    0.81567228496599997,
+    0.81567228496599997,
+    0.82045939538299995,
+    0.82045939538299995,
+    0.82352724851000003,
+    0.82352724851000003,
+    0.82352724851000003,
+    0.832308451359,
+    0.832308451359,
+    0.85064319551300005,
+    0.85064319551300005,
+    0.85064319551300005,
+    0.86707524700500005,
+    0.86707524700500005,
+    0.87113615998799998,
+    0.87113615998799998,
+    0.87113615998799998,
+    0.893480617719,
+    0.893480617719,
+    0.91025084198899997,
+    0.91025084198899997,
+    0.91025084198899997,
+    0.92945707303699998,
+    0.92945707303699998,
+    0.94367179870100004,
+    0.94367179870100004,
+    0.96249504634000005,
+    0.96249504634000005,
+    0.96249504634000005,
+    1.04851239622,
+    1.04851239622,
+    1.05472835341,
+    1.05472835341,
+    1.05472835341,
+    1.0571022668900001,
+    1.0571022668900001,
+    1.0795501896999999,
+    1.0795501896999999,
+    1.0795501896999999,
+    1.08606295202,
+    1.08606295202,
+    1.1610428489,
+    1.1610428489,
+    1.1610428489,
+    1.1737862567099999,
+    1.1737862567099999,
+    1.19233887401,
+    1.19233887401,
+    1.19233887401,
+    1.23499695024,
+    1.23499695024,
+    1.32872584115,
+    1.32872584115,
+    1.32872584115,
+    1.4875655673799999,
+    1.4875655673799999,
+    1.7768916535799999,
+    1.7768916535799999,
+    1.7768916535799999,
+    1.90484127934,
+    1.90484127934,
+    1.9108413266499999,
+    1.9108413266499999,
+    1.9108413266499999,
+    2.0007729910999998,
+    2.0007729910999998,
+    2.3382342441700001,
+    2.3382342441700001,
+    2.5987544026,
+    2.5987544026,
+    2.5987544026,
+    2.6082788293000001,
+    2.6082788293000001,
+    2.6082788293000001,
+    2.8392763735900002,
+    2.8392763735900002,
+    3.3819024131300002,
+    3.3819024131300002,
+    3.7018275480299998,
+    3.7018275480299998,
+    3.7018275480299998,
+    4.72930160618,
+    4.72930160618,
+    4.72930160618,
+    4.72930160618,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_distb.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_distb.py
index 965149b2e10fe62e8ec56bb1215b806925a38375..a5cd078518845ed06bc624739ad244d86cb33e18 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_distb.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_distb.py
@@ -9,802 +9,2416 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2010_def_distb = [
-    0.0, 0.56094372606762677, 0.7748555093433106, 0.95310767752176617,
-    1.1906079835411554, 1.4135063615181933, 1.5469706087575439,
-    1.717637715444549, 1.9078084450312611, 2.078830865302939,
-    2.3673694393209286, 2.5652916154906422, 2.719176314163422,
-    2.9143350583182777, 3.0556867288035465, 3.3314071492430846,
-    3.5309373944964433, 3.7198259542235506, 3.9746173222307726,
-    4.1716075147757152, 4.3331714146492013, 4.5010791980770231,
-    4.7010753304750965, 4.8936058791922381, 5.1037597147293932,
-    5.2592473096915198, 5.4933808099586612, 5.6277238343814533,
-    5.8620859412865522, 6.1059450539869653, 6.3120134479962893,
-    6.5830830775944706, 6.8200926493441481, 7.0702834736372564,
-    7.3483462204604635, 7.6264067744909951, 7.8372782469612465,
-    8.0617780685477705, 8.3995622657866384, 8.7403882283600378,
-    9.0992605207420993, 9.3705162889778926, 9.75889880418889,
-    10.194686638374007, 10.438514323942188, 10.726873592781514,
-    11.069318434988878, 11.396569108340843, 11.801419844938572,
-    12.128206841266881, 12.485948104637052, 12.756299870388832,
-    13.076944452763826, 13.458692068837927, 13.824717813822369,
-    14.316393196413889, 14.621905587891465, 14.888480073624264,
-    15.335930506891625, 15.609627342322275, 16.191900883034002,
-    16.54381609680534, 17.147813194052553, 17.468929751742763,
-    17.940480341162086, 18.345046931400908, 18.601290104964175,
-    19.011371018239437, 19.335036342308854, 19.740516156682062,
-    20.13447317647455, 20.462447938558235, 21.091090849462493,
-    21.556877958704259, 21.823267014913611, 22.208749180717806,
-    22.786099855049944, 23.371401551338806, 23.73315353587088,
-    24.31738397233147, 24.625223648727555, 25.069412618036147,
-    25.928099135972015, 26.497110723217201, 27.085968731165757,
-    27.631123699960334, 28.187584878982072, 28.991619387322526,
-    29.353231676085986, 30.083376143103514, 30.880607280324416,
-    31.435216510900492, 32.392330109783813, 32.921554836523583,
-    33.514110805447565, 34.303809151243847, 35.456294459561711,
-    36.280791683627093, 36.940252784295062, 37.717899566227963,
-    38.457688239199655, 39.596732893642503, 40.36400419560065,
-    40.945135884536548, 41.797758649637814, 42.487275414278201,
-    43.921777494122409, 44.874273975496472, 45.67446232320151,
-    46.727212320012811, 47.45119952715492, 48.639858771576726,
-    49.370473491276989, 50.528638968567975, 51.389834372987714,
-    52.582079342007546, 53.589199085657242, 54.585243505081834,
-    55.622223351244195, 56.936556831025484, 58.385520290381457,
-    59.451232373507203, 60.588566421499443, 62.401492617291595,
-    63.88804064081846, 65.599157033995837, 67.204436723739235,
-    69.4912133287594, 71.622345320740351, 73.103725049112015,
-    75.089813374922841, 76.884823802108912, 78.275061550352873,
-    80.357326438684495, 83.305006897820235, 85.400732831032357,
-    87.218868459052473, 89.130072489534143, 91.252783666141042,
-    92.815637585979999, 95.739391170148252, 98.435092605981637,
-    100.31960869294872, 102.50286766025864, 105.48705400852423,
-    108.82295714914468, 111.39204546177986, 114.62248349802513,
-    117.87687880992867, 119.40484241859349, 122.7734081083525,
-    125.26971884287919, 128.55177396728385, 131.66269963489299,
-    136.57359107720188, 140.51816667169177, 144.16804544736863,
-    150.35987039520109, 154.72466658210519, 160.54109480247283,
-    164.18861964598716, 170.24309324015738, 175.29889321042558,
-    183.11630724838597, 189.01683118972002, 196.90975774880297,
-    204.49263459337524, 213.04893801936598, 219.75869942751646,
-    228.19907555440614, 239.44926809073948, 248.20168822805923,
-    259.25320106736922, 265.44318466962994, 277.32312416782054,
-    288.56952434288797, 298.64263419554209, 315.25981209742378,
-    331.89024853535398, 342.74298087821637, 360.77964203727674,
-    378.48547030119011, 392.5550051422876, 405.31614074355014,
-    421.74150173342304, 441.4412304371254, 457.82211257306926,
-    480.45566322885566, 513.45774433642032, 555.4000490334372,
-    605.92811073979146, 652.49495125201292, 704.61385101258315,
-    786.33845891481292, 874.04643470496728, 1012.3600088462719,
-    1159.4774300577808, 1379.2669821003758, 1756.1106436012778,
-    2357.4547208831491, 217148.93534056327, 0.0, 0.46532971898727915,
-    0.68496949409616426, 0.94645340397600952, 1.102736193185504,
-    1.312453009792369, 1.4867727436472011, 1.6340240974064906,
-    1.8260512349059785, 1.9700706984768943, 2.1040893787044128,
-    2.2333135236192967, 2.3880111121966587, 2.5520785579949155,
-    2.6739841145948597, 2.8075636832160806, 2.9039966303754365,
-    3.0345967971695451, 3.2102417439344437, 3.3137856992787351,
-    3.4376002808848787, 3.5571277890563819, 3.6898499180667237,
-    3.799063723671626, 3.94997555574531, 4.0925736583580976,
-    4.2086028832412561, 4.3390635740171728, 4.4761244808887941,
-    4.6023420572801266, 4.7263227277876512, 4.8591547764014482,
-    5.0957595508246589, 5.30514679884981, 5.4401600222425195,
-    5.5717535777959721, 5.7003644346866409, 5.8768488839999593,
-    5.991691304228997, 6.1771150398732244, 6.3465048845874961,
-    6.4948860632013519, 6.6772230060948159, 6.8030943590107249,
-    6.9813191429783039, 7.165284199966873, 7.3873559281058423,
-    7.5948269266966975, 7.801592658633016, 7.9955249125214145,
-    8.1905643672046686, 8.3270830680818655, 8.5054910750061179,
-    8.7225666260180663, 8.9368113184240965, 9.1376808053645888,
-    9.3633428615533649, 9.5990825604962264, 9.7364383724201087,
-    9.9186955590691088, 10.124746714296, 10.40687565362729, 10.737648017833138,
-    11.012188237958963, 11.214102933586581, 11.45440355061357,
-    11.736264046084917, 12.026226014607102, 12.245762888886343,
-    12.541549269023777, 12.756641375192153, 12.98360561266394,
-    13.288306417225625, 13.526164571303489, 13.75503655409527,
-    14.117128492708087, 14.374029807073448, 14.712173108685258,
-    14.981897180990096, 15.344366904559326, 15.600391910392348,
-    16.020999494977502, 16.300440442407332, 16.606309936976054,
-    16.902143272482817, 17.159816580240875, 17.461774805635738,
-    17.781122815339479, 18.119654210560597, 18.48063214553467,
-    18.820102897217541, 19.161710076244763, 19.479832189525602,
-    19.848403979835609, 20.122299299121863, 20.43004460334555,
-    20.753188532047265, 21.116860477662346, 21.534773567291243,
-    22.137744141529421, 22.45219966811996, 22.843712755485114,
-    23.327127510714419, 23.801219885543535, 24.400068243422009,
-    24.859199781454677, 25.249212813218318, 25.681597611963909,
-    26.218124149559316, 26.865624109857663, 27.476273115575268,
-    28.003316090112232, 28.465744086402083, 29.114406317582951,
-    29.863184721251695, 30.645923853117178, 31.411221663197541,
-    32.083675244596449, 32.623907125336849, 33.542071438820663,
-    34.423855107765, 35.090015994189059, 35.83529395578082, 36.739635743840758,
-    37.456669272617518, 38.267335328548761, 39.333029993613607,
-    40.288484522728531, 41.508400903755643, 42.819861162087363,
-    43.639905039190687, 44.572666361081048, 45.821482473822918,
-    46.862153416881057, 48.147392790601714, 49.404082667631819,
-    50.527705863342902, 52.004399737632923, 53.494784474459131,
-    54.714589396642559, 55.67232429415796, 56.793224205114853,
-    58.007050364060461, 59.680200263089169, 61.232876696778597,
-    62.427428818562269, 63.973042504689445, 65.632536988952083,
-    67.347413597855891, 69.065640807296859, 70.464693299553076,
-    72.418849794356461, 74.105138155507049, 75.662376323980538,
-    77.872835649845626, 79.967351057764517, 81.928379445805646,
-    84.034972341121062, 86.103344705230924, 88.477411000229537,
-    90.312287755291578, 92.507210044700187, 95.060608477240947,
-    97.679889639836844, 100.54820722011901, 104.05860073649033,
-    106.9975903165883, 110.72495391129446, 114.47278880860986,
-    118.67332903577829, 122.47362728985475, 127.29751063199502,
-    131.9947396665213, 137.58105901899614, 143.2436551636288,
-    148.62549462778085, 155.59863941964065, 162.63324375828105,
-    168.58328521973854, 176.47623591935073, 187.10110318413911,
-    194.1945607895322, 205.76585363429373, 218.54795010442368,
-    224.54362476449748, 231.28500418937108, 243.28574251055934,
-    254.11346183370961, 270.37086108698531, 283.71979921314824,
-    298.26484833307381, 309.41788972573079, 335.8183191815636,
-    361.8565261478937, 398.47210782079094, 453.94084657359673,
-    537.44153147414909, 644.04067764548461, 779.41712961885173,
-    1047.3517440661496, 32924.039482636828, 0.0, 0.44937757329633327,
-    0.61250349172115959, 0.7863111534649565, 0.88962062078461757,
-    1.0382238515645796, 1.1737343879099387, 1.3675367911897895,
-    1.4812885968395111, 1.6632187662691276, 1.8341758133782387,
-    1.9619748247014435, 2.0552125983628433, 2.1703209170187905,
-    2.2961317300880717, 2.3982858575534443, 2.4969661855862513,
-    2.6039206933082872, 2.7154863269399461, 2.7935806808717341,
-    2.9157144052335742, 3.0304254455360686, 3.1804609723019346,
-    3.2662231643163544, 3.3535831040758928, 3.4593860912217078,
-    3.5730577882484265, 3.6829046499090672, 3.7926322745010292,
-    3.918389650507887, 4.0461615056476345, 4.1688075178063455,
-    4.261935760927039, 4.3872821403468514, 4.4849226816074195,
-    4.5815647915521316, 4.7329622842326859, 4.8333438381787959,
-    4.9751149870072844, 5.1439939747359258, 5.2679283122041474,
-    5.3979939515818964, 5.4986148492629514, 5.5833034840702549,
-    5.7762491544651375, 5.8901795208691912, 6.0406044947405793,
-    6.1414968907338547, 6.3109595855296661, 6.4702277997994733,
-    6.6084310395612746, 6.7478047002924155, 6.8791042308295953,
-    6.9969768325569115, 7.1196791826285173, 7.2490813954518822,
-    7.4130615395895152, 7.6062113466901806, 7.7506437587572199,
-    7.8830685300393055, 8.0353926744476123, 8.1996939525956183,
-    8.4142220833085606, 8.5808330010701201, 8.7445310419872921,
-    8.9841822249357115, 9.181432418740652, 9.3539737653904709,
-    9.5793187725543287, 9.7462277892814431, 9.9098280489576762,
-    10.04079373626851, 10.211734359829405, 10.501564944142677,
-    10.710373784142686, 10.886736785556671, 11.066921822136326,
-    11.235485714770356, 11.437646009474888, 11.67346914949365,
-    11.83325542414009, 12.036493633448316, 12.32938637637468,
-    12.554138183666348, 12.743210513050011, 12.983810120622046,
-    13.174204038774839, 13.3680862872507, 13.620942224242304,
-    13.890272176459577, 14.165385082423146, 14.413231848006964,
-    14.724376594252243, 14.977328826245193, 15.231234613500565,
-    15.55914351677969, 15.781820608210545, 16.091194364415028,
-    16.347431974296502, 16.596030336748036, 16.887891775703359,
-    17.178071227425107, 17.48876537215957, 17.802979490086393,
-    18.167601675413529, 18.451234059983907, 18.773722324177371,
-    19.095678793499459, 19.393224208627331, 19.892470444495725,
-    20.360431028492791, 20.714816695587093, 21.109538106861837,
-    21.528542624887123, 21.903763658847744, 22.32752745556132,
-    22.932277869765915, 23.443859045149278, 24.010482595441839,
-    24.454443667170533, 24.893590041546005, 25.519805040678591,
-    25.948341902144293, 26.521018356962905, 27.203480036460771,
-    27.923098995772133, 28.875462789782972, 29.551018023069748,
-    29.950704440314354, 30.476114881076313, 31.046996042296136,
-    31.828920785208862, 32.724644642398538, 33.519807747032317,
-    34.207784670738299, 34.978220277672911, 35.82880248810423,
-    36.674526307149222, 37.539567643195326, 38.598050079089823,
-    39.461587691403167, 40.326650088153748, 41.3817881768775,
-    42.413485151973958, 43.434107971290473, 44.327692773369833,
-    45.281573404128643, 46.623500435435595, 47.845340004545946,
-    48.925490779005997, 50.099817716244445, 51.130922527278209,
-    52.52201636244277, 54.171384212197573, 56.251402930866988,
-    57.343667697555219, 59.060037223666868, 60.886212298901022,
-    62.282534857812919, 63.86965941245365, 65.907528655065505,
-    68.060546344496487, 69.886943517625568, 72.15339782090426,
-    74.790861312079699, 76.921991723046403, 79.835163669975174,
-    82.098620972009513, 84.019415664127024, 87.941587866072609,
-    90.308304219949349, 93.475153751625228, 96.866828921040394,
-    99.559133387387135, 103.13311038199714, 107.13838078377783,
-    111.61641909521742, 116.39540365181381, 122.02402340139254,
-    126.12078269274167, 131.70138789081315, 136.7872837632539,
-    142.28439193970823, 147.89576596130524, 152.23255441740992,
-    157.7226413282819, 164.37241204310453, 173.15971613514671,
-    180.11295998936518, 188.48112308463158, 202.36800846564165,
-    217.16809097558243, 229.45603073021095, 243.95331007710857,
-    267.19713077328231, 291.31657906696654, 319.83880240534251,
-    369.84715199786609, 456.83736037240828, 563.36551513987104,
-    1212.4845181047338, 0.0, 0.39299523597374442, 0.57756602839919102,
-    0.74933717643467546, 0.84798806113800529, 0.98808387915300122,
-    1.0731681865898071, 1.1904878246948769, 1.3296105353290197,
-    1.4470486564441511, 1.6132307202687894, 1.7334018816456787,
-    1.8405138120116515, 1.9401180825384614, 2.0206956222611518,
-    2.088323294417457, 2.1965858893088366, 2.2678507808547295,
-    2.3513510591465976, 2.452940588067142, 2.5244403869314138,
-    2.6111507000688201, 2.686185953440015, 2.7762991589505912,
-    2.8623591840837115, 2.9644501753879853, 3.0534304377734371,
-    3.1183306038752914, 3.2022029138736583, 3.3578682900076662,
-    3.4578586494674859, 3.5567846506796079, 3.6352803762683252,
-    3.7653628446367353, 3.8440117447262629, 3.9584732534380351,
-    4.0302646502503574, 4.1218781156084869, 4.211981828454741,
-    4.3396760587886405, 4.4201415569911395, 4.5235887459809963,
-    4.6307469822655509, 4.7731054586827728, 4.8838280863806549,
-    4.9937362132930252, 5.1605178704372632, 5.2560966186259481,
-    5.3556600842824587, 5.4678635206702646, 5.5973168757166114,
-    5.7048755075035276, 5.8878433771286218, 6.0190112054897522,
-    6.118844708522011, 6.2719026695437989, 6.3725565545753042,
-    6.4738742707717662, 6.5961657370971558, 6.6863432232288851,
-    6.8285306029142401, 6.9529888304791623, 7.0345923470005971,
-    7.153050087371815, 7.23828648460319, 7.3488613350575518,
-    7.5297259666276082, 7.665228962415263, 7.814513809818397,
-    7.9676729944874758, 8.0965767962005515, 8.258619388928004,
-    8.4038000906770929, 8.5498166593706451, 8.6979091856223683,
-    8.8099783579444786, 8.9513067459030502, 9.1237502030553657,
-    9.3482831702262139, 9.5044967504159725, 9.6593366065001636,
-    9.82253449013227, 9.9874115529723486, 10.137506876476476,
-    10.289126599046901, 10.444223952502876, 10.599915162622709,
-    10.734363441288647, 10.917595405084366, 11.108460594133211,
-    11.352160340302392, 11.607842306499339, 11.798599260283471,
-    12.009365871239995, 12.251934875461144, 12.49314138461267,
-    12.815528078713546, 13.078160801731713, 13.367979668775682,
-    13.61963788461563, 13.830407348960653, 14.134759793056256,
-    14.406222062237235, 14.719108048702839, 15.039806819372597,
-    15.357959034733886, 15.742708764682598, 16.038031868942646,
-    16.342061974077719, 16.619014591659234, 16.995469066261826,
-    17.440245060531616, 17.749017033014272, 18.105417999557947,
-    18.521262453800805, 18.847635914656443, 19.422978973137425,
-    19.69919609219999, 20.085099945021412, 20.537864119839881,
-    21.008059900732494, 21.532289222273434, 22.054776673981362,
-    22.335014932602295, 22.916014727566228, 23.337139989662067,
-    23.720719036927843, 24.388060450004911, 24.84313177402456,
-    25.486862832547693, 26.168604409957322, 26.702984764635431,
-    27.287480741291404, 27.801078630394546, 28.269720592443107,
-    28.926401527988713, 29.605430975118843, 30.330319669354552,
-    31.30134009465884, 31.993708205209099, 32.73067706792078,
-    33.486394058985752, 34.167581724784604, 35.401930848802451,
-    36.065974473699839, 36.896350829985813, 37.7813927333629,
-    38.921309661559299, 39.97516998571502, 40.789572211691727,
-    42.125840794801142, 43.644711500275349, 44.85355032164108,
-    45.812829425455917, 47.046058315709615, 48.449631897327926,
-    49.622408318720304, 51.04144247927352, 53.201024346560494,
-    54.577940901359469, 55.974500547503887, 57.300272604946706,
-    58.935437915672885, 61.253114155133289, 63.821740538824884,
-    65.624318697869271, 67.454483508361619, 69.123018783403808,
-    71.210354296257066, 74.567150230165254, 76.23070335468914,
-    78.271987515678816, 81.071827225516031, 83.453646862710841,
-    86.529339530495577, 89.958680391197973, 92.139227178417912,
-    95.452626979151631, 98.96652527128883, 102.73989810547134,
-    106.50759157615551, 111.64659346669681, 115.90393310434297,
-    120.92459723788905, 125.40052719866213, 129.67134907792868,
-    135.46294701412262, 142.5538801102015, 151.30070681491432,
-    157.84567716877518, 169.5170423411827, 178.87680934745092,
-    193.39884029816415, 208.14234715671577, 235.5424670602799,
-    259.89890359594898, 295.34858783034383, 334.33861915695468,
-    435.37594838703143, 500.4258992515953, 26136.224608103177, 0.0,
-    0.39973293565211121, 0.54970468651962101, 0.69428019898164828,
-    0.80416896659170267, 0.97256228280721502, 1.0741947545845139,
-    1.1635254227187484, 1.2659631876378288, 1.3822232353331732,
-    1.4871416503290158, 1.6059691148096156, 1.7314193523743162,
-    1.8189928465042873, 1.9334458898159075, 2.0377516716510327,
-    2.1075833274228066, 2.217744079961764, 2.2892931053076637,
-    2.370399790641895, 2.4612447561840849, 2.5289316577717074,
-    2.6468319175582824, 2.7635584974075624, 2.8487982858984613,
-    2.960003647452937, 3.040264995484101, 3.1340583717433561,
-    3.235843360825664, 3.3184989258906628, 3.3887498944054912,
-    3.4742665307996607, 3.5562981091035697, 3.6417013733235564,
-    3.7311047300627127, 3.8872996993864741, 3.9804799011541103,
-    4.0534756404067585, 4.1363024053202926, 4.2208974321794877,
-    4.2861111457481496, 4.3766112965174155, 4.4823314746332565,
-    4.5480736492020721, 4.6140282594933879, 4.6927572802426791,
-    4.7950758075336255, 4.8965365095798212, 5.0072589054206107,
-    5.0975160269495143, 5.2362442989591846, 5.3289517016526302,
-    5.4178449031775839, 5.5118563643244292, 5.5991786537930563,
-    5.7292585294169509, 5.8455520624288511, 5.9835086379946096,
-    6.1056860394816654, 6.2159830829296503, 6.3853574209981945,
-    6.4974583447731833, 6.6378799857782989, 6.7643189783177879,
-    6.9331608618050389, 7.0563877476272356, 7.1597694820310664,
-    7.2747575984770805, 7.4061511602581902, 7.566805332709456,
-    7.7166738418404099, 7.8275904312086375, 7.9656564706412034,
-    8.1244717048328159, 8.3128776945349419, 8.4492226274061721,
-    8.6026791744357034, 8.7913701590231152, 8.9674862747079285,
-    9.203292738543686, 9.4039626926929181, 9.5311545009803265,
-    9.7551708743344214, 9.9026582594455501, 10.022592104276631,
-    10.254556398686347, 10.441547514468155, 10.55911902240299,
-    10.753522809241019, 10.926077226400229, 11.111675067184086,
-    11.282496796620391, 11.542358714530458, 11.747566119524583,
-    12.063275519031006, 12.341240623919091, 12.652985756993917,
-    12.911635251767006, 13.185612347682703, 13.397850815278218,
-    13.510168018667791, 13.823974357607668, 14.079700135326661,
-    14.319520604253412, 14.516982034078424, 14.715852185550794,
-    14.964361234520684, 15.243919353703765, 15.434116248837348,
-    15.848964391761008, 16.086776522206492, 16.492027051516569,
-    16.795026784147762, 17.200208653485955, 17.498774119010612,
-    17.697568539728877, 17.989065229745375, 18.378303894171673,
-    18.701677957394676, 19.000050086953262, 19.305072306272276,
-    19.640223854343546, 20.148513190788542, 20.571031137831589,
-    20.950263329212515, 21.493452145932224, 21.900647991805542,
-    22.368835386038555, 22.757466417332257, 23.266697302860564,
-    23.748918186455164, 24.013428277953601, 24.436060444302342,
-    24.839469583056065, 25.343925184450622, 25.873641504196087,
-    26.482510119485095, 27.117741302188946, 28.028030125009568,
-    28.67264931970686, 29.423325760610378, 29.889992195728581,
-    30.465443031984776, 31.309530466130287, 31.901260500752073,
-    32.799551692053072, 33.541476679668996, 34.443620232941036,
-    35.302557206918429, 36.095895295724823, 36.967344523130116,
-    37.972365673128152, 39.113785970733069, 40.183225976540719,
-    41.415014418976391, 42.519519437606419, 43.877982190483891,
-    45.274268146469012, 46.598258997931197, 47.577075478663595,
-    49.30474498506122, 50.820118338226344, 52.111331702490496,
-    53.410484924257844, 54.902819374535113, 56.280708096832775,
-    57.753628438949818, 58.879346286077769, 59.968520735732298,
-    60.999746067677791, 62.753450775062085, 64.030882243935793,
-    65.729557300284014, 67.561576034705098, 69.665957842633134,
-    71.539525862837877, 73.715255033933218, 76.042333108418404,
-    79.197194154406716, 82.16221890263013, 85.299196384291619,
-    89.066358132689487, 91.826772968117325, 96.091493878155831,
-    101.23287053213269, 106.50298553112719, 109.91541659247912,
-    113.35584144711426, 119.43260281154497, 126.01710530963756,
-    135.83275402928408, 143.34767183967989, 153.86665354982301,
-    165.32615555272824, 178.67838621083195, 195.7780863511025,
-    213.10059234298109, 235.43734867679117, 282.56546879749584,
-    344.49428452558914, 1032.3156481054148, 0.0, 0.28542906758282582,
-    0.44835957796562231, 0.62651997706725926, 0.72080554472755054,
-    0.85153448889118422, 1.0135203835548705, 1.1497401649165981,
-    1.249689630633253, 1.3399789001967404, 1.4564959287102479,
-    1.5525185391245844, 1.645337296328182, 1.7029587642670561,
-    1.7998807148268574, 1.8818193335491449, 1.9378684814241007,
-    2.0045089255406014, 2.0748139436457822, 2.1773066185618797,
-    2.2832712158697772, 2.3883600529626685, 2.51854086329767,
-    2.6082969305879526, 2.6653570235348072, 2.7353083692676279,
-    2.8357637619195271, 2.949800063298929, 3.0384811951680373,
-    3.1078994075124524, 3.2335260889505033, 3.2990419647626399,
-    3.3727668828240933, 3.4799226620744226, 3.5425893742655994,
-    3.602653782843948, 3.6809307822931201, 3.7636220805378935,
-    3.8356481276880539, 3.9348563402662586, 4.0173932529537133,
-    4.1063926031921367, 4.1717702846007647, 4.2630914745857496,
-    4.3776816586639553, 4.4711604153944746, 4.5898411942902397,
-    4.6529598063193873, 4.7594223012672128, 4.859397400196225,
-    4.9911351337934935, 5.0565770304775857, 5.1225454425221839,
-    5.2210476830787913, 5.3162453599135313, 5.4019041740602542,
-    5.4940746055002112, 5.6136974622961269, 5.7781825322921838,
-    5.8753555715066135, 5.9710447043669799, 6.0693550815356012,
-    6.2210987536494446, 6.3057281942751633, 6.4213140942100821,
-    6.5389008456679329, 6.6598814572271587, 6.7667995850353684,
-    6.8447945703412136, 6.9638166797290806, 7.089919065426475,
-    7.2063358053191635, 7.352017914006157, 7.4537565287326801,
-    7.582581434309609, 7.7515979917104838, 7.922857945264326,
-    8.1036189902911531, 8.3020028506929222, 8.4634925955724825,
-    8.6391711422358544, 8.7635395423761935, 8.8992877245899145,
-    9.0893279549043093, 9.3039711595273165, 9.4509385898117682,
-    9.5886214810203292, 9.7390698728931344, 9.9541876691465312,
-    10.169584740152244, 10.408818535856438, 10.659936222779091,
-    10.885872639294179, 11.234872889392312, 11.380004892188218,
-    11.630544911322611, 11.842161705728255, 12.145847767420936,
-    12.330853164469056, 12.583698055254121, 12.816494298528724,
-    13.030768267855716, 13.340667906325312, 13.590963465427643,
-    13.838270526487388, 14.074223027757553, 14.348879588563831,
-    14.623052429806279, 14.889780883997153, 15.16693031574218,
-    15.627987742305928, 15.886715102647821, 16.122720491922152,
-    16.370043221512347, 16.698521062776425, 17.014791424541087,
-    17.277243625151677, 17.630298905505015, 17.922468720470825,
-    18.149957595022286, 18.504105261759602, 18.795720406240982,
-    19.18862905514699, 19.475658613972989, 19.718119783763974,
-    20.003625971835866, 20.315035816376586, 20.769230895348553,
-    21.215197103344, 21.721451002558126, 22.141375933409783,
-    22.495823827116208, 22.862304058851613, 23.305091172097715,
-    23.849319624238138, 24.24364699835543, 24.720699200556524,
-    25.085626207841511, 25.638589513652505, 26.154907865789191,
-    26.464735192229831, 26.827306144197109, 27.546994095945028,
-    28.177135131091795, 28.63885753555148, 29.495195057633349,
-    29.842693161801382, 30.377067174788916, 30.875858140539503,
-    31.744346334559026, 32.758933651918937, 33.726942266387887,
-    34.215890876186286, 35.205804764096222, 36.335678040868849,
-    37.11614771455158, 37.941465739425929, 38.859334633575578,
-    39.928208407832223, 40.699477662771486, 41.819209837420011,
-    43.215290220738062, 43.752358355431525, 44.477418638451525,
-    45.544939322383215, 46.640235116349203, 47.579833058320212,
-    49.08201798196896, 50.659250361498124, 51.765930922941273,
-    53.63059431256552, 55.1000160675475, 56.73201493619726, 58.246215912516156,
-    59.40623788602521, 61.827647106103718, 64.49842649472086,
-    66.976553190431929, 70.198059650548117, 73.471061518231679,
-    75.97093457032166, 78.702576395464334, 81.611672320767141,
-    83.584533696176564, 89.483719245164707, 95.503007633435587,
-    99.897758416618558, 104.5780094282018, 111.60694946504658,
-    117.51568863458957, 127.92288436293775, 136.29858810722959,
-    147.30418079416475, 162.5922919611979, 173.4980042718681,
-    184.44721960771685, 206.66903439286079, 235.60943993849668,
-    279.42538519180954, 395.73590980190897, 767.7437697537913, 0.0,
-    0.36374037786845004, 0.55995190555689123, 0.68730867176589694,
-    0.8050753739354829, 0.92714388919158952, 1.0175094347724474,
-    1.0720068922506483, 1.1785486021612082, 1.2657419124971916,
-    1.4035727483941891, 1.4650786245458309, 1.5545465660549713,
-    1.650599565868383, 1.6933702592952453, 1.7732804777571083,
-    1.8838172082592433, 1.954950718947722, 2.0048840780203179,
-    2.0683672686827492, 2.1645078261391331, 2.2612520597106451,
-    2.3359440089385646, 2.3981343988484136, 2.4476156886612883,
-    2.5691159773482495, 2.6084450349000678, 2.6658038289568791,
-    2.802053890520781, 2.8561183704950697, 2.9543741961709769,
-    3.0135138877978185, 3.0505910337969002, 3.129399027027457,
-    3.1984302483970564, 3.3186190937914195, 3.4057540256655323,
-    3.4777981689415913, 3.5184191917833267, 3.5975803130944266,
-    3.6588848905491038, 3.8130976291367, 3.8802414294541254, 3.957222730170348,
-    4.0900593899149893, 4.1986310350360245, 4.3311490651060334,
-    4.4373460503609401, 4.5587919710581124, 4.6277536709616927,
-    4.6884807290574564, 4.7843280503620607, 4.8638283249690355,
-    4.948337773654341, 5.1040636578149838, 5.1795964194464377,
-    5.2973077144211338, 5.3522785288725707, 5.4939098011676935,
-    5.6180430790090652, 5.7470634587269451, 5.8397056876634732,
-    5.9561260760004444, 6.0433823634687371, 6.1235992948872031,
-    6.2504421209611483, 6.4113950981142374, 6.5516323124086711,
-    6.7244564776287783, 6.8618195100648141, 6.9505641642794975,
-    7.0916813413393385, 7.2272991950515504, 7.3163089878854173,
-    7.4623335136659801, 7.6110387010371117, 7.7791913595037805,
-    7.936641896374983, 8.0878941913267184, 8.2595490578730129,
-    8.385431944546335, 8.5207274071897672, 8.6857803464137824,
-    8.8101649975015821, 8.9536744831786148, 9.0600596564391367,
-    9.2078447326702051, 9.3228888631291884, 9.4666810933090737,
-    9.5842181319219488, 9.7117679522558404, 9.8364937741290674,
-    9.9578885988719605, 10.050258999773828, 10.222935957512945,
-    10.316390929540351, 10.475548798393795, 10.645698388425439,
-    10.784281041251679, 10.948840474245644, 11.18619695562867,
-    11.391007009711993, 11.567902525938473, 11.71609814428081,
-    11.986239831997279, 12.114994517734564, 12.299234012158884,
-    12.519873907814063, 12.863454387962484, 13.071436848150757,
-    13.401814698265529, 13.616665965772345, 13.917822552439985,
-    14.188207378128368, 14.392249303363604, 14.565292790891043,
-    14.8227217543752, 15.082488535254081, 15.353996053129002,
-    15.71970041593713, 16.055798117141507, 16.350541959618788,
-    16.59026542651214, 16.985800718119268, 17.454849654596948,
-    17.727304029707067, 18.074448871862273, 18.657077244754035,
-    19.113484525377181, 19.562570052919153, 20.051208287923327,
-    20.510845671810618, 20.868530774744045, 21.265799148848728,
-    21.905779229740901, 22.253576842522836, 22.93054457765145,
-    23.206345747345235, 23.442698316367355, 23.819566588138276,
-    24.284074517836409, 24.787572758168594, 25.29135993018971,
-    25.702149605001754, 26.244235212381223, 26.972918611793055,
-    27.497687861234269, 27.803253080067293, 28.455954373351648,
-    28.799808431536636, 29.848012115835569, 30.659490646833433,
-    31.278494629826003, 31.986230266586109, 32.844426473455414,
-    33.467758528183403, 34.226128209009545, 35.361957028401591,
-    36.258109649477035, 36.936669242532219, 37.818365857787754,
-    38.696285651145452, 40.081917650133853, 40.64346996992446,
-    41.711711592656641, 42.702888952548854, 43.463449958527363,
-    44.933303891653537, 46.280030045429775, 46.884828739246672,
-    47.9164412951895, 48.816783602198043, 51.059938151143868,
-    52.990341731171874, 55.149664388125281, 56.632548806783447,
-    59.744429378935919, 61.750152716933627, 64.13446025245527,
-    65.894498123950655, 68.469194455591804, 72.127321506278804,
-    75.510184634367306, 79.070343457944233, 82.83698071207391,
-    86.213350717712743, 91.263841459235479, 96.251898067968696,
-    100.97702206389322, 110.24223086163732, 122.08402559600439,
-    133.28649360785434, 143.88249756506781, 165.37750731198261,
-    172.54296243585648, 184.52345636646612, 205.19933792261477,
-    225.68130093091153, 254.48608422209975, 356.13158711494771,
-    667.13884179705951, 0.0, 0.26354229304624982, 0.38447836652746359,
-    0.47827776444151504, 0.57102745980500924, 0.66953353299980622,
-    0.7418659221489563, 0.83156847070200968, 0.90459644576835174,
-    1.0010729921508612, 1.0747030979707302, 1.1266171474464457,
-    1.2074942519793959, 1.2865431026365461, 1.3473439404701553,
-    1.4202020302877516, 1.4768893225494599, 1.5313969774675775,
-    1.5909847654923739, 1.6475355098467457, 1.6997939412324161,
-    1.7637752265692834, 1.8242615872864518, 1.8898188947673684,
-    1.9509538324144411, 2.0098808061983942, 2.0640737132115903,
-    2.1250621349491174, 2.1880199036006234, 2.2482335097460373,
-    2.3224687338799601, 2.3810854640962966, 2.4539462471917695,
-    2.5205389108480092, 2.5736335433800064, 2.6351983220648534,
-    2.7117894124038844, 2.7769524741702436, 2.8358464472920151,
-    2.8923290609616985, 2.952869124430904, 3.019886501351988,
-    3.0890122216294262, 3.1640429065297679, 3.230928687772761,
-    3.2871518048094348, 3.3658272937032447, 3.4150577541035902,
-    3.5021039779235932, 3.5747695852696721, 3.6487836281519805,
-    3.7241574101269204, 3.8142260058409829, 3.889886219446729,
-    3.959556232893171, 4.0356800011365941, 4.1057394274812147,
-    4.1980461864106902, 4.309452131909552, 4.3828331762835537,
-    4.4695204020316721, 4.5367508600967223, 4.6233009941728263,
-    4.723559288314422, 4.8418135782046221, 4.9493007712556114,
-    5.0770358904447308, 5.1638022761303857, 5.258523659828418,
-    5.355344510356554, 5.4603287604488076, 5.5379537810288211,
-    5.6249248142354942, 5.7220275089216761, 5.838923475249886,
-    5.9497212657328467, 6.0583843755738309, 6.1867532212460965,
-    6.3064698765052771, 6.4319591322171776, 6.5483864027049101,
-    6.6488785338577285, 6.7665965268891011, 6.9052017507528056,
-    7.045854866965354, 7.2014256979466307, 7.330485956308558,
-    7.4487327302385404, 7.5665345877761823, 7.6547168896849138,
-    7.8054455606559943, 7.9504829122596341, 8.0783042696456278,
-    8.2122962977826681, 8.3879105778396355, 8.5583569201645879,
-    8.7283836649546007, 8.883891378612029, 9.0083786843632403,
-    9.1761351492455319, 9.3638324400389497, 9.5907615887485385,
-    9.7594846934193047, 10.010833472510898, 10.185621904747663,
-    10.346951216302086, 10.520062141237078, 10.706681377384809,
-    10.967233078599998, 11.138591663326494, 11.336327609263476,
-    11.538065870352529, 11.780969742764785, 12.040396856930878,
-    12.278033460635026, 12.572587972604635, 12.836717579047866,
-    13.112528685175548, 13.349919258349592, 13.711232799022634,
-    13.952743864796032, 14.173739895596908, 14.465060589666624,
-    14.731797503743392, 14.982825032585207, 15.26649112996823,
-    15.569851389101043, 15.807990176918581, 16.100384923714998,
-    16.357766493568764, 16.777677977704688, 17.171170485060028,
-    17.439164114500958, 17.753339594991331, 18.098780157602537,
-    18.506119482642575, 18.872634818431685, 19.158220809140616,
-    19.460619214965231, 19.861854966350609, 20.194551637195691,
-    20.572956591632238, 20.928294578986577, 21.344426709478942,
-    21.66166937542549, 22.240766877718343, 22.565729819049889,
-    23.044323591163653, 23.475228287516739, 23.932777693805892,
-    24.431735905582023, 24.9753478724361, 25.444631767712121,
-    26.034501673986167, 26.793728332827442, 27.366686796047183,
-    27.957289531847202, 28.628949210391269, 29.141828609314189,
-    29.719739181851036, 30.30594251575133, 30.960727844584873,
-    32.027496656930069, 32.974018472252368, 33.863248797022031,
-    34.561629815364022, 35.481873500994837, 36.425956905396923,
-    37.348331262937052, 38.205344049967586, 39.198221653394434,
-    40.278372389201685, 41.677786414811592, 43.065418693400801,
-    44.574973160850661, 46.276760954798682, 47.637500721436417,
-    49.306031705719278, 51.89715331335065, 54.021647205722303,
-    56.568849685307754, 58.260272125967838, 61.01559773170208,
-    63.460178968983008, 66.681062849099575, 70.419627156287063,
-    73.920166575505235, 77.213692861072445, 81.815040784668199,
-    85.962566683415389, 91.041503329412507, 95.177144795049969,
-    99.955722087200343, 108.58955753524259, 117.80784071631163,
-    130.37475347981882, 147.21446326393803, 169.18325814487829,
-    205.95766196129654, 265.65512151989378, 87848.280391018183, 0.0,
-    0.19490317513848199, 0.31818006814142752, 0.44431328428917849,
-    0.51127610159630021, 0.60383086895704507, 0.66138230429826461,
-    0.71265972318194859, 0.76129462676019677, 0.83795014966870063,
-    0.89283607223616412, 0.94121780304322211, 0.99883776020744297,
-    1.0583181972227838, 1.1082428211928517, 1.1713208117143756,
-    1.2148024624665414, 1.2609968601390287, 1.3328682001354739,
-    1.3925492252792258, 1.4667867999704067, 1.514482258913509,
-    1.5743932825824867, 1.6055483247197799, 1.6735799139620093,
-    1.7242981980275145, 1.7695095310430997, 1.8260039068052139,
-    1.8847715885877299, 1.9197993080657989, 1.9744731923762646,
-    2.0311915914165062, 2.1097644028458769, 2.1664244086126137,
-    2.2431869595868097, 2.2837360345225766, 2.3556313195570087,
-    2.405430036905444, 2.4505170860355792, 2.4989854383785239,
-    2.5407069198492236, 2.5973895600257899, 2.6662262216343775,
-    2.7003533281249101, 2.7540559919851004, 2.8059856736986672,
-    2.8744094871135686, 2.9296784011089727, 2.9987201241218648,
-    3.060603076649417, 3.149353771093593, 3.2335250198149148,
-    3.2987481250279922, 3.3813159530575105, 3.420245321649098,
-    3.4667630445198467, 3.5404207818987037, 3.6319368958518181,
-    3.7059200378072354, 3.7740034108713001, 3.8372038077261137,
-    3.9197610988151039, 3.9886257099364339, 4.0660495867193172,
-    4.138300196794412, 4.2257097559547683, 4.3260432863760752,
-    4.4121971145250116, 4.5042890038890597, 4.5643129623079091,
-    4.6632837420436948, 4.760388268790428, 4.8656859399723364,
-    4.9325603768335293, 5.0342194443918942, 5.1201176332551412,
-    5.2068094592308221, 5.2861985755361616, 5.3619402279344657,
-    5.4488952829979578, 5.5661630444890307, 5.6302459604039878,
-    5.7251570645424943, 5.8265289703090026, 5.9757197595129812,
-    6.0745229648833075, 6.1917517048051831, 6.2953470395796423,
-    6.403259690218019, 6.4917627633704118, 6.6358190501534073,
-    6.7679316573810269, 6.8686794099073571, 6.951123042441683,
-    7.0714773931514774, 7.1876874501549377, 7.2851841541363633,
-    7.4277247272769777, 7.545118161206557, 7.6796631181823791,
-    7.8167880642937018, 7.9566071237538072, 8.0603936878360543,
-    8.1832039873181959, 8.3115755716587163, 8.4320844813486833,
-    8.5902802761521784, 8.7221702888496431, 8.8514060135926869,
-    9.0332345688234028, 9.1963706908372931, 9.3367587179861236,
-    9.497006030540005, 9.6427753811526102, 9.8532189063800164,
-    10.050461242163172, 10.168236220470268, 10.348527513241617,
-    10.531791667580992, 10.703985943887844, 10.93278400032537,
-    11.15334897515447, 11.279161608656203, 11.493658887982159,
-    11.629213658946661, 11.813149108077441, 12.148329929207353,
-    12.428225959361159, 12.590673999087862, 12.794134333415222,
-    13.002054595845699, 13.29166579030848, 13.555249875763497,
-    13.805021300146676, 14.163857718369647, 14.396612581875223,
-    14.68307313946254, 14.923008872428863, 15.32205455142778,
-    15.692053745001203, 16.016016291617053, 16.269176030476242,
-    16.559936897997712, 16.907361798334914, 17.258247430228977,
-    17.522507804773419, 17.819739257247601, 18.300494526840033,
-    18.61675208077844, 18.901401014716043, 19.417022408557258,
-    19.797904233478242, 20.228015085729147, 20.637954339218549,
-    21.183210911355513, 21.771881557448339, 22.21773210897102,
-    22.779612813526374, 23.276529546096842, 23.849594764724543,
-    24.446921593531446, 25.015101229550464, 25.658559396356374,
-    26.282199605420455, 27.105386636499361, 27.676243476410885,
-    28.419439927324717, 29.184424065828914, 29.883208551297241,
-    30.862499878001806, 31.713413996846523, 32.826935291082727,
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-    55.257436943999878, 57.314324693762337, 60.134437476839075,
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-    0.71376871279852483, 0.76604518711445135, 0.80762780660631495,
-    0.86702460155016359, 0.92578293211375118, 0.96655278458941574,
-    1.012408711382466, 1.0389370892326379, 1.0979094469421704,
-    1.1360967828124768, 1.1843998812376955, 1.2121765466487182,
-    1.2356656356376803, 1.269517337829088, 1.3064220440414478,
-    1.3456604109067491, 1.3847455871539975, 1.4433510659744919,
-    1.4787246262422706, 1.5290320752062629, 1.5562124703009197,
-    1.6073426914107938, 1.6404681580522233, 1.6702244973685063,
-    1.73063179859356, 1.7750006715499509, 1.8279516044521678,
-    1.859195201800822, 1.9053170452940513, 1.9280767671566097,
-    1.9902516035810496, 2.0186760912468551, 2.092657238098997,
-    2.1474948054253384, 2.1871961512096565, 2.2317816251782281,
-    2.2907742739410164, 2.3359180870369833, 2.3869816483688759,
-    2.4529856457177273, 2.4909203390683849, 2.5537529934964778,
-    2.6292032978804851, 2.6784202619777213, 2.7190242328666847,
-    2.7592501032192169, 2.8141411237425067, 2.8832878890394928,
-    2.9253711343109838, 2.9954526684612648, 3.0483400308079833,
-    3.1195790079290284, 3.1882923341376097, 3.2475133828248954,
-    3.3082893597110878, 3.3998621255091428, 3.47762860298067,
-    3.5504403144136871, 3.6091991238429708, 3.6617110799009782,
-    3.747352642356359, 3.7869413127021954, 3.8494017410196837,
-    3.9492065318655385, 4.0178432318231367, 4.1459135647020364,
-    4.2117067391482745, 4.2819404568634685, 4.3483465566680453,
-    4.4244779495490469, 4.4626585143965478, 4.529665123797245,
-    4.590443570999347, 4.6959724608287416, 4.7546121047868048,
-    4.8565039814092676, 4.9526895878521771, 5.0443764740864374,
-    5.1192000512767368, 5.2222704461323, 5.3679136440586834, 5.44561515189495,
-    5.573881356101074, 5.6587732114410647, 5.7456859581229036,
-    5.8285056653676959, 5.9249388997940375, 6.0008874169591815,
-    6.1408249280378238, 6.1925479765893821, 6.257597707865, 6.3482665820132933,
-    6.4362617657783012, 6.5018677743421236, 6.5990992264693222,
-    6.7059841755319676, 6.8408659416578956, 6.9783602936172588,
-    7.0768404883339144, 7.275512674657814, 7.3760305080718176,
-    7.4852630022878435, 7.5558323048134834, 7.6469369887215128,
-    7.7796586853873126, 7.8927874437708638, 7.9917930786552116,
-    8.1024563434454961, 8.2999865668501034, 8.4506558762494599,
-    8.5965995871403145, 8.8639775066208841, 8.963955758417768,
-    9.1445204978480277, 9.3391048111935557, 9.4789266524635813,
-    9.6269538620278485, 9.798523665360058, 9.9267454692157209,
-    10.135523291360611, 10.266903541690644, 10.45005203381487,
-    10.715778409248584, 10.96464567850493, 11.083463676843031,
-    11.256660301260217, 11.500996192642983, 11.687974340512826,
-    11.903229343489697, 12.133709181931877, 12.310998874748263,
-    12.750272219083747, 13.056147482613222, 13.253490555112993,
-    13.675145968268881, 13.924230477174909, 14.217574079767886,
-    14.571236022596374, 14.939288725850155, 15.314551253615292,
-    15.575987515584663, 15.833645863054313, 16.200485384427974,
-    16.477465196601848, 16.843241153808755, 17.272849032588312,
-    17.796542227272955, 18.154946140541519, 18.42280855377696,
-    18.768141850732011, 19.187362345680633, 19.591309885228171,
-    19.89722345376024, 20.702595711695711, 21.128564543818339,
-    21.527729127045859, 21.98660526945358, 22.521671536797641,
-    23.024367946134102, 23.561848505072032, 24.014992900974836,
-    24.436576472708754, 25.503186568685322, 26.610835772872736,
-    27.151442239196715, 27.70328225888667, 28.806039995726948,
-    29.627287233320377, 30.315284533811624, 31.327683853768139,
-    32.147834022257314, 32.92691659425568, 34.04201415685305,
-    35.413352753610873, 36.221826443150817, 37.977707465427912,
-    39.36878752355473, 40.951879054950432, 42.365682197246947,
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-    54.589345174300426, 59.129570664612665, 65.197403972300108,
-    72.17408937465612, 82.574762345786382, 93.478082113773723,
-    137.00082761546682, 199.8118228761337, 0.0, 0.10986207372166874,
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-    0.27567089124994565, 0.30377868213388104, 0.33708359499769869,
-    0.36673053244321807, 0.39912993308020295, 0.426779015978206,
-    0.44779438158941426, 0.47517643738476034, 0.50286573074575236,
-    0.52693060971954953, 0.55098158547076637, 0.58123019985394664,
-    0.60493909669532997, 0.63389774238520347, 0.67186606098347501,
-    0.69617002023919206, 0.72425525288091774, 0.74131268328835165,
-    0.75822441587657952, 0.78496504186460769, 0.81439669478023768,
-    0.83597937513562759, 0.86590383841807772, 0.8832207398905233,
-    0.9128885288784947, 0.93278832232658382, 0.9712970144945392,
-    0.98805434822469451, 1.017363705614581, 1.0437582087199948,
-    1.0718487411987458, 1.1004250896437773, 1.1194711959360109,
-    1.1437610856843738, 1.1703135770105868, 1.2056434217949175,
-    1.2338045789280789, 1.2543783796951538, 1.2881091828814166,
-    1.3112986519959224, 1.3412713397963407, 1.3643779221604135,
-    1.3915419763427743, 1.4135745730894449, 1.4437349779195308,
-    1.4780368538634174, 1.5059249898934794, 1.5377824779923701,
-    1.5720832254223982, 1.6052142651949446, 1.6359894194069291,
-    1.6698249679324384, 1.7010194250562272, 1.7272294927445859,
-    1.7640864928040065, 1.8021508917193763, 1.836941181297739,
-    1.8572858792099074, 1.8790413654272671, 1.9118884108245098,
-    1.942073490357896, 1.9694860799879985, 2.0015645272239428,
-    2.0522149106625998, 2.0912660589444134, 2.1247257810064668,
-    2.1749093251088301, 2.2217650563723126, 2.2797139028050473,
-    2.3273351675369698, 2.3662520837977135, 2.4085161957373407,
-    2.44842259128407, 2.4966048731591064, 2.5293551875388931,
-    2.5632601598410365, 2.6058201417068219, 2.6332894599197223,
-    2.6736218730705206, 2.7182676740160878, 2.7675212194433909,
-    2.812780412941005, 2.851379316835152, 2.8952580472277556,
-    2.9324664002449192, 2.9730447751871556, 3.0227975296309393,
-    3.0615273198990827, 3.1268021698603428, 3.174893627551298,
-    3.2193684712802222, 3.2683746695506959, 3.3223129099795639,
-    3.373078633435032, 3.436781965208882, 3.4965341709413189,
-    3.5485636123343998, 3.6258706424876941, 3.6600532837001367,
-    3.70560155555301, 3.7650593373841739, 3.8358507676461393,
-    3.9084549757206171, 3.9708021023524647, 4.0212671115382888,
-    4.0946288617889595, 4.1394244422887896, 4.2188351505187107,
-    4.2823861107092336, 4.345215736329938, 4.4124531199132271,
-    4.4715502537649803, 4.5793747033075158, 4.6772348615589658,
-    4.7793135998354499, 4.8587348255519132, 4.9729544448725447,
-    5.0694000105385566, 5.1648687512296263, 5.2375026757215011,
-    5.3107689102038451, 5.3918869300439356, 5.4798227286901664,
-    5.5404131589193328, 5.648241044217758, 5.7449977826195706,
-    5.8598429438509489, 5.9784308800284593, 6.0724910376893559,
-    6.2240939885017204, 6.3418997607004348, 6.4869662152984544,
-    6.6005309624044228, 6.7321547133945252, 6.8313273194562418,
-    6.9553827276444107, 7.0978539209087161, 7.2385617409417087,
-    7.4083545257663301, 7.5207064390014864, 7.6784562087734116,
-    7.8094272468662487, 7.9694720845049609, 8.1498776347751605,
-    8.3017112945801781, 8.5266505277166349, 8.6503142671472784,
-    8.9054272928070564, 9.1373026527777839, 9.3315715528110896,
-    9.5401595700260877, 9.7597048968193185, 9.9666371700161704,
-    10.22144069326451, 10.408114251683418, 10.676084943208242,
-    10.908036087339795, 11.20436716656776, 11.477519824720831,
-    11.808217307144476, 12.095306359268855, 12.384349218033464,
-    12.685309460589796, 12.923557637527606, 13.204138344604788,
-    13.616900691559191, 13.979656973992922, 14.606515576714788,
-    14.962258652534821, 15.314510650339031, 15.724483559731054,
-    16.382829228207918, 17.009132961353529, 17.366569031693889,
-    17.900210603831621, 18.648573105414446, 19.363994023453447,
-    20.143558523165193, 20.828002130195308, 21.73898624871266,
-    22.409876982562661, 23.415203632804776, 24.355119676733135,
-    25.938175172718896, 27.639017238717773, 29.341494300849057,
-    30.595119225694788, 32.714674098003904, 35.49272152410154,
-    37.928565199883295, 43.491713440727274, 47.581292491927705,
-    57.969627624865709, 63.340294577285306, 80.397876878853367,
-    1699.4418298669216, 0.0, 0.057563746961587628, 0.072111582138628103,
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-    0.12297408594046662, 0.13531860413261979, 0.14452962166237915,
-    0.18495685986529226, 0.19550850903207695, 0.22061034782875669,
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-    0.27913993724767144, 0.29698064960443493, 0.31244925057107031,
-    0.32122508788845933, 0.33311366430341305, 0.34236037155250942,
-    0.35256380627730061, 0.35729858105022982, 0.36206918848814695,
-    0.36696792159332803, 0.37634614206748435, 0.38534850898782269,
-    0.3894744547332164, 0.40001857990165496, 0.40628143701841141,
-    0.41257543810712505, 0.42792024247708083, 0.43741390937376029,
-    0.44679385424881979, 0.45338668180597402, 0.45852917891908479,
-    0.46847035670602488, 0.47881191760237773, 0.48636454017775488,
-    0.49953494697176376, 0.50860731875951681, 0.51485110540295576,
-    0.52109982877729388, 0.52856828716304816, 0.53396501041075717,
-    0.54519067350690764, 0.55087030570382234, 0.56120787950497175,
-    0.56947875574614748, 0.57879694500782908, 0.59045771217758214,
-    0.60020074472460661, 0.61356581621742379, 0.62339692092995469,
-    0.62921777922324307, 0.63757958596122966, 0.64566282308710643,
-    0.65337163144903077, 0.65757954743934188, 0.66731107005984081,
-    0.68506693378151473, 0.69407449975565316, 0.71475464833393743,
-    0.71919154363460669, 0.72854121818321049, 0.73768805533929283,
-    0.74964936797719572, 0.77319064552644212, 0.78475208628536974,
-    0.79568283458133116, 0.80765736770217855, 0.81877434008276662,
-    0.82795271525666825, 0.83973491168326087, 0.84972560110746476,
-    0.85639470621002023, 0.8647134858775507, 0.88244802261826683,
-    0.89985271988240045, 0.92340768696765485, 0.93788541450428287,
-    0.94792835531188524, 0.96027918757802155, 0.96921149562521636,
-    0.97952213604373195, 0.98854957689191614, 0.99970116951294496,
-    1.00882043327571, 1.0201870773908586, 1.041349919759516,
-    1.0556530343908901, 1.0756585260782074, 1.088223830319788,
-    1.0958784727426483, 1.1149995386526934, 1.1304796415226661,
-    1.1446063542280724, 1.1638356180596499, 1.1745794869462154,
-    1.193511657405055, 1.2182391405087374, 1.2382096317106388,
-    1.2472982421708765, 1.2622218704529613, 1.2744400683695623,
-    1.2908221594923039, 1.305167165044943, 1.3252374721898401,
-    1.3384679854994657, 1.3542873322844842, 1.3724563152241775,
-    1.3892962190041085, 1.4109408775708268, 1.419655422200014,
-    1.4315263030154188, 1.4527276892177177, 1.4683378048771656,
-    1.4867165057343337, 1.516076453749051, 1.5433792065946024,
-    1.5553543482759045, 1.5609831318052232, 1.5806764726673499,
-    1.6041131847991026, 1.6344144243726575, 1.6710888016711845,
-    1.7061932731840148, 1.7354452179890347, 1.7630243267926291,
-    1.7975788676407549, 1.814028785525206, 1.8281150670319055,
-    1.8550087441605427, 1.8737649522280617, 1.8856226040366797,
-    1.9079304881331332, 1.9442107218496263, 1.9659920408787115,
-    1.9983699901526899, 2.0223202139688512, 2.0401740051464592,
-    2.0748888988742027, 2.1149914291249212, 2.1360608521646109,
-    2.1565833101041338, 2.1693334907915234, 2.207376721598215,
-    2.2255919603217067, 2.272629194554781, 2.3279774087392666,
-    2.3517585387327471, 2.3910765083557908, 2.4703248547335415,
-    2.5208338119493607, 2.5806226807785433, 2.6402836153572076,
-    2.7185362598168772, 2.7677835795641461, 2.8180997959029526,
-    2.8326345693021624, 2.8701055927549652, 2.9318268717765115,
-    3.0139842815042615, 3.0571236539047622, 3.1734047661118234,
-    3.2297672388561938, 3.3059073464928148, 3.3897975561487925,
-    3.4745601523423382, 3.5452181551689357, 3.6265670674665991,
-    3.7050473014775043, 3.8309245560041219, 3.9372996837644192,
-    4.0716930145722978, 4.212857083996437, 4.2692123731220972,
-    4.46591990841738, 4.5523023767467139, 4.6548916677892533,
-    4.7758394764018659, 4.9758326990027228, 5.2769985200911247,
-    5.5486096014042028, 5.7245726086000337, 6.0102407093754762,
-    6.1426829331257933, 6.287333950013684, 6.5928811370882103,
-    6.9367730409204489, 7.0646691460119388, 7.2083448239980932,
-    7.5049899728910674, 8.1901484843386374, 8.6011704867597345,
-    9.304469886954676, 10.665731252277961, 11.88866301597937,
-    13.361123901157045, 18.497872676781789, 25.178694947474682
+    0.0,
+    0.56094372606762677,
+    0.7748555093433106,
+    0.95310767752176617,
+    1.1906079835411554,
+    1.4135063615181933,
+    1.5469706087575439,
+    1.717637715444549,
+    1.9078084450312611,
+    2.078830865302939,
+    2.3673694393209286,
+    2.5652916154906422,
+    2.719176314163422,
+    2.9143350583182777,
+    3.0556867288035465,
+    3.3314071492430846,
+    3.5309373944964433,
+    3.7198259542235506,
+    3.9746173222307726,
+    4.1716075147757152,
+    4.3331714146492013,
+    4.5010791980770231,
+    4.7010753304750965,
+    4.8936058791922381,
+    5.1037597147293932,
+    5.2592473096915198,
+    5.4933808099586612,
+    5.6277238343814533,
+    5.8620859412865522,
+    6.1059450539869653,
+    6.3120134479962893,
+    6.5830830775944706,
+    6.8200926493441481,
+    7.0702834736372564,
+    7.3483462204604635,
+    7.6264067744909951,
+    7.8372782469612465,
+    8.0617780685477705,
+    8.3995622657866384,
+    8.7403882283600378,
+    9.0992605207420993,
+    9.3705162889778926,
+    9.75889880418889,
+    10.194686638374007,
+    10.438514323942188,
+    10.726873592781514,
+    11.069318434988878,
+    11.396569108340843,
+    11.801419844938572,
+    12.128206841266881,
+    12.485948104637052,
+    12.756299870388832,
+    13.076944452763826,
+    13.458692068837927,
+    13.824717813822369,
+    14.316393196413889,
+    14.621905587891465,
+    14.888480073624264,
+    15.335930506891625,
+    15.609627342322275,
+    16.191900883034002,
+    16.54381609680534,
+    17.147813194052553,
+    17.468929751742763,
+    17.940480341162086,
+    18.345046931400908,
+    18.601290104964175,
+    19.011371018239437,
+    19.335036342308854,
+    19.740516156682062,
+    20.13447317647455,
+    20.462447938558235,
+    21.091090849462493,
+    21.556877958704259,
+    21.823267014913611,
+    22.208749180717806,
+    22.786099855049944,
+    23.371401551338806,
+    23.73315353587088,
+    24.31738397233147,
+    24.625223648727555,
+    25.069412618036147,
+    25.928099135972015,
+    26.497110723217201,
+    27.085968731165757,
+    27.631123699960334,
+    28.187584878982072,
+    28.991619387322526,
+    29.353231676085986,
+    30.083376143103514,
+    30.880607280324416,
+    31.435216510900492,
+    32.392330109783813,
+    32.921554836523583,
+    33.514110805447565,
+    34.303809151243847,
+    35.456294459561711,
+    36.280791683627093,
+    36.940252784295062,
+    37.717899566227963,
+    38.457688239199655,
+    39.596732893642503,
+    40.36400419560065,
+    40.945135884536548,
+    41.797758649637814,
+    42.487275414278201,
+    43.921777494122409,
+    44.874273975496472,
+    45.67446232320151,
+    46.727212320012811,
+    47.45119952715492,
+    48.639858771576726,
+    49.370473491276989,
+    50.528638968567975,
+    51.389834372987714,
+    52.582079342007546,
+    53.589199085657242,
+    54.585243505081834,
+    55.622223351244195,
+    56.936556831025484,
+    58.385520290381457,
+    59.451232373507203,
+    60.588566421499443,
+    62.401492617291595,
+    63.88804064081846,
+    65.599157033995837,
+    67.204436723739235,
+    69.4912133287594,
+    71.622345320740351,
+    73.103725049112015,
+    75.089813374922841,
+    76.884823802108912,
+    78.275061550352873,
+    80.357326438684495,
+    83.305006897820235,
+    85.400732831032357,
+    87.218868459052473,
+    89.130072489534143,
+    91.252783666141042,
+    92.815637585979999,
+    95.739391170148252,
+    98.435092605981637,
+    100.31960869294872,
+    102.50286766025864,
+    105.48705400852423,
+    108.82295714914468,
+    111.39204546177986,
+    114.62248349802513,
+    117.87687880992867,
+    119.40484241859349,
+    122.7734081083525,
+    125.26971884287919,
+    128.55177396728385,
+    131.66269963489299,
+    136.57359107720188,
+    140.51816667169177,
+    144.16804544736863,
+    150.35987039520109,
+    154.72466658210519,
+    160.54109480247283,
+    164.18861964598716,
+    170.24309324015738,
+    175.29889321042558,
+    183.11630724838597,
+    189.01683118972002,
+    196.90975774880297,
+    204.49263459337524,
+    213.04893801936598,
+    219.75869942751646,
+    228.19907555440614,
+    239.44926809073948,
+    248.20168822805923,
+    259.25320106736922,
+    265.44318466962994,
+    277.32312416782054,
+    288.56952434288797,
+    298.64263419554209,
+    315.25981209742378,
+    331.89024853535398,
+    342.74298087821637,
+    360.77964203727674,
+    378.48547030119011,
+    392.5550051422876,
+    405.31614074355014,
+    421.74150173342304,
+    441.4412304371254,
+    457.82211257306926,
+    480.45566322885566,
+    513.45774433642032,
+    555.4000490334372,
+    605.92811073979146,
+    652.49495125201292,
+    704.61385101258315,
+    786.33845891481292,
+    874.04643470496728,
+    1012.3600088462719,
+    1159.4774300577808,
+    1379.2669821003758,
+    1756.1106436012778,
+    2357.4547208831491,
+    217148.93534056327,
+    0.0,
+    0.46532971898727915,
+    0.68496949409616426,
+    0.94645340397600952,
+    1.102736193185504,
+    1.312453009792369,
+    1.4867727436472011,
+    1.6340240974064906,
+    1.8260512349059785,
+    1.9700706984768943,
+    2.1040893787044128,
+    2.2333135236192967,
+    2.3880111121966587,
+    2.5520785579949155,
+    2.6739841145948597,
+    2.8075636832160806,
+    2.9039966303754365,
+    3.0345967971695451,
+    3.2102417439344437,
+    3.3137856992787351,
+    3.4376002808848787,
+    3.5571277890563819,
+    3.6898499180667237,
+    3.799063723671626,
+    3.94997555574531,
+    4.0925736583580976,
+    4.2086028832412561,
+    4.3390635740171728,
+    4.4761244808887941,
+    4.6023420572801266,
+    4.7263227277876512,
+    4.8591547764014482,
+    5.0957595508246589,
+    5.30514679884981,
+    5.4401600222425195,
+    5.5717535777959721,
+    5.7003644346866409,
+    5.8768488839999593,
+    5.991691304228997,
+    6.1771150398732244,
+    6.3465048845874961,
+    6.4948860632013519,
+    6.6772230060948159,
+    6.8030943590107249,
+    6.9813191429783039,
+    7.165284199966873,
+    7.3873559281058423,
+    7.5948269266966975,
+    7.801592658633016,
+    7.9955249125214145,
+    8.1905643672046686,
+    8.3270830680818655,
+    8.5054910750061179,
+    8.7225666260180663,
+    8.9368113184240965,
+    9.1376808053645888,
+    9.3633428615533649,
+    9.5990825604962264,
+    9.7364383724201087,
+    9.9186955590691088,
+    10.124746714296,
+    10.40687565362729,
+    10.737648017833138,
+    11.012188237958963,
+    11.214102933586581,
+    11.45440355061357,
+    11.736264046084917,
+    12.026226014607102,
+    12.245762888886343,
+    12.541549269023777,
+    12.756641375192153,
+    12.98360561266394,
+    13.288306417225625,
+    13.526164571303489,
+    13.75503655409527,
+    14.117128492708087,
+    14.374029807073448,
+    14.712173108685258,
+    14.981897180990096,
+    15.344366904559326,
+    15.600391910392348,
+    16.020999494977502,
+    16.300440442407332,
+    16.606309936976054,
+    16.902143272482817,
+    17.159816580240875,
+    17.461774805635738,
+    17.781122815339479,
+    18.119654210560597,
+    18.48063214553467,
+    18.820102897217541,
+    19.161710076244763,
+    19.479832189525602,
+    19.848403979835609,
+    20.122299299121863,
+    20.43004460334555,
+    20.753188532047265,
+    21.116860477662346,
+    21.534773567291243,
+    22.137744141529421,
+    22.45219966811996,
+    22.843712755485114,
+    23.327127510714419,
+    23.801219885543535,
+    24.400068243422009,
+    24.859199781454677,
+    25.249212813218318,
+    25.681597611963909,
+    26.218124149559316,
+    26.865624109857663,
+    27.476273115575268,
+    28.003316090112232,
+    28.465744086402083,
+    29.114406317582951,
+    29.863184721251695,
+    30.645923853117178,
+    31.411221663197541,
+    32.083675244596449,
+    32.623907125336849,
+    33.542071438820663,
+    34.423855107765,
+    35.090015994189059,
+    35.83529395578082,
+    36.739635743840758,
+    37.456669272617518,
+    38.267335328548761,
+    39.333029993613607,
+    40.288484522728531,
+    41.508400903755643,
+    42.819861162087363,
+    43.639905039190687,
+    44.572666361081048,
+    45.821482473822918,
+    46.862153416881057,
+    48.147392790601714,
+    49.404082667631819,
+    50.527705863342902,
+    52.004399737632923,
+    53.494784474459131,
+    54.714589396642559,
+    55.67232429415796,
+    56.793224205114853,
+    58.007050364060461,
+    59.680200263089169,
+    61.232876696778597,
+    62.427428818562269,
+    63.973042504689445,
+    65.632536988952083,
+    67.347413597855891,
+    69.065640807296859,
+    70.464693299553076,
+    72.418849794356461,
+    74.105138155507049,
+    75.662376323980538,
+    77.872835649845626,
+    79.967351057764517,
+    81.928379445805646,
+    84.034972341121062,
+    86.103344705230924,
+    88.477411000229537,
+    90.312287755291578,
+    92.507210044700187,
+    95.060608477240947,
+    97.679889639836844,
+    100.54820722011901,
+    104.05860073649033,
+    106.9975903165883,
+    110.72495391129446,
+    114.47278880860986,
+    118.67332903577829,
+    122.47362728985475,
+    127.29751063199502,
+    131.9947396665213,
+    137.58105901899614,
+    143.2436551636288,
+    148.62549462778085,
+    155.59863941964065,
+    162.63324375828105,
+    168.58328521973854,
+    176.47623591935073,
+    187.10110318413911,
+    194.1945607895322,
+    205.76585363429373,
+    218.54795010442368,
+    224.54362476449748,
+    231.28500418937108,
+    243.28574251055934,
+    254.11346183370961,
+    270.37086108698531,
+    283.71979921314824,
+    298.26484833307381,
+    309.41788972573079,
+    335.8183191815636,
+    361.8565261478937,
+    398.47210782079094,
+    453.94084657359673,
+    537.44153147414909,
+    644.04067764548461,
+    779.41712961885173,
+    1047.3517440661496,
+    32924.039482636828,
+    0.0,
+    0.44937757329633327,
+    0.61250349172115959,
+    0.7863111534649565,
+    0.88962062078461757,
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+    1.1737343879099387,
+    1.3675367911897895,
+    1.4812885968395111,
+    1.6632187662691276,
+    1.8341758133782387,
+    1.9619748247014435,
+    2.0552125983628433,
+    2.1703209170187905,
+    2.2961317300880717,
+    2.3982858575534443,
+    2.4969661855862513,
+    2.6039206933082872,
+    2.7154863269399461,
+    2.7935806808717341,
+    2.9157144052335742,
+    3.0304254455360686,
+    3.1804609723019346,
+    3.2662231643163544,
+    3.3535831040758928,
+    3.4593860912217078,
+    3.5730577882484265,
+    3.6829046499090672,
+    3.7926322745010292,
+    3.918389650507887,
+    4.0461615056476345,
+    4.1688075178063455,
+    4.261935760927039,
+    4.3872821403468514,
+    4.4849226816074195,
+    4.5815647915521316,
+    4.7329622842326859,
+    4.8333438381787959,
+    4.9751149870072844,
+    5.1439939747359258,
+    5.2679283122041474,
+    5.3979939515818964,
+    5.4986148492629514,
+    5.5833034840702549,
+    5.7762491544651375,
+    5.8901795208691912,
+    6.0406044947405793,
+    6.1414968907338547,
+    6.3109595855296661,
+    6.4702277997994733,
+    6.6084310395612746,
+    6.7478047002924155,
+    6.8791042308295953,
+    6.9969768325569115,
+    7.1196791826285173,
+    7.2490813954518822,
+    7.4130615395895152,
+    7.6062113466901806,
+    7.7506437587572199,
+    7.8830685300393055,
+    8.0353926744476123,
+    8.1996939525956183,
+    8.4142220833085606,
+    8.5808330010701201,
+    8.7445310419872921,
+    8.9841822249357115,
+    9.181432418740652,
+    9.3539737653904709,
+    9.5793187725543287,
+    9.7462277892814431,
+    9.9098280489576762,
+    10.04079373626851,
+    10.211734359829405,
+    10.501564944142677,
+    10.710373784142686,
+    10.886736785556671,
+    11.066921822136326,
+    11.235485714770356,
+    11.437646009474888,
+    11.67346914949365,
+    11.83325542414009,
+    12.036493633448316,
+    12.32938637637468,
+    12.554138183666348,
+    12.743210513050011,
+    12.983810120622046,
+    13.174204038774839,
+    13.3680862872507,
+    13.620942224242304,
+    13.890272176459577,
+    14.165385082423146,
+    14.413231848006964,
+    14.724376594252243,
+    14.977328826245193,
+    15.231234613500565,
+    15.55914351677969,
+    15.781820608210545,
+    16.091194364415028,
+    16.347431974296502,
+    16.596030336748036,
+    16.887891775703359,
+    17.178071227425107,
+    17.48876537215957,
+    17.802979490086393,
+    18.167601675413529,
+    18.451234059983907,
+    18.773722324177371,
+    19.095678793499459,
+    19.393224208627331,
+    19.892470444495725,
+    20.360431028492791,
+    20.714816695587093,
+    21.109538106861837,
+    21.528542624887123,
+    21.903763658847744,
+    22.32752745556132,
+    22.932277869765915,
+    23.443859045149278,
+    24.010482595441839,
+    24.454443667170533,
+    24.893590041546005,
+    25.519805040678591,
+    25.948341902144293,
+    26.521018356962905,
+    27.203480036460771,
+    27.923098995772133,
+    28.875462789782972,
+    29.551018023069748,
+    29.950704440314354,
+    30.476114881076313,
+    31.046996042296136,
+    31.828920785208862,
+    32.724644642398538,
+    33.519807747032317,
+    34.207784670738299,
+    34.978220277672911,
+    35.82880248810423,
+    36.674526307149222,
+    37.539567643195326,
+    38.598050079089823,
+    39.461587691403167,
+    40.326650088153748,
+    41.3817881768775,
+    42.413485151973958,
+    43.434107971290473,
+    44.327692773369833,
+    45.281573404128643,
+    46.623500435435595,
+    47.845340004545946,
+    48.925490779005997,
+    50.099817716244445,
+    51.130922527278209,
+    52.52201636244277,
+    54.171384212197573,
+    56.251402930866988,
+    57.343667697555219,
+    59.060037223666868,
+    60.886212298901022,
+    62.282534857812919,
+    63.86965941245365,
+    65.907528655065505,
+    68.060546344496487,
+    69.886943517625568,
+    72.15339782090426,
+    74.790861312079699,
+    76.921991723046403,
+    79.835163669975174,
+    82.098620972009513,
+    84.019415664127024,
+    87.941587866072609,
+    90.308304219949349,
+    93.475153751625228,
+    96.866828921040394,
+    99.559133387387135,
+    103.13311038199714,
+    107.13838078377783,
+    111.61641909521742,
+    116.39540365181381,
+    122.02402340139254,
+    126.12078269274167,
+    131.70138789081315,
+    136.7872837632539,
+    142.28439193970823,
+    147.89576596130524,
+    152.23255441740992,
+    157.7226413282819,
+    164.37241204310453,
+    173.15971613514671,
+    180.11295998936518,
+    188.48112308463158,
+    202.36800846564165,
+    217.16809097558243,
+    229.45603073021095,
+    243.95331007710857,
+    267.19713077328231,
+    291.31657906696654,
+    319.83880240534251,
+    369.84715199786609,
+    456.83736037240828,
+    563.36551513987104,
+    1212.4845181047338,
+    0.0,
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+    1.7334018816456787,
+    1.8405138120116515,
+    1.9401180825384614,
+    2.0206956222611518,
+    2.088323294417457,
+    2.1965858893088366,
+    2.2678507808547295,
+    2.3513510591465976,
+    2.452940588067142,
+    2.5244403869314138,
+    2.6111507000688201,
+    2.686185953440015,
+    2.7762991589505912,
+    2.8623591840837115,
+    2.9644501753879853,
+    3.0534304377734371,
+    3.1183306038752914,
+    3.2022029138736583,
+    3.3578682900076662,
+    3.4578586494674859,
+    3.5567846506796079,
+    3.6352803762683252,
+    3.7653628446367353,
+    3.8440117447262629,
+    3.9584732534380351,
+    4.0302646502503574,
+    4.1218781156084869,
+    4.211981828454741,
+    4.3396760587886405,
+    4.4201415569911395,
+    4.5235887459809963,
+    4.6307469822655509,
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+    4.8838280863806549,
+    4.9937362132930252,
+    5.1605178704372632,
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+    5.4678635206702646,
+    5.5973168757166114,
+    5.7048755075035276,
+    5.8878433771286218,
+    6.0190112054897522,
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+    6.2719026695437989,
+    6.3725565545753042,
+    6.4738742707717662,
+    6.5961657370971558,
+    6.6863432232288851,
+    6.8285306029142401,
+    6.9529888304791623,
+    7.0345923470005971,
+    7.153050087371815,
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+    7.3488613350575518,
+    7.5297259666276082,
+    7.665228962415263,
+    7.814513809818397,
+    7.9676729944874758,
+    8.0965767962005515,
+    8.258619388928004,
+    8.4038000906770929,
+    8.5498166593706451,
+    8.6979091856223683,
+    8.8099783579444786,
+    8.9513067459030502,
+    9.1237502030553657,
+    9.3482831702262139,
+    9.5044967504159725,
+    9.6593366065001636,
+    9.82253449013227,
+    9.9874115529723486,
+    10.137506876476476,
+    10.289126599046901,
+    10.444223952502876,
+    10.599915162622709,
+    10.734363441288647,
+    10.917595405084366,
+    11.108460594133211,
+    11.352160340302392,
+    11.607842306499339,
+    11.798599260283471,
+    12.009365871239995,
+    12.251934875461144,
+    12.49314138461267,
+    12.815528078713546,
+    13.078160801731713,
+    13.367979668775682,
+    13.61963788461563,
+    13.830407348960653,
+    14.134759793056256,
+    14.406222062237235,
+    14.719108048702839,
+    15.039806819372597,
+    15.357959034733886,
+    15.742708764682598,
+    16.038031868942646,
+    16.342061974077719,
+    16.619014591659234,
+    16.995469066261826,
+    17.440245060531616,
+    17.749017033014272,
+    18.105417999557947,
+    18.521262453800805,
+    18.847635914656443,
+    19.422978973137425,
+    19.69919609219999,
+    20.085099945021412,
+    20.537864119839881,
+    21.008059900732494,
+    21.532289222273434,
+    22.054776673981362,
+    22.335014932602295,
+    22.916014727566228,
+    23.337139989662067,
+    23.720719036927843,
+    24.388060450004911,
+    24.84313177402456,
+    25.486862832547693,
+    26.168604409957322,
+    26.702984764635431,
+    27.287480741291404,
+    27.801078630394546,
+    28.269720592443107,
+    28.926401527988713,
+    29.605430975118843,
+    30.330319669354552,
+    31.30134009465884,
+    31.993708205209099,
+    32.73067706792078,
+    33.486394058985752,
+    34.167581724784604,
+    35.401930848802451,
+    36.065974473699839,
+    36.896350829985813,
+    37.7813927333629,
+    38.921309661559299,
+    39.97516998571502,
+    40.789572211691727,
+    42.125840794801142,
+    43.644711500275349,
+    44.85355032164108,
+    45.812829425455917,
+    47.046058315709615,
+    48.449631897327926,
+    49.622408318720304,
+    51.04144247927352,
+    53.201024346560494,
+    54.577940901359469,
+    55.974500547503887,
+    57.300272604946706,
+    58.935437915672885,
+    61.253114155133289,
+    63.821740538824884,
+    65.624318697869271,
+    67.454483508361619,
+    69.123018783403808,
+    71.210354296257066,
+    74.567150230165254,
+    76.23070335468914,
+    78.271987515678816,
+    81.071827225516031,
+    83.453646862710841,
+    86.529339530495577,
+    89.958680391197973,
+    92.139227178417912,
+    95.452626979151631,
+    98.96652527128883,
+    102.73989810547134,
+    106.50759157615551,
+    111.64659346669681,
+    115.90393310434297,
+    120.92459723788905,
+    125.40052719866213,
+    129.67134907792868,
+    135.46294701412262,
+    142.5538801102015,
+    151.30070681491432,
+    157.84567716877518,
+    169.5170423411827,
+    178.87680934745092,
+    193.39884029816415,
+    208.14234715671577,
+    235.5424670602799,
+    259.89890359594898,
+    295.34858783034383,
+    334.33861915695468,
+    435.37594838703143,
+    500.4258992515953,
+    26136.224608103177,
+    0.0,
+    0.39973293565211121,
+    0.54970468651962101,
+    0.69428019898164828,
+    0.80416896659170267,
+    0.97256228280721502,
+    1.0741947545845139,
+    1.1635254227187484,
+    1.2659631876378288,
+    1.3822232353331732,
+    1.4871416503290158,
+    1.6059691148096156,
+    1.7314193523743162,
+    1.8189928465042873,
+    1.9334458898159075,
+    2.0377516716510327,
+    2.1075833274228066,
+    2.217744079961764,
+    2.2892931053076637,
+    2.370399790641895,
+    2.4612447561840849,
+    2.5289316577717074,
+    2.6468319175582824,
+    2.7635584974075624,
+    2.8487982858984613,
+    2.960003647452937,
+    3.040264995484101,
+    3.1340583717433561,
+    3.235843360825664,
+    3.3184989258906628,
+    3.3887498944054912,
+    3.4742665307996607,
+    3.5562981091035697,
+    3.6417013733235564,
+    3.7311047300627127,
+    3.8872996993864741,
+    3.9804799011541103,
+    4.0534756404067585,
+    4.1363024053202926,
+    4.2208974321794877,
+    4.2861111457481496,
+    4.3766112965174155,
+    4.4823314746332565,
+    4.5480736492020721,
+    4.6140282594933879,
+    4.6927572802426791,
+    4.7950758075336255,
+    4.8965365095798212,
+    5.0072589054206107,
+    5.0975160269495143,
+    5.2362442989591846,
+    5.3289517016526302,
+    5.4178449031775839,
+    5.5118563643244292,
+    5.5991786537930563,
+    5.7292585294169509,
+    5.8455520624288511,
+    5.9835086379946096,
+    6.1056860394816654,
+    6.2159830829296503,
+    6.3853574209981945,
+    6.4974583447731833,
+    6.6378799857782989,
+    6.7643189783177879,
+    6.9331608618050389,
+    7.0563877476272356,
+    7.1597694820310664,
+    7.2747575984770805,
+    7.4061511602581902,
+    7.566805332709456,
+    7.7166738418404099,
+    7.8275904312086375,
+    7.9656564706412034,
+    8.1244717048328159,
+    8.3128776945349419,
+    8.4492226274061721,
+    8.6026791744357034,
+    8.7913701590231152,
+    8.9674862747079285,
+    9.203292738543686,
+    9.4039626926929181,
+    9.5311545009803265,
+    9.7551708743344214,
+    9.9026582594455501,
+    10.022592104276631,
+    10.254556398686347,
+    10.441547514468155,
+    10.55911902240299,
+    10.753522809241019,
+    10.926077226400229,
+    11.111675067184086,
+    11.282496796620391,
+    11.542358714530458,
+    11.747566119524583,
+    12.063275519031006,
+    12.341240623919091,
+    12.652985756993917,
+    12.911635251767006,
+    13.185612347682703,
+    13.397850815278218,
+    13.510168018667791,
+    13.823974357607668,
+    14.079700135326661,
+    14.319520604253412,
+    14.516982034078424,
+    14.715852185550794,
+    14.964361234520684,
+    15.243919353703765,
+    15.434116248837348,
+    15.848964391761008,
+    16.086776522206492,
+    16.492027051516569,
+    16.795026784147762,
+    17.200208653485955,
+    17.498774119010612,
+    17.697568539728877,
+    17.989065229745375,
+    18.378303894171673,
+    18.701677957394676,
+    19.000050086953262,
+    19.305072306272276,
+    19.640223854343546,
+    20.148513190788542,
+    20.571031137831589,
+    20.950263329212515,
+    21.493452145932224,
+    21.900647991805542,
+    22.368835386038555,
+    22.757466417332257,
+    23.266697302860564,
+    23.748918186455164,
+    24.013428277953601,
+    24.436060444302342,
+    24.839469583056065,
+    25.343925184450622,
+    25.873641504196087,
+    26.482510119485095,
+    27.117741302188946,
+    28.028030125009568,
+    28.67264931970686,
+    29.423325760610378,
+    29.889992195728581,
+    30.465443031984776,
+    31.309530466130287,
+    31.901260500752073,
+    32.799551692053072,
+    33.541476679668996,
+    34.443620232941036,
+    35.302557206918429,
+    36.095895295724823,
+    36.967344523130116,
+    37.972365673128152,
+    39.113785970733069,
+    40.183225976540719,
+    41.415014418976391,
+    42.519519437606419,
+    43.877982190483891,
+    45.274268146469012,
+    46.598258997931197,
+    47.577075478663595,
+    49.30474498506122,
+    50.820118338226344,
+    52.111331702490496,
+    53.410484924257844,
+    54.902819374535113,
+    56.280708096832775,
+    57.753628438949818,
+    58.879346286077769,
+    59.968520735732298,
+    60.999746067677791,
+    62.753450775062085,
+    64.030882243935793,
+    65.729557300284014,
+    67.561576034705098,
+    69.665957842633134,
+    71.539525862837877,
+    73.715255033933218,
+    76.042333108418404,
+    79.197194154406716,
+    82.16221890263013,
+    85.299196384291619,
+    89.066358132689487,
+    91.826772968117325,
+    96.091493878155831,
+    101.23287053213269,
+    106.50298553112719,
+    109.91541659247912,
+    113.35584144711426,
+    119.43260281154497,
+    126.01710530963756,
+    135.83275402928408,
+    143.34767183967989,
+    153.86665354982301,
+    165.32615555272824,
+    178.67838621083195,
+    195.7780863511025,
+    213.10059234298109,
+    235.43734867679117,
+    282.56546879749584,
+    344.49428452558914,
+    1032.3156481054148,
+    0.0,
+    0.28542906758282582,
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+    0.62651997706725926,
+    0.72080554472755054,
+    0.85153448889118422,
+    1.0135203835548705,
+    1.1497401649165981,
+    1.249689630633253,
+    1.3399789001967404,
+    1.4564959287102479,
+    1.5525185391245844,
+    1.645337296328182,
+    1.7029587642670561,
+    1.7998807148268574,
+    1.8818193335491449,
+    1.9378684814241007,
+    2.0045089255406014,
+    2.0748139436457822,
+    2.1773066185618797,
+    2.2832712158697772,
+    2.3883600529626685,
+    2.51854086329767,
+    2.6082969305879526,
+    2.6653570235348072,
+    2.7353083692676279,
+    2.8357637619195271,
+    2.949800063298929,
+    3.0384811951680373,
+    3.1078994075124524,
+    3.2335260889505033,
+    3.2990419647626399,
+    3.3727668828240933,
+    3.4799226620744226,
+    3.5425893742655994,
+    3.602653782843948,
+    3.6809307822931201,
+    3.7636220805378935,
+    3.8356481276880539,
+    3.9348563402662586,
+    4.0173932529537133,
+    4.1063926031921367,
+    4.1717702846007647,
+    4.2630914745857496,
+    4.3776816586639553,
+    4.4711604153944746,
+    4.5898411942902397,
+    4.6529598063193873,
+    4.7594223012672128,
+    4.859397400196225,
+    4.9911351337934935,
+    5.0565770304775857,
+    5.1225454425221839,
+    5.2210476830787913,
+    5.3162453599135313,
+    5.4019041740602542,
+    5.4940746055002112,
+    5.6136974622961269,
+    5.7781825322921838,
+    5.8753555715066135,
+    5.9710447043669799,
+    6.0693550815356012,
+    6.2210987536494446,
+    6.3057281942751633,
+    6.4213140942100821,
+    6.5389008456679329,
+    6.6598814572271587,
+    6.7667995850353684,
+    6.8447945703412136,
+    6.9638166797290806,
+    7.089919065426475,
+    7.2063358053191635,
+    7.352017914006157,
+    7.4537565287326801,
+    7.582581434309609,
+    7.7515979917104838,
+    7.922857945264326,
+    8.1036189902911531,
+    8.3020028506929222,
+    8.4634925955724825,
+    8.6391711422358544,
+    8.7635395423761935,
+    8.8992877245899145,
+    9.0893279549043093,
+    9.3039711595273165,
+    9.4509385898117682,
+    9.5886214810203292,
+    9.7390698728931344,
+    9.9541876691465312,
+    10.169584740152244,
+    10.408818535856438,
+    10.659936222779091,
+    10.885872639294179,
+    11.234872889392312,
+    11.380004892188218,
+    11.630544911322611,
+    11.842161705728255,
+    12.145847767420936,
+    12.330853164469056,
+    12.583698055254121,
+    12.816494298528724,
+    13.030768267855716,
+    13.340667906325312,
+    13.590963465427643,
+    13.838270526487388,
+    14.074223027757553,
+    14.348879588563831,
+    14.623052429806279,
+    14.889780883997153,
+    15.16693031574218,
+    15.627987742305928,
+    15.886715102647821,
+    16.122720491922152,
+    16.370043221512347,
+    16.698521062776425,
+    17.014791424541087,
+    17.277243625151677,
+    17.630298905505015,
+    17.922468720470825,
+    18.149957595022286,
+    18.504105261759602,
+    18.795720406240982,
+    19.18862905514699,
+    19.475658613972989,
+    19.718119783763974,
+    20.003625971835866,
+    20.315035816376586,
+    20.769230895348553,
+    21.215197103344,
+    21.721451002558126,
+    22.141375933409783,
+    22.495823827116208,
+    22.862304058851613,
+    23.305091172097715,
+    23.849319624238138,
+    24.24364699835543,
+    24.720699200556524,
+    25.085626207841511,
+    25.638589513652505,
+    26.154907865789191,
+    26.464735192229831,
+    26.827306144197109,
+    27.546994095945028,
+    28.177135131091795,
+    28.63885753555148,
+    29.495195057633349,
+    29.842693161801382,
+    30.377067174788916,
+    30.875858140539503,
+    31.744346334559026,
+    32.758933651918937,
+    33.726942266387887,
+    34.215890876186286,
+    35.205804764096222,
+    36.335678040868849,
+    37.11614771455158,
+    37.941465739425929,
+    38.859334633575578,
+    39.928208407832223,
+    40.699477662771486,
+    41.819209837420011,
+    43.215290220738062,
+    43.752358355431525,
+    44.477418638451525,
+    45.544939322383215,
+    46.640235116349203,
+    47.579833058320212,
+    49.08201798196896,
+    50.659250361498124,
+    51.765930922941273,
+    53.63059431256552,
+    55.1000160675475,
+    56.73201493619726,
+    58.246215912516156,
+    59.40623788602521,
+    61.827647106103718,
+    64.49842649472086,
+    66.976553190431929,
+    70.198059650548117,
+    73.471061518231679,
+    75.97093457032166,
+    78.702576395464334,
+    81.611672320767141,
+    83.584533696176564,
+    89.483719245164707,
+    95.503007633435587,
+    99.897758416618558,
+    104.5780094282018,
+    111.60694946504658,
+    117.51568863458957,
+    127.92288436293775,
+    136.29858810722959,
+    147.30418079416475,
+    162.5922919611979,
+    173.4980042718681,
+    184.44721960771685,
+    206.66903439286079,
+    235.60943993849668,
+    279.42538519180954,
+    395.73590980190897,
+    767.7437697537913,
+    0.0,
+    0.36374037786845004,
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+    1.4035727483941891,
+    1.4650786245458309,
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+    1.6933702592952453,
+    1.7732804777571083,
+    1.8838172082592433,
+    1.954950718947722,
+    2.0048840780203179,
+    2.0683672686827492,
+    2.1645078261391331,
+    2.2612520597106451,
+    2.3359440089385646,
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+    2.4476156886612883,
+    2.5691159773482495,
+    2.6084450349000678,
+    2.6658038289568791,
+    2.802053890520781,
+    2.8561183704950697,
+    2.9543741961709769,
+    3.0135138877978185,
+    3.0505910337969002,
+    3.129399027027457,
+    3.1984302483970564,
+    3.3186190937914195,
+    3.4057540256655323,
+    3.4777981689415913,
+    3.5184191917833267,
+    3.5975803130944266,
+    3.6588848905491038,
+    3.8130976291367,
+    3.8802414294541254,
+    3.957222730170348,
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+    4.4373460503609401,
+    4.5587919710581124,
+    4.6277536709616927,
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+    4.7843280503620607,
+    4.8638283249690355,
+    4.948337773654341,
+    5.1040636578149838,
+    5.1795964194464377,
+    5.2973077144211338,
+    5.3522785288725707,
+    5.4939098011676935,
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+    5.7470634587269451,
+    5.8397056876634732,
+    5.9561260760004444,
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+    6.1235992948872031,
+    6.2504421209611483,
+    6.4113950981142374,
+    6.5516323124086711,
+    6.7244564776287783,
+    6.8618195100648141,
+    6.9505641642794975,
+    7.0916813413393385,
+    7.2272991950515504,
+    7.3163089878854173,
+    7.4623335136659801,
+    7.6110387010371117,
+    7.7791913595037805,
+    7.936641896374983,
+    8.0878941913267184,
+    8.2595490578730129,
+    8.385431944546335,
+    8.5207274071897672,
+    8.6857803464137824,
+    8.8101649975015821,
+    8.9536744831786148,
+    9.0600596564391367,
+    9.2078447326702051,
+    9.3228888631291884,
+    9.4666810933090737,
+    9.5842181319219488,
+    9.7117679522558404,
+    9.8364937741290674,
+    9.9578885988719605,
+    10.050258999773828,
+    10.222935957512945,
+    10.316390929540351,
+    10.475548798393795,
+    10.645698388425439,
+    10.784281041251679,
+    10.948840474245644,
+    11.18619695562867,
+    11.391007009711993,
+    11.567902525938473,
+    11.71609814428081,
+    11.986239831997279,
+    12.114994517734564,
+    12.299234012158884,
+    12.519873907814063,
+    12.863454387962484,
+    13.071436848150757,
+    13.401814698265529,
+    13.616665965772345,
+    13.917822552439985,
+    14.188207378128368,
+    14.392249303363604,
+    14.565292790891043,
+    14.8227217543752,
+    15.082488535254081,
+    15.353996053129002,
+    15.71970041593713,
+    16.055798117141507,
+    16.350541959618788,
+    16.59026542651214,
+    16.985800718119268,
+    17.454849654596948,
+    17.727304029707067,
+    18.074448871862273,
+    18.657077244754035,
+    19.113484525377181,
+    19.562570052919153,
+    20.051208287923327,
+    20.510845671810618,
+    20.868530774744045,
+    21.265799148848728,
+    21.905779229740901,
+    22.253576842522836,
+    22.93054457765145,
+    23.206345747345235,
+    23.442698316367355,
+    23.819566588138276,
+    24.284074517836409,
+    24.787572758168594,
+    25.29135993018971,
+    25.702149605001754,
+    26.244235212381223,
+    26.972918611793055,
+    27.497687861234269,
+    27.803253080067293,
+    28.455954373351648,
+    28.799808431536636,
+    29.848012115835569,
+    30.659490646833433,
+    31.278494629826003,
+    31.986230266586109,
+    32.844426473455414,
+    33.467758528183403,
+    34.226128209009545,
+    35.361957028401591,
+    36.258109649477035,
+    36.936669242532219,
+    37.818365857787754,
+    38.696285651145452,
+    40.081917650133853,
+    40.64346996992446,
+    41.711711592656641,
+    42.702888952548854,
+    43.463449958527363,
+    44.933303891653537,
+    46.280030045429775,
+    46.884828739246672,
+    47.9164412951895,
+    48.816783602198043,
+    51.059938151143868,
+    52.990341731171874,
+    55.149664388125281,
+    56.632548806783447,
+    59.744429378935919,
+    61.750152716933627,
+    64.13446025245527,
+    65.894498123950655,
+    68.469194455591804,
+    72.127321506278804,
+    75.510184634367306,
+    79.070343457944233,
+    82.83698071207391,
+    86.213350717712743,
+    91.263841459235479,
+    96.251898067968696,
+    100.97702206389322,
+    110.24223086163732,
+    122.08402559600439,
+    133.28649360785434,
+    143.88249756506781,
+    165.37750731198261,
+    172.54296243585648,
+    184.52345636646612,
+    205.19933792261477,
+    225.68130093091153,
+    254.48608422209975,
+    356.13158711494771,
+    667.13884179705951,
+    0.0,
+    0.26354229304624982,
+    0.38447836652746359,
+    0.47827776444151504,
+    0.57102745980500924,
+    0.66953353299980622,
+    0.7418659221489563,
+    0.83156847070200968,
+    0.90459644576835174,
+    1.0010729921508612,
+    1.0747030979707302,
+    1.1266171474464457,
+    1.2074942519793959,
+    1.2865431026365461,
+    1.3473439404701553,
+    1.4202020302877516,
+    1.4768893225494599,
+    1.5313969774675775,
+    1.5909847654923739,
+    1.6475355098467457,
+    1.6997939412324161,
+    1.7637752265692834,
+    1.8242615872864518,
+    1.8898188947673684,
+    1.9509538324144411,
+    2.0098808061983942,
+    2.0640737132115903,
+    2.1250621349491174,
+    2.1880199036006234,
+    2.2482335097460373,
+    2.3224687338799601,
+    2.3810854640962966,
+    2.4539462471917695,
+    2.5205389108480092,
+    2.5736335433800064,
+    2.6351983220648534,
+    2.7117894124038844,
+    2.7769524741702436,
+    2.8358464472920151,
+    2.8923290609616985,
+    2.952869124430904,
+    3.019886501351988,
+    3.0890122216294262,
+    3.1640429065297679,
+    3.230928687772761,
+    3.2871518048094348,
+    3.3658272937032447,
+    3.4150577541035902,
+    3.5021039779235932,
+    3.5747695852696721,
+    3.6487836281519805,
+    3.7241574101269204,
+    3.8142260058409829,
+    3.889886219446729,
+    3.959556232893171,
+    4.0356800011365941,
+    4.1057394274812147,
+    4.1980461864106902,
+    4.309452131909552,
+    4.3828331762835537,
+    4.4695204020316721,
+    4.5367508600967223,
+    4.6233009941728263,
+    4.723559288314422,
+    4.8418135782046221,
+    4.9493007712556114,
+    5.0770358904447308,
+    5.1638022761303857,
+    5.258523659828418,
+    5.355344510356554,
+    5.4603287604488076,
+    5.5379537810288211,
+    5.6249248142354942,
+    5.7220275089216761,
+    5.838923475249886,
+    5.9497212657328467,
+    6.0583843755738309,
+    6.1867532212460965,
+    6.3064698765052771,
+    6.4319591322171776,
+    6.5483864027049101,
+    6.6488785338577285,
+    6.7665965268891011,
+    6.9052017507528056,
+    7.045854866965354,
+    7.2014256979466307,
+    7.330485956308558,
+    7.4487327302385404,
+    7.5665345877761823,
+    7.6547168896849138,
+    7.8054455606559943,
+    7.9504829122596341,
+    8.0783042696456278,
+    8.2122962977826681,
+    8.3879105778396355,
+    8.5583569201645879,
+    8.7283836649546007,
+    8.883891378612029,
+    9.0083786843632403,
+    9.1761351492455319,
+    9.3638324400389497,
+    9.5907615887485385,
+    9.7594846934193047,
+    10.010833472510898,
+    10.185621904747663,
+    10.346951216302086,
+    10.520062141237078,
+    10.706681377384809,
+    10.967233078599998,
+    11.138591663326494,
+    11.336327609263476,
+    11.538065870352529,
+    11.780969742764785,
+    12.040396856930878,
+    12.278033460635026,
+    12.572587972604635,
+    12.836717579047866,
+    13.112528685175548,
+    13.349919258349592,
+    13.711232799022634,
+    13.952743864796032,
+    14.173739895596908,
+    14.465060589666624,
+    14.731797503743392,
+    14.982825032585207,
+    15.26649112996823,
+    15.569851389101043,
+    15.807990176918581,
+    16.100384923714998,
+    16.357766493568764,
+    16.777677977704688,
+    17.171170485060028,
+    17.439164114500958,
+    17.753339594991331,
+    18.098780157602537,
+    18.506119482642575,
+    18.872634818431685,
+    19.158220809140616,
+    19.460619214965231,
+    19.861854966350609,
+    20.194551637195691,
+    20.572956591632238,
+    20.928294578986577,
+    21.344426709478942,
+    21.66166937542549,
+    22.240766877718343,
+    22.565729819049889,
+    23.044323591163653,
+    23.475228287516739,
+    23.932777693805892,
+    24.431735905582023,
+    24.9753478724361,
+    25.444631767712121,
+    26.034501673986167,
+    26.793728332827442,
+    27.366686796047183,
+    27.957289531847202,
+    28.628949210391269,
+    29.141828609314189,
+    29.719739181851036,
+    30.30594251575133,
+    30.960727844584873,
+    32.027496656930069,
+    32.974018472252368,
+    33.863248797022031,
+    34.561629815364022,
+    35.481873500994837,
+    36.425956905396923,
+    37.348331262937052,
+    38.205344049967586,
+    39.198221653394434,
+    40.278372389201685,
+    41.677786414811592,
+    43.065418693400801,
+    44.574973160850661,
+    46.276760954798682,
+    47.637500721436417,
+    49.306031705719278,
+    51.89715331335065,
+    54.021647205722303,
+    56.568849685307754,
+    58.260272125967838,
+    61.01559773170208,
+    63.460178968983008,
+    66.681062849099575,
+    70.419627156287063,
+    73.920166575505235,
+    77.213692861072445,
+    81.815040784668199,
+    85.962566683415389,
+    91.041503329412507,
+    95.177144795049969,
+    99.955722087200343,
+    108.58955753524259,
+    117.80784071631163,
+    130.37475347981882,
+    147.21446326393803,
+    169.18325814487829,
+    205.95766196129654,
+    265.65512151989378,
+    87848.280391018183,
+    0.0,
+    0.19490317513848199,
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+    0.51127610159630021,
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+    0.66138230429826461,
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+    0.94121780304322211,
+    0.99883776020744297,
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+    1.1082428211928517,
+    1.1713208117143756,
+    1.2148024624665414,
+    1.2609968601390287,
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+    1.3925492252792258,
+    1.4667867999704067,
+    1.514482258913509,
+    1.5743932825824867,
+    1.6055483247197799,
+    1.6735799139620093,
+    1.7242981980275145,
+    1.7695095310430997,
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+    1.8847715885877299,
+    1.9197993080657989,
+    1.9744731923762646,
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+    2.1097644028458769,
+    2.1664244086126137,
+    2.2431869595868097,
+    2.2837360345225766,
+    2.3556313195570087,
+    2.405430036905444,
+    2.4505170860355792,
+    2.4989854383785239,
+    2.5407069198492236,
+    2.5973895600257899,
+    2.6662262216343775,
+    2.7003533281249101,
+    2.7540559919851004,
+    2.8059856736986672,
+    2.8744094871135686,
+    2.9296784011089727,
+    2.9987201241218648,
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+    3.149353771093593,
+    3.2335250198149148,
+    3.2987481250279922,
+    3.3813159530575105,
+    3.420245321649098,
+    3.4667630445198467,
+    3.5404207818987037,
+    3.6319368958518181,
+    3.7059200378072354,
+    3.7740034108713001,
+    3.8372038077261137,
+    3.9197610988151039,
+    3.9886257099364339,
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+    4.138300196794412,
+    4.2257097559547683,
+    4.3260432863760752,
+    4.4121971145250116,
+    4.5042890038890597,
+    4.5643129623079091,
+    4.6632837420436948,
+    4.760388268790428,
+    4.8656859399723364,
+    4.9325603768335293,
+    5.0342194443918942,
+    5.1201176332551412,
+    5.2068094592308221,
+    5.2861985755361616,
+    5.3619402279344657,
+    5.4488952829979578,
+    5.5661630444890307,
+    5.6302459604039878,
+    5.7251570645424943,
+    5.8265289703090026,
+    5.9757197595129812,
+    6.0745229648833075,
+    6.1917517048051831,
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+    6.6358190501534073,
+    6.7679316573810269,
+    6.8686794099073571,
+    6.951123042441683,
+    7.0714773931514774,
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+    7.2851841541363633,
+    7.4277247272769777,
+    7.545118161206557,
+    7.6796631181823791,
+    7.8167880642937018,
+    7.9566071237538072,
+    8.0603936878360543,
+    8.1832039873181959,
+    8.3115755716587163,
+    8.4320844813486833,
+    8.5902802761521784,
+    8.7221702888496431,
+    8.8514060135926869,
+    9.0332345688234028,
+    9.1963706908372931,
+    9.3367587179861236,
+    9.497006030540005,
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+    9.8532189063800164,
+    10.050461242163172,
+    10.168236220470268,
+    10.348527513241617,
+    10.531791667580992,
+    10.703985943887844,
+    10.93278400032537,
+    11.15334897515447,
+    11.279161608656203,
+    11.493658887982159,
+    11.629213658946661,
+    11.813149108077441,
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+    12.590673999087862,
+    12.794134333415222,
+    13.002054595845699,
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+    13.805021300146676,
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+    14.396612581875223,
+    14.68307313946254,
+    14.923008872428863,
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+    16.016016291617053,
+    16.269176030476242,
+    16.559936897997712,
+    16.907361798334914,
+    17.258247430228977,
+    17.522507804773419,
+    17.819739257247601,
+    18.300494526840033,
+    18.61675208077844,
+    18.901401014716043,
+    19.417022408557258,
+    19.797904233478242,
+    20.228015085729147,
+    20.637954339218549,
+    21.183210911355513,
+    21.771881557448339,
+    22.21773210897102,
+    22.779612813526374,
+    23.276529546096842,
+    23.849594764724543,
+    24.446921593531446,
+    25.015101229550464,
+    25.658559396356374,
+    26.282199605420455,
+    27.105386636499361,
+    27.676243476410885,
+    28.419439927324717,
+    29.184424065828914,
+    29.883208551297241,
+    30.862499878001806,
+    31.713413996846523,
+    32.826935291082727,
+    33.72406490654123,
+    34.680776796431886,
+    35.528359794461842,
+    36.670845950707843,
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+    39.273981900912467,
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+    41.483302822400162,
+    43.211405024691217,
+    44.630074152677139,
+    46.308911078822682,
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+    49.774586644602294,
+    51.781332900742051,
+    53.252372889554401,
+    55.257436943999878,
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+    60.134437476839075,
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+    67.805529413896068,
+    72.960204750804039,
+    78.548035565623934,
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+    95.851443874433429,
+    105.43467161328387,
+    123.71872542791084,
+    144.47153346382115,
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+    0.0,
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+    3.1882923341376097,
+    3.2475133828248954,
+    3.3082893597110878,
+    3.3998621255091428,
+    3.47762860298067,
+    3.5504403144136871,
+    3.6091991238429708,
+    3.6617110799009782,
+    3.747352642356359,
+    3.7869413127021954,
+    3.8494017410196837,
+    3.9492065318655385,
+    4.0178432318231367,
+    4.1459135647020364,
+    4.2117067391482745,
+    4.2819404568634685,
+    4.3483465566680453,
+    4.4244779495490469,
+    4.4626585143965478,
+    4.529665123797245,
+    4.590443570999347,
+    4.6959724608287416,
+    4.7546121047868048,
+    4.8565039814092676,
+    4.9526895878521771,
+    5.0443764740864374,
+    5.1192000512767368,
+    5.2222704461323,
+    5.3679136440586834,
+    5.44561515189495,
+    5.573881356101074,
+    5.6587732114410647,
+    5.7456859581229036,
+    5.8285056653676959,
+    5.9249388997940375,
+    6.0008874169591815,
+    6.1408249280378238,
+    6.1925479765893821,
+    6.257597707865,
+    6.3482665820132933,
+    6.4362617657783012,
+    6.5018677743421236,
+    6.5990992264693222,
+    6.7059841755319676,
+    6.8408659416578956,
+    6.9783602936172588,
+    7.0768404883339144,
+    7.275512674657814,
+    7.3760305080718176,
+    7.4852630022878435,
+    7.5558323048134834,
+    7.6469369887215128,
+    7.7796586853873126,
+    7.8927874437708638,
+    7.9917930786552116,
+    8.1024563434454961,
+    8.2999865668501034,
+    8.4506558762494599,
+    8.5965995871403145,
+    8.8639775066208841,
+    8.963955758417768,
+    9.1445204978480277,
+    9.3391048111935557,
+    9.4789266524635813,
+    9.6269538620278485,
+    9.798523665360058,
+    9.9267454692157209,
+    10.135523291360611,
+    10.266903541690644,
+    10.45005203381487,
+    10.715778409248584,
+    10.96464567850493,
+    11.083463676843031,
+    11.256660301260217,
+    11.500996192642983,
+    11.687974340512826,
+    11.903229343489697,
+    12.133709181931877,
+    12.310998874748263,
+    12.750272219083747,
+    13.056147482613222,
+    13.253490555112993,
+    13.675145968268881,
+    13.924230477174909,
+    14.217574079767886,
+    14.571236022596374,
+    14.939288725850155,
+    15.314551253615292,
+    15.575987515584663,
+    15.833645863054313,
+    16.200485384427974,
+    16.477465196601848,
+    16.843241153808755,
+    17.272849032588312,
+    17.796542227272955,
+    18.154946140541519,
+    18.42280855377696,
+    18.768141850732011,
+    19.187362345680633,
+    19.591309885228171,
+    19.89722345376024,
+    20.702595711695711,
+    21.128564543818339,
+    21.527729127045859,
+    21.98660526945358,
+    22.521671536797641,
+    23.024367946134102,
+    23.561848505072032,
+    24.014992900974836,
+    24.436576472708754,
+    25.503186568685322,
+    26.610835772872736,
+    27.151442239196715,
+    27.70328225888667,
+    28.806039995726948,
+    29.627287233320377,
+    30.315284533811624,
+    31.327683853768139,
+    32.147834022257314,
+    32.92691659425568,
+    34.04201415685305,
+    35.413352753610873,
+    36.221826443150817,
+    37.977707465427912,
+    39.36878752355473,
+    40.951879054950432,
+    42.365682197246947,
+    44.629804117764586,
+    46.795396750300675,
+    49.67533805194968,
+    54.589345174300426,
+    59.129570664612665,
+    65.197403972300108,
+    72.17408937465612,
+    82.574762345786382,
+    93.478082113773723,
+    137.00082761546682,
+    199.8118228761337,
+    0.0,
+    0.10986207372166874,
+    0.14872621306540318,
+    0.19845064349132605,
+    0.23956108970357301,
+    0.27567089124994565,
+    0.30377868213388104,
+    0.33708359499769869,
+    0.36673053244321807,
+    0.39912993308020295,
+    0.426779015978206,
+    0.44779438158941426,
+    0.47517643738476034,
+    0.50286573074575236,
+    0.52693060971954953,
+    0.55098158547076637,
+    0.58123019985394664,
+    0.60493909669532997,
+    0.63389774238520347,
+    0.67186606098347501,
+    0.69617002023919206,
+    0.72425525288091774,
+    0.74131268328835165,
+    0.75822441587657952,
+    0.78496504186460769,
+    0.81439669478023768,
+    0.83597937513562759,
+    0.86590383841807772,
+    0.8832207398905233,
+    0.9128885288784947,
+    0.93278832232658382,
+    0.9712970144945392,
+    0.98805434822469451,
+    1.017363705614581,
+    1.0437582087199948,
+    1.0718487411987458,
+    1.1004250896437773,
+    1.1194711959360109,
+    1.1437610856843738,
+    1.1703135770105868,
+    1.2056434217949175,
+    1.2338045789280789,
+    1.2543783796951538,
+    1.2881091828814166,
+    1.3112986519959224,
+    1.3412713397963407,
+    1.3643779221604135,
+    1.3915419763427743,
+    1.4135745730894449,
+    1.4437349779195308,
+    1.4780368538634174,
+    1.5059249898934794,
+    1.5377824779923701,
+    1.5720832254223982,
+    1.6052142651949446,
+    1.6359894194069291,
+    1.6698249679324384,
+    1.7010194250562272,
+    1.7272294927445859,
+    1.7640864928040065,
+    1.8021508917193763,
+    1.836941181297739,
+    1.8572858792099074,
+    1.8790413654272671,
+    1.9118884108245098,
+    1.942073490357896,
+    1.9694860799879985,
+    2.0015645272239428,
+    2.0522149106625998,
+    2.0912660589444134,
+    2.1247257810064668,
+    2.1749093251088301,
+    2.2217650563723126,
+    2.2797139028050473,
+    2.3273351675369698,
+    2.3662520837977135,
+    2.4085161957373407,
+    2.44842259128407,
+    2.4966048731591064,
+    2.5293551875388931,
+    2.5632601598410365,
+    2.6058201417068219,
+    2.6332894599197223,
+    2.6736218730705206,
+    2.7182676740160878,
+    2.7675212194433909,
+    2.812780412941005,
+    2.851379316835152,
+    2.8952580472277556,
+    2.9324664002449192,
+    2.9730447751871556,
+    3.0227975296309393,
+    3.0615273198990827,
+    3.1268021698603428,
+    3.174893627551298,
+    3.2193684712802222,
+    3.2683746695506959,
+    3.3223129099795639,
+    3.373078633435032,
+    3.436781965208882,
+    3.4965341709413189,
+    3.5485636123343998,
+    3.6258706424876941,
+    3.6600532837001367,
+    3.70560155555301,
+    3.7650593373841739,
+    3.8358507676461393,
+    3.9084549757206171,
+    3.9708021023524647,
+    4.0212671115382888,
+    4.0946288617889595,
+    4.1394244422887896,
+    4.2188351505187107,
+    4.2823861107092336,
+    4.345215736329938,
+    4.4124531199132271,
+    4.4715502537649803,
+    4.5793747033075158,
+    4.6772348615589658,
+    4.7793135998354499,
+    4.8587348255519132,
+    4.9729544448725447,
+    5.0694000105385566,
+    5.1648687512296263,
+    5.2375026757215011,
+    5.3107689102038451,
+    5.3918869300439356,
+    5.4798227286901664,
+    5.5404131589193328,
+    5.648241044217758,
+    5.7449977826195706,
+    5.8598429438509489,
+    5.9784308800284593,
+    6.0724910376893559,
+    6.2240939885017204,
+    6.3418997607004348,
+    6.4869662152984544,
+    6.6005309624044228,
+    6.7321547133945252,
+    6.8313273194562418,
+    6.9553827276444107,
+    7.0978539209087161,
+    7.2385617409417087,
+    7.4083545257663301,
+    7.5207064390014864,
+    7.6784562087734116,
+    7.8094272468662487,
+    7.9694720845049609,
+    8.1498776347751605,
+    8.3017112945801781,
+    8.5266505277166349,
+    8.6503142671472784,
+    8.9054272928070564,
+    9.1373026527777839,
+    9.3315715528110896,
+    9.5401595700260877,
+    9.7597048968193185,
+    9.9666371700161704,
+    10.22144069326451,
+    10.408114251683418,
+    10.676084943208242,
+    10.908036087339795,
+    11.20436716656776,
+    11.477519824720831,
+    11.808217307144476,
+    12.095306359268855,
+    12.384349218033464,
+    12.685309460589796,
+    12.923557637527606,
+    13.204138344604788,
+    13.616900691559191,
+    13.979656973992922,
+    14.606515576714788,
+    14.962258652534821,
+    15.314510650339031,
+    15.724483559731054,
+    16.382829228207918,
+    17.009132961353529,
+    17.366569031693889,
+    17.900210603831621,
+    18.648573105414446,
+    19.363994023453447,
+    20.143558523165193,
+    20.828002130195308,
+    21.73898624871266,
+    22.409876982562661,
+    23.415203632804776,
+    24.355119676733135,
+    25.938175172718896,
+    27.639017238717773,
+    29.341494300849057,
+    30.595119225694788,
+    32.714674098003904,
+    35.49272152410154,
+    37.928565199883295,
+    43.491713440727274,
+    47.581292491927705,
+    57.969627624865709,
+    63.340294577285306,
+    80.397876878853367,
+    1699.4418298669216,
+    0.0,
+    0.057563746961587628,
+    0.072111582138628103,
+    0.08953965473080569,
+    0.096680126595439592,
+    0.11426458268489206,
+    0.12297408594046662,
+    0.13531860413261979,
+    0.14452962166237915,
+    0.18495685986529226,
+    0.19550850903207695,
+    0.22061034782875669,
+    0.24758609568932677,
+    0.2612060900760057,
+    0.26777787436395784,
+    0.27913993724767144,
+    0.29698064960443493,
+    0.31244925057107031,
+    0.32122508788845933,
+    0.33311366430341305,
+    0.34236037155250942,
+    0.35256380627730061,
+    0.35729858105022982,
+    0.36206918848814695,
+    0.36696792159332803,
+    0.37634614206748435,
+    0.38534850898782269,
+    0.3894744547332164,
+    0.40001857990165496,
+    0.40628143701841141,
+    0.41257543810712505,
+    0.42792024247708083,
+    0.43741390937376029,
+    0.44679385424881979,
+    0.45338668180597402,
+    0.45852917891908479,
+    0.46847035670602488,
+    0.47881191760237773,
+    0.48636454017775488,
+    0.49953494697176376,
+    0.50860731875951681,
+    0.51485110540295576,
+    0.52109982877729388,
+    0.52856828716304816,
+    0.53396501041075717,
+    0.54519067350690764,
+    0.55087030570382234,
+    0.56120787950497175,
+    0.56947875574614748,
+    0.57879694500782908,
+    0.59045771217758214,
+    0.60020074472460661,
+    0.61356581621742379,
+    0.62339692092995469,
+    0.62921777922324307,
+    0.63757958596122966,
+    0.64566282308710643,
+    0.65337163144903077,
+    0.65757954743934188,
+    0.66731107005984081,
+    0.68506693378151473,
+    0.69407449975565316,
+    0.71475464833393743,
+    0.71919154363460669,
+    0.72854121818321049,
+    0.73768805533929283,
+    0.74964936797719572,
+    0.77319064552644212,
+    0.78475208628536974,
+    0.79568283458133116,
+    0.80765736770217855,
+    0.81877434008276662,
+    0.82795271525666825,
+    0.83973491168326087,
+    0.84972560110746476,
+    0.85639470621002023,
+    0.8647134858775507,
+    0.88244802261826683,
+    0.89985271988240045,
+    0.92340768696765485,
+    0.93788541450428287,
+    0.94792835531188524,
+    0.96027918757802155,
+    0.96921149562521636,
+    0.97952213604373195,
+    0.98854957689191614,
+    0.99970116951294496,
+    1.00882043327571,
+    1.0201870773908586,
+    1.041349919759516,
+    1.0556530343908901,
+    1.0756585260782074,
+    1.088223830319788,
+    1.0958784727426483,
+    1.1149995386526934,
+    1.1304796415226661,
+    1.1446063542280724,
+    1.1638356180596499,
+    1.1745794869462154,
+    1.193511657405055,
+    1.2182391405087374,
+    1.2382096317106388,
+    1.2472982421708765,
+    1.2622218704529613,
+    1.2744400683695623,
+    1.2908221594923039,
+    1.305167165044943,
+    1.3252374721898401,
+    1.3384679854994657,
+    1.3542873322844842,
+    1.3724563152241775,
+    1.3892962190041085,
+    1.4109408775708268,
+    1.419655422200014,
+    1.4315263030154188,
+    1.4527276892177177,
+    1.4683378048771656,
+    1.4867165057343337,
+    1.516076453749051,
+    1.5433792065946024,
+    1.5553543482759045,
+    1.5609831318052232,
+    1.5806764726673499,
+    1.6041131847991026,
+    1.6344144243726575,
+    1.6710888016711845,
+    1.7061932731840148,
+    1.7354452179890347,
+    1.7630243267926291,
+    1.7975788676407549,
+    1.814028785525206,
+    1.8281150670319055,
+    1.8550087441605427,
+    1.8737649522280617,
+    1.8856226040366797,
+    1.9079304881331332,
+    1.9442107218496263,
+    1.9659920408787115,
+    1.9983699901526899,
+    2.0223202139688512,
+    2.0401740051464592,
+    2.0748888988742027,
+    2.1149914291249212,
+    2.1360608521646109,
+    2.1565833101041338,
+    2.1693334907915234,
+    2.207376721598215,
+    2.2255919603217067,
+    2.272629194554781,
+    2.3279774087392666,
+    2.3517585387327471,
+    2.3910765083557908,
+    2.4703248547335415,
+    2.5208338119493607,
+    2.5806226807785433,
+    2.6402836153572076,
+    2.7185362598168772,
+    2.7677835795641461,
+    2.8180997959029526,
+    2.8326345693021624,
+    2.8701055927549652,
+    2.9318268717765115,
+    3.0139842815042615,
+    3.0571236539047622,
+    3.1734047661118234,
+    3.2297672388561938,
+    3.3059073464928148,
+    3.3897975561487925,
+    3.4745601523423382,
+    3.5452181551689357,
+    3.6265670674665991,
+    3.7050473014775043,
+    3.8309245560041219,
+    3.9372996837644192,
+    4.0716930145722978,
+    4.212857083996437,
+    4.2692123731220972,
+    4.46591990841738,
+    4.5523023767467139,
+    4.6548916677892533,
+    4.7758394764018659,
+    4.9758326990027228,
+    5.2769985200911247,
+    5.5486096014042028,
+    5.7245726086000337,
+    6.0102407093754762,
+    6.1426829331257933,
+    6.287333950013684,
+    6.5928811370882103,
+    6.9367730409204489,
+    7.0646691460119388,
+    7.2083448239980932,
+    7.5049899728910674,
+    8.1901484843386374,
+    8.6011704867597345,
+    9.304469886954676,
+    10.665731252277961,
+    11.88866301597937,
+    13.361123901157045,
+    18.497872676781789,
+    25.178694947474682,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_dists.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_dists.py
index d9ac051e72b05ef18eac2df167db56ee0fa2ca09..3ff5be8d3b44eebd5622355f4c4efd41df7afaf1 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_dists.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_dists.py
@@ -9,1136 +9,3421 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2010_def_dists = [
-    0.0, 0.057628562576303784, 0.091878457821655726, 0.1132900806480715,
-    0.16850875337211296, 0.23480972950916859, 0.25538164963671517,
-    0.31559279249314726, 0.3709861971858377, 0.39525547000677452,
-    0.48512586717169626, 0.50506908796001859, 0.57765035525262631,
-    0.62148541152837633, 0.64263863444579483, 0.69882483312164267,
-    0.7161545153916149, 0.80411890720042356, 0.8805970872918405,
-    0.95906879172041093, 0.9964168954980418, 1.0467630571651532,
-    1.0811313132957849, 1.107613450320283, 1.1414327414809755,
-    1.200680497698831, 1.2258265309284444, 1.3292666112945957,
-    1.3827312359018287, 1.4123188606803245, 1.5512850653633397,
-    1.6356584995938095, 1.6731651325192813, 1.7284734590792767,
-    1.7492218434041287, 1.7668984797381611, 1.859839254768237,
-    1.8915873446892628, 1.906971142493358, 1.9739012545347705,
-    2.0042595869827151, 2.0404670643203007, 2.0801334669349569,
-    2.1361786545358559, 2.1800889828349126, 2.2526723098806514,
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-    2.6130589764080723, 2.7500027760987162, 2.8562937139926889,
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-    3.1141526815876208, 3.1813265812952172, 3.3676587418240587,
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-    4.556343784992352, 4.639912221981799, 4.7146391204010234,
-    4.8227084013441566, 4.9863406697764292, 5.1842339785740776,
-    5.3023803998521304, 5.4750202011939866, 5.54048973773856,
-    5.6494197613846904, 6.031189352625824, 6.1768307442788197,
-    6.2620964668403225, 6.4351623085815, 6.7265466116268859,
-    6.7915288820461273, 6.858752135722245, 7.0391175979404581,
-    7.1234944848067601, 7.3258340038478451, 7.6012540830071256,
-    7.8610379546027023, 8.1407339356122499, 8.6344134454714787,
-    8.7180144432721391, 9.0978762948485237, 9.2738466401608814,
-    9.3278635864048827, 9.4424890946840847, 9.6030189615224657,
-    9.7486413490900201, 9.9120876012927628, 10.0634236132968,
-    10.415298132107214, 10.522058512873633, 10.613299539059163,
-    10.777003890057323, 11.19134404322137, 11.263117192375013,
-    11.498561061679176, 12.21806762702662, 12.483196087543357,
-    13.54470365954359, 13.849619017840872, 14.123084642390928,
-    14.398832659078749, 14.566089250066417, 14.807446823406554,
-    14.954042474253805, 15.017632122375311, 15.534486588862363,
-    16.087579752773408, 16.335273051167704, 16.59865583486215,
-    16.787365784531143, 16.930772808747413, 16.978230896616772,
-    17.45341757723757, 17.54161801859598, 17.670822982069833,
-    18.057953137339432, 18.349411130934708, 18.874645742669262,
-    19.811500245302732, 20.617053831744901, 21.425708785184192,
-    22.13342945397601, 22.514800015329385, 22.600876120356858,
-    22.995926973030485, 23.562574109846953, 24.294710403256879,
-    24.710775959864485, 25.735807637080889, 26.538055293359648,
-    27.290028726831821, 27.773430106003083, 29.668208899311839,
-    29.767759573249858, 30.328136166047656, 31.494086670497492,
-    31.717352094096093, 32.525981982450979, 33.265585384845679,
-    33.751316746168612, 34.201802003064067, 36.899918838933765,
-    38.096479462365799, 39.516017768346714, 39.989735840240321,
-    41.194468318352641, 43.299364753871842, 43.400612046669139,
-    44.217051933181644, 45.224566778084622, 46.422304247376758,
-    46.960808813383558, 48.299557096246531, 49.543362472280329,
-    52.100735352804534, 53.655447353773283, 55.960391277909508,
-    59.70514539293125, 61.843693253111184, 68.081331605587849,
-    71.540166073226146, 73.270793327751335, 76.171347038456744,
-    76.713947935814872, 79.452578223589953, 81.242818023980888,
-    85.253618574552505, 90.576557423795492, 92.997247053710012,
-    95.821107577619216, 106.64500479999833, 120.18058037798956,
-    126.50923215826064, 131.32814912989315, 147.1399472964454,
-    167.43638431036157, 192.68604805851697, 214.74959666043176,
-    236.90417250922937, 270.13811088102972, 311.13617202210634,
-    348.43212870989748, 397.49279405192692, 418.52939500887197,
-    490.05308025042825, 601.26449991098229, 943.69926165035622,
-    2272.151119348498, 2272.151119348498, 0.0, 0.068201728466174436,
-    0.11237783313391692, 0.12830033204755303, 0.14738276605539258,
-    0.17452595819420164, 0.18740679497876259, 0.22092788589298604,
-    0.24698157312934674, 0.26321755681186182, 0.278982404063846,
-    0.29425614113597565, 0.30386598141884186, 0.33348471684689712,
-    0.35448258891286477, 0.38416466052319098, 0.41799061907192603,
-    0.43332985148006498, 0.46022545438188606, 0.46720029992587914,
-    0.4834191580769957, 0.49135304898180576, 0.50065137294598305,
-    0.54116902167600822, 0.56502516934264901, 0.58383186711851243,
-    0.59988283878047788, 0.61745037135253056, 0.64851934211375817,
-    0.65771446388077714, 0.68201656335208749, 0.69501882934571635,
-    0.70859407070539537, 0.76811748190181783, 0.785547174693628,
-    0.80584170571483826, 0.80977921469642378, 0.84983656800224905,
-    0.87762202858938831, 0.89989293732657549, 0.92737970573962192,
-    0.94822275849814597, 0.97010634169397159, 1.0004701361644599,
-    1.027252813486935, 1.0516264427778705, 1.085865795301199,
-    1.1039829998101676, 1.1231421375848933, 1.1351908524310048,
-    1.1870327649828589, 1.2108652899633887, 1.2418615536907456,
-    1.2620878726057261, 1.2831955088252662, 1.306480565141986,
-    1.3214819027067988, 1.3819750197102438, 1.3964962886754628,
-    1.4416267404974048, 1.4723276588556404, 1.5102821076425617,
-    1.5397500825876973, 1.5614284610319382, 1.6110339651345407,
-    1.6433416553385205, 1.6728829936173992, 1.6999366415445392,
-    1.7240699041761254, 1.7508519958752469, 1.7969849629216739,
-    1.8430561905053708, 1.8717904098493616, 1.9063368309633759,
-    1.9506003143418458, 2.0298196868542142, 2.0991713956674101,
-    2.1633526448161282, 2.2629929459851224, 2.29081267396016,
-    2.3416198215358914, 2.3573314548287789, 2.4218587714491338,
-    2.4993355473824033, 2.5384325382544848, 2.6491004992037666,
-    2.7210651339892107, 2.8237246255258426, 2.8700824362814488,
-    2.9188785020766925, 2.9635962519687955, 3.0154773635321317,
-    3.1026722776260538, 3.1782308010920812, 3.2642539873638139,
-    3.322125355058692, 3.3714861504441376, 3.4218839487759731,
-    3.5144951962763513, 3.5765944072239031, 3.6273675925681212,
-    3.7247691072149096, 3.8232379391542128, 3.8893216636307564,
-    3.9288057496282955, 4.0390899251352117, 4.1600948751312279,
-    4.1871263152018612, 4.2621860547974828, 4.3500604627307435,
-    4.5436519743962078, 4.5849723086596628, 4.729044783865576,
-    4.8683804704143165, 4.9563493866144599, 5.0241568504440179,
-    5.1468726623856105, 5.1949999782992462, 5.3140299451508861,
-    5.4879645142694358, 5.7223471643025841, 5.8380855647564118,
-    5.953449532130346, 6.0187020640170728, 6.2108553226358252,
-    6.3916059248644403, 6.4913362763076323, 6.6031140372618351,
-    6.6636491589809301, 6.9509407634766989, 7.1531488937141772,
-    7.2409474401975658, 7.4303919093490327, 7.5669382679335202,
-    7.7441286658925934, 7.9000616206163423, 8.0724648473816156,
-    8.2412216959472371, 8.4137214458024516, 8.6069007301001861,
-    8.7736666850099372, 8.9890876982826367, 9.155130462775519,
-    9.3411611417176861, 9.4866270624314577, 9.5872328045423547,
-    9.8527914805110655, 9.9514305967967953, 10.292405041584022,
-    10.75673026860011, 11.169289189746417, 11.46807997463821,
-    11.689766834399332, 11.966027273630296, 12.351431387718186,
-    12.727667430393458, 13.119586645059071, 13.424611040389257,
-    13.786397020277862, 13.968352336123267, 14.21068016740667,
-    14.453408188853816, 15.461180267394132, 15.895481313307476,
-    16.317601512617198, 16.780792483093965, 17.624171385239844,
-    18.139839382922045, 18.594772196087924, 20.516375547145831,
-    21.567448512929186, 21.977404088239552, 23.299471636450161,
-    24.278490139740818, 24.993212131783924, 26.592135163847711,
-    27.623113931391885, 28.865470012834731, 29.227604875711496,
-    31.101999334866235, 31.57497302654869, 32.684647994128909,
-    33.375146403972977, 37.692891082911196, 39.851813023596023,
-    41.523584144387264, 46.008072429817098, 49.647884975691284,
-    52.784847459347759, 54.294626625518887, 63.228644431972903,
-    69.726924033194564, 74.015904215742552, 86.164937892726826,
-    100.73311845118887, 112.18515642738907, 135.19609351797098,
-    176.61381022152227, 242.73583361720463, 308.26543522152377,
-    513.52205453065437, 0.0, 0.064681645397600726, 0.097055786527166205,
-    0.11671616479466058, 0.14904699771147067, 0.1812546389613125,
-    0.20555172420798953, 0.2183799557562153, 0.24037810467237944,
-    0.25036231174093732, 0.26632542829596018, 0.2738878158208915,
-    0.28695869973365634, 0.30912145801504926, 0.32069346660692333,
-    0.32716841268857905, 0.33921112396795472, 0.35411605334840923,
-    0.36992181322350265, 0.37555978900730691, 0.39245722745804307,
-    0.40098714822474785, 0.40795369226674527, 0.4172218451215533,
-    0.42679459853118645, 0.45012838868569222, 0.46395657933185602,
-    0.47588120991692906, 0.4859429317025537, 0.5012486174834101,
-    0.51554915854539141, 0.52673766504363306, 0.54037167562839805,
-    0.55386824464727247, 0.56986151348392444, 0.58441413430603695,
-    0.59504137541093982, 0.60183139418849574, 0.6097548033252651,
-    0.61636145539533693, 0.63729376685379835, 0.65492235590733228,
-    0.66704610998785618, 0.700953708734812, 0.7190525585629578,
-    0.73579423752153761, 0.74901914818208437, 0.7639095729012253,
-    0.78507593810209142, 0.7991677445398635, 0.82057225160808045,
-    0.83874577852045251, 0.8514279150065982, 0.86730722882820255,
-    0.890038058955962, 0.90572082476051208, 0.93235631316890322,
-    0.95142142918059724, 0.969384366562271, 0.99218758210384461,
-    1.00299637932868, 1.0092887025882542, 1.0324830139871306,
-    1.0486654108510693, 1.0641141875260127, 1.0835468393653898,
-    1.1071616076049358, 1.1168131966461825, 1.1456586118817482,
-    1.1644419001186364, 1.1774811339270124, 1.2092190407790164,
-    1.2384799339065578, 1.2616903228237686, 1.2889294434698533,
-    1.3164843722957189, 1.3568929832436432, 1.3789685995582368,
-    1.4016262455149839, 1.4303108283460788, 1.4487819999160492,
-    1.48021838699676, 1.5050773691689014, 1.5354136497221011,
-    1.5761026989532505, 1.5976227134137739, 1.6180255352377244,
-    1.6461488070064747, 1.6754933786486672, 1.7043391941827599,
-    1.7436653784542346, 1.7574238222395258, 1.8083751761401707,
-    1.8364695449180659, 1.8853960408395598, 1.9209489973470637,
-    1.9614779158767812, 1.9837030977196592, 2.0254456515521015,
-    2.06356755784513, 2.1061669436995003, 2.1608319242443135,
-    2.176533829184859, 2.2139646657342289, 2.2418326677035214,
-    2.2819602869499667, 2.3275988135789891, 2.355439289035997,
-    2.4108423085380779, 2.4436348968031414, 2.5031234860019178,
-    2.5439256045997136, 2.5773599788744934, 2.6327828846554593,
-    2.6997266593235456, 2.7317169496478648, 2.8033821298933836,
-    2.872746199477366, 2.911616529815233, 2.9546022533503957,
-    3.0081446390299069, 3.0894107259868058, 3.1461648060150367,
-    3.2073093130678618, 3.2707390207274067, 3.3815481629909145,
-    3.4779532042245807, 3.4955043576213232, 3.5757478436815138,
-    3.6322878543855621, 3.7796644436769657, 3.8151756075230678,
-    3.8802551661883786, 4.0289839922041422, 4.1279506765446614,
-    4.1958722575439298, 4.2681132445184655, 4.3694161532010058,
-    4.4793716338291727, 4.5714087303580433, 4.6493194432085412,
-    4.7141095620043281, 4.8655065654352976, 4.9733934483219935,
-    5.038859603913723, 5.1120453856118537, 5.2240263349175526,
-    5.326857227285414, 5.4452851717228903, 5.6191948437507619,
-    5.8251247312267305, 6.0364763774143135, 6.1085463321063269,
-    6.2898990925768432, 6.4181400947195311, 6.6210137015645536,
-    6.7263257016206106, 6.8855750366072552, 7.1232383189565454,
-    7.4007790575336729, 7.5183445501556623, 7.6542486054829189,
-    7.7796080000079355, 8.0776151677243515, 8.4160158721268967,
-    8.6283072431350387, 9.0099513745919317, 9.1985032179916839,
-    9.3715895144040058, 9.689097239085406, 9.9747151298520151,
-    10.162420972781135, 10.525043005039576, 10.9348593423718,
-    11.220406152599313, 11.472292936429914, 12.331513581808927,
-    12.99141401636353, 13.792445320126436, 14.159631387529567,
-    14.898875104642451, 15.391013071702499, 16.58446392489617,
-    17.397044111420918, 18.246693100142146, 19.539678557308235,
-    21.894007859929044, 23.769625964542684, 25.674579790101415,
-    28.595587316047272, 30.020256306881702, 33.276780738700346,
-    35.817076665002631, 42.110340471763912, 48.790270781601912,
-    54.046938187573666, 67.878422664921544, 86.808719614124982,
-    106.08957126365338, 212.6174296424627, 530.67951165916725, 0.0,
-    0.066200047903027276, 0.083721669217692474, 0.097716651445752478,
-    0.11022140255760769, 0.12682667647071302, 0.1310312002419774,
-    0.14174741060946225, 0.15012768070557803, 0.16322364512908868,
-    0.18204188144428807, 0.1932509011687073, 0.20736566877237284,
-    0.21677471984321531, 0.22208330716146871, 0.2368478044903545,
-    0.24800109075566285, 0.26042292583219756, 0.27071259593706476,
-    0.28654565496167866, 0.29337837365624814, 0.30198842285047178,
-    0.30844586201328328, 0.3149470593102916, 0.32463921048140526,
-    0.33612661364720992, 0.34538798562234241, 0.35362965043869748,
-    0.36471294151406786, 0.37175950729075813, 0.38160665904037616,
-    0.38574106898579719, 0.39688874219887516, 0.40205350235521997,
-    0.41084581512509888, 0.4190808913198204, 0.43544148967863316,
-    0.44346612867974777, 0.45227198826541537, 0.46661118452309958,
-    0.47567354802653689, 0.49123378069289259, 0.5026379690695526,
-    0.51145199410264641, 0.5230420844440421, 0.53633757129515192,
-    0.55323199501557874, 0.5709327471747897, 0.57668332951826085,
-    0.58661731761735014, 0.60316797340939221, 0.61231767919746716,
-    0.62173743546202065, 0.63367739150206992, 0.64417081791316222,
-    0.650588306867667, 0.66136245644028779, 0.67194367164364066,
-    0.68483211499577568, 0.69390170098605697, 0.70978541298372555,
-    0.71733880725642318, 0.72982716816440152, 0.744382107200665,
-    0.75464756880526096, 0.76971757975591903, 0.79092500924780884,
-    0.80139259706827826, 0.82007493231551376, 0.83636749901593976,
-    0.85607123696181142, 0.87178377197180712, 0.89028508898771552,
-    0.90709689710063435, 0.92105845964996935, 0.94062127053830347,
-    0.95072473335636265, 0.96303055939494286, 0.97648251804695785,
-    0.99369926534400232, 1.0090186828881174, 1.0418114909215104,
-    1.0698515568115963, 1.0781642613654208, 1.0953662056922651,
-    1.1107307176100356, 1.1257267330935268, 1.1471842785819382,
-    1.1676817560236403, 1.1877943080225843, 1.216398240925453,
-    1.2316053787491037, 1.2474229964718553, 1.269525880355836,
-    1.3019912398706039, 1.3277002379637455, 1.3443466595361551,
-    1.3685810866232899, 1.3984804559046911, 1.4355750324517496,
-    1.460852572211057, 1.4948996531027956, 1.5268570238239529,
-    1.5522940777876273, 1.5719325888893447, 1.6024193084645637,
-    1.633598364214381, 1.6528693309141695, 1.6741744069714672,
-    1.7003470022341649, 1.735298179037982, 1.7582063751832995,
-    1.7909792627750754, 1.8300707159778025, 1.8684354743589122,
-    1.9062901732716007, 1.9304116745252333, 1.9651822643793164,
-    2.0028643201051111, 2.0355079559039346, 2.0677432834609206,
-    2.0974741272119317, 2.1477636951029404, 2.1758324097429544,
-    2.2038264839493977, 2.2387897181326624, 2.2799150775007226,
-    2.3116834558621813, 2.3770756042717061, 2.4423912978053499,
-    2.5043639857858704, 2.6183935138202945, 2.6651645510870448,
-    2.6996454559378718, 2.7642312413471197, 2.8501819058526374,
-    2.8874618455541339, 2.9299786710240685, 2.9902882140860028,
-    3.0106036707675705, 3.0721304018549587, 3.1161855866638852,
-    3.2369909410932256, 3.2937695851357418, 3.3415607515486019,
-    3.4135640311960804, 3.4863864701809169, 3.5495511431068625,
-    3.6258591972624328, 3.6947502192132147, 3.7950739251414829,
-    3.8952813228916106, 4.0427476635565807, 4.0982562136044365,
-    4.2381714903602026, 4.325585224629334, 4.460333473236096,
-    4.5891338691369086, 4.6893335143109196, 4.7853618220189347,
-    4.8500011901031046, 4.9499390325888388, 5.0651986930646391,
-    5.1906420764523, 5.3052661921332698, 5.3795959386387144, 5.4884702877024898,
-    5.6251182444238585, 5.736009877510825, 5.8235819678819309,
-    6.0452731168242577, 6.1535182776969091, 6.4223906871159802,
-    6.7828263511308, 6.9787759843247965, 7.2868999104783532, 7.604505778440271,
-    7.9090260134516059, 8.4851413606010251, 8.6965137695221202,
-    9.0770837937907398, 9.3896211096143869, 9.7704946596107849,
-    10.142102955347768, 10.870897424798827, 11.627557560059024,
-    12.487371659037647, 13.393741745878474, 14.080823719400907,
-    15.608105497185557, 16.823724341129342, 18.261126223618554,
-    19.636996869210478, 20.562702661180669, 21.601610993499339,
-    23.839730158552172, 27.477708564377878, 33.318576554469637,
-    49.103081020159834, 73.345872444192949, 106.52935418648646, 0.0,
-    0.049394419396927715, 0.064736734696013376, 0.079308002177416376,
-    0.087959980883483738, 0.10194236904560904, 0.11008607182951631,
-    0.11465366805246813, 0.12715531070407432, 0.13166809405389251,
-    0.13847247629313228, 0.14384864573811881, 0.15002396002358567,
-    0.15562720051884482, 0.16116827009383153, 0.16632968738513401,
-    0.17136648014616976, 0.17900086203665841, 0.18694008640938087,
-    0.19702916534694626, 0.20392975208968295, 0.21361422240935368,
-    0.22042948071555513, 0.23063300033673573, 0.23966278802965957,
-    0.24711447349179011, 0.25303301261186184, 0.25579240638304279,
-    0.26267170853506805, 0.26750482270286108, 0.27493473053623635,
-    0.28258910182162267, 0.28822901265050227, 0.29608647684984479,
-    0.30214524820456018, 0.30864368126348923, 0.31508865166237593,
-    0.32124032165523375, 0.33011261444903611, 0.33703483646960708,
-    0.34733723809596734, 0.35691769635678916, 0.36690708933320493,
-    0.37128928317734283, 0.37755689980492391, 0.38701609409764459,
-    0.39302164725609023, 0.40331084641477311, 0.41072208837025759,
-    0.41852937501544424, 0.42932124920083142, 0.43324849767497853,
-    0.43993900664314145, 0.44761176101936301, 0.45202419082248341,
-    0.45529173163984443, 0.46653702581395917, 0.47399725820611593,
-    0.48198881472501576, 0.48708257057534343, 0.49302150180651805,
-    0.49978383605626248, 0.51339894682816312, 0.52160424774706593,
-    0.52748289873084886, 0.53676595811893124, 0.5455171486636371,
-    0.5534396873141485, 0.56241263737675429, 0.56973323223537264,
-    0.57574914723880954, 0.58234713319994302, 0.59066240355655708,
-    0.60510984788748057, 0.61807462013879144, 0.62637623226295402,
-    0.63542696189453973, 0.64701799464926024, 0.65882045306679504,
-    0.67141179273787532, 0.67909380683392095, 0.68707873750652504,
-    0.69640315687854726, 0.70807547488547196, 0.71771853550219356,
-    0.73309718820363279, 0.74214506352540133, 0.75177033126786774,
-    0.76943956404912883, 0.79020165814710741, 0.80781062970338047,
-    0.81634889994531135, 0.82618810526895436, 0.84005098189915028,
-    0.86666756102772669, 0.87735918829690207, 0.88554074010562978,
-    0.90240999323032145, 0.91632635431957332, 0.92982256792581119,
-    0.93859572806129865, 0.95740797855505955, 0.97317410516930258,
-    0.98783906755984918, 1.0108980555570175, 1.0284511401075709,
-    1.0482594431498151, 1.0611613677510832, 1.0784870131371229,
-    1.0919180174352818, 1.1135514694962279, 1.125494491992268,
-    1.1410712650872479, 1.1674352256776539, 1.184785119317356,
-    1.2096294450605212, 1.2323778220867625, 1.2549931419768594,
-    1.2806924911813222, 1.3081961580241186, 1.3320238796794894,
-    1.3534172327636966, 1.3807267144923916, 1.4001500408447822,
-    1.4316269135391197, 1.449518126496226, 1.4807942237706289, 1.4996141554775,
-    1.51697171202322, 1.5501818193618728, 1.5774423949301954,
-    1.6090796134626164, 1.6337740770081619, 1.6692908417512815,
-    1.6961331386742853, 1.7261310689460392, 1.7616614368687207,
-    1.7805522635031978, 1.8048113834777242, 1.8629871128198423,
-    1.9197945215709944, 1.9552472287743048, 2.006402075733154,
-    2.0427474979249962, 2.074496897491799, 2.1328916089262004,
-    2.1753943657622523, 2.2401831220855666, 2.270693018282933,
-    2.3105641384054061, 2.3945586906581622, 2.4399768881846882,
-    2.5000049081492532, 2.5621934580643706, 2.6392295124107816,
-    2.7208587148102463, 2.8097139724064282, 2.8701110813681128,
-    2.9862082469647095, 3.0488516638446339, 3.1242308091436368,
-    3.243153466201278, 3.3051260648856364, 3.4863819457159302,
-    3.5505875681994588, 3.7448427188152658, 3.8463429990501901,
-    3.9838928478843263, 4.1238239879386667, 4.2490672817706532,
-    4.3599387844761468, 4.473253957654526, 4.6690383558822228,
-    4.8383638550300123, 5.0032896939841258, 5.1925150031279994,
-    5.4083749056768973, 5.8187938054935762, 6.1416785529469493,
-    6.5966499906173439, 6.9452175432435155, 7.3694350201120091,
-    7.6611410187916773, 8.1962221951718313, 8.3985520655394108,
-    8.954871482916916, 9.5555811691967367, 10.075581787179221,
-    10.666984624254228, 11.269430893231096, 12.244383827267271,
-    13.43327333120301, 15.035950482663642, 16.932372656888262,
-    19.087843838164819, 21.876507647307918, 24.329735267714369,
-    32.551612521357441, 42.817333269075768, 80.868741705532841,
-    263.02173214876871, 0.0, 0.039467746129120185, 0.051824916097853023,
-    0.061771901689009187, 0.071565972010870144, 0.076518802143588971,
-    0.085618493830758285, 0.093725626920029337, 0.10393841275774901,
-    0.11413580827974683, 0.12152641148533293, 0.12627525292174707,
-    0.12968718206917149, 0.13855089010953145, 0.14242136361586646,
-    0.14961341703535569, 0.15878848104707796, 0.16821185149526602,
-    0.17193496653825602, 0.18370817507532361, 0.19347902698219727,
-    0.20136482066552064, 0.20583838921300673, 0.21305461768025999,
-    0.22181194102152516, 0.22504305621818932, 0.23406898010225857,
-    0.2398853548764919, 0.24436856459787337, 0.25265341913397688,
-    0.26007714837241541, 0.26691829493661323, 0.26931297477030441,
-    0.27726914154785853, 0.28210711764692858, 0.2859614857691346,
-    0.29125186385881313, 0.29881267745856349, 0.30375673974281647,
-    0.30854811947856214, 0.31656603656425492, 0.32546607312581727,
-    0.33113501361486541, 0.33582693482769788, 0.34276150289703894,
-    0.35127805306418919, 0.35845367388296762, 0.36558831277905995,
-    0.36979924962746219, 0.37578338456878752, 0.38327703665171509,
-    0.38743278300825934, 0.3933947408991858, 0.40090502054506943,
-    0.41078320064762447, 0.41434452765896151, 0.42079409894287106,
-    0.4255673661624485, 0.43408043802357538, 0.43842453852669183,
-    0.44479957009297705, 0.44911932255159215, 0.46075892982346434,
-    0.47136693037959077, 0.47672759686825411, 0.48530543752076094,
-    0.49072973814548543, 0.49757125712438277, 0.50205891056941676,
-    0.50989707552295971, 0.52048634390291548, 0.52487724594117247,
-    0.53197428010086045, 0.54193181090656062, 0.54669601892015796,
-    0.55199308212187415, 0.56177797788147832, 0.57397840735843453,
-    0.58305121749436828, 0.58875829816518199, 0.60014475586825022,
-    0.61146976460798996, 0.62147757074967558, 0.62937535472116102,
-    0.63521150679693283, 0.6443683639844624, 0.65570350537151256,
-    0.66248422346281488, 0.67431167007929649, 0.68081103970994383,
-    0.70070897539479826, 0.70949394177954128, 0.72368744374810079,
-    0.73324494948980001, 0.74442385396599853, 0.75726956491948028,
-    0.76814002853040864, 0.78549563545170853, 0.79690455102462399,
-    0.80911780465283023, 0.8217559489409707, 0.83736881584366574,
-    0.84769382359635626, 0.86418498778599284, 0.88747705639947372,
-    0.90131822030096298, 0.91456928681735306, 0.926248872898779,
-    0.94662179325634455, 0.95246146300701406, 0.96865365604621834,
-    0.98601045426396106, 1.004370843669373, 1.0278846153106977,
-    1.044847701668429, 1.0629345673978381, 1.0786014914723667,
-    1.0929756602733387, 1.1261078972699916, 1.1512164532678049,
-    1.1694773456967209, 1.2047879047450252, 1.2191337268903064,
-    1.2371236242769537, 1.2604030750182345, 1.2728991082384753,
-    1.3021733465601504, 1.3366400801240468, 1.3669786453201016,
-    1.3893263316106292, 1.4142311210562548, 1.4371089884829913,
-    1.4735470017754577, 1.520014037615578, 1.5362080843085604,
-    1.57308131482694, 1.6005512179859467, 1.6311466151664402,
-    1.6766677965478609, 1.702427114649556, 1.7358113192351368,
-    1.7589620076466705, 1.8122197381889422, 1.8371172353927989,
-    1.8839698049061866, 1.9368978033833055, 1.9859165193893249,
-    2.0266473776917446, 2.0435418938412577, 2.0904755804619093,
-    2.137008395650732, 2.2105679265040039, 2.2912315391120952,
-    2.3171846492564172, 2.3789143587376254, 2.4392413643504884,
-    2.4804720034966028, 2.5405224136745002, 2.5964604917467198,
-    2.6705999263123781, 2.7251943964162413, 2.772341712266535,
-    2.8651026212603763, 2.9882335264110305, 3.0505642000004207,
-    3.1879882564475781, 3.2713189106502325, 3.3340572644275901,
-    3.3973177283139346, 3.5111941452660176, 3.6432762400676104,
-    3.7893397930271497, 3.8962740628195554, 4.0871617267378353,
-    4.2202691837388713, 4.3774443034324424, 4.4936111350115695,
-    4.7506236842341369, 5.0112340217497193, 5.3496875229084306,
-    5.5766544089000956, 5.8287954513602722, 6.3423620558230542,
-    6.7899919751160516, 7.1981726869941802, 7.7399452080885132,
-    8.3342259680123636, 9.1990412068218603, 9.6467855088846335,
-    10.137584353746163, 10.89364428926409, 11.552396435112094,
-    13.030143614298112, 14.095239648815568, 16.252904088875191,
-    20.637122578101994, 25.04746535648458, 29.349607631916427,
-    39.069463698724505, 53.341542218906731, 131.24704840076191, 0.0,
-    0.032884942472054493, 0.044042928317071753, 0.051717952097554462,
-    0.058447068850037934, 0.068821794240992967, 0.076446506641690143,
-    0.083331576500669718, 0.090983634325567123, 0.097188602723129819,
-    0.1088593709111567, 0.11459623029540639, 0.11844837313630252,
-    0.12384168852201749, 0.12684488135204505, 0.13447015956640213,
-    0.1391542676007054, 0.14625472031000056, 0.15200345906187301,
-    0.15688159917859762, 0.16356525869840099, 0.16595293381775883,
-    0.17208869146003852, 0.17708137414161021, 0.18245018966878032,
-    0.18979132041734897, 0.19637969400495253, 0.2032346071402627,
-    0.20694798677484283, 0.21265331651833888, 0.21882977443215981,
-    0.22494202116978182, 0.23178859272489064, 0.23787915511551139,
-    0.24313950482755242, 0.24682307808790133, 0.24943612844036106,
-    0.25577269021993287, 0.26291464226288852, 0.26970943169082667,
-    0.2725648028979728, 0.28144606977956577, 0.28556551666434349,
-    0.29091966470999592, 0.29709027671048366, 0.30175232279695008,
-    0.30845384710365537, 0.31297498910818361, 0.3160194068150165,
-    0.31918148875981589, 0.32331388150265972, 0.32927405147803945,
-    0.33377069470184595, 0.33894412800963025, 0.34522709990281475,
-    0.35123488575457434, 0.3558821207267826, 0.36144785378066896,
-    0.37019315147158249, 0.37724004091309249, 0.3829924502040804,
-    0.38790812361879717, 0.39588105871510798, 0.40044226663641691,
-    0.40836868589232361, 0.41402643554261809, 0.41875667916369519,
-    0.42450774070868258, 0.43229589405318924, 0.43734997488844168,
-    0.44538394823457816, 0.45353980762093016, 0.45851077590488476,
-    0.46383676125545098, 0.47059046215711398, 0.4762006151939136,
-    0.48431439285713834, 0.49389826855702679, 0.49974442650636974,
-    0.50732118012468475, 0.51342129390440416, 0.52297582923711328,
-    0.53288748131056163, 0.54544803680941312, 0.55056947454571459,
-    0.5630440930673537, 0.57647988095569747, 0.58254891183837865,
-    0.59122845087621589, 0.5957914205706567, 0.60314265091258978,
-    0.61908921631667679, 0.62247554745711642, 0.63329981498300048,
-    0.64301069689433055, 0.64989657369654952, 0.65888445152749431,
-    0.66647227612873217, 0.67668838768171136, 0.68893091987254185,
-    0.7025879217168467, 0.71826561462270089, 0.72771455488965531,
-    0.7391009553915564, 0.75223783989741744, 0.76166485140694018,
-    0.77084000065236591, 0.79065365493321382, 0.804383247442233,
-    0.81683812596185346, 0.82843493554640024, 0.84246759604107702,
-    0.86350701623054671, 0.88180313041705505, 0.90376335449490075,
-    0.91286915972557914, 0.92036986380455399, 0.9291438387362384,
-    0.95352040422537032, 0.96809418471522612, 0.9828969762772849,
-    0.99701637984191405, 1.0053920653287929, 1.0224322964595809,
-    1.0436497009914834, 1.0616070630675405, 1.0802764748267883,
-    1.0951850173844457, 1.1193411761447549, 1.1379681972224709,
-    1.1599468248342446, 1.1886340506700033, 1.2148385191461482,
-    1.2481418152125123, 1.2792573174668869, 1.3154615262708993,
-    1.342394558445551, 1.3629899838283757, 1.3761143300434635,
-    1.4093858037430134, 1.4522804850005502, 1.4748979300612479,
-    1.5306210379322103, 1.5495843761095305, 1.584244002737959,
-    1.6126131532613874, 1.6604506166505426, 1.6921120149154147,
-    1.7126738210319639, 1.7396125064233854, 1.785135464734434,
-    1.824889085813346, 1.8829431177071814, 1.9343935926685978,
-    1.9916768565010168, 2.0267961688503453, 2.0766377474824029,
-    2.1330899777256795, 2.1848037174415449, 2.2801579583808342,
-    2.3579957571857286, 2.4501358388830012, 2.5153457412512981,
-    2.582374390832427, 2.633575300083673, 2.7077686567647499,
-    2.7684316125814457, 2.8476458237947857, 2.9627792222491238,
-    3.0403520366260612, 3.1093550063736379, 3.2559496906005565,
-    3.384456584459806, 3.5451252896822063, 3.658802669941331,
-    3.8535789702629515, 4.1036627374662622, 4.3847833011124493,
-    4.5324017993862, 4.6567473442819232, 4.8795997539612124,
-    5.0351805245400989, 5.4071167044869721, 5.8112812324471728,
-    6.387968909517352, 6.6133968886491754, 6.9446864587547097,
-    7.5543017399007653, 8.3092309621502434, 8.9855329925540648,
-    9.7607248945108189, 10.562225389927731, 11.547524333694614,
-    13.042152628954279, 15.066816239535164, 16.843645091885804,
-    22.29298319668764, 27.78918358142127, 36.15482791135674,
-    48.467620573432804, 150.75527930067238, 0.0, 0.030475436329936944,
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-    0.065119327951945208, 0.073499955494061478, 0.07885113088345877,
-    0.085143786389228412, 0.08965572615115161, 0.094178377769283547,
-    0.098501280404947864, 0.1030958981377707, 0.10869385918561442,
-    0.11297670615452211, 0.11689141102215121, 0.1214840331703515,
-    0.12584718500031158, 0.12987214864837779, 0.13468557220683824,
-    0.13924503288786391, 0.14386351348014154, 0.1493340912759876,
-    0.15399302445531154, 0.15891197422219733, 0.16342430790220985,
-    0.16862541478716603, 0.17284449028563825, 0.17822842307181602,
-    0.1820267480405092, 0.18688153961477047, 0.1927267317388851,
-    0.1970428163553993, 0.20121205502603673, 0.20565232504914904,
-    0.20898176045815323, 0.21456701344386478, 0.2193381728343505,
-    0.2241310071800133, 0.22817700334024027, 0.23233337863145165,
-    0.23720906624202601, 0.24191353394033271, 0.24708942468474382,
-    0.25285280260759901, 0.25671572324736464, 0.26213421506917656,
-    0.26638683139162828, 0.27152578772723279, 0.2762872026065426,
-    0.28128390667450365, 0.28593911283892171, 0.29087431204884701,
-    0.29557087416205607, 0.30019592182315891, 0.30513806758216755,
-    0.31016793114986319, 0.31616724797260032, 0.32041768091414635,
-    0.32514136402938837, 0.330175514469844, 0.33510934856577768,
-    0.34052636062698755, 0.34595494789256998, 0.35149217534601079,
-    0.35744012588115681, 0.36163975663483183, 0.36600266939188625,
-    0.3715301308425546, 0.37731624495426341, 0.38179171447482013,
-    0.38695470344853578, 0.39172315899130233, 0.39614948723382537,
-    0.3998385857290081, 0.40528704514340191, 0.4113906789211898,
-    0.41723754661044737, 0.42330595508586388, 0.4298295205380972,
-    0.43639003733749093, 0.44294781550179985, 0.45031606698625348,
-    0.45589276061599149, 0.4637504954853186, 0.46972702984856168,
-    0.47691662036234045, 0.48515870923762039, 0.49260277947704278,
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-    1.223355141542398, 1.2503166821062022, 1.2755553790294463,
-    1.2974083183962621, 1.3271479307498393, 1.3598997679834393,
-    1.3966740129081683, 1.4270275926175096, 1.4608948615990871,
-    1.4952195611664525, 1.5313585561683203, 1.5640142535985393,
-    1.5994377044435546, 1.638305110435522, 1.6786361340413112,
-    1.7240031947949774, 1.7621335157109532, 1.8101134128648371,
-    1.8620922391744734, 1.9224643921259204, 1.9710346661166867,
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-    2.4104357266981919, 2.480935437184201, 2.5343673042490624,
-    2.6084557648811311, 2.7199516996724253, 2.8338987909810287,
-    2.9216428190030639, 3.0360484810989852, 3.1500945673097052,
-    3.270619104044989, 3.4227068074159761, 3.5665311638055055,
-    3.7247617410661675, 3.925297648069769, 4.1375118576391934,
-    4.3398004727933692, 4.5346219219569655, 4.7447780176553112,
-    5.0148304110646036, 5.3334608060172872, 5.7276260586600891,
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-    7.8835838788384223, 8.6803326930194569, 9.7122609465184322,
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-    268.8200344237456, 0.0, 0.028898274302596512, 0.040633940377108956,
-    0.047933728659069468, 0.054523381031400885, 0.06011329230279238,
-    0.065188383675028702, 0.071626919796562605, 0.077168570402807349,
-    0.083037174267918165, 0.08755686111436492, 0.092118428080118928,
-    0.096425123862060327, 0.10043552253883403, 0.10554902051980319,
-    0.11009718665642487, 0.11326275217950955, 0.11698509676168573,
-    0.12080022735318345, 0.12517509152109374, 0.13013769328680053,
-    0.13345882034603812, 0.13747142162715098, 0.14150064959740938,
-    0.14442943761896229, 0.14941148229826645, 0.15440519818373027,
-    0.15783715568801643, 0.16265630037450993, 0.16672946241207018,
-    0.17011132508732738, 0.17420920933779047, 0.1787571250538082,
-    0.18406358630263245, 0.18924049544452431, 0.19306320330392984,
-    0.19641759705419837, 0.20044589719386452, 0.20365259207914921,
-    0.20746114210240005, 0.21178663359554398, 0.21561802968012542,
-    0.2201648522340745, 0.22394901627082189, 0.22890960512700576,
-    0.23288763477408511, 0.23799769247855981, 0.24277846906856382,
-    0.24620220114345401, 0.25085581063453694, 0.2547852657654528,
-    0.2584622001605798, 0.26226644168550362, 0.26587748056735006,
-    0.27001206297540875, 0.27333957150348165, 0.27844160533530171,
-    0.28262027978412785, 0.28651353733567758, 0.29232034746442948,
-    0.29580376680146625, 0.29935090999568476, 0.30309728324775276,
-    0.30715090410428514, 0.31201121511000857, 0.31571249520502215,
-    0.31981978170465836, 0.32351704294037775, 0.32816906538652812,
-    0.33260532162929424, 0.3375253795185012, 0.34227658789873155,
-    0.34672628630214691, 0.35173264439552276, 0.35642244422141933,
-    0.36316985109331051, 0.36811409230691677, 0.3739818336331292,
-    0.37900422010827939, 0.38371686137179334, 0.38830090222693142,
-    0.39314672036266179, 0.39750505605076314, 0.40399586297398238,
-    0.40779084214158268, 0.41471724442253388, 0.419908928474307,
-    0.42527068506941523, 0.43082110702825382, 0.43546343483577804,
-    0.44058928875209435, 0.4501165160939869, 0.455800248584872,
-    0.46250910353077601, 0.4679792550227716, 0.4771052601340332,
-    0.48317268060065444, 0.49024307149325064, 0.49795121259530739,
-    0.50489713934710001, 0.51144292478572784, 0.52042454216218859,
-    0.52715808936571795, 0.53458634795400084, 0.54336964463015824,
-    0.55167313602281232, 0.55895482076372938, 0.56755092529864581,
-    0.5767512365389893, 0.58757892054706506, 0.59812779085356993,
-    0.60674604159456691, 0.61595140194035713, 0.62390929987658528,
-    0.63464413788738838, 0.64205470333131864, 0.64919687404877857,
-    0.66358361675173039, 0.67457487585108067, 0.68565375079097346,
-    0.69515353663280854, 0.70835712049313537, 0.71637388222414811,
-    0.72810587108889246, 0.74259519148707775, 0.75505940962506923,
-    0.76533718705099252, 0.77978770960457156, 0.79277034764412091,
-    0.81042776509929326, 0.8252185957527518, 0.84081567710998861,
-    0.85591239426333621, 0.87366392436831841, 0.8906804437761574,
-    0.90431935636817162, 0.92374870367862294, 0.9403922748286605,
-    0.96024005012655089, 0.9834409532310171, 1.0063612444728725,
-    1.0237103083075751, 1.0406894015881631, 1.0646614938416241,
-    1.0953872473777502, 1.1182073342474079, 1.1431128152282664,
-    1.1700990970833274, 1.1937825903128636, 1.2194906544605457,
-    1.2510699786546229, 1.2724440268105714, 1.3012328136568787,
-    1.3306077291828782, 1.3661125359622348, 1.4057121542663247,
-    1.438874003521625, 1.4852719546886077, 1.53160091645302,
-    1.5835611112903651, 1.6195792978908965, 1.6633225682365109,
-    1.7092772469624007, 1.7547058942561764, 1.7983361923251511,
-    1.8554877739779563, 1.9046272406631959, 1.9419569456472263,
-    2.007485115392952, 2.0766613504192311, 2.1363921756522712,
-    2.2042343314393218, 2.2881456308297792, 2.3461181458892382,
-    2.4247974852833076, 2.5226066296330565, 2.6287822381475663,
-    2.7093614689581362, 2.8121552403853838, 2.9431246632384611,
-    3.0643163534914351, 3.196540002859162, 3.3476671295609703,
-    3.578795801196712, 3.7570824917749248, 3.956586592960103,
-    4.1768360199630372, 4.472267971856815, 4.7565859357335603,
-    4.9434439507675787, 5.3520609425930763, 5.8616989500167476,
-    6.4670935400506355, 7.1530922193648818, 7.7821104509969494,
-    8.8151940771286945, 9.7442668096522507, 11.579039475678208,
-    14.881052320293959, 23.3134974983852, 162.64936699836366, 0.0,
-    0.024602282011824184, 0.033143590712601562, 0.04010112014507021,
-    0.047902150582693877, 0.053593751494366668, 0.062881795990017086,
-    0.069817105932830248, 0.074260939707892284, 0.078749877606011834,
-    0.081760044924091488, 0.084762821011376818, 0.089159093597265968,
-    0.094139760178390847, 0.097396291127248735, 0.10077623786944703,
-    0.10375890948969808, 0.10775393339205297, 0.11107421600652036,
-    0.11454249675077989, 0.11920949455998719, 0.12303922825017929,
-    0.12645066727981549, 0.13048462720436904, 0.1341988563625206,
-    0.13791508807970299, 0.14051821878738302, 0.14390700642876164,
-    0.14729815411578639, 0.15116482000305284, 0.15414159957761076,
-    0.15804245202080439, 0.16172156388894671, 0.16616763697232559,
-    0.17065475263188637, 0.17483972650814011, 0.17834701051598184,
-    0.18178605513225987, 0.18596570995349604, 0.19037643524106021,
-    0.19362400150613118, 0.19718898681246891, 0.2022368611342357,
-    0.20627559864432171, 0.21047667837856643, 0.21441293730751429,
-    0.21798145949842526, 0.22269174316657275, 0.22805839010378598,
-    0.23142809067166253, 0.23544682877794354, 0.23918263561370051,
-    0.24332300301909804, 0.24826906410872435, 0.25329675001124591,
-    0.25742137093006096, 0.26143472523908162, 0.26537197580924371,
-    0.26880822609496718, 0.27325053108693759, 0.27801599017393808,
-    0.28185455264796982, 0.28551898655760571, 0.28969797468999514,
-    0.29469614849601827, 0.29819033120752614, 0.30227519353061394,
-    0.30780461335572351, 0.31237611153645817, 0.31627202746095395,
-    0.31963567780659174, 0.32237740964523504, 0.32589638801542542,
-    0.3305286646674907, 0.33420221321848032, 0.33989663227054645,
-    0.34416327912283068, 0.35034447837510441, 0.35498972403807633,
-    0.35855091882620921, 0.36327633213491833, 0.36753998247607372,
-    0.3729367659785795, 0.37985192360779313, 0.38437016760352599,
-    0.39005755502373884, 0.39482572425216256, 0.4001927093622929,
-    0.40602742972788325, 0.41233512801313243, 0.41899152804988438,
-    0.42337530114761357, 0.42792125565896905, 0.43382026465554158,
-    0.44268614546944335, 0.44830619792220222, 0.45415410061721351,
-    0.46167530106933863, 0.46895550041529654, 0.47530473993436245,
-    0.48211460809658874, 0.48857483722379846, 0.49668510358579077,
-    0.502197066237135, 0.50751626698891095, 0.51264907367868728,
-    0.51969473148215983, 0.52818547378333625, 0.5349708260232352,
-    0.54112734609955404, 0.54811112287301356, 0.55616647069377034,
-    0.56629653003164915, 0.57402173658393196, 0.58265287411054412,
-    0.5936899552780841, 0.60345904162633524, 0.61533841077412088,
-    0.6228300863754348, 0.63457632801607111, 0.64512830577873503,
-    0.65448141887048117, 0.66218373436088196, 0.67678504831115915,
-    0.68732881229737786, 0.69861201377323079, 0.70832408210492892,
-    0.72121539173424809, 0.7359553436177424, 0.7531392829935406,
-    0.76543733074434961, 0.77710358182478712, 0.79485555672259334,
-    0.81224713754094657, 0.82988361758294238, 0.84792677249400605,
-    0.86258822924608003, 0.88223434681999902, 0.8944425527153399,
-    0.90955292927291309, 0.92359168030991856, 0.94256546540532238,
-    0.96434694242106067, 0.98312881507572292, 1.0032438887848716,
-    1.0221149781502081, 1.051983899991995, 1.0734774915118375,
-    1.099530441789152, 1.127960244545553, 1.1534134957090025,
-    1.1740889749056131, 1.2012742900536555, 1.2342300186242645,
-    1.2639939024901934, 1.2928179180773745, 1.3208800657063657,
-    1.3529947499482198, 1.3990112708325715, 1.4319941184494371,
-    1.4710663063309652, 1.5244700765754542, 1.5635439274849725,
-    1.5954367199073531, 1.6323134541541804, 1.6724715064169311,
-    1.7158054453195073, 1.7557217613084009, 1.8048129564898812,
-    1.8315787027457608, 1.8815354841358516, 1.9566650167344006,
-    2.0217329340053252, 2.0871078895617967, 2.174040010957027,
-    2.2381267311291735, 2.3160142472723693, 2.4147723365413021,
-    2.5376474031182616, 2.6272818671259373, 2.7401975123216742,
-    2.8684444249229628, 3.0130575018172316, 3.1604260734920331,
-    3.2962359526985634, 3.4644518032671439, 3.6844961008964079,
-    3.869097249632687, 4.0583540650809953, 4.2786209475461598,
-    4.5240194654211052, 4.822566531353826, 5.2714477848841934,
-    5.9366668833227134, 6.6736260326271726, 7.4551267397319529,
-    8.3647745090344028, 9.8450415285668225, 13.306780281265262,
-    17.423150761794336, 35.674610410451407, 0.0, 0.026072158368489466,
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-    0.057774560304207197, 0.063146496944509634, 0.067588098405070435,
-    0.071805619462746537, 0.07613539155227117, 0.080103152511407455,
-    0.083942709652846864, 0.087666574981076481, 0.091817280544786176,
-    0.095686966687175301, 0.099145626961583258, 0.10201499654232103,
-    0.10517988601597632, 0.10903765629410936, 0.11233875871599709,
-    0.11536415976301187, 0.11841077260641984, 0.12163826850713737,
-    0.12514181216632086, 0.12858606228948036, 0.13177179631102987,
-    0.13482024094190459, 0.13784834878294833, 0.14173344180612701,
-    0.1443921643498963, 0.14823517008509296, 0.15145826578672161,
-    0.15493735233574032, 0.157933736355726, 0.16144421044205534,
-    0.16496481804605914, 0.16826466934931564, 0.17176157430765859,
-    0.17500874461399182, 0.17804879932812664, 0.18119742226991276,
-    0.18460902834327048, 0.18841699006227006, 0.19203375816854248,
-    0.19532030848596255, 0.19938169412343268, 0.20296708531160809,
-    0.20618735671870392, 0.21005410851308523, 0.21234742151711827,
-    0.21601167034217333, 0.2193383757310533, 0.222820615737646,
-    0.22619381050579929, 0.23003091052614577, 0.23415565946236791,
-    0.23843514043598069, 0.24127671289852604, 0.24517794764409234,
-    0.24860194155386806, 0.25245137707720106, 0.25637962117578617,
-    0.26045765403062382, 0.26378413560952962, 0.26727514960402926,
-    0.27133464777153365, 0.27484241340019733, 0.27916743423061174,
-    0.28346759202211091, 0.28803025780779556, 0.29103424057548449,
-    0.2948369270235498, 0.29857003211993777, 0.30250669156367849,
-    0.30693020880140259, 0.31089496342193434, 0.31523727395296902,
-    0.31963281400208449, 0.32299918409538603, 0.32683085030433912,
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-    0.34276815018760209, 0.34765709135230655, 0.35209532653578884,
-    0.35661461412974371, 0.36104303543672206, 0.36462562668761184,
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-    0.39785365298982145, 0.40294361388219591, 0.40892518527823574,
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-    0.44655303590621287, 0.45317266402900153, 0.45915054065776795,
-    0.46466311475985489, 0.47082285538337654, 0.47636350784519593,
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-    0.50243188982979481, 0.51091693503362012, 0.51956374319976362,
-    0.52657472160011631, 0.53391907857488219, 0.54231740014001373,
-    0.55062127393281413, 0.55819389427687915, 0.56684075835760694,
-    0.57623528957134074, 0.5852137336415546, 0.59460081643291185,
-    0.60431695479865122, 0.61470640426964351, 0.62697542247017701,
-    0.63629726675946074, 0.64618052793061942, 0.65666316630386357,
-    0.66697229921408963, 0.67607240691087234, 0.68567631485065328,
-    0.69828642365744309, 0.70939742170743159, 0.71984730245856587,
-    0.73335327137205786, 0.7491983752217467, 0.76288874208982593,
-    0.77518238687845964, 0.78603287042076431, 0.79995968268653628,
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-    0.8570889681002567, 0.87095612444570292, 0.88896785472177609,
-    0.90333809106860474, 0.92310933391162042, 0.9405629243797472,
-    0.95692109407032377, 0.97963547072788137, 1.0004217317748421,
-    1.0236926463114733, 1.0479024684311415, 1.0736587494567686,
-    1.1029019665569759, 1.12906516845161, 1.1535229840512065,
-    1.183650543141433, 1.2145616634515819, 1.2433817141554775,
-    1.2742936392427719, 1.3109612706104625, 1.3449613279449495,
-    1.3823759584622277, 1.4151051032327249, 1.4538354777949225,
-    1.4970878314012157, 1.544365849864396, 1.5852559389906491,
-    1.6289127182967043, 1.6763419507458905, 1.7346054874616406,
-    1.7874905505861236, 1.8348302383376642, 1.8883747008525986,
-    1.9710178297482999, 2.0327376391000698, 2.1131140769950014,
-    2.1969238514695641, 2.2946506914354945, 2.3927630404203812,
-    2.4890825215958983, 2.6207165719985688, 2.7919843701169169,
-    2.9728330577394462, 3.1407377025361027, 3.3485082966286388,
-    3.5810252651374039, 3.793190415760634, 4.1676272347122065,
-    4.4916169379050928, 4.8904487124863456, 5.4391848217865677,
-    6.2263879924626009, 7.5489807356158831, 9.9553179387792401,
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-    0.059679563902977878, 0.062901418988622379, 0.065683103076441055,
-    0.069075624012220505, 0.073207759498264968, 0.075280554146869794,
-    0.079462144204613699, 0.083297706495367232, 0.086394086487673827,
-    0.088903479078186923, 0.09243845286973873, 0.094364478720997277,
-    0.096709129954935052, 0.099600772001187554, 0.10194958435962591,
-    0.10513809510421018, 0.10794208190913103, 0.11150222159681712,
-    0.1142579134971833, 0.11634657875634755, 0.11969047101715455,
-    0.12161519787344191, 0.12385053356930883, 0.12634084519901401,
-    0.1291305476386892, 0.13156417910210463, 0.13417493406967573,
-    0.13679964962661262, 0.13945990964839527, 0.14181342525248586,
-    0.14549282281256487, 0.14783340369717113, 0.14958856732057474,
-    0.15255382916645896, 0.15544319048994837, 0.1591542931569995,
-    0.16119409443564187, 0.16370574506975646, 0.16653288283113751,
-    0.16902699557221748, 0.1717260132509677, 0.17468466981937897,
-    0.1779552731592591, 0.18111140017332697, 0.18333071563005016,
-    0.18636531857836564, 0.19016088025525124, 0.19209155599903649,
-    0.19565401433448046, 0.19789779372738567, 0.20022629670546713,
-    0.20335515738656165, 0.20665614531626331, 0.20885428273616122,
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-    0.23875228245044389, 0.24183177104791836, 0.2447595964898302,
-    0.24820098427265322, 0.25154143481035013, 0.25581771326492664,
-    0.26013522490314944, 0.26367297455136646, 0.26617604776659792,
-    0.26987259220624055, 0.27275363634505095, 0.27623705412540422,
-    0.27871993911088333, 0.28203251770501186, 0.28491073583870125,
-    0.28814332922843749, 0.29094277059610124, 0.2938064288488651,
-    0.2969815313602166, 0.30045527623320389, 0.30317724130982737,
-    0.30666702944803848, 0.30970778832795376, 0.31259577673706118,
-    0.31539427764199768, 0.31988050312274674, 0.32178656835758568,
-    0.32443980138047129, 0.3277688075192623, 0.33195003313090921,
-    0.33561880003007449, 0.33962945622215918, 0.34377428459224846,
-    0.349067132730848, 0.35295036042250361, 0.35729246702459938,
-    0.36187726953066712, 0.36506622168141156, 0.36986324059850173,
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-    0.3866300329330194, 0.39204361455678038, 0.3962317851808338,
-    0.4030804475511377, 0.40814046916968216, 0.4119865334190676,
-    0.41817342893503151, 0.42349477228870891, 0.42867287716554325,
-    0.43313666513603649, 0.43739315237997622, 0.44219051331195619,
-    0.44643158583414966, 0.4513416019103979, 0.45705935192419134,
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-    0.48174758431700188, 0.48788633445295398, 0.49349388643954339,
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-    0.52255860785575936, 0.5356310077627463, 0.5406463000317947,
-    0.55076304278607535, 0.55854776590405919, 0.56582581731679704,
-    0.57267437404735588, 0.58175877378359275, 0.59034691980596277,
-    0.59823264051739911, 0.60957442271674445, 0.6194670575252732,
-    0.6294844755918888, 0.63775217112429661, 0.65038656712647513,
-    0.66556623318671948, 0.67830398239462752, 0.68857340585147719,
-    0.70637124241783045, 0.72004520953233619, 0.73226719735392387,
-    0.7457490295034942, 0.76151155409015303, 0.7788125970268942,
-    0.79515932542339285, 0.81254279994519929, 0.82700166070107894,
-    0.84377746720044, 0.8616801611253373, 0.87312979926600642,
-    0.89306244383302025, 0.91157949941262495, 0.93649830671061973,
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-    1.0223665747906359, 1.0503696830959937, 1.0755078532636331,
-    1.101139306224127, 1.1388797172799137, 1.1665602377614628,
-    1.1971228830372136, 1.2429765744431311, 1.27151817897234,
-    1.3196059857459572, 1.3607077146634539, 1.4080100832014402,
-    1.4436105483598447, 1.5062656999309187, 1.5705018855286448,
-    1.6196741040179319, 1.7017546419225014, 1.7817219551686443,
-    1.8729498330391841, 2.006473698316642, 2.0957964833521063,
-    2.2485598216783145, 2.423609185843191, 2.626008839643847,
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-    0.047063221143802791, 0.051667831189905436, 0.055471945442740714,
-    0.059563400199632022, 0.063407265987904318, 0.067563772217917817,
-    0.070562077753977034, 0.072564969601282711, 0.075957653960410501,
-    0.079471937233580703, 0.081610948505659406, 0.084336182277764543,
-    0.085729555024764481, 0.087912606080814831, 0.090426742471708968,
-    0.092226052618394103, 0.095203088495300195, 0.097507441529407504,
-    0.09931583216850505, 0.10098213901865467, 0.10362977207550068,
-    0.106536499498979, 0.10886405033186211, 0.11088891781357048,
-    0.11328699495935905, 0.11540087510304135, 0.11799931027470408,
-    0.12050531073316835, 0.12242779955312402, 0.12514823721707605,
-    0.12721735558212802, 0.12933447430330011, 0.13203036634017445,
-    0.13417276652072574, 0.13682939156923718, 0.13887038216932518,
-    0.14017857392699531, 0.14260782990365448, 0.14507059221307408,
-    0.14695417225791405, 0.1497654226781093, 0.15138564492801476,
-    0.15472639458976323, 0.15772367683889396, 0.16045043223988531,
-    0.16195088977448327, 0.1653371285663317, 0.16739293400606811,
-    0.16902564888868615, 0.17135686517783991, 0.17417715392414423,
-    0.17596450913872053, 0.17803129891730965, 0.1805883516853817,
-    0.1825060880502859, 0.1838873485985828, 0.18554056668826283,
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-    0.19515118537205678, 0.19721801513205642, 0.19995735714435001,
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-    0.20900643222762244, 0.21121684498145538, 0.2141429261516028,
-    0.21798646354299808, 0.22017242536159604, 0.22218023639013998,
-    0.22376317029676776, 0.22537433505677418, 0.22809119148663043,
-    0.23139281037580572, 0.23480276077988851, 0.23684629676326219,
-    0.23958019092042915, 0.24220286199703944, 0.24366569953375267,
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-    0.2538581843802209, 0.25651702169266016, 0.26003397601516304,
-    0.26243381994538789, 0.26573203122069483, 0.26815769894861019,
-    0.27071592524571436, 0.27210161216348083, 0.27479515468230203,
-    0.27748117382633419, 0.280031855760834, 0.28299682369589024,
-    0.28524892290169052, 0.28898573042967923, 0.29228482183314008,
-    0.29504239920787978, 0.29806595908916128, 0.30100912736728097,
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-    0.32974764249150712, 0.33492335792956868, 0.33718040901799218,
-    0.3445901607353572, 0.34780889710624885, 0.35093774887440915,
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-    0.41888281162295166, 0.42393582615245412, 0.42822578404852624,
-    0.43294724828815934, 0.43951811737015356, 0.44722396323185154,
-    0.456459221718371, 0.46045447756416902, 0.46515308472591632,
-    0.46794991783126505, 0.47105981062684799, 0.47694020659007907,
-    0.48566640347419093, 0.4925745593913089, 0.49834783552581607,
-    0.50583387303211413, 0.51446464375101153, 0.52037516362506031,
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-    0.62969186089776408, 0.63837174738104929, 0.65949504499792255,
-    0.67141801254799327, 0.68600870858985674, 0.70043252145572876,
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-    0.83016666521645444, 0.85350687238710088, 0.87938142652533746,
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-    1.0077289627906116, 1.0578436059764642, 1.0814656481052898,
-    1.1213085582112645, 1.1519192766424888, 1.2067063531674953,
-    1.2531782152469926, 1.3107295260357585, 1.3724083852801383,
-    1.4468184839518206, 1.5305694103262035, 1.6312349936217583,
-    1.756018052127331, 1.8367605970857828, 2.1866989616417953,
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-    0.077263304695632015, 0.077976304453341666, 0.080549007965029493,
-    0.082270832598215493, 0.085046708133008728, 0.087447299482588489,
-    0.088756661262206285, 0.089943943671740606, 0.091007938101520788,
-    0.094928097449594656, 0.099174513732067163, 0.10225836726704171,
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-    0.12878646240712111, 0.13057121120289508, 0.13306734076172619,
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-    0.15668226730841731, 0.1584071432356994, 0.16082946927662081,
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-    0.21493894958991802, 0.21552884148320978, 0.21678370295180605,
-    0.22005390213330656, 0.2208750353533499, 0.22231160974944153,
-    0.22547606652116448, 0.22883502427842192, 0.23247314084489223,
-    0.23365595384777041, 0.23970523046509304, 0.24138410146972589,
-    0.24522137341984301, 0.24570522451863233, 0.24780703706547635,
-    0.24933355507759977, 0.25284652657486378, 0.25514210353592087,
-    0.26026745358900111, 0.26128019347213516, 0.26202930456238355,
-    0.2653982496052657, 0.27065798701145305, 0.27463053229655843,
-    0.27595152381920862, 0.27800957551439981, 0.27890303616529488,
-    0.28289551881522107, 0.28379888321436764, 0.28474455516979619,
-    0.28548889806913502, 0.28851856129741399, 0.28925469033111689,
-    0.28955788894271245, 0.29350305977266933, 0.29609872122681807,
-    0.30241998726464192, 0.30382080452923382, 0.30448438898977698,
-    0.30631757913135704, 0.30916236790296231, 0.31205028913580696,
-    0.31313738153954629, 0.31539404590186959, 0.32210740953492534,
-    0.32318384166541836, 0.32403796494592974, 0.32464341580886236,
-    0.32818473413596672, 0.33067902264725552, 0.33203810229003639,
-    0.33962444057763569, 0.34073403626495863, 0.34374538688334105,
-    0.34554821131082758, 0.34684735903657665, 0.34836578284950859,
-    0.35197282198795432, 0.35911745218986346, 0.36040424548108152,
-    0.36271817789575339, 0.36453208838267026, 0.3722041874594319,
-    0.3850959970374066, 0.3967374853148608, 0.41083356110814401,
-    0.41558974094228335, 0.41984747597880934, 0.42851282447107242,
-    0.44033883814796876, 0.44769850108485965, 0.45485476695336086,
-    0.45517769344815051, 0.46988589941579539, 0.47336234940402983,
-    0.48228476100040185, 0.4963129125170842, 0.52496401740850696,
-    0.54174268466224507, 0.56778264213285756, 0.59947949441738635,
-    0.61618637620027639, 0.62469990851376267, 0.63559373655292239,
-    0.64028148402424645, 0.6417944978527288, 0.66120751834923108,
-    0.67230387905415456, 0.68549918126957876, 0.73574140945002686,
-    0.76189058824857092, 0.78177211477759978, 0.78478497130854397,
-    0.81183845339312055, 0.92595133931696894, 1.0420074377189543,
-    1.1184834461004387, 1.1868475850375335, 1.3795391514935433,
-    1.6690912806799729, 3.620579386400943, 4.4069707474488888, 0.0,
-    0.030864281125046841, 0.03669053240718801, 0.03669053240718801,
-    0.039541803469962257, 0.039755585819827695, 0.041911399040835309,
-    0.044531607387296508, 0.046731484997993428, 0.046731484997993428,
-    0.06192300563276, 0.06192300563276, 0.066085275241882221,
-    0.067880636244234044, 0.067880636244234044, 0.069612626096000677,
-    0.071396391336907949, 0.074309967475605268, 0.078162954961568054,
-    0.079768809149418779, 0.079768809149418779, 0.081322012057796628,
-    0.081579918597752932, 0.081965289512041781, 0.082670774423793988,
-    0.082670774423793988, 0.083676047986424987, 0.083826394915856112,
-    0.085375798643674658, 0.085510183074035503, 0.088324648985544513,
-    0.088324648985544513, 0.089066018619338688, 0.089523451445578398,
-    0.092390560807742189, 0.10166676719934153, 0.10195388252236594,
-    0.10195388252236594, 0.10528536390229394, 0.10679858905504509,
-    0.10764192688172415, 0.11227193635040114, 0.11227193635040114,
-    0.11244606922440568, 0.1136218868259553, 0.11451053199472827,
-    0.11659577642426923, 0.11691086289458787, 0.11691086289458787,
-    0.1173211686698568, 0.11960461186081611, 0.12046430069545827,
-    0.12256846680870316, 0.12256846680870316, 0.12280198926010166,
-    0.1257225389684917, 0.13059187471398534, 0.13073228193993355,
-    0.13136136021211561, 0.13136136021211561, 0.13233380712258788,
-    0.13614938779187713, 0.14007489771345971, 0.14560628646680376,
-    0.14560628646680376, 0.14756930951437783, 0.14916144609305121,
-    0.14922882591595366, 0.15191188357115223, 0.15579801420071124,
-    0.15610306654452089, 0.15610306654452089, 0.15875192987335729,
-    0.16047737283948593, 0.16705380313003848, 0.16705380313003848,
-    0.168016882808462, 0.17068350389171213, 0.17282355855710782,
-    0.17412526193089098, 0.17681813754652775, 0.17681813754652775,
-    0.17715999760351636, 0.17756752055286806, 0.17871040321678122,
-    0.18018603591927709, 0.18070221855952068, 0.18070221855952068,
-    0.18495477280536446, 0.18580464561947918, 0.18637382093258065,
-    0.18739559121993163, 0.18739559121993163, 0.18989848932672079,
-    0.1902906960015, 0.19079530690057658, 0.19139358210577725,
-    0.1938767861484369, 0.1938767861484369, 0.19812320558888927,
-    0.19864349781538035, 0.20096245867613949, 0.20739126731129648,
-    0.20739126731129648, 0.20890608427242904, 0.21005835424486638,
-    0.21737774907061119, 0.21854346896037202, 0.22284661457281491,
-    0.22284661457281491, 0.23203519715709653, 0.23203519715709653,
-    0.23558872825006388, 0.23602589936541735, 0.23602589936541735,
-    0.23638998760967109, 0.23703292133804643, 0.24047672111025759,
-    0.24232933889648617, 0.24387144046296869, 0.24387144046296869,
-    0.24388260654882868, 0.24896631802503422, 0.25046853137361336,
-    0.25166045673406662, 0.25166045673406662, 0.25359663196242094,
-    0.25498419205566342, 0.25901909865108758, 0.26243633410773498,
-    0.26917225709613957, 0.26917225709613957, 0.27179969406100962,
-    0.27215636119935699, 0.27269960957360972, 0.27295835182412659,
-    0.27444977275651289, 0.27444977275651289, 0.274486965108864,
-    0.27757442781989727, 0.28007367094306918, 0.28306039462916666,
-    0.28306039462916666, 0.29022692808414607, 0.29319016306643131,
-    0.2953248123792146, 0.29727012315484735, 0.30055429636041897,
-    0.30055429636041897, 0.30274018734482672, 0.30371328246605706,
-    0.31089484427626424, 0.31222083890057561, 0.31222083890057561,
-    0.31342334287374385, 0.31360922339798514, 0.31781375837493059,
-    0.32086597698136354, 0.32397526199152671, 0.32397526199152671,
-    0.3252274384988707, 0.32557079328326183, 0.33071479846211244,
-    0.33213366103834452, 0.33213366103834452, 0.33806274054259133,
-    0.34060768522908541, 0.34066725641268175, 0.35070821312772565,
-    0.35281117830908848, 0.36022367837676228, 0.36022367837676228,
-    0.36359476452865169, 0.36867343874662684, 0.37500703454904866,
-    0.37500703454904866, 0.37559552094037618, 0.37776360565050465,
-    0.37911941464036175, 0.38043414821366556, 0.38673933256135501,
-    0.38673933256135501, 0.41493531465793626, 0.42545225470978032,
-    0.43335020944353286, 0.45946584864513479, 0.47934271794544625,
-    0.47934271794544625, 0.4835397584082895, 0.507001135566851,
-    0.53670698552411766, 0.62709022030658668, 0.62709022030658668,
-    0.6307562723487633, 0.6978337089986677, 0.96104664619258018,
-    0.97932419086538236, 1.3786097683148981, 1.3786097683148981,
-    2.1383436514004277, 2.1383436514004277, 0.0, 0.0, 0.040258951562044121,
-    0.040258951562044121, 0.04337227036223338, 0.04337227036223338,
-    0.04337227036223338, 0.056733258526878674, 0.056733258526878674,
-    0.059895656757221916, 0.063352892119378321, 0.063352892119378321,
-    0.063352892119378321, 0.063352892119378321, 0.063460760236515132,
-    0.063460760236515132, 0.063460760236515132, 0.064176771962993165,
-    0.064176771962993165, 0.069374734097819607, 0.069374734097819607,
-    0.069941635924431284, 0.069941635924431284, 0.069941635924431284,
-    0.07441063086446581, 0.07441063086446581, 0.090038436293935278,
-    0.090038436293935278, 0.090038436293935278, 0.093919282982153851,
-    0.098259451815303545, 0.098259451815303545, 0.098259451815303545,
-    0.098259451815303545, 0.11221645527330414, 0.11221645527330414,
-    0.11464109406455952, 0.11464109406455952, 0.11464109406455952,
-    0.11504122558884447, 0.11504122558884447, 0.11661461574279566,
-    0.11661461574279566, 0.11661461574279566, 0.11694434342186813,
-    0.11694434342186813, 0.12361989892840071, 0.12361989892840071,
-    0.12361989892840071, 0.12731915639699826, 0.13338496267239372,
-    0.13338496267239372, 0.13338496267239372, 0.13338496267239372,
-    0.14060738795616895, 0.14060738795616895, 0.14577369503859991,
-    0.14577369503859991, 0.14577369503859991, 0.15154574744822344,
-    0.15154574744822344, 0.15338029980440129, 0.15338029980440129,
-    0.155704785287297, 0.155704785287297, 0.155704785287297,
-    0.16408818329459646, 0.16408818329459646, 0.16611008928152352,
-    0.16611008928152352, 0.16793010863802235, 0.16793010863802235,
-    0.16793010863802235, 0.17350035363146732, 0.17350035363146732,
-    0.17350035363146732, 0.17720670978465847, 0.17720670978465847,
-    0.18778273599380949, 0.18778273599380949, 0.18778273599380949,
-    0.1956978506206099, 0.1956978506206099, 0.20618188353800229,
-    0.20618188353800229, 0.20618188353800229, 0.20667910131294201,
-    0.20667910131294201, 0.20897230394199579, 0.20897230394199579,
-    0.21603929997442067, 0.21603929997442067, 0.21603929997442067,
-    0.21750678346847724, 0.21750678346847724, 0.21750678346847724,
-    0.22319258104633796, 0.22319258104633796, 0.22577633029393052,
-    0.22577633029393052, 0.22577633029393052, 0.22835066066328252,
-    0.22835066066328252, 0.23127950794349347, 0.23127950794349347,
-    0.2335912050904361, 0.2335912050904361, 0.2335912050904361,
-    0.23855651821128016, 0.23855651821128016, 0.2403910894270215,
-    0.2403910894270215, 0.2403910894270215, 0.24693892553945757,
-    0.24693892553945757, 0.25144395559134397, 0.25144395559134397,
-    0.25144395559134397, 0.26144207730435715, 0.26144207730435715,
-    0.26316375812762322, 0.26316375812762322, 0.26316375812762322,
-    0.269250257528246, 0.269250257528246, 0.26976356545845359,
-    0.26976356545845359, 0.26976356545845359, 0.27207502394872296,
-    0.27207502394872296, 0.2722348959852619, 0.2722348959852619,
-    0.2722348959852619, 0.27399949932593481, 0.27399949932593481,
-    0.28525376986066708, 0.28525376986066708, 0.28525376986066708,
-    0.28581273013248543, 0.28581273013248543, 0.28581555874501124,
-    0.28581555874501124, 0.28725787127206887, 0.28725787127206887,
-    0.28725787127206887, 0.29182201476670522, 0.29182201476670522,
-    0.29774917483412067, 0.29774917483412067, 0.29774917483412067,
-    0.3221172335419677, 0.3221172335419677, 0.32286123906893716,
-    0.32286123906893716, 0.32286123906893716, 0.32784329797451783,
-    0.32784329797451783, 0.39859714532471063, 0.39859714532471063,
-    0.39859714532471063, 0.40861269762703839, 0.40861269762703839,
-    0.43492497337962299, 0.43492497337962299, 0.43492497337962299,
-    0.45154247181726737, 0.45154247181726737, 0.47903191315956584,
-    0.47903191315956584, 0.47903191315956584, 0.48764413130617162,
-    0.48764413130617162, 0.55753055427216291, 0.55753055427216291,
-    0.55753055427216291, 0.59950889251110473, 0.59950889251110473,
-    0.62302532522821363, 0.62302532522821363, 0.62302532522821363,
-    0.70821265192750071, 0.70821265192750071, 0.78923825478405685,
-    0.78923825478405685, 0.80991304315555079, 0.80991304315555079,
-    0.80991304315555079, 0.88217017561019562, 0.88217017561019562,
-    0.88217017561019562, 0.90564207937415331, 0.90564207937415331,
-    0.92743264762046396, 0.92743264762046396, 1.0496487600196804,
-    1.0496487600196804, 1.0496487600196804, 1.2152980938033116,
-    1.2152980938033116, 1.2152980938033116, 1.2152980938033116
+    0.0,
+    0.057628562576303784,
+    0.091878457821655726,
+    0.1132900806480715,
+    0.16850875337211296,
+    0.23480972950916859,
+    0.25538164963671517,
+    0.31559279249314726,
+    0.3709861971858377,
+    0.39525547000677452,
+    0.48512586717169626,
+    0.50506908796001859,
+    0.57765035525262631,
+    0.62148541152837633,
+    0.64263863444579483,
+    0.69882483312164267,
+    0.7161545153916149,
+    0.80411890720042356,
+    0.8805970872918405,
+    0.95906879172041093,
+    0.9964168954980418,
+    1.0467630571651532,
+    1.0811313132957849,
+    1.107613450320283,
+    1.1414327414809755,
+    1.200680497698831,
+    1.2258265309284444,
+    1.3292666112945957,
+    1.3827312359018287,
+    1.4123188606803245,
+    1.5512850653633397,
+    1.6356584995938095,
+    1.6731651325192813,
+    1.7284734590792767,
+    1.7492218434041287,
+    1.7668984797381611,
+    1.859839254768237,
+    1.8915873446892628,
+    1.906971142493358,
+    1.9739012545347705,
+    2.0042595869827151,
+    2.0404670643203007,
+    2.0801334669349569,
+    2.1361786545358559,
+    2.1800889828349126,
+    2.2526723098806514,
+    2.4615221000598324,
+    2.522133895087689,
+    2.5349568672753051,
+    2.6130589764080723,
+    2.7500027760987162,
+    2.8562937139926889,
+    2.9119263033764744,
+    3.0019158345608132,
+    3.075603035061484,
+    3.1141526815876208,
+    3.1813265812952172,
+    3.3676587418240587,
+    3.554323576839598,
+    3.6496213142048179,
+    3.6874293716075122,
+    3.7856923728140917,
+    3.8474310667342051,
+    3.9949344157172133,
+    4.125555286661946,
+    4.3290913548691856,
+    4.4952013654404812,
+    4.556343784992352,
+    4.639912221981799,
+    4.7146391204010234,
+    4.8227084013441566,
+    4.9863406697764292,
+    5.1842339785740776,
+    5.3023803998521304,
+    5.4750202011939866,
+    5.54048973773856,
+    5.6494197613846904,
+    6.031189352625824,
+    6.1768307442788197,
+    6.2620964668403225,
+    6.4351623085815,
+    6.7265466116268859,
+    6.7915288820461273,
+    6.858752135722245,
+    7.0391175979404581,
+    7.1234944848067601,
+    7.3258340038478451,
+    7.6012540830071256,
+    7.8610379546027023,
+    8.1407339356122499,
+    8.6344134454714787,
+    8.7180144432721391,
+    9.0978762948485237,
+    9.2738466401608814,
+    9.3278635864048827,
+    9.4424890946840847,
+    9.6030189615224657,
+    9.7486413490900201,
+    9.9120876012927628,
+    10.0634236132968,
+    10.415298132107214,
+    10.522058512873633,
+    10.613299539059163,
+    10.777003890057323,
+    11.19134404322137,
+    11.263117192375013,
+    11.498561061679176,
+    12.21806762702662,
+    12.483196087543357,
+    13.54470365954359,
+    13.849619017840872,
+    14.123084642390928,
+    14.398832659078749,
+    14.566089250066417,
+    14.807446823406554,
+    14.954042474253805,
+    15.017632122375311,
+    15.534486588862363,
+    16.087579752773408,
+    16.335273051167704,
+    16.59865583486215,
+    16.787365784531143,
+    16.930772808747413,
+    16.978230896616772,
+    17.45341757723757,
+    17.54161801859598,
+    17.670822982069833,
+    18.057953137339432,
+    18.349411130934708,
+    18.874645742669262,
+    19.811500245302732,
+    20.617053831744901,
+    21.425708785184192,
+    22.13342945397601,
+    22.514800015329385,
+    22.600876120356858,
+    22.995926973030485,
+    23.562574109846953,
+    24.294710403256879,
+    24.710775959864485,
+    25.735807637080889,
+    26.538055293359648,
+    27.290028726831821,
+    27.773430106003083,
+    29.668208899311839,
+    29.767759573249858,
+    30.328136166047656,
+    31.494086670497492,
+    31.717352094096093,
+    32.525981982450979,
+    33.265585384845679,
+    33.751316746168612,
+    34.201802003064067,
+    36.899918838933765,
+    38.096479462365799,
+    39.516017768346714,
+    39.989735840240321,
+    41.194468318352641,
+    43.299364753871842,
+    43.400612046669139,
+    44.217051933181644,
+    45.224566778084622,
+    46.422304247376758,
+    46.960808813383558,
+    48.299557096246531,
+    49.543362472280329,
+    52.100735352804534,
+    53.655447353773283,
+    55.960391277909508,
+    59.70514539293125,
+    61.843693253111184,
+    68.081331605587849,
+    71.540166073226146,
+    73.270793327751335,
+    76.171347038456744,
+    76.713947935814872,
+    79.452578223589953,
+    81.242818023980888,
+    85.253618574552505,
+    90.576557423795492,
+    92.997247053710012,
+    95.821107577619216,
+    106.64500479999833,
+    120.18058037798956,
+    126.50923215826064,
+    131.32814912989315,
+    147.1399472964454,
+    167.43638431036157,
+    192.68604805851697,
+    214.74959666043176,
+    236.90417250922937,
+    270.13811088102972,
+    311.13617202210634,
+    348.43212870989748,
+    397.49279405192692,
+    418.52939500887197,
+    490.05308025042825,
+    601.26449991098229,
+    943.69926165035622,
+    2272.151119348498,
+    2272.151119348498,
+    0.0,
+    0.068201728466174436,
+    0.11237783313391692,
+    0.12830033204755303,
+    0.14738276605539258,
+    0.17452595819420164,
+    0.18740679497876259,
+    0.22092788589298604,
+    0.24698157312934674,
+    0.26321755681186182,
+    0.278982404063846,
+    0.29425614113597565,
+    0.30386598141884186,
+    0.33348471684689712,
+    0.35448258891286477,
+    0.38416466052319098,
+    0.41799061907192603,
+    0.43332985148006498,
+    0.46022545438188606,
+    0.46720029992587914,
+    0.4834191580769957,
+    0.49135304898180576,
+    0.50065137294598305,
+    0.54116902167600822,
+    0.56502516934264901,
+    0.58383186711851243,
+    0.59988283878047788,
+    0.61745037135253056,
+    0.64851934211375817,
+    0.65771446388077714,
+    0.68201656335208749,
+    0.69501882934571635,
+    0.70859407070539537,
+    0.76811748190181783,
+    0.785547174693628,
+    0.80584170571483826,
+    0.80977921469642378,
+    0.84983656800224905,
+    0.87762202858938831,
+    0.89989293732657549,
+    0.92737970573962192,
+    0.94822275849814597,
+    0.97010634169397159,
+    1.0004701361644599,
+    1.027252813486935,
+    1.0516264427778705,
+    1.085865795301199,
+    1.1039829998101676,
+    1.1231421375848933,
+    1.1351908524310048,
+    1.1870327649828589,
+    1.2108652899633887,
+    1.2418615536907456,
+    1.2620878726057261,
+    1.2831955088252662,
+    1.306480565141986,
+    1.3214819027067988,
+    1.3819750197102438,
+    1.3964962886754628,
+    1.4416267404974048,
+    1.4723276588556404,
+    1.5102821076425617,
+    1.5397500825876973,
+    1.5614284610319382,
+    1.6110339651345407,
+    1.6433416553385205,
+    1.6728829936173992,
+    1.6999366415445392,
+    1.7240699041761254,
+    1.7508519958752469,
+    1.7969849629216739,
+    1.8430561905053708,
+    1.8717904098493616,
+    1.9063368309633759,
+    1.9506003143418458,
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+    2.0991713956674101,
+    2.1633526448161282,
+    2.2629929459851224,
+    2.29081267396016,
+    2.3416198215358914,
+    2.3573314548287789,
+    2.4218587714491338,
+    2.4993355473824033,
+    2.5384325382544848,
+    2.6491004992037666,
+    2.7210651339892107,
+    2.8237246255258426,
+    2.8700824362814488,
+    2.9188785020766925,
+    2.9635962519687955,
+    3.0154773635321317,
+    3.1026722776260538,
+    3.1782308010920812,
+    3.2642539873638139,
+    3.322125355058692,
+    3.3714861504441376,
+    3.4218839487759731,
+    3.5144951962763513,
+    3.5765944072239031,
+    3.6273675925681212,
+    3.7247691072149096,
+    3.8232379391542128,
+    3.8893216636307564,
+    3.9288057496282955,
+    4.0390899251352117,
+    4.1600948751312279,
+    4.1871263152018612,
+    4.2621860547974828,
+    4.3500604627307435,
+    4.5436519743962078,
+    4.5849723086596628,
+    4.729044783865576,
+    4.8683804704143165,
+    4.9563493866144599,
+    5.0241568504440179,
+    5.1468726623856105,
+    5.1949999782992462,
+    5.3140299451508861,
+    5.4879645142694358,
+    5.7223471643025841,
+    5.8380855647564118,
+    5.953449532130346,
+    6.0187020640170728,
+    6.2108553226358252,
+    6.3916059248644403,
+    6.4913362763076323,
+    6.6031140372618351,
+    6.6636491589809301,
+    6.9509407634766989,
+    7.1531488937141772,
+    7.2409474401975658,
+    7.4303919093490327,
+    7.5669382679335202,
+    7.7441286658925934,
+    7.9000616206163423,
+    8.0724648473816156,
+    8.2412216959472371,
+    8.4137214458024516,
+    8.6069007301001861,
+    8.7736666850099372,
+    8.9890876982826367,
+    9.155130462775519,
+    9.3411611417176861,
+    9.4866270624314577,
+    9.5872328045423547,
+    9.8527914805110655,
+    9.9514305967967953,
+    10.292405041584022,
+    10.75673026860011,
+    11.169289189746417,
+    11.46807997463821,
+    11.689766834399332,
+    11.966027273630296,
+    12.351431387718186,
+    12.727667430393458,
+    13.119586645059071,
+    13.424611040389257,
+    13.786397020277862,
+    13.968352336123267,
+    14.21068016740667,
+    14.453408188853816,
+    15.461180267394132,
+    15.895481313307476,
+    16.317601512617198,
+    16.780792483093965,
+    17.624171385239844,
+    18.139839382922045,
+    18.594772196087924,
+    20.516375547145831,
+    21.567448512929186,
+    21.977404088239552,
+    23.299471636450161,
+    24.278490139740818,
+    24.993212131783924,
+    26.592135163847711,
+    27.623113931391885,
+    28.865470012834731,
+    29.227604875711496,
+    31.101999334866235,
+    31.57497302654869,
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+    37.692891082911196,
+    39.851813023596023,
+    41.523584144387264,
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+    49.647884975691284,
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+    69.726924033194564,
+    74.015904215742552,
+    86.164937892726826,
+    100.73311845118887,
+    112.18515642738907,
+    135.19609351797098,
+    176.61381022152227,
+    242.73583361720463,
+    308.26543522152377,
+    513.52205453065437,
+    0.0,
+    0.064681645397600726,
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+    0.2183799557562153,
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+    0.25036231174093732,
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+    0.2738878158208915,
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+    0.33921112396795472,
+    0.35411605334840923,
+    0.36992181322350265,
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+    0.4172218451215533,
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+    0.56986151348392444,
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+    0.74901914818208437,
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+    0.78507593810209142,
+    0.7991677445398635,
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+    0.83874577852045251,
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+    0.86730722882820255,
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+    1.0324830139871306,
+    1.0486654108510693,
+    1.0641141875260127,
+    1.0835468393653898,
+    1.1071616076049358,
+    1.1168131966461825,
+    1.1456586118817482,
+    1.1644419001186364,
+    1.1774811339270124,
+    1.2092190407790164,
+    1.2384799339065578,
+    1.2616903228237686,
+    1.2889294434698533,
+    1.3164843722957189,
+    1.3568929832436432,
+    1.3789685995582368,
+    1.4016262455149839,
+    1.4303108283460788,
+    1.4487819999160492,
+    1.48021838699676,
+    1.5050773691689014,
+    1.5354136497221011,
+    1.5761026989532505,
+    1.5976227134137739,
+    1.6180255352377244,
+    1.6461488070064747,
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+    1.7043391941827599,
+    1.7436653784542346,
+    1.7574238222395258,
+    1.8083751761401707,
+    1.8364695449180659,
+    1.8853960408395598,
+    1.9209489973470637,
+    1.9614779158767812,
+    1.9837030977196592,
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+    2.1608319242443135,
+    2.176533829184859,
+    2.2139646657342289,
+    2.2418326677035214,
+    2.2819602869499667,
+    2.3275988135789891,
+    2.355439289035997,
+    2.4108423085380779,
+    2.4436348968031414,
+    2.5031234860019178,
+    2.5439256045997136,
+    2.5773599788744934,
+    2.6327828846554593,
+    2.6997266593235456,
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+    2.8033821298933836,
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+    2.911616529815233,
+    2.9546022533503957,
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+    3.0894107259868058,
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+    3.2073093130678618,
+    3.2707390207274067,
+    3.3815481629909145,
+    3.4779532042245807,
+    3.4955043576213232,
+    3.5757478436815138,
+    3.6322878543855621,
+    3.7796644436769657,
+    3.8151756075230678,
+    3.8802551661883786,
+    4.0289839922041422,
+    4.1279506765446614,
+    4.1958722575439298,
+    4.2681132445184655,
+    4.3694161532010058,
+    4.4793716338291727,
+    4.5714087303580433,
+    4.6493194432085412,
+    4.7141095620043281,
+    4.8655065654352976,
+    4.9733934483219935,
+    5.038859603913723,
+    5.1120453856118537,
+    5.2240263349175526,
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+    5.4452851717228903,
+    5.6191948437507619,
+    5.8251247312267305,
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+    6.2898990925768432,
+    6.4181400947195311,
+    6.6210137015645536,
+    6.7263257016206106,
+    6.8855750366072552,
+    7.1232383189565454,
+    7.4007790575336729,
+    7.5183445501556623,
+    7.6542486054829189,
+    7.7796080000079355,
+    8.0776151677243515,
+    8.4160158721268967,
+    8.6283072431350387,
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+    9.3715895144040058,
+    9.689097239085406,
+    9.9747151298520151,
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+    10.9348593423718,
+    11.220406152599313,
+    11.472292936429914,
+    12.331513581808927,
+    12.99141401636353,
+    13.792445320126436,
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+    14.898875104642451,
+    15.391013071702499,
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+    17.397044111420918,
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+    19.539678557308235,
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+    23.769625964542684,
+    25.674579790101415,
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+    35.817076665002631,
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+    48.790270781601912,
+    54.046938187573666,
+    67.878422664921544,
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+    0.0,
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+    1.1257267330935268,
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+    1.1877943080225843,
+    1.216398240925453,
+    1.2316053787491037,
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+    1.4948996531027956,
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+    2.1758324097429544,
+    2.2038264839493977,
+    2.2387897181326624,
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+    3.8952813228916106,
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+    4.8500011901031046,
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+    5.4884702877024898,
+    5.6251182444238585,
+    5.736009877510825,
+    5.8235819678819309,
+    6.0452731168242577,
+    6.1535182776969091,
+    6.4223906871159802,
+    6.7828263511308,
+    6.9787759843247965,
+    7.2868999104783532,
+    7.604505778440271,
+    7.9090260134516059,
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+    8.6965137695221202,
+    9.0770837937907398,
+    9.3896211096143869,
+    9.7704946596107849,
+    10.142102955347768,
+    10.870897424798827,
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+    12.487371659037647,
+    13.393741745878474,
+    14.080823719400907,
+    15.608105497185557,
+    16.823724341129342,
+    18.261126223618554,
+    19.636996869210478,
+    20.562702661180669,
+    21.601610993499339,
+    23.839730158552172,
+    27.477708564377878,
+    33.318576554469637,
+    49.103081020159834,
+    73.345872444192949,
+    106.52935418648646,
+    0.0,
+    0.049394419396927715,
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+    0.079308002177416376,
+    0.087959980883483738,
+    0.10194236904560904,
+    0.11008607182951631,
+    0.11465366805246813,
+    0.12715531070407432,
+    0.13166809405389251,
+    0.13847247629313228,
+    0.14384864573811881,
+    0.15002396002358567,
+    0.15562720051884482,
+    0.16116827009383153,
+    0.16632968738513401,
+    0.17136648014616976,
+    0.17900086203665841,
+    0.18694008640938087,
+    0.19702916534694626,
+    0.20392975208968295,
+    0.21361422240935368,
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+    0.24711447349179011,
+    0.25303301261186184,
+    0.25579240638304279,
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+    0.26750482270286108,
+    0.27493473053623635,
+    0.28258910182162267,
+    0.28822901265050227,
+    0.29608647684984479,
+    0.30214524820456018,
+    0.30864368126348923,
+    0.31508865166237593,
+    0.32124032165523375,
+    0.33011261444903611,
+    0.33703483646960708,
+    0.34733723809596734,
+    0.35691769635678916,
+    0.36690708933320493,
+    0.37128928317734283,
+    0.37755689980492391,
+    0.38701609409764459,
+    0.39302164725609023,
+    0.40331084641477311,
+    0.41072208837025759,
+    0.41852937501544424,
+    0.42932124920083142,
+    0.43324849767497853,
+    0.43993900664314145,
+    0.44761176101936301,
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+    0.48708257057534343,
+    0.49302150180651805,
+    0.49978383605626248,
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+    0.52748289873084886,
+    0.53676595811893124,
+    0.5455171486636371,
+    0.5534396873141485,
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+    0.56973323223537264,
+    0.57574914723880954,
+    0.58234713319994302,
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+    0.60510984788748057,
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+    0.62637623226295402,
+    0.63542696189453973,
+    0.64701799464926024,
+    0.65882045306679504,
+    0.67141179273787532,
+    0.67909380683392095,
+    0.68707873750652504,
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+    0.73309718820363279,
+    0.74214506352540133,
+    0.75177033126786774,
+    0.76943956404912883,
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+    0.81634889994531135,
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+    0.93859572806129865,
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+    0.97317410516930258,
+    0.98783906755984918,
+    1.0108980555570175,
+    1.0284511401075709,
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+    1.0611613677510832,
+    1.0784870131371229,
+    1.0919180174352818,
+    1.1135514694962279,
+    1.125494491992268,
+    1.1410712650872479,
+    1.1674352256776539,
+    1.184785119317356,
+    1.2096294450605212,
+    1.2323778220867625,
+    1.2549931419768594,
+    1.2806924911813222,
+    1.3081961580241186,
+    1.3320238796794894,
+    1.3534172327636966,
+    1.3807267144923916,
+    1.4001500408447822,
+    1.4316269135391197,
+    1.449518126496226,
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+    1.4996141554775,
+    1.51697171202322,
+    1.5501818193618728,
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+    1.6090796134626164,
+    1.6337740770081619,
+    1.6692908417512815,
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+    1.7261310689460392,
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+    1.8048113834777242,
+    1.8629871128198423,
+    1.9197945215709944,
+    1.9552472287743048,
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+    2.0427474979249962,
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+    2.2401831220855666,
+    2.270693018282933,
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+    2.4399768881846882,
+    2.5000049081492532,
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+    2.7208587148102463,
+    2.8097139724064282,
+    2.8701110813681128,
+    2.9862082469647095,
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+    3.1242308091436368,
+    3.243153466201278,
+    3.3051260648856364,
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+    3.5505875681994588,
+    3.7448427188152658,
+    3.8463429990501901,
+    3.9838928478843263,
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+    4.2490672817706532,
+    4.3599387844761468,
+    4.473253957654526,
+    4.6690383558822228,
+    4.8383638550300123,
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+    6.5966499906173439,
+    6.9452175432435155,
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+    7.6611410187916773,
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+    8.3985520655394108,
+    8.954871482916916,
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+    10.666984624254228,
+    11.269430893231096,
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+    13.43327333120301,
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+    16.932372656888262,
+    19.087843838164819,
+    21.876507647307918,
+    24.329735267714369,
+    32.551612521357441,
+    42.817333269075768,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.076518802143588971,
+    0.085618493830758285,
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+    0.12968718206917149,
+    0.13855089010953145,
+    0.14242136361586646,
+    0.14961341703535569,
+    0.15878848104707796,
+    0.16821185149526602,
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+    0.25265341913397688,
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+    0.26691829493661323,
+    0.26931297477030441,
+    0.27726914154785853,
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+    0.2859614857691346,
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+    0.29881267745856349,
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+    0.30854811947856214,
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+    0.32546607312581727,
+    0.33113501361486541,
+    0.33582693482769788,
+    0.34276150289703894,
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+    0.35845367388296762,
+    0.36558831277905995,
+    0.36979924962746219,
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+    0.38743278300825934,
+    0.3933947408991858,
+    0.40090502054506943,
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+    0.42079409894287106,
+    0.4255673661624485,
+    0.43408043802357538,
+    0.43842453852669183,
+    0.44479957009297705,
+    0.44911932255159215,
+    0.46075892982346434,
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+    0.47672759686825411,
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+    0.49072973814548543,
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+    0.54193181090656062,
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+    0.70070897539479826,
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+    0.74442385396599853,
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+    0.95246146300701406,
+    0.96865365604621834,
+    0.98601045426396106,
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+    1.0629345673978381,
+    1.0786014914723667,
+    1.0929756602733387,
+    1.1261078972699916,
+    1.1512164532678049,
+    1.1694773456967209,
+    1.2047879047450252,
+    1.2191337268903064,
+    1.2371236242769537,
+    1.2604030750182345,
+    1.2728991082384753,
+    1.3021733465601504,
+    1.3366400801240468,
+    1.3669786453201016,
+    1.3893263316106292,
+    1.4142311210562548,
+    1.4371089884829913,
+    1.4735470017754577,
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+    1.5362080843085604,
+    1.57308131482694,
+    1.6005512179859467,
+    1.6311466151664402,
+    1.6766677965478609,
+    1.702427114649556,
+    1.7358113192351368,
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+    1.8122197381889422,
+    1.8371172353927989,
+    1.8839698049061866,
+    1.9368978033833055,
+    1.9859165193893249,
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+    2.0904755804619093,
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+    2.2105679265040039,
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+    2.3789143587376254,
+    2.4392413643504884,
+    2.4804720034966028,
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+    2.6705999263123781,
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+    2.8651026212603763,
+    2.9882335264110305,
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+    3.2713189106502325,
+    3.3340572644275901,
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+    3.7893397930271497,
+    3.8962740628195554,
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+    4.2202691837388713,
+    4.3774443034324424,
+    4.4936111350115695,
+    4.7506236842341369,
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+    5.8287954513602722,
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+    8.3342259680123636,
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+    9.6467855088846335,
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+    10.89364428926409,
+    11.552396435112094,
+    13.030143614298112,
+    14.095239648815568,
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+    0.0,
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+    2.8476458237947857,
+    2.9627792222491238,
+    3.0403520366260612,
+    3.1093550063736379,
+    3.2559496906005565,
+    3.384456584459806,
+    3.5451252896822063,
+    3.658802669941331,
+    3.8535789702629515,
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+    4.5324017993862,
+    4.6567473442819232,
+    4.8795997539612124,
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+    5.8112812324471728,
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+    6.6133968886491754,
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+    9.7607248945108189,
+    10.562225389927731,
+    11.547524333694614,
+    13.042152628954279,
+    15.066816239535164,
+    16.843645091885804,
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+    27.78918358142127,
+    36.15482791135674,
+    48.467620573432804,
+    150.75527930067238,
+    0.0,
+    0.030475436329936944,
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+    0.058798726126600857,
+    0.065119327951945208,
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+    0.07885113088345877,
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+    0.08965572615115161,
+    0.094178377769283547,
+    0.098501280404947864,
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+    0.10869385918561442,
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+    0.11689141102215121,
+    0.1214840331703515,
+    0.12584718500031158,
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+    0.13924503288786391,
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+    0.15399302445531154,
+    0.15891197422219733,
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+    0.17822842307181602,
+    0.1820267480405092,
+    0.18688153961477047,
+    0.1927267317388851,
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+    0.20898176045815323,
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+    0.22817700334024027,
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+    0.23720906624202601,
+    0.24191353394033271,
+    0.24708942468474382,
+    0.25285280260759901,
+    0.25671572324736464,
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+    0.27152578772723279,
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+    0.28593911283892171,
+    0.29087431204884701,
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+    0.34595494789256998,
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+    0.36600266939188625,
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+    0.37731624495426341,
+    0.38179171447482013,
+    0.38695470344853578,
+    0.39172315899130233,
+    0.39614948723382537,
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+    0.40528704514340191,
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+    0.42330595508586388,
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+    0.45589276061599149,
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+    0.71917690416970415,
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+    1.1725936611440071,
+    1.1991674830298438,
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+    1.7621335157109532,
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+    2.2034358794278646,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.096425123862060327,
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+    0.2547852657654528,
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+    0.27333957150348165,
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+    0.35642244422141933,
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+    0.44058928875209435,
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+    0.4679792550227716,
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+    0.53458634795400084,
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+    1.0953872473777502,
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+    1.1700990970833274,
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+    1.2724440268105714,
+    1.3012328136568787,
+    1.3306077291828782,
+    1.3661125359622348,
+    1.4057121542663247,
+    1.438874003521625,
+    1.4852719546886077,
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+    1.9046272406631959,
+    1.9419569456472263,
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+    2.9431246632384611,
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+    4.472267971856815,
+    4.7565859357335603,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.82988361758294238,
+    0.84792677249400605,
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+    0.8944425527153399,
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+    0.92359168030991856,
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+    0.96434694242106067,
+    0.98312881507572292,
+    1.0032438887848716,
+    1.0221149781502081,
+    1.051983899991995,
+    1.0734774915118375,
+    1.099530441789152,
+    1.127960244545553,
+    1.1534134957090025,
+    1.1740889749056131,
+    1.2012742900536555,
+    1.2342300186242645,
+    1.2639939024901934,
+    1.2928179180773745,
+    1.3208800657063657,
+    1.3529947499482198,
+    1.3990112708325715,
+    1.4319941184494371,
+    1.4710663063309652,
+    1.5244700765754542,
+    1.5635439274849725,
+    1.5954367199073531,
+    1.6323134541541804,
+    1.6724715064169311,
+    1.7158054453195073,
+    1.7557217613084009,
+    1.8048129564898812,
+    1.8315787027457608,
+    1.8815354841358516,
+    1.9566650167344006,
+    2.0217329340053252,
+    2.0871078895617967,
+    2.174040010957027,
+    2.2381267311291735,
+    2.3160142472723693,
+    2.4147723365413021,
+    2.5376474031182616,
+    2.6272818671259373,
+    2.7401975123216742,
+    2.8684444249229628,
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+    3.1604260734920331,
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+    3.4644518032671439,
+    3.6844961008964079,
+    3.869097249632687,
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+    4.2786209475461598,
+    4.5240194654211052,
+    4.822566531353826,
+    5.2714477848841934,
+    5.9366668833227134,
+    6.6736260326271726,
+    7.4551267397319529,
+    8.3647745090344028,
+    9.8450415285668225,
+    13.306780281265262,
+    17.423150761794336,
+    35.674610410451407,
+    0.0,
+    0.026072158368489466,
+    0.036900224781724264,
+    0.045624066076788504,
+    0.051368104055365224,
+    0.057774560304207197,
+    0.063146496944509634,
+    0.067588098405070435,
+    0.071805619462746537,
+    0.07613539155227117,
+    0.080103152511407455,
+    0.083942709652846864,
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+    0.091817280544786176,
+    0.095686966687175301,
+    0.099145626961583258,
+    0.10201499654232103,
+    0.10517988601597632,
+    0.10903765629410936,
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+    0.11841077260641984,
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+    0.12514181216632086,
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+    0.13482024094190459,
+    0.13784834878294833,
+    0.14173344180612701,
+    0.1443921643498963,
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+    0.15145826578672161,
+    0.15493735233574032,
+    0.157933736355726,
+    0.16144421044205534,
+    0.16496481804605914,
+    0.16826466934931564,
+    0.17176157430765859,
+    0.17500874461399182,
+    0.17804879932812664,
+    0.18119742226991276,
+    0.18460902834327048,
+    0.18841699006227006,
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+    0.19532030848596255,
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+    0.20296708531160809,
+    0.20618735671870392,
+    0.21005410851308523,
+    0.21234742151711827,
+    0.21601167034217333,
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+    0.222820615737646,
+    0.22619381050579929,
+    0.23003091052614577,
+    0.23415565946236791,
+    0.23843514043598069,
+    0.24127671289852604,
+    0.24517794764409234,
+    0.24860194155386806,
+    0.25245137707720106,
+    0.25637962117578617,
+    0.26045765403062382,
+    0.26378413560952962,
+    0.26727514960402926,
+    0.27133464777153365,
+    0.27484241340019733,
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+    0.28803025780779556,
+    0.29103424057548449,
+    0.2948369270235498,
+    0.29857003211993777,
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+    0.30693020880140259,
+    0.31089496342193434,
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+    0.31963281400208449,
+    0.32299918409538603,
+    0.32683085030433912,
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+    0.33471837712211988,
+    0.33909222602081823,
+    0.34276815018760209,
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+    0.35209532653578884,
+    0.35661461412974371,
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+    0.36462562668761184,
+    0.36940962892850221,
+    0.37390697111571997,
+    0.37904116253667841,
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+    0.38891575774564258,
+    0.39360053923178462,
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+    0.40892518527823574,
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+    0.42599384924960337,
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+    0.4364633576555077,
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+    0.44655303590621287,
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+    0.45915054065776795,
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+    0.52657472160011631,
+    0.53391907857488219,
+    0.54231740014001373,
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+    0.71984730245856587,
+    0.73335327137205786,
+    0.7491983752217467,
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+    1.0479024684311415,
+    1.0736587494567686,
+    1.1029019665569759,
+    1.12906516845161,
+    1.1535229840512065,
+    1.183650543141433,
+    1.2145616634515819,
+    1.2433817141554775,
+    1.2742936392427719,
+    1.3109612706104625,
+    1.3449613279449495,
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+    1.4151051032327249,
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+    1.4970878314012157,
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+    1.7874905505861236,
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+    3.5810252651374039,
+    3.793190415760634,
+    4.1676272347122065,
+    4.4916169379050928,
+    4.8904487124863456,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.09243845286973873,
+    0.094364478720997277,
+    0.096709129954935052,
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+    0.12385053356930883,
+    0.12634084519901401,
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+    0.13679964962661262,
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+    0.14783340369717113,
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+    0.1591542931569995,
+    0.16119409443564187,
+    0.16370574506975646,
+    0.16653288283113751,
+    0.16902699557221748,
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+    0.18333071563005016,
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+    0.19209155599903649,
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+    0.20885428273616122,
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+    0.23565035124699107,
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+    0.27275363634505095,
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+    0.27871993911088333,
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+    0.30666702944803848,
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+    0.36506622168141156,
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+    0.3962317851808338,
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+    1.5705018855286448,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.095203088495300195,
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+    0.27071592524571436,
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+    0.27479515468230203,
+    0.27748117382633419,
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+    0.28299682369589024,
+    0.28524892290169052,
+    0.28898573042967923,
+    0.29228482183314008,
+    0.29504239920787978,
+    0.29806595908916128,
+    0.30100912736728097,
+    0.30284142122993929,
+    0.30711397725763068,
+    0.30933508238145735,
+    0.31253352531706291,
+    0.31451417053860403,
+    0.31873834499509557,
+    0.32074973819730013,
+    0.3227054052696956,
+    0.32713499329815404,
+    0.32974764249150712,
+    0.33492335792956868,
+    0.33718040901799218,
+    0.3445901607353572,
+    0.34780889710624885,
+    0.35093774887440915,
+    0.35623622197550575,
+    0.36041747761865661,
+    0.3642024692932514,
+    0.36810814698209304,
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+    0.37479086986451726,
+    0.37861500834946049,
+    0.38309681552259905,
+    0.38664479850030559,
+    0.39090235429868447,
+    0.39557988601615102,
+    0.40024979955036705,
+    0.40474065571274853,
+    0.41182223255228778,
+    0.41565261202748732,
+    0.41888281162295166,
+    0.42393582615245412,
+    0.42822578404852624,
+    0.43294724828815934,
+    0.43951811737015356,
+    0.44722396323185154,
+    0.456459221718371,
+    0.46045447756416902,
+    0.46515308472591632,
+    0.46794991783126505,
+    0.47105981062684799,
+    0.47694020659007907,
+    0.48566640347419093,
+    0.4925745593913089,
+    0.49834783552581607,
+    0.50583387303211413,
+    0.51446464375101153,
+    0.52037516362506031,
+    0.53000380193173813,
+    0.5385532513944602,
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+    0.57980243654512897,
+    0.59369025108432061,
+    0.60559961256557782,
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+    0.62969186089776408,
+    0.63837174738104929,
+    0.65949504499792255,
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+    0.70043252145572876,
+    0.71339160274800251,
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+    0.94541747300904144,
+    0.96712639337790818,
+    1.0077289627906116,
+    1.0578436059764642,
+    1.0814656481052898,
+    1.1213085582112645,
+    1.1519192766424888,
+    1.2067063531674953,
+    1.2531782152469926,
+    1.3107295260357585,
+    1.3724083852801383,
+    1.4468184839518206,
+    1.5305694103262035,
+    1.6312349936217583,
+    1.756018052127331,
+    1.8367605970857828,
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+    6.6659216112228403,
+    0.0,
+    0.022907607978118902,
+    0.029821550682582357,
+    0.041345273775706924,
+    0.047618453577416696,
+    0.050555949727830833,
+    0.051530800253982594,
+    0.054552378113468664,
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+    0.068044804113331997,
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+    0.074986799025957215,
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+    0.082270832598215493,
+    0.085046708133008728,
+    0.087447299482588489,
+    0.088756661262206285,
+    0.089943943671740606,
+    0.091007938101520788,
+    0.094928097449594656,
+    0.099174513732067163,
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+    0.10576989225044739,
+    0.10833249442743473,
+    0.11038664233579089,
+    0.11189318059686042,
+    0.11482544288738511,
+    0.11669347663279424,
+    0.11877928264418412,
+    0.12047520194953332,
+    0.12165567868304332,
+    0.12370102433239426,
+    0.12612018039059264,
+    0.12684700576746685,
+    0.12878646240712111,
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+    0.13306734076172619,
+    0.13372880707703153,
+    0.13736038992044558,
+    0.13881715097710293,
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+    0.14124573991521217,
+    0.14311942643715578,
+    0.14513581305673817,
+    0.14595784685930299,
+    0.14716393061676503,
+    0.14885367705639466,
+    0.15050993397888962,
+    0.15162964533831316,
+    0.15369975683678072,
+    0.15435469959388012,
+    0.15577759046058082,
+    0.15668226730841731,
+    0.1584071432356994,
+    0.16082946927662081,
+    0.16239265698907479,
+    0.16531349295331907,
+    0.16703861065645129,
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+    0.17070372367338077,
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+    0.19315708801010689,
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+    0.1996477292940389,
+    0.20328799229092981,
+    0.20659034076463945,
+    0.20796810335371782,
+    0.20983542523783127,
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+    0.21255804907160578,
+    0.21431203105213031,
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+    0.21896636799431354,
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+    0.22078232590253416,
+    0.22179327232323751,
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+    0.22885586498217825,
+    0.23208931497029114,
+    0.23445635314933294,
+    0.23554916368095241,
+    0.23985598287746046,
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+    0.24539417383496825,
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+    0.25090707777222615,
+    0.25130106870142177,
+    0.25451533183987707,
+    0.25566996933756181,
+    0.25867328796775041,
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+    0.26093120395291297,
+    0.26335008874127647,
+    0.26856790047127449,
+    0.27254893327198854,
+    0.27567782840817318,
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+    0.28247854937130817,
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+    0.30921735043703502,
+    0.31232747522186072,
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+    0.31898849977118987,
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+    0.32447138047106261,
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+    0.33493496691600139,
+    0.33845815307623212,
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+    0.38121463316019755,
+    0.38546836603235024,
+    0.38836897993416342,
+    0.39553820461710354,
+    0.40116462511742196,
+    0.40279764229171539,
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+    0.54068269935836055,
+    0.54513452026347542,
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+    1.4769805157017351,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.04852625796660219,
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+    0.058789366804777823,
+    0.059894670960058481,
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+    0.063705491238154652,
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+    0.066539564546213181,
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+    0.075029578028714114,
+    0.076090220871986247,
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+    0.081406116039587209,
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+    0.084590953870938804,
+    0.086465834117303964,
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+    0.094937834404926119,
+    0.097040224291640623,
+    0.097667138521545876,
+    0.099969968038602502,
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+    0.10780079213283225,
+    0.10889375095854625,
+    0.10903938989013479,
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+    0.11352509387853861,
+    0.11567847555302868,
+    0.11768952386243653,
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+    0.12496470498144355,
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+    0.12639939557206845,
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+    0.13467524077070694,
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+    0.14136086842893428,
+    0.14571034508839201,
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+    0.14759361899260168,
+    0.14842017101772531,
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+    0.15426856023023913,
+    0.15672970714335024,
+    0.15841699106659399,
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+    0.16157625338408105,
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+    0.16854825098054121,
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+    0.17342913449829525,
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+    0.18561588691792064,
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+    0.18893514209622653,
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+    0.21552884148320978,
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+    0.2208750353533499,
+    0.22231160974944153,
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+    0.22883502427842192,
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+    0.26202930456238355,
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+    0.27463053229655843,
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+    0.28289551881522107,
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+    0.28548889806913502,
+    0.28851856129741399,
+    0.28925469033111689,
+    0.28955788894271245,
+    0.29350305977266933,
+    0.29609872122681807,
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+    0.30382080452923382,
+    0.30448438898977698,
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+    1.6690912806799729,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.03669053240718801,
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+    0.046731484997993428,
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+    0.06192300563276,
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+    0.067880636244234044,
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+    0.079768809149418779,
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+    0.082670774423793988,
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+    0.088324648985544513,
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+    0.10195388252236594,
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+    0.11227193635040114,
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+    0.11691086289458787,
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+    0.12256846680870316,
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+    0.13136136021211561,
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+    0.14560628646680376,
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+    0.15610306654452089,
+    0.15610306654452089,
+    0.15875192987335729,
+    0.16047737283948593,
+    0.16705380313003848,
+    0.16705380313003848,
+    0.168016882808462,
+    0.17068350389171213,
+    0.17282355855710782,
+    0.17412526193089098,
+    0.17681813754652775,
+    0.17681813754652775,
+    0.17715999760351636,
+    0.17756752055286806,
+    0.17871040321678122,
+    0.18018603591927709,
+    0.18070221855952068,
+    0.18070221855952068,
+    0.18495477280536446,
+    0.18580464561947918,
+    0.18637382093258065,
+    0.18739559121993163,
+    0.18739559121993163,
+    0.18989848932672079,
+    0.1902906960015,
+    0.19079530690057658,
+    0.19139358210577725,
+    0.1938767861484369,
+    0.1938767861484369,
+    0.19812320558888927,
+    0.19864349781538035,
+    0.20096245867613949,
+    0.20739126731129648,
+    0.20739126731129648,
+    0.20890608427242904,
+    0.21005835424486638,
+    0.21737774907061119,
+    0.21854346896037202,
+    0.22284661457281491,
+    0.22284661457281491,
+    0.23203519715709653,
+    0.23203519715709653,
+    0.23558872825006388,
+    0.23602589936541735,
+    0.23602589936541735,
+    0.23638998760967109,
+    0.23703292133804643,
+    0.24047672111025759,
+    0.24232933889648617,
+    0.24387144046296869,
+    0.24387144046296869,
+    0.24388260654882868,
+    0.24896631802503422,
+    0.25046853137361336,
+    0.25166045673406662,
+    0.25166045673406662,
+    0.25359663196242094,
+    0.25498419205566342,
+    0.25901909865108758,
+    0.26243633410773498,
+    0.26917225709613957,
+    0.26917225709613957,
+    0.27179969406100962,
+    0.27215636119935699,
+    0.27269960957360972,
+    0.27295835182412659,
+    0.27444977275651289,
+    0.27444977275651289,
+    0.274486965108864,
+    0.27757442781989727,
+    0.28007367094306918,
+    0.28306039462916666,
+    0.28306039462916666,
+    0.29022692808414607,
+    0.29319016306643131,
+    0.2953248123792146,
+    0.29727012315484735,
+    0.30055429636041897,
+    0.30055429636041897,
+    0.30274018734482672,
+    0.30371328246605706,
+    0.31089484427626424,
+    0.31222083890057561,
+    0.31222083890057561,
+    0.31342334287374385,
+    0.31360922339798514,
+    0.31781375837493059,
+    0.32086597698136354,
+    0.32397526199152671,
+    0.32397526199152671,
+    0.3252274384988707,
+    0.32557079328326183,
+    0.33071479846211244,
+    0.33213366103834452,
+    0.33213366103834452,
+    0.33806274054259133,
+    0.34060768522908541,
+    0.34066725641268175,
+    0.35070821312772565,
+    0.35281117830908848,
+    0.36022367837676228,
+    0.36022367837676228,
+    0.36359476452865169,
+    0.36867343874662684,
+    0.37500703454904866,
+    0.37500703454904866,
+    0.37559552094037618,
+    0.37776360565050465,
+    0.37911941464036175,
+    0.38043414821366556,
+    0.38673933256135501,
+    0.38673933256135501,
+    0.41493531465793626,
+    0.42545225470978032,
+    0.43335020944353286,
+    0.45946584864513479,
+    0.47934271794544625,
+    0.47934271794544625,
+    0.4835397584082895,
+    0.507001135566851,
+    0.53670698552411766,
+    0.62709022030658668,
+    0.62709022030658668,
+    0.6307562723487633,
+    0.6978337089986677,
+    0.96104664619258018,
+    0.97932419086538236,
+    1.3786097683148981,
+    1.3786097683148981,
+    2.1383436514004277,
+    2.1383436514004277,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.040258951562044121,
+    0.040258951562044121,
+    0.04337227036223338,
+    0.04337227036223338,
+    0.04337227036223338,
+    0.056733258526878674,
+    0.056733258526878674,
+    0.059895656757221916,
+    0.063352892119378321,
+    0.063352892119378321,
+    0.063352892119378321,
+    0.063352892119378321,
+    0.063460760236515132,
+    0.063460760236515132,
+    0.063460760236515132,
+    0.064176771962993165,
+    0.064176771962993165,
+    0.069374734097819607,
+    0.069374734097819607,
+    0.069941635924431284,
+    0.069941635924431284,
+    0.069941635924431284,
+    0.07441063086446581,
+    0.07441063086446581,
+    0.090038436293935278,
+    0.090038436293935278,
+    0.090038436293935278,
+    0.093919282982153851,
+    0.098259451815303545,
+    0.098259451815303545,
+    0.098259451815303545,
+    0.098259451815303545,
+    0.11221645527330414,
+    0.11221645527330414,
+    0.11464109406455952,
+    0.11464109406455952,
+    0.11464109406455952,
+    0.11504122558884447,
+    0.11504122558884447,
+    0.11661461574279566,
+    0.11661461574279566,
+    0.11661461574279566,
+    0.11694434342186813,
+    0.11694434342186813,
+    0.12361989892840071,
+    0.12361989892840071,
+    0.12361989892840071,
+    0.12731915639699826,
+    0.13338496267239372,
+    0.13338496267239372,
+    0.13338496267239372,
+    0.13338496267239372,
+    0.14060738795616895,
+    0.14060738795616895,
+    0.14577369503859991,
+    0.14577369503859991,
+    0.14577369503859991,
+    0.15154574744822344,
+    0.15154574744822344,
+    0.15338029980440129,
+    0.15338029980440129,
+    0.155704785287297,
+    0.155704785287297,
+    0.155704785287297,
+    0.16408818329459646,
+    0.16408818329459646,
+    0.16611008928152352,
+    0.16611008928152352,
+    0.16793010863802235,
+    0.16793010863802235,
+    0.16793010863802235,
+    0.17350035363146732,
+    0.17350035363146732,
+    0.17350035363146732,
+    0.17720670978465847,
+    0.17720670978465847,
+    0.18778273599380949,
+    0.18778273599380949,
+    0.18778273599380949,
+    0.1956978506206099,
+    0.1956978506206099,
+    0.20618188353800229,
+    0.20618188353800229,
+    0.20618188353800229,
+    0.20667910131294201,
+    0.20667910131294201,
+    0.20897230394199579,
+    0.20897230394199579,
+    0.21603929997442067,
+    0.21603929997442067,
+    0.21603929997442067,
+    0.21750678346847724,
+    0.21750678346847724,
+    0.21750678346847724,
+    0.22319258104633796,
+    0.22319258104633796,
+    0.22577633029393052,
+    0.22577633029393052,
+    0.22577633029393052,
+    0.22835066066328252,
+    0.22835066066328252,
+    0.23127950794349347,
+    0.23127950794349347,
+    0.2335912050904361,
+    0.2335912050904361,
+    0.2335912050904361,
+    0.23855651821128016,
+    0.23855651821128016,
+    0.2403910894270215,
+    0.2403910894270215,
+    0.2403910894270215,
+    0.24693892553945757,
+    0.24693892553945757,
+    0.25144395559134397,
+    0.25144395559134397,
+    0.25144395559134397,
+    0.26144207730435715,
+    0.26144207730435715,
+    0.26316375812762322,
+    0.26316375812762322,
+    0.26316375812762322,
+    0.269250257528246,
+    0.269250257528246,
+    0.26976356545845359,
+    0.26976356545845359,
+    0.26976356545845359,
+    0.27207502394872296,
+    0.27207502394872296,
+    0.2722348959852619,
+    0.2722348959852619,
+    0.2722348959852619,
+    0.27399949932593481,
+    0.27399949932593481,
+    0.28525376986066708,
+    0.28525376986066708,
+    0.28525376986066708,
+    0.28581273013248543,
+    0.28581273013248543,
+    0.28581555874501124,
+    0.28581555874501124,
+    0.28725787127206887,
+    0.28725787127206887,
+    0.28725787127206887,
+    0.29182201476670522,
+    0.29182201476670522,
+    0.29774917483412067,
+    0.29774917483412067,
+    0.29774917483412067,
+    0.3221172335419677,
+    0.3221172335419677,
+    0.32286123906893716,
+    0.32286123906893716,
+    0.32286123906893716,
+    0.32784329797451783,
+    0.32784329797451783,
+    0.39859714532471063,
+    0.39859714532471063,
+    0.39859714532471063,
+    0.40861269762703839,
+    0.40861269762703839,
+    0.43492497337962299,
+    0.43492497337962299,
+    0.43492497337962299,
+    0.45154247181726737,
+    0.45154247181726737,
+    0.47903191315956584,
+    0.47903191315956584,
+    0.47903191315956584,
+    0.48764413130617162,
+    0.48764413130617162,
+    0.55753055427216291,
+    0.55753055427216291,
+    0.55753055427216291,
+    0.59950889251110473,
+    0.59950889251110473,
+    0.62302532522821363,
+    0.62302532522821363,
+    0.62302532522821363,
+    0.70821265192750071,
+    0.70821265192750071,
+    0.78923825478405685,
+    0.78923825478405685,
+    0.80991304315555079,
+    0.80991304315555079,
+    0.80991304315555079,
+    0.88217017561019562,
+    0.88217017561019562,
+    0.88217017561019562,
+    0.90564207937415331,
+    0.90564207937415331,
+    0.92743264762046396,
+    0.92743264762046396,
+    1.0496487600196804,
+    1.0496487600196804,
+    1.0496487600196804,
+    1.2152980938033116,
+    1.2152980938033116,
+    1.2152980938033116,
+    1.2152980938033116,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_gamoms.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_gamoms.py
index a6e3cc0beca6960de2d78a38ad54afd98567e8b3..cd9afb11e15900747d1ab010de5c98784f1da5d9 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_gamoms.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_gamoms.py
@@ -9,14 +9,84 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2010_def_gamoms = [
-    0, 350.0, 1050.0, 1750.0, 2450.0, 3150.0, 3850.0, 4550.0, 5250.0, 5950.0,
-    6650.0, 7350.0, 8050.0, 8750.0, 9450.0, 10150.0, 10850.0, 11550.0, 12250.0,
-    12950.0, 13650.0, 14350.0, 15050.0, 15750.0, 16450.0, 17150.0, 17850.0,
-    18550.0, 19250.0, 19950.0, 20650.0, 21350.0, 22050.0, 22750.0, 23450.0,
-    24150.0, 24850.0, 25550.0, 26250.0, 26950.0, 27650.0, 28350.0, 29050.0,
-    29750.0, 30450.0, 31150.0, 31850.0, 32550.0, 33250.0, 33950.0, 34650.0,
-    35350.0, 36050.0, 36750.0, 37450.0, 38150.0, 38850.0, 39550.0, 40250.0,
-    40950.0, 41650.0, 42350.0, 43050.0, 43750.0, 44450.0, 45150.0, 45850.0,
-    46550.0, 47250.0, 47950.0, 48650.0, 49350.0, 50050.0, 50750.0, 51450.0,
-    52150.0, 52850.0, 53550.0, 54250.0, 54950.0
+    0,
+    350.0,
+    1050.0,
+    1750.0,
+    2450.0,
+    3150.0,
+    3850.0,
+    4550.0,
+    5250.0,
+    5950.0,
+    6650.0,
+    7350.0,
+    8050.0,
+    8750.0,
+    9450.0,
+    10150.0,
+    10850.0,
+    11550.0,
+    12250.0,
+    12950.0,
+    13650.0,
+    14350.0,
+    15050.0,
+    15750.0,
+    16450.0,
+    17150.0,
+    17850.0,
+    18550.0,
+    19250.0,
+    19950.0,
+    20650.0,
+    21350.0,
+    22050.0,
+    22750.0,
+    23450.0,
+    24150.0,
+    24850.0,
+    25550.0,
+    26250.0,
+    26950.0,
+    27650.0,
+    28350.0,
+    29050.0,
+    29750.0,
+    30450.0,
+    31150.0,
+    31850.0,
+    32550.0,
+    33250.0,
+    33950.0,
+    34650.0,
+    35350.0,
+    36050.0,
+    36750.0,
+    37450.0,
+    38150.0,
+    38850.0,
+    39550.0,
+    40250.0,
+    40950.0,
+    41650.0,
+    42350.0,
+    43050.0,
+    43750.0,
+    44450.0,
+    45150.0,
+    45850.0,
+    46550.0,
+    47250.0,
+    47950.0,
+    48650.0,
+    49350.0,
+    50050.0,
+    50750.0,
+    51450.0,
+    52150.0,
+    52850.0,
+    53550.0,
+    54250.0,
+    54950.0,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_gaprobs.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_gaprobs.py
index ac9c751dee9173dde115ad120dd592fc8db67dd7..64865b505006a8689895dc549814c1f909c637c8 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_gaprobs.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2010_def_gaprobs.py
@@ -9,99 +9,324 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2010_def_gaprobs = [
-    0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.91489362716699996, 0.95692306757000001,
-    0.98613864183400002, 0.99072849750500003, 0.98903292417499999,
-    0.98952460288999999, 0.99774098396300004, 0.99152541160600005,
-    0.99343830347100004, 0.99500310421000004, 0.99360203742999997,
-    0.99673414230299995, 0.99803018569900004, 0.99857753515199998,
-    0.99271136522299996, 0.993197262287, 0.997596144676, 0.99408286809900004,
-    0.99648505449299996, 0.99720668792699996, 0.99559080600700001,
-    0.99696666002300005, 0.99382078647600003, 0.99571734666800005,
-    0.99760192632699995, 0.99768519401599998, 0.99423962831500001,
-    0.99749684333800004, 0.99865412712099999, 0.99725276231799997,
-    0.99565845727900004, 1.0, 0.995768666267, 0.99697428941699995,
-    0.99658703804000004, 0.995065808296, 0.998257815838, 0.99835252761799997,
-    0.99401199817700003, 1.0, 0.99435025453600001, 0.99797159433399996,
-    0.99582463502899998, 0.99365752935399998, 0.99794661998699996,
-    0.99550563097, 0.99768519401599998, 0.99052131176000002,
-    0.99722993373900004, 0.99507391452799998, 0.98961037397399998,
-    0.99184781312900006, 0.98863637447399999, 0.99135446548499995,
-    0.99723756313300005, 0.99006623029700003, 0.99099099636099997,
-    0.99672132730499996, 0.992857158184, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.98947370052299999,
-    0.99640285968800002, 0.99641579389599999, 0.98892986774400005,
-    0.984126985073, 0.99591839313499997, 0.98765432834599998,
-    0.98712444305400004, 0.99523806571999995, 0.98076921701399999, 1.0, 1.0,
-    1.0, 1.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.031914893537799999, 0.68923074006999996,
-    0.94653463363599999, 0.97483444213899995, 0.98404783010499997,
-    0.98952460288999999, 0.99397587776200003, 0.99022161960599997,
-    0.99081367254300001, 0.99312931299200002, 0.99488162994399998,
-    0.99738734960599995, 0.99606043100399999, 0.99431008100499996,
-    0.99562680721300001, 0.99546486139299994, 0.997596144676,
-    0.99408286809900004, 0.99648505449299996, 0.996275603771,
-    0.99823635816599998, 0.99494439363499998, 0.99485069513299995,
-    0.99678802490200002, 0.99520385265400002, 0.99884259700800004,
-    0.99539172649399998, 0.99374216795000003, 0.99730819463700005,
-    0.99450546503100001, 0.99565845727900004, 1.0, 0.99435824155800001,
-    0.99546140432399999, 0.99488055706, 0.99342107772800003,
-    0.99651569127999995, 0.99670511484099999, 0.99401199817700003,
-    0.99616122245799998, 0.99811673164400005, 0.99594318866700005,
-    0.99791228771200002, 0.99154335260399995, 0.99794661998699996,
-    0.99775278568299997, 0.99768519401599998, 0.99289101362200005,
-    0.99722993373900004, 0.99014776945100003, 0.98961037397399998,
-    0.99728262424500003, 0.98863637447399999, 0.98559075593900003,
-    0.99447512626599999, 0.98675495386099998, 0.98798799514799995,
-    0.99672132730499996, 0.98571425676299995, 0.99662160873399996, 1.0, 1.0,
-    0.98947370052299999, 0.99640285968800002, 0.99641579389599999,
-    0.98892986774400005, 0.99603176116900005, 0.99591839313499997,
-    0.99588477611500004, 0.99570816755299996, 0.99523806571999995,
-    0.98076921701399999, 1.0, 0.99545454978900005, 0.98958331346499995, 1.0, 0,
-    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.31881189346299998, 0.88344371318799997,
-    0.95014953613300002, 0.97824335098299997, 0.97515058517499997,
-    0.98370271921200003, 0.98556429147699998, 0.99250465631499996,
-    0.99168264865900002, 0.99281513690900003, 0.99409061670300003,
-    0.99217641353599995, 0.99271136522299996, 0.99168556928600005,
-    0.99439102411299995, 0.99492812156699995, 0.99384886026399999,
-    0.99720668792699996, 0.99029982090000002, 0.99089992046399999,
-    0.99382078647600003, 0.99571734666800005, 0.99040764570200002,
-    0.99884259700800004, 0.98847925663000002, 0.99624532461199999,
-    0.99327051639599995, 0.99450546503100001, 0.99710565805399998,
-    0.99855905771300002, 0.99012696742999995, 0.99546140432399999,
-    0.99317407607999997, 0.99013155698800004, 1.0, 0.99341022968299997,
-    0.99201595783200003, 0.99808061122900005, 0.99811673164400005,
-    0.99594318866700005, 0.99791228771200002, 0.98308670520800001,
-    0.99794661998699996, 0.99775278568299997, 1.0, 0.99052131176000002,
-    0.99445980787300003, 0.99014776945100003, 0.984415590763,
-    0.98913043737399997, 0.98579543829000005, 0.97982710599900003,
-    0.98895025253299995, 0.98675495386099998, 0.98798799514799995,
-    0.99672132730499996, 0.98928570747400002, 0.99662160873399996,
-    0.98207885026899999, 0.99658703804000004, 0.98596489429500001,
-    0.98920863866800002, 0.99641579389599999, 0.98154979944200005,
-    0.98809522390399995, 0.99591839313499997, 0.99176955223100005,
-    0.982832610607, 0.98571425676299995, 0.98076921701399999, 1.0,
-    0.99545454978900005, 0.99479168653500005, 1.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
-    0.00198019808158, 0.076821193098999999, 0.595214366913,
-    0.90491539239899998, 0.95858430862400001, 0.96870923042299995,
-    0.98556429147699998, 0.98750782012899996, 0.98784387111700001,
-    0.98889613151599998, 0.99146419763600002, 0.99359887838399996,
-    0.98833817243599997, 0.993197262287, 0.99038463830900003,
-    0.99492812156699995, 0.99384886026399999, 0.99720668792699996,
-    0.99206346273400003, 0.99494439363499998, 0.99176108837099997,
-    0.99357599019999998, 0.99040764570200002, 0.99652779102300004,
-    0.98732721805599999, 0.99374216795000003, 0.99327051639599995,
-    0.99587911367399995, 0.99565845727900004, 0.99711817503,
-    0.99294781684900002, 0.98940998315799999, 0.98634815216100002,
-    0.991776287556, 0.99477350711800006, 0.99341022968299997,
-    0.98602795600899995, 0.99232244491599997, 0.99811673164400005,
-    0.993914783001, 0.99791228771200002, 0.98520082235299999,
-    0.99794661998699996, 0.99775278568299997, 0.99768519401599998,
-    0.98815166950199995, 0.99445980787300003, 0.99261081218699998,
-    0.98701298236799995, 0.99184781312900006, 0.991477251053,
-    0.97694522142399998, 0.99171268940000001, 0.98344373702999999,
-    0.98498499393500005, 0.99344259500499998, 0.98928570747400002,
-    0.99324321746800004, 0.98924732208300004, 0.99658703804000004,
-    0.98596489429500001, 0.98561149835600004, 0.98207885026899999,
-    0.985239863396, 0.98809522390399995, 0.98775511980099995,
-    0.99588477611500004, 0.98712444305400004, 0.98095238208799995,
-    0.97596156597100003, 0.99512195587200003, 0.99090909957899997,
-    0.98958331346499995, 1.0
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.91489362716699996,
+    0.95692306757000001,
+    0.98613864183400002,
+    0.99072849750500003,
+    0.98903292417499999,
+    0.98952460288999999,
+    0.99774098396300004,
+    0.99152541160600005,
+    0.99343830347100004,
+    0.99500310421000004,
+    0.99360203742999997,
+    0.99673414230299995,
+    0.99803018569900004,
+    0.99857753515199998,
+    0.99271136522299996,
+    0.993197262287,
+    0.997596144676,
+    0.99408286809900004,
+    0.99648505449299996,
+    0.99720668792699996,
+    0.99559080600700001,
+    0.99696666002300005,
+    0.99382078647600003,
+    0.99571734666800005,
+    0.99760192632699995,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.99423962831500001,
+    0.99749684333800004,
+    0.99865412712099999,
+    0.99725276231799997,
+    0.99565845727900004,
+    1.0,
+    0.995768666267,
+    0.99697428941699995,
+    0.99658703804000004,
+    0.995065808296,
+    0.998257815838,
+    0.99835252761799997,
+    0.99401199817700003,
+    1.0,
+    0.99435025453600001,
+    0.99797159433399996,
+    0.99582463502899998,
+    0.99365752935399998,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99550563097,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.99052131176000002,
+    0.99722993373900004,
+    0.99507391452799998,
+    0.98961037397399998,
+    0.99184781312900006,
+    0.98863637447399999,
+    0.99135446548499995,
+    0.99723756313300005,
+    0.99006623029700003,
+    0.99099099636099997,
+    0.99672132730499996,
+    0.992857158184,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    0.98947370052299999,
+    0.99640285968800002,
+    0.99641579389599999,
+    0.98892986774400005,
+    0.984126985073,
+    0.99591839313499997,
+    0.98765432834599998,
+    0.98712444305400004,
+    0.99523806571999995,
+    0.98076921701399999,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.031914893537799999,
+    0.68923074006999996,
+    0.94653463363599999,
+    0.97483444213899995,
+    0.98404783010499997,
+    0.98952460288999999,
+    0.99397587776200003,
+    0.99022161960599997,
+    0.99081367254300001,
+    0.99312931299200002,
+    0.99488162994399998,
+    0.99738734960599995,
+    0.99606043100399999,
+    0.99431008100499996,
+    0.99562680721300001,
+    0.99546486139299994,
+    0.997596144676,
+    0.99408286809900004,
+    0.99648505449299996,
+    0.996275603771,
+    0.99823635816599998,
+    0.99494439363499998,
+    0.99485069513299995,
+    0.99678802490200002,
+    0.99520385265400002,
+    0.99884259700800004,
+    0.99539172649399998,
+    0.99374216795000003,
+    0.99730819463700005,
+    0.99450546503100001,
+    0.99565845727900004,
+    1.0,
+    0.99435824155800001,
+    0.99546140432399999,
+    0.99488055706,
+    0.99342107772800003,
+    0.99651569127999995,
+    0.99670511484099999,
+    0.99401199817700003,
+    0.99616122245799998,
+    0.99811673164400005,
+    0.99594318866700005,
+    0.99791228771200002,
+    0.99154335260399995,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99775278568299997,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.99289101362200005,
+    0.99722993373900004,
+    0.99014776945100003,
+    0.98961037397399998,
+    0.99728262424500003,
+    0.98863637447399999,
+    0.98559075593900003,
+    0.99447512626599999,
+    0.98675495386099998,
+    0.98798799514799995,
+    0.99672132730499996,
+    0.98571425676299995,
+    0.99662160873399996,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    0.98947370052299999,
+    0.99640285968800002,
+    0.99641579389599999,
+    0.98892986774400005,
+    0.99603176116900005,
+    0.99591839313499997,
+    0.99588477611500004,
+    0.99570816755299996,
+    0.99523806571999995,
+    0.98076921701399999,
+    1.0,
+    0.99545454978900005,
+    0.98958331346499995,
+    1.0,
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.31881189346299998,
+    0.88344371318799997,
+    0.95014953613300002,
+    0.97824335098299997,
+    0.97515058517499997,
+    0.98370271921200003,
+    0.98556429147699998,
+    0.99250465631499996,
+    0.99168264865900002,
+    0.99281513690900003,
+    0.99409061670300003,
+    0.99217641353599995,
+    0.99271136522299996,
+    0.99168556928600005,
+    0.99439102411299995,
+    0.99492812156699995,
+    0.99384886026399999,
+    0.99720668792699996,
+    0.99029982090000002,
+    0.99089992046399999,
+    0.99382078647600003,
+    0.99571734666800005,
+    0.99040764570200002,
+    0.99884259700800004,
+    0.98847925663000002,
+    0.99624532461199999,
+    0.99327051639599995,
+    0.99450546503100001,
+    0.99710565805399998,
+    0.99855905771300002,
+    0.99012696742999995,
+    0.99546140432399999,
+    0.99317407607999997,
+    0.99013155698800004,
+    1.0,
+    0.99341022968299997,
+    0.99201595783200003,
+    0.99808061122900005,
+    0.99811673164400005,
+    0.99594318866700005,
+    0.99791228771200002,
+    0.98308670520800001,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99775278568299997,
+    1.0,
+    0.99052131176000002,
+    0.99445980787300003,
+    0.99014776945100003,
+    0.984415590763,
+    0.98913043737399997,
+    0.98579543829000005,
+    0.97982710599900003,
+    0.98895025253299995,
+    0.98675495386099998,
+    0.98798799514799995,
+    0.99672132730499996,
+    0.98928570747400002,
+    0.99662160873399996,
+    0.98207885026899999,
+    0.99658703804000004,
+    0.98596489429500001,
+    0.98920863866800002,
+    0.99641579389599999,
+    0.98154979944200005,
+    0.98809522390399995,
+    0.99591839313499997,
+    0.99176955223100005,
+    0.982832610607,
+    0.98571425676299995,
+    0.98076921701399999,
+    1.0,
+    0.99545454978900005,
+    0.99479168653500005,
+    1.0,
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.00198019808158,
+    0.076821193098999999,
+    0.595214366913,
+    0.90491539239899998,
+    0.95858430862400001,
+    0.96870923042299995,
+    0.98556429147699998,
+    0.98750782012899996,
+    0.98784387111700001,
+    0.98889613151599998,
+    0.99146419763600002,
+    0.99359887838399996,
+    0.98833817243599997,
+    0.993197262287,
+    0.99038463830900003,
+    0.99492812156699995,
+    0.99384886026399999,
+    0.99720668792699996,
+    0.99206346273400003,
+    0.99494439363499998,
+    0.99176108837099997,
+    0.99357599019999998,
+    0.99040764570200002,
+    0.99652779102300004,
+    0.98732721805599999,
+    0.99374216795000003,
+    0.99327051639599995,
+    0.99587911367399995,
+    0.99565845727900004,
+    0.99711817503,
+    0.99294781684900002,
+    0.98940998315799999,
+    0.98634815216100002,
+    0.991776287556,
+    0.99477350711800006,
+    0.99341022968299997,
+    0.98602795600899995,
+    0.99232244491599997,
+    0.99811673164400005,
+    0.993914783001,
+    0.99791228771200002,
+    0.98520082235299999,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99775278568299997,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.98815166950199995,
+    0.99445980787300003,
+    0.99261081218699998,
+    0.98701298236799995,
+    0.99184781312900006,
+    0.991477251053,
+    0.97694522142399998,
+    0.99171268940000001,
+    0.98344373702999999,
+    0.98498499393500005,
+    0.99344259500499998,
+    0.98928570747400002,
+    0.99324321746800004,
+    0.98924732208300004,
+    0.99658703804000004,
+    0.98596489429500001,
+    0.98561149835600004,
+    0.98207885026899999,
+    0.985239863396,
+    0.98809522390399995,
+    0.98775511980099995,
+    0.99588477611500004,
+    0.98712444305400004,
+    0.98095238208799995,
+    0.97596156597100003,
+    0.99512195587200003,
+    0.99090909957899997,
+    0.98958331346499995,
+    1.0,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_chi2b.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_chi2b.py
index b1cd3bd356357adf92e1393493f679a79452d6b5..bdbf3e037cc0b74a4271af595dd1ee43b444fa53 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_chi2b.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_chi2b.py
@@ -9,672 +9,2416 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2011_def_chi2b = [
-    0.0, 1.19643536295, 1.7799429438800001, 2.5000897208500001,
-    3.0593132287299998, 3.4839286608000002, 3.9982294568999999,
-    4.4402913862600002, 4.8147369692600002, 5.3054432104, 5.8105717909600001,
-    6.1370968299099999, 6.7475810144699997, 7.3015792720599997,
-    7.6896019690199999, 8.13938977856, 8.4515096605100002, 8.9879216562900002,
-    9.4927671192999998, 10.085788064899999, 10.625255410199999, 11.0026891093,
-    11.3895870178, 11.843719932200001, 12.253271789299999, 12.767614137500001,
-    13.262427498099999, 13.786048882799999, 14.16595075, 14.643883369899999,
-    15.146539539600001, 15.7813472808, 16.280656373900001, 16.655646821400001,
-    17.114459585199999, 17.598615494000001, 18.184936752399999,
-    18.740805828900001, 19.248318706700001, 19.9296167205, 20.463100761100002,
-    21.2124495216, 21.626706539400001, 22.210655822100001, 22.700941956400001,
-    23.302821910599999, 23.920510033900001, 24.580456784700001, 25.2569820073,
-    25.959142340700001, 26.512265281099999, 27.196530728900001,
-    27.733216163200002, 28.478633239299999, 29.299270036500001,
-    30.256722160100001, 30.986221208, 31.737877171200001, 32.3960443243,
-    33.105226859200002, 33.767065963699999, 34.404378731100003,
-    34.924274373000003, 35.644436068099999, 36.564111572900003,
-    37.417350414600001, 38.238436024899997, 38.799991177199999,
-    39.436095377800001, 40.277347542100003, 41.016879076899997,
-    41.908435708699997, 42.819594709699999, 43.738915136400003,
-    44.846693151399997, 45.536023954699999, 46.546157932100002,
-    47.460643921100001, 48.624537354399997, 49.4055755953, 50.186510797700002,
-    51.175277055499997, 52.089204297199998, 53.122068163400002,
-    54.127727041100002, 54.940780204399999, 56.114554909900001, 57.0656839854,
-    57.894406169100002, 59.009235477799997, 60.0914392866, 61.208045864900001,
-    62.2858241466, 63.543350702799998, 64.856196127700002, 66.682225449399994,
-    68.209557105800002, 69.742463108799996, 71.750057073999997,
-    73.414467924899995, 75.307815587799993, 77.118795934299996,
-    78.812379695000004, 80.355455134600007, 81.877925440300004,
-    83.662200974800001, 85.224686517899997, 86.615321828199995,
-    88.267510348100004, 89.802469557099997, 91.374895675700003,
-    93.408025320799993, 95.336052711299999, 97.395921625599996,
-    98.859486409499993, 100.657442178, 102.99984774399999, 105.41734144900001,
-    107.273191485, 109.044242849, 110.937136356, 113.583166593,
-    115.56257233300001, 117.846911268, 120.681655831, 122.799469999,
-    124.375415383, 126.97394391900001, 129.436815795, 132.49568735599999,
-    135.98857834699999, 138.09223868300001, 141.65649987800001,
-    146.09086464500001, 149.16576952099999, 152.208770273, 155.187653896,
-    157.43246798000001, 160.43301280700001, 162.84002901100001,
-    166.77052560600001, 169.29494600500001, 172.91801473500001, 176.654293306,
-    180.23478114700001, 183.296380473, 186.73903581499999, 190.86755789399999,
-    195.654394298, 199.69558299600001, 203.92254700699999, 208.397049907,
-    213.10008202399999, 217.93095747000001, 222.20188235800001,
-    227.07325009499999, 230.860699883, 237.97819378299999, 245.85743037500001,
-    252.73101680400001, 258.89556405000002, 268.60486464500002,
-    276.47499798699999, 282.03633185400003, 289.17078451600003,
-    302.06749436299998, 312.57905513100002, 322.60452264899999, 331.014610371,
-    341.75075497, 350.173888159, 361.88637575400003, 371.61412230500002,
-    385.17435225200001, 400.72319405799999, 411.753441162, 422.75058281299999,
-    437.11037701999999, 453.45288953800002, 474.420871385, 488.318616894,
-    512.11653910200005, 535.54182501000003, 555.56166528300002,
-    573.43505104999997, 593.13241480700003, 614.79560775100003, 649.435414896,
-    688.17560751799999, 721.87795355000003, 773.415382937, 813.66800489900004,
-    877.39648314099998, 964.732528602, 1069.40860047, 1223.88660858,
-    1424.4787858300001, 1674.8315303500001, 1977.7544173799999, 2651.83993319,
-    200410.392804, 0.0, 1.1584312650099999, 1.8096405876999999, 2.08809545024,
-    2.39759603108, 2.8210825374900002, 3.2262415616500002, 3.6767261063199999,
-    4.0712643350700004, 4.3358305431000002, 4.6961593196700004,
-    5.0048297457600004, 5.3979863436900004, 5.8290699240099997,
-    6.1960232764300001, 6.5088252292500002, 6.8948342983900002,
-    7.2696660689300003, 7.5399291096800001, 8.01313726329, 8.3889381116700008,
-    8.8151563879800001, 9.3221845714700002, 9.7919081310700005,
-    10.197322679699999, 10.690667428799999, 11.1669675994, 11.439377929899999,
-    11.6674844277, 12.008682137099999, 12.4556500154, 12.8218557119,
-    13.3281486992, 13.7095661165, 14.2163312161, 14.836869545500001,
-    15.3589870134, 15.8272834403, 16.238276813700001, 16.5883025266,
-    17.023074348600002, 17.414160002799999, 17.848152475399999,
-    18.247715569499999, 18.664561518999999, 19.075395695600001,
-    19.486374441700001, 19.973916476399999, 20.5269080381, 21.020846655300002,
-    21.507367194299999, 22.0135312996, 22.461208124300001, 23.036281720800002,
-    23.480764591, 23.9941998794, 24.413118882100001, 24.9392923634,
-    25.478485752899999, 26.086617298499998, 26.6809648813, 27.1950947449,
-    28.074728258899999, 28.720521756, 29.3654350726, 30.087513917199999,
-    30.702053779700002, 31.306689242899999, 31.780186689299999, 32.4753156827,
-    33.135143889299997, 33.888469867399998, 34.645545953000003,
-    35.367533057599999, 36.110020627200001, 36.758678629099997,
-    37.497664023799999, 38.081984167100003, 38.997417122999998,
-    39.672472603700001, 40.429274192199998, 41.295854716299999,
-    41.954930876799999, 42.5972412096, 43.276950597999999, 44.159449579799997,
-    45.025165711200003, 45.821814644200003, 46.555175562499997,
-    47.583311010599999, 48.589989172199999, 49.510833894599998,
-    50.257035760699999, 51.092289456800003, 52.258119141000002,
-    52.938195970499997, 53.804888863800002, 54.8416712187, 55.960279943899998,
-    57.006686652699997, 58.274563175499999, 59.3790074307, 60.283128322000003,
-    61.549512813600003, 62.4978155636, 63.834912981700001, 64.904107601199996,
-    66.223931861400004, 67.086972593499993, 68.397576571800002,
-    69.942186175000003, 71.207027708799998, 72.602512277200006,
-    73.560342838699995, 74.967359775099993, 76.577240733500005,
-    78.057764533799997, 79.513502422499997, 81.078073566599997,
-    82.165643638800006, 83.719127560900006, 85.148667228299999,
-    86.337704861199995, 87.860157790000002, 89.431109054900006,
-    90.980131378099998, 92.433634234400003, 94.226038238300006,
-    95.621501725399995, 97.080958997099998, 99.134428385800007,
-    101.04854586800001, 102.97657310699999, 105.139486026, 107.602665034,
-    109.70147691299999, 112.05021857600001, 114.125549412, 116.61722458,
-    118.189314409, 120.82322130999999, 123.127890034, 125.47513250999999,
-    127.848312975, 130.41431036200001, 133.57317560600001, 136.49161050999999,
-    140.74286875799999, 143.71689255300001, 146.67120050400001,
-    149.59581133399999, 152.22756825499999, 156.533766931, 160.06017973100001,
-    165.11262847200001, 169.23166942399999, 175.315765167, 179.524732857,
-    183.40525104400001, 188.17945511100001, 191.82963235400001, 197.202013322,
-    202.34316464599999, 207.99698327900001, 215.67824328500001,
-    224.47764356499999, 230.63417344199999, 236.60643002699999,
-    242.61055810900001, 251.77410247, 259.46544586200002, 268.047248459,
-    276.79107524199998, 286.15718497099999, 295.84758942399998,
-    305.58034509200002, 314.60780894999999, 325.34498936799997,
-    338.27578485100003, 348.53507352600002, 362.42239857200002, 375.083278597,
-    389.444337389, 407.52083932199997, 423.996775576, 439.86516896699999,
-    461.74456199100001, 481.21447879099998, 506.20652181600002,
-    531.64557102599997, 563.79744206400005, 601.85836871599997,
-    633.07763874900002, 693.45668289599996, 762.28141866299995,
-    852.11407475700003, 985.769367053, 1195.0785449099999, 1389.62431328,
-    2042.8647050500001, 78636.810297999997, 0.0, 1.0297464516799999,
-    1.60346935644, 2.0630353810100002, 2.4007054222700002, 2.7231158619300002,
-    3.0845870231900001, 3.3825315783100001, 3.7827559602099998,
-    4.1271402089200002, 4.4667826236700003, 4.7067760450099998,
-    5.1713770843100004, 5.53668279583, 5.74764546799, 6.1299980556899998,
-    6.3496742207699999, 6.6781045773500001, 7.12938206889, 7.39578341085,
-    7.7627325807999998, 8.0843024355399997, 8.3430476893299996,
-    8.7253588764300005, 9.0323780076000002, 9.3251680266000001,
-    9.7700665673099998, 10.103065082900001, 10.4121667828, 10.792220887399999,
-    11.114426525200001, 11.3987065041, 11.7259278942, 12.148971416,
-    12.454565579200001, 12.7910859418, 13.0925963376, 13.4917267129,
-    13.8568357546, 14.099344370200001, 14.466338023, 14.773502690999999,
-    15.1559213702, 15.4627289245, 15.735248281500001, 16.264394708800001,
-    16.624779056400001, 17.059591039099999, 17.366603691200002, 17.645800374,
-    18.074841360299999, 18.3713457528, 18.6782869727, 19.1657010441,
-    19.623227022799998, 20.045230785600001, 20.669991472, 21.181226625299999,
-    21.496046951899999, 22.092489347299999, 22.5203682028, 22.913515129299999,
-    23.382882170199998, 23.760241867400001, 24.103618211899999,
-    24.540791235699999, 25.0420139973, 25.4305135832, 26.0666776578,
-    26.564557883900001, 27.273553850399999, 27.7820097687, 28.3303665601,
-    28.745443715499999, 29.332968781000002, 30.009561780399999, 30.6135990386,
-    31.065902801899998, 31.520776554800001, 32.034559784499997,
-    32.646134072499997, 33.136621810400001, 34.091020344699999,
-    34.492997237600001, 34.960981709999999, 35.534538623400003,
-    36.397290535000003, 36.973557298199999, 37.496289196399999,
-    38.275574691300001, 39.132056666700002, 39.940285424599999,
-    40.663404855499998, 41.192514081399999, 41.940303401100003,
-    42.428268793400001, 43.002423862000001, 43.754682545599998,
-    44.392160792200002, 45.226295550300001, 45.955474380200002, 46.6701829171,
-    47.223011101499999, 47.870306336100001, 49.055475024800003,
-    49.870096181000001, 50.573112358800003, 51.511936900599999,
-    52.294025013499997, 52.962422501100001, 54.0366510279, 54.7208861318,
-    55.623480251799997, 56.401930573599998, 57.257184440700001,
-    58.072153872400001, 58.874410881099998, 60.104082592799998,
-    61.246007962100002, 62.248201307400002, 63.333179544099998, 64.4524632575,
-    65.680454143800006, 66.683104472400004, 67.860077341099995,
-    68.838786806399995, 69.8305645449, 71.030064286699997, 72.106640080299996,
-    73.718568832599999, 74.8928190476, 76.122150548999997, 77.8978499384,
-    79.078046305800001, 80.938626385199996, 82.707864462499998,
-    84.409564379399995, 85.580444997300006, 87.015983902800002,
-    88.433916929199995, 90.027633876400003, 91.989641288499996,
-    94.085497345299999, 97.019197389300004, 98.948948656499994, 101.110113046,
-    102.857621045, 104.948948472, 107.370061428, 110.309341836, 113.069785897,
-    115.334911873, 118.811007467, 121.8903905, 124.534635235, 127.237679828,
-    130.822044406, 133.95795785600001, 137.088601866, 141.331942336,
-    144.39698896600001, 148.46879151300001, 151.54049203599999, 156.010435457,
-    159.23907638899999, 163.84405742499999, 167.20574813600001, 171.571248282,
-    175.307565178, 180.898544257, 188.209642444, 192.88951267100001,
-    199.07961470500001, 204.98453083699999, 210.87189762099999,
-    217.37683173400001, 226.04598215600001, 233.03168449699999, 241.629711085,
-    246.946999901, 257.88334712900001, 264.42034237600001, 275.808770686,
-    285.32670270400001, 296.425658236, 311.66211481800002, 325.77524805600001,
-    339.41158178199998, 359.89737101100002, 378.89288395099999,
-    407.45313021999999, 430.825250423, 463.86767345999999, 495.964419029,
-    532.31966564899994, 589.85183477299995, 656.18178811200005,
-    784.26433017099998, 943.24503690999995, 1302.9980653, 102139.29543300001,
-    0.0, 0.86743237287200003, 1.3552076122000001, 1.74882176592,
-    2.1568118435899999, 2.5442077510700001, 2.7836243977500001, 3.00643655951,
-    3.2689355412999999, 3.5104534629600002, 3.8022522251600002,
-    4.0581864022299996, 4.3187967801799996, 4.5167601174499996,
-    4.8300373207899998, 5.1908096910400001, 5.4523307194299999,
-    5.7058518279000001, 6.0398043860700001, 6.3374641220700001,
-    6.6584016957400003, 6.8846773738299998, 7.1723016125100001, 7.48248963179,
-    7.7608348148299999, 8.0287909583299992, 8.3818549816299992,
-    8.7220174560999997, 9.0911091549999998, 9.35929759333, 9.6835960622500004,
-    9.9959322308900003, 10.3919770948, 10.747496464799999, 11.051538298500001,
-    11.316949795799999, 11.6183662131, 11.847164556699999, 12.1264569509,
-    12.437037774, 12.678519424999999, 13.016651663899999, 13.442219338399999,
-    13.7024184299, 14.0640518316, 14.3690724623, 14.6322090714,
-    15.003935011899999, 15.4618156875, 15.691396925499999, 16.018873943599999,
-    16.325083680199999, 16.72412623, 17.1800229961, 17.565089287999999,
-    17.955333696, 18.350394168699999, 18.662332183499998, 19.055520775400002,
-    19.3243741866, 19.697736269300002, 20.1598827376, 20.587558148399999,
-    20.947803652899999, 21.377289620700001, 21.7382160949, 22.148445907799999,
-    22.538187253499999, 22.969405032299999, 23.3515975378, 23.7868814409,
-    24.248895708799999, 24.763958241200001, 25.1997621694, 25.508926166199998,
-    25.958095899700002, 26.333188731500002, 26.824658796200001, 27.2155445271,
-    27.6568308628, 28.003116157499999, 28.541185737399999, 29.063342253199998,
-    29.560897612200002, 30.089418954599999, 30.597578276299998,
-    31.089081956699999, 31.4765648224, 31.894925652200001, 32.457647031999997,
-    33.030174841600001, 33.487885595199998, 34.018036955900001,
-    34.729723770100001, 35.271537205000001, 35.835399970200001,
-    36.307941559900001, 37.035916915500003, 37.561814357099998,
-    38.147376215199998, 38.7343663929, 39.318444863700002, 40.219249623899998,
-    40.878162636200003, 41.4384018103, 42.125905574999997, 42.975687067999999,
-    43.8669515737, 44.7165019555, 45.320383934500001, 46.290441078699999,
-    47.103139229999996, 47.737629462800001, 48.481018605400003, 49.4000519043,
-    50.130121766099997, 51.236341089200003, 52.022103237400003,
-    53.121350018199998, 54.3133505427, 55.198931289699999, 56.1880323006,
-    57.196115179099998, 58.388588195399997, 59.017601707799997,
-    60.191491397699998, 61.1785764937, 62.150011268, 63.062827775300001,
-    64.255070623099996, 65.725583058799998, 67.146069528200002,
-    68.855182272500002, 70.625039886400003, 72.517402771500002,
-    74.012329769800004, 75.142684897799995, 77.263163371999994,
-    78.970113074099999, 81.015664056600002, 82.952470754299995,
-    84.358247795500006, 86.345419452399994, 87.398236220800001,
-    88.877403817100003, 91.486012660200004, 93.475534618099999,
-    95.836579746699996, 99.517911350299997, 102.47972814000001,
-    104.56502959399999, 106.80315385900001, 109.427661664, 112.172083348,
-    114.752710729, 117.319711297, 120.332179395, 122.523137369,
-    125.80426376699999, 128.152192243, 130.68223203400001, 135.03565554799999,
-    138.836718018, 142.72321670599999, 145.83471307600001, 148.23894481900001,
-    150.940455676, 155.45888045199999, 160.45763036100001, 165.78439021700001,
-    170.10783283399999, 176.981973885, 182.24637161699999, 187.99729957,
-    193.341158584, 201.153499485, 209.89557814400001, 215.512255272,
-    222.916166694, 234.63262219500001, 242.24162438799999, 250.84387633899999,
-    264.39217630600001, 286.10701643599998, 294.863916168, 309.35324268800002,
-    326.01462315399999, 343.064113615, 361.99177679500002, 387.72006495800002,
-    407.06863126899998, 432.93714764600003, 471.081198336, 512.23599568500003,
-    547.44287580900004, 597.93801741300001, 672.97299630600003,
-    816.76871595199998, 996.88891773900002, 1291.9070935100001,
-    161358.74421500001, 0.0, 0.99453276649300004, 1.34957440998, 1.80040223325,
-    2.1674828403999999, 2.48530115303, 2.78071282241, 3.0627252072600002,
-    3.2784701121599999, 3.5719852163999999, 3.9766675073700002,
-    4.1919498196699996, 4.4401116787000001, 4.7010850741399999,
-    4.8325546723099997, 4.9905503588400002, 5.2121802011499998,
-    5.4487589889699999, 5.7199962258500001, 5.9713598443100002,
-    6.2934525916500004, 6.5164568592299998, 6.7356095053300002,
-    6.9021306576599999, 7.1721655965900002, 7.3281530158799999,
-    7.5914585431999999, 7.8254960779699996, 7.9993083693299996,
-    8.2012397418000003, 8.3720004276700006, 8.6300188092199992,
-    8.9217519372599998, 9.3077081475300005, 9.6043493889500002,
-    9.8964144834100001, 10.211666127200001, 10.4213008992, 10.788691589500001,
-    11.051012050900001, 11.344200771000001, 11.725614780600001, 11.9588900773,
-    12.2827247511, 12.637968324099999, 12.966823288900001, 13.168992016800001,
-    13.4745396448, 13.785583859500001, 14.036187573499999, 14.3890843198,
-    14.7328997316, 15.1242120858, 15.3426967014, 15.6612958042, 15.9789841683,
-    16.360263102400001, 16.772235545499999, 17.216064751899999,
-    17.589241161899999, 17.8572448364, 18.1950328878, 18.559156973699999,
-    18.792157978999999, 19.092364930399999, 19.509183897500002, 19.8903785993,
-    20.395241299399999, 20.715609197399999, 21.129151485000001, 21.4384474457,
-    21.8051370373, 22.0983151782, 22.589355123800001, 22.923955315299999,
-    23.293660984199999, 23.8073499164, 24.164663172499999, 24.468464225200002,
-    24.9136660319, 25.292481224799999, 25.704244781, 26.122315593700002,
-    26.745139958900001, 27.142677224500002, 27.678661556600002,
-    28.172552657800001, 28.7004617023, 29.254574122400001, 29.9576316134,
-    30.320919945, 30.8651150524, 31.535303165799998, 32.0284025188,
-    32.4595794536, 32.939819047199997, 33.536005820299998, 34.287543194800001,
-    34.940091845399998, 35.379675577999997, 36.122305638999997,
-    36.623643357600002, 37.258982358499999, 37.645211866499999,
-    38.348043171800001, 39.121822204899999, 39.903193717900002, 40.5501905506,
-    41.172201017399999, 41.965871158399999, 42.633532572999997,
-    43.135795547100003, 43.854137299599998, 44.859996618799997,
-    45.622113159199998, 46.6849616684, 47.678221519899999, 48.843464619499997,
-    49.8146602526, 50.688647234999998, 51.583461331899997, 52.591197556700003,
-    53.717957165400001, 55.506732086500001, 56.662175622500001,
-    58.167854235900002, 59.062885457699998, 60.411246125200002,
-    61.391033951200001, 62.368874448500002, 63.688858420800003,
-    64.888271486199997, 66.635858121799998, 67.817878363199995,
-    68.880671285700004, 70.095051569500001, 71.501848303100005,
-    72.775151774600005, 74.558541465199994, 76.409518135499994,
-    77.761688797700003, 79.005647183500002, 80.295269079099995, 82.4136017931,
-    84.613797778800006, 86.016896733899998, 87.430508335200003,
-    88.670983118500004, 90.231433799300007, 91.891509509399995,
-    94.498776834500006, 97.249232232899999, 98.623021338599997, 101.238294708,
-    102.87975996900001, 105.291018643, 107.24435443199999, 109.666596011,
-    113.098272596, 115.61031488, 119.614780612, 123.287443794, 126.249115391,
-    128.58356817500001, 131.775900138, 135.290949961, 139.29796378500001,
-    146.262327629, 150.00976835200001, 154.61572367400001, 160.255070652,
-    165.26334147099999, 170.16736670500001, 173.77829739699999,
-    179.56132179599999, 184.561922764, 190.69775108499999, 196.65891324699999,
-    203.521908177, 211.093916154, 221.47514707299999, 231.47529352399999,
-    237.75562241, 244.883786829, 253.30171895399999, 261.76505171600002,
-    278.98552843200002, 292.60068635200003, 311.55099943599998,
-    325.88771172899999, 343.19537559700001, 365.551962753, 393.39248336999998,
-    422.56973752499999, 461.27635287499999, 502.54248837599999,
-    563.31345992700005, 636.33864636400006, 803.18510591400002, 1017.18613565,
-    2073.8933950400001, 0.0, 0.84882448919599995, 1.1297295603899999,
-    1.43790054577, 1.8034031745600001, 2.1567378511699999, 2.46200691124,
-    2.7164909210600001, 2.9725139778099998, 3.3258460814699999, 3.51565620581,
-    3.6829072744900002, 3.8503255597599999, 4.0960101060699996,
-    4.3195587197099998, 4.5180080510099998, 4.7208657011600001,
-    4.9188747051200004, 5.0822519781400004, 5.2471047837700002,
-    5.4397152562800004, 5.6442757923500002, 5.94422558704, 6.2491652156599997,
-    6.5158366836499999, 6.6694208713499998, 6.9618320371699998,
-    7.0954639576199998, 7.3925975604899996, 7.6671833348599998,
-    8.0270911346999991, 8.2155617499000009, 8.3810446408000008,
-    8.6728270830500005, 8.9919564023300005, 9.1979666478599995,
-    9.4613822654199993, 9.8638159812400001, 10.064467502699999,
-    10.300861637400001, 10.5922395715, 10.898994478100001, 11.2204623911,
-    11.462764891000001, 11.827261590299999, 12.083868714099999,
-    12.386429319099999, 12.6393019529, 12.853547404, 13.1367142199,
-    13.3487410123, 13.656895326200001, 14.024084867899999, 14.2305895378,
-    14.537063637599999, 14.7677980479, 14.983400628, 15.254355192,
-    15.4728650747, 15.7833358443, 16.258317366699998, 16.591420611899999,
-    16.7968951537, 17.321484078699999, 17.688159546000001, 17.9917501318,
-    18.4264735655, 18.751733764800001, 19.0344300858, 19.372343152500001,
-    19.740307887699998, 20.051092925599999, 20.305765000400001,
-    20.618187255599999, 20.819816596500001, 21.0782135131, 21.397939723499999,
-    21.854582025799999, 22.2881163357, 22.6506377304, 22.877000473599999,
-    23.384389492899999, 23.836418588899999, 24.222254926800002,
-    24.655197791999999, 25.022161849, 25.444878252500001, 26.053606325400001,
-    26.614004877900001, 27.0211182404, 27.401244503200001, 27.7850805052,
-    28.159129948299999, 28.6603675532, 29.200278675, 29.671973053799999,
-    30.210222716600001, 30.961837351900002, 31.650008409800002,
-    32.094382395700002, 32.843304519299998, 33.577328693699997,
-    34.237700249100001, 34.801256214399999, 35.485455770500003, 35.9765981579,
-    36.670725593599997, 37.170285661000001, 37.990796691500002,
-    38.642774190700003, 39.528303337300002, 39.978645888499997, 40.8020907732,
-    41.489481081900003, 42.4638964743, 43.139901183799999, 44.090235702199998,
-    45.199560705499998, 45.817027413600002, 47.017044573200003,
-    48.262105780699997, 49.1479688362, 50.425156699799999, 51.855557858499999,
-    52.673049050499998, 53.828962193300001, 54.706265736600002, 55.754088218,
-    56.6875216169, 57.802232958300003, 59.077269420699999, 59.802668045799997,
-    60.803463371600003, 62.277143198700003, 63.318223359400001,
-    64.249051654799999, 65.723438296400005, 66.690473547300002,
-    67.987683240400003, 69.312005970800001, 70.335791722799996,
-    71.525547407700003, 73.2296426005, 74.761566365899995, 76.401961372800002,
-    78.083813237900003, 79.959478159499994, 81.411397194700001,
-    83.907706583600003, 85.130641549399996, 86.564841115600004,
-    88.151400025100003, 90.839542183500001, 93.404373994799997,
-    95.237850676600004, 96.510747774899997, 98.111723876599996,
-    100.59771252100001, 103.473781565, 106.22999075200001, 109.035110547,
-    111.514197384, 114.660071867, 117.91431810100001, 120.95989149899999,
-    125.315578238, 127.97488147200001, 131.55766028400001, 133.79550634099999,
-    136.780043667, 143.37105514300001, 147.41143759799999, 152.70084909799999,
-    158.68963683999999, 163.480470784, 168.40748618699999, 176.23576411799999,
-    181.51714572399999, 188.435573998, 193.69868358400001, 201.866252981,
-    209.69486823, 221.66246932499999, 231.771152277, 245.05347127900001,
-    258.89263676799999, 273.73973170099998, 290.43652293600002,
-    304.91784651400002, 317.71453254800002, 345.81680795, 370.51493599600002,
-    396.34922032399999, 427.34649876600002, 472.648184012, 548.811516697,
-    616.97696803199995, 698.58074685700001, 921.70016827699999, 1351.93476429,
-    4555.3138270099998, 0.0, 1.05775845422, 1.30722302885, 1.6550836259599999,
-    2.0164548998499998, 2.22264762997, 2.4339426832900002, 2.63987900941,
-    2.8474331698999999, 3.1394413773199998, 3.3488811388099999,
-    3.5845593259999999, 3.7278526245200001, 3.89707499961, 4.0930076946499998,
-    4.2667403322500004, 4.4444123281100003, 4.7057346005499996,
-    4.8776095749700001, 5.0766543427900004, 5.2576254422700002,
-    5.4227043983799996, 5.5565800836300001, 5.6921444728099999,
-    5.8967927912900002, 6.0520540232300002, 6.18092403149, 6.4448963355100002,
-    6.6606765375799997, 6.8569177525900002, 6.9871721176600001,
-    7.1997752419300003, 7.4790143792799997, 7.6433232341600004,
-    7.8838845337299999, 8.0362724982000007, 8.2491173118100001,
-    8.4854912803700007, 8.7981272976200007, 8.98771466078, 9.2672797478700009,
-    9.4910127015200008, 9.7196918691600001, 9.9958458284499994, 10.2946220832,
-    10.5192779153, 10.7367739562, 11.0486241079, 11.264306749099999,
-    11.610683487999999, 11.8590324631, 12.102995508599999, 12.274140378,
-    12.5626984562, 12.777400244300001, 13.0071767612, 13.3075190692,
-    13.506522563900001, 13.7736133375, 14.034237147500001, 14.3718879313,
-    14.704450492399999, 15.006497291000001, 15.4860321302, 15.8250864202,
-    16.068562412599999, 16.366417189700002, 16.791695786399998, 17.1963988083,
-    17.692784723599999, 17.9889456748, 18.250281237599999, 18.540758284100001,
-    19.105488743399999, 19.3676116446, 19.9057967233, 20.372155027400002,
-    20.617865943399998, 21.0056881543, 21.3998014925, 21.886629124399999,
-    22.301586328599999, 22.8157840378, 23.1577773249, 23.562675140700001,
-    23.9908312801, 24.371709623200001, 24.853048289, 25.321527433499998,
-    25.817410943100001, 26.333798079699999, 26.743897014000002,
-    27.404019467800001, 27.750455412299999, 28.245307990099999, 28.8302203846,
-    29.238499632700002, 29.908395497000001, 30.222815192500001,
-    30.759701009099999, 31.296847612400001, 31.809133106099999, 32.3396270004,
-    33.065629932, 33.614025315299997, 34.269816387299997, 35.012311410899997,
-    35.852750563500003, 36.404141805499997, 36.8294660038, 37.935726292200002,
-    38.368785425900001, 39.1826087245, 40.008409596500002, 40.726090274800001,
-    41.337873114600001, 42.209034503799998, 43.359563836100001, 44.113217655,
-    44.844831191300003, 45.6845486769, 46.347966789700003, 47.331044909100001,
-    48.2533342455, 49.162487231599997, 50.1543142202, 50.931869310099998,
-    51.636126617899997, 52.181963144800001, 53.396775668799997,
-    55.032301978100001, 55.596427951899997, 56.5791496927, 57.542454919599997,
-    58.554653988799998, 59.636429710999998, 61.407241399900002,
-    62.509754862100003, 63.601590468700003, 64.824312135300005,
-    66.386878043999999, 67.693732305799998, 69.365119204300001,
-    71.025400599899996, 72.653909433799996, 74.395827576000002,
-    75.769964444999999, 77.234020831500004, 78.433715899099994,
-    81.101681241799994, 83.076307199300004, 84.5988995469, 86.376895072899998,
-    88.194960597199994, 90.441746414899995, 92.189595910199998,
-    93.440994131400004, 95.435247487400005, 99.0558885879, 101.49204924999999,
-    104.088533635, 106.181199298, 109.219007221, 112.61624315100001,
-    116.029069048, 119.96844246400001, 124.344004768, 127.91969076300001,
-    132.149553927, 135.922055457, 140.068507211, 144.15378361399999,
-    148.60536720600001, 153.82589839900001, 158.576947158, 165.555672257,
-    171.63158056899999, 176.33047682, 181.08906739299999, 186.793582875,
-    192.534521512, 203.56027511299999, 211.12137373499999, 218.32402486300001,
-    227.271126122, 239.72295971400001, 255.439273482, 266.59600377999999,
-    284.21895951499999, 302.86802943499998, 319.3660428, 335.96299544999999,
-    371.29655514500001, 386.65083379800001, 434.96311705400001,
-    521.05039447499996, 574.39597849699999, 643.38261744700003,
-    749.10677599899998, 937.47346937500004, 2164.74350723, 0.0,
-    0.87216036854099999, 1.1731523662100001, 1.4528318226800001,
-    1.7506036653599999, 1.95830274355, 2.1933454622299999, 2.4315041290299999,
-    2.6097449606700001, 2.8143037344300001, 2.98234250898, 3.14296097174,
-    3.28163067285, 3.4197130756399998, 3.5577964282300001, 3.7192315259700002,
-    3.8806453857499998, 4.0848607038400004, 4.27058822443, 4.4259870320300001,
-    4.6202853710799996, 4.8079818422300002, 4.9703096793699997,
-    5.1771997283899998, 5.32208420074, 5.4736064223099996, 5.6716933713,
-    5.7948310020399996, 5.9616974056899998, 6.1294408520800001,
-    6.3200579482499997, 6.5465172585299998, 6.7046238334500003,
-    6.8696070854100002, 7.0421250211300004, 7.21408035417, 7.3666599903499996,
-    7.5629677715200003, 7.7854370727999997, 8.0250690670800005,
-    8.2018499794099995, 8.4165599450900004, 8.6205648003099995,
-    8.8020739087200006, 8.9976602698800008, 9.2090483824400007, 9.40554714598,
-    9.6268466056699999, 9.8387845757699992, 10.063513496600001, 10.3066855573,
-    10.5490401104, 10.760759543200001, 11.0190557159, 11.247083638299999,
-    11.487903512700001, 11.690503747999999, 11.9163331257, 12.1540624086,
-    12.3754681949, 12.6225724062, 12.8298548017, 13.105360490300001,
-    13.352707515200001, 13.600565291800001, 13.8363089384, 14.081226945299999,
-    14.370552543500001, 14.6854081396, 14.959606431799999, 15.238257795699999,
-    15.488877516500001, 15.783357724, 16.059268546999999, 16.371064702799998,
-    16.635482564899998, 16.926054678500002, 17.2595416636, 17.558429913600001,
-    17.873233837699999, 18.1713476396, 18.437921946300001, 18.808552489299998,
-    19.094615129400001, 19.521706635899999, 19.8753230885, 20.298514125000001,
-    20.622495869000002, 20.9353854017, 21.4098244692, 21.829437198099999,
-    22.259602406999999, 22.672559352, 23.1204515296, 23.483853294300001,
-    23.9484201462, 24.3248985436, 24.847141378100002, 25.2522052389,
-    25.681308357599999, 26.205337182699999, 26.576187536300001,
-    27.078663830899998, 27.677873063900002, 28.2381539971, 28.8023214868,
-    29.3993510241, 29.912833547399998, 30.573666294900001, 31.104430988600001,
-    31.796146883399999, 32.497170738500003, 33.279496414699999,
-    34.098064962599999, 34.843216272900001, 35.542133214099998,
-    36.276287779500002, 36.975928357500003, 37.504257990799999,
-    38.314777833900003, 39.177430845000004, 39.819717746400002,
-    40.407911670099999, 41.120240020300002, 41.978665155199998,
-    42.866256983200003, 43.496257352299999, 44.207718886199999,
-    44.967775733800003, 45.845529661199997, 46.8316582737, 47.606961498799997,
-    48.454226783199999, 49.675775014400003, 50.5811434361, 51.543186701800003,
-    52.633751532200002, 53.929547364699999, 55.037714174199998,
-    56.301767675000001, 57.451158926300003, 58.714248343199998,
-    59.628151489899999, 60.807000845600001, 62.156996127799999,
-    63.456997649599998, 65.008915114800004, 66.386142722499997,
-    67.978491519900004, 69.422238847200006, 70.791592380799997,
-    72.011370736700002, 73.522117942199998, 75.359756207299995,
-    77.030728253800007, 78.893995033400003, 80.530957561600005,
-    81.946598575099998, 84.055736077199995, 86.177382717599997,
-    88.231077799399998, 90.830107187099998, 93.291203665799998,
-    96.842991020100001, 99.738754614200005, 102.822309851, 106.472937214,
-    109.712921572, 112.28819169, 115.383539528, 118.33937052500001, 121.6283803,
-    126.21758780099999, 130.559458404, 135.25935161000001, 139.64966053500001,
-    144.08321394399999, 149.81024360000001, 155.95824547500001,
-    160.54965979900001, 165.74901272299999, 173.07092800300001, 181.971265612,
-    190.12184997899999, 199.140874, 208.94440364799999, 219.692760295,
-    231.41654560800001, 244.813734337, 260.64934893600002, 276.86471985399999,
-    297.854074072, 327.675880581, 363.64694161300002, 395.28587648799999,
-    430.29646448199998, 476.771927382, 552.10628605099998, 688.09209059399996,
-    965.66929444699997, 5512.1265341500002, 0.0, 0.62589083024600001,
-    1.0089155589900001, 1.2669403239100001, 1.4930834132099999, 1.6647456778,
-    1.86494432327, 2.0537877508200002, 2.25391444537, 2.4255788848600002,
-    2.5625113900800001, 2.70119472848, 2.8053232942299999, 2.92720031662,
-    3.1007147687100001, 3.2394799841499999, 3.39215368186, 3.5920914079299999,
-    3.74416489544, 3.8829579282000002, 4.0121750001200001, 4.1604435034699998,
-    4.2969491096299999, 4.4303864671199999, 4.5829179833699998,
-    4.7183684166099997, 4.8667168998800001, 4.9825970049999997,
-    5.1443596513600003, 5.29642331298, 5.5116304645699996, 5.6662601962099997,
-    5.8151835779100001, 5.9375451382, 6.1570517624500001, 6.3131151288699998,
-    6.52398099929, 6.6722523007500003, 6.86154545663, 7.0599193283100004,
-    7.3129107271700002, 7.5490299843899997, 7.7172198221199997,
-    7.8648526311499998, 8.0837370196799991, 8.2593266698099992,
-    8.4613117407199994, 8.6884386074200002, 8.8745901890700001,
-    9.1116656074600009, 9.3126467721299999, 9.5071399643899994,
-    9.7151605657500006, 9.9551889093600003, 10.149609288200001, 10.3401891662,
-    10.621445531099999, 10.8426697409, 11.0272843935, 11.270829726400001,
-    11.4694723487, 11.6178469386, 11.821109029700001, 12.021790796499999,
-    12.3252449453, 12.5092794759, 12.818332850699999, 13.020756306899999,
-    13.310810976799999, 13.5124599496, 13.767115336, 14.0644181972,
-    14.332859790200001, 14.5607314245, 14.9082657073, 15.125302185800001,
-    15.3715537263, 15.670518073, 16.0341797918, 16.263188094,
-    16.565119653299998, 16.768979356500001, 17.107996179400001, 17.3155602187,
-    17.633055544099999, 17.978850956799999, 18.239306430100001,
-    18.603581283899999, 18.890651686000002, 19.2448822751, 19.6097734435,
-    19.926314503299999, 20.1586253842, 20.499346128900001, 20.763220895300002,
-    21.214468897100001, 21.6883372251, 21.932186764800001, 22.421734858200001,
-    22.8480131942, 23.3200873278, 23.594830171000002, 24.038195447900002,
-    24.408468226699998, 24.92649372, 25.442113401899999, 25.8447679595,
-    26.3726873799, 26.812905815000001, 27.122537899899999, 27.7422113077,
-    28.078738693199998, 28.5723682014, 29.0944195565, 29.5634253395,
-    30.1247268702, 30.983710482300001, 31.826570418700001, 32.3620827385,
-    33.029481950899999, 33.566683207600001, 34.288337869199999,
-    34.942294123800004, 35.546860066900003, 36.362485731600003, 37.2408130333,
-    38.058683128600002, 38.750745497600001, 39.428888690199997,
-    40.115263124599998, 40.901282995400003, 41.4018687274, 42.138788071800001,
-    43.018359615500003, 44.106243223500002, 45.093539481699999, 45.8411771739,
-    46.570250118399997, 47.841644068400001, 49.303024838200002,
-    50.464239790100002, 51.234103358299997, 52.317696309799999, 53.0996279724,
-    54.369256693700002, 55.965980526800003, 57.287395203700001,
-    58.636793195099997, 60.683809927200002, 62.106524762100001,
-    63.455965556400002, 64.508962315299996, 65.830030819000001, 67.3272861871,
-    68.485336924099997, 69.962539390399996, 71.3643490332, 73.207148927299997,
-    75.267417445500001, 77.636856277999996, 79.567969825700004,
-    81.887922453399995, 84.409393872699994, 86.252385378499994,
-    89.609195726400003, 92.058129085499999, 94.237863167399993,
-    97.130241311000006, 99.337287984200003, 102.785121426, 105.16684627799999,
-    108.155644287, 111.12424827, 114.20309084500001, 118.25567124200001,
-    120.63906266799999, 126.769351089, 131.30368792600001, 135.35008283600001,
-    140.167179914, 146.276635801, 154.69830296500001, 162.097699463,
-    168.49842445199999, 174.39338381300001, 183.839663489, 194.04584716900001,
-    205.199824904, 216.99026627999999, 226.397941844, 239.11086462599999,
-    257.98370514300001, 272.68513598700002, 294.38470478199997,
-    317.32579381900001, 352.86648779500001, 396.000885729, 447.65133356299998,
-    552.83482503000005, 744.96290114700003, 7762.8570038400003, 0.0,
-    0.36214416262600002, 0.60004394504000003, 0.87269790764999999,
-    1.0816835608199999, 1.1769418756600001, 1.3339406513100001,
-    1.5379932977899999, 1.64092011303, 1.8114937983699999, 1.92478153605,
-    2.0791194022399999, 2.18522431294, 2.3239286241100001, 2.4474903603299998,
-    2.56875405118, 2.6706112235399999, 2.7868128103399998, 2.89962589709,
-    3.0247650187300001, 3.1799188214799998, 3.3163269799299999,
-    3.4326557716099999, 3.5761530940699999, 3.6698664516599999,
-    3.8395536775700001, 3.9742173052399998, 4.0666621486399999,
-    4.1860672163199997, 4.2677782405900002, 4.39398556059, 4.5599359743100001,
-    4.7182993929599997, 4.8549576225899997, 4.9793340551199998,
-    5.1106161380800001, 5.22653369925, 5.3697032505699998, 5.5502664604199996,
-    5.6901435710500001, 5.81186063054, 5.9447132463900001, 6.05627291431,
-    6.16844943146, 6.3088485415099997, 6.5158703652999996, 6.6663173981500004,
-    6.7889778856399996, 6.92685753591, 7.05832274623, 7.2113778586999997,
-    7.3735471867099998, 7.4967882360999996, 7.67708191997, 7.8383618689299999,
-    8.0007809638400005, 8.2598039090000004, 8.4646047196400005,
-    8.6068680876200006, 8.7919284529800006, 8.9449623581599997,
-    9.1615349379200008, 9.3168642346000006, 9.4680652743600007,
-    9.7295350278099999, 9.9208554836600005, 10.0769753157, 10.1731120514,
-    10.3276036073, 10.6154476322, 10.8889357781, 11.016681222400001,
-    11.166106582099999, 11.3010656278, 11.460114477099999, 11.6049507496,
-    11.754826317499999, 12.128326894900001, 12.393725440500001,
-    12.601959282999999, 12.929220557000001, 13.2033834409, 13.496651655100001,
-    13.6720510495, 14.0106799329, 14.2715969553, 14.4738353905,
-    14.887431385199999, 15.0448999294, 15.3053817024, 15.6545606815,
-    15.9636364194, 16.322553926800001, 16.694194434500002, 17.030383725899998,
-    17.430560569699999, 17.700358551699999, 18.117532589300001,
-    18.425291790799999, 18.722525176000001, 19.151242618000001, 19.5588949566,
-    19.985716502399999, 20.4476355348, 20.9045258441, 21.276626095099999,
-    21.575188439600002, 22.0493676255, 22.446726857400002, 22.7039434454,
-    23.13535392, 23.679737149400001, 24.0913996564, 24.592582522600001,
-    24.846344199699999, 25.1692127267, 25.707613397399999, 26.060921460599999,
-    26.402713800499999, 26.7672555555, 27.323489971800001, 28.1384294904,
-    28.886585523400001, 29.625952655700001, 30.049929096700001,
-    30.912490141700001, 31.7116329208, 32.432935618400002, 33.0836818525,
-    33.756748210399998, 34.448977073899997, 34.967596885500001,
-    35.526411413300004, 36.153337627600003, 37.193655335499997,
-    37.865997652899999, 38.746337718900001, 39.2502404719, 39.9758412025,
-    40.513914754399998, 41.377973330099998, 42.134772359599999,
-    42.670801806599997, 43.359820479100001, 44.8475078349, 45.403055004400002,
-    46.8336235847, 47.7113874912, 48.6941028253, 49.650345725199998,
-    50.665570570200003, 51.724056971300001, 53.992577544, 55.575370979100001,
-    57.251984441700003, 58.745608337299998, 60.1648035049, 61.246203909800002,
-    62.419975842699998, 63.422574513400001, 64.876159087000005,
-    66.885247274500003, 68.391010214800005, 69.915828121700002, 72.4871931144,
-    74.172952607699997, 75.652527461199995, 78.468287273000001,
-    80.721637548800004, 83.956121732200003, 87.163249777199994,
-    88.897109974100005, 91.2752939664, 93.173034590599997, 95.435791827200006,
-    100.344464677, 104.832073959, 109.276679528, 112.578422989,
-    114.53132503400001, 119.746495774, 124.493025184, 129.95658998100001,
-    134.31216815799999, 137.89688887400001, 140.67569338600001, 147.559990177,
-    157.91491644199999, 164.60831501999999, 171.84101301800001,
-    186.69105907299999, 195.42122663699999, 208.16940782099999,
-    238.53526263200001, 245.87424240300001, 268.33659908499999, 292.616848678,
-    312.784421705, 376.69900637799998, 486.40594854400001, 909.54311207000001,
-    0.0, 0.29947032321799999, 0.52334873310399999, 0.68115226771299997,
-    0.86995042995600003, 0.98257819082099995, 1.1046843742300001,
-    1.1768999986299999, 1.2647418797800001, 1.36884910987, 1.4645619499,
-    1.5759885725, 1.6653002782099999, 1.75269298364, 1.87728664641,
-    1.9895373943000001, 2.0546833007099998, 2.1563717716299999,
-    2.2189233742900001, 2.3098127374300002, 2.4206150527000001,
-    2.4845079548800002, 2.6079748566799998, 2.6769284875300001,
-    2.7907616607699999, 2.8700892704999998, 2.93034323954, 2.9963469551599999,
-    3.06834808782, 3.1480022766900002, 3.2256769408800001, 3.30379140374,
-    3.3884221330000002, 3.4570332483000001, 3.54002670756, 3.6248614990800001,
-    3.7101075382699999, 3.7687182426899999, 3.8163207208699998, 3.89049827354,
-    3.9685665546200002, 4.0278252280400002, 4.1485435748499997,
-    4.2118118690999999, 4.2767713334400002, 4.3538326518200003,
-    4.4579713825800003, 4.5508743169399999, 4.6676333956900002, 4.74653167618,
-    4.8197525947199997, 4.9241035310900001, 5.0189077614800004,
-    5.1005151570300002, 5.2006018753400003, 5.2927488243700003,
-    5.4001527926900001, 5.4768772282700002, 5.5890430439100003,
-    5.7009271960400003, 5.80755356372, 5.9548448325700001, 6.0994726695899999,
-    6.25645276871, 6.3819964031299996, 6.4711966493400004, 6.5880414298299996,
-    6.7348102011000002, 6.8307196477099996, 6.9337887910999996,
-    7.1040524671199998, 7.2069620188099996, 7.3301993509400001,
-    7.4527574858900003, 7.5532437966600003, 7.6852803779599999,
-    7.8640635376499999, 8.0318076099900004, 8.1796189996499997,
-    8.3642059418999999, 8.5050041495500004, 8.6533583034700001,
-    8.7675089334600003, 8.90401831396, 9.0651446520400008, 9.2032868451700001,
-    9.3704603805200009, 9.5586269002000002, 9.7223680241999997,
-    9.9347655253599996, 10.098260913100001, 10.255212992300001, 10.4208240003,
-    10.5811816078, 10.765906323299999, 10.957390713400001, 11.087388472400001,
-    11.328556388399999, 11.528238631900001, 11.7872480683, 11.915456216899999,
-    12.1248574875, 12.422258492999999, 12.630647267100001, 12.8227992595,
-    13.1516423519, 13.4269728621, 13.7263917941, 13.910454382299999,
-    14.1519663254, 14.338029858300001, 14.560423425, 14.770007548300001,
-    14.9841095141, 15.334444082699999, 15.4948694147, 15.855824070500001,
-    16.241262736900001, 16.5489680156, 16.821966605299998, 17.034108685700001,
-    17.2704823658, 17.5373816422, 17.870520279099999, 18.260020296,
-    18.612564062099999, 18.852361614399999, 19.4196515169, 19.842134040099999,
-    20.208065711, 20.730183175899999, 21.211762532200002, 21.724835097900002,
-    22.113935455899998, 22.527518860600001, 22.952535640800001,
-    23.578085247400001, 24.165234135199999, 24.660451264300001,
-    25.101613714700001, 25.726113937200001, 26.0893457106, 26.669907244299999,
-    27.169577979900001, 27.596626516000001, 28.329601780800001,
-    28.779048282000002, 29.224608145400001, 29.781331889800001,
-    30.432540589399999, 31.415359296199998, 31.9605897486, 32.492956216000003,
-    33.285631429200002, 34.070187818800001, 35.060381063199998,
-    35.680990641100003, 36.895345624699999, 37.869889303100003, 38.7151898057,
-    39.673959652199997, 40.7449007739, 42.072602957599997, 43.253042370099998,
-    44.872848970500002, 46.556160648899997, 48.1796820673, 49.545397762699999,
-    51.074845857200003, 52.800367472799998, 54.781904047099999, 56.6419800444,
-    58.294167776899997, 59.890254052499998, 62.933262895200002,
-    64.383209257600001, 66.273695300300005, 68.879466623300004,
-    71.737383912400006, 73.694424811299996, 76.676559064200006,
-    79.509307012099995, 82.2830341003, 85.991392160700002, 90.717177404200001,
-    94.429171780900006, 97.473571158699997, 102.467911147, 107.546301419,
-    114.342831581, 121.31476895, 126.05533253199999, 137.91440966299999,
-    144.79876003499999, 163.923571595, 181.508527445, 213.04454604899999,
-    245.38055141000001, 301.25496328499997, 332.04731076600001,
-    25328.083268499999, 0.0, 0.16960710904000001, 0.24797331543600001,
-    0.30236896744000002, 0.34361899401099999, 0.40999983457,
-    0.48890969043100002, 0.54342837436299996, 0.60861265194400005,
-    0.64673129635399995, 0.69004038945699997, 0.73679534547199999,
-    0.77536960959000001, 0.82841780807499998, 0.90256777434299995,
-    0.93909860962199998, 1.00410024985, 1.0408385717899999, 1.11535670052,
-    1.14711502865, 1.15928977273, 1.18798598113, 1.2274534778099999,
-    1.26769475616, 1.3002205824799999, 1.3310033753199999, 1.3446656342200001,
-    1.3760840745, 1.39081400794, 1.4505341583, 1.4632661604999999,
-    1.4984860150399999, 1.5529767251, 1.57864986714, 1.6173517424399999,
-    1.67533252068, 1.70471580487, 1.7278608476799999, 1.7811033034399999,
-    1.82818139122, 1.86555208204, 1.8941511847700001, 1.92488230379,
-    1.95851626987, 1.99363516305, 2.0170055272299998, 2.0586483531600002,
-    2.0850970425700002, 2.1085030088000001, 2.1283137664099998, 2.16603036339,
-    2.19060342065, 2.2345184857999998, 2.2714847812799999, 2.2993152139899999,
-    2.3222064716699999, 2.3498083965699998, 2.3879408831800002,
-    2.4133674625900001, 2.45645766658, 2.5043169972600001, 2.5332218388799999,
-    2.5860056276300001, 2.6092200429700001, 2.6593928409799998,
-    2.7167476183999999, 2.7528966109600002, 2.8165365213600002,
-    2.8466368258900001, 2.8966874532100002, 2.9315763405099999,
-    2.9602961735200002, 2.9944957343700001, 3.0486180954200002,
-    3.1054310960799998, 3.17422308542, 3.22876924922, 3.2476266926499999,
-    3.2895811744699999, 3.33758062866, 3.3814007836000002, 3.4235448060599998,
-    3.49735659195, 3.5619485828699999, 3.61508084496, 3.6882879176299999,
-    3.7441381326799998, 3.8290921697, 3.87138230506, 3.9399367140599999,
-    3.9855674425799998, 4.03423244708, 4.1224800094800003, 4.1617950069500003,
-    4.2098466376400001, 4.2671599100500002, 4.3072566201600004,
-    4.3243450788600004, 4.3957664746200003, 4.4519812552699998,
-    4.4969306764399999, 4.5152175579399998, 4.56732663911, 4.6752821882199997,
-    4.7424836408799997, 4.8540575522499996, 4.9112049708600001,
-    4.9863832664899999, 5.0723492115899997, 5.1341872206300003,
-    5.1757472919899996, 5.2672883329999998, 5.3193278175799996,
-    5.3545440009799998, 5.3662639863299999, 5.4478164688200001, 5.51018935901,
-    5.6222469255899998, 5.7031572715200003, 5.78511780914, 5.87666466639,
-    6.0267396241600002, 6.1198844067399998, 6.1979622858300001, 6.28159827041,
-    6.3904158104600004, 6.4453162825900003, 6.5218544413200004,
-    6.6086381632900002, 6.6725993210399999, 6.8163144940900002, 6.97804495911,
-    7.0227642352400004, 7.1626846845100003, 7.3423024204600003,
-    7.5327362668799998, 7.6978310374000003, 7.7611027450999996, 7.88016729875,
-    7.9472676633599999, 8.1244228188799994, 8.2399482591299993,
-    8.3372351004799992, 8.5151888904599993, 8.5980587770099994,
-    8.7064795243800006, 8.9028549639799994, 9.1412099458099991,
-    9.2928218155500009, 9.5260445012799995, 9.7243731171600007,
-    9.9194989507500004, 10.158387747800001, 10.358305334700001, 10.8456897256,
-    11.0126503317, 11.1397484418, 11.3568231431, 11.725070023000001,
-    11.952829343599999, 12.355631104, 12.741115586999999, 12.9604116418,
-    13.0782774906, 13.386035293300001, 13.7586242928, 14.065910686100001,
-    14.481276965199999, 14.8428342578, 15.0857067332, 15.5610363036,
-    15.9877621903, 16.564935242699999, 17.222646941699999, 17.705236311899998,
-    18.2065490938, 18.6451801326, 19.1223591105, 19.606893553199999,
-    20.1404072423, 20.653286086600001, 21.431578720299999, 21.979215851300001,
-    23.048094735900001, 23.846359740299999, 24.3529984143, 24.985293486700002,
-    25.965109587899999, 26.669072074799999, 27.831042996200001,
-    29.685768165100001, 30.986492906100001, 32.7579031852, 34.704015628800001,
-    39.043339889599999, 43.627269160300003, 50.063241984299999,
-    55.522634061300003, 63.83632205, 80.274312648399999, 121.666396689
+    0.0,
+    1.19643536295,
+    1.7799429438800001,
+    2.5000897208500001,
+    3.0593132287299998,
+    3.4839286608000002,
+    3.9982294568999999,
+    4.4402913862600002,
+    4.8147369692600002,
+    5.3054432104,
+    5.8105717909600001,
+    6.1370968299099999,
+    6.7475810144699997,
+    7.3015792720599997,
+    7.6896019690199999,
+    8.13938977856,
+    8.4515096605100002,
+    8.9879216562900002,
+    9.4927671192999998,
+    10.085788064899999,
+    10.625255410199999,
+    11.0026891093,
+    11.3895870178,
+    11.843719932200001,
+    12.253271789299999,
+    12.767614137500001,
+    13.262427498099999,
+    13.786048882799999,
+    14.16595075,
+    14.643883369899999,
+    15.146539539600001,
+    15.7813472808,
+    16.280656373900001,
+    16.655646821400001,
+    17.114459585199999,
+    17.598615494000001,
+    18.184936752399999,
+    18.740805828900001,
+    19.248318706700001,
+    19.9296167205,
+    20.463100761100002,
+    21.2124495216,
+    21.626706539400001,
+    22.210655822100001,
+    22.700941956400001,
+    23.302821910599999,
+    23.920510033900001,
+    24.580456784700001,
+    25.2569820073,
+    25.959142340700001,
+    26.512265281099999,
+    27.196530728900001,
+    27.733216163200002,
+    28.478633239299999,
+    29.299270036500001,
+    30.256722160100001,
+    30.986221208,
+    31.737877171200001,
+    32.3960443243,
+    33.105226859200002,
+    33.767065963699999,
+    34.404378731100003,
+    34.924274373000003,
+    35.644436068099999,
+    36.564111572900003,
+    37.417350414600001,
+    38.238436024899997,
+    38.799991177199999,
+    39.436095377800001,
+    40.277347542100003,
+    41.016879076899997,
+    41.908435708699997,
+    42.819594709699999,
+    43.738915136400003,
+    44.846693151399997,
+    45.536023954699999,
+    46.546157932100002,
+    47.460643921100001,
+    48.624537354399997,
+    49.4055755953,
+    50.186510797700002,
+    51.175277055499997,
+    52.089204297199998,
+    53.122068163400002,
+    54.127727041100002,
+    54.940780204399999,
+    56.114554909900001,
+    57.0656839854,
+    57.894406169100002,
+    59.009235477799997,
+    60.0914392866,
+    61.208045864900001,
+    62.2858241466,
+    63.543350702799998,
+    64.856196127700002,
+    66.682225449399994,
+    68.209557105800002,
+    69.742463108799996,
+    71.750057073999997,
+    73.414467924899995,
+    75.307815587799993,
+    77.118795934299996,
+    78.812379695000004,
+    80.355455134600007,
+    81.877925440300004,
+    83.662200974800001,
+    85.224686517899997,
+    86.615321828199995,
+    88.267510348100004,
+    89.802469557099997,
+    91.374895675700003,
+    93.408025320799993,
+    95.336052711299999,
+    97.395921625599996,
+    98.859486409499993,
+    100.657442178,
+    102.99984774399999,
+    105.41734144900001,
+    107.273191485,
+    109.044242849,
+    110.937136356,
+    113.583166593,
+    115.56257233300001,
+    117.846911268,
+    120.681655831,
+    122.799469999,
+    124.375415383,
+    126.97394391900001,
+    129.436815795,
+    132.49568735599999,
+    135.98857834699999,
+    138.09223868300001,
+    141.65649987800001,
+    146.09086464500001,
+    149.16576952099999,
+    152.208770273,
+    155.187653896,
+    157.43246798000001,
+    160.43301280700001,
+    162.84002901100001,
+    166.77052560600001,
+    169.29494600500001,
+    172.91801473500001,
+    176.654293306,
+    180.23478114700001,
+    183.296380473,
+    186.73903581499999,
+    190.86755789399999,
+    195.654394298,
+    199.69558299600001,
+    203.92254700699999,
+    208.397049907,
+    213.10008202399999,
+    217.93095747000001,
+    222.20188235800001,
+    227.07325009499999,
+    230.860699883,
+    237.97819378299999,
+    245.85743037500001,
+    252.73101680400001,
+    258.89556405000002,
+    268.60486464500002,
+    276.47499798699999,
+    282.03633185400003,
+    289.17078451600003,
+    302.06749436299998,
+    312.57905513100002,
+    322.60452264899999,
+    331.014610371,
+    341.75075497,
+    350.173888159,
+    361.88637575400003,
+    371.61412230500002,
+    385.17435225200001,
+    400.72319405799999,
+    411.753441162,
+    422.75058281299999,
+    437.11037701999999,
+    453.45288953800002,
+    474.420871385,
+    488.318616894,
+    512.11653910200005,
+    535.54182501000003,
+    555.56166528300002,
+    573.43505104999997,
+    593.13241480700003,
+    614.79560775100003,
+    649.435414896,
+    688.17560751799999,
+    721.87795355000003,
+    773.415382937,
+    813.66800489900004,
+    877.39648314099998,
+    964.732528602,
+    1069.40860047,
+    1223.88660858,
+    1424.4787858300001,
+    1674.8315303500001,
+    1977.7544173799999,
+    2651.83993319,
+    200410.392804,
+    0.0,
+    1.1584312650099999,
+    1.8096405876999999,
+    2.08809545024,
+    2.39759603108,
+    2.8210825374900002,
+    3.2262415616500002,
+    3.6767261063199999,
+    4.0712643350700004,
+    4.3358305431000002,
+    4.6961593196700004,
+    5.0048297457600004,
+    5.3979863436900004,
+    5.8290699240099997,
+    6.1960232764300001,
+    6.5088252292500002,
+    6.8948342983900002,
+    7.2696660689300003,
+    7.5399291096800001,
+    8.01313726329,
+    8.3889381116700008,
+    8.8151563879800001,
+    9.3221845714700002,
+    9.7919081310700005,
+    10.197322679699999,
+    10.690667428799999,
+    11.1669675994,
+    11.439377929899999,
+    11.6674844277,
+    12.008682137099999,
+    12.4556500154,
+    12.8218557119,
+    13.3281486992,
+    13.7095661165,
+    14.2163312161,
+    14.836869545500001,
+    15.3589870134,
+    15.8272834403,
+    16.238276813700001,
+    16.5883025266,
+    17.023074348600002,
+    17.414160002799999,
+    17.848152475399999,
+    18.247715569499999,
+    18.664561518999999,
+    19.075395695600001,
+    19.486374441700001,
+    19.973916476399999,
+    20.5269080381,
+    21.020846655300002,
+    21.507367194299999,
+    22.0135312996,
+    22.461208124300001,
+    23.036281720800002,
+    23.480764591,
+    23.9941998794,
+    24.413118882100001,
+    24.9392923634,
+    25.478485752899999,
+    26.086617298499998,
+    26.6809648813,
+    27.1950947449,
+    28.074728258899999,
+    28.720521756,
+    29.3654350726,
+    30.087513917199999,
+    30.702053779700002,
+    31.306689242899999,
+    31.780186689299999,
+    32.4753156827,
+    33.135143889299997,
+    33.888469867399998,
+    34.645545953000003,
+    35.367533057599999,
+    36.110020627200001,
+    36.758678629099997,
+    37.497664023799999,
+    38.081984167100003,
+    38.997417122999998,
+    39.672472603700001,
+    40.429274192199998,
+    41.295854716299999,
+    41.954930876799999,
+    42.5972412096,
+    43.276950597999999,
+    44.159449579799997,
+    45.025165711200003,
+    45.821814644200003,
+    46.555175562499997,
+    47.583311010599999,
+    48.589989172199999,
+    49.510833894599998,
+    50.257035760699999,
+    51.092289456800003,
+    52.258119141000002,
+    52.938195970499997,
+    53.804888863800002,
+    54.8416712187,
+    55.960279943899998,
+    57.006686652699997,
+    58.274563175499999,
+    59.3790074307,
+    60.283128322000003,
+    61.549512813600003,
+    62.4978155636,
+    63.834912981700001,
+    64.904107601199996,
+    66.223931861400004,
+    67.086972593499993,
+    68.397576571800002,
+    69.942186175000003,
+    71.207027708799998,
+    72.602512277200006,
+    73.560342838699995,
+    74.967359775099993,
+    76.577240733500005,
+    78.057764533799997,
+    79.513502422499997,
+    81.078073566599997,
+    82.165643638800006,
+    83.719127560900006,
+    85.148667228299999,
+    86.337704861199995,
+    87.860157790000002,
+    89.431109054900006,
+    90.980131378099998,
+    92.433634234400003,
+    94.226038238300006,
+    95.621501725399995,
+    97.080958997099998,
+    99.134428385800007,
+    101.04854586800001,
+    102.97657310699999,
+    105.139486026,
+    107.602665034,
+    109.70147691299999,
+    112.05021857600001,
+    114.125549412,
+    116.61722458,
+    118.189314409,
+    120.82322130999999,
+    123.127890034,
+    125.47513250999999,
+    127.848312975,
+    130.41431036200001,
+    133.57317560600001,
+    136.49161050999999,
+    140.74286875799999,
+    143.71689255300001,
+    146.67120050400001,
+    149.59581133399999,
+    152.22756825499999,
+    156.533766931,
+    160.06017973100001,
+    165.11262847200001,
+    169.23166942399999,
+    175.315765167,
+    179.524732857,
+    183.40525104400001,
+    188.17945511100001,
+    191.82963235400001,
+    197.202013322,
+    202.34316464599999,
+    207.99698327900001,
+    215.67824328500001,
+    224.47764356499999,
+    230.63417344199999,
+    236.60643002699999,
+    242.61055810900001,
+    251.77410247,
+    259.46544586200002,
+    268.047248459,
+    276.79107524199998,
+    286.15718497099999,
+    295.84758942399998,
+    305.58034509200002,
+    314.60780894999999,
+    325.34498936799997,
+    338.27578485100003,
+    348.53507352600002,
+    362.42239857200002,
+    375.083278597,
+    389.444337389,
+    407.52083932199997,
+    423.996775576,
+    439.86516896699999,
+    461.74456199100001,
+    481.21447879099998,
+    506.20652181600002,
+    531.64557102599997,
+    563.79744206400005,
+    601.85836871599997,
+    633.07763874900002,
+    693.45668289599996,
+    762.28141866299995,
+    852.11407475700003,
+    985.769367053,
+    1195.0785449099999,
+    1389.62431328,
+    2042.8647050500001,
+    78636.810297999997,
+    0.0,
+    1.0297464516799999,
+    1.60346935644,
+    2.0630353810100002,
+    2.4007054222700002,
+    2.7231158619300002,
+    3.0845870231900001,
+    3.3825315783100001,
+    3.7827559602099998,
+    4.1271402089200002,
+    4.4667826236700003,
+    4.7067760450099998,
+    5.1713770843100004,
+    5.53668279583,
+    5.74764546799,
+    6.1299980556899998,
+    6.3496742207699999,
+    6.6781045773500001,
+    7.12938206889,
+    7.39578341085,
+    7.7627325807999998,
+    8.0843024355399997,
+    8.3430476893299996,
+    8.7253588764300005,
+    9.0323780076000002,
+    9.3251680266000001,
+    9.7700665673099998,
+    10.103065082900001,
+    10.4121667828,
+    10.792220887399999,
+    11.114426525200001,
+    11.3987065041,
+    11.7259278942,
+    12.148971416,
+    12.454565579200001,
+    12.7910859418,
+    13.0925963376,
+    13.4917267129,
+    13.8568357546,
+    14.099344370200001,
+    14.466338023,
+    14.773502690999999,
+    15.1559213702,
+    15.4627289245,
+    15.735248281500001,
+    16.264394708800001,
+    16.624779056400001,
+    17.059591039099999,
+    17.366603691200002,
+    17.645800374,
+    18.074841360299999,
+    18.3713457528,
+    18.6782869727,
+    19.1657010441,
+    19.623227022799998,
+    20.045230785600001,
+    20.669991472,
+    21.181226625299999,
+    21.496046951899999,
+    22.092489347299999,
+    22.5203682028,
+    22.913515129299999,
+    23.382882170199998,
+    23.760241867400001,
+    24.103618211899999,
+    24.540791235699999,
+    25.0420139973,
+    25.4305135832,
+    26.0666776578,
+    26.564557883900001,
+    27.273553850399999,
+    27.7820097687,
+    28.3303665601,
+    28.745443715499999,
+    29.332968781000002,
+    30.009561780399999,
+    30.6135990386,
+    31.065902801899998,
+    31.520776554800001,
+    32.034559784499997,
+    32.646134072499997,
+    33.136621810400001,
+    34.091020344699999,
+    34.492997237600001,
+    34.960981709999999,
+    35.534538623400003,
+    36.397290535000003,
+    36.973557298199999,
+    37.496289196399999,
+    38.275574691300001,
+    39.132056666700002,
+    39.940285424599999,
+    40.663404855499998,
+    41.192514081399999,
+    41.940303401100003,
+    42.428268793400001,
+    43.002423862000001,
+    43.754682545599998,
+    44.392160792200002,
+    45.226295550300001,
+    45.955474380200002,
+    46.6701829171,
+    47.223011101499999,
+    47.870306336100001,
+    49.055475024800003,
+    49.870096181000001,
+    50.573112358800003,
+    51.511936900599999,
+    52.294025013499997,
+    52.962422501100001,
+    54.0366510279,
+    54.7208861318,
+    55.623480251799997,
+    56.401930573599998,
+    57.257184440700001,
+    58.072153872400001,
+    58.874410881099998,
+    60.104082592799998,
+    61.246007962100002,
+    62.248201307400002,
+    63.333179544099998,
+    64.4524632575,
+    65.680454143800006,
+    66.683104472400004,
+    67.860077341099995,
+    68.838786806399995,
+    69.8305645449,
+    71.030064286699997,
+    72.106640080299996,
+    73.718568832599999,
+    74.8928190476,
+    76.122150548999997,
+    77.8978499384,
+    79.078046305800001,
+    80.938626385199996,
+    82.707864462499998,
+    84.409564379399995,
+    85.580444997300006,
+    87.015983902800002,
+    88.433916929199995,
+    90.027633876400003,
+    91.989641288499996,
+    94.085497345299999,
+    97.019197389300004,
+    98.948948656499994,
+    101.110113046,
+    102.857621045,
+    104.948948472,
+    107.370061428,
+    110.309341836,
+    113.069785897,
+    115.334911873,
+    118.811007467,
+    121.8903905,
+    124.534635235,
+    127.237679828,
+    130.822044406,
+    133.95795785600001,
+    137.088601866,
+    141.331942336,
+    144.39698896600001,
+    148.46879151300001,
+    151.54049203599999,
+    156.010435457,
+    159.23907638899999,
+    163.84405742499999,
+    167.20574813600001,
+    171.571248282,
+    175.307565178,
+    180.898544257,
+    188.209642444,
+    192.88951267100001,
+    199.07961470500001,
+    204.98453083699999,
+    210.87189762099999,
+    217.37683173400001,
+    226.04598215600001,
+    233.03168449699999,
+    241.629711085,
+    246.946999901,
+    257.88334712900001,
+    264.42034237600001,
+    275.808770686,
+    285.32670270400001,
+    296.425658236,
+    311.66211481800002,
+    325.77524805600001,
+    339.41158178199998,
+    359.89737101100002,
+    378.89288395099999,
+    407.45313021999999,
+    430.825250423,
+    463.86767345999999,
+    495.964419029,
+    532.31966564899994,
+    589.85183477299995,
+    656.18178811200005,
+    784.26433017099998,
+    943.24503690999995,
+    1302.9980653,
+    102139.29543300001,
+    0.0,
+    0.86743237287200003,
+    1.3552076122000001,
+    1.74882176592,
+    2.1568118435899999,
+    2.5442077510700001,
+    2.7836243977500001,
+    3.00643655951,
+    3.2689355412999999,
+    3.5104534629600002,
+    3.8022522251600002,
+    4.0581864022299996,
+    4.3187967801799996,
+    4.5167601174499996,
+    4.8300373207899998,
+    5.1908096910400001,
+    5.4523307194299999,
+    5.7058518279000001,
+    6.0398043860700001,
+    6.3374641220700001,
+    6.6584016957400003,
+    6.8846773738299998,
+    7.1723016125100001,
+    7.48248963179,
+    7.7608348148299999,
+    8.0287909583299992,
+    8.3818549816299992,
+    8.7220174560999997,
+    9.0911091549999998,
+    9.35929759333,
+    9.6835960622500004,
+    9.9959322308900003,
+    10.3919770948,
+    10.747496464799999,
+    11.051538298500001,
+    11.316949795799999,
+    11.6183662131,
+    11.847164556699999,
+    12.1264569509,
+    12.437037774,
+    12.678519424999999,
+    13.016651663899999,
+    13.442219338399999,
+    13.7024184299,
+    14.0640518316,
+    14.3690724623,
+    14.6322090714,
+    15.003935011899999,
+    15.4618156875,
+    15.691396925499999,
+    16.018873943599999,
+    16.325083680199999,
+    16.72412623,
+    17.1800229961,
+    17.565089287999999,
+    17.955333696,
+    18.350394168699999,
+    18.662332183499998,
+    19.055520775400002,
+    19.3243741866,
+    19.697736269300002,
+    20.1598827376,
+    20.587558148399999,
+    20.947803652899999,
+    21.377289620700001,
+    21.7382160949,
+    22.148445907799999,
+    22.538187253499999,
+    22.969405032299999,
+    23.3515975378,
+    23.7868814409,
+    24.248895708799999,
+    24.763958241200001,
+    25.1997621694,
+    25.508926166199998,
+    25.958095899700002,
+    26.333188731500002,
+    26.824658796200001,
+    27.2155445271,
+    27.6568308628,
+    28.003116157499999,
+    28.541185737399999,
+    29.063342253199998,
+    29.560897612200002,
+    30.089418954599999,
+    30.597578276299998,
+    31.089081956699999,
+    31.4765648224,
+    31.894925652200001,
+    32.457647031999997,
+    33.030174841600001,
+    33.487885595199998,
+    34.018036955900001,
+    34.729723770100001,
+    35.271537205000001,
+    35.835399970200001,
+    36.307941559900001,
+    37.035916915500003,
+    37.561814357099998,
+    38.147376215199998,
+    38.7343663929,
+    39.318444863700002,
+    40.219249623899998,
+    40.878162636200003,
+    41.4384018103,
+    42.125905574999997,
+    42.975687067999999,
+    43.8669515737,
+    44.7165019555,
+    45.320383934500001,
+    46.290441078699999,
+    47.103139229999996,
+    47.737629462800001,
+    48.481018605400003,
+    49.4000519043,
+    50.130121766099997,
+    51.236341089200003,
+    52.022103237400003,
+    53.121350018199998,
+    54.3133505427,
+    55.198931289699999,
+    56.1880323006,
+    57.196115179099998,
+    58.388588195399997,
+    59.017601707799997,
+    60.191491397699998,
+    61.1785764937,
+    62.150011268,
+    63.062827775300001,
+    64.255070623099996,
+    65.725583058799998,
+    67.146069528200002,
+    68.855182272500002,
+    70.625039886400003,
+    72.517402771500002,
+    74.012329769800004,
+    75.142684897799995,
+    77.263163371999994,
+    78.970113074099999,
+    81.015664056600002,
+    82.952470754299995,
+    84.358247795500006,
+    86.345419452399994,
+    87.398236220800001,
+    88.877403817100003,
+    91.486012660200004,
+    93.475534618099999,
+    95.836579746699996,
+    99.517911350299997,
+    102.47972814000001,
+    104.56502959399999,
+    106.80315385900001,
+    109.427661664,
+    112.172083348,
+    114.752710729,
+    117.319711297,
+    120.332179395,
+    122.523137369,
+    125.80426376699999,
+    128.152192243,
+    130.68223203400001,
+    135.03565554799999,
+    138.836718018,
+    142.72321670599999,
+    145.83471307600001,
+    148.23894481900001,
+    150.940455676,
+    155.45888045199999,
+    160.45763036100001,
+    165.78439021700001,
+    170.10783283399999,
+    176.981973885,
+    182.24637161699999,
+    187.99729957,
+    193.341158584,
+    201.153499485,
+    209.89557814400001,
+    215.512255272,
+    222.916166694,
+    234.63262219500001,
+    242.24162438799999,
+    250.84387633899999,
+    264.39217630600001,
+    286.10701643599998,
+    294.863916168,
+    309.35324268800002,
+    326.01462315399999,
+    343.064113615,
+    361.99177679500002,
+    387.72006495800002,
+    407.06863126899998,
+    432.93714764600003,
+    471.081198336,
+    512.23599568500003,
+    547.44287580900004,
+    597.93801741300001,
+    672.97299630600003,
+    816.76871595199998,
+    996.88891773900002,
+    1291.9070935100001,
+    161358.74421500001,
+    0.0,
+    0.99453276649300004,
+    1.34957440998,
+    1.80040223325,
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+    2.48530115303,
+    2.78071282241,
+    3.0627252072600002,
+    3.2784701121599999,
+    3.5719852163999999,
+    3.9766675073700002,
+    4.1919498196699996,
+    4.4401116787000001,
+    4.7010850741399999,
+    4.8325546723099997,
+    4.9905503588400002,
+    5.2121802011499998,
+    5.4487589889699999,
+    5.7199962258500001,
+    5.9713598443100002,
+    6.2934525916500004,
+    6.5164568592299998,
+    6.7356095053300002,
+    6.9021306576599999,
+    7.1721655965900002,
+    7.3281530158799999,
+    7.5914585431999999,
+    7.8254960779699996,
+    7.9993083693299996,
+    8.2012397418000003,
+    8.3720004276700006,
+    8.6300188092199992,
+    8.9217519372599998,
+    9.3077081475300005,
+    9.6043493889500002,
+    9.8964144834100001,
+    10.211666127200001,
+    10.4213008992,
+    10.788691589500001,
+    11.051012050900001,
+    11.344200771000001,
+    11.725614780600001,
+    11.9588900773,
+    12.2827247511,
+    12.637968324099999,
+    12.966823288900001,
+    13.168992016800001,
+    13.4745396448,
+    13.785583859500001,
+    14.036187573499999,
+    14.3890843198,
+    14.7328997316,
+    15.1242120858,
+    15.3426967014,
+    15.6612958042,
+    15.9789841683,
+    16.360263102400001,
+    16.772235545499999,
+    17.216064751899999,
+    17.589241161899999,
+    17.8572448364,
+    18.1950328878,
+    18.559156973699999,
+    18.792157978999999,
+    19.092364930399999,
+    19.509183897500002,
+    19.8903785993,
+    20.395241299399999,
+    20.715609197399999,
+    21.129151485000001,
+    21.4384474457,
+    21.8051370373,
+    22.0983151782,
+    22.589355123800001,
+    22.923955315299999,
+    23.293660984199999,
+    23.8073499164,
+    24.164663172499999,
+    24.468464225200002,
+    24.9136660319,
+    25.292481224799999,
+    25.704244781,
+    26.122315593700002,
+    26.745139958900001,
+    27.142677224500002,
+    27.678661556600002,
+    28.172552657800001,
+    28.7004617023,
+    29.254574122400001,
+    29.9576316134,
+    30.320919945,
+    30.8651150524,
+    31.535303165799998,
+    32.0284025188,
+    32.4595794536,
+    32.939819047199997,
+    33.536005820299998,
+    34.287543194800001,
+    34.940091845399998,
+    35.379675577999997,
+    36.122305638999997,
+    36.623643357600002,
+    37.258982358499999,
+    37.645211866499999,
+    38.348043171800001,
+    39.121822204899999,
+    39.903193717900002,
+    40.5501905506,
+    41.172201017399999,
+    41.965871158399999,
+    42.633532572999997,
+    43.135795547100003,
+    43.854137299599998,
+    44.859996618799997,
+    45.622113159199998,
+    46.6849616684,
+    47.678221519899999,
+    48.843464619499997,
+    49.8146602526,
+    50.688647234999998,
+    51.583461331899997,
+    52.591197556700003,
+    53.717957165400001,
+    55.506732086500001,
+    56.662175622500001,
+    58.167854235900002,
+    59.062885457699998,
+    60.411246125200002,
+    61.391033951200001,
+    62.368874448500002,
+    63.688858420800003,
+    64.888271486199997,
+    66.635858121799998,
+    67.817878363199995,
+    68.880671285700004,
+    70.095051569500001,
+    71.501848303100005,
+    72.775151774600005,
+    74.558541465199994,
+    76.409518135499994,
+    77.761688797700003,
+    79.005647183500002,
+    80.295269079099995,
+    82.4136017931,
+    84.613797778800006,
+    86.016896733899998,
+    87.430508335200003,
+    88.670983118500004,
+    90.231433799300007,
+    91.891509509399995,
+    94.498776834500006,
+    97.249232232899999,
+    98.623021338599997,
+    101.238294708,
+    102.87975996900001,
+    105.291018643,
+    107.24435443199999,
+    109.666596011,
+    113.098272596,
+    115.61031488,
+    119.614780612,
+    123.287443794,
+    126.249115391,
+    128.58356817500001,
+    131.775900138,
+    135.290949961,
+    139.29796378500001,
+    146.262327629,
+    150.00976835200001,
+    154.61572367400001,
+    160.255070652,
+    165.26334147099999,
+    170.16736670500001,
+    173.77829739699999,
+    179.56132179599999,
+    184.561922764,
+    190.69775108499999,
+    196.65891324699999,
+    203.521908177,
+    211.093916154,
+    221.47514707299999,
+    231.47529352399999,
+    237.75562241,
+    244.883786829,
+    253.30171895399999,
+    261.76505171600002,
+    278.98552843200002,
+    292.60068635200003,
+    311.55099943599998,
+    325.88771172899999,
+    343.19537559700001,
+    365.551962753,
+    393.39248336999998,
+    422.56973752499999,
+    461.27635287499999,
+    502.54248837599999,
+    563.31345992700005,
+    636.33864636400006,
+    803.18510591400002,
+    1017.18613565,
+    2073.8933950400001,
+    0.0,
+    0.84882448919599995,
+    1.1297295603899999,
+    1.43790054577,
+    1.8034031745600001,
+    2.1567378511699999,
+    2.46200691124,
+    2.7164909210600001,
+    2.9725139778099998,
+    3.3258460814699999,
+    3.51565620581,
+    3.6829072744900002,
+    3.8503255597599999,
+    4.0960101060699996,
+    4.3195587197099998,
+    4.5180080510099998,
+    4.7208657011600001,
+    4.9188747051200004,
+    5.0822519781400004,
+    5.2471047837700002,
+    5.4397152562800004,
+    5.6442757923500002,
+    5.94422558704,
+    6.2491652156599997,
+    6.5158366836499999,
+    6.6694208713499998,
+    6.9618320371699998,
+    7.0954639576199998,
+    7.3925975604899996,
+    7.6671833348599998,
+    8.0270911346999991,
+    8.2155617499000009,
+    8.3810446408000008,
+    8.6728270830500005,
+    8.9919564023300005,
+    9.1979666478599995,
+    9.4613822654199993,
+    9.8638159812400001,
+    10.064467502699999,
+    10.300861637400001,
+    10.5922395715,
+    10.898994478100001,
+    11.2204623911,
+    11.462764891000001,
+    11.827261590299999,
+    12.083868714099999,
+    12.386429319099999,
+    12.6393019529,
+    12.853547404,
+    13.1367142199,
+    13.3487410123,
+    13.656895326200001,
+    14.024084867899999,
+    14.2305895378,
+    14.537063637599999,
+    14.7677980479,
+    14.983400628,
+    15.254355192,
+    15.4728650747,
+    15.7833358443,
+    16.258317366699998,
+    16.591420611899999,
+    16.7968951537,
+    17.321484078699999,
+    17.688159546000001,
+    17.9917501318,
+    18.4264735655,
+    18.751733764800001,
+    19.0344300858,
+    19.372343152500001,
+    19.740307887699998,
+    20.051092925599999,
+    20.305765000400001,
+    20.618187255599999,
+    20.819816596500001,
+    21.0782135131,
+    21.397939723499999,
+    21.854582025799999,
+    22.2881163357,
+    22.6506377304,
+    22.877000473599999,
+    23.384389492899999,
+    23.836418588899999,
+    24.222254926800002,
+    24.655197791999999,
+    25.022161849,
+    25.444878252500001,
+    26.053606325400001,
+    26.614004877900001,
+    27.0211182404,
+    27.401244503200001,
+    27.7850805052,
+    28.159129948299999,
+    28.6603675532,
+    29.200278675,
+    29.671973053799999,
+    30.210222716600001,
+    30.961837351900002,
+    31.650008409800002,
+    32.094382395700002,
+    32.843304519299998,
+    33.577328693699997,
+    34.237700249100001,
+    34.801256214399999,
+    35.485455770500003,
+    35.9765981579,
+    36.670725593599997,
+    37.170285661000001,
+    37.990796691500002,
+    38.642774190700003,
+    39.528303337300002,
+    39.978645888499997,
+    40.8020907732,
+    41.489481081900003,
+    42.4638964743,
+    43.139901183799999,
+    44.090235702199998,
+    45.199560705499998,
+    45.817027413600002,
+    47.017044573200003,
+    48.262105780699997,
+    49.1479688362,
+    50.425156699799999,
+    51.855557858499999,
+    52.673049050499998,
+    53.828962193300001,
+    54.706265736600002,
+    55.754088218,
+    56.6875216169,
+    57.802232958300003,
+    59.077269420699999,
+    59.802668045799997,
+    60.803463371600003,
+    62.277143198700003,
+    63.318223359400001,
+    64.249051654799999,
+    65.723438296400005,
+    66.690473547300002,
+    67.987683240400003,
+    69.312005970800001,
+    70.335791722799996,
+    71.525547407700003,
+    73.2296426005,
+    74.761566365899995,
+    76.401961372800002,
+    78.083813237900003,
+    79.959478159499994,
+    81.411397194700001,
+    83.907706583600003,
+    85.130641549399996,
+    86.564841115600004,
+    88.151400025100003,
+    90.839542183500001,
+    93.404373994799997,
+    95.237850676600004,
+    96.510747774899997,
+    98.111723876599996,
+    100.59771252100001,
+    103.473781565,
+    106.22999075200001,
+    109.035110547,
+    111.514197384,
+    114.660071867,
+    117.91431810100001,
+    120.95989149899999,
+    125.315578238,
+    127.97488147200001,
+    131.55766028400001,
+    133.79550634099999,
+    136.780043667,
+    143.37105514300001,
+    147.41143759799999,
+    152.70084909799999,
+    158.68963683999999,
+    163.480470784,
+    168.40748618699999,
+    176.23576411799999,
+    181.51714572399999,
+    188.435573998,
+    193.69868358400001,
+    201.866252981,
+    209.69486823,
+    221.66246932499999,
+    231.771152277,
+    245.05347127900001,
+    258.89263676799999,
+    273.73973170099998,
+    290.43652293600002,
+    304.91784651400002,
+    317.71453254800002,
+    345.81680795,
+    370.51493599600002,
+    396.34922032399999,
+    427.34649876600002,
+    472.648184012,
+    548.811516697,
+    616.97696803199995,
+    698.58074685700001,
+    921.70016827699999,
+    1351.93476429,
+    4555.3138270099998,
+    0.0,
+    1.05775845422,
+    1.30722302885,
+    1.6550836259599999,
+    2.0164548998499998,
+    2.22264762997,
+    2.4339426832900002,
+    2.63987900941,
+    2.8474331698999999,
+    3.1394413773199998,
+    3.3488811388099999,
+    3.5845593259999999,
+    3.7278526245200001,
+    3.89707499961,
+    4.0930076946499998,
+    4.2667403322500004,
+    4.4444123281100003,
+    4.7057346005499996,
+    4.8776095749700001,
+    5.0766543427900004,
+    5.2576254422700002,
+    5.4227043983799996,
+    5.5565800836300001,
+    5.6921444728099999,
+    5.8967927912900002,
+    6.0520540232300002,
+    6.18092403149,
+    6.4448963355100002,
+    6.6606765375799997,
+    6.8569177525900002,
+    6.9871721176600001,
+    7.1997752419300003,
+    7.4790143792799997,
+    7.6433232341600004,
+    7.8838845337299999,
+    8.0362724982000007,
+    8.2491173118100001,
+    8.4854912803700007,
+    8.7981272976200007,
+    8.98771466078,
+    9.2672797478700009,
+    9.4910127015200008,
+    9.7196918691600001,
+    9.9958458284499994,
+    10.2946220832,
+    10.5192779153,
+    10.7367739562,
+    11.0486241079,
+    11.264306749099999,
+    11.610683487999999,
+    11.8590324631,
+    12.102995508599999,
+    12.274140378,
+    12.5626984562,
+    12.777400244300001,
+    13.0071767612,
+    13.3075190692,
+    13.506522563900001,
+    13.7736133375,
+    14.034237147500001,
+    14.3718879313,
+    14.704450492399999,
+    15.006497291000001,
+    15.4860321302,
+    15.8250864202,
+    16.068562412599999,
+    16.366417189700002,
+    16.791695786399998,
+    17.1963988083,
+    17.692784723599999,
+    17.9889456748,
+    18.250281237599999,
+    18.540758284100001,
+    19.105488743399999,
+    19.3676116446,
+    19.9057967233,
+    20.372155027400002,
+    20.617865943399998,
+    21.0056881543,
+    21.3998014925,
+    21.886629124399999,
+    22.301586328599999,
+    22.8157840378,
+    23.1577773249,
+    23.562675140700001,
+    23.9908312801,
+    24.371709623200001,
+    24.853048289,
+    25.321527433499998,
+    25.817410943100001,
+    26.333798079699999,
+    26.743897014000002,
+    27.404019467800001,
+    27.750455412299999,
+    28.245307990099999,
+    28.8302203846,
+    29.238499632700002,
+    29.908395497000001,
+    30.222815192500001,
+    30.759701009099999,
+    31.296847612400001,
+    31.809133106099999,
+    32.3396270004,
+    33.065629932,
+    33.614025315299997,
+    34.269816387299997,
+    35.012311410899997,
+    35.852750563500003,
+    36.404141805499997,
+    36.8294660038,
+    37.935726292200002,
+    38.368785425900001,
+    39.1826087245,
+    40.008409596500002,
+    40.726090274800001,
+    41.337873114600001,
+    42.209034503799998,
+    43.359563836100001,
+    44.113217655,
+    44.844831191300003,
+    45.6845486769,
+    46.347966789700003,
+    47.331044909100001,
+    48.2533342455,
+    49.162487231599997,
+    50.1543142202,
+    50.931869310099998,
+    51.636126617899997,
+    52.181963144800001,
+    53.396775668799997,
+    55.032301978100001,
+    55.596427951899997,
+    56.5791496927,
+    57.542454919599997,
+    58.554653988799998,
+    59.636429710999998,
+    61.407241399900002,
+    62.509754862100003,
+    63.601590468700003,
+    64.824312135300005,
+    66.386878043999999,
+    67.693732305799998,
+    69.365119204300001,
+    71.025400599899996,
+    72.653909433799996,
+    74.395827576000002,
+    75.769964444999999,
+    77.234020831500004,
+    78.433715899099994,
+    81.101681241799994,
+    83.076307199300004,
+    84.5988995469,
+    86.376895072899998,
+    88.194960597199994,
+    90.441746414899995,
+    92.189595910199998,
+    93.440994131400004,
+    95.435247487400005,
+    99.0558885879,
+    101.49204924999999,
+    104.088533635,
+    106.181199298,
+    109.219007221,
+    112.61624315100001,
+    116.029069048,
+    119.96844246400001,
+    124.344004768,
+    127.91969076300001,
+    132.149553927,
+    135.922055457,
+    140.068507211,
+    144.15378361399999,
+    148.60536720600001,
+    153.82589839900001,
+    158.576947158,
+    165.555672257,
+    171.63158056899999,
+    176.33047682,
+    181.08906739299999,
+    186.793582875,
+    192.534521512,
+    203.56027511299999,
+    211.12137373499999,
+    218.32402486300001,
+    227.271126122,
+    239.72295971400001,
+    255.439273482,
+    266.59600377999999,
+    284.21895951499999,
+    302.86802943499998,
+    319.3660428,
+    335.96299544999999,
+    371.29655514500001,
+    386.65083379800001,
+    434.96311705400001,
+    521.05039447499996,
+    574.39597849699999,
+    643.38261744700003,
+    749.10677599899998,
+    937.47346937500004,
+    2164.74350723,
+    0.0,
+    0.87216036854099999,
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+    1.4528318226800001,
+    1.7506036653599999,
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+    2.1933454622299999,
+    2.4315041290299999,
+    2.6097449606700001,
+    2.8143037344300001,
+    2.98234250898,
+    3.14296097174,
+    3.28163067285,
+    3.4197130756399998,
+    3.5577964282300001,
+    3.7192315259700002,
+    3.8806453857499998,
+    4.0848607038400004,
+    4.27058822443,
+    4.4259870320300001,
+    4.6202853710799996,
+    4.8079818422300002,
+    4.9703096793699997,
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+    5.32208420074,
+    5.4736064223099996,
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+    5.7948310020399996,
+    5.9616974056899998,
+    6.1294408520800001,
+    6.3200579482499997,
+    6.5465172585299998,
+    6.7046238334500003,
+    6.8696070854100002,
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+    7.21408035417,
+    7.3666599903499996,
+    7.5629677715200003,
+    7.7854370727999997,
+    8.0250690670800005,
+    8.2018499794099995,
+    8.4165599450900004,
+    8.6205648003099995,
+    8.8020739087200006,
+    8.9976602698800008,
+    9.2090483824400007,
+    9.40554714598,
+    9.6268466056699999,
+    9.8387845757699992,
+    10.063513496600001,
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+    10.5490401104,
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+    11.0190557159,
+    11.247083638299999,
+    11.487903512700001,
+    11.690503747999999,
+    11.9163331257,
+    12.1540624086,
+    12.3754681949,
+    12.6225724062,
+    12.8298548017,
+    13.105360490300001,
+    13.352707515200001,
+    13.600565291800001,
+    13.8363089384,
+    14.081226945299999,
+    14.370552543500001,
+    14.6854081396,
+    14.959606431799999,
+    15.238257795699999,
+    15.488877516500001,
+    15.783357724,
+    16.059268546999999,
+    16.371064702799998,
+    16.635482564899998,
+    16.926054678500002,
+    17.2595416636,
+    17.558429913600001,
+    17.873233837699999,
+    18.1713476396,
+    18.437921946300001,
+    18.808552489299998,
+    19.094615129400001,
+    19.521706635899999,
+    19.8753230885,
+    20.298514125000001,
+    20.622495869000002,
+    20.9353854017,
+    21.4098244692,
+    21.829437198099999,
+    22.259602406999999,
+    22.672559352,
+    23.1204515296,
+    23.483853294300001,
+    23.9484201462,
+    24.3248985436,
+    24.847141378100002,
+    25.2522052389,
+    25.681308357599999,
+    26.205337182699999,
+    26.576187536300001,
+    27.078663830899998,
+    27.677873063900002,
+    28.2381539971,
+    28.8023214868,
+    29.3993510241,
+    29.912833547399998,
+    30.573666294900001,
+    31.104430988600001,
+    31.796146883399999,
+    32.497170738500003,
+    33.279496414699999,
+    34.098064962599999,
+    34.843216272900001,
+    35.542133214099998,
+    36.276287779500002,
+    36.975928357500003,
+    37.504257990799999,
+    38.314777833900003,
+    39.177430845000004,
+    39.819717746400002,
+    40.407911670099999,
+    41.120240020300002,
+    41.978665155199998,
+    42.866256983200003,
+    43.496257352299999,
+    44.207718886199999,
+    44.967775733800003,
+    45.845529661199997,
+    46.8316582737,
+    47.606961498799997,
+    48.454226783199999,
+    49.675775014400003,
+    50.5811434361,
+    51.543186701800003,
+    52.633751532200002,
+    53.929547364699999,
+    55.037714174199998,
+    56.301767675000001,
+    57.451158926300003,
+    58.714248343199998,
+    59.628151489899999,
+    60.807000845600001,
+    62.156996127799999,
+    63.456997649599998,
+    65.008915114800004,
+    66.386142722499997,
+    67.978491519900004,
+    69.422238847200006,
+    70.791592380799997,
+    72.011370736700002,
+    73.522117942199998,
+    75.359756207299995,
+    77.030728253800007,
+    78.893995033400003,
+    80.530957561600005,
+    81.946598575099998,
+    84.055736077199995,
+    86.177382717599997,
+    88.231077799399998,
+    90.830107187099998,
+    93.291203665799998,
+    96.842991020100001,
+    99.738754614200005,
+    102.822309851,
+    106.472937214,
+    109.712921572,
+    112.28819169,
+    115.383539528,
+    118.33937052500001,
+    121.6283803,
+    126.21758780099999,
+    130.559458404,
+    135.25935161000001,
+    139.64966053500001,
+    144.08321394399999,
+    149.81024360000001,
+    155.95824547500001,
+    160.54965979900001,
+    165.74901272299999,
+    173.07092800300001,
+    181.971265612,
+    190.12184997899999,
+    199.140874,
+    208.94440364799999,
+    219.692760295,
+    231.41654560800001,
+    244.813734337,
+    260.64934893600002,
+    276.86471985399999,
+    297.854074072,
+    327.675880581,
+    363.64694161300002,
+    395.28587648799999,
+    430.29646448199998,
+    476.771927382,
+    552.10628605099998,
+    688.09209059399996,
+    965.66929444699997,
+    5512.1265341500002,
+    0.0,
+    0.62589083024600001,
+    1.0089155589900001,
+    1.2669403239100001,
+    1.4930834132099999,
+    1.6647456778,
+    1.86494432327,
+    2.0537877508200002,
+    2.25391444537,
+    2.4255788848600002,
+    2.5625113900800001,
+    2.70119472848,
+    2.8053232942299999,
+    2.92720031662,
+    3.1007147687100001,
+    3.2394799841499999,
+    3.39215368186,
+    3.5920914079299999,
+    3.74416489544,
+    3.8829579282000002,
+    4.0121750001200001,
+    4.1604435034699998,
+    4.2969491096299999,
+    4.4303864671199999,
+    4.5829179833699998,
+    4.7183684166099997,
+    4.8667168998800001,
+    4.9825970049999997,
+    5.1443596513600003,
+    5.29642331298,
+    5.5116304645699996,
+    5.6662601962099997,
+    5.8151835779100001,
+    5.9375451382,
+    6.1570517624500001,
+    6.3131151288699998,
+    6.52398099929,
+    6.6722523007500003,
+    6.86154545663,
+    7.0599193283100004,
+    7.3129107271700002,
+    7.5490299843899997,
+    7.7172198221199997,
+    7.8648526311499998,
+    8.0837370196799991,
+    8.2593266698099992,
+    8.4613117407199994,
+    8.6884386074200002,
+    8.8745901890700001,
+    9.1116656074600009,
+    9.3126467721299999,
+    9.5071399643899994,
+    9.7151605657500006,
+    9.9551889093600003,
+    10.149609288200001,
+    10.3401891662,
+    10.621445531099999,
+    10.8426697409,
+    11.0272843935,
+    11.270829726400001,
+    11.4694723487,
+    11.6178469386,
+    11.821109029700001,
+    12.021790796499999,
+    12.3252449453,
+    12.5092794759,
+    12.818332850699999,
+    13.020756306899999,
+    13.310810976799999,
+    13.5124599496,
+    13.767115336,
+    14.0644181972,
+    14.332859790200001,
+    14.5607314245,
+    14.9082657073,
+    15.125302185800001,
+    15.3715537263,
+    15.670518073,
+    16.0341797918,
+    16.263188094,
+    16.565119653299998,
+    16.768979356500001,
+    17.107996179400001,
+    17.3155602187,
+    17.633055544099999,
+    17.978850956799999,
+    18.239306430100001,
+    18.603581283899999,
+    18.890651686000002,
+    19.2448822751,
+    19.6097734435,
+    19.926314503299999,
+    20.1586253842,
+    20.499346128900001,
+    20.763220895300002,
+    21.214468897100001,
+    21.6883372251,
+    21.932186764800001,
+    22.421734858200001,
+    22.8480131942,
+    23.3200873278,
+    23.594830171000002,
+    24.038195447900002,
+    24.408468226699998,
+    24.92649372,
+    25.442113401899999,
+    25.8447679595,
+    26.3726873799,
+    26.812905815000001,
+    27.122537899899999,
+    27.7422113077,
+    28.078738693199998,
+    28.5723682014,
+    29.0944195565,
+    29.5634253395,
+    30.1247268702,
+    30.983710482300001,
+    31.826570418700001,
+    32.3620827385,
+    33.029481950899999,
+    33.566683207600001,
+    34.288337869199999,
+    34.942294123800004,
+    35.546860066900003,
+    36.362485731600003,
+    37.2408130333,
+    38.058683128600002,
+    38.750745497600001,
+    39.428888690199997,
+    40.115263124599998,
+    40.901282995400003,
+    41.4018687274,
+    42.138788071800001,
+    43.018359615500003,
+    44.106243223500002,
+    45.093539481699999,
+    45.8411771739,
+    46.570250118399997,
+    47.841644068400001,
+    49.303024838200002,
+    50.464239790100002,
+    51.234103358299997,
+    52.317696309799999,
+    53.0996279724,
+    54.369256693700002,
+    55.965980526800003,
+    57.287395203700001,
+    58.636793195099997,
+    60.683809927200002,
+    62.106524762100001,
+    63.455965556400002,
+    64.508962315299996,
+    65.830030819000001,
+    67.3272861871,
+    68.485336924099997,
+    69.962539390399996,
+    71.3643490332,
+    73.207148927299997,
+    75.267417445500001,
+    77.636856277999996,
+    79.567969825700004,
+    81.887922453399995,
+    84.409393872699994,
+    86.252385378499994,
+    89.609195726400003,
+    92.058129085499999,
+    94.237863167399993,
+    97.130241311000006,
+    99.337287984200003,
+    102.785121426,
+    105.16684627799999,
+    108.155644287,
+    111.12424827,
+    114.20309084500001,
+    118.25567124200001,
+    120.63906266799999,
+    126.769351089,
+    131.30368792600001,
+    135.35008283600001,
+    140.167179914,
+    146.276635801,
+    154.69830296500001,
+    162.097699463,
+    168.49842445199999,
+    174.39338381300001,
+    183.839663489,
+    194.04584716900001,
+    205.199824904,
+    216.99026627999999,
+    226.397941844,
+    239.11086462599999,
+    257.98370514300001,
+    272.68513598700002,
+    294.38470478199997,
+    317.32579381900001,
+    352.86648779500001,
+    396.000885729,
+    447.65133356299998,
+    552.83482503000005,
+    744.96290114700003,
+    7762.8570038400003,
+    0.0,
+    0.36214416262600002,
+    0.60004394504000003,
+    0.87269790764999999,
+    1.0816835608199999,
+    1.1769418756600001,
+    1.3339406513100001,
+    1.5379932977899999,
+    1.64092011303,
+    1.8114937983699999,
+    1.92478153605,
+    2.0791194022399999,
+    2.18522431294,
+    2.3239286241100001,
+    2.4474903603299998,
+    2.56875405118,
+    2.6706112235399999,
+    2.7868128103399998,
+    2.89962589709,
+    3.0247650187300001,
+    3.1799188214799998,
+    3.3163269799299999,
+    3.4326557716099999,
+    3.5761530940699999,
+    3.6698664516599999,
+    3.8395536775700001,
+    3.9742173052399998,
+    4.0666621486399999,
+    4.1860672163199997,
+    4.2677782405900002,
+    4.39398556059,
+    4.5599359743100001,
+    4.7182993929599997,
+    4.8549576225899997,
+    4.9793340551199998,
+    5.1106161380800001,
+    5.22653369925,
+    5.3697032505699998,
+    5.5502664604199996,
+    5.6901435710500001,
+    5.81186063054,
+    5.9447132463900001,
+    6.05627291431,
+    6.16844943146,
+    6.3088485415099997,
+    6.5158703652999996,
+    6.6663173981500004,
+    6.7889778856399996,
+    6.92685753591,
+    7.05832274623,
+    7.2113778586999997,
+    7.3735471867099998,
+    7.4967882360999996,
+    7.67708191997,
+    7.8383618689299999,
+    8.0007809638400005,
+    8.2598039090000004,
+    8.4646047196400005,
+    8.6068680876200006,
+    8.7919284529800006,
+    8.9449623581599997,
+    9.1615349379200008,
+    9.3168642346000006,
+    9.4680652743600007,
+    9.7295350278099999,
+    9.9208554836600005,
+    10.0769753157,
+    10.1731120514,
+    10.3276036073,
+    10.6154476322,
+    10.8889357781,
+    11.016681222400001,
+    11.166106582099999,
+    11.3010656278,
+    11.460114477099999,
+    11.6049507496,
+    11.754826317499999,
+    12.128326894900001,
+    12.393725440500001,
+    12.601959282999999,
+    12.929220557000001,
+    13.2033834409,
+    13.496651655100001,
+    13.6720510495,
+    14.0106799329,
+    14.2715969553,
+    14.4738353905,
+    14.887431385199999,
+    15.0448999294,
+    15.3053817024,
+    15.6545606815,
+    15.9636364194,
+    16.322553926800001,
+    16.694194434500002,
+    17.030383725899998,
+    17.430560569699999,
+    17.700358551699999,
+    18.117532589300001,
+    18.425291790799999,
+    18.722525176000001,
+    19.151242618000001,
+    19.5588949566,
+    19.985716502399999,
+    20.4476355348,
+    20.9045258441,
+    21.276626095099999,
+    21.575188439600002,
+    22.0493676255,
+    22.446726857400002,
+    22.7039434454,
+    23.13535392,
+    23.679737149400001,
+    24.0913996564,
+    24.592582522600001,
+    24.846344199699999,
+    25.1692127267,
+    25.707613397399999,
+    26.060921460599999,
+    26.402713800499999,
+    26.7672555555,
+    27.323489971800001,
+    28.1384294904,
+    28.886585523400001,
+    29.625952655700001,
+    30.049929096700001,
+    30.912490141700001,
+    31.7116329208,
+    32.432935618400002,
+    33.0836818525,
+    33.756748210399998,
+    34.448977073899997,
+    34.967596885500001,
+    35.526411413300004,
+    36.153337627600003,
+    37.193655335499997,
+    37.865997652899999,
+    38.746337718900001,
+    39.2502404719,
+    39.9758412025,
+    40.513914754399998,
+    41.377973330099998,
+    42.134772359599999,
+    42.670801806599997,
+    43.359820479100001,
+    44.8475078349,
+    45.403055004400002,
+    46.8336235847,
+    47.7113874912,
+    48.6941028253,
+    49.650345725199998,
+    50.665570570200003,
+    51.724056971300001,
+    53.992577544,
+    55.575370979100001,
+    57.251984441700003,
+    58.745608337299998,
+    60.1648035049,
+    61.246203909800002,
+    62.419975842699998,
+    63.422574513400001,
+    64.876159087000005,
+    66.885247274500003,
+    68.391010214800005,
+    69.915828121700002,
+    72.4871931144,
+    74.172952607699997,
+    75.652527461199995,
+    78.468287273000001,
+    80.721637548800004,
+    83.956121732200003,
+    87.163249777199994,
+    88.897109974100005,
+    91.2752939664,
+    93.173034590599997,
+    95.435791827200006,
+    100.344464677,
+    104.832073959,
+    109.276679528,
+    112.578422989,
+    114.53132503400001,
+    119.746495774,
+    124.493025184,
+    129.95658998100001,
+    134.31216815799999,
+    137.89688887400001,
+    140.67569338600001,
+    147.559990177,
+    157.91491644199999,
+    164.60831501999999,
+    171.84101301800001,
+    186.69105907299999,
+    195.42122663699999,
+    208.16940782099999,
+    238.53526263200001,
+    245.87424240300001,
+    268.33659908499999,
+    292.616848678,
+    312.784421705,
+    376.69900637799998,
+    486.40594854400001,
+    909.54311207000001,
+    0.0,
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+    0.86995042995600003,
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+    1.6653002782099999,
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+    2.3098127374300002,
+    2.4206150527000001,
+    2.4845079548800002,
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+    2.8700892704999998,
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+    3.2256769408800001,
+    3.30379140374,
+    3.3884221330000002,
+    3.4570332483000001,
+    3.54002670756,
+    3.6248614990800001,
+    3.7101075382699999,
+    3.7687182426899999,
+    3.8163207208699998,
+    3.89049827354,
+    3.9685665546200002,
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+    4.2118118690999999,
+    4.2767713334400002,
+    4.3538326518200003,
+    4.4579713825800003,
+    4.5508743169399999,
+    4.6676333956900002,
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+    4.8197525947199997,
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+    5.7009271960400003,
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+    5.9548448325700001,
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+    6.3819964031299996,
+    6.4711966493400004,
+    6.5880414298299996,
+    6.7348102011000002,
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+    6.9337887910999996,
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+    7.3301993509400001,
+    7.4527574858900003,
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+    7.6852803779599999,
+    7.8640635376499999,
+    8.0318076099900004,
+    8.1796189996499997,
+    8.3642059418999999,
+    8.5050041495500004,
+    8.6533583034700001,
+    8.7675089334600003,
+    8.90401831396,
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+    9.3704603805200009,
+    9.5586269002000002,
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+    9.9347655253599996,
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+    10.255212992300001,
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+    10.957390713400001,
+    11.087388472400001,
+    11.328556388399999,
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+    11.7872480683,
+    11.915456216899999,
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+    12.422258492999999,
+    12.630647267100001,
+    12.8227992595,
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+    13.910454382299999,
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+    14.338029858300001,
+    14.560423425,
+    14.770007548300001,
+    14.9841095141,
+    15.334444082699999,
+    15.4948694147,
+    15.855824070500001,
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+    16.5489680156,
+    16.821966605299998,
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+    17.5373816422,
+    17.870520279099999,
+    18.260020296,
+    18.612564062099999,
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+    19.4196515169,
+    19.842134040099999,
+    20.208065711,
+    20.730183175899999,
+    21.211762532200002,
+    21.724835097900002,
+    22.113935455899998,
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+    25.726113937200001,
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+    26.669907244299999,
+    27.169577979900001,
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+    28.779048282000002,
+    29.224608145400001,
+    29.781331889800001,
+    30.432540589399999,
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+    32.492956216000003,
+    33.285631429200002,
+    34.070187818800001,
+    35.060381063199998,
+    35.680990641100003,
+    36.895345624699999,
+    37.869889303100003,
+    38.7151898057,
+    39.673959652199997,
+    40.7449007739,
+    42.072602957599997,
+    43.253042370099998,
+    44.872848970500002,
+    46.556160648899997,
+    48.1796820673,
+    49.545397762699999,
+    51.074845857200003,
+    52.800367472799998,
+    54.781904047099999,
+    56.6419800444,
+    58.294167776899997,
+    59.890254052499998,
+    62.933262895200002,
+    64.383209257600001,
+    66.273695300300005,
+    68.879466623300004,
+    71.737383912400006,
+    73.694424811299996,
+    76.676559064200006,
+    79.509307012099995,
+    82.2830341003,
+    85.991392160700002,
+    90.717177404200001,
+    94.429171780900006,
+    97.473571158699997,
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+    121.31476895,
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+    137.91440966299999,
+    144.79876003499999,
+    163.923571595,
+    181.508527445,
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+    245.38055141000001,
+    301.25496328499997,
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+    25328.083268499999,
+    0.0,
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+    0.69004038945699997,
+    0.73679534547199999,
+    0.77536960959000001,
+    0.82841780807499998,
+    0.90256777434299995,
+    0.93909860962199998,
+    1.00410024985,
+    1.0408385717899999,
+    1.11535670052,
+    1.14711502865,
+    1.15928977273,
+    1.18798598113,
+    1.2274534778099999,
+    1.26769475616,
+    1.3002205824799999,
+    1.3310033753199999,
+    1.3446656342200001,
+    1.3760840745,
+    1.39081400794,
+    1.4505341583,
+    1.4632661604999999,
+    1.4984860150399999,
+    1.5529767251,
+    1.57864986714,
+    1.6173517424399999,
+    1.67533252068,
+    1.70471580487,
+    1.7278608476799999,
+    1.7811033034399999,
+    1.82818139122,
+    1.86555208204,
+    1.8941511847700001,
+    1.92488230379,
+    1.95851626987,
+    1.99363516305,
+    2.0170055272299998,
+    2.0586483531600002,
+    2.0850970425700002,
+    2.1085030088000001,
+    2.1283137664099998,
+    2.16603036339,
+    2.19060342065,
+    2.2345184857999998,
+    2.2714847812799999,
+    2.2993152139899999,
+    2.3222064716699999,
+    2.3498083965699998,
+    2.3879408831800002,
+    2.4133674625900001,
+    2.45645766658,
+    2.5043169972600001,
+    2.5332218388799999,
+    2.5860056276300001,
+    2.6092200429700001,
+    2.6593928409799998,
+    2.7167476183999999,
+    2.7528966109600002,
+    2.8165365213600002,
+    2.8466368258900001,
+    2.8966874532100002,
+    2.9315763405099999,
+    2.9602961735200002,
+    2.9944957343700001,
+    3.0486180954200002,
+    3.1054310960799998,
+    3.17422308542,
+    3.22876924922,
+    3.2476266926499999,
+    3.2895811744699999,
+    3.33758062866,
+    3.3814007836000002,
+    3.4235448060599998,
+    3.49735659195,
+    3.5619485828699999,
+    3.61508084496,
+    3.6882879176299999,
+    3.7441381326799998,
+    3.8290921697,
+    3.87138230506,
+    3.9399367140599999,
+    3.9855674425799998,
+    4.03423244708,
+    4.1224800094800003,
+    4.1617950069500003,
+    4.2098466376400001,
+    4.2671599100500002,
+    4.3072566201600004,
+    4.3243450788600004,
+    4.3957664746200003,
+    4.4519812552699998,
+    4.4969306764399999,
+    4.5152175579399998,
+    4.56732663911,
+    4.6752821882199997,
+    4.7424836408799997,
+    4.8540575522499996,
+    4.9112049708600001,
+    4.9863832664899999,
+    5.0723492115899997,
+    5.1341872206300003,
+    5.1757472919899996,
+    5.2672883329999998,
+    5.3193278175799996,
+    5.3545440009799998,
+    5.3662639863299999,
+    5.4478164688200001,
+    5.51018935901,
+    5.6222469255899998,
+    5.7031572715200003,
+    5.78511780914,
+    5.87666466639,
+    6.0267396241600002,
+    6.1198844067399998,
+    6.1979622858300001,
+    6.28159827041,
+    6.3904158104600004,
+    6.4453162825900003,
+    6.5218544413200004,
+    6.6086381632900002,
+    6.6725993210399999,
+    6.8163144940900002,
+    6.97804495911,
+    7.0227642352400004,
+    7.1626846845100003,
+    7.3423024204600003,
+    7.5327362668799998,
+    7.6978310374000003,
+    7.7611027450999996,
+    7.88016729875,
+    7.9472676633599999,
+    8.1244228188799994,
+    8.2399482591299993,
+    8.3372351004799992,
+    8.5151888904599993,
+    8.5980587770099994,
+    8.7064795243800006,
+    8.9028549639799994,
+    9.1412099458099991,
+    9.2928218155500009,
+    9.5260445012799995,
+    9.7243731171600007,
+    9.9194989507500004,
+    10.158387747800001,
+    10.358305334700001,
+    10.8456897256,
+    11.0126503317,
+    11.1397484418,
+    11.3568231431,
+    11.725070023000001,
+    11.952829343599999,
+    12.355631104,
+    12.741115586999999,
+    12.9604116418,
+    13.0782774906,
+    13.386035293300001,
+    13.7586242928,
+    14.065910686100001,
+    14.481276965199999,
+    14.8428342578,
+    15.0857067332,
+    15.5610363036,
+    15.9877621903,
+    16.564935242699999,
+    17.222646941699999,
+    17.705236311899998,
+    18.2065490938,
+    18.6451801326,
+    19.1223591105,
+    19.606893553199999,
+    20.1404072423,
+    20.653286086600001,
+    21.431578720299999,
+    21.979215851300001,
+    23.048094735900001,
+    23.846359740299999,
+    24.3529984143,
+    24.985293486700002,
+    25.965109587899999,
+    26.669072074799999,
+    27.831042996200001,
+    29.685768165100001,
+    30.986492906100001,
+    32.7579031852,
+    34.704015628800001,
+    39.043339889599999,
+    43.627269160300003,
+    50.063241984299999,
+    55.522634061300003,
+    63.83632205,
+    80.274312648399999,
+    121.666396689,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_chi2s.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_chi2s.py
index 13ebea214e8642db1883490a64f9dcaaa6d5f432..80f29f35a2251e2f7a5d3cf6e669c74d8c6987dc 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_chi2s.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_chi2s.py
@@ -9,994 +9,3421 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2011_def_chi2s = [
-    0.0, 0.14444029837799999, 0.22835657018399999, 0.34413732731800001,
-    0.46587804732900001, 0.65270096936599997, 0.81143218193800004,
-    1.00226438356, 1.03788125951, 1.24257294992, 1.32793236661, 1.34635418779,
-    1.4371572854100001, 1.5191327005499999, 1.54602854301, 1.7046681136999999,
-    1.87758836483, 1.9813264417300001, 2.1146974377399999, 2.1938492694299998,
-    2.4097221919699998, 2.5070571186900001, 2.6311171881000002,
-    2.7328195551999999, 2.7736899606000001, 3.0227873463499999, 3.10803398473,
-    3.1824676694599998, 3.3138417252000001, 3.4291812515900002, 3.50419808407,
-    3.7101281572199998, 3.8432672208200001, 3.8796565679100001,
-    3.9915562540499998, 4.0723303682700003, 4.2029321661800001,
-    4.3768188648899997, 4.4816827669199997, 4.6990199258800001,
-    4.8084875822399997, 4.8365914296700003, 5.0590152661600003,
-    5.1248841813699997, 5.1771937064899998, 5.4889247870900002, 5.57813871862,
-    5.6972377675899999, 5.8456278064799996, 6.06915586574, 6.1204251477299998,
-    6.17699599008, 6.3172684659999998, 6.4192197959800001, 6.52383433373,
-    6.6186618180399996, 6.7251587769999999, 6.7866374808999996,
-    6.8276218028500004, 6.9188765840600004, 7.1331898582499997,
-    7.2065701539399996, 7.3244993804199998, 7.36483433106, 7.5193634033699999,
-    7.7822629874100002, 8.2222416265000007, 8.4497457766200004,
-    8.5930318077999992, 8.7570172042000003, 8.9696132883900006,
-    9.1272011085100004, 9.4333510895299995, 9.5278688390900008,
-    9.8002379139299993, 10.062964643999999, 10.572141176200001,
-    10.796071421700001, 10.9985214683, 11.3182197168, 11.660606036000001,
-    11.847287044, 12.432752901300001, 12.5532808679, 12.920547884299999,
-    13.715431382, 13.9427496484, 14.252177361499999, 14.3846625264,
-    14.6017942841, 14.867988867399999, 15.211408408800001, 15.4524408633,
-    15.8995520183, 16.278660079800002, 16.607110122000002, 17.2812107494,
-    17.425166927999999, 17.6847110579, 17.924433366199999, 18.107368758,
-    18.486488274799999, 18.675113313000001, 18.821461450800001,
-    19.392315572800001, 20.026821224999999, 21.515140794000001,
-    22.458730085300001, 22.563704860600001, 23.2879347571, 23.969079893499998,
-    24.336542956300001, 24.499336477500002, 25.0036717642, 25.774135368900001,
-    26.0929925969, 26.934629466499999, 27.458541006800001, 27.8422100246,
-    28.5518247111, 28.965082549800002, 30.702632564599998, 31.123950922300001,
-    31.264305230000002, 31.965843641500001, 32.212378185600002,
-    34.283698532999999, 35.219561660799997, 36.755695116600002,
-    37.138783892900001, 37.986001245399997, 38.621250490999998, 38.9481443707,
-    39.3726060041, 40.276085332900003, 41.898719000699998, 42.396709494500001,
-    43.749429257499997, 44.676029422900001, 46.364739487400001,
-    47.275528738799999, 47.869005850699999, 48.490202586899997,
-    49.788875049200001, 50.404381347099999, 52.2209766649, 52.7548497923,
-    53.758555342299999, 56.144346903600002, 58.857197224499998,
-    61.218540911200002, 62.083264127200003, 62.809329462100003,
-    64.673596130899995, 70.530443844700002, 71.037859097099997,
-    74.956651292000004, 75.479775530200001, 77.970753225099998,
-    78.784135755700007, 83.634030189599997, 87.631048698900003,
-    89.682360645100005, 91.657671611699996, 93.431100026199999,
-    96.871787694199995, 98.904758199400007, 100.903126246, 104.97935501800001,
-    117.211912426, 118.593299874, 123.983293097, 126.40072390500001,
-    132.90804449300001, 135.77425614000001, 145.645663189, 150.462714554,
-    154.135665945, 158.670439012, 161.11217567599999, 165.74332436700001,
-    168.951515621, 173.84826456100001, 184.64661891700001, 188.990674536,
-    195.25008580400001, 200.52870912200001, 208.31911763799999,
-    223.21659264900001, 234.232880967, 297.24728825900002, 321.93167475199999,
-    332.08151963699999, 346.34478154800001, 377.30757977899998,
-    403.47421662800002, 425.16143535399999, 572.37340253299999,
-    766.55659324999999, 1611.5984637199999, 1611.5984637199999, 0.0,
-    0.083813974438700006, 0.31831933895699999, 0.34638794272399998,
-    0.46455080305099999, 0.49519963016099999, 0.54548279077600004,
-    0.56403794228199999, 0.60837298377799998, 0.68118756294600002,
-    0.70071771432399999, 0.78976831924699997, 0.81703862518199999,
-    0.83363911177799999, 0.89857941080399995, 0.94493515463400002,
-    0.99107239417899995, 1.0238060094799999, 1.0799844142199999, 1.11400208909,
-    1.1685453374400001, 1.18519938288, 1.22148339123, 1.2645577512499999,
-    1.3045626778799999, 1.3391777624900001, 1.3826642013199999, 1.4644506572,
-    1.5099094374299999, 1.5888224991, 1.62182558706, 1.65137395874,
-    1.6991401368100001, 1.7758428480799999, 1.8277920540999999,
-    1.9017455410199999, 1.9705532488599999, 2.0324665469399998,
-    2.0752937413999999, 2.1185145273899999, 2.1611322415299998,
-    2.1917842756499999, 2.22729976286, 2.2777275853000001, 2.32665524011,
-    2.3543342053699998, 2.3935181153, 2.44446825618, 2.50093820286,
-    2.5844026906000002, 2.6884797637600002, 2.78657713546, 2.81180130111,
-    2.84116667305, 2.9014197632199998, 2.9952091375399998, 3.0386348574599999,
-    3.0956021427799998, 3.1328046143999999, 3.1631373405500001,
-    3.2039828237700001, 3.29405069373, 3.3496993056400002, 3.4055971771900002,
-    3.5073893196000001, 3.5755835925800001, 3.6580199126399999,
-    3.7782186004999998, 3.8741030635099998, 3.9119985650200002,
-    3.9699909851999999, 4.0132311662099998, 4.07009700397, 4.1555761906299997,
-    4.2241691161799997, 4.3896744175800002, 4.5146783570400002,
-    4.6155145535499997, 4.7783116523600002, 4.8822447657900003,
-    4.9863031398300004, 5.0556875698599999, 5.13217451548, 5.1928716528900001,
-    5.2987216440799996, 5.4584561742300002, 5.6054585689499996,
-    5.7579579032500003, 5.8452201175000003, 5.9593969184300004,
-    6.1479798348300001, 6.2484864308999999, 6.3722452057199996,
-    6.5705963806599996, 6.6811287682699998, 6.7311130873599998,
-    6.7864435351600001, 6.9196277988999997, 7.1929613935300001,
-    7.3441277346099998, 7.3800960628999999, 7.4749874111999999,
-    7.6512577099200003, 7.77153906732, 7.9243829575799998, 8.2024869676600005,
-    8.2599528374899993, 8.4119253626999999, 8.5469992409900009,
-    8.9001784810399993, 9.2121022677299997, 9.2412472507699999,
-    9.4431345314800001, 9.6680036066100001, 9.7816077025699997,
-    9.9566055535700002, 10.359764716899999, 10.506972293900001, 10.7808329052,
-    11.3592743902, 11.7111644662, 11.8605742172, 12.291120808400001,
-    12.5270770795, 12.7952635728, 12.9362140074, 13.4529548967, 13.5501939602,
-    13.8515392309, 14.251817031, 14.6798102809, 14.9162575219, 15.3044645221,
-    15.963210610899999, 16.293018033300001, 16.528628889099998,
-    16.769307273999999, 17.050491132000001, 17.233636284700001,
-    17.435953831300001, 18.114197076100002, 18.209546654099999,
-    18.677206457099999, 18.876676305499998, 19.277115787700001,
-    19.603010971100002, 20.061147162099999, 20.558554522000001, 21.1117685004,
-    22.012839372799998, 22.378322630900001, 22.859288315200001,
-    23.142180705200001, 24.245079698800001, 25.9020405244, 26.507190805699999,
-    27.4739929789, 27.988361249099999, 28.8421369677, 29.731031435799999,
-    31.265395005199998, 31.947761314699999, 32.3600162185, 33.960158921500003,
-    35.2205479892, 37.329919228900003, 38.591860211300002, 39.653380662899998,
-    40.416668255899999, 41.847439486799999, 42.946435578200003,
-    44.555593529500001, 46.195425314700003, 48.272380437999999, 50.7171113769,
-    54.108838268299998, 57.192427144600003, 60.232285910500003,
-    61.154227242799998, 66.058563735700005, 68.912059708300006,
-    72.377827169900002, 74.8258152975, 76.523326659299997, 80.2223354204,
-    83.911959833699996, 89.242198798399997, 91.759192939900004, 100.917764795,
-    108.556622026, 117.397361636, 128.654564397, 132.220775344, 146.851921275,
-    158.21656178999999, 195.59053564300001, 220.40862631100001,
-    243.67073925299999, 279.44509449999998, 385.39670284599998, 2229.5014584,
-    0.0, 0.134568667089, 0.22096714722800001, 0.241982365309, 0.282582147299,
-    0.30887973543699998, 0.35848485966299998, 0.41670345418499999,
-    0.45274913222000002, 0.49984586837299999, 0.54693631356799999,
-    0.57642906524899995, 0.60428947073799999, 0.64551627763399999,
-    0.67184177451600002, 0.70559205139299996, 0.73195413388499997,
-    0.75941154288699997, 0.79316878417600001, 0.82828163530300003,
-    0.84996727554600005, 0.86244322276499996, 0.884092879818,
-    0.90053656979100005, 0.92189301683699998, 0.937781050186, 0.958448778068,
-    0.975518145216, 0.99972035165499995, 1.01410165008, 1.0561167276200001,
-    1.07137630702, 1.0888616342999999, 1.1214366313199999, 1.14842012372,
-    1.16675344893, 1.1928671069600001, 1.21185202445, 1.2444492257999999,
-    1.26555362339, 1.3020670717, 1.33144019427, 1.3700782606599999,
-    1.3922490459600001, 1.4214195703900001, 1.4412309995599999,
-    1.4713854851299999, 1.4981194360000001, 1.5156807782599999,
-    1.5353937789600001, 1.58193085489, 1.6363825813699999, 1.6679066542700001,
-    1.6953948491199999, 1.7432788369000001, 1.7757706818400001, 1.81420953428,
-    1.8369562966299999, 1.86603816317, 1.9079331429399999, 1.93559913056,
-    1.96441828434, 2.0090532694099998, 2.0388004444800001, 2.0592603576499999,
-    2.0856426528799998, 2.1175114071599999, 2.1825469443399999,
-    2.2474604253599999, 2.2749390467700001, 2.3121411416000002, 2.37177298826,
-    2.4274122023400002, 2.5181769644699998, 2.5418057541599999,
-    2.6434630075899999, 2.6747329533199999, 2.7266999242900001,
-    2.7654445970700001, 2.8140457094300002, 2.8559643406999999,
-    2.9061498475100001, 2.9702744923500002, 3.0318004993800001,
-    3.0771937025499998, 3.1682821350100001, 3.21259901675, 3.2495167992399998,
-    3.2811541713699999, 3.3233868123799999, 3.3736627766299998,
-    3.4058671494200001, 3.4805577671700001, 3.5668223714799998,
-    3.6084238266100002, 3.6537321290999998, 3.7175778126500001,
-    3.7450147871700001, 3.86111106714, 3.9410134870100002, 4.0067546356400001,
-    4.1423679617299998, 4.2024818847300001, 4.2596486695399998,
-    4.3063451426699997, 4.3689910892499997, 4.4722054954099999,
-    4.5632364049399996, 4.6512485022599996, 4.6978386313799998,
-    4.7798445058399999, 4.8531420455600003, 4.9717578546299999,
-    5.0417112146500003, 5.17081749886, 5.3019735577100002, 5.3705152383400003,
-    5.5084455462199999, 5.6182818515299999, 5.70571954448, 5.8223915078699999,
-    5.9441571869700001, 6.0647963728700001, 6.27675467201, 6.3795693788000003,
-    6.4992010115000003, 6.7279283143099997, 6.83719902118, 6.9670805423799997,
-    7.1376257228400002, 7.3185795684699997, 7.4174379003000004,
-    7.6252542819300002, 7.7560876076699996, 7.97791101428, 8.1287972523200001,
-    8.2935032606900005, 8.4263936568899993, 8.7299676982999994,
-    8.9000309257799994, 9.2106417444800002, 9.4067341973099996,
-    9.6877599453100007, 9.8288098032200004, 10.1462267898, 10.4430670065,
-    10.7710082101, 10.9083004672, 11.0537899029, 11.351140496499999,
-    11.538958771800001, 11.919288993, 12.375346950699999, 12.6154005045,
-    12.9524855025, 13.285189669299999, 13.649405117900001, 13.802655147899999,
-    14.3746878025, 14.8989750379, 15.0686452095, 15.44874785,
-    15.955460911599999, 16.199894288199999, 17.0458946378, 17.5301252159,
-    18.4112497281, 18.916626085899999, 19.3485479418, 19.9851877306,
-    20.604288900899999, 20.943333255799999, 22.112819051599999,
-    22.959668231999999, 23.9954402314, 25.035153965599999, 25.796351962900001,
-    26.3445116589, 27.598244108500001, 29.492678119099999, 31.494753701,
-    33.570886100899997, 35.411126519100002, 38.343129207700002,
-    40.297936357899999, 43.269089215000001, 46.554746459699999, 50.1438786354,
-    55.452409753200001, 63.874460149000001, 67.985459050900005,
-    72.783745624700003, 78.750906101200002, 87.178006099399994,
-    99.277342007100003, 112.32447045000001, 150.08323985000001,
-    191.04328713300001, 243.74940976799999, 298.61209890999999,
-    610.57351237299997, 0.0, 0.14365451929100001, 0.18957677402299999,
-    0.22199376087, 0.23947365917300001, 0.27923813419900001,
-    0.30376922239699999, 0.34130260137399998, 0.37018363348299999,
-    0.39852502592, 0.42043849640699998, 0.449086279049, 0.48566461460900001,
-    0.51522238701900003, 0.53527463838099998, 0.55878126111399995,
-    0.57558991560799999, 0.60170381902000003, 0.61440597833099997,
-    0.62492627680099999, 0.64456984690600005, 0.66038800753100002,
-    0.67204091430099999, 0.68713981404900004, 0.69934187376699997,
-    0.71638006601299997, 0.73072718468300002, 0.75753415419600001,
-    0.76939140872400003, 0.79364917250900002, 0.811751128298,
-    0.82030423753799997, 0.84036478778699997, 0.85629058780800005,
-    0.88242755870699996, 0.90879942564799998, 0.92603904590499997,
-    0.93855599609700002, 0.95967573616799995, 0.96617694541400001,
-    0.98792001044, 1.00156976046, 1.01153057626, 1.0353518346699999,
-    1.05486723045, 1.07085911512, 1.09910531917, 1.11522376431,
-    1.1305179753100001, 1.1546508204399999, 1.1781173432600001, 1.19157394455,
-    1.2190490331999999, 1.24787505864, 1.27361506734, 1.2980636222699999,
-    1.31518378894, 1.3450052218399999, 1.3740854471799999, 1.39558556012,
-    1.41519699656, 1.4321123741399999, 1.45909622379, 1.4759330072700001,
-    1.4910300726400001, 1.51232373124, 1.5490811046699999, 1.5782570548899999,
-    1.6116668459000001, 1.62617849191, 1.6591646731, 1.69383967991,
-    1.72149942318, 1.74810559857, 1.7978507557100001, 1.8196064275499999,
-    1.8439294053699999, 1.85951442745, 1.89107086338, 1.93673967856,
-    1.96033355989, 1.99524000334, 2.0280809922900001, 2.0465420455199999,
-    2.0660751500700001, 2.1082666292100001, 2.1419500113600001,
-    2.1692545932899998, 2.1918809811900002, 2.2313430406800001,
-    2.2895699616299998, 2.3198331260499998, 2.3513058338000001,
-    2.4080887408899998, 2.4815537977800002, 2.50851999576, 2.5617387306700001,
-    2.6055769623199998, 2.6324085179700001, 2.6961178878899998,
-    2.7413602155099999, 2.7712317948799998, 2.8112071562300001,
-    2.8581867699200001, 2.9190632974400001, 2.9439800057899999,
-    3.0104094840100002, 3.05330503281, 3.10048262834, 3.17539590266,
-    3.24511619487, 3.3056217356499999, 3.3894902835899998, 3.4335423889599999,
-    3.4854372314700002, 3.5606476568300001, 3.6043560751500001, 3.66406156029,
-    3.7660563649099998, 3.82560813033, 3.9466078971199998, 4.0283572412000002,
-    4.07714877006, 4.1552108679300002, 4.2392816813699996, 4.3147199438200001,
-    4.3721369730999999, 4.4555652323799997, 4.5860495006899997,
-    4.6665459593199996, 4.7624381582100002, 4.8488614634399996, 4.97179759557,
-    5.0150206490000002, 5.1053040689999998, 5.2812791639799999,
-    5.3716757235900001, 5.5829288018599996, 5.6518465465299998,
-    5.7620823724100001, 5.8560109031899996, 6.0128804814499999,
-    6.1465396667499999, 6.2414128574400003, 6.3854761500099997,
-    6.5447042531899999, 6.7541882725000004, 6.9854005143200002,
-    7.1367012840399999, 7.3218030112200001, 7.49946696682, 7.6472229734199999,
-    7.8443990144000004, 7.99745891313, 8.1776134189099992, 8.3773452967500006,
-    8.5328760252000002, 8.7514477358700002, 9.0436490880000004,
-    9.2332685611399992, 9.5356141275600006, 9.7666024864200001, 9.94823040132,
-    10.300958636400001, 10.771366926100001, 11.085233969500001, 11.3324457523,
-    11.7174375167, 12.143472104400001, 12.303553276000001, 12.6481061467,
-    12.833583689599999, 13.203659956699999, 13.5986055699, 14.043362878,
-    14.626177334199999, 15.0760755417, 15.580834984399999, 16.312841933200001,
-    16.9821347018, 17.9935383499, 19.206358017199999, 19.9097935496,
-    20.7049210144, 21.193393770899998, 22.4118111278, 23.293576085200002,
-    24.460751301199998, 27.218111206700002, 28.9534668252, 31.141828193399999,
-    33.063105836200002, 36.594408596199997, 41.9655259134, 50.634196787,
-    57.4170436749, 66.004841056100005, 79.707781310800002, 93.567004987600001,
-    129.369356154, 263.52530093899998, 0.0, 0.099110105290900002,
-    0.152330008962, 0.19277005116400001, 0.21849998202900001,
-    0.23666692719999999, 0.257596221751, 0.27451854288499999,
-    0.29857050680000002, 0.31354284220099998, 0.33022769626800003,
-    0.33745039990999998, 0.34950560680999998, 0.36896880619099998,
-    0.38855134185000001, 0.41755081359899998, 0.425150061144,
-    0.44306593384300003, 0.45497931754199999, 0.480210732157,
-    0.49961199725900002, 0.52519732628100002, 0.54104302118299996,
-    0.55456165182600003, 0.57645288194699995, 0.58830880718699996,
-    0.61047699977699998, 0.62243525124499999, 0.64059305866600003,
-    0.64864591793299997, 0.66076567911499995, 0.67269456457499999,
-    0.69062452712199995, 0.70930687903199996, 0.72584855411399996,
-    0.74121377368600005, 0.75125743091999997, 0.77150265368000004,
-    0.78324441542400003, 0.79888631364700002, 0.81247216458500005,
-    0.83204971232799996, 0.84425730939599997, 0.85740264943900002,
-    0.87520806795200001, 0.88821997325500002, 0.90285273820699996,
-    0.918029579805, 0.92615377290000001, 0.944808560001, 0.95843032520799998,
-    0.96908459648199996, 0.98091068958799998, 0.99546224846599995,
-    1.0114143418099999, 1.0370041029999999, 1.05163455603, 1.06941917585,
-    1.0849323260699999, 1.09786891934, 1.1200484481799999, 1.1401856044400001,
-    1.1614766378400001, 1.1779927836999999, 1.18794131464, 1.19800995642,
-    1.2153169910399999, 1.23620743467, 1.2464006441, 1.28309014464,
-    1.30117129963, 1.3139480025800001, 1.32973840183, 1.34585218726,
-    1.36483113807, 1.3880086518200001, 1.4038694678400001, 1.4269838991299999,
-    1.4531887240500001, 1.4761551228100001, 1.49140958787, 1.50497619744,
-    1.51748249595, 1.54755568638, 1.56624981363, 1.5996976922199999,
-    1.6270535823300001, 1.64604277857, 1.66675355419, 1.69387124571,
-    1.7124303672300001, 1.7402106696399999, 1.7770409733200001, 1.79456862305,
-    1.8202531872000001, 1.84460821986, 1.86760077894, 1.89650572807,
-    1.9192579590500001, 1.95188224797, 1.96482546943, 1.9921085106,
-    2.0131483132499999, 2.05544343578, 2.0827595529899998, 2.1347983483699999,
-    2.16760564415, 2.2014516721900002, 2.2315870739900001, 2.2636169272100002,
-    2.30995438871, 2.3374033408299999, 2.3738865256000001, 2.3951038330599999,
-    2.4431717219700002, 2.4826850222400001, 2.5185317615099998,
-    2.5638428795100001, 2.6284306548999998, 2.66623660644, 2.7096591116400002,
-    2.7586335740300001, 2.8025663346699998, 2.8401708445299998,
-    2.8783352938300002, 2.9063543000399998, 2.9593598772399998,
-    2.9957288325500002, 3.0605506942799998, 3.10955011278, 3.1789052606700001,
-    3.2428513432099999, 3.3274186461299999, 3.4074444667899999, 3.4504525115,
-    3.52884017973, 3.5708077150699999, 3.6772565091299998, 3.7474521798599998,
-    3.8121617114599999, 3.9240511321899998, 4.02413852901, 4.0815085453500002,
-    4.1825546762599997, 4.2751667515599996, 4.3741820336400004,
-    4.4834872676200002, 4.5686814128700002, 4.6358562892300004,
-    4.8094489254399999, 4.9654168327999999, 5.1314477165500003, 5.25148158988,
-    5.4403573194500003, 5.6010313900300002, 5.7161651882199997,
-    5.8958565355000001, 6.0361890974200003, 6.16740467168, 6.3041850958600003,
-    6.44114745164, 6.60541649452, 6.7974616801999996, 6.97815602873,
-    7.1388403799600004, 7.4314686713300002, 7.8384931901600003,
-    8.2177028271400001, 8.6453372183900008, 9.1543142843100007,
-    9.3764541677899995, 9.7962854173, 10.1633267175, 10.574689812400001,
-    11.0937462194, 11.4000754819, 11.9914359538, 12.3258902671, 12.7457696507,
-    13.361289611, 14.0129741907, 14.632251501600001, 15.099323370900001,
-    16.134748603599999, 16.802461663300001, 17.854647673100001,
-    18.834756072000001, 20.042735115799999, 21.573609706300001,
-    22.868457402400001, 24.574192288399999, 26.8474848352, 30.083792871499998,
-    34.499075183899997, 38.6709205943, 44.689686852000001, 52.857340428500002,
-    72.813133754999996, 91.564507002300005, 158.818628891, 939.11373358000003,
-    0.0, 0.071205885244299993, 0.099254028698600005, 0.14849104281600001,
-    0.17292354310999999, 0.20032666224500001, 0.226406277543,
-    0.23815469487599999, 0.26703405121599999, 0.28197072629300002,
-    0.296082146193, 0.31125854952699999, 0.32554466413499999,
-    0.33804933218900002, 0.35118970952299999, 0.371085578114,
-    0.39491385706400001, 0.413740038782, 0.42221028600999999,
-    0.44225862765200002, 0.458189520006, 0.48022475118199998,
-    0.49685298807599998, 0.51500317491299996, 0.53482118753700003,
-    0.55247938228399995, 0.57330658115499999, 0.58475963165199996,
-    0.60106501656199995, 0.62413217304400004, 0.63793653903699998,
-    0.65128873183500002, 0.66636704386000001, 0.67951755835000005,
-    0.68956025540200006, 0.70245093627400002, 0.71504184012600003,
-    0.73014210840100002, 0.74713784886300005, 0.75935155136999999,
-    0.77523714645700004, 0.78405425336400003, 0.79615963931099998,
-    0.81110455864499997, 0.82545864838799998, 0.83566202986100002,
-    0.85063666826600004, 0.87077765663700002, 0.88045508705099995,
-    0.89294081845100004, 0.90498155226699994, 0.91781500438800001,
-    0.93111410315300003, 0.94545406555199996, 0.95838819225799998,
-    0.96877608392100001, 0.98476526685599997, 1.0010342642000001,
-    1.0119849276699999, 1.03464783319, 1.05455213715, 1.0711504321800001,
-    1.08010453195, 1.1004877825999999, 1.10818262538, 1.1246761488799999,
-    1.13470825936, 1.14750678231, 1.1632448283100001, 1.18449169262,
-    1.2011657527599999, 1.2152811055699999, 1.2364506326, 1.24964319272,
-    1.2661037937899999, 1.2785791013300001, 1.2962377117699999,
-    1.3138558072099999, 1.3362693854300001, 1.34951663893, 1.3637686600700001,
-    1.37717976853, 1.3942209300999999, 1.4185816293, 1.43866597309,
-    1.45276157482, 1.48127714521, 1.5023296186499999, 1.52673585641,
-    1.5503318122600001, 1.5888091586999999, 1.6062719352799999,
-    1.6295964377400001, 1.6612388523299999, 1.6812256221899999, 1.70508917316,
-    1.72112188896, 1.74686294045, 1.7609156044800001, 1.7888509017400001,
-    1.8132839677799999, 1.8432731273, 1.8705117570000001, 1.89982085224,
-    1.9362197326199999, 1.96069015259, 1.9880007387600001, 2.0201535914000002,
-    2.0573265057399999, 2.0987964366999998, 2.13211771373, 2.1622274845799998,
-    2.1903685766800001, 2.22533347206, 2.26089786499, 2.3105003291199999,
-    2.33786317109, 2.37516129651, 2.4193923972300002, 2.4579148222399998,
-    2.5029183158800001, 2.53381912593, 2.5677307283899999, 2.6162502017999998,
-    2.6750579269800001, 2.7203789138199999, 2.7458139153899999,
-    2.8254724574300001, 2.8565396273200001, 2.9040559269499999,
-    2.9651085310499998, 3.0196812095999999, 3.0843657504699999,
-    3.1558869808600001, 3.2223894339400001, 3.2603729802400001,
-    3.3614620894799998, 3.4362647479800001, 3.53920130259, 3.5756943688499998,
-    3.64101261846, 3.7233677998300001, 3.8016940916299999, 3.9106972227400001,
-    3.9990351336300001, 4.0897762814999998, 4.1774051907800001,
-    4.2798115401099999, 4.3711459042799996, 4.4838086749199997,
-    4.5942578656300004, 4.69725646861, 4.8356147641699998, 4.9568908200199999,
-    5.0559387430399996, 5.1307907403700002, 5.29064241813, 5.4495402731300002,
-    5.5692069479899997, 5.8023798879999999, 5.9217137438199998,
-    6.1545111640699997, 6.2686946022500001, 6.4619248209700002,
-    6.6102067457500002, 6.8760747683199996, 7.1590374621899997, 7.31422994403,
-    7.6196963320300002, 7.9330981866299997, 8.3005559691100004,
-    8.5080589881200002, 8.9030525835399992, 9.3843270585099994, 9.88649146809,
-    10.279354769599999, 10.603107312100001, 11.1118716186, 11.4784714402,
-    12.035536117199999, 12.847959552400001, 13.415735074900001, 14.1791106731,
-    15.0355747631, 16.9356357166, 17.805067612999999, 19.342641049299999,
-    21.009071134500001, 23.1764543914, 25.379614414799999, 27.885782949300001,
-    29.619482312399999, 33.254904224999997, 36.867160964200004, 40.4774911481,
-    50.2787838733, 62.180321216899998, 80.798575822199993, 94.584243390899999,
-    131.07441246799999, 532.11553542800004, 0.0, 0.066750493128400007,
-    0.10229228903, 0.14064849221799999, 0.16816604212, 0.185917820027,
-    0.21145207109799999, 0.22637409875299999, 0.23827441847700001,
-    0.25325002214100001, 0.282002121386, 0.29459754431500002, 0.309921025947,
-    0.32256024829399998, 0.33607649321799998, 0.35308583886400002,
-    0.366974488228, 0.38834215578600001, 0.407453141593, 0.42152609543199998,
-    0.44240079751299999, 0.45519187153599999, 0.46297707882400002,
-    0.47982221228700001, 0.49667630123599998, 0.508498258634,
-    0.51689250307900003, 0.53635170713299996, 0.55035959890200004,
-    0.56783201126299998, 0.58585694882899997, 0.59530161133699999,
-    0.60864863465700003, 0.61872677583699998, 0.63314266869000002,
-    0.64227626695200002, 0.66366778123400005, 0.67270302950299998,
-    0.68420389566899997, 0.69282668375900003, 0.70143224682899996,
-    0.71443579991700001, 0.72615598912400003, 0.73642045277699997,
-    0.74797476862599999, 0.75717018072300002, 0.76798353829599997,
-    0.77486375038599997, 0.79414765885500005, 0.80854204945800001,
-    0.82112865231700005, 0.83235531435499999, 0.84902111566299998,
-    0.85542717883200003, 0.85897397230799999, 0.87704088496099997,
-    0.89151271520300002, 0.90700102609599997, 0.920719450271,
-    0.92891160690200003, 0.938857619857, 0.94825684266300003,
-    0.95986000285999995, 0.96960811962399995, 0.989941122374, 1.00360008757,
-    1.02107596077, 1.03643638202, 1.0502377328700001, 1.0717680324100001,
-    1.0865864964900001, 1.0954103929900001, 1.10647648545, 1.11919554073,
-    1.1348944810799999, 1.1478893503600001, 1.1583683144100001, 1.17725367471,
-    1.1977476949200001, 1.2115494448899999, 1.2227006682499999, 1.23641648061,
-    1.2453807854500001, 1.2593987794899999, 1.26998244399, 1.2869142286699999,
-    1.30049557207, 1.31446944898, 1.3295110779099999, 1.3446024810899999,
-    1.3719517782999999, 1.3907558123199999, 1.40705250973, 1.4264556633200001,
-    1.4396767485499999, 1.46991083644, 1.4987499147300001, 1.51363764814,
-    1.5369634294400001, 1.55497159429, 1.58019513401, 1.58671558905,
-    1.6122642631099999, 1.6513557926, 1.68400062899, 1.7089437540000001,
-    1.72753924255, 1.7453552720800001, 1.7758454361, 1.7994335997999999,
-    1.82770292952, 1.84731671466, 1.8985423459799999, 1.9145465641699999,
-    1.9448048626000001, 1.9916997561000001, 2.0178550764300001,
-    2.0361698775099999, 2.0577739526799999, 2.0831203668899998,
-    2.1103632127899998, 2.1537354568799998, 2.1788561526999999,
-    2.2045213341899998, 2.2224788538400002, 2.2635629295799999,
-    2.3165276562799999, 2.34821085414, 2.3981207218199998, 2.4198916383700002,
-    2.4597388271499998, 2.5017065354999999, 2.56256913084, 2.60073239413,
-    2.6306494736500001, 2.6860626220700001, 2.7343736190899999,
-    2.8116594856499999, 2.8637335040699998, 2.9264728333900001,
-    2.9955476839699999, 3.05285386085, 3.1356878770200001, 3.2072182033300001,
-    3.26764142152, 3.3485823077900001, 3.4312097504199999, 3.4816563758900001,
-    3.5584231314100001, 3.6375811375099998, 3.7335599506700001,
-    3.8014008857100001, 3.8705553019300001, 3.9806979118000001,
-    4.0971698101299996, 4.1749168167999997, 4.3083366103599996, 4.38165849577,
-    4.5310804208600004, 4.6613092856899998, 4.7803056653900002,
-    4.9095209439899996, 5.0546229367600004, 5.2110820221100003,
-    5.3463510691199998, 5.52429734599, 5.6756130707899999, 5.9685799046800003,
-    6.1860199186999996, 6.3195153450500001, 6.6566660244499998,
-    6.9673972764899998, 7.26908683037, 7.6488825007600001, 7.8611350773700002,
-    8.2320652147600004, 8.4210908255200003, 8.9496041073600008,
-    9.5584199425000005, 10.1439245514, 10.6423118073, 11.0791716855,
-    11.838823182500001, 12.7106408238, 14.1580993885, 15.148907718,
-    15.904843132, 17.434395016500002, 18.518727628800001, 20.121463138599999,
-    22.7076019362, 24.3760430058, 27.247058263300001, 30.661631466599999,
-    33.079547519400002, 39.127879890599999, 48.943565214800003, 59.4575606151,
-    91.335874697400001, 141.45432793200001, 411.661489776, 0.0,
-    0.069952231864699996, 0.103404633578, 0.125014068162, 0.146010270449,
-    0.16359155444599999, 0.178864568833, 0.19599840432599999,
-    0.21261593381499999, 0.22711972642700001, 0.243111674684,
-    0.25767461785399998, 0.27180823360799999, 0.28563106170000002,
-    0.30065227522400001, 0.31466033367599999, 0.32740274431499999,
-    0.34144162964000002, 0.35392977821499999, 0.36739586603699997,
-    0.37668601825699999, 0.38997906091099999, 0.40341912954199999,
-    0.416373727157, 0.426895908682, 0.43977830899800002, 0.45258671966300001,
-    0.466514605217, 0.477389064152, 0.48977333283500002, 0.50163197604999998,
-    0.51199626571900003, 0.52444304417700005, 0.535756267392,
-    0.54517617178599997, 0.556723976482, 0.56923743022399997,
-    0.58148013003300003, 0.59338244193300005, 0.60349023988499995,
-    0.61844448197599999, 0.63082462731599998, 0.64077938591500005,
-    0.65387489192500003, 0.66469357132100004, 0.67819373925399995,
-    0.68727074573400004, 0.69848718075600003, 0.71043795726600001,
-    0.71961915177299995, 0.72969713364300004, 0.74107602282600005,
-    0.75606721670699994, 0.76643518425500001, 0.77845497049099999,
-    0.78839543992500005, 0.80132022172700001, 0.81246877456,
-    0.82543482006900004, 0.835142423425, 0.84674802068300004,
-    0.85967143818799996, 0.87125300477599998, 0.88408451673499999,
-    0.89664194416599996, 0.91062205430599996, 0.92119895144599995,
-    0.93242997074199996, 0.94571219445300003, 0.96041450364400005,
-    0.97224013435699996, 0.98495533130900004, 0.99919196810900002,
-    1.0129236124100001, 1.02562802722, 1.0390578098300001, 1.05327349462,
-    1.06699289985, 1.08003878786, 1.0911503311699999, 1.10287478431,
-    1.11752324595, 1.1314149261899999, 1.1474113539199999, 1.1623424598800001,
-    1.1809099334199999, 1.19698636893, 1.21181796755, 1.22544671282,
-    1.24244196167, 1.25768137753, 1.2753336486, 1.29073541071,
-    1.3028499501799999, 1.3187969502100001, 1.33382177937, 1.35329432786,
-    1.3654396608399999, 1.3831852898699999, 1.4053731868899999,
-    1.4244601671899999, 1.4458595538900001, 1.4624828517299999, 1.48424757851,
-    1.50258889287, 1.5267644454, 1.54442727619, 1.56845111196,
-    1.5867698647199999, 1.60842558029, 1.6313088751, 1.6534369558899999,
-    1.6753389600899999, 1.69620207473, 1.7204189063699999, 1.7419530680599999,
-    1.76805842778, 1.7922030172000001, 1.8188034212699999, 1.85148643519,
-    1.8773786266000001, 1.90256305862, 1.9386203775399999, 1.9687813707199999,
-    1.9981566611499999, 2.0245303042499998, 2.0584208427499999,
-    2.0946946719900001, 2.1348120365500001, 2.1791471443199999,
-    2.2224520832399999, 2.2595687931800001, 2.3106923875200001,
-    2.3553963857400002, 2.3983286546599998, 2.4436515071799998,
-    2.4865189620699999, 2.5405446707500001, 2.59421388661, 2.64091695706,
-    2.6996385735900001, 2.7473734419100002, 2.8035977565799999,
-    2.8535299568900001, 2.91542786179, 2.9893281334399999, 3.0516305485699999,
-    3.1163028661999999, 3.1947678399299999, 3.2663049222699998,
-    3.3339853805400002, 3.40237096205, 3.4768322926400002, 3.5806851899900001,
-    3.6801840510099999, 3.7872722453700001, 3.8916915748699998,
-    3.9917050980400002, 4.0940578914500003, 4.19602458524, 4.3323371208100001,
-    4.4338250448399998, 4.5732353526800003, 4.7071896650899996,
-    4.8371637819700002, 4.9861306159599996, 5.1247005951200002,
-    5.2989900989100001, 5.4331191858299999, 5.5988276453600001,
-    5.8197641223699996, 6.0307234869500004, 6.2629671258800004,
-    6.4723292924600004, 6.73373305351, 7.0011281823499996, 7.2896172889599997,
-    7.6282663585300003, 7.9822597848400001, 8.4459703825899997,
-    8.8384469969099992, 9.2101115074000006, 9.73610634934, 10.3512776241,
-    10.917239822399999, 11.6235706159, 12.2958078571, 12.939563854899999,
-    14.2324201348, 15.485703747200001, 16.9857809226, 18.432059703,
-    20.321399149499999, 22.561711453099999, 25.531954585200001,
-    29.543395520299999, 34.331229479900003, 42.111056517599998,
-    54.231741921900003, 88.569928594700002, 402.90323270200003, 0.0,
-    0.063832780404899994, 0.097778217097499995, 0.12370909607, 0.150339924072,
-    0.16482266304000001, 0.17990570626399999, 0.190646713912,
-    0.20163809948600001, 0.216830757348, 0.22812951506500001,
-    0.24021891326399999, 0.25541866841600003, 0.269018368043,
-    0.28049226030899999, 0.29164957411100001, 0.30229091825999999,
-    0.31343659256900003, 0.327727185596, 0.33950733116499998,
-    0.35546334505900001, 0.36812325794200002, 0.38133767715299999,
-    0.394597620963, 0.404978263841, 0.41815375781000003, 0.42864653293400001,
-    0.444894300819, 0.454376903331, 0.46341028375999999, 0.47599157488299998,
-    0.48560628028199998, 0.49777311032799998, 0.508833944353,
-    0.52141721957599996, 0.53079993862899999, 0.54083525487700002,
-    0.55116155918099996, 0.56028981112599996, 0.571200303066,
-    0.58044683485600002, 0.58839931947599999, 0.59900193670599999,
-    0.60844513668900002, 0.61984074999700001, 0.630706376051,
-    0.64055060618699999, 0.65022883648700003, 0.65969805240099999,
-    0.67173860230299998, 0.683039145269, 0.69151743825699996,
-    0.70492328902000001, 0.71497674644599996, 0.72455754197800004,
-    0.73626892393499999, 0.74666068393600005, 0.75711837954399996,
-    0.76917986479, 0.78031391817899998, 0.79003646883199996,
-    0.80178135233600001, 0.81294330929500003, 0.82479240642999996,
-    0.83793294590599998, 0.84856051750299999, 0.857727050288, 0.867523080562,
-    0.87989898293299995, 0.88810730552100003, 0.89899588869799996,
-    0.90918788036700005, 0.92161182284099996, 0.93310880618299996,
-    0.94666983786799996, 0.95950586438800001, 0.96954717752200004,
-    0.98183054360800004, 0.99327109762300003, 1.0071871810099999, 1.0199396023,
-    1.0299591745400001, 1.0433590956800001, 1.0579526586200001, 1.0722037652,
-    1.0856825564000001, 1.10062275455, 1.11366547931, 1.12553109294,
-    1.1369984132099999, 1.1497029036699999, 1.16306292312, 1.17522255584,
-    1.1892082610600001, 1.2041212236300001, 1.22190050707, 1.2347118934600001,
-    1.2504314859500001, 1.2629302579599999, 1.2791680786099999, 1.29405735901,
-    1.3107720617700001, 1.32643387797, 1.3415152129300001, 1.3620274129300001,
-    1.3823476697499999, 1.40444011877, 1.42173569526, 1.4364703857500001,
-    1.45484612731, 1.47972134044, 1.49655634371, 1.5141380044499999,
-    1.53379025535, 1.5555036580899999, 1.5714663036600001, 1.59647294538,
-    1.6138151759899999, 1.6380127097199999, 1.6594163419300001,
-    1.6820072233800001, 1.7019879011500001, 1.7246555912899999, 1.75616951171,
-    1.7809849497500001, 1.8095401046899999, 1.83533696471, 1.8573176551099999,
-    1.88542875324, 1.92090178934, 1.9505618811500001, 1.9774596313099999,
-    2.0068544301600002, 2.0350921018900001, 2.0643959097, 2.1062800026400001,
-    2.1347376230699999, 2.1742676793900002, 2.2104098855299998,
-    2.2514941680099998, 2.2912348247100001, 2.3349554164100002,
-    2.3796253970099999, 2.41766195211, 2.4815347228200002, 2.5296861327400002,
-    2.57523096673, 2.6414826618, 2.6880090127099998, 2.7379395286100001,
-    2.7971131333199999, 2.8454615301600001, 2.9012187913899998,
-    2.9675790254000001, 3.04978866032, 3.12354871979, 3.2117080755199998,
-    3.3031992991200001, 3.3786495999400001, 3.4622786505200001,
-    3.5341733641599999, 3.5975451787299999, 3.7026608369999998, 3.82558431557,
-    3.9485708722999999, 4.0749917626799999, 4.2182278466299996,
-    4.3815530054699998, 4.5579379614200004, 4.7079073862299996,
-    4.8861754887000002, 5.0662849643500003, 5.2496674690900003,
-    5.4708584275999996, 5.6873944276300001, 5.9465154086899998, 6.10841977807,
-    6.32522045284, 6.6457452149499998, 6.8963618663700004, 7.1600629694100002,
-    7.4849075540900003, 7.8078159674899998, 8.1135987260599993,
-    8.6434490614699993, 9.3138777741999998, 9.9096943796500003, 10.5413045729,
-    11.158948712999999, 11.999104899500001, 12.8985733307, 13.9490047253,
-    15.518092394, 17.033131729600001, 18.432082803299998, 20.708613102099999,
-    23.123985660399999, 27.884421759599999, 36.561019225000003,
-    61.076641297099997, 468.04625970900003, 0.0, 0.067076529355799996,
-    0.097824586424400006, 0.12058047219699999, 0.135066352689,
-    0.15703805450399999, 0.16865220856099999, 0.18272153189500001,
-    0.19456107267299999, 0.20905544303500001, 0.22429021016199999,
-    0.23682684978499999, 0.24961005214199999, 0.26225295033399998,
-    0.27282432554800001, 0.283602099439, 0.29623312604699997,
-    0.30840842319700001, 0.31645548412699998, 0.33143452632300002,
-    0.343712260145, 0.35341928343099999, 0.36635377466399999,
-    0.37717670892999999, 0.39032523504299999, 0.40013045900700001,
-    0.41162395957300002, 0.42423155816699998, 0.43186283101,
-    0.44215015996599999, 0.45428937582200002, 0.46224971743999999,
-    0.47594444504299999, 0.48807023390400001, 0.49693964716900002,
-    0.51019137347099996, 0.52165237357899996, 0.53174150971800005,
-    0.54256492119300004, 0.55515020156399997, 0.56325486596700003,
-    0.57178372078899997, 0.57891384744999996, 0.58826455880299999,
-    0.59910449639800001, 0.60935191848000003, 0.61881052080400001,
-    0.62702569041300005, 0.63798126176500003, 0.64999626073299999,
-    0.66409842520700002, 0.67206511322700002, 0.68117655017099998,
-    0.69235691936599997, 0.70629027472700001, 0.71718753920199996,
-    0.72825030830899995, 0.73958277894699997, 0.74721313986399995,
-    0.75951044739999996, 0.77054717878099999, 0.78033716992000002,
-    0.791657009508, 0.80069783012999995, 0.81151864388700001,
-    0.82257967604500004, 0.83376565960100002, 0.84367481175100001,
-    0.85373445615999999, 0.86281664475599995, 0.87277267299399997,
-    0.88522150941099997, 0.895112829577, 0.90741716188900001,
-    0.91619554643300005, 0.92601655850499998, 0.93734361345600004,
-    0.94620041333000005, 0.95712672909899998, 0.96744573225499997,
-    0.98318977108299999, 0.99187947130599996, 1.00505446816,
-    1.0135141032699999, 1.02598410227, 1.0352951482399999, 1.0473143060900001,
-    1.0610104522899999, 1.07557548922, 1.0886540525699999, 1.1030302993000001,
-    1.1222000890499999, 1.1397653729499999, 1.15430437835, 1.1696993848599999,
-    1.1869488960800001, 1.20122564741, 1.2141587142000001, 1.2257708751700001,
-    1.2411522805399999, 1.2560045466400001, 1.27446251035, 1.2841952131300001,
-    1.2982208578200001, 1.3182157576, 1.3298159782600001, 1.3424136029,
-    1.3604328317200001, 1.3767068167600001, 1.39749108045, 1.4148267830400001,
-    1.43982412632, 1.45450195158, 1.47070553463, 1.4842104270200001,
-    1.5036094415600001, 1.5196111004899999, 1.5427837280000001, 1.56874118822,
-    1.59012806749, 1.6156339281200001, 1.6415259814800001, 1.6627342303899999,
-    1.68678597138, 1.7123700775899999, 1.7355941341300001, 1.7575287234700001,
-    1.77549370303, 1.8023242212999999, 1.8306364744700001, 1.86843117775,
-    1.89616140233, 1.92693168508, 1.94653908551, 1.9674301249699999,
-    2.0023775987399999, 2.0410970809600002, 2.0712419181500001,
-    2.1001298794399998, 2.1435551353000002, 2.18745519946, 2.2407411531300001,
-    2.2877176484300001, 2.3482386991299999, 2.3878544206000001,
-    2.4256485211599998, 2.4689746994299999, 2.54115707404, 2.6060044637200002,
-    2.6471446480799998, 2.7082778846300002, 2.7625848318599999,
-    2.8217618519399998, 2.8730281955899999, 2.94944935405, 2.9984511177900002,
-    3.06158326156, 3.1477109402800001, 3.2264457052400002, 3.3135370713699999,
-    3.3913116560900001, 3.46766561982, 3.5469306652600001, 3.6270133483599998,
-    3.7196516111200002, 3.8300128499600001, 3.9706856961599999,
-    4.0624593885399998, 4.16862605645, 4.32355081595, 4.4582130280000003,
-    4.5901068198399999, 4.7253251831799998, 4.8713623347399997,
-    5.0670691161099999, 5.2375849693000003, 5.3887073546400002,
-    5.6495635870200003, 5.8884178613599998, 6.1407571599699997,
-    6.3858608976199998, 6.6661948102800004, 7.0439049067599999,
-    7.3559915120800001, 7.73009363221, 8.2262361691900008, 8.8019442355600006,
-    9.2680434525499997, 9.7743200198599993, 10.6920252267, 11.3785733059,
-    12.170137853, 13.036613519199999, 14.486048819000001, 16.028067222499999,
-    17.977721620600001, 20.963719555200001, 25.110074835700001,
-    32.315204575999999, 51.776266767099997, 108.063764331, 0.0,
-    0.074209559522700003, 0.108008052641, 0.12807119272199999, 0.145696860505,
-    0.15949782790200001, 0.17030767784699999, 0.181856162219, 0.194359775116,
-    0.206545451204, 0.216886655718, 0.227597454714, 0.239520822277,
-    0.24975972163499999, 0.26174800391699998, 0.27515156150300002,
-    0.28928260960800001, 0.30056007218699998, 0.31177038148300001,
-    0.32223273686999998, 0.33233709398299999, 0.34226863585799999,
-    0.35054033371600002, 0.36272022538900001, 0.37265758299599999,
-    0.38450845354800001, 0.392952528902, 0.40280374789700002,
-    0.41239163517100003, 0.42225057636800001, 0.43390677896199997,
-    0.44589553585300001, 0.456357880291, 0.46605928183400003,
-    0.47533877800199997, 0.485109944056, 0.49754601794199999,
-    0.50792030114300002, 0.51923692407099997, 0.52864927728800004,
-    0.53777407420400003, 0.54790751383199998, 0.55673983995999998,
-    0.56698607143699997, 0.57670367642800002, 0.58667471005899996,
-    0.596751819495, 0.60570130209100004, 0.61498993393199997,
-    0.62532916186599996, 0.63421809777399996, 0.643945582415, 0.652131236,
-    0.66037342159400003, 0.66984241853199999, 0.68013004284099998,
-    0.68891506562500004, 0.69795858717600001, 0.70724072355500001,
-    0.71773910407499997, 0.72600456224599996, 0.73529066837299994,
-    0.74465581544199999, 0.75311728489600005, 0.76285052475299997,
-    0.77230557399699995, 0.78194921514500004, 0.79213459741699999,
-    0.80258535964699995, 0.81396443458699996, 0.82267338024400005,
-    0.83206771620599995, 0.83984893131100002, 0.85244698240700001,
-    0.860212067124, 0.87121284808199995, 0.88206426743400002, 0.893602624377,
-    0.90550090295300001, 0.91868520951400001, 0.92977380346299998,
-    0.94206318246999998, 0.95246633238900003, 0.96670282891199999,
-    0.97605982209599995, 0.98559747736000003, 0.99585577432700001,
-    1.00707064259, 1.01710690075, 1.02898182166, 1.04428034784,
-    1.0538694818500001, 1.06500309695, 1.0756346263800001, 1.08768054822,
-    1.0986564112699999, 1.11056517658, 1.1222492032, 1.13556072341,
-    1.1472841566, 1.16118311944, 1.17259765348, 1.1861421571199999,
-    1.1985894798400001, 1.20980222263, 1.2233664048399999, 1.2385002300500001,
-    1.2516226459299999, 1.2669008712400001, 1.2794959423800001,
-    1.2958611531299999, 1.31116706463, 1.32857407312, 1.34365731571,
-    1.35879876289, 1.3767427480700001, 1.3927745273200001, 1.41141387435,
-    1.4296441628400001, 1.4469934928999999, 1.46603314043, 1.4837471764900001,
-    1.5016602720400001, 1.51855715617, 1.5372635274499999, 1.55585749083,
-    1.5776110083899999, 1.59566951462, 1.62476079488, 1.6471928626000001,
-    1.6678247338300001, 1.6864094001200001, 1.7115934443700001,
-    1.7389659531499999, 1.76721239977, 1.78849994105, 1.81312786502,
-    1.8365295582100001, 1.8646738456900001, 1.8978807795199999, 1.9240405234,
-    1.9549490789899999, 1.98972377392, 2.0200230888899999, 2.0589141742399999,
-    2.10302415543, 2.14058485254, 2.1818536127199999, 2.2299519963300001,
-    2.2712959938699999, 2.3135445986500001, 2.3566542270399999,
-    2.3959056922599999, 2.4446333513399998, 2.4952439185199999,
-    2.5492654399200001, 2.6106037504100001, 2.6602865229799999,
-    2.7105208912299998, 2.7745671455899998, 2.8333797499900002,
-    2.9008461857499999, 2.96494326499, 3.0289889630300002, 3.10234506861,
-    3.1725169557099999, 3.2548023935399999, 3.3312575634499999, 3.41501385226,
-    3.5077691502100001, 3.6109139158899999, 3.70736489466, 3.8078795299400001,
-    3.9399935880500001, 4.0729162849399998, 4.1754315477999997, 4.32871701963,
-    4.4670420558400004, 4.6172360869400002, 4.7801353008799996,
-    4.9685158392900002, 5.1787521224099997, 5.3659561809799996,
-    5.5579867362700002, 5.80647069765, 6.0770936171800001, 6.3474439077599998,
-    6.62582338065, 6.9727248909400004, 7.3991913842899999, 7.8834449215399998,
-    8.5166144845100007, 9.2030546325000007, 9.88020733826, 10.866036106699999,
-    12.0758777085, 14.18128042, 16.712052750600002, 20.430876708300001,
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-    0.15732758095900001, 0.17026163426999999, 0.181554153262,
-    0.19229104097999999, 0.20063488720700001, 0.20918075219000001,
-    0.22448851398700001, 0.23329259600999999, 0.243417838223,
-    0.25098683398999999, 0.26086665715599999, 0.26722012921400001,
-    0.27447102517700001, 0.28549280903099999, 0.29370514330199998,
-    0.30435794709199998, 0.31171401890299999, 0.32079725821600003,
-    0.33073290586199999, 0.340392028515, 0.35038726600499998,
-    0.35811690266399998, 0.36447411653700001, 0.37185544116399999,
-    0.381082348721, 0.390780214455, 0.39830952785200002, 0.40748168602500001,
-    0.41488373765499997, 0.42543510561100001, 0.43158160961199998,
-    0.44002625662900002, 0.44926347686599999, 0.45776432919799998,
-    0.468022411503, 0.47664440380200002, 0.48258490950499999,
-    0.48896171374500003, 0.496491820137, 0.50698509859999996,
-    0.51452015906199999, 0.52068937139100002, 0.52946408477100004,
-    0.53880448153799998, 0.548801791313, 0.555995027759, 0.56369511933200001,
-    0.57026213611200005, 0.57917412801400003, 0.58903117523000004,
-    0.59960305490099997, 0.60673607228299997, 0.61394249280099999,
-    0.62335872512500001, 0.62950473092000003, 0.63564906077100003,
-    0.64370653836500002, 0.65068290176499999, 0.65692425783200004,
-    0.66660140937199996, 0.67467287438699997, 0.68340267482299999,
-    0.69234704669500002, 0.70022548729900003, 0.70878108772100001,
-    0.71517132508000003, 0.72483344563800001, 0.73510369684400001,
-    0.74464179844099998, 0.75114169742299997, 0.75948786098200005,
-    0.76927896632399995, 0.780181603981, 0.79038397953499995,
-    0.79658809158499999, 0.80565180419899995, 0.81340080992999997,
-    0.82502676166900002, 0.83237961296700003, 0.84110268556400003,
-    0.85232968998699998, 0.86273446105600005, 0.87069963084699997,
-    0.88137854582999997, 0.89128913714400004, 0.90061058757400003,
-    0.90609412190700001, 0.91504032505999999, 0.92415693050900005,
-    0.93648983181699996, 0.94349116139300004, 0.95300702282700001,
-    0.96521719153999996, 0.97733292798399996, 0.98974230043699996,
-    1.0028012640199999, 1.01236890773, 1.0253034214500001, 1.0345343165800001,
-    1.0429324387700001, 1.0534672371, 1.06628868009, 1.07468795352,
-    1.08633326882, 1.09933424957, 1.1068518163600001, 1.12106242894,
-    1.13430375102, 1.1497669909499999, 1.16355554605, 1.1741333470999999,
-    1.1865602471200001, 1.19552264974, 1.20964466299, 1.2206552660600001,
-    1.2334735428900001, 1.2446193507100001, 1.26228052188, 1.2733668809500001,
-    1.2862487980799999, 1.29915564596, 1.31311637923, 1.3325804596099999,
-    1.34251302023, 1.3591003659500001, 1.377169549, 1.3924811167,
-    1.40750771045, 1.4232614989300001, 1.4396669344899999, 1.4651287187599999,
-    1.4899491085200001, 1.50816578923, 1.5249813512099999, 1.5484316629499999,
-    1.56552035633, 1.58626075727, 1.60321824898, 1.6254795315799999,
-    1.64592427713, 1.6680292001699999, 1.6929771865600001, 1.71641044875,
-    1.73825985627, 1.7655221754799999, 1.7903694698399999, 1.8124234588000001,
-    1.83919765728, 1.86770929471, 1.9001015000199999, 1.9321267789500001,
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-    2.0929451083099999, 2.12301731176, 2.1526232798299998, 2.19298807375,
-    2.2255018723100002, 2.2689246505599998, 2.3179026897699999,
-    2.3644121098699999, 2.4221039841300001, 2.4838688069799999, 2.53466998697,
-    2.6042919607999999, 2.6812450073999998, 2.7654172146999998,
-    2.8309204248399999, 2.9094078948100002, 2.9876772553499999,
-    3.0748530970700001, 3.1622064731699999, 3.24147451246, 3.32558384886,
-    3.4422202342600001, 3.5775338240400001, 3.7141610497599999, 3.87173250803,
-    4.0663966875900002, 4.29308118297, 4.4781034155099997, 4.7041054642700004,
-    5.0488522514199996, 5.3311777928700002, 5.6656935490200002,
-    6.1539089237400004, 6.8843836607600002, 7.4347424954000001,
-    8.2978267417500007, 9.6243020157500005, 11.369168954199999,
-    15.540639672399999, 76.1760172643, 0.0, 0.049706365699999998,
-    0.0666592682662, 0.088322065368899999, 0.104536859611, 0.11923256786399999,
-    0.127291144238, 0.13502577832400001, 0.140820543469, 0.15139945632400001,
-    0.16099717066999999, 0.16793664804899999, 0.179770597659,
-    0.18534480911599999, 0.19437588065, 0.20501796081000001,
-    0.21442507195499999, 0.223638661722, 0.235448046864, 0.24069837603999999,
-    0.249796619168, 0.2569021037, 0.26571241794099998, 0.273484835112,
-    0.28264031867099998, 0.29203238294299999, 0.30128506578199998,
-    0.30890798204499997, 0.31400372247300001, 0.32085907990500001,
-    0.33018590514200002, 0.33434813763600002, 0.34099138695100001,
-    0.34839419218399997, 0.36043796979300002, 0.366921197137, 0.374978179395,
-    0.380142953738, 0.38497527854699998, 0.39412431397300002,
-    0.40294224279800001, 0.41036947119900002, 0.42097414080500001,
-    0.426696154529, 0.43405547629300001, 0.438076390323, 0.44626941882600002,
-    0.45209988855099997, 0.46025667702299999, 0.46751534699899999,
-    0.47569740786199999, 0.48648925341600002, 0.49365845173799999,
-    0.50062076512099996, 0.50762099689399998, 0.51599561488599999,
-    0.52069070294499997, 0.52771734894599998, 0.53507770527700005,
-    0.53957262010100004, 0.54687563426600005, 0.55882733756900005,
-    0.56778279961099998, 0.57581367970300001, 0.58169558514099995,
-    0.589416835832, 0.59799990574399997, 0.60309451416000004,
-    0.60776585343300005, 0.61113211528400002, 0.620751519689,
-    0.63049668177200002, 0.64186111209399999, 0.649049389792,
-    0.65881032984999999, 0.667603399933, 0.67500088551600002,
-    0.68058962597299999, 0.68475592303099997, 0.69020553863599998,
-    0.69297641552300004, 0.69919890922799999, 0.70692564551500003,
-    0.71223085652100004, 0.72213575435900001, 0.730079802251,
-    0.73971307206199999, 0.74754515744299999, 0.75906245692899998,
-    0.76535806436599996, 0.768435170424, 0.77936645084, 0.78371319966099995,
-    0.793548757173, 0.79992665980300004, 0.80669075308100002, 0.813805390164,
-    0.82073219292800004, 0.82530292600499999, 0.83254418888299997,
-    0.84023227490600005, 0.84610269681500005, 0.850974506809,
-    0.85604916181199997, 0.86800267070000003, 0.87548269182500005,
-    0.88170746226899999, 0.89168104316600005, 0.89886785180600004,
-    0.90941660694899995, 0.92091095976000004, 0.92713708903799996,
-    0.93255472954399998, 0.94075570205600001, 0.95405981205900003,
-    0.96338844277799995, 0.97402552055400005, 0.98526481076200001,
-    0.99808150342699997, 1.00881814468, 1.0181152037700001, 1.02462072395,
-    1.0362614133200001, 1.0501057383200001, 1.05573829434, 1.0663375241399999,
-    1.0815544234900001, 1.0920197863400001, 1.10280835408, 1.1180455459900001,
-    1.1302349147199999, 1.14338393376, 1.1517784771899999, 1.16459044846,
-    1.17843359548, 1.1909602731, 1.2038564818399999, 1.2161138792399999,
-    1.22899884794, 1.24167619324, 1.25804220029, 1.26669854112, 1.28319750286,
-    1.29839920006, 1.31138545902, 1.3222317000599999, 1.34185918055,
-    1.3547619368999999, 1.3711217067000001, 1.3874485756199999,
-    1.4017178245899999, 1.4176863825099999, 1.43525875504, 1.4513358921899999,
-    1.4669285814799999, 1.49058059786, 1.51243917885, 1.5343601628600001,
-    1.5519685841999999, 1.5858246281799999, 1.6052702545799999,
-    1.6255288476200001, 1.645511371, 1.67744979518, 1.7003145979100001,
-    1.7236176675199999, 1.74467645265, 1.7809151811699999, 1.8104241704099999,
-    1.85100020932, 1.8902605480300001, 1.9127629589099999, 1.94264465956,
-    1.98831619403, 2.0462312106199998, 2.1088091964400002, 2.1589111550700002,
-    2.19880416124, 2.2551363689100001, 2.32115689321, 2.3900112406699998,
-    2.4355086734200002, 2.53167527975, 2.5574390199299999, 2.69075228193,
-    2.80722131929, 2.8827815963000001, 3.0169724035100001, 3.1020365340699998,
-    3.2877647668300001, 3.4186314330799998, 3.55711527829, 3.7777833577900002,
-    4.0940063095600001, 4.35113022089, 4.7722176832300001, 5.4945754250499999,
-    6.0600360065499999, 6.7983858917699997, 9.1234186672500002,
-    40.009378980599998, 0.0, 0.067895952064799994, 0.084300078749299998,
-    0.095052432169299997, 0.102638659398, 0.112117784904, 0.11826939027900001,
-    0.12549932636300001, 0.12979818836900001, 0.14651996704600001,
-    0.15100212390600001, 0.161663165759, 0.16954870848299999, 0.177081348221,
-    0.18018558524200001, 0.18303580819699999, 0.19216015759300001,
-    0.19761816342399999, 0.20405892001000001, 0.208512677383, 0.2121909193,
-    0.219201257102, 0.226866968867, 0.23794276716900001, 0.24987132195699999,
-    0.25465170763400002, 0.26099785587800001, 0.26730559655899999,
-    0.28331961066, 0.29096521670800002, 0.29624967979200001,
-    0.29829805930100001, 0.30951316035100002, 0.31770754811700003,
-    0.32720886553700002, 0.33647444911699997, 0.34198895204000002,
-    0.35025569471500001, 0.35723583674800002, 0.36574792956399999,
-    0.37381139126899998, 0.38799391889500001, 0.39067031169299998,
-    0.39620024782899999, 0.40020907354500002, 0.406629782376,
-    0.41587001647900002, 0.42064605710199998, 0.427983894024,
-    0.43880340547500002, 0.446223080223, 0.450449340882, 0.45558651616200002,
-    0.46105934588699998, 0.46416526610600001, 0.47234232416100003,
-    0.47838800081799998, 0.48398364517499998, 0.49028214090200001,
-    0.499284532015, 0.50451360745100005, 0.509733914146, 0.51534943972199998,
-    0.51694525305200001, 0.52351544417600004, 0.52741635274900001,
-    0.53030801158100005, 0.54039249319000005, 0.543358519993,
-    0.55090831684899999, 0.56351528162800002, 0.57109497028699996,
-    0.57678495336900004, 0.58431894816300001, 0.59453107257500004,
-    0.60337885959000004, 0.61000337793399995, 0.61727383516599998,
-    0.62371645808300002, 0.629855469291, 0.64046230499599999,
-    0.64338774420900002, 0.64928236111199999, 0.65253922932700004,
-    0.65630438988100004, 0.66542800844200001, 0.67245369789099996,
-    0.67689678974900003, 0.68490163471400001, 0.697879548796,
-    0.70321721042899998, 0.70825620560000002, 0.71214130965099998,
-    0.71606229576000002, 0.72849739743399999, 0.72997690491599998,
-    0.73496304621899999, 0.74722916204000001, 0.75461055645599995,
-    0.76049922669799996, 0.76492250952399998, 0.77219537422499995,
-    0.77615043430200004, 0.78272629883699996, 0.78806707738399995,
-    0.803877101727, 0.81237050231600005, 0.82231101211000002,
-    0.82643891219300003, 0.82994343368199996, 0.84104036655799996,
-    0.85001450139900003, 0.85722719700299999, 0.86813520497600005,
-    0.87634807207999998, 0.87849406127499996, 0.88626760274000005,
-    0.89464524886600005, 0.89854680515700003, 0.90579336081200001,
-    0.90937836218900003, 0.92263809143499997, 0.92671709472899999,
-    0.93140291302300005, 0.93889838636400003, 0.94817473635500005,
-    0.95134624523199995, 0.95948566447500006, 0.96931430537899999,
-    0.97827519300099997, 0.98284090499800003, 0.98853660864199999,
-    0.99999303088000002, 1.00933104878, 1.02227252775, 1.0339923686800001,
-    1.03840687036, 1.04500879737, 1.05122171927, 1.06723984471, 1.07953686403,
-    1.09113807067, 1.10417487551, 1.11446546637, 1.1254220105599999,
-    1.1353940360999999, 1.16144655068, 1.1695186521200001, 1.1831819617599999,
-    1.2096151764900001, 1.2368935164299999, 1.2456266675500001, 1.25296303964,
-    1.26564891435, 1.2701959942000001, 1.28466851306, 1.29873724956,
-    1.31966389347, 1.3313272542500001, 1.34786430325, 1.3621826611400001,
-    1.3720433831700001, 1.3971090305, 1.4043458957999999, 1.4238434153299999,
-    1.4590867995000001, 1.4854743821, 1.5153253015599999, 1.54813838085,
-    1.57329724758, 1.6116532666100001, 1.62277970085, 1.63219947245,
-    1.6666665269000001, 1.73127681763, 1.7492774307700001, 1.80557771894,
-    1.8267234865099999, 1.88934211181, 1.9203963709, 1.99466093314,
-    2.0230718376899999, 2.0628543274000002, 2.1367073224899999,
-    2.1821320160500002, 2.22093938088, 2.3072520016700002, 2.3621845025599999,
-    2.44517002578, 2.5015913727800001, 2.5975738754100002, 2.7045052724200001,
-    2.8865631109500001, 3.1260959842, 3.39849260601, 3.6254807685400001,
-    4.0097191798100003, 4.5724242129699997, 5.4143250544999999,
-    6.3272292972399997, 17.5560575511, 0.0, 0.085458258148600003,
-    0.098622234580399995, 0.106568524017, 0.108057180859, 0.1107805041,
-    0.11464013028599999, 0.13602438252499999, 0.14300574817799999,
-    0.146684159845, 0.15122598984999999, 0.154733085331, 0.161754974932,
-    0.17723910406000001, 0.18032389045700001, 0.18658548177699999,
-    0.18746673820000001, 0.19896129970099999, 0.209234599805,
-    0.21980562614900001, 0.228062016284, 0.23711187915099999,
-    0.23869840689499999, 0.240361816358, 0.27144033681000002,
-    0.27327373169399999, 0.27458858408600001, 0.28007177711800002,
-    0.28248298888899998, 0.28387767697499999, 0.287453003343, 0.292023090998,
-    0.29519223190999999, 0.31407066578100001, 0.32033662902100002,
-    0.32377361486099998, 0.33791304018399998, 0.340145093994,
-    0.34355792125200002, 0.35986952431000002, 0.36278049873099999,
-    0.36565591999199998, 0.36887445402199998, 0.37307785833099999,
-    0.37522358431500002, 0.38644599385299999, 0.38905873533300001,
-    0.39011760635100001, 0.39429900482899999, 0.40016937602000002,
-    0.40636267913899998, 0.408103464438, 0.411985395905, 0.42002274379400001,
-    0.42424580987299998, 0.42889507706199997, 0.43431096613499998,
-    0.43634598755999998, 0.44074601502999999, 0.44833586654099999,
-    0.44981411452999998, 0.45139144803199999, 0.45825414352600002,
-    0.465858692219, 0.46971239089400002, 0.48073097106200002,
-    0.49008253400700003, 0.49019267044199999, 0.49421178442399999,
-    0.49592401222499999, 0.51649450538700004, 0.52148438326400004,
-    0.52450649919199999, 0.52875492868700003, 0.53851929926099995,
-    0.55522500190799995, 0.56567545616600001, 0.57500972364500003,
-    0.575413910571, 0.577492611263, 0.58282093829299997, 0.5882333891,
-    0.59178334343399996, 0.59490514439200004, 0.59707926005599998,
-    0.60398628531999998, 0.61018821270699997, 0.62788446277499999,
-    0.62845001268199996, 0.63245592828700004, 0.64203220116600002,
-    0.64960047364600004, 0.65218235923199996, 0.65302094855500004,
-    0.65709800478699998, 0.66525750618900004, 0.66772838617499997,
-    0.66931616078599998, 0.67398981338899999, 0.67995566798200002,
-    0.69261712558099997, 0.69323176238100004, 0.70328807748099997,
-    0.70817581305300004, 0.71362676385000001, 0.72122326659400005,
-    0.72982093594899999, 0.73501610749799995, 0.74418077769299995,
-    0.74740381350899998, 0.75972971198000006, 0.76542085452499997,
-    0.77293727748999996, 0.77569521588599999, 0.79040702133899998,
-    0.79124143409100001, 0.79674835901600005, 0.801314329913,
-    0.80761727105100001, 0.81334526814800001, 0.82599153547399995,
-    0.835753037664, 0.84010997734000004, 0.84324537731399996,
-    0.84524994337100001, 0.852251511771, 0.85726585936199995,
-    0.86776513236499997, 0.87321839355800002, 0.88257634312599997,
-    0.88885223178899997, 0.89462277052799999, 0.89929289721500005,
-    0.91054077473399997, 0.91235045283799998, 0.91859506476800001,
-    0.92379410344599999, 0.92778311003299996, 0.95200833907100002,
-    0.96058777907100001, 0.96275379136000006, 0.96711989399800002,
-    0.98158423342400003, 0.99959381644599998, 1.0158547410300001,
-    1.0257344455099999, 1.0386164152999999, 1.05829394823, 1.0652432737599999,
-    1.06870005665, 1.0850122523800001, 1.08895555924, 1.1035938848,
-    1.1079237802499999, 1.14480878564, 1.1555554675299999, 1.1789854119500001,
-    1.21604495077, 1.21944541763, 1.2255115895799999, 1.2349135122299999,
-    1.2574900653700001, 1.2756099428300001, 1.27830965632, 1.29563470054,
-    1.33511311013, 1.37879372829, 1.4104141532900001, 1.42999159888,
-    1.4340564609599999, 1.4404309370999999, 1.45125639917, 1.4753290649999999,
-    1.50104361326, 1.5067651051299999, 1.56173064277, 1.5867665737000001,
-    1.6529842751699999, 1.68573957888, 1.6981474139899999, 1.7544189081799999,
-    1.79075077468, 1.8606238073600001, 1.9675939468600001, 1.99649367583,
-    2.0088494420599998, 2.0624960910299999, 2.1345821995000001, 2.25477797389,
-    2.4129377727399999, 2.4947352830499998, 2.6183637912700002,
-    3.0074794112299998, 3.1791961046799999, 3.4293356642399999,
-    3.8514844690699999, 4.2517228191100003, 4.9637069833399998,
-    6.0765632038800002, 6.7603904355099997, 10.3173126473, 0.0,
-    0.078613919986899997, 0.086706257325800007, 0.086706257325800007,
-    0.114789651673, 0.12273957318299999, 0.127062920365, 0.128484790396,
-    0.13578225807899999, 0.13578225807899999, 0.14730174056500001,
-    0.14730174056500001, 0.15501754607599999, 0.17160764402600001,
-    0.17160764402600001, 0.17716597523700001, 0.19318889167600001,
-    0.201064059002, 0.20544566915199999, 0.208662339522, 0.208662339522,
-    0.209070783313, 0.217981911645, 0.21984720431800001, 0.22959168302800001,
-    0.22959168302800001, 0.22979925938500001, 0.23023398217900001,
-    0.23282324285100001, 0.23847389001200001, 0.24981772981200001,
-    0.24981772981200001, 0.251976912788, 0.26484603340399998, 0.267063574626,
-    0.276065116128, 0.27955725551999999, 0.27955725551999999,
-    0.29253129065099998, 0.29257984585899999, 0.29426519135099999,
-    0.29991973517600001, 0.29991973517600001, 0.300865581125,
-    0.30629956382500001, 0.33189640078299998, 0.33193362117300002,
-    0.332892715999, 0.332892715999, 0.33786995917700002, 0.34286355479300001,
-    0.35037131399499999, 0.36538777844499998, 0.36538777844499998,
-    0.39533598300400002, 0.40761459269400002, 0.43071349334699999,
-    0.44611156073300001, 0.44821302280300002, 0.44821302280300002,
-    0.45970379461999999, 0.479322648149, 0.49927725766600001,
-    0.50856338644599997, 0.50856338644599997, 0.51381349247600006,
-    0.52312377414900002, 0.52365255460899995, 0.524357535308,
-    0.52449511360300005, 0.53246792168500001, 0.53246792168500001,
-    0.53406269761799996, 0.54066543759600005, 0.54165597718199998,
-    0.54165597718199998, 0.54286979560399995, 0.54565296744199998,
-    0.54680412639599996, 0.55924698793600003, 0.55948804920899997,
-    0.55948804920899997, 0.56237285913900004, 0.61191574840100005,
-    0.61803286518099998, 0.62621800263899996, 0.62894744300399996,
-    0.62894744300399996, 0.64175065233299999, 0.64274226864700001,
-    0.643141090937, 0.64957757771299995, 0.64957757771299995,
-    0.65462416615899999, 0.65508592379599995, 0.65577214273499995,
-    0.65867533793400002, 0.65966257080699997, 0.65966257080699997,
-    0.67002637381200003, 0.6862767676, 0.68775204324200001,
-    0.68935688154399999, 0.68935688154399999, 0.68958321519599997,
-    0.69489243672400003, 0.69799974598299996, 0.70085954020999996,
-    0.70570470911100003, 0.70570470911100003, 0.71529355939600003,
-    0.71529355939600003, 0.73061672396900001, 0.73147192102699998,
-    0.73147192102699998, 0.73172502367900005, 0.74705904753800001,
-    0.75069245931200002, 0.76171481537700003, 0.78431047228100004,
-    0.78431047228100004, 0.79589062785700004, 0.79985244088700003,
-    0.80739451523600003, 0.80995278660199999, 0.80995278660199999,
-    0.818149271693, 0.81876691441600002, 0.82187704197599998,
-    0.82398018051199995, 0.83061310912300002, 0.83061310912300002,
-    0.841520560606, 0.84283988029500001, 0.845286826815, 0.85635186159599996,
-    0.88301536060399999, 0.88301536060399999, 0.89457113891100004,
-    0.90319721159599997, 0.91110728614600001, 0.920115781518, 0.920115781518,
-    0.924752016362, 0.93270708632099997, 0.93634613579199999,
-    0.93668785307699998, 0.938056933654, 0.938056933654, 0.963093301648,
-    0.97003534928799995, 0.97433733039600001, 0.98296990885400004,
-    0.98296990885400004, 0.99165891962800001, 0.99363899328700001,
-    1.00411505522, 1.0082220608200001, 1.04142653436, 1.04142653436,
-    1.05299960148, 1.0584566497800001, 1.0631344471799999, 1.0702232139000001,
-    1.0702232139000001, 1.0745255061000001, 1.07801171048, 1.09546502235,
-    1.1130150782399999, 1.1212890952400001, 1.1453294864700001,
-    1.1453294864700001, 1.14683578271, 1.14912419314, 1.1868862875699999,
-    1.1868862875699999, 1.2135111146399999, 1.2764048086199999,
-    1.3014758897300001, 1.33521824385, 1.3586680634799999, 1.3586680634799999,
-    1.39549136126, 1.4365610253900001, 1.4568919919400001, 1.5925258819899999,
-    1.67910648307, 1.67910648307, 1.7175836223800001, 1.8595366530499999,
-    2.22804691293, 2.4236335095200001, 2.4236335095200001, 2.5444902152200002,
-    2.7565764210300001, 3.0002289122299999, 3.2770080283, 6.1761254131100003,
-    6.1761254131100003, 9.0448113096899991, 9.0448113096899991, 0.0, 0.0,
-    0.084719549076999995, 0.084719549076999995, 0.162771060016, 0.162771060016,
-    0.162771060016, 0.174797101293, 0.174797101293, 0.19337957316099999,
-    0.19634700654600001, 0.19634700654600001, 0.19634700654600001,
-    0.19634700654600001, 0.19855375347500001, 0.19855375347500001,
-    0.19855375347500001, 0.200626535691, 0.200626535691, 0.20443169045699999,
-    0.20443169045699999, 0.20546703844700001, 0.20546703844700001,
-    0.20546703844700001, 0.22648266447400001, 0.22648266447400001,
-    0.240550688555, 0.240550688555, 0.240550688555, 0.25396349222699999,
-    0.26176107887200001, 0.26176107887200001, 0.26176107887200001,
-    0.26176107887200001, 0.27888116985299999, 0.27888116985299999,
-    0.29428424249599999, 0.29428424249599999, 0.29428424249599999,
-    0.299788951114, 0.299788951114, 0.31720186969399999, 0.31720186969399999,
-    0.31720186969399999, 0.35285717429300001, 0.35285717429300001,
-    0.35967187727099997, 0.35967187727099997, 0.35967187727099997,
-    0.36425099049600002, 0.37144632312499998, 0.37144632312499998,
-    0.37144632312499998, 0.37144632312499998, 0.393647946528, 0.393647946528,
-    0.40432582434100001, 0.40432582434100001, 0.40432582434100001,
-    0.41409827036399999, 0.41409827036399999, 0.42605819547399998,
-    0.42605819547399998, 0.438201525694, 0.438201525694, 0.438201525694,
-    0.52412206191900002, 0.52412206191900002, 0.53036211888999996,
-    0.53036211888999996, 0.53947846940699995, 0.53947846940699995,
-    0.53947846940699995, 0.54022582851800005, 0.54022582851800005,
-    0.54022582851800005, 0.55304014916499999, 0.55304014916499999,
-    0.58228935374099999, 0.58228935374099999, 0.58228935374099999,
-    0.60596028174500005, 0.60596028174500005, 0.61041536468199997,
-    0.61041536468199997, 0.61041536468199997, 0.65478363743500001,
-    0.65478363743500001, 0.67732197187900001, 0.67732197187900001,
-    0.69170398708900005, 0.69170398708900005, 0.69170398708900005,
-    0.71778169588399998, 0.71778169588399998, 0.71778169588399998,
-    0.724448255762, 0.724448255762, 0.73445742378500001, 0.73445742378500001,
-    0.73445742378500001, 0.74008547261299995, 0.74008547261299995,
-    0.74881364436599995, 0.74881364436599995, 0.77742926704699999,
-    0.77742926704699999, 0.77742926704699999, 0.80214410030399996,
-    0.80214410030399996, 0.80237181021399995, 0.80237181021399995,
-    0.80237181021399995, 0.80480889025799995, 0.80480889025799995,
-    0.81567228496599997, 0.81567228496599997, 0.81567228496599997,
-    0.82045939538299995, 0.82045939538299995, 0.82352724851000003,
-    0.82352724851000003, 0.82352724851000003, 0.832308451359, 0.832308451359,
-    0.85064319551300005, 0.85064319551300005, 0.85064319551300005,
-    0.86707524700500005, 0.86707524700500005, 0.87113615998799998,
-    0.87113615998799998, 0.87113615998799998, 0.893480617719, 0.893480617719,
-    0.91025084198899997, 0.91025084198899997, 0.91025084198899997,
-    0.92945707303699998, 0.92945707303699998, 0.94367179870100004,
-    0.94367179870100004, 0.96249504634000005, 0.96249504634000005,
-    0.96249504634000005, 1.04851239622, 1.04851239622, 1.05472835341,
-    1.05472835341, 1.05472835341, 1.0571022668900001, 1.0571022668900001,
-    1.0795501896999999, 1.0795501896999999, 1.0795501896999999, 1.08606295202,
-    1.08606295202, 1.1610428489, 1.1610428489, 1.1610428489,
-    1.1737862567099999, 1.1737862567099999, 1.19233887401, 1.19233887401,
-    1.19233887401, 1.23499695024, 1.23499695024, 1.32872584115, 1.32872584115,
-    1.32872584115, 1.4875655673799999, 1.4875655673799999, 1.7768916535799999,
-    1.7768916535799999, 1.7768916535799999, 1.90484127934, 1.90484127934,
-    1.9108413266499999, 1.9108413266499999, 1.9108413266499999,
-    2.0007729910999998, 2.0007729910999998, 2.3382342441700001,
-    2.3382342441700001, 2.5987544026, 2.5987544026, 2.5987544026,
-    2.6082788293000001, 2.6082788293000001, 2.6082788293000001,
-    2.8392763735900002, 2.8392763735900002, 3.3819024131300002,
-    3.3819024131300002, 3.7018275480299998, 3.7018275480299998,
-    3.7018275480299998, 4.72930160618, 4.72930160618, 4.72930160618, 4.72930160618
+    0.0,
+    0.14444029837799999,
+    0.22835657018399999,
+    0.34413732731800001,
+    0.46587804732900001,
+    0.65270096936599997,
+    0.81143218193800004,
+    1.00226438356,
+    1.03788125951,
+    1.24257294992,
+    1.32793236661,
+    1.34635418779,
+    1.4371572854100001,
+    1.5191327005499999,
+    1.54602854301,
+    1.7046681136999999,
+    1.87758836483,
+    1.9813264417300001,
+    2.1146974377399999,
+    2.1938492694299998,
+    2.4097221919699998,
+    2.5070571186900001,
+    2.6311171881000002,
+    2.7328195551999999,
+    2.7736899606000001,
+    3.0227873463499999,
+    3.10803398473,
+    3.1824676694599998,
+    3.3138417252000001,
+    3.4291812515900002,
+    3.50419808407,
+    3.7101281572199998,
+    3.8432672208200001,
+    3.8796565679100001,
+    3.9915562540499998,
+    4.0723303682700003,
+    4.2029321661800001,
+    4.3768188648899997,
+    4.4816827669199997,
+    4.6990199258800001,
+    4.8084875822399997,
+    4.8365914296700003,
+    5.0590152661600003,
+    5.1248841813699997,
+    5.1771937064899998,
+    5.4889247870900002,
+    5.57813871862,
+    5.6972377675899999,
+    5.8456278064799996,
+    6.06915586574,
+    6.1204251477299998,
+    6.17699599008,
+    6.3172684659999998,
+    6.4192197959800001,
+    6.52383433373,
+    6.6186618180399996,
+    6.7251587769999999,
+    6.7866374808999996,
+    6.8276218028500004,
+    6.9188765840600004,
+    7.1331898582499997,
+    7.2065701539399996,
+    7.3244993804199998,
+    7.36483433106,
+    7.5193634033699999,
+    7.7822629874100002,
+    8.2222416265000007,
+    8.4497457766200004,
+    8.5930318077999992,
+    8.7570172042000003,
+    8.9696132883900006,
+    9.1272011085100004,
+    9.4333510895299995,
+    9.5278688390900008,
+    9.8002379139299993,
+    10.062964643999999,
+    10.572141176200001,
+    10.796071421700001,
+    10.9985214683,
+    11.3182197168,
+    11.660606036000001,
+    11.847287044,
+    12.432752901300001,
+    12.5532808679,
+    12.920547884299999,
+    13.715431382,
+    13.9427496484,
+    14.252177361499999,
+    14.3846625264,
+    14.6017942841,
+    14.867988867399999,
+    15.211408408800001,
+    15.4524408633,
+    15.8995520183,
+    16.278660079800002,
+    16.607110122000002,
+    17.2812107494,
+    17.425166927999999,
+    17.6847110579,
+    17.924433366199999,
+    18.107368758,
+    18.486488274799999,
+    18.675113313000001,
+    18.821461450800001,
+    19.392315572800001,
+    20.026821224999999,
+    21.515140794000001,
+    22.458730085300001,
+    22.563704860600001,
+    23.2879347571,
+    23.969079893499998,
+    24.336542956300001,
+    24.499336477500002,
+    25.0036717642,
+    25.774135368900001,
+    26.0929925969,
+    26.934629466499999,
+    27.458541006800001,
+    27.8422100246,
+    28.5518247111,
+    28.965082549800002,
+    30.702632564599998,
+    31.123950922300001,
+    31.264305230000002,
+    31.965843641500001,
+    32.212378185600002,
+    34.283698532999999,
+    35.219561660799997,
+    36.755695116600002,
+    37.138783892900001,
+    37.986001245399997,
+    38.621250490999998,
+    38.9481443707,
+    39.3726060041,
+    40.276085332900003,
+    41.898719000699998,
+    42.396709494500001,
+    43.749429257499997,
+    44.676029422900001,
+    46.364739487400001,
+    47.275528738799999,
+    47.869005850699999,
+    48.490202586899997,
+    49.788875049200001,
+    50.404381347099999,
+    52.2209766649,
+    52.7548497923,
+    53.758555342299999,
+    56.144346903600002,
+    58.857197224499998,
+    61.218540911200002,
+    62.083264127200003,
+    62.809329462100003,
+    64.673596130899995,
+    70.530443844700002,
+    71.037859097099997,
+    74.956651292000004,
+    75.479775530200001,
+    77.970753225099998,
+    78.784135755700007,
+    83.634030189599997,
+    87.631048698900003,
+    89.682360645100005,
+    91.657671611699996,
+    93.431100026199999,
+    96.871787694199995,
+    98.904758199400007,
+    100.903126246,
+    104.97935501800001,
+    117.211912426,
+    118.593299874,
+    123.983293097,
+    126.40072390500001,
+    132.90804449300001,
+    135.77425614000001,
+    145.645663189,
+    150.462714554,
+    154.135665945,
+    158.670439012,
+    161.11217567599999,
+    165.74332436700001,
+    168.951515621,
+    173.84826456100001,
+    184.64661891700001,
+    188.990674536,
+    195.25008580400001,
+    200.52870912200001,
+    208.31911763799999,
+    223.21659264900001,
+    234.232880967,
+    297.24728825900002,
+    321.93167475199999,
+    332.08151963699999,
+    346.34478154800001,
+    377.30757977899998,
+    403.47421662800002,
+    425.16143535399999,
+    572.37340253299999,
+    766.55659324999999,
+    1611.5984637199999,
+    1611.5984637199999,
+    0.0,
+    0.083813974438700006,
+    0.31831933895699999,
+    0.34638794272399998,
+    0.46455080305099999,
+    0.49519963016099999,
+    0.54548279077600004,
+    0.56403794228199999,
+    0.60837298377799998,
+    0.68118756294600002,
+    0.70071771432399999,
+    0.78976831924699997,
+    0.81703862518199999,
+    0.83363911177799999,
+    0.89857941080399995,
+    0.94493515463400002,
+    0.99107239417899995,
+    1.0238060094799999,
+    1.0799844142199999,
+    1.11400208909,
+    1.1685453374400001,
+    1.18519938288,
+    1.22148339123,
+    1.2645577512499999,
+    1.3045626778799999,
+    1.3391777624900001,
+    1.3826642013199999,
+    1.4644506572,
+    1.5099094374299999,
+    1.5888224991,
+    1.62182558706,
+    1.65137395874,
+    1.6991401368100001,
+    1.7758428480799999,
+    1.8277920540999999,
+    1.9017455410199999,
+    1.9705532488599999,
+    2.0324665469399998,
+    2.0752937413999999,
+    2.1185145273899999,
+    2.1611322415299998,
+    2.1917842756499999,
+    2.22729976286,
+    2.2777275853000001,
+    2.32665524011,
+    2.3543342053699998,
+    2.3935181153,
+    2.44446825618,
+    2.50093820286,
+    2.5844026906000002,
+    2.6884797637600002,
+    2.78657713546,
+    2.81180130111,
+    2.84116667305,
+    2.9014197632199998,
+    2.9952091375399998,
+    3.0386348574599999,
+    3.0956021427799998,
+    3.1328046143999999,
+    3.1631373405500001,
+    3.2039828237700001,
+    3.29405069373,
+    3.3496993056400002,
+    3.4055971771900002,
+    3.5073893196000001,
+    3.5755835925800001,
+    3.6580199126399999,
+    3.7782186004999998,
+    3.8741030635099998,
+    3.9119985650200002,
+    3.9699909851999999,
+    4.0132311662099998,
+    4.07009700397,
+    4.1555761906299997,
+    4.2241691161799997,
+    4.3896744175800002,
+    4.5146783570400002,
+    4.6155145535499997,
+    4.7783116523600002,
+    4.8822447657900003,
+    4.9863031398300004,
+    5.0556875698599999,
+    5.13217451548,
+    5.1928716528900001,
+    5.2987216440799996,
+    5.4584561742300002,
+    5.6054585689499996,
+    5.7579579032500003,
+    5.8452201175000003,
+    5.9593969184300004,
+    6.1479798348300001,
+    6.2484864308999999,
+    6.3722452057199996,
+    6.5705963806599996,
+    6.6811287682699998,
+    6.7311130873599998,
+    6.7864435351600001,
+    6.9196277988999997,
+    7.1929613935300001,
+    7.3441277346099998,
+    7.3800960628999999,
+    7.4749874111999999,
+    7.6512577099200003,
+    7.77153906732,
+    7.9243829575799998,
+    8.2024869676600005,
+    8.2599528374899993,
+    8.4119253626999999,
+    8.5469992409900009,
+    8.9001784810399993,
+    9.2121022677299997,
+    9.2412472507699999,
+    9.4431345314800001,
+    9.6680036066100001,
+    9.7816077025699997,
+    9.9566055535700002,
+    10.359764716899999,
+    10.506972293900001,
+    10.7808329052,
+    11.3592743902,
+    11.7111644662,
+    11.8605742172,
+    12.291120808400001,
+    12.5270770795,
+    12.7952635728,
+    12.9362140074,
+    13.4529548967,
+    13.5501939602,
+    13.8515392309,
+    14.251817031,
+    14.6798102809,
+    14.9162575219,
+    15.3044645221,
+    15.963210610899999,
+    16.293018033300001,
+    16.528628889099998,
+    16.769307273999999,
+    17.050491132000001,
+    17.233636284700001,
+    17.435953831300001,
+    18.114197076100002,
+    18.209546654099999,
+    18.677206457099999,
+    18.876676305499998,
+    19.277115787700001,
+    19.603010971100002,
+    20.061147162099999,
+    20.558554522000001,
+    21.1117685004,
+    22.012839372799998,
+    22.378322630900001,
+    22.859288315200001,
+    23.142180705200001,
+    24.245079698800001,
+    25.9020405244,
+    26.507190805699999,
+    27.4739929789,
+    27.988361249099999,
+    28.8421369677,
+    29.731031435799999,
+    31.265395005199998,
+    31.947761314699999,
+    32.3600162185,
+    33.960158921500003,
+    35.2205479892,
+    37.329919228900003,
+    38.591860211300002,
+    39.653380662899998,
+    40.416668255899999,
+    41.847439486799999,
+    42.946435578200003,
+    44.555593529500001,
+    46.195425314700003,
+    48.272380437999999,
+    50.7171113769,
+    54.108838268299998,
+    57.192427144600003,
+    60.232285910500003,
+    61.154227242799998,
+    66.058563735700005,
+    68.912059708300006,
+    72.377827169900002,
+    74.8258152975,
+    76.523326659299997,
+    80.2223354204,
+    83.911959833699996,
+    89.242198798399997,
+    91.759192939900004,
+    100.917764795,
+    108.556622026,
+    117.397361636,
+    128.654564397,
+    132.220775344,
+    146.851921275,
+    158.21656178999999,
+    195.59053564300001,
+    220.40862631100001,
+    243.67073925299999,
+    279.44509449999998,
+    385.39670284599998,
+    2229.5014584,
+    0.0,
+    0.134568667089,
+    0.22096714722800001,
+    0.241982365309,
+    0.282582147299,
+    0.30887973543699998,
+    0.35848485966299998,
+    0.41670345418499999,
+    0.45274913222000002,
+    0.49984586837299999,
+    0.54693631356799999,
+    0.57642906524899995,
+    0.60428947073799999,
+    0.64551627763399999,
+    0.67184177451600002,
+    0.70559205139299996,
+    0.73195413388499997,
+    0.75941154288699997,
+    0.79316878417600001,
+    0.82828163530300003,
+    0.84996727554600005,
+    0.86244322276499996,
+    0.884092879818,
+    0.90053656979100005,
+    0.92189301683699998,
+    0.937781050186,
+    0.958448778068,
+    0.975518145216,
+    0.99972035165499995,
+    1.01410165008,
+    1.0561167276200001,
+    1.07137630702,
+    1.0888616342999999,
+    1.1214366313199999,
+    1.14842012372,
+    1.16675344893,
+    1.1928671069600001,
+    1.21185202445,
+    1.2444492257999999,
+    1.26555362339,
+    1.3020670717,
+    1.33144019427,
+    1.3700782606599999,
+    1.3922490459600001,
+    1.4214195703900001,
+    1.4412309995599999,
+    1.4713854851299999,
+    1.4981194360000001,
+    1.5156807782599999,
+    1.5353937789600001,
+    1.58193085489,
+    1.6363825813699999,
+    1.6679066542700001,
+    1.6953948491199999,
+    1.7432788369000001,
+    1.7757706818400001,
+    1.81420953428,
+    1.8369562966299999,
+    1.86603816317,
+    1.9079331429399999,
+    1.93559913056,
+    1.96441828434,
+    2.0090532694099998,
+    2.0388004444800001,
+    2.0592603576499999,
+    2.0856426528799998,
+    2.1175114071599999,
+    2.1825469443399999,
+    2.2474604253599999,
+    2.2749390467700001,
+    2.3121411416000002,
+    2.37177298826,
+    2.4274122023400002,
+    2.5181769644699998,
+    2.5418057541599999,
+    2.6434630075899999,
+    2.6747329533199999,
+    2.7266999242900001,
+    2.7654445970700001,
+    2.8140457094300002,
+    2.8559643406999999,
+    2.9061498475100001,
+    2.9702744923500002,
+    3.0318004993800001,
+    3.0771937025499998,
+    3.1682821350100001,
+    3.21259901675,
+    3.2495167992399998,
+    3.2811541713699999,
+    3.3233868123799999,
+    3.3736627766299998,
+    3.4058671494200001,
+    3.4805577671700001,
+    3.5668223714799998,
+    3.6084238266100002,
+    3.6537321290999998,
+    3.7175778126500001,
+    3.7450147871700001,
+    3.86111106714,
+    3.9410134870100002,
+    4.0067546356400001,
+    4.1423679617299998,
+    4.2024818847300001,
+    4.2596486695399998,
+    4.3063451426699997,
+    4.3689910892499997,
+    4.4722054954099999,
+    4.5632364049399996,
+    4.6512485022599996,
+    4.6978386313799998,
+    4.7798445058399999,
+    4.8531420455600003,
+    4.9717578546299999,
+    5.0417112146500003,
+    5.17081749886,
+    5.3019735577100002,
+    5.3705152383400003,
+    5.5084455462199999,
+    5.6182818515299999,
+    5.70571954448,
+    5.8223915078699999,
+    5.9441571869700001,
+    6.0647963728700001,
+    6.27675467201,
+    6.3795693788000003,
+    6.4992010115000003,
+    6.7279283143099997,
+    6.83719902118,
+    6.9670805423799997,
+    7.1376257228400002,
+    7.3185795684699997,
+    7.4174379003000004,
+    7.6252542819300002,
+    7.7560876076699996,
+    7.97791101428,
+    8.1287972523200001,
+    8.2935032606900005,
+    8.4263936568899993,
+    8.7299676982999994,
+    8.9000309257799994,
+    9.2106417444800002,
+    9.4067341973099996,
+    9.6877599453100007,
+    9.8288098032200004,
+    10.1462267898,
+    10.4430670065,
+    10.7710082101,
+    10.9083004672,
+    11.0537899029,
+    11.351140496499999,
+    11.538958771800001,
+    11.919288993,
+    12.375346950699999,
+    12.6154005045,
+    12.9524855025,
+    13.285189669299999,
+    13.649405117900001,
+    13.802655147899999,
+    14.3746878025,
+    14.8989750379,
+    15.0686452095,
+    15.44874785,
+    15.955460911599999,
+    16.199894288199999,
+    17.0458946378,
+    17.5301252159,
+    18.4112497281,
+    18.916626085899999,
+    19.3485479418,
+    19.9851877306,
+    20.604288900899999,
+    20.943333255799999,
+    22.112819051599999,
+    22.959668231999999,
+    23.9954402314,
+    25.035153965599999,
+    25.796351962900001,
+    26.3445116589,
+    27.598244108500001,
+    29.492678119099999,
+    31.494753701,
+    33.570886100899997,
+    35.411126519100002,
+    38.343129207700002,
+    40.297936357899999,
+    43.269089215000001,
+    46.554746459699999,
+    50.1438786354,
+    55.452409753200001,
+    63.874460149000001,
+    67.985459050900005,
+    72.783745624700003,
+    78.750906101200002,
+    87.178006099399994,
+    99.277342007100003,
+    112.32447045000001,
+    150.08323985000001,
+    191.04328713300001,
+    243.74940976799999,
+    298.61209890999999,
+    610.57351237299997,
+    0.0,
+    0.14365451929100001,
+    0.18957677402299999,
+    0.22199376087,
+    0.23947365917300001,
+    0.27923813419900001,
+    0.30376922239699999,
+    0.34130260137399998,
+    0.37018363348299999,
+    0.39852502592,
+    0.42043849640699998,
+    0.449086279049,
+    0.48566461460900001,
+    0.51522238701900003,
+    0.53527463838099998,
+    0.55878126111399995,
+    0.57558991560799999,
+    0.60170381902000003,
+    0.61440597833099997,
+    0.62492627680099999,
+    0.64456984690600005,
+    0.66038800753100002,
+    0.67204091430099999,
+    0.68713981404900004,
+    0.69934187376699997,
+    0.71638006601299997,
+    0.73072718468300002,
+    0.75753415419600001,
+    0.76939140872400003,
+    0.79364917250900002,
+    0.811751128298,
+    0.82030423753799997,
+    0.84036478778699997,
+    0.85629058780800005,
+    0.88242755870699996,
+    0.90879942564799998,
+    0.92603904590499997,
+    0.93855599609700002,
+    0.95967573616799995,
+    0.96617694541400001,
+    0.98792001044,
+    1.00156976046,
+    1.01153057626,
+    1.0353518346699999,
+    1.05486723045,
+    1.07085911512,
+    1.09910531917,
+    1.11522376431,
+    1.1305179753100001,
+    1.1546508204399999,
+    1.1781173432600001,
+    1.19157394455,
+    1.2190490331999999,
+    1.24787505864,
+    1.27361506734,
+    1.2980636222699999,
+    1.31518378894,
+    1.3450052218399999,
+    1.3740854471799999,
+    1.39558556012,
+    1.41519699656,
+    1.4321123741399999,
+    1.45909622379,
+    1.4759330072700001,
+    1.4910300726400001,
+    1.51232373124,
+    1.5490811046699999,
+    1.5782570548899999,
+    1.6116668459000001,
+    1.62617849191,
+    1.6591646731,
+    1.69383967991,
+    1.72149942318,
+    1.74810559857,
+    1.7978507557100001,
+    1.8196064275499999,
+    1.8439294053699999,
+    1.85951442745,
+    1.89107086338,
+    1.93673967856,
+    1.96033355989,
+    1.99524000334,
+    2.0280809922900001,
+    2.0465420455199999,
+    2.0660751500700001,
+    2.1082666292100001,
+    2.1419500113600001,
+    2.1692545932899998,
+    2.1918809811900002,
+    2.2313430406800001,
+    2.2895699616299998,
+    2.3198331260499998,
+    2.3513058338000001,
+    2.4080887408899998,
+    2.4815537977800002,
+    2.50851999576,
+    2.5617387306700001,
+    2.6055769623199998,
+    2.6324085179700001,
+    2.6961178878899998,
+    2.7413602155099999,
+    2.7712317948799998,
+    2.8112071562300001,
+    2.8581867699200001,
+    2.9190632974400001,
+    2.9439800057899999,
+    3.0104094840100002,
+    3.05330503281,
+    3.10048262834,
+    3.17539590266,
+    3.24511619487,
+    3.3056217356499999,
+    3.3894902835899998,
+    3.4335423889599999,
+    3.4854372314700002,
+    3.5606476568300001,
+    3.6043560751500001,
+    3.66406156029,
+    3.7660563649099998,
+    3.82560813033,
+    3.9466078971199998,
+    4.0283572412000002,
+    4.07714877006,
+    4.1552108679300002,
+    4.2392816813699996,
+    4.3147199438200001,
+    4.3721369730999999,
+    4.4555652323799997,
+    4.5860495006899997,
+    4.6665459593199996,
+    4.7624381582100002,
+    4.8488614634399996,
+    4.97179759557,
+    5.0150206490000002,
+    5.1053040689999998,
+    5.2812791639799999,
+    5.3716757235900001,
+    5.5829288018599996,
+    5.6518465465299998,
+    5.7620823724100001,
+    5.8560109031899996,
+    6.0128804814499999,
+    6.1465396667499999,
+    6.2414128574400003,
+    6.3854761500099997,
+    6.5447042531899999,
+    6.7541882725000004,
+    6.9854005143200002,
+    7.1367012840399999,
+    7.3218030112200001,
+    7.49946696682,
+    7.6472229734199999,
+    7.8443990144000004,
+    7.99745891313,
+    8.1776134189099992,
+    8.3773452967500006,
+    8.5328760252000002,
+    8.7514477358700002,
+    9.0436490880000004,
+    9.2332685611399992,
+    9.5356141275600006,
+    9.7666024864200001,
+    9.94823040132,
+    10.300958636400001,
+    10.771366926100001,
+    11.085233969500001,
+    11.3324457523,
+    11.7174375167,
+    12.143472104400001,
+    12.303553276000001,
+    12.6481061467,
+    12.833583689599999,
+    13.203659956699999,
+    13.5986055699,
+    14.043362878,
+    14.626177334199999,
+    15.0760755417,
+    15.580834984399999,
+    16.312841933200001,
+    16.9821347018,
+    17.9935383499,
+    19.206358017199999,
+    19.9097935496,
+    20.7049210144,
+    21.193393770899998,
+    22.4118111278,
+    23.293576085200002,
+    24.460751301199998,
+    27.218111206700002,
+    28.9534668252,
+    31.141828193399999,
+    33.063105836200002,
+    36.594408596199997,
+    41.9655259134,
+    50.634196787,
+    57.4170436749,
+    66.004841056100005,
+    79.707781310800002,
+    93.567004987600001,
+    129.369356154,
+    263.52530093899998,
+    0.0,
+    0.099110105290900002,
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+    0.21849998202900001,
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+    0.257596221751,
+    0.27451854288499999,
+    0.29857050680000002,
+    0.31354284220099998,
+    0.33022769626800003,
+    0.33745039990999998,
+    0.34950560680999998,
+    0.36896880619099998,
+    0.38855134185000001,
+    0.41755081359899998,
+    0.425150061144,
+    0.44306593384300003,
+    0.45497931754199999,
+    0.480210732157,
+    0.49961199725900002,
+    0.52519732628100002,
+    0.54104302118299996,
+    0.55456165182600003,
+    0.57645288194699995,
+    0.58830880718699996,
+    0.61047699977699998,
+    0.62243525124499999,
+    0.64059305866600003,
+    0.64864591793299997,
+    0.66076567911499995,
+    0.67269456457499999,
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+    0.72584855411399996,
+    0.74121377368600005,
+    0.75125743091999997,
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+    0.78324441542400003,
+    0.79888631364700002,
+    0.81247216458500005,
+    0.83204971232799996,
+    0.84425730939599997,
+    0.85740264943900002,
+    0.87520806795200001,
+    0.88821997325500002,
+    0.90285273820699996,
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+    0.92615377290000001,
+    0.944808560001,
+    0.95843032520799998,
+    0.96908459648199996,
+    0.98091068958799998,
+    0.99546224846599995,
+    1.0114143418099999,
+    1.0370041029999999,
+    1.05163455603,
+    1.06941917585,
+    1.0849323260699999,
+    1.09786891934,
+    1.1200484481799999,
+    1.1401856044400001,
+    1.1614766378400001,
+    1.1779927836999999,
+    1.18794131464,
+    1.19800995642,
+    1.2153169910399999,
+    1.23620743467,
+    1.2464006441,
+    1.28309014464,
+    1.30117129963,
+    1.3139480025800001,
+    1.32973840183,
+    1.34585218726,
+    1.36483113807,
+    1.3880086518200001,
+    1.4038694678400001,
+    1.4269838991299999,
+    1.4531887240500001,
+    1.4761551228100001,
+    1.49140958787,
+    1.50497619744,
+    1.51748249595,
+    1.54755568638,
+    1.56624981363,
+    1.5996976922199999,
+    1.6270535823300001,
+    1.64604277857,
+    1.66675355419,
+    1.69387124571,
+    1.7124303672300001,
+    1.7402106696399999,
+    1.7770409733200001,
+    1.79456862305,
+    1.8202531872000001,
+    1.84460821986,
+    1.86760077894,
+    1.89650572807,
+    1.9192579590500001,
+    1.95188224797,
+    1.96482546943,
+    1.9921085106,
+    2.0131483132499999,
+    2.05544343578,
+    2.0827595529899998,
+    2.1347983483699999,
+    2.16760564415,
+    2.2014516721900002,
+    2.2315870739900001,
+    2.2636169272100002,
+    2.30995438871,
+    2.3374033408299999,
+    2.3738865256000001,
+    2.3951038330599999,
+    2.4431717219700002,
+    2.4826850222400001,
+    2.5185317615099998,
+    2.5638428795100001,
+    2.6284306548999998,
+    2.66623660644,
+    2.7096591116400002,
+    2.7586335740300001,
+    2.8025663346699998,
+    2.8401708445299998,
+    2.8783352938300002,
+    2.9063543000399998,
+    2.9593598772399998,
+    2.9957288325500002,
+    3.0605506942799998,
+    3.10955011278,
+    3.1789052606700001,
+    3.2428513432099999,
+    3.3274186461299999,
+    3.4074444667899999,
+    3.4504525115,
+    3.52884017973,
+    3.5708077150699999,
+    3.6772565091299998,
+    3.7474521798599998,
+    3.8121617114599999,
+    3.9240511321899998,
+    4.02413852901,
+    4.0815085453500002,
+    4.1825546762599997,
+    4.2751667515599996,
+    4.3741820336400004,
+    4.4834872676200002,
+    4.5686814128700002,
+    4.6358562892300004,
+    4.8094489254399999,
+    4.9654168327999999,
+    5.1314477165500003,
+    5.25148158988,
+    5.4403573194500003,
+    5.6010313900300002,
+    5.7161651882199997,
+    5.8958565355000001,
+    6.0361890974200003,
+    6.16740467168,
+    6.3041850958600003,
+    6.44114745164,
+    6.60541649452,
+    6.7974616801999996,
+    6.97815602873,
+    7.1388403799600004,
+    7.4314686713300002,
+    7.8384931901600003,
+    8.2177028271400001,
+    8.6453372183900008,
+    9.1543142843100007,
+    9.3764541677899995,
+    9.7962854173,
+    10.1633267175,
+    10.574689812400001,
+    11.0937462194,
+    11.4000754819,
+    11.9914359538,
+    12.3258902671,
+    12.7457696507,
+    13.361289611,
+    14.0129741907,
+    14.632251501600001,
+    15.099323370900001,
+    16.134748603599999,
+    16.802461663300001,
+    17.854647673100001,
+    18.834756072000001,
+    20.042735115799999,
+    21.573609706300001,
+    22.868457402400001,
+    24.574192288399999,
+    26.8474848352,
+    30.083792871499998,
+    34.499075183899997,
+    38.6709205943,
+    44.689686852000001,
+    52.857340428500002,
+    72.813133754999996,
+    91.564507002300005,
+    158.818628891,
+    939.11373358000003,
+    0.0,
+    0.071205885244299993,
+    0.099254028698600005,
+    0.14849104281600001,
+    0.17292354310999999,
+    0.20032666224500001,
+    0.226406277543,
+    0.23815469487599999,
+    0.26703405121599999,
+    0.28197072629300002,
+    0.296082146193,
+    0.31125854952699999,
+    0.32554466413499999,
+    0.33804933218900002,
+    0.35118970952299999,
+    0.371085578114,
+    0.39491385706400001,
+    0.413740038782,
+    0.42221028600999999,
+    0.44225862765200002,
+    0.458189520006,
+    0.48022475118199998,
+    0.49685298807599998,
+    0.51500317491299996,
+    0.53482118753700003,
+    0.55247938228399995,
+    0.57330658115499999,
+    0.58475963165199996,
+    0.60106501656199995,
+    0.62413217304400004,
+    0.63793653903699998,
+    0.65128873183500002,
+    0.66636704386000001,
+    0.67951755835000005,
+    0.68956025540200006,
+    0.70245093627400002,
+    0.71504184012600003,
+    0.73014210840100002,
+    0.74713784886300005,
+    0.75935155136999999,
+    0.77523714645700004,
+    0.78405425336400003,
+    0.79615963931099998,
+    0.81110455864499997,
+    0.82545864838799998,
+    0.83566202986100002,
+    0.85063666826600004,
+    0.87077765663700002,
+    0.88045508705099995,
+    0.89294081845100004,
+    0.90498155226699994,
+    0.91781500438800001,
+    0.93111410315300003,
+    0.94545406555199996,
+    0.95838819225799998,
+    0.96877608392100001,
+    0.98476526685599997,
+    1.0010342642000001,
+    1.0119849276699999,
+    1.03464783319,
+    1.05455213715,
+    1.0711504321800001,
+    1.08010453195,
+    1.1004877825999999,
+    1.10818262538,
+    1.1246761488799999,
+    1.13470825936,
+    1.14750678231,
+    1.1632448283100001,
+    1.18449169262,
+    1.2011657527599999,
+    1.2152811055699999,
+    1.2364506326,
+    1.24964319272,
+    1.2661037937899999,
+    1.2785791013300001,
+    1.2962377117699999,
+    1.3138558072099999,
+    1.3362693854300001,
+    1.34951663893,
+    1.3637686600700001,
+    1.37717976853,
+    1.3942209300999999,
+    1.4185816293,
+    1.43866597309,
+    1.45276157482,
+    1.48127714521,
+    1.5023296186499999,
+    1.52673585641,
+    1.5503318122600001,
+    1.5888091586999999,
+    1.6062719352799999,
+    1.6295964377400001,
+    1.6612388523299999,
+    1.6812256221899999,
+    1.70508917316,
+    1.72112188896,
+    1.74686294045,
+    1.7609156044800001,
+    1.7888509017400001,
+    1.8132839677799999,
+    1.8432731273,
+    1.8705117570000001,
+    1.89982085224,
+    1.9362197326199999,
+    1.96069015259,
+    1.9880007387600001,
+    2.0201535914000002,
+    2.0573265057399999,
+    2.0987964366999998,
+    2.13211771373,
+    2.1622274845799998,
+    2.1903685766800001,
+    2.22533347206,
+    2.26089786499,
+    2.3105003291199999,
+    2.33786317109,
+    2.37516129651,
+    2.4193923972300002,
+    2.4579148222399998,
+    2.5029183158800001,
+    2.53381912593,
+    2.5677307283899999,
+    2.6162502017999998,
+    2.6750579269800001,
+    2.7203789138199999,
+    2.7458139153899999,
+    2.8254724574300001,
+    2.8565396273200001,
+    2.9040559269499999,
+    2.9651085310499998,
+    3.0196812095999999,
+    3.0843657504699999,
+    3.1558869808600001,
+    3.2223894339400001,
+    3.2603729802400001,
+    3.3614620894799998,
+    3.4362647479800001,
+    3.53920130259,
+    3.5756943688499998,
+    3.64101261846,
+    3.7233677998300001,
+    3.8016940916299999,
+    3.9106972227400001,
+    3.9990351336300001,
+    4.0897762814999998,
+    4.1774051907800001,
+    4.2798115401099999,
+    4.3711459042799996,
+    4.4838086749199997,
+    4.5942578656300004,
+    4.69725646861,
+    4.8356147641699998,
+    4.9568908200199999,
+    5.0559387430399996,
+    5.1307907403700002,
+    5.29064241813,
+    5.4495402731300002,
+    5.5692069479899997,
+    5.8023798879999999,
+    5.9217137438199998,
+    6.1545111640699997,
+    6.2686946022500001,
+    6.4619248209700002,
+    6.6102067457500002,
+    6.8760747683199996,
+    7.1590374621899997,
+    7.31422994403,
+    7.6196963320300002,
+    7.9330981866299997,
+    8.3005559691100004,
+    8.5080589881200002,
+    8.9030525835399992,
+    9.3843270585099994,
+    9.88649146809,
+    10.279354769599999,
+    10.603107312100001,
+    11.1118716186,
+    11.4784714402,
+    12.035536117199999,
+    12.847959552400001,
+    13.415735074900001,
+    14.1791106731,
+    15.0355747631,
+    16.9356357166,
+    17.805067612999999,
+    19.342641049299999,
+    21.009071134500001,
+    23.1764543914,
+    25.379614414799999,
+    27.885782949300001,
+    29.619482312399999,
+    33.254904224999997,
+    36.867160964200004,
+    40.4774911481,
+    50.2787838733,
+    62.180321216899998,
+    80.798575822199993,
+    94.584243390899999,
+    131.07441246799999,
+    532.11553542800004,
+    0.0,
+    0.066750493128400007,
+    0.10229228903,
+    0.14064849221799999,
+    0.16816604212,
+    0.185917820027,
+    0.21145207109799999,
+    0.22637409875299999,
+    0.23827441847700001,
+    0.25325002214100001,
+    0.282002121386,
+    0.29459754431500002,
+    0.309921025947,
+    0.32256024829399998,
+    0.33607649321799998,
+    0.35308583886400002,
+    0.366974488228,
+    0.38834215578600001,
+    0.407453141593,
+    0.42152609543199998,
+    0.44240079751299999,
+    0.45519187153599999,
+    0.46297707882400002,
+    0.47982221228700001,
+    0.49667630123599998,
+    0.508498258634,
+    0.51689250307900003,
+    0.53635170713299996,
+    0.55035959890200004,
+    0.56783201126299998,
+    0.58585694882899997,
+    0.59530161133699999,
+    0.60864863465700003,
+    0.61872677583699998,
+    0.63314266869000002,
+    0.64227626695200002,
+    0.66366778123400005,
+    0.67270302950299998,
+    0.68420389566899997,
+    0.69282668375900003,
+    0.70143224682899996,
+    0.71443579991700001,
+    0.72615598912400003,
+    0.73642045277699997,
+    0.74797476862599999,
+    0.75717018072300002,
+    0.76798353829599997,
+    0.77486375038599997,
+    0.79414765885500005,
+    0.80854204945800001,
+    0.82112865231700005,
+    0.83235531435499999,
+    0.84902111566299998,
+    0.85542717883200003,
+    0.85897397230799999,
+    0.87704088496099997,
+    0.89151271520300002,
+    0.90700102609599997,
+    0.920719450271,
+    0.92891160690200003,
+    0.938857619857,
+    0.94825684266300003,
+    0.95986000285999995,
+    0.96960811962399995,
+    0.989941122374,
+    1.00360008757,
+    1.02107596077,
+    1.03643638202,
+    1.0502377328700001,
+    1.0717680324100001,
+    1.0865864964900001,
+    1.0954103929900001,
+    1.10647648545,
+    1.11919554073,
+    1.1348944810799999,
+    1.1478893503600001,
+    1.1583683144100001,
+    1.17725367471,
+    1.1977476949200001,
+    1.2115494448899999,
+    1.2227006682499999,
+    1.23641648061,
+    1.2453807854500001,
+    1.2593987794899999,
+    1.26998244399,
+    1.2869142286699999,
+    1.30049557207,
+    1.31446944898,
+    1.3295110779099999,
+    1.3446024810899999,
+    1.3719517782999999,
+    1.3907558123199999,
+    1.40705250973,
+    1.4264556633200001,
+    1.4396767485499999,
+    1.46991083644,
+    1.4987499147300001,
+    1.51363764814,
+    1.5369634294400001,
+    1.55497159429,
+    1.58019513401,
+    1.58671558905,
+    1.6122642631099999,
+    1.6513557926,
+    1.68400062899,
+    1.7089437540000001,
+    1.72753924255,
+    1.7453552720800001,
+    1.7758454361,
+    1.7994335997999999,
+    1.82770292952,
+    1.84731671466,
+    1.8985423459799999,
+    1.9145465641699999,
+    1.9448048626000001,
+    1.9916997561000001,
+    2.0178550764300001,
+    2.0361698775099999,
+    2.0577739526799999,
+    2.0831203668899998,
+    2.1103632127899998,
+    2.1537354568799998,
+    2.1788561526999999,
+    2.2045213341899998,
+    2.2224788538400002,
+    2.2635629295799999,
+    2.3165276562799999,
+    2.34821085414,
+    2.3981207218199998,
+    2.4198916383700002,
+    2.4597388271499998,
+    2.5017065354999999,
+    2.56256913084,
+    2.60073239413,
+    2.6306494736500001,
+    2.6860626220700001,
+    2.7343736190899999,
+    2.8116594856499999,
+    2.8637335040699998,
+    2.9264728333900001,
+    2.9955476839699999,
+    3.05285386085,
+    3.1356878770200001,
+    3.2072182033300001,
+    3.26764142152,
+    3.3485823077900001,
+    3.4312097504199999,
+    3.4816563758900001,
+    3.5584231314100001,
+    3.6375811375099998,
+    3.7335599506700001,
+    3.8014008857100001,
+    3.8705553019300001,
+    3.9806979118000001,
+    4.0971698101299996,
+    4.1749168167999997,
+    4.3083366103599996,
+    4.38165849577,
+    4.5310804208600004,
+    4.6613092856899998,
+    4.7803056653900002,
+    4.9095209439899996,
+    5.0546229367600004,
+    5.2110820221100003,
+    5.3463510691199998,
+    5.52429734599,
+    5.6756130707899999,
+    5.9685799046800003,
+    6.1860199186999996,
+    6.3195153450500001,
+    6.6566660244499998,
+    6.9673972764899998,
+    7.26908683037,
+    7.6488825007600001,
+    7.8611350773700002,
+    8.2320652147600004,
+    8.4210908255200003,
+    8.9496041073600008,
+    9.5584199425000005,
+    10.1439245514,
+    10.6423118073,
+    11.0791716855,
+    11.838823182500001,
+    12.7106408238,
+    14.1580993885,
+    15.148907718,
+    15.904843132,
+    17.434395016500002,
+    18.518727628800001,
+    20.121463138599999,
+    22.7076019362,
+    24.3760430058,
+    27.247058263300001,
+    30.661631466599999,
+    33.079547519400002,
+    39.127879890599999,
+    48.943565214800003,
+    59.4575606151,
+    91.335874697400001,
+    141.45432793200001,
+    411.661489776,
+    0.0,
+    0.069952231864699996,
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+    0.125014068162,
+    0.146010270449,
+    0.16359155444599999,
+    0.178864568833,
+    0.19599840432599999,
+    0.21261593381499999,
+    0.22711972642700001,
+    0.243111674684,
+    0.25767461785399998,
+    0.27180823360799999,
+    0.28563106170000002,
+    0.30065227522400001,
+    0.31466033367599999,
+    0.32740274431499999,
+    0.34144162964000002,
+    0.35392977821499999,
+    0.36739586603699997,
+    0.37668601825699999,
+    0.38997906091099999,
+    0.40341912954199999,
+    0.416373727157,
+    0.426895908682,
+    0.43977830899800002,
+    0.45258671966300001,
+    0.466514605217,
+    0.477389064152,
+    0.48977333283500002,
+    0.50163197604999998,
+    0.51199626571900003,
+    0.52444304417700005,
+    0.535756267392,
+    0.54517617178599997,
+    0.556723976482,
+    0.56923743022399997,
+    0.58148013003300003,
+    0.59338244193300005,
+    0.60349023988499995,
+    0.61844448197599999,
+    0.63082462731599998,
+    0.64077938591500005,
+    0.65387489192500003,
+    0.66469357132100004,
+    0.67819373925399995,
+    0.68727074573400004,
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+    0.71043795726600001,
+    0.71961915177299995,
+    0.72969713364300004,
+    0.74107602282600005,
+    0.75606721670699994,
+    0.76643518425500001,
+    0.77845497049099999,
+    0.78839543992500005,
+    0.80132022172700001,
+    0.81246877456,
+    0.82543482006900004,
+    0.835142423425,
+    0.84674802068300004,
+    0.85967143818799996,
+    0.87125300477599998,
+    0.88408451673499999,
+    0.89664194416599996,
+    0.91062205430599996,
+    0.92119895144599995,
+    0.93242997074199996,
+    0.94571219445300003,
+    0.96041450364400005,
+    0.97224013435699996,
+    0.98495533130900004,
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+    1.02562802722,
+    1.0390578098300001,
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+    1.06699289985,
+    1.08003878786,
+    1.0911503311699999,
+    1.10287478431,
+    1.11752324595,
+    1.1314149261899999,
+    1.1474113539199999,
+    1.1623424598800001,
+    1.1809099334199999,
+    1.19698636893,
+    1.21181796755,
+    1.22544671282,
+    1.24244196167,
+    1.25768137753,
+    1.2753336486,
+    1.29073541071,
+    1.3028499501799999,
+    1.3187969502100001,
+    1.33382177937,
+    1.35329432786,
+    1.3654396608399999,
+    1.3831852898699999,
+    1.4053731868899999,
+    1.4244601671899999,
+    1.4458595538900001,
+    1.4624828517299999,
+    1.48424757851,
+    1.50258889287,
+    1.5267644454,
+    1.54442727619,
+    1.56845111196,
+    1.5867698647199999,
+    1.60842558029,
+    1.6313088751,
+    1.6534369558899999,
+    1.6753389600899999,
+    1.69620207473,
+    1.7204189063699999,
+    1.7419530680599999,
+    1.76805842778,
+    1.7922030172000001,
+    1.8188034212699999,
+    1.85148643519,
+    1.8773786266000001,
+    1.90256305862,
+    1.9386203775399999,
+    1.9687813707199999,
+    1.9981566611499999,
+    2.0245303042499998,
+    2.0584208427499999,
+    2.0946946719900001,
+    2.1348120365500001,
+    2.1791471443199999,
+    2.2224520832399999,
+    2.2595687931800001,
+    2.3106923875200001,
+    2.3553963857400002,
+    2.3983286546599998,
+    2.4436515071799998,
+    2.4865189620699999,
+    2.5405446707500001,
+    2.59421388661,
+    2.64091695706,
+    2.6996385735900001,
+    2.7473734419100002,
+    2.8035977565799999,
+    2.8535299568900001,
+    2.91542786179,
+    2.9893281334399999,
+    3.0516305485699999,
+    3.1163028661999999,
+    3.1947678399299999,
+    3.2663049222699998,
+    3.3339853805400002,
+    3.40237096205,
+    3.4768322926400002,
+    3.5806851899900001,
+    3.6801840510099999,
+    3.7872722453700001,
+    3.8916915748699998,
+    3.9917050980400002,
+    4.0940578914500003,
+    4.19602458524,
+    4.3323371208100001,
+    4.4338250448399998,
+    4.5732353526800003,
+    4.7071896650899996,
+    4.8371637819700002,
+    4.9861306159599996,
+    5.1247005951200002,
+    5.2989900989100001,
+    5.4331191858299999,
+    5.5988276453600001,
+    5.8197641223699996,
+    6.0307234869500004,
+    6.2629671258800004,
+    6.4723292924600004,
+    6.73373305351,
+    7.0011281823499996,
+    7.2896172889599997,
+    7.6282663585300003,
+    7.9822597848400001,
+    8.4459703825899997,
+    8.8384469969099992,
+    9.2101115074000006,
+    9.73610634934,
+    10.3512776241,
+    10.917239822399999,
+    11.6235706159,
+    12.2958078571,
+    12.939563854899999,
+    14.2324201348,
+    15.485703747200001,
+    16.9857809226,
+    18.432059703,
+    20.321399149499999,
+    22.561711453099999,
+    25.531954585200001,
+    29.543395520299999,
+    34.331229479900003,
+    42.111056517599998,
+    54.231741921900003,
+    88.569928594700002,
+    402.90323270200003,
+    0.0,
+    0.063832780404899994,
+    0.097778217097499995,
+    0.12370909607,
+    0.150339924072,
+    0.16482266304000001,
+    0.17990570626399999,
+    0.190646713912,
+    0.20163809948600001,
+    0.216830757348,
+    0.22812951506500001,
+    0.24021891326399999,
+    0.25541866841600003,
+    0.269018368043,
+    0.28049226030899999,
+    0.29164957411100001,
+    0.30229091825999999,
+    0.31343659256900003,
+    0.327727185596,
+    0.33950733116499998,
+    0.35546334505900001,
+    0.36812325794200002,
+    0.38133767715299999,
+    0.394597620963,
+    0.404978263841,
+    0.41815375781000003,
+    0.42864653293400001,
+    0.444894300819,
+    0.454376903331,
+    0.46341028375999999,
+    0.47599157488299998,
+    0.48560628028199998,
+    0.49777311032799998,
+    0.508833944353,
+    0.52141721957599996,
+    0.53079993862899999,
+    0.54083525487700002,
+    0.55116155918099996,
+    0.56028981112599996,
+    0.571200303066,
+    0.58044683485600002,
+    0.58839931947599999,
+    0.59900193670599999,
+    0.60844513668900002,
+    0.61984074999700001,
+    0.630706376051,
+    0.64055060618699999,
+    0.65022883648700003,
+    0.65969805240099999,
+    0.67173860230299998,
+    0.683039145269,
+    0.69151743825699996,
+    0.70492328902000001,
+    0.71497674644599996,
+    0.72455754197800004,
+    0.73626892393499999,
+    0.74666068393600005,
+    0.75711837954399996,
+    0.76917986479,
+    0.78031391817899998,
+    0.79003646883199996,
+    0.80178135233600001,
+    0.81294330929500003,
+    0.82479240642999996,
+    0.83793294590599998,
+    0.84856051750299999,
+    0.857727050288,
+    0.867523080562,
+    0.87989898293299995,
+    0.88810730552100003,
+    0.89899588869799996,
+    0.90918788036700005,
+    0.92161182284099996,
+    0.93310880618299996,
+    0.94666983786799996,
+    0.95950586438800001,
+    0.96954717752200004,
+    0.98183054360800004,
+    0.99327109762300003,
+    1.0071871810099999,
+    1.0199396023,
+    1.0299591745400001,
+    1.0433590956800001,
+    1.0579526586200001,
+    1.0722037652,
+    1.0856825564000001,
+    1.10062275455,
+    1.11366547931,
+    1.12553109294,
+    1.1369984132099999,
+    1.1497029036699999,
+    1.16306292312,
+    1.17522255584,
+    1.1892082610600001,
+    1.2041212236300001,
+    1.22190050707,
+    1.2347118934600001,
+    1.2504314859500001,
+    1.2629302579599999,
+    1.2791680786099999,
+    1.29405735901,
+    1.3107720617700001,
+    1.32643387797,
+    1.3415152129300001,
+    1.3620274129300001,
+    1.3823476697499999,
+    1.40444011877,
+    1.42173569526,
+    1.4364703857500001,
+    1.45484612731,
+    1.47972134044,
+    1.49655634371,
+    1.5141380044499999,
+    1.53379025535,
+    1.5555036580899999,
+    1.5714663036600001,
+    1.59647294538,
+    1.6138151759899999,
+    1.6380127097199999,
+    1.6594163419300001,
+    1.6820072233800001,
+    1.7019879011500001,
+    1.7246555912899999,
+    1.75616951171,
+    1.7809849497500001,
+    1.8095401046899999,
+    1.83533696471,
+    1.8573176551099999,
+    1.88542875324,
+    1.92090178934,
+    1.9505618811500001,
+    1.9774596313099999,
+    2.0068544301600002,
+    2.0350921018900001,
+    2.0643959097,
+    2.1062800026400001,
+    2.1347376230699999,
+    2.1742676793900002,
+    2.2104098855299998,
+    2.2514941680099998,
+    2.2912348247100001,
+    2.3349554164100002,
+    2.3796253970099999,
+    2.41766195211,
+    2.4815347228200002,
+    2.5296861327400002,
+    2.57523096673,
+    2.6414826618,
+    2.6880090127099998,
+    2.7379395286100001,
+    2.7971131333199999,
+    2.8454615301600001,
+    2.9012187913899998,
+    2.9675790254000001,
+    3.04978866032,
+    3.12354871979,
+    3.2117080755199998,
+    3.3031992991200001,
+    3.3786495999400001,
+    3.4622786505200001,
+    3.5341733641599999,
+    3.5975451787299999,
+    3.7026608369999998,
+    3.82558431557,
+    3.9485708722999999,
+    4.0749917626799999,
+    4.2182278466299996,
+    4.3815530054699998,
+    4.5579379614200004,
+    4.7079073862299996,
+    4.8861754887000002,
+    5.0662849643500003,
+    5.2496674690900003,
+    5.4708584275999996,
+    5.6873944276300001,
+    5.9465154086899998,
+    6.10841977807,
+    6.32522045284,
+    6.6457452149499998,
+    6.8963618663700004,
+    7.1600629694100002,
+    7.4849075540900003,
+    7.8078159674899998,
+    8.1135987260599993,
+    8.6434490614699993,
+    9.3138777741999998,
+    9.9096943796500003,
+    10.5413045729,
+    11.158948712999999,
+    11.999104899500001,
+    12.8985733307,
+    13.9490047253,
+    15.518092394,
+    17.033131729600001,
+    18.432082803299998,
+    20.708613102099999,
+    23.123985660399999,
+    27.884421759599999,
+    36.561019225000003,
+    61.076641297099997,
+    468.04625970900003,
+    0.0,
+    0.067076529355799996,
+    0.097824586424400006,
+    0.12058047219699999,
+    0.135066352689,
+    0.15703805450399999,
+    0.16865220856099999,
+    0.18272153189500001,
+    0.19456107267299999,
+    0.20905544303500001,
+    0.22429021016199999,
+    0.23682684978499999,
+    0.24961005214199999,
+    0.26225295033399998,
+    0.27282432554800001,
+    0.283602099439,
+    0.29623312604699997,
+    0.30840842319700001,
+    0.31645548412699998,
+    0.33143452632300002,
+    0.343712260145,
+    0.35341928343099999,
+    0.36635377466399999,
+    0.37717670892999999,
+    0.39032523504299999,
+    0.40013045900700001,
+    0.41162395957300002,
+    0.42423155816699998,
+    0.43186283101,
+    0.44215015996599999,
+    0.45428937582200002,
+    0.46224971743999999,
+    0.47594444504299999,
+    0.48807023390400001,
+    0.49693964716900002,
+    0.51019137347099996,
+    0.52165237357899996,
+    0.53174150971800005,
+    0.54256492119300004,
+    0.55515020156399997,
+    0.56325486596700003,
+    0.57178372078899997,
+    0.57891384744999996,
+    0.58826455880299999,
+    0.59910449639800001,
+    0.60935191848000003,
+    0.61881052080400001,
+    0.62702569041300005,
+    0.63798126176500003,
+    0.64999626073299999,
+    0.66409842520700002,
+    0.67206511322700002,
+    0.68117655017099998,
+    0.69235691936599997,
+    0.70629027472700001,
+    0.71718753920199996,
+    0.72825030830899995,
+    0.73958277894699997,
+    0.74721313986399995,
+    0.75951044739999996,
+    0.77054717878099999,
+    0.78033716992000002,
+    0.791657009508,
+    0.80069783012999995,
+    0.81151864388700001,
+    0.82257967604500004,
+    0.83376565960100002,
+    0.84367481175100001,
+    0.85373445615999999,
+    0.86281664475599995,
+    0.87277267299399997,
+    0.88522150941099997,
+    0.895112829577,
+    0.90741716188900001,
+    0.91619554643300005,
+    0.92601655850499998,
+    0.93734361345600004,
+    0.94620041333000005,
+    0.95712672909899998,
+    0.96744573225499997,
+    0.98318977108299999,
+    0.99187947130599996,
+    1.00505446816,
+    1.0135141032699999,
+    1.02598410227,
+    1.0352951482399999,
+    1.0473143060900001,
+    1.0610104522899999,
+    1.07557548922,
+    1.0886540525699999,
+    1.1030302993000001,
+    1.1222000890499999,
+    1.1397653729499999,
+    1.15430437835,
+    1.1696993848599999,
+    1.1869488960800001,
+    1.20122564741,
+    1.2141587142000001,
+    1.2257708751700001,
+    1.2411522805399999,
+    1.2560045466400001,
+    1.27446251035,
+    1.2841952131300001,
+    1.2982208578200001,
+    1.3182157576,
+    1.3298159782600001,
+    1.3424136029,
+    1.3604328317200001,
+    1.3767068167600001,
+    1.39749108045,
+    1.4148267830400001,
+    1.43982412632,
+    1.45450195158,
+    1.47070553463,
+    1.4842104270200001,
+    1.5036094415600001,
+    1.5196111004899999,
+    1.5427837280000001,
+    1.56874118822,
+    1.59012806749,
+    1.6156339281200001,
+    1.6415259814800001,
+    1.6627342303899999,
+    1.68678597138,
+    1.7123700775899999,
+    1.7355941341300001,
+    1.7575287234700001,
+    1.77549370303,
+    1.8023242212999999,
+    1.8306364744700001,
+    1.86843117775,
+    1.89616140233,
+    1.92693168508,
+    1.94653908551,
+    1.9674301249699999,
+    2.0023775987399999,
+    2.0410970809600002,
+    2.0712419181500001,
+    2.1001298794399998,
+    2.1435551353000002,
+    2.18745519946,
+    2.2407411531300001,
+    2.2877176484300001,
+    2.3482386991299999,
+    2.3878544206000001,
+    2.4256485211599998,
+    2.4689746994299999,
+    2.54115707404,
+    2.6060044637200002,
+    2.6471446480799998,
+    2.7082778846300002,
+    2.7625848318599999,
+    2.8217618519399998,
+    2.8730281955899999,
+    2.94944935405,
+    2.9984511177900002,
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+    3.1477109402800001,
+    3.2264457052400002,
+    3.3135370713699999,
+    3.3913116560900001,
+    3.46766561982,
+    3.5469306652600001,
+    3.6270133483599998,
+    3.7196516111200002,
+    3.8300128499600001,
+    3.9706856961599999,
+    4.0624593885399998,
+    4.16862605645,
+    4.32355081595,
+    4.4582130280000003,
+    4.5901068198399999,
+    4.7253251831799998,
+    4.8713623347399997,
+    5.0670691161099999,
+    5.2375849693000003,
+    5.3887073546400002,
+    5.6495635870200003,
+    5.8884178613599998,
+    6.1407571599699997,
+    6.3858608976199998,
+    6.6661948102800004,
+    7.0439049067599999,
+    7.3559915120800001,
+    7.73009363221,
+    8.2262361691900008,
+    8.8019442355600006,
+    9.2680434525499997,
+    9.7743200198599993,
+    10.6920252267,
+    11.3785733059,
+    12.170137853,
+    13.036613519199999,
+    14.486048819000001,
+    16.028067222499999,
+    17.977721620600001,
+    20.963719555200001,
+    25.110074835700001,
+    32.315204575999999,
+    51.776266767099997,
+    108.063764331,
+    0.0,
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+    0.145696860505,
+    0.15949782790200001,
+    0.17030767784699999,
+    0.181856162219,
+    0.194359775116,
+    0.206545451204,
+    0.216886655718,
+    0.227597454714,
+    0.239520822277,
+    0.24975972163499999,
+    0.26174800391699998,
+    0.27515156150300002,
+    0.28928260960800001,
+    0.30056007218699998,
+    0.31177038148300001,
+    0.32223273686999998,
+    0.33233709398299999,
+    0.34226863585799999,
+    0.35054033371600002,
+    0.36272022538900001,
+    0.37265758299599999,
+    0.38450845354800001,
+    0.392952528902,
+    0.40280374789700002,
+    0.41239163517100003,
+    0.42225057636800001,
+    0.43390677896199997,
+    0.44589553585300001,
+    0.456357880291,
+    0.46605928183400003,
+    0.47533877800199997,
+    0.485109944056,
+    0.49754601794199999,
+    0.50792030114300002,
+    0.51923692407099997,
+    0.52864927728800004,
+    0.53777407420400003,
+    0.54790751383199998,
+    0.55673983995999998,
+    0.56698607143699997,
+    0.57670367642800002,
+    0.58667471005899996,
+    0.596751819495,
+    0.60570130209100004,
+    0.61498993393199997,
+    0.62532916186599996,
+    0.63421809777399996,
+    0.643945582415,
+    0.652131236,
+    0.66037342159400003,
+    0.66984241853199999,
+    0.68013004284099998,
+    0.68891506562500004,
+    0.69795858717600001,
+    0.70724072355500001,
+    0.71773910407499997,
+    0.72600456224599996,
+    0.73529066837299994,
+    0.74465581544199999,
+    0.75311728489600005,
+    0.76285052475299997,
+    0.77230557399699995,
+    0.78194921514500004,
+    0.79213459741699999,
+    0.80258535964699995,
+    0.81396443458699996,
+    0.82267338024400005,
+    0.83206771620599995,
+    0.83984893131100002,
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+    0.87121284808199995,
+    0.88206426743400002,
+    0.893602624377,
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+    0.91868520951400001,
+    0.92977380346299998,
+    0.94206318246999998,
+    0.95246633238900003,
+    0.96670282891199999,
+    0.97605982209599995,
+    0.98559747736000003,
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+    1.0756346263800001,
+    1.08768054822,
+    1.0986564112699999,
+    1.11056517658,
+    1.1222492032,
+    1.13556072341,
+    1.1472841566,
+    1.16118311944,
+    1.17259765348,
+    1.1861421571199999,
+    1.1985894798400001,
+    1.20980222263,
+    1.2233664048399999,
+    1.2385002300500001,
+    1.2516226459299999,
+    1.2669008712400001,
+    1.2794959423800001,
+    1.2958611531299999,
+    1.31116706463,
+    1.32857407312,
+    1.34365731571,
+    1.35879876289,
+    1.3767427480700001,
+    1.3927745273200001,
+    1.41141387435,
+    1.4296441628400001,
+    1.4469934928999999,
+    1.46603314043,
+    1.4837471764900001,
+    1.5016602720400001,
+    1.51855715617,
+    1.5372635274499999,
+    1.55585749083,
+    1.5776110083899999,
+    1.59566951462,
+    1.62476079488,
+    1.6471928626000001,
+    1.6678247338300001,
+    1.6864094001200001,
+    1.7115934443700001,
+    1.7389659531499999,
+    1.76721239977,
+    1.78849994105,
+    1.81312786502,
+    1.8365295582100001,
+    1.8646738456900001,
+    1.8978807795199999,
+    1.9240405234,
+    1.9549490789899999,
+    1.98972377392,
+    2.0200230888899999,
+    2.0589141742399999,
+    2.10302415543,
+    2.14058485254,
+    2.1818536127199999,
+    2.2299519963300001,
+    2.2712959938699999,
+    2.3135445986500001,
+    2.3566542270399999,
+    2.3959056922599999,
+    2.4446333513399998,
+    2.4952439185199999,
+    2.5492654399200001,
+    2.6106037504100001,
+    2.6602865229799999,
+    2.7105208912299998,
+    2.7745671455899998,
+    2.8333797499900002,
+    2.9008461857499999,
+    2.96494326499,
+    3.0289889630300002,
+    3.10234506861,
+    3.1725169557099999,
+    3.2548023935399999,
+    3.3312575634499999,
+    3.41501385226,
+    3.5077691502100001,
+    3.6109139158899999,
+    3.70736489466,
+    3.8078795299400001,
+    3.9399935880500001,
+    4.0729162849399998,
+    4.1754315477999997,
+    4.32871701963,
+    4.4670420558400004,
+    4.6172360869400002,
+    4.7801353008799996,
+    4.9685158392900002,
+    5.1787521224099997,
+    5.3659561809799996,
+    5.5579867362700002,
+    5.80647069765,
+    6.0770936171800001,
+    6.3474439077599998,
+    6.62582338065,
+    6.9727248909400004,
+    7.3991913842899999,
+    7.8834449215399998,
+    8.5166144845100007,
+    9.2030546325000007,
+    9.88020733826,
+    10.866036106699999,
+    12.0758777085,
+    14.18128042,
+    16.712052750600002,
+    20.430876708300001,
+    27.2913398323,
+    198.831343334,
+    0.0,
+    0.069244384700200001,
+    0.088432101515100003,
+    0.10716305206,
+    0.12503845091900001,
+    0.140404065533,
+    0.15732758095900001,
+    0.17026163426999999,
+    0.181554153262,
+    0.19229104097999999,
+    0.20063488720700001,
+    0.20918075219000001,
+    0.22448851398700001,
+    0.23329259600999999,
+    0.243417838223,
+    0.25098683398999999,
+    0.26086665715599999,
+    0.26722012921400001,
+    0.27447102517700001,
+    0.28549280903099999,
+    0.29370514330199998,
+    0.30435794709199998,
+    0.31171401890299999,
+    0.32079725821600003,
+    0.33073290586199999,
+    0.340392028515,
+    0.35038726600499998,
+    0.35811690266399998,
+    0.36447411653700001,
+    0.37185544116399999,
+    0.381082348721,
+    0.390780214455,
+    0.39830952785200002,
+    0.40748168602500001,
+    0.41488373765499997,
+    0.42543510561100001,
+    0.43158160961199998,
+    0.44002625662900002,
+    0.44926347686599999,
+    0.45776432919799998,
+    0.468022411503,
+    0.47664440380200002,
+    0.48258490950499999,
+    0.48896171374500003,
+    0.496491820137,
+    0.50698509859999996,
+    0.51452015906199999,
+    0.52068937139100002,
+    0.52946408477100004,
+    0.53880448153799998,
+    0.548801791313,
+    0.555995027759,
+    0.56369511933200001,
+    0.57026213611200005,
+    0.57917412801400003,
+    0.58903117523000004,
+    0.59960305490099997,
+    0.60673607228299997,
+    0.61394249280099999,
+    0.62335872512500001,
+    0.62950473092000003,
+    0.63564906077100003,
+    0.64370653836500002,
+    0.65068290176499999,
+    0.65692425783200004,
+    0.66660140937199996,
+    0.67467287438699997,
+    0.68340267482299999,
+    0.69234704669500002,
+    0.70022548729900003,
+    0.70878108772100001,
+    0.71517132508000003,
+    0.72483344563800001,
+    0.73510369684400001,
+    0.74464179844099998,
+    0.75114169742299997,
+    0.75948786098200005,
+    0.76927896632399995,
+    0.780181603981,
+    0.79038397953499995,
+    0.79658809158499999,
+    0.80565180419899995,
+    0.81340080992999997,
+    0.82502676166900002,
+    0.83237961296700003,
+    0.84110268556400003,
+    0.85232968998699998,
+    0.86273446105600005,
+    0.87069963084699997,
+    0.88137854582999997,
+    0.89128913714400004,
+    0.90061058757400003,
+    0.90609412190700001,
+    0.91504032505999999,
+    0.92415693050900005,
+    0.93648983181699996,
+    0.94349116139300004,
+    0.95300702282700001,
+    0.96521719153999996,
+    0.97733292798399996,
+    0.98974230043699996,
+    1.0028012640199999,
+    1.01236890773,
+    1.0253034214500001,
+    1.0345343165800001,
+    1.0429324387700001,
+    1.0534672371,
+    1.06628868009,
+    1.07468795352,
+    1.08633326882,
+    1.09933424957,
+    1.1068518163600001,
+    1.12106242894,
+    1.13430375102,
+    1.1497669909499999,
+    1.16355554605,
+    1.1741333470999999,
+    1.1865602471200001,
+    1.19552264974,
+    1.20964466299,
+    1.2206552660600001,
+    1.2334735428900001,
+    1.2446193507100001,
+    1.26228052188,
+    1.2733668809500001,
+    1.2862487980799999,
+    1.29915564596,
+    1.31311637923,
+    1.3325804596099999,
+    1.34251302023,
+    1.3591003659500001,
+    1.377169549,
+    1.3924811167,
+    1.40750771045,
+    1.4232614989300001,
+    1.4396669344899999,
+    1.4651287187599999,
+    1.4899491085200001,
+    1.50816578923,
+    1.5249813512099999,
+    1.5484316629499999,
+    1.56552035633,
+    1.58626075727,
+    1.60321824898,
+    1.6254795315799999,
+    1.64592427713,
+    1.6680292001699999,
+    1.6929771865600001,
+    1.71641044875,
+    1.73825985627,
+    1.7655221754799999,
+    1.7903694698399999,
+    1.8124234588000001,
+    1.83919765728,
+    1.86770929471,
+    1.9001015000199999,
+    1.9321267789500001,
+    1.95584199638,
+    1.99690811411,
+    2.0217444230499999,
+    2.05376297292,
+    2.0929451083099999,
+    2.12301731176,
+    2.1526232798299998,
+    2.19298807375,
+    2.2255018723100002,
+    2.2689246505599998,
+    2.3179026897699999,
+    2.3644121098699999,
+    2.4221039841300001,
+    2.4838688069799999,
+    2.53466998697,
+    2.6042919607999999,
+    2.6812450073999998,
+    2.7654172146999998,
+    2.8309204248399999,
+    2.9094078948100002,
+    2.9876772553499999,
+    3.0748530970700001,
+    3.1622064731699999,
+    3.24147451246,
+    3.32558384886,
+    3.4422202342600001,
+    3.5775338240400001,
+    3.7141610497599999,
+    3.87173250803,
+    4.0663966875900002,
+    4.29308118297,
+    4.4781034155099997,
+    4.7041054642700004,
+    5.0488522514199996,
+    5.3311777928700002,
+    5.6656935490200002,
+    6.1539089237400004,
+    6.8843836607600002,
+    7.4347424954000001,
+    8.2978267417500007,
+    9.6243020157500005,
+    11.369168954199999,
+    15.540639672399999,
+    76.1760172643,
+    0.0,
+    0.049706365699999998,
+    0.0666592682662,
+    0.088322065368899999,
+    0.104536859611,
+    0.11923256786399999,
+    0.127291144238,
+    0.13502577832400001,
+    0.140820543469,
+    0.15139945632400001,
+    0.16099717066999999,
+    0.16793664804899999,
+    0.179770597659,
+    0.18534480911599999,
+    0.19437588065,
+    0.20501796081000001,
+    0.21442507195499999,
+    0.223638661722,
+    0.235448046864,
+    0.24069837603999999,
+    0.249796619168,
+    0.2569021037,
+    0.26571241794099998,
+    0.273484835112,
+    0.28264031867099998,
+    0.29203238294299999,
+    0.30128506578199998,
+    0.30890798204499997,
+    0.31400372247300001,
+    0.32085907990500001,
+    0.33018590514200002,
+    0.33434813763600002,
+    0.34099138695100001,
+    0.34839419218399997,
+    0.36043796979300002,
+    0.366921197137,
+    0.374978179395,
+    0.380142953738,
+    0.38497527854699998,
+    0.39412431397300002,
+    0.40294224279800001,
+    0.41036947119900002,
+    0.42097414080500001,
+    0.426696154529,
+    0.43405547629300001,
+    0.438076390323,
+    0.44626941882600002,
+    0.45209988855099997,
+    0.46025667702299999,
+    0.46751534699899999,
+    0.47569740786199999,
+    0.48648925341600002,
+    0.49365845173799999,
+    0.50062076512099996,
+    0.50762099689399998,
+    0.51599561488599999,
+    0.52069070294499997,
+    0.52771734894599998,
+    0.53507770527700005,
+    0.53957262010100004,
+    0.54687563426600005,
+    0.55882733756900005,
+    0.56778279961099998,
+    0.57581367970300001,
+    0.58169558514099995,
+    0.589416835832,
+    0.59799990574399997,
+    0.60309451416000004,
+    0.60776585343300005,
+    0.61113211528400002,
+    0.620751519689,
+    0.63049668177200002,
+    0.64186111209399999,
+    0.649049389792,
+    0.65881032984999999,
+    0.667603399933,
+    0.67500088551600002,
+    0.68058962597299999,
+    0.68475592303099997,
+    0.69020553863599998,
+    0.69297641552300004,
+    0.69919890922799999,
+    0.70692564551500003,
+    0.71223085652100004,
+    0.72213575435900001,
+    0.730079802251,
+    0.73971307206199999,
+    0.74754515744299999,
+    0.75906245692899998,
+    0.76535806436599996,
+    0.768435170424,
+    0.77936645084,
+    0.78371319966099995,
+    0.793548757173,
+    0.79992665980300004,
+    0.80669075308100002,
+    0.813805390164,
+    0.82073219292800004,
+    0.82530292600499999,
+    0.83254418888299997,
+    0.84023227490600005,
+    0.84610269681500005,
+    0.850974506809,
+    0.85604916181199997,
+    0.86800267070000003,
+    0.87548269182500005,
+    0.88170746226899999,
+    0.89168104316600005,
+    0.89886785180600004,
+    0.90941660694899995,
+    0.92091095976000004,
+    0.92713708903799996,
+    0.93255472954399998,
+    0.94075570205600001,
+    0.95405981205900003,
+    0.96338844277799995,
+    0.97402552055400005,
+    0.98526481076200001,
+    0.99808150342699997,
+    1.00881814468,
+    1.0181152037700001,
+    1.02462072395,
+    1.0362614133200001,
+    1.0501057383200001,
+    1.05573829434,
+    1.0663375241399999,
+    1.0815544234900001,
+    1.0920197863400001,
+    1.10280835408,
+    1.1180455459900001,
+    1.1302349147199999,
+    1.14338393376,
+    1.1517784771899999,
+    1.16459044846,
+    1.17843359548,
+    1.1909602731,
+    1.2038564818399999,
+    1.2161138792399999,
+    1.22899884794,
+    1.24167619324,
+    1.25804220029,
+    1.26669854112,
+    1.28319750286,
+    1.29839920006,
+    1.31138545902,
+    1.3222317000599999,
+    1.34185918055,
+    1.3547619368999999,
+    1.3711217067000001,
+    1.3874485756199999,
+    1.4017178245899999,
+    1.4176863825099999,
+    1.43525875504,
+    1.4513358921899999,
+    1.4669285814799999,
+    1.49058059786,
+    1.51243917885,
+    1.5343601628600001,
+    1.5519685841999999,
+    1.5858246281799999,
+    1.6052702545799999,
+    1.6255288476200001,
+    1.645511371,
+    1.67744979518,
+    1.7003145979100001,
+    1.7236176675199999,
+    1.74467645265,
+    1.7809151811699999,
+    1.8104241704099999,
+    1.85100020932,
+    1.8902605480300001,
+    1.9127629589099999,
+    1.94264465956,
+    1.98831619403,
+    2.0462312106199998,
+    2.1088091964400002,
+    2.1589111550700002,
+    2.19880416124,
+    2.2551363689100001,
+    2.32115689321,
+    2.3900112406699998,
+    2.4355086734200002,
+    2.53167527975,
+    2.5574390199299999,
+    2.69075228193,
+    2.80722131929,
+    2.8827815963000001,
+    3.0169724035100001,
+    3.1020365340699998,
+    3.2877647668300001,
+    3.4186314330799998,
+    3.55711527829,
+    3.7777833577900002,
+    4.0940063095600001,
+    4.35113022089,
+    4.7722176832300001,
+    5.4945754250499999,
+    6.0600360065499999,
+    6.7983858917699997,
+    9.1234186672500002,
+    40.009378980599998,
+    0.0,
+    0.067895952064799994,
+    0.084300078749299998,
+    0.095052432169299997,
+    0.102638659398,
+    0.112117784904,
+    0.11826939027900001,
+    0.12549932636300001,
+    0.12979818836900001,
+    0.14651996704600001,
+    0.15100212390600001,
+    0.161663165759,
+    0.16954870848299999,
+    0.177081348221,
+    0.18018558524200001,
+    0.18303580819699999,
+    0.19216015759300001,
+    0.19761816342399999,
+    0.20405892001000001,
+    0.208512677383,
+    0.2121909193,
+    0.219201257102,
+    0.226866968867,
+    0.23794276716900001,
+    0.24987132195699999,
+    0.25465170763400002,
+    0.26099785587800001,
+    0.26730559655899999,
+    0.28331961066,
+    0.29096521670800002,
+    0.29624967979200001,
+    0.29829805930100001,
+    0.30951316035100002,
+    0.31770754811700003,
+    0.32720886553700002,
+    0.33647444911699997,
+    0.34198895204000002,
+    0.35025569471500001,
+    0.35723583674800002,
+    0.36574792956399999,
+    0.37381139126899998,
+    0.38799391889500001,
+    0.39067031169299998,
+    0.39620024782899999,
+    0.40020907354500002,
+    0.406629782376,
+    0.41587001647900002,
+    0.42064605710199998,
+    0.427983894024,
+    0.43880340547500002,
+    0.446223080223,
+    0.450449340882,
+    0.45558651616200002,
+    0.46105934588699998,
+    0.46416526610600001,
+    0.47234232416100003,
+    0.47838800081799998,
+    0.48398364517499998,
+    0.49028214090200001,
+    0.499284532015,
+    0.50451360745100005,
+    0.509733914146,
+    0.51534943972199998,
+    0.51694525305200001,
+    0.52351544417600004,
+    0.52741635274900001,
+    0.53030801158100005,
+    0.54039249319000005,
+    0.543358519993,
+    0.55090831684899999,
+    0.56351528162800002,
+    0.57109497028699996,
+    0.57678495336900004,
+    0.58431894816300001,
+    0.59453107257500004,
+    0.60337885959000004,
+    0.61000337793399995,
+    0.61727383516599998,
+    0.62371645808300002,
+    0.629855469291,
+    0.64046230499599999,
+    0.64338774420900002,
+    0.64928236111199999,
+    0.65253922932700004,
+    0.65630438988100004,
+    0.66542800844200001,
+    0.67245369789099996,
+    0.67689678974900003,
+    0.68490163471400001,
+    0.697879548796,
+    0.70321721042899998,
+    0.70825620560000002,
+    0.71214130965099998,
+    0.71606229576000002,
+    0.72849739743399999,
+    0.72997690491599998,
+    0.73496304621899999,
+    0.74722916204000001,
+    0.75461055645599995,
+    0.76049922669799996,
+    0.76492250952399998,
+    0.77219537422499995,
+    0.77615043430200004,
+    0.78272629883699996,
+    0.78806707738399995,
+    0.803877101727,
+    0.81237050231600005,
+    0.82231101211000002,
+    0.82643891219300003,
+    0.82994343368199996,
+    0.84104036655799996,
+    0.85001450139900003,
+    0.85722719700299999,
+    0.86813520497600005,
+    0.87634807207999998,
+    0.87849406127499996,
+    0.88626760274000005,
+    0.89464524886600005,
+    0.89854680515700003,
+    0.90579336081200001,
+    0.90937836218900003,
+    0.92263809143499997,
+    0.92671709472899999,
+    0.93140291302300005,
+    0.93889838636400003,
+    0.94817473635500005,
+    0.95134624523199995,
+    0.95948566447500006,
+    0.96931430537899999,
+    0.97827519300099997,
+    0.98284090499800003,
+    0.98853660864199999,
+    0.99999303088000002,
+    1.00933104878,
+    1.02227252775,
+    1.0339923686800001,
+    1.03840687036,
+    1.04500879737,
+    1.05122171927,
+    1.06723984471,
+    1.07953686403,
+    1.09113807067,
+    1.10417487551,
+    1.11446546637,
+    1.1254220105599999,
+    1.1353940360999999,
+    1.16144655068,
+    1.1695186521200001,
+    1.1831819617599999,
+    1.2096151764900001,
+    1.2368935164299999,
+    1.2456266675500001,
+    1.25296303964,
+    1.26564891435,
+    1.2701959942000001,
+    1.28466851306,
+    1.29873724956,
+    1.31966389347,
+    1.3313272542500001,
+    1.34786430325,
+    1.3621826611400001,
+    1.3720433831700001,
+    1.3971090305,
+    1.4043458957999999,
+    1.4238434153299999,
+    1.4590867995000001,
+    1.4854743821,
+    1.5153253015599999,
+    1.54813838085,
+    1.57329724758,
+    1.6116532666100001,
+    1.62277970085,
+    1.63219947245,
+    1.6666665269000001,
+    1.73127681763,
+    1.7492774307700001,
+    1.80557771894,
+    1.8267234865099999,
+    1.88934211181,
+    1.9203963709,
+    1.99466093314,
+    2.0230718376899999,
+    2.0628543274000002,
+    2.1367073224899999,
+    2.1821320160500002,
+    2.22093938088,
+    2.3072520016700002,
+    2.3621845025599999,
+    2.44517002578,
+    2.5015913727800001,
+    2.5975738754100002,
+    2.7045052724200001,
+    2.8865631109500001,
+    3.1260959842,
+    3.39849260601,
+    3.6254807685400001,
+    4.0097191798100003,
+    4.5724242129699997,
+    5.4143250544999999,
+    6.3272292972399997,
+    17.5560575511,
+    0.0,
+    0.085458258148600003,
+    0.098622234580399995,
+    0.106568524017,
+    0.108057180859,
+    0.1107805041,
+    0.11464013028599999,
+    0.13602438252499999,
+    0.14300574817799999,
+    0.146684159845,
+    0.15122598984999999,
+    0.154733085331,
+    0.161754974932,
+    0.17723910406000001,
+    0.18032389045700001,
+    0.18658548177699999,
+    0.18746673820000001,
+    0.19896129970099999,
+    0.209234599805,
+    0.21980562614900001,
+    0.228062016284,
+    0.23711187915099999,
+    0.23869840689499999,
+    0.240361816358,
+    0.27144033681000002,
+    0.27327373169399999,
+    0.27458858408600001,
+    0.28007177711800002,
+    0.28248298888899998,
+    0.28387767697499999,
+    0.287453003343,
+    0.292023090998,
+    0.29519223190999999,
+    0.31407066578100001,
+    0.32033662902100002,
+    0.32377361486099998,
+    0.33791304018399998,
+    0.340145093994,
+    0.34355792125200002,
+    0.35986952431000002,
+    0.36278049873099999,
+    0.36565591999199998,
+    0.36887445402199998,
+    0.37307785833099999,
+    0.37522358431500002,
+    0.38644599385299999,
+    0.38905873533300001,
+    0.39011760635100001,
+    0.39429900482899999,
+    0.40016937602000002,
+    0.40636267913899998,
+    0.408103464438,
+    0.411985395905,
+    0.42002274379400001,
+    0.42424580987299998,
+    0.42889507706199997,
+    0.43431096613499998,
+    0.43634598755999998,
+    0.44074601502999999,
+    0.44833586654099999,
+    0.44981411452999998,
+    0.45139144803199999,
+    0.45825414352600002,
+    0.465858692219,
+    0.46971239089400002,
+    0.48073097106200002,
+    0.49008253400700003,
+    0.49019267044199999,
+    0.49421178442399999,
+    0.49592401222499999,
+    0.51649450538700004,
+    0.52148438326400004,
+    0.52450649919199999,
+    0.52875492868700003,
+    0.53851929926099995,
+    0.55522500190799995,
+    0.56567545616600001,
+    0.57500972364500003,
+    0.575413910571,
+    0.577492611263,
+    0.58282093829299997,
+    0.5882333891,
+    0.59178334343399996,
+    0.59490514439200004,
+    0.59707926005599998,
+    0.60398628531999998,
+    0.61018821270699997,
+    0.62788446277499999,
+    0.62845001268199996,
+    0.63245592828700004,
+    0.64203220116600002,
+    0.64960047364600004,
+    0.65218235923199996,
+    0.65302094855500004,
+    0.65709800478699998,
+    0.66525750618900004,
+    0.66772838617499997,
+    0.66931616078599998,
+    0.67398981338899999,
+    0.67995566798200002,
+    0.69261712558099997,
+    0.69323176238100004,
+    0.70328807748099997,
+    0.70817581305300004,
+    0.71362676385000001,
+    0.72122326659400005,
+    0.72982093594899999,
+    0.73501610749799995,
+    0.74418077769299995,
+    0.74740381350899998,
+    0.75972971198000006,
+    0.76542085452499997,
+    0.77293727748999996,
+    0.77569521588599999,
+    0.79040702133899998,
+    0.79124143409100001,
+    0.79674835901600005,
+    0.801314329913,
+    0.80761727105100001,
+    0.81334526814800001,
+    0.82599153547399995,
+    0.835753037664,
+    0.84010997734000004,
+    0.84324537731399996,
+    0.84524994337100001,
+    0.852251511771,
+    0.85726585936199995,
+    0.86776513236499997,
+    0.87321839355800002,
+    0.88257634312599997,
+    0.88885223178899997,
+    0.89462277052799999,
+    0.89929289721500005,
+    0.91054077473399997,
+    0.91235045283799998,
+    0.91859506476800001,
+    0.92379410344599999,
+    0.92778311003299996,
+    0.95200833907100002,
+    0.96058777907100001,
+    0.96275379136000006,
+    0.96711989399800002,
+    0.98158423342400003,
+    0.99959381644599998,
+    1.0158547410300001,
+    1.0257344455099999,
+    1.0386164152999999,
+    1.05829394823,
+    1.0652432737599999,
+    1.06870005665,
+    1.0850122523800001,
+    1.08895555924,
+    1.1035938848,
+    1.1079237802499999,
+    1.14480878564,
+    1.1555554675299999,
+    1.1789854119500001,
+    1.21604495077,
+    1.21944541763,
+    1.2255115895799999,
+    1.2349135122299999,
+    1.2574900653700001,
+    1.2756099428300001,
+    1.27830965632,
+    1.29563470054,
+    1.33511311013,
+    1.37879372829,
+    1.4104141532900001,
+    1.42999159888,
+    1.4340564609599999,
+    1.4404309370999999,
+    1.45125639917,
+    1.4753290649999999,
+    1.50104361326,
+    1.5067651051299999,
+    1.56173064277,
+    1.5867665737000001,
+    1.6529842751699999,
+    1.68573957888,
+    1.6981474139899999,
+    1.7544189081799999,
+    1.79075077468,
+    1.8606238073600001,
+    1.9675939468600001,
+    1.99649367583,
+    2.0088494420599998,
+    2.0624960910299999,
+    2.1345821995000001,
+    2.25477797389,
+    2.4129377727399999,
+    2.4947352830499998,
+    2.6183637912700002,
+    3.0074794112299998,
+    3.1791961046799999,
+    3.4293356642399999,
+    3.8514844690699999,
+    4.2517228191100003,
+    4.9637069833399998,
+    6.0765632038800002,
+    6.7603904355099997,
+    10.3173126473,
+    0.0,
+    0.078613919986899997,
+    0.086706257325800007,
+    0.086706257325800007,
+    0.114789651673,
+    0.12273957318299999,
+    0.127062920365,
+    0.128484790396,
+    0.13578225807899999,
+    0.13578225807899999,
+    0.14730174056500001,
+    0.14730174056500001,
+    0.15501754607599999,
+    0.17160764402600001,
+    0.17160764402600001,
+    0.17716597523700001,
+    0.19318889167600001,
+    0.201064059002,
+    0.20544566915199999,
+    0.208662339522,
+    0.208662339522,
+    0.209070783313,
+    0.217981911645,
+    0.21984720431800001,
+    0.22959168302800001,
+    0.22959168302800001,
+    0.22979925938500001,
+    0.23023398217900001,
+    0.23282324285100001,
+    0.23847389001200001,
+    0.24981772981200001,
+    0.24981772981200001,
+    0.251976912788,
+    0.26484603340399998,
+    0.267063574626,
+    0.276065116128,
+    0.27955725551999999,
+    0.27955725551999999,
+    0.29253129065099998,
+    0.29257984585899999,
+    0.29426519135099999,
+    0.29991973517600001,
+    0.29991973517600001,
+    0.300865581125,
+    0.30629956382500001,
+    0.33189640078299998,
+    0.33193362117300002,
+    0.332892715999,
+    0.332892715999,
+    0.33786995917700002,
+    0.34286355479300001,
+    0.35037131399499999,
+    0.36538777844499998,
+    0.36538777844499998,
+    0.39533598300400002,
+    0.40761459269400002,
+    0.43071349334699999,
+    0.44611156073300001,
+    0.44821302280300002,
+    0.44821302280300002,
+    0.45970379461999999,
+    0.479322648149,
+    0.49927725766600001,
+    0.50856338644599997,
+    0.50856338644599997,
+    0.51381349247600006,
+    0.52312377414900002,
+    0.52365255460899995,
+    0.524357535308,
+    0.52449511360300005,
+    0.53246792168500001,
+    0.53246792168500001,
+    0.53406269761799996,
+    0.54066543759600005,
+    0.54165597718199998,
+    0.54165597718199998,
+    0.54286979560399995,
+    0.54565296744199998,
+    0.54680412639599996,
+    0.55924698793600003,
+    0.55948804920899997,
+    0.55948804920899997,
+    0.56237285913900004,
+    0.61191574840100005,
+    0.61803286518099998,
+    0.62621800263899996,
+    0.62894744300399996,
+    0.62894744300399996,
+    0.64175065233299999,
+    0.64274226864700001,
+    0.643141090937,
+    0.64957757771299995,
+    0.64957757771299995,
+    0.65462416615899999,
+    0.65508592379599995,
+    0.65577214273499995,
+    0.65867533793400002,
+    0.65966257080699997,
+    0.65966257080699997,
+    0.67002637381200003,
+    0.6862767676,
+    0.68775204324200001,
+    0.68935688154399999,
+    0.68935688154399999,
+    0.68958321519599997,
+    0.69489243672400003,
+    0.69799974598299996,
+    0.70085954020999996,
+    0.70570470911100003,
+    0.70570470911100003,
+    0.71529355939600003,
+    0.71529355939600003,
+    0.73061672396900001,
+    0.73147192102699998,
+    0.73147192102699998,
+    0.73172502367900005,
+    0.74705904753800001,
+    0.75069245931200002,
+    0.76171481537700003,
+    0.78431047228100004,
+    0.78431047228100004,
+    0.79589062785700004,
+    0.79985244088700003,
+    0.80739451523600003,
+    0.80995278660199999,
+    0.80995278660199999,
+    0.818149271693,
+    0.81876691441600002,
+    0.82187704197599998,
+    0.82398018051199995,
+    0.83061310912300002,
+    0.83061310912300002,
+    0.841520560606,
+    0.84283988029500001,
+    0.845286826815,
+    0.85635186159599996,
+    0.88301536060399999,
+    0.88301536060399999,
+    0.89457113891100004,
+    0.90319721159599997,
+    0.91110728614600001,
+    0.920115781518,
+    0.920115781518,
+    0.924752016362,
+    0.93270708632099997,
+    0.93634613579199999,
+    0.93668785307699998,
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+    0.938056933654,
+    0.963093301648,
+    0.97003534928799995,
+    0.97433733039600001,
+    0.98296990885400004,
+    0.98296990885400004,
+    0.99165891962800001,
+    0.99363899328700001,
+    1.00411505522,
+    1.0082220608200001,
+    1.04142653436,
+    1.04142653436,
+    1.05299960148,
+    1.0584566497800001,
+    1.0631344471799999,
+    1.0702232139000001,
+    1.0702232139000001,
+    1.0745255061000001,
+    1.07801171048,
+    1.09546502235,
+    1.1130150782399999,
+    1.1212890952400001,
+    1.1453294864700001,
+    1.1453294864700001,
+    1.14683578271,
+    1.14912419314,
+    1.1868862875699999,
+    1.1868862875699999,
+    1.2135111146399999,
+    1.2764048086199999,
+    1.3014758897300001,
+    1.33521824385,
+    1.3586680634799999,
+    1.3586680634799999,
+    1.39549136126,
+    1.4365610253900001,
+    1.4568919919400001,
+    1.5925258819899999,
+    1.67910648307,
+    1.67910648307,
+    1.7175836223800001,
+    1.8595366530499999,
+    2.22804691293,
+    2.4236335095200001,
+    2.4236335095200001,
+    2.5444902152200002,
+    2.7565764210300001,
+    3.0002289122299999,
+    3.2770080283,
+    6.1761254131100003,
+    6.1761254131100003,
+    9.0448113096899991,
+    9.0448113096899991,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.084719549076999995,
+    0.084719549076999995,
+    0.162771060016,
+    0.162771060016,
+    0.162771060016,
+    0.174797101293,
+    0.174797101293,
+    0.19337957316099999,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19855375347500001,
+    0.19855375347500001,
+    0.19855375347500001,
+    0.200626535691,
+    0.200626535691,
+    0.20443169045699999,
+    0.20443169045699999,
+    0.20546703844700001,
+    0.20546703844700001,
+    0.20546703844700001,
+    0.22648266447400001,
+    0.22648266447400001,
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+    0.240550688555,
+    0.240550688555,
+    0.25396349222699999,
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+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.27888116985299999,
+    0.27888116985299999,
+    0.29428424249599999,
+    0.29428424249599999,
+    0.29428424249599999,
+    0.299788951114,
+    0.299788951114,
+    0.31720186969399999,
+    0.31720186969399999,
+    0.31720186969399999,
+    0.35285717429300001,
+    0.35285717429300001,
+    0.35967187727099997,
+    0.35967187727099997,
+    0.35967187727099997,
+    0.36425099049600002,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.393647946528,
+    0.393647946528,
+    0.40432582434100001,
+    0.40432582434100001,
+    0.40432582434100001,
+    0.41409827036399999,
+    0.41409827036399999,
+    0.42605819547399998,
+    0.42605819547399998,
+    0.438201525694,
+    0.438201525694,
+    0.438201525694,
+    0.52412206191900002,
+    0.52412206191900002,
+    0.53036211888999996,
+    0.53036211888999996,
+    0.53947846940699995,
+    0.53947846940699995,
+    0.53947846940699995,
+    0.54022582851800005,
+    0.54022582851800005,
+    0.54022582851800005,
+    0.55304014916499999,
+    0.55304014916499999,
+    0.58228935374099999,
+    0.58228935374099999,
+    0.58228935374099999,
+    0.60596028174500005,
+    0.60596028174500005,
+    0.61041536468199997,
+    0.61041536468199997,
+    0.61041536468199997,
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+    0.65478363743500001,
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+    0.67732197187900001,
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+    0.69170398708900005,
+    0.69170398708900005,
+    0.71778169588399998,
+    0.71778169588399998,
+    0.71778169588399998,
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+    0.724448255762,
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+    0.73445742378500001,
+    0.73445742378500001,
+    0.74008547261299995,
+    0.74008547261299995,
+    0.74881364436599995,
+    0.74881364436599995,
+    0.77742926704699999,
+    0.77742926704699999,
+    0.77742926704699999,
+    0.80214410030399996,
+    0.80214410030399996,
+    0.80237181021399995,
+    0.80237181021399995,
+    0.80237181021399995,
+    0.80480889025799995,
+    0.80480889025799995,
+    0.81567228496599997,
+    0.81567228496599997,
+    0.81567228496599997,
+    0.82045939538299995,
+    0.82045939538299995,
+    0.82352724851000003,
+    0.82352724851000003,
+    0.82352724851000003,
+    0.832308451359,
+    0.832308451359,
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+    0.85064319551300005,
+    0.85064319551300005,
+    0.86707524700500005,
+    0.86707524700500005,
+    0.87113615998799998,
+    0.87113615998799998,
+    0.87113615998799998,
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+    0.893480617719,
+    0.91025084198899997,
+    0.91025084198899997,
+    0.91025084198899997,
+    0.92945707303699998,
+    0.92945707303699998,
+    0.94367179870100004,
+    0.94367179870100004,
+    0.96249504634000005,
+    0.96249504634000005,
+    0.96249504634000005,
+    1.04851239622,
+    1.04851239622,
+    1.05472835341,
+    1.05472835341,
+    1.05472835341,
+    1.0571022668900001,
+    1.0571022668900001,
+    1.0795501896999999,
+    1.0795501896999999,
+    1.0795501896999999,
+    1.08606295202,
+    1.08606295202,
+    1.1610428489,
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+    1.1737862567099999,
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+    1.19233887401,
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+    1.23499695024,
+    1.23499695024,
+    1.32872584115,
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+    1.4875655673799999,
+    1.4875655673799999,
+    1.7768916535799999,
+    1.7768916535799999,
+    1.7768916535799999,
+    1.90484127934,
+    1.90484127934,
+    1.9108413266499999,
+    1.9108413266499999,
+    1.9108413266499999,
+    2.0007729910999998,
+    2.0007729910999998,
+    2.3382342441700001,
+    2.3382342441700001,
+    2.5987544026,
+    2.5987544026,
+    2.5987544026,
+    2.6082788293000001,
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+    2.8392763735900002,
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+    3.3819024131300002,
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+    3.7018275480299998,
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+    3.7018275480299998,
+    4.72930160618,
+    4.72930160618,
+    4.72930160618,
+    4.72930160618,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_distb.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_distb.py
index 6f6f724eea4f173260347cc72aa297534acc639c..68aee8cf43142c93bf2405ead07e5233ff4fc4eb 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_distb.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_distb.py
@@ -9,802 +9,2416 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2011_def_distb = [
-    0.0, 0.56094372606762677, 0.7748555093433106, 0.95310767752176617,
-    1.1906079835411554, 1.4135063615181933, 1.5469706087575439,
-    1.717637715444549, 1.9078084450312611, 2.078830865302939,
-    2.3673694393209286, 2.5652916154906422, 2.719176314163422,
-    2.9143350583182777, 3.0556867288035465, 3.3314071492430846,
-    3.5309373944964433, 3.7198259542235506, 3.9746173222307726,
-    4.1716075147757152, 4.3331714146492013, 4.5010791980770231,
-    4.7010753304750965, 4.8936058791922381, 5.1037597147293932,
-    5.2592473096915198, 5.4933808099586612, 5.6277238343814533,
-    5.8620859412865522, 6.1059450539869653, 6.3120134479962893,
-    6.5830830775944706, 6.8200926493441481, 7.0702834736372564,
-    7.3483462204604635, 7.6264067744909951, 7.8372782469612465,
-    8.0617780685477705, 8.3995622657866384, 8.7403882283600378,
-    9.0992605207420993, 9.3705162889778926, 9.75889880418889,
-    10.194686638374007, 10.438514323942188, 10.726873592781514,
-    11.069318434988878, 11.396569108340843, 11.801419844938572,
-    12.128206841266881, 12.485948104637052, 12.756299870388832,
-    13.076944452763826, 13.458692068837927, 13.824717813822369,
-    14.316393196413889, 14.621905587891465, 14.888480073624264,
-    15.335930506891625, 15.609627342322275, 16.191900883034002,
-    16.54381609680534, 17.147813194052553, 17.468929751742763,
-    17.940480341162086, 18.345046931400908, 18.601290104964175,
-    19.011371018239437, 19.335036342308854, 19.740516156682062,
-    20.13447317647455, 20.462447938558235, 21.091090849462493,
-    21.556877958704259, 21.823267014913611, 22.208749180717806,
-    22.786099855049944, 23.371401551338806, 23.73315353587088,
-    24.31738397233147, 24.625223648727555, 25.069412618036147,
-    25.928099135972015, 26.497110723217201, 27.085968731165757,
-    27.631123699960334, 28.187584878982072, 28.991619387322526,
-    29.353231676085986, 30.083376143103514, 30.880607280324416,
-    31.435216510900492, 32.392330109783813, 32.921554836523583,
-    33.514110805447565, 34.303809151243847, 35.456294459561711,
-    36.280791683627093, 36.940252784295062, 37.717899566227963,
-    38.457688239199655, 39.596732893642503, 40.36400419560065,
-    40.945135884536548, 41.797758649637814, 42.487275414278201,
-    43.921777494122409, 44.874273975496472, 45.67446232320151,
-    46.727212320012811, 47.45119952715492, 48.639858771576726,
-    49.370473491276989, 50.528638968567975, 51.389834372987714,
-    52.582079342007546, 53.589199085657242, 54.585243505081834,
-    55.622223351244195, 56.936556831025484, 58.385520290381457,
-    59.451232373507203, 60.588566421499443, 62.401492617291595,
-    63.88804064081846, 65.599157033995837, 67.204436723739235,
-    69.4912133287594, 71.622345320740351, 73.103725049112015,
-    75.089813374922841, 76.884823802108912, 78.275061550352873,
-    80.357326438684495, 83.305006897820235, 85.400732831032357,
-    87.218868459052473, 89.130072489534143, 91.252783666141042,
-    92.815637585979999, 95.739391170148252, 98.435092605981637,
-    100.31960869294872, 102.50286766025864, 105.48705400852423,
-    108.82295714914468, 111.39204546177986, 114.62248349802513,
-    117.87687880992867, 119.40484241859349, 122.7734081083525,
-    125.26971884287919, 128.55177396728385, 131.66269963489299,
-    136.57359107720188, 140.51816667169177, 144.16804544736863,
-    150.35987039520109, 154.72466658210519, 160.54109480247283,
-    164.18861964598716, 170.24309324015738, 175.29889321042558,
-    183.11630724838597, 189.01683118972002, 196.90975774880297,
-    204.49263459337524, 213.04893801936598, 219.75869942751646,
-    228.19907555440614, 239.44926809073948, 248.20168822805923,
-    259.25320106736922, 265.44318466962994, 277.32312416782054,
-    288.56952434288797, 298.64263419554209, 315.25981209742378,
-    331.89024853535398, 342.74298087821637, 360.77964203727674,
-    378.48547030119011, 392.5550051422876, 405.31614074355014,
-    421.74150173342304, 441.4412304371254, 457.82211257306926,
-    480.45566322885566, 513.45774433642032, 555.4000490334372,
-    605.92811073979146, 652.49495125201292, 704.61385101258315,
-    786.33845891481292, 874.04643470496728, 1012.3600088462719,
-    1159.4774300577808, 1379.2669821003758, 1756.1106436012778,
-    2357.4547208831491, 217148.93534056327, 0.0, 0.46532971898727915,
-    0.68496949409616426, 0.94645340397600952, 1.102736193185504,
-    1.312453009792369, 1.4867727436472011, 1.6340240974064906,
-    1.8260512349059785, 1.9700706984768943, 2.1040893787044128,
-    2.2333135236192967, 2.3880111121966587, 2.5520785579949155,
-    2.6739841145948597, 2.8075636832160806, 2.9039966303754365,
-    3.0345967971695451, 3.2102417439344437, 3.3137856992787351,
-    3.4376002808848787, 3.5571277890563819, 3.6898499180667237,
-    3.799063723671626, 3.94997555574531, 4.0925736583580976,
-    4.2086028832412561, 4.3390635740171728, 4.4761244808887941,
-    4.6023420572801266, 4.7263227277876512, 4.8591547764014482,
-    5.0957595508246589, 5.30514679884981, 5.4401600222425195,
-    5.5717535777959721, 5.7003644346866409, 5.8768488839999593,
-    5.991691304228997, 6.1771150398732244, 6.3465048845874961,
-    6.4948860632013519, 6.6772230060948159, 6.8030943590107249,
-    6.9813191429783039, 7.165284199966873, 7.3873559281058423,
-    7.5948269266966975, 7.801592658633016, 7.9955249125214145,
-    8.1905643672046686, 8.3270830680818655, 8.5054910750061179,
-    8.7225666260180663, 8.9368113184240965, 9.1376808053645888,
-    9.3633428615533649, 9.5990825604962264, 9.7364383724201087,
-    9.9186955590691088, 10.124746714296, 10.40687565362729, 10.737648017833138,
-    11.012188237958963, 11.214102933586581, 11.45440355061357,
-    11.736264046084917, 12.026226014607102, 12.245762888886343,
-    12.541549269023777, 12.756641375192153, 12.98360561266394,
-    13.288306417225625, 13.526164571303489, 13.75503655409527,
-    14.117128492708087, 14.374029807073448, 14.712173108685258,
-    14.981897180990096, 15.344366904559326, 15.600391910392348,
-    16.020999494977502, 16.300440442407332, 16.606309936976054,
-    16.902143272482817, 17.159816580240875, 17.461774805635738,
-    17.781122815339479, 18.119654210560597, 18.48063214553467,
-    18.820102897217541, 19.161710076244763, 19.479832189525602,
-    19.848403979835609, 20.122299299121863, 20.43004460334555,
-    20.753188532047265, 21.116860477662346, 21.534773567291243,
-    22.137744141529421, 22.45219966811996, 22.843712755485114,
-    23.327127510714419, 23.801219885543535, 24.400068243422009,
-    24.859199781454677, 25.249212813218318, 25.681597611963909,
-    26.218124149559316, 26.865624109857663, 27.476273115575268,
-    28.003316090112232, 28.465744086402083, 29.114406317582951,
-    29.863184721251695, 30.645923853117178, 31.411221663197541,
-    32.083675244596449, 32.623907125336849, 33.542071438820663,
-    34.423855107765, 35.090015994189059, 35.83529395578082, 36.739635743840758,
-    37.456669272617518, 38.267335328548761, 39.333029993613607,
-    40.288484522728531, 41.508400903755643, 42.819861162087363,
-    43.639905039190687, 44.572666361081048, 45.821482473822918,
-    46.862153416881057, 48.147392790601714, 49.404082667631819,
-    50.527705863342902, 52.004399737632923, 53.494784474459131,
-    54.714589396642559, 55.67232429415796, 56.793224205114853,
-    58.007050364060461, 59.680200263089169, 61.232876696778597,
-    62.427428818562269, 63.973042504689445, 65.632536988952083,
-    67.347413597855891, 69.065640807296859, 70.464693299553076,
-    72.418849794356461, 74.105138155507049, 75.662376323980538,
-    77.872835649845626, 79.967351057764517, 81.928379445805646,
-    84.034972341121062, 86.103344705230924, 88.477411000229537,
-    90.312287755291578, 92.507210044700187, 95.060608477240947,
-    97.679889639836844, 100.54820722011901, 104.05860073649033,
-    106.9975903165883, 110.72495391129446, 114.47278880860986,
-    118.67332903577829, 122.47362728985475, 127.29751063199502,
-    131.9947396665213, 137.58105901899614, 143.2436551636288,
-    148.62549462778085, 155.59863941964065, 162.63324375828105,
-    168.58328521973854, 176.47623591935073, 187.10110318413911,
-    194.1945607895322, 205.76585363429373, 218.54795010442368,
-    224.54362476449748, 231.28500418937108, 243.28574251055934,
-    254.11346183370961, 270.37086108698531, 283.71979921314824,
-    298.26484833307381, 309.41788972573079, 335.8183191815636,
-    361.8565261478937, 398.47210782079094, 453.94084657359673,
-    537.44153147414909, 644.04067764548461, 779.41712961885173,
-    1047.3517440661496, 32924.039482636828, 0.0, 0.44937757329633327,
-    0.61250349172115959, 0.7863111534649565, 0.88962062078461757,
-    1.0382238515645796, 1.1737343879099387, 1.3675367911897895,
-    1.4812885968395111, 1.6632187662691276, 1.8341758133782387,
-    1.9619748247014435, 2.0552125983628433, 2.1703209170187905,
-    2.2961317300880717, 2.3982858575534443, 2.4969661855862513,
-    2.6039206933082872, 2.7154863269399461, 2.7935806808717341,
-    2.9157144052335742, 3.0304254455360686, 3.1804609723019346,
-    3.2662231643163544, 3.3535831040758928, 3.4593860912217078,
-    3.5730577882484265, 3.6829046499090672, 3.7926322745010292,
-    3.918389650507887, 4.0461615056476345, 4.1688075178063455,
-    4.261935760927039, 4.3872821403468514, 4.4849226816074195,
-    4.5815647915521316, 4.7329622842326859, 4.8333438381787959,
-    4.9751149870072844, 5.1439939747359258, 5.2679283122041474,
-    5.3979939515818964, 5.4986148492629514, 5.5833034840702549,
-    5.7762491544651375, 5.8901795208691912, 6.0406044947405793,
-    6.1414968907338547, 6.3109595855296661, 6.4702277997994733,
-    6.6084310395612746, 6.7478047002924155, 6.8791042308295953,
-    6.9969768325569115, 7.1196791826285173, 7.2490813954518822,
-    7.4130615395895152, 7.6062113466901806, 7.7506437587572199,
-    7.8830685300393055, 8.0353926744476123, 8.1996939525956183,
-    8.4142220833085606, 8.5808330010701201, 8.7445310419872921,
-    8.9841822249357115, 9.181432418740652, 9.3539737653904709,
-    9.5793187725543287, 9.7462277892814431, 9.9098280489576762,
-    10.04079373626851, 10.211734359829405, 10.501564944142677,
-    10.710373784142686, 10.886736785556671, 11.066921822136326,
-    11.235485714770356, 11.437646009474888, 11.67346914949365,
-    11.83325542414009, 12.036493633448316, 12.32938637637468,
-    12.554138183666348, 12.743210513050011, 12.983810120622046,
-    13.174204038774839, 13.3680862872507, 13.620942224242304,
-    13.890272176459577, 14.165385082423146, 14.413231848006964,
-    14.724376594252243, 14.977328826245193, 15.231234613500565,
-    15.55914351677969, 15.781820608210545, 16.091194364415028,
-    16.347431974296502, 16.596030336748036, 16.887891775703359,
-    17.178071227425107, 17.48876537215957, 17.802979490086393,
-    18.167601675413529, 18.451234059983907, 18.773722324177371,
-    19.095678793499459, 19.393224208627331, 19.892470444495725,
-    20.360431028492791, 20.714816695587093, 21.109538106861837,
-    21.528542624887123, 21.903763658847744, 22.32752745556132,
-    22.932277869765915, 23.443859045149278, 24.010482595441839,
-    24.454443667170533, 24.893590041546005, 25.519805040678591,
-    25.948341902144293, 26.521018356962905, 27.203480036460771,
-    27.923098995772133, 28.875462789782972, 29.551018023069748,
-    29.950704440314354, 30.476114881076313, 31.046996042296136,
-    31.828920785208862, 32.724644642398538, 33.519807747032317,
-    34.207784670738299, 34.978220277672911, 35.82880248810423,
-    36.674526307149222, 37.539567643195326, 38.598050079089823,
-    39.461587691403167, 40.326650088153748, 41.3817881768775,
-    42.413485151973958, 43.434107971290473, 44.327692773369833,
-    45.281573404128643, 46.623500435435595, 47.845340004545946,
-    48.925490779005997, 50.099817716244445, 51.130922527278209,
-    52.52201636244277, 54.171384212197573, 56.251402930866988,
-    57.343667697555219, 59.060037223666868, 60.886212298901022,
-    62.282534857812919, 63.86965941245365, 65.907528655065505,
-    68.060546344496487, 69.886943517625568, 72.15339782090426,
-    74.790861312079699, 76.921991723046403, 79.835163669975174,
-    82.098620972009513, 84.019415664127024, 87.941587866072609,
-    90.308304219949349, 93.475153751625228, 96.866828921040394,
-    99.559133387387135, 103.13311038199714, 107.13838078377783,
-    111.61641909521742, 116.39540365181381, 122.02402340139254,
-    126.12078269274167, 131.70138789081315, 136.7872837632539,
-    142.28439193970823, 147.89576596130524, 152.23255441740992,
-    157.7226413282819, 164.37241204310453, 173.15971613514671,
-    180.11295998936518, 188.48112308463158, 202.36800846564165,
-    217.16809097558243, 229.45603073021095, 243.95331007710857,
-    267.19713077328231, 291.31657906696654, 319.83880240534251,
-    369.84715199786609, 456.83736037240828, 563.36551513987104,
-    1212.4845181047338, 0.0, 0.39299523597374442, 0.57756602839919102,
-    0.74933717643467546, 0.84798806113800529, 0.98808387915300122,
-    1.0731681865898071, 1.1904878246948769, 1.3296105353290197,
-    1.4470486564441511, 1.6132307202687894, 1.7334018816456787,
-    1.8405138120116515, 1.9401180825384614, 2.0206956222611518,
-    2.088323294417457, 2.1965858893088366, 2.2678507808547295,
-    2.3513510591465976, 2.452940588067142, 2.5244403869314138,
-    2.6111507000688201, 2.686185953440015, 2.7762991589505912,
-    2.8623591840837115, 2.9644501753879853, 3.0534304377734371,
-    3.1183306038752914, 3.2022029138736583, 3.3578682900076662,
-    3.4578586494674859, 3.5567846506796079, 3.6352803762683252,
-    3.7653628446367353, 3.8440117447262629, 3.9584732534380351,
-    4.0302646502503574, 4.1218781156084869, 4.211981828454741,
-    4.3396760587886405, 4.4201415569911395, 4.5235887459809963,
-    4.6307469822655509, 4.7731054586827728, 4.8838280863806549,
-    4.9937362132930252, 5.1605178704372632, 5.2560966186259481,
-    5.3556600842824587, 5.4678635206702646, 5.5973168757166114,
-    5.7048755075035276, 5.8878433771286218, 6.0190112054897522,
-    6.118844708522011, 6.2719026695437989, 6.3725565545753042,
-    6.4738742707717662, 6.5961657370971558, 6.6863432232288851,
-    6.8285306029142401, 6.9529888304791623, 7.0345923470005971,
-    7.153050087371815, 7.23828648460319, 7.3488613350575518,
-    7.5297259666276082, 7.665228962415263, 7.814513809818397,
-    7.9676729944874758, 8.0965767962005515, 8.258619388928004,
-    8.4038000906770929, 8.5498166593706451, 8.6979091856223683,
-    8.8099783579444786, 8.9513067459030502, 9.1237502030553657,
-    9.3482831702262139, 9.5044967504159725, 9.6593366065001636,
-    9.82253449013227, 9.9874115529723486, 10.137506876476476,
-    10.289126599046901, 10.444223952502876, 10.599915162622709,
-    10.734363441288647, 10.917595405084366, 11.108460594133211,
-    11.352160340302392, 11.607842306499339, 11.798599260283471,
-    12.009365871239995, 12.251934875461144, 12.49314138461267,
-    12.815528078713546, 13.078160801731713, 13.367979668775682,
-    13.61963788461563, 13.830407348960653, 14.134759793056256,
-    14.406222062237235, 14.719108048702839, 15.039806819372597,
-    15.357959034733886, 15.742708764682598, 16.038031868942646,
-    16.342061974077719, 16.619014591659234, 16.995469066261826,
-    17.440245060531616, 17.749017033014272, 18.105417999557947,
-    18.521262453800805, 18.847635914656443, 19.422978973137425,
-    19.69919609219999, 20.085099945021412, 20.537864119839881,
-    21.008059900732494, 21.532289222273434, 22.054776673981362,
-    22.335014932602295, 22.916014727566228, 23.337139989662067,
-    23.720719036927843, 24.388060450004911, 24.84313177402456,
-    25.486862832547693, 26.168604409957322, 26.702984764635431,
-    27.287480741291404, 27.801078630394546, 28.269720592443107,
-    28.926401527988713, 29.605430975118843, 30.330319669354552,
-    31.30134009465884, 31.993708205209099, 32.73067706792078,
-    33.486394058985752, 34.167581724784604, 35.401930848802451,
-    36.065974473699839, 36.896350829985813, 37.7813927333629,
-    38.921309661559299, 39.97516998571502, 40.789572211691727,
-    42.125840794801142, 43.644711500275349, 44.85355032164108,
-    45.812829425455917, 47.046058315709615, 48.449631897327926,
-    49.622408318720304, 51.04144247927352, 53.201024346560494,
-    54.577940901359469, 55.974500547503887, 57.300272604946706,
-    58.935437915672885, 61.253114155133289, 63.821740538824884,
-    65.624318697869271, 67.454483508361619, 69.123018783403808,
-    71.210354296257066, 74.567150230165254, 76.23070335468914,
-    78.271987515678816, 81.071827225516031, 83.453646862710841,
-    86.529339530495577, 89.958680391197973, 92.139227178417912,
-    95.452626979151631, 98.96652527128883, 102.73989810547134,
-    106.50759157615551, 111.64659346669681, 115.90393310434297,
-    120.92459723788905, 125.40052719866213, 129.67134907792868,
-    135.46294701412262, 142.5538801102015, 151.30070681491432,
-    157.84567716877518, 169.5170423411827, 178.87680934745092,
-    193.39884029816415, 208.14234715671577, 235.5424670602799,
-    259.89890359594898, 295.34858783034383, 334.33861915695468,
-    435.37594838703143, 500.4258992515953, 26136.224608103177, 0.0,
-    0.39973293565211121, 0.54970468651962101, 0.69428019898164828,
-    0.80416896659170267, 0.97256228280721502, 1.0741947545845139,
-    1.1635254227187484, 1.2659631876378288, 1.3822232353331732,
-    1.4871416503290158, 1.6059691148096156, 1.7314193523743162,
-    1.8189928465042873, 1.9334458898159075, 2.0377516716510327,
-    2.1075833274228066, 2.217744079961764, 2.2892931053076637,
-    2.370399790641895, 2.4612447561840849, 2.5289316577717074,
-    2.6468319175582824, 2.7635584974075624, 2.8487982858984613,
-    2.960003647452937, 3.040264995484101, 3.1340583717433561,
-    3.235843360825664, 3.3184989258906628, 3.3887498944054912,
-    3.4742665307996607, 3.5562981091035697, 3.6417013733235564,
-    3.7311047300627127, 3.8872996993864741, 3.9804799011541103,
-    4.0534756404067585, 4.1363024053202926, 4.2208974321794877,
-    4.2861111457481496, 4.3766112965174155, 4.4823314746332565,
-    4.5480736492020721, 4.6140282594933879, 4.6927572802426791,
-    4.7950758075336255, 4.8965365095798212, 5.0072589054206107,
-    5.0975160269495143, 5.2362442989591846, 5.3289517016526302,
-    5.4178449031775839, 5.5118563643244292, 5.5991786537930563,
-    5.7292585294169509, 5.8455520624288511, 5.9835086379946096,
-    6.1056860394816654, 6.2159830829296503, 6.3853574209981945,
-    6.4974583447731833, 6.6378799857782989, 6.7643189783177879,
-    6.9331608618050389, 7.0563877476272356, 7.1597694820310664,
-    7.2747575984770805, 7.4061511602581902, 7.566805332709456,
-    7.7166738418404099, 7.8275904312086375, 7.9656564706412034,
-    8.1244717048328159, 8.3128776945349419, 8.4492226274061721,
-    8.6026791744357034, 8.7913701590231152, 8.9674862747079285,
-    9.203292738543686, 9.4039626926929181, 9.5311545009803265,
-    9.7551708743344214, 9.9026582594455501, 10.022592104276631,
-    10.254556398686347, 10.441547514468155, 10.55911902240299,
-    10.753522809241019, 10.926077226400229, 11.111675067184086,
-    11.282496796620391, 11.542358714530458, 11.747566119524583,
-    12.063275519031006, 12.341240623919091, 12.652985756993917,
-    12.911635251767006, 13.185612347682703, 13.397850815278218,
-    13.510168018667791, 13.823974357607668, 14.079700135326661,
-    14.319520604253412, 14.516982034078424, 14.715852185550794,
-    14.964361234520684, 15.243919353703765, 15.434116248837348,
-    15.848964391761008, 16.086776522206492, 16.492027051516569,
-    16.795026784147762, 17.200208653485955, 17.498774119010612,
-    17.697568539728877, 17.989065229745375, 18.378303894171673,
-    18.701677957394676, 19.000050086953262, 19.305072306272276,
-    19.640223854343546, 20.148513190788542, 20.571031137831589,
-    20.950263329212515, 21.493452145932224, 21.900647991805542,
-    22.368835386038555, 22.757466417332257, 23.266697302860564,
-    23.748918186455164, 24.013428277953601, 24.436060444302342,
-    24.839469583056065, 25.343925184450622, 25.873641504196087,
-    26.482510119485095, 27.117741302188946, 28.028030125009568,
-    28.67264931970686, 29.423325760610378, 29.889992195728581,
-    30.465443031984776, 31.309530466130287, 31.901260500752073,
-    32.799551692053072, 33.541476679668996, 34.443620232941036,
-    35.302557206918429, 36.095895295724823, 36.967344523130116,
-    37.972365673128152, 39.113785970733069, 40.183225976540719,
-    41.415014418976391, 42.519519437606419, 43.877982190483891,
-    45.274268146469012, 46.598258997931197, 47.577075478663595,
-    49.30474498506122, 50.820118338226344, 52.111331702490496,
-    53.410484924257844, 54.902819374535113, 56.280708096832775,
-    57.753628438949818, 58.879346286077769, 59.968520735732298,
-    60.999746067677791, 62.753450775062085, 64.030882243935793,
-    65.729557300284014, 67.561576034705098, 69.665957842633134,
-    71.539525862837877, 73.715255033933218, 76.042333108418404,
-    79.197194154406716, 82.16221890263013, 85.299196384291619,
-    89.066358132689487, 91.826772968117325, 96.091493878155831,
-    101.23287053213269, 106.50298553112719, 109.91541659247912,
-    113.35584144711426, 119.43260281154497, 126.01710530963756,
-    135.83275402928408, 143.34767183967989, 153.86665354982301,
-    165.32615555272824, 178.67838621083195, 195.7780863511025,
-    213.10059234298109, 235.43734867679117, 282.56546879749584,
-    344.49428452558914, 1032.3156481054148, 0.0, 0.28542906758282582,
-    0.44835957796562231, 0.62651997706725926, 0.72080554472755054,
-    0.85153448889118422, 1.0135203835548705, 1.1497401649165981,
-    1.249689630633253, 1.3399789001967404, 1.4564959287102479,
-    1.5525185391245844, 1.645337296328182, 1.7029587642670561,
-    1.7998807148268574, 1.8818193335491449, 1.9378684814241007,
-    2.0045089255406014, 2.0748139436457822, 2.1773066185618797,
-    2.2832712158697772, 2.3883600529626685, 2.51854086329767,
-    2.6082969305879526, 2.6653570235348072, 2.7353083692676279,
-    2.8357637619195271, 2.949800063298929, 3.0384811951680373,
-    3.1078994075124524, 3.2335260889505033, 3.2990419647626399,
-    3.3727668828240933, 3.4799226620744226, 3.5425893742655994,
-    3.602653782843948, 3.6809307822931201, 3.7636220805378935,
-    3.8356481276880539, 3.9348563402662586, 4.0173932529537133,
-    4.1063926031921367, 4.1717702846007647, 4.2630914745857496,
-    4.3776816586639553, 4.4711604153944746, 4.5898411942902397,
-    4.6529598063193873, 4.7594223012672128, 4.859397400196225,
-    4.9911351337934935, 5.0565770304775857, 5.1225454425221839,
-    5.2210476830787913, 5.3162453599135313, 5.4019041740602542,
-    5.4940746055002112, 5.6136974622961269, 5.7781825322921838,
-    5.8753555715066135, 5.9710447043669799, 6.0693550815356012,
-    6.2210987536494446, 6.3057281942751633, 6.4213140942100821,
-    6.5389008456679329, 6.6598814572271587, 6.7667995850353684,
-    6.8447945703412136, 6.9638166797290806, 7.089919065426475,
-    7.2063358053191635, 7.352017914006157, 7.4537565287326801,
-    7.582581434309609, 7.7515979917104838, 7.922857945264326,
-    8.1036189902911531, 8.3020028506929222, 8.4634925955724825,
-    8.6391711422358544, 8.7635395423761935, 8.8992877245899145,
-    9.0893279549043093, 9.3039711595273165, 9.4509385898117682,
-    9.5886214810203292, 9.7390698728931344, 9.9541876691465312,
-    10.169584740152244, 10.408818535856438, 10.659936222779091,
-    10.885872639294179, 11.234872889392312, 11.380004892188218,
-    11.630544911322611, 11.842161705728255, 12.145847767420936,
-    12.330853164469056, 12.583698055254121, 12.816494298528724,
-    13.030768267855716, 13.340667906325312, 13.590963465427643,
-    13.838270526487388, 14.074223027757553, 14.348879588563831,
-    14.623052429806279, 14.889780883997153, 15.16693031574218,
-    15.627987742305928, 15.886715102647821, 16.122720491922152,
-    16.370043221512347, 16.698521062776425, 17.014791424541087,
-    17.277243625151677, 17.630298905505015, 17.922468720470825,
-    18.149957595022286, 18.504105261759602, 18.795720406240982,
-    19.18862905514699, 19.475658613972989, 19.718119783763974,
-    20.003625971835866, 20.315035816376586, 20.769230895348553,
-    21.215197103344, 21.721451002558126, 22.141375933409783,
-    22.495823827116208, 22.862304058851613, 23.305091172097715,
-    23.849319624238138, 24.24364699835543, 24.720699200556524,
-    25.085626207841511, 25.638589513652505, 26.154907865789191,
-    26.464735192229831, 26.827306144197109, 27.546994095945028,
-    28.177135131091795, 28.63885753555148, 29.495195057633349,
-    29.842693161801382, 30.377067174788916, 30.875858140539503,
-    31.744346334559026, 32.758933651918937, 33.726942266387887,
-    34.215890876186286, 35.205804764096222, 36.335678040868849,
-    37.11614771455158, 37.941465739425929, 38.859334633575578,
-    39.928208407832223, 40.699477662771486, 41.819209837420011,
-    43.215290220738062, 43.752358355431525, 44.477418638451525,
-    45.544939322383215, 46.640235116349203, 47.579833058320212,
-    49.08201798196896, 50.659250361498124, 51.765930922941273,
-    53.63059431256552, 55.1000160675475, 56.73201493619726, 58.246215912516156,
-    59.40623788602521, 61.827647106103718, 64.49842649472086,
-    66.976553190431929, 70.198059650548117, 73.471061518231679,
-    75.97093457032166, 78.702576395464334, 81.611672320767141,
-    83.584533696176564, 89.483719245164707, 95.503007633435587,
-    99.897758416618558, 104.5780094282018, 111.60694946504658,
-    117.51568863458957, 127.92288436293775, 136.29858810722959,
-    147.30418079416475, 162.5922919611979, 173.4980042718681,
-    184.44721960771685, 206.66903439286079, 235.60943993849668,
-    279.42538519180954, 395.73590980190897, 767.7437697537913, 0.0,
-    0.36374037786845004, 0.55995190555689123, 0.68730867176589694,
-    0.8050753739354829, 0.92714388919158952, 1.0175094347724474,
-    1.0720068922506483, 1.1785486021612082, 1.2657419124971916,
-    1.4035727483941891, 1.4650786245458309, 1.5545465660549713,
-    1.650599565868383, 1.6933702592952453, 1.7732804777571083,
-    1.8838172082592433, 1.954950718947722, 2.0048840780203179,
-    2.0683672686827492, 2.1645078261391331, 2.2612520597106451,
-    2.3359440089385646, 2.3981343988484136, 2.4476156886612883,
-    2.5691159773482495, 2.6084450349000678, 2.6658038289568791,
-    2.802053890520781, 2.8561183704950697, 2.9543741961709769,
-    3.0135138877978185, 3.0505910337969002, 3.129399027027457,
-    3.1984302483970564, 3.3186190937914195, 3.4057540256655323,
-    3.4777981689415913, 3.5184191917833267, 3.5975803130944266,
-    3.6588848905491038, 3.8130976291367, 3.8802414294541254, 3.957222730170348,
-    4.0900593899149893, 4.1986310350360245, 4.3311490651060334,
-    4.4373460503609401, 4.5587919710581124, 4.6277536709616927,
-    4.6884807290574564, 4.7843280503620607, 4.8638283249690355,
-    4.948337773654341, 5.1040636578149838, 5.1795964194464377,
-    5.2973077144211338, 5.3522785288725707, 5.4939098011676935,
-    5.6180430790090652, 5.7470634587269451, 5.8397056876634732,
-    5.9561260760004444, 6.0433823634687371, 6.1235992948872031,
-    6.2504421209611483, 6.4113950981142374, 6.5516323124086711,
-    6.7244564776287783, 6.8618195100648141, 6.9505641642794975,
-    7.0916813413393385, 7.2272991950515504, 7.3163089878854173,
-    7.4623335136659801, 7.6110387010371117, 7.7791913595037805,
-    7.936641896374983, 8.0878941913267184, 8.2595490578730129,
-    8.385431944546335, 8.5207274071897672, 8.6857803464137824,
-    8.8101649975015821, 8.9536744831786148, 9.0600596564391367,
-    9.2078447326702051, 9.3228888631291884, 9.4666810933090737,
-    9.5842181319219488, 9.7117679522558404, 9.8364937741290674,
-    9.9578885988719605, 10.050258999773828, 10.222935957512945,
-    10.316390929540351, 10.475548798393795, 10.645698388425439,
-    10.784281041251679, 10.948840474245644, 11.18619695562867,
-    11.391007009711993, 11.567902525938473, 11.71609814428081,
-    11.986239831997279, 12.114994517734564, 12.299234012158884,
-    12.519873907814063, 12.863454387962484, 13.071436848150757,
-    13.401814698265529, 13.616665965772345, 13.917822552439985,
-    14.188207378128368, 14.392249303363604, 14.565292790891043,
-    14.8227217543752, 15.082488535254081, 15.353996053129002,
-    15.71970041593713, 16.055798117141507, 16.350541959618788,
-    16.59026542651214, 16.985800718119268, 17.454849654596948,
-    17.727304029707067, 18.074448871862273, 18.657077244754035,
-    19.113484525377181, 19.562570052919153, 20.051208287923327,
-    20.510845671810618, 20.868530774744045, 21.265799148848728,
-    21.905779229740901, 22.253576842522836, 22.93054457765145,
-    23.206345747345235, 23.442698316367355, 23.819566588138276,
-    24.284074517836409, 24.787572758168594, 25.29135993018971,
-    25.702149605001754, 26.244235212381223, 26.972918611793055,
-    27.497687861234269, 27.803253080067293, 28.455954373351648,
-    28.799808431536636, 29.848012115835569, 30.659490646833433,
-    31.278494629826003, 31.986230266586109, 32.844426473455414,
-    33.467758528183403, 34.226128209009545, 35.361957028401591,
-    36.258109649477035, 36.936669242532219, 37.818365857787754,
-    38.696285651145452, 40.081917650133853, 40.64346996992446,
-    41.711711592656641, 42.702888952548854, 43.463449958527363,
-    44.933303891653537, 46.280030045429775, 46.884828739246672,
-    47.9164412951895, 48.816783602198043, 51.059938151143868,
-    52.990341731171874, 55.149664388125281, 56.632548806783447,
-    59.744429378935919, 61.750152716933627, 64.13446025245527,
-    65.894498123950655, 68.469194455591804, 72.127321506278804,
-    75.510184634367306, 79.070343457944233, 82.83698071207391,
-    86.213350717712743, 91.263841459235479, 96.251898067968696,
-    100.97702206389322, 110.24223086163732, 122.08402559600439,
-    133.28649360785434, 143.88249756506781, 165.37750731198261,
-    172.54296243585648, 184.52345636646612, 205.19933792261477,
-    225.68130093091153, 254.48608422209975, 356.13158711494771,
-    667.13884179705951, 0.0, 0.26354229304624982, 0.38447836652746359,
-    0.47827776444151504, 0.57102745980500924, 0.66953353299980622,
-    0.7418659221489563, 0.83156847070200968, 0.90459644576835174,
-    1.0010729921508612, 1.0747030979707302, 1.1266171474464457,
-    1.2074942519793959, 1.2865431026365461, 1.3473439404701553,
-    1.4202020302877516, 1.4768893225494599, 1.5313969774675775,
-    1.5909847654923739, 1.6475355098467457, 1.6997939412324161,
-    1.7637752265692834, 1.8242615872864518, 1.8898188947673684,
-    1.9509538324144411, 2.0098808061983942, 2.0640737132115903,
-    2.1250621349491174, 2.1880199036006234, 2.2482335097460373,
-    2.3224687338799601, 2.3810854640962966, 2.4539462471917695,
-    2.5205389108480092, 2.5736335433800064, 2.6351983220648534,
-    2.7117894124038844, 2.7769524741702436, 2.8358464472920151,
-    2.8923290609616985, 2.952869124430904, 3.019886501351988,
-    3.0890122216294262, 3.1640429065297679, 3.230928687772761,
-    3.2871518048094348, 3.3658272937032447, 3.4150577541035902,
-    3.5021039779235932, 3.5747695852696721, 3.6487836281519805,
-    3.7241574101269204, 3.8142260058409829, 3.889886219446729,
-    3.959556232893171, 4.0356800011365941, 4.1057394274812147,
-    4.1980461864106902, 4.309452131909552, 4.3828331762835537,
-    4.4695204020316721, 4.5367508600967223, 4.6233009941728263,
-    4.723559288314422, 4.8418135782046221, 4.9493007712556114,
-    5.0770358904447308, 5.1638022761303857, 5.258523659828418,
-    5.355344510356554, 5.4603287604488076, 5.5379537810288211,
-    5.6249248142354942, 5.7220275089216761, 5.838923475249886,
-    5.9497212657328467, 6.0583843755738309, 6.1867532212460965,
-    6.3064698765052771, 6.4319591322171776, 6.5483864027049101,
-    6.6488785338577285, 6.7665965268891011, 6.9052017507528056,
-    7.045854866965354, 7.2014256979466307, 7.330485956308558,
-    7.4487327302385404, 7.5665345877761823, 7.6547168896849138,
-    7.8054455606559943, 7.9504829122596341, 8.0783042696456278,
-    8.2122962977826681, 8.3879105778396355, 8.5583569201645879,
-    8.7283836649546007, 8.883891378612029, 9.0083786843632403,
-    9.1761351492455319, 9.3638324400389497, 9.5907615887485385,
-    9.7594846934193047, 10.010833472510898, 10.185621904747663,
-    10.346951216302086, 10.520062141237078, 10.706681377384809,
-    10.967233078599998, 11.138591663326494, 11.336327609263476,
-    11.538065870352529, 11.780969742764785, 12.040396856930878,
-    12.278033460635026, 12.572587972604635, 12.836717579047866,
-    13.112528685175548, 13.349919258349592, 13.711232799022634,
-    13.952743864796032, 14.173739895596908, 14.465060589666624,
-    14.731797503743392, 14.982825032585207, 15.26649112996823,
-    15.569851389101043, 15.807990176918581, 16.100384923714998,
-    16.357766493568764, 16.777677977704688, 17.171170485060028,
-    17.439164114500958, 17.753339594991331, 18.098780157602537,
-    18.506119482642575, 18.872634818431685, 19.158220809140616,
-    19.460619214965231, 19.861854966350609, 20.194551637195691,
-    20.572956591632238, 20.928294578986577, 21.344426709478942,
-    21.66166937542549, 22.240766877718343, 22.565729819049889,
-    23.044323591163653, 23.475228287516739, 23.932777693805892,
-    24.431735905582023, 24.9753478724361, 25.444631767712121,
-    26.034501673986167, 26.793728332827442, 27.366686796047183,
-    27.957289531847202, 28.628949210391269, 29.141828609314189,
-    29.719739181851036, 30.30594251575133, 30.960727844584873,
-    32.027496656930069, 32.974018472252368, 33.863248797022031,
-    34.561629815364022, 35.481873500994837, 36.425956905396923,
-    37.348331262937052, 38.205344049967586, 39.198221653394434,
-    40.278372389201685, 41.677786414811592, 43.065418693400801,
-    44.574973160850661, 46.276760954798682, 47.637500721436417,
-    49.306031705719278, 51.89715331335065, 54.021647205722303,
-    56.568849685307754, 58.260272125967838, 61.01559773170208,
-    63.460178968983008, 66.681062849099575, 70.419627156287063,
-    73.920166575505235, 77.213692861072445, 81.815040784668199,
-    85.962566683415389, 91.041503329412507, 95.177144795049969,
-    99.955722087200343, 108.58955753524259, 117.80784071631163,
-    130.37475347981882, 147.21446326393803, 169.18325814487829,
-    205.95766196129654, 265.65512151989378, 87848.280391018183, 0.0,
-    0.19490317513848199, 0.31818006814142752, 0.44431328428917849,
-    0.51127610159630021, 0.60383086895704507, 0.66138230429826461,
-    0.71265972318194859, 0.76129462676019677, 0.83795014966870063,
-    0.89283607223616412, 0.94121780304322211, 0.99883776020744297,
-    1.0583181972227838, 1.1082428211928517, 1.1713208117143756,
-    1.2148024624665414, 1.2609968601390287, 1.3328682001354739,
-    1.3925492252792258, 1.4667867999704067, 1.514482258913509,
-    1.5743932825824867, 1.6055483247197799, 1.6735799139620093,
-    1.7242981980275145, 1.7695095310430997, 1.8260039068052139,
-    1.8847715885877299, 1.9197993080657989, 1.9744731923762646,
-    2.0311915914165062, 2.1097644028458769, 2.1664244086126137,
-    2.2431869595868097, 2.2837360345225766, 2.3556313195570087,
-    2.405430036905444, 2.4505170860355792, 2.4989854383785239,
-    2.5407069198492236, 2.5973895600257899, 2.6662262216343775,
-    2.7003533281249101, 2.7540559919851004, 2.8059856736986672,
-    2.8744094871135686, 2.9296784011089727, 2.9987201241218648,
-    3.060603076649417, 3.149353771093593, 3.2335250198149148,
-    3.2987481250279922, 3.3813159530575105, 3.420245321649098,
-    3.4667630445198467, 3.5404207818987037, 3.6319368958518181,
-    3.7059200378072354, 3.7740034108713001, 3.8372038077261137,
-    3.9197610988151039, 3.9886257099364339, 4.0660495867193172,
-    4.138300196794412, 4.2257097559547683, 4.3260432863760752,
-    4.4121971145250116, 4.5042890038890597, 4.5643129623079091,
-    4.6632837420436948, 4.760388268790428, 4.8656859399723364,
-    4.9325603768335293, 5.0342194443918942, 5.1201176332551412,
-    5.2068094592308221, 5.2861985755361616, 5.3619402279344657,
-    5.4488952829979578, 5.5661630444890307, 5.6302459604039878,
-    5.7251570645424943, 5.8265289703090026, 5.9757197595129812,
-    6.0745229648833075, 6.1917517048051831, 6.2953470395796423,
-    6.403259690218019, 6.4917627633704118, 6.6358190501534073,
-    6.7679316573810269, 6.8686794099073571, 6.951123042441683,
-    7.0714773931514774, 7.1876874501549377, 7.2851841541363633,
-    7.4277247272769777, 7.545118161206557, 7.6796631181823791,
-    7.8167880642937018, 7.9566071237538072, 8.0603936878360543,
-    8.1832039873181959, 8.3115755716587163, 8.4320844813486833,
-    8.5902802761521784, 8.7221702888496431, 8.8514060135926869,
-    9.0332345688234028, 9.1963706908372931, 9.3367587179861236,
-    9.497006030540005, 9.6427753811526102, 9.8532189063800164,
-    10.050461242163172, 10.168236220470268, 10.348527513241617,
-    10.531791667580992, 10.703985943887844, 10.93278400032537,
-    11.15334897515447, 11.279161608656203, 11.493658887982159,
-    11.629213658946661, 11.813149108077441, 12.148329929207353,
-    12.428225959361159, 12.590673999087862, 12.794134333415222,
-    13.002054595845699, 13.29166579030848, 13.555249875763497,
-    13.805021300146676, 14.163857718369647, 14.396612581875223,
-    14.68307313946254, 14.923008872428863, 15.32205455142778,
-    15.692053745001203, 16.016016291617053, 16.269176030476242,
-    16.559936897997712, 16.907361798334914, 17.258247430228977,
-    17.522507804773419, 17.819739257247601, 18.300494526840033,
-    18.61675208077844, 18.901401014716043, 19.417022408557258,
-    19.797904233478242, 20.228015085729147, 20.637954339218549,
-    21.183210911355513, 21.771881557448339, 22.21773210897102,
-    22.779612813526374, 23.276529546096842, 23.849594764724543,
-    24.446921593531446, 25.015101229550464, 25.658559396356374,
-    26.282199605420455, 27.105386636499361, 27.676243476410885,
-    28.419439927324717, 29.184424065828914, 29.883208551297241,
-    30.862499878001806, 31.713413996846523, 32.826935291082727,
-    33.72406490654123, 34.680776796431886, 35.528359794461842,
-    36.670845950707843, 37.969249977719763, 39.273981900912467,
-    40.244728926237393, 41.483302822400162, 43.211405024691217,
-    44.630074152677139, 46.308911078822682, 48.422856008629161,
-    49.774586644602294, 51.781332900742051, 53.252372889554401,
-    55.257436943999878, 57.314324693762337, 60.134437476839075,
-    64.643054466595004, 67.805529413896068, 72.960204750804039,
-    78.548035565623934, 86.612578466349305, 95.851443874433429,
-    105.43467161328387, 123.71872542791084, 144.47153346382115,
-    176.91525388308472, 309.16164265953068, 0.0, 0.093398210950316154,
-    0.1964204104101267, 0.28305640434431101, 0.37579074941364743,
-    0.43376997866650091, 0.49429543879132976, 0.53862866326746572,
-    0.58159097219579325, 0.61215633846525852, 0.66489866088651661,
-    0.71376871279852483, 0.76604518711445135, 0.80762780660631495,
-    0.86702460155016359, 0.92578293211375118, 0.96655278458941574,
-    1.012408711382466, 1.0389370892326379, 1.0979094469421704,
-    1.1360967828124768, 1.1843998812376955, 1.2121765466487182,
-    1.2356656356376803, 1.269517337829088, 1.3064220440414478,
-    1.3456604109067491, 1.3847455871539975, 1.4433510659744919,
-    1.4787246262422706, 1.5290320752062629, 1.5562124703009197,
-    1.6073426914107938, 1.6404681580522233, 1.6702244973685063,
-    1.73063179859356, 1.7750006715499509, 1.8279516044521678,
-    1.859195201800822, 1.9053170452940513, 1.9280767671566097,
-    1.9902516035810496, 2.0186760912468551, 2.092657238098997,
-    2.1474948054253384, 2.1871961512096565, 2.2317816251782281,
-    2.2907742739410164, 2.3359180870369833, 2.3869816483688759,
-    2.4529856457177273, 2.4909203390683849, 2.5537529934964778,
-    2.6292032978804851, 2.6784202619777213, 2.7190242328666847,
-    2.7592501032192169, 2.8141411237425067, 2.8832878890394928,
-    2.9253711343109838, 2.9954526684612648, 3.0483400308079833,
-    3.1195790079290284, 3.1882923341376097, 3.2475133828248954,
-    3.3082893597110878, 3.3998621255091428, 3.47762860298067,
-    3.5504403144136871, 3.6091991238429708, 3.6617110799009782,
-    3.747352642356359, 3.7869413127021954, 3.8494017410196837,
-    3.9492065318655385, 4.0178432318231367, 4.1459135647020364,
-    4.2117067391482745, 4.2819404568634685, 4.3483465566680453,
-    4.4244779495490469, 4.4626585143965478, 4.529665123797245,
-    4.590443570999347, 4.6959724608287416, 4.7546121047868048,
-    4.8565039814092676, 4.9526895878521771, 5.0443764740864374,
-    5.1192000512767368, 5.2222704461323, 5.3679136440586834, 5.44561515189495,
-    5.573881356101074, 5.6587732114410647, 5.7456859581229036,
-    5.8285056653676959, 5.9249388997940375, 6.0008874169591815,
-    6.1408249280378238, 6.1925479765893821, 6.257597707865, 6.3482665820132933,
-    6.4362617657783012, 6.5018677743421236, 6.5990992264693222,
-    6.7059841755319676, 6.8408659416578956, 6.9783602936172588,
-    7.0768404883339144, 7.275512674657814, 7.3760305080718176,
-    7.4852630022878435, 7.5558323048134834, 7.6469369887215128,
-    7.7796586853873126, 7.8927874437708638, 7.9917930786552116,
-    8.1024563434454961, 8.2999865668501034, 8.4506558762494599,
-    8.5965995871403145, 8.8639775066208841, 8.963955758417768,
-    9.1445204978480277, 9.3391048111935557, 9.4789266524635813,
-    9.6269538620278485, 9.798523665360058, 9.9267454692157209,
-    10.135523291360611, 10.266903541690644, 10.45005203381487,
-    10.715778409248584, 10.96464567850493, 11.083463676843031,
-    11.256660301260217, 11.500996192642983, 11.687974340512826,
-    11.903229343489697, 12.133709181931877, 12.310998874748263,
-    12.750272219083747, 13.056147482613222, 13.253490555112993,
-    13.675145968268881, 13.924230477174909, 14.217574079767886,
-    14.571236022596374, 14.939288725850155, 15.314551253615292,
-    15.575987515584663, 15.833645863054313, 16.200485384427974,
-    16.477465196601848, 16.843241153808755, 17.272849032588312,
-    17.796542227272955, 18.154946140541519, 18.42280855377696,
-    18.768141850732011, 19.187362345680633, 19.591309885228171,
-    19.89722345376024, 20.702595711695711, 21.128564543818339,
-    21.527729127045859, 21.98660526945358, 22.521671536797641,
-    23.024367946134102, 23.561848505072032, 24.014992900974836,
-    24.436576472708754, 25.503186568685322, 26.610835772872736,
-    27.151442239196715, 27.70328225888667, 28.806039995726948,
-    29.627287233320377, 30.315284533811624, 31.327683853768139,
-    32.147834022257314, 32.92691659425568, 34.04201415685305,
-    35.413352753610873, 36.221826443150817, 37.977707465427912,
-    39.36878752355473, 40.951879054950432, 42.365682197246947,
-    44.629804117764586, 46.795396750300675, 49.67533805194968,
-    54.589345174300426, 59.129570664612665, 65.197403972300108,
-    72.17408937465612, 82.574762345786382, 93.478082113773723,
-    137.00082761546682, 199.8118228761337, 0.0, 0.10986207372166874,
-    0.14872621306540318, 0.19845064349132605, 0.23956108970357301,
-    0.27567089124994565, 0.30377868213388104, 0.33708359499769869,
-    0.36673053244321807, 0.39912993308020295, 0.426779015978206,
-    0.44779438158941426, 0.47517643738476034, 0.50286573074575236,
-    0.52693060971954953, 0.55098158547076637, 0.58123019985394664,
-    0.60493909669532997, 0.63389774238520347, 0.67186606098347501,
-    0.69617002023919206, 0.72425525288091774, 0.74131268328835165,
-    0.75822441587657952, 0.78496504186460769, 0.81439669478023768,
-    0.83597937513562759, 0.86590383841807772, 0.8832207398905233,
-    0.9128885288784947, 0.93278832232658382, 0.9712970144945392,
-    0.98805434822469451, 1.017363705614581, 1.0437582087199948,
-    1.0718487411987458, 1.1004250896437773, 1.1194711959360109,
-    1.1437610856843738, 1.1703135770105868, 1.2056434217949175,
-    1.2338045789280789, 1.2543783796951538, 1.2881091828814166,
-    1.3112986519959224, 1.3412713397963407, 1.3643779221604135,
-    1.3915419763427743, 1.4135745730894449, 1.4437349779195308,
-    1.4780368538634174, 1.5059249898934794, 1.5377824779923701,
-    1.5720832254223982, 1.6052142651949446, 1.6359894194069291,
-    1.6698249679324384, 1.7010194250562272, 1.7272294927445859,
-    1.7640864928040065, 1.8021508917193763, 1.836941181297739,
-    1.8572858792099074, 1.8790413654272671, 1.9118884108245098,
-    1.942073490357896, 1.9694860799879985, 2.0015645272239428,
-    2.0522149106625998, 2.0912660589444134, 2.1247257810064668,
-    2.1749093251088301, 2.2217650563723126, 2.2797139028050473,
-    2.3273351675369698, 2.3662520837977135, 2.4085161957373407,
-    2.44842259128407, 2.4966048731591064, 2.5293551875388931,
-    2.5632601598410365, 2.6058201417068219, 2.6332894599197223,
-    2.6736218730705206, 2.7182676740160878, 2.7675212194433909,
-    2.812780412941005, 2.851379316835152, 2.8952580472277556,
-    2.9324664002449192, 2.9730447751871556, 3.0227975296309393,
-    3.0615273198990827, 3.1268021698603428, 3.174893627551298,
-    3.2193684712802222, 3.2683746695506959, 3.3223129099795639,
-    3.373078633435032, 3.436781965208882, 3.4965341709413189,
-    3.5485636123343998, 3.6258706424876941, 3.6600532837001367,
-    3.70560155555301, 3.7650593373841739, 3.8358507676461393,
-    3.9084549757206171, 3.9708021023524647, 4.0212671115382888,
-    4.0946288617889595, 4.1394244422887896, 4.2188351505187107,
-    4.2823861107092336, 4.345215736329938, 4.4124531199132271,
-    4.4715502537649803, 4.5793747033075158, 4.6772348615589658,
-    4.7793135998354499, 4.8587348255519132, 4.9729544448725447,
-    5.0694000105385566, 5.1648687512296263, 5.2375026757215011,
-    5.3107689102038451, 5.3918869300439356, 5.4798227286901664,
-    5.5404131589193328, 5.648241044217758, 5.7449977826195706,
-    5.8598429438509489, 5.9784308800284593, 6.0724910376893559,
-    6.2240939885017204, 6.3418997607004348, 6.4869662152984544,
-    6.6005309624044228, 6.7321547133945252, 6.8313273194562418,
-    6.9553827276444107, 7.0978539209087161, 7.2385617409417087,
-    7.4083545257663301, 7.5207064390014864, 7.6784562087734116,
-    7.8094272468662487, 7.9694720845049609, 8.1498776347751605,
-    8.3017112945801781, 8.5266505277166349, 8.6503142671472784,
-    8.9054272928070564, 9.1373026527777839, 9.3315715528110896,
-    9.5401595700260877, 9.7597048968193185, 9.9666371700161704,
-    10.22144069326451, 10.408114251683418, 10.676084943208242,
-    10.908036087339795, 11.20436716656776, 11.477519824720831,
-    11.808217307144476, 12.095306359268855, 12.384349218033464,
-    12.685309460589796, 12.923557637527606, 13.204138344604788,
-    13.616900691559191, 13.979656973992922, 14.606515576714788,
-    14.962258652534821, 15.314510650339031, 15.724483559731054,
-    16.382829228207918, 17.009132961353529, 17.366569031693889,
-    17.900210603831621, 18.648573105414446, 19.363994023453447,
-    20.143558523165193, 20.828002130195308, 21.73898624871266,
-    22.409876982562661, 23.415203632804776, 24.355119676733135,
-    25.938175172718896, 27.639017238717773, 29.341494300849057,
-    30.595119225694788, 32.714674098003904, 35.49272152410154,
-    37.928565199883295, 43.491713440727274, 47.581292491927705,
-    57.969627624865709, 63.340294577285306, 80.397876878853367,
-    1699.4418298669216, 0.0, 0.057563746961587628, 0.072111582138628103,
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-    0.12297408594046662, 0.13531860413261979, 0.14452962166237915,
-    0.18495685986529226, 0.19550850903207695, 0.22061034782875669,
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-    0.27913993724767144, 0.29698064960443493, 0.31244925057107031,
-    0.32122508788845933, 0.33311366430341305, 0.34236037155250942,
-    0.35256380627730061, 0.35729858105022982, 0.36206918848814695,
-    0.36696792159332803, 0.37634614206748435, 0.38534850898782269,
-    0.3894744547332164, 0.40001857990165496, 0.40628143701841141,
-    0.41257543810712505, 0.42792024247708083, 0.43741390937376029,
-    0.44679385424881979, 0.45338668180597402, 0.45852917891908479,
-    0.46847035670602488, 0.47881191760237773, 0.48636454017775488,
-    0.49953494697176376, 0.50860731875951681, 0.51485110540295576,
-    0.52109982877729388, 0.52856828716304816, 0.53396501041075717,
-    0.54519067350690764, 0.55087030570382234, 0.56120787950497175,
-    0.56947875574614748, 0.57879694500782908, 0.59045771217758214,
-    0.60020074472460661, 0.61356581621742379, 0.62339692092995469,
-    0.62921777922324307, 0.63757958596122966, 0.64566282308710643,
-    0.65337163144903077, 0.65757954743934188, 0.66731107005984081,
-    0.68506693378151473, 0.69407449975565316, 0.71475464833393743,
-    0.71919154363460669, 0.72854121818321049, 0.73768805533929283,
-    0.74964936797719572, 0.77319064552644212, 0.78475208628536974,
-    0.79568283458133116, 0.80765736770217855, 0.81877434008276662,
-    0.82795271525666825, 0.83973491168326087, 0.84972560110746476,
-    0.85639470621002023, 0.8647134858775507, 0.88244802261826683,
-    0.89985271988240045, 0.92340768696765485, 0.93788541450428287,
-    0.94792835531188524, 0.96027918757802155, 0.96921149562521636,
-    0.97952213604373195, 0.98854957689191614, 0.99970116951294496,
-    1.00882043327571, 1.0201870773908586, 1.041349919759516,
-    1.0556530343908901, 1.0756585260782074, 1.088223830319788,
-    1.0958784727426483, 1.1149995386526934, 1.1304796415226661,
-    1.1446063542280724, 1.1638356180596499, 1.1745794869462154,
-    1.193511657405055, 1.2182391405087374, 1.2382096317106388,
-    1.2472982421708765, 1.2622218704529613, 1.2744400683695623,
-    1.2908221594923039, 1.305167165044943, 1.3252374721898401,
-    1.3384679854994657, 1.3542873322844842, 1.3724563152241775,
-    1.3892962190041085, 1.4109408775708268, 1.419655422200014,
-    1.4315263030154188, 1.4527276892177177, 1.4683378048771656,
-    1.4867165057343337, 1.516076453749051, 1.5433792065946024,
-    1.5553543482759045, 1.5609831318052232, 1.5806764726673499,
-    1.6041131847991026, 1.6344144243726575, 1.6710888016711845,
-    1.7061932731840148, 1.7354452179890347, 1.7630243267926291,
-    1.7975788676407549, 1.814028785525206, 1.8281150670319055,
-    1.8550087441605427, 1.8737649522280617, 1.8856226040366797,
-    1.9079304881331332, 1.9442107218496263, 1.9659920408787115,
-    1.9983699901526899, 2.0223202139688512, 2.0401740051464592,
-    2.0748888988742027, 2.1149914291249212, 2.1360608521646109,
-    2.1565833101041338, 2.1693334907915234, 2.207376721598215,
-    2.2255919603217067, 2.272629194554781, 2.3279774087392666,
-    2.3517585387327471, 2.3910765083557908, 2.4703248547335415,
-    2.5208338119493607, 2.5806226807785433, 2.6402836153572076,
-    2.7185362598168772, 2.7677835795641461, 2.8180997959029526,
-    2.8326345693021624, 2.8701055927549652, 2.9318268717765115,
-    3.0139842815042615, 3.0571236539047622, 3.1734047661118234,
-    3.2297672388561938, 3.3059073464928148, 3.3897975561487925,
-    3.4745601523423382, 3.5452181551689357, 3.6265670674665991,
-    3.7050473014775043, 3.8309245560041219, 3.9372996837644192,
-    4.0716930145722978, 4.212857083996437, 4.2692123731220972,
-    4.46591990841738, 4.5523023767467139, 4.6548916677892533,
-    4.7758394764018659, 4.9758326990027228, 5.2769985200911247,
-    5.5486096014042028, 5.7245726086000337, 6.0102407093754762,
-    6.1426829331257933, 6.287333950013684, 6.5928811370882103,
-    6.9367730409204489, 7.0646691460119388, 7.2083448239980932,
-    7.5049899728910674, 8.1901484843386374, 8.6011704867597345,
-    9.304469886954676, 10.665731252277961, 11.88866301597937,
-    13.361123901157045, 18.497872676781789, 25.178694947474682
+    0.0,
+    0.56094372606762677,
+    0.7748555093433106,
+    0.95310767752176617,
+    1.1906079835411554,
+    1.4135063615181933,
+    1.5469706087575439,
+    1.717637715444549,
+    1.9078084450312611,
+    2.078830865302939,
+    2.3673694393209286,
+    2.5652916154906422,
+    2.719176314163422,
+    2.9143350583182777,
+    3.0556867288035465,
+    3.3314071492430846,
+    3.5309373944964433,
+    3.7198259542235506,
+    3.9746173222307726,
+    4.1716075147757152,
+    4.3331714146492013,
+    4.5010791980770231,
+    4.7010753304750965,
+    4.8936058791922381,
+    5.1037597147293932,
+    5.2592473096915198,
+    5.4933808099586612,
+    5.6277238343814533,
+    5.8620859412865522,
+    6.1059450539869653,
+    6.3120134479962893,
+    6.5830830775944706,
+    6.8200926493441481,
+    7.0702834736372564,
+    7.3483462204604635,
+    7.6264067744909951,
+    7.8372782469612465,
+    8.0617780685477705,
+    8.3995622657866384,
+    8.7403882283600378,
+    9.0992605207420993,
+    9.3705162889778926,
+    9.75889880418889,
+    10.194686638374007,
+    10.438514323942188,
+    10.726873592781514,
+    11.069318434988878,
+    11.396569108340843,
+    11.801419844938572,
+    12.128206841266881,
+    12.485948104637052,
+    12.756299870388832,
+    13.076944452763826,
+    13.458692068837927,
+    13.824717813822369,
+    14.316393196413889,
+    14.621905587891465,
+    14.888480073624264,
+    15.335930506891625,
+    15.609627342322275,
+    16.191900883034002,
+    16.54381609680534,
+    17.147813194052553,
+    17.468929751742763,
+    17.940480341162086,
+    18.345046931400908,
+    18.601290104964175,
+    19.011371018239437,
+    19.335036342308854,
+    19.740516156682062,
+    20.13447317647455,
+    20.462447938558235,
+    21.091090849462493,
+    21.556877958704259,
+    21.823267014913611,
+    22.208749180717806,
+    22.786099855049944,
+    23.371401551338806,
+    23.73315353587088,
+    24.31738397233147,
+    24.625223648727555,
+    25.069412618036147,
+    25.928099135972015,
+    26.497110723217201,
+    27.085968731165757,
+    27.631123699960334,
+    28.187584878982072,
+    28.991619387322526,
+    29.353231676085986,
+    30.083376143103514,
+    30.880607280324416,
+    31.435216510900492,
+    32.392330109783813,
+    32.921554836523583,
+    33.514110805447565,
+    34.303809151243847,
+    35.456294459561711,
+    36.280791683627093,
+    36.940252784295062,
+    37.717899566227963,
+    38.457688239199655,
+    39.596732893642503,
+    40.36400419560065,
+    40.945135884536548,
+    41.797758649637814,
+    42.487275414278201,
+    43.921777494122409,
+    44.874273975496472,
+    45.67446232320151,
+    46.727212320012811,
+    47.45119952715492,
+    48.639858771576726,
+    49.370473491276989,
+    50.528638968567975,
+    51.389834372987714,
+    52.582079342007546,
+    53.589199085657242,
+    54.585243505081834,
+    55.622223351244195,
+    56.936556831025484,
+    58.385520290381457,
+    59.451232373507203,
+    60.588566421499443,
+    62.401492617291595,
+    63.88804064081846,
+    65.599157033995837,
+    67.204436723739235,
+    69.4912133287594,
+    71.622345320740351,
+    73.103725049112015,
+    75.089813374922841,
+    76.884823802108912,
+    78.275061550352873,
+    80.357326438684495,
+    83.305006897820235,
+    85.400732831032357,
+    87.218868459052473,
+    89.130072489534143,
+    91.252783666141042,
+    92.815637585979999,
+    95.739391170148252,
+    98.435092605981637,
+    100.31960869294872,
+    102.50286766025864,
+    105.48705400852423,
+    108.82295714914468,
+    111.39204546177986,
+    114.62248349802513,
+    117.87687880992867,
+    119.40484241859349,
+    122.7734081083525,
+    125.26971884287919,
+    128.55177396728385,
+    131.66269963489299,
+    136.57359107720188,
+    140.51816667169177,
+    144.16804544736863,
+    150.35987039520109,
+    154.72466658210519,
+    160.54109480247283,
+    164.18861964598716,
+    170.24309324015738,
+    175.29889321042558,
+    183.11630724838597,
+    189.01683118972002,
+    196.90975774880297,
+    204.49263459337524,
+    213.04893801936598,
+    219.75869942751646,
+    228.19907555440614,
+    239.44926809073948,
+    248.20168822805923,
+    259.25320106736922,
+    265.44318466962994,
+    277.32312416782054,
+    288.56952434288797,
+    298.64263419554209,
+    315.25981209742378,
+    331.89024853535398,
+    342.74298087821637,
+    360.77964203727674,
+    378.48547030119011,
+    392.5550051422876,
+    405.31614074355014,
+    421.74150173342304,
+    441.4412304371254,
+    457.82211257306926,
+    480.45566322885566,
+    513.45774433642032,
+    555.4000490334372,
+    605.92811073979146,
+    652.49495125201292,
+    704.61385101258315,
+    786.33845891481292,
+    874.04643470496728,
+    1012.3600088462719,
+    1159.4774300577808,
+    1379.2669821003758,
+    1756.1106436012778,
+    2357.4547208831491,
+    217148.93534056327,
+    0.0,
+    0.46532971898727915,
+    0.68496949409616426,
+    0.94645340397600952,
+    1.102736193185504,
+    1.312453009792369,
+    1.4867727436472011,
+    1.6340240974064906,
+    1.8260512349059785,
+    1.9700706984768943,
+    2.1040893787044128,
+    2.2333135236192967,
+    2.3880111121966587,
+    2.5520785579949155,
+    2.6739841145948597,
+    2.8075636832160806,
+    2.9039966303754365,
+    3.0345967971695451,
+    3.2102417439344437,
+    3.3137856992787351,
+    3.4376002808848787,
+    3.5571277890563819,
+    3.6898499180667237,
+    3.799063723671626,
+    3.94997555574531,
+    4.0925736583580976,
+    4.2086028832412561,
+    4.3390635740171728,
+    4.4761244808887941,
+    4.6023420572801266,
+    4.7263227277876512,
+    4.8591547764014482,
+    5.0957595508246589,
+    5.30514679884981,
+    5.4401600222425195,
+    5.5717535777959721,
+    5.7003644346866409,
+    5.8768488839999593,
+    5.991691304228997,
+    6.1771150398732244,
+    6.3465048845874961,
+    6.4948860632013519,
+    6.6772230060948159,
+    6.8030943590107249,
+    6.9813191429783039,
+    7.165284199966873,
+    7.3873559281058423,
+    7.5948269266966975,
+    7.801592658633016,
+    7.9955249125214145,
+    8.1905643672046686,
+    8.3270830680818655,
+    8.5054910750061179,
+    8.7225666260180663,
+    8.9368113184240965,
+    9.1376808053645888,
+    9.3633428615533649,
+    9.5990825604962264,
+    9.7364383724201087,
+    9.9186955590691088,
+    10.124746714296,
+    10.40687565362729,
+    10.737648017833138,
+    11.012188237958963,
+    11.214102933586581,
+    11.45440355061357,
+    11.736264046084917,
+    12.026226014607102,
+    12.245762888886343,
+    12.541549269023777,
+    12.756641375192153,
+    12.98360561266394,
+    13.288306417225625,
+    13.526164571303489,
+    13.75503655409527,
+    14.117128492708087,
+    14.374029807073448,
+    14.712173108685258,
+    14.981897180990096,
+    15.344366904559326,
+    15.600391910392348,
+    16.020999494977502,
+    16.300440442407332,
+    16.606309936976054,
+    16.902143272482817,
+    17.159816580240875,
+    17.461774805635738,
+    17.781122815339479,
+    18.119654210560597,
+    18.48063214553467,
+    18.820102897217541,
+    19.161710076244763,
+    19.479832189525602,
+    19.848403979835609,
+    20.122299299121863,
+    20.43004460334555,
+    20.753188532047265,
+    21.116860477662346,
+    21.534773567291243,
+    22.137744141529421,
+    22.45219966811996,
+    22.843712755485114,
+    23.327127510714419,
+    23.801219885543535,
+    24.400068243422009,
+    24.859199781454677,
+    25.249212813218318,
+    25.681597611963909,
+    26.218124149559316,
+    26.865624109857663,
+    27.476273115575268,
+    28.003316090112232,
+    28.465744086402083,
+    29.114406317582951,
+    29.863184721251695,
+    30.645923853117178,
+    31.411221663197541,
+    32.083675244596449,
+    32.623907125336849,
+    33.542071438820663,
+    34.423855107765,
+    35.090015994189059,
+    35.83529395578082,
+    36.739635743840758,
+    37.456669272617518,
+    38.267335328548761,
+    39.333029993613607,
+    40.288484522728531,
+    41.508400903755643,
+    42.819861162087363,
+    43.639905039190687,
+    44.572666361081048,
+    45.821482473822918,
+    46.862153416881057,
+    48.147392790601714,
+    49.404082667631819,
+    50.527705863342902,
+    52.004399737632923,
+    53.494784474459131,
+    54.714589396642559,
+    55.67232429415796,
+    56.793224205114853,
+    58.007050364060461,
+    59.680200263089169,
+    61.232876696778597,
+    62.427428818562269,
+    63.973042504689445,
+    65.632536988952083,
+    67.347413597855891,
+    69.065640807296859,
+    70.464693299553076,
+    72.418849794356461,
+    74.105138155507049,
+    75.662376323980538,
+    77.872835649845626,
+    79.967351057764517,
+    81.928379445805646,
+    84.034972341121062,
+    86.103344705230924,
+    88.477411000229537,
+    90.312287755291578,
+    92.507210044700187,
+    95.060608477240947,
+    97.679889639836844,
+    100.54820722011901,
+    104.05860073649033,
+    106.9975903165883,
+    110.72495391129446,
+    114.47278880860986,
+    118.67332903577829,
+    122.47362728985475,
+    127.29751063199502,
+    131.9947396665213,
+    137.58105901899614,
+    143.2436551636288,
+    148.62549462778085,
+    155.59863941964065,
+    162.63324375828105,
+    168.58328521973854,
+    176.47623591935073,
+    187.10110318413911,
+    194.1945607895322,
+    205.76585363429373,
+    218.54795010442368,
+    224.54362476449748,
+    231.28500418937108,
+    243.28574251055934,
+    254.11346183370961,
+    270.37086108698531,
+    283.71979921314824,
+    298.26484833307381,
+    309.41788972573079,
+    335.8183191815636,
+    361.8565261478937,
+    398.47210782079094,
+    453.94084657359673,
+    537.44153147414909,
+    644.04067764548461,
+    779.41712961885173,
+    1047.3517440661496,
+    32924.039482636828,
+    0.0,
+    0.44937757329633327,
+    0.61250349172115959,
+    0.7863111534649565,
+    0.88962062078461757,
+    1.0382238515645796,
+    1.1737343879099387,
+    1.3675367911897895,
+    1.4812885968395111,
+    1.6632187662691276,
+    1.8341758133782387,
+    1.9619748247014435,
+    2.0552125983628433,
+    2.1703209170187905,
+    2.2961317300880717,
+    2.3982858575534443,
+    2.4969661855862513,
+    2.6039206933082872,
+    2.7154863269399461,
+    2.7935806808717341,
+    2.9157144052335742,
+    3.0304254455360686,
+    3.1804609723019346,
+    3.2662231643163544,
+    3.3535831040758928,
+    3.4593860912217078,
+    3.5730577882484265,
+    3.6829046499090672,
+    3.7926322745010292,
+    3.918389650507887,
+    4.0461615056476345,
+    4.1688075178063455,
+    4.261935760927039,
+    4.3872821403468514,
+    4.4849226816074195,
+    4.5815647915521316,
+    4.7329622842326859,
+    4.8333438381787959,
+    4.9751149870072844,
+    5.1439939747359258,
+    5.2679283122041474,
+    5.3979939515818964,
+    5.4986148492629514,
+    5.5833034840702549,
+    5.7762491544651375,
+    5.8901795208691912,
+    6.0406044947405793,
+    6.1414968907338547,
+    6.3109595855296661,
+    6.4702277997994733,
+    6.6084310395612746,
+    6.7478047002924155,
+    6.8791042308295953,
+    6.9969768325569115,
+    7.1196791826285173,
+    7.2490813954518822,
+    7.4130615395895152,
+    7.6062113466901806,
+    7.7506437587572199,
+    7.8830685300393055,
+    8.0353926744476123,
+    8.1996939525956183,
+    8.4142220833085606,
+    8.5808330010701201,
+    8.7445310419872921,
+    8.9841822249357115,
+    9.181432418740652,
+    9.3539737653904709,
+    9.5793187725543287,
+    9.7462277892814431,
+    9.9098280489576762,
+    10.04079373626851,
+    10.211734359829405,
+    10.501564944142677,
+    10.710373784142686,
+    10.886736785556671,
+    11.066921822136326,
+    11.235485714770356,
+    11.437646009474888,
+    11.67346914949365,
+    11.83325542414009,
+    12.036493633448316,
+    12.32938637637468,
+    12.554138183666348,
+    12.743210513050011,
+    12.983810120622046,
+    13.174204038774839,
+    13.3680862872507,
+    13.620942224242304,
+    13.890272176459577,
+    14.165385082423146,
+    14.413231848006964,
+    14.724376594252243,
+    14.977328826245193,
+    15.231234613500565,
+    15.55914351677969,
+    15.781820608210545,
+    16.091194364415028,
+    16.347431974296502,
+    16.596030336748036,
+    16.887891775703359,
+    17.178071227425107,
+    17.48876537215957,
+    17.802979490086393,
+    18.167601675413529,
+    18.451234059983907,
+    18.773722324177371,
+    19.095678793499459,
+    19.393224208627331,
+    19.892470444495725,
+    20.360431028492791,
+    20.714816695587093,
+    21.109538106861837,
+    21.528542624887123,
+    21.903763658847744,
+    22.32752745556132,
+    22.932277869765915,
+    23.443859045149278,
+    24.010482595441839,
+    24.454443667170533,
+    24.893590041546005,
+    25.519805040678591,
+    25.948341902144293,
+    26.521018356962905,
+    27.203480036460771,
+    27.923098995772133,
+    28.875462789782972,
+    29.551018023069748,
+    29.950704440314354,
+    30.476114881076313,
+    31.046996042296136,
+    31.828920785208862,
+    32.724644642398538,
+    33.519807747032317,
+    34.207784670738299,
+    34.978220277672911,
+    35.82880248810423,
+    36.674526307149222,
+    37.539567643195326,
+    38.598050079089823,
+    39.461587691403167,
+    40.326650088153748,
+    41.3817881768775,
+    42.413485151973958,
+    43.434107971290473,
+    44.327692773369833,
+    45.281573404128643,
+    46.623500435435595,
+    47.845340004545946,
+    48.925490779005997,
+    50.099817716244445,
+    51.130922527278209,
+    52.52201636244277,
+    54.171384212197573,
+    56.251402930866988,
+    57.343667697555219,
+    59.060037223666868,
+    60.886212298901022,
+    62.282534857812919,
+    63.86965941245365,
+    65.907528655065505,
+    68.060546344496487,
+    69.886943517625568,
+    72.15339782090426,
+    74.790861312079699,
+    76.921991723046403,
+    79.835163669975174,
+    82.098620972009513,
+    84.019415664127024,
+    87.941587866072609,
+    90.308304219949349,
+    93.475153751625228,
+    96.866828921040394,
+    99.559133387387135,
+    103.13311038199714,
+    107.13838078377783,
+    111.61641909521742,
+    116.39540365181381,
+    122.02402340139254,
+    126.12078269274167,
+    131.70138789081315,
+    136.7872837632539,
+    142.28439193970823,
+    147.89576596130524,
+    152.23255441740992,
+    157.7226413282819,
+    164.37241204310453,
+    173.15971613514671,
+    180.11295998936518,
+    188.48112308463158,
+    202.36800846564165,
+    217.16809097558243,
+    229.45603073021095,
+    243.95331007710857,
+    267.19713077328231,
+    291.31657906696654,
+    319.83880240534251,
+    369.84715199786609,
+    456.83736037240828,
+    563.36551513987104,
+    1212.4845181047338,
+    0.0,
+    0.39299523597374442,
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+    0.74933717643467546,
+    0.84798806113800529,
+    0.98808387915300122,
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+    1.1904878246948769,
+    1.3296105353290197,
+    1.4470486564441511,
+    1.6132307202687894,
+    1.7334018816456787,
+    1.8405138120116515,
+    1.9401180825384614,
+    2.0206956222611518,
+    2.088323294417457,
+    2.1965858893088366,
+    2.2678507808547295,
+    2.3513510591465976,
+    2.452940588067142,
+    2.5244403869314138,
+    2.6111507000688201,
+    2.686185953440015,
+    2.7762991589505912,
+    2.8623591840837115,
+    2.9644501753879853,
+    3.0534304377734371,
+    3.1183306038752914,
+    3.2022029138736583,
+    3.3578682900076662,
+    3.4578586494674859,
+    3.5567846506796079,
+    3.6352803762683252,
+    3.7653628446367353,
+    3.8440117447262629,
+    3.9584732534380351,
+    4.0302646502503574,
+    4.1218781156084869,
+    4.211981828454741,
+    4.3396760587886405,
+    4.4201415569911395,
+    4.5235887459809963,
+    4.6307469822655509,
+    4.7731054586827728,
+    4.8838280863806549,
+    4.9937362132930252,
+    5.1605178704372632,
+    5.2560966186259481,
+    5.3556600842824587,
+    5.4678635206702646,
+    5.5973168757166114,
+    5.7048755075035276,
+    5.8878433771286218,
+    6.0190112054897522,
+    6.118844708522011,
+    6.2719026695437989,
+    6.3725565545753042,
+    6.4738742707717662,
+    6.5961657370971558,
+    6.6863432232288851,
+    6.8285306029142401,
+    6.9529888304791623,
+    7.0345923470005971,
+    7.153050087371815,
+    7.23828648460319,
+    7.3488613350575518,
+    7.5297259666276082,
+    7.665228962415263,
+    7.814513809818397,
+    7.9676729944874758,
+    8.0965767962005515,
+    8.258619388928004,
+    8.4038000906770929,
+    8.5498166593706451,
+    8.6979091856223683,
+    8.8099783579444786,
+    8.9513067459030502,
+    9.1237502030553657,
+    9.3482831702262139,
+    9.5044967504159725,
+    9.6593366065001636,
+    9.82253449013227,
+    9.9874115529723486,
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+    10.289126599046901,
+    10.444223952502876,
+    10.599915162622709,
+    10.734363441288647,
+    10.917595405084366,
+    11.108460594133211,
+    11.352160340302392,
+    11.607842306499339,
+    11.798599260283471,
+    12.009365871239995,
+    12.251934875461144,
+    12.49314138461267,
+    12.815528078713546,
+    13.078160801731713,
+    13.367979668775682,
+    13.61963788461563,
+    13.830407348960653,
+    14.134759793056256,
+    14.406222062237235,
+    14.719108048702839,
+    15.039806819372597,
+    15.357959034733886,
+    15.742708764682598,
+    16.038031868942646,
+    16.342061974077719,
+    16.619014591659234,
+    16.995469066261826,
+    17.440245060531616,
+    17.749017033014272,
+    18.105417999557947,
+    18.521262453800805,
+    18.847635914656443,
+    19.422978973137425,
+    19.69919609219999,
+    20.085099945021412,
+    20.537864119839881,
+    21.008059900732494,
+    21.532289222273434,
+    22.054776673981362,
+    22.335014932602295,
+    22.916014727566228,
+    23.337139989662067,
+    23.720719036927843,
+    24.388060450004911,
+    24.84313177402456,
+    25.486862832547693,
+    26.168604409957322,
+    26.702984764635431,
+    27.287480741291404,
+    27.801078630394546,
+    28.269720592443107,
+    28.926401527988713,
+    29.605430975118843,
+    30.330319669354552,
+    31.30134009465884,
+    31.993708205209099,
+    32.73067706792078,
+    33.486394058985752,
+    34.167581724784604,
+    35.401930848802451,
+    36.065974473699839,
+    36.896350829985813,
+    37.7813927333629,
+    38.921309661559299,
+    39.97516998571502,
+    40.789572211691727,
+    42.125840794801142,
+    43.644711500275349,
+    44.85355032164108,
+    45.812829425455917,
+    47.046058315709615,
+    48.449631897327926,
+    49.622408318720304,
+    51.04144247927352,
+    53.201024346560494,
+    54.577940901359469,
+    55.974500547503887,
+    57.300272604946706,
+    58.935437915672885,
+    61.253114155133289,
+    63.821740538824884,
+    65.624318697869271,
+    67.454483508361619,
+    69.123018783403808,
+    71.210354296257066,
+    74.567150230165254,
+    76.23070335468914,
+    78.271987515678816,
+    81.071827225516031,
+    83.453646862710841,
+    86.529339530495577,
+    89.958680391197973,
+    92.139227178417912,
+    95.452626979151631,
+    98.96652527128883,
+    102.73989810547134,
+    106.50759157615551,
+    111.64659346669681,
+    115.90393310434297,
+    120.92459723788905,
+    125.40052719866213,
+    129.67134907792868,
+    135.46294701412262,
+    142.5538801102015,
+    151.30070681491432,
+    157.84567716877518,
+    169.5170423411827,
+    178.87680934745092,
+    193.39884029816415,
+    208.14234715671577,
+    235.5424670602799,
+    259.89890359594898,
+    295.34858783034383,
+    334.33861915695468,
+    435.37594838703143,
+    500.4258992515953,
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+    0.0,
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+    1.2659631876378288,
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+    1.4871416503290158,
+    1.6059691148096156,
+    1.7314193523743162,
+    1.8189928465042873,
+    1.9334458898159075,
+    2.0377516716510327,
+    2.1075833274228066,
+    2.217744079961764,
+    2.2892931053076637,
+    2.370399790641895,
+    2.4612447561840849,
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+    2.7635584974075624,
+    2.8487982858984613,
+    2.960003647452937,
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+    3.1340583717433561,
+    3.235843360825664,
+    3.3184989258906628,
+    3.3887498944054912,
+    3.4742665307996607,
+    3.5562981091035697,
+    3.6417013733235564,
+    3.7311047300627127,
+    3.8872996993864741,
+    3.9804799011541103,
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+    4.1363024053202926,
+    4.2208974321794877,
+    4.2861111457481496,
+    4.3766112965174155,
+    4.4823314746332565,
+    4.5480736492020721,
+    4.6140282594933879,
+    4.6927572802426791,
+    4.7950758075336255,
+    4.8965365095798212,
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+    5.4178449031775839,
+    5.5118563643244292,
+    5.5991786537930563,
+    5.7292585294169509,
+    5.8455520624288511,
+    5.9835086379946096,
+    6.1056860394816654,
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+    6.3853574209981945,
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+    6.6378799857782989,
+    6.7643189783177879,
+    6.9331608618050389,
+    7.0563877476272356,
+    7.1597694820310664,
+    7.2747575984770805,
+    7.4061511602581902,
+    7.566805332709456,
+    7.7166738418404099,
+    7.8275904312086375,
+    7.9656564706412034,
+    8.1244717048328159,
+    8.3128776945349419,
+    8.4492226274061721,
+    8.6026791744357034,
+    8.7913701590231152,
+    8.9674862747079285,
+    9.203292738543686,
+    9.4039626926929181,
+    9.5311545009803265,
+    9.7551708743344214,
+    9.9026582594455501,
+    10.022592104276631,
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+    10.55911902240299,
+    10.753522809241019,
+    10.926077226400229,
+    11.111675067184086,
+    11.282496796620391,
+    11.542358714530458,
+    11.747566119524583,
+    12.063275519031006,
+    12.341240623919091,
+    12.652985756993917,
+    12.911635251767006,
+    13.185612347682703,
+    13.397850815278218,
+    13.510168018667791,
+    13.823974357607668,
+    14.079700135326661,
+    14.319520604253412,
+    14.516982034078424,
+    14.715852185550794,
+    14.964361234520684,
+    15.243919353703765,
+    15.434116248837348,
+    15.848964391761008,
+    16.086776522206492,
+    16.492027051516569,
+    16.795026784147762,
+    17.200208653485955,
+    17.498774119010612,
+    17.697568539728877,
+    17.989065229745375,
+    18.378303894171673,
+    18.701677957394676,
+    19.000050086953262,
+    19.305072306272276,
+    19.640223854343546,
+    20.148513190788542,
+    20.571031137831589,
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+    21.493452145932224,
+    21.900647991805542,
+    22.368835386038555,
+    22.757466417332257,
+    23.266697302860564,
+    23.748918186455164,
+    24.013428277953601,
+    24.436060444302342,
+    24.839469583056065,
+    25.343925184450622,
+    25.873641504196087,
+    26.482510119485095,
+    27.117741302188946,
+    28.028030125009568,
+    28.67264931970686,
+    29.423325760610378,
+    29.889992195728581,
+    30.465443031984776,
+    31.309530466130287,
+    31.901260500752073,
+    32.799551692053072,
+    33.541476679668996,
+    34.443620232941036,
+    35.302557206918429,
+    36.095895295724823,
+    36.967344523130116,
+    37.972365673128152,
+    39.113785970733069,
+    40.183225976540719,
+    41.415014418976391,
+    42.519519437606419,
+    43.877982190483891,
+    45.274268146469012,
+    46.598258997931197,
+    47.577075478663595,
+    49.30474498506122,
+    50.820118338226344,
+    52.111331702490496,
+    53.410484924257844,
+    54.902819374535113,
+    56.280708096832775,
+    57.753628438949818,
+    58.879346286077769,
+    59.968520735732298,
+    60.999746067677791,
+    62.753450775062085,
+    64.030882243935793,
+    65.729557300284014,
+    67.561576034705098,
+    69.665957842633134,
+    71.539525862837877,
+    73.715255033933218,
+    76.042333108418404,
+    79.197194154406716,
+    82.16221890263013,
+    85.299196384291619,
+    89.066358132689487,
+    91.826772968117325,
+    96.091493878155831,
+    101.23287053213269,
+    106.50298553112719,
+    109.91541659247912,
+    113.35584144711426,
+    119.43260281154497,
+    126.01710530963756,
+    135.83275402928408,
+    143.34767183967989,
+    153.86665354982301,
+    165.32615555272824,
+    178.67838621083195,
+    195.7780863511025,
+    213.10059234298109,
+    235.43734867679117,
+    282.56546879749584,
+    344.49428452558914,
+    1032.3156481054148,
+    0.0,
+    0.28542906758282582,
+    0.44835957796562231,
+    0.62651997706725926,
+    0.72080554472755054,
+    0.85153448889118422,
+    1.0135203835548705,
+    1.1497401649165981,
+    1.249689630633253,
+    1.3399789001967404,
+    1.4564959287102479,
+    1.5525185391245844,
+    1.645337296328182,
+    1.7029587642670561,
+    1.7998807148268574,
+    1.8818193335491449,
+    1.9378684814241007,
+    2.0045089255406014,
+    2.0748139436457822,
+    2.1773066185618797,
+    2.2832712158697772,
+    2.3883600529626685,
+    2.51854086329767,
+    2.6082969305879526,
+    2.6653570235348072,
+    2.7353083692676279,
+    2.8357637619195271,
+    2.949800063298929,
+    3.0384811951680373,
+    3.1078994075124524,
+    3.2335260889505033,
+    3.2990419647626399,
+    3.3727668828240933,
+    3.4799226620744226,
+    3.5425893742655994,
+    3.602653782843948,
+    3.6809307822931201,
+    3.7636220805378935,
+    3.8356481276880539,
+    3.9348563402662586,
+    4.0173932529537133,
+    4.1063926031921367,
+    4.1717702846007647,
+    4.2630914745857496,
+    4.3776816586639553,
+    4.4711604153944746,
+    4.5898411942902397,
+    4.6529598063193873,
+    4.7594223012672128,
+    4.859397400196225,
+    4.9911351337934935,
+    5.0565770304775857,
+    5.1225454425221839,
+    5.2210476830787913,
+    5.3162453599135313,
+    5.4019041740602542,
+    5.4940746055002112,
+    5.6136974622961269,
+    5.7781825322921838,
+    5.8753555715066135,
+    5.9710447043669799,
+    6.0693550815356012,
+    6.2210987536494446,
+    6.3057281942751633,
+    6.4213140942100821,
+    6.5389008456679329,
+    6.6598814572271587,
+    6.7667995850353684,
+    6.8447945703412136,
+    6.9638166797290806,
+    7.089919065426475,
+    7.2063358053191635,
+    7.352017914006157,
+    7.4537565287326801,
+    7.582581434309609,
+    7.7515979917104838,
+    7.922857945264326,
+    8.1036189902911531,
+    8.3020028506929222,
+    8.4634925955724825,
+    8.6391711422358544,
+    8.7635395423761935,
+    8.8992877245899145,
+    9.0893279549043093,
+    9.3039711595273165,
+    9.4509385898117682,
+    9.5886214810203292,
+    9.7390698728931344,
+    9.9541876691465312,
+    10.169584740152244,
+    10.408818535856438,
+    10.659936222779091,
+    10.885872639294179,
+    11.234872889392312,
+    11.380004892188218,
+    11.630544911322611,
+    11.842161705728255,
+    12.145847767420936,
+    12.330853164469056,
+    12.583698055254121,
+    12.816494298528724,
+    13.030768267855716,
+    13.340667906325312,
+    13.590963465427643,
+    13.838270526487388,
+    14.074223027757553,
+    14.348879588563831,
+    14.623052429806279,
+    14.889780883997153,
+    15.16693031574218,
+    15.627987742305928,
+    15.886715102647821,
+    16.122720491922152,
+    16.370043221512347,
+    16.698521062776425,
+    17.014791424541087,
+    17.277243625151677,
+    17.630298905505015,
+    17.922468720470825,
+    18.149957595022286,
+    18.504105261759602,
+    18.795720406240982,
+    19.18862905514699,
+    19.475658613972989,
+    19.718119783763974,
+    20.003625971835866,
+    20.315035816376586,
+    20.769230895348553,
+    21.215197103344,
+    21.721451002558126,
+    22.141375933409783,
+    22.495823827116208,
+    22.862304058851613,
+    23.305091172097715,
+    23.849319624238138,
+    24.24364699835543,
+    24.720699200556524,
+    25.085626207841511,
+    25.638589513652505,
+    26.154907865789191,
+    26.464735192229831,
+    26.827306144197109,
+    27.546994095945028,
+    28.177135131091795,
+    28.63885753555148,
+    29.495195057633349,
+    29.842693161801382,
+    30.377067174788916,
+    30.875858140539503,
+    31.744346334559026,
+    32.758933651918937,
+    33.726942266387887,
+    34.215890876186286,
+    35.205804764096222,
+    36.335678040868849,
+    37.11614771455158,
+    37.941465739425929,
+    38.859334633575578,
+    39.928208407832223,
+    40.699477662771486,
+    41.819209837420011,
+    43.215290220738062,
+    43.752358355431525,
+    44.477418638451525,
+    45.544939322383215,
+    46.640235116349203,
+    47.579833058320212,
+    49.08201798196896,
+    50.659250361498124,
+    51.765930922941273,
+    53.63059431256552,
+    55.1000160675475,
+    56.73201493619726,
+    58.246215912516156,
+    59.40623788602521,
+    61.827647106103718,
+    64.49842649472086,
+    66.976553190431929,
+    70.198059650548117,
+    73.471061518231679,
+    75.97093457032166,
+    78.702576395464334,
+    81.611672320767141,
+    83.584533696176564,
+    89.483719245164707,
+    95.503007633435587,
+    99.897758416618558,
+    104.5780094282018,
+    111.60694946504658,
+    117.51568863458957,
+    127.92288436293775,
+    136.29858810722959,
+    147.30418079416475,
+    162.5922919611979,
+    173.4980042718681,
+    184.44721960771685,
+    206.66903439286079,
+    235.60943993849668,
+    279.42538519180954,
+    395.73590980190897,
+    767.7437697537913,
+    0.0,
+    0.36374037786845004,
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+    0.92714388919158952,
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+    1.0720068922506483,
+    1.1785486021612082,
+    1.2657419124971916,
+    1.4035727483941891,
+    1.4650786245458309,
+    1.5545465660549713,
+    1.650599565868383,
+    1.6933702592952453,
+    1.7732804777571083,
+    1.8838172082592433,
+    1.954950718947722,
+    2.0048840780203179,
+    2.0683672686827492,
+    2.1645078261391331,
+    2.2612520597106451,
+    2.3359440089385646,
+    2.3981343988484136,
+    2.4476156886612883,
+    2.5691159773482495,
+    2.6084450349000678,
+    2.6658038289568791,
+    2.802053890520781,
+    2.8561183704950697,
+    2.9543741961709769,
+    3.0135138877978185,
+    3.0505910337969002,
+    3.129399027027457,
+    3.1984302483970564,
+    3.3186190937914195,
+    3.4057540256655323,
+    3.4777981689415913,
+    3.5184191917833267,
+    3.5975803130944266,
+    3.6588848905491038,
+    3.8130976291367,
+    3.8802414294541254,
+    3.957222730170348,
+    4.0900593899149893,
+    4.1986310350360245,
+    4.3311490651060334,
+    4.4373460503609401,
+    4.5587919710581124,
+    4.6277536709616927,
+    4.6884807290574564,
+    4.7843280503620607,
+    4.8638283249690355,
+    4.948337773654341,
+    5.1040636578149838,
+    5.1795964194464377,
+    5.2973077144211338,
+    5.3522785288725707,
+    5.4939098011676935,
+    5.6180430790090652,
+    5.7470634587269451,
+    5.8397056876634732,
+    5.9561260760004444,
+    6.0433823634687371,
+    6.1235992948872031,
+    6.2504421209611483,
+    6.4113950981142374,
+    6.5516323124086711,
+    6.7244564776287783,
+    6.8618195100648141,
+    6.9505641642794975,
+    7.0916813413393385,
+    7.2272991950515504,
+    7.3163089878854173,
+    7.4623335136659801,
+    7.6110387010371117,
+    7.7791913595037805,
+    7.936641896374983,
+    8.0878941913267184,
+    8.2595490578730129,
+    8.385431944546335,
+    8.5207274071897672,
+    8.6857803464137824,
+    8.8101649975015821,
+    8.9536744831786148,
+    9.0600596564391367,
+    9.2078447326702051,
+    9.3228888631291884,
+    9.4666810933090737,
+    9.5842181319219488,
+    9.7117679522558404,
+    9.8364937741290674,
+    9.9578885988719605,
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+    10.222935957512945,
+    10.316390929540351,
+    10.475548798393795,
+    10.645698388425439,
+    10.784281041251679,
+    10.948840474245644,
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+    11.391007009711993,
+    11.567902525938473,
+    11.71609814428081,
+    11.986239831997279,
+    12.114994517734564,
+    12.299234012158884,
+    12.519873907814063,
+    12.863454387962484,
+    13.071436848150757,
+    13.401814698265529,
+    13.616665965772345,
+    13.917822552439985,
+    14.188207378128368,
+    14.392249303363604,
+    14.565292790891043,
+    14.8227217543752,
+    15.082488535254081,
+    15.353996053129002,
+    15.71970041593713,
+    16.055798117141507,
+    16.350541959618788,
+    16.59026542651214,
+    16.985800718119268,
+    17.454849654596948,
+    17.727304029707067,
+    18.074448871862273,
+    18.657077244754035,
+    19.113484525377181,
+    19.562570052919153,
+    20.051208287923327,
+    20.510845671810618,
+    20.868530774744045,
+    21.265799148848728,
+    21.905779229740901,
+    22.253576842522836,
+    22.93054457765145,
+    23.206345747345235,
+    23.442698316367355,
+    23.819566588138276,
+    24.284074517836409,
+    24.787572758168594,
+    25.29135993018971,
+    25.702149605001754,
+    26.244235212381223,
+    26.972918611793055,
+    27.497687861234269,
+    27.803253080067293,
+    28.455954373351648,
+    28.799808431536636,
+    29.848012115835569,
+    30.659490646833433,
+    31.278494629826003,
+    31.986230266586109,
+    32.844426473455414,
+    33.467758528183403,
+    34.226128209009545,
+    35.361957028401591,
+    36.258109649477035,
+    36.936669242532219,
+    37.818365857787754,
+    38.696285651145452,
+    40.081917650133853,
+    40.64346996992446,
+    41.711711592656641,
+    42.702888952548854,
+    43.463449958527363,
+    44.933303891653537,
+    46.280030045429775,
+    46.884828739246672,
+    47.9164412951895,
+    48.816783602198043,
+    51.059938151143868,
+    52.990341731171874,
+    55.149664388125281,
+    56.632548806783447,
+    59.744429378935919,
+    61.750152716933627,
+    64.13446025245527,
+    65.894498123950655,
+    68.469194455591804,
+    72.127321506278804,
+    75.510184634367306,
+    79.070343457944233,
+    82.83698071207391,
+    86.213350717712743,
+    91.263841459235479,
+    96.251898067968696,
+    100.97702206389322,
+    110.24223086163732,
+    122.08402559600439,
+    133.28649360785434,
+    143.88249756506781,
+    165.37750731198261,
+    172.54296243585648,
+    184.52345636646612,
+    205.19933792261477,
+    225.68130093091153,
+    254.48608422209975,
+    356.13158711494771,
+    667.13884179705951,
+    0.0,
+    0.26354229304624982,
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+    1.1266171474464457,
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+    1.2865431026365461,
+    1.3473439404701553,
+    1.4202020302877516,
+    1.4768893225494599,
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+    1.5909847654923739,
+    1.6475355098467457,
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+    1.7637752265692834,
+    1.8242615872864518,
+    1.8898188947673684,
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+    2.2482335097460373,
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+    2.4539462471917695,
+    2.5205389108480092,
+    2.5736335433800064,
+    2.6351983220648534,
+    2.7117894124038844,
+    2.7769524741702436,
+    2.8358464472920151,
+    2.8923290609616985,
+    2.952869124430904,
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+    3.0890122216294262,
+    3.1640429065297679,
+    3.230928687772761,
+    3.2871518048094348,
+    3.3658272937032447,
+    3.4150577541035902,
+    3.5021039779235932,
+    3.5747695852696721,
+    3.6487836281519805,
+    3.7241574101269204,
+    3.8142260058409829,
+    3.889886219446729,
+    3.959556232893171,
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+    4.1057394274812147,
+    4.1980461864106902,
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+    4.3828331762835537,
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+    4.723559288314422,
+    4.8418135782046221,
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+    5.355344510356554,
+    5.4603287604488076,
+    5.5379537810288211,
+    5.6249248142354942,
+    5.7220275089216761,
+    5.838923475249886,
+    5.9497212657328467,
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+    6.1867532212460965,
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+    6.4319591322171776,
+    6.5483864027049101,
+    6.6488785338577285,
+    6.7665965268891011,
+    6.9052017507528056,
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+    7.2014256979466307,
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+    7.4487327302385404,
+    7.5665345877761823,
+    7.6547168896849138,
+    7.8054455606559943,
+    7.9504829122596341,
+    8.0783042696456278,
+    8.2122962977826681,
+    8.3879105778396355,
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+    8.7283836649546007,
+    8.883891378612029,
+    9.0083786843632403,
+    9.1761351492455319,
+    9.3638324400389497,
+    9.5907615887485385,
+    9.7594846934193047,
+    10.010833472510898,
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+    10.346951216302086,
+    10.520062141237078,
+    10.706681377384809,
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+    11.138591663326494,
+    11.336327609263476,
+    11.538065870352529,
+    11.780969742764785,
+    12.040396856930878,
+    12.278033460635026,
+    12.572587972604635,
+    12.836717579047866,
+    13.112528685175548,
+    13.349919258349592,
+    13.711232799022634,
+    13.952743864796032,
+    14.173739895596908,
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+    14.731797503743392,
+    14.982825032585207,
+    15.26649112996823,
+    15.569851389101043,
+    15.807990176918581,
+    16.100384923714998,
+    16.357766493568764,
+    16.777677977704688,
+    17.171170485060028,
+    17.439164114500958,
+    17.753339594991331,
+    18.098780157602537,
+    18.506119482642575,
+    18.872634818431685,
+    19.158220809140616,
+    19.460619214965231,
+    19.861854966350609,
+    20.194551637195691,
+    20.572956591632238,
+    20.928294578986577,
+    21.344426709478942,
+    21.66166937542549,
+    22.240766877718343,
+    22.565729819049889,
+    23.044323591163653,
+    23.475228287516739,
+    23.932777693805892,
+    24.431735905582023,
+    24.9753478724361,
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+    26.034501673986167,
+    26.793728332827442,
+    27.366686796047183,
+    27.957289531847202,
+    28.628949210391269,
+    29.141828609314189,
+    29.719739181851036,
+    30.30594251575133,
+    30.960727844584873,
+    32.027496656930069,
+    32.974018472252368,
+    33.863248797022031,
+    34.561629815364022,
+    35.481873500994837,
+    36.425956905396923,
+    37.348331262937052,
+    38.205344049967586,
+    39.198221653394434,
+    40.278372389201685,
+    41.677786414811592,
+    43.065418693400801,
+    44.574973160850661,
+    46.276760954798682,
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+    49.306031705719278,
+    51.89715331335065,
+    54.021647205722303,
+    56.568849685307754,
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+    61.01559773170208,
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+    66.681062849099575,
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+    73.920166575505235,
+    77.213692861072445,
+    81.815040784668199,
+    85.962566683415389,
+    91.041503329412507,
+    95.177144795049969,
+    99.955722087200343,
+    108.58955753524259,
+    117.80784071631163,
+    130.37475347981882,
+    147.21446326393803,
+    169.18325814487829,
+    205.95766196129654,
+    265.65512151989378,
+    87848.280391018183,
+    0.0,
+    0.19490317513848199,
+    0.31818006814142752,
+    0.44431328428917849,
+    0.51127610159630021,
+    0.60383086895704507,
+    0.66138230429826461,
+    0.71265972318194859,
+    0.76129462676019677,
+    0.83795014966870063,
+    0.89283607223616412,
+    0.94121780304322211,
+    0.99883776020744297,
+    1.0583181972227838,
+    1.1082428211928517,
+    1.1713208117143756,
+    1.2148024624665414,
+    1.2609968601390287,
+    1.3328682001354739,
+    1.3925492252792258,
+    1.4667867999704067,
+    1.514482258913509,
+    1.5743932825824867,
+    1.6055483247197799,
+    1.6735799139620093,
+    1.7242981980275145,
+    1.7695095310430997,
+    1.8260039068052139,
+    1.8847715885877299,
+    1.9197993080657989,
+    1.9744731923762646,
+    2.0311915914165062,
+    2.1097644028458769,
+    2.1664244086126137,
+    2.2431869595868097,
+    2.2837360345225766,
+    2.3556313195570087,
+    2.405430036905444,
+    2.4505170860355792,
+    2.4989854383785239,
+    2.5407069198492236,
+    2.5973895600257899,
+    2.6662262216343775,
+    2.7003533281249101,
+    2.7540559919851004,
+    2.8059856736986672,
+    2.8744094871135686,
+    2.9296784011089727,
+    2.9987201241218648,
+    3.060603076649417,
+    3.149353771093593,
+    3.2335250198149148,
+    3.2987481250279922,
+    3.3813159530575105,
+    3.420245321649098,
+    3.4667630445198467,
+    3.5404207818987037,
+    3.6319368958518181,
+    3.7059200378072354,
+    3.7740034108713001,
+    3.8372038077261137,
+    3.9197610988151039,
+    3.9886257099364339,
+    4.0660495867193172,
+    4.138300196794412,
+    4.2257097559547683,
+    4.3260432863760752,
+    4.4121971145250116,
+    4.5042890038890597,
+    4.5643129623079091,
+    4.6632837420436948,
+    4.760388268790428,
+    4.8656859399723364,
+    4.9325603768335293,
+    5.0342194443918942,
+    5.1201176332551412,
+    5.2068094592308221,
+    5.2861985755361616,
+    5.3619402279344657,
+    5.4488952829979578,
+    5.5661630444890307,
+    5.6302459604039878,
+    5.7251570645424943,
+    5.8265289703090026,
+    5.9757197595129812,
+    6.0745229648833075,
+    6.1917517048051831,
+    6.2953470395796423,
+    6.403259690218019,
+    6.4917627633704118,
+    6.6358190501534073,
+    6.7679316573810269,
+    6.8686794099073571,
+    6.951123042441683,
+    7.0714773931514774,
+    7.1876874501549377,
+    7.2851841541363633,
+    7.4277247272769777,
+    7.545118161206557,
+    7.6796631181823791,
+    7.8167880642937018,
+    7.9566071237538072,
+    8.0603936878360543,
+    8.1832039873181959,
+    8.3115755716587163,
+    8.4320844813486833,
+    8.5902802761521784,
+    8.7221702888496431,
+    8.8514060135926869,
+    9.0332345688234028,
+    9.1963706908372931,
+    9.3367587179861236,
+    9.497006030540005,
+    9.6427753811526102,
+    9.8532189063800164,
+    10.050461242163172,
+    10.168236220470268,
+    10.348527513241617,
+    10.531791667580992,
+    10.703985943887844,
+    10.93278400032537,
+    11.15334897515447,
+    11.279161608656203,
+    11.493658887982159,
+    11.629213658946661,
+    11.813149108077441,
+    12.148329929207353,
+    12.428225959361159,
+    12.590673999087862,
+    12.794134333415222,
+    13.002054595845699,
+    13.29166579030848,
+    13.555249875763497,
+    13.805021300146676,
+    14.163857718369647,
+    14.396612581875223,
+    14.68307313946254,
+    14.923008872428863,
+    15.32205455142778,
+    15.692053745001203,
+    16.016016291617053,
+    16.269176030476242,
+    16.559936897997712,
+    16.907361798334914,
+    17.258247430228977,
+    17.522507804773419,
+    17.819739257247601,
+    18.300494526840033,
+    18.61675208077844,
+    18.901401014716043,
+    19.417022408557258,
+    19.797904233478242,
+    20.228015085729147,
+    20.637954339218549,
+    21.183210911355513,
+    21.771881557448339,
+    22.21773210897102,
+    22.779612813526374,
+    23.276529546096842,
+    23.849594764724543,
+    24.446921593531446,
+    25.015101229550464,
+    25.658559396356374,
+    26.282199605420455,
+    27.105386636499361,
+    27.676243476410885,
+    28.419439927324717,
+    29.184424065828914,
+    29.883208551297241,
+    30.862499878001806,
+    31.713413996846523,
+    32.826935291082727,
+    33.72406490654123,
+    34.680776796431886,
+    35.528359794461842,
+    36.670845950707843,
+    37.969249977719763,
+    39.273981900912467,
+    40.244728926237393,
+    41.483302822400162,
+    43.211405024691217,
+    44.630074152677139,
+    46.308911078822682,
+    48.422856008629161,
+    49.774586644602294,
+    51.781332900742051,
+    53.252372889554401,
+    55.257436943999878,
+    57.314324693762337,
+    60.134437476839075,
+    64.643054466595004,
+    67.805529413896068,
+    72.960204750804039,
+    78.548035565623934,
+    86.612578466349305,
+    95.851443874433429,
+    105.43467161328387,
+    123.71872542791084,
+    144.47153346382115,
+    176.91525388308472,
+    309.16164265953068,
+    0.0,
+    0.093398210950316154,
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+    0.49429543879132976,
+    0.53862866326746572,
+    0.58159097219579325,
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+    0.66489866088651661,
+    0.71376871279852483,
+    0.76604518711445135,
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+    0.92578293211375118,
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+    1.012408711382466,
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+    1.0979094469421704,
+    1.1360967828124768,
+    1.1843998812376955,
+    1.2121765466487182,
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+    1.269517337829088,
+    1.3064220440414478,
+    1.3456604109067491,
+    1.3847455871539975,
+    1.4433510659744919,
+    1.4787246262422706,
+    1.5290320752062629,
+    1.5562124703009197,
+    1.6073426914107938,
+    1.6404681580522233,
+    1.6702244973685063,
+    1.73063179859356,
+    1.7750006715499509,
+    1.8279516044521678,
+    1.859195201800822,
+    1.9053170452940513,
+    1.9280767671566097,
+    1.9902516035810496,
+    2.0186760912468551,
+    2.092657238098997,
+    2.1474948054253384,
+    2.1871961512096565,
+    2.2317816251782281,
+    2.2907742739410164,
+    2.3359180870369833,
+    2.3869816483688759,
+    2.4529856457177273,
+    2.4909203390683849,
+    2.5537529934964778,
+    2.6292032978804851,
+    2.6784202619777213,
+    2.7190242328666847,
+    2.7592501032192169,
+    2.8141411237425067,
+    2.8832878890394928,
+    2.9253711343109838,
+    2.9954526684612648,
+    3.0483400308079833,
+    3.1195790079290284,
+    3.1882923341376097,
+    3.2475133828248954,
+    3.3082893597110878,
+    3.3998621255091428,
+    3.47762860298067,
+    3.5504403144136871,
+    3.6091991238429708,
+    3.6617110799009782,
+    3.747352642356359,
+    3.7869413127021954,
+    3.8494017410196837,
+    3.9492065318655385,
+    4.0178432318231367,
+    4.1459135647020364,
+    4.2117067391482745,
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+    4.3483465566680453,
+    4.4244779495490469,
+    4.4626585143965478,
+    4.529665123797245,
+    4.590443570999347,
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+    4.7546121047868048,
+    4.8565039814092676,
+    4.9526895878521771,
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+    5.1192000512767368,
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+    5.3679136440586834,
+    5.44561515189495,
+    5.573881356101074,
+    5.6587732114410647,
+    5.7456859581229036,
+    5.8285056653676959,
+    5.9249388997940375,
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+    6.1408249280378238,
+    6.1925479765893821,
+    6.257597707865,
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+    6.4362617657783012,
+    6.5018677743421236,
+    6.5990992264693222,
+    6.7059841755319676,
+    6.8408659416578956,
+    6.9783602936172588,
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+    7.3760305080718176,
+    7.4852630022878435,
+    7.5558323048134834,
+    7.6469369887215128,
+    7.7796586853873126,
+    7.8927874437708638,
+    7.9917930786552116,
+    8.1024563434454961,
+    8.2999865668501034,
+    8.4506558762494599,
+    8.5965995871403145,
+    8.8639775066208841,
+    8.963955758417768,
+    9.1445204978480277,
+    9.3391048111935557,
+    9.4789266524635813,
+    9.6269538620278485,
+    9.798523665360058,
+    9.9267454692157209,
+    10.135523291360611,
+    10.266903541690644,
+    10.45005203381487,
+    10.715778409248584,
+    10.96464567850493,
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+    11.256660301260217,
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+    11.687974340512826,
+    11.903229343489697,
+    12.133709181931877,
+    12.310998874748263,
+    12.750272219083747,
+    13.056147482613222,
+    13.253490555112993,
+    13.675145968268881,
+    13.924230477174909,
+    14.217574079767886,
+    14.571236022596374,
+    14.939288725850155,
+    15.314551253615292,
+    15.575987515584663,
+    15.833645863054313,
+    16.200485384427974,
+    16.477465196601848,
+    16.843241153808755,
+    17.272849032588312,
+    17.796542227272955,
+    18.154946140541519,
+    18.42280855377696,
+    18.768141850732011,
+    19.187362345680633,
+    19.591309885228171,
+    19.89722345376024,
+    20.702595711695711,
+    21.128564543818339,
+    21.527729127045859,
+    21.98660526945358,
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+    23.024367946134102,
+    23.561848505072032,
+    24.014992900974836,
+    24.436576472708754,
+    25.503186568685322,
+    26.610835772872736,
+    27.151442239196715,
+    27.70328225888667,
+    28.806039995726948,
+    29.627287233320377,
+    30.315284533811624,
+    31.327683853768139,
+    32.147834022257314,
+    32.92691659425568,
+    34.04201415685305,
+    35.413352753610873,
+    36.221826443150817,
+    37.977707465427912,
+    39.36878752355473,
+    40.951879054950432,
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+    44.629804117764586,
+    46.795396750300675,
+    49.67533805194968,
+    54.589345174300426,
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+    65.197403972300108,
+    72.17408937465612,
+    82.574762345786382,
+    93.478082113773723,
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+    0.0,
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+    1.1703135770105868,
+    1.2056434217949175,
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+    1.3112986519959224,
+    1.3412713397963407,
+    1.3643779221604135,
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+    1.4135745730894449,
+    1.4437349779195308,
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+    1.5377824779923701,
+    1.5720832254223982,
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+    1.836941181297739,
+    1.8572858792099074,
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+    1.9118884108245098,
+    1.942073490357896,
+    1.9694860799879985,
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+    2.44842259128407,
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+    2.8952580472277556,
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+    3.1268021698603428,
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+    3.2683746695506959,
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+    3.373078633435032,
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+    3.4965341709413189,
+    3.5485636123343998,
+    3.6258706424876941,
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+    3.70560155555301,
+    3.7650593373841739,
+    3.8358507676461393,
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+    4.0946288617889595,
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+    4.4715502537649803,
+    4.5793747033075158,
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+    4.7793135998354499,
+    4.8587348255519132,
+    4.9729544448725447,
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+    5.2375026757215011,
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+    5.4798227286901664,
+    5.5404131589193328,
+    5.648241044217758,
+    5.7449977826195706,
+    5.8598429438509489,
+    5.9784308800284593,
+    6.0724910376893559,
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+    6.4869662152984544,
+    6.6005309624044228,
+    6.7321547133945252,
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+    6.9553827276444107,
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+    7.4083545257663301,
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+    7.9694720845049609,
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+    8.9054272928070564,
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+    9.5401595700260877,
+    9.7597048968193185,
+    9.9666371700161704,
+    10.22144069326451,
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+    10.676084943208242,
+    10.908036087339795,
+    11.20436716656776,
+    11.477519824720831,
+    11.808217307144476,
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+    12.685309460589796,
+    12.923557637527606,
+    13.204138344604788,
+    13.616900691559191,
+    13.979656973992922,
+    14.606515576714788,
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+    15.724483559731054,
+    16.382829228207918,
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+    17.900210603831621,
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+    20.143558523165193,
+    20.828002130195308,
+    21.73898624871266,
+    22.409876982562661,
+    23.415203632804776,
+    24.355119676733135,
+    25.938175172718896,
+    27.639017238717773,
+    29.341494300849057,
+    30.595119225694788,
+    32.714674098003904,
+    35.49272152410154,
+    37.928565199883295,
+    43.491713440727274,
+    47.581292491927705,
+    57.969627624865709,
+    63.340294577285306,
+    80.397876878853367,
+    1699.4418298669216,
+    0.0,
+    0.057563746961587628,
+    0.072111582138628103,
+    0.08953965473080569,
+    0.096680126595439592,
+    0.11426458268489206,
+    0.12297408594046662,
+    0.13531860413261979,
+    0.14452962166237915,
+    0.18495685986529226,
+    0.19550850903207695,
+    0.22061034782875669,
+    0.24758609568932677,
+    0.2612060900760057,
+    0.26777787436395784,
+    0.27913993724767144,
+    0.29698064960443493,
+    0.31244925057107031,
+    0.32122508788845933,
+    0.33311366430341305,
+    0.34236037155250942,
+    0.35256380627730061,
+    0.35729858105022982,
+    0.36206918848814695,
+    0.36696792159332803,
+    0.37634614206748435,
+    0.38534850898782269,
+    0.3894744547332164,
+    0.40001857990165496,
+    0.40628143701841141,
+    0.41257543810712505,
+    0.42792024247708083,
+    0.43741390937376029,
+    0.44679385424881979,
+    0.45338668180597402,
+    0.45852917891908479,
+    0.46847035670602488,
+    0.47881191760237773,
+    0.48636454017775488,
+    0.49953494697176376,
+    0.50860731875951681,
+    0.51485110540295576,
+    0.52109982877729388,
+    0.52856828716304816,
+    0.53396501041075717,
+    0.54519067350690764,
+    0.55087030570382234,
+    0.56120787950497175,
+    0.56947875574614748,
+    0.57879694500782908,
+    0.59045771217758214,
+    0.60020074472460661,
+    0.61356581621742379,
+    0.62339692092995469,
+    0.62921777922324307,
+    0.63757958596122966,
+    0.64566282308710643,
+    0.65337163144903077,
+    0.65757954743934188,
+    0.66731107005984081,
+    0.68506693378151473,
+    0.69407449975565316,
+    0.71475464833393743,
+    0.71919154363460669,
+    0.72854121818321049,
+    0.73768805533929283,
+    0.74964936797719572,
+    0.77319064552644212,
+    0.78475208628536974,
+    0.79568283458133116,
+    0.80765736770217855,
+    0.81877434008276662,
+    0.82795271525666825,
+    0.83973491168326087,
+    0.84972560110746476,
+    0.85639470621002023,
+    0.8647134858775507,
+    0.88244802261826683,
+    0.89985271988240045,
+    0.92340768696765485,
+    0.93788541450428287,
+    0.94792835531188524,
+    0.96027918757802155,
+    0.96921149562521636,
+    0.97952213604373195,
+    0.98854957689191614,
+    0.99970116951294496,
+    1.00882043327571,
+    1.0201870773908586,
+    1.041349919759516,
+    1.0556530343908901,
+    1.0756585260782074,
+    1.088223830319788,
+    1.0958784727426483,
+    1.1149995386526934,
+    1.1304796415226661,
+    1.1446063542280724,
+    1.1638356180596499,
+    1.1745794869462154,
+    1.193511657405055,
+    1.2182391405087374,
+    1.2382096317106388,
+    1.2472982421708765,
+    1.2622218704529613,
+    1.2744400683695623,
+    1.2908221594923039,
+    1.305167165044943,
+    1.3252374721898401,
+    1.3384679854994657,
+    1.3542873322844842,
+    1.3724563152241775,
+    1.3892962190041085,
+    1.4109408775708268,
+    1.419655422200014,
+    1.4315263030154188,
+    1.4527276892177177,
+    1.4683378048771656,
+    1.4867165057343337,
+    1.516076453749051,
+    1.5433792065946024,
+    1.5553543482759045,
+    1.5609831318052232,
+    1.5806764726673499,
+    1.6041131847991026,
+    1.6344144243726575,
+    1.6710888016711845,
+    1.7061932731840148,
+    1.7354452179890347,
+    1.7630243267926291,
+    1.7975788676407549,
+    1.814028785525206,
+    1.8281150670319055,
+    1.8550087441605427,
+    1.8737649522280617,
+    1.8856226040366797,
+    1.9079304881331332,
+    1.9442107218496263,
+    1.9659920408787115,
+    1.9983699901526899,
+    2.0223202139688512,
+    2.0401740051464592,
+    2.0748888988742027,
+    2.1149914291249212,
+    2.1360608521646109,
+    2.1565833101041338,
+    2.1693334907915234,
+    2.207376721598215,
+    2.2255919603217067,
+    2.272629194554781,
+    2.3279774087392666,
+    2.3517585387327471,
+    2.3910765083557908,
+    2.4703248547335415,
+    2.5208338119493607,
+    2.5806226807785433,
+    2.6402836153572076,
+    2.7185362598168772,
+    2.7677835795641461,
+    2.8180997959029526,
+    2.8326345693021624,
+    2.8701055927549652,
+    2.9318268717765115,
+    3.0139842815042615,
+    3.0571236539047622,
+    3.1734047661118234,
+    3.2297672388561938,
+    3.3059073464928148,
+    3.3897975561487925,
+    3.4745601523423382,
+    3.5452181551689357,
+    3.6265670674665991,
+    3.7050473014775043,
+    3.8309245560041219,
+    3.9372996837644192,
+    4.0716930145722978,
+    4.212857083996437,
+    4.2692123731220972,
+    4.46591990841738,
+    4.5523023767467139,
+    4.6548916677892533,
+    4.7758394764018659,
+    4.9758326990027228,
+    5.2769985200911247,
+    5.5486096014042028,
+    5.7245726086000337,
+    6.0102407093754762,
+    6.1426829331257933,
+    6.287333950013684,
+    6.5928811370882103,
+    6.9367730409204489,
+    7.0646691460119388,
+    7.2083448239980932,
+    7.5049899728910674,
+    8.1901484843386374,
+    8.6011704867597345,
+    9.304469886954676,
+    10.665731252277961,
+    11.88866301597937,
+    13.361123901157045,
+    18.497872676781789,
+    25.178694947474682,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_dists.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_dists.py
index c16c3e8d4bed9c1d421e6c83196c1dd54e062d3b..18e386a521712911cb1531cf27fc28262f632a69 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_dists.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_dists.py
@@ -9,1136 +9,3421 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2011_def_dists = [
-    0.0, 0.057628562576303784, 0.091878457821655726, 0.1132900806480715,
-    0.16850875337211296, 0.23480972950916859, 0.25538164963671517,
-    0.31559279249314726, 0.3709861971858377, 0.39525547000677452,
-    0.48512586717169626, 0.50506908796001859, 0.57765035525262631,
-    0.62148541152837633, 0.64263863444579483, 0.69882483312164267,
-    0.7161545153916149, 0.80411890720042356, 0.8805970872918405,
-    0.95906879172041093, 0.9964168954980418, 1.0467630571651532,
-    1.0811313132957849, 1.107613450320283, 1.1414327414809755,
-    1.200680497698831, 1.2258265309284444, 1.3292666112945957,
-    1.3827312359018287, 1.4123188606803245, 1.5512850653633397,
-    1.6356584995938095, 1.6731651325192813, 1.7284734590792767,
-    1.7492218434041287, 1.7668984797381611, 1.859839254768237,
-    1.8915873446892628, 1.906971142493358, 1.9739012545347705,
-    2.0042595869827151, 2.0404670643203007, 2.0801334669349569,
-    2.1361786545358559, 2.1800889828349126, 2.2526723098806514,
-    2.4615221000598324, 2.522133895087689, 2.5349568672753051,
-    2.6130589764080723, 2.7500027760987162, 2.8562937139926889,
-    2.9119263033764744, 3.0019158345608132, 3.075603035061484,
-    3.1141526815876208, 3.1813265812952172, 3.3676587418240587,
-    3.554323576839598, 3.6496213142048179, 3.6874293716075122,
-    3.7856923728140917, 3.8474310667342051, 3.9949344157172133,
-    4.125555286661946, 4.3290913548691856, 4.4952013654404812,
-    4.556343784992352, 4.639912221981799, 4.7146391204010234,
-    4.8227084013441566, 4.9863406697764292, 5.1842339785740776,
-    5.3023803998521304, 5.4750202011939866, 5.54048973773856,
-    5.6494197613846904, 6.031189352625824, 6.1768307442788197,
-    6.2620964668403225, 6.4351623085815, 6.7265466116268859,
-    6.7915288820461273, 6.858752135722245, 7.0391175979404581,
-    7.1234944848067601, 7.3258340038478451, 7.6012540830071256,
-    7.8610379546027023, 8.1407339356122499, 8.6344134454714787,
-    8.7180144432721391, 9.0978762948485237, 9.2738466401608814,
-    9.3278635864048827, 9.4424890946840847, 9.6030189615224657,
-    9.7486413490900201, 9.9120876012927628, 10.0634236132968,
-    10.415298132107214, 10.522058512873633, 10.613299539059163,
-    10.777003890057323, 11.19134404322137, 11.263117192375013,
-    11.498561061679176, 12.21806762702662, 12.483196087543357,
-    13.54470365954359, 13.849619017840872, 14.123084642390928,
-    14.398832659078749, 14.566089250066417, 14.807446823406554,
-    14.954042474253805, 15.017632122375311, 15.534486588862363,
-    16.087579752773408, 16.335273051167704, 16.59865583486215,
-    16.787365784531143, 16.930772808747413, 16.978230896616772,
-    17.45341757723757, 17.54161801859598, 17.670822982069833,
-    18.057953137339432, 18.349411130934708, 18.874645742669262,
-    19.811500245302732, 20.617053831744901, 21.425708785184192,
-    22.13342945397601, 22.514800015329385, 22.600876120356858,
-    22.995926973030485, 23.562574109846953, 24.294710403256879,
-    24.710775959864485, 25.735807637080889, 26.538055293359648,
-    27.290028726831821, 27.773430106003083, 29.668208899311839,
-    29.767759573249858, 30.328136166047656, 31.494086670497492,
-    31.717352094096093, 32.525981982450979, 33.265585384845679,
-    33.751316746168612, 34.201802003064067, 36.899918838933765,
-    38.096479462365799, 39.516017768346714, 39.989735840240321,
-    41.194468318352641, 43.299364753871842, 43.400612046669139,
-    44.217051933181644, 45.224566778084622, 46.422304247376758,
-    46.960808813383558, 48.299557096246531, 49.543362472280329,
-    52.100735352804534, 53.655447353773283, 55.960391277909508,
-    59.70514539293125, 61.843693253111184, 68.081331605587849,
-    71.540166073226146, 73.270793327751335, 76.171347038456744,
-    76.713947935814872, 79.452578223589953, 81.242818023980888,
-    85.253618574552505, 90.576557423795492, 92.997247053710012,
-    95.821107577619216, 106.64500479999833, 120.18058037798956,
-    126.50923215826064, 131.32814912989315, 147.1399472964454,
-    167.43638431036157, 192.68604805851697, 214.74959666043176,
-    236.90417250922937, 270.13811088102972, 311.13617202210634,
-    348.43212870989748, 397.49279405192692, 418.52939500887197,
-    490.05308025042825, 601.26449991098229, 943.69926165035622,
-    2272.151119348498, 2272.151119348498, 0.0, 0.068201728466174436,
-    0.11237783313391692, 0.12830033204755303, 0.14738276605539258,
-    0.17452595819420164, 0.18740679497876259, 0.22092788589298604,
-    0.24698157312934674, 0.26321755681186182, 0.278982404063846,
-    0.29425614113597565, 0.30386598141884186, 0.33348471684689712,
-    0.35448258891286477, 0.38416466052319098, 0.41799061907192603,
-    0.43332985148006498, 0.46022545438188606, 0.46720029992587914,
-    0.4834191580769957, 0.49135304898180576, 0.50065137294598305,
-    0.54116902167600822, 0.56502516934264901, 0.58383186711851243,
-    0.59988283878047788, 0.61745037135253056, 0.64851934211375817,
-    0.65771446388077714, 0.68201656335208749, 0.69501882934571635,
-    0.70859407070539537, 0.76811748190181783, 0.785547174693628,
-    0.80584170571483826, 0.80977921469642378, 0.84983656800224905,
-    0.87762202858938831, 0.89989293732657549, 0.92737970573962192,
-    0.94822275849814597, 0.97010634169397159, 1.0004701361644599,
-    1.027252813486935, 1.0516264427778705, 1.085865795301199,
-    1.1039829998101676, 1.1231421375848933, 1.1351908524310048,
-    1.1870327649828589, 1.2108652899633887, 1.2418615536907456,
-    1.2620878726057261, 1.2831955088252662, 1.306480565141986,
-    1.3214819027067988, 1.3819750197102438, 1.3964962886754628,
-    1.4416267404974048, 1.4723276588556404, 1.5102821076425617,
-    1.5397500825876973, 1.5614284610319382, 1.6110339651345407,
-    1.6433416553385205, 1.6728829936173992, 1.6999366415445392,
-    1.7240699041761254, 1.7508519958752469, 1.7969849629216739,
-    1.8430561905053708, 1.8717904098493616, 1.9063368309633759,
-    1.9506003143418458, 2.0298196868542142, 2.0991713956674101,
-    2.1633526448161282, 2.2629929459851224, 2.29081267396016,
-    2.3416198215358914, 2.3573314548287789, 2.4218587714491338,
-    2.4993355473824033, 2.5384325382544848, 2.6491004992037666,
-    2.7210651339892107, 2.8237246255258426, 2.8700824362814488,
-    2.9188785020766925, 2.9635962519687955, 3.0154773635321317,
-    3.1026722776260538, 3.1782308010920812, 3.2642539873638139,
-    3.322125355058692, 3.3714861504441376, 3.4218839487759731,
-    3.5144951962763513, 3.5765944072239031, 3.6273675925681212,
-    3.7247691072149096, 3.8232379391542128, 3.8893216636307564,
-    3.9288057496282955, 4.0390899251352117, 4.1600948751312279,
-    4.1871263152018612, 4.2621860547974828, 4.3500604627307435,
-    4.5436519743962078, 4.5849723086596628, 4.729044783865576,
-    4.8683804704143165, 4.9563493866144599, 5.0241568504440179,
-    5.1468726623856105, 5.1949999782992462, 5.3140299451508861,
-    5.4879645142694358, 5.7223471643025841, 5.8380855647564118,
-    5.953449532130346, 6.0187020640170728, 6.2108553226358252,
-    6.3916059248644403, 6.4913362763076323, 6.6031140372618351,
-    6.6636491589809301, 6.9509407634766989, 7.1531488937141772,
-    7.2409474401975658, 7.4303919093490327, 7.5669382679335202,
-    7.7441286658925934, 7.9000616206163423, 8.0724648473816156,
-    8.2412216959472371, 8.4137214458024516, 8.6069007301001861,
-    8.7736666850099372, 8.9890876982826367, 9.155130462775519,
-    9.3411611417176861, 9.4866270624314577, 9.5872328045423547,
-    9.8527914805110655, 9.9514305967967953, 10.292405041584022,
-    10.75673026860011, 11.169289189746417, 11.46807997463821,
-    11.689766834399332, 11.966027273630296, 12.351431387718186,
-    12.727667430393458, 13.119586645059071, 13.424611040389257,
-    13.786397020277862, 13.968352336123267, 14.21068016740667,
-    14.453408188853816, 15.461180267394132, 15.895481313307476,
-    16.317601512617198, 16.780792483093965, 17.624171385239844,
-    18.139839382922045, 18.594772196087924, 20.516375547145831,
-    21.567448512929186, 21.977404088239552, 23.299471636450161,
-    24.278490139740818, 24.993212131783924, 26.592135163847711,
-    27.623113931391885, 28.865470012834731, 29.227604875711496,
-    31.101999334866235, 31.57497302654869, 32.684647994128909,
-    33.375146403972977, 37.692891082911196, 39.851813023596023,
-    41.523584144387264, 46.008072429817098, 49.647884975691284,
-    52.784847459347759, 54.294626625518887, 63.228644431972903,
-    69.726924033194564, 74.015904215742552, 86.164937892726826,
-    100.73311845118887, 112.18515642738907, 135.19609351797098,
-    176.61381022152227, 242.73583361720463, 308.26543522152377,
-    513.52205453065437, 0.0, 0.064681645397600726, 0.097055786527166205,
-    0.11671616479466058, 0.14904699771147067, 0.1812546389613125,
-    0.20555172420798953, 0.2183799557562153, 0.24037810467237944,
-    0.25036231174093732, 0.26632542829596018, 0.2738878158208915,
-    0.28695869973365634, 0.30912145801504926, 0.32069346660692333,
-    0.32716841268857905, 0.33921112396795472, 0.35411605334840923,
-    0.36992181322350265, 0.37555978900730691, 0.39245722745804307,
-    0.40098714822474785, 0.40795369226674527, 0.4172218451215533,
-    0.42679459853118645, 0.45012838868569222, 0.46395657933185602,
-    0.47588120991692906, 0.4859429317025537, 0.5012486174834101,
-    0.51554915854539141, 0.52673766504363306, 0.54037167562839805,
-    0.55386824464727247, 0.56986151348392444, 0.58441413430603695,
-    0.59504137541093982, 0.60183139418849574, 0.6097548033252651,
-    0.61636145539533693, 0.63729376685379835, 0.65492235590733228,
-    0.66704610998785618, 0.700953708734812, 0.7190525585629578,
-    0.73579423752153761, 0.74901914818208437, 0.7639095729012253,
-    0.78507593810209142, 0.7991677445398635, 0.82057225160808045,
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-    0.95142142918059724, 0.969384366562271, 0.99218758210384461,
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-    1.0486654108510693, 1.0641141875260127, 1.0835468393653898,
-    1.1071616076049358, 1.1168131966461825, 1.1456586118817482,
-    1.1644419001186364, 1.1774811339270124, 1.2092190407790164,
-    1.2384799339065578, 1.2616903228237686, 1.2889294434698533,
-    1.3164843722957189, 1.3568929832436432, 1.3789685995582368,
-    1.4016262455149839, 1.4303108283460788, 1.4487819999160492,
-    1.48021838699676, 1.5050773691689014, 1.5354136497221011,
-    1.5761026989532505, 1.5976227134137739, 1.6180255352377244,
-    1.6461488070064747, 1.6754933786486672, 1.7043391941827599,
-    1.7436653784542346, 1.7574238222395258, 1.8083751761401707,
-    1.8364695449180659, 1.8853960408395598, 1.9209489973470637,
-    1.9614779158767812, 1.9837030977196592, 2.0254456515521015,
-    2.06356755784513, 2.1061669436995003, 2.1608319242443135,
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-    2.4108423085380779, 2.4436348968031414, 2.5031234860019178,
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-    2.6997266593235456, 2.7317169496478648, 2.8033821298933836,
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-    3.4779532042245807, 3.4955043576213232, 3.5757478436815138,
-    3.6322878543855621, 3.7796644436769657, 3.8151756075230678,
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-    4.1958722575439298, 4.2681132445184655, 4.3694161532010058,
-    4.4793716338291727, 4.5714087303580433, 4.6493194432085412,
-    4.7141095620043281, 4.8655065654352976, 4.9733934483219935,
-    5.038859603913723, 5.1120453856118537, 5.2240263349175526,
-    5.326857227285414, 5.4452851717228903, 5.6191948437507619,
-    5.8251247312267305, 6.0364763774143135, 6.1085463321063269,
-    6.2898990925768432, 6.4181400947195311, 6.6210137015645536,
-    6.7263257016206106, 6.8855750366072552, 7.1232383189565454,
-    7.4007790575336729, 7.5183445501556623, 7.6542486054829189,
-    7.7796080000079355, 8.0776151677243515, 8.4160158721268967,
-    8.6283072431350387, 9.0099513745919317, 9.1985032179916839,
-    9.3715895144040058, 9.689097239085406, 9.9747151298520151,
-    10.162420972781135, 10.525043005039576, 10.9348593423718,
-    11.220406152599313, 11.472292936429914, 12.331513581808927,
-    12.99141401636353, 13.792445320126436, 14.159631387529567,
-    14.898875104642451, 15.391013071702499, 16.58446392489617,
-    17.397044111420918, 18.246693100142146, 19.539678557308235,
-    21.894007859929044, 23.769625964542684, 25.674579790101415,
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-    35.817076665002631, 42.110340471763912, 48.790270781601912,
-    54.046938187573666, 67.878422664921544, 86.808719614124982,
-    106.08957126365338, 212.6174296424627, 530.67951165916725, 0.0,
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-    0.11022140255760769, 0.12682667647071302, 0.1310312002419774,
-    0.14174741060946225, 0.15012768070557803, 0.16322364512908868,
-    0.18204188144428807, 0.1932509011687073, 0.20736566877237284,
-    0.21677471984321531, 0.22208330716146871, 0.2368478044903545,
-    0.24800109075566285, 0.26042292583219756, 0.27071259593706476,
-    0.28654565496167866, 0.29337837365624814, 0.30198842285047178,
-    0.30844586201328328, 0.3149470593102916, 0.32463921048140526,
-    0.33612661364720992, 0.34538798562234241, 0.35362965043869748,
-    0.36471294151406786, 0.37175950729075813, 0.38160665904037616,
-    0.38574106898579719, 0.39688874219887516, 0.40205350235521997,
-    0.41084581512509888, 0.4190808913198204, 0.43544148967863316,
-    0.44346612867974777, 0.45227198826541537, 0.46661118452309958,
-    0.47567354802653689, 0.49123378069289259, 0.5026379690695526,
-    0.51145199410264641, 0.5230420844440421, 0.53633757129515192,
-    0.55323199501557874, 0.5709327471747897, 0.57668332951826085,
-    0.58661731761735014, 0.60316797340939221, 0.61231767919746716,
-    0.62173743546202065, 0.63367739150206992, 0.64417081791316222,
-    0.650588306867667, 0.66136245644028779, 0.67194367164364066,
-    0.68483211499577568, 0.69390170098605697, 0.70978541298372555,
-    0.71733880725642318, 0.72982716816440152, 0.744382107200665,
-    0.75464756880526096, 0.76971757975591903, 0.79092500924780884,
-    0.80139259706827826, 0.82007493231551376, 0.83636749901593976,
-    0.85607123696181142, 0.87178377197180712, 0.89028508898771552,
-    0.90709689710063435, 0.92105845964996935, 0.94062127053830347,
-    0.95072473335636265, 0.96303055939494286, 0.97648251804695785,
-    0.99369926534400232, 1.0090186828881174, 1.0418114909215104,
-    1.0698515568115963, 1.0781642613654208, 1.0953662056922651,
-    1.1107307176100356, 1.1257267330935268, 1.1471842785819382,
-    1.1676817560236403, 1.1877943080225843, 1.216398240925453,
-    1.2316053787491037, 1.2474229964718553, 1.269525880355836,
-    1.3019912398706039, 1.3277002379637455, 1.3443466595361551,
-    1.3685810866232899, 1.3984804559046911, 1.4355750324517496,
-    1.460852572211057, 1.4948996531027956, 1.5268570238239529,
-    1.5522940777876273, 1.5719325888893447, 1.6024193084645637,
-    1.633598364214381, 1.6528693309141695, 1.6741744069714672,
-    1.7003470022341649, 1.735298179037982, 1.7582063751832995,
-    1.7909792627750754, 1.8300707159778025, 1.8684354743589122,
-    1.9062901732716007, 1.9304116745252333, 1.9651822643793164,
-    2.0028643201051111, 2.0355079559039346, 2.0677432834609206,
-    2.0974741272119317, 2.1477636951029404, 2.1758324097429544,
-    2.2038264839493977, 2.2387897181326624, 2.2799150775007226,
-    2.3116834558621813, 2.3770756042717061, 2.4423912978053499,
-    2.5043639857858704, 2.6183935138202945, 2.6651645510870448,
-    2.6996454559378718, 2.7642312413471197, 2.8501819058526374,
-    2.8874618455541339, 2.9299786710240685, 2.9902882140860028,
-    3.0106036707675705, 3.0721304018549587, 3.1161855866638852,
-    3.2369909410932256, 3.2937695851357418, 3.3415607515486019,
-    3.4135640311960804, 3.4863864701809169, 3.5495511431068625,
-    3.6258591972624328, 3.6947502192132147, 3.7950739251414829,
-    3.8952813228916106, 4.0427476635565807, 4.0982562136044365,
-    4.2381714903602026, 4.325585224629334, 4.460333473236096,
-    4.5891338691369086, 4.6893335143109196, 4.7853618220189347,
-    4.8500011901031046, 4.9499390325888388, 5.0651986930646391,
-    5.1906420764523, 5.3052661921332698, 5.3795959386387144, 5.4884702877024898,
-    5.6251182444238585, 5.736009877510825, 5.8235819678819309,
-    6.0452731168242577, 6.1535182776969091, 6.4223906871159802,
-    6.7828263511308, 6.9787759843247965, 7.2868999104783532, 7.604505778440271,
-    7.9090260134516059, 8.4851413606010251, 8.6965137695221202,
-    9.0770837937907398, 9.3896211096143869, 9.7704946596107849,
-    10.142102955347768, 10.870897424798827, 11.627557560059024,
-    12.487371659037647, 13.393741745878474, 14.080823719400907,
-    15.608105497185557, 16.823724341129342, 18.261126223618554,
-    19.636996869210478, 20.562702661180669, 21.601610993499339,
-    23.839730158552172, 27.477708564377878, 33.318576554469637,
-    49.103081020159834, 73.345872444192949, 106.52935418648646, 0.0,
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-    0.087959980883483738, 0.10194236904560904, 0.11008607182951631,
-    0.11465366805246813, 0.12715531070407432, 0.13166809405389251,
-    0.13847247629313228, 0.14384864573811881, 0.15002396002358567,
-    0.15562720051884482, 0.16116827009383153, 0.16632968738513401,
-    0.17136648014616976, 0.17900086203665841, 0.18694008640938087,
-    0.19702916534694626, 0.20392975208968295, 0.21361422240935368,
-    0.22042948071555513, 0.23063300033673573, 0.23966278802965957,
-    0.24711447349179011, 0.25303301261186184, 0.25579240638304279,
-    0.26267170853506805, 0.26750482270286108, 0.27493473053623635,
-    0.28258910182162267, 0.28822901265050227, 0.29608647684984479,
-    0.30214524820456018, 0.30864368126348923, 0.31508865166237593,
-    0.32124032165523375, 0.33011261444903611, 0.33703483646960708,
-    0.34733723809596734, 0.35691769635678916, 0.36690708933320493,
-    0.37128928317734283, 0.37755689980492391, 0.38701609409764459,
-    0.39302164725609023, 0.40331084641477311, 0.41072208837025759,
-    0.41852937501544424, 0.42932124920083142, 0.43324849767497853,
-    0.43993900664314145, 0.44761176101936301, 0.45202419082248341,
-    0.45529173163984443, 0.46653702581395917, 0.47399725820611593,
-    0.48198881472501576, 0.48708257057534343, 0.49302150180651805,
-    0.49978383605626248, 0.51339894682816312, 0.52160424774706593,
-    0.52748289873084886, 0.53676595811893124, 0.5455171486636371,
-    0.5534396873141485, 0.56241263737675429, 0.56973323223537264,
-    0.57574914723880954, 0.58234713319994302, 0.59066240355655708,
-    0.60510984788748057, 0.61807462013879144, 0.62637623226295402,
-    0.63542696189453973, 0.64701799464926024, 0.65882045306679504,
-    0.67141179273787532, 0.67909380683392095, 0.68707873750652504,
-    0.69640315687854726, 0.70807547488547196, 0.71771853550219356,
-    0.73309718820363279, 0.74214506352540133, 0.75177033126786774,
-    0.76943956404912883, 0.79020165814710741, 0.80781062970338047,
-    0.81634889994531135, 0.82618810526895436, 0.84005098189915028,
-    0.86666756102772669, 0.87735918829690207, 0.88554074010562978,
-    0.90240999323032145, 0.91632635431957332, 0.92982256792581119,
-    0.93859572806129865, 0.95740797855505955, 0.97317410516930258,
-    0.98783906755984918, 1.0108980555570175, 1.0284511401075709,
-    1.0482594431498151, 1.0611613677510832, 1.0784870131371229,
-    1.0919180174352818, 1.1135514694962279, 1.125494491992268,
-    1.1410712650872479, 1.1674352256776539, 1.184785119317356,
-    1.2096294450605212, 1.2323778220867625, 1.2549931419768594,
-    1.2806924911813222, 1.3081961580241186, 1.3320238796794894,
-    1.3534172327636966, 1.3807267144923916, 1.4001500408447822,
-    1.4316269135391197, 1.449518126496226, 1.4807942237706289, 1.4996141554775,
-    1.51697171202322, 1.5501818193618728, 1.5774423949301954,
-    1.6090796134626164, 1.6337740770081619, 1.6692908417512815,
-    1.6961331386742853, 1.7261310689460392, 1.7616614368687207,
-    1.7805522635031978, 1.8048113834777242, 1.8629871128198423,
-    1.9197945215709944, 1.9552472287743048, 2.006402075733154,
-    2.0427474979249962, 2.074496897491799, 2.1328916089262004,
-    2.1753943657622523, 2.2401831220855666, 2.270693018282933,
-    2.3105641384054061, 2.3945586906581622, 2.4399768881846882,
-    2.5000049081492532, 2.5621934580643706, 2.6392295124107816,
-    2.7208587148102463, 2.8097139724064282, 2.8701110813681128,
-    2.9862082469647095, 3.0488516638446339, 3.1242308091436368,
-    3.243153466201278, 3.3051260648856364, 3.4863819457159302,
-    3.5505875681994588, 3.7448427188152658, 3.8463429990501901,
-    3.9838928478843263, 4.1238239879386667, 4.2490672817706532,
-    4.3599387844761468, 4.473253957654526, 4.6690383558822228,
-    4.8383638550300123, 5.0032896939841258, 5.1925150031279994,
-    5.4083749056768973, 5.8187938054935762, 6.1416785529469493,
-    6.5966499906173439, 6.9452175432435155, 7.3694350201120091,
-    7.6611410187916773, 8.1962221951718313, 8.3985520655394108,
-    8.954871482916916, 9.5555811691967367, 10.075581787179221,
-    10.666984624254228, 11.269430893231096, 12.244383827267271,
-    13.43327333120301, 15.035950482663642, 16.932372656888262,
-    19.087843838164819, 21.876507647307918, 24.329735267714369,
-    32.551612521357441, 42.817333269075768, 80.868741705532841,
-    263.02173214876871, 0.0, 0.039467746129120185, 0.051824916097853023,
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-    0.085618493830758285, 0.093725626920029337, 0.10393841275774901,
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-    0.17193496653825602, 0.18370817507532361, 0.19347902698219727,
-    0.20136482066552064, 0.20583838921300673, 0.21305461768025999,
-    0.22181194102152516, 0.22504305621818932, 0.23406898010225857,
-    0.2398853548764919, 0.24436856459787337, 0.25265341913397688,
-    0.26007714837241541, 0.26691829493661323, 0.26931297477030441,
-    0.27726914154785853, 0.28210711764692858, 0.2859614857691346,
-    0.29125186385881313, 0.29881267745856349, 0.30375673974281647,
-    0.30854811947856214, 0.31656603656425492, 0.32546607312581727,
-    0.33113501361486541, 0.33582693482769788, 0.34276150289703894,
-    0.35127805306418919, 0.35845367388296762, 0.36558831277905995,
-    0.36979924962746219, 0.37578338456878752, 0.38327703665171509,
-    0.38743278300825934, 0.3933947408991858, 0.40090502054506943,
-    0.41078320064762447, 0.41434452765896151, 0.42079409894287106,
-    0.4255673661624485, 0.43408043802357538, 0.43842453852669183,
-    0.44479957009297705, 0.44911932255159215, 0.46075892982346434,
-    0.47136693037959077, 0.47672759686825411, 0.48530543752076094,
-    0.49072973814548543, 0.49757125712438277, 0.50205891056941676,
-    0.50989707552295971, 0.52048634390291548, 0.52487724594117247,
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-    0.55199308212187415, 0.56177797788147832, 0.57397840735843453,
-    0.58305121749436828, 0.58875829816518199, 0.60014475586825022,
-    0.61146976460798996, 0.62147757074967558, 0.62937535472116102,
-    0.63521150679693283, 0.6443683639844624, 0.65570350537151256,
-    0.66248422346281488, 0.67431167007929649, 0.68081103970994383,
-    0.70070897539479826, 0.70949394177954128, 0.72368744374810079,
-    0.73324494948980001, 0.74442385396599853, 0.75726956491948028,
-    0.76814002853040864, 0.78549563545170853, 0.79690455102462399,
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-    0.94662179325634455, 0.95246146300701406, 0.96865365604621834,
-    0.98601045426396106, 1.004370843669373, 1.0278846153106977,
-    1.044847701668429, 1.0629345673978381, 1.0786014914723667,
-    1.0929756602733387, 1.1261078972699916, 1.1512164532678049,
-    1.1694773456967209, 1.2047879047450252, 1.2191337268903064,
-    1.2371236242769537, 1.2604030750182345, 1.2728991082384753,
-    1.3021733465601504, 1.3366400801240468, 1.3669786453201016,
-    1.3893263316106292, 1.4142311210562548, 1.4371089884829913,
-    1.4735470017754577, 1.520014037615578, 1.5362080843085604,
-    1.57308131482694, 1.6005512179859467, 1.6311466151664402,
-    1.6766677965478609, 1.702427114649556, 1.7358113192351368,
-    1.7589620076466705, 1.8122197381889422, 1.8371172353927989,
-    1.8839698049061866, 1.9368978033833055, 1.9859165193893249,
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-    2.137008395650732, 2.2105679265040039, 2.2912315391120952,
-    2.3171846492564172, 2.3789143587376254, 2.4392413643504884,
-    2.4804720034966028, 2.5405224136745002, 2.5964604917467198,
-    2.6705999263123781, 2.7251943964162413, 2.772341712266535,
-    2.8651026212603763, 2.9882335264110305, 3.0505642000004207,
-    3.1879882564475781, 3.2713189106502325, 3.3340572644275901,
-    3.3973177283139346, 3.5111941452660176, 3.6432762400676104,
-    3.7893397930271497, 3.8962740628195554, 4.0871617267378353,
-    4.2202691837388713, 4.3774443034324424, 4.4936111350115695,
-    4.7506236842341369, 5.0112340217497193, 5.3496875229084306,
-    5.5766544089000956, 5.8287954513602722, 6.3423620558230542,
-    6.7899919751160516, 7.1981726869941802, 7.7399452080885132,
-    8.3342259680123636, 9.1990412068218603, 9.6467855088846335,
-    10.137584353746163, 10.89364428926409, 11.552396435112094,
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-    39.069463698724505, 53.341542218906731, 131.24704840076191, 0.0,
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-    0.058447068850037934, 0.068821794240992967, 0.076446506641690143,
-    0.083331576500669718, 0.090983634325567123, 0.097188602723129819,
-    0.1088593709111567, 0.11459623029540639, 0.11844837313630252,
-    0.12384168852201749, 0.12684488135204505, 0.13447015956640213,
-    0.1391542676007054, 0.14625472031000056, 0.15200345906187301,
-    0.15688159917859762, 0.16356525869840099, 0.16595293381775883,
-    0.17208869146003852, 0.17708137414161021, 0.18245018966878032,
-    0.18979132041734897, 0.19637969400495253, 0.2032346071402627,
-    0.20694798677484283, 0.21265331651833888, 0.21882977443215981,
-    0.22494202116978182, 0.23178859272489064, 0.23787915511551139,
-    0.24313950482755242, 0.24682307808790133, 0.24943612844036106,
-    0.25577269021993287, 0.26291464226288852, 0.26970943169082667,
-    0.2725648028979728, 0.28144606977956577, 0.28556551666434349,
-    0.29091966470999592, 0.29709027671048366, 0.30175232279695008,
-    0.30845384710365537, 0.31297498910818361, 0.3160194068150165,
-    0.31918148875981589, 0.32331388150265972, 0.32927405147803945,
-    0.33377069470184595, 0.33894412800963025, 0.34522709990281475,
-    0.35123488575457434, 0.3558821207267826, 0.36144785378066896,
-    0.37019315147158249, 0.37724004091309249, 0.3829924502040804,
-    0.38790812361879717, 0.39588105871510798, 0.40044226663641691,
-    0.40836868589232361, 0.41402643554261809, 0.41875667916369519,
-    0.42450774070868258, 0.43229589405318924, 0.43734997488844168,
-    0.44538394823457816, 0.45353980762093016, 0.45851077590488476,
-    0.46383676125545098, 0.47059046215711398, 0.4762006151939136,
-    0.48431439285713834, 0.49389826855702679, 0.49974442650636974,
-    0.50732118012468475, 0.51342129390440416, 0.52297582923711328,
-    0.53288748131056163, 0.54544803680941312, 0.55056947454571459,
-    0.5630440930673537, 0.57647988095569747, 0.58254891183837865,
-    0.59122845087621589, 0.5957914205706567, 0.60314265091258978,
-    0.61908921631667679, 0.62247554745711642, 0.63329981498300048,
-    0.64301069689433055, 0.64989657369654952, 0.65888445152749431,
-    0.66647227612873217, 0.67668838768171136, 0.68893091987254185,
-    0.7025879217168467, 0.71826561462270089, 0.72771455488965531,
-    0.7391009553915564, 0.75223783989741744, 0.76166485140694018,
-    0.77084000065236591, 0.79065365493321382, 0.804383247442233,
-    0.81683812596185346, 0.82843493554640024, 0.84246759604107702,
-    0.86350701623054671, 0.88180313041705505, 0.90376335449490075,
-    0.91286915972557914, 0.92036986380455399, 0.9291438387362384,
-    0.95352040422537032, 0.96809418471522612, 0.9828969762772849,
-    0.99701637984191405, 1.0053920653287929, 1.0224322964595809,
-    1.0436497009914834, 1.0616070630675405, 1.0802764748267883,
-    1.0951850173844457, 1.1193411761447549, 1.1379681972224709,
-    1.1599468248342446, 1.1886340506700033, 1.2148385191461482,
-    1.2481418152125123, 1.2792573174668869, 1.3154615262708993,
-    1.342394558445551, 1.3629899838283757, 1.3761143300434635,
-    1.4093858037430134, 1.4522804850005502, 1.4748979300612479,
-    1.5306210379322103, 1.5495843761095305, 1.584244002737959,
-    1.6126131532613874, 1.6604506166505426, 1.6921120149154147,
-    1.7126738210319639, 1.7396125064233854, 1.785135464734434,
-    1.824889085813346, 1.8829431177071814, 1.9343935926685978,
-    1.9916768565010168, 2.0267961688503453, 2.0766377474824029,
-    2.1330899777256795, 2.1848037174415449, 2.2801579583808342,
-    2.3579957571857286, 2.4501358388830012, 2.5153457412512981,
-    2.582374390832427, 2.633575300083673, 2.7077686567647499,
-    2.7684316125814457, 2.8476458237947857, 2.9627792222491238,
-    3.0403520366260612, 3.1093550063736379, 3.2559496906005565,
-    3.384456584459806, 3.5451252896822063, 3.658802669941331,
-    3.8535789702629515, 4.1036627374662622, 4.3847833011124493,
-    4.5324017993862, 4.6567473442819232, 4.8795997539612124,
-    5.0351805245400989, 5.4071167044869721, 5.8112812324471728,
-    6.387968909517352, 6.6133968886491754, 6.9446864587547097,
-    7.5543017399007653, 8.3092309621502434, 8.9855329925540648,
-    9.7607248945108189, 10.562225389927731, 11.547524333694614,
-    13.042152628954279, 15.066816239535164, 16.843645091885804,
-    22.29298319668764, 27.78918358142127, 36.15482791135674,
-    48.467620573432804, 150.75527930067238, 0.0, 0.030475436329936944,
-    0.041455577211803325, 0.050587167936695224, 0.058798726126600857,
-    0.065119327951945208, 0.073499955494061478, 0.07885113088345877,
-    0.085143786389228412, 0.08965572615115161, 0.094178377769283547,
-    0.098501280404947864, 0.1030958981377707, 0.10869385918561442,
-    0.11297670615452211, 0.11689141102215121, 0.1214840331703515,
-    0.12584718500031158, 0.12987214864837779, 0.13468557220683824,
-    0.13924503288786391, 0.14386351348014154, 0.1493340912759876,
-    0.15399302445531154, 0.15891197422219733, 0.16342430790220985,
-    0.16862541478716603, 0.17284449028563825, 0.17822842307181602,
-    0.1820267480405092, 0.18688153961477047, 0.1927267317388851,
-    0.1970428163553993, 0.20121205502603673, 0.20565232504914904,
-    0.20898176045815323, 0.21456701344386478, 0.2193381728343505,
-    0.2241310071800133, 0.22817700334024027, 0.23233337863145165,
-    0.23720906624202601, 0.24191353394033271, 0.24708942468474382,
-    0.25285280260759901, 0.25671572324736464, 0.26213421506917656,
-    0.26638683139162828, 0.27152578772723279, 0.2762872026065426,
-    0.28128390667450365, 0.28593911283892171, 0.29087431204884701,
-    0.29557087416205607, 0.30019592182315891, 0.30513806758216755,
-    0.31016793114986319, 0.31616724797260032, 0.32041768091414635,
-    0.32514136402938837, 0.330175514469844, 0.33510934856577768,
-    0.34052636062698755, 0.34595494789256998, 0.35149217534601079,
-    0.35744012588115681, 0.36163975663483183, 0.36600266939188625,
-    0.3715301308425546, 0.37731624495426341, 0.38179171447482013,
-    0.38695470344853578, 0.39172315899130233, 0.39614948723382537,
-    0.3998385857290081, 0.40528704514340191, 0.4113906789211898,
-    0.41723754661044737, 0.42330595508586388, 0.4298295205380972,
-    0.43639003733749093, 0.44294781550179985, 0.45031606698625348,
-    0.45589276061599149, 0.4637504954853186, 0.46972702984856168,
-    0.47691662036234045, 0.48515870923762039, 0.49260277947704278,
-    0.50180009274783677, 0.50899844136237671, 0.51521773387918002,
-    0.52259062361544673, 0.53071416140395877, 0.53996499482812654,
-    0.54675197629336969, 0.55561683421554353, 0.56353596314369636,
-    0.57266468438633022, 0.57882534017246046, 0.5879193586669369,
-    0.59795376910115772, 0.60910017566901453, 0.62152501089463474,
-    0.62899125612273621, 0.63944993844645304, 0.65079039292032037,
-    0.65990599756610113, 0.67267050134312967, 0.6811396504155568,
-    0.69102170908780658, 0.70572381661063954, 0.71917690416970415,
-    0.73053302980642632, 0.74479922749569372, 0.75660131757288107,
-    0.76966460911714163, 0.78382775044111574, 0.79890547769142994,
-    0.81316878697223616, 0.82632592595142507, 0.84038976545168742,
-    0.85889454588180414, 0.87584528603730916, 0.88938215721139913,
-    0.90647622547342221, 0.92517109894543503, 0.9420929353690477,
-    0.95887351889851813, 0.97485760015251421, 0.99539728475785438,
-    1.0168269490191464, 1.0321969253945085, 1.0509239949366704,
-    1.0749039195763974, 1.0954893550189169, 1.1204402411184233,
-    1.1460855159498731, 1.1725936611440071, 1.1991674830298438,
-    1.223355141542398, 1.2503166821062022, 1.2755553790294463,
-    1.2974083183962621, 1.3271479307498393, 1.3598997679834393,
-    1.3966740129081683, 1.4270275926175096, 1.4608948615990871,
-    1.4952195611664525, 1.5313585561683203, 1.5640142535985393,
-    1.5994377044435546, 1.638305110435522, 1.6786361340413112,
-    1.7240031947949774, 1.7621335157109532, 1.8101134128648371,
-    1.8620922391744734, 1.9224643921259204, 1.9710346661166867,
-    2.0344533242374103, 2.0831877260508893, 2.1372551671286524,
-    2.2034358794278646, 2.2716335521446531, 2.3429160177345003,
-    2.4104357266981919, 2.480935437184201, 2.5343673042490624,
-    2.6084557648811311, 2.7199516996724253, 2.8338987909810287,
-    2.9216428190030639, 3.0360484810989852, 3.1500945673097052,
-    3.270619104044989, 3.4227068074159761, 3.5665311638055055,
-    3.7247617410661675, 3.925297648069769, 4.1375118576391934,
-    4.3398004727933692, 4.5346219219569655, 4.7447780176553112,
-    5.0148304110646036, 5.3334608060172872, 5.7276260586600891,
-    6.1890543526613122, 6.6801902478700868, 7.2800631153055209,
-    7.8835838788384223, 8.6803326930194569, 9.7122609465184322,
-    10.941190698085899, 12.542472669018284, 14.627074477598748,
-    17.832826769519468, 22.898509435438054, 33.157382047966806,
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-    0.047933728659069468, 0.054523381031400885, 0.06011329230279238,
-    0.065188383675028702, 0.071626919796562605, 0.077168570402807349,
-    0.083037174267918165, 0.08755686111436492, 0.092118428080118928,
-    0.096425123862060327, 0.10043552253883403, 0.10554902051980319,
-    0.11009718665642487, 0.11326275217950955, 0.11698509676168573,
-    0.12080022735318345, 0.12517509152109374, 0.13013769328680053,
-    0.13345882034603812, 0.13747142162715098, 0.14150064959740938,
-    0.14442943761896229, 0.14941148229826645, 0.15440519818373027,
-    0.15783715568801643, 0.16265630037450993, 0.16672946241207018,
-    0.17011132508732738, 0.17420920933779047, 0.1787571250538082,
-    0.18406358630263245, 0.18924049544452431, 0.19306320330392984,
-    0.19641759705419837, 0.20044589719386452, 0.20365259207914921,
-    0.20746114210240005, 0.21178663359554398, 0.21561802968012542,
-    0.2201648522340745, 0.22394901627082189, 0.22890960512700576,
-    0.23288763477408511, 0.23799769247855981, 0.24277846906856382,
-    0.24620220114345401, 0.25085581063453694, 0.2547852657654528,
-    0.2584622001605798, 0.26226644168550362, 0.26587748056735006,
-    0.27001206297540875, 0.27333957150348165, 0.27844160533530171,
-    0.28262027978412785, 0.28651353733567758, 0.29232034746442948,
-    0.29580376680146625, 0.29935090999568476, 0.30309728324775276,
-    0.30715090410428514, 0.31201121511000857, 0.31571249520502215,
-    0.31981978170465836, 0.32351704294037775, 0.32816906538652812,
-    0.33260532162929424, 0.3375253795185012, 0.34227658789873155,
-    0.34672628630214691, 0.35173264439552276, 0.35642244422141933,
-    0.36316985109331051, 0.36811409230691677, 0.3739818336331292,
-    0.37900422010827939, 0.38371686137179334, 0.38830090222693142,
-    0.39314672036266179, 0.39750505605076314, 0.40399586297398238,
-    0.40779084214158268, 0.41471724442253388, 0.419908928474307,
-    0.42527068506941523, 0.43082110702825382, 0.43546343483577804,
-    0.44058928875209435, 0.4501165160939869, 0.455800248584872,
-    0.46250910353077601, 0.4679792550227716, 0.4771052601340332,
-    0.48317268060065444, 0.49024307149325064, 0.49795121259530739,
-    0.50489713934710001, 0.51144292478572784, 0.52042454216218859,
-    0.52715808936571795, 0.53458634795400084, 0.54336964463015824,
-    0.55167313602281232, 0.55895482076372938, 0.56755092529864581,
-    0.5767512365389893, 0.58757892054706506, 0.59812779085356993,
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-    0.63464413788738838, 0.64205470333131864, 0.64919687404877857,
-    0.66358361675173039, 0.67457487585108067, 0.68565375079097346,
-    0.69515353663280854, 0.70835712049313537, 0.71637388222414811,
-    0.72810587108889246, 0.74259519148707775, 0.75505940962506923,
-    0.76533718705099252, 0.77978770960457156, 0.79277034764412091,
-    0.81042776509929326, 0.8252185957527518, 0.84081567710998861,
-    0.85591239426333621, 0.87366392436831841, 0.8906804437761574,
-    0.90431935636817162, 0.92374870367862294, 0.9403922748286605,
-    0.96024005012655089, 0.9834409532310171, 1.0063612444728725,
-    1.0237103083075751, 1.0406894015881631, 1.0646614938416241,
-    1.0953872473777502, 1.1182073342474079, 1.1431128152282664,
-    1.1700990970833274, 1.1937825903128636, 1.2194906544605457,
-    1.2510699786546229, 1.2724440268105714, 1.3012328136568787,
-    1.3306077291828782, 1.3661125359622348, 1.4057121542663247,
-    1.438874003521625, 1.4852719546886077, 1.53160091645302,
-    1.5835611112903651, 1.6195792978908965, 1.6633225682365109,
-    1.7092772469624007, 1.7547058942561764, 1.7983361923251511,
-    1.8554877739779563, 1.9046272406631959, 1.9419569456472263,
-    2.007485115392952, 2.0766613504192311, 2.1363921756522712,
-    2.2042343314393218, 2.2881456308297792, 2.3461181458892382,
-    2.4247974852833076, 2.5226066296330565, 2.6287822381475663,
-    2.7093614689581362, 2.8121552403853838, 2.9431246632384611,
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-    4.9434439507675787, 5.3520609425930763, 5.8616989500167476,
-    6.4670935400506355, 7.1530922193648818, 7.7821104509969494,
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-    0.081760044924091488, 0.084762821011376818, 0.089159093597265968,
-    0.094139760178390847, 0.097396291127248735, 0.10077623786944703,
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-    0.11454249675077989, 0.11920949455998719, 0.12303922825017929,
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-    0.13791508807970299, 0.14051821878738302, 0.14390700642876164,
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-    0.18178605513225987, 0.18596570995349604, 0.19037643524106021,
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-    0.21798145949842526, 0.22269174316657275, 0.22805839010378598,
-    0.23142809067166253, 0.23544682877794354, 0.23918263561370051,
-    0.24332300301909804, 0.24826906410872435, 0.25329675001124591,
-    0.25742137093006096, 0.26143472523908162, 0.26537197580924371,
-    0.26880822609496718, 0.27325053108693759, 0.27801599017393808,
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-    0.29469614849601827, 0.29819033120752614, 0.30227519353061394,
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-    0.10517988601597632, 0.10903765629410936, 0.11233875871599709,
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-    0.15493735233574032, 0.157933736355726, 0.16144421044205534,
-    0.16496481804605914, 0.16826466934931564, 0.17176157430765859,
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-    0.95692109407032377, 0.97963547072788137, 1.0004217317748421,
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-    1.183650543141433, 1.2145616634515819, 1.2433817141554775,
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-    1.4970878314012157, 1.544365849864396, 1.5852559389906491,
-    1.6289127182967043, 1.6763419507458905, 1.7346054874616406,
-    1.7874905505861236, 1.8348302383376642, 1.8883747008525986,
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-    0.069075624012220505, 0.073207759498264968, 0.075280554146869794,
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-    0.088903479078186923, 0.09243845286973873, 0.094364478720997277,
-    0.096709129954935052, 0.099600772001187554, 0.10194958435962591,
-    0.10513809510421018, 0.10794208190913103, 0.11150222159681712,
-    0.1142579134971833, 0.11634657875634755, 0.11969047101715455,
-    0.12161519787344191, 0.12385053356930883, 0.12634084519901401,
-    0.1291305476386892, 0.13156417910210463, 0.13417493406967573,
-    0.13679964962661262, 0.13945990964839527, 0.14181342525248586,
-    0.14549282281256487, 0.14783340369717113, 0.14958856732057474,
-    0.15255382916645896, 0.15544319048994837, 0.1591542931569995,
-    0.16119409443564187, 0.16370574506975646, 0.16653288283113751,
-    0.16902699557221748, 0.1717260132509677, 0.17468466981937897,
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-    0.18636531857836564, 0.19016088025525124, 0.19209155599903649,
-    0.19565401433448046, 0.19789779372738567, 0.20022629670546713,
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-    0.23875228245044389, 0.24183177104791836, 0.2447595964898302,
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-    0.26013522490314944, 0.26367297455136646, 0.26617604776659792,
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-    0.28814332922843749, 0.29094277059610124, 0.2938064288488651,
-    0.2969815313602166, 0.30045527623320389, 0.30317724130982737,
-    0.30666702944803848, 0.30970778832795376, 0.31259577673706118,
-    0.31539427764199768, 0.31988050312274674, 0.32178656835758568,
-    0.32443980138047129, 0.3277688075192623, 0.33195003313090921,
-    0.33561880003007449, 0.33962945622215918, 0.34377428459224846,
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-    0.36187726953066712, 0.36506622168141156, 0.36986324059850173,
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-    0.3866300329330194, 0.39204361455678038, 0.3962317851808338,
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-    0.43313666513603649, 0.43739315237997622, 0.44219051331195619,
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-    0.77171882001476177, 0.79223386524767436, 0.80514904996463144,
-    0.83016666521645444, 0.85350687238710088, 0.87938142652533746,
-    0.90714316395586614, 0.94541747300904144, 0.96712639337790818,
-    1.0077289627906116, 1.0578436059764642, 1.0814656481052898,
-    1.1213085582112645, 1.1519192766424888, 1.2067063531674953,
-    1.2531782152469926, 1.3107295260357585, 1.3724083852801383,
-    1.4468184839518206, 1.5305694103262035, 1.6312349936217583,
-    1.756018052127331, 1.8367605970857828, 2.1866989616417953,
-    2.6254576951184867, 6.6659216112228403, 0.0, 0.022907607978118902,
-    0.029821550682582357, 0.041345273775706924, 0.047618453577416696,
-    0.050555949727830833, 0.051530800253982594, 0.054552378113468664,
-    0.057086940000512496, 0.060602812091659256, 0.062248198918549692,
-    0.064804482413347478, 0.068044804113331997, 0.068908259193016616,
-    0.071132441977344307, 0.072933767937089555, 0.074986799025957215,
-    0.077263304695632015, 0.077976304453341666, 0.080549007965029493,
-    0.082270832598215493, 0.085046708133008728, 0.087447299482588489,
-    0.088756661262206285, 0.089943943671740606, 0.091007938101520788,
-    0.094928097449594656, 0.099174513732067163, 0.10225836726704171,
-    0.10576989225044739, 0.10833249442743473, 0.11038664233579089,
-    0.11189318059686042, 0.11482544288738511, 0.11669347663279424,
-    0.11877928264418412, 0.12047520194953332, 0.12165567868304332,
-    0.12370102433239426, 0.12612018039059264, 0.12684700576746685,
-    0.12878646240712111, 0.13057121120289508, 0.13306734076172619,
-    0.13372880707703153, 0.13736038992044558, 0.13881715097710293,
-    0.14064884529964838, 0.14124573991521217, 0.14311942643715578,
-    0.14513581305673817, 0.14595784685930299, 0.14716393061676503,
-    0.14885367705639466, 0.15050993397888962, 0.15162964533831316,
-    0.15369975683678072, 0.15435469959388012, 0.15577759046058082,
-    0.15668226730841731, 0.1584071432356994, 0.16082946927662081,
-    0.16239265698907479, 0.16531349295331907, 0.16703861065645129,
-    0.16929110758385099, 0.17070372367338077, 0.17240081949003247,
-    0.17401929655089876, 0.17549939813262669, 0.17701318273239205,
-    0.17868149692193935, 0.18147990984218215, 0.18481043739856384,
-    0.18569720961339536, 0.18665041599964075, 0.18938007981684934,
-    0.19112692772630277, 0.19315708801010689, 0.19508059108287254,
-    0.19644468311306196, 0.19883785512746996, 0.1996477292940389,
-    0.20328799229092981, 0.20659034076463945, 0.20796810335371782,
-    0.20983542523783127, 0.2115840603792295, 0.21255804907160578,
-    0.21431203105213031, 0.21628777053004405, 0.21896636799431354,
-    0.21986294549536606, 0.22078232590253416, 0.22179327232323751,
-    0.22426607190724099, 0.22774633679825707, 0.22885586498217825,
-    0.23208931497029114, 0.23445635314933294, 0.23554916368095241,
-    0.23985598287746046, 0.24076111746584605, 0.24198970919459603,
-    0.24456695954672134, 0.24539417383496825, 0.24905154968712961,
-    0.25090707777222615, 0.25130106870142177, 0.25451533183987707,
-    0.25566996933756181, 0.25867328796775041, 0.26064956359600089,
-    0.26093120395291297, 0.26335008874127647, 0.26856790047127449,
-    0.27254893327198854, 0.27567782840817318, 0.28124267210164966,
-    0.28247854937130817, 0.28625114431857379, 0.29082925078376376,
-    0.29320605506152064, 0.29647487884551421, 0.29850592855711272,
-    0.30094246795171609, 0.30299611653537667, 0.30732808774918102,
-    0.30921735043703502, 0.31232747522186072, 0.31576319709815054,
-    0.31898849977118987, 0.32108644244395629, 0.32447138047106261,
-    0.3276024319651058, 0.33168278635557902, 0.33493496691600139,
-    0.33845815307623212, 0.34437679545267702, 0.34822020725155695,
-    0.35388817414966195, 0.35700939815500266, 0.36137972027986198,
-    0.36735725529631541, 0.37122673740911644, 0.37736118189762147,
-    0.38121463316019755, 0.38546836603235024, 0.38836897993416342,
-    0.39553820461710354, 0.40116462511742196, 0.40279764229171539,
-    0.40785429136994455, 0.4120631734290916, 0.41819001160031855,
-    0.4234655903840544, 0.43068989317940309, 0.4331178277657271,
-    0.43638042629268897, 0.44171464739442051, 0.44829733628879731,
-    0.45755514155993304, 0.46339964109942611, 0.47692651434693667,
-    0.48203233568420067, 0.49140553703676787, 0.50067617538535925,
-    0.50624500029535147, 0.509762509086366, 0.52599740110606863,
-    0.53670458159003154, 0.54068269935836055, 0.54513452026347542,
-    0.55442379727646218, 0.5804414969611561, 0.58740464650794555,
-    0.59797187392502571, 0.60955631740740246, 0.62001210363745418,
-    0.62794424312588415, 0.64232876391400828, 0.65803432767723335,
-    0.67702143179047414, 0.69561200182704575, 0.70599633378133608,
-    0.73591608002676656, 0.75513253846758877, 0.78397996641105416,
-    0.80710202421052646, 0.84525049120784146, 0.9052678157224523,
-    0.9490825408336746, 1.016326214794693, 1.0596533647480635,
-    1.1401329656445862, 1.2775775816110475, 1.3755053508861865,
-    1.4769805157017351, 1.6399119604908177, 2.1348657056627016,
-    3.1990537574230995, 0.0, 0.037229647806545842, 0.042899747607156292,
-    0.04852625796660219, 0.053427828682963238, 0.057846043814273482,
-    0.058789366804777823, 0.059894670960058481, 0.061806496819415593,
-    0.06288357937563871, 0.063705491238154652, 0.064624564349766864,
-    0.066539564546213181, 0.068117644205825445, 0.069689987448183402,
-    0.072973810118958204, 0.075029578028714114, 0.076090220871986247,
-    0.078275623933525537, 0.080159770792154389, 0.081406116039587209,
-    0.08164553964490695, 0.083593049530192948, 0.084590953870938804,
-    0.086465834117303964, 0.08822532572632788, 0.089186854619600464,
-    0.089886020317945056, 0.092572749202295607, 0.093694972932557227,
-    0.094937834404926119, 0.097040224291640623, 0.097667138521545876,
-    0.099969968038602502, 0.10417048484174087, 0.10780079213283225,
-    0.10889375095854625, 0.10903938989013479, 0.11128176917618536,
-    0.11257507660636565, 0.11326518811097527, 0.11352509387853861,
-    0.11567847555302868, 0.11768952386243653, 0.1204905958236033,
-    0.12232339630742434, 0.12313609921978132, 0.12415844929489957,
-    0.12496470498144355, 0.1256037537020967, 0.12639939557206845,
-    0.12838761114223329, 0.13077332351034465, 0.13313785622768695,
-    0.13467524077070694, 0.13767775043346175, 0.1395173441181872,
-    0.14023356529287612, 0.14136086842893428, 0.14571034508839201,
-    0.1469532644277852, 0.14759361899260168, 0.14842017101772531,
-    0.15242521256839886, 0.15426856023023913, 0.15672970714335024,
-    0.15841699106659399, 0.16004962219962768, 0.16049659367868152,
-    0.16157625338408105, 0.16342153321263841, 0.16532114637213219,
-    0.16564588513427789, 0.16769053519184424, 0.16854825098054121,
-    0.17028923250134065, 0.17081950396614154, 0.17342913449829525,
-    0.17419644038376433, 0.17653031453657719, 0.17786246650019316,
-    0.17958041035624855, 0.18003570826506662, 0.18432275493254124,
-    0.18459458761615619, 0.18561588691792064, 0.18819478610235629,
-    0.18893514209622653, 0.19095535469625224, 0.19170408021332064,
-    0.19567600800094345, 0.19999780259216959, 0.20284315225727748,
-    0.20373012583225134, 0.20456046242286197, 0.20898756476926456,
-    0.2100591678518928, 0.21318265146979337, 0.21479341720286452,
-    0.21493894958991802, 0.21552884148320978, 0.21678370295180605,
-    0.22005390213330656, 0.2208750353533499, 0.22231160974944153,
-    0.22547606652116448, 0.22883502427842192, 0.23247314084489223,
-    0.23365595384777041, 0.23970523046509304, 0.24138410146972589,
-    0.24522137341984301, 0.24570522451863233, 0.24780703706547635,
-    0.24933355507759977, 0.25284652657486378, 0.25514210353592087,
-    0.26026745358900111, 0.26128019347213516, 0.26202930456238355,
-    0.2653982496052657, 0.27065798701145305, 0.27463053229655843,
-    0.27595152381920862, 0.27800957551439981, 0.27890303616529488,
-    0.28289551881522107, 0.28379888321436764, 0.28474455516979619,
-    0.28548889806913502, 0.28851856129741399, 0.28925469033111689,
-    0.28955788894271245, 0.29350305977266933, 0.29609872122681807,
-    0.30241998726464192, 0.30382080452923382, 0.30448438898977698,
-    0.30631757913135704, 0.30916236790296231, 0.31205028913580696,
-    0.31313738153954629, 0.31539404590186959, 0.32210740953492534,
-    0.32318384166541836, 0.32403796494592974, 0.32464341580886236,
-    0.32818473413596672, 0.33067902264725552, 0.33203810229003639,
-    0.33962444057763569, 0.34073403626495863, 0.34374538688334105,
-    0.34554821131082758, 0.34684735903657665, 0.34836578284950859,
-    0.35197282198795432, 0.35911745218986346, 0.36040424548108152,
-    0.36271817789575339, 0.36453208838267026, 0.3722041874594319,
-    0.3850959970374066, 0.3967374853148608, 0.41083356110814401,
-    0.41558974094228335, 0.41984747597880934, 0.42851282447107242,
-    0.44033883814796876, 0.44769850108485965, 0.45485476695336086,
-    0.45517769344815051, 0.46988589941579539, 0.47336234940402983,
-    0.48228476100040185, 0.4963129125170842, 0.52496401740850696,
-    0.54174268466224507, 0.56778264213285756, 0.59947949441738635,
-    0.61618637620027639, 0.62469990851376267, 0.63559373655292239,
-    0.64028148402424645, 0.6417944978527288, 0.66120751834923108,
-    0.67230387905415456, 0.68549918126957876, 0.73574140945002686,
-    0.76189058824857092, 0.78177211477759978, 0.78478497130854397,
-    0.81183845339312055, 0.92595133931696894, 1.0420074377189543,
-    1.1184834461004387, 1.1868475850375335, 1.3795391514935433,
-    1.6690912806799729, 3.620579386400943, 4.4069707474488888, 0.0,
-    0.030864281125046841, 0.03669053240718801, 0.03669053240718801,
-    0.039541803469962257, 0.039755585819827695, 0.041911399040835309,
-    0.044531607387296508, 0.046731484997993428, 0.046731484997993428,
-    0.06192300563276, 0.06192300563276, 0.066085275241882221,
-    0.067880636244234044, 0.067880636244234044, 0.069612626096000677,
-    0.071396391336907949, 0.074309967475605268, 0.078162954961568054,
-    0.079768809149418779, 0.079768809149418779, 0.081322012057796628,
-    0.081579918597752932, 0.081965289512041781, 0.082670774423793988,
-    0.082670774423793988, 0.083676047986424987, 0.083826394915856112,
-    0.085375798643674658, 0.085510183074035503, 0.088324648985544513,
-    0.088324648985544513, 0.089066018619338688, 0.089523451445578398,
-    0.092390560807742189, 0.10166676719934153, 0.10195388252236594,
-    0.10195388252236594, 0.10528536390229394, 0.10679858905504509,
-    0.10764192688172415, 0.11227193635040114, 0.11227193635040114,
-    0.11244606922440568, 0.1136218868259553, 0.11451053199472827,
-    0.11659577642426923, 0.11691086289458787, 0.11691086289458787,
-    0.1173211686698568, 0.11960461186081611, 0.12046430069545827,
-    0.12256846680870316, 0.12256846680870316, 0.12280198926010166,
-    0.1257225389684917, 0.13059187471398534, 0.13073228193993355,
-    0.13136136021211561, 0.13136136021211561, 0.13233380712258788,
-    0.13614938779187713, 0.14007489771345971, 0.14560628646680376,
-    0.14560628646680376, 0.14756930951437783, 0.14916144609305121,
-    0.14922882591595366, 0.15191188357115223, 0.15579801420071124,
-    0.15610306654452089, 0.15610306654452089, 0.15875192987335729,
-    0.16047737283948593, 0.16705380313003848, 0.16705380313003848,
-    0.168016882808462, 0.17068350389171213, 0.17282355855710782,
-    0.17412526193089098, 0.17681813754652775, 0.17681813754652775,
-    0.17715999760351636, 0.17756752055286806, 0.17871040321678122,
-    0.18018603591927709, 0.18070221855952068, 0.18070221855952068,
-    0.18495477280536446, 0.18580464561947918, 0.18637382093258065,
-    0.18739559121993163, 0.18739559121993163, 0.18989848932672079,
-    0.1902906960015, 0.19079530690057658, 0.19139358210577725,
-    0.1938767861484369, 0.1938767861484369, 0.19812320558888927,
-    0.19864349781538035, 0.20096245867613949, 0.20739126731129648,
-    0.20739126731129648, 0.20890608427242904, 0.21005835424486638,
-    0.21737774907061119, 0.21854346896037202, 0.22284661457281491,
-    0.22284661457281491, 0.23203519715709653, 0.23203519715709653,
-    0.23558872825006388, 0.23602589936541735, 0.23602589936541735,
-    0.23638998760967109, 0.23703292133804643, 0.24047672111025759,
-    0.24232933889648617, 0.24387144046296869, 0.24387144046296869,
-    0.24388260654882868, 0.24896631802503422, 0.25046853137361336,
-    0.25166045673406662, 0.25166045673406662, 0.25359663196242094,
-    0.25498419205566342, 0.25901909865108758, 0.26243633410773498,
-    0.26917225709613957, 0.26917225709613957, 0.27179969406100962,
-    0.27215636119935699, 0.27269960957360972, 0.27295835182412659,
-    0.27444977275651289, 0.27444977275651289, 0.274486965108864,
-    0.27757442781989727, 0.28007367094306918, 0.28306039462916666,
-    0.28306039462916666, 0.29022692808414607, 0.29319016306643131,
-    0.2953248123792146, 0.29727012315484735, 0.30055429636041897,
-    0.30055429636041897, 0.30274018734482672, 0.30371328246605706,
-    0.31089484427626424, 0.31222083890057561, 0.31222083890057561,
-    0.31342334287374385, 0.31360922339798514, 0.31781375837493059,
-    0.32086597698136354, 0.32397526199152671, 0.32397526199152671,
-    0.3252274384988707, 0.32557079328326183, 0.33071479846211244,
-    0.33213366103834452, 0.33213366103834452, 0.33806274054259133,
-    0.34060768522908541, 0.34066725641268175, 0.35070821312772565,
-    0.35281117830908848, 0.36022367837676228, 0.36022367837676228,
-    0.36359476452865169, 0.36867343874662684, 0.37500703454904866,
-    0.37500703454904866, 0.37559552094037618, 0.37776360565050465,
-    0.37911941464036175, 0.38043414821366556, 0.38673933256135501,
-    0.38673933256135501, 0.41493531465793626, 0.42545225470978032,
-    0.43335020944353286, 0.45946584864513479, 0.47934271794544625,
-    0.47934271794544625, 0.4835397584082895, 0.507001135566851,
-    0.53670698552411766, 0.62709022030658668, 0.62709022030658668,
-    0.6307562723487633, 0.6978337089986677, 0.96104664619258018,
-    0.97932419086538236, 1.3786097683148981, 1.3786097683148981,
-    2.1383436514004277, 2.1383436514004277, 0.0, 0.0, 0.040258951562044121,
-    0.040258951562044121, 0.04337227036223338, 0.04337227036223338,
-    0.04337227036223338, 0.056733258526878674, 0.056733258526878674,
-    0.059895656757221916, 0.063352892119378321, 0.063352892119378321,
-    0.063352892119378321, 0.063352892119378321, 0.063460760236515132,
-    0.063460760236515132, 0.063460760236515132, 0.064176771962993165,
-    0.064176771962993165, 0.069374734097819607, 0.069374734097819607,
-    0.069941635924431284, 0.069941635924431284, 0.069941635924431284,
-    0.07441063086446581, 0.07441063086446581, 0.090038436293935278,
-    0.090038436293935278, 0.090038436293935278, 0.093919282982153851,
-    0.098259451815303545, 0.098259451815303545, 0.098259451815303545,
-    0.098259451815303545, 0.11221645527330414, 0.11221645527330414,
-    0.11464109406455952, 0.11464109406455952, 0.11464109406455952,
-    0.11504122558884447, 0.11504122558884447, 0.11661461574279566,
-    0.11661461574279566, 0.11661461574279566, 0.11694434342186813,
-    0.11694434342186813, 0.12361989892840071, 0.12361989892840071,
-    0.12361989892840071, 0.12731915639699826, 0.13338496267239372,
-    0.13338496267239372, 0.13338496267239372, 0.13338496267239372,
-    0.14060738795616895, 0.14060738795616895, 0.14577369503859991,
-    0.14577369503859991, 0.14577369503859991, 0.15154574744822344,
-    0.15154574744822344, 0.15338029980440129, 0.15338029980440129,
-    0.155704785287297, 0.155704785287297, 0.155704785287297,
-    0.16408818329459646, 0.16408818329459646, 0.16611008928152352,
-    0.16611008928152352, 0.16793010863802235, 0.16793010863802235,
-    0.16793010863802235, 0.17350035363146732, 0.17350035363146732,
-    0.17350035363146732, 0.17720670978465847, 0.17720670978465847,
-    0.18778273599380949, 0.18778273599380949, 0.18778273599380949,
-    0.1956978506206099, 0.1956978506206099, 0.20618188353800229,
-    0.20618188353800229, 0.20618188353800229, 0.20667910131294201,
-    0.20667910131294201, 0.20897230394199579, 0.20897230394199579,
-    0.21603929997442067, 0.21603929997442067, 0.21603929997442067,
-    0.21750678346847724, 0.21750678346847724, 0.21750678346847724,
-    0.22319258104633796, 0.22319258104633796, 0.22577633029393052,
-    0.22577633029393052, 0.22577633029393052, 0.22835066066328252,
-    0.22835066066328252, 0.23127950794349347, 0.23127950794349347,
-    0.2335912050904361, 0.2335912050904361, 0.2335912050904361,
-    0.23855651821128016, 0.23855651821128016, 0.2403910894270215,
-    0.2403910894270215, 0.2403910894270215, 0.24693892553945757,
-    0.24693892553945757, 0.25144395559134397, 0.25144395559134397,
-    0.25144395559134397, 0.26144207730435715, 0.26144207730435715,
-    0.26316375812762322, 0.26316375812762322, 0.26316375812762322,
-    0.269250257528246, 0.269250257528246, 0.26976356545845359,
-    0.26976356545845359, 0.26976356545845359, 0.27207502394872296,
-    0.27207502394872296, 0.2722348959852619, 0.2722348959852619,
-    0.2722348959852619, 0.27399949932593481, 0.27399949932593481,
-    0.28525376986066708, 0.28525376986066708, 0.28525376986066708,
-    0.28581273013248543, 0.28581273013248543, 0.28581555874501124,
-    0.28581555874501124, 0.28725787127206887, 0.28725787127206887,
-    0.28725787127206887, 0.29182201476670522, 0.29182201476670522,
-    0.29774917483412067, 0.29774917483412067, 0.29774917483412067,
-    0.3221172335419677, 0.3221172335419677, 0.32286123906893716,
-    0.32286123906893716, 0.32286123906893716, 0.32784329797451783,
-    0.32784329797451783, 0.39859714532471063, 0.39859714532471063,
-    0.39859714532471063, 0.40861269762703839, 0.40861269762703839,
-    0.43492497337962299, 0.43492497337962299, 0.43492497337962299,
-    0.45154247181726737, 0.45154247181726737, 0.47903191315956584,
-    0.47903191315956584, 0.47903191315956584, 0.48764413130617162,
-    0.48764413130617162, 0.55753055427216291, 0.55753055427216291,
-    0.55753055427216291, 0.59950889251110473, 0.59950889251110473,
-    0.62302532522821363, 0.62302532522821363, 0.62302532522821363,
-    0.70821265192750071, 0.70821265192750071, 0.78923825478405685,
-    0.78923825478405685, 0.80991304315555079, 0.80991304315555079,
-    0.80991304315555079, 0.88217017561019562, 0.88217017561019562,
-    0.88217017561019562, 0.90564207937415331, 0.90564207937415331,
-    0.92743264762046396, 0.92743264762046396, 1.0496487600196804,
-    1.0496487600196804, 1.0496487600196804, 1.2152980938033116,
-    1.2152980938033116, 1.2152980938033116, 1.2152980938033116
+    0.0,
+    0.057628562576303784,
+    0.091878457821655726,
+    0.1132900806480715,
+    0.16850875337211296,
+    0.23480972950916859,
+    0.25538164963671517,
+    0.31559279249314726,
+    0.3709861971858377,
+    0.39525547000677452,
+    0.48512586717169626,
+    0.50506908796001859,
+    0.57765035525262631,
+    0.62148541152837633,
+    0.64263863444579483,
+    0.69882483312164267,
+    0.7161545153916149,
+    0.80411890720042356,
+    0.8805970872918405,
+    0.95906879172041093,
+    0.9964168954980418,
+    1.0467630571651532,
+    1.0811313132957849,
+    1.107613450320283,
+    1.1414327414809755,
+    1.200680497698831,
+    1.2258265309284444,
+    1.3292666112945957,
+    1.3827312359018287,
+    1.4123188606803245,
+    1.5512850653633397,
+    1.6356584995938095,
+    1.6731651325192813,
+    1.7284734590792767,
+    1.7492218434041287,
+    1.7668984797381611,
+    1.859839254768237,
+    1.8915873446892628,
+    1.906971142493358,
+    1.9739012545347705,
+    2.0042595869827151,
+    2.0404670643203007,
+    2.0801334669349569,
+    2.1361786545358559,
+    2.1800889828349126,
+    2.2526723098806514,
+    2.4615221000598324,
+    2.522133895087689,
+    2.5349568672753051,
+    2.6130589764080723,
+    2.7500027760987162,
+    2.8562937139926889,
+    2.9119263033764744,
+    3.0019158345608132,
+    3.075603035061484,
+    3.1141526815876208,
+    3.1813265812952172,
+    3.3676587418240587,
+    3.554323576839598,
+    3.6496213142048179,
+    3.6874293716075122,
+    3.7856923728140917,
+    3.8474310667342051,
+    3.9949344157172133,
+    4.125555286661946,
+    4.3290913548691856,
+    4.4952013654404812,
+    4.556343784992352,
+    4.639912221981799,
+    4.7146391204010234,
+    4.8227084013441566,
+    4.9863406697764292,
+    5.1842339785740776,
+    5.3023803998521304,
+    5.4750202011939866,
+    5.54048973773856,
+    5.6494197613846904,
+    6.031189352625824,
+    6.1768307442788197,
+    6.2620964668403225,
+    6.4351623085815,
+    6.7265466116268859,
+    6.7915288820461273,
+    6.858752135722245,
+    7.0391175979404581,
+    7.1234944848067601,
+    7.3258340038478451,
+    7.6012540830071256,
+    7.8610379546027023,
+    8.1407339356122499,
+    8.6344134454714787,
+    8.7180144432721391,
+    9.0978762948485237,
+    9.2738466401608814,
+    9.3278635864048827,
+    9.4424890946840847,
+    9.6030189615224657,
+    9.7486413490900201,
+    9.9120876012927628,
+    10.0634236132968,
+    10.415298132107214,
+    10.522058512873633,
+    10.613299539059163,
+    10.777003890057323,
+    11.19134404322137,
+    11.263117192375013,
+    11.498561061679176,
+    12.21806762702662,
+    12.483196087543357,
+    13.54470365954359,
+    13.849619017840872,
+    14.123084642390928,
+    14.398832659078749,
+    14.566089250066417,
+    14.807446823406554,
+    14.954042474253805,
+    15.017632122375311,
+    15.534486588862363,
+    16.087579752773408,
+    16.335273051167704,
+    16.59865583486215,
+    16.787365784531143,
+    16.930772808747413,
+    16.978230896616772,
+    17.45341757723757,
+    17.54161801859598,
+    17.670822982069833,
+    18.057953137339432,
+    18.349411130934708,
+    18.874645742669262,
+    19.811500245302732,
+    20.617053831744901,
+    21.425708785184192,
+    22.13342945397601,
+    22.514800015329385,
+    22.600876120356858,
+    22.995926973030485,
+    23.562574109846953,
+    24.294710403256879,
+    24.710775959864485,
+    25.735807637080889,
+    26.538055293359648,
+    27.290028726831821,
+    27.773430106003083,
+    29.668208899311839,
+    29.767759573249858,
+    30.328136166047656,
+    31.494086670497492,
+    31.717352094096093,
+    32.525981982450979,
+    33.265585384845679,
+    33.751316746168612,
+    34.201802003064067,
+    36.899918838933765,
+    38.096479462365799,
+    39.516017768346714,
+    39.989735840240321,
+    41.194468318352641,
+    43.299364753871842,
+    43.400612046669139,
+    44.217051933181644,
+    45.224566778084622,
+    46.422304247376758,
+    46.960808813383558,
+    48.299557096246531,
+    49.543362472280329,
+    52.100735352804534,
+    53.655447353773283,
+    55.960391277909508,
+    59.70514539293125,
+    61.843693253111184,
+    68.081331605587849,
+    71.540166073226146,
+    73.270793327751335,
+    76.171347038456744,
+    76.713947935814872,
+    79.452578223589953,
+    81.242818023980888,
+    85.253618574552505,
+    90.576557423795492,
+    92.997247053710012,
+    95.821107577619216,
+    106.64500479999833,
+    120.18058037798956,
+    126.50923215826064,
+    131.32814912989315,
+    147.1399472964454,
+    167.43638431036157,
+    192.68604805851697,
+    214.74959666043176,
+    236.90417250922937,
+    270.13811088102972,
+    311.13617202210634,
+    348.43212870989748,
+    397.49279405192692,
+    418.52939500887197,
+    490.05308025042825,
+    601.26449991098229,
+    943.69926165035622,
+    2272.151119348498,
+    2272.151119348498,
+    0.0,
+    0.068201728466174436,
+    0.11237783313391692,
+    0.12830033204755303,
+    0.14738276605539258,
+    0.17452595819420164,
+    0.18740679497876259,
+    0.22092788589298604,
+    0.24698157312934674,
+    0.26321755681186182,
+    0.278982404063846,
+    0.29425614113597565,
+    0.30386598141884186,
+    0.33348471684689712,
+    0.35448258891286477,
+    0.38416466052319098,
+    0.41799061907192603,
+    0.43332985148006498,
+    0.46022545438188606,
+    0.46720029992587914,
+    0.4834191580769957,
+    0.49135304898180576,
+    0.50065137294598305,
+    0.54116902167600822,
+    0.56502516934264901,
+    0.58383186711851243,
+    0.59988283878047788,
+    0.61745037135253056,
+    0.64851934211375817,
+    0.65771446388077714,
+    0.68201656335208749,
+    0.69501882934571635,
+    0.70859407070539537,
+    0.76811748190181783,
+    0.785547174693628,
+    0.80584170571483826,
+    0.80977921469642378,
+    0.84983656800224905,
+    0.87762202858938831,
+    0.89989293732657549,
+    0.92737970573962192,
+    0.94822275849814597,
+    0.97010634169397159,
+    1.0004701361644599,
+    1.027252813486935,
+    1.0516264427778705,
+    1.085865795301199,
+    1.1039829998101676,
+    1.1231421375848933,
+    1.1351908524310048,
+    1.1870327649828589,
+    1.2108652899633887,
+    1.2418615536907456,
+    1.2620878726057261,
+    1.2831955088252662,
+    1.306480565141986,
+    1.3214819027067988,
+    1.3819750197102438,
+    1.3964962886754628,
+    1.4416267404974048,
+    1.4723276588556404,
+    1.5102821076425617,
+    1.5397500825876973,
+    1.5614284610319382,
+    1.6110339651345407,
+    1.6433416553385205,
+    1.6728829936173992,
+    1.6999366415445392,
+    1.7240699041761254,
+    1.7508519958752469,
+    1.7969849629216739,
+    1.8430561905053708,
+    1.8717904098493616,
+    1.9063368309633759,
+    1.9506003143418458,
+    2.0298196868542142,
+    2.0991713956674101,
+    2.1633526448161282,
+    2.2629929459851224,
+    2.29081267396016,
+    2.3416198215358914,
+    2.3573314548287789,
+    2.4218587714491338,
+    2.4993355473824033,
+    2.5384325382544848,
+    2.6491004992037666,
+    2.7210651339892107,
+    2.8237246255258426,
+    2.8700824362814488,
+    2.9188785020766925,
+    2.9635962519687955,
+    3.0154773635321317,
+    3.1026722776260538,
+    3.1782308010920812,
+    3.2642539873638139,
+    3.322125355058692,
+    3.3714861504441376,
+    3.4218839487759731,
+    3.5144951962763513,
+    3.5765944072239031,
+    3.6273675925681212,
+    3.7247691072149096,
+    3.8232379391542128,
+    3.8893216636307564,
+    3.9288057496282955,
+    4.0390899251352117,
+    4.1600948751312279,
+    4.1871263152018612,
+    4.2621860547974828,
+    4.3500604627307435,
+    4.5436519743962078,
+    4.5849723086596628,
+    4.729044783865576,
+    4.8683804704143165,
+    4.9563493866144599,
+    5.0241568504440179,
+    5.1468726623856105,
+    5.1949999782992462,
+    5.3140299451508861,
+    5.4879645142694358,
+    5.7223471643025841,
+    5.8380855647564118,
+    5.953449532130346,
+    6.0187020640170728,
+    6.2108553226358252,
+    6.3916059248644403,
+    6.4913362763076323,
+    6.6031140372618351,
+    6.6636491589809301,
+    6.9509407634766989,
+    7.1531488937141772,
+    7.2409474401975658,
+    7.4303919093490327,
+    7.5669382679335202,
+    7.7441286658925934,
+    7.9000616206163423,
+    8.0724648473816156,
+    8.2412216959472371,
+    8.4137214458024516,
+    8.6069007301001861,
+    8.7736666850099372,
+    8.9890876982826367,
+    9.155130462775519,
+    9.3411611417176861,
+    9.4866270624314577,
+    9.5872328045423547,
+    9.8527914805110655,
+    9.9514305967967953,
+    10.292405041584022,
+    10.75673026860011,
+    11.169289189746417,
+    11.46807997463821,
+    11.689766834399332,
+    11.966027273630296,
+    12.351431387718186,
+    12.727667430393458,
+    13.119586645059071,
+    13.424611040389257,
+    13.786397020277862,
+    13.968352336123267,
+    14.21068016740667,
+    14.453408188853816,
+    15.461180267394132,
+    15.895481313307476,
+    16.317601512617198,
+    16.780792483093965,
+    17.624171385239844,
+    18.139839382922045,
+    18.594772196087924,
+    20.516375547145831,
+    21.567448512929186,
+    21.977404088239552,
+    23.299471636450161,
+    24.278490139740818,
+    24.993212131783924,
+    26.592135163847711,
+    27.623113931391885,
+    28.865470012834731,
+    29.227604875711496,
+    31.101999334866235,
+    31.57497302654869,
+    32.684647994128909,
+    33.375146403972977,
+    37.692891082911196,
+    39.851813023596023,
+    41.523584144387264,
+    46.008072429817098,
+    49.647884975691284,
+    52.784847459347759,
+    54.294626625518887,
+    63.228644431972903,
+    69.726924033194564,
+    74.015904215742552,
+    86.164937892726826,
+    100.73311845118887,
+    112.18515642738907,
+    135.19609351797098,
+    176.61381022152227,
+    242.73583361720463,
+    308.26543522152377,
+    513.52205453065437,
+    0.0,
+    0.064681645397600726,
+    0.097055786527166205,
+    0.11671616479466058,
+    0.14904699771147067,
+    0.1812546389613125,
+    0.20555172420798953,
+    0.2183799557562153,
+    0.24037810467237944,
+    0.25036231174093732,
+    0.26632542829596018,
+    0.2738878158208915,
+    0.28695869973365634,
+    0.30912145801504926,
+    0.32069346660692333,
+    0.32716841268857905,
+    0.33921112396795472,
+    0.35411605334840923,
+    0.36992181322350265,
+    0.37555978900730691,
+    0.39245722745804307,
+    0.40098714822474785,
+    0.40795369226674527,
+    0.4172218451215533,
+    0.42679459853118645,
+    0.45012838868569222,
+    0.46395657933185602,
+    0.47588120991692906,
+    0.4859429317025537,
+    0.5012486174834101,
+    0.51554915854539141,
+    0.52673766504363306,
+    0.54037167562839805,
+    0.55386824464727247,
+    0.56986151348392444,
+    0.58441413430603695,
+    0.59504137541093982,
+    0.60183139418849574,
+    0.6097548033252651,
+    0.61636145539533693,
+    0.63729376685379835,
+    0.65492235590733228,
+    0.66704610998785618,
+    0.700953708734812,
+    0.7190525585629578,
+    0.73579423752153761,
+    0.74901914818208437,
+    0.7639095729012253,
+    0.78507593810209142,
+    0.7991677445398635,
+    0.82057225160808045,
+    0.83874577852045251,
+    0.8514279150065982,
+    0.86730722882820255,
+    0.890038058955962,
+    0.90572082476051208,
+    0.93235631316890322,
+    0.95142142918059724,
+    0.969384366562271,
+    0.99218758210384461,
+    1.00299637932868,
+    1.0092887025882542,
+    1.0324830139871306,
+    1.0486654108510693,
+    1.0641141875260127,
+    1.0835468393653898,
+    1.1071616076049358,
+    1.1168131966461825,
+    1.1456586118817482,
+    1.1644419001186364,
+    1.1774811339270124,
+    1.2092190407790164,
+    1.2384799339065578,
+    1.2616903228237686,
+    1.2889294434698533,
+    1.3164843722957189,
+    1.3568929832436432,
+    1.3789685995582368,
+    1.4016262455149839,
+    1.4303108283460788,
+    1.4487819999160492,
+    1.48021838699676,
+    1.5050773691689014,
+    1.5354136497221011,
+    1.5761026989532505,
+    1.5976227134137739,
+    1.6180255352377244,
+    1.6461488070064747,
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+    1.7043391941827599,
+    1.7436653784542346,
+    1.7574238222395258,
+    1.8083751761401707,
+    1.8364695449180659,
+    1.8853960408395598,
+    1.9209489973470637,
+    1.9614779158767812,
+    1.9837030977196592,
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+    2.06356755784513,
+    2.1061669436995003,
+    2.1608319242443135,
+    2.176533829184859,
+    2.2139646657342289,
+    2.2418326677035214,
+    2.2819602869499667,
+    2.3275988135789891,
+    2.355439289035997,
+    2.4108423085380779,
+    2.4436348968031414,
+    2.5031234860019178,
+    2.5439256045997136,
+    2.5773599788744934,
+    2.6327828846554593,
+    2.6997266593235456,
+    2.7317169496478648,
+    2.8033821298933836,
+    2.872746199477366,
+    2.911616529815233,
+    2.9546022533503957,
+    3.0081446390299069,
+    3.0894107259868058,
+    3.1461648060150367,
+    3.2073093130678618,
+    3.2707390207274067,
+    3.3815481629909145,
+    3.4779532042245807,
+    3.4955043576213232,
+    3.5757478436815138,
+    3.6322878543855621,
+    3.7796644436769657,
+    3.8151756075230678,
+    3.8802551661883786,
+    4.0289839922041422,
+    4.1279506765446614,
+    4.1958722575439298,
+    4.2681132445184655,
+    4.3694161532010058,
+    4.4793716338291727,
+    4.5714087303580433,
+    4.6493194432085412,
+    4.7141095620043281,
+    4.8655065654352976,
+    4.9733934483219935,
+    5.038859603913723,
+    5.1120453856118537,
+    5.2240263349175526,
+    5.326857227285414,
+    5.4452851717228903,
+    5.6191948437507619,
+    5.8251247312267305,
+    6.0364763774143135,
+    6.1085463321063269,
+    6.2898990925768432,
+    6.4181400947195311,
+    6.6210137015645536,
+    6.7263257016206106,
+    6.8855750366072552,
+    7.1232383189565454,
+    7.4007790575336729,
+    7.5183445501556623,
+    7.6542486054829189,
+    7.7796080000079355,
+    8.0776151677243515,
+    8.4160158721268967,
+    8.6283072431350387,
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+    9.1985032179916839,
+    9.3715895144040058,
+    9.689097239085406,
+    9.9747151298520151,
+    10.162420972781135,
+    10.525043005039576,
+    10.9348593423718,
+    11.220406152599313,
+    11.472292936429914,
+    12.331513581808927,
+    12.99141401636353,
+    13.792445320126436,
+    14.159631387529567,
+    14.898875104642451,
+    15.391013071702499,
+    16.58446392489617,
+    17.397044111420918,
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+    19.539678557308235,
+    21.894007859929044,
+    23.769625964542684,
+    25.674579790101415,
+    28.595587316047272,
+    30.020256306881702,
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+    35.817076665002631,
+    42.110340471763912,
+    48.790270781601912,
+    54.046938187573666,
+    67.878422664921544,
+    86.808719614124982,
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+    212.6174296424627,
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+    0.0,
+    0.066200047903027276,
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+    0.14174741060946225,
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+    0.16322364512908868,
+    0.18204188144428807,
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+    0.21677471984321531,
+    0.22208330716146871,
+    0.2368478044903545,
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+    0.3149470593102916,
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+    0.38160665904037616,
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+    0.64417081791316222,
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+    0.66136245644028779,
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+    0.72982716816440152,
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+    0.83636749901593976,
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+    0.89028508898771552,
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+    0.97648251804695785,
+    0.99369926534400232,
+    1.0090186828881174,
+    1.0418114909215104,
+    1.0698515568115963,
+    1.0781642613654208,
+    1.0953662056922651,
+    1.1107307176100356,
+    1.1257267330935268,
+    1.1471842785819382,
+    1.1676817560236403,
+    1.1877943080225843,
+    1.216398240925453,
+    1.2316053787491037,
+    1.2474229964718553,
+    1.269525880355836,
+    1.3019912398706039,
+    1.3277002379637455,
+    1.3443466595361551,
+    1.3685810866232899,
+    1.3984804559046911,
+    1.4355750324517496,
+    1.460852572211057,
+    1.4948996531027956,
+    1.5268570238239529,
+    1.5522940777876273,
+    1.5719325888893447,
+    1.6024193084645637,
+    1.633598364214381,
+    1.6528693309141695,
+    1.6741744069714672,
+    1.7003470022341649,
+    1.735298179037982,
+    1.7582063751832995,
+    1.7909792627750754,
+    1.8300707159778025,
+    1.8684354743589122,
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+    1.9304116745252333,
+    1.9651822643793164,
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+    2.1477636951029404,
+    2.1758324097429544,
+    2.2038264839493977,
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+    2.2799150775007226,
+    2.3116834558621813,
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+    2.6183935138202945,
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+    2.7642312413471197,
+    2.8501819058526374,
+    2.8874618455541339,
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+    2.9902882140860028,
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+    3.5495511431068625,
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+    3.7950739251414829,
+    3.8952813228916106,
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+    4.7853618220189347,
+    4.8500011901031046,
+    4.9499390325888388,
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+    5.6251182444238585,
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+    5.8235819678819309,
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+    6.7828263511308,
+    6.9787759843247965,
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+    10.870897424798827,
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+    19.636996869210478,
+    20.562702661180669,
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+    73.345872444192949,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.33703483646960708,
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+    0.37755689980492391,
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+    0.43993900664314145,
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+    0.48708257057534343,
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+    1.1410712650872479,
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+    1.2096294450605212,
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+    1.449518126496226,
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+    1.5501818193618728,
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+    3.9838928478843263,
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+    4.2490672817706532,
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+    4.473253957654526,
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+    11.269430893231096,
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+    0.52487724594117247,
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+    0.54193181090656062,
+    0.54669601892015796,
+    0.55199308212187415,
+    0.56177797788147832,
+    0.57397840735843453,
+    0.58305121749436828,
+    0.58875829816518199,
+    0.60014475586825022,
+    0.61146976460798996,
+    0.62147757074967558,
+    0.62937535472116102,
+    0.63521150679693283,
+    0.6443683639844624,
+    0.65570350537151256,
+    0.66248422346281488,
+    0.67431167007929649,
+    0.68081103970994383,
+    0.70070897539479826,
+    0.70949394177954128,
+    0.72368744374810079,
+    0.73324494948980001,
+    0.74442385396599853,
+    0.75726956491948028,
+    0.76814002853040864,
+    0.78549563545170853,
+    0.79690455102462399,
+    0.80911780465283023,
+    0.8217559489409707,
+    0.83736881584366574,
+    0.84769382359635626,
+    0.86418498778599284,
+    0.88747705639947372,
+    0.90131822030096298,
+    0.91456928681735306,
+    0.926248872898779,
+    0.94662179325634455,
+    0.95246146300701406,
+    0.96865365604621834,
+    0.98601045426396106,
+    1.004370843669373,
+    1.0278846153106977,
+    1.044847701668429,
+    1.0629345673978381,
+    1.0786014914723667,
+    1.0929756602733387,
+    1.1261078972699916,
+    1.1512164532678049,
+    1.1694773456967209,
+    1.2047879047450252,
+    1.2191337268903064,
+    1.2371236242769537,
+    1.2604030750182345,
+    1.2728991082384753,
+    1.3021733465601504,
+    1.3366400801240468,
+    1.3669786453201016,
+    1.3893263316106292,
+    1.4142311210562548,
+    1.4371089884829913,
+    1.4735470017754577,
+    1.520014037615578,
+    1.5362080843085604,
+    1.57308131482694,
+    1.6005512179859467,
+    1.6311466151664402,
+    1.6766677965478609,
+    1.702427114649556,
+    1.7358113192351368,
+    1.7589620076466705,
+    1.8122197381889422,
+    1.8371172353927989,
+    1.8839698049061866,
+    1.9368978033833055,
+    1.9859165193893249,
+    2.0266473776917446,
+    2.0435418938412577,
+    2.0904755804619093,
+    2.137008395650732,
+    2.2105679265040039,
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+    2.3171846492564172,
+    2.3789143587376254,
+    2.4392413643504884,
+    2.4804720034966028,
+    2.5405224136745002,
+    2.5964604917467198,
+    2.6705999263123781,
+    2.7251943964162413,
+    2.772341712266535,
+    2.8651026212603763,
+    2.9882335264110305,
+    3.0505642000004207,
+    3.1879882564475781,
+    3.2713189106502325,
+    3.3340572644275901,
+    3.3973177283139346,
+    3.5111941452660176,
+    3.6432762400676104,
+    3.7893397930271497,
+    3.8962740628195554,
+    4.0871617267378353,
+    4.2202691837388713,
+    4.3774443034324424,
+    4.4936111350115695,
+    4.7506236842341369,
+    5.0112340217497193,
+    5.3496875229084306,
+    5.5766544089000956,
+    5.8287954513602722,
+    6.3423620558230542,
+    6.7899919751160516,
+    7.1981726869941802,
+    7.7399452080885132,
+    8.3342259680123636,
+    9.1990412068218603,
+    9.6467855088846335,
+    10.137584353746163,
+    10.89364428926409,
+    11.552396435112094,
+    13.030143614298112,
+    14.095239648815568,
+    16.252904088875191,
+    20.637122578101994,
+    25.04746535648458,
+    29.349607631916427,
+    39.069463698724505,
+    53.341542218906731,
+    131.24704840076191,
+    0.0,
+    0.032884942472054493,
+    0.044042928317071753,
+    0.051717952097554462,
+    0.058447068850037934,
+    0.068821794240992967,
+    0.076446506641690143,
+    0.083331576500669718,
+    0.090983634325567123,
+    0.097188602723129819,
+    0.1088593709111567,
+    0.11459623029540639,
+    0.11844837313630252,
+    0.12384168852201749,
+    0.12684488135204505,
+    0.13447015956640213,
+    0.1391542676007054,
+    0.14625472031000056,
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+    0.15688159917859762,
+    0.16356525869840099,
+    0.16595293381775883,
+    0.17208869146003852,
+    0.17708137414161021,
+    0.18245018966878032,
+    0.18979132041734897,
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+    0.2032346071402627,
+    0.20694798677484283,
+    0.21265331651833888,
+    0.21882977443215981,
+    0.22494202116978182,
+    0.23178859272489064,
+    0.23787915511551139,
+    0.24313950482755242,
+    0.24682307808790133,
+    0.24943612844036106,
+    0.25577269021993287,
+    0.26291464226288852,
+    0.26970943169082667,
+    0.2725648028979728,
+    0.28144606977956577,
+    0.28556551666434349,
+    0.29091966470999592,
+    0.29709027671048366,
+    0.30175232279695008,
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+    0.31297498910818361,
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+    0.31918148875981589,
+    0.32331388150265972,
+    0.32927405147803945,
+    0.33377069470184595,
+    0.33894412800963025,
+    0.34522709990281475,
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+    0.3558821207267826,
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+    0.37019315147158249,
+    0.37724004091309249,
+    0.3829924502040804,
+    0.38790812361879717,
+    0.39588105871510798,
+    0.40044226663641691,
+    0.40836868589232361,
+    0.41402643554261809,
+    0.41875667916369519,
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+    0.43229589405318924,
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+    0.44538394823457816,
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+    0.46383676125545098,
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+    0.4762006151939136,
+    0.48431439285713834,
+    0.49389826855702679,
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+    0.52297582923711328,
+    0.53288748131056163,
+    0.54544803680941312,
+    0.55056947454571459,
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+    0.59122845087621589,
+    0.5957914205706567,
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+    0.65888445152749431,
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+    0.7025879217168467,
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+    0.7391009553915564,
+    0.75223783989741744,
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+    0.804383247442233,
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+    0.82843493554640024,
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+    0.88180313041705505,
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+    0.9291438387362384,
+    0.95352040422537032,
+    0.96809418471522612,
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+    1.0951850173844457,
+    1.1193411761447549,
+    1.1379681972224709,
+    1.1599468248342446,
+    1.1886340506700033,
+    1.2148385191461482,
+    1.2481418152125123,
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+    1.3154615262708993,
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+    1.4093858037430134,
+    1.4522804850005502,
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+    1.5306210379322103,
+    1.5495843761095305,
+    1.584244002737959,
+    1.6126131532613874,
+    1.6604506166505426,
+    1.6921120149154147,
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+    1.7396125064233854,
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+    1.824889085813346,
+    1.8829431177071814,
+    1.9343935926685978,
+    1.9916768565010168,
+    2.0267961688503453,
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+    2.4501358388830012,
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+    2.7684316125814457,
+    2.8476458237947857,
+    2.9627792222491238,
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+    3.5451252896822063,
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+    3.8535789702629515,
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+    4.5324017993862,
+    4.6567473442819232,
+    4.8795997539612124,
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+    5.8112812324471728,
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+    11.547524333694614,
+    13.042152628954279,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.065119327951945208,
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+    0.07885113088345877,
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+    0.094178377769283547,
+    0.098501280404947864,
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+    0.12584718500031158,
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+    0.13924503288786391,
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+    0.16862541478716603,
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+    0.1820267480405092,
+    0.18688153961477047,
+    0.1927267317388851,
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+    0.20121205502603673,
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+    0.20898176045815323,
+    0.21456701344386478,
+    0.2193381728343505,
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+    0.22817700334024027,
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+    0.23720906624202601,
+    0.24191353394033271,
+    0.24708942468474382,
+    0.25285280260759901,
+    0.25671572324736464,
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+    0.27152578772723279,
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+    2.2034358794278646,
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+    2.3429160177345003,
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+    0.26226644168550362,
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+    0.27001206297540875,
+    0.27333957150348165,
+    0.27844160533530171,
+    0.28262027978412785,
+    0.28651353733567758,
+    0.29232034746442948,
+    0.29580376680146625,
+    0.29935090999568476,
+    0.30309728324775276,
+    0.30715090410428514,
+    0.31201121511000857,
+    0.31571249520502215,
+    0.31981978170465836,
+    0.32351704294037775,
+    0.32816906538652812,
+    0.33260532162929424,
+    0.3375253795185012,
+    0.34227658789873155,
+    0.34672628630214691,
+    0.35173264439552276,
+    0.35642244422141933,
+    0.36316985109331051,
+    0.36811409230691677,
+    0.3739818336331292,
+    0.37900422010827939,
+    0.38371686137179334,
+    0.38830090222693142,
+    0.39314672036266179,
+    0.39750505605076314,
+    0.40399586297398238,
+    0.40779084214158268,
+    0.41471724442253388,
+    0.419908928474307,
+    0.42527068506941523,
+    0.43082110702825382,
+    0.43546343483577804,
+    0.44058928875209435,
+    0.4501165160939869,
+    0.455800248584872,
+    0.46250910353077601,
+    0.4679792550227716,
+    0.4771052601340332,
+    0.48317268060065444,
+    0.49024307149325064,
+    0.49795121259530739,
+    0.50489713934710001,
+    0.51144292478572784,
+    0.52042454216218859,
+    0.52715808936571795,
+    0.53458634795400084,
+    0.54336964463015824,
+    0.55167313602281232,
+    0.55895482076372938,
+    0.56755092529864581,
+    0.5767512365389893,
+    0.58757892054706506,
+    0.59812779085356993,
+    0.60674604159456691,
+    0.61595140194035713,
+    0.62390929987658528,
+    0.63464413788738838,
+    0.64205470333131864,
+    0.64919687404877857,
+    0.66358361675173039,
+    0.67457487585108067,
+    0.68565375079097346,
+    0.69515353663280854,
+    0.70835712049313537,
+    0.71637388222414811,
+    0.72810587108889246,
+    0.74259519148707775,
+    0.75505940962506923,
+    0.76533718705099252,
+    0.77978770960457156,
+    0.79277034764412091,
+    0.81042776509929326,
+    0.8252185957527518,
+    0.84081567710998861,
+    0.85591239426333621,
+    0.87366392436831841,
+    0.8906804437761574,
+    0.90431935636817162,
+    0.92374870367862294,
+    0.9403922748286605,
+    0.96024005012655089,
+    0.9834409532310171,
+    1.0063612444728725,
+    1.0237103083075751,
+    1.0406894015881631,
+    1.0646614938416241,
+    1.0953872473777502,
+    1.1182073342474079,
+    1.1431128152282664,
+    1.1700990970833274,
+    1.1937825903128636,
+    1.2194906544605457,
+    1.2510699786546229,
+    1.2724440268105714,
+    1.3012328136568787,
+    1.3306077291828782,
+    1.3661125359622348,
+    1.4057121542663247,
+    1.438874003521625,
+    1.4852719546886077,
+    1.53160091645302,
+    1.5835611112903651,
+    1.6195792978908965,
+    1.6633225682365109,
+    1.7092772469624007,
+    1.7547058942561764,
+    1.7983361923251511,
+    1.8554877739779563,
+    1.9046272406631959,
+    1.9419569456472263,
+    2.007485115392952,
+    2.0766613504192311,
+    2.1363921756522712,
+    2.2042343314393218,
+    2.2881456308297792,
+    2.3461181458892382,
+    2.4247974852833076,
+    2.5226066296330565,
+    2.6287822381475663,
+    2.7093614689581362,
+    2.8121552403853838,
+    2.9431246632384611,
+    3.0643163534914351,
+    3.196540002859162,
+    3.3476671295609703,
+    3.578795801196712,
+    3.7570824917749248,
+    3.956586592960103,
+    4.1768360199630372,
+    4.472267971856815,
+    4.7565859357335603,
+    4.9434439507675787,
+    5.3520609425930763,
+    5.8616989500167476,
+    6.4670935400506355,
+    7.1530922193648818,
+    7.7821104509969494,
+    8.8151940771286945,
+    9.7442668096522507,
+    11.579039475678208,
+    14.881052320293959,
+    23.3134974983852,
+    162.64936699836366,
+    0.0,
+    0.024602282011824184,
+    0.033143590712601562,
+    0.04010112014507021,
+    0.047902150582693877,
+    0.053593751494366668,
+    0.062881795990017086,
+    0.069817105932830248,
+    0.074260939707892284,
+    0.078749877606011834,
+    0.081760044924091488,
+    0.084762821011376818,
+    0.089159093597265968,
+    0.094139760178390847,
+    0.097396291127248735,
+    0.10077623786944703,
+    0.10375890948969808,
+    0.10775393339205297,
+    0.11107421600652036,
+    0.11454249675077989,
+    0.11920949455998719,
+    0.12303922825017929,
+    0.12645066727981549,
+    0.13048462720436904,
+    0.1341988563625206,
+    0.13791508807970299,
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+    0.14390700642876164,
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+    0.15116482000305284,
+    0.15414159957761076,
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+    0.16616763697232559,
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+    0.17483972650814011,
+    0.17834701051598184,
+    0.18178605513225987,
+    0.18596570995349604,
+    0.19037643524106021,
+    0.19362400150613118,
+    0.19718898681246891,
+    0.2022368611342357,
+    0.20627559864432171,
+    0.21047667837856643,
+    0.21441293730751429,
+    0.21798145949842526,
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+    0.22805839010378598,
+    0.23142809067166253,
+    0.23544682877794354,
+    0.23918263561370051,
+    0.24332300301909804,
+    0.24826906410872435,
+    0.25329675001124591,
+    0.25742137093006096,
+    0.26143472523908162,
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+    0.27801599017393808,
+    0.28185455264796982,
+    0.28551898655760571,
+    0.28969797468999514,
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+    0.30780461335572351,
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+    0.32589638801542542,
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+    0.33420221321848032,
+    0.33989663227054645,
+    0.34416327912283068,
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+    0.35498972403807633,
+    0.35855091882620921,
+    0.36327633213491833,
+    0.36753998247607372,
+    0.3729367659785795,
+    0.37985192360779313,
+    0.38437016760352599,
+    0.39005755502373884,
+    0.39482572425216256,
+    0.4001927093622929,
+    0.40602742972788325,
+    0.41233512801313243,
+    0.41899152804988438,
+    0.42337530114761357,
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+    0.46895550041529654,
+    0.47530473993436245,
+    0.48211460809658874,
+    0.48857483722379846,
+    0.49668510358579077,
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+    0.50751626698891095,
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+    0.54112734609955404,
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+    0.56629653003164915,
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+    0.60345904162633524,
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+    0.64512830577873503,
+    0.65448141887048117,
+    0.66218373436088196,
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+    0.69861201377323079,
+    0.70832408210492892,
+    0.72121539173424809,
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+    0.82988361758294238,
+    0.84792677249400605,
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+    0.92359168030991856,
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+    0.96434694242106067,
+    0.98312881507572292,
+    1.0032438887848716,
+    1.0221149781502081,
+    1.051983899991995,
+    1.0734774915118375,
+    1.099530441789152,
+    1.127960244545553,
+    1.1534134957090025,
+    1.1740889749056131,
+    1.2012742900536555,
+    1.2342300186242645,
+    1.2639939024901934,
+    1.2928179180773745,
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+    1.3529947499482198,
+    1.3990112708325715,
+    1.4319941184494371,
+    1.4710663063309652,
+    1.5244700765754542,
+    1.5635439274849725,
+    1.5954367199073531,
+    1.6323134541541804,
+    1.6724715064169311,
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+    1.7557217613084009,
+    1.8048129564898812,
+    1.8315787027457608,
+    1.8815354841358516,
+    1.9566650167344006,
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+    2.174040010957027,
+    2.2381267311291735,
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+    2.4147723365413021,
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+    2.8684444249229628,
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+    3.6844961008964079,
+    3.869097249632687,
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+    4.5240194654211052,
+    4.822566531353826,
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+    5.9366668833227134,
+    6.6736260326271726,
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+    8.3647745090344028,
+    9.8450415285668225,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.057774560304207197,
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+    0.067588098405070435,
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+    0.083942709652846864,
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+    0.091817280544786176,
+    0.095686966687175301,
+    0.099145626961583258,
+    0.10201499654232103,
+    0.10517988601597632,
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+    0.12514181216632086,
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+    0.13482024094190459,
+    0.13784834878294833,
+    0.14173344180612701,
+    0.1443921643498963,
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+    0.15145826578672161,
+    0.15493735233574032,
+    0.157933736355726,
+    0.16144421044205534,
+    0.16496481804605914,
+    0.16826466934931564,
+    0.17176157430765859,
+    0.17500874461399182,
+    0.17804879932812664,
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+    0.21005410851308523,
+    0.21234742151711827,
+    0.21601167034217333,
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+    0.222820615737646,
+    0.22619381050579929,
+    0.23003091052614577,
+    0.23415565946236791,
+    0.23843514043598069,
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+    0.24517794764409234,
+    0.24860194155386806,
+    0.25245137707720106,
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+    0.26045765403062382,
+    0.26378413560952962,
+    0.26727514960402926,
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+    0.27484241340019733,
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+    0.28803025780779556,
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+    0.30693020880140259,
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+    0.38891575774564258,
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+    1.1535229840512065,
+    1.183650543141433,
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+    1.2433817141554775,
+    1.2742936392427719,
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+    1.4970878314012157,
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+    1.7874905505861236,
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+    3.5810252651374039,
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+    4.4916169379050928,
+    4.8904487124863456,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.094364478720997277,
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+    0.12385053356930883,
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+    0.1291305476386892,
+    0.13156417910210463,
+    0.13417493406967573,
+    0.13679964962661262,
+    0.13945990964839527,
+    0.14181342525248586,
+    0.14549282281256487,
+    0.14783340369717113,
+    0.14958856732057474,
+    0.15255382916645896,
+    0.15544319048994837,
+    0.1591542931569995,
+    0.16119409443564187,
+    0.16370574506975646,
+    0.16653288283113751,
+    0.16902699557221748,
+    0.1717260132509677,
+    0.17468466981937897,
+    0.1779552731592591,
+    0.18111140017332697,
+    0.18333071563005016,
+    0.18636531857836564,
+    0.19016088025525124,
+    0.19209155599903649,
+    0.19565401433448046,
+    0.19789779372738567,
+    0.20022629670546713,
+    0.20335515738656165,
+    0.20665614531626331,
+    0.20885428273616122,
+    0.21207980049406244,
+    0.21443174939028406,
+    0.2181358361099921,
+    0.2214704825023979,
+    0.22450859729188807,
+    0.22759981694087877,
+    0.23010697985919781,
+    0.23328733118479639,
+    0.23565035124699107,
+    0.23875228245044389,
+    0.24183177104791836,
+    0.2447595964898302,
+    0.24820098427265322,
+    0.25154143481035013,
+    0.25581771326492664,
+    0.26013522490314944,
+    0.26367297455136646,
+    0.26617604776659792,
+    0.26987259220624055,
+    0.27275363634505095,
+    0.27623705412540422,
+    0.27871993911088333,
+    0.28203251770501186,
+    0.28491073583870125,
+    0.28814332922843749,
+    0.29094277059610124,
+    0.2938064288488651,
+    0.2969815313602166,
+    0.30045527623320389,
+    0.30317724130982737,
+    0.30666702944803848,
+    0.30970778832795376,
+    0.31259577673706118,
+    0.31539427764199768,
+    0.31988050312274674,
+    0.32178656835758568,
+    0.32443980138047129,
+    0.3277688075192623,
+    0.33195003313090921,
+    0.33561880003007449,
+    0.33962945622215918,
+    0.34377428459224846,
+    0.349067132730848,
+    0.35295036042250361,
+    0.35729246702459938,
+    0.36187726953066712,
+    0.36506622168141156,
+    0.36986324059850173,
+    0.37569852555383199,
+    0.37905100286460758,
+    0.38294669891233701,
+    0.3866300329330194,
+    0.39204361455678038,
+    0.3962317851808338,
+    0.4030804475511377,
+    0.40814046916968216,
+    0.4119865334190676,
+    0.41817342893503151,
+    0.42349477228870891,
+    0.42867287716554325,
+    0.43313666513603649,
+    0.43739315237997622,
+    0.44219051331195619,
+    0.44643158583414966,
+    0.4513416019103979,
+    0.45705935192419134,
+    0.46264308628398765,
+    0.46825247944091547,
+    0.47465420547020648,
+    0.48174758431700188,
+    0.48788633445295398,
+    0.49349388643954339,
+    0.49865197511805071,
+    0.50773384443998426,
+    0.51541046681270575,
+    0.52255860785575936,
+    0.5356310077627463,
+    0.5406463000317947,
+    0.55076304278607535,
+    0.55854776590405919,
+    0.56582581731679704,
+    0.57267437404735588,
+    0.58175877378359275,
+    0.59034691980596277,
+    0.59823264051739911,
+    0.60957442271674445,
+    0.6194670575252732,
+    0.6294844755918888,
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+    0.65038656712647513,
+    0.66556623318671948,
+    0.67830398239462752,
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+    0.70637124241783045,
+    0.72004520953233619,
+    0.73226719735392387,
+    0.7457490295034942,
+    0.76151155409015303,
+    0.7788125970268942,
+    0.79515932542339285,
+    0.81254279994519929,
+    0.82700166070107894,
+    0.84377746720044,
+    0.8616801611253373,
+    0.87312979926600642,
+    0.89306244383302025,
+    0.91157949941262495,
+    0.93649830671061973,
+    0.96045815324208017,
+    0.98026017538300847,
+    1.0032275044690475,
+    1.0223665747906359,
+    1.0503696830959937,
+    1.0755078532636331,
+    1.101139306224127,
+    1.1388797172799137,
+    1.1665602377614628,
+    1.1971228830372136,
+    1.2429765744431311,
+    1.27151817897234,
+    1.3196059857459572,
+    1.3607077146634539,
+    1.4080100832014402,
+    1.4436105483598447,
+    1.5062656999309187,
+    1.5705018855286448,
+    1.6196741040179319,
+    1.7017546419225014,
+    1.7817219551686443,
+    1.8729498330391841,
+    2.006473698316642,
+    2.0957964833521063,
+    2.2485598216783145,
+    2.423609185843191,
+    2.626008839643847,
+    2.9939990973758333,
+    3.246795944923798,
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+    5.165408952511334,
+    14.439408507928594,
+    0.0,
+    0.018339072203810237,
+    0.02329902841443731,
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+    0.039118065252253129,
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+    0.047063221143802791,
+    0.051667831189905436,
+    0.055471945442740714,
+    0.059563400199632022,
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+    0.072564969601282711,
+    0.075957653960410501,
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+    0.085729555024764481,
+    0.087912606080814831,
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+    0.092226052618394103,
+    0.095203088495300195,
+    0.097507441529407504,
+    0.09931583216850505,
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+    0.10362977207550068,
+    0.106536499498979,
+    0.10886405033186211,
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+    0.11540087510304135,
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+    0.12242779955312402,
+    0.12514823721707605,
+    0.12721735558212802,
+    0.12933447430330011,
+    0.13203036634017445,
+    0.13417276652072574,
+    0.13682939156923718,
+    0.13887038216932518,
+    0.14017857392699531,
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+    0.14507059221307408,
+    0.14695417225791405,
+    0.1497654226781093,
+    0.15138564492801476,
+    0.15472639458976323,
+    0.15772367683889396,
+    0.16045043223988531,
+    0.16195088977448327,
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+    0.16739293400606811,
+    0.16902564888868615,
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+    0.17417715392414423,
+    0.17596450913872053,
+    0.17803129891730965,
+    0.1805883516853817,
+    0.1825060880502859,
+    0.1838873485985828,
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+    0.18688214127303718,
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+    0.19515118537205678,
+    0.19721801513205642,
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+    0.20558544474904342,
+    0.20755322999229742,
+    0.20900643222762244,
+    0.21121684498145538,
+    0.2141429261516028,
+    0.21798646354299808,
+    0.22017242536159604,
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+    0.22376317029676776,
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+    0.22809119148663043,
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+    0.23480276077988851,
+    0.23684629676326219,
+    0.23958019092042915,
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+    0.24625074936964272,
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+    0.2538581843802209,
+    0.25651702169266016,
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+    0.26243381994538789,
+    0.26573203122069483,
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+    0.27210161216348083,
+    0.27479515468230203,
+    0.27748117382633419,
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+    0.28299682369589024,
+    0.28524892290169052,
+    0.28898573042967923,
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+    0.29504239920787978,
+    0.29806595908916128,
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+    0.30933508238145735,
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+    0.32974764249150712,
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+    0.34780889710624885,
+    0.35093774887440915,
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+    0.37861500834946049,
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+    0.39557988601615102,
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+    0.40474065571274853,
+    0.41182223255228778,
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+    0.49834783552581607,
+    0.50583387303211413,
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+    0.52037516362506031,
+    0.53000380193173813,
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+    0.57980243654512897,
+    0.59369025108432061,
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+    1.0077289627906116,
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+    1.1519192766424888,
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+    1.2531782152469926,
+    1.3107295260357585,
+    1.3724083852801383,
+    1.4468184839518206,
+    1.5305694103262035,
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+    1.756018052127331,
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+    0.0,
+    0.022907607978118902,
+    0.029821550682582357,
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+    0.051530800253982594,
+    0.054552378113468664,
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+    0.082270832598215493,
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+    0.11482544288738511,
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+    0.12165567868304332,
+    0.12370102433239426,
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+    0.13372880707703153,
+    0.13736038992044558,
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+    0.14513581305673817,
+    0.14595784685930299,
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+    0.15050993397888962,
+    0.15162964533831316,
+    0.15369975683678072,
+    0.15435469959388012,
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+    0.16531349295331907,
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+    0.17070372367338077,
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+    0.23554916368095241,
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+    0.24539417383496825,
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+    0.25090707777222615,
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+    0.25451533183987707,
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+    0.28247854937130817,
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+    0.38836897993416342,
+    0.39553820461710354,
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+    1.3755053508861865,
+    1.4769805157017351,
+    1.6399119604908177,
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+    3.1990537574230995,
+    0.0,
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+    0.04852625796660219,
+    0.053427828682963238,
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+    0.058789366804777823,
+    0.059894670960058481,
+    0.061806496819415593,
+    0.06288357937563871,
+    0.063705491238154652,
+    0.064624564349766864,
+    0.066539564546213181,
+    0.068117644205825445,
+    0.069689987448183402,
+    0.072973810118958204,
+    0.075029578028714114,
+    0.076090220871986247,
+    0.078275623933525537,
+    0.080159770792154389,
+    0.081406116039587209,
+    0.08164553964490695,
+    0.083593049530192948,
+    0.084590953870938804,
+    0.086465834117303964,
+    0.08822532572632788,
+    0.089186854619600464,
+    0.089886020317945056,
+    0.092572749202295607,
+    0.093694972932557227,
+    0.094937834404926119,
+    0.097040224291640623,
+    0.097667138521545876,
+    0.099969968038602502,
+    0.10417048484174087,
+    0.10780079213283225,
+    0.10889375095854625,
+    0.10903938989013479,
+    0.11128176917618536,
+    0.11257507660636565,
+    0.11326518811097527,
+    0.11352509387853861,
+    0.11567847555302868,
+    0.11768952386243653,
+    0.1204905958236033,
+    0.12232339630742434,
+    0.12313609921978132,
+    0.12415844929489957,
+    0.12496470498144355,
+    0.1256037537020967,
+    0.12639939557206845,
+    0.12838761114223329,
+    0.13077332351034465,
+    0.13313785622768695,
+    0.13467524077070694,
+    0.13767775043346175,
+    0.1395173441181872,
+    0.14023356529287612,
+    0.14136086842893428,
+    0.14571034508839201,
+    0.1469532644277852,
+    0.14759361899260168,
+    0.14842017101772531,
+    0.15242521256839886,
+    0.15426856023023913,
+    0.15672970714335024,
+    0.15841699106659399,
+    0.16004962219962768,
+    0.16049659367868152,
+    0.16157625338408105,
+    0.16342153321263841,
+    0.16532114637213219,
+    0.16564588513427789,
+    0.16769053519184424,
+    0.16854825098054121,
+    0.17028923250134065,
+    0.17081950396614154,
+    0.17342913449829525,
+    0.17419644038376433,
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+    0.17786246650019316,
+    0.17958041035624855,
+    0.18003570826506662,
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+    0.18459458761615619,
+    0.18561588691792064,
+    0.18819478610235629,
+    0.18893514209622653,
+    0.19095535469625224,
+    0.19170408021332064,
+    0.19567600800094345,
+    0.19999780259216959,
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+    0.20373012583225134,
+    0.20456046242286197,
+    0.20898756476926456,
+    0.2100591678518928,
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+    0.21479341720286452,
+    0.21493894958991802,
+    0.21552884148320978,
+    0.21678370295180605,
+    0.22005390213330656,
+    0.2208750353533499,
+    0.22231160974944153,
+    0.22547606652116448,
+    0.22883502427842192,
+    0.23247314084489223,
+    0.23365595384777041,
+    0.23970523046509304,
+    0.24138410146972589,
+    0.24522137341984301,
+    0.24570522451863233,
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+    0.24933355507759977,
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+    0.25514210353592087,
+    0.26026745358900111,
+    0.26128019347213516,
+    0.26202930456238355,
+    0.2653982496052657,
+    0.27065798701145305,
+    0.27463053229655843,
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+    0.27800957551439981,
+    0.27890303616529488,
+    0.28289551881522107,
+    0.28379888321436764,
+    0.28474455516979619,
+    0.28548889806913502,
+    0.28851856129741399,
+    0.28925469033111689,
+    0.28955788894271245,
+    0.29350305977266933,
+    0.29609872122681807,
+    0.30241998726464192,
+    0.30382080452923382,
+    0.30448438898977698,
+    0.30631757913135704,
+    0.30916236790296231,
+    0.31205028913580696,
+    0.31313738153954629,
+    0.31539404590186959,
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+    0.32318384166541836,
+    0.32403796494592974,
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+    0.34554821131082758,
+    0.34684735903657665,
+    0.34836578284950859,
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+    0.36271817789575339,
+    0.36453208838267026,
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+    0.3850959970374066,
+    0.3967374853148608,
+    0.41083356110814401,
+    0.41558974094228335,
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+    1.6690912806799729,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.03669053240718801,
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+    0.046731484997993428,
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+    0.06192300563276,
+    0.066085275241882221,
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+    0.067880636244234044,
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+    0.079768809149418779,
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+    0.082670774423793988,
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+    0.083826394915856112,
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+    0.088324648985544513,
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+    0.089523451445578398,
+    0.092390560807742189,
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+    0.10195388252236594,
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+    0.10764192688172415,
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+    0.11227193635040114,
+    0.11244606922440568,
+    0.1136218868259553,
+    0.11451053199472827,
+    0.11659577642426923,
+    0.11691086289458787,
+    0.11691086289458787,
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+    0.12256846680870316,
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+    0.13136136021211561,
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+    0.14560628646680376,
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+    0.15610306654452089,
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+    0.16705380313003848,
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+    0.17681813754652775,
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+    0.17871040321678122,
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+    0.18070221855952068,
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+    0.18739559121993163,
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+    0.1938767861484369,
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+    0.20739126731129648,
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+    0.22284661457281491,
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+    0.23203519715709653,
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+    0.23602589936541735,
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+    0.24387144046296869,
+    0.24387144046296869,
+    0.24388260654882868,
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+    0.25166045673406662,
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+    0.26917225709613957,
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+    0.27444977275651289,
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+    0.28306039462916666,
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+    0.30055429636041897,
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+    0.32397526199152671,
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+    0.33213366103834452,
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+    0.37500703454904866,
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+    0.38673933256135501,
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+    0.47934271794544625,
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+    0.62709022030658668,
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+    1.3786097683148981,
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+    2.1383436514004277,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
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+    0.040258951562044121,
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+    0.04337227036223338,
+    0.04337227036223338,
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+    0.056733258526878674,
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+    0.063352892119378321,
+    0.063352892119378321,
+    0.063352892119378321,
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+    0.063460760236515132,
+    0.063460760236515132,
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+    0.069374734097819607,
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+    0.069941635924431284,
+    0.069941635924431284,
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+    0.07441063086446581,
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+    0.090038436293935278,
+    0.090038436293935278,
+    0.093919282982153851,
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+    0.098259451815303545,
+    0.098259451815303545,
+    0.098259451815303545,
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+    0.11221645527330414,
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+    0.11464109406455952,
+    0.11464109406455952,
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+    0.11504122558884447,
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+    0.11661461574279566,
+    0.11661461574279566,
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+    0.11694434342186813,
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+    0.12361989892840071,
+    0.12361989892840071,
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+    0.13338496267239372,
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+    0.14577369503859991,
+    0.14577369503859991,
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+    0.15154574744822344,
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+    0.15338029980440129,
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+    0.155704785287297,
+    0.155704785287297,
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+    0.16408818329459646,
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+    0.16793010863802235,
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+    0.17350035363146732,
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+    0.18778273599380949,
+    0.18778273599380949,
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+    0.1956978506206099,
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+    0.20618188353800229,
+    0.20618188353800229,
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+    0.20897230394199579,
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+    0.21603929997442067,
+    0.21603929997442067,
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+    0.21750678346847724,
+    0.21750678346847724,
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+    0.22577633029393052,
+    0.22577633029393052,
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+    0.23127950794349347,
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+    0.2335912050904361,
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+    0.23855651821128016,
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+    0.2403910894270215,
+    0.2403910894270215,
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+    0.25144395559134397,
+    0.25144395559134397,
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+    0.26144207730435715,
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+    0.26976356545845359,
+    0.26976356545845359,
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+    0.27207502394872296,
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+    0.2722348959852619,
+    0.2722348959852619,
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+    0.28581555874501124,
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+    0.39859714532471063,
+    0.39859714532471063,
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+    0.43492497337962299,
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+    0.45154247181726737,
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+    0.47903191315956584,
+    0.47903191315956584,
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+    0.59950889251110473,
+    0.62302532522821363,
+    0.62302532522821363,
+    0.62302532522821363,
+    0.70821265192750071,
+    0.70821265192750071,
+    0.78923825478405685,
+    0.78923825478405685,
+    0.80991304315555079,
+    0.80991304315555079,
+    0.80991304315555079,
+    0.88217017561019562,
+    0.88217017561019562,
+    0.88217017561019562,
+    0.90564207937415331,
+    0.90564207937415331,
+    0.92743264762046396,
+    0.92743264762046396,
+    1.0496487600196804,
+    1.0496487600196804,
+    1.0496487600196804,
+    1.2152980938033116,
+    1.2152980938033116,
+    1.2152980938033116,
+    1.2152980938033116,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_gamoms.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_gamoms.py
index 0edaa2384d2422a76bd04a49812c9f1e50f65a6c..6c583e9e4013a38b5a16e0c44d4a354cb0dad4ad 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_gamoms.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_gamoms.py
@@ -9,14 +9,84 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2011_def_gamoms = [
-    0, 350.0, 1050.0, 1750.0, 2450.0, 3150.0, 3850.0, 4550.0, 5250.0, 5950.0,
-    6650.0, 7350.0, 8050.0, 8750.0, 9450.0, 10150.0, 10850.0, 11550.0, 12250.0,
-    12950.0, 13650.0, 14350.0, 15050.0, 15750.0, 16450.0, 17150.0, 17850.0,
-    18550.0, 19250.0, 19950.0, 20650.0, 21350.0, 22050.0, 22750.0, 23450.0,
-    24150.0, 24850.0, 25550.0, 26250.0, 26950.0, 27650.0, 28350.0, 29050.0,
-    29750.0, 30450.0, 31150.0, 31850.0, 32550.0, 33250.0, 33950.0, 34650.0,
-    35350.0, 36050.0, 36750.0, 37450.0, 38150.0, 38850.0, 39550.0, 40250.0,
-    40950.0, 41650.0, 42350.0, 43050.0, 43750.0, 44450.0, 45150.0, 45850.0,
-    46550.0, 47250.0, 47950.0, 48650.0, 49350.0, 50050.0, 50750.0, 51450.0,
-    52150.0, 52850.0, 53550.0, 54250.0, 54950.0
+    0,
+    350.0,
+    1050.0,
+    1750.0,
+    2450.0,
+    3150.0,
+    3850.0,
+    4550.0,
+    5250.0,
+    5950.0,
+    6650.0,
+    7350.0,
+    8050.0,
+    8750.0,
+    9450.0,
+    10150.0,
+    10850.0,
+    11550.0,
+    12250.0,
+    12950.0,
+    13650.0,
+    14350.0,
+    15050.0,
+    15750.0,
+    16450.0,
+    17150.0,
+    17850.0,
+    18550.0,
+    19250.0,
+    19950.0,
+    20650.0,
+    21350.0,
+    22050.0,
+    22750.0,
+    23450.0,
+    24150.0,
+    24850.0,
+    25550.0,
+    26250.0,
+    26950.0,
+    27650.0,
+    28350.0,
+    29050.0,
+    29750.0,
+    30450.0,
+    31150.0,
+    31850.0,
+    32550.0,
+    33250.0,
+    33950.0,
+    34650.0,
+    35350.0,
+    36050.0,
+    36750.0,
+    37450.0,
+    38150.0,
+    38850.0,
+    39550.0,
+    40250.0,
+    40950.0,
+    41650.0,
+    42350.0,
+    43050.0,
+    43750.0,
+    44450.0,
+    45150.0,
+    45850.0,
+    46550.0,
+    47250.0,
+    47950.0,
+    48650.0,
+    49350.0,
+    50050.0,
+    50750.0,
+    51450.0,
+    52150.0,
+    52850.0,
+    53550.0,
+    54250.0,
+    54950.0,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_gaprobs.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_gaprobs.py
index 4fe8cffba414507d8f0fe025bb90cef6fddfb7e2..1973568732a98a71aeebb89c99cdf9da3b0fcb85 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_gaprobs.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_2011_def_gaprobs.py
@@ -9,99 +9,324 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_2011_def_gaprobs = [
-    0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.91489362716699996, 0.95692306757000001,
-    0.98613864183400002, 0.99072849750500003, 0.98903292417499999,
-    0.98952460288999999, 0.99774098396300004, 0.99152541160600005,
-    0.99343830347100004, 0.99500310421000004, 0.99360203742999997,
-    0.99673414230299995, 0.99803018569900004, 0.99857753515199998,
-    0.99271136522299996, 0.993197262287, 0.997596144676, 0.99408286809900004,
-    0.99648505449299996, 0.99720668792699996, 0.99559080600700001,
-    0.99696666002300005, 0.99382078647600003, 0.99571734666800005,
-    0.99760192632699995, 0.99768519401599998, 0.99423962831500001,
-    0.99749684333800004, 0.99865412712099999, 0.99725276231799997,
-    0.99565845727900004, 1.0, 0.995768666267, 0.99697428941699995,
-    0.99658703804000004, 0.995065808296, 0.998257815838, 0.99835252761799997,
-    0.99401199817700003, 1.0, 0.99435025453600001, 0.99797159433399996,
-    0.99582463502899998, 0.99365752935399998, 0.99794661998699996,
-    0.99550563097, 0.99768519401599998, 0.99052131176000002,
-    0.99722993373900004, 0.99507391452799998, 0.98961037397399998,
-    0.99184781312900006, 0.98863637447399999, 0.99135446548499995,
-    0.99723756313300005, 0.99006623029700003, 0.99099099636099997,
-    0.99672132730499996, 0.992857158184, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.98947370052299999,
-    0.99640285968800002, 0.99641579389599999, 0.98892986774400005,
-    0.984126985073, 0.99591839313499997, 0.98765432834599998,
-    0.98712444305400004, 0.99523806571999995, 0.98076921701399999, 1.0, 1.0,
-    1.0, 1.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.031914893537799999, 0.68923074006999996,
-    0.94653463363599999, 0.97483444213899995, 0.98404783010499997,
-    0.98952460288999999, 0.99397587776200003, 0.99022161960599997,
-    0.99081367254300001, 0.99312931299200002, 0.99488162994399998,
-    0.99738734960599995, 0.99606043100399999, 0.99431008100499996,
-    0.99562680721300001, 0.99546486139299994, 0.997596144676,
-    0.99408286809900004, 0.99648505449299996, 0.996275603771,
-    0.99823635816599998, 0.99494439363499998, 0.99485069513299995,
-    0.99678802490200002, 0.99520385265400002, 0.99884259700800004,
-    0.99539172649399998, 0.99374216795000003, 0.99730819463700005,
-    0.99450546503100001, 0.99565845727900004, 1.0, 0.99435824155800001,
-    0.99546140432399999, 0.99488055706, 0.99342107772800003,
-    0.99651569127999995, 0.99670511484099999, 0.99401199817700003,
-    0.99616122245799998, 0.99811673164400005, 0.99594318866700005,
-    0.99791228771200002, 0.99154335260399995, 0.99794661998699996,
-    0.99775278568299997, 0.99768519401599998, 0.99289101362200005,
-    0.99722993373900004, 0.99014776945100003, 0.98961037397399998,
-    0.99728262424500003, 0.98863637447399999, 0.98559075593900003,
-    0.99447512626599999, 0.98675495386099998, 0.98798799514799995,
-    0.99672132730499996, 0.98571425676299995, 0.99662160873399996, 1.0, 1.0,
-    0.98947370052299999, 0.99640285968800002, 0.99641579389599999,
-    0.98892986774400005, 0.99603176116900005, 0.99591839313499997,
-    0.99588477611500004, 0.99570816755299996, 0.99523806571999995,
-    0.98076921701399999, 1.0, 0.99545454978900005, 0.98958331346499995, 1.0, 0,
-    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.31881189346299998, 0.88344371318799997,
-    0.95014953613300002, 0.97824335098299997, 0.97515058517499997,
-    0.98370271921200003, 0.98556429147699998, 0.99250465631499996,
-    0.99168264865900002, 0.99281513690900003, 0.99409061670300003,
-    0.99217641353599995, 0.99271136522299996, 0.99168556928600005,
-    0.99439102411299995, 0.99492812156699995, 0.99384886026399999,
-    0.99720668792699996, 0.99029982090000002, 0.99089992046399999,
-    0.99382078647600003, 0.99571734666800005, 0.99040764570200002,
-    0.99884259700800004, 0.98847925663000002, 0.99624532461199999,
-    0.99327051639599995, 0.99450546503100001, 0.99710565805399998,
-    0.99855905771300002, 0.99012696742999995, 0.99546140432399999,
-    0.99317407607999997, 0.99013155698800004, 1.0, 0.99341022968299997,
-    0.99201595783200003, 0.99808061122900005, 0.99811673164400005,
-    0.99594318866700005, 0.99791228771200002, 0.98308670520800001,
-    0.99794661998699996, 0.99775278568299997, 1.0, 0.99052131176000002,
-    0.99445980787300003, 0.99014776945100003, 0.984415590763,
-    0.98913043737399997, 0.98579543829000005, 0.97982710599900003,
-    0.98895025253299995, 0.98675495386099998, 0.98798799514799995,
-    0.99672132730499996, 0.98928570747400002, 0.99662160873399996,
-    0.98207885026899999, 0.99658703804000004, 0.98596489429500001,
-    0.98920863866800002, 0.99641579389599999, 0.98154979944200005,
-    0.98809522390399995, 0.99591839313499997, 0.99176955223100005,
-    0.982832610607, 0.98571425676299995, 0.98076921701399999, 1.0,
-    0.99545454978900005, 0.99479168653500005, 1.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
-    0.00198019808158, 0.076821193098999999, 0.595214366913,
-    0.90491539239899998, 0.95858430862400001, 0.96870923042299995,
-    0.98556429147699998, 0.98750782012899996, 0.98784387111700001,
-    0.98889613151599998, 0.99146419763600002, 0.99359887838399996,
-    0.98833817243599997, 0.993197262287, 0.99038463830900003,
-    0.99492812156699995, 0.99384886026399999, 0.99720668792699996,
-    0.99206346273400003, 0.99494439363499998, 0.99176108837099997,
-    0.99357599019999998, 0.99040764570200002, 0.99652779102300004,
-    0.98732721805599999, 0.99374216795000003, 0.99327051639599995,
-    0.99587911367399995, 0.99565845727900004, 0.99711817503,
-    0.99294781684900002, 0.98940998315799999, 0.98634815216100002,
-    0.991776287556, 0.99477350711800006, 0.99341022968299997,
-    0.98602795600899995, 0.99232244491599997, 0.99811673164400005,
-    0.993914783001, 0.99791228771200002, 0.98520082235299999,
-    0.99794661998699996, 0.99775278568299997, 0.99768519401599998,
-    0.98815166950199995, 0.99445980787300003, 0.99261081218699998,
-    0.98701298236799995, 0.99184781312900006, 0.991477251053,
-    0.97694522142399998, 0.99171268940000001, 0.98344373702999999,
-    0.98498499393500005, 0.99344259500499998, 0.98928570747400002,
-    0.99324321746800004, 0.98924732208300004, 0.99658703804000004,
-    0.98596489429500001, 0.98561149835600004, 0.98207885026899999,
-    0.985239863396, 0.98809522390399995, 0.98775511980099995,
-    0.99588477611500004, 0.98712444305400004, 0.98095238208799995,
-    0.97596156597100003, 0.99512195587200003, 0.99090909957899997,
-    0.98958331346499995, 1.0
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.91489362716699996,
+    0.95692306757000001,
+    0.98613864183400002,
+    0.99072849750500003,
+    0.98903292417499999,
+    0.98952460288999999,
+    0.99774098396300004,
+    0.99152541160600005,
+    0.99343830347100004,
+    0.99500310421000004,
+    0.99360203742999997,
+    0.99673414230299995,
+    0.99803018569900004,
+    0.99857753515199998,
+    0.99271136522299996,
+    0.993197262287,
+    0.997596144676,
+    0.99408286809900004,
+    0.99648505449299996,
+    0.99720668792699996,
+    0.99559080600700001,
+    0.99696666002300005,
+    0.99382078647600003,
+    0.99571734666800005,
+    0.99760192632699995,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.99423962831500001,
+    0.99749684333800004,
+    0.99865412712099999,
+    0.99725276231799997,
+    0.99565845727900004,
+    1.0,
+    0.995768666267,
+    0.99697428941699995,
+    0.99658703804000004,
+    0.995065808296,
+    0.998257815838,
+    0.99835252761799997,
+    0.99401199817700003,
+    1.0,
+    0.99435025453600001,
+    0.99797159433399996,
+    0.99582463502899998,
+    0.99365752935399998,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99550563097,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.99052131176000002,
+    0.99722993373900004,
+    0.99507391452799998,
+    0.98961037397399998,
+    0.99184781312900006,
+    0.98863637447399999,
+    0.99135446548499995,
+    0.99723756313300005,
+    0.99006623029700003,
+    0.99099099636099997,
+    0.99672132730499996,
+    0.992857158184,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    0.98947370052299999,
+    0.99640285968800002,
+    0.99641579389599999,
+    0.98892986774400005,
+    0.984126985073,
+    0.99591839313499997,
+    0.98765432834599998,
+    0.98712444305400004,
+    0.99523806571999995,
+    0.98076921701399999,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.031914893537799999,
+    0.68923074006999996,
+    0.94653463363599999,
+    0.97483444213899995,
+    0.98404783010499997,
+    0.98952460288999999,
+    0.99397587776200003,
+    0.99022161960599997,
+    0.99081367254300001,
+    0.99312931299200002,
+    0.99488162994399998,
+    0.99738734960599995,
+    0.99606043100399999,
+    0.99431008100499996,
+    0.99562680721300001,
+    0.99546486139299994,
+    0.997596144676,
+    0.99408286809900004,
+    0.99648505449299996,
+    0.996275603771,
+    0.99823635816599998,
+    0.99494439363499998,
+    0.99485069513299995,
+    0.99678802490200002,
+    0.99520385265400002,
+    0.99884259700800004,
+    0.99539172649399998,
+    0.99374216795000003,
+    0.99730819463700005,
+    0.99450546503100001,
+    0.99565845727900004,
+    1.0,
+    0.99435824155800001,
+    0.99546140432399999,
+    0.99488055706,
+    0.99342107772800003,
+    0.99651569127999995,
+    0.99670511484099999,
+    0.99401199817700003,
+    0.99616122245799998,
+    0.99811673164400005,
+    0.99594318866700005,
+    0.99791228771200002,
+    0.99154335260399995,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99775278568299997,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.99289101362200005,
+    0.99722993373900004,
+    0.99014776945100003,
+    0.98961037397399998,
+    0.99728262424500003,
+    0.98863637447399999,
+    0.98559075593900003,
+    0.99447512626599999,
+    0.98675495386099998,
+    0.98798799514799995,
+    0.99672132730499996,
+    0.98571425676299995,
+    0.99662160873399996,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    0.98947370052299999,
+    0.99640285968800002,
+    0.99641579389599999,
+    0.98892986774400005,
+    0.99603176116900005,
+    0.99591839313499997,
+    0.99588477611500004,
+    0.99570816755299996,
+    0.99523806571999995,
+    0.98076921701399999,
+    1.0,
+    0.99545454978900005,
+    0.98958331346499995,
+    1.0,
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.31881189346299998,
+    0.88344371318799997,
+    0.95014953613300002,
+    0.97824335098299997,
+    0.97515058517499997,
+    0.98370271921200003,
+    0.98556429147699998,
+    0.99250465631499996,
+    0.99168264865900002,
+    0.99281513690900003,
+    0.99409061670300003,
+    0.99217641353599995,
+    0.99271136522299996,
+    0.99168556928600005,
+    0.99439102411299995,
+    0.99492812156699995,
+    0.99384886026399999,
+    0.99720668792699996,
+    0.99029982090000002,
+    0.99089992046399999,
+    0.99382078647600003,
+    0.99571734666800005,
+    0.99040764570200002,
+    0.99884259700800004,
+    0.98847925663000002,
+    0.99624532461199999,
+    0.99327051639599995,
+    0.99450546503100001,
+    0.99710565805399998,
+    0.99855905771300002,
+    0.99012696742999995,
+    0.99546140432399999,
+    0.99317407607999997,
+    0.99013155698800004,
+    1.0,
+    0.99341022968299997,
+    0.99201595783200003,
+    0.99808061122900005,
+    0.99811673164400005,
+    0.99594318866700005,
+    0.99791228771200002,
+    0.98308670520800001,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99775278568299997,
+    1.0,
+    0.99052131176000002,
+    0.99445980787300003,
+    0.99014776945100003,
+    0.984415590763,
+    0.98913043737399997,
+    0.98579543829000005,
+    0.97982710599900003,
+    0.98895025253299995,
+    0.98675495386099998,
+    0.98798799514799995,
+    0.99672132730499996,
+    0.98928570747400002,
+    0.99662160873399996,
+    0.98207885026899999,
+    0.99658703804000004,
+    0.98596489429500001,
+    0.98920863866800002,
+    0.99641579389599999,
+    0.98154979944200005,
+    0.98809522390399995,
+    0.99591839313499997,
+    0.99176955223100005,
+    0.982832610607,
+    0.98571425676299995,
+    0.98076921701399999,
+    1.0,
+    0.99545454978900005,
+    0.99479168653500005,
+    1.0,
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.00198019808158,
+    0.076821193098999999,
+    0.595214366913,
+    0.90491539239899998,
+    0.95858430862400001,
+    0.96870923042299995,
+    0.98556429147699998,
+    0.98750782012899996,
+    0.98784387111700001,
+    0.98889613151599998,
+    0.99146419763600002,
+    0.99359887838399996,
+    0.98833817243599997,
+    0.993197262287,
+    0.99038463830900003,
+    0.99492812156699995,
+    0.99384886026399999,
+    0.99720668792699996,
+    0.99206346273400003,
+    0.99494439363499998,
+    0.99176108837099997,
+    0.99357599019999998,
+    0.99040764570200002,
+    0.99652779102300004,
+    0.98732721805599999,
+    0.99374216795000003,
+    0.99327051639599995,
+    0.99587911367399995,
+    0.99565845727900004,
+    0.99711817503,
+    0.99294781684900002,
+    0.98940998315799999,
+    0.98634815216100002,
+    0.991776287556,
+    0.99477350711800006,
+    0.99341022968299997,
+    0.98602795600899995,
+    0.99232244491599997,
+    0.99811673164400005,
+    0.993914783001,
+    0.99791228771200002,
+    0.98520082235299999,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99775278568299997,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.98815166950199995,
+    0.99445980787300003,
+    0.99261081218699998,
+    0.98701298236799995,
+    0.99184781312900006,
+    0.991477251053,
+    0.97694522142399998,
+    0.99171268940000001,
+    0.98344373702999999,
+    0.98498499393500005,
+    0.99344259500499998,
+    0.98928570747400002,
+    0.99324321746800004,
+    0.98924732208300004,
+    0.99658703804000004,
+    0.98596489429500001,
+    0.98561149835600004,
+    0.98207885026899999,
+    0.985239863396,
+    0.98809522390399995,
+    0.98775511980099995,
+    0.99588477611500004,
+    0.98712444305400004,
+    0.98095238208799995,
+    0.97596156597100003,
+    0.99512195587200003,
+    0.99090909957899997,
+    0.98958331346499995,
+    1.0,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_chi2b.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_chi2b.py
index 1deb132ea4fe00abd5026c18897dd21cb79491c6..5c51eaa5f64e094747770ad1775f4b38f25d2e3d 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_chi2b.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_chi2b.py
@@ -9,672 +9,2416 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_DC06_def_chi2b = [
-    0.0, 1.19643536295, 1.7799429438800001, 2.5000897208500001,
-    3.0593132287299998, 3.4839286608000002, 3.9982294568999999,
-    4.4402913862600002, 4.8147369692600002, 5.3054432104, 5.8105717909600001,
-    6.1370968299099999, 6.7475810144699997, 7.3015792720599997,
-    7.6896019690199999, 8.13938977856, 8.4515096605100002, 8.9879216562900002,
-    9.4927671192999998, 10.085788064899999, 10.625255410199999, 11.0026891093,
-    11.3895870178, 11.843719932200001, 12.253271789299999, 12.767614137500001,
-    13.262427498099999, 13.786048882799999, 14.16595075, 14.643883369899999,
-    15.146539539600001, 15.7813472808, 16.280656373900001, 16.655646821400001,
-    17.114459585199999, 17.598615494000001, 18.184936752399999,
-    18.740805828900001, 19.248318706700001, 19.9296167205, 20.463100761100002,
-    21.2124495216, 21.626706539400001, 22.210655822100001, 22.700941956400001,
-    23.302821910599999, 23.920510033900001, 24.580456784700001, 25.2569820073,
-    25.959142340700001, 26.512265281099999, 27.196530728900001,
-    27.733216163200002, 28.478633239299999, 29.299270036500001,
-    30.256722160100001, 30.986221208, 31.737877171200001, 32.3960443243,
-    33.105226859200002, 33.767065963699999, 34.404378731100003,
-    34.924274373000003, 35.644436068099999, 36.564111572900003,
-    37.417350414600001, 38.238436024899997, 38.799991177199999,
-    39.436095377800001, 40.277347542100003, 41.016879076899997,
-    41.908435708699997, 42.819594709699999, 43.738915136400003,
-    44.846693151399997, 45.536023954699999, 46.546157932100002,
-    47.460643921100001, 48.624537354399997, 49.4055755953, 50.186510797700002,
-    51.175277055499997, 52.089204297199998, 53.122068163400002,
-    54.127727041100002, 54.940780204399999, 56.114554909900001, 57.0656839854,
-    57.894406169100002, 59.009235477799997, 60.0914392866, 61.208045864900001,
-    62.2858241466, 63.543350702799998, 64.856196127700002, 66.682225449399994,
-    68.209557105800002, 69.742463108799996, 71.750057073999997,
-    73.414467924899995, 75.307815587799993, 77.118795934299996,
-    78.812379695000004, 80.355455134600007, 81.877925440300004,
-    83.662200974800001, 85.224686517899997, 86.615321828199995,
-    88.267510348100004, 89.802469557099997, 91.374895675700003,
-    93.408025320799993, 95.336052711299999, 97.395921625599996,
-    98.859486409499993, 100.657442178, 102.99984774399999, 105.41734144900001,
-    107.273191485, 109.044242849, 110.937136356, 113.583166593,
-    115.56257233300001, 117.846911268, 120.681655831, 122.799469999,
-    124.375415383, 126.97394391900001, 129.436815795, 132.49568735599999,
-    135.98857834699999, 138.09223868300001, 141.65649987800001,
-    146.09086464500001, 149.16576952099999, 152.208770273, 155.187653896,
-    157.43246798000001, 160.43301280700001, 162.84002901100001,
-    166.77052560600001, 169.29494600500001, 172.91801473500001, 176.654293306,
-    180.23478114700001, 183.296380473, 186.73903581499999, 190.86755789399999,
-    195.654394298, 199.69558299600001, 203.92254700699999, 208.397049907,
-    213.10008202399999, 217.93095747000001, 222.20188235800001,
-    227.07325009499999, 230.860699883, 237.97819378299999, 245.85743037500001,
-    252.73101680400001, 258.89556405000002, 268.60486464500002,
-    276.47499798699999, 282.03633185400003, 289.17078451600003,
-    302.06749436299998, 312.57905513100002, 322.60452264899999, 331.014610371,
-    341.75075497, 350.173888159, 361.88637575400003, 371.61412230500002,
-    385.17435225200001, 400.72319405799999, 411.753441162, 422.75058281299999,
-    437.11037701999999, 453.45288953800002, 474.420871385, 488.318616894,
-    512.11653910200005, 535.54182501000003, 555.56166528300002,
-    573.43505104999997, 593.13241480700003, 614.79560775100003, 649.435414896,
-    688.17560751799999, 721.87795355000003, 773.415382937, 813.66800489900004,
-    877.39648314099998, 964.732528602, 1069.40860047, 1223.88660858,
-    1424.4787858300001, 1674.8315303500001, 1977.7544173799999, 2651.83993319,
-    200410.392804, 0.0, 1.1584312650099999, 1.8096405876999999, 2.08809545024,
-    2.39759603108, 2.8210825374900002, 3.2262415616500002, 3.6767261063199999,
-    4.0712643350700004, 4.3358305431000002, 4.6961593196700004,
-    5.0048297457600004, 5.3979863436900004, 5.8290699240099997,
-    6.1960232764300001, 6.5088252292500002, 6.8948342983900002,
-    7.2696660689300003, 7.5399291096800001, 8.01313726329, 8.3889381116700008,
-    8.8151563879800001, 9.3221845714700002, 9.7919081310700005,
-    10.197322679699999, 10.690667428799999, 11.1669675994, 11.439377929899999,
-    11.6674844277, 12.008682137099999, 12.4556500154, 12.8218557119,
-    13.3281486992, 13.7095661165, 14.2163312161, 14.836869545500001,
-    15.3589870134, 15.8272834403, 16.238276813700001, 16.5883025266,
-    17.023074348600002, 17.414160002799999, 17.848152475399999,
-    18.247715569499999, 18.664561518999999, 19.075395695600001,
-    19.486374441700001, 19.973916476399999, 20.5269080381, 21.020846655300002,
-    21.507367194299999, 22.0135312996, 22.461208124300001, 23.036281720800002,
-    23.480764591, 23.9941998794, 24.413118882100001, 24.9392923634,
-    25.478485752899999, 26.086617298499998, 26.6809648813, 27.1950947449,
-    28.074728258899999, 28.720521756, 29.3654350726, 30.087513917199999,
-    30.702053779700002, 31.306689242899999, 31.780186689299999, 32.4753156827,
-    33.135143889299997, 33.888469867399998, 34.645545953000003,
-    35.367533057599999, 36.110020627200001, 36.758678629099997,
-    37.497664023799999, 38.081984167100003, 38.997417122999998,
-    39.672472603700001, 40.429274192199998, 41.295854716299999,
-    41.954930876799999, 42.5972412096, 43.276950597999999, 44.159449579799997,
-    45.025165711200003, 45.821814644200003, 46.555175562499997,
-    47.583311010599999, 48.589989172199999, 49.510833894599998,
-    50.257035760699999, 51.092289456800003, 52.258119141000002,
-    52.938195970499997, 53.804888863800002, 54.8416712187, 55.960279943899998,
-    57.006686652699997, 58.274563175499999, 59.3790074307, 60.283128322000003,
-    61.549512813600003, 62.4978155636, 63.834912981700001, 64.904107601199996,
-    66.223931861400004, 67.086972593499993, 68.397576571800002,
-    69.942186175000003, 71.207027708799998, 72.602512277200006,
-    73.560342838699995, 74.967359775099993, 76.577240733500005,
-    78.057764533799997, 79.513502422499997, 81.078073566599997,
-    82.165643638800006, 83.719127560900006, 85.148667228299999,
-    86.337704861199995, 87.860157790000002, 89.431109054900006,
-    90.980131378099998, 92.433634234400003, 94.226038238300006,
-    95.621501725399995, 97.080958997099998, 99.134428385800007,
-    101.04854586800001, 102.97657310699999, 105.139486026, 107.602665034,
-    109.70147691299999, 112.05021857600001, 114.125549412, 116.61722458,
-    118.189314409, 120.82322130999999, 123.127890034, 125.47513250999999,
-    127.848312975, 130.41431036200001, 133.57317560600001, 136.49161050999999,
-    140.74286875799999, 143.71689255300001, 146.67120050400001,
-    149.59581133399999, 152.22756825499999, 156.533766931, 160.06017973100001,
-    165.11262847200001, 169.23166942399999, 175.315765167, 179.524732857,
-    183.40525104400001, 188.17945511100001, 191.82963235400001, 197.202013322,
-    202.34316464599999, 207.99698327900001, 215.67824328500001,
-    224.47764356499999, 230.63417344199999, 236.60643002699999,
-    242.61055810900001, 251.77410247, 259.46544586200002, 268.047248459,
-    276.79107524199998, 286.15718497099999, 295.84758942399998,
-    305.58034509200002, 314.60780894999999, 325.34498936799997,
-    338.27578485100003, 348.53507352600002, 362.42239857200002, 375.083278597,
-    389.444337389, 407.52083932199997, 423.996775576, 439.86516896699999,
-    461.74456199100001, 481.21447879099998, 506.20652181600002,
-    531.64557102599997, 563.79744206400005, 601.85836871599997,
-    633.07763874900002, 693.45668289599996, 762.28141866299995,
-    852.11407475700003, 985.769367053, 1195.0785449099999, 1389.62431328,
-    2042.8647050500001, 78636.810297999997, 0.0, 1.0297464516799999,
-    1.60346935644, 2.0630353810100002, 2.4007054222700002, 2.7231158619300002,
-    3.0845870231900001, 3.3825315783100001, 3.7827559602099998,
-    4.1271402089200002, 4.4667826236700003, 4.7067760450099998,
-    5.1713770843100004, 5.53668279583, 5.74764546799, 6.1299980556899998,
-    6.3496742207699999, 6.6781045773500001, 7.12938206889, 7.39578341085,
-    7.7627325807999998, 8.0843024355399997, 8.3430476893299996,
-    8.7253588764300005, 9.0323780076000002, 9.3251680266000001,
-    9.7700665673099998, 10.103065082900001, 10.4121667828, 10.792220887399999,
-    11.114426525200001, 11.3987065041, 11.7259278942, 12.148971416,
-    12.454565579200001, 12.7910859418, 13.0925963376, 13.4917267129,
-    13.8568357546, 14.099344370200001, 14.466338023, 14.773502690999999,
-    15.1559213702, 15.4627289245, 15.735248281500001, 16.264394708800001,
-    16.624779056400001, 17.059591039099999, 17.366603691200002, 17.645800374,
-    18.074841360299999, 18.3713457528, 18.6782869727, 19.1657010441,
-    19.623227022799998, 20.045230785600001, 20.669991472, 21.181226625299999,
-    21.496046951899999, 22.092489347299999, 22.5203682028, 22.913515129299999,
-    23.382882170199998, 23.760241867400001, 24.103618211899999,
-    24.540791235699999, 25.0420139973, 25.4305135832, 26.0666776578,
-    26.564557883900001, 27.273553850399999, 27.7820097687, 28.3303665601,
-    28.745443715499999, 29.332968781000002, 30.009561780399999, 30.6135990386,
-    31.065902801899998, 31.520776554800001, 32.034559784499997,
-    32.646134072499997, 33.136621810400001, 34.091020344699999,
-    34.492997237600001, 34.960981709999999, 35.534538623400003,
-    36.397290535000003, 36.973557298199999, 37.496289196399999,
-    38.275574691300001, 39.132056666700002, 39.940285424599999,
-    40.663404855499998, 41.192514081399999, 41.940303401100003,
-    42.428268793400001, 43.002423862000001, 43.754682545599998,
-    44.392160792200002, 45.226295550300001, 45.955474380200002, 46.6701829171,
-    47.223011101499999, 47.870306336100001, 49.055475024800003,
-    49.870096181000001, 50.573112358800003, 51.511936900599999,
-    52.294025013499997, 52.962422501100001, 54.0366510279, 54.7208861318,
-    55.623480251799997, 56.401930573599998, 57.257184440700001,
-    58.072153872400001, 58.874410881099998, 60.104082592799998,
-    61.246007962100002, 62.248201307400002, 63.333179544099998, 64.4524632575,
-    65.680454143800006, 66.683104472400004, 67.860077341099995,
-    68.838786806399995, 69.8305645449, 71.030064286699997, 72.106640080299996,
-    73.718568832599999, 74.8928190476, 76.122150548999997, 77.8978499384,
-    79.078046305800001, 80.938626385199996, 82.707864462499998,
-    84.409564379399995, 85.580444997300006, 87.015983902800002,
-    88.433916929199995, 90.027633876400003, 91.989641288499996,
-    94.085497345299999, 97.019197389300004, 98.948948656499994, 101.110113046,
-    102.857621045, 104.948948472, 107.370061428, 110.309341836, 113.069785897,
-    115.334911873, 118.811007467, 121.8903905, 124.534635235, 127.237679828,
-    130.822044406, 133.95795785600001, 137.088601866, 141.331942336,
-    144.39698896600001, 148.46879151300001, 151.54049203599999, 156.010435457,
-    159.23907638899999, 163.84405742499999, 167.20574813600001, 171.571248282,
-    175.307565178, 180.898544257, 188.209642444, 192.88951267100001,
-    199.07961470500001, 204.98453083699999, 210.87189762099999,
-    217.37683173400001, 226.04598215600001, 233.03168449699999, 241.629711085,
-    246.946999901, 257.88334712900001, 264.42034237600001, 275.808770686,
-    285.32670270400001, 296.425658236, 311.66211481800002, 325.77524805600001,
-    339.41158178199998, 359.89737101100002, 378.89288395099999,
-    407.45313021999999, 430.825250423, 463.86767345999999, 495.964419029,
-    532.31966564899994, 589.85183477299995, 656.18178811200005,
-    784.26433017099998, 943.24503690999995, 1302.9980653, 102139.29543300001,
-    0.0, 0.86743237287200003, 1.3552076122000001, 1.74882176592,
-    2.1568118435899999, 2.5442077510700001, 2.7836243977500001, 3.00643655951,
-    3.2689355412999999, 3.5104534629600002, 3.8022522251600002,
-    4.0581864022299996, 4.3187967801799996, 4.5167601174499996,
-    4.8300373207899998, 5.1908096910400001, 5.4523307194299999,
-    5.7058518279000001, 6.0398043860700001, 6.3374641220700001,
-    6.6584016957400003, 6.8846773738299998, 7.1723016125100001, 7.48248963179,
-    7.7608348148299999, 8.0287909583299992, 8.3818549816299992,
-    8.7220174560999997, 9.0911091549999998, 9.35929759333, 9.6835960622500004,
-    9.9959322308900003, 10.3919770948, 10.747496464799999, 11.051538298500001,
-    11.316949795799999, 11.6183662131, 11.847164556699999, 12.1264569509,
-    12.437037774, 12.678519424999999, 13.016651663899999, 13.442219338399999,
-    13.7024184299, 14.0640518316, 14.3690724623, 14.6322090714,
-    15.003935011899999, 15.4618156875, 15.691396925499999, 16.018873943599999,
-    16.325083680199999, 16.72412623, 17.1800229961, 17.565089287999999,
-    17.955333696, 18.350394168699999, 18.662332183499998, 19.055520775400002,
-    19.3243741866, 19.697736269300002, 20.1598827376, 20.587558148399999,
-    20.947803652899999, 21.377289620700001, 21.7382160949, 22.148445907799999,
-    22.538187253499999, 22.969405032299999, 23.3515975378, 23.7868814409,
-    24.248895708799999, 24.763958241200001, 25.1997621694, 25.508926166199998,
-    25.958095899700002, 26.333188731500002, 26.824658796200001, 27.2155445271,
-    27.6568308628, 28.003116157499999, 28.541185737399999, 29.063342253199998,
-    29.560897612200002, 30.089418954599999, 30.597578276299998,
-    31.089081956699999, 31.4765648224, 31.894925652200001, 32.457647031999997,
-    33.030174841600001, 33.487885595199998, 34.018036955900001,
-    34.729723770100001, 35.271537205000001, 35.835399970200001,
-    36.307941559900001, 37.035916915500003, 37.561814357099998,
-    38.147376215199998, 38.7343663929, 39.318444863700002, 40.219249623899998,
-    40.878162636200003, 41.4384018103, 42.125905574999997, 42.975687067999999,
-    43.8669515737, 44.7165019555, 45.320383934500001, 46.290441078699999,
-    47.103139229999996, 47.737629462800001, 48.481018605400003, 49.4000519043,
-    50.130121766099997, 51.236341089200003, 52.022103237400003,
-    53.121350018199998, 54.3133505427, 55.198931289699999, 56.1880323006,
-    57.196115179099998, 58.388588195399997, 59.017601707799997,
-    60.191491397699998, 61.1785764937, 62.150011268, 63.062827775300001,
-    64.255070623099996, 65.725583058799998, 67.146069528200002,
-    68.855182272500002, 70.625039886400003, 72.517402771500002,
-    74.012329769800004, 75.142684897799995, 77.263163371999994,
-    78.970113074099999, 81.015664056600002, 82.952470754299995,
-    84.358247795500006, 86.345419452399994, 87.398236220800001,
-    88.877403817100003, 91.486012660200004, 93.475534618099999,
-    95.836579746699996, 99.517911350299997, 102.47972814000001,
-    104.56502959399999, 106.80315385900001, 109.427661664, 112.172083348,
-    114.752710729, 117.319711297, 120.332179395, 122.523137369,
-    125.80426376699999, 128.152192243, 130.68223203400001, 135.03565554799999,
-    138.836718018, 142.72321670599999, 145.83471307600001, 148.23894481900001,
-    150.940455676, 155.45888045199999, 160.45763036100001, 165.78439021700001,
-    170.10783283399999, 176.981973885, 182.24637161699999, 187.99729957,
-    193.341158584, 201.153499485, 209.89557814400001, 215.512255272,
-    222.916166694, 234.63262219500001, 242.24162438799999, 250.84387633899999,
-    264.39217630600001, 286.10701643599998, 294.863916168, 309.35324268800002,
-    326.01462315399999, 343.064113615, 361.99177679500002, 387.72006495800002,
-    407.06863126899998, 432.93714764600003, 471.081198336, 512.23599568500003,
-    547.44287580900004, 597.93801741300001, 672.97299630600003,
-    816.76871595199998, 996.88891773900002, 1291.9070935100001,
-    161358.74421500001, 0.0, 0.99453276649300004, 1.34957440998, 1.80040223325,
-    2.1674828403999999, 2.48530115303, 2.78071282241, 3.0627252072600002,
-    3.2784701121599999, 3.5719852163999999, 3.9766675073700002,
-    4.1919498196699996, 4.4401116787000001, 4.7010850741399999,
-    4.8325546723099997, 4.9905503588400002, 5.2121802011499998,
-    5.4487589889699999, 5.7199962258500001, 5.9713598443100002,
-    6.2934525916500004, 6.5164568592299998, 6.7356095053300002,
-    6.9021306576599999, 7.1721655965900002, 7.3281530158799999,
-    7.5914585431999999, 7.8254960779699996, 7.9993083693299996,
-    8.2012397418000003, 8.3720004276700006, 8.6300188092199992,
-    8.9217519372599998, 9.3077081475300005, 9.6043493889500002,
-    9.8964144834100001, 10.211666127200001, 10.4213008992, 10.788691589500001,
-    11.051012050900001, 11.344200771000001, 11.725614780600001, 11.9588900773,
-    12.2827247511, 12.637968324099999, 12.966823288900001, 13.168992016800001,
-    13.4745396448, 13.785583859500001, 14.036187573499999, 14.3890843198,
-    14.7328997316, 15.1242120858, 15.3426967014, 15.6612958042, 15.9789841683,
-    16.360263102400001, 16.772235545499999, 17.216064751899999,
-    17.589241161899999, 17.8572448364, 18.1950328878, 18.559156973699999,
-    18.792157978999999, 19.092364930399999, 19.509183897500002, 19.8903785993,
-    20.395241299399999, 20.715609197399999, 21.129151485000001, 21.4384474457,
-    21.8051370373, 22.0983151782, 22.589355123800001, 22.923955315299999,
-    23.293660984199999, 23.8073499164, 24.164663172499999, 24.468464225200002,
-    24.9136660319, 25.292481224799999, 25.704244781, 26.122315593700002,
-    26.745139958900001, 27.142677224500002, 27.678661556600002,
-    28.172552657800001, 28.7004617023, 29.254574122400001, 29.9576316134,
-    30.320919945, 30.8651150524, 31.535303165799998, 32.0284025188,
-    32.4595794536, 32.939819047199997, 33.536005820299998, 34.287543194800001,
-    34.940091845399998, 35.379675577999997, 36.122305638999997,
-    36.623643357600002, 37.258982358499999, 37.645211866499999,
-    38.348043171800001, 39.121822204899999, 39.903193717900002, 40.5501905506,
-    41.172201017399999, 41.965871158399999, 42.633532572999997,
-    43.135795547100003, 43.854137299599998, 44.859996618799997,
-    45.622113159199998, 46.6849616684, 47.678221519899999, 48.843464619499997,
-    49.8146602526, 50.688647234999998, 51.583461331899997, 52.591197556700003,
-    53.717957165400001, 55.506732086500001, 56.662175622500001,
-    58.167854235900002, 59.062885457699998, 60.411246125200002,
-    61.391033951200001, 62.368874448500002, 63.688858420800003,
-    64.888271486199997, 66.635858121799998, 67.817878363199995,
-    68.880671285700004, 70.095051569500001, 71.501848303100005,
-    72.775151774600005, 74.558541465199994, 76.409518135499994,
-    77.761688797700003, 79.005647183500002, 80.295269079099995, 82.4136017931,
-    84.613797778800006, 86.016896733899998, 87.430508335200003,
-    88.670983118500004, 90.231433799300007, 91.891509509399995,
-    94.498776834500006, 97.249232232899999, 98.623021338599997, 101.238294708,
-    102.87975996900001, 105.291018643, 107.24435443199999, 109.666596011,
-    113.098272596, 115.61031488, 119.614780612, 123.287443794, 126.249115391,
-    128.58356817500001, 131.775900138, 135.290949961, 139.29796378500001,
-    146.262327629, 150.00976835200001, 154.61572367400001, 160.255070652,
-    165.26334147099999, 170.16736670500001, 173.77829739699999,
-    179.56132179599999, 184.561922764, 190.69775108499999, 196.65891324699999,
-    203.521908177, 211.093916154, 221.47514707299999, 231.47529352399999,
-    237.75562241, 244.883786829, 253.30171895399999, 261.76505171600002,
-    278.98552843200002, 292.60068635200003, 311.55099943599998,
-    325.88771172899999, 343.19537559700001, 365.551962753, 393.39248336999998,
-    422.56973752499999, 461.27635287499999, 502.54248837599999,
-    563.31345992700005, 636.33864636400006, 803.18510591400002, 1017.18613565,
-    2073.8933950400001, 0.0, 0.84882448919599995, 1.1297295603899999,
-    1.43790054577, 1.8034031745600001, 2.1567378511699999, 2.46200691124,
-    2.7164909210600001, 2.9725139778099998, 3.3258460814699999, 3.51565620581,
-    3.6829072744900002, 3.8503255597599999, 4.0960101060699996,
-    4.3195587197099998, 4.5180080510099998, 4.7208657011600001,
-    4.9188747051200004, 5.0822519781400004, 5.2471047837700002,
-    5.4397152562800004, 5.6442757923500002, 5.94422558704, 6.2491652156599997,
-    6.5158366836499999, 6.6694208713499998, 6.9618320371699998,
-    7.0954639576199998, 7.3925975604899996, 7.6671833348599998,
-    8.0270911346999991, 8.2155617499000009, 8.3810446408000008,
-    8.6728270830500005, 8.9919564023300005, 9.1979666478599995,
-    9.4613822654199993, 9.8638159812400001, 10.064467502699999,
-    10.300861637400001, 10.5922395715, 10.898994478100001, 11.2204623911,
-    11.462764891000001, 11.827261590299999, 12.083868714099999,
-    12.386429319099999, 12.6393019529, 12.853547404, 13.1367142199,
-    13.3487410123, 13.656895326200001, 14.024084867899999, 14.2305895378,
-    14.537063637599999, 14.7677980479, 14.983400628, 15.254355192,
-    15.4728650747, 15.7833358443, 16.258317366699998, 16.591420611899999,
-    16.7968951537, 17.321484078699999, 17.688159546000001, 17.9917501318,
-    18.4264735655, 18.751733764800001, 19.0344300858, 19.372343152500001,
-    19.740307887699998, 20.051092925599999, 20.305765000400001,
-    20.618187255599999, 20.819816596500001, 21.0782135131, 21.397939723499999,
-    21.854582025799999, 22.2881163357, 22.6506377304, 22.877000473599999,
-    23.384389492899999, 23.836418588899999, 24.222254926800002,
-    24.655197791999999, 25.022161849, 25.444878252500001, 26.053606325400001,
-    26.614004877900001, 27.0211182404, 27.401244503200001, 27.7850805052,
-    28.159129948299999, 28.6603675532, 29.200278675, 29.671973053799999,
-    30.210222716600001, 30.961837351900002, 31.650008409800002,
-    32.094382395700002, 32.843304519299998, 33.577328693699997,
-    34.237700249100001, 34.801256214399999, 35.485455770500003, 35.9765981579,
-    36.670725593599997, 37.170285661000001, 37.990796691500002,
-    38.642774190700003, 39.528303337300002, 39.978645888499997, 40.8020907732,
-    41.489481081900003, 42.4638964743, 43.139901183799999, 44.090235702199998,
-    45.199560705499998, 45.817027413600002, 47.017044573200003,
-    48.262105780699997, 49.1479688362, 50.425156699799999, 51.855557858499999,
-    52.673049050499998, 53.828962193300001, 54.706265736600002, 55.754088218,
-    56.6875216169, 57.802232958300003, 59.077269420699999, 59.802668045799997,
-    60.803463371600003, 62.277143198700003, 63.318223359400001,
-    64.249051654799999, 65.723438296400005, 66.690473547300002,
-    67.987683240400003, 69.312005970800001, 70.335791722799996,
-    71.525547407700003, 73.2296426005, 74.761566365899995, 76.401961372800002,
-    78.083813237900003, 79.959478159499994, 81.411397194700001,
-    83.907706583600003, 85.130641549399996, 86.564841115600004,
-    88.151400025100003, 90.839542183500001, 93.404373994799997,
-    95.237850676600004, 96.510747774899997, 98.111723876599996,
-    100.59771252100001, 103.473781565, 106.22999075200001, 109.035110547,
-    111.514197384, 114.660071867, 117.91431810100001, 120.95989149899999,
-    125.315578238, 127.97488147200001, 131.55766028400001, 133.79550634099999,
-    136.780043667, 143.37105514300001, 147.41143759799999, 152.70084909799999,
-    158.68963683999999, 163.480470784, 168.40748618699999, 176.23576411799999,
-    181.51714572399999, 188.435573998, 193.69868358400001, 201.866252981,
-    209.69486823, 221.66246932499999, 231.771152277, 245.05347127900001,
-    258.89263676799999, 273.73973170099998, 290.43652293600002,
-    304.91784651400002, 317.71453254800002, 345.81680795, 370.51493599600002,
-    396.34922032399999, 427.34649876600002, 472.648184012, 548.811516697,
-    616.97696803199995, 698.58074685700001, 921.70016827699999, 1351.93476429,
-    4555.3138270099998, 0.0, 1.05775845422, 1.30722302885, 1.6550836259599999,
-    2.0164548998499998, 2.22264762997, 2.4339426832900002, 2.63987900941,
-    2.8474331698999999, 3.1394413773199998, 3.3488811388099999,
-    3.5845593259999999, 3.7278526245200001, 3.89707499961, 4.0930076946499998,
-    4.2667403322500004, 4.4444123281100003, 4.7057346005499996,
-    4.8776095749700001, 5.0766543427900004, 5.2576254422700002,
-    5.4227043983799996, 5.5565800836300001, 5.6921444728099999,
-    5.8967927912900002, 6.0520540232300002, 6.18092403149, 6.4448963355100002,
-    6.6606765375799997, 6.8569177525900002, 6.9871721176600001,
-    7.1997752419300003, 7.4790143792799997, 7.6433232341600004,
-    7.8838845337299999, 8.0362724982000007, 8.2491173118100001,
-    8.4854912803700007, 8.7981272976200007, 8.98771466078, 9.2672797478700009,
-    9.4910127015200008, 9.7196918691600001, 9.9958458284499994, 10.2946220832,
-    10.5192779153, 10.7367739562, 11.0486241079, 11.264306749099999,
-    11.610683487999999, 11.8590324631, 12.102995508599999, 12.274140378,
-    12.5626984562, 12.777400244300001, 13.0071767612, 13.3075190692,
-    13.506522563900001, 13.7736133375, 14.034237147500001, 14.3718879313,
-    14.704450492399999, 15.006497291000001, 15.4860321302, 15.8250864202,
-    16.068562412599999, 16.366417189700002, 16.791695786399998, 17.1963988083,
-    17.692784723599999, 17.9889456748, 18.250281237599999, 18.540758284100001,
-    19.105488743399999, 19.3676116446, 19.9057967233, 20.372155027400002,
-    20.617865943399998, 21.0056881543, 21.3998014925, 21.886629124399999,
-    22.301586328599999, 22.8157840378, 23.1577773249, 23.562675140700001,
-    23.9908312801, 24.371709623200001, 24.853048289, 25.321527433499998,
-    25.817410943100001, 26.333798079699999, 26.743897014000002,
-    27.404019467800001, 27.750455412299999, 28.245307990099999, 28.8302203846,
-    29.238499632700002, 29.908395497000001, 30.222815192500001,
-    30.759701009099999, 31.296847612400001, 31.809133106099999, 32.3396270004,
-    33.065629932, 33.614025315299997, 34.269816387299997, 35.012311410899997,
-    35.852750563500003, 36.404141805499997, 36.8294660038, 37.935726292200002,
-    38.368785425900001, 39.1826087245, 40.008409596500002, 40.726090274800001,
-    41.337873114600001, 42.209034503799998, 43.359563836100001, 44.113217655,
-    44.844831191300003, 45.6845486769, 46.347966789700003, 47.331044909100001,
-    48.2533342455, 49.162487231599997, 50.1543142202, 50.931869310099998,
-    51.636126617899997, 52.181963144800001, 53.396775668799997,
-    55.032301978100001, 55.596427951899997, 56.5791496927, 57.542454919599997,
-    58.554653988799998, 59.636429710999998, 61.407241399900002,
-    62.509754862100003, 63.601590468700003, 64.824312135300005,
-    66.386878043999999, 67.693732305799998, 69.365119204300001,
-    71.025400599899996, 72.653909433799996, 74.395827576000002,
-    75.769964444999999, 77.234020831500004, 78.433715899099994,
-    81.101681241799994, 83.076307199300004, 84.5988995469, 86.376895072899998,
-    88.194960597199994, 90.441746414899995, 92.189595910199998,
-    93.440994131400004, 95.435247487400005, 99.0558885879, 101.49204924999999,
-    104.088533635, 106.181199298, 109.219007221, 112.61624315100001,
-    116.029069048, 119.96844246400001, 124.344004768, 127.91969076300001,
-    132.149553927, 135.922055457, 140.068507211, 144.15378361399999,
-    148.60536720600001, 153.82589839900001, 158.576947158, 165.555672257,
-    171.63158056899999, 176.33047682, 181.08906739299999, 186.793582875,
-    192.534521512, 203.56027511299999, 211.12137373499999, 218.32402486300001,
-    227.271126122, 239.72295971400001, 255.439273482, 266.59600377999999,
-    284.21895951499999, 302.86802943499998, 319.3660428, 335.96299544999999,
-    371.29655514500001, 386.65083379800001, 434.96311705400001,
-    521.05039447499996, 574.39597849699999, 643.38261744700003,
-    749.10677599899998, 937.47346937500004, 2164.74350723, 0.0,
-    0.87216036854099999, 1.1731523662100001, 1.4528318226800001,
-    1.7506036653599999, 1.95830274355, 2.1933454622299999, 2.4315041290299999,
-    2.6097449606700001, 2.8143037344300001, 2.98234250898, 3.14296097174,
-    3.28163067285, 3.4197130756399998, 3.5577964282300001, 3.7192315259700002,
-    3.8806453857499998, 4.0848607038400004, 4.27058822443, 4.4259870320300001,
-    4.6202853710799996, 4.8079818422300002, 4.9703096793699997,
-    5.1771997283899998, 5.32208420074, 5.4736064223099996, 5.6716933713,
-    5.7948310020399996, 5.9616974056899998, 6.1294408520800001,
-    6.3200579482499997, 6.5465172585299998, 6.7046238334500003,
-    6.8696070854100002, 7.0421250211300004, 7.21408035417, 7.3666599903499996,
-    7.5629677715200003, 7.7854370727999997, 8.0250690670800005,
-    8.2018499794099995, 8.4165599450900004, 8.6205648003099995,
-    8.8020739087200006, 8.9976602698800008, 9.2090483824400007, 9.40554714598,
-    9.6268466056699999, 9.8387845757699992, 10.063513496600001, 10.3066855573,
-    10.5490401104, 10.760759543200001, 11.0190557159, 11.247083638299999,
-    11.487903512700001, 11.690503747999999, 11.9163331257, 12.1540624086,
-    12.3754681949, 12.6225724062, 12.8298548017, 13.105360490300001,
-    13.352707515200001, 13.600565291800001, 13.8363089384, 14.081226945299999,
-    14.370552543500001, 14.6854081396, 14.959606431799999, 15.238257795699999,
-    15.488877516500001, 15.783357724, 16.059268546999999, 16.371064702799998,
-    16.635482564899998, 16.926054678500002, 17.2595416636, 17.558429913600001,
-    17.873233837699999, 18.1713476396, 18.437921946300001, 18.808552489299998,
-    19.094615129400001, 19.521706635899999, 19.8753230885, 20.298514125000001,
-    20.622495869000002, 20.9353854017, 21.4098244692, 21.829437198099999,
-    22.259602406999999, 22.672559352, 23.1204515296, 23.483853294300001,
-    23.9484201462, 24.3248985436, 24.847141378100002, 25.2522052389,
-    25.681308357599999, 26.205337182699999, 26.576187536300001,
-    27.078663830899998, 27.677873063900002, 28.2381539971, 28.8023214868,
-    29.3993510241, 29.912833547399998, 30.573666294900001, 31.104430988600001,
-    31.796146883399999, 32.497170738500003, 33.279496414699999,
-    34.098064962599999, 34.843216272900001, 35.542133214099998,
-    36.276287779500002, 36.975928357500003, 37.504257990799999,
-    38.314777833900003, 39.177430845000004, 39.819717746400002,
-    40.407911670099999, 41.120240020300002, 41.978665155199998,
-    42.866256983200003, 43.496257352299999, 44.207718886199999,
-    44.967775733800003, 45.845529661199997, 46.8316582737, 47.606961498799997,
-    48.454226783199999, 49.675775014400003, 50.5811434361, 51.543186701800003,
-    52.633751532200002, 53.929547364699999, 55.037714174199998,
-    56.301767675000001, 57.451158926300003, 58.714248343199998,
-    59.628151489899999, 60.807000845600001, 62.156996127799999,
-    63.456997649599998, 65.008915114800004, 66.386142722499997,
-    67.978491519900004, 69.422238847200006, 70.791592380799997,
-    72.011370736700002, 73.522117942199998, 75.359756207299995,
-    77.030728253800007, 78.893995033400003, 80.530957561600005,
-    81.946598575099998, 84.055736077199995, 86.177382717599997,
-    88.231077799399998, 90.830107187099998, 93.291203665799998,
-    96.842991020100001, 99.738754614200005, 102.822309851, 106.472937214,
-    109.712921572, 112.28819169, 115.383539528, 118.33937052500001, 121.6283803,
-    126.21758780099999, 130.559458404, 135.25935161000001, 139.64966053500001,
-    144.08321394399999, 149.81024360000001, 155.95824547500001,
-    160.54965979900001, 165.74901272299999, 173.07092800300001, 181.971265612,
-    190.12184997899999, 199.140874, 208.94440364799999, 219.692760295,
-    231.41654560800001, 244.813734337, 260.64934893600002, 276.86471985399999,
-    297.854074072, 327.675880581, 363.64694161300002, 395.28587648799999,
-    430.29646448199998, 476.771927382, 552.10628605099998, 688.09209059399996,
-    965.66929444699997, 5512.1265341500002, 0.0, 0.62589083024600001,
-    1.0089155589900001, 1.2669403239100001, 1.4930834132099999, 1.6647456778,
-    1.86494432327, 2.0537877508200002, 2.25391444537, 2.4255788848600002,
-    2.5625113900800001, 2.70119472848, 2.8053232942299999, 2.92720031662,
-    3.1007147687100001, 3.2394799841499999, 3.39215368186, 3.5920914079299999,
-    3.74416489544, 3.8829579282000002, 4.0121750001200001, 4.1604435034699998,
-    4.2969491096299999, 4.4303864671199999, 4.5829179833699998,
-    4.7183684166099997, 4.8667168998800001, 4.9825970049999997,
-    5.1443596513600003, 5.29642331298, 5.5116304645699996, 5.6662601962099997,
-    5.8151835779100001, 5.9375451382, 6.1570517624500001, 6.3131151288699998,
-    6.52398099929, 6.6722523007500003, 6.86154545663, 7.0599193283100004,
-    7.3129107271700002, 7.5490299843899997, 7.7172198221199997,
-    7.8648526311499998, 8.0837370196799991, 8.2593266698099992,
-    8.4613117407199994, 8.6884386074200002, 8.8745901890700001,
-    9.1116656074600009, 9.3126467721299999, 9.5071399643899994,
-    9.7151605657500006, 9.9551889093600003, 10.149609288200001, 10.3401891662,
-    10.621445531099999, 10.8426697409, 11.0272843935, 11.270829726400001,
-    11.4694723487, 11.6178469386, 11.821109029700001, 12.021790796499999,
-    12.3252449453, 12.5092794759, 12.818332850699999, 13.020756306899999,
-    13.310810976799999, 13.5124599496, 13.767115336, 14.0644181972,
-    14.332859790200001, 14.5607314245, 14.9082657073, 15.125302185800001,
-    15.3715537263, 15.670518073, 16.0341797918, 16.263188094,
-    16.565119653299998, 16.768979356500001, 17.107996179400001, 17.3155602187,
-    17.633055544099999, 17.978850956799999, 18.239306430100001,
-    18.603581283899999, 18.890651686000002, 19.2448822751, 19.6097734435,
-    19.926314503299999, 20.1586253842, 20.499346128900001, 20.763220895300002,
-    21.214468897100001, 21.6883372251, 21.932186764800001, 22.421734858200001,
-    22.8480131942, 23.3200873278, 23.594830171000002, 24.038195447900002,
-    24.408468226699998, 24.92649372, 25.442113401899999, 25.8447679595,
-    26.3726873799, 26.812905815000001, 27.122537899899999, 27.7422113077,
-    28.078738693199998, 28.5723682014, 29.0944195565, 29.5634253395,
-    30.1247268702, 30.983710482300001, 31.826570418700001, 32.3620827385,
-    33.029481950899999, 33.566683207600001, 34.288337869199999,
-    34.942294123800004, 35.546860066900003, 36.362485731600003, 37.2408130333,
-    38.058683128600002, 38.750745497600001, 39.428888690199997,
-    40.115263124599998, 40.901282995400003, 41.4018687274, 42.138788071800001,
-    43.018359615500003, 44.106243223500002, 45.093539481699999, 45.8411771739,
-    46.570250118399997, 47.841644068400001, 49.303024838200002,
-    50.464239790100002, 51.234103358299997, 52.317696309799999, 53.0996279724,
-    54.369256693700002, 55.965980526800003, 57.287395203700001,
-    58.636793195099997, 60.683809927200002, 62.106524762100001,
-    63.455965556400002, 64.508962315299996, 65.830030819000001, 67.3272861871,
-    68.485336924099997, 69.962539390399996, 71.3643490332, 73.207148927299997,
-    75.267417445500001, 77.636856277999996, 79.567969825700004,
-    81.887922453399995, 84.409393872699994, 86.252385378499994,
-    89.609195726400003, 92.058129085499999, 94.237863167399993,
-    97.130241311000006, 99.337287984200003, 102.785121426, 105.16684627799999,
-    108.155644287, 111.12424827, 114.20309084500001, 118.25567124200001,
-    120.63906266799999, 126.769351089, 131.30368792600001, 135.35008283600001,
-    140.167179914, 146.276635801, 154.69830296500001, 162.097699463,
-    168.49842445199999, 174.39338381300001, 183.839663489, 194.04584716900001,
-    205.199824904, 216.99026627999999, 226.397941844, 239.11086462599999,
-    257.98370514300001, 272.68513598700002, 294.38470478199997,
-    317.32579381900001, 352.86648779500001, 396.000885729, 447.65133356299998,
-    552.83482503000005, 744.96290114700003, 7762.8570038400003, 0.0,
-    0.36214416262600002, 0.60004394504000003, 0.87269790764999999,
-    1.0816835608199999, 1.1769418756600001, 1.3339406513100001,
-    1.5379932977899999, 1.64092011303, 1.8114937983699999, 1.92478153605,
-    2.0791194022399999, 2.18522431294, 2.3239286241100001, 2.4474903603299998,
-    2.56875405118, 2.6706112235399999, 2.7868128103399998, 2.89962589709,
-    3.0247650187300001, 3.1799188214799998, 3.3163269799299999,
-    3.4326557716099999, 3.5761530940699999, 3.6698664516599999,
-    3.8395536775700001, 3.9742173052399998, 4.0666621486399999,
-    4.1860672163199997, 4.2677782405900002, 4.39398556059, 4.5599359743100001,
-    4.7182993929599997, 4.8549576225899997, 4.9793340551199998,
-    5.1106161380800001, 5.22653369925, 5.3697032505699998, 5.5502664604199996,
-    5.6901435710500001, 5.81186063054, 5.9447132463900001, 6.05627291431,
-    6.16844943146, 6.3088485415099997, 6.5158703652999996, 6.6663173981500004,
-    6.7889778856399996, 6.92685753591, 7.05832274623, 7.2113778586999997,
-    7.3735471867099998, 7.4967882360999996, 7.67708191997, 7.8383618689299999,
-    8.0007809638400005, 8.2598039090000004, 8.4646047196400005,
-    8.6068680876200006, 8.7919284529800006, 8.9449623581599997,
-    9.1615349379200008, 9.3168642346000006, 9.4680652743600007,
-    9.7295350278099999, 9.9208554836600005, 10.0769753157, 10.1731120514,
-    10.3276036073, 10.6154476322, 10.8889357781, 11.016681222400001,
-    11.166106582099999, 11.3010656278, 11.460114477099999, 11.6049507496,
-    11.754826317499999, 12.128326894900001, 12.393725440500001,
-    12.601959282999999, 12.929220557000001, 13.2033834409, 13.496651655100001,
-    13.6720510495, 14.0106799329, 14.2715969553, 14.4738353905,
-    14.887431385199999, 15.0448999294, 15.3053817024, 15.6545606815,
-    15.9636364194, 16.322553926800001, 16.694194434500002, 17.030383725899998,
-    17.430560569699999, 17.700358551699999, 18.117532589300001,
-    18.425291790799999, 18.722525176000001, 19.151242618000001, 19.5588949566,
-    19.985716502399999, 20.4476355348, 20.9045258441, 21.276626095099999,
-    21.575188439600002, 22.0493676255, 22.446726857400002, 22.7039434454,
-    23.13535392, 23.679737149400001, 24.0913996564, 24.592582522600001,
-    24.846344199699999, 25.1692127267, 25.707613397399999, 26.060921460599999,
-    26.402713800499999, 26.7672555555, 27.323489971800001, 28.1384294904,
-    28.886585523400001, 29.625952655700001, 30.049929096700001,
-    30.912490141700001, 31.7116329208, 32.432935618400002, 33.0836818525,
-    33.756748210399998, 34.448977073899997, 34.967596885500001,
-    35.526411413300004, 36.153337627600003, 37.193655335499997,
-    37.865997652899999, 38.746337718900001, 39.2502404719, 39.9758412025,
-    40.513914754399998, 41.377973330099998, 42.134772359599999,
-    42.670801806599997, 43.359820479100001, 44.8475078349, 45.403055004400002,
-    46.8336235847, 47.7113874912, 48.6941028253, 49.650345725199998,
-    50.665570570200003, 51.724056971300001, 53.992577544, 55.575370979100001,
-    57.251984441700003, 58.745608337299998, 60.1648035049, 61.246203909800002,
-    62.419975842699998, 63.422574513400001, 64.876159087000005,
-    66.885247274500003, 68.391010214800005, 69.915828121700002, 72.4871931144,
-    74.172952607699997, 75.652527461199995, 78.468287273000001,
-    80.721637548800004, 83.956121732200003, 87.163249777199994,
-    88.897109974100005, 91.2752939664, 93.173034590599997, 95.435791827200006,
-    100.344464677, 104.832073959, 109.276679528, 112.578422989,
-    114.53132503400001, 119.746495774, 124.493025184, 129.95658998100001,
-    134.31216815799999, 137.89688887400001, 140.67569338600001, 147.559990177,
-    157.91491644199999, 164.60831501999999, 171.84101301800001,
-    186.69105907299999, 195.42122663699999, 208.16940782099999,
-    238.53526263200001, 245.87424240300001, 268.33659908499999, 292.616848678,
-    312.784421705, 376.69900637799998, 486.40594854400001, 909.54311207000001,
-    0.0, 0.29947032321799999, 0.52334873310399999, 0.68115226771299997,
-    0.86995042995600003, 0.98257819082099995, 1.1046843742300001,
-    1.1768999986299999, 1.2647418797800001, 1.36884910987, 1.4645619499,
-    1.5759885725, 1.6653002782099999, 1.75269298364, 1.87728664641,
-    1.9895373943000001, 2.0546833007099998, 2.1563717716299999,
-    2.2189233742900001, 2.3098127374300002, 2.4206150527000001,
-    2.4845079548800002, 2.6079748566799998, 2.6769284875300001,
-    2.7907616607699999, 2.8700892704999998, 2.93034323954, 2.9963469551599999,
-    3.06834808782, 3.1480022766900002, 3.2256769408800001, 3.30379140374,
-    3.3884221330000002, 3.4570332483000001, 3.54002670756, 3.6248614990800001,
-    3.7101075382699999, 3.7687182426899999, 3.8163207208699998, 3.89049827354,
-    3.9685665546200002, 4.0278252280400002, 4.1485435748499997,
-    4.2118118690999999, 4.2767713334400002, 4.3538326518200003,
-    4.4579713825800003, 4.5508743169399999, 4.6676333956900002, 4.74653167618,
-    4.8197525947199997, 4.9241035310900001, 5.0189077614800004,
-    5.1005151570300002, 5.2006018753400003, 5.2927488243700003,
-    5.4001527926900001, 5.4768772282700002, 5.5890430439100003,
-    5.7009271960400003, 5.80755356372, 5.9548448325700001, 6.0994726695899999,
-    6.25645276871, 6.3819964031299996, 6.4711966493400004, 6.5880414298299996,
-    6.7348102011000002, 6.8307196477099996, 6.9337887910999996,
-    7.1040524671199998, 7.2069620188099996, 7.3301993509400001,
-    7.4527574858900003, 7.5532437966600003, 7.6852803779599999,
-    7.8640635376499999, 8.0318076099900004, 8.1796189996499997,
-    8.3642059418999999, 8.5050041495500004, 8.6533583034700001,
-    8.7675089334600003, 8.90401831396, 9.0651446520400008, 9.2032868451700001,
-    9.3704603805200009, 9.5586269002000002, 9.7223680241999997,
-    9.9347655253599996, 10.098260913100001, 10.255212992300001, 10.4208240003,
-    10.5811816078, 10.765906323299999, 10.957390713400001, 11.087388472400001,
-    11.328556388399999, 11.528238631900001, 11.7872480683, 11.915456216899999,
-    12.1248574875, 12.422258492999999, 12.630647267100001, 12.8227992595,
-    13.1516423519, 13.4269728621, 13.7263917941, 13.910454382299999,
-    14.1519663254, 14.338029858300001, 14.560423425, 14.770007548300001,
-    14.9841095141, 15.334444082699999, 15.4948694147, 15.855824070500001,
-    16.241262736900001, 16.5489680156, 16.821966605299998, 17.034108685700001,
-    17.2704823658, 17.5373816422, 17.870520279099999, 18.260020296,
-    18.612564062099999, 18.852361614399999, 19.4196515169, 19.842134040099999,
-    20.208065711, 20.730183175899999, 21.211762532200002, 21.724835097900002,
-    22.113935455899998, 22.527518860600001, 22.952535640800001,
-    23.578085247400001, 24.165234135199999, 24.660451264300001,
-    25.101613714700001, 25.726113937200001, 26.0893457106, 26.669907244299999,
-    27.169577979900001, 27.596626516000001, 28.329601780800001,
-    28.779048282000002, 29.224608145400001, 29.781331889800001,
-    30.432540589399999, 31.415359296199998, 31.9605897486, 32.492956216000003,
-    33.285631429200002, 34.070187818800001, 35.060381063199998,
-    35.680990641100003, 36.895345624699999, 37.869889303100003, 38.7151898057,
-    39.673959652199997, 40.7449007739, 42.072602957599997, 43.253042370099998,
-    44.872848970500002, 46.556160648899997, 48.1796820673, 49.545397762699999,
-    51.074845857200003, 52.800367472799998, 54.781904047099999, 56.6419800444,
-    58.294167776899997, 59.890254052499998, 62.933262895200002,
-    64.383209257600001, 66.273695300300005, 68.879466623300004,
-    71.737383912400006, 73.694424811299996, 76.676559064200006,
-    79.509307012099995, 82.2830341003, 85.991392160700002, 90.717177404200001,
-    94.429171780900006, 97.473571158699997, 102.467911147, 107.546301419,
-    114.342831581, 121.31476895, 126.05533253199999, 137.91440966299999,
-    144.79876003499999, 163.923571595, 181.508527445, 213.04454604899999,
-    245.38055141000001, 301.25496328499997, 332.04731076600001,
-    25328.083268499999, 0.0, 0.16960710904000001, 0.24797331543600001,
-    0.30236896744000002, 0.34361899401099999, 0.40999983457,
-    0.48890969043100002, 0.54342837436299996, 0.60861265194400005,
-    0.64673129635399995, 0.69004038945699997, 0.73679534547199999,
-    0.77536960959000001, 0.82841780807499998, 0.90256777434299995,
-    0.93909860962199998, 1.00410024985, 1.0408385717899999, 1.11535670052,
-    1.14711502865, 1.15928977273, 1.18798598113, 1.2274534778099999,
-    1.26769475616, 1.3002205824799999, 1.3310033753199999, 1.3446656342200001,
-    1.3760840745, 1.39081400794, 1.4505341583, 1.4632661604999999,
-    1.4984860150399999, 1.5529767251, 1.57864986714, 1.6173517424399999,
-    1.67533252068, 1.70471580487, 1.7278608476799999, 1.7811033034399999,
-    1.82818139122, 1.86555208204, 1.8941511847700001, 1.92488230379,
-    1.95851626987, 1.99363516305, 2.0170055272299998, 2.0586483531600002,
-    2.0850970425700002, 2.1085030088000001, 2.1283137664099998, 2.16603036339,
-    2.19060342065, 2.2345184857999998, 2.2714847812799999, 2.2993152139899999,
-    2.3222064716699999, 2.3498083965699998, 2.3879408831800002,
-    2.4133674625900001, 2.45645766658, 2.5043169972600001, 2.5332218388799999,
-    2.5860056276300001, 2.6092200429700001, 2.6593928409799998,
-    2.7167476183999999, 2.7528966109600002, 2.8165365213600002,
-    2.8466368258900001, 2.8966874532100002, 2.9315763405099999,
-    2.9602961735200002, 2.9944957343700001, 3.0486180954200002,
-    3.1054310960799998, 3.17422308542, 3.22876924922, 3.2476266926499999,
-    3.2895811744699999, 3.33758062866, 3.3814007836000002, 3.4235448060599998,
-    3.49735659195, 3.5619485828699999, 3.61508084496, 3.6882879176299999,
-    3.7441381326799998, 3.8290921697, 3.87138230506, 3.9399367140599999,
-    3.9855674425799998, 4.03423244708, 4.1224800094800003, 4.1617950069500003,
-    4.2098466376400001, 4.2671599100500002, 4.3072566201600004,
-    4.3243450788600004, 4.3957664746200003, 4.4519812552699998,
-    4.4969306764399999, 4.5152175579399998, 4.56732663911, 4.6752821882199997,
-    4.7424836408799997, 4.8540575522499996, 4.9112049708600001,
-    4.9863832664899999, 5.0723492115899997, 5.1341872206300003,
-    5.1757472919899996, 5.2672883329999998, 5.3193278175799996,
-    5.3545440009799998, 5.3662639863299999, 5.4478164688200001, 5.51018935901,
-    5.6222469255899998, 5.7031572715200003, 5.78511780914, 5.87666466639,
-    6.0267396241600002, 6.1198844067399998, 6.1979622858300001, 6.28159827041,
-    6.3904158104600004, 6.4453162825900003, 6.5218544413200004,
-    6.6086381632900002, 6.6725993210399999, 6.8163144940900002, 6.97804495911,
-    7.0227642352400004, 7.1626846845100003, 7.3423024204600003,
-    7.5327362668799998, 7.6978310374000003, 7.7611027450999996, 7.88016729875,
-    7.9472676633599999, 8.1244228188799994, 8.2399482591299993,
-    8.3372351004799992, 8.5151888904599993, 8.5980587770099994,
-    8.7064795243800006, 8.9028549639799994, 9.1412099458099991,
-    9.2928218155500009, 9.5260445012799995, 9.7243731171600007,
-    9.9194989507500004, 10.158387747800001, 10.358305334700001, 10.8456897256,
-    11.0126503317, 11.1397484418, 11.3568231431, 11.725070023000001,
-    11.952829343599999, 12.355631104, 12.741115586999999, 12.9604116418,
-    13.0782774906, 13.386035293300001, 13.7586242928, 14.065910686100001,
-    14.481276965199999, 14.8428342578, 15.0857067332, 15.5610363036,
-    15.9877621903, 16.564935242699999, 17.222646941699999, 17.705236311899998,
-    18.2065490938, 18.6451801326, 19.1223591105, 19.606893553199999,
-    20.1404072423, 20.653286086600001, 21.431578720299999, 21.979215851300001,
-    23.048094735900001, 23.846359740299999, 24.3529984143, 24.985293486700002,
-    25.965109587899999, 26.669072074799999, 27.831042996200001,
-    29.685768165100001, 30.986492906100001, 32.7579031852, 34.704015628800001,
-    39.043339889599999, 43.627269160300003, 50.063241984299999,
-    55.522634061300003, 63.83632205, 80.274312648399999, 121.666396689
+    0.0,
+    1.19643536295,
+    1.7799429438800001,
+    2.5000897208500001,
+    3.0593132287299998,
+    3.4839286608000002,
+    3.9982294568999999,
+    4.4402913862600002,
+    4.8147369692600002,
+    5.3054432104,
+    5.8105717909600001,
+    6.1370968299099999,
+    6.7475810144699997,
+    7.3015792720599997,
+    7.6896019690199999,
+    8.13938977856,
+    8.4515096605100002,
+    8.9879216562900002,
+    9.4927671192999998,
+    10.085788064899999,
+    10.625255410199999,
+    11.0026891093,
+    11.3895870178,
+    11.843719932200001,
+    12.253271789299999,
+    12.767614137500001,
+    13.262427498099999,
+    13.786048882799999,
+    14.16595075,
+    14.643883369899999,
+    15.146539539600001,
+    15.7813472808,
+    16.280656373900001,
+    16.655646821400001,
+    17.114459585199999,
+    17.598615494000001,
+    18.184936752399999,
+    18.740805828900001,
+    19.248318706700001,
+    19.9296167205,
+    20.463100761100002,
+    21.2124495216,
+    21.626706539400001,
+    22.210655822100001,
+    22.700941956400001,
+    23.302821910599999,
+    23.920510033900001,
+    24.580456784700001,
+    25.2569820073,
+    25.959142340700001,
+    26.512265281099999,
+    27.196530728900001,
+    27.733216163200002,
+    28.478633239299999,
+    29.299270036500001,
+    30.256722160100001,
+    30.986221208,
+    31.737877171200001,
+    32.3960443243,
+    33.105226859200002,
+    33.767065963699999,
+    34.404378731100003,
+    34.924274373000003,
+    35.644436068099999,
+    36.564111572900003,
+    37.417350414600001,
+    38.238436024899997,
+    38.799991177199999,
+    39.436095377800001,
+    40.277347542100003,
+    41.016879076899997,
+    41.908435708699997,
+    42.819594709699999,
+    43.738915136400003,
+    44.846693151399997,
+    45.536023954699999,
+    46.546157932100002,
+    47.460643921100001,
+    48.624537354399997,
+    49.4055755953,
+    50.186510797700002,
+    51.175277055499997,
+    52.089204297199998,
+    53.122068163400002,
+    54.127727041100002,
+    54.940780204399999,
+    56.114554909900001,
+    57.0656839854,
+    57.894406169100002,
+    59.009235477799997,
+    60.0914392866,
+    61.208045864900001,
+    62.2858241466,
+    63.543350702799998,
+    64.856196127700002,
+    66.682225449399994,
+    68.209557105800002,
+    69.742463108799996,
+    71.750057073999997,
+    73.414467924899995,
+    75.307815587799993,
+    77.118795934299996,
+    78.812379695000004,
+    80.355455134600007,
+    81.877925440300004,
+    83.662200974800001,
+    85.224686517899997,
+    86.615321828199995,
+    88.267510348100004,
+    89.802469557099997,
+    91.374895675700003,
+    93.408025320799993,
+    95.336052711299999,
+    97.395921625599996,
+    98.859486409499993,
+    100.657442178,
+    102.99984774399999,
+    105.41734144900001,
+    107.273191485,
+    109.044242849,
+    110.937136356,
+    113.583166593,
+    115.56257233300001,
+    117.846911268,
+    120.681655831,
+    122.799469999,
+    124.375415383,
+    126.97394391900001,
+    129.436815795,
+    132.49568735599999,
+    135.98857834699999,
+    138.09223868300001,
+    141.65649987800001,
+    146.09086464500001,
+    149.16576952099999,
+    152.208770273,
+    155.187653896,
+    157.43246798000001,
+    160.43301280700001,
+    162.84002901100001,
+    166.77052560600001,
+    169.29494600500001,
+    172.91801473500001,
+    176.654293306,
+    180.23478114700001,
+    183.296380473,
+    186.73903581499999,
+    190.86755789399999,
+    195.654394298,
+    199.69558299600001,
+    203.92254700699999,
+    208.397049907,
+    213.10008202399999,
+    217.93095747000001,
+    222.20188235800001,
+    227.07325009499999,
+    230.860699883,
+    237.97819378299999,
+    245.85743037500001,
+    252.73101680400001,
+    258.89556405000002,
+    268.60486464500002,
+    276.47499798699999,
+    282.03633185400003,
+    289.17078451600003,
+    302.06749436299998,
+    312.57905513100002,
+    322.60452264899999,
+    331.014610371,
+    341.75075497,
+    350.173888159,
+    361.88637575400003,
+    371.61412230500002,
+    385.17435225200001,
+    400.72319405799999,
+    411.753441162,
+    422.75058281299999,
+    437.11037701999999,
+    453.45288953800002,
+    474.420871385,
+    488.318616894,
+    512.11653910200005,
+    535.54182501000003,
+    555.56166528300002,
+    573.43505104999997,
+    593.13241480700003,
+    614.79560775100003,
+    649.435414896,
+    688.17560751799999,
+    721.87795355000003,
+    773.415382937,
+    813.66800489900004,
+    877.39648314099998,
+    964.732528602,
+    1069.40860047,
+    1223.88660858,
+    1424.4787858300001,
+    1674.8315303500001,
+    1977.7544173799999,
+    2651.83993319,
+    200410.392804,
+    0.0,
+    1.1584312650099999,
+    1.8096405876999999,
+    2.08809545024,
+    2.39759603108,
+    2.8210825374900002,
+    3.2262415616500002,
+    3.6767261063199999,
+    4.0712643350700004,
+    4.3358305431000002,
+    4.6961593196700004,
+    5.0048297457600004,
+    5.3979863436900004,
+    5.8290699240099997,
+    6.1960232764300001,
+    6.5088252292500002,
+    6.8948342983900002,
+    7.2696660689300003,
+    7.5399291096800001,
+    8.01313726329,
+    8.3889381116700008,
+    8.8151563879800001,
+    9.3221845714700002,
+    9.7919081310700005,
+    10.197322679699999,
+    10.690667428799999,
+    11.1669675994,
+    11.439377929899999,
+    11.6674844277,
+    12.008682137099999,
+    12.4556500154,
+    12.8218557119,
+    13.3281486992,
+    13.7095661165,
+    14.2163312161,
+    14.836869545500001,
+    15.3589870134,
+    15.8272834403,
+    16.238276813700001,
+    16.5883025266,
+    17.023074348600002,
+    17.414160002799999,
+    17.848152475399999,
+    18.247715569499999,
+    18.664561518999999,
+    19.075395695600001,
+    19.486374441700001,
+    19.973916476399999,
+    20.5269080381,
+    21.020846655300002,
+    21.507367194299999,
+    22.0135312996,
+    22.461208124300001,
+    23.036281720800002,
+    23.480764591,
+    23.9941998794,
+    24.413118882100001,
+    24.9392923634,
+    25.478485752899999,
+    26.086617298499998,
+    26.6809648813,
+    27.1950947449,
+    28.074728258899999,
+    28.720521756,
+    29.3654350726,
+    30.087513917199999,
+    30.702053779700002,
+    31.306689242899999,
+    31.780186689299999,
+    32.4753156827,
+    33.135143889299997,
+    33.888469867399998,
+    34.645545953000003,
+    35.367533057599999,
+    36.110020627200001,
+    36.758678629099997,
+    37.497664023799999,
+    38.081984167100003,
+    38.997417122999998,
+    39.672472603700001,
+    40.429274192199998,
+    41.295854716299999,
+    41.954930876799999,
+    42.5972412096,
+    43.276950597999999,
+    44.159449579799997,
+    45.025165711200003,
+    45.821814644200003,
+    46.555175562499997,
+    47.583311010599999,
+    48.589989172199999,
+    49.510833894599998,
+    50.257035760699999,
+    51.092289456800003,
+    52.258119141000002,
+    52.938195970499997,
+    53.804888863800002,
+    54.8416712187,
+    55.960279943899998,
+    57.006686652699997,
+    58.274563175499999,
+    59.3790074307,
+    60.283128322000003,
+    61.549512813600003,
+    62.4978155636,
+    63.834912981700001,
+    64.904107601199996,
+    66.223931861400004,
+    67.086972593499993,
+    68.397576571800002,
+    69.942186175000003,
+    71.207027708799998,
+    72.602512277200006,
+    73.560342838699995,
+    74.967359775099993,
+    76.577240733500005,
+    78.057764533799997,
+    79.513502422499997,
+    81.078073566599997,
+    82.165643638800006,
+    83.719127560900006,
+    85.148667228299999,
+    86.337704861199995,
+    87.860157790000002,
+    89.431109054900006,
+    90.980131378099998,
+    92.433634234400003,
+    94.226038238300006,
+    95.621501725399995,
+    97.080958997099998,
+    99.134428385800007,
+    101.04854586800001,
+    102.97657310699999,
+    105.139486026,
+    107.602665034,
+    109.70147691299999,
+    112.05021857600001,
+    114.125549412,
+    116.61722458,
+    118.189314409,
+    120.82322130999999,
+    123.127890034,
+    125.47513250999999,
+    127.848312975,
+    130.41431036200001,
+    133.57317560600001,
+    136.49161050999999,
+    140.74286875799999,
+    143.71689255300001,
+    146.67120050400001,
+    149.59581133399999,
+    152.22756825499999,
+    156.533766931,
+    160.06017973100001,
+    165.11262847200001,
+    169.23166942399999,
+    175.315765167,
+    179.524732857,
+    183.40525104400001,
+    188.17945511100001,
+    191.82963235400001,
+    197.202013322,
+    202.34316464599999,
+    207.99698327900001,
+    215.67824328500001,
+    224.47764356499999,
+    230.63417344199999,
+    236.60643002699999,
+    242.61055810900001,
+    251.77410247,
+    259.46544586200002,
+    268.047248459,
+    276.79107524199998,
+    286.15718497099999,
+    295.84758942399998,
+    305.58034509200002,
+    314.60780894999999,
+    325.34498936799997,
+    338.27578485100003,
+    348.53507352600002,
+    362.42239857200002,
+    375.083278597,
+    389.444337389,
+    407.52083932199997,
+    423.996775576,
+    439.86516896699999,
+    461.74456199100001,
+    481.21447879099998,
+    506.20652181600002,
+    531.64557102599997,
+    563.79744206400005,
+    601.85836871599997,
+    633.07763874900002,
+    693.45668289599996,
+    762.28141866299995,
+    852.11407475700003,
+    985.769367053,
+    1195.0785449099999,
+    1389.62431328,
+    2042.8647050500001,
+    78636.810297999997,
+    0.0,
+    1.0297464516799999,
+    1.60346935644,
+    2.0630353810100002,
+    2.4007054222700002,
+    2.7231158619300002,
+    3.0845870231900001,
+    3.3825315783100001,
+    3.7827559602099998,
+    4.1271402089200002,
+    4.4667826236700003,
+    4.7067760450099998,
+    5.1713770843100004,
+    5.53668279583,
+    5.74764546799,
+    6.1299980556899998,
+    6.3496742207699999,
+    6.6781045773500001,
+    7.12938206889,
+    7.39578341085,
+    7.7627325807999998,
+    8.0843024355399997,
+    8.3430476893299996,
+    8.7253588764300005,
+    9.0323780076000002,
+    9.3251680266000001,
+    9.7700665673099998,
+    10.103065082900001,
+    10.4121667828,
+    10.792220887399999,
+    11.114426525200001,
+    11.3987065041,
+    11.7259278942,
+    12.148971416,
+    12.454565579200001,
+    12.7910859418,
+    13.0925963376,
+    13.4917267129,
+    13.8568357546,
+    14.099344370200001,
+    14.466338023,
+    14.773502690999999,
+    15.1559213702,
+    15.4627289245,
+    15.735248281500001,
+    16.264394708800001,
+    16.624779056400001,
+    17.059591039099999,
+    17.366603691200002,
+    17.645800374,
+    18.074841360299999,
+    18.3713457528,
+    18.6782869727,
+    19.1657010441,
+    19.623227022799998,
+    20.045230785600001,
+    20.669991472,
+    21.181226625299999,
+    21.496046951899999,
+    22.092489347299999,
+    22.5203682028,
+    22.913515129299999,
+    23.382882170199998,
+    23.760241867400001,
+    24.103618211899999,
+    24.540791235699999,
+    25.0420139973,
+    25.4305135832,
+    26.0666776578,
+    26.564557883900001,
+    27.273553850399999,
+    27.7820097687,
+    28.3303665601,
+    28.745443715499999,
+    29.332968781000002,
+    30.009561780399999,
+    30.6135990386,
+    31.065902801899998,
+    31.520776554800001,
+    32.034559784499997,
+    32.646134072499997,
+    33.136621810400001,
+    34.091020344699999,
+    34.492997237600001,
+    34.960981709999999,
+    35.534538623400003,
+    36.397290535000003,
+    36.973557298199999,
+    37.496289196399999,
+    38.275574691300001,
+    39.132056666700002,
+    39.940285424599999,
+    40.663404855499998,
+    41.192514081399999,
+    41.940303401100003,
+    42.428268793400001,
+    43.002423862000001,
+    43.754682545599998,
+    44.392160792200002,
+    45.226295550300001,
+    45.955474380200002,
+    46.6701829171,
+    47.223011101499999,
+    47.870306336100001,
+    49.055475024800003,
+    49.870096181000001,
+    50.573112358800003,
+    51.511936900599999,
+    52.294025013499997,
+    52.962422501100001,
+    54.0366510279,
+    54.7208861318,
+    55.623480251799997,
+    56.401930573599998,
+    57.257184440700001,
+    58.072153872400001,
+    58.874410881099998,
+    60.104082592799998,
+    61.246007962100002,
+    62.248201307400002,
+    63.333179544099998,
+    64.4524632575,
+    65.680454143800006,
+    66.683104472400004,
+    67.860077341099995,
+    68.838786806399995,
+    69.8305645449,
+    71.030064286699997,
+    72.106640080299996,
+    73.718568832599999,
+    74.8928190476,
+    76.122150548999997,
+    77.8978499384,
+    79.078046305800001,
+    80.938626385199996,
+    82.707864462499998,
+    84.409564379399995,
+    85.580444997300006,
+    87.015983902800002,
+    88.433916929199995,
+    90.027633876400003,
+    91.989641288499996,
+    94.085497345299999,
+    97.019197389300004,
+    98.948948656499994,
+    101.110113046,
+    102.857621045,
+    104.948948472,
+    107.370061428,
+    110.309341836,
+    113.069785897,
+    115.334911873,
+    118.811007467,
+    121.8903905,
+    124.534635235,
+    127.237679828,
+    130.822044406,
+    133.95795785600001,
+    137.088601866,
+    141.331942336,
+    144.39698896600001,
+    148.46879151300001,
+    151.54049203599999,
+    156.010435457,
+    159.23907638899999,
+    163.84405742499999,
+    167.20574813600001,
+    171.571248282,
+    175.307565178,
+    180.898544257,
+    188.209642444,
+    192.88951267100001,
+    199.07961470500001,
+    204.98453083699999,
+    210.87189762099999,
+    217.37683173400001,
+    226.04598215600001,
+    233.03168449699999,
+    241.629711085,
+    246.946999901,
+    257.88334712900001,
+    264.42034237600001,
+    275.808770686,
+    285.32670270400001,
+    296.425658236,
+    311.66211481800002,
+    325.77524805600001,
+    339.41158178199998,
+    359.89737101100002,
+    378.89288395099999,
+    407.45313021999999,
+    430.825250423,
+    463.86767345999999,
+    495.964419029,
+    532.31966564899994,
+    589.85183477299995,
+    656.18178811200005,
+    784.26433017099998,
+    943.24503690999995,
+    1302.9980653,
+    102139.29543300001,
+    0.0,
+    0.86743237287200003,
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+    1.74882176592,
+    2.1568118435899999,
+    2.5442077510700001,
+    2.7836243977500001,
+    3.00643655951,
+    3.2689355412999999,
+    3.5104534629600002,
+    3.8022522251600002,
+    4.0581864022299996,
+    4.3187967801799996,
+    4.5167601174499996,
+    4.8300373207899998,
+    5.1908096910400001,
+    5.4523307194299999,
+    5.7058518279000001,
+    6.0398043860700001,
+    6.3374641220700001,
+    6.6584016957400003,
+    6.8846773738299998,
+    7.1723016125100001,
+    7.48248963179,
+    7.7608348148299999,
+    8.0287909583299992,
+    8.3818549816299992,
+    8.7220174560999997,
+    9.0911091549999998,
+    9.35929759333,
+    9.6835960622500004,
+    9.9959322308900003,
+    10.3919770948,
+    10.747496464799999,
+    11.051538298500001,
+    11.316949795799999,
+    11.6183662131,
+    11.847164556699999,
+    12.1264569509,
+    12.437037774,
+    12.678519424999999,
+    13.016651663899999,
+    13.442219338399999,
+    13.7024184299,
+    14.0640518316,
+    14.3690724623,
+    14.6322090714,
+    15.003935011899999,
+    15.4618156875,
+    15.691396925499999,
+    16.018873943599999,
+    16.325083680199999,
+    16.72412623,
+    17.1800229961,
+    17.565089287999999,
+    17.955333696,
+    18.350394168699999,
+    18.662332183499998,
+    19.055520775400002,
+    19.3243741866,
+    19.697736269300002,
+    20.1598827376,
+    20.587558148399999,
+    20.947803652899999,
+    21.377289620700001,
+    21.7382160949,
+    22.148445907799999,
+    22.538187253499999,
+    22.969405032299999,
+    23.3515975378,
+    23.7868814409,
+    24.248895708799999,
+    24.763958241200001,
+    25.1997621694,
+    25.508926166199998,
+    25.958095899700002,
+    26.333188731500002,
+    26.824658796200001,
+    27.2155445271,
+    27.6568308628,
+    28.003116157499999,
+    28.541185737399999,
+    29.063342253199998,
+    29.560897612200002,
+    30.089418954599999,
+    30.597578276299998,
+    31.089081956699999,
+    31.4765648224,
+    31.894925652200001,
+    32.457647031999997,
+    33.030174841600001,
+    33.487885595199998,
+    34.018036955900001,
+    34.729723770100001,
+    35.271537205000001,
+    35.835399970200001,
+    36.307941559900001,
+    37.035916915500003,
+    37.561814357099998,
+    38.147376215199998,
+    38.7343663929,
+    39.318444863700002,
+    40.219249623899998,
+    40.878162636200003,
+    41.4384018103,
+    42.125905574999997,
+    42.975687067999999,
+    43.8669515737,
+    44.7165019555,
+    45.320383934500001,
+    46.290441078699999,
+    47.103139229999996,
+    47.737629462800001,
+    48.481018605400003,
+    49.4000519043,
+    50.130121766099997,
+    51.236341089200003,
+    52.022103237400003,
+    53.121350018199998,
+    54.3133505427,
+    55.198931289699999,
+    56.1880323006,
+    57.196115179099998,
+    58.388588195399997,
+    59.017601707799997,
+    60.191491397699998,
+    61.1785764937,
+    62.150011268,
+    63.062827775300001,
+    64.255070623099996,
+    65.725583058799998,
+    67.146069528200002,
+    68.855182272500002,
+    70.625039886400003,
+    72.517402771500002,
+    74.012329769800004,
+    75.142684897799995,
+    77.263163371999994,
+    78.970113074099999,
+    81.015664056600002,
+    82.952470754299995,
+    84.358247795500006,
+    86.345419452399994,
+    87.398236220800001,
+    88.877403817100003,
+    91.486012660200004,
+    93.475534618099999,
+    95.836579746699996,
+    99.517911350299997,
+    102.47972814000001,
+    104.56502959399999,
+    106.80315385900001,
+    109.427661664,
+    112.172083348,
+    114.752710729,
+    117.319711297,
+    120.332179395,
+    122.523137369,
+    125.80426376699999,
+    128.152192243,
+    130.68223203400001,
+    135.03565554799999,
+    138.836718018,
+    142.72321670599999,
+    145.83471307600001,
+    148.23894481900001,
+    150.940455676,
+    155.45888045199999,
+    160.45763036100001,
+    165.78439021700001,
+    170.10783283399999,
+    176.981973885,
+    182.24637161699999,
+    187.99729957,
+    193.341158584,
+    201.153499485,
+    209.89557814400001,
+    215.512255272,
+    222.916166694,
+    234.63262219500001,
+    242.24162438799999,
+    250.84387633899999,
+    264.39217630600001,
+    286.10701643599998,
+    294.863916168,
+    309.35324268800002,
+    326.01462315399999,
+    343.064113615,
+    361.99177679500002,
+    387.72006495800002,
+    407.06863126899998,
+    432.93714764600003,
+    471.081198336,
+    512.23599568500003,
+    547.44287580900004,
+    597.93801741300001,
+    672.97299630600003,
+    816.76871595199998,
+    996.88891773900002,
+    1291.9070935100001,
+    161358.74421500001,
+    0.0,
+    0.99453276649300004,
+    1.34957440998,
+    1.80040223325,
+    2.1674828403999999,
+    2.48530115303,
+    2.78071282241,
+    3.0627252072600002,
+    3.2784701121599999,
+    3.5719852163999999,
+    3.9766675073700002,
+    4.1919498196699996,
+    4.4401116787000001,
+    4.7010850741399999,
+    4.8325546723099997,
+    4.9905503588400002,
+    5.2121802011499998,
+    5.4487589889699999,
+    5.7199962258500001,
+    5.9713598443100002,
+    6.2934525916500004,
+    6.5164568592299998,
+    6.7356095053300002,
+    6.9021306576599999,
+    7.1721655965900002,
+    7.3281530158799999,
+    7.5914585431999999,
+    7.8254960779699996,
+    7.9993083693299996,
+    8.2012397418000003,
+    8.3720004276700006,
+    8.6300188092199992,
+    8.9217519372599998,
+    9.3077081475300005,
+    9.6043493889500002,
+    9.8964144834100001,
+    10.211666127200001,
+    10.4213008992,
+    10.788691589500001,
+    11.051012050900001,
+    11.344200771000001,
+    11.725614780600001,
+    11.9588900773,
+    12.2827247511,
+    12.637968324099999,
+    12.966823288900001,
+    13.168992016800001,
+    13.4745396448,
+    13.785583859500001,
+    14.036187573499999,
+    14.3890843198,
+    14.7328997316,
+    15.1242120858,
+    15.3426967014,
+    15.6612958042,
+    15.9789841683,
+    16.360263102400001,
+    16.772235545499999,
+    17.216064751899999,
+    17.589241161899999,
+    17.8572448364,
+    18.1950328878,
+    18.559156973699999,
+    18.792157978999999,
+    19.092364930399999,
+    19.509183897500002,
+    19.8903785993,
+    20.395241299399999,
+    20.715609197399999,
+    21.129151485000001,
+    21.4384474457,
+    21.8051370373,
+    22.0983151782,
+    22.589355123800001,
+    22.923955315299999,
+    23.293660984199999,
+    23.8073499164,
+    24.164663172499999,
+    24.468464225200002,
+    24.9136660319,
+    25.292481224799999,
+    25.704244781,
+    26.122315593700002,
+    26.745139958900001,
+    27.142677224500002,
+    27.678661556600002,
+    28.172552657800001,
+    28.7004617023,
+    29.254574122400001,
+    29.9576316134,
+    30.320919945,
+    30.8651150524,
+    31.535303165799998,
+    32.0284025188,
+    32.4595794536,
+    32.939819047199997,
+    33.536005820299998,
+    34.287543194800001,
+    34.940091845399998,
+    35.379675577999997,
+    36.122305638999997,
+    36.623643357600002,
+    37.258982358499999,
+    37.645211866499999,
+    38.348043171800001,
+    39.121822204899999,
+    39.903193717900002,
+    40.5501905506,
+    41.172201017399999,
+    41.965871158399999,
+    42.633532572999997,
+    43.135795547100003,
+    43.854137299599998,
+    44.859996618799997,
+    45.622113159199998,
+    46.6849616684,
+    47.678221519899999,
+    48.843464619499997,
+    49.8146602526,
+    50.688647234999998,
+    51.583461331899997,
+    52.591197556700003,
+    53.717957165400001,
+    55.506732086500001,
+    56.662175622500001,
+    58.167854235900002,
+    59.062885457699998,
+    60.411246125200002,
+    61.391033951200001,
+    62.368874448500002,
+    63.688858420800003,
+    64.888271486199997,
+    66.635858121799998,
+    67.817878363199995,
+    68.880671285700004,
+    70.095051569500001,
+    71.501848303100005,
+    72.775151774600005,
+    74.558541465199994,
+    76.409518135499994,
+    77.761688797700003,
+    79.005647183500002,
+    80.295269079099995,
+    82.4136017931,
+    84.613797778800006,
+    86.016896733899998,
+    87.430508335200003,
+    88.670983118500004,
+    90.231433799300007,
+    91.891509509399995,
+    94.498776834500006,
+    97.249232232899999,
+    98.623021338599997,
+    101.238294708,
+    102.87975996900001,
+    105.291018643,
+    107.24435443199999,
+    109.666596011,
+    113.098272596,
+    115.61031488,
+    119.614780612,
+    123.287443794,
+    126.249115391,
+    128.58356817500001,
+    131.775900138,
+    135.290949961,
+    139.29796378500001,
+    146.262327629,
+    150.00976835200001,
+    154.61572367400001,
+    160.255070652,
+    165.26334147099999,
+    170.16736670500001,
+    173.77829739699999,
+    179.56132179599999,
+    184.561922764,
+    190.69775108499999,
+    196.65891324699999,
+    203.521908177,
+    211.093916154,
+    221.47514707299999,
+    231.47529352399999,
+    237.75562241,
+    244.883786829,
+    253.30171895399999,
+    261.76505171600002,
+    278.98552843200002,
+    292.60068635200003,
+    311.55099943599998,
+    325.88771172899999,
+    343.19537559700001,
+    365.551962753,
+    393.39248336999998,
+    422.56973752499999,
+    461.27635287499999,
+    502.54248837599999,
+    563.31345992700005,
+    636.33864636400006,
+    803.18510591400002,
+    1017.18613565,
+    2073.8933950400001,
+    0.0,
+    0.84882448919599995,
+    1.1297295603899999,
+    1.43790054577,
+    1.8034031745600001,
+    2.1567378511699999,
+    2.46200691124,
+    2.7164909210600001,
+    2.9725139778099998,
+    3.3258460814699999,
+    3.51565620581,
+    3.6829072744900002,
+    3.8503255597599999,
+    4.0960101060699996,
+    4.3195587197099998,
+    4.5180080510099998,
+    4.7208657011600001,
+    4.9188747051200004,
+    5.0822519781400004,
+    5.2471047837700002,
+    5.4397152562800004,
+    5.6442757923500002,
+    5.94422558704,
+    6.2491652156599997,
+    6.5158366836499999,
+    6.6694208713499998,
+    6.9618320371699998,
+    7.0954639576199998,
+    7.3925975604899996,
+    7.6671833348599998,
+    8.0270911346999991,
+    8.2155617499000009,
+    8.3810446408000008,
+    8.6728270830500005,
+    8.9919564023300005,
+    9.1979666478599995,
+    9.4613822654199993,
+    9.8638159812400001,
+    10.064467502699999,
+    10.300861637400001,
+    10.5922395715,
+    10.898994478100001,
+    11.2204623911,
+    11.462764891000001,
+    11.827261590299999,
+    12.083868714099999,
+    12.386429319099999,
+    12.6393019529,
+    12.853547404,
+    13.1367142199,
+    13.3487410123,
+    13.656895326200001,
+    14.024084867899999,
+    14.2305895378,
+    14.537063637599999,
+    14.7677980479,
+    14.983400628,
+    15.254355192,
+    15.4728650747,
+    15.7833358443,
+    16.258317366699998,
+    16.591420611899999,
+    16.7968951537,
+    17.321484078699999,
+    17.688159546000001,
+    17.9917501318,
+    18.4264735655,
+    18.751733764800001,
+    19.0344300858,
+    19.372343152500001,
+    19.740307887699998,
+    20.051092925599999,
+    20.305765000400001,
+    20.618187255599999,
+    20.819816596500001,
+    21.0782135131,
+    21.397939723499999,
+    21.854582025799999,
+    22.2881163357,
+    22.6506377304,
+    22.877000473599999,
+    23.384389492899999,
+    23.836418588899999,
+    24.222254926800002,
+    24.655197791999999,
+    25.022161849,
+    25.444878252500001,
+    26.053606325400001,
+    26.614004877900001,
+    27.0211182404,
+    27.401244503200001,
+    27.7850805052,
+    28.159129948299999,
+    28.6603675532,
+    29.200278675,
+    29.671973053799999,
+    30.210222716600001,
+    30.961837351900002,
+    31.650008409800002,
+    32.094382395700002,
+    32.843304519299998,
+    33.577328693699997,
+    34.237700249100001,
+    34.801256214399999,
+    35.485455770500003,
+    35.9765981579,
+    36.670725593599997,
+    37.170285661000001,
+    37.990796691500002,
+    38.642774190700003,
+    39.528303337300002,
+    39.978645888499997,
+    40.8020907732,
+    41.489481081900003,
+    42.4638964743,
+    43.139901183799999,
+    44.090235702199998,
+    45.199560705499998,
+    45.817027413600002,
+    47.017044573200003,
+    48.262105780699997,
+    49.1479688362,
+    50.425156699799999,
+    51.855557858499999,
+    52.673049050499998,
+    53.828962193300001,
+    54.706265736600002,
+    55.754088218,
+    56.6875216169,
+    57.802232958300003,
+    59.077269420699999,
+    59.802668045799997,
+    60.803463371600003,
+    62.277143198700003,
+    63.318223359400001,
+    64.249051654799999,
+    65.723438296400005,
+    66.690473547300002,
+    67.987683240400003,
+    69.312005970800001,
+    70.335791722799996,
+    71.525547407700003,
+    73.2296426005,
+    74.761566365899995,
+    76.401961372800002,
+    78.083813237900003,
+    79.959478159499994,
+    81.411397194700001,
+    83.907706583600003,
+    85.130641549399996,
+    86.564841115600004,
+    88.151400025100003,
+    90.839542183500001,
+    93.404373994799997,
+    95.237850676600004,
+    96.510747774899997,
+    98.111723876599996,
+    100.59771252100001,
+    103.473781565,
+    106.22999075200001,
+    109.035110547,
+    111.514197384,
+    114.660071867,
+    117.91431810100001,
+    120.95989149899999,
+    125.315578238,
+    127.97488147200001,
+    131.55766028400001,
+    133.79550634099999,
+    136.780043667,
+    143.37105514300001,
+    147.41143759799999,
+    152.70084909799999,
+    158.68963683999999,
+    163.480470784,
+    168.40748618699999,
+    176.23576411799999,
+    181.51714572399999,
+    188.435573998,
+    193.69868358400001,
+    201.866252981,
+    209.69486823,
+    221.66246932499999,
+    231.771152277,
+    245.05347127900001,
+    258.89263676799999,
+    273.73973170099998,
+    290.43652293600002,
+    304.91784651400002,
+    317.71453254800002,
+    345.81680795,
+    370.51493599600002,
+    396.34922032399999,
+    427.34649876600002,
+    472.648184012,
+    548.811516697,
+    616.97696803199995,
+    698.58074685700001,
+    921.70016827699999,
+    1351.93476429,
+    4555.3138270099998,
+    0.0,
+    1.05775845422,
+    1.30722302885,
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+    2.4339426832900002,
+    2.63987900941,
+    2.8474331698999999,
+    3.1394413773199998,
+    3.3488811388099999,
+    3.5845593259999999,
+    3.7278526245200001,
+    3.89707499961,
+    4.0930076946499998,
+    4.2667403322500004,
+    4.4444123281100003,
+    4.7057346005499996,
+    4.8776095749700001,
+    5.0766543427900004,
+    5.2576254422700002,
+    5.4227043983799996,
+    5.5565800836300001,
+    5.6921444728099999,
+    5.8967927912900002,
+    6.0520540232300002,
+    6.18092403149,
+    6.4448963355100002,
+    6.6606765375799997,
+    6.8569177525900002,
+    6.9871721176600001,
+    7.1997752419300003,
+    7.4790143792799997,
+    7.6433232341600004,
+    7.8838845337299999,
+    8.0362724982000007,
+    8.2491173118100001,
+    8.4854912803700007,
+    8.7981272976200007,
+    8.98771466078,
+    9.2672797478700009,
+    9.4910127015200008,
+    9.7196918691600001,
+    9.9958458284499994,
+    10.2946220832,
+    10.5192779153,
+    10.7367739562,
+    11.0486241079,
+    11.264306749099999,
+    11.610683487999999,
+    11.8590324631,
+    12.102995508599999,
+    12.274140378,
+    12.5626984562,
+    12.777400244300001,
+    13.0071767612,
+    13.3075190692,
+    13.506522563900001,
+    13.7736133375,
+    14.034237147500001,
+    14.3718879313,
+    14.704450492399999,
+    15.006497291000001,
+    15.4860321302,
+    15.8250864202,
+    16.068562412599999,
+    16.366417189700002,
+    16.791695786399998,
+    17.1963988083,
+    17.692784723599999,
+    17.9889456748,
+    18.250281237599999,
+    18.540758284100001,
+    19.105488743399999,
+    19.3676116446,
+    19.9057967233,
+    20.372155027400002,
+    20.617865943399998,
+    21.0056881543,
+    21.3998014925,
+    21.886629124399999,
+    22.301586328599999,
+    22.8157840378,
+    23.1577773249,
+    23.562675140700001,
+    23.9908312801,
+    24.371709623200001,
+    24.853048289,
+    25.321527433499998,
+    25.817410943100001,
+    26.333798079699999,
+    26.743897014000002,
+    27.404019467800001,
+    27.750455412299999,
+    28.245307990099999,
+    28.8302203846,
+    29.238499632700002,
+    29.908395497000001,
+    30.222815192500001,
+    30.759701009099999,
+    31.296847612400001,
+    31.809133106099999,
+    32.3396270004,
+    33.065629932,
+    33.614025315299997,
+    34.269816387299997,
+    35.012311410899997,
+    35.852750563500003,
+    36.404141805499997,
+    36.8294660038,
+    37.935726292200002,
+    38.368785425900001,
+    39.1826087245,
+    40.008409596500002,
+    40.726090274800001,
+    41.337873114600001,
+    42.209034503799998,
+    43.359563836100001,
+    44.113217655,
+    44.844831191300003,
+    45.6845486769,
+    46.347966789700003,
+    47.331044909100001,
+    48.2533342455,
+    49.162487231599997,
+    50.1543142202,
+    50.931869310099998,
+    51.636126617899997,
+    52.181963144800001,
+    53.396775668799997,
+    55.032301978100001,
+    55.596427951899997,
+    56.5791496927,
+    57.542454919599997,
+    58.554653988799998,
+    59.636429710999998,
+    61.407241399900002,
+    62.509754862100003,
+    63.601590468700003,
+    64.824312135300005,
+    66.386878043999999,
+    67.693732305799998,
+    69.365119204300001,
+    71.025400599899996,
+    72.653909433799996,
+    74.395827576000002,
+    75.769964444999999,
+    77.234020831500004,
+    78.433715899099994,
+    81.101681241799994,
+    83.076307199300004,
+    84.5988995469,
+    86.376895072899998,
+    88.194960597199994,
+    90.441746414899995,
+    92.189595910199998,
+    93.440994131400004,
+    95.435247487400005,
+    99.0558885879,
+    101.49204924999999,
+    104.088533635,
+    106.181199298,
+    109.219007221,
+    112.61624315100001,
+    116.029069048,
+    119.96844246400001,
+    124.344004768,
+    127.91969076300001,
+    132.149553927,
+    135.922055457,
+    140.068507211,
+    144.15378361399999,
+    148.60536720600001,
+    153.82589839900001,
+    158.576947158,
+    165.555672257,
+    171.63158056899999,
+    176.33047682,
+    181.08906739299999,
+    186.793582875,
+    192.534521512,
+    203.56027511299999,
+    211.12137373499999,
+    218.32402486300001,
+    227.271126122,
+    239.72295971400001,
+    255.439273482,
+    266.59600377999999,
+    284.21895951499999,
+    302.86802943499998,
+    319.3660428,
+    335.96299544999999,
+    371.29655514500001,
+    386.65083379800001,
+    434.96311705400001,
+    521.05039447499996,
+    574.39597849699999,
+    643.38261744700003,
+    749.10677599899998,
+    937.47346937500004,
+    2164.74350723,
+    0.0,
+    0.87216036854099999,
+    1.1731523662100001,
+    1.4528318226800001,
+    1.7506036653599999,
+    1.95830274355,
+    2.1933454622299999,
+    2.4315041290299999,
+    2.6097449606700001,
+    2.8143037344300001,
+    2.98234250898,
+    3.14296097174,
+    3.28163067285,
+    3.4197130756399998,
+    3.5577964282300001,
+    3.7192315259700002,
+    3.8806453857499998,
+    4.0848607038400004,
+    4.27058822443,
+    4.4259870320300001,
+    4.6202853710799996,
+    4.8079818422300002,
+    4.9703096793699997,
+    5.1771997283899998,
+    5.32208420074,
+    5.4736064223099996,
+    5.6716933713,
+    5.7948310020399996,
+    5.9616974056899998,
+    6.1294408520800001,
+    6.3200579482499997,
+    6.5465172585299998,
+    6.7046238334500003,
+    6.8696070854100002,
+    7.0421250211300004,
+    7.21408035417,
+    7.3666599903499996,
+    7.5629677715200003,
+    7.7854370727999997,
+    8.0250690670800005,
+    8.2018499794099995,
+    8.4165599450900004,
+    8.6205648003099995,
+    8.8020739087200006,
+    8.9976602698800008,
+    9.2090483824400007,
+    9.40554714598,
+    9.6268466056699999,
+    9.8387845757699992,
+    10.063513496600001,
+    10.3066855573,
+    10.5490401104,
+    10.760759543200001,
+    11.0190557159,
+    11.247083638299999,
+    11.487903512700001,
+    11.690503747999999,
+    11.9163331257,
+    12.1540624086,
+    12.3754681949,
+    12.6225724062,
+    12.8298548017,
+    13.105360490300001,
+    13.352707515200001,
+    13.600565291800001,
+    13.8363089384,
+    14.081226945299999,
+    14.370552543500001,
+    14.6854081396,
+    14.959606431799999,
+    15.238257795699999,
+    15.488877516500001,
+    15.783357724,
+    16.059268546999999,
+    16.371064702799998,
+    16.635482564899998,
+    16.926054678500002,
+    17.2595416636,
+    17.558429913600001,
+    17.873233837699999,
+    18.1713476396,
+    18.437921946300001,
+    18.808552489299998,
+    19.094615129400001,
+    19.521706635899999,
+    19.8753230885,
+    20.298514125000001,
+    20.622495869000002,
+    20.9353854017,
+    21.4098244692,
+    21.829437198099999,
+    22.259602406999999,
+    22.672559352,
+    23.1204515296,
+    23.483853294300001,
+    23.9484201462,
+    24.3248985436,
+    24.847141378100002,
+    25.2522052389,
+    25.681308357599999,
+    26.205337182699999,
+    26.576187536300001,
+    27.078663830899998,
+    27.677873063900002,
+    28.2381539971,
+    28.8023214868,
+    29.3993510241,
+    29.912833547399998,
+    30.573666294900001,
+    31.104430988600001,
+    31.796146883399999,
+    32.497170738500003,
+    33.279496414699999,
+    34.098064962599999,
+    34.843216272900001,
+    35.542133214099998,
+    36.276287779500002,
+    36.975928357500003,
+    37.504257990799999,
+    38.314777833900003,
+    39.177430845000004,
+    39.819717746400002,
+    40.407911670099999,
+    41.120240020300002,
+    41.978665155199998,
+    42.866256983200003,
+    43.496257352299999,
+    44.207718886199999,
+    44.967775733800003,
+    45.845529661199997,
+    46.8316582737,
+    47.606961498799997,
+    48.454226783199999,
+    49.675775014400003,
+    50.5811434361,
+    51.543186701800003,
+    52.633751532200002,
+    53.929547364699999,
+    55.037714174199998,
+    56.301767675000001,
+    57.451158926300003,
+    58.714248343199998,
+    59.628151489899999,
+    60.807000845600001,
+    62.156996127799999,
+    63.456997649599998,
+    65.008915114800004,
+    66.386142722499997,
+    67.978491519900004,
+    69.422238847200006,
+    70.791592380799997,
+    72.011370736700002,
+    73.522117942199998,
+    75.359756207299995,
+    77.030728253800007,
+    78.893995033400003,
+    80.530957561600005,
+    81.946598575099998,
+    84.055736077199995,
+    86.177382717599997,
+    88.231077799399998,
+    90.830107187099998,
+    93.291203665799998,
+    96.842991020100001,
+    99.738754614200005,
+    102.822309851,
+    106.472937214,
+    109.712921572,
+    112.28819169,
+    115.383539528,
+    118.33937052500001,
+    121.6283803,
+    126.21758780099999,
+    130.559458404,
+    135.25935161000001,
+    139.64966053500001,
+    144.08321394399999,
+    149.81024360000001,
+    155.95824547500001,
+    160.54965979900001,
+    165.74901272299999,
+    173.07092800300001,
+    181.971265612,
+    190.12184997899999,
+    199.140874,
+    208.94440364799999,
+    219.692760295,
+    231.41654560800001,
+    244.813734337,
+    260.64934893600002,
+    276.86471985399999,
+    297.854074072,
+    327.675880581,
+    363.64694161300002,
+    395.28587648799999,
+    430.29646448199998,
+    476.771927382,
+    552.10628605099998,
+    688.09209059399996,
+    965.66929444699997,
+    5512.1265341500002,
+    0.0,
+    0.62589083024600001,
+    1.0089155589900001,
+    1.2669403239100001,
+    1.4930834132099999,
+    1.6647456778,
+    1.86494432327,
+    2.0537877508200002,
+    2.25391444537,
+    2.4255788848600002,
+    2.5625113900800001,
+    2.70119472848,
+    2.8053232942299999,
+    2.92720031662,
+    3.1007147687100001,
+    3.2394799841499999,
+    3.39215368186,
+    3.5920914079299999,
+    3.74416489544,
+    3.8829579282000002,
+    4.0121750001200001,
+    4.1604435034699998,
+    4.2969491096299999,
+    4.4303864671199999,
+    4.5829179833699998,
+    4.7183684166099997,
+    4.8667168998800001,
+    4.9825970049999997,
+    5.1443596513600003,
+    5.29642331298,
+    5.5116304645699996,
+    5.6662601962099997,
+    5.8151835779100001,
+    5.9375451382,
+    6.1570517624500001,
+    6.3131151288699998,
+    6.52398099929,
+    6.6722523007500003,
+    6.86154545663,
+    7.0599193283100004,
+    7.3129107271700002,
+    7.5490299843899997,
+    7.7172198221199997,
+    7.8648526311499998,
+    8.0837370196799991,
+    8.2593266698099992,
+    8.4613117407199994,
+    8.6884386074200002,
+    8.8745901890700001,
+    9.1116656074600009,
+    9.3126467721299999,
+    9.5071399643899994,
+    9.7151605657500006,
+    9.9551889093600003,
+    10.149609288200001,
+    10.3401891662,
+    10.621445531099999,
+    10.8426697409,
+    11.0272843935,
+    11.270829726400001,
+    11.4694723487,
+    11.6178469386,
+    11.821109029700001,
+    12.021790796499999,
+    12.3252449453,
+    12.5092794759,
+    12.818332850699999,
+    13.020756306899999,
+    13.310810976799999,
+    13.5124599496,
+    13.767115336,
+    14.0644181972,
+    14.332859790200001,
+    14.5607314245,
+    14.9082657073,
+    15.125302185800001,
+    15.3715537263,
+    15.670518073,
+    16.0341797918,
+    16.263188094,
+    16.565119653299998,
+    16.768979356500001,
+    17.107996179400001,
+    17.3155602187,
+    17.633055544099999,
+    17.978850956799999,
+    18.239306430100001,
+    18.603581283899999,
+    18.890651686000002,
+    19.2448822751,
+    19.6097734435,
+    19.926314503299999,
+    20.1586253842,
+    20.499346128900001,
+    20.763220895300002,
+    21.214468897100001,
+    21.6883372251,
+    21.932186764800001,
+    22.421734858200001,
+    22.8480131942,
+    23.3200873278,
+    23.594830171000002,
+    24.038195447900002,
+    24.408468226699998,
+    24.92649372,
+    25.442113401899999,
+    25.8447679595,
+    26.3726873799,
+    26.812905815000001,
+    27.122537899899999,
+    27.7422113077,
+    28.078738693199998,
+    28.5723682014,
+    29.0944195565,
+    29.5634253395,
+    30.1247268702,
+    30.983710482300001,
+    31.826570418700001,
+    32.3620827385,
+    33.029481950899999,
+    33.566683207600001,
+    34.288337869199999,
+    34.942294123800004,
+    35.546860066900003,
+    36.362485731600003,
+    37.2408130333,
+    38.058683128600002,
+    38.750745497600001,
+    39.428888690199997,
+    40.115263124599998,
+    40.901282995400003,
+    41.4018687274,
+    42.138788071800001,
+    43.018359615500003,
+    44.106243223500002,
+    45.093539481699999,
+    45.8411771739,
+    46.570250118399997,
+    47.841644068400001,
+    49.303024838200002,
+    50.464239790100002,
+    51.234103358299997,
+    52.317696309799999,
+    53.0996279724,
+    54.369256693700002,
+    55.965980526800003,
+    57.287395203700001,
+    58.636793195099997,
+    60.683809927200002,
+    62.106524762100001,
+    63.455965556400002,
+    64.508962315299996,
+    65.830030819000001,
+    67.3272861871,
+    68.485336924099997,
+    69.962539390399996,
+    71.3643490332,
+    73.207148927299997,
+    75.267417445500001,
+    77.636856277999996,
+    79.567969825700004,
+    81.887922453399995,
+    84.409393872699994,
+    86.252385378499994,
+    89.609195726400003,
+    92.058129085499999,
+    94.237863167399993,
+    97.130241311000006,
+    99.337287984200003,
+    102.785121426,
+    105.16684627799999,
+    108.155644287,
+    111.12424827,
+    114.20309084500001,
+    118.25567124200001,
+    120.63906266799999,
+    126.769351089,
+    131.30368792600001,
+    135.35008283600001,
+    140.167179914,
+    146.276635801,
+    154.69830296500001,
+    162.097699463,
+    168.49842445199999,
+    174.39338381300001,
+    183.839663489,
+    194.04584716900001,
+    205.199824904,
+    216.99026627999999,
+    226.397941844,
+    239.11086462599999,
+    257.98370514300001,
+    272.68513598700002,
+    294.38470478199997,
+    317.32579381900001,
+    352.86648779500001,
+    396.000885729,
+    447.65133356299998,
+    552.83482503000005,
+    744.96290114700003,
+    7762.8570038400003,
+    0.0,
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+    1.3339406513100001,
+    1.5379932977899999,
+    1.64092011303,
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+    2.3239286241100001,
+    2.4474903603299998,
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+    2.6706112235399999,
+    2.7868128103399998,
+    2.89962589709,
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+    3.1799188214799998,
+    3.3163269799299999,
+    3.4326557716099999,
+    3.5761530940699999,
+    3.6698664516599999,
+    3.8395536775700001,
+    3.9742173052399998,
+    4.0666621486399999,
+    4.1860672163199997,
+    4.2677782405900002,
+    4.39398556059,
+    4.5599359743100001,
+    4.7182993929599997,
+    4.8549576225899997,
+    4.9793340551199998,
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+    5.3697032505699998,
+    5.5502664604199996,
+    5.6901435710500001,
+    5.81186063054,
+    5.9447132463900001,
+    6.05627291431,
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+    6.3088485415099997,
+    6.5158703652999996,
+    6.6663173981500004,
+    6.7889778856399996,
+    6.92685753591,
+    7.05832274623,
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+    7.3735471867099998,
+    7.4967882360999996,
+    7.67708191997,
+    7.8383618689299999,
+    8.0007809638400005,
+    8.2598039090000004,
+    8.4646047196400005,
+    8.6068680876200006,
+    8.7919284529800006,
+    8.9449623581599997,
+    9.1615349379200008,
+    9.3168642346000006,
+    9.4680652743600007,
+    9.7295350278099999,
+    9.9208554836600005,
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+    10.1731120514,
+    10.3276036073,
+    10.6154476322,
+    10.8889357781,
+    11.016681222400001,
+    11.166106582099999,
+    11.3010656278,
+    11.460114477099999,
+    11.6049507496,
+    11.754826317499999,
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+    12.393725440500001,
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+    12.929220557000001,
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+    14.0106799329,
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+    14.4738353905,
+    14.887431385199999,
+    15.0448999294,
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+    15.6545606815,
+    15.9636364194,
+    16.322553926800001,
+    16.694194434500002,
+    17.030383725899998,
+    17.430560569699999,
+    17.700358551699999,
+    18.117532589300001,
+    18.425291790799999,
+    18.722525176000001,
+    19.151242618000001,
+    19.5588949566,
+    19.985716502399999,
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+    21.276626095099999,
+    21.575188439600002,
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+    22.446726857400002,
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+    23.679737149400001,
+    24.0913996564,
+    24.592582522600001,
+    24.846344199699999,
+    25.1692127267,
+    25.707613397399999,
+    26.060921460599999,
+    26.402713800499999,
+    26.7672555555,
+    27.323489971800001,
+    28.1384294904,
+    28.886585523400001,
+    29.625952655700001,
+    30.049929096700001,
+    30.912490141700001,
+    31.7116329208,
+    32.432935618400002,
+    33.0836818525,
+    33.756748210399998,
+    34.448977073899997,
+    34.967596885500001,
+    35.526411413300004,
+    36.153337627600003,
+    37.193655335499997,
+    37.865997652899999,
+    38.746337718900001,
+    39.2502404719,
+    39.9758412025,
+    40.513914754399998,
+    41.377973330099998,
+    42.134772359599999,
+    42.670801806599997,
+    43.359820479100001,
+    44.8475078349,
+    45.403055004400002,
+    46.8336235847,
+    47.7113874912,
+    48.6941028253,
+    49.650345725199998,
+    50.665570570200003,
+    51.724056971300001,
+    53.992577544,
+    55.575370979100001,
+    57.251984441700003,
+    58.745608337299998,
+    60.1648035049,
+    61.246203909800002,
+    62.419975842699998,
+    63.422574513400001,
+    64.876159087000005,
+    66.885247274500003,
+    68.391010214800005,
+    69.915828121700002,
+    72.4871931144,
+    74.172952607699997,
+    75.652527461199995,
+    78.468287273000001,
+    80.721637548800004,
+    83.956121732200003,
+    87.163249777199994,
+    88.897109974100005,
+    91.2752939664,
+    93.173034590599997,
+    95.435791827200006,
+    100.344464677,
+    104.832073959,
+    109.276679528,
+    112.578422989,
+    114.53132503400001,
+    119.746495774,
+    124.493025184,
+    129.95658998100001,
+    134.31216815799999,
+    137.89688887400001,
+    140.67569338600001,
+    147.559990177,
+    157.91491644199999,
+    164.60831501999999,
+    171.84101301800001,
+    186.69105907299999,
+    195.42122663699999,
+    208.16940782099999,
+    238.53526263200001,
+    245.87424240300001,
+    268.33659908499999,
+    292.616848678,
+    312.784421705,
+    376.69900637799998,
+    486.40594854400001,
+    909.54311207000001,
+    0.0,
+    0.29947032321799999,
+    0.52334873310399999,
+    0.68115226771299997,
+    0.86995042995600003,
+    0.98257819082099995,
+    1.1046843742300001,
+    1.1768999986299999,
+    1.2647418797800001,
+    1.36884910987,
+    1.4645619499,
+    1.5759885725,
+    1.6653002782099999,
+    1.75269298364,
+    1.87728664641,
+    1.9895373943000001,
+    2.0546833007099998,
+    2.1563717716299999,
+    2.2189233742900001,
+    2.3098127374300002,
+    2.4206150527000001,
+    2.4845079548800002,
+    2.6079748566799998,
+    2.6769284875300001,
+    2.7907616607699999,
+    2.8700892704999998,
+    2.93034323954,
+    2.9963469551599999,
+    3.06834808782,
+    3.1480022766900002,
+    3.2256769408800001,
+    3.30379140374,
+    3.3884221330000002,
+    3.4570332483000001,
+    3.54002670756,
+    3.6248614990800001,
+    3.7101075382699999,
+    3.7687182426899999,
+    3.8163207208699998,
+    3.89049827354,
+    3.9685665546200002,
+    4.0278252280400002,
+    4.1485435748499997,
+    4.2118118690999999,
+    4.2767713334400002,
+    4.3538326518200003,
+    4.4579713825800003,
+    4.5508743169399999,
+    4.6676333956900002,
+    4.74653167618,
+    4.8197525947199997,
+    4.9241035310900001,
+    5.0189077614800004,
+    5.1005151570300002,
+    5.2006018753400003,
+    5.2927488243700003,
+    5.4001527926900001,
+    5.4768772282700002,
+    5.5890430439100003,
+    5.7009271960400003,
+    5.80755356372,
+    5.9548448325700001,
+    6.0994726695899999,
+    6.25645276871,
+    6.3819964031299996,
+    6.4711966493400004,
+    6.5880414298299996,
+    6.7348102011000002,
+    6.8307196477099996,
+    6.9337887910999996,
+    7.1040524671199998,
+    7.2069620188099996,
+    7.3301993509400001,
+    7.4527574858900003,
+    7.5532437966600003,
+    7.6852803779599999,
+    7.8640635376499999,
+    8.0318076099900004,
+    8.1796189996499997,
+    8.3642059418999999,
+    8.5050041495500004,
+    8.6533583034700001,
+    8.7675089334600003,
+    8.90401831396,
+    9.0651446520400008,
+    9.2032868451700001,
+    9.3704603805200009,
+    9.5586269002000002,
+    9.7223680241999997,
+    9.9347655253599996,
+    10.098260913100001,
+    10.255212992300001,
+    10.4208240003,
+    10.5811816078,
+    10.765906323299999,
+    10.957390713400001,
+    11.087388472400001,
+    11.328556388399999,
+    11.528238631900001,
+    11.7872480683,
+    11.915456216899999,
+    12.1248574875,
+    12.422258492999999,
+    12.630647267100001,
+    12.8227992595,
+    13.1516423519,
+    13.4269728621,
+    13.7263917941,
+    13.910454382299999,
+    14.1519663254,
+    14.338029858300001,
+    14.560423425,
+    14.770007548300001,
+    14.9841095141,
+    15.334444082699999,
+    15.4948694147,
+    15.855824070500001,
+    16.241262736900001,
+    16.5489680156,
+    16.821966605299998,
+    17.034108685700001,
+    17.2704823658,
+    17.5373816422,
+    17.870520279099999,
+    18.260020296,
+    18.612564062099999,
+    18.852361614399999,
+    19.4196515169,
+    19.842134040099999,
+    20.208065711,
+    20.730183175899999,
+    21.211762532200002,
+    21.724835097900002,
+    22.113935455899998,
+    22.527518860600001,
+    22.952535640800001,
+    23.578085247400001,
+    24.165234135199999,
+    24.660451264300001,
+    25.101613714700001,
+    25.726113937200001,
+    26.0893457106,
+    26.669907244299999,
+    27.169577979900001,
+    27.596626516000001,
+    28.329601780800001,
+    28.779048282000002,
+    29.224608145400001,
+    29.781331889800001,
+    30.432540589399999,
+    31.415359296199998,
+    31.9605897486,
+    32.492956216000003,
+    33.285631429200002,
+    34.070187818800001,
+    35.060381063199998,
+    35.680990641100003,
+    36.895345624699999,
+    37.869889303100003,
+    38.7151898057,
+    39.673959652199997,
+    40.7449007739,
+    42.072602957599997,
+    43.253042370099998,
+    44.872848970500002,
+    46.556160648899997,
+    48.1796820673,
+    49.545397762699999,
+    51.074845857200003,
+    52.800367472799998,
+    54.781904047099999,
+    56.6419800444,
+    58.294167776899997,
+    59.890254052499998,
+    62.933262895200002,
+    64.383209257600001,
+    66.273695300300005,
+    68.879466623300004,
+    71.737383912400006,
+    73.694424811299996,
+    76.676559064200006,
+    79.509307012099995,
+    82.2830341003,
+    85.991392160700002,
+    90.717177404200001,
+    94.429171780900006,
+    97.473571158699997,
+    102.467911147,
+    107.546301419,
+    114.342831581,
+    121.31476895,
+    126.05533253199999,
+    137.91440966299999,
+    144.79876003499999,
+    163.923571595,
+    181.508527445,
+    213.04454604899999,
+    245.38055141000001,
+    301.25496328499997,
+    332.04731076600001,
+    25328.083268499999,
+    0.0,
+    0.16960710904000001,
+    0.24797331543600001,
+    0.30236896744000002,
+    0.34361899401099999,
+    0.40999983457,
+    0.48890969043100002,
+    0.54342837436299996,
+    0.60861265194400005,
+    0.64673129635399995,
+    0.69004038945699997,
+    0.73679534547199999,
+    0.77536960959000001,
+    0.82841780807499998,
+    0.90256777434299995,
+    0.93909860962199998,
+    1.00410024985,
+    1.0408385717899999,
+    1.11535670052,
+    1.14711502865,
+    1.15928977273,
+    1.18798598113,
+    1.2274534778099999,
+    1.26769475616,
+    1.3002205824799999,
+    1.3310033753199999,
+    1.3446656342200001,
+    1.3760840745,
+    1.39081400794,
+    1.4505341583,
+    1.4632661604999999,
+    1.4984860150399999,
+    1.5529767251,
+    1.57864986714,
+    1.6173517424399999,
+    1.67533252068,
+    1.70471580487,
+    1.7278608476799999,
+    1.7811033034399999,
+    1.82818139122,
+    1.86555208204,
+    1.8941511847700001,
+    1.92488230379,
+    1.95851626987,
+    1.99363516305,
+    2.0170055272299998,
+    2.0586483531600002,
+    2.0850970425700002,
+    2.1085030088000001,
+    2.1283137664099998,
+    2.16603036339,
+    2.19060342065,
+    2.2345184857999998,
+    2.2714847812799999,
+    2.2993152139899999,
+    2.3222064716699999,
+    2.3498083965699998,
+    2.3879408831800002,
+    2.4133674625900001,
+    2.45645766658,
+    2.5043169972600001,
+    2.5332218388799999,
+    2.5860056276300001,
+    2.6092200429700001,
+    2.6593928409799998,
+    2.7167476183999999,
+    2.7528966109600002,
+    2.8165365213600002,
+    2.8466368258900001,
+    2.8966874532100002,
+    2.9315763405099999,
+    2.9602961735200002,
+    2.9944957343700001,
+    3.0486180954200002,
+    3.1054310960799998,
+    3.17422308542,
+    3.22876924922,
+    3.2476266926499999,
+    3.2895811744699999,
+    3.33758062866,
+    3.3814007836000002,
+    3.4235448060599998,
+    3.49735659195,
+    3.5619485828699999,
+    3.61508084496,
+    3.6882879176299999,
+    3.7441381326799998,
+    3.8290921697,
+    3.87138230506,
+    3.9399367140599999,
+    3.9855674425799998,
+    4.03423244708,
+    4.1224800094800003,
+    4.1617950069500003,
+    4.2098466376400001,
+    4.2671599100500002,
+    4.3072566201600004,
+    4.3243450788600004,
+    4.3957664746200003,
+    4.4519812552699998,
+    4.4969306764399999,
+    4.5152175579399998,
+    4.56732663911,
+    4.6752821882199997,
+    4.7424836408799997,
+    4.8540575522499996,
+    4.9112049708600001,
+    4.9863832664899999,
+    5.0723492115899997,
+    5.1341872206300003,
+    5.1757472919899996,
+    5.2672883329999998,
+    5.3193278175799996,
+    5.3545440009799998,
+    5.3662639863299999,
+    5.4478164688200001,
+    5.51018935901,
+    5.6222469255899998,
+    5.7031572715200003,
+    5.78511780914,
+    5.87666466639,
+    6.0267396241600002,
+    6.1198844067399998,
+    6.1979622858300001,
+    6.28159827041,
+    6.3904158104600004,
+    6.4453162825900003,
+    6.5218544413200004,
+    6.6086381632900002,
+    6.6725993210399999,
+    6.8163144940900002,
+    6.97804495911,
+    7.0227642352400004,
+    7.1626846845100003,
+    7.3423024204600003,
+    7.5327362668799998,
+    7.6978310374000003,
+    7.7611027450999996,
+    7.88016729875,
+    7.9472676633599999,
+    8.1244228188799994,
+    8.2399482591299993,
+    8.3372351004799992,
+    8.5151888904599993,
+    8.5980587770099994,
+    8.7064795243800006,
+    8.9028549639799994,
+    9.1412099458099991,
+    9.2928218155500009,
+    9.5260445012799995,
+    9.7243731171600007,
+    9.9194989507500004,
+    10.158387747800001,
+    10.358305334700001,
+    10.8456897256,
+    11.0126503317,
+    11.1397484418,
+    11.3568231431,
+    11.725070023000001,
+    11.952829343599999,
+    12.355631104,
+    12.741115586999999,
+    12.9604116418,
+    13.0782774906,
+    13.386035293300001,
+    13.7586242928,
+    14.065910686100001,
+    14.481276965199999,
+    14.8428342578,
+    15.0857067332,
+    15.5610363036,
+    15.9877621903,
+    16.564935242699999,
+    17.222646941699999,
+    17.705236311899998,
+    18.2065490938,
+    18.6451801326,
+    19.1223591105,
+    19.606893553199999,
+    20.1404072423,
+    20.653286086600001,
+    21.431578720299999,
+    21.979215851300001,
+    23.048094735900001,
+    23.846359740299999,
+    24.3529984143,
+    24.985293486700002,
+    25.965109587899999,
+    26.669072074799999,
+    27.831042996200001,
+    29.685768165100001,
+    30.986492906100001,
+    32.7579031852,
+    34.704015628800001,
+    39.043339889599999,
+    43.627269160300003,
+    50.063241984299999,
+    55.522634061300003,
+    63.83632205,
+    80.274312648399999,
+    121.666396689,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_chi2s.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_chi2s.py
index 75677b0c1071a7193afa1079f06d7eec1a6d604b..ae1f838640fc87d80bda3148ae955bc447abbea9 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_chi2s.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_chi2s.py
@@ -9,994 +9,3421 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_DC06_def_chi2s = [
-    0.0, 0.14444029837799999, 0.22835657018399999, 0.34413732731800001,
-    0.46587804732900001, 0.65270096936599997, 0.81143218193800004,
-    1.00226438356, 1.03788125951, 1.24257294992, 1.32793236661, 1.34635418779,
-    1.4371572854100001, 1.5191327005499999, 1.54602854301, 1.7046681136999999,
-    1.87758836483, 1.9813264417300001, 2.1146974377399999, 2.1938492694299998,
-    2.4097221919699998, 2.5070571186900001, 2.6311171881000002,
-    2.7328195551999999, 2.7736899606000001, 3.0227873463499999, 3.10803398473,
-    3.1824676694599998, 3.3138417252000001, 3.4291812515900002, 3.50419808407,
-    3.7101281572199998, 3.8432672208200001, 3.8796565679100001,
-    3.9915562540499998, 4.0723303682700003, 4.2029321661800001,
-    4.3768188648899997, 4.4816827669199997, 4.6990199258800001,
-    4.8084875822399997, 4.8365914296700003, 5.0590152661600003,
-    5.1248841813699997, 5.1771937064899998, 5.4889247870900002, 5.57813871862,
-    5.6972377675899999, 5.8456278064799996, 6.06915586574, 6.1204251477299998,
-    6.17699599008, 6.3172684659999998, 6.4192197959800001, 6.52383433373,
-    6.6186618180399996, 6.7251587769999999, 6.7866374808999996,
-    6.8276218028500004, 6.9188765840600004, 7.1331898582499997,
-    7.2065701539399996, 7.3244993804199998, 7.36483433106, 7.5193634033699999,
-    7.7822629874100002, 8.2222416265000007, 8.4497457766200004,
-    8.5930318077999992, 8.7570172042000003, 8.9696132883900006,
-    9.1272011085100004, 9.4333510895299995, 9.5278688390900008,
-    9.8002379139299993, 10.062964643999999, 10.572141176200001,
-    10.796071421700001, 10.9985214683, 11.3182197168, 11.660606036000001,
-    11.847287044, 12.432752901300001, 12.5532808679, 12.920547884299999,
-    13.715431382, 13.9427496484, 14.252177361499999, 14.3846625264,
-    14.6017942841, 14.867988867399999, 15.211408408800001, 15.4524408633,
-    15.8995520183, 16.278660079800002, 16.607110122000002, 17.2812107494,
-    17.425166927999999, 17.6847110579, 17.924433366199999, 18.107368758,
-    18.486488274799999, 18.675113313000001, 18.821461450800001,
-    19.392315572800001, 20.026821224999999, 21.515140794000001,
-    22.458730085300001, 22.563704860600001, 23.2879347571, 23.969079893499998,
-    24.336542956300001, 24.499336477500002, 25.0036717642, 25.774135368900001,
-    26.0929925969, 26.934629466499999, 27.458541006800001, 27.8422100246,
-    28.5518247111, 28.965082549800002, 30.702632564599998, 31.123950922300001,
-    31.264305230000002, 31.965843641500001, 32.212378185600002,
-    34.283698532999999, 35.219561660799997, 36.755695116600002,
-    37.138783892900001, 37.986001245399997, 38.621250490999998, 38.9481443707,
-    39.3726060041, 40.276085332900003, 41.898719000699998, 42.396709494500001,
-    43.749429257499997, 44.676029422900001, 46.364739487400001,
-    47.275528738799999, 47.869005850699999, 48.490202586899997,
-    49.788875049200001, 50.404381347099999, 52.2209766649, 52.7548497923,
-    53.758555342299999, 56.144346903600002, 58.857197224499998,
-    61.218540911200002, 62.083264127200003, 62.809329462100003,
-    64.673596130899995, 70.530443844700002, 71.037859097099997,
-    74.956651292000004, 75.479775530200001, 77.970753225099998,
-    78.784135755700007, 83.634030189599997, 87.631048698900003,
-    89.682360645100005, 91.657671611699996, 93.431100026199999,
-    96.871787694199995, 98.904758199400007, 100.903126246, 104.97935501800001,
-    117.211912426, 118.593299874, 123.983293097, 126.40072390500001,
-    132.90804449300001, 135.77425614000001, 145.645663189, 150.462714554,
-    154.135665945, 158.670439012, 161.11217567599999, 165.74332436700001,
-    168.951515621, 173.84826456100001, 184.64661891700001, 188.990674536,
-    195.25008580400001, 200.52870912200001, 208.31911763799999,
-    223.21659264900001, 234.232880967, 297.24728825900002, 321.93167475199999,
-    332.08151963699999, 346.34478154800001, 377.30757977899998,
-    403.47421662800002, 425.16143535399999, 572.37340253299999,
-    766.55659324999999, 1611.5984637199999, 1611.5984637199999, 0.0,
-    0.083813974438700006, 0.31831933895699999, 0.34638794272399998,
-    0.46455080305099999, 0.49519963016099999, 0.54548279077600004,
-    0.56403794228199999, 0.60837298377799998, 0.68118756294600002,
-    0.70071771432399999, 0.78976831924699997, 0.81703862518199999,
-    0.83363911177799999, 0.89857941080399995, 0.94493515463400002,
-    0.99107239417899995, 1.0238060094799999, 1.0799844142199999, 1.11400208909,
-    1.1685453374400001, 1.18519938288, 1.22148339123, 1.2645577512499999,
-    1.3045626778799999, 1.3391777624900001, 1.3826642013199999, 1.4644506572,
-    1.5099094374299999, 1.5888224991, 1.62182558706, 1.65137395874,
-    1.6991401368100001, 1.7758428480799999, 1.8277920540999999,
-    1.9017455410199999, 1.9705532488599999, 2.0324665469399998,
-    2.0752937413999999, 2.1185145273899999, 2.1611322415299998,
-    2.1917842756499999, 2.22729976286, 2.2777275853000001, 2.32665524011,
-    2.3543342053699998, 2.3935181153, 2.44446825618, 2.50093820286,
-    2.5844026906000002, 2.6884797637600002, 2.78657713546, 2.81180130111,
-    2.84116667305, 2.9014197632199998, 2.9952091375399998, 3.0386348574599999,
-    3.0956021427799998, 3.1328046143999999, 3.1631373405500001,
-    3.2039828237700001, 3.29405069373, 3.3496993056400002, 3.4055971771900002,
-    3.5073893196000001, 3.5755835925800001, 3.6580199126399999,
-    3.7782186004999998, 3.8741030635099998, 3.9119985650200002,
-    3.9699909851999999, 4.0132311662099998, 4.07009700397, 4.1555761906299997,
-    4.2241691161799997, 4.3896744175800002, 4.5146783570400002,
-    4.6155145535499997, 4.7783116523600002, 4.8822447657900003,
-    4.9863031398300004, 5.0556875698599999, 5.13217451548, 5.1928716528900001,
-    5.2987216440799996, 5.4584561742300002, 5.6054585689499996,
-    5.7579579032500003, 5.8452201175000003, 5.9593969184300004,
-    6.1479798348300001, 6.2484864308999999, 6.3722452057199996,
-    6.5705963806599996, 6.6811287682699998, 6.7311130873599998,
-    6.7864435351600001, 6.9196277988999997, 7.1929613935300001,
-    7.3441277346099998, 7.3800960628999999, 7.4749874111999999,
-    7.6512577099200003, 7.77153906732, 7.9243829575799998, 8.2024869676600005,
-    8.2599528374899993, 8.4119253626999999, 8.5469992409900009,
-    8.9001784810399993, 9.2121022677299997, 9.2412472507699999,
-    9.4431345314800001, 9.6680036066100001, 9.7816077025699997,
-    9.9566055535700002, 10.359764716899999, 10.506972293900001, 10.7808329052,
-    11.3592743902, 11.7111644662, 11.8605742172, 12.291120808400001,
-    12.5270770795, 12.7952635728, 12.9362140074, 13.4529548967, 13.5501939602,
-    13.8515392309, 14.251817031, 14.6798102809, 14.9162575219, 15.3044645221,
-    15.963210610899999, 16.293018033300001, 16.528628889099998,
-    16.769307273999999, 17.050491132000001, 17.233636284700001,
-    17.435953831300001, 18.114197076100002, 18.209546654099999,
-    18.677206457099999, 18.876676305499998, 19.277115787700001,
-    19.603010971100002, 20.061147162099999, 20.558554522000001, 21.1117685004,
-    22.012839372799998, 22.378322630900001, 22.859288315200001,
-    23.142180705200001, 24.245079698800001, 25.9020405244, 26.507190805699999,
-    27.4739929789, 27.988361249099999, 28.8421369677, 29.731031435799999,
-    31.265395005199998, 31.947761314699999, 32.3600162185, 33.960158921500003,
-    35.2205479892, 37.329919228900003, 38.591860211300002, 39.653380662899998,
-    40.416668255899999, 41.847439486799999, 42.946435578200003,
-    44.555593529500001, 46.195425314700003, 48.272380437999999, 50.7171113769,
-    54.108838268299998, 57.192427144600003, 60.232285910500003,
-    61.154227242799998, 66.058563735700005, 68.912059708300006,
-    72.377827169900002, 74.8258152975, 76.523326659299997, 80.2223354204,
-    83.911959833699996, 89.242198798399997, 91.759192939900004, 100.917764795,
-    108.556622026, 117.397361636, 128.654564397, 132.220775344, 146.851921275,
-    158.21656178999999, 195.59053564300001, 220.40862631100001,
-    243.67073925299999, 279.44509449999998, 385.39670284599998, 2229.5014584,
-    0.0, 0.134568667089, 0.22096714722800001, 0.241982365309, 0.282582147299,
-    0.30887973543699998, 0.35848485966299998, 0.41670345418499999,
-    0.45274913222000002, 0.49984586837299999, 0.54693631356799999,
-    0.57642906524899995, 0.60428947073799999, 0.64551627763399999,
-    0.67184177451600002, 0.70559205139299996, 0.73195413388499997,
-    0.75941154288699997, 0.79316878417600001, 0.82828163530300003,
-    0.84996727554600005, 0.86244322276499996, 0.884092879818,
-    0.90053656979100005, 0.92189301683699998, 0.937781050186, 0.958448778068,
-    0.975518145216, 0.99972035165499995, 1.01410165008, 1.0561167276200001,
-    1.07137630702, 1.0888616342999999, 1.1214366313199999, 1.14842012372,
-    1.16675344893, 1.1928671069600001, 1.21185202445, 1.2444492257999999,
-    1.26555362339, 1.3020670717, 1.33144019427, 1.3700782606599999,
-    1.3922490459600001, 1.4214195703900001, 1.4412309995599999,
-    1.4713854851299999, 1.4981194360000001, 1.5156807782599999,
-    1.5353937789600001, 1.58193085489, 1.6363825813699999, 1.6679066542700001,
-    1.6953948491199999, 1.7432788369000001, 1.7757706818400001, 1.81420953428,
-    1.8369562966299999, 1.86603816317, 1.9079331429399999, 1.93559913056,
-    1.96441828434, 2.0090532694099998, 2.0388004444800001, 2.0592603576499999,
-    2.0856426528799998, 2.1175114071599999, 2.1825469443399999,
-    2.2474604253599999, 2.2749390467700001, 2.3121411416000002, 2.37177298826,
-    2.4274122023400002, 2.5181769644699998, 2.5418057541599999,
-    2.6434630075899999, 2.6747329533199999, 2.7266999242900001,
-    2.7654445970700001, 2.8140457094300002, 2.8559643406999999,
-    2.9061498475100001, 2.9702744923500002, 3.0318004993800001,
-    3.0771937025499998, 3.1682821350100001, 3.21259901675, 3.2495167992399998,
-    3.2811541713699999, 3.3233868123799999, 3.3736627766299998,
-    3.4058671494200001, 3.4805577671700001, 3.5668223714799998,
-    3.6084238266100002, 3.6537321290999998, 3.7175778126500001,
-    3.7450147871700001, 3.86111106714, 3.9410134870100002, 4.0067546356400001,
-    4.1423679617299998, 4.2024818847300001, 4.2596486695399998,
-    4.3063451426699997, 4.3689910892499997, 4.4722054954099999,
-    4.5632364049399996, 4.6512485022599996, 4.6978386313799998,
-    4.7798445058399999, 4.8531420455600003, 4.9717578546299999,
-    5.0417112146500003, 5.17081749886, 5.3019735577100002, 5.3705152383400003,
-    5.5084455462199999, 5.6182818515299999, 5.70571954448, 5.8223915078699999,
-    5.9441571869700001, 6.0647963728700001, 6.27675467201, 6.3795693788000003,
-    6.4992010115000003, 6.7279283143099997, 6.83719902118, 6.9670805423799997,
-    7.1376257228400002, 7.3185795684699997, 7.4174379003000004,
-    7.6252542819300002, 7.7560876076699996, 7.97791101428, 8.1287972523200001,
-    8.2935032606900005, 8.4263936568899993, 8.7299676982999994,
-    8.9000309257799994, 9.2106417444800002, 9.4067341973099996,
-    9.6877599453100007, 9.8288098032200004, 10.1462267898, 10.4430670065,
-    10.7710082101, 10.9083004672, 11.0537899029, 11.351140496499999,
-    11.538958771800001, 11.919288993, 12.375346950699999, 12.6154005045,
-    12.9524855025, 13.285189669299999, 13.649405117900001, 13.802655147899999,
-    14.3746878025, 14.8989750379, 15.0686452095, 15.44874785,
-    15.955460911599999, 16.199894288199999, 17.0458946378, 17.5301252159,
-    18.4112497281, 18.916626085899999, 19.3485479418, 19.9851877306,
-    20.604288900899999, 20.943333255799999, 22.112819051599999,
-    22.959668231999999, 23.9954402314, 25.035153965599999, 25.796351962900001,
-    26.3445116589, 27.598244108500001, 29.492678119099999, 31.494753701,
-    33.570886100899997, 35.411126519100002, 38.343129207700002,
-    40.297936357899999, 43.269089215000001, 46.554746459699999, 50.1438786354,
-    55.452409753200001, 63.874460149000001, 67.985459050900005,
-    72.783745624700003, 78.750906101200002, 87.178006099399994,
-    99.277342007100003, 112.32447045000001, 150.08323985000001,
-    191.04328713300001, 243.74940976799999, 298.61209890999999,
-    610.57351237299997, 0.0, 0.14365451929100001, 0.18957677402299999,
-    0.22199376087, 0.23947365917300001, 0.27923813419900001,
-    0.30376922239699999, 0.34130260137399998, 0.37018363348299999,
-    0.39852502592, 0.42043849640699998, 0.449086279049, 0.48566461460900001,
-    0.51522238701900003, 0.53527463838099998, 0.55878126111399995,
-    0.57558991560799999, 0.60170381902000003, 0.61440597833099997,
-    0.62492627680099999, 0.64456984690600005, 0.66038800753100002,
-    0.67204091430099999, 0.68713981404900004, 0.69934187376699997,
-    0.71638006601299997, 0.73072718468300002, 0.75753415419600001,
-    0.76939140872400003, 0.79364917250900002, 0.811751128298,
-    0.82030423753799997, 0.84036478778699997, 0.85629058780800005,
-    0.88242755870699996, 0.90879942564799998, 0.92603904590499997,
-    0.93855599609700002, 0.95967573616799995, 0.96617694541400001,
-    0.98792001044, 1.00156976046, 1.01153057626, 1.0353518346699999,
-    1.05486723045, 1.07085911512, 1.09910531917, 1.11522376431,
-    1.1305179753100001, 1.1546508204399999, 1.1781173432600001, 1.19157394455,
-    1.2190490331999999, 1.24787505864, 1.27361506734, 1.2980636222699999,
-    1.31518378894, 1.3450052218399999, 1.3740854471799999, 1.39558556012,
-    1.41519699656, 1.4321123741399999, 1.45909622379, 1.4759330072700001,
-    1.4910300726400001, 1.51232373124, 1.5490811046699999, 1.5782570548899999,
-    1.6116668459000001, 1.62617849191, 1.6591646731, 1.69383967991,
-    1.72149942318, 1.74810559857, 1.7978507557100001, 1.8196064275499999,
-    1.8439294053699999, 1.85951442745, 1.89107086338, 1.93673967856,
-    1.96033355989, 1.99524000334, 2.0280809922900001, 2.0465420455199999,
-    2.0660751500700001, 2.1082666292100001, 2.1419500113600001,
-    2.1692545932899998, 2.1918809811900002, 2.2313430406800001,
-    2.2895699616299998, 2.3198331260499998, 2.3513058338000001,
-    2.4080887408899998, 2.4815537977800002, 2.50851999576, 2.5617387306700001,
-    2.6055769623199998, 2.6324085179700001, 2.6961178878899998,
-    2.7413602155099999, 2.7712317948799998, 2.8112071562300001,
-    2.8581867699200001, 2.9190632974400001, 2.9439800057899999,
-    3.0104094840100002, 3.05330503281, 3.10048262834, 3.17539590266,
-    3.24511619487, 3.3056217356499999, 3.3894902835899998, 3.4335423889599999,
-    3.4854372314700002, 3.5606476568300001, 3.6043560751500001, 3.66406156029,
-    3.7660563649099998, 3.82560813033, 3.9466078971199998, 4.0283572412000002,
-    4.07714877006, 4.1552108679300002, 4.2392816813699996, 4.3147199438200001,
-    4.3721369730999999, 4.4555652323799997, 4.5860495006899997,
-    4.6665459593199996, 4.7624381582100002, 4.8488614634399996, 4.97179759557,
-    5.0150206490000002, 5.1053040689999998, 5.2812791639799999,
-    5.3716757235900001, 5.5829288018599996, 5.6518465465299998,
-    5.7620823724100001, 5.8560109031899996, 6.0128804814499999,
-    6.1465396667499999, 6.2414128574400003, 6.3854761500099997,
-    6.5447042531899999, 6.7541882725000004, 6.9854005143200002,
-    7.1367012840399999, 7.3218030112200001, 7.49946696682, 7.6472229734199999,
-    7.8443990144000004, 7.99745891313, 8.1776134189099992, 8.3773452967500006,
-    8.5328760252000002, 8.7514477358700002, 9.0436490880000004,
-    9.2332685611399992, 9.5356141275600006, 9.7666024864200001, 9.94823040132,
-    10.300958636400001, 10.771366926100001, 11.085233969500001, 11.3324457523,
-    11.7174375167, 12.143472104400001, 12.303553276000001, 12.6481061467,
-    12.833583689599999, 13.203659956699999, 13.5986055699, 14.043362878,
-    14.626177334199999, 15.0760755417, 15.580834984399999, 16.312841933200001,
-    16.9821347018, 17.9935383499, 19.206358017199999, 19.9097935496,
-    20.7049210144, 21.193393770899998, 22.4118111278, 23.293576085200002,
-    24.460751301199998, 27.218111206700002, 28.9534668252, 31.141828193399999,
-    33.063105836200002, 36.594408596199997, 41.9655259134, 50.634196787,
-    57.4170436749, 66.004841056100005, 79.707781310800002, 93.567004987600001,
-    129.369356154, 263.52530093899998, 0.0, 0.099110105290900002,
-    0.152330008962, 0.19277005116400001, 0.21849998202900001,
-    0.23666692719999999, 0.257596221751, 0.27451854288499999,
-    0.29857050680000002, 0.31354284220099998, 0.33022769626800003,
-    0.33745039990999998, 0.34950560680999998, 0.36896880619099998,
-    0.38855134185000001, 0.41755081359899998, 0.425150061144,
-    0.44306593384300003, 0.45497931754199999, 0.480210732157,
-    0.49961199725900002, 0.52519732628100002, 0.54104302118299996,
-    0.55456165182600003, 0.57645288194699995, 0.58830880718699996,
-    0.61047699977699998, 0.62243525124499999, 0.64059305866600003,
-    0.64864591793299997, 0.66076567911499995, 0.67269456457499999,
-    0.69062452712199995, 0.70930687903199996, 0.72584855411399996,
-    0.74121377368600005, 0.75125743091999997, 0.77150265368000004,
-    0.78324441542400003, 0.79888631364700002, 0.81247216458500005,
-    0.83204971232799996, 0.84425730939599997, 0.85740264943900002,
-    0.87520806795200001, 0.88821997325500002, 0.90285273820699996,
-    0.918029579805, 0.92615377290000001, 0.944808560001, 0.95843032520799998,
-    0.96908459648199996, 0.98091068958799998, 0.99546224846599995,
-    1.0114143418099999, 1.0370041029999999, 1.05163455603, 1.06941917585,
-    1.0849323260699999, 1.09786891934, 1.1200484481799999, 1.1401856044400001,
-    1.1614766378400001, 1.1779927836999999, 1.18794131464, 1.19800995642,
-    1.2153169910399999, 1.23620743467, 1.2464006441, 1.28309014464,
-    1.30117129963, 1.3139480025800001, 1.32973840183, 1.34585218726,
-    1.36483113807, 1.3880086518200001, 1.4038694678400001, 1.4269838991299999,
-    1.4531887240500001, 1.4761551228100001, 1.49140958787, 1.50497619744,
-    1.51748249595, 1.54755568638, 1.56624981363, 1.5996976922199999,
-    1.6270535823300001, 1.64604277857, 1.66675355419, 1.69387124571,
-    1.7124303672300001, 1.7402106696399999, 1.7770409733200001, 1.79456862305,
-    1.8202531872000001, 1.84460821986, 1.86760077894, 1.89650572807,
-    1.9192579590500001, 1.95188224797, 1.96482546943, 1.9921085106,
-    2.0131483132499999, 2.05544343578, 2.0827595529899998, 2.1347983483699999,
-    2.16760564415, 2.2014516721900002, 2.2315870739900001, 2.2636169272100002,
-    2.30995438871, 2.3374033408299999, 2.3738865256000001, 2.3951038330599999,
-    2.4431717219700002, 2.4826850222400001, 2.5185317615099998,
-    2.5638428795100001, 2.6284306548999998, 2.66623660644, 2.7096591116400002,
-    2.7586335740300001, 2.8025663346699998, 2.8401708445299998,
-    2.8783352938300002, 2.9063543000399998, 2.9593598772399998,
-    2.9957288325500002, 3.0605506942799998, 3.10955011278, 3.1789052606700001,
-    3.2428513432099999, 3.3274186461299999, 3.4074444667899999, 3.4504525115,
-    3.52884017973, 3.5708077150699999, 3.6772565091299998, 3.7474521798599998,
-    3.8121617114599999, 3.9240511321899998, 4.02413852901, 4.0815085453500002,
-    4.1825546762599997, 4.2751667515599996, 4.3741820336400004,
-    4.4834872676200002, 4.5686814128700002, 4.6358562892300004,
-    4.8094489254399999, 4.9654168327999999, 5.1314477165500003, 5.25148158988,
-    5.4403573194500003, 5.6010313900300002, 5.7161651882199997,
-    5.8958565355000001, 6.0361890974200003, 6.16740467168, 6.3041850958600003,
-    6.44114745164, 6.60541649452, 6.7974616801999996, 6.97815602873,
-    7.1388403799600004, 7.4314686713300002, 7.8384931901600003,
-    8.2177028271400001, 8.6453372183900008, 9.1543142843100007,
-    9.3764541677899995, 9.7962854173, 10.1633267175, 10.574689812400001,
-    11.0937462194, 11.4000754819, 11.9914359538, 12.3258902671, 12.7457696507,
-    13.361289611, 14.0129741907, 14.632251501600001, 15.099323370900001,
-    16.134748603599999, 16.802461663300001, 17.854647673100001,
-    18.834756072000001, 20.042735115799999, 21.573609706300001,
-    22.868457402400001, 24.574192288399999, 26.8474848352, 30.083792871499998,
-    34.499075183899997, 38.6709205943, 44.689686852000001, 52.857340428500002,
-    72.813133754999996, 91.564507002300005, 158.818628891, 939.11373358000003,
-    0.0, 0.071205885244299993, 0.099254028698600005, 0.14849104281600001,
-    0.17292354310999999, 0.20032666224500001, 0.226406277543,
-    0.23815469487599999, 0.26703405121599999, 0.28197072629300002,
-    0.296082146193, 0.31125854952699999, 0.32554466413499999,
-    0.33804933218900002, 0.35118970952299999, 0.371085578114,
-    0.39491385706400001, 0.413740038782, 0.42221028600999999,
-    0.44225862765200002, 0.458189520006, 0.48022475118199998,
-    0.49685298807599998, 0.51500317491299996, 0.53482118753700003,
-    0.55247938228399995, 0.57330658115499999, 0.58475963165199996,
-    0.60106501656199995, 0.62413217304400004, 0.63793653903699998,
-    0.65128873183500002, 0.66636704386000001, 0.67951755835000005,
-    0.68956025540200006, 0.70245093627400002, 0.71504184012600003,
-    0.73014210840100002, 0.74713784886300005, 0.75935155136999999,
-    0.77523714645700004, 0.78405425336400003, 0.79615963931099998,
-    0.81110455864499997, 0.82545864838799998, 0.83566202986100002,
-    0.85063666826600004, 0.87077765663700002, 0.88045508705099995,
-    0.89294081845100004, 0.90498155226699994, 0.91781500438800001,
-    0.93111410315300003, 0.94545406555199996, 0.95838819225799998,
-    0.96877608392100001, 0.98476526685599997, 1.0010342642000001,
-    1.0119849276699999, 1.03464783319, 1.05455213715, 1.0711504321800001,
-    1.08010453195, 1.1004877825999999, 1.10818262538, 1.1246761488799999,
-    1.13470825936, 1.14750678231, 1.1632448283100001, 1.18449169262,
-    1.2011657527599999, 1.2152811055699999, 1.2364506326, 1.24964319272,
-    1.2661037937899999, 1.2785791013300001, 1.2962377117699999,
-    1.3138558072099999, 1.3362693854300001, 1.34951663893, 1.3637686600700001,
-    1.37717976853, 1.3942209300999999, 1.4185816293, 1.43866597309,
-    1.45276157482, 1.48127714521, 1.5023296186499999, 1.52673585641,
-    1.5503318122600001, 1.5888091586999999, 1.6062719352799999,
-    1.6295964377400001, 1.6612388523299999, 1.6812256221899999, 1.70508917316,
-    1.72112188896, 1.74686294045, 1.7609156044800001, 1.7888509017400001,
-    1.8132839677799999, 1.8432731273, 1.8705117570000001, 1.89982085224,
-    1.9362197326199999, 1.96069015259, 1.9880007387600001, 2.0201535914000002,
-    2.0573265057399999, 2.0987964366999998, 2.13211771373, 2.1622274845799998,
-    2.1903685766800001, 2.22533347206, 2.26089786499, 2.3105003291199999,
-    2.33786317109, 2.37516129651, 2.4193923972300002, 2.4579148222399998,
-    2.5029183158800001, 2.53381912593, 2.5677307283899999, 2.6162502017999998,
-    2.6750579269800001, 2.7203789138199999, 2.7458139153899999,
-    2.8254724574300001, 2.8565396273200001, 2.9040559269499999,
-    2.9651085310499998, 3.0196812095999999, 3.0843657504699999,
-    3.1558869808600001, 3.2223894339400001, 3.2603729802400001,
-    3.3614620894799998, 3.4362647479800001, 3.53920130259, 3.5756943688499998,
-    3.64101261846, 3.7233677998300001, 3.8016940916299999, 3.9106972227400001,
-    3.9990351336300001, 4.0897762814999998, 4.1774051907800001,
-    4.2798115401099999, 4.3711459042799996, 4.4838086749199997,
-    4.5942578656300004, 4.69725646861, 4.8356147641699998, 4.9568908200199999,
-    5.0559387430399996, 5.1307907403700002, 5.29064241813, 5.4495402731300002,
-    5.5692069479899997, 5.8023798879999999, 5.9217137438199998,
-    6.1545111640699997, 6.2686946022500001, 6.4619248209700002,
-    6.6102067457500002, 6.8760747683199996, 7.1590374621899997, 7.31422994403,
-    7.6196963320300002, 7.9330981866299997, 8.3005559691100004,
-    8.5080589881200002, 8.9030525835399992, 9.3843270585099994, 9.88649146809,
-    10.279354769599999, 10.603107312100001, 11.1118716186, 11.4784714402,
-    12.035536117199999, 12.847959552400001, 13.415735074900001, 14.1791106731,
-    15.0355747631, 16.9356357166, 17.805067612999999, 19.342641049299999,
-    21.009071134500001, 23.1764543914, 25.379614414799999, 27.885782949300001,
-    29.619482312399999, 33.254904224999997, 36.867160964200004, 40.4774911481,
-    50.2787838733, 62.180321216899998, 80.798575822199993, 94.584243390899999,
-    131.07441246799999, 532.11553542800004, 0.0, 0.066750493128400007,
-    0.10229228903, 0.14064849221799999, 0.16816604212, 0.185917820027,
-    0.21145207109799999, 0.22637409875299999, 0.23827441847700001,
-    0.25325002214100001, 0.282002121386, 0.29459754431500002, 0.309921025947,
-    0.32256024829399998, 0.33607649321799998, 0.35308583886400002,
-    0.366974488228, 0.38834215578600001, 0.407453141593, 0.42152609543199998,
-    0.44240079751299999, 0.45519187153599999, 0.46297707882400002,
-    0.47982221228700001, 0.49667630123599998, 0.508498258634,
-    0.51689250307900003, 0.53635170713299996, 0.55035959890200004,
-    0.56783201126299998, 0.58585694882899997, 0.59530161133699999,
-    0.60864863465700003, 0.61872677583699998, 0.63314266869000002,
-    0.64227626695200002, 0.66366778123400005, 0.67270302950299998,
-    0.68420389566899997, 0.69282668375900003, 0.70143224682899996,
-    0.71443579991700001, 0.72615598912400003, 0.73642045277699997,
-    0.74797476862599999, 0.75717018072300002, 0.76798353829599997,
-    0.77486375038599997, 0.79414765885500005, 0.80854204945800001,
-    0.82112865231700005, 0.83235531435499999, 0.84902111566299998,
-    0.85542717883200003, 0.85897397230799999, 0.87704088496099997,
-    0.89151271520300002, 0.90700102609599997, 0.920719450271,
-    0.92891160690200003, 0.938857619857, 0.94825684266300003,
-    0.95986000285999995, 0.96960811962399995, 0.989941122374, 1.00360008757,
-    1.02107596077, 1.03643638202, 1.0502377328700001, 1.0717680324100001,
-    1.0865864964900001, 1.0954103929900001, 1.10647648545, 1.11919554073,
-    1.1348944810799999, 1.1478893503600001, 1.1583683144100001, 1.17725367471,
-    1.1977476949200001, 1.2115494448899999, 1.2227006682499999, 1.23641648061,
-    1.2453807854500001, 1.2593987794899999, 1.26998244399, 1.2869142286699999,
-    1.30049557207, 1.31446944898, 1.3295110779099999, 1.3446024810899999,
-    1.3719517782999999, 1.3907558123199999, 1.40705250973, 1.4264556633200001,
-    1.4396767485499999, 1.46991083644, 1.4987499147300001, 1.51363764814,
-    1.5369634294400001, 1.55497159429, 1.58019513401, 1.58671558905,
-    1.6122642631099999, 1.6513557926, 1.68400062899, 1.7089437540000001,
-    1.72753924255, 1.7453552720800001, 1.7758454361, 1.7994335997999999,
-    1.82770292952, 1.84731671466, 1.8985423459799999, 1.9145465641699999,
-    1.9448048626000001, 1.9916997561000001, 2.0178550764300001,
-    2.0361698775099999, 2.0577739526799999, 2.0831203668899998,
-    2.1103632127899998, 2.1537354568799998, 2.1788561526999999,
-    2.2045213341899998, 2.2224788538400002, 2.2635629295799999,
-    2.3165276562799999, 2.34821085414, 2.3981207218199998, 2.4198916383700002,
-    2.4597388271499998, 2.5017065354999999, 2.56256913084, 2.60073239413,
-    2.6306494736500001, 2.6860626220700001, 2.7343736190899999,
-    2.8116594856499999, 2.8637335040699998, 2.9264728333900001,
-    2.9955476839699999, 3.05285386085, 3.1356878770200001, 3.2072182033300001,
-    3.26764142152, 3.3485823077900001, 3.4312097504199999, 3.4816563758900001,
-    3.5584231314100001, 3.6375811375099998, 3.7335599506700001,
-    3.8014008857100001, 3.8705553019300001, 3.9806979118000001,
-    4.0971698101299996, 4.1749168167999997, 4.3083366103599996, 4.38165849577,
-    4.5310804208600004, 4.6613092856899998, 4.7803056653900002,
-    4.9095209439899996, 5.0546229367600004, 5.2110820221100003,
-    5.3463510691199998, 5.52429734599, 5.6756130707899999, 5.9685799046800003,
-    6.1860199186999996, 6.3195153450500001, 6.6566660244499998,
-    6.9673972764899998, 7.26908683037, 7.6488825007600001, 7.8611350773700002,
-    8.2320652147600004, 8.4210908255200003, 8.9496041073600008,
-    9.5584199425000005, 10.1439245514, 10.6423118073, 11.0791716855,
-    11.838823182500001, 12.7106408238, 14.1580993885, 15.148907718,
-    15.904843132, 17.434395016500002, 18.518727628800001, 20.121463138599999,
-    22.7076019362, 24.3760430058, 27.247058263300001, 30.661631466599999,
-    33.079547519400002, 39.127879890599999, 48.943565214800003, 59.4575606151,
-    91.335874697400001, 141.45432793200001, 411.661489776, 0.0,
-    0.069952231864699996, 0.103404633578, 0.125014068162, 0.146010270449,
-    0.16359155444599999, 0.178864568833, 0.19599840432599999,
-    0.21261593381499999, 0.22711972642700001, 0.243111674684,
-    0.25767461785399998, 0.27180823360799999, 0.28563106170000002,
-    0.30065227522400001, 0.31466033367599999, 0.32740274431499999,
-    0.34144162964000002, 0.35392977821499999, 0.36739586603699997,
-    0.37668601825699999, 0.38997906091099999, 0.40341912954199999,
-    0.416373727157, 0.426895908682, 0.43977830899800002, 0.45258671966300001,
-    0.466514605217, 0.477389064152, 0.48977333283500002, 0.50163197604999998,
-    0.51199626571900003, 0.52444304417700005, 0.535756267392,
-    0.54517617178599997, 0.556723976482, 0.56923743022399997,
-    0.58148013003300003, 0.59338244193300005, 0.60349023988499995,
-    0.61844448197599999, 0.63082462731599998, 0.64077938591500005,
-    0.65387489192500003, 0.66469357132100004, 0.67819373925399995,
-    0.68727074573400004, 0.69848718075600003, 0.71043795726600001,
-    0.71961915177299995, 0.72969713364300004, 0.74107602282600005,
-    0.75606721670699994, 0.76643518425500001, 0.77845497049099999,
-    0.78839543992500005, 0.80132022172700001, 0.81246877456,
-    0.82543482006900004, 0.835142423425, 0.84674802068300004,
-    0.85967143818799996, 0.87125300477599998, 0.88408451673499999,
-    0.89664194416599996, 0.91062205430599996, 0.92119895144599995,
-    0.93242997074199996, 0.94571219445300003, 0.96041450364400005,
-    0.97224013435699996, 0.98495533130900004, 0.99919196810900002,
-    1.0129236124100001, 1.02562802722, 1.0390578098300001, 1.05327349462,
-    1.06699289985, 1.08003878786, 1.0911503311699999, 1.10287478431,
-    1.11752324595, 1.1314149261899999, 1.1474113539199999, 1.1623424598800001,
-    1.1809099334199999, 1.19698636893, 1.21181796755, 1.22544671282,
-    1.24244196167, 1.25768137753, 1.2753336486, 1.29073541071,
-    1.3028499501799999, 1.3187969502100001, 1.33382177937, 1.35329432786,
-    1.3654396608399999, 1.3831852898699999, 1.4053731868899999,
-    1.4244601671899999, 1.4458595538900001, 1.4624828517299999, 1.48424757851,
-    1.50258889287, 1.5267644454, 1.54442727619, 1.56845111196,
-    1.5867698647199999, 1.60842558029, 1.6313088751, 1.6534369558899999,
-    1.6753389600899999, 1.69620207473, 1.7204189063699999, 1.7419530680599999,
-    1.76805842778, 1.7922030172000001, 1.8188034212699999, 1.85148643519,
-    1.8773786266000001, 1.90256305862, 1.9386203775399999, 1.9687813707199999,
-    1.9981566611499999, 2.0245303042499998, 2.0584208427499999,
-    2.0946946719900001, 2.1348120365500001, 2.1791471443199999,
-    2.2224520832399999, 2.2595687931800001, 2.3106923875200001,
-    2.3553963857400002, 2.3983286546599998, 2.4436515071799998,
-    2.4865189620699999, 2.5405446707500001, 2.59421388661, 2.64091695706,
-    2.6996385735900001, 2.7473734419100002, 2.8035977565799999,
-    2.8535299568900001, 2.91542786179, 2.9893281334399999, 3.0516305485699999,
-    3.1163028661999999, 3.1947678399299999, 3.2663049222699998,
-    3.3339853805400002, 3.40237096205, 3.4768322926400002, 3.5806851899900001,
-    3.6801840510099999, 3.7872722453700001, 3.8916915748699998,
-    3.9917050980400002, 4.0940578914500003, 4.19602458524, 4.3323371208100001,
-    4.4338250448399998, 4.5732353526800003, 4.7071896650899996,
-    4.8371637819700002, 4.9861306159599996, 5.1247005951200002,
-    5.2989900989100001, 5.4331191858299999, 5.5988276453600001,
-    5.8197641223699996, 6.0307234869500004, 6.2629671258800004,
-    6.4723292924600004, 6.73373305351, 7.0011281823499996, 7.2896172889599997,
-    7.6282663585300003, 7.9822597848400001, 8.4459703825899997,
-    8.8384469969099992, 9.2101115074000006, 9.73610634934, 10.3512776241,
-    10.917239822399999, 11.6235706159, 12.2958078571, 12.939563854899999,
-    14.2324201348, 15.485703747200001, 16.9857809226, 18.432059703,
-    20.321399149499999, 22.561711453099999, 25.531954585200001,
-    29.543395520299999, 34.331229479900003, 42.111056517599998,
-    54.231741921900003, 88.569928594700002, 402.90323270200003, 0.0,
-    0.063832780404899994, 0.097778217097499995, 0.12370909607, 0.150339924072,
-    0.16482266304000001, 0.17990570626399999, 0.190646713912,
-    0.20163809948600001, 0.216830757348, 0.22812951506500001,
-    0.24021891326399999, 0.25541866841600003, 0.269018368043,
-    0.28049226030899999, 0.29164957411100001, 0.30229091825999999,
-    0.31343659256900003, 0.327727185596, 0.33950733116499998,
-    0.35546334505900001, 0.36812325794200002, 0.38133767715299999,
-    0.394597620963, 0.404978263841, 0.41815375781000003, 0.42864653293400001,
-    0.444894300819, 0.454376903331, 0.46341028375999999, 0.47599157488299998,
-    0.48560628028199998, 0.49777311032799998, 0.508833944353,
-    0.52141721957599996, 0.53079993862899999, 0.54083525487700002,
-    0.55116155918099996, 0.56028981112599996, 0.571200303066,
-    0.58044683485600002, 0.58839931947599999, 0.59900193670599999,
-    0.60844513668900002, 0.61984074999700001, 0.630706376051,
-    0.64055060618699999, 0.65022883648700003, 0.65969805240099999,
-    0.67173860230299998, 0.683039145269, 0.69151743825699996,
-    0.70492328902000001, 0.71497674644599996, 0.72455754197800004,
-    0.73626892393499999, 0.74666068393600005, 0.75711837954399996,
-    0.76917986479, 0.78031391817899998, 0.79003646883199996,
-    0.80178135233600001, 0.81294330929500003, 0.82479240642999996,
-    0.83793294590599998, 0.84856051750299999, 0.857727050288, 0.867523080562,
-    0.87989898293299995, 0.88810730552100003, 0.89899588869799996,
-    0.90918788036700005, 0.92161182284099996, 0.93310880618299996,
-    0.94666983786799996, 0.95950586438800001, 0.96954717752200004,
-    0.98183054360800004, 0.99327109762300003, 1.0071871810099999, 1.0199396023,
-    1.0299591745400001, 1.0433590956800001, 1.0579526586200001, 1.0722037652,
-    1.0856825564000001, 1.10062275455, 1.11366547931, 1.12553109294,
-    1.1369984132099999, 1.1497029036699999, 1.16306292312, 1.17522255584,
-    1.1892082610600001, 1.2041212236300001, 1.22190050707, 1.2347118934600001,
-    1.2504314859500001, 1.2629302579599999, 1.2791680786099999, 1.29405735901,
-    1.3107720617700001, 1.32643387797, 1.3415152129300001, 1.3620274129300001,
-    1.3823476697499999, 1.40444011877, 1.42173569526, 1.4364703857500001,
-    1.45484612731, 1.47972134044, 1.49655634371, 1.5141380044499999,
-    1.53379025535, 1.5555036580899999, 1.5714663036600001, 1.59647294538,
-    1.6138151759899999, 1.6380127097199999, 1.6594163419300001,
-    1.6820072233800001, 1.7019879011500001, 1.7246555912899999, 1.75616951171,
-    1.7809849497500001, 1.8095401046899999, 1.83533696471, 1.8573176551099999,
-    1.88542875324, 1.92090178934, 1.9505618811500001, 1.9774596313099999,
-    2.0068544301600002, 2.0350921018900001, 2.0643959097, 2.1062800026400001,
-    2.1347376230699999, 2.1742676793900002, 2.2104098855299998,
-    2.2514941680099998, 2.2912348247100001, 2.3349554164100002,
-    2.3796253970099999, 2.41766195211, 2.4815347228200002, 2.5296861327400002,
-    2.57523096673, 2.6414826618, 2.6880090127099998, 2.7379395286100001,
-    2.7971131333199999, 2.8454615301600001, 2.9012187913899998,
-    2.9675790254000001, 3.04978866032, 3.12354871979, 3.2117080755199998,
-    3.3031992991200001, 3.3786495999400001, 3.4622786505200001,
-    3.5341733641599999, 3.5975451787299999, 3.7026608369999998, 3.82558431557,
-    3.9485708722999999, 4.0749917626799999, 4.2182278466299996,
-    4.3815530054699998, 4.5579379614200004, 4.7079073862299996,
-    4.8861754887000002, 5.0662849643500003, 5.2496674690900003,
-    5.4708584275999996, 5.6873944276300001, 5.9465154086899998, 6.10841977807,
-    6.32522045284, 6.6457452149499998, 6.8963618663700004, 7.1600629694100002,
-    7.4849075540900003, 7.8078159674899998, 8.1135987260599993,
-    8.6434490614699993, 9.3138777741999998, 9.9096943796500003, 10.5413045729,
-    11.158948712999999, 11.999104899500001, 12.8985733307, 13.9490047253,
-    15.518092394, 17.033131729600001, 18.432082803299998, 20.708613102099999,
-    23.123985660399999, 27.884421759599999, 36.561019225000003,
-    61.076641297099997, 468.04625970900003, 0.0, 0.067076529355799996,
-    0.097824586424400006, 0.12058047219699999, 0.135066352689,
-    0.15703805450399999, 0.16865220856099999, 0.18272153189500001,
-    0.19456107267299999, 0.20905544303500001, 0.22429021016199999,
-    0.23682684978499999, 0.24961005214199999, 0.26225295033399998,
-    0.27282432554800001, 0.283602099439, 0.29623312604699997,
-    0.30840842319700001, 0.31645548412699998, 0.33143452632300002,
-    0.343712260145, 0.35341928343099999, 0.36635377466399999,
-    0.37717670892999999, 0.39032523504299999, 0.40013045900700001,
-    0.41162395957300002, 0.42423155816699998, 0.43186283101,
-    0.44215015996599999, 0.45428937582200002, 0.46224971743999999,
-    0.47594444504299999, 0.48807023390400001, 0.49693964716900002,
-    0.51019137347099996, 0.52165237357899996, 0.53174150971800005,
-    0.54256492119300004, 0.55515020156399997, 0.56325486596700003,
-    0.57178372078899997, 0.57891384744999996, 0.58826455880299999,
-    0.59910449639800001, 0.60935191848000003, 0.61881052080400001,
-    0.62702569041300005, 0.63798126176500003, 0.64999626073299999,
-    0.66409842520700002, 0.67206511322700002, 0.68117655017099998,
-    0.69235691936599997, 0.70629027472700001, 0.71718753920199996,
-    0.72825030830899995, 0.73958277894699997, 0.74721313986399995,
-    0.75951044739999996, 0.77054717878099999, 0.78033716992000002,
-    0.791657009508, 0.80069783012999995, 0.81151864388700001,
-    0.82257967604500004, 0.83376565960100002, 0.84367481175100001,
-    0.85373445615999999, 0.86281664475599995, 0.87277267299399997,
-    0.88522150941099997, 0.895112829577, 0.90741716188900001,
-    0.91619554643300005, 0.92601655850499998, 0.93734361345600004,
-    0.94620041333000005, 0.95712672909899998, 0.96744573225499997,
-    0.98318977108299999, 0.99187947130599996, 1.00505446816,
-    1.0135141032699999, 1.02598410227, 1.0352951482399999, 1.0473143060900001,
-    1.0610104522899999, 1.07557548922, 1.0886540525699999, 1.1030302993000001,
-    1.1222000890499999, 1.1397653729499999, 1.15430437835, 1.1696993848599999,
-    1.1869488960800001, 1.20122564741, 1.2141587142000001, 1.2257708751700001,
-    1.2411522805399999, 1.2560045466400001, 1.27446251035, 1.2841952131300001,
-    1.2982208578200001, 1.3182157576, 1.3298159782600001, 1.3424136029,
-    1.3604328317200001, 1.3767068167600001, 1.39749108045, 1.4148267830400001,
-    1.43982412632, 1.45450195158, 1.47070553463, 1.4842104270200001,
-    1.5036094415600001, 1.5196111004899999, 1.5427837280000001, 1.56874118822,
-    1.59012806749, 1.6156339281200001, 1.6415259814800001, 1.6627342303899999,
-    1.68678597138, 1.7123700775899999, 1.7355941341300001, 1.7575287234700001,
-    1.77549370303, 1.8023242212999999, 1.8306364744700001, 1.86843117775,
-    1.89616140233, 1.92693168508, 1.94653908551, 1.9674301249699999,
-    2.0023775987399999, 2.0410970809600002, 2.0712419181500001,
-    2.1001298794399998, 2.1435551353000002, 2.18745519946, 2.2407411531300001,
-    2.2877176484300001, 2.3482386991299999, 2.3878544206000001,
-    2.4256485211599998, 2.4689746994299999, 2.54115707404, 2.6060044637200002,
-    2.6471446480799998, 2.7082778846300002, 2.7625848318599999,
-    2.8217618519399998, 2.8730281955899999, 2.94944935405, 2.9984511177900002,
-    3.06158326156, 3.1477109402800001, 3.2264457052400002, 3.3135370713699999,
-    3.3913116560900001, 3.46766561982, 3.5469306652600001, 3.6270133483599998,
-    3.7196516111200002, 3.8300128499600001, 3.9706856961599999,
-    4.0624593885399998, 4.16862605645, 4.32355081595, 4.4582130280000003,
-    4.5901068198399999, 4.7253251831799998, 4.8713623347399997,
-    5.0670691161099999, 5.2375849693000003, 5.3887073546400002,
-    5.6495635870200003, 5.8884178613599998, 6.1407571599699997,
-    6.3858608976199998, 6.6661948102800004, 7.0439049067599999,
-    7.3559915120800001, 7.73009363221, 8.2262361691900008, 8.8019442355600006,
-    9.2680434525499997, 9.7743200198599993, 10.6920252267, 11.3785733059,
-    12.170137853, 13.036613519199999, 14.486048819000001, 16.028067222499999,
-    17.977721620600001, 20.963719555200001, 25.110074835700001,
-    32.315204575999999, 51.776266767099997, 108.063764331, 0.0,
-    0.074209559522700003, 0.108008052641, 0.12807119272199999, 0.145696860505,
-    0.15949782790200001, 0.17030767784699999, 0.181856162219, 0.194359775116,
-    0.206545451204, 0.216886655718, 0.227597454714, 0.239520822277,
-    0.24975972163499999, 0.26174800391699998, 0.27515156150300002,
-    0.28928260960800001, 0.30056007218699998, 0.31177038148300001,
-    0.32223273686999998, 0.33233709398299999, 0.34226863585799999,
-    0.35054033371600002, 0.36272022538900001, 0.37265758299599999,
-    0.38450845354800001, 0.392952528902, 0.40280374789700002,
-    0.41239163517100003, 0.42225057636800001, 0.43390677896199997,
-    0.44589553585300001, 0.456357880291, 0.46605928183400003,
-    0.47533877800199997, 0.485109944056, 0.49754601794199999,
-    0.50792030114300002, 0.51923692407099997, 0.52864927728800004,
-    0.53777407420400003, 0.54790751383199998, 0.55673983995999998,
-    0.56698607143699997, 0.57670367642800002, 0.58667471005899996,
-    0.596751819495, 0.60570130209100004, 0.61498993393199997,
-    0.62532916186599996, 0.63421809777399996, 0.643945582415, 0.652131236,
-    0.66037342159400003, 0.66984241853199999, 0.68013004284099998,
-    0.68891506562500004, 0.69795858717600001, 0.70724072355500001,
-    0.71773910407499997, 0.72600456224599996, 0.73529066837299994,
-    0.74465581544199999, 0.75311728489600005, 0.76285052475299997,
-    0.77230557399699995, 0.78194921514500004, 0.79213459741699999,
-    0.80258535964699995, 0.81396443458699996, 0.82267338024400005,
-    0.83206771620599995, 0.83984893131100002, 0.85244698240700001,
-    0.860212067124, 0.87121284808199995, 0.88206426743400002, 0.893602624377,
-    0.90550090295300001, 0.91868520951400001, 0.92977380346299998,
-    0.94206318246999998, 0.95246633238900003, 0.96670282891199999,
-    0.97605982209599995, 0.98559747736000003, 0.99585577432700001,
-    1.00707064259, 1.01710690075, 1.02898182166, 1.04428034784,
-    1.0538694818500001, 1.06500309695, 1.0756346263800001, 1.08768054822,
-    1.0986564112699999, 1.11056517658, 1.1222492032, 1.13556072341,
-    1.1472841566, 1.16118311944, 1.17259765348, 1.1861421571199999,
-    1.1985894798400001, 1.20980222263, 1.2233664048399999, 1.2385002300500001,
-    1.2516226459299999, 1.2669008712400001, 1.2794959423800001,
-    1.2958611531299999, 1.31116706463, 1.32857407312, 1.34365731571,
-    1.35879876289, 1.3767427480700001, 1.3927745273200001, 1.41141387435,
-    1.4296441628400001, 1.4469934928999999, 1.46603314043, 1.4837471764900001,
-    1.5016602720400001, 1.51855715617, 1.5372635274499999, 1.55585749083,
-    1.5776110083899999, 1.59566951462, 1.62476079488, 1.6471928626000001,
-    1.6678247338300001, 1.6864094001200001, 1.7115934443700001,
-    1.7389659531499999, 1.76721239977, 1.78849994105, 1.81312786502,
-    1.8365295582100001, 1.8646738456900001, 1.8978807795199999, 1.9240405234,
-    1.9549490789899999, 1.98972377392, 2.0200230888899999, 2.0589141742399999,
-    2.10302415543, 2.14058485254, 2.1818536127199999, 2.2299519963300001,
-    2.2712959938699999, 2.3135445986500001, 2.3566542270399999,
-    2.3959056922599999, 2.4446333513399998, 2.4952439185199999,
-    2.5492654399200001, 2.6106037504100001, 2.6602865229799999,
-    2.7105208912299998, 2.7745671455899998, 2.8333797499900002,
-    2.9008461857499999, 2.96494326499, 3.0289889630300002, 3.10234506861,
-    3.1725169557099999, 3.2548023935399999, 3.3312575634499999, 3.41501385226,
-    3.5077691502100001, 3.6109139158899999, 3.70736489466, 3.8078795299400001,
-    3.9399935880500001, 4.0729162849399998, 4.1754315477999997, 4.32871701963,
-    4.4670420558400004, 4.6172360869400002, 4.7801353008799996,
-    4.9685158392900002, 5.1787521224099997, 5.3659561809799996,
-    5.5579867362700002, 5.80647069765, 6.0770936171800001, 6.3474439077599998,
-    6.62582338065, 6.9727248909400004, 7.3991913842899999, 7.8834449215399998,
-    8.5166144845100007, 9.2030546325000007, 9.88020733826, 10.866036106699999,
-    12.0758777085, 14.18128042, 16.712052750600002, 20.430876708300001,
-    27.2913398323, 198.831343334, 0.0, 0.069244384700200001,
-    0.088432101515100003, 0.10716305206, 0.12503845091900001, 0.140404065533,
-    0.15732758095900001, 0.17026163426999999, 0.181554153262,
-    0.19229104097999999, 0.20063488720700001, 0.20918075219000001,
-    0.22448851398700001, 0.23329259600999999, 0.243417838223,
-    0.25098683398999999, 0.26086665715599999, 0.26722012921400001,
-    0.27447102517700001, 0.28549280903099999, 0.29370514330199998,
-    0.30435794709199998, 0.31171401890299999, 0.32079725821600003,
-    0.33073290586199999, 0.340392028515, 0.35038726600499998,
-    0.35811690266399998, 0.36447411653700001, 0.37185544116399999,
-    0.381082348721, 0.390780214455, 0.39830952785200002, 0.40748168602500001,
-    0.41488373765499997, 0.42543510561100001, 0.43158160961199998,
-    0.44002625662900002, 0.44926347686599999, 0.45776432919799998,
-    0.468022411503, 0.47664440380200002, 0.48258490950499999,
-    0.48896171374500003, 0.496491820137, 0.50698509859999996,
-    0.51452015906199999, 0.52068937139100002, 0.52946408477100004,
-    0.53880448153799998, 0.548801791313, 0.555995027759, 0.56369511933200001,
-    0.57026213611200005, 0.57917412801400003, 0.58903117523000004,
-    0.59960305490099997, 0.60673607228299997, 0.61394249280099999,
-    0.62335872512500001, 0.62950473092000003, 0.63564906077100003,
-    0.64370653836500002, 0.65068290176499999, 0.65692425783200004,
-    0.66660140937199996, 0.67467287438699997, 0.68340267482299999,
-    0.69234704669500002, 0.70022548729900003, 0.70878108772100001,
-    0.71517132508000003, 0.72483344563800001, 0.73510369684400001,
-    0.74464179844099998, 0.75114169742299997, 0.75948786098200005,
-    0.76927896632399995, 0.780181603981, 0.79038397953499995,
-    0.79658809158499999, 0.80565180419899995, 0.81340080992999997,
-    0.82502676166900002, 0.83237961296700003, 0.84110268556400003,
-    0.85232968998699998, 0.86273446105600005, 0.87069963084699997,
-    0.88137854582999997, 0.89128913714400004, 0.90061058757400003,
-    0.90609412190700001, 0.91504032505999999, 0.92415693050900005,
-    0.93648983181699996, 0.94349116139300004, 0.95300702282700001,
-    0.96521719153999996, 0.97733292798399996, 0.98974230043699996,
-    1.0028012640199999, 1.01236890773, 1.0253034214500001, 1.0345343165800001,
-    1.0429324387700001, 1.0534672371, 1.06628868009, 1.07468795352,
-    1.08633326882, 1.09933424957, 1.1068518163600001, 1.12106242894,
-    1.13430375102, 1.1497669909499999, 1.16355554605, 1.1741333470999999,
-    1.1865602471200001, 1.19552264974, 1.20964466299, 1.2206552660600001,
-    1.2334735428900001, 1.2446193507100001, 1.26228052188, 1.2733668809500001,
-    1.2862487980799999, 1.29915564596, 1.31311637923, 1.3325804596099999,
-    1.34251302023, 1.3591003659500001, 1.377169549, 1.3924811167,
-    1.40750771045, 1.4232614989300001, 1.4396669344899999, 1.4651287187599999,
-    1.4899491085200001, 1.50816578923, 1.5249813512099999, 1.5484316629499999,
-    1.56552035633, 1.58626075727, 1.60321824898, 1.6254795315799999,
-    1.64592427713, 1.6680292001699999, 1.6929771865600001, 1.71641044875,
-    1.73825985627, 1.7655221754799999, 1.7903694698399999, 1.8124234588000001,
-    1.83919765728, 1.86770929471, 1.9001015000199999, 1.9321267789500001,
-    1.95584199638, 1.99690811411, 2.0217444230499999, 2.05376297292,
-    2.0929451083099999, 2.12301731176, 2.1526232798299998, 2.19298807375,
-    2.2255018723100002, 2.2689246505599998, 2.3179026897699999,
-    2.3644121098699999, 2.4221039841300001, 2.4838688069799999, 2.53466998697,
-    2.6042919607999999, 2.6812450073999998, 2.7654172146999998,
-    2.8309204248399999, 2.9094078948100002, 2.9876772553499999,
-    3.0748530970700001, 3.1622064731699999, 3.24147451246, 3.32558384886,
-    3.4422202342600001, 3.5775338240400001, 3.7141610497599999, 3.87173250803,
-    4.0663966875900002, 4.29308118297, 4.4781034155099997, 4.7041054642700004,
-    5.0488522514199996, 5.3311777928700002, 5.6656935490200002,
-    6.1539089237400004, 6.8843836607600002, 7.4347424954000001,
-    8.2978267417500007, 9.6243020157500005, 11.369168954199999,
-    15.540639672399999, 76.1760172643, 0.0, 0.049706365699999998,
-    0.0666592682662, 0.088322065368899999, 0.104536859611, 0.11923256786399999,
-    0.127291144238, 0.13502577832400001, 0.140820543469, 0.15139945632400001,
-    0.16099717066999999, 0.16793664804899999, 0.179770597659,
-    0.18534480911599999, 0.19437588065, 0.20501796081000001,
-    0.21442507195499999, 0.223638661722, 0.235448046864, 0.24069837603999999,
-    0.249796619168, 0.2569021037, 0.26571241794099998, 0.273484835112,
-    0.28264031867099998, 0.29203238294299999, 0.30128506578199998,
-    0.30890798204499997, 0.31400372247300001, 0.32085907990500001,
-    0.33018590514200002, 0.33434813763600002, 0.34099138695100001,
-    0.34839419218399997, 0.36043796979300002, 0.366921197137, 0.374978179395,
-    0.380142953738, 0.38497527854699998, 0.39412431397300002,
-    0.40294224279800001, 0.41036947119900002, 0.42097414080500001,
-    0.426696154529, 0.43405547629300001, 0.438076390323, 0.44626941882600002,
-    0.45209988855099997, 0.46025667702299999, 0.46751534699899999,
-    0.47569740786199999, 0.48648925341600002, 0.49365845173799999,
-    0.50062076512099996, 0.50762099689399998, 0.51599561488599999,
-    0.52069070294499997, 0.52771734894599998, 0.53507770527700005,
-    0.53957262010100004, 0.54687563426600005, 0.55882733756900005,
-    0.56778279961099998, 0.57581367970300001, 0.58169558514099995,
-    0.589416835832, 0.59799990574399997, 0.60309451416000004,
-    0.60776585343300005, 0.61113211528400002, 0.620751519689,
-    0.63049668177200002, 0.64186111209399999, 0.649049389792,
-    0.65881032984999999, 0.667603399933, 0.67500088551600002,
-    0.68058962597299999, 0.68475592303099997, 0.69020553863599998,
-    0.69297641552300004, 0.69919890922799999, 0.70692564551500003,
-    0.71223085652100004, 0.72213575435900001, 0.730079802251,
-    0.73971307206199999, 0.74754515744299999, 0.75906245692899998,
-    0.76535806436599996, 0.768435170424, 0.77936645084, 0.78371319966099995,
-    0.793548757173, 0.79992665980300004, 0.80669075308100002, 0.813805390164,
-    0.82073219292800004, 0.82530292600499999, 0.83254418888299997,
-    0.84023227490600005, 0.84610269681500005, 0.850974506809,
-    0.85604916181199997, 0.86800267070000003, 0.87548269182500005,
-    0.88170746226899999, 0.89168104316600005, 0.89886785180600004,
-    0.90941660694899995, 0.92091095976000004, 0.92713708903799996,
-    0.93255472954399998, 0.94075570205600001, 0.95405981205900003,
-    0.96338844277799995, 0.97402552055400005, 0.98526481076200001,
-    0.99808150342699997, 1.00881814468, 1.0181152037700001, 1.02462072395,
-    1.0362614133200001, 1.0501057383200001, 1.05573829434, 1.0663375241399999,
-    1.0815544234900001, 1.0920197863400001, 1.10280835408, 1.1180455459900001,
-    1.1302349147199999, 1.14338393376, 1.1517784771899999, 1.16459044846,
-    1.17843359548, 1.1909602731, 1.2038564818399999, 1.2161138792399999,
-    1.22899884794, 1.24167619324, 1.25804220029, 1.26669854112, 1.28319750286,
-    1.29839920006, 1.31138545902, 1.3222317000599999, 1.34185918055,
-    1.3547619368999999, 1.3711217067000001, 1.3874485756199999,
-    1.4017178245899999, 1.4176863825099999, 1.43525875504, 1.4513358921899999,
-    1.4669285814799999, 1.49058059786, 1.51243917885, 1.5343601628600001,
-    1.5519685841999999, 1.5858246281799999, 1.6052702545799999,
-    1.6255288476200001, 1.645511371, 1.67744979518, 1.7003145979100001,
-    1.7236176675199999, 1.74467645265, 1.7809151811699999, 1.8104241704099999,
-    1.85100020932, 1.8902605480300001, 1.9127629589099999, 1.94264465956,
-    1.98831619403, 2.0462312106199998, 2.1088091964400002, 2.1589111550700002,
-    2.19880416124, 2.2551363689100001, 2.32115689321, 2.3900112406699998,
-    2.4355086734200002, 2.53167527975, 2.5574390199299999, 2.69075228193,
-    2.80722131929, 2.8827815963000001, 3.0169724035100001, 3.1020365340699998,
-    3.2877647668300001, 3.4186314330799998, 3.55711527829, 3.7777833577900002,
-    4.0940063095600001, 4.35113022089, 4.7722176832300001, 5.4945754250499999,
-    6.0600360065499999, 6.7983858917699997, 9.1234186672500002,
-    40.009378980599998, 0.0, 0.067895952064799994, 0.084300078749299998,
-    0.095052432169299997, 0.102638659398, 0.112117784904, 0.11826939027900001,
-    0.12549932636300001, 0.12979818836900001, 0.14651996704600001,
-    0.15100212390600001, 0.161663165759, 0.16954870848299999, 0.177081348221,
-    0.18018558524200001, 0.18303580819699999, 0.19216015759300001,
-    0.19761816342399999, 0.20405892001000001, 0.208512677383, 0.2121909193,
-    0.219201257102, 0.226866968867, 0.23794276716900001, 0.24987132195699999,
-    0.25465170763400002, 0.26099785587800001, 0.26730559655899999,
-    0.28331961066, 0.29096521670800002, 0.29624967979200001,
-    0.29829805930100001, 0.30951316035100002, 0.31770754811700003,
-    0.32720886553700002, 0.33647444911699997, 0.34198895204000002,
-    0.35025569471500001, 0.35723583674800002, 0.36574792956399999,
-    0.37381139126899998, 0.38799391889500001, 0.39067031169299998,
-    0.39620024782899999, 0.40020907354500002, 0.406629782376,
-    0.41587001647900002, 0.42064605710199998, 0.427983894024,
-    0.43880340547500002, 0.446223080223, 0.450449340882, 0.45558651616200002,
-    0.46105934588699998, 0.46416526610600001, 0.47234232416100003,
-    0.47838800081799998, 0.48398364517499998, 0.49028214090200001,
-    0.499284532015, 0.50451360745100005, 0.509733914146, 0.51534943972199998,
-    0.51694525305200001, 0.52351544417600004, 0.52741635274900001,
-    0.53030801158100005, 0.54039249319000005, 0.543358519993,
-    0.55090831684899999, 0.56351528162800002, 0.57109497028699996,
-    0.57678495336900004, 0.58431894816300001, 0.59453107257500004,
-    0.60337885959000004, 0.61000337793399995, 0.61727383516599998,
-    0.62371645808300002, 0.629855469291, 0.64046230499599999,
-    0.64338774420900002, 0.64928236111199999, 0.65253922932700004,
-    0.65630438988100004, 0.66542800844200001, 0.67245369789099996,
-    0.67689678974900003, 0.68490163471400001, 0.697879548796,
-    0.70321721042899998, 0.70825620560000002, 0.71214130965099998,
-    0.71606229576000002, 0.72849739743399999, 0.72997690491599998,
-    0.73496304621899999, 0.74722916204000001, 0.75461055645599995,
-    0.76049922669799996, 0.76492250952399998, 0.77219537422499995,
-    0.77615043430200004, 0.78272629883699996, 0.78806707738399995,
-    0.803877101727, 0.81237050231600005, 0.82231101211000002,
-    0.82643891219300003, 0.82994343368199996, 0.84104036655799996,
-    0.85001450139900003, 0.85722719700299999, 0.86813520497600005,
-    0.87634807207999998, 0.87849406127499996, 0.88626760274000005,
-    0.89464524886600005, 0.89854680515700003, 0.90579336081200001,
-    0.90937836218900003, 0.92263809143499997, 0.92671709472899999,
-    0.93140291302300005, 0.93889838636400003, 0.94817473635500005,
-    0.95134624523199995, 0.95948566447500006, 0.96931430537899999,
-    0.97827519300099997, 0.98284090499800003, 0.98853660864199999,
-    0.99999303088000002, 1.00933104878, 1.02227252775, 1.0339923686800001,
-    1.03840687036, 1.04500879737, 1.05122171927, 1.06723984471, 1.07953686403,
-    1.09113807067, 1.10417487551, 1.11446546637, 1.1254220105599999,
-    1.1353940360999999, 1.16144655068, 1.1695186521200001, 1.1831819617599999,
-    1.2096151764900001, 1.2368935164299999, 1.2456266675500001, 1.25296303964,
-    1.26564891435, 1.2701959942000001, 1.28466851306, 1.29873724956,
-    1.31966389347, 1.3313272542500001, 1.34786430325, 1.3621826611400001,
-    1.3720433831700001, 1.3971090305, 1.4043458957999999, 1.4238434153299999,
-    1.4590867995000001, 1.4854743821, 1.5153253015599999, 1.54813838085,
-    1.57329724758, 1.6116532666100001, 1.62277970085, 1.63219947245,
-    1.6666665269000001, 1.73127681763, 1.7492774307700001, 1.80557771894,
-    1.8267234865099999, 1.88934211181, 1.9203963709, 1.99466093314,
-    2.0230718376899999, 2.0628543274000002, 2.1367073224899999,
-    2.1821320160500002, 2.22093938088, 2.3072520016700002, 2.3621845025599999,
-    2.44517002578, 2.5015913727800001, 2.5975738754100002, 2.7045052724200001,
-    2.8865631109500001, 3.1260959842, 3.39849260601, 3.6254807685400001,
-    4.0097191798100003, 4.5724242129699997, 5.4143250544999999,
-    6.3272292972399997, 17.5560575511, 0.0, 0.085458258148600003,
-    0.098622234580399995, 0.106568524017, 0.108057180859, 0.1107805041,
-    0.11464013028599999, 0.13602438252499999, 0.14300574817799999,
-    0.146684159845, 0.15122598984999999, 0.154733085331, 0.161754974932,
-    0.17723910406000001, 0.18032389045700001, 0.18658548177699999,
-    0.18746673820000001, 0.19896129970099999, 0.209234599805,
-    0.21980562614900001, 0.228062016284, 0.23711187915099999,
-    0.23869840689499999, 0.240361816358, 0.27144033681000002,
-    0.27327373169399999, 0.27458858408600001, 0.28007177711800002,
-    0.28248298888899998, 0.28387767697499999, 0.287453003343, 0.292023090998,
-    0.29519223190999999, 0.31407066578100001, 0.32033662902100002,
-    0.32377361486099998, 0.33791304018399998, 0.340145093994,
-    0.34355792125200002, 0.35986952431000002, 0.36278049873099999,
-    0.36565591999199998, 0.36887445402199998, 0.37307785833099999,
-    0.37522358431500002, 0.38644599385299999, 0.38905873533300001,
-    0.39011760635100001, 0.39429900482899999, 0.40016937602000002,
-    0.40636267913899998, 0.408103464438, 0.411985395905, 0.42002274379400001,
-    0.42424580987299998, 0.42889507706199997, 0.43431096613499998,
-    0.43634598755999998, 0.44074601502999999, 0.44833586654099999,
-    0.44981411452999998, 0.45139144803199999, 0.45825414352600002,
-    0.465858692219, 0.46971239089400002, 0.48073097106200002,
-    0.49008253400700003, 0.49019267044199999, 0.49421178442399999,
-    0.49592401222499999, 0.51649450538700004, 0.52148438326400004,
-    0.52450649919199999, 0.52875492868700003, 0.53851929926099995,
-    0.55522500190799995, 0.56567545616600001, 0.57500972364500003,
-    0.575413910571, 0.577492611263, 0.58282093829299997, 0.5882333891,
-    0.59178334343399996, 0.59490514439200004, 0.59707926005599998,
-    0.60398628531999998, 0.61018821270699997, 0.62788446277499999,
-    0.62845001268199996, 0.63245592828700004, 0.64203220116600002,
-    0.64960047364600004, 0.65218235923199996, 0.65302094855500004,
-    0.65709800478699998, 0.66525750618900004, 0.66772838617499997,
-    0.66931616078599998, 0.67398981338899999, 0.67995566798200002,
-    0.69261712558099997, 0.69323176238100004, 0.70328807748099997,
-    0.70817581305300004, 0.71362676385000001, 0.72122326659400005,
-    0.72982093594899999, 0.73501610749799995, 0.74418077769299995,
-    0.74740381350899998, 0.75972971198000006, 0.76542085452499997,
-    0.77293727748999996, 0.77569521588599999, 0.79040702133899998,
-    0.79124143409100001, 0.79674835901600005, 0.801314329913,
-    0.80761727105100001, 0.81334526814800001, 0.82599153547399995,
-    0.835753037664, 0.84010997734000004, 0.84324537731399996,
-    0.84524994337100001, 0.852251511771, 0.85726585936199995,
-    0.86776513236499997, 0.87321839355800002, 0.88257634312599997,
-    0.88885223178899997, 0.89462277052799999, 0.89929289721500005,
-    0.91054077473399997, 0.91235045283799998, 0.91859506476800001,
-    0.92379410344599999, 0.92778311003299996, 0.95200833907100002,
-    0.96058777907100001, 0.96275379136000006, 0.96711989399800002,
-    0.98158423342400003, 0.99959381644599998, 1.0158547410300001,
-    1.0257344455099999, 1.0386164152999999, 1.05829394823, 1.0652432737599999,
-    1.06870005665, 1.0850122523800001, 1.08895555924, 1.1035938848,
-    1.1079237802499999, 1.14480878564, 1.1555554675299999, 1.1789854119500001,
-    1.21604495077, 1.21944541763, 1.2255115895799999, 1.2349135122299999,
-    1.2574900653700001, 1.2756099428300001, 1.27830965632, 1.29563470054,
-    1.33511311013, 1.37879372829, 1.4104141532900001, 1.42999159888,
-    1.4340564609599999, 1.4404309370999999, 1.45125639917, 1.4753290649999999,
-    1.50104361326, 1.5067651051299999, 1.56173064277, 1.5867665737000001,
-    1.6529842751699999, 1.68573957888, 1.6981474139899999, 1.7544189081799999,
-    1.79075077468, 1.8606238073600001, 1.9675939468600001, 1.99649367583,
-    2.0088494420599998, 2.0624960910299999, 2.1345821995000001, 2.25477797389,
-    2.4129377727399999, 2.4947352830499998, 2.6183637912700002,
-    3.0074794112299998, 3.1791961046799999, 3.4293356642399999,
-    3.8514844690699999, 4.2517228191100003, 4.9637069833399998,
-    6.0765632038800002, 6.7603904355099997, 10.3173126473, 0.0,
-    0.078613919986899997, 0.086706257325800007, 0.086706257325800007,
-    0.114789651673, 0.12273957318299999, 0.127062920365, 0.128484790396,
-    0.13578225807899999, 0.13578225807899999, 0.14730174056500001,
-    0.14730174056500001, 0.15501754607599999, 0.17160764402600001,
-    0.17160764402600001, 0.17716597523700001, 0.19318889167600001,
-    0.201064059002, 0.20544566915199999, 0.208662339522, 0.208662339522,
-    0.209070783313, 0.217981911645, 0.21984720431800001, 0.22959168302800001,
-    0.22959168302800001, 0.22979925938500001, 0.23023398217900001,
-    0.23282324285100001, 0.23847389001200001, 0.24981772981200001,
-    0.24981772981200001, 0.251976912788, 0.26484603340399998, 0.267063574626,
-    0.276065116128, 0.27955725551999999, 0.27955725551999999,
-    0.29253129065099998, 0.29257984585899999, 0.29426519135099999,
-    0.29991973517600001, 0.29991973517600001, 0.300865581125,
-    0.30629956382500001, 0.33189640078299998, 0.33193362117300002,
-    0.332892715999, 0.332892715999, 0.33786995917700002, 0.34286355479300001,
-    0.35037131399499999, 0.36538777844499998, 0.36538777844499998,
-    0.39533598300400002, 0.40761459269400002, 0.43071349334699999,
-    0.44611156073300001, 0.44821302280300002, 0.44821302280300002,
-    0.45970379461999999, 0.479322648149, 0.49927725766600001,
-    0.50856338644599997, 0.50856338644599997, 0.51381349247600006,
-    0.52312377414900002, 0.52365255460899995, 0.524357535308,
-    0.52449511360300005, 0.53246792168500001, 0.53246792168500001,
-    0.53406269761799996, 0.54066543759600005, 0.54165597718199998,
-    0.54165597718199998, 0.54286979560399995, 0.54565296744199998,
-    0.54680412639599996, 0.55924698793600003, 0.55948804920899997,
-    0.55948804920899997, 0.56237285913900004, 0.61191574840100005,
-    0.61803286518099998, 0.62621800263899996, 0.62894744300399996,
-    0.62894744300399996, 0.64175065233299999, 0.64274226864700001,
-    0.643141090937, 0.64957757771299995, 0.64957757771299995,
-    0.65462416615899999, 0.65508592379599995, 0.65577214273499995,
-    0.65867533793400002, 0.65966257080699997, 0.65966257080699997,
-    0.67002637381200003, 0.6862767676, 0.68775204324200001,
-    0.68935688154399999, 0.68935688154399999, 0.68958321519599997,
-    0.69489243672400003, 0.69799974598299996, 0.70085954020999996,
-    0.70570470911100003, 0.70570470911100003, 0.71529355939600003,
-    0.71529355939600003, 0.73061672396900001, 0.73147192102699998,
-    0.73147192102699998, 0.73172502367900005, 0.74705904753800001,
-    0.75069245931200002, 0.76171481537700003, 0.78431047228100004,
-    0.78431047228100004, 0.79589062785700004, 0.79985244088700003,
-    0.80739451523600003, 0.80995278660199999, 0.80995278660199999,
-    0.818149271693, 0.81876691441600002, 0.82187704197599998,
-    0.82398018051199995, 0.83061310912300002, 0.83061310912300002,
-    0.841520560606, 0.84283988029500001, 0.845286826815, 0.85635186159599996,
-    0.88301536060399999, 0.88301536060399999, 0.89457113891100004,
-    0.90319721159599997, 0.91110728614600001, 0.920115781518, 0.920115781518,
-    0.924752016362, 0.93270708632099997, 0.93634613579199999,
-    0.93668785307699998, 0.938056933654, 0.938056933654, 0.963093301648,
-    0.97003534928799995, 0.97433733039600001, 0.98296990885400004,
-    0.98296990885400004, 0.99165891962800001, 0.99363899328700001,
-    1.00411505522, 1.0082220608200001, 1.04142653436, 1.04142653436,
-    1.05299960148, 1.0584566497800001, 1.0631344471799999, 1.0702232139000001,
-    1.0702232139000001, 1.0745255061000001, 1.07801171048, 1.09546502235,
-    1.1130150782399999, 1.1212890952400001, 1.1453294864700001,
-    1.1453294864700001, 1.14683578271, 1.14912419314, 1.1868862875699999,
-    1.1868862875699999, 1.2135111146399999, 1.2764048086199999,
-    1.3014758897300001, 1.33521824385, 1.3586680634799999, 1.3586680634799999,
-    1.39549136126, 1.4365610253900001, 1.4568919919400001, 1.5925258819899999,
-    1.67910648307, 1.67910648307, 1.7175836223800001, 1.8595366530499999,
-    2.22804691293, 2.4236335095200001, 2.4236335095200001, 2.5444902152200002,
-    2.7565764210300001, 3.0002289122299999, 3.2770080283, 6.1761254131100003,
-    6.1761254131100003, 9.0448113096899991, 9.0448113096899991, 0.0, 0.0,
-    0.084719549076999995, 0.084719549076999995, 0.162771060016, 0.162771060016,
-    0.162771060016, 0.174797101293, 0.174797101293, 0.19337957316099999,
-    0.19634700654600001, 0.19634700654600001, 0.19634700654600001,
-    0.19634700654600001, 0.19855375347500001, 0.19855375347500001,
-    0.19855375347500001, 0.200626535691, 0.200626535691, 0.20443169045699999,
-    0.20443169045699999, 0.20546703844700001, 0.20546703844700001,
-    0.20546703844700001, 0.22648266447400001, 0.22648266447400001,
-    0.240550688555, 0.240550688555, 0.240550688555, 0.25396349222699999,
-    0.26176107887200001, 0.26176107887200001, 0.26176107887200001,
-    0.26176107887200001, 0.27888116985299999, 0.27888116985299999,
-    0.29428424249599999, 0.29428424249599999, 0.29428424249599999,
-    0.299788951114, 0.299788951114, 0.31720186969399999, 0.31720186969399999,
-    0.31720186969399999, 0.35285717429300001, 0.35285717429300001,
-    0.35967187727099997, 0.35967187727099997, 0.35967187727099997,
-    0.36425099049600002, 0.37144632312499998, 0.37144632312499998,
-    0.37144632312499998, 0.37144632312499998, 0.393647946528, 0.393647946528,
-    0.40432582434100001, 0.40432582434100001, 0.40432582434100001,
-    0.41409827036399999, 0.41409827036399999, 0.42605819547399998,
-    0.42605819547399998, 0.438201525694, 0.438201525694, 0.438201525694,
-    0.52412206191900002, 0.52412206191900002, 0.53036211888999996,
-    0.53036211888999996, 0.53947846940699995, 0.53947846940699995,
-    0.53947846940699995, 0.54022582851800005, 0.54022582851800005,
-    0.54022582851800005, 0.55304014916499999, 0.55304014916499999,
-    0.58228935374099999, 0.58228935374099999, 0.58228935374099999,
-    0.60596028174500005, 0.60596028174500005, 0.61041536468199997,
-    0.61041536468199997, 0.61041536468199997, 0.65478363743500001,
-    0.65478363743500001, 0.67732197187900001, 0.67732197187900001,
-    0.69170398708900005, 0.69170398708900005, 0.69170398708900005,
-    0.71778169588399998, 0.71778169588399998, 0.71778169588399998,
-    0.724448255762, 0.724448255762, 0.73445742378500001, 0.73445742378500001,
-    0.73445742378500001, 0.74008547261299995, 0.74008547261299995,
-    0.74881364436599995, 0.74881364436599995, 0.77742926704699999,
-    0.77742926704699999, 0.77742926704699999, 0.80214410030399996,
-    0.80214410030399996, 0.80237181021399995, 0.80237181021399995,
-    0.80237181021399995, 0.80480889025799995, 0.80480889025799995,
-    0.81567228496599997, 0.81567228496599997, 0.81567228496599997,
-    0.82045939538299995, 0.82045939538299995, 0.82352724851000003,
-    0.82352724851000003, 0.82352724851000003, 0.832308451359, 0.832308451359,
-    0.85064319551300005, 0.85064319551300005, 0.85064319551300005,
-    0.86707524700500005, 0.86707524700500005, 0.87113615998799998,
-    0.87113615998799998, 0.87113615998799998, 0.893480617719, 0.893480617719,
-    0.91025084198899997, 0.91025084198899997, 0.91025084198899997,
-    0.92945707303699998, 0.92945707303699998, 0.94367179870100004,
-    0.94367179870100004, 0.96249504634000005, 0.96249504634000005,
-    0.96249504634000005, 1.04851239622, 1.04851239622, 1.05472835341,
-    1.05472835341, 1.05472835341, 1.0571022668900001, 1.0571022668900001,
-    1.0795501896999999, 1.0795501896999999, 1.0795501896999999, 1.08606295202,
-    1.08606295202, 1.1610428489, 1.1610428489, 1.1610428489,
-    1.1737862567099999, 1.1737862567099999, 1.19233887401, 1.19233887401,
-    1.19233887401, 1.23499695024, 1.23499695024, 1.32872584115, 1.32872584115,
-    1.32872584115, 1.4875655673799999, 1.4875655673799999, 1.7768916535799999,
-    1.7768916535799999, 1.7768916535799999, 1.90484127934, 1.90484127934,
-    1.9108413266499999, 1.9108413266499999, 1.9108413266499999,
-    2.0007729910999998, 2.0007729910999998, 2.3382342441700001,
-    2.3382342441700001, 2.5987544026, 2.5987544026, 2.5987544026,
-    2.6082788293000001, 2.6082788293000001, 2.6082788293000001,
-    2.8392763735900002, 2.8392763735900002, 3.3819024131300002,
-    3.3819024131300002, 3.7018275480299998, 3.7018275480299998,
-    3.7018275480299998, 4.72930160618, 4.72930160618, 4.72930160618, 4.72930160618
+    0.0,
+    0.14444029837799999,
+    0.22835657018399999,
+    0.34413732731800001,
+    0.46587804732900001,
+    0.65270096936599997,
+    0.81143218193800004,
+    1.00226438356,
+    1.03788125951,
+    1.24257294992,
+    1.32793236661,
+    1.34635418779,
+    1.4371572854100001,
+    1.5191327005499999,
+    1.54602854301,
+    1.7046681136999999,
+    1.87758836483,
+    1.9813264417300001,
+    2.1146974377399999,
+    2.1938492694299998,
+    2.4097221919699998,
+    2.5070571186900001,
+    2.6311171881000002,
+    2.7328195551999999,
+    2.7736899606000001,
+    3.0227873463499999,
+    3.10803398473,
+    3.1824676694599998,
+    3.3138417252000001,
+    3.4291812515900002,
+    3.50419808407,
+    3.7101281572199998,
+    3.8432672208200001,
+    3.8796565679100001,
+    3.9915562540499998,
+    4.0723303682700003,
+    4.2029321661800001,
+    4.3768188648899997,
+    4.4816827669199997,
+    4.6990199258800001,
+    4.8084875822399997,
+    4.8365914296700003,
+    5.0590152661600003,
+    5.1248841813699997,
+    5.1771937064899998,
+    5.4889247870900002,
+    5.57813871862,
+    5.6972377675899999,
+    5.8456278064799996,
+    6.06915586574,
+    6.1204251477299998,
+    6.17699599008,
+    6.3172684659999998,
+    6.4192197959800001,
+    6.52383433373,
+    6.6186618180399996,
+    6.7251587769999999,
+    6.7866374808999996,
+    6.8276218028500004,
+    6.9188765840600004,
+    7.1331898582499997,
+    7.2065701539399996,
+    7.3244993804199998,
+    7.36483433106,
+    7.5193634033699999,
+    7.7822629874100002,
+    8.2222416265000007,
+    8.4497457766200004,
+    8.5930318077999992,
+    8.7570172042000003,
+    8.9696132883900006,
+    9.1272011085100004,
+    9.4333510895299995,
+    9.5278688390900008,
+    9.8002379139299993,
+    10.062964643999999,
+    10.572141176200001,
+    10.796071421700001,
+    10.9985214683,
+    11.3182197168,
+    11.660606036000001,
+    11.847287044,
+    12.432752901300001,
+    12.5532808679,
+    12.920547884299999,
+    13.715431382,
+    13.9427496484,
+    14.252177361499999,
+    14.3846625264,
+    14.6017942841,
+    14.867988867399999,
+    15.211408408800001,
+    15.4524408633,
+    15.8995520183,
+    16.278660079800002,
+    16.607110122000002,
+    17.2812107494,
+    17.425166927999999,
+    17.6847110579,
+    17.924433366199999,
+    18.107368758,
+    18.486488274799999,
+    18.675113313000001,
+    18.821461450800001,
+    19.392315572800001,
+    20.026821224999999,
+    21.515140794000001,
+    22.458730085300001,
+    22.563704860600001,
+    23.2879347571,
+    23.969079893499998,
+    24.336542956300001,
+    24.499336477500002,
+    25.0036717642,
+    25.774135368900001,
+    26.0929925969,
+    26.934629466499999,
+    27.458541006800001,
+    27.8422100246,
+    28.5518247111,
+    28.965082549800002,
+    30.702632564599998,
+    31.123950922300001,
+    31.264305230000002,
+    31.965843641500001,
+    32.212378185600002,
+    34.283698532999999,
+    35.219561660799997,
+    36.755695116600002,
+    37.138783892900001,
+    37.986001245399997,
+    38.621250490999998,
+    38.9481443707,
+    39.3726060041,
+    40.276085332900003,
+    41.898719000699998,
+    42.396709494500001,
+    43.749429257499997,
+    44.676029422900001,
+    46.364739487400001,
+    47.275528738799999,
+    47.869005850699999,
+    48.490202586899997,
+    49.788875049200001,
+    50.404381347099999,
+    52.2209766649,
+    52.7548497923,
+    53.758555342299999,
+    56.144346903600002,
+    58.857197224499998,
+    61.218540911200002,
+    62.083264127200003,
+    62.809329462100003,
+    64.673596130899995,
+    70.530443844700002,
+    71.037859097099997,
+    74.956651292000004,
+    75.479775530200001,
+    77.970753225099998,
+    78.784135755700007,
+    83.634030189599997,
+    87.631048698900003,
+    89.682360645100005,
+    91.657671611699996,
+    93.431100026199999,
+    96.871787694199995,
+    98.904758199400007,
+    100.903126246,
+    104.97935501800001,
+    117.211912426,
+    118.593299874,
+    123.983293097,
+    126.40072390500001,
+    132.90804449300001,
+    135.77425614000001,
+    145.645663189,
+    150.462714554,
+    154.135665945,
+    158.670439012,
+    161.11217567599999,
+    165.74332436700001,
+    168.951515621,
+    173.84826456100001,
+    184.64661891700001,
+    188.990674536,
+    195.25008580400001,
+    200.52870912200001,
+    208.31911763799999,
+    223.21659264900001,
+    234.232880967,
+    297.24728825900002,
+    321.93167475199999,
+    332.08151963699999,
+    346.34478154800001,
+    377.30757977899998,
+    403.47421662800002,
+    425.16143535399999,
+    572.37340253299999,
+    766.55659324999999,
+    1611.5984637199999,
+    1611.5984637199999,
+    0.0,
+    0.083813974438700006,
+    0.31831933895699999,
+    0.34638794272399998,
+    0.46455080305099999,
+    0.49519963016099999,
+    0.54548279077600004,
+    0.56403794228199999,
+    0.60837298377799998,
+    0.68118756294600002,
+    0.70071771432399999,
+    0.78976831924699997,
+    0.81703862518199999,
+    0.83363911177799999,
+    0.89857941080399995,
+    0.94493515463400002,
+    0.99107239417899995,
+    1.0238060094799999,
+    1.0799844142199999,
+    1.11400208909,
+    1.1685453374400001,
+    1.18519938288,
+    1.22148339123,
+    1.2645577512499999,
+    1.3045626778799999,
+    1.3391777624900001,
+    1.3826642013199999,
+    1.4644506572,
+    1.5099094374299999,
+    1.5888224991,
+    1.62182558706,
+    1.65137395874,
+    1.6991401368100001,
+    1.7758428480799999,
+    1.8277920540999999,
+    1.9017455410199999,
+    1.9705532488599999,
+    2.0324665469399998,
+    2.0752937413999999,
+    2.1185145273899999,
+    2.1611322415299998,
+    2.1917842756499999,
+    2.22729976286,
+    2.2777275853000001,
+    2.32665524011,
+    2.3543342053699998,
+    2.3935181153,
+    2.44446825618,
+    2.50093820286,
+    2.5844026906000002,
+    2.6884797637600002,
+    2.78657713546,
+    2.81180130111,
+    2.84116667305,
+    2.9014197632199998,
+    2.9952091375399998,
+    3.0386348574599999,
+    3.0956021427799998,
+    3.1328046143999999,
+    3.1631373405500001,
+    3.2039828237700001,
+    3.29405069373,
+    3.3496993056400002,
+    3.4055971771900002,
+    3.5073893196000001,
+    3.5755835925800001,
+    3.6580199126399999,
+    3.7782186004999998,
+    3.8741030635099998,
+    3.9119985650200002,
+    3.9699909851999999,
+    4.0132311662099998,
+    4.07009700397,
+    4.1555761906299997,
+    4.2241691161799997,
+    4.3896744175800002,
+    4.5146783570400002,
+    4.6155145535499997,
+    4.7783116523600002,
+    4.8822447657900003,
+    4.9863031398300004,
+    5.0556875698599999,
+    5.13217451548,
+    5.1928716528900001,
+    5.2987216440799996,
+    5.4584561742300002,
+    5.6054585689499996,
+    5.7579579032500003,
+    5.8452201175000003,
+    5.9593969184300004,
+    6.1479798348300001,
+    6.2484864308999999,
+    6.3722452057199996,
+    6.5705963806599996,
+    6.6811287682699998,
+    6.7311130873599998,
+    6.7864435351600001,
+    6.9196277988999997,
+    7.1929613935300001,
+    7.3441277346099998,
+    7.3800960628999999,
+    7.4749874111999999,
+    7.6512577099200003,
+    7.77153906732,
+    7.9243829575799998,
+    8.2024869676600005,
+    8.2599528374899993,
+    8.4119253626999999,
+    8.5469992409900009,
+    8.9001784810399993,
+    9.2121022677299997,
+    9.2412472507699999,
+    9.4431345314800001,
+    9.6680036066100001,
+    9.7816077025699997,
+    9.9566055535700002,
+    10.359764716899999,
+    10.506972293900001,
+    10.7808329052,
+    11.3592743902,
+    11.7111644662,
+    11.8605742172,
+    12.291120808400001,
+    12.5270770795,
+    12.7952635728,
+    12.9362140074,
+    13.4529548967,
+    13.5501939602,
+    13.8515392309,
+    14.251817031,
+    14.6798102809,
+    14.9162575219,
+    15.3044645221,
+    15.963210610899999,
+    16.293018033300001,
+    16.528628889099998,
+    16.769307273999999,
+    17.050491132000001,
+    17.233636284700001,
+    17.435953831300001,
+    18.114197076100002,
+    18.209546654099999,
+    18.677206457099999,
+    18.876676305499998,
+    19.277115787700001,
+    19.603010971100002,
+    20.061147162099999,
+    20.558554522000001,
+    21.1117685004,
+    22.012839372799998,
+    22.378322630900001,
+    22.859288315200001,
+    23.142180705200001,
+    24.245079698800001,
+    25.9020405244,
+    26.507190805699999,
+    27.4739929789,
+    27.988361249099999,
+    28.8421369677,
+    29.731031435799999,
+    31.265395005199998,
+    31.947761314699999,
+    32.3600162185,
+    33.960158921500003,
+    35.2205479892,
+    37.329919228900003,
+    38.591860211300002,
+    39.653380662899998,
+    40.416668255899999,
+    41.847439486799999,
+    42.946435578200003,
+    44.555593529500001,
+    46.195425314700003,
+    48.272380437999999,
+    50.7171113769,
+    54.108838268299998,
+    57.192427144600003,
+    60.232285910500003,
+    61.154227242799998,
+    66.058563735700005,
+    68.912059708300006,
+    72.377827169900002,
+    74.8258152975,
+    76.523326659299997,
+    80.2223354204,
+    83.911959833699996,
+    89.242198798399997,
+    91.759192939900004,
+    100.917764795,
+    108.556622026,
+    117.397361636,
+    128.654564397,
+    132.220775344,
+    146.851921275,
+    158.21656178999999,
+    195.59053564300001,
+    220.40862631100001,
+    243.67073925299999,
+    279.44509449999998,
+    385.39670284599998,
+    2229.5014584,
+    0.0,
+    0.134568667089,
+    0.22096714722800001,
+    0.241982365309,
+    0.282582147299,
+    0.30887973543699998,
+    0.35848485966299998,
+    0.41670345418499999,
+    0.45274913222000002,
+    0.49984586837299999,
+    0.54693631356799999,
+    0.57642906524899995,
+    0.60428947073799999,
+    0.64551627763399999,
+    0.67184177451600002,
+    0.70559205139299996,
+    0.73195413388499997,
+    0.75941154288699997,
+    0.79316878417600001,
+    0.82828163530300003,
+    0.84996727554600005,
+    0.86244322276499996,
+    0.884092879818,
+    0.90053656979100005,
+    0.92189301683699998,
+    0.937781050186,
+    0.958448778068,
+    0.975518145216,
+    0.99972035165499995,
+    1.01410165008,
+    1.0561167276200001,
+    1.07137630702,
+    1.0888616342999999,
+    1.1214366313199999,
+    1.14842012372,
+    1.16675344893,
+    1.1928671069600001,
+    1.21185202445,
+    1.2444492257999999,
+    1.26555362339,
+    1.3020670717,
+    1.33144019427,
+    1.3700782606599999,
+    1.3922490459600001,
+    1.4214195703900001,
+    1.4412309995599999,
+    1.4713854851299999,
+    1.4981194360000001,
+    1.5156807782599999,
+    1.5353937789600001,
+    1.58193085489,
+    1.6363825813699999,
+    1.6679066542700001,
+    1.6953948491199999,
+    1.7432788369000001,
+    1.7757706818400001,
+    1.81420953428,
+    1.8369562966299999,
+    1.86603816317,
+    1.9079331429399999,
+    1.93559913056,
+    1.96441828434,
+    2.0090532694099998,
+    2.0388004444800001,
+    2.0592603576499999,
+    2.0856426528799998,
+    2.1175114071599999,
+    2.1825469443399999,
+    2.2474604253599999,
+    2.2749390467700001,
+    2.3121411416000002,
+    2.37177298826,
+    2.4274122023400002,
+    2.5181769644699998,
+    2.5418057541599999,
+    2.6434630075899999,
+    2.6747329533199999,
+    2.7266999242900001,
+    2.7654445970700001,
+    2.8140457094300002,
+    2.8559643406999999,
+    2.9061498475100001,
+    2.9702744923500002,
+    3.0318004993800001,
+    3.0771937025499998,
+    3.1682821350100001,
+    3.21259901675,
+    3.2495167992399998,
+    3.2811541713699999,
+    3.3233868123799999,
+    3.3736627766299998,
+    3.4058671494200001,
+    3.4805577671700001,
+    3.5668223714799998,
+    3.6084238266100002,
+    3.6537321290999998,
+    3.7175778126500001,
+    3.7450147871700001,
+    3.86111106714,
+    3.9410134870100002,
+    4.0067546356400001,
+    4.1423679617299998,
+    4.2024818847300001,
+    4.2596486695399998,
+    4.3063451426699997,
+    4.3689910892499997,
+    4.4722054954099999,
+    4.5632364049399996,
+    4.6512485022599996,
+    4.6978386313799998,
+    4.7798445058399999,
+    4.8531420455600003,
+    4.9717578546299999,
+    5.0417112146500003,
+    5.17081749886,
+    5.3019735577100002,
+    5.3705152383400003,
+    5.5084455462199999,
+    5.6182818515299999,
+    5.70571954448,
+    5.8223915078699999,
+    5.9441571869700001,
+    6.0647963728700001,
+    6.27675467201,
+    6.3795693788000003,
+    6.4992010115000003,
+    6.7279283143099997,
+    6.83719902118,
+    6.9670805423799997,
+    7.1376257228400002,
+    7.3185795684699997,
+    7.4174379003000004,
+    7.6252542819300002,
+    7.7560876076699996,
+    7.97791101428,
+    8.1287972523200001,
+    8.2935032606900005,
+    8.4263936568899993,
+    8.7299676982999994,
+    8.9000309257799994,
+    9.2106417444800002,
+    9.4067341973099996,
+    9.6877599453100007,
+    9.8288098032200004,
+    10.1462267898,
+    10.4430670065,
+    10.7710082101,
+    10.9083004672,
+    11.0537899029,
+    11.351140496499999,
+    11.538958771800001,
+    11.919288993,
+    12.375346950699999,
+    12.6154005045,
+    12.9524855025,
+    13.285189669299999,
+    13.649405117900001,
+    13.802655147899999,
+    14.3746878025,
+    14.8989750379,
+    15.0686452095,
+    15.44874785,
+    15.955460911599999,
+    16.199894288199999,
+    17.0458946378,
+    17.5301252159,
+    18.4112497281,
+    18.916626085899999,
+    19.3485479418,
+    19.9851877306,
+    20.604288900899999,
+    20.943333255799999,
+    22.112819051599999,
+    22.959668231999999,
+    23.9954402314,
+    25.035153965599999,
+    25.796351962900001,
+    26.3445116589,
+    27.598244108500001,
+    29.492678119099999,
+    31.494753701,
+    33.570886100899997,
+    35.411126519100002,
+    38.343129207700002,
+    40.297936357899999,
+    43.269089215000001,
+    46.554746459699999,
+    50.1438786354,
+    55.452409753200001,
+    63.874460149000001,
+    67.985459050900005,
+    72.783745624700003,
+    78.750906101200002,
+    87.178006099399994,
+    99.277342007100003,
+    112.32447045000001,
+    150.08323985000001,
+    191.04328713300001,
+    243.74940976799999,
+    298.61209890999999,
+    610.57351237299997,
+    0.0,
+    0.14365451929100001,
+    0.18957677402299999,
+    0.22199376087,
+    0.23947365917300001,
+    0.27923813419900001,
+    0.30376922239699999,
+    0.34130260137399998,
+    0.37018363348299999,
+    0.39852502592,
+    0.42043849640699998,
+    0.449086279049,
+    0.48566461460900001,
+    0.51522238701900003,
+    0.53527463838099998,
+    0.55878126111399995,
+    0.57558991560799999,
+    0.60170381902000003,
+    0.61440597833099997,
+    0.62492627680099999,
+    0.64456984690600005,
+    0.66038800753100002,
+    0.67204091430099999,
+    0.68713981404900004,
+    0.69934187376699997,
+    0.71638006601299997,
+    0.73072718468300002,
+    0.75753415419600001,
+    0.76939140872400003,
+    0.79364917250900002,
+    0.811751128298,
+    0.82030423753799997,
+    0.84036478778699997,
+    0.85629058780800005,
+    0.88242755870699996,
+    0.90879942564799998,
+    0.92603904590499997,
+    0.93855599609700002,
+    0.95967573616799995,
+    0.96617694541400001,
+    0.98792001044,
+    1.00156976046,
+    1.01153057626,
+    1.0353518346699999,
+    1.05486723045,
+    1.07085911512,
+    1.09910531917,
+    1.11522376431,
+    1.1305179753100001,
+    1.1546508204399999,
+    1.1781173432600001,
+    1.19157394455,
+    1.2190490331999999,
+    1.24787505864,
+    1.27361506734,
+    1.2980636222699999,
+    1.31518378894,
+    1.3450052218399999,
+    1.3740854471799999,
+    1.39558556012,
+    1.41519699656,
+    1.4321123741399999,
+    1.45909622379,
+    1.4759330072700001,
+    1.4910300726400001,
+    1.51232373124,
+    1.5490811046699999,
+    1.5782570548899999,
+    1.6116668459000001,
+    1.62617849191,
+    1.6591646731,
+    1.69383967991,
+    1.72149942318,
+    1.74810559857,
+    1.7978507557100001,
+    1.8196064275499999,
+    1.8439294053699999,
+    1.85951442745,
+    1.89107086338,
+    1.93673967856,
+    1.96033355989,
+    1.99524000334,
+    2.0280809922900001,
+    2.0465420455199999,
+    2.0660751500700001,
+    2.1082666292100001,
+    2.1419500113600001,
+    2.1692545932899998,
+    2.1918809811900002,
+    2.2313430406800001,
+    2.2895699616299998,
+    2.3198331260499998,
+    2.3513058338000001,
+    2.4080887408899998,
+    2.4815537977800002,
+    2.50851999576,
+    2.5617387306700001,
+    2.6055769623199998,
+    2.6324085179700001,
+    2.6961178878899998,
+    2.7413602155099999,
+    2.7712317948799998,
+    2.8112071562300001,
+    2.8581867699200001,
+    2.9190632974400001,
+    2.9439800057899999,
+    3.0104094840100002,
+    3.05330503281,
+    3.10048262834,
+    3.17539590266,
+    3.24511619487,
+    3.3056217356499999,
+    3.3894902835899998,
+    3.4335423889599999,
+    3.4854372314700002,
+    3.5606476568300001,
+    3.6043560751500001,
+    3.66406156029,
+    3.7660563649099998,
+    3.82560813033,
+    3.9466078971199998,
+    4.0283572412000002,
+    4.07714877006,
+    4.1552108679300002,
+    4.2392816813699996,
+    4.3147199438200001,
+    4.3721369730999999,
+    4.4555652323799997,
+    4.5860495006899997,
+    4.6665459593199996,
+    4.7624381582100002,
+    4.8488614634399996,
+    4.97179759557,
+    5.0150206490000002,
+    5.1053040689999998,
+    5.2812791639799999,
+    5.3716757235900001,
+    5.5829288018599996,
+    5.6518465465299998,
+    5.7620823724100001,
+    5.8560109031899996,
+    6.0128804814499999,
+    6.1465396667499999,
+    6.2414128574400003,
+    6.3854761500099997,
+    6.5447042531899999,
+    6.7541882725000004,
+    6.9854005143200002,
+    7.1367012840399999,
+    7.3218030112200001,
+    7.49946696682,
+    7.6472229734199999,
+    7.8443990144000004,
+    7.99745891313,
+    8.1776134189099992,
+    8.3773452967500006,
+    8.5328760252000002,
+    8.7514477358700002,
+    9.0436490880000004,
+    9.2332685611399992,
+    9.5356141275600006,
+    9.7666024864200001,
+    9.94823040132,
+    10.300958636400001,
+    10.771366926100001,
+    11.085233969500001,
+    11.3324457523,
+    11.7174375167,
+    12.143472104400001,
+    12.303553276000001,
+    12.6481061467,
+    12.833583689599999,
+    13.203659956699999,
+    13.5986055699,
+    14.043362878,
+    14.626177334199999,
+    15.0760755417,
+    15.580834984399999,
+    16.312841933200001,
+    16.9821347018,
+    17.9935383499,
+    19.206358017199999,
+    19.9097935496,
+    20.7049210144,
+    21.193393770899998,
+    22.4118111278,
+    23.293576085200002,
+    24.460751301199998,
+    27.218111206700002,
+    28.9534668252,
+    31.141828193399999,
+    33.063105836200002,
+    36.594408596199997,
+    41.9655259134,
+    50.634196787,
+    57.4170436749,
+    66.004841056100005,
+    79.707781310800002,
+    93.567004987600001,
+    129.369356154,
+    263.52530093899998,
+    0.0,
+    0.099110105290900002,
+    0.152330008962,
+    0.19277005116400001,
+    0.21849998202900001,
+    0.23666692719999999,
+    0.257596221751,
+    0.27451854288499999,
+    0.29857050680000002,
+    0.31354284220099998,
+    0.33022769626800003,
+    0.33745039990999998,
+    0.34950560680999998,
+    0.36896880619099998,
+    0.38855134185000001,
+    0.41755081359899998,
+    0.425150061144,
+    0.44306593384300003,
+    0.45497931754199999,
+    0.480210732157,
+    0.49961199725900002,
+    0.52519732628100002,
+    0.54104302118299996,
+    0.55456165182600003,
+    0.57645288194699995,
+    0.58830880718699996,
+    0.61047699977699998,
+    0.62243525124499999,
+    0.64059305866600003,
+    0.64864591793299997,
+    0.66076567911499995,
+    0.67269456457499999,
+    0.69062452712199995,
+    0.70930687903199996,
+    0.72584855411399996,
+    0.74121377368600005,
+    0.75125743091999997,
+    0.77150265368000004,
+    0.78324441542400003,
+    0.79888631364700002,
+    0.81247216458500005,
+    0.83204971232799996,
+    0.84425730939599997,
+    0.85740264943900002,
+    0.87520806795200001,
+    0.88821997325500002,
+    0.90285273820699996,
+    0.918029579805,
+    0.92615377290000001,
+    0.944808560001,
+    0.95843032520799998,
+    0.96908459648199996,
+    0.98091068958799998,
+    0.99546224846599995,
+    1.0114143418099999,
+    1.0370041029999999,
+    1.05163455603,
+    1.06941917585,
+    1.0849323260699999,
+    1.09786891934,
+    1.1200484481799999,
+    1.1401856044400001,
+    1.1614766378400001,
+    1.1779927836999999,
+    1.18794131464,
+    1.19800995642,
+    1.2153169910399999,
+    1.23620743467,
+    1.2464006441,
+    1.28309014464,
+    1.30117129963,
+    1.3139480025800001,
+    1.32973840183,
+    1.34585218726,
+    1.36483113807,
+    1.3880086518200001,
+    1.4038694678400001,
+    1.4269838991299999,
+    1.4531887240500001,
+    1.4761551228100001,
+    1.49140958787,
+    1.50497619744,
+    1.51748249595,
+    1.54755568638,
+    1.56624981363,
+    1.5996976922199999,
+    1.6270535823300001,
+    1.64604277857,
+    1.66675355419,
+    1.69387124571,
+    1.7124303672300001,
+    1.7402106696399999,
+    1.7770409733200001,
+    1.79456862305,
+    1.8202531872000001,
+    1.84460821986,
+    1.86760077894,
+    1.89650572807,
+    1.9192579590500001,
+    1.95188224797,
+    1.96482546943,
+    1.9921085106,
+    2.0131483132499999,
+    2.05544343578,
+    2.0827595529899998,
+    2.1347983483699999,
+    2.16760564415,
+    2.2014516721900002,
+    2.2315870739900001,
+    2.2636169272100002,
+    2.30995438871,
+    2.3374033408299999,
+    2.3738865256000001,
+    2.3951038330599999,
+    2.4431717219700002,
+    2.4826850222400001,
+    2.5185317615099998,
+    2.5638428795100001,
+    2.6284306548999998,
+    2.66623660644,
+    2.7096591116400002,
+    2.7586335740300001,
+    2.8025663346699998,
+    2.8401708445299998,
+    2.8783352938300002,
+    2.9063543000399998,
+    2.9593598772399998,
+    2.9957288325500002,
+    3.0605506942799998,
+    3.10955011278,
+    3.1789052606700001,
+    3.2428513432099999,
+    3.3274186461299999,
+    3.4074444667899999,
+    3.4504525115,
+    3.52884017973,
+    3.5708077150699999,
+    3.6772565091299998,
+    3.7474521798599998,
+    3.8121617114599999,
+    3.9240511321899998,
+    4.02413852901,
+    4.0815085453500002,
+    4.1825546762599997,
+    4.2751667515599996,
+    4.3741820336400004,
+    4.4834872676200002,
+    4.5686814128700002,
+    4.6358562892300004,
+    4.8094489254399999,
+    4.9654168327999999,
+    5.1314477165500003,
+    5.25148158988,
+    5.4403573194500003,
+    5.6010313900300002,
+    5.7161651882199997,
+    5.8958565355000001,
+    6.0361890974200003,
+    6.16740467168,
+    6.3041850958600003,
+    6.44114745164,
+    6.60541649452,
+    6.7974616801999996,
+    6.97815602873,
+    7.1388403799600004,
+    7.4314686713300002,
+    7.8384931901600003,
+    8.2177028271400001,
+    8.6453372183900008,
+    9.1543142843100007,
+    9.3764541677899995,
+    9.7962854173,
+    10.1633267175,
+    10.574689812400001,
+    11.0937462194,
+    11.4000754819,
+    11.9914359538,
+    12.3258902671,
+    12.7457696507,
+    13.361289611,
+    14.0129741907,
+    14.632251501600001,
+    15.099323370900001,
+    16.134748603599999,
+    16.802461663300001,
+    17.854647673100001,
+    18.834756072000001,
+    20.042735115799999,
+    21.573609706300001,
+    22.868457402400001,
+    24.574192288399999,
+    26.8474848352,
+    30.083792871499998,
+    34.499075183899997,
+    38.6709205943,
+    44.689686852000001,
+    52.857340428500002,
+    72.813133754999996,
+    91.564507002300005,
+    158.818628891,
+    939.11373358000003,
+    0.0,
+    0.071205885244299993,
+    0.099254028698600005,
+    0.14849104281600001,
+    0.17292354310999999,
+    0.20032666224500001,
+    0.226406277543,
+    0.23815469487599999,
+    0.26703405121599999,
+    0.28197072629300002,
+    0.296082146193,
+    0.31125854952699999,
+    0.32554466413499999,
+    0.33804933218900002,
+    0.35118970952299999,
+    0.371085578114,
+    0.39491385706400001,
+    0.413740038782,
+    0.42221028600999999,
+    0.44225862765200002,
+    0.458189520006,
+    0.48022475118199998,
+    0.49685298807599998,
+    0.51500317491299996,
+    0.53482118753700003,
+    0.55247938228399995,
+    0.57330658115499999,
+    0.58475963165199996,
+    0.60106501656199995,
+    0.62413217304400004,
+    0.63793653903699998,
+    0.65128873183500002,
+    0.66636704386000001,
+    0.67951755835000005,
+    0.68956025540200006,
+    0.70245093627400002,
+    0.71504184012600003,
+    0.73014210840100002,
+    0.74713784886300005,
+    0.75935155136999999,
+    0.77523714645700004,
+    0.78405425336400003,
+    0.79615963931099998,
+    0.81110455864499997,
+    0.82545864838799998,
+    0.83566202986100002,
+    0.85063666826600004,
+    0.87077765663700002,
+    0.88045508705099995,
+    0.89294081845100004,
+    0.90498155226699994,
+    0.91781500438800001,
+    0.93111410315300003,
+    0.94545406555199996,
+    0.95838819225799998,
+    0.96877608392100001,
+    0.98476526685599997,
+    1.0010342642000001,
+    1.0119849276699999,
+    1.03464783319,
+    1.05455213715,
+    1.0711504321800001,
+    1.08010453195,
+    1.1004877825999999,
+    1.10818262538,
+    1.1246761488799999,
+    1.13470825936,
+    1.14750678231,
+    1.1632448283100001,
+    1.18449169262,
+    1.2011657527599999,
+    1.2152811055699999,
+    1.2364506326,
+    1.24964319272,
+    1.2661037937899999,
+    1.2785791013300001,
+    1.2962377117699999,
+    1.3138558072099999,
+    1.3362693854300001,
+    1.34951663893,
+    1.3637686600700001,
+    1.37717976853,
+    1.3942209300999999,
+    1.4185816293,
+    1.43866597309,
+    1.45276157482,
+    1.48127714521,
+    1.5023296186499999,
+    1.52673585641,
+    1.5503318122600001,
+    1.5888091586999999,
+    1.6062719352799999,
+    1.6295964377400001,
+    1.6612388523299999,
+    1.6812256221899999,
+    1.70508917316,
+    1.72112188896,
+    1.74686294045,
+    1.7609156044800001,
+    1.7888509017400001,
+    1.8132839677799999,
+    1.8432731273,
+    1.8705117570000001,
+    1.89982085224,
+    1.9362197326199999,
+    1.96069015259,
+    1.9880007387600001,
+    2.0201535914000002,
+    2.0573265057399999,
+    2.0987964366999998,
+    2.13211771373,
+    2.1622274845799998,
+    2.1903685766800001,
+    2.22533347206,
+    2.26089786499,
+    2.3105003291199999,
+    2.33786317109,
+    2.37516129651,
+    2.4193923972300002,
+    2.4579148222399998,
+    2.5029183158800001,
+    2.53381912593,
+    2.5677307283899999,
+    2.6162502017999998,
+    2.6750579269800001,
+    2.7203789138199999,
+    2.7458139153899999,
+    2.8254724574300001,
+    2.8565396273200001,
+    2.9040559269499999,
+    2.9651085310499998,
+    3.0196812095999999,
+    3.0843657504699999,
+    3.1558869808600001,
+    3.2223894339400001,
+    3.2603729802400001,
+    3.3614620894799998,
+    3.4362647479800001,
+    3.53920130259,
+    3.5756943688499998,
+    3.64101261846,
+    3.7233677998300001,
+    3.8016940916299999,
+    3.9106972227400001,
+    3.9990351336300001,
+    4.0897762814999998,
+    4.1774051907800001,
+    4.2798115401099999,
+    4.3711459042799996,
+    4.4838086749199997,
+    4.5942578656300004,
+    4.69725646861,
+    4.8356147641699998,
+    4.9568908200199999,
+    5.0559387430399996,
+    5.1307907403700002,
+    5.29064241813,
+    5.4495402731300002,
+    5.5692069479899997,
+    5.8023798879999999,
+    5.9217137438199998,
+    6.1545111640699997,
+    6.2686946022500001,
+    6.4619248209700002,
+    6.6102067457500002,
+    6.8760747683199996,
+    7.1590374621899997,
+    7.31422994403,
+    7.6196963320300002,
+    7.9330981866299997,
+    8.3005559691100004,
+    8.5080589881200002,
+    8.9030525835399992,
+    9.3843270585099994,
+    9.88649146809,
+    10.279354769599999,
+    10.603107312100001,
+    11.1118716186,
+    11.4784714402,
+    12.035536117199999,
+    12.847959552400001,
+    13.415735074900001,
+    14.1791106731,
+    15.0355747631,
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+    17.805067612999999,
+    19.342641049299999,
+    21.009071134500001,
+    23.1764543914,
+    25.379614414799999,
+    27.885782949300001,
+    29.619482312399999,
+    33.254904224999997,
+    36.867160964200004,
+    40.4774911481,
+    50.2787838733,
+    62.180321216899998,
+    80.798575822199993,
+    94.584243390899999,
+    131.07441246799999,
+    532.11553542800004,
+    0.0,
+    0.066750493128400007,
+    0.10229228903,
+    0.14064849221799999,
+    0.16816604212,
+    0.185917820027,
+    0.21145207109799999,
+    0.22637409875299999,
+    0.23827441847700001,
+    0.25325002214100001,
+    0.282002121386,
+    0.29459754431500002,
+    0.309921025947,
+    0.32256024829399998,
+    0.33607649321799998,
+    0.35308583886400002,
+    0.366974488228,
+    0.38834215578600001,
+    0.407453141593,
+    0.42152609543199998,
+    0.44240079751299999,
+    0.45519187153599999,
+    0.46297707882400002,
+    0.47982221228700001,
+    0.49667630123599998,
+    0.508498258634,
+    0.51689250307900003,
+    0.53635170713299996,
+    0.55035959890200004,
+    0.56783201126299998,
+    0.58585694882899997,
+    0.59530161133699999,
+    0.60864863465700003,
+    0.61872677583699998,
+    0.63314266869000002,
+    0.64227626695200002,
+    0.66366778123400005,
+    0.67270302950299998,
+    0.68420389566899997,
+    0.69282668375900003,
+    0.70143224682899996,
+    0.71443579991700001,
+    0.72615598912400003,
+    0.73642045277699997,
+    0.74797476862599999,
+    0.75717018072300002,
+    0.76798353829599997,
+    0.77486375038599997,
+    0.79414765885500005,
+    0.80854204945800001,
+    0.82112865231700005,
+    0.83235531435499999,
+    0.84902111566299998,
+    0.85542717883200003,
+    0.85897397230799999,
+    0.87704088496099997,
+    0.89151271520300002,
+    0.90700102609599997,
+    0.920719450271,
+    0.92891160690200003,
+    0.938857619857,
+    0.94825684266300003,
+    0.95986000285999995,
+    0.96960811962399995,
+    0.989941122374,
+    1.00360008757,
+    1.02107596077,
+    1.03643638202,
+    1.0502377328700001,
+    1.0717680324100001,
+    1.0865864964900001,
+    1.0954103929900001,
+    1.10647648545,
+    1.11919554073,
+    1.1348944810799999,
+    1.1478893503600001,
+    1.1583683144100001,
+    1.17725367471,
+    1.1977476949200001,
+    1.2115494448899999,
+    1.2227006682499999,
+    1.23641648061,
+    1.2453807854500001,
+    1.2593987794899999,
+    1.26998244399,
+    1.2869142286699999,
+    1.30049557207,
+    1.31446944898,
+    1.3295110779099999,
+    1.3446024810899999,
+    1.3719517782999999,
+    1.3907558123199999,
+    1.40705250973,
+    1.4264556633200001,
+    1.4396767485499999,
+    1.46991083644,
+    1.4987499147300001,
+    1.51363764814,
+    1.5369634294400001,
+    1.55497159429,
+    1.58019513401,
+    1.58671558905,
+    1.6122642631099999,
+    1.6513557926,
+    1.68400062899,
+    1.7089437540000001,
+    1.72753924255,
+    1.7453552720800001,
+    1.7758454361,
+    1.7994335997999999,
+    1.82770292952,
+    1.84731671466,
+    1.8985423459799999,
+    1.9145465641699999,
+    1.9448048626000001,
+    1.9916997561000001,
+    2.0178550764300001,
+    2.0361698775099999,
+    2.0577739526799999,
+    2.0831203668899998,
+    2.1103632127899998,
+    2.1537354568799998,
+    2.1788561526999999,
+    2.2045213341899998,
+    2.2224788538400002,
+    2.2635629295799999,
+    2.3165276562799999,
+    2.34821085414,
+    2.3981207218199998,
+    2.4198916383700002,
+    2.4597388271499998,
+    2.5017065354999999,
+    2.56256913084,
+    2.60073239413,
+    2.6306494736500001,
+    2.6860626220700001,
+    2.7343736190899999,
+    2.8116594856499999,
+    2.8637335040699998,
+    2.9264728333900001,
+    2.9955476839699999,
+    3.05285386085,
+    3.1356878770200001,
+    3.2072182033300001,
+    3.26764142152,
+    3.3485823077900001,
+    3.4312097504199999,
+    3.4816563758900001,
+    3.5584231314100001,
+    3.6375811375099998,
+    3.7335599506700001,
+    3.8014008857100001,
+    3.8705553019300001,
+    3.9806979118000001,
+    4.0971698101299996,
+    4.1749168167999997,
+    4.3083366103599996,
+    4.38165849577,
+    4.5310804208600004,
+    4.6613092856899998,
+    4.7803056653900002,
+    4.9095209439899996,
+    5.0546229367600004,
+    5.2110820221100003,
+    5.3463510691199998,
+    5.52429734599,
+    5.6756130707899999,
+    5.9685799046800003,
+    6.1860199186999996,
+    6.3195153450500001,
+    6.6566660244499998,
+    6.9673972764899998,
+    7.26908683037,
+    7.6488825007600001,
+    7.8611350773700002,
+    8.2320652147600004,
+    8.4210908255200003,
+    8.9496041073600008,
+    9.5584199425000005,
+    10.1439245514,
+    10.6423118073,
+    11.0791716855,
+    11.838823182500001,
+    12.7106408238,
+    14.1580993885,
+    15.148907718,
+    15.904843132,
+    17.434395016500002,
+    18.518727628800001,
+    20.121463138599999,
+    22.7076019362,
+    24.3760430058,
+    27.247058263300001,
+    30.661631466599999,
+    33.079547519400002,
+    39.127879890599999,
+    48.943565214800003,
+    59.4575606151,
+    91.335874697400001,
+    141.45432793200001,
+    411.661489776,
+    0.0,
+    0.069952231864699996,
+    0.103404633578,
+    0.125014068162,
+    0.146010270449,
+    0.16359155444599999,
+    0.178864568833,
+    0.19599840432599999,
+    0.21261593381499999,
+    0.22711972642700001,
+    0.243111674684,
+    0.25767461785399998,
+    0.27180823360799999,
+    0.28563106170000002,
+    0.30065227522400001,
+    0.31466033367599999,
+    0.32740274431499999,
+    0.34144162964000002,
+    0.35392977821499999,
+    0.36739586603699997,
+    0.37668601825699999,
+    0.38997906091099999,
+    0.40341912954199999,
+    0.416373727157,
+    0.426895908682,
+    0.43977830899800002,
+    0.45258671966300001,
+    0.466514605217,
+    0.477389064152,
+    0.48977333283500002,
+    0.50163197604999998,
+    0.51199626571900003,
+    0.52444304417700005,
+    0.535756267392,
+    0.54517617178599997,
+    0.556723976482,
+    0.56923743022399997,
+    0.58148013003300003,
+    0.59338244193300005,
+    0.60349023988499995,
+    0.61844448197599999,
+    0.63082462731599998,
+    0.64077938591500005,
+    0.65387489192500003,
+    0.66469357132100004,
+    0.67819373925399995,
+    0.68727074573400004,
+    0.69848718075600003,
+    0.71043795726600001,
+    0.71961915177299995,
+    0.72969713364300004,
+    0.74107602282600005,
+    0.75606721670699994,
+    0.76643518425500001,
+    0.77845497049099999,
+    0.78839543992500005,
+    0.80132022172700001,
+    0.81246877456,
+    0.82543482006900004,
+    0.835142423425,
+    0.84674802068300004,
+    0.85967143818799996,
+    0.87125300477599998,
+    0.88408451673499999,
+    0.89664194416599996,
+    0.91062205430599996,
+    0.92119895144599995,
+    0.93242997074199996,
+    0.94571219445300003,
+    0.96041450364400005,
+    0.97224013435699996,
+    0.98495533130900004,
+    0.99919196810900002,
+    1.0129236124100001,
+    1.02562802722,
+    1.0390578098300001,
+    1.05327349462,
+    1.06699289985,
+    1.08003878786,
+    1.0911503311699999,
+    1.10287478431,
+    1.11752324595,
+    1.1314149261899999,
+    1.1474113539199999,
+    1.1623424598800001,
+    1.1809099334199999,
+    1.19698636893,
+    1.21181796755,
+    1.22544671282,
+    1.24244196167,
+    1.25768137753,
+    1.2753336486,
+    1.29073541071,
+    1.3028499501799999,
+    1.3187969502100001,
+    1.33382177937,
+    1.35329432786,
+    1.3654396608399999,
+    1.3831852898699999,
+    1.4053731868899999,
+    1.4244601671899999,
+    1.4458595538900001,
+    1.4624828517299999,
+    1.48424757851,
+    1.50258889287,
+    1.5267644454,
+    1.54442727619,
+    1.56845111196,
+    1.5867698647199999,
+    1.60842558029,
+    1.6313088751,
+    1.6534369558899999,
+    1.6753389600899999,
+    1.69620207473,
+    1.7204189063699999,
+    1.7419530680599999,
+    1.76805842778,
+    1.7922030172000001,
+    1.8188034212699999,
+    1.85148643519,
+    1.8773786266000001,
+    1.90256305862,
+    1.9386203775399999,
+    1.9687813707199999,
+    1.9981566611499999,
+    2.0245303042499998,
+    2.0584208427499999,
+    2.0946946719900001,
+    2.1348120365500001,
+    2.1791471443199999,
+    2.2224520832399999,
+    2.2595687931800001,
+    2.3106923875200001,
+    2.3553963857400002,
+    2.3983286546599998,
+    2.4436515071799998,
+    2.4865189620699999,
+    2.5405446707500001,
+    2.59421388661,
+    2.64091695706,
+    2.6996385735900001,
+    2.7473734419100002,
+    2.8035977565799999,
+    2.8535299568900001,
+    2.91542786179,
+    2.9893281334399999,
+    3.0516305485699999,
+    3.1163028661999999,
+    3.1947678399299999,
+    3.2663049222699998,
+    3.3339853805400002,
+    3.40237096205,
+    3.4768322926400002,
+    3.5806851899900001,
+    3.6801840510099999,
+    3.7872722453700001,
+    3.8916915748699998,
+    3.9917050980400002,
+    4.0940578914500003,
+    4.19602458524,
+    4.3323371208100001,
+    4.4338250448399998,
+    4.5732353526800003,
+    4.7071896650899996,
+    4.8371637819700002,
+    4.9861306159599996,
+    5.1247005951200002,
+    5.2989900989100001,
+    5.4331191858299999,
+    5.5988276453600001,
+    5.8197641223699996,
+    6.0307234869500004,
+    6.2629671258800004,
+    6.4723292924600004,
+    6.73373305351,
+    7.0011281823499996,
+    7.2896172889599997,
+    7.6282663585300003,
+    7.9822597848400001,
+    8.4459703825899997,
+    8.8384469969099992,
+    9.2101115074000006,
+    9.73610634934,
+    10.3512776241,
+    10.917239822399999,
+    11.6235706159,
+    12.2958078571,
+    12.939563854899999,
+    14.2324201348,
+    15.485703747200001,
+    16.9857809226,
+    18.432059703,
+    20.321399149499999,
+    22.561711453099999,
+    25.531954585200001,
+    29.543395520299999,
+    34.331229479900003,
+    42.111056517599998,
+    54.231741921900003,
+    88.569928594700002,
+    402.90323270200003,
+    0.0,
+    0.063832780404899994,
+    0.097778217097499995,
+    0.12370909607,
+    0.150339924072,
+    0.16482266304000001,
+    0.17990570626399999,
+    0.190646713912,
+    0.20163809948600001,
+    0.216830757348,
+    0.22812951506500001,
+    0.24021891326399999,
+    0.25541866841600003,
+    0.269018368043,
+    0.28049226030899999,
+    0.29164957411100001,
+    0.30229091825999999,
+    0.31343659256900003,
+    0.327727185596,
+    0.33950733116499998,
+    0.35546334505900001,
+    0.36812325794200002,
+    0.38133767715299999,
+    0.394597620963,
+    0.404978263841,
+    0.41815375781000003,
+    0.42864653293400001,
+    0.444894300819,
+    0.454376903331,
+    0.46341028375999999,
+    0.47599157488299998,
+    0.48560628028199998,
+    0.49777311032799998,
+    0.508833944353,
+    0.52141721957599996,
+    0.53079993862899999,
+    0.54083525487700002,
+    0.55116155918099996,
+    0.56028981112599996,
+    0.571200303066,
+    0.58044683485600002,
+    0.58839931947599999,
+    0.59900193670599999,
+    0.60844513668900002,
+    0.61984074999700001,
+    0.630706376051,
+    0.64055060618699999,
+    0.65022883648700003,
+    0.65969805240099999,
+    0.67173860230299998,
+    0.683039145269,
+    0.69151743825699996,
+    0.70492328902000001,
+    0.71497674644599996,
+    0.72455754197800004,
+    0.73626892393499999,
+    0.74666068393600005,
+    0.75711837954399996,
+    0.76917986479,
+    0.78031391817899998,
+    0.79003646883199996,
+    0.80178135233600001,
+    0.81294330929500003,
+    0.82479240642999996,
+    0.83793294590599998,
+    0.84856051750299999,
+    0.857727050288,
+    0.867523080562,
+    0.87989898293299995,
+    0.88810730552100003,
+    0.89899588869799996,
+    0.90918788036700005,
+    0.92161182284099996,
+    0.93310880618299996,
+    0.94666983786799996,
+    0.95950586438800001,
+    0.96954717752200004,
+    0.98183054360800004,
+    0.99327109762300003,
+    1.0071871810099999,
+    1.0199396023,
+    1.0299591745400001,
+    1.0433590956800001,
+    1.0579526586200001,
+    1.0722037652,
+    1.0856825564000001,
+    1.10062275455,
+    1.11366547931,
+    1.12553109294,
+    1.1369984132099999,
+    1.1497029036699999,
+    1.16306292312,
+    1.17522255584,
+    1.1892082610600001,
+    1.2041212236300001,
+    1.22190050707,
+    1.2347118934600001,
+    1.2504314859500001,
+    1.2629302579599999,
+    1.2791680786099999,
+    1.29405735901,
+    1.3107720617700001,
+    1.32643387797,
+    1.3415152129300001,
+    1.3620274129300001,
+    1.3823476697499999,
+    1.40444011877,
+    1.42173569526,
+    1.4364703857500001,
+    1.45484612731,
+    1.47972134044,
+    1.49655634371,
+    1.5141380044499999,
+    1.53379025535,
+    1.5555036580899999,
+    1.5714663036600001,
+    1.59647294538,
+    1.6138151759899999,
+    1.6380127097199999,
+    1.6594163419300001,
+    1.6820072233800001,
+    1.7019879011500001,
+    1.7246555912899999,
+    1.75616951171,
+    1.7809849497500001,
+    1.8095401046899999,
+    1.83533696471,
+    1.8573176551099999,
+    1.88542875324,
+    1.92090178934,
+    1.9505618811500001,
+    1.9774596313099999,
+    2.0068544301600002,
+    2.0350921018900001,
+    2.0643959097,
+    2.1062800026400001,
+    2.1347376230699999,
+    2.1742676793900002,
+    2.2104098855299998,
+    2.2514941680099998,
+    2.2912348247100001,
+    2.3349554164100002,
+    2.3796253970099999,
+    2.41766195211,
+    2.4815347228200002,
+    2.5296861327400002,
+    2.57523096673,
+    2.6414826618,
+    2.6880090127099998,
+    2.7379395286100001,
+    2.7971131333199999,
+    2.8454615301600001,
+    2.9012187913899998,
+    2.9675790254000001,
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+    3.12354871979,
+    3.2117080755199998,
+    3.3031992991200001,
+    3.3786495999400001,
+    3.4622786505200001,
+    3.5341733641599999,
+    3.5975451787299999,
+    3.7026608369999998,
+    3.82558431557,
+    3.9485708722999999,
+    4.0749917626799999,
+    4.2182278466299996,
+    4.3815530054699998,
+    4.5579379614200004,
+    4.7079073862299996,
+    4.8861754887000002,
+    5.0662849643500003,
+    5.2496674690900003,
+    5.4708584275999996,
+    5.6873944276300001,
+    5.9465154086899998,
+    6.10841977807,
+    6.32522045284,
+    6.6457452149499998,
+    6.8963618663700004,
+    7.1600629694100002,
+    7.4849075540900003,
+    7.8078159674899998,
+    8.1135987260599993,
+    8.6434490614699993,
+    9.3138777741999998,
+    9.9096943796500003,
+    10.5413045729,
+    11.158948712999999,
+    11.999104899500001,
+    12.8985733307,
+    13.9490047253,
+    15.518092394,
+    17.033131729600001,
+    18.432082803299998,
+    20.708613102099999,
+    23.123985660399999,
+    27.884421759599999,
+    36.561019225000003,
+    61.076641297099997,
+    468.04625970900003,
+    0.0,
+    0.067076529355799996,
+    0.097824586424400006,
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+    0.135066352689,
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+    0.16865220856099999,
+    0.18272153189500001,
+    0.19456107267299999,
+    0.20905544303500001,
+    0.22429021016199999,
+    0.23682684978499999,
+    0.24961005214199999,
+    0.26225295033399998,
+    0.27282432554800001,
+    0.283602099439,
+    0.29623312604699997,
+    0.30840842319700001,
+    0.31645548412699998,
+    0.33143452632300002,
+    0.343712260145,
+    0.35341928343099999,
+    0.36635377466399999,
+    0.37717670892999999,
+    0.39032523504299999,
+    0.40013045900700001,
+    0.41162395957300002,
+    0.42423155816699998,
+    0.43186283101,
+    0.44215015996599999,
+    0.45428937582200002,
+    0.46224971743999999,
+    0.47594444504299999,
+    0.48807023390400001,
+    0.49693964716900002,
+    0.51019137347099996,
+    0.52165237357899996,
+    0.53174150971800005,
+    0.54256492119300004,
+    0.55515020156399997,
+    0.56325486596700003,
+    0.57178372078899997,
+    0.57891384744999996,
+    0.58826455880299999,
+    0.59910449639800001,
+    0.60935191848000003,
+    0.61881052080400001,
+    0.62702569041300005,
+    0.63798126176500003,
+    0.64999626073299999,
+    0.66409842520700002,
+    0.67206511322700002,
+    0.68117655017099998,
+    0.69235691936599997,
+    0.70629027472700001,
+    0.71718753920199996,
+    0.72825030830899995,
+    0.73958277894699997,
+    0.74721313986399995,
+    0.75951044739999996,
+    0.77054717878099999,
+    0.78033716992000002,
+    0.791657009508,
+    0.80069783012999995,
+    0.81151864388700001,
+    0.82257967604500004,
+    0.83376565960100002,
+    0.84367481175100001,
+    0.85373445615999999,
+    0.86281664475599995,
+    0.87277267299399997,
+    0.88522150941099997,
+    0.895112829577,
+    0.90741716188900001,
+    0.91619554643300005,
+    0.92601655850499998,
+    0.93734361345600004,
+    0.94620041333000005,
+    0.95712672909899998,
+    0.96744573225499997,
+    0.98318977108299999,
+    0.99187947130599996,
+    1.00505446816,
+    1.0135141032699999,
+    1.02598410227,
+    1.0352951482399999,
+    1.0473143060900001,
+    1.0610104522899999,
+    1.07557548922,
+    1.0886540525699999,
+    1.1030302993000001,
+    1.1222000890499999,
+    1.1397653729499999,
+    1.15430437835,
+    1.1696993848599999,
+    1.1869488960800001,
+    1.20122564741,
+    1.2141587142000001,
+    1.2257708751700001,
+    1.2411522805399999,
+    1.2560045466400001,
+    1.27446251035,
+    1.2841952131300001,
+    1.2982208578200001,
+    1.3182157576,
+    1.3298159782600001,
+    1.3424136029,
+    1.3604328317200001,
+    1.3767068167600001,
+    1.39749108045,
+    1.4148267830400001,
+    1.43982412632,
+    1.45450195158,
+    1.47070553463,
+    1.4842104270200001,
+    1.5036094415600001,
+    1.5196111004899999,
+    1.5427837280000001,
+    1.56874118822,
+    1.59012806749,
+    1.6156339281200001,
+    1.6415259814800001,
+    1.6627342303899999,
+    1.68678597138,
+    1.7123700775899999,
+    1.7355941341300001,
+    1.7575287234700001,
+    1.77549370303,
+    1.8023242212999999,
+    1.8306364744700001,
+    1.86843117775,
+    1.89616140233,
+    1.92693168508,
+    1.94653908551,
+    1.9674301249699999,
+    2.0023775987399999,
+    2.0410970809600002,
+    2.0712419181500001,
+    2.1001298794399998,
+    2.1435551353000002,
+    2.18745519946,
+    2.2407411531300001,
+    2.2877176484300001,
+    2.3482386991299999,
+    2.3878544206000001,
+    2.4256485211599998,
+    2.4689746994299999,
+    2.54115707404,
+    2.6060044637200002,
+    2.6471446480799998,
+    2.7082778846300002,
+    2.7625848318599999,
+    2.8217618519399998,
+    2.8730281955899999,
+    2.94944935405,
+    2.9984511177900002,
+    3.06158326156,
+    3.1477109402800001,
+    3.2264457052400002,
+    3.3135370713699999,
+    3.3913116560900001,
+    3.46766561982,
+    3.5469306652600001,
+    3.6270133483599998,
+    3.7196516111200002,
+    3.8300128499600001,
+    3.9706856961599999,
+    4.0624593885399998,
+    4.16862605645,
+    4.32355081595,
+    4.4582130280000003,
+    4.5901068198399999,
+    4.7253251831799998,
+    4.8713623347399997,
+    5.0670691161099999,
+    5.2375849693000003,
+    5.3887073546400002,
+    5.6495635870200003,
+    5.8884178613599998,
+    6.1407571599699997,
+    6.3858608976199998,
+    6.6661948102800004,
+    7.0439049067599999,
+    7.3559915120800001,
+    7.73009363221,
+    8.2262361691900008,
+    8.8019442355600006,
+    9.2680434525499997,
+    9.7743200198599993,
+    10.6920252267,
+    11.3785733059,
+    12.170137853,
+    13.036613519199999,
+    14.486048819000001,
+    16.028067222499999,
+    17.977721620600001,
+    20.963719555200001,
+    25.110074835700001,
+    32.315204575999999,
+    51.776266767099997,
+    108.063764331,
+    0.0,
+    0.074209559522700003,
+    0.108008052641,
+    0.12807119272199999,
+    0.145696860505,
+    0.15949782790200001,
+    0.17030767784699999,
+    0.181856162219,
+    0.194359775116,
+    0.206545451204,
+    0.216886655718,
+    0.227597454714,
+    0.239520822277,
+    0.24975972163499999,
+    0.26174800391699998,
+    0.27515156150300002,
+    0.28928260960800001,
+    0.30056007218699998,
+    0.31177038148300001,
+    0.32223273686999998,
+    0.33233709398299999,
+    0.34226863585799999,
+    0.35054033371600002,
+    0.36272022538900001,
+    0.37265758299599999,
+    0.38450845354800001,
+    0.392952528902,
+    0.40280374789700002,
+    0.41239163517100003,
+    0.42225057636800001,
+    0.43390677896199997,
+    0.44589553585300001,
+    0.456357880291,
+    0.46605928183400003,
+    0.47533877800199997,
+    0.485109944056,
+    0.49754601794199999,
+    0.50792030114300002,
+    0.51923692407099997,
+    0.52864927728800004,
+    0.53777407420400003,
+    0.54790751383199998,
+    0.55673983995999998,
+    0.56698607143699997,
+    0.57670367642800002,
+    0.58667471005899996,
+    0.596751819495,
+    0.60570130209100004,
+    0.61498993393199997,
+    0.62532916186599996,
+    0.63421809777399996,
+    0.643945582415,
+    0.652131236,
+    0.66037342159400003,
+    0.66984241853199999,
+    0.68013004284099998,
+    0.68891506562500004,
+    0.69795858717600001,
+    0.70724072355500001,
+    0.71773910407499997,
+    0.72600456224599996,
+    0.73529066837299994,
+    0.74465581544199999,
+    0.75311728489600005,
+    0.76285052475299997,
+    0.77230557399699995,
+    0.78194921514500004,
+    0.79213459741699999,
+    0.80258535964699995,
+    0.81396443458699996,
+    0.82267338024400005,
+    0.83206771620599995,
+    0.83984893131100002,
+    0.85244698240700001,
+    0.860212067124,
+    0.87121284808199995,
+    0.88206426743400002,
+    0.893602624377,
+    0.90550090295300001,
+    0.91868520951400001,
+    0.92977380346299998,
+    0.94206318246999998,
+    0.95246633238900003,
+    0.96670282891199999,
+    0.97605982209599995,
+    0.98559747736000003,
+    0.99585577432700001,
+    1.00707064259,
+    1.01710690075,
+    1.02898182166,
+    1.04428034784,
+    1.0538694818500001,
+    1.06500309695,
+    1.0756346263800001,
+    1.08768054822,
+    1.0986564112699999,
+    1.11056517658,
+    1.1222492032,
+    1.13556072341,
+    1.1472841566,
+    1.16118311944,
+    1.17259765348,
+    1.1861421571199999,
+    1.1985894798400001,
+    1.20980222263,
+    1.2233664048399999,
+    1.2385002300500001,
+    1.2516226459299999,
+    1.2669008712400001,
+    1.2794959423800001,
+    1.2958611531299999,
+    1.31116706463,
+    1.32857407312,
+    1.34365731571,
+    1.35879876289,
+    1.3767427480700001,
+    1.3927745273200001,
+    1.41141387435,
+    1.4296441628400001,
+    1.4469934928999999,
+    1.46603314043,
+    1.4837471764900001,
+    1.5016602720400001,
+    1.51855715617,
+    1.5372635274499999,
+    1.55585749083,
+    1.5776110083899999,
+    1.59566951462,
+    1.62476079488,
+    1.6471928626000001,
+    1.6678247338300001,
+    1.6864094001200001,
+    1.7115934443700001,
+    1.7389659531499999,
+    1.76721239977,
+    1.78849994105,
+    1.81312786502,
+    1.8365295582100001,
+    1.8646738456900001,
+    1.8978807795199999,
+    1.9240405234,
+    1.9549490789899999,
+    1.98972377392,
+    2.0200230888899999,
+    2.0589141742399999,
+    2.10302415543,
+    2.14058485254,
+    2.1818536127199999,
+    2.2299519963300001,
+    2.2712959938699999,
+    2.3135445986500001,
+    2.3566542270399999,
+    2.3959056922599999,
+    2.4446333513399998,
+    2.4952439185199999,
+    2.5492654399200001,
+    2.6106037504100001,
+    2.6602865229799999,
+    2.7105208912299998,
+    2.7745671455899998,
+    2.8333797499900002,
+    2.9008461857499999,
+    2.96494326499,
+    3.0289889630300002,
+    3.10234506861,
+    3.1725169557099999,
+    3.2548023935399999,
+    3.3312575634499999,
+    3.41501385226,
+    3.5077691502100001,
+    3.6109139158899999,
+    3.70736489466,
+    3.8078795299400001,
+    3.9399935880500001,
+    4.0729162849399998,
+    4.1754315477999997,
+    4.32871701963,
+    4.4670420558400004,
+    4.6172360869400002,
+    4.7801353008799996,
+    4.9685158392900002,
+    5.1787521224099997,
+    5.3659561809799996,
+    5.5579867362700002,
+    5.80647069765,
+    6.0770936171800001,
+    6.3474439077599998,
+    6.62582338065,
+    6.9727248909400004,
+    7.3991913842899999,
+    7.8834449215399998,
+    8.5166144845100007,
+    9.2030546325000007,
+    9.88020733826,
+    10.866036106699999,
+    12.0758777085,
+    14.18128042,
+    16.712052750600002,
+    20.430876708300001,
+    27.2913398323,
+    198.831343334,
+    0.0,
+    0.069244384700200001,
+    0.088432101515100003,
+    0.10716305206,
+    0.12503845091900001,
+    0.140404065533,
+    0.15732758095900001,
+    0.17026163426999999,
+    0.181554153262,
+    0.19229104097999999,
+    0.20063488720700001,
+    0.20918075219000001,
+    0.22448851398700001,
+    0.23329259600999999,
+    0.243417838223,
+    0.25098683398999999,
+    0.26086665715599999,
+    0.26722012921400001,
+    0.27447102517700001,
+    0.28549280903099999,
+    0.29370514330199998,
+    0.30435794709199998,
+    0.31171401890299999,
+    0.32079725821600003,
+    0.33073290586199999,
+    0.340392028515,
+    0.35038726600499998,
+    0.35811690266399998,
+    0.36447411653700001,
+    0.37185544116399999,
+    0.381082348721,
+    0.390780214455,
+    0.39830952785200002,
+    0.40748168602500001,
+    0.41488373765499997,
+    0.42543510561100001,
+    0.43158160961199998,
+    0.44002625662900002,
+    0.44926347686599999,
+    0.45776432919799998,
+    0.468022411503,
+    0.47664440380200002,
+    0.48258490950499999,
+    0.48896171374500003,
+    0.496491820137,
+    0.50698509859999996,
+    0.51452015906199999,
+    0.52068937139100002,
+    0.52946408477100004,
+    0.53880448153799998,
+    0.548801791313,
+    0.555995027759,
+    0.56369511933200001,
+    0.57026213611200005,
+    0.57917412801400003,
+    0.58903117523000004,
+    0.59960305490099997,
+    0.60673607228299997,
+    0.61394249280099999,
+    0.62335872512500001,
+    0.62950473092000003,
+    0.63564906077100003,
+    0.64370653836500002,
+    0.65068290176499999,
+    0.65692425783200004,
+    0.66660140937199996,
+    0.67467287438699997,
+    0.68340267482299999,
+    0.69234704669500002,
+    0.70022548729900003,
+    0.70878108772100001,
+    0.71517132508000003,
+    0.72483344563800001,
+    0.73510369684400001,
+    0.74464179844099998,
+    0.75114169742299997,
+    0.75948786098200005,
+    0.76927896632399995,
+    0.780181603981,
+    0.79038397953499995,
+    0.79658809158499999,
+    0.80565180419899995,
+    0.81340080992999997,
+    0.82502676166900002,
+    0.83237961296700003,
+    0.84110268556400003,
+    0.85232968998699998,
+    0.86273446105600005,
+    0.87069963084699997,
+    0.88137854582999997,
+    0.89128913714400004,
+    0.90061058757400003,
+    0.90609412190700001,
+    0.91504032505999999,
+    0.92415693050900005,
+    0.93648983181699996,
+    0.94349116139300004,
+    0.95300702282700001,
+    0.96521719153999996,
+    0.97733292798399996,
+    0.98974230043699996,
+    1.0028012640199999,
+    1.01236890773,
+    1.0253034214500001,
+    1.0345343165800001,
+    1.0429324387700001,
+    1.0534672371,
+    1.06628868009,
+    1.07468795352,
+    1.08633326882,
+    1.09933424957,
+    1.1068518163600001,
+    1.12106242894,
+    1.13430375102,
+    1.1497669909499999,
+    1.16355554605,
+    1.1741333470999999,
+    1.1865602471200001,
+    1.19552264974,
+    1.20964466299,
+    1.2206552660600001,
+    1.2334735428900001,
+    1.2446193507100001,
+    1.26228052188,
+    1.2733668809500001,
+    1.2862487980799999,
+    1.29915564596,
+    1.31311637923,
+    1.3325804596099999,
+    1.34251302023,
+    1.3591003659500001,
+    1.377169549,
+    1.3924811167,
+    1.40750771045,
+    1.4232614989300001,
+    1.4396669344899999,
+    1.4651287187599999,
+    1.4899491085200001,
+    1.50816578923,
+    1.5249813512099999,
+    1.5484316629499999,
+    1.56552035633,
+    1.58626075727,
+    1.60321824898,
+    1.6254795315799999,
+    1.64592427713,
+    1.6680292001699999,
+    1.6929771865600001,
+    1.71641044875,
+    1.73825985627,
+    1.7655221754799999,
+    1.7903694698399999,
+    1.8124234588000001,
+    1.83919765728,
+    1.86770929471,
+    1.9001015000199999,
+    1.9321267789500001,
+    1.95584199638,
+    1.99690811411,
+    2.0217444230499999,
+    2.05376297292,
+    2.0929451083099999,
+    2.12301731176,
+    2.1526232798299998,
+    2.19298807375,
+    2.2255018723100002,
+    2.2689246505599998,
+    2.3179026897699999,
+    2.3644121098699999,
+    2.4221039841300001,
+    2.4838688069799999,
+    2.53466998697,
+    2.6042919607999999,
+    2.6812450073999998,
+    2.7654172146999998,
+    2.8309204248399999,
+    2.9094078948100002,
+    2.9876772553499999,
+    3.0748530970700001,
+    3.1622064731699999,
+    3.24147451246,
+    3.32558384886,
+    3.4422202342600001,
+    3.5775338240400001,
+    3.7141610497599999,
+    3.87173250803,
+    4.0663966875900002,
+    4.29308118297,
+    4.4781034155099997,
+    4.7041054642700004,
+    5.0488522514199996,
+    5.3311777928700002,
+    5.6656935490200002,
+    6.1539089237400004,
+    6.8843836607600002,
+    7.4347424954000001,
+    8.2978267417500007,
+    9.6243020157500005,
+    11.369168954199999,
+    15.540639672399999,
+    76.1760172643,
+    0.0,
+    0.049706365699999998,
+    0.0666592682662,
+    0.088322065368899999,
+    0.104536859611,
+    0.11923256786399999,
+    0.127291144238,
+    0.13502577832400001,
+    0.140820543469,
+    0.15139945632400001,
+    0.16099717066999999,
+    0.16793664804899999,
+    0.179770597659,
+    0.18534480911599999,
+    0.19437588065,
+    0.20501796081000001,
+    0.21442507195499999,
+    0.223638661722,
+    0.235448046864,
+    0.24069837603999999,
+    0.249796619168,
+    0.2569021037,
+    0.26571241794099998,
+    0.273484835112,
+    0.28264031867099998,
+    0.29203238294299999,
+    0.30128506578199998,
+    0.30890798204499997,
+    0.31400372247300001,
+    0.32085907990500001,
+    0.33018590514200002,
+    0.33434813763600002,
+    0.34099138695100001,
+    0.34839419218399997,
+    0.36043796979300002,
+    0.366921197137,
+    0.374978179395,
+    0.380142953738,
+    0.38497527854699998,
+    0.39412431397300002,
+    0.40294224279800001,
+    0.41036947119900002,
+    0.42097414080500001,
+    0.426696154529,
+    0.43405547629300001,
+    0.438076390323,
+    0.44626941882600002,
+    0.45209988855099997,
+    0.46025667702299999,
+    0.46751534699899999,
+    0.47569740786199999,
+    0.48648925341600002,
+    0.49365845173799999,
+    0.50062076512099996,
+    0.50762099689399998,
+    0.51599561488599999,
+    0.52069070294499997,
+    0.52771734894599998,
+    0.53507770527700005,
+    0.53957262010100004,
+    0.54687563426600005,
+    0.55882733756900005,
+    0.56778279961099998,
+    0.57581367970300001,
+    0.58169558514099995,
+    0.589416835832,
+    0.59799990574399997,
+    0.60309451416000004,
+    0.60776585343300005,
+    0.61113211528400002,
+    0.620751519689,
+    0.63049668177200002,
+    0.64186111209399999,
+    0.649049389792,
+    0.65881032984999999,
+    0.667603399933,
+    0.67500088551600002,
+    0.68058962597299999,
+    0.68475592303099997,
+    0.69020553863599998,
+    0.69297641552300004,
+    0.69919890922799999,
+    0.70692564551500003,
+    0.71223085652100004,
+    0.72213575435900001,
+    0.730079802251,
+    0.73971307206199999,
+    0.74754515744299999,
+    0.75906245692899998,
+    0.76535806436599996,
+    0.768435170424,
+    0.77936645084,
+    0.78371319966099995,
+    0.793548757173,
+    0.79992665980300004,
+    0.80669075308100002,
+    0.813805390164,
+    0.82073219292800004,
+    0.82530292600499999,
+    0.83254418888299997,
+    0.84023227490600005,
+    0.84610269681500005,
+    0.850974506809,
+    0.85604916181199997,
+    0.86800267070000003,
+    0.87548269182500005,
+    0.88170746226899999,
+    0.89168104316600005,
+    0.89886785180600004,
+    0.90941660694899995,
+    0.92091095976000004,
+    0.92713708903799996,
+    0.93255472954399998,
+    0.94075570205600001,
+    0.95405981205900003,
+    0.96338844277799995,
+    0.97402552055400005,
+    0.98526481076200001,
+    0.99808150342699997,
+    1.00881814468,
+    1.0181152037700001,
+    1.02462072395,
+    1.0362614133200001,
+    1.0501057383200001,
+    1.05573829434,
+    1.0663375241399999,
+    1.0815544234900001,
+    1.0920197863400001,
+    1.10280835408,
+    1.1180455459900001,
+    1.1302349147199999,
+    1.14338393376,
+    1.1517784771899999,
+    1.16459044846,
+    1.17843359548,
+    1.1909602731,
+    1.2038564818399999,
+    1.2161138792399999,
+    1.22899884794,
+    1.24167619324,
+    1.25804220029,
+    1.26669854112,
+    1.28319750286,
+    1.29839920006,
+    1.31138545902,
+    1.3222317000599999,
+    1.34185918055,
+    1.3547619368999999,
+    1.3711217067000001,
+    1.3874485756199999,
+    1.4017178245899999,
+    1.4176863825099999,
+    1.43525875504,
+    1.4513358921899999,
+    1.4669285814799999,
+    1.49058059786,
+    1.51243917885,
+    1.5343601628600001,
+    1.5519685841999999,
+    1.5858246281799999,
+    1.6052702545799999,
+    1.6255288476200001,
+    1.645511371,
+    1.67744979518,
+    1.7003145979100001,
+    1.7236176675199999,
+    1.74467645265,
+    1.7809151811699999,
+    1.8104241704099999,
+    1.85100020932,
+    1.8902605480300001,
+    1.9127629589099999,
+    1.94264465956,
+    1.98831619403,
+    2.0462312106199998,
+    2.1088091964400002,
+    2.1589111550700002,
+    2.19880416124,
+    2.2551363689100001,
+    2.32115689321,
+    2.3900112406699998,
+    2.4355086734200002,
+    2.53167527975,
+    2.5574390199299999,
+    2.69075228193,
+    2.80722131929,
+    2.8827815963000001,
+    3.0169724035100001,
+    3.1020365340699998,
+    3.2877647668300001,
+    3.4186314330799998,
+    3.55711527829,
+    3.7777833577900002,
+    4.0940063095600001,
+    4.35113022089,
+    4.7722176832300001,
+    5.4945754250499999,
+    6.0600360065499999,
+    6.7983858917699997,
+    9.1234186672500002,
+    40.009378980599998,
+    0.0,
+    0.067895952064799994,
+    0.084300078749299998,
+    0.095052432169299997,
+    0.102638659398,
+    0.112117784904,
+    0.11826939027900001,
+    0.12549932636300001,
+    0.12979818836900001,
+    0.14651996704600001,
+    0.15100212390600001,
+    0.161663165759,
+    0.16954870848299999,
+    0.177081348221,
+    0.18018558524200001,
+    0.18303580819699999,
+    0.19216015759300001,
+    0.19761816342399999,
+    0.20405892001000001,
+    0.208512677383,
+    0.2121909193,
+    0.219201257102,
+    0.226866968867,
+    0.23794276716900001,
+    0.24987132195699999,
+    0.25465170763400002,
+    0.26099785587800001,
+    0.26730559655899999,
+    0.28331961066,
+    0.29096521670800002,
+    0.29624967979200001,
+    0.29829805930100001,
+    0.30951316035100002,
+    0.31770754811700003,
+    0.32720886553700002,
+    0.33647444911699997,
+    0.34198895204000002,
+    0.35025569471500001,
+    0.35723583674800002,
+    0.36574792956399999,
+    0.37381139126899998,
+    0.38799391889500001,
+    0.39067031169299998,
+    0.39620024782899999,
+    0.40020907354500002,
+    0.406629782376,
+    0.41587001647900002,
+    0.42064605710199998,
+    0.427983894024,
+    0.43880340547500002,
+    0.446223080223,
+    0.450449340882,
+    0.45558651616200002,
+    0.46105934588699998,
+    0.46416526610600001,
+    0.47234232416100003,
+    0.47838800081799998,
+    0.48398364517499998,
+    0.49028214090200001,
+    0.499284532015,
+    0.50451360745100005,
+    0.509733914146,
+    0.51534943972199998,
+    0.51694525305200001,
+    0.52351544417600004,
+    0.52741635274900001,
+    0.53030801158100005,
+    0.54039249319000005,
+    0.543358519993,
+    0.55090831684899999,
+    0.56351528162800002,
+    0.57109497028699996,
+    0.57678495336900004,
+    0.58431894816300001,
+    0.59453107257500004,
+    0.60337885959000004,
+    0.61000337793399995,
+    0.61727383516599998,
+    0.62371645808300002,
+    0.629855469291,
+    0.64046230499599999,
+    0.64338774420900002,
+    0.64928236111199999,
+    0.65253922932700004,
+    0.65630438988100004,
+    0.66542800844200001,
+    0.67245369789099996,
+    0.67689678974900003,
+    0.68490163471400001,
+    0.697879548796,
+    0.70321721042899998,
+    0.70825620560000002,
+    0.71214130965099998,
+    0.71606229576000002,
+    0.72849739743399999,
+    0.72997690491599998,
+    0.73496304621899999,
+    0.74722916204000001,
+    0.75461055645599995,
+    0.76049922669799996,
+    0.76492250952399998,
+    0.77219537422499995,
+    0.77615043430200004,
+    0.78272629883699996,
+    0.78806707738399995,
+    0.803877101727,
+    0.81237050231600005,
+    0.82231101211000002,
+    0.82643891219300003,
+    0.82994343368199996,
+    0.84104036655799996,
+    0.85001450139900003,
+    0.85722719700299999,
+    0.86813520497600005,
+    0.87634807207999998,
+    0.87849406127499996,
+    0.88626760274000005,
+    0.89464524886600005,
+    0.89854680515700003,
+    0.90579336081200001,
+    0.90937836218900003,
+    0.92263809143499997,
+    0.92671709472899999,
+    0.93140291302300005,
+    0.93889838636400003,
+    0.94817473635500005,
+    0.95134624523199995,
+    0.95948566447500006,
+    0.96931430537899999,
+    0.97827519300099997,
+    0.98284090499800003,
+    0.98853660864199999,
+    0.99999303088000002,
+    1.00933104878,
+    1.02227252775,
+    1.0339923686800001,
+    1.03840687036,
+    1.04500879737,
+    1.05122171927,
+    1.06723984471,
+    1.07953686403,
+    1.09113807067,
+    1.10417487551,
+    1.11446546637,
+    1.1254220105599999,
+    1.1353940360999999,
+    1.16144655068,
+    1.1695186521200001,
+    1.1831819617599999,
+    1.2096151764900001,
+    1.2368935164299999,
+    1.2456266675500001,
+    1.25296303964,
+    1.26564891435,
+    1.2701959942000001,
+    1.28466851306,
+    1.29873724956,
+    1.31966389347,
+    1.3313272542500001,
+    1.34786430325,
+    1.3621826611400001,
+    1.3720433831700001,
+    1.3971090305,
+    1.4043458957999999,
+    1.4238434153299999,
+    1.4590867995000001,
+    1.4854743821,
+    1.5153253015599999,
+    1.54813838085,
+    1.57329724758,
+    1.6116532666100001,
+    1.62277970085,
+    1.63219947245,
+    1.6666665269000001,
+    1.73127681763,
+    1.7492774307700001,
+    1.80557771894,
+    1.8267234865099999,
+    1.88934211181,
+    1.9203963709,
+    1.99466093314,
+    2.0230718376899999,
+    2.0628543274000002,
+    2.1367073224899999,
+    2.1821320160500002,
+    2.22093938088,
+    2.3072520016700002,
+    2.3621845025599999,
+    2.44517002578,
+    2.5015913727800001,
+    2.5975738754100002,
+    2.7045052724200001,
+    2.8865631109500001,
+    3.1260959842,
+    3.39849260601,
+    3.6254807685400001,
+    4.0097191798100003,
+    4.5724242129699997,
+    5.4143250544999999,
+    6.3272292972399997,
+    17.5560575511,
+    0.0,
+    0.085458258148600003,
+    0.098622234580399995,
+    0.106568524017,
+    0.108057180859,
+    0.1107805041,
+    0.11464013028599999,
+    0.13602438252499999,
+    0.14300574817799999,
+    0.146684159845,
+    0.15122598984999999,
+    0.154733085331,
+    0.161754974932,
+    0.17723910406000001,
+    0.18032389045700001,
+    0.18658548177699999,
+    0.18746673820000001,
+    0.19896129970099999,
+    0.209234599805,
+    0.21980562614900001,
+    0.228062016284,
+    0.23711187915099999,
+    0.23869840689499999,
+    0.240361816358,
+    0.27144033681000002,
+    0.27327373169399999,
+    0.27458858408600001,
+    0.28007177711800002,
+    0.28248298888899998,
+    0.28387767697499999,
+    0.287453003343,
+    0.292023090998,
+    0.29519223190999999,
+    0.31407066578100001,
+    0.32033662902100002,
+    0.32377361486099998,
+    0.33791304018399998,
+    0.340145093994,
+    0.34355792125200002,
+    0.35986952431000002,
+    0.36278049873099999,
+    0.36565591999199998,
+    0.36887445402199998,
+    0.37307785833099999,
+    0.37522358431500002,
+    0.38644599385299999,
+    0.38905873533300001,
+    0.39011760635100001,
+    0.39429900482899999,
+    0.40016937602000002,
+    0.40636267913899998,
+    0.408103464438,
+    0.411985395905,
+    0.42002274379400001,
+    0.42424580987299998,
+    0.42889507706199997,
+    0.43431096613499998,
+    0.43634598755999998,
+    0.44074601502999999,
+    0.44833586654099999,
+    0.44981411452999998,
+    0.45139144803199999,
+    0.45825414352600002,
+    0.465858692219,
+    0.46971239089400002,
+    0.48073097106200002,
+    0.49008253400700003,
+    0.49019267044199999,
+    0.49421178442399999,
+    0.49592401222499999,
+    0.51649450538700004,
+    0.52148438326400004,
+    0.52450649919199999,
+    0.52875492868700003,
+    0.53851929926099995,
+    0.55522500190799995,
+    0.56567545616600001,
+    0.57500972364500003,
+    0.575413910571,
+    0.577492611263,
+    0.58282093829299997,
+    0.5882333891,
+    0.59178334343399996,
+    0.59490514439200004,
+    0.59707926005599998,
+    0.60398628531999998,
+    0.61018821270699997,
+    0.62788446277499999,
+    0.62845001268199996,
+    0.63245592828700004,
+    0.64203220116600002,
+    0.64960047364600004,
+    0.65218235923199996,
+    0.65302094855500004,
+    0.65709800478699998,
+    0.66525750618900004,
+    0.66772838617499997,
+    0.66931616078599998,
+    0.67398981338899999,
+    0.67995566798200002,
+    0.69261712558099997,
+    0.69323176238100004,
+    0.70328807748099997,
+    0.70817581305300004,
+    0.71362676385000001,
+    0.72122326659400005,
+    0.72982093594899999,
+    0.73501610749799995,
+    0.74418077769299995,
+    0.74740381350899998,
+    0.75972971198000006,
+    0.76542085452499997,
+    0.77293727748999996,
+    0.77569521588599999,
+    0.79040702133899998,
+    0.79124143409100001,
+    0.79674835901600005,
+    0.801314329913,
+    0.80761727105100001,
+    0.81334526814800001,
+    0.82599153547399995,
+    0.835753037664,
+    0.84010997734000004,
+    0.84324537731399996,
+    0.84524994337100001,
+    0.852251511771,
+    0.85726585936199995,
+    0.86776513236499997,
+    0.87321839355800002,
+    0.88257634312599997,
+    0.88885223178899997,
+    0.89462277052799999,
+    0.89929289721500005,
+    0.91054077473399997,
+    0.91235045283799998,
+    0.91859506476800001,
+    0.92379410344599999,
+    0.92778311003299996,
+    0.95200833907100002,
+    0.96058777907100001,
+    0.96275379136000006,
+    0.96711989399800002,
+    0.98158423342400003,
+    0.99959381644599998,
+    1.0158547410300001,
+    1.0257344455099999,
+    1.0386164152999999,
+    1.05829394823,
+    1.0652432737599999,
+    1.06870005665,
+    1.0850122523800001,
+    1.08895555924,
+    1.1035938848,
+    1.1079237802499999,
+    1.14480878564,
+    1.1555554675299999,
+    1.1789854119500001,
+    1.21604495077,
+    1.21944541763,
+    1.2255115895799999,
+    1.2349135122299999,
+    1.2574900653700001,
+    1.2756099428300001,
+    1.27830965632,
+    1.29563470054,
+    1.33511311013,
+    1.37879372829,
+    1.4104141532900001,
+    1.42999159888,
+    1.4340564609599999,
+    1.4404309370999999,
+    1.45125639917,
+    1.4753290649999999,
+    1.50104361326,
+    1.5067651051299999,
+    1.56173064277,
+    1.5867665737000001,
+    1.6529842751699999,
+    1.68573957888,
+    1.6981474139899999,
+    1.7544189081799999,
+    1.79075077468,
+    1.8606238073600001,
+    1.9675939468600001,
+    1.99649367583,
+    2.0088494420599998,
+    2.0624960910299999,
+    2.1345821995000001,
+    2.25477797389,
+    2.4129377727399999,
+    2.4947352830499998,
+    2.6183637912700002,
+    3.0074794112299998,
+    3.1791961046799999,
+    3.4293356642399999,
+    3.8514844690699999,
+    4.2517228191100003,
+    4.9637069833399998,
+    6.0765632038800002,
+    6.7603904355099997,
+    10.3173126473,
+    0.0,
+    0.078613919986899997,
+    0.086706257325800007,
+    0.086706257325800007,
+    0.114789651673,
+    0.12273957318299999,
+    0.127062920365,
+    0.128484790396,
+    0.13578225807899999,
+    0.13578225807899999,
+    0.14730174056500001,
+    0.14730174056500001,
+    0.15501754607599999,
+    0.17160764402600001,
+    0.17160764402600001,
+    0.17716597523700001,
+    0.19318889167600001,
+    0.201064059002,
+    0.20544566915199999,
+    0.208662339522,
+    0.208662339522,
+    0.209070783313,
+    0.217981911645,
+    0.21984720431800001,
+    0.22959168302800001,
+    0.22959168302800001,
+    0.22979925938500001,
+    0.23023398217900001,
+    0.23282324285100001,
+    0.23847389001200001,
+    0.24981772981200001,
+    0.24981772981200001,
+    0.251976912788,
+    0.26484603340399998,
+    0.267063574626,
+    0.276065116128,
+    0.27955725551999999,
+    0.27955725551999999,
+    0.29253129065099998,
+    0.29257984585899999,
+    0.29426519135099999,
+    0.29991973517600001,
+    0.29991973517600001,
+    0.300865581125,
+    0.30629956382500001,
+    0.33189640078299998,
+    0.33193362117300002,
+    0.332892715999,
+    0.332892715999,
+    0.33786995917700002,
+    0.34286355479300001,
+    0.35037131399499999,
+    0.36538777844499998,
+    0.36538777844499998,
+    0.39533598300400002,
+    0.40761459269400002,
+    0.43071349334699999,
+    0.44611156073300001,
+    0.44821302280300002,
+    0.44821302280300002,
+    0.45970379461999999,
+    0.479322648149,
+    0.49927725766600001,
+    0.50856338644599997,
+    0.50856338644599997,
+    0.51381349247600006,
+    0.52312377414900002,
+    0.52365255460899995,
+    0.524357535308,
+    0.52449511360300005,
+    0.53246792168500001,
+    0.53246792168500001,
+    0.53406269761799996,
+    0.54066543759600005,
+    0.54165597718199998,
+    0.54165597718199998,
+    0.54286979560399995,
+    0.54565296744199998,
+    0.54680412639599996,
+    0.55924698793600003,
+    0.55948804920899997,
+    0.55948804920899997,
+    0.56237285913900004,
+    0.61191574840100005,
+    0.61803286518099998,
+    0.62621800263899996,
+    0.62894744300399996,
+    0.62894744300399996,
+    0.64175065233299999,
+    0.64274226864700001,
+    0.643141090937,
+    0.64957757771299995,
+    0.64957757771299995,
+    0.65462416615899999,
+    0.65508592379599995,
+    0.65577214273499995,
+    0.65867533793400002,
+    0.65966257080699997,
+    0.65966257080699997,
+    0.67002637381200003,
+    0.6862767676,
+    0.68775204324200001,
+    0.68935688154399999,
+    0.68935688154399999,
+    0.68958321519599997,
+    0.69489243672400003,
+    0.69799974598299996,
+    0.70085954020999996,
+    0.70570470911100003,
+    0.70570470911100003,
+    0.71529355939600003,
+    0.71529355939600003,
+    0.73061672396900001,
+    0.73147192102699998,
+    0.73147192102699998,
+    0.73172502367900005,
+    0.74705904753800001,
+    0.75069245931200002,
+    0.76171481537700003,
+    0.78431047228100004,
+    0.78431047228100004,
+    0.79589062785700004,
+    0.79985244088700003,
+    0.80739451523600003,
+    0.80995278660199999,
+    0.80995278660199999,
+    0.818149271693,
+    0.81876691441600002,
+    0.82187704197599998,
+    0.82398018051199995,
+    0.83061310912300002,
+    0.83061310912300002,
+    0.841520560606,
+    0.84283988029500001,
+    0.845286826815,
+    0.85635186159599996,
+    0.88301536060399999,
+    0.88301536060399999,
+    0.89457113891100004,
+    0.90319721159599997,
+    0.91110728614600001,
+    0.920115781518,
+    0.920115781518,
+    0.924752016362,
+    0.93270708632099997,
+    0.93634613579199999,
+    0.93668785307699998,
+    0.938056933654,
+    0.938056933654,
+    0.963093301648,
+    0.97003534928799995,
+    0.97433733039600001,
+    0.98296990885400004,
+    0.98296990885400004,
+    0.99165891962800001,
+    0.99363899328700001,
+    1.00411505522,
+    1.0082220608200001,
+    1.04142653436,
+    1.04142653436,
+    1.05299960148,
+    1.0584566497800001,
+    1.0631344471799999,
+    1.0702232139000001,
+    1.0702232139000001,
+    1.0745255061000001,
+    1.07801171048,
+    1.09546502235,
+    1.1130150782399999,
+    1.1212890952400001,
+    1.1453294864700001,
+    1.1453294864700001,
+    1.14683578271,
+    1.14912419314,
+    1.1868862875699999,
+    1.1868862875699999,
+    1.2135111146399999,
+    1.2764048086199999,
+    1.3014758897300001,
+    1.33521824385,
+    1.3586680634799999,
+    1.3586680634799999,
+    1.39549136126,
+    1.4365610253900001,
+    1.4568919919400001,
+    1.5925258819899999,
+    1.67910648307,
+    1.67910648307,
+    1.7175836223800001,
+    1.8595366530499999,
+    2.22804691293,
+    2.4236335095200001,
+    2.4236335095200001,
+    2.5444902152200002,
+    2.7565764210300001,
+    3.0002289122299999,
+    3.2770080283,
+    6.1761254131100003,
+    6.1761254131100003,
+    9.0448113096899991,
+    9.0448113096899991,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.084719549076999995,
+    0.084719549076999995,
+    0.162771060016,
+    0.162771060016,
+    0.162771060016,
+    0.174797101293,
+    0.174797101293,
+    0.19337957316099999,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19855375347500001,
+    0.19855375347500001,
+    0.19855375347500001,
+    0.200626535691,
+    0.200626535691,
+    0.20443169045699999,
+    0.20443169045699999,
+    0.20546703844700001,
+    0.20546703844700001,
+    0.20546703844700001,
+    0.22648266447400001,
+    0.22648266447400001,
+    0.240550688555,
+    0.240550688555,
+    0.240550688555,
+    0.25396349222699999,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.27888116985299999,
+    0.27888116985299999,
+    0.29428424249599999,
+    0.29428424249599999,
+    0.29428424249599999,
+    0.299788951114,
+    0.299788951114,
+    0.31720186969399999,
+    0.31720186969399999,
+    0.31720186969399999,
+    0.35285717429300001,
+    0.35285717429300001,
+    0.35967187727099997,
+    0.35967187727099997,
+    0.35967187727099997,
+    0.36425099049600002,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.393647946528,
+    0.393647946528,
+    0.40432582434100001,
+    0.40432582434100001,
+    0.40432582434100001,
+    0.41409827036399999,
+    0.41409827036399999,
+    0.42605819547399998,
+    0.42605819547399998,
+    0.438201525694,
+    0.438201525694,
+    0.438201525694,
+    0.52412206191900002,
+    0.52412206191900002,
+    0.53036211888999996,
+    0.53036211888999996,
+    0.53947846940699995,
+    0.53947846940699995,
+    0.53947846940699995,
+    0.54022582851800005,
+    0.54022582851800005,
+    0.54022582851800005,
+    0.55304014916499999,
+    0.55304014916499999,
+    0.58228935374099999,
+    0.58228935374099999,
+    0.58228935374099999,
+    0.60596028174500005,
+    0.60596028174500005,
+    0.61041536468199997,
+    0.61041536468199997,
+    0.61041536468199997,
+    0.65478363743500001,
+    0.65478363743500001,
+    0.67732197187900001,
+    0.67732197187900001,
+    0.69170398708900005,
+    0.69170398708900005,
+    0.69170398708900005,
+    0.71778169588399998,
+    0.71778169588399998,
+    0.71778169588399998,
+    0.724448255762,
+    0.724448255762,
+    0.73445742378500001,
+    0.73445742378500001,
+    0.73445742378500001,
+    0.74008547261299995,
+    0.74008547261299995,
+    0.74881364436599995,
+    0.74881364436599995,
+    0.77742926704699999,
+    0.77742926704699999,
+    0.77742926704699999,
+    0.80214410030399996,
+    0.80214410030399996,
+    0.80237181021399995,
+    0.80237181021399995,
+    0.80237181021399995,
+    0.80480889025799995,
+    0.80480889025799995,
+    0.81567228496599997,
+    0.81567228496599997,
+    0.81567228496599997,
+    0.82045939538299995,
+    0.82045939538299995,
+    0.82352724851000003,
+    0.82352724851000003,
+    0.82352724851000003,
+    0.832308451359,
+    0.832308451359,
+    0.85064319551300005,
+    0.85064319551300005,
+    0.85064319551300005,
+    0.86707524700500005,
+    0.86707524700500005,
+    0.87113615998799998,
+    0.87113615998799998,
+    0.87113615998799998,
+    0.893480617719,
+    0.893480617719,
+    0.91025084198899997,
+    0.91025084198899997,
+    0.91025084198899997,
+    0.92945707303699998,
+    0.92945707303699998,
+    0.94367179870100004,
+    0.94367179870100004,
+    0.96249504634000005,
+    0.96249504634000005,
+    0.96249504634000005,
+    1.04851239622,
+    1.04851239622,
+    1.05472835341,
+    1.05472835341,
+    1.05472835341,
+    1.0571022668900001,
+    1.0571022668900001,
+    1.0795501896999999,
+    1.0795501896999999,
+    1.0795501896999999,
+    1.08606295202,
+    1.08606295202,
+    1.1610428489,
+    1.1610428489,
+    1.1610428489,
+    1.1737862567099999,
+    1.1737862567099999,
+    1.19233887401,
+    1.19233887401,
+    1.19233887401,
+    1.23499695024,
+    1.23499695024,
+    1.32872584115,
+    1.32872584115,
+    1.32872584115,
+    1.4875655673799999,
+    1.4875655673799999,
+    1.7768916535799999,
+    1.7768916535799999,
+    1.7768916535799999,
+    1.90484127934,
+    1.90484127934,
+    1.9108413266499999,
+    1.9108413266499999,
+    1.9108413266499999,
+    2.0007729910999998,
+    2.0007729910999998,
+    2.3382342441700001,
+    2.3382342441700001,
+    2.5987544026,
+    2.5987544026,
+    2.5987544026,
+    2.6082788293000001,
+    2.6082788293000001,
+    2.6082788293000001,
+    2.8392763735900002,
+    2.8392763735900002,
+    3.3819024131300002,
+    3.3819024131300002,
+    3.7018275480299998,
+    3.7018275480299998,
+    3.7018275480299998,
+    4.72930160618,
+    4.72930160618,
+    4.72930160618,
+    4.72930160618,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_distb.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_distb.py
index bfc0ec3851dbb875bac05116003a1afea3c452a1..2c57fb7da659d6ca9c4f08e75b452316ef20c9f3 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_distb.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_distb.py
@@ -9,802 +9,2416 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_DC06_def_distb = [
-    0.0, 0.56094372606762677, 0.7748555093433106, 0.95310767752176617,
-    1.1906079835411554, 1.4135063615181933, 1.5469706087575439,
-    1.717637715444549, 1.9078084450312611, 2.078830865302939,
-    2.3673694393209286, 2.5652916154906422, 2.719176314163422,
-    2.9143350583182777, 3.0556867288035465, 3.3314071492430846,
-    3.5309373944964433, 3.7198259542235506, 3.9746173222307726,
-    4.1716075147757152, 4.3331714146492013, 4.5010791980770231,
-    4.7010753304750965, 4.8936058791922381, 5.1037597147293932,
-    5.2592473096915198, 5.4933808099586612, 5.6277238343814533,
-    5.8620859412865522, 6.1059450539869653, 6.3120134479962893,
-    6.5830830775944706, 6.8200926493441481, 7.0702834736372564,
-    7.3483462204604635, 7.6264067744909951, 7.8372782469612465,
-    8.0617780685477705, 8.3995622657866384, 8.7403882283600378,
-    9.0992605207420993, 9.3705162889778926, 9.75889880418889,
-    10.194686638374007, 10.438514323942188, 10.726873592781514,
-    11.069318434988878, 11.396569108340843, 11.801419844938572,
-    12.128206841266881, 12.485948104637052, 12.756299870388832,
-    13.076944452763826, 13.458692068837927, 13.824717813822369,
-    14.316393196413889, 14.621905587891465, 14.888480073624264,
-    15.335930506891625, 15.609627342322275, 16.191900883034002,
-    16.54381609680534, 17.147813194052553, 17.468929751742763,
-    17.940480341162086, 18.345046931400908, 18.601290104964175,
-    19.011371018239437, 19.335036342308854, 19.740516156682062,
-    20.13447317647455, 20.462447938558235, 21.091090849462493,
-    21.556877958704259, 21.823267014913611, 22.208749180717806,
-    22.786099855049944, 23.371401551338806, 23.73315353587088,
-    24.31738397233147, 24.625223648727555, 25.069412618036147,
-    25.928099135972015, 26.497110723217201, 27.085968731165757,
-    27.631123699960334, 28.187584878982072, 28.991619387322526,
-    29.353231676085986, 30.083376143103514, 30.880607280324416,
-    31.435216510900492, 32.392330109783813, 32.921554836523583,
-    33.514110805447565, 34.303809151243847, 35.456294459561711,
-    36.280791683627093, 36.940252784295062, 37.717899566227963,
-    38.457688239199655, 39.596732893642503, 40.36400419560065,
-    40.945135884536548, 41.797758649637814, 42.487275414278201,
-    43.921777494122409, 44.874273975496472, 45.67446232320151,
-    46.727212320012811, 47.45119952715492, 48.639858771576726,
-    49.370473491276989, 50.528638968567975, 51.389834372987714,
-    52.582079342007546, 53.589199085657242, 54.585243505081834,
-    55.622223351244195, 56.936556831025484, 58.385520290381457,
-    59.451232373507203, 60.588566421499443, 62.401492617291595,
-    63.88804064081846, 65.599157033995837, 67.204436723739235,
-    69.4912133287594, 71.622345320740351, 73.103725049112015,
-    75.089813374922841, 76.884823802108912, 78.275061550352873,
-    80.357326438684495, 83.305006897820235, 85.400732831032357,
-    87.218868459052473, 89.130072489534143, 91.252783666141042,
-    92.815637585979999, 95.739391170148252, 98.435092605981637,
-    100.31960869294872, 102.50286766025864, 105.48705400852423,
-    108.82295714914468, 111.39204546177986, 114.62248349802513,
-    117.87687880992867, 119.40484241859349, 122.7734081083525,
-    125.26971884287919, 128.55177396728385, 131.66269963489299,
-    136.57359107720188, 140.51816667169177, 144.16804544736863,
-    150.35987039520109, 154.72466658210519, 160.54109480247283,
-    164.18861964598716, 170.24309324015738, 175.29889321042558,
-    183.11630724838597, 189.01683118972002, 196.90975774880297,
-    204.49263459337524, 213.04893801936598, 219.75869942751646,
-    228.19907555440614, 239.44926809073948, 248.20168822805923,
-    259.25320106736922, 265.44318466962994, 277.32312416782054,
-    288.56952434288797, 298.64263419554209, 315.25981209742378,
-    331.89024853535398, 342.74298087821637, 360.77964203727674,
-    378.48547030119011, 392.5550051422876, 405.31614074355014,
-    421.74150173342304, 441.4412304371254, 457.82211257306926,
-    480.45566322885566, 513.45774433642032, 555.4000490334372,
-    605.92811073979146, 652.49495125201292, 704.61385101258315,
-    786.33845891481292, 874.04643470496728, 1012.3600088462719,
-    1159.4774300577808, 1379.2669821003758, 1756.1106436012778,
-    2357.4547208831491, 217148.93534056327, 0.0, 0.46532971898727915,
-    0.68496949409616426, 0.94645340397600952, 1.102736193185504,
-    1.312453009792369, 1.4867727436472011, 1.6340240974064906,
-    1.8260512349059785, 1.9700706984768943, 2.1040893787044128,
-    2.2333135236192967, 2.3880111121966587, 2.5520785579949155,
-    2.6739841145948597, 2.8075636832160806, 2.9039966303754365,
-    3.0345967971695451, 3.2102417439344437, 3.3137856992787351,
-    3.4376002808848787, 3.5571277890563819, 3.6898499180667237,
-    3.799063723671626, 3.94997555574531, 4.0925736583580976,
-    4.2086028832412561, 4.3390635740171728, 4.4761244808887941,
-    4.6023420572801266, 4.7263227277876512, 4.8591547764014482,
-    5.0957595508246589, 5.30514679884981, 5.4401600222425195,
-    5.5717535777959721, 5.7003644346866409, 5.8768488839999593,
-    5.991691304228997, 6.1771150398732244, 6.3465048845874961,
-    6.4948860632013519, 6.6772230060948159, 6.8030943590107249,
-    6.9813191429783039, 7.165284199966873, 7.3873559281058423,
-    7.5948269266966975, 7.801592658633016, 7.9955249125214145,
-    8.1905643672046686, 8.3270830680818655, 8.5054910750061179,
-    8.7225666260180663, 8.9368113184240965, 9.1376808053645888,
-    9.3633428615533649, 9.5990825604962264, 9.7364383724201087,
-    9.9186955590691088, 10.124746714296, 10.40687565362729, 10.737648017833138,
-    11.012188237958963, 11.214102933586581, 11.45440355061357,
-    11.736264046084917, 12.026226014607102, 12.245762888886343,
-    12.541549269023777, 12.756641375192153, 12.98360561266394,
-    13.288306417225625, 13.526164571303489, 13.75503655409527,
-    14.117128492708087, 14.374029807073448, 14.712173108685258,
-    14.981897180990096, 15.344366904559326, 15.600391910392348,
-    16.020999494977502, 16.300440442407332, 16.606309936976054,
-    16.902143272482817, 17.159816580240875, 17.461774805635738,
-    17.781122815339479, 18.119654210560597, 18.48063214553467,
-    18.820102897217541, 19.161710076244763, 19.479832189525602,
-    19.848403979835609, 20.122299299121863, 20.43004460334555,
-    20.753188532047265, 21.116860477662346, 21.534773567291243,
-    22.137744141529421, 22.45219966811996, 22.843712755485114,
-    23.327127510714419, 23.801219885543535, 24.400068243422009,
-    24.859199781454677, 25.249212813218318, 25.681597611963909,
-    26.218124149559316, 26.865624109857663, 27.476273115575268,
-    28.003316090112232, 28.465744086402083, 29.114406317582951,
-    29.863184721251695, 30.645923853117178, 31.411221663197541,
-    32.083675244596449, 32.623907125336849, 33.542071438820663,
-    34.423855107765, 35.090015994189059, 35.83529395578082, 36.739635743840758,
-    37.456669272617518, 38.267335328548761, 39.333029993613607,
-    40.288484522728531, 41.508400903755643, 42.819861162087363,
-    43.639905039190687, 44.572666361081048, 45.821482473822918,
-    46.862153416881057, 48.147392790601714, 49.404082667631819,
-    50.527705863342902, 52.004399737632923, 53.494784474459131,
-    54.714589396642559, 55.67232429415796, 56.793224205114853,
-    58.007050364060461, 59.680200263089169, 61.232876696778597,
-    62.427428818562269, 63.973042504689445, 65.632536988952083,
-    67.347413597855891, 69.065640807296859, 70.464693299553076,
-    72.418849794356461, 74.105138155507049, 75.662376323980538,
-    77.872835649845626, 79.967351057764517, 81.928379445805646,
-    84.034972341121062, 86.103344705230924, 88.477411000229537,
-    90.312287755291578, 92.507210044700187, 95.060608477240947,
-    97.679889639836844, 100.54820722011901, 104.05860073649033,
-    106.9975903165883, 110.72495391129446, 114.47278880860986,
-    118.67332903577829, 122.47362728985475, 127.29751063199502,
-    131.9947396665213, 137.58105901899614, 143.2436551636288,
-    148.62549462778085, 155.59863941964065, 162.63324375828105,
-    168.58328521973854, 176.47623591935073, 187.10110318413911,
-    194.1945607895322, 205.76585363429373, 218.54795010442368,
-    224.54362476449748, 231.28500418937108, 243.28574251055934,
-    254.11346183370961, 270.37086108698531, 283.71979921314824,
-    298.26484833307381, 309.41788972573079, 335.8183191815636,
-    361.8565261478937, 398.47210782079094, 453.94084657359673,
-    537.44153147414909, 644.04067764548461, 779.41712961885173,
-    1047.3517440661496, 32924.039482636828, 0.0, 0.44937757329633327,
-    0.61250349172115959, 0.7863111534649565, 0.88962062078461757,
-    1.0382238515645796, 1.1737343879099387, 1.3675367911897895,
-    1.4812885968395111, 1.6632187662691276, 1.8341758133782387,
-    1.9619748247014435, 2.0552125983628433, 2.1703209170187905,
-    2.2961317300880717, 2.3982858575534443, 2.4969661855862513,
-    2.6039206933082872, 2.7154863269399461, 2.7935806808717341,
-    2.9157144052335742, 3.0304254455360686, 3.1804609723019346,
-    3.2662231643163544, 3.3535831040758928, 3.4593860912217078,
-    3.5730577882484265, 3.6829046499090672, 3.7926322745010292,
-    3.918389650507887, 4.0461615056476345, 4.1688075178063455,
-    4.261935760927039, 4.3872821403468514, 4.4849226816074195,
-    4.5815647915521316, 4.7329622842326859, 4.8333438381787959,
-    4.9751149870072844, 5.1439939747359258, 5.2679283122041474,
-    5.3979939515818964, 5.4986148492629514, 5.5833034840702549,
-    5.7762491544651375, 5.8901795208691912, 6.0406044947405793,
-    6.1414968907338547, 6.3109595855296661, 6.4702277997994733,
-    6.6084310395612746, 6.7478047002924155, 6.8791042308295953,
-    6.9969768325569115, 7.1196791826285173, 7.2490813954518822,
-    7.4130615395895152, 7.6062113466901806, 7.7506437587572199,
-    7.8830685300393055, 8.0353926744476123, 8.1996939525956183,
-    8.4142220833085606, 8.5808330010701201, 8.7445310419872921,
-    8.9841822249357115, 9.181432418740652, 9.3539737653904709,
-    9.5793187725543287, 9.7462277892814431, 9.9098280489576762,
-    10.04079373626851, 10.211734359829405, 10.501564944142677,
-    10.710373784142686, 10.886736785556671, 11.066921822136326,
-    11.235485714770356, 11.437646009474888, 11.67346914949365,
-    11.83325542414009, 12.036493633448316, 12.32938637637468,
-    12.554138183666348, 12.743210513050011, 12.983810120622046,
-    13.174204038774839, 13.3680862872507, 13.620942224242304,
-    13.890272176459577, 14.165385082423146, 14.413231848006964,
-    14.724376594252243, 14.977328826245193, 15.231234613500565,
-    15.55914351677969, 15.781820608210545, 16.091194364415028,
-    16.347431974296502, 16.596030336748036, 16.887891775703359,
-    17.178071227425107, 17.48876537215957, 17.802979490086393,
-    18.167601675413529, 18.451234059983907, 18.773722324177371,
-    19.095678793499459, 19.393224208627331, 19.892470444495725,
-    20.360431028492791, 20.714816695587093, 21.109538106861837,
-    21.528542624887123, 21.903763658847744, 22.32752745556132,
-    22.932277869765915, 23.443859045149278, 24.010482595441839,
-    24.454443667170533, 24.893590041546005, 25.519805040678591,
-    25.948341902144293, 26.521018356962905, 27.203480036460771,
-    27.923098995772133, 28.875462789782972, 29.551018023069748,
-    29.950704440314354, 30.476114881076313, 31.046996042296136,
-    31.828920785208862, 32.724644642398538, 33.519807747032317,
-    34.207784670738299, 34.978220277672911, 35.82880248810423,
-    36.674526307149222, 37.539567643195326, 38.598050079089823,
-    39.461587691403167, 40.326650088153748, 41.3817881768775,
-    42.413485151973958, 43.434107971290473, 44.327692773369833,
-    45.281573404128643, 46.623500435435595, 47.845340004545946,
-    48.925490779005997, 50.099817716244445, 51.130922527278209,
-    52.52201636244277, 54.171384212197573, 56.251402930866988,
-    57.343667697555219, 59.060037223666868, 60.886212298901022,
-    62.282534857812919, 63.86965941245365, 65.907528655065505,
-    68.060546344496487, 69.886943517625568, 72.15339782090426,
-    74.790861312079699, 76.921991723046403, 79.835163669975174,
-    82.098620972009513, 84.019415664127024, 87.941587866072609,
-    90.308304219949349, 93.475153751625228, 96.866828921040394,
-    99.559133387387135, 103.13311038199714, 107.13838078377783,
-    111.61641909521742, 116.39540365181381, 122.02402340139254,
-    126.12078269274167, 131.70138789081315, 136.7872837632539,
-    142.28439193970823, 147.89576596130524, 152.23255441740992,
-    157.7226413282819, 164.37241204310453, 173.15971613514671,
-    180.11295998936518, 188.48112308463158, 202.36800846564165,
-    217.16809097558243, 229.45603073021095, 243.95331007710857,
-    267.19713077328231, 291.31657906696654, 319.83880240534251,
-    369.84715199786609, 456.83736037240828, 563.36551513987104,
-    1212.4845181047338, 0.0, 0.39299523597374442, 0.57756602839919102,
-    0.74933717643467546, 0.84798806113800529, 0.98808387915300122,
-    1.0731681865898071, 1.1904878246948769, 1.3296105353290197,
-    1.4470486564441511, 1.6132307202687894, 1.7334018816456787,
-    1.8405138120116515, 1.9401180825384614, 2.0206956222611518,
-    2.088323294417457, 2.1965858893088366, 2.2678507808547295,
-    2.3513510591465976, 2.452940588067142, 2.5244403869314138,
-    2.6111507000688201, 2.686185953440015, 2.7762991589505912,
-    2.8623591840837115, 2.9644501753879853, 3.0534304377734371,
-    3.1183306038752914, 3.2022029138736583, 3.3578682900076662,
-    3.4578586494674859, 3.5567846506796079, 3.6352803762683252,
-    3.7653628446367353, 3.8440117447262629, 3.9584732534380351,
-    4.0302646502503574, 4.1218781156084869, 4.211981828454741,
-    4.3396760587886405, 4.4201415569911395, 4.5235887459809963,
-    4.6307469822655509, 4.7731054586827728, 4.8838280863806549,
-    4.9937362132930252, 5.1605178704372632, 5.2560966186259481,
-    5.3556600842824587, 5.4678635206702646, 5.5973168757166114,
-    5.7048755075035276, 5.8878433771286218, 6.0190112054897522,
-    6.118844708522011, 6.2719026695437989, 6.3725565545753042,
-    6.4738742707717662, 6.5961657370971558, 6.6863432232288851,
-    6.8285306029142401, 6.9529888304791623, 7.0345923470005971,
-    7.153050087371815, 7.23828648460319, 7.3488613350575518,
-    7.5297259666276082, 7.665228962415263, 7.814513809818397,
-    7.9676729944874758, 8.0965767962005515, 8.258619388928004,
-    8.4038000906770929, 8.5498166593706451, 8.6979091856223683,
-    8.8099783579444786, 8.9513067459030502, 9.1237502030553657,
-    9.3482831702262139, 9.5044967504159725, 9.6593366065001636,
-    9.82253449013227, 9.9874115529723486, 10.137506876476476,
-    10.289126599046901, 10.444223952502876, 10.599915162622709,
-    10.734363441288647, 10.917595405084366, 11.108460594133211,
-    11.352160340302392, 11.607842306499339, 11.798599260283471,
-    12.009365871239995, 12.251934875461144, 12.49314138461267,
-    12.815528078713546, 13.078160801731713, 13.367979668775682,
-    13.61963788461563, 13.830407348960653, 14.134759793056256,
-    14.406222062237235, 14.719108048702839, 15.039806819372597,
-    15.357959034733886, 15.742708764682598, 16.038031868942646,
-    16.342061974077719, 16.619014591659234, 16.995469066261826,
-    17.440245060531616, 17.749017033014272, 18.105417999557947,
-    18.521262453800805, 18.847635914656443, 19.422978973137425,
-    19.69919609219999, 20.085099945021412, 20.537864119839881,
-    21.008059900732494, 21.532289222273434, 22.054776673981362,
-    22.335014932602295, 22.916014727566228, 23.337139989662067,
-    23.720719036927843, 24.388060450004911, 24.84313177402456,
-    25.486862832547693, 26.168604409957322, 26.702984764635431,
-    27.287480741291404, 27.801078630394546, 28.269720592443107,
-    28.926401527988713, 29.605430975118843, 30.330319669354552,
-    31.30134009465884, 31.993708205209099, 32.73067706792078,
-    33.486394058985752, 34.167581724784604, 35.401930848802451,
-    36.065974473699839, 36.896350829985813, 37.7813927333629,
-    38.921309661559299, 39.97516998571502, 40.789572211691727,
-    42.125840794801142, 43.644711500275349, 44.85355032164108,
-    45.812829425455917, 47.046058315709615, 48.449631897327926,
-    49.622408318720304, 51.04144247927352, 53.201024346560494,
-    54.577940901359469, 55.974500547503887, 57.300272604946706,
-    58.935437915672885, 61.253114155133289, 63.821740538824884,
-    65.624318697869271, 67.454483508361619, 69.123018783403808,
-    71.210354296257066, 74.567150230165254, 76.23070335468914,
-    78.271987515678816, 81.071827225516031, 83.453646862710841,
-    86.529339530495577, 89.958680391197973, 92.139227178417912,
-    95.452626979151631, 98.96652527128883, 102.73989810547134,
-    106.50759157615551, 111.64659346669681, 115.90393310434297,
-    120.92459723788905, 125.40052719866213, 129.67134907792868,
-    135.46294701412262, 142.5538801102015, 151.30070681491432,
-    157.84567716877518, 169.5170423411827, 178.87680934745092,
-    193.39884029816415, 208.14234715671577, 235.5424670602799,
-    259.89890359594898, 295.34858783034383, 334.33861915695468,
-    435.37594838703143, 500.4258992515953, 26136.224608103177, 0.0,
-    0.39973293565211121, 0.54970468651962101, 0.69428019898164828,
-    0.80416896659170267, 0.97256228280721502, 1.0741947545845139,
-    1.1635254227187484, 1.2659631876378288, 1.3822232353331732,
-    1.4871416503290158, 1.6059691148096156, 1.7314193523743162,
-    1.8189928465042873, 1.9334458898159075, 2.0377516716510327,
-    2.1075833274228066, 2.217744079961764, 2.2892931053076637,
-    2.370399790641895, 2.4612447561840849, 2.5289316577717074,
-    2.6468319175582824, 2.7635584974075624, 2.8487982858984613,
-    2.960003647452937, 3.040264995484101, 3.1340583717433561,
-    3.235843360825664, 3.3184989258906628, 3.3887498944054912,
-    3.4742665307996607, 3.5562981091035697, 3.6417013733235564,
-    3.7311047300627127, 3.8872996993864741, 3.9804799011541103,
-    4.0534756404067585, 4.1363024053202926, 4.2208974321794877,
-    4.2861111457481496, 4.3766112965174155, 4.4823314746332565,
-    4.5480736492020721, 4.6140282594933879, 4.6927572802426791,
-    4.7950758075336255, 4.8965365095798212, 5.0072589054206107,
-    5.0975160269495143, 5.2362442989591846, 5.3289517016526302,
-    5.4178449031775839, 5.5118563643244292, 5.5991786537930563,
-    5.7292585294169509, 5.8455520624288511, 5.9835086379946096,
-    6.1056860394816654, 6.2159830829296503, 6.3853574209981945,
-    6.4974583447731833, 6.6378799857782989, 6.7643189783177879,
-    6.9331608618050389, 7.0563877476272356, 7.1597694820310664,
-    7.2747575984770805, 7.4061511602581902, 7.566805332709456,
-    7.7166738418404099, 7.8275904312086375, 7.9656564706412034,
-    8.1244717048328159, 8.3128776945349419, 8.4492226274061721,
-    8.6026791744357034, 8.7913701590231152, 8.9674862747079285,
-    9.203292738543686, 9.4039626926929181, 9.5311545009803265,
-    9.7551708743344214, 9.9026582594455501, 10.022592104276631,
-    10.254556398686347, 10.441547514468155, 10.55911902240299,
-    10.753522809241019, 10.926077226400229, 11.111675067184086,
-    11.282496796620391, 11.542358714530458, 11.747566119524583,
-    12.063275519031006, 12.341240623919091, 12.652985756993917,
-    12.911635251767006, 13.185612347682703, 13.397850815278218,
-    13.510168018667791, 13.823974357607668, 14.079700135326661,
-    14.319520604253412, 14.516982034078424, 14.715852185550794,
-    14.964361234520684, 15.243919353703765, 15.434116248837348,
-    15.848964391761008, 16.086776522206492, 16.492027051516569,
-    16.795026784147762, 17.200208653485955, 17.498774119010612,
-    17.697568539728877, 17.989065229745375, 18.378303894171673,
-    18.701677957394676, 19.000050086953262, 19.305072306272276,
-    19.640223854343546, 20.148513190788542, 20.571031137831589,
-    20.950263329212515, 21.493452145932224, 21.900647991805542,
-    22.368835386038555, 22.757466417332257, 23.266697302860564,
-    23.748918186455164, 24.013428277953601, 24.436060444302342,
-    24.839469583056065, 25.343925184450622, 25.873641504196087,
-    26.482510119485095, 27.117741302188946, 28.028030125009568,
-    28.67264931970686, 29.423325760610378, 29.889992195728581,
-    30.465443031984776, 31.309530466130287, 31.901260500752073,
-    32.799551692053072, 33.541476679668996, 34.443620232941036,
-    35.302557206918429, 36.095895295724823, 36.967344523130116,
-    37.972365673128152, 39.113785970733069, 40.183225976540719,
-    41.415014418976391, 42.519519437606419, 43.877982190483891,
-    45.274268146469012, 46.598258997931197, 47.577075478663595,
-    49.30474498506122, 50.820118338226344, 52.111331702490496,
-    53.410484924257844, 54.902819374535113, 56.280708096832775,
-    57.753628438949818, 58.879346286077769, 59.968520735732298,
-    60.999746067677791, 62.753450775062085, 64.030882243935793,
-    65.729557300284014, 67.561576034705098, 69.665957842633134,
-    71.539525862837877, 73.715255033933218, 76.042333108418404,
-    79.197194154406716, 82.16221890263013, 85.299196384291619,
-    89.066358132689487, 91.826772968117325, 96.091493878155831,
-    101.23287053213269, 106.50298553112719, 109.91541659247912,
-    113.35584144711426, 119.43260281154497, 126.01710530963756,
-    135.83275402928408, 143.34767183967989, 153.86665354982301,
-    165.32615555272824, 178.67838621083195, 195.7780863511025,
-    213.10059234298109, 235.43734867679117, 282.56546879749584,
-    344.49428452558914, 1032.3156481054148, 0.0, 0.28542906758282582,
-    0.44835957796562231, 0.62651997706725926, 0.72080554472755054,
-    0.85153448889118422, 1.0135203835548705, 1.1497401649165981,
-    1.249689630633253, 1.3399789001967404, 1.4564959287102479,
-    1.5525185391245844, 1.645337296328182, 1.7029587642670561,
-    1.7998807148268574, 1.8818193335491449, 1.9378684814241007,
-    2.0045089255406014, 2.0748139436457822, 2.1773066185618797,
-    2.2832712158697772, 2.3883600529626685, 2.51854086329767,
-    2.6082969305879526, 2.6653570235348072, 2.7353083692676279,
-    2.8357637619195271, 2.949800063298929, 3.0384811951680373,
-    3.1078994075124524, 3.2335260889505033, 3.2990419647626399,
-    3.3727668828240933, 3.4799226620744226, 3.5425893742655994,
-    3.602653782843948, 3.6809307822931201, 3.7636220805378935,
-    3.8356481276880539, 3.9348563402662586, 4.0173932529537133,
-    4.1063926031921367, 4.1717702846007647, 4.2630914745857496,
-    4.3776816586639553, 4.4711604153944746, 4.5898411942902397,
-    4.6529598063193873, 4.7594223012672128, 4.859397400196225,
-    4.9911351337934935, 5.0565770304775857, 5.1225454425221839,
-    5.2210476830787913, 5.3162453599135313, 5.4019041740602542,
-    5.4940746055002112, 5.6136974622961269, 5.7781825322921838,
-    5.8753555715066135, 5.9710447043669799, 6.0693550815356012,
-    6.2210987536494446, 6.3057281942751633, 6.4213140942100821,
-    6.5389008456679329, 6.6598814572271587, 6.7667995850353684,
-    6.8447945703412136, 6.9638166797290806, 7.089919065426475,
-    7.2063358053191635, 7.352017914006157, 7.4537565287326801,
-    7.582581434309609, 7.7515979917104838, 7.922857945264326,
-    8.1036189902911531, 8.3020028506929222, 8.4634925955724825,
-    8.6391711422358544, 8.7635395423761935, 8.8992877245899145,
-    9.0893279549043093, 9.3039711595273165, 9.4509385898117682,
-    9.5886214810203292, 9.7390698728931344, 9.9541876691465312,
-    10.169584740152244, 10.408818535856438, 10.659936222779091,
-    10.885872639294179, 11.234872889392312, 11.380004892188218,
-    11.630544911322611, 11.842161705728255, 12.145847767420936,
-    12.330853164469056, 12.583698055254121, 12.816494298528724,
-    13.030768267855716, 13.340667906325312, 13.590963465427643,
-    13.838270526487388, 14.074223027757553, 14.348879588563831,
-    14.623052429806279, 14.889780883997153, 15.16693031574218,
-    15.627987742305928, 15.886715102647821, 16.122720491922152,
-    16.370043221512347, 16.698521062776425, 17.014791424541087,
-    17.277243625151677, 17.630298905505015, 17.922468720470825,
-    18.149957595022286, 18.504105261759602, 18.795720406240982,
-    19.18862905514699, 19.475658613972989, 19.718119783763974,
-    20.003625971835866, 20.315035816376586, 20.769230895348553,
-    21.215197103344, 21.721451002558126, 22.141375933409783,
-    22.495823827116208, 22.862304058851613, 23.305091172097715,
-    23.849319624238138, 24.24364699835543, 24.720699200556524,
-    25.085626207841511, 25.638589513652505, 26.154907865789191,
-    26.464735192229831, 26.827306144197109, 27.546994095945028,
-    28.177135131091795, 28.63885753555148, 29.495195057633349,
-    29.842693161801382, 30.377067174788916, 30.875858140539503,
-    31.744346334559026, 32.758933651918937, 33.726942266387887,
-    34.215890876186286, 35.205804764096222, 36.335678040868849,
-    37.11614771455158, 37.941465739425929, 38.859334633575578,
-    39.928208407832223, 40.699477662771486, 41.819209837420011,
-    43.215290220738062, 43.752358355431525, 44.477418638451525,
-    45.544939322383215, 46.640235116349203, 47.579833058320212,
-    49.08201798196896, 50.659250361498124, 51.765930922941273,
-    53.63059431256552, 55.1000160675475, 56.73201493619726, 58.246215912516156,
-    59.40623788602521, 61.827647106103718, 64.49842649472086,
-    66.976553190431929, 70.198059650548117, 73.471061518231679,
-    75.97093457032166, 78.702576395464334, 81.611672320767141,
-    83.584533696176564, 89.483719245164707, 95.503007633435587,
-    99.897758416618558, 104.5780094282018, 111.60694946504658,
-    117.51568863458957, 127.92288436293775, 136.29858810722959,
-    147.30418079416475, 162.5922919611979, 173.4980042718681,
-    184.44721960771685, 206.66903439286079, 235.60943993849668,
-    279.42538519180954, 395.73590980190897, 767.7437697537913, 0.0,
-    0.36374037786845004, 0.55995190555689123, 0.68730867176589694,
-    0.8050753739354829, 0.92714388919158952, 1.0175094347724474,
-    1.0720068922506483, 1.1785486021612082, 1.2657419124971916,
-    1.4035727483941891, 1.4650786245458309, 1.5545465660549713,
-    1.650599565868383, 1.6933702592952453, 1.7732804777571083,
-    1.8838172082592433, 1.954950718947722, 2.0048840780203179,
-    2.0683672686827492, 2.1645078261391331, 2.2612520597106451,
-    2.3359440089385646, 2.3981343988484136, 2.4476156886612883,
-    2.5691159773482495, 2.6084450349000678, 2.6658038289568791,
-    2.802053890520781, 2.8561183704950697, 2.9543741961709769,
-    3.0135138877978185, 3.0505910337969002, 3.129399027027457,
-    3.1984302483970564, 3.3186190937914195, 3.4057540256655323,
-    3.4777981689415913, 3.5184191917833267, 3.5975803130944266,
-    3.6588848905491038, 3.8130976291367, 3.8802414294541254, 3.957222730170348,
-    4.0900593899149893, 4.1986310350360245, 4.3311490651060334,
-    4.4373460503609401, 4.5587919710581124, 4.6277536709616927,
-    4.6884807290574564, 4.7843280503620607, 4.8638283249690355,
-    4.948337773654341, 5.1040636578149838, 5.1795964194464377,
-    5.2973077144211338, 5.3522785288725707, 5.4939098011676935,
-    5.6180430790090652, 5.7470634587269451, 5.8397056876634732,
-    5.9561260760004444, 6.0433823634687371, 6.1235992948872031,
-    6.2504421209611483, 6.4113950981142374, 6.5516323124086711,
-    6.7244564776287783, 6.8618195100648141, 6.9505641642794975,
-    7.0916813413393385, 7.2272991950515504, 7.3163089878854173,
-    7.4623335136659801, 7.6110387010371117, 7.7791913595037805,
-    7.936641896374983, 8.0878941913267184, 8.2595490578730129,
-    8.385431944546335, 8.5207274071897672, 8.6857803464137824,
-    8.8101649975015821, 8.9536744831786148, 9.0600596564391367,
-    9.2078447326702051, 9.3228888631291884, 9.4666810933090737,
-    9.5842181319219488, 9.7117679522558404, 9.8364937741290674,
-    9.9578885988719605, 10.050258999773828, 10.222935957512945,
-    10.316390929540351, 10.475548798393795, 10.645698388425439,
-    10.784281041251679, 10.948840474245644, 11.18619695562867,
-    11.391007009711993, 11.567902525938473, 11.71609814428081,
-    11.986239831997279, 12.114994517734564, 12.299234012158884,
-    12.519873907814063, 12.863454387962484, 13.071436848150757,
-    13.401814698265529, 13.616665965772345, 13.917822552439985,
-    14.188207378128368, 14.392249303363604, 14.565292790891043,
-    14.8227217543752, 15.082488535254081, 15.353996053129002,
-    15.71970041593713, 16.055798117141507, 16.350541959618788,
-    16.59026542651214, 16.985800718119268, 17.454849654596948,
-    17.727304029707067, 18.074448871862273, 18.657077244754035,
-    19.113484525377181, 19.562570052919153, 20.051208287923327,
-    20.510845671810618, 20.868530774744045, 21.265799148848728,
-    21.905779229740901, 22.253576842522836, 22.93054457765145,
-    23.206345747345235, 23.442698316367355, 23.819566588138276,
-    24.284074517836409, 24.787572758168594, 25.29135993018971,
-    25.702149605001754, 26.244235212381223, 26.972918611793055,
-    27.497687861234269, 27.803253080067293, 28.455954373351648,
-    28.799808431536636, 29.848012115835569, 30.659490646833433,
-    31.278494629826003, 31.986230266586109, 32.844426473455414,
-    33.467758528183403, 34.226128209009545, 35.361957028401591,
-    36.258109649477035, 36.936669242532219, 37.818365857787754,
-    38.696285651145452, 40.081917650133853, 40.64346996992446,
-    41.711711592656641, 42.702888952548854, 43.463449958527363,
-    44.933303891653537, 46.280030045429775, 46.884828739246672,
-    47.9164412951895, 48.816783602198043, 51.059938151143868,
-    52.990341731171874, 55.149664388125281, 56.632548806783447,
-    59.744429378935919, 61.750152716933627, 64.13446025245527,
-    65.894498123950655, 68.469194455591804, 72.127321506278804,
-    75.510184634367306, 79.070343457944233, 82.83698071207391,
-    86.213350717712743, 91.263841459235479, 96.251898067968696,
-    100.97702206389322, 110.24223086163732, 122.08402559600439,
-    133.28649360785434, 143.88249756506781, 165.37750731198261,
-    172.54296243585648, 184.52345636646612, 205.19933792261477,
-    225.68130093091153, 254.48608422209975, 356.13158711494771,
-    667.13884179705951, 0.0, 0.26354229304624982, 0.38447836652746359,
-    0.47827776444151504, 0.57102745980500924, 0.66953353299980622,
-    0.7418659221489563, 0.83156847070200968, 0.90459644576835174,
-    1.0010729921508612, 1.0747030979707302, 1.1266171474464457,
-    1.2074942519793959, 1.2865431026365461, 1.3473439404701553,
-    1.4202020302877516, 1.4768893225494599, 1.5313969774675775,
-    1.5909847654923739, 1.6475355098467457, 1.6997939412324161,
-    1.7637752265692834, 1.8242615872864518, 1.8898188947673684,
-    1.9509538324144411, 2.0098808061983942, 2.0640737132115903,
-    2.1250621349491174, 2.1880199036006234, 2.2482335097460373,
-    2.3224687338799601, 2.3810854640962966, 2.4539462471917695,
-    2.5205389108480092, 2.5736335433800064, 2.6351983220648534,
-    2.7117894124038844, 2.7769524741702436, 2.8358464472920151,
-    2.8923290609616985, 2.952869124430904, 3.019886501351988,
-    3.0890122216294262, 3.1640429065297679, 3.230928687772761,
-    3.2871518048094348, 3.3658272937032447, 3.4150577541035902,
-    3.5021039779235932, 3.5747695852696721, 3.6487836281519805,
-    3.7241574101269204, 3.8142260058409829, 3.889886219446729,
-    3.959556232893171, 4.0356800011365941, 4.1057394274812147,
-    4.1980461864106902, 4.309452131909552, 4.3828331762835537,
-    4.4695204020316721, 4.5367508600967223, 4.6233009941728263,
-    4.723559288314422, 4.8418135782046221, 4.9493007712556114,
-    5.0770358904447308, 5.1638022761303857, 5.258523659828418,
-    5.355344510356554, 5.4603287604488076, 5.5379537810288211,
-    5.6249248142354942, 5.7220275089216761, 5.838923475249886,
-    5.9497212657328467, 6.0583843755738309, 6.1867532212460965,
-    6.3064698765052771, 6.4319591322171776, 6.5483864027049101,
-    6.6488785338577285, 6.7665965268891011, 6.9052017507528056,
-    7.045854866965354, 7.2014256979466307, 7.330485956308558,
-    7.4487327302385404, 7.5665345877761823, 7.6547168896849138,
-    7.8054455606559943, 7.9504829122596341, 8.0783042696456278,
-    8.2122962977826681, 8.3879105778396355, 8.5583569201645879,
-    8.7283836649546007, 8.883891378612029, 9.0083786843632403,
-    9.1761351492455319, 9.3638324400389497, 9.5907615887485385,
-    9.7594846934193047, 10.010833472510898, 10.185621904747663,
-    10.346951216302086, 10.520062141237078, 10.706681377384809,
-    10.967233078599998, 11.138591663326494, 11.336327609263476,
-    11.538065870352529, 11.780969742764785, 12.040396856930878,
-    12.278033460635026, 12.572587972604635, 12.836717579047866,
-    13.112528685175548, 13.349919258349592, 13.711232799022634,
-    13.952743864796032, 14.173739895596908, 14.465060589666624,
-    14.731797503743392, 14.982825032585207, 15.26649112996823,
-    15.569851389101043, 15.807990176918581, 16.100384923714998,
-    16.357766493568764, 16.777677977704688, 17.171170485060028,
-    17.439164114500958, 17.753339594991331, 18.098780157602537,
-    18.506119482642575, 18.872634818431685, 19.158220809140616,
-    19.460619214965231, 19.861854966350609, 20.194551637195691,
-    20.572956591632238, 20.928294578986577, 21.344426709478942,
-    21.66166937542549, 22.240766877718343, 22.565729819049889,
-    23.044323591163653, 23.475228287516739, 23.932777693805892,
-    24.431735905582023, 24.9753478724361, 25.444631767712121,
-    26.034501673986167, 26.793728332827442, 27.366686796047183,
-    27.957289531847202, 28.628949210391269, 29.141828609314189,
-    29.719739181851036, 30.30594251575133, 30.960727844584873,
-    32.027496656930069, 32.974018472252368, 33.863248797022031,
-    34.561629815364022, 35.481873500994837, 36.425956905396923,
-    37.348331262937052, 38.205344049967586, 39.198221653394434,
-    40.278372389201685, 41.677786414811592, 43.065418693400801,
-    44.574973160850661, 46.276760954798682, 47.637500721436417,
-    49.306031705719278, 51.89715331335065, 54.021647205722303,
-    56.568849685307754, 58.260272125967838, 61.01559773170208,
-    63.460178968983008, 66.681062849099575, 70.419627156287063,
-    73.920166575505235, 77.213692861072445, 81.815040784668199,
-    85.962566683415389, 91.041503329412507, 95.177144795049969,
-    99.955722087200343, 108.58955753524259, 117.80784071631163,
-    130.37475347981882, 147.21446326393803, 169.18325814487829,
-    205.95766196129654, 265.65512151989378, 87848.280391018183, 0.0,
-    0.19490317513848199, 0.31818006814142752, 0.44431328428917849,
-    0.51127610159630021, 0.60383086895704507, 0.66138230429826461,
-    0.71265972318194859, 0.76129462676019677, 0.83795014966870063,
-    0.89283607223616412, 0.94121780304322211, 0.99883776020744297,
-    1.0583181972227838, 1.1082428211928517, 1.1713208117143756,
-    1.2148024624665414, 1.2609968601390287, 1.3328682001354739,
-    1.3925492252792258, 1.4667867999704067, 1.514482258913509,
-    1.5743932825824867, 1.6055483247197799, 1.6735799139620093,
-    1.7242981980275145, 1.7695095310430997, 1.8260039068052139,
-    1.8847715885877299, 1.9197993080657989, 1.9744731923762646,
-    2.0311915914165062, 2.1097644028458769, 2.1664244086126137,
-    2.2431869595868097, 2.2837360345225766, 2.3556313195570087,
-    2.405430036905444, 2.4505170860355792, 2.4989854383785239,
-    2.5407069198492236, 2.5973895600257899, 2.6662262216343775,
-    2.7003533281249101, 2.7540559919851004, 2.8059856736986672,
-    2.8744094871135686, 2.9296784011089727, 2.9987201241218648,
-    3.060603076649417, 3.149353771093593, 3.2335250198149148,
-    3.2987481250279922, 3.3813159530575105, 3.420245321649098,
-    3.4667630445198467, 3.5404207818987037, 3.6319368958518181,
-    3.7059200378072354, 3.7740034108713001, 3.8372038077261137,
-    3.9197610988151039, 3.9886257099364339, 4.0660495867193172,
-    4.138300196794412, 4.2257097559547683, 4.3260432863760752,
-    4.4121971145250116, 4.5042890038890597, 4.5643129623079091,
-    4.6632837420436948, 4.760388268790428, 4.8656859399723364,
-    4.9325603768335293, 5.0342194443918942, 5.1201176332551412,
-    5.2068094592308221, 5.2861985755361616, 5.3619402279344657,
-    5.4488952829979578, 5.5661630444890307, 5.6302459604039878,
-    5.7251570645424943, 5.8265289703090026, 5.9757197595129812,
-    6.0745229648833075, 6.1917517048051831, 6.2953470395796423,
-    6.403259690218019, 6.4917627633704118, 6.6358190501534073,
-    6.7679316573810269, 6.8686794099073571, 6.951123042441683,
-    7.0714773931514774, 7.1876874501549377, 7.2851841541363633,
-    7.4277247272769777, 7.545118161206557, 7.6796631181823791,
-    7.8167880642937018, 7.9566071237538072, 8.0603936878360543,
-    8.1832039873181959, 8.3115755716587163, 8.4320844813486833,
-    8.5902802761521784, 8.7221702888496431, 8.8514060135926869,
-    9.0332345688234028, 9.1963706908372931, 9.3367587179861236,
-    9.497006030540005, 9.6427753811526102, 9.8532189063800164,
-    10.050461242163172, 10.168236220470268, 10.348527513241617,
-    10.531791667580992, 10.703985943887844, 10.93278400032537,
-    11.15334897515447, 11.279161608656203, 11.493658887982159,
-    11.629213658946661, 11.813149108077441, 12.148329929207353,
-    12.428225959361159, 12.590673999087862, 12.794134333415222,
-    13.002054595845699, 13.29166579030848, 13.555249875763497,
-    13.805021300146676, 14.163857718369647, 14.396612581875223,
-    14.68307313946254, 14.923008872428863, 15.32205455142778,
-    15.692053745001203, 16.016016291617053, 16.269176030476242,
-    16.559936897997712, 16.907361798334914, 17.258247430228977,
-    17.522507804773419, 17.819739257247601, 18.300494526840033,
-    18.61675208077844, 18.901401014716043, 19.417022408557258,
-    19.797904233478242, 20.228015085729147, 20.637954339218549,
-    21.183210911355513, 21.771881557448339, 22.21773210897102,
-    22.779612813526374, 23.276529546096842, 23.849594764724543,
-    24.446921593531446, 25.015101229550464, 25.658559396356374,
-    26.282199605420455, 27.105386636499361, 27.676243476410885,
-    28.419439927324717, 29.184424065828914, 29.883208551297241,
-    30.862499878001806, 31.713413996846523, 32.826935291082727,
-    33.72406490654123, 34.680776796431886, 35.528359794461842,
-    36.670845950707843, 37.969249977719763, 39.273981900912467,
-    40.244728926237393, 41.483302822400162, 43.211405024691217,
-    44.630074152677139, 46.308911078822682, 48.422856008629161,
-    49.774586644602294, 51.781332900742051, 53.252372889554401,
-    55.257436943999878, 57.314324693762337, 60.134437476839075,
-    64.643054466595004, 67.805529413896068, 72.960204750804039,
-    78.548035565623934, 86.612578466349305, 95.851443874433429,
-    105.43467161328387, 123.71872542791084, 144.47153346382115,
-    176.91525388308472, 309.16164265953068, 0.0, 0.093398210950316154,
-    0.1964204104101267, 0.28305640434431101, 0.37579074941364743,
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-    0.71376871279852483, 0.76604518711445135, 0.80762780660631495,
-    0.86702460155016359, 0.92578293211375118, 0.96655278458941574,
-    1.012408711382466, 1.0389370892326379, 1.0979094469421704,
-    1.1360967828124768, 1.1843998812376955, 1.2121765466487182,
-    1.2356656356376803, 1.269517337829088, 1.3064220440414478,
-    1.3456604109067491, 1.3847455871539975, 1.4433510659744919,
-    1.4787246262422706, 1.5290320752062629, 1.5562124703009197,
-    1.6073426914107938, 1.6404681580522233, 1.6702244973685063,
-    1.73063179859356, 1.7750006715499509, 1.8279516044521678,
-    1.859195201800822, 1.9053170452940513, 1.9280767671566097,
-    1.9902516035810496, 2.0186760912468551, 2.092657238098997,
-    2.1474948054253384, 2.1871961512096565, 2.2317816251782281,
-    2.2907742739410164, 2.3359180870369833, 2.3869816483688759,
-    2.4529856457177273, 2.4909203390683849, 2.5537529934964778,
-    2.6292032978804851, 2.6784202619777213, 2.7190242328666847,
-    2.7592501032192169, 2.8141411237425067, 2.8832878890394928,
-    2.9253711343109838, 2.9954526684612648, 3.0483400308079833,
-    3.1195790079290284, 3.1882923341376097, 3.2475133828248954,
-    3.3082893597110878, 3.3998621255091428, 3.47762860298067,
-    3.5504403144136871, 3.6091991238429708, 3.6617110799009782,
-    3.747352642356359, 3.7869413127021954, 3.8494017410196837,
-    3.9492065318655385, 4.0178432318231367, 4.1459135647020364,
-    4.2117067391482745, 4.2819404568634685, 4.3483465566680453,
-    4.4244779495490469, 4.4626585143965478, 4.529665123797245,
-    4.590443570999347, 4.6959724608287416, 4.7546121047868048,
-    4.8565039814092676, 4.9526895878521771, 5.0443764740864374,
-    5.1192000512767368, 5.2222704461323, 5.3679136440586834, 5.44561515189495,
-    5.573881356101074, 5.6587732114410647, 5.7456859581229036,
-    5.8285056653676959, 5.9249388997940375, 6.0008874169591815,
-    6.1408249280378238, 6.1925479765893821, 6.257597707865, 6.3482665820132933,
-    6.4362617657783012, 6.5018677743421236, 6.5990992264693222,
-    6.7059841755319676, 6.8408659416578956, 6.9783602936172588,
-    7.0768404883339144, 7.275512674657814, 7.3760305080718176,
-    7.4852630022878435, 7.5558323048134834, 7.6469369887215128,
-    7.7796586853873126, 7.8927874437708638, 7.9917930786552116,
-    8.1024563434454961, 8.2999865668501034, 8.4506558762494599,
-    8.5965995871403145, 8.8639775066208841, 8.963955758417768,
-    9.1445204978480277, 9.3391048111935557, 9.4789266524635813,
-    9.6269538620278485, 9.798523665360058, 9.9267454692157209,
-    10.135523291360611, 10.266903541690644, 10.45005203381487,
-    10.715778409248584, 10.96464567850493, 11.083463676843031,
-    11.256660301260217, 11.500996192642983, 11.687974340512826,
-    11.903229343489697, 12.133709181931877, 12.310998874748263,
-    12.750272219083747, 13.056147482613222, 13.253490555112993,
-    13.675145968268881, 13.924230477174909, 14.217574079767886,
-    14.571236022596374, 14.939288725850155, 15.314551253615292,
-    15.575987515584663, 15.833645863054313, 16.200485384427974,
-    16.477465196601848, 16.843241153808755, 17.272849032588312,
-    17.796542227272955, 18.154946140541519, 18.42280855377696,
-    18.768141850732011, 19.187362345680633, 19.591309885228171,
-    19.89722345376024, 20.702595711695711, 21.128564543818339,
-    21.527729127045859, 21.98660526945358, 22.521671536797641,
-    23.024367946134102, 23.561848505072032, 24.014992900974836,
-    24.436576472708754, 25.503186568685322, 26.610835772872736,
-    27.151442239196715, 27.70328225888667, 28.806039995726948,
-    29.627287233320377, 30.315284533811624, 31.327683853768139,
-    32.147834022257314, 32.92691659425568, 34.04201415685305,
-    35.413352753610873, 36.221826443150817, 37.977707465427912,
-    39.36878752355473, 40.951879054950432, 42.365682197246947,
-    44.629804117764586, 46.795396750300675, 49.67533805194968,
-    54.589345174300426, 59.129570664612665, 65.197403972300108,
-    72.17408937465612, 82.574762345786382, 93.478082113773723,
-    137.00082761546682, 199.8118228761337, 0.0, 0.10986207372166874,
-    0.14872621306540318, 0.19845064349132605, 0.23956108970357301,
-    0.27567089124994565, 0.30377868213388104, 0.33708359499769869,
-    0.36673053244321807, 0.39912993308020295, 0.426779015978206,
-    0.44779438158941426, 0.47517643738476034, 0.50286573074575236,
-    0.52693060971954953, 0.55098158547076637, 0.58123019985394664,
-    0.60493909669532997, 0.63389774238520347, 0.67186606098347501,
-    0.69617002023919206, 0.72425525288091774, 0.74131268328835165,
-    0.75822441587657952, 0.78496504186460769, 0.81439669478023768,
-    0.83597937513562759, 0.86590383841807772, 0.8832207398905233,
-    0.9128885288784947, 0.93278832232658382, 0.9712970144945392,
-    0.98805434822469451, 1.017363705614581, 1.0437582087199948,
-    1.0718487411987458, 1.1004250896437773, 1.1194711959360109,
-    1.1437610856843738, 1.1703135770105868, 1.2056434217949175,
-    1.2338045789280789, 1.2543783796951538, 1.2881091828814166,
-    1.3112986519959224, 1.3412713397963407, 1.3643779221604135,
-    1.3915419763427743, 1.4135745730894449, 1.4437349779195308,
-    1.4780368538634174, 1.5059249898934794, 1.5377824779923701,
-    1.5720832254223982, 1.6052142651949446, 1.6359894194069291,
-    1.6698249679324384, 1.7010194250562272, 1.7272294927445859,
-    1.7640864928040065, 1.8021508917193763, 1.836941181297739,
-    1.8572858792099074, 1.8790413654272671, 1.9118884108245098,
-    1.942073490357896, 1.9694860799879985, 2.0015645272239428,
-    2.0522149106625998, 2.0912660589444134, 2.1247257810064668,
-    2.1749093251088301, 2.2217650563723126, 2.2797139028050473,
-    2.3273351675369698, 2.3662520837977135, 2.4085161957373407,
-    2.44842259128407, 2.4966048731591064, 2.5293551875388931,
-    2.5632601598410365, 2.6058201417068219, 2.6332894599197223,
-    2.6736218730705206, 2.7182676740160878, 2.7675212194433909,
-    2.812780412941005, 2.851379316835152, 2.8952580472277556,
-    2.9324664002449192, 2.9730447751871556, 3.0227975296309393,
-    3.0615273198990827, 3.1268021698603428, 3.174893627551298,
-    3.2193684712802222, 3.2683746695506959, 3.3223129099795639,
-    3.373078633435032, 3.436781965208882, 3.4965341709413189,
-    3.5485636123343998, 3.6258706424876941, 3.6600532837001367,
-    3.70560155555301, 3.7650593373841739, 3.8358507676461393,
-    3.9084549757206171, 3.9708021023524647, 4.0212671115382888,
-    4.0946288617889595, 4.1394244422887896, 4.2188351505187107,
-    4.2823861107092336, 4.345215736329938, 4.4124531199132271,
-    4.4715502537649803, 4.5793747033075158, 4.6772348615589658,
-    4.7793135998354499, 4.8587348255519132, 4.9729544448725447,
-    5.0694000105385566, 5.1648687512296263, 5.2375026757215011,
-    5.3107689102038451, 5.3918869300439356, 5.4798227286901664,
-    5.5404131589193328, 5.648241044217758, 5.7449977826195706,
-    5.8598429438509489, 5.9784308800284593, 6.0724910376893559,
-    6.2240939885017204, 6.3418997607004348, 6.4869662152984544,
-    6.6005309624044228, 6.7321547133945252, 6.8313273194562418,
-    6.9553827276444107, 7.0978539209087161, 7.2385617409417087,
-    7.4083545257663301, 7.5207064390014864, 7.6784562087734116,
-    7.8094272468662487, 7.9694720845049609, 8.1498776347751605,
-    8.3017112945801781, 8.5266505277166349, 8.6503142671472784,
-    8.9054272928070564, 9.1373026527777839, 9.3315715528110896,
-    9.5401595700260877, 9.7597048968193185, 9.9666371700161704,
-    10.22144069326451, 10.408114251683418, 10.676084943208242,
-    10.908036087339795, 11.20436716656776, 11.477519824720831,
-    11.808217307144476, 12.095306359268855, 12.384349218033464,
-    12.685309460589796, 12.923557637527606, 13.204138344604788,
-    13.616900691559191, 13.979656973992922, 14.606515576714788,
-    14.962258652534821, 15.314510650339031, 15.724483559731054,
-    16.382829228207918, 17.009132961353529, 17.366569031693889,
-    17.900210603831621, 18.648573105414446, 19.363994023453447,
-    20.143558523165193, 20.828002130195308, 21.73898624871266,
-    22.409876982562661, 23.415203632804776, 24.355119676733135,
-    25.938175172718896, 27.639017238717773, 29.341494300849057,
-    30.595119225694788, 32.714674098003904, 35.49272152410154,
-    37.928565199883295, 43.491713440727274, 47.581292491927705,
-    57.969627624865709, 63.340294577285306, 80.397876878853367,
-    1699.4418298669216, 0.0, 0.057563746961587628, 0.072111582138628103,
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-    0.12297408594046662, 0.13531860413261979, 0.14452962166237915,
-    0.18495685986529226, 0.19550850903207695, 0.22061034782875669,
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-    0.32122508788845933, 0.33311366430341305, 0.34236037155250942,
-    0.35256380627730061, 0.35729858105022982, 0.36206918848814695,
-    0.36696792159332803, 0.37634614206748435, 0.38534850898782269,
-    0.3894744547332164, 0.40001857990165496, 0.40628143701841141,
-    0.41257543810712505, 0.42792024247708083, 0.43741390937376029,
-    0.44679385424881979, 0.45338668180597402, 0.45852917891908479,
-    0.46847035670602488, 0.47881191760237773, 0.48636454017775488,
-    0.49953494697176376, 0.50860731875951681, 0.51485110540295576,
-    0.52109982877729388, 0.52856828716304816, 0.53396501041075717,
-    0.54519067350690764, 0.55087030570382234, 0.56120787950497175,
-    0.56947875574614748, 0.57879694500782908, 0.59045771217758214,
-    0.60020074472460661, 0.61356581621742379, 0.62339692092995469,
-    0.62921777922324307, 0.63757958596122966, 0.64566282308710643,
-    0.65337163144903077, 0.65757954743934188, 0.66731107005984081,
-    0.68506693378151473, 0.69407449975565316, 0.71475464833393743,
-    0.71919154363460669, 0.72854121818321049, 0.73768805533929283,
-    0.74964936797719572, 0.77319064552644212, 0.78475208628536974,
-    0.79568283458133116, 0.80765736770217855, 0.81877434008276662,
-    0.82795271525666825, 0.83973491168326087, 0.84972560110746476,
-    0.85639470621002023, 0.8647134858775507, 0.88244802261826683,
-    0.89985271988240045, 0.92340768696765485, 0.93788541450428287,
-    0.94792835531188524, 0.96027918757802155, 0.96921149562521636,
-    0.97952213604373195, 0.98854957689191614, 0.99970116951294496,
-    1.00882043327571, 1.0201870773908586, 1.041349919759516,
-    1.0556530343908901, 1.0756585260782074, 1.088223830319788,
-    1.0958784727426483, 1.1149995386526934, 1.1304796415226661,
-    1.1446063542280724, 1.1638356180596499, 1.1745794869462154,
-    1.193511657405055, 1.2182391405087374, 1.2382096317106388,
-    1.2472982421708765, 1.2622218704529613, 1.2744400683695623,
-    1.2908221594923039, 1.305167165044943, 1.3252374721898401,
-    1.3384679854994657, 1.3542873322844842, 1.3724563152241775,
-    1.3892962190041085, 1.4109408775708268, 1.419655422200014,
-    1.4315263030154188, 1.4527276892177177, 1.4683378048771656,
-    1.4867165057343337, 1.516076453749051, 1.5433792065946024,
-    1.5553543482759045, 1.5609831318052232, 1.5806764726673499,
-    1.6041131847991026, 1.6344144243726575, 1.6710888016711845,
-    1.7061932731840148, 1.7354452179890347, 1.7630243267926291,
-    1.7975788676407549, 1.814028785525206, 1.8281150670319055,
-    1.8550087441605427, 1.8737649522280617, 1.8856226040366797,
-    1.9079304881331332, 1.9442107218496263, 1.9659920408787115,
-    1.9983699901526899, 2.0223202139688512, 2.0401740051464592,
-    2.0748888988742027, 2.1149914291249212, 2.1360608521646109,
-    2.1565833101041338, 2.1693334907915234, 2.207376721598215,
-    2.2255919603217067, 2.272629194554781, 2.3279774087392666,
-    2.3517585387327471, 2.3910765083557908, 2.4703248547335415,
-    2.5208338119493607, 2.5806226807785433, 2.6402836153572076,
-    2.7185362598168772, 2.7677835795641461, 2.8180997959029526,
-    2.8326345693021624, 2.8701055927549652, 2.9318268717765115,
-    3.0139842815042615, 3.0571236539047622, 3.1734047661118234,
-    3.2297672388561938, 3.3059073464928148, 3.3897975561487925,
-    3.4745601523423382, 3.5452181551689357, 3.6265670674665991,
-    3.7050473014775043, 3.8309245560041219, 3.9372996837644192,
-    4.0716930145722978, 4.212857083996437, 4.2692123731220972,
-    4.46591990841738, 4.5523023767467139, 4.6548916677892533,
-    4.7758394764018659, 4.9758326990027228, 5.2769985200911247,
-    5.5486096014042028, 5.7245726086000337, 6.0102407093754762,
-    6.1426829331257933, 6.287333950013684, 6.5928811370882103,
-    6.9367730409204489, 7.0646691460119388, 7.2083448239980932,
-    7.5049899728910674, 8.1901484843386374, 8.6011704867597345,
-    9.304469886954676, 10.665731252277961, 11.88866301597937,
-    13.361123901157045, 18.497872676781789, 25.178694947474682
+    0.0,
+    0.56094372606762677,
+    0.7748555093433106,
+    0.95310767752176617,
+    1.1906079835411554,
+    1.4135063615181933,
+    1.5469706087575439,
+    1.717637715444549,
+    1.9078084450312611,
+    2.078830865302939,
+    2.3673694393209286,
+    2.5652916154906422,
+    2.719176314163422,
+    2.9143350583182777,
+    3.0556867288035465,
+    3.3314071492430846,
+    3.5309373944964433,
+    3.7198259542235506,
+    3.9746173222307726,
+    4.1716075147757152,
+    4.3331714146492013,
+    4.5010791980770231,
+    4.7010753304750965,
+    4.8936058791922381,
+    5.1037597147293932,
+    5.2592473096915198,
+    5.4933808099586612,
+    5.6277238343814533,
+    5.8620859412865522,
+    6.1059450539869653,
+    6.3120134479962893,
+    6.5830830775944706,
+    6.8200926493441481,
+    7.0702834736372564,
+    7.3483462204604635,
+    7.6264067744909951,
+    7.8372782469612465,
+    8.0617780685477705,
+    8.3995622657866384,
+    8.7403882283600378,
+    9.0992605207420993,
+    9.3705162889778926,
+    9.75889880418889,
+    10.194686638374007,
+    10.438514323942188,
+    10.726873592781514,
+    11.069318434988878,
+    11.396569108340843,
+    11.801419844938572,
+    12.128206841266881,
+    12.485948104637052,
+    12.756299870388832,
+    13.076944452763826,
+    13.458692068837927,
+    13.824717813822369,
+    14.316393196413889,
+    14.621905587891465,
+    14.888480073624264,
+    15.335930506891625,
+    15.609627342322275,
+    16.191900883034002,
+    16.54381609680534,
+    17.147813194052553,
+    17.468929751742763,
+    17.940480341162086,
+    18.345046931400908,
+    18.601290104964175,
+    19.011371018239437,
+    19.335036342308854,
+    19.740516156682062,
+    20.13447317647455,
+    20.462447938558235,
+    21.091090849462493,
+    21.556877958704259,
+    21.823267014913611,
+    22.208749180717806,
+    22.786099855049944,
+    23.371401551338806,
+    23.73315353587088,
+    24.31738397233147,
+    24.625223648727555,
+    25.069412618036147,
+    25.928099135972015,
+    26.497110723217201,
+    27.085968731165757,
+    27.631123699960334,
+    28.187584878982072,
+    28.991619387322526,
+    29.353231676085986,
+    30.083376143103514,
+    30.880607280324416,
+    31.435216510900492,
+    32.392330109783813,
+    32.921554836523583,
+    33.514110805447565,
+    34.303809151243847,
+    35.456294459561711,
+    36.280791683627093,
+    36.940252784295062,
+    37.717899566227963,
+    38.457688239199655,
+    39.596732893642503,
+    40.36400419560065,
+    40.945135884536548,
+    41.797758649637814,
+    42.487275414278201,
+    43.921777494122409,
+    44.874273975496472,
+    45.67446232320151,
+    46.727212320012811,
+    47.45119952715492,
+    48.639858771576726,
+    49.370473491276989,
+    50.528638968567975,
+    51.389834372987714,
+    52.582079342007546,
+    53.589199085657242,
+    54.585243505081834,
+    55.622223351244195,
+    56.936556831025484,
+    58.385520290381457,
+    59.451232373507203,
+    60.588566421499443,
+    62.401492617291595,
+    63.88804064081846,
+    65.599157033995837,
+    67.204436723739235,
+    69.4912133287594,
+    71.622345320740351,
+    73.103725049112015,
+    75.089813374922841,
+    76.884823802108912,
+    78.275061550352873,
+    80.357326438684495,
+    83.305006897820235,
+    85.400732831032357,
+    87.218868459052473,
+    89.130072489534143,
+    91.252783666141042,
+    92.815637585979999,
+    95.739391170148252,
+    98.435092605981637,
+    100.31960869294872,
+    102.50286766025864,
+    105.48705400852423,
+    108.82295714914468,
+    111.39204546177986,
+    114.62248349802513,
+    117.87687880992867,
+    119.40484241859349,
+    122.7734081083525,
+    125.26971884287919,
+    128.55177396728385,
+    131.66269963489299,
+    136.57359107720188,
+    140.51816667169177,
+    144.16804544736863,
+    150.35987039520109,
+    154.72466658210519,
+    160.54109480247283,
+    164.18861964598716,
+    170.24309324015738,
+    175.29889321042558,
+    183.11630724838597,
+    189.01683118972002,
+    196.90975774880297,
+    204.49263459337524,
+    213.04893801936598,
+    219.75869942751646,
+    228.19907555440614,
+    239.44926809073948,
+    248.20168822805923,
+    259.25320106736922,
+    265.44318466962994,
+    277.32312416782054,
+    288.56952434288797,
+    298.64263419554209,
+    315.25981209742378,
+    331.89024853535398,
+    342.74298087821637,
+    360.77964203727674,
+    378.48547030119011,
+    392.5550051422876,
+    405.31614074355014,
+    421.74150173342304,
+    441.4412304371254,
+    457.82211257306926,
+    480.45566322885566,
+    513.45774433642032,
+    555.4000490334372,
+    605.92811073979146,
+    652.49495125201292,
+    704.61385101258315,
+    786.33845891481292,
+    874.04643470496728,
+    1012.3600088462719,
+    1159.4774300577808,
+    1379.2669821003758,
+    1756.1106436012778,
+    2357.4547208831491,
+    217148.93534056327,
+    0.0,
+    0.46532971898727915,
+    0.68496949409616426,
+    0.94645340397600952,
+    1.102736193185504,
+    1.312453009792369,
+    1.4867727436472011,
+    1.6340240974064906,
+    1.8260512349059785,
+    1.9700706984768943,
+    2.1040893787044128,
+    2.2333135236192967,
+    2.3880111121966587,
+    2.5520785579949155,
+    2.6739841145948597,
+    2.8075636832160806,
+    2.9039966303754365,
+    3.0345967971695451,
+    3.2102417439344437,
+    3.3137856992787351,
+    3.4376002808848787,
+    3.5571277890563819,
+    3.6898499180667237,
+    3.799063723671626,
+    3.94997555574531,
+    4.0925736583580976,
+    4.2086028832412561,
+    4.3390635740171728,
+    4.4761244808887941,
+    4.6023420572801266,
+    4.7263227277876512,
+    4.8591547764014482,
+    5.0957595508246589,
+    5.30514679884981,
+    5.4401600222425195,
+    5.5717535777959721,
+    5.7003644346866409,
+    5.8768488839999593,
+    5.991691304228997,
+    6.1771150398732244,
+    6.3465048845874961,
+    6.4948860632013519,
+    6.6772230060948159,
+    6.8030943590107249,
+    6.9813191429783039,
+    7.165284199966873,
+    7.3873559281058423,
+    7.5948269266966975,
+    7.801592658633016,
+    7.9955249125214145,
+    8.1905643672046686,
+    8.3270830680818655,
+    8.5054910750061179,
+    8.7225666260180663,
+    8.9368113184240965,
+    9.1376808053645888,
+    9.3633428615533649,
+    9.5990825604962264,
+    9.7364383724201087,
+    9.9186955590691088,
+    10.124746714296,
+    10.40687565362729,
+    10.737648017833138,
+    11.012188237958963,
+    11.214102933586581,
+    11.45440355061357,
+    11.736264046084917,
+    12.026226014607102,
+    12.245762888886343,
+    12.541549269023777,
+    12.756641375192153,
+    12.98360561266394,
+    13.288306417225625,
+    13.526164571303489,
+    13.75503655409527,
+    14.117128492708087,
+    14.374029807073448,
+    14.712173108685258,
+    14.981897180990096,
+    15.344366904559326,
+    15.600391910392348,
+    16.020999494977502,
+    16.300440442407332,
+    16.606309936976054,
+    16.902143272482817,
+    17.159816580240875,
+    17.461774805635738,
+    17.781122815339479,
+    18.119654210560597,
+    18.48063214553467,
+    18.820102897217541,
+    19.161710076244763,
+    19.479832189525602,
+    19.848403979835609,
+    20.122299299121863,
+    20.43004460334555,
+    20.753188532047265,
+    21.116860477662346,
+    21.534773567291243,
+    22.137744141529421,
+    22.45219966811996,
+    22.843712755485114,
+    23.327127510714419,
+    23.801219885543535,
+    24.400068243422009,
+    24.859199781454677,
+    25.249212813218318,
+    25.681597611963909,
+    26.218124149559316,
+    26.865624109857663,
+    27.476273115575268,
+    28.003316090112232,
+    28.465744086402083,
+    29.114406317582951,
+    29.863184721251695,
+    30.645923853117178,
+    31.411221663197541,
+    32.083675244596449,
+    32.623907125336849,
+    33.542071438820663,
+    34.423855107765,
+    35.090015994189059,
+    35.83529395578082,
+    36.739635743840758,
+    37.456669272617518,
+    38.267335328548761,
+    39.333029993613607,
+    40.288484522728531,
+    41.508400903755643,
+    42.819861162087363,
+    43.639905039190687,
+    44.572666361081048,
+    45.821482473822918,
+    46.862153416881057,
+    48.147392790601714,
+    49.404082667631819,
+    50.527705863342902,
+    52.004399737632923,
+    53.494784474459131,
+    54.714589396642559,
+    55.67232429415796,
+    56.793224205114853,
+    58.007050364060461,
+    59.680200263089169,
+    61.232876696778597,
+    62.427428818562269,
+    63.973042504689445,
+    65.632536988952083,
+    67.347413597855891,
+    69.065640807296859,
+    70.464693299553076,
+    72.418849794356461,
+    74.105138155507049,
+    75.662376323980538,
+    77.872835649845626,
+    79.967351057764517,
+    81.928379445805646,
+    84.034972341121062,
+    86.103344705230924,
+    88.477411000229537,
+    90.312287755291578,
+    92.507210044700187,
+    95.060608477240947,
+    97.679889639836844,
+    100.54820722011901,
+    104.05860073649033,
+    106.9975903165883,
+    110.72495391129446,
+    114.47278880860986,
+    118.67332903577829,
+    122.47362728985475,
+    127.29751063199502,
+    131.9947396665213,
+    137.58105901899614,
+    143.2436551636288,
+    148.62549462778085,
+    155.59863941964065,
+    162.63324375828105,
+    168.58328521973854,
+    176.47623591935073,
+    187.10110318413911,
+    194.1945607895322,
+    205.76585363429373,
+    218.54795010442368,
+    224.54362476449748,
+    231.28500418937108,
+    243.28574251055934,
+    254.11346183370961,
+    270.37086108698531,
+    283.71979921314824,
+    298.26484833307381,
+    309.41788972573079,
+    335.8183191815636,
+    361.8565261478937,
+    398.47210782079094,
+    453.94084657359673,
+    537.44153147414909,
+    644.04067764548461,
+    779.41712961885173,
+    1047.3517440661496,
+    32924.039482636828,
+    0.0,
+    0.44937757329633327,
+    0.61250349172115959,
+    0.7863111534649565,
+    0.88962062078461757,
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+    1.1737343879099387,
+    1.3675367911897895,
+    1.4812885968395111,
+    1.6632187662691276,
+    1.8341758133782387,
+    1.9619748247014435,
+    2.0552125983628433,
+    2.1703209170187905,
+    2.2961317300880717,
+    2.3982858575534443,
+    2.4969661855862513,
+    2.6039206933082872,
+    2.7154863269399461,
+    2.7935806808717341,
+    2.9157144052335742,
+    3.0304254455360686,
+    3.1804609723019346,
+    3.2662231643163544,
+    3.3535831040758928,
+    3.4593860912217078,
+    3.5730577882484265,
+    3.6829046499090672,
+    3.7926322745010292,
+    3.918389650507887,
+    4.0461615056476345,
+    4.1688075178063455,
+    4.261935760927039,
+    4.3872821403468514,
+    4.4849226816074195,
+    4.5815647915521316,
+    4.7329622842326859,
+    4.8333438381787959,
+    4.9751149870072844,
+    5.1439939747359258,
+    5.2679283122041474,
+    5.3979939515818964,
+    5.4986148492629514,
+    5.5833034840702549,
+    5.7762491544651375,
+    5.8901795208691912,
+    6.0406044947405793,
+    6.1414968907338547,
+    6.3109595855296661,
+    6.4702277997994733,
+    6.6084310395612746,
+    6.7478047002924155,
+    6.8791042308295953,
+    6.9969768325569115,
+    7.1196791826285173,
+    7.2490813954518822,
+    7.4130615395895152,
+    7.6062113466901806,
+    7.7506437587572199,
+    7.8830685300393055,
+    8.0353926744476123,
+    8.1996939525956183,
+    8.4142220833085606,
+    8.5808330010701201,
+    8.7445310419872921,
+    8.9841822249357115,
+    9.181432418740652,
+    9.3539737653904709,
+    9.5793187725543287,
+    9.7462277892814431,
+    9.9098280489576762,
+    10.04079373626851,
+    10.211734359829405,
+    10.501564944142677,
+    10.710373784142686,
+    10.886736785556671,
+    11.066921822136326,
+    11.235485714770356,
+    11.437646009474888,
+    11.67346914949365,
+    11.83325542414009,
+    12.036493633448316,
+    12.32938637637468,
+    12.554138183666348,
+    12.743210513050011,
+    12.983810120622046,
+    13.174204038774839,
+    13.3680862872507,
+    13.620942224242304,
+    13.890272176459577,
+    14.165385082423146,
+    14.413231848006964,
+    14.724376594252243,
+    14.977328826245193,
+    15.231234613500565,
+    15.55914351677969,
+    15.781820608210545,
+    16.091194364415028,
+    16.347431974296502,
+    16.596030336748036,
+    16.887891775703359,
+    17.178071227425107,
+    17.48876537215957,
+    17.802979490086393,
+    18.167601675413529,
+    18.451234059983907,
+    18.773722324177371,
+    19.095678793499459,
+    19.393224208627331,
+    19.892470444495725,
+    20.360431028492791,
+    20.714816695587093,
+    21.109538106861837,
+    21.528542624887123,
+    21.903763658847744,
+    22.32752745556132,
+    22.932277869765915,
+    23.443859045149278,
+    24.010482595441839,
+    24.454443667170533,
+    24.893590041546005,
+    25.519805040678591,
+    25.948341902144293,
+    26.521018356962905,
+    27.203480036460771,
+    27.923098995772133,
+    28.875462789782972,
+    29.551018023069748,
+    29.950704440314354,
+    30.476114881076313,
+    31.046996042296136,
+    31.828920785208862,
+    32.724644642398538,
+    33.519807747032317,
+    34.207784670738299,
+    34.978220277672911,
+    35.82880248810423,
+    36.674526307149222,
+    37.539567643195326,
+    38.598050079089823,
+    39.461587691403167,
+    40.326650088153748,
+    41.3817881768775,
+    42.413485151973958,
+    43.434107971290473,
+    44.327692773369833,
+    45.281573404128643,
+    46.623500435435595,
+    47.845340004545946,
+    48.925490779005997,
+    50.099817716244445,
+    51.130922527278209,
+    52.52201636244277,
+    54.171384212197573,
+    56.251402930866988,
+    57.343667697555219,
+    59.060037223666868,
+    60.886212298901022,
+    62.282534857812919,
+    63.86965941245365,
+    65.907528655065505,
+    68.060546344496487,
+    69.886943517625568,
+    72.15339782090426,
+    74.790861312079699,
+    76.921991723046403,
+    79.835163669975174,
+    82.098620972009513,
+    84.019415664127024,
+    87.941587866072609,
+    90.308304219949349,
+    93.475153751625228,
+    96.866828921040394,
+    99.559133387387135,
+    103.13311038199714,
+    107.13838078377783,
+    111.61641909521742,
+    116.39540365181381,
+    122.02402340139254,
+    126.12078269274167,
+    131.70138789081315,
+    136.7872837632539,
+    142.28439193970823,
+    147.89576596130524,
+    152.23255441740992,
+    157.7226413282819,
+    164.37241204310453,
+    173.15971613514671,
+    180.11295998936518,
+    188.48112308463158,
+    202.36800846564165,
+    217.16809097558243,
+    229.45603073021095,
+    243.95331007710857,
+    267.19713077328231,
+    291.31657906696654,
+    319.83880240534251,
+    369.84715199786609,
+    456.83736037240828,
+    563.36551513987104,
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+    0.0,
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+    1.7334018816456787,
+    1.8405138120116515,
+    1.9401180825384614,
+    2.0206956222611518,
+    2.088323294417457,
+    2.1965858893088366,
+    2.2678507808547295,
+    2.3513510591465976,
+    2.452940588067142,
+    2.5244403869314138,
+    2.6111507000688201,
+    2.686185953440015,
+    2.7762991589505912,
+    2.8623591840837115,
+    2.9644501753879853,
+    3.0534304377734371,
+    3.1183306038752914,
+    3.2022029138736583,
+    3.3578682900076662,
+    3.4578586494674859,
+    3.5567846506796079,
+    3.6352803762683252,
+    3.7653628446367353,
+    3.8440117447262629,
+    3.9584732534380351,
+    4.0302646502503574,
+    4.1218781156084869,
+    4.211981828454741,
+    4.3396760587886405,
+    4.4201415569911395,
+    4.5235887459809963,
+    4.6307469822655509,
+    4.7731054586827728,
+    4.8838280863806549,
+    4.9937362132930252,
+    5.1605178704372632,
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+    5.3556600842824587,
+    5.4678635206702646,
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+    5.8878433771286218,
+    6.0190112054897522,
+    6.118844708522011,
+    6.2719026695437989,
+    6.3725565545753042,
+    6.4738742707717662,
+    6.5961657370971558,
+    6.6863432232288851,
+    6.8285306029142401,
+    6.9529888304791623,
+    7.0345923470005971,
+    7.153050087371815,
+    7.23828648460319,
+    7.3488613350575518,
+    7.5297259666276082,
+    7.665228962415263,
+    7.814513809818397,
+    7.9676729944874758,
+    8.0965767962005515,
+    8.258619388928004,
+    8.4038000906770929,
+    8.5498166593706451,
+    8.6979091856223683,
+    8.8099783579444786,
+    8.9513067459030502,
+    9.1237502030553657,
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+    9.5044967504159725,
+    9.6593366065001636,
+    9.82253449013227,
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+    10.289126599046901,
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+    10.599915162622709,
+    10.734363441288647,
+    10.917595405084366,
+    11.108460594133211,
+    11.352160340302392,
+    11.607842306499339,
+    11.798599260283471,
+    12.009365871239995,
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+    12.49314138461267,
+    12.815528078713546,
+    13.078160801731713,
+    13.367979668775682,
+    13.61963788461563,
+    13.830407348960653,
+    14.134759793056256,
+    14.406222062237235,
+    14.719108048702839,
+    15.039806819372597,
+    15.357959034733886,
+    15.742708764682598,
+    16.038031868942646,
+    16.342061974077719,
+    16.619014591659234,
+    16.995469066261826,
+    17.440245060531616,
+    17.749017033014272,
+    18.105417999557947,
+    18.521262453800805,
+    18.847635914656443,
+    19.422978973137425,
+    19.69919609219999,
+    20.085099945021412,
+    20.537864119839881,
+    21.008059900732494,
+    21.532289222273434,
+    22.054776673981362,
+    22.335014932602295,
+    22.916014727566228,
+    23.337139989662067,
+    23.720719036927843,
+    24.388060450004911,
+    24.84313177402456,
+    25.486862832547693,
+    26.168604409957322,
+    26.702984764635431,
+    27.287480741291404,
+    27.801078630394546,
+    28.269720592443107,
+    28.926401527988713,
+    29.605430975118843,
+    30.330319669354552,
+    31.30134009465884,
+    31.993708205209099,
+    32.73067706792078,
+    33.486394058985752,
+    34.167581724784604,
+    35.401930848802451,
+    36.065974473699839,
+    36.896350829985813,
+    37.7813927333629,
+    38.921309661559299,
+    39.97516998571502,
+    40.789572211691727,
+    42.125840794801142,
+    43.644711500275349,
+    44.85355032164108,
+    45.812829425455917,
+    47.046058315709615,
+    48.449631897327926,
+    49.622408318720304,
+    51.04144247927352,
+    53.201024346560494,
+    54.577940901359469,
+    55.974500547503887,
+    57.300272604946706,
+    58.935437915672885,
+    61.253114155133289,
+    63.821740538824884,
+    65.624318697869271,
+    67.454483508361619,
+    69.123018783403808,
+    71.210354296257066,
+    74.567150230165254,
+    76.23070335468914,
+    78.271987515678816,
+    81.071827225516031,
+    83.453646862710841,
+    86.529339530495577,
+    89.958680391197973,
+    92.139227178417912,
+    95.452626979151631,
+    98.96652527128883,
+    102.73989810547134,
+    106.50759157615551,
+    111.64659346669681,
+    115.90393310434297,
+    120.92459723788905,
+    125.40052719866213,
+    129.67134907792868,
+    135.46294701412262,
+    142.5538801102015,
+    151.30070681491432,
+    157.84567716877518,
+    169.5170423411827,
+    178.87680934745092,
+    193.39884029816415,
+    208.14234715671577,
+    235.5424670602799,
+    259.89890359594898,
+    295.34858783034383,
+    334.33861915695468,
+    435.37594838703143,
+    500.4258992515953,
+    26136.224608103177,
+    0.0,
+    0.39973293565211121,
+    0.54970468651962101,
+    0.69428019898164828,
+    0.80416896659170267,
+    0.97256228280721502,
+    1.0741947545845139,
+    1.1635254227187484,
+    1.2659631876378288,
+    1.3822232353331732,
+    1.4871416503290158,
+    1.6059691148096156,
+    1.7314193523743162,
+    1.8189928465042873,
+    1.9334458898159075,
+    2.0377516716510327,
+    2.1075833274228066,
+    2.217744079961764,
+    2.2892931053076637,
+    2.370399790641895,
+    2.4612447561840849,
+    2.5289316577717074,
+    2.6468319175582824,
+    2.7635584974075624,
+    2.8487982858984613,
+    2.960003647452937,
+    3.040264995484101,
+    3.1340583717433561,
+    3.235843360825664,
+    3.3184989258906628,
+    3.3887498944054912,
+    3.4742665307996607,
+    3.5562981091035697,
+    3.6417013733235564,
+    3.7311047300627127,
+    3.8872996993864741,
+    3.9804799011541103,
+    4.0534756404067585,
+    4.1363024053202926,
+    4.2208974321794877,
+    4.2861111457481496,
+    4.3766112965174155,
+    4.4823314746332565,
+    4.5480736492020721,
+    4.6140282594933879,
+    4.6927572802426791,
+    4.7950758075336255,
+    4.8965365095798212,
+    5.0072589054206107,
+    5.0975160269495143,
+    5.2362442989591846,
+    5.3289517016526302,
+    5.4178449031775839,
+    5.5118563643244292,
+    5.5991786537930563,
+    5.7292585294169509,
+    5.8455520624288511,
+    5.9835086379946096,
+    6.1056860394816654,
+    6.2159830829296503,
+    6.3853574209981945,
+    6.4974583447731833,
+    6.6378799857782989,
+    6.7643189783177879,
+    6.9331608618050389,
+    7.0563877476272356,
+    7.1597694820310664,
+    7.2747575984770805,
+    7.4061511602581902,
+    7.566805332709456,
+    7.7166738418404099,
+    7.8275904312086375,
+    7.9656564706412034,
+    8.1244717048328159,
+    8.3128776945349419,
+    8.4492226274061721,
+    8.6026791744357034,
+    8.7913701590231152,
+    8.9674862747079285,
+    9.203292738543686,
+    9.4039626926929181,
+    9.5311545009803265,
+    9.7551708743344214,
+    9.9026582594455501,
+    10.022592104276631,
+    10.254556398686347,
+    10.441547514468155,
+    10.55911902240299,
+    10.753522809241019,
+    10.926077226400229,
+    11.111675067184086,
+    11.282496796620391,
+    11.542358714530458,
+    11.747566119524583,
+    12.063275519031006,
+    12.341240623919091,
+    12.652985756993917,
+    12.911635251767006,
+    13.185612347682703,
+    13.397850815278218,
+    13.510168018667791,
+    13.823974357607668,
+    14.079700135326661,
+    14.319520604253412,
+    14.516982034078424,
+    14.715852185550794,
+    14.964361234520684,
+    15.243919353703765,
+    15.434116248837348,
+    15.848964391761008,
+    16.086776522206492,
+    16.492027051516569,
+    16.795026784147762,
+    17.200208653485955,
+    17.498774119010612,
+    17.697568539728877,
+    17.989065229745375,
+    18.378303894171673,
+    18.701677957394676,
+    19.000050086953262,
+    19.305072306272276,
+    19.640223854343546,
+    20.148513190788542,
+    20.571031137831589,
+    20.950263329212515,
+    21.493452145932224,
+    21.900647991805542,
+    22.368835386038555,
+    22.757466417332257,
+    23.266697302860564,
+    23.748918186455164,
+    24.013428277953601,
+    24.436060444302342,
+    24.839469583056065,
+    25.343925184450622,
+    25.873641504196087,
+    26.482510119485095,
+    27.117741302188946,
+    28.028030125009568,
+    28.67264931970686,
+    29.423325760610378,
+    29.889992195728581,
+    30.465443031984776,
+    31.309530466130287,
+    31.901260500752073,
+    32.799551692053072,
+    33.541476679668996,
+    34.443620232941036,
+    35.302557206918429,
+    36.095895295724823,
+    36.967344523130116,
+    37.972365673128152,
+    39.113785970733069,
+    40.183225976540719,
+    41.415014418976391,
+    42.519519437606419,
+    43.877982190483891,
+    45.274268146469012,
+    46.598258997931197,
+    47.577075478663595,
+    49.30474498506122,
+    50.820118338226344,
+    52.111331702490496,
+    53.410484924257844,
+    54.902819374535113,
+    56.280708096832775,
+    57.753628438949818,
+    58.879346286077769,
+    59.968520735732298,
+    60.999746067677791,
+    62.753450775062085,
+    64.030882243935793,
+    65.729557300284014,
+    67.561576034705098,
+    69.665957842633134,
+    71.539525862837877,
+    73.715255033933218,
+    76.042333108418404,
+    79.197194154406716,
+    82.16221890263013,
+    85.299196384291619,
+    89.066358132689487,
+    91.826772968117325,
+    96.091493878155831,
+    101.23287053213269,
+    106.50298553112719,
+    109.91541659247912,
+    113.35584144711426,
+    119.43260281154497,
+    126.01710530963756,
+    135.83275402928408,
+    143.34767183967989,
+    153.86665354982301,
+    165.32615555272824,
+    178.67838621083195,
+    195.7780863511025,
+    213.10059234298109,
+    235.43734867679117,
+    282.56546879749584,
+    344.49428452558914,
+    1032.3156481054148,
+    0.0,
+    0.28542906758282582,
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+    0.62651997706725926,
+    0.72080554472755054,
+    0.85153448889118422,
+    1.0135203835548705,
+    1.1497401649165981,
+    1.249689630633253,
+    1.3399789001967404,
+    1.4564959287102479,
+    1.5525185391245844,
+    1.645337296328182,
+    1.7029587642670561,
+    1.7998807148268574,
+    1.8818193335491449,
+    1.9378684814241007,
+    2.0045089255406014,
+    2.0748139436457822,
+    2.1773066185618797,
+    2.2832712158697772,
+    2.3883600529626685,
+    2.51854086329767,
+    2.6082969305879526,
+    2.6653570235348072,
+    2.7353083692676279,
+    2.8357637619195271,
+    2.949800063298929,
+    3.0384811951680373,
+    3.1078994075124524,
+    3.2335260889505033,
+    3.2990419647626399,
+    3.3727668828240933,
+    3.4799226620744226,
+    3.5425893742655994,
+    3.602653782843948,
+    3.6809307822931201,
+    3.7636220805378935,
+    3.8356481276880539,
+    3.9348563402662586,
+    4.0173932529537133,
+    4.1063926031921367,
+    4.1717702846007647,
+    4.2630914745857496,
+    4.3776816586639553,
+    4.4711604153944746,
+    4.5898411942902397,
+    4.6529598063193873,
+    4.7594223012672128,
+    4.859397400196225,
+    4.9911351337934935,
+    5.0565770304775857,
+    5.1225454425221839,
+    5.2210476830787913,
+    5.3162453599135313,
+    5.4019041740602542,
+    5.4940746055002112,
+    5.6136974622961269,
+    5.7781825322921838,
+    5.8753555715066135,
+    5.9710447043669799,
+    6.0693550815356012,
+    6.2210987536494446,
+    6.3057281942751633,
+    6.4213140942100821,
+    6.5389008456679329,
+    6.6598814572271587,
+    6.7667995850353684,
+    6.8447945703412136,
+    6.9638166797290806,
+    7.089919065426475,
+    7.2063358053191635,
+    7.352017914006157,
+    7.4537565287326801,
+    7.582581434309609,
+    7.7515979917104838,
+    7.922857945264326,
+    8.1036189902911531,
+    8.3020028506929222,
+    8.4634925955724825,
+    8.6391711422358544,
+    8.7635395423761935,
+    8.8992877245899145,
+    9.0893279549043093,
+    9.3039711595273165,
+    9.4509385898117682,
+    9.5886214810203292,
+    9.7390698728931344,
+    9.9541876691465312,
+    10.169584740152244,
+    10.408818535856438,
+    10.659936222779091,
+    10.885872639294179,
+    11.234872889392312,
+    11.380004892188218,
+    11.630544911322611,
+    11.842161705728255,
+    12.145847767420936,
+    12.330853164469056,
+    12.583698055254121,
+    12.816494298528724,
+    13.030768267855716,
+    13.340667906325312,
+    13.590963465427643,
+    13.838270526487388,
+    14.074223027757553,
+    14.348879588563831,
+    14.623052429806279,
+    14.889780883997153,
+    15.16693031574218,
+    15.627987742305928,
+    15.886715102647821,
+    16.122720491922152,
+    16.370043221512347,
+    16.698521062776425,
+    17.014791424541087,
+    17.277243625151677,
+    17.630298905505015,
+    17.922468720470825,
+    18.149957595022286,
+    18.504105261759602,
+    18.795720406240982,
+    19.18862905514699,
+    19.475658613972989,
+    19.718119783763974,
+    20.003625971835866,
+    20.315035816376586,
+    20.769230895348553,
+    21.215197103344,
+    21.721451002558126,
+    22.141375933409783,
+    22.495823827116208,
+    22.862304058851613,
+    23.305091172097715,
+    23.849319624238138,
+    24.24364699835543,
+    24.720699200556524,
+    25.085626207841511,
+    25.638589513652505,
+    26.154907865789191,
+    26.464735192229831,
+    26.827306144197109,
+    27.546994095945028,
+    28.177135131091795,
+    28.63885753555148,
+    29.495195057633349,
+    29.842693161801382,
+    30.377067174788916,
+    30.875858140539503,
+    31.744346334559026,
+    32.758933651918937,
+    33.726942266387887,
+    34.215890876186286,
+    35.205804764096222,
+    36.335678040868849,
+    37.11614771455158,
+    37.941465739425929,
+    38.859334633575578,
+    39.928208407832223,
+    40.699477662771486,
+    41.819209837420011,
+    43.215290220738062,
+    43.752358355431525,
+    44.477418638451525,
+    45.544939322383215,
+    46.640235116349203,
+    47.579833058320212,
+    49.08201798196896,
+    50.659250361498124,
+    51.765930922941273,
+    53.63059431256552,
+    55.1000160675475,
+    56.73201493619726,
+    58.246215912516156,
+    59.40623788602521,
+    61.827647106103718,
+    64.49842649472086,
+    66.976553190431929,
+    70.198059650548117,
+    73.471061518231679,
+    75.97093457032166,
+    78.702576395464334,
+    81.611672320767141,
+    83.584533696176564,
+    89.483719245164707,
+    95.503007633435587,
+    99.897758416618558,
+    104.5780094282018,
+    111.60694946504658,
+    117.51568863458957,
+    127.92288436293775,
+    136.29858810722959,
+    147.30418079416475,
+    162.5922919611979,
+    173.4980042718681,
+    184.44721960771685,
+    206.66903439286079,
+    235.60943993849668,
+    279.42538519180954,
+    395.73590980190897,
+    767.7437697537913,
+    0.0,
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+    1.4035727483941891,
+    1.4650786245458309,
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+    1.6933702592952453,
+    1.7732804777571083,
+    1.8838172082592433,
+    1.954950718947722,
+    2.0048840780203179,
+    2.0683672686827492,
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+    2.2612520597106451,
+    2.3359440089385646,
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+    2.4476156886612883,
+    2.5691159773482495,
+    2.6084450349000678,
+    2.6658038289568791,
+    2.802053890520781,
+    2.8561183704950697,
+    2.9543741961709769,
+    3.0135138877978185,
+    3.0505910337969002,
+    3.129399027027457,
+    3.1984302483970564,
+    3.3186190937914195,
+    3.4057540256655323,
+    3.4777981689415913,
+    3.5184191917833267,
+    3.5975803130944266,
+    3.6588848905491038,
+    3.8130976291367,
+    3.8802414294541254,
+    3.957222730170348,
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+    4.1986310350360245,
+    4.3311490651060334,
+    4.4373460503609401,
+    4.5587919710581124,
+    4.6277536709616927,
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+    4.7843280503620607,
+    4.8638283249690355,
+    4.948337773654341,
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+    5.1795964194464377,
+    5.2973077144211338,
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+    5.4939098011676935,
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+    5.9561260760004444,
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+    6.2504421209611483,
+    6.4113950981142374,
+    6.5516323124086711,
+    6.7244564776287783,
+    6.8618195100648141,
+    6.9505641642794975,
+    7.0916813413393385,
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+    7.3163089878854173,
+    7.4623335136659801,
+    7.6110387010371117,
+    7.7791913595037805,
+    7.936641896374983,
+    8.0878941913267184,
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+    8.385431944546335,
+    8.5207274071897672,
+    8.6857803464137824,
+    8.8101649975015821,
+    8.9536744831786148,
+    9.0600596564391367,
+    9.2078447326702051,
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+    9.4666810933090737,
+    9.5842181319219488,
+    9.7117679522558404,
+    9.8364937741290674,
+    9.9578885988719605,
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+    10.222935957512945,
+    10.316390929540351,
+    10.475548798393795,
+    10.645698388425439,
+    10.784281041251679,
+    10.948840474245644,
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+    11.71609814428081,
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+    12.299234012158884,
+    12.519873907814063,
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+    13.071436848150757,
+    13.401814698265529,
+    13.616665965772345,
+    13.917822552439985,
+    14.188207378128368,
+    14.392249303363604,
+    14.565292790891043,
+    14.8227217543752,
+    15.082488535254081,
+    15.353996053129002,
+    15.71970041593713,
+    16.055798117141507,
+    16.350541959618788,
+    16.59026542651214,
+    16.985800718119268,
+    17.454849654596948,
+    17.727304029707067,
+    18.074448871862273,
+    18.657077244754035,
+    19.113484525377181,
+    19.562570052919153,
+    20.051208287923327,
+    20.510845671810618,
+    20.868530774744045,
+    21.265799148848728,
+    21.905779229740901,
+    22.253576842522836,
+    22.93054457765145,
+    23.206345747345235,
+    23.442698316367355,
+    23.819566588138276,
+    24.284074517836409,
+    24.787572758168594,
+    25.29135993018971,
+    25.702149605001754,
+    26.244235212381223,
+    26.972918611793055,
+    27.497687861234269,
+    27.803253080067293,
+    28.455954373351648,
+    28.799808431536636,
+    29.848012115835569,
+    30.659490646833433,
+    31.278494629826003,
+    31.986230266586109,
+    32.844426473455414,
+    33.467758528183403,
+    34.226128209009545,
+    35.361957028401591,
+    36.258109649477035,
+    36.936669242532219,
+    37.818365857787754,
+    38.696285651145452,
+    40.081917650133853,
+    40.64346996992446,
+    41.711711592656641,
+    42.702888952548854,
+    43.463449958527363,
+    44.933303891653537,
+    46.280030045429775,
+    46.884828739246672,
+    47.9164412951895,
+    48.816783602198043,
+    51.059938151143868,
+    52.990341731171874,
+    55.149664388125281,
+    56.632548806783447,
+    59.744429378935919,
+    61.750152716933627,
+    64.13446025245527,
+    65.894498123950655,
+    68.469194455591804,
+    72.127321506278804,
+    75.510184634367306,
+    79.070343457944233,
+    82.83698071207391,
+    86.213350717712743,
+    91.263841459235479,
+    96.251898067968696,
+    100.97702206389322,
+    110.24223086163732,
+    122.08402559600439,
+    133.28649360785434,
+    143.88249756506781,
+    165.37750731198261,
+    172.54296243585648,
+    184.52345636646612,
+    205.19933792261477,
+    225.68130093091153,
+    254.48608422209975,
+    356.13158711494771,
+    667.13884179705951,
+    0.0,
+    0.26354229304624982,
+    0.38447836652746359,
+    0.47827776444151504,
+    0.57102745980500924,
+    0.66953353299980622,
+    0.7418659221489563,
+    0.83156847070200968,
+    0.90459644576835174,
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+    1.0747030979707302,
+    1.1266171474464457,
+    1.2074942519793959,
+    1.2865431026365461,
+    1.3473439404701553,
+    1.4202020302877516,
+    1.4768893225494599,
+    1.5313969774675775,
+    1.5909847654923739,
+    1.6475355098467457,
+    1.6997939412324161,
+    1.7637752265692834,
+    1.8242615872864518,
+    1.8898188947673684,
+    1.9509538324144411,
+    2.0098808061983942,
+    2.0640737132115903,
+    2.1250621349491174,
+    2.1880199036006234,
+    2.2482335097460373,
+    2.3224687338799601,
+    2.3810854640962966,
+    2.4539462471917695,
+    2.5205389108480092,
+    2.5736335433800064,
+    2.6351983220648534,
+    2.7117894124038844,
+    2.7769524741702436,
+    2.8358464472920151,
+    2.8923290609616985,
+    2.952869124430904,
+    3.019886501351988,
+    3.0890122216294262,
+    3.1640429065297679,
+    3.230928687772761,
+    3.2871518048094348,
+    3.3658272937032447,
+    3.4150577541035902,
+    3.5021039779235932,
+    3.5747695852696721,
+    3.6487836281519805,
+    3.7241574101269204,
+    3.8142260058409829,
+    3.889886219446729,
+    3.959556232893171,
+    4.0356800011365941,
+    4.1057394274812147,
+    4.1980461864106902,
+    4.309452131909552,
+    4.3828331762835537,
+    4.4695204020316721,
+    4.5367508600967223,
+    4.6233009941728263,
+    4.723559288314422,
+    4.8418135782046221,
+    4.9493007712556114,
+    5.0770358904447308,
+    5.1638022761303857,
+    5.258523659828418,
+    5.355344510356554,
+    5.4603287604488076,
+    5.5379537810288211,
+    5.6249248142354942,
+    5.7220275089216761,
+    5.838923475249886,
+    5.9497212657328467,
+    6.0583843755738309,
+    6.1867532212460965,
+    6.3064698765052771,
+    6.4319591322171776,
+    6.5483864027049101,
+    6.6488785338577285,
+    6.7665965268891011,
+    6.9052017507528056,
+    7.045854866965354,
+    7.2014256979466307,
+    7.330485956308558,
+    7.4487327302385404,
+    7.5665345877761823,
+    7.6547168896849138,
+    7.8054455606559943,
+    7.9504829122596341,
+    8.0783042696456278,
+    8.2122962977826681,
+    8.3879105778396355,
+    8.5583569201645879,
+    8.7283836649546007,
+    8.883891378612029,
+    9.0083786843632403,
+    9.1761351492455319,
+    9.3638324400389497,
+    9.5907615887485385,
+    9.7594846934193047,
+    10.010833472510898,
+    10.185621904747663,
+    10.346951216302086,
+    10.520062141237078,
+    10.706681377384809,
+    10.967233078599998,
+    11.138591663326494,
+    11.336327609263476,
+    11.538065870352529,
+    11.780969742764785,
+    12.040396856930878,
+    12.278033460635026,
+    12.572587972604635,
+    12.836717579047866,
+    13.112528685175548,
+    13.349919258349592,
+    13.711232799022634,
+    13.952743864796032,
+    14.173739895596908,
+    14.465060589666624,
+    14.731797503743392,
+    14.982825032585207,
+    15.26649112996823,
+    15.569851389101043,
+    15.807990176918581,
+    16.100384923714998,
+    16.357766493568764,
+    16.777677977704688,
+    17.171170485060028,
+    17.439164114500958,
+    17.753339594991331,
+    18.098780157602537,
+    18.506119482642575,
+    18.872634818431685,
+    19.158220809140616,
+    19.460619214965231,
+    19.861854966350609,
+    20.194551637195691,
+    20.572956591632238,
+    20.928294578986577,
+    21.344426709478942,
+    21.66166937542549,
+    22.240766877718343,
+    22.565729819049889,
+    23.044323591163653,
+    23.475228287516739,
+    23.932777693805892,
+    24.431735905582023,
+    24.9753478724361,
+    25.444631767712121,
+    26.034501673986167,
+    26.793728332827442,
+    27.366686796047183,
+    27.957289531847202,
+    28.628949210391269,
+    29.141828609314189,
+    29.719739181851036,
+    30.30594251575133,
+    30.960727844584873,
+    32.027496656930069,
+    32.974018472252368,
+    33.863248797022031,
+    34.561629815364022,
+    35.481873500994837,
+    36.425956905396923,
+    37.348331262937052,
+    38.205344049967586,
+    39.198221653394434,
+    40.278372389201685,
+    41.677786414811592,
+    43.065418693400801,
+    44.574973160850661,
+    46.276760954798682,
+    47.637500721436417,
+    49.306031705719278,
+    51.89715331335065,
+    54.021647205722303,
+    56.568849685307754,
+    58.260272125967838,
+    61.01559773170208,
+    63.460178968983008,
+    66.681062849099575,
+    70.419627156287063,
+    73.920166575505235,
+    77.213692861072445,
+    81.815040784668199,
+    85.962566683415389,
+    91.041503329412507,
+    95.177144795049969,
+    99.955722087200343,
+    108.58955753524259,
+    117.80784071631163,
+    130.37475347981882,
+    147.21446326393803,
+    169.18325814487829,
+    205.95766196129654,
+    265.65512151989378,
+    87848.280391018183,
+    0.0,
+    0.19490317513848199,
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+    0.66138230429826461,
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+    0.94121780304322211,
+    0.99883776020744297,
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+    1.1082428211928517,
+    1.1713208117143756,
+    1.2148024624665414,
+    1.2609968601390287,
+    1.3328682001354739,
+    1.3925492252792258,
+    1.4667867999704067,
+    1.514482258913509,
+    1.5743932825824867,
+    1.6055483247197799,
+    1.6735799139620093,
+    1.7242981980275145,
+    1.7695095310430997,
+    1.8260039068052139,
+    1.8847715885877299,
+    1.9197993080657989,
+    1.9744731923762646,
+    2.0311915914165062,
+    2.1097644028458769,
+    2.1664244086126137,
+    2.2431869595868097,
+    2.2837360345225766,
+    2.3556313195570087,
+    2.405430036905444,
+    2.4505170860355792,
+    2.4989854383785239,
+    2.5407069198492236,
+    2.5973895600257899,
+    2.6662262216343775,
+    2.7003533281249101,
+    2.7540559919851004,
+    2.8059856736986672,
+    2.8744094871135686,
+    2.9296784011089727,
+    2.9987201241218648,
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+    3.149353771093593,
+    3.2335250198149148,
+    3.2987481250279922,
+    3.3813159530575105,
+    3.420245321649098,
+    3.4667630445198467,
+    3.5404207818987037,
+    3.6319368958518181,
+    3.7059200378072354,
+    3.7740034108713001,
+    3.8372038077261137,
+    3.9197610988151039,
+    3.9886257099364339,
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+    4.138300196794412,
+    4.2257097559547683,
+    4.3260432863760752,
+    4.4121971145250116,
+    4.5042890038890597,
+    4.5643129623079091,
+    4.6632837420436948,
+    4.760388268790428,
+    4.8656859399723364,
+    4.9325603768335293,
+    5.0342194443918942,
+    5.1201176332551412,
+    5.2068094592308221,
+    5.2861985755361616,
+    5.3619402279344657,
+    5.4488952829979578,
+    5.5661630444890307,
+    5.6302459604039878,
+    5.7251570645424943,
+    5.8265289703090026,
+    5.9757197595129812,
+    6.0745229648833075,
+    6.1917517048051831,
+    6.2953470395796423,
+    6.403259690218019,
+    6.4917627633704118,
+    6.6358190501534073,
+    6.7679316573810269,
+    6.8686794099073571,
+    6.951123042441683,
+    7.0714773931514774,
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+    7.2851841541363633,
+    7.4277247272769777,
+    7.545118161206557,
+    7.6796631181823791,
+    7.8167880642937018,
+    7.9566071237538072,
+    8.0603936878360543,
+    8.1832039873181959,
+    8.3115755716587163,
+    8.4320844813486833,
+    8.5902802761521784,
+    8.7221702888496431,
+    8.8514060135926869,
+    9.0332345688234028,
+    9.1963706908372931,
+    9.3367587179861236,
+    9.497006030540005,
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+    9.8532189063800164,
+    10.050461242163172,
+    10.168236220470268,
+    10.348527513241617,
+    10.531791667580992,
+    10.703985943887844,
+    10.93278400032537,
+    11.15334897515447,
+    11.279161608656203,
+    11.493658887982159,
+    11.629213658946661,
+    11.813149108077441,
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+    12.428225959361159,
+    12.590673999087862,
+    12.794134333415222,
+    13.002054595845699,
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+    13.555249875763497,
+    13.805021300146676,
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+    14.396612581875223,
+    14.68307313946254,
+    14.923008872428863,
+    15.32205455142778,
+    15.692053745001203,
+    16.016016291617053,
+    16.269176030476242,
+    16.559936897997712,
+    16.907361798334914,
+    17.258247430228977,
+    17.522507804773419,
+    17.819739257247601,
+    18.300494526840033,
+    18.61675208077844,
+    18.901401014716043,
+    19.417022408557258,
+    19.797904233478242,
+    20.228015085729147,
+    20.637954339218549,
+    21.183210911355513,
+    21.771881557448339,
+    22.21773210897102,
+    22.779612813526374,
+    23.276529546096842,
+    23.849594764724543,
+    24.446921593531446,
+    25.015101229550464,
+    25.658559396356374,
+    26.282199605420455,
+    27.105386636499361,
+    27.676243476410885,
+    28.419439927324717,
+    29.184424065828914,
+    29.883208551297241,
+    30.862499878001806,
+    31.713413996846523,
+    32.826935291082727,
+    33.72406490654123,
+    34.680776796431886,
+    35.528359794461842,
+    36.670845950707843,
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+    39.273981900912467,
+    40.244728926237393,
+    41.483302822400162,
+    43.211405024691217,
+    44.630074152677139,
+    46.308911078822682,
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+    49.774586644602294,
+    51.781332900742051,
+    53.252372889554401,
+    55.257436943999878,
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+    60.134437476839075,
+    64.643054466595004,
+    67.805529413896068,
+    72.960204750804039,
+    78.548035565623934,
+    86.612578466349305,
+    95.851443874433429,
+    105.43467161328387,
+    123.71872542791084,
+    144.47153346382115,
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+    0.0,
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+    1.9053170452940513,
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+    2.4909203390683849,
+    2.5537529934964778,
+    2.6292032978804851,
+    2.6784202619777213,
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+    2.9954526684612648,
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+    3.1882923341376097,
+    3.2475133828248954,
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+    3.3998621255091428,
+    3.47762860298067,
+    3.5504403144136871,
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+    3.6617110799009782,
+    3.747352642356359,
+    3.7869413127021954,
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+    3.9492065318655385,
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+    6.5990992264693222,
+    6.7059841755319676,
+    6.8408659416578956,
+    6.9783602936172588,
+    7.0768404883339144,
+    7.275512674657814,
+    7.3760305080718176,
+    7.4852630022878435,
+    7.5558323048134834,
+    7.6469369887215128,
+    7.7796586853873126,
+    7.8927874437708638,
+    7.9917930786552116,
+    8.1024563434454961,
+    8.2999865668501034,
+    8.4506558762494599,
+    8.5965995871403145,
+    8.8639775066208841,
+    8.963955758417768,
+    9.1445204978480277,
+    9.3391048111935557,
+    9.4789266524635813,
+    9.6269538620278485,
+    9.798523665360058,
+    9.9267454692157209,
+    10.135523291360611,
+    10.266903541690644,
+    10.45005203381487,
+    10.715778409248584,
+    10.96464567850493,
+    11.083463676843031,
+    11.256660301260217,
+    11.500996192642983,
+    11.687974340512826,
+    11.903229343489697,
+    12.133709181931877,
+    12.310998874748263,
+    12.750272219083747,
+    13.056147482613222,
+    13.253490555112993,
+    13.675145968268881,
+    13.924230477174909,
+    14.217574079767886,
+    14.571236022596374,
+    14.939288725850155,
+    15.314551253615292,
+    15.575987515584663,
+    15.833645863054313,
+    16.200485384427974,
+    16.477465196601848,
+    16.843241153808755,
+    17.272849032588312,
+    17.796542227272955,
+    18.154946140541519,
+    18.42280855377696,
+    18.768141850732011,
+    19.187362345680633,
+    19.591309885228171,
+    19.89722345376024,
+    20.702595711695711,
+    21.128564543818339,
+    21.527729127045859,
+    21.98660526945358,
+    22.521671536797641,
+    23.024367946134102,
+    23.561848505072032,
+    24.014992900974836,
+    24.436576472708754,
+    25.503186568685322,
+    26.610835772872736,
+    27.151442239196715,
+    27.70328225888667,
+    28.806039995726948,
+    29.627287233320377,
+    30.315284533811624,
+    31.327683853768139,
+    32.147834022257314,
+    32.92691659425568,
+    34.04201415685305,
+    35.413352753610873,
+    36.221826443150817,
+    37.977707465427912,
+    39.36878752355473,
+    40.951879054950432,
+    42.365682197246947,
+    44.629804117764586,
+    46.795396750300675,
+    49.67533805194968,
+    54.589345174300426,
+    59.129570664612665,
+    65.197403972300108,
+    72.17408937465612,
+    82.574762345786382,
+    93.478082113773723,
+    137.00082761546682,
+    199.8118228761337,
+    0.0,
+    0.10986207372166874,
+    0.14872621306540318,
+    0.19845064349132605,
+    0.23956108970357301,
+    0.27567089124994565,
+    0.30377868213388104,
+    0.33708359499769869,
+    0.36673053244321807,
+    0.39912993308020295,
+    0.426779015978206,
+    0.44779438158941426,
+    0.47517643738476034,
+    0.50286573074575236,
+    0.52693060971954953,
+    0.55098158547076637,
+    0.58123019985394664,
+    0.60493909669532997,
+    0.63389774238520347,
+    0.67186606098347501,
+    0.69617002023919206,
+    0.72425525288091774,
+    0.74131268328835165,
+    0.75822441587657952,
+    0.78496504186460769,
+    0.81439669478023768,
+    0.83597937513562759,
+    0.86590383841807772,
+    0.8832207398905233,
+    0.9128885288784947,
+    0.93278832232658382,
+    0.9712970144945392,
+    0.98805434822469451,
+    1.017363705614581,
+    1.0437582087199948,
+    1.0718487411987458,
+    1.1004250896437773,
+    1.1194711959360109,
+    1.1437610856843738,
+    1.1703135770105868,
+    1.2056434217949175,
+    1.2338045789280789,
+    1.2543783796951538,
+    1.2881091828814166,
+    1.3112986519959224,
+    1.3412713397963407,
+    1.3643779221604135,
+    1.3915419763427743,
+    1.4135745730894449,
+    1.4437349779195308,
+    1.4780368538634174,
+    1.5059249898934794,
+    1.5377824779923701,
+    1.5720832254223982,
+    1.6052142651949446,
+    1.6359894194069291,
+    1.6698249679324384,
+    1.7010194250562272,
+    1.7272294927445859,
+    1.7640864928040065,
+    1.8021508917193763,
+    1.836941181297739,
+    1.8572858792099074,
+    1.8790413654272671,
+    1.9118884108245098,
+    1.942073490357896,
+    1.9694860799879985,
+    2.0015645272239428,
+    2.0522149106625998,
+    2.0912660589444134,
+    2.1247257810064668,
+    2.1749093251088301,
+    2.2217650563723126,
+    2.2797139028050473,
+    2.3273351675369698,
+    2.3662520837977135,
+    2.4085161957373407,
+    2.44842259128407,
+    2.4966048731591064,
+    2.5293551875388931,
+    2.5632601598410365,
+    2.6058201417068219,
+    2.6332894599197223,
+    2.6736218730705206,
+    2.7182676740160878,
+    2.7675212194433909,
+    2.812780412941005,
+    2.851379316835152,
+    2.8952580472277556,
+    2.9324664002449192,
+    2.9730447751871556,
+    3.0227975296309393,
+    3.0615273198990827,
+    3.1268021698603428,
+    3.174893627551298,
+    3.2193684712802222,
+    3.2683746695506959,
+    3.3223129099795639,
+    3.373078633435032,
+    3.436781965208882,
+    3.4965341709413189,
+    3.5485636123343998,
+    3.6258706424876941,
+    3.6600532837001367,
+    3.70560155555301,
+    3.7650593373841739,
+    3.8358507676461393,
+    3.9084549757206171,
+    3.9708021023524647,
+    4.0212671115382888,
+    4.0946288617889595,
+    4.1394244422887896,
+    4.2188351505187107,
+    4.2823861107092336,
+    4.345215736329938,
+    4.4124531199132271,
+    4.4715502537649803,
+    4.5793747033075158,
+    4.6772348615589658,
+    4.7793135998354499,
+    4.8587348255519132,
+    4.9729544448725447,
+    5.0694000105385566,
+    5.1648687512296263,
+    5.2375026757215011,
+    5.3107689102038451,
+    5.3918869300439356,
+    5.4798227286901664,
+    5.5404131589193328,
+    5.648241044217758,
+    5.7449977826195706,
+    5.8598429438509489,
+    5.9784308800284593,
+    6.0724910376893559,
+    6.2240939885017204,
+    6.3418997607004348,
+    6.4869662152984544,
+    6.6005309624044228,
+    6.7321547133945252,
+    6.8313273194562418,
+    6.9553827276444107,
+    7.0978539209087161,
+    7.2385617409417087,
+    7.4083545257663301,
+    7.5207064390014864,
+    7.6784562087734116,
+    7.8094272468662487,
+    7.9694720845049609,
+    8.1498776347751605,
+    8.3017112945801781,
+    8.5266505277166349,
+    8.6503142671472784,
+    8.9054272928070564,
+    9.1373026527777839,
+    9.3315715528110896,
+    9.5401595700260877,
+    9.7597048968193185,
+    9.9666371700161704,
+    10.22144069326451,
+    10.408114251683418,
+    10.676084943208242,
+    10.908036087339795,
+    11.20436716656776,
+    11.477519824720831,
+    11.808217307144476,
+    12.095306359268855,
+    12.384349218033464,
+    12.685309460589796,
+    12.923557637527606,
+    13.204138344604788,
+    13.616900691559191,
+    13.979656973992922,
+    14.606515576714788,
+    14.962258652534821,
+    15.314510650339031,
+    15.724483559731054,
+    16.382829228207918,
+    17.009132961353529,
+    17.366569031693889,
+    17.900210603831621,
+    18.648573105414446,
+    19.363994023453447,
+    20.143558523165193,
+    20.828002130195308,
+    21.73898624871266,
+    22.409876982562661,
+    23.415203632804776,
+    24.355119676733135,
+    25.938175172718896,
+    27.639017238717773,
+    29.341494300849057,
+    30.595119225694788,
+    32.714674098003904,
+    35.49272152410154,
+    37.928565199883295,
+    43.491713440727274,
+    47.581292491927705,
+    57.969627624865709,
+    63.340294577285306,
+    80.397876878853367,
+    1699.4418298669216,
+    0.0,
+    0.057563746961587628,
+    0.072111582138628103,
+    0.08953965473080569,
+    0.096680126595439592,
+    0.11426458268489206,
+    0.12297408594046662,
+    0.13531860413261979,
+    0.14452962166237915,
+    0.18495685986529226,
+    0.19550850903207695,
+    0.22061034782875669,
+    0.24758609568932677,
+    0.2612060900760057,
+    0.26777787436395784,
+    0.27913993724767144,
+    0.29698064960443493,
+    0.31244925057107031,
+    0.32122508788845933,
+    0.33311366430341305,
+    0.34236037155250942,
+    0.35256380627730061,
+    0.35729858105022982,
+    0.36206918848814695,
+    0.36696792159332803,
+    0.37634614206748435,
+    0.38534850898782269,
+    0.3894744547332164,
+    0.40001857990165496,
+    0.40628143701841141,
+    0.41257543810712505,
+    0.42792024247708083,
+    0.43741390937376029,
+    0.44679385424881979,
+    0.45338668180597402,
+    0.45852917891908479,
+    0.46847035670602488,
+    0.47881191760237773,
+    0.48636454017775488,
+    0.49953494697176376,
+    0.50860731875951681,
+    0.51485110540295576,
+    0.52109982877729388,
+    0.52856828716304816,
+    0.53396501041075717,
+    0.54519067350690764,
+    0.55087030570382234,
+    0.56120787950497175,
+    0.56947875574614748,
+    0.57879694500782908,
+    0.59045771217758214,
+    0.60020074472460661,
+    0.61356581621742379,
+    0.62339692092995469,
+    0.62921777922324307,
+    0.63757958596122966,
+    0.64566282308710643,
+    0.65337163144903077,
+    0.65757954743934188,
+    0.66731107005984081,
+    0.68506693378151473,
+    0.69407449975565316,
+    0.71475464833393743,
+    0.71919154363460669,
+    0.72854121818321049,
+    0.73768805533929283,
+    0.74964936797719572,
+    0.77319064552644212,
+    0.78475208628536974,
+    0.79568283458133116,
+    0.80765736770217855,
+    0.81877434008276662,
+    0.82795271525666825,
+    0.83973491168326087,
+    0.84972560110746476,
+    0.85639470621002023,
+    0.8647134858775507,
+    0.88244802261826683,
+    0.89985271988240045,
+    0.92340768696765485,
+    0.93788541450428287,
+    0.94792835531188524,
+    0.96027918757802155,
+    0.96921149562521636,
+    0.97952213604373195,
+    0.98854957689191614,
+    0.99970116951294496,
+    1.00882043327571,
+    1.0201870773908586,
+    1.041349919759516,
+    1.0556530343908901,
+    1.0756585260782074,
+    1.088223830319788,
+    1.0958784727426483,
+    1.1149995386526934,
+    1.1304796415226661,
+    1.1446063542280724,
+    1.1638356180596499,
+    1.1745794869462154,
+    1.193511657405055,
+    1.2182391405087374,
+    1.2382096317106388,
+    1.2472982421708765,
+    1.2622218704529613,
+    1.2744400683695623,
+    1.2908221594923039,
+    1.305167165044943,
+    1.3252374721898401,
+    1.3384679854994657,
+    1.3542873322844842,
+    1.3724563152241775,
+    1.3892962190041085,
+    1.4109408775708268,
+    1.419655422200014,
+    1.4315263030154188,
+    1.4527276892177177,
+    1.4683378048771656,
+    1.4867165057343337,
+    1.516076453749051,
+    1.5433792065946024,
+    1.5553543482759045,
+    1.5609831318052232,
+    1.5806764726673499,
+    1.6041131847991026,
+    1.6344144243726575,
+    1.6710888016711845,
+    1.7061932731840148,
+    1.7354452179890347,
+    1.7630243267926291,
+    1.7975788676407549,
+    1.814028785525206,
+    1.8281150670319055,
+    1.8550087441605427,
+    1.8737649522280617,
+    1.8856226040366797,
+    1.9079304881331332,
+    1.9442107218496263,
+    1.9659920408787115,
+    1.9983699901526899,
+    2.0223202139688512,
+    2.0401740051464592,
+    2.0748888988742027,
+    2.1149914291249212,
+    2.1360608521646109,
+    2.1565833101041338,
+    2.1693334907915234,
+    2.207376721598215,
+    2.2255919603217067,
+    2.272629194554781,
+    2.3279774087392666,
+    2.3517585387327471,
+    2.3910765083557908,
+    2.4703248547335415,
+    2.5208338119493607,
+    2.5806226807785433,
+    2.6402836153572076,
+    2.7185362598168772,
+    2.7677835795641461,
+    2.8180997959029526,
+    2.8326345693021624,
+    2.8701055927549652,
+    2.9318268717765115,
+    3.0139842815042615,
+    3.0571236539047622,
+    3.1734047661118234,
+    3.2297672388561938,
+    3.3059073464928148,
+    3.3897975561487925,
+    3.4745601523423382,
+    3.5452181551689357,
+    3.6265670674665991,
+    3.7050473014775043,
+    3.8309245560041219,
+    3.9372996837644192,
+    4.0716930145722978,
+    4.212857083996437,
+    4.2692123731220972,
+    4.46591990841738,
+    4.5523023767467139,
+    4.6548916677892533,
+    4.7758394764018659,
+    4.9758326990027228,
+    5.2769985200911247,
+    5.5486096014042028,
+    5.7245726086000337,
+    6.0102407093754762,
+    6.1426829331257933,
+    6.287333950013684,
+    6.5928811370882103,
+    6.9367730409204489,
+    7.0646691460119388,
+    7.2083448239980932,
+    7.5049899728910674,
+    8.1901484843386374,
+    8.6011704867597345,
+    9.304469886954676,
+    10.665731252277961,
+    11.88866301597937,
+    13.361123901157045,
+    18.497872676781789,
+    25.178694947474682,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_dists.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_dists.py
index 747c1e2d87b43b0a6fc0af4426498be2defd3f8e..1a55573c7b640a6982e0211edea28c92c6388bf6 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_dists.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_dists.py
@@ -9,1136 +9,3421 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_DC06_def_dists = [
-    0.0, 0.057628562576303784, 0.091878457821655726, 0.1132900806480715,
-    0.16850875337211296, 0.23480972950916859, 0.25538164963671517,
-    0.31559279249314726, 0.3709861971858377, 0.39525547000677452,
-    0.48512586717169626, 0.50506908796001859, 0.57765035525262631,
-    0.62148541152837633, 0.64263863444579483, 0.69882483312164267,
-    0.7161545153916149, 0.80411890720042356, 0.8805970872918405,
-    0.95906879172041093, 0.9964168954980418, 1.0467630571651532,
-    1.0811313132957849, 1.107613450320283, 1.1414327414809755,
-    1.200680497698831, 1.2258265309284444, 1.3292666112945957,
-    1.3827312359018287, 1.4123188606803245, 1.5512850653633397,
-    1.6356584995938095, 1.6731651325192813, 1.7284734590792767,
-    1.7492218434041287, 1.7668984797381611, 1.859839254768237,
-    1.8915873446892628, 1.906971142493358, 1.9739012545347705,
-    2.0042595869827151, 2.0404670643203007, 2.0801334669349569,
-    2.1361786545358559, 2.1800889828349126, 2.2526723098806514,
-    2.4615221000598324, 2.522133895087689, 2.5349568672753051,
-    2.6130589764080723, 2.7500027760987162, 2.8562937139926889,
-    2.9119263033764744, 3.0019158345608132, 3.075603035061484,
-    3.1141526815876208, 3.1813265812952172, 3.3676587418240587,
-    3.554323576839598, 3.6496213142048179, 3.6874293716075122,
-    3.7856923728140917, 3.8474310667342051, 3.9949344157172133,
-    4.125555286661946, 4.3290913548691856, 4.4952013654404812,
-    4.556343784992352, 4.639912221981799, 4.7146391204010234,
-    4.8227084013441566, 4.9863406697764292, 5.1842339785740776,
-    5.3023803998521304, 5.4750202011939866, 5.54048973773856,
-    5.6494197613846904, 6.031189352625824, 6.1768307442788197,
-    6.2620964668403225, 6.4351623085815, 6.7265466116268859,
-    6.7915288820461273, 6.858752135722245, 7.0391175979404581,
-    7.1234944848067601, 7.3258340038478451, 7.6012540830071256,
-    7.8610379546027023, 8.1407339356122499, 8.6344134454714787,
-    8.7180144432721391, 9.0978762948485237, 9.2738466401608814,
-    9.3278635864048827, 9.4424890946840847, 9.6030189615224657,
-    9.7486413490900201, 9.9120876012927628, 10.0634236132968,
-    10.415298132107214, 10.522058512873633, 10.613299539059163,
-    10.777003890057323, 11.19134404322137, 11.263117192375013,
-    11.498561061679176, 12.21806762702662, 12.483196087543357,
-    13.54470365954359, 13.849619017840872, 14.123084642390928,
-    14.398832659078749, 14.566089250066417, 14.807446823406554,
-    14.954042474253805, 15.017632122375311, 15.534486588862363,
-    16.087579752773408, 16.335273051167704, 16.59865583486215,
-    16.787365784531143, 16.930772808747413, 16.978230896616772,
-    17.45341757723757, 17.54161801859598, 17.670822982069833,
-    18.057953137339432, 18.349411130934708, 18.874645742669262,
-    19.811500245302732, 20.617053831744901, 21.425708785184192,
-    22.13342945397601, 22.514800015329385, 22.600876120356858,
-    22.995926973030485, 23.562574109846953, 24.294710403256879,
-    24.710775959864485, 25.735807637080889, 26.538055293359648,
-    27.290028726831821, 27.773430106003083, 29.668208899311839,
-    29.767759573249858, 30.328136166047656, 31.494086670497492,
-    31.717352094096093, 32.525981982450979, 33.265585384845679,
-    33.751316746168612, 34.201802003064067, 36.899918838933765,
-    38.096479462365799, 39.516017768346714, 39.989735840240321,
-    41.194468318352641, 43.299364753871842, 43.400612046669139,
-    44.217051933181644, 45.224566778084622, 46.422304247376758,
-    46.960808813383558, 48.299557096246531, 49.543362472280329,
-    52.100735352804534, 53.655447353773283, 55.960391277909508,
-    59.70514539293125, 61.843693253111184, 68.081331605587849,
-    71.540166073226146, 73.270793327751335, 76.171347038456744,
-    76.713947935814872, 79.452578223589953, 81.242818023980888,
-    85.253618574552505, 90.576557423795492, 92.997247053710012,
-    95.821107577619216, 106.64500479999833, 120.18058037798956,
-    126.50923215826064, 131.32814912989315, 147.1399472964454,
-    167.43638431036157, 192.68604805851697, 214.74959666043176,
-    236.90417250922937, 270.13811088102972, 311.13617202210634,
-    348.43212870989748, 397.49279405192692, 418.52939500887197,
-    490.05308025042825, 601.26449991098229, 943.69926165035622,
-    2272.151119348498, 2272.151119348498, 0.0, 0.068201728466174436,
-    0.11237783313391692, 0.12830033204755303, 0.14738276605539258,
-    0.17452595819420164, 0.18740679497876259, 0.22092788589298604,
-    0.24698157312934674, 0.26321755681186182, 0.278982404063846,
-    0.29425614113597565, 0.30386598141884186, 0.33348471684689712,
-    0.35448258891286477, 0.38416466052319098, 0.41799061907192603,
-    0.43332985148006498, 0.46022545438188606, 0.46720029992587914,
-    0.4834191580769957, 0.49135304898180576, 0.50065137294598305,
-    0.54116902167600822, 0.56502516934264901, 0.58383186711851243,
-    0.59988283878047788, 0.61745037135253056, 0.64851934211375817,
-    0.65771446388077714, 0.68201656335208749, 0.69501882934571635,
-    0.70859407070539537, 0.76811748190181783, 0.785547174693628,
-    0.80584170571483826, 0.80977921469642378, 0.84983656800224905,
-    0.87762202858938831, 0.89989293732657549, 0.92737970573962192,
-    0.94822275849814597, 0.97010634169397159, 1.0004701361644599,
-    1.027252813486935, 1.0516264427778705, 1.085865795301199,
-    1.1039829998101676, 1.1231421375848933, 1.1351908524310048,
-    1.1870327649828589, 1.2108652899633887, 1.2418615536907456,
-    1.2620878726057261, 1.2831955088252662, 1.306480565141986,
-    1.3214819027067988, 1.3819750197102438, 1.3964962886754628,
-    1.4416267404974048, 1.4723276588556404, 1.5102821076425617,
-    1.5397500825876973, 1.5614284610319382, 1.6110339651345407,
-    1.6433416553385205, 1.6728829936173992, 1.6999366415445392,
-    1.7240699041761254, 1.7508519958752469, 1.7969849629216739,
-    1.8430561905053708, 1.8717904098493616, 1.9063368309633759,
-    1.9506003143418458, 2.0298196868542142, 2.0991713956674101,
-    2.1633526448161282, 2.2629929459851224, 2.29081267396016,
-    2.3416198215358914, 2.3573314548287789, 2.4218587714491338,
-    2.4993355473824033, 2.5384325382544848, 2.6491004992037666,
-    2.7210651339892107, 2.8237246255258426, 2.8700824362814488,
-    2.9188785020766925, 2.9635962519687955, 3.0154773635321317,
-    3.1026722776260538, 3.1782308010920812, 3.2642539873638139,
-    3.322125355058692, 3.3714861504441376, 3.4218839487759731,
-    3.5144951962763513, 3.5765944072239031, 3.6273675925681212,
-    3.7247691072149096, 3.8232379391542128, 3.8893216636307564,
-    3.9288057496282955, 4.0390899251352117, 4.1600948751312279,
-    4.1871263152018612, 4.2621860547974828, 4.3500604627307435,
-    4.5436519743962078, 4.5849723086596628, 4.729044783865576,
-    4.8683804704143165, 4.9563493866144599, 5.0241568504440179,
-    5.1468726623856105, 5.1949999782992462, 5.3140299451508861,
-    5.4879645142694358, 5.7223471643025841, 5.8380855647564118,
-    5.953449532130346, 6.0187020640170728, 6.2108553226358252,
-    6.3916059248644403, 6.4913362763076323, 6.6031140372618351,
-    6.6636491589809301, 6.9509407634766989, 7.1531488937141772,
-    7.2409474401975658, 7.4303919093490327, 7.5669382679335202,
-    7.7441286658925934, 7.9000616206163423, 8.0724648473816156,
-    8.2412216959472371, 8.4137214458024516, 8.6069007301001861,
-    8.7736666850099372, 8.9890876982826367, 9.155130462775519,
-    9.3411611417176861, 9.4866270624314577, 9.5872328045423547,
-    9.8527914805110655, 9.9514305967967953, 10.292405041584022,
-    10.75673026860011, 11.169289189746417, 11.46807997463821,
-    11.689766834399332, 11.966027273630296, 12.351431387718186,
-    12.727667430393458, 13.119586645059071, 13.424611040389257,
-    13.786397020277862, 13.968352336123267, 14.21068016740667,
-    14.453408188853816, 15.461180267394132, 15.895481313307476,
-    16.317601512617198, 16.780792483093965, 17.624171385239844,
-    18.139839382922045, 18.594772196087924, 20.516375547145831,
-    21.567448512929186, 21.977404088239552, 23.299471636450161,
-    24.278490139740818, 24.993212131783924, 26.592135163847711,
-    27.623113931391885, 28.865470012834731, 29.227604875711496,
-    31.101999334866235, 31.57497302654869, 32.684647994128909,
-    33.375146403972977, 37.692891082911196, 39.851813023596023,
-    41.523584144387264, 46.008072429817098, 49.647884975691284,
-    52.784847459347759, 54.294626625518887, 63.228644431972903,
-    69.726924033194564, 74.015904215742552, 86.164937892726826,
-    100.73311845118887, 112.18515642738907, 135.19609351797098,
-    176.61381022152227, 242.73583361720463, 308.26543522152377,
-    513.52205453065437, 0.0, 0.064681645397600726, 0.097055786527166205,
-    0.11671616479466058, 0.14904699771147067, 0.1812546389613125,
-    0.20555172420798953, 0.2183799557562153, 0.24037810467237944,
-    0.25036231174093732, 0.26632542829596018, 0.2738878158208915,
-    0.28695869973365634, 0.30912145801504926, 0.32069346660692333,
-    0.32716841268857905, 0.33921112396795472, 0.35411605334840923,
-    0.36992181322350265, 0.37555978900730691, 0.39245722745804307,
-    0.40098714822474785, 0.40795369226674527, 0.4172218451215533,
-    0.42679459853118645, 0.45012838868569222, 0.46395657933185602,
-    0.47588120991692906, 0.4859429317025537, 0.5012486174834101,
-    0.51554915854539141, 0.52673766504363306, 0.54037167562839805,
-    0.55386824464727247, 0.56986151348392444, 0.58441413430603695,
-    0.59504137541093982, 0.60183139418849574, 0.6097548033252651,
-    0.61636145539533693, 0.63729376685379835, 0.65492235590733228,
-    0.66704610998785618, 0.700953708734812, 0.7190525585629578,
-    0.73579423752153761, 0.74901914818208437, 0.7639095729012253,
-    0.78507593810209142, 0.7991677445398635, 0.82057225160808045,
-    0.83874577852045251, 0.8514279150065982, 0.86730722882820255,
-    0.890038058955962, 0.90572082476051208, 0.93235631316890322,
-    0.95142142918059724, 0.969384366562271, 0.99218758210384461,
-    1.00299637932868, 1.0092887025882542, 1.0324830139871306,
-    1.0486654108510693, 1.0641141875260127, 1.0835468393653898,
-    1.1071616076049358, 1.1168131966461825, 1.1456586118817482,
-    1.1644419001186364, 1.1774811339270124, 1.2092190407790164,
-    1.2384799339065578, 1.2616903228237686, 1.2889294434698533,
-    1.3164843722957189, 1.3568929832436432, 1.3789685995582368,
-    1.4016262455149839, 1.4303108283460788, 1.4487819999160492,
-    1.48021838699676, 1.5050773691689014, 1.5354136497221011,
-    1.5761026989532505, 1.5976227134137739, 1.6180255352377244,
-    1.6461488070064747, 1.6754933786486672, 1.7043391941827599,
-    1.7436653784542346, 1.7574238222395258, 1.8083751761401707,
-    1.8364695449180659, 1.8853960408395598, 1.9209489973470637,
-    1.9614779158767812, 1.9837030977196592, 2.0254456515521015,
-    2.06356755784513, 2.1061669436995003, 2.1608319242443135,
-    2.176533829184859, 2.2139646657342289, 2.2418326677035214,
-    2.2819602869499667, 2.3275988135789891, 2.355439289035997,
-    2.4108423085380779, 2.4436348968031414, 2.5031234860019178,
-    2.5439256045997136, 2.5773599788744934, 2.6327828846554593,
-    2.6997266593235456, 2.7317169496478648, 2.8033821298933836,
-    2.872746199477366, 2.911616529815233, 2.9546022533503957,
-    3.0081446390299069, 3.0894107259868058, 3.1461648060150367,
-    3.2073093130678618, 3.2707390207274067, 3.3815481629909145,
-    3.4779532042245807, 3.4955043576213232, 3.5757478436815138,
-    3.6322878543855621, 3.7796644436769657, 3.8151756075230678,
-    3.8802551661883786, 4.0289839922041422, 4.1279506765446614,
-    4.1958722575439298, 4.2681132445184655, 4.3694161532010058,
-    4.4793716338291727, 4.5714087303580433, 4.6493194432085412,
-    4.7141095620043281, 4.8655065654352976, 4.9733934483219935,
-    5.038859603913723, 5.1120453856118537, 5.2240263349175526,
-    5.326857227285414, 5.4452851717228903, 5.6191948437507619,
-    5.8251247312267305, 6.0364763774143135, 6.1085463321063269,
-    6.2898990925768432, 6.4181400947195311, 6.6210137015645536,
-    6.7263257016206106, 6.8855750366072552, 7.1232383189565454,
-    7.4007790575336729, 7.5183445501556623, 7.6542486054829189,
-    7.7796080000079355, 8.0776151677243515, 8.4160158721268967,
-    8.6283072431350387, 9.0099513745919317, 9.1985032179916839,
-    9.3715895144040058, 9.689097239085406, 9.9747151298520151,
-    10.162420972781135, 10.525043005039576, 10.9348593423718,
-    11.220406152599313, 11.472292936429914, 12.331513581808927,
-    12.99141401636353, 13.792445320126436, 14.159631387529567,
-    14.898875104642451, 15.391013071702499, 16.58446392489617,
-    17.397044111420918, 18.246693100142146, 19.539678557308235,
-    21.894007859929044, 23.769625964542684, 25.674579790101415,
-    28.595587316047272, 30.020256306881702, 33.276780738700346,
-    35.817076665002631, 42.110340471763912, 48.790270781601912,
-    54.046938187573666, 67.878422664921544, 86.808719614124982,
-    106.08957126365338, 212.6174296424627, 530.67951165916725, 0.0,
-    0.066200047903027276, 0.083721669217692474, 0.097716651445752478,
-    0.11022140255760769, 0.12682667647071302, 0.1310312002419774,
-    0.14174741060946225, 0.15012768070557803, 0.16322364512908868,
-    0.18204188144428807, 0.1932509011687073, 0.20736566877237284,
-    0.21677471984321531, 0.22208330716146871, 0.2368478044903545,
-    0.24800109075566285, 0.26042292583219756, 0.27071259593706476,
-    0.28654565496167866, 0.29337837365624814, 0.30198842285047178,
-    0.30844586201328328, 0.3149470593102916, 0.32463921048140526,
-    0.33612661364720992, 0.34538798562234241, 0.35362965043869748,
-    0.36471294151406786, 0.37175950729075813, 0.38160665904037616,
-    0.38574106898579719, 0.39688874219887516, 0.40205350235521997,
-    0.41084581512509888, 0.4190808913198204, 0.43544148967863316,
-    0.44346612867974777, 0.45227198826541537, 0.46661118452309958,
-    0.47567354802653689, 0.49123378069289259, 0.5026379690695526,
-    0.51145199410264641, 0.5230420844440421, 0.53633757129515192,
-    0.55323199501557874, 0.5709327471747897, 0.57668332951826085,
-    0.58661731761735014, 0.60316797340939221, 0.61231767919746716,
-    0.62173743546202065, 0.63367739150206992, 0.64417081791316222,
-    0.650588306867667, 0.66136245644028779, 0.67194367164364066,
-    0.68483211499577568, 0.69390170098605697, 0.70978541298372555,
-    0.71733880725642318, 0.72982716816440152, 0.744382107200665,
-    0.75464756880526096, 0.76971757975591903, 0.79092500924780884,
-    0.80139259706827826, 0.82007493231551376, 0.83636749901593976,
-    0.85607123696181142, 0.87178377197180712, 0.89028508898771552,
-    0.90709689710063435, 0.92105845964996935, 0.94062127053830347,
-    0.95072473335636265, 0.96303055939494286, 0.97648251804695785,
-    0.99369926534400232, 1.0090186828881174, 1.0418114909215104,
-    1.0698515568115963, 1.0781642613654208, 1.0953662056922651,
-    1.1107307176100356, 1.1257267330935268, 1.1471842785819382,
-    1.1676817560236403, 1.1877943080225843, 1.216398240925453,
-    1.2316053787491037, 1.2474229964718553, 1.269525880355836,
-    1.3019912398706039, 1.3277002379637455, 1.3443466595361551,
-    1.3685810866232899, 1.3984804559046911, 1.4355750324517496,
-    1.460852572211057, 1.4948996531027956, 1.5268570238239529,
-    1.5522940777876273, 1.5719325888893447, 1.6024193084645637,
-    1.633598364214381, 1.6528693309141695, 1.6741744069714672,
-    1.7003470022341649, 1.735298179037982, 1.7582063751832995,
-    1.7909792627750754, 1.8300707159778025, 1.8684354743589122,
-    1.9062901732716007, 1.9304116745252333, 1.9651822643793164,
-    2.0028643201051111, 2.0355079559039346, 2.0677432834609206,
-    2.0974741272119317, 2.1477636951029404, 2.1758324097429544,
-    2.2038264839493977, 2.2387897181326624, 2.2799150775007226,
-    2.3116834558621813, 2.3770756042717061, 2.4423912978053499,
-    2.5043639857858704, 2.6183935138202945, 2.6651645510870448,
-    2.6996454559378718, 2.7642312413471197, 2.8501819058526374,
-    2.8874618455541339, 2.9299786710240685, 2.9902882140860028,
-    3.0106036707675705, 3.0721304018549587, 3.1161855866638852,
-    3.2369909410932256, 3.2937695851357418, 3.3415607515486019,
-    3.4135640311960804, 3.4863864701809169, 3.5495511431068625,
-    3.6258591972624328, 3.6947502192132147, 3.7950739251414829,
-    3.8952813228916106, 4.0427476635565807, 4.0982562136044365,
-    4.2381714903602026, 4.325585224629334, 4.460333473236096,
-    4.5891338691369086, 4.6893335143109196, 4.7853618220189347,
-    4.8500011901031046, 4.9499390325888388, 5.0651986930646391,
-    5.1906420764523, 5.3052661921332698, 5.3795959386387144, 5.4884702877024898,
-    5.6251182444238585, 5.736009877510825, 5.8235819678819309,
-    6.0452731168242577, 6.1535182776969091, 6.4223906871159802,
-    6.7828263511308, 6.9787759843247965, 7.2868999104783532, 7.604505778440271,
-    7.9090260134516059, 8.4851413606010251, 8.6965137695221202,
-    9.0770837937907398, 9.3896211096143869, 9.7704946596107849,
-    10.142102955347768, 10.870897424798827, 11.627557560059024,
-    12.487371659037647, 13.393741745878474, 14.080823719400907,
-    15.608105497185557, 16.823724341129342, 18.261126223618554,
-    19.636996869210478, 20.562702661180669, 21.601610993499339,
-    23.839730158552172, 27.477708564377878, 33.318576554469637,
-    49.103081020159834, 73.345872444192949, 106.52935418648646, 0.0,
-    0.049394419396927715, 0.064736734696013376, 0.079308002177416376,
-    0.087959980883483738, 0.10194236904560904, 0.11008607182951631,
-    0.11465366805246813, 0.12715531070407432, 0.13166809405389251,
-    0.13847247629313228, 0.14384864573811881, 0.15002396002358567,
-    0.15562720051884482, 0.16116827009383153, 0.16632968738513401,
-    0.17136648014616976, 0.17900086203665841, 0.18694008640938087,
-    0.19702916534694626, 0.20392975208968295, 0.21361422240935368,
-    0.22042948071555513, 0.23063300033673573, 0.23966278802965957,
-    0.24711447349179011, 0.25303301261186184, 0.25579240638304279,
-    0.26267170853506805, 0.26750482270286108, 0.27493473053623635,
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-    1.7805522635031978, 1.8048113834777242, 1.8629871128198423,
-    1.9197945215709944, 1.9552472287743048, 2.006402075733154,
-    2.0427474979249962, 2.074496897491799, 2.1328916089262004,
-    2.1753943657622523, 2.2401831220855666, 2.270693018282933,
-    2.3105641384054061, 2.3945586906581622, 2.4399768881846882,
-    2.5000049081492532, 2.5621934580643706, 2.6392295124107816,
-    2.7208587148102463, 2.8097139724064282, 2.8701110813681128,
-    2.9862082469647095, 3.0488516638446339, 3.1242308091436368,
-    3.243153466201278, 3.3051260648856364, 3.4863819457159302,
-    3.5505875681994588, 3.7448427188152658, 3.8463429990501901,
-    3.9838928478843263, 4.1238239879386667, 4.2490672817706532,
-    4.3599387844761468, 4.473253957654526, 4.6690383558822228,
-    4.8383638550300123, 5.0032896939841258, 5.1925150031279994,
-    5.4083749056768973, 5.8187938054935762, 6.1416785529469493,
-    6.5966499906173439, 6.9452175432435155, 7.3694350201120091,
-    7.6611410187916773, 8.1962221951718313, 8.3985520655394108,
-    8.954871482916916, 9.5555811691967367, 10.075581787179221,
-    10.666984624254228, 11.269430893231096, 12.244383827267271,
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-    0.085618493830758285, 0.093725626920029337, 0.10393841275774901,
-    0.11413580827974683, 0.12152641148533293, 0.12627525292174707,
-    0.12968718206917149, 0.13855089010953145, 0.14242136361586646,
-    0.14961341703535569, 0.15878848104707796, 0.16821185149526602,
-    0.17193496653825602, 0.18370817507532361, 0.19347902698219727,
-    0.20136482066552064, 0.20583838921300673, 0.21305461768025999,
-    0.22181194102152516, 0.22504305621818932, 0.23406898010225857,
-    0.2398853548764919, 0.24436856459787337, 0.25265341913397688,
-    0.26007714837241541, 0.26691829493661323, 0.26931297477030441,
-    0.27726914154785853, 0.28210711764692858, 0.2859614857691346,
-    0.29125186385881313, 0.29881267745856349, 0.30375673974281647,
-    0.30854811947856214, 0.31656603656425492, 0.32546607312581727,
-    0.33113501361486541, 0.33582693482769788, 0.34276150289703894,
-    0.35127805306418919, 0.35845367388296762, 0.36558831277905995,
-    0.36979924962746219, 0.37578338456878752, 0.38327703665171509,
-    0.38743278300825934, 0.3933947408991858, 0.40090502054506943,
-    0.41078320064762447, 0.41434452765896151, 0.42079409894287106,
-    0.4255673661624485, 0.43408043802357538, 0.43842453852669183,
-    0.44479957009297705, 0.44911932255159215, 0.46075892982346434,
-    0.47136693037959077, 0.47672759686825411, 0.48530543752076094,
-    0.49072973814548543, 0.49757125712438277, 0.50205891056941676,
-    0.50989707552295971, 0.52048634390291548, 0.52487724594117247,
-    0.53197428010086045, 0.54193181090656062, 0.54669601892015796,
-    0.55199308212187415, 0.56177797788147832, 0.57397840735843453,
-    0.58305121749436828, 0.58875829816518199, 0.60014475586825022,
-    0.61146976460798996, 0.62147757074967558, 0.62937535472116102,
-    0.63521150679693283, 0.6443683639844624, 0.65570350537151256,
-    0.66248422346281488, 0.67431167007929649, 0.68081103970994383,
-    0.70070897539479826, 0.70949394177954128, 0.72368744374810079,
-    0.73324494948980001, 0.74442385396599853, 0.75726956491948028,
-    0.76814002853040864, 0.78549563545170853, 0.79690455102462399,
-    0.80911780465283023, 0.8217559489409707, 0.83736881584366574,
-    0.84769382359635626, 0.86418498778599284, 0.88747705639947372,
-    0.90131822030096298, 0.91456928681735306, 0.926248872898779,
-    0.94662179325634455, 0.95246146300701406, 0.96865365604621834,
-    0.98601045426396106, 1.004370843669373, 1.0278846153106977,
-    1.044847701668429, 1.0629345673978381, 1.0786014914723667,
-    1.0929756602733387, 1.1261078972699916, 1.1512164532678049,
-    1.1694773456967209, 1.2047879047450252, 1.2191337268903064,
-    1.2371236242769537, 1.2604030750182345, 1.2728991082384753,
-    1.3021733465601504, 1.3366400801240468, 1.3669786453201016,
-    1.3893263316106292, 1.4142311210562548, 1.4371089884829913,
-    1.4735470017754577, 1.520014037615578, 1.5362080843085604,
-    1.57308131482694, 1.6005512179859467, 1.6311466151664402,
-    1.6766677965478609, 1.702427114649556, 1.7358113192351368,
-    1.7589620076466705, 1.8122197381889422, 1.8371172353927989,
-    1.8839698049061866, 1.9368978033833055, 1.9859165193893249,
-    2.0266473776917446, 2.0435418938412577, 2.0904755804619093,
-    2.137008395650732, 2.2105679265040039, 2.2912315391120952,
-    2.3171846492564172, 2.3789143587376254, 2.4392413643504884,
-    2.4804720034966028, 2.5405224136745002, 2.5964604917467198,
-    2.6705999263123781, 2.7251943964162413, 2.772341712266535,
-    2.8651026212603763, 2.9882335264110305, 3.0505642000004207,
-    3.1879882564475781, 3.2713189106502325, 3.3340572644275901,
-    3.3973177283139346, 3.5111941452660176, 3.6432762400676104,
-    3.7893397930271497, 3.8962740628195554, 4.0871617267378353,
-    4.2202691837388713, 4.3774443034324424, 4.4936111350115695,
-    4.7506236842341369, 5.0112340217497193, 5.3496875229084306,
-    5.5766544089000956, 5.8287954513602722, 6.3423620558230542,
-    6.7899919751160516, 7.1981726869941802, 7.7399452080885132,
-    8.3342259680123636, 9.1990412068218603, 9.6467855088846335,
-    10.137584353746163, 10.89364428926409, 11.552396435112094,
-    13.030143614298112, 14.095239648815568, 16.252904088875191,
-    20.637122578101994, 25.04746535648458, 29.349607631916427,
-    39.069463698724505, 53.341542218906731, 131.24704840076191, 0.0,
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-    0.058447068850037934, 0.068821794240992967, 0.076446506641690143,
-    0.083331576500669718, 0.090983634325567123, 0.097188602723129819,
-    0.1088593709111567, 0.11459623029540639, 0.11844837313630252,
-    0.12384168852201749, 0.12684488135204505, 0.13447015956640213,
-    0.1391542676007054, 0.14625472031000056, 0.15200345906187301,
-    0.15688159917859762, 0.16356525869840099, 0.16595293381775883,
-    0.17208869146003852, 0.17708137414161021, 0.18245018966878032,
-    0.18979132041734897, 0.19637969400495253, 0.2032346071402627,
-    0.20694798677484283, 0.21265331651833888, 0.21882977443215981,
-    0.22494202116978182, 0.23178859272489064, 0.23787915511551139,
-    0.24313950482755242, 0.24682307808790133, 0.24943612844036106,
-    0.25577269021993287, 0.26291464226288852, 0.26970943169082667,
-    0.2725648028979728, 0.28144606977956577, 0.28556551666434349,
-    0.29091966470999592, 0.29709027671048366, 0.30175232279695008,
-    0.30845384710365537, 0.31297498910818361, 0.3160194068150165,
-    0.31918148875981589, 0.32331388150265972, 0.32927405147803945,
-    0.33377069470184595, 0.33894412800963025, 0.34522709990281475,
-    0.35123488575457434, 0.3558821207267826, 0.36144785378066896,
-    0.37019315147158249, 0.37724004091309249, 0.3829924502040804,
-    0.38790812361879717, 0.39588105871510798, 0.40044226663641691,
-    0.40836868589232361, 0.41402643554261809, 0.41875667916369519,
-    0.42450774070868258, 0.43229589405318924, 0.43734997488844168,
-    0.44538394823457816, 0.45353980762093016, 0.45851077590488476,
-    0.46383676125545098, 0.47059046215711398, 0.4762006151939136,
-    0.48431439285713834, 0.49389826855702679, 0.49974442650636974,
-    0.50732118012468475, 0.51342129390440416, 0.52297582923711328,
-    0.53288748131056163, 0.54544803680941312, 0.55056947454571459,
-    0.5630440930673537, 0.57647988095569747, 0.58254891183837865,
-    0.59122845087621589, 0.5957914205706567, 0.60314265091258978,
-    0.61908921631667679, 0.62247554745711642, 0.63329981498300048,
-    0.64301069689433055, 0.64989657369654952, 0.65888445152749431,
-    0.66647227612873217, 0.67668838768171136, 0.68893091987254185,
-    0.7025879217168467, 0.71826561462270089, 0.72771455488965531,
-    0.7391009553915564, 0.75223783989741744, 0.76166485140694018,
-    0.77084000065236591, 0.79065365493321382, 0.804383247442233,
-    0.81683812596185346, 0.82843493554640024, 0.84246759604107702,
-    0.86350701623054671, 0.88180313041705505, 0.90376335449490075,
-    0.91286915972557914, 0.92036986380455399, 0.9291438387362384,
-    0.95352040422537032, 0.96809418471522612, 0.9828969762772849,
-    0.99701637984191405, 1.0053920653287929, 1.0224322964595809,
-    1.0436497009914834, 1.0616070630675405, 1.0802764748267883,
-    1.0951850173844457, 1.1193411761447549, 1.1379681972224709,
-    1.1599468248342446, 1.1886340506700033, 1.2148385191461482,
-    1.2481418152125123, 1.2792573174668869, 1.3154615262708993,
-    1.342394558445551, 1.3629899838283757, 1.3761143300434635,
-    1.4093858037430134, 1.4522804850005502, 1.4748979300612479,
-    1.5306210379322103, 1.5495843761095305, 1.584244002737959,
-    1.6126131532613874, 1.6604506166505426, 1.6921120149154147,
-    1.7126738210319639, 1.7396125064233854, 1.785135464734434,
-    1.824889085813346, 1.8829431177071814, 1.9343935926685978,
-    1.9916768565010168, 2.0267961688503453, 2.0766377474824029,
-    2.1330899777256795, 2.1848037174415449, 2.2801579583808342,
-    2.3579957571857286, 2.4501358388830012, 2.5153457412512981,
-    2.582374390832427, 2.633575300083673, 2.7077686567647499,
-    2.7684316125814457, 2.8476458237947857, 2.9627792222491238,
-    3.0403520366260612, 3.1093550063736379, 3.2559496906005565,
-    3.384456584459806, 3.5451252896822063, 3.658802669941331,
-    3.8535789702629515, 4.1036627374662622, 4.3847833011124493,
-    4.5324017993862, 4.6567473442819232, 4.8795997539612124,
-    5.0351805245400989, 5.4071167044869721, 5.8112812324471728,
-    6.387968909517352, 6.6133968886491754, 6.9446864587547097,
-    7.5543017399007653, 8.3092309621502434, 8.9855329925540648,
-    9.7607248945108189, 10.562225389927731, 11.547524333694614,
-    13.042152628954279, 15.066816239535164, 16.843645091885804,
-    22.29298319668764, 27.78918358142127, 36.15482791135674,
-    48.467620573432804, 150.75527930067238, 0.0, 0.030475436329936944,
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-    0.085143786389228412, 0.08965572615115161, 0.094178377769283547,
-    0.098501280404947864, 0.1030958981377707, 0.10869385918561442,
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-    0.12584718500031158, 0.12987214864837779, 0.13468557220683824,
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-    0.15399302445531154, 0.15891197422219733, 0.16342430790220985,
-    0.16862541478716603, 0.17284449028563825, 0.17822842307181602,
-    0.1820267480405092, 0.18688153961477047, 0.1927267317388851,
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-    0.20898176045815323, 0.21456701344386478, 0.2193381728343505,
-    0.2241310071800133, 0.22817700334024027, 0.23233337863145165,
-    0.23720906624202601, 0.24191353394033271, 0.24708942468474382,
-    0.25285280260759901, 0.25671572324736464, 0.26213421506917656,
-    0.26638683139162828, 0.27152578772723279, 0.2762872026065426,
-    0.28128390667450365, 0.28593911283892171, 0.29087431204884701,
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-    0.45589276061599149, 0.4637504954853186, 0.46972702984856168,
-    0.47691662036234045, 0.48515870923762039, 0.49260277947704278,
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-    0.62899125612273621, 0.63944993844645304, 0.65079039292032037,
-    0.65990599756610113, 0.67267050134312967, 0.6811396504155568,
-    0.69102170908780658, 0.70572381661063954, 0.71917690416970415,
-    0.73053302980642632, 0.74479922749569372, 0.75660131757288107,
-    0.76966460911714163, 0.78382775044111574, 0.79890547769142994,
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-    0.85889454588180414, 0.87584528603730916, 0.88938215721139913,
-    0.90647622547342221, 0.92517109894543503, 0.9420929353690477,
-    0.95887351889851813, 0.97485760015251421, 0.99539728475785438,
-    1.0168269490191464, 1.0321969253945085, 1.0509239949366704,
-    1.0749039195763974, 1.0954893550189169, 1.1204402411184233,
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-    1.223355141542398, 1.2503166821062022, 1.2755553790294463,
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-    1.3966740129081683, 1.4270275926175096, 1.4608948615990871,
-    1.4952195611664525, 1.5313585561683203, 1.5640142535985393,
-    1.5994377044435546, 1.638305110435522, 1.6786361340413112,
-    1.7240031947949774, 1.7621335157109532, 1.8101134128648371,
-    1.8620922391744734, 1.9224643921259204, 1.9710346661166867,
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-    2.6084557648811311, 2.7199516996724253, 2.8338987909810287,
-    2.9216428190030639, 3.0360484810989852, 3.1500945673097052,
-    3.270619104044989, 3.4227068074159761, 3.5665311638055055,
-    3.7247617410661675, 3.925297648069769, 4.1375118576391934,
-    4.3398004727933692, 4.5346219219569655, 4.7447780176553112,
-    5.0148304110646036, 5.3334608060172872, 5.7276260586600891,
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-    7.8835838788384223, 8.6803326930194569, 9.7122609465184322,
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-    268.8200344237456, 0.0, 0.028898274302596512, 0.040633940377108956,
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-    0.083037174267918165, 0.08755686111436492, 0.092118428080118928,
-    0.096425123862060327, 0.10043552253883403, 0.10554902051980319,
-    0.11009718665642487, 0.11326275217950955, 0.11698509676168573,
-    0.12080022735318345, 0.12517509152109374, 0.13013769328680053,
-    0.13345882034603812, 0.13747142162715098, 0.14150064959740938,
-    0.14442943761896229, 0.14941148229826645, 0.15440519818373027,
-    0.15783715568801643, 0.16265630037450993, 0.16672946241207018,
-    0.17011132508732738, 0.17420920933779047, 0.1787571250538082,
-    0.18406358630263245, 0.18924049544452431, 0.19306320330392984,
-    0.19641759705419837, 0.20044589719386452, 0.20365259207914921,
-    0.20746114210240005, 0.21178663359554398, 0.21561802968012542,
-    0.2201648522340745, 0.22394901627082189, 0.22890960512700576,
-    0.23288763477408511, 0.23799769247855981, 0.24277846906856382,
-    0.24620220114345401, 0.25085581063453694, 0.2547852657654528,
-    0.2584622001605798, 0.26226644168550362, 0.26587748056735006,
-    0.27001206297540875, 0.27333957150348165, 0.27844160533530171,
-    0.28262027978412785, 0.28651353733567758, 0.29232034746442948,
-    0.29580376680146625, 0.29935090999568476, 0.30309728324775276,
-    0.30715090410428514, 0.31201121511000857, 0.31571249520502215,
-    0.31981978170465836, 0.32351704294037775, 0.32816906538652812,
-    0.33260532162929424, 0.3375253795185012, 0.34227658789873155,
-    0.34672628630214691, 0.35173264439552276, 0.35642244422141933,
-    0.36316985109331051, 0.36811409230691677, 0.3739818336331292,
-    0.37900422010827939, 0.38371686137179334, 0.38830090222693142,
-    0.39314672036266179, 0.39750505605076314, 0.40399586297398238,
-    0.40779084214158268, 0.41471724442253388, 0.419908928474307,
-    0.42527068506941523, 0.43082110702825382, 0.43546343483577804,
-    0.44058928875209435, 0.4501165160939869, 0.455800248584872,
-    0.46250910353077601, 0.4679792550227716, 0.4771052601340332,
-    0.48317268060065444, 0.49024307149325064, 0.49795121259530739,
-    0.50489713934710001, 0.51144292478572784, 0.52042454216218859,
-    0.52715808936571795, 0.53458634795400084, 0.54336964463015824,
-    0.55167313602281232, 0.55895482076372938, 0.56755092529864581,
-    0.5767512365389893, 0.58757892054706506, 0.59812779085356993,
-    0.60674604159456691, 0.61595140194035713, 0.62390929987658528,
-    0.63464413788738838, 0.64205470333131864, 0.64919687404877857,
-    0.66358361675173039, 0.67457487585108067, 0.68565375079097346,
-    0.69515353663280854, 0.70835712049313537, 0.71637388222414811,
-    0.72810587108889246, 0.74259519148707775, 0.75505940962506923,
-    0.76533718705099252, 0.77978770960457156, 0.79277034764412091,
-    0.81042776509929326, 0.8252185957527518, 0.84081567710998861,
-    0.85591239426333621, 0.87366392436831841, 0.8906804437761574,
-    0.90431935636817162, 0.92374870367862294, 0.9403922748286605,
-    0.96024005012655089, 0.9834409532310171, 1.0063612444728725,
-    1.0237103083075751, 1.0406894015881631, 1.0646614938416241,
-    1.0953872473777502, 1.1182073342474079, 1.1431128152282664,
-    1.1700990970833274, 1.1937825903128636, 1.2194906544605457,
-    1.2510699786546229, 1.2724440268105714, 1.3012328136568787,
-    1.3306077291828782, 1.3661125359622348, 1.4057121542663247,
-    1.438874003521625, 1.4852719546886077, 1.53160091645302,
-    1.5835611112903651, 1.6195792978908965, 1.6633225682365109,
-    1.7092772469624007, 1.7547058942561764, 1.7983361923251511,
-    1.8554877739779563, 1.9046272406631959, 1.9419569456472263,
-    2.007485115392952, 2.0766613504192311, 2.1363921756522712,
-    2.2042343314393218, 2.2881456308297792, 2.3461181458892382,
-    2.4247974852833076, 2.5226066296330565, 2.6287822381475663,
-    2.7093614689581362, 2.8121552403853838, 2.9431246632384611,
-    3.0643163534914351, 3.196540002859162, 3.3476671295609703,
-    3.578795801196712, 3.7570824917749248, 3.956586592960103,
-    4.1768360199630372, 4.472267971856815, 4.7565859357335603,
-    4.9434439507675787, 5.3520609425930763, 5.8616989500167476,
-    6.4670935400506355, 7.1530922193648818, 7.7821104509969494,
-    8.8151940771286945, 9.7442668096522507, 11.579039475678208,
-    14.881052320293959, 23.3134974983852, 162.64936699836366, 0.0,
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-    0.047902150582693877, 0.053593751494366668, 0.062881795990017086,
-    0.069817105932830248, 0.074260939707892284, 0.078749877606011834,
-    0.081760044924091488, 0.084762821011376818, 0.089159093597265968,
-    0.094139760178390847, 0.097396291127248735, 0.10077623786944703,
-    0.10375890948969808, 0.10775393339205297, 0.11107421600652036,
-    0.11454249675077989, 0.11920949455998719, 0.12303922825017929,
-    0.12645066727981549, 0.13048462720436904, 0.1341988563625206,
-    0.13791508807970299, 0.14051821878738302, 0.14390700642876164,
-    0.14729815411578639, 0.15116482000305284, 0.15414159957761076,
-    0.15804245202080439, 0.16172156388894671, 0.16616763697232559,
-    0.17065475263188637, 0.17483972650814011, 0.17834701051598184,
-    0.18178605513225987, 0.18596570995349604, 0.19037643524106021,
-    0.19362400150613118, 0.19718898681246891, 0.2022368611342357,
-    0.20627559864432171, 0.21047667837856643, 0.21441293730751429,
-    0.21798145949842526, 0.22269174316657275, 0.22805839010378598,
-    0.23142809067166253, 0.23544682877794354, 0.23918263561370051,
-    0.24332300301909804, 0.24826906410872435, 0.25329675001124591,
-    0.25742137093006096, 0.26143472523908162, 0.26537197580924371,
-    0.26880822609496718, 0.27325053108693759, 0.27801599017393808,
-    0.28185455264796982, 0.28551898655760571, 0.28969797468999514,
-    0.29469614849601827, 0.29819033120752614, 0.30227519353061394,
-    0.30780461335572351, 0.31237611153645817, 0.31627202746095395,
-    0.31963567780659174, 0.32237740964523504, 0.32589638801542542,
-    0.3305286646674907, 0.33420221321848032, 0.33989663227054645,
-    0.34416327912283068, 0.35034447837510441, 0.35498972403807633,
-    0.35855091882620921, 0.36327633213491833, 0.36753998247607372,
-    0.3729367659785795, 0.37985192360779313, 0.38437016760352599,
-    0.39005755502373884, 0.39482572425216256, 0.4001927093622929,
-    0.40602742972788325, 0.41233512801313243, 0.41899152804988438,
-    0.42337530114761357, 0.42792125565896905, 0.43382026465554158,
-    0.44268614546944335, 0.44830619792220222, 0.45415410061721351,
-    0.46167530106933863, 0.46895550041529654, 0.47530473993436245,
-    0.48211460809658874, 0.48857483722379846, 0.49668510358579077,
-    0.502197066237135, 0.50751626698891095, 0.51264907367868728,
-    0.51969473148215983, 0.52818547378333625, 0.5349708260232352,
-    0.54112734609955404, 0.54811112287301356, 0.55616647069377034,
-    0.56629653003164915, 0.57402173658393196, 0.58265287411054412,
-    0.5936899552780841, 0.60345904162633524, 0.61533841077412088,
-    0.6228300863754348, 0.63457632801607111, 0.64512830577873503,
-    0.65448141887048117, 0.66218373436088196, 0.67678504831115915,
-    0.68732881229737786, 0.69861201377323079, 0.70832408210492892,
-    0.72121539173424809, 0.7359553436177424, 0.7531392829935406,
-    0.76543733074434961, 0.77710358182478712, 0.79485555672259334,
-    0.81224713754094657, 0.82988361758294238, 0.84792677249400605,
-    0.86258822924608003, 0.88223434681999902, 0.8944425527153399,
-    0.90955292927291309, 0.92359168030991856, 0.94256546540532238,
-    0.96434694242106067, 0.98312881507572292, 1.0032438887848716,
-    1.0221149781502081, 1.051983899991995, 1.0734774915118375,
-    1.099530441789152, 1.127960244545553, 1.1534134957090025,
-    1.1740889749056131, 1.2012742900536555, 1.2342300186242645,
-    1.2639939024901934, 1.2928179180773745, 1.3208800657063657,
-    1.3529947499482198, 1.3990112708325715, 1.4319941184494371,
-    1.4710663063309652, 1.5244700765754542, 1.5635439274849725,
-    1.5954367199073531, 1.6323134541541804, 1.6724715064169311,
-    1.7158054453195073, 1.7557217613084009, 1.8048129564898812,
-    1.8315787027457608, 1.8815354841358516, 1.9566650167344006,
-    2.0217329340053252, 2.0871078895617967, 2.174040010957027,
-    2.2381267311291735, 2.3160142472723693, 2.4147723365413021,
-    2.5376474031182616, 2.6272818671259373, 2.7401975123216742,
-    2.8684444249229628, 3.0130575018172316, 3.1604260734920331,
-    3.2962359526985634, 3.4644518032671439, 3.6844961008964079,
-    3.869097249632687, 4.0583540650809953, 4.2786209475461598,
-    4.5240194654211052, 4.822566531353826, 5.2714477848841934,
-    5.9366668833227134, 6.6736260326271726, 7.4551267397319529,
-    8.3647745090344028, 9.8450415285668225, 13.306780281265262,
-    17.423150761794336, 35.674610410451407, 0.0, 0.026072158368489466,
-    0.036900224781724264, 0.045624066076788504, 0.051368104055365224,
-    0.057774560304207197, 0.063146496944509634, 0.067588098405070435,
-    0.071805619462746537, 0.07613539155227117, 0.080103152511407455,
-    0.083942709652846864, 0.087666574981076481, 0.091817280544786176,
-    0.095686966687175301, 0.099145626961583258, 0.10201499654232103,
-    0.10517988601597632, 0.10903765629410936, 0.11233875871599709,
-    0.11536415976301187, 0.11841077260641984, 0.12163826850713737,
-    0.12514181216632086, 0.12858606228948036, 0.13177179631102987,
-    0.13482024094190459, 0.13784834878294833, 0.14173344180612701,
-    0.1443921643498963, 0.14823517008509296, 0.15145826578672161,
-    0.15493735233574032, 0.157933736355726, 0.16144421044205534,
-    0.16496481804605914, 0.16826466934931564, 0.17176157430765859,
-    0.17500874461399182, 0.17804879932812664, 0.18119742226991276,
-    0.18460902834327048, 0.18841699006227006, 0.19203375816854248,
-    0.19532030848596255, 0.19938169412343268, 0.20296708531160809,
-    0.20618735671870392, 0.21005410851308523, 0.21234742151711827,
-    0.21601167034217333, 0.2193383757310533, 0.222820615737646,
-    0.22619381050579929, 0.23003091052614577, 0.23415565946236791,
-    0.23843514043598069, 0.24127671289852604, 0.24517794764409234,
-    0.24860194155386806, 0.25245137707720106, 0.25637962117578617,
-    0.26045765403062382, 0.26378413560952962, 0.26727514960402926,
-    0.27133464777153365, 0.27484241340019733, 0.27916743423061174,
-    0.28346759202211091, 0.28803025780779556, 0.29103424057548449,
-    0.2948369270235498, 0.29857003211993777, 0.30250669156367849,
-    0.30693020880140259, 0.31089496342193434, 0.31523727395296902,
-    0.31963281400208449, 0.32299918409538603, 0.32683085030433912,
-    0.33075648000217506, 0.33471837712211988, 0.33909222602081823,
-    0.34276815018760209, 0.34765709135230655, 0.35209532653578884,
-    0.35661461412974371, 0.36104303543672206, 0.36462562668761184,
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-    0.39785365298982145, 0.40294361388219591, 0.40892518527823574,
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-    0.43117256502009815, 0.4364633576555077, 0.4415508493771485,
-    0.44655303590621287, 0.45317266402900153, 0.45915054065776795,
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-    0.50243188982979481, 0.51091693503362012, 0.51956374319976362,
-    0.52657472160011631, 0.53391907857488219, 0.54231740014001373,
-    0.55062127393281413, 0.55819389427687915, 0.56684075835760694,
-    0.57623528957134074, 0.5852137336415546, 0.59460081643291185,
-    0.60431695479865122, 0.61470640426964351, 0.62697542247017701,
-    0.63629726675946074, 0.64618052793061942, 0.65666316630386357,
-    0.66697229921408963, 0.67607240691087234, 0.68567631485065328,
-    0.69828642365744309, 0.70939742170743159, 0.71984730245856587,
-    0.73335327137205786, 0.7491983752217467, 0.76288874208982593,
-    0.77518238687845964, 0.78603287042076431, 0.79995968268653628,
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-    0.8570889681002567, 0.87095612444570292, 0.88896785472177609,
-    0.90333809106860474, 0.92310933391162042, 0.9405629243797472,
-    0.95692109407032377, 0.97963547072788137, 1.0004217317748421,
-    1.0236926463114733, 1.0479024684311415, 1.0736587494567686,
-    1.1029019665569759, 1.12906516845161, 1.1535229840512065,
-    1.183650543141433, 1.2145616634515819, 1.2433817141554775,
-    1.2742936392427719, 1.3109612706104625, 1.3449613279449495,
-    1.3823759584622277, 1.4151051032327249, 1.4538354777949225,
-    1.4970878314012157, 1.544365849864396, 1.5852559389906491,
-    1.6289127182967043, 1.6763419507458905, 1.7346054874616406,
-    1.7874905505861236, 1.8348302383376642, 1.8883747008525986,
-    1.9710178297482999, 2.0327376391000698, 2.1131140769950014,
-    2.1969238514695641, 2.2946506914354945, 2.3927630404203812,
-    2.4890825215958983, 2.6207165719985688, 2.7919843701169169,
-    2.9728330577394462, 3.1407377025361027, 3.3485082966286388,
-    3.5810252651374039, 3.793190415760634, 4.1676272347122065,
-    4.4916169379050928, 4.8904487124863456, 5.4391848217865677,
-    6.2263879924626009, 7.5489807356158831, 9.9553179387792401,
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-    0.059679563902977878, 0.062901418988622379, 0.065683103076441055,
-    0.069075624012220505, 0.073207759498264968, 0.075280554146869794,
-    0.079462144204613699, 0.083297706495367232, 0.086394086487673827,
-    0.088903479078186923, 0.09243845286973873, 0.094364478720997277,
-    0.096709129954935052, 0.099600772001187554, 0.10194958435962591,
-    0.10513809510421018, 0.10794208190913103, 0.11150222159681712,
-    0.1142579134971833, 0.11634657875634755, 0.11969047101715455,
-    0.12161519787344191, 0.12385053356930883, 0.12634084519901401,
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-    0.13679964962661262, 0.13945990964839527, 0.14181342525248586,
-    0.14549282281256487, 0.14783340369717113, 0.14958856732057474,
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-    0.16119409443564187, 0.16370574506975646, 0.16653288283113751,
-    0.16902699557221748, 0.1717260132509677, 0.17468466981937897,
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-    0.18636531857836564, 0.19016088025525124, 0.19209155599903649,
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-    0.2969815313602166, 0.30045527623320389, 0.30317724130982737,
-    0.30666702944803848, 0.30970778832795376, 0.31259577673706118,
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-    0.32443980138047129, 0.3277688075192623, 0.33195003313090921,
-    0.33561880003007449, 0.33962945622215918, 0.34377428459224846,
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-    1.6196741040179319, 1.7017546419225014, 1.7817219551686443,
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-    0.092226052618394103, 0.095203088495300195, 0.097507441529407504,
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-    0.106536499498979, 0.10886405033186211, 0.11088891781357048,
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-    0.12050531073316835, 0.12242779955312402, 0.12514823721707605,
-    0.12721735558212802, 0.12933447430330011, 0.13203036634017445,
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-    0.14017857392699531, 0.14260782990365448, 0.14507059221307408,
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-    0.15472639458976323, 0.15772367683889396, 0.16045043223988531,
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-    0.34554821131082758, 0.34684735903657665, 0.34836578284950859,
-    0.35197282198795432, 0.35911745218986346, 0.36040424548108152,
-    0.36271817789575339, 0.36453208838267026, 0.3722041874594319,
-    0.3850959970374066, 0.3967374853148608, 0.41083356110814401,
-    0.41558974094228335, 0.41984747597880934, 0.42851282447107242,
-    0.44033883814796876, 0.44769850108485965, 0.45485476695336086,
-    0.45517769344815051, 0.46988589941579539, 0.47336234940402983,
-    0.48228476100040185, 0.4963129125170842, 0.52496401740850696,
-    0.54174268466224507, 0.56778264213285756, 0.59947949441738635,
-    0.61618637620027639, 0.62469990851376267, 0.63559373655292239,
-    0.64028148402424645, 0.6417944978527288, 0.66120751834923108,
-    0.67230387905415456, 0.68549918126957876, 0.73574140945002686,
-    0.76189058824857092, 0.78177211477759978, 0.78478497130854397,
-    0.81183845339312055, 0.92595133931696894, 1.0420074377189543,
-    1.1184834461004387, 1.1868475850375335, 1.3795391514935433,
-    1.6690912806799729, 3.620579386400943, 4.4069707474488888, 0.0,
-    0.030864281125046841, 0.03669053240718801, 0.03669053240718801,
-    0.039541803469962257, 0.039755585819827695, 0.041911399040835309,
-    0.044531607387296508, 0.046731484997993428, 0.046731484997993428,
-    0.06192300563276, 0.06192300563276, 0.066085275241882221,
-    0.067880636244234044, 0.067880636244234044, 0.069612626096000677,
-    0.071396391336907949, 0.074309967475605268, 0.078162954961568054,
-    0.079768809149418779, 0.079768809149418779, 0.081322012057796628,
-    0.081579918597752932, 0.081965289512041781, 0.082670774423793988,
-    0.082670774423793988, 0.083676047986424987, 0.083826394915856112,
-    0.085375798643674658, 0.085510183074035503, 0.088324648985544513,
-    0.088324648985544513, 0.089066018619338688, 0.089523451445578398,
-    0.092390560807742189, 0.10166676719934153, 0.10195388252236594,
-    0.10195388252236594, 0.10528536390229394, 0.10679858905504509,
-    0.10764192688172415, 0.11227193635040114, 0.11227193635040114,
-    0.11244606922440568, 0.1136218868259553, 0.11451053199472827,
-    0.11659577642426923, 0.11691086289458787, 0.11691086289458787,
-    0.1173211686698568, 0.11960461186081611, 0.12046430069545827,
-    0.12256846680870316, 0.12256846680870316, 0.12280198926010166,
-    0.1257225389684917, 0.13059187471398534, 0.13073228193993355,
-    0.13136136021211561, 0.13136136021211561, 0.13233380712258788,
-    0.13614938779187713, 0.14007489771345971, 0.14560628646680376,
-    0.14560628646680376, 0.14756930951437783, 0.14916144609305121,
-    0.14922882591595366, 0.15191188357115223, 0.15579801420071124,
-    0.15610306654452089, 0.15610306654452089, 0.15875192987335729,
-    0.16047737283948593, 0.16705380313003848, 0.16705380313003848,
-    0.168016882808462, 0.17068350389171213, 0.17282355855710782,
-    0.17412526193089098, 0.17681813754652775, 0.17681813754652775,
-    0.17715999760351636, 0.17756752055286806, 0.17871040321678122,
-    0.18018603591927709, 0.18070221855952068, 0.18070221855952068,
-    0.18495477280536446, 0.18580464561947918, 0.18637382093258065,
-    0.18739559121993163, 0.18739559121993163, 0.18989848932672079,
-    0.1902906960015, 0.19079530690057658, 0.19139358210577725,
-    0.1938767861484369, 0.1938767861484369, 0.19812320558888927,
-    0.19864349781538035, 0.20096245867613949, 0.20739126731129648,
-    0.20739126731129648, 0.20890608427242904, 0.21005835424486638,
-    0.21737774907061119, 0.21854346896037202, 0.22284661457281491,
-    0.22284661457281491, 0.23203519715709653, 0.23203519715709653,
-    0.23558872825006388, 0.23602589936541735, 0.23602589936541735,
-    0.23638998760967109, 0.23703292133804643, 0.24047672111025759,
-    0.24232933889648617, 0.24387144046296869, 0.24387144046296869,
-    0.24388260654882868, 0.24896631802503422, 0.25046853137361336,
-    0.25166045673406662, 0.25166045673406662, 0.25359663196242094,
-    0.25498419205566342, 0.25901909865108758, 0.26243633410773498,
-    0.26917225709613957, 0.26917225709613957, 0.27179969406100962,
-    0.27215636119935699, 0.27269960957360972, 0.27295835182412659,
-    0.27444977275651289, 0.27444977275651289, 0.274486965108864,
-    0.27757442781989727, 0.28007367094306918, 0.28306039462916666,
-    0.28306039462916666, 0.29022692808414607, 0.29319016306643131,
-    0.2953248123792146, 0.29727012315484735, 0.30055429636041897,
-    0.30055429636041897, 0.30274018734482672, 0.30371328246605706,
-    0.31089484427626424, 0.31222083890057561, 0.31222083890057561,
-    0.31342334287374385, 0.31360922339798514, 0.31781375837493059,
-    0.32086597698136354, 0.32397526199152671, 0.32397526199152671,
-    0.3252274384988707, 0.32557079328326183, 0.33071479846211244,
-    0.33213366103834452, 0.33213366103834452, 0.33806274054259133,
-    0.34060768522908541, 0.34066725641268175, 0.35070821312772565,
-    0.35281117830908848, 0.36022367837676228, 0.36022367837676228,
-    0.36359476452865169, 0.36867343874662684, 0.37500703454904866,
-    0.37500703454904866, 0.37559552094037618, 0.37776360565050465,
-    0.37911941464036175, 0.38043414821366556, 0.38673933256135501,
-    0.38673933256135501, 0.41493531465793626, 0.42545225470978032,
-    0.43335020944353286, 0.45946584864513479, 0.47934271794544625,
-    0.47934271794544625, 0.4835397584082895, 0.507001135566851,
-    0.53670698552411766, 0.62709022030658668, 0.62709022030658668,
-    0.6307562723487633, 0.6978337089986677, 0.96104664619258018,
-    0.97932419086538236, 1.3786097683148981, 1.3786097683148981,
-    2.1383436514004277, 2.1383436514004277, 0.0, 0.0, 0.040258951562044121,
-    0.040258951562044121, 0.04337227036223338, 0.04337227036223338,
-    0.04337227036223338, 0.056733258526878674, 0.056733258526878674,
-    0.059895656757221916, 0.063352892119378321, 0.063352892119378321,
-    0.063352892119378321, 0.063352892119378321, 0.063460760236515132,
-    0.063460760236515132, 0.063460760236515132, 0.064176771962993165,
-    0.064176771962993165, 0.069374734097819607, 0.069374734097819607,
-    0.069941635924431284, 0.069941635924431284, 0.069941635924431284,
-    0.07441063086446581, 0.07441063086446581, 0.090038436293935278,
-    0.090038436293935278, 0.090038436293935278, 0.093919282982153851,
-    0.098259451815303545, 0.098259451815303545, 0.098259451815303545,
-    0.098259451815303545, 0.11221645527330414, 0.11221645527330414,
-    0.11464109406455952, 0.11464109406455952, 0.11464109406455952,
-    0.11504122558884447, 0.11504122558884447, 0.11661461574279566,
-    0.11661461574279566, 0.11661461574279566, 0.11694434342186813,
-    0.11694434342186813, 0.12361989892840071, 0.12361989892840071,
-    0.12361989892840071, 0.12731915639699826, 0.13338496267239372,
-    0.13338496267239372, 0.13338496267239372, 0.13338496267239372,
-    0.14060738795616895, 0.14060738795616895, 0.14577369503859991,
-    0.14577369503859991, 0.14577369503859991, 0.15154574744822344,
-    0.15154574744822344, 0.15338029980440129, 0.15338029980440129,
-    0.155704785287297, 0.155704785287297, 0.155704785287297,
-    0.16408818329459646, 0.16408818329459646, 0.16611008928152352,
-    0.16611008928152352, 0.16793010863802235, 0.16793010863802235,
-    0.16793010863802235, 0.17350035363146732, 0.17350035363146732,
-    0.17350035363146732, 0.17720670978465847, 0.17720670978465847,
-    0.18778273599380949, 0.18778273599380949, 0.18778273599380949,
-    0.1956978506206099, 0.1956978506206099, 0.20618188353800229,
-    0.20618188353800229, 0.20618188353800229, 0.20667910131294201,
-    0.20667910131294201, 0.20897230394199579, 0.20897230394199579,
-    0.21603929997442067, 0.21603929997442067, 0.21603929997442067,
-    0.21750678346847724, 0.21750678346847724, 0.21750678346847724,
-    0.22319258104633796, 0.22319258104633796, 0.22577633029393052,
-    0.22577633029393052, 0.22577633029393052, 0.22835066066328252,
-    0.22835066066328252, 0.23127950794349347, 0.23127950794349347,
-    0.2335912050904361, 0.2335912050904361, 0.2335912050904361,
-    0.23855651821128016, 0.23855651821128016, 0.2403910894270215,
-    0.2403910894270215, 0.2403910894270215, 0.24693892553945757,
-    0.24693892553945757, 0.25144395559134397, 0.25144395559134397,
-    0.25144395559134397, 0.26144207730435715, 0.26144207730435715,
-    0.26316375812762322, 0.26316375812762322, 0.26316375812762322,
-    0.269250257528246, 0.269250257528246, 0.26976356545845359,
-    0.26976356545845359, 0.26976356545845359, 0.27207502394872296,
-    0.27207502394872296, 0.2722348959852619, 0.2722348959852619,
-    0.2722348959852619, 0.27399949932593481, 0.27399949932593481,
-    0.28525376986066708, 0.28525376986066708, 0.28525376986066708,
-    0.28581273013248543, 0.28581273013248543, 0.28581555874501124,
-    0.28581555874501124, 0.28725787127206887, 0.28725787127206887,
-    0.28725787127206887, 0.29182201476670522, 0.29182201476670522,
-    0.29774917483412067, 0.29774917483412067, 0.29774917483412067,
-    0.3221172335419677, 0.3221172335419677, 0.32286123906893716,
-    0.32286123906893716, 0.32286123906893716, 0.32784329797451783,
-    0.32784329797451783, 0.39859714532471063, 0.39859714532471063,
-    0.39859714532471063, 0.40861269762703839, 0.40861269762703839,
-    0.43492497337962299, 0.43492497337962299, 0.43492497337962299,
-    0.45154247181726737, 0.45154247181726737, 0.47903191315956584,
-    0.47903191315956584, 0.47903191315956584, 0.48764413130617162,
-    0.48764413130617162, 0.55753055427216291, 0.55753055427216291,
-    0.55753055427216291, 0.59950889251110473, 0.59950889251110473,
-    0.62302532522821363, 0.62302532522821363, 0.62302532522821363,
-    0.70821265192750071, 0.70821265192750071, 0.78923825478405685,
-    0.78923825478405685, 0.80991304315555079, 0.80991304315555079,
-    0.80991304315555079, 0.88217017561019562, 0.88217017561019562,
-    0.88217017561019562, 0.90564207937415331, 0.90564207937415331,
-    0.92743264762046396, 0.92743264762046396, 1.0496487600196804,
-    1.0496487600196804, 1.0496487600196804, 1.2152980938033116,
-    1.2152980938033116, 1.2152980938033116, 1.2152980938033116
+    0.0,
+    0.057628562576303784,
+    0.091878457821655726,
+    0.1132900806480715,
+    0.16850875337211296,
+    0.23480972950916859,
+    0.25538164963671517,
+    0.31559279249314726,
+    0.3709861971858377,
+    0.39525547000677452,
+    0.48512586717169626,
+    0.50506908796001859,
+    0.57765035525262631,
+    0.62148541152837633,
+    0.64263863444579483,
+    0.69882483312164267,
+    0.7161545153916149,
+    0.80411890720042356,
+    0.8805970872918405,
+    0.95906879172041093,
+    0.9964168954980418,
+    1.0467630571651532,
+    1.0811313132957849,
+    1.107613450320283,
+    1.1414327414809755,
+    1.200680497698831,
+    1.2258265309284444,
+    1.3292666112945957,
+    1.3827312359018287,
+    1.4123188606803245,
+    1.5512850653633397,
+    1.6356584995938095,
+    1.6731651325192813,
+    1.7284734590792767,
+    1.7492218434041287,
+    1.7668984797381611,
+    1.859839254768237,
+    1.8915873446892628,
+    1.906971142493358,
+    1.9739012545347705,
+    2.0042595869827151,
+    2.0404670643203007,
+    2.0801334669349569,
+    2.1361786545358559,
+    2.1800889828349126,
+    2.2526723098806514,
+    2.4615221000598324,
+    2.522133895087689,
+    2.5349568672753051,
+    2.6130589764080723,
+    2.7500027760987162,
+    2.8562937139926889,
+    2.9119263033764744,
+    3.0019158345608132,
+    3.075603035061484,
+    3.1141526815876208,
+    3.1813265812952172,
+    3.3676587418240587,
+    3.554323576839598,
+    3.6496213142048179,
+    3.6874293716075122,
+    3.7856923728140917,
+    3.8474310667342051,
+    3.9949344157172133,
+    4.125555286661946,
+    4.3290913548691856,
+    4.4952013654404812,
+    4.556343784992352,
+    4.639912221981799,
+    4.7146391204010234,
+    4.8227084013441566,
+    4.9863406697764292,
+    5.1842339785740776,
+    5.3023803998521304,
+    5.4750202011939866,
+    5.54048973773856,
+    5.6494197613846904,
+    6.031189352625824,
+    6.1768307442788197,
+    6.2620964668403225,
+    6.4351623085815,
+    6.7265466116268859,
+    6.7915288820461273,
+    6.858752135722245,
+    7.0391175979404581,
+    7.1234944848067601,
+    7.3258340038478451,
+    7.6012540830071256,
+    7.8610379546027023,
+    8.1407339356122499,
+    8.6344134454714787,
+    8.7180144432721391,
+    9.0978762948485237,
+    9.2738466401608814,
+    9.3278635864048827,
+    9.4424890946840847,
+    9.6030189615224657,
+    9.7486413490900201,
+    9.9120876012927628,
+    10.0634236132968,
+    10.415298132107214,
+    10.522058512873633,
+    10.613299539059163,
+    10.777003890057323,
+    11.19134404322137,
+    11.263117192375013,
+    11.498561061679176,
+    12.21806762702662,
+    12.483196087543357,
+    13.54470365954359,
+    13.849619017840872,
+    14.123084642390928,
+    14.398832659078749,
+    14.566089250066417,
+    14.807446823406554,
+    14.954042474253805,
+    15.017632122375311,
+    15.534486588862363,
+    16.087579752773408,
+    16.335273051167704,
+    16.59865583486215,
+    16.787365784531143,
+    16.930772808747413,
+    16.978230896616772,
+    17.45341757723757,
+    17.54161801859598,
+    17.670822982069833,
+    18.057953137339432,
+    18.349411130934708,
+    18.874645742669262,
+    19.811500245302732,
+    20.617053831744901,
+    21.425708785184192,
+    22.13342945397601,
+    22.514800015329385,
+    22.600876120356858,
+    22.995926973030485,
+    23.562574109846953,
+    24.294710403256879,
+    24.710775959864485,
+    25.735807637080889,
+    26.538055293359648,
+    27.290028726831821,
+    27.773430106003083,
+    29.668208899311839,
+    29.767759573249858,
+    30.328136166047656,
+    31.494086670497492,
+    31.717352094096093,
+    32.525981982450979,
+    33.265585384845679,
+    33.751316746168612,
+    34.201802003064067,
+    36.899918838933765,
+    38.096479462365799,
+    39.516017768346714,
+    39.989735840240321,
+    41.194468318352641,
+    43.299364753871842,
+    43.400612046669139,
+    44.217051933181644,
+    45.224566778084622,
+    46.422304247376758,
+    46.960808813383558,
+    48.299557096246531,
+    49.543362472280329,
+    52.100735352804534,
+    53.655447353773283,
+    55.960391277909508,
+    59.70514539293125,
+    61.843693253111184,
+    68.081331605587849,
+    71.540166073226146,
+    73.270793327751335,
+    76.171347038456744,
+    76.713947935814872,
+    79.452578223589953,
+    81.242818023980888,
+    85.253618574552505,
+    90.576557423795492,
+    92.997247053710012,
+    95.821107577619216,
+    106.64500479999833,
+    120.18058037798956,
+    126.50923215826064,
+    131.32814912989315,
+    147.1399472964454,
+    167.43638431036157,
+    192.68604805851697,
+    214.74959666043176,
+    236.90417250922937,
+    270.13811088102972,
+    311.13617202210634,
+    348.43212870989748,
+    397.49279405192692,
+    418.52939500887197,
+    490.05308025042825,
+    601.26449991098229,
+    943.69926165035622,
+    2272.151119348498,
+    2272.151119348498,
+    0.0,
+    0.068201728466174436,
+    0.11237783313391692,
+    0.12830033204755303,
+    0.14738276605539258,
+    0.17452595819420164,
+    0.18740679497876259,
+    0.22092788589298604,
+    0.24698157312934674,
+    0.26321755681186182,
+    0.278982404063846,
+    0.29425614113597565,
+    0.30386598141884186,
+    0.33348471684689712,
+    0.35448258891286477,
+    0.38416466052319098,
+    0.41799061907192603,
+    0.43332985148006498,
+    0.46022545438188606,
+    0.46720029992587914,
+    0.4834191580769957,
+    0.49135304898180576,
+    0.50065137294598305,
+    0.54116902167600822,
+    0.56502516934264901,
+    0.58383186711851243,
+    0.59988283878047788,
+    0.61745037135253056,
+    0.64851934211375817,
+    0.65771446388077714,
+    0.68201656335208749,
+    0.69501882934571635,
+    0.70859407070539537,
+    0.76811748190181783,
+    0.785547174693628,
+    0.80584170571483826,
+    0.80977921469642378,
+    0.84983656800224905,
+    0.87762202858938831,
+    0.89989293732657549,
+    0.92737970573962192,
+    0.94822275849814597,
+    0.97010634169397159,
+    1.0004701361644599,
+    1.027252813486935,
+    1.0516264427778705,
+    1.085865795301199,
+    1.1039829998101676,
+    1.1231421375848933,
+    1.1351908524310048,
+    1.1870327649828589,
+    1.2108652899633887,
+    1.2418615536907456,
+    1.2620878726057261,
+    1.2831955088252662,
+    1.306480565141986,
+    1.3214819027067988,
+    1.3819750197102438,
+    1.3964962886754628,
+    1.4416267404974048,
+    1.4723276588556404,
+    1.5102821076425617,
+    1.5397500825876973,
+    1.5614284610319382,
+    1.6110339651345407,
+    1.6433416553385205,
+    1.6728829936173992,
+    1.6999366415445392,
+    1.7240699041761254,
+    1.7508519958752469,
+    1.7969849629216739,
+    1.8430561905053708,
+    1.8717904098493616,
+    1.9063368309633759,
+    1.9506003143418458,
+    2.0298196868542142,
+    2.0991713956674101,
+    2.1633526448161282,
+    2.2629929459851224,
+    2.29081267396016,
+    2.3416198215358914,
+    2.3573314548287789,
+    2.4218587714491338,
+    2.4993355473824033,
+    2.5384325382544848,
+    2.6491004992037666,
+    2.7210651339892107,
+    2.8237246255258426,
+    2.8700824362814488,
+    2.9188785020766925,
+    2.9635962519687955,
+    3.0154773635321317,
+    3.1026722776260538,
+    3.1782308010920812,
+    3.2642539873638139,
+    3.322125355058692,
+    3.3714861504441376,
+    3.4218839487759731,
+    3.5144951962763513,
+    3.5765944072239031,
+    3.6273675925681212,
+    3.7247691072149096,
+    3.8232379391542128,
+    3.8893216636307564,
+    3.9288057496282955,
+    4.0390899251352117,
+    4.1600948751312279,
+    4.1871263152018612,
+    4.2621860547974828,
+    4.3500604627307435,
+    4.5436519743962078,
+    4.5849723086596628,
+    4.729044783865576,
+    4.8683804704143165,
+    4.9563493866144599,
+    5.0241568504440179,
+    5.1468726623856105,
+    5.1949999782992462,
+    5.3140299451508861,
+    5.4879645142694358,
+    5.7223471643025841,
+    5.8380855647564118,
+    5.953449532130346,
+    6.0187020640170728,
+    6.2108553226358252,
+    6.3916059248644403,
+    6.4913362763076323,
+    6.6031140372618351,
+    6.6636491589809301,
+    6.9509407634766989,
+    7.1531488937141772,
+    7.2409474401975658,
+    7.4303919093490327,
+    7.5669382679335202,
+    7.7441286658925934,
+    7.9000616206163423,
+    8.0724648473816156,
+    8.2412216959472371,
+    8.4137214458024516,
+    8.6069007301001861,
+    8.7736666850099372,
+    8.9890876982826367,
+    9.155130462775519,
+    9.3411611417176861,
+    9.4866270624314577,
+    9.5872328045423547,
+    9.8527914805110655,
+    9.9514305967967953,
+    10.292405041584022,
+    10.75673026860011,
+    11.169289189746417,
+    11.46807997463821,
+    11.689766834399332,
+    11.966027273630296,
+    12.351431387718186,
+    12.727667430393458,
+    13.119586645059071,
+    13.424611040389257,
+    13.786397020277862,
+    13.968352336123267,
+    14.21068016740667,
+    14.453408188853816,
+    15.461180267394132,
+    15.895481313307476,
+    16.317601512617198,
+    16.780792483093965,
+    17.624171385239844,
+    18.139839382922045,
+    18.594772196087924,
+    20.516375547145831,
+    21.567448512929186,
+    21.977404088239552,
+    23.299471636450161,
+    24.278490139740818,
+    24.993212131783924,
+    26.592135163847711,
+    27.623113931391885,
+    28.865470012834731,
+    29.227604875711496,
+    31.101999334866235,
+    31.57497302654869,
+    32.684647994128909,
+    33.375146403972977,
+    37.692891082911196,
+    39.851813023596023,
+    41.523584144387264,
+    46.008072429817098,
+    49.647884975691284,
+    52.784847459347759,
+    54.294626625518887,
+    63.228644431972903,
+    69.726924033194564,
+    74.015904215742552,
+    86.164937892726826,
+    100.73311845118887,
+    112.18515642738907,
+    135.19609351797098,
+    176.61381022152227,
+    242.73583361720463,
+    308.26543522152377,
+    513.52205453065437,
+    0.0,
+    0.064681645397600726,
+    0.097055786527166205,
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+    0.20555172420798953,
+    0.2183799557562153,
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+    0.25036231174093732,
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+    0.2738878158208915,
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+    0.33921112396795472,
+    0.35411605334840923,
+    0.36992181322350265,
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+    0.4172218451215533,
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+    0.56986151348392444,
+    0.58441413430603695,
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+    0.60183139418849574,
+    0.6097548033252651,
+    0.61636145539533693,
+    0.63729376685379835,
+    0.65492235590733228,
+    0.66704610998785618,
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+    0.74901914818208437,
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+    0.7991677445398635,
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+    0.83874577852045251,
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+    0.86730722882820255,
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+    0.93235631316890322,
+    0.95142142918059724,
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+    1.0092887025882542,
+    1.0324830139871306,
+    1.0486654108510693,
+    1.0641141875260127,
+    1.0835468393653898,
+    1.1071616076049358,
+    1.1168131966461825,
+    1.1456586118817482,
+    1.1644419001186364,
+    1.1774811339270124,
+    1.2092190407790164,
+    1.2384799339065578,
+    1.2616903228237686,
+    1.2889294434698533,
+    1.3164843722957189,
+    1.3568929832436432,
+    1.3789685995582368,
+    1.4016262455149839,
+    1.4303108283460788,
+    1.4487819999160492,
+    1.48021838699676,
+    1.5050773691689014,
+    1.5354136497221011,
+    1.5761026989532505,
+    1.5976227134137739,
+    1.6180255352377244,
+    1.6461488070064747,
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+    1.7043391941827599,
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+    1.7574238222395258,
+    1.8083751761401707,
+    1.8364695449180659,
+    1.8853960408395598,
+    1.9209489973470637,
+    1.9614779158767812,
+    1.9837030977196592,
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+    2.1608319242443135,
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+    2.2139646657342289,
+    2.2418326677035214,
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+    2.3275988135789891,
+    2.355439289035997,
+    2.4108423085380779,
+    2.4436348968031414,
+    2.5031234860019178,
+    2.5439256045997136,
+    2.5773599788744934,
+    2.6327828846554593,
+    2.6997266593235456,
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+    2.8033821298933836,
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+    2.911616529815233,
+    2.9546022533503957,
+    3.0081446390299069,
+    3.0894107259868058,
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+    3.2073093130678618,
+    3.2707390207274067,
+    3.3815481629909145,
+    3.4779532042245807,
+    3.4955043576213232,
+    3.5757478436815138,
+    3.6322878543855621,
+    3.7796644436769657,
+    3.8151756075230678,
+    3.8802551661883786,
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+    4.1279506765446614,
+    4.1958722575439298,
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+    4.3694161532010058,
+    4.4793716338291727,
+    4.5714087303580433,
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+    4.7141095620043281,
+    4.8655065654352976,
+    4.9733934483219935,
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+    5.1120453856118537,
+    5.2240263349175526,
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+    5.4452851717228903,
+    5.6191948437507619,
+    5.8251247312267305,
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+    6.2898990925768432,
+    6.4181400947195311,
+    6.6210137015645536,
+    6.7263257016206106,
+    6.8855750366072552,
+    7.1232383189565454,
+    7.4007790575336729,
+    7.5183445501556623,
+    7.6542486054829189,
+    7.7796080000079355,
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+    9.3715895144040058,
+    9.689097239085406,
+    9.9747151298520151,
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+    10.9348593423718,
+    11.220406152599313,
+    11.472292936429914,
+    12.331513581808927,
+    12.99141401636353,
+    13.792445320126436,
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+    15.391013071702499,
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+    17.397044111420918,
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+    23.769625964542684,
+    25.674579790101415,
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+    30.020256306881702,
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+    48.790270781601912,
+    54.046938187573666,
+    67.878422664921544,
+    86.808719614124982,
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+    0.0,
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+    1.1107307176100356,
+    1.1257267330935268,
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+    1.1676817560236403,
+    1.1877943080225843,
+    1.216398240925453,
+    1.2316053787491037,
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+    1.4948996531027956,
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+    1.5719325888893447,
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+    1.7003470022341649,
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+    2.2038264839493977,
+    2.2387897181326624,
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+    3.8952813228916106,
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+    4.8500011901031046,
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+    23.839730158552172,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.11008607182951631,
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+    0.12715531070407432,
+    0.13166809405389251,
+    0.13847247629313228,
+    0.14384864573811881,
+    0.15002396002358567,
+    0.15562720051884482,
+    0.16116827009383153,
+    0.16632968738513401,
+    0.17136648014616976,
+    0.17900086203665841,
+    0.18694008640938087,
+    0.19702916534694626,
+    0.20392975208968295,
+    0.21361422240935368,
+    0.22042948071555513,
+    0.23063300033673573,
+    0.23966278802965957,
+    0.24711447349179011,
+    0.25303301261186184,
+    0.25579240638304279,
+    0.26267170853506805,
+    0.26750482270286108,
+    0.27493473053623635,
+    0.28258910182162267,
+    0.28822901265050227,
+    0.29608647684984479,
+    0.30214524820456018,
+    0.30864368126348923,
+    0.31508865166237593,
+    0.32124032165523375,
+    0.33011261444903611,
+    0.33703483646960708,
+    0.34733723809596734,
+    0.35691769635678916,
+    0.36690708933320493,
+    0.37128928317734283,
+    0.37755689980492391,
+    0.38701609409764459,
+    0.39302164725609023,
+    0.40331084641477311,
+    0.41072208837025759,
+    0.41852937501544424,
+    0.42932124920083142,
+    0.43324849767497853,
+    0.43993900664314145,
+    0.44761176101936301,
+    0.45202419082248341,
+    0.45529173163984443,
+    0.46653702581395917,
+    0.47399725820611593,
+    0.48198881472501576,
+    0.48708257057534343,
+    0.49302150180651805,
+    0.49978383605626248,
+    0.51339894682816312,
+    0.52160424774706593,
+    0.52748289873084886,
+    0.53676595811893124,
+    0.5455171486636371,
+    0.5534396873141485,
+    0.56241263737675429,
+    0.56973323223537264,
+    0.57574914723880954,
+    0.58234713319994302,
+    0.59066240355655708,
+    0.60510984788748057,
+    0.61807462013879144,
+    0.62637623226295402,
+    0.63542696189453973,
+    0.64701799464926024,
+    0.65882045306679504,
+    0.67141179273787532,
+    0.67909380683392095,
+    0.68707873750652504,
+    0.69640315687854726,
+    0.70807547488547196,
+    0.71771853550219356,
+    0.73309718820363279,
+    0.74214506352540133,
+    0.75177033126786774,
+    0.76943956404912883,
+    0.79020165814710741,
+    0.80781062970338047,
+    0.81634889994531135,
+    0.82618810526895436,
+    0.84005098189915028,
+    0.86666756102772669,
+    0.87735918829690207,
+    0.88554074010562978,
+    0.90240999323032145,
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+    0.92982256792581119,
+    0.93859572806129865,
+    0.95740797855505955,
+    0.97317410516930258,
+    0.98783906755984918,
+    1.0108980555570175,
+    1.0284511401075709,
+    1.0482594431498151,
+    1.0611613677510832,
+    1.0784870131371229,
+    1.0919180174352818,
+    1.1135514694962279,
+    1.125494491992268,
+    1.1410712650872479,
+    1.1674352256776539,
+    1.184785119317356,
+    1.2096294450605212,
+    1.2323778220867625,
+    1.2549931419768594,
+    1.2806924911813222,
+    1.3081961580241186,
+    1.3320238796794894,
+    1.3534172327636966,
+    1.3807267144923916,
+    1.4001500408447822,
+    1.4316269135391197,
+    1.449518126496226,
+    1.4807942237706289,
+    1.4996141554775,
+    1.51697171202322,
+    1.5501818193618728,
+    1.5774423949301954,
+    1.6090796134626164,
+    1.6337740770081619,
+    1.6692908417512815,
+    1.6961331386742853,
+    1.7261310689460392,
+    1.7616614368687207,
+    1.7805522635031978,
+    1.8048113834777242,
+    1.8629871128198423,
+    1.9197945215709944,
+    1.9552472287743048,
+    2.006402075733154,
+    2.0427474979249962,
+    2.074496897491799,
+    2.1328916089262004,
+    2.1753943657622523,
+    2.2401831220855666,
+    2.270693018282933,
+    2.3105641384054061,
+    2.3945586906581622,
+    2.4399768881846882,
+    2.5000049081492532,
+    2.5621934580643706,
+    2.6392295124107816,
+    2.7208587148102463,
+    2.8097139724064282,
+    2.8701110813681128,
+    2.9862082469647095,
+    3.0488516638446339,
+    3.1242308091436368,
+    3.243153466201278,
+    3.3051260648856364,
+    3.4863819457159302,
+    3.5505875681994588,
+    3.7448427188152658,
+    3.8463429990501901,
+    3.9838928478843263,
+    4.1238239879386667,
+    4.2490672817706532,
+    4.3599387844761468,
+    4.473253957654526,
+    4.6690383558822228,
+    4.8383638550300123,
+    5.0032896939841258,
+    5.1925150031279994,
+    5.4083749056768973,
+    5.8187938054935762,
+    6.1416785529469493,
+    6.5966499906173439,
+    6.9452175432435155,
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+    8.3985520655394108,
+    8.954871482916916,
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+    10.075581787179221,
+    10.666984624254228,
+    11.269430893231096,
+    12.244383827267271,
+    13.43327333120301,
+    15.035950482663642,
+    16.932372656888262,
+    19.087843838164819,
+    21.876507647307918,
+    24.329735267714369,
+    32.551612521357441,
+    42.817333269075768,
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+    263.02173214876871,
+    0.0,
+    0.039467746129120185,
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+    0.071565972010870144,
+    0.076518802143588971,
+    0.085618493830758285,
+    0.093725626920029337,
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+    0.12968718206917149,
+    0.13855089010953145,
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+    0.14961341703535569,
+    0.15878848104707796,
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+    0.21305461768025999,
+    0.22181194102152516,
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+    0.23406898010225857,
+    0.2398853548764919,
+    0.24436856459787337,
+    0.25265341913397688,
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+    0.26691829493661323,
+    0.26931297477030441,
+    0.27726914154785853,
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+    0.2859614857691346,
+    0.29125186385881313,
+    0.29881267745856349,
+    0.30375673974281647,
+    0.30854811947856214,
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+    0.32546607312581727,
+    0.33113501361486541,
+    0.33582693482769788,
+    0.34276150289703894,
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+    0.35845367388296762,
+    0.36558831277905995,
+    0.36979924962746219,
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+    0.38743278300825934,
+    0.3933947408991858,
+    0.40090502054506943,
+    0.41078320064762447,
+    0.41434452765896151,
+    0.42079409894287106,
+    0.4255673661624485,
+    0.43408043802357538,
+    0.43842453852669183,
+    0.44479957009297705,
+    0.44911932255159215,
+    0.46075892982346434,
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+    0.47672759686825411,
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+    0.49072973814548543,
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+    0.53197428010086045,
+    0.54193181090656062,
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+    0.83736881584366574,
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+    0.96865365604621834,
+    0.98601045426396106,
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+    1.0629345673978381,
+    1.0786014914723667,
+    1.0929756602733387,
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+    1.1512164532678049,
+    1.1694773456967209,
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+    1.2191337268903064,
+    1.2371236242769537,
+    1.2604030750182345,
+    1.2728991082384753,
+    1.3021733465601504,
+    1.3366400801240468,
+    1.3669786453201016,
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+    1.4142311210562548,
+    1.4371089884829913,
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+    1.57308131482694,
+    1.6005512179859467,
+    1.6311466151664402,
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+    1.702427114649556,
+    1.7358113192351368,
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+    1.8122197381889422,
+    1.8371172353927989,
+    1.8839698049061866,
+    1.9368978033833055,
+    1.9859165193893249,
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+    2.3789143587376254,
+    2.4392413643504884,
+    2.4804720034966028,
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+    2.6705999263123781,
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+    2.8651026212603763,
+    2.9882335264110305,
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+    3.2713189106502325,
+    3.3340572644275901,
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+    3.5111941452660176,
+    3.6432762400676104,
+    3.7893397930271497,
+    3.8962740628195554,
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+    4.2202691837388713,
+    4.3774443034324424,
+    4.4936111350115695,
+    4.7506236842341369,
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+    5.8287954513602722,
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+    7.7399452080885132,
+    8.3342259680123636,
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+    10.89364428926409,
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+    13.030143614298112,
+    14.095239648815568,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.097188602723129819,
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+    0.12684488135204505,
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+    0.24682307808790133,
+    0.24943612844036106,
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+    1.2481418152125123,
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+    1.3154615262708993,
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+    1.824889085813346,
+    1.8829431177071814,
+    1.9343935926685978,
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+    2.4501358388830012,
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+    3.8535789702629515,
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+    4.3847833011124493,
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+    4.6567473442819232,
+    4.8795997539612124,
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+    5.4071167044869721,
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+    11.547524333694614,
+    13.042152628954279,
+    15.066816239535164,
+    16.843645091885804,
+    22.29298319668764,
+    27.78918358142127,
+    36.15482791135674,
+    48.467620573432804,
+    150.75527930067238,
+    0.0,
+    0.030475436329936944,
+    0.041455577211803325,
+    0.050587167936695224,
+    0.058798726126600857,
+    0.065119327951945208,
+    0.073499955494061478,
+    0.07885113088345877,
+    0.085143786389228412,
+    0.08965572615115161,
+    0.094178377769283547,
+    0.098501280404947864,
+    0.1030958981377707,
+    0.10869385918561442,
+    0.11297670615452211,
+    0.11689141102215121,
+    0.1214840331703515,
+    0.12584718500031158,
+    0.12987214864837779,
+    0.13468557220683824,
+    0.13924503288786391,
+    0.14386351348014154,
+    0.1493340912759876,
+    0.15399302445531154,
+    0.15891197422219733,
+    0.16342430790220985,
+    0.16862541478716603,
+    0.17284449028563825,
+    0.17822842307181602,
+    0.1820267480405092,
+    0.18688153961477047,
+    0.1927267317388851,
+    0.1970428163553993,
+    0.20121205502603673,
+    0.20565232504914904,
+    0.20898176045815323,
+    0.21456701344386478,
+    0.2193381728343505,
+    0.2241310071800133,
+    0.22817700334024027,
+    0.23233337863145165,
+    0.23720906624202601,
+    0.24191353394033271,
+    0.24708942468474382,
+    0.25285280260759901,
+    0.25671572324736464,
+    0.26213421506917656,
+    0.26638683139162828,
+    0.27152578772723279,
+    0.2762872026065426,
+    0.28128390667450365,
+    0.28593911283892171,
+    0.29087431204884701,
+    0.29557087416205607,
+    0.30019592182315891,
+    0.30513806758216755,
+    0.31016793114986319,
+    0.31616724797260032,
+    0.32041768091414635,
+    0.32514136402938837,
+    0.330175514469844,
+    0.33510934856577768,
+    0.34052636062698755,
+    0.34595494789256998,
+    0.35149217534601079,
+    0.35744012588115681,
+    0.36163975663483183,
+    0.36600266939188625,
+    0.3715301308425546,
+    0.37731624495426341,
+    0.38179171447482013,
+    0.38695470344853578,
+    0.39172315899130233,
+    0.39614948723382537,
+    0.3998385857290081,
+    0.40528704514340191,
+    0.4113906789211898,
+    0.41723754661044737,
+    0.42330595508586388,
+    0.4298295205380972,
+    0.43639003733749093,
+    0.44294781550179985,
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+    0.45589276061599149,
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+    0.46972702984856168,
+    0.47691662036234045,
+    0.48515870923762039,
+    0.49260277947704278,
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+    0.50899844136237671,
+    0.51521773387918002,
+    0.52259062361544673,
+    0.53071416140395877,
+    0.53996499482812654,
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+    0.56353596314369636,
+    0.57266468438633022,
+    0.57882534017246046,
+    0.5879193586669369,
+    0.59795376910115772,
+    0.60910017566901453,
+    0.62152501089463474,
+    0.62899125612273621,
+    0.63944993844645304,
+    0.65079039292032037,
+    0.65990599756610113,
+    0.67267050134312967,
+    0.6811396504155568,
+    0.69102170908780658,
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+    0.71917690416970415,
+    0.73053302980642632,
+    0.74479922749569372,
+    0.75660131757288107,
+    0.76966460911714163,
+    0.78382775044111574,
+    0.79890547769142994,
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+    0.82632592595142507,
+    0.84038976545168742,
+    0.85889454588180414,
+    0.87584528603730916,
+    0.88938215721139913,
+    0.90647622547342221,
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+    0.9420929353690477,
+    0.95887351889851813,
+    0.97485760015251421,
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+    1.0509239949366704,
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+    1.0954893550189169,
+    1.1204402411184233,
+    1.1460855159498731,
+    1.1725936611440071,
+    1.1991674830298438,
+    1.223355141542398,
+    1.2503166821062022,
+    1.2755553790294463,
+    1.2974083183962621,
+    1.3271479307498393,
+    1.3598997679834393,
+    1.3966740129081683,
+    1.4270275926175096,
+    1.4608948615990871,
+    1.4952195611664525,
+    1.5313585561683203,
+    1.5640142535985393,
+    1.5994377044435546,
+    1.638305110435522,
+    1.6786361340413112,
+    1.7240031947949774,
+    1.7621335157109532,
+    1.8101134128648371,
+    1.8620922391744734,
+    1.9224643921259204,
+    1.9710346661166867,
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+    2.0831877260508893,
+    2.1372551671286524,
+    2.2034358794278646,
+    2.2716335521446531,
+    2.3429160177345003,
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+    2.6084557648811311,
+    2.7199516996724253,
+    2.8338987909810287,
+    2.9216428190030639,
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+    3.1500945673097052,
+    3.270619104044989,
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+    3.5665311638055055,
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+    4.3398004727933692,
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+    5.7276260586600891,
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+    8.6803326930194569,
+    9.7122609465184322,
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+    22.898509435438054,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.054523381031400885,
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+    0.065188383675028702,
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+    0.077168570402807349,
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+    0.08755686111436492,
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+    0.096425123862060327,
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+    0.11698509676168573,
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+    0.13345882034603812,
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+    0.14941148229826645,
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+    0.15783715568801643,
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+    0.16672946241207018,
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+    0.17420920933779047,
+    0.1787571250538082,
+    0.18406358630263245,
+    0.18924049544452431,
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+    0.20746114210240005,
+    0.21178663359554398,
+    0.21561802968012542,
+    0.2201648522340745,
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+    0.23288763477408511,
+    0.23799769247855981,
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+    0.2547852657654528,
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+    0.27333957150348165,
+    0.27844160533530171,
+    0.28262027978412785,
+    0.28651353733567758,
+    0.29232034746442948,
+    0.29580376680146625,
+    0.29935090999568476,
+    0.30309728324775276,
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+    0.31201121511000857,
+    0.31571249520502215,
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+    0.32351704294037775,
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+    0.34672628630214691,
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+    0.35642244422141933,
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+    0.38830090222693142,
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+    0.39750505605076314,
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+    0.40779084214158268,
+    0.41471724442253388,
+    0.419908928474307,
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+    0.43082110702825382,
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+    0.44058928875209435,
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+    0.4679792550227716,
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+    0.53458634795400084,
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+    0.55167313602281232,
+    0.55895482076372938,
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+    0.59812779085356993,
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+    0.61595140194035713,
+    0.62390929987658528,
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+    0.64205470333131864,
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+    0.85591239426333621,
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+    0.8906804437761574,
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+    0.9834409532310171,
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+    1.0406894015881631,
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+    1.0953872473777502,
+    1.1182073342474079,
+    1.1431128152282664,
+    1.1700990970833274,
+    1.1937825903128636,
+    1.2194906544605457,
+    1.2510699786546229,
+    1.2724440268105714,
+    1.3012328136568787,
+    1.3306077291828782,
+    1.3661125359622348,
+    1.4057121542663247,
+    1.438874003521625,
+    1.4852719546886077,
+    1.53160091645302,
+    1.5835611112903651,
+    1.6195792978908965,
+    1.6633225682365109,
+    1.7092772469624007,
+    1.7547058942561764,
+    1.7983361923251511,
+    1.8554877739779563,
+    1.9046272406631959,
+    1.9419569456472263,
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+    2.2042343314393218,
+    2.2881456308297792,
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+    2.4247974852833076,
+    2.5226066296330565,
+    2.6287822381475663,
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+    2.8121552403853838,
+    2.9431246632384611,
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+    3.3476671295609703,
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+    4.472267971856815,
+    4.7565859357335603,
+    4.9434439507675787,
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+    7.1530922193648818,
+    7.7821104509969494,
+    8.8151940771286945,
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+    14.881052320293959,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.078749877606011834,
+    0.081760044924091488,
+    0.084762821011376818,
+    0.089159093597265968,
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+    0.12645066727981549,
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+    0.13791508807970299,
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+    0.14390700642876164,
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+    0.39482572425216256,
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+    1.1534134957090025,
+    1.1740889749056131,
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+    1.6323134541541804,
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+    2.0217329340053252,
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+    2.2381267311291735,
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+    2.7401975123216742,
+    2.8684444249229628,
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+    3.1604260734920331,
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+    3.4644518032671439,
+    3.6844961008964079,
+    3.869097249632687,
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+    4.2786209475461598,
+    4.5240194654211052,
+    4.822566531353826,
+    5.2714477848841934,
+    5.9366668833227134,
+    6.6736260326271726,
+    7.4551267397319529,
+    8.3647745090344028,
+    9.8450415285668225,
+    13.306780281265262,
+    17.423150761794336,
+    35.674610410451407,
+    0.0,
+    0.026072158368489466,
+    0.036900224781724264,
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+    0.057774560304207197,
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+    0.067588098405070435,
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+    0.080103152511407455,
+    0.083942709652846864,
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+    0.091817280544786176,
+    0.095686966687175301,
+    0.099145626961583258,
+    0.10201499654232103,
+    0.10517988601597632,
+    0.10903765629410936,
+    0.11233875871599709,
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+    0.11841077260641984,
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+    0.12514181216632086,
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+    0.13482024094190459,
+    0.13784834878294833,
+    0.14173344180612701,
+    0.1443921643498963,
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+    0.15145826578672161,
+    0.15493735233574032,
+    0.157933736355726,
+    0.16144421044205534,
+    0.16496481804605914,
+    0.16826466934931564,
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+    0.17500874461399182,
+    0.17804879932812664,
+    0.18119742226991276,
+    0.18460902834327048,
+    0.18841699006227006,
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+    0.19532030848596255,
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+    0.20296708531160809,
+    0.20618735671870392,
+    0.21005410851308523,
+    0.21234742151711827,
+    0.21601167034217333,
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+    0.222820615737646,
+    0.22619381050579929,
+    0.23003091052614577,
+    0.23415565946236791,
+    0.23843514043598069,
+    0.24127671289852604,
+    0.24517794764409234,
+    0.24860194155386806,
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+    0.26045765403062382,
+    0.26378413560952962,
+    0.26727514960402926,
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+    0.27484241340019733,
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+    0.28803025780779556,
+    0.29103424057548449,
+    0.2948369270235498,
+    0.29857003211993777,
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+    0.30693020880140259,
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+    0.32299918409538603,
+    0.32683085030433912,
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+    0.33471837712211988,
+    0.33909222602081823,
+    0.34276815018760209,
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+    0.35661461412974371,
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+    0.36462562668761184,
+    0.36940962892850221,
+    0.37390697111571997,
+    0.37904116253667841,
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+    0.38891575774564258,
+    0.39360053923178462,
+    0.39785365298982145,
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+    0.40892518527823574,
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+    0.42599384924960337,
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+    0.4364633576555077,
+    0.4415508493771485,
+    0.44655303590621287,
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+    0.45915054065776795,
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+    0.53391907857488219,
+    0.54231740014001373,
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+    1.0736587494567686,
+    1.1029019665569759,
+    1.12906516845161,
+    1.1535229840512065,
+    1.183650543141433,
+    1.2145616634515819,
+    1.2433817141554775,
+    1.2742936392427719,
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+    1.3449613279449495,
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+    1.4151051032327249,
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+    1.4970878314012157,
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+    1.7874905505861236,
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+    4.4916169379050928,
+    4.8904487124863456,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.09243845286973873,
+    0.094364478720997277,
+    0.096709129954935052,
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+    0.12385053356930883,
+    0.12634084519901401,
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+    0.13679964962661262,
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+    0.14181342525248586,
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+    0.14783340369717113,
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+    0.16370574506975646,
+    0.16653288283113751,
+    0.16902699557221748,
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+    0.18333071563005016,
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+    0.19209155599903649,
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+    0.20885428273616122,
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+    0.23565035124699107,
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+    0.27275363634505095,
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+    0.27871993911088333,
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+    0.2938064288488651,
+    0.2969815313602166,
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+    0.30666702944803848,
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+    0.3277688075192623,
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+    0.349067132730848,
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+    0.35729246702459938,
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+    0.36506622168141156,
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+    0.3866300329330194,
+    0.39204361455678038,
+    0.3962317851808338,
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+    0.40814046916968216,
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+    0.42867287716554325,
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+    1.101139306224127,
+    1.1388797172799137,
+    1.1665602377614628,
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+    1.5705018855286448,
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+    0.0,
+    0.018339072203810237,
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+    0.57980243654512897,
+    0.59369025108432061,
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+    0.62969186089776408,
+    0.63837174738104929,
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+    0.71339160274800251,
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+    1.0077289627906116,
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+    1.1213085582112645,
+    1.1519192766424888,
+    1.2067063531674953,
+    1.2531782152469926,
+    1.3107295260357585,
+    1.3724083852801383,
+    1.4468184839518206,
+    1.5305694103262035,
+    1.6312349936217583,
+    1.756018052127331,
+    1.8367605970857828,
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+    0.0,
+    0.022907607978118902,
+    0.029821550682582357,
+    0.041345273775706924,
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+    0.051530800253982594,
+    0.054552378113468664,
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+    0.074986799025957215,
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+    0.082270832598215493,
+    0.085046708133008728,
+    0.087447299482588489,
+    0.088756661262206285,
+    0.089943943671740606,
+    0.091007938101520788,
+    0.094928097449594656,
+    0.099174513732067163,
+    0.10225836726704171,
+    0.10576989225044739,
+    0.10833249442743473,
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+    0.11482544288738511,
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+    0.11877928264418412,
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+    0.12165567868304332,
+    0.12370102433239426,
+    0.12612018039059264,
+    0.12684700576746685,
+    0.12878646240712111,
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+    0.13306734076172619,
+    0.13372880707703153,
+    0.13736038992044558,
+    0.13881715097710293,
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+    0.14124573991521217,
+    0.14311942643715578,
+    0.14513581305673817,
+    0.14595784685930299,
+    0.14716393061676503,
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+    0.15050993397888962,
+    0.15162964533831316,
+    0.15369975683678072,
+    0.15435469959388012,
+    0.15577759046058082,
+    0.15668226730841731,
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+    0.16531349295331907,
+    0.16703861065645129,
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+    0.17070372367338077,
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+    0.17401929655089876,
+    0.17549939813262669,
+    0.17701318273239205,
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+    0.18569720961339536,
+    0.18665041599964075,
+    0.18938007981684934,
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+    0.19315708801010689,
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+    0.1996477292940389,
+    0.20328799229092981,
+    0.20659034076463945,
+    0.20796810335371782,
+    0.20983542523783127,
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+    0.21431203105213031,
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+    0.21896636799431354,
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+    0.22179327232323751,
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+    0.22885586498217825,
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+    0.23445635314933294,
+    0.23554916368095241,
+    0.23985598287746046,
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+    0.24198970919459603,
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+    0.24539417383496825,
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+    0.25090707777222615,
+    0.25130106870142177,
+    0.25451533183987707,
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+    0.26856790047127449,
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+    0.28247854937130817,
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+    0.31232747522186072,
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+    0.38546836603235024,
+    0.38836897993416342,
+    0.39553820461710354,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.058789366804777823,
+    0.059894670960058481,
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+    0.063705491238154652,
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+    0.066539564546213181,
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+    0.075029578028714114,
+    0.076090220871986247,
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+    0.084590953870938804,
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+    0.094937834404926119,
+    0.097040224291640623,
+    0.097667138521545876,
+    0.099969968038602502,
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+    0.10780079213283225,
+    0.10889375095854625,
+    0.10903938989013479,
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+    0.11326518811097527,
+    0.11352509387853861,
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+    0.12639939557206845,
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+    0.14571034508839201,
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+    0.14842017101772531,
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+    0.15841699106659399,
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+    0.16854825098054121,
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+    0.18561588691792064,
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+    0.18893514209622653,
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+    0.20456046242286197,
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+    0.21552884148320978,
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+    0.2208750353533499,
+    0.22231160974944153,
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+    0.22883502427842192,
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+    0.24933355507759977,
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+    0.27463053229655843,
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+    0.27800957551439981,
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+    0.28289551881522107,
+    0.28379888321436764,
+    0.28474455516979619,
+    0.28548889806913502,
+    0.28851856129741399,
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+    0.28955788894271245,
+    0.29350305977266933,
+    0.29609872122681807,
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+    0.30382080452923382,
+    0.30448438898977698,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.03669053240718801,
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+    0.046731484997993428,
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+    0.067880636244234044,
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+    0.079768809149418779,
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+    0.082670774423793988,
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+    0.088324648985544513,
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+    0.10195388252236594,
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+    0.11227193635040114,
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+    0.11691086289458787,
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+    0.12256846680870316,
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+    0.13136136021211561,
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+    0.14560628646680376,
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+    0.15610306654452089,
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+    0.16705380313003848,
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+    0.17681813754652775,
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+    0.18070221855952068,
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+    0.18739559121993163,
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+    0.1938767861484369,
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+    0.20739126731129648,
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+    0.22284661457281491,
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+    0.23203519715709653,
+    0.23558872825006388,
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+    0.23602589936541735,
+    0.23638998760967109,
+    0.23703292133804643,
+    0.24047672111025759,
+    0.24232933889648617,
+    0.24387144046296869,
+    0.24387144046296869,
+    0.24388260654882868,
+    0.24896631802503422,
+    0.25046853137361336,
+    0.25166045673406662,
+    0.25166045673406662,
+    0.25359663196242094,
+    0.25498419205566342,
+    0.25901909865108758,
+    0.26243633410773498,
+    0.26917225709613957,
+    0.26917225709613957,
+    0.27179969406100962,
+    0.27215636119935699,
+    0.27269960957360972,
+    0.27295835182412659,
+    0.27444977275651289,
+    0.27444977275651289,
+    0.274486965108864,
+    0.27757442781989727,
+    0.28007367094306918,
+    0.28306039462916666,
+    0.28306039462916666,
+    0.29022692808414607,
+    0.29319016306643131,
+    0.2953248123792146,
+    0.29727012315484735,
+    0.30055429636041897,
+    0.30055429636041897,
+    0.30274018734482672,
+    0.30371328246605706,
+    0.31089484427626424,
+    0.31222083890057561,
+    0.31222083890057561,
+    0.31342334287374385,
+    0.31360922339798514,
+    0.31781375837493059,
+    0.32086597698136354,
+    0.32397526199152671,
+    0.32397526199152671,
+    0.3252274384988707,
+    0.32557079328326183,
+    0.33071479846211244,
+    0.33213366103834452,
+    0.33213366103834452,
+    0.33806274054259133,
+    0.34060768522908541,
+    0.34066725641268175,
+    0.35070821312772565,
+    0.35281117830908848,
+    0.36022367837676228,
+    0.36022367837676228,
+    0.36359476452865169,
+    0.36867343874662684,
+    0.37500703454904866,
+    0.37500703454904866,
+    0.37559552094037618,
+    0.37776360565050465,
+    0.37911941464036175,
+    0.38043414821366556,
+    0.38673933256135501,
+    0.38673933256135501,
+    0.41493531465793626,
+    0.42545225470978032,
+    0.43335020944353286,
+    0.45946584864513479,
+    0.47934271794544625,
+    0.47934271794544625,
+    0.4835397584082895,
+    0.507001135566851,
+    0.53670698552411766,
+    0.62709022030658668,
+    0.62709022030658668,
+    0.6307562723487633,
+    0.6978337089986677,
+    0.96104664619258018,
+    0.97932419086538236,
+    1.3786097683148981,
+    1.3786097683148981,
+    2.1383436514004277,
+    2.1383436514004277,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.040258951562044121,
+    0.040258951562044121,
+    0.04337227036223338,
+    0.04337227036223338,
+    0.04337227036223338,
+    0.056733258526878674,
+    0.056733258526878674,
+    0.059895656757221916,
+    0.063352892119378321,
+    0.063352892119378321,
+    0.063352892119378321,
+    0.063352892119378321,
+    0.063460760236515132,
+    0.063460760236515132,
+    0.063460760236515132,
+    0.064176771962993165,
+    0.064176771962993165,
+    0.069374734097819607,
+    0.069374734097819607,
+    0.069941635924431284,
+    0.069941635924431284,
+    0.069941635924431284,
+    0.07441063086446581,
+    0.07441063086446581,
+    0.090038436293935278,
+    0.090038436293935278,
+    0.090038436293935278,
+    0.093919282982153851,
+    0.098259451815303545,
+    0.098259451815303545,
+    0.098259451815303545,
+    0.098259451815303545,
+    0.11221645527330414,
+    0.11221645527330414,
+    0.11464109406455952,
+    0.11464109406455952,
+    0.11464109406455952,
+    0.11504122558884447,
+    0.11504122558884447,
+    0.11661461574279566,
+    0.11661461574279566,
+    0.11661461574279566,
+    0.11694434342186813,
+    0.11694434342186813,
+    0.12361989892840071,
+    0.12361989892840071,
+    0.12361989892840071,
+    0.12731915639699826,
+    0.13338496267239372,
+    0.13338496267239372,
+    0.13338496267239372,
+    0.13338496267239372,
+    0.14060738795616895,
+    0.14060738795616895,
+    0.14577369503859991,
+    0.14577369503859991,
+    0.14577369503859991,
+    0.15154574744822344,
+    0.15154574744822344,
+    0.15338029980440129,
+    0.15338029980440129,
+    0.155704785287297,
+    0.155704785287297,
+    0.155704785287297,
+    0.16408818329459646,
+    0.16408818329459646,
+    0.16611008928152352,
+    0.16611008928152352,
+    0.16793010863802235,
+    0.16793010863802235,
+    0.16793010863802235,
+    0.17350035363146732,
+    0.17350035363146732,
+    0.17350035363146732,
+    0.17720670978465847,
+    0.17720670978465847,
+    0.18778273599380949,
+    0.18778273599380949,
+    0.18778273599380949,
+    0.1956978506206099,
+    0.1956978506206099,
+    0.20618188353800229,
+    0.20618188353800229,
+    0.20618188353800229,
+    0.20667910131294201,
+    0.20667910131294201,
+    0.20897230394199579,
+    0.20897230394199579,
+    0.21603929997442067,
+    0.21603929997442067,
+    0.21603929997442067,
+    0.21750678346847724,
+    0.21750678346847724,
+    0.21750678346847724,
+    0.22319258104633796,
+    0.22319258104633796,
+    0.22577633029393052,
+    0.22577633029393052,
+    0.22577633029393052,
+    0.22835066066328252,
+    0.22835066066328252,
+    0.23127950794349347,
+    0.23127950794349347,
+    0.2335912050904361,
+    0.2335912050904361,
+    0.2335912050904361,
+    0.23855651821128016,
+    0.23855651821128016,
+    0.2403910894270215,
+    0.2403910894270215,
+    0.2403910894270215,
+    0.24693892553945757,
+    0.24693892553945757,
+    0.25144395559134397,
+    0.25144395559134397,
+    0.25144395559134397,
+    0.26144207730435715,
+    0.26144207730435715,
+    0.26316375812762322,
+    0.26316375812762322,
+    0.26316375812762322,
+    0.269250257528246,
+    0.269250257528246,
+    0.26976356545845359,
+    0.26976356545845359,
+    0.26976356545845359,
+    0.27207502394872296,
+    0.27207502394872296,
+    0.2722348959852619,
+    0.2722348959852619,
+    0.2722348959852619,
+    0.27399949932593481,
+    0.27399949932593481,
+    0.28525376986066708,
+    0.28525376986066708,
+    0.28525376986066708,
+    0.28581273013248543,
+    0.28581273013248543,
+    0.28581555874501124,
+    0.28581555874501124,
+    0.28725787127206887,
+    0.28725787127206887,
+    0.28725787127206887,
+    0.29182201476670522,
+    0.29182201476670522,
+    0.29774917483412067,
+    0.29774917483412067,
+    0.29774917483412067,
+    0.3221172335419677,
+    0.3221172335419677,
+    0.32286123906893716,
+    0.32286123906893716,
+    0.32286123906893716,
+    0.32784329797451783,
+    0.32784329797451783,
+    0.39859714532471063,
+    0.39859714532471063,
+    0.39859714532471063,
+    0.40861269762703839,
+    0.40861269762703839,
+    0.43492497337962299,
+    0.43492497337962299,
+    0.43492497337962299,
+    0.45154247181726737,
+    0.45154247181726737,
+    0.47903191315956584,
+    0.47903191315956584,
+    0.47903191315956584,
+    0.48764413130617162,
+    0.48764413130617162,
+    0.55753055427216291,
+    0.55753055427216291,
+    0.55753055427216291,
+    0.59950889251110473,
+    0.59950889251110473,
+    0.62302532522821363,
+    0.62302532522821363,
+    0.62302532522821363,
+    0.70821265192750071,
+    0.70821265192750071,
+    0.78923825478405685,
+    0.78923825478405685,
+    0.80991304315555079,
+    0.80991304315555079,
+    0.80991304315555079,
+    0.88217017561019562,
+    0.88217017561019562,
+    0.88217017561019562,
+    0.90564207937415331,
+    0.90564207937415331,
+    0.92743264762046396,
+    0.92743264762046396,
+    1.0496487600196804,
+    1.0496487600196804,
+    1.0496487600196804,
+    1.2152980938033116,
+    1.2152980938033116,
+    1.2152980938033116,
+    1.2152980938033116,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_gamoms.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_gamoms.py
index 2d50b74204596f77c5f32437c564f21a314acb2d..1540f939fb7764bba35bc95021fba760a0bbc84d 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_gamoms.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_gamoms.py
@@ -9,14 +9,84 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_DC06_def_gamoms = [
-    0, 350.0, 1050.0, 1750.0, 2450.0, 3150.0, 3850.0, 4550.0, 5250.0, 5950.0,
-    6650.0, 7350.0, 8050.0, 8750.0, 9450.0, 10150.0, 10850.0, 11550.0, 12250.0,
-    12950.0, 13650.0, 14350.0, 15050.0, 15750.0, 16450.0, 17150.0, 17850.0,
-    18550.0, 19250.0, 19950.0, 20650.0, 21350.0, 22050.0, 22750.0, 23450.0,
-    24150.0, 24850.0, 25550.0, 26250.0, 26950.0, 27650.0, 28350.0, 29050.0,
-    29750.0, 30450.0, 31150.0, 31850.0, 32550.0, 33250.0, 33950.0, 34650.0,
-    35350.0, 36050.0, 36750.0, 37450.0, 38150.0, 38850.0, 39550.0, 40250.0,
-    40950.0, 41650.0, 42350.0, 43050.0, 43750.0, 44450.0, 45150.0, 45850.0,
-    46550.0, 47250.0, 47950.0, 48650.0, 49350.0, 50050.0, 50750.0, 51450.0,
-    52150.0, 52850.0, 53550.0, 54250.0, 54950.0
+    0,
+    350.0,
+    1050.0,
+    1750.0,
+    2450.0,
+    3150.0,
+    3850.0,
+    4550.0,
+    5250.0,
+    5950.0,
+    6650.0,
+    7350.0,
+    8050.0,
+    8750.0,
+    9450.0,
+    10150.0,
+    10850.0,
+    11550.0,
+    12250.0,
+    12950.0,
+    13650.0,
+    14350.0,
+    15050.0,
+    15750.0,
+    16450.0,
+    17150.0,
+    17850.0,
+    18550.0,
+    19250.0,
+    19950.0,
+    20650.0,
+    21350.0,
+    22050.0,
+    22750.0,
+    23450.0,
+    24150.0,
+    24850.0,
+    25550.0,
+    26250.0,
+    26950.0,
+    27650.0,
+    28350.0,
+    29050.0,
+    29750.0,
+    30450.0,
+    31150.0,
+    31850.0,
+    32550.0,
+    33250.0,
+    33950.0,
+    34650.0,
+    35350.0,
+    36050.0,
+    36750.0,
+    37450.0,
+    38150.0,
+    38850.0,
+    39550.0,
+    40250.0,
+    40950.0,
+    41650.0,
+    42350.0,
+    43050.0,
+    43750.0,
+    44450.0,
+    45150.0,
+    45850.0,
+    46550.0,
+    47250.0,
+    47950.0,
+    48650.0,
+    49350.0,
+    50050.0,
+    50750.0,
+    51450.0,
+    52150.0,
+    52850.0,
+    53550.0,
+    54250.0,
+    54950.0,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_gaprobs.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_gaprobs.py
index 9864c2bd1c9f0021a01bc1746403e2bd0eacfac2..97407b1f791f9c2417a595ce15c6678b270c733c 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_gaprobs.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_DC06_def_gaprobs.py
@@ -9,99 +9,324 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_DC06_def_gaprobs = [
-    0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.91489362716699996, 0.95692306757000001,
-    0.98613864183400002, 0.99072849750500003, 0.98903292417499999,
-    0.98952460288999999, 0.99774098396300004, 0.99152541160600005,
-    0.99343830347100004, 0.99500310421000004, 0.99360203742999997,
-    0.99673414230299995, 0.99803018569900004, 0.99857753515199998,
-    0.99271136522299996, 0.993197262287, 0.997596144676, 0.99408286809900004,
-    0.99648505449299996, 0.99720668792699996, 0.99559080600700001,
-    0.99696666002300005, 0.99382078647600003, 0.99571734666800005,
-    0.99760192632699995, 0.99768519401599998, 0.99423962831500001,
-    0.99749684333800004, 0.99865412712099999, 0.99725276231799997,
-    0.99565845727900004, 1.0, 0.995768666267, 0.99697428941699995,
-    0.99658703804000004, 0.995065808296, 0.998257815838, 0.99835252761799997,
-    0.99401199817700003, 1.0, 0.99435025453600001, 0.99797159433399996,
-    0.99582463502899998, 0.99365752935399998, 0.99794661998699996,
-    0.99550563097, 0.99768519401599998, 0.99052131176000002,
-    0.99722993373900004, 0.99507391452799998, 0.98961037397399998,
-    0.99184781312900006, 0.98863637447399999, 0.99135446548499995,
-    0.99723756313300005, 0.99006623029700003, 0.99099099636099997,
-    0.99672132730499996, 0.992857158184, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.98947370052299999,
-    0.99640285968800002, 0.99641579389599999, 0.98892986774400005,
-    0.984126985073, 0.99591839313499997, 0.98765432834599998,
-    0.98712444305400004, 0.99523806571999995, 0.98076921701399999, 1.0, 1.0,
-    1.0, 1.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.031914893537799999, 0.68923074006999996,
-    0.94653463363599999, 0.97483444213899995, 0.98404783010499997,
-    0.98952460288999999, 0.99397587776200003, 0.99022161960599997,
-    0.99081367254300001, 0.99312931299200002, 0.99488162994399998,
-    0.99738734960599995, 0.99606043100399999, 0.99431008100499996,
-    0.99562680721300001, 0.99546486139299994, 0.997596144676,
-    0.99408286809900004, 0.99648505449299996, 0.996275603771,
-    0.99823635816599998, 0.99494439363499998, 0.99485069513299995,
-    0.99678802490200002, 0.99520385265400002, 0.99884259700800004,
-    0.99539172649399998, 0.99374216795000003, 0.99730819463700005,
-    0.99450546503100001, 0.99565845727900004, 1.0, 0.99435824155800001,
-    0.99546140432399999, 0.99488055706, 0.99342107772800003,
-    0.99651569127999995, 0.99670511484099999, 0.99401199817700003,
-    0.99616122245799998, 0.99811673164400005, 0.99594318866700005,
-    0.99791228771200002, 0.99154335260399995, 0.99794661998699996,
-    0.99775278568299997, 0.99768519401599998, 0.99289101362200005,
-    0.99722993373900004, 0.99014776945100003, 0.98961037397399998,
-    0.99728262424500003, 0.98863637447399999, 0.98559075593900003,
-    0.99447512626599999, 0.98675495386099998, 0.98798799514799995,
-    0.99672132730499996, 0.98571425676299995, 0.99662160873399996, 1.0, 1.0,
-    0.98947370052299999, 0.99640285968800002, 0.99641579389599999,
-    0.98892986774400005, 0.99603176116900005, 0.99591839313499997,
-    0.99588477611500004, 0.99570816755299996, 0.99523806571999995,
-    0.98076921701399999, 1.0, 0.99545454978900005, 0.98958331346499995, 1.0, 0,
-    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.31881189346299998, 0.88344371318799997,
-    0.95014953613300002, 0.97824335098299997, 0.97515058517499997,
-    0.98370271921200003, 0.98556429147699998, 0.99250465631499996,
-    0.99168264865900002, 0.99281513690900003, 0.99409061670300003,
-    0.99217641353599995, 0.99271136522299996, 0.99168556928600005,
-    0.99439102411299995, 0.99492812156699995, 0.99384886026399999,
-    0.99720668792699996, 0.99029982090000002, 0.99089992046399999,
-    0.99382078647600003, 0.99571734666800005, 0.99040764570200002,
-    0.99884259700800004, 0.98847925663000002, 0.99624532461199999,
-    0.99327051639599995, 0.99450546503100001, 0.99710565805399998,
-    0.99855905771300002, 0.99012696742999995, 0.99546140432399999,
-    0.99317407607999997, 0.99013155698800004, 1.0, 0.99341022968299997,
-    0.99201595783200003, 0.99808061122900005, 0.99811673164400005,
-    0.99594318866700005, 0.99791228771200002, 0.98308670520800001,
-    0.99794661998699996, 0.99775278568299997, 1.0, 0.99052131176000002,
-    0.99445980787300003, 0.99014776945100003, 0.984415590763,
-    0.98913043737399997, 0.98579543829000005, 0.97982710599900003,
-    0.98895025253299995, 0.98675495386099998, 0.98798799514799995,
-    0.99672132730499996, 0.98928570747400002, 0.99662160873399996,
-    0.98207885026899999, 0.99658703804000004, 0.98596489429500001,
-    0.98920863866800002, 0.99641579389599999, 0.98154979944200005,
-    0.98809522390399995, 0.99591839313499997, 0.99176955223100005,
-    0.982832610607, 0.98571425676299995, 0.98076921701399999, 1.0,
-    0.99545454978900005, 0.99479168653500005, 1.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
-    0.00198019808158, 0.076821193098999999, 0.595214366913,
-    0.90491539239899998, 0.95858430862400001, 0.96870923042299995,
-    0.98556429147699998, 0.98750782012899996, 0.98784387111700001,
-    0.98889613151599998, 0.99146419763600002, 0.99359887838399996,
-    0.98833817243599997, 0.993197262287, 0.99038463830900003,
-    0.99492812156699995, 0.99384886026399999, 0.99720668792699996,
-    0.99206346273400003, 0.99494439363499998, 0.99176108837099997,
-    0.99357599019999998, 0.99040764570200002, 0.99652779102300004,
-    0.98732721805599999, 0.99374216795000003, 0.99327051639599995,
-    0.99587911367399995, 0.99565845727900004, 0.99711817503,
-    0.99294781684900002, 0.98940998315799999, 0.98634815216100002,
-    0.991776287556, 0.99477350711800006, 0.99341022968299997,
-    0.98602795600899995, 0.99232244491599997, 0.99811673164400005,
-    0.993914783001, 0.99791228771200002, 0.98520082235299999,
-    0.99794661998699996, 0.99775278568299997, 0.99768519401599998,
-    0.98815166950199995, 0.99445980787300003, 0.99261081218699998,
-    0.98701298236799995, 0.99184781312900006, 0.991477251053,
-    0.97694522142399998, 0.99171268940000001, 0.98344373702999999,
-    0.98498499393500005, 0.99344259500499998, 0.98928570747400002,
-    0.99324321746800004, 0.98924732208300004, 0.99658703804000004,
-    0.98596489429500001, 0.98561149835600004, 0.98207885026899999,
-    0.985239863396, 0.98809522390399995, 0.98775511980099995,
-    0.99588477611500004, 0.98712444305400004, 0.98095238208799995,
-    0.97596156597100003, 0.99512195587200003, 0.99090909957899997,
-    0.98958331346499995, 1.0
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.91489362716699996,
+    0.95692306757000001,
+    0.98613864183400002,
+    0.99072849750500003,
+    0.98903292417499999,
+    0.98952460288999999,
+    0.99774098396300004,
+    0.99152541160600005,
+    0.99343830347100004,
+    0.99500310421000004,
+    0.99360203742999997,
+    0.99673414230299995,
+    0.99803018569900004,
+    0.99857753515199998,
+    0.99271136522299996,
+    0.993197262287,
+    0.997596144676,
+    0.99408286809900004,
+    0.99648505449299996,
+    0.99720668792699996,
+    0.99559080600700001,
+    0.99696666002300005,
+    0.99382078647600003,
+    0.99571734666800005,
+    0.99760192632699995,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.99423962831500001,
+    0.99749684333800004,
+    0.99865412712099999,
+    0.99725276231799997,
+    0.99565845727900004,
+    1.0,
+    0.995768666267,
+    0.99697428941699995,
+    0.99658703804000004,
+    0.995065808296,
+    0.998257815838,
+    0.99835252761799997,
+    0.99401199817700003,
+    1.0,
+    0.99435025453600001,
+    0.99797159433399996,
+    0.99582463502899998,
+    0.99365752935399998,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99550563097,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.99052131176000002,
+    0.99722993373900004,
+    0.99507391452799998,
+    0.98961037397399998,
+    0.99184781312900006,
+    0.98863637447399999,
+    0.99135446548499995,
+    0.99723756313300005,
+    0.99006623029700003,
+    0.99099099636099997,
+    0.99672132730499996,
+    0.992857158184,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    0.98947370052299999,
+    0.99640285968800002,
+    0.99641579389599999,
+    0.98892986774400005,
+    0.984126985073,
+    0.99591839313499997,
+    0.98765432834599998,
+    0.98712444305400004,
+    0.99523806571999995,
+    0.98076921701399999,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.031914893537799999,
+    0.68923074006999996,
+    0.94653463363599999,
+    0.97483444213899995,
+    0.98404783010499997,
+    0.98952460288999999,
+    0.99397587776200003,
+    0.99022161960599997,
+    0.99081367254300001,
+    0.99312931299200002,
+    0.99488162994399998,
+    0.99738734960599995,
+    0.99606043100399999,
+    0.99431008100499996,
+    0.99562680721300001,
+    0.99546486139299994,
+    0.997596144676,
+    0.99408286809900004,
+    0.99648505449299996,
+    0.996275603771,
+    0.99823635816599998,
+    0.99494439363499998,
+    0.99485069513299995,
+    0.99678802490200002,
+    0.99520385265400002,
+    0.99884259700800004,
+    0.99539172649399998,
+    0.99374216795000003,
+    0.99730819463700005,
+    0.99450546503100001,
+    0.99565845727900004,
+    1.0,
+    0.99435824155800001,
+    0.99546140432399999,
+    0.99488055706,
+    0.99342107772800003,
+    0.99651569127999995,
+    0.99670511484099999,
+    0.99401199817700003,
+    0.99616122245799998,
+    0.99811673164400005,
+    0.99594318866700005,
+    0.99791228771200002,
+    0.99154335260399995,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99775278568299997,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.99289101362200005,
+    0.99722993373900004,
+    0.99014776945100003,
+    0.98961037397399998,
+    0.99728262424500003,
+    0.98863637447399999,
+    0.98559075593900003,
+    0.99447512626599999,
+    0.98675495386099998,
+    0.98798799514799995,
+    0.99672132730499996,
+    0.98571425676299995,
+    0.99662160873399996,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    0.98947370052299999,
+    0.99640285968800002,
+    0.99641579389599999,
+    0.98892986774400005,
+    0.99603176116900005,
+    0.99591839313499997,
+    0.99588477611500004,
+    0.99570816755299996,
+    0.99523806571999995,
+    0.98076921701399999,
+    1.0,
+    0.99545454978900005,
+    0.98958331346499995,
+    1.0,
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.31881189346299998,
+    0.88344371318799997,
+    0.95014953613300002,
+    0.97824335098299997,
+    0.97515058517499997,
+    0.98370271921200003,
+    0.98556429147699998,
+    0.99250465631499996,
+    0.99168264865900002,
+    0.99281513690900003,
+    0.99409061670300003,
+    0.99217641353599995,
+    0.99271136522299996,
+    0.99168556928600005,
+    0.99439102411299995,
+    0.99492812156699995,
+    0.99384886026399999,
+    0.99720668792699996,
+    0.99029982090000002,
+    0.99089992046399999,
+    0.99382078647600003,
+    0.99571734666800005,
+    0.99040764570200002,
+    0.99884259700800004,
+    0.98847925663000002,
+    0.99624532461199999,
+    0.99327051639599995,
+    0.99450546503100001,
+    0.99710565805399998,
+    0.99855905771300002,
+    0.99012696742999995,
+    0.99546140432399999,
+    0.99317407607999997,
+    0.99013155698800004,
+    1.0,
+    0.99341022968299997,
+    0.99201595783200003,
+    0.99808061122900005,
+    0.99811673164400005,
+    0.99594318866700005,
+    0.99791228771200002,
+    0.98308670520800001,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99775278568299997,
+    1.0,
+    0.99052131176000002,
+    0.99445980787300003,
+    0.99014776945100003,
+    0.984415590763,
+    0.98913043737399997,
+    0.98579543829000005,
+    0.97982710599900003,
+    0.98895025253299995,
+    0.98675495386099998,
+    0.98798799514799995,
+    0.99672132730499996,
+    0.98928570747400002,
+    0.99662160873399996,
+    0.98207885026899999,
+    0.99658703804000004,
+    0.98596489429500001,
+    0.98920863866800002,
+    0.99641579389599999,
+    0.98154979944200005,
+    0.98809522390399995,
+    0.99591839313499997,
+    0.99176955223100005,
+    0.982832610607,
+    0.98571425676299995,
+    0.98076921701399999,
+    1.0,
+    0.99545454978900005,
+    0.99479168653500005,
+    1.0,
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.00198019808158,
+    0.076821193098999999,
+    0.595214366913,
+    0.90491539239899998,
+    0.95858430862400001,
+    0.96870923042299995,
+    0.98556429147699998,
+    0.98750782012899996,
+    0.98784387111700001,
+    0.98889613151599998,
+    0.99146419763600002,
+    0.99359887838399996,
+    0.98833817243599997,
+    0.993197262287,
+    0.99038463830900003,
+    0.99492812156699995,
+    0.99384886026399999,
+    0.99720668792699996,
+    0.99206346273400003,
+    0.99494439363499998,
+    0.99176108837099997,
+    0.99357599019999998,
+    0.99040764570200002,
+    0.99652779102300004,
+    0.98732721805599999,
+    0.99374216795000003,
+    0.99327051639599995,
+    0.99587911367399995,
+    0.99565845727900004,
+    0.99711817503,
+    0.99294781684900002,
+    0.98940998315799999,
+    0.98634815216100002,
+    0.991776287556,
+    0.99477350711800006,
+    0.99341022968299997,
+    0.98602795600899995,
+    0.99232244491599997,
+    0.99811673164400005,
+    0.993914783001,
+    0.99791228771200002,
+    0.98520082235299999,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99775278568299997,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.98815166950199995,
+    0.99445980787300003,
+    0.99261081218699998,
+    0.98701298236799995,
+    0.99184781312900006,
+    0.991477251053,
+    0.97694522142399998,
+    0.99171268940000001,
+    0.98344373702999999,
+    0.98498499393500005,
+    0.99344259500499998,
+    0.98928570747400002,
+    0.99324321746800004,
+    0.98924732208300004,
+    0.99658703804000004,
+    0.98596489429500001,
+    0.98561149835600004,
+    0.98207885026899999,
+    0.985239863396,
+    0.98809522390399995,
+    0.98775511980099995,
+    0.99588477611500004,
+    0.98712444305400004,
+    0.98095238208799995,
+    0.97596156597100003,
+    0.99512195587200003,
+    0.99090909957899997,
+    0.98958331346499995,
+    1.0,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_chi2b.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_chi2b.py
index ff41666a557940ec64cfaa610fe78219ae28bd1b..3038b2fd47b949efcbcff1abc304ae35e317d9b0 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_chi2b.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_chi2b.py
@@ -9,672 +9,2416 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_MC09_def_chi2b = [
-    0.0, 1.19643536295, 1.7799429438800001, 2.5000897208500001,
-    3.0593132287299998, 3.4839286608000002, 3.9982294568999999,
-    4.4402913862600002, 4.8147369692600002, 5.3054432104, 5.8105717909600001,
-    6.1370968299099999, 6.7475810144699997, 7.3015792720599997,
-    7.6896019690199999, 8.13938977856, 8.4515096605100002, 8.9879216562900002,
-    9.4927671192999998, 10.085788064899999, 10.625255410199999, 11.0026891093,
-    11.3895870178, 11.843719932200001, 12.253271789299999, 12.767614137500001,
-    13.262427498099999, 13.786048882799999, 14.16595075, 14.643883369899999,
-    15.146539539600001, 15.7813472808, 16.280656373900001, 16.655646821400001,
-    17.114459585199999, 17.598615494000001, 18.184936752399999,
-    18.740805828900001, 19.248318706700001, 19.9296167205, 20.463100761100002,
-    21.2124495216, 21.626706539400001, 22.210655822100001, 22.700941956400001,
-    23.302821910599999, 23.920510033900001, 24.580456784700001, 25.2569820073,
-    25.959142340700001, 26.512265281099999, 27.196530728900001,
-    27.733216163200002, 28.478633239299999, 29.299270036500001,
-    30.256722160100001, 30.986221208, 31.737877171200001, 32.3960443243,
-    33.105226859200002, 33.767065963699999, 34.404378731100003,
-    34.924274373000003, 35.644436068099999, 36.564111572900003,
-    37.417350414600001, 38.238436024899997, 38.799991177199999,
-    39.436095377800001, 40.277347542100003, 41.016879076899997,
-    41.908435708699997, 42.819594709699999, 43.738915136400003,
-    44.846693151399997, 45.536023954699999, 46.546157932100002,
-    47.460643921100001, 48.624537354399997, 49.4055755953, 50.186510797700002,
-    51.175277055499997, 52.089204297199998, 53.122068163400002,
-    54.127727041100002, 54.940780204399999, 56.114554909900001, 57.0656839854,
-    57.894406169100002, 59.009235477799997, 60.0914392866, 61.208045864900001,
-    62.2858241466, 63.543350702799998, 64.856196127700002, 66.682225449399994,
-    68.209557105800002, 69.742463108799996, 71.750057073999997,
-    73.414467924899995, 75.307815587799993, 77.118795934299996,
-    78.812379695000004, 80.355455134600007, 81.877925440300004,
-    83.662200974800001, 85.224686517899997, 86.615321828199995,
-    88.267510348100004, 89.802469557099997, 91.374895675700003,
-    93.408025320799993, 95.336052711299999, 97.395921625599996,
-    98.859486409499993, 100.657442178, 102.99984774399999, 105.41734144900001,
-    107.273191485, 109.044242849, 110.937136356, 113.583166593,
-    115.56257233300001, 117.846911268, 120.681655831, 122.799469999,
-    124.375415383, 126.97394391900001, 129.436815795, 132.49568735599999,
-    135.98857834699999, 138.09223868300001, 141.65649987800001,
-    146.09086464500001, 149.16576952099999, 152.208770273, 155.187653896,
-    157.43246798000001, 160.43301280700001, 162.84002901100001,
-    166.77052560600001, 169.29494600500001, 172.91801473500001, 176.654293306,
-    180.23478114700001, 183.296380473, 186.73903581499999, 190.86755789399999,
-    195.654394298, 199.69558299600001, 203.92254700699999, 208.397049907,
-    213.10008202399999, 217.93095747000001, 222.20188235800001,
-    227.07325009499999, 230.860699883, 237.97819378299999, 245.85743037500001,
-    252.73101680400001, 258.89556405000002, 268.60486464500002,
-    276.47499798699999, 282.03633185400003, 289.17078451600003,
-    302.06749436299998, 312.57905513100002, 322.60452264899999, 331.014610371,
-    341.75075497, 350.173888159, 361.88637575400003, 371.61412230500002,
-    385.17435225200001, 400.72319405799999, 411.753441162, 422.75058281299999,
-    437.11037701999999, 453.45288953800002, 474.420871385, 488.318616894,
-    512.11653910200005, 535.54182501000003, 555.56166528300002,
-    573.43505104999997, 593.13241480700003, 614.79560775100003, 649.435414896,
-    688.17560751799999, 721.87795355000003, 773.415382937, 813.66800489900004,
-    877.39648314099998, 964.732528602, 1069.40860047, 1223.88660858,
-    1424.4787858300001, 1674.8315303500001, 1977.7544173799999, 2651.83993319,
-    200410.392804, 0.0, 1.1584312650099999, 1.8096405876999999, 2.08809545024,
-    2.39759603108, 2.8210825374900002, 3.2262415616500002, 3.6767261063199999,
-    4.0712643350700004, 4.3358305431000002, 4.6961593196700004,
-    5.0048297457600004, 5.3979863436900004, 5.8290699240099997,
-    6.1960232764300001, 6.5088252292500002, 6.8948342983900002,
-    7.2696660689300003, 7.5399291096800001, 8.01313726329, 8.3889381116700008,
-    8.8151563879800001, 9.3221845714700002, 9.7919081310700005,
-    10.197322679699999, 10.690667428799999, 11.1669675994, 11.439377929899999,
-    11.6674844277, 12.008682137099999, 12.4556500154, 12.8218557119,
-    13.3281486992, 13.7095661165, 14.2163312161, 14.836869545500001,
-    15.3589870134, 15.8272834403, 16.238276813700001, 16.5883025266,
-    17.023074348600002, 17.414160002799999, 17.848152475399999,
-    18.247715569499999, 18.664561518999999, 19.075395695600001,
-    19.486374441700001, 19.973916476399999, 20.5269080381, 21.020846655300002,
-    21.507367194299999, 22.0135312996, 22.461208124300001, 23.036281720800002,
-    23.480764591, 23.9941998794, 24.413118882100001, 24.9392923634,
-    25.478485752899999, 26.086617298499998, 26.6809648813, 27.1950947449,
-    28.074728258899999, 28.720521756, 29.3654350726, 30.087513917199999,
-    30.702053779700002, 31.306689242899999, 31.780186689299999, 32.4753156827,
-    33.135143889299997, 33.888469867399998, 34.645545953000003,
-    35.367533057599999, 36.110020627200001, 36.758678629099997,
-    37.497664023799999, 38.081984167100003, 38.997417122999998,
-    39.672472603700001, 40.429274192199998, 41.295854716299999,
-    41.954930876799999, 42.5972412096, 43.276950597999999, 44.159449579799997,
-    45.025165711200003, 45.821814644200003, 46.555175562499997,
-    47.583311010599999, 48.589989172199999, 49.510833894599998,
-    50.257035760699999, 51.092289456800003, 52.258119141000002,
-    52.938195970499997, 53.804888863800002, 54.8416712187, 55.960279943899998,
-    57.006686652699997, 58.274563175499999, 59.3790074307, 60.283128322000003,
-    61.549512813600003, 62.4978155636, 63.834912981700001, 64.904107601199996,
-    66.223931861400004, 67.086972593499993, 68.397576571800002,
-    69.942186175000003, 71.207027708799998, 72.602512277200006,
-    73.560342838699995, 74.967359775099993, 76.577240733500005,
-    78.057764533799997, 79.513502422499997, 81.078073566599997,
-    82.165643638800006, 83.719127560900006, 85.148667228299999,
-    86.337704861199995, 87.860157790000002, 89.431109054900006,
-    90.980131378099998, 92.433634234400003, 94.226038238300006,
-    95.621501725399995, 97.080958997099998, 99.134428385800007,
-    101.04854586800001, 102.97657310699999, 105.139486026, 107.602665034,
-    109.70147691299999, 112.05021857600001, 114.125549412, 116.61722458,
-    118.189314409, 120.82322130999999, 123.127890034, 125.47513250999999,
-    127.848312975, 130.41431036200001, 133.57317560600001, 136.49161050999999,
-    140.74286875799999, 143.71689255300001, 146.67120050400001,
-    149.59581133399999, 152.22756825499999, 156.533766931, 160.06017973100001,
-    165.11262847200001, 169.23166942399999, 175.315765167, 179.524732857,
-    183.40525104400001, 188.17945511100001, 191.82963235400001, 197.202013322,
-    202.34316464599999, 207.99698327900001, 215.67824328500001,
-    224.47764356499999, 230.63417344199999, 236.60643002699999,
-    242.61055810900001, 251.77410247, 259.46544586200002, 268.047248459,
-    276.79107524199998, 286.15718497099999, 295.84758942399998,
-    305.58034509200002, 314.60780894999999, 325.34498936799997,
-    338.27578485100003, 348.53507352600002, 362.42239857200002, 375.083278597,
-    389.444337389, 407.52083932199997, 423.996775576, 439.86516896699999,
-    461.74456199100001, 481.21447879099998, 506.20652181600002,
-    531.64557102599997, 563.79744206400005, 601.85836871599997,
-    633.07763874900002, 693.45668289599996, 762.28141866299995,
-    852.11407475700003, 985.769367053, 1195.0785449099999, 1389.62431328,
-    2042.8647050500001, 78636.810297999997, 0.0, 1.0297464516799999,
-    1.60346935644, 2.0630353810100002, 2.4007054222700002, 2.7231158619300002,
-    3.0845870231900001, 3.3825315783100001, 3.7827559602099998,
-    4.1271402089200002, 4.4667826236700003, 4.7067760450099998,
-    5.1713770843100004, 5.53668279583, 5.74764546799, 6.1299980556899998,
-    6.3496742207699999, 6.6781045773500001, 7.12938206889, 7.39578341085,
-    7.7627325807999998, 8.0843024355399997, 8.3430476893299996,
-    8.7253588764300005, 9.0323780076000002, 9.3251680266000001,
-    9.7700665673099998, 10.103065082900001, 10.4121667828, 10.792220887399999,
-    11.114426525200001, 11.3987065041, 11.7259278942, 12.148971416,
-    12.454565579200001, 12.7910859418, 13.0925963376, 13.4917267129,
-    13.8568357546, 14.099344370200001, 14.466338023, 14.773502690999999,
-    15.1559213702, 15.4627289245, 15.735248281500001, 16.264394708800001,
-    16.624779056400001, 17.059591039099999, 17.366603691200002, 17.645800374,
-    18.074841360299999, 18.3713457528, 18.6782869727, 19.1657010441,
-    19.623227022799998, 20.045230785600001, 20.669991472, 21.181226625299999,
-    21.496046951899999, 22.092489347299999, 22.5203682028, 22.913515129299999,
-    23.382882170199998, 23.760241867400001, 24.103618211899999,
-    24.540791235699999, 25.0420139973, 25.4305135832, 26.0666776578,
-    26.564557883900001, 27.273553850399999, 27.7820097687, 28.3303665601,
-    28.745443715499999, 29.332968781000002, 30.009561780399999, 30.6135990386,
-    31.065902801899998, 31.520776554800001, 32.034559784499997,
-    32.646134072499997, 33.136621810400001, 34.091020344699999,
-    34.492997237600001, 34.960981709999999, 35.534538623400003,
-    36.397290535000003, 36.973557298199999, 37.496289196399999,
-    38.275574691300001, 39.132056666700002, 39.940285424599999,
-    40.663404855499998, 41.192514081399999, 41.940303401100003,
-    42.428268793400001, 43.002423862000001, 43.754682545599998,
-    44.392160792200002, 45.226295550300001, 45.955474380200002, 46.6701829171,
-    47.223011101499999, 47.870306336100001, 49.055475024800003,
-    49.870096181000001, 50.573112358800003, 51.511936900599999,
-    52.294025013499997, 52.962422501100001, 54.0366510279, 54.7208861318,
-    55.623480251799997, 56.401930573599998, 57.257184440700001,
-    58.072153872400001, 58.874410881099998, 60.104082592799998,
-    61.246007962100002, 62.248201307400002, 63.333179544099998, 64.4524632575,
-    65.680454143800006, 66.683104472400004, 67.860077341099995,
-    68.838786806399995, 69.8305645449, 71.030064286699997, 72.106640080299996,
-    73.718568832599999, 74.8928190476, 76.122150548999997, 77.8978499384,
-    79.078046305800001, 80.938626385199996, 82.707864462499998,
-    84.409564379399995, 85.580444997300006, 87.015983902800002,
-    88.433916929199995, 90.027633876400003, 91.989641288499996,
-    94.085497345299999, 97.019197389300004, 98.948948656499994, 101.110113046,
-    102.857621045, 104.948948472, 107.370061428, 110.309341836, 113.069785897,
-    115.334911873, 118.811007467, 121.8903905, 124.534635235, 127.237679828,
-    130.822044406, 133.95795785600001, 137.088601866, 141.331942336,
-    144.39698896600001, 148.46879151300001, 151.54049203599999, 156.010435457,
-    159.23907638899999, 163.84405742499999, 167.20574813600001, 171.571248282,
-    175.307565178, 180.898544257, 188.209642444, 192.88951267100001,
-    199.07961470500001, 204.98453083699999, 210.87189762099999,
-    217.37683173400001, 226.04598215600001, 233.03168449699999, 241.629711085,
-    246.946999901, 257.88334712900001, 264.42034237600001, 275.808770686,
-    285.32670270400001, 296.425658236, 311.66211481800002, 325.77524805600001,
-    339.41158178199998, 359.89737101100002, 378.89288395099999,
-    407.45313021999999, 430.825250423, 463.86767345999999, 495.964419029,
-    532.31966564899994, 589.85183477299995, 656.18178811200005,
-    784.26433017099998, 943.24503690999995, 1302.9980653, 102139.29543300001,
-    0.0, 0.86743237287200003, 1.3552076122000001, 1.74882176592,
-    2.1568118435899999, 2.5442077510700001, 2.7836243977500001, 3.00643655951,
-    3.2689355412999999, 3.5104534629600002, 3.8022522251600002,
-    4.0581864022299996, 4.3187967801799996, 4.5167601174499996,
-    4.8300373207899998, 5.1908096910400001, 5.4523307194299999,
-    5.7058518279000001, 6.0398043860700001, 6.3374641220700001,
-    6.6584016957400003, 6.8846773738299998, 7.1723016125100001, 7.48248963179,
-    7.7608348148299999, 8.0287909583299992, 8.3818549816299992,
-    8.7220174560999997, 9.0911091549999998, 9.35929759333, 9.6835960622500004,
-    9.9959322308900003, 10.3919770948, 10.747496464799999, 11.051538298500001,
-    11.316949795799999, 11.6183662131, 11.847164556699999, 12.1264569509,
-    12.437037774, 12.678519424999999, 13.016651663899999, 13.442219338399999,
-    13.7024184299, 14.0640518316, 14.3690724623, 14.6322090714,
-    15.003935011899999, 15.4618156875, 15.691396925499999, 16.018873943599999,
-    16.325083680199999, 16.72412623, 17.1800229961, 17.565089287999999,
-    17.955333696, 18.350394168699999, 18.662332183499998, 19.055520775400002,
-    19.3243741866, 19.697736269300002, 20.1598827376, 20.587558148399999,
-    20.947803652899999, 21.377289620700001, 21.7382160949, 22.148445907799999,
-    22.538187253499999, 22.969405032299999, 23.3515975378, 23.7868814409,
-    24.248895708799999, 24.763958241200001, 25.1997621694, 25.508926166199998,
-    25.958095899700002, 26.333188731500002, 26.824658796200001, 27.2155445271,
-    27.6568308628, 28.003116157499999, 28.541185737399999, 29.063342253199998,
-    29.560897612200002, 30.089418954599999, 30.597578276299998,
-    31.089081956699999, 31.4765648224, 31.894925652200001, 32.457647031999997,
-    33.030174841600001, 33.487885595199998, 34.018036955900001,
-    34.729723770100001, 35.271537205000001, 35.835399970200001,
-    36.307941559900001, 37.035916915500003, 37.561814357099998,
-    38.147376215199998, 38.7343663929, 39.318444863700002, 40.219249623899998,
-    40.878162636200003, 41.4384018103, 42.125905574999997, 42.975687067999999,
-    43.8669515737, 44.7165019555, 45.320383934500001, 46.290441078699999,
-    47.103139229999996, 47.737629462800001, 48.481018605400003, 49.4000519043,
-    50.130121766099997, 51.236341089200003, 52.022103237400003,
-    53.121350018199998, 54.3133505427, 55.198931289699999, 56.1880323006,
-    57.196115179099998, 58.388588195399997, 59.017601707799997,
-    60.191491397699998, 61.1785764937, 62.150011268, 63.062827775300001,
-    64.255070623099996, 65.725583058799998, 67.146069528200002,
-    68.855182272500002, 70.625039886400003, 72.517402771500002,
-    74.012329769800004, 75.142684897799995, 77.263163371999994,
-    78.970113074099999, 81.015664056600002, 82.952470754299995,
-    84.358247795500006, 86.345419452399994, 87.398236220800001,
-    88.877403817100003, 91.486012660200004, 93.475534618099999,
-    95.836579746699996, 99.517911350299997, 102.47972814000001,
-    104.56502959399999, 106.80315385900001, 109.427661664, 112.172083348,
-    114.752710729, 117.319711297, 120.332179395, 122.523137369,
-    125.80426376699999, 128.152192243, 130.68223203400001, 135.03565554799999,
-    138.836718018, 142.72321670599999, 145.83471307600001, 148.23894481900001,
-    150.940455676, 155.45888045199999, 160.45763036100001, 165.78439021700001,
-    170.10783283399999, 176.981973885, 182.24637161699999, 187.99729957,
-    193.341158584, 201.153499485, 209.89557814400001, 215.512255272,
-    222.916166694, 234.63262219500001, 242.24162438799999, 250.84387633899999,
-    264.39217630600001, 286.10701643599998, 294.863916168, 309.35324268800002,
-    326.01462315399999, 343.064113615, 361.99177679500002, 387.72006495800002,
-    407.06863126899998, 432.93714764600003, 471.081198336, 512.23599568500003,
-    547.44287580900004, 597.93801741300001, 672.97299630600003,
-    816.76871595199998, 996.88891773900002, 1291.9070935100001,
-    161358.74421500001, 0.0, 0.99453276649300004, 1.34957440998, 1.80040223325,
-    2.1674828403999999, 2.48530115303, 2.78071282241, 3.0627252072600002,
-    3.2784701121599999, 3.5719852163999999, 3.9766675073700002,
-    4.1919498196699996, 4.4401116787000001, 4.7010850741399999,
-    4.8325546723099997, 4.9905503588400002, 5.2121802011499998,
-    5.4487589889699999, 5.7199962258500001, 5.9713598443100002,
-    6.2934525916500004, 6.5164568592299998, 6.7356095053300002,
-    6.9021306576599999, 7.1721655965900002, 7.3281530158799999,
-    7.5914585431999999, 7.8254960779699996, 7.9993083693299996,
-    8.2012397418000003, 8.3720004276700006, 8.6300188092199992,
-    8.9217519372599998, 9.3077081475300005, 9.6043493889500002,
-    9.8964144834100001, 10.211666127200001, 10.4213008992, 10.788691589500001,
-    11.051012050900001, 11.344200771000001, 11.725614780600001, 11.9588900773,
-    12.2827247511, 12.637968324099999, 12.966823288900001, 13.168992016800001,
-    13.4745396448, 13.785583859500001, 14.036187573499999, 14.3890843198,
-    14.7328997316, 15.1242120858, 15.3426967014, 15.6612958042, 15.9789841683,
-    16.360263102400001, 16.772235545499999, 17.216064751899999,
-    17.589241161899999, 17.8572448364, 18.1950328878, 18.559156973699999,
-    18.792157978999999, 19.092364930399999, 19.509183897500002, 19.8903785993,
-    20.395241299399999, 20.715609197399999, 21.129151485000001, 21.4384474457,
-    21.8051370373, 22.0983151782, 22.589355123800001, 22.923955315299999,
-    23.293660984199999, 23.8073499164, 24.164663172499999, 24.468464225200002,
-    24.9136660319, 25.292481224799999, 25.704244781, 26.122315593700002,
-    26.745139958900001, 27.142677224500002, 27.678661556600002,
-    28.172552657800001, 28.7004617023, 29.254574122400001, 29.9576316134,
-    30.320919945, 30.8651150524, 31.535303165799998, 32.0284025188,
-    32.4595794536, 32.939819047199997, 33.536005820299998, 34.287543194800001,
-    34.940091845399998, 35.379675577999997, 36.122305638999997,
-    36.623643357600002, 37.258982358499999, 37.645211866499999,
-    38.348043171800001, 39.121822204899999, 39.903193717900002, 40.5501905506,
-    41.172201017399999, 41.965871158399999, 42.633532572999997,
-    43.135795547100003, 43.854137299599998, 44.859996618799997,
-    45.622113159199998, 46.6849616684, 47.678221519899999, 48.843464619499997,
-    49.8146602526, 50.688647234999998, 51.583461331899997, 52.591197556700003,
-    53.717957165400001, 55.506732086500001, 56.662175622500001,
-    58.167854235900002, 59.062885457699998, 60.411246125200002,
-    61.391033951200001, 62.368874448500002, 63.688858420800003,
-    64.888271486199997, 66.635858121799998, 67.817878363199995,
-    68.880671285700004, 70.095051569500001, 71.501848303100005,
-    72.775151774600005, 74.558541465199994, 76.409518135499994,
-    77.761688797700003, 79.005647183500002, 80.295269079099995, 82.4136017931,
-    84.613797778800006, 86.016896733899998, 87.430508335200003,
-    88.670983118500004, 90.231433799300007, 91.891509509399995,
-    94.498776834500006, 97.249232232899999, 98.623021338599997, 101.238294708,
-    102.87975996900001, 105.291018643, 107.24435443199999, 109.666596011,
-    113.098272596, 115.61031488, 119.614780612, 123.287443794, 126.249115391,
-    128.58356817500001, 131.775900138, 135.290949961, 139.29796378500001,
-    146.262327629, 150.00976835200001, 154.61572367400001, 160.255070652,
-    165.26334147099999, 170.16736670500001, 173.77829739699999,
-    179.56132179599999, 184.561922764, 190.69775108499999, 196.65891324699999,
-    203.521908177, 211.093916154, 221.47514707299999, 231.47529352399999,
-    237.75562241, 244.883786829, 253.30171895399999, 261.76505171600002,
-    278.98552843200002, 292.60068635200003, 311.55099943599998,
-    325.88771172899999, 343.19537559700001, 365.551962753, 393.39248336999998,
-    422.56973752499999, 461.27635287499999, 502.54248837599999,
-    563.31345992700005, 636.33864636400006, 803.18510591400002, 1017.18613565,
-    2073.8933950400001, 0.0, 0.84882448919599995, 1.1297295603899999,
-    1.43790054577, 1.8034031745600001, 2.1567378511699999, 2.46200691124,
-    2.7164909210600001, 2.9725139778099998, 3.3258460814699999, 3.51565620581,
-    3.6829072744900002, 3.8503255597599999, 4.0960101060699996,
-    4.3195587197099998, 4.5180080510099998, 4.7208657011600001,
-    4.9188747051200004, 5.0822519781400004, 5.2471047837700002,
-    5.4397152562800004, 5.6442757923500002, 5.94422558704, 6.2491652156599997,
-    6.5158366836499999, 6.6694208713499998, 6.9618320371699998,
-    7.0954639576199998, 7.3925975604899996, 7.6671833348599998,
-    8.0270911346999991, 8.2155617499000009, 8.3810446408000008,
-    8.6728270830500005, 8.9919564023300005, 9.1979666478599995,
-    9.4613822654199993, 9.8638159812400001, 10.064467502699999,
-    10.300861637400001, 10.5922395715, 10.898994478100001, 11.2204623911,
-    11.462764891000001, 11.827261590299999, 12.083868714099999,
-    12.386429319099999, 12.6393019529, 12.853547404, 13.1367142199,
-    13.3487410123, 13.656895326200001, 14.024084867899999, 14.2305895378,
-    14.537063637599999, 14.7677980479, 14.983400628, 15.254355192,
-    15.4728650747, 15.7833358443, 16.258317366699998, 16.591420611899999,
-    16.7968951537, 17.321484078699999, 17.688159546000001, 17.9917501318,
-    18.4264735655, 18.751733764800001, 19.0344300858, 19.372343152500001,
-    19.740307887699998, 20.051092925599999, 20.305765000400001,
-    20.618187255599999, 20.819816596500001, 21.0782135131, 21.397939723499999,
-    21.854582025799999, 22.2881163357, 22.6506377304, 22.877000473599999,
-    23.384389492899999, 23.836418588899999, 24.222254926800002,
-    24.655197791999999, 25.022161849, 25.444878252500001, 26.053606325400001,
-    26.614004877900001, 27.0211182404, 27.401244503200001, 27.7850805052,
-    28.159129948299999, 28.6603675532, 29.200278675, 29.671973053799999,
-    30.210222716600001, 30.961837351900002, 31.650008409800002,
-    32.094382395700002, 32.843304519299998, 33.577328693699997,
-    34.237700249100001, 34.801256214399999, 35.485455770500003, 35.9765981579,
-    36.670725593599997, 37.170285661000001, 37.990796691500002,
-    38.642774190700003, 39.528303337300002, 39.978645888499997, 40.8020907732,
-    41.489481081900003, 42.4638964743, 43.139901183799999, 44.090235702199998,
-    45.199560705499998, 45.817027413600002, 47.017044573200003,
-    48.262105780699997, 49.1479688362, 50.425156699799999, 51.855557858499999,
-    52.673049050499998, 53.828962193300001, 54.706265736600002, 55.754088218,
-    56.6875216169, 57.802232958300003, 59.077269420699999, 59.802668045799997,
-    60.803463371600003, 62.277143198700003, 63.318223359400001,
-    64.249051654799999, 65.723438296400005, 66.690473547300002,
-    67.987683240400003, 69.312005970800001, 70.335791722799996,
-    71.525547407700003, 73.2296426005, 74.761566365899995, 76.401961372800002,
-    78.083813237900003, 79.959478159499994, 81.411397194700001,
-    83.907706583600003, 85.130641549399996, 86.564841115600004,
-    88.151400025100003, 90.839542183500001, 93.404373994799997,
-    95.237850676600004, 96.510747774899997, 98.111723876599996,
-    100.59771252100001, 103.473781565, 106.22999075200001, 109.035110547,
-    111.514197384, 114.660071867, 117.91431810100001, 120.95989149899999,
-    125.315578238, 127.97488147200001, 131.55766028400001, 133.79550634099999,
-    136.780043667, 143.37105514300001, 147.41143759799999, 152.70084909799999,
-    158.68963683999999, 163.480470784, 168.40748618699999, 176.23576411799999,
-    181.51714572399999, 188.435573998, 193.69868358400001, 201.866252981,
-    209.69486823, 221.66246932499999, 231.771152277, 245.05347127900001,
-    258.89263676799999, 273.73973170099998, 290.43652293600002,
-    304.91784651400002, 317.71453254800002, 345.81680795, 370.51493599600002,
-    396.34922032399999, 427.34649876600002, 472.648184012, 548.811516697,
-    616.97696803199995, 698.58074685700001, 921.70016827699999, 1351.93476429,
-    4555.3138270099998, 0.0, 1.05775845422, 1.30722302885, 1.6550836259599999,
-    2.0164548998499998, 2.22264762997, 2.4339426832900002, 2.63987900941,
-    2.8474331698999999, 3.1394413773199998, 3.3488811388099999,
-    3.5845593259999999, 3.7278526245200001, 3.89707499961, 4.0930076946499998,
-    4.2667403322500004, 4.4444123281100003, 4.7057346005499996,
-    4.8776095749700001, 5.0766543427900004, 5.2576254422700002,
-    5.4227043983799996, 5.5565800836300001, 5.6921444728099999,
-    5.8967927912900002, 6.0520540232300002, 6.18092403149, 6.4448963355100002,
-    6.6606765375799997, 6.8569177525900002, 6.9871721176600001,
-    7.1997752419300003, 7.4790143792799997, 7.6433232341600004,
-    7.8838845337299999, 8.0362724982000007, 8.2491173118100001,
-    8.4854912803700007, 8.7981272976200007, 8.98771466078, 9.2672797478700009,
-    9.4910127015200008, 9.7196918691600001, 9.9958458284499994, 10.2946220832,
-    10.5192779153, 10.7367739562, 11.0486241079, 11.264306749099999,
-    11.610683487999999, 11.8590324631, 12.102995508599999, 12.274140378,
-    12.5626984562, 12.777400244300001, 13.0071767612, 13.3075190692,
-    13.506522563900001, 13.7736133375, 14.034237147500001, 14.3718879313,
-    14.704450492399999, 15.006497291000001, 15.4860321302, 15.8250864202,
-    16.068562412599999, 16.366417189700002, 16.791695786399998, 17.1963988083,
-    17.692784723599999, 17.9889456748, 18.250281237599999, 18.540758284100001,
-    19.105488743399999, 19.3676116446, 19.9057967233, 20.372155027400002,
-    20.617865943399998, 21.0056881543, 21.3998014925, 21.886629124399999,
-    22.301586328599999, 22.8157840378, 23.1577773249, 23.562675140700001,
-    23.9908312801, 24.371709623200001, 24.853048289, 25.321527433499998,
-    25.817410943100001, 26.333798079699999, 26.743897014000002,
-    27.404019467800001, 27.750455412299999, 28.245307990099999, 28.8302203846,
-    29.238499632700002, 29.908395497000001, 30.222815192500001,
-    30.759701009099999, 31.296847612400001, 31.809133106099999, 32.3396270004,
-    33.065629932, 33.614025315299997, 34.269816387299997, 35.012311410899997,
-    35.852750563500003, 36.404141805499997, 36.8294660038, 37.935726292200002,
-    38.368785425900001, 39.1826087245, 40.008409596500002, 40.726090274800001,
-    41.337873114600001, 42.209034503799998, 43.359563836100001, 44.113217655,
-    44.844831191300003, 45.6845486769, 46.347966789700003, 47.331044909100001,
-    48.2533342455, 49.162487231599997, 50.1543142202, 50.931869310099998,
-    51.636126617899997, 52.181963144800001, 53.396775668799997,
-    55.032301978100001, 55.596427951899997, 56.5791496927, 57.542454919599997,
-    58.554653988799998, 59.636429710999998, 61.407241399900002,
-    62.509754862100003, 63.601590468700003, 64.824312135300005,
-    66.386878043999999, 67.693732305799998, 69.365119204300001,
-    71.025400599899996, 72.653909433799996, 74.395827576000002,
-    75.769964444999999, 77.234020831500004, 78.433715899099994,
-    81.101681241799994, 83.076307199300004, 84.5988995469, 86.376895072899998,
-    88.194960597199994, 90.441746414899995, 92.189595910199998,
-    93.440994131400004, 95.435247487400005, 99.0558885879, 101.49204924999999,
-    104.088533635, 106.181199298, 109.219007221, 112.61624315100001,
-    116.029069048, 119.96844246400001, 124.344004768, 127.91969076300001,
-    132.149553927, 135.922055457, 140.068507211, 144.15378361399999,
-    148.60536720600001, 153.82589839900001, 158.576947158, 165.555672257,
-    171.63158056899999, 176.33047682, 181.08906739299999, 186.793582875,
-    192.534521512, 203.56027511299999, 211.12137373499999, 218.32402486300001,
-    227.271126122, 239.72295971400001, 255.439273482, 266.59600377999999,
-    284.21895951499999, 302.86802943499998, 319.3660428, 335.96299544999999,
-    371.29655514500001, 386.65083379800001, 434.96311705400001,
-    521.05039447499996, 574.39597849699999, 643.38261744700003,
-    749.10677599899998, 937.47346937500004, 2164.74350723, 0.0,
-    0.87216036854099999, 1.1731523662100001, 1.4528318226800001,
-    1.7506036653599999, 1.95830274355, 2.1933454622299999, 2.4315041290299999,
-    2.6097449606700001, 2.8143037344300001, 2.98234250898, 3.14296097174,
-    3.28163067285, 3.4197130756399998, 3.5577964282300001, 3.7192315259700002,
-    3.8806453857499998, 4.0848607038400004, 4.27058822443, 4.4259870320300001,
-    4.6202853710799996, 4.8079818422300002, 4.9703096793699997,
-    5.1771997283899998, 5.32208420074, 5.4736064223099996, 5.6716933713,
-    5.7948310020399996, 5.9616974056899998, 6.1294408520800001,
-    6.3200579482499997, 6.5465172585299998, 6.7046238334500003,
-    6.8696070854100002, 7.0421250211300004, 7.21408035417, 7.3666599903499996,
-    7.5629677715200003, 7.7854370727999997, 8.0250690670800005,
-    8.2018499794099995, 8.4165599450900004, 8.6205648003099995,
-    8.8020739087200006, 8.9976602698800008, 9.2090483824400007, 9.40554714598,
-    9.6268466056699999, 9.8387845757699992, 10.063513496600001, 10.3066855573,
-    10.5490401104, 10.760759543200001, 11.0190557159, 11.247083638299999,
-    11.487903512700001, 11.690503747999999, 11.9163331257, 12.1540624086,
-    12.3754681949, 12.6225724062, 12.8298548017, 13.105360490300001,
-    13.352707515200001, 13.600565291800001, 13.8363089384, 14.081226945299999,
-    14.370552543500001, 14.6854081396, 14.959606431799999, 15.238257795699999,
-    15.488877516500001, 15.783357724, 16.059268546999999, 16.371064702799998,
-    16.635482564899998, 16.926054678500002, 17.2595416636, 17.558429913600001,
-    17.873233837699999, 18.1713476396, 18.437921946300001, 18.808552489299998,
-    19.094615129400001, 19.521706635899999, 19.8753230885, 20.298514125000001,
-    20.622495869000002, 20.9353854017, 21.4098244692, 21.829437198099999,
-    22.259602406999999, 22.672559352, 23.1204515296, 23.483853294300001,
-    23.9484201462, 24.3248985436, 24.847141378100002, 25.2522052389,
-    25.681308357599999, 26.205337182699999, 26.576187536300001,
-    27.078663830899998, 27.677873063900002, 28.2381539971, 28.8023214868,
-    29.3993510241, 29.912833547399998, 30.573666294900001, 31.104430988600001,
-    31.796146883399999, 32.497170738500003, 33.279496414699999,
-    34.098064962599999, 34.843216272900001, 35.542133214099998,
-    36.276287779500002, 36.975928357500003, 37.504257990799999,
-    38.314777833900003, 39.177430845000004, 39.819717746400002,
-    40.407911670099999, 41.120240020300002, 41.978665155199998,
-    42.866256983200003, 43.496257352299999, 44.207718886199999,
-    44.967775733800003, 45.845529661199997, 46.8316582737, 47.606961498799997,
-    48.454226783199999, 49.675775014400003, 50.5811434361, 51.543186701800003,
-    52.633751532200002, 53.929547364699999, 55.037714174199998,
-    56.301767675000001, 57.451158926300003, 58.714248343199998,
-    59.628151489899999, 60.807000845600001, 62.156996127799999,
-    63.456997649599998, 65.008915114800004, 66.386142722499997,
-    67.978491519900004, 69.422238847200006, 70.791592380799997,
-    72.011370736700002, 73.522117942199998, 75.359756207299995,
-    77.030728253800007, 78.893995033400003, 80.530957561600005,
-    81.946598575099998, 84.055736077199995, 86.177382717599997,
-    88.231077799399998, 90.830107187099998, 93.291203665799998,
-    96.842991020100001, 99.738754614200005, 102.822309851, 106.472937214,
-    109.712921572, 112.28819169, 115.383539528, 118.33937052500001, 121.6283803,
-    126.21758780099999, 130.559458404, 135.25935161000001, 139.64966053500001,
-    144.08321394399999, 149.81024360000001, 155.95824547500001,
-    160.54965979900001, 165.74901272299999, 173.07092800300001, 181.971265612,
-    190.12184997899999, 199.140874, 208.94440364799999, 219.692760295,
-    231.41654560800001, 244.813734337, 260.64934893600002, 276.86471985399999,
-    297.854074072, 327.675880581, 363.64694161300002, 395.28587648799999,
-    430.29646448199998, 476.771927382, 552.10628605099998, 688.09209059399996,
-    965.66929444699997, 5512.1265341500002, 0.0, 0.62589083024600001,
-    1.0089155589900001, 1.2669403239100001, 1.4930834132099999, 1.6647456778,
-    1.86494432327, 2.0537877508200002, 2.25391444537, 2.4255788848600002,
-    2.5625113900800001, 2.70119472848, 2.8053232942299999, 2.92720031662,
-    3.1007147687100001, 3.2394799841499999, 3.39215368186, 3.5920914079299999,
-    3.74416489544, 3.8829579282000002, 4.0121750001200001, 4.1604435034699998,
-    4.2969491096299999, 4.4303864671199999, 4.5829179833699998,
-    4.7183684166099997, 4.8667168998800001, 4.9825970049999997,
-    5.1443596513600003, 5.29642331298, 5.5116304645699996, 5.6662601962099997,
-    5.8151835779100001, 5.9375451382, 6.1570517624500001, 6.3131151288699998,
-    6.52398099929, 6.6722523007500003, 6.86154545663, 7.0599193283100004,
-    7.3129107271700002, 7.5490299843899997, 7.7172198221199997,
-    7.8648526311499998, 8.0837370196799991, 8.2593266698099992,
-    8.4613117407199994, 8.6884386074200002, 8.8745901890700001,
-    9.1116656074600009, 9.3126467721299999, 9.5071399643899994,
-    9.7151605657500006, 9.9551889093600003, 10.149609288200001, 10.3401891662,
-    10.621445531099999, 10.8426697409, 11.0272843935, 11.270829726400001,
-    11.4694723487, 11.6178469386, 11.821109029700001, 12.021790796499999,
-    12.3252449453, 12.5092794759, 12.818332850699999, 13.020756306899999,
-    13.310810976799999, 13.5124599496, 13.767115336, 14.0644181972,
-    14.332859790200001, 14.5607314245, 14.9082657073, 15.125302185800001,
-    15.3715537263, 15.670518073, 16.0341797918, 16.263188094,
-    16.565119653299998, 16.768979356500001, 17.107996179400001, 17.3155602187,
-    17.633055544099999, 17.978850956799999, 18.239306430100001,
-    18.603581283899999, 18.890651686000002, 19.2448822751, 19.6097734435,
-    19.926314503299999, 20.1586253842, 20.499346128900001, 20.763220895300002,
-    21.214468897100001, 21.6883372251, 21.932186764800001, 22.421734858200001,
-    22.8480131942, 23.3200873278, 23.594830171000002, 24.038195447900002,
-    24.408468226699998, 24.92649372, 25.442113401899999, 25.8447679595,
-    26.3726873799, 26.812905815000001, 27.122537899899999, 27.7422113077,
-    28.078738693199998, 28.5723682014, 29.0944195565, 29.5634253395,
-    30.1247268702, 30.983710482300001, 31.826570418700001, 32.3620827385,
-    33.029481950899999, 33.566683207600001, 34.288337869199999,
-    34.942294123800004, 35.546860066900003, 36.362485731600003, 37.2408130333,
-    38.058683128600002, 38.750745497600001, 39.428888690199997,
-    40.115263124599998, 40.901282995400003, 41.4018687274, 42.138788071800001,
-    43.018359615500003, 44.106243223500002, 45.093539481699999, 45.8411771739,
-    46.570250118399997, 47.841644068400001, 49.303024838200002,
-    50.464239790100002, 51.234103358299997, 52.317696309799999, 53.0996279724,
-    54.369256693700002, 55.965980526800003, 57.287395203700001,
-    58.636793195099997, 60.683809927200002, 62.106524762100001,
-    63.455965556400002, 64.508962315299996, 65.830030819000001, 67.3272861871,
-    68.485336924099997, 69.962539390399996, 71.3643490332, 73.207148927299997,
-    75.267417445500001, 77.636856277999996, 79.567969825700004,
-    81.887922453399995, 84.409393872699994, 86.252385378499994,
-    89.609195726400003, 92.058129085499999, 94.237863167399993,
-    97.130241311000006, 99.337287984200003, 102.785121426, 105.16684627799999,
-    108.155644287, 111.12424827, 114.20309084500001, 118.25567124200001,
-    120.63906266799999, 126.769351089, 131.30368792600001, 135.35008283600001,
-    140.167179914, 146.276635801, 154.69830296500001, 162.097699463,
-    168.49842445199999, 174.39338381300001, 183.839663489, 194.04584716900001,
-    205.199824904, 216.99026627999999, 226.397941844, 239.11086462599999,
-    257.98370514300001, 272.68513598700002, 294.38470478199997,
-    317.32579381900001, 352.86648779500001, 396.000885729, 447.65133356299998,
-    552.83482503000005, 744.96290114700003, 7762.8570038400003, 0.0,
-    0.36214416262600002, 0.60004394504000003, 0.87269790764999999,
-    1.0816835608199999, 1.1769418756600001, 1.3339406513100001,
-    1.5379932977899999, 1.64092011303, 1.8114937983699999, 1.92478153605,
-    2.0791194022399999, 2.18522431294, 2.3239286241100001, 2.4474903603299998,
-    2.56875405118, 2.6706112235399999, 2.7868128103399998, 2.89962589709,
-    3.0247650187300001, 3.1799188214799998, 3.3163269799299999,
-    3.4326557716099999, 3.5761530940699999, 3.6698664516599999,
-    3.8395536775700001, 3.9742173052399998, 4.0666621486399999,
-    4.1860672163199997, 4.2677782405900002, 4.39398556059, 4.5599359743100001,
-    4.7182993929599997, 4.8549576225899997, 4.9793340551199998,
-    5.1106161380800001, 5.22653369925, 5.3697032505699998, 5.5502664604199996,
-    5.6901435710500001, 5.81186063054, 5.9447132463900001, 6.05627291431,
-    6.16844943146, 6.3088485415099997, 6.5158703652999996, 6.6663173981500004,
-    6.7889778856399996, 6.92685753591, 7.05832274623, 7.2113778586999997,
-    7.3735471867099998, 7.4967882360999996, 7.67708191997, 7.8383618689299999,
-    8.0007809638400005, 8.2598039090000004, 8.4646047196400005,
-    8.6068680876200006, 8.7919284529800006, 8.9449623581599997,
-    9.1615349379200008, 9.3168642346000006, 9.4680652743600007,
-    9.7295350278099999, 9.9208554836600005, 10.0769753157, 10.1731120514,
-    10.3276036073, 10.6154476322, 10.8889357781, 11.016681222400001,
-    11.166106582099999, 11.3010656278, 11.460114477099999, 11.6049507496,
-    11.754826317499999, 12.128326894900001, 12.393725440500001,
-    12.601959282999999, 12.929220557000001, 13.2033834409, 13.496651655100001,
-    13.6720510495, 14.0106799329, 14.2715969553, 14.4738353905,
-    14.887431385199999, 15.0448999294, 15.3053817024, 15.6545606815,
-    15.9636364194, 16.322553926800001, 16.694194434500002, 17.030383725899998,
-    17.430560569699999, 17.700358551699999, 18.117532589300001,
-    18.425291790799999, 18.722525176000001, 19.151242618000001, 19.5588949566,
-    19.985716502399999, 20.4476355348, 20.9045258441, 21.276626095099999,
-    21.575188439600002, 22.0493676255, 22.446726857400002, 22.7039434454,
-    23.13535392, 23.679737149400001, 24.0913996564, 24.592582522600001,
-    24.846344199699999, 25.1692127267, 25.707613397399999, 26.060921460599999,
-    26.402713800499999, 26.7672555555, 27.323489971800001, 28.1384294904,
-    28.886585523400001, 29.625952655700001, 30.049929096700001,
-    30.912490141700001, 31.7116329208, 32.432935618400002, 33.0836818525,
-    33.756748210399998, 34.448977073899997, 34.967596885500001,
-    35.526411413300004, 36.153337627600003, 37.193655335499997,
-    37.865997652899999, 38.746337718900001, 39.2502404719, 39.9758412025,
-    40.513914754399998, 41.377973330099998, 42.134772359599999,
-    42.670801806599997, 43.359820479100001, 44.8475078349, 45.403055004400002,
-    46.8336235847, 47.7113874912, 48.6941028253, 49.650345725199998,
-    50.665570570200003, 51.724056971300001, 53.992577544, 55.575370979100001,
-    57.251984441700003, 58.745608337299998, 60.1648035049, 61.246203909800002,
-    62.419975842699998, 63.422574513400001, 64.876159087000005,
-    66.885247274500003, 68.391010214800005, 69.915828121700002, 72.4871931144,
-    74.172952607699997, 75.652527461199995, 78.468287273000001,
-    80.721637548800004, 83.956121732200003, 87.163249777199994,
-    88.897109974100005, 91.2752939664, 93.173034590599997, 95.435791827200006,
-    100.344464677, 104.832073959, 109.276679528, 112.578422989,
-    114.53132503400001, 119.746495774, 124.493025184, 129.95658998100001,
-    134.31216815799999, 137.89688887400001, 140.67569338600001, 147.559990177,
-    157.91491644199999, 164.60831501999999, 171.84101301800001,
-    186.69105907299999, 195.42122663699999, 208.16940782099999,
-    238.53526263200001, 245.87424240300001, 268.33659908499999, 292.616848678,
-    312.784421705, 376.69900637799998, 486.40594854400001, 909.54311207000001,
-    0.0, 0.29947032321799999, 0.52334873310399999, 0.68115226771299997,
-    0.86995042995600003, 0.98257819082099995, 1.1046843742300001,
-    1.1768999986299999, 1.2647418797800001, 1.36884910987, 1.4645619499,
-    1.5759885725, 1.6653002782099999, 1.75269298364, 1.87728664641,
-    1.9895373943000001, 2.0546833007099998, 2.1563717716299999,
-    2.2189233742900001, 2.3098127374300002, 2.4206150527000001,
-    2.4845079548800002, 2.6079748566799998, 2.6769284875300001,
-    2.7907616607699999, 2.8700892704999998, 2.93034323954, 2.9963469551599999,
-    3.06834808782, 3.1480022766900002, 3.2256769408800001, 3.30379140374,
-    3.3884221330000002, 3.4570332483000001, 3.54002670756, 3.6248614990800001,
-    3.7101075382699999, 3.7687182426899999, 3.8163207208699998, 3.89049827354,
-    3.9685665546200002, 4.0278252280400002, 4.1485435748499997,
-    4.2118118690999999, 4.2767713334400002, 4.3538326518200003,
-    4.4579713825800003, 4.5508743169399999, 4.6676333956900002, 4.74653167618,
-    4.8197525947199997, 4.9241035310900001, 5.0189077614800004,
-    5.1005151570300002, 5.2006018753400003, 5.2927488243700003,
-    5.4001527926900001, 5.4768772282700002, 5.5890430439100003,
-    5.7009271960400003, 5.80755356372, 5.9548448325700001, 6.0994726695899999,
-    6.25645276871, 6.3819964031299996, 6.4711966493400004, 6.5880414298299996,
-    6.7348102011000002, 6.8307196477099996, 6.9337887910999996,
-    7.1040524671199998, 7.2069620188099996, 7.3301993509400001,
-    7.4527574858900003, 7.5532437966600003, 7.6852803779599999,
-    7.8640635376499999, 8.0318076099900004, 8.1796189996499997,
-    8.3642059418999999, 8.5050041495500004, 8.6533583034700001,
-    8.7675089334600003, 8.90401831396, 9.0651446520400008, 9.2032868451700001,
-    9.3704603805200009, 9.5586269002000002, 9.7223680241999997,
-    9.9347655253599996, 10.098260913100001, 10.255212992300001, 10.4208240003,
-    10.5811816078, 10.765906323299999, 10.957390713400001, 11.087388472400001,
-    11.328556388399999, 11.528238631900001, 11.7872480683, 11.915456216899999,
-    12.1248574875, 12.422258492999999, 12.630647267100001, 12.8227992595,
-    13.1516423519, 13.4269728621, 13.7263917941, 13.910454382299999,
-    14.1519663254, 14.338029858300001, 14.560423425, 14.770007548300001,
-    14.9841095141, 15.334444082699999, 15.4948694147, 15.855824070500001,
-    16.241262736900001, 16.5489680156, 16.821966605299998, 17.034108685700001,
-    17.2704823658, 17.5373816422, 17.870520279099999, 18.260020296,
-    18.612564062099999, 18.852361614399999, 19.4196515169, 19.842134040099999,
-    20.208065711, 20.730183175899999, 21.211762532200002, 21.724835097900002,
-    22.113935455899998, 22.527518860600001, 22.952535640800001,
-    23.578085247400001, 24.165234135199999, 24.660451264300001,
-    25.101613714700001, 25.726113937200001, 26.0893457106, 26.669907244299999,
-    27.169577979900001, 27.596626516000001, 28.329601780800001,
-    28.779048282000002, 29.224608145400001, 29.781331889800001,
-    30.432540589399999, 31.415359296199998, 31.9605897486, 32.492956216000003,
-    33.285631429200002, 34.070187818800001, 35.060381063199998,
-    35.680990641100003, 36.895345624699999, 37.869889303100003, 38.7151898057,
-    39.673959652199997, 40.7449007739, 42.072602957599997, 43.253042370099998,
-    44.872848970500002, 46.556160648899997, 48.1796820673, 49.545397762699999,
-    51.074845857200003, 52.800367472799998, 54.781904047099999, 56.6419800444,
-    58.294167776899997, 59.890254052499998, 62.933262895200002,
-    64.383209257600001, 66.273695300300005, 68.879466623300004,
-    71.737383912400006, 73.694424811299996, 76.676559064200006,
-    79.509307012099995, 82.2830341003, 85.991392160700002, 90.717177404200001,
-    94.429171780900006, 97.473571158699997, 102.467911147, 107.546301419,
-    114.342831581, 121.31476895, 126.05533253199999, 137.91440966299999,
-    144.79876003499999, 163.923571595, 181.508527445, 213.04454604899999,
-    245.38055141000001, 301.25496328499997, 332.04731076600001,
-    25328.083268499999, 0.0, 0.16960710904000001, 0.24797331543600001,
-    0.30236896744000002, 0.34361899401099999, 0.40999983457,
-    0.48890969043100002, 0.54342837436299996, 0.60861265194400005,
-    0.64673129635399995, 0.69004038945699997, 0.73679534547199999,
-    0.77536960959000001, 0.82841780807499998, 0.90256777434299995,
-    0.93909860962199998, 1.00410024985, 1.0408385717899999, 1.11535670052,
-    1.14711502865, 1.15928977273, 1.18798598113, 1.2274534778099999,
-    1.26769475616, 1.3002205824799999, 1.3310033753199999, 1.3446656342200001,
-    1.3760840745, 1.39081400794, 1.4505341583, 1.4632661604999999,
-    1.4984860150399999, 1.5529767251, 1.57864986714, 1.6173517424399999,
-    1.67533252068, 1.70471580487, 1.7278608476799999, 1.7811033034399999,
-    1.82818139122, 1.86555208204, 1.8941511847700001, 1.92488230379,
-    1.95851626987, 1.99363516305, 2.0170055272299998, 2.0586483531600002,
-    2.0850970425700002, 2.1085030088000001, 2.1283137664099998, 2.16603036339,
-    2.19060342065, 2.2345184857999998, 2.2714847812799999, 2.2993152139899999,
-    2.3222064716699999, 2.3498083965699998, 2.3879408831800002,
-    2.4133674625900001, 2.45645766658, 2.5043169972600001, 2.5332218388799999,
-    2.5860056276300001, 2.6092200429700001, 2.6593928409799998,
-    2.7167476183999999, 2.7528966109600002, 2.8165365213600002,
-    2.8466368258900001, 2.8966874532100002, 2.9315763405099999,
-    2.9602961735200002, 2.9944957343700001, 3.0486180954200002,
-    3.1054310960799998, 3.17422308542, 3.22876924922, 3.2476266926499999,
-    3.2895811744699999, 3.33758062866, 3.3814007836000002, 3.4235448060599998,
-    3.49735659195, 3.5619485828699999, 3.61508084496, 3.6882879176299999,
-    3.7441381326799998, 3.8290921697, 3.87138230506, 3.9399367140599999,
-    3.9855674425799998, 4.03423244708, 4.1224800094800003, 4.1617950069500003,
-    4.2098466376400001, 4.2671599100500002, 4.3072566201600004,
-    4.3243450788600004, 4.3957664746200003, 4.4519812552699998,
-    4.4969306764399999, 4.5152175579399998, 4.56732663911, 4.6752821882199997,
-    4.7424836408799997, 4.8540575522499996, 4.9112049708600001,
-    4.9863832664899999, 5.0723492115899997, 5.1341872206300003,
-    5.1757472919899996, 5.2672883329999998, 5.3193278175799996,
-    5.3545440009799998, 5.3662639863299999, 5.4478164688200001, 5.51018935901,
-    5.6222469255899998, 5.7031572715200003, 5.78511780914, 5.87666466639,
-    6.0267396241600002, 6.1198844067399998, 6.1979622858300001, 6.28159827041,
-    6.3904158104600004, 6.4453162825900003, 6.5218544413200004,
-    6.6086381632900002, 6.6725993210399999, 6.8163144940900002, 6.97804495911,
-    7.0227642352400004, 7.1626846845100003, 7.3423024204600003,
-    7.5327362668799998, 7.6978310374000003, 7.7611027450999996, 7.88016729875,
-    7.9472676633599999, 8.1244228188799994, 8.2399482591299993,
-    8.3372351004799992, 8.5151888904599993, 8.5980587770099994,
-    8.7064795243800006, 8.9028549639799994, 9.1412099458099991,
-    9.2928218155500009, 9.5260445012799995, 9.7243731171600007,
-    9.9194989507500004, 10.158387747800001, 10.358305334700001, 10.8456897256,
-    11.0126503317, 11.1397484418, 11.3568231431, 11.725070023000001,
-    11.952829343599999, 12.355631104, 12.741115586999999, 12.9604116418,
-    13.0782774906, 13.386035293300001, 13.7586242928, 14.065910686100001,
-    14.481276965199999, 14.8428342578, 15.0857067332, 15.5610363036,
-    15.9877621903, 16.564935242699999, 17.222646941699999, 17.705236311899998,
-    18.2065490938, 18.6451801326, 19.1223591105, 19.606893553199999,
-    20.1404072423, 20.653286086600001, 21.431578720299999, 21.979215851300001,
-    23.048094735900001, 23.846359740299999, 24.3529984143, 24.985293486700002,
-    25.965109587899999, 26.669072074799999, 27.831042996200001,
-    29.685768165100001, 30.986492906100001, 32.7579031852, 34.704015628800001,
-    39.043339889599999, 43.627269160300003, 50.063241984299999,
-    55.522634061300003, 63.83632205, 80.274312648399999, 121.666396689
+    0.0,
+    1.19643536295,
+    1.7799429438800001,
+    2.5000897208500001,
+    3.0593132287299998,
+    3.4839286608000002,
+    3.9982294568999999,
+    4.4402913862600002,
+    4.8147369692600002,
+    5.3054432104,
+    5.8105717909600001,
+    6.1370968299099999,
+    6.7475810144699997,
+    7.3015792720599997,
+    7.6896019690199999,
+    8.13938977856,
+    8.4515096605100002,
+    8.9879216562900002,
+    9.4927671192999998,
+    10.085788064899999,
+    10.625255410199999,
+    11.0026891093,
+    11.3895870178,
+    11.843719932200001,
+    12.253271789299999,
+    12.767614137500001,
+    13.262427498099999,
+    13.786048882799999,
+    14.16595075,
+    14.643883369899999,
+    15.146539539600001,
+    15.7813472808,
+    16.280656373900001,
+    16.655646821400001,
+    17.114459585199999,
+    17.598615494000001,
+    18.184936752399999,
+    18.740805828900001,
+    19.248318706700001,
+    19.9296167205,
+    20.463100761100002,
+    21.2124495216,
+    21.626706539400001,
+    22.210655822100001,
+    22.700941956400001,
+    23.302821910599999,
+    23.920510033900001,
+    24.580456784700001,
+    25.2569820073,
+    25.959142340700001,
+    26.512265281099999,
+    27.196530728900001,
+    27.733216163200002,
+    28.478633239299999,
+    29.299270036500001,
+    30.256722160100001,
+    30.986221208,
+    31.737877171200001,
+    32.3960443243,
+    33.105226859200002,
+    33.767065963699999,
+    34.404378731100003,
+    34.924274373000003,
+    35.644436068099999,
+    36.564111572900003,
+    37.417350414600001,
+    38.238436024899997,
+    38.799991177199999,
+    39.436095377800001,
+    40.277347542100003,
+    41.016879076899997,
+    41.908435708699997,
+    42.819594709699999,
+    43.738915136400003,
+    44.846693151399997,
+    45.536023954699999,
+    46.546157932100002,
+    47.460643921100001,
+    48.624537354399997,
+    49.4055755953,
+    50.186510797700002,
+    51.175277055499997,
+    52.089204297199998,
+    53.122068163400002,
+    54.127727041100002,
+    54.940780204399999,
+    56.114554909900001,
+    57.0656839854,
+    57.894406169100002,
+    59.009235477799997,
+    60.0914392866,
+    61.208045864900001,
+    62.2858241466,
+    63.543350702799998,
+    64.856196127700002,
+    66.682225449399994,
+    68.209557105800002,
+    69.742463108799996,
+    71.750057073999997,
+    73.414467924899995,
+    75.307815587799993,
+    77.118795934299996,
+    78.812379695000004,
+    80.355455134600007,
+    81.877925440300004,
+    83.662200974800001,
+    85.224686517899997,
+    86.615321828199995,
+    88.267510348100004,
+    89.802469557099997,
+    91.374895675700003,
+    93.408025320799993,
+    95.336052711299999,
+    97.395921625599996,
+    98.859486409499993,
+    100.657442178,
+    102.99984774399999,
+    105.41734144900001,
+    107.273191485,
+    109.044242849,
+    110.937136356,
+    113.583166593,
+    115.56257233300001,
+    117.846911268,
+    120.681655831,
+    122.799469999,
+    124.375415383,
+    126.97394391900001,
+    129.436815795,
+    132.49568735599999,
+    135.98857834699999,
+    138.09223868300001,
+    141.65649987800001,
+    146.09086464500001,
+    149.16576952099999,
+    152.208770273,
+    155.187653896,
+    157.43246798000001,
+    160.43301280700001,
+    162.84002901100001,
+    166.77052560600001,
+    169.29494600500001,
+    172.91801473500001,
+    176.654293306,
+    180.23478114700001,
+    183.296380473,
+    186.73903581499999,
+    190.86755789399999,
+    195.654394298,
+    199.69558299600001,
+    203.92254700699999,
+    208.397049907,
+    213.10008202399999,
+    217.93095747000001,
+    222.20188235800001,
+    227.07325009499999,
+    230.860699883,
+    237.97819378299999,
+    245.85743037500001,
+    252.73101680400001,
+    258.89556405000002,
+    268.60486464500002,
+    276.47499798699999,
+    282.03633185400003,
+    289.17078451600003,
+    302.06749436299998,
+    312.57905513100002,
+    322.60452264899999,
+    331.014610371,
+    341.75075497,
+    350.173888159,
+    361.88637575400003,
+    371.61412230500002,
+    385.17435225200001,
+    400.72319405799999,
+    411.753441162,
+    422.75058281299999,
+    437.11037701999999,
+    453.45288953800002,
+    474.420871385,
+    488.318616894,
+    512.11653910200005,
+    535.54182501000003,
+    555.56166528300002,
+    573.43505104999997,
+    593.13241480700003,
+    614.79560775100003,
+    649.435414896,
+    688.17560751799999,
+    721.87795355000003,
+    773.415382937,
+    813.66800489900004,
+    877.39648314099998,
+    964.732528602,
+    1069.40860047,
+    1223.88660858,
+    1424.4787858300001,
+    1674.8315303500001,
+    1977.7544173799999,
+    2651.83993319,
+    200410.392804,
+    0.0,
+    1.1584312650099999,
+    1.8096405876999999,
+    2.08809545024,
+    2.39759603108,
+    2.8210825374900002,
+    3.2262415616500002,
+    3.6767261063199999,
+    4.0712643350700004,
+    4.3358305431000002,
+    4.6961593196700004,
+    5.0048297457600004,
+    5.3979863436900004,
+    5.8290699240099997,
+    6.1960232764300001,
+    6.5088252292500002,
+    6.8948342983900002,
+    7.2696660689300003,
+    7.5399291096800001,
+    8.01313726329,
+    8.3889381116700008,
+    8.8151563879800001,
+    9.3221845714700002,
+    9.7919081310700005,
+    10.197322679699999,
+    10.690667428799999,
+    11.1669675994,
+    11.439377929899999,
+    11.6674844277,
+    12.008682137099999,
+    12.4556500154,
+    12.8218557119,
+    13.3281486992,
+    13.7095661165,
+    14.2163312161,
+    14.836869545500001,
+    15.3589870134,
+    15.8272834403,
+    16.238276813700001,
+    16.5883025266,
+    17.023074348600002,
+    17.414160002799999,
+    17.848152475399999,
+    18.247715569499999,
+    18.664561518999999,
+    19.075395695600001,
+    19.486374441700001,
+    19.973916476399999,
+    20.5269080381,
+    21.020846655300002,
+    21.507367194299999,
+    22.0135312996,
+    22.461208124300001,
+    23.036281720800002,
+    23.480764591,
+    23.9941998794,
+    24.413118882100001,
+    24.9392923634,
+    25.478485752899999,
+    26.086617298499998,
+    26.6809648813,
+    27.1950947449,
+    28.074728258899999,
+    28.720521756,
+    29.3654350726,
+    30.087513917199999,
+    30.702053779700002,
+    31.306689242899999,
+    31.780186689299999,
+    32.4753156827,
+    33.135143889299997,
+    33.888469867399998,
+    34.645545953000003,
+    35.367533057599999,
+    36.110020627200001,
+    36.758678629099997,
+    37.497664023799999,
+    38.081984167100003,
+    38.997417122999998,
+    39.672472603700001,
+    40.429274192199998,
+    41.295854716299999,
+    41.954930876799999,
+    42.5972412096,
+    43.276950597999999,
+    44.159449579799997,
+    45.025165711200003,
+    45.821814644200003,
+    46.555175562499997,
+    47.583311010599999,
+    48.589989172199999,
+    49.510833894599998,
+    50.257035760699999,
+    51.092289456800003,
+    52.258119141000002,
+    52.938195970499997,
+    53.804888863800002,
+    54.8416712187,
+    55.960279943899998,
+    57.006686652699997,
+    58.274563175499999,
+    59.3790074307,
+    60.283128322000003,
+    61.549512813600003,
+    62.4978155636,
+    63.834912981700001,
+    64.904107601199996,
+    66.223931861400004,
+    67.086972593499993,
+    68.397576571800002,
+    69.942186175000003,
+    71.207027708799998,
+    72.602512277200006,
+    73.560342838699995,
+    74.967359775099993,
+    76.577240733500005,
+    78.057764533799997,
+    79.513502422499997,
+    81.078073566599997,
+    82.165643638800006,
+    83.719127560900006,
+    85.148667228299999,
+    86.337704861199995,
+    87.860157790000002,
+    89.431109054900006,
+    90.980131378099998,
+    92.433634234400003,
+    94.226038238300006,
+    95.621501725399995,
+    97.080958997099998,
+    99.134428385800007,
+    101.04854586800001,
+    102.97657310699999,
+    105.139486026,
+    107.602665034,
+    109.70147691299999,
+    112.05021857600001,
+    114.125549412,
+    116.61722458,
+    118.189314409,
+    120.82322130999999,
+    123.127890034,
+    125.47513250999999,
+    127.848312975,
+    130.41431036200001,
+    133.57317560600001,
+    136.49161050999999,
+    140.74286875799999,
+    143.71689255300001,
+    146.67120050400001,
+    149.59581133399999,
+    152.22756825499999,
+    156.533766931,
+    160.06017973100001,
+    165.11262847200001,
+    169.23166942399999,
+    175.315765167,
+    179.524732857,
+    183.40525104400001,
+    188.17945511100001,
+    191.82963235400001,
+    197.202013322,
+    202.34316464599999,
+    207.99698327900001,
+    215.67824328500001,
+    224.47764356499999,
+    230.63417344199999,
+    236.60643002699999,
+    242.61055810900001,
+    251.77410247,
+    259.46544586200002,
+    268.047248459,
+    276.79107524199998,
+    286.15718497099999,
+    295.84758942399998,
+    305.58034509200002,
+    314.60780894999999,
+    325.34498936799997,
+    338.27578485100003,
+    348.53507352600002,
+    362.42239857200002,
+    375.083278597,
+    389.444337389,
+    407.52083932199997,
+    423.996775576,
+    439.86516896699999,
+    461.74456199100001,
+    481.21447879099998,
+    506.20652181600002,
+    531.64557102599997,
+    563.79744206400005,
+    601.85836871599997,
+    633.07763874900002,
+    693.45668289599996,
+    762.28141866299995,
+    852.11407475700003,
+    985.769367053,
+    1195.0785449099999,
+    1389.62431328,
+    2042.8647050500001,
+    78636.810297999997,
+    0.0,
+    1.0297464516799999,
+    1.60346935644,
+    2.0630353810100002,
+    2.4007054222700002,
+    2.7231158619300002,
+    3.0845870231900001,
+    3.3825315783100001,
+    3.7827559602099998,
+    4.1271402089200002,
+    4.4667826236700003,
+    4.7067760450099998,
+    5.1713770843100004,
+    5.53668279583,
+    5.74764546799,
+    6.1299980556899998,
+    6.3496742207699999,
+    6.6781045773500001,
+    7.12938206889,
+    7.39578341085,
+    7.7627325807999998,
+    8.0843024355399997,
+    8.3430476893299996,
+    8.7253588764300005,
+    9.0323780076000002,
+    9.3251680266000001,
+    9.7700665673099998,
+    10.103065082900001,
+    10.4121667828,
+    10.792220887399999,
+    11.114426525200001,
+    11.3987065041,
+    11.7259278942,
+    12.148971416,
+    12.454565579200001,
+    12.7910859418,
+    13.0925963376,
+    13.4917267129,
+    13.8568357546,
+    14.099344370200001,
+    14.466338023,
+    14.773502690999999,
+    15.1559213702,
+    15.4627289245,
+    15.735248281500001,
+    16.264394708800001,
+    16.624779056400001,
+    17.059591039099999,
+    17.366603691200002,
+    17.645800374,
+    18.074841360299999,
+    18.3713457528,
+    18.6782869727,
+    19.1657010441,
+    19.623227022799998,
+    20.045230785600001,
+    20.669991472,
+    21.181226625299999,
+    21.496046951899999,
+    22.092489347299999,
+    22.5203682028,
+    22.913515129299999,
+    23.382882170199998,
+    23.760241867400001,
+    24.103618211899999,
+    24.540791235699999,
+    25.0420139973,
+    25.4305135832,
+    26.0666776578,
+    26.564557883900001,
+    27.273553850399999,
+    27.7820097687,
+    28.3303665601,
+    28.745443715499999,
+    29.332968781000002,
+    30.009561780399999,
+    30.6135990386,
+    31.065902801899998,
+    31.520776554800001,
+    32.034559784499997,
+    32.646134072499997,
+    33.136621810400001,
+    34.091020344699999,
+    34.492997237600001,
+    34.960981709999999,
+    35.534538623400003,
+    36.397290535000003,
+    36.973557298199999,
+    37.496289196399999,
+    38.275574691300001,
+    39.132056666700002,
+    39.940285424599999,
+    40.663404855499998,
+    41.192514081399999,
+    41.940303401100003,
+    42.428268793400001,
+    43.002423862000001,
+    43.754682545599998,
+    44.392160792200002,
+    45.226295550300001,
+    45.955474380200002,
+    46.6701829171,
+    47.223011101499999,
+    47.870306336100001,
+    49.055475024800003,
+    49.870096181000001,
+    50.573112358800003,
+    51.511936900599999,
+    52.294025013499997,
+    52.962422501100001,
+    54.0366510279,
+    54.7208861318,
+    55.623480251799997,
+    56.401930573599998,
+    57.257184440700001,
+    58.072153872400001,
+    58.874410881099998,
+    60.104082592799998,
+    61.246007962100002,
+    62.248201307400002,
+    63.333179544099998,
+    64.4524632575,
+    65.680454143800006,
+    66.683104472400004,
+    67.860077341099995,
+    68.838786806399995,
+    69.8305645449,
+    71.030064286699997,
+    72.106640080299996,
+    73.718568832599999,
+    74.8928190476,
+    76.122150548999997,
+    77.8978499384,
+    79.078046305800001,
+    80.938626385199996,
+    82.707864462499998,
+    84.409564379399995,
+    85.580444997300006,
+    87.015983902800002,
+    88.433916929199995,
+    90.027633876400003,
+    91.989641288499996,
+    94.085497345299999,
+    97.019197389300004,
+    98.948948656499994,
+    101.110113046,
+    102.857621045,
+    104.948948472,
+    107.370061428,
+    110.309341836,
+    113.069785897,
+    115.334911873,
+    118.811007467,
+    121.8903905,
+    124.534635235,
+    127.237679828,
+    130.822044406,
+    133.95795785600001,
+    137.088601866,
+    141.331942336,
+    144.39698896600001,
+    148.46879151300001,
+    151.54049203599999,
+    156.010435457,
+    159.23907638899999,
+    163.84405742499999,
+    167.20574813600001,
+    171.571248282,
+    175.307565178,
+    180.898544257,
+    188.209642444,
+    192.88951267100001,
+    199.07961470500001,
+    204.98453083699999,
+    210.87189762099999,
+    217.37683173400001,
+    226.04598215600001,
+    233.03168449699999,
+    241.629711085,
+    246.946999901,
+    257.88334712900001,
+    264.42034237600001,
+    275.808770686,
+    285.32670270400001,
+    296.425658236,
+    311.66211481800002,
+    325.77524805600001,
+    339.41158178199998,
+    359.89737101100002,
+    378.89288395099999,
+    407.45313021999999,
+    430.825250423,
+    463.86767345999999,
+    495.964419029,
+    532.31966564899994,
+    589.85183477299995,
+    656.18178811200005,
+    784.26433017099998,
+    943.24503690999995,
+    1302.9980653,
+    102139.29543300001,
+    0.0,
+    0.86743237287200003,
+    1.3552076122000001,
+    1.74882176592,
+    2.1568118435899999,
+    2.5442077510700001,
+    2.7836243977500001,
+    3.00643655951,
+    3.2689355412999999,
+    3.5104534629600002,
+    3.8022522251600002,
+    4.0581864022299996,
+    4.3187967801799996,
+    4.5167601174499996,
+    4.8300373207899998,
+    5.1908096910400001,
+    5.4523307194299999,
+    5.7058518279000001,
+    6.0398043860700001,
+    6.3374641220700001,
+    6.6584016957400003,
+    6.8846773738299998,
+    7.1723016125100001,
+    7.48248963179,
+    7.7608348148299999,
+    8.0287909583299992,
+    8.3818549816299992,
+    8.7220174560999997,
+    9.0911091549999998,
+    9.35929759333,
+    9.6835960622500004,
+    9.9959322308900003,
+    10.3919770948,
+    10.747496464799999,
+    11.051538298500001,
+    11.316949795799999,
+    11.6183662131,
+    11.847164556699999,
+    12.1264569509,
+    12.437037774,
+    12.678519424999999,
+    13.016651663899999,
+    13.442219338399999,
+    13.7024184299,
+    14.0640518316,
+    14.3690724623,
+    14.6322090714,
+    15.003935011899999,
+    15.4618156875,
+    15.691396925499999,
+    16.018873943599999,
+    16.325083680199999,
+    16.72412623,
+    17.1800229961,
+    17.565089287999999,
+    17.955333696,
+    18.350394168699999,
+    18.662332183499998,
+    19.055520775400002,
+    19.3243741866,
+    19.697736269300002,
+    20.1598827376,
+    20.587558148399999,
+    20.947803652899999,
+    21.377289620700001,
+    21.7382160949,
+    22.148445907799999,
+    22.538187253499999,
+    22.969405032299999,
+    23.3515975378,
+    23.7868814409,
+    24.248895708799999,
+    24.763958241200001,
+    25.1997621694,
+    25.508926166199998,
+    25.958095899700002,
+    26.333188731500002,
+    26.824658796200001,
+    27.2155445271,
+    27.6568308628,
+    28.003116157499999,
+    28.541185737399999,
+    29.063342253199998,
+    29.560897612200002,
+    30.089418954599999,
+    30.597578276299998,
+    31.089081956699999,
+    31.4765648224,
+    31.894925652200001,
+    32.457647031999997,
+    33.030174841600001,
+    33.487885595199998,
+    34.018036955900001,
+    34.729723770100001,
+    35.271537205000001,
+    35.835399970200001,
+    36.307941559900001,
+    37.035916915500003,
+    37.561814357099998,
+    38.147376215199998,
+    38.7343663929,
+    39.318444863700002,
+    40.219249623899998,
+    40.878162636200003,
+    41.4384018103,
+    42.125905574999997,
+    42.975687067999999,
+    43.8669515737,
+    44.7165019555,
+    45.320383934500001,
+    46.290441078699999,
+    47.103139229999996,
+    47.737629462800001,
+    48.481018605400003,
+    49.4000519043,
+    50.130121766099997,
+    51.236341089200003,
+    52.022103237400003,
+    53.121350018199998,
+    54.3133505427,
+    55.198931289699999,
+    56.1880323006,
+    57.196115179099998,
+    58.388588195399997,
+    59.017601707799997,
+    60.191491397699998,
+    61.1785764937,
+    62.150011268,
+    63.062827775300001,
+    64.255070623099996,
+    65.725583058799998,
+    67.146069528200002,
+    68.855182272500002,
+    70.625039886400003,
+    72.517402771500002,
+    74.012329769800004,
+    75.142684897799995,
+    77.263163371999994,
+    78.970113074099999,
+    81.015664056600002,
+    82.952470754299995,
+    84.358247795500006,
+    86.345419452399994,
+    87.398236220800001,
+    88.877403817100003,
+    91.486012660200004,
+    93.475534618099999,
+    95.836579746699996,
+    99.517911350299997,
+    102.47972814000001,
+    104.56502959399999,
+    106.80315385900001,
+    109.427661664,
+    112.172083348,
+    114.752710729,
+    117.319711297,
+    120.332179395,
+    122.523137369,
+    125.80426376699999,
+    128.152192243,
+    130.68223203400001,
+    135.03565554799999,
+    138.836718018,
+    142.72321670599999,
+    145.83471307600001,
+    148.23894481900001,
+    150.940455676,
+    155.45888045199999,
+    160.45763036100001,
+    165.78439021700001,
+    170.10783283399999,
+    176.981973885,
+    182.24637161699999,
+    187.99729957,
+    193.341158584,
+    201.153499485,
+    209.89557814400001,
+    215.512255272,
+    222.916166694,
+    234.63262219500001,
+    242.24162438799999,
+    250.84387633899999,
+    264.39217630600001,
+    286.10701643599998,
+    294.863916168,
+    309.35324268800002,
+    326.01462315399999,
+    343.064113615,
+    361.99177679500002,
+    387.72006495800002,
+    407.06863126899998,
+    432.93714764600003,
+    471.081198336,
+    512.23599568500003,
+    547.44287580900004,
+    597.93801741300001,
+    672.97299630600003,
+    816.76871595199998,
+    996.88891773900002,
+    1291.9070935100001,
+    161358.74421500001,
+    0.0,
+    0.99453276649300004,
+    1.34957440998,
+    1.80040223325,
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+    2.48530115303,
+    2.78071282241,
+    3.0627252072600002,
+    3.2784701121599999,
+    3.5719852163999999,
+    3.9766675073700002,
+    4.1919498196699996,
+    4.4401116787000001,
+    4.7010850741399999,
+    4.8325546723099997,
+    4.9905503588400002,
+    5.2121802011499998,
+    5.4487589889699999,
+    5.7199962258500001,
+    5.9713598443100002,
+    6.2934525916500004,
+    6.5164568592299998,
+    6.7356095053300002,
+    6.9021306576599999,
+    7.1721655965900002,
+    7.3281530158799999,
+    7.5914585431999999,
+    7.8254960779699996,
+    7.9993083693299996,
+    8.2012397418000003,
+    8.3720004276700006,
+    8.6300188092199992,
+    8.9217519372599998,
+    9.3077081475300005,
+    9.6043493889500002,
+    9.8964144834100001,
+    10.211666127200001,
+    10.4213008992,
+    10.788691589500001,
+    11.051012050900001,
+    11.344200771000001,
+    11.725614780600001,
+    11.9588900773,
+    12.2827247511,
+    12.637968324099999,
+    12.966823288900001,
+    13.168992016800001,
+    13.4745396448,
+    13.785583859500001,
+    14.036187573499999,
+    14.3890843198,
+    14.7328997316,
+    15.1242120858,
+    15.3426967014,
+    15.6612958042,
+    15.9789841683,
+    16.360263102400001,
+    16.772235545499999,
+    17.216064751899999,
+    17.589241161899999,
+    17.8572448364,
+    18.1950328878,
+    18.559156973699999,
+    18.792157978999999,
+    19.092364930399999,
+    19.509183897500002,
+    19.8903785993,
+    20.395241299399999,
+    20.715609197399999,
+    21.129151485000001,
+    21.4384474457,
+    21.8051370373,
+    22.0983151782,
+    22.589355123800001,
+    22.923955315299999,
+    23.293660984199999,
+    23.8073499164,
+    24.164663172499999,
+    24.468464225200002,
+    24.9136660319,
+    25.292481224799999,
+    25.704244781,
+    26.122315593700002,
+    26.745139958900001,
+    27.142677224500002,
+    27.678661556600002,
+    28.172552657800001,
+    28.7004617023,
+    29.254574122400001,
+    29.9576316134,
+    30.320919945,
+    30.8651150524,
+    31.535303165799998,
+    32.0284025188,
+    32.4595794536,
+    32.939819047199997,
+    33.536005820299998,
+    34.287543194800001,
+    34.940091845399998,
+    35.379675577999997,
+    36.122305638999997,
+    36.623643357600002,
+    37.258982358499999,
+    37.645211866499999,
+    38.348043171800001,
+    39.121822204899999,
+    39.903193717900002,
+    40.5501905506,
+    41.172201017399999,
+    41.965871158399999,
+    42.633532572999997,
+    43.135795547100003,
+    43.854137299599998,
+    44.859996618799997,
+    45.622113159199998,
+    46.6849616684,
+    47.678221519899999,
+    48.843464619499997,
+    49.8146602526,
+    50.688647234999998,
+    51.583461331899997,
+    52.591197556700003,
+    53.717957165400001,
+    55.506732086500001,
+    56.662175622500001,
+    58.167854235900002,
+    59.062885457699998,
+    60.411246125200002,
+    61.391033951200001,
+    62.368874448500002,
+    63.688858420800003,
+    64.888271486199997,
+    66.635858121799998,
+    67.817878363199995,
+    68.880671285700004,
+    70.095051569500001,
+    71.501848303100005,
+    72.775151774600005,
+    74.558541465199994,
+    76.409518135499994,
+    77.761688797700003,
+    79.005647183500002,
+    80.295269079099995,
+    82.4136017931,
+    84.613797778800006,
+    86.016896733899998,
+    87.430508335200003,
+    88.670983118500004,
+    90.231433799300007,
+    91.891509509399995,
+    94.498776834500006,
+    97.249232232899999,
+    98.623021338599997,
+    101.238294708,
+    102.87975996900001,
+    105.291018643,
+    107.24435443199999,
+    109.666596011,
+    113.098272596,
+    115.61031488,
+    119.614780612,
+    123.287443794,
+    126.249115391,
+    128.58356817500001,
+    131.775900138,
+    135.290949961,
+    139.29796378500001,
+    146.262327629,
+    150.00976835200001,
+    154.61572367400001,
+    160.255070652,
+    165.26334147099999,
+    170.16736670500001,
+    173.77829739699999,
+    179.56132179599999,
+    184.561922764,
+    190.69775108499999,
+    196.65891324699999,
+    203.521908177,
+    211.093916154,
+    221.47514707299999,
+    231.47529352399999,
+    237.75562241,
+    244.883786829,
+    253.30171895399999,
+    261.76505171600002,
+    278.98552843200002,
+    292.60068635200003,
+    311.55099943599998,
+    325.88771172899999,
+    343.19537559700001,
+    365.551962753,
+    393.39248336999998,
+    422.56973752499999,
+    461.27635287499999,
+    502.54248837599999,
+    563.31345992700005,
+    636.33864636400006,
+    803.18510591400002,
+    1017.18613565,
+    2073.8933950400001,
+    0.0,
+    0.84882448919599995,
+    1.1297295603899999,
+    1.43790054577,
+    1.8034031745600001,
+    2.1567378511699999,
+    2.46200691124,
+    2.7164909210600001,
+    2.9725139778099998,
+    3.3258460814699999,
+    3.51565620581,
+    3.6829072744900002,
+    3.8503255597599999,
+    4.0960101060699996,
+    4.3195587197099998,
+    4.5180080510099998,
+    4.7208657011600001,
+    4.9188747051200004,
+    5.0822519781400004,
+    5.2471047837700002,
+    5.4397152562800004,
+    5.6442757923500002,
+    5.94422558704,
+    6.2491652156599997,
+    6.5158366836499999,
+    6.6694208713499998,
+    6.9618320371699998,
+    7.0954639576199998,
+    7.3925975604899996,
+    7.6671833348599998,
+    8.0270911346999991,
+    8.2155617499000009,
+    8.3810446408000008,
+    8.6728270830500005,
+    8.9919564023300005,
+    9.1979666478599995,
+    9.4613822654199993,
+    9.8638159812400001,
+    10.064467502699999,
+    10.300861637400001,
+    10.5922395715,
+    10.898994478100001,
+    11.2204623911,
+    11.462764891000001,
+    11.827261590299999,
+    12.083868714099999,
+    12.386429319099999,
+    12.6393019529,
+    12.853547404,
+    13.1367142199,
+    13.3487410123,
+    13.656895326200001,
+    14.024084867899999,
+    14.2305895378,
+    14.537063637599999,
+    14.7677980479,
+    14.983400628,
+    15.254355192,
+    15.4728650747,
+    15.7833358443,
+    16.258317366699998,
+    16.591420611899999,
+    16.7968951537,
+    17.321484078699999,
+    17.688159546000001,
+    17.9917501318,
+    18.4264735655,
+    18.751733764800001,
+    19.0344300858,
+    19.372343152500001,
+    19.740307887699998,
+    20.051092925599999,
+    20.305765000400001,
+    20.618187255599999,
+    20.819816596500001,
+    21.0782135131,
+    21.397939723499999,
+    21.854582025799999,
+    22.2881163357,
+    22.6506377304,
+    22.877000473599999,
+    23.384389492899999,
+    23.836418588899999,
+    24.222254926800002,
+    24.655197791999999,
+    25.022161849,
+    25.444878252500001,
+    26.053606325400001,
+    26.614004877900001,
+    27.0211182404,
+    27.401244503200001,
+    27.7850805052,
+    28.159129948299999,
+    28.6603675532,
+    29.200278675,
+    29.671973053799999,
+    30.210222716600001,
+    30.961837351900002,
+    31.650008409800002,
+    32.094382395700002,
+    32.843304519299998,
+    33.577328693699997,
+    34.237700249100001,
+    34.801256214399999,
+    35.485455770500003,
+    35.9765981579,
+    36.670725593599997,
+    37.170285661000001,
+    37.990796691500002,
+    38.642774190700003,
+    39.528303337300002,
+    39.978645888499997,
+    40.8020907732,
+    41.489481081900003,
+    42.4638964743,
+    43.139901183799999,
+    44.090235702199998,
+    45.199560705499998,
+    45.817027413600002,
+    47.017044573200003,
+    48.262105780699997,
+    49.1479688362,
+    50.425156699799999,
+    51.855557858499999,
+    52.673049050499998,
+    53.828962193300001,
+    54.706265736600002,
+    55.754088218,
+    56.6875216169,
+    57.802232958300003,
+    59.077269420699999,
+    59.802668045799997,
+    60.803463371600003,
+    62.277143198700003,
+    63.318223359400001,
+    64.249051654799999,
+    65.723438296400005,
+    66.690473547300002,
+    67.987683240400003,
+    69.312005970800001,
+    70.335791722799996,
+    71.525547407700003,
+    73.2296426005,
+    74.761566365899995,
+    76.401961372800002,
+    78.083813237900003,
+    79.959478159499994,
+    81.411397194700001,
+    83.907706583600003,
+    85.130641549399996,
+    86.564841115600004,
+    88.151400025100003,
+    90.839542183500001,
+    93.404373994799997,
+    95.237850676600004,
+    96.510747774899997,
+    98.111723876599996,
+    100.59771252100001,
+    103.473781565,
+    106.22999075200001,
+    109.035110547,
+    111.514197384,
+    114.660071867,
+    117.91431810100001,
+    120.95989149899999,
+    125.315578238,
+    127.97488147200001,
+    131.55766028400001,
+    133.79550634099999,
+    136.780043667,
+    143.37105514300001,
+    147.41143759799999,
+    152.70084909799999,
+    158.68963683999999,
+    163.480470784,
+    168.40748618699999,
+    176.23576411799999,
+    181.51714572399999,
+    188.435573998,
+    193.69868358400001,
+    201.866252981,
+    209.69486823,
+    221.66246932499999,
+    231.771152277,
+    245.05347127900001,
+    258.89263676799999,
+    273.73973170099998,
+    290.43652293600002,
+    304.91784651400002,
+    317.71453254800002,
+    345.81680795,
+    370.51493599600002,
+    396.34922032399999,
+    427.34649876600002,
+    472.648184012,
+    548.811516697,
+    616.97696803199995,
+    698.58074685700001,
+    921.70016827699999,
+    1351.93476429,
+    4555.3138270099998,
+    0.0,
+    1.05775845422,
+    1.30722302885,
+    1.6550836259599999,
+    2.0164548998499998,
+    2.22264762997,
+    2.4339426832900002,
+    2.63987900941,
+    2.8474331698999999,
+    3.1394413773199998,
+    3.3488811388099999,
+    3.5845593259999999,
+    3.7278526245200001,
+    3.89707499961,
+    4.0930076946499998,
+    4.2667403322500004,
+    4.4444123281100003,
+    4.7057346005499996,
+    4.8776095749700001,
+    5.0766543427900004,
+    5.2576254422700002,
+    5.4227043983799996,
+    5.5565800836300001,
+    5.6921444728099999,
+    5.8967927912900002,
+    6.0520540232300002,
+    6.18092403149,
+    6.4448963355100002,
+    6.6606765375799997,
+    6.8569177525900002,
+    6.9871721176600001,
+    7.1997752419300003,
+    7.4790143792799997,
+    7.6433232341600004,
+    7.8838845337299999,
+    8.0362724982000007,
+    8.2491173118100001,
+    8.4854912803700007,
+    8.7981272976200007,
+    8.98771466078,
+    9.2672797478700009,
+    9.4910127015200008,
+    9.7196918691600001,
+    9.9958458284499994,
+    10.2946220832,
+    10.5192779153,
+    10.7367739562,
+    11.0486241079,
+    11.264306749099999,
+    11.610683487999999,
+    11.8590324631,
+    12.102995508599999,
+    12.274140378,
+    12.5626984562,
+    12.777400244300001,
+    13.0071767612,
+    13.3075190692,
+    13.506522563900001,
+    13.7736133375,
+    14.034237147500001,
+    14.3718879313,
+    14.704450492399999,
+    15.006497291000001,
+    15.4860321302,
+    15.8250864202,
+    16.068562412599999,
+    16.366417189700002,
+    16.791695786399998,
+    17.1963988083,
+    17.692784723599999,
+    17.9889456748,
+    18.250281237599999,
+    18.540758284100001,
+    19.105488743399999,
+    19.3676116446,
+    19.9057967233,
+    20.372155027400002,
+    20.617865943399998,
+    21.0056881543,
+    21.3998014925,
+    21.886629124399999,
+    22.301586328599999,
+    22.8157840378,
+    23.1577773249,
+    23.562675140700001,
+    23.9908312801,
+    24.371709623200001,
+    24.853048289,
+    25.321527433499998,
+    25.817410943100001,
+    26.333798079699999,
+    26.743897014000002,
+    27.404019467800001,
+    27.750455412299999,
+    28.245307990099999,
+    28.8302203846,
+    29.238499632700002,
+    29.908395497000001,
+    30.222815192500001,
+    30.759701009099999,
+    31.296847612400001,
+    31.809133106099999,
+    32.3396270004,
+    33.065629932,
+    33.614025315299997,
+    34.269816387299997,
+    35.012311410899997,
+    35.852750563500003,
+    36.404141805499997,
+    36.8294660038,
+    37.935726292200002,
+    38.368785425900001,
+    39.1826087245,
+    40.008409596500002,
+    40.726090274800001,
+    41.337873114600001,
+    42.209034503799998,
+    43.359563836100001,
+    44.113217655,
+    44.844831191300003,
+    45.6845486769,
+    46.347966789700003,
+    47.331044909100001,
+    48.2533342455,
+    49.162487231599997,
+    50.1543142202,
+    50.931869310099998,
+    51.636126617899997,
+    52.181963144800001,
+    53.396775668799997,
+    55.032301978100001,
+    55.596427951899997,
+    56.5791496927,
+    57.542454919599997,
+    58.554653988799998,
+    59.636429710999998,
+    61.407241399900002,
+    62.509754862100003,
+    63.601590468700003,
+    64.824312135300005,
+    66.386878043999999,
+    67.693732305799998,
+    69.365119204300001,
+    71.025400599899996,
+    72.653909433799996,
+    74.395827576000002,
+    75.769964444999999,
+    77.234020831500004,
+    78.433715899099994,
+    81.101681241799994,
+    83.076307199300004,
+    84.5988995469,
+    86.376895072899998,
+    88.194960597199994,
+    90.441746414899995,
+    92.189595910199998,
+    93.440994131400004,
+    95.435247487400005,
+    99.0558885879,
+    101.49204924999999,
+    104.088533635,
+    106.181199298,
+    109.219007221,
+    112.61624315100001,
+    116.029069048,
+    119.96844246400001,
+    124.344004768,
+    127.91969076300001,
+    132.149553927,
+    135.922055457,
+    140.068507211,
+    144.15378361399999,
+    148.60536720600001,
+    153.82589839900001,
+    158.576947158,
+    165.555672257,
+    171.63158056899999,
+    176.33047682,
+    181.08906739299999,
+    186.793582875,
+    192.534521512,
+    203.56027511299999,
+    211.12137373499999,
+    218.32402486300001,
+    227.271126122,
+    239.72295971400001,
+    255.439273482,
+    266.59600377999999,
+    284.21895951499999,
+    302.86802943499998,
+    319.3660428,
+    335.96299544999999,
+    371.29655514500001,
+    386.65083379800001,
+    434.96311705400001,
+    521.05039447499996,
+    574.39597849699999,
+    643.38261744700003,
+    749.10677599899998,
+    937.47346937500004,
+    2164.74350723,
+    0.0,
+    0.87216036854099999,
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+    1.4528318226800001,
+    1.7506036653599999,
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+    2.1933454622299999,
+    2.4315041290299999,
+    2.6097449606700001,
+    2.8143037344300001,
+    2.98234250898,
+    3.14296097174,
+    3.28163067285,
+    3.4197130756399998,
+    3.5577964282300001,
+    3.7192315259700002,
+    3.8806453857499998,
+    4.0848607038400004,
+    4.27058822443,
+    4.4259870320300001,
+    4.6202853710799996,
+    4.8079818422300002,
+    4.9703096793699997,
+    5.1771997283899998,
+    5.32208420074,
+    5.4736064223099996,
+    5.6716933713,
+    5.7948310020399996,
+    5.9616974056899998,
+    6.1294408520800001,
+    6.3200579482499997,
+    6.5465172585299998,
+    6.7046238334500003,
+    6.8696070854100002,
+    7.0421250211300004,
+    7.21408035417,
+    7.3666599903499996,
+    7.5629677715200003,
+    7.7854370727999997,
+    8.0250690670800005,
+    8.2018499794099995,
+    8.4165599450900004,
+    8.6205648003099995,
+    8.8020739087200006,
+    8.9976602698800008,
+    9.2090483824400007,
+    9.40554714598,
+    9.6268466056699999,
+    9.8387845757699992,
+    10.063513496600001,
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+    10.5490401104,
+    10.760759543200001,
+    11.0190557159,
+    11.247083638299999,
+    11.487903512700001,
+    11.690503747999999,
+    11.9163331257,
+    12.1540624086,
+    12.3754681949,
+    12.6225724062,
+    12.8298548017,
+    13.105360490300001,
+    13.352707515200001,
+    13.600565291800001,
+    13.8363089384,
+    14.081226945299999,
+    14.370552543500001,
+    14.6854081396,
+    14.959606431799999,
+    15.238257795699999,
+    15.488877516500001,
+    15.783357724,
+    16.059268546999999,
+    16.371064702799998,
+    16.635482564899998,
+    16.926054678500002,
+    17.2595416636,
+    17.558429913600001,
+    17.873233837699999,
+    18.1713476396,
+    18.437921946300001,
+    18.808552489299998,
+    19.094615129400001,
+    19.521706635899999,
+    19.8753230885,
+    20.298514125000001,
+    20.622495869000002,
+    20.9353854017,
+    21.4098244692,
+    21.829437198099999,
+    22.259602406999999,
+    22.672559352,
+    23.1204515296,
+    23.483853294300001,
+    23.9484201462,
+    24.3248985436,
+    24.847141378100002,
+    25.2522052389,
+    25.681308357599999,
+    26.205337182699999,
+    26.576187536300001,
+    27.078663830899998,
+    27.677873063900002,
+    28.2381539971,
+    28.8023214868,
+    29.3993510241,
+    29.912833547399998,
+    30.573666294900001,
+    31.104430988600001,
+    31.796146883399999,
+    32.497170738500003,
+    33.279496414699999,
+    34.098064962599999,
+    34.843216272900001,
+    35.542133214099998,
+    36.276287779500002,
+    36.975928357500003,
+    37.504257990799999,
+    38.314777833900003,
+    39.177430845000004,
+    39.819717746400002,
+    40.407911670099999,
+    41.120240020300002,
+    41.978665155199998,
+    42.866256983200003,
+    43.496257352299999,
+    44.207718886199999,
+    44.967775733800003,
+    45.845529661199997,
+    46.8316582737,
+    47.606961498799997,
+    48.454226783199999,
+    49.675775014400003,
+    50.5811434361,
+    51.543186701800003,
+    52.633751532200002,
+    53.929547364699999,
+    55.037714174199998,
+    56.301767675000001,
+    57.451158926300003,
+    58.714248343199998,
+    59.628151489899999,
+    60.807000845600001,
+    62.156996127799999,
+    63.456997649599998,
+    65.008915114800004,
+    66.386142722499997,
+    67.978491519900004,
+    69.422238847200006,
+    70.791592380799997,
+    72.011370736700002,
+    73.522117942199998,
+    75.359756207299995,
+    77.030728253800007,
+    78.893995033400003,
+    80.530957561600005,
+    81.946598575099998,
+    84.055736077199995,
+    86.177382717599997,
+    88.231077799399998,
+    90.830107187099998,
+    93.291203665799998,
+    96.842991020100001,
+    99.738754614200005,
+    102.822309851,
+    106.472937214,
+    109.712921572,
+    112.28819169,
+    115.383539528,
+    118.33937052500001,
+    121.6283803,
+    126.21758780099999,
+    130.559458404,
+    135.25935161000001,
+    139.64966053500001,
+    144.08321394399999,
+    149.81024360000001,
+    155.95824547500001,
+    160.54965979900001,
+    165.74901272299999,
+    173.07092800300001,
+    181.971265612,
+    190.12184997899999,
+    199.140874,
+    208.94440364799999,
+    219.692760295,
+    231.41654560800001,
+    244.813734337,
+    260.64934893600002,
+    276.86471985399999,
+    297.854074072,
+    327.675880581,
+    363.64694161300002,
+    395.28587648799999,
+    430.29646448199998,
+    476.771927382,
+    552.10628605099998,
+    688.09209059399996,
+    965.66929444699997,
+    5512.1265341500002,
+    0.0,
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+    3.2394799841499999,
+    3.39215368186,
+    3.5920914079299999,
+    3.74416489544,
+    3.8829579282000002,
+    4.0121750001200001,
+    4.1604435034699998,
+    4.2969491096299999,
+    4.4303864671199999,
+    4.5829179833699998,
+    4.7183684166099997,
+    4.8667168998800001,
+    4.9825970049999997,
+    5.1443596513600003,
+    5.29642331298,
+    5.5116304645699996,
+    5.6662601962099997,
+    5.8151835779100001,
+    5.9375451382,
+    6.1570517624500001,
+    6.3131151288699998,
+    6.52398099929,
+    6.6722523007500003,
+    6.86154545663,
+    7.0599193283100004,
+    7.3129107271700002,
+    7.5490299843899997,
+    7.7172198221199997,
+    7.8648526311499998,
+    8.0837370196799991,
+    8.2593266698099992,
+    8.4613117407199994,
+    8.6884386074200002,
+    8.8745901890700001,
+    9.1116656074600009,
+    9.3126467721299999,
+    9.5071399643899994,
+    9.7151605657500006,
+    9.9551889093600003,
+    10.149609288200001,
+    10.3401891662,
+    10.621445531099999,
+    10.8426697409,
+    11.0272843935,
+    11.270829726400001,
+    11.4694723487,
+    11.6178469386,
+    11.821109029700001,
+    12.021790796499999,
+    12.3252449453,
+    12.5092794759,
+    12.818332850699999,
+    13.020756306899999,
+    13.310810976799999,
+    13.5124599496,
+    13.767115336,
+    14.0644181972,
+    14.332859790200001,
+    14.5607314245,
+    14.9082657073,
+    15.125302185800001,
+    15.3715537263,
+    15.670518073,
+    16.0341797918,
+    16.263188094,
+    16.565119653299998,
+    16.768979356500001,
+    17.107996179400001,
+    17.3155602187,
+    17.633055544099999,
+    17.978850956799999,
+    18.239306430100001,
+    18.603581283899999,
+    18.890651686000002,
+    19.2448822751,
+    19.6097734435,
+    19.926314503299999,
+    20.1586253842,
+    20.499346128900001,
+    20.763220895300002,
+    21.214468897100001,
+    21.6883372251,
+    21.932186764800001,
+    22.421734858200001,
+    22.8480131942,
+    23.3200873278,
+    23.594830171000002,
+    24.038195447900002,
+    24.408468226699998,
+    24.92649372,
+    25.442113401899999,
+    25.8447679595,
+    26.3726873799,
+    26.812905815000001,
+    27.122537899899999,
+    27.7422113077,
+    28.078738693199998,
+    28.5723682014,
+    29.0944195565,
+    29.5634253395,
+    30.1247268702,
+    30.983710482300001,
+    31.826570418700001,
+    32.3620827385,
+    33.029481950899999,
+    33.566683207600001,
+    34.288337869199999,
+    34.942294123800004,
+    35.546860066900003,
+    36.362485731600003,
+    37.2408130333,
+    38.058683128600002,
+    38.750745497600001,
+    39.428888690199997,
+    40.115263124599998,
+    40.901282995400003,
+    41.4018687274,
+    42.138788071800001,
+    43.018359615500003,
+    44.106243223500002,
+    45.093539481699999,
+    45.8411771739,
+    46.570250118399997,
+    47.841644068400001,
+    49.303024838200002,
+    50.464239790100002,
+    51.234103358299997,
+    52.317696309799999,
+    53.0996279724,
+    54.369256693700002,
+    55.965980526800003,
+    57.287395203700001,
+    58.636793195099997,
+    60.683809927200002,
+    62.106524762100001,
+    63.455965556400002,
+    64.508962315299996,
+    65.830030819000001,
+    67.3272861871,
+    68.485336924099997,
+    69.962539390399996,
+    71.3643490332,
+    73.207148927299997,
+    75.267417445500001,
+    77.636856277999996,
+    79.567969825700004,
+    81.887922453399995,
+    84.409393872699994,
+    86.252385378499994,
+    89.609195726400003,
+    92.058129085499999,
+    94.237863167399993,
+    97.130241311000006,
+    99.337287984200003,
+    102.785121426,
+    105.16684627799999,
+    108.155644287,
+    111.12424827,
+    114.20309084500001,
+    118.25567124200001,
+    120.63906266799999,
+    126.769351089,
+    131.30368792600001,
+    135.35008283600001,
+    140.167179914,
+    146.276635801,
+    154.69830296500001,
+    162.097699463,
+    168.49842445199999,
+    174.39338381300001,
+    183.839663489,
+    194.04584716900001,
+    205.199824904,
+    216.99026627999999,
+    226.397941844,
+    239.11086462599999,
+    257.98370514300001,
+    272.68513598700002,
+    294.38470478199997,
+    317.32579381900001,
+    352.86648779500001,
+    396.000885729,
+    447.65133356299998,
+    552.83482503000005,
+    744.96290114700003,
+    7762.8570038400003,
+    0.0,
+    0.36214416262600002,
+    0.60004394504000003,
+    0.87269790764999999,
+    1.0816835608199999,
+    1.1769418756600001,
+    1.3339406513100001,
+    1.5379932977899999,
+    1.64092011303,
+    1.8114937983699999,
+    1.92478153605,
+    2.0791194022399999,
+    2.18522431294,
+    2.3239286241100001,
+    2.4474903603299998,
+    2.56875405118,
+    2.6706112235399999,
+    2.7868128103399998,
+    2.89962589709,
+    3.0247650187300001,
+    3.1799188214799998,
+    3.3163269799299999,
+    3.4326557716099999,
+    3.5761530940699999,
+    3.6698664516599999,
+    3.8395536775700001,
+    3.9742173052399998,
+    4.0666621486399999,
+    4.1860672163199997,
+    4.2677782405900002,
+    4.39398556059,
+    4.5599359743100001,
+    4.7182993929599997,
+    4.8549576225899997,
+    4.9793340551199998,
+    5.1106161380800001,
+    5.22653369925,
+    5.3697032505699998,
+    5.5502664604199996,
+    5.6901435710500001,
+    5.81186063054,
+    5.9447132463900001,
+    6.05627291431,
+    6.16844943146,
+    6.3088485415099997,
+    6.5158703652999996,
+    6.6663173981500004,
+    6.7889778856399996,
+    6.92685753591,
+    7.05832274623,
+    7.2113778586999997,
+    7.3735471867099998,
+    7.4967882360999996,
+    7.67708191997,
+    7.8383618689299999,
+    8.0007809638400005,
+    8.2598039090000004,
+    8.4646047196400005,
+    8.6068680876200006,
+    8.7919284529800006,
+    8.9449623581599997,
+    9.1615349379200008,
+    9.3168642346000006,
+    9.4680652743600007,
+    9.7295350278099999,
+    9.9208554836600005,
+    10.0769753157,
+    10.1731120514,
+    10.3276036073,
+    10.6154476322,
+    10.8889357781,
+    11.016681222400001,
+    11.166106582099999,
+    11.3010656278,
+    11.460114477099999,
+    11.6049507496,
+    11.754826317499999,
+    12.128326894900001,
+    12.393725440500001,
+    12.601959282999999,
+    12.929220557000001,
+    13.2033834409,
+    13.496651655100001,
+    13.6720510495,
+    14.0106799329,
+    14.2715969553,
+    14.4738353905,
+    14.887431385199999,
+    15.0448999294,
+    15.3053817024,
+    15.6545606815,
+    15.9636364194,
+    16.322553926800001,
+    16.694194434500002,
+    17.030383725899998,
+    17.430560569699999,
+    17.700358551699999,
+    18.117532589300001,
+    18.425291790799999,
+    18.722525176000001,
+    19.151242618000001,
+    19.5588949566,
+    19.985716502399999,
+    20.4476355348,
+    20.9045258441,
+    21.276626095099999,
+    21.575188439600002,
+    22.0493676255,
+    22.446726857400002,
+    22.7039434454,
+    23.13535392,
+    23.679737149400001,
+    24.0913996564,
+    24.592582522600001,
+    24.846344199699999,
+    25.1692127267,
+    25.707613397399999,
+    26.060921460599999,
+    26.402713800499999,
+    26.7672555555,
+    27.323489971800001,
+    28.1384294904,
+    28.886585523400001,
+    29.625952655700001,
+    30.049929096700001,
+    30.912490141700001,
+    31.7116329208,
+    32.432935618400002,
+    33.0836818525,
+    33.756748210399998,
+    34.448977073899997,
+    34.967596885500001,
+    35.526411413300004,
+    36.153337627600003,
+    37.193655335499997,
+    37.865997652899999,
+    38.746337718900001,
+    39.2502404719,
+    39.9758412025,
+    40.513914754399998,
+    41.377973330099998,
+    42.134772359599999,
+    42.670801806599997,
+    43.359820479100001,
+    44.8475078349,
+    45.403055004400002,
+    46.8336235847,
+    47.7113874912,
+    48.6941028253,
+    49.650345725199998,
+    50.665570570200003,
+    51.724056971300001,
+    53.992577544,
+    55.575370979100001,
+    57.251984441700003,
+    58.745608337299998,
+    60.1648035049,
+    61.246203909800002,
+    62.419975842699998,
+    63.422574513400001,
+    64.876159087000005,
+    66.885247274500003,
+    68.391010214800005,
+    69.915828121700002,
+    72.4871931144,
+    74.172952607699997,
+    75.652527461199995,
+    78.468287273000001,
+    80.721637548800004,
+    83.956121732200003,
+    87.163249777199994,
+    88.897109974100005,
+    91.2752939664,
+    93.173034590599997,
+    95.435791827200006,
+    100.344464677,
+    104.832073959,
+    109.276679528,
+    112.578422989,
+    114.53132503400001,
+    119.746495774,
+    124.493025184,
+    129.95658998100001,
+    134.31216815799999,
+    137.89688887400001,
+    140.67569338600001,
+    147.559990177,
+    157.91491644199999,
+    164.60831501999999,
+    171.84101301800001,
+    186.69105907299999,
+    195.42122663699999,
+    208.16940782099999,
+    238.53526263200001,
+    245.87424240300001,
+    268.33659908499999,
+    292.616848678,
+    312.784421705,
+    376.69900637799998,
+    486.40594854400001,
+    909.54311207000001,
+    0.0,
+    0.29947032321799999,
+    0.52334873310399999,
+    0.68115226771299997,
+    0.86995042995600003,
+    0.98257819082099995,
+    1.1046843742300001,
+    1.1768999986299999,
+    1.2647418797800001,
+    1.36884910987,
+    1.4645619499,
+    1.5759885725,
+    1.6653002782099999,
+    1.75269298364,
+    1.87728664641,
+    1.9895373943000001,
+    2.0546833007099998,
+    2.1563717716299999,
+    2.2189233742900001,
+    2.3098127374300002,
+    2.4206150527000001,
+    2.4845079548800002,
+    2.6079748566799998,
+    2.6769284875300001,
+    2.7907616607699999,
+    2.8700892704999998,
+    2.93034323954,
+    2.9963469551599999,
+    3.06834808782,
+    3.1480022766900002,
+    3.2256769408800001,
+    3.30379140374,
+    3.3884221330000002,
+    3.4570332483000001,
+    3.54002670756,
+    3.6248614990800001,
+    3.7101075382699999,
+    3.7687182426899999,
+    3.8163207208699998,
+    3.89049827354,
+    3.9685665546200002,
+    4.0278252280400002,
+    4.1485435748499997,
+    4.2118118690999999,
+    4.2767713334400002,
+    4.3538326518200003,
+    4.4579713825800003,
+    4.5508743169399999,
+    4.6676333956900002,
+    4.74653167618,
+    4.8197525947199997,
+    4.9241035310900001,
+    5.0189077614800004,
+    5.1005151570300002,
+    5.2006018753400003,
+    5.2927488243700003,
+    5.4001527926900001,
+    5.4768772282700002,
+    5.5890430439100003,
+    5.7009271960400003,
+    5.80755356372,
+    5.9548448325700001,
+    6.0994726695899999,
+    6.25645276871,
+    6.3819964031299996,
+    6.4711966493400004,
+    6.5880414298299996,
+    6.7348102011000002,
+    6.8307196477099996,
+    6.9337887910999996,
+    7.1040524671199998,
+    7.2069620188099996,
+    7.3301993509400001,
+    7.4527574858900003,
+    7.5532437966600003,
+    7.6852803779599999,
+    7.8640635376499999,
+    8.0318076099900004,
+    8.1796189996499997,
+    8.3642059418999999,
+    8.5050041495500004,
+    8.6533583034700001,
+    8.7675089334600003,
+    8.90401831396,
+    9.0651446520400008,
+    9.2032868451700001,
+    9.3704603805200009,
+    9.5586269002000002,
+    9.7223680241999997,
+    9.9347655253599996,
+    10.098260913100001,
+    10.255212992300001,
+    10.4208240003,
+    10.5811816078,
+    10.765906323299999,
+    10.957390713400001,
+    11.087388472400001,
+    11.328556388399999,
+    11.528238631900001,
+    11.7872480683,
+    11.915456216899999,
+    12.1248574875,
+    12.422258492999999,
+    12.630647267100001,
+    12.8227992595,
+    13.1516423519,
+    13.4269728621,
+    13.7263917941,
+    13.910454382299999,
+    14.1519663254,
+    14.338029858300001,
+    14.560423425,
+    14.770007548300001,
+    14.9841095141,
+    15.334444082699999,
+    15.4948694147,
+    15.855824070500001,
+    16.241262736900001,
+    16.5489680156,
+    16.821966605299998,
+    17.034108685700001,
+    17.2704823658,
+    17.5373816422,
+    17.870520279099999,
+    18.260020296,
+    18.612564062099999,
+    18.852361614399999,
+    19.4196515169,
+    19.842134040099999,
+    20.208065711,
+    20.730183175899999,
+    21.211762532200002,
+    21.724835097900002,
+    22.113935455899998,
+    22.527518860600001,
+    22.952535640800001,
+    23.578085247400001,
+    24.165234135199999,
+    24.660451264300001,
+    25.101613714700001,
+    25.726113937200001,
+    26.0893457106,
+    26.669907244299999,
+    27.169577979900001,
+    27.596626516000001,
+    28.329601780800001,
+    28.779048282000002,
+    29.224608145400001,
+    29.781331889800001,
+    30.432540589399999,
+    31.415359296199998,
+    31.9605897486,
+    32.492956216000003,
+    33.285631429200002,
+    34.070187818800001,
+    35.060381063199998,
+    35.680990641100003,
+    36.895345624699999,
+    37.869889303100003,
+    38.7151898057,
+    39.673959652199997,
+    40.7449007739,
+    42.072602957599997,
+    43.253042370099998,
+    44.872848970500002,
+    46.556160648899997,
+    48.1796820673,
+    49.545397762699999,
+    51.074845857200003,
+    52.800367472799998,
+    54.781904047099999,
+    56.6419800444,
+    58.294167776899997,
+    59.890254052499998,
+    62.933262895200002,
+    64.383209257600001,
+    66.273695300300005,
+    68.879466623300004,
+    71.737383912400006,
+    73.694424811299996,
+    76.676559064200006,
+    79.509307012099995,
+    82.2830341003,
+    85.991392160700002,
+    90.717177404200001,
+    94.429171780900006,
+    97.473571158699997,
+    102.467911147,
+    107.546301419,
+    114.342831581,
+    121.31476895,
+    126.05533253199999,
+    137.91440966299999,
+    144.79876003499999,
+    163.923571595,
+    181.508527445,
+    213.04454604899999,
+    245.38055141000001,
+    301.25496328499997,
+    332.04731076600001,
+    25328.083268499999,
+    0.0,
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+    0.73679534547199999,
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+    1.0408385717899999,
+    1.11535670052,
+    1.14711502865,
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+    1.18798598113,
+    1.2274534778099999,
+    1.26769475616,
+    1.3002205824799999,
+    1.3310033753199999,
+    1.3446656342200001,
+    1.3760840745,
+    1.39081400794,
+    1.4505341583,
+    1.4632661604999999,
+    1.4984860150399999,
+    1.5529767251,
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+    1.6173517424399999,
+    1.67533252068,
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+    1.7278608476799999,
+    1.7811033034399999,
+    1.82818139122,
+    1.86555208204,
+    1.8941511847700001,
+    1.92488230379,
+    1.95851626987,
+    1.99363516305,
+    2.0170055272299998,
+    2.0586483531600002,
+    2.0850970425700002,
+    2.1085030088000001,
+    2.1283137664099998,
+    2.16603036339,
+    2.19060342065,
+    2.2345184857999998,
+    2.2714847812799999,
+    2.2993152139899999,
+    2.3222064716699999,
+    2.3498083965699998,
+    2.3879408831800002,
+    2.4133674625900001,
+    2.45645766658,
+    2.5043169972600001,
+    2.5332218388799999,
+    2.5860056276300001,
+    2.6092200429700001,
+    2.6593928409799998,
+    2.7167476183999999,
+    2.7528966109600002,
+    2.8165365213600002,
+    2.8466368258900001,
+    2.8966874532100002,
+    2.9315763405099999,
+    2.9602961735200002,
+    2.9944957343700001,
+    3.0486180954200002,
+    3.1054310960799998,
+    3.17422308542,
+    3.22876924922,
+    3.2476266926499999,
+    3.2895811744699999,
+    3.33758062866,
+    3.3814007836000002,
+    3.4235448060599998,
+    3.49735659195,
+    3.5619485828699999,
+    3.61508084496,
+    3.6882879176299999,
+    3.7441381326799998,
+    3.8290921697,
+    3.87138230506,
+    3.9399367140599999,
+    3.9855674425799998,
+    4.03423244708,
+    4.1224800094800003,
+    4.1617950069500003,
+    4.2098466376400001,
+    4.2671599100500002,
+    4.3072566201600004,
+    4.3243450788600004,
+    4.3957664746200003,
+    4.4519812552699998,
+    4.4969306764399999,
+    4.5152175579399998,
+    4.56732663911,
+    4.6752821882199997,
+    4.7424836408799997,
+    4.8540575522499996,
+    4.9112049708600001,
+    4.9863832664899999,
+    5.0723492115899997,
+    5.1341872206300003,
+    5.1757472919899996,
+    5.2672883329999998,
+    5.3193278175799996,
+    5.3545440009799998,
+    5.3662639863299999,
+    5.4478164688200001,
+    5.51018935901,
+    5.6222469255899998,
+    5.7031572715200003,
+    5.78511780914,
+    5.87666466639,
+    6.0267396241600002,
+    6.1198844067399998,
+    6.1979622858300001,
+    6.28159827041,
+    6.3904158104600004,
+    6.4453162825900003,
+    6.5218544413200004,
+    6.6086381632900002,
+    6.6725993210399999,
+    6.8163144940900002,
+    6.97804495911,
+    7.0227642352400004,
+    7.1626846845100003,
+    7.3423024204600003,
+    7.5327362668799998,
+    7.6978310374000003,
+    7.7611027450999996,
+    7.88016729875,
+    7.9472676633599999,
+    8.1244228188799994,
+    8.2399482591299993,
+    8.3372351004799992,
+    8.5151888904599993,
+    8.5980587770099994,
+    8.7064795243800006,
+    8.9028549639799994,
+    9.1412099458099991,
+    9.2928218155500009,
+    9.5260445012799995,
+    9.7243731171600007,
+    9.9194989507500004,
+    10.158387747800001,
+    10.358305334700001,
+    10.8456897256,
+    11.0126503317,
+    11.1397484418,
+    11.3568231431,
+    11.725070023000001,
+    11.952829343599999,
+    12.355631104,
+    12.741115586999999,
+    12.9604116418,
+    13.0782774906,
+    13.386035293300001,
+    13.7586242928,
+    14.065910686100001,
+    14.481276965199999,
+    14.8428342578,
+    15.0857067332,
+    15.5610363036,
+    15.9877621903,
+    16.564935242699999,
+    17.222646941699999,
+    17.705236311899998,
+    18.2065490938,
+    18.6451801326,
+    19.1223591105,
+    19.606893553199999,
+    20.1404072423,
+    20.653286086600001,
+    21.431578720299999,
+    21.979215851300001,
+    23.048094735900001,
+    23.846359740299999,
+    24.3529984143,
+    24.985293486700002,
+    25.965109587899999,
+    26.669072074799999,
+    27.831042996200001,
+    29.685768165100001,
+    30.986492906100001,
+    32.7579031852,
+    34.704015628800001,
+    39.043339889599999,
+    43.627269160300003,
+    50.063241984299999,
+    55.522634061300003,
+    63.83632205,
+    80.274312648399999,
+    121.666396689,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_chi2s.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_chi2s.py
index deb02f4fc91ac5c81eca1b151aa242bfe9f8dfed..fa96cc3b0521128ec47734aa52926178a7a964b0 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_chi2s.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_chi2s.py
@@ -9,994 +9,3421 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_MC09_def_chi2s = [
-    0.0, 0.14444029837799999, 0.22835657018399999, 0.34413732731800001,
-    0.46587804732900001, 0.65270096936599997, 0.81143218193800004,
-    1.00226438356, 1.03788125951, 1.24257294992, 1.32793236661, 1.34635418779,
-    1.4371572854100001, 1.5191327005499999, 1.54602854301, 1.7046681136999999,
-    1.87758836483, 1.9813264417300001, 2.1146974377399999, 2.1938492694299998,
-    2.4097221919699998, 2.5070571186900001, 2.6311171881000002,
-    2.7328195551999999, 2.7736899606000001, 3.0227873463499999, 3.10803398473,
-    3.1824676694599998, 3.3138417252000001, 3.4291812515900002, 3.50419808407,
-    3.7101281572199998, 3.8432672208200001, 3.8796565679100001,
-    3.9915562540499998, 4.0723303682700003, 4.2029321661800001,
-    4.3768188648899997, 4.4816827669199997, 4.6990199258800001,
-    4.8084875822399997, 4.8365914296700003, 5.0590152661600003,
-    5.1248841813699997, 5.1771937064899998, 5.4889247870900002, 5.57813871862,
-    5.6972377675899999, 5.8456278064799996, 6.06915586574, 6.1204251477299998,
-    6.17699599008, 6.3172684659999998, 6.4192197959800001, 6.52383433373,
-    6.6186618180399996, 6.7251587769999999, 6.7866374808999996,
-    6.8276218028500004, 6.9188765840600004, 7.1331898582499997,
-    7.2065701539399996, 7.3244993804199998, 7.36483433106, 7.5193634033699999,
-    7.7822629874100002, 8.2222416265000007, 8.4497457766200004,
-    8.5930318077999992, 8.7570172042000003, 8.9696132883900006,
-    9.1272011085100004, 9.4333510895299995, 9.5278688390900008,
-    9.8002379139299993, 10.062964643999999, 10.572141176200001,
-    10.796071421700001, 10.9985214683, 11.3182197168, 11.660606036000001,
-    11.847287044, 12.432752901300001, 12.5532808679, 12.920547884299999,
-    13.715431382, 13.9427496484, 14.252177361499999, 14.3846625264,
-    14.6017942841, 14.867988867399999, 15.211408408800001, 15.4524408633,
-    15.8995520183, 16.278660079800002, 16.607110122000002, 17.2812107494,
-    17.425166927999999, 17.6847110579, 17.924433366199999, 18.107368758,
-    18.486488274799999, 18.675113313000001, 18.821461450800001,
-    19.392315572800001, 20.026821224999999, 21.515140794000001,
-    22.458730085300001, 22.563704860600001, 23.2879347571, 23.969079893499998,
-    24.336542956300001, 24.499336477500002, 25.0036717642, 25.774135368900001,
-    26.0929925969, 26.934629466499999, 27.458541006800001, 27.8422100246,
-    28.5518247111, 28.965082549800002, 30.702632564599998, 31.123950922300001,
-    31.264305230000002, 31.965843641500001, 32.212378185600002,
-    34.283698532999999, 35.219561660799997, 36.755695116600002,
-    37.138783892900001, 37.986001245399997, 38.621250490999998, 38.9481443707,
-    39.3726060041, 40.276085332900003, 41.898719000699998, 42.396709494500001,
-    43.749429257499997, 44.676029422900001, 46.364739487400001,
-    47.275528738799999, 47.869005850699999, 48.490202586899997,
-    49.788875049200001, 50.404381347099999, 52.2209766649, 52.7548497923,
-    53.758555342299999, 56.144346903600002, 58.857197224499998,
-    61.218540911200002, 62.083264127200003, 62.809329462100003,
-    64.673596130899995, 70.530443844700002, 71.037859097099997,
-    74.956651292000004, 75.479775530200001, 77.970753225099998,
-    78.784135755700007, 83.634030189599997, 87.631048698900003,
-    89.682360645100005, 91.657671611699996, 93.431100026199999,
-    96.871787694199995, 98.904758199400007, 100.903126246, 104.97935501800001,
-    117.211912426, 118.593299874, 123.983293097, 126.40072390500001,
-    132.90804449300001, 135.77425614000001, 145.645663189, 150.462714554,
-    154.135665945, 158.670439012, 161.11217567599999, 165.74332436700001,
-    168.951515621, 173.84826456100001, 184.64661891700001, 188.990674536,
-    195.25008580400001, 200.52870912200001, 208.31911763799999,
-    223.21659264900001, 234.232880967, 297.24728825900002, 321.93167475199999,
-    332.08151963699999, 346.34478154800001, 377.30757977899998,
-    403.47421662800002, 425.16143535399999, 572.37340253299999,
-    766.55659324999999, 1611.5984637199999, 1611.5984637199999, 0.0,
-    0.083813974438700006, 0.31831933895699999, 0.34638794272399998,
-    0.46455080305099999, 0.49519963016099999, 0.54548279077600004,
-    0.56403794228199999, 0.60837298377799998, 0.68118756294600002,
-    0.70071771432399999, 0.78976831924699997, 0.81703862518199999,
-    0.83363911177799999, 0.89857941080399995, 0.94493515463400002,
-    0.99107239417899995, 1.0238060094799999, 1.0799844142199999, 1.11400208909,
-    1.1685453374400001, 1.18519938288, 1.22148339123, 1.2645577512499999,
-    1.3045626778799999, 1.3391777624900001, 1.3826642013199999, 1.4644506572,
-    1.5099094374299999, 1.5888224991, 1.62182558706, 1.65137395874,
-    1.6991401368100001, 1.7758428480799999, 1.8277920540999999,
-    1.9017455410199999, 1.9705532488599999, 2.0324665469399998,
-    2.0752937413999999, 2.1185145273899999, 2.1611322415299998,
-    2.1917842756499999, 2.22729976286, 2.2777275853000001, 2.32665524011,
-    2.3543342053699998, 2.3935181153, 2.44446825618, 2.50093820286,
-    2.5844026906000002, 2.6884797637600002, 2.78657713546, 2.81180130111,
-    2.84116667305, 2.9014197632199998, 2.9952091375399998, 3.0386348574599999,
-    3.0956021427799998, 3.1328046143999999, 3.1631373405500001,
-    3.2039828237700001, 3.29405069373, 3.3496993056400002, 3.4055971771900002,
-    3.5073893196000001, 3.5755835925800001, 3.6580199126399999,
-    3.7782186004999998, 3.8741030635099998, 3.9119985650200002,
-    3.9699909851999999, 4.0132311662099998, 4.07009700397, 4.1555761906299997,
-    4.2241691161799997, 4.3896744175800002, 4.5146783570400002,
-    4.6155145535499997, 4.7783116523600002, 4.8822447657900003,
-    4.9863031398300004, 5.0556875698599999, 5.13217451548, 5.1928716528900001,
-    5.2987216440799996, 5.4584561742300002, 5.6054585689499996,
-    5.7579579032500003, 5.8452201175000003, 5.9593969184300004,
-    6.1479798348300001, 6.2484864308999999, 6.3722452057199996,
-    6.5705963806599996, 6.6811287682699998, 6.7311130873599998,
-    6.7864435351600001, 6.9196277988999997, 7.1929613935300001,
-    7.3441277346099998, 7.3800960628999999, 7.4749874111999999,
-    7.6512577099200003, 7.77153906732, 7.9243829575799998, 8.2024869676600005,
-    8.2599528374899993, 8.4119253626999999, 8.5469992409900009,
-    8.9001784810399993, 9.2121022677299997, 9.2412472507699999,
-    9.4431345314800001, 9.6680036066100001, 9.7816077025699997,
-    9.9566055535700002, 10.359764716899999, 10.506972293900001, 10.7808329052,
-    11.3592743902, 11.7111644662, 11.8605742172, 12.291120808400001,
-    12.5270770795, 12.7952635728, 12.9362140074, 13.4529548967, 13.5501939602,
-    13.8515392309, 14.251817031, 14.6798102809, 14.9162575219, 15.3044645221,
-    15.963210610899999, 16.293018033300001, 16.528628889099998,
-    16.769307273999999, 17.050491132000001, 17.233636284700001,
-    17.435953831300001, 18.114197076100002, 18.209546654099999,
-    18.677206457099999, 18.876676305499998, 19.277115787700001,
-    19.603010971100002, 20.061147162099999, 20.558554522000001, 21.1117685004,
-    22.012839372799998, 22.378322630900001, 22.859288315200001,
-    23.142180705200001, 24.245079698800001, 25.9020405244, 26.507190805699999,
-    27.4739929789, 27.988361249099999, 28.8421369677, 29.731031435799999,
-    31.265395005199998, 31.947761314699999, 32.3600162185, 33.960158921500003,
-    35.2205479892, 37.329919228900003, 38.591860211300002, 39.653380662899998,
-    40.416668255899999, 41.847439486799999, 42.946435578200003,
-    44.555593529500001, 46.195425314700003, 48.272380437999999, 50.7171113769,
-    54.108838268299998, 57.192427144600003, 60.232285910500003,
-    61.154227242799998, 66.058563735700005, 68.912059708300006,
-    72.377827169900002, 74.8258152975, 76.523326659299997, 80.2223354204,
-    83.911959833699996, 89.242198798399997, 91.759192939900004, 100.917764795,
-    108.556622026, 117.397361636, 128.654564397, 132.220775344, 146.851921275,
-    158.21656178999999, 195.59053564300001, 220.40862631100001,
-    243.67073925299999, 279.44509449999998, 385.39670284599998, 2229.5014584,
-    0.0, 0.134568667089, 0.22096714722800001, 0.241982365309, 0.282582147299,
-    0.30887973543699998, 0.35848485966299998, 0.41670345418499999,
-    0.45274913222000002, 0.49984586837299999, 0.54693631356799999,
-    0.57642906524899995, 0.60428947073799999, 0.64551627763399999,
-    0.67184177451600002, 0.70559205139299996, 0.73195413388499997,
-    0.75941154288699997, 0.79316878417600001, 0.82828163530300003,
-    0.84996727554600005, 0.86244322276499996, 0.884092879818,
-    0.90053656979100005, 0.92189301683699998, 0.937781050186, 0.958448778068,
-    0.975518145216, 0.99972035165499995, 1.01410165008, 1.0561167276200001,
-    1.07137630702, 1.0888616342999999, 1.1214366313199999, 1.14842012372,
-    1.16675344893, 1.1928671069600001, 1.21185202445, 1.2444492257999999,
-    1.26555362339, 1.3020670717, 1.33144019427, 1.3700782606599999,
-    1.3922490459600001, 1.4214195703900001, 1.4412309995599999,
-    1.4713854851299999, 1.4981194360000001, 1.5156807782599999,
-    1.5353937789600001, 1.58193085489, 1.6363825813699999, 1.6679066542700001,
-    1.6953948491199999, 1.7432788369000001, 1.7757706818400001, 1.81420953428,
-    1.8369562966299999, 1.86603816317, 1.9079331429399999, 1.93559913056,
-    1.96441828434, 2.0090532694099998, 2.0388004444800001, 2.0592603576499999,
-    2.0856426528799998, 2.1175114071599999, 2.1825469443399999,
-    2.2474604253599999, 2.2749390467700001, 2.3121411416000002, 2.37177298826,
-    2.4274122023400002, 2.5181769644699998, 2.5418057541599999,
-    2.6434630075899999, 2.6747329533199999, 2.7266999242900001,
-    2.7654445970700001, 2.8140457094300002, 2.8559643406999999,
-    2.9061498475100001, 2.9702744923500002, 3.0318004993800001,
-    3.0771937025499998, 3.1682821350100001, 3.21259901675, 3.2495167992399998,
-    3.2811541713699999, 3.3233868123799999, 3.3736627766299998,
-    3.4058671494200001, 3.4805577671700001, 3.5668223714799998,
-    3.6084238266100002, 3.6537321290999998, 3.7175778126500001,
-    3.7450147871700001, 3.86111106714, 3.9410134870100002, 4.0067546356400001,
-    4.1423679617299998, 4.2024818847300001, 4.2596486695399998,
-    4.3063451426699997, 4.3689910892499997, 4.4722054954099999,
-    4.5632364049399996, 4.6512485022599996, 4.6978386313799998,
-    4.7798445058399999, 4.8531420455600003, 4.9717578546299999,
-    5.0417112146500003, 5.17081749886, 5.3019735577100002, 5.3705152383400003,
-    5.5084455462199999, 5.6182818515299999, 5.70571954448, 5.8223915078699999,
-    5.9441571869700001, 6.0647963728700001, 6.27675467201, 6.3795693788000003,
-    6.4992010115000003, 6.7279283143099997, 6.83719902118, 6.9670805423799997,
-    7.1376257228400002, 7.3185795684699997, 7.4174379003000004,
-    7.6252542819300002, 7.7560876076699996, 7.97791101428, 8.1287972523200001,
-    8.2935032606900005, 8.4263936568899993, 8.7299676982999994,
-    8.9000309257799994, 9.2106417444800002, 9.4067341973099996,
-    9.6877599453100007, 9.8288098032200004, 10.1462267898, 10.4430670065,
-    10.7710082101, 10.9083004672, 11.0537899029, 11.351140496499999,
-    11.538958771800001, 11.919288993, 12.375346950699999, 12.6154005045,
-    12.9524855025, 13.285189669299999, 13.649405117900001, 13.802655147899999,
-    14.3746878025, 14.8989750379, 15.0686452095, 15.44874785,
-    15.955460911599999, 16.199894288199999, 17.0458946378, 17.5301252159,
-    18.4112497281, 18.916626085899999, 19.3485479418, 19.9851877306,
-    20.604288900899999, 20.943333255799999, 22.112819051599999,
-    22.959668231999999, 23.9954402314, 25.035153965599999, 25.796351962900001,
-    26.3445116589, 27.598244108500001, 29.492678119099999, 31.494753701,
-    33.570886100899997, 35.411126519100002, 38.343129207700002,
-    40.297936357899999, 43.269089215000001, 46.554746459699999, 50.1438786354,
-    55.452409753200001, 63.874460149000001, 67.985459050900005,
-    72.783745624700003, 78.750906101200002, 87.178006099399994,
-    99.277342007100003, 112.32447045000001, 150.08323985000001,
-    191.04328713300001, 243.74940976799999, 298.61209890999999,
-    610.57351237299997, 0.0, 0.14365451929100001, 0.18957677402299999,
-    0.22199376087, 0.23947365917300001, 0.27923813419900001,
-    0.30376922239699999, 0.34130260137399998, 0.37018363348299999,
-    0.39852502592, 0.42043849640699998, 0.449086279049, 0.48566461460900001,
-    0.51522238701900003, 0.53527463838099998, 0.55878126111399995,
-    0.57558991560799999, 0.60170381902000003, 0.61440597833099997,
-    0.62492627680099999, 0.64456984690600005, 0.66038800753100002,
-    0.67204091430099999, 0.68713981404900004, 0.69934187376699997,
-    0.71638006601299997, 0.73072718468300002, 0.75753415419600001,
-    0.76939140872400003, 0.79364917250900002, 0.811751128298,
-    0.82030423753799997, 0.84036478778699997, 0.85629058780800005,
-    0.88242755870699996, 0.90879942564799998, 0.92603904590499997,
-    0.93855599609700002, 0.95967573616799995, 0.96617694541400001,
-    0.98792001044, 1.00156976046, 1.01153057626, 1.0353518346699999,
-    1.05486723045, 1.07085911512, 1.09910531917, 1.11522376431,
-    1.1305179753100001, 1.1546508204399999, 1.1781173432600001, 1.19157394455,
-    1.2190490331999999, 1.24787505864, 1.27361506734, 1.2980636222699999,
-    1.31518378894, 1.3450052218399999, 1.3740854471799999, 1.39558556012,
-    1.41519699656, 1.4321123741399999, 1.45909622379, 1.4759330072700001,
-    1.4910300726400001, 1.51232373124, 1.5490811046699999, 1.5782570548899999,
-    1.6116668459000001, 1.62617849191, 1.6591646731, 1.69383967991,
-    1.72149942318, 1.74810559857, 1.7978507557100001, 1.8196064275499999,
-    1.8439294053699999, 1.85951442745, 1.89107086338, 1.93673967856,
-    1.96033355989, 1.99524000334, 2.0280809922900001, 2.0465420455199999,
-    2.0660751500700001, 2.1082666292100001, 2.1419500113600001,
-    2.1692545932899998, 2.1918809811900002, 2.2313430406800001,
-    2.2895699616299998, 2.3198331260499998, 2.3513058338000001,
-    2.4080887408899998, 2.4815537977800002, 2.50851999576, 2.5617387306700001,
-    2.6055769623199998, 2.6324085179700001, 2.6961178878899998,
-    2.7413602155099999, 2.7712317948799998, 2.8112071562300001,
-    2.8581867699200001, 2.9190632974400001, 2.9439800057899999,
-    3.0104094840100002, 3.05330503281, 3.10048262834, 3.17539590266,
-    3.24511619487, 3.3056217356499999, 3.3894902835899998, 3.4335423889599999,
-    3.4854372314700002, 3.5606476568300001, 3.6043560751500001, 3.66406156029,
-    3.7660563649099998, 3.82560813033, 3.9466078971199998, 4.0283572412000002,
-    4.07714877006, 4.1552108679300002, 4.2392816813699996, 4.3147199438200001,
-    4.3721369730999999, 4.4555652323799997, 4.5860495006899997,
-    4.6665459593199996, 4.7624381582100002, 4.8488614634399996, 4.97179759557,
-    5.0150206490000002, 5.1053040689999998, 5.2812791639799999,
-    5.3716757235900001, 5.5829288018599996, 5.6518465465299998,
-    5.7620823724100001, 5.8560109031899996, 6.0128804814499999,
-    6.1465396667499999, 6.2414128574400003, 6.3854761500099997,
-    6.5447042531899999, 6.7541882725000004, 6.9854005143200002,
-    7.1367012840399999, 7.3218030112200001, 7.49946696682, 7.6472229734199999,
-    7.8443990144000004, 7.99745891313, 8.1776134189099992, 8.3773452967500006,
-    8.5328760252000002, 8.7514477358700002, 9.0436490880000004,
-    9.2332685611399992, 9.5356141275600006, 9.7666024864200001, 9.94823040132,
-    10.300958636400001, 10.771366926100001, 11.085233969500001, 11.3324457523,
-    11.7174375167, 12.143472104400001, 12.303553276000001, 12.6481061467,
-    12.833583689599999, 13.203659956699999, 13.5986055699, 14.043362878,
-    14.626177334199999, 15.0760755417, 15.580834984399999, 16.312841933200001,
-    16.9821347018, 17.9935383499, 19.206358017199999, 19.9097935496,
-    20.7049210144, 21.193393770899998, 22.4118111278, 23.293576085200002,
-    24.460751301199998, 27.218111206700002, 28.9534668252, 31.141828193399999,
-    33.063105836200002, 36.594408596199997, 41.9655259134, 50.634196787,
-    57.4170436749, 66.004841056100005, 79.707781310800002, 93.567004987600001,
-    129.369356154, 263.52530093899998, 0.0, 0.099110105290900002,
-    0.152330008962, 0.19277005116400001, 0.21849998202900001,
-    0.23666692719999999, 0.257596221751, 0.27451854288499999,
-    0.29857050680000002, 0.31354284220099998, 0.33022769626800003,
-    0.33745039990999998, 0.34950560680999998, 0.36896880619099998,
-    0.38855134185000001, 0.41755081359899998, 0.425150061144,
-    0.44306593384300003, 0.45497931754199999, 0.480210732157,
-    0.49961199725900002, 0.52519732628100002, 0.54104302118299996,
-    0.55456165182600003, 0.57645288194699995, 0.58830880718699996,
-    0.61047699977699998, 0.62243525124499999, 0.64059305866600003,
-    0.64864591793299997, 0.66076567911499995, 0.67269456457499999,
-    0.69062452712199995, 0.70930687903199996, 0.72584855411399996,
-    0.74121377368600005, 0.75125743091999997, 0.77150265368000004,
-    0.78324441542400003, 0.79888631364700002, 0.81247216458500005,
-    0.83204971232799996, 0.84425730939599997, 0.85740264943900002,
-    0.87520806795200001, 0.88821997325500002, 0.90285273820699996,
-    0.918029579805, 0.92615377290000001, 0.944808560001, 0.95843032520799998,
-    0.96908459648199996, 0.98091068958799998, 0.99546224846599995,
-    1.0114143418099999, 1.0370041029999999, 1.05163455603, 1.06941917585,
-    1.0849323260699999, 1.09786891934, 1.1200484481799999, 1.1401856044400001,
-    1.1614766378400001, 1.1779927836999999, 1.18794131464, 1.19800995642,
-    1.2153169910399999, 1.23620743467, 1.2464006441, 1.28309014464,
-    1.30117129963, 1.3139480025800001, 1.32973840183, 1.34585218726,
-    1.36483113807, 1.3880086518200001, 1.4038694678400001, 1.4269838991299999,
-    1.4531887240500001, 1.4761551228100001, 1.49140958787, 1.50497619744,
-    1.51748249595, 1.54755568638, 1.56624981363, 1.5996976922199999,
-    1.6270535823300001, 1.64604277857, 1.66675355419, 1.69387124571,
-    1.7124303672300001, 1.7402106696399999, 1.7770409733200001, 1.79456862305,
-    1.8202531872000001, 1.84460821986, 1.86760077894, 1.89650572807,
-    1.9192579590500001, 1.95188224797, 1.96482546943, 1.9921085106,
-    2.0131483132499999, 2.05544343578, 2.0827595529899998, 2.1347983483699999,
-    2.16760564415, 2.2014516721900002, 2.2315870739900001, 2.2636169272100002,
-    2.30995438871, 2.3374033408299999, 2.3738865256000001, 2.3951038330599999,
-    2.4431717219700002, 2.4826850222400001, 2.5185317615099998,
-    2.5638428795100001, 2.6284306548999998, 2.66623660644, 2.7096591116400002,
-    2.7586335740300001, 2.8025663346699998, 2.8401708445299998,
-    2.8783352938300002, 2.9063543000399998, 2.9593598772399998,
-    2.9957288325500002, 3.0605506942799998, 3.10955011278, 3.1789052606700001,
-    3.2428513432099999, 3.3274186461299999, 3.4074444667899999, 3.4504525115,
-    3.52884017973, 3.5708077150699999, 3.6772565091299998, 3.7474521798599998,
-    3.8121617114599999, 3.9240511321899998, 4.02413852901, 4.0815085453500002,
-    4.1825546762599997, 4.2751667515599996, 4.3741820336400004,
-    4.4834872676200002, 4.5686814128700002, 4.6358562892300004,
-    4.8094489254399999, 4.9654168327999999, 5.1314477165500003, 5.25148158988,
-    5.4403573194500003, 5.6010313900300002, 5.7161651882199997,
-    5.8958565355000001, 6.0361890974200003, 6.16740467168, 6.3041850958600003,
-    6.44114745164, 6.60541649452, 6.7974616801999996, 6.97815602873,
-    7.1388403799600004, 7.4314686713300002, 7.8384931901600003,
-    8.2177028271400001, 8.6453372183900008, 9.1543142843100007,
-    9.3764541677899995, 9.7962854173, 10.1633267175, 10.574689812400001,
-    11.0937462194, 11.4000754819, 11.9914359538, 12.3258902671, 12.7457696507,
-    13.361289611, 14.0129741907, 14.632251501600001, 15.099323370900001,
-    16.134748603599999, 16.802461663300001, 17.854647673100001,
-    18.834756072000001, 20.042735115799999, 21.573609706300001,
-    22.868457402400001, 24.574192288399999, 26.8474848352, 30.083792871499998,
-    34.499075183899997, 38.6709205943, 44.689686852000001, 52.857340428500002,
-    72.813133754999996, 91.564507002300005, 158.818628891, 939.11373358000003,
-    0.0, 0.071205885244299993, 0.099254028698600005, 0.14849104281600001,
-    0.17292354310999999, 0.20032666224500001, 0.226406277543,
-    0.23815469487599999, 0.26703405121599999, 0.28197072629300002,
-    0.296082146193, 0.31125854952699999, 0.32554466413499999,
-    0.33804933218900002, 0.35118970952299999, 0.371085578114,
-    0.39491385706400001, 0.413740038782, 0.42221028600999999,
-    0.44225862765200002, 0.458189520006, 0.48022475118199998,
-    0.49685298807599998, 0.51500317491299996, 0.53482118753700003,
-    0.55247938228399995, 0.57330658115499999, 0.58475963165199996,
-    0.60106501656199995, 0.62413217304400004, 0.63793653903699998,
-    0.65128873183500002, 0.66636704386000001, 0.67951755835000005,
-    0.68956025540200006, 0.70245093627400002, 0.71504184012600003,
-    0.73014210840100002, 0.74713784886300005, 0.75935155136999999,
-    0.77523714645700004, 0.78405425336400003, 0.79615963931099998,
-    0.81110455864499997, 0.82545864838799998, 0.83566202986100002,
-    0.85063666826600004, 0.87077765663700002, 0.88045508705099995,
-    0.89294081845100004, 0.90498155226699994, 0.91781500438800001,
-    0.93111410315300003, 0.94545406555199996, 0.95838819225799998,
-    0.96877608392100001, 0.98476526685599997, 1.0010342642000001,
-    1.0119849276699999, 1.03464783319, 1.05455213715, 1.0711504321800001,
-    1.08010453195, 1.1004877825999999, 1.10818262538, 1.1246761488799999,
-    1.13470825936, 1.14750678231, 1.1632448283100001, 1.18449169262,
-    1.2011657527599999, 1.2152811055699999, 1.2364506326, 1.24964319272,
-    1.2661037937899999, 1.2785791013300001, 1.2962377117699999,
-    1.3138558072099999, 1.3362693854300001, 1.34951663893, 1.3637686600700001,
-    1.37717976853, 1.3942209300999999, 1.4185816293, 1.43866597309,
-    1.45276157482, 1.48127714521, 1.5023296186499999, 1.52673585641,
-    1.5503318122600001, 1.5888091586999999, 1.6062719352799999,
-    1.6295964377400001, 1.6612388523299999, 1.6812256221899999, 1.70508917316,
-    1.72112188896, 1.74686294045, 1.7609156044800001, 1.7888509017400001,
-    1.8132839677799999, 1.8432731273, 1.8705117570000001, 1.89982085224,
-    1.9362197326199999, 1.96069015259, 1.9880007387600001, 2.0201535914000002,
-    2.0573265057399999, 2.0987964366999998, 2.13211771373, 2.1622274845799998,
-    2.1903685766800001, 2.22533347206, 2.26089786499, 2.3105003291199999,
-    2.33786317109, 2.37516129651, 2.4193923972300002, 2.4579148222399998,
-    2.5029183158800001, 2.53381912593, 2.5677307283899999, 2.6162502017999998,
-    2.6750579269800001, 2.7203789138199999, 2.7458139153899999,
-    2.8254724574300001, 2.8565396273200001, 2.9040559269499999,
-    2.9651085310499998, 3.0196812095999999, 3.0843657504699999,
-    3.1558869808600001, 3.2223894339400001, 3.2603729802400001,
-    3.3614620894799998, 3.4362647479800001, 3.53920130259, 3.5756943688499998,
-    3.64101261846, 3.7233677998300001, 3.8016940916299999, 3.9106972227400001,
-    3.9990351336300001, 4.0897762814999998, 4.1774051907800001,
-    4.2798115401099999, 4.3711459042799996, 4.4838086749199997,
-    4.5942578656300004, 4.69725646861, 4.8356147641699998, 4.9568908200199999,
-    5.0559387430399996, 5.1307907403700002, 5.29064241813, 5.4495402731300002,
-    5.5692069479899997, 5.8023798879999999, 5.9217137438199998,
-    6.1545111640699997, 6.2686946022500001, 6.4619248209700002,
-    6.6102067457500002, 6.8760747683199996, 7.1590374621899997, 7.31422994403,
-    7.6196963320300002, 7.9330981866299997, 8.3005559691100004,
-    8.5080589881200002, 8.9030525835399992, 9.3843270585099994, 9.88649146809,
-    10.279354769599999, 10.603107312100001, 11.1118716186, 11.4784714402,
-    12.035536117199999, 12.847959552400001, 13.415735074900001, 14.1791106731,
-    15.0355747631, 16.9356357166, 17.805067612999999, 19.342641049299999,
-    21.009071134500001, 23.1764543914, 25.379614414799999, 27.885782949300001,
-    29.619482312399999, 33.254904224999997, 36.867160964200004, 40.4774911481,
-    50.2787838733, 62.180321216899998, 80.798575822199993, 94.584243390899999,
-    131.07441246799999, 532.11553542800004, 0.0, 0.066750493128400007,
-    0.10229228903, 0.14064849221799999, 0.16816604212, 0.185917820027,
-    0.21145207109799999, 0.22637409875299999, 0.23827441847700001,
-    0.25325002214100001, 0.282002121386, 0.29459754431500002, 0.309921025947,
-    0.32256024829399998, 0.33607649321799998, 0.35308583886400002,
-    0.366974488228, 0.38834215578600001, 0.407453141593, 0.42152609543199998,
-    0.44240079751299999, 0.45519187153599999, 0.46297707882400002,
-    0.47982221228700001, 0.49667630123599998, 0.508498258634,
-    0.51689250307900003, 0.53635170713299996, 0.55035959890200004,
-    0.56783201126299998, 0.58585694882899997, 0.59530161133699999,
-    0.60864863465700003, 0.61872677583699998, 0.63314266869000002,
-    0.64227626695200002, 0.66366778123400005, 0.67270302950299998,
-    0.68420389566899997, 0.69282668375900003, 0.70143224682899996,
-    0.71443579991700001, 0.72615598912400003, 0.73642045277699997,
-    0.74797476862599999, 0.75717018072300002, 0.76798353829599997,
-    0.77486375038599997, 0.79414765885500005, 0.80854204945800001,
-    0.82112865231700005, 0.83235531435499999, 0.84902111566299998,
-    0.85542717883200003, 0.85897397230799999, 0.87704088496099997,
-    0.89151271520300002, 0.90700102609599997, 0.920719450271,
-    0.92891160690200003, 0.938857619857, 0.94825684266300003,
-    0.95986000285999995, 0.96960811962399995, 0.989941122374, 1.00360008757,
-    1.02107596077, 1.03643638202, 1.0502377328700001, 1.0717680324100001,
-    1.0865864964900001, 1.0954103929900001, 1.10647648545, 1.11919554073,
-    1.1348944810799999, 1.1478893503600001, 1.1583683144100001, 1.17725367471,
-    1.1977476949200001, 1.2115494448899999, 1.2227006682499999, 1.23641648061,
-    1.2453807854500001, 1.2593987794899999, 1.26998244399, 1.2869142286699999,
-    1.30049557207, 1.31446944898, 1.3295110779099999, 1.3446024810899999,
-    1.3719517782999999, 1.3907558123199999, 1.40705250973, 1.4264556633200001,
-    1.4396767485499999, 1.46991083644, 1.4987499147300001, 1.51363764814,
-    1.5369634294400001, 1.55497159429, 1.58019513401, 1.58671558905,
-    1.6122642631099999, 1.6513557926, 1.68400062899, 1.7089437540000001,
-    1.72753924255, 1.7453552720800001, 1.7758454361, 1.7994335997999999,
-    1.82770292952, 1.84731671466, 1.8985423459799999, 1.9145465641699999,
-    1.9448048626000001, 1.9916997561000001, 2.0178550764300001,
-    2.0361698775099999, 2.0577739526799999, 2.0831203668899998,
-    2.1103632127899998, 2.1537354568799998, 2.1788561526999999,
-    2.2045213341899998, 2.2224788538400002, 2.2635629295799999,
-    2.3165276562799999, 2.34821085414, 2.3981207218199998, 2.4198916383700002,
-    2.4597388271499998, 2.5017065354999999, 2.56256913084, 2.60073239413,
-    2.6306494736500001, 2.6860626220700001, 2.7343736190899999,
-    2.8116594856499999, 2.8637335040699998, 2.9264728333900001,
-    2.9955476839699999, 3.05285386085, 3.1356878770200001, 3.2072182033300001,
-    3.26764142152, 3.3485823077900001, 3.4312097504199999, 3.4816563758900001,
-    3.5584231314100001, 3.6375811375099998, 3.7335599506700001,
-    3.8014008857100001, 3.8705553019300001, 3.9806979118000001,
-    4.0971698101299996, 4.1749168167999997, 4.3083366103599996, 4.38165849577,
-    4.5310804208600004, 4.6613092856899998, 4.7803056653900002,
-    4.9095209439899996, 5.0546229367600004, 5.2110820221100003,
-    5.3463510691199998, 5.52429734599, 5.6756130707899999, 5.9685799046800003,
-    6.1860199186999996, 6.3195153450500001, 6.6566660244499998,
-    6.9673972764899998, 7.26908683037, 7.6488825007600001, 7.8611350773700002,
-    8.2320652147600004, 8.4210908255200003, 8.9496041073600008,
-    9.5584199425000005, 10.1439245514, 10.6423118073, 11.0791716855,
-    11.838823182500001, 12.7106408238, 14.1580993885, 15.148907718,
-    15.904843132, 17.434395016500002, 18.518727628800001, 20.121463138599999,
-    22.7076019362, 24.3760430058, 27.247058263300001, 30.661631466599999,
-    33.079547519400002, 39.127879890599999, 48.943565214800003, 59.4575606151,
-    91.335874697400001, 141.45432793200001, 411.661489776, 0.0,
-    0.069952231864699996, 0.103404633578, 0.125014068162, 0.146010270449,
-    0.16359155444599999, 0.178864568833, 0.19599840432599999,
-    0.21261593381499999, 0.22711972642700001, 0.243111674684,
-    0.25767461785399998, 0.27180823360799999, 0.28563106170000002,
-    0.30065227522400001, 0.31466033367599999, 0.32740274431499999,
-    0.34144162964000002, 0.35392977821499999, 0.36739586603699997,
-    0.37668601825699999, 0.38997906091099999, 0.40341912954199999,
-    0.416373727157, 0.426895908682, 0.43977830899800002, 0.45258671966300001,
-    0.466514605217, 0.477389064152, 0.48977333283500002, 0.50163197604999998,
-    0.51199626571900003, 0.52444304417700005, 0.535756267392,
-    0.54517617178599997, 0.556723976482, 0.56923743022399997,
-    0.58148013003300003, 0.59338244193300005, 0.60349023988499995,
-    0.61844448197599999, 0.63082462731599998, 0.64077938591500005,
-    0.65387489192500003, 0.66469357132100004, 0.67819373925399995,
-    0.68727074573400004, 0.69848718075600003, 0.71043795726600001,
-    0.71961915177299995, 0.72969713364300004, 0.74107602282600005,
-    0.75606721670699994, 0.76643518425500001, 0.77845497049099999,
-    0.78839543992500005, 0.80132022172700001, 0.81246877456,
-    0.82543482006900004, 0.835142423425, 0.84674802068300004,
-    0.85967143818799996, 0.87125300477599998, 0.88408451673499999,
-    0.89664194416599996, 0.91062205430599996, 0.92119895144599995,
-    0.93242997074199996, 0.94571219445300003, 0.96041450364400005,
-    0.97224013435699996, 0.98495533130900004, 0.99919196810900002,
-    1.0129236124100001, 1.02562802722, 1.0390578098300001, 1.05327349462,
-    1.06699289985, 1.08003878786, 1.0911503311699999, 1.10287478431,
-    1.11752324595, 1.1314149261899999, 1.1474113539199999, 1.1623424598800001,
-    1.1809099334199999, 1.19698636893, 1.21181796755, 1.22544671282,
-    1.24244196167, 1.25768137753, 1.2753336486, 1.29073541071,
-    1.3028499501799999, 1.3187969502100001, 1.33382177937, 1.35329432786,
-    1.3654396608399999, 1.3831852898699999, 1.4053731868899999,
-    1.4244601671899999, 1.4458595538900001, 1.4624828517299999, 1.48424757851,
-    1.50258889287, 1.5267644454, 1.54442727619, 1.56845111196,
-    1.5867698647199999, 1.60842558029, 1.6313088751, 1.6534369558899999,
-    1.6753389600899999, 1.69620207473, 1.7204189063699999, 1.7419530680599999,
-    1.76805842778, 1.7922030172000001, 1.8188034212699999, 1.85148643519,
-    1.8773786266000001, 1.90256305862, 1.9386203775399999, 1.9687813707199999,
-    1.9981566611499999, 2.0245303042499998, 2.0584208427499999,
-    2.0946946719900001, 2.1348120365500001, 2.1791471443199999,
-    2.2224520832399999, 2.2595687931800001, 2.3106923875200001,
-    2.3553963857400002, 2.3983286546599998, 2.4436515071799998,
-    2.4865189620699999, 2.5405446707500001, 2.59421388661, 2.64091695706,
-    2.6996385735900001, 2.7473734419100002, 2.8035977565799999,
-    2.8535299568900001, 2.91542786179, 2.9893281334399999, 3.0516305485699999,
-    3.1163028661999999, 3.1947678399299999, 3.2663049222699998,
-    3.3339853805400002, 3.40237096205, 3.4768322926400002, 3.5806851899900001,
-    3.6801840510099999, 3.7872722453700001, 3.8916915748699998,
-    3.9917050980400002, 4.0940578914500003, 4.19602458524, 4.3323371208100001,
-    4.4338250448399998, 4.5732353526800003, 4.7071896650899996,
-    4.8371637819700002, 4.9861306159599996, 5.1247005951200002,
-    5.2989900989100001, 5.4331191858299999, 5.5988276453600001,
-    5.8197641223699996, 6.0307234869500004, 6.2629671258800004,
-    6.4723292924600004, 6.73373305351, 7.0011281823499996, 7.2896172889599997,
-    7.6282663585300003, 7.9822597848400001, 8.4459703825899997,
-    8.8384469969099992, 9.2101115074000006, 9.73610634934, 10.3512776241,
-    10.917239822399999, 11.6235706159, 12.2958078571, 12.939563854899999,
-    14.2324201348, 15.485703747200001, 16.9857809226, 18.432059703,
-    20.321399149499999, 22.561711453099999, 25.531954585200001,
-    29.543395520299999, 34.331229479900003, 42.111056517599998,
-    54.231741921900003, 88.569928594700002, 402.90323270200003, 0.0,
-    0.063832780404899994, 0.097778217097499995, 0.12370909607, 0.150339924072,
-    0.16482266304000001, 0.17990570626399999, 0.190646713912,
-    0.20163809948600001, 0.216830757348, 0.22812951506500001,
-    0.24021891326399999, 0.25541866841600003, 0.269018368043,
-    0.28049226030899999, 0.29164957411100001, 0.30229091825999999,
-    0.31343659256900003, 0.327727185596, 0.33950733116499998,
-    0.35546334505900001, 0.36812325794200002, 0.38133767715299999,
-    0.394597620963, 0.404978263841, 0.41815375781000003, 0.42864653293400001,
-    0.444894300819, 0.454376903331, 0.46341028375999999, 0.47599157488299998,
-    0.48560628028199998, 0.49777311032799998, 0.508833944353,
-    0.52141721957599996, 0.53079993862899999, 0.54083525487700002,
-    0.55116155918099996, 0.56028981112599996, 0.571200303066,
-    0.58044683485600002, 0.58839931947599999, 0.59900193670599999,
-    0.60844513668900002, 0.61984074999700001, 0.630706376051,
-    0.64055060618699999, 0.65022883648700003, 0.65969805240099999,
-    0.67173860230299998, 0.683039145269, 0.69151743825699996,
-    0.70492328902000001, 0.71497674644599996, 0.72455754197800004,
-    0.73626892393499999, 0.74666068393600005, 0.75711837954399996,
-    0.76917986479, 0.78031391817899998, 0.79003646883199996,
-    0.80178135233600001, 0.81294330929500003, 0.82479240642999996,
-    0.83793294590599998, 0.84856051750299999, 0.857727050288, 0.867523080562,
-    0.87989898293299995, 0.88810730552100003, 0.89899588869799996,
-    0.90918788036700005, 0.92161182284099996, 0.93310880618299996,
-    0.94666983786799996, 0.95950586438800001, 0.96954717752200004,
-    0.98183054360800004, 0.99327109762300003, 1.0071871810099999, 1.0199396023,
-    1.0299591745400001, 1.0433590956800001, 1.0579526586200001, 1.0722037652,
-    1.0856825564000001, 1.10062275455, 1.11366547931, 1.12553109294,
-    1.1369984132099999, 1.1497029036699999, 1.16306292312, 1.17522255584,
-    1.1892082610600001, 1.2041212236300001, 1.22190050707, 1.2347118934600001,
-    1.2504314859500001, 1.2629302579599999, 1.2791680786099999, 1.29405735901,
-    1.3107720617700001, 1.32643387797, 1.3415152129300001, 1.3620274129300001,
-    1.3823476697499999, 1.40444011877, 1.42173569526, 1.4364703857500001,
-    1.45484612731, 1.47972134044, 1.49655634371, 1.5141380044499999,
-    1.53379025535, 1.5555036580899999, 1.5714663036600001, 1.59647294538,
-    1.6138151759899999, 1.6380127097199999, 1.6594163419300001,
-    1.6820072233800001, 1.7019879011500001, 1.7246555912899999, 1.75616951171,
-    1.7809849497500001, 1.8095401046899999, 1.83533696471, 1.8573176551099999,
-    1.88542875324, 1.92090178934, 1.9505618811500001, 1.9774596313099999,
-    2.0068544301600002, 2.0350921018900001, 2.0643959097, 2.1062800026400001,
-    2.1347376230699999, 2.1742676793900002, 2.2104098855299998,
-    2.2514941680099998, 2.2912348247100001, 2.3349554164100002,
-    2.3796253970099999, 2.41766195211, 2.4815347228200002, 2.5296861327400002,
-    2.57523096673, 2.6414826618, 2.6880090127099998, 2.7379395286100001,
-    2.7971131333199999, 2.8454615301600001, 2.9012187913899998,
-    2.9675790254000001, 3.04978866032, 3.12354871979, 3.2117080755199998,
-    3.3031992991200001, 3.3786495999400001, 3.4622786505200001,
-    3.5341733641599999, 3.5975451787299999, 3.7026608369999998, 3.82558431557,
-    3.9485708722999999, 4.0749917626799999, 4.2182278466299996,
-    4.3815530054699998, 4.5579379614200004, 4.7079073862299996,
-    4.8861754887000002, 5.0662849643500003, 5.2496674690900003,
-    5.4708584275999996, 5.6873944276300001, 5.9465154086899998, 6.10841977807,
-    6.32522045284, 6.6457452149499998, 6.8963618663700004, 7.1600629694100002,
-    7.4849075540900003, 7.8078159674899998, 8.1135987260599993,
-    8.6434490614699993, 9.3138777741999998, 9.9096943796500003, 10.5413045729,
-    11.158948712999999, 11.999104899500001, 12.8985733307, 13.9490047253,
-    15.518092394, 17.033131729600001, 18.432082803299998, 20.708613102099999,
-    23.123985660399999, 27.884421759599999, 36.561019225000003,
-    61.076641297099997, 468.04625970900003, 0.0, 0.067076529355799996,
-    0.097824586424400006, 0.12058047219699999, 0.135066352689,
-    0.15703805450399999, 0.16865220856099999, 0.18272153189500001,
-    0.19456107267299999, 0.20905544303500001, 0.22429021016199999,
-    0.23682684978499999, 0.24961005214199999, 0.26225295033399998,
-    0.27282432554800001, 0.283602099439, 0.29623312604699997,
-    0.30840842319700001, 0.31645548412699998, 0.33143452632300002,
-    0.343712260145, 0.35341928343099999, 0.36635377466399999,
-    0.37717670892999999, 0.39032523504299999, 0.40013045900700001,
-    0.41162395957300002, 0.42423155816699998, 0.43186283101,
-    0.44215015996599999, 0.45428937582200002, 0.46224971743999999,
-    0.47594444504299999, 0.48807023390400001, 0.49693964716900002,
-    0.51019137347099996, 0.52165237357899996, 0.53174150971800005,
-    0.54256492119300004, 0.55515020156399997, 0.56325486596700003,
-    0.57178372078899997, 0.57891384744999996, 0.58826455880299999,
-    0.59910449639800001, 0.60935191848000003, 0.61881052080400001,
-    0.62702569041300005, 0.63798126176500003, 0.64999626073299999,
-    0.66409842520700002, 0.67206511322700002, 0.68117655017099998,
-    0.69235691936599997, 0.70629027472700001, 0.71718753920199996,
-    0.72825030830899995, 0.73958277894699997, 0.74721313986399995,
-    0.75951044739999996, 0.77054717878099999, 0.78033716992000002,
-    0.791657009508, 0.80069783012999995, 0.81151864388700001,
-    0.82257967604500004, 0.83376565960100002, 0.84367481175100001,
-    0.85373445615999999, 0.86281664475599995, 0.87277267299399997,
-    0.88522150941099997, 0.895112829577, 0.90741716188900001,
-    0.91619554643300005, 0.92601655850499998, 0.93734361345600004,
-    0.94620041333000005, 0.95712672909899998, 0.96744573225499997,
-    0.98318977108299999, 0.99187947130599996, 1.00505446816,
-    1.0135141032699999, 1.02598410227, 1.0352951482399999, 1.0473143060900001,
-    1.0610104522899999, 1.07557548922, 1.0886540525699999, 1.1030302993000001,
-    1.1222000890499999, 1.1397653729499999, 1.15430437835, 1.1696993848599999,
-    1.1869488960800001, 1.20122564741, 1.2141587142000001, 1.2257708751700001,
-    1.2411522805399999, 1.2560045466400001, 1.27446251035, 1.2841952131300001,
-    1.2982208578200001, 1.3182157576, 1.3298159782600001, 1.3424136029,
-    1.3604328317200001, 1.3767068167600001, 1.39749108045, 1.4148267830400001,
-    1.43982412632, 1.45450195158, 1.47070553463, 1.4842104270200001,
-    1.5036094415600001, 1.5196111004899999, 1.5427837280000001, 1.56874118822,
-    1.59012806749, 1.6156339281200001, 1.6415259814800001, 1.6627342303899999,
-    1.68678597138, 1.7123700775899999, 1.7355941341300001, 1.7575287234700001,
-    1.77549370303, 1.8023242212999999, 1.8306364744700001, 1.86843117775,
-    1.89616140233, 1.92693168508, 1.94653908551, 1.9674301249699999,
-    2.0023775987399999, 2.0410970809600002, 2.0712419181500001,
-    2.1001298794399998, 2.1435551353000002, 2.18745519946, 2.2407411531300001,
-    2.2877176484300001, 2.3482386991299999, 2.3878544206000001,
-    2.4256485211599998, 2.4689746994299999, 2.54115707404, 2.6060044637200002,
-    2.6471446480799998, 2.7082778846300002, 2.7625848318599999,
-    2.8217618519399998, 2.8730281955899999, 2.94944935405, 2.9984511177900002,
-    3.06158326156, 3.1477109402800001, 3.2264457052400002, 3.3135370713699999,
-    3.3913116560900001, 3.46766561982, 3.5469306652600001, 3.6270133483599998,
-    3.7196516111200002, 3.8300128499600001, 3.9706856961599999,
-    4.0624593885399998, 4.16862605645, 4.32355081595, 4.4582130280000003,
-    4.5901068198399999, 4.7253251831799998, 4.8713623347399997,
-    5.0670691161099999, 5.2375849693000003, 5.3887073546400002,
-    5.6495635870200003, 5.8884178613599998, 6.1407571599699997,
-    6.3858608976199998, 6.6661948102800004, 7.0439049067599999,
-    7.3559915120800001, 7.73009363221, 8.2262361691900008, 8.8019442355600006,
-    9.2680434525499997, 9.7743200198599993, 10.6920252267, 11.3785733059,
-    12.170137853, 13.036613519199999, 14.486048819000001, 16.028067222499999,
-    17.977721620600001, 20.963719555200001, 25.110074835700001,
-    32.315204575999999, 51.776266767099997, 108.063764331, 0.0,
-    0.074209559522700003, 0.108008052641, 0.12807119272199999, 0.145696860505,
-    0.15949782790200001, 0.17030767784699999, 0.181856162219, 0.194359775116,
-    0.206545451204, 0.216886655718, 0.227597454714, 0.239520822277,
-    0.24975972163499999, 0.26174800391699998, 0.27515156150300002,
-    0.28928260960800001, 0.30056007218699998, 0.31177038148300001,
-    0.32223273686999998, 0.33233709398299999, 0.34226863585799999,
-    0.35054033371600002, 0.36272022538900001, 0.37265758299599999,
-    0.38450845354800001, 0.392952528902, 0.40280374789700002,
-    0.41239163517100003, 0.42225057636800001, 0.43390677896199997,
-    0.44589553585300001, 0.456357880291, 0.46605928183400003,
-    0.47533877800199997, 0.485109944056, 0.49754601794199999,
-    0.50792030114300002, 0.51923692407099997, 0.52864927728800004,
-    0.53777407420400003, 0.54790751383199998, 0.55673983995999998,
-    0.56698607143699997, 0.57670367642800002, 0.58667471005899996,
-    0.596751819495, 0.60570130209100004, 0.61498993393199997,
-    0.62532916186599996, 0.63421809777399996, 0.643945582415, 0.652131236,
-    0.66037342159400003, 0.66984241853199999, 0.68013004284099998,
-    0.68891506562500004, 0.69795858717600001, 0.70724072355500001,
-    0.71773910407499997, 0.72600456224599996, 0.73529066837299994,
-    0.74465581544199999, 0.75311728489600005, 0.76285052475299997,
-    0.77230557399699995, 0.78194921514500004, 0.79213459741699999,
-    0.80258535964699995, 0.81396443458699996, 0.82267338024400005,
-    0.83206771620599995, 0.83984893131100002, 0.85244698240700001,
-    0.860212067124, 0.87121284808199995, 0.88206426743400002, 0.893602624377,
-    0.90550090295300001, 0.91868520951400001, 0.92977380346299998,
-    0.94206318246999998, 0.95246633238900003, 0.96670282891199999,
-    0.97605982209599995, 0.98559747736000003, 0.99585577432700001,
-    1.00707064259, 1.01710690075, 1.02898182166, 1.04428034784,
-    1.0538694818500001, 1.06500309695, 1.0756346263800001, 1.08768054822,
-    1.0986564112699999, 1.11056517658, 1.1222492032, 1.13556072341,
-    1.1472841566, 1.16118311944, 1.17259765348, 1.1861421571199999,
-    1.1985894798400001, 1.20980222263, 1.2233664048399999, 1.2385002300500001,
-    1.2516226459299999, 1.2669008712400001, 1.2794959423800001,
-    1.2958611531299999, 1.31116706463, 1.32857407312, 1.34365731571,
-    1.35879876289, 1.3767427480700001, 1.3927745273200001, 1.41141387435,
-    1.4296441628400001, 1.4469934928999999, 1.46603314043, 1.4837471764900001,
-    1.5016602720400001, 1.51855715617, 1.5372635274499999, 1.55585749083,
-    1.5776110083899999, 1.59566951462, 1.62476079488, 1.6471928626000001,
-    1.6678247338300001, 1.6864094001200001, 1.7115934443700001,
-    1.7389659531499999, 1.76721239977, 1.78849994105, 1.81312786502,
-    1.8365295582100001, 1.8646738456900001, 1.8978807795199999, 1.9240405234,
-    1.9549490789899999, 1.98972377392, 2.0200230888899999, 2.0589141742399999,
-    2.10302415543, 2.14058485254, 2.1818536127199999, 2.2299519963300001,
-    2.2712959938699999, 2.3135445986500001, 2.3566542270399999,
-    2.3959056922599999, 2.4446333513399998, 2.4952439185199999,
-    2.5492654399200001, 2.6106037504100001, 2.6602865229799999,
-    2.7105208912299998, 2.7745671455899998, 2.8333797499900002,
-    2.9008461857499999, 2.96494326499, 3.0289889630300002, 3.10234506861,
-    3.1725169557099999, 3.2548023935399999, 3.3312575634499999, 3.41501385226,
-    3.5077691502100001, 3.6109139158899999, 3.70736489466, 3.8078795299400001,
-    3.9399935880500001, 4.0729162849399998, 4.1754315477999997, 4.32871701963,
-    4.4670420558400004, 4.6172360869400002, 4.7801353008799996,
-    4.9685158392900002, 5.1787521224099997, 5.3659561809799996,
-    5.5579867362700002, 5.80647069765, 6.0770936171800001, 6.3474439077599998,
-    6.62582338065, 6.9727248909400004, 7.3991913842899999, 7.8834449215399998,
-    8.5166144845100007, 9.2030546325000007, 9.88020733826, 10.866036106699999,
-    12.0758777085, 14.18128042, 16.712052750600002, 20.430876708300001,
-    27.2913398323, 198.831343334, 0.0, 0.069244384700200001,
-    0.088432101515100003, 0.10716305206, 0.12503845091900001, 0.140404065533,
-    0.15732758095900001, 0.17026163426999999, 0.181554153262,
-    0.19229104097999999, 0.20063488720700001, 0.20918075219000001,
-    0.22448851398700001, 0.23329259600999999, 0.243417838223,
-    0.25098683398999999, 0.26086665715599999, 0.26722012921400001,
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-    0.468022411503, 0.47664440380200002, 0.48258490950499999,
-    0.48896171374500003, 0.496491820137, 0.50698509859999996,
-    0.51452015906199999, 0.52068937139100002, 0.52946408477100004,
-    0.53880448153799998, 0.548801791313, 0.555995027759, 0.56369511933200001,
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-    0.59960305490099997, 0.60673607228299997, 0.61394249280099999,
-    0.62335872512500001, 0.62950473092000003, 0.63564906077100003,
-    0.64370653836500002, 0.65068290176499999, 0.65692425783200004,
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-    0.71517132508000003, 0.72483344563800001, 0.73510369684400001,
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-    1.34251302023, 1.3591003659500001, 1.377169549, 1.3924811167,
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-    2.0929451083099999, 2.12301731176, 2.1526232798299998, 2.19298807375,
-    2.2255018723100002, 2.2689246505599998, 2.3179026897699999,
-    2.3644121098699999, 2.4221039841300001, 2.4838688069799999, 2.53466998697,
-    2.6042919607999999, 2.6812450073999998, 2.7654172146999998,
-    2.8309204248399999, 2.9094078948100002, 2.9876772553499999,
-    3.0748530970700001, 3.1622064731699999, 3.24147451246, 3.32558384886,
-    3.4422202342600001, 3.5775338240400001, 3.7141610497599999, 3.87173250803,
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-    6.1539089237400004, 6.8843836607600002, 7.4347424954000001,
-    8.2978267417500007, 9.6243020157500005, 11.369168954199999,
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-    0.16099717066999999, 0.16793664804899999, 0.179770597659,
-    0.18534480911599999, 0.19437588065, 0.20501796081000001,
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-    0.40294224279800001, 0.41036947119900002, 0.42097414080500001,
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-    0.45209988855099997, 0.46025667702299999, 0.46751534699899999,
-    0.47569740786199999, 0.48648925341600002, 0.49365845173799999,
-    0.50062076512099996, 0.50762099689399998, 0.51599561488599999,
-    0.52069070294499997, 0.52771734894599998, 0.53507770527700005,
-    0.53957262010100004, 0.54687563426600005, 0.55882733756900005,
-    0.56778279961099998, 0.57581367970300001, 0.58169558514099995,
-    0.589416835832, 0.59799990574399997, 0.60309451416000004,
-    0.60776585343300005, 0.61113211528400002, 0.620751519689,
-    0.63049668177200002, 0.64186111209399999, 0.649049389792,
-    0.65881032984999999, 0.667603399933, 0.67500088551600002,
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-    0.69297641552300004, 0.69919890922799999, 0.70692564551500003,
-    0.71223085652100004, 0.72213575435900001, 0.730079802251,
-    0.73971307206199999, 0.74754515744299999, 0.75906245692899998,
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-    0.84023227490600005, 0.84610269681500005, 0.850974506809,
-    0.85604916181199997, 0.86800267070000003, 0.87548269182500005,
-    0.88170746226899999, 0.89168104316600005, 0.89886785180600004,
-    0.90941660694899995, 0.92091095976000004, 0.92713708903799996,
-    0.93255472954399998, 0.94075570205600001, 0.95405981205900003,
-    0.96338844277799995, 0.97402552055400005, 0.98526481076200001,
-    0.99808150342699997, 1.00881814468, 1.0181152037700001, 1.02462072395,
-    1.0362614133200001, 1.0501057383200001, 1.05573829434, 1.0663375241399999,
-    1.0815544234900001, 1.0920197863400001, 1.10280835408, 1.1180455459900001,
-    1.1302349147199999, 1.14338393376, 1.1517784771899999, 1.16459044846,
-    1.17843359548, 1.1909602731, 1.2038564818399999, 1.2161138792399999,
-    1.22899884794, 1.24167619324, 1.25804220029, 1.26669854112, 1.28319750286,
-    1.29839920006, 1.31138545902, 1.3222317000599999, 1.34185918055,
-    1.3547619368999999, 1.3711217067000001, 1.3874485756199999,
-    1.4017178245899999, 1.4176863825099999, 1.43525875504, 1.4513358921899999,
-    1.4669285814799999, 1.49058059786, 1.51243917885, 1.5343601628600001,
-    1.5519685841999999, 1.5858246281799999, 1.6052702545799999,
-    1.6255288476200001, 1.645511371, 1.67744979518, 1.7003145979100001,
-    1.7236176675199999, 1.74467645265, 1.7809151811699999, 1.8104241704099999,
-    1.85100020932, 1.8902605480300001, 1.9127629589099999, 1.94264465956,
-    1.98831619403, 2.0462312106199998, 2.1088091964400002, 2.1589111550700002,
-    2.19880416124, 2.2551363689100001, 2.32115689321, 2.3900112406699998,
-    2.4355086734200002, 2.53167527975, 2.5574390199299999, 2.69075228193,
-    2.80722131929, 2.8827815963000001, 3.0169724035100001, 3.1020365340699998,
-    3.2877647668300001, 3.4186314330799998, 3.55711527829, 3.7777833577900002,
-    4.0940063095600001, 4.35113022089, 4.7722176832300001, 5.4945754250499999,
-    6.0600360065499999, 6.7983858917699997, 9.1234186672500002,
-    40.009378980599998, 0.0, 0.067895952064799994, 0.084300078749299998,
-    0.095052432169299997, 0.102638659398, 0.112117784904, 0.11826939027900001,
-    0.12549932636300001, 0.12979818836900001, 0.14651996704600001,
-    0.15100212390600001, 0.161663165759, 0.16954870848299999, 0.177081348221,
-    0.18018558524200001, 0.18303580819699999, 0.19216015759300001,
-    0.19761816342399999, 0.20405892001000001, 0.208512677383, 0.2121909193,
-    0.219201257102, 0.226866968867, 0.23794276716900001, 0.24987132195699999,
-    0.25465170763400002, 0.26099785587800001, 0.26730559655899999,
-    0.28331961066, 0.29096521670800002, 0.29624967979200001,
-    0.29829805930100001, 0.30951316035100002, 0.31770754811700003,
-    0.32720886553700002, 0.33647444911699997, 0.34198895204000002,
-    0.35025569471500001, 0.35723583674800002, 0.36574792956399999,
-    0.37381139126899998, 0.38799391889500001, 0.39067031169299998,
-    0.39620024782899999, 0.40020907354500002, 0.406629782376,
-    0.41587001647900002, 0.42064605710199998, 0.427983894024,
-    0.43880340547500002, 0.446223080223, 0.450449340882, 0.45558651616200002,
-    0.46105934588699998, 0.46416526610600001, 0.47234232416100003,
-    0.47838800081799998, 0.48398364517499998, 0.49028214090200001,
-    0.499284532015, 0.50451360745100005, 0.509733914146, 0.51534943972199998,
-    0.51694525305200001, 0.52351544417600004, 0.52741635274900001,
-    0.53030801158100005, 0.54039249319000005, 0.543358519993,
-    0.55090831684899999, 0.56351528162800002, 0.57109497028699996,
-    0.57678495336900004, 0.58431894816300001, 0.59453107257500004,
-    0.60337885959000004, 0.61000337793399995, 0.61727383516599998,
-    0.62371645808300002, 0.629855469291, 0.64046230499599999,
-    0.64338774420900002, 0.64928236111199999, 0.65253922932700004,
-    0.65630438988100004, 0.66542800844200001, 0.67245369789099996,
-    0.67689678974900003, 0.68490163471400001, 0.697879548796,
-    0.70321721042899998, 0.70825620560000002, 0.71214130965099998,
-    0.71606229576000002, 0.72849739743399999, 0.72997690491599998,
-    0.73496304621899999, 0.74722916204000001, 0.75461055645599995,
-    0.76049922669799996, 0.76492250952399998, 0.77219537422499995,
-    0.77615043430200004, 0.78272629883699996, 0.78806707738399995,
-    0.803877101727, 0.81237050231600005, 0.82231101211000002,
-    0.82643891219300003, 0.82994343368199996, 0.84104036655799996,
-    0.85001450139900003, 0.85722719700299999, 0.86813520497600005,
-    0.87634807207999998, 0.87849406127499996, 0.88626760274000005,
-    0.89464524886600005, 0.89854680515700003, 0.90579336081200001,
-    0.90937836218900003, 0.92263809143499997, 0.92671709472899999,
-    0.93140291302300005, 0.93889838636400003, 0.94817473635500005,
-    0.95134624523199995, 0.95948566447500006, 0.96931430537899999,
-    0.97827519300099997, 0.98284090499800003, 0.98853660864199999,
-    0.99999303088000002, 1.00933104878, 1.02227252775, 1.0339923686800001,
-    1.03840687036, 1.04500879737, 1.05122171927, 1.06723984471, 1.07953686403,
-    1.09113807067, 1.10417487551, 1.11446546637, 1.1254220105599999,
-    1.1353940360999999, 1.16144655068, 1.1695186521200001, 1.1831819617599999,
-    1.2096151764900001, 1.2368935164299999, 1.2456266675500001, 1.25296303964,
-    1.26564891435, 1.2701959942000001, 1.28466851306, 1.29873724956,
-    1.31966389347, 1.3313272542500001, 1.34786430325, 1.3621826611400001,
-    1.3720433831700001, 1.3971090305, 1.4043458957999999, 1.4238434153299999,
-    1.4590867995000001, 1.4854743821, 1.5153253015599999, 1.54813838085,
-    1.57329724758, 1.6116532666100001, 1.62277970085, 1.63219947245,
-    1.6666665269000001, 1.73127681763, 1.7492774307700001, 1.80557771894,
-    1.8267234865099999, 1.88934211181, 1.9203963709, 1.99466093314,
-    2.0230718376899999, 2.0628543274000002, 2.1367073224899999,
-    2.1821320160500002, 2.22093938088, 2.3072520016700002, 2.3621845025599999,
-    2.44517002578, 2.5015913727800001, 2.5975738754100002, 2.7045052724200001,
-    2.8865631109500001, 3.1260959842, 3.39849260601, 3.6254807685400001,
-    4.0097191798100003, 4.5724242129699997, 5.4143250544999999,
-    6.3272292972399997, 17.5560575511, 0.0, 0.085458258148600003,
-    0.098622234580399995, 0.106568524017, 0.108057180859, 0.1107805041,
-    0.11464013028599999, 0.13602438252499999, 0.14300574817799999,
-    0.146684159845, 0.15122598984999999, 0.154733085331, 0.161754974932,
-    0.17723910406000001, 0.18032389045700001, 0.18658548177699999,
-    0.18746673820000001, 0.19896129970099999, 0.209234599805,
-    0.21980562614900001, 0.228062016284, 0.23711187915099999,
-    0.23869840689499999, 0.240361816358, 0.27144033681000002,
-    0.27327373169399999, 0.27458858408600001, 0.28007177711800002,
-    0.28248298888899998, 0.28387767697499999, 0.287453003343, 0.292023090998,
-    0.29519223190999999, 0.31407066578100001, 0.32033662902100002,
-    0.32377361486099998, 0.33791304018399998, 0.340145093994,
-    0.34355792125200002, 0.35986952431000002, 0.36278049873099999,
-    0.36565591999199998, 0.36887445402199998, 0.37307785833099999,
-    0.37522358431500002, 0.38644599385299999, 0.38905873533300001,
-    0.39011760635100001, 0.39429900482899999, 0.40016937602000002,
-    0.40636267913899998, 0.408103464438, 0.411985395905, 0.42002274379400001,
-    0.42424580987299998, 0.42889507706199997, 0.43431096613499998,
-    0.43634598755999998, 0.44074601502999999, 0.44833586654099999,
-    0.44981411452999998, 0.45139144803199999, 0.45825414352600002,
-    0.465858692219, 0.46971239089400002, 0.48073097106200002,
-    0.49008253400700003, 0.49019267044199999, 0.49421178442399999,
-    0.49592401222499999, 0.51649450538700004, 0.52148438326400004,
-    0.52450649919199999, 0.52875492868700003, 0.53851929926099995,
-    0.55522500190799995, 0.56567545616600001, 0.57500972364500003,
-    0.575413910571, 0.577492611263, 0.58282093829299997, 0.5882333891,
-    0.59178334343399996, 0.59490514439200004, 0.59707926005599998,
-    0.60398628531999998, 0.61018821270699997, 0.62788446277499999,
-    0.62845001268199996, 0.63245592828700004, 0.64203220116600002,
-    0.64960047364600004, 0.65218235923199996, 0.65302094855500004,
-    0.65709800478699998, 0.66525750618900004, 0.66772838617499997,
-    0.66931616078599998, 0.67398981338899999, 0.67995566798200002,
-    0.69261712558099997, 0.69323176238100004, 0.70328807748099997,
-    0.70817581305300004, 0.71362676385000001, 0.72122326659400005,
-    0.72982093594899999, 0.73501610749799995, 0.74418077769299995,
-    0.74740381350899998, 0.75972971198000006, 0.76542085452499997,
-    0.77293727748999996, 0.77569521588599999, 0.79040702133899998,
-    0.79124143409100001, 0.79674835901600005, 0.801314329913,
-    0.80761727105100001, 0.81334526814800001, 0.82599153547399995,
-    0.835753037664, 0.84010997734000004, 0.84324537731399996,
-    0.84524994337100001, 0.852251511771, 0.85726585936199995,
-    0.86776513236499997, 0.87321839355800002, 0.88257634312599997,
-    0.88885223178899997, 0.89462277052799999, 0.89929289721500005,
-    0.91054077473399997, 0.91235045283799998, 0.91859506476800001,
-    0.92379410344599999, 0.92778311003299996, 0.95200833907100002,
-    0.96058777907100001, 0.96275379136000006, 0.96711989399800002,
-    0.98158423342400003, 0.99959381644599998, 1.0158547410300001,
-    1.0257344455099999, 1.0386164152999999, 1.05829394823, 1.0652432737599999,
-    1.06870005665, 1.0850122523800001, 1.08895555924, 1.1035938848,
-    1.1079237802499999, 1.14480878564, 1.1555554675299999, 1.1789854119500001,
-    1.21604495077, 1.21944541763, 1.2255115895799999, 1.2349135122299999,
-    1.2574900653700001, 1.2756099428300001, 1.27830965632, 1.29563470054,
-    1.33511311013, 1.37879372829, 1.4104141532900001, 1.42999159888,
-    1.4340564609599999, 1.4404309370999999, 1.45125639917, 1.4753290649999999,
-    1.50104361326, 1.5067651051299999, 1.56173064277, 1.5867665737000001,
-    1.6529842751699999, 1.68573957888, 1.6981474139899999, 1.7544189081799999,
-    1.79075077468, 1.8606238073600001, 1.9675939468600001, 1.99649367583,
-    2.0088494420599998, 2.0624960910299999, 2.1345821995000001, 2.25477797389,
-    2.4129377727399999, 2.4947352830499998, 2.6183637912700002,
-    3.0074794112299998, 3.1791961046799999, 3.4293356642399999,
-    3.8514844690699999, 4.2517228191100003, 4.9637069833399998,
-    6.0765632038800002, 6.7603904355099997, 10.3173126473, 0.0,
-    0.078613919986899997, 0.086706257325800007, 0.086706257325800007,
-    0.114789651673, 0.12273957318299999, 0.127062920365, 0.128484790396,
-    0.13578225807899999, 0.13578225807899999, 0.14730174056500001,
-    0.14730174056500001, 0.15501754607599999, 0.17160764402600001,
-    0.17160764402600001, 0.17716597523700001, 0.19318889167600001,
-    0.201064059002, 0.20544566915199999, 0.208662339522, 0.208662339522,
-    0.209070783313, 0.217981911645, 0.21984720431800001, 0.22959168302800001,
-    0.22959168302800001, 0.22979925938500001, 0.23023398217900001,
-    0.23282324285100001, 0.23847389001200001, 0.24981772981200001,
-    0.24981772981200001, 0.251976912788, 0.26484603340399998, 0.267063574626,
-    0.276065116128, 0.27955725551999999, 0.27955725551999999,
-    0.29253129065099998, 0.29257984585899999, 0.29426519135099999,
-    0.29991973517600001, 0.29991973517600001, 0.300865581125,
-    0.30629956382500001, 0.33189640078299998, 0.33193362117300002,
-    0.332892715999, 0.332892715999, 0.33786995917700002, 0.34286355479300001,
-    0.35037131399499999, 0.36538777844499998, 0.36538777844499998,
-    0.39533598300400002, 0.40761459269400002, 0.43071349334699999,
-    0.44611156073300001, 0.44821302280300002, 0.44821302280300002,
-    0.45970379461999999, 0.479322648149, 0.49927725766600001,
-    0.50856338644599997, 0.50856338644599997, 0.51381349247600006,
-    0.52312377414900002, 0.52365255460899995, 0.524357535308,
-    0.52449511360300005, 0.53246792168500001, 0.53246792168500001,
-    0.53406269761799996, 0.54066543759600005, 0.54165597718199998,
-    0.54165597718199998, 0.54286979560399995, 0.54565296744199998,
-    0.54680412639599996, 0.55924698793600003, 0.55948804920899997,
-    0.55948804920899997, 0.56237285913900004, 0.61191574840100005,
-    0.61803286518099998, 0.62621800263899996, 0.62894744300399996,
-    0.62894744300399996, 0.64175065233299999, 0.64274226864700001,
-    0.643141090937, 0.64957757771299995, 0.64957757771299995,
-    0.65462416615899999, 0.65508592379599995, 0.65577214273499995,
-    0.65867533793400002, 0.65966257080699997, 0.65966257080699997,
-    0.67002637381200003, 0.6862767676, 0.68775204324200001,
-    0.68935688154399999, 0.68935688154399999, 0.68958321519599997,
-    0.69489243672400003, 0.69799974598299996, 0.70085954020999996,
-    0.70570470911100003, 0.70570470911100003, 0.71529355939600003,
-    0.71529355939600003, 0.73061672396900001, 0.73147192102699998,
-    0.73147192102699998, 0.73172502367900005, 0.74705904753800001,
-    0.75069245931200002, 0.76171481537700003, 0.78431047228100004,
-    0.78431047228100004, 0.79589062785700004, 0.79985244088700003,
-    0.80739451523600003, 0.80995278660199999, 0.80995278660199999,
-    0.818149271693, 0.81876691441600002, 0.82187704197599998,
-    0.82398018051199995, 0.83061310912300002, 0.83061310912300002,
-    0.841520560606, 0.84283988029500001, 0.845286826815, 0.85635186159599996,
-    0.88301536060399999, 0.88301536060399999, 0.89457113891100004,
-    0.90319721159599997, 0.91110728614600001, 0.920115781518, 0.920115781518,
-    0.924752016362, 0.93270708632099997, 0.93634613579199999,
-    0.93668785307699998, 0.938056933654, 0.938056933654, 0.963093301648,
-    0.97003534928799995, 0.97433733039600001, 0.98296990885400004,
-    0.98296990885400004, 0.99165891962800001, 0.99363899328700001,
-    1.00411505522, 1.0082220608200001, 1.04142653436, 1.04142653436,
-    1.05299960148, 1.0584566497800001, 1.0631344471799999, 1.0702232139000001,
-    1.0702232139000001, 1.0745255061000001, 1.07801171048, 1.09546502235,
-    1.1130150782399999, 1.1212890952400001, 1.1453294864700001,
-    1.1453294864700001, 1.14683578271, 1.14912419314, 1.1868862875699999,
-    1.1868862875699999, 1.2135111146399999, 1.2764048086199999,
-    1.3014758897300001, 1.33521824385, 1.3586680634799999, 1.3586680634799999,
-    1.39549136126, 1.4365610253900001, 1.4568919919400001, 1.5925258819899999,
-    1.67910648307, 1.67910648307, 1.7175836223800001, 1.8595366530499999,
-    2.22804691293, 2.4236335095200001, 2.4236335095200001, 2.5444902152200002,
-    2.7565764210300001, 3.0002289122299999, 3.2770080283, 6.1761254131100003,
-    6.1761254131100003, 9.0448113096899991, 9.0448113096899991, 0.0, 0.0,
-    0.084719549076999995, 0.084719549076999995, 0.162771060016, 0.162771060016,
-    0.162771060016, 0.174797101293, 0.174797101293, 0.19337957316099999,
-    0.19634700654600001, 0.19634700654600001, 0.19634700654600001,
-    0.19634700654600001, 0.19855375347500001, 0.19855375347500001,
-    0.19855375347500001, 0.200626535691, 0.200626535691, 0.20443169045699999,
-    0.20443169045699999, 0.20546703844700001, 0.20546703844700001,
-    0.20546703844700001, 0.22648266447400001, 0.22648266447400001,
-    0.240550688555, 0.240550688555, 0.240550688555, 0.25396349222699999,
-    0.26176107887200001, 0.26176107887200001, 0.26176107887200001,
-    0.26176107887200001, 0.27888116985299999, 0.27888116985299999,
-    0.29428424249599999, 0.29428424249599999, 0.29428424249599999,
-    0.299788951114, 0.299788951114, 0.31720186969399999, 0.31720186969399999,
-    0.31720186969399999, 0.35285717429300001, 0.35285717429300001,
-    0.35967187727099997, 0.35967187727099997, 0.35967187727099997,
-    0.36425099049600002, 0.37144632312499998, 0.37144632312499998,
-    0.37144632312499998, 0.37144632312499998, 0.393647946528, 0.393647946528,
-    0.40432582434100001, 0.40432582434100001, 0.40432582434100001,
-    0.41409827036399999, 0.41409827036399999, 0.42605819547399998,
-    0.42605819547399998, 0.438201525694, 0.438201525694, 0.438201525694,
-    0.52412206191900002, 0.52412206191900002, 0.53036211888999996,
-    0.53036211888999996, 0.53947846940699995, 0.53947846940699995,
-    0.53947846940699995, 0.54022582851800005, 0.54022582851800005,
-    0.54022582851800005, 0.55304014916499999, 0.55304014916499999,
-    0.58228935374099999, 0.58228935374099999, 0.58228935374099999,
-    0.60596028174500005, 0.60596028174500005, 0.61041536468199997,
-    0.61041536468199997, 0.61041536468199997, 0.65478363743500001,
-    0.65478363743500001, 0.67732197187900001, 0.67732197187900001,
-    0.69170398708900005, 0.69170398708900005, 0.69170398708900005,
-    0.71778169588399998, 0.71778169588399998, 0.71778169588399998,
-    0.724448255762, 0.724448255762, 0.73445742378500001, 0.73445742378500001,
-    0.73445742378500001, 0.74008547261299995, 0.74008547261299995,
-    0.74881364436599995, 0.74881364436599995, 0.77742926704699999,
-    0.77742926704699999, 0.77742926704699999, 0.80214410030399996,
-    0.80214410030399996, 0.80237181021399995, 0.80237181021399995,
-    0.80237181021399995, 0.80480889025799995, 0.80480889025799995,
-    0.81567228496599997, 0.81567228496599997, 0.81567228496599997,
-    0.82045939538299995, 0.82045939538299995, 0.82352724851000003,
-    0.82352724851000003, 0.82352724851000003, 0.832308451359, 0.832308451359,
-    0.85064319551300005, 0.85064319551300005, 0.85064319551300005,
-    0.86707524700500005, 0.86707524700500005, 0.87113615998799998,
-    0.87113615998799998, 0.87113615998799998, 0.893480617719, 0.893480617719,
-    0.91025084198899997, 0.91025084198899997, 0.91025084198899997,
-    0.92945707303699998, 0.92945707303699998, 0.94367179870100004,
-    0.94367179870100004, 0.96249504634000005, 0.96249504634000005,
-    0.96249504634000005, 1.04851239622, 1.04851239622, 1.05472835341,
-    1.05472835341, 1.05472835341, 1.0571022668900001, 1.0571022668900001,
-    1.0795501896999999, 1.0795501896999999, 1.0795501896999999, 1.08606295202,
-    1.08606295202, 1.1610428489, 1.1610428489, 1.1610428489,
-    1.1737862567099999, 1.1737862567099999, 1.19233887401, 1.19233887401,
-    1.19233887401, 1.23499695024, 1.23499695024, 1.32872584115, 1.32872584115,
-    1.32872584115, 1.4875655673799999, 1.4875655673799999, 1.7768916535799999,
-    1.7768916535799999, 1.7768916535799999, 1.90484127934, 1.90484127934,
-    1.9108413266499999, 1.9108413266499999, 1.9108413266499999,
-    2.0007729910999998, 2.0007729910999998, 2.3382342441700001,
-    2.3382342441700001, 2.5987544026, 2.5987544026, 2.5987544026,
-    2.6082788293000001, 2.6082788293000001, 2.6082788293000001,
-    2.8392763735900002, 2.8392763735900002, 3.3819024131300002,
-    3.3819024131300002, 3.7018275480299998, 3.7018275480299998,
-    3.7018275480299998, 4.72930160618, 4.72930160618, 4.72930160618, 4.72930160618
+    0.0,
+    0.14444029837799999,
+    0.22835657018399999,
+    0.34413732731800001,
+    0.46587804732900001,
+    0.65270096936599997,
+    0.81143218193800004,
+    1.00226438356,
+    1.03788125951,
+    1.24257294992,
+    1.32793236661,
+    1.34635418779,
+    1.4371572854100001,
+    1.5191327005499999,
+    1.54602854301,
+    1.7046681136999999,
+    1.87758836483,
+    1.9813264417300001,
+    2.1146974377399999,
+    2.1938492694299998,
+    2.4097221919699998,
+    2.5070571186900001,
+    2.6311171881000002,
+    2.7328195551999999,
+    2.7736899606000001,
+    3.0227873463499999,
+    3.10803398473,
+    3.1824676694599998,
+    3.3138417252000001,
+    3.4291812515900002,
+    3.50419808407,
+    3.7101281572199998,
+    3.8432672208200001,
+    3.8796565679100001,
+    3.9915562540499998,
+    4.0723303682700003,
+    4.2029321661800001,
+    4.3768188648899997,
+    4.4816827669199997,
+    4.6990199258800001,
+    4.8084875822399997,
+    4.8365914296700003,
+    5.0590152661600003,
+    5.1248841813699997,
+    5.1771937064899998,
+    5.4889247870900002,
+    5.57813871862,
+    5.6972377675899999,
+    5.8456278064799996,
+    6.06915586574,
+    6.1204251477299998,
+    6.17699599008,
+    6.3172684659999998,
+    6.4192197959800001,
+    6.52383433373,
+    6.6186618180399996,
+    6.7251587769999999,
+    6.7866374808999996,
+    6.8276218028500004,
+    6.9188765840600004,
+    7.1331898582499997,
+    7.2065701539399996,
+    7.3244993804199998,
+    7.36483433106,
+    7.5193634033699999,
+    7.7822629874100002,
+    8.2222416265000007,
+    8.4497457766200004,
+    8.5930318077999992,
+    8.7570172042000003,
+    8.9696132883900006,
+    9.1272011085100004,
+    9.4333510895299995,
+    9.5278688390900008,
+    9.8002379139299993,
+    10.062964643999999,
+    10.572141176200001,
+    10.796071421700001,
+    10.9985214683,
+    11.3182197168,
+    11.660606036000001,
+    11.847287044,
+    12.432752901300001,
+    12.5532808679,
+    12.920547884299999,
+    13.715431382,
+    13.9427496484,
+    14.252177361499999,
+    14.3846625264,
+    14.6017942841,
+    14.867988867399999,
+    15.211408408800001,
+    15.4524408633,
+    15.8995520183,
+    16.278660079800002,
+    16.607110122000002,
+    17.2812107494,
+    17.425166927999999,
+    17.6847110579,
+    17.924433366199999,
+    18.107368758,
+    18.486488274799999,
+    18.675113313000001,
+    18.821461450800001,
+    19.392315572800001,
+    20.026821224999999,
+    21.515140794000001,
+    22.458730085300001,
+    22.563704860600001,
+    23.2879347571,
+    23.969079893499998,
+    24.336542956300001,
+    24.499336477500002,
+    25.0036717642,
+    25.774135368900001,
+    26.0929925969,
+    26.934629466499999,
+    27.458541006800001,
+    27.8422100246,
+    28.5518247111,
+    28.965082549800002,
+    30.702632564599998,
+    31.123950922300001,
+    31.264305230000002,
+    31.965843641500001,
+    32.212378185600002,
+    34.283698532999999,
+    35.219561660799997,
+    36.755695116600002,
+    37.138783892900001,
+    37.986001245399997,
+    38.621250490999998,
+    38.9481443707,
+    39.3726060041,
+    40.276085332900003,
+    41.898719000699998,
+    42.396709494500001,
+    43.749429257499997,
+    44.676029422900001,
+    46.364739487400001,
+    47.275528738799999,
+    47.869005850699999,
+    48.490202586899997,
+    49.788875049200001,
+    50.404381347099999,
+    52.2209766649,
+    52.7548497923,
+    53.758555342299999,
+    56.144346903600002,
+    58.857197224499998,
+    61.218540911200002,
+    62.083264127200003,
+    62.809329462100003,
+    64.673596130899995,
+    70.530443844700002,
+    71.037859097099997,
+    74.956651292000004,
+    75.479775530200001,
+    77.970753225099998,
+    78.784135755700007,
+    83.634030189599997,
+    87.631048698900003,
+    89.682360645100005,
+    91.657671611699996,
+    93.431100026199999,
+    96.871787694199995,
+    98.904758199400007,
+    100.903126246,
+    104.97935501800001,
+    117.211912426,
+    118.593299874,
+    123.983293097,
+    126.40072390500001,
+    132.90804449300001,
+    135.77425614000001,
+    145.645663189,
+    150.462714554,
+    154.135665945,
+    158.670439012,
+    161.11217567599999,
+    165.74332436700001,
+    168.951515621,
+    173.84826456100001,
+    184.64661891700001,
+    188.990674536,
+    195.25008580400001,
+    200.52870912200001,
+    208.31911763799999,
+    223.21659264900001,
+    234.232880967,
+    297.24728825900002,
+    321.93167475199999,
+    332.08151963699999,
+    346.34478154800001,
+    377.30757977899998,
+    403.47421662800002,
+    425.16143535399999,
+    572.37340253299999,
+    766.55659324999999,
+    1611.5984637199999,
+    1611.5984637199999,
+    0.0,
+    0.083813974438700006,
+    0.31831933895699999,
+    0.34638794272399998,
+    0.46455080305099999,
+    0.49519963016099999,
+    0.54548279077600004,
+    0.56403794228199999,
+    0.60837298377799998,
+    0.68118756294600002,
+    0.70071771432399999,
+    0.78976831924699997,
+    0.81703862518199999,
+    0.83363911177799999,
+    0.89857941080399995,
+    0.94493515463400002,
+    0.99107239417899995,
+    1.0238060094799999,
+    1.0799844142199999,
+    1.11400208909,
+    1.1685453374400001,
+    1.18519938288,
+    1.22148339123,
+    1.2645577512499999,
+    1.3045626778799999,
+    1.3391777624900001,
+    1.3826642013199999,
+    1.4644506572,
+    1.5099094374299999,
+    1.5888224991,
+    1.62182558706,
+    1.65137395874,
+    1.6991401368100001,
+    1.7758428480799999,
+    1.8277920540999999,
+    1.9017455410199999,
+    1.9705532488599999,
+    2.0324665469399998,
+    2.0752937413999999,
+    2.1185145273899999,
+    2.1611322415299998,
+    2.1917842756499999,
+    2.22729976286,
+    2.2777275853000001,
+    2.32665524011,
+    2.3543342053699998,
+    2.3935181153,
+    2.44446825618,
+    2.50093820286,
+    2.5844026906000002,
+    2.6884797637600002,
+    2.78657713546,
+    2.81180130111,
+    2.84116667305,
+    2.9014197632199998,
+    2.9952091375399998,
+    3.0386348574599999,
+    3.0956021427799998,
+    3.1328046143999999,
+    3.1631373405500001,
+    3.2039828237700001,
+    3.29405069373,
+    3.3496993056400002,
+    3.4055971771900002,
+    3.5073893196000001,
+    3.5755835925800001,
+    3.6580199126399999,
+    3.7782186004999998,
+    3.8741030635099998,
+    3.9119985650200002,
+    3.9699909851999999,
+    4.0132311662099998,
+    4.07009700397,
+    4.1555761906299997,
+    4.2241691161799997,
+    4.3896744175800002,
+    4.5146783570400002,
+    4.6155145535499997,
+    4.7783116523600002,
+    4.8822447657900003,
+    4.9863031398300004,
+    5.0556875698599999,
+    5.13217451548,
+    5.1928716528900001,
+    5.2987216440799996,
+    5.4584561742300002,
+    5.6054585689499996,
+    5.7579579032500003,
+    5.8452201175000003,
+    5.9593969184300004,
+    6.1479798348300001,
+    6.2484864308999999,
+    6.3722452057199996,
+    6.5705963806599996,
+    6.6811287682699998,
+    6.7311130873599998,
+    6.7864435351600001,
+    6.9196277988999997,
+    7.1929613935300001,
+    7.3441277346099998,
+    7.3800960628999999,
+    7.4749874111999999,
+    7.6512577099200003,
+    7.77153906732,
+    7.9243829575799998,
+    8.2024869676600005,
+    8.2599528374899993,
+    8.4119253626999999,
+    8.5469992409900009,
+    8.9001784810399993,
+    9.2121022677299997,
+    9.2412472507699999,
+    9.4431345314800001,
+    9.6680036066100001,
+    9.7816077025699997,
+    9.9566055535700002,
+    10.359764716899999,
+    10.506972293900001,
+    10.7808329052,
+    11.3592743902,
+    11.7111644662,
+    11.8605742172,
+    12.291120808400001,
+    12.5270770795,
+    12.7952635728,
+    12.9362140074,
+    13.4529548967,
+    13.5501939602,
+    13.8515392309,
+    14.251817031,
+    14.6798102809,
+    14.9162575219,
+    15.3044645221,
+    15.963210610899999,
+    16.293018033300001,
+    16.528628889099998,
+    16.769307273999999,
+    17.050491132000001,
+    17.233636284700001,
+    17.435953831300001,
+    18.114197076100002,
+    18.209546654099999,
+    18.677206457099999,
+    18.876676305499998,
+    19.277115787700001,
+    19.603010971100002,
+    20.061147162099999,
+    20.558554522000001,
+    21.1117685004,
+    22.012839372799998,
+    22.378322630900001,
+    22.859288315200001,
+    23.142180705200001,
+    24.245079698800001,
+    25.9020405244,
+    26.507190805699999,
+    27.4739929789,
+    27.988361249099999,
+    28.8421369677,
+    29.731031435799999,
+    31.265395005199998,
+    31.947761314699999,
+    32.3600162185,
+    33.960158921500003,
+    35.2205479892,
+    37.329919228900003,
+    38.591860211300002,
+    39.653380662899998,
+    40.416668255899999,
+    41.847439486799999,
+    42.946435578200003,
+    44.555593529500001,
+    46.195425314700003,
+    48.272380437999999,
+    50.7171113769,
+    54.108838268299998,
+    57.192427144600003,
+    60.232285910500003,
+    61.154227242799998,
+    66.058563735700005,
+    68.912059708300006,
+    72.377827169900002,
+    74.8258152975,
+    76.523326659299997,
+    80.2223354204,
+    83.911959833699996,
+    89.242198798399997,
+    91.759192939900004,
+    100.917764795,
+    108.556622026,
+    117.397361636,
+    128.654564397,
+    132.220775344,
+    146.851921275,
+    158.21656178999999,
+    195.59053564300001,
+    220.40862631100001,
+    243.67073925299999,
+    279.44509449999998,
+    385.39670284599998,
+    2229.5014584,
+    0.0,
+    0.134568667089,
+    0.22096714722800001,
+    0.241982365309,
+    0.282582147299,
+    0.30887973543699998,
+    0.35848485966299998,
+    0.41670345418499999,
+    0.45274913222000002,
+    0.49984586837299999,
+    0.54693631356799999,
+    0.57642906524899995,
+    0.60428947073799999,
+    0.64551627763399999,
+    0.67184177451600002,
+    0.70559205139299996,
+    0.73195413388499997,
+    0.75941154288699997,
+    0.79316878417600001,
+    0.82828163530300003,
+    0.84996727554600005,
+    0.86244322276499996,
+    0.884092879818,
+    0.90053656979100005,
+    0.92189301683699998,
+    0.937781050186,
+    0.958448778068,
+    0.975518145216,
+    0.99972035165499995,
+    1.01410165008,
+    1.0561167276200001,
+    1.07137630702,
+    1.0888616342999999,
+    1.1214366313199999,
+    1.14842012372,
+    1.16675344893,
+    1.1928671069600001,
+    1.21185202445,
+    1.2444492257999999,
+    1.26555362339,
+    1.3020670717,
+    1.33144019427,
+    1.3700782606599999,
+    1.3922490459600001,
+    1.4214195703900001,
+    1.4412309995599999,
+    1.4713854851299999,
+    1.4981194360000001,
+    1.5156807782599999,
+    1.5353937789600001,
+    1.58193085489,
+    1.6363825813699999,
+    1.6679066542700001,
+    1.6953948491199999,
+    1.7432788369000001,
+    1.7757706818400001,
+    1.81420953428,
+    1.8369562966299999,
+    1.86603816317,
+    1.9079331429399999,
+    1.93559913056,
+    1.96441828434,
+    2.0090532694099998,
+    2.0388004444800001,
+    2.0592603576499999,
+    2.0856426528799998,
+    2.1175114071599999,
+    2.1825469443399999,
+    2.2474604253599999,
+    2.2749390467700001,
+    2.3121411416000002,
+    2.37177298826,
+    2.4274122023400002,
+    2.5181769644699998,
+    2.5418057541599999,
+    2.6434630075899999,
+    2.6747329533199999,
+    2.7266999242900001,
+    2.7654445970700001,
+    2.8140457094300002,
+    2.8559643406999999,
+    2.9061498475100001,
+    2.9702744923500002,
+    3.0318004993800001,
+    3.0771937025499998,
+    3.1682821350100001,
+    3.21259901675,
+    3.2495167992399998,
+    3.2811541713699999,
+    3.3233868123799999,
+    3.3736627766299998,
+    3.4058671494200001,
+    3.4805577671700001,
+    3.5668223714799998,
+    3.6084238266100002,
+    3.6537321290999998,
+    3.7175778126500001,
+    3.7450147871700001,
+    3.86111106714,
+    3.9410134870100002,
+    4.0067546356400001,
+    4.1423679617299998,
+    4.2024818847300001,
+    4.2596486695399998,
+    4.3063451426699997,
+    4.3689910892499997,
+    4.4722054954099999,
+    4.5632364049399996,
+    4.6512485022599996,
+    4.6978386313799998,
+    4.7798445058399999,
+    4.8531420455600003,
+    4.9717578546299999,
+    5.0417112146500003,
+    5.17081749886,
+    5.3019735577100002,
+    5.3705152383400003,
+    5.5084455462199999,
+    5.6182818515299999,
+    5.70571954448,
+    5.8223915078699999,
+    5.9441571869700001,
+    6.0647963728700001,
+    6.27675467201,
+    6.3795693788000003,
+    6.4992010115000003,
+    6.7279283143099997,
+    6.83719902118,
+    6.9670805423799997,
+    7.1376257228400002,
+    7.3185795684699997,
+    7.4174379003000004,
+    7.6252542819300002,
+    7.7560876076699996,
+    7.97791101428,
+    8.1287972523200001,
+    8.2935032606900005,
+    8.4263936568899993,
+    8.7299676982999994,
+    8.9000309257799994,
+    9.2106417444800002,
+    9.4067341973099996,
+    9.6877599453100007,
+    9.8288098032200004,
+    10.1462267898,
+    10.4430670065,
+    10.7710082101,
+    10.9083004672,
+    11.0537899029,
+    11.351140496499999,
+    11.538958771800001,
+    11.919288993,
+    12.375346950699999,
+    12.6154005045,
+    12.9524855025,
+    13.285189669299999,
+    13.649405117900001,
+    13.802655147899999,
+    14.3746878025,
+    14.8989750379,
+    15.0686452095,
+    15.44874785,
+    15.955460911599999,
+    16.199894288199999,
+    17.0458946378,
+    17.5301252159,
+    18.4112497281,
+    18.916626085899999,
+    19.3485479418,
+    19.9851877306,
+    20.604288900899999,
+    20.943333255799999,
+    22.112819051599999,
+    22.959668231999999,
+    23.9954402314,
+    25.035153965599999,
+    25.796351962900001,
+    26.3445116589,
+    27.598244108500001,
+    29.492678119099999,
+    31.494753701,
+    33.570886100899997,
+    35.411126519100002,
+    38.343129207700002,
+    40.297936357899999,
+    43.269089215000001,
+    46.554746459699999,
+    50.1438786354,
+    55.452409753200001,
+    63.874460149000001,
+    67.985459050900005,
+    72.783745624700003,
+    78.750906101200002,
+    87.178006099399994,
+    99.277342007100003,
+    112.32447045000001,
+    150.08323985000001,
+    191.04328713300001,
+    243.74940976799999,
+    298.61209890999999,
+    610.57351237299997,
+    0.0,
+    0.14365451929100001,
+    0.18957677402299999,
+    0.22199376087,
+    0.23947365917300001,
+    0.27923813419900001,
+    0.30376922239699999,
+    0.34130260137399998,
+    0.37018363348299999,
+    0.39852502592,
+    0.42043849640699998,
+    0.449086279049,
+    0.48566461460900001,
+    0.51522238701900003,
+    0.53527463838099998,
+    0.55878126111399995,
+    0.57558991560799999,
+    0.60170381902000003,
+    0.61440597833099997,
+    0.62492627680099999,
+    0.64456984690600005,
+    0.66038800753100002,
+    0.67204091430099999,
+    0.68713981404900004,
+    0.69934187376699997,
+    0.71638006601299997,
+    0.73072718468300002,
+    0.75753415419600001,
+    0.76939140872400003,
+    0.79364917250900002,
+    0.811751128298,
+    0.82030423753799997,
+    0.84036478778699997,
+    0.85629058780800005,
+    0.88242755870699996,
+    0.90879942564799998,
+    0.92603904590499997,
+    0.93855599609700002,
+    0.95967573616799995,
+    0.96617694541400001,
+    0.98792001044,
+    1.00156976046,
+    1.01153057626,
+    1.0353518346699999,
+    1.05486723045,
+    1.07085911512,
+    1.09910531917,
+    1.11522376431,
+    1.1305179753100001,
+    1.1546508204399999,
+    1.1781173432600001,
+    1.19157394455,
+    1.2190490331999999,
+    1.24787505864,
+    1.27361506734,
+    1.2980636222699999,
+    1.31518378894,
+    1.3450052218399999,
+    1.3740854471799999,
+    1.39558556012,
+    1.41519699656,
+    1.4321123741399999,
+    1.45909622379,
+    1.4759330072700001,
+    1.4910300726400001,
+    1.51232373124,
+    1.5490811046699999,
+    1.5782570548899999,
+    1.6116668459000001,
+    1.62617849191,
+    1.6591646731,
+    1.69383967991,
+    1.72149942318,
+    1.74810559857,
+    1.7978507557100001,
+    1.8196064275499999,
+    1.8439294053699999,
+    1.85951442745,
+    1.89107086338,
+    1.93673967856,
+    1.96033355989,
+    1.99524000334,
+    2.0280809922900001,
+    2.0465420455199999,
+    2.0660751500700001,
+    2.1082666292100001,
+    2.1419500113600001,
+    2.1692545932899998,
+    2.1918809811900002,
+    2.2313430406800001,
+    2.2895699616299998,
+    2.3198331260499998,
+    2.3513058338000001,
+    2.4080887408899998,
+    2.4815537977800002,
+    2.50851999576,
+    2.5617387306700001,
+    2.6055769623199998,
+    2.6324085179700001,
+    2.6961178878899998,
+    2.7413602155099999,
+    2.7712317948799998,
+    2.8112071562300001,
+    2.8581867699200001,
+    2.9190632974400001,
+    2.9439800057899999,
+    3.0104094840100002,
+    3.05330503281,
+    3.10048262834,
+    3.17539590266,
+    3.24511619487,
+    3.3056217356499999,
+    3.3894902835899998,
+    3.4335423889599999,
+    3.4854372314700002,
+    3.5606476568300001,
+    3.6043560751500001,
+    3.66406156029,
+    3.7660563649099998,
+    3.82560813033,
+    3.9466078971199998,
+    4.0283572412000002,
+    4.07714877006,
+    4.1552108679300002,
+    4.2392816813699996,
+    4.3147199438200001,
+    4.3721369730999999,
+    4.4555652323799997,
+    4.5860495006899997,
+    4.6665459593199996,
+    4.7624381582100002,
+    4.8488614634399996,
+    4.97179759557,
+    5.0150206490000002,
+    5.1053040689999998,
+    5.2812791639799999,
+    5.3716757235900001,
+    5.5829288018599996,
+    5.6518465465299998,
+    5.7620823724100001,
+    5.8560109031899996,
+    6.0128804814499999,
+    6.1465396667499999,
+    6.2414128574400003,
+    6.3854761500099997,
+    6.5447042531899999,
+    6.7541882725000004,
+    6.9854005143200002,
+    7.1367012840399999,
+    7.3218030112200001,
+    7.49946696682,
+    7.6472229734199999,
+    7.8443990144000004,
+    7.99745891313,
+    8.1776134189099992,
+    8.3773452967500006,
+    8.5328760252000002,
+    8.7514477358700002,
+    9.0436490880000004,
+    9.2332685611399992,
+    9.5356141275600006,
+    9.7666024864200001,
+    9.94823040132,
+    10.300958636400001,
+    10.771366926100001,
+    11.085233969500001,
+    11.3324457523,
+    11.7174375167,
+    12.143472104400001,
+    12.303553276000001,
+    12.6481061467,
+    12.833583689599999,
+    13.203659956699999,
+    13.5986055699,
+    14.043362878,
+    14.626177334199999,
+    15.0760755417,
+    15.580834984399999,
+    16.312841933200001,
+    16.9821347018,
+    17.9935383499,
+    19.206358017199999,
+    19.9097935496,
+    20.7049210144,
+    21.193393770899998,
+    22.4118111278,
+    23.293576085200002,
+    24.460751301199998,
+    27.218111206700002,
+    28.9534668252,
+    31.141828193399999,
+    33.063105836200002,
+    36.594408596199997,
+    41.9655259134,
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+    57.4170436749,
+    66.004841056100005,
+    79.707781310800002,
+    93.567004987600001,
+    129.369356154,
+    263.52530093899998,
+    0.0,
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+    0.21849998202900001,
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+    0.257596221751,
+    0.27451854288499999,
+    0.29857050680000002,
+    0.31354284220099998,
+    0.33022769626800003,
+    0.33745039990999998,
+    0.34950560680999998,
+    0.36896880619099998,
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+    0.41755081359899998,
+    0.425150061144,
+    0.44306593384300003,
+    0.45497931754199999,
+    0.480210732157,
+    0.49961199725900002,
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+    0.54104302118299996,
+    0.55456165182600003,
+    0.57645288194699995,
+    0.58830880718699996,
+    0.61047699977699998,
+    0.62243525124499999,
+    0.64059305866600003,
+    0.64864591793299997,
+    0.66076567911499995,
+    0.67269456457499999,
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+    0.72584855411399996,
+    0.74121377368600005,
+    0.75125743091999997,
+    0.77150265368000004,
+    0.78324441542400003,
+    0.79888631364700002,
+    0.81247216458500005,
+    0.83204971232799996,
+    0.84425730939599997,
+    0.85740264943900002,
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+    0.90285273820699996,
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+    0.92615377290000001,
+    0.944808560001,
+    0.95843032520799998,
+    0.96908459648199996,
+    0.98091068958799998,
+    0.99546224846599995,
+    1.0114143418099999,
+    1.0370041029999999,
+    1.05163455603,
+    1.06941917585,
+    1.0849323260699999,
+    1.09786891934,
+    1.1200484481799999,
+    1.1401856044400001,
+    1.1614766378400001,
+    1.1779927836999999,
+    1.18794131464,
+    1.19800995642,
+    1.2153169910399999,
+    1.23620743467,
+    1.2464006441,
+    1.28309014464,
+    1.30117129963,
+    1.3139480025800001,
+    1.32973840183,
+    1.34585218726,
+    1.36483113807,
+    1.3880086518200001,
+    1.4038694678400001,
+    1.4269838991299999,
+    1.4531887240500001,
+    1.4761551228100001,
+    1.49140958787,
+    1.50497619744,
+    1.51748249595,
+    1.54755568638,
+    1.56624981363,
+    1.5996976922199999,
+    1.6270535823300001,
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+    1.66675355419,
+    1.69387124571,
+    1.7124303672300001,
+    1.7402106696399999,
+    1.7770409733200001,
+    1.79456862305,
+    1.8202531872000001,
+    1.84460821986,
+    1.86760077894,
+    1.89650572807,
+    1.9192579590500001,
+    1.95188224797,
+    1.96482546943,
+    1.9921085106,
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+    2.05544343578,
+    2.0827595529899998,
+    2.1347983483699999,
+    2.16760564415,
+    2.2014516721900002,
+    2.2315870739900001,
+    2.2636169272100002,
+    2.30995438871,
+    2.3374033408299999,
+    2.3738865256000001,
+    2.3951038330599999,
+    2.4431717219700002,
+    2.4826850222400001,
+    2.5185317615099998,
+    2.5638428795100001,
+    2.6284306548999998,
+    2.66623660644,
+    2.7096591116400002,
+    2.7586335740300001,
+    2.8025663346699998,
+    2.8401708445299998,
+    2.8783352938300002,
+    2.9063543000399998,
+    2.9593598772399998,
+    2.9957288325500002,
+    3.0605506942799998,
+    3.10955011278,
+    3.1789052606700001,
+    3.2428513432099999,
+    3.3274186461299999,
+    3.4074444667899999,
+    3.4504525115,
+    3.52884017973,
+    3.5708077150699999,
+    3.6772565091299998,
+    3.7474521798599998,
+    3.8121617114599999,
+    3.9240511321899998,
+    4.02413852901,
+    4.0815085453500002,
+    4.1825546762599997,
+    4.2751667515599996,
+    4.3741820336400004,
+    4.4834872676200002,
+    4.5686814128700002,
+    4.6358562892300004,
+    4.8094489254399999,
+    4.9654168327999999,
+    5.1314477165500003,
+    5.25148158988,
+    5.4403573194500003,
+    5.6010313900300002,
+    5.7161651882199997,
+    5.8958565355000001,
+    6.0361890974200003,
+    6.16740467168,
+    6.3041850958600003,
+    6.44114745164,
+    6.60541649452,
+    6.7974616801999996,
+    6.97815602873,
+    7.1388403799600004,
+    7.4314686713300002,
+    7.8384931901600003,
+    8.2177028271400001,
+    8.6453372183900008,
+    9.1543142843100007,
+    9.3764541677899995,
+    9.7962854173,
+    10.1633267175,
+    10.574689812400001,
+    11.0937462194,
+    11.4000754819,
+    11.9914359538,
+    12.3258902671,
+    12.7457696507,
+    13.361289611,
+    14.0129741907,
+    14.632251501600001,
+    15.099323370900001,
+    16.134748603599999,
+    16.802461663300001,
+    17.854647673100001,
+    18.834756072000001,
+    20.042735115799999,
+    21.573609706300001,
+    22.868457402400001,
+    24.574192288399999,
+    26.8474848352,
+    30.083792871499998,
+    34.499075183899997,
+    38.6709205943,
+    44.689686852000001,
+    52.857340428500002,
+    72.813133754999996,
+    91.564507002300005,
+    158.818628891,
+    939.11373358000003,
+    0.0,
+    0.071205885244299993,
+    0.099254028698600005,
+    0.14849104281600001,
+    0.17292354310999999,
+    0.20032666224500001,
+    0.226406277543,
+    0.23815469487599999,
+    0.26703405121599999,
+    0.28197072629300002,
+    0.296082146193,
+    0.31125854952699999,
+    0.32554466413499999,
+    0.33804933218900002,
+    0.35118970952299999,
+    0.371085578114,
+    0.39491385706400001,
+    0.413740038782,
+    0.42221028600999999,
+    0.44225862765200002,
+    0.458189520006,
+    0.48022475118199998,
+    0.49685298807599998,
+    0.51500317491299996,
+    0.53482118753700003,
+    0.55247938228399995,
+    0.57330658115499999,
+    0.58475963165199996,
+    0.60106501656199995,
+    0.62413217304400004,
+    0.63793653903699998,
+    0.65128873183500002,
+    0.66636704386000001,
+    0.67951755835000005,
+    0.68956025540200006,
+    0.70245093627400002,
+    0.71504184012600003,
+    0.73014210840100002,
+    0.74713784886300005,
+    0.75935155136999999,
+    0.77523714645700004,
+    0.78405425336400003,
+    0.79615963931099998,
+    0.81110455864499997,
+    0.82545864838799998,
+    0.83566202986100002,
+    0.85063666826600004,
+    0.87077765663700002,
+    0.88045508705099995,
+    0.89294081845100004,
+    0.90498155226699994,
+    0.91781500438800001,
+    0.93111410315300003,
+    0.94545406555199996,
+    0.95838819225799998,
+    0.96877608392100001,
+    0.98476526685599997,
+    1.0010342642000001,
+    1.0119849276699999,
+    1.03464783319,
+    1.05455213715,
+    1.0711504321800001,
+    1.08010453195,
+    1.1004877825999999,
+    1.10818262538,
+    1.1246761488799999,
+    1.13470825936,
+    1.14750678231,
+    1.1632448283100001,
+    1.18449169262,
+    1.2011657527599999,
+    1.2152811055699999,
+    1.2364506326,
+    1.24964319272,
+    1.2661037937899999,
+    1.2785791013300001,
+    1.2962377117699999,
+    1.3138558072099999,
+    1.3362693854300001,
+    1.34951663893,
+    1.3637686600700001,
+    1.37717976853,
+    1.3942209300999999,
+    1.4185816293,
+    1.43866597309,
+    1.45276157482,
+    1.48127714521,
+    1.5023296186499999,
+    1.52673585641,
+    1.5503318122600001,
+    1.5888091586999999,
+    1.6062719352799999,
+    1.6295964377400001,
+    1.6612388523299999,
+    1.6812256221899999,
+    1.70508917316,
+    1.72112188896,
+    1.74686294045,
+    1.7609156044800001,
+    1.7888509017400001,
+    1.8132839677799999,
+    1.8432731273,
+    1.8705117570000001,
+    1.89982085224,
+    1.9362197326199999,
+    1.96069015259,
+    1.9880007387600001,
+    2.0201535914000002,
+    2.0573265057399999,
+    2.0987964366999998,
+    2.13211771373,
+    2.1622274845799998,
+    2.1903685766800001,
+    2.22533347206,
+    2.26089786499,
+    2.3105003291199999,
+    2.33786317109,
+    2.37516129651,
+    2.4193923972300002,
+    2.4579148222399998,
+    2.5029183158800001,
+    2.53381912593,
+    2.5677307283899999,
+    2.6162502017999998,
+    2.6750579269800001,
+    2.7203789138199999,
+    2.7458139153899999,
+    2.8254724574300001,
+    2.8565396273200001,
+    2.9040559269499999,
+    2.9651085310499998,
+    3.0196812095999999,
+    3.0843657504699999,
+    3.1558869808600001,
+    3.2223894339400001,
+    3.2603729802400001,
+    3.3614620894799998,
+    3.4362647479800001,
+    3.53920130259,
+    3.5756943688499998,
+    3.64101261846,
+    3.7233677998300001,
+    3.8016940916299999,
+    3.9106972227400001,
+    3.9990351336300001,
+    4.0897762814999998,
+    4.1774051907800001,
+    4.2798115401099999,
+    4.3711459042799996,
+    4.4838086749199997,
+    4.5942578656300004,
+    4.69725646861,
+    4.8356147641699998,
+    4.9568908200199999,
+    5.0559387430399996,
+    5.1307907403700002,
+    5.29064241813,
+    5.4495402731300002,
+    5.5692069479899997,
+    5.8023798879999999,
+    5.9217137438199998,
+    6.1545111640699997,
+    6.2686946022500001,
+    6.4619248209700002,
+    6.6102067457500002,
+    6.8760747683199996,
+    7.1590374621899997,
+    7.31422994403,
+    7.6196963320300002,
+    7.9330981866299997,
+    8.3005559691100004,
+    8.5080589881200002,
+    8.9030525835399992,
+    9.3843270585099994,
+    9.88649146809,
+    10.279354769599999,
+    10.603107312100001,
+    11.1118716186,
+    11.4784714402,
+    12.035536117199999,
+    12.847959552400001,
+    13.415735074900001,
+    14.1791106731,
+    15.0355747631,
+    16.9356357166,
+    17.805067612999999,
+    19.342641049299999,
+    21.009071134500001,
+    23.1764543914,
+    25.379614414799999,
+    27.885782949300001,
+    29.619482312399999,
+    33.254904224999997,
+    36.867160964200004,
+    40.4774911481,
+    50.2787838733,
+    62.180321216899998,
+    80.798575822199993,
+    94.584243390899999,
+    131.07441246799999,
+    532.11553542800004,
+    0.0,
+    0.066750493128400007,
+    0.10229228903,
+    0.14064849221799999,
+    0.16816604212,
+    0.185917820027,
+    0.21145207109799999,
+    0.22637409875299999,
+    0.23827441847700001,
+    0.25325002214100001,
+    0.282002121386,
+    0.29459754431500002,
+    0.309921025947,
+    0.32256024829399998,
+    0.33607649321799998,
+    0.35308583886400002,
+    0.366974488228,
+    0.38834215578600001,
+    0.407453141593,
+    0.42152609543199998,
+    0.44240079751299999,
+    0.45519187153599999,
+    0.46297707882400002,
+    0.47982221228700001,
+    0.49667630123599998,
+    0.508498258634,
+    0.51689250307900003,
+    0.53635170713299996,
+    0.55035959890200004,
+    0.56783201126299998,
+    0.58585694882899997,
+    0.59530161133699999,
+    0.60864863465700003,
+    0.61872677583699998,
+    0.63314266869000002,
+    0.64227626695200002,
+    0.66366778123400005,
+    0.67270302950299998,
+    0.68420389566899997,
+    0.69282668375900003,
+    0.70143224682899996,
+    0.71443579991700001,
+    0.72615598912400003,
+    0.73642045277699997,
+    0.74797476862599999,
+    0.75717018072300002,
+    0.76798353829599997,
+    0.77486375038599997,
+    0.79414765885500005,
+    0.80854204945800001,
+    0.82112865231700005,
+    0.83235531435499999,
+    0.84902111566299998,
+    0.85542717883200003,
+    0.85897397230799999,
+    0.87704088496099997,
+    0.89151271520300002,
+    0.90700102609599997,
+    0.920719450271,
+    0.92891160690200003,
+    0.938857619857,
+    0.94825684266300003,
+    0.95986000285999995,
+    0.96960811962399995,
+    0.989941122374,
+    1.00360008757,
+    1.02107596077,
+    1.03643638202,
+    1.0502377328700001,
+    1.0717680324100001,
+    1.0865864964900001,
+    1.0954103929900001,
+    1.10647648545,
+    1.11919554073,
+    1.1348944810799999,
+    1.1478893503600001,
+    1.1583683144100001,
+    1.17725367471,
+    1.1977476949200001,
+    1.2115494448899999,
+    1.2227006682499999,
+    1.23641648061,
+    1.2453807854500001,
+    1.2593987794899999,
+    1.26998244399,
+    1.2869142286699999,
+    1.30049557207,
+    1.31446944898,
+    1.3295110779099999,
+    1.3446024810899999,
+    1.3719517782999999,
+    1.3907558123199999,
+    1.40705250973,
+    1.4264556633200001,
+    1.4396767485499999,
+    1.46991083644,
+    1.4987499147300001,
+    1.51363764814,
+    1.5369634294400001,
+    1.55497159429,
+    1.58019513401,
+    1.58671558905,
+    1.6122642631099999,
+    1.6513557926,
+    1.68400062899,
+    1.7089437540000001,
+    1.72753924255,
+    1.7453552720800001,
+    1.7758454361,
+    1.7994335997999999,
+    1.82770292952,
+    1.84731671466,
+    1.8985423459799999,
+    1.9145465641699999,
+    1.9448048626000001,
+    1.9916997561000001,
+    2.0178550764300001,
+    2.0361698775099999,
+    2.0577739526799999,
+    2.0831203668899998,
+    2.1103632127899998,
+    2.1537354568799998,
+    2.1788561526999999,
+    2.2045213341899998,
+    2.2224788538400002,
+    2.2635629295799999,
+    2.3165276562799999,
+    2.34821085414,
+    2.3981207218199998,
+    2.4198916383700002,
+    2.4597388271499998,
+    2.5017065354999999,
+    2.56256913084,
+    2.60073239413,
+    2.6306494736500001,
+    2.6860626220700001,
+    2.7343736190899999,
+    2.8116594856499999,
+    2.8637335040699998,
+    2.9264728333900001,
+    2.9955476839699999,
+    3.05285386085,
+    3.1356878770200001,
+    3.2072182033300001,
+    3.26764142152,
+    3.3485823077900001,
+    3.4312097504199999,
+    3.4816563758900001,
+    3.5584231314100001,
+    3.6375811375099998,
+    3.7335599506700001,
+    3.8014008857100001,
+    3.8705553019300001,
+    3.9806979118000001,
+    4.0971698101299996,
+    4.1749168167999997,
+    4.3083366103599996,
+    4.38165849577,
+    4.5310804208600004,
+    4.6613092856899998,
+    4.7803056653900002,
+    4.9095209439899996,
+    5.0546229367600004,
+    5.2110820221100003,
+    5.3463510691199998,
+    5.52429734599,
+    5.6756130707899999,
+    5.9685799046800003,
+    6.1860199186999996,
+    6.3195153450500001,
+    6.6566660244499998,
+    6.9673972764899998,
+    7.26908683037,
+    7.6488825007600001,
+    7.8611350773700002,
+    8.2320652147600004,
+    8.4210908255200003,
+    8.9496041073600008,
+    9.5584199425000005,
+    10.1439245514,
+    10.6423118073,
+    11.0791716855,
+    11.838823182500001,
+    12.7106408238,
+    14.1580993885,
+    15.148907718,
+    15.904843132,
+    17.434395016500002,
+    18.518727628800001,
+    20.121463138599999,
+    22.7076019362,
+    24.3760430058,
+    27.247058263300001,
+    30.661631466599999,
+    33.079547519400002,
+    39.127879890599999,
+    48.943565214800003,
+    59.4575606151,
+    91.335874697400001,
+    141.45432793200001,
+    411.661489776,
+    0.0,
+    0.069952231864699996,
+    0.103404633578,
+    0.125014068162,
+    0.146010270449,
+    0.16359155444599999,
+    0.178864568833,
+    0.19599840432599999,
+    0.21261593381499999,
+    0.22711972642700001,
+    0.243111674684,
+    0.25767461785399998,
+    0.27180823360799999,
+    0.28563106170000002,
+    0.30065227522400001,
+    0.31466033367599999,
+    0.32740274431499999,
+    0.34144162964000002,
+    0.35392977821499999,
+    0.36739586603699997,
+    0.37668601825699999,
+    0.38997906091099999,
+    0.40341912954199999,
+    0.416373727157,
+    0.426895908682,
+    0.43977830899800002,
+    0.45258671966300001,
+    0.466514605217,
+    0.477389064152,
+    0.48977333283500002,
+    0.50163197604999998,
+    0.51199626571900003,
+    0.52444304417700005,
+    0.535756267392,
+    0.54517617178599997,
+    0.556723976482,
+    0.56923743022399997,
+    0.58148013003300003,
+    0.59338244193300005,
+    0.60349023988499995,
+    0.61844448197599999,
+    0.63082462731599998,
+    0.64077938591500005,
+    0.65387489192500003,
+    0.66469357132100004,
+    0.67819373925399995,
+    0.68727074573400004,
+    0.69848718075600003,
+    0.71043795726600001,
+    0.71961915177299995,
+    0.72969713364300004,
+    0.74107602282600005,
+    0.75606721670699994,
+    0.76643518425500001,
+    0.77845497049099999,
+    0.78839543992500005,
+    0.80132022172700001,
+    0.81246877456,
+    0.82543482006900004,
+    0.835142423425,
+    0.84674802068300004,
+    0.85967143818799996,
+    0.87125300477599998,
+    0.88408451673499999,
+    0.89664194416599996,
+    0.91062205430599996,
+    0.92119895144599995,
+    0.93242997074199996,
+    0.94571219445300003,
+    0.96041450364400005,
+    0.97224013435699996,
+    0.98495533130900004,
+    0.99919196810900002,
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+    1.02562802722,
+    1.0390578098300001,
+    1.05327349462,
+    1.06699289985,
+    1.08003878786,
+    1.0911503311699999,
+    1.10287478431,
+    1.11752324595,
+    1.1314149261899999,
+    1.1474113539199999,
+    1.1623424598800001,
+    1.1809099334199999,
+    1.19698636893,
+    1.21181796755,
+    1.22544671282,
+    1.24244196167,
+    1.25768137753,
+    1.2753336486,
+    1.29073541071,
+    1.3028499501799999,
+    1.3187969502100001,
+    1.33382177937,
+    1.35329432786,
+    1.3654396608399999,
+    1.3831852898699999,
+    1.4053731868899999,
+    1.4244601671899999,
+    1.4458595538900001,
+    1.4624828517299999,
+    1.48424757851,
+    1.50258889287,
+    1.5267644454,
+    1.54442727619,
+    1.56845111196,
+    1.5867698647199999,
+    1.60842558029,
+    1.6313088751,
+    1.6534369558899999,
+    1.6753389600899999,
+    1.69620207473,
+    1.7204189063699999,
+    1.7419530680599999,
+    1.76805842778,
+    1.7922030172000001,
+    1.8188034212699999,
+    1.85148643519,
+    1.8773786266000001,
+    1.90256305862,
+    1.9386203775399999,
+    1.9687813707199999,
+    1.9981566611499999,
+    2.0245303042499998,
+    2.0584208427499999,
+    2.0946946719900001,
+    2.1348120365500001,
+    2.1791471443199999,
+    2.2224520832399999,
+    2.2595687931800001,
+    2.3106923875200001,
+    2.3553963857400002,
+    2.3983286546599998,
+    2.4436515071799998,
+    2.4865189620699999,
+    2.5405446707500001,
+    2.59421388661,
+    2.64091695706,
+    2.6996385735900001,
+    2.7473734419100002,
+    2.8035977565799999,
+    2.8535299568900001,
+    2.91542786179,
+    2.9893281334399999,
+    3.0516305485699999,
+    3.1163028661999999,
+    3.1947678399299999,
+    3.2663049222699998,
+    3.3339853805400002,
+    3.40237096205,
+    3.4768322926400002,
+    3.5806851899900001,
+    3.6801840510099999,
+    3.7872722453700001,
+    3.8916915748699998,
+    3.9917050980400002,
+    4.0940578914500003,
+    4.19602458524,
+    4.3323371208100001,
+    4.4338250448399998,
+    4.5732353526800003,
+    4.7071896650899996,
+    4.8371637819700002,
+    4.9861306159599996,
+    5.1247005951200002,
+    5.2989900989100001,
+    5.4331191858299999,
+    5.5988276453600001,
+    5.8197641223699996,
+    6.0307234869500004,
+    6.2629671258800004,
+    6.4723292924600004,
+    6.73373305351,
+    7.0011281823499996,
+    7.2896172889599997,
+    7.6282663585300003,
+    7.9822597848400001,
+    8.4459703825899997,
+    8.8384469969099992,
+    9.2101115074000006,
+    9.73610634934,
+    10.3512776241,
+    10.917239822399999,
+    11.6235706159,
+    12.2958078571,
+    12.939563854899999,
+    14.2324201348,
+    15.485703747200001,
+    16.9857809226,
+    18.432059703,
+    20.321399149499999,
+    22.561711453099999,
+    25.531954585200001,
+    29.543395520299999,
+    34.331229479900003,
+    42.111056517599998,
+    54.231741921900003,
+    88.569928594700002,
+    402.90323270200003,
+    0.0,
+    0.063832780404899994,
+    0.097778217097499995,
+    0.12370909607,
+    0.150339924072,
+    0.16482266304000001,
+    0.17990570626399999,
+    0.190646713912,
+    0.20163809948600001,
+    0.216830757348,
+    0.22812951506500001,
+    0.24021891326399999,
+    0.25541866841600003,
+    0.269018368043,
+    0.28049226030899999,
+    0.29164957411100001,
+    0.30229091825999999,
+    0.31343659256900003,
+    0.327727185596,
+    0.33950733116499998,
+    0.35546334505900001,
+    0.36812325794200002,
+    0.38133767715299999,
+    0.394597620963,
+    0.404978263841,
+    0.41815375781000003,
+    0.42864653293400001,
+    0.444894300819,
+    0.454376903331,
+    0.46341028375999999,
+    0.47599157488299998,
+    0.48560628028199998,
+    0.49777311032799998,
+    0.508833944353,
+    0.52141721957599996,
+    0.53079993862899999,
+    0.54083525487700002,
+    0.55116155918099996,
+    0.56028981112599996,
+    0.571200303066,
+    0.58044683485600002,
+    0.58839931947599999,
+    0.59900193670599999,
+    0.60844513668900002,
+    0.61984074999700001,
+    0.630706376051,
+    0.64055060618699999,
+    0.65022883648700003,
+    0.65969805240099999,
+    0.67173860230299998,
+    0.683039145269,
+    0.69151743825699996,
+    0.70492328902000001,
+    0.71497674644599996,
+    0.72455754197800004,
+    0.73626892393499999,
+    0.74666068393600005,
+    0.75711837954399996,
+    0.76917986479,
+    0.78031391817899998,
+    0.79003646883199996,
+    0.80178135233600001,
+    0.81294330929500003,
+    0.82479240642999996,
+    0.83793294590599998,
+    0.84856051750299999,
+    0.857727050288,
+    0.867523080562,
+    0.87989898293299995,
+    0.88810730552100003,
+    0.89899588869799996,
+    0.90918788036700005,
+    0.92161182284099996,
+    0.93310880618299996,
+    0.94666983786799996,
+    0.95950586438800001,
+    0.96954717752200004,
+    0.98183054360800004,
+    0.99327109762300003,
+    1.0071871810099999,
+    1.0199396023,
+    1.0299591745400001,
+    1.0433590956800001,
+    1.0579526586200001,
+    1.0722037652,
+    1.0856825564000001,
+    1.10062275455,
+    1.11366547931,
+    1.12553109294,
+    1.1369984132099999,
+    1.1497029036699999,
+    1.16306292312,
+    1.17522255584,
+    1.1892082610600001,
+    1.2041212236300001,
+    1.22190050707,
+    1.2347118934600001,
+    1.2504314859500001,
+    1.2629302579599999,
+    1.2791680786099999,
+    1.29405735901,
+    1.3107720617700001,
+    1.32643387797,
+    1.3415152129300001,
+    1.3620274129300001,
+    1.3823476697499999,
+    1.40444011877,
+    1.42173569526,
+    1.4364703857500001,
+    1.45484612731,
+    1.47972134044,
+    1.49655634371,
+    1.5141380044499999,
+    1.53379025535,
+    1.5555036580899999,
+    1.5714663036600001,
+    1.59647294538,
+    1.6138151759899999,
+    1.6380127097199999,
+    1.6594163419300001,
+    1.6820072233800001,
+    1.7019879011500001,
+    1.7246555912899999,
+    1.75616951171,
+    1.7809849497500001,
+    1.8095401046899999,
+    1.83533696471,
+    1.8573176551099999,
+    1.88542875324,
+    1.92090178934,
+    1.9505618811500001,
+    1.9774596313099999,
+    2.0068544301600002,
+    2.0350921018900001,
+    2.0643959097,
+    2.1062800026400001,
+    2.1347376230699999,
+    2.1742676793900002,
+    2.2104098855299998,
+    2.2514941680099998,
+    2.2912348247100001,
+    2.3349554164100002,
+    2.3796253970099999,
+    2.41766195211,
+    2.4815347228200002,
+    2.5296861327400002,
+    2.57523096673,
+    2.6414826618,
+    2.6880090127099998,
+    2.7379395286100001,
+    2.7971131333199999,
+    2.8454615301600001,
+    2.9012187913899998,
+    2.9675790254000001,
+    3.04978866032,
+    3.12354871979,
+    3.2117080755199998,
+    3.3031992991200001,
+    3.3786495999400001,
+    3.4622786505200001,
+    3.5341733641599999,
+    3.5975451787299999,
+    3.7026608369999998,
+    3.82558431557,
+    3.9485708722999999,
+    4.0749917626799999,
+    4.2182278466299996,
+    4.3815530054699998,
+    4.5579379614200004,
+    4.7079073862299996,
+    4.8861754887000002,
+    5.0662849643500003,
+    5.2496674690900003,
+    5.4708584275999996,
+    5.6873944276300001,
+    5.9465154086899998,
+    6.10841977807,
+    6.32522045284,
+    6.6457452149499998,
+    6.8963618663700004,
+    7.1600629694100002,
+    7.4849075540900003,
+    7.8078159674899998,
+    8.1135987260599993,
+    8.6434490614699993,
+    9.3138777741999998,
+    9.9096943796500003,
+    10.5413045729,
+    11.158948712999999,
+    11.999104899500001,
+    12.8985733307,
+    13.9490047253,
+    15.518092394,
+    17.033131729600001,
+    18.432082803299998,
+    20.708613102099999,
+    23.123985660399999,
+    27.884421759599999,
+    36.561019225000003,
+    61.076641297099997,
+    468.04625970900003,
+    0.0,
+    0.067076529355799996,
+    0.097824586424400006,
+    0.12058047219699999,
+    0.135066352689,
+    0.15703805450399999,
+    0.16865220856099999,
+    0.18272153189500001,
+    0.19456107267299999,
+    0.20905544303500001,
+    0.22429021016199999,
+    0.23682684978499999,
+    0.24961005214199999,
+    0.26225295033399998,
+    0.27282432554800001,
+    0.283602099439,
+    0.29623312604699997,
+    0.30840842319700001,
+    0.31645548412699998,
+    0.33143452632300002,
+    0.343712260145,
+    0.35341928343099999,
+    0.36635377466399999,
+    0.37717670892999999,
+    0.39032523504299999,
+    0.40013045900700001,
+    0.41162395957300002,
+    0.42423155816699998,
+    0.43186283101,
+    0.44215015996599999,
+    0.45428937582200002,
+    0.46224971743999999,
+    0.47594444504299999,
+    0.48807023390400001,
+    0.49693964716900002,
+    0.51019137347099996,
+    0.52165237357899996,
+    0.53174150971800005,
+    0.54256492119300004,
+    0.55515020156399997,
+    0.56325486596700003,
+    0.57178372078899997,
+    0.57891384744999996,
+    0.58826455880299999,
+    0.59910449639800001,
+    0.60935191848000003,
+    0.61881052080400001,
+    0.62702569041300005,
+    0.63798126176500003,
+    0.64999626073299999,
+    0.66409842520700002,
+    0.67206511322700002,
+    0.68117655017099998,
+    0.69235691936599997,
+    0.70629027472700001,
+    0.71718753920199996,
+    0.72825030830899995,
+    0.73958277894699997,
+    0.74721313986399995,
+    0.75951044739999996,
+    0.77054717878099999,
+    0.78033716992000002,
+    0.791657009508,
+    0.80069783012999995,
+    0.81151864388700001,
+    0.82257967604500004,
+    0.83376565960100002,
+    0.84367481175100001,
+    0.85373445615999999,
+    0.86281664475599995,
+    0.87277267299399997,
+    0.88522150941099997,
+    0.895112829577,
+    0.90741716188900001,
+    0.91619554643300005,
+    0.92601655850499998,
+    0.93734361345600004,
+    0.94620041333000005,
+    0.95712672909899998,
+    0.96744573225499997,
+    0.98318977108299999,
+    0.99187947130599996,
+    1.00505446816,
+    1.0135141032699999,
+    1.02598410227,
+    1.0352951482399999,
+    1.0473143060900001,
+    1.0610104522899999,
+    1.07557548922,
+    1.0886540525699999,
+    1.1030302993000001,
+    1.1222000890499999,
+    1.1397653729499999,
+    1.15430437835,
+    1.1696993848599999,
+    1.1869488960800001,
+    1.20122564741,
+    1.2141587142000001,
+    1.2257708751700001,
+    1.2411522805399999,
+    1.2560045466400001,
+    1.27446251035,
+    1.2841952131300001,
+    1.2982208578200001,
+    1.3182157576,
+    1.3298159782600001,
+    1.3424136029,
+    1.3604328317200001,
+    1.3767068167600001,
+    1.39749108045,
+    1.4148267830400001,
+    1.43982412632,
+    1.45450195158,
+    1.47070553463,
+    1.4842104270200001,
+    1.5036094415600001,
+    1.5196111004899999,
+    1.5427837280000001,
+    1.56874118822,
+    1.59012806749,
+    1.6156339281200001,
+    1.6415259814800001,
+    1.6627342303899999,
+    1.68678597138,
+    1.7123700775899999,
+    1.7355941341300001,
+    1.7575287234700001,
+    1.77549370303,
+    1.8023242212999999,
+    1.8306364744700001,
+    1.86843117775,
+    1.89616140233,
+    1.92693168508,
+    1.94653908551,
+    1.9674301249699999,
+    2.0023775987399999,
+    2.0410970809600002,
+    2.0712419181500001,
+    2.1001298794399998,
+    2.1435551353000002,
+    2.18745519946,
+    2.2407411531300001,
+    2.2877176484300001,
+    2.3482386991299999,
+    2.3878544206000001,
+    2.4256485211599998,
+    2.4689746994299999,
+    2.54115707404,
+    2.6060044637200002,
+    2.6471446480799998,
+    2.7082778846300002,
+    2.7625848318599999,
+    2.8217618519399998,
+    2.8730281955899999,
+    2.94944935405,
+    2.9984511177900002,
+    3.06158326156,
+    3.1477109402800001,
+    3.2264457052400002,
+    3.3135370713699999,
+    3.3913116560900001,
+    3.46766561982,
+    3.5469306652600001,
+    3.6270133483599998,
+    3.7196516111200002,
+    3.8300128499600001,
+    3.9706856961599999,
+    4.0624593885399998,
+    4.16862605645,
+    4.32355081595,
+    4.4582130280000003,
+    4.5901068198399999,
+    4.7253251831799998,
+    4.8713623347399997,
+    5.0670691161099999,
+    5.2375849693000003,
+    5.3887073546400002,
+    5.6495635870200003,
+    5.8884178613599998,
+    6.1407571599699997,
+    6.3858608976199998,
+    6.6661948102800004,
+    7.0439049067599999,
+    7.3559915120800001,
+    7.73009363221,
+    8.2262361691900008,
+    8.8019442355600006,
+    9.2680434525499997,
+    9.7743200198599993,
+    10.6920252267,
+    11.3785733059,
+    12.170137853,
+    13.036613519199999,
+    14.486048819000001,
+    16.028067222499999,
+    17.977721620600001,
+    20.963719555200001,
+    25.110074835700001,
+    32.315204575999999,
+    51.776266767099997,
+    108.063764331,
+    0.0,
+    0.074209559522700003,
+    0.108008052641,
+    0.12807119272199999,
+    0.145696860505,
+    0.15949782790200001,
+    0.17030767784699999,
+    0.181856162219,
+    0.194359775116,
+    0.206545451204,
+    0.216886655718,
+    0.227597454714,
+    0.239520822277,
+    0.24975972163499999,
+    0.26174800391699998,
+    0.27515156150300002,
+    0.28928260960800001,
+    0.30056007218699998,
+    0.31177038148300001,
+    0.32223273686999998,
+    0.33233709398299999,
+    0.34226863585799999,
+    0.35054033371600002,
+    0.36272022538900001,
+    0.37265758299599999,
+    0.38450845354800001,
+    0.392952528902,
+    0.40280374789700002,
+    0.41239163517100003,
+    0.42225057636800001,
+    0.43390677896199997,
+    0.44589553585300001,
+    0.456357880291,
+    0.46605928183400003,
+    0.47533877800199997,
+    0.485109944056,
+    0.49754601794199999,
+    0.50792030114300002,
+    0.51923692407099997,
+    0.52864927728800004,
+    0.53777407420400003,
+    0.54790751383199998,
+    0.55673983995999998,
+    0.56698607143699997,
+    0.57670367642800002,
+    0.58667471005899996,
+    0.596751819495,
+    0.60570130209100004,
+    0.61498993393199997,
+    0.62532916186599996,
+    0.63421809777399996,
+    0.643945582415,
+    0.652131236,
+    0.66037342159400003,
+    0.66984241853199999,
+    0.68013004284099998,
+    0.68891506562500004,
+    0.69795858717600001,
+    0.70724072355500001,
+    0.71773910407499997,
+    0.72600456224599996,
+    0.73529066837299994,
+    0.74465581544199999,
+    0.75311728489600005,
+    0.76285052475299997,
+    0.77230557399699995,
+    0.78194921514500004,
+    0.79213459741699999,
+    0.80258535964699995,
+    0.81396443458699996,
+    0.82267338024400005,
+    0.83206771620599995,
+    0.83984893131100002,
+    0.85244698240700001,
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+    0.87121284808199995,
+    0.88206426743400002,
+    0.893602624377,
+    0.90550090295300001,
+    0.91868520951400001,
+    0.92977380346299998,
+    0.94206318246999998,
+    0.95246633238900003,
+    0.96670282891199999,
+    0.97605982209599995,
+    0.98559747736000003,
+    0.99585577432700001,
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+    1.01710690075,
+    1.02898182166,
+    1.04428034784,
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+    1.06500309695,
+    1.0756346263800001,
+    1.08768054822,
+    1.0986564112699999,
+    1.11056517658,
+    1.1222492032,
+    1.13556072341,
+    1.1472841566,
+    1.16118311944,
+    1.17259765348,
+    1.1861421571199999,
+    1.1985894798400001,
+    1.20980222263,
+    1.2233664048399999,
+    1.2385002300500001,
+    1.2516226459299999,
+    1.2669008712400001,
+    1.2794959423800001,
+    1.2958611531299999,
+    1.31116706463,
+    1.32857407312,
+    1.34365731571,
+    1.35879876289,
+    1.3767427480700001,
+    1.3927745273200001,
+    1.41141387435,
+    1.4296441628400001,
+    1.4469934928999999,
+    1.46603314043,
+    1.4837471764900001,
+    1.5016602720400001,
+    1.51855715617,
+    1.5372635274499999,
+    1.55585749083,
+    1.5776110083899999,
+    1.59566951462,
+    1.62476079488,
+    1.6471928626000001,
+    1.6678247338300001,
+    1.6864094001200001,
+    1.7115934443700001,
+    1.7389659531499999,
+    1.76721239977,
+    1.78849994105,
+    1.81312786502,
+    1.8365295582100001,
+    1.8646738456900001,
+    1.8978807795199999,
+    1.9240405234,
+    1.9549490789899999,
+    1.98972377392,
+    2.0200230888899999,
+    2.0589141742399999,
+    2.10302415543,
+    2.14058485254,
+    2.1818536127199999,
+    2.2299519963300001,
+    2.2712959938699999,
+    2.3135445986500001,
+    2.3566542270399999,
+    2.3959056922599999,
+    2.4446333513399998,
+    2.4952439185199999,
+    2.5492654399200001,
+    2.6106037504100001,
+    2.6602865229799999,
+    2.7105208912299998,
+    2.7745671455899998,
+    2.8333797499900002,
+    2.9008461857499999,
+    2.96494326499,
+    3.0289889630300002,
+    3.10234506861,
+    3.1725169557099999,
+    3.2548023935399999,
+    3.3312575634499999,
+    3.41501385226,
+    3.5077691502100001,
+    3.6109139158899999,
+    3.70736489466,
+    3.8078795299400001,
+    3.9399935880500001,
+    4.0729162849399998,
+    4.1754315477999997,
+    4.32871701963,
+    4.4670420558400004,
+    4.6172360869400002,
+    4.7801353008799996,
+    4.9685158392900002,
+    5.1787521224099997,
+    5.3659561809799996,
+    5.5579867362700002,
+    5.80647069765,
+    6.0770936171800001,
+    6.3474439077599998,
+    6.62582338065,
+    6.9727248909400004,
+    7.3991913842899999,
+    7.8834449215399998,
+    8.5166144845100007,
+    9.2030546325000007,
+    9.88020733826,
+    10.866036106699999,
+    12.0758777085,
+    14.18128042,
+    16.712052750600002,
+    20.430876708300001,
+    27.2913398323,
+    198.831343334,
+    0.0,
+    0.069244384700200001,
+    0.088432101515100003,
+    0.10716305206,
+    0.12503845091900001,
+    0.140404065533,
+    0.15732758095900001,
+    0.17026163426999999,
+    0.181554153262,
+    0.19229104097999999,
+    0.20063488720700001,
+    0.20918075219000001,
+    0.22448851398700001,
+    0.23329259600999999,
+    0.243417838223,
+    0.25098683398999999,
+    0.26086665715599999,
+    0.26722012921400001,
+    0.27447102517700001,
+    0.28549280903099999,
+    0.29370514330199998,
+    0.30435794709199998,
+    0.31171401890299999,
+    0.32079725821600003,
+    0.33073290586199999,
+    0.340392028515,
+    0.35038726600499998,
+    0.35811690266399998,
+    0.36447411653700001,
+    0.37185544116399999,
+    0.381082348721,
+    0.390780214455,
+    0.39830952785200002,
+    0.40748168602500001,
+    0.41488373765499997,
+    0.42543510561100001,
+    0.43158160961199998,
+    0.44002625662900002,
+    0.44926347686599999,
+    0.45776432919799998,
+    0.468022411503,
+    0.47664440380200002,
+    0.48258490950499999,
+    0.48896171374500003,
+    0.496491820137,
+    0.50698509859999996,
+    0.51452015906199999,
+    0.52068937139100002,
+    0.52946408477100004,
+    0.53880448153799998,
+    0.548801791313,
+    0.555995027759,
+    0.56369511933200001,
+    0.57026213611200005,
+    0.57917412801400003,
+    0.58903117523000004,
+    0.59960305490099997,
+    0.60673607228299997,
+    0.61394249280099999,
+    0.62335872512500001,
+    0.62950473092000003,
+    0.63564906077100003,
+    0.64370653836500002,
+    0.65068290176499999,
+    0.65692425783200004,
+    0.66660140937199996,
+    0.67467287438699997,
+    0.68340267482299999,
+    0.69234704669500002,
+    0.70022548729900003,
+    0.70878108772100001,
+    0.71517132508000003,
+    0.72483344563800001,
+    0.73510369684400001,
+    0.74464179844099998,
+    0.75114169742299997,
+    0.75948786098200005,
+    0.76927896632399995,
+    0.780181603981,
+    0.79038397953499995,
+    0.79658809158499999,
+    0.80565180419899995,
+    0.81340080992999997,
+    0.82502676166900002,
+    0.83237961296700003,
+    0.84110268556400003,
+    0.85232968998699998,
+    0.86273446105600005,
+    0.87069963084699997,
+    0.88137854582999997,
+    0.89128913714400004,
+    0.90061058757400003,
+    0.90609412190700001,
+    0.91504032505999999,
+    0.92415693050900005,
+    0.93648983181699996,
+    0.94349116139300004,
+    0.95300702282700001,
+    0.96521719153999996,
+    0.97733292798399996,
+    0.98974230043699996,
+    1.0028012640199999,
+    1.01236890773,
+    1.0253034214500001,
+    1.0345343165800001,
+    1.0429324387700001,
+    1.0534672371,
+    1.06628868009,
+    1.07468795352,
+    1.08633326882,
+    1.09933424957,
+    1.1068518163600001,
+    1.12106242894,
+    1.13430375102,
+    1.1497669909499999,
+    1.16355554605,
+    1.1741333470999999,
+    1.1865602471200001,
+    1.19552264974,
+    1.20964466299,
+    1.2206552660600001,
+    1.2334735428900001,
+    1.2446193507100001,
+    1.26228052188,
+    1.2733668809500001,
+    1.2862487980799999,
+    1.29915564596,
+    1.31311637923,
+    1.3325804596099999,
+    1.34251302023,
+    1.3591003659500001,
+    1.377169549,
+    1.3924811167,
+    1.40750771045,
+    1.4232614989300001,
+    1.4396669344899999,
+    1.4651287187599999,
+    1.4899491085200001,
+    1.50816578923,
+    1.5249813512099999,
+    1.5484316629499999,
+    1.56552035633,
+    1.58626075727,
+    1.60321824898,
+    1.6254795315799999,
+    1.64592427713,
+    1.6680292001699999,
+    1.6929771865600001,
+    1.71641044875,
+    1.73825985627,
+    1.7655221754799999,
+    1.7903694698399999,
+    1.8124234588000001,
+    1.83919765728,
+    1.86770929471,
+    1.9001015000199999,
+    1.9321267789500001,
+    1.95584199638,
+    1.99690811411,
+    2.0217444230499999,
+    2.05376297292,
+    2.0929451083099999,
+    2.12301731176,
+    2.1526232798299998,
+    2.19298807375,
+    2.2255018723100002,
+    2.2689246505599998,
+    2.3179026897699999,
+    2.3644121098699999,
+    2.4221039841300001,
+    2.4838688069799999,
+    2.53466998697,
+    2.6042919607999999,
+    2.6812450073999998,
+    2.7654172146999998,
+    2.8309204248399999,
+    2.9094078948100002,
+    2.9876772553499999,
+    3.0748530970700001,
+    3.1622064731699999,
+    3.24147451246,
+    3.32558384886,
+    3.4422202342600001,
+    3.5775338240400001,
+    3.7141610497599999,
+    3.87173250803,
+    4.0663966875900002,
+    4.29308118297,
+    4.4781034155099997,
+    4.7041054642700004,
+    5.0488522514199996,
+    5.3311777928700002,
+    5.6656935490200002,
+    6.1539089237400004,
+    6.8843836607600002,
+    7.4347424954000001,
+    8.2978267417500007,
+    9.6243020157500005,
+    11.369168954199999,
+    15.540639672399999,
+    76.1760172643,
+    0.0,
+    0.049706365699999998,
+    0.0666592682662,
+    0.088322065368899999,
+    0.104536859611,
+    0.11923256786399999,
+    0.127291144238,
+    0.13502577832400001,
+    0.140820543469,
+    0.15139945632400001,
+    0.16099717066999999,
+    0.16793664804899999,
+    0.179770597659,
+    0.18534480911599999,
+    0.19437588065,
+    0.20501796081000001,
+    0.21442507195499999,
+    0.223638661722,
+    0.235448046864,
+    0.24069837603999999,
+    0.249796619168,
+    0.2569021037,
+    0.26571241794099998,
+    0.273484835112,
+    0.28264031867099998,
+    0.29203238294299999,
+    0.30128506578199998,
+    0.30890798204499997,
+    0.31400372247300001,
+    0.32085907990500001,
+    0.33018590514200002,
+    0.33434813763600002,
+    0.34099138695100001,
+    0.34839419218399997,
+    0.36043796979300002,
+    0.366921197137,
+    0.374978179395,
+    0.380142953738,
+    0.38497527854699998,
+    0.39412431397300002,
+    0.40294224279800001,
+    0.41036947119900002,
+    0.42097414080500001,
+    0.426696154529,
+    0.43405547629300001,
+    0.438076390323,
+    0.44626941882600002,
+    0.45209988855099997,
+    0.46025667702299999,
+    0.46751534699899999,
+    0.47569740786199999,
+    0.48648925341600002,
+    0.49365845173799999,
+    0.50062076512099996,
+    0.50762099689399998,
+    0.51599561488599999,
+    0.52069070294499997,
+    0.52771734894599998,
+    0.53507770527700005,
+    0.53957262010100004,
+    0.54687563426600005,
+    0.55882733756900005,
+    0.56778279961099998,
+    0.57581367970300001,
+    0.58169558514099995,
+    0.589416835832,
+    0.59799990574399997,
+    0.60309451416000004,
+    0.60776585343300005,
+    0.61113211528400002,
+    0.620751519689,
+    0.63049668177200002,
+    0.64186111209399999,
+    0.649049389792,
+    0.65881032984999999,
+    0.667603399933,
+    0.67500088551600002,
+    0.68058962597299999,
+    0.68475592303099997,
+    0.69020553863599998,
+    0.69297641552300004,
+    0.69919890922799999,
+    0.70692564551500003,
+    0.71223085652100004,
+    0.72213575435900001,
+    0.730079802251,
+    0.73971307206199999,
+    0.74754515744299999,
+    0.75906245692899998,
+    0.76535806436599996,
+    0.768435170424,
+    0.77936645084,
+    0.78371319966099995,
+    0.793548757173,
+    0.79992665980300004,
+    0.80669075308100002,
+    0.813805390164,
+    0.82073219292800004,
+    0.82530292600499999,
+    0.83254418888299997,
+    0.84023227490600005,
+    0.84610269681500005,
+    0.850974506809,
+    0.85604916181199997,
+    0.86800267070000003,
+    0.87548269182500005,
+    0.88170746226899999,
+    0.89168104316600005,
+    0.89886785180600004,
+    0.90941660694899995,
+    0.92091095976000004,
+    0.92713708903799996,
+    0.93255472954399998,
+    0.94075570205600001,
+    0.95405981205900003,
+    0.96338844277799995,
+    0.97402552055400005,
+    0.98526481076200001,
+    0.99808150342699997,
+    1.00881814468,
+    1.0181152037700001,
+    1.02462072395,
+    1.0362614133200001,
+    1.0501057383200001,
+    1.05573829434,
+    1.0663375241399999,
+    1.0815544234900001,
+    1.0920197863400001,
+    1.10280835408,
+    1.1180455459900001,
+    1.1302349147199999,
+    1.14338393376,
+    1.1517784771899999,
+    1.16459044846,
+    1.17843359548,
+    1.1909602731,
+    1.2038564818399999,
+    1.2161138792399999,
+    1.22899884794,
+    1.24167619324,
+    1.25804220029,
+    1.26669854112,
+    1.28319750286,
+    1.29839920006,
+    1.31138545902,
+    1.3222317000599999,
+    1.34185918055,
+    1.3547619368999999,
+    1.3711217067000001,
+    1.3874485756199999,
+    1.4017178245899999,
+    1.4176863825099999,
+    1.43525875504,
+    1.4513358921899999,
+    1.4669285814799999,
+    1.49058059786,
+    1.51243917885,
+    1.5343601628600001,
+    1.5519685841999999,
+    1.5858246281799999,
+    1.6052702545799999,
+    1.6255288476200001,
+    1.645511371,
+    1.67744979518,
+    1.7003145979100001,
+    1.7236176675199999,
+    1.74467645265,
+    1.7809151811699999,
+    1.8104241704099999,
+    1.85100020932,
+    1.8902605480300001,
+    1.9127629589099999,
+    1.94264465956,
+    1.98831619403,
+    2.0462312106199998,
+    2.1088091964400002,
+    2.1589111550700002,
+    2.19880416124,
+    2.2551363689100001,
+    2.32115689321,
+    2.3900112406699998,
+    2.4355086734200002,
+    2.53167527975,
+    2.5574390199299999,
+    2.69075228193,
+    2.80722131929,
+    2.8827815963000001,
+    3.0169724035100001,
+    3.1020365340699998,
+    3.2877647668300001,
+    3.4186314330799998,
+    3.55711527829,
+    3.7777833577900002,
+    4.0940063095600001,
+    4.35113022089,
+    4.7722176832300001,
+    5.4945754250499999,
+    6.0600360065499999,
+    6.7983858917699997,
+    9.1234186672500002,
+    40.009378980599998,
+    0.0,
+    0.067895952064799994,
+    0.084300078749299998,
+    0.095052432169299997,
+    0.102638659398,
+    0.112117784904,
+    0.11826939027900001,
+    0.12549932636300001,
+    0.12979818836900001,
+    0.14651996704600001,
+    0.15100212390600001,
+    0.161663165759,
+    0.16954870848299999,
+    0.177081348221,
+    0.18018558524200001,
+    0.18303580819699999,
+    0.19216015759300001,
+    0.19761816342399999,
+    0.20405892001000001,
+    0.208512677383,
+    0.2121909193,
+    0.219201257102,
+    0.226866968867,
+    0.23794276716900001,
+    0.24987132195699999,
+    0.25465170763400002,
+    0.26099785587800001,
+    0.26730559655899999,
+    0.28331961066,
+    0.29096521670800002,
+    0.29624967979200001,
+    0.29829805930100001,
+    0.30951316035100002,
+    0.31770754811700003,
+    0.32720886553700002,
+    0.33647444911699997,
+    0.34198895204000002,
+    0.35025569471500001,
+    0.35723583674800002,
+    0.36574792956399999,
+    0.37381139126899998,
+    0.38799391889500001,
+    0.39067031169299998,
+    0.39620024782899999,
+    0.40020907354500002,
+    0.406629782376,
+    0.41587001647900002,
+    0.42064605710199998,
+    0.427983894024,
+    0.43880340547500002,
+    0.446223080223,
+    0.450449340882,
+    0.45558651616200002,
+    0.46105934588699998,
+    0.46416526610600001,
+    0.47234232416100003,
+    0.47838800081799998,
+    0.48398364517499998,
+    0.49028214090200001,
+    0.499284532015,
+    0.50451360745100005,
+    0.509733914146,
+    0.51534943972199998,
+    0.51694525305200001,
+    0.52351544417600004,
+    0.52741635274900001,
+    0.53030801158100005,
+    0.54039249319000005,
+    0.543358519993,
+    0.55090831684899999,
+    0.56351528162800002,
+    0.57109497028699996,
+    0.57678495336900004,
+    0.58431894816300001,
+    0.59453107257500004,
+    0.60337885959000004,
+    0.61000337793399995,
+    0.61727383516599998,
+    0.62371645808300002,
+    0.629855469291,
+    0.64046230499599999,
+    0.64338774420900002,
+    0.64928236111199999,
+    0.65253922932700004,
+    0.65630438988100004,
+    0.66542800844200001,
+    0.67245369789099996,
+    0.67689678974900003,
+    0.68490163471400001,
+    0.697879548796,
+    0.70321721042899998,
+    0.70825620560000002,
+    0.71214130965099998,
+    0.71606229576000002,
+    0.72849739743399999,
+    0.72997690491599998,
+    0.73496304621899999,
+    0.74722916204000001,
+    0.75461055645599995,
+    0.76049922669799996,
+    0.76492250952399998,
+    0.77219537422499995,
+    0.77615043430200004,
+    0.78272629883699996,
+    0.78806707738399995,
+    0.803877101727,
+    0.81237050231600005,
+    0.82231101211000002,
+    0.82643891219300003,
+    0.82994343368199996,
+    0.84104036655799996,
+    0.85001450139900003,
+    0.85722719700299999,
+    0.86813520497600005,
+    0.87634807207999998,
+    0.87849406127499996,
+    0.88626760274000005,
+    0.89464524886600005,
+    0.89854680515700003,
+    0.90579336081200001,
+    0.90937836218900003,
+    0.92263809143499997,
+    0.92671709472899999,
+    0.93140291302300005,
+    0.93889838636400003,
+    0.94817473635500005,
+    0.95134624523199995,
+    0.95948566447500006,
+    0.96931430537899999,
+    0.97827519300099997,
+    0.98284090499800003,
+    0.98853660864199999,
+    0.99999303088000002,
+    1.00933104878,
+    1.02227252775,
+    1.0339923686800001,
+    1.03840687036,
+    1.04500879737,
+    1.05122171927,
+    1.06723984471,
+    1.07953686403,
+    1.09113807067,
+    1.10417487551,
+    1.11446546637,
+    1.1254220105599999,
+    1.1353940360999999,
+    1.16144655068,
+    1.1695186521200001,
+    1.1831819617599999,
+    1.2096151764900001,
+    1.2368935164299999,
+    1.2456266675500001,
+    1.25296303964,
+    1.26564891435,
+    1.2701959942000001,
+    1.28466851306,
+    1.29873724956,
+    1.31966389347,
+    1.3313272542500001,
+    1.34786430325,
+    1.3621826611400001,
+    1.3720433831700001,
+    1.3971090305,
+    1.4043458957999999,
+    1.4238434153299999,
+    1.4590867995000001,
+    1.4854743821,
+    1.5153253015599999,
+    1.54813838085,
+    1.57329724758,
+    1.6116532666100001,
+    1.62277970085,
+    1.63219947245,
+    1.6666665269000001,
+    1.73127681763,
+    1.7492774307700001,
+    1.80557771894,
+    1.8267234865099999,
+    1.88934211181,
+    1.9203963709,
+    1.99466093314,
+    2.0230718376899999,
+    2.0628543274000002,
+    2.1367073224899999,
+    2.1821320160500002,
+    2.22093938088,
+    2.3072520016700002,
+    2.3621845025599999,
+    2.44517002578,
+    2.5015913727800001,
+    2.5975738754100002,
+    2.7045052724200001,
+    2.8865631109500001,
+    3.1260959842,
+    3.39849260601,
+    3.6254807685400001,
+    4.0097191798100003,
+    4.5724242129699997,
+    5.4143250544999999,
+    6.3272292972399997,
+    17.5560575511,
+    0.0,
+    0.085458258148600003,
+    0.098622234580399995,
+    0.106568524017,
+    0.108057180859,
+    0.1107805041,
+    0.11464013028599999,
+    0.13602438252499999,
+    0.14300574817799999,
+    0.146684159845,
+    0.15122598984999999,
+    0.154733085331,
+    0.161754974932,
+    0.17723910406000001,
+    0.18032389045700001,
+    0.18658548177699999,
+    0.18746673820000001,
+    0.19896129970099999,
+    0.209234599805,
+    0.21980562614900001,
+    0.228062016284,
+    0.23711187915099999,
+    0.23869840689499999,
+    0.240361816358,
+    0.27144033681000002,
+    0.27327373169399999,
+    0.27458858408600001,
+    0.28007177711800002,
+    0.28248298888899998,
+    0.28387767697499999,
+    0.287453003343,
+    0.292023090998,
+    0.29519223190999999,
+    0.31407066578100001,
+    0.32033662902100002,
+    0.32377361486099998,
+    0.33791304018399998,
+    0.340145093994,
+    0.34355792125200002,
+    0.35986952431000002,
+    0.36278049873099999,
+    0.36565591999199998,
+    0.36887445402199998,
+    0.37307785833099999,
+    0.37522358431500002,
+    0.38644599385299999,
+    0.38905873533300001,
+    0.39011760635100001,
+    0.39429900482899999,
+    0.40016937602000002,
+    0.40636267913899998,
+    0.408103464438,
+    0.411985395905,
+    0.42002274379400001,
+    0.42424580987299998,
+    0.42889507706199997,
+    0.43431096613499998,
+    0.43634598755999998,
+    0.44074601502999999,
+    0.44833586654099999,
+    0.44981411452999998,
+    0.45139144803199999,
+    0.45825414352600002,
+    0.465858692219,
+    0.46971239089400002,
+    0.48073097106200002,
+    0.49008253400700003,
+    0.49019267044199999,
+    0.49421178442399999,
+    0.49592401222499999,
+    0.51649450538700004,
+    0.52148438326400004,
+    0.52450649919199999,
+    0.52875492868700003,
+    0.53851929926099995,
+    0.55522500190799995,
+    0.56567545616600001,
+    0.57500972364500003,
+    0.575413910571,
+    0.577492611263,
+    0.58282093829299997,
+    0.5882333891,
+    0.59178334343399996,
+    0.59490514439200004,
+    0.59707926005599998,
+    0.60398628531999998,
+    0.61018821270699997,
+    0.62788446277499999,
+    0.62845001268199996,
+    0.63245592828700004,
+    0.64203220116600002,
+    0.64960047364600004,
+    0.65218235923199996,
+    0.65302094855500004,
+    0.65709800478699998,
+    0.66525750618900004,
+    0.66772838617499997,
+    0.66931616078599998,
+    0.67398981338899999,
+    0.67995566798200002,
+    0.69261712558099997,
+    0.69323176238100004,
+    0.70328807748099997,
+    0.70817581305300004,
+    0.71362676385000001,
+    0.72122326659400005,
+    0.72982093594899999,
+    0.73501610749799995,
+    0.74418077769299995,
+    0.74740381350899998,
+    0.75972971198000006,
+    0.76542085452499997,
+    0.77293727748999996,
+    0.77569521588599999,
+    0.79040702133899998,
+    0.79124143409100001,
+    0.79674835901600005,
+    0.801314329913,
+    0.80761727105100001,
+    0.81334526814800001,
+    0.82599153547399995,
+    0.835753037664,
+    0.84010997734000004,
+    0.84324537731399996,
+    0.84524994337100001,
+    0.852251511771,
+    0.85726585936199995,
+    0.86776513236499997,
+    0.87321839355800002,
+    0.88257634312599997,
+    0.88885223178899997,
+    0.89462277052799999,
+    0.89929289721500005,
+    0.91054077473399997,
+    0.91235045283799998,
+    0.91859506476800001,
+    0.92379410344599999,
+    0.92778311003299996,
+    0.95200833907100002,
+    0.96058777907100001,
+    0.96275379136000006,
+    0.96711989399800002,
+    0.98158423342400003,
+    0.99959381644599998,
+    1.0158547410300001,
+    1.0257344455099999,
+    1.0386164152999999,
+    1.05829394823,
+    1.0652432737599999,
+    1.06870005665,
+    1.0850122523800001,
+    1.08895555924,
+    1.1035938848,
+    1.1079237802499999,
+    1.14480878564,
+    1.1555554675299999,
+    1.1789854119500001,
+    1.21604495077,
+    1.21944541763,
+    1.2255115895799999,
+    1.2349135122299999,
+    1.2574900653700001,
+    1.2756099428300001,
+    1.27830965632,
+    1.29563470054,
+    1.33511311013,
+    1.37879372829,
+    1.4104141532900001,
+    1.42999159888,
+    1.4340564609599999,
+    1.4404309370999999,
+    1.45125639917,
+    1.4753290649999999,
+    1.50104361326,
+    1.5067651051299999,
+    1.56173064277,
+    1.5867665737000001,
+    1.6529842751699999,
+    1.68573957888,
+    1.6981474139899999,
+    1.7544189081799999,
+    1.79075077468,
+    1.8606238073600001,
+    1.9675939468600001,
+    1.99649367583,
+    2.0088494420599998,
+    2.0624960910299999,
+    2.1345821995000001,
+    2.25477797389,
+    2.4129377727399999,
+    2.4947352830499998,
+    2.6183637912700002,
+    3.0074794112299998,
+    3.1791961046799999,
+    3.4293356642399999,
+    3.8514844690699999,
+    4.2517228191100003,
+    4.9637069833399998,
+    6.0765632038800002,
+    6.7603904355099997,
+    10.3173126473,
+    0.0,
+    0.078613919986899997,
+    0.086706257325800007,
+    0.086706257325800007,
+    0.114789651673,
+    0.12273957318299999,
+    0.127062920365,
+    0.128484790396,
+    0.13578225807899999,
+    0.13578225807899999,
+    0.14730174056500001,
+    0.14730174056500001,
+    0.15501754607599999,
+    0.17160764402600001,
+    0.17160764402600001,
+    0.17716597523700001,
+    0.19318889167600001,
+    0.201064059002,
+    0.20544566915199999,
+    0.208662339522,
+    0.208662339522,
+    0.209070783313,
+    0.217981911645,
+    0.21984720431800001,
+    0.22959168302800001,
+    0.22959168302800001,
+    0.22979925938500001,
+    0.23023398217900001,
+    0.23282324285100001,
+    0.23847389001200001,
+    0.24981772981200001,
+    0.24981772981200001,
+    0.251976912788,
+    0.26484603340399998,
+    0.267063574626,
+    0.276065116128,
+    0.27955725551999999,
+    0.27955725551999999,
+    0.29253129065099998,
+    0.29257984585899999,
+    0.29426519135099999,
+    0.29991973517600001,
+    0.29991973517600001,
+    0.300865581125,
+    0.30629956382500001,
+    0.33189640078299998,
+    0.33193362117300002,
+    0.332892715999,
+    0.332892715999,
+    0.33786995917700002,
+    0.34286355479300001,
+    0.35037131399499999,
+    0.36538777844499998,
+    0.36538777844499998,
+    0.39533598300400002,
+    0.40761459269400002,
+    0.43071349334699999,
+    0.44611156073300001,
+    0.44821302280300002,
+    0.44821302280300002,
+    0.45970379461999999,
+    0.479322648149,
+    0.49927725766600001,
+    0.50856338644599997,
+    0.50856338644599997,
+    0.51381349247600006,
+    0.52312377414900002,
+    0.52365255460899995,
+    0.524357535308,
+    0.52449511360300005,
+    0.53246792168500001,
+    0.53246792168500001,
+    0.53406269761799996,
+    0.54066543759600005,
+    0.54165597718199998,
+    0.54165597718199998,
+    0.54286979560399995,
+    0.54565296744199998,
+    0.54680412639599996,
+    0.55924698793600003,
+    0.55948804920899997,
+    0.55948804920899997,
+    0.56237285913900004,
+    0.61191574840100005,
+    0.61803286518099998,
+    0.62621800263899996,
+    0.62894744300399996,
+    0.62894744300399996,
+    0.64175065233299999,
+    0.64274226864700001,
+    0.643141090937,
+    0.64957757771299995,
+    0.64957757771299995,
+    0.65462416615899999,
+    0.65508592379599995,
+    0.65577214273499995,
+    0.65867533793400002,
+    0.65966257080699997,
+    0.65966257080699997,
+    0.67002637381200003,
+    0.6862767676,
+    0.68775204324200001,
+    0.68935688154399999,
+    0.68935688154399999,
+    0.68958321519599997,
+    0.69489243672400003,
+    0.69799974598299996,
+    0.70085954020999996,
+    0.70570470911100003,
+    0.70570470911100003,
+    0.71529355939600003,
+    0.71529355939600003,
+    0.73061672396900001,
+    0.73147192102699998,
+    0.73147192102699998,
+    0.73172502367900005,
+    0.74705904753800001,
+    0.75069245931200002,
+    0.76171481537700003,
+    0.78431047228100004,
+    0.78431047228100004,
+    0.79589062785700004,
+    0.79985244088700003,
+    0.80739451523600003,
+    0.80995278660199999,
+    0.80995278660199999,
+    0.818149271693,
+    0.81876691441600002,
+    0.82187704197599998,
+    0.82398018051199995,
+    0.83061310912300002,
+    0.83061310912300002,
+    0.841520560606,
+    0.84283988029500001,
+    0.845286826815,
+    0.85635186159599996,
+    0.88301536060399999,
+    0.88301536060399999,
+    0.89457113891100004,
+    0.90319721159599997,
+    0.91110728614600001,
+    0.920115781518,
+    0.920115781518,
+    0.924752016362,
+    0.93270708632099997,
+    0.93634613579199999,
+    0.93668785307699998,
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+    0.938056933654,
+    0.963093301648,
+    0.97003534928799995,
+    0.97433733039600001,
+    0.98296990885400004,
+    0.98296990885400004,
+    0.99165891962800001,
+    0.99363899328700001,
+    1.00411505522,
+    1.0082220608200001,
+    1.04142653436,
+    1.04142653436,
+    1.05299960148,
+    1.0584566497800001,
+    1.0631344471799999,
+    1.0702232139000001,
+    1.0702232139000001,
+    1.0745255061000001,
+    1.07801171048,
+    1.09546502235,
+    1.1130150782399999,
+    1.1212890952400001,
+    1.1453294864700001,
+    1.1453294864700001,
+    1.14683578271,
+    1.14912419314,
+    1.1868862875699999,
+    1.1868862875699999,
+    1.2135111146399999,
+    1.2764048086199999,
+    1.3014758897300001,
+    1.33521824385,
+    1.3586680634799999,
+    1.3586680634799999,
+    1.39549136126,
+    1.4365610253900001,
+    1.4568919919400001,
+    1.5925258819899999,
+    1.67910648307,
+    1.67910648307,
+    1.7175836223800001,
+    1.8595366530499999,
+    2.22804691293,
+    2.4236335095200001,
+    2.4236335095200001,
+    2.5444902152200002,
+    2.7565764210300001,
+    3.0002289122299999,
+    3.2770080283,
+    6.1761254131100003,
+    6.1761254131100003,
+    9.0448113096899991,
+    9.0448113096899991,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.084719549076999995,
+    0.084719549076999995,
+    0.162771060016,
+    0.162771060016,
+    0.162771060016,
+    0.174797101293,
+    0.174797101293,
+    0.19337957316099999,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19634700654600001,
+    0.19855375347500001,
+    0.19855375347500001,
+    0.19855375347500001,
+    0.200626535691,
+    0.200626535691,
+    0.20443169045699999,
+    0.20443169045699999,
+    0.20546703844700001,
+    0.20546703844700001,
+    0.20546703844700001,
+    0.22648266447400001,
+    0.22648266447400001,
+    0.240550688555,
+    0.240550688555,
+    0.240550688555,
+    0.25396349222699999,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.26176107887200001,
+    0.27888116985299999,
+    0.27888116985299999,
+    0.29428424249599999,
+    0.29428424249599999,
+    0.29428424249599999,
+    0.299788951114,
+    0.299788951114,
+    0.31720186969399999,
+    0.31720186969399999,
+    0.31720186969399999,
+    0.35285717429300001,
+    0.35285717429300001,
+    0.35967187727099997,
+    0.35967187727099997,
+    0.35967187727099997,
+    0.36425099049600002,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.37144632312499998,
+    0.393647946528,
+    0.393647946528,
+    0.40432582434100001,
+    0.40432582434100001,
+    0.40432582434100001,
+    0.41409827036399999,
+    0.41409827036399999,
+    0.42605819547399998,
+    0.42605819547399998,
+    0.438201525694,
+    0.438201525694,
+    0.438201525694,
+    0.52412206191900002,
+    0.52412206191900002,
+    0.53036211888999996,
+    0.53036211888999996,
+    0.53947846940699995,
+    0.53947846940699995,
+    0.53947846940699995,
+    0.54022582851800005,
+    0.54022582851800005,
+    0.54022582851800005,
+    0.55304014916499999,
+    0.55304014916499999,
+    0.58228935374099999,
+    0.58228935374099999,
+    0.58228935374099999,
+    0.60596028174500005,
+    0.60596028174500005,
+    0.61041536468199997,
+    0.61041536468199997,
+    0.61041536468199997,
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+    0.65478363743500001,
+    0.67732197187900001,
+    0.67732197187900001,
+    0.69170398708900005,
+    0.69170398708900005,
+    0.69170398708900005,
+    0.71778169588399998,
+    0.71778169588399998,
+    0.71778169588399998,
+    0.724448255762,
+    0.724448255762,
+    0.73445742378500001,
+    0.73445742378500001,
+    0.73445742378500001,
+    0.74008547261299995,
+    0.74008547261299995,
+    0.74881364436599995,
+    0.74881364436599995,
+    0.77742926704699999,
+    0.77742926704699999,
+    0.77742926704699999,
+    0.80214410030399996,
+    0.80214410030399996,
+    0.80237181021399995,
+    0.80237181021399995,
+    0.80237181021399995,
+    0.80480889025799995,
+    0.80480889025799995,
+    0.81567228496599997,
+    0.81567228496599997,
+    0.81567228496599997,
+    0.82045939538299995,
+    0.82045939538299995,
+    0.82352724851000003,
+    0.82352724851000003,
+    0.82352724851000003,
+    0.832308451359,
+    0.832308451359,
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+    0.85064319551300005,
+    0.85064319551300005,
+    0.86707524700500005,
+    0.86707524700500005,
+    0.87113615998799998,
+    0.87113615998799998,
+    0.87113615998799998,
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+    0.893480617719,
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+    0.91025084198899997,
+    0.91025084198899997,
+    0.92945707303699998,
+    0.92945707303699998,
+    0.94367179870100004,
+    0.94367179870100004,
+    0.96249504634000005,
+    0.96249504634000005,
+    0.96249504634000005,
+    1.04851239622,
+    1.04851239622,
+    1.05472835341,
+    1.05472835341,
+    1.05472835341,
+    1.0571022668900001,
+    1.0571022668900001,
+    1.0795501896999999,
+    1.0795501896999999,
+    1.0795501896999999,
+    1.08606295202,
+    1.08606295202,
+    1.1610428489,
+    1.1610428489,
+    1.1610428489,
+    1.1737862567099999,
+    1.1737862567099999,
+    1.19233887401,
+    1.19233887401,
+    1.19233887401,
+    1.23499695024,
+    1.23499695024,
+    1.32872584115,
+    1.32872584115,
+    1.32872584115,
+    1.4875655673799999,
+    1.4875655673799999,
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+    1.7768916535799999,
+    1.7768916535799999,
+    1.90484127934,
+    1.90484127934,
+    1.9108413266499999,
+    1.9108413266499999,
+    1.9108413266499999,
+    2.0007729910999998,
+    2.0007729910999998,
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+    2.3382342441700001,
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+    2.5987544026,
+    2.5987544026,
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+    2.6082788293000001,
+    2.6082788293000001,
+    2.8392763735900002,
+    2.8392763735900002,
+    3.3819024131300002,
+    3.3819024131300002,
+    3.7018275480299998,
+    3.7018275480299998,
+    3.7018275480299998,
+    4.72930160618,
+    4.72930160618,
+    4.72930160618,
+    4.72930160618,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_distb.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_distb.py
index ebcdeb564a20c703f23d8bee8d84a70d19d0b342..941ebef8407f5f0978acd6c770eaaef49f0e0d5d 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_distb.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_distb.py
@@ -9,802 +9,2416 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_MC09_def_distb = [
-    0.0, 0.56094372606762677, 0.7748555093433106, 0.95310767752176617,
-    1.1906079835411554, 1.4135063615181933, 1.5469706087575439,
-    1.717637715444549, 1.9078084450312611, 2.078830865302939,
-    2.3673694393209286, 2.5652916154906422, 2.719176314163422,
-    2.9143350583182777, 3.0556867288035465, 3.3314071492430846,
-    3.5309373944964433, 3.7198259542235506, 3.9746173222307726,
-    4.1716075147757152, 4.3331714146492013, 4.5010791980770231,
-    4.7010753304750965, 4.8936058791922381, 5.1037597147293932,
-    5.2592473096915198, 5.4933808099586612, 5.6277238343814533,
-    5.8620859412865522, 6.1059450539869653, 6.3120134479962893,
-    6.5830830775944706, 6.8200926493441481, 7.0702834736372564,
-    7.3483462204604635, 7.6264067744909951, 7.8372782469612465,
-    8.0617780685477705, 8.3995622657866384, 8.7403882283600378,
-    9.0992605207420993, 9.3705162889778926, 9.75889880418889,
-    10.194686638374007, 10.438514323942188, 10.726873592781514,
-    11.069318434988878, 11.396569108340843, 11.801419844938572,
-    12.128206841266881, 12.485948104637052, 12.756299870388832,
-    13.076944452763826, 13.458692068837927, 13.824717813822369,
-    14.316393196413889, 14.621905587891465, 14.888480073624264,
-    15.335930506891625, 15.609627342322275, 16.191900883034002,
-    16.54381609680534, 17.147813194052553, 17.468929751742763,
-    17.940480341162086, 18.345046931400908, 18.601290104964175,
-    19.011371018239437, 19.335036342308854, 19.740516156682062,
-    20.13447317647455, 20.462447938558235, 21.091090849462493,
-    21.556877958704259, 21.823267014913611, 22.208749180717806,
-    22.786099855049944, 23.371401551338806, 23.73315353587088,
-    24.31738397233147, 24.625223648727555, 25.069412618036147,
-    25.928099135972015, 26.497110723217201, 27.085968731165757,
-    27.631123699960334, 28.187584878982072, 28.991619387322526,
-    29.353231676085986, 30.083376143103514, 30.880607280324416,
-    31.435216510900492, 32.392330109783813, 32.921554836523583,
-    33.514110805447565, 34.303809151243847, 35.456294459561711,
-    36.280791683627093, 36.940252784295062, 37.717899566227963,
-    38.457688239199655, 39.596732893642503, 40.36400419560065,
-    40.945135884536548, 41.797758649637814, 42.487275414278201,
-    43.921777494122409, 44.874273975496472, 45.67446232320151,
-    46.727212320012811, 47.45119952715492, 48.639858771576726,
-    49.370473491276989, 50.528638968567975, 51.389834372987714,
-    52.582079342007546, 53.589199085657242, 54.585243505081834,
-    55.622223351244195, 56.936556831025484, 58.385520290381457,
-    59.451232373507203, 60.588566421499443, 62.401492617291595,
-    63.88804064081846, 65.599157033995837, 67.204436723739235,
-    69.4912133287594, 71.622345320740351, 73.103725049112015,
-    75.089813374922841, 76.884823802108912, 78.275061550352873,
-    80.357326438684495, 83.305006897820235, 85.400732831032357,
-    87.218868459052473, 89.130072489534143, 91.252783666141042,
-    92.815637585979999, 95.739391170148252, 98.435092605981637,
-    100.31960869294872, 102.50286766025864, 105.48705400852423,
-    108.82295714914468, 111.39204546177986, 114.62248349802513,
-    117.87687880992867, 119.40484241859349, 122.7734081083525,
-    125.26971884287919, 128.55177396728385, 131.66269963489299,
-    136.57359107720188, 140.51816667169177, 144.16804544736863,
-    150.35987039520109, 154.72466658210519, 160.54109480247283,
-    164.18861964598716, 170.24309324015738, 175.29889321042558,
-    183.11630724838597, 189.01683118972002, 196.90975774880297,
-    204.49263459337524, 213.04893801936598, 219.75869942751646,
-    228.19907555440614, 239.44926809073948, 248.20168822805923,
-    259.25320106736922, 265.44318466962994, 277.32312416782054,
-    288.56952434288797, 298.64263419554209, 315.25981209742378,
-    331.89024853535398, 342.74298087821637, 360.77964203727674,
-    378.48547030119011, 392.5550051422876, 405.31614074355014,
-    421.74150173342304, 441.4412304371254, 457.82211257306926,
-    480.45566322885566, 513.45774433642032, 555.4000490334372,
-    605.92811073979146, 652.49495125201292, 704.61385101258315,
-    786.33845891481292, 874.04643470496728, 1012.3600088462719,
-    1159.4774300577808, 1379.2669821003758, 1756.1106436012778,
-    2357.4547208831491, 217148.93534056327, 0.0, 0.46532971898727915,
-    0.68496949409616426, 0.94645340397600952, 1.102736193185504,
-    1.312453009792369, 1.4867727436472011, 1.6340240974064906,
-    1.8260512349059785, 1.9700706984768943, 2.1040893787044128,
-    2.2333135236192967, 2.3880111121966587, 2.5520785579949155,
-    2.6739841145948597, 2.8075636832160806, 2.9039966303754365,
-    3.0345967971695451, 3.2102417439344437, 3.3137856992787351,
-    3.4376002808848787, 3.5571277890563819, 3.6898499180667237,
-    3.799063723671626, 3.94997555574531, 4.0925736583580976,
-    4.2086028832412561, 4.3390635740171728, 4.4761244808887941,
-    4.6023420572801266, 4.7263227277876512, 4.8591547764014482,
-    5.0957595508246589, 5.30514679884981, 5.4401600222425195,
-    5.5717535777959721, 5.7003644346866409, 5.8768488839999593,
-    5.991691304228997, 6.1771150398732244, 6.3465048845874961,
-    6.4948860632013519, 6.6772230060948159, 6.8030943590107249,
-    6.9813191429783039, 7.165284199966873, 7.3873559281058423,
-    7.5948269266966975, 7.801592658633016, 7.9955249125214145,
-    8.1905643672046686, 8.3270830680818655, 8.5054910750061179,
-    8.7225666260180663, 8.9368113184240965, 9.1376808053645888,
-    9.3633428615533649, 9.5990825604962264, 9.7364383724201087,
-    9.9186955590691088, 10.124746714296, 10.40687565362729, 10.737648017833138,
-    11.012188237958963, 11.214102933586581, 11.45440355061357,
-    11.736264046084917, 12.026226014607102, 12.245762888886343,
-    12.541549269023777, 12.756641375192153, 12.98360561266394,
-    13.288306417225625, 13.526164571303489, 13.75503655409527,
-    14.117128492708087, 14.374029807073448, 14.712173108685258,
-    14.981897180990096, 15.344366904559326, 15.600391910392348,
-    16.020999494977502, 16.300440442407332, 16.606309936976054,
-    16.902143272482817, 17.159816580240875, 17.461774805635738,
-    17.781122815339479, 18.119654210560597, 18.48063214553467,
-    18.820102897217541, 19.161710076244763, 19.479832189525602,
-    19.848403979835609, 20.122299299121863, 20.43004460334555,
-    20.753188532047265, 21.116860477662346, 21.534773567291243,
-    22.137744141529421, 22.45219966811996, 22.843712755485114,
-    23.327127510714419, 23.801219885543535, 24.400068243422009,
-    24.859199781454677, 25.249212813218318, 25.681597611963909,
-    26.218124149559316, 26.865624109857663, 27.476273115575268,
-    28.003316090112232, 28.465744086402083, 29.114406317582951,
-    29.863184721251695, 30.645923853117178, 31.411221663197541,
-    32.083675244596449, 32.623907125336849, 33.542071438820663,
-    34.423855107765, 35.090015994189059, 35.83529395578082, 36.739635743840758,
-    37.456669272617518, 38.267335328548761, 39.333029993613607,
-    40.288484522728531, 41.508400903755643, 42.819861162087363,
-    43.639905039190687, 44.572666361081048, 45.821482473822918,
-    46.862153416881057, 48.147392790601714, 49.404082667631819,
-    50.527705863342902, 52.004399737632923, 53.494784474459131,
-    54.714589396642559, 55.67232429415796, 56.793224205114853,
-    58.007050364060461, 59.680200263089169, 61.232876696778597,
-    62.427428818562269, 63.973042504689445, 65.632536988952083,
-    67.347413597855891, 69.065640807296859, 70.464693299553076,
-    72.418849794356461, 74.105138155507049, 75.662376323980538,
-    77.872835649845626, 79.967351057764517, 81.928379445805646,
-    84.034972341121062, 86.103344705230924, 88.477411000229537,
-    90.312287755291578, 92.507210044700187, 95.060608477240947,
-    97.679889639836844, 100.54820722011901, 104.05860073649033,
-    106.9975903165883, 110.72495391129446, 114.47278880860986,
-    118.67332903577829, 122.47362728985475, 127.29751063199502,
-    131.9947396665213, 137.58105901899614, 143.2436551636288,
-    148.62549462778085, 155.59863941964065, 162.63324375828105,
-    168.58328521973854, 176.47623591935073, 187.10110318413911,
-    194.1945607895322, 205.76585363429373, 218.54795010442368,
-    224.54362476449748, 231.28500418937108, 243.28574251055934,
-    254.11346183370961, 270.37086108698531, 283.71979921314824,
-    298.26484833307381, 309.41788972573079, 335.8183191815636,
-    361.8565261478937, 398.47210782079094, 453.94084657359673,
-    537.44153147414909, 644.04067764548461, 779.41712961885173,
-    1047.3517440661496, 32924.039482636828, 0.0, 0.44937757329633327,
-    0.61250349172115959, 0.7863111534649565, 0.88962062078461757,
-    1.0382238515645796, 1.1737343879099387, 1.3675367911897895,
-    1.4812885968395111, 1.6632187662691276, 1.8341758133782387,
-    1.9619748247014435, 2.0552125983628433, 2.1703209170187905,
-    2.2961317300880717, 2.3982858575534443, 2.4969661855862513,
-    2.6039206933082872, 2.7154863269399461, 2.7935806808717341,
-    2.9157144052335742, 3.0304254455360686, 3.1804609723019346,
-    3.2662231643163544, 3.3535831040758928, 3.4593860912217078,
-    3.5730577882484265, 3.6829046499090672, 3.7926322745010292,
-    3.918389650507887, 4.0461615056476345, 4.1688075178063455,
-    4.261935760927039, 4.3872821403468514, 4.4849226816074195,
-    4.5815647915521316, 4.7329622842326859, 4.8333438381787959,
-    4.9751149870072844, 5.1439939747359258, 5.2679283122041474,
-    5.3979939515818964, 5.4986148492629514, 5.5833034840702549,
-    5.7762491544651375, 5.8901795208691912, 6.0406044947405793,
-    6.1414968907338547, 6.3109595855296661, 6.4702277997994733,
-    6.6084310395612746, 6.7478047002924155, 6.8791042308295953,
-    6.9969768325569115, 7.1196791826285173, 7.2490813954518822,
-    7.4130615395895152, 7.6062113466901806, 7.7506437587572199,
-    7.8830685300393055, 8.0353926744476123, 8.1996939525956183,
-    8.4142220833085606, 8.5808330010701201, 8.7445310419872921,
-    8.9841822249357115, 9.181432418740652, 9.3539737653904709,
-    9.5793187725543287, 9.7462277892814431, 9.9098280489576762,
-    10.04079373626851, 10.211734359829405, 10.501564944142677,
-    10.710373784142686, 10.886736785556671, 11.066921822136326,
-    11.235485714770356, 11.437646009474888, 11.67346914949365,
-    11.83325542414009, 12.036493633448316, 12.32938637637468,
-    12.554138183666348, 12.743210513050011, 12.983810120622046,
-    13.174204038774839, 13.3680862872507, 13.620942224242304,
-    13.890272176459577, 14.165385082423146, 14.413231848006964,
-    14.724376594252243, 14.977328826245193, 15.231234613500565,
-    15.55914351677969, 15.781820608210545, 16.091194364415028,
-    16.347431974296502, 16.596030336748036, 16.887891775703359,
-    17.178071227425107, 17.48876537215957, 17.802979490086393,
-    18.167601675413529, 18.451234059983907, 18.773722324177371,
-    19.095678793499459, 19.393224208627331, 19.892470444495725,
-    20.360431028492791, 20.714816695587093, 21.109538106861837,
-    21.528542624887123, 21.903763658847744, 22.32752745556132,
-    22.932277869765915, 23.443859045149278, 24.010482595441839,
-    24.454443667170533, 24.893590041546005, 25.519805040678591,
-    25.948341902144293, 26.521018356962905, 27.203480036460771,
-    27.923098995772133, 28.875462789782972, 29.551018023069748,
-    29.950704440314354, 30.476114881076313, 31.046996042296136,
-    31.828920785208862, 32.724644642398538, 33.519807747032317,
-    34.207784670738299, 34.978220277672911, 35.82880248810423,
-    36.674526307149222, 37.539567643195326, 38.598050079089823,
-    39.461587691403167, 40.326650088153748, 41.3817881768775,
-    42.413485151973958, 43.434107971290473, 44.327692773369833,
-    45.281573404128643, 46.623500435435595, 47.845340004545946,
-    48.925490779005997, 50.099817716244445, 51.130922527278209,
-    52.52201636244277, 54.171384212197573, 56.251402930866988,
-    57.343667697555219, 59.060037223666868, 60.886212298901022,
-    62.282534857812919, 63.86965941245365, 65.907528655065505,
-    68.060546344496487, 69.886943517625568, 72.15339782090426,
-    74.790861312079699, 76.921991723046403, 79.835163669975174,
-    82.098620972009513, 84.019415664127024, 87.941587866072609,
-    90.308304219949349, 93.475153751625228, 96.866828921040394,
-    99.559133387387135, 103.13311038199714, 107.13838078377783,
-    111.61641909521742, 116.39540365181381, 122.02402340139254,
-    126.12078269274167, 131.70138789081315, 136.7872837632539,
-    142.28439193970823, 147.89576596130524, 152.23255441740992,
-    157.7226413282819, 164.37241204310453, 173.15971613514671,
-    180.11295998936518, 188.48112308463158, 202.36800846564165,
-    217.16809097558243, 229.45603073021095, 243.95331007710857,
-    267.19713077328231, 291.31657906696654, 319.83880240534251,
-    369.84715199786609, 456.83736037240828, 563.36551513987104,
-    1212.4845181047338, 0.0, 0.39299523597374442, 0.57756602839919102,
-    0.74933717643467546, 0.84798806113800529, 0.98808387915300122,
-    1.0731681865898071, 1.1904878246948769, 1.3296105353290197,
-    1.4470486564441511, 1.6132307202687894, 1.7334018816456787,
-    1.8405138120116515, 1.9401180825384614, 2.0206956222611518,
-    2.088323294417457, 2.1965858893088366, 2.2678507808547295,
-    2.3513510591465976, 2.452940588067142, 2.5244403869314138,
-    2.6111507000688201, 2.686185953440015, 2.7762991589505912,
-    2.8623591840837115, 2.9644501753879853, 3.0534304377734371,
-    3.1183306038752914, 3.2022029138736583, 3.3578682900076662,
-    3.4578586494674859, 3.5567846506796079, 3.6352803762683252,
-    3.7653628446367353, 3.8440117447262629, 3.9584732534380351,
-    4.0302646502503574, 4.1218781156084869, 4.211981828454741,
-    4.3396760587886405, 4.4201415569911395, 4.5235887459809963,
-    4.6307469822655509, 4.7731054586827728, 4.8838280863806549,
-    4.9937362132930252, 5.1605178704372632, 5.2560966186259481,
-    5.3556600842824587, 5.4678635206702646, 5.5973168757166114,
-    5.7048755075035276, 5.8878433771286218, 6.0190112054897522,
-    6.118844708522011, 6.2719026695437989, 6.3725565545753042,
-    6.4738742707717662, 6.5961657370971558, 6.6863432232288851,
-    6.8285306029142401, 6.9529888304791623, 7.0345923470005971,
-    7.153050087371815, 7.23828648460319, 7.3488613350575518,
-    7.5297259666276082, 7.665228962415263, 7.814513809818397,
-    7.9676729944874758, 8.0965767962005515, 8.258619388928004,
-    8.4038000906770929, 8.5498166593706451, 8.6979091856223683,
-    8.8099783579444786, 8.9513067459030502, 9.1237502030553657,
-    9.3482831702262139, 9.5044967504159725, 9.6593366065001636,
-    9.82253449013227, 9.9874115529723486, 10.137506876476476,
-    10.289126599046901, 10.444223952502876, 10.599915162622709,
-    10.734363441288647, 10.917595405084366, 11.108460594133211,
-    11.352160340302392, 11.607842306499339, 11.798599260283471,
-    12.009365871239995, 12.251934875461144, 12.49314138461267,
-    12.815528078713546, 13.078160801731713, 13.367979668775682,
-    13.61963788461563, 13.830407348960653, 14.134759793056256,
-    14.406222062237235, 14.719108048702839, 15.039806819372597,
-    15.357959034733886, 15.742708764682598, 16.038031868942646,
-    16.342061974077719, 16.619014591659234, 16.995469066261826,
-    17.440245060531616, 17.749017033014272, 18.105417999557947,
-    18.521262453800805, 18.847635914656443, 19.422978973137425,
-    19.69919609219999, 20.085099945021412, 20.537864119839881,
-    21.008059900732494, 21.532289222273434, 22.054776673981362,
-    22.335014932602295, 22.916014727566228, 23.337139989662067,
-    23.720719036927843, 24.388060450004911, 24.84313177402456,
-    25.486862832547693, 26.168604409957322, 26.702984764635431,
-    27.287480741291404, 27.801078630394546, 28.269720592443107,
-    28.926401527988713, 29.605430975118843, 30.330319669354552,
-    31.30134009465884, 31.993708205209099, 32.73067706792078,
-    33.486394058985752, 34.167581724784604, 35.401930848802451,
-    36.065974473699839, 36.896350829985813, 37.7813927333629,
-    38.921309661559299, 39.97516998571502, 40.789572211691727,
-    42.125840794801142, 43.644711500275349, 44.85355032164108,
-    45.812829425455917, 47.046058315709615, 48.449631897327926,
-    49.622408318720304, 51.04144247927352, 53.201024346560494,
-    54.577940901359469, 55.974500547503887, 57.300272604946706,
-    58.935437915672885, 61.253114155133289, 63.821740538824884,
-    65.624318697869271, 67.454483508361619, 69.123018783403808,
-    71.210354296257066, 74.567150230165254, 76.23070335468914,
-    78.271987515678816, 81.071827225516031, 83.453646862710841,
-    86.529339530495577, 89.958680391197973, 92.139227178417912,
-    95.452626979151631, 98.96652527128883, 102.73989810547134,
-    106.50759157615551, 111.64659346669681, 115.90393310434297,
-    120.92459723788905, 125.40052719866213, 129.67134907792868,
-    135.46294701412262, 142.5538801102015, 151.30070681491432,
-    157.84567716877518, 169.5170423411827, 178.87680934745092,
-    193.39884029816415, 208.14234715671577, 235.5424670602799,
-    259.89890359594898, 295.34858783034383, 334.33861915695468,
-    435.37594838703143, 500.4258992515953, 26136.224608103177, 0.0,
-    0.39973293565211121, 0.54970468651962101, 0.69428019898164828,
-    0.80416896659170267, 0.97256228280721502, 1.0741947545845139,
-    1.1635254227187484, 1.2659631876378288, 1.3822232353331732,
-    1.4871416503290158, 1.6059691148096156, 1.7314193523743162,
-    1.8189928465042873, 1.9334458898159075, 2.0377516716510327,
-    2.1075833274228066, 2.217744079961764, 2.2892931053076637,
-    2.370399790641895, 2.4612447561840849, 2.5289316577717074,
-    2.6468319175582824, 2.7635584974075624, 2.8487982858984613,
-    2.960003647452937, 3.040264995484101, 3.1340583717433561,
-    3.235843360825664, 3.3184989258906628, 3.3887498944054912,
-    3.4742665307996607, 3.5562981091035697, 3.6417013733235564,
-    3.7311047300627127, 3.8872996993864741, 3.9804799011541103,
-    4.0534756404067585, 4.1363024053202926, 4.2208974321794877,
-    4.2861111457481496, 4.3766112965174155, 4.4823314746332565,
-    4.5480736492020721, 4.6140282594933879, 4.6927572802426791,
-    4.7950758075336255, 4.8965365095798212, 5.0072589054206107,
-    5.0975160269495143, 5.2362442989591846, 5.3289517016526302,
-    5.4178449031775839, 5.5118563643244292, 5.5991786537930563,
-    5.7292585294169509, 5.8455520624288511, 5.9835086379946096,
-    6.1056860394816654, 6.2159830829296503, 6.3853574209981945,
-    6.4974583447731833, 6.6378799857782989, 6.7643189783177879,
-    6.9331608618050389, 7.0563877476272356, 7.1597694820310664,
-    7.2747575984770805, 7.4061511602581902, 7.566805332709456,
-    7.7166738418404099, 7.8275904312086375, 7.9656564706412034,
-    8.1244717048328159, 8.3128776945349419, 8.4492226274061721,
-    8.6026791744357034, 8.7913701590231152, 8.9674862747079285,
-    9.203292738543686, 9.4039626926929181, 9.5311545009803265,
-    9.7551708743344214, 9.9026582594455501, 10.022592104276631,
-    10.254556398686347, 10.441547514468155, 10.55911902240299,
-    10.753522809241019, 10.926077226400229, 11.111675067184086,
-    11.282496796620391, 11.542358714530458, 11.747566119524583,
-    12.063275519031006, 12.341240623919091, 12.652985756993917,
-    12.911635251767006, 13.185612347682703, 13.397850815278218,
-    13.510168018667791, 13.823974357607668, 14.079700135326661,
-    14.319520604253412, 14.516982034078424, 14.715852185550794,
-    14.964361234520684, 15.243919353703765, 15.434116248837348,
-    15.848964391761008, 16.086776522206492, 16.492027051516569,
-    16.795026784147762, 17.200208653485955, 17.498774119010612,
-    17.697568539728877, 17.989065229745375, 18.378303894171673,
-    18.701677957394676, 19.000050086953262, 19.305072306272276,
-    19.640223854343546, 20.148513190788542, 20.571031137831589,
-    20.950263329212515, 21.493452145932224, 21.900647991805542,
-    22.368835386038555, 22.757466417332257, 23.266697302860564,
-    23.748918186455164, 24.013428277953601, 24.436060444302342,
-    24.839469583056065, 25.343925184450622, 25.873641504196087,
-    26.482510119485095, 27.117741302188946, 28.028030125009568,
-    28.67264931970686, 29.423325760610378, 29.889992195728581,
-    30.465443031984776, 31.309530466130287, 31.901260500752073,
-    32.799551692053072, 33.541476679668996, 34.443620232941036,
-    35.302557206918429, 36.095895295724823, 36.967344523130116,
-    37.972365673128152, 39.113785970733069, 40.183225976540719,
-    41.415014418976391, 42.519519437606419, 43.877982190483891,
-    45.274268146469012, 46.598258997931197, 47.577075478663595,
-    49.30474498506122, 50.820118338226344, 52.111331702490496,
-    53.410484924257844, 54.902819374535113, 56.280708096832775,
-    57.753628438949818, 58.879346286077769, 59.968520735732298,
-    60.999746067677791, 62.753450775062085, 64.030882243935793,
-    65.729557300284014, 67.561576034705098, 69.665957842633134,
-    71.539525862837877, 73.715255033933218, 76.042333108418404,
-    79.197194154406716, 82.16221890263013, 85.299196384291619,
-    89.066358132689487, 91.826772968117325, 96.091493878155831,
-    101.23287053213269, 106.50298553112719, 109.91541659247912,
-    113.35584144711426, 119.43260281154497, 126.01710530963756,
-    135.83275402928408, 143.34767183967989, 153.86665354982301,
-    165.32615555272824, 178.67838621083195, 195.7780863511025,
-    213.10059234298109, 235.43734867679117, 282.56546879749584,
-    344.49428452558914, 1032.3156481054148, 0.0, 0.28542906758282582,
-    0.44835957796562231, 0.62651997706725926, 0.72080554472755054,
-    0.85153448889118422, 1.0135203835548705, 1.1497401649165981,
-    1.249689630633253, 1.3399789001967404, 1.4564959287102479,
-    1.5525185391245844, 1.645337296328182, 1.7029587642670561,
-    1.7998807148268574, 1.8818193335491449, 1.9378684814241007,
-    2.0045089255406014, 2.0748139436457822, 2.1773066185618797,
-    2.2832712158697772, 2.3883600529626685, 2.51854086329767,
-    2.6082969305879526, 2.6653570235348072, 2.7353083692676279,
-    2.8357637619195271, 2.949800063298929, 3.0384811951680373,
-    3.1078994075124524, 3.2335260889505033, 3.2990419647626399,
-    3.3727668828240933, 3.4799226620744226, 3.5425893742655994,
-    3.602653782843948, 3.6809307822931201, 3.7636220805378935,
-    3.8356481276880539, 3.9348563402662586, 4.0173932529537133,
-    4.1063926031921367, 4.1717702846007647, 4.2630914745857496,
-    4.3776816586639553, 4.4711604153944746, 4.5898411942902397,
-    4.6529598063193873, 4.7594223012672128, 4.859397400196225,
-    4.9911351337934935, 5.0565770304775857, 5.1225454425221839,
-    5.2210476830787913, 5.3162453599135313, 5.4019041740602542,
-    5.4940746055002112, 5.6136974622961269, 5.7781825322921838,
-    5.8753555715066135, 5.9710447043669799, 6.0693550815356012,
-    6.2210987536494446, 6.3057281942751633, 6.4213140942100821,
-    6.5389008456679329, 6.6598814572271587, 6.7667995850353684,
-    6.8447945703412136, 6.9638166797290806, 7.089919065426475,
-    7.2063358053191635, 7.352017914006157, 7.4537565287326801,
-    7.582581434309609, 7.7515979917104838, 7.922857945264326,
-    8.1036189902911531, 8.3020028506929222, 8.4634925955724825,
-    8.6391711422358544, 8.7635395423761935, 8.8992877245899145,
-    9.0893279549043093, 9.3039711595273165, 9.4509385898117682,
-    9.5886214810203292, 9.7390698728931344, 9.9541876691465312,
-    10.169584740152244, 10.408818535856438, 10.659936222779091,
-    10.885872639294179, 11.234872889392312, 11.380004892188218,
-    11.630544911322611, 11.842161705728255, 12.145847767420936,
-    12.330853164469056, 12.583698055254121, 12.816494298528724,
-    13.030768267855716, 13.340667906325312, 13.590963465427643,
-    13.838270526487388, 14.074223027757553, 14.348879588563831,
-    14.623052429806279, 14.889780883997153, 15.16693031574218,
-    15.627987742305928, 15.886715102647821, 16.122720491922152,
-    16.370043221512347, 16.698521062776425, 17.014791424541087,
-    17.277243625151677, 17.630298905505015, 17.922468720470825,
-    18.149957595022286, 18.504105261759602, 18.795720406240982,
-    19.18862905514699, 19.475658613972989, 19.718119783763974,
-    20.003625971835866, 20.315035816376586, 20.769230895348553,
-    21.215197103344, 21.721451002558126, 22.141375933409783,
-    22.495823827116208, 22.862304058851613, 23.305091172097715,
-    23.849319624238138, 24.24364699835543, 24.720699200556524,
-    25.085626207841511, 25.638589513652505, 26.154907865789191,
-    26.464735192229831, 26.827306144197109, 27.546994095945028,
-    28.177135131091795, 28.63885753555148, 29.495195057633349,
-    29.842693161801382, 30.377067174788916, 30.875858140539503,
-    31.744346334559026, 32.758933651918937, 33.726942266387887,
-    34.215890876186286, 35.205804764096222, 36.335678040868849,
-    37.11614771455158, 37.941465739425929, 38.859334633575578,
-    39.928208407832223, 40.699477662771486, 41.819209837420011,
-    43.215290220738062, 43.752358355431525, 44.477418638451525,
-    45.544939322383215, 46.640235116349203, 47.579833058320212,
-    49.08201798196896, 50.659250361498124, 51.765930922941273,
-    53.63059431256552, 55.1000160675475, 56.73201493619726, 58.246215912516156,
-    59.40623788602521, 61.827647106103718, 64.49842649472086,
-    66.976553190431929, 70.198059650548117, 73.471061518231679,
-    75.97093457032166, 78.702576395464334, 81.611672320767141,
-    83.584533696176564, 89.483719245164707, 95.503007633435587,
-    99.897758416618558, 104.5780094282018, 111.60694946504658,
-    117.51568863458957, 127.92288436293775, 136.29858810722959,
-    147.30418079416475, 162.5922919611979, 173.4980042718681,
-    184.44721960771685, 206.66903439286079, 235.60943993849668,
-    279.42538519180954, 395.73590980190897, 767.7437697537913, 0.0,
-    0.36374037786845004, 0.55995190555689123, 0.68730867176589694,
-    0.8050753739354829, 0.92714388919158952, 1.0175094347724474,
-    1.0720068922506483, 1.1785486021612082, 1.2657419124971916,
-    1.4035727483941891, 1.4650786245458309, 1.5545465660549713,
-    1.650599565868383, 1.6933702592952453, 1.7732804777571083,
-    1.8838172082592433, 1.954950718947722, 2.0048840780203179,
-    2.0683672686827492, 2.1645078261391331, 2.2612520597106451,
-    2.3359440089385646, 2.3981343988484136, 2.4476156886612883,
-    2.5691159773482495, 2.6084450349000678, 2.6658038289568791,
-    2.802053890520781, 2.8561183704950697, 2.9543741961709769,
-    3.0135138877978185, 3.0505910337969002, 3.129399027027457,
-    3.1984302483970564, 3.3186190937914195, 3.4057540256655323,
-    3.4777981689415913, 3.5184191917833267, 3.5975803130944266,
-    3.6588848905491038, 3.8130976291367, 3.8802414294541254, 3.957222730170348,
-    4.0900593899149893, 4.1986310350360245, 4.3311490651060334,
-    4.4373460503609401, 4.5587919710581124, 4.6277536709616927,
-    4.6884807290574564, 4.7843280503620607, 4.8638283249690355,
-    4.948337773654341, 5.1040636578149838, 5.1795964194464377,
-    5.2973077144211338, 5.3522785288725707, 5.4939098011676935,
-    5.6180430790090652, 5.7470634587269451, 5.8397056876634732,
-    5.9561260760004444, 6.0433823634687371, 6.1235992948872031,
-    6.2504421209611483, 6.4113950981142374, 6.5516323124086711,
-    6.7244564776287783, 6.8618195100648141, 6.9505641642794975,
-    7.0916813413393385, 7.2272991950515504, 7.3163089878854173,
-    7.4623335136659801, 7.6110387010371117, 7.7791913595037805,
-    7.936641896374983, 8.0878941913267184, 8.2595490578730129,
-    8.385431944546335, 8.5207274071897672, 8.6857803464137824,
-    8.8101649975015821, 8.9536744831786148, 9.0600596564391367,
-    9.2078447326702051, 9.3228888631291884, 9.4666810933090737,
-    9.5842181319219488, 9.7117679522558404, 9.8364937741290674,
-    9.9578885988719605, 10.050258999773828, 10.222935957512945,
-    10.316390929540351, 10.475548798393795, 10.645698388425439,
-    10.784281041251679, 10.948840474245644, 11.18619695562867,
-    11.391007009711993, 11.567902525938473, 11.71609814428081,
-    11.986239831997279, 12.114994517734564, 12.299234012158884,
-    12.519873907814063, 12.863454387962484, 13.071436848150757,
-    13.401814698265529, 13.616665965772345, 13.917822552439985,
-    14.188207378128368, 14.392249303363604, 14.565292790891043,
-    14.8227217543752, 15.082488535254081, 15.353996053129002,
-    15.71970041593713, 16.055798117141507, 16.350541959618788,
-    16.59026542651214, 16.985800718119268, 17.454849654596948,
-    17.727304029707067, 18.074448871862273, 18.657077244754035,
-    19.113484525377181, 19.562570052919153, 20.051208287923327,
-    20.510845671810618, 20.868530774744045, 21.265799148848728,
-    21.905779229740901, 22.253576842522836, 22.93054457765145,
-    23.206345747345235, 23.442698316367355, 23.819566588138276,
-    24.284074517836409, 24.787572758168594, 25.29135993018971,
-    25.702149605001754, 26.244235212381223, 26.972918611793055,
-    27.497687861234269, 27.803253080067293, 28.455954373351648,
-    28.799808431536636, 29.848012115835569, 30.659490646833433,
-    31.278494629826003, 31.986230266586109, 32.844426473455414,
-    33.467758528183403, 34.226128209009545, 35.361957028401591,
-    36.258109649477035, 36.936669242532219, 37.818365857787754,
-    38.696285651145452, 40.081917650133853, 40.64346996992446,
-    41.711711592656641, 42.702888952548854, 43.463449958527363,
-    44.933303891653537, 46.280030045429775, 46.884828739246672,
-    47.9164412951895, 48.816783602198043, 51.059938151143868,
-    52.990341731171874, 55.149664388125281, 56.632548806783447,
-    59.744429378935919, 61.750152716933627, 64.13446025245527,
-    65.894498123950655, 68.469194455591804, 72.127321506278804,
-    75.510184634367306, 79.070343457944233, 82.83698071207391,
-    86.213350717712743, 91.263841459235479, 96.251898067968696,
-    100.97702206389322, 110.24223086163732, 122.08402559600439,
-    133.28649360785434, 143.88249756506781, 165.37750731198261,
-    172.54296243585648, 184.52345636646612, 205.19933792261477,
-    225.68130093091153, 254.48608422209975, 356.13158711494771,
-    667.13884179705951, 0.0, 0.26354229304624982, 0.38447836652746359,
-    0.47827776444151504, 0.57102745980500924, 0.66953353299980622,
-    0.7418659221489563, 0.83156847070200968, 0.90459644576835174,
-    1.0010729921508612, 1.0747030979707302, 1.1266171474464457,
-    1.2074942519793959, 1.2865431026365461, 1.3473439404701553,
-    1.4202020302877516, 1.4768893225494599, 1.5313969774675775,
-    1.5909847654923739, 1.6475355098467457, 1.6997939412324161,
-    1.7637752265692834, 1.8242615872864518, 1.8898188947673684,
-    1.9509538324144411, 2.0098808061983942, 2.0640737132115903,
-    2.1250621349491174, 2.1880199036006234, 2.2482335097460373,
-    2.3224687338799601, 2.3810854640962966, 2.4539462471917695,
-    2.5205389108480092, 2.5736335433800064, 2.6351983220648534,
-    2.7117894124038844, 2.7769524741702436, 2.8358464472920151,
-    2.8923290609616985, 2.952869124430904, 3.019886501351988,
-    3.0890122216294262, 3.1640429065297679, 3.230928687772761,
-    3.2871518048094348, 3.3658272937032447, 3.4150577541035902,
-    3.5021039779235932, 3.5747695852696721, 3.6487836281519805,
-    3.7241574101269204, 3.8142260058409829, 3.889886219446729,
-    3.959556232893171, 4.0356800011365941, 4.1057394274812147,
-    4.1980461864106902, 4.309452131909552, 4.3828331762835537,
-    4.4695204020316721, 4.5367508600967223, 4.6233009941728263,
-    4.723559288314422, 4.8418135782046221, 4.9493007712556114,
-    5.0770358904447308, 5.1638022761303857, 5.258523659828418,
-    5.355344510356554, 5.4603287604488076, 5.5379537810288211,
-    5.6249248142354942, 5.7220275089216761, 5.838923475249886,
-    5.9497212657328467, 6.0583843755738309, 6.1867532212460965,
-    6.3064698765052771, 6.4319591322171776, 6.5483864027049101,
-    6.6488785338577285, 6.7665965268891011, 6.9052017507528056,
-    7.045854866965354, 7.2014256979466307, 7.330485956308558,
-    7.4487327302385404, 7.5665345877761823, 7.6547168896849138,
-    7.8054455606559943, 7.9504829122596341, 8.0783042696456278,
-    8.2122962977826681, 8.3879105778396355, 8.5583569201645879,
-    8.7283836649546007, 8.883891378612029, 9.0083786843632403,
-    9.1761351492455319, 9.3638324400389497, 9.5907615887485385,
-    9.7594846934193047, 10.010833472510898, 10.185621904747663,
-    10.346951216302086, 10.520062141237078, 10.706681377384809,
-    10.967233078599998, 11.138591663326494, 11.336327609263476,
-    11.538065870352529, 11.780969742764785, 12.040396856930878,
-    12.278033460635026, 12.572587972604635, 12.836717579047866,
-    13.112528685175548, 13.349919258349592, 13.711232799022634,
-    13.952743864796032, 14.173739895596908, 14.465060589666624,
-    14.731797503743392, 14.982825032585207, 15.26649112996823,
-    15.569851389101043, 15.807990176918581, 16.100384923714998,
-    16.357766493568764, 16.777677977704688, 17.171170485060028,
-    17.439164114500958, 17.753339594991331, 18.098780157602537,
-    18.506119482642575, 18.872634818431685, 19.158220809140616,
-    19.460619214965231, 19.861854966350609, 20.194551637195691,
-    20.572956591632238, 20.928294578986577, 21.344426709478942,
-    21.66166937542549, 22.240766877718343, 22.565729819049889,
-    23.044323591163653, 23.475228287516739, 23.932777693805892,
-    24.431735905582023, 24.9753478724361, 25.444631767712121,
-    26.034501673986167, 26.793728332827442, 27.366686796047183,
-    27.957289531847202, 28.628949210391269, 29.141828609314189,
-    29.719739181851036, 30.30594251575133, 30.960727844584873,
-    32.027496656930069, 32.974018472252368, 33.863248797022031,
-    34.561629815364022, 35.481873500994837, 36.425956905396923,
-    37.348331262937052, 38.205344049967586, 39.198221653394434,
-    40.278372389201685, 41.677786414811592, 43.065418693400801,
-    44.574973160850661, 46.276760954798682, 47.637500721436417,
-    49.306031705719278, 51.89715331335065, 54.021647205722303,
-    56.568849685307754, 58.260272125967838, 61.01559773170208,
-    63.460178968983008, 66.681062849099575, 70.419627156287063,
-    73.920166575505235, 77.213692861072445, 81.815040784668199,
-    85.962566683415389, 91.041503329412507, 95.177144795049969,
-    99.955722087200343, 108.58955753524259, 117.80784071631163,
-    130.37475347981882, 147.21446326393803, 169.18325814487829,
-    205.95766196129654, 265.65512151989378, 87848.280391018183, 0.0,
-    0.19490317513848199, 0.31818006814142752, 0.44431328428917849,
-    0.51127610159630021, 0.60383086895704507, 0.66138230429826461,
-    0.71265972318194859, 0.76129462676019677, 0.83795014966870063,
-    0.89283607223616412, 0.94121780304322211, 0.99883776020744297,
-    1.0583181972227838, 1.1082428211928517, 1.1713208117143756,
-    1.2148024624665414, 1.2609968601390287, 1.3328682001354739,
-    1.3925492252792258, 1.4667867999704067, 1.514482258913509,
-    1.5743932825824867, 1.6055483247197799, 1.6735799139620093,
-    1.7242981980275145, 1.7695095310430997, 1.8260039068052139,
-    1.8847715885877299, 1.9197993080657989, 1.9744731923762646,
-    2.0311915914165062, 2.1097644028458769, 2.1664244086126137,
-    2.2431869595868097, 2.2837360345225766, 2.3556313195570087,
-    2.405430036905444, 2.4505170860355792, 2.4989854383785239,
-    2.5407069198492236, 2.5973895600257899, 2.6662262216343775,
-    2.7003533281249101, 2.7540559919851004, 2.8059856736986672,
-    2.8744094871135686, 2.9296784011089727, 2.9987201241218648,
-    3.060603076649417, 3.149353771093593, 3.2335250198149148,
-    3.2987481250279922, 3.3813159530575105, 3.420245321649098,
-    3.4667630445198467, 3.5404207818987037, 3.6319368958518181,
-    3.7059200378072354, 3.7740034108713001, 3.8372038077261137,
-    3.9197610988151039, 3.9886257099364339, 4.0660495867193172,
-    4.138300196794412, 4.2257097559547683, 4.3260432863760752,
-    4.4121971145250116, 4.5042890038890597, 4.5643129623079091,
-    4.6632837420436948, 4.760388268790428, 4.8656859399723364,
-    4.9325603768335293, 5.0342194443918942, 5.1201176332551412,
-    5.2068094592308221, 5.2861985755361616, 5.3619402279344657,
-    5.4488952829979578, 5.5661630444890307, 5.6302459604039878,
-    5.7251570645424943, 5.8265289703090026, 5.9757197595129812,
-    6.0745229648833075, 6.1917517048051831, 6.2953470395796423,
-    6.403259690218019, 6.4917627633704118, 6.6358190501534073,
-    6.7679316573810269, 6.8686794099073571, 6.951123042441683,
-    7.0714773931514774, 7.1876874501549377, 7.2851841541363633,
-    7.4277247272769777, 7.545118161206557, 7.6796631181823791,
-    7.8167880642937018, 7.9566071237538072, 8.0603936878360543,
-    8.1832039873181959, 8.3115755716587163, 8.4320844813486833,
-    8.5902802761521784, 8.7221702888496431, 8.8514060135926869,
-    9.0332345688234028, 9.1963706908372931, 9.3367587179861236,
-    9.497006030540005, 9.6427753811526102, 9.8532189063800164,
-    10.050461242163172, 10.168236220470268, 10.348527513241617,
-    10.531791667580992, 10.703985943887844, 10.93278400032537,
-    11.15334897515447, 11.279161608656203, 11.493658887982159,
-    11.629213658946661, 11.813149108077441, 12.148329929207353,
-    12.428225959361159, 12.590673999087862, 12.794134333415222,
-    13.002054595845699, 13.29166579030848, 13.555249875763497,
-    13.805021300146676, 14.163857718369647, 14.396612581875223,
-    14.68307313946254, 14.923008872428863, 15.32205455142778,
-    15.692053745001203, 16.016016291617053, 16.269176030476242,
-    16.559936897997712, 16.907361798334914, 17.258247430228977,
-    17.522507804773419, 17.819739257247601, 18.300494526840033,
-    18.61675208077844, 18.901401014716043, 19.417022408557258,
-    19.797904233478242, 20.228015085729147, 20.637954339218549,
-    21.183210911355513, 21.771881557448339, 22.21773210897102,
-    22.779612813526374, 23.276529546096842, 23.849594764724543,
-    24.446921593531446, 25.015101229550464, 25.658559396356374,
-    26.282199605420455, 27.105386636499361, 27.676243476410885,
-    28.419439927324717, 29.184424065828914, 29.883208551297241,
-    30.862499878001806, 31.713413996846523, 32.826935291082727,
-    33.72406490654123, 34.680776796431886, 35.528359794461842,
-    36.670845950707843, 37.969249977719763, 39.273981900912467,
-    40.244728926237393, 41.483302822400162, 43.211405024691217,
-    44.630074152677139, 46.308911078822682, 48.422856008629161,
-    49.774586644602294, 51.781332900742051, 53.252372889554401,
-    55.257436943999878, 57.314324693762337, 60.134437476839075,
-    64.643054466595004, 67.805529413896068, 72.960204750804039,
-    78.548035565623934, 86.612578466349305, 95.851443874433429,
-    105.43467161328387, 123.71872542791084, 144.47153346382115,
-    176.91525388308472, 309.16164265953068, 0.0, 0.093398210950316154,
-    0.1964204104101267, 0.28305640434431101, 0.37579074941364743,
-    0.43376997866650091, 0.49429543879132976, 0.53862866326746572,
-    0.58159097219579325, 0.61215633846525852, 0.66489866088651661,
-    0.71376871279852483, 0.76604518711445135, 0.80762780660631495,
-    0.86702460155016359, 0.92578293211375118, 0.96655278458941574,
-    1.012408711382466, 1.0389370892326379, 1.0979094469421704,
-    1.1360967828124768, 1.1843998812376955, 1.2121765466487182,
-    1.2356656356376803, 1.269517337829088, 1.3064220440414478,
-    1.3456604109067491, 1.3847455871539975, 1.4433510659744919,
-    1.4787246262422706, 1.5290320752062629, 1.5562124703009197,
-    1.6073426914107938, 1.6404681580522233, 1.6702244973685063,
-    1.73063179859356, 1.7750006715499509, 1.8279516044521678,
-    1.859195201800822, 1.9053170452940513, 1.9280767671566097,
-    1.9902516035810496, 2.0186760912468551, 2.092657238098997,
-    2.1474948054253384, 2.1871961512096565, 2.2317816251782281,
-    2.2907742739410164, 2.3359180870369833, 2.3869816483688759,
-    2.4529856457177273, 2.4909203390683849, 2.5537529934964778,
-    2.6292032978804851, 2.6784202619777213, 2.7190242328666847,
-    2.7592501032192169, 2.8141411237425067, 2.8832878890394928,
-    2.9253711343109838, 2.9954526684612648, 3.0483400308079833,
-    3.1195790079290284, 3.1882923341376097, 3.2475133828248954,
-    3.3082893597110878, 3.3998621255091428, 3.47762860298067,
-    3.5504403144136871, 3.6091991238429708, 3.6617110799009782,
-    3.747352642356359, 3.7869413127021954, 3.8494017410196837,
-    3.9492065318655385, 4.0178432318231367, 4.1459135647020364,
-    4.2117067391482745, 4.2819404568634685, 4.3483465566680453,
-    4.4244779495490469, 4.4626585143965478, 4.529665123797245,
-    4.590443570999347, 4.6959724608287416, 4.7546121047868048,
-    4.8565039814092676, 4.9526895878521771, 5.0443764740864374,
-    5.1192000512767368, 5.2222704461323, 5.3679136440586834, 5.44561515189495,
-    5.573881356101074, 5.6587732114410647, 5.7456859581229036,
-    5.8285056653676959, 5.9249388997940375, 6.0008874169591815,
-    6.1408249280378238, 6.1925479765893821, 6.257597707865, 6.3482665820132933,
-    6.4362617657783012, 6.5018677743421236, 6.5990992264693222,
-    6.7059841755319676, 6.8408659416578956, 6.9783602936172588,
-    7.0768404883339144, 7.275512674657814, 7.3760305080718176,
-    7.4852630022878435, 7.5558323048134834, 7.6469369887215128,
-    7.7796586853873126, 7.8927874437708638, 7.9917930786552116,
-    8.1024563434454961, 8.2999865668501034, 8.4506558762494599,
-    8.5965995871403145, 8.8639775066208841, 8.963955758417768,
-    9.1445204978480277, 9.3391048111935557, 9.4789266524635813,
-    9.6269538620278485, 9.798523665360058, 9.9267454692157209,
-    10.135523291360611, 10.266903541690644, 10.45005203381487,
-    10.715778409248584, 10.96464567850493, 11.083463676843031,
-    11.256660301260217, 11.500996192642983, 11.687974340512826,
-    11.903229343489697, 12.133709181931877, 12.310998874748263,
-    12.750272219083747, 13.056147482613222, 13.253490555112993,
-    13.675145968268881, 13.924230477174909, 14.217574079767886,
-    14.571236022596374, 14.939288725850155, 15.314551253615292,
-    15.575987515584663, 15.833645863054313, 16.200485384427974,
-    16.477465196601848, 16.843241153808755, 17.272849032588312,
-    17.796542227272955, 18.154946140541519, 18.42280855377696,
-    18.768141850732011, 19.187362345680633, 19.591309885228171,
-    19.89722345376024, 20.702595711695711, 21.128564543818339,
-    21.527729127045859, 21.98660526945358, 22.521671536797641,
-    23.024367946134102, 23.561848505072032, 24.014992900974836,
-    24.436576472708754, 25.503186568685322, 26.610835772872736,
-    27.151442239196715, 27.70328225888667, 28.806039995726948,
-    29.627287233320377, 30.315284533811624, 31.327683853768139,
-    32.147834022257314, 32.92691659425568, 34.04201415685305,
-    35.413352753610873, 36.221826443150817, 37.977707465427912,
-    39.36878752355473, 40.951879054950432, 42.365682197246947,
-    44.629804117764586, 46.795396750300675, 49.67533805194968,
-    54.589345174300426, 59.129570664612665, 65.197403972300108,
-    72.17408937465612, 82.574762345786382, 93.478082113773723,
-    137.00082761546682, 199.8118228761337, 0.0, 0.10986207372166874,
-    0.14872621306540318, 0.19845064349132605, 0.23956108970357301,
-    0.27567089124994565, 0.30377868213388104, 0.33708359499769869,
-    0.36673053244321807, 0.39912993308020295, 0.426779015978206,
-    0.44779438158941426, 0.47517643738476034, 0.50286573074575236,
-    0.52693060971954953, 0.55098158547076637, 0.58123019985394664,
-    0.60493909669532997, 0.63389774238520347, 0.67186606098347501,
-    0.69617002023919206, 0.72425525288091774, 0.74131268328835165,
-    0.75822441587657952, 0.78496504186460769, 0.81439669478023768,
-    0.83597937513562759, 0.86590383841807772, 0.8832207398905233,
-    0.9128885288784947, 0.93278832232658382, 0.9712970144945392,
-    0.98805434822469451, 1.017363705614581, 1.0437582087199948,
-    1.0718487411987458, 1.1004250896437773, 1.1194711959360109,
-    1.1437610856843738, 1.1703135770105868, 1.2056434217949175,
-    1.2338045789280789, 1.2543783796951538, 1.2881091828814166,
-    1.3112986519959224, 1.3412713397963407, 1.3643779221604135,
-    1.3915419763427743, 1.4135745730894449, 1.4437349779195308,
-    1.4780368538634174, 1.5059249898934794, 1.5377824779923701,
-    1.5720832254223982, 1.6052142651949446, 1.6359894194069291,
-    1.6698249679324384, 1.7010194250562272, 1.7272294927445859,
-    1.7640864928040065, 1.8021508917193763, 1.836941181297739,
-    1.8572858792099074, 1.8790413654272671, 1.9118884108245098,
-    1.942073490357896, 1.9694860799879985, 2.0015645272239428,
-    2.0522149106625998, 2.0912660589444134, 2.1247257810064668,
-    2.1749093251088301, 2.2217650563723126, 2.2797139028050473,
-    2.3273351675369698, 2.3662520837977135, 2.4085161957373407,
-    2.44842259128407, 2.4966048731591064, 2.5293551875388931,
-    2.5632601598410365, 2.6058201417068219, 2.6332894599197223,
-    2.6736218730705206, 2.7182676740160878, 2.7675212194433909,
-    2.812780412941005, 2.851379316835152, 2.8952580472277556,
-    2.9324664002449192, 2.9730447751871556, 3.0227975296309393,
-    3.0615273198990827, 3.1268021698603428, 3.174893627551298,
-    3.2193684712802222, 3.2683746695506959, 3.3223129099795639,
-    3.373078633435032, 3.436781965208882, 3.4965341709413189,
-    3.5485636123343998, 3.6258706424876941, 3.6600532837001367,
-    3.70560155555301, 3.7650593373841739, 3.8358507676461393,
-    3.9084549757206171, 3.9708021023524647, 4.0212671115382888,
-    4.0946288617889595, 4.1394244422887896, 4.2188351505187107,
-    4.2823861107092336, 4.345215736329938, 4.4124531199132271,
-    4.4715502537649803, 4.5793747033075158, 4.6772348615589658,
-    4.7793135998354499, 4.8587348255519132, 4.9729544448725447,
-    5.0694000105385566, 5.1648687512296263, 5.2375026757215011,
-    5.3107689102038451, 5.3918869300439356, 5.4798227286901664,
-    5.5404131589193328, 5.648241044217758, 5.7449977826195706,
-    5.8598429438509489, 5.9784308800284593, 6.0724910376893559,
-    6.2240939885017204, 6.3418997607004348, 6.4869662152984544,
-    6.6005309624044228, 6.7321547133945252, 6.8313273194562418,
-    6.9553827276444107, 7.0978539209087161, 7.2385617409417087,
-    7.4083545257663301, 7.5207064390014864, 7.6784562087734116,
-    7.8094272468662487, 7.9694720845049609, 8.1498776347751605,
-    8.3017112945801781, 8.5266505277166349, 8.6503142671472784,
-    8.9054272928070564, 9.1373026527777839, 9.3315715528110896,
-    9.5401595700260877, 9.7597048968193185, 9.9666371700161704,
-    10.22144069326451, 10.408114251683418, 10.676084943208242,
-    10.908036087339795, 11.20436716656776, 11.477519824720831,
-    11.808217307144476, 12.095306359268855, 12.384349218033464,
-    12.685309460589796, 12.923557637527606, 13.204138344604788,
-    13.616900691559191, 13.979656973992922, 14.606515576714788,
-    14.962258652534821, 15.314510650339031, 15.724483559731054,
-    16.382829228207918, 17.009132961353529, 17.366569031693889,
-    17.900210603831621, 18.648573105414446, 19.363994023453447,
-    20.143558523165193, 20.828002130195308, 21.73898624871266,
-    22.409876982562661, 23.415203632804776, 24.355119676733135,
-    25.938175172718896, 27.639017238717773, 29.341494300849057,
-    30.595119225694788, 32.714674098003904, 35.49272152410154,
-    37.928565199883295, 43.491713440727274, 47.581292491927705,
-    57.969627624865709, 63.340294577285306, 80.397876878853367,
-    1699.4418298669216, 0.0, 0.057563746961587628, 0.072111582138628103,
-    0.08953965473080569, 0.096680126595439592, 0.11426458268489206,
-    0.12297408594046662, 0.13531860413261979, 0.14452962166237915,
-    0.18495685986529226, 0.19550850903207695, 0.22061034782875669,
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-    0.27913993724767144, 0.29698064960443493, 0.31244925057107031,
-    0.32122508788845933, 0.33311366430341305, 0.34236037155250942,
-    0.35256380627730061, 0.35729858105022982, 0.36206918848814695,
-    0.36696792159332803, 0.37634614206748435, 0.38534850898782269,
-    0.3894744547332164, 0.40001857990165496, 0.40628143701841141,
-    0.41257543810712505, 0.42792024247708083, 0.43741390937376029,
-    0.44679385424881979, 0.45338668180597402, 0.45852917891908479,
-    0.46847035670602488, 0.47881191760237773, 0.48636454017775488,
-    0.49953494697176376, 0.50860731875951681, 0.51485110540295576,
-    0.52109982877729388, 0.52856828716304816, 0.53396501041075717,
-    0.54519067350690764, 0.55087030570382234, 0.56120787950497175,
-    0.56947875574614748, 0.57879694500782908, 0.59045771217758214,
-    0.60020074472460661, 0.61356581621742379, 0.62339692092995469,
-    0.62921777922324307, 0.63757958596122966, 0.64566282308710643,
-    0.65337163144903077, 0.65757954743934188, 0.66731107005984081,
-    0.68506693378151473, 0.69407449975565316, 0.71475464833393743,
-    0.71919154363460669, 0.72854121818321049, 0.73768805533929283,
-    0.74964936797719572, 0.77319064552644212, 0.78475208628536974,
-    0.79568283458133116, 0.80765736770217855, 0.81877434008276662,
-    0.82795271525666825, 0.83973491168326087, 0.84972560110746476,
-    0.85639470621002023, 0.8647134858775507, 0.88244802261826683,
-    0.89985271988240045, 0.92340768696765485, 0.93788541450428287,
-    0.94792835531188524, 0.96027918757802155, 0.96921149562521636,
-    0.97952213604373195, 0.98854957689191614, 0.99970116951294496,
-    1.00882043327571, 1.0201870773908586, 1.041349919759516,
-    1.0556530343908901, 1.0756585260782074, 1.088223830319788,
-    1.0958784727426483, 1.1149995386526934, 1.1304796415226661,
-    1.1446063542280724, 1.1638356180596499, 1.1745794869462154,
-    1.193511657405055, 1.2182391405087374, 1.2382096317106388,
-    1.2472982421708765, 1.2622218704529613, 1.2744400683695623,
-    1.2908221594923039, 1.305167165044943, 1.3252374721898401,
-    1.3384679854994657, 1.3542873322844842, 1.3724563152241775,
-    1.3892962190041085, 1.4109408775708268, 1.419655422200014,
-    1.4315263030154188, 1.4527276892177177, 1.4683378048771656,
-    1.4867165057343337, 1.516076453749051, 1.5433792065946024,
-    1.5553543482759045, 1.5609831318052232, 1.5806764726673499,
-    1.6041131847991026, 1.6344144243726575, 1.6710888016711845,
-    1.7061932731840148, 1.7354452179890347, 1.7630243267926291,
-    1.7975788676407549, 1.814028785525206, 1.8281150670319055,
-    1.8550087441605427, 1.8737649522280617, 1.8856226040366797,
-    1.9079304881331332, 1.9442107218496263, 1.9659920408787115,
-    1.9983699901526899, 2.0223202139688512, 2.0401740051464592,
-    2.0748888988742027, 2.1149914291249212, 2.1360608521646109,
-    2.1565833101041338, 2.1693334907915234, 2.207376721598215,
-    2.2255919603217067, 2.272629194554781, 2.3279774087392666,
-    2.3517585387327471, 2.3910765083557908, 2.4703248547335415,
-    2.5208338119493607, 2.5806226807785433, 2.6402836153572076,
-    2.7185362598168772, 2.7677835795641461, 2.8180997959029526,
-    2.8326345693021624, 2.8701055927549652, 2.9318268717765115,
-    3.0139842815042615, 3.0571236539047622, 3.1734047661118234,
-    3.2297672388561938, 3.3059073464928148, 3.3897975561487925,
-    3.4745601523423382, 3.5452181551689357, 3.6265670674665991,
-    3.7050473014775043, 3.8309245560041219, 3.9372996837644192,
-    4.0716930145722978, 4.212857083996437, 4.2692123731220972,
-    4.46591990841738, 4.5523023767467139, 4.6548916677892533,
-    4.7758394764018659, 4.9758326990027228, 5.2769985200911247,
-    5.5486096014042028, 5.7245726086000337, 6.0102407093754762,
-    6.1426829331257933, 6.287333950013684, 6.5928811370882103,
-    6.9367730409204489, 7.0646691460119388, 7.2083448239980932,
-    7.5049899728910674, 8.1901484843386374, 8.6011704867597345,
-    9.304469886954676, 10.665731252277961, 11.88866301597937,
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+    0.0,
+    0.56094372606762677,
+    0.7748555093433106,
+    0.95310767752176617,
+    1.1906079835411554,
+    1.4135063615181933,
+    1.5469706087575439,
+    1.717637715444549,
+    1.9078084450312611,
+    2.078830865302939,
+    2.3673694393209286,
+    2.5652916154906422,
+    2.719176314163422,
+    2.9143350583182777,
+    3.0556867288035465,
+    3.3314071492430846,
+    3.5309373944964433,
+    3.7198259542235506,
+    3.9746173222307726,
+    4.1716075147757152,
+    4.3331714146492013,
+    4.5010791980770231,
+    4.7010753304750965,
+    4.8936058791922381,
+    5.1037597147293932,
+    5.2592473096915198,
+    5.4933808099586612,
+    5.6277238343814533,
+    5.8620859412865522,
+    6.1059450539869653,
+    6.3120134479962893,
+    6.5830830775944706,
+    6.8200926493441481,
+    7.0702834736372564,
+    7.3483462204604635,
+    7.6264067744909951,
+    7.8372782469612465,
+    8.0617780685477705,
+    8.3995622657866384,
+    8.7403882283600378,
+    9.0992605207420993,
+    9.3705162889778926,
+    9.75889880418889,
+    10.194686638374007,
+    10.438514323942188,
+    10.726873592781514,
+    11.069318434988878,
+    11.396569108340843,
+    11.801419844938572,
+    12.128206841266881,
+    12.485948104637052,
+    12.756299870388832,
+    13.076944452763826,
+    13.458692068837927,
+    13.824717813822369,
+    14.316393196413889,
+    14.621905587891465,
+    14.888480073624264,
+    15.335930506891625,
+    15.609627342322275,
+    16.191900883034002,
+    16.54381609680534,
+    17.147813194052553,
+    17.468929751742763,
+    17.940480341162086,
+    18.345046931400908,
+    18.601290104964175,
+    19.011371018239437,
+    19.335036342308854,
+    19.740516156682062,
+    20.13447317647455,
+    20.462447938558235,
+    21.091090849462493,
+    21.556877958704259,
+    21.823267014913611,
+    22.208749180717806,
+    22.786099855049944,
+    23.371401551338806,
+    23.73315353587088,
+    24.31738397233147,
+    24.625223648727555,
+    25.069412618036147,
+    25.928099135972015,
+    26.497110723217201,
+    27.085968731165757,
+    27.631123699960334,
+    28.187584878982072,
+    28.991619387322526,
+    29.353231676085986,
+    30.083376143103514,
+    30.880607280324416,
+    31.435216510900492,
+    32.392330109783813,
+    32.921554836523583,
+    33.514110805447565,
+    34.303809151243847,
+    35.456294459561711,
+    36.280791683627093,
+    36.940252784295062,
+    37.717899566227963,
+    38.457688239199655,
+    39.596732893642503,
+    40.36400419560065,
+    40.945135884536548,
+    41.797758649637814,
+    42.487275414278201,
+    43.921777494122409,
+    44.874273975496472,
+    45.67446232320151,
+    46.727212320012811,
+    47.45119952715492,
+    48.639858771576726,
+    49.370473491276989,
+    50.528638968567975,
+    51.389834372987714,
+    52.582079342007546,
+    53.589199085657242,
+    54.585243505081834,
+    55.622223351244195,
+    56.936556831025484,
+    58.385520290381457,
+    59.451232373507203,
+    60.588566421499443,
+    62.401492617291595,
+    63.88804064081846,
+    65.599157033995837,
+    67.204436723739235,
+    69.4912133287594,
+    71.622345320740351,
+    73.103725049112015,
+    75.089813374922841,
+    76.884823802108912,
+    78.275061550352873,
+    80.357326438684495,
+    83.305006897820235,
+    85.400732831032357,
+    87.218868459052473,
+    89.130072489534143,
+    91.252783666141042,
+    92.815637585979999,
+    95.739391170148252,
+    98.435092605981637,
+    100.31960869294872,
+    102.50286766025864,
+    105.48705400852423,
+    108.82295714914468,
+    111.39204546177986,
+    114.62248349802513,
+    117.87687880992867,
+    119.40484241859349,
+    122.7734081083525,
+    125.26971884287919,
+    128.55177396728385,
+    131.66269963489299,
+    136.57359107720188,
+    140.51816667169177,
+    144.16804544736863,
+    150.35987039520109,
+    154.72466658210519,
+    160.54109480247283,
+    164.18861964598716,
+    170.24309324015738,
+    175.29889321042558,
+    183.11630724838597,
+    189.01683118972002,
+    196.90975774880297,
+    204.49263459337524,
+    213.04893801936598,
+    219.75869942751646,
+    228.19907555440614,
+    239.44926809073948,
+    248.20168822805923,
+    259.25320106736922,
+    265.44318466962994,
+    277.32312416782054,
+    288.56952434288797,
+    298.64263419554209,
+    315.25981209742378,
+    331.89024853535398,
+    342.74298087821637,
+    360.77964203727674,
+    378.48547030119011,
+    392.5550051422876,
+    405.31614074355014,
+    421.74150173342304,
+    441.4412304371254,
+    457.82211257306926,
+    480.45566322885566,
+    513.45774433642032,
+    555.4000490334372,
+    605.92811073979146,
+    652.49495125201292,
+    704.61385101258315,
+    786.33845891481292,
+    874.04643470496728,
+    1012.3600088462719,
+    1159.4774300577808,
+    1379.2669821003758,
+    1756.1106436012778,
+    2357.4547208831491,
+    217148.93534056327,
+    0.0,
+    0.46532971898727915,
+    0.68496949409616426,
+    0.94645340397600952,
+    1.102736193185504,
+    1.312453009792369,
+    1.4867727436472011,
+    1.6340240974064906,
+    1.8260512349059785,
+    1.9700706984768943,
+    2.1040893787044128,
+    2.2333135236192967,
+    2.3880111121966587,
+    2.5520785579949155,
+    2.6739841145948597,
+    2.8075636832160806,
+    2.9039966303754365,
+    3.0345967971695451,
+    3.2102417439344437,
+    3.3137856992787351,
+    3.4376002808848787,
+    3.5571277890563819,
+    3.6898499180667237,
+    3.799063723671626,
+    3.94997555574531,
+    4.0925736583580976,
+    4.2086028832412561,
+    4.3390635740171728,
+    4.4761244808887941,
+    4.6023420572801266,
+    4.7263227277876512,
+    4.8591547764014482,
+    5.0957595508246589,
+    5.30514679884981,
+    5.4401600222425195,
+    5.5717535777959721,
+    5.7003644346866409,
+    5.8768488839999593,
+    5.991691304228997,
+    6.1771150398732244,
+    6.3465048845874961,
+    6.4948860632013519,
+    6.6772230060948159,
+    6.8030943590107249,
+    6.9813191429783039,
+    7.165284199966873,
+    7.3873559281058423,
+    7.5948269266966975,
+    7.801592658633016,
+    7.9955249125214145,
+    8.1905643672046686,
+    8.3270830680818655,
+    8.5054910750061179,
+    8.7225666260180663,
+    8.9368113184240965,
+    9.1376808053645888,
+    9.3633428615533649,
+    9.5990825604962264,
+    9.7364383724201087,
+    9.9186955590691088,
+    10.124746714296,
+    10.40687565362729,
+    10.737648017833138,
+    11.012188237958963,
+    11.214102933586581,
+    11.45440355061357,
+    11.736264046084917,
+    12.026226014607102,
+    12.245762888886343,
+    12.541549269023777,
+    12.756641375192153,
+    12.98360561266394,
+    13.288306417225625,
+    13.526164571303489,
+    13.75503655409527,
+    14.117128492708087,
+    14.374029807073448,
+    14.712173108685258,
+    14.981897180990096,
+    15.344366904559326,
+    15.600391910392348,
+    16.020999494977502,
+    16.300440442407332,
+    16.606309936976054,
+    16.902143272482817,
+    17.159816580240875,
+    17.461774805635738,
+    17.781122815339479,
+    18.119654210560597,
+    18.48063214553467,
+    18.820102897217541,
+    19.161710076244763,
+    19.479832189525602,
+    19.848403979835609,
+    20.122299299121863,
+    20.43004460334555,
+    20.753188532047265,
+    21.116860477662346,
+    21.534773567291243,
+    22.137744141529421,
+    22.45219966811996,
+    22.843712755485114,
+    23.327127510714419,
+    23.801219885543535,
+    24.400068243422009,
+    24.859199781454677,
+    25.249212813218318,
+    25.681597611963909,
+    26.218124149559316,
+    26.865624109857663,
+    27.476273115575268,
+    28.003316090112232,
+    28.465744086402083,
+    29.114406317582951,
+    29.863184721251695,
+    30.645923853117178,
+    31.411221663197541,
+    32.083675244596449,
+    32.623907125336849,
+    33.542071438820663,
+    34.423855107765,
+    35.090015994189059,
+    35.83529395578082,
+    36.739635743840758,
+    37.456669272617518,
+    38.267335328548761,
+    39.333029993613607,
+    40.288484522728531,
+    41.508400903755643,
+    42.819861162087363,
+    43.639905039190687,
+    44.572666361081048,
+    45.821482473822918,
+    46.862153416881057,
+    48.147392790601714,
+    49.404082667631819,
+    50.527705863342902,
+    52.004399737632923,
+    53.494784474459131,
+    54.714589396642559,
+    55.67232429415796,
+    56.793224205114853,
+    58.007050364060461,
+    59.680200263089169,
+    61.232876696778597,
+    62.427428818562269,
+    63.973042504689445,
+    65.632536988952083,
+    67.347413597855891,
+    69.065640807296859,
+    70.464693299553076,
+    72.418849794356461,
+    74.105138155507049,
+    75.662376323980538,
+    77.872835649845626,
+    79.967351057764517,
+    81.928379445805646,
+    84.034972341121062,
+    86.103344705230924,
+    88.477411000229537,
+    90.312287755291578,
+    92.507210044700187,
+    95.060608477240947,
+    97.679889639836844,
+    100.54820722011901,
+    104.05860073649033,
+    106.9975903165883,
+    110.72495391129446,
+    114.47278880860986,
+    118.67332903577829,
+    122.47362728985475,
+    127.29751063199502,
+    131.9947396665213,
+    137.58105901899614,
+    143.2436551636288,
+    148.62549462778085,
+    155.59863941964065,
+    162.63324375828105,
+    168.58328521973854,
+    176.47623591935073,
+    187.10110318413911,
+    194.1945607895322,
+    205.76585363429373,
+    218.54795010442368,
+    224.54362476449748,
+    231.28500418937108,
+    243.28574251055934,
+    254.11346183370961,
+    270.37086108698531,
+    283.71979921314824,
+    298.26484833307381,
+    309.41788972573079,
+    335.8183191815636,
+    361.8565261478937,
+    398.47210782079094,
+    453.94084657359673,
+    537.44153147414909,
+    644.04067764548461,
+    779.41712961885173,
+    1047.3517440661496,
+    32924.039482636828,
+    0.0,
+    0.44937757329633327,
+    0.61250349172115959,
+    0.7863111534649565,
+    0.88962062078461757,
+    1.0382238515645796,
+    1.1737343879099387,
+    1.3675367911897895,
+    1.4812885968395111,
+    1.6632187662691276,
+    1.8341758133782387,
+    1.9619748247014435,
+    2.0552125983628433,
+    2.1703209170187905,
+    2.2961317300880717,
+    2.3982858575534443,
+    2.4969661855862513,
+    2.6039206933082872,
+    2.7154863269399461,
+    2.7935806808717341,
+    2.9157144052335742,
+    3.0304254455360686,
+    3.1804609723019346,
+    3.2662231643163544,
+    3.3535831040758928,
+    3.4593860912217078,
+    3.5730577882484265,
+    3.6829046499090672,
+    3.7926322745010292,
+    3.918389650507887,
+    4.0461615056476345,
+    4.1688075178063455,
+    4.261935760927039,
+    4.3872821403468514,
+    4.4849226816074195,
+    4.5815647915521316,
+    4.7329622842326859,
+    4.8333438381787959,
+    4.9751149870072844,
+    5.1439939747359258,
+    5.2679283122041474,
+    5.3979939515818964,
+    5.4986148492629514,
+    5.5833034840702549,
+    5.7762491544651375,
+    5.8901795208691912,
+    6.0406044947405793,
+    6.1414968907338547,
+    6.3109595855296661,
+    6.4702277997994733,
+    6.6084310395612746,
+    6.7478047002924155,
+    6.8791042308295953,
+    6.9969768325569115,
+    7.1196791826285173,
+    7.2490813954518822,
+    7.4130615395895152,
+    7.6062113466901806,
+    7.7506437587572199,
+    7.8830685300393055,
+    8.0353926744476123,
+    8.1996939525956183,
+    8.4142220833085606,
+    8.5808330010701201,
+    8.7445310419872921,
+    8.9841822249357115,
+    9.181432418740652,
+    9.3539737653904709,
+    9.5793187725543287,
+    9.7462277892814431,
+    9.9098280489576762,
+    10.04079373626851,
+    10.211734359829405,
+    10.501564944142677,
+    10.710373784142686,
+    10.886736785556671,
+    11.066921822136326,
+    11.235485714770356,
+    11.437646009474888,
+    11.67346914949365,
+    11.83325542414009,
+    12.036493633448316,
+    12.32938637637468,
+    12.554138183666348,
+    12.743210513050011,
+    12.983810120622046,
+    13.174204038774839,
+    13.3680862872507,
+    13.620942224242304,
+    13.890272176459577,
+    14.165385082423146,
+    14.413231848006964,
+    14.724376594252243,
+    14.977328826245193,
+    15.231234613500565,
+    15.55914351677969,
+    15.781820608210545,
+    16.091194364415028,
+    16.347431974296502,
+    16.596030336748036,
+    16.887891775703359,
+    17.178071227425107,
+    17.48876537215957,
+    17.802979490086393,
+    18.167601675413529,
+    18.451234059983907,
+    18.773722324177371,
+    19.095678793499459,
+    19.393224208627331,
+    19.892470444495725,
+    20.360431028492791,
+    20.714816695587093,
+    21.109538106861837,
+    21.528542624887123,
+    21.903763658847744,
+    22.32752745556132,
+    22.932277869765915,
+    23.443859045149278,
+    24.010482595441839,
+    24.454443667170533,
+    24.893590041546005,
+    25.519805040678591,
+    25.948341902144293,
+    26.521018356962905,
+    27.203480036460771,
+    27.923098995772133,
+    28.875462789782972,
+    29.551018023069748,
+    29.950704440314354,
+    30.476114881076313,
+    31.046996042296136,
+    31.828920785208862,
+    32.724644642398538,
+    33.519807747032317,
+    34.207784670738299,
+    34.978220277672911,
+    35.82880248810423,
+    36.674526307149222,
+    37.539567643195326,
+    38.598050079089823,
+    39.461587691403167,
+    40.326650088153748,
+    41.3817881768775,
+    42.413485151973958,
+    43.434107971290473,
+    44.327692773369833,
+    45.281573404128643,
+    46.623500435435595,
+    47.845340004545946,
+    48.925490779005997,
+    50.099817716244445,
+    51.130922527278209,
+    52.52201636244277,
+    54.171384212197573,
+    56.251402930866988,
+    57.343667697555219,
+    59.060037223666868,
+    60.886212298901022,
+    62.282534857812919,
+    63.86965941245365,
+    65.907528655065505,
+    68.060546344496487,
+    69.886943517625568,
+    72.15339782090426,
+    74.790861312079699,
+    76.921991723046403,
+    79.835163669975174,
+    82.098620972009513,
+    84.019415664127024,
+    87.941587866072609,
+    90.308304219949349,
+    93.475153751625228,
+    96.866828921040394,
+    99.559133387387135,
+    103.13311038199714,
+    107.13838078377783,
+    111.61641909521742,
+    116.39540365181381,
+    122.02402340139254,
+    126.12078269274167,
+    131.70138789081315,
+    136.7872837632539,
+    142.28439193970823,
+    147.89576596130524,
+    152.23255441740992,
+    157.7226413282819,
+    164.37241204310453,
+    173.15971613514671,
+    180.11295998936518,
+    188.48112308463158,
+    202.36800846564165,
+    217.16809097558243,
+    229.45603073021095,
+    243.95331007710857,
+    267.19713077328231,
+    291.31657906696654,
+    319.83880240534251,
+    369.84715199786609,
+    456.83736037240828,
+    563.36551513987104,
+    1212.4845181047338,
+    0.0,
+    0.39299523597374442,
+    0.57756602839919102,
+    0.74933717643467546,
+    0.84798806113800529,
+    0.98808387915300122,
+    1.0731681865898071,
+    1.1904878246948769,
+    1.3296105353290197,
+    1.4470486564441511,
+    1.6132307202687894,
+    1.7334018816456787,
+    1.8405138120116515,
+    1.9401180825384614,
+    2.0206956222611518,
+    2.088323294417457,
+    2.1965858893088366,
+    2.2678507808547295,
+    2.3513510591465976,
+    2.452940588067142,
+    2.5244403869314138,
+    2.6111507000688201,
+    2.686185953440015,
+    2.7762991589505912,
+    2.8623591840837115,
+    2.9644501753879853,
+    3.0534304377734371,
+    3.1183306038752914,
+    3.2022029138736583,
+    3.3578682900076662,
+    3.4578586494674859,
+    3.5567846506796079,
+    3.6352803762683252,
+    3.7653628446367353,
+    3.8440117447262629,
+    3.9584732534380351,
+    4.0302646502503574,
+    4.1218781156084869,
+    4.211981828454741,
+    4.3396760587886405,
+    4.4201415569911395,
+    4.5235887459809963,
+    4.6307469822655509,
+    4.7731054586827728,
+    4.8838280863806549,
+    4.9937362132930252,
+    5.1605178704372632,
+    5.2560966186259481,
+    5.3556600842824587,
+    5.4678635206702646,
+    5.5973168757166114,
+    5.7048755075035276,
+    5.8878433771286218,
+    6.0190112054897522,
+    6.118844708522011,
+    6.2719026695437989,
+    6.3725565545753042,
+    6.4738742707717662,
+    6.5961657370971558,
+    6.6863432232288851,
+    6.8285306029142401,
+    6.9529888304791623,
+    7.0345923470005971,
+    7.153050087371815,
+    7.23828648460319,
+    7.3488613350575518,
+    7.5297259666276082,
+    7.665228962415263,
+    7.814513809818397,
+    7.9676729944874758,
+    8.0965767962005515,
+    8.258619388928004,
+    8.4038000906770929,
+    8.5498166593706451,
+    8.6979091856223683,
+    8.8099783579444786,
+    8.9513067459030502,
+    9.1237502030553657,
+    9.3482831702262139,
+    9.5044967504159725,
+    9.6593366065001636,
+    9.82253449013227,
+    9.9874115529723486,
+    10.137506876476476,
+    10.289126599046901,
+    10.444223952502876,
+    10.599915162622709,
+    10.734363441288647,
+    10.917595405084366,
+    11.108460594133211,
+    11.352160340302392,
+    11.607842306499339,
+    11.798599260283471,
+    12.009365871239995,
+    12.251934875461144,
+    12.49314138461267,
+    12.815528078713546,
+    13.078160801731713,
+    13.367979668775682,
+    13.61963788461563,
+    13.830407348960653,
+    14.134759793056256,
+    14.406222062237235,
+    14.719108048702839,
+    15.039806819372597,
+    15.357959034733886,
+    15.742708764682598,
+    16.038031868942646,
+    16.342061974077719,
+    16.619014591659234,
+    16.995469066261826,
+    17.440245060531616,
+    17.749017033014272,
+    18.105417999557947,
+    18.521262453800805,
+    18.847635914656443,
+    19.422978973137425,
+    19.69919609219999,
+    20.085099945021412,
+    20.537864119839881,
+    21.008059900732494,
+    21.532289222273434,
+    22.054776673981362,
+    22.335014932602295,
+    22.916014727566228,
+    23.337139989662067,
+    23.720719036927843,
+    24.388060450004911,
+    24.84313177402456,
+    25.486862832547693,
+    26.168604409957322,
+    26.702984764635431,
+    27.287480741291404,
+    27.801078630394546,
+    28.269720592443107,
+    28.926401527988713,
+    29.605430975118843,
+    30.330319669354552,
+    31.30134009465884,
+    31.993708205209099,
+    32.73067706792078,
+    33.486394058985752,
+    34.167581724784604,
+    35.401930848802451,
+    36.065974473699839,
+    36.896350829985813,
+    37.7813927333629,
+    38.921309661559299,
+    39.97516998571502,
+    40.789572211691727,
+    42.125840794801142,
+    43.644711500275349,
+    44.85355032164108,
+    45.812829425455917,
+    47.046058315709615,
+    48.449631897327926,
+    49.622408318720304,
+    51.04144247927352,
+    53.201024346560494,
+    54.577940901359469,
+    55.974500547503887,
+    57.300272604946706,
+    58.935437915672885,
+    61.253114155133289,
+    63.821740538824884,
+    65.624318697869271,
+    67.454483508361619,
+    69.123018783403808,
+    71.210354296257066,
+    74.567150230165254,
+    76.23070335468914,
+    78.271987515678816,
+    81.071827225516031,
+    83.453646862710841,
+    86.529339530495577,
+    89.958680391197973,
+    92.139227178417912,
+    95.452626979151631,
+    98.96652527128883,
+    102.73989810547134,
+    106.50759157615551,
+    111.64659346669681,
+    115.90393310434297,
+    120.92459723788905,
+    125.40052719866213,
+    129.67134907792868,
+    135.46294701412262,
+    142.5538801102015,
+    151.30070681491432,
+    157.84567716877518,
+    169.5170423411827,
+    178.87680934745092,
+    193.39884029816415,
+    208.14234715671577,
+    235.5424670602799,
+    259.89890359594898,
+    295.34858783034383,
+    334.33861915695468,
+    435.37594838703143,
+    500.4258992515953,
+    26136.224608103177,
+    0.0,
+    0.39973293565211121,
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+    0.69428019898164828,
+    0.80416896659170267,
+    0.97256228280721502,
+    1.0741947545845139,
+    1.1635254227187484,
+    1.2659631876378288,
+    1.3822232353331732,
+    1.4871416503290158,
+    1.6059691148096156,
+    1.7314193523743162,
+    1.8189928465042873,
+    1.9334458898159075,
+    2.0377516716510327,
+    2.1075833274228066,
+    2.217744079961764,
+    2.2892931053076637,
+    2.370399790641895,
+    2.4612447561840849,
+    2.5289316577717074,
+    2.6468319175582824,
+    2.7635584974075624,
+    2.8487982858984613,
+    2.960003647452937,
+    3.040264995484101,
+    3.1340583717433561,
+    3.235843360825664,
+    3.3184989258906628,
+    3.3887498944054912,
+    3.4742665307996607,
+    3.5562981091035697,
+    3.6417013733235564,
+    3.7311047300627127,
+    3.8872996993864741,
+    3.9804799011541103,
+    4.0534756404067585,
+    4.1363024053202926,
+    4.2208974321794877,
+    4.2861111457481496,
+    4.3766112965174155,
+    4.4823314746332565,
+    4.5480736492020721,
+    4.6140282594933879,
+    4.6927572802426791,
+    4.7950758075336255,
+    4.8965365095798212,
+    5.0072589054206107,
+    5.0975160269495143,
+    5.2362442989591846,
+    5.3289517016526302,
+    5.4178449031775839,
+    5.5118563643244292,
+    5.5991786537930563,
+    5.7292585294169509,
+    5.8455520624288511,
+    5.9835086379946096,
+    6.1056860394816654,
+    6.2159830829296503,
+    6.3853574209981945,
+    6.4974583447731833,
+    6.6378799857782989,
+    6.7643189783177879,
+    6.9331608618050389,
+    7.0563877476272356,
+    7.1597694820310664,
+    7.2747575984770805,
+    7.4061511602581902,
+    7.566805332709456,
+    7.7166738418404099,
+    7.8275904312086375,
+    7.9656564706412034,
+    8.1244717048328159,
+    8.3128776945349419,
+    8.4492226274061721,
+    8.6026791744357034,
+    8.7913701590231152,
+    8.9674862747079285,
+    9.203292738543686,
+    9.4039626926929181,
+    9.5311545009803265,
+    9.7551708743344214,
+    9.9026582594455501,
+    10.022592104276631,
+    10.254556398686347,
+    10.441547514468155,
+    10.55911902240299,
+    10.753522809241019,
+    10.926077226400229,
+    11.111675067184086,
+    11.282496796620391,
+    11.542358714530458,
+    11.747566119524583,
+    12.063275519031006,
+    12.341240623919091,
+    12.652985756993917,
+    12.911635251767006,
+    13.185612347682703,
+    13.397850815278218,
+    13.510168018667791,
+    13.823974357607668,
+    14.079700135326661,
+    14.319520604253412,
+    14.516982034078424,
+    14.715852185550794,
+    14.964361234520684,
+    15.243919353703765,
+    15.434116248837348,
+    15.848964391761008,
+    16.086776522206492,
+    16.492027051516569,
+    16.795026784147762,
+    17.200208653485955,
+    17.498774119010612,
+    17.697568539728877,
+    17.989065229745375,
+    18.378303894171673,
+    18.701677957394676,
+    19.000050086953262,
+    19.305072306272276,
+    19.640223854343546,
+    20.148513190788542,
+    20.571031137831589,
+    20.950263329212515,
+    21.493452145932224,
+    21.900647991805542,
+    22.368835386038555,
+    22.757466417332257,
+    23.266697302860564,
+    23.748918186455164,
+    24.013428277953601,
+    24.436060444302342,
+    24.839469583056065,
+    25.343925184450622,
+    25.873641504196087,
+    26.482510119485095,
+    27.117741302188946,
+    28.028030125009568,
+    28.67264931970686,
+    29.423325760610378,
+    29.889992195728581,
+    30.465443031984776,
+    31.309530466130287,
+    31.901260500752073,
+    32.799551692053072,
+    33.541476679668996,
+    34.443620232941036,
+    35.302557206918429,
+    36.095895295724823,
+    36.967344523130116,
+    37.972365673128152,
+    39.113785970733069,
+    40.183225976540719,
+    41.415014418976391,
+    42.519519437606419,
+    43.877982190483891,
+    45.274268146469012,
+    46.598258997931197,
+    47.577075478663595,
+    49.30474498506122,
+    50.820118338226344,
+    52.111331702490496,
+    53.410484924257844,
+    54.902819374535113,
+    56.280708096832775,
+    57.753628438949818,
+    58.879346286077769,
+    59.968520735732298,
+    60.999746067677791,
+    62.753450775062085,
+    64.030882243935793,
+    65.729557300284014,
+    67.561576034705098,
+    69.665957842633134,
+    71.539525862837877,
+    73.715255033933218,
+    76.042333108418404,
+    79.197194154406716,
+    82.16221890263013,
+    85.299196384291619,
+    89.066358132689487,
+    91.826772968117325,
+    96.091493878155831,
+    101.23287053213269,
+    106.50298553112719,
+    109.91541659247912,
+    113.35584144711426,
+    119.43260281154497,
+    126.01710530963756,
+    135.83275402928408,
+    143.34767183967989,
+    153.86665354982301,
+    165.32615555272824,
+    178.67838621083195,
+    195.7780863511025,
+    213.10059234298109,
+    235.43734867679117,
+    282.56546879749584,
+    344.49428452558914,
+    1032.3156481054148,
+    0.0,
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+    1.5525185391245844,
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+    1.7029587642670561,
+    1.7998807148268574,
+    1.8818193335491449,
+    1.9378684814241007,
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+    2.0748139436457822,
+    2.1773066185618797,
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+    2.6082969305879526,
+    2.6653570235348072,
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+    2.8357637619195271,
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+    3.1078994075124524,
+    3.2335260889505033,
+    3.2990419647626399,
+    3.3727668828240933,
+    3.4799226620744226,
+    3.5425893742655994,
+    3.602653782843948,
+    3.6809307822931201,
+    3.7636220805378935,
+    3.8356481276880539,
+    3.9348563402662586,
+    4.0173932529537133,
+    4.1063926031921367,
+    4.1717702846007647,
+    4.2630914745857496,
+    4.3776816586639553,
+    4.4711604153944746,
+    4.5898411942902397,
+    4.6529598063193873,
+    4.7594223012672128,
+    4.859397400196225,
+    4.9911351337934935,
+    5.0565770304775857,
+    5.1225454425221839,
+    5.2210476830787913,
+    5.3162453599135313,
+    5.4019041740602542,
+    5.4940746055002112,
+    5.6136974622961269,
+    5.7781825322921838,
+    5.8753555715066135,
+    5.9710447043669799,
+    6.0693550815356012,
+    6.2210987536494446,
+    6.3057281942751633,
+    6.4213140942100821,
+    6.5389008456679329,
+    6.6598814572271587,
+    6.7667995850353684,
+    6.8447945703412136,
+    6.9638166797290806,
+    7.089919065426475,
+    7.2063358053191635,
+    7.352017914006157,
+    7.4537565287326801,
+    7.582581434309609,
+    7.7515979917104838,
+    7.922857945264326,
+    8.1036189902911531,
+    8.3020028506929222,
+    8.4634925955724825,
+    8.6391711422358544,
+    8.7635395423761935,
+    8.8992877245899145,
+    9.0893279549043093,
+    9.3039711595273165,
+    9.4509385898117682,
+    9.5886214810203292,
+    9.7390698728931344,
+    9.9541876691465312,
+    10.169584740152244,
+    10.408818535856438,
+    10.659936222779091,
+    10.885872639294179,
+    11.234872889392312,
+    11.380004892188218,
+    11.630544911322611,
+    11.842161705728255,
+    12.145847767420936,
+    12.330853164469056,
+    12.583698055254121,
+    12.816494298528724,
+    13.030768267855716,
+    13.340667906325312,
+    13.590963465427643,
+    13.838270526487388,
+    14.074223027757553,
+    14.348879588563831,
+    14.623052429806279,
+    14.889780883997153,
+    15.16693031574218,
+    15.627987742305928,
+    15.886715102647821,
+    16.122720491922152,
+    16.370043221512347,
+    16.698521062776425,
+    17.014791424541087,
+    17.277243625151677,
+    17.630298905505015,
+    17.922468720470825,
+    18.149957595022286,
+    18.504105261759602,
+    18.795720406240982,
+    19.18862905514699,
+    19.475658613972989,
+    19.718119783763974,
+    20.003625971835866,
+    20.315035816376586,
+    20.769230895348553,
+    21.215197103344,
+    21.721451002558126,
+    22.141375933409783,
+    22.495823827116208,
+    22.862304058851613,
+    23.305091172097715,
+    23.849319624238138,
+    24.24364699835543,
+    24.720699200556524,
+    25.085626207841511,
+    25.638589513652505,
+    26.154907865789191,
+    26.464735192229831,
+    26.827306144197109,
+    27.546994095945028,
+    28.177135131091795,
+    28.63885753555148,
+    29.495195057633349,
+    29.842693161801382,
+    30.377067174788916,
+    30.875858140539503,
+    31.744346334559026,
+    32.758933651918937,
+    33.726942266387887,
+    34.215890876186286,
+    35.205804764096222,
+    36.335678040868849,
+    37.11614771455158,
+    37.941465739425929,
+    38.859334633575578,
+    39.928208407832223,
+    40.699477662771486,
+    41.819209837420011,
+    43.215290220738062,
+    43.752358355431525,
+    44.477418638451525,
+    45.544939322383215,
+    46.640235116349203,
+    47.579833058320212,
+    49.08201798196896,
+    50.659250361498124,
+    51.765930922941273,
+    53.63059431256552,
+    55.1000160675475,
+    56.73201493619726,
+    58.246215912516156,
+    59.40623788602521,
+    61.827647106103718,
+    64.49842649472086,
+    66.976553190431929,
+    70.198059650548117,
+    73.471061518231679,
+    75.97093457032166,
+    78.702576395464334,
+    81.611672320767141,
+    83.584533696176564,
+    89.483719245164707,
+    95.503007633435587,
+    99.897758416618558,
+    104.5780094282018,
+    111.60694946504658,
+    117.51568863458957,
+    127.92288436293775,
+    136.29858810722959,
+    147.30418079416475,
+    162.5922919611979,
+    173.4980042718681,
+    184.44721960771685,
+    206.66903439286079,
+    235.60943993849668,
+    279.42538519180954,
+    395.73590980190897,
+    767.7437697537913,
+    0.0,
+    0.36374037786845004,
+    0.55995190555689123,
+    0.68730867176589694,
+    0.8050753739354829,
+    0.92714388919158952,
+    1.0175094347724474,
+    1.0720068922506483,
+    1.1785486021612082,
+    1.2657419124971916,
+    1.4035727483941891,
+    1.4650786245458309,
+    1.5545465660549713,
+    1.650599565868383,
+    1.6933702592952453,
+    1.7732804777571083,
+    1.8838172082592433,
+    1.954950718947722,
+    2.0048840780203179,
+    2.0683672686827492,
+    2.1645078261391331,
+    2.2612520597106451,
+    2.3359440089385646,
+    2.3981343988484136,
+    2.4476156886612883,
+    2.5691159773482495,
+    2.6084450349000678,
+    2.6658038289568791,
+    2.802053890520781,
+    2.8561183704950697,
+    2.9543741961709769,
+    3.0135138877978185,
+    3.0505910337969002,
+    3.129399027027457,
+    3.1984302483970564,
+    3.3186190937914195,
+    3.4057540256655323,
+    3.4777981689415913,
+    3.5184191917833267,
+    3.5975803130944266,
+    3.6588848905491038,
+    3.8130976291367,
+    3.8802414294541254,
+    3.957222730170348,
+    4.0900593899149893,
+    4.1986310350360245,
+    4.3311490651060334,
+    4.4373460503609401,
+    4.5587919710581124,
+    4.6277536709616927,
+    4.6884807290574564,
+    4.7843280503620607,
+    4.8638283249690355,
+    4.948337773654341,
+    5.1040636578149838,
+    5.1795964194464377,
+    5.2973077144211338,
+    5.3522785288725707,
+    5.4939098011676935,
+    5.6180430790090652,
+    5.7470634587269451,
+    5.8397056876634732,
+    5.9561260760004444,
+    6.0433823634687371,
+    6.1235992948872031,
+    6.2504421209611483,
+    6.4113950981142374,
+    6.5516323124086711,
+    6.7244564776287783,
+    6.8618195100648141,
+    6.9505641642794975,
+    7.0916813413393385,
+    7.2272991950515504,
+    7.3163089878854173,
+    7.4623335136659801,
+    7.6110387010371117,
+    7.7791913595037805,
+    7.936641896374983,
+    8.0878941913267184,
+    8.2595490578730129,
+    8.385431944546335,
+    8.5207274071897672,
+    8.6857803464137824,
+    8.8101649975015821,
+    8.9536744831786148,
+    9.0600596564391367,
+    9.2078447326702051,
+    9.3228888631291884,
+    9.4666810933090737,
+    9.5842181319219488,
+    9.7117679522558404,
+    9.8364937741290674,
+    9.9578885988719605,
+    10.050258999773828,
+    10.222935957512945,
+    10.316390929540351,
+    10.475548798393795,
+    10.645698388425439,
+    10.784281041251679,
+    10.948840474245644,
+    11.18619695562867,
+    11.391007009711993,
+    11.567902525938473,
+    11.71609814428081,
+    11.986239831997279,
+    12.114994517734564,
+    12.299234012158884,
+    12.519873907814063,
+    12.863454387962484,
+    13.071436848150757,
+    13.401814698265529,
+    13.616665965772345,
+    13.917822552439985,
+    14.188207378128368,
+    14.392249303363604,
+    14.565292790891043,
+    14.8227217543752,
+    15.082488535254081,
+    15.353996053129002,
+    15.71970041593713,
+    16.055798117141507,
+    16.350541959618788,
+    16.59026542651214,
+    16.985800718119268,
+    17.454849654596948,
+    17.727304029707067,
+    18.074448871862273,
+    18.657077244754035,
+    19.113484525377181,
+    19.562570052919153,
+    20.051208287923327,
+    20.510845671810618,
+    20.868530774744045,
+    21.265799148848728,
+    21.905779229740901,
+    22.253576842522836,
+    22.93054457765145,
+    23.206345747345235,
+    23.442698316367355,
+    23.819566588138276,
+    24.284074517836409,
+    24.787572758168594,
+    25.29135993018971,
+    25.702149605001754,
+    26.244235212381223,
+    26.972918611793055,
+    27.497687861234269,
+    27.803253080067293,
+    28.455954373351648,
+    28.799808431536636,
+    29.848012115835569,
+    30.659490646833433,
+    31.278494629826003,
+    31.986230266586109,
+    32.844426473455414,
+    33.467758528183403,
+    34.226128209009545,
+    35.361957028401591,
+    36.258109649477035,
+    36.936669242532219,
+    37.818365857787754,
+    38.696285651145452,
+    40.081917650133853,
+    40.64346996992446,
+    41.711711592656641,
+    42.702888952548854,
+    43.463449958527363,
+    44.933303891653537,
+    46.280030045429775,
+    46.884828739246672,
+    47.9164412951895,
+    48.816783602198043,
+    51.059938151143868,
+    52.990341731171874,
+    55.149664388125281,
+    56.632548806783447,
+    59.744429378935919,
+    61.750152716933627,
+    64.13446025245527,
+    65.894498123950655,
+    68.469194455591804,
+    72.127321506278804,
+    75.510184634367306,
+    79.070343457944233,
+    82.83698071207391,
+    86.213350717712743,
+    91.263841459235479,
+    96.251898067968696,
+    100.97702206389322,
+    110.24223086163732,
+    122.08402559600439,
+    133.28649360785434,
+    143.88249756506781,
+    165.37750731198261,
+    172.54296243585648,
+    184.52345636646612,
+    205.19933792261477,
+    225.68130093091153,
+    254.48608422209975,
+    356.13158711494771,
+    667.13884179705951,
+    0.0,
+    0.26354229304624982,
+    0.38447836652746359,
+    0.47827776444151504,
+    0.57102745980500924,
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+    0.7418659221489563,
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+    0.90459644576835174,
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+    1.1266171474464457,
+    1.2074942519793959,
+    1.2865431026365461,
+    1.3473439404701553,
+    1.4202020302877516,
+    1.4768893225494599,
+    1.5313969774675775,
+    1.5909847654923739,
+    1.6475355098467457,
+    1.6997939412324161,
+    1.7637752265692834,
+    1.8242615872864518,
+    1.8898188947673684,
+    1.9509538324144411,
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+    2.0640737132115903,
+    2.1250621349491174,
+    2.1880199036006234,
+    2.2482335097460373,
+    2.3224687338799601,
+    2.3810854640962966,
+    2.4539462471917695,
+    2.5205389108480092,
+    2.5736335433800064,
+    2.6351983220648534,
+    2.7117894124038844,
+    2.7769524741702436,
+    2.8358464472920151,
+    2.8923290609616985,
+    2.952869124430904,
+    3.019886501351988,
+    3.0890122216294262,
+    3.1640429065297679,
+    3.230928687772761,
+    3.2871518048094348,
+    3.3658272937032447,
+    3.4150577541035902,
+    3.5021039779235932,
+    3.5747695852696721,
+    3.6487836281519805,
+    3.7241574101269204,
+    3.8142260058409829,
+    3.889886219446729,
+    3.959556232893171,
+    4.0356800011365941,
+    4.1057394274812147,
+    4.1980461864106902,
+    4.309452131909552,
+    4.3828331762835537,
+    4.4695204020316721,
+    4.5367508600967223,
+    4.6233009941728263,
+    4.723559288314422,
+    4.8418135782046221,
+    4.9493007712556114,
+    5.0770358904447308,
+    5.1638022761303857,
+    5.258523659828418,
+    5.355344510356554,
+    5.4603287604488076,
+    5.5379537810288211,
+    5.6249248142354942,
+    5.7220275089216761,
+    5.838923475249886,
+    5.9497212657328467,
+    6.0583843755738309,
+    6.1867532212460965,
+    6.3064698765052771,
+    6.4319591322171776,
+    6.5483864027049101,
+    6.6488785338577285,
+    6.7665965268891011,
+    6.9052017507528056,
+    7.045854866965354,
+    7.2014256979466307,
+    7.330485956308558,
+    7.4487327302385404,
+    7.5665345877761823,
+    7.6547168896849138,
+    7.8054455606559943,
+    7.9504829122596341,
+    8.0783042696456278,
+    8.2122962977826681,
+    8.3879105778396355,
+    8.5583569201645879,
+    8.7283836649546007,
+    8.883891378612029,
+    9.0083786843632403,
+    9.1761351492455319,
+    9.3638324400389497,
+    9.5907615887485385,
+    9.7594846934193047,
+    10.010833472510898,
+    10.185621904747663,
+    10.346951216302086,
+    10.520062141237078,
+    10.706681377384809,
+    10.967233078599998,
+    11.138591663326494,
+    11.336327609263476,
+    11.538065870352529,
+    11.780969742764785,
+    12.040396856930878,
+    12.278033460635026,
+    12.572587972604635,
+    12.836717579047866,
+    13.112528685175548,
+    13.349919258349592,
+    13.711232799022634,
+    13.952743864796032,
+    14.173739895596908,
+    14.465060589666624,
+    14.731797503743392,
+    14.982825032585207,
+    15.26649112996823,
+    15.569851389101043,
+    15.807990176918581,
+    16.100384923714998,
+    16.357766493568764,
+    16.777677977704688,
+    17.171170485060028,
+    17.439164114500958,
+    17.753339594991331,
+    18.098780157602537,
+    18.506119482642575,
+    18.872634818431685,
+    19.158220809140616,
+    19.460619214965231,
+    19.861854966350609,
+    20.194551637195691,
+    20.572956591632238,
+    20.928294578986577,
+    21.344426709478942,
+    21.66166937542549,
+    22.240766877718343,
+    22.565729819049889,
+    23.044323591163653,
+    23.475228287516739,
+    23.932777693805892,
+    24.431735905582023,
+    24.9753478724361,
+    25.444631767712121,
+    26.034501673986167,
+    26.793728332827442,
+    27.366686796047183,
+    27.957289531847202,
+    28.628949210391269,
+    29.141828609314189,
+    29.719739181851036,
+    30.30594251575133,
+    30.960727844584873,
+    32.027496656930069,
+    32.974018472252368,
+    33.863248797022031,
+    34.561629815364022,
+    35.481873500994837,
+    36.425956905396923,
+    37.348331262937052,
+    38.205344049967586,
+    39.198221653394434,
+    40.278372389201685,
+    41.677786414811592,
+    43.065418693400801,
+    44.574973160850661,
+    46.276760954798682,
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+    49.306031705719278,
+    51.89715331335065,
+    54.021647205722303,
+    56.568849685307754,
+    58.260272125967838,
+    61.01559773170208,
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+    66.681062849099575,
+    70.419627156287063,
+    73.920166575505235,
+    77.213692861072445,
+    81.815040784668199,
+    85.962566683415389,
+    91.041503329412507,
+    95.177144795049969,
+    99.955722087200343,
+    108.58955753524259,
+    117.80784071631163,
+    130.37475347981882,
+    147.21446326393803,
+    169.18325814487829,
+    205.95766196129654,
+    265.65512151989378,
+    87848.280391018183,
+    0.0,
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+    2.2837360345225766,
+    2.3556313195570087,
+    2.405430036905444,
+    2.4505170860355792,
+    2.4989854383785239,
+    2.5407069198492236,
+    2.5973895600257899,
+    2.6662262216343775,
+    2.7003533281249101,
+    2.7540559919851004,
+    2.8059856736986672,
+    2.8744094871135686,
+    2.9296784011089727,
+    2.9987201241218648,
+    3.060603076649417,
+    3.149353771093593,
+    3.2335250198149148,
+    3.2987481250279922,
+    3.3813159530575105,
+    3.420245321649098,
+    3.4667630445198467,
+    3.5404207818987037,
+    3.6319368958518181,
+    3.7059200378072354,
+    3.7740034108713001,
+    3.8372038077261137,
+    3.9197610988151039,
+    3.9886257099364339,
+    4.0660495867193172,
+    4.138300196794412,
+    4.2257097559547683,
+    4.3260432863760752,
+    4.4121971145250116,
+    4.5042890038890597,
+    4.5643129623079091,
+    4.6632837420436948,
+    4.760388268790428,
+    4.8656859399723364,
+    4.9325603768335293,
+    5.0342194443918942,
+    5.1201176332551412,
+    5.2068094592308221,
+    5.2861985755361616,
+    5.3619402279344657,
+    5.4488952829979578,
+    5.5661630444890307,
+    5.6302459604039878,
+    5.7251570645424943,
+    5.8265289703090026,
+    5.9757197595129812,
+    6.0745229648833075,
+    6.1917517048051831,
+    6.2953470395796423,
+    6.403259690218019,
+    6.4917627633704118,
+    6.6358190501534073,
+    6.7679316573810269,
+    6.8686794099073571,
+    6.951123042441683,
+    7.0714773931514774,
+    7.1876874501549377,
+    7.2851841541363633,
+    7.4277247272769777,
+    7.545118161206557,
+    7.6796631181823791,
+    7.8167880642937018,
+    7.9566071237538072,
+    8.0603936878360543,
+    8.1832039873181959,
+    8.3115755716587163,
+    8.4320844813486833,
+    8.5902802761521784,
+    8.7221702888496431,
+    8.8514060135926869,
+    9.0332345688234028,
+    9.1963706908372931,
+    9.3367587179861236,
+    9.497006030540005,
+    9.6427753811526102,
+    9.8532189063800164,
+    10.050461242163172,
+    10.168236220470268,
+    10.348527513241617,
+    10.531791667580992,
+    10.703985943887844,
+    10.93278400032537,
+    11.15334897515447,
+    11.279161608656203,
+    11.493658887982159,
+    11.629213658946661,
+    11.813149108077441,
+    12.148329929207353,
+    12.428225959361159,
+    12.590673999087862,
+    12.794134333415222,
+    13.002054595845699,
+    13.29166579030848,
+    13.555249875763497,
+    13.805021300146676,
+    14.163857718369647,
+    14.396612581875223,
+    14.68307313946254,
+    14.923008872428863,
+    15.32205455142778,
+    15.692053745001203,
+    16.016016291617053,
+    16.269176030476242,
+    16.559936897997712,
+    16.907361798334914,
+    17.258247430228977,
+    17.522507804773419,
+    17.819739257247601,
+    18.300494526840033,
+    18.61675208077844,
+    18.901401014716043,
+    19.417022408557258,
+    19.797904233478242,
+    20.228015085729147,
+    20.637954339218549,
+    21.183210911355513,
+    21.771881557448339,
+    22.21773210897102,
+    22.779612813526374,
+    23.276529546096842,
+    23.849594764724543,
+    24.446921593531446,
+    25.015101229550464,
+    25.658559396356374,
+    26.282199605420455,
+    27.105386636499361,
+    27.676243476410885,
+    28.419439927324717,
+    29.184424065828914,
+    29.883208551297241,
+    30.862499878001806,
+    31.713413996846523,
+    32.826935291082727,
+    33.72406490654123,
+    34.680776796431886,
+    35.528359794461842,
+    36.670845950707843,
+    37.969249977719763,
+    39.273981900912467,
+    40.244728926237393,
+    41.483302822400162,
+    43.211405024691217,
+    44.630074152677139,
+    46.308911078822682,
+    48.422856008629161,
+    49.774586644602294,
+    51.781332900742051,
+    53.252372889554401,
+    55.257436943999878,
+    57.314324693762337,
+    60.134437476839075,
+    64.643054466595004,
+    67.805529413896068,
+    72.960204750804039,
+    78.548035565623934,
+    86.612578466349305,
+    95.851443874433429,
+    105.43467161328387,
+    123.71872542791084,
+    144.47153346382115,
+    176.91525388308472,
+    309.16164265953068,
+    0.0,
+    0.093398210950316154,
+    0.1964204104101267,
+    0.28305640434431101,
+    0.37579074941364743,
+    0.43376997866650091,
+    0.49429543879132976,
+    0.53862866326746572,
+    0.58159097219579325,
+    0.61215633846525852,
+    0.66489866088651661,
+    0.71376871279852483,
+    0.76604518711445135,
+    0.80762780660631495,
+    0.86702460155016359,
+    0.92578293211375118,
+    0.96655278458941574,
+    1.012408711382466,
+    1.0389370892326379,
+    1.0979094469421704,
+    1.1360967828124768,
+    1.1843998812376955,
+    1.2121765466487182,
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+    1.269517337829088,
+    1.3064220440414478,
+    1.3456604109067491,
+    1.3847455871539975,
+    1.4433510659744919,
+    1.4787246262422706,
+    1.5290320752062629,
+    1.5562124703009197,
+    1.6073426914107938,
+    1.6404681580522233,
+    1.6702244973685063,
+    1.73063179859356,
+    1.7750006715499509,
+    1.8279516044521678,
+    1.859195201800822,
+    1.9053170452940513,
+    1.9280767671566097,
+    1.9902516035810496,
+    2.0186760912468551,
+    2.092657238098997,
+    2.1474948054253384,
+    2.1871961512096565,
+    2.2317816251782281,
+    2.2907742739410164,
+    2.3359180870369833,
+    2.3869816483688759,
+    2.4529856457177273,
+    2.4909203390683849,
+    2.5537529934964778,
+    2.6292032978804851,
+    2.6784202619777213,
+    2.7190242328666847,
+    2.7592501032192169,
+    2.8141411237425067,
+    2.8832878890394928,
+    2.9253711343109838,
+    2.9954526684612648,
+    3.0483400308079833,
+    3.1195790079290284,
+    3.1882923341376097,
+    3.2475133828248954,
+    3.3082893597110878,
+    3.3998621255091428,
+    3.47762860298067,
+    3.5504403144136871,
+    3.6091991238429708,
+    3.6617110799009782,
+    3.747352642356359,
+    3.7869413127021954,
+    3.8494017410196837,
+    3.9492065318655385,
+    4.0178432318231367,
+    4.1459135647020364,
+    4.2117067391482745,
+    4.2819404568634685,
+    4.3483465566680453,
+    4.4244779495490469,
+    4.4626585143965478,
+    4.529665123797245,
+    4.590443570999347,
+    4.6959724608287416,
+    4.7546121047868048,
+    4.8565039814092676,
+    4.9526895878521771,
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+    5.1192000512767368,
+    5.2222704461323,
+    5.3679136440586834,
+    5.44561515189495,
+    5.573881356101074,
+    5.6587732114410647,
+    5.7456859581229036,
+    5.8285056653676959,
+    5.9249388997940375,
+    6.0008874169591815,
+    6.1408249280378238,
+    6.1925479765893821,
+    6.257597707865,
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+    6.4362617657783012,
+    6.5018677743421236,
+    6.5990992264693222,
+    6.7059841755319676,
+    6.8408659416578956,
+    6.9783602936172588,
+    7.0768404883339144,
+    7.275512674657814,
+    7.3760305080718176,
+    7.4852630022878435,
+    7.5558323048134834,
+    7.6469369887215128,
+    7.7796586853873126,
+    7.8927874437708638,
+    7.9917930786552116,
+    8.1024563434454961,
+    8.2999865668501034,
+    8.4506558762494599,
+    8.5965995871403145,
+    8.8639775066208841,
+    8.963955758417768,
+    9.1445204978480277,
+    9.3391048111935557,
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+    9.6269538620278485,
+    9.798523665360058,
+    9.9267454692157209,
+    10.135523291360611,
+    10.266903541690644,
+    10.45005203381487,
+    10.715778409248584,
+    10.96464567850493,
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+    11.500996192642983,
+    11.687974340512826,
+    11.903229343489697,
+    12.133709181931877,
+    12.310998874748263,
+    12.750272219083747,
+    13.056147482613222,
+    13.253490555112993,
+    13.675145968268881,
+    13.924230477174909,
+    14.217574079767886,
+    14.571236022596374,
+    14.939288725850155,
+    15.314551253615292,
+    15.575987515584663,
+    15.833645863054313,
+    16.200485384427974,
+    16.477465196601848,
+    16.843241153808755,
+    17.272849032588312,
+    17.796542227272955,
+    18.154946140541519,
+    18.42280855377696,
+    18.768141850732011,
+    19.187362345680633,
+    19.591309885228171,
+    19.89722345376024,
+    20.702595711695711,
+    21.128564543818339,
+    21.527729127045859,
+    21.98660526945358,
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+    23.024367946134102,
+    23.561848505072032,
+    24.014992900974836,
+    24.436576472708754,
+    25.503186568685322,
+    26.610835772872736,
+    27.151442239196715,
+    27.70328225888667,
+    28.806039995726948,
+    29.627287233320377,
+    30.315284533811624,
+    31.327683853768139,
+    32.147834022257314,
+    32.92691659425568,
+    34.04201415685305,
+    35.413352753610873,
+    36.221826443150817,
+    37.977707465427912,
+    39.36878752355473,
+    40.951879054950432,
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+    44.629804117764586,
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+    49.67533805194968,
+    54.589345174300426,
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+    65.197403972300108,
+    72.17408937465612,
+    82.574762345786382,
+    93.478082113773723,
+    137.00082761546682,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.39912993308020295,
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+    1.1437610856843738,
+    1.1703135770105868,
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+    1.2881091828814166,
+    1.3112986519959224,
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+    1.3643779221604135,
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+    1.4135745730894449,
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+    1.4780368538634174,
+    1.5059249898934794,
+    1.5377824779923701,
+    1.5720832254223982,
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+    1.7010194250562272,
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+    1.7640864928040065,
+    1.8021508917193763,
+    1.836941181297739,
+    1.8572858792099074,
+    1.8790413654272671,
+    1.9118884108245098,
+    1.942073490357896,
+    1.9694860799879985,
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+    2.1749093251088301,
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+    2.44842259128407,
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+    2.8952580472277556,
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+    3.1268021698603428,
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+    4.5793747033075158,
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+    5.4798227286901664,
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+    5.648241044217758,
+    5.7449977826195706,
+    5.8598429438509489,
+    5.9784308800284593,
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+    6.6005309624044228,
+    6.7321547133945252,
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+    6.9553827276444107,
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+    8.9054272928070564,
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+    9.9666371700161704,
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+    10.908036087339795,
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+    11.477519824720831,
+    11.808217307144476,
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+    12.923557637527606,
+    13.204138344604788,
+    13.616900691559191,
+    13.979656973992922,
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+    15.724483559731054,
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+    0.44679385424881979,
+    0.45338668180597402,
+    0.45852917891908479,
+    0.46847035670602488,
+    0.47881191760237773,
+    0.48636454017775488,
+    0.49953494697176376,
+    0.50860731875951681,
+    0.51485110540295576,
+    0.52109982877729388,
+    0.52856828716304816,
+    0.53396501041075717,
+    0.54519067350690764,
+    0.55087030570382234,
+    0.56120787950497175,
+    0.56947875574614748,
+    0.57879694500782908,
+    0.59045771217758214,
+    0.60020074472460661,
+    0.61356581621742379,
+    0.62339692092995469,
+    0.62921777922324307,
+    0.63757958596122966,
+    0.64566282308710643,
+    0.65337163144903077,
+    0.65757954743934188,
+    0.66731107005984081,
+    0.68506693378151473,
+    0.69407449975565316,
+    0.71475464833393743,
+    0.71919154363460669,
+    0.72854121818321049,
+    0.73768805533929283,
+    0.74964936797719572,
+    0.77319064552644212,
+    0.78475208628536974,
+    0.79568283458133116,
+    0.80765736770217855,
+    0.81877434008276662,
+    0.82795271525666825,
+    0.83973491168326087,
+    0.84972560110746476,
+    0.85639470621002023,
+    0.8647134858775507,
+    0.88244802261826683,
+    0.89985271988240045,
+    0.92340768696765485,
+    0.93788541450428287,
+    0.94792835531188524,
+    0.96027918757802155,
+    0.96921149562521636,
+    0.97952213604373195,
+    0.98854957689191614,
+    0.99970116951294496,
+    1.00882043327571,
+    1.0201870773908586,
+    1.041349919759516,
+    1.0556530343908901,
+    1.0756585260782074,
+    1.088223830319788,
+    1.0958784727426483,
+    1.1149995386526934,
+    1.1304796415226661,
+    1.1446063542280724,
+    1.1638356180596499,
+    1.1745794869462154,
+    1.193511657405055,
+    1.2182391405087374,
+    1.2382096317106388,
+    1.2472982421708765,
+    1.2622218704529613,
+    1.2744400683695623,
+    1.2908221594923039,
+    1.305167165044943,
+    1.3252374721898401,
+    1.3384679854994657,
+    1.3542873322844842,
+    1.3724563152241775,
+    1.3892962190041085,
+    1.4109408775708268,
+    1.419655422200014,
+    1.4315263030154188,
+    1.4527276892177177,
+    1.4683378048771656,
+    1.4867165057343337,
+    1.516076453749051,
+    1.5433792065946024,
+    1.5553543482759045,
+    1.5609831318052232,
+    1.5806764726673499,
+    1.6041131847991026,
+    1.6344144243726575,
+    1.6710888016711845,
+    1.7061932731840148,
+    1.7354452179890347,
+    1.7630243267926291,
+    1.7975788676407549,
+    1.814028785525206,
+    1.8281150670319055,
+    1.8550087441605427,
+    1.8737649522280617,
+    1.8856226040366797,
+    1.9079304881331332,
+    1.9442107218496263,
+    1.9659920408787115,
+    1.9983699901526899,
+    2.0223202139688512,
+    2.0401740051464592,
+    2.0748888988742027,
+    2.1149914291249212,
+    2.1360608521646109,
+    2.1565833101041338,
+    2.1693334907915234,
+    2.207376721598215,
+    2.2255919603217067,
+    2.272629194554781,
+    2.3279774087392666,
+    2.3517585387327471,
+    2.3910765083557908,
+    2.4703248547335415,
+    2.5208338119493607,
+    2.5806226807785433,
+    2.6402836153572076,
+    2.7185362598168772,
+    2.7677835795641461,
+    2.8180997959029526,
+    2.8326345693021624,
+    2.8701055927549652,
+    2.9318268717765115,
+    3.0139842815042615,
+    3.0571236539047622,
+    3.1734047661118234,
+    3.2297672388561938,
+    3.3059073464928148,
+    3.3897975561487925,
+    3.4745601523423382,
+    3.5452181551689357,
+    3.6265670674665991,
+    3.7050473014775043,
+    3.8309245560041219,
+    3.9372996837644192,
+    4.0716930145722978,
+    4.212857083996437,
+    4.2692123731220972,
+    4.46591990841738,
+    4.5523023767467139,
+    4.6548916677892533,
+    4.7758394764018659,
+    4.9758326990027228,
+    5.2769985200911247,
+    5.5486096014042028,
+    5.7245726086000337,
+    6.0102407093754762,
+    6.1426829331257933,
+    6.287333950013684,
+    6.5928811370882103,
+    6.9367730409204489,
+    7.0646691460119388,
+    7.2083448239980932,
+    7.5049899728910674,
+    8.1901484843386374,
+    8.6011704867597345,
+    9.304469886954676,
+    10.665731252277961,
+    11.88866301597937,
+    13.361123901157045,
+    18.497872676781789,
+    25.178694947474682,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_dists.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_dists.py
index 80b57bac2811fc0de70dc26d01e1933fe728137c..2499f6f2994b2a54c4a5634ad448f44194c1d506 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_dists.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_dists.py
@@ -9,1136 +9,3421 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_MC09_def_dists = [
-    0.0, 0.057628562576303784, 0.091878457821655726, 0.1132900806480715,
-    0.16850875337211296, 0.23480972950916859, 0.25538164963671517,
-    0.31559279249314726, 0.3709861971858377, 0.39525547000677452,
-    0.48512586717169626, 0.50506908796001859, 0.57765035525262631,
-    0.62148541152837633, 0.64263863444579483, 0.69882483312164267,
-    0.7161545153916149, 0.80411890720042356, 0.8805970872918405,
-    0.95906879172041093, 0.9964168954980418, 1.0467630571651532,
-    1.0811313132957849, 1.107613450320283, 1.1414327414809755,
-    1.200680497698831, 1.2258265309284444, 1.3292666112945957,
-    1.3827312359018287, 1.4123188606803245, 1.5512850653633397,
-    1.6356584995938095, 1.6731651325192813, 1.7284734590792767,
-    1.7492218434041287, 1.7668984797381611, 1.859839254768237,
-    1.8915873446892628, 1.906971142493358, 1.9739012545347705,
-    2.0042595869827151, 2.0404670643203007, 2.0801334669349569,
-    2.1361786545358559, 2.1800889828349126, 2.2526723098806514,
-    2.4615221000598324, 2.522133895087689, 2.5349568672753051,
-    2.6130589764080723, 2.7500027760987162, 2.8562937139926889,
-    2.9119263033764744, 3.0019158345608132, 3.075603035061484,
-    3.1141526815876208, 3.1813265812952172, 3.3676587418240587,
-    3.554323576839598, 3.6496213142048179, 3.6874293716075122,
-    3.7856923728140917, 3.8474310667342051, 3.9949344157172133,
-    4.125555286661946, 4.3290913548691856, 4.4952013654404812,
-    4.556343784992352, 4.639912221981799, 4.7146391204010234,
-    4.8227084013441566, 4.9863406697764292, 5.1842339785740776,
-    5.3023803998521304, 5.4750202011939866, 5.54048973773856,
-    5.6494197613846904, 6.031189352625824, 6.1768307442788197,
-    6.2620964668403225, 6.4351623085815, 6.7265466116268859,
-    6.7915288820461273, 6.858752135722245, 7.0391175979404581,
-    7.1234944848067601, 7.3258340038478451, 7.6012540830071256,
-    7.8610379546027023, 8.1407339356122499, 8.6344134454714787,
-    8.7180144432721391, 9.0978762948485237, 9.2738466401608814,
-    9.3278635864048827, 9.4424890946840847, 9.6030189615224657,
-    9.7486413490900201, 9.9120876012927628, 10.0634236132968,
-    10.415298132107214, 10.522058512873633, 10.613299539059163,
-    10.777003890057323, 11.19134404322137, 11.263117192375013,
-    11.498561061679176, 12.21806762702662, 12.483196087543357,
-    13.54470365954359, 13.849619017840872, 14.123084642390928,
-    14.398832659078749, 14.566089250066417, 14.807446823406554,
-    14.954042474253805, 15.017632122375311, 15.534486588862363,
-    16.087579752773408, 16.335273051167704, 16.59865583486215,
-    16.787365784531143, 16.930772808747413, 16.978230896616772,
-    17.45341757723757, 17.54161801859598, 17.670822982069833,
-    18.057953137339432, 18.349411130934708, 18.874645742669262,
-    19.811500245302732, 20.617053831744901, 21.425708785184192,
-    22.13342945397601, 22.514800015329385, 22.600876120356858,
-    22.995926973030485, 23.562574109846953, 24.294710403256879,
-    24.710775959864485, 25.735807637080889, 26.538055293359648,
-    27.290028726831821, 27.773430106003083, 29.668208899311839,
-    29.767759573249858, 30.328136166047656, 31.494086670497492,
-    31.717352094096093, 32.525981982450979, 33.265585384845679,
-    33.751316746168612, 34.201802003064067, 36.899918838933765,
-    38.096479462365799, 39.516017768346714, 39.989735840240321,
-    41.194468318352641, 43.299364753871842, 43.400612046669139,
-    44.217051933181644, 45.224566778084622, 46.422304247376758,
-    46.960808813383558, 48.299557096246531, 49.543362472280329,
-    52.100735352804534, 53.655447353773283, 55.960391277909508,
-    59.70514539293125, 61.843693253111184, 68.081331605587849,
-    71.540166073226146, 73.270793327751335, 76.171347038456744,
-    76.713947935814872, 79.452578223589953, 81.242818023980888,
-    85.253618574552505, 90.576557423795492, 92.997247053710012,
-    95.821107577619216, 106.64500479999833, 120.18058037798956,
-    126.50923215826064, 131.32814912989315, 147.1399472964454,
-    167.43638431036157, 192.68604805851697, 214.74959666043176,
-    236.90417250922937, 270.13811088102972, 311.13617202210634,
-    348.43212870989748, 397.49279405192692, 418.52939500887197,
-    490.05308025042825, 601.26449991098229, 943.69926165035622,
-    2272.151119348498, 2272.151119348498, 0.0, 0.068201728466174436,
-    0.11237783313391692, 0.12830033204755303, 0.14738276605539258,
-    0.17452595819420164, 0.18740679497876259, 0.22092788589298604,
-    0.24698157312934674, 0.26321755681186182, 0.278982404063846,
-    0.29425614113597565, 0.30386598141884186, 0.33348471684689712,
-    0.35448258891286477, 0.38416466052319098, 0.41799061907192603,
-    0.43332985148006498, 0.46022545438188606, 0.46720029992587914,
-    0.4834191580769957, 0.49135304898180576, 0.50065137294598305,
-    0.54116902167600822, 0.56502516934264901, 0.58383186711851243,
-    0.59988283878047788, 0.61745037135253056, 0.64851934211375817,
-    0.65771446388077714, 0.68201656335208749, 0.69501882934571635,
-    0.70859407070539537, 0.76811748190181783, 0.785547174693628,
-    0.80584170571483826, 0.80977921469642378, 0.84983656800224905,
-    0.87762202858938831, 0.89989293732657549, 0.92737970573962192,
-    0.94822275849814597, 0.97010634169397159, 1.0004701361644599,
-    1.027252813486935, 1.0516264427778705, 1.085865795301199,
-    1.1039829998101676, 1.1231421375848933, 1.1351908524310048,
-    1.1870327649828589, 1.2108652899633887, 1.2418615536907456,
-    1.2620878726057261, 1.2831955088252662, 1.306480565141986,
-    1.3214819027067988, 1.3819750197102438, 1.3964962886754628,
-    1.4416267404974048, 1.4723276588556404, 1.5102821076425617,
-    1.5397500825876973, 1.5614284610319382, 1.6110339651345407,
-    1.6433416553385205, 1.6728829936173992, 1.6999366415445392,
-    1.7240699041761254, 1.7508519958752469, 1.7969849629216739,
-    1.8430561905053708, 1.8717904098493616, 1.9063368309633759,
-    1.9506003143418458, 2.0298196868542142, 2.0991713956674101,
-    2.1633526448161282, 2.2629929459851224, 2.29081267396016,
-    2.3416198215358914, 2.3573314548287789, 2.4218587714491338,
-    2.4993355473824033, 2.5384325382544848, 2.6491004992037666,
-    2.7210651339892107, 2.8237246255258426, 2.8700824362814488,
-    2.9188785020766925, 2.9635962519687955, 3.0154773635321317,
-    3.1026722776260538, 3.1782308010920812, 3.2642539873638139,
-    3.322125355058692, 3.3714861504441376, 3.4218839487759731,
-    3.5144951962763513, 3.5765944072239031, 3.6273675925681212,
-    3.7247691072149096, 3.8232379391542128, 3.8893216636307564,
-    3.9288057496282955, 4.0390899251352117, 4.1600948751312279,
-    4.1871263152018612, 4.2621860547974828, 4.3500604627307435,
-    4.5436519743962078, 4.5849723086596628, 4.729044783865576,
-    4.8683804704143165, 4.9563493866144599, 5.0241568504440179,
-    5.1468726623856105, 5.1949999782992462, 5.3140299451508861,
-    5.4879645142694358, 5.7223471643025841, 5.8380855647564118,
-    5.953449532130346, 6.0187020640170728, 6.2108553226358252,
-    6.3916059248644403, 6.4913362763076323, 6.6031140372618351,
-    6.6636491589809301, 6.9509407634766989, 7.1531488937141772,
-    7.2409474401975658, 7.4303919093490327, 7.5669382679335202,
-    7.7441286658925934, 7.9000616206163423, 8.0724648473816156,
-    8.2412216959472371, 8.4137214458024516, 8.6069007301001861,
-    8.7736666850099372, 8.9890876982826367, 9.155130462775519,
-    9.3411611417176861, 9.4866270624314577, 9.5872328045423547,
-    9.8527914805110655, 9.9514305967967953, 10.292405041584022,
-    10.75673026860011, 11.169289189746417, 11.46807997463821,
-    11.689766834399332, 11.966027273630296, 12.351431387718186,
-    12.727667430393458, 13.119586645059071, 13.424611040389257,
-    13.786397020277862, 13.968352336123267, 14.21068016740667,
-    14.453408188853816, 15.461180267394132, 15.895481313307476,
-    16.317601512617198, 16.780792483093965, 17.624171385239844,
-    18.139839382922045, 18.594772196087924, 20.516375547145831,
-    21.567448512929186, 21.977404088239552, 23.299471636450161,
-    24.278490139740818, 24.993212131783924, 26.592135163847711,
-    27.623113931391885, 28.865470012834731, 29.227604875711496,
-    31.101999334866235, 31.57497302654869, 32.684647994128909,
-    33.375146403972977, 37.692891082911196, 39.851813023596023,
-    41.523584144387264, 46.008072429817098, 49.647884975691284,
-    52.784847459347759, 54.294626625518887, 63.228644431972903,
-    69.726924033194564, 74.015904215742552, 86.164937892726826,
-    100.73311845118887, 112.18515642738907, 135.19609351797098,
-    176.61381022152227, 242.73583361720463, 308.26543522152377,
-    513.52205453065437, 0.0, 0.064681645397600726, 0.097055786527166205,
-    0.11671616479466058, 0.14904699771147067, 0.1812546389613125,
-    0.20555172420798953, 0.2183799557562153, 0.24037810467237944,
-    0.25036231174093732, 0.26632542829596018, 0.2738878158208915,
-    0.28695869973365634, 0.30912145801504926, 0.32069346660692333,
-    0.32716841268857905, 0.33921112396795472, 0.35411605334840923,
-    0.36992181322350265, 0.37555978900730691, 0.39245722745804307,
-    0.40098714822474785, 0.40795369226674527, 0.4172218451215533,
-    0.42679459853118645, 0.45012838868569222, 0.46395657933185602,
-    0.47588120991692906, 0.4859429317025537, 0.5012486174834101,
-    0.51554915854539141, 0.52673766504363306, 0.54037167562839805,
-    0.55386824464727247, 0.56986151348392444, 0.58441413430603695,
-    0.59504137541093982, 0.60183139418849574, 0.6097548033252651,
-    0.61636145539533693, 0.63729376685379835, 0.65492235590733228,
-    0.66704610998785618, 0.700953708734812, 0.7190525585629578,
-    0.73579423752153761, 0.74901914818208437, 0.7639095729012253,
-    0.78507593810209142, 0.7991677445398635, 0.82057225160808045,
-    0.83874577852045251, 0.8514279150065982, 0.86730722882820255,
-    0.890038058955962, 0.90572082476051208, 0.93235631316890322,
-    0.95142142918059724, 0.969384366562271, 0.99218758210384461,
-    1.00299637932868, 1.0092887025882542, 1.0324830139871306,
-    1.0486654108510693, 1.0641141875260127, 1.0835468393653898,
-    1.1071616076049358, 1.1168131966461825, 1.1456586118817482,
-    1.1644419001186364, 1.1774811339270124, 1.2092190407790164,
-    1.2384799339065578, 1.2616903228237686, 1.2889294434698533,
-    1.3164843722957189, 1.3568929832436432, 1.3789685995582368,
-    1.4016262455149839, 1.4303108283460788, 1.4487819999160492,
-    1.48021838699676, 1.5050773691689014, 1.5354136497221011,
-    1.5761026989532505, 1.5976227134137739, 1.6180255352377244,
-    1.6461488070064747, 1.6754933786486672, 1.7043391941827599,
-    1.7436653784542346, 1.7574238222395258, 1.8083751761401707,
-    1.8364695449180659, 1.8853960408395598, 1.9209489973470637,
-    1.9614779158767812, 1.9837030977196592, 2.0254456515521015,
-    2.06356755784513, 2.1061669436995003, 2.1608319242443135,
-    2.176533829184859, 2.2139646657342289, 2.2418326677035214,
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-    2.6997266593235456, 2.7317169496478648, 2.8033821298933836,
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-    3.0081446390299069, 3.0894107259868058, 3.1461648060150367,
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-    4.1958722575439298, 4.2681132445184655, 4.3694161532010058,
-    4.4793716338291727, 4.5714087303580433, 4.6493194432085412,
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-    5.326857227285414, 5.4452851717228903, 5.6191948437507619,
-    5.8251247312267305, 6.0364763774143135, 6.1085463321063269,
-    6.2898990925768432, 6.4181400947195311, 6.6210137015645536,
-    6.7263257016206106, 6.8855750366072552, 7.1232383189565454,
-    7.4007790575336729, 7.5183445501556623, 7.6542486054829189,
-    7.7796080000079355, 8.0776151677243515, 8.4160158721268967,
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-    9.3715895144040058, 9.689097239085406, 9.9747151298520151,
-    10.162420972781135, 10.525043005039576, 10.9348593423718,
-    11.220406152599313, 11.472292936429914, 12.331513581808927,
-    12.99141401636353, 13.792445320126436, 14.159631387529567,
-    14.898875104642451, 15.391013071702499, 16.58446392489617,
-    17.397044111420918, 18.246693100142146, 19.539678557308235,
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-    0.14174741060946225, 0.15012768070557803, 0.16322364512908868,
-    0.18204188144428807, 0.1932509011687073, 0.20736566877237284,
-    0.21677471984321531, 0.22208330716146871, 0.2368478044903545,
-    0.24800109075566285, 0.26042292583219756, 0.27071259593706476,
-    0.28654565496167866, 0.29337837365624814, 0.30198842285047178,
-    0.30844586201328328, 0.3149470593102916, 0.32463921048140526,
-    0.33612661364720992, 0.34538798562234241, 0.35362965043869748,
-    0.36471294151406786, 0.37175950729075813, 0.38160665904037616,
-    0.38574106898579719, 0.39688874219887516, 0.40205350235521997,
-    0.41084581512509888, 0.4190808913198204, 0.43544148967863316,
-    0.44346612867974777, 0.45227198826541537, 0.46661118452309958,
-    0.47567354802653689, 0.49123378069289259, 0.5026379690695526,
-    0.51145199410264641, 0.5230420844440421, 0.53633757129515192,
-    0.55323199501557874, 0.5709327471747897, 0.57668332951826085,
-    0.58661731761735014, 0.60316797340939221, 0.61231767919746716,
-    0.62173743546202065, 0.63367739150206992, 0.64417081791316222,
-    0.650588306867667, 0.66136245644028779, 0.67194367164364066,
-    0.68483211499577568, 0.69390170098605697, 0.70978541298372555,
-    0.71733880725642318, 0.72982716816440152, 0.744382107200665,
-    0.75464756880526096, 0.76971757975591903, 0.79092500924780884,
-    0.80139259706827826, 0.82007493231551376, 0.83636749901593976,
-    0.85607123696181142, 0.87178377197180712, 0.89028508898771552,
-    0.90709689710063435, 0.92105845964996935, 0.94062127053830347,
-    0.95072473335636265, 0.96303055939494286, 0.97648251804695785,
-    0.99369926534400232, 1.0090186828881174, 1.0418114909215104,
-    1.0698515568115963, 1.0781642613654208, 1.0953662056922651,
-    1.1107307176100356, 1.1257267330935268, 1.1471842785819382,
-    1.1676817560236403, 1.1877943080225843, 1.216398240925453,
-    1.2316053787491037, 1.2474229964718553, 1.269525880355836,
-    1.3019912398706039, 1.3277002379637455, 1.3443466595361551,
-    1.3685810866232899, 1.3984804559046911, 1.4355750324517496,
-    1.460852572211057, 1.4948996531027956, 1.5268570238239529,
-    1.5522940777876273, 1.5719325888893447, 1.6024193084645637,
-    1.633598364214381, 1.6528693309141695, 1.6741744069714672,
-    1.7003470022341649, 1.735298179037982, 1.7582063751832995,
-    1.7909792627750754, 1.8300707159778025, 1.8684354743589122,
-    1.9062901732716007, 1.9304116745252333, 1.9651822643793164,
-    2.0028643201051111, 2.0355079559039346, 2.0677432834609206,
-    2.0974741272119317, 2.1477636951029404, 2.1758324097429544,
-    2.2038264839493977, 2.2387897181326624, 2.2799150775007226,
-    2.3116834558621813, 2.3770756042717061, 2.4423912978053499,
-    2.5043639857858704, 2.6183935138202945, 2.6651645510870448,
-    2.6996454559378718, 2.7642312413471197, 2.8501819058526374,
-    2.8874618455541339, 2.9299786710240685, 2.9902882140860028,
-    3.0106036707675705, 3.0721304018549587, 3.1161855866638852,
-    3.2369909410932256, 3.2937695851357418, 3.3415607515486019,
-    3.4135640311960804, 3.4863864701809169, 3.5495511431068625,
-    3.6258591972624328, 3.6947502192132147, 3.7950739251414829,
-    3.8952813228916106, 4.0427476635565807, 4.0982562136044365,
-    4.2381714903602026, 4.325585224629334, 4.460333473236096,
-    4.5891338691369086, 4.6893335143109196, 4.7853618220189347,
-    4.8500011901031046, 4.9499390325888388, 5.0651986930646391,
-    5.1906420764523, 5.3052661921332698, 5.3795959386387144, 5.4884702877024898,
-    5.6251182444238585, 5.736009877510825, 5.8235819678819309,
-    6.0452731168242577, 6.1535182776969091, 6.4223906871159802,
-    6.7828263511308, 6.9787759843247965, 7.2868999104783532, 7.604505778440271,
-    7.9090260134516059, 8.4851413606010251, 8.6965137695221202,
-    9.0770837937907398, 9.3896211096143869, 9.7704946596107849,
-    10.142102955347768, 10.870897424798827, 11.627557560059024,
-    12.487371659037647, 13.393741745878474, 14.080823719400907,
-    15.608105497185557, 16.823724341129342, 18.261126223618554,
-    19.636996869210478, 20.562702661180669, 21.601610993499339,
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-    49.103081020159834, 73.345872444192949, 106.52935418648646, 0.0,
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-    0.087959980883483738, 0.10194236904560904, 0.11008607182951631,
-    0.11465366805246813, 0.12715531070407432, 0.13166809405389251,
-    0.13847247629313228, 0.14384864573811881, 0.15002396002358567,
-    0.15562720051884482, 0.16116827009383153, 0.16632968738513401,
-    0.17136648014616976, 0.17900086203665841, 0.18694008640938087,
-    0.19702916534694626, 0.20392975208968295, 0.21361422240935368,
-    0.22042948071555513, 0.23063300033673573, 0.23966278802965957,
-    0.24711447349179011, 0.25303301261186184, 0.25579240638304279,
-    0.26267170853506805, 0.26750482270286108, 0.27493473053623635,
-    0.28258910182162267, 0.28822901265050227, 0.29608647684984479,
-    0.30214524820456018, 0.30864368126348923, 0.31508865166237593,
-    0.32124032165523375, 0.33011261444903611, 0.33703483646960708,
-    0.34733723809596734, 0.35691769635678916, 0.36690708933320493,
-    0.37128928317734283, 0.37755689980492391, 0.38701609409764459,
-    0.39302164725609023, 0.40331084641477311, 0.41072208837025759,
-    0.41852937501544424, 0.42932124920083142, 0.43324849767497853,
-    0.43993900664314145, 0.44761176101936301, 0.45202419082248341,
-    0.45529173163984443, 0.46653702581395917, 0.47399725820611593,
-    0.48198881472501576, 0.48708257057534343, 0.49302150180651805,
-    0.49978383605626248, 0.51339894682816312, 0.52160424774706593,
-    0.52748289873084886, 0.53676595811893124, 0.5455171486636371,
-    0.5534396873141485, 0.56241263737675429, 0.56973323223537264,
-    0.57574914723880954, 0.58234713319994302, 0.59066240355655708,
-    0.60510984788748057, 0.61807462013879144, 0.62637623226295402,
-    0.63542696189453973, 0.64701799464926024, 0.65882045306679504,
-    0.67141179273787532, 0.67909380683392095, 0.68707873750652504,
-    0.69640315687854726, 0.70807547488547196, 0.71771853550219356,
-    0.73309718820363279, 0.74214506352540133, 0.75177033126786774,
-    0.76943956404912883, 0.79020165814710741, 0.80781062970338047,
-    0.81634889994531135, 0.82618810526895436, 0.84005098189915028,
-    0.86666756102772669, 0.87735918829690207, 0.88554074010562978,
-    0.90240999323032145, 0.91632635431957332, 0.92982256792581119,
-    0.93859572806129865, 0.95740797855505955, 0.97317410516930258,
-    0.98783906755984918, 1.0108980555570175, 1.0284511401075709,
-    1.0482594431498151, 1.0611613677510832, 1.0784870131371229,
-    1.0919180174352818, 1.1135514694962279, 1.125494491992268,
-    1.1410712650872479, 1.1674352256776539, 1.184785119317356,
-    1.2096294450605212, 1.2323778220867625, 1.2549931419768594,
-    1.2806924911813222, 1.3081961580241186, 1.3320238796794894,
-    1.3534172327636966, 1.3807267144923916, 1.4001500408447822,
-    1.4316269135391197, 1.449518126496226, 1.4807942237706289, 1.4996141554775,
-    1.51697171202322, 1.5501818193618728, 1.5774423949301954,
-    1.6090796134626164, 1.6337740770081619, 1.6692908417512815,
-    1.6961331386742853, 1.7261310689460392, 1.7616614368687207,
-    1.7805522635031978, 1.8048113834777242, 1.8629871128198423,
-    1.9197945215709944, 1.9552472287743048, 2.006402075733154,
-    2.0427474979249962, 2.074496897491799, 2.1328916089262004,
-    2.1753943657622523, 2.2401831220855666, 2.270693018282933,
-    2.3105641384054061, 2.3945586906581622, 2.4399768881846882,
-    2.5000049081492532, 2.5621934580643706, 2.6392295124107816,
-    2.7208587148102463, 2.8097139724064282, 2.8701110813681128,
-    2.9862082469647095, 3.0488516638446339, 3.1242308091436368,
-    3.243153466201278, 3.3051260648856364, 3.4863819457159302,
-    3.5505875681994588, 3.7448427188152658, 3.8463429990501901,
-    3.9838928478843263, 4.1238239879386667, 4.2490672817706532,
-    4.3599387844761468, 4.473253957654526, 4.6690383558822228,
-    4.8383638550300123, 5.0032896939841258, 5.1925150031279994,
-    5.4083749056768973, 5.8187938054935762, 6.1416785529469493,
-    6.5966499906173439, 6.9452175432435155, 7.3694350201120091,
-    7.6611410187916773, 8.1962221951718313, 8.3985520655394108,
-    8.954871482916916, 9.5555811691967367, 10.075581787179221,
-    10.666984624254228, 11.269430893231096, 12.244383827267271,
-    13.43327333120301, 15.035950482663642, 16.932372656888262,
-    19.087843838164819, 21.876507647307918, 24.329735267714369,
-    32.551612521357441, 42.817333269075768, 80.868741705532841,
-    263.02173214876871, 0.0, 0.039467746129120185, 0.051824916097853023,
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-    0.085618493830758285, 0.093725626920029337, 0.10393841275774901,
-    0.11413580827974683, 0.12152641148533293, 0.12627525292174707,
-    0.12968718206917149, 0.13855089010953145, 0.14242136361586646,
-    0.14961341703535569, 0.15878848104707796, 0.16821185149526602,
-    0.17193496653825602, 0.18370817507532361, 0.19347902698219727,
-    0.20136482066552064, 0.20583838921300673, 0.21305461768025999,
-    0.22181194102152516, 0.22504305621818932, 0.23406898010225857,
-    0.2398853548764919, 0.24436856459787337, 0.25265341913397688,
-    0.26007714837241541, 0.26691829493661323, 0.26931297477030441,
-    0.27726914154785853, 0.28210711764692858, 0.2859614857691346,
-    0.29125186385881313, 0.29881267745856349, 0.30375673974281647,
-    0.30854811947856214, 0.31656603656425492, 0.32546607312581727,
-    0.33113501361486541, 0.33582693482769788, 0.34276150289703894,
-    0.35127805306418919, 0.35845367388296762, 0.36558831277905995,
-    0.36979924962746219, 0.37578338456878752, 0.38327703665171509,
-    0.38743278300825934, 0.3933947408991858, 0.40090502054506943,
-    0.41078320064762447, 0.41434452765896151, 0.42079409894287106,
-    0.4255673661624485, 0.43408043802357538, 0.43842453852669183,
-    0.44479957009297705, 0.44911932255159215, 0.46075892982346434,
-    0.47136693037959077, 0.47672759686825411, 0.48530543752076094,
-    0.49072973814548543, 0.49757125712438277, 0.50205891056941676,
-    0.50989707552295971, 0.52048634390291548, 0.52487724594117247,
-    0.53197428010086045, 0.54193181090656062, 0.54669601892015796,
-    0.55199308212187415, 0.56177797788147832, 0.57397840735843453,
-    0.58305121749436828, 0.58875829816518199, 0.60014475586825022,
-    0.61146976460798996, 0.62147757074967558, 0.62937535472116102,
-    0.63521150679693283, 0.6443683639844624, 0.65570350537151256,
-    0.66248422346281488, 0.67431167007929649, 0.68081103970994383,
-    0.70070897539479826, 0.70949394177954128, 0.72368744374810079,
-    0.73324494948980001, 0.74442385396599853, 0.75726956491948028,
-    0.76814002853040864, 0.78549563545170853, 0.79690455102462399,
-    0.80911780465283023, 0.8217559489409707, 0.83736881584366574,
-    0.84769382359635626, 0.86418498778599284, 0.88747705639947372,
-    0.90131822030096298, 0.91456928681735306, 0.926248872898779,
-    0.94662179325634455, 0.95246146300701406, 0.96865365604621834,
-    0.98601045426396106, 1.004370843669373, 1.0278846153106977,
-    1.044847701668429, 1.0629345673978381, 1.0786014914723667,
-    1.0929756602733387, 1.1261078972699916, 1.1512164532678049,
-    1.1694773456967209, 1.2047879047450252, 1.2191337268903064,
-    1.2371236242769537, 1.2604030750182345, 1.2728991082384753,
-    1.3021733465601504, 1.3366400801240468, 1.3669786453201016,
-    1.3893263316106292, 1.4142311210562548, 1.4371089884829913,
-    1.4735470017754577, 1.520014037615578, 1.5362080843085604,
-    1.57308131482694, 1.6005512179859467, 1.6311466151664402,
-    1.6766677965478609, 1.702427114649556, 1.7358113192351368,
-    1.7589620076466705, 1.8122197381889422, 1.8371172353927989,
-    1.8839698049061866, 1.9368978033833055, 1.9859165193893249,
-    2.0266473776917446, 2.0435418938412577, 2.0904755804619093,
-    2.137008395650732, 2.2105679265040039, 2.2912315391120952,
-    2.3171846492564172, 2.3789143587376254, 2.4392413643504884,
-    2.4804720034966028, 2.5405224136745002, 2.5964604917467198,
-    2.6705999263123781, 2.7251943964162413, 2.772341712266535,
-    2.8651026212603763, 2.9882335264110305, 3.0505642000004207,
-    3.1879882564475781, 3.2713189106502325, 3.3340572644275901,
-    3.3973177283139346, 3.5111941452660176, 3.6432762400676104,
-    3.7893397930271497, 3.8962740628195554, 4.0871617267378353,
-    4.2202691837388713, 4.3774443034324424, 4.4936111350115695,
-    4.7506236842341369, 5.0112340217497193, 5.3496875229084306,
-    5.5766544089000956, 5.8287954513602722, 6.3423620558230542,
-    6.7899919751160516, 7.1981726869941802, 7.7399452080885132,
-    8.3342259680123636, 9.1990412068218603, 9.6467855088846335,
-    10.137584353746163, 10.89364428926409, 11.552396435112094,
-    13.030143614298112, 14.095239648815568, 16.252904088875191,
-    20.637122578101994, 25.04746535648458, 29.349607631916427,
-    39.069463698724505, 53.341542218906731, 131.24704840076191, 0.0,
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-    0.058447068850037934, 0.068821794240992967, 0.076446506641690143,
-    0.083331576500669718, 0.090983634325567123, 0.097188602723129819,
-    0.1088593709111567, 0.11459623029540639, 0.11844837313630252,
-    0.12384168852201749, 0.12684488135204505, 0.13447015956640213,
-    0.1391542676007054, 0.14625472031000056, 0.15200345906187301,
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-    0.17208869146003852, 0.17708137414161021, 0.18245018966878032,
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-    1.824889085813346, 1.8829431177071814, 1.9343935926685978,
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-    2.7684316125814457, 2.8476458237947857, 2.9627792222491238,
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-    0.085143786389228412, 0.08965572615115161, 0.094178377769283547,
-    0.098501280404947864, 0.1030958981377707, 0.10869385918561442,
-    0.11297670615452211, 0.11689141102215121, 0.1214840331703515,
-    0.12584718500031158, 0.12987214864837779, 0.13468557220683824,
-    0.13924503288786391, 0.14386351348014154, 0.1493340912759876,
-    0.15399302445531154, 0.15891197422219733, 0.16342430790220985,
-    0.16862541478716603, 0.17284449028563825, 0.17822842307181602,
-    0.1820267480405092, 0.18688153961477047, 0.1927267317388851,
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-    0.20898176045815323, 0.21456701344386478, 0.2193381728343505,
-    0.2241310071800133, 0.22817700334024027, 0.23233337863145165,
-    0.23720906624202601, 0.24191353394033271, 0.24708942468474382,
-    0.25285280260759901, 0.25671572324736464, 0.26213421506917656,
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-    0.34052636062698755, 0.34595494789256998, 0.35149217534601079,
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-    0.3998385857290081, 0.40528704514340191, 0.4113906789211898,
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-    0.45589276061599149, 0.4637504954853186, 0.46972702984856168,
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-    0.95887351889851813, 0.97485760015251421, 0.99539728475785438,
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-    1.1460855159498731, 1.1725936611440071, 1.1991674830298438,
-    1.223355141542398, 1.2503166821062022, 1.2755553790294463,
-    1.2974083183962621, 1.3271479307498393, 1.3598997679834393,
-    1.3966740129081683, 1.4270275926175096, 1.4608948615990871,
-    1.4952195611664525, 1.5313585561683203, 1.5640142535985393,
-    1.5994377044435546, 1.638305110435522, 1.6786361340413112,
-    1.7240031947949774, 1.7621335157109532, 1.8101134128648371,
-    1.8620922391744734, 1.9224643921259204, 1.9710346661166867,
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-    2.6084557648811311, 2.7199516996724253, 2.8338987909810287,
-    2.9216428190030639, 3.0360484810989852, 3.1500945673097052,
-    3.270619104044989, 3.4227068074159761, 3.5665311638055055,
-    3.7247617410661675, 3.925297648069769, 4.1375118576391934,
-    4.3398004727933692, 4.5346219219569655, 4.7447780176553112,
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-    7.8835838788384223, 8.6803326930194569, 9.7122609465184322,
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-    0.065188383675028702, 0.071626919796562605, 0.077168570402807349,
-    0.083037174267918165, 0.08755686111436492, 0.092118428080118928,
-    0.096425123862060327, 0.10043552253883403, 0.10554902051980319,
-    0.11009718665642487, 0.11326275217950955, 0.11698509676168573,
-    0.12080022735318345, 0.12517509152109374, 0.13013769328680053,
-    0.13345882034603812, 0.13747142162715098, 0.14150064959740938,
-    0.14442943761896229, 0.14941148229826645, 0.15440519818373027,
-    0.15783715568801643, 0.16265630037450993, 0.16672946241207018,
-    0.17011132508732738, 0.17420920933779047, 0.1787571250538082,
-    0.18406358630263245, 0.18924049544452431, 0.19306320330392984,
-    0.19641759705419837, 0.20044589719386452, 0.20365259207914921,
-    0.20746114210240005, 0.21178663359554398, 0.21561802968012542,
-    0.2201648522340745, 0.22394901627082189, 0.22890960512700576,
-    0.23288763477408511, 0.23799769247855981, 0.24277846906856382,
-    0.24620220114345401, 0.25085581063453694, 0.2547852657654528,
-    0.2584622001605798, 0.26226644168550362, 0.26587748056735006,
-    0.27001206297540875, 0.27333957150348165, 0.27844160533530171,
-    0.28262027978412785, 0.28651353733567758, 0.29232034746442948,
-    0.29580376680146625, 0.29935090999568476, 0.30309728324775276,
-    0.30715090410428514, 0.31201121511000857, 0.31571249520502215,
-    0.31981978170465836, 0.32351704294037775, 0.32816906538652812,
-    0.33260532162929424, 0.3375253795185012, 0.34227658789873155,
-    0.34672628630214691, 0.35173264439552276, 0.35642244422141933,
-    0.36316985109331051, 0.36811409230691677, 0.3739818336331292,
-    0.37900422010827939, 0.38371686137179334, 0.38830090222693142,
-    0.39314672036266179, 0.39750505605076314, 0.40399586297398238,
-    0.40779084214158268, 0.41471724442253388, 0.419908928474307,
-    0.42527068506941523, 0.43082110702825382, 0.43546343483577804,
-    0.44058928875209435, 0.4501165160939869, 0.455800248584872,
-    0.46250910353077601, 0.4679792550227716, 0.4771052601340332,
-    0.48317268060065444, 0.49024307149325064, 0.49795121259530739,
-    0.50489713934710001, 0.51144292478572784, 0.52042454216218859,
-    0.52715808936571795, 0.53458634795400084, 0.54336964463015824,
-    0.55167313602281232, 0.55895482076372938, 0.56755092529864581,
-    0.5767512365389893, 0.58757892054706506, 0.59812779085356993,
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-    0.63464413788738838, 0.64205470333131864, 0.64919687404877857,
-    0.66358361675173039, 0.67457487585108067, 0.68565375079097346,
-    0.69515353663280854, 0.70835712049313537, 0.71637388222414811,
-    0.72810587108889246, 0.74259519148707775, 0.75505940962506923,
-    0.76533718705099252, 0.77978770960457156, 0.79277034764412091,
-    0.81042776509929326, 0.8252185957527518, 0.84081567710998861,
-    0.85591239426333621, 0.87366392436831841, 0.8906804437761574,
-    0.90431935636817162, 0.92374870367862294, 0.9403922748286605,
-    0.96024005012655089, 0.9834409532310171, 1.0063612444728725,
-    1.0237103083075751, 1.0406894015881631, 1.0646614938416241,
-    1.0953872473777502, 1.1182073342474079, 1.1431128152282664,
-    1.1700990970833274, 1.1937825903128636, 1.2194906544605457,
-    1.2510699786546229, 1.2724440268105714, 1.3012328136568787,
-    1.3306077291828782, 1.3661125359622348, 1.4057121542663247,
-    1.438874003521625, 1.4852719546886077, 1.53160091645302,
-    1.5835611112903651, 1.6195792978908965, 1.6633225682365109,
-    1.7092772469624007, 1.7547058942561764, 1.7983361923251511,
-    1.8554877739779563, 1.9046272406631959, 1.9419569456472263,
-    2.007485115392952, 2.0766613504192311, 2.1363921756522712,
-    2.2042343314393218, 2.2881456308297792, 2.3461181458892382,
-    2.4247974852833076, 2.5226066296330565, 2.6287822381475663,
-    2.7093614689581362, 2.8121552403853838, 2.9431246632384611,
-    3.0643163534914351, 3.196540002859162, 3.3476671295609703,
-    3.578795801196712, 3.7570824917749248, 3.956586592960103,
-    4.1768360199630372, 4.472267971856815, 4.7565859357335603,
-    4.9434439507675787, 5.3520609425930763, 5.8616989500167476,
-    6.4670935400506355, 7.1530922193648818, 7.7821104509969494,
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-    0.094139760178390847, 0.097396291127248735, 0.10077623786944703,
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-    0.14729815411578639, 0.15116482000305284, 0.15414159957761076,
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-    0.17065475263188637, 0.17483972650814011, 0.17834701051598184,
-    0.18178605513225987, 0.18596570995349604, 0.19037643524106021,
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-    0.21798145949842526, 0.22269174316657275, 0.22805839010378598,
-    0.23142809067166253, 0.23544682877794354, 0.23918263561370051,
-    0.24332300301909804, 0.24826906410872435, 0.25329675001124591,
-    0.25742137093006096, 0.26143472523908162, 0.26537197580924371,
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-    0.35855091882620921, 0.36327633213491833, 0.36753998247607372,
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-    0.502197066237135, 0.50751626698891095, 0.51264907367868728,
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-    0.54112734609955404, 0.54811112287301356, 0.55616647069377034,
-    0.56629653003164915, 0.57402173658393196, 0.58265287411054412,
-    0.5936899552780841, 0.60345904162633524, 0.61533841077412088,
-    0.6228300863754348, 0.63457632801607111, 0.64512830577873503,
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-    0.68732881229737786, 0.69861201377323079, 0.70832408210492892,
-    0.72121539173424809, 0.7359553436177424, 0.7531392829935406,
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-    0.10517988601597632, 0.10903765629410936, 0.11233875871599709,
-    0.11536415976301187, 0.11841077260641984, 0.12163826850713737,
-    0.12514181216632086, 0.12858606228948036, 0.13177179631102987,
-    0.13482024094190459, 0.13784834878294833, 0.14173344180612701,
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-    0.15493735233574032, 0.157933736355726, 0.16144421044205534,
-    0.16496481804605914, 0.16826466934931564, 0.17176157430765859,
-    0.17500874461399182, 0.17804879932812664, 0.18119742226991276,
-    0.18460902834327048, 0.18841699006227006, 0.19203375816854248,
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-    0.21601167034217333, 0.2193383757310533, 0.222820615737646,
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-    0.2948369270235498, 0.29857003211993777, 0.30250669156367849,
-    0.30693020880140259, 0.31089496342193434, 0.31523727395296902,
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-    0.34276815018760209, 0.34765709135230655, 0.35209532653578884,
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-    0.73335327137205786, 0.7491983752217467, 0.76288874208982593,
-    0.77518238687845964, 0.78603287042076431, 0.79995968268653628,
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-    0.8570889681002567, 0.87095612444570292, 0.88896785472177609,
-    0.90333809106860474, 0.92310933391162042, 0.9405629243797472,
-    0.95692109407032377, 0.97963547072788137, 1.0004217317748421,
-    1.0236926463114733, 1.0479024684311415, 1.0736587494567686,
-    1.1029019665569759, 1.12906516845161, 1.1535229840512065,
-    1.183650543141433, 1.2145616634515819, 1.2433817141554775,
-    1.2742936392427719, 1.3109612706104625, 1.3449613279449495,
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-    1.4970878314012157, 1.544365849864396, 1.5852559389906491,
-    1.6289127182967043, 1.6763419507458905, 1.7346054874616406,
-    1.7874905505861236, 1.8348302383376642, 1.8883747008525986,
-    1.9710178297482999, 2.0327376391000698, 2.1131140769950014,
-    2.1969238514695641, 2.2946506914354945, 2.3927630404203812,
-    2.4890825215958983, 2.6207165719985688, 2.7919843701169169,
-    2.9728330577394462, 3.1407377025361027, 3.3485082966286388,
-    3.5810252651374039, 3.793190415760634, 4.1676272347122065,
-    4.4916169379050928, 4.8904487124863456, 5.4391848217865677,
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-    36.574431675278419, 0.0, 0.028921816660492792, 0.038476208480468108,
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-    0.059679563902977878, 0.062901418988622379, 0.065683103076441055,
-    0.069075624012220505, 0.073207759498264968, 0.075280554146869794,
-    0.079462144204613699, 0.083297706495367232, 0.086394086487673827,
-    0.088903479078186923, 0.09243845286973873, 0.094364478720997277,
-    0.096709129954935052, 0.099600772001187554, 0.10194958435962591,
-    0.10513809510421018, 0.10794208190913103, 0.11150222159681712,
-    0.1142579134971833, 0.11634657875634755, 0.11969047101715455,
-    0.12161519787344191, 0.12385053356930883, 0.12634084519901401,
-    0.1291305476386892, 0.13156417910210463, 0.13417493406967573,
-    0.13679964962661262, 0.13945990964839527, 0.14181342525248586,
-    0.14549282281256487, 0.14783340369717113, 0.14958856732057474,
-    0.15255382916645896, 0.15544319048994837, 0.1591542931569995,
-    0.16119409443564187, 0.16370574506975646, 0.16653288283113751,
-    0.16902699557221748, 0.1717260132509677, 0.17468466981937897,
-    0.1779552731592591, 0.18111140017332697, 0.18333071563005016,
-    0.18636531857836564, 0.19016088025525124, 0.19209155599903649,
-    0.19565401433448046, 0.19789779372738567, 0.20022629670546713,
-    0.20335515738656165, 0.20665614531626331, 0.20885428273616122,
-    0.21207980049406244, 0.21443174939028406, 0.2181358361099921,
-    0.2214704825023979, 0.22450859729188807, 0.22759981694087877,
-    0.23010697985919781, 0.23328733118479639, 0.23565035124699107,
-    0.23875228245044389, 0.24183177104791836, 0.2447595964898302,
-    0.24820098427265322, 0.25154143481035013, 0.25581771326492664,
-    0.26013522490314944, 0.26367297455136646, 0.26617604776659792,
-    0.26987259220624055, 0.27275363634505095, 0.27623705412540422,
-    0.27871993911088333, 0.28203251770501186, 0.28491073583870125,
-    0.28814332922843749, 0.29094277059610124, 0.2938064288488651,
-    0.2969815313602166, 0.30045527623320389, 0.30317724130982737,
-    0.30666702944803848, 0.30970778832795376, 0.31259577673706118,
-    0.31539427764199768, 0.31988050312274674, 0.32178656835758568,
-    0.32443980138047129, 0.3277688075192623, 0.33195003313090921,
-    0.33561880003007449, 0.33962945622215918, 0.34377428459224846,
-    0.349067132730848, 0.35295036042250361, 0.35729246702459938,
-    0.36187726953066712, 0.36506622168141156, 0.36986324059850173,
-    0.37569852555383199, 0.37905100286460758, 0.38294669891233701,
-    0.3866300329330194, 0.39204361455678038, 0.3962317851808338,
-    0.4030804475511377, 0.40814046916968216, 0.4119865334190676,
-    0.41817342893503151, 0.42349477228870891, 0.42867287716554325,
-    0.43313666513603649, 0.43739315237997622, 0.44219051331195619,
-    0.44643158583414966, 0.4513416019103979, 0.45705935192419134,
-    0.46264308628398765, 0.46825247944091547, 0.47465420547020648,
-    0.48174758431700188, 0.48788633445295398, 0.49349388643954339,
-    0.49865197511805071, 0.50773384443998426, 0.51541046681270575,
-    0.52255860785575936, 0.5356310077627463, 0.5406463000317947,
-    0.55076304278607535, 0.55854776590405919, 0.56582581731679704,
-    0.57267437404735588, 0.58175877378359275, 0.59034691980596277,
-    0.59823264051739911, 0.60957442271674445, 0.6194670575252732,
-    0.6294844755918888, 0.63775217112429661, 0.65038656712647513,
-    0.66556623318671948, 0.67830398239462752, 0.68857340585147719,
-    0.70637124241783045, 0.72004520953233619, 0.73226719735392387,
-    0.7457490295034942, 0.76151155409015303, 0.7788125970268942,
-    0.79515932542339285, 0.81254279994519929, 0.82700166070107894,
-    0.84377746720044, 0.8616801611253373, 0.87312979926600642,
-    0.89306244383302025, 0.91157949941262495, 0.93649830671061973,
-    0.96045815324208017, 0.98026017538300847, 1.0032275044690475,
-    1.0223665747906359, 1.0503696830959937, 1.0755078532636331,
-    1.101139306224127, 1.1388797172799137, 1.1665602377614628,
-    1.1971228830372136, 1.2429765744431311, 1.27151817897234,
-    1.3196059857459572, 1.3607077146634539, 1.4080100832014402,
-    1.4436105483598447, 1.5062656999309187, 1.5705018855286448,
-    1.6196741040179319, 1.7017546419225014, 1.7817219551686443,
-    1.8729498330391841, 2.006473698316642, 2.0957964833521063,
-    2.2485598216783145, 2.423609185843191, 2.626008839643847,
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-    0.033732536832338969, 0.039118065252253129, 0.043508833467363728,
-    0.047063221143802791, 0.051667831189905436, 0.055471945442740714,
-    0.059563400199632022, 0.063407265987904318, 0.067563772217917817,
-    0.070562077753977034, 0.072564969601282711, 0.075957653960410501,
-    0.079471937233580703, 0.081610948505659406, 0.084336182277764543,
-    0.085729555024764481, 0.087912606080814831, 0.090426742471708968,
-    0.092226052618394103, 0.095203088495300195, 0.097507441529407504,
-    0.09931583216850505, 0.10098213901865467, 0.10362977207550068,
-    0.106536499498979, 0.10886405033186211, 0.11088891781357048,
-    0.11328699495935905, 0.11540087510304135, 0.11799931027470408,
-    0.12050531073316835, 0.12242779955312402, 0.12514823721707605,
-    0.12721735558212802, 0.12933447430330011, 0.13203036634017445,
-    0.13417276652072574, 0.13682939156923718, 0.13887038216932518,
-    0.14017857392699531, 0.14260782990365448, 0.14507059221307408,
-    0.14695417225791405, 0.1497654226781093, 0.15138564492801476,
-    0.15472639458976323, 0.15772367683889396, 0.16045043223988531,
-    0.16195088977448327, 0.1653371285663317, 0.16739293400606811,
-    0.16902564888868615, 0.17135686517783991, 0.17417715392414423,
-    0.17596450913872053, 0.17803129891730965, 0.1805883516853817,
-    0.1825060880502859, 0.1838873485985828, 0.18554056668826283,
-    0.18688214127303718, 0.19034439134742612, 0.19315414674660081,
-    0.19515118537205678, 0.19721801513205642, 0.19995735714435001,
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-    0.20900643222762244, 0.21121684498145538, 0.2141429261516028,
-    0.21798646354299808, 0.22017242536159604, 0.22218023639013998,
-    0.22376317029676776, 0.22537433505677418, 0.22809119148663043,
-    0.23139281037580572, 0.23480276077988851, 0.23684629676326219,
-    0.23958019092042915, 0.24220286199703944, 0.24366569953375267,
-    0.24625074936964272, 0.24915921270974223, 0.25224407083384365,
-    0.2538581843802209, 0.25651702169266016, 0.26003397601516304,
-    0.26243381994538789, 0.26573203122069483, 0.26815769894861019,
-    0.27071592524571436, 0.27210161216348083, 0.27479515468230203,
-    0.27748117382633419, 0.280031855760834, 0.28299682369589024,
-    0.28524892290169052, 0.28898573042967923, 0.29228482183314008,
-    0.29504239920787978, 0.29806595908916128, 0.30100912736728097,
-    0.30284142122993929, 0.30711397725763068, 0.30933508238145735,
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-    0.32074973819730013, 0.3227054052696956, 0.32713499329815404,
-    0.32974764249150712, 0.33492335792956868, 0.33718040901799218,
-    0.3445901607353572, 0.34780889710624885, 0.35093774887440915,
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-    0.37861500834946049, 0.38309681552259905, 0.38664479850030559,
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-    0.41888281162295166, 0.42393582615245412, 0.42822578404852624,
-    0.43294724828815934, 0.43951811737015356, 0.44722396323185154,
-    0.456459221718371, 0.46045447756416902, 0.46515308472591632,
-    0.46794991783126505, 0.47105981062684799, 0.47694020659007907,
-    0.48566640347419093, 0.4925745593913089, 0.49834783552581607,
-    0.50583387303211413, 0.51446464375101153, 0.52037516362506031,
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-    0.59369025108432061, 0.60559961256557782, 0.61889472781609867,
-    0.62969186089776408, 0.63837174738104929, 0.65949504499792255,
-    0.67141801254799327, 0.68600870858985674, 0.70043252145572876,
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-    0.83016666521645444, 0.85350687238710088, 0.87938142652533746,
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-    1.1213085582112645, 1.1519192766424888, 1.2067063531674953,
-    1.2531782152469926, 1.3107295260357585, 1.3724083852801383,
-    1.4468184839518206, 1.5305694103262035, 1.6312349936217583,
-    1.756018052127331, 1.8367605970857828, 2.1866989616417953,
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-    0.082270832598215493, 0.085046708133008728, 0.087447299482588489,
-    0.088756661262206285, 0.089943943671740606, 0.091007938101520788,
-    0.094928097449594656, 0.099174513732067163, 0.10225836726704171,
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-    0.11877928264418412, 0.12047520194953332, 0.12165567868304332,
-    0.12370102433239426, 0.12612018039059264, 0.12684700576746685,
-    0.12878646240712111, 0.13057121120289508, 0.13306734076172619,
-    0.13372880707703153, 0.13736038992044558, 0.13881715097710293,
-    0.14064884529964838, 0.14124573991521217, 0.14311942643715578,
-    0.14513581305673817, 0.14595784685930299, 0.14716393061676503,
-    0.14885367705639466, 0.15050993397888962, 0.15162964533831316,
-    0.15369975683678072, 0.15435469959388012, 0.15577759046058082,
-    0.15668226730841731, 0.1584071432356994, 0.16082946927662081,
-    0.16239265698907479, 0.16531349295331907, 0.16703861065645129,
-    0.16929110758385099, 0.17070372367338077, 0.17240081949003247,
-    0.17401929655089876, 0.17549939813262669, 0.17701318273239205,
-    0.17868149692193935, 0.18147990984218215, 0.18481043739856384,
-    0.18569720961339536, 0.18665041599964075, 0.18938007981684934,
-    0.19112692772630277, 0.19315708801010689, 0.19508059108287254,
-    0.19644468311306196, 0.19883785512746996, 0.1996477292940389,
-    0.20328799229092981, 0.20659034076463945, 0.20796810335371782,
-    0.20983542523783127, 0.2115840603792295, 0.21255804907160578,
-    0.21431203105213031, 0.21628777053004405, 0.21896636799431354,
-    0.21986294549536606, 0.22078232590253416, 0.22179327232323751,
-    0.22426607190724099, 0.22774633679825707, 0.22885586498217825,
-    0.23208931497029114, 0.23445635314933294, 0.23554916368095241,
-    0.23985598287746046, 0.24076111746584605, 0.24198970919459603,
-    0.24456695954672134, 0.24539417383496825, 0.24905154968712961,
-    0.25090707777222615, 0.25130106870142177, 0.25451533183987707,
-    0.25566996933756181, 0.25867328796775041, 0.26064956359600089,
-    0.26093120395291297, 0.26335008874127647, 0.26856790047127449,
-    0.27254893327198854, 0.27567782840817318, 0.28124267210164966,
-    0.28247854937130817, 0.28625114431857379, 0.29082925078376376,
-    0.29320605506152064, 0.29647487884551421, 0.29850592855711272,
-    0.30094246795171609, 0.30299611653537667, 0.30732808774918102,
-    0.30921735043703502, 0.31232747522186072, 0.31576319709815054,
-    0.31898849977118987, 0.32108644244395629, 0.32447138047106261,
-    0.3276024319651058, 0.33168278635557902, 0.33493496691600139,
-    0.33845815307623212, 0.34437679545267702, 0.34822020725155695,
-    0.35388817414966195, 0.35700939815500266, 0.36137972027986198,
-    0.36735725529631541, 0.37122673740911644, 0.37736118189762147,
-    0.38121463316019755, 0.38546836603235024, 0.38836897993416342,
-    0.39553820461710354, 0.40116462511742196, 0.40279764229171539,
-    0.40785429136994455, 0.4120631734290916, 0.41819001160031855,
-    0.4234655903840544, 0.43068989317940309, 0.4331178277657271,
-    0.43638042629268897, 0.44171464739442051, 0.44829733628879731,
-    0.45755514155993304, 0.46339964109942611, 0.47692651434693667,
-    0.48203233568420067, 0.49140553703676787, 0.50067617538535925,
-    0.50624500029535147, 0.509762509086366, 0.52599740110606863,
-    0.53670458159003154, 0.54068269935836055, 0.54513452026347542,
-    0.55442379727646218, 0.5804414969611561, 0.58740464650794555,
-    0.59797187392502571, 0.60955631740740246, 0.62001210363745418,
-    0.62794424312588415, 0.64232876391400828, 0.65803432767723335,
-    0.67702143179047414, 0.69561200182704575, 0.70599633378133608,
-    0.73591608002676656, 0.75513253846758877, 0.78397996641105416,
-    0.80710202421052646, 0.84525049120784146, 0.9052678157224523,
-    0.9490825408336746, 1.016326214794693, 1.0596533647480635,
-    1.1401329656445862, 1.2775775816110475, 1.3755053508861865,
-    1.4769805157017351, 1.6399119604908177, 2.1348657056627016,
-    3.1990537574230995, 0.0, 0.037229647806545842, 0.042899747607156292,
-    0.04852625796660219, 0.053427828682963238, 0.057846043814273482,
-    0.058789366804777823, 0.059894670960058481, 0.061806496819415593,
-    0.06288357937563871, 0.063705491238154652, 0.064624564349766864,
-    0.066539564546213181, 0.068117644205825445, 0.069689987448183402,
-    0.072973810118958204, 0.075029578028714114, 0.076090220871986247,
-    0.078275623933525537, 0.080159770792154389, 0.081406116039587209,
-    0.08164553964490695, 0.083593049530192948, 0.084590953870938804,
-    0.086465834117303964, 0.08822532572632788, 0.089186854619600464,
-    0.089886020317945056, 0.092572749202295607, 0.093694972932557227,
-    0.094937834404926119, 0.097040224291640623, 0.097667138521545876,
-    0.099969968038602502, 0.10417048484174087, 0.10780079213283225,
-    0.10889375095854625, 0.10903938989013479, 0.11128176917618536,
-    0.11257507660636565, 0.11326518811097527, 0.11352509387853861,
-    0.11567847555302868, 0.11768952386243653, 0.1204905958236033,
-    0.12232339630742434, 0.12313609921978132, 0.12415844929489957,
-    0.12496470498144355, 0.1256037537020967, 0.12639939557206845,
-    0.12838761114223329, 0.13077332351034465, 0.13313785622768695,
-    0.13467524077070694, 0.13767775043346175, 0.1395173441181872,
-    0.14023356529287612, 0.14136086842893428, 0.14571034508839201,
-    0.1469532644277852, 0.14759361899260168, 0.14842017101772531,
-    0.15242521256839886, 0.15426856023023913, 0.15672970714335024,
-    0.15841699106659399, 0.16004962219962768, 0.16049659367868152,
-    0.16157625338408105, 0.16342153321263841, 0.16532114637213219,
-    0.16564588513427789, 0.16769053519184424, 0.16854825098054121,
-    0.17028923250134065, 0.17081950396614154, 0.17342913449829525,
-    0.17419644038376433, 0.17653031453657719, 0.17786246650019316,
-    0.17958041035624855, 0.18003570826506662, 0.18432275493254124,
-    0.18459458761615619, 0.18561588691792064, 0.18819478610235629,
-    0.18893514209622653, 0.19095535469625224, 0.19170408021332064,
-    0.19567600800094345, 0.19999780259216959, 0.20284315225727748,
-    0.20373012583225134, 0.20456046242286197, 0.20898756476926456,
-    0.2100591678518928, 0.21318265146979337, 0.21479341720286452,
-    0.21493894958991802, 0.21552884148320978, 0.21678370295180605,
-    0.22005390213330656, 0.2208750353533499, 0.22231160974944153,
-    0.22547606652116448, 0.22883502427842192, 0.23247314084489223,
-    0.23365595384777041, 0.23970523046509304, 0.24138410146972589,
-    0.24522137341984301, 0.24570522451863233, 0.24780703706547635,
-    0.24933355507759977, 0.25284652657486378, 0.25514210353592087,
-    0.26026745358900111, 0.26128019347213516, 0.26202930456238355,
-    0.2653982496052657, 0.27065798701145305, 0.27463053229655843,
-    0.27595152381920862, 0.27800957551439981, 0.27890303616529488,
-    0.28289551881522107, 0.28379888321436764, 0.28474455516979619,
-    0.28548889806913502, 0.28851856129741399, 0.28925469033111689,
-    0.28955788894271245, 0.29350305977266933, 0.29609872122681807,
-    0.30241998726464192, 0.30382080452923382, 0.30448438898977698,
-    0.30631757913135704, 0.30916236790296231, 0.31205028913580696,
-    0.31313738153954629, 0.31539404590186959, 0.32210740953492534,
-    0.32318384166541836, 0.32403796494592974, 0.32464341580886236,
-    0.32818473413596672, 0.33067902264725552, 0.33203810229003639,
-    0.33962444057763569, 0.34073403626495863, 0.34374538688334105,
-    0.34554821131082758, 0.34684735903657665, 0.34836578284950859,
-    0.35197282198795432, 0.35911745218986346, 0.36040424548108152,
-    0.36271817789575339, 0.36453208838267026, 0.3722041874594319,
-    0.3850959970374066, 0.3967374853148608, 0.41083356110814401,
-    0.41558974094228335, 0.41984747597880934, 0.42851282447107242,
-    0.44033883814796876, 0.44769850108485965, 0.45485476695336086,
-    0.45517769344815051, 0.46988589941579539, 0.47336234940402983,
-    0.48228476100040185, 0.4963129125170842, 0.52496401740850696,
-    0.54174268466224507, 0.56778264213285756, 0.59947949441738635,
-    0.61618637620027639, 0.62469990851376267, 0.63559373655292239,
-    0.64028148402424645, 0.6417944978527288, 0.66120751834923108,
-    0.67230387905415456, 0.68549918126957876, 0.73574140945002686,
-    0.76189058824857092, 0.78177211477759978, 0.78478497130854397,
-    0.81183845339312055, 0.92595133931696894, 1.0420074377189543,
-    1.1184834461004387, 1.1868475850375335, 1.3795391514935433,
-    1.6690912806799729, 3.620579386400943, 4.4069707474488888, 0.0,
-    0.030864281125046841, 0.03669053240718801, 0.03669053240718801,
-    0.039541803469962257, 0.039755585819827695, 0.041911399040835309,
-    0.044531607387296508, 0.046731484997993428, 0.046731484997993428,
-    0.06192300563276, 0.06192300563276, 0.066085275241882221,
-    0.067880636244234044, 0.067880636244234044, 0.069612626096000677,
-    0.071396391336907949, 0.074309967475605268, 0.078162954961568054,
-    0.079768809149418779, 0.079768809149418779, 0.081322012057796628,
-    0.081579918597752932, 0.081965289512041781, 0.082670774423793988,
-    0.082670774423793988, 0.083676047986424987, 0.083826394915856112,
-    0.085375798643674658, 0.085510183074035503, 0.088324648985544513,
-    0.088324648985544513, 0.089066018619338688, 0.089523451445578398,
-    0.092390560807742189, 0.10166676719934153, 0.10195388252236594,
-    0.10195388252236594, 0.10528536390229394, 0.10679858905504509,
-    0.10764192688172415, 0.11227193635040114, 0.11227193635040114,
-    0.11244606922440568, 0.1136218868259553, 0.11451053199472827,
-    0.11659577642426923, 0.11691086289458787, 0.11691086289458787,
-    0.1173211686698568, 0.11960461186081611, 0.12046430069545827,
-    0.12256846680870316, 0.12256846680870316, 0.12280198926010166,
-    0.1257225389684917, 0.13059187471398534, 0.13073228193993355,
-    0.13136136021211561, 0.13136136021211561, 0.13233380712258788,
-    0.13614938779187713, 0.14007489771345971, 0.14560628646680376,
-    0.14560628646680376, 0.14756930951437783, 0.14916144609305121,
-    0.14922882591595366, 0.15191188357115223, 0.15579801420071124,
-    0.15610306654452089, 0.15610306654452089, 0.15875192987335729,
-    0.16047737283948593, 0.16705380313003848, 0.16705380313003848,
-    0.168016882808462, 0.17068350389171213, 0.17282355855710782,
-    0.17412526193089098, 0.17681813754652775, 0.17681813754652775,
-    0.17715999760351636, 0.17756752055286806, 0.17871040321678122,
-    0.18018603591927709, 0.18070221855952068, 0.18070221855952068,
-    0.18495477280536446, 0.18580464561947918, 0.18637382093258065,
-    0.18739559121993163, 0.18739559121993163, 0.18989848932672079,
-    0.1902906960015, 0.19079530690057658, 0.19139358210577725,
-    0.1938767861484369, 0.1938767861484369, 0.19812320558888927,
-    0.19864349781538035, 0.20096245867613949, 0.20739126731129648,
-    0.20739126731129648, 0.20890608427242904, 0.21005835424486638,
-    0.21737774907061119, 0.21854346896037202, 0.22284661457281491,
-    0.22284661457281491, 0.23203519715709653, 0.23203519715709653,
-    0.23558872825006388, 0.23602589936541735, 0.23602589936541735,
-    0.23638998760967109, 0.23703292133804643, 0.24047672111025759,
-    0.24232933889648617, 0.24387144046296869, 0.24387144046296869,
-    0.24388260654882868, 0.24896631802503422, 0.25046853137361336,
-    0.25166045673406662, 0.25166045673406662, 0.25359663196242094,
-    0.25498419205566342, 0.25901909865108758, 0.26243633410773498,
-    0.26917225709613957, 0.26917225709613957, 0.27179969406100962,
-    0.27215636119935699, 0.27269960957360972, 0.27295835182412659,
-    0.27444977275651289, 0.27444977275651289, 0.274486965108864,
-    0.27757442781989727, 0.28007367094306918, 0.28306039462916666,
-    0.28306039462916666, 0.29022692808414607, 0.29319016306643131,
-    0.2953248123792146, 0.29727012315484735, 0.30055429636041897,
-    0.30055429636041897, 0.30274018734482672, 0.30371328246605706,
-    0.31089484427626424, 0.31222083890057561, 0.31222083890057561,
-    0.31342334287374385, 0.31360922339798514, 0.31781375837493059,
-    0.32086597698136354, 0.32397526199152671, 0.32397526199152671,
-    0.3252274384988707, 0.32557079328326183, 0.33071479846211244,
-    0.33213366103834452, 0.33213366103834452, 0.33806274054259133,
-    0.34060768522908541, 0.34066725641268175, 0.35070821312772565,
-    0.35281117830908848, 0.36022367837676228, 0.36022367837676228,
-    0.36359476452865169, 0.36867343874662684, 0.37500703454904866,
-    0.37500703454904866, 0.37559552094037618, 0.37776360565050465,
-    0.37911941464036175, 0.38043414821366556, 0.38673933256135501,
-    0.38673933256135501, 0.41493531465793626, 0.42545225470978032,
-    0.43335020944353286, 0.45946584864513479, 0.47934271794544625,
-    0.47934271794544625, 0.4835397584082895, 0.507001135566851,
-    0.53670698552411766, 0.62709022030658668, 0.62709022030658668,
-    0.6307562723487633, 0.6978337089986677, 0.96104664619258018,
-    0.97932419086538236, 1.3786097683148981, 1.3786097683148981,
-    2.1383436514004277, 2.1383436514004277, 0.0, 0.0, 0.040258951562044121,
-    0.040258951562044121, 0.04337227036223338, 0.04337227036223338,
-    0.04337227036223338, 0.056733258526878674, 0.056733258526878674,
-    0.059895656757221916, 0.063352892119378321, 0.063352892119378321,
-    0.063352892119378321, 0.063352892119378321, 0.063460760236515132,
-    0.063460760236515132, 0.063460760236515132, 0.064176771962993165,
-    0.064176771962993165, 0.069374734097819607, 0.069374734097819607,
-    0.069941635924431284, 0.069941635924431284, 0.069941635924431284,
-    0.07441063086446581, 0.07441063086446581, 0.090038436293935278,
-    0.090038436293935278, 0.090038436293935278, 0.093919282982153851,
-    0.098259451815303545, 0.098259451815303545, 0.098259451815303545,
-    0.098259451815303545, 0.11221645527330414, 0.11221645527330414,
-    0.11464109406455952, 0.11464109406455952, 0.11464109406455952,
-    0.11504122558884447, 0.11504122558884447, 0.11661461574279566,
-    0.11661461574279566, 0.11661461574279566, 0.11694434342186813,
-    0.11694434342186813, 0.12361989892840071, 0.12361989892840071,
-    0.12361989892840071, 0.12731915639699826, 0.13338496267239372,
-    0.13338496267239372, 0.13338496267239372, 0.13338496267239372,
-    0.14060738795616895, 0.14060738795616895, 0.14577369503859991,
-    0.14577369503859991, 0.14577369503859991, 0.15154574744822344,
-    0.15154574744822344, 0.15338029980440129, 0.15338029980440129,
-    0.155704785287297, 0.155704785287297, 0.155704785287297,
-    0.16408818329459646, 0.16408818329459646, 0.16611008928152352,
-    0.16611008928152352, 0.16793010863802235, 0.16793010863802235,
-    0.16793010863802235, 0.17350035363146732, 0.17350035363146732,
-    0.17350035363146732, 0.17720670978465847, 0.17720670978465847,
-    0.18778273599380949, 0.18778273599380949, 0.18778273599380949,
-    0.1956978506206099, 0.1956978506206099, 0.20618188353800229,
-    0.20618188353800229, 0.20618188353800229, 0.20667910131294201,
-    0.20667910131294201, 0.20897230394199579, 0.20897230394199579,
-    0.21603929997442067, 0.21603929997442067, 0.21603929997442067,
-    0.21750678346847724, 0.21750678346847724, 0.21750678346847724,
-    0.22319258104633796, 0.22319258104633796, 0.22577633029393052,
-    0.22577633029393052, 0.22577633029393052, 0.22835066066328252,
-    0.22835066066328252, 0.23127950794349347, 0.23127950794349347,
-    0.2335912050904361, 0.2335912050904361, 0.2335912050904361,
-    0.23855651821128016, 0.23855651821128016, 0.2403910894270215,
-    0.2403910894270215, 0.2403910894270215, 0.24693892553945757,
-    0.24693892553945757, 0.25144395559134397, 0.25144395559134397,
-    0.25144395559134397, 0.26144207730435715, 0.26144207730435715,
-    0.26316375812762322, 0.26316375812762322, 0.26316375812762322,
-    0.269250257528246, 0.269250257528246, 0.26976356545845359,
-    0.26976356545845359, 0.26976356545845359, 0.27207502394872296,
-    0.27207502394872296, 0.2722348959852619, 0.2722348959852619,
-    0.2722348959852619, 0.27399949932593481, 0.27399949932593481,
-    0.28525376986066708, 0.28525376986066708, 0.28525376986066708,
-    0.28581273013248543, 0.28581273013248543, 0.28581555874501124,
-    0.28581555874501124, 0.28725787127206887, 0.28725787127206887,
-    0.28725787127206887, 0.29182201476670522, 0.29182201476670522,
-    0.29774917483412067, 0.29774917483412067, 0.29774917483412067,
-    0.3221172335419677, 0.3221172335419677, 0.32286123906893716,
-    0.32286123906893716, 0.32286123906893716, 0.32784329797451783,
-    0.32784329797451783, 0.39859714532471063, 0.39859714532471063,
-    0.39859714532471063, 0.40861269762703839, 0.40861269762703839,
-    0.43492497337962299, 0.43492497337962299, 0.43492497337962299,
-    0.45154247181726737, 0.45154247181726737, 0.47903191315956584,
-    0.47903191315956584, 0.47903191315956584, 0.48764413130617162,
-    0.48764413130617162, 0.55753055427216291, 0.55753055427216291,
-    0.55753055427216291, 0.59950889251110473, 0.59950889251110473,
-    0.62302532522821363, 0.62302532522821363, 0.62302532522821363,
-    0.70821265192750071, 0.70821265192750071, 0.78923825478405685,
-    0.78923825478405685, 0.80991304315555079, 0.80991304315555079,
-    0.80991304315555079, 0.88217017561019562, 0.88217017561019562,
-    0.88217017561019562, 0.90564207937415331, 0.90564207937415331,
-    0.92743264762046396, 0.92743264762046396, 1.0496487600196804,
-    1.0496487600196804, 1.0496487600196804, 1.2152980938033116,
-    1.2152980938033116, 1.2152980938033116, 1.2152980938033116
+    0.0,
+    0.057628562576303784,
+    0.091878457821655726,
+    0.1132900806480715,
+    0.16850875337211296,
+    0.23480972950916859,
+    0.25538164963671517,
+    0.31559279249314726,
+    0.3709861971858377,
+    0.39525547000677452,
+    0.48512586717169626,
+    0.50506908796001859,
+    0.57765035525262631,
+    0.62148541152837633,
+    0.64263863444579483,
+    0.69882483312164267,
+    0.7161545153916149,
+    0.80411890720042356,
+    0.8805970872918405,
+    0.95906879172041093,
+    0.9964168954980418,
+    1.0467630571651532,
+    1.0811313132957849,
+    1.107613450320283,
+    1.1414327414809755,
+    1.200680497698831,
+    1.2258265309284444,
+    1.3292666112945957,
+    1.3827312359018287,
+    1.4123188606803245,
+    1.5512850653633397,
+    1.6356584995938095,
+    1.6731651325192813,
+    1.7284734590792767,
+    1.7492218434041287,
+    1.7668984797381611,
+    1.859839254768237,
+    1.8915873446892628,
+    1.906971142493358,
+    1.9739012545347705,
+    2.0042595869827151,
+    2.0404670643203007,
+    2.0801334669349569,
+    2.1361786545358559,
+    2.1800889828349126,
+    2.2526723098806514,
+    2.4615221000598324,
+    2.522133895087689,
+    2.5349568672753051,
+    2.6130589764080723,
+    2.7500027760987162,
+    2.8562937139926889,
+    2.9119263033764744,
+    3.0019158345608132,
+    3.075603035061484,
+    3.1141526815876208,
+    3.1813265812952172,
+    3.3676587418240587,
+    3.554323576839598,
+    3.6496213142048179,
+    3.6874293716075122,
+    3.7856923728140917,
+    3.8474310667342051,
+    3.9949344157172133,
+    4.125555286661946,
+    4.3290913548691856,
+    4.4952013654404812,
+    4.556343784992352,
+    4.639912221981799,
+    4.7146391204010234,
+    4.8227084013441566,
+    4.9863406697764292,
+    5.1842339785740776,
+    5.3023803998521304,
+    5.4750202011939866,
+    5.54048973773856,
+    5.6494197613846904,
+    6.031189352625824,
+    6.1768307442788197,
+    6.2620964668403225,
+    6.4351623085815,
+    6.7265466116268859,
+    6.7915288820461273,
+    6.858752135722245,
+    7.0391175979404581,
+    7.1234944848067601,
+    7.3258340038478451,
+    7.6012540830071256,
+    7.8610379546027023,
+    8.1407339356122499,
+    8.6344134454714787,
+    8.7180144432721391,
+    9.0978762948485237,
+    9.2738466401608814,
+    9.3278635864048827,
+    9.4424890946840847,
+    9.6030189615224657,
+    9.7486413490900201,
+    9.9120876012927628,
+    10.0634236132968,
+    10.415298132107214,
+    10.522058512873633,
+    10.613299539059163,
+    10.777003890057323,
+    11.19134404322137,
+    11.263117192375013,
+    11.498561061679176,
+    12.21806762702662,
+    12.483196087543357,
+    13.54470365954359,
+    13.849619017840872,
+    14.123084642390928,
+    14.398832659078749,
+    14.566089250066417,
+    14.807446823406554,
+    14.954042474253805,
+    15.017632122375311,
+    15.534486588862363,
+    16.087579752773408,
+    16.335273051167704,
+    16.59865583486215,
+    16.787365784531143,
+    16.930772808747413,
+    16.978230896616772,
+    17.45341757723757,
+    17.54161801859598,
+    17.670822982069833,
+    18.057953137339432,
+    18.349411130934708,
+    18.874645742669262,
+    19.811500245302732,
+    20.617053831744901,
+    21.425708785184192,
+    22.13342945397601,
+    22.514800015329385,
+    22.600876120356858,
+    22.995926973030485,
+    23.562574109846953,
+    24.294710403256879,
+    24.710775959864485,
+    25.735807637080889,
+    26.538055293359648,
+    27.290028726831821,
+    27.773430106003083,
+    29.668208899311839,
+    29.767759573249858,
+    30.328136166047656,
+    31.494086670497492,
+    31.717352094096093,
+    32.525981982450979,
+    33.265585384845679,
+    33.751316746168612,
+    34.201802003064067,
+    36.899918838933765,
+    38.096479462365799,
+    39.516017768346714,
+    39.989735840240321,
+    41.194468318352641,
+    43.299364753871842,
+    43.400612046669139,
+    44.217051933181644,
+    45.224566778084622,
+    46.422304247376758,
+    46.960808813383558,
+    48.299557096246531,
+    49.543362472280329,
+    52.100735352804534,
+    53.655447353773283,
+    55.960391277909508,
+    59.70514539293125,
+    61.843693253111184,
+    68.081331605587849,
+    71.540166073226146,
+    73.270793327751335,
+    76.171347038456744,
+    76.713947935814872,
+    79.452578223589953,
+    81.242818023980888,
+    85.253618574552505,
+    90.576557423795492,
+    92.997247053710012,
+    95.821107577619216,
+    106.64500479999833,
+    120.18058037798956,
+    126.50923215826064,
+    131.32814912989315,
+    147.1399472964454,
+    167.43638431036157,
+    192.68604805851697,
+    214.74959666043176,
+    236.90417250922937,
+    270.13811088102972,
+    311.13617202210634,
+    348.43212870989748,
+    397.49279405192692,
+    418.52939500887197,
+    490.05308025042825,
+    601.26449991098229,
+    943.69926165035622,
+    2272.151119348498,
+    2272.151119348498,
+    0.0,
+    0.068201728466174436,
+    0.11237783313391692,
+    0.12830033204755303,
+    0.14738276605539258,
+    0.17452595819420164,
+    0.18740679497876259,
+    0.22092788589298604,
+    0.24698157312934674,
+    0.26321755681186182,
+    0.278982404063846,
+    0.29425614113597565,
+    0.30386598141884186,
+    0.33348471684689712,
+    0.35448258891286477,
+    0.38416466052319098,
+    0.41799061907192603,
+    0.43332985148006498,
+    0.46022545438188606,
+    0.46720029992587914,
+    0.4834191580769957,
+    0.49135304898180576,
+    0.50065137294598305,
+    0.54116902167600822,
+    0.56502516934264901,
+    0.58383186711851243,
+    0.59988283878047788,
+    0.61745037135253056,
+    0.64851934211375817,
+    0.65771446388077714,
+    0.68201656335208749,
+    0.69501882934571635,
+    0.70859407070539537,
+    0.76811748190181783,
+    0.785547174693628,
+    0.80584170571483826,
+    0.80977921469642378,
+    0.84983656800224905,
+    0.87762202858938831,
+    0.89989293732657549,
+    0.92737970573962192,
+    0.94822275849814597,
+    0.97010634169397159,
+    1.0004701361644599,
+    1.027252813486935,
+    1.0516264427778705,
+    1.085865795301199,
+    1.1039829998101676,
+    1.1231421375848933,
+    1.1351908524310048,
+    1.1870327649828589,
+    1.2108652899633887,
+    1.2418615536907456,
+    1.2620878726057261,
+    1.2831955088252662,
+    1.306480565141986,
+    1.3214819027067988,
+    1.3819750197102438,
+    1.3964962886754628,
+    1.4416267404974048,
+    1.4723276588556404,
+    1.5102821076425617,
+    1.5397500825876973,
+    1.5614284610319382,
+    1.6110339651345407,
+    1.6433416553385205,
+    1.6728829936173992,
+    1.6999366415445392,
+    1.7240699041761254,
+    1.7508519958752469,
+    1.7969849629216739,
+    1.8430561905053708,
+    1.8717904098493616,
+    1.9063368309633759,
+    1.9506003143418458,
+    2.0298196868542142,
+    2.0991713956674101,
+    2.1633526448161282,
+    2.2629929459851224,
+    2.29081267396016,
+    2.3416198215358914,
+    2.3573314548287789,
+    2.4218587714491338,
+    2.4993355473824033,
+    2.5384325382544848,
+    2.6491004992037666,
+    2.7210651339892107,
+    2.8237246255258426,
+    2.8700824362814488,
+    2.9188785020766925,
+    2.9635962519687955,
+    3.0154773635321317,
+    3.1026722776260538,
+    3.1782308010920812,
+    3.2642539873638139,
+    3.322125355058692,
+    3.3714861504441376,
+    3.4218839487759731,
+    3.5144951962763513,
+    3.5765944072239031,
+    3.6273675925681212,
+    3.7247691072149096,
+    3.8232379391542128,
+    3.8893216636307564,
+    3.9288057496282955,
+    4.0390899251352117,
+    4.1600948751312279,
+    4.1871263152018612,
+    4.2621860547974828,
+    4.3500604627307435,
+    4.5436519743962078,
+    4.5849723086596628,
+    4.729044783865576,
+    4.8683804704143165,
+    4.9563493866144599,
+    5.0241568504440179,
+    5.1468726623856105,
+    5.1949999782992462,
+    5.3140299451508861,
+    5.4879645142694358,
+    5.7223471643025841,
+    5.8380855647564118,
+    5.953449532130346,
+    6.0187020640170728,
+    6.2108553226358252,
+    6.3916059248644403,
+    6.4913362763076323,
+    6.6031140372618351,
+    6.6636491589809301,
+    6.9509407634766989,
+    7.1531488937141772,
+    7.2409474401975658,
+    7.4303919093490327,
+    7.5669382679335202,
+    7.7441286658925934,
+    7.9000616206163423,
+    8.0724648473816156,
+    8.2412216959472371,
+    8.4137214458024516,
+    8.6069007301001861,
+    8.7736666850099372,
+    8.9890876982826367,
+    9.155130462775519,
+    9.3411611417176861,
+    9.4866270624314577,
+    9.5872328045423547,
+    9.8527914805110655,
+    9.9514305967967953,
+    10.292405041584022,
+    10.75673026860011,
+    11.169289189746417,
+    11.46807997463821,
+    11.689766834399332,
+    11.966027273630296,
+    12.351431387718186,
+    12.727667430393458,
+    13.119586645059071,
+    13.424611040389257,
+    13.786397020277862,
+    13.968352336123267,
+    14.21068016740667,
+    14.453408188853816,
+    15.461180267394132,
+    15.895481313307476,
+    16.317601512617198,
+    16.780792483093965,
+    17.624171385239844,
+    18.139839382922045,
+    18.594772196087924,
+    20.516375547145831,
+    21.567448512929186,
+    21.977404088239552,
+    23.299471636450161,
+    24.278490139740818,
+    24.993212131783924,
+    26.592135163847711,
+    27.623113931391885,
+    28.865470012834731,
+    29.227604875711496,
+    31.101999334866235,
+    31.57497302654869,
+    32.684647994128909,
+    33.375146403972977,
+    37.692891082911196,
+    39.851813023596023,
+    41.523584144387264,
+    46.008072429817098,
+    49.647884975691284,
+    52.784847459347759,
+    54.294626625518887,
+    63.228644431972903,
+    69.726924033194564,
+    74.015904215742552,
+    86.164937892726826,
+    100.73311845118887,
+    112.18515642738907,
+    135.19609351797098,
+    176.61381022152227,
+    242.73583361720463,
+    308.26543522152377,
+    513.52205453065437,
+    0.0,
+    0.064681645397600726,
+    0.097055786527166205,
+    0.11671616479466058,
+    0.14904699771147067,
+    0.1812546389613125,
+    0.20555172420798953,
+    0.2183799557562153,
+    0.24037810467237944,
+    0.25036231174093732,
+    0.26632542829596018,
+    0.2738878158208915,
+    0.28695869973365634,
+    0.30912145801504926,
+    0.32069346660692333,
+    0.32716841268857905,
+    0.33921112396795472,
+    0.35411605334840923,
+    0.36992181322350265,
+    0.37555978900730691,
+    0.39245722745804307,
+    0.40098714822474785,
+    0.40795369226674527,
+    0.4172218451215533,
+    0.42679459853118645,
+    0.45012838868569222,
+    0.46395657933185602,
+    0.47588120991692906,
+    0.4859429317025537,
+    0.5012486174834101,
+    0.51554915854539141,
+    0.52673766504363306,
+    0.54037167562839805,
+    0.55386824464727247,
+    0.56986151348392444,
+    0.58441413430603695,
+    0.59504137541093982,
+    0.60183139418849574,
+    0.6097548033252651,
+    0.61636145539533693,
+    0.63729376685379835,
+    0.65492235590733228,
+    0.66704610998785618,
+    0.700953708734812,
+    0.7190525585629578,
+    0.73579423752153761,
+    0.74901914818208437,
+    0.7639095729012253,
+    0.78507593810209142,
+    0.7991677445398635,
+    0.82057225160808045,
+    0.83874577852045251,
+    0.8514279150065982,
+    0.86730722882820255,
+    0.890038058955962,
+    0.90572082476051208,
+    0.93235631316890322,
+    0.95142142918059724,
+    0.969384366562271,
+    0.99218758210384461,
+    1.00299637932868,
+    1.0092887025882542,
+    1.0324830139871306,
+    1.0486654108510693,
+    1.0641141875260127,
+    1.0835468393653898,
+    1.1071616076049358,
+    1.1168131966461825,
+    1.1456586118817482,
+    1.1644419001186364,
+    1.1774811339270124,
+    1.2092190407790164,
+    1.2384799339065578,
+    1.2616903228237686,
+    1.2889294434698533,
+    1.3164843722957189,
+    1.3568929832436432,
+    1.3789685995582368,
+    1.4016262455149839,
+    1.4303108283460788,
+    1.4487819999160492,
+    1.48021838699676,
+    1.5050773691689014,
+    1.5354136497221011,
+    1.5761026989532505,
+    1.5976227134137739,
+    1.6180255352377244,
+    1.6461488070064747,
+    1.6754933786486672,
+    1.7043391941827599,
+    1.7436653784542346,
+    1.7574238222395258,
+    1.8083751761401707,
+    1.8364695449180659,
+    1.8853960408395598,
+    1.9209489973470637,
+    1.9614779158767812,
+    1.9837030977196592,
+    2.0254456515521015,
+    2.06356755784513,
+    2.1061669436995003,
+    2.1608319242443135,
+    2.176533829184859,
+    2.2139646657342289,
+    2.2418326677035214,
+    2.2819602869499667,
+    2.3275988135789891,
+    2.355439289035997,
+    2.4108423085380779,
+    2.4436348968031414,
+    2.5031234860019178,
+    2.5439256045997136,
+    2.5773599788744934,
+    2.6327828846554593,
+    2.6997266593235456,
+    2.7317169496478648,
+    2.8033821298933836,
+    2.872746199477366,
+    2.911616529815233,
+    2.9546022533503957,
+    3.0081446390299069,
+    3.0894107259868058,
+    3.1461648060150367,
+    3.2073093130678618,
+    3.2707390207274067,
+    3.3815481629909145,
+    3.4779532042245807,
+    3.4955043576213232,
+    3.5757478436815138,
+    3.6322878543855621,
+    3.7796644436769657,
+    3.8151756075230678,
+    3.8802551661883786,
+    4.0289839922041422,
+    4.1279506765446614,
+    4.1958722575439298,
+    4.2681132445184655,
+    4.3694161532010058,
+    4.4793716338291727,
+    4.5714087303580433,
+    4.6493194432085412,
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+    5.1120453856118537,
+    5.2240263349175526,
+    5.326857227285414,
+    5.4452851717228903,
+    5.6191948437507619,
+    5.8251247312267305,
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+    6.1085463321063269,
+    6.2898990925768432,
+    6.4181400947195311,
+    6.6210137015645536,
+    6.7263257016206106,
+    6.8855750366072552,
+    7.1232383189565454,
+    7.4007790575336729,
+    7.5183445501556623,
+    7.6542486054829189,
+    7.7796080000079355,
+    8.0776151677243515,
+    8.4160158721268967,
+    8.6283072431350387,
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+    9.1985032179916839,
+    9.3715895144040058,
+    9.689097239085406,
+    9.9747151298520151,
+    10.162420972781135,
+    10.525043005039576,
+    10.9348593423718,
+    11.220406152599313,
+    11.472292936429914,
+    12.331513581808927,
+    12.99141401636353,
+    13.792445320126436,
+    14.159631387529567,
+    14.898875104642451,
+    15.391013071702499,
+    16.58446392489617,
+    17.397044111420918,
+    18.246693100142146,
+    19.539678557308235,
+    21.894007859929044,
+    23.769625964542684,
+    25.674579790101415,
+    28.595587316047272,
+    30.020256306881702,
+    33.276780738700346,
+    35.817076665002631,
+    42.110340471763912,
+    48.790270781601912,
+    54.046938187573666,
+    67.878422664921544,
+    86.808719614124982,
+    106.08957126365338,
+    212.6174296424627,
+    530.67951165916725,
+    0.0,
+    0.066200047903027276,
+    0.083721669217692474,
+    0.097716651445752478,
+    0.11022140255760769,
+    0.12682667647071302,
+    0.1310312002419774,
+    0.14174741060946225,
+    0.15012768070557803,
+    0.16322364512908868,
+    0.18204188144428807,
+    0.1932509011687073,
+    0.20736566877237284,
+    0.21677471984321531,
+    0.22208330716146871,
+    0.2368478044903545,
+    0.24800109075566285,
+    0.26042292583219756,
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+    0.28654565496167866,
+    0.29337837365624814,
+    0.30198842285047178,
+    0.30844586201328328,
+    0.3149470593102916,
+    0.32463921048140526,
+    0.33612661364720992,
+    0.34538798562234241,
+    0.35362965043869748,
+    0.36471294151406786,
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+    0.38160665904037616,
+    0.38574106898579719,
+    0.39688874219887516,
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+    0.4190808913198204,
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+    0.46661118452309958,
+    0.47567354802653689,
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+    0.5026379690695526,
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+    0.5230420844440421,
+    0.53633757129515192,
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+    0.5709327471747897,
+    0.57668332951826085,
+    0.58661731761735014,
+    0.60316797340939221,
+    0.61231767919746716,
+    0.62173743546202065,
+    0.63367739150206992,
+    0.64417081791316222,
+    0.650588306867667,
+    0.66136245644028779,
+    0.67194367164364066,
+    0.68483211499577568,
+    0.69390170098605697,
+    0.70978541298372555,
+    0.71733880725642318,
+    0.72982716816440152,
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+    0.75464756880526096,
+    0.76971757975591903,
+    0.79092500924780884,
+    0.80139259706827826,
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+    0.83636749901593976,
+    0.85607123696181142,
+    0.87178377197180712,
+    0.89028508898771552,
+    0.90709689710063435,
+    0.92105845964996935,
+    0.94062127053830347,
+    0.95072473335636265,
+    0.96303055939494286,
+    0.97648251804695785,
+    0.99369926534400232,
+    1.0090186828881174,
+    1.0418114909215104,
+    1.0698515568115963,
+    1.0781642613654208,
+    1.0953662056922651,
+    1.1107307176100356,
+    1.1257267330935268,
+    1.1471842785819382,
+    1.1676817560236403,
+    1.1877943080225843,
+    1.216398240925453,
+    1.2316053787491037,
+    1.2474229964718553,
+    1.269525880355836,
+    1.3019912398706039,
+    1.3277002379637455,
+    1.3443466595361551,
+    1.3685810866232899,
+    1.3984804559046911,
+    1.4355750324517496,
+    1.460852572211057,
+    1.4948996531027956,
+    1.5268570238239529,
+    1.5522940777876273,
+    1.5719325888893447,
+    1.6024193084645637,
+    1.633598364214381,
+    1.6528693309141695,
+    1.6741744069714672,
+    1.7003470022341649,
+    1.735298179037982,
+    1.7582063751832995,
+    1.7909792627750754,
+    1.8300707159778025,
+    1.8684354743589122,
+    1.9062901732716007,
+    1.9304116745252333,
+    1.9651822643793164,
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+    2.1477636951029404,
+    2.1758324097429544,
+    2.2038264839493977,
+    2.2387897181326624,
+    2.2799150775007226,
+    2.3116834558621813,
+    2.3770756042717061,
+    2.4423912978053499,
+    2.5043639857858704,
+    2.6183935138202945,
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+    2.7642312413471197,
+    2.8501819058526374,
+    2.8874618455541339,
+    2.9299786710240685,
+    2.9902882140860028,
+    3.0106036707675705,
+    3.0721304018549587,
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+    3.2937695851357418,
+    3.3415607515486019,
+    3.4135640311960804,
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+    3.6258591972624328,
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+    3.7950739251414829,
+    3.8952813228916106,
+    4.0427476635565807,
+    4.0982562136044365,
+    4.2381714903602026,
+    4.325585224629334,
+    4.460333473236096,
+    4.5891338691369086,
+    4.6893335143109196,
+    4.7853618220189347,
+    4.8500011901031046,
+    4.9499390325888388,
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+    5.4884702877024898,
+    5.6251182444238585,
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+    5.8235819678819309,
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+    6.1535182776969091,
+    6.4223906871159802,
+    6.7828263511308,
+    6.9787759843247965,
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+    7.9090260134516059,
+    8.4851413606010251,
+    8.6965137695221202,
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+    9.7704946596107849,
+    10.142102955347768,
+    10.870897424798827,
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+    12.487371659037647,
+    13.393741745878474,
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+    16.823724341129342,
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+    19.636996869210478,
+    20.562702661180669,
+    21.601610993499339,
+    23.839730158552172,
+    27.477708564377878,
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+    49.103081020159834,
+    73.345872444192949,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.13166809405389251,
+    0.13847247629313228,
+    0.14384864573811881,
+    0.15002396002358567,
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+    0.18694008640938087,
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+    0.21361422240935368,
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+    0.25303301261186184,
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+    0.26750482270286108,
+    0.27493473053623635,
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+    0.31508865166237593,
+    0.32124032165523375,
+    0.33011261444903611,
+    0.33703483646960708,
+    0.34733723809596734,
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+    0.37755689980492391,
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+    0.39302164725609023,
+    0.40331084641477311,
+    0.41072208837025759,
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+    0.42932124920083142,
+    0.43324849767497853,
+    0.43993900664314145,
+    0.44761176101936301,
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+    0.48708257057534343,
+    0.49302150180651805,
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+    0.56973323223537264,
+    0.57574914723880954,
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+    0.67909380683392095,
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+    0.73309718820363279,
+    0.74214506352540133,
+    0.75177033126786774,
+    0.76943956404912883,
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+    0.98783906755984918,
+    1.0108980555570175,
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+    1.0611613677510832,
+    1.0784870131371229,
+    1.0919180174352818,
+    1.1135514694962279,
+    1.125494491992268,
+    1.1410712650872479,
+    1.1674352256776539,
+    1.184785119317356,
+    1.2096294450605212,
+    1.2323778220867625,
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+    1.2806924911813222,
+    1.3081961580241186,
+    1.3320238796794894,
+    1.3534172327636966,
+    1.3807267144923916,
+    1.4001500408447822,
+    1.4316269135391197,
+    1.449518126496226,
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+    1.4996141554775,
+    1.51697171202322,
+    1.5501818193618728,
+    1.5774423949301954,
+    1.6090796134626164,
+    1.6337740770081619,
+    1.6692908417512815,
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+    1.8048113834777242,
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+    1.9197945215709944,
+    1.9552472287743048,
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+    2.0427474979249962,
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+    2.270693018282933,
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+    2.4399768881846882,
+    2.5000049081492532,
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+    2.8097139724064282,
+    2.8701110813681128,
+    2.9862082469647095,
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+    3.1242308091436368,
+    3.243153466201278,
+    3.3051260648856364,
+    3.4863819457159302,
+    3.5505875681994588,
+    3.7448427188152658,
+    3.8463429990501901,
+    3.9838928478843263,
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+    4.2490672817706532,
+    4.3599387844761468,
+    4.473253957654526,
+    4.6690383558822228,
+    4.8383638550300123,
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+    5.4083749056768973,
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+    6.5966499906173439,
+    6.9452175432435155,
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+    7.6611410187916773,
+    8.1962221951718313,
+    8.3985520655394108,
+    8.954871482916916,
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+    10.075581787179221,
+    10.666984624254228,
+    11.269430893231096,
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+    24.329735267714369,
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+    0.0,
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+    1.2191337268903064,
+    1.2371236242769537,
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+    1.3366400801240468,
+    1.3669786453201016,
+    1.3893263316106292,
+    1.4142311210562548,
+    1.4371089884829913,
+    1.4735470017754577,
+    1.520014037615578,
+    1.5362080843085604,
+    1.57308131482694,
+    1.6005512179859467,
+    1.6311466151664402,
+    1.6766677965478609,
+    1.702427114649556,
+    1.7358113192351368,
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+    1.8122197381889422,
+    1.8371172353927989,
+    1.8839698049061866,
+    1.9368978033833055,
+    1.9859165193893249,
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+    2.0435418938412577,
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+    2.2105679265040039,
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+    2.3789143587376254,
+    2.4392413643504884,
+    2.4804720034966028,
+    2.5405224136745002,
+    2.5964604917467198,
+    2.6705999263123781,
+    2.7251943964162413,
+    2.772341712266535,
+    2.8651026212603763,
+    2.9882335264110305,
+    3.0505642000004207,
+    3.1879882564475781,
+    3.2713189106502325,
+    3.3340572644275901,
+    3.3973177283139346,
+    3.5111941452660176,
+    3.6432762400676104,
+    3.7893397930271497,
+    3.8962740628195554,
+    4.0871617267378353,
+    4.2202691837388713,
+    4.3774443034324424,
+    4.4936111350115695,
+    4.7506236842341369,
+    5.0112340217497193,
+    5.3496875229084306,
+    5.5766544089000956,
+    5.8287954513602722,
+    6.3423620558230542,
+    6.7899919751160516,
+    7.1981726869941802,
+    7.7399452080885132,
+    8.3342259680123636,
+    9.1990412068218603,
+    9.6467855088846335,
+    10.137584353746163,
+    10.89364428926409,
+    11.552396435112094,
+    13.030143614298112,
+    14.095239648815568,
+    16.252904088875191,
+    20.637122578101994,
+    25.04746535648458,
+    29.349607631916427,
+    39.069463698724505,
+    53.341542218906731,
+    131.24704840076191,
+    0.0,
+    0.032884942472054493,
+    0.044042928317071753,
+    0.051717952097554462,
+    0.058447068850037934,
+    0.068821794240992967,
+    0.076446506641690143,
+    0.083331576500669718,
+    0.090983634325567123,
+    0.097188602723129819,
+    0.1088593709111567,
+    0.11459623029540639,
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+    0.12684488135204505,
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+    0.16356525869840099,
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+    0.17208869146003852,
+    0.17708137414161021,
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+    0.18979132041734897,
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+    0.21265331651833888,
+    0.21882977443215981,
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+    0.23787915511551139,
+    0.24313950482755242,
+    0.24682307808790133,
+    0.24943612844036106,
+    0.25577269021993287,
+    0.26291464226288852,
+    0.26970943169082667,
+    0.2725648028979728,
+    0.28144606977956577,
+    0.28556551666434349,
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+    0.29709027671048366,
+    0.30175232279695008,
+    0.30845384710365537,
+    0.31297498910818361,
+    0.3160194068150165,
+    0.31918148875981589,
+    0.32331388150265972,
+    0.32927405147803945,
+    0.33377069470184595,
+    0.33894412800963025,
+    0.34522709990281475,
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+    0.3558821207267826,
+    0.36144785378066896,
+    0.37019315147158249,
+    0.37724004091309249,
+    0.3829924502040804,
+    0.38790812361879717,
+    0.39588105871510798,
+    0.40044226663641691,
+    0.40836868589232361,
+    0.41402643554261809,
+    0.41875667916369519,
+    0.42450774070868258,
+    0.43229589405318924,
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+    0.44538394823457816,
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+    0.46383676125545098,
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+    0.48431439285713834,
+    0.49389826855702679,
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+    0.53288748131056163,
+    0.54544803680941312,
+    0.55056947454571459,
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+    0.5957914205706567,
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+    0.65888445152749431,
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+    0.75223783989741744,
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+    0.804383247442233,
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+    0.82843493554640024,
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+    0.88180313041705505,
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+    0.9291438387362384,
+    0.95352040422537032,
+    0.96809418471522612,
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+    1.0951850173844457,
+    1.1193411761447549,
+    1.1379681972224709,
+    1.1599468248342446,
+    1.1886340506700033,
+    1.2148385191461482,
+    1.2481418152125123,
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+    1.4093858037430134,
+    1.4522804850005502,
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+    1.5306210379322103,
+    1.5495843761095305,
+    1.584244002737959,
+    1.6126131532613874,
+    1.6604506166505426,
+    1.6921120149154147,
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+    1.7396125064233854,
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+    1.824889085813346,
+    1.8829431177071814,
+    1.9343935926685978,
+    1.9916768565010168,
+    2.0267961688503453,
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+    2.4501358388830012,
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+    2.7684316125814457,
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+    2.9627792222491238,
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+    3.8535789702629515,
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+    4.6567473442819232,
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+    5.8112812324471728,
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+    11.547524333694614,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.07885113088345877,
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+    0.094178377769283547,
+    0.098501280404947864,
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+    0.12584718500031158,
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+    0.1820267480405092,
+    0.18688153961477047,
+    0.1927267317388851,
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+    0.22817700334024027,
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+    0.23720906624202601,
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+    0.24708942468474382,
+    0.25285280260759901,
+    0.25671572324736464,
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+    0.27152578772723279,
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+    0.28593911283892171,
+    0.29087431204884701,
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+    0.38695470344853578,
+    0.39172315899130233,
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+    0.53071416140395877,
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+    1.1204402411184233,
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+    1.2755553790294463,
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+    2.2034358794278646,
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+    2.8338987909810287,
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+    0.53458634795400084,
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+    0.55895482076372938,
+    0.56755092529864581,
+    0.5767512365389893,
+    0.58757892054706506,
+    0.59812779085356993,
+    0.60674604159456691,
+    0.61595140194035713,
+    0.62390929987658528,
+    0.63464413788738838,
+    0.64205470333131864,
+    0.64919687404877857,
+    0.66358361675173039,
+    0.67457487585108067,
+    0.68565375079097346,
+    0.69515353663280854,
+    0.70835712049313537,
+    0.71637388222414811,
+    0.72810587108889246,
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+    0.75505940962506923,
+    0.76533718705099252,
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+    0.8252185957527518,
+    0.84081567710998861,
+    0.85591239426333621,
+    0.87366392436831841,
+    0.8906804437761574,
+    0.90431935636817162,
+    0.92374870367862294,
+    0.9403922748286605,
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+    0.9834409532310171,
+    1.0063612444728725,
+    1.0237103083075751,
+    1.0406894015881631,
+    1.0646614938416241,
+    1.0953872473777502,
+    1.1182073342474079,
+    1.1431128152282664,
+    1.1700990970833274,
+    1.1937825903128636,
+    1.2194906544605457,
+    1.2510699786546229,
+    1.2724440268105714,
+    1.3012328136568787,
+    1.3306077291828782,
+    1.3661125359622348,
+    1.4057121542663247,
+    1.438874003521625,
+    1.4852719546886077,
+    1.53160091645302,
+    1.5835611112903651,
+    1.6195792978908965,
+    1.6633225682365109,
+    1.7092772469624007,
+    1.7547058942561764,
+    1.7983361923251511,
+    1.8554877739779563,
+    1.9046272406631959,
+    1.9419569456472263,
+    2.007485115392952,
+    2.0766613504192311,
+    2.1363921756522712,
+    2.2042343314393218,
+    2.2881456308297792,
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+    2.4247974852833076,
+    2.5226066296330565,
+    2.6287822381475663,
+    2.7093614689581362,
+    2.8121552403853838,
+    2.9431246632384611,
+    3.0643163534914351,
+    3.196540002859162,
+    3.3476671295609703,
+    3.578795801196712,
+    3.7570824917749248,
+    3.956586592960103,
+    4.1768360199630372,
+    4.472267971856815,
+    4.7565859357335603,
+    4.9434439507675787,
+    5.3520609425930763,
+    5.8616989500167476,
+    6.4670935400506355,
+    7.1530922193648818,
+    7.7821104509969494,
+    8.8151940771286945,
+    9.7442668096522507,
+    11.579039475678208,
+    14.881052320293959,
+    23.3134974983852,
+    162.64936699836366,
+    0.0,
+    0.024602282011824184,
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+    0.04010112014507021,
+    0.047902150582693877,
+    0.053593751494366668,
+    0.062881795990017086,
+    0.069817105932830248,
+    0.074260939707892284,
+    0.078749877606011834,
+    0.081760044924091488,
+    0.084762821011376818,
+    0.089159093597265968,
+    0.094139760178390847,
+    0.097396291127248735,
+    0.10077623786944703,
+    0.10375890948969808,
+    0.10775393339205297,
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+    0.11454249675077989,
+    0.11920949455998719,
+    0.12303922825017929,
+    0.12645066727981549,
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+    0.13791508807970299,
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+    0.14390700642876164,
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+    0.15116482000305284,
+    0.15414159957761076,
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+    0.16616763697232559,
+    0.17065475263188637,
+    0.17483972650814011,
+    0.17834701051598184,
+    0.18178605513225987,
+    0.18596570995349604,
+    0.19037643524106021,
+    0.19362400150613118,
+    0.19718898681246891,
+    0.2022368611342357,
+    0.20627559864432171,
+    0.21047667837856643,
+    0.21441293730751429,
+    0.21798145949842526,
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+    0.22805839010378598,
+    0.23142809067166253,
+    0.23544682877794354,
+    0.23918263561370051,
+    0.24332300301909804,
+    0.24826906410872435,
+    0.25329675001124591,
+    0.25742137093006096,
+    0.26143472523908162,
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+    0.27801599017393808,
+    0.28185455264796982,
+    0.28551898655760571,
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+    0.30780461335572351,
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+    0.33420221321848032,
+    0.33989663227054645,
+    0.34416327912283068,
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+    0.35498972403807633,
+    0.35855091882620921,
+    0.36327633213491833,
+    0.36753998247607372,
+    0.3729367659785795,
+    0.37985192360779313,
+    0.38437016760352599,
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+    0.39482572425216256,
+    0.4001927093622929,
+    0.40602742972788325,
+    0.41233512801313243,
+    0.41899152804988438,
+    0.42337530114761357,
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+    0.47530473993436245,
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+    0.48857483722379846,
+    0.49668510358579077,
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+    0.50751626698891095,
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+    0.54112734609955404,
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+    0.56629653003164915,
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+    0.60345904162633524,
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+    0.65448141887048117,
+    0.66218373436088196,
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+    0.69861201377323079,
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+    0.96434694242106067,
+    0.98312881507572292,
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+    1.0734774915118375,
+    1.099530441789152,
+    1.127960244545553,
+    1.1534134957090025,
+    1.1740889749056131,
+    1.2012742900536555,
+    1.2342300186242645,
+    1.2639939024901934,
+    1.2928179180773745,
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+    1.3529947499482198,
+    1.3990112708325715,
+    1.4319941184494371,
+    1.4710663063309652,
+    1.5244700765754542,
+    1.5635439274849725,
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+    1.6323134541541804,
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+    1.8048129564898812,
+    1.8315787027457608,
+    1.8815354841358516,
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+    2.8684444249229628,
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+    5.9366668833227134,
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+    8.3647745090344028,
+    9.8450415285668225,
+    13.306780281265262,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.057774560304207197,
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+    0.067588098405070435,
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+    0.095686966687175301,
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+    0.13482024094190459,
+    0.13784834878294833,
+    0.14173344180612701,
+    0.1443921643498963,
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+    0.15145826578672161,
+    0.15493735233574032,
+    0.157933736355726,
+    0.16144421044205534,
+    0.16496481804605914,
+    0.16826466934931564,
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+    0.17500874461399182,
+    0.17804879932812664,
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+    0.21005410851308523,
+    0.21234742151711827,
+    0.21601167034217333,
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+    0.222820615737646,
+    0.22619381050579929,
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+    0.23415565946236791,
+    0.23843514043598069,
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+    0.24517794764409234,
+    0.24860194155386806,
+    0.25245137707720106,
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+    0.26045765403062382,
+    0.26378413560952962,
+    0.26727514960402926,
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+    0.27484241340019733,
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+    0.28803025780779556,
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+    0.30693020880140259,
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+    1.7874905505861236,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.27623705412540422,
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+    0.28203251770501186,
+    0.28491073583870125,
+    0.28814332922843749,
+    0.29094277059610124,
+    0.2938064288488651,
+    0.2969815313602166,
+    0.30045527623320389,
+    0.30317724130982737,
+    0.30666702944803848,
+    0.30970778832795376,
+    0.31259577673706118,
+    0.31539427764199768,
+    0.31988050312274674,
+    0.32178656835758568,
+    0.32443980138047129,
+    0.3277688075192623,
+    0.33195003313090921,
+    0.33561880003007449,
+    0.33962945622215918,
+    0.34377428459224846,
+    0.349067132730848,
+    0.35295036042250361,
+    0.35729246702459938,
+    0.36187726953066712,
+    0.36506622168141156,
+    0.36986324059850173,
+    0.37569852555383199,
+    0.37905100286460758,
+    0.38294669891233701,
+    0.3866300329330194,
+    0.39204361455678038,
+    0.3962317851808338,
+    0.4030804475511377,
+    0.40814046916968216,
+    0.4119865334190676,
+    0.41817342893503151,
+    0.42349477228870891,
+    0.42867287716554325,
+    0.43313666513603649,
+    0.43739315237997622,
+    0.44219051331195619,
+    0.44643158583414966,
+    0.4513416019103979,
+    0.45705935192419134,
+    0.46264308628398765,
+    0.46825247944091547,
+    0.47465420547020648,
+    0.48174758431700188,
+    0.48788633445295398,
+    0.49349388643954339,
+    0.49865197511805071,
+    0.50773384443998426,
+    0.51541046681270575,
+    0.52255860785575936,
+    0.5356310077627463,
+    0.5406463000317947,
+    0.55076304278607535,
+    0.55854776590405919,
+    0.56582581731679704,
+    0.57267437404735588,
+    0.58175877378359275,
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+    0.59823264051739911,
+    0.60957442271674445,
+    0.6194670575252732,
+    0.6294844755918888,
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+    0.65038656712647513,
+    0.66556623318671948,
+    0.67830398239462752,
+    0.68857340585147719,
+    0.70637124241783045,
+    0.72004520953233619,
+    0.73226719735392387,
+    0.7457490295034942,
+    0.76151155409015303,
+    0.7788125970268942,
+    0.79515932542339285,
+    0.81254279994519929,
+    0.82700166070107894,
+    0.84377746720044,
+    0.8616801611253373,
+    0.87312979926600642,
+    0.89306244383302025,
+    0.91157949941262495,
+    0.93649830671061973,
+    0.96045815324208017,
+    0.98026017538300847,
+    1.0032275044690475,
+    1.0223665747906359,
+    1.0503696830959937,
+    1.0755078532636331,
+    1.101139306224127,
+    1.1388797172799137,
+    1.1665602377614628,
+    1.1971228830372136,
+    1.2429765744431311,
+    1.27151817897234,
+    1.3196059857459572,
+    1.3607077146634539,
+    1.4080100832014402,
+    1.4436105483598447,
+    1.5062656999309187,
+    1.5705018855286448,
+    1.6196741040179319,
+    1.7017546419225014,
+    1.7817219551686443,
+    1.8729498330391841,
+    2.006473698316642,
+    2.0957964833521063,
+    2.2485598216783145,
+    2.423609185843191,
+    2.626008839643847,
+    2.9939990973758333,
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+    5.165408952511334,
+    14.439408507928594,
+    0.0,
+    0.018339072203810237,
+    0.02329902841443731,
+    0.028894088769264126,
+    0.033732536832338969,
+    0.039118065252253129,
+    0.043508833467363728,
+    0.047063221143802791,
+    0.051667831189905436,
+    0.055471945442740714,
+    0.059563400199632022,
+    0.063407265987904318,
+    0.067563772217917817,
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+    0.072564969601282711,
+    0.075957653960410501,
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+    0.084336182277764543,
+    0.085729555024764481,
+    0.087912606080814831,
+    0.090426742471708968,
+    0.092226052618394103,
+    0.095203088495300195,
+    0.097507441529407504,
+    0.09931583216850505,
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+    0.10362977207550068,
+    0.106536499498979,
+    0.10886405033186211,
+    0.11088891781357048,
+    0.11328699495935905,
+    0.11540087510304135,
+    0.11799931027470408,
+    0.12050531073316835,
+    0.12242779955312402,
+    0.12514823721707605,
+    0.12721735558212802,
+    0.12933447430330011,
+    0.13203036634017445,
+    0.13417276652072574,
+    0.13682939156923718,
+    0.13887038216932518,
+    0.14017857392699531,
+    0.14260782990365448,
+    0.14507059221307408,
+    0.14695417225791405,
+    0.1497654226781093,
+    0.15138564492801476,
+    0.15472639458976323,
+    0.15772367683889396,
+    0.16045043223988531,
+    0.16195088977448327,
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+    0.16739293400606811,
+    0.16902564888868615,
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+    0.17417715392414423,
+    0.17596450913872053,
+    0.17803129891730965,
+    0.1805883516853817,
+    0.1825060880502859,
+    0.1838873485985828,
+    0.18554056668826283,
+    0.18688214127303718,
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+    0.19515118537205678,
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+    0.20558544474904342,
+    0.20755322999229742,
+    0.20900643222762244,
+    0.21121684498145538,
+    0.2141429261516028,
+    0.21798646354299808,
+    0.22017242536159604,
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+    0.22809119148663043,
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+    0.23480276077988851,
+    0.23684629676326219,
+    0.23958019092042915,
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+    0.24625074936964272,
+    0.24915921270974223,
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+    0.2538581843802209,
+    0.25651702169266016,
+    0.26003397601516304,
+    0.26243381994538789,
+    0.26573203122069483,
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+    0.27210161216348083,
+    0.27479515468230203,
+    0.27748117382633419,
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+    0.28299682369589024,
+    0.28524892290169052,
+    0.28898573042967923,
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+    0.29504239920787978,
+    0.29806595908916128,
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+    0.30933508238145735,
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+    0.31873834499509557,
+    0.32074973819730013,
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+    0.32974764249150712,
+    0.33492335792956868,
+    0.33718040901799218,
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+    0.34780889710624885,
+    0.35093774887440915,
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+    0.3642024692932514,
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+    0.37861500834946049,
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+    0.40474065571274853,
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+    0.41888281162295166,
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+    0.50583387303211413,
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+    0.52037516362506031,
+    0.53000380193173813,
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+    0.57980243654512897,
+    0.59369025108432061,
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+    1.0077289627906116,
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+    1.1519192766424888,
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+    1.2531782152469926,
+    1.3107295260357585,
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+    1.4468184839518206,
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+    0.0,
+    0.022907607978118902,
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+    0.051530800253982594,
+    0.054552378113468664,
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+    0.11482544288738511,
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+    0.12878646240712111,
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+    0.13372880707703153,
+    0.13736038992044558,
+    0.13881715097710293,
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+    0.14124573991521217,
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+    0.14513581305673817,
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+    0.15050993397888962,
+    0.15162964533831316,
+    0.15369975683678072,
+    0.15435469959388012,
+    0.15577759046058082,
+    0.15668226730841731,
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+    0.16531349295331907,
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+    0.17070372367338077,
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+    0.18665041599964075,
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+    0.20659034076463945,
+    0.20796810335371782,
+    0.20983542523783127,
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+    0.21431203105213031,
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+    0.23554916368095241,
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+    0.24539417383496825,
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+    0.25090707777222615,
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+    0.25451533183987707,
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+    0.28247854937130817,
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+    0.38836897993416342,
+    0.39553820461710354,
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+    0.0,
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+    0.059894670960058481,
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+    0.063705491238154652,
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+    0.13467524077070694,
+    0.13767775043346175,
+    0.1395173441181872,
+    0.14023356529287612,
+    0.14136086842893428,
+    0.14571034508839201,
+    0.1469532644277852,
+    0.14759361899260168,
+    0.14842017101772531,
+    0.15242521256839886,
+    0.15426856023023913,
+    0.15672970714335024,
+    0.15841699106659399,
+    0.16004962219962768,
+    0.16049659367868152,
+    0.16157625338408105,
+    0.16342153321263841,
+    0.16532114637213219,
+    0.16564588513427789,
+    0.16769053519184424,
+    0.16854825098054121,
+    0.17028923250134065,
+    0.17081950396614154,
+    0.17342913449829525,
+    0.17419644038376433,
+    0.17653031453657719,
+    0.17786246650019316,
+    0.17958041035624855,
+    0.18003570826506662,
+    0.18432275493254124,
+    0.18459458761615619,
+    0.18561588691792064,
+    0.18819478610235629,
+    0.18893514209622653,
+    0.19095535469625224,
+    0.19170408021332064,
+    0.19567600800094345,
+    0.19999780259216959,
+    0.20284315225727748,
+    0.20373012583225134,
+    0.20456046242286197,
+    0.20898756476926456,
+    0.2100591678518928,
+    0.21318265146979337,
+    0.21479341720286452,
+    0.21493894958991802,
+    0.21552884148320978,
+    0.21678370295180605,
+    0.22005390213330656,
+    0.2208750353533499,
+    0.22231160974944153,
+    0.22547606652116448,
+    0.22883502427842192,
+    0.23247314084489223,
+    0.23365595384777041,
+    0.23970523046509304,
+    0.24138410146972589,
+    0.24522137341984301,
+    0.24570522451863233,
+    0.24780703706547635,
+    0.24933355507759977,
+    0.25284652657486378,
+    0.25514210353592087,
+    0.26026745358900111,
+    0.26128019347213516,
+    0.26202930456238355,
+    0.2653982496052657,
+    0.27065798701145305,
+    0.27463053229655843,
+    0.27595152381920862,
+    0.27800957551439981,
+    0.27890303616529488,
+    0.28289551881522107,
+    0.28379888321436764,
+    0.28474455516979619,
+    0.28548889806913502,
+    0.28851856129741399,
+    0.28925469033111689,
+    0.28955788894271245,
+    0.29350305977266933,
+    0.29609872122681807,
+    0.30241998726464192,
+    0.30382080452923382,
+    0.30448438898977698,
+    0.30631757913135704,
+    0.30916236790296231,
+    0.31205028913580696,
+    0.31313738153954629,
+    0.31539404590186959,
+    0.32210740953492534,
+    0.32318384166541836,
+    0.32403796494592974,
+    0.32464341580886236,
+    0.32818473413596672,
+    0.33067902264725552,
+    0.33203810229003639,
+    0.33962444057763569,
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+    0.34374538688334105,
+    0.34554821131082758,
+    0.34684735903657665,
+    0.34836578284950859,
+    0.35197282198795432,
+    0.35911745218986346,
+    0.36040424548108152,
+    0.36271817789575339,
+    0.36453208838267026,
+    0.3722041874594319,
+    0.3850959970374066,
+    0.3967374853148608,
+    0.41083356110814401,
+    0.41558974094228335,
+    0.41984747597880934,
+    0.42851282447107242,
+    0.44033883814796876,
+    0.44769850108485965,
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+    0.45517769344815051,
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+    0.48228476100040185,
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+    0.62469990851376267,
+    0.63559373655292239,
+    0.64028148402424645,
+    0.6417944978527288,
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+    0.67230387905415456,
+    0.68549918126957876,
+    0.73574140945002686,
+    0.76189058824857092,
+    0.78177211477759978,
+    0.78478497130854397,
+    0.81183845339312055,
+    0.92595133931696894,
+    1.0420074377189543,
+    1.1184834461004387,
+    1.1868475850375335,
+    1.3795391514935433,
+    1.6690912806799729,
+    3.620579386400943,
+    4.4069707474488888,
+    0.0,
+    0.030864281125046841,
+    0.03669053240718801,
+    0.03669053240718801,
+    0.039541803469962257,
+    0.039755585819827695,
+    0.041911399040835309,
+    0.044531607387296508,
+    0.046731484997993428,
+    0.046731484997993428,
+    0.06192300563276,
+    0.06192300563276,
+    0.066085275241882221,
+    0.067880636244234044,
+    0.067880636244234044,
+    0.069612626096000677,
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+    0.074309967475605268,
+    0.078162954961568054,
+    0.079768809149418779,
+    0.079768809149418779,
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+    0.081579918597752932,
+    0.081965289512041781,
+    0.082670774423793988,
+    0.082670774423793988,
+    0.083676047986424987,
+    0.083826394915856112,
+    0.085375798643674658,
+    0.085510183074035503,
+    0.088324648985544513,
+    0.088324648985544513,
+    0.089066018619338688,
+    0.089523451445578398,
+    0.092390560807742189,
+    0.10166676719934153,
+    0.10195388252236594,
+    0.10195388252236594,
+    0.10528536390229394,
+    0.10679858905504509,
+    0.10764192688172415,
+    0.11227193635040114,
+    0.11227193635040114,
+    0.11244606922440568,
+    0.1136218868259553,
+    0.11451053199472827,
+    0.11659577642426923,
+    0.11691086289458787,
+    0.11691086289458787,
+    0.1173211686698568,
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+    0.12256846680870316,
+    0.12280198926010166,
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+    0.13073228193993355,
+    0.13136136021211561,
+    0.13136136021211561,
+    0.13233380712258788,
+    0.13614938779187713,
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+    0.14560628646680376,
+    0.14756930951437783,
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+    0.14922882591595366,
+    0.15191188357115223,
+    0.15579801420071124,
+    0.15610306654452089,
+    0.15610306654452089,
+    0.15875192987335729,
+    0.16047737283948593,
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+    0.16705380313003848,
+    0.168016882808462,
+    0.17068350389171213,
+    0.17282355855710782,
+    0.17412526193089098,
+    0.17681813754652775,
+    0.17681813754652775,
+    0.17715999760351636,
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+    0.17871040321678122,
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+    0.18070221855952068,
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+    0.18580464561947918,
+    0.18637382093258065,
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+    0.18739559121993163,
+    0.18989848932672079,
+    0.1902906960015,
+    0.19079530690057658,
+    0.19139358210577725,
+    0.1938767861484369,
+    0.1938767861484369,
+    0.19812320558888927,
+    0.19864349781538035,
+    0.20096245867613949,
+    0.20739126731129648,
+    0.20739126731129648,
+    0.20890608427242904,
+    0.21005835424486638,
+    0.21737774907061119,
+    0.21854346896037202,
+    0.22284661457281491,
+    0.22284661457281491,
+    0.23203519715709653,
+    0.23203519715709653,
+    0.23558872825006388,
+    0.23602589936541735,
+    0.23602589936541735,
+    0.23638998760967109,
+    0.23703292133804643,
+    0.24047672111025759,
+    0.24232933889648617,
+    0.24387144046296869,
+    0.24387144046296869,
+    0.24388260654882868,
+    0.24896631802503422,
+    0.25046853137361336,
+    0.25166045673406662,
+    0.25166045673406662,
+    0.25359663196242094,
+    0.25498419205566342,
+    0.25901909865108758,
+    0.26243633410773498,
+    0.26917225709613957,
+    0.26917225709613957,
+    0.27179969406100962,
+    0.27215636119935699,
+    0.27269960957360972,
+    0.27295835182412659,
+    0.27444977275651289,
+    0.27444977275651289,
+    0.274486965108864,
+    0.27757442781989727,
+    0.28007367094306918,
+    0.28306039462916666,
+    0.28306039462916666,
+    0.29022692808414607,
+    0.29319016306643131,
+    0.2953248123792146,
+    0.29727012315484735,
+    0.30055429636041897,
+    0.30055429636041897,
+    0.30274018734482672,
+    0.30371328246605706,
+    0.31089484427626424,
+    0.31222083890057561,
+    0.31222083890057561,
+    0.31342334287374385,
+    0.31360922339798514,
+    0.31781375837493059,
+    0.32086597698136354,
+    0.32397526199152671,
+    0.32397526199152671,
+    0.3252274384988707,
+    0.32557079328326183,
+    0.33071479846211244,
+    0.33213366103834452,
+    0.33213366103834452,
+    0.33806274054259133,
+    0.34060768522908541,
+    0.34066725641268175,
+    0.35070821312772565,
+    0.35281117830908848,
+    0.36022367837676228,
+    0.36022367837676228,
+    0.36359476452865169,
+    0.36867343874662684,
+    0.37500703454904866,
+    0.37500703454904866,
+    0.37559552094037618,
+    0.37776360565050465,
+    0.37911941464036175,
+    0.38043414821366556,
+    0.38673933256135501,
+    0.38673933256135501,
+    0.41493531465793626,
+    0.42545225470978032,
+    0.43335020944353286,
+    0.45946584864513479,
+    0.47934271794544625,
+    0.47934271794544625,
+    0.4835397584082895,
+    0.507001135566851,
+    0.53670698552411766,
+    0.62709022030658668,
+    0.62709022030658668,
+    0.6307562723487633,
+    0.6978337089986677,
+    0.96104664619258018,
+    0.97932419086538236,
+    1.3786097683148981,
+    1.3786097683148981,
+    2.1383436514004277,
+    2.1383436514004277,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.040258951562044121,
+    0.040258951562044121,
+    0.04337227036223338,
+    0.04337227036223338,
+    0.04337227036223338,
+    0.056733258526878674,
+    0.056733258526878674,
+    0.059895656757221916,
+    0.063352892119378321,
+    0.063352892119378321,
+    0.063352892119378321,
+    0.063352892119378321,
+    0.063460760236515132,
+    0.063460760236515132,
+    0.063460760236515132,
+    0.064176771962993165,
+    0.064176771962993165,
+    0.069374734097819607,
+    0.069374734097819607,
+    0.069941635924431284,
+    0.069941635924431284,
+    0.069941635924431284,
+    0.07441063086446581,
+    0.07441063086446581,
+    0.090038436293935278,
+    0.090038436293935278,
+    0.090038436293935278,
+    0.093919282982153851,
+    0.098259451815303545,
+    0.098259451815303545,
+    0.098259451815303545,
+    0.098259451815303545,
+    0.11221645527330414,
+    0.11221645527330414,
+    0.11464109406455952,
+    0.11464109406455952,
+    0.11464109406455952,
+    0.11504122558884447,
+    0.11504122558884447,
+    0.11661461574279566,
+    0.11661461574279566,
+    0.11661461574279566,
+    0.11694434342186813,
+    0.11694434342186813,
+    0.12361989892840071,
+    0.12361989892840071,
+    0.12361989892840071,
+    0.12731915639699826,
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+    0.13338496267239372,
+    0.13338496267239372,
+    0.13338496267239372,
+    0.14060738795616895,
+    0.14060738795616895,
+    0.14577369503859991,
+    0.14577369503859991,
+    0.14577369503859991,
+    0.15154574744822344,
+    0.15154574744822344,
+    0.15338029980440129,
+    0.15338029980440129,
+    0.155704785287297,
+    0.155704785287297,
+    0.155704785287297,
+    0.16408818329459646,
+    0.16408818329459646,
+    0.16611008928152352,
+    0.16611008928152352,
+    0.16793010863802235,
+    0.16793010863802235,
+    0.16793010863802235,
+    0.17350035363146732,
+    0.17350035363146732,
+    0.17350035363146732,
+    0.17720670978465847,
+    0.17720670978465847,
+    0.18778273599380949,
+    0.18778273599380949,
+    0.18778273599380949,
+    0.1956978506206099,
+    0.1956978506206099,
+    0.20618188353800229,
+    0.20618188353800229,
+    0.20618188353800229,
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+    0.20667910131294201,
+    0.20897230394199579,
+    0.20897230394199579,
+    0.21603929997442067,
+    0.21603929997442067,
+    0.21603929997442067,
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+    0.21750678346847724,
+    0.21750678346847724,
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+    0.22319258104633796,
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+    0.22577633029393052,
+    0.22577633029393052,
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+    0.22835066066328252,
+    0.23127950794349347,
+    0.23127950794349347,
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+    0.2335912050904361,
+    0.2335912050904361,
+    0.23855651821128016,
+    0.23855651821128016,
+    0.2403910894270215,
+    0.2403910894270215,
+    0.2403910894270215,
+    0.24693892553945757,
+    0.24693892553945757,
+    0.25144395559134397,
+    0.25144395559134397,
+    0.25144395559134397,
+    0.26144207730435715,
+    0.26144207730435715,
+    0.26316375812762322,
+    0.26316375812762322,
+    0.26316375812762322,
+    0.269250257528246,
+    0.269250257528246,
+    0.26976356545845359,
+    0.26976356545845359,
+    0.26976356545845359,
+    0.27207502394872296,
+    0.27207502394872296,
+    0.2722348959852619,
+    0.2722348959852619,
+    0.2722348959852619,
+    0.27399949932593481,
+    0.27399949932593481,
+    0.28525376986066708,
+    0.28525376986066708,
+    0.28525376986066708,
+    0.28581273013248543,
+    0.28581273013248543,
+    0.28581555874501124,
+    0.28581555874501124,
+    0.28725787127206887,
+    0.28725787127206887,
+    0.28725787127206887,
+    0.29182201476670522,
+    0.29182201476670522,
+    0.29774917483412067,
+    0.29774917483412067,
+    0.29774917483412067,
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+    0.3221172335419677,
+    0.32286123906893716,
+    0.32286123906893716,
+    0.32286123906893716,
+    0.32784329797451783,
+    0.32784329797451783,
+    0.39859714532471063,
+    0.39859714532471063,
+    0.39859714532471063,
+    0.40861269762703839,
+    0.40861269762703839,
+    0.43492497337962299,
+    0.43492497337962299,
+    0.43492497337962299,
+    0.45154247181726737,
+    0.45154247181726737,
+    0.47903191315956584,
+    0.47903191315956584,
+    0.47903191315956584,
+    0.48764413130617162,
+    0.48764413130617162,
+    0.55753055427216291,
+    0.55753055427216291,
+    0.55753055427216291,
+    0.59950889251110473,
+    0.59950889251110473,
+    0.62302532522821363,
+    0.62302532522821363,
+    0.62302532522821363,
+    0.70821265192750071,
+    0.70821265192750071,
+    0.78923825478405685,
+    0.78923825478405685,
+    0.80991304315555079,
+    0.80991304315555079,
+    0.80991304315555079,
+    0.88217017561019562,
+    0.88217017561019562,
+    0.88217017561019562,
+    0.90564207937415331,
+    0.90564207937415331,
+    0.92743264762046396,
+    0.92743264762046396,
+    1.0496487600196804,
+    1.0496487600196804,
+    1.0496487600196804,
+    1.2152980938033116,
+    1.2152980938033116,
+    1.2152980938033116,
+    1.2152980938033116,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_gamoms.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_gamoms.py
index b328d34da6562ecf5b0c8e0d582d8dc92b523613..4a5834ee953c34a48df085f9d25920a820bb3c37 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_gamoms.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_gamoms.py
@@ -9,14 +9,84 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_MC09_def_gamoms = [
-    0, 350.0, 1050.0, 1750.0, 2450.0, 3150.0, 3850.0, 4550.0, 5250.0, 5950.0,
-    6650.0, 7350.0, 8050.0, 8750.0, 9450.0, 10150.0, 10850.0, 11550.0, 12250.0,
-    12950.0, 13650.0, 14350.0, 15050.0, 15750.0, 16450.0, 17150.0, 17850.0,
-    18550.0, 19250.0, 19950.0, 20650.0, 21350.0, 22050.0, 22750.0, 23450.0,
-    24150.0, 24850.0, 25550.0, 26250.0, 26950.0, 27650.0, 28350.0, 29050.0,
-    29750.0, 30450.0, 31150.0, 31850.0, 32550.0, 33250.0, 33950.0, 34650.0,
-    35350.0, 36050.0, 36750.0, 37450.0, 38150.0, 38850.0, 39550.0, 40250.0,
-    40950.0, 41650.0, 42350.0, 43050.0, 43750.0, 44450.0, 45150.0, 45850.0,
-    46550.0, 47250.0, 47950.0, 48650.0, 49350.0, 50050.0, 50750.0, 51450.0,
-    52150.0, 52850.0, 53550.0, 54250.0, 54950.0
+    0,
+    350.0,
+    1050.0,
+    1750.0,
+    2450.0,
+    3150.0,
+    3850.0,
+    4550.0,
+    5250.0,
+    5950.0,
+    6650.0,
+    7350.0,
+    8050.0,
+    8750.0,
+    9450.0,
+    10150.0,
+    10850.0,
+    11550.0,
+    12250.0,
+    12950.0,
+    13650.0,
+    14350.0,
+    15050.0,
+    15750.0,
+    16450.0,
+    17150.0,
+    17850.0,
+    18550.0,
+    19250.0,
+    19950.0,
+    20650.0,
+    21350.0,
+    22050.0,
+    22750.0,
+    23450.0,
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+    24850.0,
+    25550.0,
+    26250.0,
+    26950.0,
+    27650.0,
+    28350.0,
+    29050.0,
+    29750.0,
+    30450.0,
+    31150.0,
+    31850.0,
+    32550.0,
+    33250.0,
+    33950.0,
+    34650.0,
+    35350.0,
+    36050.0,
+    36750.0,
+    37450.0,
+    38150.0,
+    38850.0,
+    39550.0,
+    40250.0,
+    40950.0,
+    41650.0,
+    42350.0,
+    43050.0,
+    43750.0,
+    44450.0,
+    45150.0,
+    45850.0,
+    46550.0,
+    47250.0,
+    47950.0,
+    48650.0,
+    49350.0,
+    50050.0,
+    50750.0,
+    51450.0,
+    52150.0,
+    52850.0,
+    53550.0,
+    54250.0,
+    54950.0,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_gaprobs.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_gaprobs.py
index 28d70eeb1edcf63ccaeac0daaa5265aceed1c4a0..94e6c6d35359378823e57cf7b6cbf0c3a0444076 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_gaprobs.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/M_MC09_def_gaprobs.py
@@ -9,99 +9,324 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 M_MC09_def_gaprobs = [
-    0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.91489362716699996, 0.95692306757000001,
-    0.98613864183400002, 0.99072849750500003, 0.98903292417499999,
-    0.98952460288999999, 0.99774098396300004, 0.99152541160600005,
-    0.99343830347100004, 0.99500310421000004, 0.99360203742999997,
-    0.99673414230299995, 0.99803018569900004, 0.99857753515199998,
-    0.99271136522299996, 0.993197262287, 0.997596144676, 0.99408286809900004,
-    0.99648505449299996, 0.99720668792699996, 0.99559080600700001,
-    0.99696666002300005, 0.99382078647600003, 0.99571734666800005,
-    0.99760192632699995, 0.99768519401599998, 0.99423962831500001,
-    0.99749684333800004, 0.99865412712099999, 0.99725276231799997,
-    0.99565845727900004, 1.0, 0.995768666267, 0.99697428941699995,
-    0.99658703804000004, 0.995065808296, 0.998257815838, 0.99835252761799997,
-    0.99401199817700003, 1.0, 0.99435025453600001, 0.99797159433399996,
-    0.99582463502899998, 0.99365752935399998, 0.99794661998699996,
-    0.99550563097, 0.99768519401599998, 0.99052131176000002,
-    0.99722993373900004, 0.99507391452799998, 0.98961037397399998,
-    0.99184781312900006, 0.98863637447399999, 0.99135446548499995,
-    0.99723756313300005, 0.99006623029700003, 0.99099099636099997,
-    0.99672132730499996, 0.992857158184, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.98947370052299999,
-    0.99640285968800002, 0.99641579389599999, 0.98892986774400005,
-    0.984126985073, 0.99591839313499997, 0.98765432834599998,
-    0.98712444305400004, 0.99523806571999995, 0.98076921701399999, 1.0, 1.0,
-    1.0, 1.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.031914893537799999, 0.68923074006999996,
-    0.94653463363599999, 0.97483444213899995, 0.98404783010499997,
-    0.98952460288999999, 0.99397587776200003, 0.99022161960599997,
-    0.99081367254300001, 0.99312931299200002, 0.99488162994399998,
-    0.99738734960599995, 0.99606043100399999, 0.99431008100499996,
-    0.99562680721300001, 0.99546486139299994, 0.997596144676,
-    0.99408286809900004, 0.99648505449299996, 0.996275603771,
-    0.99823635816599998, 0.99494439363499998, 0.99485069513299995,
-    0.99678802490200002, 0.99520385265400002, 0.99884259700800004,
-    0.99539172649399998, 0.99374216795000003, 0.99730819463700005,
-    0.99450546503100001, 0.99565845727900004, 1.0, 0.99435824155800001,
-    0.99546140432399999, 0.99488055706, 0.99342107772800003,
-    0.99651569127999995, 0.99670511484099999, 0.99401199817700003,
-    0.99616122245799998, 0.99811673164400005, 0.99594318866700005,
-    0.99791228771200002, 0.99154335260399995, 0.99794661998699996,
-    0.99775278568299997, 0.99768519401599998, 0.99289101362200005,
-    0.99722993373900004, 0.99014776945100003, 0.98961037397399998,
-    0.99728262424500003, 0.98863637447399999, 0.98559075593900003,
-    0.99447512626599999, 0.98675495386099998, 0.98798799514799995,
-    0.99672132730499996, 0.98571425676299995, 0.99662160873399996, 1.0, 1.0,
-    0.98947370052299999, 0.99640285968800002, 0.99641579389599999,
-    0.98892986774400005, 0.99603176116900005, 0.99591839313499997,
-    0.99588477611500004, 0.99570816755299996, 0.99523806571999995,
-    0.98076921701399999, 1.0, 0.99545454978900005, 0.98958331346499995, 1.0, 0,
-    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.31881189346299998, 0.88344371318799997,
-    0.95014953613300002, 0.97824335098299997, 0.97515058517499997,
-    0.98370271921200003, 0.98556429147699998, 0.99250465631499996,
-    0.99168264865900002, 0.99281513690900003, 0.99409061670300003,
-    0.99217641353599995, 0.99271136522299996, 0.99168556928600005,
-    0.99439102411299995, 0.99492812156699995, 0.99384886026399999,
-    0.99720668792699996, 0.99029982090000002, 0.99089992046399999,
-    0.99382078647600003, 0.99571734666800005, 0.99040764570200002,
-    0.99884259700800004, 0.98847925663000002, 0.99624532461199999,
-    0.99327051639599995, 0.99450546503100001, 0.99710565805399998,
-    0.99855905771300002, 0.99012696742999995, 0.99546140432399999,
-    0.99317407607999997, 0.99013155698800004, 1.0, 0.99341022968299997,
-    0.99201595783200003, 0.99808061122900005, 0.99811673164400005,
-    0.99594318866700005, 0.99791228771200002, 0.98308670520800001,
-    0.99794661998699996, 0.99775278568299997, 1.0, 0.99052131176000002,
-    0.99445980787300003, 0.99014776945100003, 0.984415590763,
-    0.98913043737399997, 0.98579543829000005, 0.97982710599900003,
-    0.98895025253299995, 0.98675495386099998, 0.98798799514799995,
-    0.99672132730499996, 0.98928570747400002, 0.99662160873399996,
-    0.98207885026899999, 0.99658703804000004, 0.98596489429500001,
-    0.98920863866800002, 0.99641579389599999, 0.98154979944200005,
-    0.98809522390399995, 0.99591839313499997, 0.99176955223100005,
-    0.982832610607, 0.98571425676299995, 0.98076921701399999, 1.0,
-    0.99545454978900005, 0.99479168653500005, 1.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
-    0.00198019808158, 0.076821193098999999, 0.595214366913,
-    0.90491539239899998, 0.95858430862400001, 0.96870923042299995,
-    0.98556429147699998, 0.98750782012899996, 0.98784387111700001,
-    0.98889613151599998, 0.99146419763600002, 0.99359887838399996,
-    0.98833817243599997, 0.993197262287, 0.99038463830900003,
-    0.99492812156699995, 0.99384886026399999, 0.99720668792699996,
-    0.99206346273400003, 0.99494439363499998, 0.99176108837099997,
-    0.99357599019999998, 0.99040764570200002, 0.99652779102300004,
-    0.98732721805599999, 0.99374216795000003, 0.99327051639599995,
-    0.99587911367399995, 0.99565845727900004, 0.99711817503,
-    0.99294781684900002, 0.98940998315799999, 0.98634815216100002,
-    0.991776287556, 0.99477350711800006, 0.99341022968299997,
-    0.98602795600899995, 0.99232244491599997, 0.99811673164400005,
-    0.993914783001, 0.99791228771200002, 0.98520082235299999,
-    0.99794661998699996, 0.99775278568299997, 0.99768519401599998,
-    0.98815166950199995, 0.99445980787300003, 0.99261081218699998,
-    0.98701298236799995, 0.99184781312900006, 0.991477251053,
-    0.97694522142399998, 0.99171268940000001, 0.98344373702999999,
-    0.98498499393500005, 0.99344259500499998, 0.98928570747400002,
-    0.99324321746800004, 0.98924732208300004, 0.99658703804000004,
-    0.98596489429500001, 0.98561149835600004, 0.98207885026899999,
-    0.985239863396, 0.98809522390399995, 0.98775511980099995,
-    0.99588477611500004, 0.98712444305400004, 0.98095238208799995,
-    0.97596156597100003, 0.99512195587200003, 0.99090909957899997,
-    0.98958331346499995, 1.0
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.91489362716699996,
+    0.95692306757000001,
+    0.98613864183400002,
+    0.99072849750500003,
+    0.98903292417499999,
+    0.98952460288999999,
+    0.99774098396300004,
+    0.99152541160600005,
+    0.99343830347100004,
+    0.99500310421000004,
+    0.99360203742999997,
+    0.99673414230299995,
+    0.99803018569900004,
+    0.99857753515199998,
+    0.99271136522299996,
+    0.993197262287,
+    0.997596144676,
+    0.99408286809900004,
+    0.99648505449299996,
+    0.99720668792699996,
+    0.99559080600700001,
+    0.99696666002300005,
+    0.99382078647600003,
+    0.99571734666800005,
+    0.99760192632699995,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.99423962831500001,
+    0.99749684333800004,
+    0.99865412712099999,
+    0.99725276231799997,
+    0.99565845727900004,
+    1.0,
+    0.995768666267,
+    0.99697428941699995,
+    0.99658703804000004,
+    0.995065808296,
+    0.998257815838,
+    0.99835252761799997,
+    0.99401199817700003,
+    1.0,
+    0.99435025453600001,
+    0.99797159433399996,
+    0.99582463502899998,
+    0.99365752935399998,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99550563097,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.99052131176000002,
+    0.99722993373900004,
+    0.99507391452799998,
+    0.98961037397399998,
+    0.99184781312900006,
+    0.98863637447399999,
+    0.99135446548499995,
+    0.99723756313300005,
+    0.99006623029700003,
+    0.99099099636099997,
+    0.99672132730499996,
+    0.992857158184,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    0.98947370052299999,
+    0.99640285968800002,
+    0.99641579389599999,
+    0.98892986774400005,
+    0.984126985073,
+    0.99591839313499997,
+    0.98765432834599998,
+    0.98712444305400004,
+    0.99523806571999995,
+    0.98076921701399999,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.031914893537799999,
+    0.68923074006999996,
+    0.94653463363599999,
+    0.97483444213899995,
+    0.98404783010499997,
+    0.98952460288999999,
+    0.99397587776200003,
+    0.99022161960599997,
+    0.99081367254300001,
+    0.99312931299200002,
+    0.99488162994399998,
+    0.99738734960599995,
+    0.99606043100399999,
+    0.99431008100499996,
+    0.99562680721300001,
+    0.99546486139299994,
+    0.997596144676,
+    0.99408286809900004,
+    0.99648505449299996,
+    0.996275603771,
+    0.99823635816599998,
+    0.99494439363499998,
+    0.99485069513299995,
+    0.99678802490200002,
+    0.99520385265400002,
+    0.99884259700800004,
+    0.99539172649399998,
+    0.99374216795000003,
+    0.99730819463700005,
+    0.99450546503100001,
+    0.99565845727900004,
+    1.0,
+    0.99435824155800001,
+    0.99546140432399999,
+    0.99488055706,
+    0.99342107772800003,
+    0.99651569127999995,
+    0.99670511484099999,
+    0.99401199817700003,
+    0.99616122245799998,
+    0.99811673164400005,
+    0.99594318866700005,
+    0.99791228771200002,
+    0.99154335260399995,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99775278568299997,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.99289101362200005,
+    0.99722993373900004,
+    0.99014776945100003,
+    0.98961037397399998,
+    0.99728262424500003,
+    0.98863637447399999,
+    0.98559075593900003,
+    0.99447512626599999,
+    0.98675495386099998,
+    0.98798799514799995,
+    0.99672132730499996,
+    0.98571425676299995,
+    0.99662160873399996,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    0.98947370052299999,
+    0.99640285968800002,
+    0.99641579389599999,
+    0.98892986774400005,
+    0.99603176116900005,
+    0.99591839313499997,
+    0.99588477611500004,
+    0.99570816755299996,
+    0.99523806571999995,
+    0.98076921701399999,
+    1.0,
+    0.99545454978900005,
+    0.98958331346499995,
+    1.0,
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.31881189346299998,
+    0.88344371318799997,
+    0.95014953613300002,
+    0.97824335098299997,
+    0.97515058517499997,
+    0.98370271921200003,
+    0.98556429147699998,
+    0.99250465631499996,
+    0.99168264865900002,
+    0.99281513690900003,
+    0.99409061670300003,
+    0.99217641353599995,
+    0.99271136522299996,
+    0.99168556928600005,
+    0.99439102411299995,
+    0.99492812156699995,
+    0.99384886026399999,
+    0.99720668792699996,
+    0.99029982090000002,
+    0.99089992046399999,
+    0.99382078647600003,
+    0.99571734666800005,
+    0.99040764570200002,
+    0.99884259700800004,
+    0.98847925663000002,
+    0.99624532461199999,
+    0.99327051639599995,
+    0.99450546503100001,
+    0.99710565805399998,
+    0.99855905771300002,
+    0.99012696742999995,
+    0.99546140432399999,
+    0.99317407607999997,
+    0.99013155698800004,
+    1.0,
+    0.99341022968299997,
+    0.99201595783200003,
+    0.99808061122900005,
+    0.99811673164400005,
+    0.99594318866700005,
+    0.99791228771200002,
+    0.98308670520800001,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99775278568299997,
+    1.0,
+    0.99052131176000002,
+    0.99445980787300003,
+    0.99014776945100003,
+    0.984415590763,
+    0.98913043737399997,
+    0.98579543829000005,
+    0.97982710599900003,
+    0.98895025253299995,
+    0.98675495386099998,
+    0.98798799514799995,
+    0.99672132730499996,
+    0.98928570747400002,
+    0.99662160873399996,
+    0.98207885026899999,
+    0.99658703804000004,
+    0.98596489429500001,
+    0.98920863866800002,
+    0.99641579389599999,
+    0.98154979944200005,
+    0.98809522390399995,
+    0.99591839313499997,
+    0.99176955223100005,
+    0.982832610607,
+    0.98571425676299995,
+    0.98076921701399999,
+    1.0,
+    0.99545454978900005,
+    0.99479168653500005,
+    1.0,
+    0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.0,
+    0.00198019808158,
+    0.076821193098999999,
+    0.595214366913,
+    0.90491539239899998,
+    0.95858430862400001,
+    0.96870923042299995,
+    0.98556429147699998,
+    0.98750782012899996,
+    0.98784387111700001,
+    0.98889613151599998,
+    0.99146419763600002,
+    0.99359887838399996,
+    0.98833817243599997,
+    0.993197262287,
+    0.99038463830900003,
+    0.99492812156699995,
+    0.99384886026399999,
+    0.99720668792699996,
+    0.99206346273400003,
+    0.99494439363499998,
+    0.99176108837099997,
+    0.99357599019999998,
+    0.99040764570200002,
+    0.99652779102300004,
+    0.98732721805599999,
+    0.99374216795000003,
+    0.99327051639599995,
+    0.99587911367399995,
+    0.99565845727900004,
+    0.99711817503,
+    0.99294781684900002,
+    0.98940998315799999,
+    0.98634815216100002,
+    0.991776287556,
+    0.99477350711800006,
+    0.99341022968299997,
+    0.98602795600899995,
+    0.99232244491599997,
+    0.99811673164400005,
+    0.993914783001,
+    0.99791228771200002,
+    0.98520082235299999,
+    0.99794661998699996,
+    0.99775278568299997,
+    0.99768519401599998,
+    0.98815166950199995,
+    0.99445980787300003,
+    0.99261081218699998,
+    0.98701298236799995,
+    0.99184781312900006,
+    0.991477251053,
+    0.97694522142399998,
+    0.99171268940000001,
+    0.98344373702999999,
+    0.98498499393500005,
+    0.99344259500499998,
+    0.98928570747400002,
+    0.99324321746800004,
+    0.98924732208300004,
+    0.99658703804000004,
+    0.98596489429500001,
+    0.98561149835600004,
+    0.98207885026899999,
+    0.985239863396,
+    0.98809522390399995,
+    0.98775511980099995,
+    0.99588477611500004,
+    0.98712444305400004,
+    0.98095238208799995,
+    0.97596156597100003,
+    0.99512195587200003,
+    0.99090909957899997,
+    0.98958331346499995,
+    1.0,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_2008_def.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_2008_def.py
index 87e265833b69ffcabd6d3cc0c9c60678b6ad4fb3..223cbc3af0bfa6b6bd1f0c74b94ff444dc2f3dcc 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_2008_def.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_2008_def.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 # (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 import os
 from . import loadModule
 DEBUG = False
@@ -38,53 +40,161 @@ FindQuality = True
 OverrideDB = False
 ## Set which DLL is input to MuonPID
-DLL_flag = 1  #0=old; 1=DLL new; 3=hyperbolic tangent mapping
+DLL_flag = 1  # 0=old; 1=DLL new; 3=hyperbolic tangent mapping
-PreSelMomentum = 3000.
+PreSelMomentum = 3000.0
 ##IsMuon parameters
 ## MuonID momentum cut ranges (MeV/c)
-MomentumCuts = [6000., 10000.]
+MomentumCuts = [6000.0, 10000.0]
 ## MuonID FOI parameters
 FOIfactor = 1.2
 XFOIParameter1 = [
-    5.5, 4.0, 3.3, 2.8, 5.2, 3.6, 2.4, 2.4, 5.7, 4.4, 2.8, 2.3, 5.1, 3.1, 2.3,
-    2.1, 5.8, 3.4, 2.6, 2.8
+    5.5,
+    4.0,
+    3.3,
+    2.8,
+    5.2,
+    3.6,
+    2.4,
+    2.4,
+    5.7,
+    4.4,
+    2.8,
+    2.3,
+    5.1,
+    3.1,
+    2.3,
+    2.1,
+    5.8,
+    3.4,
+    2.6,
+    2.8,
 XFOIParameter2 = [
-    11., 3., 1., 1., 31., 28., 21., 17., 30., 31., 27., 22., 28., 33., 35.,
-    47., 31., 39., 56., 151.
+    11.0,
+    3.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    31.0,
+    28.0,
+    21.0,
+    17.0,
+    30.0,
+    31.0,
+    27.0,
+    22.0,
+    28.0,
+    33.0,
+    35.0,
+    47.0,
+    31.0,
+    39.0,
+    56.0,
+    151.0,
 XFOIParameter3 = [
-    0.2, 0.08, 0.03, 0.1, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.15, 0.04, 0.06, 0.09, 0.12, 0.08,
-    0.15, 0.23, 0.36, 0.07, 0.14, 0.24, 0.49
+    0.2,
+    0.08,
+    0.03,
+    0.1,
+    0.06,
+    0.08,
+    0.10,
+    0.15,
+    0.04,
+    0.06,
+    0.09,
+    0.12,
+    0.08,
+    0.15,
+    0.23,
+    0.36,
+    0.07,
+    0.14,
+    0.24,
+    0.49,
 YFOIParameter1 = [
-    2.8, 1.7, -153., 1.9, 3.3, 2.1, 1.7, 1.6, 3.6, 2.8, 1.9, 1.8, 4.4, 3.3,
-    2.2, 2.2, 4.8, 3.9, 2.6, 2.3
+    2.8,
+    1.7,
+    -153.0,
+    1.9,
+    3.3,
+    2.1,
+    1.7,
+    1.6,
+    3.6,
+    2.8,
+    1.9,
+    1.8,
+    4.4,
+    3.3,
+    2.2,
+    2.2,
+    4.8,
+    3.9,
+    2.6,
+    2.3,
 YFOIParameter2 = [
-    3., 2., 156., 0., 17., 15., 9., 5., 26., 25., 16., 15., 30., 49., 57., 92.,
-    32., 55., 96., 166.
+    3.0,
+    2.0,
+    156.0,
+    0.0,
+    17.0,
+    15.0,
+    9.0,
+    5.0,
+    26.0,
+    25.0,
+    16.0,
+    15.0,
+    30.0,
+    49.0,
+    57.0,
+    92.0,
+    32.0,
+    55.0,
+    96.0,
+    166.0,
 YFOIParameter3 = [
-    0.03, 0.02, 0.00, 0.09, 0.13, 0.19, 0.19, 0.24, 0.11, 0.19, 0.21, 0.32,
-    0.10, 0.22, 0.30, 0.52, 0.08, 0.20, 0.34, 0.52
+    0.03,
+    0.02,
+    0.00,
+    0.09,
+    0.13,
+    0.19,
+    0.19,
+    0.24,
+    0.11,
+    0.19,
+    0.21,
+    0.32,
+    0.10,
+    0.22,
+    0.30,
+    0.52,
+    0.08,
+    0.20,
+    0.34,
+    0.52,
-#// Parameters of the Landau functions for old DLL
-distMuon = [0.311, 1.349, 0.524, 0.0020, 17., 10.6, 0.04, 4.1, 1.64]
-distPion = [11., -12., 0.2029, -0.026, 0.06, 0.59, 0.008, -29., 41.]
+# //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+# // Parameters of the Landau functions for old DLL
+# //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+distMuon = [0.311, 1.349, 0.524, 0.0020, 17.0, 10.6, 0.04, 4.1, 1.64]
+distPion = [11.0, -12.0, 0.2029, -0.026, 0.06, 0.59, 0.008, -29.0, 41.0]
 ####################### FITTER #######################
@@ -116,14 +226,41 @@ MinHits = 2
 ####################### CLQUALITY #######################
 Range = [
-    3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000,
-    50000, 75000, 100000, 125000, 150000, 175000, 1000000
+    3000,
+    4000,
+    5000,
+    6000,
+    7000,
+    8000,
+    9000,
+    10000,
+    15000,
+    20000,
+    25000,
+    50000,
+    75000,
+    100000,
+    125000,
+    150000,
+    175000,
+    1000000,
 RangeNmuons = [
-    3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000,
-    50000, 1000000
+    3000,
+    4000,
+    5000,
+    6000,
+    7000,
+    8000,
+    9000,
+    10000,
+    15000,
+    20000,
+    25000,
+    50000,
+    1000000,
-LeftRight = 'right'
+LeftRight = "right"
 Overlap = True
 lbinCenter = 187500
 lbinCenterNmuons = 74000
@@ -140,7 +277,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: chi2 signal not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         chi2Signal = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_chi2s")
@@ -152,7 +290,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: chi2 bkg not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         chi2Bkg = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_chi2b")
@@ -169,7 +308,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: dist signal not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         distSignal = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_dists")
@@ -181,7 +321,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: dist bkg not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         distBkg = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_distb")
@@ -198,7 +339,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: get arrival moms not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         gamoms = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_gamoms")
@@ -210,7 +352,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: get arrival probs not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         gaprobs = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_gaprobs")
@@ -225,38 +368,38 @@ eff = 0.99
 ##already present for IsMuonC
+# ===========================================================
 # G. Lanfranchi & S. Furcas - 10/5/09
+# ===========================================================
 step = 0.2
 nMax_bin = 4000
-MuLandauParameterR1_1 = [14., 6.6, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
-MuLandauParameterR1_2 = [1., 10., 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
+# Region1:
+MuLandauParameterR1_1 = [14.0, 6.6, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
+MuLandauParameterR1_2 = [1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_3 = [3.4, 2.0, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_4 = [1.45, 0.61, 5.76, 2.34, 0.16, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_5 = [0.96, 0.37, 3.6, 1.33, 0.26, -1]
-MuLandauParameterR1_6 = [1., 0.43, 3.1, 1.12, 0.17, -1]
+MuLandauParameterR1_6 = [1.0, 0.43, 3.1, 1.12, 0.17, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_7 = [0.74, 0.58, 0.0, 0.0001, 0.0, -1]
+# Region2:
 MuLandauParameterR2_1 = [4.5, 1.26, 3.48, 15.06, 0.99, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_2 = [2.44, 2.42, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_3 = [1.07, 0.46, 3.32, 1.58, 0.25, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_4 = [0.88, 0.43, 2.9, 0.83, 0.12, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_5 = [0.56, 0.23, 1.38, 0.35, 0.40, -1]
+# Region3:
 MuLandauParameterR3_1 = [1.8, 0.51, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_2 = [1.65, 0.73, 6.33, 3.03, 0.36, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_3 = [1.3, 0.77, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_4 = [0.97, 0.37, 0.32, 0.12, 0.5, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_5 = [0.73, 0.22, 0.27, 0.094, 0.5, -1]
-MuLandauParameterR4_1 = [1.67, 2.254, 0., 0.8, 0.0001, -1]
+# Region4:
+MuLandauParameterR4_1 = [1.67, 2.254, 0.0, 0.8, 0.0001, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_2 = [1.00, 0.45, 3.2, 1.49, 0.5, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_3 = [1.42, 0.73, 0.89, 0.5, 0.5, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_4 = [0.73, 0.32, 2.175, 0.56, 0.18, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_5 = [0.67, 0.26, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
+# ==================================
 NonMuLandauParameterR1 = [36.5, 23.8, -1]  # region 1
 NonMuLandauParameterR2 = [40.5, 33.3, -1]  # region 2
 NonMuLandauParameterR3 = [22.0, 30.0, -1]  # region 3
@@ -267,10 +410,10 @@ nMupBinsR1 = 6
 nMupBinsR2 = 4
 nMupBinsR3 = 4
 nMupBinsR4 = 4
-MupBinsR1 = [10000., 20000., 30000., 40000., 50000., 60000.]
-MupBinsR2 = [10000., 20000., 30000., 40000.]
-MupBinsR3 = [6000., 10000., 20000., 30000.]
-MupBinsR4 = [6000., 8000., 10000., 15000.]
+MupBinsR1 = [10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0, 40000.0, 50000.0, 60000.0]
+MupBinsR2 = [10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0, 40000.0]
+MupBinsR3 = [6000.0, 10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0]
+MupBinsR4 = [6000.0, 8000.0, 10000.0, 15000.0]
 # Load parameters for DLL_flag=3: mapping of dist2 with hyperbolic tangent
 # Tuning for DC06 data.
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_2009_def.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_2009_def.py
index edac3820e2dfca06eab91d9f12c4011befa5dccd..ba5b72a5144e4334a9f807d79428f7dc554e1844 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_2009_def.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_2009_def.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 # (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 import os
 from . import loadModule
 DEBUG = False
@@ -38,53 +40,161 @@ FindQuality = True
 OverrideDB = False
 ## Set which DLL is input to MuonPID
-DLL_flag = 1  #0=old; 1=DLL new; 3=hyperbolic tangent mapping
+DLL_flag = 1  # 0=old; 1=DLL new; 3=hyperbolic tangent mapping
-PreSelMomentum = 3000.
+PreSelMomentum = 3000.0
 ##IsMuon parameters
 ## MuonID momentum cut ranges (MeV/c)
-MomentumCuts = [6000., 10000.]
+MomentumCuts = [6000.0, 10000.0]
 ## MuonID FOI parameters
 FOIfactor = 1.2
 XFOIParameter1 = [
-    5.5, 4.0, 3.3, 2.8, 5.2, 3.6, 2.4, 2.4, 5.7, 4.4, 2.8, 2.3, 5.1, 3.1, 2.3,
-    2.1, 5.8, 3.4, 2.6, 2.8
+    5.5,
+    4.0,
+    3.3,
+    2.8,
+    5.2,
+    3.6,
+    2.4,
+    2.4,
+    5.7,
+    4.4,
+    2.8,
+    2.3,
+    5.1,
+    3.1,
+    2.3,
+    2.1,
+    5.8,
+    3.4,
+    2.6,
+    2.8,
 XFOIParameter2 = [
-    11., 3., 1., 1., 31., 28., 21., 17., 30., 31., 27., 22., 28., 33., 35.,
-    47., 31., 39., 56., 151.
+    11.0,
+    3.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    31.0,
+    28.0,
+    21.0,
+    17.0,
+    30.0,
+    31.0,
+    27.0,
+    22.0,
+    28.0,
+    33.0,
+    35.0,
+    47.0,
+    31.0,
+    39.0,
+    56.0,
+    151.0,
 XFOIParameter3 = [
-    0.2, 0.08, 0.03, 0.1, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.15, 0.04, 0.06, 0.09, 0.12, 0.08,
-    0.15, 0.23, 0.36, 0.07, 0.14, 0.24, 0.49
+    0.2,
+    0.08,
+    0.03,
+    0.1,
+    0.06,
+    0.08,
+    0.10,
+    0.15,
+    0.04,
+    0.06,
+    0.09,
+    0.12,
+    0.08,
+    0.15,
+    0.23,
+    0.36,
+    0.07,
+    0.14,
+    0.24,
+    0.49,
 YFOIParameter1 = [
-    2.8, 1.7, -153., 1.9, 3.3, 2.1, 1.7, 1.6, 3.6, 2.8, 1.9, 1.8, 4.4, 3.3,
-    2.2, 2.2, 4.8, 3.9, 2.6, 2.3
+    2.8,
+    1.7,
+    -153.0,
+    1.9,
+    3.3,
+    2.1,
+    1.7,
+    1.6,
+    3.6,
+    2.8,
+    1.9,
+    1.8,
+    4.4,
+    3.3,
+    2.2,
+    2.2,
+    4.8,
+    3.9,
+    2.6,
+    2.3,
 YFOIParameter2 = [
-    3., 2., 156., 0., 17., 15., 9., 5., 26., 25., 16., 15., 30., 49., 57., 92.,
-    32., 55., 96., 166.
+    3.0,
+    2.0,
+    156.0,
+    0.0,
+    17.0,
+    15.0,
+    9.0,
+    5.0,
+    26.0,
+    25.0,
+    16.0,
+    15.0,
+    30.0,
+    49.0,
+    57.0,
+    92.0,
+    32.0,
+    55.0,
+    96.0,
+    166.0,
 YFOIParameter3 = [
-    0.03, 0.02, 0.00, 0.09, 0.13, 0.19, 0.19, 0.24, 0.11, 0.19, 0.21, 0.32,
-    0.10, 0.22, 0.30, 0.52, 0.08, 0.20, 0.34, 0.52
+    0.03,
+    0.02,
+    0.00,
+    0.09,
+    0.13,
+    0.19,
+    0.19,
+    0.24,
+    0.11,
+    0.19,
+    0.21,
+    0.32,
+    0.10,
+    0.22,
+    0.30,
+    0.52,
+    0.08,
+    0.20,
+    0.34,
+    0.52,
-#// Parameters of the Landau functions for old DLL
-distMuon = [0.311, 1.349, 0.524, 0.0020, 17., 10.6, 0.04, 4.1, 1.64]
-distPion = [11., -12., 0.2029, -0.026, 0.06, 0.59, 0.008, -29., 41.]
+# //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+# // Parameters of the Landau functions for old DLL
+# //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+distMuon = [0.311, 1.349, 0.524, 0.0020, 17.0, 10.6, 0.04, 4.1, 1.64]
+distPion = [11.0, -12.0, 0.2029, -0.026, 0.06, 0.59, 0.008, -29.0, 41.0]
 ####################### FITTER #######################
@@ -116,14 +226,41 @@ MinHits = 2
 ####################### CLQUALITY #######################
 Range = [
-    3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000,
-    50000, 75000, 100000, 125000, 150000, 175000, 1000000
+    3000,
+    4000,
+    5000,
+    6000,
+    7000,
+    8000,
+    9000,
+    10000,
+    15000,
+    20000,
+    25000,
+    50000,
+    75000,
+    100000,
+    125000,
+    150000,
+    175000,
+    1000000,
 RangeNmuons = [
-    3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000,
-    50000, 1000000
+    3000,
+    4000,
+    5000,
+    6000,
+    7000,
+    8000,
+    9000,
+    10000,
+    15000,
+    20000,
+    25000,
+    50000,
+    1000000,
-LeftRight = 'right'
+LeftRight = "right"
 Overlap = True
 lbinCenter = 187500
 lbinCenterNmuons = 74000
@@ -140,7 +277,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: chi2 signal not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         chi2Signal = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_chi2s")
@@ -152,7 +290,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: chi2 bkg not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         chi2Bkg = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_chi2b")
@@ -169,7 +308,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: dist signal not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         distSignal = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_dists")
@@ -181,7 +321,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: dist bkg not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         distBkg = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_distb")
@@ -198,7 +339,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: get arrival moms not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         gamoms = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_gamoms")
@@ -210,7 +352,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: get arrival probs not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         gaprobs = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_gaprobs")
@@ -225,38 +368,38 @@ eff = 0.99
 ##already present for IsMuonC
+# ===========================================================
 # G. Lanfranchi & S. Furcas - 10/5/09
+# ===========================================================
 step = 0.2
 nMax_bin = 4000
-MuLandauParameterR1_1 = [14., 6.6, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
-MuLandauParameterR1_2 = [1., 10., 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
+# Region1:
+MuLandauParameterR1_1 = [14.0, 6.6, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
+MuLandauParameterR1_2 = [1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_3 = [3.4, 2.0, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_4 = [1.45, 0.61, 5.76, 2.34, 0.16, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_5 = [0.96, 0.37, 3.6, 1.33, 0.26, -1]
-MuLandauParameterR1_6 = [1., 0.43, 3.1, 1.12, 0.17, -1]
+MuLandauParameterR1_6 = [1.0, 0.43, 3.1, 1.12, 0.17, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_7 = [0.74, 0.58, 0.0, 0.0001, 0.0, -1]
+# Region2:
 MuLandauParameterR2_1 = [4.5, 1.26, 3.48, 15.06, 0.99, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_2 = [2.44, 2.42, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_3 = [1.07, 0.46, 3.32, 1.58, 0.25, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_4 = [0.88, 0.43, 2.9, 0.83, 0.12, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_5 = [0.56, 0.23, 1.38, 0.35, 0.40, -1]
+# Region3:
 MuLandauParameterR3_1 = [1.8, 0.51, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_2 = [1.65, 0.73, 6.33, 3.03, 0.36, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_3 = [1.3, 0.77, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_4 = [0.97, 0.37, 0.32, 0.12, 0.5, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_5 = [0.73, 0.22, 0.27, 0.094, 0.5, -1]
-MuLandauParameterR4_1 = [1.67, 2.254, 0., 0.8, 0.0001, -1]
+# Region4:
+MuLandauParameterR4_1 = [1.67, 2.254, 0.0, 0.8, 0.0001, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_2 = [1.00, 0.45, 3.2, 1.49, 0.5, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_3 = [1.42, 0.73, 0.89, 0.5, 0.5, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_4 = [0.73, 0.32, 2.175, 0.56, 0.18, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_5 = [0.67, 0.26, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
+# ==================================
 NonMuLandauParameterR1 = [36.5, 23.8, -1]  # region 1
 NonMuLandauParameterR2 = [40.5, 33.3, -1]  # region 2
 NonMuLandauParameterR3 = [22.0, 30.0, -1]  # region 3
@@ -267,10 +410,10 @@ nMupBinsR1 = 6
 nMupBinsR2 = 4
 nMupBinsR3 = 4
 nMupBinsR4 = 4
-MupBinsR1 = [10000., 20000., 30000., 40000., 50000., 60000.]
-MupBinsR2 = [10000., 20000., 30000., 40000.]
-MupBinsR3 = [6000., 10000., 20000., 30000.]
-MupBinsR4 = [6000., 8000., 10000., 15000.]
+MupBinsR1 = [10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0, 40000.0, 50000.0, 60000.0]
+MupBinsR2 = [10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0, 40000.0]
+MupBinsR3 = [6000.0, 10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0]
+MupBinsR4 = [6000.0, 8000.0, 10000.0, 15000.0]
 # Load parameters for DLL_flag=3: mapping of dist2 with hyperbolic tangent
 # Tuning for DC06 data.
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_2010_def.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_2010_def.py
index 5e9c191b0261317eaf07b9fa0394931598ded317..de5ea89e55db344ad546f7e6b427f225cd7c2bf1 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_2010_def.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_2010_def.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 # (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 import os
 from . import loadModule
 DEBUG = False
@@ -39,54 +41,162 @@ OverrideDB = False
 UseUncrossed = True
 ## Set which DLL is input to MuonPID
-DLL_flag = 4  #0=old; 1=DLL new; 3=hyperbolic tangent mapping (Do not use it for data type 2010 and 2011)
-#4==hyperbolic tangent for Muon prob form 2010 data + Landau fits MC2009 for NonMuon prob
+DLL_flag = 4  # 0=old; 1=DLL new; 3=hyperbolic tangent mapping (Do not use it for data type 2010 and 2011)
+# 4==hyperbolic tangent for Muon prob form 2010 data + Landau fits MC2009 for NonMuon prob
-PreSelMomentum = 3000.
+PreSelMomentum = 3000.0
 ##IsMuon parameters
 ## MuonID momentum cut ranges (MeV/c)
-MomentumCuts = [6000., 10000.]
+MomentumCuts = [6000.0, 10000.0]
 ## MuonID FOI parameters
 FOIfactor = 1.2
 XFOIParameter1 = [
-    5.5, 4.0, 3.3, 2.8, 5.2, 3.6, 2.4, 2.4, 5.7, 4.4, 2.8, 2.3, 5.1, 3.1, 2.3,
-    2.1, 5.8, 3.4, 2.6, 2.8
+    5.5,
+    4.0,
+    3.3,
+    2.8,
+    5.2,
+    3.6,
+    2.4,
+    2.4,
+    5.7,
+    4.4,
+    2.8,
+    2.3,
+    5.1,
+    3.1,
+    2.3,
+    2.1,
+    5.8,
+    3.4,
+    2.6,
+    2.8,
 XFOIParameter2 = [
-    11., 3., 1., 1., 31., 28., 21., 17., 30., 31., 27., 22., 28., 33., 35.,
-    47., 31., 39., 56., 151.
+    11.0,
+    3.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    31.0,
+    28.0,
+    21.0,
+    17.0,
+    30.0,
+    31.0,
+    27.0,
+    22.0,
+    28.0,
+    33.0,
+    35.0,
+    47.0,
+    31.0,
+    39.0,
+    56.0,
+    151.0,
 XFOIParameter3 = [
-    0.2, 0.08, 0.03, 0.1, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.15, 0.04, 0.06, 0.09, 0.12, 0.08,
-    0.15, 0.23, 0.36, 0.07, 0.14, 0.24, 0.49
+    0.2,
+    0.08,
+    0.03,
+    0.1,
+    0.06,
+    0.08,
+    0.10,
+    0.15,
+    0.04,
+    0.06,
+    0.09,
+    0.12,
+    0.08,
+    0.15,
+    0.23,
+    0.36,
+    0.07,
+    0.14,
+    0.24,
+    0.49,
 YFOIParameter1 = [
-    2.8, 1.7, -153., 1.9, 3.3, 2.1, 1.7, 1.6, 3.6, 2.8, 1.9, 1.8, 4.4, 3.3,
-    2.2, 2.2, 4.8, 3.9, 2.6, 2.3
+    2.8,
+    1.7,
+    -153.0,
+    1.9,
+    3.3,
+    2.1,
+    1.7,
+    1.6,
+    3.6,
+    2.8,
+    1.9,
+    1.8,
+    4.4,
+    3.3,
+    2.2,
+    2.2,
+    4.8,
+    3.9,
+    2.6,
+    2.3,
 YFOIParameter2 = [
-    3., 2., 156., 0., 17., 15., 9., 5., 26., 25., 16., 15., 30., 49., 57., 92.,
-    32., 55., 96., 166.
+    3.0,
+    2.0,
+    156.0,
+    0.0,
+    17.0,
+    15.0,
+    9.0,
+    5.0,
+    26.0,
+    25.0,
+    16.0,
+    15.0,
+    30.0,
+    49.0,
+    57.0,
+    92.0,
+    32.0,
+    55.0,
+    96.0,
+    166.0,
 YFOIParameter3 = [
-    0.03, 0.02, 0.00, 0.09, 0.13, 0.19, 0.19, 0.24, 0.11, 0.19, 0.21, 0.32,
-    0.10, 0.22, 0.30, 0.52, 0.08, 0.20, 0.34, 0.52
+    0.03,
+    0.02,
+    0.00,
+    0.09,
+    0.13,
+    0.19,
+    0.19,
+    0.24,
+    0.11,
+    0.19,
+    0.21,
+    0.32,
+    0.10,
+    0.22,
+    0.30,
+    0.52,
+    0.08,
+    0.20,
+    0.34,
+    0.52,
-#// Parameters of the Landau functions for old DLL
-distMuon = [0.311, 1.349, 0.524, 0.0020, 17., 10.6, 0.04, 4.1, 1.64]
-distPion = [11., -12., 0.2029, -0.026, 0.06, 0.59, 0.008, -29., 41.]
+# //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+# // Parameters of the Landau functions for old DLL
+# //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+distMuon = [0.311, 1.349, 0.524, 0.0020, 17.0, 10.6, 0.04, 4.1, 1.64]
+distPion = [11.0, -12.0, 0.2029, -0.026, 0.06, 0.59, 0.008, -29.0, 41.0]
 ####################### FITTER #######################
@@ -118,14 +228,41 @@ MinHits = 2
 ####################### CLQUALITY #######################
 Range = [
-    3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000,
-    50000, 75000, 100000, 125000, 150000, 175000, 1000000
+    3000,
+    4000,
+    5000,
+    6000,
+    7000,
+    8000,
+    9000,
+    10000,
+    15000,
+    20000,
+    25000,
+    50000,
+    75000,
+    100000,
+    125000,
+    150000,
+    175000,
+    1000000,
 RangeNmuons = [
-    3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000,
-    50000, 1000000
+    3000,
+    4000,
+    5000,
+    6000,
+    7000,
+    8000,
+    9000,
+    10000,
+    15000,
+    20000,
+    25000,
+    50000,
+    1000000,
-LeftRight = 'right'
+LeftRight = "right"
 Overlap = True
 lbinCenter = 187500
 lbinCenterNmuons = 74000
@@ -142,7 +279,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: chi2 signal not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         chi2Signal = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_chi2s")
@@ -154,7 +292,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: chi2 bkg not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         chi2Bkg = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_chi2b")
@@ -171,7 +310,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: dist signal not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         distSignal = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_dists")
@@ -183,7 +323,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: dist bkg not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         distBkg = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_distb")
@@ -200,7 +341,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: get arrival moms not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         gamoms = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_gamoms")
@@ -212,7 +354,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: get arrival probs not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         gaprobs = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_gaprobs")
@@ -227,38 +370,38 @@ eff = 0.99
 ##already present for IsMuonC
+# ===========================================================
 # G. Lanfranchi & S. Furcas - 10/5/09
+# ===========================================================
 step = 0.2
 nMax_bin = 4000
-MuLandauParameterR1_1 = [14., 6.6, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
-MuLandauParameterR1_2 = [1., 10., 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
+# Region1:
+MuLandauParameterR1_1 = [14.0, 6.6, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
+MuLandauParameterR1_2 = [1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_3 = [3.4, 2.0, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_4 = [1.45, 0.61, 5.76, 2.34, 0.16, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_5 = [0.96, 0.37, 3.6, 1.33, 0.26, -1]
-MuLandauParameterR1_6 = [1., 0.43, 3.1, 1.12, 0.17, -1]
+MuLandauParameterR1_6 = [1.0, 0.43, 3.1, 1.12, 0.17, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_7 = [0.74, 0.58, 0.0, 0.0001, 0.0, -1]
+# Region2:
 MuLandauParameterR2_1 = [4.5, 1.26, 3.48, 15.06, 0.99, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_2 = [2.44, 2.42, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_3 = [1.07, 0.46, 3.32, 1.58, 0.25, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_4 = [0.88, 0.43, 2.9, 0.83, 0.12, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_5 = [0.56, 0.23, 1.38, 0.35, 0.40, -1]
+# Region3:
 MuLandauParameterR3_1 = [1.8, 0.51, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_2 = [1.65, 0.73, 6.33, 3.03, 0.36, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_3 = [1.3, 0.77, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_4 = [0.97, 0.37, 0.32, 0.12, 0.5, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_5 = [0.73, 0.22, 0.27, 0.094, 0.5, -1]
-MuLandauParameterR4_1 = [1.67, 2.254, 0., 0.8, 0.0001, -1]
+# Region4:
+MuLandauParameterR4_1 = [1.67, 2.254, 0.0, 0.8, 0.0001, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_2 = [1.00, 0.45, 3.2, 1.49, 0.5, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_3 = [1.42, 0.73, 0.89, 0.5, 0.5, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_4 = [0.73, 0.32, 2.175, 0.56, 0.18, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_5 = [0.67, 0.26, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
+# ==================================
 NonMuLandauParameterR1 = [36.5, 23.8, -1]  # region 1
 NonMuLandauParameterR2 = [40.5, 33.3, -1]  # region 2
 NonMuLandauParameterR3 = [22.0, 30.0, -1]  # region 3
@@ -269,10 +412,10 @@ nMupBinsR1 = 6
 nMupBinsR2 = 4
 nMupBinsR3 = 4
 nMupBinsR4 = 4
-MupBinsR1 = [10000., 20000., 30000., 40000., 50000., 60000.]
-MupBinsR2 = [10000., 20000., 30000., 40000.]
-MupBinsR3 = [6000., 10000., 20000., 30000.]
-MupBinsR4 = [6000., 8000., 10000., 15000.]
+MupBinsR1 = [10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0, 40000.0, 50000.0, 60000.0]
+MupBinsR2 = [10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0, 40000.0]
+MupBinsR3 = [6000.0, 10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0]
+MupBinsR4 = [6000.0, 8000.0, 10000.0, 15000.0]
 # Load parameters for DLL_flag=4: mapping of dist2 with hyperbolic tangent
 # Tuning for 2010 data for Muon prob.
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_2011_def.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_2011_def.py
index b5d42ee951dfe6ff54120c5c72213986eb7ca6d7..51e2c5a69ab3b95f3536e78ff51e4e5afee182b9 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_2011_def.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_2011_def.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 # (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 import os
 from . import loadModule
 DEBUG = False
@@ -40,54 +42,162 @@ OverrideDB = False
 UseUncrossed = True
 ## Set which DLL is input to MuonPID
-DLL_flag = 4  #0=old; 1=DLL new; 3=hyperbolic tangent mapping (Do not use it for data type 2010 and 2011)
-#4==hyperbolic tangent for Muon prob form 2010 data + Landau fits MC2009 for NonMuon prob
+DLL_flag = 4  # 0=old; 1=DLL new; 3=hyperbolic tangent mapping (Do not use it for data type 2010 and 2011)
+# 4==hyperbolic tangent for Muon prob form 2010 data + Landau fits MC2009 for NonMuon prob
-PreSelMomentum = 3000.
+PreSelMomentum = 3000.0
 ##IsMuon parameters
 ## MuonID momentum cut ranges (MeV/c)
-MomentumCuts = [6000., 10000.]
+MomentumCuts = [6000.0, 10000.0]
 ## MuonID FOI parameters
 FOIfactor = 1.2
 XFOIParameter1 = [
-    5.5, 4.0, 3.3, 2.8, 5.2, 3.6, 2.4, 2.4, 5.7, 4.4, 2.8, 2.3, 5.1, 3.1, 2.3,
-    2.1, 5.8, 3.4, 2.6, 2.8
+    5.5,
+    4.0,
+    3.3,
+    2.8,
+    5.2,
+    3.6,
+    2.4,
+    2.4,
+    5.7,
+    4.4,
+    2.8,
+    2.3,
+    5.1,
+    3.1,
+    2.3,
+    2.1,
+    5.8,
+    3.4,
+    2.6,
+    2.8,
 XFOIParameter2 = [
-    11., 3., 1., 1., 31., 28., 21., 17., 30., 31., 27., 22., 28., 33., 35.,
-    47., 31., 39., 56., 151.
+    11.0,
+    3.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    31.0,
+    28.0,
+    21.0,
+    17.0,
+    30.0,
+    31.0,
+    27.0,
+    22.0,
+    28.0,
+    33.0,
+    35.0,
+    47.0,
+    31.0,
+    39.0,
+    56.0,
+    151.0,
 XFOIParameter3 = [
-    0.2, 0.08, 0.03, 0.1, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.15, 0.04, 0.06, 0.09, 0.12, 0.08,
-    0.15, 0.23, 0.36, 0.07, 0.14, 0.24, 0.49
+    0.2,
+    0.08,
+    0.03,
+    0.1,
+    0.06,
+    0.08,
+    0.10,
+    0.15,
+    0.04,
+    0.06,
+    0.09,
+    0.12,
+    0.08,
+    0.15,
+    0.23,
+    0.36,
+    0.07,
+    0.14,
+    0.24,
+    0.49,
 YFOIParameter1 = [
-    2.8, 1.7, -153., 1.9, 3.3, 2.1, 1.7, 1.6, 3.6, 2.8, 1.9, 1.8, 4.4, 3.3,
-    2.2, 2.2, 4.8, 3.9, 2.6, 2.3
+    2.8,
+    1.7,
+    -153.0,
+    1.9,
+    3.3,
+    2.1,
+    1.7,
+    1.6,
+    3.6,
+    2.8,
+    1.9,
+    1.8,
+    4.4,
+    3.3,
+    2.2,
+    2.2,
+    4.8,
+    3.9,
+    2.6,
+    2.3,
 YFOIParameter2 = [
-    3., 2., 156., 0., 17., 15., 9., 5., 26., 25., 16., 15., 30., 49., 57., 92.,
-    32., 55., 96., 166.
+    3.0,
+    2.0,
+    156.0,
+    0.0,
+    17.0,
+    15.0,
+    9.0,
+    5.0,
+    26.0,
+    25.0,
+    16.0,
+    15.0,
+    30.0,
+    49.0,
+    57.0,
+    92.0,
+    32.0,
+    55.0,
+    96.0,
+    166.0,
 YFOIParameter3 = [
-    0.03, 0.02, 0.00, 0.09, 0.13, 0.19, 0.19, 0.24, 0.11, 0.19, 0.21, 0.32,
-    0.10, 0.22, 0.30, 0.52, 0.08, 0.20, 0.34, 0.52
+    0.03,
+    0.02,
+    0.00,
+    0.09,
+    0.13,
+    0.19,
+    0.19,
+    0.24,
+    0.11,
+    0.19,
+    0.21,
+    0.32,
+    0.10,
+    0.22,
+    0.30,
+    0.52,
+    0.08,
+    0.20,
+    0.34,
+    0.52,
-#// Parameters of the Landau functions for old DLL
-distMuon = [0.311, 1.349, 0.524, 0.0020, 17., 10.6, 0.04, 4.1, 1.64]
-distPion = [11., -12., 0.2029, -0.026, 0.06, 0.59, 0.008, -29., 41.]
+# //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+# // Parameters of the Landau functions for old DLL
+# //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+distMuon = [0.311, 1.349, 0.524, 0.0020, 17.0, 10.6, 0.04, 4.1, 1.64]
+distPion = [11.0, -12.0, 0.2029, -0.026, 0.06, 0.59, 0.008, -29.0, 41.0]
 ####################### FITTER #######################
@@ -119,14 +229,41 @@ MinHits = 2
 ####################### CLQUALITY #######################
 Range = [
-    3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000,
-    50000, 75000, 100000, 125000, 150000, 175000, 1000000
+    3000,
+    4000,
+    5000,
+    6000,
+    7000,
+    8000,
+    9000,
+    10000,
+    15000,
+    20000,
+    25000,
+    50000,
+    75000,
+    100000,
+    125000,
+    150000,
+    175000,
+    1000000,
 RangeNmuons = [
-    3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000,
-    50000, 1000000
+    3000,
+    4000,
+    5000,
+    6000,
+    7000,
+    8000,
+    9000,
+    10000,
+    15000,
+    20000,
+    25000,
+    50000,
+    1000000,
-LeftRight = 'right'
+LeftRight = "right"
 Overlap = True
 lbinCenter = 187500
 lbinCenterNmuons = 74000
@@ -143,7 +280,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: chi2 signal not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         chi2Signal = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_chi2s")
@@ -155,7 +293,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: chi2 bkg not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         chi2Bkg = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_chi2b")
@@ -172,7 +311,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: dist signal not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         distSignal = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_dists")
@@ -184,7 +324,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: dist bkg not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         distBkg = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_distb")
@@ -201,7 +342,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: get arrival moms not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         gamoms = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_gamoms")
@@ -213,7 +355,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: get arrival probs not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         gaprobs = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_gaprobs")
@@ -228,38 +371,38 @@ eff = 0.99
 ##already present for IsMuonC
+# ===========================================================
 # G. Lanfranchi & S. Furcas - 10/5/09
+# ===========================================================
 step = 0.2
 nMax_bin = 4000
-MuLandauParameterR1_1 = [14., 6.6, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
-MuLandauParameterR1_2 = [1., 10., 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
+# Region1:
+MuLandauParameterR1_1 = [14.0, 6.6, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
+MuLandauParameterR1_2 = [1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_3 = [3.4, 2.0, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_4 = [1.45, 0.61, 5.76, 2.34, 0.16, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_5 = [0.96, 0.37, 3.6, 1.33, 0.26, -1]
-MuLandauParameterR1_6 = [1., 0.43, 3.1, 1.12, 0.17, -1]
+MuLandauParameterR1_6 = [1.0, 0.43, 3.1, 1.12, 0.17, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_7 = [0.74, 0.58, 0.0, 0.0001, 0.0, -1]
+# Region2:
 MuLandauParameterR2_1 = [4.5, 1.26, 3.48, 15.06, 0.99, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_2 = [2.44, 2.42, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_3 = [1.07, 0.46, 3.32, 1.58, 0.25, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_4 = [0.88, 0.43, 2.9, 0.83, 0.12, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_5 = [0.56, 0.23, 1.38, 0.35, 0.40, -1]
+# Region3:
 MuLandauParameterR3_1 = [1.8, 0.51, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_2 = [1.65, 0.73, 6.33, 3.03, 0.36, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_3 = [1.3, 0.77, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_4 = [0.97, 0.37, 0.32, 0.12, 0.5, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_5 = [0.73, 0.22, 0.27, 0.094, 0.5, -1]
-MuLandauParameterR4_1 = [1.67, 2.254, 0., 0.8, 0.0001, -1]
+# Region4:
+MuLandauParameterR4_1 = [1.67, 2.254, 0.0, 0.8, 0.0001, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_2 = [1.00, 0.45, 3.2, 1.49, 0.5, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_3 = [1.42, 0.73, 0.89, 0.5, 0.5, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_4 = [0.73, 0.32, 2.175, 0.56, 0.18, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_5 = [0.67, 0.26, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
+# ==================================
 NonMuLandauParameterR1 = [36.5, 23.8, -1]  # region 1
 NonMuLandauParameterR2 = [40.5, 33.3, -1]  # region 2
 NonMuLandauParameterR3 = [22.0, 30.0, -1]  # region 3
@@ -270,10 +413,10 @@ nMupBinsR1 = 6
 nMupBinsR2 = 4
 nMupBinsR3 = 4
 nMupBinsR4 = 4
-MupBinsR1 = [10000., 20000., 30000., 40000., 50000., 60000.]
-MupBinsR2 = [10000., 20000., 30000., 40000.]
-MupBinsR3 = [6000., 10000., 20000., 30000.]
-MupBinsR4 = [6000., 8000., 10000., 15000.]
+MupBinsR1 = [10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0, 40000.0, 50000.0, 60000.0]
+MupBinsR2 = [10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0, 40000.0]
+MupBinsR3 = [6000.0, 10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0]
+MupBinsR4 = [6000.0, 8000.0, 10000.0, 15000.0]
 # Load parameters for DLL_flag=4: mapping of dist2 with hyperbolic tangent
 # Tuning for 2010 data for Muon prob.
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_DC06_def.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_DC06_def.py
index 4a35fcd71528197c6bef1da45acaf3f3eec72ccb..d2f4130e87863c22822669d0cdac1513ebac04d5 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_DC06_def.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_DC06_def.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 # (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 import os
 from . import loadModule
 DEBUG = False
@@ -38,53 +40,161 @@ FindQuality = True
 OverrideDB = False
 ## Set which DLL is input to MuonPID
-DLL_flag = 1  #0=old; 1=DLL new; 3=hyperbolic tangent mapping
+DLL_flag = 1  # 0=old; 1=DLL new; 3=hyperbolic tangent mapping
-PreSelMomentum = 3000.
+PreSelMomentum = 3000.0
 ##IsMuon parameters
 ## MuonID momentum cut ranges (MeV/c)
-MomentumCuts = [6000., 10000.]
+MomentumCuts = [6000.0, 10000.0]
 ## MuonID FOI parameters
-FOIfactor = 1.
+FOIfactor = 1.0
 XFOIParameter1 = [
-    5.5, 4.0, 3.3, 2.8, 5.2, 3.6, 2.4, 2.4, 5.7, 4.4, 2.8, 2.3, 5.1, 3.1, 2.3,
-    2.1, 5.8, 3.4, 2.6, 2.8
+    5.5,
+    4.0,
+    3.3,
+    2.8,
+    5.2,
+    3.6,
+    2.4,
+    2.4,
+    5.7,
+    4.4,
+    2.8,
+    2.3,
+    5.1,
+    3.1,
+    2.3,
+    2.1,
+    5.8,
+    3.4,
+    2.6,
+    2.8,
 XFOIParameter2 = [
-    11., 3., 1., 1., 31., 28., 21., 17., 30., 31., 27., 22., 28., 33., 35.,
-    47., 31., 39., 56., 151.
+    11.0,
+    3.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    31.0,
+    28.0,
+    21.0,
+    17.0,
+    30.0,
+    31.0,
+    27.0,
+    22.0,
+    28.0,
+    33.0,
+    35.0,
+    47.0,
+    31.0,
+    39.0,
+    56.0,
+    151.0,
 XFOIParameter3 = [
-    0.2, 0.08, 0.03, 0.1, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.15, 0.04, 0.06, 0.09, 0.12, 0.08,
-    0.15, 0.23, 0.36, 0.07, 0.14, 0.24, 0.49
+    0.2,
+    0.08,
+    0.03,
+    0.1,
+    0.06,
+    0.08,
+    0.10,
+    0.15,
+    0.04,
+    0.06,
+    0.09,
+    0.12,
+    0.08,
+    0.15,
+    0.23,
+    0.36,
+    0.07,
+    0.14,
+    0.24,
+    0.49,
 YFOIParameter1 = [
-    2.8, 1.7, -153., 1.9, 3.3, 2.1, 1.7, 1.6, 3.6, 2.8, 1.9, 1.8, 4.4, 3.3,
-    2.2, 2.2, 4.8, 3.9, 2.6, 2.3
+    2.8,
+    1.7,
+    -153.0,
+    1.9,
+    3.3,
+    2.1,
+    1.7,
+    1.6,
+    3.6,
+    2.8,
+    1.9,
+    1.8,
+    4.4,
+    3.3,
+    2.2,
+    2.2,
+    4.8,
+    3.9,
+    2.6,
+    2.3,
 YFOIParameter2 = [
-    3., 2., 156., 0., 17., 15., 9., 5., 26., 25., 16., 15., 30., 49., 57., 92.,
-    32., 55., 96., 166.
+    3.0,
+    2.0,
+    156.0,
+    0.0,
+    17.0,
+    15.0,
+    9.0,
+    5.0,
+    26.0,
+    25.0,
+    16.0,
+    15.0,
+    30.0,
+    49.0,
+    57.0,
+    92.0,
+    32.0,
+    55.0,
+    96.0,
+    166.0,
 YFOIParameter3 = [
-    0.03, 0.02, 0.00, 0.09, 0.13, 0.19, 0.19, 0.24, 0.11, 0.19, 0.21, 0.32,
-    0.10, 0.22, 0.30, 0.52, 0.08, 0.20, 0.34, 0.52
+    0.03,
+    0.02,
+    0.00,
+    0.09,
+    0.13,
+    0.19,
+    0.19,
+    0.24,
+    0.11,
+    0.19,
+    0.21,
+    0.32,
+    0.10,
+    0.22,
+    0.30,
+    0.52,
+    0.08,
+    0.20,
+    0.34,
+    0.52,
-#// Parameters of the Landau functions for old DLL
-distMuon = [0.311, 1.349, 0.524, 0.0020, 17., 10.6, 0.04, 4.1, 1.64]
-distPion = [11., -12., 0.2029, -0.026, 0.06, 0.59, 0.008, -29., 41.]
+# //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+# // Parameters of the Landau functions for old DLL
+# //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+distMuon = [0.311, 1.349, 0.524, 0.0020, 17.0, 10.6, 0.04, 4.1, 1.64]
+distPion = [11.0, -12.0, 0.2029, -0.026, 0.06, 0.59, 0.008, -29.0, 41.0]
 ####################### FITTER #######################
@@ -116,14 +226,41 @@ MinHits = 2
 ####################### CLQUALITY #######################
 Range = [
-    3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000,
-    50000, 75000, 100000, 125000, 150000, 175000, 1000000
+    3000,
+    4000,
+    5000,
+    6000,
+    7000,
+    8000,
+    9000,
+    10000,
+    15000,
+    20000,
+    25000,
+    50000,
+    75000,
+    100000,
+    125000,
+    150000,
+    175000,
+    1000000,
 RangeNmuons = [
-    3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000,
-    50000, 1000000
+    3000,
+    4000,
+    5000,
+    6000,
+    7000,
+    8000,
+    9000,
+    10000,
+    15000,
+    20000,
+    25000,
+    50000,
+    1000000,
-LeftRight = 'right'
+LeftRight = "right"
 Overlap = True
 lbinCenter = 187500
 lbinCenterNmuons = 74000
@@ -140,7 +277,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: chi2 signal not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         chi2Signal = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_chi2s")
@@ -152,7 +290,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: chi2 bkg not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         chi2Bkg = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_chi2b")
@@ -169,7 +308,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: dist signal not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         distSignal = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_dists")
@@ -181,7 +321,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: dist bkg not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         distBkg = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_distb")
@@ -198,7 +339,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: get arrival moms not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         gamoms = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_gamoms")
@@ -210,7 +352,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: get arrival probs not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         gaprobs = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_gaprobs")
@@ -225,38 +368,38 @@ eff = 0.99
 ##already present for IsMuonC
+# ===========================================================
 # G. Lanfranchi & S. Furcas - 10/5/09
+# ===========================================================
 step = 0.2
 nMax_bin = 4000
-MuLandauParameterR1_1 = [14., 6.6, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
-MuLandauParameterR1_2 = [1., 10., 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
+# Region1:
+MuLandauParameterR1_1 = [14.0, 6.6, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
+MuLandauParameterR1_2 = [1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_3 = [3.4, 2.0, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_4 = [1.45, 0.61, 5.76, 2.34, 0.16, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_5 = [0.96, 0.37, 3.6, 1.33, 0.26, -1]
-MuLandauParameterR1_6 = [1., 0.43, 3.1, 1.12, 0.17, -1]
+MuLandauParameterR1_6 = [1.0, 0.43, 3.1, 1.12, 0.17, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_7 = [0.74, 0.58, 0.0, 0.0001, 0.0, -1]
+# Region2:
 MuLandauParameterR2_1 = [4.5, 1.26, 3.48, 15.06, 0.99, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_2 = [2.44, 2.42, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_3 = [1.07, 0.46, 3.32, 1.58, 0.25, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_4 = [0.88, 0.43, 2.9, 0.83, 0.12, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_5 = [0.56, 0.23, 1.38, 0.35, 0.40, -1]
+# Region3:
 MuLandauParameterR3_1 = [1.8, 0.51, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_2 = [1.65, 0.73, 6.33, 3.03, 0.36, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_3 = [1.3, 0.77, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_4 = [0.97, 0.37, 0.32, 0.12, 0.5, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_5 = [0.73, 0.22, 0.27, 0.094, 0.5, -1]
-MuLandauParameterR4_1 = [1.67, 2.254, 0., 0.8, 0.0001, -1]
+# Region4:
+MuLandauParameterR4_1 = [1.67, 2.254, 0.0, 0.8, 0.0001, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_2 = [1.00, 0.45, 3.2, 1.49, 0.5, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_3 = [1.42, 0.73, 0.89, 0.5, 0.5, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_4 = [0.73, 0.32, 2.175, 0.56, 0.18, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_5 = [0.67, 0.26, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
+# ==================================
 NonMuLandauParameterR1 = [36.5, 23.8, -1]  # region 1
 NonMuLandauParameterR2 = [40.5, 33.3, -1]  # region 2
 NonMuLandauParameterR3 = [22.0, 30.0, -1]  # region 3
@@ -267,10 +410,10 @@ nMupBinsR1 = 6
 nMupBinsR2 = 4
 nMupBinsR3 = 4
 nMupBinsR4 = 4
-MupBinsR1 = [10000., 20000., 30000., 40000., 50000., 60000.]
-MupBinsR2 = [10000., 20000., 30000., 40000.]
-MupBinsR3 = [6000., 10000., 20000., 30000.]
-MupBinsR4 = [6000., 8000., 10000., 15000.]
+MupBinsR1 = [10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0, 40000.0, 50000.0, 60000.0]
+MupBinsR2 = [10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0, 40000.0]
+MupBinsR3 = [6000.0, 10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0]
+MupBinsR4 = [6000.0, 8000.0, 10000.0, 15000.0]
 # Load parameters for DLL_flag=3: mapping of dist2 with hyperbolic tangent
 # Tuning for DC06 data.
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_MC09_def.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_MC09_def.py
index 9d0ab2e19f5d3e9ce44d08720258b84deb9aa857..ae858427a6468ec9b9e8e8911a49b4ee5013c272 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_MC09_def.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/Muon_MC09_def.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 # (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 import os
 from . import loadModule
 DEBUG = False
@@ -38,53 +40,161 @@ FindQuality = True
 OverrideDB = False
 ## Set which DLL is input to MuonPID
-DLL_flag = 1  #0=old; 1=DLL new; 3=hyperbolic tangent mapping
+DLL_flag = 1  # 0=old; 1=DLL new; 3=hyperbolic tangent mapping
-PreSelMomentum = 3000.
+PreSelMomentum = 3000.0
 ##IsMuon parameters
 ## MuonID momentum cut ranges (MeV/c)
-MomentumCuts = [6000., 10000.]
+MomentumCuts = [6000.0, 10000.0]
 ## MuonID FOI parameters
 FOIfactor = 1.2
 XFOIParameter1 = [
-    5.5, 4.0, 3.3, 2.8, 5.2, 3.6, 2.4, 2.4, 5.7, 4.4, 2.8, 2.3, 5.1, 3.1, 2.3,
-    2.1, 5.8, 3.4, 2.6, 2.8
+    5.5,
+    4.0,
+    3.3,
+    2.8,
+    5.2,
+    3.6,
+    2.4,
+    2.4,
+    5.7,
+    4.4,
+    2.8,
+    2.3,
+    5.1,
+    3.1,
+    2.3,
+    2.1,
+    5.8,
+    3.4,
+    2.6,
+    2.8,
 XFOIParameter2 = [
-    11., 3., 1., 1., 31., 28., 21., 17., 30., 31., 27., 22., 28., 33., 35.,
-    47., 31., 39., 56., 151.
+    11.0,
+    3.0,
+    1.0,
+    1.0,
+    31.0,
+    28.0,
+    21.0,
+    17.0,
+    30.0,
+    31.0,
+    27.0,
+    22.0,
+    28.0,
+    33.0,
+    35.0,
+    47.0,
+    31.0,
+    39.0,
+    56.0,
+    151.0,
 XFOIParameter3 = [
-    0.2, 0.08, 0.03, 0.1, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.15, 0.04, 0.06, 0.09, 0.12, 0.08,
-    0.15, 0.23, 0.36, 0.07, 0.14, 0.24, 0.49
+    0.2,
+    0.08,
+    0.03,
+    0.1,
+    0.06,
+    0.08,
+    0.10,
+    0.15,
+    0.04,
+    0.06,
+    0.09,
+    0.12,
+    0.08,
+    0.15,
+    0.23,
+    0.36,
+    0.07,
+    0.14,
+    0.24,
+    0.49,
 YFOIParameter1 = [
-    2.8, 1.7, -153., 1.9, 3.3, 2.1, 1.7, 1.6, 3.6, 2.8, 1.9, 1.8, 4.4, 3.3,
-    2.2, 2.2, 4.8, 3.9, 2.6, 2.3
+    2.8,
+    1.7,
+    -153.0,
+    1.9,
+    3.3,
+    2.1,
+    1.7,
+    1.6,
+    3.6,
+    2.8,
+    1.9,
+    1.8,
+    4.4,
+    3.3,
+    2.2,
+    2.2,
+    4.8,
+    3.9,
+    2.6,
+    2.3,
 YFOIParameter2 = [
-    3., 2., 156., 0., 17., 15., 9., 5., 26., 25., 16., 15., 30., 49., 57., 92.,
-    32., 55., 96., 166.
+    3.0,
+    2.0,
+    156.0,
+    0.0,
+    17.0,
+    15.0,
+    9.0,
+    5.0,
+    26.0,
+    25.0,
+    16.0,
+    15.0,
+    30.0,
+    49.0,
+    57.0,
+    92.0,
+    32.0,
+    55.0,
+    96.0,
+    166.0,
 YFOIParameter3 = [
-    0.03, 0.02, 0.00, 0.09, 0.13, 0.19, 0.19, 0.24, 0.11, 0.19, 0.21, 0.32,
-    0.10, 0.22, 0.30, 0.52, 0.08, 0.20, 0.34, 0.52
+    0.03,
+    0.02,
+    0.00,
+    0.09,
+    0.13,
+    0.19,
+    0.19,
+    0.24,
+    0.11,
+    0.19,
+    0.21,
+    0.32,
+    0.10,
+    0.22,
+    0.30,
+    0.52,
+    0.08,
+    0.20,
+    0.34,
+    0.52,
-#// Parameters of the Landau functions for old DLL
-distMuon = [0.311, 1.349, 0.524, 0.0020, 17., 10.6, 0.04, 4.1, 1.64]
-distPion = [11., -12., 0.2029, -0.026, 0.06, 0.59, 0.008, -29., 41.]
+# //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+# // Parameters of the Landau functions for old DLL
+# //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+distMuon = [0.311, 1.349, 0.524, 0.0020, 17.0, 10.6, 0.04, 4.1, 1.64]
+distPion = [11.0, -12.0, 0.2029, -0.026, 0.06, 0.59, 0.008, -29.0, 41.0]
 ####################### FITTER #######################
@@ -116,14 +226,41 @@ MinHits = 2
 ####################### CLQUALITY #######################
 Range = [
-    3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000,
-    50000, 75000, 100000, 125000, 150000, 175000, 1000000
+    3000,
+    4000,
+    5000,
+    6000,
+    7000,
+    8000,
+    9000,
+    10000,
+    15000,
+    20000,
+    25000,
+    50000,
+    75000,
+    100000,
+    125000,
+    150000,
+    175000,
+    1000000,
 RangeNmuons = [
-    3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000,
-    50000, 1000000
+    3000,
+    4000,
+    5000,
+    6000,
+    7000,
+    8000,
+    9000,
+    10000,
+    15000,
+    20000,
+    25000,
+    50000,
+    1000000,
-LeftRight = 'right'
+LeftRight = "right"
 Overlap = True
 lbinCenter = 187500
 lbinCenterNmuons = 74000
@@ -140,7 +277,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: chi2 signal not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         chi2Signal = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_chi2s")
@@ -152,7 +290,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: chi2 bkg not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         chi2Bkg = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_chi2b")
@@ -169,7 +308,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: dist signal not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         distSignal = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_dists")
@@ -181,7 +321,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: dist bkg not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         distBkg = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_distb")
@@ -198,7 +339,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: get arrival moms not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         gamoms = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_gamoms")
@@ -210,7 +352,8 @@ except:
     if DEBUG:
             "# WARNING: get arrival probs not available for DATA=%s,VERSION=%s. Loading default"
-            % (DATA, VERSION))
+            % (DATA, VERSION)
+        )
         gaprobs = loadModule.loadFromModule(FILENAMEDEF0 + "_gaprobs")
@@ -225,38 +368,38 @@ eff = 0.99
 ##already present for IsMuonC
+# ===========================================================
 # G. Lanfranchi & S. Furcas - 10/5/09
+# ===========================================================
 step = 0.2
 nMax_bin = 4000
-MuLandauParameterR1_1 = [14., 6.6, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
-MuLandauParameterR1_2 = [1., 10., 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
+# Region1:
+MuLandauParameterR1_1 = [14.0, 6.6, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
+MuLandauParameterR1_2 = [1.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_3 = [3.4, 2.0, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_4 = [1.45, 0.61, 5.76, 2.34, 0.16, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_5 = [0.96, 0.37, 3.6, 1.33, 0.26, -1]
-MuLandauParameterR1_6 = [1., 0.43, 3.1, 1.12, 0.17, -1]
+MuLandauParameterR1_6 = [1.0, 0.43, 3.1, 1.12, 0.17, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR1_7 = [0.74, 0.58, 0.0, 0.0001, 0.0, -1]
+# Region2:
 MuLandauParameterR2_1 = [4.5, 1.26, 3.48, 15.06, 0.99, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_2 = [2.44, 2.42, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_3 = [1.07, 0.46, 3.32, 1.58, 0.25, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_4 = [0.88, 0.43, 2.9, 0.83, 0.12, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR2_5 = [0.56, 0.23, 1.38, 0.35, 0.40, -1]
+# Region3:
 MuLandauParameterR3_1 = [1.8, 0.51, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_2 = [1.65, 0.73, 6.33, 3.03, 0.36, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_3 = [1.3, 0.77, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_4 = [0.97, 0.37, 0.32, 0.12, 0.5, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR3_5 = [0.73, 0.22, 0.27, 0.094, 0.5, -1]
-MuLandauParameterR4_1 = [1.67, 2.254, 0., 0.8, 0.0001, -1]
+# Region4:
+MuLandauParameterR4_1 = [1.67, 2.254, 0.0, 0.8, 0.0001, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_2 = [1.00, 0.45, 3.2, 1.49, 0.5, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_3 = [1.42, 0.73, 0.89, 0.5, 0.5, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_4 = [0.73, 0.32, 2.175, 0.56, 0.18, -1]
 MuLandauParameterR4_5 = [0.67, 0.26, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, -1]
+# ==================================
 NonMuLandauParameterR1 = [36.5, 23.8, -1]  # region 1
 NonMuLandauParameterR2 = [40.5, 33.3, -1]  # region 2
 NonMuLandauParameterR3 = [22.0, 30.0, -1]  # region 3
@@ -267,10 +410,10 @@ nMupBinsR1 = 6
 nMupBinsR2 = 4
 nMupBinsR3 = 4
 nMupBinsR4 = 4
-MupBinsR1 = [10000., 20000., 30000., 40000., 50000., 60000.]
-MupBinsR2 = [10000., 20000., 30000., 40000.]
-MupBinsR3 = [6000., 10000., 20000., 30000.]
-MupBinsR4 = [6000., 8000., 10000., 15000.]
+MupBinsR1 = [10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0, 40000.0, 50000.0, 60000.0]
+MupBinsR2 = [10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0, 40000.0]
+MupBinsR3 = [6000.0, 10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0]
+MupBinsR4 = [6000.0, 8000.0, 10000.0, 15000.0]
 # Load parameters for DLL_flag=3: mapping of dist2 with hyperbolic tangent
 # Tuning for DC06 data.
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/__init__.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/__init__.py
index 9261269cba5f48d7198fe8b0043d4030d36c1352..620ed5f47cbdf77319ebd894f04652d3f99dd0c0 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/__init__.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/__init__.py
@@ -8,10 +8,9 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-#import os
-#print "importing from ", os.path.abspath(__path__[0])
+""" """
+# import os
+# print "importing from ", os.path.abspath(__path__[0])
-#from GaudiPython.Bindings import gbl
-#IMuonIDTool = gbl.IMuonIDTool
+# from GaudiPython.Bindings import gbl
+# IMuonIDTool = gbl.IMuonIDTool
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/loadModule.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/loadModule.py
index 43c0fbf42f29f489095abe9dc33ebf96051b1c15..adeca852f1546edfe1adb92e65161c3c0a3b583f 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/loadModule.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/loadModule.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 # =============================================================================
-""" @namespace loadModule
+"""@namespace loadModule
 @brief Makes easier use of pickle
 @author Xabier Cid Vidal xabier.cid.vidal@cern.ch
 @date 2009-07-27
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 def loadFromModule(file):
-    """ A shortcut to load from a module
+    """A shortcut to load from a module
     @param fileName File to be loaded
     @author Xabier Cid Vidal xabier.cid.vidal@cern.ch
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/tanh_2010.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/tanh_2010.py
index 5d914c07da705d7365291ccd69327d948bbacf56..eab460bc21237f94fda7e2e20dabb8f7e7470138 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/tanh_2010.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/tanh_2010.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+# ===============================================================================
 # Muon probability using cumulative histograms of the hyperbolic tangent of the
 # squared mean distances, tuned on 2010 data (DLL_flag=4)
@@ -16,1310 +16,11079 @@
 #                         The tanh non-muon parameters from DC06 must be
 #                         added at the end for this file to be consistent
 # Use nMupBins+1 for each region, to deal with last p-bin scaling
+# ================================================================================
 #  Scale factors (The effective scale factors are these divided by atanh(0.5) )
-tanhScaleFactorsMuonR1 = [
-    214.01, 74.8155, 27.0259, 15.4904, 9.94244, 7.47056, 4.83389
+tanhScaleFactorsMuonR1 = [214.01, 74.8155, 27.0259, 15.4904, 9.94244, 7.47056, 4.83389]
 tanhScaleFactorsMuonR2 = [125.022, 24.7737, 9.17341, 5.49306, 3.24091]
 tanhScaleFactorsMuonR3 = [91.6792, 21.9173, 7.58042, 3.51556, 2.14229]
 tanhScaleFactorsMuonR4 = [24.8836, 9.94244, 6.31702, 3.90007, 2.19722]
 # Signal muons: Cumulative tanh(dist2) histograms content
 nDistBins = 500
-#Region 1 pBin 0
+# Region 1 pBin 0
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR1_1 = [
-    0.001423, 0.002846, 0.007114, 0.01281, 0.01423, 0.0185, 0.02747, 0.03218,
-    0.04214, 0.04926, 0.05539, 0.06677, 0.07859, 0.08998, 0.0914, 0.09895,
-    0.1055, 0.1141, 0.1212, 0.1326, 0.1415, 0.1486, 0.1505, 0.1595, 0.1637,
-    0.174, 0.1844, 0.191, 0.1976, 0.2051, 0.2151, 0.2241, 0.2316, 0.2444,
-    0.2587, 0.2605, 0.2719, 0.2819, 0.2856, 0.2922, 0.2963, 0.3077, 0.3114,
-    0.3186, 0.3271, 0.3342, 0.3432, 0.3522, 0.3602, 0.3602, 0.3658, 0.3734,
-    0.3753, 0.3809, 0.3861, 0.3922, 0.4008, 0.4016, 0.4049, 0.4081, 0.4128,
-    0.4175, 0.4188, 0.426, 0.4307, 0.4311, 0.4344, 0.4401, 0.4458, 0.4476,
-    0.4538, 0.4542, 0.4613, 0.466, 0.4717, 0.4731, 0.476, 0.4788, 0.4788,
-    0.4845, 0.4882, 0.4925, 0.4982, 0.5005, 0.5052, 0.5057, 0.5075, 0.5084,
-    0.5127, 0.5188, 0.5245, 0.5259, 0.5278, 0.5315, 0.5358, 0.5366, 0.5452,
-    0.5452, 0.5513, 0.5527, 0.5527, 0.5527, 0.5532, 0.5546, 0.556, 0.5612,
-    0.5653, 0.5653, 0.5767, 0.581, 0.5838, 0.59, 0.5947, 0.5965, 0.5998,
-    0.6069, 0.6088, 0.6131, 0.6163, 0.6172, 0.6229, 0.6258, 0.6276, 0.6328,
-    0.6346, 0.6393, 0.6408, 0.6426, 0.6473, 0.6473, 0.652, 0.652, 0.6563,
-    0.6592, 0.6596, 0.6615, 0.6615, 0.6615, 0.6671, 0.6709, 0.6709, 0.6723,
-    0.6723, 0.6723, 0.6723, 0.677, 0.685, 0.685, 0.6854, 0.6863, 0.6892,
-    0.6892, 0.6981, 0.6986, 0.6986, 0.7033, 0.7075, 0.7104, 0.7113, 0.7188,
-    0.7231, 0.7245, 0.7274, 0.7274, 0.7316, 0.733, 0.7372, 0.7391, 0.7391,
-    0.7391, 0.7391, 0.7405, 0.7405, 0.7405, 0.7438, 0.7471, 0.7471, 0.7489,
-    0.7494, 0.7521, 0.7526, 0.7526, 0.7544, 0.7544, 0.7549, 0.7572, 0.7572,
-    0.7572, 0.7572, 0.7572, 0.7576, 0.7604, 0.7633, 0.7633, 0.7652, 0.7666,
-    0.7666, 0.7666, 0.7666, 0.768, 0.768, 0.7708, 0.7713, 0.7741, 0.7741,
-    0.777, 0.7798, 0.7817, 0.7835, 0.784, 0.784, 0.784, 0.784, 0.7854, 0.7887,
-    0.7887, 0.7901, 0.7906, 0.7906, 0.7906, 0.7906, 0.7906, 0.792, 0.7929,
-    0.7947, 0.7952, 0.7966, 0.798, 0.8007, 0.8016, 0.8016, 0.8025, 0.8025,
-    0.8025, 0.8025, 0.8025, 0.8025, 0.8025, 0.8039, 0.8044, 0.8072, 0.8076,
-    0.8081, 0.8109, 0.8114, 0.8128, 0.8128, 0.8156, 0.8175, 0.8175, 0.8189,
-    0.8222, 0.8222, 0.8251, 0.8279, 0.8279, 0.8326, 0.8326, 0.8369, 0.8383,
-    0.8383, 0.8397, 0.8397, 0.8406, 0.842, 0.8434, 0.8434, 0.8434, 0.8434,
-    0.8453, 0.8453, 0.8467, 0.8486, 0.8486, 0.849, 0.849, 0.849, 0.849, 0.849,
-    0.849, 0.849, 0.849, 0.8499, 0.8528, 0.8542, 0.8556, 0.8599, 0.8613, 0.867,
-    0.8684, 0.8698, 0.8698, 0.8727, 0.8741, 0.8755, 0.8755, 0.876, 0.876,
-    0.8802, 0.8811, 0.8825, 0.884, 0.8872, 0.8887, 0.8887, 0.8887, 0.8901,
-    0.8915, 0.8919, 0.8924, 0.8957, 0.8999, 0.9042, 0.9042, 0.9042, 0.9056,
-    0.9056, 0.9056, 0.9056, 0.9056, 0.9056, 0.9071, 0.9075, 0.9089, 0.9103,
-    0.9103, 0.9132, 0.9146, 0.9146, 0.9175, 0.9175, 0.9175, 0.9175, 0.9175,
-    0.9175, 0.9179, 0.9193, 0.9198, 0.9212, 0.9226, 0.9226, 0.9226, 0.9245,
-    0.9245, 0.9245, 0.9249, 0.9268, 0.9282, 0.9282, 0.9296, 0.9296, 0.9296,
-    0.9296, 0.9296, 0.9296, 0.9296, 0.9296, 0.931, 0.931, 0.9329, 0.9329,
-    0.9329, 0.9329, 0.9357, 0.9357, 0.9357, 0.9357, 0.9357, 0.9386, 0.9386,
-    0.9414, 0.9414, 0.9414, 0.9414, 0.9414, 0.9414, 0.9414, 0.9414, 0.9414,
-    0.9443, 0.9443, 0.9457, 0.9457, 0.9461, 0.9461, 0.9476, 0.9476, 0.9476,
-    0.949, 0.949, 0.949, 0.949, 0.9494, 0.9494, 0.9523, 0.9565, 0.958, 0.958,
-    0.958, 0.958, 0.9594, 0.9594, 0.9594, 0.9608, 0.9622, 0.9622, 0.9641,
-    0.9645, 0.9645, 0.966, 0.966, 0.966, 0.966, 0.966, 0.966, 0.9674, 0.9688,
-    0.9688, 0.9702, 0.9716, 0.9716, 0.9716, 0.9716, 0.9716, 0.9716, 0.9716,
-    0.9716, 0.9731, 0.9731, 0.9731, 0.9731, 0.9731, 0.9731, 0.9745, 0.9745,
-    0.9759, 0.9773, 0.9788, 0.9788, 0.9788, 0.9792, 0.9792, 0.9806, 0.9806,
-    0.982, 0.982, 0.982, 0.982, 0.982, 0.982, 0.982, 0.982, 0.982, 0.982,
-    0.9849, 0.9849, 0.9849, 0.9849, 0.9849, 0.9853, 0.9858, 0.9858, 0.9858,
-    0.9872, 0.9872, 0.9872, 0.9886, 0.9886, 0.9886, 0.9915, 0.9915, 0.9929,
-    0.9929, 0.9957, 0.9957, 0.9957, 0.9957, 0.9957, 0.9957, 0.9957, 0.9957,
-    0.9957, 0.9957, 0.9957, 0.9972, 0.9972, 0.9972, 0.9972, 0.9972, 0.9972, 1,
-    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
+    0.001423,
+    0.002846,
+    0.007114,
+    0.01281,
+    0.01423,
+    0.0185,
+    0.02747,
+    0.03218,
+    0.04214,
+    0.04926,
+    0.05539,
+    0.06677,
+    0.07859,
+    0.08998,
+    0.0914,
+    0.09895,
+    0.1055,
+    0.1141,
+    0.1212,
+    0.1326,
+    0.1415,
+    0.1486,
+    0.1505,
+    0.1595,
+    0.1637,
+    0.174,
+    0.1844,
+    0.191,
+    0.1976,
+    0.2051,
+    0.2151,
+    0.2241,
+    0.2316,
+    0.2444,
+    0.2587,
+    0.2605,
+    0.2719,
+    0.2819,
+    0.2856,
+    0.2922,
+    0.2963,
+    0.3077,
+    0.3114,
+    0.3186,
+    0.3271,
+    0.3342,
+    0.3432,
+    0.3522,
+    0.3602,
+    0.3602,
+    0.3658,
+    0.3734,
+    0.3753,
+    0.3809,
+    0.3861,
+    0.3922,
+    0.4008,
+    0.4016,
+    0.4049,
+    0.4081,
+    0.4128,
+    0.4175,
+    0.4188,
+    0.426,
+    0.4307,
+    0.4311,
+    0.4344,
+    0.4401,
+    0.4458,
+    0.4476,
+    0.4538,
+    0.4542,
+    0.4613,
+    0.466,
+    0.4717,
+    0.4731,
+    0.476,
+    0.4788,
+    0.4788,
+    0.4845,
+    0.4882,
+    0.4925,
+    0.4982,
+    0.5005,
+    0.5052,
+    0.5057,
+    0.5075,
+    0.5084,
+    0.5127,
+    0.5188,
+    0.5245,
+    0.5259,
+    0.5278,
+    0.5315,
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-#Region 1 pBin 1
+# Region 1 pBin 1
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR1_2 = [
-    0.0008674, 0.004467, 0.01197, 0.01817, 0.03101, 0.04285, 0.05482, 0.06704,
-    0.08062, 0.09736, 0.1122, 0.131, 0.1429, 0.1588, 0.1719, 0.1849, 0.1926,
-    0.2066, 0.2176, 0.2288, 0.2409, 0.2585, 0.2674, 0.2754, 0.2841, 0.2907,
-    0.2985, 0.3078, 0.3141, 0.3216, 0.3272, 0.3341, 0.3421, 0.3497, 0.3598,
-    0.3689, 0.3751, 0.3835, 0.3901, 0.3984, 0.4062, 0.4153, 0.4228, 0.4307,
-    0.4409, 0.4464, 0.4542, 0.4603, 0.4627, 0.4687, 0.4732, 0.4747, 0.4764,
-    0.4856, 0.4917, 0.4953, 0.4989, 0.5027, 0.5075, 0.5108, 0.5164, 0.5201,
-    0.5257, 0.5296, 0.5318, 0.5374, 0.5417, 0.5472, 0.5515, 0.5579, 0.5638,
-    0.5681, 0.5716, 0.5744, 0.5802, 0.585, 0.5894, 0.5964, 0.6021, 0.6052,
-    0.6092, 0.6145, 0.6186, 0.6204, 0.6249, 0.6279, 0.631, 0.6344, 0.6392,
-    0.6428, 0.6471, 0.6512, 0.6542, 0.6599, 0.6633, 0.6659, 0.6682, 0.6714,
-    0.6749, 0.677, 0.6796, 0.6818, 0.6857, 0.69, 0.69, 0.6918, 0.6949, 0.6995,
-    0.7027, 0.7066, 0.7072, 0.7086, 0.7121, 0.7139, 0.7172, 0.7194, 0.7234,
-    0.7265, 0.7286, 0.7317, 0.7344, 0.737, 0.7389, 0.741, 0.7425, 0.7438,
-    0.7458, 0.7463, 0.7481, 0.7535, 0.7579, 0.7602, 0.761, 0.7616, 0.7659,
-    0.7671, 0.7702, 0.7733, 0.7756, 0.7766, 0.7774, 0.7774, 0.7796, 0.7809,
-    0.781, 0.7823, 0.7845, 0.7858, 0.7865, 0.7874, 0.7876, 0.7911, 0.7925,
-    0.7947, 0.7955, 0.7983, 0.7991, 0.801, 0.8024, 0.8037, 0.8042, 0.8063,
-    0.8073, 0.8073, 0.8082, 0.8095, 0.8104, 0.8114, 0.8144, 0.8163, 0.8176,
-    0.8184, 0.8193, 0.8207, 0.8216, 0.8229, 0.8238, 0.8242, 0.8255, 0.8268,
-    0.8291, 0.8304, 0.8311, 0.8328, 0.8335, 0.8357, 0.8357, 0.836, 0.8368,
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-#Region 1 pBin 2
+# Region 1 pBin 2
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR1_3 = [
-    0, 0.0003004, 0.003906, 0.008699, 0.0154, 0.0223, 0.0298, 0.04302, 0.05303,
-    0.06174, 0.07505, 0.08545, 0.09514, 0.1064, 0.1169, 0.1319, 0.1427, 0.1553,
-    0.1639, 0.1753, 0.1874, 0.197, 0.207, 0.2165, 0.2289, 0.2424, 0.2521,
-    0.2609, 0.2692, 0.2803, 0.2938, 0.3033, 0.3107, 0.3189, 0.3284, 0.3349,
-    0.3458, 0.3539, 0.3638, 0.3724, 0.3792, 0.3854, 0.3941, 0.4007, 0.4074,
-    0.4154, 0.4229, 0.4294, 0.4357, 0.4444, 0.4482, 0.453, 0.4598, 0.4666,
-    0.4746, 0.4766, 0.483, 0.4858, 0.4899, 0.4958, 0.4995, 0.5053, 0.5101,
-    0.5186, 0.5237, 0.5269, 0.5331, 0.5381, 0.5421, 0.5456, 0.5501, 0.5568,
-    0.5608, 0.5646, 0.5691, 0.5728, 0.5768, 0.5808, 0.5844, 0.5866, 0.5907,
-    0.5955, 0.5993, 0.6023, 0.6058, 0.6093, 0.6125, 0.6167, 0.621, 0.625,
-    0.629, 0.6328, 0.6356, 0.64, 0.6441, 0.6484, 0.6525, 0.6568, 0.6615,
-    0.6639, 0.6676, 0.6705, 0.6751, 0.6796, 0.6817, 0.6844, 0.6865, 0.6899,
-    0.6944, 0.6968, 0.6995, 0.7008, 0.7026, 0.706, 0.7073, 0.7087, 0.7114,
-    0.7148, 0.7192, 0.7218, 0.7227, 0.7261, 0.7279, 0.7303, 0.7334, 0.7349,
-    0.7364, 0.74, 0.7424, 0.7452, 0.7463, 0.7482, 0.7518, 0.753, 0.7563, 0.757,
-    0.7586, 0.7608, 0.7622, 0.7643, 0.7664, 0.7683, 0.771, 0.7737, 0.7759,
-    0.7783, 0.7798, 0.7817, 0.7835, 0.7844, 0.7854, 0.7857, 0.7867, 0.7883,
-    0.7904, 0.7919, 0.7938, 0.7962, 0.7965, 0.7983, 0.7995, 0.8011, 0.8026,
-    0.8047, 0.8051, 0.8063, 0.8081, 0.81, 0.8121, 0.8127, 0.8136, 0.8154,
-    0.8169, 0.8184, 0.8191, 0.8209, 0.8221, 0.8227, 0.8236, 0.8249, 0.827,
-    0.8295, 0.831, 0.8323, 0.8341, 0.8354, 0.8373, 0.8383, 0.8389, 0.8405,
-    0.8429, 0.8433, 0.8449, 0.8461, 0.8474, 0.8481, 0.8485, 0.8494, 0.8506,
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-    0.8643, 0.8646, 0.8661, 0.867, 0.8676, 0.8695, 0.8701, 0.8713, 0.872,
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-    0.8993, 0.8993, 0.8999, 0.8999, 0.9009, 0.901, 0.9014, 0.9029, 0.9035,
-    0.9047, 0.905, 0.9051, 0.9066, 0.9067, 0.9076, 0.9082, 0.9091, 0.91,
-    0.9109, 0.9127, 0.9139, 0.9143, 0.9146, 0.915, 0.9153, 0.9156, 0.9159,
-    0.9162, 0.9168, 0.9174, 0.9177, 0.9189, 0.9201, 0.9201, 0.9207, 0.9213,
-    0.9225, 0.9234, 0.9241, 0.925, 0.9256, 0.926, 0.9266, 0.9281, 0.9287,
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-#Region 1 pBin 3
+# Region 1 pBin 3
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR1_4 = [
-    0, 0.0002617, 0.001308, 0.003051, 0.007933, 0.01282, 0.01778, 0.02319,
-    0.02859, 0.03522, 0.04211, 0.04812, 0.05588, 0.06103, 0.06966, 0.07856,
-    0.08858, 0.09695, 0.1087, 0.1208, 0.1339, 0.1419, 0.1508, 0.1651, 0.1756,
-    0.1859, 0.1978, 0.2119, 0.2222, 0.2348, 0.2462, 0.2574, 0.2671, 0.2764,
-    0.2841, 0.293, 0.3033, 0.3136, 0.3215, 0.3294, 0.3402, 0.3483, 0.356,
-    0.3646, 0.3704, 0.377, 0.3865, 0.3943, 0.4045, 0.412, 0.4184, 0.4257,
-    0.4313, 0.4413, 0.447, 0.4536, 0.4625, 0.4692, 0.4735, 0.4787, 0.4852,
-    0.4922, 0.4973, 0.5009, 0.5055, 0.511, 0.5164, 0.5204, 0.5266, 0.5296,
-    0.5336, 0.5387, 0.5439, 0.5493, 0.5541, 0.5565, 0.5629, 0.5655, 0.5687,
-    0.5721, 0.5778, 0.5817, 0.5845, 0.5869, 0.5922, 0.5955, 0.5997, 0.6052,
-    0.6088, 0.6126, 0.6165, 0.622, 0.6235, 0.6261, 0.6286, 0.6317, 0.6336,
-    0.637, 0.6392, 0.6433, 0.6465, 0.6505, 0.6539, 0.6561, 0.6587, 0.6625,
-    0.6639, 0.6681, 0.6705, 0.6735, 0.6766, 0.6793, 0.6819, 0.6843, 0.6878,
-    0.6898, 0.6939, 0.6966, 0.6982, 0.7048, 0.7071, 0.7113, 0.7151, 0.7171,
-    0.7188, 0.7209, 0.7224, 0.7233, 0.7259, 0.7294, 0.7316, 0.7337, 0.7351,
-    0.7372, 0.7401, 0.7416, 0.7435, 0.7455, 0.7477, 0.7503, 0.7524, 0.7545,
-    0.7563, 0.759, 0.7601, 0.7616, 0.7647, 0.7671, 0.769, 0.7708, 0.772,
-    0.7741, 0.7752, 0.7761, 0.7782, 0.7801, 0.7828, 0.7842, 0.7868, 0.789,
-    0.7916, 0.793, 0.7946, 0.7959, 0.7985, 0.7995, 0.8025, 0.8043, 0.8059,
-    0.8068, 0.8083, 0.8095, 0.8113, 0.8137, 0.8155, 0.8173, 0.8192, 0.8199,
-    0.822, 0.8233, 0.8249, 0.8263, 0.8287, 0.8298, 0.8314, 0.8335, 0.8349,
-    0.8355, 0.8371, 0.839, 0.8401, 0.8414, 0.8427, 0.8456, 0.8458, 0.8464,
-    0.8479, 0.8493, 0.851, 0.8517, 0.8533, 0.8546, 0.8552, 0.8557, 0.8573,
-    0.858, 0.8583, 0.8594, 0.861, 0.8621, 0.8634, 0.865, 0.8661, 0.8669,
-    0.8675, 0.8696, 0.8704, 0.872, 0.8736, 0.8746, 0.8748, 0.8753, 0.8769,
-    0.8777, 0.8782, 0.8787, 0.8793, 0.88, 0.8808, 0.8819, 0.8825, 0.8829,
-    0.8835, 0.884, 0.884, 0.8853, 0.8861, 0.8872, 0.8877, 0.8882, 0.8898,
-    0.8903, 0.8908, 0.8911, 0.8934, 0.8948, 0.8953, 0.8963, 0.8969, 0.8982,
-    0.8991, 0.8994, 0.9002, 0.9016, 0.9029, 0.9042, 0.9056, 0.9056, 0.9061,
-    0.9079, 0.9087, 0.9098, 0.9103, 0.9108, 0.9116, 0.9132, 0.9139, 0.9139,
-    0.9152, 0.9159, 0.9159, 0.9164, 0.9174, 0.9179, 0.919, 0.9198, 0.9198,
-    0.9208, 0.9211, 0.9216, 0.9229, 0.9234, 0.9245, 0.925, 0.9263, 0.9266,
-    0.9271, 0.9276, 0.9284, 0.9292, 0.9293, 0.9293, 0.9304, 0.9304, 0.9307,
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-    0.9382, 0.9383, 0.9393, 0.9396, 0.9404, 0.9404, 0.9414, 0.9422, 0.9427,
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+    0.9881,
+    0.9881,
+    0.9881,
+    0.9881,
+    0.9881,
+    0.9886,
+    0.9886,
+    0.9891,
+    0.9894,
+    0.9901,
+    0.9907,
+    0.9912,
+    0.9915,
+    0.9915,
+    0.9917,
+    0.9917,
+    0.992,
+    0.9925,
+    0.9925,
+    0.9926,
+    0.9931,
+    0.9932,
+    0.9935,
+    0.9937,
+    0.9937,
+    0.9937,
+    0.994,
+    0.9945,
+    0.9948,
+    0.995,
+    0.995,
+    0.995,
+    0.9958,
+    0.9958,
+    0.9961,
+    0.9961,
+    0.9961,
+    0.9963,
+    0.9966,
+    0.9969,
+    0.9971,
+    0.9971,
+    0.9974,
+    0.9976,
+    0.9976,
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+    0.9985,
+    0.9985,
+    0.9987,
+    0.999,
+    0.999,
+    0.9992,
+    0.9992,
+    0.9995,
+    0.9995,
+    0.9995,
+    0.9995,
+    0.9997,
+    0.9997,
+    1,
-#Region 1 pBin 4
+# Region 1 pBin 4
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR1_5 = [
-    0, 0.0002793, 0.0002793, 0.0002793, 0.001752, 0.004622, 0.009091, 0.01267,
-    0.02128, 0.02717, 0.03347, 0.03964, 0.04399, 0.05204, 0.0612, 0.06981,
-    0.07939, 0.08868, 0.1001, 0.1075, 0.114, 0.1233, 0.1345, 0.1412, 0.149,
-    0.1588, 0.1646, 0.1728, 0.1802, 0.1887, 0.1962, 0.206, 0.2186, 0.2272,
-    0.2361, 0.2456, 0.2567, 0.2657, 0.2769, 0.2878, 0.2973, 0.3047, 0.3126,
-    0.3205, 0.3279, 0.3365, 0.3466, 0.3554, 0.3633, 0.3698, 0.3739, 0.3827,
-    0.3895, 0.3972, 0.4046, 0.4119, 0.4206, 0.4275, 0.4334, 0.4391, 0.4456,
-    0.4517, 0.4575, 0.463, 0.4686, 0.4766, 0.4811, 0.4865, 0.4925, 0.4977,
-    0.5019, 0.5078, 0.5149, 0.5183, 0.5238, 0.528, 0.5336, 0.5391, 0.5447,
-    0.55, 0.5562, 0.5616, 0.5663, 0.5714, 0.5755, 0.5812, 0.5877, 0.5951,
-    0.5981, 0.6024, 0.6058, 0.6099, 0.6152, 0.618, 0.6223, 0.6271, 0.6318,
-    0.6367, 0.6405, 0.6461, 0.6476, 0.6515, 0.6552, 0.6586, 0.662, 0.6657,
-    0.6681, 0.6707, 0.6736, 0.6776, 0.6787, 0.6791, 0.6823, 0.6846, 0.6862,
-    0.6899, 0.6927, 0.6948, 0.6966, 0.6987, 0.7007, 0.7022, 0.7044, 0.7078,
-    0.7111, 0.715, 0.7174, 0.7195, 0.7209, 0.7215, 0.7242, 0.7268, 0.7283,
-    0.7298, 0.7317, 0.7346, 0.7377, 0.7394, 0.7411, 0.7439, 0.747, 0.7491,
-    0.7514, 0.7539, 0.7557, 0.7566, 0.7588, 0.7602, 0.7625, 0.7659, 0.7687,
-    0.7694, 0.7711, 0.7739, 0.7756, 0.7778, 0.7793, 0.7807, 0.7833, 0.7847,
-    0.7883, 0.7897, 0.7917, 0.7932, 0.7951, 0.7966, 0.7977, 0.7991, 0.8013,
-    0.8038, 0.8064, 0.8076, 0.8098, 0.8107, 0.8115, 0.8133, 0.8147, 0.8161,
-    0.818, 0.8201, 0.8213, 0.8229, 0.8234, 0.8251, 0.8267, 0.8287, 0.8293,
-    0.8308, 0.833, 0.8344, 0.8361, 0.8369, 0.8381, 0.8404, 0.8409, 0.8429,
-    0.8434, 0.8449, 0.8463, 0.8467, 0.8481, 0.8506, 0.8523, 0.8524, 0.8547,
-    0.8562, 0.8565, 0.8571, 0.8582, 0.8596, 0.8614, 0.8629, 0.864, 0.8646,
-    0.8649, 0.866, 0.8677, 0.8691, 0.8697, 0.8706, 0.8709, 0.8726, 0.8738,
-    0.875, 0.8761, 0.8767, 0.8781, 0.8788, 0.8793, 0.8802, 0.881, 0.8825,
-    0.883, 0.8844, 0.8847, 0.8853, 0.8865, 0.8874, 0.8879, 0.8893, 0.8896,
-    0.8908, 0.8931, 0.8942, 0.8942, 0.8965, 0.8973, 0.8974, 0.8983, 0.8989,
-    0.9006, 0.9007, 0.9024, 0.9032, 0.9032, 0.904, 0.906, 0.9068, 0.9077,
-    0.9085, 0.9096, 0.91, 0.9114, 0.912, 0.9126, 0.9128, 0.9138, 0.9143,
-    0.9146, 0.9154, 0.916, 0.9171, 0.9172, 0.9177, 0.9184, 0.919, 0.9196,
-    0.9199, 0.9207, 0.9213, 0.9219, 0.9224, 0.9231, 0.9234, 0.9245, 0.9259,
-    0.9271, 0.9279, 0.9279, 0.9279, 0.9287, 0.9296, 0.9299, 0.9301, 0.9311,
-    0.9317, 0.9317, 0.9331, 0.9331, 0.9348, 0.9359, 0.9362, 0.9365, 0.9371,
-    0.9374, 0.9376, 0.9379, 0.9385, 0.9385, 0.9391, 0.9391, 0.9394, 0.9402,
-    0.9413, 0.9419, 0.9425, 0.9439, 0.9447, 0.945, 0.9461, 0.9466, 0.9472,
-    0.9475, 0.9475, 0.9484, 0.9487, 0.9492, 0.9498, 0.9506, 0.9512, 0.9515,
-    0.9518, 0.9523, 0.9532, 0.9532, 0.9541, 0.9546, 0.9552, 0.9557, 0.9563,
-    0.9563, 0.9577, 0.9577, 0.9585, 0.9591, 0.9591, 0.9591, 0.9599, 0.96,
-    0.9601, 0.9604, 0.9609, 0.9612, 0.9629, 0.9632, 0.9638, 0.9638, 0.9638,
-    0.9641, 0.9643, 0.9646, 0.9649, 0.9655, 0.9661, 0.9669, 0.9672, 0.9672,
-    0.9675, 0.9681, 0.9683, 0.9692, 0.9695, 0.97, 0.97, 0.9703, 0.9706, 0.9708,
-    0.9708, 0.9708, 0.9708, 0.9708, 0.9711, 0.9711, 0.9717, 0.9718, 0.9723,
-    0.9729, 0.9732, 0.9732, 0.9734, 0.974, 0.974, 0.9743, 0.9743, 0.9743,
-    0.9743, 0.9751, 0.9751, 0.976, 0.9762, 0.9762, 0.9762, 0.9768, 0.9771,
-    0.9773, 0.9779, 0.9782, 0.9785, 0.9787, 0.9787, 0.979, 0.979, 0.9799,
-    0.9801, 0.9804, 0.9807, 0.9807, 0.9815, 0.9818, 0.9821, 0.9827, 0.9827,
-    0.9832, 0.9832, 0.9835, 0.9836, 0.9838, 0.9844, 0.985, 0.985, 0.9852,
-    0.9858, 0.9861, 0.9866, 0.9869, 0.9869, 0.987, 0.987, 0.987, 0.987, 0.987,
-    0.9873, 0.9876, 0.9878, 0.9884, 0.9887, 0.9887, 0.9887, 0.989, 0.9893,
-    0.9893, 0.9896, 0.9901, 0.9902, 0.9902, 0.9902, 0.9908, 0.9913, 0.9919,
-    0.9919, 0.9919, 0.9925, 0.9925, 0.9927, 0.993, 0.993, 0.9936, 0.9936,
-    0.9939, 0.9939, 0.9939, 0.9939, 0.9941, 0.9944, 0.9944, 0.9955, 0.9958,
-    0.9964, 0.9964, 0.9966, 0.9966, 0.9969, 0.9975, 0.9975, 0.9975, 0.9975,
-    0.9978, 0.9978, 0.998, 0.998, 0.9983, 0.9989, 0.9994, 0.9994, 0.9997, 1, 1,
-    1, 1, 1
+    0,
+    0.0002793,
+    0.0002793,
+    0.0002793,
+    0.001752,
+    0.004622,
+    0.009091,
+    0.01267,
+    0.02128,
+    0.02717,
+    0.03347,
+    0.03964,
+    0.04399,
+    0.05204,
+    0.0612,
+    0.06981,
+    0.07939,
+    0.08868,
+    0.1001,
+    0.1075,
+    0.114,
+    0.1233,
+    0.1345,
+    0.1412,
+    0.149,
+    0.1588,
+    0.1646,
+    0.1728,
+    0.1802,
+    0.1887,
+    0.1962,
+    0.206,
+    0.2186,
+    0.2272,
+    0.2361,
+    0.2456,
+    0.2567,
+    0.2657,
+    0.2769,
+    0.2878,
+    0.2973,
+    0.3047,
+    0.3126,
+    0.3205,
+    0.3279,
+    0.3365,
+    0.3466,
+    0.3554,
+    0.3633,
+    0.3698,
+    0.3739,
+    0.3827,
+    0.3895,
+    0.3972,
+    0.4046,
+    0.4119,
+    0.4206,
+    0.4275,
+    0.4334,
+    0.4391,
+    0.4456,
+    0.4517,
+    0.4575,
+    0.463,
+    0.4686,
+    0.4766,
+    0.4811,
+    0.4865,
+    0.4925,
+    0.4977,
+    0.5019,
+    0.5078,
+    0.5149,
+    0.5183,
+    0.5238,
+    0.528,
+    0.5336,
+    0.5391,
+    0.5447,
+    0.55,
+    0.5562,
+    0.5616,
+    0.5663,
+    0.5714,
+    0.5755,
+    0.5812,
+    0.5877,
+    0.5951,
+    0.5981,
+    0.6024,
+    0.6058,
+    0.6099,
+    0.6152,
+    0.618,
+    0.6223,
+    0.6271,
+    0.6318,
+    0.6367,
+    0.6405,
+    0.6461,
+    0.6476,
+    0.6515,
+    0.6552,
+    0.6586,
+    0.662,
+    0.6657,
+    0.6681,
+    0.6707,
+    0.6736,
+    0.6776,
+    0.6787,
+    0.6791,
+    0.6823,
+    0.6846,
+    0.6862,
+    0.6899,
+    0.6927,
+    0.6948,
+    0.6966,
+    0.6987,
+    0.7007,
+    0.7022,
+    0.7044,
+    0.7078,
+    0.7111,
+    0.715,
+    0.7174,
+    0.7195,
+    0.7209,
+    0.7215,
+    0.7242,
+    0.7268,
+    0.7283,
+    0.7298,
+    0.7317,
+    0.7346,
+    0.7377,
+    0.7394,
+    0.7411,
+    0.7439,
+    0.747,
+    0.7491,
+    0.7514,
+    0.7539,
+    0.7557,
+    0.7566,
+    0.7588,
+    0.7602,
+    0.7625,
+    0.7659,
+    0.7687,
+    0.7694,
+    0.7711,
+    0.7739,
+    0.7756,
+    0.7778,
+    0.7793,
+    0.7807,
+    0.7833,
+    0.7847,
+    0.7883,
+    0.7897,
+    0.7917,
+    0.7932,
+    0.7951,
+    0.7966,
+    0.7977,
+    0.7991,
+    0.8013,
+    0.8038,
+    0.8064,
+    0.8076,
+    0.8098,
+    0.8107,
+    0.8115,
+    0.8133,
+    0.8147,
+    0.8161,
+    0.818,
+    0.8201,
+    0.8213,
+    0.8229,
+    0.8234,
+    0.8251,
+    0.8267,
+    0.8287,
+    0.8293,
+    0.8308,
+    0.833,
+    0.8344,
+    0.8361,
+    0.8369,
+    0.8381,
+    0.8404,
+    0.8409,
+    0.8429,
+    0.8434,
+    0.8449,
+    0.8463,
+    0.8467,
+    0.8481,
+    0.8506,
+    0.8523,
+    0.8524,
+    0.8547,
+    0.8562,
+    0.8565,
+    0.8571,
+    0.8582,
+    0.8596,
+    0.8614,
+    0.8629,
+    0.864,
+    0.8646,
+    0.8649,
+    0.866,
+    0.8677,
+    0.8691,
+    0.8697,
+    0.8706,
+    0.8709,
+    0.8726,
+    0.8738,
+    0.875,
+    0.8761,
+    0.8767,
+    0.8781,
+    0.8788,
+    0.8793,
+    0.8802,
+    0.881,
+    0.8825,
+    0.883,
+    0.8844,
+    0.8847,
+    0.8853,
+    0.8865,
+    0.8874,
+    0.8879,
+    0.8893,
+    0.8896,
+    0.8908,
+    0.8931,
+    0.8942,
+    0.8942,
+    0.8965,
+    0.8973,
+    0.8974,
+    0.8983,
+    0.8989,
+    0.9006,
+    0.9007,
+    0.9024,
+    0.9032,
+    0.9032,
+    0.904,
+    0.906,
+    0.9068,
+    0.9077,
+    0.9085,
+    0.9096,
+    0.91,
+    0.9114,
+    0.912,
+    0.9126,
+    0.9128,
+    0.9138,
+    0.9143,
+    0.9146,
+    0.9154,
+    0.916,
+    0.9171,
+    0.9172,
+    0.9177,
+    0.9184,
+    0.919,
+    0.9196,
+    0.9199,
+    0.9207,
+    0.9213,
+    0.9219,
+    0.9224,
+    0.9231,
+    0.9234,
+    0.9245,
+    0.9259,
+    0.9271,
+    0.9279,
+    0.9279,
+    0.9279,
+    0.9287,
+    0.9296,
+    0.9299,
+    0.9301,
+    0.9311,
+    0.9317,
+    0.9317,
+    0.9331,
+    0.9331,
+    0.9348,
+    0.9359,
+    0.9362,
+    0.9365,
+    0.9371,
+    0.9374,
+    0.9376,
+    0.9379,
+    0.9385,
+    0.9385,
+    0.9391,
+    0.9391,
+    0.9394,
+    0.9402,
+    0.9413,
+    0.9419,
+    0.9425,
+    0.9439,
+    0.9447,
+    0.945,
+    0.9461,
+    0.9466,
+    0.9472,
+    0.9475,
+    0.9475,
+    0.9484,
+    0.9487,
+    0.9492,
+    0.9498,
+    0.9506,
+    0.9512,
+    0.9515,
+    0.9518,
+    0.9523,
+    0.9532,
+    0.9532,
+    0.9541,
+    0.9546,
+    0.9552,
+    0.9557,
+    0.9563,
+    0.9563,
+    0.9577,
+    0.9577,
+    0.9585,
+    0.9591,
+    0.9591,
+    0.9591,
+    0.9599,
+    0.96,
+    0.9601,
+    0.9604,
+    0.9609,
+    0.9612,
+    0.9629,
+    0.9632,
+    0.9638,
+    0.9638,
+    0.9638,
+    0.9641,
+    0.9643,
+    0.9646,
+    0.9649,
+    0.9655,
+    0.9661,
+    0.9669,
+    0.9672,
+    0.9672,
+    0.9675,
+    0.9681,
+    0.9683,
+    0.9692,
+    0.9695,
+    0.97,
+    0.97,
+    0.9703,
+    0.9706,
+    0.9708,
+    0.9708,
+    0.9708,
+    0.9708,
+    0.9708,
+    0.9711,
+    0.9711,
+    0.9717,
+    0.9718,
+    0.9723,
+    0.9729,
+    0.9732,
+    0.9732,
+    0.9734,
+    0.974,
+    0.974,
+    0.9743,
+    0.9743,
+    0.9743,
+    0.9743,
+    0.9751,
+    0.9751,
+    0.976,
+    0.9762,
+    0.9762,
+    0.9762,
+    0.9768,
+    0.9771,
+    0.9773,
+    0.9779,
+    0.9782,
+    0.9785,
+    0.9787,
+    0.9787,
+    0.979,
+    0.979,
+    0.9799,
+    0.9801,
+    0.9804,
+    0.9807,
+    0.9807,
+    0.9815,
+    0.9818,
+    0.9821,
+    0.9827,
+    0.9827,
+    0.9832,
+    0.9832,
+    0.9835,
+    0.9836,
+    0.9838,
+    0.9844,
+    0.985,
+    0.985,
+    0.9852,
+    0.9858,
+    0.9861,
+    0.9866,
+    0.9869,
+    0.9869,
+    0.987,
+    0.987,
+    0.987,
+    0.987,
+    0.987,
+    0.9873,
+    0.9876,
+    0.9878,
+    0.9884,
+    0.9887,
+    0.9887,
+    0.9887,
+    0.989,
+    0.9893,
+    0.9893,
+    0.9896,
+    0.9901,
+    0.9902,
+    0.9902,
+    0.9902,
+    0.9908,
+    0.9913,
+    0.9919,
+    0.9919,
+    0.9919,
+    0.9925,
+    0.9925,
+    0.9927,
+    0.993,
+    0.993,
+    0.9936,
+    0.9936,
+    0.9939,
+    0.9939,
+    0.9939,
+    0.9939,
+    0.9941,
+    0.9944,
+    0.9944,
+    0.9955,
+    0.9958,
+    0.9964,
+    0.9964,
+    0.9966,
+    0.9966,
+    0.9969,
+    0.9975,
+    0.9975,
+    0.9975,
+    0.9975,
+    0.9978,
+    0.9978,
+    0.998,
+    0.998,
+    0.9983,
+    0.9989,
+    0.9994,
+    0.9994,
+    0.9997,
+    1,
+    1,
+    1,
+    1,
+    1,
-#Region 1 pBin 5
+# Region 1 pBin 5
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR1_6 = [
-    0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0005, 0.002022, 0.003124, 0.007554, 0.00994, 0.01411,
-    0.01828, 0.02305, 0.02585, 0.03385, 0.04049, 0.04678, 0.05538, 0.06219,
-    0.06909, 0.07837, 0.08168, 0.08703, 0.09484, 0.1011, 0.1073, 0.1159, 0.125,
-    0.1332, 0.1412, 0.1509, 0.1568, 0.1631, 0.1693, 0.179, 0.1864, 0.1948,
-    0.2016, 0.2116, 0.2215, 0.2315, 0.2394, 0.2473, 0.256, 0.2611, 0.2719,
-    0.2821, 0.2917, 0.301, 0.3114, 0.3209, 0.3297, 0.3399, 0.3473, 0.3565,
-    0.3644, 0.3735, 0.3828, 0.3931, 0.3982, 0.4074, 0.4154, 0.4223, 0.4319,
-    0.4408, 0.4451, 0.4527, 0.46, 0.4664, 0.4714, 0.4775, 0.484, 0.4895,
-    0.4966, 0.5025, 0.5114, 0.5173, 0.5235, 0.5296, 0.5354, 0.5406, 0.5464,
-    0.5505, 0.5539, 0.5591, 0.564, 0.5699, 0.5751, 0.5816, 0.5867, 0.5905,
-    0.596, 0.602, 0.6074, 0.6116, 0.6164, 0.622, 0.6271, 0.6289, 0.6321,
-    0.6359, 0.6397, 0.6445, 0.6486, 0.6522, 0.6547, 0.6579, 0.6621, 0.6655,
-    0.6678, 0.6707, 0.6731, 0.6762, 0.678, 0.6801, 0.6852, 0.6901, 0.6933,
-    0.6971, 0.7009, 0.7026, 0.7063, 0.7084, 0.7132, 0.7142, 0.7179, 0.7206,
-    0.7224, 0.7272, 0.7306, 0.7321, 0.7334, 0.7372, 0.7406, 0.7433, 0.7454,
-    0.7481, 0.7492, 0.7519, 0.7523, 0.754, 0.7555, 0.7566, 0.7573, 0.7607,
-    0.7611, 0.7624, 0.7638, 0.7669, 0.7683, 0.7704, 0.7721, 0.7738, 0.7749,
-    0.7769, 0.7779, 0.7784, 0.7804, 0.7808, 0.7832, 0.7846, 0.7856, 0.7887,
-    0.7904, 0.7927, 0.7948, 0.7962, 0.7968, 0.7996, 0.8013, 0.803, 0.8051,
-    0.8061, 0.8075, 0.8092, 0.8099, 0.8114, 0.8125, 0.8135, 0.8152, 0.8169,
-    0.8173, 0.818, 0.8201, 0.8211, 0.8225, 0.8231, 0.8249, 0.8276, 0.829,
-    0.829, 0.8314, 0.8324, 0.8345, 0.8355, 0.8368, 0.8379, 0.8382, 0.8403,
-    0.8423, 0.843, 0.844, 0.8464, 0.8471, 0.8482, 0.8499, 0.8523, 0.8529,
-    0.854, 0.8553, 0.857, 0.8577, 0.8584, 0.8601, 0.8608, 0.8626, 0.8631,
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-    0.8848, 0.8862, 0.8879, 0.8883, 0.8893, 0.8896, 0.8907, 0.8911, 0.8922,
-    0.8932, 0.8942, 0.8956, 0.8957, 0.8961, 0.8968, 0.8985, 0.8996, 0.8999,
-    0.9006, 0.9016, 0.9023, 0.904, 0.9043, 0.9054, 0.9061, 0.9069, 0.9073,
-    0.9083, 0.91, 0.9121, 0.9145, 0.9145, 0.9152, 0.9163, 0.917, 0.9173,
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-#Region 1 pBin 6
+# Region 1 pBin 6
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR1_7 = [
-    0.0001699, 0.0006798, 0.002549, 0.004079, 0.005608, 0.008891, 0.01019,
-    0.01427, 0.01641, 0.02083, 0.02309, 0.02677, 0.03102, 0.03543, 0.03893,
-    0.04312, 0.04912, 0.05246, 0.05806, 0.06451, 0.06909, 0.07555, 0.08127,
-    0.08687, 0.09246, 0.09805, 0.1051, 0.1138, 0.1203, 0.1271, 0.134, 0.1421,
-    0.1478, 0.1558, 0.1634, 0.1691, 0.177, 0.1822, 0.19, 0.1971, 0.2031,
-    0.2116, 0.22, 0.2281, 0.2366, 0.2407, 0.2487, 0.2565, 0.2632, 0.2697,
-    0.2775, 0.2829, 0.2903, 0.297, 0.3036, 0.3124, 0.3204, 0.3291, 0.333,
-    0.3397, 0.3484, 0.3563, 0.3642, 0.3705, 0.377, 0.3833, 0.3898, 0.3957,
-    0.4043, 0.4125, 0.418, 0.4246, 0.4312, 0.4369, 0.4427, 0.4494, 0.455,
-    0.4619, 0.4675, 0.4734, 0.4801, 0.4853, 0.4926, 0.4989, 0.5038, 0.5094,
-    0.514, 0.5194, 0.5232, 0.5292, 0.5345, 0.5408, 0.5477, 0.5546, 0.559,
-    0.5632, 0.5705, 0.5751, 0.5794, 0.5841, 0.589, 0.5929, 0.5974, 0.6018,
-    0.6078, 0.6134, 0.6165, 0.6214, 0.6242, 0.628, 0.6333, 0.637, 0.6414,
-    0.6443, 0.6487, 0.652, 0.6565, 0.6606, 0.6651, 0.6686, 0.6731, 0.6772,
-    0.6811, 0.6854, 0.6881, 0.6906, 0.6938, 0.6959, 0.6982, 0.7003, 0.7025,
-    0.7073, 0.7111, 0.714, 0.7166, 0.7189, 0.7204, 0.7226, 0.7248, 0.7274,
-    0.7309, 0.733, 0.7346, 0.7364, 0.7393, 0.7417, 0.7426, 0.7463, 0.7491,
-    0.7519, 0.7546, 0.7557, 0.7584, 0.7605, 0.7628, 0.7645, 0.7669, 0.7692,
-    0.7721, 0.7747, 0.7762, 0.7784, 0.7796, 0.7816, 0.7838, 0.7856, 0.7867,
-    0.7879, 0.7896, 0.7914, 0.7931, 0.7951, 0.797, 0.7984, 0.8005, 0.8014,
-    0.8036, 0.8053, 0.8076, 0.809, 0.8117, 0.8129, 0.8138, 0.8156, 0.818,
-    0.8197, 0.8213, 0.8225, 0.8238, 0.8262, 0.8284, 0.8299, 0.8322, 0.8336,
-    0.8355, 0.8363, 0.8376, 0.8383, 0.8395, 0.8401, 0.8424, 0.8441, 0.8456,
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-#Region 2 pBin 0
+# Region 2 pBin 0
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR2_1 = [
-    0.001465, 0.006681, 0.01565, 0.02884, 0.04425, 0.05802, 0.07103, 0.08433,
-    0.1016, 0.1167, 0.1319, 0.1483, 0.1615, 0.1747, 0.1892, 0.2016, 0.214,
-    0.2263, 0.2344, 0.2454, 0.2582, 0.2717, 0.2827, 0.2922, 0.3055, 0.3154,
-    0.3263, 0.3348, 0.3443, 0.3546, 0.3634, 0.373, 0.3785, 0.3845, 0.3923,
-    0.4007, 0.4072, 0.4139, 0.421, 0.4297, 0.4362, 0.443, 0.45, 0.4575, 0.465,
-    0.4707, 0.4773, 0.4839, 0.4889, 0.4929, 0.5013, 0.5069, 0.513, 0.5192,
-    0.5262, 0.531, 0.5363, 0.5403, 0.5453, 0.5484, 0.5545, 0.5592, 0.5632,
-    0.5685, 0.5736, 0.5779, 0.5825, 0.5858, 0.5905, 0.5932, 0.5968, 0.6016,
-    0.6056, 0.6109, 0.6137, 0.6174, 0.6213, 0.624, 0.6288, 0.6312, 0.6335,
-    0.637, 0.6418, 0.6452, 0.6492, 0.6548, 0.6568, 0.6586, 0.6615, 0.663,
-    0.6656, 0.6685, 0.6707, 0.6734, 0.676, 0.6801, 0.6836, 0.6861, 0.6892,
-    0.6915, 0.6937, 0.697, 0.6988, 0.701, 0.7043, 0.7063, 0.7082, 0.7097,
-    0.712, 0.7133, 0.716, 0.7184, 0.7201, 0.7213, 0.7236, 0.7265, 0.729,
-    0.7317, 0.734, 0.7358, 0.7375, 0.7402, 0.7424, 0.7446, 0.7475, 0.749,
-    0.7508, 0.7523, 0.7541, 0.7557, 0.7568, 0.7582, 0.7592, 0.7608, 0.7628,
-    0.7645, 0.7668, 0.7685, 0.7713, 0.7729, 0.7764, 0.7778, 0.7802, 0.7804,
-    0.7829, 0.7845, 0.7866, 0.7889, 0.7908, 0.7924, 0.7938, 0.7945, 0.7955,
-    0.7966, 0.7988, 0.8007, 0.8024, 0.8029, 0.8047, 0.8062, 0.8078, 0.8096,
-    0.8117, 0.8128, 0.8142, 0.8156, 0.8171, 0.8179, 0.8186, 0.8195, 0.8205,
-    0.8213, 0.8227, 0.8242, 0.8252, 0.8256, 0.8256, 0.8264, 0.8281, 0.8292,
-    0.8303, 0.8307, 0.8329, 0.8337, 0.8345, 0.8352, 0.8367, 0.8374, 0.8388,
-    0.8395, 0.8408, 0.8419, 0.8427, 0.8441, 0.845, 0.8457, 0.8463, 0.8472,
-    0.849, 0.85, 0.8511, 0.8518, 0.8526, 0.8529, 0.8535, 0.8539, 0.8547,
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-    0.8714, 0.8716, 0.8725, 0.8746, 0.8759, 0.8767, 0.8776, 0.8787, 0.8794,
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-    0.8869, 0.8874, 0.8883, 0.8886, 0.8895, 0.8908, 0.8921, 0.8929, 0.8951,
-    0.8972, 0.8978, 0.8989, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9005, 0.9008, 0.9015, 0.9022,
-    0.9038, 0.9043, 0.9055, 0.9065, 0.9078, 0.9082, 0.9084, 0.9089, 0.9098,
-    0.9111, 0.9118, 0.9126, 0.9135, 0.9145, 0.9145, 0.9154, 0.916, 0.916,
-    0.9172, 0.9176, 0.918, 0.9193, 0.9194, 0.9203, 0.9206, 0.9216, 0.9224,
-    0.9231, 0.9237, 0.9244, 0.9255, 0.9261, 0.9262, 0.9278, 0.9285, 0.9286,
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-    0.9651, 0.9652, 0.9658, 0.9662, 0.9664, 0.9665, 0.9665, 0.9665, 0.9667,
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-    0.9867, 0.9869, 0.987, 0.9872, 0.9876, 0.9879, 0.9885, 0.9889, 0.9896,
-    0.9905, 0.9908, 0.9916, 0.9916, 0.992, 0.9923, 0.9931, 0.9931, 0.9943,
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-    0.9983, 0.9984, 0.9984, 0.9984, 0.9987, 0.9993, 0.9993, 0.9993, 0.9999, 1,
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+    0.05802,
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+    0.08433,
+    0.1016,
+    0.1167,
+    0.1319,
+    0.1483,
+    0.1615,
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+    0.1892,
+    0.2016,
+    0.214,
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-#Region 2 pBin 1
+# Region 2 pBin 1
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR2_2 = [
-    9.122e-05, 0.001532, 0.005479, 0.01158, 0.01958, 0.02874, 0.03747, 0.04594,
-    0.05676, 0.06672, 0.07797, 0.08895, 0.1022, 0.1136, 0.125, 0.1383, 0.1505,
-    0.1625, 0.1761, 0.1883, 0.1997, 0.2103, 0.2225, 0.2335, 0.2446, 0.256,
-    0.2675, 0.2772, 0.287, 0.2957, 0.3049, 0.3145, 0.3223, 0.3315, 0.3397,
-    0.3486, 0.3563, 0.3658, 0.3737, 0.3819, 0.3896, 0.3968, 0.4046, 0.4121,
-    0.4186, 0.4254, 0.4334, 0.4404, 0.4463, 0.4531, 0.4594, 0.4658, 0.4726,
-    0.479, 0.4848, 0.4905, 0.4954, 0.5004, 0.5059, 0.5111, 0.516, 0.521,
-    0.5258, 0.5309, 0.5356, 0.5407, 0.5456, 0.5513, 0.556, 0.5609, 0.5652,
-    0.5687, 0.5737, 0.5782, 0.5825, 0.586, 0.5898, 0.594, 0.5981, 0.6012,
-    0.6047, 0.6082, 0.6116, 0.6151, 0.6192, 0.6232, 0.6261, 0.6301, 0.6342,
-    0.6376, 0.6407, 0.6433, 0.6468, 0.6506, 0.6535, 0.6564, 0.6598, 0.663,
-    0.6671, 0.6697, 0.6724, 0.6755, 0.6787, 0.6811, 0.6839, 0.6868, 0.6895,
-    0.6918, 0.6945, 0.6977, 0.7001, 0.7027, 0.7058, 0.7086, 0.7116, 0.7145,
-    0.7167, 0.7185, 0.7203, 0.7223, 0.7246, 0.7275, 0.7301, 0.7321, 0.7345,
-    0.7368, 0.739, 0.7411, 0.7433, 0.7451, 0.7469, 0.7487, 0.7508, 0.7532,
-    0.7556, 0.7576, 0.7602, 0.7621, 0.7642, 0.7662, 0.7685, 0.7705, 0.7722,
-    0.7742, 0.7755, 0.7776, 0.7792, 0.7812, 0.7829, 0.7846, 0.7862, 0.7884,
-    0.7901, 0.7917, 0.793, 0.7951, 0.7969, 0.7984, 0.8, 0.8013, 0.8029, 0.8048,
-    0.8063, 0.8078, 0.8092, 0.8108, 0.8126, 0.8135, 0.8149, 0.8169, 0.818,
-    0.8191, 0.8206, 0.8218, 0.823, 0.8246, 0.826, 0.8276, 0.8286, 0.83, 0.8313,
-    0.833, 0.8341, 0.8356, 0.8372, 0.8384, 0.8396, 0.8409, 0.842, 0.8431,
-    0.8443, 0.8457, 0.8471, 0.8485, 0.8498, 0.851, 0.8519, 0.8528, 0.854,
-    0.8558, 0.8564, 0.8575, 0.8584, 0.8598, 0.8612, 0.862, 0.8626, 0.8639,
-    0.8649, 0.8658, 0.8665, 0.8675, 0.8686, 0.8696, 0.8705, 0.8719, 0.8731,
-    0.8742, 0.8751, 0.8762, 0.877, 0.8779, 0.8787, 0.8794, 0.8801, 0.8814,
-    0.8824, 0.8837, 0.8847, 0.8857, 0.8865, 0.8873, 0.8885, 0.8895, 0.8904,
-    0.8914, 0.8921, 0.8926, 0.8931, 0.894, 0.8945, 0.895, 0.8958, 0.8967,
-    0.8973, 0.8984, 0.899, 0.8996, 0.9005, 0.9013, 0.9021, 0.9034, 0.9042,
-    0.9049, 0.9057, 0.9062, 0.9069, 0.9077, 0.9085, 0.9093, 0.9103, 0.9109,
-    0.9115, 0.9121, 0.9127, 0.9131, 0.9135, 0.9142, 0.9148, 0.9156, 0.9162,
-    0.9169, 0.9172, 0.9182, 0.9186, 0.9193, 0.9199, 0.9208, 0.9215, 0.9221,
-    0.9229, 0.9235, 0.9241, 0.9246, 0.9252, 0.9259, 0.9265, 0.9271, 0.9277,
-    0.9282, 0.9288, 0.9293, 0.9297, 0.9302, 0.9308, 0.9316, 0.9322, 0.9326,
-    0.9329, 0.9333, 0.9338, 0.9344, 0.935, 0.9354, 0.9359, 0.9363, 0.9369,
-    0.9375, 0.9379, 0.9384, 0.9389, 0.9397, 0.9403, 0.9406, 0.9412, 0.9415,
-    0.942, 0.9427, 0.9433, 0.9438, 0.9443, 0.9446, 0.9451, 0.9455, 0.946,
-    0.9462, 0.9466, 0.9471, 0.9476, 0.9481, 0.9484, 0.9487, 0.9493, 0.9499,
-    0.9507, 0.951, 0.9515, 0.9517, 0.9522, 0.9526, 0.9528, 0.9532, 0.9536,
-    0.9541, 0.9545, 0.9547, 0.9552, 0.9558, 0.9562, 0.9565, 0.9569, 0.9572,
-    0.9576, 0.9577, 0.9579, 0.9583, 0.9586, 0.9589, 0.959, 0.9596, 0.96,
-    0.9608, 0.9614, 0.9619, 0.9622, 0.9627, 0.963, 0.9632, 0.9635, 0.9637,
-    0.9643, 0.9645, 0.9645, 0.9653, 0.9656, 0.966, 0.9664, 0.9668, 0.9672,
-    0.9677, 0.9681, 0.9684, 0.9689, 0.9695, 0.9696, 0.9699, 0.9701, 0.9704,
-    0.9708, 0.971, 0.9713, 0.9715, 0.9719, 0.9721, 0.9723, 0.9725, 0.9726,
-    0.9729, 0.973, 0.9733, 0.9737, 0.974, 0.9744, 0.9748, 0.9751, 0.9754,
-    0.9755, 0.9756, 0.976, 0.9763, 0.9765, 0.9768, 0.977, 0.9774, 0.9777,
-    0.9782, 0.9785, 0.9786, 0.9789, 0.9793, 0.9797, 0.98, 0.9802, 0.9804,
-    0.9808, 0.9811, 0.9814, 0.9815, 0.9818, 0.9821, 0.9824, 0.9828, 0.9829,
-    0.983, 0.9834, 0.9835, 0.9838, 0.984, 0.9841, 0.9843, 0.9845, 0.9847,
-    0.9849, 0.9851, 0.9854, 0.9858, 0.986, 0.986, 0.9861, 0.9863, 0.9865,
-    0.9868, 0.987, 0.9872, 0.9876, 0.9881, 0.9882, 0.9884, 0.9884, 0.9888,
-    0.989, 0.9894, 0.9896, 0.9898, 0.9901, 0.9902, 0.9903, 0.9907, 0.991,
-    0.991, 0.9911, 0.9914, 0.9914, 0.9916, 0.9918, 0.9921, 0.9925, 0.9928,
-    0.9931, 0.9934, 0.9936, 0.9938, 0.994, 0.9943, 0.9945, 0.9946, 0.9948,
-    0.9949, 0.9953, 0.9954, 0.9958, 0.9962, 0.9965, 0.9968, 0.997, 0.9973,
-    0.9976, 0.9978, 0.9981, 1
+    9.122e-05,
+    0.001532,
+    0.005479,
+    0.01158,
+    0.01958,
+    0.02874,
+    0.03747,
+    0.04594,
+    0.05676,
+    0.06672,
+    0.07797,
+    0.08895,
+    0.1022,
+    0.1136,
+    0.125,
+    0.1383,
+    0.1505,
+    0.1625,
+    0.1761,
+    0.1883,
+    0.1997,
+    0.2103,
+    0.2225,
+    0.2335,
+    0.2446,
+    0.256,
+    0.2675,
+    0.2772,
+    0.287,
+    0.2957,
+    0.3049,
+    0.3145,
+    0.3223,
+    0.3315,
+    0.3397,
+    0.3486,
+    0.3563,
+    0.3658,
+    0.3737,
+    0.3819,
+    0.3896,
+    0.3968,
+    0.4046,
+    0.4121,
+    0.4186,
+    0.4254,
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+    0.5356,
+    0.5407,
+    0.5456,
+    0.5513,
+    0.556,
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+    0.5737,
+    0.5782,
+    0.5825,
+    0.586,
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+    0.594,
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+    0.6012,
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+    0.6232,
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+    0.6376,
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+    0.6433,
+    0.6468,
+    0.6506,
+    0.6535,
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+    0.6598,
+    0.663,
+    0.6671,
+    0.6697,
+    0.6724,
+    0.6755,
+    0.6787,
+    0.6811,
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+    0.7001,
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+    0.7451,
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+    0.7508,
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+    0.7602,
+    0.7621,
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+    0.7755,
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+    0.7846,
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+    0.8,
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+    0.8108,
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+    0.83,
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+    0.9699,
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+    0.971,
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+    0.98,
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+    0.987,
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+    0.9876,
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+    0.989,
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+    0.9901,
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+    0.9907,
+    0.991,
+    0.991,
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+    0.994,
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+    0.9953,
+    0.9954,
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+    0.9962,
+    0.9965,
+    0.9968,
+    0.997,
+    0.9973,
+    0.9976,
+    0.9978,
+    0.9981,
+    1,
-#Region 2 pBin 2
+# Region 2 pBin 2
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR2_3 = [
-    0, 3.292e-05, 0.0004383, 0.001348, 0.003363, 0.005915, 0.009603, 0.01462,
-    0.02, 0.02578, 0.03251, 0.03946, 0.04689, 0.05513, 0.06301, 0.07193,
-    0.08128, 0.09118, 0.1005, 0.1086, 0.1165, 0.126, 0.1341, 0.1419, 0.1502,
-    0.1593, 0.1685, 0.1762, 0.1847, 0.1934, 0.2022, 0.2113, 0.2201, 0.2293,
-    0.2379, 0.2464, 0.2568, 0.2656, 0.2743, 0.2828, 0.2921, 0.3004, 0.3085,
-    0.3174, 0.3263, 0.3349, 0.3428, 0.3518, 0.3603, 0.3676, 0.3753, 0.3829,
-    0.3904, 0.3984, 0.4055, 0.4127, 0.42, 0.4273, 0.435, 0.4414, 0.4473,
-    0.4538, 0.4598, 0.4656, 0.4721, 0.4783, 0.4843, 0.4905, 0.4959, 0.5018,
-    0.5077, 0.5132, 0.5188, 0.5238, 0.5292, 0.5343, 0.5398, 0.5447, 0.5501,
-    0.5546, 0.5595, 0.5644, 0.5688, 0.5738, 0.5779, 0.5819, 0.5858, 0.5898,
-    0.5935, 0.5974, 0.601, 0.6047, 0.6085, 0.612, 0.6156, 0.6203, 0.6239,
-    0.627, 0.6307, 0.6346, 0.6374, 0.6408, 0.6449, 0.6486, 0.6521, 0.6549,
-    0.6584, 0.6616, 0.6648, 0.6681, 0.6715, 0.6745, 0.6775, 0.6808, 0.6837,
-    0.6867, 0.6896, 0.6921, 0.6953, 0.698, 0.7011, 0.704, 0.7068, 0.7091,
-    0.7116, 0.7145, 0.7169, 0.719, 0.7216, 0.7238, 0.7264, 0.7287, 0.7312,
-    0.733, 0.7354, 0.7381, 0.7403, 0.7427, 0.7446, 0.7469, 0.7494, 0.7512,
-    0.7533, 0.7554, 0.7574, 0.7592, 0.7616, 0.7637, 0.7661, 0.7681, 0.7702,
-    0.7721, 0.7739, 0.7759, 0.7774, 0.7795, 0.782, 0.7836, 0.7857, 0.7875,
-    0.7892, 0.7914, 0.793, 0.7948, 0.796, 0.7975, 0.799, 0.8005, 0.8023,
-    0.8037, 0.8051, 0.8067, 0.8088, 0.8101, 0.8119, 0.8137, 0.8151, 0.8168,
-    0.8186, 0.82, 0.8216, 0.8228, 0.8245, 0.8261, 0.8275, 0.829, 0.8304,
-    0.8314, 0.8326, 0.8343, 0.8353, 0.8365, 0.8373, 0.8385, 0.8399, 0.841,
-    0.8425, 0.8441, 0.8452, 0.8464, 0.8474, 0.8489, 0.8503, 0.8513, 0.8523,
-    0.8531, 0.8547, 0.8558, 0.8566, 0.8576, 0.8588, 0.8602, 0.8616, 0.8628,
-    0.864, 0.8653, 0.8663, 0.8674, 0.8685, 0.8697, 0.871, 0.8719, 0.8728,
-    0.8738, 0.8748, 0.876, 0.8766, 0.8775, 0.8789, 0.8798, 0.8805, 0.8816,
-    0.8824, 0.8833, 0.8843, 0.8851, 0.8856, 0.8866, 0.8876, 0.8886, 0.8893,
-    0.8902, 0.8912, 0.8923, 0.8932, 0.8941, 0.8948, 0.8961, 0.8972, 0.8981,
-    0.8988, 0.8996, 0.9004, 0.9012, 0.902, 0.903, 0.9036, 0.9042, 0.9053,
-    0.9058, 0.9068, 0.9076, 0.9082, 0.9088, 0.9097, 0.9102, 0.9107, 0.9112,
-    0.9119, 0.9127, 0.9133, 0.9141, 0.915, 0.9157, 0.9165, 0.9171, 0.9178,
-    0.9183, 0.9192, 0.92, 0.9209, 0.9215, 0.9222, 0.923, 0.924, 0.9244, 0.9252,
-    0.926, 0.9265, 0.9272, 0.9279, 0.9285, 0.9291, 0.9296, 0.9304, 0.9309,
-    0.9314, 0.932, 0.9329, 0.9334, 0.9344, 0.9352, 0.9358, 0.9368, 0.9375,
-    0.9383, 0.9389, 0.9394, 0.9401, 0.9408, 0.9414, 0.9418, 0.9423, 0.9427,
-    0.9431, 0.9439, 0.9444, 0.945, 0.9454, 0.946, 0.9466, 0.9471, 0.9475,
-    0.9477, 0.948, 0.9485, 0.9493, 0.9498, 0.9506, 0.9511, 0.9515, 0.9519,
-    0.9524, 0.9528, 0.9532, 0.9538, 0.9544, 0.9548, 0.9552, 0.9556, 0.9561,
-    0.9566, 0.9573, 0.9578, 0.958, 0.9585, 0.959, 0.9594, 0.9598, 0.9601,
-    0.9604, 0.961, 0.9615, 0.9619, 0.9623, 0.9624, 0.9628, 0.9633, 0.9637,
-    0.9641, 0.9644, 0.9646, 0.9649, 0.9652, 0.9657, 0.9659, 0.9661, 0.9668,
-    0.9671, 0.9676, 0.968, 0.9683, 0.9685, 0.9686, 0.9688, 0.9692, 0.9694,
-    0.9698, 0.97, 0.9702, 0.9706, 0.9711, 0.9716, 0.9719, 0.9723, 0.9727,
-    0.9729, 0.9732, 0.9734, 0.9738, 0.9743, 0.9746, 0.9751, 0.9754, 0.9755,
-    0.9757, 0.9761, 0.9765, 0.977, 0.9772, 0.9775, 0.9777, 0.978, 0.9781,
-    0.9785, 0.9788, 0.979, 0.9795, 0.9796, 0.9798, 0.9802, 0.9803, 0.9805,
-    0.9808, 0.981, 0.9811, 0.9813, 0.9815, 0.9818, 0.9821, 0.9824, 0.9827,
-    0.983, 0.9831, 0.9834, 0.9837, 0.9837, 0.9838, 0.9842, 0.9844, 0.9846,
-    0.9848, 0.985, 0.9853, 0.9855, 0.9858, 0.9861, 0.9864, 0.9866, 0.9869,
-    0.9871, 0.9874, 0.9878, 0.9881, 0.9884, 0.9885, 0.9889, 0.989, 0.9894,
-    0.9897, 0.9899, 0.99, 0.9903, 0.9906, 0.9908, 0.9909, 0.9913, 0.9914,
-    0.9916, 0.9917, 0.9919, 0.9922, 0.9924, 0.9926, 0.9928, 0.993, 0.9933,
-    0.9933, 0.9935, 0.9937, 0.994, 0.9942, 0.9943, 0.9944, 0.9948, 0.9951,
-    0.9951, 0.9952, 0.9954, 0.9956, 0.9957, 0.9958, 0.9962, 0.9963, 0.9964,
-    0.9966, 0.997, 0.9971, 0.9973, 0.9974, 0.9976, 0.9978, 0.998, 0.9982,
-    0.9983, 0.9986, 0.9988, 0.9989, 0.9993, 1
+    0,
+    3.292e-05,
+    0.0004383,
+    0.001348,
+    0.003363,
+    0.005915,
+    0.009603,
+    0.01462,
+    0.02,
+    0.02578,
+    0.03251,
+    0.03946,
+    0.04689,
+    0.05513,
+    0.06301,
+    0.07193,
+    0.08128,
+    0.09118,
+    0.1005,
+    0.1086,
+    0.1165,
+    0.126,
+    0.1341,
+    0.1419,
+    0.1502,
+    0.1593,
+    0.1685,
+    0.1762,
+    0.1847,
+    0.1934,
+    0.2022,
+    0.2113,
+    0.2201,
+    0.2293,
+    0.2379,
+    0.2464,
+    0.2568,
+    0.2656,
+    0.2743,
+    0.2828,
+    0.2921,
+    0.3004,
+    0.3085,
+    0.3174,
+    0.3263,
+    0.3349,
+    0.3428,
+    0.3518,
+    0.3603,
+    0.3676,
+    0.3753,
+    0.3829,
+    0.3904,
+    0.3984,
+    0.4055,
+    0.4127,
+    0.42,
+    0.4273,
+    0.435,
+    0.4414,
+    0.4473,
+    0.4538,
+    0.4598,
+    0.4656,
+    0.4721,
+    0.4783,
+    0.4843,
+    0.4905,
+    0.4959,
+    0.5018,
+    0.5077,
+    0.5132,
+    0.5188,
+    0.5238,
+    0.5292,
+    0.5343,
+    0.5398,
+    0.5447,
+    0.5501,
+    0.5546,
+    0.5595,
+    0.5644,
+    0.5688,
+    0.5738,
+    0.5779,
+    0.5819,
+    0.5858,
+    0.5898,
+    0.5935,
+    0.5974,
+    0.601,
+    0.6047,
+    0.6085,
+    0.612,
+    0.6156,
+    0.6203,
+    0.6239,
+    0.627,
+    0.6307,
+    0.6346,
+    0.6374,
+    0.6408,
+    0.6449,
+    0.6486,
+    0.6521,
+    0.6549,
+    0.6584,
+    0.6616,
+    0.6648,
+    0.6681,
+    0.6715,
+    0.6745,
+    0.6775,
+    0.6808,
+    0.6837,
+    0.6867,
+    0.6896,
+    0.6921,
+    0.6953,
+    0.698,
+    0.7011,
+    0.704,
+    0.7068,
+    0.7091,
+    0.7116,
+    0.7145,
+    0.7169,
+    0.719,
+    0.7216,
+    0.7238,
+    0.7264,
+    0.7287,
+    0.7312,
+    0.733,
+    0.7354,
+    0.7381,
+    0.7403,
+    0.7427,
+    0.7446,
+    0.7469,
+    0.7494,
+    0.7512,
+    0.7533,
+    0.7554,
+    0.7574,
+    0.7592,
+    0.7616,
+    0.7637,
+    0.7661,
+    0.7681,
+    0.7702,
+    0.7721,
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+    0.7759,
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+    0.782,
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+    0.9983,
+    0.9986,
+    0.9988,
+    0.9989,
+    0.9993,
+    1,
-#Region 2 pBin 3
+# Region 2 pBin 3
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR2_4 = [
-    0, 0.0004331, 0.00231, 0.004325, 0.006162, 0.008667, 0.01159, 0.01438,
-    0.01743, 0.02199, 0.02696, 0.03196, 0.03676, 0.04192, 0.04772, 0.05287,
-    0.05831, 0.06392, 0.07094, 0.07731, 0.08441, 0.09169, 0.09855, 0.1058,
-    0.1119, 0.119, 0.1266, 0.1343, 0.1416, 0.1484, 0.1569, 0.164, 0.1708,
-    0.1789, 0.187, 0.1947, 0.2022, 0.2098, 0.2168, 0.2243, 0.232, 0.2396,
-    0.2479, 0.255, 0.2619, 0.2684, 0.2756, 0.2827, 0.2906, 0.2975, 0.3044,
-    0.3121, 0.3196, 0.3276, 0.3356, 0.3422, 0.3499, 0.3581, 0.3648, 0.3724,
-    0.381, 0.3887, 0.3963, 0.4034, 0.4099, 0.4159, 0.4231, 0.4301, 0.4376,
-    0.445, 0.4514, 0.4582, 0.4657, 0.4725, 0.4784, 0.4843, 0.4907, 0.4975,
-    0.5043, 0.5095, 0.5146, 0.5203, 0.5256, 0.5314, 0.5363, 0.5422, 0.5478,
-    0.5535, 0.5589, 0.563, 0.5678, 0.5735, 0.5787, 0.5834, 0.5874, 0.5924,
-    0.5961, 0.6006, 0.6046, 0.6085, 0.6125, 0.6167, 0.6201, 0.6248, 0.6286,
-    0.6325, 0.636, 0.6401, 0.6443, 0.648, 0.6518, 0.6551, 0.6581, 0.662,
-    0.6655, 0.6684, 0.672, 0.6749, 0.6778, 0.6816, 0.6845, 0.6876, 0.6901,
-    0.6934, 0.6971, 0.7001, 0.7032, 0.7065, 0.7092, 0.7131, 0.7163, 0.7187,
-    0.7212, 0.7241, 0.7268, 0.7288, 0.7313, 0.7335, 0.7356, 0.7377, 0.7399,
-    0.7425, 0.7446, 0.7468, 0.749, 0.7512, 0.7535, 0.7557, 0.7584, 0.7606,
-    0.7628, 0.7652, 0.7673, 0.7684, 0.7704, 0.7724, 0.774, 0.7766, 0.7787,
-    0.7805, 0.782, 0.7838, 0.7855, 0.7872, 0.7889, 0.7907, 0.7928, 0.7947,
-    0.7969, 0.7996, 0.801, 0.803, 0.805, 0.807, 0.8086, 0.8105, 0.8117, 0.8135,
-    0.815, 0.8168, 0.8181, 0.8199, 0.8213, 0.8225, 0.8242, 0.8258, 0.827,
-    0.8283, 0.8299, 0.8316, 0.8325, 0.8342, 0.8355, 0.837, 0.8387, 0.8403,
-    0.8414, 0.8425, 0.8441, 0.8456, 0.8468, 0.8481, 0.8498, 0.8507, 0.8521,
-    0.8531, 0.8549, 0.8565, 0.858, 0.8589, 0.8598, 0.8607, 0.8618, 0.8635,
-    0.8645, 0.8658, 0.8665, 0.8672, 0.8682, 0.8693, 0.8703, 0.8716, 0.8725,
-    0.8738, 0.8746, 0.8756, 0.8768, 0.8782, 0.8794, 0.8802, 0.8808, 0.8825,
-    0.8838, 0.8849, 0.8861, 0.8875, 0.8882, 0.8893, 0.8904, 0.8912, 0.8923,
-    0.8931, 0.8941, 0.8954, 0.896, 0.8965, 0.8976, 0.8984, 0.8993, 0.9002,
-    0.9012, 0.9017, 0.9028, 0.9039, 0.9049, 0.9054, 0.9063, 0.9072, 0.9078,
-    0.9085, 0.9093, 0.91, 0.9107, 0.9116, 0.9124, 0.9134, 0.9144, 0.915,
-    0.9157, 0.9166, 0.9177, 0.9184, 0.9192, 0.9201, 0.9208, 0.9214, 0.9224,
-    0.9232, 0.924, 0.9247, 0.9254, 0.9259, 0.9267, 0.9276, 0.928, 0.9288,
-    0.9294, 0.9298, 0.9306, 0.9317, 0.9326, 0.9336, 0.9344, 0.9349, 0.9357,
-    0.9366, 0.9373, 0.9376, 0.9383, 0.9388, 0.9393, 0.9394, 0.9401, 0.9409,
-    0.9415, 0.9419, 0.9424, 0.9429, 0.9434, 0.9443, 0.945, 0.9455, 0.9461,
-    0.9467, 0.9474, 0.948, 0.9489, 0.9495, 0.9499, 0.9506, 0.951, 0.9517,
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-    0.9576, 0.9581, 0.9589, 0.9594, 0.9599, 0.96, 0.9604, 0.9609, 0.9612,
-    0.9616, 0.9619, 0.9623, 0.963, 0.9633, 0.9638, 0.9643, 0.9646, 0.9648,
-    0.9653, 0.9656, 0.966, 0.9663, 0.9668, 0.9669, 0.9674, 0.9679, 0.9683,
-    0.9689, 0.9692, 0.9698, 0.97, 0.9704, 0.9708, 0.9711, 0.9716, 0.9719,
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+    0.09855,
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+    0.164,
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+    0.672,
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+    0.896,
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+    0.9017,
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+    0.9049,
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+    0.9085,
+    0.9093,
+    0.91,
+    0.9107,
+    0.9116,
+    0.9124,
+    0.9134,
+    0.9144,
+    0.915,
+    0.9157,
+    0.9166,
+    0.9177,
+    0.9184,
+    0.9192,
+    0.9201,
+    0.9208,
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+    0.9224,
+    0.9232,
+    0.924,
+    0.9247,
+    0.9254,
+    0.9259,
+    0.9267,
+    0.9276,
+    0.928,
+    0.9288,
+    0.9294,
+    0.9298,
+    0.9306,
+    0.9317,
+    0.9326,
+    0.9336,
+    0.9344,
+    0.9349,
+    0.9357,
+    0.9366,
+    0.9373,
+    0.9376,
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+    0.945,
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+    0.9467,
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+    0.9616,
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+    0.9623,
+    0.963,
+    0.9633,
+    0.9638,
+    0.9643,
+    0.9646,
+    0.9648,
+    0.9653,
+    0.9656,
+    0.966,
+    0.9663,
+    0.9668,
+    0.9669,
+    0.9674,
+    0.9679,
+    0.9683,
+    0.9689,
+    0.9692,
+    0.9698,
+    0.97,
+    0.9704,
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+    0.9794,
+    0.9797,
+    0.9798,
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-#Region 2 pBin 4
+# Region 2 pBin 4
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR2_5 = [
-    0, 0, 0.0002947, 0.0007662, 0.001669, 0.003337, 0.005279, 0.007006,
-    0.009242, 0.01175, 0.01397, 0.01672, 0.01923, 0.02142, 0.02409, 0.02676,
-    0.02988, 0.03256, 0.036, 0.03992, 0.04378, 0.04849, 0.05165, 0.05639,
-    0.0614, 0.06581, 0.07018, 0.07518, 0.07993, 0.08519, 0.08955, 0.09469,
-    0.1012, 0.1067, 0.1118, 0.1172, 0.1229, 0.1289, 0.1342, 0.1398, 0.1464,
-    0.152, 0.1579, 0.1657, 0.1714, 0.178, 0.1842, 0.1917, 0.1987, 0.2054,
-    0.2117, 0.2189, 0.2263, 0.2327, 0.2398, 0.2456, 0.2516, 0.2572, 0.2631,
-    0.2684, 0.2738, 0.2808, 0.2866, 0.2923, 0.2987, 0.3062, 0.3118, 0.318,
-    0.3248, 0.3321, 0.3385, 0.3443, 0.3504, 0.3569, 0.3637, 0.3715, 0.3785,
-    0.3845, 0.3895, 0.3947, 0.4013, 0.4077, 0.4126, 0.418, 0.4243, 0.4298,
-    0.4357, 0.443, 0.4482, 0.4542, 0.4598, 0.4655, 0.4711, 0.476, 0.4823,
-    0.4877, 0.493, 0.4979, 0.5041, 0.5107, 0.5157, 0.5208, 0.5257, 0.5304,
-    0.5357, 0.5412, 0.5461, 0.551, 0.5563, 0.561, 0.5655, 0.5706, 0.5754,
-    0.5797, 0.5847, 0.5904, 0.5945, 0.6002, 0.6049, 0.6101, 0.6151, 0.6205,
-    0.6252, 0.6294, 0.6331, 0.6368, 0.6414, 0.646, 0.6503, 0.655, 0.6588,
-    0.6633, 0.6671, 0.6707, 0.6745, 0.6775, 0.6815, 0.6852, 0.6887, 0.6925,
-    0.6966, 0.6999, 0.7031, 0.7068, 0.7098, 0.7134, 0.7157, 0.7186, 0.7214,
-    0.7249, 0.7278, 0.7312, 0.7339, 0.7369, 0.7393, 0.7421, 0.7441, 0.7479,
-    0.7516, 0.7543, 0.7568, 0.7595, 0.762, 0.7649, 0.7679, 0.7699, 0.7724,
-    0.7751, 0.7777, 0.7802, 0.7828, 0.7853, 0.788, 0.7906, 0.7922, 0.7939,
-    0.7957, 0.7974, 0.7993, 0.8018, 0.8035, 0.805, 0.8072, 0.8093, 0.8114,
-    0.813, 0.8147, 0.8161, 0.8181, 0.82, 0.822, 0.8238, 0.8253, 0.8274, 0.8293,
-    0.8308, 0.8325, 0.8339, 0.8355, 0.8367, 0.838, 0.8398, 0.8414, 0.8422,
-    0.8439, 0.8456, 0.8474, 0.8488, 0.8501, 0.8516, 0.8528, 0.8546, 0.8557,
-    0.8573, 0.8588, 0.8608, 0.8618, 0.8631, 0.8644, 0.8654, 0.8663, 0.8679,
-    0.8694, 0.8704, 0.8714, 0.8726, 0.8737, 0.8752, 0.876, 0.8771, 0.8781,
-    0.8789, 0.8801, 0.8813, 0.8828, 0.8837, 0.8848, 0.8859, 0.8868, 0.8879,
-    0.8894, 0.8902, 0.8914, 0.8921, 0.8937, 0.8944, 0.896, 0.8972, 0.8981,
-    0.8991, 0.9, 0.9009, 0.9018, 0.9021, 0.9036, 0.9046, 0.9059, 0.907, 0.9079,
-    0.9092, 0.9101, 0.9107, 0.9111, 0.9117, 0.9124, 0.913, 0.9144, 0.9158,
-    0.9164, 0.9169, 0.9174, 0.9187, 0.9194, 0.9203, 0.9212, 0.9218, 0.9227,
-    0.9237, 0.9246, 0.9251, 0.9257, 0.9267, 0.9274, 0.9282, 0.9289, 0.9299,
-    0.9305, 0.9314, 0.932, 0.9326, 0.9333, 0.9339, 0.9343, 0.9351, 0.9359,
-    0.9366, 0.937, 0.9376, 0.9383, 0.9384, 0.9391, 0.9395, 0.9402, 0.9406,
-    0.9417, 0.9422, 0.9434, 0.9443, 0.9452, 0.9457, 0.9463, 0.947, 0.9474,
-    0.9478, 0.9489, 0.9497, 0.9499, 0.9505, 0.951, 0.9515, 0.952, 0.9525,
-    0.953, 0.9538, 0.9543, 0.9549, 0.9555, 0.9558, 0.9563, 0.957, 0.9574,
-    0.9578, 0.9585, 0.9589, 0.9594, 0.9601, 0.9607, 0.961, 0.9614, 0.962,
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-    0.9661, 0.9663, 0.9667, 0.9674, 0.9678, 0.9685, 0.9687, 0.969, 0.9692,
-    0.9693, 0.9698, 0.97, 0.9703, 0.971, 0.9712, 0.9716, 0.9717, 0.9719,
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-    0.9778, 0.9783, 0.9786, 0.9787, 0.9788, 0.979, 0.9792, 0.9796, 0.9798,
-    0.98, 0.9804, 0.9808, 0.9811, 0.9813, 0.9815, 0.9817, 0.982, 0.9826,
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+    0,
+    0.0002947,
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+    0.001669,
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+    0.007006,
+    0.009242,
+    0.01175,
+    0.01397,
+    0.01672,
+    0.01923,
+    0.02142,
+    0.02409,
+    0.02676,
+    0.02988,
+    0.03256,
+    0.036,
+    0.03992,
+    0.04378,
+    0.04849,
+    0.05165,
+    0.05639,
+    0.0614,
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+    0.07018,
+    0.07518,
+    0.07993,
+    0.08519,
+    0.08955,
+    0.09469,
+    0.1012,
+    0.1067,
+    0.1118,
+    0.1172,
+    0.1229,
+    0.1289,
+    0.1342,
+    0.1398,
+    0.1464,
+    0.152,
+    0.1579,
+    0.1657,
+    0.1714,
+    0.178,
+    0.1842,
+    0.1917,
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+    0.2054,
+    0.2117,
+    0.2189,
+    0.2263,
+    0.2327,
+    0.2398,
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+    0.443,
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+    0.476,
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+    0.551,
+    0.5563,
+    0.561,
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+    0.5754,
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+    0.9733,
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-#Region 3 pBin 0
+# Region 3 pBin 0
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR3_1 = [
-    0.003804, 0.01364, 0.02264, 0.03869, 0.05567, 0.07154, 0.09204, 0.1115,
-    0.1278, 0.1426, 0.159, 0.175, 0.1895, 0.2033, 0.2184, 0.2319, 0.2448,
-    0.2584, 0.2703, 0.2798, 0.2902, 0.3003, 0.3127, 0.3215, 0.3343, 0.3449,
-    0.3562, 0.3637, 0.373, 0.3815, 0.3888, 0.3957, 0.4057, 0.4135, 0.4215,
-    0.4313, 0.4389, 0.4451, 0.4537, 0.4617, 0.465, 0.4704, 0.4767, 0.4807,
-    0.489, 0.4969, 0.5023, 0.5083, 0.5136, 0.5195, 0.5257, 0.5297, 0.5357,
-    0.5405, 0.5451, 0.55, 0.5541, 0.5594, 0.5639, 0.5664, 0.5702, 0.5754,
-    0.579, 0.583, 0.5872, 0.5912, 0.5944, 0.5973, 0.5985, 0.6024, 0.6049,
-    0.6088, 0.6119, 0.6152, 0.6184, 0.6215, 0.6246, 0.6292, 0.6344, 0.6387,
-    0.6418, 0.6447, 0.6482, 0.6518, 0.6558, 0.6581, 0.6602, 0.6623, 0.664,
-    0.6659, 0.6684, 0.6715, 0.675, 0.6782, 0.6797, 0.6824, 0.6851, 0.6879,
-    0.6918, 0.6955, 0.6962, 0.6974, 0.6998, 0.7022, 0.7041, 0.7067, 0.7098,
-    0.7109, 0.7127, 0.716, 0.7184, 0.721, 0.7255, 0.7274, 0.7296, 0.7327,
-    0.734, 0.7357, 0.7365, 0.7397, 0.742, 0.7433, 0.7447, 0.7466, 0.7482,
-    0.7507, 0.7528, 0.7547, 0.7565, 0.7585, 0.7602, 0.7629, 0.7649, 0.7656,
-    0.7671, 0.7679, 0.7703, 0.7708, 0.7728, 0.7748, 0.7758, 0.7781, 0.7795,
-    0.782, 0.7843, 0.7851, 0.7866, 0.7881, 0.7902, 0.7917, 0.7931, 0.7938,
-    0.7958, 0.7965, 0.7971, 0.799, 0.8018, 0.803, 0.8041, 0.805, 0.8059,
-    0.8068, 0.8085, 0.8104, 0.8112, 0.8121, 0.8133, 0.8145, 0.8156, 0.8165,
-    0.8168, 0.8186, 0.8194, 0.821, 0.8224, 0.8244, 0.8256, 0.8259, 0.8268,
-    0.828, 0.8284, 0.8293, 0.8301, 0.8313, 0.8336, 0.8347, 0.8357, 0.8375,
-    0.8381, 0.8393, 0.8404, 0.8433, 0.8441, 0.846, 0.8467, 0.8484, 0.8496,
-    0.851, 0.8516, 0.8518, 0.8522, 0.8533, 0.8542, 0.8559, 0.8561, 0.8561,
-    0.8567, 0.8581, 0.86, 0.8614, 0.8628, 0.8642, 0.8662, 0.867, 0.867, 0.8674,
-    0.8691, 0.8697, 0.8712, 0.8723, 0.8734, 0.8743, 0.8743, 0.8756, 0.8762,
-    0.8762, 0.8781, 0.8788, 0.8791, 0.8807, 0.8817, 0.8818, 0.8829, 0.8838,
-    0.8846, 0.8856, 0.8861, 0.8871, 0.8877, 0.8883, 0.8885, 0.8902, 0.8908,
-    0.8909, 0.8914, 0.8923, 0.8926, 0.8937, 0.8948, 0.8957, 0.8968, 0.8977,
-    0.898, 0.8987, 0.8998, 0.9009, 0.9014, 0.9016, 0.9021, 0.9026, 0.9028,
-    0.9045, 0.9054, 0.9057, 0.9058, 0.9066, 0.9066, 0.9072, 0.9075, 0.908,
-    0.908, 0.908, 0.9087, 0.909, 0.9092, 0.9098, 0.9099, 0.9107, 0.911, 0.9118,
-    0.9127, 0.9133, 0.9141, 0.9147, 0.9155, 0.9159, 0.9171, 0.9173, 0.919,
-    0.9191, 0.9191, 0.9194, 0.9194, 0.9204, 0.9204, 0.9213, 0.9218, 0.9228,
-    0.923, 0.9236, 0.9242, 0.925, 0.9254, 0.9273, 0.929, 0.9294, 0.9297,
-    0.9308, 0.9309, 0.9309, 0.9309, 0.9312, 0.9318, 0.9322, 0.9329, 0.9333,
-    0.9342, 0.9344, 0.9347, 0.935, 0.9354, 0.9354, 0.9354, 0.9362, 0.9371,
-    0.9371, 0.9377, 0.9377, 0.938, 0.9392, 0.9403, 0.9408, 0.9411, 0.9411,
-    0.9417, 0.9417, 0.9426, 0.9426, 0.9426, 0.9432, 0.9434, 0.944, 0.9448,
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-    0.9472, 0.9479, 0.9479, 0.9487, 0.9488, 0.9488, 0.9491, 0.9492, 0.9497,
-    0.9497, 0.9498, 0.951, 0.9513, 0.9513, 0.9522, 0.9524, 0.9525, 0.9528,
-    0.9536, 0.9536, 0.9541, 0.9544, 0.9552, 0.9552, 0.9556, 0.9559, 0.9567,
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-    0.963, 0.9636, 0.9644, 0.9645, 0.9645, 0.9654, 0.9657, 0.9663, 0.9668,
-    0.9671, 0.9674, 0.9683, 0.9683, 0.9687, 0.9687, 0.9687, 0.9694, 0.9702,
-    0.9702, 0.9708, 0.9709, 0.9712, 0.9714, 0.9714, 0.9715, 0.9715, 0.9718,
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-    0.9769, 0.9774, 0.9774, 0.9778, 0.9778, 0.979, 0.9801, 0.9805, 0.9811,
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+    0.159,
+    0.175,
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+    0.4969,
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+    0.5297,
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+    0.7041,
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+    0.9936,
+    0.9936,
+    0.9939,
+    0.9943,
+    0.995,
+    0.9951,
+    0.9954,
+    0.9954,
+    0.9954,
+    0.9956,
+    0.9961,
+    0.9973,
+    0.9975,
+    0.9976,
+    0.9982,
+    0.9992,
+    0.9995,
+    0.9998,
+    0.9998,
+    1,
-#Region 3 pBin 1
+# Region 3 pBin 1
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR3_2 = [
-    1.672e-05, 0.0008193, 0.004033, 0.008983, 0.0147, 0.02244, 0.03055,
-    0.03998, 0.04891, 0.05711, 0.06736, 0.07775, 0.08693, 0.09691, 0.1076,
-    0.1179, 0.1291, 0.1399, 0.1508, 0.1622, 0.173, 0.1849, 0.1958, 0.2055,
-    0.2154, 0.2258, 0.236, 0.2464, 0.256, 0.2649, 0.2743, 0.2844, 0.2941,
-    0.3032, 0.3125, 0.3206, 0.3286, 0.3375, 0.3449, 0.3521, 0.3607, 0.3678,
-    0.3754, 0.3817, 0.3888, 0.3964, 0.4033, 0.4096, 0.416, 0.4234, 0.4299,
-    0.4362, 0.4428, 0.4485, 0.4553, 0.4619, 0.4675, 0.4732, 0.4786, 0.4845,
-    0.4903, 0.4961, 0.5012, 0.5073, 0.5114, 0.5166, 0.5213, 0.5269, 0.5317,
-    0.5367, 0.5416, 0.5466, 0.5512, 0.5567, 0.5611, 0.5654, 0.5693, 0.575,
-    0.58, 0.5847, 0.5901, 0.5937, 0.5977, 0.6017, 0.606, 0.6101, 0.6137,
-    0.6173, 0.621, 0.6243, 0.6285, 0.6323, 0.6357, 0.6386, 0.6419, 0.646,
-    0.649, 0.6515, 0.6547, 0.6578, 0.6613, 0.6637, 0.6669, 0.67, 0.6728,
-    0.6762, 0.6797, 0.6825, 0.6857, 0.6887, 0.6909, 0.6937, 0.6966, 0.6993,
-    0.7013, 0.7039, 0.7067, 0.7095, 0.7127, 0.715, 0.7171, 0.7197, 0.7213,
-    0.724, 0.7264, 0.7287, 0.7307, 0.7327, 0.7347, 0.737, 0.7393, 0.7413,
-    0.7435, 0.7454, 0.7475, 0.7498, 0.7514, 0.753, 0.7553, 0.757, 0.7589,
-    0.7609, 0.7629, 0.7647, 0.7673, 0.7692, 0.771, 0.7728, 0.7749, 0.7765,
-    0.7784, 0.7805, 0.7818, 0.7839, 0.7853, 0.7873, 0.7889, 0.7903, 0.792,
-    0.7939, 0.7957, 0.7969, 0.7989, 0.8006, 0.8027, 0.8045, 0.8063, 0.8079,
-    0.8093, 0.8107, 0.8118, 0.8132, 0.8145, 0.8159, 0.8173, 0.8187, 0.8202,
-    0.8217, 0.8231, 0.8244, 0.8259, 0.8274, 0.8291, 0.8303, 0.8317, 0.8328,
-    0.8339, 0.835, 0.8363, 0.8376, 0.8389, 0.8404, 0.8422, 0.8438, 0.8451,
-    0.846, 0.8475, 0.849, 0.8503, 0.8513, 0.8523, 0.8532, 0.8542, 0.8547,
-    0.8554, 0.8566, 0.8572, 0.858, 0.8589, 0.86, 0.861, 0.8627, 0.864, 0.8654,
-    0.8666, 0.8677, 0.8686, 0.8702, 0.8716, 0.8724, 0.8737, 0.8746, 0.8756,
-    0.8767, 0.8781, 0.8791, 0.8798, 0.8806, 0.8818, 0.8827, 0.8836, 0.8844,
-    0.8852, 0.8858, 0.8862, 0.887, 0.8875, 0.8887, 0.8894, 0.8902, 0.8911,
-    0.8922, 0.893, 0.8939, 0.8952, 0.8959, 0.8967, 0.8973, 0.8981, 0.8987,
-    0.8995, 0.9007, 0.9014, 0.902, 0.9032, 0.904, 0.9048, 0.9055, 0.9066,
-    0.9075, 0.9083, 0.9087, 0.9094, 0.9101, 0.911, 0.9118, 0.9126, 0.9132,
-    0.9139, 0.9148, 0.9151, 0.9161, 0.9169, 0.9178, 0.9185, 0.9193, 0.92,
-    0.9208, 0.9214, 0.9222, 0.9229, 0.9234, 0.9241, 0.9245, 0.9251, 0.9258,
-    0.9262, 0.9268, 0.9278, 0.9282, 0.9287, 0.9291, 0.9295, 0.93, 0.9305,
-    0.931, 0.9319, 0.9327, 0.9331, 0.9337, 0.9344, 0.935, 0.9359, 0.9368,
-    0.9371, 0.9376, 0.9384, 0.9387, 0.9393, 0.9401, 0.9405, 0.9411, 0.9413,
-    0.9419, 0.9422, 0.9426, 0.9431, 0.9437, 0.944, 0.9446, 0.9454, 0.9458,
-    0.9462, 0.9465, 0.9469, 0.9477, 0.9481, 0.9487, 0.9492, 0.95, 0.9503,
-    0.9509, 0.9511, 0.9517, 0.9521, 0.9524, 0.9528, 0.9531, 0.9538, 0.9543,
-    0.9549, 0.9555, 0.9556, 0.9561, 0.9567, 0.9571, 0.9573, 0.958, 0.9582,
-    0.9588, 0.9592, 0.9595, 0.9601, 0.9603, 0.9605, 0.9608, 0.9609, 0.961,
-    0.9612, 0.9615, 0.9621, 0.9623, 0.9626, 0.963, 0.9632, 0.9636, 0.9638,
-    0.9643, 0.9648, 0.9652, 0.9655, 0.9658, 0.966, 0.9662, 0.9664, 0.9669,
-    0.9673, 0.9674, 0.9679, 0.9683, 0.9687, 0.9688, 0.9693, 0.9694, 0.9698,
-    0.97, 0.9703, 0.9706, 0.9709, 0.9713, 0.9716, 0.9718, 0.972, 0.9721,
-    0.9727, 0.9729, 0.973, 0.9733, 0.9735, 0.9738, 0.9742, 0.9746, 0.9748,
-    0.9751, 0.9757, 0.9758, 0.9762, 0.9762, 0.9763, 0.9765, 0.9767, 0.977,
-    0.977, 0.9771, 0.9773, 0.9776, 0.9776, 0.978, 0.9784, 0.9788, 0.9794,
-    0.9795, 0.98, 0.9804, 0.9807, 0.9809, 0.981, 0.9814, 0.9818, 0.982, 0.9824,
-    0.9827, 0.9828, 0.9831, 0.9834, 0.9834, 0.9837, 0.9839, 0.984, 0.9842,
-    0.9843, 0.9843, 0.9845, 0.9847, 0.985, 0.9854, 0.9857, 0.9862, 0.9867,
-    0.9869, 0.9869, 0.9872, 0.9874, 0.9876, 0.9879, 0.9882, 0.9884, 0.9887,
-    0.9889, 0.9891, 0.9894, 0.9896, 0.9898, 0.9899, 0.99, 0.9902, 0.9906,
-    0.9907, 0.9907, 0.9909, 0.991, 0.9912, 0.9914, 0.9915, 0.9918, 0.992,
-    0.9923, 0.9924, 0.9928, 0.993, 0.9931, 0.9933, 0.9937, 0.9937, 0.9941,
-    0.9942, 0.9943, 0.9944, 0.9947, 0.9953, 0.9955, 0.996, 0.9962, 0.9967,
-    0.997, 0.9974, 0.9976, 0.9979, 0.998, 1
+    1.672e-05,
+    0.0008193,
+    0.004033,
+    0.008983,
+    0.0147,
+    0.02244,
+    0.03055,
+    0.03998,
+    0.04891,
+    0.05711,
+    0.06736,
+    0.07775,
+    0.08693,
+    0.09691,
+    0.1076,
+    0.1179,
+    0.1291,
+    0.1399,
+    0.1508,
+    0.1622,
+    0.173,
+    0.1849,
+    0.1958,
+    0.2055,
+    0.2154,
+    0.2258,
+    0.236,
+    0.2464,
+    0.256,
+    0.2649,
+    0.2743,
+    0.2844,
+    0.2941,
+    0.3032,
+    0.3125,
+    0.3206,
+    0.3286,
+    0.3375,
+    0.3449,
+    0.3521,
+    0.3607,
+    0.3678,
+    0.3754,
+    0.3817,
+    0.3888,
+    0.3964,
+    0.4033,
+    0.4096,
+    0.416,
+    0.4234,
+    0.4299,
+    0.4362,
+    0.4428,
+    0.4485,
+    0.4553,
+    0.4619,
+    0.4675,
+    0.4732,
+    0.4786,
+    0.4845,
+    0.4903,
+    0.4961,
+    0.5012,
+    0.5073,
+    0.5114,
+    0.5166,
+    0.5213,
+    0.5269,
+    0.5317,
+    0.5367,
+    0.5416,
+    0.5466,
+    0.5512,
+    0.5567,
+    0.5611,
+    0.5654,
+    0.5693,
+    0.575,
+    0.58,
+    0.5847,
+    0.5901,
+    0.5937,
+    0.5977,
+    0.6017,
+    0.606,
+    0.6101,
+    0.6137,
+    0.6173,
+    0.621,
+    0.6243,
+    0.6285,
+    0.6323,
+    0.6357,
+    0.6386,
+    0.6419,
+    0.646,
+    0.649,
+    0.6515,
+    0.6547,
+    0.6578,
+    0.6613,
+    0.6637,
+    0.6669,
+    0.67,
+    0.6728,
+    0.6762,
+    0.6797,
+    0.6825,
+    0.6857,
+    0.6887,
+    0.6909,
+    0.6937,
+    0.6966,
+    0.6993,
+    0.7013,
+    0.7039,
+    0.7067,
+    0.7095,
+    0.7127,
+    0.715,
+    0.7171,
+    0.7197,
+    0.7213,
+    0.724,
+    0.7264,
+    0.7287,
+    0.7307,
+    0.7327,
+    0.7347,
+    0.737,
+    0.7393,
+    0.7413,
+    0.7435,
+    0.7454,
+    0.7475,
+    0.7498,
+    0.7514,
+    0.753,
+    0.7553,
+    0.757,
+    0.7589,
+    0.7609,
+    0.7629,
+    0.7647,
+    0.7673,
+    0.7692,
+    0.771,
+    0.7728,
+    0.7749,
+    0.7765,
+    0.7784,
+    0.7805,
+    0.7818,
+    0.7839,
+    0.7853,
+    0.7873,
+    0.7889,
+    0.7903,
+    0.792,
+    0.7939,
+    0.7957,
+    0.7969,
+    0.7989,
+    0.8006,
+    0.8027,
+    0.8045,
+    0.8063,
+    0.8079,
+    0.8093,
+    0.8107,
+    0.8118,
+    0.8132,
+    0.8145,
+    0.8159,
+    0.8173,
+    0.8187,
+    0.8202,
+    0.8217,
+    0.8231,
+    0.8244,
+    0.8259,
+    0.8274,
+    0.8291,
+    0.8303,
+    0.8317,
+    0.8328,
+    0.8339,
+    0.835,
+    0.8363,
+    0.8376,
+    0.8389,
+    0.8404,
+    0.8422,
+    0.8438,
+    0.8451,
+    0.846,
+    0.8475,
+    0.849,
+    0.8503,
+    0.8513,
+    0.8523,
+    0.8532,
+    0.8542,
+    0.8547,
+    0.8554,
+    0.8566,
+    0.8572,
+    0.858,
+    0.8589,
+    0.86,
+    0.861,
+    0.8627,
+    0.864,
+    0.8654,
+    0.8666,
+    0.8677,
+    0.8686,
+    0.8702,
+    0.8716,
+    0.8724,
+    0.8737,
+    0.8746,
+    0.8756,
+    0.8767,
+    0.8781,
+    0.8791,
+    0.8798,
+    0.8806,
+    0.8818,
+    0.8827,
+    0.8836,
+    0.8844,
+    0.8852,
+    0.8858,
+    0.8862,
+    0.887,
+    0.8875,
+    0.8887,
+    0.8894,
+    0.8902,
+    0.8911,
+    0.8922,
+    0.893,
+    0.8939,
+    0.8952,
+    0.8959,
+    0.8967,
+    0.8973,
+    0.8981,
+    0.8987,
+    0.8995,
+    0.9007,
+    0.9014,
+    0.902,
+    0.9032,
+    0.904,
+    0.9048,
+    0.9055,
+    0.9066,
+    0.9075,
+    0.9083,
+    0.9087,
+    0.9094,
+    0.9101,
+    0.911,
+    0.9118,
+    0.9126,
+    0.9132,
+    0.9139,
+    0.9148,
+    0.9151,
+    0.9161,
+    0.9169,
+    0.9178,
+    0.9185,
+    0.9193,
+    0.92,
+    0.9208,
+    0.9214,
+    0.9222,
+    0.9229,
+    0.9234,
+    0.9241,
+    0.9245,
+    0.9251,
+    0.9258,
+    0.9262,
+    0.9268,
+    0.9278,
+    0.9282,
+    0.9287,
+    0.9291,
+    0.9295,
+    0.93,
+    0.9305,
+    0.931,
+    0.9319,
+    0.9327,
+    0.9331,
+    0.9337,
+    0.9344,
+    0.935,
+    0.9359,
+    0.9368,
+    0.9371,
+    0.9376,
+    0.9384,
+    0.9387,
+    0.9393,
+    0.9401,
+    0.9405,
+    0.9411,
+    0.9413,
+    0.9419,
+    0.9422,
+    0.9426,
+    0.9431,
+    0.9437,
+    0.944,
+    0.9446,
+    0.9454,
+    0.9458,
+    0.9462,
+    0.9465,
+    0.9469,
+    0.9477,
+    0.9481,
+    0.9487,
+    0.9492,
+    0.95,
+    0.9503,
+    0.9509,
+    0.9511,
+    0.9517,
+    0.9521,
+    0.9524,
+    0.9528,
+    0.9531,
+    0.9538,
+    0.9543,
+    0.9549,
+    0.9555,
+    0.9556,
+    0.9561,
+    0.9567,
+    0.9571,
+    0.9573,
+    0.958,
+    0.9582,
+    0.9588,
+    0.9592,
+    0.9595,
+    0.9601,
+    0.9603,
+    0.9605,
+    0.9608,
+    0.9609,
+    0.961,
+    0.9612,
+    0.9615,
+    0.9621,
+    0.9623,
+    0.9626,
+    0.963,
+    0.9632,
+    0.9636,
+    0.9638,
+    0.9643,
+    0.9648,
+    0.9652,
+    0.9655,
+    0.9658,
+    0.966,
+    0.9662,
+    0.9664,
+    0.9669,
+    0.9673,
+    0.9674,
+    0.9679,
+    0.9683,
+    0.9687,
+    0.9688,
+    0.9693,
+    0.9694,
+    0.9698,
+    0.97,
+    0.9703,
+    0.9706,
+    0.9709,
+    0.9713,
+    0.9716,
+    0.9718,
+    0.972,
+    0.9721,
+    0.9727,
+    0.9729,
+    0.973,
+    0.9733,
+    0.9735,
+    0.9738,
+    0.9742,
+    0.9746,
+    0.9748,
+    0.9751,
+    0.9757,
+    0.9758,
+    0.9762,
+    0.9762,
+    0.9763,
+    0.9765,
+    0.9767,
+    0.977,
+    0.977,
+    0.9771,
+    0.9773,
+    0.9776,
+    0.9776,
+    0.978,
+    0.9784,
+    0.9788,
+    0.9794,
+    0.9795,
+    0.98,
+    0.9804,
+    0.9807,
+    0.9809,
+    0.981,
+    0.9814,
+    0.9818,
+    0.982,
+    0.9824,
+    0.9827,
+    0.9828,
+    0.9831,
+    0.9834,
+    0.9834,
+    0.9837,
+    0.9839,
+    0.984,
+    0.9842,
+    0.9843,
+    0.9843,
+    0.9845,
+    0.9847,
+    0.985,
+    0.9854,
+    0.9857,
+    0.9862,
+    0.9867,
+    0.9869,
+    0.9869,
+    0.9872,
+    0.9874,
+    0.9876,
+    0.9879,
+    0.9882,
+    0.9884,
+    0.9887,
+    0.9889,
+    0.9891,
+    0.9894,
+    0.9896,
+    0.9898,
+    0.9899,
+    0.99,
+    0.9902,
+    0.9906,
+    0.9907,
+    0.9907,
+    0.9909,
+    0.991,
+    0.9912,
+    0.9914,
+    0.9915,
+    0.9918,
+    0.992,
+    0.9923,
+    0.9924,
+    0.9928,
+    0.993,
+    0.9931,
+    0.9933,
+    0.9937,
+    0.9937,
+    0.9941,
+    0.9942,
+    0.9943,
+    0.9944,
+    0.9947,
+    0.9953,
+    0.9955,
+    0.996,
+    0.9962,
+    0.9967,
+    0.997,
+    0.9974,
+    0.9976,
+    0.9979,
+    0.998,
+    1,
-#Region 3 pBin 2
+# Region 3 pBin 2
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR3_3 = [
-    2.635e-05, 0.0007317, 0.002125, 0.003594, 0.005908, 0.008748, 0.01258,
-    0.0176, 0.02208, 0.02692, 0.03227, 0.03782, 0.04443, 0.05086, 0.05812,
-    0.06562, 0.07369, 0.08202, 0.0903, 0.09935, 0.1074, 0.1161, 0.1242, 0.1325,
-    0.1413, 0.1504, 0.1587, 0.1674, 0.1759, 0.1847, 0.1931, 0.2021, 0.2102,
-    0.2196, 0.2275, 0.2358, 0.2447, 0.2529, 0.2616, 0.2701, 0.2782, 0.2868,
-    0.295, 0.303, 0.3113, 0.3192, 0.3279, 0.3358, 0.3445, 0.3519, 0.3593,
-    0.3678, 0.375, 0.3832, 0.391, 0.3986, 0.4058, 0.4135, 0.421, 0.4279,
-    0.4353, 0.4423, 0.4494, 0.4556, 0.4622, 0.4686, 0.4746, 0.4806, 0.4868,
-    0.4925, 0.4984, 0.5039, 0.5099, 0.5156, 0.5208, 0.5262, 0.5312, 0.5365,
-    0.5418, 0.5475, 0.5529, 0.5573, 0.5619, 0.5667, 0.571, 0.5755, 0.5801,
-    0.5843, 0.5888, 0.5927, 0.5973, 0.6013, 0.6055, 0.6096, 0.6136, 0.618,
-    0.6219, 0.6255, 0.6292, 0.6333, 0.6365, 0.6404, 0.6438, 0.6473, 0.6505,
-    0.6541, 0.6576, 0.6605, 0.664, 0.6674, 0.6705, 0.6734, 0.6764, 0.6792,
-    0.682, 0.6849, 0.6881, 0.6912, 0.6945, 0.6973, 0.7001, 0.7025, 0.7052,
-    0.7076, 0.7103, 0.713, 0.7155, 0.7179, 0.7204, 0.7228, 0.7253, 0.7274,
-    0.7301, 0.7322, 0.7344, 0.7367, 0.739, 0.7414, 0.7435, 0.7456, 0.7476,
-    0.7496, 0.7515, 0.7534, 0.7557, 0.7581, 0.7602, 0.7618, 0.764, 0.7658,
-    0.7675, 0.7694, 0.7715, 0.7735, 0.7755, 0.7772, 0.7791, 0.7812, 0.7833,
-    0.7848, 0.7866, 0.7885, 0.79, 0.7919, 0.7935, 0.7953, 0.7971, 0.7987,
-    0.8005, 0.8022, 0.8037, 0.8054, 0.807, 0.8086, 0.8104, 0.8119, 0.8136,
-    0.8154, 0.8167, 0.8181, 0.8195, 0.8208, 0.8226, 0.824, 0.8255, 0.827,
-    0.8287, 0.8301, 0.8316, 0.833, 0.8342, 0.8353, 0.8367, 0.838, 0.8393,
-    0.8407, 0.842, 0.8434, 0.8447, 0.846, 0.8472, 0.8484, 0.8496, 0.8511,
-    0.8523, 0.8536, 0.8548, 0.8558, 0.857, 0.8582, 0.8593, 0.8606, 0.8619,
-    0.8631, 0.8642, 0.8655, 0.8666, 0.8676, 0.8686, 0.8698, 0.8709, 0.8718,
-    0.8728, 0.8739, 0.8751, 0.876, 0.877, 0.8778, 0.8789, 0.8798, 0.881, 0.882,
-    0.883, 0.884, 0.8849, 0.8859, 0.8868, 0.8877, 0.8887, 0.8898, 0.8906,
-    0.8917, 0.8925, 0.8933, 0.894, 0.8947, 0.8955, 0.8964, 0.8972, 0.898,
-    0.8986, 0.8995, 0.9002, 0.9009, 0.9017, 0.9022, 0.903, 0.9038, 0.9046,
-    0.9054, 0.9061, 0.9067, 0.9076, 0.9083, 0.909, 0.9099, 0.9105, 0.9114,
-    0.9121, 0.913, 0.9137, 0.9143, 0.9149, 0.9155, 0.9162, 0.9169, 0.9177,
-    0.9183, 0.919, 0.9197, 0.9203, 0.9209, 0.9217, 0.9223, 0.923, 0.9234,
-    0.9242, 0.9249, 0.9255, 0.9261, 0.9267, 0.9274, 0.9278, 0.9283, 0.9287,
-    0.9293, 0.9298, 0.9304, 0.9309, 0.9315, 0.932, 0.9326, 0.9332, 0.9337,
-    0.9344, 0.9349, 0.9354, 0.9359, 0.9363, 0.9368, 0.9373, 0.9378, 0.9384,
-    0.9388, 0.9394, 0.9399, 0.9404, 0.9411, 0.9416, 0.9421, 0.9425, 0.9431,
-    0.9436, 0.9442, 0.9448, 0.9454, 0.9459, 0.9464, 0.947, 0.9475, 0.9479,
-    0.9484, 0.9488, 0.9492, 0.9498, 0.9502, 0.9508, 0.9511, 0.9516, 0.952,
-    0.9524, 0.9528, 0.9533, 0.9539, 0.9544, 0.955, 0.9554, 0.9557, 0.9562,
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-    0.9602, 0.9605, 0.9609, 0.9614, 0.9618, 0.9623, 0.9627, 0.9631, 0.9633,
-    0.9637, 0.9641, 0.9646, 0.9652, 0.9655, 0.9659, 0.9663, 0.9666, 0.9669,
-    0.9673, 0.9676, 0.968, 0.9683, 0.9687, 0.9691, 0.9695, 0.9699, 0.9702,
-    0.9705, 0.9708, 0.971, 0.9713, 0.9716, 0.9719, 0.9723, 0.9725, 0.9728,
-    0.9732, 0.9735, 0.9737, 0.974, 0.9743, 0.9746, 0.9749, 0.9753, 0.9756,
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-    0.9885, 0.9886, 0.9889, 0.9892, 0.9894, 0.9896, 0.9899, 0.9902, 0.9904,
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-    0.9979, 0.9981, 0.9984, 0.9987, 0.9989, 0.9992, 1
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+    0.0176,
+    0.02208,
+    0.02692,
+    0.03227,
+    0.03782,
+    0.04443,
+    0.05086,
+    0.05812,
+    0.06562,
+    0.07369,
+    0.08202,
+    0.0903,
+    0.09935,
+    0.1074,
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-#Region 3 pBin 3
+# Region 3 pBin 3
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR3_4 = [
-    0, 0, 0.0002894, 0.001071, 0.002605, 0.005275, 0.008487, 0.0116, 0.01425,
-    0.01746, 0.02011, 0.02361, 0.02677, 0.03054, 0.03357, 0.03707, 0.04067,
-    0.04432, 0.04837, 0.05307, 0.05798, 0.0619, 0.06628, 0.07151, 0.07665,
-    0.08212, 0.08677, 0.09283, 0.09946, 0.105, 0.1108, 0.1169, 0.1231, 0.1291,
-    0.1353, 0.1423, 0.149, 0.1552, 0.1619, 0.169, 0.1759, 0.1832, 0.1899,
-    0.1973, 0.2045, 0.2115, 0.2186, 0.2249, 0.232, 0.2385, 0.2451, 0.2513,
-    0.2574, 0.2643, 0.2709, 0.2775, 0.2833, 0.2897, 0.2973, 0.3042, 0.3111,
-    0.3186, 0.3251, 0.3319, 0.3391, 0.346, 0.3526, 0.3583, 0.3645, 0.3709,
-    0.3779, 0.3835, 0.3899, 0.3959, 0.4012, 0.4078, 0.4149, 0.4211, 0.4271,
-    0.4329, 0.4381, 0.4438, 0.4498, 0.4556, 0.4615, 0.4669, 0.4728, 0.4782,
-    0.4834, 0.489, 0.4952, 0.5004, 0.5052, 0.5099, 0.5159, 0.5224, 0.5277,
-    0.5332, 0.5383, 0.5426, 0.5481, 0.5536, 0.5592, 0.5635, 0.5687, 0.5729,
-    0.5771, 0.5816, 0.5873, 0.5922, 0.5967, 0.6011, 0.6056, 0.6098, 0.6139,
-    0.6184, 0.6236, 0.6292, 0.6335, 0.6376, 0.6425, 0.6462, 0.6497, 0.6532,
-    0.6575, 0.6614, 0.6653, 0.6685, 0.6724, 0.6759, 0.6797, 0.6828, 0.6866,
-    0.6896, 0.6931, 0.6963, 0.7003, 0.7037, 0.7076, 0.7103, 0.7138, 0.7171,
-    0.7199, 0.7232, 0.7257, 0.729, 0.732, 0.735, 0.7372, 0.7402, 0.7424,
-    0.7454, 0.7481, 0.7508, 0.753, 0.7553, 0.7577, 0.76, 0.7628, 0.7651, 0.768,
-    0.7701, 0.7722, 0.7743, 0.7763, 0.7781, 0.7801, 0.7824, 0.7846, 0.7864,
-    0.7887, 0.7908, 0.7931, 0.7947, 0.7966, 0.7992, 0.8007, 0.8028, 0.8051,
-    0.8071, 0.8088, 0.8105, 0.8125, 0.8142, 0.8156, 0.8177, 0.8192, 0.8208,
-    0.8228, 0.8245, 0.826, 0.8276, 0.8293, 0.8308, 0.8327, 0.8343, 0.8356,
-    0.8373, 0.8393, 0.8412, 0.8425, 0.8441, 0.8455, 0.8473, 0.8488, 0.8505,
-    0.8517, 0.8535, 0.8546, 0.8563, 0.8576, 0.8588, 0.8601, 0.8614, 0.8627,
-    0.8639, 0.8651, 0.8659, 0.8668, 0.868, 0.8691, 0.8706, 0.8719, 0.8734,
-    0.8748, 0.8759, 0.8774, 0.8787, 0.8797, 0.8813, 0.8823, 0.8835, 0.8845,
-    0.8856, 0.8865, 0.8876, 0.8886, 0.8897, 0.8906, 0.8919, 0.893, 0.894,
-    0.8948, 0.8958, 0.8966, 0.8976, 0.8988, 0.8997, 0.9004, 0.9014, 0.9025,
-    0.9035, 0.9044, 0.9053, 0.906, 0.9067, 0.9075, 0.9084, 0.9094, 0.9107,
-    0.9114, 0.9122, 0.9134, 0.9142, 0.9151, 0.9161, 0.9168, 0.9176, 0.9184,
-    0.9193, 0.9203, 0.9212, 0.9219, 0.9225, 0.9237, 0.9245, 0.9252, 0.926,
-    0.9269, 0.9274, 0.9279, 0.9285, 0.9294, 0.9299, 0.9309, 0.9317, 0.9325,
-    0.9329, 0.9336, 0.9341, 0.9347, 0.9353, 0.9363, 0.9369, 0.9375, 0.9385,
-    0.9392, 0.9399, 0.9404, 0.9411, 0.9416, 0.942, 0.9425, 0.9433, 0.9439,
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-#Region 3 pBin 4
+# Region 3 pBin 4
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR3_5 = [
-    0, 0, 0, 0.0001048, 0.0002097, 0.0003145, 0.0003145, 0.0003145, 0.0007338,
-    0.001048, 0.001468, 0.001887, 0.002201, 0.003283, 0.004226, 0.005622,
-    0.00709, 0.008453, 0.01034, 0.01166, 0.01387, 0.01617, 0.019, 0.02187,
-    0.02525, 0.02794, 0.03223, 0.03537, 0.04026, 0.04452, 0.04983, 0.05318,
-    0.05877, 0.06366, 0.06904, 0.07466, 0.07973, 0.08472, 0.08961, 0.09305,
-    0.09752, 0.1039, 0.1079, 0.1116, 0.1167, 0.1218, 0.1275, 0.133, 0.1384,
-    0.1424, 0.1473, 0.1523, 0.1572, 0.1611, 0.1668, 0.1724, 0.1769, 0.182,
-    0.1866, 0.1922, 0.197, 0.2033, 0.209, 0.2156, 0.2208, 0.227, 0.2325,
-    0.2374, 0.2438, 0.25, 0.2554, 0.2613, 0.269, 0.2747, 0.2813, 0.2873,
-    0.2921, 0.2976, 0.304, 0.3093, 0.3148, 0.3217, 0.3268, 0.334, 0.3405,
-    0.3471, 0.3532, 0.359, 0.3638, 0.3706, 0.3759, 0.3806, 0.3858, 0.3916,
-    0.3978, 0.403, 0.4085, 0.4138, 0.4199, 0.4268, 0.4308, 0.4362, 0.4415,
-    0.4458, 0.4523, 0.4584, 0.4632, 0.4683, 0.474, 0.4793, 0.4838, 0.4897,
-    0.4937, 0.4997, 0.5048, 0.5102, 0.5147, 0.5191, 0.5233, 0.5299, 0.5344,
-    0.5379, 0.5428, 0.5485, 0.5535, 0.5582, 0.5626, 0.5671, 0.5726, 0.5768,
-    0.5811, 0.5857, 0.5892, 0.5933, 0.5979, 0.6024, 0.6062, 0.6093, 0.6124,
-    0.617, 0.621, 0.6253, 0.6283, 0.6322, 0.6377, 0.6421, 0.6463, 0.6511,
-    0.6543, 0.659, 0.6643, 0.6687, 0.673, 0.6782, 0.6831, 0.6864, 0.6909,
-    0.6952, 0.7, 0.705, 0.7101, 0.7136, 0.7165, 0.7203, 0.7235, 0.7265, 0.7297,
-    0.7335, 0.7365, 0.7384, 0.7422, 0.7462, 0.7483, 0.7514, 0.7543, 0.7582,
-    0.761, 0.7633, 0.7665, 0.7693, 0.7721, 0.7741, 0.7763, 0.7784, 0.7812,
-    0.7839, 0.786, 0.7884, 0.7903, 0.7935, 0.7974, 0.8, 0.8021, 0.8041, 0.8064,
-    0.8085, 0.8115, 0.8129, 0.8152, 0.817, 0.8193, 0.8214, 0.8238, 0.8254,
-    0.8278, 0.8296, 0.8313, 0.8339, 0.8358, 0.8376, 0.8394, 0.8411, 0.8424,
-    0.844, 0.8456, 0.8471, 0.8492, 0.8514, 0.8527, 0.8546, 0.8568, 0.8588,
-    0.8603, 0.8619, 0.8637, 0.8659, 0.8674, 0.8689, 0.8703, 0.8717, 0.8722,
-    0.8739, 0.8753, 0.8771, 0.879, 0.8801, 0.8818, 0.8831, 0.8845, 0.8861,
-    0.8875, 0.889, 0.8901, 0.8915, 0.8924, 0.8934, 0.8944, 0.8961, 0.8976,
-    0.8982, 0.8995, 0.9005, 0.9012, 0.903, 0.9039, 0.9046, 0.9053, 0.9064,
-    0.9078, 0.9092, 0.9106, 0.9116, 0.9125, 0.9142, 0.9151, 0.9162, 0.9175,
-    0.9182, 0.9193, 0.9207, 0.9216, 0.9228, 0.9235, 0.924, 0.925, 0.9257,
-    0.9265, 0.9274, 0.9281, 0.929, 0.9303, 0.9313, 0.9324, 0.9333, 0.9338,
-    0.9346, 0.9358, 0.9367, 0.9378, 0.9383, 0.9386, 0.9391, 0.9397, 0.9405,
-    0.941, 0.9413, 0.9421, 0.9432, 0.9441, 0.9445, 0.9452, 0.9461, 0.9464,
-    0.9473, 0.9479, 0.9491, 0.9497, 0.9506, 0.9509, 0.9519, 0.9523, 0.9537,
-    0.9542, 0.9548, 0.9552, 0.956, 0.9565, 0.9572, 0.9575, 0.9578, 0.9582,
-    0.9587, 0.9589, 0.9595, 0.96, 0.9607, 0.9613, 0.9616, 0.9618, 0.9624,
-    0.9626, 0.9632, 0.9636, 0.9639, 0.964, 0.9647, 0.9651, 0.9658, 0.9662,
-    0.9664, 0.9666, 0.9674, 0.9682, 0.9688, 0.9691, 0.9696, 0.9699, 0.9703,
-    0.9705, 0.9712, 0.9718, 0.972, 0.9723, 0.9726, 0.9728, 0.9732, 0.9736,
-    0.9736, 0.9743, 0.975, 0.9752, 0.9756, 0.9757, 0.9759, 0.9759, 0.9763,
-    0.9765, 0.9765, 0.9767, 0.977, 0.9773, 0.9779, 0.9783, 0.9785, 0.9791,
-    0.9794, 0.9797, 0.98, 0.9802, 0.9806, 0.9808, 0.9811, 0.9813, 0.9813,
-    0.9814, 0.9814, 0.9818, 0.9821, 0.9823, 0.9825, 0.9828, 0.9829, 0.983,
-    0.9833, 0.9836, 0.9838, 0.9841, 0.9845, 0.9851, 0.9858, 0.9859, 0.9861,
-    0.9862, 0.9866, 0.9872, 0.9877, 0.9883, 0.9885, 0.9887, 0.9888, 0.9889,
-    0.9891, 0.9892, 0.9894, 0.9895, 0.9899, 0.9901, 0.9903, 0.9903, 0.9903,
-    0.9904, 0.9905, 0.9908, 0.9908, 0.9909, 0.9913, 0.9917, 0.9918, 0.992,
-    0.9923, 0.9926, 0.9928, 0.9931, 0.9934, 0.9934, 0.9937, 0.9941, 0.9942,
-    0.9943, 0.9944, 0.9946, 0.9947, 0.9948, 0.9949, 0.9951, 0.9951, 0.9953,
-    0.9953, 0.9954, 0.9957, 0.9958, 0.9959, 0.996, 0.9961, 0.9963, 0.9964,
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-#Region 4 pBin 0
+# Region 4 pBin 0
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR4_1 = [
-    0.001375, 0.006207, 0.01312, 0.02059, 0.03145, 0.04186, 0.05227, 0.06312,
-    0.0745, 0.08692, 0.09889, 0.1118, 0.1247, 0.1395, 0.1532, 0.166, 0.1798,
-    0.1934, 0.2067, 0.2182, 0.2308, 0.2434, 0.2541, 0.2671, 0.2785, 0.2899,
-    0.3016, 0.3114, 0.3221, 0.3295, 0.3407, 0.3484, 0.3585, 0.3676, 0.3776,
-    0.3858, 0.3941, 0.4034, 0.41, 0.4181, 0.4247, 0.4302, 0.4375, 0.4455,
-    0.4518, 0.4582, 0.4645, 0.471, 0.4766, 0.4824, 0.4876, 0.4932, 0.4994,
-    0.5053, 0.5092, 0.5144, 0.52, 0.5259, 0.5322, 0.5362, 0.5404, 0.5456,
-    0.5518, 0.5575, 0.5618, 0.5662, 0.5712, 0.5754, 0.5791, 0.5833, 0.5884,
-    0.5921, 0.5959, 0.6007, 0.603, 0.6076, 0.6119, 0.6161, 0.6187, 0.6214,
-    0.625, 0.629, 0.6315, 0.635, 0.6387, 0.6412, 0.6446, 0.6481, 0.6522,
-    0.6555, 0.6594, 0.6634, 0.6668, 0.669, 0.6726, 0.6766, 0.679, 0.6813,
-    0.6844, 0.6877, 0.6904, 0.6937, 0.6963, 0.6989, 0.7014, 0.7042, 0.7069,
-    0.7095, 0.7117, 0.7144, 0.7174, 0.7203, 0.7223, 0.7252, 0.7281, 0.7304,
-    0.7327, 0.7349, 0.7372, 0.7389, 0.7411, 0.7431, 0.7448, 0.746, 0.7478,
-    0.7495, 0.7517, 0.7536, 0.7553, 0.7581, 0.7595, 0.7612, 0.764, 0.7655,
-    0.7673, 0.7701, 0.7715, 0.7737, 0.7754, 0.7774, 0.7795, 0.7812, 0.7823,
-    0.7847, 0.7868, 0.7881, 0.79, 0.792, 0.7938, 0.7956, 0.7967, 0.7982,
-    0.7994, 0.8009, 0.803, 0.8041, 0.8056, 0.8072, 0.808, 0.8092, 0.8107,
-    0.8124, 0.8135, 0.8146, 0.8158, 0.8175, 0.8195, 0.8207, 0.8222, 0.8232,
-    0.8248, 0.8263, 0.8272, 0.8294, 0.8305, 0.8318, 0.8333, 0.8346, 0.8352,
-    0.8357, 0.8371, 0.8385, 0.8402, 0.8407, 0.8422, 0.8435, 0.8444, 0.8456,
-    0.8465, 0.8473, 0.8479, 0.8485, 0.8498, 0.8506, 0.8514, 0.8518, 0.853,
-    0.8544, 0.8548, 0.8556, 0.8564, 0.8577, 0.8584, 0.8595, 0.8606, 0.8615,
-    0.8623, 0.8631, 0.8641, 0.8656, 0.8664, 0.8669, 0.8679, 0.8683, 0.8692,
-    0.8699, 0.871, 0.8717, 0.8728, 0.8736, 0.8747, 0.8759, 0.877, 0.8778,
-    0.879, 0.8794, 0.8804, 0.881, 0.882, 0.8822, 0.8836, 0.8845, 0.8855,
-    0.8864, 0.887, 0.8876, 0.8885, 0.8896, 0.8903, 0.8913, 0.8924, 0.8932,
-    0.8938, 0.8944, 0.8951, 0.8964, 0.8968, 0.8972, 0.8981, 0.8991, 0.8996,
-    0.9006, 0.9012, 0.9013, 0.9026, 0.9028, 0.9039, 0.9046, 0.9051, 0.9059,
-    0.9066, 0.907, 0.9077, 0.9083, 0.909, 0.91, 0.9102, 0.9106, 0.9112, 0.9116,
-    0.9122, 0.9128, 0.9129, 0.9133, 0.9139, 0.9146, 0.9148, 0.9155, 0.9161,
-    0.9167, 0.9172, 0.9178, 0.9179, 0.9183, 0.9193, 0.9201, 0.9206, 0.9216,
-    0.9222, 0.9229, 0.9235, 0.924, 0.9248, 0.925, 0.926, 0.9266, 0.9272,
-    0.9278, 0.928, 0.9288, 0.9294, 0.9299, 0.9301, 0.9307, 0.9311, 0.9318,
-    0.9325, 0.9332, 0.9336, 0.9336, 0.9342, 0.9345, 0.9352, 0.9358, 0.9361,
-    0.9368, 0.9371, 0.9372, 0.9375, 0.9379, 0.9385, 0.9387, 0.9394, 0.9398,
-    0.9407, 0.9412, 0.9417, 0.9419, 0.9428, 0.9435, 0.9435, 0.9435, 0.9435,
-    0.9438, 0.9443, 0.9448, 0.9454, 0.9457, 0.9462, 0.9463, 0.9463, 0.9467,
-    0.9472, 0.9475, 0.9482, 0.9487, 0.9488, 0.9488, 0.9496, 0.95, 0.9503,
-    0.9508, 0.9511, 0.9511, 0.9513, 0.9518, 0.952, 0.9522, 0.953, 0.9533,
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-    0.9592, 0.9596, 0.96, 0.9604, 0.9605, 0.9605, 0.9608, 0.9608, 0.9612,
-    0.9618, 0.9624, 0.9625, 0.9629, 0.9633, 0.9637, 0.964, 0.9646, 0.9649,
-    0.9652, 0.9653, 0.9654, 0.9659, 0.9661, 0.9664, 0.9666, 0.9666, 0.9667,
-    0.967, 0.9672, 0.9677, 0.9684, 0.9685, 0.9689, 0.9689, 0.9689, 0.9695,
-    0.9695, 0.9697, 0.9697, 0.9698, 0.9702, 0.9708, 0.971, 0.9714, 0.9721,
-    0.9722, 0.9723, 0.9726, 0.9731, 0.9733, 0.9738, 0.9742, 0.9744, 0.9754,
-    0.9756, 0.976, 0.976, 0.9764, 0.9769, 0.9769, 0.9772, 0.9775, 0.9778,
-    0.9778, 0.978, 0.9782, 0.9783, 0.9786, 0.9791, 0.9792, 0.9792, 0.9796,
-    0.9798, 0.9804, 0.9808, 0.981, 0.981, 0.9815, 0.9819, 0.982, 0.9822,
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-    0.9846, 0.9851, 0.9853, 0.9854, 0.9858, 0.9858, 0.9861, 0.9865, 0.9868,
-    0.9871, 0.9875, 0.9875, 0.9879, 0.988, 0.9882, 0.9888, 0.9891, 0.9893,
-    0.9899, 0.9902, 0.9905, 0.9909, 0.9914, 0.9916, 0.9919, 0.9919, 0.9925,
-    0.9928, 0.9934, 0.9944, 0.9953, 1
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+    0.0745,
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+    0.6481,
+    0.6522,
+    0.6555,
+    0.6594,
+    0.6634,
+    0.6668,
+    0.669,
+    0.6726,
+    0.6766,
+    0.679,
+    0.6813,
+    0.6844,
+    0.6877,
+    0.6904,
+    0.6937,
+    0.6963,
+    0.6989,
+    0.7014,
+    0.7042,
+    0.7069,
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+    0.7117,
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+    0.7612,
+    0.764,
+    0.7655,
+    0.7673,
+    0.7701,
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+    0.7754,
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+    0.7881,
+    0.79,
+    0.792,
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+    0.7956,
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+    0.7994,
+    0.8009,
+    0.803,
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+    0.808,
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+    0.8679,
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+    0.8699,
+    0.871,
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+    0.8759,
+    0.877,
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+    0.8991,
+    0.8996,
+    0.9006,
+    0.9012,
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+    0.9026,
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+    0.9039,
+    0.9046,
+    0.9051,
+    0.9059,
+    0.9066,
+    0.907,
+    0.9077,
+    0.9083,
+    0.909,
+    0.91,
+    0.9102,
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+    0.9496,
+    0.95,
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+    0.952,
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+    0.96,
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+    0.9664,
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+    0.9666,
+    0.9667,
+    0.967,
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+    0.9685,
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+    0.9772,
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+    0.9778,
+    0.978,
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+    0.9786,
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+    0.9865,
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+    0.9871,
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+    0.9879,
+    0.988,
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+    0.9891,
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+    0.9899,
+    0.9902,
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+    0.9919,
+    0.9925,
+    0.9928,
+    0.9934,
+    0.9944,
+    0.9953,
+    1,
-#Region 4 pBin 1
+# Region 4 pBin 1
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR4_2 = [
-    0, 4.945e-05, 0.0006429, 0.001746, 0.003735, 0.006638, 0.00954, 0.01342,
-    0.01769, 0.02379, 0.03007, 0.03721, 0.04463, 0.05211, 0.06091, 0.06862,
-    0.07595, 0.08354, 0.0924, 0.09968, 0.1086, 0.1179, 0.1259, 0.1344, 0.1432,
-    0.1515, 0.1598, 0.1693, 0.1776, 0.186, 0.194, 0.2023, 0.2107, 0.2183,
-    0.227, 0.2354, 0.2433, 0.2528, 0.2605, 0.2687, 0.277, 0.2858, 0.2942,
-    0.3022, 0.3106, 0.3185, 0.3258, 0.3341, 0.3421, 0.3493, 0.3564, 0.3627,
-    0.3702, 0.377, 0.3849, 0.3916, 0.3984, 0.4049, 0.4114, 0.4181, 0.424,
-    0.4302, 0.4375, 0.4448, 0.4512, 0.4581, 0.4639, 0.469, 0.4749, 0.4799,
-    0.4861, 0.4916, 0.4966, 0.503, 0.5084, 0.5142, 0.5195, 0.525, 0.5303,
-    0.5351, 0.5394, 0.5449, 0.55, 0.5544, 0.5591, 0.5627, 0.5667, 0.5706,
-    0.5747, 0.5787, 0.5837, 0.5876, 0.591, 0.5952, 0.5982, 0.6026, 0.6062,
-    0.6112, 0.615, 0.6188, 0.6232, 0.6274, 0.6311, 0.6345, 0.6381, 0.6421,
-    0.6453, 0.6492, 0.6529, 0.6563, 0.66, 0.663, 0.6662, 0.6698, 0.6724,
-    0.6757, 0.6777, 0.6806, 0.6836, 0.6862, 0.6887, 0.6916, 0.6942, 0.6972,
-    0.7, 0.7036, 0.7061, 0.7088, 0.7115, 0.7144, 0.7168, 0.7195, 0.7223,
-    0.7246, 0.7271, 0.7294, 0.7321, 0.7348, 0.7376, 0.7401, 0.7429, 0.7447,
-    0.7472, 0.7497, 0.7515, 0.7539, 0.7562, 0.7582, 0.7601, 0.7628, 0.7652,
-    0.767, 0.7691, 0.7706, 0.7734, 0.7755, 0.7769, 0.7786, 0.7813, 0.7832,
-    0.785, 0.7868, 0.7888, 0.791, 0.7922, 0.7937, 0.7949, 0.797, 0.7985,
-    0.8001, 0.8018, 0.8033, 0.8049, 0.8069, 0.809, 0.811, 0.8126, 0.8143,
-    0.816, 0.8173, 0.8189, 0.8208, 0.8222, 0.8237, 0.8255, 0.8265, 0.8283,
-    0.8296, 0.8309, 0.832, 0.8337, 0.8355, 0.8368, 0.8382, 0.8392, 0.8409,
-    0.8421, 0.8433, 0.8449, 0.8458, 0.8471, 0.8484, 0.8505, 0.852, 0.8529,
-    0.8543, 0.8554, 0.8566, 0.8576, 0.8594, 0.8603, 0.8615, 0.8623, 0.8633,
-    0.8639, 0.8651, 0.8666, 0.868, 0.8691, 0.8697, 0.8709, 0.8718, 0.8727,
-    0.8734, 0.8744, 0.8758, 0.8769, 0.8777, 0.8789, 0.8801, 0.8812, 0.8826,
-    0.8838, 0.8847, 0.8854, 0.8866, 0.8874, 0.8881, 0.8888, 0.8895, 0.8906,
-    0.8914, 0.8926, 0.8935, 0.8945, 0.895, 0.8955, 0.8963, 0.897, 0.8978,
-    0.8985, 0.8992, 0.9001, 0.9012, 0.9023, 0.9032, 0.9044, 0.9049, 0.9059,
-    0.9068, 0.9076, 0.9082, 0.9091, 0.9099, 0.9114, 0.9124, 0.9131, 0.914,
-    0.9146, 0.9153, 0.9158, 0.9166, 0.9172, 0.9178, 0.9187, 0.9189, 0.9193,
-    0.92, 0.9208, 0.9212, 0.9218, 0.9227, 0.9237, 0.9243, 0.9253, 0.9259,
-    0.9266, 0.927, 0.9276, 0.9282, 0.9289, 0.9296, 0.9302, 0.9308, 0.9314,
-    0.9323, 0.9328, 0.9335, 0.9344, 0.9349, 0.9355, 0.9361, 0.9366, 0.9373,
-    0.9378, 0.938, 0.9387, 0.9393, 0.9399, 0.941, 0.9415, 0.9421, 0.9427,
-    0.9433, 0.9438, 0.9443, 0.9451, 0.9456, 0.9463, 0.9466, 0.9471, 0.9477,
-    0.9483, 0.9491, 0.9496, 0.95, 0.9505, 0.9511, 0.9517, 0.952, 0.9525,
-    0.9531, 0.9537, 0.9538, 0.9543, 0.955, 0.9553, 0.9556, 0.9559, 0.9564,
-    0.9567, 0.957, 0.9574, 0.9578, 0.9582, 0.9586, 0.9591, 0.9595, 0.9599,
-    0.9604, 0.9608, 0.9613, 0.9619, 0.9624, 0.9628, 0.9634, 0.9639, 0.9644,
-    0.9651, 0.9656, 0.9659, 0.9661, 0.9666, 0.9669, 0.9671, 0.9675, 0.9678,
-    0.968, 0.9685, 0.9688, 0.9692, 0.9696, 0.9701, 0.9705, 0.9709, 0.9712,
-    0.9714, 0.972, 0.9724, 0.9728, 0.9731, 0.9733, 0.9736, 0.9739, 0.9742,
-    0.9743, 0.9748, 0.9752, 0.9755, 0.9758, 0.9759, 0.9761, 0.9766, 0.9771,
-    0.9776, 0.9778, 0.978, 0.9782, 0.9783, 0.9787, 0.9789, 0.9792, 0.9797,
-    0.9801, 0.9804, 0.9806, 0.9809, 0.9812, 0.9816, 0.9819, 0.9822, 0.9829,
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-    0.9871, 0.9874, 0.9877, 0.9878, 0.988, 0.9883, 0.9885, 0.9887, 0.9887,
-    0.9887, 0.9888, 0.9889, 0.9891, 0.9894, 0.9897, 0.99, 0.9903, 0.9907,
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-    0.999, 0.9991, 0.9991, 0.9993, 0.9994, 0.9997, 1
+    0,
+    4.945e-05,
+    0.0006429,
+    0.001746,
+    0.003735,
+    0.006638,
+    0.00954,
+    0.01342,
+    0.01769,
+    0.02379,
+    0.03007,
+    0.03721,
+    0.04463,
+    0.05211,
+    0.06091,
+    0.06862,
+    0.07595,
+    0.08354,
+    0.0924,
+    0.09968,
+    0.1086,
+    0.1179,
+    0.1259,
+    0.1344,
+    0.1432,
+    0.1515,
+    0.1598,
+    0.1693,
+    0.1776,
+    0.186,
+    0.194,
+    0.2023,
+    0.2107,
+    0.2183,
+    0.227,
+    0.2354,
+    0.2433,
+    0.2528,
+    0.2605,
+    0.2687,
+    0.277,
+    0.2858,
+    0.2942,
+    0.3022,
+    0.3106,
+    0.3185,
+    0.3258,
+    0.3341,
+    0.3421,
+    0.3493,
+    0.3564,
+    0.3627,
+    0.3702,
+    0.377,
+    0.3849,
+    0.3916,
+    0.3984,
+    0.4049,
+    0.4114,
+    0.4181,
+    0.424,
+    0.4302,
+    0.4375,
+    0.4448,
+    0.4512,
+    0.4581,
+    0.4639,
+    0.469,
+    0.4749,
+    0.4799,
+    0.4861,
+    0.4916,
+    0.4966,
+    0.503,
+    0.5084,
+    0.5142,
+    0.5195,
+    0.525,
+    0.5303,
+    0.5351,
+    0.5394,
+    0.5449,
+    0.55,
+    0.5544,
+    0.5591,
+    0.5627,
+    0.5667,
+    0.5706,
+    0.5747,
+    0.5787,
+    0.5837,
+    0.5876,
+    0.591,
+    0.5952,
+    0.5982,
+    0.6026,
+    0.6062,
+    0.6112,
+    0.615,
+    0.6188,
+    0.6232,
+    0.6274,
+    0.6311,
+    0.6345,
+    0.6381,
+    0.6421,
+    0.6453,
+    0.6492,
+    0.6529,
+    0.6563,
+    0.66,
+    0.663,
+    0.6662,
+    0.6698,
+    0.6724,
+    0.6757,
+    0.6777,
+    0.6806,
+    0.6836,
+    0.6862,
+    0.6887,
+    0.6916,
+    0.6942,
+    0.6972,
+    0.7,
+    0.7036,
+    0.7061,
+    0.7088,
+    0.7115,
+    0.7144,
+    0.7168,
+    0.7195,
+    0.7223,
+    0.7246,
+    0.7271,
+    0.7294,
+    0.7321,
+    0.7348,
+    0.7376,
+    0.7401,
+    0.7429,
+    0.7447,
+    0.7472,
+    0.7497,
+    0.7515,
+    0.7539,
+    0.7562,
+    0.7582,
+    0.7601,
+    0.7628,
+    0.7652,
+    0.767,
+    0.7691,
+    0.7706,
+    0.7734,
+    0.7755,
+    0.7769,
+    0.7786,
+    0.7813,
+    0.7832,
+    0.785,
+    0.7868,
+    0.7888,
+    0.791,
+    0.7922,
+    0.7937,
+    0.7949,
+    0.797,
+    0.7985,
+    0.8001,
+    0.8018,
+    0.8033,
+    0.8049,
+    0.8069,
+    0.809,
+    0.811,
+    0.8126,
+    0.8143,
+    0.816,
+    0.8173,
+    0.8189,
+    0.8208,
+    0.8222,
+    0.8237,
+    0.8255,
+    0.8265,
+    0.8283,
+    0.8296,
+    0.8309,
+    0.832,
+    0.8337,
+    0.8355,
+    0.8368,
+    0.8382,
+    0.8392,
+    0.8409,
+    0.8421,
+    0.8433,
+    0.8449,
+    0.8458,
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-#Region 4 pBin 2
+# Region 4 pBin 2
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR4_3 = [
-    0, 0.001044, 0.002187, 0.004154, 0.006056, 0.008615, 0.01211, 0.01642,
-    0.02128, 0.02633, 0.03159, 0.03598, 0.04097, 0.04589, 0.05067, 0.05672,
-    0.06346, 0.07074, 0.07663, 0.08242, 0.08932, 0.09643, 0.1032, 0.1096,
-    0.1166, 0.1241, 0.1305, 0.1383, 0.1451, 0.1527, 0.1604, 0.1685, 0.1758,
-    0.1831, 0.1914, 0.1988, 0.2067, 0.2152, 0.2228, 0.2299, 0.2371, 0.2445,
-    0.2524, 0.2597, 0.2677, 0.2755, 0.2831, 0.2899, 0.2963, 0.3028, 0.3094,
-    0.3161, 0.3236, 0.3313, 0.3383, 0.3461, 0.3531, 0.3603, 0.3668, 0.3735,
-    0.3798, 0.3867, 0.394, 0.4012, 0.4085, 0.414, 0.4207, 0.4282, 0.4339,
-    0.4395, 0.4463, 0.453, 0.4587, 0.4639, 0.4706, 0.4771, 0.4841, 0.4898,
-    0.4961, 0.5022, 0.5078, 0.5138, 0.5188, 0.5246, 0.5294, 0.5347, 0.5396,
-    0.5449, 0.5508, 0.5559, 0.5619, 0.5675, 0.5721, 0.5768, 0.5819, 0.5863,
-    0.5906, 0.595, 0.5989, 0.603, 0.6066, 0.6109, 0.615, 0.6184, 0.6221,
-    0.6264, 0.6304, 0.6341, 0.6379, 0.6418, 0.6454, 0.6492, 0.652, 0.6561,
-    0.6599, 0.6632, 0.6667, 0.6701, 0.6742, 0.6774, 0.6804, 0.6828, 0.6859,
-    0.689, 0.692, 0.6957, 0.6988, 0.7022, 0.7058, 0.7093, 0.7123, 0.7151,
-    0.7188, 0.7214, 0.7243, 0.7277, 0.731, 0.734, 0.7367, 0.7392, 0.7423,
-    0.7455, 0.7477, 0.7501, 0.7521, 0.7538, 0.7564, 0.7585, 0.761, 0.7627,
-    0.765, 0.7671, 0.7693, 0.7713, 0.7734, 0.7753, 0.7775, 0.7796, 0.7822,
-    0.7842, 0.7857, 0.7878, 0.7898, 0.7918, 0.7935, 0.7951, 0.7972, 0.7991,
-    0.8006, 0.8026, 0.8045, 0.8062, 0.808, 0.8098, 0.8113, 0.8132, 0.8151,
-    0.8165, 0.8182, 0.8199, 0.8216, 0.8235, 0.8253, 0.8269, 0.8287, 0.8302,
-    0.8314, 0.8327, 0.8344, 0.8357, 0.8371, 0.839, 0.8401, 0.8414, 0.8427,
-    0.8438, 0.8456, 0.8467, 0.8483, 0.8497, 0.8509, 0.8521, 0.8531, 0.8544,
-    0.8554, 0.8567, 0.8578, 0.8588, 0.8604, 0.8615, 0.8626, 0.8636, 0.8645,
-    0.8655, 0.8671, 0.8682, 0.8693, 0.8705, 0.8716, 0.8726, 0.8737, 0.8748,
-    0.8759, 0.877, 0.8777, 0.879, 0.8803, 0.8817, 0.8827, 0.8837, 0.8845,
-    0.8857, 0.8867, 0.8878, 0.8885, 0.8894, 0.8904, 0.891, 0.8922, 0.8932,
-    0.8942, 0.8952, 0.8959, 0.8968, 0.8979, 0.8988, 0.8992, 0.9001, 0.901,
-    0.9021, 0.9031, 0.9042, 0.905, 0.9058, 0.9071, 0.9079, 0.9087, 0.9094,
-    0.9101, 0.9117, 0.9124, 0.9135, 0.9141, 0.9148, 0.9152, 0.9158, 0.9168,
-    0.9176, 0.9184, 0.9195, 0.9199, 0.9204, 0.9214, 0.9222, 0.9231, 0.9237,
-    0.9244, 0.9252, 0.9257, 0.9259, 0.9262, 0.927, 0.9276, 0.9283, 0.9289,
-    0.9297, 0.9305, 0.9312, 0.9316, 0.9322, 0.9326, 0.9333, 0.9342, 0.9346,
-    0.9352, 0.9353, 0.936, 0.9366, 0.9372, 0.9379, 0.9384, 0.939, 0.9399,
-    0.9404, 0.9414, 0.9423, 0.9426, 0.9434, 0.9438, 0.9443, 0.9449, 0.9454,
-    0.946, 0.9468, 0.9473, 0.9482, 0.9486, 0.949, 0.9495, 0.95, 0.9503, 0.9506,
-    0.9511, 0.9517, 0.952, 0.9523, 0.9528, 0.9534, 0.9538, 0.9543, 0.9548,
-    0.9552, 0.9558, 0.9564, 0.9566, 0.9571, 0.9578, 0.9581, 0.9587, 0.9591,
-    0.9598, 0.9603, 0.9606, 0.9609, 0.9612, 0.9615, 0.9619, 0.9627, 0.963,
-    0.9634, 0.9637, 0.9645, 0.9647, 0.9648, 0.9652, 0.966, 0.9661, 0.9663,
-    0.9665, 0.9669, 0.9672, 0.9676, 0.9679, 0.9686, 0.969, 0.9692, 0.9694,
-    0.9697, 0.9698, 0.97, 0.9703, 0.9704, 0.9707, 0.9711, 0.9714, 0.9718,
-    0.9721, 0.9723, 0.9727, 0.973, 0.9732, 0.9736, 0.9739, 0.9743, 0.9746,
-    0.9749, 0.9753, 0.9756, 0.9762, 0.9765, 0.9767, 0.9769, 0.9772, 0.9775,
-    0.978, 0.9784, 0.9785, 0.9787, 0.9789, 0.9791, 0.9798, 0.9801, 0.9803,
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+    0.04097,
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+    0.9434,
+    0.9438,
+    0.9443,
+    0.9449,
+    0.9454,
+    0.946,
+    0.9468,
+    0.9473,
+    0.9482,
+    0.9486,
+    0.949,
+    0.9495,
+    0.95,
+    0.9503,
+    0.9506,
+    0.9511,
+    0.9517,
+    0.952,
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+    0.9558,
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+    0.9566,
+    0.9571,
+    0.9578,
+    0.9581,
+    0.9587,
+    0.9591,
+    0.9598,
+    0.9603,
+    0.9606,
+    0.9609,
+    0.9612,
+    0.9615,
+    0.9619,
+    0.9627,
+    0.963,
+    0.9634,
+    0.9637,
+    0.9645,
+    0.9647,
+    0.9648,
+    0.9652,
+    0.966,
+    0.9661,
+    0.9663,
+    0.9665,
+    0.9669,
+    0.9672,
+    0.9676,
+    0.9679,
+    0.9686,
+    0.969,
+    0.9692,
+    0.9694,
+    0.9697,
+    0.9698,
+    0.97,
+    0.9703,
+    0.9704,
+    0.9707,
+    0.9711,
+    0.9714,
+    0.9718,
+    0.9721,
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+    0.9732,
+    0.9736,
+    0.9739,
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+    0.9753,
+    0.9756,
+    0.9762,
+    0.9765,
+    0.9767,
+    0.9769,
+    0.9772,
+    0.9775,
+    0.978,
+    0.9784,
+    0.9785,
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+    0.9789,
+    0.9791,
+    0.9798,
+    0.9801,
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+    0.9807,
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+    0.9856,
+    0.9859,
+    0.9862,
+    0.9864,
+    0.987,
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+    0.9877,
+    0.988,
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+    0.9883,
+    0.9888,
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-#Region 4 pBin 3
+# Region 4 pBin 3
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR4_4 = [
-    0, 0, 0.0002066, 0.001382, 0.003451, 0.005849, 0.00831, 0.01146, 0.01467,
-    0.01744, 0.02016, 0.02362, 0.02649, 0.02992, 0.03338, 0.037, 0.04071,
-    0.04453, 0.04859, 0.05248, 0.0577, 0.06338, 0.06902, 0.07399, 0.07955,
-    0.08482, 0.09024, 0.09609, 0.1015, 0.1075, 0.1137, 0.121, 0.1277, 0.1347,
-    0.142, 0.148, 0.1543, 0.161, 0.1675, 0.1748, 0.1804, 0.1864, 0.1924,
-    0.1983, 0.2048, 0.2109, 0.2168, 0.2231, 0.229, 0.2346, 0.2405, 0.2475,
-    0.2537, 0.2604, 0.2663, 0.2735, 0.2809, 0.2855, 0.2918, 0.2986, 0.3058,
-    0.3123, 0.3185, 0.3248, 0.3309, 0.3373, 0.344, 0.3499, 0.3552, 0.3614,
-    0.368, 0.3747, 0.3809, 0.3876, 0.3944, 0.4001, 0.4067, 0.4125, 0.4184,
-    0.4244, 0.4302, 0.4362, 0.442, 0.4473, 0.4533, 0.4585, 0.4643, 0.4707,
-    0.4765, 0.4819, 0.4874, 0.4927, 0.4978, 0.5027, 0.5078, 0.5126, 0.5181,
-    0.5227, 0.5273, 0.5323, 0.5375, 0.5434, 0.5489, 0.5536, 0.5585, 0.5635,
-    0.5686, 0.5726, 0.5769, 0.581, 0.5857, 0.59, 0.5941, 0.5981, 0.6029,
-    0.6074, 0.6119, 0.6156, 0.6201, 0.6242, 0.629, 0.6329, 0.6369, 0.6412,
-    0.6453, 0.649, 0.6529, 0.6574, 0.6606, 0.6645, 0.6676, 0.6711, 0.675,
-    0.6787, 0.6824, 0.6867, 0.6902, 0.6933, 0.6964, 0.7003, 0.7044, 0.708,
-    0.7114, 0.7154, 0.7183, 0.7211, 0.724, 0.7261, 0.7285, 0.7312, 0.7341,
-    0.737, 0.7394, 0.7416, 0.7446, 0.7478, 0.7507, 0.7531, 0.7551, 0.7569,
-    0.7596, 0.7625, 0.7643, 0.7668, 0.7693, 0.7717, 0.7742, 0.7769, 0.7791,
-    0.7816, 0.7841, 0.7869, 0.7888, 0.7905, 0.7925, 0.7946, 0.7968, 0.7988,
-    0.8008, 0.8024, 0.8048, 0.8068, 0.8083, 0.8101, 0.8121, 0.8139, 0.8158,
-    0.8179, 0.8195, 0.821, 0.8228, 0.8247, 0.8272, 0.8287, 0.8304, 0.8323,
-    0.8343, 0.8355, 0.8368, 0.8383, 0.84, 0.8412, 0.8423, 0.8432, 0.8448,
-    0.8464, 0.8481, 0.8496, 0.8511, 0.8533, 0.8541, 0.8557, 0.8573, 0.8586,
-    0.86, 0.8614, 0.8629, 0.8643, 0.8658, 0.8669, 0.8678, 0.8688, 0.87, 0.8712,
-    0.8723, 0.8737, 0.875, 0.8762, 0.8776, 0.8788, 0.88, 0.8814, 0.8823,
-    0.8834, 0.8843, 0.8854, 0.8865, 0.8873, 0.8883, 0.889, 0.89, 0.8913,
-    0.8929, 0.8941, 0.895, 0.8958, 0.8965, 0.8975, 0.8986, 0.8996, 0.9006,
-    0.9018, 0.9029, 0.9037, 0.9047, 0.9059, 0.9069, 0.908, 0.9088, 0.9097,
-    0.9107, 0.9114, 0.9123, 0.9132, 0.9142, 0.9151, 0.916, 0.9169, 0.9181,
-    0.9187, 0.9195, 0.9206, 0.9215, 0.9222, 0.9228, 0.9232, 0.924, 0.9248,
-    0.9257, 0.9264, 0.927, 0.9279, 0.9285, 0.9291, 0.93, 0.9308, 0.9315,
-    0.9321, 0.9329, 0.9338, 0.9345, 0.9354, 0.9363, 0.9368, 0.9375, 0.9379,
-    0.9386, 0.9392, 0.9399, 0.9408, 0.9413, 0.9418, 0.9426, 0.9434, 0.944,
-    0.9447, 0.9449, 0.9456, 0.9461, 0.9467, 0.9469, 0.9477, 0.9483, 0.9485,
-    0.9491, 0.9494, 0.9498, 0.9502, 0.9507, 0.9513, 0.9519, 0.9523, 0.953,
-    0.9536, 0.954, 0.9541, 0.9545, 0.9549, 0.9553, 0.9554, 0.9558, 0.9563,
-    0.9567, 0.9572, 0.9578, 0.958, 0.9585, 0.9589, 0.9593, 0.9597, 0.9603,
-    0.9608, 0.9614, 0.9619, 0.9625, 0.9629, 0.9632, 0.9636, 0.9642, 0.9644,
-    0.9649, 0.9654, 0.9659, 0.9664, 0.967, 0.9674, 0.9678, 0.9683, 0.9686,
-    0.9693, 0.9695, 0.9698, 0.9703, 0.9707, 0.9711, 0.9715, 0.972, 0.9723,
-    0.9726, 0.9732, 0.9733, 0.9736, 0.9739, 0.9743, 0.9747, 0.9751, 0.9754,
-    0.9759, 0.9762, 0.9765, 0.9769, 0.9774, 0.9778, 0.9779, 0.9781, 0.9783,
-    0.9785, 0.9788, 0.9791, 0.9795, 0.9797, 0.98, 0.9803, 0.9806, 0.9809,
-    0.9812, 0.9815, 0.9819, 0.9821, 0.9824, 0.9827, 0.9831, 0.9833, 0.9835,
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+    0,
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+    0.01146,
+    0.01467,
+    0.01744,
+    0.02016,
+    0.02362,
+    0.02649,
+    0.02992,
+    0.03338,
+    0.037,
+    0.04071,
+    0.04453,
+    0.04859,
+    0.05248,
+    0.0577,
+    0.06338,
+    0.06902,
+    0.07399,
+    0.07955,
+    0.08482,
+    0.09024,
+    0.09609,
+    0.1015,
+    0.1075,
+    0.1137,
+    0.121,
+    0.1277,
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+    0.142,
+    0.148,
+    0.1543,
+    0.161,
+    0.1675,
+    0.1748,
+    0.1804,
+    0.1864,
+    0.1924,
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+    0.2048,
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+    0.2168,
+    0.2231,
+    0.229,
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+    0.2405,
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+    0.3248,
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+    0.344,
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+    0.368,
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+    0.4244,
+    0.4302,
+    0.4362,
+    0.442,
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+    0.675,
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+    0.9871,
+    0.9873,
+    0.9875,
+    0.9879,
+    0.9881,
+    0.9882,
+    0.9884,
+    0.9884,
+    0.9886,
+    0.9889,
+    0.9893,
+    0.9894,
+    0.9894,
+    0.9896,
+    0.9899,
+    0.9901,
+    0.9904,
+    0.9906,
+    0.9909,
+    0.9913,
+    0.9915,
+    0.9916,
+    0.9918,
+    0.992,
+    0.9921,
+    0.9922,
+    0.9923,
+    0.9925,
+    0.9927,
+    0.9929,
+    0.993,
+    0.9931,
+    0.9934,
+    0.9935,
+    0.9936,
+    0.9937,
+    0.9938,
+    0.9941,
+    0.9944,
+    0.9945,
+    0.9948,
+    0.995,
+    0.9952,
+    0.9953,
+    0.9955,
+    0.9956,
+    0.9957,
+    0.9959,
+    0.9961,
+    0.9963,
+    0.9963,
+    0.9964,
+    0.9966,
+    0.9967,
+    0.9967,
+    0.9967,
+    0.997,
+    0.997,
+    0.9973,
+    0.9975,
+    0.9976,
+    0.9977,
+    0.9978,
+    0.998,
+    0.998,
+    0.9981,
+    0.9983,
+    0.9985,
+    0.9985,
+    0.9986,
+    0.9988,
+    0.9989,
+    0.999,
+    0.9992,
+    0.9993,
+    0.9993,
+    0.9994,
+    0.9995,
+    0.9995,
+    0.9996,
+    0.9996,
+    0.9997,
+    1,
-#Region 4 pBin 4
+# Region 4 pBin 4
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR4_5 = [
-    0, 0, 0, 9.054e-05, 0.0001811, 0.0001811, 0.0003, 0.0003, 0.0005717,
-    0.0009338, 0.001386, 0.001534, 0.001924, 0.003011, 0.004426, 0.006146,
-    0.007261, 0.008981, 0.009734, 0.01187, 0.01347, 0.01567, 0.0182, 0.02,
-    0.02235, 0.02582, 0.03002, 0.03556, 0.0402, 0.04442, 0.04716, 0.05116,
-    0.0559, 0.06057, 0.06584, 0.07048, 0.07527, 0.08007, 0.08483, 0.0896,
-    0.09451, 0.09885, 0.103, 0.1091, 0.1126, 0.1187, 0.1238, 0.1282, 0.1325,
-    0.1382, 0.1441, 0.1489, 0.1528, 0.156, 0.1614, 0.1661, 0.1707, 0.1767,
-    0.1814, 0.1867, 0.1911, 0.1968, 0.2027, 0.2086, 0.2124, 0.2178, 0.2237,
-    0.2284, 0.2338, 0.2392, 0.2441, 0.2489, 0.2548, 0.2607, 0.266, 0.2725,
-    0.2783, 0.2861, 0.2918, 0.2977, 0.304, 0.3084, 0.3138, 0.319, 0.3249, 0.33,
-    0.3364, 0.3413, 0.3465, 0.3537, 0.3603, 0.3669, 0.3722, 0.379, 0.3838,
-    0.3899, 0.3954, 0.4008, 0.4056, 0.4108, 0.4172, 0.4226, 0.4273, 0.4328,
-    0.438, 0.4426, 0.4472, 0.4514, 0.4558, 0.4607, 0.4668, 0.4721, 0.4766,
-    0.4824, 0.4877, 0.4941, 0.4997, 0.5052, 0.5089, 0.5142, 0.5194, 0.5236,
-    0.528, 0.5322, 0.5376, 0.5424, 0.5473, 0.5517, 0.5558, 0.5609, 0.5653,
-    0.5707, 0.575, 0.58, 0.5846, 0.5897, 0.5952, 0.5991, 0.6029, 0.6071,
-    0.6122, 0.6178, 0.6223, 0.6266, 0.6302, 0.6332, 0.6374, 0.6418, 0.6459,
-    0.6491, 0.6526, 0.6571, 0.6601, 0.6631, 0.6677, 0.6728, 0.6758, 0.6788,
-    0.683, 0.6872, 0.6901, 0.6943, 0.6986, 0.701, 0.705, 0.7089, 0.712, 0.7163,
-    0.7205, 0.7237, 0.7268, 0.73, 0.7332, 0.7366, 0.7398, 0.7429, 0.7464,
-    0.7498, 0.7524, 0.7557, 0.7591, 0.762, 0.7657, 0.7695, 0.7719, 0.7745,
-    0.777, 0.779, 0.7819, 0.7856, 0.7881, 0.7908, 0.794, 0.7973, 0.7992,
-    0.8015, 0.8048, 0.8073, 0.8092, 0.8114, 0.8141, 0.816, 0.8194, 0.8219,
-    0.8242, 0.8263, 0.8288, 0.8308, 0.8328, 0.8351, 0.8371, 0.8386, 0.8409,
-    0.842, 0.8442, 0.8462, 0.8484, 0.8503, 0.8518, 0.8543, 0.8553, 0.8582,
-    0.8595, 0.8612, 0.8628, 0.8641, 0.8653, 0.8669, 0.8682, 0.8699, 0.8716,
-    0.8729, 0.8742, 0.8766, 0.8782, 0.88, 0.8812, 0.8828, 0.8837, 0.8854,
-    0.8867, 0.8878, 0.8895, 0.8906, 0.8921, 0.8935, 0.8952, 0.8963, 0.8976,
-    0.8989, 0.9002, 0.9011, 0.9018, 0.9029, 0.9032, 0.9042, 0.9048, 0.906,
-    0.9066, 0.9076, 0.9083, 0.9092, 0.9101, 0.9111, 0.9122, 0.9134, 0.9147,
-    0.9155, 0.9173, 0.9182, 0.9191, 0.9199, 0.9209, 0.922, 0.9227, 0.923,
-    0.9233, 0.924, 0.9246, 0.9251, 0.9261, 0.9271, 0.9278, 0.9287, 0.9301,
-    0.9306, 0.9316, 0.9324, 0.9333, 0.9341, 0.935, 0.9358, 0.9366, 0.9369,
-    0.9375, 0.9385, 0.9396, 0.941, 0.9412, 0.9425, 0.9435, 0.9451, 0.946,
-    0.9467, 0.9472, 0.9478, 0.9486, 0.9491, 0.9493, 0.9499, 0.9505, 0.9509,
-    0.9518, 0.9524, 0.9529, 0.9532, 0.9539, 0.9543, 0.9549, 0.9555, 0.956,
-    0.9568, 0.9573, 0.9576, 0.958, 0.9583, 0.9587, 0.9591, 0.9594, 0.9597,
-    0.9604, 0.9606, 0.961, 0.9616, 0.9623, 0.9624, 0.9629, 0.9637, 0.964,
-    0.9647, 0.9648, 0.9649, 0.9656, 0.9663, 0.9667, 0.9671, 0.9676, 0.9681,
-    0.9685, 0.9691, 0.9692, 0.9694, 0.9702, 0.9706, 0.9706, 0.9711, 0.9716,
-    0.9718, 0.9722, 0.9728, 0.9729, 0.9738, 0.9743, 0.9746, 0.9748, 0.9749,
-    0.975, 0.9753, 0.9757, 0.9761, 0.9764, 0.977, 0.9771, 0.9773, 0.9777,
-    0.9781, 0.9782, 0.9786, 0.9792, 0.9795, 0.9799, 0.9804, 0.9807, 0.9811,
-    0.9816, 0.9819, 0.9819, 0.982, 0.9823, 0.9825, 0.983, 0.9832, 0.9834,
-    0.9837, 0.984, 0.9843, 0.9844, 0.9845, 0.9848, 0.985, 0.9852, 0.9854,
-    0.9855, 0.9857, 0.9858, 0.9859, 0.9861, 0.9862, 0.9863, 0.9865, 0.987,
-    0.987, 0.9872, 0.9875, 0.9881, 0.9884, 0.9886, 0.9887, 0.9888, 0.9892,
-    0.9898, 0.9901, 0.9901, 0.9906, 0.9907, 0.9908, 0.991, 0.9912, 0.9915,
-    0.9917, 0.9918, 0.9918, 0.992, 0.9923, 0.9924, 0.9925, 0.9928, 0.9929,
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-    0.9966, 0.9968, 0.997, 0.9972, 0.9973, 0.9974, 0.9976, 0.9976, 0.9978,
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-    0.9994, 0.9996, 0.9996, 0.9997, 0.9997, 0.9998, 0.9999, 1
+    0,
+    0,
+    0,
+    9.054e-05,
+    0.0001811,
+    0.0001811,
+    0.0003,
+    0.0003,
+    0.0005717,
+    0.0009338,
+    0.001386,
+    0.001534,
+    0.001924,
+    0.003011,
+    0.004426,
+    0.006146,
+    0.007261,
+    0.008981,
+    0.009734,
+    0.01187,
+    0.01347,
+    0.01567,
+    0.0182,
+    0.02,
+    0.02235,
+    0.02582,
+    0.03002,
+    0.03556,
+    0.0402,
+    0.04442,
+    0.04716,
+    0.05116,
+    0.0559,
+    0.06057,
+    0.06584,
+    0.07048,
+    0.07527,
+    0.08007,
+    0.08483,
+    0.0896,
+    0.09451,
+    0.09885,
+    0.103,
+    0.1091,
+    0.1126,
+    0.1187,
+    0.1238,
+    0.1282,
+    0.1325,
+    0.1382,
+    0.1441,
+    0.1489,
+    0.1528,
+    0.156,
+    0.1614,
+    0.1661,
+    0.1707,
+    0.1767,
+    0.1814,
+    0.1867,
+    0.1911,
+    0.1968,
+    0.2027,
+    0.2086,
+    0.2124,
+    0.2178,
+    0.2237,
+    0.2284,
+    0.2338,
+    0.2392,
+    0.2441,
+    0.2489,
+    0.2548,
+    0.2607,
+    0.266,
+    0.2725,
+    0.2783,
+    0.2861,
+    0.2918,
+    0.2977,
+    0.304,
+    0.3084,
+    0.3138,
+    0.319,
+    0.3249,
+    0.33,
+    0.3364,
+    0.3413,
+    0.3465,
+    0.3537,
+    0.3603,
+    0.3669,
+    0.3722,
+    0.379,
+    0.3838,
+    0.3899,
+    0.3954,
+    0.4008,
+    0.4056,
+    0.4108,
+    0.4172,
+    0.4226,
+    0.4273,
+    0.4328,
+    0.438,
+    0.4426,
+    0.4472,
+    0.4514,
+    0.4558,
+    0.4607,
+    0.4668,
+    0.4721,
+    0.4766,
+    0.4824,
+    0.4877,
+    0.4941,
+    0.4997,
+    0.5052,
+    0.5089,
+    0.5142,
+    0.5194,
+    0.5236,
+    0.528,
+    0.5322,
+    0.5376,
+    0.5424,
+    0.5473,
+    0.5517,
+    0.5558,
+    0.5609,
+    0.5653,
+    0.5707,
+    0.575,
+    0.58,
+    0.5846,
+    0.5897,
+    0.5952,
+    0.5991,
+    0.6029,
+    0.6071,
+    0.6122,
+    0.6178,
+    0.6223,
+    0.6266,
+    0.6302,
+    0.6332,
+    0.6374,
+    0.6418,
+    0.6459,
+    0.6491,
+    0.6526,
+    0.6571,
+    0.6601,
+    0.6631,
+    0.6677,
+    0.6728,
+    0.6758,
+    0.6788,
+    0.683,
+    0.6872,
+    0.6901,
+    0.6943,
+    0.6986,
+    0.701,
+    0.705,
+    0.7089,
+    0.712,
+    0.7163,
+    0.7205,
+    0.7237,
+    0.7268,
+    0.73,
+    0.7332,
+    0.7366,
+    0.7398,
+    0.7429,
+    0.7464,
+    0.7498,
+    0.7524,
+    0.7557,
+    0.7591,
+    0.762,
+    0.7657,
+    0.7695,
+    0.7719,
+    0.7745,
+    0.777,
+    0.779,
+    0.7819,
+    0.7856,
+    0.7881,
+    0.7908,
+    0.794,
+    0.7973,
+    0.7992,
+    0.8015,
+    0.8048,
+    0.8073,
+    0.8092,
+    0.8114,
+    0.8141,
+    0.816,
+    0.8194,
+    0.8219,
+    0.8242,
+    0.8263,
+    0.8288,
+    0.8308,
+    0.8328,
+    0.8351,
+    0.8371,
+    0.8386,
+    0.8409,
+    0.842,
+    0.8442,
+    0.8462,
+    0.8484,
+    0.8503,
+    0.8518,
+    0.8543,
+    0.8553,
+    0.8582,
+    0.8595,
+    0.8612,
+    0.8628,
+    0.8641,
+    0.8653,
+    0.8669,
+    0.8682,
+    0.8699,
+    0.8716,
+    0.8729,
+    0.8742,
+    0.8766,
+    0.8782,
+    0.88,
+    0.8812,
+    0.8828,
+    0.8837,
+    0.8854,
+    0.8867,
+    0.8878,
+    0.8895,
+    0.8906,
+    0.8921,
+    0.8935,
+    0.8952,
+    0.8963,
+    0.8976,
+    0.8989,
+    0.9002,
+    0.9011,
+    0.9018,
+    0.9029,
+    0.9032,
+    0.9042,
+    0.9048,
+    0.906,
+    0.9066,
+    0.9076,
+    0.9083,
+    0.9092,
+    0.9101,
+    0.9111,
+    0.9122,
+    0.9134,
+    0.9147,
+    0.9155,
+    0.9173,
+    0.9182,
+    0.9191,
+    0.9199,
+    0.9209,
+    0.922,
+    0.9227,
+    0.923,
+    0.9233,
+    0.924,
+    0.9246,
+    0.9251,
+    0.9261,
+    0.9271,
+    0.9278,
+    0.9287,
+    0.9301,
+    0.9306,
+    0.9316,
+    0.9324,
+    0.9333,
+    0.9341,
+    0.935,
+    0.9358,
+    0.9366,
+    0.9369,
+    0.9375,
+    0.9385,
+    0.9396,
+    0.941,
+    0.9412,
+    0.9425,
+    0.9435,
+    0.9451,
+    0.946,
+    0.9467,
+    0.9472,
+    0.9478,
+    0.9486,
+    0.9491,
+    0.9493,
+    0.9499,
+    0.9505,
+    0.9509,
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+    0.9576,
+    0.958,
+    0.9583,
+    0.9587,
+    0.9591,
+    0.9594,
+    0.9597,
+    0.9604,
+    0.9606,
+    0.961,
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+    0.9623,
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+    0.9637,
+    0.964,
+    0.9647,
+    0.9648,
+    0.9649,
+    0.9656,
+    0.9663,
+    0.9667,
+    0.9671,
+    0.9676,
+    0.9681,
+    0.9685,
+    0.9691,
+    0.9692,
+    0.9694,
+    0.9702,
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+    0.975,
+    0.9753,
+    0.9757,
+    0.9761,
+    0.9764,
+    0.977,
+    0.9771,
+    0.9773,
+    0.9777,
+    0.9781,
+    0.9782,
+    0.9786,
+    0.9792,
+    0.9795,
+    0.9799,
+    0.9804,
+    0.9807,
+    0.9811,
+    0.9816,
+    0.9819,
+    0.9819,
+    0.982,
+    0.9823,
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+    0.9837,
+    0.984,
+    0.9843,
+    0.9844,
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+    0.985,
+    0.9852,
+    0.9854,
+    0.9855,
+    0.9857,
+    0.9858,
+    0.9859,
+    0.9861,
+    0.9862,
+    0.9863,
+    0.9865,
+    0.987,
+    0.987,
+    0.9872,
+    0.9875,
+    0.9881,
+    0.9884,
+    0.9886,
+    0.9887,
+    0.9888,
+    0.9892,
+    0.9898,
+    0.9901,
+    0.9901,
+    0.9906,
+    0.9907,
+    0.9908,
+    0.991,
+    0.9912,
+    0.9915,
+    0.9917,
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+    0.992,
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+    0.9942,
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+    0.9952,
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+    0.9959,
+    0.9963,
+    0.9965,
+    0.9965,
+    0.9966,
+    0.9968,
+    0.997,
+    0.9972,
+    0.9973,
+    0.9974,
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+    0.9978,
+    0.9979,
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+    0.9991,
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+    0.9994,
+    0.9996,
+    0.9996,
+    0.9997,
+    0.9997,
+    0.9998,
+    0.9999,
+    1,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/tanh_DC06.py b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/tanh_DC06.py
index 5d30cb27ea640024bbe617f4f37251699f8e80e3..6e3471524b23d05243568f31b89daf7993cacaac 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/tanh_DC06.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/python/MuonID/tanh_DC06.py
@@ -8,17 +8,17 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+# ===========================================================
 # Mapping of distances using hyperbolic tangent (DLL_flag=3)
 # Use nMupBins+1 for each region, to deal with last p-bin scaling
+# ===========================================================
-#print "Loading hyperbolic tangent parameters"
+# print "Loading hyperbolic tangent parameters"
 #  Scale factors (The effective scale factors are these divided by atanh(0.5) )
-tanhScaleFactorsR1 = [470.8, 103.2, 42.4, 22., 13.8, 9.5, 4.4]
+tanhScaleFactorsR1 = [470.8, 103.2, 42.4, 22.0, 13.8, 9.5, 4.4]
 tanhScaleFactorsR2 = [215.7, 34.9, 12.6, 7.2, 3.3]
-tanhScaleFactorsR3 = [226.4, 34.1, 10.3, 4., 2.1]
+tanhScaleFactorsR3 = [226.4, 34.1, 10.3, 4.0, 2.1]
 tanhScaleFactorsR4 = [73.2, 14.8, 8.7, 4.9, 2.3]
 # Cumulative tanh(dist2) histograms content for muon and combinatorial non-muons
@@ -26,513 +26,2384 @@ tanhScaleFactorsR4 = [73.2, 14.8, 8.7, 4.9, 2.3]
 # (So, only distfac makes it different for a given p-bin)
 nDistBins = 50
-#print "Loading tanh parameters for signal muons distributions"
+# print "Loading tanh parameters for signal muons distributions"
 # Automatically printed by perfDLL::ReadDLLPar()
 # Signal muons:
-#Region 1 ( 3 < p < 10 ):
+# Region 1 ( 3 < p < 10 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR1_1 = [
-    0, 0.106092, 0.220588, 0.306197, 0.370273, 0.429622, 0.486345, 0.536765,
-    0.577731, 0.620273, 0.652311, 0.676996, 0.702731, 0.725315, 0.75, 0.77416,
-    0.794118, 0.811975, 0.831933, 0.846113, 0.856618, 0.871324, 0.877626,
-    0.883403, 0.893908, 0.89916, 0.906513, 0.913866, 0.921744, 0.924895,
-    0.927521, 0.933824, 0.939601, 0.942752, 0.948004, 0.951681, 0.954832,
-    0.956408, 0.957983, 0.96271, 0.966387, 0.967962, 0.970063, 0.973214,
-    0.975315, 0.977416, 0.978992, 0.980567, 0.984769, 0.987395
+    0,
+    0.106092,
+    0.220588,
+    0.306197,
+    0.370273,
+    0.429622,
+    0.486345,
+    0.536765,
+    0.577731,
+    0.620273,
+    0.652311,
+    0.676996,
+    0.702731,
+    0.725315,
+    0.75,
+    0.77416,
+    0.794118,
+    0.811975,
+    0.831933,
+    0.846113,
+    0.856618,
+    0.871324,
+    0.877626,
+    0.883403,
+    0.893908,
+    0.89916,
+    0.906513,
+    0.913866,
+    0.921744,
+    0.924895,
+    0.927521,
+    0.933824,
+    0.939601,
+    0.942752,
+    0.948004,
+    0.951681,
+    0.954832,
+    0.956408,
+    0.957983,
+    0.96271,
+    0.966387,
+    0.967962,
+    0.970063,
+    0.973214,
+    0.975315,
+    0.977416,
+    0.978992,
+    0.980567,
+    0.984769,
+    0.987395,
-#Region 1 ( 10 < p < 20 ):
+# Region 1 ( 10 < p < 20 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR1_2 = [
-    0, 0.109433, 0.228936, 0.323766, 0.399127, 0.461732, 0.510574, 0.55287,
-    0.59332, 0.631923, 0.663478, 0.690668, 0.717355, 0.737999, 0.757637,
-    0.776771, 0.792212, 0.808996, 0.822424, 0.835851, 0.847096, 0.859013,
-    0.870594, 0.880665, 0.891071, 0.899295, 0.908191, 0.917086, 0.925814,
-    0.931856, 0.939241, 0.944948, 0.94948, 0.956865, 0.961229, 0.96811,
-    0.97197, 0.975327, 0.978684, 0.982209, 0.985062, 0.986573, 0.988755,
-    0.990433, 0.991944, 0.993118, 0.994965, 0.99614, 0.997482, 0.998322
+    0,
+    0.109433,
+    0.228936,
+    0.323766,
+    0.399127,
+    0.461732,
+    0.510574,
+    0.55287,
+    0.59332,
+    0.631923,
+    0.663478,
+    0.690668,
+    0.717355,
+    0.737999,
+    0.757637,
+    0.776771,
+    0.792212,
+    0.808996,
+    0.822424,
+    0.835851,
+    0.847096,
+    0.859013,
+    0.870594,
+    0.880665,
+    0.891071,
+    0.899295,
+    0.908191,
+    0.917086,
+    0.925814,
+    0.931856,
+    0.939241,
+    0.944948,
+    0.94948,
+    0.956865,
+    0.961229,
+    0.96811,
+    0.97197,
+    0.975327,
+    0.978684,
+    0.982209,
+    0.985062,
+    0.986573,
+    0.988755,
+    0.990433,
+    0.991944,
+    0.993118,
+    0.994965,
+    0.99614,
+    0.997482,
+    0.998322,
-#Region 1 ( 20 < p < 30 ):
+# Region 1 ( 20 < p < 30 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR1_3 = [
-    0, 0.0944471, 0.224727, 0.323564, 0.408519, 0.471879, 0.524086, 0.566564,
-    0.6056, 0.641077, 0.670978, 0.697081, 0.719744, 0.742406, 0.76317,
-    0.777527, 0.793308, 0.807784, 0.821666, 0.837565, 0.84943, 0.859872,
-    0.871144, 0.879924, 0.890009, 0.899383, 0.907807, 0.915638, 0.922046,
-    0.928097, 0.933555, 0.938894, 0.943522, 0.94898, 0.953844, 0.95954,
-    0.963099, 0.966659, 0.970337, 0.974015, 0.979829, 0.98327, 0.986711,
-    0.988965, 0.99205, 0.994067, 0.996084, 0.997508, 0.998695, 0.999169
+    0,
+    0.0944471,
+    0.224727,
+    0.323564,
+    0.408519,
+    0.471879,
+    0.524086,
+    0.566564,
+    0.6056,
+    0.641077,
+    0.670978,
+    0.697081,
+    0.719744,
+    0.742406,
+    0.76317,
+    0.777527,
+    0.793308,
+    0.807784,
+    0.821666,
+    0.837565,
+    0.84943,
+    0.859872,
+    0.871144,
+    0.879924,
+    0.890009,
+    0.899383,
+    0.907807,
+    0.915638,
+    0.922046,
+    0.928097,
+    0.933555,
+    0.938894,
+    0.943522,
+    0.94898,
+    0.953844,
+    0.95954,
+    0.963099,
+    0.966659,
+    0.970337,
+    0.974015,
+    0.979829,
+    0.98327,
+    0.986711,
+    0.988965,
+    0.99205,
+    0.994067,
+    0.996084,
+    0.997508,
+    0.998695,
+    0.999169,
-#Region 1 ( 30 < p < 40 ):
+# Region 1 ( 30 < p < 40 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR1_4 = [
-    0, 0.0644907, 0.181738, 0.291194, 0.379647, 0.447885, 0.510699, 0.562666,
-    0.602012, 0.639779, 0.674095, 0.701312, 0.728429, 0.750222, 0.770634,
-    0.787398, 0.805049, 0.819249, 0.833153, 0.845577, 0.855537, 0.865891,
-    0.875259, 0.88295, 0.891135, 0.899024, 0.906518, 0.914308, 0.921014,
-    0.928311, 0.932551, 0.938862, 0.943793, 0.94823, 0.953062, 0.957598,
-    0.962233, 0.966177, 0.969825, 0.973474, 0.977813, 0.981461, 0.984716,
-    0.987772, 0.990336, 0.9929, 0.995267, 0.99714, 0.999211, 0.999507
+    0,
+    0.0644907,
+    0.181738,
+    0.291194,
+    0.379647,
+    0.447885,
+    0.510699,
+    0.562666,
+    0.602012,
+    0.639779,
+    0.674095,
+    0.701312,
+    0.728429,
+    0.750222,
+    0.770634,
+    0.787398,
+    0.805049,
+    0.819249,
+    0.833153,
+    0.845577,
+    0.855537,
+    0.865891,
+    0.875259,
+    0.88295,
+    0.891135,
+    0.899024,
+    0.906518,
+    0.914308,
+    0.921014,
+    0.928311,
+    0.932551,
+    0.938862,
+    0.943793,
+    0.94823,
+    0.953062,
+    0.957598,
+    0.962233,
+    0.966177,
+    0.969825,
+    0.973474,
+    0.977813,
+    0.981461,
+    0.984716,
+    0.987772,
+    0.990336,
+    0.9929,
+    0.995267,
+    0.99714,
+    0.999211,
+    0.999507,
-#Region 1 ( 40 < p < 50 ):
+# Region 1 ( 40 < p < 50 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR1_5 = [
-    0, 0.0510469, 0.155457, 0.262646, 0.359274, 0.435334, 0.494905, 0.547341,
-    0.589124, 0.625903, 0.659904, 0.690569, 0.715397, 0.738095, 0.759774,
-    0.779044, 0.796924, 0.812118, 0.825644, 0.837688, 0.849639, 0.862053,
-    0.871873, 0.881138, 0.890587, 0.899389, 0.907634, 0.914767, 0.920141,
-    0.927923, 0.934593, 0.939411, 0.944877, 0.949231, 0.954141, 0.958959,
-    0.962757, 0.966278, 0.970539, 0.973689, 0.976839, 0.979711, 0.982676,
-    0.98527, 0.987864, 0.990365, 0.992959, 0.995738, 0.998147, 0.999074
+    0,
+    0.0510469,
+    0.155457,
+    0.262646,
+    0.359274,
+    0.435334,
+    0.494905,
+    0.547341,
+    0.589124,
+    0.625903,
+    0.659904,
+    0.690569,
+    0.715397,
+    0.738095,
+    0.759774,
+    0.779044,
+    0.796924,
+    0.812118,
+    0.825644,
+    0.837688,
+    0.849639,
+    0.862053,
+    0.871873,
+    0.881138,
+    0.890587,
+    0.899389,
+    0.907634,
+    0.914767,
+    0.920141,
+    0.927923,
+    0.934593,
+    0.939411,
+    0.944877,
+    0.949231,
+    0.954141,
+    0.958959,
+    0.962757,
+    0.966278,
+    0.970539,
+    0.973689,
+    0.976839,
+    0.979711,
+    0.982676,
+    0.98527,
+    0.987864,
+    0.990365,
+    0.992959,
+    0.995738,
+    0.998147,
+    0.999074,
-#Region 1 ( 50 < p < 60 ):
+# Region 1 ( 50 < p < 60 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR1_6 = [
-    0, 0.0294372, 0.124964, 0.21366, 0.312073, 0.39923, 0.465993, 0.522944,
-    0.574603, 0.615392, 0.64887, 0.67975, 0.705916, 0.731025, 0.752573,
-    0.772487, 0.791727, 0.807407, 0.822318, 0.83569, 0.846176, 0.859933,
-    0.870322, 0.881289, 0.889658, 0.899278, 0.907359, 0.91342, 0.921212,
-    0.927946, 0.932852, 0.938624, 0.943723, 0.947379, 0.951515, 0.956518,
-    0.961231, 0.965849, 0.969505, 0.972487, 0.976431, 0.979317, 0.982492,
-    0.984993, 0.988456, 0.990669, 0.993362, 0.995863, 0.997787, 0.999519
+    0,
+    0.0294372,
+    0.124964,
+    0.21366,
+    0.312073,
+    0.39923,
+    0.465993,
+    0.522944,
+    0.574603,
+    0.615392,
+    0.64887,
+    0.67975,
+    0.705916,
+    0.731025,
+    0.752573,
+    0.772487,
+    0.791727,
+    0.807407,
+    0.822318,
+    0.83569,
+    0.846176,
+    0.859933,
+    0.870322,
+    0.881289,
+    0.889658,
+    0.899278,
+    0.907359,
+    0.91342,
+    0.921212,
+    0.927946,
+    0.932852,
+    0.938624,
+    0.943723,
+    0.947379,
+    0.951515,
+    0.956518,
+    0.961231,
+    0.965849,
+    0.969505,
+    0.972487,
+    0.976431,
+    0.979317,
+    0.982492,
+    0.984993,
+    0.988456,
+    0.990669,
+    0.993362,
+    0.995863,
+    0.997787,
+    0.999519,
-#Region 1 ( 60 < p < 70 ):
+# Region 1 ( 60 < p < 70 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR1_7 = [
-    0, 0.0151013, 0.0675503, 0.143644, 0.227866, 0.307532, 0.381709, 0.452573,
-    0.518985, 0.575455, 0.624642, 0.664319, 0.696973, 0.726174, 0.75151,
-    0.773653, 0.793034, 0.809672, 0.825394, 0.839564, 0.852128, 0.862897,
-    0.874012, 0.883729, 0.89165, 0.899676, 0.906924, 0.913638, 0.920058,
-    0.925753, 0.931328, 0.936454, 0.941269, 0.945635, 0.949536, 0.953919,
-    0.957958, 0.961858, 0.964706, 0.968106, 0.971437, 0.974474, 0.977253,
-    0.979842, 0.982914, 0.985227, 0.987988, 0.991008, 0.993666, 0.996548
+    0,
+    0.0151013,
+    0.0675503,
+    0.143644,
+    0.227866,
+    0.307532,
+    0.381709,
+    0.452573,
+    0.518985,
+    0.575455,
+    0.624642,
+    0.664319,
+    0.696973,
+    0.726174,
+    0.75151,
+    0.773653,
+    0.793034,
+    0.809672,
+    0.825394,
+    0.839564,
+    0.852128,
+    0.862897,
+    0.874012,
+    0.883729,
+    0.89165,
+    0.899676,
+    0.906924,
+    0.913638,
+    0.920058,
+    0.925753,
+    0.931328,
+    0.936454,
+    0.941269,
+    0.945635,
+    0.949536,
+    0.953919,
+    0.957958,
+    0.961858,
+    0.964706,
+    0.968106,
+    0.971437,
+    0.974474,
+    0.977253,
+    0.979842,
+    0.982914,
+    0.985227,
+    0.987988,
+    0.991008,
+    0.993666,
+    0.996548,
-#Region 2 ( 3 < p < 10 ):
+# Region 2 ( 3 < p < 10 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR2_1 = [
-    0, 0.149861, 0.286478, 0.382551, 0.45783, 0.515102, 0.564126, 0.602463,
-    0.636501, 0.666938, 0.696561, 0.721538, 0.739428, 0.760572, 0.779507,
-    0.795539, 0.812965, 0.826673, 0.837825, 0.850372, 0.861408, 0.870586,
-    0.87895, 0.885572, 0.89138, 0.899164, 0.905669, 0.911826, 0.917751,
-    0.923211, 0.927277, 0.931924, 0.93448, 0.9375, 0.941101, 0.943541,
-    0.947607, 0.950511, 0.952951, 0.956668, 0.959224, 0.961431, 0.963522,
-    0.966078, 0.968518, 0.971073, 0.974675, 0.977463, 0.980367, 0.983852
+    0,
+    0.149861,
+    0.286478,
+    0.382551,
+    0.45783,
+    0.515102,
+    0.564126,
+    0.602463,
+    0.636501,
+    0.666938,
+    0.696561,
+    0.721538,
+    0.739428,
+    0.760572,
+    0.779507,
+    0.795539,
+    0.812965,
+    0.826673,
+    0.837825,
+    0.850372,
+    0.861408,
+    0.870586,
+    0.87895,
+    0.885572,
+    0.89138,
+    0.899164,
+    0.905669,
+    0.911826,
+    0.917751,
+    0.923211,
+    0.927277,
+    0.931924,
+    0.93448,
+    0.9375,
+    0.941101,
+    0.943541,
+    0.947607,
+    0.950511,
+    0.952951,
+    0.956668,
+    0.959224,
+    0.961431,
+    0.963522,
+    0.966078,
+    0.968518,
+    0.971073,
+    0.974675,
+    0.977463,
+    0.980367,
+    0.983852,
-#Region 2 ( 10 < p < 20 ):
+# Region 2 ( 10 < p < 20 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR2_2 = [
-    0, 0.088294, 0.219717, 0.323275, 0.40292, 0.471019, 0.523541, 0.568119,
-    0.609017, 0.644006, 0.673359, 0.700481, 0.724668, 0.745685, 0.766858,
-    0.784862, 0.800634, 0.815037, 0.827795, 0.840437, 0.852217, 0.863293,
-    0.874212, 0.883449, 0.891824, 0.899339, 0.90654, 0.913467, 0.919573,
-    0.924543, 0.930414, 0.934875, 0.93922, 0.944073, 0.948808, 0.953192,
-    0.957888, 0.961293, 0.964659, 0.968455, 0.971978, 0.974874, 0.978357,
-    0.98094, 0.983915, 0.98728, 0.990177, 0.993268, 0.99593, 0.997691
+    0,
+    0.088294,
+    0.219717,
+    0.323275,
+    0.40292,
+    0.471019,
+    0.523541,
+    0.568119,
+    0.609017,
+    0.644006,
+    0.673359,
+    0.700481,
+    0.724668,
+    0.745685,
+    0.766858,
+    0.784862,
+    0.800634,
+    0.815037,
+    0.827795,
+    0.840437,
+    0.852217,
+    0.863293,
+    0.874212,
+    0.883449,
+    0.891824,
+    0.899339,
+    0.90654,
+    0.913467,
+    0.919573,
+    0.924543,
+    0.930414,
+    0.934875,
+    0.93922,
+    0.944073,
+    0.948808,
+    0.953192,
+    0.957888,
+    0.961293,
+    0.964659,
+    0.968455,
+    0.971978,
+    0.974874,
+    0.978357,
+    0.98094,
+    0.983915,
+    0.98728,
+    0.990177,
+    0.993268,
+    0.99593,
+    0.997691,
-#Region 2 ( 20 < p < 30 ):
+# Region 2 ( 20 < p < 30 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR2_3 = [
-    0, 0.0413114, 0.138905, 0.240951, 0.335639, 0.414566, 0.477133, 0.533447,
-    0.578296, 0.616796, 0.651317, 0.681037, 0.707883, 0.730908, 0.752479,
-    0.77304, 0.791201, 0.807656, 0.822279, 0.836681, 0.849725, 0.860622,
-    0.871613, 0.881498, 0.890594, 0.89928, 0.906576, 0.913903, 0.921104,
-    0.926789, 0.932506, 0.938159, 0.943529, 0.947666, 0.952561, 0.957646,
-    0.962005, 0.966363, 0.97009, 0.973596, 0.976628, 0.979913, 0.98244,
-    0.984714, 0.98683, 0.989483, 0.991883, 0.994504, 0.996621, 0.998642
+    0,
+    0.0413114,
+    0.138905,
+    0.240951,
+    0.335639,
+    0.414566,
+    0.477133,
+    0.533447,
+    0.578296,
+    0.616796,
+    0.651317,
+    0.681037,
+    0.707883,
+    0.730908,
+    0.752479,
+    0.77304,
+    0.791201,
+    0.807656,
+    0.822279,
+    0.836681,
+    0.849725,
+    0.860622,
+    0.871613,
+    0.881498,
+    0.890594,
+    0.89928,
+    0.906576,
+    0.913903,
+    0.921104,
+    0.926789,
+    0.932506,
+    0.938159,
+    0.943529,
+    0.947666,
+    0.952561,
+    0.957646,
+    0.962005,
+    0.966363,
+    0.97009,
+    0.973596,
+    0.976628,
+    0.979913,
+    0.98244,
+    0.984714,
+    0.98683,
+    0.989483,
+    0.991883,
+    0.994504,
+    0.996621,
+    0.998642,
-#Region 2 ( 30 < p < 40 ):
+# Region 2 ( 30 < p < 40 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR2_4 = [
-    0, 0.0354249, 0.108906, 0.189695, 0.272872, 0.353833, 0.430189, 0.496953,
-    0.551562, 0.596025, 0.63564, 0.669645, 0.698733, 0.726193, 0.750398,
-    0.771452, 0.790498, 0.808609, 0.823326, 0.837212, 0.85044, 0.861971,
-    0.872394, 0.881744, 0.890505, 0.899508, 0.908546, 0.916165, 0.923056,
-    0.929531, 0.936041, 0.941651, 0.947088, 0.951035, 0.955399, 0.959312,
-    0.96364, 0.967969, 0.971743, 0.975241, 0.978634, 0.981612, 0.984902,
-    0.987118, 0.989681, 0.991689, 0.993802, 0.995533, 0.997368, 0.999134
+    0,
+    0.0354249,
+    0.108906,
+    0.189695,
+    0.272872,
+    0.353833,
+    0.430189,
+    0.496953,
+    0.551562,
+    0.596025,
+    0.63564,
+    0.669645,
+    0.698733,
+    0.726193,
+    0.750398,
+    0.771452,
+    0.790498,
+    0.808609,
+    0.823326,
+    0.837212,
+    0.85044,
+    0.861971,
+    0.872394,
+    0.881744,
+    0.890505,
+    0.899508,
+    0.908546,
+    0.916165,
+    0.923056,
+    0.929531,
+    0.936041,
+    0.941651,
+    0.947088,
+    0.951035,
+    0.955399,
+    0.959312,
+    0.96364,
+    0.967969,
+    0.971743,
+    0.975241,
+    0.978634,
+    0.981612,
+    0.984902,
+    0.987118,
+    0.989681,
+    0.991689,
+    0.993802,
+    0.995533,
+    0.997368,
+    0.999134,
-#Region 2 ( 40 < p < 50 ):
+# Region 2 ( 40 < p < 50 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR2_5 = [
-    0, 0.00862237, 0.0411871, 0.0955093, 0.158714, 0.229007, 0.301263,
-    0.368382, 0.433082, 0.491943, 0.546396, 0.59774, 0.642542, 0.68304,
-    0.716671, 0.74592, 0.771202, 0.792543, 0.811712, 0.827917, 0.842938,
-    0.856476, 0.868298, 0.879547, 0.889873, 0.899354, 0.90717, 0.914609,
-    0.921891, 0.928563, 0.934428, 0.940086, 0.945158, 0.94954, 0.953585,
-    0.957838, 0.9617, 0.965406, 0.9691, 0.972806, 0.975798, 0.978633, 0.981741,
-    0.98468, 0.987034, 0.989557, 0.992015, 0.994447, 0.996671, 0.998153
+    0,
+    0.00862237,
+    0.0411871,
+    0.0955093,
+    0.158714,
+    0.229007,
+    0.301263,
+    0.368382,
+    0.433082,
+    0.491943,
+    0.546396,
+    0.59774,
+    0.642542,
+    0.68304,
+    0.716671,
+    0.74592,
+    0.771202,
+    0.792543,
+    0.811712,
+    0.827917,
+    0.842938,
+    0.856476,
+    0.868298,
+    0.879547,
+    0.889873,
+    0.899354,
+    0.90717,
+    0.914609,
+    0.921891,
+    0.928563,
+    0.934428,
+    0.940086,
+    0.945158,
+    0.94954,
+    0.953585,
+    0.957838,
+    0.9617,
+    0.965406,
+    0.9691,
+    0.972806,
+    0.975798,
+    0.978633,
+    0.981741,
+    0.98468,
+    0.987034,
+    0.989557,
+    0.992015,
+    0.994447,
+    0.996671,
+    0.998153,
-#Region 3 ( 3 < p < 6 ):
+# Region 3 ( 3 < p < 6 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR3_1 = [
-    0, 0.189164, 0.326654, 0.419061, 0.489191, 0.548115, 0.59333, 0.626285,
-    0.656604, 0.685473, 0.710651, 0.733588, 0.755866, 0.775376, 0.79304,
-    0.808331, 0.822041, 0.835223, 0.847087, 0.856973, 0.867387, 0.875165,
-    0.88202, 0.887951, 0.893488, 0.899025, 0.90522, 0.909438, 0.91392,
-    0.916557, 0.919852, 0.923807, 0.926443, 0.929475, 0.932244, 0.934485,
-    0.937121, 0.93923, 0.940548, 0.942789, 0.945162, 0.946612, 0.948326,
-    0.949776, 0.951885, 0.952676, 0.954653, 0.957553, 0.960322, 0.964672
+    0,
+    0.189164,
+    0.326654,
+    0.419061,
+    0.489191,
+    0.548115,
+    0.59333,
+    0.626285,
+    0.656604,
+    0.685473,
+    0.710651,
+    0.733588,
+    0.755866,
+    0.775376,
+    0.79304,
+    0.808331,
+    0.822041,
+    0.835223,
+    0.847087,
+    0.856973,
+    0.867387,
+    0.875165,
+    0.88202,
+    0.887951,
+    0.893488,
+    0.899025,
+    0.90522,
+    0.909438,
+    0.91392,
+    0.916557,
+    0.919852,
+    0.923807,
+    0.926443,
+    0.929475,
+    0.932244,
+    0.934485,
+    0.937121,
+    0.93923,
+    0.940548,
+    0.942789,
+    0.945162,
+    0.946612,
+    0.948326,
+    0.949776,
+    0.951885,
+    0.952676,
+    0.954653,
+    0.957553,
+    0.960322,
+    0.964672,
-#Region 3 ( 6 < p < 10 ):
+# Region 3 ( 6 < p < 10 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR3_2 = [
-    0, 0.0832973, 0.208772, 0.311332, 0.395542, 0.462507, 0.516549, 0.564635,
-    0.604458, 0.63967, 0.672095, 0.699669, 0.723495, 0.74516, 0.766105,
-    0.783734, 0.80074, 0.816016, 0.830379, 0.842629, 0.854638, 0.864966,
-    0.874333, 0.883028, 0.892107, 0.899169, 0.907239, 0.91531, 0.921891,
-    0.927944, 0.933612, 0.938512, 0.943123, 0.948071, 0.95153, 0.955901,
-    0.960225, 0.964164, 0.968151, 0.971273, 0.975261, 0.978335, 0.98165,
-    0.984484, 0.987654, 0.990729, 0.992938, 0.995148, 0.997118, 0.998751
+    0,
+    0.0832973,
+    0.208772,
+    0.311332,
+    0.395542,
+    0.462507,
+    0.516549,
+    0.564635,
+    0.604458,
+    0.63967,
+    0.672095,
+    0.699669,
+    0.723495,
+    0.74516,
+    0.766105,
+    0.783734,
+    0.80074,
+    0.816016,
+    0.830379,
+    0.842629,
+    0.854638,
+    0.864966,
+    0.874333,
+    0.883028,
+    0.892107,
+    0.899169,
+    0.907239,
+    0.91531,
+    0.921891,
+    0.927944,
+    0.933612,
+    0.938512,
+    0.943123,
+    0.948071,
+    0.95153,
+    0.955901,
+    0.960225,
+    0.964164,
+    0.968151,
+    0.971273,
+    0.975261,
+    0.978335,
+    0.98165,
+    0.984484,
+    0.987654,
+    0.990729,
+    0.992938,
+    0.995148,
+    0.997118,
+    0.998751,
-#Region 3 ( 10 < p < 20 ):
+# Region 3 ( 10 < p < 20 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR3_3 = [
-    0, 0.0442162, 0.13949, 0.238359, 0.334882, 0.418058, 0.486836, 0.543333,
-    0.590627, 0.631003, 0.665102, 0.695499, 0.721432, 0.74389, 0.764795,
-    0.782697, 0.798345, 0.814694, 0.82827, 0.841236, 0.852816, 0.864045,
-    0.873202, 0.882085, 0.890587, 0.898677, 0.906128, 0.913503, 0.919658,
-    0.926286, 0.931619, 0.936555, 0.941675, 0.946444, 0.950817, 0.955479,
-    0.959623, 0.963509, 0.967089, 0.97038, 0.97358, 0.976795, 0.979233,
-    0.981838, 0.984581, 0.987003, 0.989182, 0.991757, 0.994363, 0.996678
+    0,
+    0.0442162,
+    0.13949,
+    0.238359,
+    0.334882,
+    0.418058,
+    0.486836,
+    0.543333,
+    0.590627,
+    0.631003,
+    0.665102,
+    0.695499,
+    0.721432,
+    0.74389,
+    0.764795,
+    0.782697,
+    0.798345,
+    0.814694,
+    0.82827,
+    0.841236,
+    0.852816,
+    0.864045,
+    0.873202,
+    0.882085,
+    0.890587,
+    0.898677,
+    0.906128,
+    0.913503,
+    0.919658,
+    0.926286,
+    0.931619,
+    0.936555,
+    0.941675,
+    0.946444,
+    0.950817,
+    0.955479,
+    0.959623,
+    0.963509,
+    0.967089,
+    0.97038,
+    0.97358,
+    0.976795,
+    0.979233,
+    0.981838,
+    0.984581,
+    0.987003,
+    0.989182,
+    0.991757,
+    0.994363,
+    0.996678,
-#Region 3 ( 20 < p < 30 ):
+# Region 3 ( 20 < p < 30 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR3_4 = [
-    0, 0.0171465, 0.0560427, 0.116804, 0.188635, 0.259293, 0.32514, 0.389169,
-    0.448779, 0.503763, 0.556054, 0.603328, 0.646252, 0.68066, 0.711708,
-    0.738728, 0.762779, 0.785404, 0.80446, 0.821768, 0.836774, 0.850399,
-    0.863012, 0.875348, 0.886557, 0.896729, 0.906258, 0.913807, 0.920481,
-    0.92688, 0.933117, 0.938365, 0.94421, 0.950517, 0.955396, 0.959562,
-    0.963543, 0.96741, 0.971507, 0.974614, 0.978434, 0.981703, 0.984442,
-    0.987457, 0.990057, 0.992681, 0.994384, 0.996295, 0.997883, 0.999033
+    0,
+    0.0171465,
+    0.0560427,
+    0.116804,
+    0.188635,
+    0.259293,
+    0.32514,
+    0.389169,
+    0.448779,
+    0.503763,
+    0.556054,
+    0.603328,
+    0.646252,
+    0.68066,
+    0.711708,
+    0.738728,
+    0.762779,
+    0.785404,
+    0.80446,
+    0.821768,
+    0.836774,
+    0.850399,
+    0.863012,
+    0.875348,
+    0.886557,
+    0.896729,
+    0.906258,
+    0.913807,
+    0.920481,
+    0.92688,
+    0.933117,
+    0.938365,
+    0.94421,
+    0.950517,
+    0.955396,
+    0.959562,
+    0.963543,
+    0.96741,
+    0.971507,
+    0.974614,
+    0.978434,
+    0.981703,
+    0.984442,
+    0.987457,
+    0.990057,
+    0.992681,
+    0.994384,
+    0.996295,
+    0.997883,
+    0.999033,
-#Region 3 ( 30 < p < 40 ):
+# Region 3 ( 30 < p < 40 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR3_5 = [
-    0, 0.00280597, 0.0139387, 0.0463349, 0.0947652, 0.146639, 0.19793,
-    0.253831, 0.315143, 0.374925, 0.427746, 0.477507, 0.525099, 0.571252,
-    0.613797, 0.655248, 0.694186, 0.729406, 0.759525, 0.78824, 0.814077,
-    0.835687, 0.854399, 0.871217, 0.885301, 0.89771, 0.908915, 0.918044,
-    0.926935, 0.933878, 0.941184, 0.947525, 0.952827, 0.957801, 0.963231,
-    0.967841, 0.971831, 0.975001, 0.978609, 0.981561, 0.984421, 0.987045,
-    0.989414, 0.991491, 0.993167, 0.994862, 0.996119, 0.997486, 0.998779,
-    0.999581
+    0,
+    0.00280597,
+    0.0139387,
+    0.0463349,
+    0.0947652,
+    0.146639,
+    0.19793,
+    0.253831,
+    0.315143,
+    0.374925,
+    0.427746,
+    0.477507,
+    0.525099,
+    0.571252,
+    0.613797,
+    0.655248,
+    0.694186,
+    0.729406,
+    0.759525,
+    0.78824,
+    0.814077,
+    0.835687,
+    0.854399,
+    0.871217,
+    0.885301,
+    0.89771,
+    0.908915,
+    0.918044,
+    0.926935,
+    0.933878,
+    0.941184,
+    0.947525,
+    0.952827,
+    0.957801,
+    0.963231,
+    0.967841,
+    0.971831,
+    0.975001,
+    0.978609,
+    0.981561,
+    0.984421,
+    0.987045,
+    0.989414,
+    0.991491,
+    0.993167,
+    0.994862,
+    0.996119,
+    0.997486,
+    0.998779,
+    0.999581,
-#Region 4 ( 3 < p < 6 ):
+# Region 4 ( 3 < p < 6 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR4_1 = [
-    0, 0.195304, 0.359145, 0.466469, 0.542796, 0.596924, 0.63969, 0.673717,
-    0.702325, 0.724291, 0.744625, 0.760473, 0.778535, 0.793218, 0.807085,
-    0.819262, 0.8301, 0.839888, 0.849968, 0.858766, 0.865641, 0.87374,
-    0.881314, 0.888481, 0.894074, 0.899085, 0.905028, 0.910389, 0.914292,
-    0.91942, 0.923848, 0.927985, 0.932529, 0.935909, 0.939405, 0.9429,
-    0.946571, 0.949892, 0.952805, 0.955602, 0.95869, 0.961429, 0.964342,
-    0.966498, 0.968828, 0.971625, 0.974363, 0.9785, 0.981239, 0.985201
+    0,
+    0.195304,
+    0.359145,
+    0.466469,
+    0.542796,
+    0.596924,
+    0.63969,
+    0.673717,
+    0.702325,
+    0.724291,
+    0.744625,
+    0.760473,
+    0.778535,
+    0.793218,
+    0.807085,
+    0.819262,
+    0.8301,
+    0.839888,
+    0.849968,
+    0.858766,
+    0.865641,
+    0.87374,
+    0.881314,
+    0.888481,
+    0.894074,
+    0.899085,
+    0.905028,
+    0.910389,
+    0.914292,
+    0.91942,
+    0.923848,
+    0.927985,
+    0.932529,
+    0.935909,
+    0.939405,
+    0.9429,
+    0.946571,
+    0.949892,
+    0.952805,
+    0.955602,
+    0.95869,
+    0.961429,
+    0.964342,
+    0.966498,
+    0.968828,
+    0.971625,
+    0.974363,
+    0.9785,
+    0.981239,
+    0.985201,
-#Region 4 ( 6 < p < 8 ):
+# Region 4 ( 6 < p < 8 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR4_2 = [
-    0, 0.0484059, 0.145218, 0.245048, 0.338576, 0.417117, 0.481146, 0.533895,
-    0.581559, 0.620909, 0.655704, 0.686421, 0.71306, 0.736257, 0.756911,
-    0.776772, 0.79446, 0.812096, 0.826925, 0.840589, 0.851605, 0.863097,
-    0.872895, 0.882798, 0.891431, 0.899428, 0.907743, 0.916164, 0.922678,
-    0.928821, 0.935759, 0.940314, 0.945133, 0.949899, 0.953924, 0.958055,
-    0.962451, 0.966688, 0.969813, 0.972461, 0.974738, 0.978339, 0.980934,
-    0.983688, 0.986707, 0.989514, 0.991844, 0.994333, 0.996611, 0.998782
+    0,
+    0.0484059,
+    0.145218,
+    0.245048,
+    0.338576,
+    0.417117,
+    0.481146,
+    0.533895,
+    0.581559,
+    0.620909,
+    0.655704,
+    0.686421,
+    0.71306,
+    0.736257,
+    0.756911,
+    0.776772,
+    0.79446,
+    0.812096,
+    0.826925,
+    0.840589,
+    0.851605,
+    0.863097,
+    0.872895,
+    0.882798,
+    0.891431,
+    0.899428,
+    0.907743,
+    0.916164,
+    0.922678,
+    0.928821,
+    0.935759,
+    0.940314,
+    0.945133,
+    0.949899,
+    0.953924,
+    0.958055,
+    0.962451,
+    0.966688,
+    0.969813,
+    0.972461,
+    0.974738,
+    0.978339,
+    0.980934,
+    0.983688,
+    0.986707,
+    0.989514,
+    0.991844,
+    0.994333,
+    0.996611,
+    0.998782,
-#Region 4 ( 8 < p < 10 ):
+# Region 4 ( 8 < p < 10 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR4_3 = [
-    0, 0.0361972, 0.110412, 0.194144, 0.281361, 0.362856, 0.436031, 0.498908,
-    0.551799, 0.596942, 0.63652, 0.671573, 0.701217, 0.727117, 0.751196,
-    0.772883, 0.792438, 0.809757, 0.825567, 0.838153, 0.851311, 0.862544,
-    0.874454, 0.882983, 0.892344, 0.900094, 0.906907, 0.913928, 0.920377,
-    0.92771, 0.934159, 0.939255, 0.94534, 0.950073, 0.953505, 0.957458,
-    0.960422, 0.964843, 0.968379, 0.971604, 0.97436, 0.977637, 0.980237,
-    0.983358, 0.985698, 0.98861, 0.990691, 0.993395, 0.996203, 0.998648
+    0,
+    0.0361972,
+    0.110412,
+    0.194144,
+    0.281361,
+    0.362856,
+    0.436031,
+    0.498908,
+    0.551799,
+    0.596942,
+    0.63652,
+    0.671573,
+    0.701217,
+    0.727117,
+    0.751196,
+    0.772883,
+    0.792438,
+    0.809757,
+    0.825567,
+    0.838153,
+    0.851311,
+    0.862544,
+    0.874454,
+    0.882983,
+    0.892344,
+    0.900094,
+    0.906907,
+    0.913928,
+    0.920377,
+    0.92771,
+    0.934159,
+    0.939255,
+    0.94534,
+    0.950073,
+    0.953505,
+    0.957458,
+    0.960422,
+    0.964843,
+    0.968379,
+    0.971604,
+    0.97436,
+    0.977637,
+    0.980237,
+    0.983358,
+    0.985698,
+    0.98861,
+    0.990691,
+    0.993395,
+    0.996203,
+    0.998648,
-#Region 4 ( 10 < p < 15 ):
+# Region 4 ( 10 < p < 15 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR4_4 = [
-    0, 0.0225046, 0.0672619, 0.138107, 0.215025, 0.286178, 0.352348, 0.416587,
-    0.477691, 0.534625, 0.584728, 0.625203, 0.661843, 0.695348, 0.724486,
-    0.750154, 0.774114, 0.794211, 0.811958, 0.827577, 0.842356, 0.855959,
-    0.868275, 0.879919, 0.891004, 0.900409, 0.908722, 0.917175, 0.924733,
-    0.931339, 0.937413, 0.942871, 0.947909, 0.952612, 0.957342, 0.961513,
-    0.965095, 0.968818, 0.972037, 0.97506, 0.978307, 0.981414, 0.984269,
-    0.986732, 0.988916, 0.990903, 0.993142, 0.995018, 0.996501, 0.998293
+    0,
+    0.0225046,
+    0.0672619,
+    0.138107,
+    0.215025,
+    0.286178,
+    0.352348,
+    0.416587,
+    0.477691,
+    0.534625,
+    0.584728,
+    0.625203,
+    0.661843,
+    0.695348,
+    0.724486,
+    0.750154,
+    0.774114,
+    0.794211,
+    0.811958,
+    0.827577,
+    0.842356,
+    0.855959,
+    0.868275,
+    0.879919,
+    0.891004,
+    0.900409,
+    0.908722,
+    0.917175,
+    0.924733,
+    0.931339,
+    0.937413,
+    0.942871,
+    0.947909,
+    0.952612,
+    0.957342,
+    0.961513,
+    0.965095,
+    0.968818,
+    0.972037,
+    0.97506,
+    0.978307,
+    0.981414,
+    0.984269,
+    0.986732,
+    0.988916,
+    0.990903,
+    0.993142,
+    0.995018,
+    0.996501,
+    0.998293,
-#Region 4 ( 15 < p < 20 ):
+# Region 4 ( 15 < p < 20 ):
 tanhCumulHistoMuonR4_5 = [
-    0, 0.00325542, 0.0188308, 0.0549134, 0.102322, 0.152576, 0.205345,
-    0.266301, 0.325094, 0.385836, 0.438878, 0.489776, 0.53925, 0.584378,
-    0.626796, 0.668103, 0.705082, 0.7375, 0.766136, 0.790815, 0.814441,
-    0.834227, 0.851771, 0.868107, 0.8822, 0.895164, 0.90569, 0.915456,
-    0.924599, 0.932455, 0.938868, 0.945457, 0.951325, 0.956412, 0.960993,
-    0.964931, 0.969356, 0.972787, 0.975594, 0.978421, 0.98154, 0.984093,
-    0.986588, 0.988674, 0.991013, 0.992904, 0.994698, 0.996472, 0.997895,
-    0.99922
+    0,
+    0.00325542,
+    0.0188308,
+    0.0549134,
+    0.102322,
+    0.152576,
+    0.205345,
+    0.266301,
+    0.325094,
+    0.385836,
+    0.438878,
+    0.489776,
+    0.53925,
+    0.584378,
+    0.626796,
+    0.668103,
+    0.705082,
+    0.7375,
+    0.766136,
+    0.790815,
+    0.814441,
+    0.834227,
+    0.851771,
+    0.868107,
+    0.8822,
+    0.895164,
+    0.90569,
+    0.915456,
+    0.924599,
+    0.932455,
+    0.938868,
+    0.945457,
+    0.951325,
+    0.956412,
+    0.960993,
+    0.964931,
+    0.969356,
+    0.972787,
+    0.975594,
+    0.978421,
+    0.98154,
+    0.984093,
+    0.986588,
+    0.988674,
+    0.991013,
+    0.992904,
+    0.994698,
+    0.996472,
+    0.997895,
+    0.99922,
-#print "Loading tanh parameters for non muons distributions"
+# print "Loading tanh parameters for non muons distributions"
 # Non muons:
 # From file DVNv22r3_tanh_jpsi-bbinc-closest-isMuonLoose-cumulative-AllMom-PerfDLL.log_options-file-AllMom
-#Region 1 ( 3 < p < 10 ):
+# Region 1 ( 3 < p < 10 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR1_1 = [
-    0, 0.065762, 0.141926, 0.208371, 0.26867, 0.321086, 0.368593, 0.410863,
-    0.448075, 0.483079, 0.513549, 0.542547, 0.567192, 0.590695, 0.611083,
-    0.630137, 0.647431, 0.663082, 0.677645, 0.69097, 0.704199, 0.715636,
-    0.726241, 0.735949, 0.74569, 0.754737, 0.763784, 0.772234, 0.780555,
-    0.787938, 0.795523, 0.801999, 0.809361, 0.815901, 0.822462, 0.829077,
-    0.835723, 0.841388, 0.847629, 0.853743, 0.859642, 0.865948, 0.872274,
-    0.878451, 0.884714, 0.891734, 0.899138, 0.907502, 0.916645, 0.929661
+    0,
+    0.065762,
+    0.141926,
+    0.208371,
+    0.26867,
+    0.321086,
+    0.368593,
+    0.410863,
+    0.448075,
+    0.483079,
+    0.513549,
+    0.542547,
+    0.567192,
+    0.590695,
+    0.611083,
+    0.630137,
+    0.647431,
+    0.663082,
+    0.677645,
+    0.69097,
+    0.704199,
+    0.715636,
+    0.726241,
+    0.735949,
+    0.74569,
+    0.754737,
+    0.763784,
+    0.772234,
+    0.780555,
+    0.787938,
+    0.795523,
+    0.801999,
+    0.809361,
+    0.815901,
+    0.822462,
+    0.829077,
+    0.835723,
+    0.841388,
+    0.847629,
+    0.853743,
+    0.859642,
+    0.865948,
+    0.872274,
+    0.878451,
+    0.884714,
+    0.891734,
+    0.899138,
+    0.907502,
+    0.916645,
+    0.929661,
-#Region 1 ( 10 < p < 20 ):
+# Region 1 ( 10 < p < 20 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR1_2 = [
-    0, 0.00628387, 0.0196304, 0.0372978, 0.0555413, 0.0740622, 0.0913669,
-    0.108362, 0.125208, 0.14136, 0.15746, 0.172748, 0.18794, 0.203132,
-    0.217812, 0.23213, 0.247098, 0.26132, 0.274986, 0.288354, 0.302191,
-    0.315645, 0.329226, 0.342615, 0.355738, 0.368337, 0.381172, 0.393857,
-    0.406339, 0.41879, 0.431144, 0.443893, 0.4566, 0.469615, 0.48277, 0.495711,
-    0.508332, 0.521764, 0.535804, 0.549204, 0.562924, 0.57737, 0.59253,
-    0.607871, 0.624066, 0.641424, 0.65986, 0.680931, 0.706877, 0.740089
+    0,
+    0.00628387,
+    0.0196304,
+    0.0372978,
+    0.0555413,
+    0.0740622,
+    0.0913669,
+    0.108362,
+    0.125208,
+    0.14136,
+    0.15746,
+    0.172748,
+    0.18794,
+    0.203132,
+    0.217812,
+    0.23213,
+    0.247098,
+    0.26132,
+    0.274986,
+    0.288354,
+    0.302191,
+    0.315645,
+    0.329226,
+    0.342615,
+    0.355738,
+    0.368337,
+    0.381172,
+    0.393857,
+    0.406339,
+    0.41879,
+    0.431144,
+    0.443893,
+    0.4566,
+    0.469615,
+    0.48277,
+    0.495711,
+    0.508332,
+    0.521764,
+    0.535804,
+    0.549204,
+    0.562924,
+    0.57737,
+    0.59253,
+    0.607871,
+    0.624066,
+    0.641424,
+    0.65986,
+    0.680931,
+    0.706877,
+    0.740089,
-#Region 1 ( 20 < p < 30 ):
+# Region 1 ( 20 < p < 30 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR1_3 = [
-    0, 0.00144028, 0.00452354, 0.00870567, 0.0144774, 0.020708, 0.0280587,
-    0.0355908, 0.0430056, 0.0509538, 0.0585179, 0.0664554, 0.0742436,
-    0.0817224, 0.0892118, 0.0970213, 0.10482, 0.112214, 0.11981, 0.12731,
-    0.135258, 0.143174, 0.150877, 0.158804, 0.166219, 0.174273, 0.182296,
-    0.190597, 0.19895, 0.207208, 0.215753, 0.224715, 0.233794, 0.243321,
-    0.252881, 0.262845, 0.273012, 0.283244, 0.294104, 0.305872, 0.318002,
-    0.331328, 0.345144, 0.360101, 0.376478, 0.394582, 0.41545, 0.440341,
-    0.473264, 0.522426
+    0,
+    0.00144028,
+    0.00452354,
+    0.00870567,
+    0.0144774,
+    0.020708,
+    0.0280587,
+    0.0355908,
+    0.0430056,
+    0.0509538,
+    0.0585179,
+    0.0664554,
+    0.0742436,
+    0.0817224,
+    0.0892118,
+    0.0970213,
+    0.10482,
+    0.112214,
+    0.11981,
+    0.12731,
+    0.135258,
+    0.143174,
+    0.150877,
+    0.158804,
+    0.166219,
+    0.174273,
+    0.182296,
+    0.190597,
+    0.19895,
+    0.207208,
+    0.215753,
+    0.224715,
+    0.233794,
+    0.243321,
+    0.252881,
+    0.262845,
+    0.273012,
+    0.283244,
+    0.294104,
+    0.305872,
+    0.318002,
+    0.331328,
+    0.345144,
+    0.360101,
+    0.376478,
+    0.394582,
+    0.41545,
+    0.440341,
+    0.473264,
+    0.522426,
-#Region 1 ( 30 < p < 40 ):
+# Region 1 ( 30 < p < 40 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR1_4 = [
-    0, 0.000448086, 0.0015683, 0.00314727, 0.00481159, 0.00713737, 0.00948449,
-    0.0125677, 0.0154696, 0.0187236, 0.022575, 0.0265118, 0.0305232, 0.0345773,
-    0.0382473, 0.0426749, 0.0472944, 0.0516152, 0.05568, 0.0603209, 0.0649725,
-    0.069688, 0.0743183, 0.0788631, 0.083536, 0.0882303, 0.0934686, 0.0986003,
-    0.103732, 0.108693, 0.114177, 0.11965, 0.125485, 0.131289, 0.137328,
-    0.143996, 0.150568, 0.157492, 0.164426, 0.172172, 0.180696, 0.189743,
-    0.199409, 0.209811, 0.222112, 0.235683, 0.25224, 0.272287, 0.298244,
-    0.341292
+    0,
+    0.000448086,
+    0.0015683,
+    0.00314727,
+    0.00481159,
+    0.00713737,
+    0.00948449,
+    0.0125677,
+    0.0154696,
+    0.0187236,
+    0.022575,
+    0.0265118,
+    0.0305232,
+    0.0345773,
+    0.0382473,
+    0.0426749,
+    0.0472944,
+    0.0516152,
+    0.05568,
+    0.0603209,
+    0.0649725,
+    0.069688,
+    0.0743183,
+    0.0788631,
+    0.083536,
+    0.0882303,
+    0.0934686,
+    0.0986003,
+    0.103732,
+    0.108693,
+    0.114177,
+    0.11965,
+    0.125485,
+    0.131289,
+    0.137328,
+    0.143996,
+    0.150568,
+    0.157492,
+    0.164426,
+    0.172172,
+    0.180696,
+    0.189743,
+    0.199409,
+    0.209811,
+    0.222112,
+    0.235683,
+    0.25224,
+    0.272287,
+    0.298244,
+    0.341292,
-#Region 1 ( 40 < p < 50 ):
+# Region 1 ( 40 < p < 50 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR1_5 = [
-    0, 0.000224043, 0.000650792, 0.00140827, 0.00233645, 0.00336065,
-    0.00441685, 0.00569709, 0.00720138, 0.00853497, 0.0104127, 0.0124184,
-    0.0143388, 0.0163551, 0.0184569, 0.0208467, 0.0235352, 0.0262557,
-    0.0287949, 0.0316541, 0.034524, 0.0372018, 0.0399757, 0.0431336, 0.0463982,
-    0.0497802, 0.0528635, 0.0561174, 0.0597875, 0.0635215, 0.0671702,
-    0.0710216, 0.074841, 0.0788631, 0.0830453, 0.0873768, 0.0920923, 0.097032,
-    0.102484, 0.10769, 0.113504, 0.119831, 0.126723, 0.134511, 0.143548,
-    0.153181, 0.164864, 0.179843, 0.20006, 0.232695
+    0,
+    0.000224043,
+    0.000650792,
+    0.00140827,
+    0.00233645,
+    0.00336065,
+    0.00441685,
+    0.00569709,
+    0.00720138,
+    0.00853497,
+    0.0104127,
+    0.0124184,
+    0.0143388,
+    0.0163551,
+    0.0184569,
+    0.0208467,
+    0.0235352,
+    0.0262557,
+    0.0287949,
+    0.0316541,
+    0.034524,
+    0.0372018,
+    0.0399757,
+    0.0431336,
+    0.0463982,
+    0.0497802,
+    0.0528635,
+    0.0561174,
+    0.0597875,
+    0.0635215,
+    0.0671702,
+    0.0710216,
+    0.074841,
+    0.0788631,
+    0.0830453,
+    0.0873768,
+    0.0920923,
+    0.097032,
+    0.102484,
+    0.10769,
+    0.113504,
+    0.119831,
+    0.126723,
+    0.134511,
+    0.143548,
+    0.153181,
+    0.164864,
+    0.179843,
+    0.20006,
+    0.232695,
-#Region 1 ( 50 < p < 60 ):
+# Region 1 ( 50 < p < 60 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR1_6 = [
-    0, 7.4681e-05, 0.000309393, 0.000725473, 0.00120556, 0.001739, 0.00240046,
-    0.00323262, 0.00384074, 0.00468357, 0.00560108, 0.00666795, 0.00764947,
-    0.00860965, 0.00991124, 0.0114262, 0.0128665, 0.0142321, 0.015587,
-    0.0172406, 0.0189156, 0.020708, 0.0227777, 0.0248901, 0.0268425, 0.0289229,
-    0.0313874, 0.0335638, 0.0359109, 0.0380553, 0.0404984, 0.0433577,
-    0.0462595, 0.0492895, 0.0523087, 0.0552319, 0.0588806, 0.062476, 0.0664234,
-    0.0704029, 0.0747023, 0.0792472, 0.0844109, 0.09014, 0.0968186, 0.104425,
-    0.113088, 0.124504, 0.139739, 0.165226
+    0,
+    7.4681e-05,
+    0.000309393,
+    0.000725473,
+    0.00120556,
+    0.001739,
+    0.00240046,
+    0.00323262,
+    0.00384074,
+    0.00468357,
+    0.00560108,
+    0.00666795,
+    0.00764947,
+    0.00860965,
+    0.00991124,
+    0.0114262,
+    0.0128665,
+    0.0142321,
+    0.015587,
+    0.0172406,
+    0.0189156,
+    0.020708,
+    0.0227777,
+    0.0248901,
+    0.0268425,
+    0.0289229,
+    0.0313874,
+    0.0335638,
+    0.0359109,
+    0.0380553,
+    0.0404984,
+    0.0433577,
+    0.0462595,
+    0.0492895,
+    0.0523087,
+    0.0552319,
+    0.0588806,
+    0.062476,
+    0.0664234,
+    0.0704029,
+    0.0747023,
+    0.0792472,
+    0.0844109,
+    0.09014,
+    0.0968186,
+    0.104425,
+    0.113088,
+    0.124504,
+    0.139739,
+    0.165226,
-#Region 1 ( 60 < p < 70 ):
+# Region 1 ( 60 < p < 70 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR1_7 = [
-    0, 3.20061e-05, 7.4681e-05, 0.000213374, 0.000298724, 0.000448086,
-    0.000629454, 0.000842828, 0.00109888, 0.00133359, 0.0015683, 0.0019097,
-    0.00226177, 0.00246447, 0.00280587, 0.0033073, 0.00356335, 0.00393676,
-    0.00440618, 0.00480092, 0.00533436, 0.00580378, 0.00637989, 0.00706269,
-    0.00751078, 0.00805488, 0.00867367, 0.00950583, 0.0103273, 0.0112022,
-    0.0119596, 0.0131865, 0.0140827, 0.0150642, 0.0161631, 0.0173473,
-    0.0186809, 0.0200892, 0.0221162, 0.0237806, 0.0259677, 0.0278987,
-    0.0304912, 0.0331797, 0.0363696, 0.0396983, 0.0445312, 0.0505484,
-    0.0586673, 0.0727926
-#Region 2 ( 3 < p < 10 ):
+    0,
+    3.20061e-05,
+    7.4681e-05,
+    0.000213374,
+    0.000298724,
+    0.000448086,
+    0.000629454,
+    0.000842828,
+    0.00109888,
+    0.00133359,
+    0.0015683,
+    0.0019097,
+    0.00226177,
+    0.00246447,
+    0.00280587,
+    0.0033073,
+    0.00356335,
+    0.00393676,
+    0.00440618,
+    0.00480092,
+    0.00533436,
+    0.00580378,
+    0.00637989,
+    0.00706269,
+    0.00751078,
+    0.00805488,
+    0.00867367,
+    0.00950583,
+    0.0103273,
+    0.0112022,
+    0.0119596,
+    0.0131865,
+    0.0140827,
+    0.0150642,
+    0.0161631,
+    0.0173473,
+    0.0186809,
+    0.0200892,
+    0.0221162,
+    0.0237806,
+    0.0259677,
+    0.0278987,
+    0.0304912,
+    0.0331797,
+    0.0363696,
+    0.0396983,
+    0.0445312,
+    0.0505484,
+    0.0586673,
+    0.0727926,
+# Region 2 ( 3 < p < 10 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR2_1 = [
-    0, 0.0268357, 0.0643925, 0.10224, 0.138991, 0.173594, 0.206537, 0.237671,
-    0.270208, 0.299442, 0.327381, 0.354673, 0.380065, 0.404254, 0.427687,
-    0.449735, 0.471227, 0.491573, 0.511107, 0.529811, 0.547328, 0.564123,
-    0.580619, 0.595589, 0.610052, 0.623843, 0.637178, 0.650322, 0.662413,
-    0.674362, 0.685531, 0.696161, 0.706691, 0.716773, 0.726598, 0.73609,
-    0.74565, 0.755043, 0.763806, 0.772759, 0.781671, 0.790459, 0.798989,
-    0.807719, 0.816822, 0.826323, 0.836363, 0.847707, 0.860494, 0.878708
+    0,
+    0.0268357,
+    0.0643925,
+    0.10224,
+    0.138991,
+    0.173594,
+    0.206537,
+    0.237671,
+    0.270208,
+    0.299442,
+    0.327381,
+    0.354673,
+    0.380065,
+    0.404254,
+    0.427687,
+    0.449735,
+    0.471227,
+    0.491573,
+    0.511107,
+    0.529811,
+    0.547328,
+    0.564123,
+    0.580619,
+    0.595589,
+    0.610052,
+    0.623843,
+    0.637178,
+    0.650322,
+    0.662413,
+    0.674362,
+    0.685531,
+    0.696161,
+    0.706691,
+    0.716773,
+    0.726598,
+    0.73609,
+    0.74565,
+    0.755043,
+    0.763806,
+    0.772759,
+    0.781671,
+    0.790459,
+    0.798989,
+    0.807719,
+    0.816822,
+    0.826323,
+    0.836363,
+    0.847707,
+    0.860494,
+    0.878708,
-#Region 2 ( 10 < p < 20 ):
+# Region 2 ( 10 < p < 20 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR2_2 = [
-    0, 0.00131938, 0.00427347, 0.00844736, 0.0135008, 0.0194754, 0.0258234,
-    0.0320718, 0.0383782, 0.0444275, 0.0510078, 0.0570653, 0.063712, 0.0703421,
-    0.0772212, 0.0837517, 0.0902407, 0.0972193, 0.104082, 0.111077, 0.117923,
-    0.124736, 0.132046, 0.139498, 0.146875, 0.154401, 0.161778, 0.169304,
-    0.176963, 0.185062, 0.192953, 0.201567, 0.209997, 0.218279, 0.227373,
-    0.236991, 0.247529, 0.258773, 0.27005, 0.281252, 0.293915, 0.306619,
-    0.320751, 0.336625, 0.353818, 0.373186, 0.395034, 0.421912, 0.456597,
-    0.510036
+    0,
+    0.00131938,
+    0.00427347,
+    0.00844736,
+    0.0135008,
+    0.0194754,
+    0.0258234,
+    0.0320718,
+    0.0383782,
+    0.0444275,
+    0.0510078,
+    0.0570653,
+    0.063712,
+    0.0703421,
+    0.0772212,
+    0.0837517,
+    0.0902407,
+    0.0972193,
+    0.104082,
+    0.111077,
+    0.117923,
+    0.124736,
+    0.132046,
+    0.139498,
+    0.146875,
+    0.154401,
+    0.161778,
+    0.169304,
+    0.176963,
+    0.185062,
+    0.192953,
+    0.201567,
+    0.209997,
+    0.218279,
+    0.227373,
+    0.236991,
+    0.247529,
+    0.258773,
+    0.27005,
+    0.281252,
+    0.293915,
+    0.306619,
+    0.320751,
+    0.336625,
+    0.353818,
+    0.373186,
+    0.395034,
+    0.421912,
+    0.456597,
+    0.510036,
-#Region 2 ( 20 < p < 30 ):
+# Region 2 ( 20 < p < 30 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR2_3 = [
-    0, 0.000182556, 0.00074682, 0.00153513, 0.00254749, 0.00364282, 0.0049788,
-    0.00640605, 0.00807395, 0.00983313, 0.0115923, 0.0136585, 0.0160151,
-    0.0181062, 0.0207118, 0.0231597, 0.025508, 0.028097, 0.0304454, 0.0332667,
-    0.0358059, 0.0384695, 0.0410502, 0.0436807, 0.046502, 0.049622, 0.0527919,
-    0.0555634, 0.0586585, 0.0619197, 0.0653965, 0.0690393, 0.0727734,
-    0.0767399, 0.0807893, 0.0847557, 0.0890873, 0.0937176, 0.0987711, 0.104347,
-    0.110222, 0.11623, 0.122835, 0.130727, 0.139581, 0.149704, 0.161496,
-    0.176084, 0.196563, 0.229448
+    0,
+    0.000182556,
+    0.00074682,
+    0.00153513,
+    0.00254749,
+    0.00364282,
+    0.0049788,
+    0.00640605,
+    0.00807395,
+    0.00983313,
+    0.0115923,
+    0.0136585,
+    0.0160151,
+    0.0181062,
+    0.0207118,
+    0.0231597,
+    0.025508,
+    0.028097,
+    0.0304454,
+    0.0332667,
+    0.0358059,
+    0.0384695,
+    0.0410502,
+    0.0436807,
+    0.046502,
+    0.049622,
+    0.0527919,
+    0.0555634,
+    0.0586585,
+    0.0619197,
+    0.0653965,
+    0.0690393,
+    0.0727734,
+    0.0767399,
+    0.0807893,
+    0.0847557,
+    0.0890873,
+    0.0937176,
+    0.0987711,
+    0.104347,
+    0.110222,
+    0.11623,
+    0.122835,
+    0.130727,
+    0.139581,
+    0.149704,
+    0.161496,
+    0.176084,
+    0.196563,
+    0.229448,
-#Region 2 ( 30 < p < 40 ):
+# Region 2 ( 30 < p < 40 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR2_4 = [
-    0, 6.6384e-05, 0.00024894, 0.000589158, 0.000962568, 0.00141066,
-    0.00185045, 0.00257238, 0.00313664, 0.00390006, 0.00462198, 0.00545178,
-    0.00633967, 0.00726075, 0.00833119, 0.00934355, 0.0104306, 0.011584,
-    0.0128038, 0.014314, 0.015733, 0.0170773, 0.0186041, 0.0203052, 0.0219648,
-    0.0236244, 0.0252757, 0.0271842, 0.028736, 0.0306113, 0.0327771, 0.0348433,
-    0.0368182, 0.0390006, 0.0412079, 0.043523, 0.0461369, 0.0489499, 0.0519704,
-    0.0548664, 0.0581441, 0.0618284, 0.0659608, 0.0707404, 0.0760843,
-    0.0822415, 0.0893943, 0.0987296, 0.111973, 0.134054
+    0,
+    6.6384e-05,
+    0.00024894,
+    0.000589158,
+    0.000962568,
+    0.00141066,
+    0.00185045,
+    0.00257238,
+    0.00313664,
+    0.00390006,
+    0.00462198,
+    0.00545178,
+    0.00633967,
+    0.00726075,
+    0.00833119,
+    0.00934355,
+    0.0104306,
+    0.011584,
+    0.0128038,
+    0.014314,
+    0.015733,
+    0.0170773,
+    0.0186041,
+    0.0203052,
+    0.0219648,
+    0.0236244,
+    0.0252757,
+    0.0271842,
+    0.028736,
+    0.0306113,
+    0.0327771,
+    0.0348433,
+    0.0368182,
+    0.0390006,
+    0.0412079,
+    0.043523,
+    0.0461369,
+    0.0489499,
+    0.0519704,
+    0.0548664,
+    0.0581441,
+    0.0618284,
+    0.0659608,
+    0.0707404,
+    0.0760843,
+    0.0822415,
+    0.0893943,
+    0.0987296,
+    0.111973,
+    0.134054,
-#Region 2 ( 40 < p < 50 ):
+# Region 2 ( 40 < p < 50 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR2_5 = [
-    0, 1.6596e-05, 6.6384e-05, 9.1278e-05, 0.000199152, 0.000340218,
-    0.000506178, 0.000647244, 0.00087129, 0.00102065, 0.0012364, 0.00147704,
-    0.00171769, 0.00190854, 0.00219067, 0.00259727, 0.00283792, 0.00316154,
-    0.00355154, 0.00394155, 0.00428177, 0.00471326, 0.00521114, 0.00559285,
-    0.00609073, 0.0066467, 0.00716947, 0.00775033, 0.00839757, 0.00906971,
-    0.00980823, 0.0104472, 0.0111857, 0.0120487, 0.0130196, 0.0141149,
-    0.0153513, 0.0164217, 0.0175835, 0.0190688, 0.0207533, 0.0223963,
-    0.0242467, 0.026454, 0.0287028, 0.0315905, 0.0350756, 0.0394238, 0.0454232,
-    0.0559534
-#Region 3 ( 3 < p < 6 ):
+    0,
+    1.6596e-05,
+    6.6384e-05,
+    9.1278e-05,
+    0.000199152,
+    0.000340218,
+    0.000506178,
+    0.000647244,
+    0.00087129,
+    0.00102065,
+    0.0012364,
+    0.00147704,
+    0.00171769,
+    0.00190854,
+    0.00219067,
+    0.00259727,
+    0.00283792,
+    0.00316154,
+    0.00355154,
+    0.00394155,
+    0.00428177,
+    0.00471326,
+    0.00521114,
+    0.00559285,
+    0.00609073,
+    0.0066467,
+    0.00716947,
+    0.00775033,
+    0.00839757,
+    0.00906971,
+    0.00980823,
+    0.0104472,
+    0.0111857,
+    0.0120487,
+    0.0130196,
+    0.0141149,
+    0.0153513,
+    0.0164217,
+    0.0175835,
+    0.0190688,
+    0.0207533,
+    0.0223963,
+    0.0242467,
+    0.026454,
+    0.0287028,
+    0.0315905,
+    0.0350756,
+    0.0394238,
+    0.0454232,
+    0.0559534,
+# Region 3 ( 3 < p < 6 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR3_1 = [
-    0, 0.0458268, 0.104545, 0.16541, 0.224144, 0.279795, 0.330441, 0.377383,
-    0.42194, 0.462723, 0.501081, 0.535046, 0.566974, 0.595167, 0.620873,
-    0.644782, 0.666003, 0.685573, 0.703718, 0.720003, 0.735243, 0.748693,
-    0.760577, 0.771881, 0.78217, 0.791591, 0.800779, 0.808775, 0.816112,
-    0.82324, 0.830011, 0.836317, 0.842275, 0.84838, 0.854013, 0.859173,
-    0.86434, 0.869268, 0.874187, 0.878999, 0.884197, 0.889202, 0.894114,
-    0.899158, 0.904449, 0.909563, 0.915668, 0.922238, 0.929706, 0.939453
+    0,
+    0.0458268,
+    0.104545,
+    0.16541,
+    0.224144,
+    0.279795,
+    0.330441,
+    0.377383,
+    0.42194,
+    0.462723,
+    0.501081,
+    0.535046,
+    0.566974,
+    0.595167,
+    0.620873,
+    0.644782,
+    0.666003,
+    0.685573,
+    0.703718,
+    0.720003,
+    0.735243,
+    0.748693,
+    0.760577,
+    0.771881,
+    0.78217,
+    0.791591,
+    0.800779,
+    0.808775,
+    0.816112,
+    0.82324,
+    0.830011,
+    0.836317,
+    0.842275,
+    0.84838,
+    0.854013,
+    0.859173,
+    0.86434,
+    0.869268,
+    0.874187,
+    0.878999,
+    0.884197,
+    0.889202,
+    0.894114,
+    0.899158,
+    0.904449,
+    0.909563,
+    0.915668,
+    0.922238,
+    0.929706,
+    0.939453,
-#Region 3 ( 6 < p < 10 ):
+# Region 3 ( 6 < p < 10 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR3_2 = [
-    0, 0.00229328, 0.00774755, 0.0153247, 0.02308, 0.0317572, 0.0405584,
-    0.0495843, 0.0584475, 0.0672255, 0.0758253, 0.0855872, 0.0948223, 0.104669,
-    0.114695, 0.124906, 0.135102, 0.145406, 0.155703, 0.165922, 0.176822,
-    0.187994, 0.198392, 0.209416, 0.220364, 0.231334, 0.242514, 0.254073,
-    0.265687, 0.278432, 0.290425, 0.302728, 0.315139, 0.327512, 0.340962,
-    0.354288, 0.367862, 0.38245, 0.397666, 0.413789, 0.430888, 0.448328,
-    0.467123, 0.487368, 0.508976, 0.532691, 0.559954, 0.590898, 0.628536,
-    0.681459
+    0,
+    0.00229328,
+    0.00774755,
+    0.0153247,
+    0.02308,
+    0.0317572,
+    0.0405584,
+    0.0495843,
+    0.0584475,
+    0.0672255,
+    0.0758253,
+    0.0855872,
+    0.0948223,
+    0.104669,
+    0.114695,
+    0.124906,
+    0.135102,
+    0.145406,
+    0.155703,
+    0.165922,
+    0.176822,
+    0.187994,
+    0.198392,
+    0.209416,
+    0.220364,
+    0.231334,
+    0.242514,
+    0.254073,
+    0.265687,
+    0.278432,
+    0.290425,
+    0.302728,
+    0.315139,
+    0.327512,
+    0.340962,
+    0.354288,
+    0.367862,
+    0.38245,
+    0.397666,
+    0.413789,
+    0.430888,
+    0.448328,
+    0.467123,
+    0.487368,
+    0.508976,
+    0.532691,
+    0.559954,
+    0.590898,
+    0.628536,
+    0.681459,
-#Region 3 ( 10 < p < 20 ):
+# Region 3 ( 10 < p < 20 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR3_3 = [
-    0, 0.000240174, 0.000945202, 0.00192914, 0.00330046, 0.00493519,
-    0.00672488, 0.00867726, 0.0110015, 0.0133103, 0.015681, 0.0181448,
-    0.0204845, 0.0231574, 0.0259233, 0.0286892, 0.0317185, 0.0343294,
-    0.0374904, 0.0406437, 0.043487, 0.0469889, 0.0503591, 0.0534581, 0.0569368,
-    0.0603689, 0.0637934, 0.0675354, 0.0711303, 0.0746554, 0.0791723,
-    0.0833714, 0.0879657, 0.0925368, 0.0972395, 0.10281, 0.108481, 0.114501,
-    0.121133, 0.127951, 0.135288, 0.143593, 0.152402, 0.162048, 0.173584,
-    0.186964, 0.202079, 0.22189, 0.248596, 0.2934
+    0,
+    0.000240174,
+    0.000945202,
+    0.00192914,
+    0.00330046,
+    0.00493519,
+    0.00672488,
+    0.00867726,
+    0.0110015,
+    0.0133103,
+    0.015681,
+    0.0181448,
+    0.0204845,
+    0.0231574,
+    0.0259233,
+    0.0286892,
+    0.0317185,
+    0.0343294,
+    0.0374904,
+    0.0406437,
+    0.043487,
+    0.0469889,
+    0.0503591,
+    0.0534581,
+    0.0569368,
+    0.0603689,
+    0.0637934,
+    0.0675354,
+    0.0711303,
+    0.0746554,
+    0.0791723,
+    0.0833714,
+    0.0879657,
+    0.0925368,
+    0.0972395,
+    0.10281,
+    0.108481,
+    0.114501,
+    0.121133,
+    0.127951,
+    0.135288,
+    0.143593,
+    0.152402,
+    0.162048,
+    0.173584,
+    0.186964,
+    0.202079,
+    0.22189,
+    0.248596,
+    0.2934,
-#Region 3 ( 20 < p < 30 ):
+# Region 3 ( 20 < p < 30 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR3_4 = [
-    0, 2.32427e-05, 0.000100718, 0.00031765, 0.000557824, 0.000898716,
-    0.00123186, 0.00163473, 0.00204535, 0.00257219, 0.00315325, 0.00387378,
-    0.00456331, 0.00520636, 0.00598886, 0.00669389, 0.00747639, 0.00837511,
-    0.00918085, 0.0101725, 0.0113967, 0.0123496, 0.0134033, 0.0146506,
-    0.015743, 0.0169129, 0.0181835, 0.0193379, 0.0206085, 0.0221812, 0.0235836,
-    0.0252028, 0.0267523, 0.0284955, 0.0304634, 0.0324003, 0.0341357, 0.036429,
-    0.0389315, 0.0414107, 0.0439441, 0.0472368, 0.0506303, 0.0542019,
-    0.0585947, 0.0634137, 0.0693716, 0.0767163, 0.0881439, 0.10759
+    0,
+    2.32427e-05,
+    0.000100718,
+    0.00031765,
+    0.000557824,
+    0.000898716,
+    0.00123186,
+    0.00163473,
+    0.00204535,
+    0.00257219,
+    0.00315325,
+    0.00387378,
+    0.00456331,
+    0.00520636,
+    0.00598886,
+    0.00669389,
+    0.00747639,
+    0.00837511,
+    0.00918085,
+    0.0101725,
+    0.0113967,
+    0.0123496,
+    0.0134033,
+    0.0146506,
+    0.015743,
+    0.0169129,
+    0.0181835,
+    0.0193379,
+    0.0206085,
+    0.0221812,
+    0.0235836,
+    0.0252028,
+    0.0267523,
+    0.0284955,
+    0.0304634,
+    0.0324003,
+    0.0341357,
+    0.036429,
+    0.0389315,
+    0.0414107,
+    0.0439441,
+    0.0472368,
+    0.0506303,
+    0.0542019,
+    0.0585947,
+    0.0634137,
+    0.0693716,
+    0.0767163,
+    0.0881439,
+    0.10759,
-#Region 3 ( 30 < p < 40 ):
+# Region 3 ( 30 < p < 40 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR3_5 = [
-    0, 1.54951e-05, 2.32427e-05, 6.19804e-05, 0.000116213, 0.000247922,
-    0.000333145, 0.000457106, 0.000635299, 0.000821241, 0.000983939,
-    0.00116988, 0.00136357, 0.00158825, 0.00187491, 0.00209184, 0.00235526,
-    0.00268065, 0.0030138, 0.00340892, 0.00380405, 0.00420692, 0.00465628,
-    0.00501267, 0.0055395, 0.00599661, 0.00649245, 0.00698829, 0.00749963,
-    0.00805746, 0.008716, 0.00932031, 0.0101183, 0.011017, 0.011877, 0.012644,
-    0.013566, 0.0147204, 0.0157585, 0.0169129, 0.0182068, 0.0195161, 0.0211198,
-    0.0229792, 0.0251098, 0.027589, 0.030905, 0.0345541, 0.0404965, 0.0504366
+    0,
+    1.54951e-05,
+    2.32427e-05,
+    6.19804e-05,
+    0.000116213,
+    0.000247922,
+    0.000333145,
+    0.000457106,
+    0.000635299,
+    0.000821241,
+    0.000983939,
+    0.00116988,
+    0.00136357,
+    0.00158825,
+    0.00187491,
+    0.00209184,
+    0.00235526,
+    0.00268065,
+    0.0030138,
+    0.00340892,
+    0.00380405,
+    0.00420692,
+    0.00465628,
+    0.00501267,
+    0.0055395,
+    0.00599661,
+    0.00649245,
+    0.00698829,
+    0.00749963,
+    0.00805746,
+    0.008716,
+    0.00932031,
+    0.0101183,
+    0.011017,
+    0.011877,
+    0.012644,
+    0.013566,
+    0.0147204,
+    0.0157585,
+    0.0169129,
+    0.0182068,
+    0.0195161,
+    0.0211198,
+    0.0229792,
+    0.0251098,
+    0.027589,
+    0.030905,
+    0.0345541,
+    0.0404965,
+    0.0504366,
-#Region 4 ( 3 < p < 6 ):
+# Region 4 ( 3 < p < 6 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR4_1 = [
-    0, 0.0131964, 0.0365754, 0.0632445, 0.0920629, 0.11932, 0.146818, 0.173943,
-    0.202281, 0.229923, 0.256868, 0.282853, 0.309918, 0.336551, 0.36208,
-    0.386263, 0.409594, 0.433946, 0.456976, 0.479359, 0.501645, 0.522791,
-    0.543816, 0.564793, 0.584438, 0.603314, 0.622418, 0.640874, 0.659498,
-    0.676501, 0.692831, 0.709006, 0.724988, 0.740706, 0.754995, 0.769368,
-    0.782637, 0.795917, 0.808405, 0.819933, 0.831472, 0.842387, 0.852738,
-    0.863305, 0.873079, 0.883369, 0.89378, 0.904227, 0.916246, 0.930439
+    0,
+    0.0131964,
+    0.0365754,
+    0.0632445,
+    0.0920629,
+    0.11932,
+    0.146818,
+    0.173943,
+    0.202281,
+    0.229923,
+    0.256868,
+    0.282853,
+    0.309918,
+    0.336551,
+    0.36208,
+    0.386263,
+    0.409594,
+    0.433946,
+    0.456976,
+    0.479359,
+    0.501645,
+    0.522791,
+    0.543816,
+    0.564793,
+    0.584438,
+    0.603314,
+    0.622418,
+    0.640874,
+    0.659498,
+    0.676501,
+    0.692831,
+    0.709006,
+    0.724988,
+    0.740706,
+    0.754995,
+    0.769368,
+    0.782637,
+    0.795917,
+    0.808405,
+    0.819933,
+    0.831472,
+    0.842387,
+    0.852738,
+    0.863305,
+    0.873079,
+    0.883369,
+    0.89378,
+    0.904227,
+    0.916246,
+    0.930439,
-#Region 4 ( 6 < p < 8 ):
+# Region 4 ( 6 < p < 8 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR4_2 = [
-    0, 0.000912584, 0.00318204, 0.00606388, 0.00959414, 0.0134726, 0.0180596,
-    0.0229827, 0.0274976, 0.0325768, 0.0378842, 0.043708, 0.0494356, 0.0548991,
-    0.0606148, 0.0667988, 0.0731988, 0.079623, 0.0863713, 0.0929275, 0.0990874,
-    0.105992, 0.112752, 0.119657, 0.126837, 0.13409, 0.141535, 0.149159,
-    0.15682, 0.164661, 0.172983, 0.181736, 0.19073, 0.200817, 0.210855,
-    0.221302, 0.232145, 0.243624, 0.255488, 0.267783, 0.281316, 0.29647,
-    0.312716, 0.33122, 0.351141, 0.373571, 0.399171, 0.432457, 0.475192,
-    0.54109
+    0,
+    0.000912584,
+    0.00318204,
+    0.00606388,
+    0.00959414,
+    0.0134726,
+    0.0180596,
+    0.0229827,
+    0.0274976,
+    0.0325768,
+    0.0378842,
+    0.043708,
+    0.0494356,
+    0.0548991,
+    0.0606148,
+    0.0667988,
+    0.0731988,
+    0.079623,
+    0.0863713,
+    0.0929275,
+    0.0990874,
+    0.105992,
+    0.112752,
+    0.119657,
+    0.126837,
+    0.13409,
+    0.141535,
+    0.149159,
+    0.15682,
+    0.164661,
+    0.172983,
+    0.181736,
+    0.19073,
+    0.200817,
+    0.210855,
+    0.221302,
+    0.232145,
+    0.243624,
+    0.255488,
+    0.267783,
+    0.281316,
+    0.29647,
+    0.312716,
+    0.33122,
+    0.351141,
+    0.373571,
+    0.399171,
+    0.432457,
+    0.475192,
+    0.54109,
-#Region 4 ( 8 < p < 10 ):
+# Region 4 ( 8 < p < 10 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR4_3 = [
-    0, 0.000348223, 0.00122478, 0.00256964, 0.00397454, 0.00588377, 0.007805,
-    0.0101465, 0.0124159, 0.0147574, 0.0177594, 0.0205572, 0.0237032,
-    0.0263329, 0.029683, 0.0325768, 0.035987, 0.0395293, 0.0429875, 0.046854,
-    0.0506004, 0.0540946, 0.0579131, 0.0618636, 0.0662944, 0.0705692,
-    0.0752642, 0.0799472, 0.0849544, 0.0899976, 0.0949568, 0.0997598, 0.105427,
-    0.111071, 0.116727, 0.123463, 0.129935, 0.13702, 0.144068, 0.151801,
-    0.160507, 0.169488, 0.180043, 0.191595, 0.205488, 0.221134, 0.239673,
-    0.2625, 0.294296, 0.348007
+    0,
+    0.000348223,
+    0.00122478,
+    0.00256964,
+    0.00397454,
+    0.00588377,
+    0.007805,
+    0.0101465,
+    0.0124159,
+    0.0147574,
+    0.0177594,
+    0.0205572,
+    0.0237032,
+    0.0263329,
+    0.029683,
+    0.0325768,
+    0.035987,
+    0.0395293,
+    0.0429875,
+    0.046854,
+    0.0506004,
+    0.0540946,
+    0.0579131,
+    0.0618636,
+    0.0662944,
+    0.0705692,
+    0.0752642,
+    0.0799472,
+    0.0849544,
+    0.0899976,
+    0.0949568,
+    0.0997598,
+    0.105427,
+    0.111071,
+    0.116727,
+    0.123463,
+    0.129935,
+    0.13702,
+    0.144068,
+    0.151801,
+    0.160507,
+    0.169488,
+    0.180043,
+    0.191595,
+    0.205488,
+    0.221134,
+    0.239673,
+    0.2625,
+    0.294296,
+    0.348007,
-#Region 4 ( 10 < p < 15 ):
+# Region 4 ( 10 < p < 15 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR4_4 = [
-    0, 9.60615e-05, 0.000432277, 0.000876561, 0.00153698, 0.00235351,
-    0.00317003, 0.0039025, 0.00492315, 0.00606388, 0.00720461, 0.00840538,
-    0.00977426, 0.0111431, 0.012476, 0.0139169, 0.0153218, 0.017219, 0.0190082,
-    0.0207733, 0.0227426, 0.0246638, 0.0262968, 0.0284582, 0.0305716,
-    0.0325768, 0.0350384, 0.0372358, 0.0400216, 0.0425432, 0.045377, 0.0481028,
-    0.0510807, 0.0539625, 0.0570245, 0.0604947, 0.0643252, 0.0682757,
-    0.0727786, 0.0775216, 0.0825288, 0.0883766, 0.0943084, 0.100456, 0.10873,
-    0.116943, 0.12817, 0.141739, 0.160831, 0.193828
+    0,
+    9.60615e-05,
+    0.000432277,
+    0.000876561,
+    0.00153698,
+    0.00235351,
+    0.00317003,
+    0.0039025,
+    0.00492315,
+    0.00606388,
+    0.00720461,
+    0.00840538,
+    0.00977426,
+    0.0111431,
+    0.012476,
+    0.0139169,
+    0.0153218,
+    0.017219,
+    0.0190082,
+    0.0207733,
+    0.0227426,
+    0.0246638,
+    0.0262968,
+    0.0284582,
+    0.0305716,
+    0.0325768,
+    0.0350384,
+    0.0372358,
+    0.0400216,
+    0.0425432,
+    0.045377,
+    0.0481028,
+    0.0510807,
+    0.0539625,
+    0.0570245,
+    0.0604947,
+    0.0643252,
+    0.0682757,
+    0.0727786,
+    0.0775216,
+    0.0825288,
+    0.0883766,
+    0.0943084,
+    0.100456,
+    0.10873,
+    0.116943,
+    0.12817,
+    0.141739,
+    0.160831,
+    0.193828,
-#Region 4 ( 15 < p < 20 ):
+# Region 4 ( 15 < p < 20 ):
 tanhCumulHistoNonMuonR4_5 = [
-    0, 1.20077e-05, 6.00384e-05, 0.000216138, 0.000396254, 0.000576369,
-    0.000792507, 0.00105668, 0.00135687, 0.0018732, 0.00216138, 0.00250961,
-    0.00291787, 0.00333814, 0.00371037, 0.00414265, 0.00459894, 0.00522334,
-    0.00583573, 0.00647214, 0.00698847, 0.00756484, 0.00826129, 0.00901777,
-    0.00982229, 0.0106508, 0.0114553, 0.0121518, 0.0131004, 0.014025,
-    0.0149135, 0.0160423, 0.0174472, 0.018684, 0.0198967, 0.0214217, 0.0230548,
-    0.0245797, 0.0260207, 0.0277498, 0.0300552, 0.0321926, 0.0347502,
-    0.0375841, 0.0411383, 0.045329, 0.0502041, 0.0560279, 0.0652378, 0.0816763
+    0,
+    1.20077e-05,
+    6.00384e-05,
+    0.000216138,
+    0.000396254,
+    0.000576369,
+    0.000792507,
+    0.00105668,
+    0.00135687,
+    0.0018732,
+    0.00216138,
+    0.00250961,
+    0.00291787,
+    0.00333814,
+    0.00371037,
+    0.00414265,
+    0.00459894,
+    0.00522334,
+    0.00583573,
+    0.00647214,
+    0.00698847,
+    0.00756484,
+    0.00826129,
+    0.00901777,
+    0.00982229,
+    0.0106508,
+    0.0114553,
+    0.0121518,
+    0.0131004,
+    0.014025,
+    0.0149135,
+    0.0160423,
+    0.0174472,
+    0.018684,
+    0.0198967,
+    0.0214217,
+    0.0230548,
+    0.0245797,
+    0.0260207,
+    0.0277498,
+    0.0300552,
+    0.0321926,
+    0.0347502,
+    0.0375841,
+    0.0411383,
+    0.045329,
+    0.0502041,
+    0.0560279,
+    0.0652378,
+    0.0816763,
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/src/component/MVATool.cpp b/Muon/MuonID/src/component/MVATool.cpp
index 1cc23ce39a73c3156bf4b09d1b0bb80eadac91cf..cfb3e4e389a01b107cc3f316439dbdafbe5ed145 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/src/component/MVATool.cpp
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/src/component/MVATool.cpp
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ namespace {
   constexpr size_t chi2_index               = n_features_per_station * used_stations + 2;
   // Values to use if there is no matched hit in a station
   constexpr float                                     defaultRes       = -10000.;
-  constexpr std::array<float, n_features_per_station> default_features = {-10000., -10000., 0., defaultRes, defaultRes};
+  constexpr std::array<float, n_features_per_station> default_features = { -10000., -10000., 0., defaultRes,
+                                                                           defaultRes };
 } // namespace
 /** @class MVATool MVATool.h
@@ -99,10 +100,10 @@ private:
   //    run standalone_evaluator
   // 4. If RunCatBoostBatch is false and UseCatboostStandaloneEvaluator is false,
   //    run model_interface
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_runCatBoostBatch{this, "RunCatBoostBatch", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_useStandAloneCatboost{this, "UseCatboostStandaloneEvaluator", true};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_runCatBoostBatch{ this, "RunCatBoostBatch", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_useStandAloneCatboost{ this, "UseCatboostStandaloneEvaluator", true };
   Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_CatBoostModelPath{
-      this, "CatBoostModelPath", System::getEnv( "TMVAWEIGHTSROOT" ) + "/data/MuID/MuID-Run2-MC-570-v1.cb"};
+      this, "CatBoostModelPath", System::getEnv( "TMVAWEIGHTSROOT" ) + "/data/MuID/MuID-Run2-MC-570-v1.cb" };
   ModelCalcerWrapper m_CatBoostModel;
   // Catboost without the C++ wrapper to call predict on float**
   using CalcerHolderType = std::unique_ptr<ModelCalcerHandle, std::function<void( ModelCalcerHandle* )>>;
@@ -240,11 +241,10 @@ MVATool::MVAResponses MVATool::calcBDT( const float trackP, const MuonTrackExtra
   MVAResponses predictions;
 #ifdef __x86_64__
   predictions.CatBoost =
-      ( m_runCatBoostBatch
-            ? calcBDTBatch( inputVector ).front()
-            : m_useStandAloneCatboost
-                  ? m_StandAloneCatBoostModel->Apply( inputVector, NCatboostStandalone::EPredictionType::RawValue )
-                  : m_CatBoostModel.CalcFlat( inputVector ) );
+      ( m_runCatBoostBatch ? calcBDTBatch( inputVector ).front()
+        : m_useStandAloneCatboost
+            ? m_StandAloneCatBoostModel->Apply( inputVector, NCatboostStandalone::EPredictionType::RawValue )
+            : m_CatBoostModel.CalcFlat( inputVector ) );
   predictions.CatBoost =
       m_StandAloneCatBoostModel->Apply( inputVector, NCatboostStandalone::EPredictionType::RawValue );
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/src/component/MuonChi2MatchTool.cpp b/Muon/MuonID/src/component/MuonChi2MatchTool.cpp
index 8445b53623c9fc0008fdd1d27708eeeaa6275bf3..a1cc3257aaa001b95d26439fadcebe4b80bc451a 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/src/component/MuonChi2MatchTool.cpp
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/src/component/MuonChi2MatchTool.cpp
@@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ StatusCode MuonChi2MatchTool::initialize() {
   // Define radiation lenghts z/X0 wrt z position
   // TODO: remove hardcoding of these numbers
   //                           z pos   z/X0
-  constexpr auto mcs = std::array{std::pair<float, float>{12800. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 28.},   // ECAL + SPD + PS
-                                  std::pair<float, float>{14300. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 53.},   // HCAL
-                                  std::pair<float, float>{15800. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 47.5},  // M23 filter
-                                  std::pair<float, float>{17100. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 47.5},  // M34 filter
-                                  std::pair<float, float>{18300. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 47.5}}; // M45 filter
+  constexpr auto mcs = std::array{ std::pair<float, float>{ 12800. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 28. },    // ECAL + SPD + PS
+                                   std::pair<float, float>{ 14300. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 53. },    // HCAL
+                                   std::pair<float, float>{ 15800. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 47.5 },   // M23 filter
+                                   std::pair<float, float>{ 17100. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 47.5 },   // M34 filter
+                                   std::pair<float, float>{ 18300. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 47.5 } }; // M45 filter
   for ( unsigned i = m_myFirstStation; i < m_nStations; ++i ) {
     for ( unsigned j = m_myFirstStation; j <= i; ++j ) {
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ std::array<std::array<float, 4>, 4> MuonChi2MatchTool::invert( MuonChi2MatchTool
                   cov( 0, 1 ) * cov( 1, 2 ) * cov( 2, 0 ) - cov( 0, 2 ) * cov( 1, 1 ) * cov( 2, 0 ) -
                   cov( 0, 1 ) * cov( 1, 0 ) * cov( 2, 2 ) - cov( 1, 2 ) * cov( 2, 1 ) * cov( 0, 0 );
     deter        = std::abs( cov( 0, 0 ) * minor[0][0] - cov( 0, 1 ) * minor[0][1] + cov( 0, 2 ) * minor[0][2] -
-                      cov( 0, 3 ) * minor[0][3] );
+                             cov( 0, 3 ) * minor[0][3] );
     invCov[0][0] = minor[0][0] / deter;
     invCov[0][1] = -minor[0][1] / deter;
     invCov[0][2] = minor[0][2] / deter;
@@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ MuonChi2MatchTool::buildCandidates( std::vector<std::pair<float, float>>
   std::vector<MuonCandidate> cands;
   cands.reserve( m_maxcomb );
-  std::array<unsigned, 5> max    = {0};
-  std::array<unsigned, 5> sta    = {0};
+  std::array<unsigned, 5> max    = { 0 };
+  std::array<unsigned, 5> sta    = { 0 };
   unsigned                dimmax = 0;
   for ( unsigned i = 0; i < ord; ++i ) {
     const auto station = matchedStationIndex[i];
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/src/component/MuonChi2MatchTool.h b/Muon/MuonID/src/component/MuonChi2MatchTool.h
index 2560de17051bab47c9c65c980440048cb89264c8..ed41259834fa3828c86eb737b3575a8cfb092ea3 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/src/component/MuonChi2MatchTool.h
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/src/component/MuonChi2MatchTool.h
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ private:
   typedef std::array<std::array<float, 4>, 5> SigmaPadCache;
   typedef std::array<float, 5>                StationCache;
-  ConditionAccessor<DeMuonDetector> m_mudet{this, "DeMuonLocation", LHCb::Detector::Muon::Location::Default};
+  ConditionAccessor<DeMuonDetector> m_mudet{ this, "DeMuonLocation", LHCb::Detector::Muon::Location::Default };
   int                               m_myFirstStation = -1; // recognisably a very invalid value...
   unsigned                          m_nStations      = -1; // recognisably a very invalid value...
@@ -61,14 +61,14 @@ private:
   unsigned      m_maxcomb;
   // options
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_OnlyCrossedHits{this, "OnlyCrossedHits", false, "use only crossed hits"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_OnlyCrossedHits{ this, "OnlyCrossedHits", false, "use only crossed hits" };
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_maxnhitinFOI{this, "MaxHitsPerStation", 5,
-                                      "consider only the closest MaxHitsPerStation muon hits per station"};
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_maxnhitinFOI{ this, "MaxHitsPerStation", 5,
+                                       "consider only the closest MaxHitsPerStation muon hits per station" };
   Gaudi::Property<float> m_InputMaxSigmaMatch{
       this, "InputMaxSigmaMatch", 8.,
-      "at input, only considers muon hits within this number of sigmas in x and y from track extrapolation"};
+      "at input, only considers muon hits within this number of sigmas in x and y from track extrapolation" };
   class StationRegion {
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ private:
           operator()( i, j ) = scattercache[index( cand.sta( i ), cand.sta( j ) )] * invp2;
         const auto sigma = sigmapad[cand.sta( i )][cand.reg( i )];
-                   operator()( i, i ) += sigma * sigma;
+        operator()( i, i ) += sigma * sigma;
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/src/component/MuonIDHltAlg.cpp b/Muon/MuonID/src/component/MuonIDHltAlg.cpp
index 8d3f93c663a2edbb36bd5f25deb036147d11b181..5011e5ec81a4363913915ff00c9e7d6b89eadb64 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/src/component/MuonIDHltAlg.cpp
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/src/component/MuonIDHltAlg.cpp
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ namespace {
     MuonTrackExtrapolation           m_regionInner, m_regionOuter;
     SigmaPadCache                    m_sigmapadX, m_sigmapadY;
     ScatterCache                     m_scattercache;
-    std::array<float, nMuonStations> m_stationZ{{}};
+    std::array<float, nMuonStations> m_stationZ{ {} };
     template <typename PARENT>
@@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ namespace {
       // fill the mcs
       constexpr auto mcs =
-          std::array{std::pair<float, float>{12800. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 25.},   // ECAL + SPD + PS was 28?
-                     std::pair<float, float>{14300. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 53.},   // HCAL
-                     std::pair<float, float>{15800. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 47.5},  // M23 filter
-                     std::pair<float, float>{17100. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 47.5},  // M34 filter
-                     std::pair<float, float>{18300. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 47.5}}; // M45 filter
+          std::array{ std::pair<float, float>{ 12800. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 25. },    // ECAL + SPD + PS was 28?
+                      std::pair<float, float>{ 14300. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 53. },    // HCAL
+                      std::pair<float, float>{ 15800. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 47.5 },   // M23 filter
+                      std::pair<float, float>{ 17100. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 47.5 },   // M34 filter
+                      std::pair<float, float>{ 18300. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 47.5 } }; // M45 filter
       for ( int i = 0; i < det.stations(); ++i ) {
         assert( std::size_t( i ) < m_stationZ.size() );
@@ -187,36 +187,36 @@ private: // definitions
   // tools
-  ToolHandle<IMVATool> m_MVATool{this, "MVATool", "MVATool"};
+  ToolHandle<IMVATool> m_MVATool{ this, "MVATool", "MVATool" };
   // properties
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>  m_momCutCount{this, "nMomentumCut"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>  m_acceptanceCount{this, "nInAcceptance"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>  m_isMuonCount{this, "nIsMuon"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>  m_isTightCount{this, "nIsMuonTight"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>      m_MuLLCount{this, "MuLL"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>      m_BgLLCount{this, "BgLL"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_muonMVAStat{this, "muonMVAStat"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>  m_momCutCount{ this, "nMomentumCut" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>  m_acceptanceCount{ this, "nInAcceptance" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>  m_isMuonCount{ this, "nIsMuon" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>  m_isTightCount{ this, "nIsMuonTight" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>      m_MuLLCount{ this, "MuLL" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>      m_BgLLCount{ this, "BgLL" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<float> m_muonMVAStat{ this, "muonMVAStat" };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_useTTrack{this, "useTTrack", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_ComputeChi2{this, "ComputeChi2", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_runMVA{this, "runMVA", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_paramfiles_location{this, "ParamFilesLocation", "paramfile://data/MuonIDGlobal.json",
-                                                     "Location of json file for muonDLL"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_useTTrack{ this, "useTTrack", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_ComputeChi2{ this, "ComputeChi2", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_runMVA{ this, "runMVA", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_paramfiles_location{ this, "ParamFilesLocation", "paramfile://data/MuonIDGlobal.json",
+                                                      "Location of json file for muonDLL" };
-  ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_file_svc{this, "FileSvc", "ParamFileSvc", "Service used to retrieve file contents"};
+  ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_file_svc{ this, "FileSvc", "ParamFileSvc", "Service used to retrieve file contents" };
   MuonIDHltAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : base_class_t{name,
-                     pSvcLocator,
-                     // Inputs
-                     {KeyValue{"InputTracks", ""}, // LHCb::TrackLocation::Default,
-                      KeyValue{"InputMuonHits", MuonHitContainerLocation::Default},
-                      KeyValue{"DetectorCache", "MuonIDHltAlg-" + name + "-ConditionsCache"}},
-                     // Output
-                     KeyValue{"OutputMuonPID", ""}} {}
+      : base_class_t{ name,
+                      pSvcLocator,
+                      // Inputs
+                      { KeyValue{ "InputTracks", "" }, // LHCb::TrackLocation::Default,
+                        KeyValue{ "InputMuonHits", MuonHitContainerLocation::Default },
+                        KeyValue{ "DetectorCache", "MuonIDHltAlg-" + name + "-ConditionsCache" } },
+                      // Output
+                      KeyValue{ "OutputMuonPID", "" } } {}
   StatusCode initialize() override {
     return base_class_t::initialize().andThen( [&] {
@@ -279,9 +279,9 @@ public:
       min_brkSize = std::min( m_dllBkg[4].size(), m_dllSig[4].size() );
       max_lastBrk = std::max( lastbrkP, lastbrkJ );
-      this->addConditionDerivation( {DeMuonLocation::Default}, this->template inputLocation<Cache>(),
+      this->addConditionDerivation( { DeMuonLocation::Default }, this->template inputLocation<Cache>(),
                                     [p = this]( const DeMuonDetector& d ) {
-                                      return Cache{d, *p};
+                                      return Cache{ d, *p };
                                     } );
       // force debug output
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ public:
       return muPid;
-    LHCb::Event::v2::Muon::PIDs muonPIDs{input_tracks.zipIdentifier(), input_tracks.get_allocator()};
+    LHCb::Event::v2::Muon::PIDs muonPIDs{ input_tracks.zipIdentifier(), input_tracks.get_allocator() };
     muonPIDs.reserve( input_tracks.size() );
     for ( auto track : input_tracks.scalar() ) {
@@ -407,9 +407,9 @@ private: // methods
         const float expo = -fp[2][i] * pGev;
         return fp[0][i] + fp[1][i] * vdt::fast_expf( std::clamp( expo, min_expo, max_expo ) );
-      return {ellipticalFoiWindow( m_foiParamX ), ellipticalFoiWindow( m_foiParamY )};
+      return { ellipticalFoiWindow( m_foiParamX ), ellipticalFoiWindow( m_foiParamY ) };
-    return {m_foiParamX[0][i], m_foiParamY[0][i]};
+    return { m_foiParamX[0][i], m_foiParamY[0][i] };
   /** Check whether track extrapolation is within detector acceptance.
@@ -446,12 +446,12 @@ private: // methods
     // Linear extrapolation equivalent to TrackLinearExtrapolator
     for ( unsigned station = 0; station != cond.m_stationsCount; ++station ) {
       // x(z') = x(z) + (dx/dz * (z' - z))
-      extrapolation[station] = {LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( state.x() ) +
-                                    LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( state.tx() ) *
-                                        ( cond.m_stationZ[station] - LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( state.z() ) ),
-                                LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( state.y() ) +
-                                    LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( state.ty() ) *
-                                        ( cond.m_stationZ[station] - LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( state.z() ) )};
+      extrapolation[station] = { LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( state.x() ) +
+                                     LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( state.tx() ) *
+                                         ( cond.m_stationZ[station] - LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( state.z() ) ),
+                                 LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( state.y() ) +
+                                     LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( state.ty() ) *
+                                         ( cond.m_stationZ[station] - LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( state.z() ) ) };
     return extrapolation;
@@ -464,9 +464,9 @@ private: // methods
     // M3, M2                  3<p<6 GeV
     // (M4 or M5) and M3, M2   6<p<10 GeV
     // M5, M4, M3, M2          p>10 GeV
-    const auto ordering{p >= m_lowMomentumThres ? uint4{3, 2, 1, 0} : uint4{1, 0, 3, 2}};
-    uint4      occupancies{0, 0, 0, 0};
-    uint4      occupancies_crossed{0, 0, 0, 0};
+    const auto ordering{ p >= m_lowMomentumThres ? uint4{ 3, 2, 1, 0 } : uint4{ 1, 0, 3, 2 } };
+    uint4      occupancies{ 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+    uint4      occupancies_crossed{ 0, 0, 0, 0 };
     /* Define an inline callable that makes it easier to check whether a hit is
      * within a given window. */
@@ -477,10 +477,10 @@ private: // methods
       // Constructor takes parameters by value and then moves them into place.
       IsInWindow( xy_t center, xy_t foi0, xy_t foi1, xy_t foi2, xy_t foi3, double sf )
-          : center_{std::move( center )}
-          , foi_{{std::move( foi0 ), std::move( foi1 ), std::move( foi2 ), std::move( foi3 )}} {
+          : center_{ std::move( center ) }
+          , foi_{ { std::move( foi0 ), std::move( foi1 ), std::move( foi2 ), std::move( foi3 ) } } {
         std::transform( begin( foi_ ), end( foi_ ), begin( foi_ ), [sf]( const xy_t& p ) -> xy_t {
-          return {p.first * sf, p.second * sf};
+          return { p.first * sf, p.second * sf };
         } );
       bool operator()( const CommonMuonHit& hit ) const {
@@ -492,8 +492,8 @@ private: // methods
     auto makeIsInWindow = [&]( unsigned station ) {
-      return IsInWindow{extrapolation[station],     foi( station, 0, p, cond ), foi( station, 1, p, cond ),
-                        foi( station, 2, p, cond ), foi( station, 3, p, cond ), m_foiFactor};
+      return IsInWindow{ extrapolation[station],     foi( station, 0, p, cond ), foi( station, 1, p, cond ),
+                         foi( station, 2, p, cond ), foi( station, 3, p, cond ), m_foiFactor };
     for ( unsigned station : ordering ) {
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ private: // methods
       if ( p > m_highMomentumThres && occupancies[station] == 0 ) break;
-    return {occupancies, occupancies_crossed};
+    return { occupancies, occupancies_crossed };
   /** Computes the correlated chi2
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ private: // methods
       unsigned sta, reg;
       double   deltax, deltay;
       MuonHit( unsigned s, unsigned r, double dx, double dy ) // remove with c++20
-          : sta{s}, reg{r}, deltax{dx}, deltay{dy} {}
+          : sta{ s }, reg{ r }, deltax{ dx }, deltay{ dy } {}
     boost::container::static_vector<MuonHit, 4> cand;
@@ -561,12 +561,12 @@ private: // methods
             return dr1 < dr2;
           } );
       cand.emplace_back( i, chit.region(), chit.x() - extrapolation[i].first, chit.y() - extrapolation[i].second );
-      if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<TrackType, TracksHlt2> ) tileIDs[i] = LHCb::LHCbID{chit.tile()};
+      if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<TrackType, TracksHlt2> ) tileIDs[i] = LHCb::LHCbID{ chit.tile() };
     class MuonCandCovariance {
-      CovType              m_cov = {0};
+      CovType              m_cov = { 0 };
       unsigned             m_n   = 0;
       static constexpr int index( int i, int j ) noexcept {
         auto mx = std::max( i, j );
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ private: // methods
             operator()( i, j ) = scattercache[index( cand[i].sta, cand[j].sta )] * invp2;
           const auto sigma = sigmapad[cand[i].sta][cand[i].reg];
-                     operator()( i, i ) += sigma * sigma;
+          operator()( i, i ) += sigma * sigma;
@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ private: // methods
     if ( chi2Corr < 0. || chi2Corr > 87. ) {
       // the value at 87 is the lastest not giving nan.
       // the default value at muonDLL -11.5 is chosen as it is the value at which the muonDLL saturates
-      return {probMu, probNonMu};
+      return { probMu, probNonMu };
     } else if ( chi2Corr > max_lastBrk ) {
       probMu    = 1 - poly3Back( m_dllSig, chi2Corr - lastbrkJ );
       probNonMu = poly3Back( m_dllBkg, chi2Corr - lastbrkP );
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ private: // methods
         probMu          = 1 - poly3Back( m_dllSig, xbc );
-    return {probMu, probNonMu};
+    return { probMu, probNonMu };
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/src/component/PrepareMuonHits.cpp b/Muon/MuonID/src/component/PrepareMuonHits.cpp
index 38ac0a709f6a7028363af1201d129a6a1034f4a0..8c5ddc6b9dbbfca632b19d2b588bee6d559e3cb5 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/src/component/PrepareMuonHits.cpp
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/src/component/PrepareMuonHits.cpp
@@ -45,17 +45,17 @@ public:
   StatusCode initialize() override;
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_badTile{this, "Impossible MuonTileID"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_badTile{ this, "Impossible MuonTileID" };
 // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
 PrepareMuonHits::PrepareMuonHits( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : Transformer(
-          name, pSvcLocator,
-          {KeyValue{"CoordLocation", LHCb::MuonCoordLocation::MuonCoords}, KeyValue{"DeMuon", DeMuonLocation::Default}},
-          KeyValue{"Output", MuonHitContainerLocation::Default} ) {}
+    : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
+                   { KeyValue{ "CoordLocation", LHCb::MuonCoordLocation::MuonCoords },
+                     KeyValue{ "DeMuon", DeMuonLocation::Default } },
+                   KeyValue{ "Output", MuonHitContainerLocation::Default } ) {}
 StatusCode PrepareMuonHits::initialize() { return Transformer::initialize(); }
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ MuonHitContainer PrepareMuonHits::operator()( const LHCb::MuonCoords& muonCoords
     // create a MuonHitContainer to be returned and stored in the TES
     // For the upgrade nStations == 4, and M1 has been removed, so use
     // 1-5, for Run II use 0-5
-    stations[station] = CommonMuonStation{muonDet, station, std::move( hits[station] )};
+    stations[station] = CommonMuonStation{ muonDet, station, std::move( hits[station] ) };
-  return MuonHitContainer{std::move( stations )};
+  return MuonHitContainer{ std::move( stations ) };
diff --git a/Muon/MuonID/src/component/weights/TMVAClassification_BDTD_mva_pion_300_5_25_05_2_masscut_withPreweight_NoNshared_NewMS.class.C b/Muon/MuonID/src/component/weights/TMVAClassification_BDTD_mva_pion_300_5_25_05_2_masscut_withPreweight_NoNshared_NewMS.class.C
index 6cce38c61f77b46fc8c1756e6fe0108c35d871d9..7671225f5426e01e747441def0dac11aba5edb91 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonID/src/component/weights/TMVAClassification_BDTD_mva_pion_300_5_25_05_2_masscut_withPreweight_NoNshared_NewMS.class.C
+++ b/Muon/MuonID/src/component/weights/TMVAClassification_BDTD_mva_pion_300_5_25_05_2_masscut_withPreweight_NoNshared_NewMS.class.C
@@ -264,9 +264,9 @@ public:
       , fNvars( 20 )
       , fIsNormalised( false ) {
     // the training input variables
-    const char* inputVars[] = {"DTm2",     "DTm3",     "DTm4",     "DTm5",     "T1m2",     "T1m3",     "T1m4",
-                               "T1m5",     "Cross2",   "Cross3",   "Cross4",   "Cross5",   "RXdm2_ms", "RXdm3_ms",
-                               "RXdm4_ms", "RXdm5_ms", "RYdm2_ms", "RYdm3_ms", "RYdm4_ms", "RYdm5_ms"};
+    const char* inputVars[] = { "DTm2",     "DTm3",     "DTm4",     "DTm5",     "T1m2",     "T1m3",     "T1m4",
+                                "T1m5",     "Cross2",   "Cross3",   "Cross4",   "Cross5",   "RXdm2_ms", "RXdm3_ms",
+                                "RXdm4_ms", "RXdm5_ms", "RYdm2_ms", "RYdm3_ms", "RYdm4_ms", "RYdm5_ms" };
     // sanity checks
     if ( theInputVars.size() <= 0 ) {
diff --git a/Muon/MuonInterfaces/dict/MuonInterfacesDict.xml b/Muon/MuonInterfaces/dict/MuonInterfacesDict.xml
index 4dfd7abe109112cf71ae80920a5aa49242fa4a57..670be6c47e785fe5ea0ff0dd0380bf1bb08e5954 100755
--- a/Muon/MuonInterfaces/dict/MuonInterfacesDict.xml
+++ b/Muon/MuonInterfaces/dict/MuonInterfacesDict.xml
@@ -16,7 +16,3 @@
   <class name="std::vector<MuonLogPad*>"/>
diff --git a/Muon/MuonInterfaces/doc/release.notes b/Muon/MuonInterfaces/doc/release.notes
index 1955e6784b39d99b5c7e28317b470f9dcc04fdcd..0963af7da06dfb68b22140471f8896c597bf65a1 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonInterfaces/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Muon/MuonInterfaces/doc/release.notes
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 !========================= MuonInterfaces v1r6 2014-02-19 ======================
 ! 2014-02-14 - Chris Jones
- - Protect against sqrt(-number) in MuonHit. 
+ - Protect against sqrt(-number) in MuonHit.
    Fixes an exception when using the FPEAuditor.
 !========================= MuonInterfaces v1r5 2013-10-01 ======================
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 !======================= MuonInterfaces v1r2p1 2010-10-25 ===================
 ! 2010-08-24 - Pere Mato
- - Added explicit [missing] dependency to Event/DAQEvent package. Only needed for the CMake tests. 
+ - Added explicit [missing] dependency to Event/DAQEvent package. Only needed for the CMake tests.
 !====================== MuonInterfaces v1r2 2010-05-21 ========================
 ! 2010-05-06 - G.Graziani
@@ -68,10 +68,8 @@
 !====================== MuonInterfaces v1r0 2010-02-12 ========================
 ! 2010-02-10 - Giacomo Graziani
- - move all tool interfaces from MuonTrackRec, and the related classes 
+ - move all tool interfaces from MuonTrackRec, and the related classes
 ! 2010-02-09 - Alessia Satta
- - First release. Only header of interfaces are supposed to 
+ - First release. Only header of interfaces are supposed to
    be in this package
diff --git a/Muon/MuonInterfaces/include/MuonInterfaces/MuonCluster.h b/Muon/MuonInterfaces/include/MuonInterfaces/MuonCluster.h
index 594e853612ab49cc1448d0c46da1804d5819ac14..21df944cbab809837b4f3d7b894ac0a469f3fe4a 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonInterfaces/include/MuonInterfaces/MuonCluster.h
+++ b/Muon/MuonInterfaces/include/MuonInterfaces/MuonCluster.h
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public:
   double           Z() const { return m_position.Z(); }
   Gaudi::XYZVector pos() const { return m_position; }
   MuonCluster&     SetXYZ( double x, double y, double z ) {
-    m_position = {x, y, z};
+    m_position = { x, y, z };
     return *this;
diff --git a/Muon/MuonInterfaces/include/MuonInterfaces/MuonLogPad.h b/Muon/MuonInterfaces/include/MuonInterfaces/MuonLogPad.h
index c72c32e6b93219c25ee66c6dd79355ac62ea66ad..7d4169d34bae7819e3c8f649e0295253a55f76f0 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonInterfaces/include/MuonInterfaces/MuonLogPad.h
+++ b/Muon/MuonInterfaces/include/MuonInterfaces/MuonLogPad.h
@@ -30,16 +30,16 @@ public:
   MuonLogPad() = default;
   /// constructor for uncrossed pad
   MuonLogPad( MuonLogHit* hit )
-      : m_tile{hit->tile()}, m_padhits{hit, nullptr}, m_time{hit->time()}, m_intime{hit->intime()} {}
+      : m_tile{ hit->tile() }, m_padhits{ hit, nullptr }, m_time{ hit->time() }, m_intime{ hit->intime() } {}
   /// constructor fot crossed pad, note that hit1 must be the strip (giving X coordinate)
   ///  and hit2 must be the pad  (giving Y coordinate)
   MuonLogPad( MuonLogHit* hit1, MuonLogHit* hit2 )
-      : m_crossed{true}
-      , m_tile{hit1->tile().intercept( hit2->tile() )}
-      , m_padhits{hit1, hit2}
-      , m_truepad{true}
-      , m_intime{hit1->intime() && hit2->intime()} {
+      : m_crossed{ true }
+      , m_tile{ hit1->tile().intercept( hit2->tile() ) }
+      , m_padhits{ hit1, hit2 }
+      , m_truepad{ true }
+      , m_intime{ hit1->intime() && hit2->intime() } {
     assignTimes( hit1->time(), hit2->time() );
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public:
   bool        intime() const { return m_intime; }
   MuonLogHit* getHit( unsigned int i ) { return i == 0 ? m_padhits.first : i == 1 ? m_padhits.second : nullptr; }
   std::vector<MuonLogHit*> getHits() const {
-    return m_padhits.second ? std::vector<MuonLogHit*>{m_padhits.first, m_padhits.second}
+    return m_padhits.second ? std::vector<MuonLogHit*>{ m_padhits.first, m_padhits.second }
                             : std::vector<MuonLogHit*>( 1, m_padhits.first );
diff --git a/Muon/MuonInterfaces/include/MuonInterfaces/MuonPad.h b/Muon/MuonInterfaces/include/MuonInterfaces/MuonPad.h
index de5422fea7920b0490008d049b0880ebd1739a06..cc8fe3c00602aeb8ca2d92903f5a6be6e93d5a7e 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonInterfaces/include/MuonInterfaces/MuonPad.h
+++ b/Muon/MuonInterfaces/include/MuonInterfaces/MuonPad.h
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public:
   MuonPad() = default;
   /// constructor for uncrossed pad
   MuonPad( const CommonMuonHit* hit, bool truepad, LogPadType type )
-      : m_tile{hit->tile()}, m_truepad{truepad}, m_muonhit{hit}, m_type{type} {
+      : m_tile{ hit->tile() }, m_truepad{ truepad }, m_muonhit{ hit }, m_type{ type } {
     // range of TDC: [0;15]  1  bin corresponds to 25/16 ns
     constexpr int lowerTDCvalue = -1;
     constexpr int upperTDCvalue = 16;
@@ -109,12 +109,12 @@ public:
   bool                                        m_crossed = false;
   LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID                m_tile    = {};
-  std::array<LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID, 2> m_subtiles{{}};
+  std::array<LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID, 2> m_subtiles{ {} };
   float                                       m_time    = 0;
   float                                       m_dtime   = 0;
   bool                                        m_truepad = false;
   bool                                        m_intime  = false;
-  const CommonMuonHit*                        m_muonhit{nullptr};
+  const CommonMuonHit*                        m_muonhit{ nullptr };
   LogPadType                                  m_type = LogPadType::UNPAIRED;
diff --git a/Muon/MuonInterfaces/include/MuonInterfaces/Neuron.h b/Muon/MuonInterfaces/include/MuonInterfaces/Neuron.h
index 202c4ecd70727109d64cfee608cde0b945d12770..ceb628adf25506c0e15a74a9f5737ecb0a41b2bf 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonInterfaces/include/MuonInterfaces/Neuron.h
+++ b/Muon/MuonInterfaces/include/MuonInterfaces/Neuron.h
@@ -136,12 +136,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Muon {
     ROOT::Math::XYZVector                 m_neuronYZ;
     std::pair<const Neuron*, double>      m_weight;
     std::list<std::pair<Neuron*, double>> m_weight_list;
-    double                                m_status{1.0};
-    int                                   m_station{-1};
-    int                                   m_region{-1};
-    int                                   m_headID{-1};
-    int                                   m_tailID{-1};
-    int                                   m_ID{-1};
+    double                                m_status{ 1.0 };
+    int                                   m_station{ -1 };
+    int                                   m_region{ -1 };
+    int                                   m_headID{ -1 };
+    int                                   m_tailID{ -1 };
+    int                                   m_ID{ -1 };
     void removeWeight( Neuron* pn );
diff --git a/Muon/MuonInterfaces/src/Lib/MuonCluster.cpp b/Muon/MuonInterfaces/src/Lib/MuonCluster.cpp
index 06cbbc28cedacec4e528b9949af7d3a309d524ca..9295dc31a65147077299bb748ec360c7a94ab38f 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonInterfaces/src/Lib/MuonCluster.cpp
+++ b/Muon/MuonInterfaces/src/Lib/MuonCluster.cpp
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ void MuonCluster::addPad( const MuonPad* mp, const DeMuonDetector::TilePosition
 /// return tile sizes
 std::array<double, 3> MuonCluster::hitTile_Size() const {
-  return {( m_hit_maxx - m_hit_minx ) / 2., ( m_hit_maxy - m_hit_miny ) / 2., ( m_hit_maxz - m_hit_minz ) / 2.};
+  return { ( m_hit_maxx - m_hit_minx ) / 2., ( m_hit_maxy - m_hit_miny ) / 2., ( m_hit_maxz - m_hit_minz ) / 2. };
 /// store a progressive hit number for debugging
diff --git a/Muon/MuonInterfaces/src/Lib/Neuron.cpp b/Muon/MuonInterfaces/src/Lib/Neuron.cpp
index c5975de661993b4ae1eed1ff2477308c6cdf41a0..f25d9e84313fc766425e3111965eee2f0269dccd 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonInterfaces/src/Lib/Neuron.cpp
+++ b/Muon/MuonInterfaces/src/Lib/Neuron.cpp
@@ -270,5 +270,5 @@ namespace LHCb::Muon {
   /// retireve head and tail IDs. First = head, Second = tail
-  std::pair<int, int> Neuron::headTailID() { return {m_headID, m_tailID}; }
+  std::pair<int, int> Neuron::headTailID() { return { m_headID, m_tailID }; }
 } // namespace LHCb::Muon
diff --git a/Muon/MuonMatch/CMakeLists.txt b/Muon/MuonMatch/CMakeLists.txt
index d6d4128540ad304956cb406dd5aa74ea79dbe4c8..e0798caab58b37df87fbcf0dae84632069c68430 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonMatch/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Muon/MuonMatch/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -36,5 +36,5 @@ gaudi_add_module(MuonMatch
-        ROOT::Matrix    
+        ROOT::Matrix
diff --git a/Muon/MuonMatch/src/MuonMatchVeloUTNtuple.cpp b/Muon/MuonMatch/src/MuonMatchVeloUTNtuple.cpp
index c14020245b02e0e5bd58a4842616da556848d20f..036af7210c381dae8217aa0c36629972170d44c1 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonMatch/src/MuonMatchVeloUTNtuple.cpp
+++ b/Muon/MuonMatch/src/MuonMatchVeloUTNtuple.cpp
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public:
                            DeMuonDetector const& ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_onlyMCMuons{this, "onlyMCMuons", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_onlyMCMuons{ this, "onlyMCMuons", false };
   std::optional<LHCb::MCParticle*> isDecayInFlightToMuon( const LHCb::MCParticle* mcparticle ) const;
   float                            impactParameter( const Track& track, const Vertices& vertex ) const;
@@ -83,16 +83,17 @@ private:
 MuonMatchVeloUTNtuple::MuonMatchVeloUTNtuple( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : Consumer(
-          name, pSvcLocator,
-          {KeyValue{"OdinLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default},
-           KeyValue{"PrimaryVertecies", LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertexLocation::Velo3D},
-           KeyValue{"VeloUTTracks", LHCb::TrackLocation::VeloUT},
-           KeyValue{"MuonMatchTracks", LHCb::TrackLocation::Match},
-           KeyValue{"MuonHits", MuonHitContainerLocation::Default},
-           KeyValue{"MCParticles", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default}, KeyValue{"MCMuonHits", "/Event/MC/Muon/Hits"},
-           KeyValue{"VeloUTMCParticlesLinks", ""}, KeyValue{"MCMuonDigitLinks", "/Event/Link/Raw/Muon/Digits"},
-           KeyValue{"Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path}, KeyValue{"DeMuonLocation", DeMuonLocation::Default}} ) {}
+    : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
+                { KeyValue{ "OdinLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "PrimaryVertecies", LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertexLocation::Velo3D },
+                  KeyValue{ "VeloUTTracks", LHCb::TrackLocation::VeloUT },
+                  KeyValue{ "MuonMatchTracks", LHCb::TrackLocation::Match },
+                  KeyValue{ "MuonHits", MuonHitContainerLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "MCParticles", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "MCMuonHits", "/Event/MC/Muon/Hits" }, KeyValue{ "VeloUTMCParticlesLinks", "" },
+                  KeyValue{ "MCMuonDigitLinks", "/Event/Link/Raw/Muon/Digits" },
+                  KeyValue{ "Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path },
+                  KeyValue{ "DeMuonLocation", DeMuonLocation::Default } } ) {}
 void MuonMatchVeloUTNtuple::operator()( LHCb::ODIN const& odin, Vertices const& pvs, Tracks const& uttracks,
                                         Tracks const& mmtracks, MuonHitContainer const& muonhits,
@@ -107,16 +108,16 @@ void MuonMatchVeloUTNtuple::operator()( LHCb::ODIN const& odin, Vertices const&
   Tuple tuple = nTuple( tuplename );
-  unsigned int index{0};
+  unsigned int index{ 0 };
   // loop over all VeloUT tracks
   for ( const auto& track : uttracks ) {
     // look for associated MCParticle
     unsigned int key = index;
-    LHCb::MCParticle const* mcparticle{nullptr};
-    float                   max_weight{0};
-    unsigned int            n_mcparticles{0};
+    LHCb::MCParticle const* mcparticle{ nullptr };
+    float                   max_weight{ 0 };
+    unsigned int            n_mcparticles{ 0 };
     mcparticleLinks.applyToLinks( key, [&n_mcparticles, &max_weight, &mcparticle,
                                         &mcparticles]( unsigned int, unsigned int mcPartKey, float weight ) {
@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ void MuonMatchVeloUTNtuple::operator()( LHCb::ODIN const& odin, Vertices const&
     // look for associated MuonMatched track
-    const Track* mmtrack{nullptr};
+    const Track* mmtrack{ nullptr };
     for ( const auto& mt : mmtracks ) {
       if ( mt.containsLhcbIDs( track ) ) {
         mmtrack = &mt;
@@ -506,7 +507,7 @@ float MuonMatchVeloUTNtuple::impactParameter( const Track& track, const Vertices
   const auto ips2 = ranges::views::transform( pvs, [&track]( const Vertex& pv ) {
     const auto& pos   = pv.position();
     const auto& state = track.closestState( pos.Z() );
-    const auto  line  = Gaudi::Math::Line{state.position(), state.slopes()};
+    const auto  line  = Gaudi::Math::Line{ state.position(), state.slopes() };
     const auto  ipvec = Gaudi::Math::closestPoint( pos, line ) - pos;
     return ipvec.Mag2();
   } );
diff --git a/Muon/MuonMatch/src/MuonMatchVeloUTSoA.cpp b/Muon/MuonMatch/src/MuonMatchVeloUTSoA.cpp
index bd680a8ad8e0a1bd8e18d61a7a1e011086ba2058..aeb3d5b8b653b3d3004e0b7bdd87298066798cf1 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonMatch/src/MuonMatchVeloUTSoA.cpp
+++ b/Muon/MuonMatch/src/MuonMatchVeloUTSoA.cpp
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ UTTracks MuonMatchVeloUTSoA::operator()( const EventContext& evtCtx, const UTTra
   auto memResource = LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx );
-  UTTracks matched{seeds.getVeloAncestors(), Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), memResource};
+  UTTracks matched{ seeds.getVeloAncestors(), Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), memResource };
   matched.reserve( seeds.size() );
   const auto velozipped = seeds.getVeloAncestors()->scalar();
   for ( auto const& seed : seeds.scalar() ) {
@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ bool MuonMatchVeloUTSoA::match( State& state, const MuonHitContainer& hit_cont,
     if ( mhit.x() > xMax || mhit.x() < xMin || mhit.y() > yMax || mhit.y() < yMin ) continue;
     // look for hits in other station windows using the first hit as a reference point
-    const Hit  first_hit{mhit};
+    const Hit  first_hit{ mhit };
     const auto xSlope = ( first_hit.x - magnet_hit.x ) / ( first_hit.z - magnet_hit.z );
-    Hits hits{memResource};
+    Hits hits{ memResource };
     hits.reserve( 4 );
     hits.emplace_back( first_hit );
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ std::optional<Hit> MuonMatchVeloUTSoA::findHit( MuonChamber much, const State& s
          mhit.y() + mhit.dy() < yMin )
-    const Hit  hit{mhit};
+    const Hit  hit{ mhit };
     const auto y_station = extrapolateYInStraightLine( state, hit.z );
     const auto resx      = magnet_hit.x + ( hit.z - magnet_hit.z ) * slope - hit.x;
     const auto resy      = y_station - hit.y;
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ TrackType MuonMatchVeloUTSoA::getTrackTypeFromMomentum( float p ) const {
 Hit MuonMatchVeloUTSoA::getMagnetFocalPlane( const State& state ) const {
   const auto z = m_za + m_zb * state.tx * state.tx;
-  return Hit{state, z};
+  return Hit{ state, z };
 window_bounds MuonMatchVeloUTSoA::getFirstStationWindow( const State& state, const CommonMuonStation& station,
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ window_bounds MuonMatchVeloUTSoA::getFirstStationWindow( const State& state, con
   const auto xMin = xpos - xw;
   const auto xMax = xpos + xw;
-  return {xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax};
+  return { xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax };
 window_bounds MuonMatchVeloUTSoA::getNextStationWindow( const State& state, const CommonMuonStation& station,
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ window_bounds MuonMatchVeloUTSoA::getNextStationWindow( const State& state, cons
   const auto xMin = x_station - xw;
   const auto xMax = x_station + xw;
-  return {xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax};
+  return { xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax };
 float MuonMatchVeloUTSoA::getChangeInXSlope( const State& state ) const {
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ std::tuple<float, float> MuonMatchVeloUTSoA::fitHits( const Hits& hits, const Hi
   const auto chi2_ndof = ( x_chi2 + y_chi2 ) / ( x_ndof + y_ndof );
-  return {x_slope, chi2_ndof};
+  return { x_slope, chi2_ndof };
 template <class Container>
diff --git a/Muon/MuonMatch/src/MuonMatchVeloUTSoA.h b/Muon/MuonMatch/src/MuonMatchVeloUTSoA.h
index 5f2010fae9d1e6a4acd26fdc1f3c9a48dabe0c08..fa2071bc8b0b06852009c6a1c3cf72fab833b2a1 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonMatch/src/MuonMatchVeloUTSoA.h
+++ b/Muon/MuonMatch/src/MuonMatchVeloUTSoA.h
@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ class MuonMatchVeloUTSoA : public LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<UTTracks( const E
   MuonMatchVeloUTSoA( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"InputTracks", "Rec/Track/UT"},
-                      KeyValue{"InputMuonHits", MuonHitContainerLocation::Default},
-                      KeyValue{"Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputTracks", LHCb::TrackLocation::Match} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "InputTracks", "Rec/Track/UT" },
+                       KeyValue{ "InputMuonHits", MuonHitContainerLocation::Default },
+                       KeyValue{ "Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputTracks", LHCb::TrackLocation::Match } ) {}
   StatusCode initialize() override;
@@ -50,16 +50,17 @@ public:
                        const DeMagnet& ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_setQOverP{this, "SetQOverP", false}; // update q/p with the information from the muon chambers
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2DoF{this, "MaxChi2DoF", 60};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_fitY{this, "FitY", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_setQOverP{ this, "SetQOverP",
+                                     false }; // update q/p with the information from the muon chambers
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2DoF{ this, "MaxChi2DoF", 60 };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_fitY{ this, "FitY", false };
   /// Counter for the number of input muon hits
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_hitCount{this, "#hits"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_hitCount{ this, "#hits" };
   /// Counter for the number of input seeds
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_seedCount{this, "#seeds"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_seedCount{ this, "#seeds" };
   /// Counter for the matched tracks
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_matchCount{this, "#matched"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_matchCount{ this, "#matched" };
   // Parameters for calcutating the
   static constexpr float m_kickOffset = 338.92 * Gaudi::Units::MeV;
@@ -71,14 +72,14 @@ private:
   // Size of the search windows for each muon station
   static constexpr std::array<std::pair<float, float>, sizeof( MuonChamber )> m_window = {
-      std::pair<float, float>{500 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 400 * Gaudi::Units::mm},
-      std::pair<float, float>{600 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 500 * Gaudi::Units::mm},
-      std::pair<float, float>{700 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 600 * Gaudi::Units::mm},
-      std::pair<float, float>{800 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 700 * Gaudi::Units::mm}};
+      std::pair<float, float>{ 500 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 400 * Gaudi::Units::mm },
+      std::pair<float, float>{ 600 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 500 * Gaudi::Units::mm },
+      std::pair<float, float>{ 700 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 600 * Gaudi::Units::mm },
+      std::pair<float, float>{ 800 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 700 * Gaudi::Units::mm } };
   // Momentum bounds defining the track types
   static constexpr std::array<float, 3> m_momentumBounds = {
-      2.5 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 6 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 10 * Gaudi::Units::GeV}; // 3, 6 and 10 GeV/c for offline muons
+      2.5 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 6 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 10 * Gaudi::Units::GeV }; // 3, 6 and 10 GeV/c for offline muons
   bool matchByTrackType( State& state, const MuonHitContainer& hit_cont, LHCb::Allocators::MemoryResource* memResource,
                          const DeMagnet& magnet ) const;
diff --git a/Muon/MuonMatch/src/Utils.h b/Muon/MuonMatch/src/Utils.h
index cb29ddce681d5f83fb3988509262a01365ba216f..7e95f617ff48a4110969edaa11fb9ee66d4298bd 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonMatch/src/Utils.h
+++ b/Muon/MuonMatch/src/Utils.h
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ enum MuonChamber { M2, M3, M4, M5 };
 template <MuonChamber... Chambers>
 struct MuonChamberSeq {};
 struct Candidate final {
-  Candidate( float _slope, float _chi2ndof ) : slope{_slope}, chi2ndof{_chi2ndof} {}
+  Candidate( float _slope, float _chi2ndof ) : slope{ _slope }, chi2ndof{ _chi2ndof } {}
   float slope;
   float chi2ndof;
diff --git a/Muon/MuonMonitors/src/MuonChamberMonitor.cpp b/Muon/MuonMonitors/src/MuonChamberMonitor.cpp
index 0d5d00221318622f83462b4aa71f493af50745ed..910e9c20da6dcee42eae9edb6bbc4531480005ae 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonMonitors/src/MuonChamberMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Muon/MuonMonitors/src/MuonChamberMonitor.cpp
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ namespace {
   constexpr size_t nMuonStations = 4;
   constexpr size_t nRegions      = 4;
-  constexpr auto c_regionNch    = std::array{12, 24, 48, 192};
-  constexpr auto c_regionNchRow = std::array{4, 4, 4, 8};
-  constexpr auto c_regionNchCol = std::array{4, 8, 16, 32};
+  constexpr auto c_regionNch    = std::array{ 12, 24, 48, 192 };
+  constexpr auto c_regionNchRow = std::array{ 4, 4, 4, 8 };
+  constexpr auto c_regionNchCol = std::array{ 4, 8, 16, 32 };
   using xy_t = std::pair<double, double>;
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ namespace {
     std::array<double, nMuonStations> m_stationOuterY;
     std::array<double, nMuonStations> m_stationInnerX; // Inner abs(x) edge of station
     std::array<double, nMuonStations> m_stationInnerY;
-    std::array<double, nMuonStations> m_stationZ{{}};
+    std::array<double, nMuonStations> m_stationZ{ {} };
     SigmaPadCache                     m_sigmapadX, m_sigmapadY;
     std::array<std::array<double, nRegions>, nMuonStations> m_regionOuterX; // Outer abs(x) edge of station and region
@@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ namespace {
           m_regionOuterX[s][r] = m_stationOuterX[s] / pow( 2., 3 - r );
           m_regionOuterY[s][r] = m_stationOuterY[s] / pow( 2., 3 - r );
           m_chambersInRegion.first[GetKeyHist( ArrayType::StationRegion, s, r )] = {
-              c_regionNchRow[r], -m_stationOuterX[s] / pow( 2., 3 - r ), m_stationOuterX[s] / pow( 2., 3 - r )};
+              c_regionNchRow[r], -m_stationOuterX[s] / pow( 2., 3 - r ), m_stationOuterX[s] / pow( 2., 3 - r ) };
           m_chambersInRegion.second[GetKeyHist( ArrayType::StationRegion, s, r )] = {
-              c_regionNchCol[r], -m_stationOuterY[s] / pow( 2., 3 - r ), m_stationOuterY[s] / pow( 2., 3 - r )};
+              c_regionNchCol[r], -m_stationOuterY[s] / pow( 2., 3 - r ), m_stationOuterY[s] / pow( 2., 3 - r ) };
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
                          const MuonHitContainer& muonhits ) const;
     // The track extrapolator
-    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator = {this, "ReferenceExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator"};
+    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator = { this, "ReferenceExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator" };
     std::tuple<CommonMuonHit, double> computeChi2( const GeomCache& geometryinfo, const xy_t& ext, const xy_t& extMS,
                                                    const CommonMuonHitRange& hitContainer ) const;
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
     int xy2Chamber( const GeomCache& geometryinfo, const double x, const double y, unsigned int station,
                     unsigned int region ) const;
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_chi2cut{this, "chi2cut", 25.0};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_chi2cut{ this, "chi2cut", 25.0 };
     double                  m_chi2bad = 9999.;
     std::once_flag m_alreadyInitialized;
@@ -181,14 +181,14 @@ namespace LHCb {
       const LHCb::Track*         m_track = nullptr;
       const LHCb::State*         m_state = nullptr;
-      double                              m_probeP{0.};
-      std::array<double, nMuonStations>   m_probeChi2St{{0., 0., 0., 0.}};
-      ArrayPairSt                         m_trackExt{{{0., 0.}, {0., 0.}, {0., 0.}, {0., 0.}}};
-      ArrayPairSt                         m_trackMS{{{0., 0.}, {0., 0.}, {0., 0.}, {0., 0.}}};
-      ArrayPairSt                         m_chit_XY{{{0., 0.}, {0., 0.}, {0., 0.}, {0., 0.}}};
-      std::array<unsigned, nMuonStations> m_extrapReg{{0, 0, 0, 0}};
-      std::array<unsigned, nMuonStations> m_chitReg{{0, 0, 0, 0}};
-      std::array<unsigned, nMuonStations> m_idReg{{0, 0, 0, 0}};
+      double                              m_probeP{ 0. };
+      std::array<double, nMuonStations>   m_probeChi2St{ { 0., 0., 0., 0. } };
+      ArrayPairSt                         m_trackExt{ { { 0., 0. }, { 0., 0. }, { 0., 0. }, { 0., 0. } } };
+      ArrayPairSt                         m_trackMS{ { { 0., 0. }, { 0., 0. }, { 0., 0. }, { 0., 0. } } };
+      ArrayPairSt                         m_chit_XY{ { { 0., 0. }, { 0., 0. }, { 0., 0. }, { 0., 0. } } };
+      std::array<unsigned, nMuonStations> m_extrapReg{ { 0, 0, 0, 0 } };
+      std::array<unsigned, nMuonStations> m_chitReg{ { 0, 0, 0, 0 } };
+      std::array<unsigned, nMuonStations> m_idReg{ { 0, 0, 0, 0 } };
     // Histograms
@@ -229,10 +229,10 @@ namespace LHCb {
                          const std::string& title, std::tuple<unsigned, double, double> xbins,
                          std::index_sequence<IDXs...> ) {
         std::vector<std::string> labels = HistNameWriter( type );
-        return {{{owner,
-                  name + labels[IDXs],
-                  title + labels[IDXs],
-                  {std::get<0>( xbins ), std::get<1>( xbins ), std::get<2>( xbins )}}...}};
+        return { { { owner,
+                     name + labels[IDXs],
+                     title + labels[IDXs],
+                     { std::get<0>( xbins ), std::get<1>( xbins ), std::get<2>( xbins ) } }... } };
       template <std::size_t... IDXs>
@@ -240,10 +240,10 @@ namespace LHCb {
           const MuonChamberMonitor* owner, ArrayType type, const std::string& name, const std::string& title,
           std::array<std::tuple<unsigned, double, double>, sizeof...( IDXs )> xbins, std::index_sequence<IDXs...> ) {
         std::vector<std::string> labels = HistNameWriter( type );
-        return {{{owner,
-                  name + labels[IDXs],
-                  title + labels[IDXs],
-                  {std::get<0>( xbins[IDXs] ), std::get<1>( xbins[IDXs] ), std::get<2>( xbins[IDXs] )}}...}};
+        return { { { owner,
+                     name + labels[IDXs],
+                     title + labels[IDXs],
+                     { std::get<0>( xbins[IDXs] ), std::get<1>( xbins[IDXs] ), std::get<2>( xbins[IDXs] ) } }... } };
       // Builder for array of 2D histos with different ranges
@@ -253,11 +253,11 @@ namespace LHCb {
           std::array<std::tuple<unsigned, double, double>, sizeof...( IDXs )> xbins,
           std::array<std::tuple<unsigned, double, double>, sizeof...( IDXs )> ybins, std::index_sequence<IDXs...> ) {
         std::vector<std::string> labels = HistNameWriter( type );
-        return {{{owner,
-                  name + labels[IDXs],
-                  title + labels[IDXs],
-                  {std::get<0>( xbins[IDXs] ), std::get<1>( xbins[IDXs] ), std::get<2>( xbins[IDXs] )},
-                  {std::get<0>( ybins[IDXs] ), std::get<1>( ybins[IDXs] ), std::get<2>( ybins[IDXs] )}}...}};
+        return { { { owner,
+                     name + labels[IDXs],
+                     title + labels[IDXs],
+                     { std::get<0>( xbins[IDXs] ), std::get<1>( xbins[IDXs] ), std::get<2>( xbins[IDXs] ) },
+                     { std::get<0>( ybins[IDXs] ), std::get<1>( ybins[IDXs] ), std::get<2>( ybins[IDXs] ) } }... } };
       // Builder for array of 2D histos with fixed ranges
@@ -267,11 +267,11 @@ namespace LHCb {
                          const std::string& title, std::tuple<unsigned, double, double> xbins,
                          std::tuple<unsigned, double, double> ybins, std::index_sequence<IDXs...> ) {
         std::vector<std::string> labels = HistNameWriter( type );
-        return {{{owner,
-                  name + labels[IDXs],
-                  title + labels[IDXs],
-                  {std::get<0>( xbins ), std::get<1>( xbins ), std::get<2>( xbins )},
-                  {std::get<0>( ybins ), std::get<1>( ybins ), std::get<2>( ybins )}}...}};
+        return { { { owner,
+                     name + labels[IDXs],
+                     title + labels[IDXs],
+                     { std::get<0>( xbins ), std::get<1>( xbins ), std::get<2>( xbins ) },
+                     { std::get<0>( ybins ), std::get<1>( ybins ), std::get<2>( ybins ) } }... } };
       // Builder for array of 2D histos with known labels and fixed range
@@ -280,81 +280,86 @@ namespace LHCb {
       histoArrayBuilder( const MuonChamberMonitor* owner, const std::string& name, const std::string& title,
                          std::vector<std::string> labels, std::tuple<unsigned, double, double> xbins,
                          std::tuple<unsigned, double, double> ybins, std::index_sequence<IDXs...> ) {
-        return {{{owner,
-                  name + labels[IDXs],
-                  title + labels[IDXs],
-                  {std::get<0>( xbins ), std::get<1>( xbins ), std::get<2>( xbins )},
-                  {std::get<0>( ybins ), std::get<1>( ybins ), std::get<2>( ybins )}}...}};
+        return { { { owner,
+                     name + labels[IDXs],
+                     title + labels[IDXs],
+                     { std::get<0>( xbins ), std::get<1>( xbins ), std::get<2>( xbins ) },
+                     { std::get<0>( ybins ), std::get<1>( ybins ), std::get<2>( ybins ) } }... } };
       Histograms( const MuonChamberMonitor* owner, const GeomCache& geometryinfo )
-          : m_tagsP{owner, "tags_P", "Momentum of tag particles", {1000, 0.0, 100000}}
-          , m_tagsPT{owner, "tags_PT", "Trnsverse momentum of tag particles", {100, 0.5, 10000}}
-          , m_tagPsRapidity{owner, "tagPsRapidity", "Pseudo rapidity of tag particles", {30, 0, 6.0}}
-          , m_ntags{owner, "ntags", "N of tags in event", {20, 0, 20.0}}
-          , m_probesP{owner, "probes_P", "Momentum of probe particles", {1000, 0.0, 100000}}
-          , m_probesPT{owner, "probes_PT", "Trnsverse momentum of probe particles", {100, 0.5, 10000}}
-          , m_probePsRapidity{owner, "probePsRapidity", "Pseudo rapidity of probe particles", {30, 0, 6.0}}
-          , m_probeExtrap{owner, "probeExtrap", "Extrapolation plot", {500, -8000.0, 8000.0}, {500, -8000.0, 8000.0}}
-          , m_denStation{owner,
-                         "denStation",
-                         "Denominator probes in 4 stations",
-                         {4, -0.5, 3.5, "", HistNameWriter( ArrayType::Station )}}
-          , m_numStation{owner,
-                         "numStation",
-                         "Numerator probes in 4 stations",
-                         {4, -0.5, 3.5, "", HistNameWriter( ArrayType::Station )}}
-          , m_denStationRegion{owner,
-                               "denStationRegion",
-                               "Denominator probes in 16 regions",
-                               {nRegions * nMuonStations, -0.5, nRegions * nMuonStations - 0.5, "",
-                                HistNameWriter( ArrayType::StationRegion )}}
-          , m_numStationRegion{owner,
-                               "numStationRegion",
-                               "Numerator probes in 16 regions",
-                               {nRegions * nMuonStations, -0.5, nRegions * nMuonStations - 0.5, "",
-                                HistNameWriter( ArrayType::StationRegion )}}
-          , m_errXY2{owner, "errXY2", "MS error XY2", {300, 0.0, 30.0}, {300, 0.0, 30.0}}
-          , m_Chi2Station{histoArrayBuilder( owner, ArrayType::Station, "chi2_", "Chi2 of closest hit in station_",
-                                             {500, 0., 1000.}, std::make_index_sequence<4>() )}
-          , m_HitsInExtrap{owner,
-                           "HitsInExtrap",
-                           "All hits in chi2 area",
-                           {nRegions * nMuonStations, -0.5, nRegions * nMuonStations - 0.5, "",
-                            HistNameWriter( ArrayType::StationRegion )},
-                           {20, 0.0, 20.0}}
-          , m_HitsInBkg{owner,
-                        "HitsInBkg",
-                        "Background hits estimate",
-                        {nRegions * nMuonStations, -0.5, nRegions * nMuonStations - 0.5, "",
-                         HistNameWriter( ArrayType::StationRegion )},
-                        {20, 0.0, 20.0}}
-          , m_HitsInExtrapSub{owner,
-                              "HitsInExtrapSub",
-                              "Hits in chi2 area - bkg",
-                              {nRegions * nMuonStations, -0.5, nRegions * nMuonStations - 0.5, "",
-                               HistNameWriter( ArrayType::StationRegion )},
-                              {40, -20.0, 20.0}}
-          , m_edgeEffect{owner,
-                         "edgeEffect",
-                         "Hit and extrapolation chamber matched",
-                         {nRegions * nMuonStations, -0.5, nRegions * nMuonStations - 0.5, "",
-                          HistNameWriter( ArrayType::StationRegion )},
-                         {4, -1.0, 3.0}}
-          , m_denChamb{histoArrayBuilder( owner, ArrayType::StationRegion, "denChamb_", "Denominator chambers_",
-                                          {200, 0.0, 200.0}, std::make_index_sequence<16>() )}
-          , m_numChamb{histoArrayBuilder( owner, ArrayType::StationRegion, "numChamb_", "Numerator chambers_",
-                                          {200, 0.0, 200.0}, std::make_index_sequence<16>() )}
-          , m_denChamb2D{histoArrayBuilder( owner, ArrayType::StationRegion, "denChamb2D_", "Denominator chambers 2D_",
-                                            geometryinfo.m_chambersInRegion.first,
-                                            geometryinfo.m_chambersInRegion.second, std::make_index_sequence<16>() )}
-          , m_numChamb2D{histoArrayBuilder( owner, ArrayType::StationRegion, "numChamb2D_", "Numerator chambers 2D_",
-                                            geometryinfo.m_chambersInRegion.first,
-                                            geometryinfo.m_chambersInRegion.second, std::make_index_sequence<16>() )} {}
+          : m_tagsP{ owner, "tags_P", "Momentum of tag particles", { 1000, 0.0, 100000 } }
+          , m_tagsPT{ owner, "tags_PT", "Trnsverse momentum of tag particles", { 100, 0.5, 10000 } }
+          , m_tagPsRapidity{ owner, "tagPsRapidity", "Pseudo rapidity of tag particles", { 30, 0, 6.0 } }
+          , m_ntags{ owner, "ntags", "N of tags in event", { 20, 0, 20.0 } }
+          , m_probesP{ owner, "probes_P", "Momentum of probe particles", { 1000, 0.0, 100000 } }
+          , m_probesPT{ owner, "probes_PT", "Trnsverse momentum of probe particles", { 100, 0.5, 10000 } }
+          , m_probePsRapidity{ owner, "probePsRapidity", "Pseudo rapidity of probe particles", { 30, 0, 6.0 } }
+          , m_probeExtrap{ owner,
+                           "probeExtrap",
+                           "Extrapolation plot",
+                           { 500, -8000.0, 8000.0 },
+                           { 500, -8000.0, 8000.0 } }
+          , m_denStation{ owner,
+                          "denStation",
+                          "Denominator probes in 4 stations",
+                          { 4, -0.5, 3.5, "", HistNameWriter( ArrayType::Station ) } }
+          , m_numStation{ owner,
+                          "numStation",
+                          "Numerator probes in 4 stations",
+                          { 4, -0.5, 3.5, "", HistNameWriter( ArrayType::Station ) } }
+          , m_denStationRegion{ owner,
+                                "denStationRegion",
+                                "Denominator probes in 16 regions",
+                                { nRegions * nMuonStations, -0.5, nRegions * nMuonStations - 0.5, "",
+                                  HistNameWriter( ArrayType::StationRegion ) } }
+          , m_numStationRegion{ owner,
+                                "numStationRegion",
+                                "Numerator probes in 16 regions",
+                                { nRegions * nMuonStations, -0.5, nRegions * nMuonStations - 0.5, "",
+                                  HistNameWriter( ArrayType::StationRegion ) } }
+          , m_errXY2{ owner, "errXY2", "MS error XY2", { 300, 0.0, 30.0 }, { 300, 0.0, 30.0 } }
+          , m_Chi2Station{ histoArrayBuilder( owner, ArrayType::Station, "chi2_", "Chi2 of closest hit in station_",
+                                              { 500, 0., 1000. }, std::make_index_sequence<4>() ) }
+          , m_HitsInExtrap{ owner,
+                            "HitsInExtrap",
+                            "All hits in chi2 area",
+                            { nRegions * nMuonStations, -0.5, nRegions * nMuonStations - 0.5, "",
+                              HistNameWriter( ArrayType::StationRegion ) },
+                            { 20, 0.0, 20.0 } }
+          , m_HitsInBkg{ owner,
+                         "HitsInBkg",
+                         "Background hits estimate",
+                         { nRegions * nMuonStations, -0.5, nRegions * nMuonStations - 0.5, "",
+                           HistNameWriter( ArrayType::StationRegion ) },
+                         { 20, 0.0, 20.0 } }
+          , m_HitsInExtrapSub{ owner,
+                               "HitsInExtrapSub",
+                               "Hits in chi2 area - bkg",
+                               { nRegions * nMuonStations, -0.5, nRegions * nMuonStations - 0.5, "",
+                                 HistNameWriter( ArrayType::StationRegion ) },
+                               { 40, -20.0, 20.0 } }
+          , m_edgeEffect{ owner,
+                          "edgeEffect",
+                          "Hit and extrapolation chamber matched",
+                          { nRegions * nMuonStations, -0.5, nRegions * nMuonStations - 0.5, "",
+                            HistNameWriter( ArrayType::StationRegion ) },
+                          { 4, -1.0, 3.0 } }
+          , m_denChamb{ histoArrayBuilder( owner, ArrayType::StationRegion, "denChamb_", "Denominator chambers_",
+                                           { 200, 0.0, 200.0 }, std::make_index_sequence<16>() ) }
+          , m_numChamb{ histoArrayBuilder( owner, ArrayType::StationRegion, "numChamb_", "Numerator chambers_",
+                                           { 200, 0.0, 200.0 }, std::make_index_sequence<16>() ) }
+          , m_denChamb2D{ histoArrayBuilder( owner, ArrayType::StationRegion, "denChamb2D_", "Denominator chambers 2D_",
+                                             geometryinfo.m_chambersInRegion.first,
+                                             geometryinfo.m_chambersInRegion.second, std::make_index_sequence<16>() ) }
+          , m_numChamb2D{ histoArrayBuilder( owner, ArrayType::StationRegion, "numChamb2D_", "Numerator chambers 2D_",
+                                             geometryinfo.m_chambersInRegion.first,
+                                             geometryinfo.m_chambersInRegion.second,
+                                             std::make_index_sequence<16>() ) } {}
     std::unique_ptr<Histograms> m_histos;
@@ -363,15 +368,15 @@ namespace LHCb {
   MuonChamberMonitor::MuonChamberMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                  {KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top},
-                   KeyValue{"GeomCache", name + "-GeomCache"}, KeyValue{"Probes", ParticleLocation::User},
-                   KeyValue{"Tags", ParticleLocation::User},
-                   KeyValue{"MuonHits", MuonHitContainerLocation::Default}} ) {}
+                  { KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top },
+                    KeyValue{ "GeomCache", name + "-GeomCache" }, KeyValue{ "Probes", ParticleLocation::User },
+                    KeyValue{ "Tags", ParticleLocation::User },
+                    KeyValue{ "MuonHits", MuonHitContainerLocation::Default } } ) {}
   StatusCode MuonChamberMonitor::initialize() {
     return Consumer::initialize().andThen( [&]() {
       // Add condition callback to initialize the histograms on the first event.
-      addConditionDerivation( {DeMuonLocation::Default}, name() + "-GeomCache", [this]( const DeMuonDetector& det ) {
+      addConditionDerivation( { DeMuonLocation::Default }, name() + "-GeomCache", [this]( const DeMuonDetector& det ) {
         info() << "Loading muon geometry." << endmsg;
         const GeomCache geometryinfo( det );
         info() << "Geometry loaded correctly." << endmsg;
@@ -427,8 +432,8 @@ namespace LHCb {
         StatusCode sc = m_extrapolator->propagate( trackState, geometryinfo.m_stationZ[s], geometry );
         if ( !sc )
           warning() << fmt::format( "Something went wrong in track extrapolation in station M{}", s + 2 ) << endmsg;
-        candMuon.m_trackExt[s] = {trackState.x(), trackState.y()};
-        candMuon.m_trackMS[s]  = {trackState.errX2(), trackState.errY2()};
+        candMuon.m_trackExt[s] = { trackState.x(), trackState.y() };
+        candMuon.m_trackMS[s]  = { trackState.errX2(), trackState.errY2() };
         int region             = 0;
         while ( region < 3 ) {
           if ( fabs( candMuon.m_trackExt[s].first ) < ( geometryinfo.m_regionOuterX[s][region] ) &&
@@ -442,13 +447,13 @@ namespace LHCb {
       for ( unsigned int s = 0; s != nMuonStations; ++s ) {
-        ++m_histos->m_probeExtrap[{candMuon.m_trackExt[s].first, candMuon.m_trackExt[s].second}];
+        ++m_histos->m_probeExtrap[{ candMuon.m_trackExt[s].first, candMuon.m_trackExt[s].second }];
         auto [chit, chi2] =
             computeChi2( geometryinfo, candMuon.m_trackExt[s], candMuon.m_trackMS[s], muonhits.station( s ).hits() );
         candMuon.m_chitReg[s]     = chit.region();
-        candMuon.m_chit_XY[s]     = {chit.x(), chit.y()};
+        candMuon.m_chit_XY[s]     = { chit.x(), chit.y() };
         candMuon.m_probeChi2St[s] = chi2;
@@ -472,9 +477,9 @@ namespace LHCb {
         int BkgHits =
             HitsInChi2( geometryinfo, candMuon.m_trackExt[s], candMuon.m_trackMS[s], muonhits.station( s ).hits(), -1 );
-        ++m_histos->m_HitsInExtrap[{candMuon.m_idReg[s], ExtHits}];
-        ++m_histos->m_HitsInBkg[{candMuon.m_idReg[s], BkgHits}];
-        ++m_histos->m_HitsInExtrapSub[{candMuon.m_idReg[s], ExtHits - BkgHits}];
+        ++m_histos->m_HitsInExtrap[{ candMuon.m_idReg[s], ExtHits }];
+        ++m_histos->m_HitsInBkg[{ candMuon.m_idReg[s], BkgHits }];
+        ++m_histos->m_HitsInExtrapSub[{ candMuon.m_idReg[s], ExtHits - BkgHits }];
         // chamber with hit
         double hcx        = candMuon.m_chit_XY[s].first;
@@ -489,14 +494,14 @@ namespace LHCb {
         double errX2 = trackState.errX2();
         double errY2 = trackState.errY2();
-        ++m_histos->m_errXY2[{errX2, errY2}];
+        ++m_histos->m_errXY2[{ errX2, errY2 }];
         bool chamberMatched = true;
         if ( chamberHit == chamberExt && candMuon.m_extrapReg[s] == candMuon.m_chitReg[s] ) {
-          ++m_histos->m_edgeEffect[{candMuon.m_idReg[s], 1}];
+          ++m_histos->m_edgeEffect[{ candMuon.m_idReg[s], 1 }];
         } else {
           chamberMatched = false;
-          ++m_histos->m_edgeEffect[{candMuon.m_idReg[s], 0}];
+          ++m_histos->m_edgeEffect[{ candMuon.m_idReg[s], 0 }];
         unsigned int chitRegId = s * nMuonStations + candMuon.m_chitReg[s];
@@ -504,7 +509,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
         if ( chamberMatched ) {
-          ++m_histos->m_denChamb2D[chitRegId][{hcx, hcy}];
+          ++m_histos->m_denChamb2D[chitRegId][{ hcx, hcy }];
         if ( candMuon.m_probeChi2St[s] < m_chi2cut ) {
@@ -512,7 +517,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
           if ( chamberMatched ) {
-            ++m_histos->m_numChamb2D[chitRegId][{hcx, hcy}];
+            ++m_histos->m_numChamb2D[chitRegId][{ hcx, hcy }];
@@ -593,4 +598,4 @@ namespace LHCb {
     return chid;
-} // namespace LHCb
\ No newline at end of file
+} // namespace LHCb
diff --git a/Muon/MuonMonitors/src/MuonMonitorAlg.cpp b/Muon/MuonMonitors/src/MuonMonitorAlg.cpp
index 145fe1a94817137ef0e81244dfb9c9e616b06e86..52a99611af9fd66812166e69a57784e3ec2076a8 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonMonitors/src/MuonMonitorAlg.cpp
+++ b/Muon/MuonMonitors/src/MuonMonitorAlg.cpp
@@ -39,21 +39,22 @@ public:
   void operator()( const LHCb::MuonPID::Range& PidMuons ) const override;
-  mutable GA::Histogram<1> m_muPidIsMuon{this, "muPidIsMuon", "muonPID IsMuon", {2, -0.5, 1.5}};
-  mutable GA::Histogram<1> m_muPidIsMuonTight{this, "muPidIsMuonTight", "muonPID IsMuonTight", {2, -0.5, 1.5}};
-  mutable GA::Histogram<1> m_muPidInAcc{this, "muPidInAcc", "muonPID InAcceptance", {2, -0.5, 1.5}};
-  mutable GA::Histogram<1> m_muPidPreSelMom{this, "muPidPreSelMom", "muonPID momentum preselection", {2, -0.5, 1.5}};
-  mutable GA::Histogram<1> m_muPidChi2ID{this, "muPidChi2ID", "muonPID log10(correlated chi2/ndof)", {56, -2., 5.}};
-  mutable GA::Histogram<1> m_muPidCatBoostID{this, "muPidCatBoostID", "muonPID CatBoost", {100, -10., 10.}};
-  mutable GA::Histogram<1> m_muPidMuLL{this, "muPidMuLL", "muonPID Mu LogLikelihood", {100, -11.5, 10.5}};
-  mutable GA::Histogram<1> m_muPidBkgLL{this, "muPidBkgLL", "muonPID Bkg LogLikelihood", {100, -11.5, 10.5}};
+  mutable GA::Histogram<1> m_muPidIsMuon{ this, "muPidIsMuon", "muonPID IsMuon", { 2, -0.5, 1.5 } };
+  mutable GA::Histogram<1> m_muPidIsMuonTight{ this, "muPidIsMuonTight", "muonPID IsMuonTight", { 2, -0.5, 1.5 } };
+  mutable GA::Histogram<1> m_muPidInAcc{ this, "muPidInAcc", "muonPID InAcceptance", { 2, -0.5, 1.5 } };
+  mutable GA::Histogram<1> m_muPidPreSelMom{
+      this, "muPidPreSelMom", "muonPID momentum preselection", { 2, -0.5, 1.5 } };
+  mutable GA::Histogram<1> m_muPidChi2ID{ this, "muPidChi2ID", "muonPID log10(correlated chi2/ndof)", { 56, -2., 5. } };
+  mutable GA::Histogram<1> m_muPidCatBoostID{ this, "muPidCatBoostID", "muonPID CatBoost", { 100, -10., 10. } };
+  mutable GA::Histogram<1> m_muPidMuLL{ this, "muPidMuLL", "muonPID Mu LogLikelihood", { 100, -11.5, 10.5 } };
+  mutable GA::Histogram<1> m_muPidBkgLL{ this, "muPidBkgLL", "muonPID Bkg LogLikelihood", { 100, -11.5, 10.5 } };
 // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
 MuonMonitorAlg::MuonMonitorAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : Consumer{name, pSvcLocator, {"InputLocation", ""}} {}
+    : Consumer{ name, pSvcLocator, { "InputLocation", "" } } {}
 void MuonMonitorAlg::operator()( const LHCb::MuonPID::Range& PidMuons ) const {
diff --git a/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/python/MuonPIDChecker/ConfigureMuonPIDChecker.py b/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/python/MuonPIDChecker/ConfigureMuonPIDChecker.py
index 49778747ac06149c1aea6b7d861244dee1bbaad8..9ef9898a198e1a2e28430d2b99a4c7f35815e4c1 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/python/MuonPIDChecker/ConfigureMuonPIDChecker.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/python/MuonPIDChecker/ConfigureMuonPIDChecker.py
@@ -9,27 +9,26 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
- =============================================================
- Class to configure MuonPIDChecker.
- Author: Jose Angel Hernando Morata, Miriam Gandelman
- =============================================================
+Class to configure MuonPIDChecker.
+Author: Jose Angel Hernando Morata, Miriam Gandelman
 from __future__ import print_function
-from builtins import object
 import os
+from builtins import object
+from Configurables import GaudiSequencer, MuonPIDChecker
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from Configurables import MuonPIDChecker
-from Configurables import GaudiSequencer
 class ConfigureMuonPIDChecker(object):
     def __init__(self, data="DC06", version="def", debug=False):
-    initialization for the class. Use as input data type (DC06,MC09,etc) and version of it if necessary.
-    """
+        initialization for the class. Use as input data type (DC06,MC09,etc) and version of it if necessary.
+        """
         self.debug = debug
         if self.debug:
             print("ConfigureMuonPIDChecker data ", data, " version", version)
@@ -39,6 +38,7 @@ class ConfigureMuonPIDChecker(object):
         mod = ["Muon_" + x for x in mod]
         import importlib
         info = None
         for m in mod:
@@ -53,14 +53,16 @@ class ConfigureMuonPIDChecker(object):
     def configure(self, name="MuonPID", UseMC=True, HistosLevel="OfflineFull"):
-    configure the MuonPIDchecker algorithm
-    """
+        configure the MuonPIDchecker algorithm
+        """
-        if self.debug: print("CONFIGURING MUONPIDCHECKER")
+        if self.debug:
         ## check if input is already an instance or this must be created
         ext = "Checker"
-        if (not UseMC): ext = "Monitor"
+        if not UseMC:
+            ext = "Monitor"
         myalg1 = MuonPIDChecker(name + ext + "Long")
         myalg1.HistoTopDir = "Muon/"
@@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ class ConfigureMuonPIDChecker(object):
         myalg1.MonitorCutValues = self.info.MonitorCutValues
         myalg1.HistoDir = name + "/" + ext + "Long"
-        if (HistosLevel == "Expert" or HistosLevel == "OfflineFull"):
+        if HistosLevel == "Expert" or HistosLevel == "OfflineFull":
             myalg1.HistosOutput = 4
             # Configure and additional instance to look at Downstream tracks
             myalg2 = MuonPIDChecker(name + ext + "Down")
@@ -80,10 +82,10 @@ class ConfigureMuonPIDChecker(object):
             myalg2.MonitorCutValues = self.info.MonitorCutValues
             myalg2.HistoDir = name + "/" + ext + "Down"
             myalg2.HistosOutput = 4
-            if (HistosLevel == "OfflineFull"):
+            if HistosLevel == "OfflineFull":
                 myalg1.HistosOutput = 3
                 myalg2.HistosOutput = 3
-            if (UseMC):
+            if UseMC:
                 GaudiSequencer("CheckMUONSeq").Members += [
                     "MuonPIDChecker/" + name + ext + "Down"
@@ -93,15 +95,14 @@ class ConfigureMuonPIDChecker(object):
-            if (HistosLevel == "OfflineExpress"):
+            if HistosLevel == "OfflineExpress":
                 myalg1.HistosOutput = 2
-            if (HistosLevel == "Online"):
+            if HistosLevel == "Online":
                 myalg1.HistosOutput = 1
-            if (HistosLevel == "None"):
+            if HistosLevel == "None":
                 myalg1.HistosOutput = 0
-        if (UseMC):
+        if UseMC:
             GaudiSequencer("CheckMUONSeq").Members += [
                 "MuonPIDChecker/" + name + ext + "Long"
diff --git a/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/python/MuonPIDChecker/Muon_2008_def.py b/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/python/MuonPIDChecker/Muon_2008_def.py
index 5095d8c365a2622a62a991ddf9d85d7ab397afba..87a8ac7f2d74b1f656b3a0fd543f3adf6635ac0c 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/python/MuonPIDChecker/Muon_2008_def.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/python/MuonPIDChecker/Muon_2008_def.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 # (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
@@ -18,6 +19,6 @@ if DEBUG:
     print("DATA=", DATA)
     print("VERSION=", VERSION)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
 #    IsMuonLoose, IsMuon, MuProb, MuProb, DLL, DLL, NShared, NShared
-MonitorCutValues = [1., 1., 0.9, 0.9, 1.4, 1.4, 1., 1.]
+MonitorCutValues = [1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.9, 1.4, 1.4, 1.0, 1.0]
diff --git a/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/python/MuonPIDChecker/Muon_2009_def.py b/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/python/MuonPIDChecker/Muon_2009_def.py
index 5c7fa37011930520cb97c0e66289116ae292f71e..db88cb8bc3b5caa3c563cc0396839b703a9de92d 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/python/MuonPIDChecker/Muon_2009_def.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/python/MuonPIDChecker/Muon_2009_def.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 # (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
@@ -18,6 +19,6 @@ if DEBUG:
     print("DATA=", DATA)
     print("VERSION=", VERSION)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
 #    IsMuonLoose, IsMuon, MuProb, MuProb, DLL, DLL, NShared, NShared
-MonitorCutValues = [1., 1., 0.9, 0.9, 1.4, 1.4, 1., 1.]
+MonitorCutValues = [1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.9, 1.4, 1.4, 1.0, 1.0]
diff --git a/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/python/MuonPIDChecker/Muon_DC06_def.py b/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/python/MuonPIDChecker/Muon_DC06_def.py
index 29d05dafaf8f90b9071ad6ea67a731733917df3d..a89cebf9295bdf9fad0455050ee8a6ab27b077c8 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/python/MuonPIDChecker/Muon_DC06_def.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/python/MuonPIDChecker/Muon_DC06_def.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 # (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
@@ -18,6 +19,6 @@ if DEBUG:
     print("DATA=", DATA)
     print("VERSION=", VERSION)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
 #    IsMuonLoose, IsMuon, MuProb, MuProb, DLL, DLL, NShared, NShared
-MonitorCutValues = [1., 1., 0.9, 0.9, 1.4, 1.4, 1., 1.]
+MonitorCutValues = [1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.9, 1.4, 1.4, 1.0, 1.0]
diff --git a/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/python/MuonPIDChecker/Muon_MC09_def.py b/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/python/MuonPIDChecker/Muon_MC09_def.py
index 02c8040e97eb826f239deaa4a101525197b1c47a..be5cbad1b266a450fb4fa38e340ea2a520eca217 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/python/MuonPIDChecker/Muon_MC09_def.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/python/MuonPIDChecker/Muon_MC09_def.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 # (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
@@ -25,6 +26,6 @@ if DEBUG:
     print("DATA=", DATA)
     print("VERSION=", VERSION)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
 #    IsMuonLoose, IsMuon, MuProb, MuProb, DLL, DLL, NShared, NShared
-MonitorCutValues = [1., 1., 0.9, 0.9, 1.4, 1.4, 1., 1.]
+MonitorCutValues = [1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.9, 1.4, 1.4, 1.0, 1.0]
diff --git a/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/src/MuonPIDChecker.cpp b/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/src/MuonPIDChecker.cpp
index 22680c5c2424f3c501c095c6b0801a2e8ba4ed37..a121840abfbed21fe29cfe81ce71654c6c6b78fb 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/src/MuonPIDChecker.cpp
+++ b/Muon/MuonPIDChecker/src/MuonPIDChecker.cpp
@@ -34,27 +34,27 @@
 namespace {
   struct TrackInfo {
-    double              trp0{-10000.};
-    double              trpT{-10000.};
-    int                 trRegionM2{-1};
+    double              trp0{ -10000. };
+    double              trpT{ -10000. };
+    int                 trRegionM2{ -1 };
     std::vector<double> trackX{}; // position of track in x(mm) in each station
     std::vector<double> trackY{}; // position of track in y(mm) in each station
   struct MuonPIDInfo {
-    bool         trIsPreSel{false};
-    unsigned int trIsMuon{1000};
-    unsigned int trIsMuonLoose{1000};
-    unsigned int trNShared{1000};
-    double       trMuonLhd{-1000.};
-    double       trNMuonLhd{-1000.};
+    bool         trIsPreSel{ false };
+    unsigned int trIsMuon{ 1000 };
+    unsigned int trIsMuonLoose{ 1000 };
+    unsigned int trNShared{ 1000 };
+    double       trMuonLhd{ -1000. };
+    double       trNMuonLhd{ -1000. };
   struct MuonTrackInfo {
-    double       trDist2{-1000};
-    double       trquality{-1000};
-    double       trCLquality{-1000};
-    double       trChi2{-1000};
-    double       trCLarrival{-1000};
-    unsigned int trnhitsfoi[20]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+    double       trDist2{ -1000 };
+    double       trquality{ -1000 };
+    double       trCLquality{ -1000 };
+    double       trChi2{ -1000 };
+    double       trCLarrival{ -1000 };
+    unsigned int trnhitsfoi[20]{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
   double getRateError( double rate, double nPreSelScaling ) {
     return 100. * sqrt( rate * ( 1. - rate ) * nPreSelScaling );
@@ -75,10 +75,10 @@ namespace LHCb {
     MuonPIDChecker( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                    {{"TrackLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                     {"MuonIDLocation", LHCb::MuonPIDLocation::Default},
-                     {"MuonTrackLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Muon},
-                     {"MuonDetectorLocation", Detector::Muon::Location::Default}} ){};
+                    { { "TrackLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                      { "MuonIDLocation", LHCb::MuonPIDLocation::Default },
+                      { "MuonTrackLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Muon },
+                      { "MuonDetectorLocation", Detector::Muon::Location::Default } } ){};
     StatusCode initialize() override;
     void       operator()( LHCb::Tracks const&, LHCb::MuonPIDs const&, LHCb::Tracks const&,
@@ -88,17 +88,17 @@ namespace LHCb {
     Gaudi::Property<int> m_HistosOutput{
         this, "HistosOutput", 3,
-        "OutputLevel for Histograms; 0=None, 1=Online, 2=OfflineExpress, 3=OfflineFull, 4=Expert"};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>  m_TrackType{this, "TrackType", 0, "Look at Long,Downstream or Both types of tracks"};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_RunningMC{this, "RunningMC", false, "Swap between real and MC data"};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<float>> m_monitCutValues{this,
-                                                         "MonitorCutValues",
-                                                         // IsMuonLoose, IsMuon, MuProb, MuProb, DLL, DLL, NShared,
-                                                         // NShared
-                                                         {1., 1., 0.9, 0.9, 1.4, 1.4, 1., 1.}};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>              m_DLLlower{this, "DLLlower", -1., "lower limit for DLL histo"};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>              m_DLLupper{this, "DLLupper", 6., "upper limit for DLL histo"};
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>       m_DLLnbins{this, "DLLnbins", 35, "number of bins for DLL histo"};
+        "OutputLevel for Histograms; 0=None, 1=Online, 2=OfflineExpress, 3=OfflineFull, 4=Expert" };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>  m_TrackType{ this, "TrackType", 0, "Look at Long,Downstream or Both types of tracks" };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_RunningMC{ this, "RunningMC", false, "Swap between real and MC data" };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<float>> m_monitCutValues{ this,
+                                                          "MonitorCutValues",
+                                                          // IsMuonLoose, IsMuon, MuProb, MuProb, DLL, DLL, NShared,
+                                                          // NShared
+                                                          { 1., 1., 0.9, 0.9, 1.4, 1.4, 1., 1. } };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>              m_DLLlower{ this, "DLLlower", -1., "lower limit for DLL histo" };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>              m_DLLupper{ this, "DLLupper", 6., "upper limit for DLL histo" };
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>       m_DLLnbins{ this, "DLLnbins", 35, "number of bins for DLL histo" };
     MuonPIDInfo   getMuonPIDInfo( const LHCb::Track&, const LHCb::MuonPIDs& ) const;
     MuonTrackInfo getMuonTrackInfo( LHCb::Track const&, LHCb::Tracks const&, MuonPIDInfo const& ) const;
@@ -108,32 +108,32 @@ namespace LHCb {
     void          fillIMPlots( int level, TrackInfo const&, MuonPIDInfo const&, MuonTrackInfo const& ) const;
     void          fillHitMultPlots( int level, TrackInfo const&, MuonTrackInfo const& ) const;
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_nbTracks{this, "Number of Tracks analysed"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_nbPreSelTracks{this, "Number of PreSelected Tracks"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_nbIsMuonLoose{this, "Number of IsMuonLoose Candidates"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_nbIsMuon{this, "Number of IsMuon Candidates"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_nbIsMuonLooseProb{this, "Number of IsMuonLoose under MuonProb"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_nbIsMuonProb{this, "Number of IsMuon under MuonProb"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_nbIsMuonLooseDLL{this, "Number of IsMuonLoose over DLL"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_nbIsMuonDLL{this, "Number of IsMuon over DLL"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_nbIsMuonLooseNShared{this, "Number of IsMuonLoose under NShared"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_nbIsMuonNShared{this, "Number of IsMuon under NShared"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_nbTracks{ this, "Number of Tracks analysed" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_nbPreSelTracks{ this, "Number of PreSelected Tracks" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_nbIsMuonLoose{ this, "Number of IsMuonLoose Candidates" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_nbIsMuon{ this, "Number of IsMuon Candidates" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_nbIsMuonLooseProb{ this, "Number of IsMuonLoose under MuonProb" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_nbIsMuonProb{ this, "Number of IsMuon under MuonProb" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_nbIsMuonLooseDLL{ this, "Number of IsMuonLoose over DLL" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_nbIsMuonDLL{ this, "Number of IsMuon over DLL" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nbIsMuonLooseNShared{ this, "Number of IsMuonLoose under NShared" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nbIsMuonNShared{ this, "Number of IsMuon under NShared" };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_{this, ""};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_{ this, "" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_badMuonVsLoose{
-        this, "getMuonPIDInfo:: Muon Track IsMuon < IsMuonLoose"};
+        this, "getMuonPIDInfo:: Muon Track IsMuon < IsMuonLoose" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_tooManyPids{
-        this, "getMuonPIDInfo:: nMuonPIDs associated to track >1"};
+        this, "getMuonPIDInfo:: nMuonPIDs associated to track >1" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_noAncestor{
-        this, "getMuonTrackInfo:: failed to get Muon Track ancestor"};
+        this, "getMuonTrackInfo:: failed to get Muon Track ancestor" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_badPSFlag{
-        this, "getMuonTrackInfo:: PS flag is different for Muon Track and MuonPID"};
+        this, "getMuonTrackInfo:: PS flag is different for Muon Track and MuonPID" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_badIMLFlag{
-        this, "getMuonTrackInfo:: IML flag is different for Muon Track and MuonPID"};
+        this, "getMuonTrackInfo:: IML flag is different for Muon Track and MuonPID" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_badIMFlag{
-        this, "getMuonTrackInfo:: IM flag is different for Muon Track and MuonPID"};
+        this, "getMuonTrackInfo:: IM flag is different for Muon Track and MuonPID" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_extrapolateFailed{
-        this, "getTrackInfo:: Failed to extrapolate track"};
+        this, "getTrackInfo:: Failed to extrapolate track" };
     using OptHisto1D     = std::optional<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>>;
     using OptProfHisto1D = std::optional<Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1>>;
@@ -225,106 +225,109 @@ StatusCode LHCb::MuonPIDChecker::initialize() {
     // Book histograms according to m_HistosOutput
     if ( m_HistosOutput > 0 ) {
       // fillMultiplicityPlots
-      m_hNIMLtracks.emplace( this, "hNIMLtracks", "IsMuonLoose Track multiplicity", Axis1D{12, -0.5, 11.5} );
-      m_hNIMtracks.emplace( this, "hNIMtracks", "IsMuonLoose Track multiplicity", Axis1D{12, -0.5, 11.5} );
-      m_hNIMLtracksRatio.emplace( this, "hNIMLtracksRatio", "#IsMuonLoose/#Tracks", Axis1D{22, 0., 1.1} );
+      m_hNIMLtracks.emplace( this, "hNIMLtracks", "IsMuonLoose Track multiplicity", Axis1D{ 12, -0.5, 11.5 } );
+      m_hNIMtracks.emplace( this, "hNIMtracks", "IsMuonLoose Track multiplicity", Axis1D{ 12, -0.5, 11.5 } );
+      m_hNIMLtracksRatio.emplace( this, "hNIMLtracksRatio", "#IsMuonLoose/#Tracks", Axis1D{ 22, 0., 1.1 } );
       // fillIMLPlots
       m_hIMLMomentum.emplace( this, "hIMLMomentum", "IsMuonLoose Candidate Momentum (GeV/c^2)",
-                              Axis1D{100, -25., 25.} );
-      m_hIMLPT.emplace( this, "hIMLPT", "IsMuonLoose Candidate p_T (GeV/c^2)", Axis1D{100, -5., 5.} );
-      m_hIMLRegion.emplace( this, "hIMLRegion", "MS Region for IML  tracks", Axis1D{4, 0.5, 4.5} );
+                              Axis1D{ 100, -25., 25. } );
+      m_hIMLPT.emplace( this, "hIMLPT", "IsMuonLoose Candidate p_T (GeV/c^2)", Axis1D{ 100, -5., 5. } );
+      m_hIMLRegion.emplace( this, "hIMLRegion", "MS Region for IML  tracks", Axis1D{ 4, 0.5, 4.5 } );
     if ( m_HistosOutput > 1 ) {
       // fillMultiplicityPlots
-      m_hNtracks.emplace( this, "hNtracks", "Track multiplicity", Axis1D{61, -0.5, 60.5} );
-      m_hPSNtracks.emplace( this, "hPSNtracks", "PreSelection Track multiplicity", Axis1D{51, -0.5, 50.5} );
-      m_hNIMLPStracksRatio.emplace( this, "hNIMLPStracksRatio", "#IsMuonLoose/#PSTracks", Axis1D{22, 0., 1.1} );
-      m_hNIMPStracksRatio.emplace( this, "hNIMPStracksRatio", "#IsMuon/#PSTracks", Axis1D{22, 0., 1.1} );
-      m_hNIMtracksRatio.emplace( this, "hNIMtracksRatio", "#IsMuon/#Tracks", Axis1D{22, 0., 1.1} );
+      m_hNtracks.emplace( this, "hNtracks", "Track multiplicity", Axis1D{ 61, -0.5, 60.5 } );
+      m_hPSNtracks.emplace( this, "hPSNtracks", "PreSelection Track multiplicity", Axis1D{ 51, -0.5, 50.5 } );
+      m_hNIMLPStracksRatio.emplace( this, "hNIMLPStracksRatio", "#IsMuonLoose/#PSTracks", Axis1D{ 22, 0., 1.1 } );
+      m_hNIMPStracksRatio.emplace( this, "hNIMPStracksRatio", "#IsMuon/#PSTracks", Axis1D{ 22, 0., 1.1 } );
+      m_hNIMtracksRatio.emplace( this, "hNIMtracksRatio", "#IsMuon/#Tracks", Axis1D{ 22, 0., 1.1 } );
       // fillPreSelPlots
-      m_hPSRegion.emplace( this, "hPSRegion", "MS Region for PS  tracks", Axis1D{4, 0.5, 4.5} );
-      m_hPSMomentum.emplace( this, "hPSMomentum", "PreSelected Track Momentum (GeV/c^2)", Axis1D{100, -25., 25.} );
-      m_hPSPT.emplace( this, "hPSPT", "PreSelected Track p_T (GeV/c^2)", Axis1D{100, -5., 5.} );
-      m_hIML_PS.emplace( this, "hIML_PS", " IsMuonLoose for PS Tracks ", Axis1D{2, -0.5, 1.5} );
-      m_hIM_PS.emplace( this, "hIM_PS", " IsMuon for PS Tracks ", Axis1D{2, -0.5, 1.5} );
+      m_hPSRegion.emplace( this, "hPSRegion", "MS Region for PS  tracks", Axis1D{ 4, 0.5, 4.5 } );
+      m_hPSMomentum.emplace( this, "hPSMomentum", "PreSelected Track Momentum (GeV/c^2)", Axis1D{ 100, -25., 25. } );
+      m_hPSPT.emplace( this, "hPSPT", "PreSelected Track p_T (GeV/c^2)", Axis1D{ 100, -5., 5. } );
+      m_hIML_PS.emplace( this, "hIML_PS", " IsMuonLoose for PS Tracks ", Axis1D{ 2, -0.5, 1.5 } );
+      m_hIM_PS.emplace( this, "hIM_PS", " IsMuon for PS Tracks ", Axis1D{ 2, -0.5, 1.5 } );
       // fillIMLPlots
-      m_hNShared_IML.emplace( this, "hNShared_IML", " NShared for PS Tracks ", Axis1D{6, -0.5, 5.5} );
-      m_hDist2_IML.emplace( this, "hDist2_IML", "Muon Dist for IML candidates", Axis1D{100, 0., 600.} );
-      m_hProbMu_IML.emplace( this, "hProbMu_IML", "Muon Probability for IML candidates", Axis1D{60, -0.1, 1.1} );
-      m_hProbNMu_IML.emplace( this, "hProbNMu_IML", "Non-Muon Probability for IML candidates", Axis1D{60, -0.1, 1.1} );
+      m_hNShared_IML.emplace( this, "hNShared_IML", " NShared for PS Tracks ", Axis1D{ 6, -0.5, 5.5 } );
+      m_hDist2_IML.emplace( this, "hDist2_IML", "Muon Dist for IML candidates", Axis1D{ 100, 0., 600. } );
+      m_hProbMu_IML.emplace( this, "hProbMu_IML", "Muon Probability for IML candidates", Axis1D{ 60, -0.1, 1.1 } );
+      m_hProbNMu_IML.emplace( this, "hProbNMu_IML", "Non-Muon Probability for IML candidates",
+                              Axis1D{ 60, -0.1, 1.1 } );
       m_hMuDLL_IML.emplace( this, "hMuDLL_IML", "Muon DLL for IML candidates",
-                            Axis1D{m_DLLnbins, m_DLLlower, m_DLLupper} );
-      m_hNIMLvsXM2.emplace( this, "hNIMLvsXM2", "MS X position at M2 for IML  tracks", Axis1D{550, -5500, 5500} );
-      m_hNIMLvsYM2.emplace( this, "hNIMLvsYM2", "MS Y position at M2 for IML  tracks", Axis1D{550, -5500, 5500} );
+                            Axis1D{ m_DLLnbins, m_DLLlower, m_DLLupper } );
+      m_hNIMLvsXM2.emplace( this, "hNIMLvsXM2", "MS X position at M2 for IML  tracks", Axis1D{ 550, -5500, 5500 } );
+      m_hNIMLvsYM2.emplace( this, "hNIMLvsYM2", "MS Y position at M2 for IML  tracks", Axis1D{ 550, -5500, 5500 } );
       // fillIMPlots
-      m_hIMMomentum.emplace( this, "hIMMomentum", "IsMuon candidate Momentum (GeV/c^2)", Axis1D{100, -25., 25.} );
-      m_hIMPT.emplace( this, "hIMPT", "IsMuon candidate p_T (GeV/c^2)", Axis1D{100, -5., 5.} );
-      m_hIMRegion.emplace( this, "hIMRegion", "MS Region for IM tracks", Axis1D{4, 0.5, 4.5} );
-      m_hNShared_IM.emplace( this, "hNShared_IM", " NShared for PS Tracks ", Axis1D{6, -0.5, 5.5} );
-      m_hDist2_IM.emplace( this, "hDist2_IM", "Muon Dist for IM candidates", Axis1D{100, 0., 600.} );
-      m_hProbMu_IM.emplace( this, "hProbMu_IM", "Muon Probability for IM candidates", Axis1D{60, -0.1, 1.1} );
-      m_hProbNMu_IM.emplace( this, "hProbNMu_IM", "Non-Muon Probability for IM candidates", Axis1D{60, -0.1, 1.1} );
+      m_hIMMomentum.emplace( this, "hIMMomentum", "IsMuon candidate Momentum (GeV/c^2)", Axis1D{ 100, -25., 25. } );
+      m_hIMPT.emplace( this, "hIMPT", "IsMuon candidate p_T (GeV/c^2)", Axis1D{ 100, -5., 5. } );
+      m_hIMRegion.emplace( this, "hIMRegion", "MS Region for IM tracks", Axis1D{ 4, 0.5, 4.5 } );
+      m_hNShared_IM.emplace( this, "hNShared_IM", " NShared for PS Tracks ", Axis1D{ 6, -0.5, 5.5 } );
+      m_hDist2_IM.emplace( this, "hDist2_IM", "Muon Dist for IM candidates", Axis1D{ 100, 0., 600. } );
+      m_hProbMu_IM.emplace( this, "hProbMu_IM", "Muon Probability for IM candidates", Axis1D{ 60, -0.1, 1.1 } );
+      m_hProbNMu_IM.emplace( this, "hProbNMu_IM", "Non-Muon Probability for IM candidates", Axis1D{ 60, -0.1, 1.1 } );
       m_hMuDLL_IM.emplace( this, "hMuDLL_IM", "Muon DLL for IM candidates",
-                           Axis1D{m_DLLnbins, m_DLLlower, m_DLLupper} );
-      m_hNIMvsXM2.emplace( this, "hNIMvsXM2", "MS X position at M2 for IM  tracks", Axis1D{550, -5500, 5500} );
-      m_hNIMvsYM2.emplace( this, "hNIMvsYM2", "MS Y position at M2 for IM  tracks", Axis1D{550, -5500, 5500} );
-      m_hDist2_IML_R.emplace( this, "hDist2_IML_R{}", "Muon Dist for IML candidates at R{}", Axis1D{100, 0., 600.} );
+                           Axis1D{ m_DLLnbins, m_DLLlower, m_DLLupper } );
+      m_hNIMvsXM2.emplace( this, "hNIMvsXM2", "MS X position at M2 for IM  tracks", Axis1D{ 550, -5500, 5500 } );
+      m_hNIMvsYM2.emplace( this, "hNIMvsYM2", "MS Y position at M2 for IM  tracks", Axis1D{ 550, -5500, 5500 } );
+      m_hDist2_IML_R.emplace( this, "hDist2_IML_R{}", "Muon Dist for IML candidates at R{}", Axis1D{ 100, 0., 600. } );
       m_hProbMu_IML_R.emplace( this, "hProbMu_IML_R{}", "Muon Probability for IML candidates at R{}",
-                               Axis1D{60, -0.1, 1.1} );
-      m_hDist2_IM_R.emplace( this, "hDist2_IM_R{}", "Muon Dist for IM candidates at R{}", Axis1D{100, 0., 600.} );
+                               Axis1D{ 60, -0.1, 1.1 } );
+      m_hDist2_IM_R.emplace( this, "hDist2_IM_R{}", "Muon Dist for IM candidates at R{}", Axis1D{ 100, 0., 600. } );
       m_hProbMu_IM_R.emplace( this, "hProbMu_IM_R{}", "Muon Probability for IM candidates at R{}",
-                              Axis1D{60, -0.1, 1.1} );
+                              Axis1D{ 60, -0.1, 1.1 } );
     if ( m_HistosOutput > 2 ) {
       // fillPreSelPlots
-      m_hEffvsP_IML.emplace( this, "hEffvsP_IML", "IML Efficiency vs P (GeV/c^2)", Axis1D{100, -25., 25.} );
-      m_hEffvsPT_IML.emplace( this, "hEffvsPT_IML", "IML Efficiency vs PT (GeV/c^2)", Axis1D{100, -5., 5.} );
-      m_hEffvsP_IM.emplace( this, "hEffvsP_IM", "IM Efficiency vs P (GeV/c^2)", Axis1D{100, -25., 25.} );
-      m_hEffvsPT_IM.emplace( this, "hEffvsPT_IM", "IM Efficiency vs PT (GeV/c^2)", Axis1D{100, -5., 5.} );
+      m_hEffvsP_IML.emplace( this, "hEffvsP_IML", "IML Efficiency vs P (GeV/c^2)", Axis1D{ 100, -25., 25. } );
+      m_hEffvsPT_IML.emplace( this, "hEffvsPT_IML", "IML Efficiency vs PT (GeV/c^2)", Axis1D{ 100, -5., 5. } );
+      m_hEffvsP_IM.emplace( this, "hEffvsP_IM", "IM Efficiency vs P (GeV/c^2)", Axis1D{ 100, -25., 25. } );
+      m_hEffvsPT_IM.emplace( this, "hEffvsPT_IM", "IM Efficiency vs PT (GeV/c^2)", Axis1D{ 100, -5., 5. } );
       // fillIMLPlots
-      m_hIM_IML.emplace( this, "hIM_IML", " IsMuon for IML Tracks ", Axis1D{2, -0.5, 1.5} );
+      m_hIM_IML.emplace( this, "hIM_IML", " IsMuon for IML Tracks ", Axis1D{ 2, -0.5, 1.5 } );
       m_hDLL_IML_R.emplace( this, "hDLL_IML_R{}", "Muon DLL for IML candidates at R{}",
-                            Axis1D{m_DLLnbins, m_DLLlower, m_DLLupper} );
+                            Axis1D{ m_DLLnbins, m_DLLlower, m_DLLupper } );
       m_hDLL_IM_R.emplace( this, "hDLL_IM_R{}", "Muon DLL for IM candidates at R{}",
-                           Axis1D{m_DLLnbins, m_DLLlower, m_DLLupper} );
+                           Axis1D{ m_DLLnbins, m_DLLlower, m_DLLupper } );
       // fillHitMultPlots
       m_hAvTotNhitsFOIvsR.emplace( this, "hAvTotNhitsFOIvsR", "Mean Number of hits in FOI vs Region (M2)",
-                                   Axis1D{4, 0.5, 4.5} );
+                                   Axis1D{ 4, 0.5, 4.5 } );
       m_hAvTotNhitsFOIvsX.emplace( this, "hAvTotNhitsFOIvsX", "Mean Number of hits in FOI vs X (M2)",
-                                   Axis1D{200, -5000, 5000} );
+                                   Axis1D{ 200, -5000, 5000 } );
       m_hAvTotNhitsFOIvsY.emplace( this, "hAvTotNhitsFOIvsY", "Mean Number of hits in FOI vs Y (M2)",
-                                   Axis1D{200, -5000, 5000} );
+                                   Axis1D{ 200, -5000, 5000 } );
       m_hAvNHhitsFOIvsR_M.emplace( this, "hAvNHhitsFOIvsR_M{}", "Mean Number of hits in FOI for M{} vs MS Region",
-                                   Axis1D{4, 0.5, 4.5} );
+                                   Axis1D{ 4, 0.5, 4.5 } );
     if ( m_HistosOutput > 3 ) {
       // fillIMLPlots
-      m_hChi2_IML.emplace( this, "hChi2_IML", "Chi2 per nDOF for IML Candidates", Axis1D{100, 0., 200.} );
-      m_hQuality_IML.emplace( this, "hQuality_IML", "Track Quality for IML Candidates", Axis1D{100, 0., 200.} );
-      m_hCLQuality_IML.emplace( this, "hCLQuality_IML", "Track CL Quality for IML Candidates", Axis1D{60, -0.1, 1.1} );
-      m_hCLArrival_IML.emplace( this, "hCLArrival_IML", "Track CL Arrival for IML Candidates", Axis1D{60, -0.1, 1.1} );
-      m_hProbMuvsP_IML.emplace( this, "hProbMuvsP_IML", "Mean Muon Prob vs p for IML tracks", Axis1D{100, 0., 100.} );
+      m_hChi2_IML.emplace( this, "hChi2_IML", "Chi2 per nDOF for IML Candidates", Axis1D{ 100, 0., 200. } );
+      m_hQuality_IML.emplace( this, "hQuality_IML", "Track Quality for IML Candidates", Axis1D{ 100, 0., 200. } );
+      m_hCLQuality_IML.emplace( this, "hCLQuality_IML", "Track CL Quality for IML Candidates",
+                                Axis1D{ 60, -0.1, 1.1 } );
+      m_hCLArrival_IML.emplace( this, "hCLArrival_IML", "Track CL Arrival for IML Candidates",
+                                Axis1D{ 60, -0.1, 1.1 } );
+      m_hProbMuvsP_IML.emplace( this, "hProbMuvsP_IML", "Mean Muon Prob vs p for IML tracks", Axis1D{ 100, 0., 100. } );
       m_hNProbMuvsP_IML.emplace( this, "hNProbMuvsP_IML", "Mean non-Muon Prob vs P for IML tracks ",
-                                 Axis1D{100, 0., 100.} );
+                                 Axis1D{ 100, 0., 100. } );
       // fillIMPlots
-      m_hChi2_IM.emplace( this, "hChi2_IM", "Chi2 per nDOF for IM Candidates", Axis1D{100, 0., 200.} );
-      m_hQuality_IM.emplace( this, "hQuality_IM", "Track Quality for IM Candidates", Axis1D{100, 0., 200.} );
-      m_hCLQuality_IM.emplace( this, "hCLQuality_IM", "Track CL Quality for IM Candidates", Axis1D{60, -0.1, 1.1} );
-      m_hCLArrival_IM.emplace( this, "hCLArrival_IM", "Track CL Arrival for IM Candidates", Axis1D{60, -0.1, 1.1} );
-      m_hProbMuvsP_IM.emplace( this, "hProbMuvsP_IM", "Mean Muon Prob vs p for IM tracks", Axis1D{100, 0., 100.} );
+      m_hChi2_IM.emplace( this, "hChi2_IM", "Chi2 per nDOF for IM Candidates", Axis1D{ 100, 0., 200. } );
+      m_hQuality_IM.emplace( this, "hQuality_IM", "Track Quality for IM Candidates", Axis1D{ 100, 0., 200. } );
+      m_hCLQuality_IM.emplace( this, "hCLQuality_IM", "Track CL Quality for IM Candidates", Axis1D{ 60, -0.1, 1.1 } );
+      m_hCLArrival_IM.emplace( this, "hCLArrival_IM", "Track CL Arrival for IM Candidates", Axis1D{ 60, -0.1, 1.1 } );
+      m_hProbMuvsP_IM.emplace( this, "hProbMuvsP_IM", "Mean Muon Prob vs p for IM tracks", Axis1D{ 100, 0., 100. } );
       m_hNProbMuvsP_IM.emplace( this, "hNProbMuvsP_IM", "Mean non-Muon Prob vs P for IM tracks ",
-                                Axis1D{100, 0., 100.} );
+                                Axis1D{ 100, 0., 100. } );
       // fillHitMultPlots
       m_hNHhitsFOIvsR_M.emplace( this, "hNHhitsFOIvsR_M{}", "Number of hits in FOI for M{} vs MS Region",
-                                 Axis1D{4, 0.5, 4.5}, Axis1D{11, -0.5, 10.5} );
+                                 Axis1D{ 4, 0.5, 4.5 }, Axis1D{ 11, -0.5, 10.5 } );
       m_hNhitsFOIvsX_M.emplace( this, "hNhitsFOIvsX_M{}", "Number of hits in FOI for M{} vs MS X Pos.",
-                                Axis1D{11, -0.5, 10.5}, Axis1D{200, -5000, 5000} );
+                                Axis1D{ 11, -0.5, 10.5 }, Axis1D{ 200, -5000, 5000 } );
       m_hNhitsFOIvsY_M.emplace( this, "hNhitsFOIvsY_M{}", "Number of hits in FOI for M{} vs MS Y Pos.",
-                                Axis1D{11, -0.5, 10.5}, Axis1D{200, -5000, 5000} );
+                                Axis1D{ 11, -0.5, 10.5 }, Axis1D{ 200, -5000, 5000 } );
       m_hAvNhitsFOIvsX_M.emplace( this, "hAvNhitsFOIvsX_M{}", "Mean Number of hits in FOI for M{} vs MS X Pos.",
-                                  Axis1D{200, -5000, 5000} );
+                                  Axis1D{ 200, -5000, 5000 } );
       m_hAvNhitsFOIvsY_M.emplace( this, "hAvNhitsFOIvsY_M{}", "Mean Number of hits in FOI for M{} vs MS Y Pos.",
-                                  Axis1D{200, -5000, 5000} );
+                                  Axis1D{ 200, -5000, 5000 } );
     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
   } );
@@ -336,10 +339,10 @@ StatusCode LHCb::MuonPIDChecker::initialize() {
 void LHCb::MuonPIDChecker::operator()( LHCb::Tracks const& trTracks, LHCb::MuonPIDs const& muids,
                                        LHCb::Tracks const& muTracks, DeMuonDetector const& muonDet ) const {
   // Event  counters
-  unsigned int nTr{0};
-  unsigned int nTrPreSel{0};
-  unsigned int nTrIsMuonLoose{0};
-  unsigned int nTrIsMuon{0};
+  unsigned int nTr{ 0 };
+  unsigned int nTrPreSel{ 0 };
+  unsigned int nTrIsMuonLoose{ 0 };
+  unsigned int nTrIsMuon{ 0 };
   for ( const auto& track : trTracks ) {
     if ( !( track->checkFlag( LHCb::Track::Flags::Clone ) ) &&
          ( ( track->checkType( LHCb::Track::Types::Long ) && ( m_TrackType == 0 || m_TrackType == 2 ) ) ||
@@ -623,9 +626,9 @@ void LHCb::MuonPIDChecker::fillHitMultPlots( int level, TrackInfo const& ti, Muo
       NhitsFOI += nhitsfoiS[i];
       ( *m_hAvNHhitsFOIvsR_M )[i + 1][ti.trRegionM2] += nhitsfoiS[i];
       if ( level > 3 ) {
-        ++( *m_hNHhitsFOIvsR_M )[i + 1][{ti.trRegionM2, nhitsfoiS[i]}];
-        ++( *m_hNhitsFOIvsX_M )[i + 1][{nhitsfoiS[i], ti.trackX[i]}];
-        ++( *m_hNhitsFOIvsY_M )[i + 1][{nhitsfoiS[i], ti.trackY[i]}];
+        ++( *m_hNHhitsFOIvsR_M )[i + 1][{ ti.trRegionM2, nhitsfoiS[i] }];
+        ++( *m_hNhitsFOIvsX_M )[i + 1][{ nhitsfoiS[i], ti.trackX[i] }];
+        ++( *m_hNhitsFOIvsY_M )[i + 1][{ nhitsfoiS[i], ti.trackY[i] }];
         ( *m_hAvNhitsFOIvsX_M )[i + 1][ti.trackX[i]] += nhitsfoiS[i];
         ( *m_hAvNhitsFOIvsY_M )[i + 1][ti.trackY[i]] += nhitsfoiS[i];
diff --git a/Muon/MuonTools/doc/release.notes b/Muon/MuonTools/doc/release.notes
index 42d6b55ded1733f1fe6b8f11cbab1509c2b9da73..69d3ac25816e10b458d31770b6b2c1ac5450187e 100755
--- a/Muon/MuonTools/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Muon/MuonTools/doc/release.notes
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
  - Varius changes in Muon FastHWTool.cpp to allow compilation on windows
 ! 2010-02-17 - Rob Lambert
- - Added MuonFastHWTool. 
+ - Added MuonFastHWTool.
    There are many problems with this which need to be fixed before the
    next release.
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
 !======================== MuonTools v5r0 2009-05-08 ========================
 ! 2009-04-29 - A. Satta
- -resume the package to contain the MuonFastPosTool which was contentained in 
-  Hlt/HltMuon package. 
+ -resume the package to contain the MuonFastPosTool which was contentained in
+  Hlt/HltMuon package.
 !======================== MuonTools v4r0 2006-09-25 ========================
 ! 2006-09-25 - A. Satta
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@
    CMT v1r16
 ! 2004-03-10 - David Hutchcroft
- - Changed loading order of local variables for MuonTileIDXYZ: now all loaded 
+ - Changed loading order of local variables for MuonTileIDXYZ: now all loaded
    in constructor rather than on demand. Changed to make slightly faster and
-   so the XML reading is not spread through the first 10 events. Also avoided 
+   so the XML reading is not spread through the first 10 events. Also avoided
    searching for detector elements by text name in the detector store.
 !======================== MuonTools v3r6 2003-07-02 ========================
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
 !======================== MuonTools v3r4 2003-04-12 ========================
 ! 2003-04-12 - Alessia Satta
  - Fix a bug that causes accessing vector's element outside vector boundaries
 !======================== MuonTools v3r3 2003-01-08 ========================
 ! 2003-01-07 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Release services and tools when no longer required
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
 !======================== MuonTools v2r0 2002-06-13 ===========================
 ! 20020510 David Hutchcroft
-  - Added new interface for MuonGeometryTool that gives pad and region size 
+  - Added new interface for MuonGeometryTool that gives pad and region size
    (uses MuonTileXYZTool to do it).
   - Modified MuonTileXYZTool to return "12ths" of a region if requested
   - Changes are fully backward compatable
@@ -178,23 +178,23 @@
 ! ===========v1r2============================================================
 ! 19/04/2002 David Hutchcroft
-  More bug fixes, move the reported position to the center of the pads and 
+  More bug fixes, move the reported position to the center of the pads and
   report the positions of a logical channel in a chamber accurately
   Removed dependance on LHCbEvent
 ! ===========v1r1============================================================
 ! 11/04/2002 David Hutchcroft
-  Bug fix in MuonGeometry.h in region four I had misread (and so mistyped) 
+  Bug fix in MuonGeometry.h in region four I had misread (and so mistyped)
   101 as 107 so chamber 107 was in region 4 twice and 101 not at all.
-  Another bug fix, the size of the station is now taken from each twelfth. 
+  Another bug fix, the size of the station is now taken from each twelfth.
   The only effect is that the thin RPCs in M4 and M5 do not mean missing MWPC
 ! ===========================================================================
 ! 10/04/2002 David Hutchcroft
   Rewrote the code to convert an x,y,z to a chamber/pad. Now reads the XML
-  to get twelfths of each region as boxes and checks these. This is more 
-  reliable than assuming it is almost what you would expect at the z of the 
+  to get twelfths of each region as boxes and checks these. This is more
+  reliable than assuming it is almost what you would expect at the z of the
 ! ===========================================================================
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
 ! =========v1r0==============================================================
 ! 27/3/2002 David Hutchcroft
-  Code is now ready for release, MuonKernel was released as v1r0 again 
+  Code is now ready for release, MuonKernel was released as v1r0 again
   Changed requirements file to point at MuonDet v2r* to pick up the methods
   to determine the shape of physical and logical pads
@@ -223,5 +223,3 @@
 ! 15/3/2002   David Hutchcroft
   Added preliminary package to CVS
 ! =============================================================================
diff --git a/Muon/MuonTools/src/MergeMuonPIDs.cpp b/Muon/MuonTools/src/MergeMuonPIDs.cpp
index 603144189bd492e59f9c5a41ca6b4d62671ac794..b5969fbad2a3706a5b02bb0f22b52d7515bd279e 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonTools/src/MergeMuonPIDs.cpp
+++ b/Muon/MuonTools/src/MergeMuonPIDs.cpp
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ namespace LHCb {
       : Algorithm::MergingTransformer<MuonPIDsv2( const Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<MuonPIDsv2>& )> {
     MergeMuonPIDs( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : MergingTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, {"InputMuonPIDLocations", {}},
-                              {"OutputMuonPIDLocation", MuonPIDLocation::Default} ) {}
+        : MergingTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, { "InputMuonPIDLocations", {} },
+                              { "OutputMuonPIDLocation", MuonPIDLocation::Default } ) {}
     MuonPIDsv2 operator()( const Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<MuonPIDsv2>& inPIDs ) const override;
diff --git a/Muon/MuonTools/src/MergeMuonPIDsV1.cpp b/Muon/MuonTools/src/MergeMuonPIDsV1.cpp
index 82ea5a1a77ebb7cc222804f81f04c7bf5c530b99..41415d4710b7a71f637543fb619112ccd0b962f9 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonTools/src/MergeMuonPIDsV1.cpp
+++ b/Muon/MuonTools/src/MergeMuonPIDsV1.cpp
@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ namespace LHCb {
   struct MergeMuonPIDsV1 final
       : Algorithm::MergingTransformer<LHCb::MuonPIDs( const Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<LHCb::MuonPIDs>& )> {
     MergeMuonPIDsV1( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : MergingTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, {"InputMuonPIDLocations", {}},
-                              {"OutputMuonPIDLocation", LHCb::MuonPIDLocation::Default} ) {}
+        : MergingTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, { "InputMuonPIDLocations", {} },
+                              { "OutputMuonPIDLocation", LHCb::MuonPIDLocation::Default } ) {}
     LHCb::MuonPIDs operator()( const Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<LHCb::MuonPIDs>& inPIDs ) const override;
-  LHCb::MuonPIDs MergeMuonPIDsV1::
-                 operator()( const Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<LHCb::MuonPIDs>& inPIDs ) const {
+  LHCb::MuonPIDs
+  MergeMuonPIDsV1::operator()( const Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<LHCb::MuonPIDs>& inPIDs ) const {
     // the merged PID container
     LHCb::MuonPIDs outPIDs;
     // reserve total size
diff --git a/Muon/MuonTools/src/MuonFastPosTool.cpp b/Muon/MuonTools/src/MuonFastPosTool.cpp
index 38ada13b420505b0d153551a05fc1a40db4c75d7..45c036af32e97e2bba550d1146b9a42e96fcfac8 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonTools/src/MuonFastPosTool.cpp
+++ b/Muon/MuonTools/src/MuonFastPosTool.cpp
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
 namespace {
   std::optional<DeMuonDetector::TilePosition> adjust( LHCb::Muon::ComputeTilePosition::Result r ) {
-    return DeMuonDetector::TilePosition{r.p.X(), r.p.Y(), r.p.Z(),
-                                        r.dX,    r.dY,    std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN()};
+    return DeMuonDetector::TilePosition{ r.p.X(), r.p.Y(), r.p.Z(),
+                                         r.dX,    r.dY,    std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN() };
 } // namespace
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ namespace LHCb {
     StatusCode initialize() override {
       return GaudiTool::initialize().andThen( [&]() {
-            {Detector::Muon::Location::Default}, m_compute.key(),
-            [&]( DeMuonDetector const& muonDet ) -> Muon::ComputeTilePosition { return {muonDet}; } );
+            { Detector::Muon::Location::Default }, m_compute.key(),
+            [&]( DeMuonDetector const& muonDet ) -> Muon::ComputeTilePosition { return { muonDet }; } );
       } );
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
-    ConditionAccessor<Muon::ComputeTilePosition> m_compute{this, name() + "_ComputeTilePosition"};
+    ConditionAccessor<Muon::ComputeTilePosition> m_compute{ this, name() + "_ComputeTilePosition" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( MuonFastPosTool, "MuonFastPosTool" )
diff --git a/Muon/MuonTools/src/MuonPIDToMuonTracks.cpp b/Muon/MuonTools/src/MuonPIDToMuonTracks.cpp
index d27cf4fda4467e410427163b901a78df18b6820b..bd01a2e179918bf9c8cb2073a64042c11e7d9c07 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonTools/src/MuonPIDToMuonTracks.cpp
+++ b/Muon/MuonTools/src/MuonPIDToMuonTracks.cpp
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
     MuonPIDToMuonTracks( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{"InputMuonPIDs", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputMuonTracks", ""} ) {}
+        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{ "InputMuonPIDs", "" }, KeyValue{ "OutputMuonTracks", "" } ) {}
     Tracks operator()( const MuonPIDs& muonPIDs ) const override {
       Tracks out;
diff --git a/Muon/MuonTools/src/MuonPIDV2ToMuonTracks.cpp b/Muon/MuonTools/src/MuonPIDV2ToMuonTracks.cpp
index ad09b7a6b819099a064966ec6fcda7aafdb93ac0..6ea6a4d1f0d86dd27be7278f78ba338d22f06acc 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonTools/src/MuonPIDV2ToMuonTracks.cpp
+++ b/Muon/MuonTools/src/MuonPIDV2ToMuonTracks.cpp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
     MuonPIDV2ToMuonTracks( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"InputMuonPIDs", ""}}, KeyValue{"OutputMuonTracks", ""} ) {}
+        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "InputMuonPIDs", "" } }, KeyValue{ "OutputMuonTracks", "" } ) {}
     Tracks operator()( const MuonPIDs& muonPIDs ) const override {
       Tracks out;
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbMuonPIDsCounter{this, "Nb of input v2 MuonPIDs"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbMuonPIDsCounter{ this, "Nb of input v2 MuonPIDs" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( MuonPIDV2ToMuonTracks, "MuonPIDV2ToMuonTracks" )
diff --git a/Muon/MuonTools/src/MuonPIDsEmptyProducer.cpp b/Muon/MuonTools/src/MuonPIDsEmptyProducer.cpp
index d7d48a0494cf79e1e5b5ac7b42c4a90960ab9e5d..5962c8a6fd19e90f1ad5e9d8376120ab9e2a46da 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonTools/src/MuonPIDsEmptyProducer.cpp
+++ b/Muon/MuonTools/src/MuonPIDsEmptyProducer.cpp
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
 struct MuonPIDsEmptyProducer final : LHCb::Algorithm::Producer<LHCb::MuonPIDs()> {
   MuonPIDsEmptyProducer( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : LHCb::Algorithm::Producer<LHCb::MuonPIDs()>{name, pSvcLocator, {"Output", ""}} {}
+      : LHCb::Algorithm::Producer<LHCb::MuonPIDs()>{ name, pSvcLocator, { "Output", "" } } {}
   LHCb::MuonPIDs operator()() const override { return {}; }
-  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Tracks> m_muontracks{this, "InputMuonTracks", ""};
+  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Tracks> m_muontracks{ this, "InputMuonTracks", "" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( MuonPIDsEmptyProducer, "MuonPIDsEmptyProducer" )
diff --git a/Muon/MuonTrackMonitor/doc/release.notes b/Muon/MuonTrackMonitor/doc/release.notes
index cbd1d1331679f58da707d19da113587e46eec497..b62207da4019491386695b2041620defd0d1228c 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonTrackMonitor/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Muon/MuonTrackMonitor/doc/release.notes
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 !========================= MuonTrackMonitor v2r4 2011-08-31 ========================
 ! 2011-08-25 - Patrizia de Simone
- - Moved MuEffMonitor from MuonTrackMonitor to DaVinciMonitors and removed it from 
+ - Moved MuEffMonitor from MuonTrackMonitor to DaVinciMonitors and removed it from
    Brunel sequence
 !========================= MuonTrackMonitor v2r3 2011-07-27 ========================
@@ -79,11 +79,11 @@
 - remove empty MuonTrackMonitor algorithm
 ! 2010-06-18 - S. Vecchi
-- MuonTrackAligMonitor.cpp/h: 
+- MuonTrackAligMonitor.cpp/h:
   - speeded up the extrapolation for residuals calculation on each muon station
   - added some useful histograms to understand if there are shearings wrt to the
-- Configuration.py: 
+- Configuration.py:
   refined the track selection to produce Alignment monitoring histograms
 !====================== MuonTrackMonitor v1r0 2010-05-21 ======================
@@ -118,4 +118,3 @@
 ! 2009-02-25 - Giacomo GRAZIANI v0r0
  - package skeleton for starting development
diff --git a/Muon/MuonTrackMonitor/python/MuonTrackMonitor/Configuration.py b/Muon/MuonTrackMonitor/python/MuonTrackMonitor/Configuration.py
index edaf5c490af39a1ccfe12de454a4bf52f1d91a5e..6d7fddbac2a5e6b95046677334295770426b1598 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonTrackMonitor/python/MuonTrackMonitor/Configuration.py
+++ b/Muon/MuonTrackMonitor/python/MuonTrackMonitor/Configuration.py
@@ -9,21 +9,24 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+from Configurables import (
+    GaudiSequencer,
+    LHCbConfigurableUser,
+    MeasurementProvider,
+    MuonTrackAligMonitor,
+    TrackKalmanFilter,
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from TrackFitter.ConfiguredFitters import (ConfiguredEventFitter)
-from Configurables import (LHCbConfigurableUser, GaudiSequencer,
-                           TrackKalmanFilter, MeasurementProvider,
-                           MuonTrackAligMonitor)
+from TrackFitter.ConfiguredFitters import ConfiguredEventFitter
 class MuonTrackMonitorConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
     ## Properties -> "name": default value
     __slots__ = {
         "Histograms": "OfflineFull",
         "DataType": "2010",
         "OutputLevel": INFO,
-        "Sequencer": GaudiSequencer("MoniMUONSeq")
+        "Sequencer": GaudiSequencer("MoniMUONSeq"),
     ## List of ConfigurableUser manipulated
@@ -33,28 +36,28 @@ class MuonTrackMonitorConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
     Run2DataTypes = ["2015", "2016", "2017", "2018"]
     def applyConf(self):
         MSRossiAndGreisen = False
         # For Run 2, we want the new multiple scattering
-        if (self.getProp("DataType") in self.Run2DataTypes):
+        if self.getProp("DataType") in self.Run2DataTypes:
             MSRossiAndGreisen = True
         muonTrackFit = ConfiguredEventFitter(
-            'MuonTrackFitter',
-            'Rec/Track/Muon',
-            'Rec/Track/MuonFit',
-            MSRossiAndGreisen=MSRossiAndGreisen)
-        muonTrackFit.Fitter.addTool(TrackKalmanFilter, 'NodeFitter')
-        muonTrackFit.Fitter.addTool(MeasurementProvider, name='MeasProvider')
+            "MuonTrackFitter",
+            "Rec/Track/Muon",
+            "Rec/Track/MuonFit",
+            MSRossiAndGreisen=MSRossiAndGreisen,
+        )
+        muonTrackFit.Fitter.addTool(TrackKalmanFilter, "NodeFitter")
+        muonTrackFit.Fitter.addTool(MeasurementProvider, name="MeasProvider")
         muonTrackFit.Fitter.MeasProvider.IgnoreMuon = False
-        muonTrackFit.Fitter.MeasProvider.MuonProvider.clusterize = True  #=======
-        #muonTrackFit.Fitter.MeasProvider.MuonProvider.OutputLevel    = DEBUG #=======
+        muonTrackFit.Fitter.MeasProvider.MuonProvider.clusterize = True  # =======
+        # muonTrackFit.Fitter.MeasProvider.MuonProvider.OutputLevel    = DEBUG #=======
         muonTrackFit.Fitter.ErrorX = 1000
         muonTrackFit.Fitter.ErrorY = 1000
         muonTrackFit.Fitter.ErrorTx = 0.7
         muonTrackFit.Fitter.ErrorTy = 0.7
         muonTrackFit.Fitter.NumberFitIterations = 4
-        muonTrackFit.Fitter.MaxNumberOutliers = 0  #2
+        muonTrackFit.Fitter.MaxNumberOutliers = 0  # 2
         muonTrackFit.OutputLevel = self.getProp("OutputLevel")
         muonMoniSeq = self.getProp("Sequencer")
@@ -62,9 +65,10 @@ class MuonTrackMonitorConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
         monalig = MuonTrackAligMonitor(
-            HistoLevel=self.getProp("Histograms"))
+            HistoLevel=self.getProp("Histograms"),
+        )
         monalig.OutputLevel = self.getProp("OutputLevel")
-        #monalig.IsLongTrackState = True
+        # monalig.IsLongTrackState = True
         monalig.LongToMuonMatch = True
         monalig.pCut = 6  # =========
         monalig.chi2nCut = 3
@@ -72,13 +76,20 @@ class MuonTrackMonitorConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
         monalig.IsCosmics = False
         # For Run 2, we want the new multiple scattering
-        if (self.getProp("DataType") in self.Run2DataTypes):
-            from Configurables import TrackMasterExtrapolator, DetailedMaterialLocator, StateThickMSCorrectionTool
+        if self.getProp("DataType") in self.Run2DataTypes:
+            from Configurables import (
+                DetailedMaterialLocator,
+                StateThickMSCorrectionTool,
+                TrackMasterExtrapolator,
+            )
             monalig.addTool(TrackMasterExtrapolator, name="Extrapolator")
-                DetailedMaterialLocator, name="MaterialLocator")
+                DetailedMaterialLocator, name="MaterialLocator"
+            )
-                StateThickMSCorrectionTool, "StateMSCorrectionTool")
+                StateThickMSCorrectionTool, "StateMSCorrectionTool"
+            )
             monalig.Extrapolator.MaterialLocator.StateMSCorrectionTool.UseRossiAndGreisen = True
         muonMoniSeq.Members += [muonTrackFit, monalig]
diff --git a/Muon/MuonTrackMonitor/src/MuonTrackAligMonitor.cpp b/Muon/MuonTrackMonitor/src/MuonTrackAligMonitor.cpp
index 508c6d1f6d7d3f0bc809cc946525f7259d9c47de..d05aae32df9390cea94b5a5f52c3a4b6fc0f4a14 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonTrackMonitor/src/MuonTrackAligMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Muon/MuonTrackMonitor/src/MuonTrackAligMonitor.cpp
@@ -62,18 +62,18 @@ namespace LHCb {
     mutable OptHisto1DArray m_h_resxL_a, m_h_resyL_a, m_h_resxL_c, m_h_resyL_c, m_h_resxM_a, m_h_resyM_a, m_h_resxM_c,
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_LongToMuonMatch{this, "LongToMuonMatch", true};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_IsCosmics{this, "IsCosmics", false};
-    Gaudi::Property<double>      m_pCut{this, "pCut", 0.};
-    Gaudi::Property<double>      m_chi2nCut{this, "chi2nCut", 3};
-    Gaudi::Property<double>      m_chi2matchCut{this, "chi2matchCut", 10};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_histoLevel{this, "HistoLevel", "OfflineFull"};
-    bool m_notOnline{true};
-    bool m_expertMode{false};
-    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator>   m_extrapolator{this, "Extrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator"};
-    ToolHandle<ITrackChi2Calculator> m_chi2Calculator{this, "Chi2Calculator", "TrackChi2Calculator"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_LongToMuonMatch{ this, "LongToMuonMatch", true };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_IsCosmics{ this, "IsCosmics", false };
+    Gaudi::Property<double>      m_pCut{ this, "pCut", 0. };
+    Gaudi::Property<double>      m_chi2nCut{ this, "chi2nCut", 3 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double>      m_chi2matchCut{ this, "chi2matchCut", 10 };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_histoLevel{ this, "HistoLevel", "OfflineFull" };
+    bool m_notOnline{ true };
+    bool m_expertMode{ false };
+    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator>   m_extrapolator{ this, "Extrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator" };
+    ToolHandle<ITrackChi2Calculator> m_chi2Calculator{ this, "Chi2Calculator", "TrackChi2Calculator" };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
@@ -83,52 +83,52 @@ namespace LHCb {
 LHCb::MuonTrackAligMonitor::MuonTrackAligMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {{"Input", MuonPIDLocation::Default},
-                 {"TrackInput", "/Event/Rec/Track/MuonFit"},
-                 {"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top},
-                 {"MuonDetectorPath", DeMuonLocation::Default},
-                 {"MuonZm1Location", name + "_MuonZM1"}} ) {}
+                { { "Input", MuonPIDLocation::Default },
+                  { "TrackInput", "/Event/Rec/Track/MuonFit" },
+                  { "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top },
+                  { "MuonDetectorPath", DeMuonLocation::Default },
+                  { "MuonZm1Location", name + "_MuonZM1" } } ) {}
 StatusCode LHCb::MuonTrackAligMonitor::initialize() {
   return Consumer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
     m_notOnline  = ( m_histoLevel.value() != "Online" );
     m_expertMode = ( m_histoLevel.value() == "Expert" );
-        {inputLocation<DeMuonDetector>()}, inputLocation<MuonZM1>(),
+        { inputLocation<DeMuonDetector>() }, inputLocation<MuonZM1>(),
         [&]( DeMuonDetector const& muonDet ) -> MuonZM1 { return muonDet.getStationZ( 0 ) / Gaudi::Units::mm; } );
     const double ulow  = m_IsCosmics.value() ? -1.5 : -0.4;
     const double uhigh = -ulow;
     using Axis1D       = Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis<double>;
     if ( m_notOnline ) {
-      m_h_p.emplace( this, "p", "p", Axis1D{100, 0, 100} );
+      m_h_p.emplace( this, "p", "p", Axis1D{ 100, 0, 100 } );
       if ( m_expertMode ) {
-        m_h_xy.emplace( this, "x_vs_y", "x_vs_y", Axis1D{80, -4000, 4000}, Axis1D{80, -4000, 4000} );
-        m_h_txty.emplace( this, "tx_vs_ty", "tx_vs_ty", Axis1D{100, ulow, uhigh}, Axis1D{100, ulow, uhigh} );
+        m_h_xy.emplace( this, "x_vs_y", "x_vs_y", Axis1D{ 80, -4000, 4000 }, Axis1D{ 80, -4000, 4000 } );
+        m_h_txty.emplace( this, "tx_vs_ty", "tx_vs_ty", Axis1D{ 100, ulow, uhigh }, Axis1D{ 100, ulow, uhigh } );
     if ( m_LongToMuonMatch.value() ) {
-      if ( m_notOnline ) { m_h_chi2.emplace( this, "chi2_match", "chi2 match", Axis1D{53, -3, 50} ); }
+      if ( m_notOnline ) { m_h_chi2.emplace( this, "chi2_match", "chi2 match", Axis1D{ 53, -3, 50 } ); }
       // x coord
-      m_p_resxx.emplace( this, "prof_resx_x", "profile res. x vs x", Axis1D{80, -4000, 4000} );
-      m_p_resxy.emplace( this, "prof_resx_y", "profile res. x vs y", Axis1D{80, -4000, 4000} );
+      m_p_resxx.emplace( this, "prof_resx_x", "profile res. x vs x", Axis1D{ 80, -4000, 4000 } );
+      m_p_resxy.emplace( this, "prof_resx_y", "profile res. x vs y", Axis1D{ 80, -4000, 4000 } );
       if ( m_notOnline ) {
-        m_p_resxtx.emplace( this, "prof_resx_tx", "profile res. x vs tx", Axis1D{60, ulow, uhigh} );
-        m_p_resxty.emplace( this, "prof_resx_ty", "profile res. x vs ty", Axis1D{60, ulow, uhigh} );
-        m_p_restxx.emplace( this, "prof_restx_x", "profile res. tx vs x", Axis1D{80, -4000, 4000} );
-        m_p_restxy.emplace( this, "prof_restx_y", "profile res. tx vs y", Axis1D{80, -4000, 4000} );
-        m_p_restxtx.emplace( this, "prof_restx_tx", "profile res. tx vs tx", Axis1D{60, ulow, uhigh} );
-        m_p_restxty.emplace( this, "prof_restx_ty", "profile res. tx vs ty", Axis1D{60, ulow, uhigh} );
+        m_p_resxtx.emplace( this, "prof_resx_tx", "profile res. x vs tx", Axis1D{ 60, ulow, uhigh } );
+        m_p_resxty.emplace( this, "prof_resx_ty", "profile res. x vs ty", Axis1D{ 60, ulow, uhigh } );
+        m_p_restxx.emplace( this, "prof_restx_x", "profile res. tx vs x", Axis1D{ 80, -4000, 4000 } );
+        m_p_restxy.emplace( this, "prof_restx_y", "profile res. tx vs y", Axis1D{ 80, -4000, 4000 } );
+        m_p_restxtx.emplace( this, "prof_restx_tx", "profile res. tx vs tx", Axis1D{ 60, ulow, uhigh } );
+        m_p_restxty.emplace( this, "prof_restx_ty", "profile res. tx vs ty", Axis1D{ 60, ulow, uhigh } );
       // y coord
-      m_p_resyx.emplace( this, "prof_resy_x", "profile res. y vs x", Axis1D{80, -4000, 4000} );
-      m_p_resyy.emplace( this, "prof_resy_y", "profile res. y vs y", Axis1D{80, -4000, 4000} );
+      m_p_resyx.emplace( this, "prof_resy_x", "profile res. y vs x", Axis1D{ 80, -4000, 4000 } );
+      m_p_resyy.emplace( this, "prof_resy_y", "profile res. y vs y", Axis1D{ 80, -4000, 4000 } );
       if ( m_notOnline ) {
-        m_p_resytx.emplace( this, "prof_resy_tx", "profile res. y vs tx", Axis1D{60, ulow, uhigh} );
-        m_p_resyty.emplace( this, "prof_resy_ty", "profile res. y vs ty", Axis1D{60, ulow, uhigh} );
-        m_p_restyx.emplace( this, "prof_resty_x", "profile res. ty vs x", Axis1D{80, -4000, 4000} );
-        m_p_restyy.emplace( this, "prof_resty_y", "profile res. ty vs y", Axis1D{80, -4000, 4000} );
-        m_p_restytx.emplace( this, "prof_resty_tx", "profile res. ty vs tx", Axis1D{60, ulow, uhigh} );
-        m_p_restyty.emplace( this, "prof_resty_ty", "profile res. ty vs ty", Axis1D{60, ulow, uhigh} );
+        m_p_resytx.emplace( this, "prof_resy_tx", "profile res. y vs tx", Axis1D{ 60, ulow, uhigh } );
+        m_p_resyty.emplace( this, "prof_resy_ty", "profile res. y vs ty", Axis1D{ 60, ulow, uhigh } );
+        m_p_restyx.emplace( this, "prof_resty_x", "profile res. ty vs x", Axis1D{ 80, -4000, 4000 } );
+        m_p_restyy.emplace( this, "prof_resty_y", "profile res. ty vs y", Axis1D{ 80, -4000, 4000 } );
+        m_p_restytx.emplace( this, "prof_resty_tx", "profile res. ty vs tx", Axis1D{ 60, ulow, uhigh } );
+        m_p_restyty.emplace( this, "prof_resty_ty", "profile res. ty vs ty", Axis1D{ 60, ulow, uhigh } );
     if ( m_notOnline ) {
@@ -138,30 +138,30 @@ StatusCode LHCb::MuonTrackAligMonitor::initialize() {
         return [&s]( std::size_t i ) { return fmt::format( fmt::runtime( s ), i + 1 ); };
       m_h_resxL_a.emplace( this, getName( "residxL_aSide_station_${}" ),
-                           getTitle( "X resid from Long tracks A side M{}" ), Axis1D{100, -500, 500} );
+                           getTitle( "X resid from Long tracks A side M{}" ), Axis1D{ 100, -500, 500 } );
       m_h_resyL_a.emplace( this, getName( "residyL_aSide_station_${}" ),
-                           getTitle( "Y resid from Long tracks A side M{}" ), Axis1D{100, -500, 500} );
+                           getTitle( "Y resid from Long tracks A side M{}" ), Axis1D{ 100, -500, 500 } );
       m_h_resxL_c.emplace( this, getName( "residxL_cSide_station_${}" ),
-                           getTitle( "X resid from Long tracks C side M{}" ), Axis1D{100, -500, 500} );
+                           getTitle( "X resid from Long tracks C side M{}" ), Axis1D{ 100, -500, 500 } );
       m_h_resyL_c.emplace( this, getName( "residyL_cSide_station_${}" ),
-                           getTitle( "Y resid from Long tracks C side M{}" ), Axis1D{100, -500, 500} );
+                           getTitle( "Y resid from Long tracks C side M{}" ), Axis1D{ 100, -500, 500 } );
       m_h_resxM_a.emplace( this, getName( "residxM_aSide_station_${}" ),
-                           getTitle( "X resid from Muon tracks A side M{}" ), Axis1D{100, -500, 500} );
+                           getTitle( "X resid from Muon tracks A side M{}" ), Axis1D{ 100, -500, 500 } );
       m_h_resyM_a.emplace( this, getName( "residyM_aSide_station_${}" ),
-                           getTitle( "Y resid from Muon tracks A side M{}" ), Axis1D{100, -500, 500} );
+                           getTitle( "Y resid from Muon tracks A side M{}" ), Axis1D{ 100, -500, 500 } );
       m_h_resxM_c.emplace( this, getName( "residxM_cSide_station_${}" ),
-                           getTitle( "X resid from Muon tracks C side M{}" ), Axis1D{100, -500, 500} );
+                           getTitle( "X resid from Muon tracks C side M{}" ), Axis1D{ 100, -500, 500 } );
       m_h_resyM_c.emplace( this, getName( "residyM_cSide_station_${}" ),
-                           getTitle( "Y resid from Muon tracks C side M{}" ), Axis1D{100, -500, 500} );
+                           getTitle( "Y resid from Muon tracks C side M{}" ), Axis1D{ 100, -500, 500 } );
     m_resxhsL.emplace( this, "residx_per_halfstationL", "average X res. per half station wtr LONG",
-                       Axis1D{10, -0.5, 9.5} );
+                       Axis1D{ 10, -0.5, 9.5 } );
     m_resyhsL.emplace( this, "residy_per_halfstationL", "average Y res. per half station wtr LONG",
-                       Axis1D{10, -0.5, 9.5} );
+                       Axis1D{ 10, -0.5, 9.5 } );
     m_resxhsM.emplace( this, "residx_per_halfstationM", "average X res. per half station wtr MUON",
-                       Axis1D{10, -0.5, 9.5} );
+                       Axis1D{ 10, -0.5, 9.5 } );
     m_resyhsM.emplace( this, "residy_per_halfstationM", "average Y res. per half station wtr MUON",
-                       Axis1D{10, -0.5, 9.5} );
+                       Axis1D{ 10, -0.5, 9.5 } );
     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
   } );
@@ -225,8 +225,8 @@ void LHCb::MuonTrackAligMonitor::operator()( LHCb::MuonPIDs const& pMuids, LHCb:
     if ( m_notOnline ) {
       ++( *m_h_p )[longState.p() / Gaudi::Units::GeV];
       if ( m_expertMode ) {
-        ++( *m_h_xy )[{longState.x(), longState.y()}];
-        ++( *m_h_txty )[{longState.tx(), longState.ty()}];
+        ++( *m_h_xy )[{ longState.x(), longState.y() }];
+        ++( *m_h_txty )[{ longState.tx(), longState.ty() }];
     sc = m_chi2Calculator->calculateChi2( longState.stateVector(), longState.covariance(), muState.stateVector(),
diff --git a/Muon/MuonTrackRec/doc/release.notes b/Muon/MuonTrackRec/doc/release.notes
index d4e30979a42d878115dce22d1125806b0ca29b20..0d3339d570970e9be783580c0b9f4f06adb64966 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonTrackRec/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Muon/MuonTrackRec/doc/release.notes
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ! Package     : Muon/MuonTrackRec
 ! Responsible : Giovanni Passaleva / Giacomo Graziani
-! Purpose     : Standalone Muon track reconstruction 
-!               implementation MuonNNetRec is based on a recursive NNet, see: 
+! Purpose     : Standalone Muon track reconstruction
+!               implementation MuonNNetRec is based on a recursive NNet, see:
 !   http://indico.cern.ch/getFile.py/access?subContId=0&contribId=6&resId=1&materialId=slides&confId=26109
-!               implementation of MuonCombRac, combinatorial track 
+!               implementation of MuonCombRac, combinatorial track
 !               reconstruction algorithm for beam tracks
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
  - major change: follow constification of IMuonFastPosTool interface
 ! 2016-01-05 - Gerhard Raven
- - fix bug introduced in MuonCombRec::clear 
+ - fix bug introduced in MuonCombRec::clear
  - prefer auto
  - follow change in MuonInterfaces: make Muontrack const correct
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 !========================= MuonTrackRec v3r15 2015-11-23 =========================
 ! 2015-11-10 - G.Graziani
- - add timing information to MuonPadFromCoord 
+ - add timing information to MuonPadFromCoord
  - fix some compilation warnings and some cleanup in MuonHitDecode
 !========================= MuonTrackRec v3r14 2015-09-22 =========================
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 !========================= MuonTrackRec v3r12 2014-10-14 =======================
 ! 2014-09-11 - Michel De Cian
  - In MuonCombRec: Make tools public, protect debug statements, some simplifications in the code.
- - In MuonHitDecode: Introduce option to skip the calculations of the 'hardware numbers', 
+ - In MuonHitDecode: Introduce option to skip the calculations of the 'hardware numbers',
    as it is not needed for pure track reconstruction (as in MuonTT tracking).
 !========================= MuonTrackRec v3r11 2014-07-14 ======================
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@
  - Protect debug() print statements behind if check.
 ! 2012-08-22 - Michel De Cian
- - Modified MuonHitDecode to cope with the new raw locations, per default only the 
-   central location is now looked for. Number of prev/next locations to look for is 
+ - Modified MuonHitDecode to cope with the new raw locations, per default only the
+   central location is now looked for. Number of prev/next locations to look for is
    now a configurable option.
 !========================= MuonTrackRec v3r6p1 2011-12-15 =====================
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
 !========================= MuonTrackRec v3r4p1 2011-02-28 =====================
 ! 2011-02-21 - Michel De Cian
- - Changed static variable to member variable in MuonTrackMomRec, to allow multiple 
+ - Changed static variable to member variable in MuonTrackMomRec, to allow multiple
    instances of the tool to work independently
 !======================== MuonTrackRec v3r4 2010-06-21 ======================
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
 ! 2010-02-24 - GG
  - remove more windoz warnings
-! 2010-02-19 - GG 
+! 2010-02-19 - GG
  - remove obsolete MuonCombRec option Bfield
  - fix compilation error on windoz
  - fix momentum rec part in MuonNNetRec
@@ -181,13 +181,13 @@
 	 * setP(),setPt(),setqOverP(),setMomentum()
    * p(), pt(), qOverP(), momentum()
 		momentum is a 3D vector with the momentum components.
-   N.B ! to get momentum variables one MUST first call the method 
+   N.B ! to get momentum variables one MUST first call the method
    copyToLHCbTracks() which at the moment is not used by default.
 ! 2009-12-02 - v2r4 - GG
  minor changes:
  - bug fix in MuonHitDecode (was affecting splash-like events with huge number of hits)
- - change default track container location 
+ - change default track container location
  - one more method for IMuonHitDecode
 ! 2009-11-28 - v2r3 - GG
@@ -202,14 +202,14 @@
  - added the track fitting to MuonCombRec (it was forgotten...)
 ! 2009-10-30 - v2r1 - GP
- - new tracking tool MuonCombRec. Combinatorial algorithm for reconstruction 
+ - new tracking tool MuonCombRec. Combinatorial algorithm for reconstruction
    of tracks from the IP. Based on MuonTrackAlign package.
  - the tool implements the new clustering tool of v2r0
  - new methods:
-   * setSkipStation: allow to skip a station for efficiency studies. This can 
-     be done also within the same event if one wants to perfom the track 
+   * setSkipStation: allow to skip a station for efficiency studies. This can
+     be done also within the same event if one wants to perfom the track
      reconstruction several times excluding every time a different station
-   * setSkipStation: allow to set a seed station different from 
+   * setSkipStation: allow to set a seed station different from
      the default (M5)
  - options: inherits some options from MuonNNetRec and MuonTrackAlign
    * FOIs can be changed via options
@@ -218,31 +218,31 @@
 ! 20091016 - v2r0 GG
  - add clustering tool to be used before track reconstruction:
-   * class MuonHit represents now a cluster 
+   * class MuonHit represents now a cluster
    * new tool IMuonClusterRec with 2 implementations:
-      - MuonFakeClustering just copies log pads to MuonHits (previous 
+      - MuonFakeClustering just copies log pads to MuonHits (previous
         behaviour for bkw compatibility)
       - MuonClusterRec to cluster MuonLogPads into MuonHits
-   * clustering is off by default, turn it on with 
+   * clustering is off by default, turn it on with
       ToolSvc.MuonNNetRec.ClusterTool = "MuonClusterRec"
-   * the options PosTool, OfflineTimeAlignment TimeResidualFile  have been 
-     moved from the MuonNNetRec to the clustering tool; 
+   * the options PosTool, OfflineTimeAlignment TimeResidualFile  have been
+     moved from the MuonNNetRec to the clustering tool;
      this should be the only bkw-incompatible change
 ! 20091009 - v1r6 GG
-- go back to previous MuonPadRec (new version was not really faster and 
+- go back to previous MuonPadRec (new version was not really faster and
   was breaking ordering by station)
 - make anyway MuonNNetRec not depending on hits ordering
 - convert TrackSpanCut and StationFiringCut to integers
-- add FirstComeFirstServed option (default false) to MuonPadRec to choose 
-  the first hit and not the most centered in case of multiple hits in same 
+- add FirstComeFirstServed option (default false) to MuonPadRec to choose
+  the first hit and not the most centered in case of multiple hits in same
   channel in TAE mode
 ! 20091001 - v1r5
 - fix bug in MuonHitDecode
 ! 20091001 - v1r4
-- add possibility to veto logical pads in option file (TileVeto option of 
+- add possibility to veto logical pads in option file (TileVeto option of
   MuonPadRec is array of integers containing keys of pads to be vetoed)
 ! 20090709 - v1r3
@@ -257,14 +257,13 @@
  - compile under slc5
 ! 2009-03-16 - G. Graziani
- - first release of MuonTrackRec, unifying and reorganizing code from packages 
-   MuonMonKernel, Cosmics, MuonNNet: 
+ - first release of MuonTrackRec, unifying and reorganizing code from packages
+   MuonMonKernel, Cosmics, MuonNNet:
    * migrate from MuonMonKernel the base classes for muon decoding output
-   * add abstract interface for decoding (IMuonHitDecode): default 
-     implementation uses the official MuonRawBuffer tool, MuonMonKernel 
+   * add abstract interface for decoding (IMuonHitDecode): default
+     implementation uses the official MuonRawBuffer tool, MuonMonKernel
      providing a fast alternative for online monitoring
-   * add abstract interface for 2d pad reconstruction (IMuonPadRec): 
+   * add abstract interface for 2d pad reconstruction (IMuonPadRec):
      implementation migrated from MuonMonKernel
-   * more general tool (IMuonTrackRec) for standalone track rec. 
+   * more general tool (IMuonTrackRec) for standalone track rec.
      (MuonNNetRec is the first implementation)
diff --git a/Muon/MuonTrackRec/src/component/MuonClustersToNNMuonTracks.cpp b/Muon/MuonTrackRec/src/component/MuonClustersToNNMuonTracks.cpp
index 59e274261bcff963a709a8fd8a3bdae824ef078b..7b09f937688d6f2b9f92b8b3f58e4eb7f0e79c12 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonTrackRec/src/component/MuonClustersToNNMuonTracks.cpp
+++ b/Muon/MuonTrackRec/src/component/MuonClustersToNNMuonTracks.cpp
@@ -74,42 +74,43 @@ namespace LHCb::Muon::MuonTrackRec {
     StatusCode              muonNNetMon();
     StatusCode              trackFit( NNMuonTracks* tracks ) const;
-    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_aa{this, "PosScaleFactor", 10., "head-tail weight scale factor"};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_bb{this, "NegScaleFactorB", 1., "head-head weight scale factor"};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_cc{this, "NegScaleFactorC", 1., "tail-tail weight scale factor"};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_slamb{this, "SlamFactorB", 6., "penalty for TT connections"};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_slamc{this, "SlamFactorC", 6., "penalty for HH connections"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_xesp1{this, "ExponentXZ", 10., "exponent for (1-sin(thxz)) weight factor"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_xesp2{this, "ExponentYZ", 10., "exponent for (1-sin(thyz)) weight factor"};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_dd{this, "Stimulus", 0., "stimulation weight term"};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_temp{this, "Temperature", 1., "temperature"};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_dsum{this, "Convergence", 1e-6, "convergence factor"};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_scut{this, "NeuronThreshold", 0.7, "neuron activation cut"};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_acut{this, "DoubleKillAngCut", 0.1, "angular cut for double length neurons killing"};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_span_cut{this, "TrackSpanCut", 2, "cut on span for selected tracks"};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_firing_cut{this, "StationFiringCut", 2, "min # of stations firing in the track"};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_maxNeurons{this, "MaxNeurons", 5000, "max number of possible track segments"};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_maxIterations{this, "MaxIterations", 100, "max number of NN iterations"};
+    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_aa{ this, "PosScaleFactor", 10., "head-tail weight scale factor" };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_bb{ this, "NegScaleFactorB", 1., "head-head weight scale factor" };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_cc{ this, "NegScaleFactorC", 1., "tail-tail weight scale factor" };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_slamb{ this, "SlamFactorB", 6., "penalty for TT connections" };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_slamc{ this, "SlamFactorC", 6., "penalty for HH connections" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_xesp1{ this, "ExponentXZ", 10., "exponent for (1-sin(thxz)) weight factor" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_xesp2{ this, "ExponentYZ", 10., "exponent for (1-sin(thyz)) weight factor" };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_dd{ this, "Stimulus", 0., "stimulation weight term" };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_temp{ this, "Temperature", 1., "temperature" };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_dsum{ this, "Convergence", 1e-6, "convergence factor" };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_scut{ this, "NeuronThreshold", 0.7, "neuron activation cut" };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>  m_acut{ this, "DoubleKillAngCut", 0.1, "angular cut for double length neurons killing" };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_span_cut{ this, "TrackSpanCut", 2, "cut on span for selected tracks" };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_firing_cut{ this, "StationFiringCut", 2, "min # of stations firing in the track" };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_maxNeurons{ this, "MaxNeurons", 5000, "max number of possible track segments" };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_maxIterations{ this, "MaxIterations", 100, "max number of NN iterations" };
     Gaudi::Property<int> m_skipStation{
-        this, "SkipStation", -1, "station to be skipped (e.g. for eff. study): 0-4; -1 = keep all stns (default)"};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_allowHoles{this, "AllowHoles", true,
-                                       "if <true> (default) holes of 1 station are allowed in track reconstruction"};
+        this, "SkipStation", -1, "station to be skipped (e.g. for eff. study): 0-4; -1 = keep all stns (default)" };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_allowHoles{ this, "AllowHoles", true,
+                                        "if <true> (default) holes of 1 station are allowed in track reconstruction" };
     Gaudi::Property<bool> m_physicsTiming{
         this, "PhysicsTiming", true,
-        "if true, we assume that timing is the final one (accounting for TOF from primary vx)"};
+        "if true, we assume that timing is the final one (accounting for TOF from primary vx)" };
     Gaudi::Property<bool> m_assumeCosmics{
-        this, "AssumeCosmics", false, "if true (default) we assume that tracks are of cosmic origin (can be backward)"};
+        this, "AssumeCosmics", false,
+        "if true (default) we assume that tracks are of cosmic origin (can be backward)" };
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_assumePhysics{this, "AssumePhysics", true,
-                                          "if true we assume that tracks have the 'right' direction (pz>0)"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_assumePhysics{ this, "AssumePhysics", true,
+                                           "if true we assume that tracks have the 'right' direction (pz>0)" };
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_XTalk{this, "AddXTalk", true};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_XtalkRadius{this, "XtalkRadius", 1.5};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_XTalk{ this, "AddXTalk", true };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_XtalkRadius{ this, "XtalkRadius", 1.5 };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_trackFitFailed{this, "nb track with Fit failure"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_trackFitFailed{ this, "nb track with Fit failure" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( ClustersToNNTracks, "MuonClustersToNNMuonTracks" )
@@ -118,9 +119,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Muon::MuonTrackRec {
   ClustersToNNTracks::ClustersToNNTracks( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"ClusterContainerLocation", MuonClusterContainerLocation::Default},
-                      KeyValue{"MuonDetectorLocation", DeMuonLocation::Default}},
-                     KeyValue{"NNMuonTracksContainer", NNMuonTrackContainerLocation::Default} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "ClusterContainerLocation", MuonClusterContainerLocation::Default },
+                       KeyValue{ "MuonDetectorLocation", DeMuonLocation::Default } },
+                     KeyValue{ "NNMuonTracksContainer", NNMuonTrackContainerLocation::Default } ) {}
   // Initialisation
diff --git a/Muon/MuonTrackRec/src/component/MuonHitsToMuonPads.cpp b/Muon/MuonTrackRec/src/component/MuonHitsToMuonPads.cpp
index 0057e2d2d9e92c7b15da47c7ccfa0a3e707523a2..9a65b304fe54385dd22bcce2b0d603f36708e7d8 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonTrackRec/src/component/MuonHitsToMuonPads.cpp
+++ b/Muon/MuonTrackRec/src/component/MuonHitsToMuonPads.cpp
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Muon::MuonTrackRec {
   HitsToPads::HitsToPads( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"HitContainerLocation", MuonHitContainerLocation::Default},
-                      KeyValue{"MuonDetectorLocation", DeMuonLocation::Default}},
-                     KeyValue{"PadContainer", MuonPadContainerLocation::Default} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "HitContainerLocation", MuonHitContainerLocation::Default },
+                       KeyValue{ "MuonDetectorLocation", DeMuonLocation::Default } },
+                     KeyValue{ "PadContainer", MuonPadContainerLocation::Default } ) {}
   MuonPads HitsToPads::operator()( const EventContext&, const MuonHitContainer& muonHits,
                                    const DeMuonDetector& det ) const {
diff --git a/Muon/MuonTrackRec/src/component/MuonPadsToMuonClusters.cpp b/Muon/MuonTrackRec/src/component/MuonPadsToMuonClusters.cpp
index 7bfdac8f9998f6e0d6bf103203628448eab5f4e8..6915627dcf3b6fa58337c68480f2e87ca336ac8e 100644
--- a/Muon/MuonTrackRec/src/component/MuonPadsToMuonClusters.cpp
+++ b/Muon/MuonTrackRec/src/component/MuonPadsToMuonClusters.cpp
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Muon::MuonTrackRec {
     MuonClusters operator()( const EventContext&, const MuonPads&, const DeMuonDetector& ) const override;
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxPadsPerStation{this, "MaxPadsPerStation", 1500};
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxPadsPerStation{ this, "MaxPadsPerStation", 1500 };
     int                           regX( const LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID tile ) const {
       return ( ( tile.quarter() > 1 ? -1 : 1 ) * tile.nX() );
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Muon::MuonTrackRec {
   PadsToClusters::PadsToClusters( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"PadContainerLocation", MuonPadContainerLocation::Default},
-                      KeyValue{"MuonDetectorLocation", DeMuonLocation::Default}},
-                     KeyValue{"ClusterContainer", MuonClusterContainerLocation::Default} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "PadContainerLocation", MuonPadContainerLocation::Default },
+                       KeyValue{ "MuonDetectorLocation", DeMuonLocation::Default } },
+                     KeyValue{ "ClusterContainer", MuonClusterContainerLocation::Default } ) {}
   MuonClusters PadsToClusters::operator()( const EventContext&, const MuonPads& muonPads,
                                            const DeMuonDetector& det ) const {
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Muon::MuonTrackRec {
     std::map<const MuonPad*, bool> usedPad;
     bool                           searchNeighbours = true;
-    std::vector<std::vector<const MuonPad*>> stationPads{static_cast<size_t>( det.stations() )};
+    std::vector<std::vector<const MuonPad*>> stationPads{ static_cast<size_t>( det.stations() ) };
     for ( auto& isP : stationPads ) isP.reserve( muonPads.size() );
     if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciFilters/doc/release.notes b/Phys/DaVinciFilters/doc/release.notes
index 890cb0d43ec593cdba32eea2bf90466f09548409..8ff168362f76bd2704798f06b18af8833337cbac 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciFilters/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciFilters/doc/release.notes
@@ -5,34 +5,34 @@
 ! 2017-04-03 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Add new algoruthm FilterUnique: 
+ - Add new algoruthm FilterUnique:
  *  Simple variation of FilterDesktop algorithm, that allows to
- *  remove explicit duplicates (the decayus where mother particles 
+ *  remove explicit duplicates (the decayus where mother particles
  *  share the same daughetr particles)
  *  @code
- *  from PhysConf.Selections import MergedSelection, SimpleSelection 
+ *  from PhysConf.Selections import MergedSelection, SimpleSelection
  *  detached_jpsi = ...
  *  highpt_jpsi   = ...
- *  all_jpsi      = MergedSelection ( 'AllJpsi' , 
+ *  all_jpsi      = MergedSelection ( 'AllJpsi' ,
  *    RequiredSelections = [ detached_jspi , highpt_jpsi ] )
- *  # eliminate duplicates 
- *  unique_jpsi   = SimpleSelection ( 
- *      'UniqueJpsi'  , 
- *      all_jpsi      , 
- *      FilyerUnique  , 
+ *  # eliminate duplicates
+ *  unique_jpsi   = SimpleSelection (
+ *      'UniqueJpsi'  ,
+ *      all_jpsi      ,
+ *      FilyerUnique  ,
  *      Code = "DECTREE('Meson -> mu+ mu-')"
- *      )      
+ *      )
  *  @endcode
- *  Or (much better) 
+ *  Or (much better)
  *  @code
- *  from PhysConf.Selections import MergedSelection 
+ *  from PhysConf.Selections import MergedSelection
  *  detached_jpsi = ...
  *  highpt_jpsi   = ...
- *  all_jpsi      = MergedSelection ( 'AllJpsi' , 
- *    RequiredSelections = [ detached_jspi , highpt_jpsi ] , 
- *    Code = "DECTREE('Meson -> mu+ mu-')" , 
- *    Unique = True ) 
- *  @endcode 
+ *  all_jpsi      = MergedSelection ( 'AllJpsi' ,
+ *    RequiredSelections = [ detached_jspi , highpt_jpsi ] ,
+ *    Code = "DECTREE('Meson -> mu+ mu-')" ,
+ *    Unique = True )
+ *  @endcode
 !======================= DaVinciFilters v1r5 2016-02-05 ======================
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@
    with future Gaudi versions.
 !========================= DaVinciFilters v1r1 2015-02-24 =========================
-! 2015-02-04 - Vanya Belyaev  
- - FilterDesktop: 
-   make the default name of factory dependent on the algorithm name prefix  
+! 2015-02-04 - Vanya Belyaev
+ - FilterDesktop:
+   make the default name of factory dependent on the algorithm name prefix
 !========================= DaVinciFilters v1r0 2014-09-30 =========================
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciFilters/src/KSLongVeloFilter.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciFilters/src/KSLongVeloFilter.cpp
index d3bb6f4047ff27175248f9fcf9092ff77d19b605..1d28668b12bb5b1fbfcad6783b446902d0cfbe5b 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciFilters/src/KSLongVeloFilter.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciFilters/src/KSLongVeloFilter.cpp
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ namespace {
   auto bpvAndMinImpactParameterSquared( const in_pv& pvs, const int nTracksMin, const Gaudi::XYZPoint& point,
                                         const Gaudi::XYZVector& dir ) {
     // Direction does not need to be normalised.
-    return std::accumulate( pvs.begin(), pvs.end(), std::pair<LHCb::RecVertex const*, float>{nullptr, -1},
+    return std::accumulate( pvs.begin(), pvs.end(), std::pair<LHCb::RecVertex const*, float>{ nullptr, -1 },
                             [&]( auto r, const auto& pv ) {
                               if ( ( pv->nDoF() + 3 ) > 2 * nTracksMin ) {
                                 float ip2 = impactParameterSquared( pv->position(), point, dir );
-                                if ( !r.first || ip2 < r.second ) return std::pair{pv, ip2};
+                                if ( !r.first || ip2 < r.second ) return std::pair{ pv, ip2 };
                               return r;
                             } );
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ class KSLongVeloFilter final : public base_t {
   KSLongVeloFilter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-      : base_t( name, pSvc, {KeyValue{"InputParticle", ""}, KeyValue{"InputPVs", ""}},
-                {KeyValue{"OutputParticles", ""}} ) {}
+      : base_t( name, pSvc, { KeyValue{ "InputParticle", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputPVs", "" } },
+                { KeyValue{ "OutputParticles", "" } } ) {}
   filter_output_t operator()( const in_parts& parts, const in_pv& vertices ) const override {
@@ -187,31 +187,31 @@ public:
-    return {!out_particles.empty(), std::move( out_particles )};
+    return { !out_particles.empty(), std::move( out_particles ) };
   // cuts
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_probe_p_min{this, "PVConstrainedProbePMin", 6000. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_probe_pt_min{this, "PVConstrainedProbePtMin", 250. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_probe_pt_max{this, "PVConstrainedProbePtMax", 100000. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_probe_p_min{ this, "PVConstrainedProbePMin", 6000. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_probe_pt_min{ this, "PVConstrainedProbePtMin", 250. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_probe_pt_max{ this, "PVConstrainedProbePtMax", 100000. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_pvconstr_mass_min{this, "PVConstrainedMassMin", 320 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_pvconstr_mass_max{this, "PVConstrainedMassMax", 700 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_pvconstr_mass_min{ this, "PVConstrainedMassMin", 320 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_pvconstr_mass_max{ this, "PVConstrainedMassMax", 700 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
-  Gaudi::Property<float> ip_perp_max{this, "IPperpendicularMax", 2};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> ip_max{this, "IPMax", 10};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> ip_perp_max{ this, "IPperpendicularMax", 2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> ip_max{ this, "IPMax", 10 };
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_probe_index{this, "ProbeIndex", 1};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_tag_index{this, "TagIndex", 0};
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_probe_index{ this, "ProbeIndex", 1 };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_tag_index{ this, "TagIndex", 0 };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_apply_lambda_veto{this, "ApplyLambdaVeto", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_lambda_veto_min_mass{this, "ReflectionVetoValue", 1140 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_apply_lambda_veto{ this, "ApplyLambdaVeto", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_lambda_veto_min_mass{ this, "ReflectionVetoValue", 1140 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_eventCount{this, "Events"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_candidateCount{this, "Input Particles"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_newpartCounts{this, "Accepted Particles"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_noBPVfound{this, "Particles without BPV"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_eventCount{ this, "Events" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_candidateCount{ this, "Input Particles" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_newpartCounts{ this, "Accepted Particles" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_noBPVfound{ this, "Particles without BPV" };
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciFilters/src/Velo2LongB2jpsiKTrackEff_VeloTrackEffFilter.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciFilters/src/Velo2LongB2jpsiKTrackEff_VeloTrackEffFilter.cpp
index ef52fe6878050afba1537c9972e2d11432311f16..537fa7d6e9c486596131af5b29f6985706f104ed 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciFilters/src/Velo2LongB2jpsiKTrackEff_VeloTrackEffFilter.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciFilters/src/Velo2LongB2jpsiKTrackEff_VeloTrackEffFilter.cpp
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ namespace {
-    return {bestPV, minIp2};
+    return { bestPV, minIp2 };
   double transverseMomentumDir( const Gaudi::XYZVector& mom, const Gaudi::XYZVector& dir ) {
@@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ public:
   // ==========================================================================
   Velo2LongB2jpsiKTrackEff_VeloTrackEffFilter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-      : Transformer( name, pSvc, {KeyValue{"Input", ""}, KeyValue{"InputPVs", ""}}, {KeyValue{"Output", ""}} ) {}
+      : Transformer( name, pSvc, { KeyValue{ "Input", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputPVs", "" } },
+                     { KeyValue{ "Output", "" } } ) {}
   out_parts_sel operator()( const in_parts& parts, const in_pv& vertices ) const override {
@@ -185,32 +186,32 @@ public:
   // ==========================================================================
   // cuts
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_dilepton_mass{this, "MassToConstrainTo", 3096. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_mass_min{this, "MassConstrainedMassMin", 4600. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_mass_max{this, "MassConstrainedMassMax", 6000. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_massconstrained_pt_min{this, "MassConstrainedPtMin", 2500. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_probe_p_min{this, "ProbeMassConstrainedPMin", 2000. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_probe_p_max{this, "ProbeMassConstrainedPMax", 150000. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_probe_pt_min{this, "ProbeMassConstrainedPtMin", 250. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_ip_max{this, "ConstrainedIPMax", 0.2 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_costhetadiralog_min{this, "ConstrainedDIRAMin",
-                                               6.0}; // Minimum value of 1.0 - log(1.0 - CosDIRA)
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_fd_min{this, "FDMin", 3.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_pvconstr_mass_min{this, "PVConstrainedMassMin", 0 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_pvconstr_mass_max{this, "PVConstrainedMassMax", 15000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> Deltam_pvconstr_mass_min{this, "PVConstrainedDeltaMassMin", 0 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> Deltam_pvconstr_mass_max{this, "PVConstrainedDeltaMassMax", 15000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>   m_min_pv_tracks{this, "MinPVTracks", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_probe_lepton_index{this, "ProbeLeptonIndex", 1};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_tag_lepton_index{this, "TagLeptonIndex", 0};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_dilepton_mass{ this, "MassToConstrainTo", 3096. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_mass_min{ this, "MassConstrainedMassMin", 4600. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_mass_max{ this, "MassConstrainedMassMax", 6000. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_massconstrained_pt_min{ this, "MassConstrainedPtMin", 2500. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_probe_p_min{ this, "ProbeMassConstrainedPMin", 2000. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_probe_p_max{ this, "ProbeMassConstrainedPMax", 150000. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_probe_pt_min{ this, "ProbeMassConstrainedPtMin", 250. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_ip_max{ this, "ConstrainedIPMax", 0.2 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_costhetadiralog_min{ this, "ConstrainedDIRAMin",
+                                                6.0 }; // Minimum value of 1.0 - log(1.0 - CosDIRA)
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_fd_min{ this, "FDMin", 3.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_pvconstr_mass_min{ this, "PVConstrainedMassMin", 0 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_pvconstr_mass_max{ this, "PVConstrainedMassMax", 15000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> Deltam_pvconstr_mass_min{ this, "PVConstrainedDeltaMassMin", 0 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> Deltam_pvconstr_mass_max{ this, "PVConstrainedDeltaMassMax", 15000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>   m_min_pv_tracks{ this, "MinPVTracks", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_probe_lepton_index{ this, "ProbeLeptonIndex", 1 };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_tag_lepton_index{ this, "TagLeptonIndex", 0 };
   // counters
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                 m_eventCount{this, "Events"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_candidateCount{this, "Input Particles"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_okCount{this, "Accepted Particles"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                 m_eventCount{ this, "Events" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_candidateCount{ this, "Input Particles" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_okCount{ this, "Accepted Particles" };
-  ToolHandle<IParticleDescendants> m_descendants{this, "Descendants", "ParticleDescendants"};
+  ToolHandle<IParticleDescendants> m_descendants{ this, "Descendants", "ParticleDescendants" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( Velo2LongB2jpsiKTrackEff_VeloTrackEffFilter )
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciFilters/src/Velo2Long_Ds2PhiPi_TrackEffFilter.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciFilters/src/Velo2Long_Ds2PhiPi_TrackEffFilter.cpp
index 36a313680474cc1eb519663a8384fb403384d9a8..3f142d52ff045ebee29c067e1ba35c1381132c33 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciFilters/src/Velo2Long_Ds2PhiPi_TrackEffFilter.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciFilters/src/Velo2Long_Ds2PhiPi_TrackEffFilter.cpp
@@ -98,11 +98,11 @@ namespace {
   auto bpvAndMinImpactParameterSquared( const in_pv& pvs, const int nTracksMin, const Gaudi::XYZPoint& point,
                                         const Gaudi::XYZVector& dir ) {
     // Direction does not need to be normalised.
-    return std::accumulate( pvs.begin(), pvs.end(), std::pair<LHCb::RecVertex const*, float>{nullptr, -1},
+    return std::accumulate( pvs.begin(), pvs.end(), std::pair<LHCb::RecVertex const*, float>{ nullptr, -1 },
                             [&]( auto r, const auto& pv ) {
                               if ( ( pv->nDoF() + 3 ) > 2 * nTracksMin ) {
                                 float ip2 = impactParameterSquared( pv->position(), point, dir );
-                                if ( !r.first || ip2 < r.second ) return std::pair{pv, ip2};
+                                if ( !r.first || ip2 < r.second ) return std::pair{ pv, ip2 };
                               return r;
                             } );
@@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ class Velo2Long_Ds2PhiPi_TrackEffFilter final : public base_t {
   Velo2Long_Ds2PhiPi_TrackEffFilter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
       : base_t( name, pSvc,
-                {KeyValue{"InputParticle", ""}, KeyValue{"InputPVs", ""},
-                 KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-                {KeyValue{"OutputParticles", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputPhiContainer", ""},
-                 KeyValue{"OutputBasicContainer", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputPhiVertices", ""},
-                 KeyValue{"OutputDsVertices", ""}} ) {}
+                { KeyValue{ "InputParticle", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputPVs", "" },
+                  KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+                { KeyValue{ "OutputParticles", "" }, KeyValue{ "OutputPhiContainer", "" },
+                  KeyValue{ "OutputBasicContainer", "" }, KeyValue{ "OutputPhiVertices", "" },
+                  KeyValue{ "OutputDsVertices", "" } } ) {}
   filter_output_t operator()( const in_parts& parts, const in_pv& vertices,
                               DetectorElement const& lhcb ) const override {
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ public:
         auto new_phi        = std::make_unique<LHCb::Particle>( orig_tag_combination->particleID() );
         auto new_phi_vertex = std::make_unique<LHCb::Vertex>();
-        LHCb::Particle::ConstVector phiDaughters = {tag_kaon, new_probe.get()};
+        LHCb::Particle::ConstVector phiDaughters = { tag_kaon, new_probe.get() };
         auto fit_success = m_combiner->combine( phiDaughters, *new_phi, *new_phi_vertex, *lhcb.geometry() ).isSuccess();
         if ( !fit_success ) {
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ public:
         new_phi->setPV( bpv );
-        LHCb::Particle::ConstVector DsDaughters   = {new_phi.get(), tag_pion};
+        LHCb::Particle::ConstVector DsDaughters   = { new_phi.get(), tag_pion };
         int                         pid_ds        = tag_pion->charge() * 431;
         auto                        new_Ds        = std::make_unique<LHCb::Particle>( LHCb::ParticleID( pid_ds ) );
         auto                        new_Ds_vertex = std::make_unique<LHCb::Vertex>();
@@ -302,34 +302,34 @@ public:
   // cuts
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_probe_p_min{this, "PVConstrainedProbePMin", 5000. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_probe_p_min{ this, "PVConstrainedProbePMin", 5000. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_probe_pt_min{this, "PVConstrainedProbePtMin", 250. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_probe_pt_max{this, "PVConstrainedProbePtMax", 100000. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_probe_pt_min{ this, "PVConstrainedProbePtMin", 250. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_probe_pt_max{ this, "PVConstrainedProbePtMax", 100000. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_pvconstr_phi_mass_min{this, "PVConstrainedPhiMassMin", 920 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_pvconstr_phi_mass_max{this, "PVConstrainedPhiMassMax", 1140 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_pvconstr_phi_mass_min{ this, "PVConstrainedPhiMassMin", 920 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_pvconstr_phi_mass_max{ this, "PVConstrainedPhiMassMax", 1140 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_pvconstr_D_mass_min{this, "PVConstrainedDMassMin", 1700 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_pvconstr_D_mass_max{this, "PVConstrainedDMassMax", 2100 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_pvconstr_D_mass_min{ this, "PVConstrainedDMassMin", 1700 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_pvconstr_D_mass_max{ this, "PVConstrainedDMassMax", 2100 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_phiconstr_d_mass_min{this, "PhiConstrainedDMassMin", 1805 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_phiconstr_d_mass_max{this, "PhiConstrainedDMassMax", 2040 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_phiconstr_d_mass_min{ this, "PhiConstrainedDMassMin", 1805 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_phiconstr_d_mass_max{ this, "PhiConstrainedDMassMax", 2040 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_pvconstr_delta_mass_min{this, "PVConstrainedDeltaMassMin", 800 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_pvconstr_delta_mass_max{this, "PVConstrainedDeltaMassMax", 1100 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_pvconstr_delta_mass_min{ this, "PVConstrainedDeltaMassMin", 800 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_pvconstr_delta_mass_max{ this, "PVConstrainedDeltaMassMax", 1100 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
-  Gaudi::Property<float> ip_perp_max{this, "IPperpendicularMax", 0.1};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> ip_max{this, "ConstrainedIPMax", 0.15};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> ip_perp_max{ this, "IPperpendicularMax", 0.1 };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> ip_max{ this, "ConstrainedIPMax", 0.15 };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_eventCount{this, "Events"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_candidateCount{this, "Input Particles"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_newpartCounts{this, "Accepted Particles"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_noBPVfound{this, "Particles without BPV"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_eventCount{ this, "Events" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_candidateCount{ this, "Input Particles" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_newpartCounts{ this, "Accepted Particles" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_noBPVfound{ this, "Particles without BPV" };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_msg_fit_failure{this, "Failed vertex fit"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_msg_fit_failure{ this, "Failed vertex fit" };
-  ToolHandle<IParticleCombiner> m_combiner{this, "ParticleCombiner", "ParticleVertexFitter"};
+  ToolHandle<IParticleCombiner> m_combiner{ this, "ParticleCombiner", "ParticleVertexFitter" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( Velo2Long_Ds2PhiPi_TrackEffFilter )
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/doc/release.notes b/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/doc/release.notes
index c432341aa1bdf8c909c79764ee5bf82be8a332ca..a6a7c7e3336683e53698fd19f91105ef9c28447a 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/doc/release.notes
@@ -31,15 +31,15 @@
 !========================= DaVinciInterfaces v2r23 2014-07-25 =========================
-! 2014-07-16 - Anton Poluektov 
+! 2014-07-16 - Anton Poluektov
  - Remove unnecessary virtual method from IRelatedInfoTool interface.
 !========================= DaVinciInterfaces v2r22 2014-06-13 =========================
-! 2014-06-07 - Anton Poluektov 
+! 2014-06-07 - Anton Poluektov
  - Update IRelatedInfoTool with RelatedInfoMap in LHCb namespace.
-! 2014-05-24 - Anton Poluektov 
+! 2014-05-24 - Anton Poluektov
  - Add IRelatedInfoTool - Interface for tools calculating RelatedInfo.
 !========================= DaVinciInterfaces v2r21 2014-02-20 =========================
@@ -59,12 +59,12 @@
  - Removed head parameter from IParticleDictTool
 ! 2013-07-30 - Sebastian Neubert
- - Added IParticleDictTool which is the basic interface for the new dictionary 
+ - Added IParticleDictTool which is the basic interface for the new dictionary
    tools in LoKi.
 ! 2013-07-13 - Stefania Vecchi
  - Change in ITagger.h interface :-
-    std::vector<const Vertex*>& allVtx --> int nPV   
+    std::vector<const Vertex*>& allVtx --> int nPV
 ! 2013-06-14 - Chris Jones
  - Add various missing virtual destructors, to silence gcc 4.8 warnings.
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
 ! 2012-06-22 - Chris Jones
  - Add a new method to IDVAlgorithm to access the flavour tagging tool
-! 2012-06-20 - Anton Poluektov 
+! 2012-06-20 - Anton Poluektov
   - Modify IExtraInfoTool.h to allow it to store a subset of parameters
 ! 2012-06-12 - Olivier Deschamps
@@ -127,18 +127,18 @@
 !========================= DaVinciInterfaces v2r13 2012-03-01 =========================
 ! 2012-02-26 - Chris Jones
- - Add a new tool interface IStandardParticleProvider that returns a pointer 
+ - Add a new tool interface IStandardParticleProvider that returns a pointer
    to the 'standard' Particle for a given ProtoParticle and PID hypothesis
-! 2012-02-20 - Anton Poluektov 
- - Add IExtraInfoTool.h, interface for a tool to calculate 
-   particle extraInfo, such as isolation variables. 
+! 2012-02-20 - Anton Poluektov
+ - Add IExtraInfoTool.h, interface for a tool to calculate
+   particle extraInfo, such as isolation variables.
 !========================= DaVinciInterfaces v2r12 2012-02-03 =========================
 ! 2012-01-18 - Giampiero Mancinelli
- - Added IParticleIsolation.h Interface for tools returning the degree of 
-   isolation of a set of tracks (optionally from a given decay/mother), under 
+ - Added IParticleIsolation.h Interface for tools returning the degree of
+   isolation of a set of tracks (optionally from a given decay/mother), under
    some criteria (changed DaVinciInterfaces.cpp as well)
 !========================= DaVinciInterfaces v2r11 2011-12-15 =========================
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
 !========================= DaVinciInterfaces v2r9 2011-02-22 =========================
 ! 2011-02-15 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add extend_interfaces* pattern into dictionries 
+ - add extend_interfaces* pattern into dictionries
 !========================= DaVinciInterfaces v2r8 2011-01-31 =========================
 ! 2011-01-24 - Juan Palacios
@@ -179,21 +179,21 @@
 !========================= DaVinciInterfaces v2r7 2010-12-14 =========================
 ! 2010-12-03 - Vanya Belyaev
  - IDistanceCalculator:
-    add methods to calculate the impact parameter & 
-       distance of closest approach for tracks 
+    add methods to calculate the impact parameter &
+       distance of closest approach for tracks
-- cmt/requirements 
-    version increment to v2r7  
+- cmt/requirements
+    version increment to v2r7
 !========================= DaVinciInterfaces v2r6 2010-11-27 =========================
 ! 2010-11-20 - Vanya Belyaev
  - IDistanceCalculator:
     add methods to calculate the impact parameter vector
-     - requested by Tagging 
+     - requested by Tagging
     actually I am a bit skeptical about the expected improvement
-- cmt/requirements 
-    version increment to v2r6 
+- cmt/requirements
+    version increment to v2r6
 !===================== DaVinciInterfaces v2r5 2010-07-26 =====================
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
 !===================== DaVinciInterfaces v2r4 2010-06-20 =====================
 ! 2010-06-20 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Kernel/ICheckOverlap.h   
+ - Kernel/ICheckOverlap.h
     1. remove foundOverlap  method with two vectors
     2. remove removeOverlap method with LHCb::Particle::Vector
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
 ! 2010-06-08 - Vanya Belyaev
  - IDecayTreeFit:
-     add methods to extract chi2 and nDoF 
+     add methods to extract chi2 and nDoF
 ! 2010-06-03 - Juan Palacios
  - Kernel/IPhysDesktop.h
@@ -226,13 +226,13 @@
  - Remove IFilterCriterion and IGeomDispCalculator.
 ! 2010-05-29 - Vanya Belyaev
- - IDVAlgorithm 
-     add accessor to decay tree fitter 
- - IDecayTreeFit 
-    improve Doxygen comments 
+ - IDVAlgorithm
+     add accessor to decay tree fitter
+ - IDecayTreeFit
+    improve Doxygen comments
 ! 2010-05-24 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add new (simplified) interface for decay tree fitter 
+ - add new (simplified) interface for decay tree fitter
 !===================== DaVinciInterfaces v2r3 2010-05-21 =====================
 ! 2010-05-16 - Juan Palacios
@@ -241,15 +241,15 @@
 ! 2010-05-14 - Vanya Belyaev
  - IDVAlgorithm :
-      add various accessors to the tools  
+      add various accessors to the tools
+ - IFilterCriterion:
+      add the inheritance from (new,light) IParticleFilter
+      add "const"-attributes
+      remove "reference-to-piointer" qualifier
- - IFilterCriterion: 
-      add the inheritance from (new,light) IParticleFilter 
-      add "const"-attributes 
-      remove "reference-to-piointer" qualifier 
  - new files : Kernel/GetIDVAlgorith.h, src/GetIDVAlgorithm.
-       hooks to extract IDVAlgoritm fro the context 
+       hooks to extract IDVAlgoritm fro the context
 ! 2010-05-12 - Juan Palacios
  - Kernel/IRelatedPVFinder.h
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
   . reverted changes for the particle isolation tool interface.
 ! 2010-03-16 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Kernel/IDistanceCalculator.h fix LaTeX/doxygen 
+ - Kernel/IDistanceCalculator.h fix LaTeX/doxygen
 ! 2010-03-10 - Giampiero Mancinelli
  - Kernel/IIsolation.h
@@ -395,11 +395,11 @@
     the signature of methods has been changed:
-    1. for all methods, WIHTOUT creation of "mother" particle, 
-       the vertex os the first argument ( "fit vertex" ) 
-    2. for all methdos with creaton of "mother" particle, 
-       the mother particle is the last argument , after vertex 
+    1. for all methods, WIHTOUT creation of "mother" particle,
+       the vertex os the first argument ( "fit vertex" )
+    2. for all methdos with creaton of "mother" particle,
+       the mother particle is the last argument , after vertex
 ! 2009-08-16 - Juan Palacios
  - Kernel/IRelatedPVFinder.h
@@ -409,22 +409,22 @@
 ! 2009-08-14 - Juan Palacios
  - Kernel/IRelatedPVFinder.h
-  . Add methods returning single "best" related VertexBase for a given 
+  . Add methods returning single "best" related VertexBase for a given
 ! 2009-08-13 -  Vanya BELYAEV
- - Kernel/IOnOffLine.h 
+ - Kernel/IOnOffLine.h
     add method  "particleCombinerType" to get the default (contetx-dependent)
-    type for IParticleCombiner tool, 
-    the tool whcihis responsible to creation of composed particles 
+    type for IParticleCombiner tool,
+    the tool whcihis responsible to creation of composed particles
 ! 2009-08-04 - Juan Palacios
  - Remove IRelatedPV.
   . Obsolete for a while.
  - All interfaces now use GAUDI_API.
- - Remove all src/Lib/*.cpp files 
+ - Remove all src/Lib/*.cpp files
  - Move Kernel/Particle2Vertex.h to Phys/DaVinciTypes/Kernel
  - cmt/requirements
   . Use Phys/DaVinciTypes
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@
 !===================== DaVinciInterfaces v1r0 2009-07-29 =====================
 ! 2009-07-29 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Kernel/ISecondaryVertexTool.h, Kernel/ITagger.h
-   . Add missing includes following removal of DVAlgorithm.h... 
+   . Add missing includes following removal of DVAlgorithm.h...
 ! 2009-07-28 - Juan Palacios
  - Kernel/ISecondaryVertexTool.h, Kernel/ITagger.h
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/include/Kernel/IChangePIDTool.h b/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/include/Kernel/IChangePIDTool.h
index c53da9ad60c56feba73a3d2a7a8f0e7956c272d1..0af2154b1605c95b9caeef783899e99dea7dc49a 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/include/Kernel/IChangePIDTool.h
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/include/Kernel/IChangePIDTool.h
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ struct GAUDI_API IChangePIDTool : extend_interfaces<IAlgTool> {
   /// Templated findDecay method working on particle container iterators.
   template <class PARTICLE>
   inline std::vector<LHCb::Particle> changePID( PARTICLE begin, PARTICLE end ) {
-    return changePID( {begin, end} );
+    return changePID( { begin, end } );
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/include/Kernel/ITagger.h b/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/include/Kernel/ITagger.h
index 9e90d77275fc1ba7fbe667d1767799a9b75eaa2d..611e51e9e9e271706f169c17dc39185f50a18d37 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/include/Kernel/ITagger.h
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/include/Kernel/ITagger.h
@@ -131,6 +131,6 @@ public:
    * @todo       Make fully virtual
-  virtual std::vector<std::vector<double>> featureValuesTagParts() const { return {{}}; };
+  virtual std::vector<std::vector<double>> featureValuesTagParts() const { return { {} }; };
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/include/Kernel/ITriggerSelectionTisTos.h b/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/include/Kernel/ITriggerSelectionTisTos.h
index 4e1dcf5fbc44fb3ae6944e1d9636447ac3e85320..14e7fe44004590ebe1ef165cb644c3eb3d6ebc84 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/include/Kernel/ITriggerSelectionTisTos.h
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/include/Kernel/ITriggerSelectionTisTos.h
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #include <vector>
 // from Gaudi
-//#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
+// #include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
 #include "Kernel/IParticleTisTos.h"
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/include/Kernel/IVertexFit.h b/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/include/Kernel/IVertexFit.h
index b95d5070a9897aa9295d221d9f84436a6df6fdbf..5349efce77829f0d1efb09b595f6cd175cb774c4 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/include/Kernel/IVertexFit.h
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciInterfaces/include/Kernel/IVertexFit.h
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ struct GAUDI_API IVertexFit : extend_interfaces<IParticleCombiner, IParticleReFi
   inline StatusCode fit( LHCb::Vertex& vertex, LHCb::Particle const& daughter0, LHCb::Particle const& daughter1,
                          IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const {
-    const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector tmp = {&daughter0, &daughter1};
+    const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector tmp = { &daughter0, &daughter1 };
     return fit( vertex, tmp, geometry );
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ struct GAUDI_API IVertexFit : extend_interfaces<IParticleCombiner, IParticleReFi
   inline StatusCode fit( LHCb::Vertex& vertex, LHCb::Particle const& daughter0, LHCb::Particle const& daughter1,
                          LHCb::Particle const& daughter2, IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const {
-    const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector tmp = {&daughter0, &daughter1, &daughter2};
+    const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector tmp = { &daughter0, &daughter1, &daughter2 };
     return fit( vertex, tmp, geometry );
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ struct GAUDI_API IVertexFit : extend_interfaces<IParticleCombiner, IParticleReFi
   inline StatusCode fit( LHCb::Particle const& daughter0, LHCb::Particle const& daughter1, LHCb::Vertex& vertex,
                          LHCb::Particle& particle, IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const {
-    const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector tmp = {&daughter0, &daughter1};
+    const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector tmp = { &daughter0, &daughter1 };
     return fit( tmp, vertex, particle, geometry );
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ struct GAUDI_API IVertexFit : extend_interfaces<IParticleCombiner, IParticleReFi
   inline StatusCode fit( LHCb::Particle const& daughter0, LHCb::Particle const& daughter1,
                          LHCb::Particle const& daughter2, LHCb::Vertex& vertex, LHCb::Particle& particle,
                          IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const {
-    const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector tmp = {&daughter0, &daughter1, &daughter2};
+    const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector tmp = { &daughter0, &daughter1, &daughter2 };
     return fit( tmp, vertex, particle, geometry );
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/doc/release.notes b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/doc/release.notes
index 0bbeb55f7bd984312195203871f0cabfca901d3b..32431a8578f3d9aa44d866290b915eae60069272 100755
--- a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/doc/release.notes
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ! 2016-05-29 - Sascha Stahl
- - DVCommonBase: Silence warning when PV refit fails. Rely on more detailed 
+ - DVCommonBase: Silence warning when PV refit fails. Rely on more detailed
    warnings in fitter itself.
 !==================== DaVinciKernel v12r4p1 2016-03-18 ======================
@@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
 !===================== DaVinciKernel v12r4 2016-03-04 =======================
 ! 2016-02-18 - Vanya Belyaev
- - PVSentry: 
-   extend a bit to allow protect the whole decay tree 
+ - PVSentry:
+   extend a bit to allow protect the whole decay tree
 ! 2016-02-16 - Vanya Belyaev
  - add helper class GetTESLocation
-   that allows in easy way to collect all relevant TES location for 
-   collections of particles 
+   that allows in easy way to collect all relevant TES location for
+   collections of particles
    (useful for processing of MC-micro-DST
 !===================== DaVinciKernel v12r3 2015-10-05 =======================
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 ! 2015-08-24 - Chris Jones
  - Explicitly list the duplicated TES locations in the warning message.
-   Useful when the input list is very long (such as with the duplicate 
+   Useful when the input list is very long (such as with the duplicate
    candidate check that runs on all lines in a stream in the strippings).
 ! 2015-08-12 - Gerhard Raven
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 !===================== DaVinciKernel v12r2 2015-07-21 =======================
 ! 2015-06-11 - Vanya Belyaev
- - DVCommonBase: 
+ - DVCommonBase:
      remove "root-in-tes" prefix from input locations
 !===================== DaVinciKernel v12r1 2015-04-21 =======================
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
  - add simple test for CPU performance fo two combiner strategies.
 ! 2015-04-01 - Vanya Belyaev
- - change PVSentry to deal with IDVAlgorithm insted of DaVinciAlgorithm 
+ - change PVSentry to deal with IDVAlgorithm insted of DaVinciAlgorithm
 !========================= DaVinciKernel v12r0 2014-10-30 =========================
@@ -114,13 +114,13 @@
 !========================= DaVinciKernel v11r5 2013-10-07 =========================
 ! 2013-10-06 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Add new file PVSEntry : 
+ - Add new file PVSEntry :
    Actually move the internal CombineParticle sentry into public domain.
 !========================= DaVinciKernel v11r4p1 2013-08-01 =========================
 ! 2013-06-14 - Chris Jones
- - Add various missing virtual destructors in Kernel/ParticlePredicates.h, 
+ - Add various missing virtual destructors in Kernel/ParticlePredicates.h,
    to silence gcc 4.8 warnings.
 !========================= DaVinciKernel v11r4 2013-04-05 =========================
@@ -134,10 +134,10 @@
 !========================= DaVinciKernel v11r3 2013-02-20 =========================
 ! 2013-01-05 - Chris Jones
- - Fix a bug where IgnoreP2PVFromInputLocations in DVCommonBase was not 
+ - Fix a bug where IgnoreP2PVFromInputLocations in DVCommonBase was not
    respected. Fixes https://savannah.cern.ch/bugs/?99656
- - Disable the preloading of P2PV relations, as this is no longer needed with 
-   the new logic that loads on demand the relations based on the Particle 
+ - Disable the preloading of P2PV relations, as this is no longer needed with
+   the new logic that loads on demand the relations based on the Particle
    location in the TES.
 !========================= DaVinciKernel v11r2 2012-11-30 =========================
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
  - Add a depreciation warning to DVAlgorithm::initialize()
 ! 2012-06-30 - Chris Jones
- - Make the default versions of the follow tools public in the DV common 
+ - Make the default versions of the follow tools public in the DV common
    base class :-
     LoKi::DistanceCalculator, LoKi::TrgDistanceCalculator, AdaptivePVReFitter,
     LoKi::FastVertexFitter, OfflineVertexFitter, LoKi::VertexFitter
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
  - Fix icc11 compilation
 ! 2012-06-26 - Chris Jones
- - Reduce a bit the memory footprint of the base classes by making the 
+ - Reduce a bit the memory footprint of the base classes by making the
    default tool maps static data, instead of each instance having its
    own copy...
  - Remove unused data member (default PV refitter).
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
    + DaVinciAlgorithm      : No histogramming or tupling
    + DaVinciHistoAlgorithm : Histogramming only
    + DaVinciTupleAlgorithm : Histogramming and tupling
-   DVAlgorithm is kept (using DaVinciTupleAlgorithm) for backwards 
+   DVAlgorithm is kept (using DaVinciTupleAlgorithm) for backwards
  - The method getDVAlgorithm has been removed, as it is not compatible with
    the above changes. getIDVAlgorithm should be used instead.
@@ -209,19 +209,19 @@
 !======================= DaVinciKernel v10r4 2012-02-03 =====================
 ! 2012-01-18 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Move Gaudi::HashIDs into DaVinciTypes 
+ - Move Gaudi::HashIDs into DaVinciTypes
 !======================== DaVinciKernel v10r3 2011-11-10 ====================
 ! 2011-09-19 - Chris Jones
- - Various minor improvements and tidy updates to DVAlgorithm, found during 
+ - Various minor improvements and tidy updates to DVAlgorithm, found during
    the hunt for the 2011 reprocessing stripping seg. fault bug.
 !======================== DaVinciKernel v10r2 2011-06-16 ====================
 ! 2011-05-22 - Vanya Belyaev
  - DVAlgorithm
-    move _saveInTES from private to protected section 
+    move _saveInTES from private to protected section
  - Increase to v10r1
 !======================== DaVinciKernel v10r0p1 2011-04-21 ==================
@@ -268,22 +268,22 @@
   . Clean-up.
 ! 2011-01-13 - Juan Palacios
- - DVAlgorithm: 
+ - DVAlgorithm:
   . Add ForceP2PVBuild property, calculates and stores Particle->PV relations
     for selected particles and decay trees if this hasn't been done before.
     Only active if WriteP2PV = true.
   . Add cached access to default IPVReFitter tool.
-  . Specialist virtual method for TES saving is now _saveInTES, called by 
+  . Specialist virtual method for TES saving is now _saveInTES, called by
-  . Add "no questions asked" methods markParticle(particle*) and 
-    markParticle(PARTICLES&). Particles must be on the heap, TES particles 
+  . Add "no questions asked" methods markParticle(particle*) and
+    markParticle(PARTICLES&). Particles must be on the heap, TES particles
     tolerated. Takes over ownership unless in TES.
   . Fix input particles counter.
   . Opimisations in calculateRelatedPV for single-PV events.
 ! 2011-01-13 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add LHCb::RecVertexHolder into dictionary 
+ - add LHCb::RecVertexHolder into dictionary
 ! 2011-01-12 - Juan Palacios
  - DVAlgorithm: fix input particles counter.
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
   . Use relations always when UseP2PVRelations = true.
   . Save only relations available at the end of execute(), i.e. do not
     force calculation of relations that weren't used for anything.
- - DVAlgorithm: Separate input particles from marked particles. Marked 
+ - DVAlgorithm: Separate input particles from marked particles. Marked
    particles available via i_markedParticles() method.
  - Remove non-const DVAlgorithm::i_particles() method.
  - Add DVAlgorithm::unRelatePV(const LHCb::Particle) method.
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
 ! 2011-01-10 - Juan Palacios
  - DVAlgorithm
   . Check that full particle tree is in TES after saving. If it isn't, return
-    StatusCode::FAILURE, since this shouldn't happen and could mean a 
+    StatusCode::FAILURE, since this shouldn't happen and could mean a
     memory leak.
  - Kernel/ParticlePredicates
   . Simple LHCb::Particle unary predicates. The interface class should be moved
@@ -318,8 +318,8 @@
   . DaVinci::Utils::decayTreeInTES checks whether a particle decay tree if
     fully in the TES. This means checking secondary vertices and decay
-  . DaVinci::Utils::findDecayTree accepts a unary predicate argument that 
-    decides when to stop navigating down a decay tree branch. The default is 
+  . DaVinci::Utils::findDecayTree accepts a unary predicate argument that
+    decides when to stop navigating down a decay tree branch. The default is
     FALSE, meaning the tree traversal is not truncated.
  - DVAlgorithm
   . markTrees method truncates tree saving when node is in the TES.
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@
 ! 2011-01-06 - Juan Palacios
  - DVALgorithm
-  . Private templated implementation of DVAlgorithm::markTrees. Public methods 
+  . Private templated implementation of DVAlgorithm::markTrees. Public methods
     now accepts LHCb::Particle::ConstVector and LHCb::Particle::Range.
   . More cleanups.
   . Remove some unnecessary includes.
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@
 ! 2011-01-04 - Juan Palacios
  - DVALgorithm
-  . Local class DVAlgorithmGuard takes care of clearing local particle, 
+  . Local class DVAlgorithmGuard takes care of clearing local particle,
     secondary vertex, PV containers and Particle->PV relations table.
  - Kernel/DaVinciGuards.h
   . Remove guards now existing in DaVinciUtils/Guards.h
@@ -362,14 +362,14 @@
  - DVAlgorithm
   . mark(const LHCb::Particle*) renamed cloneAndMark(const LHCb::Particle*).
-  . Added markTrees(const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector&). Marks all elements 
-    of decay trees for saving. Algorithm takes over ownership. 
+  . Added markTrees(const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector&). Marks all elements
+    of decay trees for saving. Algorithm takes over ownership.
     Elements of input vector must be on the heap.
 ! 2011-01-03 - Juan Palacios
  - DVAlgorithm
-  . New methods to replace IPhysDesktop. To save particles, use 
-    DVAlgorithm::mark(const LHCb::Particle*) instead of 
+  . New methods to replace IPhysDesktop. To save particles, use
+    DVAlgorithm::mark(const LHCb::Particle*) instead of
     DVAlgorithm::desktop()->keep(const LHCb::Particle*). To save all
     local candidates and their PV relations use DVAlgorithm::saveParticles().
     Remove all internal calls to IPhysDesktop methods.
@@ -386,11 +386,11 @@
  - DVAlgorithm:
-     remove "BlindVertexFitter" 
+     remove "BlindVertexFitter"
 ! 2010-11-03 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add function to evaluate 'unique-hash-ID' and to compare 'the-same' objects 
+ - add function to evaluate 'unique-hash-ID' and to compare 'the-same' objects
  - cmt/requirements
   . Increase to v8r9
@@ -407,19 +407,19 @@
 ! 2010-07-11 - Vanya Belyaev
- - DVAlgorithm: 
+ - DVAlgorithm:
     add 'LoKiFast' and 'FastLoKi'    ( alias for Loki::FastVertexFitter)
-    entries for following tools: 
+    entries for following tools:
-      - particle combiners 
-      - particle refitters 
-      - vertex fitters 
+      - particle combiners
+      - particle refitters
+      - vertex fitters
+ - cmt/requirements
- - cmt/requirements 
+    version increment to v8r8p1
-    version increment to v8r8p1 
 !======================== DaVinciKernel v8r8 2010-06-24 =====================
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
 ! 2010-06-18 - Juan Palacios
  - DVAlgorithm
-  . Add property IgnoreP2PVFromInputLocations, default false. If set to true, 
+  . Add property IgnoreP2PVFromInputLocations, default false. If set to true,
     Particle->RecVertex relations tables from InputLocations will not be used.
     All best PVs will be calculated from scratch. Useful if you want to be in
     control, but could be CPU intensive.
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@
 ! 2010-06-04 - Vanya Belyaev
  - Kernel/ParticleFilters.h
     add trivial fuctions to split the container according soem criteria:
@@ -455,12 +455,12 @@
    *   const LHCb::Particle::Range input = ...;
-   *   // split into negative & positive 
+   *   // split into negative & positive
    *   LHCb::Particle::ConstVector negative ;
    *   LHCb::Particle::ConstVector positive ;
    *   DaVinci::filter ( input , Q < 0 , negative , positive ) ;
 ! 2010-06-02 - Juan Palacios
  - Kernel/DVAlgorithm
@@ -474,8 +474,8 @@
  - DVAlgorithm
-     1. add accessor to decay tree fitter 
-     2. change default list of particle filters 
+     1. add accessor to decay tree fitter
+     2. change default list of particle filters
 ! 2010-05-27 - Juan Palacios
@@ -485,11 +485,11 @@
 ! 2010-05-26 - Vanya Belyaev
  - DecayTree.h,cpp
-   move the class into Phys/DaVinciTypes to allow its usage 
+   move the class into Phys/DaVinciTypes to allow its usage
    in DaVinciInterfaces
  - cmt/requirements
-   versioin increment to v8r8 
+   versioin increment to v8r8
 !======================== DaVinciKernel v8r7 2010-05-24 =====================
@@ -505,15 +505,15 @@
 ! 2010-05-15 - Vanya Belyaev
  - add the "extends1" into dictionary
- - move the implementation of transporter functions 
-   into separate file 
+ - move the implementation of transporter functions
+   into separate file
  - remove DaVinci::filter functions with IFilterCriterion argument
 ! 2010-05-14 - Vanya Belyaev
  - DVAlgorithm:
-     change a bit the inheritance scheme for DVAlgorithm to enable SmartIF 
-     change a bit the signature of tool-accessors (add reference) 
+     change a bit the inheritance scheme for DVAlgorithm to enable SmartIF
+     change a bit the signature of tool-accessors (add reference)
  - new files Kernel/ParticleFilters.h, src/Lib/ParticleFilters.cpp
     new functions:   DaVinci::filter
@@ -521,39 +521,39 @@
   /** filter the particles according to some criteria
    *  As criteria one can use e.g. any LoKi-functor:
-   * 
+   *
    *  @code
    *   #include "LoKi/ParticleCuts.h"
-   *  
+   *
    *   ...
    *   LHCb::Particle::Range       input = ... ;
    *   LHCb::Particle::ConstVector negative ;
-   *  
+   *
    *   using namespace LoKi::Cuts ;
    *   DaVinci::filter ( input , Q < 0 , negative ) ;
-   * 
-   *  @endcode 
-   * 
+   *
+   *  @endcode
+   *
    *  Also many boost::lambda idioms can be used:
-   *  
+   *
    *  @code
    *   #include "boost/lambda.hpp"
-   *  
+   *
    *   ...
    *   LHCb::Particle::Range       input = ... ;
    *   LHCb::Particle::ConstVector negative ;
-   *  
+   *
    *   using namespace boost::lambda ;
    *   DaVinci::filter ( input , bind(&LHCb::Particle::charge,_1) < 0 , negative ) ;
-   * 
-   *  @endcode 
+   *
+   *  @endcode
 ! 2010-05-12 - Juan Palacios
  - DVAlgorithm inherits from IDVAlgorithm.
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@
 ! 2010-03-18 - Juan Palacios
  - DVAlgorithm
   . Add protected method getStoredBestPV to fetch a best PV from the relations
-    table, if one exists. 
+    table, if one exists.
 ! 2010-03-03 - Juan Palacios
  - DVAlgorithm
@@ -627,11 +627,11 @@
  - Add Kernel/DaVinciP2VVAngles.h and src/Lib/DaVinciP2VVangles.cpp
   . Namespace DaVinci::P2VVAngles with P2VV angle calculating functions.
  - Kernel/DaVinciFun.h,  src/Lib/DaVinciFun.cpp
-  . DaVinci::P2VVAngles moved to Kernel/DaVinciP2VVAngles.h and 
+  . DaVinci::P2VVAngles moved to Kernel/DaVinciP2VVAngles.h and
 ! 2009-10-30 - Juan PALACIOS
- - Move Kernel/StringUtils.h to Kernel/DaVinciStringUtils.h and put 
+ - Move Kernel/StringUtils.h to Kernel/DaVinciStringUtils.h and put
    implementation in src/Lib/DaVinciStringUtils.cpp
  - DValgorithm
   . Add method onOffline() to get IOnOfflineTool pointer.
@@ -665,10 +665,10 @@
  - src/Lib/DVAlgorithm.cpp
   . Use CleanDesktopGuard.
  - Kernel/DaVinciGuards.h
-  . Add CleanDesktopGuard. Calls PhysDekstop's cleanDesktop method from 
+  . Add CleanDesktopGuard. Calls PhysDekstop's cleanDesktop method from
   . Make all constructors explicit.
-  . Add OrphanPointerContainerGuard, which only deletes pointers if they 
+  . Add OrphanPointerContainerGuard, which only deletes pointers if they
     are not on the TES.
 ! 2009-08-31 - Juan PALACIOS
@@ -694,9 +694,9 @@
  - remove the default value of DVAlgorithm.ParticleCombiners
-    now the default value (if not specified explicitly) 
-    is picked up from IOnOffLineTool 
+    now the default value (if not specified explicitly)
+    is picked up from IOnOffLineTool
 ! 2009-08-06 - Juan PALACIOS
  - Kernel/Particle2VertexAsct.h
   . Removed. Obsolete and not used anywhere.
@@ -709,15 +709,15 @@
 ! 2009-08-02 - Juan PALACIOS
  - Added src/Lib/DaVinciFun.cpp
-  . Has implementations of non-template methods in DaVinci and 
+  . Has implementations of non-template methods in DaVinci and
 ! 2009-08-02 - Greig Cowan
  - Arguments to all P2VV functions changed to be const references.
 ! 2009-08-02 - Greig Cowan
- - Added DaVinci::P2VVAngles:: namespace to DaVinciFun.h. To be used for 
-   calculating helicity and transversity angles in P2VV decays like 
+ - Added DaVinci::P2VVAngles:: namespace to DaVinciFun.h. To be used for
+   calculating helicity and transversity angles in P2VV decays like
    Bs2JpsiPhi. These only deal with kinematics and first boost all decay
    products to the B rest frame before proceeding with the calculation.
@@ -763,7 +763,7 @@
 !======================== DaVinciKernel v7r5 2009-05-07 =====================
 ! 2009-04-30 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - src/Lib/DVAlgorithm.cpp
-   add few mode default nicknames for various tools 
+   add few mode default nicknames for various tools
 ! 2009-04-25 - Patrick Spradlin
  - src/Lib/DVAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -782,7 +782,7 @@
  - New method setInputLocations for PhysDeskop.
    DVAlgorithm : set it.
    This allows the new recommnded syntax:
    MyAlg.InputLocations =  [ 'MyPreviousAlg' ]
  - ICaloParticlemaker : use ConstVector of Particles
@@ -812,7 +812,7 @@
 ! 2009-02-13 - Juan PALACIOS
  - calculateRelatedPV now returns newed pointer to related PV. The pointer is
    either from the TES (in the case where no PV re-fitting is done) or stored
-   in the PhysDesktop's local vectors. Thus, memory management is taken care 
+   in the PhysDesktop's local vectors. Thus, memory management is taken care
 ! 2009-02-11 - Juan PALACIOS
@@ -820,7 +820,7 @@
   . relatedVertex is now const method.
   . virtual const LHCb::RecVertex* keep( const LHCb::RecVertex* input ) = 0;
     The vertices stored with this method should only be stored to the TES if
-    they are related to a particle that is being saved to the TES. I know, I 
+    they are related to a particle that is being saved to the TES. I know, I
     know, dodgy interface.
  - Kernel/DVAlgorithm.h
   . Add  const LHCb::VertexBase* getRelatedPV(const LHCb::Particle* p) const
@@ -849,11 +849,11 @@
                                   Particle2Vertex::Range::const_iterator end);
  - DVAlgorithm
-  . add methods 
+  . add methods
      particle2Vertex::LightTable calculatePVRelations(const LHCb::Particle* p) const
      void storeRelationWithOverwrite(const Particle2Vertex::LightTable& table);
-     void relateWithOverwrite(const LHCb::Particle*   part, 
+     void relateWithOverwrite(const LHCb::Particle*   part,
                               const LHCb::VertexBase* vert,
                               const double weight=1.);
@@ -888,35 +888,35 @@
 ! 2008-12-05 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - DVAlgorithm:
-   1) modify the method ppSvc to return the pointer to new particle 
-    property service 
+   1) modify the method ppSvc to return the pointer to new particle
+    property service
    2) add method "pid" which returns particleporpety by name and ID:
    *   const LHCb::Particle* p = ... ;
    *   const LHCb::ParticleProperty* pp = pid ( p->particleID() ) ;
-   *   
+   *
    *   const LHCb::ParticleProperty* pion = pid ( "pi+" ) ;
-   *   
+   *
 ! 2008-12-04 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - 1) LHCb::Decay -> Decays::Decay
-   2) use PartProp v* Kernel 
-   3) remove public global typedefs for strings&ints 
+   2) use PartProp v* Kernel
+   3) remove public global typedefs for strings&ints
       from Kernel/IDecodeSimpleDecayString.h
 ! 2008-11-29 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - Kernel/DVAlgorithm.h
-    remove "#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>", 
-    since it causes Reflex problems for gcc4.3 compiler 
-    (Reflex complains about boost::is_enum) 
- - cmt/requirements 
-   version increment to v7r2  
+    remove "#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>",
+    since it causes Reflex problems for gcc4.3 compiler
+    (Reflex complains about boost::is_enum)
+ - cmt/requirements
+   version increment to v7r2
 !======================== DaVinciKernel v7r1 2008-11-17 =====================
 ! 2008-11-17 - Tomasz Skwarnicki
  - fix problem with unwanted dependencies in ITriggerTisTos
@@ -940,7 +940,7 @@
 ! 2008-10-21 - Juan PALACIOS
  - Kernel/IPhysDesktop.h
-  . Remove Particle2Vertex::Table Table() method. The state of the table is 
+  . Remove Particle2Vertex::Table Table() method. The state of the table is
     not well defined until it is stored on the TES. So better to use other
     methods to access the relations.
@@ -950,11 +950,11 @@
  - Kernel/IRelatedPVFinder.h
   . Return Particle2Vertex::LightTable instead of Particle2Vertex::Relations
 ! 2008-10-20 - Juan PALACIOS
  - Kernel/IRelatedPVFinder.h
-  . Interface methods no longer take IDistanceCalculator* as argument. 
-    Implementation should now take care of getting it's own 
+  . Interface methods no longer take IDistanceCalculator* as argument.
+    Implementation should now take care of getting it's own
 ! 2008-10-14 - Juan PALACIOS
@@ -987,8 +987,8 @@
     or tool.
 ! 2008-09-29 - Juan PALACIOS
- - Backwards-incompatible changes to IRelatedPVFinder. interface now contains 
-   three simple methods taking a particle, some primary vertices, and an 
+ - Backwards-incompatible changes to IRelatedPVFinder. interface now contains
+   three simple methods taking a particle, some primary vertices, and an
    empty range of weighted Particle->VertexBase relations, so be filled
    according to some "bestness" logic.
@@ -998,15 +998,15 @@
     new interface to allow some "tool-like" usage of CombineParticle algorithm.
     Jose Angel & Gabriel have nice use-case for it for debugging of HLT2.
- - dict/DaVinciKernelDict.h, DaVinciKernelDict.xml  
-    build the dictionary for the ISelInputParticles interface and 
+ - dict/DaVinciKernelDict.h, DaVinciKernelDict.xml
+    build the dictionary for the ISelInputParticles interface and
     the related function
 ! 2008-07-10 - Patrick Koppenburg
  - Make IGeomDispCalcularor obsolete in DVAlgorithm, but keep it for the time
  - Reflect this in IOnOffline and IContextTool
- - Remove IParticle2VertexAsct tool. 
+ - Remove IParticle2VertexAsct tool.
  - Increment to v7r0
 !======================== DaVinciKernel v6r15 2008-07-02 ====================
@@ -1029,8 +1029,8 @@
 !======================== DaVinciKernel v6r13 2008-05-05 ====================
 ! 2008-05-05 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - move class DaVinci::Decay into LHCbKernel package 
-   (and rename it to LHCb::Decay) 
+ - move class DaVinci::Decay into LHCbKernel package
+   (and rename it to LHCb::Decay)
 ! 2008-04-29 - Patrick Koppenburg
  - IPhysDesktop: remove save() method
@@ -1043,8 +1043,8 @@
    next release. Thanks to Vanya for suggesting this name.
 ! 2008-04-15 - Juan PALACIOS
- - Add public virtual method 
-    StatusCode transportAndProject(const LHCb::Particle*, 
+ - Add public virtual method
+    StatusCode transportAndProject(const LHCb::Particle*,
                                    const double znew,
                                     LHCb::Particle& transParticle) = 0;
    to IParticleTransporter interface.
@@ -1060,58 +1060,58 @@
     1 ) add new property: "DistanceCalculator" with mapping of nickname to the
         actual type/name for distance calculator tools.
     2 ) update the possible mapping for following proeprties:
-         "VertexFitters"    
-         "ParticleCombiners" 
+         "VertexFitters"
+         "ParticleCombiners"
-         "DirectionFitters"  
+         "DirectionFitters"
 ! 2008-04-10 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - src/Lib/Decay.cpp
     fix a stupid bug ( "==" instead of "=" )
-! 2008-04-10 - Vanya BELYAEV 
+! 2008-04-10 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - Kernel/IPlotTool.h
    Add (implemented) template method to allow filling the plots for an
    arbitrary sequence of objects, convertible to "const LHCb::Particle*"
 ! 2008-04-04 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - Kernel/IDistanceCalculator.h
-    Add a counterpartner for the method "projectedDistance" 
-     *without* evaluation of the error in the projected-distance 
+    Add a counterpartner for the method "projectedDistance"
+     *without* evaluation of the error in the projected-distance
     (could be a bit more more efficient, if the error is not required):
   // ==========================================================================
-  /** Calculate the projected distance 
+  /** Calculate the projected distance
    *  \$s=\frac{\left(\vec{\mathbf{v}}\vec{\mathbf{p}}
    *     \right)}{\left|\vec{\mathbf{p}}\right|}\f$,
-   *  where vector \f$\vec{\mathbf{v}}\f$ is a vector from 
-   *  the primary to the secondary vertex: 
+   *  where vector \f$\vec{\mathbf{v}}\f$ is a vector from
+   *  the primary to the secondary vertex:
    *    \f$\vec{\mathbf{v}}=\vec{\mathbf{x}}_{d}-\vec{\mathbf{x}}_{pv}\f$,
-   * @param particle (input)  the pointer to the particle 
-   * @param primary  (input)  the pointer to the production vertex 
+   * @param particle (input)  the pointer to the particle
+   * @param primary  (input)  the pointer to the production vertex
    * @param dist     (output) the projected distance
-   * @return status code 
+   * @return status code
-  virtual StatusCode projectedDistance   
-  ( const LHCb::Particle*   particle , 
-    const LHCb::VertexBase* primary  , 
+  virtual StatusCode projectedDistance
+  ( const LHCb::Particle*   particle ,
+    const LHCb::VertexBase* primary  ,
     double&                 dist     ) const = 0 ;
-! 2008-04-03 - Vanya BELYAEV 
+! 2008-04-03 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - Kernel/Decay.h
-     - add few very simple functions, which simplify the manipulations 
+     - add few very simple functions, which simplify the manipulations
        with DaVinci::Decay class and IDecodeSimpleDecayString interface
     - also add a typedef for "std::vector<DaVinci::Decay>" as "DaVinci::Decays"
 ! 2008-03-31 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - Kernel/Decay.h:  add few simple setters
- - modify a bit IDecodeSimpleDecayString interface to be able to get the 
+ - modify a bit IDecodeSimpleDecayString interface to be able to get the
    decay descriptor in a form of DaVinci::Decay
  - New class DaVinci::Decay, which is able to represent the simple 1-step decay
    new files: Kernel/Decay.h, src/Lib/Decay.cpp
@@ -1122,53 +1122,53 @@
  - ParticlesFilterBase : no DECLARE_TOOL_FACTORY in linker library
 ! 2008-03-30 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - Kernel/IPRintDecay.h, src/Lib/IPrintDecay.cpp	
-    add new abstract interface for orintout of dec	ay tree   
-    (essentially it is MC-free version of IPrintDeca	yTreeTool) 
+ - Kernel/IPRintDecay.h, src/Lib/IPrintDecay.cpp
+    add new abstract interface for orintout of dec	ay tree
+    (essentially it is MC-free version of IPrintDeca	yTreeTool)
 ! 2008-03-14 - Patrick Koppenburg
  - Less verbose initialisation of DVAlgorithm
 ! 2008-03-10 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - Kernel/IDistanceCalculator.h
-   src/Lib/IDistanceCalculator.cpp 
-     add the new abstract interface for "distance calculator" tool  
+   src/Lib/IDistanceCalculator.cpp
+     add the new abstract interface for "distance calculator" tool
 !======================== DaVinciKernel v6r11 2008-02-25 ====================
 ! 2008-02-23 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - Kernel/DVAlgorithm.h
   add new accessors to the base class DVAlgorithm:
-  inline IMassFit* 
+  inline IMassFit*
   massFitter       ( const std::string name = "" ) const ;
-  inline IMassVertexFit* 
+  inline IMassVertexFit*
   massVertexFitter ( const std::string name = "" ) const ;
-  inline ILifetimeFitter* 
+  inline ILifetimeFitter*
   lifetimeFitter   ( const std::string name = "" ) const ;
-  inline IDirectionFit* 
-  directionFitter  ( const std::string name = "" ) const 
+  inline IDirectionFit*
+  directionFitter  ( const std::string name = "" ) const
   The "action" is defined in terms of DVAlgorithm::getTool<TYPE>
   and therefore it is the same as for other "similar" accessors.
-  New properties are introduced for the actual mappings of 
-  nicknames, names and typenames for these tools: 
+  New properties are introduced for the actual mappings of
+  nicknames, names and typenames for these tools:
-   [all of them of the type DVAlgorithm::ToolMap, which is 
+   [all of them of the type DVAlgorithm::ToolMap, which is
     std::map<std::string, std::string>]
   |  The property        |       The default value           |
   | "MassFitters"        |      the empty map                |
   | "MassVertexFitters"  |      the empty map                |
   | "LifetimeFitters"    |   { '' : 'PropertimeFitter' }     |
-  | "DirectionFitters"   |   { '' : 'DirectionFitter'  }     | 
+  | "DirectionFitters"   |   { '' : 'DirectionFitter'  }     |
@@ -1176,28 +1176,28 @@
 ! 2008-01-21 - Patrick Koppenburg for Rudolf Oldemann
  - New method calcProjectedFlightDistance in IGeomDispCalculator
-! 2008-01-19 - Vanya BELYAEV 
+! 2008-01-19 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - src/Lib/DVAlgorithm.cpp
     Few minor modification for dealing with Algorithm Context Service:
     1) the property "RegisterForContexService" is set to be "true"
-    2) initialize/finalize and sysExecute methods are equipped with 
+    2) initialize/finalize and sysExecute methods are equipped with
        sentries/guards to register the algorithm for Algorithm ContextService
-    3) there is warning message "intialize" methods if the registration 
+    3) there is warning message "intialize" methods if the registration
        for context service  is disabled.
 ! 2008-01-16 - Patrick Koppenburg
  - DVAlgorithm: Declare all tools as protected instead of private.
-! 2008-01-15 - Vanya BELYAEV 
+! 2008-01-15 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - Kernel/IMassFit.h
     New interface for mass-constrained fit.
     The interface inherits from IParticleReFitter
  - src/Lib/VertexFitterInterfaces.cpp
-    add implementation of empty protected destructors and interafceID 
-    for new abstract interface IMassFit  
+    add implementation of empty protected destructors and interafceID
+    for new abstract interface IMassFit
 ! 2008-01-08 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Cleanup includes in Particle2VertexAsct.h
@@ -1209,7 +1209,7 @@
  - Add them to the dictionaries
 ! 2007-12-18 - Patrick Koppenburg
- - Two new interfaces IParticleTupleTool and IEventTupleTool for 
+ - Two new interfaces IParticleTupleTool and IEventTupleTool for
    filling generic nTuples.
 !========================= DaVinciKernel v6r9 2007-12-10 ====================
@@ -1220,7 +1220,7 @@
 ! 2007-12-04 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - Kernel/GetDVAlgorithm.h, src/Lib/GetDVAlgorithm.cpp
-    simple function to get DVAlgorithm from the context 
+    simple function to get DVAlgorithm from the context
 ! 2007-12-02 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - Kernel/ICheckOverlap.h
@@ -1231,11 +1231,11 @@
 !========================= DaVinciKernel v6r8 2007-11-12 ====================
 ! 2007-10-10 - Tomasz Skwarnicki
  - dictionary for TisTos tools
-   add new methods to their interfaces to make use in python easier 
+   add new methods to their interfaces to make use in python easier
 !========================= DaVinciKernel v6r7 2007-10-05 ====================
 ! 2007-10-02 - Patrick Koppenburg for Vanya Belyaev
- - DVAlgorithm.cpp: small change to get correct statistics of 
+ - DVAlgorithm.cpp: small change to get correct statistics of
 !========================= DaVinciKernel v6r6 2007-09-21 ====================
@@ -1253,8 +1253,8 @@
 ! 2007-09-18 - Juan PALACIOS
  - Kernel/GeomDispCalculator.h
    . Add method calcSignedFlightDistance( const LHCb::VertexBase& vertex,
-                                          const LHCb::Particle& particle, 
-                                          double& distance, 
+                                          const LHCb::Particle& particle,
+                                          double& distance,
                                           double& distanceError) const
    . Give reasonable names to method arguments!
    . Improve doxygen comments.
@@ -1264,7 +1264,7 @@
    . Two new interfaces for tools calculating angles in e.g. B->mumuK*
 ! 2007-09-07 - Patrick Koppenburg
- - DVAlgorithm: 
+ - DVAlgorithm:
    . use WriteSelResult Tool
    . Do not use IAlgorithm2ID
  - IAlgorithm2ID.H : removed. Dictionaries fixed accordingly.
@@ -1313,7 +1313,7 @@
 ! 2007-03-20 - Patrick Koppenburg
  - src/component/PhysDeskop.cpp
-   Bug fix in getParticles: was exiting loop over locations if one of the 
+   Bug fix in getParticles: was exiting loop over locations if one of the
    locations was not present.
  - increment to v6r2
@@ -1324,7 +1324,7 @@
  - Update default syntax for particle making
 ! 2007-03-02 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Add dictionary for all interfaces (previously in PhysDict)  and for 
+ - Add dictionary for all interfaces (previously in PhysDict)  and for
    DVAlgorithm base class
  - Remove obsolete DaVinciKernel_load.cpp file
  - Remove LHCbDefinitions includes
@@ -1341,13 +1341,13 @@
  - Add two new methods in FilterCriterionBase.h
    . isInactive() that is called before any attempt is made to apply the filter.
 		 if the filter is inactive it returns always true and issues a warning once.
-   . setActive(): it is mandatory to call this method in initialsie if any cut 
-	   is changed from the defaults. 
+   . setActive(): it is mandatory to call this method in initialsie if any cut
+	   is changed from the defaults.
  - DVAlgorithm: change "Avoiding SelResult" to info() level.
- - PhysDesktop: change "No ParticleMaker requested in job options" and 
+ - PhysDesktop: change "No ParticleMaker requested in job options" and
 	 "Empty list of input locations" to debug(). A warning is issued
 	 only if both occur.
- - increment to v6r1 
+ - increment to v6r1
 ! 2007-02-06 - P. Koppenburg
  - get context-dependent RelatedPVFinder in Desktop. Allows to get relations
@@ -1367,7 +1367,7 @@
 ! 2007-01-08 - Juan PALACIOS
-  - (I)PhysDesktop::particles() and secondaryVertices() now 
+  - (I)PhysDesktop::particles() and secondaryVertices() now
     return by const reference.
   - Restore ICaloElectron interface for next release. To be removed for
@@ -1404,14 +1404,14 @@
     . Increment version to v5r4
 ! 2006-10-25 - Olivier Deschamps
-  - add Kernel/IBremAdder.h interface 
+  - add Kernel/IBremAdder.h interface
 !========================== DaVinciKernel v5r3 2006-10-24 ===================
 ! 2006-10-24 - J. Palacios for Marco Musy
   - Kernel/IBTaggingTool.h, ISecondaryVertexTool.h, ITagger.h
-    - Change interfaces to deal with RecVertex instead of Vertex 
+    - Change interfaces to deal with RecVertex instead of Vertex
       where appropriate.
@@ -1428,10 +1428,10 @@
  to be used by the PhysDesktop
  - Kernel/IRelatedPVFinder.h
    . New interface for a tool that finds related PV according to some criteria
-     only method: 
+     only method:
         StatusCode relatedPVs(const LHCb::Particle* p,
                               Particle2Vertex::Table* )
-    To be used by desktop only			      
+    To be used by desktop only
  - Kernel/IRelatedPV.h
    . Removed PV building method. Now in IRelatedPVFinder.h
  - Kernel/IPhysDesktop.h
@@ -1443,20 +1443,20 @@
    . Get IRelatedPVFinder tool.
    . New option RelatedPVFinderName that allows to set the name of the
      relator tool used.
-   . Call RelatedPVFinder tool to update PV table if necessary.  
+   . Call RelatedPVFinder tool to update PV table if necessary.
 ! 2006-10-13 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - Kernel/DVAlgorithm.h, src/Lib/DVAlgorithm.cpp
     - add new property AvoidForcedOutput to avoid the writing of
-      empty container ad the end. The default value is  "False" 
+      empty container ad the end. The default value is  "False"
       to guarantee the backward compatibility.
       The option is more or less useless  for real phsyics analyses.
       but it it useful for e.g. MC or special studies in DaVinci
-    - add an "#accepted" counter which trivially counts all 
-      switches of filter from "False" to "True". 
-    - replace few "warning() << "  printout with invoke of Warning 
+    - add an "#accepted" counter which trivially counts all
+      switches of filter from "False" to "True".
+    - replace few "warning() << "  printout with invoke of Warning
 ! 2006-10-09 - Juan PALACIOS
@@ -1502,18 +1502,18 @@
   /// Get physDesktop if available
   virtual IPhysDesktop* desktop() const = 0 ;
-  It first tries to get them from the parent DVAlgorithm and if it 
+  It first tries to get them from the parent DVAlgorithm and if it
   can't interrogates the OnOffline tool. This allows more coherence
-  of tools within a given DVAlgorithm and sub-tools since all is 
+  of tools within a given DVAlgorithm and sub-tools since all is
   defined localy by the DVAlgorithm.
 ! 2006-09-14 - P. Koppenburg
   Added new automatic particle-to-PV association features making use of
   Juan's new table (see 08-21)
   - Kernel/IRelatedPV.h
     . New tool that gets the PVs associated to a particle. Allows
-      to build the association table if not there. 
+      to build the association table if not there.
       This tool actually accesses the desktop of the ancestor DVAlgorithm.
       Any use from ToolSvc or from a non-DVAlgorithm will get a Failure.
@@ -1523,19 +1523,19 @@
   - Kernel/IPhysDesktop.h
   - src/component/PhysDesktop.h
-    . cloneTrees method needs to clone the association table too. 
+    . cloneTrees method needs to clone the association table too.
       -> requires it not to be const.
     . new private method getRelations()
     . inDesktop() becomes const
     . saveTable changes signature
 ! 2006-09-12 - P. Koppenburg
   - Kernel/IPhysDesktop.h
-    . Change signature of relate to accept defualt value 1 for weight 
+    . Change signature of relate to accept defualt value 1 for weight
   - src/component/ PhysDesktop.h
   - src/component/PhysDesktop.cpp
     . Bug fix: inline methods i_p2PVTable() returned a copy of the table
-      and hence all attempts to modify it were fruitless. 
+      and hence all attempts to modify it were fruitless.
       Now return a pointer. Changed code accordingly.
 ! 2006-09-06 - Olivier Deschamps
@@ -1551,10 +1551,10 @@
   - src/component/Particle2VertexIPSAsct{.h, .cpp}
     . Completely modified to adapt to new IParticle2VertexAsct.h interface.
-  - Clean up IPhysDesktop interface. Remove internal methods. Make most 
+  - Clean up IPhysDesktop interface. Remove internal methods. Make most
     methods const.
-  - Replace references to Particle2Vertex::Weight in public interface of 
+  - Replace references to Particle2Vertex::Weight in public interface of
     IPhysDesktop and implementations by double for clarity.
 ! 2006-08-21 - Juan PALACIOS
@@ -1564,65 +1564,65 @@
 ! 2006-08-18 - Juan PALACIOS
   - Kernel/PP2MCLocation.h
-    . New namespace containing locations of relations tables between charged 
+    . New namespace containing locations of relations tables between charged
       and neutral ProtoParticles and MC. New locations are:
-      LHCb::ProtoParticle2MCLocation::Charged 
+      LHCb::ProtoParticle2MCLocation::Charged
         ( = "Relations/" + LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Charged )
         ( = "Relations/" + LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Neutrals )
 ! 2006-08-17 - Juan PALACIOS
   - Kernel/IPhysDesktop
-    . Add public methods for relating and retrieving relations between 
+    . Add public methods for relating and retrieving relations between
       LHCb::Particles and LHCb::VertexBases.
-  - src/component/PhysDesktop{.h, .cpp} 
+  - src/component/PhysDesktop{.h, .cpp}
     . Add dummy implementations for the above.
   - Added: Kernel/Particle2Vertex.h
-    . Namespace containing typedefs for LHCb::Particle -> LHCb::VertexBase 
+    . Namespace containing typedefs for LHCb::Particle -> LHCb::VertexBase
       one-directional weighted relation.
 ! 2006-08-16 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - src/Lib/DVAlgorithm.cpp
-   fix a misprint "ParticleCombiner" ---> "ParticleCombiners" in the name of 
-   the property 
+   fix a misprint "ParticleCombiner" ---> "ParticleCombiners" in the name of
+   the property
 ! 2006-08-16 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - Kernel/DVAlgorithm.h, 
+ - Kernel/DVAlgorithm.h,
-     fixes to utilize the access to basic DaVinci tools "by-name": 
-     // default 
+     fixes to utilize the access to basic DaVinci tools "by-name":
+     // default
      IVertexFit* fitter1 = verterFitter()
-     // the same 
+     // the same
      IVertexFit* fitter2 = verterFitter("")
      // "offline"
      IVertexFit* fitter3 = verterFitter("Offline")
      // "trigger"
      IVertexFit* fitter4 = verterFitter("Trigger")
-   The mapping "nickname --> the actual type/name" is done through the 
+   The mapping "nickname --> the actual type/name" is done through the
    algorithm properties, e.g.
-    MyAlg.VertexFitters =  { 
-        "Offline" : "OfflineVertexFitter" , 
-        "Trigger" : "TrgVertexFitter"     , 
-        "Kalman"  : "BlindVertexFitter"   } ; 
+    MyAlg.VertexFitters =  {
+        "Offline" : "OfflineVertexFitter" ,
+        "Trigger" : "TrgVertexFitter"     ,
+        "Kalman"  : "BlindVertexFitter"   } ;
     It is done for following tools:
       1) IVertexFit
-      2) IGeomDispCalculator 
-      3) IParticleFilter 
-      4) IFilterCriterion 
-      5) IParticleCombiner 
-      6) IParticleReFitter 
+      2) IGeomDispCalculator
+      3) IParticleFilter
+      4) IFilterCriterion
+      5) IParticleCombiner
+      6) IParticleReFitter
     The default defined mapping is:
       |   Nickname                     |     The actual type               |
-      ====================================================================== 
+      ======================================================================
       |     IVertexFit: the algorithm property "VertexFitters"             |
       |       "Offline"                |    OfflineVertexFitter            |
@@ -1642,42 +1642,42 @@
       |                    empty map: no default mapping                   |
-      |     IParticleCombiner: the algorithm property "ParticleCombiners"  | 
+      |     IParticleCombiner: the algorithm property "ParticleCombiners"  |
       |       ""                       |    OfflineVertexFitter            |
       |       "Offline"                |    OfflineVertexFitter            |
       |       "Kalman"                 |    BlindVertexFitter              |
-      |     IParticleReFitter: the algorithm property "ParticleReFitters"  | 
+      |     IParticleReFitter: the algorithm property "ParticleReFitters"  |
       |       ""                       |    OfflineVertexFitter            |
       |       "Offline"                |    OfflineVertexFitter            |
       |       "Kalman"                 |    BlindVertexFitter              |
-      ======================================================================      
-  The defualt values ("") for IVertexFitter and IGeomDispCalculator are set 
+      ======================================================================
+  The defualt values ("") for IVertexFitter and IGeomDispCalculator are set
   through IOnOffline tool
-  *IF* the mapping is not define, the accessor tries to use the nickname as a 
+  *IF* the mapping is not define, the accessor tries to use the nickname as a
    "type/name" , e.g.
      // use the type:
      IVertexFitter* fit1 = vertexFitter("OfflineVertexFitter") ;
      // use the "type/name"
      IVertexFitter* fit2 = vertexFitter("OfflineVertexFitter/VxFit") ;
-     // use "type/name" *AND* locate it as *PUBLIC* tool 
+     // use "type/name" *AND* locate it as *PUBLIC* tool
      IVertexFitter* fit3 = vertexFitter("OfflineVertexFitter/VxFit:PUBLIC") ;
   - src/Lib/PhysDesktop.cpp
-       return an error for non-existing or invalid input locations 
+       return an error for non-existing or invalid input locations
+  - cmt/requirements
+       version increment to v5r2
-  - cmt/requirements 
-       version increment to v5r2 
 !========================== DaVinciKernel v5r1 2006-07-20 ===================
 ! 2006-07-20 - Juan PALACIOS
@@ -1708,7 +1708,7 @@
 !========================== DaVinciKernel v4r2 2006-07-07 ===================
 ! 2006-06-19 - Juan PALACIOS
-  - Add Kernel/StringUtils.h, namespace for useful string manipulations. 
+  - Add Kernel/StringUtils.h, namespace for useful string manipulations.
     Functions to be found under DaVinci::StringUtils.
   - Expand IParticle2VertexAsct interface to deal with LHCb::PrimVertex as
@@ -1719,8 +1719,8 @@
  - Add base class, interface and utilty classes for new ProtoParticle filters
 ! 2006-06-08 - Juan PALACIOS
-  - Add Kernel/IParticle2VertexAsct.h, interface to simple tool to make 
-		relations table from ranges or containers of LHCb::Particles and 
+  - Add Kernel/IParticle2VertexAsct.h, interface to simple tool to make
+		relations table from ranges or containers of LHCb::Particles and
   - Add src/component/Particle2VertexIPSAsct.h, .cpp: implementations.
@@ -1761,7 +1761,7 @@
  - Kernel/DVAlgorithm.h
    . Removed info() level printout.
-! 2006-05-08 - Juan PALACIOS  
+! 2006-05-08 - Juan PALACIOS
  - Kernel/IGeomDispCalculator.h: Make all calc methods const.
 ! 2006-04-23 - P. Koppenburg
@@ -1770,7 +1770,7 @@
 ! 2006-04-23 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - Kernel/IVertexFit.h
-    minor bug fixes into templated "fit"-methods 
+    minor bug fixes into templated "fit"-methods
 ! 2006-04-11 - J.P.Palacios
@@ -1785,9 +1785,9 @@
  - src/component/PhysDeskTop.h, .cpp
    . Adapt to IPhysiceDesktop interface change.
  - Kernel/DVAlgorithm.h
-   . Add methods 
-      IParticleCombiner* particleCombiner(const std::string name = "") const 
-     and 
+   . Add methods
+      IParticleCombiner* particleCombiner(const std::string name = "") const
+     and
       IParticleReFitter* particleReFitter(const std::string name = "") const
    . Modify IGeomDispCalculator tool accessor and data storage to allow for
      more than one.
@@ -1799,7 +1799,7 @@
 ! 2006-04-04 - J.P. Palacios
  - Kernel/IGeomDispCalculator.h
-   . Change calcImpactPar methods to use Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3 
+   . Change calcImpactPar methods to use Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3
      instead of Gaudi::Matrix3x3.
  - Kernel/DVAlgorithm.h, src/component/PhysDesktop.cpp
    . include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
@@ -1808,7 +1808,7 @@
 !========================== DaVinciKernel v4r0 2006-03-28 ===================
 ! 2006-03-16 - P. Koppenburg
-  - Kernel/DVAlgorithm.h 
+  - Kernel/DVAlgorithm.h
   - src/Lib/DVAlgorithm.cpp
     . Move the implementation of the getTool methods from the cpp to the header.
       This avoids a linker error both on linux (run-time) and windows.
@@ -1830,10 +1830,10 @@
       cause aborts due to misconfigured tools only after a long execution.
     . Declare all tool accessors as const and the tools and tool vectors
       as mutable.
 ! 2006-03-15 - J. Palacios
-  IDecayFinder.h: 
+  IDecayFinder.h:
     Replace LHCb::ConstParticles with new LHCb::Particle::ConstContainer
     Remove temporary typedef for LHCb::ConstParticles.
   Kernel/Particle2VertexAsct.h: Prepend LHCb:: to Particle, Vertex.
@@ -1876,7 +1876,7 @@
     . Issue primary vertex empty container warning only if primary
       vertices are requested
   - Kernel/Particle2VertexAsct.h
-    . Moved from DaVinciFilter. 
+    . Moved from DaVinciFilter.
 ! 2005-01-20 - P. Koppenburg
   - Kernel/IPhysDesktop.h
@@ -1886,21 +1886,21 @@
   - Kernel/IPhysDesktop.h
   - src/component/PhysDesktop.*
     . Kill saveTrees(Vertex::Vector) method
 ! 2005-01-19 - P. Koppenburg
   - Kernel/IMassVertexFit.h
   - Kernel/IParticleCombiner.h
   - Kernel/IVertexFit.h
-    . Use explicitly LHCb::Particle::ConstVector instead of the obscure 
+    . Use explicitly LHCb::Particle::ConstVector instead of the obscure
       "Daughters" typedef
 ! 2005-01-17 - P. Koppenburg
   First move to new Physics event model (PEM) for DC06. Package compiles.
   - Modernize DVAlgorithm
     . Remove old vertex fitter interfaces
     . Link to new IVertexFit interface
     . New getTool<IXX> method allowing several tool instances to be accessed
-      by same method. 
+      by same method.
   - Use namespace LHCb.
   - Use LHCb::Particle::ConstVector instead of ParticleVector. mm Vertex.
   - Use Gaudi matrices instead of CLHEP matrices
@@ -1916,21 +1916,21 @@
   - Kernel/IPhysDesktop.h
   - src/component/PhysDesktop.*
     . Kill saveTrees(Vertex::Vector) method
 ! 2005-01-19 - P. Koppenburg
   - Kernel/IMassVertexFit.h
   - Kernel/IParticleCombiner.h
   - Kernel/IVertexFit.h
-    . Use explicitly LHCb::Particle::ConstVector instead of the obscure 
+    . Use explicitly LHCb::Particle::ConstVector instead of the obscure
       "Daughters" typedef
 ! 2005-01-17 - P. Koppenburg
   First move to new Physics event model (PEM) for DC06. Package compiles.
   - Modernize DVAlgorithm
     . Remove old vertex fitter interfaces
     . Link to new IVertexFit interface
     . New getTool<IXX> method allowing several tool instances to be accessed
-      by same method. 
+      by same method.
   - Use namespace LHCb.
   - Use LHCb::Particle::ConstVector instead of ParticleVector. mm Vertex.
   - Use Gaudi matrices instead of CLHEP matrices
@@ -1942,32 +1942,32 @@
 ! 2006-02-02 - P. Koppenburg
   - Kernel/IBTaggingTool.h
     . No inclusion of DVAlgorithm
 ! 2006-01-31 - P. Koppenburg
   - Kernel/IPhysDesktop.h
   - src/component/PhysDesktop.{cpp,h}
   - src/Lib/DVAlgorithm.cpp
     . Make sure each DVAlgorithm always writes out something to TES
 ! 2006-01-30 - P. Koppenburg
   - src/component/PhysDesktop.cpp
     . Ignore OutputLocation of parent algorithm if it is ""
 ! 2006-01-23 - P. Koppenburg
   - src/component/PhysDesktop.cpp
     . Issue primary vertex empty container warning only if primary
       vertices are requested
 ! 2006-01-17 - P. Koppenburg
   - Kernel/Particle2VertexAsct.h
     . Moved from DaVinciFilter.
 !========================== DaVinciKernel v3r9 2005-12-19 ===================
 ! 2005-12-19 - P. Koppenburg
   - Kernel/DVAlgorithm.h
   - src/Lib/DVAlgorithm.cpp
     . Bug fix: BTaggingTool should not be private
 ! 2005-12-13 - P. Koppenburg
   - Kernel/DVAlgorithm.h
   - src/Lib/DVAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -1983,12 +1983,12 @@
 	.added documentation
 ! 2005-11-11 - P. Koppenburg for Gabriele Balbi
-  - Kernel/IGlobalFitter.h 
+  - Kernel/IGlobalFitter.h
     . Interface for Global Fitter
   - Kernel/DVAlgorithm.h
   - src/Lib/DVAlgorithm.cpp
     . New method globalFitter() thta returns a pointer to the above.
 ! 2005-10-21 - P. Koppenburg
   - Kernel/IParticleDescendants.h
     . New utility tool that returns the daughters of a Particle
@@ -2023,87 +2023,87 @@
 ! 2005-07-27 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - Kernel/IJetMaker.h
-     update the doxygen comments for code examples: 
+     update the doxygen comments for code examples:
      // get the tool
      const IJetMaker* jetMaker = tool<IJetMaker> ( .... ) ;
-     How to use the method with 2-arguments: 
+     How to use the method with 2-arguments:
-     // input particles 
-     IJetMaker::Inputs input = ... 
-     // // (1)  
+     // input particles
+     IJetMaker::Inputs input = ...
+     // // (1)
      // const Particles* particles = .... ;
-     // // create the input container 
+     // // create the input container
      // IJetMaker::Inputs input( particles->begin() , particles->end() ) ;
-     // // (2) 
+     // // (2)
      // ParticleVector particles = .... ;
-     // // create the input container 
+     // // create the input container
      // IJetMaker::Inputs input( particles.begin() , particles.end() ) ;
-     // // (3) 
+     // // (3)
      // LoKi::Range particles = .... ;
-     // // create the input container 
+     // // create the input container
      // IJetMaker::Inputs input( particles.begin() , particles.end() ) ;
-     // placeholder for "output" jets 
+     // placeholder for "output" jets
      IJetMaker::Jets   jets ;
-     // find the jets! 
+     // find the jets!
      StatusCode sc = jetMaker -> makeJets ( input , jets ) ;
      // make  a loop over jets:
-     for ( IJetMaker::Jets::const_iterator iJet = jets.begin() ; 
-           jets.end() != iJet ; ++iJet ) 
+     for ( IJetMaker::Jets::const_iterator iJet = jets.begin() ;
+           jets.end() != iJet ; ++iJet )
-           // get the jet 
+           // get the jet
            Particle* jet = *iJet ;
      How to use the templated method with 3 arguments:
      // get the tool
      const IJetMaker* jetMaker = tool<IJetMaker> ( .... ) ;
-     // get input data 
+     // get input data
      const Particles* ps = get<Particles> ( ... ) ;
-     // output jets 
+     // output jets
      IJetMaker::Jets  jets ;
-     // find the jets! 
-     StatusCode sc = jetMaker -> makeJets ( ps -> begin () , 
+     // find the jets!
+     StatusCode sc = jetMaker -> makeJets ( ps -> begin () ,
                                             ps -> end   () , jets ) ;
      // make  a loop over jets:
-     for ( IJetMaker::Jets::const_iterator iJet = jets.begin() ; 
-           jets.end() != iJet ; ++iJet ) 
+     for ( IJetMaker::Jets::const_iterator iJet = jets.begin() ;
+           jets.end() != iJet ; ++iJet )
-           // get the jet 
+           // get the jet
            Particle* jet = *iJet ;
-     Use togather with LoKi: 
-     ======================= 
-     // get input data : get all basic particles 
-     Range basic = select( "basic" , HASORIGIN ) ; 
-     // output jets 
+     Use togather with LoKi:
+     =======================
+     // get input data : get all basic particles
+     Range basic = select( "basic" , HASORIGIN ) ;
+     // output jets
      IJetMaker::Jets  jets ;
-     // find the jets! 
-     StatusCode sc = jetMaker -> makeJets ( basic.begin () , 
+     // find the jets!
+     StatusCode sc = jetMaker -> makeJets ( basic.begin () ,
                                             basic.end   () , jets ) ;
      // make  a loop over jets:
-     for ( IJetMaker::Jets::const_iterator iJet = jets.begin() ; 
-           jets.end() != iJet ; ++iJet ) 
+     for ( IJetMaker::Jets::const_iterator iJet = jets.begin() ;
+           jets.end() != iJet ; ++iJet )
-           // get the jet 
+           // get the jet
            Particle* jet = *iJet ;
@@ -2119,65 +2119,65 @@
    // get the tool
    const IJetMaker* jetMaker = tool<IJetMaker> ( .... ) ;
    IJetMaker::Jets  jets ;
-   IJetMaker::Inputs input = ... 
-   // find the jets! 
+   IJetMaker::Inputs input = ...
+   // find the jets!
    StatusCode sc = jetMaker -> makeJets ( input , jets ) ;
    always << " Found " << jets.size() << " jets! " << endreq ;
    * ==========
-   * It is a responsibility of users (e.g. the algorithm) to 
-   * take care about the ownership of jets *AND* their vertices). 
-   * Tool is not intended to do it! 
+   * It is a responsibility of users (e.g. the algorithm) to
+   * take care about the ownership of jets *AND* their vertices).
+   * Tool is not intended to do it!
 ! 2005-07-25 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - Kernel/ICheckSelResults.h 
+ - Kernel/ICheckSelResults.h
-   new abstract interface for the tool, which is able to check 
-   the "selection results". It is especuially convinient 
-   to inspect the results of stripping or sto study the correlations 
-   correlations between "(TDR,HLT,"Pre")-selection" and 
+   new abstract interface for the tool, which is able to check
+   the "selection results". It is especuially convinient
+   to inspect the results of stripping or sto study the correlations
+   correlations between "(TDR,HLT,"Pre")-selection" and
    "preselection" or different (pre)-selections
    // locate the tool:
-   const ICheckSelResults* check = 
+   const ICheckSelResults* check =
     tool<ICheckSelResults> ( "CheckSelResultsTool" ) ;
    // use it e.g in filling of N-Tuple:
    tuple -> column ( "mumu" , check -> isSelected ( "PreselBs2MuMu" ) ) ;
 	 tuple -> column ( "hh"   , check -> isSelected ( "PreselB2hh"    ) ) ;
 !========================== DaVinciKernel v3r5p1 2005-07-18 ===================
 ! 2005-07-11 - P. Koppenburg
   - PhysDesktop.cpp
     . Be less verbose
 !========================== DaVinciKernel v3r5 2005-07-06 ===================
 ! 2005-07-06 - P. Koppenburg
   - Kernel/ITagger.h
     . Return Tagger object
 ! 2005-07-05 - P. Koppenburg
   - src/component/PhysDesktop.cpp
     . Call getPrimaryVertices() in primaryVertices() method
       in order to be able to avoid having to call getInput().
 ! 2005-07-04 - P. Koppenburg
   - Kernel/DVAlgorithm.h
   - src/Lib/DVAlgorithm.cpp
     . Added flavourTagging() method
 ! 2005-07-04 - P. Koppenburg
   - Kernel/IBTaggingTool.h
   - Kernel/ISecondaryVertexTool.h
@@ -2185,9 +2185,9 @@
     . Tagging tools added here.
 ! 2005-06-28 - Cristina Lazzeroni
- - Kernel/FilterCriterionBase.h, 
+ - Kernel/FilterCriterionBase.h,
-   . New base class for Filter tools 
+   . New base class for Filter tools
  - Kernel/IFilterCriteriaTESTool.h
    . New interface for Filter result tool
  - src/Lib/DVAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
 ! 2005-06-09 - P. Koppenburg
   Merged with head revision. From now on use head revision in v14 series and
   make branches without Kernel/IParticleTransporter.h for v12 series.
 ! 2005-06-09 - P. Koppenburg
   - Kernel/IDirectionFit.h
   - Kernel/IMassVertexFit.h
@@ -2209,7 +2209,7 @@
 ! 2005-06-08 - P. Koppenburg
   - Kernel/IOnOffline.h
     . New tool that resturns online or offline environment
-      Knows about PV (replaces PVLocator) and what geom and vertex 
+      Knows about PV (replaces PVLocator) and what geom and vertex
       tools to use.
   - Kernel/DVAlgorithm.h
   - src/DVAlgorithm.cpp
@@ -2240,17 +2240,17 @@
 ! 2005-05-02 - P. Koppenburg
   - Kernel/IAlgorithm2ID.h
-    . New interface for a tool that returns an ID from a name and a 
+    . New interface for a tool that returns an ID from a name and a
       name from an ID.
   - Kernel/DVAlgorithm.h
   - src/DVAlgorithm.cpp
-    . Use this tool.    
+    . Use this tool.
 ! 2005-04-21 - Y. Xie
   - Kernel/INewDirectionFitter.h
-    . add this new interface 
-    . similar to ILifetimeFitter.h, used to fit for both lifetime and mass 
+    . add this new interface
+    . similar to ILifetimeFitter.h, used to fit for both lifetime and mass
 ! 2005-04-14 - P. Koppenburg
   - DaVinciTools/IParticleTransporter.h
     . removed
@@ -2264,29 +2264,29 @@
   - Kernel/IKFFitTool.h
   - Kernel/IParticleTransporter.h
     . Because of yet another bug of the new CLHEP 1.9, whenever one includes
-      HepSymMatrix.h *after* *Point*.h, one does not get the method     
-           HepSymMatrix sub(int min_row, int max_row);     
-      which results in the run-trime error      
+      HepSymMatrix.h *after* *Point*.h, one does not get the method
+           HepSymMatrix sub(int min_row, int max_row);
+      which results in the run-trime error
            relocation error: .../slc3_ia32_gcc323/lib*.so: undefined symbol: _ZN5CLHEP12HepSymMatrix3subEii
       -> Include SymMatrix at the very beginning of the file.
 ! 2005-02-24 - P. Koppenburg
   - Kernel/ICheckOverlap.h
     . New method (was missing)
          bool foundOverlap(Particle* );
-    . New methods 
+    . New methods
          StatusCode removeOverlap( ParticleVector& );
          StatusCode removeOverlap( ConstParticleVector& );
       That remove from a ParticleVector	the particles that have overlap
       in their decendents.
 ! 2005-02-21 - P. Koppenburg
   - Kernel/ICheckOverlap.h
     . Take const arguments.
   - Kernel/DVAlgorithm.h, src/DVAlgorithm.cpp
     . Provide new method:
-         ICheckOverlap* checkOverlap()  
+         ICheckOverlap* checkOverlap()
 !========================== DaVinciKernel v3r1 2005-02-15 ===================
 ! 2005-02-09 - P. Koppenburg
   - Kernel/IKFFitTool.h
@@ -2311,7 +2311,7 @@
 ! 2005-01-21 - P. Koppenburg
   - src/component/PhysDesktop.cpp
     . StatusCode sc = setProperties();
-      *before* loadtools. Or any change in DVAlgorithm options 
+      *before* loadtools. Or any change in DVAlgorithm options
       affecting the choice of tools would be ignored.
 !========================== DaVinciKernel v3r0 2005-01-18 ===================
@@ -2336,16 +2336,16 @@
 ! 2005-01-06 - P. Koppenburg
   - src/PhysDesktop.cpp
-    . Do not issue StatusCode::FAILURE when there is no PV 
+    . Do not issue StatusCode::FAILURE when there is no PV
 ! 2005-01-06 - P. Koppenburg
   - DaVinciTools/*, Kernel/*:
     . moved all interfaces to Kernel/. Please adapt your code. For some time
-      every #include "DaVinciTools/..." will work but produce a 
-      compilation warning.      
+      every #include "DaVinciTools/..." will work but produce a
+      compilation warning.
       The script used to move everything is the followig:
 set interfaces = `ls -1 DaVinciTools | grep -v CVS`
@@ -2366,7 +2366,7 @@ end
 ! 2005-01-06 - P. Koppenburg
  - Kernel/IPVLocator.h
    . Moved form DaVinciTools/ to Kernel/
 ! 2005-01-05 - P. Koppenburg
  - Kernel/
    . New directory Kernel/ from now on all interfaces go in there.
@@ -2375,17 +2375,17 @@ end
    . New interface for tools making plots with particles.
  - Kernel/IBestParticles.h, IKFFitTool.h
    . Move these interfaces only used by VertexFit
 ! 2005-01-03 - P. Koppenburg
  - src/component/PhysDesktop.h
    . Get vertices from PVLocator tool. This will do what you want in normal
      usage, but allows to easily switch to the HLT PV using the ResetPVLocation
      algorithm (in DaVinciTools).
 ! 2004-12-17 - P. Koppenburg
  - DaVinciTools/IPhysDesktop.h
    . Correct comments so that they are understyood by doxygen.
 ! 2004-12-16 - P. Koppenburg
  - DaVinciTools/IParticleFilter.h
    . Added filterByPID methods
@@ -2398,14 +2398,14 @@ end
       sc = particleFilter()->filterByPID(parts, myPiPlus,  "pi+", false);
       sc = particleFilter()->filterByPID(parts, myPiMinus, "pi-", false);
       would return a vector of kaons (both sign) and pions.
 ! 2004-12-16 - P. Koppenburg
  - DaVinciTools/IParticleTransporter.h
    . Add const wherever necessary
    . Remove useless non-const method
  - src/component/PhysDesktop.{ccp,h}
    . A little bit of cleanup in the particle maker code
 !========================== DaVinciKernel v2r1 2004-12-01 ===================
 ! 2004-12-01 - P. Koppenburg
  - DaVinciTools/IPhysDesktop.h
@@ -2414,10 +2414,10 @@ end
    . Added StatusCode cloneTrees( ParticleVector& ) method that allows
      to *clone* selected particles (.i.e. duplicating them in the TES).
      To be revised someday...
 ! 2004-11-11 - P. Koppenbyrg
  - DaVinciTools/DVAlgorithm.h
- - src/DVAlgorithm.cpp 
+ - src/DVAlgorithm.cpp
    . loadTools becomes private
    . m_toolsLoaded removed
    . New private method fillSelResult takes care of filling SelResult object
@@ -2427,7 +2427,7 @@ end
 ! 2004-11-04 - Yuehong Xie
  - DaVinciTools/IDirectionFitter.h
-  . Add method fitWithDirection that returns the fitted primary vertex, 
+  . Add method fitWithDirection that returns the fitted primary vertex,
     which is necessary for computing propertime.
  - DaVinciTools/IKFFitTool.h
   . Add interface for new kinematic fit tool KFFitTool
@@ -2441,14 +2441,14 @@ end
 ! 2004-09-21 - P. Koppenburg
  - DaVinciTools/DVAlgorithm.h
  - src/DVAlgorithm.cpp
-   . Let DVAlgorithm inherit from GaudiTupleAlg (which inherits from 
+   . Let DVAlgorithm inherit from GaudiTupleAlg (which inherits from
      GaudiHistoAlg). This change (as well as the one below) is fully
      backward compatible with the old inheritence from GaudiAlgorithm,
      but allows more features. It just requires to recompile all DaVinci.
 ! 2004-09-18 - P. Koppenburg
  - DaVinciTools/DVAlgorithm.h
  - src/DVAlgorithm.cpp
-   . Let DVAlgorithm inherit from GaudiHistoAlg.    
+   . Let DVAlgorithm inherit from GaudiHistoAlg.
 !========================== DaVinciKernel v1r1 2004-09-16 ===================
 ! 2004-09-08 - P. Koppenburg
  - IParticleFilter
@@ -2464,33 +2464,33 @@ end
    . Remove getInput method.
 ! 2004-08-25 - P. Koppenburg
   Move src/* to src/component and Lib/* to src/
 !========================== DaVinciKernel v1r0 2004-08-25 ===================
 ! 2004-08-25 - P. Koppenburg
  - cmt/requirements
    . Remove unnecessary stuff
 ! 2004-08-23 - P. Koppenburg
  - New package DaVinciKernel extracted from DaVinciTools,
    containing the DVAlgorithm baseclass, the PhysDesktop and
    all interfaces.
 ! 2004-08-23 - P. Koppenburg
- - Split DaVinciTools package into 
+ - Split DaVinciTools package into
    . Phys/DaVinciKernel : DVAlgorithm, PhysDesktop and all Interfaces
    . Phys/ParticleMaker : All particle makers and the ParticleStuffer
    . Phys/DaVinciFilter : All Filter
    . Phys/VertexFit : All vertex fitters and the GeomDispCalculator.cpp
    . Phys/DaVinciTransporter : All transporters
    . Phys/DaVinciTools : Basically all high-level tools that are none
-        of the abvove, f.i. DecayFinder, PreDV, CheckOverlap...    
+        of the abvove, f.i. DecayFinder, PreDV, CheckOverlap...
    This split became necessary since DaVinciTools was become a huge monster
-   containing unrelated stuff (what do the TrackTypeFilterCriterion and the 
+   containing unrelated stuff (what do the TrackTypeFilterCriterion and the
    CombinedParticleMaker have in common?). Also DaVinciTools was evolving
-   with all versions of DaVinci. In the short term, I hope that most 
+   with all versions of DaVinci. In the short term, I hope that most
    developments will affect DaVinciFilter, while the other packages will
    be rather stable except for bug fixes.
 !========================== DaVinciTools v10r3 2004-08-23 ===================
 ! 2004-08-23 - Florence RANJARD
  - replace GaudiTools/ with GaudiAlg
@@ -2513,10 +2513,10 @@ end
   - Lib/DVAlgorithm.cpp
     . Swap order of initialization and Tools loading. Old order prvented
       DVAlgorithms to use tools in their initalize method.
-  - DaVinciTools/IBestParticles.h  
+  - DaVinciTools/IBestParticles.h
     . Interface for a new kind of "filter" tool that filters a ParticleVector
       and returns another ParticleVector.
 ! 2004-07-16 - P. Koppenburg
   - DaVinciTools/DVAlgorithm.h, Lib/DVAlgorithm.cpp
     . Make it inherit from GaudiAlgorithm. This allows for instance
@@ -2525,23 +2525,23 @@ end
 ! 2004-07-06 - P. Koppenburg
   - DaVinciTools/DVAlgorithm.h
     . New getDecayString method
 !========================== DaVinciTools v9r6 2004-06-28 ===================
 ! 2004-06-22 - P. Koppenburg
   - Lib/DVAlgorithm.cpp
     . Correct location is Selresult
 !========================= DaVinciTools v9r5 2004-06-04 ===================
 ! 2004-05-18 - P. Koppenburg
   - src/PhysDesktop.cpp
-    . In PhysDesktop::saveTrees( int partid ) call saveTrees 
+    . In PhysDesktop::saveTrees( int partid ) call saveTrees
       also when there's nothing to save. Avoids having no container when
       the algorithm has been executed.
 ! 2004-05-15 - P. Koppenburg
  - Lib/DVAlgorithm.cpp
    . Some more debugging messages
 ! 2004-05-11 - P. Koppenburg
  - Lib/DVAlgorithm.cpp
    . Move all executable code from DVAlgorithm.h to DVAlgorithm.cpp.
@@ -2550,16 +2550,16 @@ end
 ! 2004-05-11 - P. Koppenburg for Claudia Pereira Nunes
  - src/LagrangeGeomVertexFitter.{cpp,h}
  - DaVinciTools/IGeomVertexFitter.h
-   . New constrained vertex fitting tool. This tool has two public methods. 
-     One, called fitWithGeom, makes only a geometrical  constrained fit for 
-     at most 4 tracks. It doesn't make any kind of invariant mass vertex fit, 
+   . New constrained vertex fitting tool. This tool has two public methods.
+     One, called fitWithGeom, makes only a geometrical  constrained fit for
+     at most 4 tracks. It doesn't make any kind of invariant mass vertex fit,
      like the LagrangeMassVertexFitter tool does, it just constrain the
-     particles to come from the same point. The other method, called 
-     fitWithGeomAndSubMass, makes a geometrical constrained fit and an 
-     invariant mass constrained fit of any daughter which is a resonance 
-     (with width < 10 MeV).  This method only works if there is a daughter 
-     resonance and it works for at most 4 tracks also. 
+     particles to come from the same point. The other method, called
+     fitWithGeomAndSubMass, makes a geometrical constrained fit and an
+     invariant mass constrained fit of any daughter which is a resonance
+     (with width < 10 MeV).  This method only works if there is a daughter
+     resonance and it works for at most 4 tracks also.
 ! 2004-05-11 - P. Koppenburg
  - DaVinciTools/DVAlgorithm.h
    . Add statistics for selected events. It can be switched off with
@@ -2573,13 +2573,13 @@ end
 !========================== DaVinciTools v9r0 2004-03-11 ==================
 ! 2004-02-11 - P. Koppenburg for Hugo Ruiz
     - src/PhysDesktop.cpp, PreDV.*
-   . Removed Outputlocation. New mandatory DVAlgorithm PreDV. 
+   . Removed Outputlocation. New mandatory DVAlgorithm PreDV.
 !========================== DaVinciTools v8r4 2004-01-29 ==================
 ! 2004-01-14 - Gloria CORTI
  - DaVinciTools/IGeomDispCalCulator.h
-   . propagate change from DaVinci v8r3 that was built on a branch  
+   . propagate change from DaVinci v8r3 that was built on a branch
 !========================== DaVinciTools v8r3 2003-12-12 ==================
 ! 2003-12-12 - Gloria CORTI for Miriam GANDELMAN
@@ -2602,7 +2602,7 @@ end
    . introduce new properties to select the type of tracks to be kept
      for analysis: < UseLongTracks > , < UseUpstreamTracks > ,
      < UseVTTTracks > ( each one can be switched on/off independenly )
 !========================== DaVinciTools v8r1p2 2003-06-26 ==================
 ! 2003-06-26 - Gloria CORTI
  - DaVinciTools/DVAlgorithm.h
@@ -2638,9 +2638,9 @@ end
    . Added a 'revert' method which 'dissassemble' the compiled decay.
 ! 2003-01-22 - Ivan BELYAEV
- - DaVinciTools/IPhotonParams.h   new abstract interface for the 
-                                  (re)evaluation of photons parameters 
-                                  at photon production vertex 
+ - DaVinciTools/IPhotonParams.h   new abstract interface for the
+                                  (re)evaluation of photons parameters
+                                  at photon production vertex
 !=========================== DaVinciTools v6r0 2002-10-30 ===================
 ! 2002-10-21 - Gloria Corti
  - Change PhysDesktop to load all vertices in InputLocations and not
@@ -2675,7 +2675,7 @@ end
     AxPartCandidate before creating a Particle
 ! 2002-05-10 - Gloria Corti
-  - New tool category of tool IParticleMaker to which PhysDesktop 
+  - New tool category of tool IParticleMaker to which PhysDesktop
     delegates creations of Particles from different type of objects:
     one implementation AxParticleMaker making Particles from
     AxPartCandidates (Helder Lopes)
@@ -2686,17 +2686,17 @@ end
 ! 2002-05-06 - Gloria Corti
   - DaVinciTools/IParticleTransporter.h: return arguments changed
-    from Point+momentum+errors to Particle 
+    from Point+momentum+errors to Particle
     Additional methods with Particle& and const Particle& as input arguments
     (Edgar de Oliveira)
   - DaVinciTools/IGeomDispCalculator.h: return type of method changed from
     void to StatusCode (Miriam Gandelman)
-  - DaVinciTools/IVertexFitter.h: new methods (short-cuts) for 2 and 3 
+  - DaVinciTools/IVertexFitter.h: new methods (short-cuts) for 2 and 3
     particle vertices (Sandra Amato)
 ! ======================================================================
 ! 20020402 - DaVinciTools v3r0 (G.Corti)
-  - Remove obsolete tool on AxPartCandidates: interfaces, header and 
+  - Remove obsolete tool on AxPartCandidates: interfaces, header and
     cpp files (AddFourMom, ImpactPar)
   - src/FillParticleAlgorithm.h&cpp, algorithm to fill Particles starting
@@ -2705,9 +2705,9 @@ end
   - Introduce new OO tools working with new PhysEvent model
     The interfaces are in DaVinciTools subdirectory.
     - DaVinciTools/IGeomDispCalculator.h (interface)
-      src/GeomDispCalculator.h&cpp 
-          Tool to calculate varius geometrical distances between Particles & 
-          Vertices (ex. impact parameter) 
+      src/GeomDispCalculator.h&cpp
+          Tool to calculate varius geometrical distances between Particles &
+          Vertices (ex. impact parameter)
       author: Miriam Gandelman
     - DaVinciTools/IParticleFilter.h (interface)
@@ -2720,7 +2720,7 @@ end
           criteria to be satified by a Particle to be filtered
       src/PIDFilterCriterion.h&cpp, concrete implementation of filtering
           by ParticleID + Confidence Level
-      src/KinFilterCriterion.h&cpp, concrete implementation of filtering 
+      src/KinFilterCriterion.h&cpp, concrete implementation of filtering
           based on kinematic quantities
       author: Paul Colrain
@@ -2733,16 +2733,16 @@ end
     - DaVinciTools/IVertexFitter.h, interface for generic vertex fitters
       src/UnconstVertexFitter.h&cpp, concrete implementation of a vertex fitter
           based on Fortran axksvrtx.F
-      author: Sandra Amato      
+      author: Sandra Amato
     - DaVinciTools/IMassVertexFitter.h, interface for mass constrained vertex
       src/LagrangeMassVertexFitter.h&cpp, concrete implementation using
           Lagrangian Multipliers
       author: Joao de Mello
     - DaVinciTools/IParticleStuffer.h (interface)
-      src/ParticleStuffer.h&cpp 
-          Tool to fill contents of a Particle class starting from info 
+      src/ParticleStuffer.h&cpp
+          Tool to fill contents of a Particle class starting from info
           provided by its end (decay) vertex
       author: Paul Colrain
@@ -2752,5 +2752,3 @@ end
       src/PhysDesktop.h&cpp, a concrete implementation getting info from
          various locations in TES for previous processing
       authors: Sandra Amato, Gloria Corti
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/Arrow.h b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/Arrow.h
index ad81d04a33e11abe3b38f00db14ab597b442f729..b72a2b83c4679140a97af4b7437a3a79048fff53 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/Arrow.h
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/Arrow.h
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ namespace Decay {
   static constexpr auto ValidArrows =
-      std::array{Arrow::Single,  Arrow::LongSingle,  Arrow::Double,  Arrow::LongDouble,
-                 Arrow::SingleX, Arrow::LongSingleX, Arrow::DoubleX, Arrow::LongDoubleX};
+      std::array{ Arrow::Single,  Arrow::LongSingle,  Arrow::Double,  Arrow::LongDouble,
+                  Arrow::SingleX, Arrow::LongSingleX, Arrow::DoubleX, Arrow::LongDoubleX };
   /// string representation of the arrow
   inline std::string toString( Arrow arrow ) {
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/Node.h b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/Node.h
index 24586df7c0ecda397922c03374200c4e0bff1855..0ccd1b09e85cced1953a7a1cbefee9d85a2940fa 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/Node.h
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/Node.h
@@ -115,16 +115,16 @@ namespace Decay {
     /// node marked with ^
     bool m_isMarked;
     /// messaging service
-    ServiceHandle<IMessageSvc> m_msgSvc{"MessageSvc", "MessageSvcName"};
+    ServiceHandle<IMessageSvc> m_msgSvc{ "MessageSvc", "MessageSvcName" };
     /// particle property service
     //"LHCb::" prefix in string since its defined in namespace!
-    ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_ppSvc{"LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvcName"};
+    ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_ppSvc{ "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvcName" };
 } // namespace Decay
 namespace Decay {
-  Node::Node() : m_pid{0}, m_hasCC{false}, m_isMarked{false} {}
+  Node::Node() : m_pid{ 0 }, m_hasCC{ false }, m_isMarked{ false } {}
   Node::Node( const std::string& node_name ) {
     detail::tuple_nodeprop_t tuple_nodeprops = pruneNodeName( node_name );
@@ -134,14 +134,14 @@ namespace Decay {
   Node::Node( const detail::ptr_of_ptrv1& particle )
-      : m_pid{( *particle.get() )->particleID().pid()}, m_hasCC{false}, m_isMarked{false} {}
+      : m_pid{ ( *particle.get() )->particleID().pid() }, m_hasCC{ false }, m_isMarked{ false } {}
   Node::Node( const detail::ptr_of_ptrv1mc& mcparticle )
-      : m_pid{( *mcparticle.get() )->particleID().pid()}, m_hasCC{false}, m_isMarked{false} {}
+      : m_pid{ ( *mcparticle.get() )->particleID().pid() }, m_hasCC{ false }, m_isMarked{ false } {}
   // constructor for Node with pid, hasCC and isMarked
   Node::Node( const int& pid, const bool& hasCC, const bool& isMarked )
-      : m_pid{pid}, m_hasCC{hasCC}, m_isMarked{isMarked} {}
+      : m_pid{ pid }, m_hasCC{ hasCC }, m_isMarked{ isMarked } {}
   Node::Node( const Node& node ) { // copy constructor
     m_pid      = node.m_pid;
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ namespace Decay {
   Node Node::getChargeConjugate( bool reversehasCC ) const { // get charge conjugated node
     // make a copy of the current node
-    Node node_cc{*this};
+    Node node_cc{ *this };
     // set the pid of the antiparticle
     node_cc.setpid( getAntiParticlePid( m_pid ) );
     // reverse the hasCC flag (if requested) as it can help with
@@ -172,28 +172,28 @@ namespace Decay {
     // get the particle property of the node
     const auto* part_prop = m_ppSvc->find( LHCb::ParticleID( pid ) ); // ptr to LHCb::ParticleProperty
     if ( !part_prop )
-      throw GaudiException{"Could not interpret the particle ID " + std::to_string( pid ) +
-                               ". Please check your descriptor.",
-                           "Decay::Node::getChargeConjugate()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "Could not interpret the particle ID " + std::to_string( pid ) +
+                                ". Please check your descriptor.",
+                            "Decay::Node::getChargeConjugate()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     // get antiparticle pid of the current node
     const auto* part_prop_cc = part_prop->antiParticle();
     if ( !part_prop_cc )
-      throw GaudiException{"Could not find antiparticle of the particle with ID " + std::to_string( pid ) +
-                               ". Please check your descriptor.",
-                           "Decay::Node::getChargeConjugate()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "Could not find antiparticle of the particle with ID " + std::to_string( pid ) +
+                                ". Please check your descriptor.",
+                            "Decay::Node::getChargeConjugate()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     return ( part_prop_cc->pid() ).pid();
   bool Node::checkisMarked( const std::string& node_name ) const {
     // output true if the expression has a "^"
-    return std::regex_search( node_name, std::regex{"\\^"} ); // matches a hat
+    return std::regex_search( node_name, std::regex{ "\\^" } ); // matches a hat
   bool Node::checkhasCC( const std::string& node_name ) const {
     // output true if the expression has "CC"
-    return std::regex_search( node_name, std::regex{"C{2}"} ); // matches 2 C's in a row
+    return std::regex_search( node_name, std::regex{ "C{2}" } ); // matches 2 C's in a row
   /// returns a vector of node possibilities based on the CC property of the Node
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ namespace Decay {
     // make a empty vector of nodes
     std::vector<Node> vectorOfNodes;
     // set hasCC property to false for all possibilities because we want vector of "simple" nodes
-    bool hasCC{false};
+    bool hasCC{ false };
     if ( m_hasCC ) {
       // if has cc reserve two nodes in memory
       vectorOfNodes.reserve( 2 );
@@ -223,36 +223,36 @@ namespace Decay {
     // cleans the nodes from operators and returns the particle name only
     if ( hasCC && isMarked ) {                 // if node has self CC and is marked
       std::regex  expression( "\\^"            // hat
-                             "\\s*\\["        // any whitespaces and a square bracket
-                             "\\s*(\\S+)\\s*" // any whitespace then one or more non-whitespace character(s)
-                                              // that is matched "(\\S+)" then any whitespace
-                             "\\]\\s*CC"      // closing square bracket then any whitespace and then a CC
-      );
+                              "\\s*\\["        // any whitespaces and a square bracket
+                              "\\s*(\\S+)\\s*" // any whitespace then one or more non-whitespace character(s)
+                                               // that is matched "(\\S+)" then any whitespace
+                              "\\]\\s*CC"      // closing square bracket then any whitespace and then a CC
+       );
       std::smatch what;
       std::regex_search( node_name, what, expression );
       pruned_node_name = what.str( 1 );
     } else if ( hasCC && !isMarked ) {         // if node has self CC
       std::regex  expression( "\\["            // square bracket
-                             "\\s*(\\S+)\\s*" // any whitespace then one or more non-whitespace character(s)
-                                              // that is matched "(\\S+)" then any whitespace
-                             "\\]\\s*CC"      // closing square bracket then any whitespace and then a CC
-      );
+                              "\\s*(\\S+)\\s*" // any whitespace then one or more non-whitespace character(s)
+                                               // that is matched "(\\S+)" then any whitespace
+                              "\\]\\s*CC"      // closing square bracket then any whitespace and then a CC
+       );
       std::smatch what;
       std::regex_search( node_name, what, expression );
       pruned_node_name = what.str( 1 );
     } else if ( !hasCC && isMarked ) {         // if node is marked
       std::regex  expression( "\\^"            // hat
-                             "\\s*(\\S+)\\s*" // any whitespace then one or more non-whitespace character(s)
-                                              // that is matched "(\\S+)" then any whitespace
-      );
+                              "\\s*(\\S+)\\s*" // any whitespace then one or more non-whitespace character(s)
+                                               // that is matched "(\\S+)" then any whitespace
+       );
       std::smatch what;
       std::regex_search( node_name, what, expression );
       pruned_node_name = what.str( 1 );
     } else {
       std::regex  expression( "^\\s*"  // any initial whitespaces
-                             "(\\S+)" // matches particle name
-                             "\\s*$"  // any final whitespaces
-      );
+                              "(\\S+)" // matches particle name
+                              "\\s*$"  // any final whitespaces
+       );
       std::smatch what;
       std::regex_search( node_name, what, expression );
       pruned_node_name = what.str( 1 );
@@ -263,17 +263,17 @@ namespace Decay {
   int Node::getPidFromName( const std::string& name ) const {
     const auto* part_prop = m_ppSvc->find( name ); // ptr to LHCb::ParticleProperty
     if ( !part_prop )
-      throw GaudiException{"Could not interpret the node name " + name + ". Please check your descriptor.",
-                           "Decay::Node::getPidFromName()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "Could not interpret the node name " + name + ". Please check your descriptor.",
+                            "Decay::Node::getPidFromName()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     return ( part_prop->pid() ).pid();
   std::string Node::getNameFromPid( const int& pid ) const {
     const auto* part_prop = m_ppSvc->find( LHCb::ParticleID( pid ) ); // ptr to LHCb::ParticleProperty
     if ( !part_prop )
-      throw GaudiException{"Could not interpret the particle ID " + std::to_string( pid ) +
-                               ". Please check your descriptor.",
-                           "Decay::Node::getNameFromPid()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "Could not interpret the particle ID " + std::to_string( pid ) +
+                                ". Please check your descriptor.",
+                            "Decay::Node::getNameFromPid()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     return part_prop->name();
@@ -299,12 +299,12 @@ namespace Decay {
     if ( lhs.m_hasCC ) {
       // Return a copy of this node with charged conjugate node and hasCC flag set to false
       // hasCC flag has to be false otherwise stuck in infinite loop
-      Node lhs_cc{lhs.getChargeConjugate( reversehasCC )};
+      Node lhs_cc{ lhs.getChargeConjugate( reversehasCC ) };
       return rhs == lhs_cc;
     } else if ( rhs.m_hasCC ) {
       // Return a copy of this node with charged conjugate node and hasCC flag set to false
       //  hasCC flag has to be false otherwise stuck in infinite loop
-      Node rhs_cc{rhs.getChargeConjugate( reversehasCC )};
+      Node rhs_cc{ rhs.getChargeConjugate( reversehasCC ) };
       return lhs == rhs_cc;
     return false;
@@ -326,4 +326,4 @@ namespace Decay {
 } // namespace Decay
-#endif // NODE_H
\ No newline at end of file
+#endif // NODE_H
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/RelationOneToOne.h b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/RelationOneToOne.h
index 84934f9433bfc5e982702bdb60631e504436c45e..9930b00fb95294bae5135cbc9a1cd5c3e84a2a6b 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/RelationOneToOne.h
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/RelationOneToOne.h
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ namespace DaVinci {
     inline StatusCode i_removeFrom( From_ from ) { return m_table.i_reloveFrom( from ); }
     inline StatusCode i_relateWithOverwrite( From_ from, To_ to ) const {
-      return ( m_table.relations( from ).empty()
-                   ? m_table.i_relate( from, to )
-                   : m_table.i_removeFrom( from ).isSuccess() ? m_table.i_relate( from, to ) : StatusCode::FAILURE );
+      return ( m_table.relations( from ).empty()          ? m_table.i_relate( from, to )
+               : m_table.i_removeFrom( from ).isSuccess() ? m_table.i_relate( from, to )
+                                                          : StatusCode::FAILURE );
       // if ( m_table.relations(from).empty() ) return m_table.i_relate(from, to);
       // if( m_table.i_removeFrom(from).isFailure() ) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
       // return m_table.i_relate(from, to);
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/Tree.h b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/Tree.h
index cc102b88de3afba2578781f447b88fdc5fda7262..001adc6cb2c9a8a92afeee93dd7d0050fb5a3644 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/Tree.h
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/include/Kernel/Tree.h
@@ -168,39 +168,39 @@ namespace Decay {
     /// head node
     Node m_headNode;
     /// Arrow type
-    Arrow m_Arrow{Arrow::Unknown};
+    Arrow m_Arrow{ Arrow::Unknown };
     /// vector of daughters
     detail::vec_dt_t m_daughters;
     /// has cc flag in decay e.g. [B0 -> K+ K-]CC
-    bool m_hasCC{false};
+    bool m_hasCC{ false };
     /// is marked flag in decay e.g. ^(B0 -> K+ K-) or ^([B0 -> K+ K-]CC)
-    bool m_isMarked{false};
+    bool m_isMarked{ false };
     /// decay tree has been matched
-    std::optional<bool> m_hasMatched{std::nullopt};
+    std::optional<bool> m_hasMatched{ std::nullopt };
     /// messaging service
     /// TODO: Need to set the verbosity of messaging service
-    ServiceHandle<IMessageSvc> m_msgSvc{"MessageSvc", "MessageSvcName"};
+    ServiceHandle<IMessageSvc> m_msgSvc{ "MessageSvc", "MessageSvcName" };
   Tree::Tree() = default;
-  Tree::Tree( Node headNode ) : m_headNode{std::move( headNode )} {}
+  Tree::Tree( Node headNode ) : m_headNode{ std::move( headNode ) } {}
   Tree::Tree( Node headNode, Arrow arrow, detail::vec_dt_t daughters, bool hasCC, bool isMarked )
-      : m_headNode{std::move( headNode )}
-      , m_Arrow{arrow}
-      , m_daughters{std::move( daughters )}
-      , m_hasCC{hasCC}
-      , m_isMarked{isMarked}
-      , m_hasMatched{std::nullopt} {}
+      : m_headNode{ std::move( headNode ) }
+      , m_Arrow{ arrow }
+      , m_daughters{ std::move( daughters ) }
+      , m_hasCC{ hasCC }
+      , m_isMarked{ isMarked }
+      , m_hasMatched{ std::nullopt } {}
   Tree::Tree( detail::classprops_t props )
-      : Tree{std::move( props.headNode ), props.first_arrow, std::move( props.daughters ), props.hasCC,
-             props.isMarked} {}
+      : Tree{ std::move( props.headNode ), props.first_arrow, std::move( props.daughters ), props.hasCC,
+              props.isMarked } {}
-  Tree::Tree( const std::string& descriptor_str ) : Tree{detail::parseDescriptor( descriptor_str )} {}
+  Tree::Tree( const std::string& descriptor_str ) : Tree{ detail::parseDescriptor( descriptor_str ) } {}
-  Tree::Tree( detail::ptr_of_ptrv1 particle ) : m_headNode{Node( std::move( particle ) )}, m_Arrow{Arrow::Single} {
+  Tree::Tree( detail::ptr_of_ptrv1 particle ) : m_headNode{ Node( std::move( particle ) ) }, m_Arrow{ Arrow::Single } {
     // get parent particle pointer from "pointer of pointer"
     const auto* particle_ptr = *( particle.get() );
     // check if it is basic
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ namespace Decay {
   Tree::Tree( detail::ptr_of_ptrv1mc mcparticle )
-      : m_headNode{Node( std::move( mcparticle ) )}, m_Arrow{Arrow::Single} {
+      : m_headNode{ Node( std::move( mcparticle ) ) }, m_Arrow{ Arrow::Single } {
     // get parent particle pointer from "pointer of pointer"
     const auto* mcparticle_ptr = *( mcparticle.get() );
     // get the good end vertex (the )
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ namespace Decay {
   Tree Tree::getChargeConjugate( bool reversehasCC ) const { // get charge conjugated
                                                              // copy of current tree
     // create new Tree with current tree
-    Tree cc_tree{*this};
+    Tree cc_tree{ *this };
     // change the headNode to the charge conjugated node (a copy with opposite pid/name)
     // It does not change the hasCC flag
     cc_tree.setheadNode( m_headNode.getChargeConjugate() );
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ namespace Decay {
   detail::vec_dt_t Tree::getPossibilities() const {
     // first get head node possibilities
     // e.g. "[B+]CC" -> [Node(B+), Node(B-)]
-    std::vector<Node> headnode_possibilities{m_headNode.getPossibilities()};
+    std::vector<Node> headnode_possibilities{ m_headNode.getPossibilities() };
     // if no daughters in the tree convert headnodes into decaytrees with no daughters and return it
     // e.g. "[B+]CC" -> [Tree(B+), Tree(B-)]
     detail::vec_dt_t tree_possibilities;
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ namespace Decay {
     for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < headnode_possibilities.size(); i++ ) { // loop over head node tree possibility
       for ( std::size_t j = 0; j < daug_possibilities.size(); j++ ) {   // loop over daughter tree possibility
         // create an instance of decayTree with headnode and daughters
-        bool hasCC{false}; // set hasCC false since we have "simple" decay descriptors removing hasCC
+        bool hasCC{ false }; // set hasCC false since we have "simple" decay descriptors removing hasCC
         tree_possibilities.emplace_back( headnode_possibilities[i], m_Arrow, daug_possibilities[j], hasCC, m_isMarked );
         // if the current tree hasCC to true in the decay add the conjugated tree to the possibilities
         if ( m_hasCC ) {
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ namespace Decay {
       for ( auto& daughter : m_daughters ) daughter.sethasMatched( hasMatched );
       // if basic particle, set hasMatched flag
-      m_hasMatched = std::optional<bool>{hasMatched};
+      m_hasMatched = std::optional<bool>{ hasMatched };
   std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const Tree& dt ) { return os << dt.descriptor(); }
@@ -360,8 +360,8 @@ namespace Decay {
   template <class PARTICLE>
   bool operator==( const PARTICLE* const lhs, const Tree& rhs ) {
     if ( !lhs ) {
-      throw GaudiException{"The input particle is null (nullptr). Please check!",
-                           "Decay::operator==(const PARTICLE *lhs, const Decay::Tree &rhs)", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "The input particle is null (nullptr). Please check!",
+                            "Decay::operator==(const PARTICLE *lhs, const Decay::Tree &rhs)", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     // make a copy of the decay tree
     Tree rhs_copy( rhs );
@@ -371,8 +371,8 @@ namespace Decay {
   template <class PARTICLE>
   bool operator==( const Tree& lhs, const PARTICLE* const rhs ) {
     if ( !rhs ) {
-      throw GaudiException{"The input particle is null (nullptr). Please check!",
-                           "Decay::operator==(const Tree& lhs, const PARTICLE* rhs)", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "The input particle is null (nullptr). Please check!",
+                            "Decay::operator==(const Tree& lhs, const PARTICLE* rhs)", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     // make a copy of the decay tree
     Tree lhs_copy( lhs );
@@ -382,8 +382,8 @@ namespace Decay {
   template <class PARTICLE>
   auto Tree::getParticleDaughters( const PARTICLE* const particle ) const {
     if ( !particle )
-      throw GaudiException{"The input particle to get daughters is null (nullptr). Please check!",
-                           "Decay::Tree::getParticleDaughters(const PARTICLE *particle)", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "The input particle to get daughters is null (nullptr). Please check!",
+                            "Decay::Tree::getParticleDaughters(const PARTICLE *particle)", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     return particle->daughtersVector();
@@ -391,8 +391,8 @@ namespace Decay {
   template <>
   auto Tree::getParticleDaughters<LHCb::MCParticle>( const LHCb::MCParticle* const particle ) const {
     if ( !particle )
-      throw GaudiException{"The input MC particle to get daughters is null (nullptr). Please check!",
-                           "Decay::Tree::getParticleDaughters(const PARTICLE *particle)", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "The input MC particle to get daughters is null (nullptr). Please check!",
+                            "Decay::Tree::getParticleDaughters(const PARTICLE *particle)", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     const auto* goodVtx = particle->goodEndVertex();
     if ( !goodVtx )
@@ -408,8 +408,8 @@ namespace Decay {
     bool      is_verbose = ( log.level() == MSG::VERBOSE );
     // check for nullptr
     if ( !particle ) {
-      throw GaudiException{"The input particle is null (nullptr). Please check!",
-                           "Decay::Tree::hasMatchWithParticle(const PARTICLE *particle)", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "The input particle is null (nullptr). Please check!",
+                            "Decay::Tree::hasMatchWithParticle(const PARTICLE *particle)", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     // create a reference tree from the reconstructed particle (for debugging)
     auto part_ptr = std::make_shared<const PARTICLE* const>( particle );
@@ -485,10 +485,10 @@ namespace Decay {
       throw GaudiException{
           "The input particle is null (nullptr). Please check!",
           "Decay::Tree::collectMarkedParticlesImpl(const PARTICLE *particle, std::vector<const PARTICLE *> &output)",
-          StatusCode::FAILURE};
+          StatusCode::FAILURE };
     // make a copy of the tree here
-    Tree temp_tree{*this};
+    Tree temp_tree{ *this };
     // check for hat in descriptor
     if ( !std::regex_search( temp_tree.descriptor(), std::regex( "\\^" ) ) ) {
       // when there is no hat, append the head particle
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ namespace Decay {
   bool Tree::compareWithRefTree( Tree& ref_dt ) const { // TODO: remove
     // make a copy of the current tree
-    Tree current_dt_copy{*this};
+    Tree current_dt_copy{ *this };
     bool hasMatched = checkIfTreesMatch( current_dt_copy, ref_dt );
     // if there is no match set the ref_dt properties to default ones
     if ( !hasMatched ) {
@@ -512,8 +512,8 @@ namespace Decay {
   bool operator==( const Tree& lhs, const Tree& rhs ) { // TODO: remove
     // make a copy of the lhs and rhs
-    Tree lhs_copy{lhs};
-    Tree rhs_copy{rhs};
+    Tree lhs_copy{ lhs };
+    Tree rhs_copy{ rhs };
     return checkIfTreesMatch( lhs_copy, rhs_copy );
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ namespace Decay {
     // define a helper lambda to check if there is match with CC
     auto has_match_with_cctree = [&lhs, &rhs]() -> bool {
       // The conjugate object requires hasCC flag to false or else hit infinite loop
-      bool reversehasCC{true};
+      bool reversehasCC{ true };
       // if lhs or rhs hasCC set to true check with conjugate object
       if ( lhs.m_hasCC ) {
         // Note the getChargeConjugate will return a copy of the lhs tree with conjugate properties
@@ -650,10 +650,10 @@ namespace Decay {
   void Tree::collectMarkedParticlesRecursive( const PARTICLE* particle, std::vector<const PARTICLE*>& output ) {
     // check for nullptr
     if ( !particle ) {
-      throw GaudiException{"The input particle is null (nullptr). Please check!",
-                           "Decay::Tree::collectMarkedParticlesRecursive(const PARTICLE *particle, std::vector<const "
-                           "PARTICLE *> &output)",
-                           StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "The input particle is null (nullptr). Please check!",
+                            "Decay::Tree::collectMarkedParticlesRecursive(const PARTICLE *particle, std::vector<const "
+                            "PARTICLE *> &output)",
+                            StatusCode::FAILURE };
     // compare the head nodes
     if ( m_headNode != particle ) return;
@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ namespace detail {
   /// { {1, 11, 21}, {1, 11, 22}, {1, 12, 21}, {1, 12, 22}, ... {2, 13, 22} }
   vec_vec_dt_t cartesianProduct( const vec_vec_dt_t& vec_vec_dt ) {
     // TODO: Try to clean this up a little bit
-    vec_vec_dt_t result = {{}}; // TODO: Try to reserve the memory
+    vec_vec_dt_t result = { {} }; // TODO: Try to reserve the memory
     for ( const auto& vector1 : vec_vec_dt ) {
       vec_vec_dt_t res_tmp;
       for ( const auto& vector2 : result ) {
@@ -779,11 +779,11 @@ namespace detail {
       // if "CC" then strip it from descriptor
       //  e.g. "[[X]CC -> Y1 [Y2]CC]CC" => "[X]CC -> Y1 [Y2]CC"
       std::regex  expression( "^\\["    // opening square bracket at start of string
-                             "\\s*"    // any whitespaces
-                             "(.*)"    // matches what is in between i.e. striped descriptor
-                             "\\]"     // closing bracket
-                             "\\s*CC$" // any whitespaces followed by CC at end of string
-      );
+                              "\\s*"    // any whitespaces
+                              "(.*)"    // matches what is in between i.e. striped descriptor
+                              "\\]"     // closing bracket
+                              "\\s*CC$" // any whitespaces followed by CC at end of string
+       );
       std::smatch what;
       std::regex_search( descriptor, what, expression );
       // descriptor has been strip of outer-most [..]CC, now check if the square brackets are balanced
@@ -834,10 +834,10 @@ namespace detail {
       isMarked = true;
       // strips decay descriptor from hat + outside brackets
       std::regex  expression( "^\\^"    // hat and opening bracket at start of string
-                             "\\s*\\(" // any whitespaces followed by opening bracket
-                             "(.*)"    // matches what is in between i.e. striped descriptor
-                             "\\)$"    // bracket at end of string
-      );
+                              "\\s*\\(" // any whitespaces followed by opening bracket
+                              "(.*)"    // matches what is in between i.e. striped descriptor
+                              "\\)$"    // bracket at end of string
+       );
       std::smatch what;
       std::regex_search( descriptor, what, expression );
       descriptor = what.str( 1 );
@@ -849,9 +849,9 @@ namespace detail {
     if ( hasBrackets( descriptor ) ) { // tests the matched string for brackets
       // strips decay from outside brackets only
       std::regex  expression( "^\\(\\s*" // opening bracket at start of string
-                             "(.*)"     // matches what is in between i.e. striped descriptor
-                             "\\s*\\)$" // bracket at end of string
-      );
+                              "(.*)"     // matches what is in between i.e. striped descriptor
+                              "\\s*\\)$" // bracket at end of string
+       );
       std::smatch what;
       std::regex_search( descriptor, what, expression );
       descriptor = what.str( 1 );
@@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ namespace detail {
       outer_vec_daug.emplace_back( *iter );
     // replace the strings with empty strings so that only daughters with no decay trees are left ie simple nodes
-    std::string daug_str_new{daug_str};
+    std::string daug_str_new{ daug_str };
     for ( const auto& daug : outer_vec_daug ) {
       std::string::size_type pos = daug_str_new.find( daug );
       daug_str_new.replace( pos, daug.length(), "" );
@@ -986,11 +986,11 @@ namespace detail {
     // instantiate a default first arrow
     auto first_arrow = Decay::Arrow::Unknown;
     // count number of first arrow type in descriptor
-    unsigned int n_first_arrow{0};
+    unsigned int n_first_arrow{ 0 };
     // instantiate a default position
-    std::size_t first_arrow_pos{std::string::npos};
+    std::size_t first_arrow_pos{ std::string::npos };
     // count the number of arrowtypes in string
-    unsigned int n_arrowtypes{0};
+    unsigned int n_arrowtypes{ 0 };
     for ( const auto arrow : Decay::ValidArrows ) {                    // loop through all arrow types
       if ( descriptor.find( toString( arrow ) ) != descriptor.npos ) { // found the arrow
         if ( n_arrowtypes == 0 ) {                                     // first iteration
@@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ namespace detail {
-    return arrowprops_t{first_arrow, n_first_arrow, first_arrow_pos, n_arrowtypes};
+    return arrowprops_t{ first_arrow, n_first_arrow, first_arrow_pos, n_arrowtypes };
   /// split the descriptor into head node and daughters string according to the first arrow and first arrow length
@@ -1049,24 +1049,24 @@ namespace detail {
     //  - Also allow for complex case e.g. B -> (Jpsi -> mu+ mu-) (phi(1020) -> K+ K-).
     vec_str_t vec_daug =
         hasOneArrow ? getDaughtersFromString( daugs_str ) : findStringWithinOuterMostBrackets( daugs_str );
-    vec_dt_t daughters{vec_daug.begin(), vec_daug.end()}; // make vector of daughters
+    vec_dt_t daughters{ vec_daug.begin(), vec_daug.end() }; // make vector of daughters
-    return {headNode, first_arrow, daughters, hasCC, isMarked};
+    return { headNode, first_arrow, daughters, hasCC, isMarked };
   /// Master function to build decay tree setting member variables with descriptor (invoked in constructor)
   classprops_t parseDescriptor( std::string descriptor ) {
     // Check if contains balanced brackets. The brackets could be "(" or "[" or "{".
     if ( !detail::hasBalancedBrackets( descriptor ) ) {
-      throw GaudiException{"Descriptor does not have balanced brackets. Please check the descriptor!",
-                           "Decay::Node::parseDescriptor(descriptor)", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "Descriptor does not have balanced brackets. Please check the descriptor!",
+                            "Decay::Node::parseDescriptor(descriptor)", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     if ( !detail::hasArrow( descriptor ) ) {   // Case1: check if no arrow in descriptor i.e. node only
       Decay::Node      headNode( descriptor ); // construct the head node
       auto             arrow_in_descriptor = Decay::Arrow::Unknown; // Arrow::Unknown
       detail::vec_dt_t daughters{};                                 // no daughters
-      bool             hasCC{false}, isMarked{false};               // properties handled at the node level
-      return {headNode, arrow_in_descriptor, daughters, hasCC, isMarked};
+      bool             hasCC{ false }, isMarked{ false };           // properties handled at the node level
+      return { headNode, arrow_in_descriptor, daughters, hasCC, isMarked };
     // Build decay tree according how many arrows we have (calling parseDescriptor recursively)
     return makeClassProps( descriptor );
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/src/Lib/GetTESLocations.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/src/Lib/GetTESLocations.cpp
index 9ba92a2ba9da3560fcbc55ba8062f30f78da2e8f..520a4f2c36b4e680a2d33df1f052d96e4563dd9a 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/src/Lib/GetTESLocations.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/src/Lib/GetTESLocations.cpp
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ std::size_t DaVinci::Utils::GetTESLocations::_collect( const DataObject* o ) {
   if ( nullptr == iregistry ) { return 0; }
   const std::string& n = iregistry->identifier();
-  if ( m_mapping.insert( {o, n} ).second ) {
+  if ( m_mapping.insert( { o, n } ).second ) {
     m_locations.push_back( n );
     return 1;
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/src/component/DecayFinder.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/src/component/DecayFinder.cpp
index f0c9f4df91b6d30bddb2b9a12c739f52110804f2..335693cadade5b5a407e5b1ac276696b65c28f6a 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/src/component/DecayFinder.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/src/component/DecayFinder.cpp
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ namespace Decay {
       // print them out
       if ( possibilities.size() > 1 ) {
         this->debug() << "Multiple possibilities for the specified descriptor." << endmsg;
-        unsigned int count_descriptor{0};
+        unsigned int count_descriptor{ 0 };
         for ( const auto& possibility : possibilities ) {
           this->debug() << "Possibility #" << count_descriptor << " is: " << possibility << endmsg;
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ namespace Decay {
       // construct a reference tree from the reconstructed particle (for debugging)
       auto part_ptr = std::make_shared<const PARTICLE* const>( particle );
-      this->debug() << "Particle decay tree: " << Tree{part_ptr} << endmsg;
+      this->debug() << "Particle decay tree: " << Tree{ part_ptr } << endmsg;
       // loop through the decay possibilities and check if there is match
       // between the reconstructed particle and user possibility
       for ( const auto& possibility : possibilities ) {
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/src/component/DecodeSimpleDecayString.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/src/component/DecodeSimpleDecayString.cpp
index a40f6c3228a4b3d55540529097509c90f89f9715..87a536a9b9bcdc09327398f86ddbcfa1313202de 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/src/component/DecodeSimpleDecayString.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/src/component/DecodeSimpleDecayString.cpp
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
 // Include files
 // ============================================================================
 // from ANSI C++
-//#include <math.h>
-//#include <assert.h>
-//#include <numeric>
-//#include <memory>
+// #include <math.h>
+// #include <assert.h>
+// #include <numeric>
+// #include <memory>
 // ============================================================================
 // Horrible hacks to solve a Windows compilation problem
 #define MSG __MSG
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/tests/decays/test_decayfinder.py b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/tests/decays/test_decayfinder.py
index dbb9e8ec14b348ea8fe710426b58744a3fdfe674..055a28a5a3193da88d30d67ba8756b86a70852f7 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/tests/decays/test_decayfinder.py
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/tests/decays/test_decayfinder.py
@@ -9,43 +9,43 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-import pytest
 import GaudiPython
+import PartProp.Service  # this is required for app.ppSvc() to work
+import pytest
 from Configurables import DDDBConf
+from cppyy.gbl import LHCb, SmartRef, SmartRefVector, std
 from GaudiPython.Bindings import AppMgr
-from cppyy.gbl import LHCb, std, SmartRefVector, SmartRef
-import PartProp.Service  #this is required for app.ppSvc() to work
 appMgr = AppMgr()
 pps = appMgr.ppSvc()
-#below is required for ppSvc to work for pytest
-appMgr.ExtSvc += ['LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc']
+# below is required for ppSvc to work for pytest
+appMgr.ExtSvc += ["LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc"]
 toolsvc = appMgr.toolSvc()
-#helper class for testing the decay finder
-class PseudoParticle():
-    '''
+# helper class for testing the decay finder
+class PseudoParticle:
+    """
     PseudoParticle helper class for testing. It builds tree of particles
     Needs to be after AppMgr definition since we use particle property service from AppMgr
-    '''
+    """
     def __init__(self, name, daug=None):
-        '''
+        """
         name: name of the particle
         daug: list of Particle objects of daughters
-        '''
+        """
         self.name = name
-        self.daug = daug  #list of Particle objects of daughters
-        self.ppservice = pps  #particle property service
-        self.lhcb_particle = self.build_mother()  #LHCb.Particle
+        self.daug = daug  # list of Particle objects of daughters
+        self.ppservice = pps  # particle property service
+        self.lhcb_particle = self.build_mother()  # LHCb.Particle
     def build_mother(self):
-        '''
+        """
         build mother particle and its duaghters
-        '''
+        """
         mother_id = self.ppservice.find(self.name).pid().pid()
         mother_part = LHCb.Particle()
@@ -63,117 +63,113 @@ class PseudoParticle():
 def tool_DecayFinder_Particles():
-    decoder = toolsvc.create(
-        "DecayFinder", interface=GaudiPython.gbl.IDecayFinder)
+    decoder = toolsvc.create("DecayFinder", interface=GaudiPython.gbl.IDecayFinder)
     return decoder
 def make_input_particles():
-    #Build: "B0 -> K+ K-"
+    # Build: "B0 -> K+ K-"
     Bd_daug = [PseudoParticle("K+"), PseudoParticle("K-")]
     Bd = PseudoParticle("B0", Bd_daug)
-    #Build: "B0 -> pi+ pi-"
+    # Build: "B0 -> pi+ pi-"
     Bd2_daug = [PseudoParticle("pi+"), PseudoParticle("pi-")]
     Bd2 = PseudoParticle("B0", Bd2_daug)
-    #Build: "B0 -> K+ pi-"
+    # Build: "B0 -> K+ pi-"
     Bd3_daug = [PseudoParticle("K+"), PseudoParticle("pi-")]
     Bd3 = PseudoParticle("B0", Bd3_daug)
-    #Build: "B+ -> K+ K+ K-"
-    #make first identical K+ and set its momentum
+    # Build: "B+ -> K+ K+ K-"
+    # make first identical K+ and set its momentum
     K1_identical = PseudoParticle("K+")
     K1_vec4_1 = GaudiPython.gbl.Gaudi.LorentzVector(2, 1, 0, 3)
-    #make second identical K+ and set its momentum
+    # make second identical K+ and set its momentum
     K2_identical = PseudoParticle("K+")
     K2_vec4_2 = GaudiPython.gbl.Gaudi.LorentzVector(4, 2, 0, 6)
-    #make B+ with two identical K+
-    #Order 1 (K+, K-, K+)
+    # make B+ with two identical K+
+    # Order 1 (K+, K-, K+)
     Bu_ord1_daug = [K1_identical, PseudoParticle("K-"), K2_identical]
     Bu_ord1 = PseudoParticle("B+", Bu_ord1_daug)
-    #Order 2 (K-, K+, K+)
+    # Order 2 (K-, K+, K+)
     Bu_ord2_daug = [PseudoParticle("K-"), K1_identical, K2_identical]
     Bu_ord2 = PseudoParticle("B+", Bu_ord2_daug)
-    #Order 3 (K+, K+, K-)
+    # Order 3 (K+, K+, K-)
     Bu_ord3_daug = [K1_identical, K2_identical, PseudoParticle("K-")]
     Bu_ord3 = PseudoParticle("B+", Bu_ord3_daug)
-    #Build: "D0 -> pi+ pi- pi+ pi-"
-    #make first identical pi- and set its momentum
+    # Build: "D0 -> pi+ pi- pi+ pi-"
+    # make first identical pi- and set its momentum
     pim1_identical = PseudoParticle("pi-")
     pim1_vec4_1 = GaudiPython.gbl.Gaudi.LorentzVector(2, 1, 0, 3)
-    #make second identical pi- and set its momentum
+    # make second identical pi- and set its momentum
     pim2_identical = PseudoParticle("pi-")
     pim2_vec4_2 = GaudiPython.gbl.Gaudi.LorentzVector(4, 2, 0, 6)
-    #make first identical pi+ and set its momentum
+    # make first identical pi+ and set its momentum
     pip1_identical = PseudoParticle("pi+")
     pip1_vec4_1 = GaudiPython.gbl.Gaudi.LorentzVector(3, 2, 0, 5)
-    #make second identical K+ and set its momentum
+    # make second identical K+ and set its momentum
     pip2_identical = PseudoParticle("pi+")
     pip2_vec4_2 = GaudiPython.gbl.Gaudi.LorentzVector(6, 4, 0, 10)
-    #make D0
+    # make D0
     D0_daug = [pim1_identical, pip1_identical, pim2_identical, pip2_identical]
     D0 = PseudoParticle("D0", D0_daug)
-    #Build "B+ -> (phi(1020)-> K+ K-) (phi(1020) -> pi0 pi0 gamma) K+"
-    #make phi -> K+ K-
+    # Build "B+ -> (phi(1020)-> K+ K-) (phi(1020) -> pi0 pi0 gamma) K+"
+    # make phi -> K+ K-
     phi_1_daug = [PseudoParticle("K+"), PseudoParticle("K+")]
     phi_1 = PseudoParticle("phi(1020)", phi_1_daug)
-    #make phi -> pi0 pi0 gamma
-    #make first identical pi0 with set momenta
+    # make phi -> pi0 pi0 gamma
+    # make first identical pi0 with set momenta
     pi0_1 = PseudoParticle("pi0")
     pi01_vec4_1 = GaudiPython.gbl.Gaudi.LorentzVector(2, 1, 0, 3)
-    #make second identical pi0 with set momenta
+    # make second identical pi0 with set momenta
     pi0_2 = PseudoParticle("pi0")
     pi02_vec4_1 = GaudiPython.gbl.Gaudi.LorentzVector(4, 2, 0, 6)
-    #make phi -> pi0 pi0 gamma
+    # make phi -> pi0 pi0 gamma
     phi_2_daug = [pi0_1, PseudoParticle("gamma"), pi0_2]
     phi_2 = PseudoParticle("phi(1020)", phi_2_daug)
-    #make B+
+    # make B+
     Bu_2_daug = [phi_1, PseudoParticle("K+"), phi_2]
     Bu_2 = PseudoParticle("B+", Bu_2_daug)
-    #Build: "B_s0 -> (K*_0(1430)~0 -> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) (K*(892)0 -> K+ pi-)"
+    # Build: "B_s0 -> (K*_0(1430)~0 -> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) (K*(892)0 -> K+ pi-)"
     Kstar892_1_daug = [PseudoParticle("K+"), PseudoParticle("pi-")]
     Kstar892_1 = PseudoParticle("K*(892)0", Kstar892_1_daug)
-    Kstarbar1430_1_daug = [
-        Kstar892_1, PseudoParticle("pi+"),
-        PseudoParticle("pi-")
-    ]
+    Kstarbar1430_1_daug = [Kstar892_1, PseudoParticle("pi+"), PseudoParticle("pi-")]
     Kstarbar1430_1 = PseudoParticle("K*_0(1430)~0", Kstarbar1430_1_daug)
     Kstar892_2_daug = [PseudoParticle("K+"), PseudoParticle("pi-")]
     Kstar892_2 = PseudoParticle("K*(892)0", Kstar892_2_daug)
     Bs_daug = [Kstarbar1430_1, Kstar892_2]
     Bs = PseudoParticle("B_s0", Bs_daug)
-    #Build: "B_s0 -> (K*_0(1430)~0 -> K- pi+) (K*(892)0 -> K+ pi-)"
+    # Build: "B_s0 -> (K*_0(1430)~0 -> K- pi+) (K*(892)0 -> K+ pi-)"
     Kstarbar1430_2_daug = [PseudoParticle("K-"), PseudoParticle("pi+")]
     Kstarbar1430_2 = PseudoParticle("K*_0(1430)~0", Kstarbar1430_2_daug)
     Bs_daug_2 = [Kstarbar1430_2, Kstar892_2]
     Bs_2 = PseudoParticle("B_s0", Bs_daug_2)
-    #Build "psi(3770) -> (D0 -> pi- pi+) (D0 -> K- K+)"
-    #make D0 -> pi+ pi-
+    # Build "psi(3770) -> (D0 -> pi- pi+) (D0 -> K- K+)"
+    # make D0 -> pi+ pi-
     D0_pipi_daug = [PseudoParticle("pi-"), PseudoParticle("pi+")]
     D0_pipi = PseudoParticle("D0", D0_pipi_daug)
-    #make D0 -> K- K+
+    # make D0 -> K- K+
     D0_KK_daug = [PseudoParticle("K-"), PseudoParticle("K+")]
     D0_KK = PseudoParticle("D0", D0_KK_daug)
-    #make psi(3770)
+    # make psi(3770)
     psi_daug = [D0_pipi, D0_KK]
     psi = PseudoParticle("psi(3770)", psi_daug)
-    #put them in input vector
-    input_parts = std.vector('const LHCb::Particle*')()
+    # put them in input vector
+    input_parts = std.vector("const LHCb::Particle*")()
@@ -190,228 +186,250 @@ def make_input_particles():
 def get_marked_particles(descriptor, input_parts, decoder):
-    #make container for output particles
-    out_parts = std.vector('const LHCb::Particle*')()
-    #fill the out_parts vector
+    # make container for output particles
+    out_parts = std.vector("const LHCb::Particle*")()
+    # fill the out_parts vector
     decoder.findDecay(descriptor, input_parts, out_parts)
-    #return output particles
+    # return output particles
     return out_parts
 def test_decayfinder_twobody(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
-    #simple two-body descriptor test
+    # simple two-body descriptor test
     descriptor = "[B0 -> [K+]CC ^pi-]CC"
     input_parts = make_input_particles()
-    output_parts = get_marked_particles(descriptor, input_parts,
-                                        tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
+    output_parts = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
     assert output_parts.size() == 1
     assert output_parts[0].particleID().pid() == -211
-    #simple two-body descriptor test (with charge conjugate particle names)
+    # simple two-body descriptor test (with charge conjugate particle names)
     # the ouput_parts and output_parts_cc (below) should be identical
     descriptor_cc = "[B~0 -> [K-]CC ^pi+]CC"
-    output_parts_cc = get_marked_particles(descriptor_cc, input_parts,
-                                           tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
+    output_parts_cc = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_cc, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
     assert output_parts_cc.size() == output_parts.size()
-    assert output_parts_cc[0].particleID().pid() == output_parts[0].particleID(
-    ).pid()
+    assert output_parts_cc[0].particleID().pid() == output_parts[0].particleID().pid()
 def test_decayfinder_identical_threebody(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
     def _assert(outparts_1, outparts_2, outparts_1_cc, outparts_2_cc):
-        #size should be the same
+        # size should be the same
         assert outparts_1.size() == 3
         assert outparts_1.size() == outparts_2.size()
         assert outparts_1.size() == outparts_1_cc.size()
         assert outparts_1.size() == outparts_2_cc.size()
         for i in range(
-                outparts_1.
-                size()):  #i represents the three orders of input particle
-            #pids should match
+            outparts_1.size()
+        ):  # i represents the three orders of input particle
+            # pids should match
             assert outparts_1[i].particleID().pid() == 321
-            assert outparts_1[i].particleID().pid(
-            ) == outparts_2[i].particleID().pid()
-            assert outparts_1[i].particleID().pid(
-            ) == outparts_1_cc[i].particleID().pid()
-            assert outparts_1[i].particleID().pid(
-            ) == outparts_2_cc[i].particleID().pid()
-            #check that the 2nd kaon is always the second (has to have px = 4 MeV)
+            assert outparts_1[i].particleID().pid() == outparts_2[i].particleID().pid()
+            assert (
+                outparts_1[i].particleID().pid() == outparts_1_cc[i].particleID().pid()
+            )
+            assert (
+                outparts_1[i].particleID().pid() == outparts_2_cc[i].particleID().pid()
+            )
+            # check that the 2nd kaon is always the second (has to have px = 4 MeV)
             assert abs(output_parts_1[i].momentum().X() - 4.0) < 1e-9
-            #check that the 1st kaon is always the first (has to have px = 2 MeV)
+            # check that the 1st kaon is always the first (has to have px = 2 MeV)
             assert abs(outparts_2[i].momentum().X() - 2.0) < 1e-9
-            assert abs(output_parts_1[i].momentum().X() -
-                       outparts_1_cc[0].momentum().X()) < 1e-9
-            assert abs(outparts_2[i].momentum().X() -
-                       outparts_2_cc[0].momentum().X()) < 1e-9
-    #descriptor matches order 1 of input container
-    descriptor_1 = "[B+ -> K+ K- ^K+]CC"  #pick always 2nd kaon in the input_container (no matter the ordering)
-    descriptor_2 = "[B+ -> ^K+ K- K+]CC"  #pick always 1st kaon in the input_container (no matter the ordering)
+            assert (
+                abs(output_parts_1[i].momentum().X() - outparts_1_cc[0].momentum().X())
+                < 1e-9
+            )
+            assert (
+                abs(outparts_2[i].momentum().X() - outparts_2_cc[0].momentum().X())
+                < 1e-9
+            )
+    # descriptor matches order 1 of input container
+    descriptor_1 = "[B+ -> K+ K- ^K+]CC"  # pick always 2nd kaon in the input_container (no matter the ordering)
+    descriptor_2 = "[B+ -> ^K+ K- K+]CC"  # pick always 1st kaon in the input_container (no matter the ordering)
     input_parts = make_input_particles()
-    output_parts_1 = get_marked_particles(descriptor_1, input_parts,
-                                          tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
-    output_parts_2 = get_marked_particles(descriptor_2, input_parts,
-                                          tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
-    #check if CC'd particle names also picks correct particles
+    output_parts_1 = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_1, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
+    output_parts_2 = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_2, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
+    # check if CC'd particle names also picks correct particles
     descriptor_1_cc = "[B- -> K- K+ ^K-]CC"
     descriptor_2_cc = "[B- -> ^K- K+ K-]CC"
-    output_parts_1_cc = get_marked_particles(descriptor_1_cc, input_parts,
-                                             tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
-    output_parts_2_cc = get_marked_particles(descriptor_2_cc, input_parts,
-                                             tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
-    #conduct some checks
-    _assert(output_parts_1, output_parts_2, output_parts_1_cc,
-            output_parts_2_cc)
-    #descriptor matches order 2 of input container
-    descriptor_1 = "[B+ -> K- K+ ^K+]CC"  #pick always 2nd kaon in the input_container (no matter the ordering)
-    descriptor_2 = "[B+ -> K- ^K+ K+]CC"  #pick always 1st kaon in the input_container (no matter the ordering)
-    output_parts_1 = get_marked_particles(descriptor_1, input_parts,
-                                          tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
-    output_parts_2 = get_marked_particles(descriptor_2, input_parts,
-                                          tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
-    #check if CC'd particle names also picks correct particles
+    output_parts_1_cc = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_1_cc, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
+    output_parts_2_cc = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_2_cc, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
+    # conduct some checks
+    _assert(output_parts_1, output_parts_2, output_parts_1_cc, output_parts_2_cc)
+    # descriptor matches order 2 of input container
+    descriptor_1 = "[B+ -> K- K+ ^K+]CC"  # pick always 2nd kaon in the input_container (no matter the ordering)
+    descriptor_2 = "[B+ -> K- ^K+ K+]CC"  # pick always 1st kaon in the input_container (no matter the ordering)
+    output_parts_1 = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_1, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
+    output_parts_2 = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_2, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
+    # check if CC'd particle names also picks correct particles
     descriptor_1_cc = "[B- -> K+ K- ^K-]CC"
     descriptor_2_cc = "[B- -> K+ ^K- K-]CC"
-    output_parts_1_cc = get_marked_particles(descriptor_1_cc, input_parts,
-                                             tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
-    output_parts_2_cc = get_marked_particles(descriptor_2_cc, input_parts,
-                                             tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
-    #conduct some checks
-    _assert(output_parts_1, output_parts_2, output_parts_1_cc,
-            output_parts_2_cc)
-    #descriptor matches order 3 of input container
-    descriptor_1 = "[B+ -> K+ ^K+ K-]CC"  #pick always 2nd kaon in the input_container (no matter the ordering)
-    descriptor_2 = "[B+ -> ^K+ K+ K-]CC"  #pick always 1st kaon in the input_container (no matter the ordering)
-    output_parts_1 = get_marked_particles(descriptor_1, input_parts,
-                                          tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
-    output_parts_2 = get_marked_particles(descriptor_2, input_parts,
-                                          tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
-    #check if CC'd particle names also picks correct particles
+    output_parts_1_cc = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_1_cc, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
+    output_parts_2_cc = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_2_cc, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
+    # conduct some checks
+    _assert(output_parts_1, output_parts_2, output_parts_1_cc, output_parts_2_cc)
+    # descriptor matches order 3 of input container
+    descriptor_1 = "[B+ -> K+ ^K+ K-]CC"  # pick always 2nd kaon in the input_container (no matter the ordering)
+    descriptor_2 = "[B+ -> ^K+ K+ K-]CC"  # pick always 1st kaon in the input_container (no matter the ordering)
+    output_parts_1 = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_1, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
+    output_parts_2 = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_2, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
+    # check if CC'd particle names also picks correct particles
     descriptor_1_cc = "[B- -> K- ^K- K+]CC"
     descriptor_2_cc = "[B- -> ^K- K- K+]CC"
-    output_parts_1_cc = get_marked_particles(descriptor_1_cc, input_parts,
-                                             tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
-    output_parts_2_cc = get_marked_particles(descriptor_2_cc, input_parts,
-                                             tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
-    #conduct some checks
-    _assert(output_parts_1, output_parts_2, output_parts_1_cc,
-            output_parts_2_cc)
+    output_parts_1_cc = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_1_cc, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
+    output_parts_2_cc = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_2_cc, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
+    # conduct some checks
+    _assert(output_parts_1, output_parts_2, output_parts_1_cc, output_parts_2_cc)
 def test_decayfinder_identical_fourbody(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
-    #test finding of identical particles present in four-body decay
+    # test finding of identical particles present in four-body decay
     descriptor_1 = "[D~0 -> ^pi- pi+ pi- pi+]CC"
     descriptor_2 = "[D~0 ->  pi- pi+ ^pi- pi+]CC"
     input_parts = make_input_particles()
-    output_parts_1 = get_marked_particles(descriptor_1, input_parts,
-                                          tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
-    output_parts_2 = get_marked_particles(descriptor_2, input_parts,
-                                          tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
-    #size should be the same
+    output_parts_1 = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_1, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
+    output_parts_2 = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_2, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
+    # size should be the same
     assert output_parts_1.size() == 1
     assert output_parts_1.size() == output_parts_2.size()
-    #pids should match
+    # pids should match
     assert output_parts_1[0].particleID().pid() == 211
-    assert output_parts_1[0].particleID().pid(
-    ) == output_parts_2[0].particleID().pid()
-    #should be 3 MeV for output_parts_1 and 6 MeV for output_parts_2
+    assert output_parts_1[0].particleID().pid() == output_parts_2[0].particleID().pid()
+    # should be 3 MeV for output_parts_1 and 6 MeV for output_parts_2
     assert abs(output_parts_1[0].momentum().X() - 3.0) < 1e-9
     assert abs(output_parts_2[0].momentum().X() - 6.0) < 1e-9
-def test_decayfinder_identical_headdecay_and_daugterdecay(
-        tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
-    #test finding of identical particles present at two levels: head decay and daughter decay
+def test_decayfinder_identical_headdecay_and_daugterdecay(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
+    # test finding of identical particles present at two levels: head decay and daughter decay
     descriptor_1 = "[B+ -> phi(1020) (phi(1020) ->  gamma ^pi0 pi0) K+]CC"
     descriptor_2 = "[B+ -> phi(1020) (phi(1020) ->  pi0 gamma ^pi0) K+]CC"
     input_parts = make_input_particles()
-    output_parts_1 = get_marked_particles(descriptor_1, input_parts,
-                                          tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
-    output_parts_2 = get_marked_particles(descriptor_2, input_parts,
-                                          tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
-    #size should be the same
+    output_parts_1 = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_1, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
+    output_parts_2 = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_2, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
+    # size should be the same
     assert output_parts_1.size() == 1
     assert output_parts_1.size() == output_parts_2.size()
-    #pids should match
+    # pids should match
     assert output_parts_1[0].particleID().pid() == 111
-    assert output_parts_1[0].particleID().pid(
-    ) == output_parts_2[0].particleID().pid()
-    #should be 2 MeV for output_parts_1 and 4 MeV for output_parts_2
+    assert output_parts_1[0].particleID().pid() == output_parts_2[0].particleID().pid()
+    # should be 2 MeV for output_parts_1 and 4 MeV for output_parts_2
     assert abs(output_parts_1[0].momentum().X() - 2.0) < 1e-9
     assert abs(output_parts_2[0].momentum().X() - 4.0) < 1e-9
 def test_decayfinder_depth_1(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
-    #descriptor that finds particles in the head node decay (depth 1)
+    # descriptor that finds particles in the head node decay (depth 1)
     descriptor = "[B_s0 -> K*(892)0 ^K*_0(1430)~0]CC"
     input_parts = make_input_particles()
-    output_parts = get_marked_particles(descriptor, input_parts,
-                                        tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
+    output_parts = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
     assert output_parts.size() == 2
     assert output_parts[0].particleID().pid() == -10311
     assert output_parts[1].particleID().pid() == -10311
-    #descriptor that matches top level particles but particles names are CC'd
+    # descriptor that matches top level particles but particles names are CC'd
     # the ouput_parts and output_parts_cc (below) should be identical
     descriptor_cc = "[B_s~0 -> K*(892)~0 ^K*_0(1430)0]CC"
-    output_parts_cc = get_marked_particles(descriptor_cc, input_parts,
-                                           tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
+    output_parts_cc = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_cc, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
     assert output_parts_cc.size() == output_parts.size()
-    assert output_parts_cc[0].particleID().pid() == output_parts[0].particleID(
-    ).pid()
-    assert output_parts_cc[1].particleID().pid() == output_parts[1].particleID(
-    ).pid()
+    assert output_parts_cc[0].particleID().pid() == output_parts[0].particleID().pid()
+    assert output_parts_cc[1].particleID().pid() == output_parts[1].particleID().pid()
 def test_decayfinder_depth_2(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
-    #descriptor that finds particles in the immediate daughter decay (depth 2)
+    # descriptor that finds particles in the immediate daughter decay (depth 2)
     descriptor = "[B_s0 -> K*(892)0 (K*_0(1430)~0 -> ^K*(892)0 pi+ pi-)]CC"
     input_parts = make_input_particles()
-    output_parts = get_marked_particles(descriptor, input_parts,
-                                        tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
+    output_parts = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
     assert output_parts.size() == 1
     assert output_parts[0].particleID().pid() == 313
-    #descriptor with depth 2 but selects with CC particle names
+    # descriptor with depth 2 but selects with CC particle names
     # output_parts and output_parts_2_cc should be identical
     descriptor_cc = "[B_s~0 -> K*(892)~0 (K*_0(1430)0 -> ^K*(892)~0 pi- pi+)]CC"
-    output_parts_cc = get_marked_particles(descriptor_cc, input_parts,
-                                           tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
+    output_parts_cc = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_cc, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
     assert output_parts_cc.size() == output_parts.size()
-    assert output_parts_cc[0].particleID().pid() == output_parts[0].particleID(
-    ).pid()
+    assert output_parts_cc[0].particleID().pid() == output_parts[0].particleID().pid()
 def test_decayfinder_depth_3(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
-    #descriptor that finds particles in the daughte of daughter decay (depth 3)
+    # descriptor that finds particles in the daughte of daughter decay (depth 3)
     descriptor = "[B_s0 -> K*(892)0 (K*_0(1430)~0 -> (K*(892)0 -> ^K+ pi-) pi+ pi-)]CC"
     input_parts = make_input_particles()
-    output_parts = get_marked_particles(descriptor, input_parts,
-                                        tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
+    output_parts = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
     assert output_parts.size() == 1
     assert output_parts[0].particleID().pid() == 321
-    #descriptor with depth 2 but selects with CC particle names
+    # descriptor with depth 2 but selects with CC particle names
     # output_parts and output_parts_2_cc should be identical
-    descriptor_cc = "[B_s~0 -> K*(892)~0 (K*_0(1430)0 -> (K*(892)~0 -> ^K- pi+) pi- pi+)]CC"
-    output_parts_cc = get_marked_particles(descriptor_cc, input_parts,
-                                           tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
+    descriptor_cc = (
+        "[B_s~0 -> K*(892)~0 (K*_0(1430)0 -> (K*(892)~0 -> ^K- pi+) pi- pi+)]CC"
+    )
+    output_parts_cc = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_cc, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
     assert output_parts_cc.size() == output_parts.size()
-    assert output_parts_cc[0].particleID().pid() == output_parts[0].particleID(
-    ).pid()
+    assert output_parts_cc[0].particleID().pid() == output_parts[0].particleID().pid()
 def test_intermediate_identical(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
-    #test finding of identical particles present at two levels: head decay and daughter decay
+    # test finding of identical particles present at two levels: head decay and daughter decay
     input_parts = make_input_particles()
     descriptor_1 = "psi(3770) -> (D0 -> K- pi+) (D0 -> pi- ^pi+)"
-    output_parts_1 = get_marked_particles(descriptor_1, input_parts,
-                                          tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
-    #correct descriptor
+    output_parts_1 = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_1, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
+    # correct descriptor
     descriptor_2 = "psi(3770) -> (D0 -> ^K+ K-) (D0 -> pi- pi+)"
-    output_parts_2 = get_marked_particles(descriptor_2, input_parts,
-                                          tool_DecayFinder_Particles)
-    #there should not be any match
+    output_parts_2 = get_marked_particles(
+        descriptor_2, input_parts, tool_DecayFinder_Particles
+    )
+    # there should not be any match
     assert output_parts_1.size() == 0
-    #size should be the 1
+    # size should be the 1
     assert output_parts_2.size() == 1
-    #pids should match
+    # pids should match
     assert output_parts_2[0].particleID().pid() == 321
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/tests/decays/test_descriptor_parsing.py b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/tests/decays/test_descriptor_parsing.py
index bb398fc8f07abb40f0a83a53696048724da33fd3..2d0d00a95121a6617a59b6773bc2e8ae1ee041f9 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/tests/decays/test_descriptor_parsing.py
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/tests/decays/test_descriptor_parsing.py
@@ -9,82 +9,72 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-import pytest
 import GaudiPython
+import PartProp.Service  # this is required for app.ppSvc() to work
+import pytest
 from Configurables import DDDBConf
-from GaudiPython.Bindings import AppMgr
-from cppyy.gbl import LHCb, std, SmartRefVector, SmartRef
-import PartProp.Service  #this is required for app.ppSvc() to work
+from cppyy.gbl import LHCb, SmartRef, SmartRefVector, std
 from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
+from GaudiPython.Bindings import AppMgr
-    Simulation=False, GeometryVersion="upgrade/master", DataType="Upgrade")
+DDDBConf(Simulation=False, GeometryVersion="upgrade/master", DataType="Upgrade")
 if not UseDD4Hep:
     from Configurables import CondDB
     CondDB(Upgrade=True).Tags["DDDB"] = "upgrade/master"
 appMgr = AppMgr()
 pps = appMgr.ppSvc()
-#below is required for ppSvc to work for pytest
-appMgr.ExtSvc += ['LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc']
+# below is required for ppSvc to work for pytest
+appMgr.ExtSvc += ["LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc"]
 toolsvc = appMgr.toolSvc()
 def tool_DecayFinder_Particles():
-    decoder = toolsvc.create(
-        "DecayFinder", interface=GaudiPython.gbl.IDecayFinder)
+    decoder = toolsvc.create("DecayFinder", interface=GaudiPython.gbl.IDecayFinder)
     return decoder
 def test_parsing_exceptions(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
     decoder = tool_DecayFinder_Particles
-    #map of wrong (key) -> allowed (value) descriptors
+    # map of wrong (key) -> allowed (value) descriptors
     map_wrong_to_correct_descriptors = {
-        #exception raised for wrong particle name
-        "Bs":
-        "B_s0",
-        #exception raised for wrong name in decay descriptor
-        "Bs -> mu+ mu-":
-        "B_s0 -> mu+ mu-",
-        #exception raised when brackets (square or parenthesis) not balanced
+        # exception raised for wrong particle name
+        "Bs": "B_s0",
+        # exception raised for wrong name in decay descriptor
+        "Bs -> mu+ mu-": "B_s0 -> mu+ mu-",
+        # exception raised when brackets (square or parenthesis) not balanced
         # following raises exception since no balanced square brackets
-        "[[B_s0]CC -> mu+ mu-":
-        "[[B_s0]CC -> mu+ mu-]CC",
-        #following raises exception since no balanced parenthesis in particle name
-        "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) phi(1020":
-        "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) phi(1020)",
-        #following raises exception since no balanced parenthesis in decay
-        "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu- phi(1020)":
-        "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) phi(1020)",
-        #exception raised if hat inside CC
-        "[^B_s0]CC":
-        "^[B_s0]CC",
-        #exception raised if parenthesis inside CC
-        "[(B_s0 -> mu+ mu-)]CC":
-        "([B_s0 -> mu+ mu-]CC)",
-        #exception raised if square brakets specified without CC
-        "[B_s0 -> mu+ mu-]":
-        "B_s0 -> mu+ mu-",
-        #exception raised if square brakets in inner decay instead of parenthesis
-        "B_s0 -> [J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-] phi(1020)":
-        "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) phi(1020)",
-        #exception raised if hat in front of square brakets without CC
+        "[[B_s0]CC -> mu+ mu-": "[[B_s0]CC -> mu+ mu-]CC",
+        # following raises exception since no balanced parenthesis in particle name
+        "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) phi(1020": "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) phi(1020)",
+        # following raises exception since no balanced parenthesis in decay
+        "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu- phi(1020)": "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) phi(1020)",
+        # exception raised if hat inside CC
+        "[^B_s0]CC": "^[B_s0]CC",
+        # exception raised if parenthesis inside CC
+        "[(B_s0 -> mu+ mu-)]CC": "([B_s0 -> mu+ mu-]CC)",
+        # exception raised if square brakets specified without CC
+        "[B_s0 -> mu+ mu-]": "B_s0 -> mu+ mu-",
+        # exception raised if square brakets in inner decay instead of parenthesis
+        "B_s0 -> [J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-] phi(1020)": "B_s0 -> (J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-) phi(1020)",
+        # exception raised if hat in front of square brakets without CC
         # no hat => hat on head node
-        "^[B_s0 -> mu+ mu-]":
-        "B_s0 -> mu+ mu-",
-        #exception raised if hat in front of square brakets with CC
-        "^[B_s0 -> mu+ mu-]CC":
-        "^([B_s0 -> mu+ mu-]CC)",
+        "^[B_s0 -> mu+ mu-]": "B_s0 -> mu+ mu-",
+        # exception raised if hat in front of square brakets with CC
+        "^[B_s0 -> mu+ mu-]CC": "^([B_s0 -> mu+ mu-]CC)",
-    for desc in map_wrong_to_correct_descriptors.keys(
-    ):  #each of the keys should raise exception
+    for desc in (
+        map_wrong_to_correct_descriptors.keys()
+    ):  # each of the keys should raise exception
         with pytest.raises(GaudiPython.gbl.GaudiException):
             _ = decoder.getParsedDescriptors([desc])
-    for desc in map_wrong_to_correct_descriptors.values(
-    ):  #each of the keys should NOT raise exception
+    for desc in (
+        map_wrong_to_correct_descriptors.values()
+    ):  # each of the keys should NOT raise exception
             _ = decoder.getParsedDescriptors([desc])
         except GaudiPython.gbl.GaudiException as exc:
@@ -93,11 +83,11 @@ def test_parsing_exceptions(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
 def test_parsing_node(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
     decoder = tool_DecayFinder_Particles
-    descriptors = ["^B_s0"]  #hat
-    descriptors += ["[B_s0]CC"]  #CC
-    descriptors += ["^[B_s0]CC"]  #hat and CC
-    descriptors += ["^[K*_0(1430)~0]CC"]  #special characters
-    descriptors += ["^[Pb208]CC"]  #ex-square brackets
+    descriptors = ["^B_s0"]  # hat
+    descriptors += ["[B_s0]CC"]  # CC
+    descriptors += ["^[B_s0]CC"]  # hat and CC
+    descriptors += ["^[K*_0(1430)~0]CC"]  # special characters
+    descriptors += ["^[Pb208]CC"]  # ex-square brackets
     parsed_descriptors = decoder.getParsedDescriptors(descriptors)
     for descriptor, parsed_descriptor in zip(descriptors, parsed_descriptors):
         assert parsed_descriptor == descriptor.replace(" ", "")
@@ -106,19 +96,19 @@ def test_parsing_node(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
 def test_parsing_CC(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
     decoder = tool_DecayFinder_Particles
     descriptors = ["B_s0 -> mu+ mu-"]
-    #simple descriptor
+    # simple descriptor
     descriptors += ["B_s0 -> mu+ [mu-]CC"]
-    #CC in particle
+    # CC in particle
     descriptors += ["[B_s0]CC -> [mu+]CC [mu-]CC"]
-    #multiple CC in particle
+    # multiple CC in particle
     descriptors += ["[B_s0]CC -> [mu+]CC cc_1"]
-    #cc_1 is a valid particle name
+    # cc_1 is a valid particle name
     descriptors += ["[[B_s0]CC -> mu+ [mu-]CC]CC"]
-    #CC in decay and in particle
+    # CC in decay and in particle
     descriptors += ["[[B_s0]CC -> mu+ [mu-]CC]CC"]
-    #CC in decay and in particle
+    # CC in decay and in particle
     descriptors += ["[[B_s0]CC -> [mu+]CC [cc_1]CC]CC"]
-    #with cc_1 particle name
+    # with cc_1 particle name
     parsed_descriptors = decoder.getParsedDescriptors(descriptors)
     for descriptor, parsed_descriptor in zip(descriptors, parsed_descriptors):
         assert parsed_descriptor == descriptor
@@ -126,15 +116,15 @@ def test_parsing_CC(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
 def test_parsing_hat(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
     decoder = tool_DecayFinder_Particles
-    descriptors = ["B_s0 -> mu+ mu-"]  #No hat implies head node hat implicitly
-    descriptors += ["^B_s0 -> mu+ mu-"]  #hat on head node
-    descriptors += ["^(B_s0 -> mu+ mu-)"]  #hat in the decay
-    descriptors += ["^(^B_s0 -> mu+ mu-)"]  #hat in head node and decay
-    descriptors += ["B_s0 -> ^mu+ mu-"]  #hat on daughter
-    descriptors += ["B_s0 -> ^(K*(892)0 -> K+ pi-) phi(1020)"
-                    ]  #hat on sub-decay
-    descriptors += ["B_s0 -> (K*(892)0 -> ^K+ pi-) phi(1020)"
-                    ]  #hat on daughter of sub-decay
+    descriptors = ["B_s0 -> mu+ mu-"]  # No hat implies head node hat implicitly
+    descriptors += ["^B_s0 -> mu+ mu-"]  # hat on head node
+    descriptors += ["^(B_s0 -> mu+ mu-)"]  # hat in the decay
+    descriptors += ["^(^B_s0 -> mu+ mu-)"]  # hat in head node and decay
+    descriptors += ["B_s0 -> ^mu+ mu-"]  # hat on daughter
+    descriptors += ["B_s0 -> ^(K*(892)0 -> K+ pi-) phi(1020)"]  # hat on sub-decay
+    descriptors += [
+        "B_s0 -> (K*(892)0 -> ^K+ pi-) phi(1020)"
+    ]  # hat on daughter of sub-decay
     parsed_descriptors = decoder.getParsedDescriptors(descriptors)
     for descriptor, parsed_descriptor in zip(descriptors, parsed_descriptors):
         assert parsed_descriptor == descriptor
@@ -142,23 +132,28 @@ def test_parsing_hat(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
 def test_parsing_CC_and_hat(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
     decoder = tool_DecayFinder_Particles
-    descriptors = ["^[B_s0]CC -> mu+ mu-"]  #hat on CC'd head node
-    descriptors += ["^([B_s0 -> mu+ mu-]CC)"]  #hat in the CC'd decay
-    descriptors += ["^([^B_s0 -> mu+ mu-]CC)"
-                    ]  #hat on the CC'd decay with hat on head node
-    descriptors += ["^([^[B_s0]CC -> mu+ mu-]CC)"
-                    ]  #hat on the CC'd decay with hat on CC'd head node
-    descriptors += ["B_s0 -> ^[mu+]CC mu-"]  #hat on CC'd daughter
-    descriptors += ["[B_s0 -> ^[mu+]CC mu-]CC"
-                    ]  #hat on CC'd daughter with decay CC'd
-    descriptors += ["B_s0 -> ^([K*(892)0 -> K+ pi-]CC) phi(1020)"
-                    ]  #hat on CC'd sub-decay
-    descriptors += ["B_s0 -> (K*(892)0 -> ^[K+]CC pi-) phi(1020)"
-                    ]  #hat on CC'd daughter of sub-decay
-    descriptors += ["B_s~0 -> ^([K*_0(1430)~0 -> K- pi+]CC) K*(892)~0"
-                    ]  #hat and CC'd on particle with special characters
-    descriptors += ["[Pb208 -> ^[Pb206]CC [pi-]CC]CC"
-                    ]  #had and CC'd on particle with square brackets
+    descriptors = ["^[B_s0]CC -> mu+ mu-"]  # hat on CC'd head node
+    descriptors += ["^([B_s0 -> mu+ mu-]CC)"]  # hat in the CC'd decay
+    descriptors += [
+        "^([^B_s0 -> mu+ mu-]CC)"
+    ]  # hat on the CC'd decay with hat on head node
+    descriptors += [
+        "^([^[B_s0]CC -> mu+ mu-]CC)"
+    ]  # hat on the CC'd decay with hat on CC'd head node
+    descriptors += ["B_s0 -> ^[mu+]CC mu-"]  # hat on CC'd daughter
+    descriptors += ["[B_s0 -> ^[mu+]CC mu-]CC"]  # hat on CC'd daughter with decay CC'd
+    descriptors += [
+        "B_s0 -> ^([K*(892)0 -> K+ pi-]CC) phi(1020)"
+    ]  # hat on CC'd sub-decay
+    descriptors += [
+        "B_s0 -> (K*(892)0 -> ^[K+]CC pi-) phi(1020)"
+    ]  # hat on CC'd daughter of sub-decay
+    descriptors += [
+        "B_s~0 -> ^([K*_0(1430)~0 -> K- pi+]CC) K*(892)~0"
+    ]  # hat and CC'd on particle with special characters
+    descriptors += [
+        "[Pb208 -> ^[Pb206]CC [pi-]CC]CC"
+    ]  # had and CC'd on particle with square brackets
     parsed_descriptors = decoder.getParsedDescriptors(descriptors)
     for descriptor, parsed_descriptor in zip(descriptors, parsed_descriptors):
         assert parsed_descriptor == descriptor
@@ -166,39 +161,49 @@ def test_parsing_CC_and_hat(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
 def test_parsing_whitespaces(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
     decoder = tool_DecayFinder_Particles
-    #map of user_descriptor (key) -> parsed_descriptor (value)
+    # map of user_descriptor (key) -> parsed_descriptor (value)
     map_user_parsed = {}
-    map_user_parsed[
-        "  ^  [  K*_0(1430)~0  ]  CC"] = "^[K*_0(1430)~0]CC"  #space between hat and []CC
-    map_user_parsed[
-        "  ^  [  Pb208  ]  CC"] = "^[Pb208]CC"  #space between special particle names
-    #Space between particles
-    map_user_parsed[
-        "B_s0->mu+ mu-"] = "B_s0 -> mu+ mu-"  #no space b/w head,arrow and preceding particle
-    map_user_parsed[
-        "     B_s0    -> mu+       mu-"] = "B_s0 -> mu+ mu-"  #spaces all over
-    #Space in []CC
-    map_user_parsed[
-        "B_s0 -> [    mu+  ] CC cc_1"] = "B_s0 -> [mu+]CC cc_1"  #space between []CC around particle
-    map_user_parsed[
-        "  [   B_s0 -> mu+ cc_1 ]     CC"] = "[B_s0 -> mu+ cc_1]CC"  #space between []CC around decay
-    map_user_parsed[
-        "  [   B_s0 -> mu+ [   cc_1 ]  CC ]     CC"] = "[B_s0 -> mu+ [cc_1]CC]CC"  #space between []CC around decay and particle
-    #Space in hat
+    map_user_parsed["  ^  [  K*_0(1430)~0  ]  CC"] = (
+        "^[K*_0(1430)~0]CC"  # space between hat and []CC
+    )
+    map_user_parsed["  ^  [  Pb208  ]  CC"] = (
+        "^[Pb208]CC"  # space between special particle names
+    )
+    # Space between particles
+    map_user_parsed["B_s0->mu+ mu-"] = (
+        "B_s0 -> mu+ mu-"  # no space b/w head,arrow and preceding particle
+    )
+    map_user_parsed["     B_s0    -> mu+       mu-"] = (
+        "B_s0 -> mu+ mu-"  # spaces all over
+    )
+    # Space in []CC
+    map_user_parsed["B_s0 -> [    mu+  ] CC cc_1"] = (
+        "B_s0 -> [mu+]CC cc_1"  # space between []CC around particle
+    )
+    map_user_parsed["  [   B_s0 -> mu+ cc_1 ]     CC"] = (
+        "[B_s0 -> mu+ cc_1]CC"  # space between []CC around decay
+    )
+    map_user_parsed["  [   B_s0 -> mu+ [   cc_1 ]  CC ]     CC"] = (
+        "[B_s0 -> mu+ [cc_1]CC]CC"  # space between []CC around decay and particle
+    )
+    # Space in hat
     map_user_parsed["B_s0 -> mu+ ^  mu-"] = "B_s0 -> mu+ ^mu-"
     map_user_parsed["   ^   B_s0 -> mu+ mu-"] = "^B_s0 -> mu+ mu-"
-    #Space in hat and CC
-    map_user_parsed[
-        "   ^   B_s0 -> mu+ [   mu-  ] CC"] = "^B_s0 -> mu+ [mu-]CC"
-    #space in hats and cc with complex particle names
-    map_user_parsed[
-        "[  ^  B_1(H)0 -> [Pb208]CC [  K*_0(1430)~0  ]  CC  ]  CC"] = "[^B_1(H)0 -> [Pb208]CC [K*_0(1430)~0]CC]CC"
-    map_user_parsed[
-        "[  ^  B_1(H)0 -> [  mu+ ] CC CLUSjet    CELLjet]CC"] = "[^B_1(H)0 -> [mu+]CC CLUSjet CELLjet]CC"
-    map_user_parsed[
-        "[  ^  B_1(H)0 -> [  mu+ ] CC [CLUSjet]CC    CELLjet]CC"] = "[^B_1(H)0 -> [mu+]CC [CLUSjet]CC CELLjet]CC"
-    map_user_parsed[
-        " Pb208  -> Pb206 ^ [  Pb204  ] CC CELLjet"] = "Pb208 -> Pb206 ^[Pb204]CC CELLjet"
+    # Space in hat and CC
+    map_user_parsed["   ^   B_s0 -> mu+ [   mu-  ] CC"] = "^B_s0 -> mu+ [mu-]CC"
+    # space in hats and cc with complex particle names
+    map_user_parsed["[  ^  B_1(H)0 -> [Pb208]CC [  K*_0(1430)~0  ]  CC  ]  CC"] = (
+        "[^B_1(H)0 -> [Pb208]CC [K*_0(1430)~0]CC]CC"
+    )
+    map_user_parsed["[  ^  B_1(H)0 -> [  mu+ ] CC CLUSjet    CELLjet]CC"] = (
+        "[^B_1(H)0 -> [mu+]CC CLUSjet CELLjet]CC"
+    )
+    map_user_parsed["[  ^  B_1(H)0 -> [  mu+ ] CC [CLUSjet]CC    CELLjet]CC"] = (
+        "[^B_1(H)0 -> [mu+]CC [CLUSjet]CC CELLjet]CC"
+    )
+    map_user_parsed[" Pb208  -> Pb206 ^ [  Pb204  ] CC CELLjet"] = (
+        "Pb208 -> Pb206 ^[Pb204]CC CELLjet"
+    )
     for user_descriptor, expected_parsed_descriptor in map_user_parsed.items():
         parsed_descriptor = decoder.getParsedDescriptors([user_descriptor])[0]
         assert expected_parsed_descriptor == parsed_descriptor
@@ -206,20 +211,20 @@ def test_parsing_whitespaces(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
 def test_parsing_complex_decays(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
     decoder = tool_DecayFinder_Particles
-    #WARNING: Fake decays
+    # WARNING: Fake decays
     descriptors = []
     descriptors += [
         "B_s0 -> (K*_0(1430)~0 -> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) (K*(892)0 -> K+ pi-) (K*_0(1430)~0 -> K+ gamma)"
-    ]  #N outer decays
+    ]  # N outer decays
     descriptors += [
         "B_s0 -> (K*_4(2045)0 -> (K*_0(1430)~0 -> (K*(892)0 -> K+ pi-) pi0) rho(1700)0) phi(1020)"
-    ]  #N inner decays
+    ]  # N inner decays
     descriptors += [
         "[[B_s0]CC -> ([K*_0(1430)~0 -> K*(892)0 [pi+]CC [pi-]CC]CC) phi(1020)]CC"
-    ]  #CC in daughters and decays
+    ]  # CC in daughters and decays
     descriptors += [
         "[[B_s0]CC -> ^([K*_0(1430)~0 -> K*(892)0 ^[pi+]CC [pi-]CC]CC) phi(1020)]CC"
-    ]  #CC in daughters and decays
+    ]  # CC in daughters and decays
     parsed_descriptors = decoder.getParsedDescriptors(descriptors)
     for descriptor, parsed_descriptor in zip(descriptors, parsed_descriptors):
         assert parsed_descriptor == descriptor
@@ -228,29 +233,30 @@ def test_parsing_complex_decays(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
 def test_decay_possibilities(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
     decoder = tool_DecayFinder_Particles
-    #Simple case
+    # Simple case
     descriptor = "[B_s0 -> [K*_0(1430)~0]CC K*(892)0]CC"
     number_of_CC = 2
     possibilities = decoder.getDescriptorPossibilities(descriptor)
-    #check that number of possibilities is correct
+    # check that number of possibilities is correct
     assert len(possibilities) == 2**number_of_CC
-    #check if the returned possibilities match expected possibilities
+    # check if the returned possibilities match expected possibilities
     expected_possibilities = []
     expected_possibilities += ["B_s0 -> K*_0(1430)~0 K*(892)0"]
     expected_possibilities += ["B_s~0 -> K*_0(1430)0 K*(892)~0"]
     expected_possibilities += ["B_s0 -> K*_0(1430)0 K*(892)0"]
     expected_possibilities += ["B_s~0 -> K*_0(1430)~0 K*(892)~0"]
-    for expected_possibility, possibility in zip(expected_possibilities,
-                                                 possibilities):
+    for expected_possibility, possibility in zip(expected_possibilities, possibilities):
         assert expected_possibility == possibility
-    #Case with sub-decays and hats
-    descriptor = "[B_s0]CC -> ([K*_0(1430)~0 -> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-]CC) (K*(892)0 -> ^[K+]CC pi-)"
+    # Case with sub-decays and hats
+    descriptor = (
+        "[B_s0]CC -> ([K*_0(1430)~0 -> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-]CC) (K*(892)0 -> ^[K+]CC pi-)"
+    )
     number_of_CC = 3
     possibilities = decoder.getDescriptorPossibilities(descriptor)
-    #check that number of possibilities is correct
+    # check that number of possibilities is correct
     assert len(possibilities) == 2**number_of_CC
-    #check if the returned possibilities match expected possibilities
+    # check if the returned possibilities match expected possibilities
     expected_possibilities = []
     expected_possibilities += [
         "B_s0 -> (K*_0(1430)~0 -> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) (K*(892)0 -> ^K+ pi-)"
@@ -276,33 +282,24 @@ def test_decay_possibilities(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
     expected_possibilities += [
         "B_s~0 -> (K*_0(1430)0 -> K*(892)~0 pi- pi+) (K*(892)0 -> ^K- pi-)"
-    for expected_possibility, possibility in zip(expected_possibilities,
-                                                 possibilities):
+    for expected_possibility, possibility in zip(expected_possibilities, possibilities):
         assert expected_possibility == possibility
 def test_parsing_arrows(tool_DecayFinder_Particles):
-    #parsing of arrow notation
+    # parsing of arrow notation
     # NOTE: the finding of particles according to arrow is not implemented yet
     decoder = tool_DecayFinder_Particles
     descriptors = []
-    descriptors += ["B_s0 -> (K*_0(1430)~0 -> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) K*(892)0"]  #->
-    descriptors += ["B_s0 -> (K*_0(1430)~0 --> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) K*(892)0"
-                    ]  #-->
-    descriptors += ["B_s0 --> (K*_0(1430)~0 => K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) K*(892)0"
-                    ]  #=>
-    descriptors += ["B_s0 => (K*_0(1430)~0 ==> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) K*(892)0"
-                    ]  #==>
-    descriptors += ["B_s0 ==> (K*_0(1430)~0 -x> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) K*(892)0"
-                    ]  #-x>
-    descriptors += ["B_s0 -x> (K*_0(1430)~0 --x> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) K*(892)0"
-                    ]  #--x>
-    descriptors += ["B_s0 --x> (K*_0(1430)~0 =x> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) K*(892)0"
-                    ]  #=x>
-    descriptors += ["B_s0 =x> (K*_0(1430)~0 ==x> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) K*(892)0"
-                    ]  #==x>
-    descriptors += ["B_s0 ==x> (K*_0(1430)~0 -> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) K*(892)0"
-                    ]  #->
+    descriptors += ["B_s0 -> (K*_0(1430)~0 -> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) K*(892)0"]  # ->
+    descriptors += ["B_s0 -> (K*_0(1430)~0 --> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) K*(892)0"]  # -->
+    descriptors += ["B_s0 --> (K*_0(1430)~0 => K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) K*(892)0"]  # =>
+    descriptors += ["B_s0 => (K*_0(1430)~0 ==> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) K*(892)0"]  # ==>
+    descriptors += ["B_s0 ==> (K*_0(1430)~0 -x> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) K*(892)0"]  # -x>
+    descriptors += ["B_s0 -x> (K*_0(1430)~0 --x> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) K*(892)0"]  # --x>
+    descriptors += ["B_s0 --x> (K*_0(1430)~0 =x> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) K*(892)0"]  # =x>
+    descriptors += ["B_s0 =x> (K*_0(1430)~0 ==x> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) K*(892)0"]  # ==x>
+    descriptors += ["B_s0 ==x> (K*_0(1430)~0 -> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) K*(892)0"]  # ->
     parsed_descriptors = decoder.getParsedDescriptors(descriptors)
     for descriptor, parsed_descriptor in zip(descriptors, parsed_descriptors):
         assert parsed_descriptor == descriptor
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/tests/decays/test_simple_descriptors.py b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/tests/decays/test_simple_descriptors.py
index 34df36e68a9cf9b328278141b3e6ab27c026bd38..c83274ba78c45cc4f5680b20f878cfce93c60455 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciKernel/tests/decays/test_simple_descriptors.py
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciKernel/tests/decays/test_simple_descriptors.py
@@ -9,13 +9,11 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-import pytest
 import GaudiPython
-from GaudiPython.Bindings import AppMgr
 import PartProp.Service
-from Configurables import DDDBConf
-from Configurables import MessageSvc
+import pytest
+from Configurables import DDDBConf, MessageSvc
+from GaudiPython.Bindings import AppMgr
@@ -31,8 +29,8 @@ Decay = GaudiPython.gbl.Decays.Decay
 def preambulo():
     decoder = toolsvc.create(
-        "DecodeSimpleDecayString",
-        interface=GaudiPython.gbl.IDecodeSimpleDecayString)
+        "DecodeSimpleDecayString", interface=GaudiPython.gbl.IDecodeSimpleDecayString
+    )
     return decoder
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciMCKernel/doc/release.notes b/Phys/DaVinciMCKernel/doc/release.notes
index ce98e801a50c452f9ef9448c0067493495898d80..152e162c2b5a979ee900c38f4ec6654e40283aa1 100755
--- a/Phys/DaVinciMCKernel/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciMCKernel/doc/release.notes
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 ! 2016-08-11 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add dictionary for IMCParticleTupleTool 
+ - add dictionary for IMCParticleTupleTool
    (othewise no way to aquire tool in Bender)
 !====================== DaVinciMCKernel v4r5 2015-10-05 ======================
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@
 !====================== DaVinciMCKernel v4r2p2 2011-06-16 ====================
 ! 2011-06-05 - Vanya Belyaev
- - fix some ICC warnings 
+ - fix some ICC warnings
  - cmt/requirements
-   version increment to v4r2p2 
+   version increment to v4r2p2
 !====================== DaVinciMCKernel v4r2p1 2011-01-18 ====================
@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@
 !====================== DaVinciMCKernel v4r2 2010-02-17 ======================
 ! 2010-02-11 - V. Gligorov
- - Depend explicitly on the new Assciators/MCAssociators package 
+ - Depend explicitly on the new Assciators/MCAssociators package
 ! 2010-02-10 - V. Gligorov
  - moved Kernel/Particle2MCLinker.{h,icpp}, Kernel/Particle2MCMethod.h and
-   Kernel/MCAssociation.h files to new Associators/MCAssociators package 
+   Kernel/MCAssociation.h files to new Associators/MCAssociators package
 !====================== DaVinciMCKernel v4r1 2009-10-16 ======================
 ! 2009-10-15 - Juan PALACIOS
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
 !====================== DaVinciMCKernel v3r3 2009-05-25 ======================
 ! 2009-05-22 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Fixed a gcc43 compilation warning in Particle2MCLinker.icpp, algMgr now
-   accessed via a SmartIF 
+   accessed via a SmartIF
 ! 2009-05-10 - V. Gligorov
  - Added two new categories to IBackgroundCategory.h and updated
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
  - Kernel/IParticle2MCAssociator.h
  - Kernel/Particle2MCAssociatorBase.h
  - src/Lib/Particle2MCAssociatorBase.cpp
-  . Add 
+  . Add
     virtual const LHCb::MCParticle* operator() (const LHCb::Particle*) const
 ! 2009-04-15 - Juan PALACIOS
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
 ! 2009-04-08 - Juan PALACIOS
  - Kernel/Particle2MCAssociatorBase.h
-  . Add safety for case when TES MCParticle container location returns 
+  . Add safety for case when TES MCParticle container location returns
     null pointer
  - src/Lib/Particle2MCParticle.cpp
   . Avoid associations filtering when reference MCParticle container is empty.
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
 ! 2009-03-27 - Juan PALACIOS
  - Kernel/Particle2MCParticle.h
-  . Add functor to filter out MCAssociaitons who's MCParticle* are not 
+  . Add functor to filter out MCAssociaitons who's MCParticle* are not
     inside a given MCParticle* container.
  - Kernel/Particle2MCAssociatorBase.h
   . Add relatedMCPsImpl, method to be implemented by derived classes.
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
  - Kernel/IParticle2MCWeightedAssociator.h
   . Inherits from IParticle2MCAssociator.h
  - Kernel/Particle2MCAssociatorBase.h
-  .Inherits from IParticle2MCWeightedAssociator, which inherits from 
+  .Inherits from IParticle2MCWeightedAssociator, which inherits from
  - Kernel/IParticle2MCAssociator.h
   . Add associationWeight method
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
   . Add concept of MCParticle sorting for relations via virtual private sort
     methods, to be over-ridden by derived classes.
  - src/Lib/Particle2MCAssociatorBase.cpp
-  . Implementations of sort methods. 
+  . Implementations of sort methods.
 ! 2009-03-03 - Juan PALACIOS
  - Kernel/IParticle2MCAssociator.h, Particle2MCAssociatorBase
@@ -244,13 +244,13 @@
 ! 2009-01-30 - Juan PALACIOS
- - Add src/Lib/Particle2MCAssociatorBase.cpp, 
+ - Add src/Lib/Particle2MCAssociatorBase.cpp,
   . Base class with common implementation for IParticle2MCAssociator interface.
  - Kernel/MCAssociation.h
   . Remove nested typedef to std::vector<MCAssociaiton>
  - Kernel/IParticle2MCAssociator.h
-  . Add virtual double weight(const LHCb::Particle* particle, 
+  . Add virtual double weight(const LHCb::Particle* particle,
                               const LHCb::MCParticle* mcParticle) const = 0;
  - Kernel/Particle2MCParticle.h
   . typedef std::vector<MCAssociation> as Particle2MCParticle::ToVector
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
  - Kernel/IDaVinciAssociatorsWrapper.h
   . Add default value to const std::vector< std::string >& myLocations argument.
  - Add Kernel/Particle2MCParticle.h
-  . Namespace containing types corresponding to the Particle -> MCParticle 
+  . Namespace containing types corresponding to the Particle -> MCParticle
     uni-directional weighted relationship.
  - Kernel/IParticle2MCAssociator.h
   . Now return lightweight Particle->MCParticle relations tables.
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@
 !====================== DaVinciMCKernel v2r10 2008-07-16 =====================
 ! 2008-07-04 - V. Gligorov
  - Updated IDaVinciAssociatorsWrapper.h to allow a default argument of 0 for
-   the container containg particle to be associated.  
+   the container containg particle to be associated.
 !====================== DaVinciMCKernel v2r9 2008-06-30 =====================
 ! 2008-06-27 - P. Koppenburg
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
 ! 2008-06-26 - V. Gligorov
  - Added interface for new DaVinci Associators wrapper tool,
-   IDaVinciAssociatorsWrapper.h 
+   IDaVinciAssociatorsWrapper.h
 !====================== DaVinciMCKernel v2r8 2008-06-03 =====================
 ! 2008-06-03 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -328,8 +328,8 @@
  - Remove Declare-tool-factory in FilterMCCriterionBase
 ! 2008-03-30 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - make the minor (compatible!) 
-   modification of IPrintDecayTreeTool interface 
+ - make the minor (compatible!)
+   modification of IPrintDecayTreeTool interface
 !====================== DaVinciMCKernel v2r6 2008-02-14 =====================
 ! 2008-02-13 - Patrick Koppenburg
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@
 ! 2008-02-11 - Juan PALACIOS
  - Kernel/IDebugTool.h, IPrintDecayTreeTool.h
   . revert cleaning up of includes from  2008-02-07. Kernel/Particle2MCLinker
-    HAS to be included as Particle2MCLinker is a typedef of a templated 
+    HAS to be included as Particle2MCLinker is a typedef of a templated
     classs, so no forward declaration is possible.
 ! 2008-02-11 - Juan PALACIOS
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
 ! 2007-11-23 - Vladimir Gligorov
  - Added class MCAssociation to Particle2MCLinker.h to hold result of single association
    in the form of an MCParticle and an association weight
- - Added type ToRange, as existed in DC04.  
+ - Added type ToRange, as existed in DC04.
  - Added method rangeFrom(), with identical interface as it had in DC04, to return
    all MCParticles associated to any one Object type, via the ToRange type.
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
 !====================== DaVinciMCKernel v2r3 2007-09-18 =====================
 ! 2007-09-18 - Patrick Koppenburg for Tom Blake
- - IP2VVMCPartAngleCalculator.h 
+ - IP2VVMCPartAngleCalculator.h
    . Interface for a tool calculating angles in a P->VV decay. Similar
      to IP2VVPartAngleCalculator but with MCParticle
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@
  - cmt/requirements
    . Increase version to v2r2
  - dict/DaVinciMCKernel.h, DavinciMCKernel.xml
-   . Add interfaces IFilterMCParticles and IMCParticleArrayFilter 
+   . Add interfaces IFilterMCParticles and IMCParticleArrayFilter
      to dictionary.
 !====================== DaVinciMCKernel v2r1 2007-03-02 =====================
 ! 2007-03-02 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -416,8 +416,8 @@
 ! 2006-11-27 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - Kernel/PV2MC.h
     Replace "size_t" with "unsigned int" to suppress warnings form genreflex
- - cmt/requiremmens 
-    version increment to v1r2p1 
+ - cmt/requiremmens
+    version increment to v1r2p1
 !======================= DaVinciMCKernel v1r2 2006-11-16 =====================
@@ -430,19 +430,19 @@
  - src/Lib/MCParticleMakerBase.cpp
-    1) replace   the pattern 
+    1) replace   the pattern
         " error() << ... ; return StatusCode::FAILURE "
-      with a bit less verbose pattern: 
+      with a bit less verbose pattern:
          return Error( ... ) ;
-      It is done to suppress a bit the output for test jobs 
-      with MCParticleMaker and HepMCParticleMaker 
-    2) add Warning(SUCCESS) message at the initialize for the case where the 
-      smearing if disabled 
+      It is done to suppress a bit the output for test jobs
+      with MCParticleMaker and HepMCParticleMaker
+    2) add Warning(SUCCESS) message at the initialize for the case where the
+      smearing if disabled
 !======================= DaVinciMCKernel v1r1 2006-10-24 =====================
 ! 2006-10-24 - Juan Palacios
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@
     . Increase version to v1r1
 ! 2006-10-11 - Juan PALACIOS
   - Added Kernel/Particle2MCMethod.h with Particle2MCMethod enum ans strings
     for DaVinciAssociators.
@@ -458,5 +458,5 @@
 ! 2006-10-11 - Juan PALACIOS
- - First import to CVS. Contains all abstract interfaces and related 
+ - First import to CVS. Contains all abstract interfaces and related
    base classes from Phys/DaVinciMCTools, Phys/LoKiGenMC, Phys/LoKiPhysMC
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/python/DaVinciMCTools/MCReconstructed.py b/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/python/DaVinciMCTools/MCReconstructed.py
index d00735af7f68daa471906b30556c4d94997bed52..f63195c660d2ff9e07fcd074456433f775e04296 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/python/DaVinciMCTools/MCReconstructed.py
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/python/DaVinciMCTools/MCReconstructed.py
@@ -10,13 +10,14 @@
 from array import array
+from typing import Union
+import Functors as F  # type: ignore[import]
+from Functors.grammar import BoundFunctor  # type: ignore[import]
 from Gaudi.Configuration import INFO  # type: ignore[import]
 from PyConf.Algorithms import MCReconstructedAlg  # type: ignore[import]
 from PyConf.dataflow import DataHandle  # type: ignore[import]
-from PyConf.reading import tes_root, get_pp2mcp_relations  # type: ignore[import]
-from Functors.grammar import BoundFunctor  # type: ignore[import]
-import Functors as F  # type: ignore[import]
-from typing import Union
+from PyConf.reading import get_pp2mcp_relations, tes_root  # type: ignore[import]
 class MCReconstructed:
@@ -53,25 +54,25 @@ class MCReconstructed:
     def __init__(
-            self,
-            input_mcparticles: DataHandle,
-            use_best_mcmatch: bool = True,
-            relations_charged: Union[DataHandle,
-                                     str] = "Relations/ChargedPP2MCP",
-            relations_neutral: Union[DataHandle,
-                                     str] = "Relations/NeutralPP2MCP",
-            output_level: int = INFO,
+        self,
+        input_mcparticles: DataHandle,
+        use_best_mcmatch: bool = True,
+        relations_charged: Union[DataHandle, str] = "Relations/ChargedPP2MCP",
+        relations_neutral: Union[DataHandle, str] = "Relations/NeutralPP2MCP",
+        output_level: int = INFO,
         root_in_tes = tes_root()
         ChargedPP2MCP = (
-            if isinstance(relations_charged, str) and root_in_tes else
-            relations_charged)
+            if isinstance(relations_charged, str) and root_in_tes
+            else relations_charged
+        )
         NeutralPP2MCP = (
-            if isinstance(relations_neutral, str) and root_in_tes else
-            relations_neutral)
+            if isinstance(relations_neutral, str) and root_in_tes
+            else relations_neutral
+        )
         # Save setup
         self.use_best_mcmatch = use_best_mcmatch
@@ -96,46 +97,44 @@ class MCReconstructed:
         # Predefined track related functors
         self.TrackType = wrap(
-            self.__call__(
-                F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.CAST_TO_INT @ F.TRACKTYPE @ F.TRACK), -1)
+            self.__call__(F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.CAST_TO_INT @ F.TRACKTYPE @ F.TRACK), -1
+        )
         self.History = wrap(
-            self.__call__(
-                F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.CAST_TO_INT @ F.TRACKHISTORY @ F.TRACK), -1)
+            self.__call__(F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.CAST_TO_INT @ F.TRACKHISTORY @ F.TRACK), -1
+        )
         self.Flag = wrap(
-            self.__call__(
-                F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.CAST_TO_INT @ F.TRACKFLAG @ F.TRACK), -1)
+            self.__call__(F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.CAST_TO_INT @ F.TRACKFLAG @ F.TRACK), -1
+        )
         self.nDoF = wrap(self.__call__(F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NDOF @ F.TRACK), -1)
         self.ReferencePoint_X = self.__call__(
+        )
         self.ReferencePoint_Y = self.__call__(
+        )
         self.ReferencePoint_Z = self.__call__(
+        )
         self.Chi2 = self.__call__(F.CHI2 @ F.TRACK)
         self.Chi2DOF = self.__call__(F.CHI2DOF @ F.TRACK)
         self.GhostProbability = self.__call__(F.GHOSTPROB)
         self.HasT = wrap(
-            self.__call__(
-                F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.CAST_TO_INT @ F.TRACKHAST @ F.TRACK), -1)
+            self.__call__(F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.CAST_TO_INT @ F.TRACKHAST @ F.TRACK), -1
+        )
         self.HasUT = wrap(
-            self.__call__(
-                F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.CAST_TO_INT @ F.TRACKHASUT @ F.TRACK), -1)
+            self.__call__(F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.CAST_TO_INT @ F.TRACKHASUT @ F.TRACK), -1
+        )
         self.HasVelo = wrap(
-            self.__call__(
-                F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.CAST_TO_INT @ F.TRACKHASVELO @ F.TRACK), -1)
-        self.nHits = wrap(
-            self.__call__(F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NHITS @ F.TRACK), -1)
-        self.nVPHits = wrap(
-            self.__call__(F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NVPHITS @ F.TRACK), -1)
-        self.nUTHits = wrap(
-            self.__call__(F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NUTHITS @ F.TRACK), -1)
-        self.nFTHits = wrap(
-            self.__call__(F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NFTHITS @ F.TRACK), -1)
+            self.__call__(F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.CAST_TO_INT @ F.TRACKHASVELO @ F.TRACK), -1
+        )
+        self.nHits = wrap(self.__call__(F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NHITS @ F.TRACK), -1)
+        self.nVPHits = wrap(self.__call__(F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NVPHITS @ F.TRACK), -1)
+        self.nUTHits = wrap(self.__call__(F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NUTHITS @ F.TRACK), -1)
+        self.nFTHits = wrap(self.__call__(F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NFTHITS @ F.TRACK), -1)
         self.QOVERP = self.__call__(F.VALUE_OR(F.NaN) @ F.QOVERP @ F.TRACK)
         # Predefined no track related functors
-        self.Reconstructed = wrap(
-            self.__call__(F.CAST_TO_INT @ F.MC_RECONSTRUCTED), -1)
+        self.Reconstructed = wrap(self.__call__(F.CAST_TO_INT @ F.MC_RECONSTRUCTED), -1)
         self.PIDmu = self.__call__(F.PID_MU)
         self.PIDpi = self.__call__(F.PID_PI)
         self.PIDk = self.__call__(F.PID_K)
@@ -146,12 +145,10 @@ class MCReconstructed:
         self.MCAssoc_Weights = None
         if not self.use_best_mcmatch:
             # Sizes
-            self.nRecoTracks = F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.MAP_INPUT_SIZE(
-                self.MC2Reconstructed)
+            self.nRecoTracks = F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.MAP_INPUT_SIZE(self.MC2Reconstructed)
             # MC association Weights
-            self.MCAssoc_Weights = F.MAP_WEIGHT(
-                Relations=self.MC2Reconstructed)
+            self.MCAssoc_Weights = F.MAP_WEIGHT(Relations=self.MC2Reconstructed)
     # Flexible interface for possible update
     def __call__(self, Functor: BoundFunctor):
@@ -172,5 +169,4 @@ class MCReconstructed:
         if self.use_best_mcmatch:
             return F.MAP_INPUT(Functor, self.MC2Reconstructed)
-            return F.REVERSE_RANGE @ F.MAP_INPUT_ARRAY(Functor,
-                                                       self.MC2Reconstructed)
+            return F.REVERSE_RANGE @ F.MAP_INPUT_ARRAY(Functor, self.MC2Reconstructed)
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/python/DaVinciMCTools/MCReconstructible.py b/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/python/DaVinciMCTools/MCReconstructible.py
index 3a63168544bc5a8f7063a62f5ebe6d9501029b58..4ecaeacb268693cba7e6d035593df7e21a193aa0 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/python/DaVinciMCTools/MCReconstructible.py
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/python/DaVinciMCTools/MCReconstructible.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 import warnings
 import Functors as F  # type: ignore[import]
 from PyConf.dataflow import DataHandle  # type: ignore[import]
@@ -90,8 +91,11 @@ class MCReconstructible:
         self.multVelo = self.__call__(self._Flag.maskMultVelo)
         # Reconstructible
-        self.Reconstructible = (F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.MC_RECONSTRUCTIBLE
-                                @ F.MC_PROPERTY(self.input_mctrackinfo))
+        self.Reconstructible = (
+            F.VALUE_OR(-1)
+            @ F.MC_PROPERTY(self.input_mctrackinfo)
+        )
     def __call__(self, mc_property: int) -> F.grammar.FunctorBase:
@@ -105,5 +109,8 @@ class MCReconstructible:
             mc_trackinfo = MCReconstructible(get_mc_track_info())
             allvariables['HasProperty'] = mc_trackinfo(Property)
-        return (F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.MC_TRACKINFO(mc_property) @ F.MC_PROPERTY(
-            self.input_mctrackinfo))
+        return (
+            F.VALUE_OR(-1)
+            @ F.MC_TRACKINFO(mc_property)
+            @ F.MC_PROPERTY(self.input_mctrackinfo)
+        )
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/python/DaVinciMCTools/MCTruthAndBkgCat.py b/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/python/DaVinciMCTools/MCTruthAndBkgCat.py
index 711e3ef38ec6171fe3d50a936c3a343ebfcf4d82..8a5a3a7b565a79e10ed6326bc729ab60962ab65a 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/python/DaVinciMCTools/MCTruthAndBkgCat.py
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/python/DaVinciMCTools/MCTruthAndBkgCat.py
@@ -10,17 +10,25 @@
 from typing import Optional
-from Gaudi.Configuration import INFO  # type: ignore[import]
+import Functors as F  # type: ignore[import]
+from Functors.grammar import BoundFunctor  # type: ignore[import]
+from Gaudi.Configuration import INFO  # type: ignore[import]
 from PyConf.Algorithms import MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg  # type: ignore[import]
-from PyConf.Tools import DaVinciSmartAssociator, ParticleDescendants  # type: ignore[import]
-from PyConf.Tools import BackgroundCategory, BackgroundCategoryViaRelations
-from PyConf.Tools import P2MCPFromProtoP
 from PyConf.dataflow import DataHandle  # type: ignore[import]
-from PyConf.reading import get_pp2mcp_relations, get_mc_particles, tes_root  # type: ignore[import]
 from PyConf.location_prefix import prefix  # type: ignore[import]
-import Functors as F  # type: ignore[import]
-from Functors.grammar import BoundFunctor  # type: ignore[import]
+from PyConf.reading import (  # type: ignore[import]
+    get_mc_particles,
+    get_pp2mcp_relations,
+    tes_root,
+from PyConf.Tools import (  # type: ignore[import]
+    BackgroundCategory,
+    BackgroundCategoryViaRelations,
+    DaVinciSmartAssociator,
+    P2MCPFromProtoP,
+    ParticleDescendants,
 class MCTruthAndBkgCat:
@@ -63,29 +71,28 @@ class MCTruthAndBkgCat:
     def __init__(
-            self,
-            input_particles: DataHandle,
-            relations_locs: list[str] = [
-                "Relations/ChargedPP2MCP",
-                "Relations/NeutralPP2MCP",
-            ],
-            root_in_tes: Optional[str] = None,
-            redo_neutral_assoc: bool = False,
-            filter_mcp: bool = True,
-            name: Optional[str] = None,
-            output_level: int = INFO,
+        self,
+        input_particles: DataHandle,
+        relations_locs: list[str] = [
+            "Relations/ChargedPP2MCP",
+            "Relations/NeutralPP2MCP",
+        ],
+        root_in_tes: Optional[str] = None,
+        redo_neutral_assoc: bool = False,
+        filter_mcp: bool = True,
+        name: Optional[str] = None,
+        output_level: int = INFO,
         # get the root_in_tes from the input process if not given
         if not root_in_tes:
             root_in_tes = tes_root()
-        mc_parts = get_mc_particles(root_in_tes +
-                                    "/MC/Particles"  # type: ignore[operator]
-                                    )
+        mc_parts = get_mc_particles(
+            root_in_tes + "/MC/Particles"  # type: ignore[operator]
+        )
         relations = [
-            get_pp2mcp_relations(prefix(rel, root_in_tes))
-            for rel in relations_locs
+            get_pp2mcp_relations(prefix(rel, root_in_tes)) for rel in relations_locs
         # Tool used by DaVinciSmartAssociator
@@ -97,10 +104,10 @@ class MCTruthAndBkgCat:
         # Tools used by MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg
-        part_desc = ParticleDescendants(
-            RootInTES=root_in_tes, OutputLevel=output_level)
+        part_desc = ParticleDescendants(RootInTES=root_in_tes, OutputLevel=output_level)
         bkg_cat_via_rel = BackgroundCategoryViaRelations(
-            RootInTES=root_in_tes, OutputLevel=output_level)
+            RootInTES=root_in_tes, OutputLevel=output_level
+        )
         bkg_cat = BackgroundCategory(
@@ -160,5 +167,4 @@ class MCTruthAndBkgCat:
           # Store the TRUE momentum of the particle
           allvariables['TRUEP'] = mctruth(F.PT)
-        return F.MAP_INPUT(
-            Functor=mc_functor, Relations=self.mctruth.MCAssocTable)
+        return F.MAP_INPUT(Functor=mc_functor, Relations=self.mctruth.MCAssocTable)
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/BackgroundCategory.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/BackgroundCategory.cpp
index 16c15ed062266b3dc1867fff34b69d4cc0932d44..5997c7e48aa57930c931efe154e6f65b34cc92a7 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/BackgroundCategory.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/BackgroundCategory.cpp
@@ -104,33 +104,34 @@ private:
   int  areAnyFinalStateParticlesFromAPrimaryVertex( const MCParticleVector& );
-  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_ppSvc{this, "ParticlePropertyService", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc"};
-  ToolHandle<IParticleDescendants> m_particleDescendants{this, "ParticleDescendantsTool", "ParticleDescendants"};
-  ToolHandle<IParticle2MCWeightedAssociator> m_smartAssociator{this, "P2MCTool", "P2MCPFromProtoP"};
-  ToolHandle<IPrintDecay>                    m_printDecay{this, "PrintDecayTreeTool", "PrintDecayTreeTool"};
-  ToolHandle<ICaloFuture2MCTool>             m_calo2MC{this, "Calo2MCTool", "CaloFuture2MCTool"};
-  ToolHandle<IBackgroundCategory>            m_bkg{this, "BackgroundCategoryTool", "BackgroundCategoryViaRelations"};
-  const LHCb::MCParticle*  m_commonMother{nullptr};
+  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_ppSvc{ this, "ParticlePropertyService", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc" };
+  ToolHandle<IParticleDescendants> m_particleDescendants{ this, "ParticleDescendantsTool", "ParticleDescendants" };
+  ToolHandle<IParticle2MCWeightedAssociator> m_smartAssociator{ this, "P2MCTool", "P2MCPFromProtoP" };
+  ToolHandle<IPrintDecay>                    m_printDecay{ this, "PrintDecayTreeTool", "PrintDecayTreeTool" };
+  ToolHandle<ICaloFuture2MCTool>             m_calo2MC{ this, "Calo2MCTool", "CaloFuture2MCTool" };
+  ToolHandle<IBackgroundCategory>            m_bkg{ this, "BackgroundCategoryTool", "BackgroundCategoryViaRelations" };
+  const LHCb::MCParticle*  m_commonMother{ nullptr };
   DaughterAndPartnerVector m_daughtersAndPartners;
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_ignoreQuarks{this, "IgnoreQuarks", true, "ignore quarks in the decay tree?"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_inclusiveDecay{this, "InclusiveDecay", false, "are we studying an inclusive decay?"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_semileptonicDecay{this, "SemileptonicDecay", false, "are we studying a semileptnoic decay?"};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>  m_numNeutrinos{this, "NumNeutrinos", 0, "How many neutrinos expected in our decay chain?"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useSoftPhotonCut{this, "UseSoftPhotonCut", true,
-                                           "whether to use the ignore soft photons cut"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_softPhotonCut{this, "SoftPhotonCut", 300. * Gaudi::Units::MeV, "ignore soft photons cut"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_lowMassCut{this, "LowMassBackgroundCut", 100. * Gaudi::Units::MeV,
-                                       "cut applied to low-mass background"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_override{this, "MCmatchQualityPIDoverrideLevel", 0.0, "see .cpp file for explanation"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_caloWeight{this, "Calo2MCWeight", 0.5,
-                                       "equivalent of m_override for neutral calorimetric objects"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_vetoN{this, "vetoNeutralRedo", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minWeight{this, "MCminWeight", 0., "dummy sorting variable"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_ignoreQuarks{ this, "IgnoreQuarks", true, "ignore quarks in the decay tree?" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_inclusiveDecay{ this, "InclusiveDecay", false, "are we studying an inclusive decay?" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_semileptonicDecay{ this, "SemileptonicDecay", false,
+                                             "are we studying a semileptnoic decay?" };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_numNeutrinos{ this, "NumNeutrinos", 0, "How many neutrinos expected in our decay chain?" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_useSoftPhotonCut{ this, "UseSoftPhotonCut", true,
+                                            "whether to use the ignore soft photons cut" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_softPhotonCut{ this, "SoftPhotonCut", 300. * Gaudi::Units::MeV, "ignore soft photons cut" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_lowMassCut{ this, "LowMassBackgroundCut", 100. * Gaudi::Units::MeV,
+                                        "cut applied to low-mass background" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_override{ this, "MCmatchQualityPIDoverrideLevel", 0.0, "see .cpp file for explanation" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_caloWeight{ this, "Calo2MCWeight", 0.5,
+                                        "equivalent of m_override for neutral calorimetric objects" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_vetoN{ this, "vetoNeutralRedo", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minWeight{ this, "MCminWeight", 0., "dummy sorting variable" };
   Gaudi::Property<double> m_rescut{
       this, "ResonanceCut", 10.e-6,
-      "A cut on the minimum lifetime for a mother not to be considered a short-lived resonance"};
+      "A cut on the minimum lifetime for a mother not to be considered a short-lived resonance" };
   bool m_undefined;
@@ -198,7 +199,7 @@ IBackgroundCategory::Result BackgroundCategory::category( const LHCb::Particle*
   ParticleVector particles_in_decay = m_particleDescendants->descendants( reconstructed_mother );
   if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "Back from ParticleDescendants with the daughters" << endmsg;
   if ( particles_in_decay.empty() ) {
-    return {Undefined, Good};
+    return { Undefined, Good };
   } else {
     if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "Descendents are " << particles_in_decay << endmsg;
@@ -211,14 +212,14 @@ IBackgroundCategory::Result BackgroundCategory::category( const LHCb::Particle*
   if ( areAnyFinalStateParticlesGhosts( mc_particles_linked_to_decay, particles_in_decay ) ) {
     if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "It is a ghost background" << endmsg;
     // This is a ghost
-    return {Ghost, Good};
+    return { Ghost, Good };
   // Next check if two Particles are associated to the same particle,
   // if so this is a clone type background
   if ( foundClones( mc_particles_linked_to_decay ) ) {
     if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "This is a clone background" << endmsg;
-    return {Clone, Good};
+    return { Clone, Good };
   // Now we have to check if any of the associated MCParticles
@@ -228,7 +229,7 @@ IBackgroundCategory::Result BackgroundCategory::category( const LHCb::Particle*
   // call this 'hierarchy' background until someone complains.
   if ( hierarchyProblem( mc_particles_linked_to_decay ) ) {
     if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "This is a hierarchy background" << endmsg;
-    return {Hierarchy, Good};
+    return { Hierarchy, Good };
   // Now to create a vector with the final mothers of all these mc particles.
@@ -244,52 +245,52 @@ IBackgroundCategory::Result BackgroundCategory::category( const LHCb::Particle*
     // "physics" backgrounds (meaning we have reconstructed some actual decay
     // that occurred, even if not the one we were after).
     if ( isTheDecayFullyReconstructed( mc_particles_linked_to_decay ) ) {
-      if ( m_undefined ) return {Undefined, LogicError};
+      if ( m_undefined ) return { Undefined, LogicError };
       if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "Checked if fully reconstructed" << endmsg;
       if ( areAllFinalStateParticlesCorrectlyIdentified( particles_in_decay, mc_particles_linked_to_decay ) ) {
         if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "Checked if no reflections" << endmsg;
         if ( isTheMotherCorrectlyIdentified( reconstructed_mother ) ) {
           if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "Checked if correct mother" << endmsg;
           if ( !wereAnyResonancesMissed( reconstructed_mother ) ) {
-            if ( m_undefined ) return {Undefined, LogicError};
+            if ( m_undefined ) return { Undefined, LogicError };
             if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "This is signal" << endmsg;
             // This is a signal decay
-            return {Signal, Good};
+            return { Signal, Good };
           } else {
-            if ( m_undefined ) return {Undefined, LogicError};
+            if ( m_undefined ) return { Undefined, LogicError };
             if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "This is quasi-signal" << endmsg;
             // This is a quasi-signal decay
-            return {QuasiSignal, Good};
+            return { QuasiSignal, Good };
         } else {
           if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "This is a fully reconstructed background" << endmsg;
           // This is a fully reconstructed physics background
-          return {FullyRecoPhysBkg, Good};
+          return { FullyRecoPhysBkg, Good };
       } else {
         if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "This is a reflection" << endmsg;
         // This is a reflection
-        return {Reflection, Good};
+        return { Reflection, Good };
     } else {
-      if ( m_undefined ) return {Undefined, LogicError};
+      if ( m_undefined ) return { Undefined, LogicError };
       if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "Is it an inclusive decay?" << endmsg;
       if ( m_inclusiveDecay.value() ) {
         if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "Inclusive decay type" << endmsg;
         if ( areAllFinalStateParticlesCorrectlyIdentified( particles_in_decay, mc_particles_linked_to_decay ) &&
              isTheMotherCorrectlyIdentified( reconstructed_mother ) ) {
-          return {Signal, Good};
+          return { Signal, Good };
       if ( areAllFinalStateParticlesCorrectlyIdentified( particles_in_decay, mc_particles_linked_to_decay ) &&
            checkLowMassBackground( reconstructed_mother ) ) {
         if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "This is low mass background" << endmsg;
         // This is a Low-mass background
-        return {LowMassBkg, Good};
+        return { LowMassBkg, Good };
       } else {
         if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "This is a partially reconstructed background" << endmsg;
         // This is a partially reconstructed physics background
-        return {PartRecoPhysBkg, Good};
+        return { PartRecoPhysBkg, Good };
   } else {
@@ -299,29 +300,29 @@ IBackgroundCategory::Result BackgroundCategory::category( const LHCb::Particle*
     if ( !isThisAPileup( mc_particles_linked_to_decay, particles_in_decay ) ) {
       if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "It is a pileup" << endmsg;
       // A pileup
-      return {FromDifferentPV, Good};
+      return { FromDifferentPV, Good };
     } else {
       const int numFromPV = areAnyFinalStateParticlesFromAPrimaryVertex( mc_particles_linked_to_decay );
       if ( numFromPV > 0 ) {
         if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "This is primary vertex background" << endmsg;
         if ( numFromPV == 1 )
-          return {FromPV, Good};
+          return { FromPV, Good };
-          return {AllFromSamePV, Good};
+          return { AllFromSamePV, Good };
       } else {
         if ( isThisBBarBackground( mc_mothers_final ) ) {
           if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "This is bbar background" << endmsg;
           // This is a bbar event
-          return {bbar, Good};
+          return { bbar, Good };
         } else {
           if ( isThisCCbarBackground( mc_mothers_final ) ) {
             if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "This is ccbar background" << endmsg;
             // This is a ccbar event
-            return {ccbar, Good};
+            return { ccbar, Good };
           } else {
             if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "This is uds background" << endmsg;
             // This is a light flavour event
-            return {uds, Good};
+            return { uds, Good };
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/BackgroundCategoryViaRelations.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/BackgroundCategoryViaRelations.cpp
index 77c450fa102fecb98029165e885eb862a1bee9aa..1121741a7271fe6756b80ce513a781bd51d9afde 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/BackgroundCategoryViaRelations.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/BackgroundCategoryViaRelations.cpp
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ private:
   typedef LHCb::Relation1D<LHCb::Particle, int> TableP2BC;
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_P2BCLocation{this, "InputTable", {}};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_P2BCLocation{ this, "InputTable", {} };
 BackgroundCategoryViaRelations::BackgroundCategoryViaRelations( const std::string& type, const std::string& name,
@@ -128,14 +128,14 @@ IBackgroundCategory::Result BackgroundCategoryViaRelations::category( const LHCb
         // Found so return
         const IBackgroundCategory::categories cat = static_cast<IBackgroundCategory::categories>( range.begin()->to() );
         if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) verbose() << "  -> Found match ... " << cat << endmsg;
-        return {cat, Good};
+        return { cat, Good };
   // If we have not found anything else to return yet we return undefined,
-  if ( check > 0 ) return {Undefined, Good};
-  return {Undefined, Bad};
+  if ( check > 0 ) return { Undefined, Good };
+  return { Undefined, Bad };
 // Declaration of the Tool Factory
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/DaVinciSmartAssociator.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/DaVinciSmartAssociator.cpp
index 8f8f77e3bb5f78269d3a948b04ba34248b81e387..b88988e367b123bc46a768cdb454061c0272e5f0 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/DaVinciSmartAssociator.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/DaVinciSmartAssociator.cpp
@@ -54,14 +54,14 @@ namespace LHCb {
     Particle2MCParticle::ToVector relatedMCPsImpl( const LHCb::Particle*                particle,
                                                    const LHCb::MCParticle::ConstVector& mcParticles ) const override;
-    ToolHandle<IParticle2MCWeightedAssociator> m_weightedAssociation{this, "P2MCTool",
-                                                                     "P2MCPFromProtoP"}; // for stables
-    mutable ToolHandle<IBackgroundCategory>    m_bkg{this, "BackgroundCategoryTool",
-                                                  "BackgroundCategory"}; // for composites
-    mutable ToolHandle<ICaloFuture2MCTool>     m_calo2MC{this, "Calo2MCTool",
-                                                     "CaloFuture2MCTool"}; // for neutral calorimetric
-    Gaudi::Property<double>                    m_caloWeight{this, "Calo2MCWeight", 0.5};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>                      m_redoNeutral{this, "RedoNeutral", true};
+    ToolHandle<IParticle2MCWeightedAssociator> m_weightedAssociation{ this, "P2MCTool",
+                                                                      "P2MCPFromProtoP" }; // for stables
+    mutable ToolHandle<IBackgroundCategory>    m_bkg{ this, "BackgroundCategoryTool",
+                                                   "BackgroundCategory" }; // for composites
+    mutable ToolHandle<ICaloFuture2MCTool>     m_calo2MC{ this, "Calo2MCTool",
+                                                      "CaloFuture2MCTool" }; // for neutral calorimetric
+    Gaudi::Property<double>                    m_caloWeight{ this, "Calo2MCWeight", 0.5 };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>                      m_redoNeutral{ this, "RedoNeutral", true };
   // Declaration of the Tool Factory
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/P2MCPFromProtoP.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/P2MCPFromProtoP.cpp
index f410ec9a7c702db7f61c2d277b6d01a56c6958f5..70171c8a5f69a94443d6561481efc78e8f8d07b3 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/P2MCPFromProtoP.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/P2MCPFromProtoP.cpp
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ private:
   Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_PP2MC{
-      {"Relations/" + LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Charged, "Relations/" + LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Upstream,
-       "Relations/" + LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Neutrals},
-      "Protoparticle locations (without /Event)"}; ///< standard addresses (without /Event)
+      { "Relations/" + LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Charged, "Relations/" + LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Upstream,
+        "Relations/" + LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Neutrals },
+      "Protoparticle locations (without /Event)" }; ///< standard addresses (without /Event)
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/Particle2BackgroundCategoryRelationsAlg.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/Particle2BackgroundCategoryRelationsAlg.cpp
index 05eded53f15a719636316b16532254a18313cb71..ccad658f432d6b8fd4248accebcde00f065a81d7 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/Particle2BackgroundCategoryRelationsAlg.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/Particle2BackgroundCategoryRelationsAlg.cpp
@@ -63,10 +63,10 @@ private:
   CatRelations* catRelations( const LHCb::Particle* particle ) const;
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_particleLocations{this, "Inputs", {}, "Particle locations to process"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_fullTree{this, "FullTree", false, "Flag to turn on processing the full tree"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_particleLocations{ this, "Inputs", {}, "Particle locations to process" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_fullTree{ this, "FullTree", false, "Flag to turn on processing the full tree" };
-  IBackgroundCategory* m_bkg{nullptr};
+  IBackgroundCategory* m_bkg{ nullptr };
   typedef std::map<std::string, CatRelations*> CatMap;
   /// Mapping between particle locations and relations object
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/PrintDecayTreeTool.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/PrintDecayTreeTool.cpp
index 8cac2e756bd0c8dfb13747dbd009186a3023e008..a4f24cd80c7897bee9be31a6bb8d99678742e73c 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/PrintDecayTreeTool.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciMCTools/src/PrintDecayTreeTool.cpp
@@ -105,13 +105,13 @@ private:
   ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_ppSvc{
-      this, "ParticlePropertyService", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc"};    ///< Reference to particle property service
-  Gaudi::Property<int>         m_depth{this, "PrintDepth", 999};        ///< Depth of printing for tree
-  Gaudi::Property<int>         m_treeWidth{this, "TreeWidth", 20};      ///< width of the tree drawing
-  Gaudi::Property<int>         m_fWidth{this, "FieldWidth", 10};        ///< width of the data fields
-  Gaudi::Property<int>         m_fPrecision{this, "FieldPrecision", 2}; ///< precision of the data fields
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_arrow{this, "Arrow", "+-->"};          ///< arrow drawing
-  std::vector<InfoKeys>        m_keys{0};                               ///< The list of information to print
+      this, "ParticlePropertyService", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc" };     ///< Reference to particle property service
+  Gaudi::Property<int>         m_depth{ this, "PrintDepth", 999 };        ///< Depth of printing for tree
+  Gaudi::Property<int>         m_treeWidth{ this, "TreeWidth", 20 };      ///< width of the tree drawing
+  Gaudi::Property<int>         m_fWidth{ this, "FieldWidth", 10 };        ///< width of the data fields
+  Gaudi::Property<int>         m_fPrecision{ this, "FieldPrecision", 2 }; ///< precision of the data fields
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_arrow{ this, "Arrow", "+-->" };          ///< arrow drawing
+  std::vector<InfoKeys>        m_keys{ 0 };                               ///< The list of information to print
   Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_information{
       this, "Information", "Name E M P Pt phi Vz PK PPK",
       [&]( auto const& ) {
@@ -120,14 +120,16 @@ private:
         do {
           pos = m_information.value().find( ' ', oldpos );
           std::string    tok( m_information, oldpos, pos - oldpos );
-          constexpr auto tbl = std::array{
-              std::pair{"Name", InfoKeys::Name}, std::pair{"E", InfoKeys::E},     std::pair{"M", InfoKeys::M},
-              std::pair{"P", InfoKeys::P},       std::pair{"Pt", InfoKeys::Pt},   std::pair{"Px", InfoKeys::Px},
-              std::pair{"Py", InfoKeys::Py},     std::pair{"Pz", InfoKeys::Pz},   std::pair{"Vx", InfoKeys::Vx},
-              std::pair{"Vy", InfoKeys::Vy},     std::pair{"Vz", InfoKeys::Vz},   std::pair{"theta", InfoKeys::theta},
-              std::pair{"phi", InfoKeys::phi},   std::pair{"eta", InfoKeys::eta}, std::pair{"IDCL", InfoKeys::idcl},
-              std::pair{"chi2", InfoKeys::chi2}, std::pair{"PK", InfoKeys::PK},   std::pair{"PPK", InfoKeys::PPK}};
-          auto i = std::find_if( tbl.begin(), tbl.end(), [&]( const auto& l ) { return tok == l.first; } );
+          constexpr auto tbl = std::array{ std::pair{ "Name", InfoKeys::Name }, std::pair{ "E", InfoKeys::E },
+                                           std::pair{ "M", InfoKeys::M },       std::pair{ "P", InfoKeys::P },
+                                           std::pair{ "Pt", InfoKeys::Pt },     std::pair{ "Px", InfoKeys::Px },
+                                           std::pair{ "Py", InfoKeys::Py },     std::pair{ "Pz", InfoKeys::Pz },
+                                           std::pair{ "Vx", InfoKeys::Vx },     std::pair{ "Vy", InfoKeys::Vy },
+                                           std::pair{ "Vz", InfoKeys::Vz },     std::pair{ "theta", InfoKeys::theta },
+                                           std::pair{ "phi", InfoKeys::phi },   std::pair{ "eta", InfoKeys::eta },
+                                           std::pair{ "IDCL", InfoKeys::idcl }, std::pair{ "chi2", InfoKeys::chi2 },
+                                           std::pair{ "PK", InfoKeys::PK },     std::pair{ "PPK", InfoKeys::PPK } };
+          auto           i   = std::find_if( tbl.begin(), tbl.end(), [&]( const auto& l ) { return tok == l.first; } );
           if ( i != tbl.end() ) {
             m_keys.push_back( i->second );
           } else {
@@ -136,8 +138,8 @@ private:
           oldpos = ( pos != std::string::npos ? pos + 1 : pos );
         } while ( pos != std::string::npos );
-      Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}}; ///< The specification of the values to print
-  std::string             m_energyUnitName{"MeV"};               ///< Unit for energies, momenta and masses
+      Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } }; ///< The specification of the values to print
+  std::string             m_energyUnitName{ "MeV" };                ///< Unit for energies, momenta and masses
   Gaudi::Property<double> m_energyUnit{
       this, "EnergyUnit", MeV,
       [&]( const auto& ) {
@@ -145,7 +147,7 @@ private:
           err() << "You have chosen a unit for energies: " << m_energyUnit << endmsg;
           throw GaudiException( "bad energy unit", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, StatusCode::FAILURE );
-        constexpr auto tbl = std::array{std::pair{TeV, "TeV"}, std::pair{GeV, "GeV"}, std::pair{MeV, "MeV"}};
+        constexpr auto tbl = std::array{ std::pair{ TeV, "TeV" }, std::pair{ GeV, "GeV" }, std::pair{ MeV, "MeV" } };
         auto i = std::find_if( tbl.begin(), tbl.end(), [&]( const auto& e ) { return e.first == m_energyUnit; } );
         if ( i != tbl.end() ) {
           m_energyUnitName = i->second;
@@ -154,8 +156,8 @@ private:
           m_energyUnitName = "???";
-      Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}};
-  std::string             m_lengthUnitName{"mm"}; ///< Unit for distances
+      Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } };
+  std::string             m_lengthUnitName{ "mm" }; ///< Unit for distances
   Gaudi::Property<double> m_lengthUnit{
       this, "LengthUnit", mm,
       [&]( const auto& ) {
@@ -163,7 +165,7 @@ private:
           err() << "You have chosen a bad unit for length: " << m_lengthUnit << endmsg;
           throw GaudiException( "bad length unit", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, StatusCode::FAILURE );
-        constexpr auto tbl = std::array{std::pair{mm, "mm"}, std::pair{cm, "cm"}, std::pair{m, "m"}};
+        constexpr auto tbl = std::array{ std::pair{ mm, "mm" }, std::pair{ cm, "cm" }, std::pair{ m, "m" } };
         auto i = std::find_if( tbl.begin(), tbl.end(), [&]( const auto& e ) { return e.first == m_lengthUnit; } );
         if ( i != tbl.end() ) {
           m_lengthUnitName = i->second;
@@ -172,7 +174,7 @@ private:
           m_lengthUnitName = "??";
-      Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}
+      Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true }
   }; /// Unit for distances
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciNeutralTools/doc/release.notes b/Phys/DaVinciNeutralTools/doc/release.notes
index b6215dbdf0a93ed6e2f7314a7e8206fe9fa27c11..f0297a4049d7e2d84b1c747e1709d22d53a06f94 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciNeutralTools/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciNeutralTools/doc/release.notes
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ volved
 !========================= DaVinciNeutralTools v1r0 2014-09-30 =========================
-! 2014-09-24 - O. Deschamps for E. Tournefier  
+! 2014-09-24 - O. Deschamps for E. Tournefier
  - BremAdder : change default CL cut on brem photons (CL>0.1)
 ! 2014-08-05 - Chris Jones
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciNeutralTools/src/SelectiveBremAdder.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciNeutralTools/src/SelectiveBremAdder.cpp
index 2001b96373b74961fd347fcdb2355c258f52ea9d..75c25694af1030b9612f7982de499a3485c3ca6f 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciNeutralTools/src/SelectiveBremAdder.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciNeutralTools/src/SelectiveBremAdder.cpp
@@ -46,24 +46,24 @@ protected:
   // properties
-  Gaudi::Property<int>   m_overlap_method{this, "OverlapAssignmentMethod", 0,
-                                        "For di-electron (pair) in case of overlap, determine assignment: 0 is to "
-                                        "one with lowest matching chi2; 1 is with highest (pre-brem) momentum track"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_update_covs{this, "UpdateCovariances", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_relative_mom_inbrem_var{this, "RelativeMomentumScalingVarianceInBrem",
-                                                   LHCb::Event::Bremsstrahlung::details::defaults::err2_out.cast()};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_relative_mom_outbrem_var{this, "RelativeMomentumScalingVarianceNotInBrem",
-                                                    LHCb::Event::Bremsstrahlung::details::defaults::err2_in.cast()};
+  Gaudi::Property<int>   m_overlap_method{ this, "OverlapAssignmentMethod", 0,
+                                         "For di-electron (pair) in case of overlap, determine assignment: 0 is to "
+                                           "one with lowest matching chi2; 1 is with highest (pre-brem) momentum track" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_update_covs{ this, "UpdateCovariances", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_relative_mom_inbrem_var{ this, "RelativeMomentumScalingVarianceInBrem",
+                                                    LHCb::Event::Bremsstrahlung::details::defaults::err2_out.cast() };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_relative_mom_outbrem_var{ this, "RelativeMomentumScalingVarianceNotInBrem",
+                                                     LHCb::Event::Bremsstrahlung::details::defaults::err2_in.cast() };
   // other members
-  ToolHandle<IParticle2State> m_p2s{this, "Particle2State", "Particle2State"};
+  ToolHandle<IParticle2State> m_p2s{ this, "Particle2State", "Particle2State" };
   // Counters
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>     m_revBeamCorrCounter{this, "Revert brem correction"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nAddPhotons{this, "Nb photons added to single electrons"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nAddPairPhotons{this, "Nb photons added to electron pair"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nAddPairSharedPhotons{this, "Nb photons shared by electron pair"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_DeltaE{this, "Delta(E)"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>     m_revBeamCorrCounter{ this, "Revert brem correction" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nAddPhotons{ this, "Nb photons added to single electrons" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nAddPairPhotons{ this, "Nb photons added to electron pair" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nAddPairSharedPhotons{ this, "Nb photons shared by electron pair" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_DeltaE{ this, "Delta(E)" };
 //============================================================================= INTERFACED METHODS
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciOverlapsAndClones/src/CheckOverlap.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciOverlapsAndClones/src/CheckOverlap.cpp
index ff1f0dea520e7bcd34e7cca42b25a45ffba430e0..3e7689f562f28c735466501c17c6a4d2f0c1a8de 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciOverlapsAndClones/src/CheckOverlap.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciOverlapsAndClones/src/CheckOverlap.cpp
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ namespace detail {
   bool find_overlap_in_basics( Particles const*... particles ) {
     static_assert( ( std::is_same_v<Particles, LHCb::ProtoParticle> && ... ),
                    "All Particles must be LHCb::ProtoParticle" );
-    std::array ps{particles...};
+    std::array ps{ particles... };
     for ( auto i = 0u; i < ps.size(); ++i ) {
       for ( auto j = i + 1; j < ps.size(); ++j ) {
         if ( ps[i] == ps[j] || ( ps[i]->track() && ( ps[i]->track() == ps[j]->track() ) ) ) { return true; }
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ bool CheckOverlap::foundOverlap( const LHCb::Particle* particle1 ) const {
   if ( !particle1 ) Exception( "Null pointer" );
   std::vector<const LHCb::ProtoParticle*> proto{};
   proto.reserve( 10 );
-  return foundOverlap( {particle1}, proto );
+  return foundOverlap( { particle1 }, proto );
 bool CheckOverlap::foundOverlap( const LHCb::Particle* particle1, const LHCb::Particle* particle2 ) const {
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ bool CheckOverlap::foundOverlap( const LHCb::Particle* particle1, const LHCb::Pa
   std::vector<const LHCb::ProtoParticle*> proto{};
   proto.reserve( 10 );
-  return foundOverlap( {particle1, particle2}, proto );
+  return foundOverlap( { particle1, particle2 }, proto );
 bool CheckOverlap::foundOverlap( const LHCb::Particle* particle1, const LHCb::Particle* particle2,
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ bool CheckOverlap::foundOverlap( const LHCb::Particle* particle1, const LHCb::Pa
   std::vector<const LHCb::ProtoParticle*> proto{};
   proto.reserve( 10 );
-  return foundOverlap( {particle1, particle2, particle3}, proto );
+  return foundOverlap( { particle1, particle2, particle3 }, proto );
 bool CheckOverlap::foundOverlap( const LHCb::Particle* particle1, const LHCb::Particle* particle2,
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ bool CheckOverlap::foundOverlap( const LHCb::Particle* particle1, const LHCb::Pa
   std::vector<const LHCb::ProtoParticle*> proto{};
   proto.reserve( 10 );
-  return foundOverlap( {particle1, particle2, particle3, particle4}, proto );
+  return foundOverlap( { particle1, particle2, particle3, particle4 }, proto );
 // Check for duplicate use of a protoparticle to produce decay tree of
@@ -246,10 +246,10 @@ bool CheckOverlap::addOrigins( const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector&       parts,
       const bool                         sc  = addOrigins( dau, protos );
       if ( !sc ) return sc;
     } else {
-      if ( !m_ppSvc ) { throw GaudiException{"", "", StatusCode::FAILURE}; }
+      if ( !m_ppSvc ) { throw GaudiException{ "", "", StatusCode::FAILURE }; }
       const LHCb::ParticleProperty* pp = m_ppSvc->find( c->particleID() );
       if ( pp ) {
-        Warning( pp->particle() + " has no proto nor endVertex. Assuming it's from MC.", StatusCode{10}, 1 ).ignore();
+        Warning( pp->particle() + " has no proto nor endVertex. Assuming it's from MC.", StatusCode{ 10 }, 1 ).ignore();
       } else {
         err() << "Particle with unknown PID " << c->particleID().pid() << " has no endVertex. "
               << "Assuming it's from MC" << endmsg;
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciPVTools/doc/release.notes b/Phys/DaVinciPVTools/doc/release.notes
index 89412f1612cb0e1a6c8117cda436e6b9aec498b1..45d2143ecf30a542946b396aded2b8f266a2ce9c 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciPVTools/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciPVTools/doc/release.notes
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ! Package     : Phys/DaVinciPVTools
 ! Responsible : Chris Jones
-! Purpose     : 
+! Purpose     :
 !====================== DaVinciPVTools v1r3 2015-11-25 =======================
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciPVTools/python/DaVinciPVTools/Conf.py b/Phys/DaVinciPVTools/python/DaVinciPVTools/Conf.py
index 0d763a5cc4568975e9510e5c3294f02ce3e999f6..e58ca9ec04c310a8a1ebff7363c55de938c487fd 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciPVTools/python/DaVinciPVTools/Conf.py
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciPVTools/python/DaVinciPVTools/Conf.py
@@ -8,8 +8,16 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+from Configurables import (
+    GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIP_OfflineDistanceCalculatorName_ as P2PVWithIP,
+from Configurables import (
+    GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIP_OnlineDistanceCalculatorName_ as OnlineP2PVWithIP,
+from Configurables import (
+    GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIPChi2_OfflineDistanceCalculatorName_ as P2PVWithIPChi2,
+from Configurables import (
+    GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIPChi2_OnlineDistanceCalculatorName_ as OnlineP2PVWithIPChi2,
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from Configurables import GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIP_OfflineDistanceCalculatorName_ as P2PVWithIP
-from Configurables import GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIPChi2_OfflineDistanceCalculatorName_ as P2PVWithIPChi2
-from Configurables import GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIP_OnlineDistanceCalculatorName_ as OnlineP2PVWithIP
-from Configurables import GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIPChi2_OnlineDistanceCalculatorName_ as OnlineP2PVWithIPChi2
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciPVTools/python/DaVinciPVTools/Tools.py b/Phys/DaVinciPVTools/python/DaVinciPVTools/Tools.py
index f180d49e8fd467dce7d4eef3092d44efbf522b2b..2f884a97d4ff809462b11380a13f20b3d3c79e97 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciPVTools/python/DaVinciPVTools/Tools.py
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciPVTools/python/DaVinciPVTools/Tools.py
@@ -13,7 +13,12 @@ Shortcuts for long names of templated tools
 @author Juan Palacios juan.palacios@nikhef.nl
-P2PVWithIP = 'GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIP_OfflineDistanceCalculatorName_'
-P2PVWithIPChi2 = 'GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIPChi2_OfflineDistanceCalculatorName_'
-OnlineP2PVWithIP = 'GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIP_OnlineDistanceCalculatorName_'
-OnlineP2PVWithIPChi2 = 'GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIPChi2_OnlineDistanceCalculatorName_'
+P2PVWithIP = "GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIP_OfflineDistanceCalculatorName_"
+P2PVWithIPChi2 = (
+    "GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIPChi2_OfflineDistanceCalculatorName_"
+OnlineP2PVWithIP = "GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIP_OnlineDistanceCalculatorName_"
+OnlineP2PVWithIPChi2 = (
+    "GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIPChi2_OnlineDistanceCalculatorName_"
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciPVTools/src/CheckPV.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciPVTools/src/CheckPV.cpp
index 2288894b25f5b53692ff7870bd6c0e30667580cf..0e26ec050d570092032803b45db24215807d596d 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciPVTools/src/CheckPV.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciPVTools/src/CheckPV.cpp
@@ -32,17 +32,17 @@ namespace LHCb {
     CheckPV( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : FilterPredicate( name, pSvcLocator, {"PVLocation", RecVertexLocation::Primary} ) {}
+        : FilterPredicate( name, pSvcLocator, { "PVLocation", RecVertexLocation::Primary } ) {}
     StatusCode initialize() override;
     bool       operator()( RecVertices const& PV ) const override;
-    Gaudi::Property<int>  m_minPV{this, "MinPVs", 1, "Minimum nuber of PVs required"};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>  m_maxPV{this, "MaxPVs", -1, "Maximum nuber of PVs required. -1 : no cut."};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_print{this, "Print", false, "Print number of PVs"};
+    Gaudi::Property<int>  m_minPV{ this, "MinPVs", 1, "Minimum nuber of PVs required" };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>  m_maxPV{ this, "MaxPVs", -1, "Maximum nuber of PVs required. -1 : no cut." };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_print{ this, "Print", false, "Print number of PVs" };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_PVsCounter{this, "PVs"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_eventsCounter{this, "Events"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_PVsCounter{ this, "PVs" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_eventsCounter{ this, "Events" };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciPVTools/src/GenericParticle2PVRelator.h b/Phys/DaVinciPVTools/src/GenericParticle2PVRelator.h
index 18e3930445f64d3db6521b37f6e8df2dfe45e546..93b692f019dc512df69c3b67badb19ccd81be266 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciPVTools/src/GenericParticle2PVRelator.h
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciPVTools/src/GenericParticle2PVRelator.h
@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ public:
     return relatedPV( particle, PVs.begin(), PVs.end() );
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_standardGeometry_address{this, "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top};
-  LHCb::DetDesc::ConditionAccessor<LHCb::Detector::DeLHCb> m_lhcb{this, "DeLHCb", m_standardGeometry_address};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_standardGeometry_address{ this, "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top };
+  LHCb::DetDesc::ConditionAccessor<LHCb::Detector::DeLHCb> m_lhcb{ this, "DeLHCb", m_standardGeometry_address };
   template <typename Iter>
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciTools/CMakeLists.txt b/Phys/DaVinciTools/CMakeLists.txt
index 78d633ffbf103c23252b4bfab0f26f03dedbbd78..8504289f59de5e31ac153a40a2d1605d65b044c0 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciTools/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciTools/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ gaudi_add_module(DaVinciTools
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciTools/doc/release.notes b/Phys/DaVinciTools/doc/release.notes
index db6a03edd0e9f4d1c205046708171fa913ddf3a3..c2f105c6f1f181ed8653ba1fda76f23e93c700eb 100755
--- a/Phys/DaVinciTools/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciTools/doc/release.notes
@@ -49,17 +49,17 @@
 !========================= DaVinciTools v23r15 2014-07-25 =========================
-! 2014-07-16 - Anton Poluektov 
+! 2014-07-16 - Anton Poluektov
  - Update tools for RelatedInfo storage
 ! 2014-07-08 - O. Deschamps
  - BremAdder : replace photonID cut with photonCL cut
 ! 2014-07-03 - O. Deschamps
- - BremAdder : store number of added brems in HasBremAdded particle::info() 
+ - BremAdder : store number of added brems in HasBremAdded particle::info()
                (replace binary information)
-! 2014-07-02 - Anton Poluektov 
+! 2014-07-02 - Anton Poluektov
  - Move RelatedInfoNamed to Phys/DaVinciTypes, update RelInfo... tools accordingly
 ! 2014-06-25 - Albert Puig
@@ -68,22 +68,22 @@
 ! 2014-06-24 - Albert Puig
  - Removed unused variable in RelInfoVertexIsolation.
-! 2014-06-23 - Anton Poluektov 
- - Add more RelatedInfo tools: 
+! 2014-06-23 - Anton Poluektov
+ - Add more RelatedInfo tools:
     * RelInfoConeVariablesForEW
     * RelInfoVertexIsolation
-   both calculate the same information as ConeVariablesForEW and VertexIsolation, 
-   but inherit from IRelatedInfoTool interface. 
- - RelatedInfoNamed.h is the RelatedInfoMap structure with named fields 
-   (to be used for LoKi functors etc). 
+   both calculate the same information as ConeVariablesForEW and VertexIsolation,
+   but inherit from IRelatedInfoTool interface.
+ - RelatedInfoNamed.h is the RelatedInfoMap structure with named fields
+   (to be used for LoKi functors etc).
 !========================= DaVinciTools v23r14 2014-06-13 =========================
-! 2014-06-07 - Anton Poluektov 
- - Update AddRelatedInfo and RelInfoConeVariables to use RelatedInfoMap in 
-   LHCb namespace. 
+! 2014-06-07 - Anton Poluektov
+ - Update AddRelatedInfo and RelInfoConeVariables to use RelatedInfoMap in
+   LHCb namespace.
-! 2014-05-24 - Anton Poluektov 
+! 2014-05-24 - Anton Poluektov
  - Add tools to store RelatedInfo (new persistency for cone variables etc.)
    * AddRelatedInfo - algorithm to store RelatedInfo
    * RelInfoConeVariables - tool to calculate cone variables as RelatedInfo
@@ -140,32 +140,32 @@
 ! 2014-01-17 - Chris Jones
  - Clean up a bit the last revision.
-! 2014-01-14 - Anton Poluektov 
- - Modify AddExtraInfo to only store ExtraInfo for the daughter particles 
-   in the specified list of locations when recursing the decay tree. 
+! 2014-01-14 - Anton Poluektov
+ - Modify AddExtraInfo to only store ExtraInfo for the daughter particles
+   in the specified list of locations when recursing the decay tree.
 !========================= DaVinciTools v23r11 2013-10-29 =========================
 ! 2013-10-14 - Chris Jones
- - Round the Particle energy values used for match in PrintDuplicates to 
-   a fixed d.p. precision (default 2), to (help) avoid machine precision 
+ - Round the Particle energy values used for match in PrintDuplicates to
+   a fixed d.p. precision (default 2), to (help) avoid machine precision
 !========================= DaVinciTools v23r10 2013-10-07 =========================
 ! 2013-10-07 - Vanya Belyaev
  - NBodyDecays.cpp
-   fix bugs & typos 
-   add CPU performance information 
+   fix bugs & typos
+   add CPU performance information
-  *  I've tested a bit artificial (in terms of numerical values for 
-  *  the cuts, clearly chi2(DOCA)<9 is much better than chi2(DOCA)<25) 
-  *  but realistic (in terms of decay structure and variables to cut on) 
+  *  I've tested a bit artificial (in terms of numerical values for
+  *  the cuts, clearly chi2(DOCA)<9 is much better than chi2(DOCA)<25)
+  *  but realistic (in terms of decay structure and variables to cut on)
   *  configurations:
-  *  @code 
+  *  @code
-  *  ## NEW ONE 
+  *  ## NEW ONE
   *  from GaudiConfUtils.ConfigurableGenerators import DaVinci__N5BodyDecays
   *  alg_5n = DaVinci__N5BodyDecays (
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
   *      "[ B_s0 -> J/psi(1S) K+ K+  K-  pi- ]cc"
   *      ] ,
   *      ##
-  *      Preambulo = ... , 
+  *      Preambulo = ... ,
   *      ##
   *      Combination12Cut  = """
   *      ( AM<5.550 * GeV    ) &
@@ -184,25 +184,25 @@
   *      """,
   *      Combination123Cut = """
   *      ( AM<5.550 * GeV    ) &
-  *      ( ACHI2DOCA(1,3)<25 ) & 
-  *      ( ACHI2DOCA(2,3)<25 ) 
+  *      ( ACHI2DOCA(1,3)<25 ) &
+  *      ( ACHI2DOCA(2,3)<25 )
   *      """ ,
   *      Combination1234Cut = """
   *      ( AM<5.550 * GeV   ) &
-  *      ( ACHI2DOCA(1,4)<25) & 
+  *      ( ACHI2DOCA(1,4)<25) &
   *      ( ACHI2DOCA(2,4)<25) &
-  *      ( ACHI2DOCA(3,4)<25) 
+  *      ( ACHI2DOCA(3,4)<25)
   *      """ ,
   *      CombinationCut   = """
-  *      mb0_acut & 
-  *      ( ACHI2DOCA(1,5)<25) & 
+  *      mb0_acut &
+  *      ( ACHI2DOCA(1,5)<25) &
   *      ( ACHI2DOCA(2,5)<25) &
   *      ( ACHI2DOCA(3,5)<25) &
-  *      ( ACHI2DOCA(4,5)<25) 
+  *      ( ACHI2DOCA(4,5)<25)
   *      """ ,
-  *      ## 
-  *      MotherCut = "..." 
-  *      ## 
+  *      ##
+  *      MotherCut = "..."
+  *      ##
   *      )
   *  ## OLD ONE:
@@ -215,58 +215,58 @@
   *          "[ B_s0 -> J/psi(1S) K+ K+  K-  pi- ]cc"
   *      ] ,
   *      ##
-  *      Preambulo = ... ,  
+  *      Preambulo = ... ,
   *      ##
   *      CombinationCut = """
-  *      mb0_acut & 
+  *      mb0_acut &
   *      ADOCACHI2CUT ( 25 , '' )
   *      """ ,
-  *      ## 
-  *      MotherCut = ... 
+  *      ##
+  *      MotherCut = ...
   *   )
-  *  @endcode 
+  *  @endcode
   *  The configurations have been compared with the DIMUON-stream,
-  *  using <code>FullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuDetachedLine</code> stripping 
+  *  using <code>FullDSTDiMuonJpsi2MuMuDetachedLine</code> stripping
   *  line and <code>StdLooseKaons</code> and <code>StdLoosePions</code>
-  *  The performance of algorithms for 5000 events is 
-  *   - 269s for standard CombineParticles algorithm 
-  *   - 2-4s for N5BodyDecays 
+  *  The performance of algorithms for 5000 events is
+  *   - 269s for standard CombineParticles algorithm
+  *   - 2-4s for N5BodyDecays
 ! 2013-10-06 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Reshuffle CombineParticles in a way to allow specializations  
- - Add new algorithms in the file NBodyDecays.cpp to deal with 
-   particular specializations. 
-  *  Attempt to make more fine instumentation of generic 
+ - Reshuffle CombineParticles in a way to allow specializations
+ - Add new algorithms in the file NBodyDecays.cpp to deal with
+   particular specializations.
+  *  Attempt to make more fine instumentation of generic
   *  CombineParticle algorithm for multibody decays.
-  *  The new functionality allows to provide the cuts for 
+  *  The new functionality allows to provide the cuts for
   *  incomplete combinations. Being used in smart way,
   *  this functionality could allow some gain in CPU perfomance.
   *  For N-body decays the following new properties are added :
   *  - <code>Combination12Cut</code>
   *  - <code>Combination123Cut</code>
   *  - ... up to <code>Combination123...(N-1)Cut</code>
-  *  These cuts are applied during the explicit loops 
+  *  These cuts are applied during the explicit loops
   *  (it is bad, but generic looper here make no gain...)
-  *  Honestly speaking the implementation is a bit ugly, 
+  *  Honestly speaking the implementation is a bit ugly,
   *  but I've seen even less nice lines in LHCb software.
-  *  These new properties are mandatory, and of course 
-  *  they makes the configuration more complicated, but 
+  *  These new properties are mandatory, and of course
+  *  they makes the configuration more complicated, but
   *  they really could imporve CPU performance.
-  *  @code 
+  *  @code
   *  from Configurables import DaVinci__N4BodyDecays as ALGO
-  *  alg = ALGO ( 
-  *    'MyDecay' , 
-  *    DecayDescriptor = "D0 -> pi+ pi+ pi- pi-" , 
-  *    Combination12Cut  = "ACHI2DOCA(1,2)<16"                       , ## new one 
-  *    Combination123Cut = "(ACHI2DOCA(1,3)<16)&(ACHI2DOCA(2,3)<16)" , ## new one 
-  *    CombinationCut    = "(ACHI2DOCA(1,4)<16)&(ACHI2DOCA(2,4)<16)&(ACHI2DOCA(3,4)<16)" , 
+  *  alg = ALGO (
+  *    'MyDecay' ,
+  *    DecayDescriptor = "D0 -> pi+ pi+ pi- pi-" ,
+  *    Combination12Cut  = "ACHI2DOCA(1,2)<16"                       , ## new one
+  *    Combination123Cut = "(ACHI2DOCA(1,3)<16)&(ACHI2DOCA(2,3)<16)" , ## new one
+  *    CombinationCut    = "(ACHI2DOCA(1,4)<16)&(ACHI2DOCA(2,4)<16)&(ACHI2DOCA(3,4)<16)" ,
   *    MotherCut         = "..." )
-  *  @endcode 
+  *  @endcode
 !========================= DaVinciTools v23r9 2013-10-02 =========================
@@ -319,11 +319,11 @@
  - Small CPU improvement to SubstitutePIDTool
 ! 2013-04-27 - Chris Jones
- - Move Track scaling and smearing tools to dedicated package 
+ - Move Track scaling and smearing tools to dedicated package
    Phys/DaVinciTrackScaling in Analysis
 ! 2013-04-26 - Vanya Belyaev
- - StackScaleState.cpp : suppress debug printout 
+ - StackScaleState.cpp : suppress debug printout
 ! 2012-04-25 - Chris Jones
  - Use std::string instead of char* in DecayFinder
@@ -331,22 +331,22 @@
 !========================= DaVinciTools v23r7 2013-04-23 =========================
 ! 2013-04-21 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add helper python scripts to prepare DB-entries 
-   for momentum/covariance smear/scale 
+ - add helper python scripts to prepare DB-entries
+   for momentum/covariance smear/scale
 ! 2013-04-13 - Vanya Belyaev
  - TrackScaleState
-   TrackSmearState - make use of new conditions in CONDDB/SIMCOND  
+   TrackSmearState - make use of new conditions in CONDDB/SIMCOND
 !========================= DaVinciTools v23r6 2013-04-05 =========================
-! 2013-03-27 - Anton Poluektov 
- - AddExtraInfo: Add possibility to calculate extra info for daughters in 
-                 the decay tree. Controlled by MaxLevel parameter, equals to 
-                 0 by default.  
+! 2013-03-27 - Anton Poluektov
+ - AddExtraInfo: Add possibility to calculate extra info for daughters in
+                 the decay tree. Controlled by MaxLevel parameter, equals to
+                 0 by default.
      MaxLevel = 0: extra info is calculated only for the head
      MaxLevel = 1: head and 1st-generation daughters
-     MaxLevel = 2: head, daughters and granddaughters, etc. 
+     MaxLevel = 2: head, daughters and granddaughters, etc.
 ! 2013-03-27 - Chris Jones
  - Fix compilation with -std=c++11
@@ -358,31 +358,31 @@
    Add protection against nonexistent track container.
 ! 2013-02-05 - Vanya Belyaev
- - TrackScaleState algorithm: 
-   Add functionality to study z-scale systematic 
+ - TrackScaleState algorithm:
+   Add functionality to study z-scale systematic
    (thanks to Matt and Wouter)
 ! 2013-01-25 - Vanya Belyaev
- - TrackScaleState algorithm: 
-   Change the default path in CONDDB 
+ - TrackScaleState algorithm:
+   Change the default path in CONDDB
 ! 2013-01-18 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Add TrackScaleState algorithm: 
-   A bit modified version of original Matt's code to apply 
-   momentum scale calibration. The usage is fairly trivial: 
+ - Add TrackScaleState algorithm:
+   A bit modified version of original Matt's code to apply
+   momentum scale calibration. The usage is fairly trivial:
    one just needs to execute this algorithm before the analysis algorithm:
   *  @code
   *  from Configurables import TrackScaleState as SCALER
-  *  scaler = SCALER( 'Scaler' )  ## default configuration is perfectly fine 
+  *  scaler = SCALER( 'Scaler' )  ## default configuration is perfectly fine
-  *  daVinci = DaVinci ( ... ) 
+  *  daVinci = DaVinci ( ... )
   *  daVinci.UserAlgortithms  = [ scaler ]
-  *  
-  *  seq = ... ## analysis sequence  
+  *
+  *  seq = ... ## analysis sequence
   *  daVinci.UserAlgortithms += [ seq    ]
-  *  
+  *
   *  @endcode
@@ -393,18 +393,18 @@
   *  rootInTES = "/Event/Leptonic" ## example
-  *  scaler = SCALER( 'Scaler' , RootInTES = rootInTES ) ## note the difference 
+  *  scaler = SCALER( 'Scaler' , RootInTES = rootInTES ) ## note the difference
-  *  daVinci = DaVinci ( ... ) 
+  *  daVinci = DaVinci ( ... )
   *  daVinci.UserAlgorithms   = [ scaler ]
-  *  
-  *  seq = ... ## analysis sequence  
+  *
+  *  seq = ... ## analysis sequence
   *  daVinci.UserAlgortithms += [ seq    ]
-  *  
+  *
   *  @endcode
-  Algorithm takes the calibration constants from CONDB, 
-  thus be a bit patient and wait for DB-release 
+  Algorithm takes the calibration constants from CONDB,
+  thus be a bit patient and wait for DB-release
 ! 2012-12-14 - Mike Williams
  - Added ability to cut on Delta phi in DoubleTopoTool
@@ -425,8 +425,8 @@
 !========================= DaVinciTools v23r3 2012-10-04 =========================
-! 2012-09-20 - Anton Poluektov 
- - ConeVariables.cpp: Use enums from Particle.h instead of hardcoded indices. 
+! 2012-09-20 - Anton Poluektov
+ - ConeVariables.cpp: Use enums from Particle.h instead of hardcoded indices.
 ! 2012-09-05 - Chris Jones
  - Remove BremAdder from test_instantiate_tools.py. This tool now requires the
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@
  - Use 'getIfExists' instead of separate 'exists' and 'get' calls.
 ! 2012-07-20 - Chris Jones
- - Remove the memory check code from DaVinciInit. 
+ - Remove the memory check code from DaVinciInit.
    Now part of the LbAppInit base class.
 ! 2012-07-16 - Marco Clemencic
@@ -4270,4 +4270,3 @@ file. (probably not for all cases)
                           interfaces to the Fortran user routine suanal.
 ! ===========================================================================
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciTools/python/DaVinciTools/SimplifiedDecayParser.py b/Phys/DaVinciTools/python/DaVinciTools/SimplifiedDecayParser.py
index 6ba12e2b987e3205d43908f7c8a1c52993d79a12..97f6dba14fb0bb90905f124e20abb15dfd27096d 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciTools/python/DaVinciTools/SimplifiedDecayParser.py
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciTools/python/DaVinciTools/SimplifiedDecayParser.py
@@ -9,29 +9,30 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from PartProp.ParticleTable import ParticleTable
-from typing import Union, Callable
-import itertools
 import copy
-import re
+import itertools
 import json
+import re
+from typing import Callable, Union
+from PartProp.ParticleTable import ParticleTable
 # Global configuration
 _decay_syntaxes = [
-    ('(', ')'),
-    ('[', ']CC'),
+    ("(", ")"),
+    ("[", "]CC"),
 _decay_syntaxes_arrow = [
-    '-->',
-    '==>',
-    '-x>',
-    '--x>',
-    '=x>',
-    '==x>',
-    '->',
-    '=>',
+    "-->",
+    "==>",
+    "-x>",
+    "--x>",
+    "=x>",
+    "==x>",
+    "->",
+    "=>",
-_decay_mark = '^'
+_decay_mark = "^"
 _decay_syntaxes_name = [s + e for s, e in _decay_syntaxes]
 _decay_syntaxes_start = [k for k, _ in _decay_syntaxes]
@@ -39,15 +40,14 @@ _decay_syntaxes_end = [k for _, k in _decay_syntaxes]
 _decay_syntaxes_start_to_end = {s: e for s, e in _decay_syntaxes}
 _decay_syntaxes_name_to_content = {
     n: (s, e)
-    for n, s, e in zip(_decay_syntaxes_name, _decay_syntaxes_start,
-                       _decay_syntaxes_end)
+    for n, s, e in zip(_decay_syntaxes_name, _decay_syntaxes_start, _decay_syntaxes_end)
-_decay_keywords = _decay_syntaxes_start + _decay_syntaxes_end + _decay_syntaxes_arrow + [
-    _decay_mark
+_decay_keywords = (
+    _decay_syntaxes_start + _decay_syntaxes_end + _decay_syntaxes_arrow + [_decay_mark]
 _parenthesis = [
-    ('(', ')'),
-    ('[', ']'),
+    ("(", ")"),
+    ("[", "]"),
 _parenthesis_start = [k for k, _ in _parenthesis]
 _parenthesis_end = [k for _, k in _parenthesis]
@@ -62,27 +62,26 @@ _parenthesis_start_to_end = {s: e for s, e in _parenthesis}
 # Tokens
-def _format_parenthesis_r(data: str, offset: int = 0,
-                          start: str = '') -> tuple:
+def _format_parenthesis_r(data: str, offset: int = 0, start: str = "") -> tuple:
-        Recursive function to format parentheses in a decay descriptor.
+    Recursive function to format parentheses in a decay descriptor.
-        This function adds additional spaces to parentheses that belong to a decay
-        and ignores the parentheses that belong to the particle name. The function
-        iterates through each character in the `data` string and recursively formats
-        nested parentheses.
+    This function adds additional spaces to parentheses that belong to a decay
+    and ignores the parentheses that belong to the particle name. The function
+    iterates through each character in the `data` string and recursively formats
+    nested parentheses.
-        Args:
-            data (str): The input decay descriptor.
-            offset (int, optional): The position in the string to start processing from.
-                Defaults to 0.
-        Returns:
-            tuple: A tuple containing the formatted decay descriptor (str) and
-                the offset (int) at which the closing parenthesis for the current
-                recursion level was found.
+    Args:
+        data (str): The input decay descriptor.
+        offset (int, optional): The position in the string to start processing from.
+            Defaults to 0.
+    Returns:
+        tuple: A tuple containing the formatted decay descriptor (str) and
+            the offset (int) at which the closing parenthesis for the current
+            recursion level was found.
-    output = ''
+    output = ""
     while offset < len(data):
         # If parenthesis starts
         if data[offset] in _parenthesis_start:
@@ -90,13 +89,14 @@ def _format_parenthesis_r(data: str, offset: int = 0,
             _end = _parenthesis_start_to_end[_start]
             # Check if it should be expand
-            expand = \
-                (offset == 0) or \
-                (data[offset - 1] == ' ') or \
-                (data[offset - 1] in _decay_syntaxes_start) or \
-                (data[offset - 1] in _decay_syntaxes_end) or \
-                (data[offset - 1] in _decay_syntaxes_arrow) or \
-                (data[offset - 1] == _decay_mark)
+            expand = (
+                (offset == 0)
+                or (data[offset - 1] == " ")
+                or (data[offset - 1] in _decay_syntaxes_start)
+                or (data[offset - 1] in _decay_syntaxes_end)
+                or (data[offset - 1] in _decay_syntaxes_arrow)
+                or (data[offset - 1] == _decay_mark)
+            )
             # Get the content of this parenthesis
             offset, content = _format_parenthesis_r(data, offset + 1, _start)
@@ -107,16 +107,19 @@ def _format_parenthesis_r(data: str, offset: int = 0,
             # ]CC need extra treatment
-            if _end == ']' and (offset + 2) <= len(
-                    data) and data[offset:offset + 2] == 'CC':
+            if (
+                _end == "]"
+                and (offset + 2) <= len(data)
+                and data[offset : offset + 2] == "CC"
+            ):
                 offset += 2
-                _end = ']CC'
+                _end = "]CC"
             # Add extra spaces
             if expand:
-                output += f' {_start} {content} {_end} '
+                output += f" {_start} {content} {_end} "
-                output += f'{_start}{content}{_end}'
+                output += f"{_start}{content}{_end}"
         elif data[offset] in _parenthesis_end:
             if not start:
                 raise RuntimeError(
@@ -132,89 +135,92 @@ def _format_parenthesis_r(data: str, offset: int = 0,
 def _format_parenthesis(data: str) -> str:
-        Interface function to format parentheses in a decay descriptor.
+    Interface function to format parentheses in a decay descriptor.
-        This function serves as an interface to `_format_parenthesis_r`, providing
-        a cleaner API for direct usage. It initiates the recursive formatting of
-        parentheses and returns the resulting string without the additional offset
-        information.
+    This function serves as an interface to `_format_parenthesis_r`, providing
+    a cleaner API for direct usage. It initiates the recursive formatting of
+    parentheses and returns the resulting string without the additional offset
+    information.
-        Args:
-            data (str): The input decay descriptor.
+    Args:
+        data (str): The input decay descriptor.
-        Returns:
-            str: Formatted decay descriptor.
+    Returns:
+        str: Formatted decay descriptor.
     return _format_parenthesis_r(data)[1]
 def _tokenize(descriptor: str) -> list[str]:
-        Tokenize the decay descriptor into tokens for further processing.
+    Tokenize the decay descriptor into tokens for further processing.
-        This function breaks down the input decay descriptor into smaller parts,
-        or tokens, to facilitate subsequent processing steps.
+    This function breaks down the input decay descriptor into smaller parts,
+    or tokens, to facilitate subsequent processing steps.
-        Args:
-            descriptor (str): The input decay descriptor.
+    Args:
+        descriptor (str): The input decay descriptor.
-        Returns:
-            list[str]: A list of tokens extracted from the decay descriptor.
+    Returns:
+        list[str]: A list of tokens extracted from the decay descriptor.
-    if ']cc' in descriptor:
+    if "]cc" in descriptor:
         raise RuntimeError(
             "Please don't use []cc, use []CC instead to indicate charge conjugation in decay descriptors."
     for keyword in _decay_keywords:
         # The parenthesis can be part of particle name, we have to format it more carefully
-        if keyword in ['(', ')', '[', ']CC']: continue
-        if keyword in _decay_syntaxes_arrow: continue
+        if keyword in ["(", ")", "[", "]CC"]:
+            continue
+        if keyword in _decay_syntaxes_arrow:
+            continue
         # Format rest of syntaxes
-        descriptor = descriptor.replace(keyword, f' {keyword} ')
+        descriptor = descriptor.replace(keyword, f" {keyword} ")
     def repl(match):
         # '-->', '==>', '-x>', '--x>', '=x>', '==x>', '->', '=>',
-        if match.group(0) == '-->':
-            return ' --> '
-        elif match.group(0) == '==>':
-            return ' ==> '
-        elif match.group(0) == '-x>':
-            return ' -x> '
-        elif match.group(0) == '--x>':
-            return ' --x> '
-        elif match.group(0) == '=x>':
-            return ' -x> '
-        elif match.group(0) == '==x>':
-            return ' ==x> '
-        elif match.group(0) == '->':
-            return ' -> '
-        elif match.group(0) == '=>':
-            return ' => '
-    descriptor = re.sub(r'-->|==>|-x>|--x>|=x>|==x>|->|=>', repl, descriptor)
+        if match.group(0) == "-->":
+            return " --> "
+        elif match.group(0) == "==>":
+            return " ==> "
+        elif match.group(0) == "-x>":
+            return " -x> "
+        elif match.group(0) == "--x>":
+            return " --x> "
+        elif match.group(0) == "=x>":
+            return " -x> "
+        elif match.group(0) == "==x>":
+            return " ==x> "
+        elif match.group(0) == "->":
+            return " -> "
+        elif match.group(0) == "=>":
+            return " => "
+    descriptor = re.sub(r"-->|==>|-x>|--x>|=x>|==x>|->|=>", repl, descriptor)
     descriptor = re.sub(r"\]\s*CC", "]CC", descriptor)
     descriptor = _format_parenthesis(descriptor)
     return descriptor.split()
-def _check_bracket_closing_r(tokens: list[str],
-                             offset: int = 0,
-                             start_sign: str = '') -> int:
+def _check_bracket_closing_r(
+    tokens: list[str], offset: int = 0, start_sign: str = ""
+) -> int:
     while offset < len(tokens):
         # If we found an syntax start sign
         if tokens[offset] in _decay_syntaxes_start:
             # Enter to the syntax
             offset = _check_bracket_closing_r(
-                tokens=tokens, offset=offset + 1, start_sign=tokens[offset])
+                tokens=tokens, offset=offset + 1, start_sign=tokens[offset]
+            )
         # If we found an sntax close sign
-        elif (tokens[offset] in _decay_syntaxes_end):
-            if (start_sign != '') and (
-                    tokens[offset] == _decay_syntaxes_start_to_end[start_sign]
+        elif tokens[offset] in _decay_syntaxes_end:
+            if (start_sign != "") and (
+                tokens[offset] == _decay_syntaxes_start_to_end[start_sign]
                 return offset + 1
-                dumpped = ' '.join(tokens)
+                dumpped = " ".join(tokens)
                 raise RuntimeError(
                     f"The descriptor '{dumpped}' does not have balanced brackets. Please check!"
@@ -223,7 +229,7 @@ def _check_bracket_closing_r(tokens: list[str],
             offset += 1
     if start_sign:
-        dumpped = ' '.join(tokens)
+        dumpped = " ".join(tokens)
         raise RuntimeError(
             f"The descriptor '{dumpped}' does not have balanced brackets. Please check!"
@@ -234,13 +240,13 @@ def _check_bracket_closing_r(tokens: list[str],
 # Check if all brackets are closed correctly
 def _check_bracket_closing(tokens: list[str]) -> bool:
-        Perform a simple check to ensure all brackets are correctly closed.
+    Perform a simple check to ensure all brackets are correctly closed.
-        Args:
-            tokens (list[str]): The input decay descriptor tokens.
+    Args:
+        tokens (list[str]): The input decay descriptor tokens.
-        Returns:
-            bool: True if all brackets are correctly closed, False otherwise.
+    Returns:
+        bool: True if all brackets are correctly closed, False otherwise.
     offset = _check_bracket_closing_r(tokens)
     return offset == len(tokens)
@@ -249,16 +255,16 @@ def _check_bracket_closing(tokens: list[str]) -> bool:
 # Elements
-def _parse_tokens_into_elements_r(tokens: list[str],
-                                  offset: int = 0,
-                                  syntax_sign: str = '') -> tuple:
+def _parse_tokens_into_elements_r(
+    tokens: list[str], offset: int = 0, syntax_sign: str = ""
+) -> tuple:
     result = []
-    mark = ''
+    mark = ""
     while offset < len(tokens):
         # If it's a mark
         if tokens[offset] == _decay_mark:
             if mark:
-                dumpped = ' '.join(tokens)
+                dumpped = " ".join(tokens)
                 raise RuntimeError(
                     f"The descriptor '{dumpped}' contains invalid marks. Please check!"
@@ -270,64 +276,67 @@ def _parse_tokens_into_elements_r(tokens: list[str],
             end_sign = _decay_syntaxes_start_to_end[start_sign]
             # Enter to the syntax
             offset, element = _parse_tokens_into_elements_r(
-                tokens=tokens, offset=offset + 1, syntax_sign=start_sign)
+                tokens=tokens, offset=offset + 1, syntax_sign=start_sign
+            )
             # Output
-            result += [[f'{mark}{start_sign}'] + element + [end_sign]]
-            if mark: mark = ''
+            result += [[f"{mark}{start_sign}"] + element + [end_sign]]
+            if mark:
+                mark = ""
         # If we found an sntax close sign
-        elif (tokens[offset] in _decay_syntaxes_end):
+        elif tokens[offset] in _decay_syntaxes_end:
             if mark:
-                dumpped = ' '.join(tokens)
+                dumpped = " ".join(tokens)
                 raise RuntimeError(
                     f"The descriptor '{dumpped}' contains mark in the list, this is not a valid syntax. Please check!"
-            if (tokens[offset] == _decay_syntaxes_start_to_end[syntax_sign]):
+            if tokens[offset] == _decay_syntaxes_start_to_end[syntax_sign]:
                 return offset + 1, result
-                dumpped = ' '.join(tokens)
+                dumpped = " ".join(tokens)
                 raise RuntimeError(
                     f"The descriptor '{dumpped}' does not have balanced brackets. Please check!"
         # Else we continue
-            result += [f'{mark}{tokens[offset]}']
-            if mark: mark = ''
+            result += [f"{mark}{tokens[offset]}"]
+            if mark:
+                mark = ""
             offset += 1
     return offset, result
 def _parse_tokens_into_elements(tokens: list[str]) -> list:
-        Parse tokens into elements for constructing the decay structure.
+    Parse tokens into elements for constructing the decay structure.
-        This function processes the list of tokens and organizes them into a
-        structured format. It identifies and groups different parts of the decay
-        descriptor such as particles, decays, and syntax markers.
+    This function processes the list of tokens and organizes them into a
+    structured format. It identifies and groups different parts of the decay
+    descriptor such as particles, decays, and syntax markers.
-        Args:
-            tokens (list[str]): A list of tokens representing the decay descriptor.
+    Args:
+        tokens (list[str]): A list of tokens representing the decay descriptor.
-        Returns:
-            list: A structured representation of the decay elements, which may include
-                nested lists to represent different levels of decay processes.
+    Returns:
+        list: A structured representation of the decay elements, which may include
+            nested lists to represent different levels of decay processes.
     return _parse_tokens_into_elements_r(tokens)[1]
 def _flatten_list_structure(list_structure: list) -> list[str]:
-        Flatten a nested list structure into a single list.
+    Flatten a nested list structure into a single list.
-        This function is used to convert a nested list structure, which may represent
-        various levels of a decay process, into a flat list. This is useful for
-        creating a simplified representation of the decay process.
+    This function is used to convert a nested list structure, which may represent
+    various levels of a decay process, into a flat list. This is useful for
+    creating a simplified representation of the decay process.
-        Args:
-            list_structure (list): A possibly nested list structure representing parts
-                                of the decay process.
+    Args:
+        list_structure (list): A possibly nested list structure representing parts
+                            of the decay process.
-        Returns:
-            list[str]: A flat list containing all elements from the nested structure.
+    Returns:
+        list[str]: A flat list containing all elements from the nested structure.
     flat_list = []
     for item in list_structure:
@@ -340,89 +349,97 @@ def _flatten_list_structure(list_structure: list) -> list[str]:
 def _dump_elements_to_string(elements: list) -> str:
-        Convert a list of elements into a string representation.
+    Convert a list of elements into a string representation.
-        This function takes a list of elements, which could include particles,
-        decay processes, and syntax markers, and converts them into a string. This
-        is useful for displaying the decay process in a human-readable format.
+    This function takes a list of elements, which could include particles,
+    decay processes, and syntax markers, and converts them into a string. This
+    is useful for displaying the decay process in a human-readable format.
-        Args:
-            elements (list): A list of elements representing parts of a decay process.
+    Args:
+        elements (list): A list of elements representing parts of a decay process.
-        Returns:
-            str: A string representation of the list of elements.
+    Returns:
+        str: A string representation of the list of elements.
     flat_list = _flatten_list_structure(elements)
-    return ' '.join(flat_list)
+    return " ".join(flat_list)
 # Nodes
-def _make_node(type: str = "",
-               name: str = "",
-               mother: dict = {},
-               members: list = [],
-               syntax: str = '',
-               arrow: str = '',
-               mark: str = '') -> dict:
+def _make_node(
+    type: str = "",
+    name: str = "",
+    mother: dict = {},
+    members: list = [],
+    syntax: str = "",
+    arrow: str = "",
+    mark: str = "",
+) -> dict:
-        Create a node dictionary with given properties.
+    Create a node dictionary with given properties.
-        Args:
-            type (str, optional): The type of the node (e.g., 'Particle', 'Decay').
-            name (str, optional): The name of the particle or decay process.
-            mother (dict, optional): The 'mother' node in a decay process.
-            members (list, optional): A list of member nodes in the decay process.
-            syntax (str, optional): The syntax marker associated with the node.
-            arrow (str, optional): The arrow symbol used in decay representation.
-            mark (str, optional): Additional markers associated with the node.
-        Returns:
-            dict: A dictionary representing a node with the specified properties.
+    Args:
+        type (str, optional): The type of the node (e.g., 'Particle', 'Decay').
+        name (str, optional): The name of the particle or decay process.
+        mother (dict, optional): The 'mother' node in a decay process.
+        members (list, optional): A list of member nodes in the decay process.
+        syntax (str, optional): The syntax marker associated with the node.
+        arrow (str, optional): The arrow symbol used in decay representation.
+        mark (str, optional): Additional markers associated with the node.
+    Returns:
+        dict: A dictionary representing a node with the specified properties.
     node = {}
-    if type: node["type"] = type
-    if name: node["name"] = name
-    if syntax: node["syntax"] = syntax
-    if arrow: node["arrow"] = arrow
-    if mark: node["mark"] = mark
-    if mother: node["mother"] = mother
-    if members: node["members"] = members
+    if type:
+        node["type"] = type
+    if name:
+        node["name"] = name
+    if syntax:
+        node["syntax"] = syntax
+    if arrow:
+        node["arrow"] = arrow
+    if mark:
+        node["mark"] = mark
+    if mother:
+        node["mother"] = mother
+    if members:
+        node["members"] = members
     return node
 def _parse_elements_into_node(elements: list) -> dict:
-        Convert a list of elements into a detailed node structure.
+    Convert a list of elements into a detailed node structure.
-        This function processes a list of elements, which represent different parts
-        of a decay process, and constructs a detailed node structure. This structure
-        provides a comprehensive representation of the decay, including particles,
-        decay, and their hierarchical relationships.
+    This function processes a list of elements, which represent different parts
+    of a decay process, and constructs a detailed node structure. This structure
+    provides a comprehensive representation of the decay, including particles,
+    decay, and their hierarchical relationships.
-        Args:
-            elements (list): A list of elements representing the decay process.
+    Args:
+        elements (list): A list of elements representing the decay process.
-        Returns:
-            dict: A node structure representing the detailed decay process.
+    Returns:
+        dict: A node structure representing the detailed decay process.
     # Useful functions
-    def __parse_input(input: Union[str, list],
-                      syntax: str = '',
-                      mark: str = ''):
+    def __parse_input(input: Union[str, list], syntax: str = "", mark: str = ""):
         if isinstance(input, str):
             if input.startswith(_decay_mark):
                 mark = _decay_mark
                 input = input[1:]
             parsed_result = _make_node(
-                type="Particle", name=input, syntax=syntax, mark=mark)
+                type="Particle", name=input, syntax=syntax, mark=mark
+            )
         elif isinstance(input, list):
             parsed_result = _parse_elements_into_node(input)
             if mark:
-                parsed_result['mark'] = mark
+                parsed_result["mark"] = mark
             dumpped = _dump_elements_to_string(elements)
             raise RuntimeError(
@@ -441,25 +458,27 @@ def _parse_elements_into_node(elements: list) -> dict:
     result = None
     # Get mark
-    mark = ''
+    mark = ""
     if isinstance(elements[0], str) and elements[0].startswith(_decay_mark):
         mark = _decay_mark
         elements[0] = elements[0][1:]
     # Get syntax
-    syntax = ''
-    if isinstance(elements[0], str) and isinstance(
-            elements[-1],
-            str) and elements[0] in _decay_syntaxes_start and elements[
-                -1] in _decay_syntaxes_end:
+    syntax = ""
+    if (
+        isinstance(elements[0], str)
+        and isinstance(elements[-1], str)
+        and elements[0] in _decay_syntaxes_start
+        and elements[-1] in _decay_syntaxes_end
+    ):
         syntax = elements[0] + elements[-1]
         elements = elements[1:-1]
     # Get arrow
-    arrow = (None, '')
+    arrow = (None, "")
     for idx, element in enumerate(elements):
         if element in _decay_syntaxes_arrow:
-            if arrow[1] == '':
+            if arrow[1] == "":
                 arrow = (idx, element)
                 dumpped = _dump_elements_to_string(elements)
@@ -471,7 +490,7 @@ def _parse_elements_into_node(elements: list) -> dict:
     if arrow[0]:
         arrow_position, arrow_string = arrow
         mother_elements = elements[:arrow_position]
-        daughters_elements = elements[arrow_position + 1:]
+        daughters_elements = elements[arrow_position + 1 :]
         # Mother can only be single element
         if len(mother_elements) > 1:
@@ -485,29 +504,26 @@ def _parse_elements_into_node(elements: list) -> dict:
         # Parse daughters
         daughters_result = [
-            __parse_input(daughter_elements)
-            for daughter_elements in daughters_elements
+            __parse_input(daughter_elements) for daughter_elements in daughters_elements
         # Cross check if results exist
         if not daughters_result:
             dumpped = _dump_elements_to_string(elements)
-            raise RuntimeError(
-                f"The decay '{dumpped}' has not products. Please check!")
+            raise RuntimeError(f"The decay '{dumpped}' has not products. Please check!")
         # Add to results
         result = _make_node(
-            type='Decay',
+            type="Decay",
-            syntax=syntax)
+            syntax=syntax,
+        )
     # Case 2: is a list of particles
     elif len(elements) > 1:
-        list_result = [
-            __parse_input(element, mark=mark) for element in elements
-        ]
-        result = _make_node(type='List', members=list_result, syntax=syntax)
+        list_result = [__parse_input(element, mark=mark) for element in elements]
+        result = _make_node(type="List", members=list_result, syntax=syntax)
     # Case 3: is a particle
         result = __parse_input(elements[0], syntax=syntax, mark=mark)
@@ -517,313 +533,308 @@ def _parse_elements_into_node(elements: list) -> dict:
 def _dump_node_to_string(node: dict) -> str:
-        Convert a decay node structure into its string representation.
+    Convert a decay node structure into its string representation.
-        Args:
-            node (dict): A dictionary representing a node in the decay process.
+    Args:
+        node (dict): A dictionary representing a node in the decay process.
-        Returns:
-            str: A string representation of the node, reflecting the decay process.
+    Returns:
+        str: A string representation of the node, reflecting the decay process.
     # Avoid the change of initial node
     node = copy.deepcopy(node)
     # Helper function: wrap the result with syntax
     def __dump_with_syntax(content: str, mark: str = ""):
-        if 'syntax' in node and node[
-                'syntax'] in _decay_syntaxes_name_to_content:
-            syntax_start, syntax_end = _decay_syntaxes_name_to_content[
-                node['syntax']]
+        if "syntax" in node and node["syntax"] in _decay_syntaxes_name_to_content:
+            syntax_start, syntax_end = _decay_syntaxes_name_to_content[node["syntax"]]
             return f"{mark}{syntax_start} {content} {syntax_end}"
             return f"{mark}{content}"
     # Cross check (should never happen)
-    if 'type' not in node:
+    if "type" not in node:
         dumpped = json.dumps(node, indent=4)
         raise RuntimeError(
-            f"The following node has not type, this is impossible. Please contact to the expert:\n"
-            + dumpped)
+            "The following node has not type, this is impossible. Please contact to the expert:\n"
+            + dumpped
+        )
     # If is an particle
-    if node['type'] == 'Particle':
-        if 'mark' in node:
-            mark = node['mark']
+    if node["type"] == "Particle":
+        if "mark" in node:
+            mark = node["mark"]
-            mark = ''
-        return __dump_with_syntax(node['name'], mark=mark)
-    elif node['type'] == 'Decay':
+            mark = ""
+        return __dump_with_syntax(node["name"], mark=mark)
+    elif node["type"] == "Decay":
         # Cross check (should never happen)
-        if not (('mother' in node) and ('members' in node) and
-                ('arrow' in node)):
+        if not (("mother" in node) and ("members" in node) and ("arrow" in node)):
             dumpped = json.dumps(node, indent=4)
             raise RuntimeError(
-                f"The following node has invalid structure, this is impossible. Please contact to the expert:\n"
-                + dumpped)
+                "The following node has invalid structure, this is impossible. Please contact to the expert:\n"
+                + dumpped
+            )
         # If mother is marked, we mark in syntax
-        if 'mark' in node['mother']:
-            mark = node['mother']['mark']
-            del node['mother']['mark']
+        if "mark" in node["mother"]:
+            mark = node["mother"]["mark"]
+            del node["mother"]["mark"]
-            mark = ''
+            mark = ""
         # Get mother str
-        mother_str = _dump_node_to_string(node['mother'])
+        mother_str = _dump_node_to_string(node["mother"])
         # Get daughters strs
-        daughters_strs = [
-            _dump_node_to_string(daugher) for daugher in node['members']
-        ]
-        daughters_str = ' '.join(daughters_strs)
+        daughters_strs = [_dump_node_to_string(daugher) for daugher in node["members"]]
+        daughters_str = " ".join(daughters_strs)
         # Get arrow str
-        arrow_str = node['arrow']
+        arrow_str = node["arrow"]
         # Make Decay str
-        decay_str = f'{mother_str} {arrow_str} {daughters_str}'
+        decay_str = f"{mother_str} {arrow_str} {daughters_str}"
         return __dump_with_syntax(decay_str, mark)
-    elif node['type'] == 'List':
-        members_strs = [
-            _dump_node_to_string(member) for member in node['members']
-        ]
-        members_str = ' '.join(members_strs)
+    elif node["type"] == "List":
+        members_strs = [_dump_node_to_string(member) for member in node["members"]]
+        members_str = " ".join(members_strs)
         return __dump_with_syntax(members_str)
         dumpped = json.dumps(node, indent=4)
         raise RuntimeError(
-            f"The following node has unknown type, this is impossible. Please contact to the expert:\n"
-            + dumpped)
+            "The following node has unknown type, this is impossible. Please contact to the expert:\n"
+            + dumpped
+        )
 def _charge_conjugate_node(node: dict, make_cc: Callable[[str], str]) -> dict:
-        Apply charge conjugation to a decay node.
+    Apply charge conjugation to a decay node.
-        Args:
-            node (dict): The decay node to which charge conjugation is to be applied.
-            make_cc (Callable[[str], str]): A function that takes a particle name and
-                                            returns its charge-conjugated counterpart.
+    Args:
+        node (dict): The decay node to which charge conjugation is to be applied.
+        make_cc (Callable[[str], str]): A function that takes a particle name and
+                                        returns its charge-conjugated counterpart.
-        Returns:
-            dict: A new decay node representing the charge-conjugated decay process.
+    Returns:
+        dict: A new decay node representing the charge-conjugated decay process.
     # Function body r
     # Cross check (should never happen)
-    if 'type' not in node:
+    if "type" not in node:
         dumpped = json.dumps(node, indent=4)
         raise RuntimeError(
-            f"The following node has not type, this is impossible. Please contact to the expert:\n"
-            + dumpped)
+            "The following node has not type, this is impossible. Please contact to the expert:\n"
+            + dumpped
+        )
     # Result container
     result = copy.deepcopy(node)
-    if node['type'] == 'Particle':
-        result['name'] = make_cc(result['name'])
-    elif node['type'] == 'Decay':
+    if node["type"] == "Particle":
+        result["name"] = make_cc(result["name"])
+    elif node["type"] == "Decay":
         # Cross check (should never happen)
-        if not (('mother' in node) and ('members' in node) and
-                ('arrow' in node)):
+        if not (("mother" in node) and ("members" in node) and ("arrow" in node)):
             dumpped = json.dumps(node, indent=4)
             raise RuntimeError(
-                f"The following node has invalid structure, this is impossible. Please contact to the expert:\n"
-                + dumpped)
+                "The following node has invalid structure, this is impossible. Please contact to the expert:\n"
+                + dumpped
+            )
         # CC the mother
-        result['mother'] = _charge_conjugate_node(result['mother'], make_cc)
+        result["mother"] = _charge_conjugate_node(result["mother"], make_cc)
         # CC the daughters
         daughters_results = [
-            _charge_conjugate_node(daugher, make_cc)
-            for daugher in node['members']
+            _charge_conjugate_node(daugher, make_cc) for daugher in node["members"]
-        result['members'] = daughters_results
-    elif node['type'] == 'List':
+        result["members"] = daughters_results
+    elif node["type"] == "List":
         members_results = [
-            _charge_conjugate_node(member, make_cc)
-            for member in node['members']
+            _charge_conjugate_node(member, make_cc) for member in node["members"]
-        result['members'] = members_results
+        result["members"] = members_results
         dumpped = json.dumps(node, indent=4)
         raise RuntimeError(
-            f"The following node has unknown type, this is impossible. Please contact to the expert:\n"
-            + dumpped)
+            "The following node has unknown type, this is impossible. Please contact to the expert:\n"
+            + dumpped
+        )
     return result
-def _expand_cc_in_node(node: dict,
-                       make_cc: Callable[[str], str]) -> list[dict]:
+def _expand_cc_in_node(node: dict, make_cc: Callable[[str], str]) -> list[dict]:
-        Expand charge conjugation in a decay node, handling '[]CC' syntax.
+    Expand charge conjugation in a decay node, handling '[]CC' syntax.
-        Args:
-            node (dict): The decay node to be expanded.
-            make_cc (Callable[[str], str]): A function that applies charge conjugation to a particle.
+    Args:
+        node (dict): The decay node to be expanded.
+        make_cc (Callable[[str], str]): A function that applies charge conjugation to a particle.
-        Returns:
-            list[dict]: A list of decay nodes, including both the original and charge-conjugated decays.
+    Returns:
+        list[dict]: A list of decay nodes, including both the original and charge-conjugated decays.
     # Output container
     output = []
     # Deal with []CC syntax
-    if 'syntax' in node and node['syntax'] == '[]CC':
+    if "syntax" in node and node["syntax"] == "[]CC":
         original_node = copy.deepcopy(node)
-        original_node['syntax'] = '()'
+        original_node["syntax"] = "()"
         cc_node = _charge_conjugate_node(original_node, make_cc)
-        return \
-            _expand_cc_in_node(original_node, make_cc) + \
-            _expand_cc_in_node(cc_node, make_cc)
+        return _expand_cc_in_node(original_node, make_cc) + _expand_cc_in_node(
+            cc_node, make_cc
+        )
     # If is a particle
-    elif node['type'] == 'Particle':
+    elif node["type"] == "Particle":
     # If is a decay
-    elif node['type'] == 'Decay':
+    elif node["type"] == "Decay":
         # Get mother result
-        mother_result = _expand_cc_in_node(node['mother'], make_cc)
+        mother_result = _expand_cc_in_node(node["mother"], make_cc)
         # Get daughters results
         daughters_results = [
-            _expand_cc_in_node(daugher, make_cc) for daugher in node['members']
+            _expand_cc_in_node(daugher, make_cc) for daugher in node["members"]
         # Combine all possible results
         all_results = [mother_result] + daughters_results
         for combination in itertools.product(*all_results):
             new_node = copy.deepcopy(node)
-            new_node['mother'] = combination[0]
-            new_node['members'] = list(combination[1:])
+            new_node["mother"] = combination[0]
+            new_node["members"] = list(combination[1:])
     # If is a list
-    elif node['type'] == 'List':
+    elif node["type"] == "List":
         members_results = [
-            _expand_cc_in_node(member, make_cc) for member in node['members']
+            _expand_cc_in_node(member, make_cc) for member in node["members"]
         output = []
         for combination in itertools.product(*members_results):
             new_node = copy.deepcopy(node)
-            new_node['members'] = combination
+            new_node["members"] = combination
     # Raise a error
         dumpped = json.dumps(node, indent=4)
         raise RuntimeError(
-            f"The following node has unknown type, this is impossible. Please contact to the expert:\n"
-            + dumpped)
+            "The following node has unknown type, this is impossible. Please contact to the expert:\n"
+            + dumpped
+        )
     return output
 def _iterate_over_all_particles_and_label(
-        node: dict,
-        iterate_function: Callable[[dict], str]) -> list[tuple[str, dict]]:
+    node: dict, iterate_function: Callable[[dict], str]
+) -> list[tuple[str, dict]]:
-        Iterate over all particles in a decay node and apply a labeling function.
+    Iterate over all particles in a decay node and apply a labeling function.
-        Args:
-            node (dict): The decay node to iterate over.
-            iterate_function (Callable[[dict], str]): A function to apply to each particle node.
-                                                    It should return a label or modification for the particle.
+    Args:
+        node (dict): The decay node to iterate over.
+        iterate_function (Callable[[dict], str]): A function to apply to each particle node.
+                                                It should return a label or modification for the particle.
-        Returns:
-            list[tuple[str, dict]]: A list of tuples, each containing a label and the modified decay node.
+    Returns:
+        list[tuple[str, dict]]: A list of tuples, each containing a label and the modified decay node.
     # Output container
     output = []
     # If is particle
-    if node['type'] == 'Particle':
+    if node["type"] == "Particle":
         new_node = copy.deepcopy(node)
         label = iterate_function(new_node)
         if label:
             output += [(label, new_node)]
     # If is decay
-    elif node['type'] == 'Decay':
+    elif node["type"] == "Decay":
         # Get member results
         new_mother_results = _iterate_over_all_particles_and_label(
-            node['mother'], iterate_function)
+            node["mother"], iterate_function
+        )
         new_daughters_results = [
             _iterate_over_all_particles_and_label(daughter, iterate_function)
-            for daughter in node['members']
+            for daughter in node["members"]
         # Add mother results
         for new_mother_label, new_mother_node in new_mother_results:
             new_node = copy.deepcopy(node)
-            new_node['mother'] = new_mother_node
+            new_node["mother"] = new_mother_node
             output += [(new_mother_label, new_node)]
         # Add daughter results
-        for daughter_idx, new_daughter_results in enumerate(
-                new_daughters_results):
+        for daughter_idx, new_daughter_results in enumerate(new_daughters_results):
             for new_daughter_label, new_daughter_node in new_daughter_results:
                 new_node = copy.deepcopy(node)
-                new_node['members'][daughter_idx] = new_daughter_node
+                new_node["members"][daughter_idx] = new_daughter_node
                 output += [(new_daughter_label, new_node)]
     # If is list
-    elif node['type'] == 'List':
+    elif node["type"] == "List":
         # Get member results
         new_members_results = [
             _iterate_over_all_particles_and_label(member, iterate_function)
-            for member in node['members']
+            for member in node["members"]
         # Add member results
         for member_idx, new_member_results in enumerate(new_members_results):
             for new_member_label, new_member_node in new_member_results:
                 new_node = copy.deepcopy(node)
-                new_node['members'][member_idx] = new_member_node
+                new_node["members"][member_idx] = new_member_node
                 output += [(new_member_label, new_node)]
         dumpped = json.dumps(node, indent=4)
         raise RuntimeError(
-            f"The following node has unknown type, this is impossible. Please contact to the expert:\n"
-            + dumpped)
+            "The following node has unknown type, this is impossible. Please contact to the expert:\n"
+            + dumpped
+        )
     return output
-def _apply_to_all_nodes(node: dict,
-                        apply_function: Callable[[dict], None]) -> None:
+def _apply_to_all_nodes(node: dict, apply_function: Callable[[dict], None]) -> None:
-        Apply a given function to all nodes in a decay structure.
+    Apply a given function to all nodes in a decay structure.
-        Args:
-            node (dict): The root decay node to start applying the function from.
-            apply_function (Callable[[dict], None]): A function that performs an operation on a node.
-                                                    This function should not return anything.
+    Args:
+        node (dict): The root decay node to start applying the function from.
+        apply_function (Callable[[dict], None]): A function that performs an operation on a node.
+                                                This function should not return anything.
-    if node['type'] == 'Particle':
+    if node["type"] == "Particle":
-    elif node['type'] == 'Decay':
+    elif node["type"] == "Decay":
-        _apply_to_all_nodes(node['mother'], apply_function)
-        for daughter in node['members']:
+        _apply_to_all_nodes(node["mother"], apply_function)
+        for daughter in node["members"]:
             _apply_to_all_nodes(daughter, apply_function)
-    elif node['type'] == 'List':
+    elif node["type"] == "List":
-        for daughter in node['members']:
+        for daughter in node["members"]:
             _apply_to_all_nodes(daughter, apply_function)
-def _apply_to_all_particles(node: dict,
-                            apply_function: Callable[[dict], None]) -> None:
+def _apply_to_all_particles(node: dict, apply_function: Callable[[dict], None]) -> None:
-        Apply a given function to all particle nodes in a decay structure.
+    Apply a given function to all particle nodes in a decay structure.
-        Args:
-            node (dict): The root decay node to start applying the function from.
-            apply_function (Callable[[dict], None]): A function that performs an operation on a particle node.
-                                                    This function should not return anything.
+    Args:
+        node (dict): The root decay node to start applying the function from.
+        apply_function (Callable[[dict], None]): A function that performs an operation on a particle node.
+                                                This function should not return anything.
     def apply_to_particle(this_node: dict):
-        if this_node['type'] == 'Particle':
+        if this_node["type"] == "Particle":
     _apply_to_all_nodes(node, apply_to_particle)
@@ -831,35 +842,34 @@ def _apply_to_all_particles(node: dict,
 def _create_substitute_pid_map(node: dict) -> dict:
-        Create a map of particle substitutions from a decay node.
+    Create a map of particle substitutions from a decay node.
-        Args:
-            node (dict): The decay node from which to extract particle substitutions.
+    Args:
+        node (dict): The decay node from which to extract particle substitutions.
-        Returns:
-            dict: A dictionary mapping original particle names to their substitutions.
+    Returns:
+        dict: A dictionary mapping original particle names to their substitutions.
     def mark_substitutions(node: dict) -> str:
-        subs = re.match(r'(.+)\{\{(.+?)\}\}', node['name'])
+        subs = re.match(r"(.+)\{\{(.+?)\}\}", node["name"])
         if subs:
             subs_from = subs.group(1)
             subs_to = subs.group(2)
-            node['name'] = subs_from
-            node['mark'] = '^'
+            node["name"] = subs_from
+            node["mark"] = "^"
             return subs_to
-            return ''
+            return ""
     def clean_substitutions(node: dict) -> None:
-        subs = re.match(r'(.+)\{\{(.+?)\}\}', node['name'])
+        subs = re.match(r"(.+)\{\{(.+?)\}\}", node["name"])
         if subs:
             subs_from = subs.group(1)
-            node['name'] = subs_from
+            node["name"] = subs_from
     # Get substitutions
-    substitutions = _iterate_over_all_particles_and_label(
-        node, mark_substitutions)
+    substitutions = _iterate_over_all_particles_and_label(node, mark_substitutions)
     # Clean up other substitutions
     for _, subs_node in substitutions:
@@ -894,7 +904,7 @@ class SimplifiedDecayParser:
         self.m_tokens = _tokenize(self.m_decay_descriptor)
         if not _check_bracket_closing(self.m_tokens):
-            dumpped = ' '.join(self.m_tokens)
+            dumpped = " ".join(self.m_tokens)
             raise RuntimeError(
                 f"The descriptor '{dumpped}' does not have balanced brackets. Please check!"
@@ -907,40 +917,38 @@ class SimplifiedDecayParser:
     def make_cc(self, particle: str) -> str:
-            Apply charge conjugation to a given particle name.
+        Apply charge conjugation to a given particle name.
-            Args:
-                particle (str): The name of the particle to which charge conjugation is to be applied.
+        Args:
+            particle (str): The name of the particle to which charge conjugation is to be applied.
-            Raises:
-                ValueError: If the given particle is not valid or does not have a charge-conjugated counterpart.
+        Raises:
+            ValueError: If the given particle is not valid or does not have a charge-conjugated counterpart.
-            Returns:
-                str: The charge-conjugated name of the particle.
+        Returns:
+            str: The charge-conjugated name of the particle.
-        result = ''
+        result = ""
         # If it's marked
-        if particle.startswith('^'):
-            result = '^'
+        if particle.startswith("^"):
+            result = "^"
             particle_content = particle[1:]
             particle_content = particle
         # If it's substitution, we have to cc both particles (from and to)
-        subs = re.match(r'(.+)\{\{(.+?)\}\}', particle_content)
+        subs = re.match(r"(.+)\{\{(.+?)\}\}", particle_content)
         if subs:
             subs_from = subs.group(1)
             subs_to = subs.group(2)
             subs_from_result = self.m_particle_table.cc(subs_from)
             subs_to_result = self.m_particle_table.cc(subs_to)
             if not subs_from_result:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    f"The particle '{subs_from}' is not a valid particle.")
+                raise ValueError(f"The particle '{subs_from}' is not a valid particle.")
             if not subs_to_result:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    f"The particle '{subs_to}' is not a valid particle.")
-            result += f'{subs_from_result}{{{{{subs_to_result}}}}}'
+                raise ValueError(f"The particle '{subs_to}' is not a valid particle.")
+            result += f"{subs_from_result}{{{{{subs_to_result}}}}}"
             cc_particle = self.m_particle_table.cc(particle_content)
             if not cc_particle:
@@ -967,11 +975,9 @@ class SimplifiedDecayParser:
         expanded_nodes = _expand_cc_in_node(node, self.make_cc)
-        results = dumpped_expanded = [
-            _dump_node_to_string(copy.deepcopy(n)) for n in expanded_nodes
-        ]
+        results = [_dump_node_to_string(copy.deepcopy(n)) for n in expanded_nodes]
-        return [r.replace('  ', ' ') for r in results]
+        return [r.replace("  ", " ") for r in results]
     def list_cc_in_self_conjugate(self) -> list[str]:
@@ -982,20 +988,23 @@ class SimplifiedDecayParser:
         def is_self_conjugate(node: dict) -> bool:
-            if node['type'] == 'Particle':
-                return node['name'] == self.make_cc(node['name'])
-            elif node['type'] == 'Decay':
-                return is_self_conjugate(node['mother'])
+            if node["type"] == "Particle":
+                return node["name"] == self.make_cc(node["name"])
+            elif node["type"] == "Decay":
+                return is_self_conjugate(node["mother"])
         output_cc_in_self_conjugate = []
         def check_cc_in_self_conjugate(node: dict) -> None:
-            if 'syntax' in node and node[
-                    'syntax'] == '[]CC' and is_self_conjugate(node):
-                if node['type'] == 'Particle':
-                    output_cc_in_self_conjugate.append(node['name'])
-                elif node['type'] == 'Decay':
-                    output_cc_in_self_conjugate.append(node['mother']['name'])
+            if (
+                "syntax" in node
+                and node["syntax"] == "[]CC"
+                and is_self_conjugate(node)
+            ):
+                if node["type"] == "Particle":
+                    output_cc_in_self_conjugate.append(node["name"])
+                elif node["type"] == "Decay":
+                    output_cc_in_self_conjugate.append(node["mother"]["name"])
         node = copy.deepcopy(self.m_node)
@@ -1003,27 +1012,29 @@ class SimplifiedDecayParser:
         return output_cc_in_self_conjugate
-    def mapping(self, mapping_function: Callable[[dict], str],
-                clean_function: Callable[[dict], None]) -> dict:
+    def mapping(
+        self,
+        mapping_function: Callable[[dict], str],
+        clean_function: Callable[[dict], None],
+    ) -> dict:
-            Create a map to decay nodes based on a custom mapping function.
+        Create a map to decay nodes based on a custom mapping function.
-            This method applies a custom mapping function to all particles in the decay
-            descriptor, creating a mapping of labels to corresponding decay nodes.
+        This method applies a custom mapping function to all particles in the decay
+        descriptor, creating a mapping of labels to corresponding decay nodes.
-            Args:
-                mapping_function (Callable[[dict], str]): A function that labels or tags a particle node.
-                clean_function (Callable[[dict], None]): A function that cleans or resets the state of a particle node.
+        Args:
+            mapping_function (Callable[[dict], str]): A function that labels or tags a particle node.
+            clean_function (Callable[[dict], None]): A function that cleans or resets the state of a particle node.
-            Returns:
-                dict: A dictionary where keys are labels or tags, and values are the corresponding decay nodes.
+        Returns:
+            dict: A dictionary where keys are labels or tags, and values are the corresponding decay nodes.
         node = copy.deepcopy(self.m_node)
         # Get mapping results
-        mapping_results = _iterate_over_all_particles_and_label(
-            node, mapping_function)
+        mapping_results = _iterate_over_all_particles_and_label(node, mapping_function)
         # Clean rest of nodes
         for _, mapping_node in mapping_results:
@@ -1038,40 +1049,40 @@ class SimplifiedDecayParser:
     def create_substitute_pid_map(self) -> dict:
-            Generate a mapping of particle substitutions specified in the decay descriptor.
+        Generate a mapping of particle substitutions specified in the decay descriptor.
-            This method examines the decay descriptor for any specified particle substitutions
-            (using a special syntax) and creates a map representing these substitutions. It
-            is useful for tracking particle replacements in the decay process.
+        This method examines the decay descriptor for any specified particle substitutions
+        (using a special syntax) and creates a map representing these substitutions. It
+        is useful for tracking particle replacements in the decay process.
-            Returns:
-                dict: A map of original particle names to their respective substitutions.
+        Returns:
+            dict: A map of original particle names to their respective substitutions.
         def mark_substitutions(node: dict) -> str:
-            subs = re.match(r'(.+)\{\{(.+?)\}\}', node['name'])
+            subs = re.match(r"(.+)\{\{(.+?)\}\}", node["name"])
             if subs:
                 subs_from = subs.group(1)
                 subs_to = subs.group(2)
-                node['name'] = subs_from
-                node['mark'] = '^'
+                node["name"] = subs_from
+                node["mark"] = "^"
                 return subs_to
-                return ''
+                return ""
         def clean_substitutions(node: dict) -> None:
-            subs = re.match(r'(.+)\{\{(.+?)\}\}', node['name'])
+            subs = re.match(r"(.+)\{\{(.+?)\}\}", node["name"])
             if subs:
                 subs_from = subs.group(1)
-                node['name'] = subs_from
+                node["name"] = subs_from
         return self.mapping(mark_substitutions, clean_substitutions)
     def dump(self) -> str:
-            Dump the parsed decay descriptor to str
+        Dump the parsed decay descriptor to str
-            Returns:
-                str: Dumped decay descriptor
+        Returns:
+            str: Dumped decay descriptor
         return _dump_node_to_string(copy.deepcopy(self.m_node))
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciTools/python/DaVinciTools/SubstitutePID.py b/Phys/DaVinciTools/python/DaVinciTools/SubstitutePID.py
index 94e22e1b1555844aa6ed5cb1f90b65b408210ca0..cf7b7c47819feecdb4b305588e81b05da41e42a7 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciTools/python/DaVinciTools/SubstitutePID.py
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciTools/python/DaVinciTools/SubstitutePID.py
@@ -9,13 +9,15 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from PyConf.dataflow import DataHandle
-from Gaudi.Configuration import INFO, DEBUG, VERBOSE, ALL
+import re
+import Functors as F
 from Functors.grammar import BoundFunctor
+from Gaudi.Configuration import ALL, DEBUG, INFO, VERBOSE
 from PyConf.Algorithms import SubstitutePIDAlg_Particles
+from PyConf.dataflow import DataHandle
 from .SimplifiedDecayParser import SimplifiedDecayParser
-import Functors as F
-import re
 class SubstitutePID:
@@ -62,12 +64,14 @@ class SubstitutePID:
         allvariables['KstG_ENERGY'] = Subs_KstG( F.ENERGY )
-    def __init__(self,
-                 name: str,
-                 input_particles: DataHandle,
-                 substitutions: list[str],
-                 allow_duplicate_substitutepid_instances: bool = False,
-                 output_level: int = INFO):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        name: str,
+        input_particles: DataHandle,
+        substitutions: list[str],
+        allow_duplicate_substitutepid_instances: bool = False,
+        output_level: int = INFO,
+    ):
         # Check
         if not substitutions:
             raise ValueError("The 'substitutions' rules can't be empty.")
@@ -75,24 +79,21 @@ class SubstitutePID:
         # Expand subsitutions if needed
         expanded_subsitutions = []
         for substitution in substitutions:
-            if substitution.lower().find(']cc') != -1:
-                expanded_subsitutions += SimplifiedDecayParser(
-                    substitution).expand_cc()
+            if substitution.lower().find("]cc") != -1:
+                expanded_subsitutions += SimplifiedDecayParser(substitution).expand_cc()
                 expanded_subsitutions += [substitution]
         # Extend subsitituions
-        subsitution_map = self._get_subsitution_map(expanded_subsitutions,
-                                                    output_level)
+        subsitution_map = self._get_subsitution_map(expanded_subsitutions, output_level)
         # Find all possible decays
         decays = []
         for decay_descriptor, _ in subsitution_map.items():
-            simple_descriptor = decay_descriptor.replace('^', ' ')
+            simple_descriptor = decay_descriptor.replace("^", " ")
             repeated = False
             for decay in decays:
-                if decay.replace(' ', '') == simple_descriptor.replace(
-                        ' ', ''):
+                if decay.replace(" ", "") == simple_descriptor.replace(" ", ""):
                     repeated = True
             if not repeated:
@@ -104,9 +105,9 @@ class SubstitutePID:
-            allow_duplicate_instances_with_distinct_names=
-            allow_duplicate_substitutepid_instances,
-            OutputLevel=output_level)
+            allow_duplicate_instances_with_distinct_names=allow_duplicate_substitutepid_instances,
+            OutputLevel=output_level,
+        )
         # Store the algorithm result
         self.AllParticles = self.Algorithm.AllParticles
@@ -130,7 +131,6 @@ class SubstitutePID:
         return F.MAP_INPUT(Functor, self.Relation)
     def _get_subsitution_map(self, substitutions: list, output_level: int):
         if output_level in {DEBUG, VERBOSE, ALL}:
@@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ class SubstitutePID:
         # Add all substitutions rules
         for substitution in substitutions:
-                SimplifiedDecayParser(substitution).
-                create_substitute_pid_map())
+                SimplifiedDecayParser(substitution).create_substitute_pid_map()
+            )
         # debug output
         if output_level in {DEBUG, VERBOSE, ALL}:
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciTools/python/DaVinciTools/__init__.py b/Phys/DaVinciTools/python/DaVinciTools/__init__.py
index 404ec2fb2823bbadfc705c7806f77e93c260580e..77d9ffe8416eec880f5acbae9a51b2dc9814d50a 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciTools/python/DaVinciTools/__init__.py
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciTools/python/DaVinciTools/__init__.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from .SubstitutePID import SubstitutePID
 from .SimplifiedDecayParser import SimplifiedDecayParser
+from .SubstitutePID import SubstitutePID
 __all__ = ("SubstitutePID", "SimplifiedDecayParser")
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciTools/src/ParticleToSubcombinationsAlg.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciTools/src/ParticleToSubcombinationsAlg.cpp
index 1de3241a3dca809e887ddba8dc51e41597072523..26831a06d362dcd17325509c2cab71ed1eec0d7b 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciTools/src/ParticleToSubcombinationsAlg.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciTools/src/ParticleToSubcombinationsAlg.cpp
@@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ public:
   ParticleToSubcombinationsAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
       : MultiTransformer( name, pSvc,
-                          {KeyValue{"Input", ""}, KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
+                          { KeyValue{ "Input", "" }, KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
-                              KeyValue{"OutputParticles", ""},
-                              KeyValue{"OutputVertices", ""},
-                              KeyValue{"OutputRelations", ""},
+                              KeyValue{ "OutputParticles", "" },
+                              KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", "" },
+                              KeyValue{ "OutputRelations", "" },
                           } ) {}
   alg_out_t operator()( in_parts const& parts, DetectorElement const& lhcb ) const override {
@@ -114,13 +114,13 @@ public:
-  ToolHandle<IParticleCombiner> m_combiner{this, "ParticleCombiner", "ParticleVertexFitter"};
+  ToolHandle<IParticleCombiner> m_combiner{ this, "ParticleCombiner", "ParticleVertexFitter" };
   // counters
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                 m_failedVertexFitCount{this, "# failed vertex fit"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                 m_eventCount{this, "Events"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_candidateCount{this, "Input Particles"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nCombinations{this, "Combinations created"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                 m_failedVertexFitCount{ this, "# failed vertex fit" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                 m_eventCount{ this, "Events" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_candidateCount{ this, "Input Particles" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nCombinations{ this, "Combinations created" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( ParticleToSubcombinationsAlg )
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciTools/src/PrintDecayTree.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciTools/src/PrintDecayTree.cpp
index 43d70beba43399fd6766164a5415100f1c664c01..da3970e5e572571546694cd7e474df5de6501e1f 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciTools/src/PrintDecayTree.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciTools/src/PrintDecayTree.cpp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 class PrintDecayTree : public LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void( const LHCb::Particle::Range& )> {
-  PrintDecayTree( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc ) : Consumer( name, pSvc, {KeyValue{"Input", ""}} ) {}
+  PrintDecayTree( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc ) : Consumer( name, pSvc, { KeyValue{ "Input", "" } } ) {}
   void operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& parts ) const override {
     for ( const auto* p : parts ) { m_printDecay->printTree( p, -1 ); }
     if ( !parts.empty() ) {
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ public:
-  ToolHandle<IPrintDecay> m_printDecay = {this, "PrintDecayTreeTool", "PrintDecayTreeTool"};
+  ToolHandle<IPrintDecay> m_printDecay = { this, "PrintDecayTreeTool", "PrintDecayTreeTool" };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                 m_eventCount{this, "Events"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_candidateCount{this, "Candidates"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                 m_eventCount{ this, "Events" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_candidateCount{ this, "Candidates" };
 /// declare the factory (needed for instantiation)
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciTools/src/SubstitutePIDAlg.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciTools/src/SubstitutePIDAlg.cpp
index 4c7c62c9bd17c82eab80cbad5099ecd02683ac0b..1b11a5bcc26e7c4ab8b7329971a093e3a705cc0f 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciTools/src/SubstitutePIDAlg.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciTools/src/SubstitutePIDAlg.cpp
@@ -100,10 +100,10 @@ public:
   // Constructor
   SubstitutePIDAlg_Base( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
       : SubsPIDAlg::Signature<T>::MultiTransformer(
-            name, pSvc, {typename SubsPIDAlg::Signature<T>::MultiTransformer::KeyValue{"Input", ""}},
-            {typename SubsPIDAlg::Signature<T>::MultiTransformer::KeyValue{"AllParticles", ""},
-             typename SubsPIDAlg::Signature<T>::MultiTransformer::KeyValue{"Particles", ""},
-             typename SubsPIDAlg::Signature<T>::MultiTransformer::KeyValue{"Relation", ""}} ) {}
+            name, pSvc, { typename SubsPIDAlg::Signature<T>::MultiTransformer::KeyValue{ "Input", "" } },
+            { typename SubsPIDAlg::Signature<T>::MultiTransformer::KeyValue{ "AllParticles", "" },
+              typename SubsPIDAlg::Signature<T>::MultiTransformer::KeyValue{ "Particles", "" },
+              typename SubsPIDAlg::Signature<T>::MultiTransformer::KeyValue{ "Relation", "" } } ) {}
   // Initialization
   virtual StatusCode initialize() override;
   /// main function
@@ -112,18 +112,18 @@ public:
   /// properties
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>>           m_decays{this, "Decays", {}, "Decay descriptors."};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::map<std::string, std::string>> m_substitute{this, "Substitute", {}, "Substitution map."};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>>           m_decays{ this, "Decays", {}, "Decay descriptors." };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::map<std::string, std::string>> m_substitute{ this, "Substitute", {}, "Substitution map." };
   /// service
-  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_particlePropertySvc{this, "ParticleProperty",
-                                                                  "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc"};
+  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_particlePropertySvc{ this, "ParticleProperty",
+                                                                   "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc" };
   /// tools
-  ToolHandle<IDecayFinder>         m_decay_finder{this, "DecayFinder", "DecayFinder"};
-  ToolHandle<IParticleDescendants> m_descendants{this, "Descendants", "ParticleDescendants"};
+  ToolHandle<IDecayFinder>         m_decay_finder{ this, "DecayFinder", "DecayFinder" };
+  ToolHandle<IParticleDescendants> m_descendants{ this, "Descendants", "ParticleDescendants" };
   // counters (event and ghost)
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_num_event{this, "#Events"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_num_tree{this, "#Substituted tree"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_num_event{ this, "#Events" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_num_tree{ this, "#Substituted tree" };
 /// Initialization
@@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ void RunSubstitution_Particles( const std::map<const LHCb::Particle*, std::tuple
 template <typename T>
-typename SubsPIDAlg::Signature<T>::AlgOutput_t SubstitutePIDAlg_Base<T>::
-                                               operator()( const typename SubsPIDAlg::Signature<T>::AlgInput_t& particles ) const {
+typename SubsPIDAlg::Signature<T>::AlgOutput_t
+SubstitutePIDAlg_Base<T>::operator()( const typename SubsPIDAlg::Signature<T>::AlgInput_t& particles ) const {
   /// Algorithm for v1 particle
   typename SubsPIDAlg::Signature<T>::Output_t    output_particles;
   typename SubsPIDAlg::Signature<T>::Selection_t output_selection;
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciTools/tests/pytest/test_simplified_decay_parser.py b/Phys/DaVinciTools/tests/pytest/test_simplified_decay_parser.py
index 6839094e28f2d60387d175a0c984e4ffbe555698..11a9e4837232fd08ed4d378df30454d5f3b59532 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciTools/tests/pytest/test_simplified_decay_parser.py
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciTools/tests/pytest/test_simplified_decay_parser.py
@@ -90,7 +90,8 @@ import pytest
         "B_s0 --x> (K*_0(1430)~0 =x> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) K*(892)0",
         "B_s0 =x> (K*_0(1430)~0 ==x> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) K*(892)0",
         "B_s0 ==x> (K*_0(1430)~0 -> K*(892)0 pi+ pi-) K*(892)0",
-    ])
+    ],
 def test_parsing(descriptor):
     from DaVinciTools import SimplifiedDecayParser
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciTransporter/doc/release.notes b/Phys/DaVinciTransporter/doc/release.notes
index ab2794b0cdb63df426d44f22a2da2638e427bd58..fd277486930d788aaf32b9c7f59a795c1a7df726 100755
--- a/Phys/DaVinciTransporter/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciTransporter/doc/release.notes
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 !==================== DaVinciTransporter v3r16 2016-04-20 =====================
 ! 2016-04-18 - Sascha Stahl
- - DaVinci;:ParticleTransporter: Activate that stateFromTrajectory is used for all 
+ - DaVinci;:ParticleTransporter: Activate that stateFromTrajectory is used for all
    track types by changing default of InterpolateOnlyLongTracks to false.
    Set interpolation region to (-1000 cm, 1000 cm).
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
 ! 2016-04-11 - Sascha Stahl
  - DaVinci;:ParticleTransporter
-   add option to use stateFromTrajectory method for all track types, 
+   add option to use stateFromTrajectory method for all track types,
    see discussion at https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/LHCBPS-1493 .
    Default is to use stateFromTrajectory only for long tracks.
-! 2016-04-06 - Vanuya Belyaev 
+! 2016-04-06 - Vanuya Belyaev
  - DaVinci;:ParticleTransporter
    fix it, see discussion at https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/LHCBPS-1493
@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@
 ! 2016-01-15 - Vanya Belyaev
  1) DaVinci::ParticleTransporter:
-    - make use of Trajectory approximation for long tracks for certain Z-region 
-    - define new property 'TrajectoryRegion' to define this region 
+    - make use of Trajectory approximation for long tracks for certain Z-region
+    - define new property 'TrajectoryRegion' to define this region
       [ Default value:  (-30cm, 100cm) ]
  2) ParticleTransporter & DaVinci::ParticleTransporter
-   - add new proeprty 'MeasureCPUPerformance' to 
+   - add new proeprty 'MeasureCPUPerformance' to
      report CPU perfromance for extrapolation
 !========================= DaVinciTransporter v3r13 2015-08-24 =========================
 ! 2015-08-24 - Chris Jones
@@ -54,18 +54,18 @@
 !========================= DaVinciTransporter v3r11 2013-06-13 =========================
 ! 2013-06-10 - Vanya Belyaev
- - bug fix 
+ - bug fix
 ! 2013-06-09 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Add some logic on ParticleTransporter constructor for 
+ - Add some logic on ParticleTransporter constructor for
    automatic selection of proper track extrapolator.
  - Add new particle transporter:  DaVinci::ParticleTransporter
-   It relies on ITrackStateProvider for better treatment of 
-   track states.  
-   For single use it could be slower, but in case of 
-   coherent usage of the same public instance it 
-   could be even faster due to smart caching implemented 
+   It relies on ITrackStateProvider for better treatment of
+   track states.
+   For single use it could be slower, but in case of
+   coherent usage of the same public instance it
+   could be even faster due to smart caching implemented
    by Wouter in TrackStateProvider tool.
    The treatment of electrons is still not satisfactory,
    some fixes in BremmAdder are needed for proper treatment [todo]
@@ -125,17 +125,17 @@
  - src/TransporterFunctions.h
   . Revive old methods transportComposite and TranportNeutralBasic as
-    transportAndProjectComposite and transportAndProjectNeutralBasic. These 
+    transportAndProjectComposite and transportAndProjectNeutralBasic. These
     the pre-v3r7p3 mathematics, where a projection block is included in the
     transport matrix.
  - src/ParticleTransporter{.cpp, .h}
   .  split transport methods into method for neutrals or composites, plus
-    private helper methods 
-    StatusCode transportChargedBasic(const LHCb::Particle*, 
+    private helper methods
+    StatusCode transportChargedBasic(const LHCb::Particle*,
                                      const double zNew,
                                      LHCb::Particle& transParticle);
-    and 
+    and
     StatusCode checkParticle(const LHCb::Particle& transParticle);
   . Add implementation for transportandProject method if IParticletransporter.
   . Add doxygen documentation.
@@ -156,13 +156,13 @@
  - src/TransporterFunctions.h
-    fix the math-bug from the transport of composite particles, 
-    recode the function to reuse many of nice ROOT::Math 
-    and Gaudi::Math utilities. Hope to get the significant 
+    fix the math-bug from the transport of composite particles,
+    recode the function to reuse many of nice ROOT::Math
+    and Gaudi::Math utilities. Hope to get the significant
     speed-up from matrix evaluations... (to be proved..).
-    The previos implementatioin is backed-up into  "name"_ 
+    The previos implementatioin is backed-up into  "name"_
  - src/ParticleTransporter.cpp
     tiny fix to avoid the unnesessary self-assignement..
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
 ! 2007-11-27 - Patrick Koppenburg
  - ParticleTransporter.cpp
-   . Check that momentum is not infinity. If it is issue a 
+   . Check that momentum is not infinity. If it is issue a
      warning and return Failure.
  - increment to v3r7p2
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
 !====================== DaVinciTransporter v3r7 2007-09-24 ===================
 ! 2007-08-07 - Patrick Koppenburg
- - Remove extrapolators for neutrals and composites which are not used 
+ - Remove extrapolators for neutrals and composites which are not used
 	 anymore after Juan's changes of 2006-09-29.
  - Change extrapolator to TrackParabolicExtrapolator
  - Increment to v3r7
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
   - cmt/requirements
     . Increase version to v3r5
-! 2006-12-01 - Juan PALACIOS	
+! 2006-12-01 - Juan PALACIOS
   - src/ParticleTransporter.cpp
     . Changed extrapolator for charged basic particles from TrackMasterExtrapolator (using TrackParabolicExtrapolator always) to TrackFastParabolicExtrapolator. Avoids use of TransportSvc.
@@ -241,15 +241,15 @@
 	Increase version number to v3r3
   - src/TransporterFunctions.h
-    . Add method transportNeutralBasic. At the moment it only calls 
+    . Add method transportNeutralBasic. At the moment it only calls
   - src/ParticleTransporter.cpp
-    . Call new DaVinciTransporter::transportNeutralBasic for basic neutral 
+    . Call new DaVinciTransporter::transportNeutralBasic for basic neutral
 ! 2006-09-26 - Juan PALACIOS
   - src/TransporterFunctions.h
-    . Correct transport matrix D, transforming 7x7 covariance C_0 to C_1. 
+    . Correct transport matrix D, transforming 7x7 covariance C_0 to C_1.
       Express C_1 = D*C_0*D^T in terms of block operations.
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
 ! 2006-07-07 - P. Koppenburg
   - src/ParticleTransporter.cpp
-    . Ensure the neutral and compNeutral extrapolators have different 
+    . Ensure the neutral and compNeutral extrapolators have different
       instance names.
 ! 2006-06-01 - Juan PALACIOS
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
 ! 2006-05-16 - P. Koppenburg
   - src/ParticleTransporter.cpp
-    . First more or less functional version. Still conatins many 
+    . First more or less functional version. Still conatins many
 ! 2006-05-09 - P. Koppenburg
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
 ! 2006-04-05 - Juan PALACIOS
   - src/ParticleTransporter.cpp and - src/TrgDispCalculator.cpp:
         use new Particle::slopes() instead of Particle::slopeX(), slopeY().
 ! 2006-04-04 - Juan PALACIOS
   - src/TrgDispCalculator change interface to calcImpactPar methods:
     now use SymMatrix3x3 instead of Matrix3x3.
@@ -320,18 +320,18 @@
 ! 2005-09-02 - P. Koppenburg
   - src/ParabolicTransporter.cpp
     . Bug reported by Matt Needham:
-      "There is a bug in the TrParabolic extrapolator. Since the DaVinci 
+      "There is a bug in the TrParabolic extrapolator. Since the DaVinci
        transporter is a copy of this the bug also exists there.
-       The bug has little or no effect for long tracks (maybe there are some 
-       subtle effects if you look in detail). For seed or VeloTT tracks it can 
-       have more effect. ie I cannot tell you whether you need to urgently fix it 
+       The bug has little or no effect for long tracks (maybe there are some
+       subtle effects if you look in detail). For seed or VeloTT tracks it can
+       have more effect. ie I cannot tell you whether you need to urgently fix it
        or not.
-       The problem is that the field is taken to be constant and equal to that 
-       at the start of the extrapolation. This is wrong. Better is to integrate 
-       the field along the trajectory. In practice I get similar results to 
-       integrating  by taking the field at the midpoint of the extrapolation. ie 
+       The problem is that the field is taken to be constant and equal to that
+       at the start of the extrapolation. This is wrong. Better is to integrate
+       the field along the trajectory. In practice I get similar results to
+       integrating  by taking the field at the midpoint of the extrapolation. ie
        in the TrParabolicExtrapolator (similar in the ParabolicTransporter)"
 !========================== DaVinciTransporter v2r0p3 2005-06-13 ===================
 ! 2005-06-08 - P. Koppenburg
   - src/CombinedTransporter.cpp
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@
 !========================= DaVinciTransporter v2r0p2 2005-05-17 ===================
 ! 2005-04-21 - Yuehong Xie
   - src/TrTransporter.cpp
-    . change the message level from err() to debug() when extrapolation of 
+    . change the message level from err() to debug() when extrapolation of
       a state fails
 !========================== DaVinciTransporter v2r0p1 2005-03-03 ===================
@@ -353,9 +353,9 @@
   - src/ParabolicTransporter.cpp
   - src/TrTransporter.cpp
     . Because of yet another bug of the new CLHEP 1.9, whenever one includes
-      HepSymMatrix.h *after* *Point*.h, one does not get the method     
-           HepSymMatrix sub(int min_row, int max_row);     
-      which results in the run-trime error      
+      HepSymMatrix.h *after* *Point*.h, one does not get the method
+           HepSymMatrix sub(int min_row, int max_row);
+      which results in the run-trime error
            relocation error: .../slc3_ia32_gcc323/lib*.so: undefined symbol: _ZN5CLHEP12HepSymMatrix3subEii
       -> Include SymMatrix at the very beginning of the file.
@@ -372,9 +372,9 @@
 !========================== DaVinciTransporter v1r2 2004-12-01 ===================
 ! 2004-11-08 - Yuehong Xie
  - src/ParabolicTransporter.cpp
-   . Fix a bug in computing covariance matrix which affected the transort of Ks from magnetic 
-     field to Velo region using CombinedTransporter due to a mistake in initialization.Note 
-     CombinedTransporter doesn't uses linear transporter for neutral particles. 
+   . Fix a bug in computing covariance matrix which affected the transort of Ks from magnetic
+     field to Velo region using CombinedTransporter due to a mistake in initialization.Note
+     CombinedTransporter doesn't uses linear transporter for neutral particles.
    . The channel affected by this bug is Bd2Jpsiks.
 !========================== DaVinciTransporter v1r1 2004-09-16 ===================
@@ -386,23 +386,23 @@
 ! 2004-08-23 - P. Koppenburg
  - New package DaVinciTransporter extracted from DaVinciTools,
    containing all trasnporters
 ! 2004-08-23 - P. Koppenburg
- - Split DaVinciTools package into 
+ - Split DaVinciTools package into
    . Phys/DaVinciKernel : DVAlgorithm, PhysDesktop and all Interfaces
    . Phys/ParticleMaker : All particle makers and the ParticleStuffer
    . Phys/DaVinciFilter : All Filter
    . Phys/VertexFit : All vertex fitters and the GeomDispCalculator.cpp
    . Phys/DaVinciTransporter : All transporters
    . Phys/DaVinciTools : Basically all high-level tools that are none
-        of the abvove, f.i. DecayFinder, PreDV, CheckOverlap...    
+        of the abvove, f.i. DecayFinder, PreDV, CheckOverlap...
    This split became necessary since DaVinciTools was become a huge monster
-   containing unrelated stuff (what do the TrackTypeFilterCriterion and the 
+   containing unrelated stuff (what do the TrackTypeFilterCriterion and the
    CombinedParticleMaker have in common?). Also DaVinciTools was evolving
-   with all versions of DaVinci. In the short term, I hope that most 
+   with all versions of DaVinci. In the short term, I hope that most
    developments will affect DaVinciFilter, while the other packages will
    be rather stable except for bug fixes.
 !========================== DaVinciTools v10r3 2004-08-23 ===================
 ! 2004-08-23 - Florence RANJARD
  - replace GaudiTools/ with GaudiAlg
@@ -411,80 +411,80 @@
 ! 2004-07-22 - P. Koppenburg for Yuehong Xie
  - src/NsctVeloTransporter.cpp
  - src/TrTransporter.cpp
-   . Problem found with impact parameter of a gamma converting to two electrons. 
-     The problem was that I forgot to set the error of z to zero after all the 
-     other elements of the error matrix are transform to a state with err_z=0. 
-     It didn't cause any problem to vertex fitting, which doesn't use the error 
-     of z at all, but led to failure in calculating impact parameter, for which 
+   . Problem found with impact parameter of a gamma converting to two electrons.
+     The problem was that I forgot to set the error of z to zero after all the
+     other elements of the error matrix are transform to a state with err_z=0.
+     It didn't cause any problem to vertex fitting, which doesn't use the error
+     of z at all, but led to failure in calculating impact parameter, for which
      the error of z is used.
    . In NsctVeloTransporter.cpp I fixed two other problems:
      o checked charge of particles before adding multiple scattering error
-     o for multiple scattering, added 3 missed correlation elements in the 
-       error matrices. 
+     o for multiple scattering, added 3 missed correlation elements in the
+       error matrices.
 ! 2004-07-19 - P. Koppenburg for Yuehong Xie
   - src/NsctVeloTransporter.cpp
   - src/ParabolicTransporter.cpp
   - src/TrTransporter.cpp
-    . Redefinition of error on z position for transport of composite particles.   
+    . Redefinition of error on z position for transport of composite particles.
     This changes the chi^2 of vertices:
     . It is understood why chi2 is bigger after the change in transporter
-      to take in to account the uncertainty in z of fitted vertex. The reason 
-      is vx and vy are highly correlated with vz. If error of vz is neglected, 
+      to take in to account the uncertainty in z of fitted vertex. The reason
+      is vx and vy are highly correlated with vz. If error of vz is neglected,
       all the uncertainties are ascribed to errors of vx and vy. By transfroming
-      this vertex to a fixed z with a linear assumption, the uncertainty in vx 
-      and vy due to the uncertainty of vz is removed, so the errors of vx and 
-      vy actually become smaller. Average vertex fit chi2 is thus increased. 
+      this vertex to a fixed z with a linear assumption, the uncertainty in vx
+      and vy due to the uncertainty of vz is removed, so the errors of vx and
+      vy actually become smaller. Average vertex fit chi2 is thus increased.
       This explains why the selection cuts are harder. It is possible that
-      more bb events are rejected than signal events, becasue generally 
-      speaking the uncertianty in z of a combinatorial vertex is bigger than 
-      that of a true vertex. So I expect signal to background ratio won't be 
-      worse than before if all chi2 cuts are relaxed a bit to achieve same 
+      more bb events are rejected than signal events, becasue generally
+      speaking the uncertianty in z of a combinatorial vertex is bigger than
+      that of a true vertex. So I expect signal to background ratio won't be
+      worse than before if all chi2 cuts are relaxed a bit to achieve same
       efficiencies as before.
 ! 2004-07-16 - P. Koppenburg for Yuehong Xie
   - src/LifetimeFitter.cpp
-    . posMomCorr() was misused as the upper square in LifetimeFitter.cpp, 
+    . posMomCorr() was misused as the upper square in LifetimeFitter.cpp,
       and this is fixed.
   - src/LinearTransporter.cpp
-    . A transfromation is introduced in  LinearTransporter.cpp to account 
-      for the z uncertainty of the initial state. It changes nothing when 
-      the initial state is not from a fitted vertex and thus has no error 
+    . A transfromation is introduced in  LinearTransporter.cpp to account
+      for the z uncertainty of the initial state. It changes nothing when
+      the initial state is not from a fitted vertex and thus has no error
       on z.
-      The code for the linear transport of the covariance is also rewritten 
-      to make it short and to fix the problem of two missing lines in the 
+      The code for the linear transport of the covariance is also rewritten
+      to make it short and to fix the problem of two missing lines in the
       old version
         newPosSlopesCorr(1,2) = oldPosSlopesCorr(1,2) + dz*oldSlopesMomErr(1,2);
         newPosSlopesCorr(2,1) = oldPosSlopesCorr(2,1) + dz*oldSlopesMomErr(2,1);
       This is not a complete fix to the initial covariance matrix problem.
       There are two things to be solved:
       *) charged particles like D+, Ds+
-      *) if one use CombinedTransporter which uses extrapolators in the 
-         Tr/TrExtrapolator package. 
+      *) if one use CombinedTransporter which uses extrapolators in the
+         Tr/TrExtrapolator package.
 !========================= DaVinciTools v9r5 2004-06-04 ===================
 ! 2004-05-26 - P. Koppenburg
   - src/TrTransporter.cpp
     . Change FATAL printouts to ERROR
 ! 2004-05-15 - P. Koppenburg
   - src/CombinedTransporter.cpp
   - src/LinearTransporter.cpp
   - src/NsctVeloTransporter.cpp
   - src/ParabolicTransporter.cpp
   - src/TrTransporter.cpp
-    . I am sick of these messages: 
-    <     log << MSG::WARNING << " z is out of range, z < -500.0 or z > 21000.0" 
+    . I am sick of these messages:
+    <     log << MSG::WARNING << " z is out of range, z < -500.0 or z > 21000.0"
-    >     log << MSG::DEBUG << " z is out of range, z < -500.0 or z > 21000.0" 
+    >     log << MSG::DEBUG << " z is out of range, z < -500.0 or z > 21000.0"
 !========================== DaVinciTools v9r2 2004-03-31 ==================
 ! 2004-03-31 - P. Koppenburg for Angelo Carbone
  - src/TrTransporter.*
-   . Handle neutral particles correctly. 
+   . Handle neutral particles correctly.
    . Update energy after transport to avoid negative masses.
 !========================== DaVinciTools v8r5 2004-02-11 ==================
 ! 2004-02-11 - Gloria CORTI for Vincenzo VAGNONI
  - src/TrTransporter.cpp
@@ -495,18 +495,18 @@
 !========================== DaVinciTools v8r4 2004-01-29 ==================
 ! 2004-01-29 - Gloria CORTI for Vincenzo VAGNONI
  - src/ParabolicTransporter.cpp
-   . bug fix of two swapped indeces in the error matrix causing 
-     the Chi2 to become ill defined when using TTT tracks.   
+   . bug fix of two swapped indeces in the error matrix causing
+     the Chi2 to become ill defined when using TTT tracks.
 ! 2004-01-14 - Gloria CORTI
  - src/CheckOverlap.cpp
        ElectronParticleMaker.cpp, ElectronParticleMaker_bbincl.cpp
-       LinearTransporter.cpp, NoPIDsParticleMaker.cpp, 
+       LinearTransporter.cpp, NoPIDsParticleMaker.cpp,
        ParabolicTransporter.cpp, ParticleFilter.cpp, TrTransporter.cpp
-   . little fixes to remove warning messages (implicit typename, 
+   . little fixes to remove warning messages (implicit typename,
      passing double instead of int)
    . little fixes to remove warning messages (passing double instead of
-     int in HepMatrices)       
+     int in HepMatrices)
 !=========================== DaVinciTools v6r0 2002-10-30 ===================
 ! 2002-10-21 - Gloria Corti
@@ -518,21 +518,21 @@
  - Introduce initialize in LinearTransporter.cpp and swap of znew/zold for
    boundaries in LinearTransporter and NsctTransporter (E. de Oliveira)
  - Fix bug in ParabolicTransporter for indexing of auxiliary momentum vector
-   (E. de Oliveira) 
+   (E. de Oliveira)
 ! 2002-07-24 - Gloria Corti
  - Change interface of IParticleTransporter to use ParticleVector iterator
    and propagate to all Transporters implementation
 ! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DaVinciTools v4r0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 ! 2002-05-06 - Gloria Corti
-  - Introduce different transporter tools (Edgar de Oliveira)      
+  - Introduce different transporter tools (Edgar de Oliveira)
     LinearTransporter: simple linear transport with no material
     NsctVeloTransporter: simple linear transport with multiple scattering
     contribution in error matrix
-    ParabolicTransporter: parabolic tranporter for magnetic field zone    
+    ParabolicTransporter: parabolic tranporter for magnetic field zone
     CombinedTransporter: uses different transporters in VELO and in z>500mm
   - DaVinciTools/IParticleTransporter.h: return arguments changed
-    from Point+momentum+errors to Particle 
+    from Point+momentum+errors to Particle
     Additional methods with Particle& and const Particle& as input arguments
     (Edgar de Oliveira)
@@ -542,4 +542,3 @@
           Tool to transport a Particle and its errors at a specified z position
           Used by vertexing tools.
       author: Edgar de Oliveira
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciTransporter/src/ParticleTransporterWithStateProvider.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciTransporter/src/ParticleTransporterWithStateProvider.cpp
index 43d51887f1bfac446821a78c832f3dd2d663c48a..34e58840b7ed100f2017919ebe6f29918e0dd0fc 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciTransporter/src/ParticleTransporterWithStateProvider.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciTransporter/src/ParticleTransporterWithStateProvider.cpp
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ namespace DaVinci {
     /// the name of extrapolator name (2)
     std::string m_extrapolator2name = "TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator:PUBLIC"; // the name of extrapolator name (2)
     /// area in Z, where "Trajectory" approximation to be used for long track
-    std::pair<double, double> m_region = {-1000 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 1000 * Gaudi::Units::cm};
+    std::pair<double, double> m_region = { -1000 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 1000 * Gaudi::Units::cm };
     /// use stateFromTrajectory only for long tracks
     bool m_interpolateOnlyLongTracks = false;
     /// measure CPU performance?
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciTypes/dict/DaVinciTypes.xml b/Phys/DaVinciTypes/dict/DaVinciTypes.xml
index b50c633e63f2ac106950cc38362c7f53b180a669..6dba035e5bf52eab7f4002deb307903797fbcb5a 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciTypes/dict/DaVinciTypes.xml
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciTypes/dict/DaVinciTypes.xml
@@ -9,24 +9,24 @@
     or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
-     @file 
-     Selection file to build Reflex dictionary for DaVinciTypes package 
+     @file
+     Selection file to build Reflex dictionary for DaVinciTypes package
      @author Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@cern.ch
      @date   2011-01-14
   <class name = "LHCb::DecayTree">
     <field name="m_head"     transient="true" />
     <field name="m_clonemap" transient="true" />
   <class name = "LHCb::RecVertexHolder">
     <field name="m_vertex" transient="true" />
-  </class> 
+  </class>
     <class name = "LHCb::DecayTree">
       <method name="cloneMap"/>
@@ -34,7 +34,5 @@
   <class name = "LHCb::HashIDs" />
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciTypes/doc/release.notes b/Phys/DaVinciTypes/doc/release.notes
index 50bc41ea5a0fd8e39baa05c2a831a73f18fa4945..9c7fbfcc6bb42108511c91a5cdf59a9ee5b4bc7b 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciTypes/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciTypes/doc/release.notes
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
  - Add 4 Variables in RelatedInfoNamed.h
 ! 2017-03-23 - Vanya Belyaev
- - LHCb::HashID 
-   add few more functions 
+ - LHCb::HashID
+   add few more functions
 ! 2017-03-23 - Vanya Belyaev
- - LHCb::HashID 
-   add functions LHCb::HashID::common to count numebr of common hits for 
+ - LHCb::HashID
+   add functions LHCb::HashID::common to count numebr of common hits for
    two objects
 ! 2017-03-19 - Vanya Belyaev
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 !======================== DaVinciTypes v2r15 2015-12-04 ======================
-! 2015-11-24 - Anton Poluektov 
+! 2015-11-24 - Anton Poluektov
  - Fix typo in CCNC_IT variable
 ! 2015-12-02 - Giacomo Graziani
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 ! 2015-12-01 - Giacomo Graziani
  - new variables in RelatedInfoNamed enum for Muon isolation
-! 2015-11-24 - Anton Poluektov 
+! 2015-11-24 - Anton Poluektov
  - Add new variables to RelatedInfoNamed enum
 !======================== DaVinciTypes v2r14 2015-10-16 ======================
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@
    fix stupid typo :=(
 ! 2015-10-10 - Vanya Belyaev
- - LHCb::HashID 
+ - LHCb::HashID
    add few more methods (for Wouter)
-    - calculate hash-ID for sequence of LHCbIDs 
+    - calculate hash-ID for sequence of LHCbIDs
     - calculate hash-ID for (sub) sequence of LHCbIDS of given type
-    - calculate hash-ID for tracks using only LHCbIDs of given type, e.g. velo 
+    - calculate hash-ID for tracks using only LHCbIDs of given type, e.g. velo
 !======================== DaVinciTypes v2r13 2015-10-07 ======================
 ! 2015-08-12 - Gerhard Raven
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 !======================== DaVinciTypes v2r12 2015-05-27 ======================
 ! 2015-05-11 - Ricardo Vazquez Gomez
- - Revert the changes in RelatedInfoNamed.h to make it work for the EM with DV36r1p1 
+ - Revert the changes in RelatedInfoNamed.h to make it work for the EM with DV36r1p1
 !======================== DaVinciTypes v2r11 2015-04-21 ======================
@@ -67,40 +67,40 @@
 !======================== DaVinciTypes v2r10 2015-02-24 ======================
 ! 2015-02-14 - Vanya Belyaev
- - HashIDs.h: extend various methods for overlap 
+ - HashIDs.h: extend various methods for overlap
 !========================= DaVinciTypes v2r9 2014-10-30 =========================
-! 2014-10-24 - Anton Poluektov 
+! 2014-10-24 - Anton Poluektov
  - New variables for RelInfoVertexIsolationDetached
 ! 2014-10-07 - Alessandro Mord? - Added new variables for Bs->tautau selection
-! 2014-10-05 - Anton Poluektov 
+! 2014-10-05 - Anton Poluektov
  - Add new variables to RelatedInfoNamed for Fatima Soomro
 !========================= DaVinciTypes v2r8 2014-09-30 =========================
 ! 2014-09-03 - Pieter David
- - Increase maximum index in indexByName method (for VELOPHIHITSVECTORSIZE, 
+ - Increase maximum index in indexByName method (for VELOPHIHITSVECTORSIZE,
 ! 2014-08-28 - Pieter David
  - Add VELOPHIHITSVECTORSIZE variable to RelatedInfoNamed.h
-! 2014-08-27 - Anton Poluektov 
+! 2014-08-27 - Anton Poluektov
  - Add ZVISO variable to RelatedInfoNamed.h
-! 2014-08-26 - Anton Poluektov 
+! 2014-08-26 - Anton Poluektov
  - Add more variables for Bs2MuMu
-! 2014-08-26 - Anton Poluektov 
+! 2014-08-26 - Anton Poluektov
  - Add names for BS2TauTau isolation variables by Giampiero Mancinelli to RelatedInfoNamed.h
 ! 2014-08-25 - Xabier Cid Vidal
  - Add names for new Jets Variables, Cylinder Variables and ParticleFlow Variables
-! 2014-08-22 - Anton Poluektov 
+! 2014-08-22 - Anton Poluektov
  - Add names for Bs2Mumu isolation tool by Fatima Soomro to RelatedInfoNamed.h
 !========================= DaVinciTypes v2r7 2014-07-25 =========================
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@
 ! 2014-07-08 - Alex Shires
  - Add enums for IsolationTools classes to RelatedInfoNamed.h.
-! 2014-07-02 - Anton Poluektov 
- - Move RelatedInfoNamed.h in this package from DaVinciTools, 
+! 2014-07-02 - Anton Poluektov
+ - Move RelatedInfoNamed.h in this package from DaVinciTools,
    so that it becomes visible to LoKiPhys.
 !========================= DaVinciTypes v2r6p2 2013-06-13 =========================
@@ -128,10 +128,10 @@
 !========================= DaVinciTypes v2r6 2012-02-03 =========================
 ! 2012-01-31 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add muon pid hits into hash 
+ - add muon pid hits into hash
 ! 2012-01-24 - Vanya Belyaev
- - bug fix 
+ - bug fix
 ! 2012-01-18 - Vanya Belyaev
  - Move class LHCb::HashIDs from DaVinciKernel
@@ -142,26 +142,26 @@
 !========================= DaVinciTypes v2r4 2011-04-04 =========================
 ! 2011-03-14 - Vanya Belyaev
- - TreeCloners.cpp 
-    fix a bug, that under certain conditions could result in incorrect cloning 
+ - TreeCloners.cpp
+    fix a bug, that under certain conditions could result in incorrect cloning
 !========================= DaVinciTypes v2r3 2011-01-31 =========================
 ! 2011-01-16 - Vanya Belyaev
- - TreeCloners.cpp 
-    fix a bug, that under certains condition could result 
+ - TreeCloners.cpp
+    fix a bug, that under certains condition could result
     in double deletion
 ! 2011-01-14 - Vanya Belyaev
  - add Reflex dictionary
 ! 2011-01-13 - Vanya Belyaev
- - LHCb::RecVertexHolder 
-      add missing method 
+ - LHCb::RecVertexHolder
+      add missing method
  - Increase version to v2r3.
 !========================= DaVinciTypes v2r2 2010-12-08 =========================
-! 2010-12-07 - Vanya Belyaev    
- - fix stupid bug in RecVertexHolder desrcructor 
+! 2010-12-07 - Vanya Belyaev
+ - fix stupid bug in RecVertexHolder desrcructor
 ! 2010-12-06 - Juan Palacios
  - Add tests for RecVertexHolder.
@@ -171,29 +171,29 @@
 !========================= DaVinciTypes v2r1 2010-12-06 =========================
 ! 2010-12-03 - Vanya Belyaev
  - LHCb::RecVertexHolder
-    reasonable "return"-value for vertexfitters/refitters    
+    reasonable "return"-value for vertexfitters/refitters
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
     version increment to v2r1
 !======================== DaVinciTypes v2r0 2010-06-18 =======================
 ! 2010-06-09 - Vanya Belyaev
- - TreeClonetrs.h 
-     add functiion to clone/delete trees 
+ - TreeClonetrs.h
+     add functiion to clone/delete trees
 ! 2010-06-09 - Vanya Belyaev
  - DecayTree::cloneMap
-    fix in cloneTree method 
-    add the counter for the proper clone/delete     
+    fix in cloneTree method
+    add the counter for the proper clone/delete
 ! 2010-05-24 - Vanya Belyaev
  - LHCb::DecayTree
-    add the default constructor (invalid tree) 
+    add the default constructor (invalid tree)
 ! 2010-05-24 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add LHCb::DecayTree from DaVinciKernel to allow the usage of this class 
-   in Phys/DaVinciInterfaces 
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - add LHCb::DecayTree from DaVinciKernel to allow the usage of this class
+   in Phys/DaVinciInterfaces
+ - cmt/requirements
     version increment to v2r0
 !======================== DaVinciTypes v1r1 2009-11-13 =======================
@@ -211,4 +211,3 @@
 ! 2009-08-04 - Juan Palacios
  - First import of package, includes Kernel/Particle2Vertex.h, imported from
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciTypes/src/HashIDs.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciTypes/src/HashIDs.cpp
index 61f7301a81920b1f4c6799245832c1b0794bafaf..125a29f4cc4fbf26fd3d2ca059f0819f42e6a9b0 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciTypes/src/HashIDs.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciTypes/src/HashIDs.cpp
@@ -569,9 +569,9 @@ std::size_t LHCb::HashIDs::hashID( const LHCb::Particle* p ) { return _hash_id_(
 // get hash-ID for the track using only LHCbIDs of certaint type
 // ============================================================================
 std::size_t LHCb::HashIDs::hashID( const LHCb::Track* t, LHCb::HashIDs::PMF good ) {
-  return 0 == t
-             ? 0
-             : 0 == good ? hashID( t ) : hashID( t->lhcbIDs().begin(), t->lhcbIDs().end(), _pmf_to_callable_( good ) );
+  return 0 == t      ? 0
+         : 0 == good ? hashID( t )
+                     : hashID( t->lhcbIDs().begin(), t->lhcbIDs().end(), _pmf_to_callable_( good ) );
 // ============================================================================
 // get hash-ID for the track using only LHCbIDs of certaint type
@@ -855,10 +855,10 @@ std::pair<double, double> LHCb::HashIDs::overlap( const LHCb::MuonPID* m1, const
 std::pair<double, double> LHCb::HashIDs::overlap( const LHCb::Particle* p1, const LHCb::Particle* p2,
                                                   LHCb::HashIDs::PMF good ) {
-  return ( nullptr == p1 || nullptr == p2 )
-             ? std::make_pair( 0.0, 0.0 )
-             : ( p1 == p2 ) ? std::make_pair( 1.0, 1.0 )
-                            : !good ? std::make_pair( -1.0, -1.0 ) : _overlap_( p1, p2, _pmf_to_callable_( good ) );
+  return ( nullptr == p1 || nullptr == p2 ) ? std::make_pair( 0.0, 0.0 )
+         : ( p1 == p2 )                     ? std::make_pair( 1.0, 1.0 )
+         : !good                            ? std::make_pair( -1.0, -1.0 )
+                                            : _overlap_( p1, p2, _pmf_to_callable_( good ) );
 // ============================================================================
@@ -872,9 +872,9 @@ std::pair<double, double> LHCb::HashIDs::overlap( const LHCb::Particle* p1, cons
 std::pair<double, double> LHCb::HashIDs::overlap( const LHCb::Particle* p1, const LHCb::Particle* p2,
                                                   std::function<bool( LHCb::LHCbID )> good ) {
-  return ( nullptr == p1 || nullptr == p2 )
-             ? std::make_pair( 0.0, 0.0 )
-             : ( p1 == p2 ) ? std::make_pair( 1.0, 1.0 ) : _overlap_( p1, p2, std::cref( good ) );
+  return ( nullptr == p1 || nullptr == p2 ) ? std::make_pair( 0.0, 0.0 )
+         : ( p1 == p2 )                     ? std::make_pair( 1.0, 1.0 )
+                                            : _overlap_( p1, p2, std::cref( good ) );
 // ============================================================================
@@ -887,10 +887,10 @@ std::pair<double, double> LHCb::HashIDs::overlap( const LHCb::Particle* p1, cons
 // ============================================================================
 std::pair<double, double> LHCb::HashIDs::overlap( const LHCb::Track* p1, const LHCb::Track* p2,
                                                   LHCb::HashIDs::PMF good ) {
-  return ( nullptr == p1 || nullptr == p2 )
-             ? std::make_pair( 0.0, 0.0 )
-             : !good ? std::make_pair( -1.0, -1.0 )
-                     : ( p1 == p2 ) ? std::make_pair( 1.0, 1.0 ) : overlap_sorted( p1->lhcbIDs(), p2->lhcbIDs(), good );
+  return ( nullptr == p1 || nullptr == p2 ) ? std::make_pair( 0.0, 0.0 )
+         : !good                            ? std::make_pair( -1.0, -1.0 )
+         : ( p1 == p2 )                     ? std::make_pair( 1.0, 1.0 )
+                                            : overlap_sorted( p1->lhcbIDs(), p2->lhcbIDs(), good );
 // ============================================================================
 /*  check overlap for certaint type of LHCbIDs only
@@ -902,10 +902,9 @@ std::pair<double, double> LHCb::HashIDs::overlap( const LHCb::Track* p1, const L
 // ============================================================================
 std::pair<double, double> LHCb::HashIDs::overlap( const LHCb::Track* p1, const LHCb::Track* p2,
                                                   std::function<bool( LHCb::LHCbID )> good ) {
-  return ( nullptr == p1 || nullptr == p2 )
-             ? std::make_pair( 0.0, 0.0 )
-             : ( p1 == p2 ) ? std::make_pair( 1.0, 1.0 )
-                            : overlap_sorted( p1->lhcbIDs(), p2->lhcbIDs(), std::cref( good ) );
+  return ( nullptr == p1 || nullptr == p2 ) ? std::make_pair( 0.0, 0.0 )
+         : ( p1 == p2 )                     ? std::make_pair( 1.0, 1.0 )
+                                            : overlap_sorted( p1->lhcbIDs(), p2->lhcbIDs(), std::cref( good ) );
 // ============================================================================
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciTypes/tests/options/test_RecVertexHolder.py b/Phys/DaVinciTypes/tests/options/test_RecVertexHolder.py
index e4a37f8ab4cd0befd32ad3590a93dc843aa417ee..f872d58dd61c423278b9baa1c2e4c1d5ad121b4a 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciTypes/tests/options/test_RecVertexHolder.py
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciTypes/tests/options/test_RecVertexHolder.py
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from PyConf.application import configure, configure_input, ApplicationOptions
 from PyConf.Algorithms import TestRecVertexHolder
+from PyConf.application import ApplicationOptions, configure, configure_input
 from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode
 options = ApplicationOptions(_enabled=False)
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ options.dddb_tag = "run3/trunk"
 options.conddb_tag = "master"
 options.geometry_version = "run3/trunk"
 options.conditions_version = "master"
-options.input_type = 'NONE'
+options.input_type = "NONE"
 options.evt_max = 10
 options.simulation = False
 config = configure_input(options)
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ config = configure_input(options)
-        CompositeNode("test",
-                      [TestRecVertexHolder(name="TestRecVertexHolder")])))
+        CompositeNode("test", [TestRecVertexHolder(name="TestRecVertexHolder")]),
+    )
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciTypes/tests/qmtest/davincitypes.qms/test_recvertexholder.qmt b/Phys/DaVinciTypes/tests/qmtest/davincitypes.qms/test_recvertexholder.qmt
index c80bc4f57f39d1c1fe39855d3b23251391953ea7..f3eda8150d5827aa465168a55881448fe7212319 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciTypes/tests/qmtest/davincitypes.qms/test_recvertexholder.qmt
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciTypes/tests/qmtest/davincitypes.qms/test_recvertexholder.qmt
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 <!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  'http://www.codesourcery.com/qm/dtds/2.3/-//qm/2.3/extension//en.dtd'>
 <extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
-  <argument name="program"> 
+  <argument name="program">
diff --git a/Phys/DaVinciTypes/tests/src/TestRecVertexHolder.cpp b/Phys/DaVinciTypes/tests/src/TestRecVertexHolder.cpp
index a1bd964232d66fd9c682544795c2ff1d2d079375..89d2208299b39fc117e0bebc7a59058b0c256726 100644
--- a/Phys/DaVinciTypes/tests/src/TestRecVertexHolder.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DaVinciTypes/tests/src/TestRecVertexHolder.cpp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
   class TestRecVertexHolder : public Algorithm::Producer<RecVertex::Container()> {
     TestRecVertexHolder( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Producer( name, pSvcLocator, {"ClonePVLocation", "Rec/Vertex/ClonePVs"} ){};
+        : Producer( name, pSvcLocator, { "ClonePVLocation", "Rec/Vertex/ClonePVs" } ){};
     RecVertex::Container operator()() const override;
diff --git a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/TODOLIST b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/TODOLIST
index fd19ddfbe25c2c9e5de9a5efa4f96b89fa72b4ec..d893e9acd8fbf45696d1ac837297aa6eb86bfe3a 100644
--- a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/TODOLIST
+++ b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/TODOLIST
@@ -13,15 +13,15 @@ These are the steps
 than a FitParams object. That makes more sense now that we have a
-- implement 
+- implement
    'virtual ErrCode ParticleBase::Filter( FitParams& fitparams,
                                           const ParamVector&reference)'
-  this will replace 
+  this will replace
      projectConstraint(Constraint::Type type,
-				      const FitParams& fitparams, 
-				      Projection& p) const 
+				      const FitParams& fitparams,
+				      Projection& p) const
 - we'd like to keep the projectConstraint functions as they are
diff --git a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/dict/DecayTreeFitterDict.h b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/dict/DecayTreeFitterDict.h
index f426336e4fac447fe937137955653d407361519f..992a2d82d2fc8f7c44f850c31d0cd241c420003e 100644
--- a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/dict/DecayTreeFitterDict.h
+++ b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/dict/DecayTreeFitterDict.h
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // this line is necessary to add ROOT::SMatrices to the dictionary
-//#define G__DICTIONARY
+// #define G__DICTIONARY
 #include "DecayTreeFitter/ChiSquare.h"
 #include "DecayTreeFitter/Fitter.h"
diff --git a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/dict/DecayTreeFitterDict.xml b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/dict/DecayTreeFitterDict.xml
index dbe823bb4a7a07439e0d6dfabfdca089e74709cf..de2f950af19d0af7cd7e11433f3afbbfccdca478 100644
--- a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/dict/DecayTreeFitterDict.xml
+++ b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/dict/DecayTreeFitterDict.xml
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
   <class name = "DecayTreeFitter::Fitter" />
   <class name = "DecayTreeFitter::ChiSquare" />
     <class name = "DecayTreeFitter::Fitter">
       <field name = "m_map"        />
@@ -21,5 +21,5 @@
       <field name = "m_fitparams"  />
diff --git a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/doc/release.notes b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/doc/release.notes
index b450fefaf2d888113f9af9182d6532ab1b2971cc..9e827a64a78c88d9a6bc4cb81f3cf8ae1af54975 100755
--- a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/doc/release.notes
@@ -239,4 +239,3 @@
 - small changes to get rid of compilor warnings
 !======================= DecayTreeFitter v1r0 2009-05-12 =====================
diff --git a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/python/DecayTreeFitter/DTFHelpers.py b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/python/DecayTreeFitter/DTFHelpers.py
index 56d466e7260693a70d1ddc23c0d2d640b7e48dbc..89ab84739936aeaea762f9849f41dd1816bc8f89 100644
--- a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/python/DecayTreeFitter/DTFHelpers.py
+++ b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/python/DecayTreeFitter/DTFHelpers.py
@@ -9,8 +9,11 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from PyConf.Algorithms import DecayTreeFitterAlg_v1Particle, DecayTreeFitterAlg_v1Particle_BestPV
 import Functors as F
+from PyConf.Algorithms import (
+    DecayTreeFitterAlg_v1Particle,
+    DecayTreeFitterAlg_v1Particle_BestPV,
 def DTFAlg(Input, InputPVs=None, MassConstraints=[], OutputLevel=3):
@@ -28,23 +31,23 @@ def DTFAlg(Input, InputPVs=None, MassConstraints=[], OutputLevel=3):
         Configured DecayTreeFitterAlg_v1Particle or DecayTreeFitterAlg_v1Particle_v1Vertex instance.
-        '#Warning: DecayTreeFitter.DTFAlg deprecated. Use DecayTreeFitter.DecayTreeFitter'
+        "#Warning: DecayTreeFitter.DTFAlg deprecated. Use DecayTreeFitter.DecayTreeFitter"
     if InputPVs:
         DTF = DecayTreeFitterAlg_v1Particle_BestPV(
-            OutputLevel=OutputLevel)
+            OutputLevel=OutputLevel,
+        )
         DTF = DecayTreeFitterAlg_v1Particle(
-            Input=Input,
-            MassConstraints=MassConstraints,
-            OutputLevel=OutputLevel)
+            Input=Input, MassConstraints=MassConstraints, OutputLevel=OutputLevel
+        )
     return DTF
-def DTF_functors(DTF, functors=[F.MASS], head='DTF_'):
+def DTF_functors(DTF, functors=[F.MASS], head="DTF_"):
     Helper function returning a dictionary of functors to apply to DecayTreeFitted chain
@@ -68,10 +71,11 @@ def DTF_functors(DTF, functors=[F.MASS], head='DTF_'):
-        '#Warning: DecayTreeFitter.DTF_functors deprecated. Use DecayTreeFitter.DecayTreeFitter'
+        "#Warning: DecayTreeFitter.DTF_functors deprecated. Use DecayTreeFitter.DecayTreeFitter"
     outdict = {}
     for fct in functors:
         outdict[head + fct.name()] = F.MAP_INPUT(
-            Functor=fct, Relations=DTF.OutputRelations)
+            Functor=fct, Relations=DTF.OutputRelations
+        )
     return outdict
diff --git a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/python/DecayTreeFitter/DecayTreeFitter.py b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/python/DecayTreeFitter/DecayTreeFitter.py
index a46b142048af811e3703e3adb9aca8fc0aef6c0b..a4bdabb59dae6395c0482766af0e60a25b16e47e 100644
--- a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/python/DecayTreeFitter/DecayTreeFitter.py
+++ b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/python/DecayTreeFitter/DecayTreeFitter.py
@@ -9,15 +9,19 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from PyConf.dataflow import DataHandle
-from Gaudi.Configuration import INFO
-from Functors.grammar import BoundFunctor
-import Functors as F
-from PyConf.Algorithms import DecayTreeFitterAlg_v1Particle, DecayTreeFitterAlg_v1Particle_BestPV, DecayTreeFitterAlg_v1Particle_AllPVs, RecV1ToPVConverter
+from typing import List
-# return RecV1ToPVConverter(InputVertices=get_pvs_v1()).OutputVertices
+import Functors as F
 from DaVinciTools import SubstitutePID
-from typing import List
+from Functors.grammar import BoundFunctor
+from Gaudi.Configuration import INFO
+from PyConf.Algorithms import (
+    DecayTreeFitterAlg_v1Particle,
+    DecayTreeFitterAlg_v1Particle_AllPVs,
+    DecayTreeFitterAlg_v1Particle_BestPV,
+    RecV1ToPVConverter,
+from PyConf.dataflow import DataHandle
 class DecayTreeFitter:
@@ -71,14 +75,16 @@ class DecayTreeFitter:
         allvariables['KstG_CHI2DOF'] = DTF_KstG( F.CHI2DOF )
-    def __init__(self,
-                 name: str,
-                 input_particles: DataHandle,
-                 input_pvs: DataHandle = None,
-                 mass_constraints: List[str] = [],
-                 substitutions: List[str] = [],
-                 constrain_to_ownpv=False,
-                 fit_all_pvs=False):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        name: str,
+        input_particles: DataHandle,
+        input_pvs: DataHandle = None,
+        mass_constraints: List[str] = [],
+        substitutions: List[str] = [],
+        constrain_to_ownpv=False,
+        fit_all_pvs=False,
+    ):
         if fit_all_pvs and input_pvs is None:
             raise ValueError(
                 "The 'input_pvs' parameter must not be set to None when fitting all PVs."
@@ -94,10 +100,11 @@ class DecayTreeFitter:
             on constraints with same substitutions
             self.SubstitutePID = SubstitutePID(
-                name='PIDSubstitution_' + name,
+                name="PIDSubstitution_" + name,
-                allow_duplicate_substitutepid_instances=True)
+                allow_duplicate_substitutepid_instances=True,
+            )
             DTF_input = self.SubstitutePID.Particles
             self.SubstitutePID = None
@@ -106,96 +113,100 @@ class DecayTreeFitter:
         # Config algorithm
         if input_pvs:
             self.HasPVConstraint = True
-            gaudi_algorithm = DecayTreeFitterAlg_v1Particle_AllPVs if fit_all_pvs else DecayTreeFitterAlg_v1Particle_BestPV
-            # If is v2 vertex
-            if 'LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer' in input_pvs.type:
-                gaudi_pvs = input_pvs
-            elif 'LHCb::RecVertex' in input_pvs.type:
-                # Convert the v1 PVs to v2 PVs
-                gaudi_pvs = RecV1ToPVConverter(
-                    InputVertices=input_pvs).OutputVertices
-            else:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    'Invalid input_pvs type, input_pvs = {input_pvs.type}.')
+            gaudi_algorithm = (
+                DecayTreeFitterAlg_v1Particle_AllPVs
+                if fit_all_pvs
+                else DecayTreeFitterAlg_v1Particle_BestPV
+            )
             self.Algorithm = gaudi_algorithm(
-                MassConstraints=mass_constraints)
+                MassConstraints=mass_constraints,
+            )
             self.HasPVConstraint = constrain_to_ownpv
             self.Algorithm = DecayTreeFitterAlg_v1Particle(
-                usePVConstraint=constrain_to_ownpv)
+                usePVConstraint=constrain_to_ownpv,
+            )
         self.Output = self.Algorithm.Output
-        self.OutputRelations = self.Algorithm.OutputRelations  #Reco particle -> DTF particle
+        self.OutputRelations = (
+            self.Algorithm.OutputRelations
+        )  # Reco particle -> DTF particle
         self.OutputParticleParams = self.Algorithm.ParticleParams
         self.OutputNIter = self.Algorithm.NIter
         # Functor to access fit result directly
         self.NITER = F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ self._apply_functor(
-            functor=F.CAST_TO_INT, relation=self.OutputNIter)
+            functor=F.CAST_TO_INT, relation=self.OutputNIter
+        )
         self.CHI2 = self.__call__(
-            functor=F.CHI2 @ F.ENDVERTEX, apply_to_particle_params=False)
+            functor=F.CHI2 @ F.ENDVERTEX, apply_to_particle_params=False
+        )
         self.NDOF = F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ self.__call__(
             functor=F.VALUE_OR(-1) @ F.NDOF @ F.ENDVERTEX,
-            apply_to_particle_params=False)
+            apply_to_particle_params=False,
+        )
         self.CHI2DOF = self.__call__(
-            functor=F.CHI2DOF @ F.ENDVERTEX, apply_to_particle_params=False)
+            functor=F.CHI2DOF @ F.ENDVERTEX, apply_to_particle_params=False
+        )
         self.MASS = self.__call__(
-            apply_to_particle_params=True)
+            apply_to_particle_params=True,
+        )
         self.MASSERR = self.__call__(
-            apply_to_particle_params=True)
+            apply_to_particle_params=True,
+        )
         self.P = self.__call__(
-            apply_to_particle_params=True)
+            apply_to_particle_params=True,
+        )
         self.PERR = self.__call__(
-            apply_to_particle_params=True)
+            apply_to_particle_params=True,
+        )
         self.CTAU = self.__call__(
-            functor=F.MATH_VALUE @ F.PARTICLE_PARAMS_CTAU,
-            apply_to_particle_params=True)
+            functor=F.MATH_VALUE @ F.PARTICLE_PARAMS_CTAU, apply_to_particle_params=True
+        )
         self.CTAUERR = self.__call__(
-            functor=F.MATH_ERROR @ F.PARTICLE_PARAMS_CTAU,
-            apply_to_particle_params=True)
+            functor=F.MATH_ERROR @ F.PARTICLE_PARAMS_CTAU, apply_to_particle_params=True
+        )
         self.FD = self.__call__(
-            apply_to_particle_params=True)
+            apply_to_particle_params=True,
+        )
         self.FDERR = self.__call__(
-            apply_to_particle_params=True)
+            apply_to_particle_params=True,
+        )
     def _apply_functor(self, functor: BoundFunctor, relation: DataHandle):
-        '''
+        """
         Internal function that apply functor with certain relation
-        '''
+        """
         if self.FitAllPVs and functor is None:
-            DTF_functor = F.MAP(F.TO) @ F.RELATIONS.bind(
-                F.TES(relation), F.FORWARDARGS)
+            DTF_functor = F.MAP(F.TO) @ F.RELATIONS.bind(F.TES(relation), F.FORWARDARGS)
         elif self.FitAllPVs and functor is not None:
-            DTF_functor = F.MAP_INPUT_ARRAY(
-                Functor=functor, Relations=relation)
+            DTF_functor = F.MAP_INPUT_ARRAY(Functor=functor, Relations=relation)
         elif not self.FitAllPVs and functor is None:
             DTF_functor = F.MAP_TO_RELATED(Relations=relation)
             DTF_functor = F.MAP_INPUT(functor, relation)
         if self.SubstitutePID is not None:
-            #The following maps the particle twice i.e. MAP_INPUT(MAP_INPUT(functor, P_2_DTFP), P_2_PIDSUBSTITUTEDP).
-            #Go from reco particle to PID substituted particle, then to DTF particle, then apply the functor
+            # The following maps the particle twice i.e. MAP_INPUT(MAP_INPUT(functor, P_2_DTFP), P_2_PIDSUBSTITUTEDP).
+            # Go from reco particle to PID substituted particle, then to DTF particle, then apply the functor
             return self.SubstitutePID(DTF_functor)
             return DTF_functor
-    def __call__(self,
-                 functor: BoundFunctor,
-                 apply_to_particle_params: bool = False):
+    def __call__(self, functor: BoundFunctor, apply_to_particle_params: bool = False):
         Apply a specified functor to the resultant particle
         obtained from the decay tree fit or the resultant particle
@@ -218,10 +229,12 @@ class DecayTreeFitter:
         return self._apply_functor(functor=functor, relation=relation)
-    def apply_functors(self,
-                       functors: List[BoundFunctor] = [F.MASS],
-                       apply_to_particle_params: bool = False,
-                       head: str = 'DTF_'):
+    def apply_functors(
+        self,
+        functors: List[BoundFunctor] = [F.MASS],
+        apply_to_particle_params: bool = False,
+        head: str = "DTF_",
+    ):
         Helper function returning a dictionary of functors to apply to DecayTreeFitted chain
@@ -246,5 +259,6 @@ class DecayTreeFitter:
         outdict = {}
         for functor in functors:
             outdict[head + functor.name()] = self.__call__(
-                functor, apply_to_particle_params=apply_to_particle_params)
+                functor, apply_to_particle_params=apply_to_particle_params
+            )
         return outdict
diff --git a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/python/DecayTreeFitter/__init__.py b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/python/DecayTreeFitter/__init__.py
index 8afcda0abd38074d66c95dae0ff1a8fb993c9299..4d2f0dffc49ac3750daf84cfce802b68023deadc 100644
--- a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/python/DecayTreeFitter/__init__.py
+++ b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/python/DecayTreeFitter/__init__.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from .DTFHelpers import DTFAlg, DTF_functors
 from .DecayTreeFitter import DecayTreeFitter
+from .DTFHelpers import DTF_functors, DTFAlg
 __all__ = ("DTFAlg", "DTF_functors", "DecayTreeFitter")
diff --git a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/component/DecayTreeFitterAlg.cpp b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/component/DecayTreeFitterAlg.cpp
index bb6ac0a087ec510f9cde2fc6b5991c4e227c260d..e173421c5d85eccffc0f627e9b803f7dc5875584 100644
--- a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/component/DecayTreeFitterAlg.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/component/DecayTreeFitterAlg.cpp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #include "Kernel/IParticleDescendants.h"
 #include "Kernel/IParticlePropertySvc.h"
 #include "LHCbAlgs/Transformer.h"
-//#include "Kernel/IPrintDecay.h"
+// #include "Kernel/IPrintDecay.h"
 #include "Event/RecVertex.h"
 #include "Kernel/ParticleID.h"
 #include "Kernel/ParticleProperty.h"
@@ -173,26 +173,26 @@ public:
   // property service
-  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_particlePropertySvc{this, "ParticleProperty",
-                                                                  "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc"};
+  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_particlePropertySvc{ this, "ParticleProperty",
+                                                                   "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc" };
   // tools
-  ToolHandle<ITrackStateProvider> m_stateprovider{this, "StateProvider", "TrackStateProvider"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackStateProvider> m_stateprovider{ this, "StateProvider", "TrackStateProvider" };
   // properties
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_massConstraints{this, "MassConstraints"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>                     m_useTrackTraj{this, "useTrackTraj", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>                     m_forceFitAll{this, "forceFitAll", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>                     m_usePVConstraint{this, "usePVConstraint", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_massConstraints{ this, "MassConstraints" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>                     m_useTrackTraj{ this, "useTrackTraj", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>                     m_forceFitAll{ this, "forceFitAll", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>                     m_usePVConstraint{ this, "usePVConstraint", false };
   // counters
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                 m_eventCount{this, "Events"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_candidateCount{this, "Input Particles"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_fittedCount{this, "Fitted Particles"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_failedCount{this, "Failed fits"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_noAssocPV{this,
-                                                                     "Particle has no PV. Will omit PV constraint."};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_savedCount{this, "saved Particles"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_savedVertexCount{this, "saved Vertices"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                 m_eventCount{ this, "Events" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_candidateCount{ this, "Input Particles" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_fittedCount{ this, "Fitted Particles" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_failedCount{ this, "Failed fits" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_noAssocPV{ this,
+                                                                      "Particle has no PV. Will omit PV constraint." };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_savedCount{ this, "saved Particles" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_savedVertexCount{ this, "saved Vertices" };
 // ==========================================================================
@@ -200,18 +200,19 @@ private:
 // ==========================================================================
 template <>
 DecayTreeFitterAlg<NoPV, LHCb::Particle::Range>::DecayTreeFitterAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-    : MultiTransformer( name, pSvc,
-                        {KeyValue{"Input", ""}, KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-                        {KeyValue{"Output", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputVertices", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputParticleParams", ""},
-                         KeyValue{"OutputRelations", ""}, KeyValue{"ParticleParams", ""}, KeyValue{"NIter", ""}} ) {}
+    : MultiTransformer(
+          name, pSvc, { KeyValue{ "Input", "" }, KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+          { KeyValue{ "Output", "" }, KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", "" }, KeyValue{ "OutputParticleParams", "" },
+            KeyValue{ "OutputRelations", "" }, KeyValue{ "ParticleParams", "" }, KeyValue{ "NIter", "" } } ) {}
 template <>
-typename GaudiSignature<NoPV, LHCb::Particle::Range>::Output_t DecayTreeFitterAlg<NoPV, LHCb::Particle::Range>::
-                                                               operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& parts, DetectorElement const& geometry ) const {
+typename GaudiSignature<NoPV, LHCb::Particle::Range>::Output_t
+DecayTreeFitterAlg<NoPV, LHCb::Particle::Range>::operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& parts,
+                                                             DetectorElement const&       geometry ) const {
   // output
-  using FittedParticles_t = GaudiSignature<NoPV, LHCb::Particle::Range>::FittedParticles_t;
+  using FittedParticles_t         = GaudiSignature<NoPV, LHCb::Particle::Range>::FittedParticles_t;
   using ParticleParams_Relation_t = GaudiSignature<NoPV, LHCb::Particle::Range>::ParticleParams_Relation_t;
-  using NIter_t = GaudiSignature<NoPV, LHCb::Particle::Range>::NIter_t;
-  using Out_VerticesContainer_t = GaudiSignature<NoPV, LHCb::Particle::Range>::Out_VerticesContainer_t;
+  using NIter_t                   = GaudiSignature<NoPV, LHCb::Particle::Range>::NIter_t;
+  using Out_VerticesContainer_t   = GaudiSignature<NoPV, LHCb::Particle::Range>::Out_VerticesContainer_t;
   LHCb::Particles           parts_out;
   FittedParticles_t         p2p_out;
@@ -265,15 +266,17 @@ typename GaudiSignature<NoPV, LHCb::Particle::Range>::Output_t DecayTreeFitterAl
 template <>
 DecayTreeFitterAlg<BestPV, LHCb::Particle::Range, PVs>::DecayTreeFitterAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
     : MultiTransformer( name, pSvc,
-                        {KeyValue{"Input", ""}, KeyValue{"InputPVs", ""},
-                         KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-                        {KeyValue{"Output", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputVertices", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputParticleParams", ""},
-                         KeyValue{"OutputRelations", ""}, KeyValue{"ParticleParams", ""}, KeyValue{"NIter", ""}} ) {}
+                        { KeyValue{ "Input", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputPVs", "" },
+                          KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+                        { KeyValue{ "Output", "" }, KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", "" },
+                          KeyValue{ "OutputParticleParams", "" }, KeyValue{ "OutputRelations", "" },
+                          KeyValue{ "ParticleParams", "" }, KeyValue{ "NIter", "" } } ) {}
 template <>
 typename GaudiSignature<BestPV, LHCb::Particle::Range, PVs>::Output_t
-DecayTreeFitterAlg<BestPV, LHCb::Particle::Range, PVs>::
-operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& parts, const PVs& vertices, DetectorElement const& geometry ) const {
+DecayTreeFitterAlg<BestPV, LHCb::Particle::Range, PVs>::operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& parts,
+                                                                    const PVs&                   vertices,
+                                                                    DetectorElement const&       geometry ) const {
   // output
   using FittedParticles_t          = GaudiSignature<BestPV, LHCb::Particle::Range>::FittedParticles_t;
@@ -333,15 +336,17 @@ operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& parts, const PVs& vertices, DetectorEle
 template <>
 DecayTreeFitterAlg<AllPVs, LHCb::Particle::Range, PVs>::DecayTreeFitterAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
     : MultiTransformer( name, pSvc,
-                        {KeyValue{"Input", ""}, KeyValue{"InputPVs", ""},
-                         KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-                        {KeyValue{"Output", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputVertices", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputParticleParams", ""},
-                         KeyValue{"OutputRelations", ""}, KeyValue{"ParticleParams", ""}, KeyValue{"NIter", ""}} ) {}
+                        { KeyValue{ "Input", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputPVs", "" },
+                          KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+                        { KeyValue{ "Output", "" }, KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", "" },
+                          KeyValue{ "OutputParticleParams", "" }, KeyValue{ "OutputRelations", "" },
+                          KeyValue{ "ParticleParams", "" }, KeyValue{ "NIter", "" } } ) {}
 template <>
 typename GaudiSignature<AllPVs, LHCb::Particle::Range, PVs>::Output_t
-DecayTreeFitterAlg<AllPVs, LHCb::Particle::Range, PVs>::
-operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& parts, const PVs& vertices, DetectorElement const& geometry ) const {
+DecayTreeFitterAlg<AllPVs, LHCb::Particle::Range, PVs>::operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& parts,
+                                                                    const PVs&                   vertices,
+                                                                    DetectorElement const&       geometry ) const {
   // output
   using FittedParticles_t          = GaudiSignature<AllPVs, LHCb::Particle::Range>::FittedParticles_t;
diff --git a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/lib/Fitter.cpp b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/lib/Fitter.cpp
index ab4d5587eb433162e3ed81644b92a6eb9b8b35e1..3d43b56360a6512f0ccbfccc8087179ae44068a2 100644
--- a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/lib/Fitter.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/lib/Fitter.cpp
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ namespace DecayTreeFitter {
     int                  momindex = pb.momIndex();
     int                  lenindex = pb.lenIndex();
     Gaudi::XYZPoint      pos( m_fitparams->par()( posindex + 1 ), m_fitparams->par()( posindex + 2 ),
-                         m_fitparams->par()( posindex + 3 ) );
+                              m_fitparams->par()( posindex + 3 ) );
     Gaudi::LorentzVector p4;
     p4.SetPx( m_fitparams->par()( momindex + 1 ) );
     p4.SetPy( m_fitparams->par()( momindex + 2 ) );
@@ -438,9 +438,7 @@ namespace DecayTreeFitter {
     const ParticleBase* pb = m_decaychain->locate( *particle() );
     if ( pb )
       updateCand( *pb, thecand );
-    else {
-      print( "DecayTreeFitter::Fitter: ERROR: Cannot find particle in tree", MSG::ERROR );
-    }
+    else { print( "DecayTreeFitter::Fitter: ERROR: Cannot find particle in tree", MSG::ERROR ); }
     return thecand;
@@ -451,9 +449,7 @@ namespace DecayTreeFitter {
     const ParticleBase* pb = m_decaychain->locate( cand );
     if ( pb )
       updateCand( *pb, thecand );
-    else {
-      print( "DecayTreeFitter::Fitter: ERROR: Cannot find particle in tree", MSG::ERROR );
-    }
+    else { print( "DecayTreeFitter::Fitter: ERROR: Cannot find particle in tree", MSG::ERROR ); }
     return thecand;
diff --git a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/lib/HelixUtils.cpp b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/lib/HelixUtils.cpp
index dba14e600b6a51b8f0c3edbbb9bf1cd76898bd06..548ef7c591b5c8292b5a2866a4c800f5e735813b 100644
--- a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/lib/HelixUtils.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/lib/HelixUtils.cpp
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
 #include "GaudiKernel/PhysicalConstants.h"
-//#include <CLHEP/Matrix/Vector.h>
+// #include <CLHEP/Matrix/Vector.h>
 #include <CLHEP/Matrix/Matrix.h>
-//#include <BField/BField.h>
+// #include <BField/BField.h>
 #include "HelixUtils.h"
 using std::cout;
 using std::endl;
diff --git a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/lib/InternalParticle.cpp b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/lib/InternalParticle.cpp
index e3426cb02929afe847f502cecdd5e7c47f213d09..3855fef0c599475a38e6cc7f2f5dea675c306e47 100644
--- a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/lib/InternalParticle.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/lib/InternalParticle.cpp
@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ namespace DecayTreeFitter {
           LHCb::TrackVertexUtils::poca( trkdaughters[0]->state(), trkdaughters[1]->state(), pos );
           if ( trkdaughters.size() > 2 ) {
             Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3 w, cov;
-            const auto states = LHCb::TransformedRange{trkdaughters, []( const auto& trk ) { return trk->state(); },
-                                                       []( const auto& ) { return true; }};
+            const auto states = LHCb::TransformedRange{ trkdaughters, []( const auto& trk ) { return trk->state(); },
+                                                        []( const auto& ) { return true; } };
             LHCb::TrackVertexUtils::addToVertex( states, pos, w, cov );
           fitparams->par()( posindex + 1 ) = pos.x();
diff --git a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/lib/ParticleBase.cpp b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/lib/ParticleBase.cpp
index b114336872a509c4e4af95be27872e07e19678bf..e317eb6bf10f14006ccbb031d42f329140e52a7d 100644
--- a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/lib/ParticleBase.cpp
+++ b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/lib/ParticleBase.cpp
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ namespace DecayTreeFitter {
   int vtxverbose = 0;
-  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> ParticleBase::m_ppSvc{"LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc",
-                                                                  "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvcName"};
+  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> ParticleBase::m_ppSvc{ "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc",
+                                                                   "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvcName" };
   ParticleBase::ParticleBase( const LHCb::Particle& particle, const ParticleBase* mother )
       : m_particle( &particle )
diff --git a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/lib/RecoTrack.h b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/lib/RecoTrack.h
index cc7bcb89b73602ddfc3213c7a2bfbf38becaf2cc..08b2df9b5497bee74882fecade49d1d02f06eaa2 100644
--- a/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/lib/RecoTrack.h
+++ b/Phys/DecayTreeFitter/src/lib/RecoTrack.h
@@ -57,17 +57,17 @@ namespace DecayTreeFitter {
     const Gaudi::XYZVector                   m_bfield;
-    const LHCb::Track*                       m_track{nullptr};
-    const ITrackStateProvider*               m_stateprovider{nullptr};
+    const LHCb::Track*                       m_track{ nullptr };
+    const ITrackStateProvider*               m_stateprovider{ nullptr };
     bool                                     m_useTrackTraj;
     mutable std::unique_ptr<LHCb::TrackTraj> m_tracktraj_container;
-    const LHCb::TrackTraj*                   m_tracktraj{nullptr};
-    bool                                     m_ownstracktraj{false};
-    bool                                     m_cached{false};
-    double                                   m_flt{0};
+    const LHCb::TrackTraj*                   m_tracktraj{ nullptr };
+    bool                                     m_ownstracktraj{ false };
+    bool                                     m_cached{ false };
+    double                                   m_flt{ 0 };
     LHCb::State                              m_state;
-    double                                   m_bremEnergy{0};
-    double                                   m_bremEnergyCov{0};
+    double                                   m_bremEnergy{ 0 };
+    double                                   m_bremEnergyCov{ 0 };
     double                                   m_maxCovVeloTrack =
         75000. * 75000; // Maximum value for the initial covariance matrix' elements, only for VELO tracks
diff --git a/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/OSVertexCharge/OSVtxCh_Data_Run1_All_Bu2JpsiK_TMVA_MLP_v1r0.h b/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/OSVertexCharge/OSVtxCh_Data_Run1_All_Bu2JpsiK_TMVA_MLP_v1r0.h
index 4ede89070cd59efabf8ba003a31ea03a06afb6c1..547ece6c55113b9d169f67093da22199abccad50 100644
--- a/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/OSVertexCharge/OSVtxCh_Data_Run1_All_Bu2JpsiK_TMVA_MLP_v1r0.h
+++ b/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/OSVertexCharge/OSVtxCh_Data_Run1_All_Bu2JpsiK_TMVA_MLP_v1r0.h
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ private:
   // normalisation of input variables
   const bool   fIsNormalised = false;
   bool         IsNormalised() const { return fIsNormalised; }
-  const double fVmin[12] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
-  const double fVmax[12] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.99999988079071, 1, 1, 1, 0.99999988079071, 1, 1};
+  const double fVmin[12] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 };
+  const double fVmax[12] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.99999988079071, 1, 1, 1, 0.99999988079071, 1, 1 };
   double NormVariable( double x, double xmin, double xmax ) const {
     // normalise to output range: [-1, 1]
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ private:
   // type of input variable: 'F' or 'I'
-  const char fType[12] = {'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F'};
+  const char fType[12] = { 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F' };
   // initialize internal variables
   void   Initialize();
diff --git a/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/OSVertexCharge/weights/OSVtxCh_Data_Run1_All_Bu2JpsiK_TMVA_MLP_v1r0.cpp b/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/OSVertexCharge/weights/OSVtxCh_Data_Run1_All_Bu2JpsiK_TMVA_MLP_v1r0.cpp
index 4ab8ab126cd2d987ce0b8245e8cf3daf029a3e0a..abded4e63f3f6c421e3ae2673f7c02e92c089965 100644
--- a/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/OSVertexCharge/weights/OSVtxCh_Data_Run1_All_Bu2JpsiK_TMVA_MLP_v1r0.cpp
+++ b/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/OSVertexCharge/weights/OSVtxCh_Data_Run1_All_Bu2JpsiK_TMVA_MLP_v1r0.cpp
@@ -975,4 +975,4 @@ void OSVtxCh_Data_Run1_All_Bu2JpsiK_TMVA_MLP_v1r0::InitTransform() {
 void OSVtxCh_Data_Run1_All_Bu2JpsiK_TMVA_MLP_v1r0::Transform( std::vector<double>& iv, int sigOrBgd ) const {
   Transform_1( iv, sigOrBgd );
   Transform_2( iv, sigOrBgd );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/SSKaon/weights/BDTeta_SSK_dev/TMVAClassification_BDTG_BsBsb_6vars_BDTGselTCut_0.72.class.C b/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/SSKaon/weights/BDTeta_SSK_dev/TMVAClassification_BDTG_BsBsb_6vars_BDTGselTCut_0.72.class.C
index 4ca20fa56923ca724d88e302af657e3d833802ac..f52d322ee7656743f2d234e275e4ad6c63122469 100644
--- a/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/SSKaon/weights/BDTeta_SSK_dev/TMVAClassification_BDTG_BsBsb_6vars_BDTGselTCut_0.72.class.C
+++ b/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/SSKaon/weights/BDTeta_SSK_dev/TMVAClassification_BDTG_BsBsb_6vars_BDTGselTCut_0.72.class.C
@@ -203,12 +203,12 @@ public:
   ReadBDTG_BsBsb_6vars_BDTGselTCut_072( std::vector<std::string>& theInputVars )
       : IClassifierReader(), fClassName( "ReadBDTG_BsBsb_6vars_BDTGselTCut_072" ), fNvars( 6 ), fIsNormalised( false ) {
     // the training input variables
-    const char* inputVars[] = {"log(B_PT)",
-                               "nTracks_presel_BDTGcut",
-                               "nPV",
-                               "(Tr_Charge*Tr_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars)",
-                               "(Tr_Charge_2nd*Tr_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars_2nd)",
-                               "(Tr_Charge_3rd*Tr_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars_3rd)"};
+    const char* inputVars[] = { "log(B_PT)",
+                                "nTracks_presel_BDTGcut",
+                                "nPV",
+                                "(Tr_Charge*Tr_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars)",
+                                "(Tr_Charge_2nd*Tr_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars_2nd)",
+                                "(Tr_Charge_3rd*Tr_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars_3rd)" };
     // sanity checks
     if ( theInputVars.size() <= 0 ) {
diff --git a/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/SSKaon/weights/BDTseltracks_SSK_dev/BDTeta_SSK_dev/TMVAClassification_BDTG_BsBsb_6vars_BDTGselTCut_0.72.class.C b/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/SSKaon/weights/BDTseltracks_SSK_dev/BDTeta_SSK_dev/TMVAClassification_BDTG_BsBsb_6vars_BDTGselTCut_0.72.class.C
index 4ca20fa56923ca724d88e302af657e3d833802ac..f52d322ee7656743f2d234e275e4ad6c63122469 100644
--- a/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/SSKaon/weights/BDTseltracks_SSK_dev/BDTeta_SSK_dev/TMVAClassification_BDTG_BsBsb_6vars_BDTGselTCut_0.72.class.C
+++ b/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/SSKaon/weights/BDTseltracks_SSK_dev/BDTeta_SSK_dev/TMVAClassification_BDTG_BsBsb_6vars_BDTGselTCut_0.72.class.C
@@ -203,12 +203,12 @@ public:
   ReadBDTG_BsBsb_6vars_BDTGselTCut_072( std::vector<std::string>& theInputVars )
       : IClassifierReader(), fClassName( "ReadBDTG_BsBsb_6vars_BDTGselTCut_072" ), fNvars( 6 ), fIsNormalised( false ) {
     // the training input variables
-    const char* inputVars[] = {"log(B_PT)",
-                               "nTracks_presel_BDTGcut",
-                               "nPV",
-                               "(Tr_Charge*Tr_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars)",
-                               "(Tr_Charge_2nd*Tr_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars_2nd)",
-                               "(Tr_Charge_3rd*Tr_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars_3rd)"};
+    const char* inputVars[] = { "log(B_PT)",
+                                "nTracks_presel_BDTGcut",
+                                "nPV",
+                                "(Tr_Charge*Tr_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars)",
+                                "(Tr_Charge_2nd*Tr_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars_2nd)",
+                                "(Tr_Charge_3rd*Tr_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars_3rd)" };
     // sanity checks
     if ( theInputVars.size() <= 0 ) {
diff --git a/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/SSKaon/weights/BDTseltracks_SSK_dev/TMVAClassification_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars.class.C b/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/SSKaon/weights/BDTseltracks_SSK_dev/TMVAClassification_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars.class.C
index c56a34858e9ae8bdb32944c5f39e915200a350cd..7f031a2bbacd3960a74c72a0bc644a27c02621a7 100644
--- a/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/SSKaon/weights/BDTseltracks_SSK_dev/TMVAClassification_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars.class.C
+++ b/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/SSKaon/weights/BDTseltracks_SSK_dev/TMVAClassification_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars.class.C
@@ -210,10 +210,10 @@ public:
   ReadBDTG_selBestTracks_14vars( std::vector<std::string>& theInputVars )
       : IClassifierReader(), fClassName( "ReadBDTG_selBestTracks_14vars" ), fNvars( 14 ), fIsNormalised( false ) {
     // the training input variables
-    const char* inputVars[] = {"log(Tr_P)",          "log(Tr_PT)",          "log(B_PT)",     "log(abs(deltaPhi))",
-                               "log(abs(deltaEta))", "log(pTrel)",          "log(Tr_BPVIP)", "log(sqrt(Tr_BPVIPCHI2))",
-                               "log(Tr_TRCHI2DOF)",  "log(nTracks_presel)", "nPV",           "Tr_PROBNNk",
-                               "Tr_PROBNNpi",        "Tr_PROBNNp"};
+    const char* inputVars[] = { "log(Tr_P)",          "log(Tr_PT)",          "log(B_PT)",     "log(abs(deltaPhi))",
+                                "log(abs(deltaEta))", "log(pTrel)",          "log(Tr_BPVIP)", "log(sqrt(Tr_BPVIPCHI2))",
+                                "log(Tr_TRCHI2DOF)",  "log(nTracks_presel)", "nPV",           "Tr_PROBNNk",
+                                "Tr_PROBNNpi",        "Tr_PROBNNp" };
     // sanity checks
     if ( theInputVars.size() <= 0 ) {
diff --git a/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/SSProton/weights/BDT_SSproton_Reco14.class.C b/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/SSProton/weights/BDT_SSproton_Reco14.class.C
index f5a92f0bbfe0146608aaaba959cf609c788a6e9c..afad03fe634f93952e0ed572b44bcc750fb24fda 100644
--- a/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/SSProton/weights/BDT_SSproton_Reco14.class.C
+++ b/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/SSProton/weights/BDT_SSproton_Reco14.class.C
@@ -205,8 +205,8 @@ public:
   ReadssProton( std::vector<std::string>& theInputVars )
       : IClassifierReader(), fClassName( "ReadssProton" ), fNvars( 9 ), fIsNormalised( false ) {
     // the training input variables
-    const char* inputVars[] = {"log(P)", "log(Pt)",     "log(ipsig)",  "dR",       "log(deta)",
-                               "dQ_p",   "log(Pt_tot)", "log(PVndof)", "log(PIDp)"};
+    const char* inputVars[] = { "log(P)", "log(Pt)",     "log(ipsig)",  "dR",       "log(deta)",
+                                "dQ_p",   "log(Pt_tot)", "log(PVndof)", "log(PIDp)" };
     // sanity checks
     if ( theInputVars.size() <= 0 ) {
diff --git a/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/SSProton/weights/BDT_SSproton_Reco14.weights.xml b/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/SSProton/weights/BDT_SSproton_Reco14.weights.xml
index 1ae1c71c2baee1ab4f51eb5a281e3e63ca3c3192..595de5bce662816817c5208d7ec67182f309af10 100644
--- a/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/SSProton/weights/BDT_SSproton_Reco14.weights.xml
+++ b/Phys/FlavourTagging/Classification/SSProton/weights/BDT_SSproton_Reco14.weights.xml
@@ -79,12 +79,12 @@
     <PDF Name="ssProton_PDFSig" MinNSmooth="0" MaxNSmooth="0" InterpolMethod="2" KDE_type="1" KDE_iter="1" KDE_border="1" KDE_finefactor="1.0000000000000000e+00">
       <Histogram Name="BDT_tr_S_original" NBins="2197" XMin="-5.6336992979049683e-01" XMax="1.0000000000000000e+00" HasEquidistantBins="1">
-        0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.53599641e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.53665227e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 4.30435383e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 -3.79936116e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.51212541e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.25587961e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.30590766e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.53776174e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.47158565e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.36302490e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.51787723e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.60086106e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 2.83954432e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.34071362e-02 6.90061449e-02 3.10855409e-02 3.53630203e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.51933062e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 -5.28551311e-02 4.21807665e-02 1.07881109e-02 0.00000000e+00 6.56125595e-02 3.52130230e-02 3.33268375e-02 1.52778473e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.43219253e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 2.92675444e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.41964597e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.26406006e-02 3.53675415e-02 0.00000000e+00 2.56460277e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 4.70378844e-02 1.22609515e-01 1.00037648e-01 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 6.97311015e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.55404717e-04 0.00000000e+00 3.95859894e-02 6.72374572e-02 3.53769444e-02 2.96190880e-02 0.00000000e+00 6.86032830e-02 0.00000000e+00 -3.51356132e-03 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 -7.81443282e-03 -3.65617272e-02 6.47385481e-02 6.65555184e-02 0.00000000e+00 1.30686868e-03 6.79213926e-02 2.87844916e-02 6.87978263e-02 -1.17155837e-03 3.48761964e-02 1.28684200e-01 3.49739710e-02 6.49609698e-02 2.65674182e-02 7.91814486e-02 3.41895070e-02 -4.87555382e-03 -2.75857345e-02 3.50987004e-02 6.50803410e-02 -3.29679824e-02 3.50591143e-02 6.81870296e-02 6.73700038e-03 2.38087215e-02 3.39758418e-02 0.00000000e+00 6.90583501e-02 -2.60182473e-03 7.36664273e-02 4.17073230e-03 -2.84184328e-02 6.95880607e-02 4.01481902e-02 3.52773490e-02 -9.73497780e-03 -4.84799935e-03 1.67049886e-01 3.81201034e-02 6.80903928e-02 3.53629237e-02 9.80252585e-02 1.03606496e-01 -6.23126150e-02 1.71999405e-01 1.32090565e-01 3.32956170e-02 8.46017796e-02 1.02335645e-01 7.43996157e-02 7.73630729e-02 6.92204915e-02 3.17676879e-02 3.54086854e-02 5.81498710e-02 2.28591794e-01 3.02234385e-02 -3.71929109e-02 8.80391757e-02 8.59857987e-02 7.95394755e-03 3.22482980e-02 5.77893911e-02 6.06492021e-02 1.45409497e-01 7.05717742e-02 9.73649495e-02 1.53412566e-01 2.00862630e-01 4.84211530e-02 1.05069769e-01 9.86924237e-02 1.36543491e-01 6.45399931e-02 2.22917203e-01 1.89113384e-01 3.81322533e-02 1.96749773e-01 1.83774565e-01 3.14328660e-02 9.71814600e-02 2.94693993e-02 3.46158939e-01 0.00000000e+00 3.71984192e-02 1.05104064e-01 1.05135429e-01 1.26446058e-01 1.63398100e-01 7.03446393e-02 1.01483008e-01 1.33942332e-01 3.40155275e-01 1.29473369e-01 1.68953821e-01 2.02817328e-01 1.94707743e-01 2.24690246e-01 1.41276399e-01 1.81082645e-01 1.81050340e-01 2.24614988e-01 6.80779448e-02 1.45305192e-01 1.26546473e-01 1.46418976e-01 1.86658881e-01 1.82230380e-01 1.94783922e-01 3.39106753e-01 9.58612993e-02 1.60329490e-01 4.07954922e-01 7.33029833e-02 2.12518980e-01 2.62094732e-01 1.70377351e-01 1.04050892e-01 2.81144641e-02 1.55896448e-01 1.20875435e-01 3.87423656e-02 2.29328523e-01 3.06454537e-01 2.06858060e-01 1.38959269e-01 3.17937632e-01 1.23279353e-01 1.24532275e-01 2.45683759e-01 6.87447663e-02 6.74223596e-02 3.12385956e-01 1.73776309e-01 2.08209069e-01 3.24395731e-01 2.64257155e-01 2.70302822e-01 2.46029716e-01 3.38830673e-01 1.82498244e-01 6.35005117e-02 2.52293809e-01 4.04143792e-01 2.10976775e-01 3.10263810e-01 1.79860614e-01 2.09643813e-01 3.96504113e-01 1.61799901e-01 3.08307160e-01 4.31162920e-01 2.24667189e-01 2.07435039e-01 2.31396878e-01 2.44188801e-01 2.95896322e-01 2.61030209e-01 2.99144555e-02 3.52220232e-01 3.66370123e-01 2.16709633e-02 3.51680867e-01 1.74902504e-01 5.72774137e-02 3.38225363e-01 2.55546602e-01 2.32505792e-01 3.89830371e-01 3.56870949e-01 4.21042970e-01 1.50108102e-01 2.96902395e-01 4.76506686e-01 5.61742671e-01 2.12307568e-01 4.31809043e-01 4.70929880e-01 1.61147303e-01 1.82153403e-01 4.49839722e-01 4.83013645e-01 1.40226355e-01 1.82420578e-01 2.78739153e-01 2.25578876e-01 3.37235643e-01 3.52814505e-01 2.03499726e-01 3.76904969e-01 2.74775926e-01 1.77868146e-02 2.40536248e-01 4.90554848e-01 1.64040459e-01 3.53272958e-01 5.19516523e-01 3.83766361e-01 3.92808007e-01 2.43435381e-01 2.96759300e-01 4.47171582e-01 3.76520381e-01 3.28700603e-01 3.93447999e-01 3.31061320e-01 2.88537794e-01 6.68997496e-01 5.12983876e-01 2.12465794e-01 3.96651656e-01 2.20610374e-01 5.02353437e-01 2.85701529e-01 3.37439442e-01 3.69535029e-01 2.50051378e-01 3.98621421e-01 3.65363046e-01 4.95364092e-01 3.34038069e-01 5.37166479e-01 2.72667332e-01 2.81603206e-01 4.92123611e-01 4.72444606e-01 5.66813556e-01 4.33646900e-01 4.99798449e-01 2.98065980e-01 3.31142645e-01 2.19410298e-01 5.29484740e-01 6.35472316e-01 6.35629118e-01 4.69080465e-01 3.18934069e-01 3.36803806e-01 5.59081658e-01 3.74921617e-01 4.80580119e-01 6.94821917e-01 3.85272217e-01 3.87468102e-01 5.00252421e-01 4.47417912e-01 5.15780203e-01 4.74237585e-01 3.24819158e-01 5.42208021e-01 6.97145951e-01 4.30561383e-01 6.18019618e-01 5.98645982e-01 5.56393510e-01 5.33154957e-01 5.49461396e-01 2.95893365e-01 3.57761585e-01 4.43702143e-01 6.26911288e-01 2.46455208e-01 4.83753893e-01 2.33048401e-01 1.09487259e-01 5.28934247e-01 4.93586685e-01 4.12661729e-01 2.14891505e-01 6.92011077e-01 2.44108797e-01 5.32050427e-01 4.10619199e-01 3.96128502e-01 2.97117774e-01 3.54515373e-01 5.76175714e-01 5.01937498e-01 7.64994318e-01 5.17982767e-01 5.14498180e-01 6.34288875e-01 5.13801274e-01 1.33586146e-01 6.01951478e-01 4.10177769e-01 6.03458036e-01 4.58755128e-01 5.47311108e-01 6.68069820e-01 6.39324608e-01 7.25143318e-01 5.99498394e-01 9.20124796e-01 5.87447399e-01 5.45809119e-01 2.50146449e-01 6.75524380e-01 3.49812287e-01 3.67597720e-01 5.51538866e-01 5.66108246e-01 3.45395632e-01 7.49447515e-01 7.51945363e-01 8.51849857e-01 3.06785438e-01 4.78283408e-01 7.52547878e-01 6.46307107e-01 5.15429129e-01 5.10897402e-01 4.18778423e-01 4.65911110e-01 5.20191168e-01 5.59932069e-01 6.62739056e-01 4.91576985e-01 6.87787889e-01 7.23059322e-01 3.40435346e-01 1.14397264e+00 6.50724289e-01 7.16101909e-01 4.83315432e-01 5.32219317e-01 4.25023381e-01 6.80076736e-01 6.06640622e-01 4.76379432e-01 8.65417335e-01 7.00595347e-01 7.41025407e-01 6.39253524e-01 7.03705591e-01 6.77004930e-01 6.03336026e-01 7.88278289e-01 7.97738994e-01 6.46846425e-01 4.59564800e-01 6.82943707e-01 5.23034965e-01 6.26098039e-01 7.27068403e-01 8.13175718e-01 3.25436362e-01 8.17439609e-01 6.47486294e-01 9.81240932e-01 7.61517244e-01 5.79232810e-01 8.00616185e-01 8.06102188e-01 5.48513885e-01 6.20068222e-01 7.97834987e-01 6.64331775e-01 8.24007716e-01 5.57744351e-01 6.67487982e-01 2.96802252e-01 8.96940898e-01 1.00274801e+00 7.35302555e-01 6.23399453e-01 6.92163532e-01 4.93456947e-01 6.38607723e-01 7.45120851e-01 8.12800242e-01 8.96387240e-01 8.52884841e-01 5.19547164e-01 8.78238966e-01 9.38187119e-01 6.07015372e-01 9.65281804e-01 1.23412823e+00 6.44537880e-01 8.60737362e-01 6.26835833e-01 9.05245626e-01 7.47121130e-01 7.58478413e-01 8.44194303e-01 1.02872095e+00 9.72196074e-01 4.35714604e-01 9.97288446e-01 7.48829655e-01 1.16874471e+00 8.31320728e-01 9.61567912e-01 1.14895608e+00 1.05744503e+00 1.10419445e+00 6.69376567e-01 9.73554572e-01 7.66309982e-01 7.42720376e-01 8.28431915e-01 5.02488383e-01 8.56709333e-01 7.92711235e-01 7.17710157e-01 7.01693765e-01 1.11408721e+00 1.14026652e+00 8.80811910e-01 6.61413915e-01 4.82844545e-01 9.53276522e-01 8.82004356e-01 1.04233409e+00 1.18549574e+00 7.23044065e-01 7.66514285e-01 7.37989071e-01 9.93793607e-01 1.05997793e+00 3.85063918e-01 9.30342983e-01 1.00878789e+00 1.04024448e+00 8.89090703e-01 1.09675000e+00 9.41455100e-01 7.08079759e-01 1.07963311e+00 7.37566103e-01 1.21400368e+00 6.88410630e-01 1.22390541e+00 6.49475626e-01 1.09435736e+00 1.10310371e+00 8.70686150e-01 8.84441559e-01 7.96456901e-01 1.08989991e+00 1.04207625e+00 1.18173435e+00 1.08166514e+00 1.06230562e+00 1.23332525e+00 1.14221934e+00 1.11833141e+00 8.68387347e-01 9.97512926e-01 9.86307141e-01 1.10044016e+00 1.25227072e+00 7.12073309e-01 1.16214366e+00 1.25923380e+00 9.90475988e-01 1.13569501e+00 1.38511001e+00 1.02687821e+00 1.30479643e+00 1.07912142e+00 1.11066253e+00 1.04605300e+00 9.96294186e-01 9.23536248e-01 1.03991991e+00 1.35649784e+00 8.23509287e-01 1.26249281e+00 1.44070145e+00 1.01486826e+00 7.30259772e-01 1.30578042e+00 1.22465001e+00 1.17063226e+00 1.11916679e+00 1.61517581e+00 1.59302104e+00 1.59291731e+00 1.12766158e+00 1.34656126e+00 1.87895579e+00 1.28433142e+00 1.33990307e+00 9.50594872e-01 9.89566278e-01 1.55762861e+00 1.33980572e+00 1.24682696e+00 1.30046892e+00 1.04347561e+00 1.51496609e+00 1.18195821e+00 1.08243242e+00 1.15066205e+00 1.27709224e+00 1.53054720e+00 1.25016867e+00 1.00436293e+00 1.04869486e+00 1.45237226e+00 1.45002246e+00 1.41736435e+00 1.33806606e+00 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1.32126803e+00 1.37869075e+00 1.29398790e+00 1.36473752e+00 1.20771327e+00 1.05554443e+00 1.32350640e+00 1.24758943e+00 1.50673827e+00 1.10947714e+00 1.14867123e+00 1.66731855e+00 1.34148453e+00 1.59865230e+00 1.14900252e+00 1.61757229e+00 1.45009934e+00 1.47931329e+00 1.22961199e+00 1.38348404e+00 1.20476117e+00 1.32847527e+00 1.38716182e+00 1.47568716e+00 1.31752087e+00 1.84442889e+00 1.52667695e+00 1.58630639e+00 1.38687498e+00 1.36481731e+00 1.02555739e+00 1.23680009e+00 1.48099640e+00 1.44935330e+00 1.15160788e+00 1.62277997e+00 1.39550251e+00 1.35925147e+00 1.74326735e+00 1.31607362e+00 1.31320767e+00 1.36031749e+00 1.60077494e+00 1.38366794e+00 1.46971327e+00 1.43071472e+00 1.89231710e+00 1.65427727e+00 1.39220094e+00 1.32839337e+00 1.61467941e+00 1.59484149e+00 1.40234648e+00 1.30109048e+00 1.60685553e+00 8.40113879e-01 1.76426479e+00 2.15951139e+00 1.28889324e+00 1.61283440e+00 1.42201112e+00 1.60719074e+00 1.56217470e+00 1.20291558e+00 1.40742471e+00 1.46701053e+00 1.72079738e+00 1.11374653e+00 1.91203256e+00 1.28618207e+00 1.31384947e+00 1.58808818e+00 1.08243846e+00 1.68052482e+00 1.23691028e+00 1.21888672e+00 1.30778918e+00 1.67828199e+00 1.89590577e+00 1.64111418e+00 1.68408747e+00 1.41817598e+00 1.64974482e+00 1.38139489e+00 1.35253251e+00 1.17424146e+00 1.61761021e+00 8.97174139e-01 1.48047376e+00 1.49164940e+00 1.50094388e+00 1.36924898e+00 1.83985967e+00 9.54909772e-01 1.41171947e+00 1.80956481e+00 9.87455216e-01 1.30363098e+00 1.45792839e+00 1.47792359e+00 1.40302957e+00 1.20581537e+00 1.21866219e+00 1.52207009e+00 1.06619453e+00 1.55155411e+00 1.96641439e+00 1.41514669e+00 1.69105348e+00 1.27316296e+00 1.04938782e+00 1.74606945e+00 1.60905984e+00 1.23070776e+00 1.45621421e+00 1.79926733e+00 1.39781550e+00 1.31950265e+00 9.19403201e-01 1.64174974e+00 1.26772790e+00 1.18271121e+00 1.61836995e+00 1.19148884e+00 9.48468458e-01 1.27817893e+00 1.34074915e+00 1.52222693e+00 1.21612275e+00 1.51567398e+00 1.18794474e+00 9.92732946e-01 1.61450693e+00 1.70740194e+00 1.51184070e+00 1.45552576e+00 1.51480437e+00 1.08944803e+00 1.59022548e+00 1.39759860e+00 1.20150357e+00 1.59097609e+00 1.64246110e+00 1.29849716e+00 9.82004471e-01 1.62746372e+00 1.54494945e+00 1.43857874e+00 1.52042736e+00 1.50606729e+00 1.42229021e+00 1.11812631e+00 1.09005388e+00 1.28156704e+00 1.65733700e+00 1.26334319e+00 1.65146768e+00 1.66052585e+00 9.23927012e-01 1.42512287e+00 1.48410861e+00 9.48006085e-01 1.51101277e+00 1.20340162e+00 1.20526815e+00 1.28100655e+00 1.10852434e+00 1.31824560e+00 1.46113736e+00 1.32619067e+00 1.56023388e+00 1.20632578e+00 1.15302516e+00 1.27872043e+00 1.21971535e+00 1.46953506e+00 1.02180580e+00 1.13030780e+00 1.69520874e+00 1.45982384e+00 1.15838545e+00 1.17638227e+00 1.30915277e+00 1.32985206e+00 1.53601988e+00 1.17532232e+00 1.03380979e+00 1.27651670e+00 1.20316191e+00 1.65046816e+00 1.51661861e+00 1.25916151e+00 1.65116298e+00 1.40983478e+00 1.10878351e+00 1.00723144e+00 1.17167532e+00 1.25553786e+00 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1.46918304e+00 1.30805804e+00 1.37263784e+00 9.71238810e-01 1.30347892e+00 1.44964339e+00 1.38820292e+00 1.02283872e+00 1.18801348e+00 1.35778727e+00 1.31580960e+00 1.41529138e+00 1.50904364e+00 1.37732200e+00 1.62636628e+00 1.25506395e+00 1.43510428e+00 1.05662345e+00 1.17798606e+00 1.17439743e+00 1.34946028e+00 1.33715812e+00 1.23993363e+00 1.11363309e+00 1.09187420e+00 1.23517280e+00 1.16552831e+00 1.49030308e+00 1.36314835e+00 1.05395903e+00 1.08225116e+00 1.04281678e+00 1.24480339e+00 1.29916100e+00 1.39870979e+00 1.29257848e+00 1.29653082e+00 1.12308823e+00 1.16062344e+00 1.14897026e+00 8.83815899e-01 1.14125205e+00 1.16202265e+00 1.11762974e+00 1.45079686e+00 1.28000857e+00 1.17126900e+00 1.05056793e+00 9.33847626e-01 1.29449731e+00 6.88315835e-01 1.86221024e+00 1.42523735e+00 1.20345036e+00 1.31572934e+00 1.09129037e+00 1.06203451e+00 9.82604603e-01 1.39081435e+00 1.22350800e+00 1.33528498e+00 9.01472296e-01 1.39731770e+00 1.00926393e+00 1.06111985e+00 1.21394563e+00 1.11689427e+00 1.06798382e+00 9.70817850e-01 7.71091663e-01 1.54221969e+00 1.20272708e+00 1.74251982e+00 1.23756484e+00 1.40423118e+00 1.40852470e+00 1.06767480e+00 1.12027130e+00 1.16498334e+00 1.07147344e+00 1.26349397e+00 1.02105381e+00 1.03789028e+00 8.70688121e-01 1.62939062e+00 1.29783873e+00 1.49338232e+00 1.15785830e+00 1.21567375e+00 7.95466305e-01 1.50095262e+00 1.26254310e+00 8.88932597e-01 1.36348107e+00 9.10622029e-01 1.13347278e+00 1.14853923e+00 1.20703266e+00 9.25135479e-01 6.97574491e-01 1.19585980e+00 1.20252461e+00 1.12163097e+00 1.11051327e+00 8.64137757e-01 1.35703532e+00 1.17990728e+00 1.36328050e+00 8.96935327e-01 1.13674297e+00 1.21801208e+00 1.00894918e+00 1.33279204e+00 9.46052815e-01 1.23530886e+00 1.14251898e+00 1.11517240e+00 9.61972450e-01 1.05623488e+00 8.79573219e-01 1.31501595e+00 8.79896521e-01 8.16035007e-01 1.17499247e+00 8.83308834e-01 1.19440576e+00 1.08267247e+00 9.81510708e-01 1.11227059e+00 1.07970069e+00 1.18222087e+00 1.25713201e+00 1.42809923e+00 9.69433976e-01 1.45365767e+00 1.16617392e+00 8.36311205e-01 8.21236646e-01 1.34974529e+00 9.29538119e-01 1.03470161e+00 1.19062052e+00 1.02843647e+00 1.23650635e+00 1.03991229e+00 1.22014949e+00 1.33237990e+00 1.23602424e+00 6.39164872e-01 1.44380762e+00 7.09628807e-01 1.36661631e+00 1.16785827e+00 9.14931381e-01 1.09956155e+00 7.60996448e-01 1.14001954e+00 6.94970254e-01 9.11583271e-01 9.62922282e-01 7.43404774e-01 9.34732937e-01 9.45047386e-01 7.84858792e-01 1.42016602e+00 1.12201118e+00 7.73362921e-01 1.02457631e+00 9.80910065e-01 1.25112446e+00 1.00917124e+00 1.04006157e+00 8.45143485e-01 9.57330559e-01 6.91231871e-01 9.01112891e-01 1.18396306e+00 1.23018504e+00 8.03879428e-01 1.28631684e+00 1.02161381e+00 1.00747616e+00 1.10990100e+00 7.69232550e-01 5.91030051e-01 8.85961511e-01 9.47164361e-01 1.27203183e+00 1.09821805e+00 1.21166381e+00 9.67637808e-01 7.63174710e-01 1.23800738e+00 1.05361159e+00 1.48576257e+00 7.41448123e-01 1.20803895e+00 7.94403485e-01 1.24713812e+00 8.94744616e-01 1.17522385e+00 8.56000470e-01 9.15038977e-01 1.01079599e+00 9.91943900e-01 8.43641137e-01 1.02715569e+00 1.34820525e+00 9.63470383e-01 9.22546483e-01 1.16751962e+00 8.68292759e-01 1.03564761e+00 1.06199567e+00 9.57588811e-01 9.86950565e-01 1.07481621e+00 1.27531861e+00 1.34365785e+00 1.02385120e+00 1.01279769e+00 7.62485825e-01 1.06726065e+00 9.01679642e-01 8.73298140e-01 5.78442762e-01 7.89781353e-01 7.04084404e-01 9.44651309e-01 1.05319710e+00 8.68063565e-01 8.54768387e-01 8.98856039e-01 6.91956711e-01 1.15126407e+00 9.17344609e-01 7.77161073e-01 1.06293684e+00 7.82927219e-01 9.15693938e-01 9.61879606e-01 1.49198197e+00 7.06148060e-01 7.34199603e-01 7.07696768e-01 1.02269464e+00 8.16224301e-01 1.20883516e+00 7.19209004e-01 8.36307056e-01 1.19045568e+00 6.92848788e-01 1.32091801e+00 6.76029864e-01 9.22090506e-01 9.95253188e-01 9.28937278e-01 8.19935605e-01 5.94679777e-01 8.27202486e-01 1.30050580e+00 8.51067790e-01 6.57738886e-01 8.53583023e-01 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1.94336005e-01 -3.69757990e-02 0.00000000e+00 6.16241418e-02 7.72364733e-02 3.30765846e-01 1.62786435e-01 2.60595252e-01 1.56615093e-01 3.27619355e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.37431959e-02 1.00349957e-01 6.99284296e-02 2.27763769e-01 1.02974658e-03 -7.20029456e-03 6.91969999e-02 6.90001328e-02 6.78287090e-02 6.98883044e-02 6.41677061e-02 6.80251634e-02 1.05110139e-01 0.00000000e+00 1.00895856e-01 0.00000000e+00 1.67358551e-01 3.48617825e-02 2.29366862e-02 2.62177857e-02 3.50647732e-02 5.25950387e-02 2.42263124e-02 6.71938147e-02 2.35859389e-01 -3.45631264e-03 2.94854817e-02 6.43846083e-02 6.77758941e-02 4.85864617e-02 6.61636062e-02 1.05316338e-01 1.87414944e-01 3.52312340e-02 1.36468113e-01 1.27641993e-01 2.57905814e-01 3.54081128e-02 3.26985056e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.22959485e-02 8.99286796e-02 1.75233376e-01 2.12388262e-01 0.00000000e+00 6.08027259e-02 3.54084512e-02 7.04610664e-02 1.31346534e-01 0.00000000e+00 1.38902016e-01 0.00000000e+00 6.81994247e-02 0.00000000e+00 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-5.07865598e-03 -4.17867102e-02 -1.77836793e-02 3.11316676e-02 1.16376305e-01 1.48225297e-01 5.93698756e-03 1.44134602e-01 9.19469294e-02 1.11742924e-01 5.37926968e-02 1.11680232e-01 1.34900867e-01 2.16473196e-01 1.64207209e-01 6.48473599e-02 7.56704036e-02 1.17092290e-01 5.87232332e-02 8.99295936e-02 1.73601766e-01 3.78486632e-02 1.35990591e-01 1.35427292e-01 1.21527380e-01 3.04763975e-02 1.92181630e-01 6.82222944e-02 3.61916648e-02 2.00895193e-01 3.71869661e-02 7.39454758e-02 1.77797509e-01 1.64396543e-01 7.44021360e-02 8.18556081e-02 2.08770230e-01 3.29013701e-02 1.28282610e-01 1.71261441e-01 1.52170426e-01 7.66629251e-02 7.71654392e-02 1.69705582e-01 1.03718392e-01 1.23990960e-01 1.05552439e-01 1.53527208e-01 1.10049254e-01 6.76965004e-02 9.69516444e-02 1.00034466e-01 8.99630788e-02 1.46967616e-01 1.03361964e-01 1.11485225e-01 9.26869738e-02 3.84147306e-02 1.00595119e-01 9.48014964e-02 6.95246456e-02 0.00000000e+00 1.57481483e-01 1.14190839e-01 -5.59819974e-03 7.46191337e-02 7.57065598e-02 7.53647093e-02 4.06759317e-02 1.12155627e-01 9.42217077e-02 8.50602912e-03 7.47384110e-02 2.13531523e-01 1.44996003e-01 6.25982697e-02 2.25697171e-01 0.00000000e+00 9.73156268e-02 7.52819911e-02 7.47610071e-02 1.03898539e-01 1.38752584e-01 3.70939509e-02 9.88520769e-02 1.67370615e-01 2.24558207e-01 -1.48056344e-02 3.82385421e-02 7.33234549e-02 7.50636478e-02 1.80044941e-01 1.45309691e-01 2.62212429e-01 9.83732480e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.75045123e-02 1.72905113e-01 1.14569342e-01 3.74858038e-02 -3.72996405e-02 1.16998092e-01 3.82447178e-02 2.85970593e-01 3.58920127e-02 7.20671410e-02 7.86314390e-02 1.34535248e-01 5.98801396e-02 3.67979412e-02 3.55761711e-02 7.57397510e-02 -4.13441178e-02 -2.54216761e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.05527304e-02 3.20821467e-02 0.00000000e+00 -3.92148648e-02 -3.99291546e-02 7.64274887e-02 7.18740245e-02 3.93225398e-03 0.00000000e+00 2.81003782e-01 -2.99552826e-02 1.73009434e-01 7.35551941e-02 4.75300606e-02 6.79419498e-02 1.14424104e-01 1.80343896e-01 -3.53512976e-02 -4.22530469e-02 3.83647605e-02 5.21835466e-02 5.48443860e-02 3.55918100e-02 -3.97112464e-02 -5.30110336e-03 0.00000000e+00 -4.39652565e-02 0.00000000e+00 5.97903412e-02 7.61668094e-02 5.60780400e-02 1.14987918e-01 2.41548364e-01 5.10814334e-02 3.76700494e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.83411492e-02 9.92771351e-02 6.57421367e-02 7.44775705e-02 1.07817698e-01 7.07524202e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.73561581e-01 1.17739590e-01 7.67143374e-02 3.74621441e-02 5.87930816e-02 3.83164985e-02 5.72131550e-02 8.36987405e-02 3.37691396e-02 0.00000000e+00 8.23166563e-02 3.83014640e-02 6.26392586e-02 7.61115538e-02 0.00000000e+00 6.56413042e-02 3.82044485e-02 7.53600966e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.10199305e-01 2.67620699e-02 1.07492141e-01 3.78960953e-02 3.82815508e-02 3.56040970e-02 1.10985243e-01 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.81068206e-02 -2.30625129e-03 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.47599349e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.78028425e-02 -2.91966667e-02 7.96043047e-02 5.86081370e-02 3.77060405e-02 3.82891165e-02 3.83662833e-02 5.94638737e-02 0.00000000e+00 7.54546063e-02 3.83240843e-02 3.83261590e-02 0.00000000e+00 8.85912483e-02 6.71405577e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 7.07582334e-02 0.00000000e+00 2.00084079e-02 -5.17523036e-03 7.65512940e-02 -3.76330472e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.44387347e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.80449864e-02 3.80817429e-02 3.55411187e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.83648612e-02 3.61005350e-02 0.00000000e+00 1.37034223e-01 0.00000000e+00 7.53602416e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.73384596e-02 0.00000000e+00 7.45493673e-02 5.73403957e-02 1.14502190e-01 0.00000000e+00 2.65895473e-03 3.82050366e-02 0.00000000e+00 1.51982401e-04 0.00000000e+00 3.83469463e-02 0.00000000e+00 2.24078637e-02 1.51345641e-01 1.31631853e-01 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.44553524e-02 -5.11537016e-03 3.83641844e-02 0.00000000e+00 6.13004990e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.59658204e-02 -4.10481323e-02 -4.00216541e-03 0.00000000e+00 -2.80062387e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 7.44146124e-02 8.69339126e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.55897030e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.76115912e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.82910582e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.72077775e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.24691371e-02 3.83470107e-02 3.81197160e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 7.51034901e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 6.86378795e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.83245435e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 4.59537067e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.83661947e-02 1.06539151e-02 0.00000000e+00 1.83754862e-02 5.18466522e-03 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 7.58078012e-02 4.07864619e-02 -3.52149601e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 -4.23921607e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.70042633e-02 0.00000000e+00 
+        3.82530690e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.82068535e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.76057175e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 5.86512370e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 2.80223831e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.83383775e-02 -1.72356870e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.79344551e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 7.33350339e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.76124331e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 -3.82612107e-02 8.24552958e-03 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 -6.32245820e-02 2.89965143e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.28095252e-02 2.49357949e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.83303325e-02 2.45250028e-02 0.00000000e+00 7.60566084e-02 7.52801420e-02 1.09992685e-01 0.00000000e+00 -1.12466999e-03 3.81744438e-02 3.74174111e-02 2.57265113e-03 -4.11909967e-02 1.46646211e-01 7.39586492e-02 0.00000000e+00 6.53424544e-02 3.80664264e-02 3.81303353e-02 3.14707077e-02 7.58256920e-02 6.95048110e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.31751860e-02 5.83917310e-02 7.66696085e-02 5.47823702e-02 3.80412802e-02 3.81469168e-02 2.56575003e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.56603074e-02 6.70237872e-02 1.52457061e-01 -2.28927901e-03 1.07850807e-01 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.94761707e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.83603170e-02 6.96561918e-02 3.06737626e-02 3.56407246e-02 5.45133719e-02 2.24757468e-01 3.67771861e-02 8.97413334e-03 7.00428921e-02 1.84106262e-01 1.06446469e-01 2.78591382e-02 3.74740847e-02 3.80812998e-02 5.97923877e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.52153035e-01 -3.75856262e-02 2.23129950e-01 5.94972825e-02 7.67202755e-02 4.94852702e-02 1.05780350e-01 -5.04335180e-03 1.04207454e-01 1.75458633e-01 3.17181653e-02 -4.12621006e-02 8.85918778e-03 0.00000000e+00 3.63204736e-02 3.67685520e-02 3.40935566e-02 1.21905395e-01 2.77302046e-02 2.24238333e-01 8.81009690e-03 1.27108053e-01 -3.68448819e-02 1.03703658e-01 1.13043847e-01 8.01551745e-02 3.78271789e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.28558052e-02 7.15450109e-02 1.05725425e-02 1.29240249e-01 6.76530061e-02 3.32574495e-02 1.37534966e-01 1.61858161e-01 3.82740094e-02 7.12400961e-02 1.14323689e-01 6.43432132e-02 7.57632777e-02 3.74449019e-02 2.32237544e-01 1.42402262e-01 0.00000000e+00 1.36278033e-01 1.51451806e-01 7.46581784e-02 2.75459644e-02 -3.44698028e-02 2.54023442e-01 1.14197184e-01 3.34532329e-02 9.36718249e-02 1.86197399e-01 3.56428758e-02 1.43167005e-01 1.09664242e-01 1.77528819e-01 2.91701992e-01 9.92733073e-02 2.99659929e-01 1.03397734e-01 3.38587969e-02 1.18064534e-01 8.20275244e-02 8.81390549e-02 9.54588024e-02 1.76166558e-01 1.77883543e-01 1.28499200e-01 2.50737332e-01 -1.16819250e-01 2.02882575e-01 6.19687778e-02 2.63491165e-01 7.59272155e-02 3.53482963e-02 1.37037007e-01 1.72463167e-01 -1.71395759e-02 2.18416536e-01 8.15396118e-03 3.58860976e-01 1.47800869e-01 1.49880011e-01 7.10286658e-02 2.73410080e-01 5.87811858e-02 2.63024350e-01 2.14810043e-01 1.58936969e-01 1.05633315e-01 1.74984037e-01 2.94638930e-01 4.55293333e-01 1.51987932e-01 1.82826624e-01 2.47770329e-01 2.20324932e-01 2.85659092e-01 3.32973575e-01 3.59472174e-01 3.24216295e-01 7.97149196e-02 3.21490727e-01 2.16129374e-01 4.61732965e-01 3.41671572e-01 1.40701751e-01 3.53861445e-01 3.84460349e-01 1.05969942e-01 4.09715983e-01 3.03861256e-01 3.92077391e-01 1.54950039e-01 2.43156469e-01 8.96931862e-02 2.26399240e-01 3.46026176e-01 4.97849901e-01 2.56933671e-01 2.39354206e-01 2.48310513e-01 2.06434826e-01 2.33052788e-01 1.14762154e-01 1.49333639e-01 3.14155750e-02 5.15915582e-01 2.97779290e-01 2.85771323e-01 2.57817672e-01 2.43810554e-01 3.86120687e-01 2.13811507e-01 3.81119119e-01 2.20386396e-01 3.63124119e-01 1.19161284e-01 1.17894556e-01 2.70047413e-01 2.98423898e-01 2.42097568e-01 3.52372342e-01 4.12470931e-01 2.93558580e-01 2.97303353e-01 4.92445212e-01 5.82855606e-01 4.63434399e-01 4.53669601e-01 3.09718538e-01 2.88498342e-01 3.94872543e-01 3.39106066e-01 3.25576110e-01 3.19088182e-01 4.31037704e-01 3.34708802e-01 2.26987295e-01 4.00283985e-01 3.63800226e-01 5.57029213e-01 1.87345217e-01 5.27710276e-01 3.62723808e-01 3.71883265e-01 2.22795114e-01 3.17787994e-01 6.08033491e-01 2.87764278e-01 2.52673872e-01 4.48795874e-01 4.84984406e-01 6.78683643e-01 6.75164773e-01 3.04881087e-01 2.51583737e-01 2.89811071e-01 5.01531482e-01 2.11704136e-01 2.39939602e-01 2.45549581e-01 5.59176996e-01 5.25013485e-01 3.88265398e-01 5.50698222e-01 3.60810147e-01 4.00715415e-01 4.14404065e-01 3.87318708e-01 5.13283566e-01 5.45411101e-01 4.85085033e-01 3.43139406e-01 5.99831892e-01 6.15907885e-01 4.80976965e-01 6.13534815e-01 5.03586750e-01 5.07025857e-01 4.46953209e-01 5.82736722e-01 6.17550273e-01 6.09857254e-01 2.84726599e-01 5.73874520e-01 3.75948951e-01 6.86659432e-01 4.53891157e-01 6.01899708e-01 4.07096408e-01 5.07270628e-01 6.05934844e-01 7.31210005e-01 5.91968370e-01 3.12144654e-01 5.11189331e-01 5.77787097e-01 5.74688480e-01 7.56398315e-01 5.01175521e-01 5.85492032e-01 5.33924936e-01 2.44186403e-01 7.10157699e-01 4.68869391e-01 5.83899675e-01 5.51779396e-01 6.60301138e-01 6.05992282e-01 4.25120310e-01 5.50784900e-01 5.28637521e-01 3.24980469e-01 5.92135579e-01 5.18947198e-01 3.41483599e-01 5.87654302e-01 9.08697927e-01 4.43597674e-01 6.97649573e-01 2.20438617e-01 4.58220767e-01 4.81217338e-01 3.87716292e-01 6.59553340e-01 6.40966671e-01 6.23171702e-01 5.32978947e-01 7.56227573e-01 5.22738955e-01 5.32373776e-01 7.05959647e-01 6.67319560e-01 3.06150069e-01 7.91279796e-01 5.55872822e-01 5.97716247e-01 7.08213915e-01 5.33126810e-01 4.97906348e-01 7.04696495e-01 3.75648004e-01 9.03447693e-01 6.66727116e-01 7.11848433e-01 6.17912519e-01 5.87586386e-01 6.57584000e-01 8.24378640e-01 4.25601258e-01 4.45160456e-01 5.67307846e-01 8.87964802e-01 5.04912228e-01 7.60347807e-01 4.03300238e-01 5.07453889e-01 9.27582144e-01 7.48129064e-01 5.85696294e-01 8.50980334e-01 5.22411127e-01 5.33124342e-01 9.70860387e-01 6.72396937e-01 1.03874277e+00 9.74789993e-01 5.60169769e-01 5.34427753e-01 6.09349586e-01 7.79213576e-01 4.89886720e-01 7.10446837e-01 9.43792567e-01 6.08977716e-01 6.36046992e-01 7.94269781e-01 6.51452461e-01 4.81705888e-01 1.82610894e-01 9.70134265e-01 8.56021507e-01 4.35690734e-01 2.22227796e-01 4.40967792e-01 7.06389696e-01 6.85000870e-01 4.29797417e-01 3.46442962e-01 4.08745469e-01 5.48554836e-01 8.99703793e-01 6.09787961e-01 3.90502117e-01 6.94416881e-01 5.40088639e-01 6.48057669e-01 4.10907040e-01 8.56409882e-01 7.16571836e-01 5.27882400e-01 7.32426581e-01 9.65842659e-01 6.45043323e-01 6.88748202e-01 5.75963152e-01 3.49881303e-01 6.72536138e-01 8.53746051e-01 6.94585108e-01 5.60252261e-01 9.42090482e-01 6.40198750e-01 8.39932906e-01 9.51266504e-01 8.94452229e-01 6.08344270e-01 7.96032242e-01 7.37694328e-01 6.27172745e-01 6.01853083e-01 3.96185457e-01 9.12715259e-01 1.07536339e+00 8.10569905e-01 1.11547847e+00 6.64579463e-01 8.49465300e-01 9.18670477e-01 8.87061492e-01 1.08287841e+00 8.68384491e-01 1.08931035e+00 8.10701995e-01 1.28285343e+00 4.84050745e-01 6.39096484e-01 4.75653596e-01 8.17309542e-01 1.03056337e+00 1.00609257e+00 8.78150347e-01 8.80534412e-01 9.30481428e-01 6.86872693e-01 9.36273674e-01 8.18025057e-01 7.99704205e-01 1.14677213e+00 9.51349863e-01 1.01777560e+00 9.73017194e-01 1.08760544e+00 1.30859877e+00 9.66910739e-01 8.40058649e-01 9.15060211e-01 1.13362435e+00 7.68960226e-01 1.14227446e+00 1.03922683e+00 8.67691584e-01 1.45270972e+00 1.00435773e+00 1.16590493e+00 1.15733567e+00 1.16896733e+00 9.78279230e-01 1.13724650e+00 7.49712364e-01 1.27787582e+00 8.85841924e-01 1.37923333e+00 9.69077137e-01 1.34949181e+00 1.03334643e+00 9.55705411e-01 1.03619817e+00 1.88981879e+00 1.20194534e+00 1.04294936e+00 8.52881665e-01 1.17459083e+00 1.20933054e+00 1.12277369e+00 1.18824914e+00 6.98849522e-01 7.14618872e-01 1.36963008e+00 1.03173908e+00 1.31140556e+00 1.04860495e+00 9.84083575e-01 1.07317870e+00 1.08285659e+00 9.86214805e-01 1.62951097e+00 1.12210588e+00 1.18772615e+00 1.21576134e+00 1.26692155e+00 1.04184462e+00 1.45773048e+00 1.56621728e+00 9.54727861e-01 9.77905456e-01 1.52826108e+00 1.04034844e+00 1.20487089e+00 1.22323836e+00 1.45760447e+00 9.47128537e-01 6.22938907e-01 1.12821899e+00 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1.49860929e+00 1.42987353e+00 2.04002297e+00 1.60935731e+00 1.91197212e+00 2.09016137e+00 1.47476461e+00 1.36963743e+00 1.63259378e+00 1.45156960e+00 1.67385004e+00 1.00446426e+00 1.73288684e+00 1.04236689e+00 1.46485654e+00 1.20763980e+00 1.60907316e+00 1.57647809e+00 1.46090886e+00 1.48239401e+00 1.18104374e+00 1.25999601e+00 1.28044401e+00 9.83403016e-01 1.56161521e+00 1.82227597e+00 1.18801542e+00 1.83498922e+00 1.73308095e+00 1.34338134e+00 1.35354362e+00 1.61959627e+00 8.94621528e-01 1.64372935e+00 1.72990470e+00 9.07723328e-01 1.52342068e+00 1.45699248e+00 1.05776389e+00 1.33498220e+00 1.39014533e+00 1.12094725e+00 1.39113823e+00 1.49906539e+00 1.66574973e+00 9.84746976e-01 1.13267562e+00 1.69273773e+00 1.50385648e+00 1.65138824e+00 1.29950232e+00 1.38587165e+00 1.53107126e+00 1.61929626e+00 1.37294588e+00 1.03856961e+00 1.72002741e+00 1.59701132e+00 1.86549889e+00 1.78637443e+00 1.23898975e+00 1.56938784e+00 1.31604304e+00 1.41268187e+00 1.39323423e+00 1.44955507e+00 1.11915911e+00 1.50808004e+00 1.44930061e+00 1.68711053e+00 1.71081178e+00 1.53222264e+00 1.58209270e+00 1.36748831e+00 1.56917596e+00 1.79003316e+00 1.75656428e+00 1.77161602e+00 1.60473053e+00 1.75972528e+00 1.35933384e+00 1.71946649e+00 1.57752033e+00 1.91603869e+00 1.38908392e+00 1.53074336e+00 1.28640493e+00 1.11196484e+00 1.42170817e+00 1.64067125e+00 1.29835676e+00 1.77140196e+00 1.34548126e+00 1.30912556e+00 1.72416071e+00 1.29750158e+00 1.34636789e+00 1.52926921e+00 1.62560133e+00 1.13189326e+00 1.50937036e+00 1.45522094e+00 1.58440662e+00 1.47558704e+00 1.45093157e+00 1.25266402e+00 9.66471766e-01 1.73922314e+00 1.71266766e+00 1.39005627e+00 1.78226034e+00 1.63167349e+00 1.70297586e+00 1.39235658e+00 1.05536157e+00 9.85466013e-01 1.60200858e+00 1.18215066e+00 1.47942087e+00 1.35142314e+00 1.28776255e+00 1.54972514e+00 1.14505015e+00 1.02630720e+00 1.41175961e+00 1.69204825e+00 1.36736335e+00 8.92349038e-01 1.37200893e+00 1.06159762e+00 1.36133024e+00 1.20011441e+00 1.21522798e+00 1.26002854e+00 1.66428546e+00 1.02524370e+00 1.14008147e+00 1.11575364e+00 1.87229952e+00 1.60497131e+00 1.77930471e+00 1.41540370e+00 1.27844592e+00 1.47647553e+00 1.02835366e+00 9.94579012e-01 1.14767534e+00 1.15749995e+00 1.57754608e+00 1.14304174e+00 1.03024219e+00 1.12091688e+00 1.43332012e+00 1.29486029e+00 9.74444654e-01 1.10668120e+00 1.32346254e+00 1.13152196e+00 1.14754520e+00 9.08294111e-01 1.48849757e+00 1.37861462e+00 1.09153930e+00 1.43774968e+00 7.68339580e-01 9.58253538e-01 1.13596993e+00 1.09535946e+00 1.10602608e+00 1.34018559e+00 9.52175488e-01 9.73479005e-01 1.54478616e+00 1.15922846e+00 1.15950797e+00 1.18822679e+00 1.36989242e+00 1.17846352e+00 1.36209469e+00 9.36750242e-01 8.35061673e-01 1.33528196e+00 9.49979667e-01 1.13049676e+00 8.81665703e-01 1.64093765e+00 1.37502817e+00 9.91471418e-01 1.21460920e+00 1.18385508e+00 1.37968201e+00 1.51914679e+00 1.05159730e+00 1.26766893e+00 1.14226409e+00 1.12016298e+00 1.04620404e+00 1.46620780e+00 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1.69209691e+00 1.43403545e+00 1.23887020e+00 1.30252172e+00 9.74645451e-01 9.90244845e-01 1.01622555e+00 1.00916955e+00 1.13224756e+00 6.67173000e-01 1.16816915e+00 1.09932289e+00 9.47094616e-01 1.03762718e+00 8.06049742e-01 8.72903659e-01 7.93708843e-01 1.14220999e+00 9.02819502e-01 8.74104335e-01 9.49885790e-01 8.51250375e-01 9.20952946e-01 8.24031817e-01 8.74858544e-01 9.77881756e-01 1.03683943e+00 8.32354446e-01 1.13026253e+00 1.28538032e+00 1.12647905e+00 1.21845317e+00 1.05641395e+00 8.98079153e-01 1.21873468e+00 9.10610646e-01 1.03274188e+00 1.27649623e+00 6.68245571e-01 9.09208949e-01 9.89433419e-01 1.15078523e+00 1.10127828e+00 1.05132161e+00 6.28439746e-01 1.17434006e+00 1.70899215e+00 6.23988109e-01 1.09742680e+00 1.01892564e+00 9.90100398e-01 7.29640588e-01 6.87826531e-01 6.34061592e-01 1.00112370e+00 1.04921338e+00 7.51209288e-01 9.05133592e-01 1.13710611e+00 7.99293267e-01 5.90274053e-01 7.51260071e-01 1.03992704e+00 6.25430211e-01 9.00007483e-01 9.33841645e-01 8.31195841e-01 1.12393874e+00 1.02245071e+00 1.11786723e+00 8.66246557e-01 5.61594613e-01 9.34626196e-01 6.26809660e-01 1.03161690e+00 6.04849137e-01 9.44807265e-01 1.14322056e+00 9.21510155e-01 8.36775065e-01 8.73158017e-01 9.90809963e-01 1.34048722e+00 1.27971831e+00 1.07271172e+00 1.05579789e+00 8.93027590e-01 3.78303180e-01 8.75312273e-01 9.59932434e-01 1.20639443e+00 1.26691975e+00 9.92821803e-01 1.06076089e+00 7.36858081e-01 5.78882178e-01 4.06460905e-01 9.57516032e-01 7.05078719e-01 9.84662477e-01 8.38308865e-01 8.57431240e-01 6.77105794e-01 1.28435211e+00 8.61516322e-01 9.03811767e-01 7.83699191e-01 1.13896360e+00 1.09013950e+00 9.87857801e-01 7.62972951e-01 7.15602464e-01 7.56824074e-01 1.04329010e+00 8.59810110e-01 7.82425826e-01 6.55597159e-01 4.22184812e-01 8.49128930e-01 1.10286268e+00 1.23798101e+00 8.68607935e-01 6.34386754e-01 1.04001039e+00 5.85957497e-01 9.89343609e-01 1.05385359e+00 9.24347318e-01 1.01493965e+00 8.28824339e-01 8.22596572e-01 6.56216170e-01 9.24502057e-01 5.45079509e-01 1.06340822e+00 8.99848098e-01 9.84919574e-01 8.15257424e-01 5.00029443e-01 8.76308431e-01 7.89527945e-01 1.12158129e+00 8.65516295e-01 8.93425597e-01 7.63188406e-01 8.62265422e-01 1.11799590e+00 7.75608179e-01 1.11549668e+00 6.48502993e-01 7.38559096e-01 4.35292757e-01 8.30699142e-01 5.96925618e-01 7.51494919e-01 7.66688867e-01 8.40551232e-01 8.21466940e-01 7.90679853e-01 1.10363590e+00 6.87970683e-01 6.00548728e-01 8.20041739e-01 6.45267058e-01 7.44873917e-01 8.52006659e-01 7.04652163e-01 1.00349794e+00 6.19288332e-01 9.08515152e-01 2.91817502e-01 6.23208801e-01 1.10960898e+00 7.69252848e-01 7.43169482e-01 5.87587277e-01 9.65393750e-01 1.02763639e+00 8.40546026e-01 8.10595507e-01 6.08911332e-01 1.04990859e+00 9.88588721e-01 6.78463749e-01 4.45492848e-01 9.50340564e-01 5.78515949e-01 9.77554722e-01 5.33583737e-01 6.37226519e-01 6.91412504e-01 8.36055157e-01 6.85235679e-01 8.11569824e-01 8.59595369e-01 7.02364368e-01 6.31494046e-01 8.28023543e-01 5.64108398e-01 9.62831837e-01 6.79326589e-01 9.57691113e-01 6.16556308e-01 9.11174497e-01 6.93051028e-01 6.71759999e-01 8.95195221e-01 3.93744671e-01 8.31647213e-01 9.18031361e-01 8.94003483e-01 5.33382472e-01 9.11156893e-01 6.31242569e-01 6.95964860e-01 7.66180073e-01 8.65424241e-01 4.09412123e-01 7.34843075e-01 6.83493900e-01 6.70634995e-01 5.59678669e-01 8.32869968e-01 6.59362463e-01 5.54312355e-01 7.12127979e-01 7.89686930e-01 5.90386431e-01 8.41130406e-01 6.06254856e-01 7.41876585e-01 3.55249726e-01 6.79236275e-01 7.28858035e-01 8.08256199e-01 5.67027389e-01 8.37145104e-01 6.18125692e-01 4.63086480e-01 6.28712664e-01 5.87666843e-01 4.66692093e-01 4.53695485e-01 8.31327367e-01 3.91108705e-01 8.42660202e-01 5.56612190e-01 7.80277623e-01 7.18753823e-01 5.41950945e-01 8.72539056e-01 7.01193903e-01 5.32470676e-01 9.84521348e-01 1.19743001e+00 6.94292898e-01 5.31970995e-01 4.25381740e-01 2.39344508e-01 8.96397387e-01 7.52738965e-01 5.48901510e-01 5.11491115e-01 7.80629663e-01 6.18674301e-01 5.39762038e-01 5.05630958e-01 6.94752565e-01 6.33728421e-01 5.64992691e-01 5.19070308e-01 7.02273805e-01 5.87819756e-01 4.79573812e-01 5.78652439e-01 3.41216287e-01 3.54244701e-01 5.80700045e-01 4.91904598e-01 8.57783765e-01 5.10681308e-01 4.15692947e-01 2.49668900e-01 8.14250667e-01 5.24381565e-01 6.12670902e-01 6.43004680e-01 6.44242243e-01 6.52452647e-01 8.63459162e-01 4.10976833e-01 5.98366017e-01 5.27337235e-01 4.24866334e-01 6.77663983e-01 4.52816125e-01 3.40375744e-01 6.32015901e-01 3.89792162e-01 5.42708579e-01 3.10744356e-01 4.58430422e-01 6.78859225e-01 6.94911338e-01 5.62885361e-01 2.21805148e-01 4.08617731e-01 7.25316573e-01 4.48999316e-01 4.39902873e-01 2.43059394e-01 1.13134251e-01 6.29916531e-01 7.14616989e-01 6.33664247e-01 6.76289487e-01 6.66286541e-01 6.04619232e-01 3.58416672e-01 8.41356793e-01 8.78977663e-01 6.90683004e-01 4.03410805e-01 5.75613506e-01 5.05331405e-01 5.37946702e-01 5.92451726e-01 4.54298907e-01 6.27924663e-01 4.40662565e-01 6.34860752e-01 5.09140252e-01 8.31347188e-01 4.41694124e-01 3.60830090e-01 4.70129789e-01 4.91068117e-01 7.14877346e-01 4.01642573e-01 4.82160398e-01 3.31254904e-01 5.83317688e-01 7.45204355e-01 4.02181472e-01 4.73133160e-01 3.22509291e-01 7.49881142e-01 1.46580588e-01 6.19826795e-01 4.50484047e-01 2.88474902e-01 5.76928740e-01 6.36144757e-01 5.96514605e-01 2.03150217e-01 7.56444712e-01 4.22466651e-01 5.36852226e-01 4.94634304e-01 3.70698006e-01 3.71422160e-01 3.07884477e-01 2.82591975e-01 4.50394244e-01 4.78335692e-01 4.06905899e-01 2.54151690e-01 2.85154360e-01 5.13581895e-01 2.29217928e-01 4.52263501e-01 3.18158457e-01 4.74599997e-01 4.17603296e-01 6.42244896e-01 3.80136717e-01 2.42666154e-01 3.59835006e-01 4.91400423e-01 3.24441519e-01 5.22888035e-01 3.76383779e-01 5.34432200e-01 3.49714307e-01 2.46077053e-01 2.58221900e-01 5.14511681e-01 2.35420474e-01 3.30644764e-01 1.46696255e-01 5.86709467e-01 2.88834833e-01 6.02284489e-01 4.41448659e-01 2.73453924e-01 3.61872959e-01 4.20734320e-01 4.83090173e-01 2.63740497e-01 3.61865708e-01 4.36514903e-01 4.79510222e-01 4.63926759e-01 5.82412666e-01 3.26555841e-01 3.12000330e-01 2.59995250e-01 5.13966222e-01 6.15150105e-01 2.67999050e-01 4.39886813e-01 2.27939708e-01 4.26973837e-01 3.80920743e-01 4.69221766e-01 3.28953175e-01 2.66843878e-01 1.16418708e-01 4.99505838e-01 3.66635019e-01 4.16116968e-01 6.22358294e-01 3.16085177e-01 3.42303334e-01 5.45921824e-01 2.11988667e-01 6.15625613e-01 4.44173141e-01 5.77766574e-01 3.19131835e-01 4.70215898e-01 2.25798449e-01 4.34886500e-01 5.99962871e-01 2.18789603e-01 2.96528184e-01 4.36939020e-01 4.10765855e-01 2.96057210e-01 2.08550241e-01 3.04570103e-01 2.22555366e-01 2.89937964e-01 3.01376308e-01 2.01268197e-01 2.39570594e-01 3.11276814e-01 5.23501156e-01 4.54269476e-01 2.26012743e-01 2.00855471e-01 3.40233410e-02 2.94842603e-01 1.77677236e-01 3.14531863e-01 5.17807837e-01 4.53306101e-01 5.24014434e-01 5.87355998e-01 2.65648315e-01 4.88269659e-01 3.69629300e-01 2.49095626e-01 2.24145287e-01 4.18542273e-01 3.25849591e-01 1.77460568e-01 3.15644570e-01 4.03725510e-01 3.32118102e-01 2.88407767e-01 3.62491454e-01 2.44998269e-01 2.62479332e-01 4.06646816e-01 3.95391743e-01 2.74481805e-01 3.57041194e-01 1.86447795e-01 4.92288484e-01 3.95719181e-01 1.58327686e-01 1.67301175e-01 2.40586718e-01 2.04931545e-01 4.00738321e-01 4.08334828e-01 3.71261990e-01 1.52332358e-01 3.04969461e-01 1.40638933e-01 1.48648494e-01 4.03604933e-01 2.22671203e-01 9.21811432e-03 3.49042270e-01 1.75982765e-01 1.92328642e-01 1.79369209e-01 2.99809586e-01 2.09730033e-01 2.94020147e-01 8.46023439e-02 3.07070297e-01 4.11615419e-01 2.18827968e-01 2.13165510e-01 7.65135244e-03 2.51728305e-01 1.94092798e-01 1.88293312e-01 3.90316629e-01 2.24203393e-01 2.95675469e-01 3.82353622e-01 2.46643964e-01 1.62285978e-01 2.86069327e-01 2.04916936e-01 1.44865629e-01 4.04881419e-01 2.93442544e-01 1.80162200e-01 1.69084225e-01 2.52301082e-01 2.41155756e-01 1.03204182e-01 1.18892520e-01 3.21800394e-01 5.41272326e-01 3.46759396e-02 2.31407515e-01 2.77703134e-01 8.07498038e-02 5.15380956e-02 2.95321984e-01 2.00565155e-01 2.56826139e-01 1.10293519e-01 1.45874558e-01 8.14415496e-02 1.93693734e-01 1.95468191e-01 2.36788184e-01 1.65864504e-01 2.39041076e-01 3.67501566e-01 1.02483708e-01 3.73076465e-01 2.52557856e-01 1.89010935e-01 3.05285216e-01 1.90984817e-01 2.72179190e-01 1.34273393e-01 2.22187749e-01 1.03359992e-01 1.51918181e-01 2.73964142e-01 3.35639059e-01 8.82019264e-02 1.14396372e-01 1.51774694e-01 3.47525773e-01 3.22559346e-01 3.04461889e-01 1.12696538e-01 2.39810261e-01 1.28086573e-01 4.26742437e-02 1.70237388e-01 1.11887779e-01 2.87933230e-01 3.00823992e-01 1.09947529e-01 3.16293092e-01 3.45129043e-02 2.22550498e-01 2.27753398e-01 2.26417878e-01 2.56763289e-01 3.24891311e-01 2.54279390e-01 1.06908281e-01 1.09628355e-01 2.76154783e-01 3.63454180e-01 1.60448638e-01 1.92748238e-01 1.26778423e-01 2.49564795e-01 1.01593780e-01 7.52403963e-02 2.02633030e-01 1.75710335e-01 2.12462098e-01 1.11962154e-01 7.34992859e-02 2.31259508e-01 8.16379046e-02 1.89224370e-01 2.45873700e-01 7.20219409e-03 1.48846334e-01 1.48391543e-01 1.45433761e-01 1.01140256e-01 1.23286190e-01 1.48244239e-01 2.42019521e-01 7.66787512e-02 6.27250249e-02 2.61087283e-01 1.83787469e-01 2.19723079e-01 2.27072790e-01 1.05787465e-01 1.09403260e-01 1.68619358e-01 2.24049342e-01 1.35877685e-01 9.73876955e-02 3.16739445e-01 2.06349535e-01 1.12759316e-01 1.79121499e-01 1.35150624e-01 1.74681556e-01 9.58091411e-02 1.14905153e-01 1.00233198e-01 1.95718986e-02 7.31442580e-02 1.07706089e-01 2.61948091e-01 5.18467015e-02 4.52781816e-02 3.11170888e-01 -2.90373235e-03 1.45735677e-01 1.53562487e-01 1.48492821e-01 2.37209946e-01 3.57073286e-02 1.14256090e-01 2.55523777e-01 1.86500249e-01 1.30323271e-01 2.28345192e-01 2.42140644e-01 5.76478585e-02 2.56702434e-01 4.21327937e-01 1.53896099e-01 -1.52994417e-02 1.30028213e-01 2.32141293e-02 1.14758909e-01 2.17979638e-01 2.25831068e-01 -5.07865598e-03 -4.17867102e-02 -1.77836793e-02 3.11316676e-02 1.16376305e-01 1.48225297e-01 5.93698756e-03 1.44134602e-01 9.19469294e-02 1.11742924e-01 5.37926968e-02 1.11680232e-01 1.34900867e-01 2.16473196e-01 1.64207209e-01 6.48473599e-02 7.56704036e-02 1.17092290e-01 5.87232332e-02 8.99295936e-02 1.73601766e-01 3.78486632e-02 1.35990591e-01 1.35427292e-01 1.21527380e-01 3.04763975e-02 1.92181630e-01 6.82222944e-02 3.61916648e-02 2.00895193e-01 3.71869661e-02 7.39454758e-02 1.77797509e-01 1.64396543e-01 7.44021360e-02 8.18556081e-02 2.08770230e-01 3.29013701e-02 1.28282610e-01 1.71261441e-01 1.52170426e-01 7.66629251e-02 7.71654392e-02 1.69705582e-01 1.03718392e-01 1.23990960e-01 1.05552439e-01 1.53527208e-01 1.10049254e-01 6.76965004e-02 9.69516444e-02 1.00034466e-01 8.99630788e-02 1.46967616e-01 1.03361964e-01 1.11485225e-01 9.26869738e-02 3.84147306e-02 1.00595119e-01 9.48014964e-02 6.95246456e-02 0.00000000e+00 1.57481483e-01 1.14190839e-01 -5.59819974e-03 7.46191337e-02 7.57065598e-02 7.53647093e-02 4.06759317e-02 1.12155627e-01 9.42217077e-02 8.50602912e-03 7.47384110e-02 2.13531523e-01 1.44996003e-01 6.25982697e-02 2.25697171e-01 0.00000000e+00 9.73156268e-02 7.52819911e-02 7.47610071e-02 1.03898539e-01 1.38752584e-01 3.70939509e-02 9.88520769e-02 1.67370615e-01 2.24558207e-01 -1.48056344e-02 3.82385421e-02 7.33234549e-02 7.50636478e-02 1.80044941e-01 1.45309691e-01 2.62212429e-01 9.83732480e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.75045123e-02 1.72905113e-01 1.14569342e-01 3.74858038e-02 -3.72996405e-02 1.16998092e-01 3.82447178e-02 2.85970593e-01 3.58920127e-02 7.20671410e-02 7.86314390e-02 1.34535248e-01 5.98801396e-02 3.67979412e-02 3.55761711e-02 7.57397510e-02 -4.13441178e-02 -2.54216761e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.05527304e-02 3.20821467e-02 0.00000000e+00 -3.92148648e-02 -3.99291546e-02 7.64274887e-02 7.18740245e-02 3.93225398e-03 0.00000000e+00 2.81003782e-01 -2.99552826e-02 1.73009434e-01 7.35551941e-02 4.75300606e-02 6.79419498e-02 1.14424104e-01 1.80343896e-01 -3.53512976e-02 -4.22530469e-02 3.83647605e-02 5.21835466e-02 5.48443860e-02 3.55918100e-02 -3.97112464e-02 -5.30110336e-03 0.00000000e+00 -4.39652565e-02 0.00000000e+00 5.97903412e-02 7.61668094e-02 5.60780400e-02 1.14987918e-01 2.41548364e-01 5.10814334e-02 3.76700494e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.83411492e-02 9.92771351e-02 6.57421367e-02 7.44775705e-02 1.07817698e-01 7.07524202e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.73561581e-01 1.17739590e-01 7.67143374e-02 3.74621441e-02 5.87930816e-02 3.83164985e-02 5.72131550e-02 8.36987405e-02 3.37691396e-02 0.00000000e+00 8.23166563e-02 3.83014640e-02 6.26392586e-02 7.61115538e-02 0.00000000e+00 6.56413042e-02 3.82044485e-02 7.53600966e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.10199305e-01 2.67620699e-02 1.07492141e-01 3.78960953e-02 3.82815508e-02 3.56040970e-02 1.10985243e-01 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.81068206e-02 -2.30625129e-03 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.47599349e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.78028425e-02 -2.91966667e-02 7.96043047e-02 5.86081370e-02 3.77060405e-02 3.82891165e-02 3.83662833e-02 5.94638737e-02 0.00000000e+00 7.54546063e-02 3.83240843e-02 3.83261590e-02 0.00000000e+00 8.85912483e-02 6.71405577e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 7.07582334e-02 0.00000000e+00 2.00084079e-02 -5.17523036e-03 7.65512940e-02 -3.76330472e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.44387347e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.80449864e-02 3.80817429e-02 3.55411187e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.83648612e-02 3.61005350e-02 0.00000000e+00 1.37034223e-01 0.00000000e+00 7.53602416e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.73384596e-02 0.00000000e+00 7.45493673e-02 5.73403957e-02 1.14502190e-01 0.00000000e+00 2.65895473e-03 3.82050366e-02 0.00000000e+00 1.51982401e-04 0.00000000e+00 3.83469463e-02 0.00000000e+00 2.24078637e-02 1.51345641e-01 1.31631853e-01 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.44553524e-02 -5.11537016e-03 3.83641844e-02 0.00000000e+00 6.13004990e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.59658204e-02 -4.10481323e-02 -4.00216541e-03 0.00000000e+00 -2.80062387e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 7.44146124e-02 8.69339126e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.55897030e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.76115912e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.82910582e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.72077775e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.24691371e-02 3.83470107e-02 3.81197160e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 7.51034901e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 6.86378795e-02 0.00000000e+00 3.83245435e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 4.59537067e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.83661947e-02 1.06539151e-02 0.00000000e+00 1.83754862e-02 5.18466522e-03 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 7.58078012e-02 4.07864619e-02 -3.52149601e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 -4.23921607e-02 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 3.70042633e-02 0.00000000e+00
diff --git a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/AdvancedCloneKiller.cpp b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/AdvancedCloneKiller.cpp
index af01aa11e0ef3e39b1816f72e6f5eafe4c813048..65901dda8af9acad57945a54b2feee2f545d953f 100644
--- a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/AdvancedCloneKiller.cpp
+++ b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/AdvancedCloneKiller.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class AdvancedCloneKiller : public LHCb::Algorithm::MergingTransformer<LHCb::Par
   /// Standard constructor
   AdvancedCloneKiller( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : MergingTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, {"InputParticles", {""}}, {"OutputParticles", ""} ) {}
+      : MergingTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, { "InputParticles", { "" } }, { "OutputParticles", "" } ) {}
   operator()( const Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<LHCb::Particle::Range>& inputParticles ) const override;
@@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ private:
   bool areSlopeChargeClones(const LHCb::Particle& p1, const LHCb::Particle& p2) const;
   bool areConvertedGamma(const LHCb::Particle& p1, const LHCb::Particle& p2) const; */
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxSharedHitFraction{this, "MaxSharedHitFraction", 0.3};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxSharedHitFraction{ this, "MaxSharedHitFraction", 0.3 };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_inCount{this, "#InputParticles"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_outCount{this, "#OutputParticles"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_inCount{ this, "#InputParticles" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_outCount{ this, "#OutputParticles" };
 // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( AdvancedCloneKiller )
-LHCb::Particle::Selection AdvancedCloneKiller::
-                          operator()( const Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<LHCb::Particle::Range>& inputParticles ) const {
+LHCb::Particle::Selection AdvancedCloneKiller::operator()(
+    const Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<LHCb::Particle::Range>& inputParticles ) const {
   LHCb::Particle::Selection allParticles;
   for ( auto const& particleList : inputParticles ) { allParticles.insert( particleList.begin(), particleList.end() ); }
diff --git a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/FlavourTagsMerger.cpp b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/FlavourTagsMerger.cpp
index 013734bb9d00b16fa8018ae5c6968518ba5bd495..75a7d6fbf84897089da7bdf9b9545a66e6237606 100644
--- a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/FlavourTagsMerger.cpp
+++ b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/FlavourTagsMerger.cpp
@@ -25,21 +25,21 @@ class FlavourTagsMerger : public LHCb::Algorithm::MergingTransformer<LHCb::Flavo
   /// Standard constructor
   FlavourTagsMerger( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : MergingTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, {"FlavourTagsList", {""}}, {"OutputFlavourTags", ""} ) {}
+      : MergingTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, { "FlavourTagsList", { "" } }, { "OutputFlavourTags", "" } ) {}
   LHCb::FlavourTags operator()(
       const Gaudi::Functional::details::vector_of_const_<LHCb::FlavourTags>& flavourTagsIterable ) const override;
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_BCount{this, "#BCandidates"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_FTCount{this, "#FlavourTags"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_BCount{ this, "#BCandidates" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_FTCount{ this, "#FlavourTags" };
 // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( FlavourTagsMerger )
-LHCb::FlavourTags FlavourTagsMerger::
-                  operator()( const Gaudi::Functional::details::vector_of_const_<LHCb::FlavourTags>& flavourTagsIterable ) const {
+LHCb::FlavourTags FlavourTagsMerger::operator()(
+    const Gaudi::Functional::details::vector_of_const_<LHCb::FlavourTags>& flavourTagsIterable ) const {
   m_FTCount += flavourTagsIterable.size();
   LHCb::FlavourTags flavourTags;
diff --git a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/GetFlavourTaggingParticles.cpp b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/GetFlavourTaggingParticles.cpp
index 616fe835efb8d0e982e1176f93ade21b1e1c83a8..3aa5e3a32a9d2114842326c83846d60af496177d 100644
--- a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/GetFlavourTaggingParticles.cpp
+++ b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/GetFlavourTaggingParticles.cpp
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ class GetFlavourTaggingParticles
   GetFlavourTaggingParticles( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"BCandidates", ""}, KeyValue{"TaggingParticles", ""}, KeyValue{"PrimaryVertices", ""},
-                      KeyValue{"StandardGeometry", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-                     KeyValue{"FlavourTaggingParticles", ""} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "BCandidates", "" }, KeyValue{ "TaggingParticles", "" },
+                       KeyValue{ "PrimaryVertices", "" }, KeyValue{ "StandardGeometry", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+                     KeyValue{ "FlavourTaggingParticles", "" } ) {}
   LHCb::Particle::Selection operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& bCandidates,
                                         const LHCb::Particle::Range& taggingParticles,
@@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ public:
                                         const DetectorElement& ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minIpChi2{this, "MinIpChi2", 6.,
-                                      "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum IPChi2 wrt B primary vertex"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minIpChi2{ this, "MinIpChi2", 6.,
+                                       "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum IPChi2 wrt B primary vertex" };
-  ToolHandle<TaggingHelperTool> m_taggingHelperTool{this, "TaggingHelper", "TaggingHelperTool"};
+  ToolHandle<TaggingHelperTool> m_taggingHelperTool{ this, "TaggingHelper", "TaggingHelperTool" };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_inCount{this, "#InputParticles"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_outCount{this, "#OutputParticles"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_inCount{ this, "#InputParticles" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_outCount{ this, "#OutputParticles" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( GetFlavourTaggingParticles )
diff --git a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2OSElectronTagger.cpp b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2OSElectronTagger.cpp
index 128a33a5f005caebec1b781a56152ab25df2db3d..f0bc9fc1ace71544eec51c4adf0edd7a3c3621f1 100644
--- a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2OSElectronTagger.cpp
+++ b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2OSElectronTagger.cpp
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ public:
   /// Standard constructor
   Run2OSElectronTagger( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"BCandidates", ""}, KeyValue{"TaggingElectrons", ""}, KeyValue{"PrimaryVertices", ""},
-                      KeyValue{"StandardGeometry", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputFlavourTags", ""} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "BCandidates", "" }, KeyValue{ "TaggingElectrons", "" },
+                       KeyValue{ "PrimaryVertices", "" }, KeyValue{ "StandardGeometry", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputFlavourTags", "" } ) {}
   LHCb::FlavourTags operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& bCandidates, const LHCb::Particle::Range& taggingElectrons,
                                 const LHCb::PrimaryVertices& primaryVertices, const DetectorElement& ) const override;
@@ -45,31 +45,31 @@ private:
   LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType taggerType() const { return LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType::Run2_OSElectron; }
   // cut values for OSElectron selection
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minDistPhi{this, "MinDistPhi", 0.016728744332624838,
-                                       "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum phi distance to B daughters"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minIpSigTagBestPV{this, "MinIpSigTagBestPV", 0.0419896167433678,
-                                              "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum IP significance wrt to best PV"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minDistPhi{ this, "MinDistPhi", 0.016728744332624838,
+                                        "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum phi distance to B daughters" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minIpSigTagBestPV{ this, "MinIpSigTagBestPV", 0.0419896167433678,
+                                               "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum IP significance wrt to best PV" };
   Gaudi::Property<double> m_minIpSigTagPileUpVertices{
       this, "MinIpSigPileUp", 9.334968382765219,
-      "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum IP significance wrt to all pile-up PV"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxEOverP{this, "MaxEOverP", 2, "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum electron e/p."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minEOverP{this, "MinEOverP", 0.85, "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum electron e/p."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxVeloCharge{this, "MaxVeloCharge", 1.4,
-                                          "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum velo charge."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minVeloCharge{this, "MinVeloCharge", 0.,
-                                          "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum velo charge."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNmu{this, "MaxProbNNmu", 0.15808731889714595,
-                                        "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNmu."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNpi{this, "MaxProbNNpi", 0.9833355298219992,
-                                        "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNpi."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNp{this, "MaxProbNNp", 0.27070346277844964,
-                                       "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNp."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNk{this, "MaxProbNNk", 0.6949348710000995,
-                                       "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNk."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minProbNNe{this, "MinProbNNe", 0.24262849376048545,
-                                       "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum ProbNNe."};
+      "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum IP significance wrt to all pile-up PV" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxEOverP{ this, "MaxEOverP", 2, "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum electron e/p." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minEOverP{ this, "MinEOverP", 0.85, "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum electron e/p." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxVeloCharge{ this, "MaxVeloCharge", 1.4,
+                                           "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum velo charge." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minVeloCharge{ this, "MinVeloCharge", 0.,
+                                           "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum velo charge." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNmu{ this, "MaxProbNNmu", 0.15808731889714595,
+                                         "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNmu." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNpi{ this, "MaxProbNNpi", 0.9833355298219992,
+                                         "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNpi." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNp{ this, "MaxProbNNp", 0.27070346277844964,
+                                        "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNp." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNk{ this, "MaxProbNNk", 0.6949348710000995,
+                                        "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNk." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minProbNNe{ this, "MinProbNNe", 0.24262849376048545,
+                                        "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum ProbNNe." };
   // values for calibration purposes
   // Gaudi::Property<double> m_averageEta{this, "AverageEta", 0.3949};
   // Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPosDecision{this, "MinPositiveTaggingDecision", 0.5,
@@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ private:
   // Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxNegDecision{this, "MaxNegativeTaggingDecision", 0.5,
   //                                          "Maximum value of the Eta for a tagging decision of -1"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_BCount{this, "#BCandidates"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_ElectronCount{this, "#taggingElectrons"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_FTCount{this, "#goodFlavourTags"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_BCount{ this, "#BCandidates" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_ElectronCount{ this, "#taggingElectrons" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_FTCount{ this, "#goodFlavourTags" };
-  ToolHandle<TaggingHelperTool>    m_taggingHelperTool{this, "TaggingHelper", "TaggingHelperTool"};
-  ToolHandle<IParticleDescendants> m_particleDescendantTool{this, "ParticleDescendantTool", "ParticleDescendants"};
+  ToolHandle<TaggingHelperTool>    m_taggingHelperTool{ this, "TaggingHelper", "TaggingHelperTool" };
+  ToolHandle<IParticleDescendants> m_particleDescendantTool{ this, "ParticleDescendantTool", "ParticleDescendants" };
   std::unique_ptr<ITaggingClassifier> m_classifier = std::make_unique<OSElectron_Data_Run2_All_Bu2JpsiK_XGB_BDT_v2r0>();
diff --git a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2OSKaonTagger.cpp b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2OSKaonTagger.cpp
index 45a2af9663cbf00f8e69286c7103c86f636851bc..df566d2a9b4000f38f65c4b33ee80c44e8915d2b 100644
--- a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2OSKaonTagger.cpp
+++ b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2OSKaonTagger.cpp
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ public:
   /// Standard constructor
   Run2OSKaonTagger( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"BCandidates", ""}, KeyValue{"TaggingKaons", ""}, KeyValue{"PrimaryVertices", ""},
-                      KeyValue{"StandardGeometry", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputFlavourTags", ""} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "BCandidates", "" }, KeyValue{ "TaggingKaons", "" }, KeyValue{ "PrimaryVertices", "" },
+                       KeyValue{ "StandardGeometry", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputFlavourTags", "" } ) {}
   LHCb::FlavourTags operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& bCandidates, const LHCb::Particle::Range& taggingKaons,
                                 const LHCb::PrimaryVertices& primaryVertices, const DetectorElement& ) const override;
@@ -42,18 +42,18 @@ private:
   LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType taggerType() const { return LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType::Run2_OSKaon; }
   // cut values for OSKaon selection
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxAbsIpTagBestPV{this, "MaxAbsIpTagBestPV", 0.85,
-                                              "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum absolute IP wrt to best PV"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minIpSigTagBestPV{this, "MinIpSigTagBestPV", 3.77,
-                                              "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum IP significance wrt to best PV"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxAbsIpTagBestPV{ this, "MaxAbsIpTagBestPV", 0.85,
+                                               "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum absolute IP wrt to best PV" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minIpSigTagBestPV{ this, "MinIpSigTagBestPV", 3.77,
+                                               "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum IP significance wrt to best PV" };
   Gaudi::Property<double> m_minIpSigTagPileUpVertices{
-      this, "MinIpSigPileUp", 4.0, "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum IP significance wrt to all pile-up PV"};
+      this, "MinIpSigPileUp", 4.0, "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum IP significance wrt to all pile-up PV" };
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNmu{this, "MaxProbNNmu", 0.81, "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNmu."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNpi{this, "MaxProbNNpi", 0.96, "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNpi."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNp{this, "MaxProbNNp", 0.9, "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNp."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNe{this, "MaxProbNNe", 0.89, "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNe."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minProbNNk{this, "MinProbNNk", 0.35, "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum ProbNNk."};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNmu{ this, "MaxProbNNmu", 0.81, "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNmu." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNpi{ this, "MaxProbNNpi", 0.96, "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNpi." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNp{ this, "MaxProbNNp", 0.9, "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNp." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNe{ this, "MaxProbNNe", 0.89, "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNe." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minProbNNk{ this, "MinProbNNk", 0.35, "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum ProbNNk." };
   // values for calibration purposes
   // Gaudi::Property<double> m_averageEta{this, "AverageEta", 0.3949};
@@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ private:
   // Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxNegDecision{this, "MaxNegativeTaggingDecision", 0.5,
   //                                          "Maximum value of the Eta for a tagging decision of -1"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_BCount{this, "#BCandidates"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_kaonCount{this, "#taggingKaons"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_FTCount{this, "#goodFlavourTags"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_BCount{ this, "#BCandidates" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_kaonCount{ this, "#taggingKaons" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_FTCount{ this, "#goodFlavourTags" };
-  ToolHandle<TaggingHelperTool>    m_taggingHelperTool{this, "TaggingHelper", "TaggingHelperTool"};
-  ToolHandle<IParticleDescendants> m_particleDescendantTool{this, "ParticleDescendantTool", "ParticleDescendants"};
+  ToolHandle<TaggingHelperTool>    m_taggingHelperTool{ this, "TaggingHelper", "TaggingHelperTool" };
+  ToolHandle<IParticleDescendants> m_particleDescendantTool{ this, "ParticleDescendantTool", "ParticleDescendants" };
   std::unique_ptr<ITaggingClassifier> m_classifier = std::make_unique<OSKaon_Data_Run2_All_Bu2JpsiK_XGBoost_BDT_v2r0>();
@@ -185,9 +185,9 @@ std::optional<LHCb::Tagger> Run2OSKaonTagger::performTagging( const LHCb::Partic
     const double tagGhostProb = tagTrack->ghostProbability();
     const double mvaValue = m_classifier->getClassifierValue(
-        {static_cast<double>( preselectionKaons.size() ), // trackCounts
-         tag_mom.P(), tag_mom.Pt(), static_cast<double>( primaryVertices.size() ), b_mom.Pt(), ipSig,
-         tagTrackChi2PerDof, tagProbNNk, tagProbNNpi, tagProbNNp, tagGhostProb, minIpSig} );
+        { static_cast<double>( preselectionKaons.size() ), // trackCounts
+          tag_mom.P(), tag_mom.Pt(), static_cast<double>( primaryVertices.size() ), b_mom.Pt(), ipSig,
+          tagTrackChi2PerDof, tagProbNNk, tagProbNNpi, tagProbNNp, tagGhostProb, minIpSig } );
     if ( mvaValue < bestBDT ) continue;
diff --git a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2OSMuonTagger.cpp b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2OSMuonTagger.cpp
index 40a662053ebd9e555d291ca6851be3a67df811b4..d68163a86535d688b7e4c90b3672be7db830e73a 100644
--- a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2OSMuonTagger.cpp
+++ b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2OSMuonTagger.cpp
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ public:
   /// Standard constructor
   Run2OSMuonTagger( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"BCandidates", ""}, KeyValue{"TaggingMuons", ""}, KeyValue{"PrimaryVertices", ""},
-                      KeyValue{"StandardGeometry", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputFlavourTags", ""} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "BCandidates", "" }, KeyValue{ "TaggingMuons", "" }, KeyValue{ "PrimaryVertices", "" },
+                       KeyValue{ "StandardGeometry", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputFlavourTags", "" } ) {}
   LHCb::FlavourTags operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& bCandidates, const LHCb::Particle::Range& taggingKaons,
                                 const LHCb::PrimaryVertices& primaryVertices, const DetectorElement& ) const override;
@@ -41,18 +41,20 @@ private:
   LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType taggerType() const { return LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType::Run2_OSMuon; }
   // cut values for OSMuon selection
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minDistPhi{this, "MinDistPhi", 0.0029,
-                                       "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum phi distance to B daughters"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minIpSigTagBestPV{this, "MinIpSigTagBestPV", 0.437,
-                                              "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum IP significance wrt to best PV"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minDistPhi{ this, "MinDistPhi", 0.0029,
+                                        "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum phi distance to B daughters" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minIpSigTagBestPV{ this, "MinIpSigTagBestPV", 0.437,
+                                               "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum IP significance wrt to best PV" };
   Gaudi::Property<double> m_minIpSigTagPileUpVertices{
-      this, "MinIpSigPileUp", 3.91, "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum IP significance wrt to all pile-up PV"};
+      this, "MinIpSigPileUp", 3.91, "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum IP significance wrt to all pile-up PV" };
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minProbNNmu{this, "MaxProbNNmu", 0.798, "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNmu."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNpi{this, "MaxProbNNpi", 0.956, "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNpi."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNp{this, "MaxProbNNp", 0.954, "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNp."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNe{this, "MaxProbNNe", 0.521, "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNe."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNk{this, "MinProbNNk", 0.952, "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum ProbNNk."};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minProbNNmu{ this, "MaxProbNNmu", 0.798,
+                                         "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNmu." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNpi{ this, "MaxProbNNpi", 0.956,
+                                         "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNpi." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNp{ this, "MaxProbNNp", 0.954, "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNp." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNe{ this, "MaxProbNNe", 0.521, "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum ProbNNe." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxProbNNk{ this, "MinProbNNk", 0.952, "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum ProbNNk." };
   // values for calibration purposes
   // Gaudi::Property<double> m_averageEta{this, "AverageEta", 0.3949};
@@ -61,12 +63,12 @@ private:
   // Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxNegDecision{this, "MaxNegativeTaggingDecision", 0.5,
   //                                          "Maximum value of the Eta for a tagging decision of -1"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_BCount{this, "#BCandidates"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_kaonCount{this, "#taggingKaons"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_FTCount{this, "#goodFlavourTags"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_BCount{ this, "#BCandidates" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_kaonCount{ this, "#taggingKaons" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_FTCount{ this, "#goodFlavourTags" };
-  ToolHandle<TaggingHelperTool>    m_taggingHelperTool{this, "TaggingHelper", "TaggingHelperTool"};
-  ToolHandle<IParticleDescendants> m_particleDescendantTool{this, "ParticleDescendantTool", "ParticleDescendants"};
+  ToolHandle<TaggingHelperTool>    m_taggingHelperTool{ this, "TaggingHelper", "TaggingHelperTool" };
+  ToolHandle<IParticleDescendants> m_particleDescendantTool{ this, "ParticleDescendantTool", "ParticleDescendants" };
   std::unique_ptr<ITaggingClassifier> m_classifier = std::make_unique<OSMuon_Data_Run2_All_Bu2JpsiK_XGB_BDT_v2r0>();
@@ -183,9 +185,9 @@ std::optional<LHCb::Tagger> Run2OSMuonTagger::performTagging( const LHCb::Partic
     const double tagGhostProb = tagTrack->ghostProbability();
     const double mvaValue =
-        m_classifier->getClassifierValue( {tag_mom.P(), tag_mom.Pt(), minIpSig, tagGhostProb, tagProbNNmu, absIp,
-                                           static_cast<double>( preselectionMuons.size() ), // trackCounts
-                                           b_mom.Pt(), ipSig} );
+        m_classifier->getClassifierValue( { tag_mom.P(), tag_mom.Pt(), minIpSig, tagGhostProb, tagProbNNmu, absIp,
+                                            static_cast<double>( preselectionMuons.size() ), // trackCounts
+                                            b_mom.Pt(), ipSig } );
     if ( mvaValue < bestBDT ) continue;
diff --git a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2OSVertexChargeTagger.cpp b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2OSVertexChargeTagger.cpp
index 5485551810bc541d0f4813006f0f20d3cb32eb28..74b514b64912da2dfbbe208a924207848d87cea5 100644
--- a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2OSVertexChargeTagger.cpp
+++ b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2OSVertexChargeTagger.cpp
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ public:
   /// Standard constructor
   Run2OSVertexChargeTagger( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"BCandidates", ""}, KeyValue{"TaggingParticles", ""}, KeyValue{"PrimaryVertices", ""},
-                      KeyValue{"StandardGeometry", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputFlavourTags", ""} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "BCandidates", "" }, KeyValue{ "TaggingParticles", "" },
+                       KeyValue{ "PrimaryVertices", "" }, KeyValue{ "StandardGeometry", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputFlavourTags", "" } ) {}
   LHCb::FlavourTags operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& bCandidates, const LHCb::Particle::Range& taggingParticles,
                                 const LHCb::PrimaryVertices& primaryVertices,
@@ -62,55 +62,55 @@ private:
   Gaudi::Property<bool> m_onlySamePV{
       this, "OnlySamePVTagParticles", true,
-      "Only use tagging particles that have the same best PV assigned as the B candidate."};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_CombinationTechnique{this, "CombinationTechnique", "Probability",
-                                                      "Combination technique: 'NNet' or 'Probability' "};
+      "Only use tagging particles that have the same best PV assigned as the B candidate." };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_CombinationTechnique{ this, "CombinationTechnique", "Probability",
+                                                       "Combination technique: 'NNet' or 'Probability' " };
   // weights for particles from secondary vertex
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_vertexChargeWeightPowerK{this, "VertexChargeWeightPowerK", 0.55,
-                                                     "Power of particle PT weights to sum vertex charge."};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_vertexChargeWeightPowerK{ this, "VertexChargeWeightPowerK", 0.55,
+                                                      "Power of particle PT weights to sum vertex charge." };
   // cut values for secondary vertex
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minVertexCharge{this, "MinVertexCharge", 0.2,
-                                            "Tagging vertex requirement: Minimum vertex charge."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minVertexM{this, "MinVertexM", 0.6, "Tagging vertex requirement: Minimum mass."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minVertexP{this, "MinVertexP", 8., "Tagging vertex requirement: Minimum P."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minVertexMeanPt{this, "MinVertexMeanPt", 0.,
-                                            "Tagging vertex requirement: Minimum vertex particles mean PT."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minVertexSumPt{this, "MinVertexSumPt", 2.2,
-                                           "Tagging vertex requirement: Minimum vertex particles summed PT."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minVertexSumIpSig{this, "MinVertexSumIpSig", 0.,
-                                              "Tagging vertex requirement: Minimum vertex particles summed IpSig."};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minVertexCharge{ this, "MinVertexCharge", 0.2,
+                                             "Tagging vertex requirement: Minimum vertex charge." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minVertexM{ this, "MinVertexM", 0.6, "Tagging vertex requirement: Minimum mass." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minVertexP{ this, "MinVertexP", 8., "Tagging vertex requirement: Minimum P." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minVertexMeanPt{ this, "MinVertexMeanPt", 0.,
+                                             "Tagging vertex requirement: Minimum vertex particles mean PT." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minVertexSumPt{ this, "MinVertexSumPt", 2.2,
+                                            "Tagging vertex requirement: Minimum vertex particles summed PT." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minVertexSumIpSig{ this, "MinVertexSumIpSig", 0.,
+                                               "Tagging vertex requirement: Minimum vertex particles summed IpSig." };
   Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxVertexSumDoca{
       this, "MaxVertexSumDoca", 0.5,
-      "Tagging vertex requirement: Maximum vertex particles summed DOCA (relative to vertex)."};
+      "Tagging vertex requirement: Maximum vertex particles summed DOCA (relative to vertex)." };
   // cut values for secondary vertex seed and particles
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minSeedVertexProb{this, "MinSeedVertexProb", 0.42,
-                                              "Seed vertex requirement: Minimum likelihood."};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minSeedVertexProb{ this, "MinSeedVertexProb", 0.42,
+                                               "Seed vertex requirement: Minimum likelihood." };
   Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxTrackGhostProb{
-      this, "MaxTrackGhostProb", 0.37, "Secondary vertex particle requirement: Maximum track ghost probability."};
+      this, "MaxTrackGhostProb", 0.37, "Secondary vertex particle requirement: Maximum track ghost probability." };
   Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxAddedTrackChi2ndof{
-      this, "MaxAddedTrackChi2ndof", 3.0, "Secondary vertex added particle requirement: Maximum track chi2 per ndof."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minSeedPt{this, "MinSeedPt", 0.1, "Vertex seed particle requirement: Minimum PT."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxLongSeedTrackChi2ndof{this, "MaxLongSeedTrackChi2ndof", 2.5,
-                                                     "Vertex seed particle requirement: Maximum long track chi2ndof."};
+      this, "MaxAddedTrackChi2ndof", 3.0, "Secondary vertex added particle requirement: Maximum track chi2 per ndof." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minSeedPt{ this, "MinSeedPt", 0.1, "Vertex seed particle requirement: Minimum PT." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxLongSeedTrackChi2ndof{
+      this, "MaxLongSeedTrackChi2ndof", 2.5, "Vertex seed particle requirement: Maximum long track chi2ndof." };
   Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxUpstreamSeedTrackChi2ndof{
-      this, "MaxUpstreamSeedTrackChi2ndof", 5.0, "Vertex seed particle requirement: Maximum upstream track chi2ndof."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minSeedIpSig{this, "MinSeedIpSig", 2.5,
-                                         "Vertex seed particle requirement: Minimum IpSig relative to PV."};
+      this, "MaxUpstreamSeedTrackChi2ndof", 5.0, "Vertex seed particle requirement: Maximum upstream track chi2ndof." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minSeedIpSig{ this, "MinSeedIpSig", 2.5,
+                                          "Vertex seed particle requirement: Minimum IpSig relative to PV." };
   Gaudi::Property<double> m_minTwoSeedDeltaPhi{
-      this, "MinTwoSeedDeltaPhi", 0., "Vertex seed particle requirement: Minimum phi distance between two seeds."};
+      this, "MinTwoSeedDeltaPhi", 0., "Vertex seed particle requirement: Minimum phi distance between two seeds." };
   Gaudi::Property<double> m_ProbMin_vtx{
       this, "MinProbSecondaryVertex", 0.,
-      "Minimum 'probability' of the charged secondary vertex in the 'Probability' method."};
+      "Minimum 'probability' of the charged secondary vertex in the 'Probability' method." };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_BCount{this, "#BCandidates"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_particleCount{this, "#taggingParticles"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_FTCount{this, "#goodFlavourTags"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_BCount{ this, "#BCandidates" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_particleCount{ this, "#taggingParticles" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_FTCount{ this, "#goodFlavourTags" };
-  ToolHandle<TaggingHelperTool> m_taggingHelperTool{this, "TaggingHelper", "TaggingHelperTool"};
+  ToolHandle<TaggingHelperTool> m_taggingHelperTool{ this, "TaggingHelper", "TaggingHelperTool" };
   std::unique_ptr<ITaggingClassifier> m_classifier = std::make_unique<OSVtxCh_Data_Run1_All_Bu2JpsiK_TMVA_MLP_v1r0>();
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ std::optional<LHCb::Tagger> Run2OSVertexChargeTagger::performTagging( const LHCb
   const double vertexMeanDoca   = vertexSumDoca / nOutgoingParticles;
   const auto primaryToSecondary = Gaudi::XYZVector{
-      secondaryVertex->position()}; // RELATIVE position of secondary vertex withr respect to primary vertex
+      secondaryVertex->position() }; // RELATIVE position of secondary vertex withr respect to primary vertex
   const double vertexP  = vertexSumMomentum.P() / Gaudi::Units::GeV;
   const double vertexM  = vertexSumMomentum.M() / Gaudi::Units::GeV;
   const double vertexGP = vertexP / ( 0.16 * vertexM + 0.12 ); // corrected momentum, details
@@ -296,11 +296,11 @@ std::optional<LHCb::Tagger> Run2OSVertexChargeTagger::performTagging( const LHCb
                                                                       // momentum and PV-SV direction
     mvaValue = m_classifier->getClassifierValue(
-        {static_cast<double>( selected_taggingParticles.size() ), // trackCounts
-         static_cast<double>( primaryVertices.size() ),           // nPV
-         std::log( bCand.pt() / Gaudi::Units::GeV ), static_cast<double>( nOutgoingParticles ),
-         std::log( vertexMeanPt ), std::log( vertexMeanIpSig ), std::abs( vertexMeanCharge ), std::log( vertexM ),
-         std::log( vertexP ), vertexDeltaPhi, std::log( vertexTau ), vertexMeanDoca} );
+        { static_cast<double>( selected_taggingParticles.size() ), // trackCounts
+          static_cast<double>( primaryVertices.size() ),           // nPV
+          std::log( bCand.pt() / Gaudi::Units::GeV ), static_cast<double>( nOutgoingParticles ),
+          std::log( vertexMeanPt ), std::log( vertexMeanIpSig ), std::abs( vertexMeanCharge ), std::log( vertexM ),
+          std::log( vertexP ), vertexDeltaPhi, std::log( vertexTau ), vertexMeanDoca } );
     if ( mvaValue < 0 || mvaValue > 1 ) return std::nullopt;
@@ -420,27 +420,29 @@ Run2OSVertexChargeTagger::buildSecondaryVertex( const LHCb::VertexBase&      pri
       // evaluate likelihood
       const double prob_chi2 =
-          polynomail( vertexCandidate->chi2PerDoF(), std::array{0.632154, -0.0421607, 0.00181837} );
+          polynomail( vertexCandidate->chi2PerDoF(), std::array{ 0.632154, -0.0421607, 0.00181837 } );
       const double minPt      = std::min( candidateA->pt(), candidateB->pt() ) / Gaudi::Units::GeV;
-      const double prob_minPt = minPt < 1. ? polynomail( minPt, std::array{0.0144075, 1.28718, -0.477544} )
-                                           : polynomail( minPt, std::array{0.536686, 0.382045, -0.0945185} );
+      const double prob_minPt = minPt < 1. ? polynomail( minPt, std::array{ 0.0144075, 1.28718, -0.477544 } )
+                                           : polynomail( minPt, std::array{ 0.536686, 0.382045, -0.0945185 } );
       const double maxAbsIp      = std::max( absIpA, absIpB );
-      const double prob_maxAbsIp = maxAbsIp < 0.4 ? polynomail( maxAbsIp, std::array{0.490689, 1.21535, -1.87733} )
-                                                  : polynomail( maxAbsIp, std::array{0.790337, -0.229543, 0.00438416} );
+      const double prob_maxAbsIp = maxAbsIp < 0.4
+                                       ? polynomail( maxAbsIp, std::array{ 0.490689, 1.21535, -1.87733 } )
+                                       : polynomail( maxAbsIp, std::array{ 0.790337, -0.229543, 0.00438416 } );
       const double minIpSig      = std::min( ipSigA, ipSigB );
-      const double prob_minIpSig = minIpSig < 6 ? polynomail( minIpSig, std::array{-0.442382, 0.326852, -0.0258772} )
-                                                : polynomail( minIpSig, std::array{0.540565, 0.0130981, -0.000204322} );
+      const double prob_minIpSig = minIpSig < 6
+                                       ? polynomail( minIpSig, std::array{ -0.442382, 0.326852, -0.0258772 } )
+                                       : polynomail( minIpSig, std::array{ 0.540565, 0.0130981, -0.000204322 } );
-      const double prob_deltaPhi  = polynomail( deltaPhi, std::array{0.611887, 0.0165528, -0.0398336} );
-      const double prob_rDistance = polynomail( rDistance, std::array{0.673403, -0.0743514, 0.00646535} );
+      const double prob_deltaPhi  = polynomail( deltaPhi, std::array{ 0.611887, 0.0165528, -0.0398336 } );
+      const double prob_rDistance = polynomail( rDistance, std::array{ 0.673403, -0.0743514, 0.00646535 } );
       const double deltaTheta      = primaryToSecondary.Theta();
       const double prob_deltaTheta = deltaTheta < 0.05
-                                         ? polynomail( deltaTheta, std::array{0.466409, 7.29019, -94.1293} )
-                                         : polynomail( deltaTheta, std::array{0.555528, 0.98924, -5.43018} );
+                                         ? polynomail( deltaTheta, std::array{ 0.466409, 7.29019, -94.1293 } )
+                                         : polynomail( deltaTheta, std::array{ 0.555528, 0.98924, -5.43018 } );
       if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
         debug() << "  prob_chi2 : " << prob_chi2 << "  prob_minPt : " << prob_minPt
@@ -562,4 +564,4 @@ double Run2OSVertexChargeTagger::funcNN( double x, double a0, double a1, double
   double arg = ( ( x - a3 ) * a0 );
   double res = ( ( std::atan( arg ) ) + 1.5 ) * a1 * 0.17 + a2;
   return res;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2SSKaonTagger.cpp b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2SSKaonTagger.cpp
index c307497d444d0ab3117a4d26e981e318fcf771b8..a09c7047df1a28ab2cc7723f8939db4366444a41 100644
--- a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2SSKaonTagger.cpp
+++ b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2SSKaonTagger.cpp
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ public:
   /// Standard constructor
   Run2SSKaonTagger( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"BCandidates", ""}, KeyValue{"TaggingKaons", ""}, KeyValue{"PrimaryVertices", ""},
-                      KeyValue{"StandardGeometry", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputFlavourTags", ""} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "BCandidates", "" }, KeyValue{ "TaggingKaons", "" }, KeyValue{ "PrimaryVertices", "" },
+                       KeyValue{ "StandardGeometry", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputFlavourTags", "" } ) {}
   LHCb::FlavourTags operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& bCandidates, const LHCb::Particle::Range& taggingKaons,
                                 const LHCb::PrimaryVertices& primaryVertices, const DetectorElement& ) const override;
@@ -43,40 +43,40 @@ private:
   LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType taggerType() const { return LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType::Run2_SSKaon; }
   // cut values for sskaon selection
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxIpSigTagBestPV{this, "MaxIpSigTagBestPV", 14.0,
-                                              "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum IP significance wrt to best PV"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxIpSigTagBestPV{ this, "MaxIpSigTagBestPV", 14.0,
+                                               "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum IP significance wrt to best PV" };
   Gaudi::Property<double> m_minTagSelBDTValue{
       this, "MinTagSelBDTValue", 0.72,
-      "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum BDT output of the tagging-candidate selector BDT "};
+      "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum BDT output of the tagging-candidate selector BDT " };
   // values for calibration purposes
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_averageEta{this, "AverageEta", 0.3949};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPosDecision{this, "MinPositiveTaggingDecision", 0.5,
-                                           "Minimum value of the Eta for a tagging decision of +1"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxNegDecision{this, "MaxNegativeTaggingDecision", 0.5,
-                                           "Maximum value of the Eta for a tagging decision of -1"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_averageEta{ this, "AverageEta", 0.3949 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPosDecision{ this, "MinPositiveTaggingDecision", 0.5,
+                                            "Minimum value of the Eta for a tagging decision of +1" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxNegDecision{ this, "MaxNegativeTaggingDecision", 0.5,
+                                            "Maximum value of the Eta for a tagging decision of -1" };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_BCount{this, "#BCandidates"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_kaonCount{this, "#taggingKaons"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_FTCount{this, "#goodFlavourTags"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_BCount{ this, "#BCandidates" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_kaonCount{ this, "#taggingKaons" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_FTCount{ this, "#goodFlavourTags" };
-  ToolHandle<TaggingHelperTool> m_taggingHelperTool{this, "TaggingHelper", "TaggingHelperTool"};
+  ToolHandle<TaggingHelperTool> m_taggingHelperTool{ this, "TaggingHelper", "TaggingHelperTool" };
   // ToolHandle<IVertexFit>              m_vertexFitTool{this, "VertexFitter", "LoKi::VertexFitter"};
   std::vector<std::string> m_tagSelBdtVariables = {
       "log(Tr_P)",          "log(Tr_PT)",          "log(B_PT)",     "log(abs(deltaPhi))",
       "log(abs(deltaEta))", "log(pTrel)",          "log(Tr_BPVIP)", "log(sqrt(Tr_BPVIPCHI2))",
       "log(Tr_TRCHI2DOF)",  "log(nTracks_presel)", "nPV",           "Tr_PROBNNk",
-      "Tr_PROBNNpi",        "Tr_PROBNNp"};
+      "Tr_PROBNNpi",        "Tr_PROBNNp" };
   BDTseltracksReaderCompileWrapper m_tagSelBDTReader = BDTseltracksReaderCompileWrapper( m_tagSelBdtVariables );
-  std::vector<std::string>   m_BdtEtaVariables = {"log(B_PT)",
-                                                "nTracks_presel_BDTGcut",
-                                                "nPV",
-                                                "(Tr_Charge*Tr_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars)",
-                                                "(Tr_Charge_2nd*Tr_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars_2nd)",
-                                                "(Tr_Charge_3rd*Tr_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars_3rd)"};
+  std::vector<std::string>   m_BdtEtaVariables = { "log(B_PT)",
+                                                   "nTracks_presel_BDTGcut",
+                                                   "nPV",
+                                                   "(Tr_Charge*Tr_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars)",
+                                                   "(Tr_Charge_2nd*Tr_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars_2nd)",
+                                                   "(Tr_Charge_3rd*Tr_BDTG_selBestTracks_14vars_3rd)" };
   BDTetaReaderCompileWrapper m_etaBdtReader    = BDTetaReaderCompileWrapper( m_BdtEtaVariables );
   struct TagCandidate {
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ std::optional<LHCb::Tagger> Run2SSKaonTagger::performTagging( const LHCb::Partic
     const double ipSig = refittedPVIP->first / refittedPVIP->second;
     if ( ipSig > m_maxIpSigTagBestPV ) continue;
-    preSelTagCandidates.push_back( TagCandidate( {tagCand, refittedPVIP->first, ipSig, -999.} ) );
+    preSelTagCandidates.push_back( TagCandidate( { tagCand, refittedPVIP->first, ipSig, -999. } ) );
   // always() << preSelTagCandidates.size() << " kaons survived presel" << endmsg;
@@ -188,10 +188,10 @@ std::optional<LHCb::Tagger> Run2SSKaonTagger::performTagging( const LHCb::Partic
     const double               tagTrackChi2 = tagTrack->chi2PerDoF();
     auto tagCand_selBDTVal =
-        m_tagSelBDTReader.GetMvaValue( {log( tag_mom.P() ), log( tag_mom.Pt() ), log( b_mom.Pt() ), log( deltaPhi ),
-                                        log( deltaEta ), log( btag_relPt ), log( tagCand.refittedPVIP ),
-                                        log( tagCand.ipSig ), log( tagTrackChi2 ), log( preSelTagCandidates.size() ),
-                                        static_cast<double>( primaryVertices.size() ), tagPIDk, tagPIDpi, tagPIDp} );
+        m_tagSelBDTReader.GetMvaValue( { log( tag_mom.P() ), log( tag_mom.Pt() ), log( b_mom.Pt() ), log( deltaPhi ),
+                                         log( deltaEta ), log( btag_relPt ), log( tagCand.refittedPVIP ),
+                                         log( tagCand.ipSig ), log( tagTrackChi2 ), log( preSelTagCandidates.size() ),
+                                         static_cast<double>( primaryVertices.size() ), tagPIDk, tagPIDpi, tagPIDp } );
     if ( tagCand_selBDTVal < m_minTagSelBDTValue ) continue;
@@ -208,31 +208,31 @@ std::optional<LHCb::Tagger> Run2SSKaonTagger::performTagging( const LHCb::Partic
   int goodTagCandidates = selTagCandidates.size();
   while ( selTagCandidates.size() < 3 ) {
-    selTagCandidates.push_back( TagCandidate( {new LHCb::Particle(), 0, 0, 0} ) );
+    selTagCandidates.push_back( TagCandidate( { new LHCb::Particle(), 0, 0, 0 } ) );
   double etaBdtVal = m_etaBdtReader.GetMvaValue(
-      {log( b_mom.Pt() ), static_cast<double>( goodTagCandidates ), static_cast<double>( primaryVertices.size() ),
-       selTagCandidates[0].particle->charge() * selTagCandidates[0].selBDTVal,
-       selTagCandidates[1].particle->charge() * selTagCandidates[1].selBDTVal,
-       selTagCandidates[2].particle->charge() * selTagCandidates[2].selBDTVal} );
+      { log( b_mom.Pt() ), static_cast<double>( goodTagCandidates ), static_cast<double>( primaryVertices.size() ),
+        selTagCandidates[0].particle->charge() * selTagCandidates[0].selBDTVal,
+        selTagCandidates[1].particle->charge() * selTagCandidates[1].selBDTVal,
+        selTagCandidates[2].particle->charge() * selTagCandidates[2].selBDTVal } );
   double calibEtaBdtVal = ( etaBdtVal / 0.71 + 1. ) * 0.5;
   double etaCCBdtVal = m_etaBdtReader.GetMvaValue(
-      {log( b_mom.Pt() ), static_cast<double>( goodTagCandidates ), static_cast<double>( primaryVertices.size() ),
-       -1. * selTagCandidates[0].particle->charge() * selTagCandidates[0].selBDTVal,
-       -1. * selTagCandidates[1].particle->charge() * selTagCandidates[1].selBDTVal,
-       -1. * selTagCandidates[2].particle->charge() * selTagCandidates[2].selBDTVal} );
+      { log( b_mom.Pt() ), static_cast<double>( goodTagCandidates ), static_cast<double>( primaryVertices.size() ),
+        -1. * selTagCandidates[0].particle->charge() * selTagCandidates[0].selBDTVal,
+        -1. * selTagCandidates[1].particle->charge() * selTagCandidates[1].selBDTVal,
+        -1. * selTagCandidates[2].particle->charge() * selTagCandidates[2].selBDTVal } );
   double calibEtaCCBdtVal = ( etaCCBdtVal / 0.71 + 1. ) * 0.5;
   double eta              = ( calibEtaBdtVal + ( 1. - calibEtaCCBdtVal ) ) * 0.5;
-  auto tagdecision =
-      ( eta >= m_minPosDecision ? LHCb::Tagger::TagResult::bbar
-                                : eta < m_maxNegDecision ? LHCb::Tagger::TagResult::b : LHCb::Tagger::TagResult::none );
+  auto tagdecision = ( eta >= m_minPosDecision  ? LHCb::Tagger::TagResult::bbar
+                       : eta < m_maxNegDecision ? LHCb::Tagger::TagResult::b
+                                                : LHCb::Tagger::TagResult::none );
   if ( eta >= 0.5 ) eta = 1. - eta;
-  constexpr auto pol      = std::array{0.025841, -0.21766};
+  constexpr auto pol      = std::array{ 0.025841, -0.21766 };
   double         calibEta = ( pol[0] + m_averageEta ) + ( 1 + pol[1] ) * ( eta - m_averageEta );
   auto tagger =
diff --git a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2SSPionTagger.cpp b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2SSPionTagger.cpp
index 4507024675076641a2ae6f1a10df87365a011cb1..dc9d42fc80fea0464554b5a86b6840cce9d8d894 100644
--- a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2SSPionTagger.cpp
+++ b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2SSPionTagger.cpp
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ public:
   /// Standard constructor
   Run2SSPionTagger( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"BCandidates", ""}, KeyValue{"TaggingPions", ""}, KeyValue{"PrimaryVertices", ""},
-                      KeyValue{"StandardGeometry", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputFlavourTags", ""} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "BCandidates", "" }, KeyValue{ "TaggingPions", "" }, KeyValue{ "PrimaryVertices", "" },
+                       KeyValue{ "StandardGeometry", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputFlavourTags", "" } ) {}
   LHCb::FlavourTags operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& bCandidates, const LHCb::Particle::Range& taggingPions,
                                 const LHCb::PrimaryVertices& primaryVertices, const DetectorElement& ) const override;
@@ -40,23 +40,23 @@ private:
   LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType taggerType() const { return LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType::Run2_SSPion; }
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDistPhi{this, "MaxDistPhi", 1.1,
-                                       "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum phi distance to B candidate"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaEta{this, "MaxDeltaEta", 1.2,
-                                        "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum eta distance to B candidate"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxIpSigTagBestPV{this, "MaxIpSigTagBestPV", 4.0,
-                                              "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum IP significance wrt to best PV"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDQB0Pion{this, "MaxDQB0Pion", 1.2 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, "I don't know what this is"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPTB0Pion{this, "MinPTB0Pion", 3.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV,
-                                        "Minium transverse momentum of the B0-Pion combination"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2B0PionVertex{this, "MaxChi2B0PionVertex", 100};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPionProb{this, "MinPionProb", 0.5};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDistPhi{ this, "MaxDistPhi", 1.1,
+                                        "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum phi distance to B candidate" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaEta{ this, "MaxDeltaEta", 1.2,
+                                         "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum eta distance to B candidate" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxIpSigTagBestPV{ this, "MaxIpSigTagBestPV", 4.0,
+                                               "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum IP significance wrt to best PV" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDQB0Pion{ this, "MaxDQB0Pion", 1.2 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, "I don't know what this is" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPTB0Pion{ this, "MinPTB0Pion", 3.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV,
+                                         "Minium transverse momentum of the B0-Pion combination" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2B0PionVertex{ this, "MaxChi2B0PionVertex", 100 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPionProb{ this, "MinPionProb", 0.5 };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_BCount{this, "#BCandidates"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_pionCount{this, "#taggingPions"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_FTCount{this, "#goodFlavourTags"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_BCount{ this, "#BCandidates" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_pionCount{ this, "#taggingPions" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_FTCount{ this, "#goodFlavourTags" };
-  ToolHandle<TaggingHelperTool> m_taggingHelperTool{this, "TaggingHelper", "TaggingHelperTool"};
+  ToolHandle<TaggingHelperTool> m_taggingHelperTool{ this, "TaggingHelper", "TaggingHelperTool" };
   std::unique_ptr<ITaggingClassifier> m_classifier = std::make_unique<SSPion_Data_Run1_All_Bd2Dpi_TMVA_BDT_v1r1>();
@@ -169,11 +169,11 @@ std::optional<LHCb::Tagger> Run2SSPionTagger::performTagging( const LHCb::Partic
     // MVA !!
     const double BDT = m_classifier->getClassifierValue(
-        {log( tag_mom.P() / Gaudi::Units::GeV ), log( tag_mom.Pt() / Gaudi::Units::GeV ),
-         log( std::sqrt( refittedPVIP->second ) ), tagGhostProb, log( deltaPhi ), dR, log( deltaEta ),
-         dQ / Gaudi::Units::GeV, log( b_mom.Pt() / Gaudi::Units::GeV ),
-         log( ( b_mom + tag_mom ).Pt() / Gaudi::Units::GeV ), tagPIDk, tagTrackChi2,
-         static_cast<double>( refittedPV->nDoF() )} );
+        { log( tag_mom.P() / Gaudi::Units::GeV ), log( tag_mom.Pt() / Gaudi::Units::GeV ),
+          log( std::sqrt( refittedPVIP->second ) ), tagGhostProb, log( deltaPhi ), dR, log( deltaEta ),
+          dQ / Gaudi::Units::GeV, log( b_mom.Pt() / Gaudi::Units::GeV ),
+          log( ( b_mom + tag_mom ).Pt() / Gaudi::Units::GeV ), tagPIDk, tagTrackChi2,
+          static_cast<double>( refittedPV->nDoF() ) } );
     if ( BDT < bestBDT ) continue;
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ std::optional<LHCb::Tagger> Run2SSPionTagger::performTagging( const LHCb::Partic
     bestBDT     = BDT;
-  constexpr auto pol = std::array{0.4523, -0.117, -0.122, -0.081};
+  constexpr auto pol = std::array{ 0.4523, -0.117, -0.122, -0.081 };
   double         pn  = 1. - ( pol[0] + bestBDT * ( pol[1] + bestBDT * ( pol[2] + pol[3] * bestBDT ) ) );
   if ( pn < m_minPionProb || pn > 1 ) return std::nullopt;
diff --git a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2SSProtonTagger.cpp b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2SSProtonTagger.cpp
index e581b77b51d0298a8f07d29ccf36fe4fc56f8fd2..2247b22b3bc1cf8dfbe37820a298a56f3b938c3f 100644
--- a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2SSProtonTagger.cpp
+++ b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Run2SSProtonTagger.cpp
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ public:
   /// Standard constructor
   Run2SSProtonTagger( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"BCandidates", ""}, KeyValue{"TaggingProtons", ""}, KeyValue{"PrimaryVertices", ""},
-                      KeyValue{"StandardGeometry", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputFlavourTags", ""} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "BCandidates", "" }, KeyValue{ "TaggingProtons", "" },
+                       KeyValue{ "PrimaryVertices", "" }, KeyValue{ "StandardGeometry", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputFlavourTags", "" } ) {}
   LHCb::FlavourTags operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& bCandidates, const LHCb::Particle::Range& taggingProtons,
                                 const LHCb::PrimaryVertices& primaryVertices, const DetectorElement& ) const override;
@@ -43,27 +43,28 @@ private:
   LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType taggerType() const { return LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType::Run2_SSProton; }
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDistPhi{this, "MaxDistPhi", 1.2,
-                                       "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum phi distance to B candidate"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaEta{this, "MaxDeltaEta", 1.2,
-                                        "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum eta distance to B candidate"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxIpSigTagBestPV{this, "MaxIpSigTagBestPV", 4.0,
-                                              "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum IP significance wrt to best PV"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDQB0Proton{this, "MaxDQB0Proton", 1.3 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, "I don't know what this is"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPTB0Proton{this, "MinPTB0Proton", 3.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV,
-                                          "Minimum transverse momentum of the B0-Proton combination"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2B0ProtonVertex{this, "MaxChi2B0ProtonVertex", 100};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minProtonProb{this, "MinProtonProb", 0.5};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_BCount{this, "#BCandidates"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_BCount2{this, "#BCandidates2"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_0Count{this, "#Zero Bs"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_invCount{this, "#no tagresult"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_protonCount{this, "#taggingProtons"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_FTCount{this, "#goodFlavourTags"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_allFTCount{this, "#allFlavourTags"};
-  ToolHandle<TaggingHelperTool> m_taggingHelperTool{this, "TaggingHelper", "TaggingHelperTool"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDistPhi{ this, "MaxDistPhi", 1.2,
+                                        "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum phi distance to B candidate" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaEta{ this, "MaxDeltaEta", 1.2,
+                                         "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum eta distance to B candidate" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxIpSigTagBestPV{ this, "MaxIpSigTagBestPV", 4.0,
+                                               "Tagging particle requirement: Maximum IP significance wrt to best PV" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDQB0Proton{ this, "MaxDQB0Proton", 1.3 * Gaudi::Units::GeV,
+                                           "I don't know what this is" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPTB0Proton{ this, "MinPTB0Proton", 3.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV,
+                                           "Minimum transverse momentum of the B0-Proton combination" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2B0ProtonVertex{ this, "MaxChi2B0ProtonVertex", 100 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minProtonProb{ this, "MinProtonProb", 0.5 };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_BCount{ this, "#BCandidates" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_BCount2{ this, "#BCandidates2" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_0Count{ this, "#Zero Bs" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_invCount{ this, "#no tagresult" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_protonCount{ this, "#taggingProtons" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_FTCount{ this, "#goodFlavourTags" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_allFTCount{ this, "#allFlavourTags" };
+  ToolHandle<TaggingHelperTool> m_taggingHelperTool{ this, "TaggingHelper", "TaggingHelperTool" };
   // ToolHandle<IVertexFit>              m_vertexFitTool{this, "VertexFitter", "LoKi::VertexFitter"};
   std::unique_ptr<ITaggingClassifier> m_classifier = std::make_unique<SSProton_Data_Run1_All_Bd2Dpi_TMVA_BDT_v1r1>();
@@ -180,9 +181,9 @@ std::optional<LHCb::Tagger> Run2SSProtonTagger::performTagging( const LHCb::Part
     // MVA
     const double BDT = m_classifier->getClassifierValue(
-        {log( tag_mom.P() / Gaudi::Units::GeV ), log( tag_mom.Pt() / Gaudi::Units::GeV ), log( refittedPVIP->second ),
-         dR, log( deltaEta ), dQ / Gaudi::Units::GeV, log( ( b_mom + tag_mom ).Pt() / Gaudi::Units::GeV ),
-         log( refittedPV->nDoF() ), log( tagPIDp )} );
+        { log( tag_mom.P() / Gaudi::Units::GeV ), log( tag_mom.Pt() / Gaudi::Units::GeV ), log( refittedPVIP->second ),
+          dR, log( deltaEta ), dQ / Gaudi::Units::GeV, log( ( b_mom + tag_mom ).Pt() / Gaudi::Units::GeV ),
+          log( refittedPV->nDoF() ), log( tagPIDp ) } );
     if ( BDT < bestBDT ) continue;
@@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ std::optional<LHCb::Tagger> Run2SSProtonTagger::performTagging( const LHCb::Part
   // if ( bestTagCand ) return std::make_pair( bestTagCand, bestBDT);
   // return std::nullopt;
-  constexpr auto pol = std::array{0.4831, -0.07304, -0.05043, -0.1749};
+  constexpr auto pol = std::array{ 0.4831, -0.07304, -0.05043, -0.1749 };
   double         pn  = 1. - ( pol[0] + bestBDT * ( pol[1] + bestBDT * ( pol[2] + pol[3] * bestBDT ) ) );
   if ( pn < m_minProtonProb || pn > 1 ) return std::nullopt;
diff --git a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Utils/ParticleTaggerAlg.cpp b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Utils/ParticleTaggerAlg.cpp
index b6f45329449fa31d97e15ab1fa2253e9d3bd7032..b81a7af407566812b55c9f24a64d8c00c52dbeef 100644
--- a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Utils/ParticleTaggerAlg.cpp
+++ b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Utils/ParticleTaggerAlg.cpp
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ public:
    *  @param pSvc service locator
   ParticleTaggerAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-      : Transformer( name, pSvc, {KeyValue{"Input", ""}, KeyValue{"TaggingContainer", ""}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputRelations", ""} ) {}
+      : Transformer( name, pSvc, { KeyValue{ "Input", "" }, KeyValue{ "TaggingContainer", "" } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputRelations", "" } ) {}
   // ==========================================================================
   /// the standard execution of the algorithm
   // ==========================================================================
@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ public:
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                 m_eventCount{this, "Events"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_candidateCount{this, "Input Particles"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_trackCount{this, "Output Particles"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                 m_eventCount{ this, "Events" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_candidateCount{ this, "Input Particles" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_trackCount{ this, "Output Particles" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING>  m_noParticleFound{
-      this, "No particles found at the current tagging location"};
+      this, "No particles found at the current tagging location" };
 /// declare the factory (needed for instantiation)
diff --git a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Utils/TaggingHelper.h b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Utils/TaggingHelper.h
index 4fa4ca6b359ce8b6b00752c77d3577fb117d0aa4..331d467e3a4f85a1d5d7ac352fccfbbbe150354d 100644
--- a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Utils/TaggingHelper.h
+++ b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Utils/TaggingHelper.h
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ namespace TaggingHelper {
     const Gaudi::SymMatrix4x4& C2   = p2.momCovMatrix();
     double                     err1 = std::sqrt( ( mom1.x() * mom1.x() * C1( 0, 0 ) + mom1.y() * mom1.y() * C1( 1, 1 ) +
                                mom1.z() * mom1.z() * C1( 2, 2 ) ) +
-                             2. * ( mom1.x() * mom1.y() * C1( 0, 1 ) + mom1.x() * mom1.z() * C1( 0, 2 ) +
+                                                 2. * ( mom1.x() * mom1.y() * C1( 0, 1 ) + mom1.x() * mom1.z() * C1( 0, 2 ) +
                                     mom1.y() * mom1.z() * C1( 1, 2 ) ) ) /
     double err2 = std::sqrt( ( mom2.x() * mom2.x() * C2( 0, 0 ) + mom2.y() * mom2.y() * C2( 1, 1 ) +
diff --git a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Utils/TaggingHelperTool.h b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Utils/TaggingHelperTool.h
index c8b191725c017a3bea6e498d67b22c4449ab2f46..d8067be75121c169a6be43f290fe385643e45bbf 100644
--- a/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Utils/TaggingHelperTool.h
+++ b/Phys/FlavourTagging/src/Utils/TaggingHelperTool.h
@@ -63,19 +63,19 @@ public:
                                  const IGeometryInfo&                      geometry ) const;
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minDistPhi{this, "MinDistPhi", 0.005,
-                                       "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum phi distance to B candidate."};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minDistPhi{ this, "MinDistPhi", 0.005,
+                                        "Tagging particle requirement: Minimum phi distance to B candidate." };
   Gaudi::Property<double> m_minIpSigTagPileUpVertices{
       this, "MinIpSigTagPileUpVertices", 3.0,
-      "Tagging particle requirement: Minimim IP significance wrt to all pileup vertices."};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxSharedHitFraction{this, "MaxSharedHitFraction", 0.3,
-                                                 "Maximum allowed fraction of hits shared between tracks."};
+      "Tagging particle requirement: Minimim IP significance wrt to all pileup vertices." };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxSharedHitFraction{ this, "MaxSharedHitFraction", 0.3,
+                                                  "Maximum allowed fraction of hits shared between tracks." };
-  ToolHandle<IDistanceCalculator> m_distCalcTool{this, "DistanceCalculatorTool", "LoKi::DistanceCalculator"};
-  ToolHandle<ICheckOverlap>       m_overlapTool{this, "OverlapTool", "CheckOverlap"};
+  ToolHandle<IDistanceCalculator> m_distCalcTool{ this, "DistanceCalculatorTool", "LoKi::DistanceCalculator" };
+  ToolHandle<ICheckOverlap>       m_overlapTool{ this, "OverlapTool", "CheckOverlap" };
   ToolHandle<IRelatedPVFinder>    m_relatedPVTool{
-      this, "RelatedPVFinderTool", "GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIPChi2_OnlineDistanceCalculatorName_"};
-  ToolHandle<IPVReFitter>          m_pvRefitterTool{this, "PVRefitterTool", "LoKi::PVReFitter"};
-  ToolHandle<IVertexFit>           m_vertexFitTool{this, "VertexFitterTool", "LoKi::VertexFitter"};
-  ToolHandle<IParticleDescendants> m_descendantsTool{this, "ParticleDescentantsTool", "ParticleDescendants"};
+      this, "RelatedPVFinderTool", "GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIPChi2_OnlineDistanceCalculatorName_" };
+  ToolHandle<IPVReFitter>          m_pvRefitterTool{ this, "PVRefitterTool", "LoKi::PVReFitter" };
+  ToolHandle<IVertexFit>           m_vertexFitTool{ this, "VertexFitterTool", "LoKi::VertexFitter" };
+  ToolHandle<IParticleDescendants> m_descendantsTool{ this, "ParticleDescentantsTool", "ParticleDescendants" };
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCache/options/SilenceErrors.py b/Phys/FunctorCache/options/SilenceErrors.py
index b448a075db7e4f1cccc28b6dcd13e072f64f4b63..bbafa5b4c5bcd1ba7685c24f2d2b9a836411e57a 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCache/options/SilenceErrors.py
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCache/options/SilenceErrors.py
@@ -10,4 +10,5 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
 ApplicationMgr().OutputLevel = 6
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCache/options/SuppressLogMessages.py b/Phys/FunctorCache/options/SuppressLogMessages.py
index 69958ed353134574e8949ebc309442f1e0555604..52e4e22743cbe789ceff91da736b75f6f46f87e3 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCache/options/SuppressLogMessages.py
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCache/options/SuppressLogMessages.py
@@ -9,18 +9,22 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import logging
+import re
 from builtins import map
 from Gaudi.Configuration import log
 from GaudiKernel.Configurable import log as clog
-import logging
-import re
         (  # errors
             # warnings
-            r'Using default tag.*for partition', )))
+            r"Using default tag.*for partition",
+        ),
+    )
 class MessageFilter(logging.Filter):
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCache/options/ThOr_create_cache_opts.py b/Phys/FunctorCache/options/ThOr_create_cache_opts.py
index 11050a5b63920daa91c6837b1e1e47d6f67cc6f7..9f9b1d8ab9e803b1bb012c2abc032319a5fc815a 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCache/options/ThOr_create_cache_opts.py
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCache/options/ThOr_create_cache_opts.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
-ApplicationMgr().Environment['THOR_DISABLE_JIT'] = '1'
-ApplicationMgr().Environment['THOR_DISABLE_CACHE'] = '1'
-ApplicationMgr().Environment['THOR_JIT_EXTRA_ARGS'] = ''
-ApplicationMgr().Environment['THOR_JIT_LIBDIR'] = '.'
+ApplicationMgr().Environment["THOR_DISABLE_JIT"] = "1"
+ApplicationMgr().Environment["THOR_DISABLE_CACHE"] = "1"
+ApplicationMgr().Environment["THOR_JIT_EXTRA_ARGS"] = ""
+ApplicationMgr().Environment["THOR_JIT_LIBDIR"] = "."
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Adapters.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Adapters.h
index dc6906d20dcfb92c4d5412e35ceab1e671ee02e5..66a35d7b5150ff81925a3308076d3e84b5896588 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Adapters.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Adapters.h
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
   // throw exception whenever the object is not a composite of type LHCb::Particle
   inline void checkComposite( LHCb::Particle const& part ) {
     if ( part.isBasicParticle() ) {
-      throw GaudiException{"Functor applied to basic particle", "Functors::GenerationFromComposite",
-                           StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "Functor applied to basic particle", "Functors::GenerationFromComposite",
+                            StatusCode::FAILURE };
   template <FunctorFunction Transform, typename Reduce>
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
     constexpr static bool requires_explicit_mask = requires_explicit_mask_v<Transform>;
     constexpr TransformReduce( Transform transform, Reduce reduce )
-        : m_transform{std::move( transform )}, m_reduce{std::move( reduce )} {}
+        : m_transform{ std::move( transform ) }, m_reduce{ std::move( reduce ) } {}
     void bind( TopLevelInfo& top_level ) { detail::bind( m_transform, top_level ); }
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
 namespace Functors::Adapters {
   template <typename F>
   struct Accumulate : detail::TransformReduce<F, std::plus<>> {
-    constexpr Accumulate( F f ) : detail::TransformReduce<F, std::plus<>>{std::move( f ), std::plus<>{}} {}
+    constexpr Accumulate( F f ) : detail::TransformReduce<F, std::plus<>>{ std::move( f ), std::plus<>{} } {}
     auto name() const {
       return "Accumulate( " + detail::get_name( detail::TransformReduce<F, std::plus<>>::m_transform ) + " )";
@@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ namespace Functors::Adapters {
   template <typename F>
   struct Minimum : detail::TransformReduce<F, decltype( detail::min_fn )> {
-    constexpr Minimum( F f ) : detail::TransformReduce<F, decltype( detail::min_fn )>{std::move( f ), detail::min_fn} {}
+    constexpr Minimum( F f )
+        : detail::TransformReduce<F, decltype( detail::min_fn )>{ std::move( f ), detail::min_fn } {}
     auto name() const {
       return "Minimum( " + detail::get_name( detail::TransformReduce<F, decltype( detail::min_fn )>::m_transform ) +
              " )";
@@ -91,7 +92,8 @@ namespace Functors::Adapters {
   template <typename F>
   struct Maximum : detail::TransformReduce<F, decltype( detail::max_fn )> {
-    constexpr Maximum( F f ) : detail::TransformReduce<F, decltype( detail::max_fn )>{std::move( f ), detail::max_fn} {}
+    constexpr Maximum( F f )
+        : detail::TransformReduce<F, decltype( detail::max_fn )>{ std::move( f ), detail::max_fn } {}
     auto name() const {
       return "Maximum( " + detail::get_name( detail::TransformReduce<F, decltype( detail::max_fn )>::m_transform ) +
              " )";
@@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ namespace Functors::Adapters {
   class Child : public Function {
-    int m_idx{0};
+    int m_idx{ 0 };
     constexpr Child( int idx ) : m_idx( idx ) {}
@@ -200,7 +202,7 @@ namespace Functors::Adapters {
   struct GenerationFromComposite : Function {
-    GenerationFromComposite( int generation ) : m_generation{generation} { assert( m_generation > 0 ); }
+    GenerationFromComposite( int generation ) : m_generation{ generation } { assert( m_generation > 0 ); }
     // template <std::indirectly_readable T>
     template <typename T>
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Combination.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Combination.h
index 71d9938daa290948d7fd1b472db62acd85d29b5e..f972a82a20460e4dd4c7e55846832a87f268c73f 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Combination.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Combination.h
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
   void throw_exception_if_basic( T const& p, std::string const& msg = "DistanceOfClosestApproach::operator()" ) {
     if constexpr ( is_legacy_particle<T> ) {
       if ( p.isBasicParticle() )
-        throw GaudiException{msg,
-                             "Specified combination has no daughters. Note that the functor should only be applied to "
-                             "composite (i.e. particles with daughters).",
-                             StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ msg,
+                              "Specified combination has no daughters. Note that the functor should only be applied to "
+                              "composite (i.e. particles with daughters).",
+                              StatusCode::FAILURE };
@@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
       template <typename T>
       Parent( T* ptr, const std::string& geom_name )
-          : m_parent{ptr}
-          , m_get_condition_context{[]( const void* parent, const EventContext& ctx ) -> decltype( auto ) {
+          : m_parent{ ptr }
+          , m_get_condition_context{ []( const void* parent, const EventContext& ctx ) -> decltype( auto ) {
             return static_cast<T const*>( parent )->getConditionContext( ctx );
-          }}
-          , m_get_warning{[]( const void* parent ) -> decltype( auto ) {
+          } }
+          , m_get_warning{ []( const void* parent ) -> decltype( auto ) {
             return static_cast<T const*>( parent )->warning();
-          }}
+          } }
           , m_geom( ptr, geom_name ) {}
       MsgStream& warning() const { return ( *m_get_warning )( m_parent ); }
@@ -89,16 +89,16 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
     IDistanceCalculatorHolder( std::string instance, std::string geom = LHCb::standard_geometry_top )
-        : m_tool_name{std::move( instance )}, m_geom_name{std::move( geom )} {}
+        : m_tool_name{ std::move( instance ) }, m_geom_name{ std::move( geom ) } {}
     IDistanceCalculatorHolder( IDistanceCalculatorHolder&& rhs )
-        : m_tool_name{std::move( rhs.m_tool_name )}, m_geom_name{std::move( rhs.m_geom_name )} {
+        : m_tool_name{ std::move( rhs.m_tool_name ) }, m_geom_name{ std::move( rhs.m_geom_name ) } {
       if ( m_parent.has_value() || m_dist.has_value() || m_tool.has_value() )
-        throw GaudiException{"DistanceOfClosestApproach(&&)", "attempt to move after bind", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "DistanceOfClosestApproach(&&)", "attempt to move after bind", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     IDistanceCalculatorHolder& operator=( IDistanceCalculatorHolder&& rhs ) {
       if ( m_parent.has_value() || m_dist.has_value() || m_tool.has_value() )
-        throw GaudiException{"DistanceOfClosestApproach(&&)", "attempt to move after bind", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "DistanceOfClosestApproach(&&)", "attempt to move after bind", StatusCode::FAILURE };
       m_tool_name = std::move( rhs.m_tool_name );
       m_geom_name = std::move( rhs.m_geom_name );
       return *this;
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
       if ( try_emplace( dynamic_cast<LHCb::DetDesc::AlgorithmWithCondition<GaudiTupleAlg>*>( top_level.algorithm() ) ) )
-      throw GaudiException{"DistanceOfClosestApproach::bind",
-                           "attempting to bind to algorithm which is not a condition holder", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "DistanceOfClosestApproach::bind",
+                            "attempting to bind to algorithm which is not a condition holder", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     template <DOCAMethod method>
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
   template <int N, int M, DOCAMethod method>
   struct DistanceOfClosestApproach<N, M, method, IDistanceCalculator> : public Function {
     static_assert( N >= 1 && M >= 1, "Indices start from 1 for LoKi compatibility." );
-    DistanceOfClosestApproach( std::string instance = "LoKi::DistanceCalculator" ) : m_dist{std::move( instance )} {}
+    DistanceOfClosestApproach( std::string instance = "LoKi::DistanceCalculator" ) : m_dist{ std::move( instance ) } {}
     void bind( TopLevelInfo& top_level ) { m_dist.emplace( top_level ); }
@@ -246,7 +246,8 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
   template <DOCAMethod method>
   struct MaxDistanceOfClosestApproach<method, IDistanceCalculator> : public Function {
-    MaxDistanceOfClosestApproach( std::string instance = "LoKi::DistanceCalculator" ) : m_dist{std::move( instance )} {}
+    MaxDistanceOfClosestApproach( std::string instance = "LoKi::DistanceCalculator" )
+        : m_dist{ std::move( instance ) } {}
     void bind( TopLevelInfo& top_level ) { m_dist.emplace( top_level ); }
@@ -302,7 +303,7 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
   class MaxDistanceOfClosestApproachCut<method, IDistanceCalculator> : public Predicate {
     MaxDistanceOfClosestApproachCut( float thresh, std::string instance = "LoKi::DistanceCalculator" )
-        : m_dist{std::move( instance )}, m_thresh( thresh ) {}
+        : m_dist{ std::move( instance ) }, m_thresh( thresh ) {}
     void bind( TopLevelInfo& top_level ) { m_dist.emplace( top_level ); }
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Common.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Common.h
index c5c599610240413b223a6c8cc454c9d63824e98b..ac3d1d88c468eae076bf8b530e2c15fd316b9281 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Common.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Common.h
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ namespace Functors::Common {
     template <typename A, typename B>
     auto operator()( ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<A, B> d ) const {
-      return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3>{d.x(), d.y(), d.z()};
+      return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3>{ d.x(), d.y(), d.z() };
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ namespace Functors::Common {
   namespace flatten_detail {
     template <typename T>
-    concept RangeOfRanges = std::ranges::range<T>&& std::ranges::range<std::ranges::range_value_t<T>>;
+    concept RangeOfRanges = std::ranges::range<T> && std::ranges::range<std::ranges::range_value_t<T>>;
   struct Flatten final : Function {
     template <flatten_detail::RangeOfRanges RangeOfRanges>
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ namespace Functors::Common {
     auto operator()( LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3> const& d1,
                      ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<A, B> const&             r2 ) const {
       using std::sqrt;
-      decltype( d1 ) d2{r2.x(), r2.y(), r2.z()};
+      decltype( d1 ) d2{ r2.x(), r2.y(), r2.z() };
       return dot( Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( d1 ), Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( d2 ) ) / sqrt( d1.mag2() * d2.mag2() );
@@ -408,12 +408,12 @@ namespace Functors::Common {
       return std::apply(
           [this]( const auto&... i ) {
             constexpr auto nan       = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
-            const auto     invalid   = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3>{nan, nan, nan};
+            const auto     invalid   = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3>{ nan, nan, nan };
             auto const     into_vec3 = []( auto const& pos ) {
-              return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3>{pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z()};
+              return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3>{ pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z() };
             using LHCb::LinAlg::gather;
-            return gather<float_v>( std::array{( i ? into_vec3( ( *this )( *i ) ) : invalid )...} );
+            return gather<float_v>( std::array{ ( i ? into_vec3( ( *this )( *i ) ) : invalid )... } );
           items );
@@ -480,11 +480,11 @@ namespace Functors::Common {
     // constructor efficiency isn't that important to us anyhow
     TES( std::vector<std::string> tes_locs ) {
       if ( tes_locs.size() != m_tes_locs.size() ) {
-        throw GaudiException{"TES Functor constructor expects " + std::to_string( m_tes_locs.size() ) +
-                                 " locations, but only got " + std::to_string( tes_locs.size() ),
-                             name(), StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "TES Functor constructor expects " + std::to_string( m_tes_locs.size() ) +
+                                  " locations, but only got " + std::to_string( tes_locs.size() ),
+                              name(), StatusCode::FAILURE };
-      for ( std::size_t i{0}; i < m_tes_locs.size(); ++i ) { m_tes_locs[i] = std::move( tes_locs[i] ); }
+      for ( std::size_t i{ 0 }; i < m_tes_locs.size(); ++i ) { m_tes_locs[i] = std::move( tes_locs[i] ); }
     // need this as per default this copy would be deleted because a copy of a
@@ -550,11 +550,11 @@ namespace Functors::Common {
                      << endmsg;
       if ( alg->extraInputDeps().count( handle.objKey() ) == 0 ) {
-        throw GaudiException{"Usage of DataHandle[\"" + handle.objKey() +
-                                 "\"] in TES Functor requires that owning algorithm " + alg->name() +
-                                 " contains this TES location inside the ExtraInputs property. This is likely a "
-                                 "Configuration/PyConf bug!",
-                             name(), StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "Usage of DataHandle[\"" + handle.objKey() +
+                                  "\"] in TES Functor requires that owning algorithm " + alg->name() +
+                                  " contains this TES location inside the ExtraInputs property. This is likely a "
+                                  "Configuration/PyConf bug!",
+                              name(), StatusCode::FAILURE };
       // DataObjectReadHandle has a protected `init()` so we need to call it
@@ -578,10 +578,12 @@ namespace Functors::Common {
     template <typename T>
     auto const& deref( std::optional<T> const& optional_handle ) const {
       if ( !optional_handle ) {
-        throw GaudiException{"TES Functor called without being bound to an algorithm", name(), StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "TES Functor called without being bound to an algorithm", name(), StatusCode::FAILURE };
       auto data_ptr = optional_handle->get();
-      if ( !data_ptr ) { throw GaudiException{"Functor got nullptr from its DataHandle", name(), StatusCode::FAILURE}; }
+      if ( !data_ptr ) {
+        throw GaudiException{ "Functor got nullptr from its DataHandle", name(), StatusCode::FAILURE };
+      }
       return *data_ptr;
@@ -614,7 +616,7 @@ namespace Functors::Common {
     template <typename Table, typename From>
     auto operator()( Table const& table, From const& from ) const {
       const auto& range = table.relations( &Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( from ) );
-      return !range.empty() ? Functors::Optional{std::move( range )} : std::nullopt;
+      return !range.empty() ? Functors::Optional{ std::move( range ) } : std::nullopt;
@@ -686,7 +688,7 @@ namespace Functors::Common {
                                                                                             // positive (or zero)
-      return ( !range.empty() ) ? Functors::Optional{median} : std::nullopt;
+      return ( !range.empty() ) ? Functors::Optional{ median } : std::nullopt;
@@ -703,7 +705,7 @@ namespace Functors::Common {
         double sum = std::accumulate( range.begin(), range.end(), 0.0 ); // cast to double to avoid overflow
         mean       = sum / range.size();
-      return ( !range.empty() ) ? Functors::Optional{mean} : std::nullopt;
+      return ( !range.empty() ) ? Functors::Optional{ mean } : std::nullopt;
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Composite.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Composite.h
index 3678e9f12f697baabe15598ad0729f0dd9fec56b..15131a8761052e288b83987aacecf348b6ebd46c 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Composite.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Composite.h
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ namespace Functors::Composite {
      *  of floating point values (in MeV) and names of particles. Particle
      *  names are translated into mass values using the ParticlePropertySvc.
-    MassWithHypotheses( std::tuple<MassInputs...> mass_inputs ) : m_mass_inputs{std::move( mass_inputs )} {}
+    MassWithHypotheses( std::tuple<MassInputs...> mass_inputs ) : m_mass_inputs{ std::move( mass_inputs ) } {}
     void bind( TopLevelInfo& top_level ) { bind( top_level, std::index_sequence_for<MassInputs...>{} ); }
@@ -225,14 +225,14 @@ namespace Functors::Composite {
         throw GaudiException{
             "Mismatch between number of mass values given (" + std::to_string( sizeof...( MassInputs ) ) +
                 ") and the number of children in the given object (" + std::to_string( NumChildren ) + ")",
-            "Functors::Composite::Mass", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+            "Functors::Composite::Mass", StatusCode::FAILURE };
       using LHCb::Event::threeMomentum;
       using std::sqrt;
       using float_t = decltype( threeMomentum( children[0] ).mag2() );
-      float_t E{0};
+      float_t E{ 0 };
       using three_t = decltype( threeMomentum( children[0] ) );
-      three_t mom{0,0,0};
+      three_t mom{ 0, 0, 0 };
       for ( const auto& [i, child] : LHCb::range::enumerate( children ) ) {
         E += sqrt( threeMomentum( child ).mag2() + m_mass_values[i] * m_mass_values[i] );
         mom = mom + threeMomentum( child );
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ namespace Functors::Composite {
     void bind( TopLevelInfo& top_level, std::index_sequence<Ns...> ) {
       // Avoid setting up the service if we don't need it (e.g. all hypotheses)
       // were specified numerically)
-      std::optional<ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc>> pp_svc{std::nullopt};
+      std::optional<ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc>> pp_svc{ std::nullopt };
       // Helper to convert a member of m_mass_inputs to a numeric value.
       auto const converter = [&]( auto const& mass_or_name ) {
         if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<float, std::decay_t<decltype( mass_or_name )>> ) {
@@ -256,8 +256,8 @@ namespace Functors::Composite {
           auto const* pp = pp_svc.value()->find( mass_or_name );
           if ( !pp ) {
-            throw GaudiException{"Couldn't get ParticleProperty for particle '" + mass_or_name + "'",
-                                 "Functors::Composite::Mass::bind()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+            throw GaudiException{ "Couldn't get ParticleProperty for particle '" + mass_or_name + "'",
+                                  "Functors::Composite::Mass::bind()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
           return pp->mass();
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ namespace Functors::Composite {
     auto getTrack( Composite2TrackRelations const& relations, Composite const& composite ) {
       auto const& comp        = Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( composite );
       auto        track_range = relations.relations( &comp );
-      return track_range.empty() ? std::nullopt : Functors::Optional{track_range.front().to()};
+      return track_range.empty() ? std::nullopt : Functors::Optional{ track_range.front().to() };
     /** @brief Get heavy flavour track associated to composite. */
@@ -405,11 +405,11 @@ namespace Functors::Composite {
         using Sel::Utils::threeMomentum;
         auto track = getTrack( relations, composite );
-        if ( !track.has_value() ) return FType{0};
+        if ( !track.has_value() ) return FType{ 0 };
         // direction using first hit (or end vertex if not available, as saved in heavy flavour track)
         auto const state = track.value()->firstState();
-        auto const d     = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<FType, 3>{state.tx(), state.ty(), 1.};
+        auto const d     = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<FType, 3>{ state.tx(), state.ty(), 1. };
         // Get the pT variable that we need
         auto const mom  = threeMomentum( composite );
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Core.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Core.h
index 221dc5567a89d3e580c35e246f7cbb8ce36191e4..2eef567b090938091a262e211e9270ffc0cb71d2 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Core.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Core.h
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ namespace Functors {
   struct AnyFunctor {
     virtual ~AnyFunctor()                                                                  = default;
-    virtual                                     operator bool() const                      = 0;
+    virtual operator bool() const                                                          = 0;
     virtual void                                bind( Gaudi::Algorithm* owning_algorithm ) = 0;
     [[nodiscard]] virtual std::type_info const& rtype() const                              = 0;
@@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ namespace Functors {
     void                    Warning( std::string_view message, std::size_t count = 1 ) const;
-    Gaudi::Algorithm* m_algorithm{nullptr};
+    Gaudi::Algorithm* m_algorithm{ nullptr };
     using MsgMap             = std::map<std::string, Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING>, std::less<>>;
     using SynchronizedMsgMap = LHCb::cxx::SynchronizedValue<MsgMap>;
     // We have to use std::unique_ptr here to make sure that this structure,
     // and the functors that hold it, remain moveable. SynchronizedValue
     // contains an std::mutex, which is not moveable.
-    mutable std::unique_ptr<SynchronizedMsgMap> m_msg_counters{std::make_unique<SynchronizedMsgMap>()};
+    mutable std::unique_ptr<SynchronizedMsgMap> m_msg_counters{ std::make_unique<SynchronizedMsgMap>() };
   /** @class Function
@@ -196,13 +196,13 @@ namespace Functors {
       /** Overload with an explicit mask tagged at the beginning of the
        *  parameter pack.
-      template <bool requires_explicit_mask, bool is_optional_unwrapper,typename F,typename Mask, typename... Args>
-      LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE decltype( auto ) invoke(F&& f, mask_arg_t, Mask&& mask, Args&&... args ) {
+      template <bool requires_explicit_mask, bool is_optional_unwrapper, typename F, typename Mask, typename... Args>
+      LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE decltype( auto ) invoke( F&& f, mask_arg_t, Mask&& mask, Args&&... args ) {
         if constexpr ( !is_optional_unwrapper && ( is_our_optional_v<std::decay_t<Args>> || ... ) ) {
-          return ( has_value( args ) && ... )
-                     ? Functors::Optional{invoke<requires_explicit_mask,true>( std::forward<F>(f), mask_arg, std::forward<Mask>( mask ),
-                                                     get_value( std::forward<Args>( args ) )... )}
-                     : std::nullopt;
+          return ( has_value( args ) && ... ) ? Functors::Optional{ invoke<requires_explicit_mask, true>(
+                                                    std::forward<F>( f ), mask_arg, std::forward<Mask>( mask ),
+                                                    get_value( std::forward<Args>( args ) )... ) }
+                                              : std::nullopt;
         } else if constexpr ( requires_explicit_mask ) {
           return LHCb::invoke_or_visit( f, std::forward<Mask>( mask ), std::forward<Args>( args )... );
         } else {
@@ -213,12 +213,12 @@ namespace Functors {
       /** Overload with no explicit mask, if the wrapped functor requires one
        *  it is obtained from the rest of the parameter pack.
-      template <bool requires_explicit_mask, bool is_optional_unwrapper,typename F, typename... Args>
-      LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE decltype( auto ) invoke(F&& f, Args&&... args ) {
+      template <bool requires_explicit_mask, bool is_optional_unwrapper, typename F, typename... Args>
+      LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE decltype( auto ) invoke( F&& f, Args&&... args ) {
         if constexpr ( !is_optional_unwrapper && ( is_our_optional_v<std::decay_t<Args>> || ... ) ) {
-          return ( has_value( args ) && ... )
-                     ? Functors::Optional{invoke<requires_explicit_mask,true>(   f, get_value( std::forward<Args>( args ) )... )}
-                     : std::nullopt;
+          return ( has_value( args ) && ... ) ? Functors::Optional{ invoke<requires_explicit_mask, true>(
+                                                    f, get_value( std::forward<Args>( args ) )... ) }
+                                              : std::nullopt;
         } else if constexpr ( requires_explicit_mask ) {
           return LHCb::invoke_or_visit( f, loop_mask( static_cast<std::remove_reference_t<Args>&>( args )... ),
                                         std::forward<Args>( args )... );
@@ -229,39 +229,47 @@ namespace Functors {
       /** Overloads for a tuple of inputs
-      template <bool requires_explicit_mask, bool is_optional_unwrapper,typename F,typename Mask, typename... Args>
-      LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE decltype( auto ) invoke( F&& f,  mask_arg_t, Mask&& mask, std::tuple<Args...> args ) {
-        return std::apply( [&]<typename... Arg>(Arg&&... arg) { return invoke<requires_explicit_mask,is_optional_unwrapper>(f,mask_arg, std::forward<Mask>( mask ), std::forward<Arg>(arg)... );}
-                         , std::move( args ) );
+      template <bool requires_explicit_mask, bool is_optional_unwrapper, typename F, typename Mask, typename... Args>
+      LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE decltype( auto ) invoke( F&& f, mask_arg_t, Mask&& mask, std::tuple<Args...> args ) {
+        return std::apply(
+            [&]<typename... Arg>( Arg&&... arg ) {
+              return invoke<requires_explicit_mask, is_optional_unwrapper>( f, mask_arg, std::forward<Mask>( mask ),
+                                                                            std::forward<Arg>( arg )... );
+            },
+            std::move( args ) );
-      template <bool requires_explicit_mask, bool is_optional_unwrapper,typename F, typename... Args>
-      LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE decltype( auto ) invoke(F&& f, std::tuple<Args...> args ) {
-        return std::apply( [&]<typename... Arg>(Arg&&... arg) { return invoke<requires_explicit_mask,is_optional_unwrapper>(f, std::forward<Arg>(arg)... );}
-                         , std::move( args ) );
+      template <bool requires_explicit_mask, bool is_optional_unwrapper, typename F, typename... Args>
+      LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE decltype( auto ) invoke( F&& f, std::tuple<Args...> args ) {
+        return std::apply(
+            [&]<typename... Arg>( Arg&&... arg ) {
+              return invoke<requires_explicit_mask, is_optional_unwrapper>( f, std::forward<Arg>( arg )... );
+            },
+            std::move( args ) );
-    }
+    } // namespace prepped
     template <detail::FunctorFunction Functor>
     LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE auto prepared( Functor const& f, EventContext const& evtCtx, TopLevelInfo const& top_level ) {
       auto prepare = [&]( Functor const& f, EventContext const& evtCtx, TopLevelInfo const& top_level ) {
-          if constexpr ( requires { f.prepare( evtCtx, top_level ); } ) {
-            return f.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
-          } else if constexpr ( requires { f.prepare( top_level ); } ) {
-            return f.prepare( top_level );
-          } else if constexpr ( requires { f.prepare(); } ) {
-            return f.prepare();
-          } else {
-            return std::cref( f );
-          }
-        };
-        return [g = prepare(f,evtCtx,top_level)]<typename... Args>(Args&&... args) {
-          return prepped::invoke<requires_explicit_mask_v<Functor>, is_optional_unwrapper_v<Functor>>( g, std::forward<Args>(args)... );
-        };
+        if constexpr ( requires { f.prepare( evtCtx, top_level ); } ) {
+          return f.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
+        } else if constexpr ( requires { f.prepare( top_level ); } ) {
+          return f.prepare( top_level );
+        } else if constexpr ( requires { f.prepare(); } ) {
+          return f.prepare();
+        } else {
+          return std::cref( f );
+        }
+      };
+      return [g = prepare( f, evtCtx, top_level )]<typename... Args>( Args&&... args ) {
+        return prepped::invoke<requires_explicit_mask_v<Functor>, is_optional_unwrapper_v<Functor>>(
+            g, std::forward<Args>( args )... );
+      };
     template <detail::FunctorFunction Functor>
-    auto prepared( Functor && f, EventContext const& evtCtx, TopLevelInfo const& top_level ) = delete;
+    auto prepared( Functor&& f, EventContext const& evtCtx, TopLevelInfo const& top_level ) = delete;
   } // namespace detail
@@ -310,10 +318,10 @@ namespace Functors {
         // avoid making this a constructor to keep this class an aggregate
         template <typename F>
         LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE static VTable create() {
-          return {.delete_ = []( void* p ) { delete static_cast<F*>( p ); },
-                  .invoke  = []( void const* p, InputType... i ) -> result_type {
-                    return static_cast<result_type>( ( *static_cast<F const*>( p ) )( i... ) );
-                  }};
+          return { .delete_ = []( void* p ) { delete static_cast<F*>( p ); },
+                   .invoke  = []( void const* p, InputType... i ) -> result_type {
+                     return static_cast<result_type>( ( *static_cast<F const*>( p ) )( i... ) );
+                   } };
@@ -326,15 +334,15 @@ namespace Functors {
       template <typename F>
       LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE prepared_type( F f, allocator_type ) // TODO: use allocator...
-          : m_ptr{new F{std::move( f )}}, m_vtable{VTable::template create<F>()} {}
+          : m_ptr{ new F{ std::move( f ) } }, m_vtable{ VTable::template create<F>() } {}
       ~prepared_type() { ( *m_vtable.delete_ )( m_ptr ); }
-      prepared_type( prepared_type const& ) = delete;
+      prepared_type( prepared_type const& )           = delete;
       prepared_type operator=( prepared_type const& ) = delete;
       prepared_type( prepared_type&& rhs ) noexcept
-          : m_ptr{std::exchange( rhs.m_ptr, nullptr )}, m_vtable{std::exchange( rhs.m_vtable, VTable{} )} {}
+          : m_ptr{ std::exchange( rhs.m_ptr, nullptr ) }, m_vtable{ std::exchange( rhs.m_vtable, VTable{} ) } {}
       prepared_type& operator=( prepared_type&& rhs ) noexcept {
         ( *m_vtable.delete_ )( m_ptr );
@@ -384,10 +392,11 @@ namespace Functors {
               //       will be used to invoke this prepared functor -- hence the 'wrapping' could be short-circuited...
               // TODO: pass the In... types 'down the line' to detail::prepared and bake that into the returned lambda,
               //       and do so recursively!
-              static_assert( requires (F const& f, InputType... in) { detail::prepared(f, evtCtx,top_level) (in... ); } );
-              return {detail::prepared( *static_cast<F const*>( p ), evtCtx, top_level ),
-                      LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
-            }};
+              static_assert(
+                  requires( F const& f, InputType... in ) { detail::prepared( f, evtCtx, top_level )( in... ); } );
+              return { detail::prepared( *static_cast<F const*>( p ), evtCtx, top_level ),
+                       LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) };
+            } };
@@ -406,19 +415,20 @@ namespace Functors {
     /** Construct a Functor object
     template <typename F>
-    LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE Functor( F func ) : m_ptr{new F{std::move( func )}}, m_vtable{VTable::template create<F>()} {}
+    LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE Functor( F func )
+        : m_ptr{ new F{ std::move( func ) } }, m_vtable{ VTable::template create<F>() } {}
     ~Functor() { ( *m_vtable.delete_ )( m_ptr ); }
-    Functor( const Functor& ) = delete;
+    Functor( const Functor& )            = delete;
     Functor& operator=( const Functor& ) = delete;
     /** Move constructor and assignment
     Functor( Functor&& rhs ) noexcept
-        : m_ptr{std::exchange( rhs.m_ptr, nullptr )}
-        , m_vtable{std::exchange( rhs.m_vtable, VTable{} )}
-        , m_top_level{std::move( rhs.m_top_level )} {}
+        : m_ptr{ std::exchange( rhs.m_ptr, nullptr ) }
+        , m_vtable{ std::exchange( rhs.m_vtable, VTable{} ) }
+        , m_top_level{ std::move( rhs.m_top_level ) } {}
     Functor& operator=( Functor&& rhs ) noexcept {
       ( *m_vtable.delete_ )( m_ptr );
@@ -433,7 +443,7 @@ namespace Functors {
     template <typename F>
     Functor& operator=( F func ) {
       ( *m_vtable.delete_ )( m_ptr );
-      m_ptr    = new F{std::move( func )};
+      m_ptr    = new F{ std::move( func ) };
       m_vtable = VTable::template create<F>();
       return *this;
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Decay.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Decay.h
index 91f4b04d40b6beeeb695e50117245e4ce1590245..ecfadbe26441f59d30df377fb2c6936072f5b93f 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Decay.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Decay.h
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ namespace Functors::Decay {
   /** @brief Use the DecayFinder algorithm to get the information related to the decay chain. */
   struct FindDecay final : public Function {
     FindDecay( std::string decay_desc, std::string tool_name = "DecayFinder" )
-        : m_decay_desc{std::move( decay_desc )}, m_tool_name{std::move( tool_name )} {
+        : m_decay_desc{ std::move( decay_desc ) }, m_tool_name{ std::move( tool_name ) } {
       Functors::detail::checkCaret( m_decay_desc );
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ namespace Functors::Decay {
       auto tool = m_find_decay->get();
       // Make a ConstVector with particle as input.
       // This conversion is needed because decay finder expects a vector of particles.
-      LHCb::Particle::ConstVector in_v = {&part};
+      LHCb::Particle::ConstVector in_v = { &part };
       LHCb::Particle::ConstVector out_v;
       bool found_particle = tool->findDecay( m_decay_desc, in_v, out_v ).isSuccess() && ( out_v.size() == 1 );
-      return found_particle ? Functors::Optional{out_v.front()} : std::nullopt;
+      return found_particle ? Functors::Optional{ out_v.front() } : std::nullopt;
     auto operator()( const LHCb::Particle* part ) const { return Functors::and_then( part, *this ); }
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ namespace Functors::Decay {
   /** @brief Use the DecayFinder algorithm to get the information related to the decay chain. */
   struct FindMCDecay final : public Function {
     FindMCDecay( std::string decay_desc, std::string tool_name = "LoKi::MCDecay" )
-        : m_decay_desc{std::move( decay_desc )}, m_tool_name{std::move( tool_name )} {
+        : m_decay_desc{ std::move( decay_desc ) }, m_tool_name{ std::move( tool_name ) } {
       Functors::detail::checkCaret( m_decay_desc );
@@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ namespace Functors::Decay {
       assert( m_find_decay.has_value() );
       if ( !m_find_decay->get() ) m_find_decay->retrieve().ignore();
       auto                          tool = m_find_decay->get();
-      LHCb::MCParticle::ConstVector in_v = {&part};
+      LHCb::MCParticle::ConstVector in_v = { &part };
       LHCb::MCParticle::ConstVector out_v;
       Decays::IMCDecay::Tree        decayTree = tool->tree( m_decay_desc );
       Decays::IMCDecay::Finder      finder( decayTree );
       finder.findDecay( in_v.begin(), in_v.end(), out_v );
       bool found_particle = ( out_v.size() == 1 );
-      return found_particle ? Functors::Optional{out_v.front()} : std::nullopt;
+      return found_particle ? Functors::Optional{ out_v.front() } : std::nullopt;
     auto operator()( const LHCb::MCParticle* part ) const { return Functors::and_then( part, *this ); }
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Detector.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Detector.h
index 8234cac9ddf96895bb272e6a1fa5b157a16ae2ac..92ef6e744f6adf45aa1ae155528759f073ed6f9b 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Detector.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Detector.h
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ namespace Functors::Detector {
      *  algorithm, using .emplace() with the Condition location and algorithm pointer.
     void bind( TopLevelInfo& top_level ) {
-      m_condCtx.emplace( DataObjID{LHCb::Det::LbDD4hep::IDD4hepSvc::DefaultSliceLocation}, top_level.algorithm() );
+      m_condCtx.emplace( DataObjID{ LHCb::Det::LbDD4hep::IDD4hepSvc::DefaultSliceLocation }, top_level.algorithm() );
       // This is a workaround for DataObjectReadHandle::init being protected.
       static_cast<Gaudi::DataHandle*>( &*m_condCtx )->init();
@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ namespace Functors::Detector {
         assert( colonPos != path.npos );
         const auto det_name  = path.substr( 0, colonPos );
         const auto cond_name = path.substr( colonPos + 1 );
-        return dd4hep::ConditionKey::KeyMaker{dd4hep::detail::hash32( det_name ), cond_name}.hash;
+        return dd4hep::ConditionKey::KeyMaker{ dd4hep::detail::hash32( det_name ), cond_name }.hash;
       if ( !m_condCtx ) {
-        throw GaudiException{"DeLHCb Functor called without being bound to an algorithm", "Functors::Detector::DeLHCb",
-                             StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "DeLHCb Functor called without being bound to an algorithm", "Functors::Detector::DeLHCb",
+                              StatusCode::FAILURE };
       // Ideally we should pass EventContext to DataObjectReadHandle::get, but the API was never implemented
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ namespace Functors::Detector {
       F fun;
-      constexpr DeLHCInfoFunctor( F f ) : fun{std::move( f )} {}
+      constexpr DeLHCInfoFunctor( F f ) : fun{ std::move( f ) } {}
       auto operator()( LHCb::Detector::DeLHCb const& de ) const { return Functors::and_then( de.lhcInfo(), fun ); }
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ namespace Functors::Detector {
       F fun;
-      constexpr DeSMOGInfoFunctor( F f ) : fun{std::move( f )} {}
+      constexpr DeSMOGInfoFunctor( F f ) : fun{ std::move( f ) } {}
       auto operator()( LHCb::Detector::DeLHCb const& de ) const {
         return Functors::and_then( de.SMOG(),
                                    [&]( const auto& info ) { return static_cast<int>( std::invoke( fun, info ) ); } );
@@ -92,22 +92,22 @@ namespace Functors::Detector {
   } // namespace details
   // Get the fill number from LHC condition
-  inline constexpr auto FillNumber = details::DeLHCInfoFunctor{&LHCb::Detector::LHCInfo::fillnumber};
+  inline constexpr auto FillNumber = details::DeLHCInfoFunctor{ &LHCb::Detector::LHCInfo::fillnumber };
   // Get the LHC energy condition
-  inline constexpr auto LHCEnergy = details::DeLHCInfoFunctor{&LHCb::Detector::LHCInfo::lhcenergy};
+  inline constexpr auto LHCEnergy = details::DeLHCInfoFunctor{ &LHCb::Detector::LHCInfo::lhcenergy };
   // Get the LHCb clock phase from LHC condition
-  inline constexpr auto LHCbClockPhase = details::DeLHCInfoFunctor{&LHCb::Detector::LHCInfo::lhcbclockphase};
+  inline constexpr auto LHCbClockPhase = details::DeLHCInfoFunctor{ &LHCb::Detector::LHCInfo::lhcbclockphase };
   // Get the SMOG injection mode from SMOG condition
-  inline constexpr auto SMOGInjectionMode = details::DeSMOGInfoFunctor{&LHCb::Detector::SMOGInfo::injection_mode};
+  inline constexpr auto SMOGInjectionMode = details::DeSMOGInfoFunctor{ &LHCb::Detector::SMOGInfo::injection_mode };
   // Get the SMOG injected gas
-  inline constexpr auto SMOGInjectedGas = details::DeSMOGInfoFunctor{&LHCb::Detector::SMOGInfo::injected_gas};
+  inline constexpr auto SMOGInjectedGas = details::DeSMOGInfoFunctor{ &LHCb::Detector::SMOGInfo::injected_gas };
   // Get the SMOG stable injection flag
-  inline constexpr auto SMOGStableInjection = details::DeSMOGInfoFunctor{&LHCb::Detector::SMOGInfo::stable_injection};
+  inline constexpr auto SMOGStableInjection = details::DeSMOGInfoFunctor{ &LHCb::Detector::SMOGInfo::stable_injection };
 } // namespace Functors::Detector
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Example.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Example.h
index 9c1a0bb3c5700391c4d9b0abe8a2fe017c231c02..6851a815ece1ea571de1822010276cd6d97f9bad 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Example.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Example.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ namespace Functors::Examples {
     auto operator()( Data const& value ) const {
       return value + N;
-    int N{0};
+    int N{ 0 };
   struct GreaterThan : public Predicate {
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ namespace Functors::Examples {
   template <typename T>
   struct OptReturn : public Function {
     OptReturn( T n ) : m_n( n ) {}
-    auto operator()( bool return_opt ) const { return return_opt ? Functors::Optional{m_n} : std::nullopt; }
+    auto operator()( bool return_opt ) const { return return_opt ? Functors::Optional{ m_n } : std::nullopt; }
     T    m_n{};
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Filter.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Filter.h
index eb4be9dfa74dfedabbd47f61f98e68ae5bbea665..181343714318202f5be8bba29a30f475dff84a8d 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Filter.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Filter.h
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ namespace Functors {
     /** @brief Conditionally copy an std::vector.
     template <typename F, typename T, typename A>
-    requires std::is_invocable_v<F, T> std::vector<T, A> filter( F&&                      f, TopLevelInfo const&,
-                                                                 std::vector<T, A> const& input ) {
+      requires std::is_invocable_v<F, T>
+    std::vector<T, A> filter( F&& f, TopLevelInfo const&, std::vector<T, A> const& input ) {
       using LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic;
       std::vector<T, A> out;
       out.reserve( input.size() );
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ namespace Functors {
     /** @brief For PrimaryVertexContainer, use Pr::Selection. In fact, we could use this for vector as well */
     template <typename F>
     auto filter( F&& f, TopLevelInfo const&, LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer const& input ) {
-      return Pr::Selection{LHCb::make_span( input.begin(), input.end() ), f};
+      return Pr::Selection{ LHCb::make_span( input.begin(), input.end() ), f };
     /** @brief Filter a view of objects.
@@ -71,19 +71,22 @@ namespace Functors {
      * non-owning view.
     template <typename F, typename T>
-    requires std::is_invocable_v<F, T const*> SharedObjectsContainer<T>
-                                              filter( F&& f, TopLevelInfo const&, Gaudi::NamedRange_<std::vector<const T*>> const& input ) {
+      requires std::is_invocable_v<F, T const*>
+    SharedObjectsContainer<T> filter( F&&                                              f, TopLevelInfo const&,
+                                      Gaudi::NamedRange_<std::vector<const T*>> const& input ) {
       using LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic;
-      return {input.begin(), input.end(), [&f]( const auto* obj ) { return as_arithmetic( std::invoke( f, *obj ) ); }};
+      return { input.begin(), input.end(),
+               [&f]( const auto* obj ) { return as_arithmetic( std::invoke( f, *obj ) ); } };
     /** @brief Filter a particle combination
     template <typename F, typename T, typename... Ts>
-    requires std::is_invocable_v<F, T const*>&& std::conjunction_v<std::is_same<T, Ts>...> SharedObjectsContainer<T>
-                                                                                           filter( F&& f, TopLevelInfo const&, LHCb::ParticleCombination<T, Ts...> const& input ) {
+      requires std::is_invocable_v<F, T const*> && std::conjunction_v<std::is_same<T, Ts>...>
+    SharedObjectsContainer<T> filter( F&& f, TopLevelInfo const&, LHCb::ParticleCombination<T, Ts...> const& input ) {
       using LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic;
-      return {input.begin(), input.end(), [&f]( const auto* obj ) { return as_arithmetic( std::invoke( f, *obj ) ); }};
+      return { input.begin(), input.end(),
+               [&f]( const auto* obj ) { return as_arithmetic( std::invoke( f, *obj ) ); } };
     /** @brief Filter a container is LHCb::Event::make_zip(...)-able
@@ -94,8 +97,8 @@ namespace Functors {
      *  implementations exist, prefer the old one.
     template <typename F, typename Container>
-    requires LHCb::Event::is_zippable_v<Container> auto filter( F&& f, TopLevelInfo const& top_level,
-                                                                Container const& container ) {
+      requires LHCb::Event::is_zippable_v<Container>
+    auto filter( F&& f, TopLevelInfo const& top_level, Container const& container ) {
       // Try and give an informative error message if we failed to use the same
       // instruction set in the stack compilation and with cling. Explicitly
       // use 'best' (even though it's the default)
@@ -138,7 +141,7 @@ namespace Functors {
   template <detail::FunctorPredicate F>
   struct Filter : public Function {
-    Filter( F f ) : m_f{std::move( f )} {}
+    Filter( F f ) : m_f{ std::move( f ) } {}
     /** Forward to the contained functor
@@ -165,6 +168,6 @@ namespace Functors {
    *  type.
   template <typename T>
-  using filtered_t = std::decay_t<decltype(
-      Filter{AcceptAll{}}.prepare( std::declval<EventContext>(), std::declval<TopLevelInfo>() )( std::declval<T>() ) )>;
+  using filtered_t = std::decay_t<decltype( Filter{ AcceptAll{} }.prepare(
+      std::declval<EventContext>(), std::declval<TopLevelInfo>() )( std::declval<T>() ) )>;
 } // namespace Functors
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Function.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Function.h
index 4971592256c0df644806d1832629fb325a35af0c..e3e1e1e4fc12b37a68a651a013895bacc968d51f 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Function.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Function.h
@@ -48,22 +48,22 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
   template <typename T, typename... Args>
   inline constexpr bool is_constructible_from_tuple_v<T, std::tuple<Args...>> = std::is_constructible_v<T, Args...>;
-#  define LHCB_HAS_TUPLET
   /* Tuplet is a very minimal C++20 tuple class:
    * It is an almost drop-in replacement for `std::tuple` _that only supports `apply`_.
    * There is no `get`, no `tuple_element`, no comparisons, nothing else!
-  static constexpr auto make_tuplet_ = []<typename... T>( T && ... data ) {
+  static constexpr auto make_tuplet_ = []<typename... T>( T&&... data ) {
     // A lambda has _one_ call operator implemenation - but we need both a const and a non-const one
     // So const-ness must be propagated explicitly: add an extra argument whose type indicates
     // whether to subsequently cast-away const or not...
-    return [... m_ = std::forward<T>( data )]<typename Self>( Self*, auto&& g ) -> decltype(auto) {
+    return [... m_ = std::forward<T>( data )]<typename Self>( Self*, auto&& g ) -> decltype( auto ) {
       if constexpr ( std::is_const_v<Self> ) {
         return g( m_... );
       } else {
-        constexpr auto unconst = []<typename U>( const U& u )->decltype( auto ) { return const_cast<U&>( u ); };
+        constexpr auto unconst = []<typename U>( const U& u ) -> decltype( auto ) { return const_cast<U&>( u ); };
         return g( unconst( m_ )... );
@@ -72,9 +72,10 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
   template <typename Payload>
   class Tuplet {
     Payload m_data;
     template <typename... Item>
-    constexpr Tuplet( Item&&... item ) : m_data{make_tuplet_( std::forward<Item>( item )... )} {}
+    constexpr Tuplet( Item&&... item ) : m_data{ make_tuplet_( std::forward<Item>( item )... ) } {}
     template <typename Action>
     friend constexpr auto apply( Action&& action, Tuplet& tpl ) -> decltype( auto ) {
@@ -87,8 +88,7 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
   template <typename... Item>
-  Tuplet( Item&&... )->Tuplet<decltype( make_tuplet_( std::declval<Item>()... ) )>;
+  Tuplet( Item&&... ) -> Tuplet<decltype( make_tuplet_( std::declval<Item>()... ) )>;
 } // namespace Functors::detail
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ namespace Functors {
   template <typename T>
-  NumericValue( T )->NumericValue<T>;
+  NumericValue( T ) -> NumericValue<T>;
   template <typename T, T v>
-  NumericValue( std::integral_constant<T, v> )->NumericValue<T>;
+  NumericValue( std::integral_constant<T, v> ) -> NumericValue<T>;
   namespace detail {
     /** Use our own helper to define in one place which types we allow to be
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ namespace Functors {
   Instantiated with a "label" , when acting on object T returns T("label")
   struct Column_t : public Function {
-    Column_t( std::string label ) : m_label{std::move( label )} {}
+    Column_t( std::string label ) : m_label{ std::move( label ) } {}
     template <typename T>
     constexpr auto operator()( const T& t ) const {
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ namespace Functors {
-    std::string m_label{""};
+    std::string m_label{ "" };
   /** @class MemberFn
@@ -207,14 +207,14 @@ namespace Functors {
     // note that the `const char (&name)[N]` is chosen as argument to make sure that
     // it is a literal -- as then `m_name` will be valid for the duration of its lifetime
     template <size_t N>
-    constexpr MemberFn( R ( T::*fn )() const, const char ( &name )[N] ) : m_fn{fn}, m_name{name} {}
+    constexpr MemberFn( R ( T::*fn )() const, const char ( &name )[N] ) : m_fn{ fn }, m_name{ name } {}
     constexpr auto name() const { return m_name; }
     R              operator()( T const& obj ) const { return ( obj.*m_fn )(); }
     auto           operator()( T const* obj ) const {
       if constexpr ( std::is_pointer_v<R> ) {
         return obj ? ( obj->*m_fn )() : nullptr;
       } else {
-        return obj ? Functors::Optional{( obj->*m_fn )()} : std::nullopt;
+        return obj ? Functors::Optional{ ( obj->*m_fn )() } : std::nullopt;
@@ -278,8 +278,8 @@ namespace Functors {
     template <typename, FunctorFunction... F>
     LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE constexpr auto prepare_( composition::chain, EventContext const& evtCtx,
                                                   TopLevelInfo const& top_level, F const&... f ) {
-      return [... pf = prepared( f, evtCtx,
-                                 top_level )]<typename... Input>( auto mask, Input&&... input )->decltype( auto ) {
+      return [... pf = prepared( f, evtCtx, top_level )]<typename... Input>( auto mask,
+                                                                             Input&&... input ) -> decltype( auto ) {
         using for_chain_only::operator<<=;
         return ( LHCb::cxx::bind_front( pf, mask_arg, mask ) <<= ... <<=
                  std::forward_as_tuple( std::forward<Input>( input )... ) );
@@ -289,9 +289,8 @@ namespace Functors {
     template <typename, FunctorFunction F0, FunctorFunction... F>
     LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE constexpr auto prepare_( composition::bind, EventContext const& evtCtx,
                                                   TopLevelInfo const& top_level, F0 const& f0, F const&... f ) {
-      return [ f0     = prepared( f0, evtCtx, top_level ),
-               ... pf = prepared( f, evtCtx, top_level ) ]<typename... Input>( auto mask, Input&&... input )
-          ->decltype( auto ) {
+      return [f0 = prepared( f0, evtCtx, top_level ), ... pf = prepared( f, evtCtx, top_level )]<typename... Input>(
+                 auto mask, Input&&... input ) -> decltype( auto ) {
         return f0( mask_arg, mask, fwd_as_flattened_tuple( pf( mask_arg, mask, std::forward<Input>( input )... )... ) );
@@ -302,21 +301,20 @@ namespace Functors {
       return [op = std::move( op ), ... pf = prepared( f, evtCtx, top_level )]( auto mask,
                                                                                 auto&&... input ) -> decltype( auto ) {
         // Evaluate all the functors and let the given Operator combine the results.
-        return [&]<typename... I>( I && ... i ) {
+        return [&]<typename... I>( I&&... i ) {
           // If one (or more) of the functors has an optional return, we have to propagate it
           if constexpr ( ( is_our_optional_v<std::decay_t<I>> || ... ) ) {
             // Predicate should not return optional values.
             if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<NewBase, Predicate> ) {
               return ( has_value( i ) && ... ) ? op( get_value( std::forward<I>( i ) )... ) : false;
             } else {
-              return ( has_value( i ) && ... ) ? Functors::Optional{op( get_value( std::forward<I>( i ) )... )}
+              return ( has_value( i ) && ... ) ? Functors::Optional{ op( get_value( std::forward<I>( i ) )... ) }
                                                : std::nullopt;
           } else {
             return op( std::forward<I>( i )... );
-        }
-        ( pf( mask_arg, mask, input... )... );
+        }( pf( mask_arg, mask, input... )... );
@@ -333,7 +331,7 @@ namespace Functors {
     template <typename NewBase, typename Operator, typename Fs>
     struct Composed : NewBase {
-      constexpr Composed( Operator op, Fs fs ) : m_fs{std::move( fs )}, m_op{std::move( op )} {}
+      constexpr Composed( Operator op, Fs fs ) : m_fs{ std::move( fs ) }, m_op{ std::move( op ) } {}
       /** Prepare the composite functor for use: return a new lambda that
        *  holds the prepared functors and the knowledge (encoded by Operator)
@@ -371,7 +369,7 @@ namespace Functors {
       constexpr static bool requires_explicit_mask = true;
-      Fs m_fs;
+      Fs                                  m_fs;
       LHCB_HAS_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS Operator m_op;
@@ -383,11 +381,12 @@ namespace Functors {
     LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE constexpr auto compose( Operator&& op, F&&... f ) {
       static_assert( ( std::is_base_of_v<InputBase, std::decay_t<F>> && ... ) );
-      auto fns = detail::Tuplet{std::forward<F>( f )...};
+      auto fns = detail::Tuplet{ std::forward<F>( f )... };
       auto fns = std::make_tuple( std::forward<F>( f )... );
-      return Composed<NewBase, std::decay_t<Operator>,decltype(fns)>{std::forward<Operator>( op ), std::move(fns) };
+      return Composed<NewBase, std::decay_t<Operator>, decltype( fns )>{ std::forward<Operator>( op ),
+                                                                         std::move( fns ) };
     /** Helper for checking if our overloaded operators should be considered.
@@ -400,20 +399,24 @@ namespace Functors {
     concept FunctorOperatorArg = ( FunctorFunction<F> || FunctorConstant<F> );
     template <typename F1, typename F2>
-    concept FunctorOperatorArgs = (FunctorFunction<F1> && FunctorOperatorArg<F2>) ||
-                                  ( FunctorFunction<F2> && FunctorOperatorArg<F1> );
+    concept FunctorOperatorArgs =
+        (FunctorFunction<F1> && FunctorOperatorArg<F2>) || ( FunctorFunction<F2> && FunctorOperatorArg<F1> );
     template <typename F1, typename F2, typename F3>
-    concept FunctorOperatorArgs3 = ( FunctorFunction<F1> && FunctorOperatorArg<F2> && FunctorOperatorArg<F3> ) ||
-                                   ( FunctorFunction<F2> && FunctorOperatorArg<F3> && FunctorOperatorArg<F1> ) ||
+    concept FunctorOperatorArgs3 = (FunctorFunction<F1> && FunctorOperatorArg<F2> && FunctorOperatorArg<F3>) ||
+                                   (FunctorFunction<F2> && FunctorOperatorArg<F3> && FunctorOperatorArg<F1>) ||
                                    ( FunctorFunction<F3> && FunctorOperatorArg<F1> && FunctorOperatorArg<F2> );
     /** Helper to promote arithmetic constants to NumericValue instances while
      *  not doing anything to functors.
     template <FunctorConstant F>
-    LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE constexpr auto promote( F&& f ) { return NumericValue{f}; }
+    LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE constexpr auto promote( F&& f ) {
+      return NumericValue{ f };
+    }
     template <FunctorFunction F>
-    LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE constexpr auto promote( F&& f ) -> decltype( auto ) { return std::forward<F>( f ); }
+    LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE constexpr auto promote( F&& f ) -> decltype( auto ) {
+      return std::forward<F>( f );
+    }
     /** Helper to make a composed functor from a set of arguments that can be a
      *  mix of arithmetic constants and functor expressions. Arithmetic
@@ -423,7 +426,7 @@ namespace Functors {
     LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE constexpr auto promote_and_compose( Operator&& op, F1&& f1, F2&& f2 ) {
       if constexpr ( FunctorConstant<F1> && FunctorConstant<F2> ) {
         // FIXME: avoid this in generated code...
-        return NumericValue{op( f1, f2 )};
+        return NumericValue{ op( f1, f2 ) };
       } else if constexpr ( FunctorConstant<F1> ) {
         return compose<Function, NewBase>( [op = std::forward<Operator>( op ), a1 = f1](
                                                auto&& a2 ) { return op( a1, std::forward<decltype( a2 )>( a2 ) ); },
@@ -651,7 +654,7 @@ namespace Functors {
     LHCB_FUNCTORS_INLINE constexpr auto log( F&& f ) {
       if constexpr ( detail::FunctorConstant<F> ) {
         using std::log;
-        return NumericValue{log( f )};
+        return NumericValue{ log( f ) };
       } else {
         return detail::compose<Function, Function>(
             []( auto&& arg ) {
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Functional.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Functional.h
index 98e5a2bcbee38c85c825fce7f3eef455f65ecc13..d56abcac79e1d34d4c5a9351062c950b10f6716b 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Functional.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Functional.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ namespace Functors::Functional {
   template <detail::FunctorFunction F>
   struct Map final : Function {
-    Map( F f ) : m_f{std::move( f )} {}
+    Map( F f ) : m_f{ std::move( f ) } {}
     constexpr static bool requires_explicit_mask = detail::requires_explicit_mask_v<F>;
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ namespace Functors::Functional {
   template <detail::FunctorPredicate Pred>
   struct MapAnyOf final : Predicate {
-    MapAnyOf( Pred f ) : m_f{std::move( f )} {}
+    MapAnyOf( Pred f ) : m_f{ std::move( f ) } {}
     constexpr static bool requires_explicit_mask = detail::requires_explicit_mask_v<Pred>;
     static_assert( detail::is_functor_predicate_v<Pred>, "Functors::Functional::MapAnyOf must wrap a Predicate" );
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ namespace Functors::Functional {
   template <detail::FunctorPredicate Pred>
   struct MapAllOf final : public Predicate {
-    MapAllOf( Pred f ) : m_f{std::move( f )} {}
+    MapAllOf( Pred f ) : m_f{ std::move( f ) } {}
     constexpr static bool requires_explicit_mask = detail::requires_explicit_mask_v<Pred>;
     static_assert( detail::is_functor_predicate_v<Pred>, "Functors::Functional::MapAllOf must wrap a Predicate" );
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ namespace Functors::Functional {
     auto operator()( Range&& range ) const {
       using std::ranges::rbegin;
       using std::ranges::rend;
-      return std::vector<std::ranges::range_value_t<Range>>{rbegin( range ), rend( range )};
+      return std::vector<std::ranges::range_value_t<Range>>{ rbegin( range ), rend( range ) };
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ namespace Functors::Functional {
       // FIXME doc.
       return std::accumulate( begin( range ), end( range ),
-                              std::ranges::range_value_t<Range>{std::numeric_limits<float>::max()},
+                              std::ranges::range_value_t<Range>{ std::numeric_limits<float>::max() },
                               []( auto curr_min_value, auto value ) { return min( curr_min_value, value ); } );
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ namespace Functors::Functional {
       // FIXME doc.
       return std::accumulate( begin( range ), end( range ),
-                              std::ranges::range_value_t<Range>{std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest()},
+                              std::ranges::range_value_t<Range>{ std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() },
                               []( auto curr_max_value, auto value ) { return max( curr_max_value, value ); } );
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ namespace Functors::Functional {
     auto operator()( Range const& range, Init init = 0 ) const {
       using std::ranges::begin;
       using std::ranges::end;
-      return std::accumulate( begin( range ), end( range ), std::ranges::range_value_t<Range>{init} );
+      return std::accumulate( begin( range ), end( range ), std::ranges::range_value_t<Range>{ init } );
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ namespace Functors::Functional {
   template <detail::FunctorFunction F>
   struct EntryWithMinRelatedValueOf final : public Function {
-    EntryWithMinRelatedValueOf( F f ) : m_f{std::move( f )} {}
+    EntryWithMinRelatedValueOf( F f ) : m_f{ std::move( f ) } {}
     constexpr static bool requires_explicit_mask = detail::requires_explicit_mask_v<F>;
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ namespace Functors::Functional {
   template <detail::FunctorFunction F>
   struct EntryWithMaxRelatedValueOf final : public Function {
-    EntryWithMaxRelatedValueOf( F f ) : m_f{std::move( f )} {}
+    EntryWithMaxRelatedValueOf( F f ) : m_f{ std::move( f ) } {}
     constexpr static bool requires_explicit_mask = detail::requires_explicit_mask_v<F>;
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ namespace Functors::Functional {
    * */
   template <typename T>
   struct ValueOr final : public Function {
-    ValueOr( T value ) : m_value{std::move( value )} {}
+    ValueOr( T value ) : m_value{ std::move( value ) } {}
     // inform composedfunctor that this functor will turn an optional into a concrete value even if optional is not
     // engaged
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ namespace Functors::Functional {
   // make sure that we unwrap std::integral_constant<T,t> into T when deducing ValueOr's template argument
   template <typename T, T t>
-  ValueOr( std::integral_constant<T, t> )->ValueOr<T>;
+  ValueOr( std::integral_constant<T, t> ) -> ValueOr<T>;
    * @brief Return the value from a map given a key
@@ -430,16 +430,16 @@ namespace Functors::Functional {
   template <typename Key>
   struct ValueFromDict final : public Function {
-    ValueFromDict( Key k ) : m_key{std::move( k )} {}
+    ValueFromDict( Key k ) : m_key{ std::move( k ) } {}
     template <typename Dict>
-    requires requires( Dict d, Key k ) {
-      d.find( k );
-      d.end();
-    }
+      requires requires( Dict d, Key k ) {
+        d.find( k );
+        d.end();
+      }
     auto operator()( Dict&& dict ) const {
       auto i = dict.find( m_key );
-      return i != dict.end() ? Functors::Optional{i->second} : std::nullopt;
+      return i != dict.end() ? Functors::Optional{ i->second } : std::nullopt;
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ namespace Functors::Functional {
     Predicate m_predicate;
-    CountIf( Predicate predicate ) : m_predicate{std::move( predicate )} {}
+    CountIf( Predicate predicate ) : m_predicate{ std::move( predicate ) } {}
     constexpr static bool requires_explicit_mask = detail::requires_explicit_mask_v<Predicate>;
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/FunctorArguments.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/FunctorArguments.h
index a9756ffb5f8fb5df48473e2cbabb3dc5be4c6c09..9cbdd7ae56c9707bdad968ee1105db0a613722a9 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/FunctorArguments.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/FunctorArguments.h
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ namespace Functors {
     std::vector<std::string> m_args;
-    Arguments( std::vector<std::string> args ) : m_args{std::move( args )} {}
-    [[nodiscard]] detail::Argument operator[]( int i ) const { return {m_args.at( i )}; }
+    Arguments( std::vector<std::string> args ) : m_args{ std::move( args ) } {}
+    [[nodiscard]] detail::Argument operator[]( int i ) const { return { m_args.at( i ) }; }
     friend std::ostream&           operator<<( std::ostream& os, Arguments const& args ) {
       using GaudiUtils::operator<<;
       return os << args.m_args;
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/FunctorDesc.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/FunctorDesc.h
index 5eee76be33e636d70dc4ed850ec89f966254cf58..cf518a2fe33f7fa6adee7bc40b0f3180d83f66fc 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/FunctorDesc.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/FunctorDesc.h
@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ namespace ThOr {
     friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& o, FunctorDesc const& f );
     friend std::string   substitute_literals( FunctorDesc const& desc, std::string_view arg_name );
-                         operator Functors::Arguments() const;
+    operator Functors::Arguments() const;
   namespace Defaults {
-    inline FunctorDesc const ALL{"::Functors::AcceptAll{}", {}, "ALL"};
+    inline FunctorDesc const ALL{ "::Functors::AcceptAll{}", {}, "ALL" };
   } // namespace Defaults
 } // namespace ThOr
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/IFactory.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/IFactory.h
index d07e127e8cb43baf07f2a2c5e3dfc0b80d975653..d03a85205f80f80487cbde398560d485ebbb4774 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/IFactory.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/IFactory.h
@@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ namespace Functors {
           // SIMDWrapper type that has a different meaning depending on the
           // compilation flags in the stack/cling). We can't fix that at
           // runtime so let's just fail hard.
-          throw GaudiException{"Failed to cast factory return type (" +
-                                   System::typeinfoName( typeid( decltype( *b ) ) ) + ") to desired type (" +
-                                   System::typeinfoName( typeid( FType ) ) + "), rtype is (" +
-                                   System::typeinfoName( b->rtype() ) + ") ",
-                               "Functors::IFactory::register_functor( owner, functor, desc)", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+          throw GaudiException{ "Failed to cast factory return type (" +
+                                    System::typeinfoName( typeid( decltype( *b ) ) ) + ") to desired type (" +
+                                    System::typeinfoName( typeid( FType ) ) + "), rtype is (" +
+                                    System::typeinfoName( b->rtype() ) + ") ",
+                                "Functors::IFactory::register_functor( owner, functor, desc)", StatusCode::FAILURE };
         functor = std::move( *ftype_ptr );
         functor.bind( owner );
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/LHCbMath.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/LHCbMath.h
index cee177eb6e73b6978fc1bc3384ffa902a9db4b67..943957ef256efc68a59ebfbe2c1dca83a66c1423 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/LHCbMath.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/LHCbMath.h
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ namespace Functors::LHCbMath {
     template <typename T>
-    auto operator()( const T& v1, const T& v2 ) const -> decltype( Functors::Optional{( *this )( *v1, *v2 )} ) {
-      return ( v1 && v2 ) ? Functors::Optional{( *this )( *v1, *v2 )} : std::nullopt;
+    auto operator()( const T& v1, const T& v2 ) const -> decltype( Functors::Optional{ ( *this )( *v1, *v2 ) } ) {
+      return ( v1 && v2 ) ? Functors::Optional{ ( *this )( *v1, *v2 ) } : std::nullopt;
     template <typename... Data>
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ namespace Functors::LHCbMath {
     template <typename T>
-    auto operator()( const T& p, const T& ref ) const -> decltype( Functors::Optional{( *this )( *p, *ref )} ) {
-      return ( p && ref ) ? Functors::Optional{( *this )( *p, *ref )} : std::nullopt;
+    auto operator()( const T& p, const T& ref ) const -> decltype( Functors::Optional{ ( *this )( *p, *ref ) } ) {
+      return ( p && ref ) ? Functors::Optional{ ( *this )( *p, *ref ) } : std::nullopt;
     template <typename... Data>
@@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ namespace Functors::LHCbMath {
     template <typename T>
-    auto operator()( const T& p, const T& ref ) const -> decltype( Functors::Optional{( *this )( *p, *ref )} ) {
-      return ( p && ref ) ? Functors::Optional{( *this )( *p, *ref )} : std::nullopt;
+    auto operator()( const T& p, const T& ref ) const -> decltype( Functors::Optional{ ( *this )( *p, *ref ) } ) {
+      return ( p && ref ) ? Functors::Optional{ ( *this )( *p, *ref ) } : std::nullopt;
     template <typename... Data>
@@ -168,12 +168,12 @@ namespace Functors::LHCbMath {
      * @brief Value, access the value of Gaudi::Math::ValueWithError
-    inline constexpr auto Value = MemberFn{&Gaudi::Math::ValueWithError::value, "ValueWithError::Value"};
+    inline constexpr auto Value = MemberFn{ &Gaudi::Math::ValueWithError::value, "ValueWithError::Value" };
      * @brief Error, access the value of Gaudi::Math::ValueWithError
-    inline constexpr auto Error = MemberFn{&Gaudi::Math::ValueWithError::error, "ValueWithError::Error"};
+    inline constexpr auto Error = MemberFn{ &Gaudi::Math::ValueWithError::error, "ValueWithError::Error" };
   } // namespace ValueWithError
@@ -182,24 +182,24 @@ namespace Functors::LHCbMath {
      * @brief flightDistance, access the decay length of Gaudi::Math::ParticleParams
     inline constexpr auto flightDistance =
-        MemberFn{&Gaudi::Math::ParticleParams::flightDistance, "ParticleParams::flightDistance"};
+        MemberFn{ &Gaudi::Math::ParticleParams::flightDistance, "ParticleParams::flightDistance" };
      * @brief ctau, access the c*tau of Gaudi::Math::ParticleParams
-    inline constexpr auto ctau = MemberFn{&Gaudi::Math::ParticleParams::ctau, "ParticleParams::ctau"};
+    inline constexpr auto ctau = MemberFn{ &Gaudi::Math::ParticleParams::ctau, "ParticleParams::ctau" };
      * @brief lenPosCov, access the "Matrix" with correlation errors between position and decay length from
      * Gaudi::Math::ParticleParams
-    inline constexpr auto lenPosCov = MemberFn{&Gaudi::Math::ParticleParams::lenPosCov, "ParticleParams::lenPosCov"};
+    inline constexpr auto lenPosCov = MemberFn{ &Gaudi::Math::ParticleParams::lenPosCov, "ParticleParams::lenPosCov" };
      * @brief lenMomCov, access the "Matrix" with correlation errors between momentum and decay length from
      * Gaudi::Math::ParticleParams
-    inline constexpr auto lenMomCov = MemberFn{&Gaudi::Math::ParticleParams::lenMomCov, "ParticleParams::lenMomCov"};
+    inline constexpr auto lenMomCov = MemberFn{ &Gaudi::Math::ParticleParams::lenMomCov, "ParticleParams::lenMomCov" };
   } // namespace ParticleParams
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/MVA.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/MVA.h
index e4d5d71729cef6c8bcb968ecc48a45e0f30ecb0e..27058c7f98c6313144cc1e86e32daf0576d095f8 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/MVA.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/MVA.h
@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ namespace Functors {
     template <typename MVAImpl, detail::FunctorFunction... Inputs>
     struct MVA final : public Function {
       MVA( Sel::MVA_config_dict const& config, std::pair<std::string, Inputs>... inputs )
-          : m_impl{config}
-          , m_inputs{std::get<Inputs>( std::move( inputs ) )...}
-          , m_input_names{std::get<std::string>( std::move( inputs ) )...} {
+          : m_impl{ config }
+          , m_inputs{ std::get<Inputs>( std::move( inputs ) )... }
+          , m_input_names{ std::get<std::string>( std::move( inputs ) )... } {
         // Check for duplicate entries in m_input_names
         auto input_names = m_input_names;
         std::sort( input_names.begin(), input_names.end() );
         if ( std::adjacent_find( input_names.begin(), input_names.end() ) != input_names.end() ) {
-          throw GaudiException{"MVA functor given multiple definitions of an input variable.", "Functors::MVA",
-                               StatusCode::FAILURE};
+          throw GaudiException{ "MVA functor given multiple definitions of an input variable.", "Functors::MVA",
+                                StatusCode::FAILURE };
@@ -53,18 +53,18 @@ namespace Functors {
         // the classifier inputs that we should put the result of evaluating
         // std::get<i>( m_inputs ).
         if ( variables.size() != m_input_names.size() ) {
-          throw GaudiException{"MVA functor given " + std::to_string( m_input_names.size() ) +
-                                   " functors, but the given classifier expects " + std::to_string( variables.size() ),
-                               "Functors::MVA", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+          throw GaudiException{ "MVA functor given " + std::to_string( m_input_names.size() ) +
+                                    " functors, but the given classifier expects " + std::to_string( variables.size() ),
+                                "Functors::MVA", StatusCode::FAILURE };
         for ( auto fun_index = 0ul; fun_index < m_input_names.size(); ++fun_index ) {
           auto const& input_name = m_input_names[fun_index];
           // What's the index of input_name in variables?
           auto iter = std::find( variables.begin(), variables.end(), input_name );
           if ( iter == variables.end() ) {
-            throw GaudiException{"MVA functor knows how to calculate " + input_name +
-                                     ", but the given classifier does not expect that",
-                                 "Functors::MVA", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+            throw GaudiException{ "MVA functor knows how to calculate " + input_name +
+                                      ", but the given classifier does not expect that",
+                                  "Functors::MVA", StatusCode::FAILURE };
           m_indices[fun_index] = std::distance( variables.begin(), iter );
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ namespace Functors {
               for ( auto j = 0ul; j < values2.size(); ++j ) { values2[j] = values[j][i]; }
               mva_vals[i] = m_impl( values2 );
-            return functor_ret_t{mva_vals.data()};
+            return functor_ret_t{ mva_vals.data() };
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ namespace Functors {
   /** Helper for specifying {name, functor} pairs. */
   template <typename F>
   auto MVAInput( std::string s, F f ) {
-    return std::pair{std::move( s ), std::move( f )};
+    return std::pair{ std::move( s ), std::move( f ) };
   /** Helper for producing a detail::MVA instance without explicitly spelling
@@ -153,6 +153,6 @@ namespace Functors {
   template <typename MVAImpl, typename... Inputs>
   auto MVA( Sel::MVA_config_dict const& config, std::pair<std::string, Inputs>&&... inputs ) {
-    return detail::MVA<MVAImpl, Inputs...>{config, std::forward<std::pair<std::string, Inputs>>( inputs )...};
+    return detail::MVA<MVAImpl, Inputs...>{ config, std::forward<std::pair<std::string, Inputs>>( inputs )... };
 } // namespace Functors
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/NeutralLike.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/NeutralLike.h
index d17cf66ef6690f8ced6588917851358307d5cc4b..a8b7f5780c22afb90b5c84847c62c4eecbfe6306 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/NeutralLike.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/NeutralLike.h
@@ -22,25 +22,26 @@ namespace Functors::Neutral {
   struct NeutralPID_Accessor_t : MemberFn<R, LHCb::NeutralPID> {
     template <size_t N>
     constexpr NeutralPID_Accessor_t( R ( LHCb::NeutralPID::*fn )() const, const char ( &name )[N] )
-        : MemberFn<R, LHCb::NeutralPID>{fn, name} {}
+        : MemberFn<R, LHCb::NeutralPID>{ fn, name } {}
     using MemberFn<R, LHCb::NeutralPID>::operator();
     auto operator()( LHCb::ProtoParticle const& pp ) const { return Functors::and_then( pp.neutralPID(), *this ); }
     auto operator()( LHCb::Particle const& p ) const { return Functors::and_then( p.proto(), *this ); }
     auto operator()( LHCb::Particle const* p ) const { return Functors::and_then( p, *this ); }
-  inline constexpr auto IsPhoton    = NeutralPID_Accessor_t{&LHCb::NeutralPID::IsPhoton, "Neutral::IsPhoton"};
-  inline constexpr auto IsNotH      = NeutralPID_Accessor_t{&LHCb::NeutralPID::IsNotH, "Neutral::IsNotH"};
-  inline constexpr auto ShowerShape = NeutralPID_Accessor_t{&LHCb::NeutralPID::ShowerShape, "Neutral::ShowerShape"};
-  inline constexpr auto NeutralE19  = NeutralPID_Accessor_t{&LHCb::NeutralPID::CaloNeutralE19, "Neutral::NeutralE19"};
-  inline constexpr auto NeutralE49  = NeutralPID_Accessor_t{&LHCb::NeutralPID::CaloNeutralE49, "Neutral::NeutralE49"};
-  inline constexpr auto Saturation  = NeutralPID_Accessor_t{&LHCb::NeutralPID::Saturation, "Neutral::Saturation"};
+  inline constexpr auto IsPhoton    = NeutralPID_Accessor_t{ &LHCb::NeutralPID::IsPhoton, "Neutral::IsPhoton" };
+  inline constexpr auto IsNotH      = NeutralPID_Accessor_t{ &LHCb::NeutralPID::IsNotH, "Neutral::IsNotH" };
+  inline constexpr auto ShowerShape = NeutralPID_Accessor_t{ &LHCb::NeutralPID::ShowerShape, "Neutral::ShowerShape" };
+  inline constexpr auto NeutralE19  = NeutralPID_Accessor_t{ &LHCb::NeutralPID::CaloNeutralE19, "Neutral::NeutralE19" };
+  inline constexpr auto NeutralE49  = NeutralPID_Accessor_t{ &LHCb::NeutralPID::CaloNeutralE49, "Neutral::NeutralE49" };
+  inline constexpr auto Saturation  = NeutralPID_Accessor_t{ &LHCb::NeutralPID::Saturation, "Neutral::Saturation" };
   inline constexpr auto NeutralHcal2Ecal =
-      NeutralPID_Accessor_t{&LHCb::NeutralPID::CaloNeutralHcal2Ecal, "Neutral::NeutralHcal2Ecal"};
-  inline constexpr auto NeutralEcal = NeutralPID_Accessor_t{&LHCb::NeutralPID::CaloNeutralEcal, "Neutral::NeutralEcal"};
-  inline constexpr auto ClusterMass = NeutralPID_Accessor_t{&LHCb::NeutralPID::ClusterMass, "Neutral::ClusterMass"};
+      NeutralPID_Accessor_t{ &LHCb::NeutralPID::CaloNeutralHcal2Ecal, "Neutral::NeutralHcal2Ecal" };
+  inline constexpr auto NeutralEcal =
+      NeutralPID_Accessor_t{ &LHCb::NeutralPID::CaloNeutralEcal, "Neutral::NeutralEcal" };
+  inline constexpr auto ClusterMass = NeutralPID_Accessor_t{ &LHCb::NeutralPID::ClusterMass, "Neutral::ClusterMass" };
   inline constexpr auto NeutralID =
-      Functors::PID::details::CellIDFunc{&LHCb::ProtoParticle::neutralPID, &LHCb::NeutralPID::CaloNeutralID};
+      Functors::PID::details::CellIDFunc{ &LHCb::ProtoParticle::neutralPID, &LHCb::NeutralPID::CaloNeutralID };
 } // namespace Functors::Neutral
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Optional.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Optional.h
index aa46fde211762d73353563fa8d5b2f5e8401f74a..d3d9eefc4e107c89571918d40159167c4c4b92e5 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Optional.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Optional.h
@@ -34,9 +34,8 @@ namespace Functors {
     constexpr Optional() = default;
     constexpr Optional( std::nullopt_t /*unused*/ ){};
     template <typename U = T>
-    requires( !std::is_same_v<Optional, std::decay_t<U>> &&
-              std::is_constructible_v<T, U> ) constexpr Optional( U&& val )
-        : m_value( std::forward<U>( val ) ) {}
+      requires( !std::is_same_v<Optional, std::decay_t<U>> && std::is_constructible_v<T, U> )
+    constexpr Optional( U&& val ) : m_value( std::forward<U>( val ) ) {}
      * @brief check if the Optional contains a value
@@ -70,7 +69,8 @@ namespace Functors {
      * @return contained value if has_value() or default_value
     template <typename U>
-    requires std::is_constructible_v<T, U>[[nodiscard]] constexpr T value_or( U&& default_value ) const {
+      requires std::is_constructible_v<T, U>
+    [[nodiscard]] constexpr T value_or( U&& default_value ) const {
       return has_value() ? value() : static_cast<T>( std::forward<U>( default_value ) );
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ namespace Functors {
   // Deduction guide for the constructor
   template <typename T>
-  Optional( T )->Optional<T>;
+  Optional( T ) -> Optional<T>;
 // Macro to generate the overload set. Comparison always returns false if the
 // optional is unengaged and otherwise returns the comparison of the contained
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ namespace Functors {
     return value op opt.value();                                                                                       \
@@ -166,11 +166,11 @@ namespace Functors {
       return opt ? &std::invoke( fn, *std::forward<Opt>( opt ) ) : nullptr;
     } else if constexpr ( detail::is_optional_v<R> ) {
       auto r = ( opt ? std::invoke( fn, *std::forward<Opt>( opt ) ) : std::nullopt );
-      return r ? Optional{*std::move( r )} : std::nullopt;
+      return r ? Optional{ *std::move( r ) } : std::nullopt;
     } else if constexpr ( detail::is_our_optional_v<R> ) {
       return opt ? std::invoke( fn, *std::forward<Opt>( opt ) ) : std::nullopt;
     } else {
-      return opt ? Optional{std::invoke( fn, *std::forward<Opt>( opt ) )} : std::nullopt;
+      return opt ? Optional{ std::invoke( fn, *std::forward<Opt>( opt ) ) } : std::nullopt;
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/PID.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/PID.h
index 1c093331ff71de41791c65d86b7c02effb9a3a21..8344853c8f3ee61521ef1115c0cbdb2491ed5d32 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/PID.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/PID.h
@@ -24,13 +24,14 @@ namespace Functors::PID {
       bool                 m_scaled = false;
-      constexpr RichDLL( Rich::ParticleIDType pidtype, bool scaled = false ) : m_pidtype{pidtype}, m_scaled{scaled} {}
+      constexpr RichDLL( Rich::ParticleIDType pidtype, bool scaled = false )
+          : m_pidtype{ pidtype }, m_scaled{ scaled } {}
       auto operator()( LHCb::Particle const& p ) const {
         auto const* pid = p.proto() ? p.proto()->richPID() : nullptr;
         if ( m_scaled ) {
-          return pid ? Functors::Optional{pid->scaledDLLForCombDLL( m_pidtype )} : std::nullopt;
+          return pid ? Functors::Optional{ pid->scaledDLLForCombDLL( m_pidtype ) } : std::nullopt;
         } else {
-          return pid ? Functors::Optional{pid->particleDeltaLL( m_pidtype )} : std::nullopt;
+          return pid ? Functors::Optional{ pid->particleDeltaLL( m_pidtype ) } : std::nullopt;
@@ -43,7 +44,8 @@ namespace Functors::PID {
       std::tuple<T...> m_args;
-      constexpr RichPIDPredicate( bool ( LHCb::RichPID::*fn )( T... ) const, T... args ) : m_fn{fn}, m_args{args...} {}
+      constexpr RichPIDPredicate( bool ( LHCb::RichPID::*fn )( T... ) const, T... args )
+          : m_fn{ fn }, m_args{ args... } {}
       bool operator()( LHCb::Particle const& p ) const {
         auto const* pid = p.proto() ? p.proto()->richPID() : nullptr;
         return pid ? std::apply( [&]( auto... args ) { return ( pid->*m_fn )( args... ); }, m_args ) : false;
@@ -52,32 +54,32 @@ namespace Functors::PID {
   } // namespace details
-  inline constexpr auto RichDLLe  = details::RichDLL{Rich::ParticleIDType::Electron};
-  inline constexpr auto RichDLLmu = details::RichDLL{Rich::ParticleIDType::Muon};
-  inline constexpr auto RichDLLp  = details::RichDLL{Rich::ParticleIDType::Proton};
-  inline constexpr auto RichDLLk  = details::RichDLL{Rich::ParticleIDType::Kaon};
-  inline constexpr auto RichDLLpi = details::RichDLL{Rich::ParticleIDType::Pion};
-  inline constexpr auto RichDLLd  = details::RichDLL{Rich::ParticleIDType::Deuteron};
-  inline constexpr auto RichDLLbt = details::RichDLL{Rich::ParticleIDType::BelowThreshold};
+  inline constexpr auto RichDLLe  = details::RichDLL{ Rich::ParticleIDType::Electron };
+  inline constexpr auto RichDLLmu = details::RichDLL{ Rich::ParticleIDType::Muon };
+  inline constexpr auto RichDLLp  = details::RichDLL{ Rich::ParticleIDType::Proton };
+  inline constexpr auto RichDLLk  = details::RichDLL{ Rich::ParticleIDType::Kaon };
+  inline constexpr auto RichDLLpi = details::RichDLL{ Rich::ParticleIDType::Pion };
+  inline constexpr auto RichDLLd  = details::RichDLL{ Rich::ParticleIDType::Deuteron };
+  inline constexpr auto RichDLLbt = details::RichDLL{ Rich::ParticleIDType::BelowThreshold };
-  inline constexpr auto RichScaledDLLe  = details::RichDLL{Rich::ParticleIDType::Electron, true};
-  inline constexpr auto RichScaledDLLmu = details::RichDLL{Rich::ParticleIDType::Muon, true};
+  inline constexpr auto RichScaledDLLe  = details::RichDLL{ Rich::ParticleIDType::Electron, true };
+  inline constexpr auto RichScaledDLLmu = details::RichDLL{ Rich::ParticleIDType::Muon, true };
-  inline constexpr auto Rich1GasUsed = details::RichPIDPredicate{&LHCb::RichPID::usedRich1Gas};
-  inline constexpr auto Rich2GasUsed = details::RichPIDPredicate{&LHCb::RichPID::usedRich2Gas};
+  inline constexpr auto Rich1GasUsed = details::RichPIDPredicate{ &LHCb::RichPID::usedRich1Gas };
+  inline constexpr auto Rich2GasUsed = details::RichPIDPredicate{ &LHCb::RichPID::usedRich2Gas };
   inline constexpr auto RichThresholdEl =
-      details::RichPIDPredicate{&LHCb::RichPID::isAboveThreshold, Rich::ParticleIDType::Electron};
+      details::RichPIDPredicate{ &LHCb::RichPID::isAboveThreshold, Rich::ParticleIDType::Electron };
   inline constexpr auto RichThresholdKa =
-      details::RichPIDPredicate{&LHCb::RichPID::isAboveThreshold, Rich::ParticleIDType::Kaon};
+      details::RichPIDPredicate{ &LHCb::RichPID::isAboveThreshold, Rich::ParticleIDType::Kaon };
   inline constexpr auto RichThresholdMu =
-      details::RichPIDPredicate{&LHCb::RichPID::isAboveThreshold, Rich::ParticleIDType::Muon};
+      details::RichPIDPredicate{ &LHCb::RichPID::isAboveThreshold, Rich::ParticleIDType::Muon };
   inline constexpr auto RichThresholdPi =
-      details::RichPIDPredicate{&LHCb::RichPID::isAboveThreshold, Rich::ParticleIDType::Pion};
+      details::RichPIDPredicate{ &LHCb::RichPID::isAboveThreshold, Rich::ParticleIDType::Pion };
   inline constexpr auto RichThresholdPr =
-      details::RichPIDPredicate{&LHCb::RichPID::isAboveThreshold, Rich::ParticleIDType::Proton};
+      details::RichPIDPredicate{ &LHCb::RichPID::isAboveThreshold, Rich::ParticleIDType::Proton };
   inline constexpr auto RichThresholdDe =
-      details::RichPIDPredicate{&LHCb::RichPID::isAboveThreshold, Rich::ParticleIDType::Deuteron};
+      details::RichPIDPredicate{ &LHCb::RichPID::isAboveThreshold, Rich::ParticleIDType::Deuteron };
   // MUON
@@ -212,7 +214,7 @@ namespace Functors::PID {
       constexpr CaloPredicate( T const* ( LHCb::ProtoParticle::*obj )() const, bool ( T::*fn )() const )
-          : m_obj{obj}, m_fn{fn} {}
+          : m_obj{ obj }, m_fn{ fn } {}
       bool operator()( LHCb::ProtoParticle const& p ) const {
         auto const* pid = ( p.*m_obj )();
@@ -232,10 +234,10 @@ namespace Functors::PID {
       constexpr CaloFunction( T const* ( LHCb::ProtoParticle::*obj )() const, bool ( T::*acc )() const,
                               R ( T::*fn )() const )
-          : m_obj{obj}, m_acc{acc}, m_fn{fn} {}
+          : m_obj{ obj }, m_acc{ acc }, m_fn{ fn } {}
       auto operator()( LHCb::ProtoParticle const& p ) const {
         const T* pid = ( p.*m_obj )();
-        return pid && ( pid->*m_acc )() ? Functors::Optional{( pid->*m_fn )()} : std::nullopt;
+        return pid && ( pid->*m_acc )() ? Functors::Optional{ ( pid->*m_fn )() } : std::nullopt;
       auto operator()( LHCb::ProtoParticle const* p ) const { return Functors::and_then( p, *this ); }
       auto operator()( LHCb::Particle const& p ) const { return ( *this )( p.proto() ); }
@@ -249,7 +251,7 @@ namespace Functors::PID {
       constexpr CellIDFunc( T const* ( LHCb::ProtoParticle::*obj )() const, R ( T::*fn )() const )
-          : m_obj{obj}, m_fn{fn} {}
+          : m_obj{ obj }, m_fn{ fn } {}
       LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID operator()( LHCb::ProtoParticle const& p ) const {
         auto const* pid = ( p.*m_obj )();
         return pid ? ( pid->*m_fn )() : LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID{};
@@ -263,57 +265,59 @@ namespace Functors::PID {
   } // namespace details
-  inline constexpr auto InEcal = details::CaloPredicate{&LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::InEcal};
-  inline constexpr auto InHcal = details::CaloPredicate{&LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::InHcal};
+  inline constexpr auto InEcal =
+      details::CaloPredicate{ &LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::InEcal };
+  inline constexpr auto InHcal =
+      details::CaloPredicate{ &LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::InHcal };
-  inline constexpr auto InBrem  = details::CaloPredicate{&LHCb::ProtoParticle::bremInfo, &BremInfo::InBrem};
-  inline constexpr auto HasBrem = details::CaloPredicate{&LHCb::ProtoParticle::bremInfo, &BremInfo::HasBrem};
+  inline constexpr auto InBrem  = details::CaloPredicate{ &LHCb::ProtoParticle::bremInfo, &BremInfo::InBrem };
+  inline constexpr auto HasBrem = details::CaloPredicate{ &LHCb::ProtoParticle::bremInfo, &BremInfo::HasBrem };
   inline constexpr auto EcalPIDe =
-      details::CaloFunction{&LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::InEcal, &CaloChargedPID::EcalPIDe};
-  inline constexpr auto EcalPIDmu =
-      details::CaloFunction{&LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::InEcal, &CaloChargedPID::EcalPIDmu};
+      details::CaloFunction{ &LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::InEcal, &CaloChargedPID::EcalPIDe };
+  inline constexpr auto EcalPIDmu         = details::CaloFunction{ &LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID,
+                                                           &CaloChargedPID::InEcal, &CaloChargedPID::EcalPIDmu };
   inline constexpr auto ElectronShowerEoP = details::CaloFunction{
-      &LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::InEcal, &CaloChargedPID::ElectronShowerEoP};
+      &LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::InEcal, &CaloChargedPID::ElectronShowerEoP };
   inline constexpr auto ElectronShowerDLL = details::CaloFunction{
-      &LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::InEcal, &CaloChargedPID::ElectronShowerDLL};
-  inline constexpr auto ElectronMatch  = details::CaloFunction{&LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID,
-                                                              &CaloChargedPID::InEcal, &CaloChargedPID::ElectronMatch};
+      &LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::InEcal, &CaloChargedPID::ElectronShowerDLL };
+  inline constexpr auto ElectronMatch = details::CaloFunction{
+      &LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::InEcal, &CaloChargedPID::ElectronMatch };
   inline constexpr auto ElectronEnergy = details::CaloFunction{
-      &LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::InEcal, &CaloChargedPID::ElectronEnergy};
+      &LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::InEcal, &CaloChargedPID::ElectronEnergy };
   inline constexpr auto ElectronID =
-      details::CellIDFunc{&LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::ElectronID};
+      details::CellIDFunc{ &LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::ElectronID };
   inline constexpr auto ClusterID =
-      details::CellIDFunc{&LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::ClusterID};
+      details::CellIDFunc{ &LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::ClusterID };
   inline constexpr auto HcalPIDe =
-      details::CaloFunction{&LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::InHcal, &CaloChargedPID::HcalPIDe};
-  inline constexpr auto HcalPIDmu =
-      details::CaloFunction{&LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::InHcal, &CaloChargedPID::HcalPIDmu};
+      details::CaloFunction{ &LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::InHcal, &CaloChargedPID::HcalPIDe };
+  inline constexpr auto HcalPIDmu = details::CaloFunction{ &LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID,
+                                                           &CaloChargedPID::InHcal, &CaloChargedPID::HcalPIDmu };
   inline constexpr auto HcalEoP =
-      details::CaloFunction{&LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::InHcal, &CaloChargedPID::HcalEoP};
+      details::CaloFunction{ &LHCb::ProtoParticle::caloChargedPID, &CaloChargedPID::InHcal, &CaloChargedPID::HcalEoP };
   inline constexpr auto BremEnergy =
-      details::CaloFunction{&LHCb::ProtoParticle::bremInfo, &BremInfo::InBrem, &BremInfo::BremEnergy};
+      details::CaloFunction{ &LHCb::ProtoParticle::bremInfo, &BremInfo::InBrem, &BremInfo::BremEnergy };
   inline constexpr auto BremPIDe =
-      details::CaloFunction{&LHCb::ProtoParticle::bremInfo, &BremInfo::InBrem, &BremInfo::BremPIDe};
+      details::CaloFunction{ &LHCb::ProtoParticle::bremInfo, &BremInfo::InBrem, &BremInfo::BremPIDe };
   inline constexpr auto BremBendCorr =
-      details::CaloFunction{&LHCb::ProtoParticle::bremInfo, &BremInfo::InBrem, &BremInfo::BremBendingCorrection};
+      details::CaloFunction{ &LHCb::ProtoParticle::bremInfo, &BremInfo::InBrem, &BremInfo::BremBendingCorrection };
   inline constexpr auto BremHypoMatch =
-      details::CaloFunction{&LHCb::ProtoParticle::bremInfo, &BremInfo::InBrem, &BremInfo::BremHypoMatch};
+      details::CaloFunction{ &LHCb::ProtoParticle::bremInfo, &BremInfo::InBrem, &BremInfo::BremHypoMatch };
   inline constexpr auto BremHypoEnergy =
-      details::CaloFunction{&LHCb::ProtoParticle::bremInfo, &BremInfo::InBrem, &BremInfo::BremHypoEnergy};
+      details::CaloFunction{ &LHCb::ProtoParticle::bremInfo, &BremInfo::InBrem, &BremInfo::BremHypoEnergy };
   inline constexpr auto BremHypoDeltaX =
-      details::CaloFunction{&LHCb::ProtoParticle::bremInfo, &BremInfo::InBrem, &BremInfo::BremHypoDeltaX};
+      details::CaloFunction{ &LHCb::ProtoParticle::bremInfo, &BremInfo::InBrem, &BremInfo::BremHypoDeltaX };
   inline constexpr auto BremTrackBasedEnergy =
-      details::CaloFunction{&LHCb::ProtoParticle::bremInfo, &BremInfo::InBrem, &BremInfo::BremTrackBasedEnergy};
-  inline constexpr auto BremHypoID = details::CellIDFunc{&LHCb::ProtoParticle::bremInfo, &BremInfo::BremHypoID};
+      details::CaloFunction{ &LHCb::ProtoParticle::bremInfo, &BremInfo::InBrem, &BremInfo::BremTrackBasedEnergy };
+  inline constexpr auto BremHypoID = details::CellIDFunc{ &LHCb::ProtoParticle::bremInfo, &BremInfo::BremHypoID };
   struct ClusterMatch : public Function {
     Functors::Optional<float> operator()( LHCb::ProtoParticle const& p ) const {
       if ( p.track() ) {
         auto pid = p.caloChargedPID();
-        return pid ? Functors::Optional{pid->ClusterMatch()}
+        return pid ? Functors::Optional{ pid->ClusterMatch() }
                    : invalid_value; // FIXME: replace `invalid_value` with `std::nullopt`
       } else {
         return Functors::and_then( p.neutralPID(), &LHCb::NeutralPID::CaloTrMatch );
@@ -326,10 +330,10 @@ namespace Functors::PID {
   namespace CaloCellID {
-    inline constexpr auto All    = Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID::all, "CaloCellID::All"};
-    inline constexpr auto Area   = Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID::area, "CaloCellID::Area"};
-    inline constexpr auto Row    = Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID::row, "CaloCellID::Row"};
-    inline constexpr auto Column = Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID::col, "CaloCellID::Col"};
+    inline constexpr auto All    = Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID::all, "CaloCellID::All" };
+    inline constexpr auto Area   = Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID::area, "CaloCellID::Area" };
+    inline constexpr auto Row    = Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID::row, "CaloCellID::Row" };
+    inline constexpr auto Column = Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID::col, "CaloCellID::Col" };
   } // namespace CaloCellID
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Particle.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Particle.h
index 38ecedaa27adff18d8dc5ea7e9e0f2405ca8208d..14c717f4fc5d147b4d97d32fcb31c1a61461b88b 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Particle.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Particle.h
@@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ namespace Functors::Particle {
      *  to convert string ID into integer ID.
     template <typename String>
-    requires std::convertible_to<String, std::string> ParticlePropertyUser( String id_input )
-        : m_id{static_cast<std::string>( id_input )} {}
+      requires std::convertible_to<String, std::string>
+    ParticlePropertyUser( String id_input ) : m_id{ static_cast<std::string>( id_input ) } {}
     template <typename ID>
-    requires std::convertible_to<ID, LHCb::ParticleID> ParticlePropertyUser( ID id_input )
-        : m_id{static_cast<LHCb::ParticleID>( id_input )} {}
+      requires std::convertible_to<ID, LHCb::ParticleID>
+    ParticlePropertyUser( ID id_input ) : m_id{ static_cast<LHCb::ParticleID>( id_input ) } {}
     void bind( TopLevelInfo& top_level ) {
       m_pp_svc.emplace( top_level.algorithm(), top_level.generate_property_name(), "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc" );
@@ -92,13 +92,13 @@ namespace Functors::Particle {
                                              []( const LHCb::ParticleID& i ) { return i.toString(); } ),
                             m_id ) +
-            "Functors::Particle::GetParticleProperty()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+            "Functors::Particle::GetParticleProperty()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
       return *pp;
     std::variant<std::string, LHCb::ParticleID>              m_id;
-    std::optional<ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc>> m_pp_svc{std::nullopt};
+    std::optional<ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc>> m_pp_svc{ std::nullopt };
   /** @brief get the track object from the charged basic particle
@@ -108,29 +108,28 @@ namespace Functors::Particle {
   struct GetTrack : public Function {
     // Perfect forward
     template <typename Data>
-    requires( !is_legacy_particle<Data> && !detail::has_track<Data> &&
-              !detail::is_charged_basic<Data> ) decltype( auto )
-    operator()( Data&& value ) const {
+      requires( !is_legacy_particle<Data> && !detail::has_track<Data> && !detail::is_charged_basic<Data> )
+    decltype( auto ) operator()( Data&& value ) const {
       return std::forward<Data>( value );
     // Legacy particles: LHCb::Particle and LHCb::ProtoParticle
     template <typename Data>
-    requires( (is_legacy_particle<Data> || detail::has_track<Data>)&&!detail::is_charged_basic<Data> ) auto
-    operator()( Data&& d ) const {
+      requires( (is_legacy_particle<Data> || detail::has_track<Data>) && !detail::is_charged_basic<Data> )
+    auto operator()( Data&& d ) const {
       if constexpr ( is_legacy_particle<Data> ) {
         auto trk = Sel::Utils::get_track_from_particle( d );
-        return ( trk ) ? Functors::Optional{trk} : std::nullopt;
+        return ( trk ) ? Functors::Optional{ trk } : std::nullopt;
       } else {
         auto trk = Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( d ).track();
-        return ( trk ) ? Functors::Optional{trk} : std::nullopt;
+        return ( trk ) ? Functors::Optional{ trk } : std::nullopt;
     // V2 LHCb::Event::ChargedBasics
     template <typename Data>
-    requires( !is_legacy_particle<Data> && !detail::has_track<Data> && detail::is_charged_basic<Data> ) auto const&
-    operator()( Data const& d ) const {
+      requires( !is_legacy_particle<Data> && !detail::has_track<Data> && detail::is_charged_basic<Data> )
+    auto const& operator()( Data const& d ) const {
       return d.tracks();
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Simulation.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Simulation.h
index bf7a902e780298de94d753bb6579341feeef30b9..f19cf5ff252216bb3effe2c86354b787708941b0 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Simulation.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Simulation.h
@@ -127,15 +127,15 @@ namespace Functors::Simulation {
     HasQuark( std::string_view quark ) {
       using namespace std::string_view_literals;
       static const auto map = std::map{
-          std::pair{"u"sv, &LHCb::ParticleID::hasUp},           std::pair{"d"sv, &LHCb::ParticleID::hasDown},
-          std::pair{"c"sv, &LHCb::ParticleID::hasCharm},        std::pair{"s"sv, &LHCb::ParticleID::hasStrange},
-          std::pair{"t"sv, &LHCb::ParticleID::hasTop},          std::pair{"b"sv, &LHCb::ParticleID::hasBottom},
-          std::pair{"b'"sv, &LHCb::ParticleID::hasBottomPrime}, std::pair{"t'"sv, &LHCb::ParticleID::hasTopPrime}};
+          std::pair{ "u"sv, &LHCb::ParticleID::hasUp },           std::pair{ "d"sv, &LHCb::ParticleID::hasDown },
+          std::pair{ "c"sv, &LHCb::ParticleID::hasCharm },        std::pair{ "s"sv, &LHCb::ParticleID::hasStrange },
+          std::pair{ "t"sv, &LHCb::ParticleID::hasTop },          std::pair{ "b"sv, &LHCb::ParticleID::hasBottom },
+          std::pair{ "b'"sv, &LHCb::ParticleID::hasBottomPrime }, std::pair{ "t'"sv, &LHCb::ParticleID::hasTopPrime } };
       auto it = map.find( quark );
       if ( it == map.end() ) {
         // throw an error if the quark is not recognized
-        throw GaudiException{fmt::format( "HasQuark argument '{}' not recognized", quark ), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,
-                             StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ fmt::format( "HasQuark argument '{}' not recognized", quark ), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,
+                              StatusCode::FAILURE };
       m_fun = it->second;
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ namespace Functors::Simulation {
       constexpr auto name() const { return "MC::Property"; }
       auto operator()( const LHCb::MCProperty& mc_track_info, const LHCb::MCParticle& mc_particle ) const {
-        Functors::Optional<int> result{std::nullopt};
+        Functors::Optional<int> result{ std::nullopt };
         if ( mc_particle.particleID().threeCharge() != 0 ) { result = mc_track_info.property( &mc_particle ); }
         return result;
@@ -279,12 +279,12 @@ namespace Functors::Simulation {
       auto operator()( const LHCb::MCParticle& mcp ) const {
         auto mother = mcp.mother();
-        return mother ? Functors::Optional{mother} : std::nullopt;
+        return mother ? Functors::Optional{ mother } : std::nullopt;
       auto operator()( const LHCb::MCVertex& mcv ) const {
         auto mother = mcv.mother();
-        return mother ? Functors::Optional{mother} : std::nullopt;
+        return mother ? Functors::Optional{ mother } : std::nullopt;
       template <typename T>
@@ -306,13 +306,13 @@ namespace Functors::Simulation {
      * of a MCParticle is its originVertex
     inline constexpr auto OriginVertex =
-        Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::MCParticle::originVertex, "MCParticle::originVertex"};
+        Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::MCParticle::originVertex, "MCParticle::originVertex" };
      * @brief functor accessing the primary vertex of a MCParticle
     inline constexpr auto PrimaryVertex =
-        Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::MCParticle::primaryVertex, "MCParticle::primaryVertex"};
+        Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::MCParticle::primaryVertex, "MCParticle::primaryVertex" };
      * @brief functor accessing the true tagging information of a MCParticle
@@ -340,8 +340,8 @@ namespace Functors::Simulation {
       auto operator()( const LHCb::MCParticle& mcp ) const {
         if ( !m_ppSvc ) {
-          throw GaudiException{"Can not initialize the LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc.",
-                               "Functors::Simulation::FirstLongLivedAncestor", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+          throw GaudiException{ "Can not initialize the LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc.",
+                                "Functors::Simulation::FirstLongLivedAncestor", StatusCode::FAILURE };
         const LHCb::MCParticle* parent = mcp.mother();
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ namespace Functors::Simulation {
           if ( pProp && pProp->lifetime() > m_minLifetime ) break;
           parent = parent->mother();
-        return parent ? Functors::Optional{parent} : std::nullopt;
+        return parent ? Functors::Optional{ parent } : std::nullopt;
       auto operator()( const LHCb::MCParticle* p ) const { return Functors::and_then( p, *this ); }
@@ -398,49 +398,49 @@ namespace Functors::Simulation {
      * @brief get all primary vertices from the MCHeader
-    inline constexpr auto AllPVs = Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::MCHeader::primaryVertices, "MCHeader::AllPVs"};
+    inline constexpr auto AllPVs = Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::MCHeader::primaryVertices, "MCHeader::AllPVs" };
      * @brief get the event time of the MCHeader
-    inline constexpr auto EvtTime = Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::MCHeader::evtTime, "MCHeader::EvtTime"};
+    inline constexpr auto EvtTime = Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::MCHeader::evtTime, "MCHeader::EvtTime" };
      * @brief get the event number of the MCHeader
-    inline constexpr auto EvtNumber = Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::MCHeader::evtNumber, "MCHeader::EvtNumber"};
+    inline constexpr auto EvtNumber = Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::MCHeader::evtNumber, "MCHeader::EvtNumber" };
      * @brief get the run number of the MCHeader
-    inline constexpr auto RunNumber = Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::MCHeader::runNumber, "MCHeader::RunNumber"};
+    inline constexpr auto RunNumber = Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::MCHeader::runNumber, "MCHeader::RunNumber" };
   } // namespace MCHeader
   namespace MCVertex {
      * @brief get the time of a MCVertex.
-    inline constexpr auto Time = Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::MCVertex::time, "MCVertex::Time"};
+    inline constexpr auto Time = Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::MCVertex::time, "MCVertex::Time" };
      * @brief get the type of a MCVertex.
-    inline constexpr auto Type = Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::MCVertex::type, "MCVertex::Type"};
+    inline constexpr auto Type = Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::MCVertex::type, "MCVertex::Type" };
      * @brief returns true if the MCVertex is a primary vertex.
-    inline constexpr auto IsPrimary = Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::MCVertex::isPrimary, "MCVertex::IsPrimary"};
+    inline constexpr auto IsPrimary = Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::MCVertex::isPrimary, "MCVertex::IsPrimary" };
      * @brief returns true if the MCVertex is a decay vertex.
-    inline constexpr auto IsDecay = Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::MCVertex::isDecay, "MCVertex::IsDecay"};
+    inline constexpr auto IsDecay = Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::MCVertex::isDecay, "MCVertex::IsDecay" };
      * @brief functor accessing the decay products of a MCVertex
-    inline constexpr auto Products = Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::MCVertex::products, "MCVertex::Products"};
+    inline constexpr auto Products = Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::MCVertex::products, "MCVertex::Products" };
   } // namespace MCVertex
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/TES.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/TES.h
index c4750aca22672c88345958b0baf91cf739ff9603..8e80eca713090030f704064a62cc270fa851a4d4 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/TES.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/TES.h
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
-    DecReportsCachedFilter( Predicate pred ) : m_predicate{std::move( pred )} {}
+    DecReportsCachedFilter( Predicate pred ) : m_predicate{ std::move( pred ) } {}
     template <typename UnaryPredicate>
     bool operator()( LHCb::HltDecReports const& dec, UnaryPredicate&& unary ) const {
       int tck = dec.configuredTCK();
@@ -98,41 +98,41 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
 namespace Functors::TES {
   /** @brief Get run number from ODIN */
-  inline constexpr auto RunNumber = Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::ODIN::runNumber, "Odin::runNumber"};
+  inline constexpr auto RunNumber = Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::ODIN::runNumber, "Odin::runNumber" };
   /** @brief Get event number from ODIN */
-  inline constexpr auto EventNumber = Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::ODIN::eventNumber, "Odin::eventNumber"};
+  inline constexpr auto EventNumber = Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::ODIN::eventNumber, "Odin::eventNumber" };
   /** @brief Get event type from ODIN */
-  inline constexpr auto EventType = Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::ODIN::eventType, "Odin::eventType"};
+  inline constexpr auto EventType = Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::ODIN::eventType, "Odin::eventType" };
   /** @brief Get the bunch crossing ID from ODIN. */
-  inline constexpr auto BunchCrossingID = Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::ODIN::bunchId, "Odin::bunchId"};
+  inline constexpr auto BunchCrossingID = Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::ODIN::bunchId, "Odin::bunchId" };
   /** @brief Get the bunch crossing type from ODIN. */
   inline constexpr auto BunchCrossingType =
-      Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::ODIN::bunchCrossingType, "Odin::bunchCrossingType"};
+      Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::ODIN::bunchCrossingType, "Odin::bunchCrossingType" };
   /** @brief Get the Odin TCK from ODIN. */
   inline constexpr auto OdinTCK =
-      Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::ODIN::triggerConfigurationKey, "Odin::triggerConfigurationKey"};
+      Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::ODIN::triggerConfigurationKey, "Odin::triggerConfigurationKey" };
   /** @brief Get the GPS time from ODIN. */
-  inline constexpr auto GpsTime = Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::ODIN::gpsTime, "Odin::gpsTime"};
+  inline constexpr auto GpsTime = Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::ODIN::gpsTime, "Odin::gpsTime" };
   /** @brief Get information from RecSummary object. */
   struct RecSummaryInfo : public Function {
     /** Make some error messages more informative. */
     static constexpr auto name() { return "RecSummaryInfo"; }
-    RecSummaryInfo( LHCb::RecSummary::DataTypes info_type ) : m_info_type{info_type} {}
+    RecSummaryInfo( LHCb::RecSummary::DataTypes info_type ) : m_info_type{ info_type } {}
-    RecSummaryInfo( int info_type ) : m_info_type{static_cast<LHCb::RecSummary::DataTypes>( info_type )} {}
+    RecSummaryInfo( int info_type ) : m_info_type{ static_cast<LHCb::RecSummary::DataTypes>( info_type ) } {}
     auto operator()( LHCb::RecSummary const& rec_summary ) const {
       const auto& summaryData = rec_summary.summaryData();
       auto        i           = summaryData.find( m_info_type );
-      return summaryData.end() == i ? std::nullopt : Functors::Optional{i->second};
+      return summaryData.end() == i ? std::nullopt : Functors::Optional{ i->second };
@@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ namespace Functors::TES {
     SelectionDecision( std::string line_name ) : m_line_name( std::move( line_name ) ) {
       // check that the line name ends with "Decision"
       if ( !detail::ends_with( m_line_name, "Decision" ) )
-        throw GaudiException{"The line name does not end with 'Decision'!", "Functors::TES::SelectionDecision",
-                             StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "The line name does not end with 'Decision'!", "Functors::TES::SelectionDecision",
+                              StatusCode::FAILURE };
     auto operator()( LHCb::HltDecReports const& dec ) const {
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ namespace Functors::TES {
     static constexpr auto name() { return "DecReportsFilter"; }
-    DecReportsFilter( std::vector<std::string> lines ) : m_idx{ListFilter{std::move( lines )}} {}
+    DecReportsFilter( std::vector<std::string> lines ) : m_idx{ ListFilter{ std::move( lines ) } } {}
     bool operator()( LHCb::HltDecReports const& dec ) const { return m_idx( dec, &LHCb::HltDecReport::decision ); }
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ namespace Functors::TES {
     static constexpr auto name() { return "DecReportsRegExFilter"; }
-    DecReportsRegExFilter( std::string const& regex ) : m_idx{RegexFilter{std::regex{regex}}} {}
+    DecReportsRegExFilter( std::string const& regex ) : m_idx{ RegexFilter{ std::regex{ regex } } } {}
     bool operator()( LHCb::HltDecReports const& dec ) const { return m_idx( dec, &LHCb::HltDecReport::decision ); }
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/TrackLike.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/TrackLike.h
index dd26fad88f4290470cd3df567bf183493734b3a7..59fbe2a8d52c08f03ff40ad8c445b39ee5a4e6a1 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/TrackLike.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/TrackLike.h
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ namespace Functors::Track::detail {
         output = d.ProbNNghost();
-        throw std::domain_error{"impossible PID type"};
+        throw std::domain_error{ "impossible PID type" };
       return output.value() != LHCb::GlobalChargedPID::DefaultProbNN ? output : std::nullopt;
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ namespace Functors::Track::detail {
   [[gnu::always_inline]] inline auto impactParameterSquared( StatePos_t const& state_pos, StateDir_t const& state_dir,
                                                              VertexPos_t const& vertex ) {
     // TODO: handle one track, multiple vertices case..
-    return ( state_pos - StatePos_t{vertex} ).Cross( state_dir ).mag2() / state_dir.mag2();
+    return ( state_pos - StatePos_t{ vertex } ).Cross( state_dir ).mag2() / state_dir.mag2();
@@ -129,13 +129,13 @@ namespace Functors::Track::detail {
       template <typename T>
       Geometry( T* ptr, const std::string& geom_name )
-          : m_geom{ptr}
-          , m_cond{[]( const void* geom, const EventContext& ctx ) -> decltype( auto ) {
+          : m_geom{ ptr }
+          , m_cond{ []( const void* geom, const EventContext& ctx ) -> decltype( auto ) {
             return static_cast<T const*>( geom )->getConditionContext( ctx );
-          }}
-          , m_get_warning{[]( const void* geom ) -> decltype( auto ) {
+          } }
+          , m_get_warning{ []( const void* geom ) -> decltype( auto ) {
             return static_cast<T const*>( geom )->warning();
-          }}
+          } }
           , m_det( ptr, geom_name ) {}
       MsgStream& warning() const { return ( *m_get_warning )( m_geom ); }
@@ -151,10 +151,10 @@ namespace Functors::Track::detail {
     ITrackExtrapolatorHolder( double z, std::string tool_name, std::string geom_name = LHCb::standard_geometry_top )
-        : m_z( z ), m_tool_name{std::move( tool_name )}, m_geom_name{std::move( geom_name )} {}
+        : m_z( z ), m_tool_name{ std::move( tool_name ) }, m_geom_name{ std::move( geom_name ) } {}
     ITrackExtrapolatorHolder( ITrackExtrapolatorHolder&& rhs )
-        : m_z( rhs.m_z ), m_tool_name{std::move( rhs.m_tool_name )}, m_geom_name{std::move( rhs.m_geom_name )} {}
+        : m_z( rhs.m_z ), m_tool_name{ std::move( rhs.m_tool_name ) }, m_geom_name{ std::move( rhs.m_geom_name ) } {}
     ITrackExtrapolatorHolder& operator=( ITrackExtrapolatorHolder&& rhs ) {
       m_z         = rhs.m_z;
@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@ namespace Functors::Track::detail {
       if ( try_emplace( dynamic_cast<LHCb::DetDesc::AlgorithmWithCondition<GaudiTupleAlg>*>( top_level.algorithm() ) ) )
-      throw GaudiException{"TrackExtrapolator::bind", "attempting to bind an alorithm which is not a condition holder",
-                           StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "TrackExtrapolator::bind", "attempting to bind an alorithm which is not a condition holder",
+                            StatusCode::FAILURE };
     auto prepare( EventContext const& ctx ) const {
       assert( m_extrapolator.has_value() );
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ namespace Functors::Track {
   struct Extrapolate : public Function {
     Extrapolate( float z, std::string tool_name = "TrackMasterExtrapolator" )
-        : m_extrapolator{z, std::move( tool_name )} {}
+        : m_extrapolator{ z, std::move( tool_name ) } {}
     void bind( TopLevelInfo& top_level ) { m_extrapolator.emplace( top_level ); }
@@ -237,17 +237,17 @@ namespace Functors::Track {
     static constexpr auto name() { return "StateAt"; }
-    StateAt( LHCb::Event::Enum::State::Location location ) : m_loc{location} {}
+    StateAt( LHCb::Event::Enum::State::Location location ) : m_loc{ location } {}
     StateAt( std::string location ) { parse( m_loc, location ).ignore(); }
     auto operator()( const LHCb::Event::v1::Track& track ) const {
       const auto* state = track.stateAt( m_loc );
-      return state ? Functors::Optional{*state} : std::nullopt;
+      return state ? Functors::Optional{ *state } : std::nullopt;
     template <typename Track>
     auto operator()( const Track& track ) const {
-      return track.has_state( m_loc ) ? Functors::Optional{track.state( m_loc )} : std::nullopt;
+      return track.has_state( m_loc ) ? Functors::Optional{ track.state( m_loc ) } : std::nullopt;
     auto operator()( const LHCb::Event::v1::Track* track ) const { return ( *this )( *track ); }
@@ -283,21 +283,21 @@ namespace Functors::Track {
   constexpr auto nVPHitsA =
-      chain( Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::HitPattern::numVeloA, "HitPattern::numVeloA"}, HitPattern{}, LHCbIDs{} );
+      chain( Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::HitPattern::numVeloA, "HitPattern::numVeloA" }, HitPattern{}, LHCbIDs{} );
    * @brief Access number of c-side VP hits on HitPattern.
   constexpr auto nVPHitsC =
-      chain( Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::HitPattern::numVeloC, "HitPattern::numVeloC"}, HitPattern{}, LHCbIDs{} );
+      chain( Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::HitPattern::numVeloC, "HitPattern::numVeloC" }, HitPattern{}, LHCbIDs{} );
    * @brief Acces number of overlap VP hits on HitPattern.
   constexpr auto nVPOverlap =
-      chain( Functors::MemberFn{&LHCb::HitPattern::numVeloStationsOverlap, "HitPattern::numVeloStationsOverlap"},
+      chain( Functors::MemberFn{ &LHCb::HitPattern::numVeloStationsOverlap, "HitPattern::numVeloStationsOverlap" },
              HitPattern{}, LHCbIDs{} );
@@ -385,20 +385,20 @@ namespace Functors::Track {
   /// @brief InfoFn gets ExtraInfo if available
   template <typename T, bool just_deref = true>
-  requires requires( T const& p ) {
-    p.extraInfo();
-    typename T::additionalInfo;
-  }
+    requires requires( T const& p ) {
+      p.extraInfo();
+      typename T::additionalInfo;
+    }
   class InfoFn : public Function {
     T::additionalInfo m_info;
-    constexpr InfoFn( T::additionalInfo info ) : m_info{info} {}
+    constexpr InfoFn( T::additionalInfo info ) : m_info{ info } {}
     auto operator()( T const& p ) const {
       auto const& info = p.extraInfo();
       auto        i    = info.find( m_info );
-      return i != info.end() ? Functors::Optional{i->second} : std::nullopt;
+      return i != info.end() ? Functors::Optional{ i->second } : std::nullopt;
     // note: slightly complicated so that this also deals with `SmartRef`...
@@ -413,9 +413,9 @@ namespace Functors::Track {
   /// @brief VeloMatchChi2, as defined by the VeloMatchChi2 accessor.
-  constexpr auto VeloMatchChi2 = InfoFn<LHCb::Particle, true>{LHCb::Particle::additionalInfo::VeloMatchChi2};
+  constexpr auto VeloMatchChi2 = InfoFn<LHCb::Particle, true>{ LHCb::Particle::additionalInfo::VeloMatchChi2 };
   /// @brief VeloMatchIP, as defined by the VeloMatchIP accessor.
-  constexpr auto VeloMatchIP = InfoFn<LHCb::Particle, true>{LHCb::Particle::additionalInfo::VeloMatchIP};
+  constexpr auto VeloMatchIP = InfoFn<LHCb::Particle, true>{ LHCb::Particle::additionalInfo::VeloMatchIP };
   /** @brief Number of degrees of freedom, as defined by the nDoF accessor.
@@ -437,9 +437,9 @@ namespace Functors::Track {
         auto                               end() const { return ptr ? ptr->end() : s_empty.end(); }
         auto                               size() const { return ptr ? ptr->size() : 0; }
         bool                               empty() const { return !ptr || ptr->empty(); }
-        explicit                           operator bool() const { return ptr != nullptr; }
+        explicit operator bool() const { return ptr != nullptr; }
-      return Wrapper{vtx ? &vtx->tracks() : nullptr};
+      return Wrapper{ vtx ? &vtx->tracks() : nullptr };
     auto operator()( LHCb::VertexBase const* vertex ) const {
@@ -460,8 +460,9 @@ namespace Functors::Track {
         auto pp  = Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( d ).proto();
         auto trk = pp ? pp->track() : nullptr;
         auto ev  = Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( d ).endVertex();
-        return trk ? ( Functors::Optional{Sel::get::chi2PerDoF( Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( trk ) )} )
-                   : ( ev ? Functors::Optional{Sel::get::chi2PerDoF( Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( ev ) )} : std::nullopt );
+        return trk ? ( Functors::Optional{ Sel::get::chi2PerDoF( Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( trk ) ) } )
+                   : ( ev ? Functors::Optional{ Sel::get::chi2PerDoF( Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( ev ) ) }
+                          : std::nullopt );
       } else {
         return Sel::get::chi2PerDoF( Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( d ) );
@@ -481,8 +482,8 @@ namespace Functors::Track {
         auto pp  = Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( d ).proto();
         auto trk = pp ? pp->track() : nullptr;
         auto ev  = Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( d ).endVertex();
-        return trk ? Functors::Optional{Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( trk ).chi2()}
-                   : ( ev ? Functors::Optional{Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( ev ).chi2()} : std::nullopt );
+        return trk ? Functors::Optional{ Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( trk ).chi2() }
+                   : ( ev ? Functors::Optional{ Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( ev ).chi2() } : std::nullopt );
       } else {
         return Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( d ).chi2();
@@ -515,7 +516,7 @@ namespace Functors::Track {
     detail::Pid m_pid;
-    constexpr CombDLL( detail::Pid pid ) : m_pid{pid} {}
+    constexpr CombDLL( detail::Pid pid ) : m_pid{ pid } {}
     template <typename T>
     auto operator()( T const& d ) const {
@@ -545,7 +546,7 @@ namespace Functors::Track {
           dll = d.CombDLLd();
-          throw std::domain_error{"impossible PID type"};
+          throw std::domain_error{ "impossible PID type" };
         return dll;
@@ -554,11 +555,11 @@ namespace Functors::Track {
   /** @brief PIDmu, PIDp, PIDe, PIDk, PIDpi, as defined by the corresponding CombDLL variable
-  inline constexpr auto PIDmu = CombDLL{detail::Pid::muon};
-  inline constexpr auto PIDp  = CombDLL{detail::Pid::proton};
-  inline constexpr auto PIDe  = CombDLL{detail::Pid::electron};
-  inline constexpr auto PIDk  = CombDLL{detail::Pid::kaon};
-  inline constexpr auto PIDpi = CombDLL{detail::Pid::pion};
+  inline constexpr auto PIDmu = CombDLL{ detail::Pid::muon };
+  inline constexpr auto PIDp  = CombDLL{ detail::Pid::proton };
+  inline constexpr auto PIDe  = CombDLL{ detail::Pid::electron };
+  inline constexpr auto PIDk  = CombDLL{ detail::Pid::kaon };
+  inline constexpr auto PIDpi = CombDLL{ detail::Pid::pion };
   /** @brief ProbNN templated definition
@@ -574,9 +575,9 @@ namespace Functors::Track {
         auto gpid = Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( d ).globalChargedPID();
         return gpid ? detail::probNN<id>( *gpid ) : std::nullopt;
       } else {
-        throw GaudiException{"The type T neither has a `proto()` member function nor a `probNN<id>`() member function "
-                             "-- sorry, not supported",
-                             "Functors::Track::ProbNN::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "The type T neither has a `proto()` member function nor a `probNN<id>`() member function "
+                              "-- sorry, not supported",
+                              "Functors::Track::ProbNN::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
@@ -687,7 +688,7 @@ namespace Functors::Track {
     LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type m_t;
-    constexpr IsTrackType( LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type t ) : m_t{t} {}
+    constexpr IsTrackType( LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type t ) : m_t{ t } {}
     static constexpr auto name() { return "IsTrackType"; }
     template <typename Data>
@@ -695,12 +696,12 @@ namespace Functors::Track {
       return Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( d ).type() == m_t;
-  constexpr auto IsLong         = IsTrackType{LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type::Long};
-  constexpr auto IsDownstream   = IsTrackType{LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type::Downstream};
-  constexpr auto IsUpstream     = IsTrackType{LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type::Upstream};
-  constexpr auto IsTtrack       = IsTrackType{LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type::Ttrack};
-  constexpr auto IsVelo         = IsTrackType{LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type::Velo};
-  constexpr auto IsVeloBackward = IsTrackType{LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type::VeloBackward};
+  constexpr auto IsLong         = IsTrackType{ LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type::Long };
+  constexpr auto IsDownstream   = IsTrackType{ LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type::Downstream };
+  constexpr auto IsUpstream     = IsTrackType{ LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type::Upstream };
+  constexpr auto IsTtrack       = IsTrackType{ LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type::Ttrack };
+  constexpr auto IsVelo         = IsTrackType{ LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type::Velo };
+  constexpr auto IsVeloBackward = IsTrackType{ LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type::VeloBackward };
   /** @brief Track hasT, the input of this functor must be the track type
@@ -764,7 +765,7 @@ namespace Functors::Track {
       const auto* track = rec->track();
       if ( track && !track->checkFlag( LHCb::Track::Flags::Clone ) ) {
-        LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type t{track->type()};
+        LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type t{ track->type() };
         switch ( t ) {
         case LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type::Long:
           return IMCReconstructed::RecCategory::ChargedLong;
@@ -791,12 +792,13 @@ namespace Functors::Track {
   struct Bremsstrahlung : Function {
     template <typename Data>
-    requires( !std::is_pointer_v<Data> && !std::is_rvalue_reference_v<Data> ) auto operator()( Data&& d ) const {
-      return LHCb::Event::Bremsstrahlung::BremsstrahlungWrapper<std::remove_cvref_t<Data>>{d};
+      requires( !std::is_pointer_v<Data> && !std::is_rvalue_reference_v<Data> )
+    auto operator()( Data&& d ) const {
+      return LHCb::Event::Bremsstrahlung::BremsstrahlungWrapper<std::remove_cvref_t<Data>>{ d };
     template <typename Data>
     auto operator()( Data const* d ) const {
-      return LHCb::Event::Bremsstrahlung::BremsstrahlungWrapper<Data>{*d};
+      return LHCb::Event::Bremsstrahlung::BremsstrahlungWrapper<Data>{ *d };
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Utilities.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Utilities.h
index ae5dadfbac8043bb9dc3de967f5c0546f95f051c..20edb77b7d7a92439e83b0ec7f9aa02859c4244c 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Utilities.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/Utilities.h
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
   template <typename T, typename... Ts>
   constexpr std::array<T, sizeof...( Ts )> array_of( std::tuple<Ts...>&& tup ) {
     return std::apply(
-        []( auto&&... x ) { return std::array<T, sizeof...( Ts )>{{T{std::forward<decltype( x )>( x )}...}}; },
+        []( auto&&... x ) { return std::array<T, sizeof...( Ts )>{ { T{ std::forward<decltype( x )>( x ) }... } }; },
         std::forward<std::tuple<Ts...>>( tup ) );
@@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
   inline void require_suffix( const std::vector<std::string>& names, std::string_view suffix ) {
     auto i = std::find_if( names.begin(), names.end(), [=]( const auto& name ) { return !ends_with( name, suffix ); } );
     if ( i != names.end() ) {
-      throw GaudiException{"The specified name '" + ( *i ) + "' does not end with suffix '" + std::string{suffix} +
-                               "'. Please add it!",
-                           "Functors::DecReportsFilter::check_suffix()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "The specified name '" + ( *i ) + "' does not end with suffix '" + std::string{ suffix } +
+                                "'. Please add it!",
+                            "Functors::DecReportsFilter::check_suffix()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/with_functor_maps.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/with_functor_maps.h
index 7b157c8267e794255bcbfabbbfd584e8a168acd4..9b812816b047eb20be1583e25be97686114fe635 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/with_functor_maps.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/with_functor_maps.h
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class with_functor_maps : public Functors::detail::with_functor_factory<base_t>
   // Storage for the Gaudi::Property objects; helper handles duplicate names
   friend struct Functors::detail::property_holder<FuncProxyMap, Tags...>;
-  Functors::detail::property_holder<FuncProxyMap, Tags...> m_properties{this, {}};
+  Functors::detail::property_holder<FuncProxyMap, Tags...> m_properties{ this, {} };
   // Expose the base class constructors
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/with_functors.h b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/with_functors.h
index 270375de68ae036c9ee6a537a7d36ea5fac1c6d6..b2b3688c62ef31bf11fbce73507a5f4342405012 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/with_functors.h
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/include/Functors/with_functors.h
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
-    ServiceHandle<Functors::IFactory> m_functor_factory{this, "FunctorFactory", "FunctorFactory"};
+    ServiceHandle<Functors::IFactory> m_functor_factory{ this, "FunctorFactory", "FunctorFactory" };
   /** Pseudo-mixin that provides the a getFunctorFactory() accessor to the
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
     // create a new property in 'm_property_storage' and reference that.
     template <typename OWNER>
     property_holder( OWNER* owner, value_type const& default_value )
-        : m_property_refs{init_property_refs( owner, default_value, std::index_sequence_for<Tags...>{} )} {}
+        : m_property_refs{ init_property_refs( owner, default_value, std::index_sequence_for<Tags...>{} ) } {}
     template <std::size_t I>
     value_type const& get() const {
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ namespace Functors::detail {
     template <typename OWNER, std::size_t... Idxs>
     auto init_property_refs( OWNER* owner, value_type const& default_value, std::index_sequence<Idxs...> ) {
-      return std::array{init_property_ref<Idxs>( owner, default_value )...};
+      return std::array{ init_property_ref<Idxs>( owner, default_value )... };
     std::array<std::optional<Property_t>, sizeof...( Tags )>                m_property_storage{};
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ private:
   // Storage for the Gaudi::Property objects; helper handles duplicate names
   friend struct Functors::detail::property_holder<ThOr::FunctorDesc, Tags...>;
-  Functors::detail::property_holder<ThOr::FunctorDesc, Tags...> m_properties{this, ThOr::Defaults::ALL};
+  Functors::detail::property_holder<ThOr::FunctorDesc, Tags...> m_properties{ this, ThOr::Defaults::ALL };
   template <typename tag_t>
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/__init__.py b/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/__init__.py
index f098c0db5bb2ec79b5b70cc2b048fe25aa3fc204..e171b74963f733fa4d7c841ad0610b17b9897cd2 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/__init__.py
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/__init__.py
@@ -8,13 +8,15 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from typing import List, Union
-from array import array
-from Functors.grammar import BoundFunctor, Functor, ComposedBoundFunctor, MVAFunctor
-from PyConf.dataflow import DataHandle
 import functools
+from array import array
+from typing import List, Union
 from GaudiKernel import SystemOfUnits
-from Functors.math import sign, similarity, boost_to
+from PyConf.dataflow import DataHandle
+from Functors.grammar import BoundFunctor, ComposedBoundFunctor, Functor, MVAFunctor
+from Functors.math import boost_to, sign, similarity
 def template_list_non_type_arg(i):
@@ -28,34 +30,48 @@ def setComposedFunctor(functor, name, desc):
     return functor
-CAST_TO_INT = Functor('CAST_TO_INT', "Functional::CastTo<int>",
-                      '''Return argument as int''')
+CAST_TO_INT = Functor(
+    "CAST_TO_INT", "Functional::CastTo<int>", """Return argument as int"""
-CAST_TO_FLOAT = Functor('CAST_TO_FLOAT', "Functional::CastTo<float>",
-                        '''Return argument as float''')
+CAST_TO_FLOAT = Functor(
+    "CAST_TO_FLOAT", "Functional::CastTo<float>", """Return argument as float"""
-NaN = float('nan')
+NaN = float("nan")
 VALUE = Functor(
-    'VALUE', "Functional::Value",
-    '''Return contained value of an optional. If no value is contained, it throws an exception.
+    "VALUE",
+    "Functional::Value",
+    """Return contained value of an optional. If no value is contained, it throws an exception.
     This functor is used currently for example to store Tis/Tos information using relation table, where a value
-    is always expected in the optional.''')
+    is always expected in the optional.""",
 VALUE_OR = Functor(
-    'VALUE_OR',
+    "VALUE_OR",
-    '''Return contained value of optional or specified default if optional is empty''',
-    Params=[('Value', 'The default value.', (bool, int, float, str, list,
-                                             tuple, dict, array))])
-HAS_VALUE = Functor('HAS_VALUE', "Functional::HasValue",
-                    '''Return true if the input has a valid value.''')
+    """Return contained value of optional or specified default if optional is empty""",
+    Params=[
+        (
+            "Value",
+            "The default value.",
+            (bool, int, float, str, list, tuple, dict, array),
+        )
+    ],
+HAS_VALUE = Functor(
+    "HAS_VALUE",
+    "Functional::HasValue",
+    """Return true if the input has a valid value.""",
-    '''Return value from a dictionary with specified key. If the key is not found, it throws an exception.''',
-    Params=[('Key', 'The key to look up.', (str, ))])
+    """Return value from a dictionary with specified key. If the key is not found, it throws an exception.""",
+    Params=[("Key", "The key to look up.", (str,))],
 def require_all(*cuts):
@@ -95,73 +111,102 @@ def rename(functor, name):
 FILTER = Functor(
-    'FILTER',
-    'Filter',
-    'Adapt a predicate to filter a container.',
-    Params=[('Functor', 'Predicate to filter the container with.',
-             BoundFunctor)])
+    "FILTER",
+    "Filter",
+    "Adapt a predicate to filter a container.",
+    Params=[("Functor", "Predicate to filter the container with.", BoundFunctor)],
-ADDRESSOF = Functor('ADDRESSOF', "Common::AddressOf",
-                    'Return address of input. E.g. for pointer comparison')
+ADDRESSOF = Functor(
+    "Common::AddressOf",
+    "Return address of input. E.g. for pointer comparison",
 _FORWARDARGS = Functor(
-    'Forward all arguments or a specific one as indicated by index',
-    TemplateParams=
-    [('index',
-      'Nth argument to forward. If not specified all arguments will be forwarded.',
-      lambda x: str(x))])
+    "Forward all arguments or a specific one as indicated by index",
+    TemplateParams=[
+        (
+            "index",
+            "Nth argument to forward. If not specified all arguments will be forwarded.",
+            lambda x: str(x),
+        )
+    ],
 FORWARDARGS = setComposedFunctor(
     """Forward all the arguments. It can be used in binding operation for composed functors with argument. While binding, one (or more) argument is fixed and all the other will be forwarded.
                                  The call operator of :py:func:`~BPV`, which is composed as `BEST_PV.bind(TES(Vertices), FORWARDARGS)`, expects two arguments: list of primary vertices and a reconstructed particle. The bind fixes the first argument to the output of the :py:func:`~TES` functor and :py:func:`~FORWARDARGS` functor simply forwards all other arguments (in this instance the reconstructed particle).
-                                 """)
+                                 """,
 FORWARDARG0 = setComposedFunctor(
-    _FORWARDARGS(index=0), "FORWARDARG0", """
+    _FORWARDARGS(index=0),
+    """
                                  Forward the first argument.
                                  Note: For reference, have a look at :py:func:`~FORWARDARGS`
-                                 """)
+                                 """,
 FORWARDARG1 = setComposedFunctor(
-    _FORWARDARGS(index=1), "FORWARDARG1", """
+    _FORWARDARGS(index=1),
+    """
                                  Forward the second argument
                                  Note: For reference, have a look at :py:func:`~FORWARDARGS`
-                                 """)
+                                 """,
 FORWARDARG2 = setComposedFunctor(
-    _FORWARDARGS(index=2), "FORWARDARG2", """
+    _FORWARDARGS(index=2),
+    """
                                  Forward the third argument
                                  Note: For reference, have a look at :py:func:`~FORWARDARGS`
-                                 """)
+                                 """,
 # FIXME to avoid fixing all ADL problems
-TOLINALG = Functor('TOLINALG', "Common::ToLinAlg",
-                   'trafo gaudi/root classes to linalg vecs.')
+TOLINALG = Functor(
+    "TOLINALG", "Common::ToLinAlg", "trafo gaudi/root classes to linalg vecs."
-X_COORDINATE = Functor('X_COORDINATE', "Common::X_Coordinate",
-                       'Get X coordinate. Functor to be used in composition.')
-Y_COORDINATE = Functor('Y_COORDINATE', "Common::Y_Coordinate",
-                       'Get Y coordinate. Functor to be used in composition.')
-Z_COORDINATE = Functor('Z_COORDINATE', "Common::Z_Coordinate",
-                       'Get Z coordinate. Functor to be used in composition.')
-E_COORDINATE = Functor('E_COORDINATE', "Common::E_Coordinate",
-                       'Get E coordinate. Functor to be used in composition.')
+X_COORDINATE = Functor(
+    "Common::X_Coordinate",
+    "Get X coordinate. Functor to be used in composition.",
+Y_COORDINATE = Functor(
+    "Common::Y_Coordinate",
+    "Get Y coordinate. Functor to be used in composition.",
+Z_COORDINATE = Functor(
+    "Common::Z_Coordinate",
+    "Get Z coordinate. Functor to be used in composition.",
+E_COORDINATE = Functor(
+    "Common::E_Coordinate",
+    "Get E coordinate. Functor to be used in composition.",
-LHCBIDS = Functor('LHCBIDS', "Track::LHCbIDs",
-                  "Get LHCbIDs from track-like object")
+LHCBIDS = Functor("LHCBIDS", "Track::LHCbIDs", "Get LHCbIDs from track-like object")
-HIT_PATTERN = Functor('HIT_PATTERN', "Track::HitPattern",
-                      "Get HitPattern from LHCbIDs")
+HIT_PATTERN = Functor("HIT_PATTERN", "Track::HitPattern", "Get HitPattern from LHCbIDs")
 NVPHITSA = Functor(
@@ -171,7 +216,8 @@ NVPHITSA = Functor(
     Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 NVPHITSC = Functor(
@@ -181,7 +227,8 @@ NVPHITSC = Functor(
     Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 NVPOVERLAP = Functor(
@@ -191,175 +238,216 @@ NVPOVERLAP = Functor(
     Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
-    'Track::Extrapolate',
-    'Get extrapolated position vector of track at given z',
-    Params=[('z', 'z coordinate to which the track is extrapolated', float)])
+    "Track::Extrapolate",
+    "Get extrapolated position vector of track at given z",
+    Params=[("z", "z coordinate to which the track is extrapolated", float)],
 # PHI already has the meaning of phi(slopes) so for now we use PHI_COORDINATE
-    'PHI_COORDINATE', "Common::Phi_Coordinate",
-    'Get phi coordinate. Functor to be used in composition.')
+    "Common::Phi_Coordinate",
+    "Get phi coordinate. Functor to be used in composition.",
 # same problem as above
-    'ETA_COORDINATE', "Common::Eta_Coordinate",
-    'Get eta coordinate (pseudorapidity). Functor to be used in composition.')
+    "Common::Eta_Coordinate",
+    "Get eta coordinate (pseudorapidity). Functor to be used in composition.",
-    'RHO_COORDINATE', "Common::Rho_Coordinate",
-    'Get rho coordinate. Functor to be used in composition.')
+    "Common::Rho_Coordinate",
+    "Get rho coordinate. Functor to be used in composition.",
-FLATTEN = Functor("FLATTEN", "Common::Flatten",
-                  "Flatten nested vector of vectors.")
+FLATTEN = Functor("FLATTEN", "Common::Flatten", "Flatten nested vector of vectors.")
-MAGNITUDE = Functor('MAGNITUDE', "Common::Magnitude",
-                    'Get magnitude of vector.')
+MAGNITUDE = Functor("MAGNITUDE", "Common::Magnitude", "Get magnitude of vector.")
-DOT = Functor('DOT', "Common::Dot", 'Dot product.')
+DOT = Functor("DOT", "Common::Dot", "Dot product.")
-NORMEDDOT = Functor('NORMEDDOT', "Common::NormedDot",
-                    'Normalized dot product.')
+NORMEDDOT = Functor("NORMEDDOT", "Common::NormedDot", "Normalized dot product.")
-                              """Evaluates dot product of two unit vectors""")
+COSANGLE = setComposedFunctor(
+    NORMEDDOT, "COSANGLE", """Evaluates dot product of two unit vectors"""
-UNITVECTOR = Functor('UNITVECTOR', "Common::UnitVector", 'Normalize vector.')
+UNITVECTOR = Functor("UNITVECTOR", "Common::UnitVector", "Normalize vector.")
-    'REFERENCEPOINT', "Track::ReferencePoint",
-    'Get the track reference point (position at which the momentum of the particle is evaluated)'
+    "Track::ReferencePoint",
+    "Get the track reference point (position at which the momentum of the particle is evaluated)",
-SLOPES = Functor('SLOPES', "Track::Slopes",
-                 'Get the slopes vector (tx=dx/dz,ty=dy/dz,1.) from a track')
-FOURMOMENTUM = Functor('FOURMOMENTUM', "Track::FourMomentum",
-                       "4-Momentum vector.")
-THREEMOMENTUM = Functor('THREEMOMENTUM', "Track::ThreeMomentum",
-                        "3-Momentum vector.")
+SLOPES = Functor(
+    "SLOPES",
+    "Track::Slopes",
+    "Get the slopes vector (tx=dx/dz,ty=dy/dz,1.) from a track",
+FOURMOMENTUM = Functor("FOURMOMENTUM", "Track::FourMomentum", "4-Momentum vector.")
+THREEMOMENTUM = Functor("THREEMOMENTUM", "Track::ThreeMomentum", "3-Momentum vector.")
 REFERENCEPOINT_X = setComposedFunctor(
-    """Get the X-coordinate of the reference point (see :py:func:`~REFERENCEPOINT` for definition)."""
+    """Get the X-coordinate of the reference point (see :py:func:`~REFERENCEPOINT` for definition).""",
 REFERENCEPOINT_Y = setComposedFunctor(
-    """Get the Y-coordinate of the reference point (see :py:func:`~REFERENCEPOINT` for definition)."""
+    """Get the Y-coordinate of the reference point (see :py:func:`~REFERENCEPOINT` for definition).""",
 REFERENCEPOINT_Z = setComposedFunctor(
-    """Get the Z-coordinate of the reference point (see :py:func:`~REFERENCEPOINT` for definition)."""
+    """Get the Z-coordinate of the reference point (see :py:func:`~REFERENCEPOINT` for definition).""",
 TX = setComposedFunctor(
+    "TX",
     """Get the X-coordinate of the slope (see :py:func:`~SLOPES` for definition).
-    Functor's call expects a particle-like object""")
+    Functor's call expects a particle-like object""",
 TY = setComposedFunctor(
+    "TY",
     """Get the Y-coordinate of the slope (see :py:func:`~SLOPES` for definition).
-    Functor's call expects a particle-like object""")
+    Functor's call expects a particle-like object""",
 PHI = setComposedFunctor(
+    "PHI",
     """Get the phi coordinate of a slope (see :py:func:`~SLOPES` for definition).
-    Functor's call expects a particle-like object""")
+    Functor's call expects a particle-like object""",
 ETA = setComposedFunctor(
+    "ETA",
     """Get the eta (pseudorapidity) coordinate of a slope (see :py:func:`~SLOPES` for definition).
-    Functor's call expects a particle-like object""")
+    Functor's call expects a particle-like object""",
 P = setComposedFunctor(
+    "P",
     """Get the magnitude of the momentum vector (see :py:func:`~THREEMOMENTUM` for definition).
-    Functor's call expects a particle-like object""")
+    Functor's call expects a particle-like object""",
 PX = setComposedFunctor(
+    "PX",
     """Get the X-coordinate of the momentum (see :py:func:`~THREEMOMENTUM` for definition).
-    Functor's call expects a particle-like object""")
+    Functor's call expects a particle-like object""",
 PY = setComposedFunctor(
+    "PY",
     """Get the Y-coordinate of the momentum (see :py:func:`~THREEMOMENTUM` for definition).
-    Functor's call expects a particle-like object""")
+    Functor's call expects a particle-like object""",
 PZ = setComposedFunctor(
+    "PZ",
     """Get the Z-coordinate of the momentum (see :py:func:`~THREEMOMENTUM` for definition).
-    Functor's call expects a particle-like object""")
+    Functor's call expects a particle-like object""",
 ENERGY = setComposedFunctor(
+    "ENERGY",
     """Get the energy (see :py:func:`~FOURMOMENTUM` for definition).
-    Functor's call expects a particle-like object""")
+    Functor's call expects a particle-like object""",
 PT = setComposedFunctor(
+    "PT",
     """Get the transverse momentum  (see :py:func:`~THREEMOMENTUM` for definition).
-    Functor's call expects a particle-like object""")
+    Functor's call expects a particle-like object""",
-SIZE_OF = Functor('SIZE_OF', "detail::SizeOf", 'Get Size of input')
+SIZE_OF = Functor("SIZE_OF", "detail::SizeOf", "Get Size of input")
 COUNT_IF = Functor(
-    'COUNT_IF',
+    "COUNT_IF",
-    '''Count the number of elements in a range satisfying some predicate''',
-    Params=[('Predicate', 'The predicate functor to select elements.',
-             BoundFunctor)])
+    """Count the number of elements in a range satisfying some predicate""",
+    Params=[("Predicate", "The predicate functor to select elements.", BoundFunctor)],
 # LHCbMath
 MATH_VALUE = Functor(
-    'MATH_VALUE',
-    'LHCbMath::ValueWithError::Value',
-    'Returns the value of Gaudi::Math::ValueWithError',
-    isInstance=True)
+    "MATH_VALUE",
+    "LHCbMath::ValueWithError::Value",
+    "Returns the value of Gaudi::Math::ValueWithError",
+    isInstance=True,
 MATH_ERROR = Functor(
-    'MATH_ERROR',
-    'LHCbMath::ValueWithError::Error',
-    'Returns the error of Gaudi::Math::ValueWithError',
-    isInstance=True)
+    "MATH_ERROR",
+    "LHCbMath::ValueWithError::Error",
+    "Returns the error of Gaudi::Math::ValueWithError",
+    isInstance=True,
-    'MATH_SCALAR_MOMENTUM', 'LHCbMath::scalarMomentum',
-    'Returns the scalar momentum by input.scalarMomentum()')
+    "LHCbMath::scalarMomentum",
+    "Returns the scalar momentum by input.scalarMomentum()",
-    'MATH_INVARIANT_MASS', 'LHCbMath::invariantMass',
-    'Returns the scalar momentum by input.invariantMass()')
+    "LHCbMath::invariantMass",
+    "Returns the scalar momentum by input.invariantMass()",
 # ParticleParams
-    'LHCbMath::ParticleParams::flightDistance',
-    'Returns the flight distance of Gaudi::Math::ParticleParams',
-    isInstance=True)
+    "LHCbMath::ParticleParams::flightDistance",
+    "Returns the flight distance of Gaudi::Math::ParticleParams",
+    isInstance=True,
-    'LHCbMath::ParticleParams::ctau',
-    'Returns the c*tau of Gaudi::Math::ParticleParams',
-    isInstance=True)
+    "LHCbMath::ParticleParams::ctau",
+    "Returns the c*tau of Gaudi::Math::ParticleParams",
+    isInstance=True,
-    'LHCbMath::ParticleParams::lenPosCov',
+    "LHCbMath::ParticleParams::lenPosCov",
     'Returns the "Matrix" with correlation errors between position and decay length from Gaudi::Math::ParticleParams',
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
-    'LHCbMath::ParticleParams::lenMomCov',
+    "LHCbMath::ParticleParams::lenMomCov",
     'Returns the "Matrix" with correlation errors between momentum and decay length from Gaudi::Math::ParticleParams',
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 def template_list_arg_formatter(args: list):
@@ -369,7 +457,7 @@ def template_list_arg_formatter(args: list):
 def TES(datahandles: Union[DataHandle, List[DataHandle]]) -> BoundFunctor:
-    """ Return references to specified TES locations
+    """Return references to specified TES locations
     When invoked, this functor will return a tuple of references to the specified TES locations.
@@ -387,27 +475,35 @@ def TES(datahandles: Union[DataHandle, List[DataHandle]]) -> BoundFunctor:
     for dh in datahandles:
         if not isinstance(dh, DataHandle):
             raise TypeError(
-                "TES Functor only accepts DataHandle but received: " +
-                str(dh) + " of type " + str(type(dh)))
+                "TES Functor only accepts DataHandle but received: "
+                + str(dh)
+                + " of type "
+                + str(type(dh))
+            )
-        if dh.type == 'unknown_t':
+        if dh.type == "unknown_t":
             raise TypeError(
                 "TES Functor only accepts DataHandles that have a correct C++ type."
                 "You have to force the C++ type of your DataHandle."
-                "See DataHandle's force_type() member function")
+                "See DataHandle's force_type() member function"
+            )
-    return TES._F(
-        DataHandles=datahandles, DataTypes=[dh.type for dh in datahandles])
+    return TES._F(DataHandles=datahandles, DataTypes=[dh.type for dh in datahandles])
 TES._F = Functor(
-    'TES',
+    "TES",
-    'Returns a tuple of references to data in the TES',
-    Params=[('DataHandles', "List of DataHandles", list)],
-    TemplateParams=[("DataTypes",
-                     "Types of the data that will be retrieved from TES",
-                     template_list_arg_formatter)])
+    "Returns a tuple of references to data in the TES",
+    Params=[("DataHandles", "List of DataHandles", list)],
+    TemplateParams=[
+        (
+            "DataTypes",
+            "Types of the data that will be retrieved from TES",
+            template_list_arg_formatter,
+        )
+    ],
 def SIZE(dh: DataHandle):
@@ -429,11 +525,17 @@ def CALL(Row: int, Col: int):
 CALL._F = Functor(
-    'CALL',
-    'Common::Call',
-    'Invoke call operator with integer values, e.g. to retrieve (i, j)th element of a covariance matrix.',
-    TemplateParams=[('Args', 'Integer values to pass into the operator()',
-                     template_list_arg_formatter)])
+    "CALL",
+    "Common::Call",
+    "Invoke call operator with integer values, e.g. to retrieve (i, j)th element of a covariance matrix.",
+    TemplateParams=[
+        (
+            "Args",
+            "Integer values to pass into the operator()",
+            template_list_arg_formatter,
+        )
+    ],
 def GET(index: int):
@@ -445,16 +547,22 @@ def GET(index: int):
 GET._F = Functor(
-    'GET',
-    'Common::Get',
-    'std::get (tuple) and handles unpacked from tuple',
-    TemplateParams=[('Index', 'Integer index passed as template to std::get',
-                     template_list_arg_formatter)])
+    "GET",
+    "Common::Get",
+    "std::get (tuple) and handles unpacked from tuple",
+    TemplateParams=[
+        (
+            "Index",
+            "Integer index passed as template to std::get",
+            template_list_arg_formatter,
+        )
+    ],
-    'Track::Covariance',
-    'Get the covariance matrix for an track state: (x,y,tx,ty,qop).',
+    "Track::Covariance",
+    "Get the covariance matrix for an track state: (x,y,tx,ty,qop).",
@@ -471,14 +579,14 @@ def COV(Row: int, Col: int):
-    'Particle::threeMomCovMatrix',
-    'Get the covariance matrix for (px, py, pz)',
+    "Particle::threeMomCovMatrix",
+    "Get the covariance matrix for (px, py, pz)",
-    'Particle::threeMomPosCovMatrix',
+    "Particle::threeMomPosCovMatrix",
     """Get the covariance matrix for (px, py, pz) x (x, y, z):
         [(x,px), (x,py), (x,pz)]
         [(y,px), (y,py), (y,pz)]
@@ -487,8 +595,8 @@ THREE_MOM_POS_COV_MATRIX = Functor(
-    'Particle::momPosCovMatrix',
+    "Particle::momPosCovMatrix",
     """Get the covariance matrix for (px, py, pz, pe) x (x, y, z):
         [(x,px), (x,py), (x,pz), (x,pe)]
         [(y,px), (y,py), (y,pz), (y,pe)]
@@ -497,74 +605,90 @@ MOM_POS_COV_MATRIX = Functor(
 POS_COV_MATRIX = Functor(
-    'Particle::posCovMatrix',
-    'Get the covariance matrix for (x, y, z)',
+    "Particle::posCovMatrix",
+    "Get the covariance matrix for (x, y, z)",
 MOM_COV_MATRIX = Functor(
-    'Particle::momCovMatrix',
-    'Get the covariance matrix for (px, py, pz, pe)',
+    "Particle::momCovMatrix",
+    "Get the covariance matrix for (px, py, pz, pe)",
-BEST_PV = Functor('BEST_PV', "Common::BestPV",
-                  'Given list of vertices, get best PV of particle.')
-ENDVERTEX = Functor('ENDVERTEX', "Common::EndVertex",
-                    'Get the endvertex of an object.')
-POSITION = Functor('POSITION', "Common::Position",
-                   'Get the position of an object.')
-OWNPV = Functor('OWNPV', "Common::OwnPV", 'Get PV associated to particle.')
+BEST_PV = Functor(
+    "BEST_PV", "Common::BestPV", "Given list of vertices, get best PV of particle."
+ENDVERTEX = Functor("ENDVERTEX", "Common::EndVertex", "Get the endvertex of an object.")
+POSITION = Functor("POSITION", "Common::Position", "Get the position of an object.")
+OWNPV = Functor("OWNPV", "Common::OwnPV", "Get PV associated to particle.")
-HASOWNPV = Functor('HASOWNPV', "Common::HasOwnPV",
-                   'Check if particle has associated PV.')
+HASOWNPV = Functor(
+    "HASOWNPV", "Common::HasOwnPV", "Check if particle has associated PV."
 POSITION_X = setComposedFunctor(
-    """Get the X-coordinate of the :py:func:`~POSITION`""")
+    "POSITION_X",
+    """Get the X-coordinate of the :py:func:`~POSITION`""",
 POSITION_Y = setComposedFunctor(
-    """Get the Y-coordinate of the :py:func:`~POSITION`""")
+    "POSITION_Y",
+    """Get the Y-coordinate of the :py:func:`~POSITION`""",
 POSITION_Z = setComposedFunctor(
-    """Get the Z-coordinate of the :py:func:`~POSITION`""")
+    "POSITION_Z",
+    """Get the Z-coordinate of the :py:func:`~POSITION`""",
 # FIXME remove trafo hack
 ENDVERTEX_POS = setComposedFunctor(
     """Get the 3-vector position of the :py:func:`~ENDVERTEX` of a particle.
-    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""")
+    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
 END_VX = setComposedFunctor(
+    "END_VX",
     """Get the X-coordinate of the :py:func:`~ENDVERTEX` of a particle.
-    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""")
+    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
 END_VY = setComposedFunctor(
+    "END_VY",
     """Get the Y-coordinate of the :py:func:`~ENDVERTEX` of a particle.
-    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""")
+    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
 END_VZ = setComposedFunctor(
+    "END_VZ",
     """Get the Z--coordinate of the :py:func:`~ENDVERTEX` of a particle.
-    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""")
+    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
 END_VRHO = setComposedFunctor(
+    "END_VRHO",
     """Get the rho-coordinate of the :py:func:`~ENDVERTEX` of a particle.
-    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""")
+    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
 def BPV(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
-    """ Determine Best Primary Vertex of a particle
+    """Determine Best Primary Vertex of a particle
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.
@@ -578,12 +702,13 @@ def BPV(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
         Vertices: DataHandle of the vertices - if not provided will use :py:func:`~OWNPV`
-    if Vertices is None: return OWNPV.bind(FORWARDARGS)
+    if Vertices is None:
+        return OWNPV.bind(FORWARDARGS)
     return BEST_PV.bind(TES(Vertices), FORWARDARGS)
 def BPV_POS(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
-    """ Position of :py:func:`~BPV`
+    """Position of :py:func:`~BPV`
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.
@@ -597,13 +722,14 @@ def BPV_POS(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
 # FIXME remove linalg trafo hack
 OWNPV_POS = setComposedFunctor(
-    "Position of :py:func:`~OWNPV`. Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object."
+    "OWNPV_POS",
+    "Position of :py:func:`~OWNPV`. Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.",
 def BPVX(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
-    """ X position of :py:func:`~BPV_POS`
+    """X position of :py:func:`~BPV_POS`
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.
@@ -615,7 +741,7 @@ def BPVX(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
 def BPVY(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
-    """ Y position of :py:func:`~BPV_POS`
+    """Y position of :py:func:`~BPV_POS`
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.
@@ -627,7 +753,7 @@ def BPVY(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
 def BPVZ(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
-    """ Z position of :py:func:`~BPV_POS`
+    """Z position of :py:func:`~BPV_POS`
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.
@@ -639,7 +765,7 @@ def BPVZ(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
 def BPVVDX(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
-    """ X distance between :py:func:`~ENDVERTEX_POS` and :py:func:`~BPV_POS`
+    """X distance between :py:func:`~ENDVERTEX_POS` and :py:func:`~BPV_POS`
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.
@@ -651,7 +777,7 @@ def BPVVDX(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
 def BPVVDY(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
-    """ Y distance between :py:func:`~ENDVERTEX_POS` and :py:func:`~BPV_POS`
+    """Y distance between :py:func:`~ENDVERTEX_POS` and :py:func:`~BPV_POS`
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.
@@ -663,7 +789,7 @@ def BPVVDY(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
 def BPVVDZ(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
-    """ Z distance between :py:func:`~ENDVERTEX_POS` and :py:func:`~BPV_POS`
+    """Z distance between :py:func:`~ENDVERTEX_POS` and :py:func:`~BPV_POS`
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.
@@ -675,7 +801,7 @@ def BPVVDZ(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
 def BPVFDVEC(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
-    """ Distance vector between :py:func:`~ENDVERTEX_POS` and :py:func:`~BPV_POS`
+    """Distance vector between :py:func:`~ENDVERTEX_POS` and :py:func:`~BPV_POS`
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.
@@ -687,7 +813,7 @@ def BPVFDVEC(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
 def BPVVDRHO(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
-    """ Rho coordinate of the distance vector between :py:func:`~ENDVERTEX_POS` and :py:func:`~BPV_POS`
+    """Rho coordinate of the distance vector between :py:func:`~ENDVERTEX_POS` and :py:func:`~BPV_POS`
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.
@@ -701,7 +827,7 @@ def BPVVDRHO(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
 # why is BPVETA not BPVVDETA?!
 # and why VD instead of FD? all of this seems aribtrary....
 def BPVETA(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
-    """ Eta (pseudorapidity) coordinate of the distance vector between :py:func:`~ENDVERTEX_POS` and :py:func:`~BPV_POS`
+    """Eta (pseudorapidity) coordinate of the distance vector between :py:func:`~ENDVERTEX_POS` and :py:func:`~BPV_POS`
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.
@@ -713,7 +839,7 @@ def BPVETA(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
 def BPVFD(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
-    """ Flight distance (magnitude of :py:func:`~BPVFDVEC`)
+    """Flight distance (magnitude of :py:func:`~BPVFDVEC`)
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.
@@ -725,7 +851,7 @@ def BPVFD(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
 def BPVFDIR(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
-    """ Normalized flight direction vector (unitvector of :py:func:`~BPVFDVEC`)
+    """Normalized flight direction vector (unitvector of :py:func:`~BPVFDVEC`)
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.
@@ -737,7 +863,7 @@ def BPVFDIR(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
 def BPVDIRA(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
-    """ Cosine of angle between particle momentum and flight direction (:py:func:`~BPVFDVEC`)
+    """Cosine of angle between particle momentum and flight direction (:py:func:`~BPVFDVEC`)
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.
@@ -748,23 +874,23 @@ def BPVDIRA(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
-ABS = Functor("ABS", "Common::Abs",
-              "Evaluates the absolute value of a scalar quantity")
+ABS = Functor("ABS", "Common::Abs", "Evaluates the absolute value of a scalar quantity")
-ADJUST_ANGLE = Functor('ADJUST_ANGLE', "Common::AdjustAngle",
-                       "Adjust angle if larger than pi")
+ADJUST_ANGLE = Functor(
+    "ADJUST_ANGLE", "Common::AdjustAngle", "Adjust angle if larger than pi"
-MEDIAN = Functor("MEDIAN", "Common::Median",
-                 "Evaluates the median of a vector")
+MEDIAN = Functor("MEDIAN", "Common::Median", "Evaluates the median of a vector")
 MEAN = Functor("MEAN", "Common::Mean", "Evaluates the mean of a vector")
-SQRT = Functor("SQRT", "Common::Sqrt",
-               "Evaluates the square root of a scalar quantity")
+SQRT = Functor("SQRT", "Common::Sqrt", "Evaluates the square root of a scalar quantity")
-#binary functors on angles
-                          (ETA_COORDINATE @ SLOPES) @ FORWARDARG1, "DETA", """
+# binary functors on angles
+DETA = setComposedFunctor(
+    "DETA",
+    """
                           Evaluates the difference between the pseudorapidity of two particles
                           Binary functor: Functor's call operator expects two particle-like objects
@@ -780,11 +906,17 @@ DETA = setComposedFunctor((ETA_COORDINATE @ SLOPES) @ FORWARDARG0 -
                           >>>     Cut = F.DETA < 0.2)
                           >>> alg.OutputRelations
-                          """)
+                          """,
 DPHI = setComposedFunctor(
-                    (PHI_COORDINATE @ SLOPES) @ FORWARDARG1), "DPHI", """
+    @ (
+    ),
+    "DPHI",
+    """
                           Evaluates the difference between the phi angle of two particles
                           The difference is then adjusted in the range [-pi, pi] (see :py:func:`~ADJUST_ANGLE`)
@@ -802,10 +934,13 @@ DPHI = setComposedFunctor(
                           >>>     Cut = F.DPHI < 0.2)
                           >>> alg.OutputRelations
-                          """)
+                          """,
 DR2 = setComposedFunctor(
-    DETA * DETA + DPHI * DPHI, "DR2", """
+    "DR2",
+    """
                          Evaluates the dr2 between two particles, defined as DETA^2+DPHI^2
                          Binary functor: Functor's call operator expects two particle-like objects
@@ -821,17 +956,25 @@ DR2 = setComposedFunctor(
                           >>>     Cut = F.DR2 < 0.4)
                           >>> alg.OutputRelations
-                         """)
+                         """,
-    'ISBASICPARTICLE', "Particle::IsBasicParticle", """IsBasicParticle.
-                Returns the 'isBasicParticle' of the Particle object.""")
+    "Particle::IsBasicParticle",
+    """IsBasicParticle.
+                Returns the 'isBasicParticle' of the Particle object.""",
-TRACK = Functor('TRACK', "Particle::GetTrack",
-                "Get the track object from a ChargedBasic")
+TRACK = Functor(
+    "TRACK", "Particle::GetTrack", "Get the track object from a ChargedBasic"
-STATES = Functor('STATES', "Track::States",
-                 "Retrieve const Container with pointers to all the states")
+STATES = Functor(
+    "STATES",
+    "Track::States",
+    "Retrieve const Container with pointers to all the states",
 def STATE_AT(location: str):
@@ -844,411 +987,494 @@ def STATE_AT(location: str):
         Functor: The actual functor.
     _STATE_AT = Functor(
-        '_STATE_AT',
+        "_STATE_AT",
         "Return the state at the given location.",
-        Params=[('Location', "LHCb::Event::Enum::State::Location", str)])
+        Params=[("Location", "LHCb::Event::Enum::State::Location", str)],
+    )
     return _STATE_AT(Location=location)
 INMUON = Functor(
-    'INMUON', "PID::InAcceptance", """InAcceptance.
-                 Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""")
+    "INMUON",
+    "PID::InAcceptance",
+    """InAcceptance.
+                 Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
 ISMUON = Functor(
-    'ISMUON', "PID::IsMuon", """IsMuon.
-                 Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""")
+    "ISMUON",
+    "PID::IsMuon",
+    """IsMuon.
+                 Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    'ISMUONTIGHT', "PID::IsMuonTight", """IsMuonTight.
-                 Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""")
+    "PID::IsMuonTight",
+    """IsMuonTight.
+                 Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
 MUONCHI2CORR = Functor(
-    'MUONCHI2CORR', "PID::MuonChi2Corr", """MuonChi2Corr.
-                 Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""")
+    "PID::MuonChi2Corr",
+    """MuonChi2Corr.
+                 Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
 MUONLLMU = Functor(
-    'MUONLLMU', "PID::MuonLLMu", """MuonLLMu.
-                 Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""")
+    "MUONLLMU",
+    "PID::MuonLLMu",
+    """MuonLLMu.
+                 Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
 MUONLLBG = Functor(
-    'MUONLLBG', "PID::MuonLLBg", """MuonLLBg.
-                 Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""")
+    "MUONLLBG",
+    "PID::MuonLLBg",
+    """MuonLLBg.
+                 Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    'MUONCATBOOST', "PID::MuonCatBoost", """CatBoost.
-                Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""")
+    "PID::MuonCatBoost",
+    """CatBoost.
+                Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
 HASBREM = Functor(
-    'HASBREM',
+    "HASBREM",
     """Has non-zero brem momentum-recovery energy.
                  Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
-    'HASBREMADDED', "Track::HasBremAdded",
+    "Track::HasBremAdded",
     """Has non-zero brem momentum-recovery energy added (using Particle class flag).
-                 Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object in v1 event model."""
+                 Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object in v1 event model.""",
 INECAL = Functor(
-    'INECAL',
+    "INECAL",
     """In Ecal acceptance.
                  Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 INHCAL = Functor(
-    'INHCAL',
+    "INHCAL",
     """In Hcal acceptance.
                  Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 INBREM = Functor(
-    'INBREM',
+    "INBREM",
     """In Brem acceptance.
                  Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 BREMENERGY = Functor(
     """Brem momentum-recovery energy.
                      Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Correction factor accounting for bending biases in track due to brem.
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 BREMPIDE = Functor(
-    'BREMPIDE',
+    "BREMPIDE",
     """Brem-based DLL for electron-ID.
                    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 ECALPIDE = Functor(
-    'ECALPIDE',
+    "ECALPIDE",
     """Ecal-based DLL for electron-ID.
                    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 ECALPIDMU = Functor(
     """Ecal-based DLL for mu-ID.
                     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 HCALPIDE = Functor(
-    'HCALPIDE',
+    "HCALPIDE",
     """Hcal-based DLL for electron-ID.
                    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 HCALPIDMU = Functor(
     """Hcal-based DLL for mu-ID.
                     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 RICH_DLL_E = Functor(
-    'RICH_DLL_E',
+    "RICH_DLL_E",
     """Rich-based DLL for electron-ID.
                    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 RICH_DLL_MU = Functor(
-    'RICH_DLL_MU',
+    "RICH_DLL_MU",
     """Rich-based DLL for mu-ID.
                     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 RICH_DLL_P = Functor(
-    'RICH_DLL_P',
+    "RICH_DLL_P",
     """Rich-based DLL for proton-ID.
                    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 RICH_DLL_K = Functor(
-    'RICH_DLL_K',
+    "RICH_DLL_K",
     """Rich-based DLL for kaon-ID.
                     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 RICH_DLL_PI = Functor(
-    'RICH_DLL_PI',
+    "RICH_DLL_PI",
     """Rich-based DLL for pion-ID.
                     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 RICH_DLL_D = Functor(
-    'RICH_DLL_D',
+    "RICH_DLL_D",
     """Rich-based DLL for deuteron-ID.
                     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 RICH_DLL_BT = Functor(
-    'RICH_DLL_BT',
+    "RICH_DLL_BT",
     """Rich-based DLL for below threshold tracks.
                     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Rich-based DLL for electron-ID.
     Scaled with monotonic function to approximate true DLL.
     For usage in combined DLLs (with other subdetectors).
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Rich-based DLL for mu-ID.
     Scaled with monotonic function to approximate true DLL.
     For usage in combined DLLs (with other subdetectors).
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 RICH1_GAS_USED = Functor(
-    'RICH1_GAS_USED',
+    "RICH1_GAS_USED",
     """Rich 1 gas flag.
                     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 RICH2_GAS_USED = Functor(
-    'RICH2_GAS_USED',
+    "RICH2_GAS_USED",
     """Rich 2 gas flag.
                     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Rich threshold for electrons.
                     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Rich threshold for kaons.
                     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Rich threshold for muons.
                     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Rich threshold for pions.
                     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Rich threshold for protons.
                     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Rich threshold for deuterons.
                     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Electron energy/momentum with track-based cell selection.
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
-    'CLUSTERMATCH', "PID::ClusterMatch",
+    "PID::ClusterMatch",
     """CaloID estimator : 2D chi2 for Track/CaloCluster matching (neutral + charged).
-    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""")
+    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
     """CaloID estimator : 3D chi2 for Track/CaloHypo(e) matching (charged).
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Retrieve bitwise information (32bits) of Calo CellID.
         0 is invalid/unavailable (see Detector/Calo/include/Detector/Calo/CaloCellID.h)
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 _BREMHYPOID = Functor(
-    'PID::BremHypoID',
+    "PID::BremHypoID",
     """CellID for CaloHypo (photon) associated to track for brem recovery
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 BREMHYPOID = setComposedFunctor(
     """All significant bits representation of CellID (32bits), i.e. CellID.all(), for CaloHypo (photon) associated to track for brem recovery
     0 is invalid/unavailable (see Detector/Calo/include/Detector/Calo/CaloCellID.h)
-    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""")
+    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
     """2D chi2 of CaloHypo (photon) associated to track for brem recovery
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Cluster energy associated to CaloHypo (charged)
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Energy of CaloHypo (photon) associated to track for brem recovery.
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Test statistic of being first-state like of CaloHypo (photon) for brem recovery
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Track-based brem energy determination
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 _ELECTRONID = Functor(
     """CellID associated to CaloHypo seed (electron hypo)
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 ELECTRONID = setComposedFunctor(
     """All significant bits representation of CellID (32bits), i.e. CellID.all(), associated to CaloHypo seed (electron hypo)
     0 is invalid/unavailable (see Detector/Calo/include/Detector/Calo/CaloCellID.h)
-    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""")
+    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
 HCALEOP = Functor(
-    'HCALEOP',
+    "HCALEOP",
     """Hcal energy deposit over momentum (track)
                   Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 _CLUSTERID = Functor(
-    '_CLUSTERID',
+    "_CLUSTERID",
     """CellID of the best matching cluster for a given reconstructed track.
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 CLUSTERID = setComposedFunctor(
     """CellID.all() of the best matching cluster for a given reconstructed track.
     0 is invalid/unavailable (see Detector/Calo/include/Detector/Calo/CaloCellID.h)
-    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""")
+    Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
     """Summed per-cell E/p DLL (electron versus pion) with track-based cell selection and energy estimation.
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
-NDOF = Functor('NDOF', 'Track::nDoF',
-               'Number of degrees of freedom [for chi2]')
-PVTRACKS = Functor('PVTRACKS', 'Track::PVtracks', 'Tracks from vertex fit')
-QOVERP = Functor('QOVERP', 'Track::QoverP', 'q/p')
-_CHI2DOF = Functor('_CHI2DOF', "Track::Chi2PerDoF",
-                   "Vertex or track chi^2 per degree of freedom.")
+    isInstance=True,
+NDOF = Functor("NDOF", "Track::nDoF", "Number of degrees of freedom [for chi2]")
+PVTRACKS = Functor("PVTRACKS", "Track::PVtracks", "Tracks from vertex fit")
+QOVERP = Functor("QOVERP", "Track::QoverP", "q/p")
+_CHI2DOF = Functor(
+    "_CHI2DOF", "Track::Chi2PerDoF", "Vertex or track chi^2 per degree of freedom."
 CHI2DOF = setComposedFunctor(
-    """Vertex or track chi^2 per degrees of freedom.""")
-_CHI2 = Functor('_CHI2', "Track::Chi2", "Vertex or track chi^2.")
-CHI2 = setComposedFunctor(
-    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ _CHI2, "CHI2", """Vertex or track chi^2.""")
+    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ _CHI2DOF,
+    "CHI2DOF",
+    """Vertex or track chi^2 per degrees of freedom.""",
+_CHI2 = Functor("_CHI2", "Track::Chi2", "Vertex or track chi^2.")
+CHI2 = setComposedFunctor(VALUE_OR(NaN) @ _CHI2, "CHI2", """Vertex or track chi^2.""")
-_GHOSTPROB = Functor('_GHOSTPROB', "Track::GhostProbability",
-                     "Ghost probability.")
+_GHOSTPROB = Functor("_GHOSTPROB", "Track::GhostProbability", "Ghost probability.")
 GHOSTPROB = setComposedFunctor(
     """Track ghost probability (see :py:func:`~TRACK` for definition).
-   Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic""")
+   Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic""",
 ### Track Event
-TRACKTYPE = Functor('TRACKTYPE', "Track::Type", "Track type.")
-_TRACKHAST = Functor('TRACKHAST', "Track::HasT", "Track has T.")
-_TRACKHASUT = Functor('TRACKHASUT', "Track::HasUT", "Track has UT.")
-_TRACKHASVELO = Functor('TRACKHASVELO', "Track::HasVelo", "Track has Velo.")
+TRACKTYPE = Functor("TRACKTYPE", "Track::Type", "Track type.")
+_TRACKHAST = Functor("TRACKHAST", "Track::HasT", "Track has T.")
+_TRACKHASUT = Functor("TRACKHASUT", "Track::HasUT", "Track has UT.")
+_TRACKHASVELO = Functor("TRACKHASVELO", "Track::HasVelo", "Track has Velo.")
 TRACKHAST = setComposedFunctor(
+    """
     Returns True if track has hits in T stations, False otherwise
     Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-    """)
+    """,
 TRACKHASUT = setComposedFunctor(
+    """
     Returns True if track has hits in UT detector, False otherwise
     Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-    """)
+    """,
 TRACKHASVELO = setComposedFunctor(
+    """
     Returns True if track has hits in Velo, False otherwise
     Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-    """)
+    """,
@@ -1257,7 +1483,8 @@ TRACKISLONG = Functor(
     Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
@@ -1265,7 +1492,8 @@ TRACKISDOWNSTREAM = Functor(
     Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
@@ -1273,7 +1501,8 @@ TRACKISUPSTREAM = Functor(
     Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
@@ -1281,7 +1510,8 @@ TRACKISTTRACK = Functor(
     Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
@@ -1289,7 +1519,8 @@ TRACKISVELO = Functor(
     Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
@@ -1297,13 +1528,17 @@ TRACKISVELOBACKWARD = Functor(
     Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 TRACKFLAG = Functor(
-    'TRACKFLAG', "Track::Flag", """Track flag.
+    "Track::Flag",
+    """Track flag.
                     Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-                    """)
+                    """,
@@ -1311,136 +1546,174 @@ TRACKISINVALID = Functor(
     """Track flag contains Invalid
     Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-    """)
+    """,
     """Track flag contains Clone
     Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-    """)
+    """,
     """Track flag contains Selected
     Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-    """)
+    """,
     """ IP of VELO track to the endvertex of a composite charged particle
         reconstructed with downstream tracks as defined in https://inspirehep.net/literature/2768765.
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """ Chi2 of VELO track when matching it to a composite charged particle
         reconstructed with downstream tracks as defined in https://inspirehep.net/literature/2768765.
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 ### Number of hits on track
 NHITS = Functor(
-    'NHITS', "Track::nHits", """Track number of hits.
+    "NHITS",
+    "Track::nHits",
+    """Track number of hits.
                 Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-                """)
+                """,
 NVPHITS = Functor(
-    'NVPHITS', "Track::nVPHits", """Number of VP hits.
+    "NVPHITS",
+    "Track::nVPHits",
+    """Number of VP hits.
                   Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-                  """)
+                  """,
 NUTHITS = Functor(
-    'NUTHITS', "Track::nUTHits", """Number of UT hits.
+    "NUTHITS",
+    "Track::nUTHits",
+    """Number of UT hits.
                    Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-                   """)
+                   """,
 NFTHITS = Functor(
-    'NFTHITS', "Track::nFTHits", """Number of FT hits.
+    "NFTHITS",
+    "Track::nFTHits",
+    """Number of FT hits.
                    Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-                   """)
+                   """,
-    'NPRVELO3DEXPECT', "Track::nPRVelo3DExpect",
+    "Track::nPRVelo3DExpect",
     """Number of expected Velo clusters from VELO 3D pattern recognition.
         Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-        """)
+        """,
 ### UT Cluster
 UTHITADCS = Functor(
-    'UTHITADCS', "Track::UTHitADCs", """ADCs of UT hits on track.
+    "Track::UTHitADCs",
+    """ADCs of UT hits on track.
                    Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-                   """)
+                   """,
 UTHITSIZES = Functor(
-    'UTHITSIZES', "Track::UTHitSizes", """Size of UT hits on track.
+    "Track::UTHitSizes",
+    """Size of UT hits on track.
                    Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-                   """)
+                   """,
-    'TRACKHISTORY', "Track::History",
+    "Track::History",
     """Name of the algorithm that made the track.
                         Functor's call operator expects a track-like object.
-                        """)
+                        """,
 # protoparticles... hrmpf...
 PPHASRICH = Functor(
-    "PPHASRICH", "Particle::PPHasRich", """ProtoParticle has RICH info
+    "Particle::PPHasRich",
+    """ProtoParticle has RICH info
                     Functor's call operator expects a protoparticle.
                     Note: FIXME
-                    """)
+                    """,
-    "PPHASMUONINFO", "Particle::PPHasMuonInfo", """ProtoParticle has MUON info
+    "Particle::PPHasMuonInfo",
+    """ProtoParticle has MUON info
                         Functor's call operator expects a protoparticle.
-                        """)
+                        """,
 # generic
-ALL = Functor('ALL', "AcceptAll",
-              "Accept everything; always evaluates to 'true'.")
-NONE = Functor('NONE', "AcceptNone",
-               "Accept nothing; always evaluates to 'false'.")
+ALL = Functor("ALL", "AcceptAll", "Accept everything; always evaluates to 'true'.")
+NONE = Functor("NONE", "AcceptNone", "Accept nothing; always evaluates to 'false'.")
 IDENTITY = Functor("IDENTITY", "Identity_t", "Returns the same value.")
 COLUMN = Functor(
     "Returns T('label') when acting on T.",
-    Params=[('ColumnLabel', 'label', str)])
+    Params=[("ColumnLabel", "label", str)],
 SUM = Functor(
-    'SUM',
+    "SUM",
     """Calculate the [scalar] sum of the given functor value.
     Functor's call operator expects a composite like object.""",
-    Params=[('Functor', 'The functor to accumulate the return value of.',
-             BoundFunctor)])
+    Params=[
+        ("Functor", "The functor to accumulate the return value of.", BoundFunctor)
+    ],
 MIN = Functor(
-    'MIN',
+    "MIN",
     """Calculate the minimum of the given functor value.
     Functor's call operator expects a composite like object.""",
-    Params=[('Functor', 'The functor to find the minimum return value of.',
-             BoundFunctor)])
+    Params=[
+        ("Functor", "The functor to find the minimum return value of.", BoundFunctor)
+    ],
 MAX = Functor(
-    'MAX',
+    "MAX",
     """Calculate the maximum of the given functor value.
     Functor's call operator expects a composite like object.""",
-    Params=[('Functor', 'The functor to find the maximum return value of.',
-             BoundFunctor)])
+    Params=[
+        ("Functor", "The functor to find the maximum return value of.", BoundFunctor)
+    ],
 def CHILD(Index: int, Functor=None):
@@ -1453,11 +1726,11 @@ def CHILD(Index: int, Functor=None):
 CHILD._F = Functor(
-    'CHILD',
+    "CHILD",
     """Obtain a child of a composite particle.""",
-    Params=[('Index', 'The index of the child to obtain (starting from 1).',
-             int)])
+    Params=[("Index", "The index of the child to obtain (starting from 1).", int)],
 def SUBCOMB(Functor: BoundFunctor, Indices: list):
@@ -1466,30 +1739,39 @@ def SUBCOMB(Functor: BoundFunctor, Indices: list):
 SUBCOMB._F = Functor(
-    'SUBCOMB',
+    "SUBCOMB",
     """Extract a SubCombination from the decay products of a composite particle.""",
-    TemplateParams=[(
-        'Indices',
-        'Tuple of indices to build the subcombination from (starting from 1).',
-        template_list_arg_formatter)])
+    TemplateParams=[
+        (
+            "Indices",
+            "Tuple of indices to build the subcombination from (starting from 1).",
+            template_list_arg_formatter,
+        )
+    ],
-    'Composite::MassWithHypotheses',
+    "Composite::MassWithHypotheses",
     """Invariant mass of a combined particle given child mass hypotheses.
     Functor's call operator expects a composite like object.""",
-    Params=[('Masses', 'Masses of the children', tuple)])
+    Params=[("Masses", "Masses of the children", tuple)],
 MASS = Functor(
-    'MASS', 'Composite::Mass', """Get the particle (composite or basic) mass.
+    "MASS",
+    "Composite::Mass",
+    """Get the particle (composite or basic) mass.
-               Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""")
+               Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object.""",
 COMB_MASS = setComposedFunctor(
-    "COMB_MASS", """
+    "COMB_MASS",
+    """
                                Evaluates the invariant mass of the sum of two 4-vectors.
                                Binary functor: Functor's call operator expects two particle-like objects
@@ -1507,7 +1789,8 @@ COMB_MASS = setComposedFunctor(
                                >>>     Cut = fmath.in_range(500*MeV, F.COMB_MASS, 1000*MeV)
                                >>> alg.OutputRelations
-                               """)
+                               """,
 def MTDOCACHI2(Child: int, Vertices: DataHandle):
@@ -1525,275 +1808,360 @@ def MTDOCACHI2(Child: int, Vertices: DataHandle):
 MTDOCACHI2._F = Functor(
-    '_MTDOCACHI2',
+    "_MTDOCACHI2",
     """Compute the significance of the distance of closest
     approach between mother and child.""",
-    TemplateParams=[('Child',
-                     'Index [starting from 1] of the first child to consider.',
-                     template_list_non_type_arg)])
+    TemplateParams=[
+        (
+            "Child",
+            "Index [starting from 1] of the first child to consider.",
+            template_list_non_type_arg,
+        )
+    ],
 SDOCA = Functor(
-    'SDOCA',
+    "SDOCA",
     """Compute the distance of closest approach between two 'states'.""",
-        ('Child1', 'Index [starting from 1] of the first child to consider.',
-         template_list_non_type_arg),
-        ('Child2', 'Index [starting from 1] of the second child to consider.',
-         template_list_non_type_arg)
+        (
+            "Child1",
+            "Index [starting from 1] of the first child to consider.",
+            template_list_non_type_arg,
+        ),
+        (
+            "Child2",
+            "Index [starting from 1] of the second child to consider.",
+            template_list_non_type_arg,
+        ),
-    AllowMultiplePositionalArguments=True)
+    AllowMultiplePositionalArguments=True,
 DOCA = Functor(
-    'DOCA',
+    "DOCA",
     """Compute the distance of closest approach between two track-like objects which may need transport over longer distances.""",
-        ('Child1', 'Index [starting from 1] of the first child to consider.',
-         template_list_non_type_arg),
-        ('Child2', 'Index [starting from 1] of the second child to consider.',
-         template_list_non_type_arg)
+        (
+            "Child1",
+            "Index [starting from 1] of the first child to consider.",
+            template_list_non_type_arg,
+        ),
+        (
+            "Child2",
+            "Index [starting from 1] of the second child to consider.",
+            template_list_non_type_arg,
+        ),
-    AllowMultiplePositionalArguments=True)
+    AllowMultiplePositionalArguments=True,
 SDOCACHI2 = Functor(
-    'SDOCACHI2',
+    "SDOCACHI2",
     """Compute the significance of the distance of closest
     approach between two 'states'.""",
-        ('Child1', 'Index [starting from 1] of the first child to consider.',
-         template_list_non_type_arg),
-        ('Child2', 'Index [starting from 1] of the second child to consider.',
-         template_list_non_type_arg)
+        (
+            "Child1",
+            "Index [starting from 1] of the first child to consider.",
+            template_list_non_type_arg,
+        ),
+        (
+            "Child2",
+            "Index [starting from 1] of the second child to consider.",
+            template_list_non_type_arg,
+        ),
-    AllowMultiplePositionalArguments=True)
+    AllowMultiplePositionalArguments=True,
 DOCACHI2 = Functor(
-    'DOCACHI2',
+    "DOCACHI2",
     """Compute the significance of the distance of closest
     approach between two track-like object which may need transport.""",
-        ('Child1', 'Index [starting from 1] of the first child to consider.',
-         template_list_non_type_arg),
-        ('Child2', 'Index [starting from 1] of the second child to consider.',
-         template_list_non_type_arg)
+        (
+            "Child1",
+            "Index [starting from 1] of the first child to consider.",
+            template_list_non_type_arg,
+        ),
+        (
+            "Child2",
+            "Index [starting from 1] of the second child to consider.",
+            template_list_non_type_arg,
+        ),
-    AllowMultiplePositionalArguments=True)
+    AllowMultiplePositionalArguments=True,
 MAXSDOCA = Functor(
-    'MAXSDOCA',
+    "MAXSDOCA",
     """Compute the maximum pairwise distance of closest approach between members of a combination.""",
-    Params=[])
+    Params=[],
 MAXDOCA = Functor(
-    'MAXDOCA',
+    "MAXDOCA",
     "Compute the maximum pairwise distance of closest approach between members of a combination using IDistanceCalculator.",
-    Params=[])
+    Params=[],
 MAXSDOCACHI2 = Functor(
-    'MAXSDOCACHI2', "Combination::MaxSDistanceOfClosestApproachChi2",
-    "Compute the maximum pairwise significance of the distance of closest approach between members of a combination."
+    "Combination::MaxSDistanceOfClosestApproachChi2",
+    "Compute the maximum pairwise significance of the distance of closest approach between members of a combination.",
 MAXDOCACHI2 = Functor(
-    'MAXDOCACHI2', "Combination::MaxDistanceOfClosestApproachChi2",
-    "Compute the maximum pairwise significance of the distance of closest approach, computed using an IDistanceCalculator implementation,  between members of a combination."
+    "Combination::MaxDistanceOfClosestApproachChi2",
+    "Compute the maximum pairwise significance of the distance of closest approach, computed using an IDistanceCalculator implementation,  between members of a combination.",
     """Cut on the the distance of closest approach between two 'states'.""",
-    Params=[('thresh', 'Threshold for cut', float)])
+    Params=[("thresh", "Threshold for cut", float)],
 MAXDOCACUT = Functor(
     """Cut on the the distance of closest approach between two track-like objects which may need transport.""",
-    Params=[('thresh', 'Threshold for cut', float)])
+    Params=[("thresh", "Threshold for cut", float)],
     """Cut on the significance of the distance of closest
     approach between two 'states'.""",
-    Params=[('thresh', 'Threshold for cut', float)])
+    Params=[("thresh", "Threshold for cut", float)],
     """Cut on the significance of the distance of closest approach between two track-like object which may need transport.""",
-    Params=[('thresh', 'Threshold for cut', float)])
+    Params=[("thresh", "Threshold for cut", float)],
 ALV = Functor(
-    'ALV',
+    "ALV",
     """Compute the cosine value of angle between two decay products.""",
-        ('Child1', 'Index [starting from 1] of the first child to consider.',
-         template_list_non_type_arg),
-        ('Child2', 'Index [starting from 1] of the second child to consider.',
-         template_list_non_type_arg)
+        (
+            "Child1",
+            "Index [starting from 1] of the first child to consider.",
+            template_list_non_type_arg,
+        ),
+        (
+            "Child2",
+            "Index [starting from 1] of the second child to consider.",
+            template_list_non_type_arg,
+        ),
-    AllowMultiplePositionalArguments=True)
+    AllowMultiplePositionalArguments=True,
 CHARGE = Functor("CHARGE", "Combination::Charge", "Compute the charge")
 IS_HADRON = Functor(
-    'IS_HADRON', 'Simulation::IsHadron',
+    "IS_HADRON",
+    "Simulation::IsHadron",
     """return true if either LHCb::Particle or LHCb::MCParticle is hadron.
-    Functor's call expects a LHCb::ParticleID object""")
+    Functor's call expects a LHCb::ParticleID object""",
 IS_MESON = Functor(
-    'IS_MESON', 'Simulation::IsMeson',
+    "IS_MESON",
+    "Simulation::IsMeson",
     """return true if either LHCb::Particle or LHCb::MCParticle is meson.
-    Functor's call expects a LHCb::ParticleID object""")
+    Functor's call expects a LHCb::ParticleID object""",
 IS_BARYON = Functor(
-    'IS_BARYON', 'Simulation::IsBaryon',
+    "IS_BARYON",
+    "Simulation::IsBaryon",
     """return true if either LHCb::Particle or LHCb::MCParticle is baryon.
-    Functor's call expects a LHCb::ParticleID object""")
+    Functor's call expects a LHCb::ParticleID object""",
 IS_LEPTON = Functor(
-    'IS_LEPTON', 'Simulation::IsLepton',
+    "IS_LEPTON",
+    "Simulation::IsLepton",
     """return true if either LHCb::Particle or LHCb::MCParticle is lepton.
-    Functor's call expects a LHCb::ParticleID object""")
+    Functor's call expects a LHCb::ParticleID object""",
 HAS_QUARK = Functor(
-    'HAS_QUARK',
+    "HAS_QUARK",
     """Returns if particle contains a given quark.""",
-    Params=[('quark',
-             'The quark to check for. Can be "u", "d", "s", "c", "b", "t".',
-             str)])
+    Params=[
+        ("quark", 'The quark to check for. Can be "u", "d", "s", "c", "b", "t".', str)
+    ],
 HAS_BOTTOM = setComposedFunctor(
-    HAS_QUARK(quark='b'), 'HAS_BOTTOM',
+    HAS_QUARK(quark="b"),
+    "HAS_BOTTOM",
     """return true if particle has bottom quark.
     Functor's call operator expects a LHCb::ParticleID object.
-    example usage: F.HAS_BOTTOM @ F.PARTICLE_ID_OBJ""")
+    example usage: F.HAS_BOTTOM @ F.PARTICLE_ID_OBJ""",
 HAS_CHARM = setComposedFunctor(
-    HAS_QUARK(quark='c'), 'HAS_CHARM',
+    HAS_QUARK(quark="c"),
+    "HAS_CHARM",
     """return true if particle has charm quark.
     Functor's call operator expects a LHCb::ParticleID object.
-    example usage: F.HAS_CHARM @ F.PARTICLE_ID_OBJ""")
+    example usage: F.HAS_CHARM @ F.PARTICLE_ID_OBJ""",
 PID_MU = setComposedFunctor(
-    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor(
-        '_PID_MU', "Track::PIDmu", "CombDLLmu.", isInstance=True), "PID_MU",
+    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor("_PID_MU", "Track::PIDmu", "CombDLLmu.", isInstance=True),
+    "PID_MU",
 Gives measure of the muon mass hypothesis relative to the pion hypotesis.
 It is actually DLL(mu-pi). Likelihood information is produced by each subsistem.
 General information on PID could be found at the following `TWiki page <https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCbPhysics/ChargedPID>`_
 PID_PI = setComposedFunctor(
-    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor(
-        '_PID_PI', "Track::PIDpi", "CombDLLpi.", isInstance=True), "PID_PI",
+    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor("_PID_PI", "Track::PIDpi", "CombDLLpi.", isInstance=True),
+    "PID_PI",
 CombDLLpi. Should be peaked at zero.
 General information on PID could be found at the following `TWiki page <https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCbPhysics/ChargedPID>`_
 PID_K = setComposedFunctor(
-    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor(
-        '_PID_K', "Track::PIDk", "CombDLLk.", isInstance=True), "PID_K", """
+    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor("_PID_K", "Track::PIDk", "CombDLLk.", isInstance=True),
+    "PID_K",
+    """
 Gives measure of the kaon mass hypothesis relative to the pion hypotesis.
 It is actually DLL(K-pi). Likelihood information is produced by RICH detectors.
 General information on PID could be found at the following `TWiki page <https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCbPhysics/ChargedPID>`_
 PID_P = setComposedFunctor(
-    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor(
-        '_PID_P', "Track::PIDp", "CombDLLp.", isInstance=True), "PID_P", """
+    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor("_PID_P", "Track::PIDp", "CombDLLp.", isInstance=True),
+    "PID_P",
+    """
 Gives measure of the proton mass hypothesis relative to the pion hypotesis.
 It is actually DLL(p-pi). Likelihood information is produced by RICH detectors.
 General information on PID could be found at the following `TWiki page <https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCbPhysics/ChargedPID>`_
 PID_E = setComposedFunctor(
-    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor(
-        '_PID_E', "Track::PIDe", "CombDLLe.", isInstance=True), "PID_E", """
+    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor("_PID_E", "Track::PIDe", "CombDLLe.", isInstance=True),
+    "PID_E",
+    """
 Gives measure of the electron mass hypothesis relative to the pion hypotesis.
 It is actually DLL(e-pi). Likelihood information is produced by each subsistem.
 General information on PID could be found at the following `TWiki page <https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCbPhysics/ChargedPID>`_
 PROBNN_D = setComposedFunctor(
-    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor('_PROBNN_D', "Track::PROBNN_D_t", "PROBNN_D."),
-    "PROBNN_D", """
+    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor("_PROBNN_D", "Track::PROBNN_D_t", "PROBNN_D."),
+    "PROBNN_D",
+    """
 MVA technique to establish deuterium mass hypothesis which keep in consideration the correlation between detector systems and includes tracking information.
 General information on PID could be found at the following `TWiki page <https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCbPhysics/ChargedPID>`_
 PROBNN_E = setComposedFunctor(
-    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor('_PROBNN_E', "Track::PROBNN_E_t", "PROBNN_E."),
-    "PROBNN_E", """
+    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor("_PROBNN_E", "Track::PROBNN_E_t", "PROBNN_E."),
+    "PROBNN_E",
+    """
 MVA technique to establish electron mass hypothesis which keep in consideration the correlation between detector systems and includes tracking information.
 General information on PID could be found at the following `TWiki page <https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCbPhysics/ChargedPID>`_
 PROBNN_GHOST = setComposedFunctor(
-    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor('_PROBNN_GHOST', "Track::PROBNN_GHOST_t",
-                            "PROBNN_GHOST."), "PROBNN_GHOST", """
+    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor("_PROBNN_GHOST", "Track::PROBNN_GHOST_t", "PROBNN_GHOST."),
+    """
 MVA technique to establish ghost tracks hypothesis which keep in consideration the correlation between detector systems and includes tracking information.
 General information on PID could be found at the following `TWiki page <https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCbPhysics/ChargedPID>`_
 PROBNN_K = setComposedFunctor(
-    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor('_PROBNN_K', "Track::PROBNN_K_t", "PROBNN_K."),
-    "PROBNN_K", """
+    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor("_PROBNN_K", "Track::PROBNN_K_t", "PROBNN_K."),
+    "PROBNN_K",
+    """
 MVA technique to establish kaon mass hypothesis which keep in consideration the correlation between detector systems and includes tracking information.
 General information on PID could be found at the following `TWiki page <https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCbPhysics/ChargedPID>`_
 PROBNN_MU = setComposedFunctor(
-    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor('_PROBNN_MU', "Track::PROBNN_MU_t", "PROBNN_MU."),
-    "PROBNN_MU", """
+    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor("_PROBNN_MU", "Track::PROBNN_MU_t", "PROBNN_MU."),
+    "PROBNN_MU",
+    """
 MVA technique to establish muon mass hypothesis which keep in consideration the correlation between detector systems and includes tracking information.
 General information on PID could be found at the following `TWiki page <https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCbPhysics/ChargedPID>`_
 PROBNN_P = setComposedFunctor(
-    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor('_PROBNN_P', "Track::PROBNN_P_t", "PROBNN_P."),
-    "PROBNN_P", """
+    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor("_PROBNN_P", "Track::PROBNN_P_t", "PROBNN_P."),
+    "PROBNN_P",
+    """
 MVA technique to establish proton mass hypothesis which keep in consideration the correlation between detector systems and includes tracking information.
 General information on PID could be found at the following `TWiki page <https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCbPhysics/ChargedPID>`_
 PROBNN_PI = setComposedFunctor(
-    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor('_PROBNN_PI', "Track::PROBNN_PI_t", "PROBNN_PI."),
-    "PROBNN_PI", """
+    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ Functor("_PROBNN_PI", "Track::PROBNN_PI_t", "PROBNN_PI."),
+    "PROBNN_PI",
+    """
 MVA technique to establish pion mass hypothesis which keep in consideration the correlation between detector systems and includes tracking information.
 General information on PID could be found at the following `TWiki page <https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCbPhysics/ChargedPID>`_
 _BPVCORRM = Functor(
-    '_BPVCORRM',
-    'Composite::CorrectedMass',
-    'Compute the corrected mass of the composite using the associated [primary] vertex.',
-    Params=[('invisible_mass', 'Mass of invisible particle', float)])
+    "_BPVCORRM",
+    "Composite::CorrectedMass",
+    "Compute the corrected mass of the composite using the associated [primary] vertex.",
+    Params=[("invisible_mass", "Mass of invisible particle", float)],
 _BPVCORRMERR = Functor(
-    'Composite::CorrectedMassError',
-    'Compute the corrected mass error of the composite using the associated [primary] vertex.',
-    Params=[('invisible_mass', 'Mass of invisible particle', float)])
+    "Composite::CorrectedMassError",
+    "Compute the corrected mass error of the composite using the associated [primary] vertex.",
+    Params=[("invisible_mass", "Mass of invisible particle", float)],
 def BPVCORRM(Vertices: DataHandle = None, invisible_mass: float = 0.0):
-    """ Compute the corrected mass of the composite using the :py:func:`~BPV`.
+    """Compute the corrected mass of the composite using the :py:func:`~BPV`.
     Functor's call operator expects a composite like object
@@ -1802,11 +2170,11 @@ def BPVCORRM(Vertices: DataHandle = None, invisible_mass: float = 0.0):
     invisible_mass: Mass of invisible particle
-    return (_BPVCORRM(invisible_mass).bind(BPV(Vertices), FORWARDARGS))
+    return _BPVCORRM(invisible_mass).bind(BPV(Vertices), FORWARDARGS)
 def BPVCORRMERR(Vertices: DataHandle = None, invisible_mass: float = 0.0):
-    """ Compute the corrected mass error of the composite using the :py:func:`~BPV`.
+    """Compute the corrected mass error of the composite using the :py:func:`~BPV`.
     Functor's call operator expects a composite like object
@@ -1819,7 +2187,7 @@ def BPVCORRMERR(Vertices: DataHandle = None, invisible_mass: float = 0.0):
 def BTRACKING_TRACK(HeavyFlavourTrackRelations: DataHandle):
-    """ Returns heavy flavour track object associated to composite.
+    """Returns heavy flavour track object associated to composite.
     Functor's call operator expects a composite like object
@@ -1827,15 +2195,17 @@ def BTRACKING_TRACK(HeavyFlavourTrackRelations: DataHandle):
         HeavyFlavourTrackRelations: DataHandle of relations of composite to heavy flavour track
-                               'Composite::BTracking::Track',
-                               'Heavy flavour track associated to composite.')
+    _BTRACKING_TRACK = Functor(
+        "Composite::BTracking::Track",
+        "Heavy flavour track associated to composite.",
+    )
     return _BTRACKING_TRACK.bind(TES(HeavyFlavourTrackRelations), FORWARDARGS)
 def BTRACKING_NHITS(HeavyFlavourTrackRelations: DataHandle):
-    """ Number of hits on heavy flavour track.
+    """Number of hits on heavy flavour track.
     Functor's call operator expects a composite like object
@@ -1847,7 +2217,7 @@ def BTRACKING_NHITS(HeavyFlavourTrackRelations: DataHandle):
 def BTRACKING_NPRVELO3DEXPECT(HeavyFlavourTrackRelations: DataHandle):
-    """ Number of crossed VELO sensors according to pattern recognition window.
+    """Number of crossed VELO sensors according to pattern recognition window.
     Functor's call operator expects a composite like object
@@ -1859,7 +2229,7 @@ def BTRACKING_NPRVELO3DEXPECT(HeavyFlavourTrackRelations: DataHandle):
 def BTRACKING_BPVCORRM(HeavyFlavourTrackRelations: DataHandle):
-    """ Compute the corrected mass of the composite using the associated heavy flavour track.
+    """Compute the corrected mass of the composite using the associated heavy flavour track.
     Functor's call operator expects a composite like object
@@ -1868,21 +2238,22 @@ def BTRACKING_BPVCORRM(HeavyFlavourTrackRelations: DataHandle):
-        'BTRACKING_BPVCORRM', 'Composite::BTracking::CorrectedMass',
-        'Compute the corrected mass of the composite using the associated heavy flavour track.'
+        "Composite::BTracking::CorrectedMass",
+        "Compute the corrected mass of the composite using the associated heavy flavour track.",
-    return _BTRACKING_BPVCORRM.bind(
-        TES(HeavyFlavourTrackRelations), FORWARDARGS)
+    return _BTRACKING_BPVCORRM.bind(TES(HeavyFlavourTrackRelations), FORWARDARGS)
 VTX_FDCHI2 = Functor(
-    'VTX_FDCHI2', 'Composite::FlightDistanceChi2ToVertex',
-    '''Return the flight distance chi2 w.r.t. the given vertex. The first implicit argument type is a vertex.'''
+    "VTX_FDCHI2",
+    "Composite::FlightDistanceChi2ToVertex",
+    """Return the flight distance chi2 w.r.t. the given vertex. The first implicit argument type is a vertex.""",
 def BPVFDCHI2(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
-    """ FDCHI2 with respect to the :py:func:`~BPV`
+    """FDCHI2 with respect to the :py:func:`~BPV`
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object
@@ -1894,12 +2265,14 @@ def BPVFDCHI2(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
 VTX_LTIME = Functor(
-    'VTX_LTIME', 'Composite::Lifetime',
-    '''Return the particle lifetime w.r.t. the given vertex.''')
+    "VTX_LTIME",
+    "Composite::Lifetime",
+    """Return the particle lifetime w.r.t. the given vertex.""",
 def BPVLTIME(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
-    """ Lifetime with respect to the :py:func:`~BPV`
+    """Lifetime with respect to the :py:func:`~BPV`
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object
@@ -1911,12 +2284,14 @@ def BPVLTIME(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
 VTX_DLS = Functor(
-    'BPVDLS', 'Composite::ComputeDecayLengthSignificance',
-    '''Return the decay length significance w.r.t. the given vertex.''')
+    "BPVDLS",
+    "Composite::ComputeDecayLengthSignificance",
+    """Return the decay length significance w.r.t. the given vertex.""",
 def BPVDLS(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
-    """ Decay length with respect to the :py:func:`~BPV`
+    """Decay length with respect to the :py:func:`~BPV`
     Functor's call operator expects a particle-like object
@@ -1928,7 +2303,7 @@ def BPVDLS(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
 def RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_summary: DataHandle, DataType: Union[str, int]):
-    """ Extracts DataType information from LHCb::RecSummary.DataType
+    """Extracts DataType information from LHCb::RecSummary.DataType
         rec_summary: DataHandle of the LHCb::RecSummary
@@ -1937,6 +2312,7 @@ def RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_summary: DataHandle, DataType: Union[str, int]):
     # Workaround for cppyy warning with ROOT-10769
     # (see https://gitlab.cern.ch:8443/lhcb/LHCb/-/merge_requests/2637)
     import warnings
     with warnings.catch_warnings():
         from cppyy.gbl import LHCb
@@ -1946,27 +2322,31 @@ def RECSUMMARY_INFO(rec_summary: DataHandle, DataType: Union[str, int]):
             raise ValueError("RecSummary type unknown")
         return RECSUMMARY_INFO._F(DataType) @ TES(rec_summary)
     elif isinstance(DataType, str):
-        if LHCb.RecSummary.DataTypesToType(
-                DataType) == LHCb.RecSummary.TypeUnknown:
+        if LHCb.RecSummary.DataTypesToType(DataType) == LHCb.RecSummary.TypeUnknown:
             raise ValueError("RecSummary type unknown")
-        return RECSUMMARY_INFO._F(
-            LHCb.RecSummary.DataTypesToType(DataType)) @ TES(rec_summary)
+        return RECSUMMARY_INFO._F(LHCb.RecSummary.DataTypesToType(DataType)) @ TES(
+            rec_summary
+        )
         raise TypeError("RECSUMMARY_INFO expects string or enum value")
-    'TES::RecSummaryInfo',
-    '''Return information stored in LHCb::RecSummary.DataType''',
-    Params=
-    [('DataType',
-      'Type of information to be returned (see LHCb::RecSummary::DataTypes in RecSummary.h).',
-      int)])
+    "TES::RecSummaryInfo",
+    """Return information stored in LHCb::RecSummary.DataType""",
+    Params=[
+        (
+            "DataType",
+            "Type of information to be returned (see LHCb::RecSummary::DataTypes in RecSummary.h).",
+            int,
+        )
+    ],
 def RUNNUMBER(odin: DataHandle):
-    """ Extracts run number from ODIN
+    """Extracts run number from ODIN
     Functor's call operator expects no input.
@@ -1975,14 +2355,15 @@ def RUNNUMBER(odin: DataHandle):
     return Functor(
-        'RUNNUMBER',
-        'TES::RunNumber',
-        '''Return the run number from ODIN.''',
-        isInstance=True) @ TES(odin)
+        "RUNNUMBER",
+        "TES::RunNumber",
+        """Return the run number from ODIN.""",
+        isInstance=True,
+    ) @ TES(odin)
 def EVENTNUMBER(odin: DataHandle):
-    """ Extracts event number from ODIN
+    """Extracts event number from ODIN
     Functor's call operator expects no input.
@@ -1991,14 +2372,15 @@ def EVENTNUMBER(odin: DataHandle):
     return Functor(
-        'EVENTNUMBER',
-        'TES::EventNumber',
-        '''Return the event number from ODIN.''',
-        isInstance=True) @ TES(odin)
+        "EVENTNUMBER",
+        "TES::EventNumber",
+        """Return the event number from ODIN.""",
+        isInstance=True,
+    ) @ TES(odin)
 def EVENTTYPE(odin: DataHandle):
-    """ Extracts event type from ODIN
+    """Extracts event type from ODIN
     Functor's call operator expects no input.
@@ -2007,14 +2389,15 @@ def EVENTTYPE(odin: DataHandle):
     return Functor(
-        'EVENTTYPE',
-        'TES::EventType',
-        '''Return the event type from ODIN.''',
-        isInstance=True) @ TES(odin)
+        "EVENTTYPE",
+        "TES::EventType",
+        """Return the event type from ODIN.""",
+        isInstance=True,
+    ) @ TES(odin)
 def BUNCHCROSSING_ID(odin: DataHandle):
-    """ Extracts bunch crossing id from ODIN
+    """Extracts bunch crossing id from ODIN
     Functor's call operator expects no input.
@@ -2023,14 +2406,15 @@ def BUNCHCROSSING_ID(odin: DataHandle):
     return Functor(
-        'TES::BunchCrossingID',
-        '''Return the bunch crossing ID from ODIN.''',
-        isInstance=True) @ TES(odin)
+        "TES::BunchCrossingID",
+        """Return the bunch crossing ID from ODIN.""",
+        isInstance=True,
+    ) @ TES(odin)
 def BUNCHCROSSING_TYPE(odin: DataHandle):
-    """ Extracts bunch crossing type from ODIN
+    """Extracts bunch crossing type from ODIN
     Functor's call operator expects no input.
@@ -2039,14 +2423,15 @@ def BUNCHCROSSING_TYPE(odin: DataHandle):
     return Functor(
-        'TES::BunchCrossingType',
-        '''Return the bunch crossing type from ODIN.''',
-        isInstance=True) @ TES(odin)
+        "TES::BunchCrossingType",
+        """Return the bunch crossing type from ODIN.""",
+        isInstance=True,
+    ) @ TES(odin)
 def ODINTCK(odin: DataHandle):
-    """ Extracts ODIN TCK from ODIN
+    """Extracts ODIN TCK from ODIN
     Functor's call operator expects no input.
@@ -2055,14 +2440,15 @@ def ODINTCK(odin: DataHandle):
     return Functor(
-        'ODINTCK',
-        'TES::OdinTCK',
-        '''Return the trigger configuration key from ODIN.''',
-        isInstance=True) @ TES(odin)
+        "ODINTCK",
+        "TES::OdinTCK",
+        """Return the trigger configuration key from ODIN.""",
+        isInstance=True,
+    ) @ TES(odin)
 def GPSTIME(odin: DataHandle):
-    """ Extracts gps time from ODIN
+    """Extracts gps time from ODIN
     Functor's call operator expects no input.
@@ -2071,14 +2457,12 @@ def GPSTIME(odin: DataHandle):
     return Functor(
-        'GPSTIME',
-        'TES::GpsTime',
-        '''Return the GPS time from ODIN.''',
-        isInstance=True) @ TES(odin)
+        "GPSTIME", "TES::GpsTime", """Return the GPS time from ODIN.""", isInstance=True
+    ) @ TES(odin)
 def TCK(DecReports: DataHandle):
-    """ Extracts TCK from selection DecReports
+    """Extracts TCK from selection DecReports
     Functor's call operator expects no input.
@@ -2090,13 +2474,14 @@ def TCK(DecReports: DataHandle):
 TCK._F = Functor(
-    'SELECTION_TCK', 'TES::SelectionTCK',
-    '''Return the trigger configuration key (TCK) from selection DecReports.'''
+    "TES::SelectionTCK",
+    """Return the trigger configuration key (TCK) from selection DecReports.""",
 def DECISION(DecReports: DataHandle, trigger_line_name: str):
-    """ Extract HLT event decision with respect to a given trigger line
+    """Extract HLT event decision with respect to a given trigger line
     using selection DecReports
     Functor's call operator expects no input.
@@ -2109,14 +2494,15 @@ def DECISION(DecReports: DataHandle, trigger_line_name: str):
 DECISION._F = Functor(
     "Return the decision of a given trigger line from selection DecReports.",
-    Params=[('Line', "Line name of which the decision is returned.", str)])
+    Params=[("Line", "Line name of which the decision is returned.", str)],
 def DECREPORTS_FILTER(DecReports: DataHandle, Lines: List[str]):
-    """ Filter events depending on DecReports decision
+    """Filter events depending on DecReports decision
     Functor's call operator expects no input.
@@ -2129,17 +2515,21 @@ def DECREPORTS_FILTER(DecReports: DataHandle, Lines: List[str]):
     "Filter events depending on DecReports decision",
-    Params=[(
-        'Lines',
-        "List of selection line names of which at least one must be accepted.",
-        list)])
+    Params=[
+        (
+            "Lines",
+            "List of selection line names of which at least one must be accepted.",
+            list,
+        )
+    ],
 def DECREPORTS_RE_FILTER(DecReports: DataHandle, Regex: str):
-    """ Filter events depending on DecReports decision
+    """Filter events depending on DecReports decision
     Functor's call operator expects no input.
@@ -2152,37 +2542,42 @@ def DECREPORTS_RE_FILTER(DecReports: DataHandle, Regex: str):
     "Filter events depending on DecReports decision",
-    Params=
-    [('Regex',
-      "Regex which selects line names of which at least one must be accepted.",
-      str)])
+    Params=[
+        (
+            "Regex",
+            "Regex which selects line names of which at least one must be accepted.",
+            str,
+        )
+    ],
 # Examples:
-Ex_TimesTwo = Functor('TIMESTWO', 'Examples::TimesTwo',
-                      ''' calculate the double ''')
+Ex_TimesTwo = Functor("TIMESTWO", "Examples::TimesTwo", """ calculate the double """)
 Ex_PlusN = Functor(
-    'PLUSN',
-    'Examples::PlusN',
-    ''' Add user specified value(int) ''',
-    Params=[('n', 'value to add to input', int)])
+    "PLUSN",
+    "Examples::PlusN",
+    """ Add user specified value(int) """,
+    Params=[("n", "value to add to input", int)],
 Ex_GreaterThan = Functor(
-    'Examples::GreaterThan',
-    ''' value greater than v? ''',
-    Params=[('v', 'reference value', float)])
+    "Examples::GreaterThan",
+    """ value greater than v? """,
+    Params=[("v", "reference value", float)],
-Ex_TBL = Functor('TBL', 'Examples::ThorBeatsLoki', ''' ... ''')
+Ex_TBL = Functor("TBL", "Examples::ThorBeatsLoki", """ ... """)
 MVA = MVAFunctor
 GET_ALL_BASICS = Functor(
-    'Adapters::BasicsFromComposite',
+    "Adapters::BasicsFromComposite",
     """Returns all basic particles.
     Functor's call operator expects a composite like object.
@@ -2192,8 +2587,8 @@ GET_ALL_BASICS = Functor(
-    'Adapters::DescendantsFromComposite',
+    "Adapters::DescendantsFromComposite",
     """Returns all descendants. The descendants include intermediate (composite) and final (basic) states.
     Functor's call operator expects a composite like object.
@@ -2203,7 +2598,7 @@ GET_ALL_DESCENDANTS = Functor(
     """Returns all descendants belonging to a given generation.
@@ -2212,22 +2607,30 @@ GET_GENERATION = Functor(
     If the functor is applied to a basic particle, it will throw an exception.
-    Params=
-    [('Generation',
-      'The generation of the children. Generation 1 are direct children, Generation 2 are grandchildren and so on.',
-      int)])
+    Params=[
+        (
+            "Generation",
+            "The generation of the children. Generation 1 are direct children, Generation 2 are grandchildren and so on.",
+            int,
+        )
+    ],
 GET_CHILDREN = setComposedFunctor(
-    GET_GENERATION(Generation=1), "GET_CHILDREN",
+    GET_GENERATION(Generation=1),
     """Get the first generation of descendants (see :py:func:`~GET_GENERATION` for definition).
-    Functor's call operator expects a composite like object.""")
+    Functor's call operator expects a composite like object.""",
 GET_GRANDCHILDREN = setComposedFunctor(
+    GET_GENERATION(Generation=2),
     """Get the second generation of descendants (see :py:func:`~GET_GENERATION` for definition).
-    Functor's call operator expects a composite like object.""")
+    Functor's call operator expects a composite like object.""",
 def POD(Functor: BoundFunctor):
@@ -2235,29 +2638,34 @@ def POD(Functor: BoundFunctor):
 POD._F = Functor(
-    'POD', 'Adapters::ConvertToPOD',
-    'Try to convert an object representing a scalar number into a plain C++ type. For example, convert SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v to float.'
+    "POD",
+    "Adapters::ConvertToPOD",
+    "Try to convert an object representing a scalar number into a plain C++ type. For example, convert SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v to float.",
-PARTICLE_ID_OBJ = Functor('PARTICLE_ID_OBJ', "Simulation::Particle_Id_Obj",
-                          'Get the particleID object of a particle.')
+    "Simulation::Particle_Id_Obj",
+    "Get the particleID object of a particle.",
-PARTICLE_ID = Functor('PARTICLE_ID', 'Simulation::Particle_Id',
-                      "Particle ID of a Particle or MCParticle.")
+PARTICLE_ID = Functor(
+    "PARTICLE_ID", "Simulation::Particle_Id", "Particle ID of a Particle or MCParticle."
-OBJECT_KEY = Functor('OBJECT_KEY', 'TES::ObjectKey', "Key of the KeyedObject.")
+OBJECT_KEY = Functor("OBJECT_KEY", "TES::ObjectKey", "Key of the KeyedObject.")
 RELATIONS = Functor(
-    'RELATIONS', 'Common::Relations',
-    "Given a relation table, return the set of relations contained")
+    "Common::Relations",
+    "Given a relation table, return the set of relations contained",
-TO = Functor('TO', 'Common::To', "Given a relation, return the TO side")
+TO = Functor("TO", "Common::To", "Given a relation, return the TO side")
-FROM = Functor('FROM', 'Common::From',
-               "Given a relation, return the FROM side")
+FROM = Functor("FROM", "Common::From", "Given a relation, return the FROM side")
-WEIGHT = Functor('WEIGHT', 'Common::Weight',
-                 "Given a relation, return the WEIGHT side")
+WEIGHT = Functor("WEIGHT", "Common::Weight", "Given a relation, return the WEIGHT side")
 def MAP_TO_RELATED(Relations: DataHandle) -> BoundFunctor:
@@ -2290,13 +2698,16 @@ def BKGCAT(Relations: DataHandle) -> BoundFunctor:
           please have a look at the following `TWiki page <https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCb/TupleToolMCBackgroundInfo>`_
     return VALUE_OR(-1) @ MAP_INPUT(
-        Functor=Functor('_BKGCAT', 'Simulation::Category',
-                        '''Background category of composite particle.'''),
-        Relations=Relations)
+        Functor=Functor(
+            "_BKGCAT",
+            "Simulation::Category",
+            """Background category of composite particle.""",
+        ),
+        Relations=Relations,
+    )
-def MAP_INPUT_ARRAY(Functor: BoundFunctor,
-                    Relations: DataHandle) -> BoundFunctor:
+def MAP_INPUT_ARRAY(Functor: BoundFunctor, Relations: DataHandle) -> BoundFunctor:
     """Create a map with the relations between the input candidate and a vector of output particles.
@@ -2323,11 +2734,13 @@ def MAP_WEIGHT(Relations: DataHandle) -> BoundFunctor:
     return MAP(WEIGHT) @ RELATIONS.bind(TES(Relations), FORWARDARGS)
-SUM_RANGE = Functor('SUM_RANGE', 'Functional::Sum',
-                    'Return the sum of a range of values')
+SUM_RANGE = Functor(
+    "SUM_RANGE", "Functional::Sum", "Return the sum of a range of values"
-REVERSE_RANGE = Functor('REVERSE_RANGE', 'Functional::Reverse',
-                        'Return the reversed range')
+    "REVERSE_RANGE", "Functional::Reverse", "Return the reversed range"
 def SUMCONE(Functor: BoundFunctor, Relations: DataHandle) -> BoundFunctor:
@@ -2383,10 +2796,9 @@ def ASYM(Functor: BoundFunctor, Relations: DataHandle) -> BoundFunctor:
        The value of the asymmetry, defined as (x-SUMCONE(x))/(x+SUMCONE(x)), with x as Functor
-    return (
-        Functor - VALUE_OR(0.) @ SUMCONE(Functor=Functor, Relations=Relations)
-    ) / (
-        Functor + VALUE_OR(0.) @ SUMCONE(Functor=Functor, Relations=Relations))
+    return (Functor - VALUE_OR(0.0) @ SUMCONE(Functor=Functor, Relations=Relations)) / (
+        Functor + VALUE_OR(0.0) @ SUMCONE(Functor=Functor, Relations=Relations)
+    )
 def SMALLEST_DELTACHI2(Relations: DataHandle) -> BoundFunctor:
@@ -2403,11 +2815,13 @@ def SMALLEST_DELTACHI2(Relations: DataHandle) -> BoundFunctor:
     return MIN_ELEMENT @ MAP(DELTACHI2).bind(
+    )
-        Functor: BoundFunctor, Relations: DataHandle) -> BoundFunctor:
+    Functor: BoundFunctor, Relations: DataHandle
+) -> BoundFunctor:
     """Evaluates the particle property express by the functor of the related particle with the smallest delta chi2,
     defined as the absolute difference of the chi2 of the related particle and the reference one given a
     relation table
-    return Functor @ TO @ ENTRY_WITH_MIN_REL_VALUE_OF(DELTACHI2).bind(
+    return (
+        Functor
+        @ TO
+        )
+    )
-_MC_MOTHER = Functor('_MC_MOTHER', "Simulation::MC::Mother",
-                     "Retrieve the parent MCParticle.")
+_MC_MOTHER = Functor(
+    "_MC_MOTHER", "Simulation::MC::Mother", "Retrieve the parent MCParticle."
 def MC_MOTHER(Generation: int, Functor: BoundFunctor):
@@ -2466,7 +2886,8 @@ MC_ALLPVS._F = Functor(
     "Get all MC primary vertices from MC Header.",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 def MC_EVTTIME(mc_header: DataHandle):
@@ -2485,7 +2906,8 @@ MC_EVTTIME._F = Functor(
     "Return event time from MC Header.",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 def MC_EVTNUMBER(mc_header: DataHandle):
@@ -2504,7 +2926,8 @@ MC_EVTNUMBER._F = Functor(
     "Return event number from MC Header.",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
@@ -2512,8 +2935,8 @@ MC_FIRST_LONGLIVED_ANCESTOR = Functor(
     """Get the first longlived ancestor.
     Functor's call operator expects a MCParticle.""",
-    Params=[('MinLifetime', 'minimum lifetime of long-lived particles (ns)',
-             float)])
+    Params=[("MinLifetime", "minimum lifetime of long-lived particles (ns)", float)],
 def MC_ISPROMPT(max_lifetime=1e-7 * SystemOfUnits.ns):
@@ -2527,46 +2950,59 @@ def MC_ISPROMPT(max_lifetime=1e-7 * SystemOfUnits.ns):
     return ~(HAS_VALUE @ MC_FIRST_LONGLIVED_ANCESTOR(max_lifetime))
-MC_ORIGINFLAG = Functor("MC_ORIGINFLAG", "Simulation::MC::OriginFlag",
-                        "Get the true origin type of a tagging MCParticle.")
+    "Simulation::MC::OriginFlag",
+    "Get the true origin type of a tagging MCParticle.",
     "Get the origin vertex of a MCParticle.",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     "Get the primary vertex of a MCParticle.",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 ORIGIN_VX = setComposedFunctor(
-    'Get the x position of the origin vertex of a MCParticle.')
+    "ORIGIN_VX",
+    "Get the x position of the origin vertex of a MCParticle.",
 ORIGIN_VY = setComposedFunctor(
-    'Get the y position of the origin vertex of a MCParticle.')
+    "ORIGIN_VY",
+    "Get the y position of the origin vertex of a MCParticle.",
 ORIGIN_VZ = setComposedFunctor(
-    'Get the z position of the origin vertex of a MCParticle.')
-_MC_LIFETIME = Functor("_MC_LIFETIME", "Simulation::MC::LifeTime",
-                       "Get the lifetime of a MCParticle.")
+    "ORIGIN_VZ",
+    "Get the z position of the origin vertex of a MCParticle.",
+_MC_LIFETIME = Functor(
+    "_MC_LIFETIME", "Simulation::MC::LifeTime", "Get the lifetime of a MCParticle."
 MC_LIFETIME = setComposedFunctor(
-    'Get the lifetime of a MCParticle.')
+    VALUE_OR(NaN) @ _MC_LIFETIME, "MC_LIFETIME", "Get the lifetime of a MCParticle."
 NORMEDDOT_3D = Functor(
-    "NORMEDDOT_3D", "LHCbMath::normed_dot_3dim",
-    "Calculates the cosine of angle between two 3-vectors. If passed vectors are 4-vectors, the functor will use only coordinate part."
+    "NORMEDDOT_3D",
+    "LHCbMath::normed_dot_3dim",
+    "Calculates the cosine of angle between two 3-vectors. If passed vectors are 4-vectors, the functor will use only coordinate part.",
     return NORMEDDOT_3D.bind(
-        FOURMOMENTUM @ mother,
-        boost_to(FOURMOMENTUM @ child, FOURMOMENTUM @ mother))
+        FOURMOMENTUM @ mother, boost_to(FOURMOMENTUM @ child, FOURMOMENTUM @ mother)
+    )
 def MC_COS_SIMPLIFIED_HELICITY_ANGLE(descr_mother: str, descr_child: str):
@@ -2589,7 +3025,8 @@ def MC_COS_SIMPLIFIED_HELICITY_ANGLE(descr_mother: str, descr_child: str):
         BoundFunctor: Composite functor that returns the cosine of the helicity angle.
-        FIND_MCDECAY(descr_mother), FIND_MCDECAY(descr_child))
+        FIND_MCDECAY(descr_mother), FIND_MCDECAY(descr_child)
+    )
 def COS_SIMPLIFIED_HELICITY_ANGLE(descr_mother: str, descr_child: str):
@@ -2612,17 +3049,18 @@ def COS_SIMPLIFIED_HELICITY_ANGLE(descr_mother: str, descr_child: str):
         BoundFunctor: Composite functor that returns the cosine of helicity angle.
-        FIND_DECAY(descr_mother), FIND_DECAY(descr_child))
+        FIND_DECAY(descr_mother), FIND_DECAY(descr_child)
+    )
 def _COS_HELICITY_ANGLE(gm, mother, child):
     return NORMEDDOT_3D.bind(
         boost_to(FOURMOMENTUM @ gm, FOURMOMENTUM @ mother),
-        boost_to(FOURMOMENTUM @ child, FOURMOMENTUM @ mother))
+        boost_to(FOURMOMENTUM @ child, FOURMOMENTUM @ mother),
+    )
-def MC_COS_HELICITY_ANGLE(descr_grandmother: str, descr_mother: str,
-                          descr_child: str):
+def MC_COS_HELICITY_ANGLE(descr_grandmother: str, descr_mother: str, descr_child: str):
     """Get the cosine of the helicity angle for the given inputs.
     The helicity angle is calculated as the angle between the momentum of the particle and its grandmother in the mother rest frame.
@@ -2643,12 +3081,13 @@ def MC_COS_HELICITY_ANGLE(descr_grandmother: str, descr_mother: str,
         BoundFunctor: Composite functor that returns the cosine of helicity angle.
     return _COS_HELICITY_ANGLE(
-        FIND_MCDECAY(descr_grandmother), FIND_MCDECAY(descr_mother),
-        FIND_MCDECAY(descr_child))
+        FIND_MCDECAY(descr_grandmother),
+        FIND_MCDECAY(descr_mother),
+        FIND_MCDECAY(descr_child),
+    )
-def COS_HELICITY_ANGLE(descr_grandmother: str, descr_mother: str,
-                       descr_child: str):
+def COS_HELICITY_ANGLE(descr_grandmother: str, descr_mother: str, descr_child: str):
     """Get the cosine of the helicity angle for the given inputs.
     The helicity angle is calculated as the angle between the momentum of the particle and its grandmother in the mother rest frame.
@@ -2669,33 +3108,43 @@ def COS_HELICITY_ANGLE(descr_grandmother: str, descr_mother: str,
         BoundFunctor: Composite functor that returns the cosine of helicity angle.
     return _COS_HELICITY_ANGLE(
-        FIND_DECAY(descr_grandmother), FIND_DECAY(descr_mother),
-        FIND_DECAY(descr_child))
+        FIND_DECAY(descr_grandmother), FIND_DECAY(descr_mother), FIND_DECAY(descr_child)
+    )
 MC_VTX_TIME = Functor(
     "Get the time of a MCVertex.",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 _MC_VTX_TYPE = Functor(
     "Get the type of a MCVertex.",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 MC_PV_VX = setComposedFunctor(
-    'Get the (true) x position of the primary vertex of a MCParticle.')
+    "MC_PV_VX",
+    "Get the (true) x position of the primary vertex of a MCParticle.",
 MC_PV_VY = setComposedFunctor(
-    'Get the (true) y position of the primary vertex of a MCParticle.')
+    "MC_PV_VY",
+    "Get the (true) y position of the primary vertex of a MCParticle.",
 MC_PV_VZ = setComposedFunctor(
-    'Get the (true) z position of the primary vertex of a MCParticle.')
+    "MC_PV_VZ",
+    "Get the (true) z position of the primary vertex of a MCParticle.",
 MC_VTX_TYPE = setComposedFunctor(
+    "MC_VTX_TYPE",
+    """
 Get the type code of a MCVertex, the type code is defined as following:
 | Type                    | Code |
 | ----------------------- | ---- |
@@ -2721,26 +3170,30 @@ Get the type code of a MCVertex, the type code is defined as following:
 | MuonBackgroundSpillover | 302  |
 | WorldLimit              | 400  |
 | KinematicLimit          | 401  |
 MC_VTX_ISDECAY = Functor(
     "Returns true if the MCVertex is a primary vertex.",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     "Returns true if the MCVertex is a decay vertex.",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     "Get all decay products of a MCVertex.",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 IS_PHOTON = Functor(
-    'IS_PHOTON',
+    "IS_PHOTON",
     """Gamma/Pi0 separation variable (neutral)
@@ -2748,10 +3201,11 @@ IS_PHOTON = Functor(
     Functor will return nullopt if protoparticle doesn't have a NeutralPID object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 IS_NOT_H = Functor(
-    'IS_NOT_H',
+    "IS_NOT_H",
     """MLP-based neutralID - anti-hadron ID
@@ -2759,9 +3213,10 @@ IS_NOT_H = Functor(
     Functor will return nullopt if protoparticle doesn't have a NeutralPID object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """CaloID estimator: 2nd order moment of the cluster. Return the square of the width of the shower/cluster in the transverse plane
@@ -2769,9 +3224,10 @@ CALO_NEUTRAL_SHOWER_SHAPE = Functor(
     Functor will return nullopt if protoparticle doesn't have a NeutralPID object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Fraction of highest E cell (seed) to 9 (3x3) cells forming the cluster.
@@ -2779,9 +3235,10 @@ CALO_NEUTRAL_1TO9_ENERGY_RATIO = Functor(
     Functor will return nullopt if protoparticle doesn't have a NeutralPID object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Fraction of highest 2x2 cell (seed) to 9 (3x3) cells forming the cluster.
@@ -2789,36 +3246,43 @@ CALO_NEUTRAL_4TO9_ENERGY_RATIO = Functor(
     Functor will return nullopt1000 if protoparticle doesn't have a NeutralPID object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Retrieve area code of CellID""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Retrieve row code of CellID""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Retrieve column code of CellID""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 _CALO_NEUTRAL_ID = Functor(
     """CALO neutral seed CellID.
     Functor's call operator expects an LHCb::Particle or ProtoParticle.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
 CALO_NEUTRAL_ID = setComposedFunctor(
     """Retrieve bitwise information (32bits) of all CALO neutral seed CellIDs.
     0 is invalid/unavailable (see Detector/Calo/include/Detector/Calo/CaloCellID.h)
-    Functor's call operator expects an LHCb::Particle or ProtoParticle.""")
+    Functor's call operator expects an LHCb::Particle or ProtoParticle.""",
     """Retrieve the ECAL cluster energy associated to the neutral CaloHypo.
@@ -2826,10 +3290,11 @@ CALO_NEUTRAL_ECAL_ENERGY = Functor(
     Functor will return nullopt if protoparticle doesn't have a NeutralPID object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Retrieve the HCAL/ECAL energy ratio associated to the neutral CaloHypo, usually used to compute neutral PID.
@@ -2837,10 +3302,11 @@ CALO_NEUTRAL_HCAL2ECAL_ENERGY_RATIO = Functor(
     Functor will return nullopt if protoparticle doesn't have a NeutralPID object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Retrieve the CALO cluster mass obtained from MergedPi0Alg.
@@ -2848,10 +3314,11 @@ CALO_CLUSTER_MASS = Functor(
     Functor will return -1000 if protoparticle doesn't have a NeutralPID object.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
     """Retrieve the number of saturated cells.
@@ -2860,21 +3327,23 @@ INT_CALO_NUM_SATURATED_CELLS = Functor(
     Since the return is an int, it is necessary to add a custom invalid_value through F.VALUE_OR(invalid_value) @....
     Can be done manually in each usage or with below functor CALO_NUM_SATURATED_CELLS.""",
-    isInstance=True)
+    isInstance=True,
-    'Particle::ParticlePropertyUser',
+    "Particle::ParticlePropertyUser",
     """Get the particle properties of the specific ID (string representation)
     Functor's call operator expects no input""",
-    Params=[('particle_name', 'ID to check', str)])
+    Params=[("particle_name", "ID to check", str)],
 def IS_ID(particle_name: str):
-    '''
+    """
     Check if particle ID matches the specific ID (string representation, e.g. IS_ID("pi+") ).
     For reference have a look at :py:func:`~PARTICLE_PROPERTY`
@@ -2882,12 +3351,12 @@ def IS_ID(particle_name: str):
       particle_name: string representation of the particle ID
-    '''
-    return (PARTICLE_ID @ PARTICLE_PROPERTY(particle_name) == PARTICLE_ID)
+    """
+    return PARTICLE_ID @ PARTICLE_PROPERTY(particle_name) == PARTICLE_ID
 def IS_ABS_ID(particle_name: str):
-    '''
+    """
     Check if particle ABSID matches the specific abs(ID) (string representation).
     Both are compared by the absolute values, e.g. IS_ABS_ID("pi+") is equivalent to IS_ABS_ID("pi-")
@@ -2897,13 +3366,12 @@ def IS_ABS_ID(particle_name: str):
       particle_name: string representation of the particle ID
-    '''
-    return (ABS @ PARTICLE_ID @ PARTICLE_PROPERTY(particle_name) == ABS
-            @ PARTICLE_ID)
+    """
+    return ABS @ PARTICLE_ID @ PARTICLE_PROPERTY(particle_name) == ABS @ PARTICLE_ID
 def PDG_MASS(particle_name: str):
-    '''
+    """
     Get the PDG mass given the specific ID (string representation), e.g. PDG_MASS("pi+")
     For reference have a look at :py:func:`~PARTICLE_PROPERTY`
@@ -2912,83 +3380,89 @@ def PDG_MASS(particle_name: str):
       particle_name: string representation of the particle ID
-    '''
+    """
     return MASS @ PARTICLE_PROPERTY(particle_name)
 def SIGNED_DELTA_MASS(particle_name: str):
-    '''
+    """
     Get the signed difference between the reconstructed and the PDG mass (for reference see :py:func:`~PDG_MASS`)
     It expects a particle-like object as input.
       particle_name: string representation of the particle ID
-    '''
+    """
     return MASS - PDG_MASS(particle_name)
 def ABS_DELTA_MASS(particle_name: str):
-    '''
+    """
     Get the absolute value of the difference between the reconstructed and the PDG mass (for reference see :py:func:`~PDG_MASS`), e.g. ABS_DELTA_MASS("J/psi(1S)") < 10.*MeV
     It expects a particle-like object as input.
       particle_name: string representation of the particle ID
-    '''
+    """
     return ABS @ SIGNED_DELTA_MASS(particle_name)
 MAP = Functor(
-    'MAP',
+    "MAP",
-    '''Map a functor over a range''',
-    Params=[('Functor', 'The functor to map over a range.', BoundFunctor)])
+    """Map a functor over a range""",
+    Params=[("Functor", "The functor to map over a range.", BoundFunctor)],
 MAP_ANY_OF = Functor(
-    'MAP_ANY_OF',
+    "MAP_ANY_OF",
-    '''Map a predicate over range, early stopping if one value is true''',
-    Params=[('Functor', 'The predicate functor to map over a range.',
-             BoundFunctor)])
+    """Map a predicate over range, early stopping if one value is true""",
+    Params=[("Functor", "The predicate functor to map over a range.", BoundFunctor)],
 MAP_ALL_OF = Functor(
-    'MAP_ALL_OF',
+    "MAP_ALL_OF",
-    '''Map a predicate over range, early stopping if one value is false''',
-    Params=[('Functor', 'The predicate functor to map over a range.',
-             BoundFunctor)])
+    """Map a predicate over range, early stopping if one value is false""",
+    Params=[("Functor", "The predicate functor to map over a range.", BoundFunctor)],
-FRONT = Functor('FRONT', "Functional::Front", "Front element of range")
+FRONT = Functor("FRONT", "Functional::Front", "Front element of range")
-BACK = Functor('BACK', "Functional::Back", "Back element of range")
+BACK = Functor("BACK", "Functional::Back", "Back element of range")
-MIN_ELEMENT = Functor('MIN_ELEMENT', "Functional::Min",
-                      "Miniumum element of range")
+MIN_ELEMENT = Functor("MIN_ELEMENT", "Functional::Min", "Miniumum element of range")
-                              "Functional::MinElementNotZero",
-                              "Miniumum element of range that is not zero")
+    "Functional::MinElementNotZero",
+    "Miniumum element of range that is not zero",
-MAX_ELEMENT = Functor('MAX_ELEMENT', "Functional::Max",
-                      "Maximum element of range")
+MAX_ELEMENT = Functor("MAX_ELEMENT", "Functional::Max", "Maximum element of range")
-    'Functional::EntryWithMinRelatedValueOf',
+    "Functional::EntryWithMinRelatedValueOf",
     "Return an entry in the list which corresponds to the minimum value of the functor. If X is the original list and F(X) is the result of the functor F, this returns element x for which F(X) is a minimum i.e. x = argmin F(X)",
-    Params=[('Functor', 'The functor to apply for the evaluation of the min.',
-             BoundFunctor)])
+    Params=[
+        ("Functor", "The functor to apply for the evaluation of the min.", BoundFunctor)
+    ],
-    'Functional::EntryWithMaxRelatedValueOf',
+    "Functional::EntryWithMaxRelatedValueOf",
     "Return an entry in the list which corresponds to the maximum value of the functor. If X is the original list and F(X) is the result of the functor F, this returns element x for which F(X) is a maximum i.e. x = argmax F(X)",
-    Params=[('Functor', 'The functor to apply for the evaluation of the max.',
-             BoundFunctor)])
+    Params=[
+        ("Functor", "The functor to apply for the evaluation of the max.", BoundFunctor)
+    ],
 IP = Functor(
-    'IP', "Common::ImpactParameter",
-    "Calculate IP between vertex and state position. The first implicit argument type is a three-vector position."
+    "IP",
+    "Common::ImpactParameter",
+    "Calculate IP between vertex and state position. The first implicit argument type is a three-vector position.",
@@ -3019,102 +3493,139 @@ def REQUIRE_CLOSE(F1, F2, AbsDiff: float = 1e-34, RelDiff: float = 1e-8):
 REQUIRE_CLOSE._F = Functor(
     "Check if the output of two functors that return floating point"
     "values are close to each other within some absolute difference"
-    "and/or relative difference. The condition imposed is \"( F1 == F2 ) || ( &#124;F1 - F2&#124; < max( AbsDiff, RelDiff * ( &#124;F1&#124; + &#124;F2&#124; ) )\"",
-    Params=[('AbsDiff', "The absolute difference between two numbers", float),
-            ('RelDiff', "The relative difference between two numbers", float)])
+    'and/or relative difference. The condition imposed is "( F1 == F2 ) || ( &#124;F1 - F2&#124; < max( AbsDiff, RelDiff * ( &#124;F1&#124; + &#124;F2&#124; ) )"',
+    Params=[
+        ("AbsDiff", "The absolute difference between two numbers", float),
+        ("RelDiff", "The relative difference between two numbers", float),
+    ],
 IPCHI2 = Functor(
-    'IPCHI2', "Common::ImpactParameterChi2",
-    "Calculate IP Chi2 between vertex and state position. The first implicit argument type is a vertex."
+    "IPCHI2",
+    "Common::ImpactParameterChi2",
+    "Calculate IP Chi2 between vertex and state position. The first implicit argument type is a vertex.",
 _BPVIPCHI2 = Functor(
-    '_BPVIPCHI2', "Common::ImpactParameterChi2ToVertex",
-    "Calculate IP Chi2 w.r.t. best vertex. (Uses BPV relation if available)")
+    "_BPVIPCHI2",
+    "Common::ImpactParameterChi2ToVertex",
+    "Calculate IP Chi2 w.r.t. best vertex. (Uses BPV relation if available)",
 OWNPVX = setComposedFunctor(
-    "X-coordinate of the PV associated to the particle")
+    "OWNPVX",
+    "X-coordinate of the PV associated to the particle",
 OWNPVY = setComposedFunctor(
-    "Y-coordinate of the PV associated to the particle")
+    "OWNPVY",
+    "Y-coordinate of the PV associated to the particle",
 OWNPVZ = setComposedFunctor(
-    "Z-coordinate of the PV associated to the particle")
+    "OWNPVZ",
+    "Z-coordinate of the PV associated to the particle",
 OWNPVVDX = setComposedFunctor(
-    "Distance along the x-axis between the endvertex and the PV associated to a particle"
+    "OWNPVVDX",
+    "Distance along the x-axis between the endvertex and the PV associated to a particle",
 OWNPVVDY = setComposedFunctor(
-    "Distance along the y-axis between the endvertex and the PV associated to a particle"
+    "OWNPVVDY",
+    "Distance along the y-axis between the endvertex and the PV associated to a particle",
 OWNPVVDZ = setComposedFunctor(
-    "Distance along the z-axis between the endvertex and the PV associated to a particle"
+    "OWNPVVDZ",
+    "Distance along the z-axis between the endvertex and the PV associated to a particle",
 OWNPVFDVEC = setComposedFunctor(
-    "Three-vector distance between the endvertex position and the position of the PV associated to a particle"
+    "Three-vector distance between the endvertex position and the position of the PV associated to a particle",
 OWNPVDIRA = setComposedFunctor(
-    "Direction angle between the three-momentum of a particle and its :py:func:`~OWNPVFDVEC`"
+    "Direction angle between the three-momentum of a particle and its :py:func:`~OWNPVFDVEC`",
-                                "Rho-coordinate of :py:func:`~OWNPVFDVEC`")
+OWNPVVDRHO = setComposedFunctor(
+    "Rho-coordinate of :py:func:`~OWNPVFDVEC`",
 OWNPVFD = setComposedFunctor(
-    "Distance between the endvertex position and the position of the PV associated to a particle"
+    "OWNPVFD",
+    "Distance between the endvertex position and the position of the PV associated to a particle",
-                               "Unity vector of :py:func:`~OWNPVFDVEC`")
+OWNPVFDIR = setComposedFunctor(
+    UNITVECTOR @ OWNPVFDVEC, "OWNPVFDIR", "Unity vector of :py:func:`~OWNPVFDVEC`"
-                              "Eta-coordinate of :py:func:`~OWNPVFDVEC`")
+OWNPVETA = setComposedFunctor(
+    ETA_COORDINATE @ OWNPVFDVEC, "OWNPVETA", "Eta-coordinate of :py:func:`~OWNPVFDVEC`"
 OWNPVFDCHI2 = setComposedFunctor(
-    "Flight distance chi2 with respect to the :py:func:`~OWNPV`")
+    "Flight distance chi2 with respect to the :py:func:`~OWNPV`",
 OWNPVLTIME = setComposedFunctor(
-    "Lifetime with respect to the :py:func:`~OWNPV`")
+    "Lifetime with respect to the :py:func:`~OWNPV`",
 def OWNPVCORRM(invisible_mass: float = 0.0):
     return setComposedFunctor(
-        _BPVCORRM(invisible_mass).bind(OWNPV, FORWARDARGS), 'OWNPVCORRM',
-        "Corrected mass of the composite using the :py:func:`~OWNPV`")
+        _BPVCORRM(invisible_mass).bind(OWNPV, FORWARDARGS),
+        "OWNPVCORRM",
+        "Corrected mass of the composite using the :py:func:`~OWNPV`",
+    )
 def OWNPVCORRMERR(invisible_mass: float = 0.0):
     return setComposedFunctor(
-        _BPVCORRMERR(invisible_mass).bind(OWNPV, FORWARDARGS), 'OWNPVCORRMERR',
-        "Corrected mass error of the composite using the :py:func:`~OWNPV`")
+        _BPVCORRMERR(invisible_mass).bind(OWNPV, FORWARDARGS),
+        "Corrected mass error of the composite using the :py:func:`~OWNPV`",
+    )
 OWNPVIP = setComposedFunctor(
-    "Impact parameter with respect to the :py:func:`~OWNPV`")
+    "OWNPVIP",
+    "Impact parameter with respect to the :py:func:`~OWNPV`",
 OWNPVDLS = setComposedFunctor(
-    "Decay length significance with respect to the :py:func:`~OWNPV`")
+    "OWNPVDLS",
+    "Decay length significance with respect to the :py:func:`~OWNPV`",
 OWNPVIPCHI2 = setComposedFunctor(
-    "Impact parameter chi2 with respect to the :py:func:`~OWNPV`")
+    "Impact parameter chi2 with respect to the :py:func:`~OWNPV`",
 def BPVIPCHI2(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
@@ -3140,7 +3651,8 @@ def MINIP(Vertices: DataHandle):
       Vertices: DataHandle of the vertices
     return MIN_ELEMENT @ MAP(IP).bind(
+    )
 def MINIPCHI2(Vertices: DataHandle):
@@ -3167,7 +3679,8 @@ def MINIPCUT(Vertices: DataHandle, IPCut: float):
       IPCut: threshold cut (float)
     return MAP_ALL_OF(IP > IPCut).bind(
+    )
 def MINIPCHI2CUT(Vertices: DataHandle, IPChi2Cut: float):
@@ -3218,7 +3731,7 @@ def RPPVIPCHI2(Vertices: DataHandle = None):
 def ALLPVX(Vertices: DataHandle):
-    """ vector of x-coordinates of all primary vertices
+    """vector of x-coordinates of all primary vertices
     Functor's call operator does not require any input.
@@ -3229,7 +3742,7 @@ def ALLPVX(Vertices: DataHandle):
 def ALLPVY(Vertices: DataHandle):
-    """ vector of y-coordinates of all primary vertices
+    """vector of y-coordinates of all primary vertices
     Functor's call operator does not require any input.
@@ -3240,7 +3753,7 @@ def ALLPVY(Vertices: DataHandle):
 def ALLPVZ(Vertices: DataHandle):
-    """ vector of z-coordinates of all primary vertices
+    """vector of z-coordinates of all primary vertices
     Functor's call operator does not require any input.
@@ -3251,7 +3764,7 @@ def ALLPVZ(Vertices: DataHandle):
 def ALLPV_IP(Vertices: DataHandle):
-    """ Calculate Impact Parameter with respect to
+    """Calculate Impact Parameter with respect to
     all specified primary vertices.
     Functor's call operator does not require any input.
@@ -3263,7 +3776,7 @@ def ALLPV_IP(Vertices: DataHandle):
 def ALLPV_FD(Vertices: DataHandle):
-    """ Calculate flight distance with respect to
+    """Calculate flight distance with respect to
     all specified primary vertices.
     Functor's call operator does not require any input.
@@ -3272,7 +3785,8 @@ def ALLPV_FD(Vertices: DataHandle):
         Vertices (DataHandle): the input primary vertices
+    )
     return MAP(MAG_DIST).bind(TES(Vertices), FORWARDARGS)
@@ -3285,16 +3799,17 @@ def TaggingDecision(FTags: DataHandle, TaggerName: Union[str, int]):
         TypeName: Name of the user-defined tagger type
         FTags: DataHandle of the flavour tags
-    return VALUE_OR(-99) @ TaggingDecision._F(TaggerName).bind(
-        TES(FTags), FORWARDARGS)
+    return VALUE_OR(-99) @ TaggingDecision._F(TaggerName).bind(TES(FTags), FORWARDARGS)
 TaggingDecision._F = Functor(
     "Return the decision of a given tagging type from all tag results. ",
-    Params=[('TaggerName', "Tagger type of which the decision is returned.",
-             (str, int))])
+    Params=[
+        ("TaggerName", "Tagger type of which the decision is returned.", (str, int))
+    ],
 def TaggingMistag(FTags: DataHandle, TaggerName: Union[str, int]):
@@ -3306,16 +3821,17 @@ def TaggingMistag(FTags: DataHandle, TaggerName: Union[str, int]):
         TypeName: Name of the user-defined tagger type
         FTags: DataHandle of the flavour tags
-    return VALUE_OR(-99) @ TaggingMistag._F(TaggerName).bind(
-        TES(FTags), FORWARDARGS)
+    return VALUE_OR(-99) @ TaggingMistag._F(TaggerName).bind(TES(FTags), FORWARDARGS)
 TaggingMistag._F = Functor(
     "Return the mistag rate of a given tagging type from all tag results. ",
-    Params=[('TaggerName', "Tagger type of which the mistag rate is returned.",
-             (str, int))])
+    Params=[
+        ("TaggerName", "Tagger type of which the mistag rate is returned.", (str, int))
+    ],
 def TaggingMVAOutput(FTags: DataHandle, TaggerName: Union[str, int]):
@@ -3327,16 +3843,17 @@ def TaggingMVAOutput(FTags: DataHandle, TaggerName: Union[str, int]):
         TypeName: Name of the user-defined tagger type
         FTags: DataHandle of the flavour tags
-    return VALUE_OR(-99) @ TaggingMVAOutput._F(TaggerName).bind(
-        TES(FTags), FORWARDARGS)
+    return VALUE_OR(-99) @ TaggingMVAOutput._F(TaggerName).bind(TES(FTags), FORWARDARGS)
 TaggingMVAOutput._F = Functor(
     "Return the mva output of a given tagging type from all tag results. ",
-    Params=[('TaggerName', "Tagger type of which the mva value is returned.",
-             (str, int))])
+    Params=[
+        ("TaggerName", "Tagger type of which the mva value is returned.", (str, int))
+    ],
 def MC_PROPERTY(mc_track_info: DataHandle):
@@ -3347,25 +3864,30 @@ def MC_PROPERTY(mc_track_info: DataHandle):
        mc_track_info: DataHandle of the MC track info
-    return Functor('_MC_PROPERTY', "Simulation::MC::Property",
-                   "Retrieve the MCProperty object.").bind(
-                       TES(mc_track_info), FORWARDARGS)
+    return Functor(
+        "_MC_PROPERTY", "Simulation::MC::Property", "Retrieve the MCProperty object."
+    ).bind(TES(mc_track_info), FORWARDARGS)
 MC_TRACKINFO = Functor(
     """Has Flag in property
     Functor's call expects MCParticle""",
-    Params=[('Flag', "The flag", int)])
+    Params=[("Flag", "The flag", int)],
-                              "Simulation::MC::ChargeReconstructible",
-                              "MC Reconstructible category")
+    "Simulation::MC::ChargeReconstructible",
+    "MC Reconstructible category",
 MC_RECONSTRUCTIBLE = setComposedFunctor(
+    """
 Get the MC Reconstructible category code:
   -1: NoClassification
    0: OutsideAcceptance
@@ -3376,19 +3898,27 @@ Get the MC Reconstructible category code:
    5: ChargedTtrack
    6: ChargedVelo
   50: Neutral
-    'MC_RECONSTRUCTED', "Track::MC_Reconstructed", """MC Reconstructed category
+    "Track::MC_Reconstructed",
+    """MC Reconstructed category
-                           Functor's call expects MCParticle""")
+                           Functor's call expects MCParticle""",
-PROTOPARTICLE = Functor('PROTOPARTICLE', "Particle::GetProtoParticle",
-                        "Get the ProtoParticle from a Particle")
+    "Particle::GetProtoParticle",
+    "Get the ProtoParticle from a Particle",
-def TO_VALUE_RELATION_TABLE(Relations: DataHandle,
-                            default: float = None) -> BoundFunctor:
+    Relations: DataHandle, default: float = None
+) -> BoundFunctor:
     """Retrieve the 'TO' value of the relation table with protoparticles in the 'FROM' side (see :py:func:`~PROTOPARTICLE` functor).
@@ -3397,83 +3927,110 @@ def TO_VALUE_RELATION_TABLE(Relations: DataHandle,
     if default is not None:
-        return VALUE_OR(default) @ TO @ FRONT @ RELATIONS.bind(
-            TES(Relations), FORWARDARGS) @ PROTOPARTICLE
-    return TO @ FRONT @ RELATIONS.bind(TES(Relations),
-                                       FORWARDARGS) @ PROTOPARTICLE
+        return (
+            VALUE_OR(default)
+            @ TO
+            @ FRONT
+            @ RELATIONS.bind(TES(Relations), FORWARDARGS)
+            @ PROTOPARTICLE
+        )
 CLOSESTTOBEAM = setComposedFunctor(
-    VALUE @ STATE_AT("ClosestToBeam"), "CLOSESTTOBEAM",
-    """'Returns the closest-to-beam state of a given track.'""")
+    VALUE @ STATE_AT("ClosestToBeam"),
+    """'Returns the closest-to-beam state of a given track.'""",
-TRACKSTATE = Functor('TRACKSTATE', "Track::TrackState",
-                     """Returns the CTB or first state of a given track.""")
+TRACKSTATE = Functor(
+    "Track::TrackState",
+    """Returns the CTB or first state of a given track.""",
 # Track momentum at "ClosestToBeam" state
     """Get the position vector of :py:func:`~TRACK` at the closest-to-beam state (see :py:func:`~CLOSESTTOBEAM` for definition).
-   Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic""")
+   Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic""",
 TRACK_POS_CLOSESTTOBEAM_X = setComposedFunctor(
     """Get the X-coordinate of the position vector of a track at the closest-to-beam state (see :py:func:`~CLOSESTTOBEAM` for definition).
-   Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic""")
+   Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic""",
 TRACK_POS_CLOSESTTOBEAM_Y = setComposedFunctor(
     """Get the Y-coordinate of the position vector of a track at the closest-to-beam state (see :py:func:`~CLOSESTTOBEAM` for definition).
-   Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic""")
+   Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic""",
 TRACK_POS_CLOSESTTOBEAM_Z = setComposedFunctor(
     """Get the Z-coordinate of the position vector of a track at the closest-to-beam state (see :py:func:`~CLOSESTTOBEAM` for definition).
-   Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic""")
+   Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic""",
 # Track momentum at "ClosestToBeam" state if available
 # otherwise returns momentum at the "FirstMeasurement" state
 TRACK_PT = setComposedFunctor(
-    PT @ TRACK, "TRACK_PT",
+    PT @ TRACK,
+    "TRACK_PT",
     """Get the transverse momentum of a track (see :py:func:`~TRACK` for definition)
-                              Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic"""
+                              Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic""",
 TRACK_MOMVEC = setComposedFunctor(
     """Get the 3-vector momentum of a track (see :py:func:`~TRACK` for definition)
-                                  Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic"""
+                                  Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic""",
 TRACK_P = setComposedFunctor(
-    P @ TRACK, "TRACK_P",
+    P @ TRACK,
+    "TRACK_P",
     """Get the magnitude of the momentum vector of a track (see :py:func:`~TRACK` for definition)
-    Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic""")
+    Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic""",
 TRACK_PX = setComposedFunctor(
+    "TRACK_PX",
     """Get the X-coordinate of the momentum of a track (see :py:func:`~TRACK_MOMVEC` for definition)
-    Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic""")
+    Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic""",
 TRACK_PY = setComposedFunctor(
+    "TRACK_PY",
     """Get the Y-coordinate of the momentum of a track (see :py:func:`~TRACK_MOMVEC` for definition)
-    Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic""")
+    Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic""",
 TRACK_PZ = setComposedFunctor(
+    "TRACK_PZ",
     """Get the Z-coordinate of the momentum of a track (see :py:func:`~TRACK_MOMVEC` for definition)
-    Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic""")
+    Functor's call operator expects a ChargedBasic""",
 def _is_decdescr_valid(descr: str) -> None:
@@ -3488,9 +4045,9 @@ def _is_decdescr_valid(descr: str) -> None:
     arrow_types = ["->", "-->", "=>", "==>", "-x>", "--x>", "=x>", "==x>"]
     arrow_exist = [descr.count(t) > 0 for t in arrow_types]
-    assert sum(
-        arrow_exist
-    ) == 1, f"Invalid decay descriptor: {descr}. Expected only one arrow type. Valid types are: {arrow_types}"
+    assert sum(arrow_exist) == 1, (
+        f"Invalid decay descriptor: {descr}. Expected only one arrow type. Valid types are: {arrow_types}"
+    )
 def FIND_DECAY(decaydescr: str):
@@ -3502,12 +4059,13 @@ def FIND_DECAY(decaydescr: str):
     _FIND_DECAY = Functor(
-        'FIND_DECAY',
+        "FIND_DECAY",
         """Use the DecayFinder algorithm to get a particle in the reconstructed decay
         Functor's call expects a particle-like object""",
-        Params=[('DecayDesc', 'Decay descriptor', str)])
+        Params=[("DecayDesc", "Decay descriptor", str)],
+    )
     return _FIND_DECAY(decaydescr)
@@ -3520,12 +4078,13 @@ def FIND_MCDECAY(mcdecaydescr: str):
     _FIND_MCDECAY = Functor(
-        'FIND_MCDECAY',
+        "FIND_MCDECAY",
         """Use the MCDecayFinder algorithm to get a MCParticle in the decay
         Functor's call expects MCParticle""",
-        Params=[('MCDecayDesc', 'Monte Carlo decay descriptor', str)])
+        Params=[("MCDecayDesc", "Monte Carlo decay descriptor", str)],
+    )
     return _FIND_MCDECAY(mcdecaydescr)
@@ -3600,9 +4159,9 @@ def INGENERATION(Predicate: Functor, Depth: int):
     return MAP_ANY_OF(Predicate) @ GET_GENERATION(Generation=Depth)
-#binary functors on tracks and pvs
+# binary functors on tracks and pvs
 def SHARE_BPV(Vertices: DataHandle):
-    """ Check whenever two particles are sharing the same :py:func:`~BPV`
+    """Check whenever two particles are sharing the same :py:func:`~BPV`
     Binary functor: Functor's call operator expects two particle-like objects
@@ -3621,11 +4180,14 @@ def SHARE_BPV(Vertices: DataHandle):
     return BPV(Vertices) @ FORWARDARG0 == BPV(Vertices) @ FORWARDARG1
-                                  "SHARE_TRACKS", """
+SHARE_TRACKS = setComposedFunctor(
+    """
                                    Check whenever two particles are sharing the same track
                                    Binary functor: Functor's call operator expects two particle-like objects
@@ -3641,11 +4203,15 @@ SHARE_TRACKS = setComposedFunctor((_REFERENCE_TRACK_EQ_RELATED_TRACK),
                                    >>> alg = WeightedRelTableAlg(name='WeightedRelTableAlg_SHARETRACKS', InputCandidates = dummy_data_particle_range, ReferenceParticles = dummy_data_particle_range, Cut = F.SHARE_TRACKS())
                                    >>> alg.OutputRelations
-                                   """)
+                                   """,
 FIND_IN_TREE = setComposedFunctor(
+    ),
+    "FIND_IN_TREE",
+    """
     Check whenever a basic particle (from InputCandidates) is inside a decay tree of a composite one (from ReferenceParticles).
     Binary functor: Functor's call operator expects two particle-like objects
@@ -3661,24 +4227,31 @@ FIND_IN_TREE = setComposedFunctor(
     >>> alg = WeightedRelTableAlg(name='WeightedRelTableAlg_FINDINTREE', InputCandidates = dummy_data_particle_range, ReferenceParticles = dummy_data_particle_range, Cut = F.FIND_IN_TREE())
     >>> alg.OutputRelations
-    """)
+    """,
 # brem-wrapper functor and subsequent brem-corrected versions of functors
 WITH_BREM = Functor(
-    'WITH_BREM', "Track::Bremsstrahlung",
-    "Gives wrapper around object to use brem-corrected momenta / covariances, no overlap check unless done in composite builder"
+    "WITH_BREM",
+    "Track::Bremsstrahlung",
+    "Gives wrapper around object to use brem-corrected momenta / covariances, no overlap check unless done in composite builder",
 P_WITH_BREM = setComposedFunctor(
-    """Get the magnitude of the momentum vector of a track with brem correction"""
+    P @ WITH_BREM,
+    "P_WITH_BREM",
+    """Get the magnitude of the momentum vector of a track with brem correction""",
 PT_WITH_BREM = setComposedFunctor(
-    """Get the transverse momentum of a track with brem correction""")
+    PT @ WITH_BREM,
+    "PT_WITH_BREM",
+    """Get the transverse momentum of a track with brem correction""",
 MASS_WITH_BREM = setComposedFunctor(
-    """Get invariant mass of a particle with brem correction""")
+    """Get invariant mass of a particle with brem correction""",
 # caluclate the y-z straight line intersection using the slopes and closest to beam or first measurement positions
@@ -3686,20 +4259,22 @@ _TRACK_POS_CTB_OR_FM_Y = Y_COORDINATE @ _TRACK_POS_CTB_OR_FM
 _TWOBODY_YZ_INTERSECTION_C = setComposedFunctor(
-    (TY * (VALUE_OR(0) @ _TRACK_POS_CTB_OR_FM_Z)),
-    "_TWOBODY_YZ_INTERSECTION_C", """y-z straight line y axis intersection""")
+    - (TY * (VALUE_OR(0) @ _TRACK_POS_CTB_OR_FM_Z)),
+    """y-z straight line y axis intersection""",
 TWOBODY_YZ_INTERSECTION_Z = setComposedFunctor(
-        1, _TWOBODY_YZ_INTERSECTION_C)) / (CHILD(1, TY) - CHILD(2, TY)),
+    / (CHILD(1, TY) - CHILD(2, TY)),
-    """The z-position of the y-z straight line intersection calculated using the slopes and closest to beam positions. Can be used to help reduce combinatorics before vertex fit if combination mass is unreliable."""
+    """The z-position of the y-z straight line intersection calculated using the slopes and closest to beam positions. Can be used to help reduce combinatorics before vertex fit if combination mass is unreliable.""",
 TWOBODY_YZ_INTERSECTION_Y = setComposedFunctor(
-    """The y-position of the y-z straight line intersection calculated using the slopes and closest to beam positions. Can be used to help reduce combinatorics before vertex fit if combination mass is unreliable."""
+    """The y-position of the y-z straight line intersection calculated using the slopes and closest to beam positions. Can be used to help reduce combinatorics before vertex fit if combination mass is unreliable.""",
@@ -3712,8 +4287,9 @@ def TWOBODY_TILT(axis_str: str):
     SLOPE_SIGN_AXIS = sign(eval(f"T{axis_str}"))
     return setComposedFunctor(
-        """The product of the signs of slope (TX or TY) for a two-body decay. Can be used to help reduce combintaorics before vertex fit if combination mass is unreliable."""
+        "TWOBODY_TILT",
+        """The product of the signs of slope (TX or TY) for a two-body decay. Can be used to help reduce combintaorics before vertex fit if combination mass is unreliable.""",
@@ -3724,14 +4300,19 @@ def IS_TOS(trigger_line: str, P2TisTosTable: DataHandle):
        trigger_line: Name of the trigger line
        P2TisTosTable: DataHandle which is the output of "HltTisTosAlg" algorithm
-    return VALUE_OR(False) @ IS_TOS._F @ VALUE_FROM_DICT(
-        trigger_line) @ MAP_TO_RELATED(P2TisTosTable)
+    return (
+        VALUE_OR(False)
+        @ IS_TOS._F
+        @ VALUE_FROM_DICT(trigger_line)
+        @ MAP_TO_RELATED(P2TisTosTable)
+    )
 IS_TOS._F = Functor(
-    'IS_TOS', "Particle::IsTos",
+    "IS_TOS",
+    "Particle::IsTos",
     """Check if the trigger result for a particle is TOS
-                      Functor's call operator expects a "LHCb::detail::TisTosResult_t" object (defined in "ITisTos.h" file)."""
+                      Functor's call operator expects a "LHCb::detail::TisTosResult_t" object (defined in "ITisTos.h" file).""",
@@ -3742,19 +4323,26 @@ def IS_TIS(trigger_line: str, P2TisTosTable: DataHandle):
        trigger_line: Name of the trigger line
        P2TisTosTable: DataHandle which is the output of "HltTisTosAlg" algorithm
-    return VALUE_OR(False) @ IS_TIS._F @ VALUE_FROM_DICT(
-        trigger_line) @ MAP_TO_RELATED(P2TisTosTable)
+    return (
+        VALUE_OR(False)
+        @ IS_TIS._F
+        @ VALUE_FROM_DICT(trigger_line)
+        @ MAP_TO_RELATED(P2TisTosTable)
+    )
 IS_TIS._F = Functor(
-    'IS_TIS', "Particle::IsTis",
+    "IS_TIS",
+    "Particle::IsTis",
     """Check if the trigger result for a particle is TIS.
-                     Functor's call operator expects a "LHCb::detail::TisTosResult_t" object (defined in "ITisTos.h" file)."""
+                     Functor's call operator expects a "LHCb::detail::TisTosResult_t" object (defined in "ITisTos.h" file).""",
 PERR2 = setComposedFunctor(
-    """Returns the square of the uncertainty on the momentum of a particle""")
+    "PERR2",
+    """Returns the square of the uncertainty on the momentum of a particle""",
 def NHITSINMUON(dh: DataHandle, station, region):
@@ -3767,50 +4355,57 @@ def NHITSINMUON(dh: DataHandle, station, region):
 NHITSINMUON._F = Functor(
-    'TES::NHitsInMuon',
-    '''Return the number of hits in muon system station and region''',
-    Params=[('station', 'Station the number of hits should be counted in',
-             int),
-            ('region', 'Region the number of hits should be counted in', int)])
+    "TES::NHitsInMuon",
+    """Return the number of hits in muon system station and region""",
+    Params=[
+        ("station", "Station the number of hits should be counted in", int),
+        ("region", "Region the number of hits should be counted in", int),
+    ],
-DELHCB = Functor('_DELHCB', "Detector::DeLHCb",
-                 'Returns a handle to LHCb::Detector::DeLHCb')
+DELHCB = Functor(
+    "_DELHCB", "Detector::DeLHCb", "Returns a handle to LHCb::Detector::DeLHCb"
 FILL_NUMBER = setComposedFunctor(
-    Functor('_FILL_NUMBER', "Detector::FillNumber", "", isInstance=True)
-    @ DELHCB, "FILL_NUMBER", "Get the fill number from the LHC conditions.")
+    Functor("_FILL_NUMBER", "Detector::FillNumber", "", isInstance=True) @ DELHCB,
+    "Get the fill number from the LHC conditions.",
 LHC_ENERGY = setComposedFunctor(
-    Functor('_LHC_ENERGY', "Detector::LHCEnergy", "", isInstance=True)
-    @ DELHCB, "LHC_ENERGY", "Get the LHC beam energy.")
+    Functor("_LHC_ENERGY", "Detector::LHCEnergy", "", isInstance=True) @ DELHCB,
+    "LHC_ENERGY",
+    "Get the LHC beam energy.",
 LHCB_CLOCKPHASE = setComposedFunctor(
-    Functor(
-        '_LHCB_CLOCKPHASE', "Detector::LHCbClockPhase", "",
-        isInstance=True) @ DELHCB, "LHCB_CLOCKPHASE",
-    "Get the LHCb clock phase from the LHC conditions.")
+    Functor("_LHCB_CLOCKPHASE", "Detector::LHCbClockPhase", "", isInstance=True)
+    @ DELHCB,
+    "Get the LHCb clock phase from the LHC conditions.",
 SMOG_INJECTION_MODE = setComposedFunctor(
-    Functor(
-        "Detector::SMOGInjectionMode",
-        "",
-        isInstance=True) @ DELHCB, "SMOG_INJECTION_MODE",
-    "Get the SMOG injection mode <NONE,SMOG,SMOG2,UNKNOWN> from the Online conditions."
+    Functor("_SMOG_INJECTION_MODE", "Detector::SMOGInjectionMode", "", isInstance=True)
+    @ DELHCB,
+    "Get the SMOG injection mode <NONE,SMOG,SMOG2,UNKNOWN> from the Online conditions.",
 SMOG_INJECTED_GAS = setComposedFunctor(
-    Functor(
-        '_SMOG_INJECTED_GAS', "Detector::SMOGInjectedGas", "",
-        isInstance=True) @ DELHCB, "SMOG_INJECTED_GAS",
-    "Get the SMOG injected gas <HYDROGEN, DEUTERIUM, HELIUM, NITROGEN, OXYGEN, NEON, ARGON, KRYPTON, XENON...> from the Online conditions."
+    Functor("_SMOG_INJECTED_GAS", "Detector::SMOGInjectedGas", "", isInstance=True)
+    @ DELHCB,
+    "Get the SMOG injected gas <HYDROGEN, DEUTERIUM, HELIUM, NITROGEN, OXYGEN, NEON, ARGON, KRYPTON, XENON...> from the Online conditions.",
 SMOG_STABLE_INJECTION = setComposedFunctor(
-        "Detector::SMOGStableInjection",
-        "",
-        isInstance=True) @ DELHCB, "SMOG_STABLE_INJECTION",
-    "Get the SMOG stable injection flag from the Online conditions.")
+        "_SMOG_STABLE_INJECTION", "Detector::SMOGStableInjection", "", isInstance=True
+    )
+    @ DELHCB,
+    "Get the SMOG stable injection flag from the Online conditions.",
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/common.py b/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/common.py
index 9bbadfbce3e1f77e4a699dc3e1f0f1ed3464916a..b33581fc0643ffbafebe5746a7c17e603ac29a0b 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/common.py
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/common.py
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
 """@package Functors
 Defines some global constants.
 Top-level namespace under which all functors live.
-top_level_namespace = '::Functors::'
+top_level_namespace = "::Functors::"
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/grammar.py b/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/grammar.py
index 1114c10e1714d7857cc7b5155a5ffa6f00e9f98c..61fa2b14e37f74984a23985d7d76cef4f5a5a8a8 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/grammar.py
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/grammar.py
@@ -9,15 +9,17 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 """Pure-python classes used as building blocks of functor expressions."""
 import logging
+from array import array
 from inspect import cleandoc
 from textwrap import indent
-from array import array
-from Functors.common import top_level_namespace
 from GaudiKernel.Configurable import Configurable
 from PyConf.dataflow import DataHandle
+from Functors.common import top_level_namespace
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ def bind_if_needed(functor):
 def make_sphinx_link_name(functor):
-    """Given a functor, create a sphinx link name in the form of :py:func:~Functors.{functor.name()} """
+    """Given a functor, create a sphinx link name in the form of :py:func:~Functors.{functor.name()}"""
     if isinstance(functor, ComposedBoundFunctor):
         doc = functor._nicedoc
@@ -47,7 +49,8 @@ def make_sphinx_link_name(functor):
 def __in_container_constructor_repr(obj):
-    if isinstance(obj, DataHandle): obj = obj.location
+    if isinstance(obj, DataHandle):
+        obj = obj.location
     return repr(obj)
@@ -59,92 +62,108 @@ def python_to_cpp_str(obj, return_type=False):
     # Convert simple Python types to C++ representations
     ret_val = None
     if type(obj) == int:
-        ret_val = 'int{{{0}}}'.format(obj)
-        if return_type: return (ret_val, 'int')
+        ret_val = "int{{{0}}}".format(obj)
+        if return_type:
+            return (ret_val, "int")
         return ret_val
     elif type(obj) == bool:
-        ret_val = 'bool{{{0}}}'.format('true' if obj else 'false')
-        if return_type: return (ret_val, 'bool')
+        ret_val = "bool{{{0}}}".format("true" if obj else "false")
+        if return_type:
+            return (ret_val, "bool")
         return ret_val
     elif type(obj) == float:
         # check if it is Not a Number
         if obj != obj:
-            ret_val = 'float{NaN}'
-            if return_type: return (ret_val, 'float')
+            ret_val = "float{NaN}"
+            if return_type:
+                return (ret_val, "float")
             return ret_val
         # map python float onto C++ float, not double
-        ret_val = 'float{{{0}}}'.format(obj)
-        if return_type: return (ret_val, 'float')
+        ret_val = "float{{{0}}}".format(obj)
+        if return_type:
+            return (ret_val, "float")
         return ret_val
     elif type(obj) == str:
         # map python strings explicitly to std::string
         ret_val = 'std::string{"' + obj.replace('"', '\\"') + '"}'
-        if return_type: return (ret_val, 'std::string')
+        if return_type:
+            return (ret_val, "std::string")
         return ret_val
     elif type(obj) == dict:
         items = []
-        #get the type of the keys and values
+        # get the type of the keys and values
         _, key_type = python_to_cpp_str(list(obj.keys())[0], return_type=True)
-        _, val_type = python_to_cpp_str(
-            list(obj.values())[0], return_type=True)
-        #make a container type
-        cpp_container_type = f'std::map<{key_type}, {val_type}>'
+        _, val_type = python_to_cpp_str(list(obj.values())[0], return_type=True)
+        # make a container type
+        cpp_container_type = f"std::map<{key_type}, {val_type}>"
         for key, val in list(obj.items()):
             key_code, ki_type = python_to_cpp_str(key, return_type=True)
             val_code, vi_type = python_to_cpp_str(val, return_type=True)
-            items.append('{ ' + key_code + ', ' + val_code + ' }')
+            items.append("{ " + key_code + ", " + val_code + " }")
             if ki_type != key_type:
                 raise TypeError(
                     "The keys of the dictionary must be of the same type. One is"
-                    " of type {0}, whereas the other is of type {1}. Please check!"
-                    .format(key_type, ki_type))
+                    " of type {0}, whereas the other is of type {1}. Please check!".format(
+                        key_type, ki_type
+                    )
+                )
             if vi_type != val_type:
                 raise TypeError(
                     "The values of the dictionary must be of the same type. One is"
-                    " of type {0}, whereas the other is of type {1}. Please check!"
-                    .format(val_type, vi_type))
+                    " of type {0}, whereas the other is of type {1}. Please check!".format(
+                        val_type, vi_type
+                    )
+                )
-        ret_val = cpp_container_type + '{' + ', '.join(items) + '}'
-        if return_type: return (ret_val, cpp_container_type)
+        ret_val = cpp_container_type + "{" + ", ".join(items) + "}"
+        if return_type:
+            return (ret_val, cpp_container_type)
         return ret_val
-    elif (type(obj) == list or type(obj) == tuple):
-        items_ret_type = [
-            python_to_cpp_str(item, return_type=True)[1] for item in obj
-        ]
+    elif type(obj) == list or type(obj) == tuple:
+        items_ret_type = [python_to_cpp_str(item, return_type=True)[1] for item in obj]
         # if all elements are string type then use std::vector, if not std::tuple
-        contains_same_type = all(item_ret_type == items_ret_type[0]
-                                 for item_ret_type in items_ret_type)
-        cpp_container_type = f'std::vector<{items_ret_type[0]}>' if (
-            isinstance(obj, list) and contains_same_type
-        ) else 'std::tuple<' + ', '.join(items_ret_type) + '>'
-        ret_val = cpp_container_type + '{ [ ' + ', '.join(
-            __in_container_constructor_repr(i) for i in obj) + ' ] }'
-        if return_type: return (ret_val, cpp_container_type)
+        contains_same_type = all(
+            item_ret_type == items_ret_type[0] for item_ret_type in items_ret_type
+        )
+        cpp_container_type = (
+            f"std::vector<{items_ret_type[0]}>"
+            if (isinstance(obj, list) and contains_same_type)
+            else "std::tuple<" + ", ".join(items_ret_type) + ">"
+        )
+        ret_val = (
+            cpp_container_type
+            + "{ [ "
+            + ", ".join(__in_container_constructor_repr(i) for i in obj)
+            + " ] }"
+        )
+        if return_type:
+            return (ret_val, cpp_container_type)
         return ret_val
     elif isinstance(obj, array):
         cpp_types = {
-            'b': 'signed char',
-            'B': 'unsigned char',
-            'u': 'wchart_t',
-            'h': 'signed short',
-            'H': 'unsigned short',
-            'i': 'signed int',
-            'I': 'unsigned int',
-            'l': 'signed long',
-            'L': 'unsigned long',
-            'q': 'signed long long',
-            'Q': 'unsigned long long',
-            'f': 'float',
-            'd': 'double'
+            "b": "signed char",
+            "B": "unsigned char",
+            "u": "wchart_t",
+            "h": "signed short",
+            "H": "unsigned short",
+            "i": "signed int",
+            "I": "unsigned int",
+            "l": "signed long",
+            "L": "unsigned long",
+            "q": "signed long long",
+            "Q": "unsigned long long",
+            "f": "float",
+            "d": "double",
         if obj.typecode not in cpp_types.keys():
-            raise TypeError(f'Invalid array typecode: {obj.typecode}')
-        return f'std::vector<{cpp_types[obj.typecode]}>{{ {repr(obj.tolist())} }}'
+            raise TypeError(f"Invalid array typecode: {obj.typecode}")
+        return f"std::vector<{cpp_types[obj.typecode]}>{{ {repr(obj.tolist())} }}"
     elif isinstance(obj, BoundFunctor):
         ret_val = obj.code()
-        #remove the last curly brace for the type
-        if return_type: return (ret_val, ret_val[:-2])
+        # remove the last curly brace for the type
+        if return_type:
+            return (ret_val, ret_val[:-2])
         return ret_val
         # one last thing to try: if the argument is an unbound functor, but it
@@ -153,8 +172,9 @@ def python_to_cpp_str(obj, return_type=False):
             bound = obj()
             if isinstance(bound, BoundFunctor):
                 ret_val = bound.code()
-                #remove the last curly brace for the type
-                if return_type: return (ret_val, ret_val[:-2])
+                # remove the last curly brace for the type
+                if return_type:
+                    return (ret_val, ret_val[:-2])
                 return ret_val
@@ -181,96 +201,102 @@ class FunctorBase(object):
         other = other()
         # flatten if functors are themselves already `&` of basic functors
-        funcs = self.funcs if (isinstance(self, ComposedBoundFunctor)
-                               and self.operator == '&') else (self, )
-        funcs += other.funcs if (isinstance(other, ComposedBoundFunctor)
-                                 and other.operator == '&') else (other, )
+        funcs = (
+            self.funcs
+            if (isinstance(self, ComposedBoundFunctor) and self.operator == "&")
+            else (self,)
+        )
+        funcs += (
+            other.funcs
+            if (isinstance(other, ComposedBoundFunctor) and other.operator == "&")
+            else (other,)
+        )
-        return ComposedBoundFunctor('&', *funcs)
+        return ComposedBoundFunctor("&", *funcs)
     def __or__(self, other):
         """F1 | F2, logical or"""
         # bind_if_needed not used because we don't need to support applying the
         # operator to a functor and an arithmetic constant.
-        return ComposedBoundFunctor('|', self(), other())
+        return ComposedBoundFunctor("|", self(), other())
     def __lt__(self, other):
         """F1 < F2"""
-        return ComposedBoundFunctor('<', self(), bind_if_needed(other))
+        return ComposedBoundFunctor("<", self(), bind_if_needed(other))
     def __gt__(self, other):
         """F1 > F2"""
-        return ComposedBoundFunctor('>', self(), bind_if_needed(other))
+        return ComposedBoundFunctor(">", self(), bind_if_needed(other))
     def __le__(self, other):
         """F1 <= F2"""
-        return ComposedBoundFunctor('<=', self(), bind_if_needed(other))
+        return ComposedBoundFunctor("<=", self(), bind_if_needed(other))
     def __ge__(self, other):
         """F1 >= F2"""
-        return ComposedBoundFunctor('>=', self(), bind_if_needed(other))
+        return ComposedBoundFunctor(">=", self(), bind_if_needed(other))
     def __eq__(self, other):
         """F1 == F2"""
-        if type(other) == type(Configurable.propertyNoValue
-                               ) and other == Configurable.propertyNoValue:
+        if (
+            type(other) == type(Configurable.propertyNoValue)
+            and other == Configurable.propertyNoValue
+        ):
             return False
-            return ComposedBoundFunctor('==', self(), bind_if_needed(other))
+            return ComposedBoundFunctor("==", self(), bind_if_needed(other))
     def __ne__(self, other):
         """F1 != F2"""
-        return ComposedBoundFunctor('!=', self(), bind_if_needed(other))
+        return ComposedBoundFunctor("!=", self(), bind_if_needed(other))
     def __add__(self, other):
         """F1 + F2"""
-        return ComposedBoundFunctor('+', self(), bind_if_needed(other))
+        return ComposedBoundFunctor("+", self(), bind_if_needed(other))
     def __radd__(self, other):
         """F1 + F2"""
-        return ComposedBoundFunctor('+', bind_if_needed(other), self())
+        return ComposedBoundFunctor("+", bind_if_needed(other), self())
     def __sub__(self, other):
         """F1 - F2"""
-        return ComposedBoundFunctor('-', self(), bind_if_needed(other))
+        return ComposedBoundFunctor("-", self(), bind_if_needed(other))
     def __rsub__(self, other):
         """F1 - F2"""
-        return ComposedBoundFunctor('-', bind_if_needed(other), self())
+        return ComposedBoundFunctor("-", bind_if_needed(other), self())
     def __mul__(self, other):
         """F1 * F2"""
-        return ComposedBoundFunctor('*', self(), bind_if_needed(other))
+        return ComposedBoundFunctor("*", self(), bind_if_needed(other))
     def __rmul__(self, other):
         """F1 * F2"""
-        return ComposedBoundFunctor('*', bind_if_needed(other), self())
+        return ComposedBoundFunctor("*", bind_if_needed(other), self())
     def __div__(self, other):
         """F1 / F2, python 2"""
-        return ComposedBoundFunctor('/', self(), bind_if_needed(other))
+        return ComposedBoundFunctor("/", self(), bind_if_needed(other))
     def __rdiv__(self, other):
         """F1 / F2, python 2"""
-        return ComposedBoundFunctor('/', bind_if_needed(other), self())
+        return ComposedBoundFunctor("/", bind_if_needed(other), self())
     def __truediv__(self, other):
         """F1 / F2, python 3"""
-        return ComposedBoundFunctor('/', self(), bind_if_needed(other))
+        return ComposedBoundFunctor("/", self(), bind_if_needed(other))
     def __rtruediv__(self, other):
         """F1 / F2, python 3"""
-        return ComposedBoundFunctor('/', bind_if_needed(other), self())
+        return ComposedBoundFunctor("/", bind_if_needed(other), self())
     def __pow__(self, other):
         """F1 ** F2"""
-        return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + 'math::pow', self,
-                                   other)
+        return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + "math::pow", self, other)
     def __rpow__(self, other):
         """F1 ** F2"""
-        return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + 'math::pow', other,
-                                   self)
+        return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + "math::pow", other, self)
     def __nonzero__(self):
         """Boolean conversion, python 2"""
@@ -290,12 +316,18 @@ class FunctorBase(object):
         other = other()
         # flatten if functors are themselves already chained
-        funcs = self.funcs if (isinstance(self, ComposedBoundFunctor)
-                               and self.operator == '@') else (self, )
-        funcs += other.funcs if (isinstance(other, ComposedBoundFunctor)
-                                 and other.operator == '@') else (other, )
+        funcs = (
+            self.funcs
+            if (isinstance(self, ComposedBoundFunctor) and self.operator == "@")
+            else (self,)
+        )
+        funcs += (
+            other.funcs
+            if (isinstance(other, ComposedBoundFunctor) and other.operator == "@")
+            else (other,)
+        )
-        return ComposedBoundFunctor('@', *funcs)
+        return ComposedBoundFunctor("@", *funcs)
     def bind(self, *args):
         """Bind other functors as input arguments to self
@@ -309,21 +341,23 @@ class FunctorBase(object):
             raise Exception("bind call requires at least one argument")
         bound_args = [bind_if_needed(arg) for arg in args]
-        return ComposedBoundFunctor('bind', self(), *bound_args)
+        return ComposedBoundFunctor("bind", self(), *bound_args)
 # type() hack to ensure that the BoundFunctor is parsed correctly
 # see https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Rec/-/merge_requests/1721#note_2881432
-class BoundFunctor(FunctorBase, type('Configurable', (), {})):
+class BoundFunctor(FunctorBase, type("Configurable", (), {})):
     """A functor that has had all its parameters fully specified."""
-    def __init__(self,
-                 code=None,
-                 literals=[],
-                 nice_code=None,
-                 inputs=None,
-                 nice_name=None,
-                 docs=""):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        code=None,
+        literals=[],
+        nice_code=None,
+        inputs=None,
+        nice_name=None,
+        docs="",
+    ):
         self._strrep = nice_code  # RUNNUMBER(ODIN=...)
         self._strname = nice_name  # RUNNUMBER
         self._code = code
@@ -403,7 +437,6 @@ class ComposedBoundFunctor(BoundFunctor):
     def __init__(self, operator, *funcs):
         if not all([isinstance(func, BoundFunctor) for func in funcs]):
             raise Exception(
                 "ComposedBoundFunctor constructor called with input that is not a functor"
@@ -413,51 +446,58 @@ class ComposedBoundFunctor(BoundFunctor):
         self.funcs = funcs
         self._doc = None
-        if operator == 'bind':
-            code = f'Functors::bind( {", ".join([f.code() for f in funcs]) } )'
-            nice_code = f'{funcs[0].code_repr()}.bind( {", ".join([f.code_repr() for f in funcs[1:]]) } )'
+        if operator == "bind":
+            code = f"Functors::bind( {', '.join([f.code() for f in funcs])} )"
+            nice_code = f"{funcs[0].code_repr()}.bind( {', '.join([f.code_repr() for f in funcs[1:]])} )"
-            if operator == '@':
-                op = 'Functors::chain'
-            elif operator == '&':
-                op = 'Functors::all_of'
+            if operator == "@":
+                op = "Functors::chain"
+            elif operator == "&":
+                op = "Functors::all_of"
-                op = f'operator{operator}'
-            code = f'{op}( {", ".join([f.code() for f in funcs]) } )'
-            nice_code = f'( {f" {operator} ".join([f.code_repr() for f in funcs]) } )'
+                op = f"operator{operator}"
+            code = f"{op}( {', '.join([f.code() for f in funcs])} )"
+            nice_code = f"( {f' {operator} '.join([f.code_repr() for f in funcs])} )"
             literals=[l for f in funcs for l in f.literals()],
-            inputs=[d for f in funcs for d in f.data_dependencies()])
+            inputs=[d for f in funcs for d in f.data_dependencies()],
+        )
     def _nicedoc(self):
-        if self.operator == 'bind':
+        if self.operator == "bind":
             tmp = ",\n"
             indent_doc = indent(
-                make_sphinx_link_name(self.funcs[0]) + ".bind(\n" + tmp.join(
-                    [make_sphinx_link_name(f)
-                     for f in self.funcs[1:]]) + "\n)", '  ')
+                make_sphinx_link_name(self.funcs[0])
+                + ".bind(\n"
+                + tmp.join([make_sphinx_link_name(f) for f in self.funcs[1:]])
+                + "\n)",
+                "  ",
+            )
-            tmp = f'\n{self.operator}\n'
+            tmp = f"\n{self.operator}\n"
             indent_doc = indent(
-                tmp.join([make_sphinx_link_name(f) for f in self.funcs]), '  ')
+                tmp.join([make_sphinx_link_name(f) for f in self.funcs]), "  "
+            )
         return f"(\n{indent_doc}\n)"
     def __doc__(self):
         if self._doc is not None:
             return self._doc
-        return ("ComposedBoundFunctor:\n\n.. parsed-literal::\n" + indent(
-            self._nicedoc, '  '))
+        return "ComposedBoundFunctor:\n\n.. parsed-literal::\n" + indent(
+            self._nicedoc, "  "
+        )
     def __doc__(self, value):
-        if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("Not a string!")
-        self._doc = indent(value, '  ')
+        if not isinstance(value, str):
+            raise TypeError("Not a string!")
+        self._doc = indent(value, "  ")
 class InvertedBoundFunctor(BoundFunctor):
@@ -471,9 +511,10 @@ class InvertedBoundFunctor(BoundFunctor):
-            code='~( {f1} )'.format(f1=bound_functor.code()),
-            nice_code='~{f1}'.format(f1=bound_functor.code_repr()),
-            inputs=bound_functor.data_dependencies())
+            code="~( {f1} )".format(f1=bound_functor.code()),
+            nice_code="~{f1}".format(f1=bound_functor.code_repr()),
+            inputs=bound_functor.data_dependencies(),
+        )
 class WrappedBoundFunctor(BoundFunctor):
@@ -488,58 +529,66 @@ class WrappedBoundFunctor(BoundFunctor):
         inputs = []
         for bound_functor in bound_functors:
             inputs += bound_functor.data_dependencies()
-        code_arguments = ', '.join(
-            [bound_functor.code() for bound_functor in bound_functors])
-        code = '{wrap}( {args} )'.format(
-            wrap=wrapping_function, args=code_arguments)
-        nice_code_arguments = ', '.join(
-            [bound_functor.code_repr() for bound_functor in bound_functors])
-        nice_code = '{wrap}( {args} )'.format(
-            wrap=wrapping_function, args=nice_code_arguments)
+        code_arguments = ", ".join(
+            [bound_functor.code() for bound_functor in bound_functors]
+        )
+        code = "{wrap}( {args} )".format(wrap=wrapping_function, args=code_arguments)
+        nice_code_arguments = ", ".join(
+            [bound_functor.code_repr() for bound_functor in bound_functors]
+        )
+        nice_code = "{wrap}( {args} )".format(
+            wrap=wrapping_function, args=nice_code_arguments
+        )
             literals=[l for f in bound_functors for l in f.literals()],
-            inputs=inputs)
+            inputs=inputs,
+        )
 class MVAFunctor(BoundFunctor):
-    """An MVA functor using other (bound) functors as inputs.
-    """
+    """An MVA functor using other (bound) functors as inputs."""
     def __init__(self, MVAType, Config, Inputs):
-        if not all(
-            [isinstance(func, BoundFunctor) for func in Inputs.values()]):
+        if not all([isinstance(func, BoundFunctor) for func in Inputs.values()]):
             raise Exception(
                 "MVAFunctor constructor called with Input that are not a functor"
-        config_code = "Sel::MVA_config_dict{ " + ", ".join(
-            f"{{ std::string{{\"{k}\"}}, std::string{{\"{v}\"}} }}"
-            for k, v in Config.items()) + " }"
+        config_code = (
+            "Sel::MVA_config_dict{ "
+            + ", ".join(
+                f'{{ std::string{{"{k}"}}, std::string{{"{v}"}} }}'
+                for k, v in Config.items()
+            )
+            + " }"
+        )
         mva_inputs = ", ".join(
-            f"Functors::MVAInput( std::string{{\"{k}\"}}, {v.code()} )"
-            for k, v in Inputs.items())
+            f'Functors::MVAInput( std::string{{"{k}"}}, {v.code()} )'
+            for k, v in Inputs.items()
+        )
-            code=
-            f"::Functors::MVA<Sel::{MVAType}>( {config_code}, {mva_inputs} )",
+            code=f"::Functors::MVA<Sel::{MVAType}>( {config_code}, {mva_inputs} )",
             literals=[l for f in Inputs.values() for l in f.literals()],
-            nice_code=
-            f"MVAFunctor( MVAType = {MVAType}, Config = {Config}, Input = {Inputs} )",
+            nice_code=f"MVAFunctor( MVAType = {MVAType}, Config = {Config}, Input = {Inputs} )",
             inputs=[d for f in Inputs.values() for d in f.data_dependencies()],
-            docs='''Evaluate an MVA.''')
+            docs="""Evaluate an MVA.""",
+        )
-def Functor(representation: str,
-            cppname,
-            brief_docs,
-            Params=[],
-            TemplateParams=[],
-            AllowMultiplePositionalArguments=False,
-            isInstance=False):
+def Functor(
+    representation: str,
+    cppname,
+    brief_docs,
+    Params=[],
+    TemplateParams=[],
+    AllowMultiplePositionalArguments=False,
+    isInstance=False,
     """Create a new Functor class and return an instance of it.
     This takes care of generating a new class inheriting from FunctorBase and
@@ -557,7 +606,8 @@ def Functor(representation: str,
-            docs=brief_docs)
+            docs=brief_docs,
+        )
     def call_with_args(self, *args, **kwargs):
         """Convert this Functor object to a BoundFunctor, using the given
@@ -582,8 +632,10 @@ def Functor(representation: str,
                 expected_args = self._template_arguments
             if len(args) != len(expected_args):
                 raise Exception(
-                    "You passed {} positional arguments to a functor that needs {}"
-                    .format(len(args), len(expected_args)))
+                    "You passed {} positional arguments to a functor that needs {}".format(
+                        len(args), len(expected_args)
+                    )
+                )
             # Dump them into `kwargs` following the order of self._arguments or self._template_arguments
             for (kwargname, *_), value in zip(expected_args, args):
                 kwargs[kwargname] = value
@@ -602,8 +654,9 @@ def Functor(representation: str,
             if argname in kwargs:
                 provided_value = kwargs.pop(argname)
                 value_repr = provided_value
-                doc_comment = '/* {comment} */ '.format(
-                    comment=argdocs.replace('*', '\\*'))
+                doc_comment = "/* {comment} */ ".format(
+                    comment=argdocs.replace("*", "\\*")
+                )
                 if argtype == BoundFunctor:
                     # We want a BoundFunctor. We can try to get one by binding
                     # with no arguments (a no-op if the object was already a
@@ -621,9 +674,10 @@ def Functor(representation: str,
                         cpp_arguments.append(doc_comment + code)
                         raise TypeError(
-                            "Not sure how to express argument '{arg}' of type {type}"
-                            .format(
-                                arg=provided_value, type=type(provided_value)))
+                            "Not sure how to express argument '{arg}' of type {type}".format(
+                                arg=provided_value, type=type(provided_value)
+                            )
+                        )
                     if isinstance(provided_value, DataHandle):
                     elif isinstance(provided_value, list):
@@ -637,14 +691,16 @@ def Functor(representation: str,
                     raise Exception(
-                        "Incompatible type {provided} given, expected {expected}"
-                        .format(
-                            provided=str(type(provided_value)),
-                            expected=str(argtype)))
+                        "Incompatible type {provided} given, expected {expected}".format(
+                            provided=str(type(provided_value)), expected=str(argtype)
+                        )
+                    )
                 raise Exception(
-                    "No value provided for compulsory argument {argname} to {name}"
-                    .format(argname=argname, name=representation))
+                    "No value provided for compulsory argument {argname} to {name}".format(
+                        argname=argname, name=representation
+                    )
+                )
         if len(self._template_arguments):
             targs = []
@@ -667,31 +723,32 @@ def Functor(representation: str,
                     # The parameter was not specified. This is fine as long as
                     # the rest of the parameters are also unspecified.
-                    assert not any([
-                        targ in kwargs
-                        for targ in self._template_arguments[n + 1:]
-                    ])
+                    assert not any(
+                        [targ in kwargs for targ in self._template_arguments[n + 1 :]]
+                    )
-            template_arguments = '<' + ', '.join(targs) + '>'
+            template_arguments = "<" + ", ".join(targs) + ">"
-            template_arguments = ''
+            template_arguments = ""
         if len(kwargs):
-            raise Exception("Unknown parameters were provided: " +
-                            repr(kwargs))
-        cpp_str = '{name}{template_params}( {args} )'.format(
+            raise Exception("Unknown parameters were provided: " + repr(kwargs))
+        cpp_str = "{name}{template_params}( {args} )".format(
-            args=', '.join(cpp_arguments))
-        repr_str = '{name}({args})'.format(
+            args=", ".join(cpp_arguments),
+        )
+        repr_str = "{name}({args})".format(
-            args=', '.join(["{}={}".format(n, v) for n, v in repr_arguments]))
+            args=", ".join(["{}={}".format(n, v) for n, v in repr_arguments]),
+        )
         return BoundFunctor(
-            docs=brief_docs)
+            docs=brief_docs,
+        )
     call_doc_lines = ["Keyword arguments:"]
     for argtuple in Params:
@@ -700,8 +757,8 @@ def Functor(representation: str,
             doc_types = "Any of: " + ", ".join([t.__name__ for t in argtype])
             doc_types = argtype.__name__
-        call_doc_lines.append(' -- '.join([argname, argdocs, doc_types]))
-    call_with_args.__doc__ = '\n'.join(call_doc_lines)
+        call_doc_lines.append(" -- ".join([argname, argdocs, doc_types]))
+    call_with_args.__doc__ = "\n".join(call_doc_lines)
     def code_for_instance(self):
         return self._cppname
@@ -712,7 +769,7 @@ def Functor(representation: str,
         parameters. If we did not implement this method, this functor would
         have to be written as PT(), which would be inconsistent.
-        return self._cppname + '{}'
+        return self._cppname + "{}"
     def code_with_args(self):
         """We cannot produce C++ directly from an unbound functor with arguments.
@@ -722,25 +779,21 @@ def Functor(representation: str,
             "This functor expects arguments, so you must provide them. Try: FUNCTOR -> FUNCTOR(a=b, ...)"
-    has_args = (len(Params) > 0 or len(TemplateParams) > 0)
+    has_args = len(Params) > 0 or len(TemplateParams) > 0
     if isInstance and has_args:
-        raise Exception(
-            "instances, by their nature, cannot have any arguments!")
+        raise Exception("instances, by their nature, cannot have any arguments!")
     cdict = {
-        '__doc__':
-        brief_docs,
-        '__call__':
-        call_with_args if has_args else call_without_args,
-        '_arguments':
-        Params,
-        '_template_arguments':
-        TemplateParams,
-        '_cppname':
-        top_level_namespace + cppname,
-        'code':
-        code_for_instance
-        if isInstance else code_with_args if has_args else code_without_args,
+        "__doc__": brief_docs,
+        "__call__": call_with_args if has_args else call_without_args,
+        "_arguments": Params,
+        "_template_arguments": TemplateParams,
+        "_cppname": top_level_namespace + cppname,
+        "code": code_for_instance
+        if isInstance
+        else code_with_args
+        if has_args
+        else code_without_args,
-    new_type_name = cppname.replace('::', '__')
-    t = type(new_type_name, (FunctorBase, ), cdict)()
+    new_type_name = cppname.replace("::", "__")
+    t = type(new_type_name, (FunctorBase,), cdict)()
     return t if has_args else t()
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/math.py b/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/math.py
index b94fd8a8ee646b769216a0d8a74407ee83e46ef6..77c6ed579eaefcbcc36d207a86a89016aa6db79b 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/math.py
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/math.py
@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
 """@module Functors
 Mathematical functions for use in functor expressions.
 from Functors.common import top_level_namespace
-from Functors.grammar import WrappedBoundFunctor, Functor
+from Functors.grammar import Functor, WrappedBoundFunctor
 def log(functor):
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ def log(functor):
         >>> fmath.log(PT) > 1.0
         ('operator>( ::Functors::math::log( Functors::chain( ::Functors::Common::Rho_Coordinate{}, ::Functors::Track::ThreeMomentum{} ) ), float{1.0} )', ['float{1.0}'], '( ::Functors::math::log( ( RHO_COORDINATE @ THREEMOMENTUM ) ) > 1.0 )')
-    return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + 'math::log', functor)
+    return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + "math::log", functor)
 def exp(functor):
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ def exp(functor):
         >>> fmath.exp(PT)
         ('::Functors::math::exp( Functors::chain( ::Functors::Common::Rho_Coordinate{}, ::Functors::Track::ThreeMomentum{} ) )', '::Functors::math::exp( ( RHO_COORDINATE @ THREEMOMENTUM ) )')
-    return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + 'math::exp', functor)
+    return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + "math::exp", functor)
 def pow(functor, power):
@@ -51,8 +52,7 @@ def pow(functor, power):
         >>> fmath.pow(PT, 0.2)
         ('::Functors::math::pow( Functors::chain( ::Functors::Common::Rho_Coordinate{}, ::Functors::Track::ThreeMomentum{} ), float{0.2} )', ['float{0.2}'], '::Functors::math::pow( ( RHO_COORDINATE @ THREEMOMENTUM ), 0.2 )')
-    return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + 'math::pow', functor,
-                               power)
+    return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + "math::pow", functor, power)
 def similarity(vec, cov_matrix):
@@ -65,8 +65,9 @@ def similarity(vec, cov_matrix):
         >>> fmath.similarity(THREEMOMENTUM/P, THREE_MOM_COV_MATRIX)
         ('::Functors::math::similarity( operator/( ::Functors::Track::ThreeMomentum{}, Functors::chain( ::Functors::Common::Magnitude{}, ::Functors::Track::ThreeMomentum{} ) ), ::Functors::Particle::threeMomCovMatrix{} )', '::Functors::math::similarity( ( THREEMOMENTUM / ( MAGNITUDE @ THREEMOMENTUM ) ), THREE_MOM_COV_MATRIX )')
-    return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + 'math::similarity', vec,
-                               cov_matrix)
+    return WrappedBoundFunctor(
+        top_level_namespace + "math::similarity", vec, cov_matrix
+    )
 def sign(functor):
@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ def sign(functor):
         >>> fmath.sign(PT) > 0
         ('operator>( ::Functors::math::sign( Functors::chain( ::Functors::Common::Rho_Coordinate{}, ::Functors::Track::ThreeMomentum{} ) ), int{0} )', ['int{0}'], '( ::Functors::math::sign( ( RHO_COORDINATE @ THREEMOMENTUM ) ) > 0 )')
-    return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + 'math::sign', functor)
+    return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + "math::sign", functor)
 def sqrt(functor):
@@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ def sqrt(functor):
         >>> fmath.sqrt(PT)
         ('::Functors::math::sqrt( Functors::chain( ::Functors::Common::Rho_Coordinate{}, ::Functors::Track::ThreeMomentum{} ) )', '::Functors::math::sqrt( ( RHO_COORDINATE @ THREEMOMENTUM ) )')
-    return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + 'math::sqrt', functor)
+    return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + "math::sqrt", functor)
 def arccos(functor):
@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ def arccos(functor):
         >>> fmath.arccos(PT)
         ('::Functors::math::arccos( Functors::chain( ::Functors::Common::Rho_Coordinate{}, ::Functors::Track::ThreeMomentum{} ) )', '::Functors::math::arccos( ( RHO_COORDINATE @ THREEMOMENTUM ) )')
-    return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + 'math::arccos', functor)
+    return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + "math::arccos", functor)
 def where(condition, functor_a, functor_b):
@@ -118,8 +119,9 @@ def where(condition, functor_a, functor_b):
         >>> fmath.where(PT > 0.5, 2 * PT, PT)
         ('::Functors::math::where( operator>( Functors::chain( ::Functors::Common::Rho_Coordinate{}, ::Functors::Track::ThreeMomentum{} ), float{0.5} ), operator*( int{2}, Functors::chain( ::Functors::Common::Rho_Coordinate{}, ::Functors::Track::ThreeMomentum{} ) ), Functors::chain( ::Functors::Common::Rho_Coordinate{}, ::Functors::Track::ThreeMomentum{} ) )', ['float{0.5}', 'int{2}'], '::Functors::math::where( ( ( RHO_COORDINATE @ THREEMOMENTUM ) > 0.5 ), ( 2 * ( RHO_COORDINATE @ THREEMOMENTUM ) ), ( RHO_COORDINATE @ THREEMOMENTUM ) )')
-    return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + 'math::where', condition,
-                               functor_a, functor_b)
+    return WrappedBoundFunctor(
+        top_level_namespace + "math::where", condition, functor_a, functor_b
+    )
 def abs(functor):
@@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ def abs(functor):
         >>> fmath.abs(PT)
         ('::Functors::math::abs( Functors::chain( ::Functors::Common::Rho_Coordinate{}, ::Functors::Track::ThreeMomentum{} ) )', '::Functors::math::abs( ( RHO_COORDINATE @ THREEMOMENTUM ) )')
-    return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + 'math::abs', functor)
+    return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + "math::abs", functor)
 def in_range(min_val, functor, max_val):
@@ -147,13 +149,15 @@ def in_range(min_val, functor, max_val):
         >>> fmath.in_range(1500, MASS, 2500)
         ('::Functors::math::in_range( int{1500}, ::Functors::Composite::Mass{}, int{2500} )', ['int{1500}', 'int{2500}'], '::Functors::math::in_range( 1500, MASS, 2500 )')
-    return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + 'math::in_range', min_val,
-                               functor, max_val)
+    return WrappedBoundFunctor(
+        top_level_namespace + "math::in_range", min_val, functor, max_val
+    )
 def test_bit(functor_a, functor_b):
-    return WrappedBoundFunctor(top_level_namespace + 'math::test_bit',
-                               functor_a, functor_b)
+    return WrappedBoundFunctor(
+        top_level_namespace + "math::test_bit", functor_a, functor_b
+    )
 # The Gaudi testing machinery assumes that any python function with test in its name is a test. The next line avoids the spurious testing of the test_bit functor
@@ -164,14 +168,16 @@ def boost_to(v1, ref):
     """Boost v1 4-vector into the rest frame of ref 4-vector"""
     # return WrappedBoundFunctor('LHCbMath::boost_to', v1, ref)
     return Functor(
-        'BOOST_TO', 'LHCbMath::boost_to',
-        'Boosts a 4-vector into the rest frame of another 4-vector').bind(
-            v1, ref)
+        "BOOST_TO",
+        "LHCbMath::boost_to",
+        "Boosts a 4-vector into the rest frame of another 4-vector",
+    ).bind(v1, ref)
 def boost_from(v1, ref):
     """Boost v1 4-vector from the rest frame of ref 4-vector"""
     return Functor(
-        'BOOST_FROM', 'LHCbMath::boost_from',
-        'Boosts a 4-vector from the rest frame of another 4-vector').bind(
-            v1, ref)
+        "BOOST_FROM",
+        "LHCbMath::boost_from",
+        "Boosts a 4-vector from the rest frame of another 4-vector",
+    ).bind(v1, ref)
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/tests/categories.py b/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/tests/categories.py
index 666c814cdc06246a4fc015276eaeffd7c8ff54de..1d9b97180af2b028893ed839f34e6308ad62ea7b 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/tests/categories.py
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/tests/categories.py
@@ -11,25 +11,106 @@
 import logging
 from functools import partial
-from Functors import (
-import Functors as F
-from Functors.grammar import BoundFunctor, ComposedBoundFunctor
 from PyConf.Algorithms import Gaudi__Examples__IntDataProducer as IDP
 from PyConf.dataflow import DataHandle, force_location
 from PyConf.utilities import hash_object
+import Functors as F
+from Functors import (
+    ALL,
+    BPVETA,
+    BPVVDX,
+    BPVVDY,
+    BPVVDZ,
+    CHARGE,
+    CHI2DOF,
+    COV,
+    DOCA,
+    DOCACHI2,
+    ENERGY,
+    ETA,
+    FILTER,
+    ISMUON,
+    MASS,
+    MAX,
+    MIN,
+    MINIP,
+    MVA,
+    NDOF,
+    NHITS,
+    NONE,
+    PHI,
+    PID_E,
+    PID_K,
+    PID_MU,
+    PID_P,
+    PID_PI,
+    POD,
+    PROBNN_D,
+    PROBNN_E,
+    PROBNN_K,
+    PROBNN_P,
+    PT,
+    PX,
+    PY,
+    PZ,
+    QOVERP,
+    SDOCA,
+    SIZE,
+    SUM,
+    TCK,
+    TX,
+    TY,
+    P,
+from Functors.grammar import BoundFunctor, ComposedBoundFunctor
 This file defines various sets of functors based on what class of physics
 object they should work on. This should be a useful resource for test cases.
@@ -45,9 +126,9 @@ def do_not_execute(obj):
 # Functors don't check the C++ types of their data dependencies, so we can use
 # the output of any algorithm as a dummy placeholder
-DUMMY_DATA_DEP = IDP(outputs={
-    "OutputLocation": force_location("/Event/FakeLocation")
+    outputs={"OutputLocation": force_location("/Event/FakeLocation")}
@@ -70,44 +151,51 @@ class FakedDataHandle(DataHandle):
         return self.cpp_type
-dummy_data_pv_container = FakedDataHandle(
-    "LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer")
+dummy_data_pv_container = FakedDataHandle("LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer")
 dummy_data_odin = FakedDataHandle("LHCb::ODIN")
 dummy_data_decreports = FakedDataHandle("LHCb::HltDecReports")
-dummy_data_fwdtracks = FakedDataHandle('LHCb::Event::v3::Tracks')
+dummy_data_fwdtracks = FakedDataHandle("LHCb::Event::v3::Tracks")
 dummy_data_particle_range = FakedDataHandle(
     "Gaudi::NamedRange_<std::vector<LHCb::Particle const*,std::allocator<LHCb::Particle const*> >,__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<LHCb::Particle const* const*,std::vector<LHCb::Particle const*,std::allocator<LHCb::Particle const*> > > >"
 dummy_data_rel_table = FakedDataHandle(
-    "LHCb::Relation1D<LHCb::Particle,LHCb::Particle>")
+    "LHCb::Relation1D<LHCb::Particle,LHCb::Particle>"
-def simple_wrap(FUN,
-                input_type,
-                path_name,
-                type_name=None,
-                expects_tuple=False,
-                pass_path_only=False,
-                dummy_data_dep=DUMMY_DATA_DEP):
+def simple_wrap(
+    FUN,
+    input_type,
+    path_name,
+    type_name=None,
+    expects_tuple=False,
+    pass_path_only=False,
+    dummy_data_dep=DUMMY_DATA_DEP,
     if type_name is None:
-        type_name = path_name + 'Type'
+        type_name = path_name + "Type"
     def helper(inputs={}):
         df = inputs.get(input_type, None)
         if df is None:
             if not logger.disabled:
-                log_message = "Using a dummy value for property '{}' of category '{}'".format(
-                    path_name, input_type)
+                log_message = (
+                    "Using a dummy value for property '{}' of category '{}'".format(
+                        path_name, input_type
+                    )
+                )
                 if log_message not in DUMMY_DATA_DEP_WARNING_TRACKER:
             return do_not_execute(
-                        path_name:
-                        tuple([dummy_data_dep]
-                              ) if expects_tuple else dummy_data_dep
-                    }))
+                        path_name: tuple([dummy_data_dep])
+                        if expects_tuple
+                        else dummy_data_dep
+                    }
+                )
+            )
             def handle_single_dh(dh):
@@ -140,105 +228,89 @@ def test_mva_with_four_inputs(in1, in2, in3, in4):
     test of an MVA that takes four inputs.
     return MVA(
-        MVAType='MatrixNet',
-        Config={'MatrixnetFile': "paramfile://data/Hlt1TwoTrackMVA.mx"},
+        MVAType="MatrixNet",
+        Config={"MatrixnetFile": "paramfile://data/Hlt1TwoTrackMVA.mx"},
-            'chi2': in1,
-            'fdchi2': in2,
-            'sumpt': in3,
-            'nlt16': in4,
-        })
+            "chi2": in1,
+            "fdchi2": in2,
+            "sumpt": in3,
+            "nlt16": in4,
+        },
+    )
 DICT = {
     # These ones should be valid for all input types, including void
-    'Generic': {
-        'Functors': [
+    "Generic": {
+        "Functors": [
     # Event Functors, and functors that act on TES objects
-    'Event': {
-        'Functors': [
-            simple_wrap(
-                RUNNUMBER, 'ODIN', 'odin', dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_odin),
-            simple_wrap(
-                EVENTTYPE, 'ODIN', 'odin', dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_odin),
-            simple_wrap(
-                EVENTNUMBER, 'ODIN', 'odin', dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_odin),
-            simple_wrap(
-                BUNCHCROSSING_ID,
-                'ODIN',
-                'odin',
-                dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_odin),
+    "Event": {
+        "Functors": [
+            simple_wrap(RUNNUMBER, "ODIN", "odin", dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_odin),
+            simple_wrap(EVENTTYPE, "ODIN", "odin", dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_odin),
+            simple_wrap(EVENTNUMBER, "ODIN", "odin", dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_odin),
-                BUNCHCROSSING_TYPE,
-                'ODIN',
-                'odin',
-                dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_odin),
+                BUNCHCROSSING_ID, "ODIN", "odin", dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_odin
+            ),
-                ODINTCK, 'ODIN', 'odin', dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_odin),
+                BUNCHCROSSING_TYPE, "ODIN", "odin", dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_odin
+            ),
+            simple_wrap(ODINTCK, "ODIN", "odin", dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_odin),
+            simple_wrap(GPSTIME, "ODIN", "odin", dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_odin),
-                GPSTIME, 'ODIN', 'odin', dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_odin),
-            simple_wrap(
-                TCK,
-                'DecReports',
-                'DecReports',
-                dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_decreports),
-            simple_wrap(SIZE, 'Container', 'dh', pass_path_only=True)
+                TCK, "DecReports", "DecReports", dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_decreports
+            ),
+            simple_wrap(SIZE, "Container", "dh", pass_path_only=True),
-        'Includes': ['Generic'],
+        "Includes": ["Generic"],
-    'Particle': {
-        'Functors': [
+    "Particle": {
+        "Functors": [
-            #PX,
-            #PY,
-            #PZ,
-            #ENERGY,
+            # PX,
+            # PY,
+            # PZ,
+            # ENERGY,
-                BPVIPCHI2,
-                'PVs',
-                'Vertices',
-                dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_pv_container),
+                BPVIPCHI2, "PVs", "Vertices", dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_pv_container
+            ),
-                MINIP,
-                'PVs',
-                'Vertices',
-                dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_pv_container),
+                MINIP, "PVs", "Vertices", dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_pv_container
+            ),
-                MINIPCHI2,
-                'PVs',
-                'Vertices',
-                dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_pv_container),
+                MINIPCHI2, "PVs", "Vertices", dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_pv_container
+            ),
                 partial(MINIPCUT, IPCut=7.0),
-                'PVs',
-                'Vertices',
-                dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_pv_container),
+                "PVs",
+                "Vertices",
+                dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_pv_container,
+            ),
                 partial(MINIPCHI2CUT, IPChi2Cut=7.0),
-                'PVs',
-                'Vertices',
-                dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_pv_container),
+                "PVs",
+                "Vertices",
+                dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_pv_container,
+            ),
             test_mva_with_four_inputs(PT, CHI2DOF, PT, CHI2DOF),
-        'Includes': ['Generic'],
+        "Includes": ["Generic"],
-    'Composite': {
-        'Functors': [
+    "Composite": {
+        "Functors": [
-                bpv_func,
-                'PVs',
-                'Vertices',
-                dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_pv_container)
+                bpv_func, "PVs", "Vertices", dummy_data_dep=dummy_data_pv_container
+            )
             for bpv_func in [
@@ -254,17 +326,17 @@ DICT = {
-        'Includes': ['Particle'],
+        "Includes": ["Particle"],
-    'Composite2Body': {
-        'Functors': [
+    "Composite2Body": {
+        "Functors": [
-        'Includes': ['Composite'],
+        "Includes": ["Composite"],
     # Functors that make sense for track objects
-    'Track': {
-        'Functors': [
+    "Track": {
+        "Functors": [
@@ -276,16 +348,18 @@ DICT = {
-            #TRACKHISTORY # this returns an enum and fails the test at the moment, as only int/float/bool is allowed.
-        ] + [
-            COV(Row=row, Col=col) @ CLOSESTTOBEAM for row in range(5)
+            # TRACKHISTORY # this returns an enum and fails the test at the moment, as only int/float/bool is allowed.
+        ]
+        + [
+            COV(Row=row, Col=col) @ CLOSESTTOBEAM
+            for row in range(5)
             for col in range(row, 5)
-        'Includes': ['Particle'],
+        "Includes": ["Particle"],
     # Functors that make sense for ChargedBasics, i.e. tracks + PIDs
-    'TrackWithMuonID': {
-        'Functors': [
+    "TrackWithMuonID": {
+        "Functors": [
@@ -296,32 +370,31 @@ DICT = {
-        'Includes': ['Particle', 'Track'],
+        "Includes": ["Particle", "Track"],
     # Functors that make sense in a CombinationCut
-    'Combination': {
-        'Functors': [
+    "Combination": {
+        "Functors": [
             DOCA(1, 2),
             SDOCA(1, 2),
             DOCACHI2(1, 2),
             SDOCACHI2(1, 2),
-            MAXDOCACUT(10.),
-            MAXSDOCACUT(10.),
-            MAXDOCACHI2CUT(10.),
-            MAXSDOCACHI2CUT(10.),
+            MAXDOCACUT(10.0),
+            MAXSDOCACUT(10.0),
+            MAXDOCACHI2CUT(10.0),
+            MAXSDOCACHI2CUT(10.0),
-        'Includes': ['Generic'],
+        "Includes": ["Generic"],
     # Eventually this list should be empty. These are functors that are not valid
     # for any of the current input types
-    'Untestable': {
-        'Functors': [
+    "Untestable": {
+        "Functors": [
@@ -330,11 +403,9 @@ DICT = {
-def functors_for_class(object_class,
-                       inputs={},
-                       exclusions=[],
-                       cannot_execute=[],
-                       skip_includes=False):
+def functors_for_class(
+    object_class, inputs={}, exclusions=[], cannot_execute=[], skip_includes=False
     """Return a set of functors that should work on objects of a particular
     class, defined in a rather loose/physics sense. e.g. Particle,
     ChargedBasic, Composite, Track, ...
@@ -358,7 +429,7 @@ def functors_for_class(object_class,
     assert object_class in DICT
     class_info = DICT[object_class]
-    functors = class_info.get('Functors', [])
+    functors = class_info.get("Functors", [])
     # apply 'inputs' to 'functors'
     bound_can_execute, bound_cannot_execute = [], []
     for f in functors:
@@ -368,15 +439,14 @@ def functors_for_class(object_class,
             bound_f = f(inputs=inputs)
             assert isinstance(bound_f, BoundFunctor)
         # split by whether it's executable
-        if hasattr(bound_f, '_do_not_execute'):
+        if hasattr(bound_f, "_do_not_execute"):
-    includes = [] if skip_includes else class_info.get('Includes', [])
+    includes = [] if skip_includes else class_info.get("Includes", [])
     for included_class in includes:
-        can_exec, cannot_exec = functors_for_class(
-            included_class, inputs=inputs)
+        can_exec, cannot_exec = functors_for_class(included_class, inputs=inputs)
         bound_can_execute += can_exec
         bound_cannot_execute += cannot_exec
@@ -413,14 +483,16 @@ def functors_for_class(object_class,
     # check for exclusions that didn't match anything
     unused_exclusions = exclude_names - removed_names
     if len(unused_exclusions):
-        logger.info(
-            'There were redundant exclusions: {}'.format(unused_exclusions))
+        logger.info("There were redundant exclusions: {}".format(unused_exclusions))
     # check for `cannot_execute` entries that didn't match anything
     unused_execute_overrides = cannot_execute_names - moved_names
     if len(unused_execute_overrides):
-        logger.info('There were redundant "can execute" overrides: {}'.format(
-            unused_execute_overrides))
+        logger.info(
+            'There were redundant "can execute" overrides: {}'.format(
+                unused_execute_overrides
+            )
+        )
     return bound_can_execute, bound_cannot_execute
@@ -429,7 +501,8 @@ def functors_for_class(object_class,
 logger.disabled = True
-    f for class_name in ALL_CLASSES
+    f
+    for class_name in ALL_CLASSES
     for functor_list in functors_for_class(class_name, skip_includes=True)
     for f in functor_list
@@ -438,10 +511,12 @@ logger.disabled = False
 # Do some basic checks
 # TODO: include a round-trip test of the pretty representations? perhaps in a separate unit test?
 for func in ALL_FUNCTORS:
-    if not all([
+    if not all(
+        [
             len(func.code()) > 0,
             len(func.code_repr()) > 0,
             # Only BoundFunctors have name(), ComposedBoundFunctor return None
-        (type(func) == ComposedBoundFunctor or len(func.name()) > 0),
-    ]):
+            (type(func) == ComposedBoundFunctor or len(func.name()) > 0),
+        ]
+    ):
         raise Exception(f"Something is wrong with this functor: {func}")
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/tests/test_grammar.py b/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/tests/test_grammar.py
index f9e5964f5432d77465c2bb177adee5ec18a23791..58aec18fbc06eec13c9854684b064fdbc9e95007 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/tests/test_grammar.py
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/tests/test_grammar.py
@@ -9,17 +9,19 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from __future__ import print_function
-from __future__ import division
-from past.utils import old_div
+from __future__ import division, print_function
 import pickle
 from array import array
-from Functors import PT, ISMUON, MINIPCUT, VALUE_OR
-from Functors import math as fmath
-from Functors.tests.categories import dummy_data_pv_container as pvs_dh
 from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import *
+from past.utils import old_div
 from PyConf.Algorithms import Gaudi__Examples__IntDataProducer
+from Functors import ISMUON, MINIPCUT, PT, VALUE_OR
+from Functors import math as fmath
+from Functors.tests.categories import dummy_data_pv_container as pvs_dh
 def not_empty(f):
     assert len(f.code()) > 0
@@ -49,19 +51,19 @@ def test_basic_grammar():
 def test_array_input():
-    check(VALUE_OR(array('b', [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< signed char >
-    check(VALUE_OR(array('B', [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< unsigned char >
-    check(VALUE_OR(array('u', ['a', 'b'])))  # vector< wchart_t >
-    check(VALUE_OR(array('h', [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< signed short >
-    check(VALUE_OR(array('H', [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< unsigned short >
-    check(VALUE_OR(array('i', [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< signed int >
-    check(VALUE_OR(array('I', [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< unsigned int >
-    check(VALUE_OR(array('l', [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< signed long >
-    check(VALUE_OR(array('L', [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< unsigned long >
-    check(VALUE_OR(array('q', [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< signed long long >
-    check(VALUE_OR(array('Q', [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< unsigned long long >
-    check(VALUE_OR(array('f', [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< float >
-    check(VALUE_OR(array('d', [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< double >
+    check(VALUE_OR(array("b", [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< signed char >
+    check(VALUE_OR(array("B", [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< unsigned char >
+    check(VALUE_OR(array("u", ["a", "b"])))  # vector< wchart_t >
+    check(VALUE_OR(array("h", [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< signed short >
+    check(VALUE_OR(array("H", [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< unsigned short >
+    check(VALUE_OR(array("i", [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< signed int >
+    check(VALUE_OR(array("I", [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< unsigned int >
+    check(VALUE_OR(array("l", [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< signed long >
+    check(VALUE_OR(array("L", [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< unsigned long >
+    check(VALUE_OR(array("q", [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< signed long long >
+    check(VALUE_OR(array("Q", [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< unsigned long long >
+    check(VALUE_OR(array("f", [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< float >
+    check(VALUE_OR(array("d", [1, 2, 3])))  # vector< double >
 def test_arithmetric():
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/tests/test_pyconf.py b/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/tests/test_pyconf.py
index d7c7fb4e42b8a5eb9f7c3a8694b31d3a5fece0d7..af38de87664ff6c731e8f21b7c51dc7137ef1fa0 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/tests/test_pyconf.py
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/python/Functors/tests/test_pyconf.py
@@ -8,19 +8,25 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-import pytest
 import doctest
 import inspect
+import pytest
 # Note. Imports from LHCb stack need to be delayed to methods below to avoid problems
 # during pytest collection during project builds.
 def test_pyconf_integration():
+    from PyConf.Algorithms import (
+        FunctorExampleAlg,
+        Gaudi__Examples__IntDataProducer,
+        Gaudi__Examples__VectorDataProducer,
+    )
     from Functors import BPVFDCHI2, CHI2DOF, MINIPCUT, MVA, SUM
     from Functors.math import log
-    from PyConf.Algorithms import FunctorExampleAlg, Gaudi__Examples__IntDataProducer, Gaudi__Examples__VectorDataProducer
     """PyConf should be able to deduce inputs of functor-holding algorithms.
     Data dependencies of a functor should be inherited by a PyConf.Algorithm
@@ -61,10 +67,11 @@ def test_pyconf_integration():
 def test_configurable_instantiation():
-    from Functors import MINIPCUT
     from PyConf.Algorithms import FunctorExampleAlg, Gaudi__Examples__IntDataProducer
     from PyConf.dataflow import dataflow_config
+    from Functors import MINIPCUT
     """PyConf should be able to instantiate a functor-holding configurable."""
     pvs = Gaudi__Examples__IntDataProducer().OutputLocation
     functor = MINIPCUT(IPCut=1.0, Vertices=pvs)
@@ -77,9 +84,10 @@ def test_configurable_instantiation():
 def test_string_datahandle_exception(caplog):
+    from PyConf.Algorithms import Gaudi__Examples__IntDataProducer
     from Functors import TES
-    from PyConf.Algorithms import Gaudi__Examples__IntDataProducer
     """Passing a str for a DataHandle should raise an exception."""
     pvs = Gaudi__Examples__IntDataProducer().OutputLocation
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/src/Components/ExampleAlg.cpp b/Phys/FunctorCore/src/Components/ExampleAlg.cpp
index 7348fa08468485835a0f948e0effd12c255ced43..0c7f16d967e10c93f89b05f76c36dc50a8c05a5c 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/src/Components/ExampleAlg.cpp
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/src/Components/ExampleAlg.cpp
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 namespace {
   template <std::size_t... Is>
   auto create_default_helper( std::index_sequence<Is...> ) {
-    return std::make_tuple( std::pair{"Input" + std::to_string( Is ), "Val" + std::to_string( Is )}... );
+    return std::make_tuple( std::pair{ "Input" + std::to_string( Is ), "Val" + std::to_string( Is ) }... );
   template <typename... Ins>
@@ -52,21 +52,21 @@ struct FunctorExampleAlg<> final : public FilterPredicate<> {
   // Counter for recording cut retention statistics
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cutEff{this, "Functor cut efficiency"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cutEff{ this, "Functor cut efficiency" };
   // all the information to tiate the functor via the factory m_factory
-  Gaudi::Property<ThOr::FunctorDesc> m_functorproxy{this, "Cut", ThOr::Defaults::ALL, [this]( auto& ) {
+  Gaudi::Property<ThOr::FunctorDesc> m_functorproxy{ this, "Cut", ThOr::Defaults::ALL, [this]( auto& ) {
                                                       if ( this->FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) return;
-                                                    }};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::vector<ThOr::FunctorDesc>>> m_functorproxies{this, "Cuts", {}};
+                                                    } };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::vector<ThOr::FunctorDesc>>> m_functorproxies{ this, "Cuts", {} };
   // This is the type-erased type (roughly std::function) that contains the just-in-time compiled functor
   // I think this has some overhead, but it may be avoidable...TBC
   Predicate m_pred;
   // This is the factory tool that handles the functor cache and/or the just-in-time compilation
-  ServiceHandle<Functors::IFactory> m_factory{this, "Factory", "FunctorFactory"};
+  ServiceHandle<Functors::IFactory> m_factory{ this, "Factory", "FunctorFactory" };
   void decode() {
@@ -100,20 +100,20 @@ struct FunctorExampleAlg final : public FilterPredicate<Ins...> {
   // Counter for recording cut retention statistics
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cutEff{this, "Functor cut efficiency"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cutEff{ this, "Functor cut efficiency" };
   // all the information to instantiate the functor via the factory m_factory
-  Gaudi::Property<ThOr::FunctorDesc> m_functorproxy{this, "Cut", ThOr::Defaults::ALL, [this]( auto& ) {
+  Gaudi::Property<ThOr::FunctorDesc> m_functorproxy{ this, "Cut", ThOr::Defaults::ALL, [this]( auto& ) {
                                                       if ( this->FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) return;
-                                                    }};
+                                                    } };
   // This is the type-erased type (roughly std::function) that contains the just-in-time compiled functor
   // I think this has some overhead, but it may be avoidable...TBC
   Predicate m_pred;
   // This is the factory tool that handles the functor cache and/or the just-in-time compilation
-  ServiceHandle<Functors::IFactory> m_factory{this, "Factory", "FunctorFactory"};
+  ServiceHandle<Functors::IFactory> m_factory{ this, "Factory", "FunctorFactory" };
   void decode() {
@@ -157,20 +157,20 @@ private:
   // A Gaudi property holding a FunctorDesc which is simply a description the Functor
   // its a struct holding string representations of:
   // the c++ code, headers to include, nice represenation (the way we write it in python)
-  Gaudi::Property<ThOr::FunctorDesc> m_functorproxy{this, "Functor_Property", ThOr::Defaults::ALL,
-                                                    [this]( auto& /*unused*/ ) {
-                                                      if ( this->FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) {
-                                                        return;
-                                                      }
-                                                      this->decode();
-                                                    }};
+  Gaudi::Property<ThOr::FunctorDesc> m_functorproxy{ this, "Functor_Property", ThOr::Defaults::ALL,
+                                                     [this]( auto& /*unused*/ ) {
+                                                       if ( this->FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) {
+                                                         return;
+                                                       }
+                                                       this->decode();
+                                                     } };
   // This is the type-erased type (roughly std::function) that contains the just-in-time compiled functor
   // I think this has some overhead, but it may be avoidable...TBC
   OurFunctor_t m_pred;
   // // This is the factory tool that handles the functor cache and/or the just-in-time compilation
-  ServiceHandle<Functors::IFactory> m_factory{this, "Factory", "FunctorFactory"};
+  ServiceHandle<Functors::IFactory> m_factory{ this, "Factory", "FunctorFactory" };
   void decode() {
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/src/Components/Factory.cpp b/Phys/FunctorCore/src/Components/Factory.cpp
index f84dc5ea509847f26e28d48b1c35dc63f2409323..08e31b1f470a13cabdbff1e2c9c3088b39e45b2d 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/src/Components/Factory.cpp
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/src/Components/Factory.cpp
@@ -251,9 +251,9 @@ namespace {
   using LibHandle = std::unique_ptr<void, decltype( &lib_closer )>;
   std::ofstream open_stream( std::string filename ) {
-    auto out = std::ofstream{filename};
+    auto out = std::ofstream{ filename };
     if ( !out.is_open() ) {
-      throw GaudiException{"Failed to open file " + filename, "FunctorFactory", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "Failed to open file " + filename, "FunctorFactory", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     return out;
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ namespace {
 // https://github.com/root-project/root/issues/9670
 namespace Gaudi::Parsers {
   StatusCode parse( std::filesystem::path& result, const std::string& input ) {
-    result = std::filesystem::path{input};
+    result = std::filesystem::path{ input };
     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
 } // namespace Gaudi::Parsers
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ struct FunctorFactory : public extends<Service, Functors::IFactory> {
     // the Functor won't get resolved. See GaudiKernel/StateMachine.h for info
     // on possible states and transitions.
     if ( FSMState() == Gaudi::StateMachine::RUNNING ) {
-      throw GaudiException{"do_register needs to be called before start()", "FunctorFactory", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "do_register needs to be called before start()", "FunctorFactory", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     auto func_body =
@@ -352,12 +352,12 @@ functor_{0}{{
         error() << "Hash collision for hash: " << hash_str << " Try purging your functor cache" << endmsg;
         error() << "Code 1 " << iter->second.cpp_code << endmsg;
         error() << "Code 2 " << cpp_code << endmsg;
-        throw GaudiException{"do_register encountered a hash collision", "FunctorFactory", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "do_register encountered a hash collision", "FunctorFactory", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     } else {
-      iter = m_all.emplace( hash, FunctorsWithSameCode{cpp_code, {}} ).first;
+      iter = m_all.emplace( hash, FunctorsWithSameCode{ cpp_code, {} } ).first;
-    iter->second.setters.push_back( FunctorSetter{do_copy, msg_repr, desc, owner_typename} );
+    iter->second.setters.push_back( FunctorSetter{ do_copy, msg_repr, desc, owner_typename } );
@@ -383,7 +383,9 @@ functor_{0}{{
     info() << "Writing cpp files for " << m_all.size() << " functors split in " << split << " files" << endmsg;
     std::vector<std::filesystem::path> files( split );
-    for ( std::size_t i{0}; i < split; ++i ) { files[i] = fmt::format( fmt::runtime( cpp_filename.string() ), i + 1 ); }
+    for ( std::size_t i{ 0 }; i < split; ++i ) {
+      files[i] = fmt::format( fmt::runtime( cpp_filename.string() ), i + 1 );
+    }
     // integer division will give us the amount of functors per file.
     auto const functors_per_file = m_all.size() / split;
@@ -399,7 +401,7 @@ functor_{0}{{
     // `register_functor` calls.
     auto functors_iter = m_all.begin();
-    for ( std::size_t file_idx{0}; file_idx < files.size(); ++file_idx ) {
+    for ( std::size_t file_idx{ 0 }; file_idx < files.size(); ++file_idx ) {
       auto out = open_stream( files[file_idx] );
       auto log = open_stream( files[file_idx].replace_extension( ".log" ) );
@@ -408,7 +410,7 @@ functor_{0}{{
         out << "#include \"Functors/JIT_includes.h\"\n";
       out << "namespace {\n";
-      std::size_t written_functors{0};
+      std::size_t written_functors{ 0 };
       while ( functors_iter != m_all.end() && ++written_functors <= ( functors_per_file + ( file_idx < remainder ) ) ) {
         auto const& functors = functors_iter++->second;
         out << functors.cpp_code << '\n';
@@ -439,7 +441,7 @@ functor_{0}{{
     auto       found_functor_jitter = std::filesystem::path{};
     while ( end != runtime_path.npos ) {
-      auto path = std::filesystem::path{runtime_path.substr( begin, end - begin )};
+      auto path = std::filesystem::path{ runtime_path.substr( begin, end - begin ) };
       path.append( "functor_jitter" );
       if ( std::filesystem::is_regular_file( path ) ) {
         found_functor_jitter = path;
@@ -452,7 +454,7 @@ functor_{0}{{
     // if we didn't find anything and break out of the while loop, we need to
     // check the last element
     if ( end == runtime_path.npos ) {
-      auto path = std::filesystem::path{runtime_path.substr( begin, end - begin )};
+      auto path = std::filesystem::path{ runtime_path.substr( begin, end - begin ) };
       path.append( "/functor_jitter" );
       if ( std::filesystem::is_regular_file( path ) ) { found_functor_jitter = path; }
@@ -462,7 +464,7 @@ functor_{0}{{
       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
     debug() << "Calculating hash of: " << found_functor_jitter << endmsg;
-    buffer << std::ifstream{found_functor_jitter}.rdbuf();
+    buffer << std::ifstream{ found_functor_jitter }.rdbuf();
     // runtime environment variable which points to the preprocessed header
     auto const path_to_header = System::getEnv( "FUNCTORFACTORY_PREPROCESSED_HEADER" );
@@ -472,7 +474,7 @@ functor_{0}{{
       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    buffer << std::ifstream{path_to_header}.rdbuf();
+    buffer << std::ifstream{ path_to_header }.rdbuf();
     m_dependencies_hash = Functors::Cache::hashToStr( Functors::Cache::makeHash( buffer.str() ) );
     debug() << "Calculating hash of: " << path_to_header << endmsg;
     debug() << "FunctorFactory initialized with dependencies hash: " << m_dependencies_hash << endmsg;
@@ -533,7 +535,7 @@ functor_{0}{{
     // execution of the same job by looking for full path to the lib inside the
     // FunctorJitLibDir (e.g. /tmp/libname.so)
     // dlopen arguments are explained at the top of this file
-    if ( m_lib_handle = LibHandle{dlopen( lib_full_path.c_str(), dlopen_flags ), lib_closer};
+    if ( m_lib_handle = LibHandle{ dlopen( lib_full_path.c_str(), dlopen_flags ), lib_closer };
          m_lib_handle != nullptr ) {
       info() << "Reusing functor library: " << lib_full_path << endmsg;
     } else {
@@ -569,7 +571,7 @@ functor_{0}{{
       auto total_time =
           std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>( std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start_time );
       if ( return_code != 0 ) {
-        throw GaudiException{"JIT compilation of functors failed!", "FunctorFactory", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "JIT compilation of functors failed!", "FunctorFactory", StatusCode::FAILURE };
       info() << "Compilation of functor library took " << total_time.count() << " seconds" << endmsg;
@@ -580,11 +582,11 @@ functor_{0}{{
       std::filesystem::rename( lib_tmp_full_path, lib_full_path );
       // dlopen arguments are explained at the top of this file
-      m_lib_handle = LibHandle{dlopen( lib_full_path.c_str(), dlopen_flags ), lib_closer};
+      m_lib_handle = LibHandle{ dlopen( lib_full_path.c_str(), dlopen_flags ), lib_closer };
     if ( m_lib_handle == nullptr ) {
-      throw GaudiException{std::string( "dlopen Error:\n" ) + dlerror(), "FunctorFactory", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ std::string( "dlopen Error:\n" ) + dlerror(), "FunctorFactory", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     // at this point we have compiled the functors so now it is time to make
@@ -624,19 +626,19 @@ private:
   std::map<Functors::Cache::HashType, FunctorsWithSameCode> m_all;
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_disable_jit{this, "DisableJIT", System::getEnv( "THOR_DISABLE_JIT" ) != "UNKNOWN",
-                                      "Do not lookup nor create a functor library in JitLibDir."};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_disable_cache{this, "DisableCache", System::getEnv( "THOR_DISABLE_CACHE" ) != "UNKNOWN",
-                                        "Do not use functors from the functor cache."};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::filesystem::path> m_jit_lib_dir{this, "JitLibDir", System::getEnv( "THOR_JIT_LIBDIR" ),
-                                                       [this]( auto& /*unused*/ ) {
-                                                         m_jit_lib_dir = ( ( m_jit_lib_dir.value() == "UNKNOWN" )
-                                                                               ? std::filesystem::temp_directory_path()
-                                                                               : m_jit_lib_dir.value() );
-                                                       },
-                                                       Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_keep_temp{this, "JitKeepTemp", System::getEnv( "THOR_JIT_KEEP_TEMP" ) != "UNKNOWN",
-                                    "Keep temporary files in JitLibDir"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_disable_jit{ this, "DisableJIT", System::getEnv( "THOR_DISABLE_JIT" ) != "UNKNOWN",
+                                       "Do not lookup nor create a functor library in JitLibDir." };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_disable_cache{ this, "DisableCache", System::getEnv( "THOR_DISABLE_CACHE" ) != "UNKNOWN",
+                                         "Do not use functors from the functor cache." };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::filesystem::path> m_jit_lib_dir{ this, "JitLibDir", System::getEnv( "THOR_JIT_LIBDIR" ),
+                                                        [this]( auto& /*unused*/ ) {
+                                                          m_jit_lib_dir = ( ( m_jit_lib_dir.value() == "UNKNOWN" )
+                                                                                ? std::filesystem::temp_directory_path()
+                                                                                : m_jit_lib_dir.value() );
+                                                        },
+                                                        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_keep_temp{ this, "JitKeepTemp", System::getEnv( "THOR_JIT_KEEP_TEMP" ) != "UNKNOWN",
+                                     "Keep temporary files in JitLibDir" };
   // a value of -1 means we will use as all threads available. Note that this
   // property is connected to m_split. Thus, the actual amount of threads
@@ -648,7 +650,7 @@ private:
           m_jit_n_jobs = tmp;
-      Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}};
+      Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } };
   // meaning of m_split is explained in write_cpp_files()
   // It can be set via either THOR_JIT_N_SPLITS or LOKI_GENERATE_CPPCODE.
   // Setting the loki env var also enables the cpp dump for the loki factories,
@@ -656,22 +658,22 @@ private:
   // without changing the behaviour of the loki factories. We still check for
   // the loki variable first though as that's the one that is set during the
   // functor cache creation.
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_split{this, "Split", 1,
-                               [this]( auto& /*unused*/ ) {
-                                 using boost::conversion::try_lexical_convert;
-                                 if ( int tmp{};
-                                      try_lexical_convert( System::getEnv( "LOKI_GENERATE_CPPCODE" ), tmp ) ||
-                                      try_lexical_convert( System::getEnv( "THOR_JIT_N_SPLITS" ), tmp ) ) {
-                                   m_split = tmp;
-                                 }
-                                 // map 0 -> 1
-                                 m_split = m_split == 0 ? 1 : m_split.value();
-                               },
-                               Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}};
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_split{ this, "Split", 1,
+                                [this]( auto& /*unused*/ ) {
+                                  using boost::conversion::try_lexical_convert;
+                                  if ( int tmp{};
+                                       try_lexical_convert( System::getEnv( "LOKI_GENERATE_CPPCODE" ), tmp ) ||
+                                       try_lexical_convert( System::getEnv( "THOR_JIT_N_SPLITS" ), tmp ) ) {
+                                    m_split = tmp;
+                                  }
+                                  // map 0 -> 1
+                                  m_split = m_split == 0 ? 1 : m_split.value();
+                                },
+                                Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } };
   // Gaudi::Property<std::filesystem::path>        tmp{this, "tmp", std::filesystem::path{"ab/cd"}};
   std::string m_dependencies_hash{};
-  LibHandle   m_lib_handle{nullptr, lib_closer};
+  LibHandle   m_lib_handle{ nullptr, lib_closer };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( FunctorFactory )
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/src/Core.cpp b/Phys/FunctorCore/src/Core.cpp
index df8a08f107644829c12ee0802362aa32ac04fd42..b52c78b480cf5be9c0fb6c9236948f4bf9361d23 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/src/Core.cpp
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/src/Core.cpp
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ namespace Functors {
       if ( iter == counters.end() ) {
         auto [new_iter, success] = counters.emplace(
             std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple( message ),
-            std::forward_as_tuple( const_cast<Gaudi::Algorithm*>( algorithm() ), std::string{message}, count ) );
+            std::forward_as_tuple( const_cast<Gaudi::Algorithm*>( algorithm() ), std::string{ message }, count ) );
         if ( success ) {
           iter = new_iter;
         } else {
-          throw GaudiException{"m_msg_counters manipulation failed.", "Functors::TopLevelInfo::Warning",
-                               StatusCode::FAILURE};
+          throw GaudiException{ "m_msg_counters manipulation failed.", "Functors::TopLevelInfo::Warning",
+                                StatusCode::FAILURE };
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ namespace Functors {
   std::string TopLevelInfo::generate_property_name() {
     auto* alg = algorithm();
     if ( !alg ) {
-      throw GaudiException{"generate_property_name called with a nullptr algorithm",
-                           "Functors::TopLevelInfo::generate_property_name", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "generate_property_name called with a nullptr algorithm",
+                            "Functors::TopLevelInfo::generate_property_name", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     std::string name;
     for ( auto i = 0;; ++i ) {
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/src/FunctorDesc.cpp b/Phys/FunctorCore/src/FunctorDesc.cpp
index 121551a1b30911361129e1e5ff9dbab39a820cd0..490c0217bbcf01615caf41fd115feea6b2db8831 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/src/FunctorDesc.cpp
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/src/FunctorDesc.cpp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ namespace {
     struct R {
       std::string_view type{};
       std::string_view value{};
-      explicit         operator bool() const { return !type.empty(); }
+      explicit operator bool() const { return !type.empty(); }
     // literals are assumed to be of the form  `some_type{ some_value }`
     // so we assume the last character is _always_ `}`, and then
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ namespace {
       for ( int i = s.size() - 1; i > 0; --i ) {
         if ( s[i] == '}' ) ++c;
         if ( s[i] == '{' ) --c;
-        if ( c == 0 ) return R{s.substr( 0, i ), s.substr( i + 1, s.size() - i - 2 )};
+        if ( c == 0 ) return R{ s.substr( 0, i ), s.substr( i + 1, s.size() - i - 2 ) };
     return R{};
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ namespace ThOr {
     std::transform( literals.begin(), literals.end(), std::back_inserter( args ), []( std::string const& lit ) {
       auto r = extract_( lit );
       if ( !r ) throw GaudiException( fmt::format( "bad literal: {}", lit ), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, StatusCode::FAILURE );
-      return std::string{r.value};
+      return std::string{ r.value };
     } );
-    return Functors::Arguments{std::move( args )};
+    return Functors::Arguments{ std::move( args ) };
 } // namespace ThOr
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/SigmaNet_weights.json b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/SigmaNet_weights.json
index a932e7f09c17d2de6d51c6d4d42c3125e77a3826..cb22f1b36f4c5e5978fa0c7dbbdf512bd2e8b843 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/SigmaNet_weights.json
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/SigmaNet_weights.json
@@ -1 +1,1901 @@
-{"sigmanet.gamma": [1.0], "sigmanet.sigma": [2.0], "sigmanet.nn.0.bias": [-0.5025683045387268, -11.44118881225586, -4.444202423095703, 7.6873459815979, -3.595064401626587, -6.243198394775391, 2.1721153259277344, 4.4996337890625, -5.380072593688965, 3.4076406955718994, 1.5864601135253906, -12.782092094421387, 7.33487606048584, -7.699161529541016, -6.082965850830078, 9.070785522460938, -5.4276933670043945, 9.878615379333496, -2.0694944858551025, -4.2403435707092285, -10.950719833374023, 3.226088523864746], "sigmanet.nn.0.weight_orig": [[1.1485482454299927, 0.3729504942893982, 1.1478697061538696, 0.5466415286064148, -1.148698329925537, 0.35183432698249817], [-1.1484375, 0.3543805181980133, 1.1477136611938477, 0.79422527551651, 1.1455433368682861, 1.1386396884918213], [-1.148166298866272, 1.148526668548584, 1.0592725276947021, -1.1486279964447021, 0.13209369778633118, 1.1470820903778076], [-1.147289514541626, -1.1484272480010986, -1.145645260810852, 0.2865305542945862, 0.04745408892631531, -1.1481873989105225], [-0.48122650384902954, 0.6657988429069519, 0.8206642866134644, 0.19271902740001678, 0.35553666949272156, 1.1025627851486206], [-1.147788643836975, -1.1470814943313599, 1.0854897499084473, -1.1477669477462769, 0.4597766399383545, 1.1478084325790405], [-1.1480084657669067, 1.148698329925537, -0.040575698018074036, -0.5532213449478149, -0.16322410106658936, -1.1477972269058228], [-1.1472047567367554, -1.148292899131775, -0.6578361988067627, -1.1341586112976074, -0.1476813703775406, 1.1474964618682861], [1.1482285261154175, -0.7982261180877686, -1.1479071378707886, 1.0917454957962036, 1.1162773370742798, -0.8938574194908142], [-1.1482744216918945, -0.4399080276489258, -1.148698329925537, -1.1484062671661377, 1.1478283405303955, 1.035684585571289], [-0.7053194642066956, 0.4730062186717987, 1.1482443809509277, 0.691879153251648, -1.1469395160675049, 1.0654159784317017], [1.1475036144256592, 0.5024178624153137, 1.147605061531067, 0.8375216126441956, 1.1476153135299683, 1.1478816270828247], [1.1480369567871094, -0.027693264186382294, 1.0583189725875854, -1.148603916168213, -1.0312484502792358, 1.0884331464767456], [-1.1484289169311523, 0.0926593765616417, -0.91842120885849, 1.1481858491897583, 1.1464282274246216, -0.5028029680252075], [-1.1480058431625366, -1.1455440521240234, 0.08519884198904037, -1.1484709978103638, 1.1469461917877197, 0.03833247348666191], [-1.1482099294662476, -1.14751136302948, -1.0909440517425537, -0.616461455821991, -0.5756250619888306, -1.0000967979431152], [-0.6373749375343323, -0.26540935039520264, -1.1470879316329956, 1.148698329925537, 1.1480388641357422, -1.148159146308899], [-1.148698329925537, 0.14659588038921356, -1.1483033895492554, -1.1482932567596436, 1.0514743328094482, 1.1466472148895264], [1.1481415033340454, -1.14851975440979, 1.1478315591812134, 0.7409166693687439, -1.1409389972686768, 1.133940577507019], [1.1470266580581665, 1.148520827293396, 1.1480870246887207, 1.1040295362472534, -1.1446582078933716, 1.0567609071731567], [1.1483129262924194, 0.7463298439979553, 1.1471387147903442, 1.1464996337890625, 0.16442441940307617, -1.148380160331726], [1.0818339586257935, 0.8956297636032104, -0.7990537285804749, 0.3296649754047394, 0.1751585602760315, 1.148698329925537]], "sigmanet.nn.2.bias": [1.714391827583313, -0.8811454772949219, 4.981019973754883, -0.9135857820510864, -4.017977714538574, 4.322673320770264, 1.4679142236709595, -1.3961445093154907, 2.5340347290039062, -1.132816195487976, 2.553624391555786, -2.496586322784424, 2.2809433937072754, -2.2938103675842285, -1.4443836212158203, -1.6454728841781616, 0.9457319378852844, -1.190441370010376, -5.039209365844727, 5.065760612487793, -0.19089004397392273, 0.8301258087158203], "sigmanet.nn.2.weight_orig": [[-2.690912333491724e-05, 0.014909207820892334, -0.0002732175635173917, 9.96450544334948e-05, 8.936993253882974e-05, 1.6406893337261863e-05, -0.1222911849617958, -4.593436187860789e-06, 3.7987367704772623e-06, 0.0001456211757613346, -1.9715325834113173e-05, 0.21650460362434387, 0.15869593620300293, -0.11506923288106918, -0.10484398156404495, 4.216573870508e-05, 6.853489935565449e-07, 0.00013862099149264395, -3.252498572692275e-05, 0.12015557289123535, 2.9279273803695105e-05, 0.29530611634254456], [-5.291434263199335e-06, 0.527776300907135, -3.604866287787445e-05, 3.911414387403056e-05, -1.1327561878715642e-05, 2.1427416868391447e-05, -1.8029113562079147e-05, 1.9805283955065534e-05, -0.196347177028656, 2.6996918677468784e-05, -2.1658670448232442e-05, 7.723891030764207e-05, -2.474109896866139e-05, 1.2233886991452891e-05, 5.110128768137656e-06, 1.7245472918148153e-05, -0.2908887267112732, -5.5568951211171225e-05, 1.0226171980320942e-05, 0.13321825861930847, -3.261943857069127e-05, 3.3126227208413184e-05], [0.00014692921831738204, -0.28859642148017883, 0.0007643868448212743, -0.0005353399319574237, -0.000515162362717092, -0.00020647395285777748, 4.595445716404356e-05, -0.0007108018035069108, 0.08273163437843323, 1.1896675459865946e-05, 3.2209150958806276e-05, -0.3270096182823181, 0.004930153954774141, -0.004283925984054804, 6.212158768903464e-05, -0.0005922587006352842, 0.16749006509780884, 0.0013078628107905388, 6.2093790802464355e-06, -0.2678258717060089, 0.0001216433010995388, 0.0007712897495366633], [-0.00573183037340641, -0.3297812044620514, 0.0002552634396124631, 9.758157102623954e-05, 9.752294863574207e-05, -4.597016959451139e-05, -5.877888179384172e-05, 0.0001490438007749617, 0.1664179116487503, 0.0035902527160942554, -0.0010908422991633415, -0.13967646658420563, 0.0017321171471849084, -0.0011041127145290375, 0.00016625237185508013, 0.002519621280953288, 0.2442457377910614, 0.0007466608076356351, -0.006383660715073347, -0.24472549557685852, -6.968923116801307e-05, -1.2315686035435647e-05], [-0.0006848410121165216, 0.3794470429420471, -0.0010678466642275453, 0.009399346075952053, 0.000383995269658044, 0.0002696090377867222, -0.00029418166377581656, 0.0005673631676472723, -0.06724350154399872, 9.994410356739536e-05, -5.09968631376978e-05, 0.24588637053966522, -0.0011495508952066302, 0.0016421879408881068, -0.00012719070946332067, 0.0013672435889020562, -0.14640887081623077, -0.00022713385988026857, -0.00029178266413509846, 0.28975680470466614, 0.0009607597603462636, -0.0013718033442273736], [0.0018447719048708677, -0.39614078402519226, 0.0010424507781863213, -0.004781339783221483, -0.0002617020800244063, -0.0005876775248907506, 0.001863625948317349, 0.00013309044879861176, 0.0679180771112442, -0.00040653039468452334, 6.669248250545934e-05, -0.2720469534397125, 0.0001235579256899655, -0.002806549658998847, 0.0001370200770907104, -0.0017675614217296243, 0.16520346701145172, -5.102782597532496e-05, 0.0005091842613182962, -0.22972095012664795, -0.0003457539714872837, 0.0009396197856403887], [-0.0001384799397783354, -0.34616872668266296, 9.337045412394218e-06, 4.116887066629715e-05, 5.666603101417422e-05, -3.12046759063378e-05, -1.842007077357266e-05, 8.328648982569575e-05, 0.08810636401176453, 0.00016716591198928654, -0.000196131833945401, -0.23067691922187805, 3.188104528817348e-05, 1.4374777492776047e-05, 4.045206151204184e-05, 8.86155612533912e-05, 0.1866854429244995, 0.0002265122311655432, -0.0002531393547542393, -0.29557299613952637, -6.496369314845651e-05, 2.6175330276601017e-05], [8.690360118634999e-05, 0.35746097564697266, -6.1008278862573206e-05, 4.157393505010987e-06, -1.1919968528673053e-05, 5.024434358347207e-05, 0.00019159272778779268, -7.561949314549565e-05, -0.11378733813762665, -0.0001300779840676114, 0.0001495204196544364, 0.21634992957115173, -6.164478691061959e-05, 4.371716204332188e-05, -4.135997005505487e-05, -6.271805614233017e-05, -0.15976625680923462, -0.00017381904763169587, 0.00032742624171078205, 0.2998165786266327, 2.9551303668995388e-05, -1.5999445167835802e-05], [-3.8907350244699046e-05, 0.017824368551373482, -0.3376013934612274, 6.212203879840672e-05, 3.712621037266217e-05, 5.5760214308975264e-05, -0.13860811293125153, 1.0552471394476015e-05, -0.012465332634747028, 0.02532379887998104, -2.19340727198869e-05, 0.1108490601181984, 0.060403622686862946, -0.036827411502599716, -0.04151393100619316, 9.883116581477225e-05, -4.848646312893834e-06, 8.457644435111433e-05, -3.353085776325315e-05, 0.06140986829996109, -6.488842336693779e-05, 0.3053583800792694], [-1.3793784091831185e-05, 0.41630643606185913, -1.4371797078638338e-05, 1.8577964510768652e-05, -1.832260750234127e-05, -1.4965649825171567e-05, 3.238803401472978e-05, -2.4275223040604033e-05, -0.047730136662721634, -8.122307190205902e-05, -2.9618011012644274e-06, 0.00011834213364636526, -2.0123779904679395e-05, 1.772269024513662e-05, 4.020818596472964e-05, -6.820575435995124e-06, -0.4055502116680145, -7.936592010082677e-05, 2.563225461926777e-05, 0.2785146236419678, 2.411245441180654e-05, 4.352982432465069e-05], [4.502931551542133e-05, -0.37975165247917175, 3.6702902434626594e-05, -0.0001558078802190721, 7.592978363391012e-06, -0.0002708610554691404, 5.377273919293657e-05, 5.998962660669349e-05, 0.07304926961660385, 9.56219264480751e-06, -1.0878424291149713e-05, -0.22310395538806915, 0.00015037819684948772, -0.0002490977640263736, 0.00010164793638978153, -7.147245923988521e-05, 0.18253013491630554, 0.00016388246149290353, 2.6195475584245287e-05, -0.2885025143623352, -0.00017575675155967474, 0.000172301588463597], [-4.8356530896853656e-05, 0.3780246376991272, -3.489361552055925e-05, 0.000185642100404948, 6.346557711367495e-06, 0.00034741981653496623, -5.029956082580611e-05, -6.0332557040965185e-05, -0.07273402065038681, -1.9048516151087824e-06, 1.6890839106054045e-05, 0.222796231508255, -0.00024792682961560786, 0.0003300824901089072, -9.997898450819775e-05, 5.918433453189209e-05, -0.18294188380241394, -0.00016302798758260906, -1.01006735349074e-05, 0.2903715968132019, 0.00013666214363183826, -3.08947273879312e-05], [-0.056181713938713074, 0.025436945259571075, -0.1396780163049698, -1.8977620129589923e-05, -0.27180978655815125, -0.0001028510378091596, -8.408350549871102e-05, -2.5994628231273964e-05, -0.06091991066932678, 1.2405562301864848e-05, -0.1126357689499855, 0.049240171909332275, -9.8420336144045e-05, 0.0001059873029589653, -0.22619007527828217, 0.00011939078103750944, -1.481156459703925e-06, -0.03384077548980713, -8.073502976913005e-05, 0.1720355898141861, 6.507940997835249e-05, 1.4201746125763748e-05], [-4.4008334043610375e-06, 0.4092364013195038, -4.1255130781792104e-05, 2.7704556941898772e-06, 2.912008199018601e-07, -3.845160790660884e-06, 2.6172145226155408e-05, -1.3416583897196688e-05, -0.0320667065680027, 8.63372133608209e-06, 5.422564299806254e-06, 0.15052565932273865, -1.7620537619222887e-05, 4.003314461442642e-05, -2.9508441002690233e-05, -3.3334947602270404e-06, -0.35387369990348816, -8.853456165525131e-06, 2.6817402613232844e-05, 0.2027161419391632, -1.2021072279821965e-06, 4.6149092668201774e-05], [-0.00010111295705428347, 0.2845003604888916, 1.5238045307341963e-05, 3.0282640182122122e-06, -3.8220179703785107e-05, 0.00011069477477576584, -3.629580169217661e-05, -2.6586716558085755e-05, -0.005004290025681257, 2.3751314074615948e-05, 5.279943252389785e-06, 0.3071555495262146, -0.000133915658807382, 6.16775214439258e-05, -6.464249599957839e-05, -3.75092240574304e-05, -0.232183039188385, -3.0209812393877655e-06, 5.535170930670574e-05, 0.3190716505050659, 2.0993169528082944e-05, 4.615352736436762e-05], [8.208259532693774e-05, 0.38154393434524536, 0.00011455404455773532, -8.118117693811655e-05, -6.922044849488884e-05, -0.00014233271940611303, -3.5177490644855425e-05, 0.00012415327364578843, -0.2864912450313568, -9.12591494852677e-05, 0.0005120989517308772, 0.18927668035030365, -1.1816056940006092e-05, 1.9917659301427193e-05, -0.00024299811047967523, -6.103860505390912e-05, -0.08176857978105545, -7.020435441518202e-05, 0.0002606560883577913, 0.1902245283126831, -6.376151577569544e-05, 0.017410947009921074], [-0.00011577114491956308, -0.3399806320667267, 7.116805500118062e-05, 2.9367626552812e-07, 8.643318869872019e-05, -3.14319840981625e-05, 1.2532558685052209e-05, -4.5714959924225695e-06, 0.11398936063051224, 8.04014052846469e-05, -0.00010702403960749507, -0.22488300502300262, 1.798166636035603e-06, -1.4716903024236672e-05, 0.00011535861267475411, 9.028809290612116e-05, 0.1664276421070099, 0.00014570981147699058, -0.00028481282060965896, -0.30221280455589294, 2.4731227313168347e-05, -1.7852858945843764e-05], [9.604790102457628e-05, 0.3459135890007019, -9.776346996659413e-05, -1.8202807041234337e-05, -8.847068238537759e-05, 2.427557592454832e-05, -2.3136361051001586e-05, 1.086920929083135e-05, -0.07904300093650818, -0.0001820691832108423, 0.00015530260861851275, 0.23016534745693207, -2.8235657737241127e-05, 2.232175029348582e-05, -1.8036309484159574e-05, -6.715943163726479e-05, -0.1861208826303482, -0.00021550434757955372, 0.00038285949267446995, 0.305894672870636, -3.561161065590568e-05, -9.516532736597583e-05], [-0.0006294525810517371, 0.3672622740268707, 5.01246249768883e-05, 0.0056108152493834496, 0.0001598889211891219, 0.00023420286015607417, 0.00040847217314876616, -0.00021744734840467572, -0.051090680062770844, 0.00015298505604732782, -4.44426950707566e-05, 0.33279168605804443, -0.00015621147758793086, 0.00015347020234912634, 0.0005448698066174984, 0.0009185490198433399, -0.13711391389369965, 5.928678729105741e-05, -0.00014844194811303169, 0.2504010796546936, -0.0001226725580636412, -0.00042738395859487355], [0.0003592713619582355, -0.3740120232105255, 0.00020680583838839084, -0.006306181196123362, -0.0002087812899844721, -0.0002470380568411201, -0.00030197628075256944, -0.00021612922137137502, 0.04381787031888962, -0.00015783873095642775, 8.318443724419922e-05, -0.3169793486595154, 0.00016941048670560122, -0.00014213209215085953, 0.00010119090438820422, -0.000944663945119828, 0.13112612068653107, -6.989651592448354e-05, 0.0001634147047298029, -0.2717958688735962, -0.0005584898171946406, 0.0007306347833946347], [4.683908264269121e-05, 0.33043423295021057, -1.3327948181540705e-05, -1.998281732085161e-05, -4.3660413211910054e-05, 1.2297302873776061e-06, -4.621283551387023e-06, -5.6522410886827856e-05, -0.14039720594882965, -6.47912165732123e-05, 4.3264775740681216e-05, 0.19407983124256134, -7.283628065124503e-07, 3.167720933561213e-05, -0.00011904462735401466, -1.2009179954475258e-05, -0.14100299775600433, -6.0155878600198776e-05, 8.498860552208498e-05, 0.34214645624160767, 2.8008078515995294e-05, 6.6849902395915706e-06], [3.393572842469439e-05, -0.3276432454586029, 0.00011018091754522175, 9.703617979539558e-05, 7.289015775313601e-05, -0.00011625105980783701, 5.453163680613216e-07, 5.383553434512578e-05, 0.08595360815525055, 0.00015719697694294155, 3.3597701985854656e-05, -0.28877922892570496, 0.005136863328516483, -0.005934493616223335, 0.00019626702123787254, -5.7439960073679686e-05, 0.16948071122169495, 0.00042611159733496606, -0.00017090098117478192, -0.2641851007938385, 5.071463965578005e-05, -8.29853343020659e-06]], "sigmanet.nn.4.bias": [-0.9827901721000671, 1.0910369157791138, -3.325138807296753, -1.069480538368225, 0.9807034134864807, -0.9927256107330322, -1.4031890630722046, -2.3794219493865967, -1.5237966775894165, -1.7349094152450562, -1.0536189079284668, 0.9967395067214966, 1.0241669416427612, -0.9853861927986145, -1.6485544443130493, -2.0333311557769775, -1.147150993347168, 0.9875373244285583, 1.0612865686416626, -1.0574034452438354, 6.333678722381592, 0.9231653809547424], "sigmanet.nn.4.weight_orig": [[-2.748710903688334e-05, -0.5252697467803955, 4.352320320322178e-05, 9.41851976676844e-05, 4.569446173263714e-05, -2.5692088456708007e-05, 2.0600773495971225e-05, -0.00010679262049961835, -2.9821374482708052e-05, -0.3997688591480255, 4.121904112253105e-06, -3.982731141149998e-05, -1.825319486670196e-05, -0.2224506437778473, -5.839953155373223e-05, -0.0002139536663889885, 6.346566078718752e-05, -4.8825968406163156e-05, 7.582802936667576e-05, -4.7983736294554546e-05, 0.00017740923794917762, -6.715166091453284e-05], [-3.0959470223024255e-06, 0.5903102159500122, -4.33433051512111e-05, -4.1720418266777415e-06, -0.000102213081845548, 3.170552008668892e-05, -2.3712642359896563e-05, 3.20935359923169e-05, 1.891701322165318e-05, 0.2971135675907135, -2.883376509998925e-05, 7.105583063093945e-05, 2.248515738756396e-05, 0.2601834237575531, 0.00017764295625966042, 8.294742292491719e-05, -1.43022161864792e-05, 3.5424618545221165e-05, -2.9229488063720055e-05, 9.065624908544123e-05, -0.00017155861132778227, 0.00010770538210636005], [0.019582131877541542, -0.3226265013217926, -0.039173852652311325, 0.0001318606227869168, -0.05145986005663872, 0.039430662989616394, -0.0002666434447746724, 0.0008435576455667615, 0.16235311329364777, -0.2613939344882965, -0.006844753865152597, 0.008124267682433128, 0.00017727285739965737, 0.010433089919388294, 0.03193947672843933, 0.00024735849001444876, -0.0001790686947060749, 0.00022570579312741756, -0.07940521091222763, 0.08411091566085815, -0.014602048322558403, 0.015147009864449501], [-2.8617952921194956e-05, -0.21527884900569916, 9.248626156477258e-05, 6.906870112288743e-05, 6.541182665387169e-05, -1.3905606465414166e-05, 5.0713504606392235e-05, -1.8554671896708896e-06, -3.721881512319669e-05, -0.14707639813423157, 3.199720958946273e-05, -6.741064225934679e-06, -3.063523399760015e-05, -0.6427509188652039, -7.83457508077845e-05, -0.047360289841890335, 0.0001175744691863656, -3.329836908960715e-05, 7.792225369485095e-05, -5.034532296122052e-05, 0.00021515351545531303, -0.09523069858551025], [3.640099976109923e-06, 0.5144538879394531, -3.737537917913869e-05, -4.951094524585642e-05, -2.85896585410228e-05, 2.254344326502178e-05, -4.0983697545016184e-05, 4.66514757135883e-05, 1.9590479496400803e-05, 0.4183362126350403, -6.0458296502474695e-06, 2.3613714802195318e-05, 2.5363578970427625e-05, 0.2151069939136505, 2.7945523470407352e-05, 6.018556086928584e-05, -4.971316229784861e-05, 9.314483759226277e-05, -7.67691290093353e-06, 3.495997952995822e-05, -0.0001889601699076593, 3.469397051958367e-05], [-2.0813817172893323e-05, -0.5278088450431824, 5.9551817685132846e-05, 2.868275623768568e-05, 2.811369085975457e-05, -6.445400504162535e-05, 0.00011332199937896803, -2.7222158678341657e-05, -1.2728897900160518e-06, -0.4015796184539795, 9.658727503847331e-05, -1.998718289542012e-05, -2.1380923499236815e-05, -0.218378484249115, -5.475484431372024e-05, -0.00011302273196633905, 5.442838300950825e-06, -6.828675395809114e-05, 5.524179505300708e-05, -3.055923662032001e-05, 0.0001007115060929209, -2.2322259610518813e-05], [-2.945307824120391e-05, -0.5162860751152039, 8.901468390831724e-05, 9.963975026039407e-05, -9.130276339419652e-06, -3.414097227505408e-05, 0.00013873830903321505, -7.495108729926869e-05, -2.0606210455298424e-05, -0.1914243996143341, 7.053393346723169e-05, -3.9443399145966396e-05, -2.319044324394781e-05, -0.4396536946296692, -9.842169674811885e-05, -5.756643076892942e-05, 0.00019718363182619214, -8.472138142678887e-05, 5.791400781163247e-06, -3.441828448558226e-05, 0.00011117703979834914, -0.00011613512469921261], [0.009384253062307835, -0.42503276467323303, -0.010851940140128136, -1.7720583855407313e-05, -0.02783353440463543, 0.029952066019177437, -0.010237558744847775, 0.01067968551069498, 0.02189173921942711, -0.44431379437446594, -0.014875665307044983, 0.016608351841568947, 0.01859062723815441, 0.0001254931412404403, 0.0036288865376263857, 0.0017419611103832722, -0.00964165385812521, 0.009295730851590633, -0.03579330071806908, 0.038051798939704895, -0.0014914132189005613, 0.008658407256007195], [7.95157302491134e-06, -0.6172112226486206, 2.8010039386572316e-05, 4.567288124235347e-05, 2.5228828235412948e-05, -4.772497049998492e-06, 4.340779560152441e-05, -4.0568749682279304e-05, -4.679433459386928e-06, -0.5305776596069336, 2.0163837689324282e-05, -8.256366709247231e-05, 1.89643444059584e-07, -2.9167344109737314e-05, -1.637398418097291e-05, -0.00015357138181570917, 6.450735236285254e-05, -1.8347023797105066e-05, 2.2735715901944786e-05, -0.00010992731404257938, 9.949813829734921e-05, -9.220844367519021e-05], [-1.2757098375004716e-05, -0.11344835162162781, 0.0002583619498182088, 0.00025427466607652605, 1.635434091440402e-05, -8.393300959141925e-05, 0.00012578500900417566, 2.81594657280948e-05, -9.82987603492802e-06, -7.14991801942233e-06, 0.0001309010840486735, -0.00015319597150664777, 0.0001222534046974033, -0.9013755321502686, -0.009751641191542149, -0.00026049913140013814, 0.0010010884143412113, -1.7451533494750038e-05, 5.593083187704906e-05, -1.533041722723283e-05, 4.176216316409409e-05, -0.12152769416570663], [8.20775494503323e-06, -0.5576993227005005, 1.2523175428214017e-05, 2.705928636714816e-05, 3.040818774024956e-05, -9.729256817081477e-06, 1.5066942978592124e-05, -7.703920709900558e-05, -2.7408097594161518e-05, -0.3516300916671753, 6.019893771735951e-05, -1.7201553418999538e-05, -1.5190290469035972e-05, -0.23869934678077698, -3.4338504519837443e-06, -5.833733666804619e-05, 2.280149783473462e-05, -2.4437220417894423e-05, 4.346142304711975e-05, -5.2584826335078105e-05, 0.00011937914678128436, -4.5183482143329456e-05], [3.6291278320277343e-06, 0.5009510517120361, -1.1141563845740166e-05, -2.3791541025275365e-05, -4.159763193456456e-06, 5.6047920224955305e-05, -8.429853187408298e-05, 6.0837395722046494e-05, 1.6657357264193706e-05, 0.4065103232860565, -3.352354178787209e-05, 0.00010693923104554415, 1.647121098358184e-05, 0.2403145283460617, 3.405895768082701e-05, 0.0001431288692401722, -0.0001235988165717572, 5.44570830243174e-05, -3.7900169900240144e-06, -7.5248858593113255e-06, -9.18520672712475e-05, 4.647266905521974e-05], [-3.6110891414864454e-06, 0.5429572463035583, -5.1900471589760855e-05, -5.305038939695805e-05, -3.983957867603749e-05, 1.6114376194309443e-05, -6.32603550911881e-05, 0.00010468054824741557, 2.733091969275847e-05, 0.36416691541671753, -6.46350672468543e-05, 0.00010130229202331975, 1.9524064555298537e-05, 0.24062879383563995, 7.6223232099437155e-06, 9.051322558661923e-05, -0.00012389436597004533, 5.044033605372533e-05, -5.309919401952357e-07, 6.761638928765024e-07, -6.999331526458263e-05, 5.65937916690018e-05], [-3.0260733183240518e-05, -0.5245732069015503, 4.171927866991609e-05, 3.0962179152993485e-05, 2.6957655791193247e-05, -3.35356016876176e-05, 0.00010963556269416586, -6.86900457367301e-05, -2.9283710318850353e-05, -0.404217928647995, 9.494157711742446e-05, -9.291219612350687e-05, -1.9082934159087017e-05, -0.21891073882579803, -7.452457066392526e-05, -5.606795821222477e-05, 2.8348971682135016e-05, -5.676331420545466e-05, -1.0005588592321146e-05, -3.304320125607774e-05, 9.388551552547142e-05, -6.588122778339311e-05], [2.6926107921099174e-07, -0.5904479622840881, 2.704587677726522e-05, 0.00011564300075406209, 4.189966421108693e-05, -3.956625369028188e-05, 1.7193973690154962e-05, -3.880347139784135e-05, 2.557910920586437e-05, -0.5572619438171387, 4.196594818495214e-05, -5.778301328973612e-06, 2.5352184820803814e-05, -4.51725791208446e-05, -6.966377986827865e-05, -8.517823152942583e-05, 4.670910129789263e-06, -1.807543776521925e-05, 0.00011554746015463024, -6.831849896116182e-05, 0.00014129870396573097, -6.139432662166655e-05], [-3.200989158358425e-05, -0.4482370913028717, 0.000329308386426419, 0.00039129398646764457, 4.885343969363021e-06, -2.637824582052417e-05, 0.00010493901208974421, -0.00023845610849093646, -5.993247782498656e-07, -0.0852053239941597, 1.8032242223853245e-05, -2.6046162020065822e-05, -2.7381631298339926e-05, -0.5971515774726868, -2.3566923118778504e-05, -0.00700302142649889, 0.0014450635062530637, -0.0012848031474277377, 2.681734986254014e-05, -2.784934258670546e-05, 0.00020251344540156424, -0.00689127529039979], [-4.385558895592112e-06, -0.4902510643005371, 0.0003269347653258592, 7.752205419819802e-05, 0.001728507806546986, -0.0005059115355834365, 0.00012986973160877824, -0.0001685038732830435, -2.5624793124734424e-05, -0.3811097741127014, 0.0004310800868552178, -0.0003442338784225285, -1.904292184917722e-05, -0.26654401421546936, -7.735969847999513e-05, -0.0010970544535666704, 7.261931023094803e-05, -0.00020789548580069095, 0.0015397327952086926, -0.0016648761229589581, 0.0023257567081600428, -4.6471574023598805e-05], [3.3713010907376884e-06, 0.5349276661872864, -4.247788820066489e-05, -4.533138417173177e-05, -6.83801499690162e-06, 6.447191844927147e-05, -8.268351666629314e-05, 2.1788349840790033e-05, 2.5157685740850866e-05, 0.4001176357269287, -7.080262730596587e-05, 6.843537994427606e-05, 2.5539527996443212e-05, 0.21275155246257782, 6.437745014409302e-06, 9.559986210661009e-05, -6.80530647514388e-05, 7.650456245755777e-05, -2.3791912099113688e-05, 4.888706371275475e-06, -0.00011859241931233555, 5.069213148090057e-05], [-3.0406245059566572e-06, 0.5317791700363159, -3.519462188705802e-05, -2.22856760956347e-05, -0.00013715456589125097, 3.6626435758080333e-05, -7.355310663115233e-05, 9.99357598630013e-06, 3.0509407224599272e-05, 0.3681805431842804, -0.00010575582564342767, 2.803931784001179e-05, -7.222276963148033e-06, 0.24776001274585724, 3.4957833122462034e-05, 6.143300561234355e-05, -0.00011519687541294843, 4.984228144166991e-05, -6.593066791538149e-05, 2.0220904843881726e-05, -0.00012611963029485196, 1.5446161341969855e-05], [-3.1991821742849424e-05, -0.43768155574798584, 4.3214953620918095e-05, 4.33873719885014e-05, 2.078621218970511e-05, 2.0897086869808845e-06, 3.3460990380262956e-05, -7.370460662059486e-05, -2.239545210613869e-05, -0.4302898347377777, 7.13185545464512e-06, -2.6198507839580998e-05, -1.6226449588430114e-06, -0.27983564138412476, -4.7227742470568046e-05, -5.572580630541779e-05, 8.365859685000032e-06, -7.74426298448816e-05, 0.00011393809108994901, -0.0001349385711364448, 0.00011169655772391707, -3.5983946872875094e-05], [2.4687513359822333e-05, 0.04622822627425194, 0.09839047491550446, -0.00011809221177827567, 0.0661010667681694, -0.13470454514026642, -4.539310248219408e-05, 0.00011032181646442041, -0.2979974150657654, 0.018087387084960938, 0.00014180017751641572, -9.52129194047302e-05, -1.2704907021543477e-05, -0.04525701701641083, -0.00026285459171049297, -0.053537458181381226, -0.00011221046588616446, 9.180842607747763e-05, 0.12721757590770721, -0.11568192392587662, 0.006620429456233978, -0.13785956799983978], [2.0068382582394406e-06, 0.5421476364135742, -5.154613609192893e-05, -5.511075505637564e-05, -7.463666861440288e-06, 6.393363946699537e-06, -5.69486765016336e-05, 0.00010444518557051197, 3.2111605833051726e-05, 0.22772319614887238, -3.427894989727065e-05, 2.9158845791243948e-05, -8.564960808143951e-06, 0.37778908014297485, 4.732856905320659e-05, 0.00016981421504169703, -8.837308996589854e-05, 3.8203907024580985e-05, -5.312072971719317e-05, 4.752264794660732e-05, -8.400696970056742e-05, 0.0001221087295562029]], "sigmanet.nn.6.bias": [1.5080758333206177, 1.6156785488128662, 1.5639944076538086, -1.5640356540679932, -1.6155420541763306, -1.4720531702041626, 1.5227653980255127, 1.5644237995147705, 1.5953930616378784, 1.5712425708770752, -1.5864514112472534, -1.506548523902893, -1.5712780952453613, 1.5904501676559448, 1.57331120967865, 1.5336289405822754, -1.5583815574645996, 1.5703455209732056, 1.643715262413025, 1.6014339923858643, 1.5801857709884644, 1.6141213178634644], "sigmanet.nn.6.weight_orig": [[-0.1365409940481186, 0.04042062535881996, -0.0580361932516098, -5.489941486302996e-06, -0.09802402555942535, 0.10987178981304169, -0.03365420177578926, -3.1796591883903602e-06, -0.12600594758987427, -5.642632004310144e-06, -0.04882432147860527, 0.04791269823908806, -0.10003650933504105, 0.0692288726568222, -0.06889960914850235, -1.5617479220964015e-05, -6.137346645118669e-06, 0.11768434196710587, -0.0068801091983914375, 0.02566578797996044, -9.667208360042423e-06, 0.060966528952121735], [-0.07839179784059525, 0.07096565514802933, -0.04375584423542023, -2.765807948890142e-06, -0.06362476944923401, 0.05159234255552292, -0.03489840403199196, -8.93910419108579e-06, -0.1115579679608345, -4.7614346840418875e-05, -0.08962186425924301, 0.08738808333873749, -0.057302072644233704, 0.12920314073562622, -0.08526481688022614, -1.591166073922068e-05, -0.008038201369345188, 0.061401382088661194, -0.020037196576595306, 0.09041497111320496, -7.637034286744893e-06, 0.06515699625015259], [-0.13350622355937958, 0.03887608274817467, -0.06021590530872345, -2.7045539354730863e-06, -0.09379538893699646, 0.11895200610160828, -0.027237698435783386, -2.6344575871917186e-06, -0.12975430488586426, -1.2825315934605896e-05, -0.03835665434598923, 0.04293721169233322, -0.10388815402984619, 0.07220518589019775, -0.08060086518526077, -5.5936940043466166e-05, 6.127109372755513e-05, 0.1233309879899025, -4.198677925160155e-05, 0.016725922003388405, -7.113077572284965e-06, 0.06813129782676697], [0.09905721247196198, -0.04485826939344406, 0.05359018221497536, 6.168735581013607e-06, 0.06325584650039673, -0.082851342856884, 0.03140229731798172, 4.1138594042422483e-07, 0.12912771105766296, 3.926042336388491e-05, 0.08428327739238739, -0.09492769837379456, 0.06390466541051865, -0.12724415957927704, 0.09369321167469025, 3.731557444552891e-05, 9.175803825201001e-06, -0.09268388897180557, 0.002225745702162385, -0.019946711137890816, 4.4548933146870695e-06, -0.06554928421974182], [0.09427943825721741, -0.036362528800964355, 0.1173587292432785, -2.2110882582637714e-06, 0.0710701122879982, -0.03979973495006561, 0.10061641782522202, 3.851275209854066e-07, 0.19130897521972656, 4.900454655398789e-07, 1.8696344341151416e-05, -0.013577028177678585, 0.08197062462568283, -0.03817863389849663, 0.12726910412311554, 4.844751674681902e-05, 4.671579154091887e-05, -0.031223004683852196, 1.0708937224990223e-05, -2.0980216504540294e-05, -2.8551494324347004e-06, -0.20553244650363922], [0.15087302029132843, -0.03262374922633171, 0.03508654981851578, 5.773089924332453e-06, 0.11198141425848007, -0.10284381359815598, 0.009973101317882538, 1.4969343737902818e-06, 0.10115767270326614, 1.0677980753825977e-05, 0.05152193084359169, -0.09125546365976334, 0.119026318192482, -0.08924664556980133, 0.0564994215965271, 3.697550255310489e-06, 1.992342367884703e-05, -0.12441672384738922, 0.016698075458407402, -0.028089800849556923, 6.990276233409531e-06, -0.027356170117855072], [-0.11452517658472061, 0.03631891310214996, -0.04847097769379616, -9.894646382235806e-07, -0.10433822870254517, 0.11684282124042511, -0.02281671017408371, -6.138502612884622e-07, -0.10812968760728836, -2.3234904801938683e-05, -0.03746270388364792, 0.08387216180562973, -0.11080396920442581, 0.10876397788524628, -0.07008962333202362, -1.4717867088620551e-05, -2.938416764663998e-05, 0.12411346286535263, -6.834365922259167e-05, 0.0163095835596323, 3.5774797879639664e-07, 0.045702558010816574], [-0.1222861036658287, 0.039545897394418716, -0.0741044133901596, -3.7850081753276754e-06, -0.0974334254860878, 0.0341285802423954, -0.057136643677949905, -1.5472092854906805e-05, -0.14518752694129944, -1.2929104968861793e-06, -0.03855505585670471, 0.06351307034492493, -0.10291877388954163, 0.0868668407201767, -0.09006818383932114, -3.441449371166527e-05, -4.4505570258479565e-05, 0.06533993035554886, -0.013312166556715965, 0.02201731689274311, -8.322222129208967e-06, 0.09617672860622406], [-0.08156805485486984, 0.06467296928167343, -0.042482294142246246, -8.249626262113452e-07, -0.07215789705514908, 0.07033322751522064, -0.03244293853640556, -3.5446159927232657e-06, -0.09944193065166473, -8.051907570916228e-06, -0.07896541059017181, 0.07783505320549011, -0.06626737862825394, 0.09387519955635071, -0.08507797122001648, -1.679504566709511e-05, -0.03826544061303139, 0.07851994782686234, -0.032927852123975754, 0.0738624632358551, -5.20667924774898e-07, 0.05997251719236374], [-0.09280671179294586, 0.06505667418241501, -0.04161292314529419, -3.7797617551404983e-06, -0.08099213987588882, 0.08186284452676773, -0.023831412196159363, -4.341150997788645e-06, -0.09852074831724167, -2.4054463665379444e-06, -0.07313461601734161, 0.07599067687988281, -0.08254993706941605, 0.08554293215274811, -0.0745987743139267, -6.9769303081557155e-06, -0.042371492832899094, 0.0728166401386261, -0.03134041652083397, 0.06542869657278061, 5.812119638903823e-07, 0.06022267788648605], [0.10696477442979813, -0.058870840817689896, 0.061976127326488495, 5.456777216750197e-06, 0.077210433781147, -0.0923485979437828, 0.06351831555366516, -2.69956194642873e-06, 0.13442060351371765, 8.999653800856322e-05, 0.037372738122940063, -0.028554759919643402, 0.08327452838420868, -0.07292629033327103, 0.09054155647754669, 4.9821999709820375e-05, 7.387908408418298e-05, -0.0950981080532074, 0.014236047863960266, -0.033363863825798035, 1.0916390237980522e-05, -0.09778788685798645], [0.11036168038845062, -0.031761784106492996, 0.041340287774801254, -3.6118433399678906e-07, 0.07938402146100998, -0.08105988055467606, 0.017221087589859962, -1.8522527511777298e-08, 0.11701811850070953, 3.5508728615241125e-05, 0.07442411780357361, -0.09663550555706024, 0.08784129470586777, -0.11605982482433319, 0.08340193331241608, 8.814865395834204e-06, 3.3332049497403204e-05, -0.09366539865732193, 0.0049297702498734, -0.06728660315275192, 2.4914470486692153e-06, -0.04622645303606987], [0.09234656393527985, -0.06096990033984184, 0.045522645115852356, -2.0965569547115592e-06, 0.08101062476634979, -0.05114263296127319, 0.029603101313114166, 4.540654572338099e-06, 0.11143847554922104, 1.85554181371117e-05, 0.08459648489952087, -0.08662942796945572, 0.05960825830698013, -0.10899367928504944, 0.07967804372310638, 1.1446744792920072e-05, 0.02232118509709835, -0.08750991523265839, 0.013295299373567104, -0.08219341933727264, 6.309206582955085e-06, -0.05179562792181969], [-0.10183829814195633, 0.05062451213598251, -0.04937801882624626, 1.8544997715252975e-07, -0.08137983083724976, 0.04483634606003761, -0.03005445934832096, -2.487763595127035e-06, -0.11915901303291321, -4.07999505114276e-06, -0.06136205419898033, 0.11142648011445999, -0.09015274792909622, 0.13616085052490234, -0.07305222749710083, -6.050855972716818e-06, -1.461285228288034e-05, 0.09236934781074524, -0.010436936281621456, 0.032401200383901596, 2.0018107989017153e-06, 0.06403656303882599], [-0.11159535497426987, 0.053124476224184036, -0.06772495806217194, -5.263305411062902e-06, -0.07999764382839203, 0.05825958400964737, -0.05876926705241203, -8.221288680942962e-07, -0.13785015046596527, -5.384586620493792e-05, -0.04183558374643326, 0.04410557076334953, -0.09137222915887833, 0.07535111904144287, -0.09267410635948181, -1.9130106011289172e-05, -5.016139766667038e-06, 0.09607046842575073, -0.013226484879851341, 0.03253991901874542, 1.1567880164875533e-06, 0.0941162258386612], [-0.1429242342710495, 0.04271778464317322, -0.04736784100532532, -4.952591098117409e-06, -0.1060982272028923, 0.12934622168540955, -0.02105672098696232, -3.6082426504435716e-06, -0.1166345551609993, -2.300377491337713e-05, -0.046382080763578415, 0.04297854006290436, -0.10240457952022552, 0.07177192717790604, -0.06665502488613129, -6.208438571775332e-05, -6.072071846574545e-05, 0.13578467071056366, -5.457788938656449e-05, 0.023915251716971397, 1.501317456131801e-06, 0.052450161427259445], [0.11916717141866684, -0.04765011742711067, 0.05518728122115135, -4.0534030176786473e-07, 0.056491658091545105, -0.10722402483224869, 0.03490479290485382, 9.540940482111182e-06, 0.1325613111257553, 3.4831580705940723e-05, 0.034474123269319534, -0.10478820651769638, 0.0911715030670166, -0.07750497758388519, 0.07809364050626755, 3.0154556952766143e-05, 3.091857797699049e-05, -0.11354804039001465, 6.305352872004732e-05, -0.0297359861433506, 1.1572122275538277e-05, -0.06601495295763016], [-0.12713532149791718, 0.04301624000072479, -0.05925552919507027, 5.444311454994022e-07, -0.10016485303640366, 0.044355619698762894, -0.039837054908275604, -2.7556493478186894e-06, -0.1309938281774521, -1.5042075574456248e-05, -0.05087378993630409, 0.07405562698841095, -0.1015791967511177, 0.07406767457723618, -0.0810045376420021, -4.477140828385018e-05, -1.4328821634990163e-05, 0.11877867579460144, -0.0037546379026025534, 0.027486518025398254, 1.028151245918707e-06, 0.07226081937551498], [-0.11914747953414917, 0.030470330268144608, -0.06546619534492493, -2.9400277981039835e-06, -0.08802517503499985, 0.10326483100652695, -0.04722166433930397, 1.0035103770178466e-07, -0.1438826471567154, -1.374737166770501e-06, -0.028140293434262276, 0.0406758114695549, -0.09702271223068237, 0.10802903026342392, -0.08270774781703949, -4.6367185859708115e-05, -2.6424935640534386e-05, 0.11085458844900131, -5.005673301639035e-06, 0.012778766453266144, -6.389816462615272e-07, 0.07092820852994919], [-0.09348601847887039, 0.05758559703826904, -0.021940182894468307, 8.995406460599042e-06, -0.08170127123594284, 0.07355411350727081, -0.010551607236266136, -8.69313589646481e-06, -0.09248516708612442, -2.526474418118596e-05, -0.0969080775976181, 0.1004822701215744, -0.08502282202243805, 0.12094932794570923, -0.07579859346151352, -2.622380407046876e-06, -0.010184261947870255, 0.07476352900266647, -0.022149790078401566, 0.09561944007873535, -2.0199537175358273e-05, 0.03545044735074043], [-0.08421724289655685, 0.05223556235432625, -0.04218230023980141, -4.7456441620852274e-07, -0.053373996168375015, 0.053590383380651474, -0.01910633221268654, -1.185926976177143e-06, -0.08712933212518692, -2.11451970244525e-05, -0.09733307361602783, 0.10062454640865326, -0.08966737240552902, 0.11328916251659393, -0.07218947261571884, -1.1531577683854266e-06, -0.009531456977128983, 0.09254822880029678, -0.025647785514593124, 0.1032274141907692, -1.4224419828678947e-06, 0.05277933552861214], [-0.13206669688224792, 0.0575149841606617, -0.0454336442053318, 1.3945866328413103e-07, -0.0985603928565979, 0.06564643234014511, -0.03806816041469574, -7.601705220849908e-08, -0.10314659029245377, -4.2839947127504274e-06, -0.05067688599228859, 0.05855167657136917, -0.10063938051462173, 0.07967497408390045, -0.07396247237920761, -1.6898134163056966e-06, -0.02911781705915928, 0.05350198596715927, -0.038223084062337875, 0.04693296179175377, 2.6822095833267667e-07, 0.07697378098964691]], "sigmanet.nn.8.bias": [-1.553545355796814], "sigmanet.nn.8.weight_orig": [[-0.00016169670561794192, -0.0009861143771559, 0.011465066112577915, -0.12886357307434082, 0.13139498233795166, 0.015206567011773586, -0.0783793181180954, -0.21337468922138214, -5.98768747295253e-05, -2.8827216738136485e-05, 0.04074613377451897, 0.006616599857807159, 6.34526222711429e-05, -2.75215097644832e-06, -0.04264964163303375, -0.13292545080184937, 0.17305931448936462, -0.06144402176141739, -0.005163217429071665, -0.10609864443540573, -6.925699835846899e-06, -1.5929599612718448e-06]]}
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+        1.0
+    ],
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+        2.0
+    ],
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+        -0.5025683045387268,
+        -11.44118881225586,
+        -4.444202423095703,
+        7.6873459815979,
+        -3.595064401626587,
+        -6.243198394775391,
+        2.1721153259277344,
+        4.4996337890625,
+        -5.380072593688965,
+        3.4076406955718994,
+        1.5864601135253906,
+        -12.782092094421387,
+        7.33487606048584,
+        -7.699161529541016,
+        -6.082965850830078,
+        9.070785522460938,
+        -5.4276933670043945,
+        9.878615379333496,
+        -2.0694944858551025,
+        -4.2403435707092285,
+        -10.950719833374023,
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+            -1.148698329925537,
+            0.35183432698249817
+        ],
+        [
+            -1.1484375,
+            0.3543805181980133,
+            1.1477136611938477,
+            0.79422527551651,
+            1.1455433368682861,
+            1.1386396884918213
+        ],
+        [
+            -1.148166298866272,
+            1.148526668548584,
+            1.0592725276947021,
+            -1.1486279964447021,
+            0.13209369778633118,
+            1.1470820903778076
+        ],
+        [
+            -1.147289514541626,
+            -1.1484272480010986,
+            -1.145645260810852,
+            0.2865305542945862,
+            0.04745408892631531,
+            -1.1481873989105225
+        ],
+        [
+            -0.48122650384902954,
+            0.6657988429069519,
+            0.8206642866134644,
+            0.19271902740001678,
+            0.35553666949272156,
+            1.1025627851486206
+        ],
+        [
+            -1.147788643836975,
+            -1.1470814943313599,
+            1.0854897499084473,
+            -1.1477669477462769,
+            0.4597766399383545,
+            1.1478084325790405
+        ],
+        [
+            -1.1480084657669067,
+            1.148698329925537,
+            -0.040575698018074036,
+            -0.5532213449478149,
+            -0.16322410106658936,
+            -1.1477972269058228
+        ],
+        [
+            -1.1472047567367554,
+            -1.148292899131775,
+            -0.6578361988067627,
+            -1.1341586112976074,
+            -0.1476813703775406,
+            1.1474964618682861
+        ],
+        [
+            1.1482285261154175,
+            -0.7982261180877686,
+            -1.1479071378707886,
+            1.0917454957962036,
+            1.1162773370742798,
+            -0.8938574194908142
+        ],
+        [
+            -1.1482744216918945,
+            -0.4399080276489258,
+            -1.148698329925537,
+            -1.1484062671661377,
+            1.1478283405303955,
+            1.035684585571289
+        ],
+        [
+            -0.7053194642066956,
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+            0.691879153251648,
+            -1.1469395160675049,
+            1.0654159784317017
+        ],
+        [
+            1.1475036144256592,
+            0.5024178624153137,
+            1.147605061531067,
+            0.8375216126441956,
+            1.1476153135299683,
+            1.1478816270828247
+        ],
+        [
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+        [
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+        [
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+            -1.148159146308899
+        ],
+        [
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+            -1.1482932567596436,
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+            -1.148380160331726
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+        -1.3961445093154907,
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+        -1.132816195487976,
+        2.553624391555786,
+        -2.496586322784424,
+        2.2809433937072754,
+        -2.2938103675842285,
+        -1.4443836212158203,
+        -1.6454728841781616,
+        0.9457319378852844,
+        -1.190441370010376,
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+            8.936993253882974e-05,
+            1.6406893337261863e-05,
+            -0.1222911849617958,
+            -4.593436187860789e-06,
+            3.7987367704772623e-06,
+            0.0001456211757613346,
+            -1.9715325834113173e-05,
+            0.21650460362434387,
+            0.15869593620300293,
+            -0.11506923288106918,
+            -0.10484398156404495,
+            4.216573870508e-05,
+            6.853489935565449e-07,
+            0.00013862099149264395,
+            -3.252498572692275e-05,
+            0.12015557289123535,
+            2.9279273803695105e-05,
+            0.29530611634254456
+        ],
+        [
+            -5.291434263199335e-06,
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+            3.911414387403056e-05,
+            -1.1327561878715642e-05,
+            2.1427416868391447e-05,
+            -1.8029113562079147e-05,
+            1.9805283955065534e-05,
+            -0.196347177028656,
+            2.6996918677468784e-05,
+            -2.1658670448232442e-05,
+            7.723891030764207e-05,
+            -2.474109896866139e-05,
+            1.2233886991452891e-05,
+            5.110128768137656e-06,
+            1.7245472918148153e-05,
+            -0.2908887267112732,
+            -5.5568951211171225e-05,
+            1.0226171980320942e-05,
+            0.13321825861930847,
+            -3.261943857069127e-05,
+            3.3126227208413184e-05
+        ],
+        [
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+            0.08273163437843323,
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+            3.2209150958806276e-05,
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+            -0.004283925984054804,
+            6.212158768903464e-05,
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+            -5.877888179384172e-05,
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+            0.1664179116487503,
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+            -6.0155878600198776e-05,
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+        -1.0536189079284668,
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+        -1.147150993347168,
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+            -2.5692088456708007e-05,
+            2.0600773495971225e-05,
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+            -2.9821374482708052e-05,
+            -0.3997688591480255,
+            4.121904112253105e-06,
+            -3.982731141149998e-05,
+            -1.825319486670196e-05,
+            -0.2224506437778473,
+            -5.839953155373223e-05,
+            -0.0002139536663889885,
+            6.346566078718752e-05,
+            -4.8825968406163156e-05,
+            7.582802936667576e-05,
+            -4.7983736294554546e-05,
+            0.00017740923794917762,
+            -6.715166091453284e-05
+        ],
+        [
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+            -0.000102213081845548,
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+            -2.3712642359896563e-05,
+            3.20935359923169e-05,
+            1.891701322165318e-05,
+            0.2971135675907135,
+            -2.883376509998925e-05,
+            7.105583063093945e-05,
+            2.248515738756396e-05,
+            0.2601834237575531,
+            0.00017764295625966042,
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+            -1.43022161864792e-05,
+            3.5424618545221165e-05,
+            -2.9229488063720055e-05,
+            9.065624908544123e-05,
+            -0.00017155861132778227,
+            0.00010770538210636005
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+        [
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+            -3.721881512319669e-05,
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+            3.199720958946273e-05,
+            -6.741064225934679e-06,
+            -3.063523399760015e-05,
+            -0.6427509188652039,
+            -7.83457508077845e-05,
+            -0.047360289841890335,
+            0.0001175744691863656,
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+            7.792225369485095e-05,
+            -5.034532296122052e-05,
+            0.00021515351545531303,
+            -0.09523069858551025
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+            2.254344326502178e-05,
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+            -2.239545210613869e-05,
+            -0.4302898347377777,
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+            -1.6226449588430114e-06,
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+            -7.74426298448816e-05,
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+            -0.0001349385711364448,
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+            0.00014180017751641572,
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+            -1.2704907021543477e-05,
+            -0.04525701701641083,
+            -0.00026285459171049297,
+            -0.053537458181381226,
+            -0.00011221046588616446,
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+            0.12721757590770721,
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+        1.57331120967865,
+        1.5336289405822754,
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+        1.5703455209732056,
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+            -0.09802402555942535,
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+            -5.642632004310144e-06,
+            -0.04882432147860527,
+            0.04791269823908806,
+            -0.10003650933504105,
+            0.0692288726568222,
+            -0.06889960914850235,
+            -1.5617479220964015e-05,
+            -6.137346645118669e-06,
+            0.11768434196710587,
+            -0.0068801091983914375,
+            0.02566578797996044,
+            -9.667208360042423e-06,
+            0.060966528952121735
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+            -0.06362476944923401,
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+            -0.1115579679608345,
+            -4.7614346840418875e-05,
+            -0.08962186425924301,
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+            -0.08526481688022614,
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+            0.061401382088661194,
+            -0.020037196576595306,
+            0.09041497111320496,
+            -7.637034286744893e-06,
+            0.06515699625015259
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+            -0.09379538893699646,
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+            -0.03835665434598923,
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+            0.11085458844900131,
+            -5.005673301639035e-06,
+            0.012778766453266144,
+            -6.389816462615272e-07,
+            0.07092820852994919
+        ],
+        [
+            -0.09348601847887039,
+            0.05758559703826904,
+            -0.021940182894468307,
+            8.995406460599042e-06,
+            -0.08170127123594284,
+            0.07355411350727081,
+            -0.010551607236266136,
+            -8.69313589646481e-06,
+            -0.09248516708612442,
+            -2.526474418118596e-05,
+            -0.0969080775976181,
+            0.1004822701215744,
+            -0.08502282202243805,
+            0.12094932794570923,
+            -0.07579859346151352,
+            -2.622380407046876e-06,
+            -0.010184261947870255,
+            0.07476352900266647,
+            -0.022149790078401566,
+            0.09561944007873535,
+            -2.0199537175358273e-05,
+            0.03545044735074043
+        ],
+        [
+            -0.08421724289655685,
+            0.05223556235432625,
+            -0.04218230023980141,
+            -4.7456441620852274e-07,
+            -0.053373996168375015,
+            0.053590383380651474,
+            -0.01910633221268654,
+            -1.185926976177143e-06,
+            -0.08712933212518692,
+            -2.11451970244525e-05,
+            -0.09733307361602783,
+            0.10062454640865326,
+            -0.08966737240552902,
+            0.11328916251659393,
+            -0.07218947261571884,
+            -1.1531577683854266e-06,
+            -0.009531456977128983,
+            0.09254822880029678,
+            -0.025647785514593124,
+            0.1032274141907692,
+            -1.4224419828678947e-06,
+            0.05277933552861214
+        ],
+        [
+            -0.13206669688224792,
+            0.0575149841606617,
+            -0.0454336442053318,
+            1.3945866328413103e-07,
+            -0.0985603928565979,
+            0.06564643234014511,
+            -0.03806816041469574,
+            -7.601705220849908e-08,
+            -0.10314659029245377,
+            -4.2839947127504274e-06,
+            -0.05067688599228859,
+            0.05855167657136917,
+            -0.10063938051462173,
+            0.07967497408390045,
+            -0.07396247237920761,
+            -1.6898134163056966e-06,
+            -0.02911781705915928,
+            0.05350198596715927,
+            -0.038223084062337875,
+            0.04693296179175377,
+            2.6822095833267667e-07,
+            0.07697378098964691
+        ]
+    ],
+    "sigmanet.nn.8.bias": [
+        -1.553545355796814
+    ],
+    "sigmanet.nn.8.weight_orig": [
+        [
+            -0.00016169670561794192,
+            -0.0009861143771559,
+            0.011465066112577915,
+            -0.12886357307434082,
+            0.13139498233795166,
+            0.015206567011773586,
+            -0.0783793181180954,
+            -0.21337468922138214,
+            -5.98768747295253e-05,
+            -2.8827216738136485e-05,
+            0.04074613377451897,
+            0.006616599857807159,
+            6.34526222711429e-05,
+            -2.75215097644832e-06,
+            -0.04264964163303375,
+            -0.13292545080184937,
+            0.17305931448936462,
+            -0.06144402176141739,
+            -0.005163217429071665,
+            -0.10609864443540573,
+            -6.925699835846899e-06,
+            -1.5929599612718448e-06
+        ]
+    ]
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/VertexCutFunctors.py b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/VertexCutFunctors.py
index 4bf5411f22d0d7950aad68e5f57fd3fd01f245aa..71b20a89ccd2882a1fb9dcf043de43e99f6bc567 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/VertexCutFunctors.py
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/VertexCutFunctors.py
@@ -9,27 +9,32 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from PyConf.application import configure, configure_input, ApplicationOptions, force_location
-from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode
-from PyConf.Algorithms import CombineTracksSIMD__2Body__PrFittedForwardTracks, CombineTracksSIMD__2Body__PrFittedForwardTracksWithPVs
 from Functors import *
-from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import MeV, GeV, mm
+from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV, MeV, mm
+from PyConf.Algorithms import (
+    CombineTracksSIMD__2Body__PrFittedForwardTracks,
+    CombineTracksSIMD__2Body__PrFittedForwardTracksWithPVs,
+from PyConf.application import (
+    ApplicationOptions,
+    configure,
+    configure_input,
+    force_location,
+from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode
 options = ApplicationOptions(_enabled=False)
 options.dddb_tag = "master"
 options.conddb_tag = "master"
 options.geometry_version = "run3/trunk"
 options.conditions_version = "master"
-options.input_type = 'NONE'
+options.input_type = "NONE"
 options.evt_max = 0
 options.simulation = True
 config = configure_input(options)
-#Basic declaration test
-vertex_functors = {
-    "Mass": (MASS > 200. * MeV),
-    "RefPt": REFERENCEPOINT_Z > -1000 * mm
+# Basic declaration test
+vertex_functors = {"Mass": (MASS > 200.0 * MeV), "RefPt": REFERENCEPOINT_Z > -1000 * mm}
 algs = []
 for key in vertex_functors:
@@ -37,13 +42,16 @@ for key in vertex_functors:
             name="CombineTracksSIMD__2Body__PrFittedForwardTracks_" + key,
-            VertexCut=vertex_functors[key]))
+            VertexCut=vertex_functors[key],
+        )
+    )
-            name="CombineTracksSIMD__2Body__PrFittedForwardTracksWithPVs_" +
-            key,
+            name="CombineTracksSIMD__2Body__PrFittedForwardTracksWithPVs_" + key,
-            VertexCut=vertex_functors[key]))
+            VertexCut=vertex_functors[key],
+        )
+    )
 config.update(configure(options, CompositeNode("test", algs)))
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/example_test.py b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/example_test.py
index 8c452f76ba6d9c60470eef5e946261d01b833830..d8bf0e3aaf8fbb7bf540736a4d3890fdc2e2687d 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/example_test.py
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/example_test.py
@@ -8,11 +8,12 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from Configurables import FunctorExampleAlg, FunctorExampleAlg_int
 from Configurables import Gaudi__Examples__IntDataProducer as IDP
-from Functors import Ex_TBL, Ex_GreaterThan, Ex_TimesTwo
 from Configurables import Gaudi__Monitoring__MessageSvcSink as MessageSvcSink
+from Functors import Ex_GreaterThan, Ex_TBL, Ex_TimesTwo
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 # Application setup
 app = ApplicationMgr()
@@ -23,19 +24,22 @@ app.TopAlg = [
-        Cuts=[[Ex_TimesTwo, Ex_TBL], [Ex_GreaterThan(2.) & Ex_GreaterThan(4.)]
-              ]),  #always evaluates to true
-    IDP(OutputLocation="SomeInt"),  #needed as input for the next algorithm
+        Cuts=[[Ex_TimesTwo, Ex_TBL], [Ex_GreaterThan(2.0) & Ex_GreaterThan(4.0)]],
+    ),  # always evaluates to true
+    IDP(OutputLocation="SomeInt"),  # needed as input for the next algorithm
-        Cut=Ex_GreaterThan(8.0),  #is my input greater than 8?
-        Input0="SomeInt"),
+        Cut=Ex_GreaterThan(8.0),  # is my input greater than 8?
+        Input0="SomeInt",
+    ),
         Cut=Ex_GreaterThan(8.0) & Ex_TBL,  # you can build the logical and
-        Input0="SomeInt"),
-    FunctorExampleAlg_int("name4", Cut=Ex_TimesTwo > 10,
-                          Input0="SomeInt")  # or build predicates like that
+        Input0="SomeInt",
+    ),
+    FunctorExampleAlg_int(
+        "name4", Cut=Ex_TimesTwo > 10, Input0="SomeInt"
+    ),  # or build predicates like that
 # - Events
 app.EvtMax = 1
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/functor_datahandle_test.py b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/functor_datahandle_test.py
index 85cdfd86b166b7b5c849d85eb07cd62c51450972..bc2ca85f9358a6545d94f6a1f3ab06baabd8ada5 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/functor_datahandle_test.py
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/functor_datahandle_test.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ from Configurables import EvtStoreSvc
 from Configurables import Gaudi__Monitoring__MessageSvcSink as MessageSvcSink
 from Functors import SIZE
 from Gaudi.Configuration import VERBOSE, ApplicationMgr
 # algorithms are coming from PyConf because we need to use DataHandles etc.
 from PyConf.Algorithms import FunctorExampleAlg as FEA
 from PyConf.Algorithms import Gaudi__Examples__VectorDataProducer as VDP
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/test_functor_compose.py b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/test_functor_compose.py
index 9bf3bc7cb6e401c9346e4103616062a3f6ea3fab..1429f19f4acc9c108d939c35cab463ba5a3ca0a6 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/test_functor_compose.py
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/test_functor_compose.py
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from Gaudi.Configuration import ApplicationMgr, VERBOSE
-from Configurables import SimpleFunctorAlg
 from Configurables import Gaudi__Examples__IntDataProducer as IDP
-from Functors import Ex_TimesTwo, Ex_PlusN
+from Configurables import SimpleFunctorAlg
+from Functors import Ex_PlusN, Ex_TimesTwo
+from Gaudi.Configuration import VERBOSE, ApplicationMgr
 # Application setup
 app = ApplicationMgr(OutputLevel=VERBOSE)
@@ -35,12 +35,14 @@ app.TopAlg = [
-        OutputLocation="SFA1_out"),
+        OutputLocation="SFA1_out",
+    ),
-        OutputLocation='SFA2_out')
+        OutputLocation="SFA2_out",
+    ),
 # - Events
 app.EvtMax = 1
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/test_functors.py b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/test_functors.py
index 7c143f0018af4d77696491aeea31ec7b4541406b..96d0e3a904c415fa53e7e8b72b6818b73b61c45f 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/test_functors.py
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/test_functors.py
@@ -14,15 +14,19 @@
 #  @author Saverio Mariani
 # =============================================================================
-from PyConf.application import configure, configure_input, ApplicationOptions
-from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode
-from PyConf import Algorithms
+import Functors.math as fmath
 from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
 from Functors import *
-from Functors.tests.categories import DUMMY_DATA_DEP, dummy_data_pv_container, dummy_data_fwdtracks
-import Functors.math as fmath
-from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV
+from Functors.tests.categories import (
+    dummy_data_fwdtracks,
+    dummy_data_pv_container,
 from Gaudi.Configuration import VERBOSE
+from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV
+from PyConf import Algorithms
+from PyConf.application import ApplicationOptions, configure, configure_input
+from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode
 generic_functors = [
@@ -52,14 +56,16 @@ all_tracks_except_unfitted_prforward_avx = [
 # The MatrixNet implementation is currently not generalised to support running
 # with vector types (OL doesn't see a major barrier to this being done though!)
 scalar_track_functors = [
-    MVA(MVAType='MatrixNet',
-        Config={'MatrixnetFile': "paramfile://data/Hlt1TwoTrackMVA.mx"},
+    MVA(
+        MVAType="MatrixNet",
+        Config={"MatrixnetFile": "paramfile://data/Hlt1TwoTrackMVA.mx"},
-            'chi2': ETA,
-            'fdchi2': PHI,
-            'sumpt': ETA,
-            'nlt16': PHI,
-        }),
+            "chi2": ETA,
+            "fdchi2": PHI,
+            "sumpt": ETA,
+            "nlt16": PHI,
+        },
+    ),
 only_velo_track_functors = []
@@ -112,10 +118,10 @@ only_combination_functors = [
-    MAXDOCACUT(10.),
-    MAXSDOCACUT(10.),
+    MAXDOCACUT(10.0),
+    MAXSDOCACUT(10.0),
+    MAXDOCACHI2CUT(10.0),
@@ -125,8 +131,9 @@ only_combination_functors = [
 only_composite_functors = [
-        Masses=(497., 497.)),  # assume we'll test with a 2-body vertex...
-    MASSWITHHYPOTHESES(Masses=(137., 'pi+')),
+        Masses=(497.0, 497.0)
+    ),  # assume we'll test with a 2-body vertex...
+    MASSWITHHYPOTHESES(Masses=(137.0, "pi+")),
     MASSWITHHYPOTHESES(Masses=("mu+", "mu-")),
     # FIXME fix BPVCORRM functor or the test?
@@ -147,59 +154,53 @@ only_composite_functors = [
-        MVAType='SigmaNet',
+        MVAType="SigmaNet",
-            'File':
-            "file://${FUNCTORCOREROOT}/tests/options/SigmaNet_weights.json",
-            'Name':
-            "SigmaNet",
-            'Lambda':
-            "2.0",
-            'NLayers':
-            "5",
-            'InputSize':
-            "6",
-            'Monotone_Constraints':
-            '[1,0,1,0,0,1]',
-            'Variables':
-            'TwoBody_LoKi_DIRA_OWNPV,log(TwoBody_LoKi_ENDVERTEX_CHI2),log(TwoBody_LoKi_FDCHI2_OWNPV),log(TwoBody_LoKi_MINIPCHI2),TwoBody_LoKi_Mcorr,TwoBody_LoKi_PT',
+            "File": "file://${FUNCTORCOREROOT}/tests/options/SigmaNet_weights.json",
+            "Name": "SigmaNet",
+            "Lambda": "2.0",
+            "NLayers": "5",
+            "InputSize": "6",
+            "Monotone_Constraints": "[1,0,1,0,0,1]",
+            "Variables": "TwoBody_LoKi_DIRA_OWNPV,log(TwoBody_LoKi_ENDVERTEX_CHI2),log(TwoBody_LoKi_FDCHI2_OWNPV),log(TwoBody_LoKi_MINIPCHI2),TwoBody_LoKi_Mcorr,TwoBody_LoKi_PT",
-            "TwoBody_LoKi_DIRA_OWNPV":
-            BPVDIRA(dummy_data_pv_container),
-            "log(TwoBody_LoKi_ENDVERTEX_CHI2)":
-            fmath.log(CHI2DOF),
-            "log(TwoBody_LoKi_FDCHI2_OWNPV)":
-            fmath.log(BPVFDCHI2(dummy_data_pv_container)),
-            "log(TwoBody_LoKi_MINIPCHI2)":
-            fmath.log(BPVIPCHI2(dummy_data_pv_container)),
-            "TwoBody_LoKi_Mcorr":
-            PT /
-            GeV,  #BPVCORRM(DUMMY_DATA_DEP)/GeV, # As mentioned above using BPVCORRM causes this test to fail. Therefore PT is used as a replacement as this is not related to the MVA functor.
-            "TwoBody_LoKi_PT":
-            PT / GeV,
-        }),
-    MVA(MVAType='TMVA',
+            "TwoBody_LoKi_DIRA_OWNPV": BPVDIRA(dummy_data_pv_container),
+            "log(TwoBody_LoKi_ENDVERTEX_CHI2)": fmath.log(CHI2DOF),
+            "log(TwoBody_LoKi_FDCHI2_OWNPV)": fmath.log(
+                BPVFDCHI2(dummy_data_pv_container)
+            ),
+            "log(TwoBody_LoKi_MINIPCHI2)": fmath.log(
+                BPVIPCHI2(dummy_data_pv_container)
+            ),
+            "TwoBody_LoKi_Mcorr": PT
+            / GeV,  # BPVCORRM(DUMMY_DATA_DEP)/GeV, # As mentioned above using BPVCORRM causes this test to fail. Therefore PT is used as a replacement as this is not related to the MVA functor.
+            "TwoBody_LoKi_PT": PT / GeV,
+        },
+    ),
+    MVA(
+        MVAType="TMVA",
-            'XMLFile': 'paramfile://data/Hlt2_Radiative_HHgamma.xml',
-            'Name': 'BDT',
+            "XMLFile": "paramfile://data/Hlt2_Radiative_HHgamma.xml",
+            "Name": "BDT",
             "ipchi2": ETA,
-            'ipchi2_min': ETA,
-            'gamma_pt': ETA,
-            'm_corrected': ETA,
-            'vm_corrected': ETA,
-            'fdchi2': ETA,
-            'vtx_chi2': ETA,
-            'doca': ETA
-        }),
+            "ipchi2_min": ETA,
+            "gamma_pt": ETA,
+            "m_corrected": ETA,
+            "vm_corrected": ETA,
+            "fdchi2": ETA,
+            "vtx_chi2": ETA,
+            "doca": ETA,
+        },
+    ),
 particle_functors = [
     # Functors from Particle.h valid for both track-like and composites
-    IS_ID('pi+'),
-    IS_ABS_ID('pi+'),
+    IS_ID("pi+"),
+    IS_ABS_ID("pi+"),
 options = ApplicationOptions(_enabled=False)
@@ -207,7 +208,7 @@ options.dddb_tag = "master"
 options.conddb_tag = "master"
 options.geometry_version = "run3/trunk"
 options.conditions_version = "master"
-options.input_type = 'NONE'
+options.input_type = "NONE"
 options.evt_max = 0
 options.simulation = True
 config = configure_input(options)
@@ -216,14 +217,12 @@ algos = []
 def test_functors(alg_name_suffix, functors_to_test, SkipCut=False):
-    algo = getattr(Algorithms, 'InstantiateFunctors__' + alg_name_suffix)
+    algo = getattr(Algorithms, "InstantiateFunctors__" + alg_name_suffix)
     test = algo(
-        name='Test' + alg_name_suffix,
-        Functions={
-            functor.code_repr(): functor
-            for functor in functors_to_test
-        },
-        Cut=FILTER(ALL) if not SkipCut else None)
+        name="Test" + alg_name_suffix,
+        Functions={functor.code_repr(): functor for functor in functors_to_test},
+        Cut=FILTER(ALL) if not SkipCut else None,
+    )
@@ -236,25 +235,32 @@ def test_pr(prname, functors, only_unwrapped_functors=[]):
 # See InstantiateFunctors.cpp for the explicit type names that are being used
 # here, and if you want to add new instantiations.
-    'vector__TrackCompactVertex__2_double', generic_functors +
-    fitted_track_or_composite_functors + only_composite_functors)
+    "vector__TrackCompactVertex__2_double",
+    generic_functors + fitted_track_or_composite_functors + only_composite_functors,
-    'PrVeloTracks',
-    generic_functors + only_velo_track_functors +
-    all_tracks_except_unfitted_prforward_avx +
-    all_new_eventmodel_track_functors,
-    only_unwrapped_functors=scalar_track_functors)
+    "PrVeloTracks",
+    generic_functors
+    + only_velo_track_functors
+    + all_tracks_except_unfitted_prforward_avx
+    + all_new_eventmodel_track_functors,
+    only_unwrapped_functors=scalar_track_functors,
 forward_functors = generic_functors + only_long_track_functors
-    'PrLongTracks',
-    forward_functors + all_new_eventmodel_track_functors +
-    only_long_track_functors_except_track_v2,
-    only_unwrapped_functors=scalar_track_functors +
-    all_tracks_except_unfitted_prforward_avx +
-    long_tracks_except_unfitted_prforward_avx)
-test_functors('Track_v1', only_v1_track_functors)
-              generic_functors + only_combination_functors)
-test_functors('Composites', particle_functors)
+    "PrLongTracks",
+    forward_functors
+    + all_new_eventmodel_track_functors
+    + only_long_track_functors_except_track_v2,
+    only_unwrapped_functors=scalar_track_functors
+    + all_tracks_except_unfitted_prforward_avx
+    + long_tracks_except_unfitted_prforward_avx,
+test_functors("Track_v1", only_v1_track_functors)
+    "vector__ParticleCombination__FittedWithMuonID__2",
+    generic_functors + only_combination_functors,
+test_functors("Composites", particle_functors)
 config.update(configure(options, CompositeNode("test", algos)))
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/test_functors_tested.py b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/test_functors_tested.py
index d0f5116d569164aaef1b0fd3a7c94925a93f612a..97c82204fd8f1d33580da001dff01f74581e489f 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/test_functors_tested.py
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/test_functors_tested.py
@@ -8,14 +8,16 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 Test if functors defined in module Functors are tested in TestFunctors.cpp.
 In case this test fails, please add a few lines of code in TestFunctors.cpp which use the new functor.
-import Functors
 import os
 import re
+import Functors
 def error(msg):
     print("ERROR", msg)
@@ -23,58 +25,58 @@ def error(msg):
 # just add everything which is not tested for now.
 exceptions = [
-    'Functors::Adapters::ConvertToPOD',
-    'Functors::Adapters::Maximum',
-    'Functors::Adapters::Minimum',
-    'Functors::Adapters::SubCombination',
-    'Functors::Combination::Charge',
-    'Functors::Combination::CosAngleBetweenDecayProducts',
-    'Functors::Combination::DistanceOfClosestApproach',
-    'Functors::Combination::DistanceOfClosestApproachChi2',
-    'Functors::Combination::MaxDistanceOfClosestApproach',
-    'Functors::Combination::MaxDistanceOfClosestApproachChi2',
-    'Functors::Combination::MaxDistanceOfClosestApproachChi2Cut',
-    'Functors::Combination::MaxDistanceOfClosestApproachCut',
-    'Functors::Combination::MaxSDistanceOfClosestApproach',
-    'Functors::Combination::MaxSDistanceOfClosestApproachChi2',
-    'Functors::Combination::MaxSDistanceOfClosestApproachChi2Cut',
-    'Functors::Combination::MaxSDistanceOfClosestApproachCut',
-    'Functors::Combination::SDistanceOfClosestApproach',
-    'Functors::Combination::SDistanceOfClosestApproachChi2',
-    'Functors::Composite::ComputeDecayLengthSignificance',
-    'Functors::Composite::FlightDistanceChi2ToVertex',
-    'Functors::Composite::MassWithHypotheses',
-    'Functors::Composite::MotherTrajectoryDistanceOfClosestApproachChi2',
-    'Functors::Examples::GreaterThan',
-    'Functors::Examples::ThorBeatsLoki',
-    'Functors::MVA',
-    'Functors::Track::Covariance',
-    'Functors::Track::QoverP',
-    'Functors::Track::Flag',
-    'Functors::Track::nPRVelo3DExpect',
-    'Functors::Track::UTHitADCs',
-    'Functors::Track::UTHitSizes',
-    'Functors::Track::Extrapolate',
-    'Functors::Common::UnitVector',
-    'Functors::Common::Call',
-    'Functors::Common::Dot',
-    'Functors::Common::NormedDot',
-    'Functors::Common::ImpactParameterChi2ToVertex',
-    'Functors::Common::Mean',
-    'Functors::Common::Median',
-    'Functors::Decay::FindMCDecay',
-    'Functors::Column_t',
-    'Functors::Identity_t',
-    'Functors::Particle::ParticlePropertyUser',
-    'Functors::PID::RichThresholdDe',
-    'Functors::PID::RichThresholdKa',
-    'Functors::PID::RichThresholdMu',
-    'Functors::PID::RichThresholdPi',
-    'Functors::PID::RichThresholdPr',
-    'Functors::Detector::DeLHCb',
-    'Functors::Detector::LHCbClockPhase',
-    'Functors::Track::LHCbIDs',
-    'Functors::Track::HitPattern'  # these last two are false positives: they _are_ tested, but this code doesn't recognize it...
+    "Functors::Adapters::ConvertToPOD",
+    "Functors::Adapters::Maximum",
+    "Functors::Adapters::Minimum",
+    "Functors::Adapters::SubCombination",
+    "Functors::Combination::Charge",
+    "Functors::Combination::CosAngleBetweenDecayProducts",
+    "Functors::Combination::DistanceOfClosestApproach",
+    "Functors::Combination::DistanceOfClosestApproachChi2",
+    "Functors::Combination::MaxDistanceOfClosestApproach",
+    "Functors::Combination::MaxDistanceOfClosestApproachChi2",
+    "Functors::Combination::MaxDistanceOfClosestApproachChi2Cut",
+    "Functors::Combination::MaxDistanceOfClosestApproachCut",
+    "Functors::Combination::MaxSDistanceOfClosestApproach",
+    "Functors::Combination::MaxSDistanceOfClosestApproachChi2",
+    "Functors::Combination::MaxSDistanceOfClosestApproachChi2Cut",
+    "Functors::Combination::MaxSDistanceOfClosestApproachCut",
+    "Functors::Combination::SDistanceOfClosestApproach",
+    "Functors::Combination::SDistanceOfClosestApproachChi2",
+    "Functors::Composite::ComputeDecayLengthSignificance",
+    "Functors::Composite::FlightDistanceChi2ToVertex",
+    "Functors::Composite::MassWithHypotheses",
+    "Functors::Composite::MotherTrajectoryDistanceOfClosestApproachChi2",
+    "Functors::Examples::GreaterThan",
+    "Functors::Examples::ThorBeatsLoki",
+    "Functors::MVA",
+    "Functors::Track::Covariance",
+    "Functors::Track::QoverP",
+    "Functors::Track::Flag",
+    "Functors::Track::nPRVelo3DExpect",
+    "Functors::Track::UTHitADCs",
+    "Functors::Track::UTHitSizes",
+    "Functors::Track::Extrapolate",
+    "Functors::Common::UnitVector",
+    "Functors::Common::Call",
+    "Functors::Common::Dot",
+    "Functors::Common::NormedDot",
+    "Functors::Common::ImpactParameterChi2ToVertex",
+    "Functors::Common::Mean",
+    "Functors::Common::Median",
+    "Functors::Decay::FindMCDecay",
+    "Functors::Column_t",
+    "Functors::Identity_t",
+    "Functors::Particle::ParticlePropertyUser",
+    "Functors::PID::RichThresholdDe",
+    "Functors::PID::RichThresholdKa",
+    "Functors::PID::RichThresholdMu",
+    "Functors::PID::RichThresholdPi",
+    "Functors::PID::RichThresholdPr",
+    "Functors::Detector::DeLHCb",
+    "Functors::Detector::LHCbClockPhase",
+    "Functors::Track::LHCbIDs",
+    "Functors::Track::HitPattern",  # these last two are false positives: they _are_ tested, but this code doesn't recognize it...
 functor_cpp_names = []
@@ -97,12 +99,11 @@ for name, val in Functors.__dict__.items():
 functor_cpp_names = sorted(functor_cpp_names)
-test_file_name = os.path.expandvars(
-    '$FUNCTORCOREROOT/tests/src/TestFunctors.cpp')
+test_file_name = os.path.expandvars("$FUNCTORCOREROOT/tests/src/TestFunctors.cpp")
 tested_functors = []
 with open(test_file_name) as test_file:
     file_content = test_file.read()
-    if ("using namespace Functors" in file_content):
+    if "using namespace Functors" in file_content:
             "Warning: Using namespaces might break the heuristics of this test. Try not to use them."
@@ -115,22 +116,17 @@ n_untested_functors = len(untested_functors)
 print("Before ignoring exceptions")
-    f"{n_untested_functors} of {len(functor_cpp_names)} factors are not tested!"
+print(f"{n_untested_functors} of {len(functor_cpp_names)} factors are not tested!")
     "The following functors are now tested and can be removed from the exceptions: ",
-    set(exceptions).difference(untested_functors))
+    set(exceptions).difference(untested_functors),
 untested_functors = list(set(untested_functors).difference(exceptions))
 n_untested_functors = len(untested_functors)
 print("After ignoring exceptions")
-    f"{n_untested_functors} of {len(functor_cpp_names)} factors are not tested!"
+print(f"{n_untested_functors} of {len(functor_cpp_names)} factors are not tested!")
 if n_untested_functors > 0:
-    error(
-        "Above functor(s) not compiled in TestFunctors.cpp. Please add a test."
-    )
+    error("Above functor(s) not compiled in TestFunctors.cpp. Please add a test.")
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/test_vector_functors.py b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/test_vector_functors.py
index 7faa483c04bcfdb5f2ce1da893e6970d3d182b9a..c0c18ee705f82e4c73ac06c847f77b5f3bb70ebb 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/test_vector_functors.py
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/options/test_vector_functors.py
@@ -8,27 +8,27 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-import os
 import hashlib
-from PyConf import Algorithms
-from PyConf.application import configure_input, configure
+import os
 import GaudiKernel.Configurable
-from Gaudi.Configuration import DEBUG
+from Configurables import FunctorFactory
 from Functors import POD
 from Functors.tests.categories import functors_for_class
-from Configurables import FunctorFactory
+from Gaudi.Configuration import DEBUG
+from GaudiConf.LbExec import Options
+from PyConf import Algorithms
 from PyConf.Algorithms import (
-    UniqueIDGeneratorAlg,
+    UniqueIDGeneratorAlg,
-from GaudiConf.LbExec import Options
+from PyConf.application import configure, configure_input
 from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode
 # Split the testing of functors into N tests, see `should_include` below
-SPLIT_I, SPLIT_N = map(int, os.getenv('TEST_FUNCTORS_SPLIT', '1/1').split('/'))
+SPLIT_I, SPLIT_N = map(int, os.getenv("TEST_FUNCTORS_SPLIT", "1/1").split("/"))
-produce = ProduceSOATracks(
-    InputUniqueIDGenerator=UniqueIDGeneratorAlg().Output)
+produce = ProduceSOATracks(InputUniqueIDGenerator=UniqueIDGeneratorAlg().Output)
 # Workaround for gaudi/Gaudi#117 that monkey patches gaudirun.py
 GaudiKernel.Configurable.expandvars = lambda x: x
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ FunctorFactory().OutputLevel = DEBUG
 def make_algorithm(type_suffix, eval_or_init, functors, producer=None):
-    algo_type_str = 'TestThOrFunctor' + eval_or_init + '__' + type_suffix
+    algo_type_str = "TestThOrFunctor" + eval_or_init + "__" + type_suffix
     algo_type = getattr(Algorithms, algo_type_str)
     functors = {f.code_repr(): f for f in functors}
@@ -48,15 +48,15 @@ def make_algorithm(type_suffix, eval_or_init, functors, producer=None):
     return algo_type(
-        PODFunctors={k: POD(v)
-                     for k, v in functors.items()},
-        **kwargs)
+        PODFunctors={k: POD(v) for k, v in functors.items()},
+        **kwargs,
+    )
 # which inputs we can provide at runtime in this test
 inputs = {
-    'Container': produce.Output,
-    'Children': [produce.Output],
+    "Container": produce.Output,
+    "Children": [produce.Output],
@@ -66,17 +66,13 @@ def should_include(functor):
     return hashlib.blake2s(x).digest()[0] % SPLIT_N == (SPLIT_I - 1)
-def setup_test(type_suffix,
-               class_name,
-               producer=None,
-               exclusions=[],
-               cannot_execute=[]):
+def setup_test(
+    type_suffix, class_name, producer=None, exclusions=[], cannot_execute=[]
     # get the functors corresponding to this class
     functors, functors_init_only = functors_for_class(
-        class_name,
-        inputs,
-        exclusions=exclusions,
-        cannot_execute=cannot_execute)
+        class_name, inputs, exclusions=exclusions, cannot_execute=cannot_execute
+    )
     functors = [f for f in functors if should_include(f)]
     functors_init_only = [f for f in functors_init_only if should_include(f)]
@@ -89,55 +85,58 @@ def setup_test(type_suffix,
     elif len(functors):
         # `functors` are executable and we have a producer to feed them with
-            make_algorithm(
-                type_suffix, 'Evaluation', functors, producer=producer))
+            make_algorithm(type_suffix, "Evaluation", functors, producer=producer)
+        )
     if len(functors_init_only):
-        algs.append(
-            make_algorithm(type_suffix, 'Initialisation', functors_init_only))
+        algs.append(make_algorithm(type_suffix, "Initialisation", functors_init_only))
     return algs
 test_algs = []
 # somewhat-special case of void functors
-test_algs += setup_test('void', 'Event')
+test_algs += setup_test("void", "Event")
 # LHCb::Composites
 # @todo setup a producer of Composites from 'produce' and add execution tests
 test_algs += setup_test(
-    'Composites',
-    'Composite',
+    "Composites",
+    "Composite",
     # @note this exclusion doesn't work for composed functors!!
-        'CHARGE',
-    ])
+        "CHARGE",
+    ],
 # LHCb::Pr::Fitted::Forward::Tracks
 PrFittedForwardTracks_derived_execute_exclusions = [
     # This is because the fake LHCb::Pr::Fitted::Forward::Tracks that we use
     # for the execute tests do not have valid long track ancestors.
-    'NHITS',
+    "NHITS",
 test_algs += setup_test(
-    'PrFittedForwardTracks',
-    'Track',
+    "PrFittedForwardTracks",
+    "Track",
-    cannot_execute=PrFittedForwardTracks_derived_execute_exclusions)
+    cannot_execute=PrFittedForwardTracks_derived_execute_exclusions,
 # LHCb::Pr::Fitted::Forward::TracksWithPVs
 test_algs += setup_test(
-    'PrFittedForwardTracksWithPVs',
-    'Track',
-    cannot_execute=PrFittedForwardTracks_derived_execute_exclusions)
+    "PrFittedForwardTracksWithPVs",
+    "Track",
+    cannot_execute=PrFittedForwardTracks_derived_execute_exclusions,
 # LHCb::Pr::Fitted::Forward::TracksWithMuonID
 test_algs += setup_test(
-    'PrFittedForwardTracksWithMuonID',
-    'TrackWithMuonID',
-    cannot_execute=PrFittedForwardTracks_derived_execute_exclusions)
+    "PrFittedForwardTracksWithMuonID",
+    "TrackWithMuonID",
+    cannot_execute=PrFittedForwardTracks_derived_execute_exclusions,
 options = Options(
-    dddb_tag='upgrade/master',
-    conddb_tag='upgrade/master',
+    dddb_tag="upgrade/master",
+    conddb_tag="upgrade/master",
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/src/InstantiateFunctors.cpp b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/src/InstantiateFunctors.cpp
index 5b6f3c73272d26409475b4374a13f52477aaf56a..056eadbd5ae019c6f9765a2a79f790d9ec29db85 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/src/InstantiateFunctors.cpp
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/src/InstantiateFunctors.cpp
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ using test5 = mp_product<std::invoke_result_t, mom4_accessors, mp_list<bool>,
 using PRV2 = decltype( Sel::Utils::impactParameterChi2( std::declval<LHCb::Particle const&>(),
                                                         std::declval<LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertex const&>() ) );
-using PRV1 = decltype(
-    Sel::Utils::impactParameterChi2( std::declval<LHCb::Particle const&>(), std::declval<LHCb::RecVertex const&>() ) );
+using PRV1 = decltype( Sel::Utils::impactParameterChi2( std::declval<LHCb::Particle const&>(),
+                                                        std::declval<LHCb::RecVertex const&>() ) );
 using IPCHI2PV = decltype( Sel::Utils::impactParameterChi2( std::declval<LHCb::Particle const&>(),
                                                             std::declval<LHCb::PrimaryVertex const&>() ) );
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ using dls_2 = std::invoke_result_t<Functors::Composite::ComputeDecayLengthSignif
 using dls_3 = std::invoke_result_t<Functors::Composite::ComputeDecayLengthSignificance, LHCb::PrimaryVertex const&,
-auto chi2perdof_func      = Functors::chain( FF::ValueOr{0.}, FT::Chi2PerDoF{}, FP::GetTrack{} );
+auto chi2perdof_func      = Functors::chain( FF::ValueOr{ 0. }, FT::Chi2PerDoF{}, FP::GetTrack{} );
 using chi2perdof_prepared = decltype( chi2perdof_func.prepare( EventContext{}, Functors::TopLevelInfo{} ) );
 using chi2perdof_1        = std::invoke_result_t<chi2perdof_prepared, bool, LHCb::Particle const&>;
 using chi2perdof_2        = std::invoke_result_t<chi2perdof_prepared, bool, LHCb::Particle const*>;
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ using chi2perdof_3 = std::invoke_result_t<chi2perdof_prepared, bool, LHCb::Parti
 using chi2perdof_4 = std::invoke_result_t<chi2perdof_prepared, bool, charged_basic>;
 using chi2perdof_5 = std::invoke_result_t<chi2perdof_prepared, bool, soa_composite>;
-auto chi2_func      = Functors::chain( FF::ValueOr{0.}, FT::Chi2{}, FP::GetTrack{} );
+auto chi2_func      = Functors::chain( FF::ValueOr{ 0. }, FT::Chi2{}, FP::GetTrack{} );
 using chi2_prepared = decltype( chi2_func.prepare( EventContext{}, Functors::TopLevelInfo{} ) );
 using chi2_1        = std::invoke_result_t<chi2_prepared, bool, LHCb::Particle const&>;
 using chi2_2        = std::invoke_result_t<chi2_prepared, bool, LHCb::Particle const*>;
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ auto allpv_fd_func =
                          Functors::chain( FC::ToLinAlg{}, FC::Position{}, FC::ForwardArgs<0>() ) ) ) ),
         // get TES object and forward it
-            /* List of DataHandles */ std::vector{std::string{"FakeLocation"}} ),
+            /* List of DataHandles */ std::vector{ std::string{ "FakeLocation" } } ),
         FC::ForwardArgs<>{} );
 // get the type of the prepared functor that is returned when calling prepare() on the above functor
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ auto allpv_ip_func = Functors::bind( FF::Map( FC::ImpactParameter{} ),
                                          FF::Map( Functors::chain( FC::ToLinAlg{}, FC::Position{} ) ),
                                          // get TES object and forward it
-                                             /* List of DataHandles */ std::vector{std::string{"FakeLocation"}} ) ),
+                                             /* List of DataHandles */ std::vector{ std::string{ "FakeLocation" } } ) ),
                                      FC::ForwardArgs<>{} );
 // get the type of the prepared functor that is returned when calling prepare() on the above functor
 using allpv_ip_func_type = decltype( allpv_ip_func.prepare( EventContext{}, Functors::TopLevelInfo{} ) );
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ using allpv_ip_func_type = decltype( allpv_ip_func.prepare( EventContext{}, Func
 using allpv_ip_func_result_type = std::invoke_result_t<allpv_ip_func_type, bool, LHCb::Particle const&>;
 auto RELS = ::FC::TES<LHCb::Relation1D<LHCb::Particle, LHCb::Particle>>(
-    /* List of DataHandles */ std::vector{std::string{"FakeLocation"}} );
+    /* List of DataHandles */ std::vector{ std::string{ "FakeLocation" } } );
 auto SUMCONE = Functors::chain( ::FF::ValueOr( /* The default value. */ 0.0f ), ::FF::Sum{},
                                 ::FF::Map( /* The functor to map over a range. */ Functors::chain( PT, ::FC::To{} ) ),
                                 Functors::bind( ::FC::Relations{}, RELS, ::FC::ForwardArgs<>() ) );
@@ -335,8 +335,8 @@ using asym_func_result_type = std::invoke_result_t<asym_func_type, bool, LHCb::P
 // create an instances of functors reading RecSummary
 auto npvs_func = Functors::chain(
-    ::Functors::TES::RecSummaryInfo{LHCb::RecSummary::nPVs},
-    ::FC::TES<LHCb::RecSummary>( /* List of DataHandles */ std::vector{std::string{"FakeLocation"}} ) );
+    ::Functors::TES::RecSummaryInfo{ LHCb::RecSummary::nPVs },
+    ::FC::TES<LHCb::RecSummary>( /* List of DataHandles */ std::vector{ std::string{ "FakeLocation" } } ) );
 // get the type of the prepared functors reading RecSummary
 using npvs_func_type = decltype( npvs_func.prepare( EventContext{}, Functors::TopLevelInfo{} ) );
 // get the result_type of functors reading RecSummary
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ using find_mc_decay_func_result_type_non_const = std::invoke_result_t<find_mc_de
 auto map_find_decay_func = Functors::chain(
     ::FF::Map( /* The functor to map over a range. */ Functors::chain(
         PT, ::Functors::Decay::FindDecay( /* Decay descriptor */ "[B0 => K+ pi-]CC" ) ) ),
-    ::FC::TES<LHCb::Particle::ConstVector>( /* List of DataHandles */ std::vector{std::string{"FakeLocation"}} ) );
+    ::FC::TES<LHCb::Particle::ConstVector>( /* List of DataHandles */ std::vector{ std::string{ "FakeLocation" } } ) );
 using map_find_decay_func_type = decltype( map_find_decay_func.prepare( EventContext{}, Functors::TopLevelInfo{} ) );
 using map_find_decay_func_result_type = std::invoke_result_t<map_find_decay_func_type, bool, LHCb::Particle const&>;
@@ -375,10 +375,11 @@ using map_find_decay_range_func_type =
 using map_find_decay_range_func_result_type =
     std::invoke_result_t<map_find_decay_range_func_type, bool, LHCb::Particle::Range const&>;
-auto map_find_mc_decay_func = Functors::chain(
-    ::FF::Map( /* The functor to map over a range. */ Functors::chain(
-        PT, ::Functors::Decay::FindMCDecay( /* Decay descriptor */ "[B0 => K+ pi-]CC" ) ) ),
-    ::FC::TES<LHCb::MCParticle::ConstVector>( /* List of DataHandles */ std::vector{std::string{"FakeLocation"}} ) );
+auto map_find_mc_decay_func =
+    Functors::chain( ::FF::Map( /* The functor to map over a range. */ Functors::chain(
+                         PT, ::Functors::Decay::FindMCDecay( /* Decay descriptor */ "[B0 => K+ pi-]CC" ) ) ),
+                     ::FC::TES<LHCb::MCParticle::ConstVector>(
+                         /* List of DataHandles */ std::vector{ std::string{ "FakeLocation" } } ) );
 using map_find_mc_decay_func_type =
     decltype( map_find_mc_decay_func.prepare( EventContext{}, Functors::TopLevelInfo{} ) );
 using map_find_mc_decay_func_result_type =
diff --git a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/src/TestFunctors.cpp b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/src/TestFunctors.cpp
index cc4b862b86044962fcf475b6cc1d5e76164cb4f5..cff2fabc8eb809d0a8c036ea3edb6049abe65902 100644
--- a/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/src/TestFunctors.cpp
+++ b/Phys/FunctorCore/tests/src/TestFunctors.cpp
@@ -99,19 +99,19 @@ struct DummyState {
   ROOT::Math::XYZVector const& slopes() const { return m_slopes; }
   friend auto slopes( const DummyState& s ) {
-    return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3>{s.m_slopes.X(), s.m_slopes.Y(), s.m_slopes.Z()};
+    return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3>{ s.m_slopes.X(), s.m_slopes.Y(), s.m_slopes.Z() };
   friend auto referencePoint( const DummyState& s ) {
-    return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3>{s.m_position.X(), s.m_position.Y(), s.m_position.Z()};
+    return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3>{ s.m_position.X(), s.m_position.Y(), s.m_position.Z() };
 // dummy track type
 struct DummyTrack {
-  float                          m_pt{0.f}, m_eta{0.f};
-  bool                           m_inacceptance{false};
-  bool                           m_ismuon{false};
-  float                          m_ebrem{0.f};
+  float                          m_pt{ 0.f }, m_eta{ 0.f };
+  bool                           m_inacceptance{ false };
+  bool                           m_ismuon{ false };
+  float                          m_ebrem{ 0.f };
   std::vector<DummyState*>       m_states;
   float                          pt() const { return m_pt; }
   bool                           loop_mask() const { return true; }
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ struct DummyTrack {
   int                            nUTHits() const { return 4; }
   int                            nFTHits() const { return 5; }
   int                            nHits() const { return 12; }
-  auto                           ClusterID() const { return LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID{1}; }
+  auto                           ClusterID() const { return LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID{ 1 }; }
   float                          BremEnergy() const { return m_ebrem; }
   float                          BremBendingCorrection() const { return 1.f; }
   auto                           BremHypoID() const { return LHCb::Detector::Calo::CellID{}; }
@@ -145,7 +145,8 @@ struct DummyTrack {
   void                            addToStates( DummyState* state ) { m_states.push_back( state ); };
   // VELO LHCbIDs: two C-side, one A-side
   std::vector<LHCb::LHCbID> lhcbIDs() const {
-    std::vector<LHCb::LHCbID> tmp_ids{LHCb::LHCbID{604130029}, LHCb::LHCbID{605211373}, LHCb::LHCbID{606223851}};
+    std::vector<LHCb::LHCbID> tmp_ids{ LHCb::LHCbID{ 604130029 }, LHCb::LHCbID{ 605211373 },
+                                       LHCb::LHCbID{ 606223851 } };
     return tmp_ids;
@@ -170,21 +171,21 @@ struct DummyTrack {
     __builtin_unreachable(); // suppress gcc warning -Wreturn-type
   LHCb::State const*     stateAt( LHCb::State::Location ) const { return nullptr; }
-  ROOT::Math::XYZVectorF closestToBeamStatePos() const { return {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; }
-  auto                   closestToBeamStateDir() const { return ROOT::Math::XYZVectorF{1, 0, std::sinh( m_eta )}; }
-  auto                   threeMomentum() const { return m_pt * ROOT::Math::XYZVectorF{1, 0, std::sinh( m_eta )}; }
+  ROOT::Math::XYZVectorF closestToBeamStatePos() const { return { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; }
+  auto                   closestToBeamStateDir() const { return ROOT::Math::XYZVectorF{ 1, 0, std::sinh( m_eta ) }; }
+  auto                   threeMomentum() const { return m_pt * ROOT::Math::XYZVectorF{ 1, 0, std::sinh( m_eta ) }; }
   LHCb::State            closestToBeamState() const { return {}; }
   friend auto            slopes( const DummyTrack& t ) {
     auto sl = t.closestToBeamStateDir();
-    return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3>{sl.X(), sl.Y(), sl.Z()};
+    return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3>{ sl.X(), sl.Y(), sl.Z() };
   friend auto threeMomentum( const DummyTrack& t ) {
     auto mom = t.threeMomentum();
-    return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3>{mom.X(), mom.Y(), mom.Z()};
+    return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3>{ mom.X(), mom.Y(), mom.Z() };
   friend auto referencePoint( const DummyTrack& t ) {
     auto pos = t.closestToBeamStatePos();
-    return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3>{pos.X(), pos.Y(), pos.Z()};
+    return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3>{ pos.X(), pos.Y(), pos.Z() };
   static constexpr auto canBeExtrapolatedDownstream = LHCb::Event::CanBeExtrapolatedDownstream::yes;
   friend auto           trackState( const DummyTrack& t ) { return t.closestToBeamState(); }
@@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_rich_dll ) {
   auto const RICH_DLL_BT = Functors::PID::RichDLLbt;
   // define particle and protoparticle
-  auto part  = LHCb::Particle( LHCb::ParticleID{11} );
+  auto part  = LHCb::Particle( LHCb::ParticleID{ 11 } );
   auto proto = LHCb::ProtoParticle();
   // add DLL info
@@ -264,7 +265,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_rich_dll ) {
 // check we can apply an IsMuon cut to some tracks
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_ptcut ) {
-  TrackFunctor ISMUON{Filter{Functors::PID::IsMuon{}}};
+  TrackFunctor ISMUON{ Filter{ Functors::PID::IsMuon{} } };
   auto         tracks          = make_tracks();
   auto         filtered_tracks = ISMUON( tracks );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( tracks.size(), 3 );
@@ -272,7 +273,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_ptcut ) {
 // check we can apply an InMuon cut to some tracks
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_inmuon ) {
-  TrackFunctor INMUON{Filter{Functors::PID::InAcceptance{}}};
+  TrackFunctor INMUON{ Filter{ Functors::PID::InAcceptance{} } };
   auto         tracks          = make_tracks();
   auto         filtered_tracks = INMUON( tracks );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( tracks.size(), 3 );
@@ -281,18 +282,18 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_inmuon ) {
 using SelOfDummy = Pr::Selection<DummyTrack>;
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_ptcut_inmuon ) {
-  Functors::Functor<SelOfDummy( SelOfDummy const& )> INMUON{Filter{Functors::PID::InAcceptance{}}};
+  Functors::Functor<SelOfDummy( SelOfDummy const& )> INMUON{ Filter{ Functors::PID::InAcceptance{} } };
   auto                                               tracks = make_tracks();
-  Pr::Selection                                      track_sel{tracks};
+  Pr::Selection                                      track_sel{ tracks };
   auto                                               filtered_track_sel = INMUON( track_sel );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( track_sel.size(), 3 );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( filtered_track_sel.size(), 1 );
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_ptcut_selection ) {
-  Functors::Functor<SelOfDummy( SelOfDummy const& )> ISMUON{Filter{Functors::PID::IsMuon{}}};
+  Functors::Functor<SelOfDummy( SelOfDummy const& )> ISMUON{ Filter{ Functors::PID::IsMuon{} } };
   auto                                               tracks = make_tracks();
-  Pr::Selection                                      track_sel{tracks};
+  Pr::Selection                                      track_sel{ tracks };
   auto                                               filtered_track_sel = ISMUON( track_sel );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( track_sel.size(), 3 );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( filtered_track_sel.size(), 1 );
@@ -301,23 +302,23 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_ptcut_selection ) {
 // check that composition gives something sensible
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_functor_composition ) {
   auto         tracks = make_tracks();
-  TrackFunctor high_pT_any_eta{Filter{( PT > 10.f ) & ( ETA > 0 )}};
+  TrackFunctor high_pT_any_eta{ Filter{ ( PT > 10.f ) & ( ETA > 0 ) } };
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( high_pT_any_eta( tracks ).size(), 2 );
-  TrackFunctor high_pT_or_eta{Filter{( PT > 10.f ) | ( ETA > 2 )}};
+  TrackFunctor high_pT_or_eta{ Filter{ ( PT > 10.f ) | ( ETA > 2 ) } };
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( high_pT_or_eta( tracks ).size(), 3 );
-  TrackFunctor low_pT{Filter{~( PT > 10.f )}};
+  TrackFunctor low_pT{ Filter{ ~( PT > 10.f ) } };
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( low_pT( tracks ).size(), 1 );
-  TrackFunctor low_eta_or_high_pT{Filter{~( ETA > 2 ) | ( PT > 30.f )}};
+  TrackFunctor low_eta_or_high_pT{ Filter{ ~( ETA > 2 ) | ( PT > 30.f ) } };
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( low_eta_or_high_pT( tracks ).size(), 2 );
 // check that predicates constructed from functors work
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_predicate_from_function ) {
   auto         tracks       = make_tracks();
-  TrackFunctor pt_gt_10     = Filter{PT > 10};
-  TrackFunctor pt_lt_10     = Filter{PT < 10};
-  TrackFunctor pt_gt_10_alt = Filter{10 < PT};
-  TrackFunctor pt_lt_10_alt = Filter{10 > PT};
+  TrackFunctor pt_gt_10     = Filter{ PT > 10 };
+  TrackFunctor pt_lt_10     = Filter{ PT < 10 };
+  TrackFunctor pt_gt_10_alt = Filter{ 10 < PT };
+  TrackFunctor pt_lt_10_alt = Filter{ 10 > PT };
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( pt_gt_10( tracks ).size(), 2 );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( pt_lt_10( tracks ).size(), 1 );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( pt_gt_10( tracks ).size(), pt_gt_10_alt( tracks ).size() );
@@ -338,14 +339,14 @@ auto one_track_functor() {
   // generated via python. One would never actually write the below in c++
   auto f_min_ipchi2_cut = Functors::bind(
       ::Functors::Functional::MapAllOf( operator>( ::Functors::Common::ImpactParameterChi2{}, MinIPChi2 ) ),
-      ::Functors::Common::TES<LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer>( std::vector{std::string{PV_loc}} ),
+      ::Functors::Common::TES<LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer>( std::vector{ std::string{ PV_loc } } ),
       ::Functors::Common::ForwardArgs{} );
   auto f_min_ipchi2 =
       Functors::chain( ::Functors::Functional::Min{},
                        Functors::bind( ::Functors::Functional::Map( ::Functors::Common::ImpactParameterChi2{} ),
-                                           std::vector{std::string{PV_loc}} ),
+                                           std::vector{ std::string{ PV_loc } } ),
                                        ::Functors::Common::ForwardArgs{} ) );
   TrackFunctor one_track = Filter{
@@ -353,7 +354,7 @@ auto one_track_functor() {
       ( ( ( PT > MaxPT ) & f_min_ipchi2_cut ) |
         ( Functors::math::in_range( MinPT, PT, MaxPT ) &
           ( Functors::math::log( f_min_ipchi2 ) > ( 1.0 / Functors::math::pow( PT - 1.0, 2 ) +
-                                                    ( 1.0 / MaxPT ) * ( MaxPT - PT ) + std::log( MinIPChi2 ) ) ) ) )};
+                                                    ( 1.0 / MaxPT ) * ( MaxPT - PT ) + std::log( MinIPChi2 ) ) ) ) ) };
   // If we actually call one_track_functor() this will crash, but we can at least make sure the template can be
   // instantiated
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( one_track( make_tracks() ).size(), 0 );
@@ -363,7 +364,7 @@ template <typename T, typename Fun>
 void testOnParticles( std::vector<int> const& codes, Fun fun ) {
   // make filter
   using PartsFunctor = Functors::Functor<T( T const& )>;
-  PartsFunctor cut   = Filter{fun};
+  PartsFunctor cut   = Filter{ fun };
   // make particles
   T parts;
   for ( auto i = codes.begin(); i != codes.end(); i++ ) {
@@ -385,13 +386,13 @@ void testPointerAndObject( std::vector<int> const& codes, Fun fun ) {
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_ai_functors ) {
   // test probNN
-  testPointerAndObject( std::vector<int>{13, 211, 321},
+  testPointerAndObject( std::vector<int>{ 13, 211, 321 },
                         all_of( Functors::Track::PROBNN_MU_t{} > 0.1f, Functors::Track::PROBNN_E_t{} > 0.1f,
                                 Functors::Track::PROBNN_P_t{} > 0.1f, Functors::Track::PROBNN_K_t{} > 0.1f,
                                 Functors::Track::PROBNN_PI_t{} > 0.1f, Functors::Track::PROBNN_D_t{} > 0.1f,
                                 Functors::Track::PROBNN_GHOST_t{} < 0.8f ) );
   // test neutral functors
-  testPointerAndObject( std::vector<int>{22, 111},
+  testPointerAndObject( std::vector<int>{ 22, 111 },
                         all_of( Functors::Neutral::IsPhoton > 0.5f, Functors::Neutral::IsNotH > 0.1f,
                                 Functors::Neutral::ShowerShape<0.f, Functors::Neutral::NeutralE19> 0.3f,
                                 Functors::chain( Functors::PID::CaloCellID::All, Functors::Neutral::NeutralID ) > 1.0f,
@@ -401,7 +402,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_ai_functors ) {
   // test calo and rich track functors
-      std::vector<int>{11, 22, 211},
+      std::vector<int>{ 11, 22, 211 },
       all_of( Functors::PID::HasBrem, Functors::Track::HasBremAdded{}, Functors::PID::InEcal,
               Functors::chain( Functors::PID::CaloCellID::All, Functors::PID::ClusterID ) > 0, Functors::PID::InHcal,
               Functors::PID::InBrem, Functors::PID::BremEnergy > 0.f, Functors::PID::BremBendCorr > 0.f,
@@ -430,14 +431,14 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_1trackmva_functor ) {
   auto                              MinPT          = 1.f;
   auto                              MaxPT          = 25.f;
   auto                              MinIPChi2      = 7.4f;
-  TrackFunctor                      pt_squared_cut = Filter{Functors::math::pow( PT, 2 ) > 2.f};
+  TrackFunctor                      pt_squared_cut = Filter{ Functors::math::pow( PT, 2 ) > 2.f };
   // This has had ETA put in place of MINIPCHI2 so it should actually be able to run...
   TrackFunctor one_track_simple =
-      Filter{( CHI2PERDOF < 2.f ) & ( GHOSTPROB < 0.3f ) &
-             ( ( ( PT > MaxPT ) & ( ETA > MinIPChi2 ) ) |
-               ( Functors::math::in_range( MinPT, PT, MaxPT ) &
-                 ( Functors::math::log( ETA ) > ( 1.0 / Functors::math::pow( PT - 1.0, 2 ) +
-                                                  ( 1.0 / MaxPT ) * ( MaxPT - PT ) + std::log( MinIPChi2 ) ) ) ) )};
+      Filter{ ( CHI2PERDOF < 2.f ) & ( GHOSTPROB < 0.3f ) &
+              ( ( ( PT > MaxPT ) & ( ETA > MinIPChi2 ) ) |
+                ( Functors::math::in_range( MinPT, PT, MaxPT ) &
+                  ( Functors::math::log( ETA ) > ( 1.0 / Functors::math::pow( PT - 1.0, 2 ) +
+                                                   ( 1.0 / MaxPT ) * ( MaxPT - PT ) + std::log( MinIPChi2 ) ) ) ) ) };
   auto tracks = make_tracks();
   auto test_1 = pt_squared_cut( tracks );
   auto test_2 = one_track_simple( tracks );
@@ -481,7 +482,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_general_track_functor ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( CAST_TO_INT( false ), 0 );
-  DummyTrack track{10.f, 10.f, true, true};
+  DummyTrack track{ 10.f, 10.f, true, true };
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( TYPE( track ), LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type::Long );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( HAST( TYPE( track ) ), true );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( HASUT( TYPE( track ) ), true );
@@ -506,21 +507,21 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_general_track_functor ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( prepared_call( NVPHITSC, track ), 2 );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( prepared_call( NVPOVERLAP, track ), 1 );
-  DummyReconstructedObject rec{1, &track};
+  DummyReconstructedObject rec{ 1, &track };
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( TYPE( GETTRACK( rec ).value() ), LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type::Long );
-  DummyState state_0( {0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1} );
+  DummyState state_0( { 0, 0, 0 }, { 1, 1, 1 } );
   track.addToStates( &state_0 );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( REFERENCEPOINT( STATES( track ).front() ).x().cast(), 0 );
-  Functors::Track::StateAt       STATE_AT{LHCb::State::Location::FirstMeasurement};
-  Functors::Track::StateAt       STATE_AT_CTB{"ClosestToBeam"};
+  Functors::Track::StateAt       STATE_AT{ LHCb::State::Location::FirstMeasurement };
+  Functors::Track::StateAt       STATE_AT_CTB{ "ClosestToBeam" };
   Functors::Track::TrackState    FIRST_STATE{};
   Functors::Common::Position     POS{};
   Functors::Common::X_Coordinate X{};
   auto                           v1track = LHCb::Event::v1::Track{};
-  v1track.addToStates( LHCb::State{{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 6, LHCb::State::Location::FirstMeasurement} );
+  v1track.addToStates( LHCb::State{ { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, 6, LHCb::State::Location::FirstMeasurement } );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( X( POS( ( STATE_AT( v1track ).value() ) ) ), 1 );
@@ -539,7 +540,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_brem_functors ) {
     return functor.prepare( EventContext{}, Functors::TopLevelInfo{} )( true, input );
-  DummyTrack track{10.f, 0.f, true, true, 2.f};
+  DummyTrack track{ 10.f, 0.f, true, true, 2.f };
   auto       mom1 = threeMomentum( BREM( track ) );
   auto       mom2 = threeMomentum( track );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( mom1.mag().cast(), 1.2 * mom2.mag().cast() );
@@ -552,8 +553,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_brem_functors ) {
   ebrem1.setBremEnergy( 2. * Gaudi::Units::GeV );
   eproto1.setTrack( &etrack1 );
   eproto1.setBremInfo( &ebrem1 );
-  Gaudi::LorentzVector emom1     = {0., 0., 10. * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 10. * Gaudi::Units::GeV};
-  auto                 electron1 = LHCb::Particle( LHCb::ParticleID{11} );
+  Gaudi::LorentzVector emom1     = { 0., 0., 10. * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 10. * Gaudi::Units::GeV };
+  auto                 electron1 = LHCb::Particle( LHCb::ParticleID{ 11 } );
   electron1.setMomentum( emom1 );
   electron1.setProto( &eproto1 );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( threeMomentum( BREM( electron1 ) ).z().cast(), 12. * Gaudi::Units::GeV );
@@ -566,12 +567,12 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_brem_functors ) {
   ebrem2.setBremEnergy( 3. * Gaudi::Units::GeV );
   eproto2.setTrack( &etrack2 );
   eproto2.setBremInfo( &ebrem2 );
-  Gaudi::LorentzVector emom2     = {0., 0., -9. * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 9. * Gaudi::Units::GeV};
-  auto                 electron2 = LHCb::Particle( LHCb::ParticleID{-11} );
+  Gaudi::LorentzVector emom2     = { 0., 0., -9. * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 9. * Gaudi::Units::GeV };
+  auto                 electron2 = LHCb::Particle( LHCb::ParticleID{ -11 } );
   electron2.setMomentum( emom2 );
   electron2.setProto( &eproto2 );
-  auto dielectron = LHCb::Particle( LHCb::ParticleID{443} );
+  auto dielectron = LHCb::Particle( LHCb::ParticleID{ 443 } );
   dielectron.addToDaughters( &electron1 );
   dielectron.addToDaughters( &electron2 );
   dielectron.setMomentum( electron1.momentum() + electron2.momentum() );
@@ -589,7 +590,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_muonPID_functors ) {
   Functors::PID::MuonLLBg     MUONLLBG;
   Functors::PID::MuonCatBoost MUONCATBOOST;
-  DummyTrack track{10.f, 10.f, true, true};
+  DummyTrack track{ 10.f, 10.f, true, true };
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( ISMUONTIGHT( track ), false );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( MUONLLMU( track ), 1.f );
@@ -599,7 +600,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_muonPID_functors ) {
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_reconstructible_functor ) {
   // Build MCProperty
-  const auto        electron = LHCb::ParticleID{11};
+  const auto        electron = LHCb::ParticleID{ 11 };
   LHCb::MCProperty  mc_property{};
   LHCb::MCParticles mc_particles{};
   mc_particles.insert( new LHCb::MCParticle{}, 1 );
@@ -616,7 +617,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_reconstructible_functor ) {
   // Build functor
   Functors::Simulation::MC::Property              MC_PROPERTY;
-  Functors::Simulation::CheckMask                 CHECKMASK{MCTrackInfo::flagMasks::maskHasVelo};
+  Functors::Simulation::CheckMask                 CHECKMASK{ MCTrackInfo::flagMasks::maskHasVelo };
   Functors::Simulation::MC::ChargeReconstructible CHARGE_RECONSTRUCTIBLE;
   Functors::Simulation::Category                  CATEGORY;
@@ -633,17 +634,17 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_reconstructible_functor ) {
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_short_circuiting ) {
-  std::size_t  pT_counter{0}, eta_counter{0};
+  std::size_t  pT_counter{ 0 }, eta_counter{ 0 };
   PT_Count     counting_PT( pT_counter );
   ETA_Count    counting_ETA( eta_counter );
-  TrackFunctor high_pT_and_eta = Filter{( counting_PT > 10.f ) & ( counting_ETA > 3.f )};
+  TrackFunctor high_pT_and_eta = Filter{ ( counting_PT > 10.f ) & ( counting_ETA > 3.f ) };
   auto         cut_tracks      = high_pT_and_eta( make_tracks() );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( cut_tracks.size(), 1 );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( pT_counter, 3 );  // should be called for every track
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( eta_counter, 2 ); // should only be called for high pT tracks
   pT_counter = eta_counter    = 0; // reset counters for clarity
-  TrackFunctor high_pT_or_eta = Filter{( counting_PT > 10.f ) | ( counting_ETA > 2.f )};
+  TrackFunctor high_pT_or_eta = Filter{ ( counting_PT > 10.f ) | ( counting_ETA > 2.f ) };
   auto         cut_tracks2    = high_pT_or_eta( make_tracks() );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( cut_tracks2.size(), 3 );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( pT_counter, 3 );  // should be called for every track
@@ -656,25 +657,25 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_scalar_functors ) {
                       Functors::chain( ::Functors::Functional::Map( Functors::chain( ::Functors::Common::ToLinAlg{},
                                                                                      ::Functors::Common::Position{} ) ),
-                                           std::vector{std::string{"path/to/pvs"}} ) ),
+                                           std::vector{ std::string{ "path/to/pvs" } } ) ),
                       ::Functors::Common::ForwardArgs{} );
-  BOOST_CHECK_THROW( TrackFunctor{Filter{f_min_ip_cut}}( make_tracks() ), GaudiException );
+  BOOST_CHECK_THROW( TrackFunctor{ Filter{ f_min_ip_cut } }( make_tracks() ), GaudiException );
   auto f_min_ip_cut_recvtx = Functors::bind(
       ::Functors::Functional::MapAllOf( operator>( ::Functors::Common::ImpactParameter{}, -.1 ) ),
       Functors::chain( ::Functors::Functional::Map(
                            Functors::chain( ::Functors::Common::ToLinAlg{}, ::Functors::Common::Position{} ) ),
-                       ::Functors::Common::TES<LHCb::RecVertices>( std::vector{std::string{"path/to/pvs"}} ) ),
+                       ::Functors::Common::TES<LHCb::RecVertices>( std::vector{ std::string{ "path/to/pvs" } } ) ),
       ::Functors::Common::ForwardArgs{} );
-  BOOST_CHECK_THROW( TrackFunctor{Filter{f_min_ip_cut_recvtx}}( make_tracks() ), GaudiException );
+  BOOST_CHECK_THROW( TrackFunctor{ Filter{ f_min_ip_cut_recvtx } }( make_tracks() ), GaudiException );
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_vector_functors ) {
   Functors::Functional::Reverse REVERSE_RANGE;
   Functors::Functional::Front   FRONT;
-  std::vector<int>              vec_int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
+  std::vector<int>              vec_int{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
   using VT = LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks;
@@ -683,33 +684,33 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_vector_functors ) {
                       Functors::chain( ::Functors::Functional::Map( Functors::chain( ::Functors::Common::ToLinAlg{},
                                                                                      ::Functors::Common::Position{} ) ),
-                                           std::vector{std::string{"path/to/pvs"}} ) ),
+                                           std::vector{ std::string{ "path/to/pvs" } } ) ),
                       ::Functors::Common::ForwardArgs{} );
-  BOOST_CHECK_THROW( Functors::Functor<VT( VT const& )>{Filter{f_min_ip_cut}}( VT{} ), GaudiException );
+  BOOST_CHECK_THROW( Functors::Functor<VT( VT const& )>{ Filter{ f_min_ip_cut } }( VT{} ), GaudiException );
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_combination_cut_and_function ) {
   using Combination         = Sel::ParticleCombination<DummyTrack, DummyTrack>;
   using CombinationCut      = Functors::Functor<bool( Combination const& )>;
   using CombinationFunction = Functors::Functor<float( Combination const& )>;
-  DummyTrack     t1{5.f, 0.f, false, false}, t2{10.f, 0.f, false, false};
-  Combination    combination{t1, t2}; // the scalar sum of pTs is 15
-  auto const     SUMPT = Functors::Adapters::Accumulate{PT};
-  CombinationCut comb_cut{SUMPT > 20.f}, comb_cut_2{SUMPT > 10.f};
+  DummyTrack     t1{ 5.f, 0.f, false, false }, t2{ 10.f, 0.f, false, false };
+  Combination    combination{ t1, t2 }; // the scalar sum of pTs is 15
+  auto const     SUMPT = Functors::Adapters::Accumulate{ PT };
+  CombinationCut comb_cut{ SUMPT > 20.f }, comb_cut_2{ SUMPT > 10.f };
   BOOST_CHECK( !comb_cut( combination ) );
   BOOST_CHECK( comb_cut_2( combination ) );
-  CombinationFunction sumpt_fn{SUMPT};
+  CombinationFunction sumpt_fn{ SUMPT };
   BOOST_CHECK( abs( sumpt_fn( combination ) - ( t1.pt() + t2.pt() ) ) < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon() );
 using TrackFunction  = Functors::Functor<float( DummyTrack const& )>;
 using TrackPredicate = Functors::Functor<bool( DummyTrack const& )>;
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_single_object_functions ) {
-  DummyTrack     track{5.f, 1.f, false, false}; // pT, eta,  InMuon, IsMuon
-  TrackPredicate inacceptance{Functors::PID::InAcceptance{}}, ismuon{Functors::PID::IsMuon{}};
-  TrackFunction  pT{PT}, eta{ETA};
+  DummyTrack     track{ 5.f, 1.f, false, false }; // pT, eta,  InMuon, IsMuon
+  TrackPredicate inacceptance{ Functors::PID::InAcceptance{} }, ismuon{ Functors::PID::IsMuon{} };
+  TrackFunction  pT{ PT }, eta{ ETA };
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( pT( track ), track.pt() );
   BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE( eta( track ), track.pseudoRapidity(), 0.0001 );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( inacceptance( track ), track.InAcceptance() );
@@ -722,9 +723,9 @@ struct InfoStruct {
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_mva_functor ) {
   using namespace Functors;
-  auto         mva = MVA<Sel::MatrixNet>( {{"MatrixnetFile", std::string{"paramfile://data/Hlt1TwoTrackMVA.mx"}}},
+  auto         mva = MVA<Sel::MatrixNet>( { { "MatrixnetFile", std::string{ "paramfile://data/Hlt1TwoTrackMVA.mx" } } },
                                   MVAInput( "chi2", Track::Chi2PerDoF{} ), MVAInput( "fdchi2", ETA ),
-                                  MVAInput( "sumpt", Adapters::Accumulate{PT} ), MVAInput( "nlt16", ETA ) );
+                                  MVAInput( "sumpt", Adapters::Accumulate{ PT } ), MVAInput( "nlt16", ETA ) );
   TopLevelInfo top_level;
   mva.bind( top_level );
@@ -738,7 +739,7 @@ struct TwoProngs : LHCb::Event::SOACollection<TwoProngs, ChildIndexArray> {
     if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<Tag, ChildIndexArray> ) { return childContainers; }
-  TwoProngs( LHCb::Event::v3::Tracks const* t1, LHCb::Event::v3::Tracks const* t2 ) : childContainers{t1, t2} {}
+  TwoProngs( LHCb::Event::v3::Tracks const* t1, LHCb::Event::v3::Tracks const* t2 ) : childContainers{ t1, t2 } {}
   static constexpr std::size_t num_children = 2;
@@ -763,7 +764,7 @@ struct TwoProngs : LHCb::Event::SOACollection<TwoProngs, ChildIndexArray> {
       this->template field<ChildIndexArray>( 1 ).set( j[0], j[1] );
       return *this;
-    auto decayProducts() const { return Sel::ParticleCombination{track( 0 ), track( 1 )}; }
+    auto decayProducts() const { return Sel::ParticleCombination{ track( 0 ), track( 1 ) }; }
   template <SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet simd, LHCb::Pr::ProxyBehaviour behaviour, typename ContainerType>
@@ -779,18 +780,18 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_soa_references ) {
   auto const tracks2  = LHCb::Event::v3::generate_tracks( 3 /* nTracks */, unique_id_gen, 2 /* seed */ );
   // three vertices, two tracks per vertex, and a pair of container_index, item_in_container_index per track
-  auto combinations =
-      std::array{std::array{std::array{0, 0}, std::array{1, 0}}, std::array{std::array{0, 0}, std::array{1, 1}},
-                 std::array{std::array{0, 2}, std::array{1, 2}}};
+  auto combinations = std::array{ std::array{ std::array{ 0, 0 }, std::array{ 1, 0 } },
+                                  std::array{ std::array{ 0, 0 }, std::array{ 1, 1 } },
+                                  std::array{ std::array{ 0, 2 }, std::array{ 1, 2 } } };
-  auto vertices = TwoProngs{&tracks1, &tracks2};
+  auto vertices = TwoProngs{ &tracks1, &tracks2 };
   for ( auto const& combination : combinations ) {
     auto vtx = vertices.emplace_back<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar>();
     vtx.assign( combination[0], combination[1] );
   // Functor we want to apply to the combination -- scalar sum of pT
-  Functors::Adapters::Accumulate pf{PT};
+  Functors::Adapters::Accumulate pf{ PT };
   // Prepare it (in this case we know it provides .prepare() so we don't need
   // to use the detail::prepare() helper)
@@ -799,7 +800,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_soa_references ) {
   auto                         prepared = pf.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
   int        i               = 0;
-  auto const iterable_tracks = std::array{tracks1.scalar(), tracks2.scalar()};
+  auto const iterable_tracks = std::array{ tracks1.scalar(), tracks2.scalar() };
   for ( auto vertex : vertices.scalar() ) { // will do three iterations...
     auto cf_result = prepared( true /* mask */, vertex );
@@ -818,7 +819,7 @@ struct Prepare_Helper : public Functors::Function {
   std::size_t& m_executions;
   std::size_t& m_preparations;
   Prepare_Helper( std::size_t& executions, std::size_t& preparations )
-      : m_executions{executions}, m_preparations{preparations} {}
+      : m_executions{ executions }, m_preparations{ preparations } {}
   auto prepare() const {
@@ -827,8 +828,8 @@ struct Prepare_Helper : public Functors::Function {
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_preparation ) {
-  std::size_t               execs{0}, preps{0};
-  Functors::Functor<void()> func{Prepare_Helper{execs, preps}};
+  std::size_t               execs{ 0 }, preps{ 0 };
+  Functors::Functor<void()> func{ Prepare_Helper{ execs, preps } };
   BOOST_CHECK( execs == 0 );
   BOOST_CHECK( preps == 0 );
   auto prepped = func.prepare();
@@ -853,7 +854,7 @@ struct PrepareWithTopLevel : public Functors::Function {
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_toplevelinfo_prepare ) {
   auto                                         parent = reinterpret_cast<Gaudi::Algorithm*>( 0xdeadbeef );
-  Functors::Functor<Gaudi::Algorithm const*()> func{PrepareWithTopLevel{}};
+  Functors::Functor<Gaudi::Algorithm const*()> func{ PrepareWithTopLevel{} };
   func.bind( parent );
   BOOST_CHECK( func() == parent );
@@ -861,12 +862,12 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_toplevelinfo_prepare ) {
 // Define some basic particle-like types
 struct Charged {
   int  nHits() const { return 5; }
-  auto threeMomentum() const { return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec{1.f, 2.f, 30.f}; }
+  auto threeMomentum() const { return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec{ 1.f, 2.f, 30.f }; }
   auto pt() const { return threeMomentum().rho(); }
 struct Composite {
-  auto threeMomentum() const { return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec{1.f, 4.f, 30.f}; }
+  auto threeMomentum() const { return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec{ 1.f, 4.f, 30.f }; }
   auto pt() const { return threeMomentum().rho(); }
@@ -878,7 +879,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_variants ) {
   Particle p_charged   = Charged{};
   Particle p_composite = Composite{};
-  Functors::Functor<float( Particle const& )> func{PT};
+  Functors::Functor<float( Particle const& )> func{ PT };
   // Exercise calling functors as visitors to variants
   auto charged_res   = func( p_charged );
@@ -903,7 +904,7 @@ namespace detail {
   template <typename F, typename... AllowedTypes>
   struct Adapter : public std::conditional_t<Functors::detail::is_functor_predicate_v<F>, Functors::Predicate,
                                              Functors::Function> {
-    Adapter( F f ) : m_f{std::move( f )} {}
+    Adapter( F f ) : m_f{ std::move( f ) } {}
     /** Generic to the contained functor
@@ -926,8 +927,8 @@ namespace detail {
         using arg_t = std::decay_t<decltype( part )>;
         if constexpr ( !( std::is_same_v<arg_t, AllowedTypes> || ... ) ) {
           auto const our_name = Functors::detail::get_name( *this );
-          throw GaudiException{our_name + " blocked call with type " + System::typeinfoName( typeid( arg_t ) ),
-                               our_name, StatusCode::FAILURE};
+          throw GaudiException{ our_name + " blocked call with type " + System::typeinfoName( typeid( arg_t ) ),
+                                our_name, StatusCode::FAILURE };
           return ret_t{};
         } else {
@@ -946,7 +947,7 @@ namespace detail {
     static_assert( Functors::detail::is_functor_predicate_v<F_allowed> ==
                    Functors::detail::is_functor_predicate_v<F_default> );
     DefaultAdapter( F_allowed f_allowed, F_default f_default )
-        : m_f_allowed{std::move( f_allowed )}, m_f_default{std::move( f_default )} {}
+        : m_f_allowed{ std::move( f_allowed ) }, m_f_default{ std::move( f_default ) } {}
     /** Generic to the contained functors
@@ -996,7 +997,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_variant_adapters ) {
   // have the nHits() accessor demanded by the functor.
   // Use an adapter to specify which members of the variant are OK
-  Functors::Functor<int( Particle const& )> func{Adapter<Charged>( Functors::Track::nHits{} )};
+  Functors::Functor<int( Particle const& )> func{ Adapter<Charged>( Functors::Track::nHits{} ) };
   // Use the adapter on a charged Particle, this should work:
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( func( p_charged ), Charged{}.nHits() );
@@ -1012,14 +1013,14 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_variant_adapters ) {
   // Use an adapter that has a fallback instead of throwing a runtime error
   auto                                      default_nhits = 0;
   Functors::Functor<int( Particle const& )> func_default{
-      DefaultAdapter<Charged>( Functors::Track::nHits{}, Functors::detail::promote( default_nhits ) )};
+      DefaultAdapter<Charged>( Functors::Track::nHits{}, Functors::detail::promote( default_nhits ) ) };
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( func_default( p_charged ), Charged{}.nHits() );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( func_default( p_composite ), default_nhits );
   // Try with a cut instead
   Functors::Functor<bool( Particle const& )> cut{
-      DefaultAdapter<Charged>( Functors::Track::nHits{} > 3, Functors::AcceptNone{} )};
+      DefaultAdapter<Charged>( Functors::Track::nHits{} > 3, Functors::AcceptNone{} ) };
   BOOST_CHECK( cut( p_charged ) );
   BOOST_CHECK( !cut( p_composite ) );
@@ -1040,10 +1041,10 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_bitwise_and_or ) {
   // 'Reference' value which we'll check for set bits
   auto           ref = Functors::detail::promote( 0b1010 );
-  VoidPredicate  f_pass{Functors::math::test_bit( ref, 0b0010 )};
-  VoidPredicate  f_fail{Functors::math::test_bit( ref, 0b0100 )};
-  BitwiseFunctor f_and{Functors::bitwise_and( ref, 0b0101 )};
-  BitwiseFunctor f_or{Functors::bitwise_or( ref, 0b0101 )};
+  VoidPredicate  f_pass{ Functors::math::test_bit( ref, 0b0010 ) };
+  VoidPredicate  f_fail{ Functors::math::test_bit( ref, 0b0100 ) };
+  BitwiseFunctor f_and{ Functors::bitwise_and( ref, 0b0101 ) };
+  BitwiseFunctor f_or{ Functors::bitwise_or( ref, 0b0101 ) };
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( f_pass(), true );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( f_fail(), false );
@@ -1068,22 +1069,22 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_v2_particle_functors ) {
   auto const input1 = LHCb::Event::v3::generate_tracks( ntracks, unique_id_gen, 0 );
   auto const input2 = LHCb::Event::v3::generate_tracks( ntracks, unique_id_gen, 1 );
   // Get the plain integers for convenience
-  auto const input1_family_id = int{input1.zipIdentifier()};
-  auto const input2_family_id = int{input2.zipIdentifier()};
+  auto const input1_family_id = int{ input1.zipIdentifier() };
+  auto const input2_family_id = int{ input2.zipIdentifier() };
   // Generate some composites
   using int_v   = SIMDWrapper::scalar::int_v;
   using float_v = SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v;
-  LHCb::Event::Composites threebody{unique_id_gen};
+  LHCb::Event::Composites threebody{ unique_id_gen };
   for ( auto i = 0; i < ncomposites; ++i ) {
-    std::array<int_v, 3> child_indices{i, i + 1, 0},
-        child_zip_ids{input1_family_id, input2_family_id, input1_family_id};
+    std::array<int_v, 3> child_indices{ i, i + 1, 0 },
+        child_zip_ids{ input1_family_id, input2_family_id, input1_family_id };
     std::vector<LHCb::UniqueIDGenerator::ID<int_v>> child_unique_ids{
-        unique_id_gen.generate<int_v>(), unique_id_gen.generate<int_v>(), unique_id_gen.generate<int_v>()};
+        unique_id_gen.generate<int_v>(), unique_id_gen.generate<int_v>(), unique_id_gen.generate<int_v>() };
     threebody.emplace_back<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar, float_v, int_v>(
-        {} /* pos */, {i * 1.f, i * 2.f, 0.f, 0.f} /* p4 */, 42 /* pid */, 3.f /* chi2 */, 2 /*ndof */,
-        {} /* pos_cov */, {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f} /* p4_cov */,
-        {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f} /* mom_pos_cov */, child_indices, child_zip_ids,
+        {} /* pos */, { i * 1.f, i * 2.f, 0.f, 0.f } /* p4 */, 42 /* pid */, 3.f /* chi2 */, 2 /*ndof */,
+        {} /* pos_cov */, { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f } /* p4_cov */,
+        { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f } /* mom_pos_cov */, child_indices, child_zip_ids,
         child_unique_ids );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( threebody.size(), ncomposites );
@@ -1221,7 +1222,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_relation_table_isolation ) {
   auto vertex = std::make_unique<LHCb::Vertex>();
-  vertex->setPosition( Gaudi::XYZPoint{0.0, 0.0, 5.0} );
+  vertex->setPosition( Gaudi::XYZPoint{ 0.0, 0.0, 5.0 } );
   ref_part->setEndVertex( vertex.get() );
@@ -1268,7 +1269,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_relation_table_isolation ) {
   BOOST_CHECK( LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( pt_wmax.value() ) > 100 );
   auto const value_or_pt_to_min_weight_entry = Functors::chain(
-      Functors::Functional::ValueOr{0}, PT, Functors::Common::To{},
+      Functors::Functional::ValueOr{ 0 }, PT, Functors::Common::To{},
       Functors::Functional::EntryWithMinRelatedValueOf( Functors::Common::Weight{} ), Functors::Common::Relations{} );
   auto const value_or_pt_to_min_weight_entry_prepped = value_or_pt_to_min_weight_entry.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
@@ -1306,8 +1307,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_relation_table_isolation ) {
 bool random_bool() {
-  static std::default_random_engine engine{42};
-  return std::uniform_int_distribution<int>{0, 1}( engine );
+  static std::default_random_engine engine{ 42 };
+  return std::uniform_int_distribution<int>{ 0, 1 }( engine );
 namespace Functors {
@@ -1316,7 +1317,7 @@ namespace Functors {
     float        m_threshold;
     std::size_t &m_counter, &m_scalar_counter;
     Op_Count( std::size_t& counter, std::size_t& scalar_counter, float threshold )
-        : m_threshold{threshold}, m_counter{counter}, m_scalar_counter{scalar_counter} {}
+        : m_threshold{ threshold }, m_counter{ counter }, m_scalar_counter{ scalar_counter } {}
     template <typename Data>
     auto operator()( bool mask, Data const& x ) const {
       m_scalar_counter += mask;
@@ -1337,7 +1338,7 @@ namespace Functors {
         data_to_generate_mask[i] = testbit( mask, i ) ? testbit( result, i ) : random_bool();
       // 'result' where 'mask' was true, random results where 'mask' was false
-      return float_v{data_to_generate_mask.data()} > float_v{0.5f};
+      return float_v{ data_to_generate_mask.data() } > float_v{ 0.5f };
     constexpr static bool requires_explicit_mask = true;
@@ -1352,13 +1353,13 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_mask_logic ) {
   using simd_t = SIMDWrapper::sse::types; // vector width 4 is enough...
   std::size_t x1_counter{}, x1_counter_scalar{}, x2_counter{}, x2_counter_scalar{}, x4_counter{}, x4_counter_scalar{},
       x7_counter{}, x7_counter_scalar{};
-  Functors::Op_Count<std::less<>>    X1{x1_counter, x1_counter_scalar, 0.5f};
-  Functors::Op_Count<std::less<>>    X2{x2_counter, x2_counter_scalar, 2.f};
+  Functors::Op_Count<std::less<>>    X1{ x1_counter, x1_counter_scalar, 0.5f };
+  Functors::Op_Count<std::less<>>    X2{ x2_counter, x2_counter_scalar, 2.f };
   auto const                         X3 = X1 | X2;
-  Functors::Op_Count<std::greater<>> X4{x4_counter, x4_counter_scalar, 2.5f};
+  Functors::Op_Count<std::greater<>> X4{ x4_counter, x4_counter_scalar, 2.5f };
   auto const                         X5 = X1 | X2 | X4;
   auto const                         X6 = X1 | ( ~X2 & X4 );
-  Functors::Op_Count<std::greater<>> X7{x7_counter, x7_counter_scalar, 0.5f};
+  Functors::Op_Count<std::greater<>> X7{ x7_counter, x7_counter_scalar, 0.5f };
   auto const                         X8 = X2 & ( X7 | X1 );
   EventContext const                 evtCtx;
   Functors::TopLevelInfo const       top_level;
@@ -1377,7 +1378,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_mask_logic ) {
   std::array<float, simd_t::size> data_to_generate_mask{}, data_to_generate_float{};
   for ( auto i = 0; i < std::pow( 2, simd_t::size ); ++i ) {
     for ( auto j = 0ul; j < simd_t::size; ++j ) { data_to_generate_mask[simd_t::size - 1 - j] = ( i & ( 0x1 << j ) ); }
-    auto const mask = simd_t::float_v{data_to_generate_mask.data()} > 0.5f;
+    auto const mask = simd_t::float_v{ data_to_generate_mask.data() } > 0.5f;
     // Generate some float_v vectors we can use as input, based on the
     // thresholds hardcoded in the test functors (X{1,2,...} above) then
@@ -1386,7 +1387,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_mask_logic ) {
     // these values
     for ( auto j = 0; j < std::pow( 2ul, 2 * simd_t::size ); ++j ) {
       for ( auto l = 0ul; l < simd_t::size; ++l ) { data_to_generate_float[l] = ( j >> 2 * l ) & 0x3; }
-      auto const data = simd_t::float_v{data_to_generate_float};
+      auto const data = simd_t::float_v{ data_to_generate_float };
       // Do some checks using 'mask' and 'data', vector-wise and scalar
       auto const do_tests = [&]( auto const& obj ) {
         auto const vector_res = obj( mask, data );
@@ -1424,16 +1425,16 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_cov_matrix_functors ) {
   // Define the input covariance matrix
   using ROOT::Math::SVector;
-  SVector<double, 10>  data_momCovMatrix{1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10.};
-  SVector<double, 6>   data_posCovMatrix{6., 5., 4., 3., 2., 1.};
-  double               data_posMomCovMatrix[12] = {11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20., 21., 22.};
-  Gaudi::SymMatrix4x4  v1_momCovMatrix{data_momCovMatrix};
-  Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3  v1_posCovMatrix{data_posCovMatrix};
-  Gaudi::Matrix4x3     v1_posMomCovMatrix{data_posMomCovMatrix, 12};
-  Gaudi::LorentzVector v1_p4{1., 2., 3., 4.};
+  SVector<double, 10>  data_momCovMatrix{ 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10. };
+  SVector<double, 6>   data_posCovMatrix{ 6., 5., 4., 3., 2., 1. };
+  double               data_posMomCovMatrix[12] = { 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20., 21., 22. };
+  Gaudi::SymMatrix4x4  v1_momCovMatrix{ data_momCovMatrix };
+  Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3  v1_posCovMatrix{ data_posCovMatrix };
+  Gaudi::Matrix4x3     v1_posMomCovMatrix{ data_posMomCovMatrix, 12 };
+  Gaudi::LorentzVector v1_p4{ 1., 2., 3., 4. };
   // Create v1 particle
-  LHCb::Particle v1_particle{LHCb::ParticleID( 511 ), 0};
+  LHCb::Particle v1_particle{ LHCb::ParticleID( 511 ), 0 };
   v1_particle.setMomCovMatrix( v1_momCovMatrix );
   v1_particle.setPosCovMatrix( v1_posCovMatrix );
   v1_particle.setPosMomCovMatrix( v1_posMomCovMatrix );
@@ -1448,9 +1449,9 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_cov_matrix_functors ) {
   auto v2_posMomCovMatrix = LHCb::LinAlg::convert<float_v>( v1_posMomCovMatrix );
   auto                    zip_id = Zipping::generateZipIdentifier();
-  LHCb::Event::Composites v2_particles{unique_id_gen, zip_id};
+  LHCb::Event::Composites v2_particles{ unique_id_gen, zip_id };
   v2_particles.emplace_back<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar, float_v, int_v, 0>(
-      {0., 0., 0.}, {v1_p4.Px(), v1_p4.Py(), v1_p4.Pz(), v1_p4.E()}, 0, 0.f, 1, v2_posCovMatrix, v2_momCovMatrix,
+      { 0., 0., 0. }, { v1_p4.Px(), v1_p4.Py(), v1_p4.Pz(), v1_p4.E() }, 0, 0.f, 1, v2_posCovMatrix, v2_momCovMatrix,
       v2_posMomCovMatrix, {}, {}, {} );
   // Define functors
@@ -1473,7 +1474,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_cov_matrix_functors ) {
   auto mom_pos_cov_matrix = LHCb::LinAlg::convert<float_v>( v1_posMomCovMatrix );
   auto three_mom_pos_cov_matrix =
       LHCb::LinAlg::convert<float_v>( v1_posMomCovMatrix.template Sub<Gaudi::Matrix3x3>( 0, 0 ) );
-  LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3> three_mom{v1_p4.px(), v1_p4.py(), v1_p4.pz()};
+  LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3> three_mom{ v1_p4.px(), v1_p4.py(), v1_p4.pz() };
   auto expected_similarity = similarity( three_mom / three_mom.mag(), three_mom_cov_matrix );
   // Checks
@@ -1496,7 +1497,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_cov_matrix_functors ) {
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_child ) {
-  auto B0 = LHCb::Particle{LHCb::ParticleID( 511 ), 0};
+  auto B0 = LHCb::Particle{ LHCb::ParticleID( 511 ), 0 };
   auto K1 = LHCb::Particle( LHCb::ParticleID( 321 ), 1 );
   auto K2 = LHCb::Particle( LHCb::ParticleID( 321 ), 2 );
@@ -1505,27 +1506,27 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_child ) {
   daugs.push_back( &K2 );
   B0.setDaughters( daugs );
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( &Functors::Adapters::Child{1}( B0 ), &K1 );
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( &Functors::Adapters::Child{2}( B0 ), &K2 );
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( &Functors::Adapters::Child{ 1 }( B0 ), &K1 );
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( &Functors::Adapters::Child{ 2 }( B0 ), &K2 );
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_vertex_diff_functors ) {
   // difference in z position of endvertex of parent and composite child
-  const double B0_vertex_z{5.0};
-  const double delta_z{5.0};
+  const double B0_vertex_z{ 5.0 };
+  const double delta_z{ 5.0 };
   // B0 particle
-  auto B0_part = LHCb::Particle{LHCb::ParticleID( 511 ), 0};
+  auto B0_part = LHCb::Particle{ LHCb::ParticleID( 511 ), 0 };
   // set endvertex of B0
   auto B0_endvertex = std::make_unique<LHCb::Vertex>();
-  B0_endvertex->setPosition( Gaudi::XYZPoint{0.0, 0.0, B0_vertex_z} );
+  B0_endvertex->setPosition( Gaudi::XYZPoint{ 0.0, 0.0, B0_vertex_z } );
   B0_part.setEndVertex( B0_endvertex.get() );
   // Ds- particle with vertex and a basic K+
   auto Ds_part = LHCb::Particle( LHCb::ParticleID( -432 ), 1 );
   // set endvertex of Ds
   auto Ds_endvertex = std::make_unique<LHCb::Vertex>();
-  Ds_endvertex->setPosition( Gaudi::XYZPoint{0.0, 0.0, B0_vertex_z + delta_z} );
+  Ds_endvertex->setPosition( Gaudi::XYZPoint{ 0.0, 0.0, B0_vertex_z + delta_z } );
   Ds_part.setEndVertex( Ds_endvertex.get() );
   auto K_part = LHCb::Particle( LHCb::ParticleID( 321 ), 2 );
@@ -1539,7 +1540,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_vertex_diff_functors ) {
   EventContext const           evtCtx;
   Functors::TopLevelInfo const top_level;
-  const auto Ds_VZ             = chain( END_VZ, Functors::Adapters::Child{1} );
+  const auto Ds_VZ             = chain( END_VZ, Functors::Adapters::Child{ 1 } );
   const auto Ds_VZ_prepared    = Ds_VZ.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
   auto const DELTA_VZ          = Ds_VZ - END_VZ;
   const auto DELTA_VZ_prepared = DELTA_VZ.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
@@ -1549,16 +1550,16 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_vertex_diff_functors ) {
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_decaytime_functor ) {
-  auto part = LHCb::Particle{LHCb::ParticleID( 511 ), 0};
+  auto part = LHCb::Particle{ LHCb::ParticleID( 511 ), 0 };
   // set endvertex of B0
   auto decayvertex = LHCb::Vertex{};
-  decayvertex.setPosition( Gaudi::XYZPoint{0.0, 0.0, 5.0} );
+  decayvertex.setPosition( Gaudi::XYZPoint{ 0.0, 0.0, 5.0 } );
   part.setEndVertex( &decayvertex );
   const double pz = 1e5;
   const double m  = 5e3;
-  part.setMomentum( Gaudi::LorentzVector{0, 0, pz, sqrt( pz * pz + m * m )} );
+  part.setMomentum( Gaudi::LorentzVector{ 0, 0, pz, sqrt( pz * pz + m * m ) } );
   auto momcov    = part.momCovMatrix();
   momcov( 0, 0 ) = momcov( 1, 1 ) = momcov( 2, 2 ) = momcov( 2, 2 ) = 1;
   part.setMomCovMatrix( momcov );
@@ -1587,29 +1588,29 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_mc_prompt ) {
   // Sice the F.MC_FIRST_LONGLIVED_ANCESTOR needs ParticlePropertySvc from Gaudi Application, it can not be truely
   // tested, here we just check that it at least compiles.
   const auto MC_ISPROMPT      = chain( HAS_VALUE{}, MC_FIRST_LONGLIVED_ANCESTOR{} );
   // Test the F.HAS_VALUE
-  Functors::Optional<int> valid_optional{0}, invalid_optional{std::nullopt};
+  Functors::Optional<int> valid_optional{ 0 }, invalid_optional{ std::nullopt };
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( HAS_VALUE{}( valid_optional ), true );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( HAS_VALUE{}( invalid_optional ), false );
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_mcorr_functors ) {
-  auto B0_parr     = LHCb::Particle{LHCb::ParticleID( 511 ), 0};
+  auto B0_parr     = LHCb::Particle{ LHCb::ParticleID( 511 ), 0 };
   auto decayvertex = LHCb::Vertex{};
-  decayvertex.setPosition( Gaudi::XYZPoint{0.0, 0.0, 5.0} );
+  decayvertex.setPosition( Gaudi::XYZPoint{ 0.0, 0.0, 5.0 } );
   B0_parr.setEndVertex( &decayvertex );
-  auto B0_perp = LHCb::Particle{LHCb::ParticleID( 511 ), 0};
+  auto B0_perp = LHCb::Particle{ LHCb::ParticleID( 511 ), 0 };
   B0_perp.setEndVertex( &decayvertex );
   const double pz = 1.e5;
   const double m  = 5.e3;
   const double py = 2.5e3;
-  B0_parr.setMomentum( Gaudi::LorentzVector{0, 0, pz, sqrt( pz * pz + m * m )} );
-  B0_perp.setMomentum( Gaudi::LorentzVector{0, py, 0, sqrt( py * py )} );
+  B0_parr.setMomentum( Gaudi::LorentzVector{ 0, 0, pz, sqrt( pz * pz + m * m ) } );
+  B0_perp.setMomentum( Gaudi::LorentzVector{ 0, py, 0, sqrt( py * py ) } );
   auto momcov    = B0_parr.momCovMatrix();
   momcov( 0, 0 ) = momcov( 1, 1 ) = momcov( 2, 2 ) = momcov( 2, 2 ) = 0.;
   B0_parr.setMomCovMatrix( momcov );
@@ -1623,7 +1624,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_mcorr_functors ) {
   std::vector<LHCb::Vertex> vertices{};
   auto                      pv = LHCb::Vertex{};
-  pv.setPosition( Gaudi::XYZPoint{0.0, 0.0, 0.0} );
+  pv.setPosition( Gaudi::XYZPoint{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 } );
   pv.setCovMatrix( poscov );
   Functors::Composite::CorrectedMass      mc{};
@@ -1674,18 +1675,18 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_mc_functors ) {
   auto mc_vertices  = LHCb::MCVertices{};
   // define properties for an mcp
-  const auto pid               = LHCb::ParticleID{211};
-  const auto electron          = LHCb::ParticleID{11};
-  const auto muon              = LHCb::ParticleID{12};
+  const auto pid               = LHCb::ParticleID{ 211 };
+  const auto electron          = LHCb::ParticleID{ 11 };
+  const auto muon              = LHCb::ParticleID{ 12 };
   const auto mother_key        = 1;
   const auto gd_mother_key     = 2;
   const auto child_key         = 42;
   const auto childs_child_key  = 420;
-  const auto child_momentum    = Gaudi::LorentzVector{3.0, 6.0, 9.0, 12.0};
-  const auto mother_momentum   = Gaudi::LorentzVector{1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 16.0};
-  const auto gm_momentum       = Gaudi::LorentzVector{0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 20.0};
-  const auto origin_vertex_pos = Gaudi::XYZPoint{1., 2., 3.};
-  const auto pp_pos            = Gaudi::XYZPoint{0., 0., 0.};
+  const auto child_momentum    = Gaudi::LorentzVector{ 3.0, 6.0, 9.0, 12.0 };
+  const auto mother_momentum   = Gaudi::LorentzVector{ 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 16.0 };
+  const auto gm_momentum       = Gaudi::LorentzVector{ 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 20.0 };
+  const auto origin_vertex_pos = Gaudi::XYZPoint{ 1., 2., 3. };
+  const auto pp_pos            = Gaudi::XYZPoint{ 0., 0., 0. };
   const auto lifetime_mother   = ( mother_momentum.M() * ( origin_vertex_pos - pp_pos ).Dot( mother_momentum.Vect() ) /
                                  mother_momentum.Vect().mag2() ) /
@@ -1793,8 +1794,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_mc_functors ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( LIFETIME( momcp ).value_or( -1. ) ), lifetime_mother );
-  float arr_boosted_child_momentum_ref[4] = {0};
-  float arr_boosted_child_momentum[4]     = {-1};
+  float arr_boosted_child_momentum_ref[4] = { 0 };
+  float arr_boosted_child_momentum[4]     = { -1 };
   ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::boost( child_momentum, mother_momentum.BoostToCM() )
       .GetCoordinates( arr_boosted_child_momentum_ref );
   LHCb::LinAlg::convert( prepared_call( CHILD_MRF, mcp )
@@ -1804,8 +1805,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_mc_functors ) {
     BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE( arr_boosted_child_momentum_ref[i], arr_boosted_child_momentum[i], 1e-4 );
   } );
-  float arr_child_momentum_ref[4] = {0};
-  float arr_child_momentum[4]     = {-1};
+  float arr_child_momentum_ref[4] = { 0 };
+  float arr_child_momentum[4]     = { -1 };
   child_momentum.GetCoordinates( arr_child_momentum_ref );
   LHCb::LinAlg::convert( prepared_call( CHILD_MRF_REV, mcp )
                              .value_or( LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 4>( -1.f, -1.f, -1.f, -1.f ) ) )
@@ -1863,10 +1864,10 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_simd_type_compare ) {
   // possible" test to showcase the behaviour of comparisons of simd types
   using simd_t = SIMDWrapper::sse::types; // vector width 4
-  std::array<float, 4> tmp{0, 1, 2, 3};
-  auto                 x1 = simd_t::float_v{tmp};
-  tmp                     = {3, 2, 1, 0};
-  auto x2                 = simd_t::float_v{tmp};
+  std::array<float, 4> tmp{ 0, 1, 2, 3 };
+  auto                 x1 = simd_t::float_v{ tmp };
+  tmp                     = { 3, 2, 1, 0 };
+  auto x2                 = simd_t::float_v{ tmp };
   // mask is sse{0011}
   auto mask_x = x1 > x2;
@@ -1878,8 +1879,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_simd_type_compare ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( testbit( mask_x, 3 ), true );
   // functors which simply return the value they are given
-  auto f1 = Functors::NumericValue{x1};
-  auto f2 = Functors::NumericValue{x2};
+  auto f1 = Functors::NumericValue{ x1 };
+  auto f2 = Functors::NumericValue{ x2 };
   // we can skip prepare because the functor doesn't need it
   auto y1 = f1();
@@ -1937,8 +1938,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_tes_func ) {
   // create selection (Hlt1,Hlt2,Spruce) decreports
   LHCb::HltDecReports            sel_dec;
   LHCb::HltDecReports::Container map;
-  map.insert( std::make_pair( "Line1Decision", LHCb::HltDecReport{line1_dec} ) );
-  map.insert( std::make_pair( "Line2Decision", LHCb::HltDecReport{line2_dec} ) );
+  map.insert( std::make_pair( "Line1Decision", LHCb::HltDecReport{ line1_dec } ) );
+  map.insert( std::make_pair( "Line2Decision", LHCb::HltDecReport{ line2_dec } ) );
   sel_dec.setDecReports( map );
   sel_dec.setConfiguredTCK( hlt_tck );
@@ -1960,22 +1961,22 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_tes_func ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( op_GPSTIME( odin ), fake_gpsTime );
   // test decreport functions taking dummy location
-  std::vector<std::string> tup = {"Line1Decision", "Line2Decision", "Line3Decision"};
+  std::vector<std::string> tup = { "Line1Decision", "Line2Decision", "Line3Decision" };
   auto                     op_DECISION_1 =
-      Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{false}, Functors::TES::SelectionDecision{tup[0]} );
+      Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{ false }, Functors::TES::SelectionDecision{ tup[0] } );
   auto op_DECISION_2 =
-      Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{false}, Functors::TES::SelectionDecision{tup[1]} );
+      Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{ false }, Functors::TES::SelectionDecision{ tup[1] } );
   auto op_DECISION_3 =
-      Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{false}, Functors::TES::SelectionDecision{tup[2]} );
+      Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{ false }, Functors::TES::SelectionDecision{ tup[2] } );
   auto op_DECISION_4 =
-      Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{false},
-                       ( Functors::TES::SelectionDecision{tup[0]} ) & ( Functors::TES::SelectionDecision{tup[2]} ) );
+      Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{ false }, ( Functors::TES::SelectionDecision{ tup[0] } ) &
+                                                                   ( Functors::TES::SelectionDecision{ tup[2] } ) );
   auto op_DECISION_5 =
-      Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{false},
-                       ( Functors::TES::SelectionDecision{tup[0]} ) | ( Functors::TES::SelectionDecision{tup[2]} ) );
+      Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{ false }, ( Functors::TES::SelectionDecision{ tup[0] } ) |
+                                                                   ( Functors::TES::SelectionDecision{ tup[2] } ) );
   auto op_DECISION_6 =
-      Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{false},
-                       ( Functors::TES::SelectionDecision{tup[0]} ) | ( Functors::TES::SelectionDecision{tup[1]} ) );
+      Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{ false }, ( Functors::TES::SelectionDecision{ tup[0] } ) |
+                                                                   ( Functors::TES::SelectionDecision{ tup[1] } ) );
   Functors::TES::SelectionTCK op_TCK{};
   // checks
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( op_TCK( sel_dec ), hlt_tck );
@@ -1989,9 +1990,9 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_tes_func ) {
   // test operator() of Functors::TES::SelectionDecision
   auto const op_DECISION_FILTER12 =
-      Functors::TES::DecReportsFilter( std::vector<std::string>{"Line1Decision", "Line2Decision"} );
-  auto const op_DECISION_FILTER1 = Functors::TES::DecReportsFilter( std::vector<std::string>{"Line1Decision"} );
-  auto const op_DECISION_FILTER2 = Functors::TES::DecReportsFilter( std::vector<std::string>{"Line2Decision"} );
+      Functors::TES::DecReportsFilter( std::vector<std::string>{ "Line1Decision", "Line2Decision" } );
+  auto const op_DECISION_FILTER1 = Functors::TES::DecReportsFilter( std::vector<std::string>{ "Line1Decision" } );
+  auto const op_DECISION_FILTER2 = Functors::TES::DecReportsFilter( std::vector<std::string>{ "Line2Decision" } );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( op_DECISION_FILTER12( sel_dec ), true );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( op_DECISION_FILTER1( sel_dec ), false );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( op_DECISION_FILTER2( sel_dec ), true );
@@ -2037,7 +2038,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_functional_functors ) {
   auto p_mapped_ip = mapped_ip.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
   // this represents the trajectory
-  DummyState state( {0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1} );
+  DummyState state( { 0, 0, 0 }, { 1, 1, 1 } );
   // position of pvs
   std::vector<LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3>> positions{};
@@ -2056,7 +2057,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_functional_functors ) {
   auto min = Functors::Functional::Min{};
   auto max = Functors::Functional::Max{};
-  std::vector<float> vec{1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 1.5, 0.9, 1.0};
+  std::vector<float> vec{ 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 1.5, 0.9, 1.0 };
   float output_min = min( vec );
   float output_max = max( vec );
@@ -2086,14 +2087,14 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_ft_functors ) {
   particleB.setReferencePoint( referencePointB );
   // define tagger type for test (str and int)
-  std::vector<std::string> inputtype_str   = {"Run2_SSPion", "Run2_OSKaon",   "Run2_OSMuon",        "Run2_OSElectron",
-                                            "Run2_SSKaon", "Run2_SSProton", "Run2_OSVertexCharge"};
-  int                      inputtype_int[] = {2, 5, 6, 7, 3, 4, 8};
+  std::vector<std::string> inputtype_str   = { "Run2_SSPion", "Run2_OSKaon",   "Run2_OSMuon",        "Run2_OSElectron",
+                                               "Run2_SSKaon", "Run2_SSProton", "Run2_OSVertexCharge" };
+  int                      inputtype_int[] = { 2, 5, 6, 7, 3, 4, 8 };
   auto                     inputtype_type =
-      std::array{LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType::Run2_SSPion,        LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType::Run2_OSKaon,
-                 LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType::Run2_OSMuon,        LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType::Run2_OSElectron,
-                 LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType::Run2_SSKaon,        LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType::Run2_SSProton,
-                 LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType::Run2_OSVertexCharge};
+      std::array{ LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType::Run2_SSPion,        LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType::Run2_OSKaon,
+                  LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType::Run2_OSMuon,        LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType::Run2_OSElectron,
+                  LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType::Run2_SSKaon,        LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType::Run2_SSProton,
+                  LHCb::Tagger::TaggerType::Run2_OSVertexCharge };
   for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < inputtype_str.size(); i++ ) {
     // define two Flavour Tag, one each for the A & B, none for C
@@ -2122,10 +2123,10 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_ft_functors ) {
     TagAOnly.insert( flavourTagA );
     TagBOnly.insert( flavourTagB );
-    const auto TaggingMistag_str   = Functors::Composite::TaggingMistag{inputtype_str[i]};
-    const auto TaggingDecision_str = Functors::Composite::TaggingDecision{inputtype_str[i]};
-    const auto TaggingMistag_int   = Functors::Composite::TaggingMistag{inputtype_int[i]};
-    const auto TaggingDecision_int = Functors::Composite::TaggingDecision{inputtype_int[i]};
+    const auto TaggingMistag_str   = Functors::Composite::TaggingMistag{ inputtype_str[i] };
+    const auto TaggingDecision_str = Functors::Composite::TaggingDecision{ inputtype_str[i] };
+    const auto TaggingMistag_int   = Functors::Composite::TaggingMistag{ inputtype_int[i] };
+    const auto TaggingDecision_int = Functors::Composite::TaggingDecision{ inputtype_int[i] };
     const auto defaultOmega    = LHCb::FlavourTag{}.omega();
     const auto defaultDecision = LHCb::FlavourTag{}.decision();
@@ -2211,20 +2212,20 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( check_binary_functors ) {
   auto part0 = *parts( 0 );
   auto vertex = LHCb::Vertex{};
-  vertex.setPosition( Gaudi::XYZPoint{1.0, 1.0, 1.0} );
+  vertex.setPosition( Gaudi::XYZPoint{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 } );
   part0.setEndVertex( &vertex );
   auto part = *parts( 1 );
   // set endvertex of B0
   auto decayvertex = LHCb::Vertex{};
-  decayvertex.setPosition( Gaudi::XYZPoint{0.0, 0.0, 5.0} );
+  decayvertex.setPosition( Gaudi::XYZPoint{ 0.0, 0.0, 5.0 } );
   part.setEndVertex( &decayvertex );
   part.setPV( &pvs.front() );
   const double pz = 1e5;
   const double m  = 1870.;
-  part.setMomentum( Gaudi::LorentzVector{0, 0, pz, sqrt( pz * pz + m * m )} );
+  part.setMomentum( Gaudi::LorentzVector{ 0, 0, pz, sqrt( pz * pz + m * m ) } );
   auto momcov    = part.momCovMatrix();
   momcov( 0, 0 ) = momcov( 1, 1 ) = momcov( 2, 2 ) = momcov( 2, 2 ) = 1;
   part.setMomCovMatrix( momcov );
@@ -2321,34 +2322,35 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_flatten_functor ) {
   auto b0_grandchildren = GET_GRANDCHILDREN( B0 );
   // Are there actually 3 basic particles in the vector
-  auto bs_basics_exp = std::array{&pi_plus, &K0, &pi_minus};
+  auto bs_basics_exp = std::array{ &pi_plus, &K0, &pi_minus };
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS( bs_basics.begin(), bs_basics.end(), bs_basics_exp.begin(), bs_basics_exp.end() );
   // Are there actually 4 descendants in the vector
-  auto bs_descendants_exp = std::array{&B_plus, &pi_plus, &K0, &pi_minus};
+  auto bs_descendants_exp = std::array{ &B_plus, &pi_plus, &K0, &pi_minus };
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS( bs_descendants.begin(), bs_descendants.end(), bs_descendants_exp.begin(),
                                  bs_descendants_exp.end() );
   // Are there actually 2 children in the vector
-  auto bs_children_exp = std::array{&B_plus, &pi_minus};
+  auto bs_children_exp = std::array{ &B_plus, &pi_minus };
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS( bs_children.begin(), bs_children.end(), bs_children_exp.begin(),
                                  bs_children_exp.end() );
   // Are there actually 2 grandchildren in the vector
-  auto bs_grandchildren_exp = std::array{&pi_plus, &K0};
+  auto bs_grandchildren_exp = std::array{ &pi_plus, &K0 };
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS( bs_grandchildren.begin(), bs_grandchildren.end(), bs_grandchildren_exp.begin(),
                                  bs_grandchildren_exp.end() );
   // Are there actually 6 basic particles in the vector
-  auto b0_basics_exp = std::array{&K_plus, &K_minus, &pi_plus, &K_plus, &pi_minus, &pi_minus};
+  auto b0_basics_exp = std::array{ &K_plus, &K_minus, &pi_plus, &K_plus, &pi_minus, &pi_minus };
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS( b0_basics.begin(), b0_basics.end(), b0_basics_exp.begin(), b0_basics_exp.end() );
   // Are there actually 8 descendants in the vector
-  auto b0_descendants_exp = std::array{&Ds_plus, &K_plus, &K_minus, &pi_plus, &D_minus, &K_plus, &pi_minus, &pi_minus};
+  auto b0_descendants_exp =
+      std::array{ &Ds_plus, &K_plus, &K_minus, &pi_plus, &D_minus, &K_plus, &pi_minus, &pi_minus };
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS( b0_descendants.begin(), b0_descendants.end(), b0_descendants_exp.begin(),
                                  b0_descendants_exp.end() );
   // Are there actually 2 children in the vector
-  auto b0_children_exp = std::array{&Ds_plus, &D_minus};
+  auto b0_children_exp = std::array{ &Ds_plus, &D_minus };
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS( b0_children.begin(), b0_children.end(), b0_children_exp.begin(),
                                  b0_children_exp.end() );
   // Are there actually 6 grandchildren in the vector
-  auto b0_grandchildren_exp = std::array{&K_plus, &K_minus, &pi_plus, &K_plus, &pi_minus, &pi_minus};
+  auto b0_grandchildren_exp = std::array{ &K_plus, &K_minus, &pi_plus, &K_plus, &pi_minus, &pi_minus };
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS( b0_grandchildren.begin(), b0_grandchildren.end(), b0_grandchildren_exp.begin(),
                                  b0_grandchildren_exp.end() );
@@ -2428,8 +2430,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_quark_content_functor ) {
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_flat_vector_functor ) {
   // test to check flatten vector functor
   // vector of vector of float and integer
-  std::vector<std::vector<float>> vec_float = {{1.0, 2.0, 3.0}, {4.0, 5.0, 6.0}, {7.0, 8.0, 9.0}};
-  std::vector<std::vector<int>>   vec_int   = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}};
+  std::vector<std::vector<float>> vec_float = { { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }, { 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 }, { 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 } };
+  std::vector<std::vector<int>>   vec_int   = { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 }, { 7, 8, 9 } };
   const auto FLATTEN_VECTOR = Functors::Common::Flatten{};
   const auto CAST_TO_FLOAT  = Functors::Functional::CastTo<float>{};
@@ -2494,8 +2496,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( check_lifetime_and_forwarding_logic ) {
   EventContext const     evtCtx;
   Functors::TopLevelInfo top_level;
-  auto add_3 = Functors::bind( Functors::Examples::AddInputs{}, Functors::Examples::PlusN{5},
-                               Functors::Examples::PlusN{3}, Functors::Examples::PlusN{1} );
+  auto add_3 = Functors::bind( Functors::Examples::AddInputs{}, Functors::Examples::PlusN{ 5 },
+                               Functors::Examples::PlusN{ 3 }, Functors::Examples::PlusN{ 1 } );
   auto p_add_3 = add_3.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
@@ -2503,9 +2505,9 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( check_lifetime_and_forwarding_logic ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( res, 12 );
   auto add_fwd = Functors::bind( Functors::Examples::AddInputs{},
-                                 Functors::chain( Functors::Common::ForwardArgs<>{}, Functors::Examples::PlusN{5},
+                                 Functors::chain( Functors::Common::ForwardArgs<>{}, Functors::Examples::PlusN{ 5 },
                                                   Functors::Common::ForwardArgs<>{} ),
-                                 Functors::Examples::PlusN{3} );
+                                 Functors::Examples::PlusN{ 3 } );
   auto p_add_fwd = add_fwd.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
@@ -2527,7 +2529,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( check_optional_returns ) {
   // OptReturn returns a number if called with true else an empty Functors::Optional
-  auto opt_times_two = Functors::chain( Functors::Examples::TimesTwo{}, Functors::Examples::OptReturn{10} );
+  auto opt_times_two = Functors::chain( Functors::Examples::TimesTwo{}, Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ 10 } );
   auto p_opt_times_two = opt_times_two.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
@@ -2540,8 +2542,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( check_optional_returns ) {
   BOOST_CHECK( !res2.has_value() );
   // Test that binding of functors with optional return also works.
-  auto add_3_opt   = Functors::bind( Functors::Examples::AddInputs{}, Functors::Examples::OptReturn{5},
-                                   Functors::Examples::OptReturn{3}, Functors::Examples::OptReturn{1} );
+  auto add_3_opt   = Functors::bind( Functors::Examples::AddInputs{}, Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ 5 },
+                                     Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ 3 }, Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ 1 } );
   auto p_add_3_opt = add_3_opt.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
   auto res3 = p_add_3_opt( true, true );
@@ -2551,9 +2553,9 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( check_optional_returns ) {
   BOOST_CHECK( !res4.has_value() );
   // bigger test that has 3 functors that discconected from each other can return an empty optional
-  auto opt0       = Functors::chain( Functors::Examples::OptReturn{5}, Functors::Common::ForwardArgs<0>{} );
-  auto opt1       = Functors::chain( Functors::Examples::OptReturn{3}, Functors::Common::ForwardArgs<1>{} );
-  auto opt2       = Functors::chain( Functors::Examples::OptReturn{1}, Functors::Common::ForwardArgs<2>{} );
+  auto opt0       = Functors::chain( Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ 5 }, Functors::Common::ForwardArgs<0>{} );
+  auto opt1       = Functors::chain( Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ 3 }, Functors::Common::ForwardArgs<1>{} );
+  auto opt2       = Functors::chain( Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ 1 }, Functors::Common::ForwardArgs<2>{} );
   auto add_opts   = Functors::bind( Functors::Examples::AddInputs{}, opt0, opt1, opt2 );
   auto p_add_opts = add_opts.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
@@ -2577,7 +2579,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( check_optional_returns ) {
   BOOST_CHECK( !res12.has_value() );
   // check the VALUE_OR functor
-  auto val_or   = Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{123}, Functors::Examples::OptReturn{10} );
+  auto val_or   = Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{ 123 }, Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ 10 } );
   auto p_val_or = val_or.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
   auto res13    = p_val_or( true, true );
   auto res14    = p_val_or( true, false );
@@ -2585,8 +2587,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( check_optional_returns ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( res13, 10 );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( res14, 123 );
-  auto long_val_or = Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{123}, Functors::Examples::TimesTwo{},
-                                      Functors::Examples::TimesTwo{}, Functors::Examples::OptReturn{10} );
+  auto long_val_or = Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{ 123 }, Functors::Examples::TimesTwo{},
+                                      Functors::Examples::TimesTwo{}, Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ 10 } );
   auto p_long_val_or = long_val_or.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
@@ -2596,8 +2598,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( check_optional_returns ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( res15, 40 );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( res16, 123 );
-  auto val_or_v   = Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{123},
-                                   Functors::Examples::OptReturn<SIMDWrapper::scalar::int_v>( 10 ) );
+  auto val_or_v   = Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{ 123 },
+                                     Functors::Examples::OptReturn<SIMDWrapper::scalar::int_v>( 10 ) );
   auto p_val_or_v = val_or_v.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
   auto res17      = p_val_or_v( true, true );
   auto res18      = p_val_or_v( true, false );
@@ -2609,14 +2611,14 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( check_optional_returns ) {
   // Check operators
-  auto test_operators_0 = Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{123},
-                                           Functors::Examples::OptReturn{10} + Functors::Examples::OptReturn{11} );
-  auto test_operators_1 = Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{123},
-                                           Functors::Examples::OptReturn{10} - Functors::Examples::OptReturn{11} );
-  auto test_operators_2 = Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{123},
-                                           Functors::Examples::OptReturn{10} * Functors::Examples::OptReturn{11} );
-  auto test_operators_3 = Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{123},
-                                           Functors::Examples::OptReturn{10} / Functors::Examples::OptReturn{11} );
+  auto test_operators_0 = Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{ 123 },
+                                           Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ 10 } + Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ 11 } );
+  auto test_operators_1 = Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{ 123 },
+                                           Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ 10 } - Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ 11 } );
+  auto test_operators_2 = Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{ 123 },
+                                           Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ 10 } * Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ 11 } );
+  auto test_operators_3 = Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{ 123 },
+                                           Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ 10 } / Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ 11 } );
   auto p_test_operators_0 = test_operators_0.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
   auto p_test_operators_1 = test_operators_1.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
@@ -2632,13 +2634,13 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( check_optional_returns ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p_test_operators_2( true, false ), 123 );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( p_test_operators_3( true, false ), 123 );
-  LHCb::LinAlg::Vec3<float> vec_a{1.f, 2.f, 3.f}, vec_b{4.f, 5.f, 6.f};
+  LHCb::LinAlg::Vec3<float> vec_a{ 1.f, 2.f, 3.f }, vec_b{ 4.f, 5.f, 6.f };
   auto                      test_operators_4 =
-      Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{123.f}, Functors::Common::Magnitude{},
-                       Functors::Examples::OptReturn{vec_a} + Functors::Examples::OptReturn{vec_b} );
+      Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{ 123.f }, Functors::Common::Magnitude{},
+                       Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ vec_a } + Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ vec_b } );
   auto test_operators_5 =
-      Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{123.f}, Functors::Common::Magnitude{},
-                       Functors::Examples::OptReturn{vec_a} - Functors::Examples::OptReturn{vec_b} );
+      Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{ 123.f }, Functors::Common::Magnitude{},
+                       Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ vec_a } - Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ vec_b } );
   auto p_test_operators_4 = test_operators_4.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
   auto p_test_operators_5 = test_operators_5.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
@@ -2652,18 +2654,18 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( check_optional_returns ) {
   // values
-  LHCb::LinAlg::Vec3<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v> value_vec3_float_v{1.f, 2.f, 3.f};
-  LHCb::LinAlg::Vec3<SIMDWrapper::scalar::int_v>   value_vec3_int_v{1, 2, 3};
-  LHCb::LinAlg::Vec3<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v> default_vec3_float_v{6.f, 6.f, 6.f};
-  LHCb::LinAlg::Vec3<SIMDWrapper::scalar::int_v>   default_vec3_int_v{999, 999, 999};
+  LHCb::LinAlg::Vec3<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v> value_vec3_float_v{ 1.f, 2.f, 3.f };
+  LHCb::LinAlg::Vec3<SIMDWrapper::scalar::int_v>   value_vec3_int_v{ 1, 2, 3 };
+  LHCb::LinAlg::Vec3<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v> default_vec3_float_v{ 6.f, 6.f, 6.f };
+  LHCb::LinAlg::Vec3<SIMDWrapper::scalar::int_v>   default_vec3_int_v{ 999, 999, 999 };
   // Input container
   Functors::Optional<LHCb::LinAlg::Vec3<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v>> opt_vec3_float_v;
   Functors::Optional<LHCb::LinAlg::Vec3<SIMDWrapper::scalar::int_v>>   opt_vec3_int_v;
   // Test functors
-  Functors::Functional::ValueOr VALUE_OR_VEC3_FLOAT{std::make_tuple( 6.f, 6.f, 6.f )};
-  Functors::Functional::ValueOr VALUE_OR_VEC3_INT{std::make_tuple( 999, 999, 999 )};
+  Functors::Functional::ValueOr VALUE_OR_VEC3_FLOAT{ std::make_tuple( 6.f, 6.f, 6.f ) };
+  Functors::Functional::ValueOr VALUE_OR_VEC3_INT{ std::make_tuple( 999, 999, 999 ) };
   // Check before emplace
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( VALUE_OR_VEC3_FLOAT( opt_vec3_float_v ).mag2() ),
@@ -2684,13 +2686,13 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( check_optional_returns ) {
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_recsummary_functors ) {
   LHCb::RecSummary rec_summary;
-  int              npvs{3}, ntracks{60}, nftclusters{70};
+  int              npvs{ 3 }, ntracks{ 60 }, nftclusters{ 70 };
   rec_summary.addInfo( LHCb::RecSummary::nPVs, npvs );
   rec_summary.addInfo( LHCb::RecSummary::nTracks, ntracks );
   rec_summary.addInfo( LHCb::RecSummary::nFTClusters, nftclusters );
-  auto func_npvs        = Functors::TES::RecSummaryInfo{LHCb::RecSummary::nPVs}( rec_summary );
-  auto func_ntracks     = Functors::TES::RecSummaryInfo{LHCb::RecSummary::nTracks}( rec_summary );
-  auto func_nftclusters = Functors::TES::RecSummaryInfo{LHCb::RecSummary::nFTClusters}( rec_summary );
+  auto func_npvs        = Functors::TES::RecSummaryInfo{ LHCb::RecSummary::nPVs }( rec_summary );
+  auto func_ntracks     = Functors::TES::RecSummaryInfo{ LHCb::RecSummary::nTracks }( rec_summary );
+  auto func_nftclusters = Functors::TES::RecSummaryInfo{ LHCb::RecSummary::nFTClusters }( rec_summary );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( npvs, func_npvs.value() );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( ntracks, func_ntracks.value() );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( nftclusters, func_nftclusters.value() );
@@ -2700,7 +2702,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_arithmetic_functor ) {
   EventContext const     evtCtx;
   Functors::TopLevelInfo top_level;
-  auto opt_abs = Functors::chain( Functors::Common::Abs{}, Functors::Examples::OptReturn{-42} );
+  auto opt_abs = Functors::chain( Functors::Common::Abs{}, Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ -42 } );
   auto p_opt_abs = opt_abs.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
@@ -2761,9 +2763,9 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_get_track_functor ) {
   using StatusMasks     = LHCb::Event::v2::Muon::StatusMasks;
   auto           zn     = Zipping::generateZipIdentifier();
   auto           tracks = v3::generate_tracks( n_elements, unique_id_gen, 1, zn );
-  v2::Muon::PIDs muon_pids{zn};
+  v2::Muon::PIDs muon_pids{ zn };
   muon_pids.reserve( n_elements );
-  LHCb::Event::ChargedBasics charged_basic_v2{&tracks, &muon_pids};
+  LHCb::Event::ChargedBasics charged_basic_v2{ &tracks, &muon_pids };
   charged_basic_v2.reserve( n_elements );
   for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < n_elements; ++i ) {
     auto part = charged_basic_v2.emplace_back<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar>();
@@ -2809,8 +2811,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_get_track_functor ) {
   struct Val2 : LHCb::Event::float_field {};
   const auto reltracks   = v3::generate_tracks( 2 * SIMDWrapper::best::types::size, unique_id_gen, 1, zn );
   const auto othertracks = v3::generate_tracks( 2 * SIMDWrapper::best::types::size + 1, unique_id_gen, 1, zn );
-  LHCb::Event::RelationTable1D<decltype( tracks ), Val1, Val2>                    reltable{&reltracks};
-  LHCb::Event::RelationTable2D<decltype( tracks ), decltype( othertracks ), Val2> reltable2{&reltracks, &othertracks};
+  LHCb::Event::RelationTable1D<decltype( tracks ), Val1, Val2>                    reltable{ &reltracks };
+  LHCb::Event::RelationTable2D<decltype( tracks ), decltype( othertracks ), Val2> reltable2{ &reltracks, &othertracks };
   reltable.reserve( tracks.size() );
   for ( const auto& track : reltracks.scalar() ) {
     reltable.add( track, 4 + track.offset(), 2.f );
@@ -2839,11 +2841,11 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_Value_ValueOrDict ) {
   EventContext const     evtCtx;
   Functors::TopLevelInfo top_level;
-  std::map<std::string, int> map         = {{"a", 2}, {"b", 3}};
-  std::map<std::string, int> map_default = {{"a", -1}, {"b", -1}};
+  std::map<std::string, int> map         = { { "a", 2 }, { "b", 3 } };
+  std::map<std::string, int> map_default = { { "a", -1 }, { "b", -1 } };
   // test Value
-  auto val    = Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::Value{}, Functors::Examples::OptReturn{map} );
+  auto val    = Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::Value{}, Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ map } );
   auto p_val  = val.prepare( evtCtx, top_level );
   auto funval = p_val( true, true );
   BOOST_CHECK_THROW( p_val( true, false ), GaudiException );
@@ -2851,7 +2853,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_Value_ValueOrDict ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( funval["b"], 3 );
   // test ValueOr
-  auto val_or = Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{map_default}, Functors::Examples::OptReturn{map} );
+  auto val_or = Functors::chain( Functors::Functional::ValueOr{ map_default }, Functors::Examples::OptReturn{ map } );
   // works specifying the type explicitly to ValueOr functor
   // auto val_or_mine   = Functors::Functional::ValueOr<std::map<std::string, int>>{{{ std::string{"a"}, int{-1} }, {
   //  std::string{"b"}, int{-1} }}};
@@ -2874,7 +2876,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_tree_functors ) {
   Functors::TopLevelInfo const top_level;
   // First, make a couple of particles
-  auto B0       = LHCb::Particle{LHCb::ParticleID( 511 ), 0};
+  auto B0       = LHCb::Particle{ LHCb::ParticleID( 511 ), 0 };
   auto pi_plus  = LHCb::Particle( LHCb::ParticleID( 211 ), 0 );
   auto pi_minus = LHCb::Particle( LHCb::ParticleID( -211 ), 0 );
   auto K_plus   = LHCb::Particle( LHCb::ParticleID( 321 ), 0 );
@@ -2941,11 +2943,11 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_tree_functors ) {
   D_minus.setMomentum( Gaudi::LorentzVector( 100., 0., 0., 5000. ) );     // 100 MeV pt
   Ds_plus.setMomentum( Gaudi::LorentzVector( 300., 0., 0., 5000. ) );     // 300 MeV pt
-  auto desc_expected = std::array{&Ds_plus, &K_plus, &K_minus, &pi_plus, &D_minus, &K_plus, &pi_minus, &pi_minus};
+  auto desc_expected = std::array{ &Ds_plus, &K_plus, &K_minus, &pi_plus, &D_minus, &K_plus, &pi_minus, &pi_minus };
   auto desc          = ::Functors::Adapters::DescendantsFromComposite{}( B0 );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS( desc.begin(), desc.end(), desc_expected.begin(), desc_expected.end() );
-  auto basic_expected = std::array{&K_plus, &K_minus, &pi_plus, &K_plus, &pi_minus, &pi_minus};
+  auto basic_expected = std::array{ &K_plus, &K_minus, &pi_plus, &K_plus, &pi_minus, &pi_minus };
   auto basic          = ::Functors::Adapters::BasicsFromComposite{}( B0 );
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS( basic.begin(), basic.end(), basic_expected.begin(), basic_expected.end() );
@@ -3077,26 +3079,30 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_tistos_functors ) {
   Line2res.setTIS( true );
   tisTosMap["Line1"] = Line1res;
   tisTosMap["Line2"] = Line2res;
-  optional_map_t tisTosMapOpt{tisTosMap};
+  optional_map_t tisTosMapOpt{ tisTosMap };
   // Relate the tistos map to first particle and not other two particles
   RelationTable_P2Map_t table;
   table.relate( parts( 0 ), tisTosMap ).ignore();
   // Create composed functors for various scenarious
   auto const MAP_TO_RELATED = Functors::chain( TO{}, FRONT{}, RELATIONS{} );
   // for integer outputs (tupling)
-  auto const tmp_l1_istos_int = Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_INT{-1}, CAST_TO_INT{}, IS_TOS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{"Line1"},
-                                                 MAP_TO_RELATED ); // all correct
-  auto const tmp_l1_istis_int = Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_INT{-1}, CAST_TO_INT{}, IS_TIS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{"Line1"},
-                                                 MAP_TO_RELATED ); // all correct
-  auto const tmp_l2_istos_int = Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_INT{-1}, CAST_TO_INT{}, IS_TOS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{"Line2"},
-                                                 MAP_TO_RELATED ); // all correct
-  auto const tmp_l2_istis_int = Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_INT{-1}, CAST_TO_INT{}, IS_TIS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{"Line2"},
-                                                 MAP_TO_RELATED ); // all correct
-  auto const tmp_wrong1_int   = Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_INT{-1}, CAST_TO_INT{}, IS_TOS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{"Line3"},
+  auto const tmp_l1_istos_int =
+      Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_INT{ -1 }, CAST_TO_INT{}, IS_TOS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{ "Line1" },
+                       MAP_TO_RELATED ); // all correct
+  auto const tmp_l1_istis_int =
+      Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_INT{ -1 }, CAST_TO_INT{}, IS_TIS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{ "Line1" },
+                       MAP_TO_RELATED ); // all correct
+  auto const tmp_l2_istos_int =
+      Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_INT{ -1 }, CAST_TO_INT{}, IS_TOS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{ "Line2" },
+                       MAP_TO_RELATED ); // all correct
+  auto const tmp_l2_istis_int =
+      Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_INT{ -1 }, CAST_TO_INT{}, IS_TIS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{ "Line2" },
+                       MAP_TO_RELATED ); // all correct
+  auto const tmp_wrong1_int = Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_INT{ -1 }, CAST_TO_INT{}, IS_TOS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{ "Line3" },
                                                MAP_TO_RELATED ); // wrong line name
-  auto const tmp_wrong2_int   = Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_INT{-1}, CAST_TO_INT{}, IS_TOS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{"Line2"},
+  auto const tmp_wrong2_int = Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_INT{ -1 }, CAST_TO_INT{}, IS_TOS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{ "Line2" },
                                                MAP_TO_RELATED ); // no trigger info for particle two
-  auto const tmp_wrong3_int   = Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_INT{-1}, CAST_TO_INT{}, IS_TOS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{"Line3"},
+  auto const tmp_wrong3_int = Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_INT{ -1 }, CAST_TO_INT{}, IS_TOS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{ "Line3" },
                                                MAP_TO_RELATED ); // wrong line name and no trigger info
   auto       val_l1_istos_int = tmp_l1_istos_int.prepare( evtCtx, top_level )( true, table, parts( 0 ) ); // all correct
   auto       val_l1_istis_int = tmp_l1_istis_int.prepare( evtCtx, top_level )( true, table, parts( 0 ) ); // all correct
@@ -3116,18 +3122,18 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_tistos_functors ) {
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( val_wrong3_int, -1 );
   // same as above but for booleans useful for trigger cuts
   auto const tmp_l1_istos_bool =
-      Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_BOOL{false}, IS_TOS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{"Line1"}, MAP_TO_RELATED ); // all correct
+      Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_BOOL{ false }, IS_TOS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{ "Line1" }, MAP_TO_RELATED ); // all correct
   auto const tmp_l1_istis_bool =
-      Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_BOOL{false}, IS_TIS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{"Line1"}, MAP_TO_RELATED ); // all correct
+      Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_BOOL{ false }, IS_TIS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{ "Line1" }, MAP_TO_RELATED ); // all correct
   auto const tmp_l2_istos_bool =
-      Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_BOOL{false}, IS_TOS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{"Line2"}, MAP_TO_RELATED ); // all correct
+      Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_BOOL{ false }, IS_TOS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{ "Line2" }, MAP_TO_RELATED ); // all correct
   auto const tmp_l2_istis_bool =
-      Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_BOOL{false}, IS_TIS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{"Line2"}, MAP_TO_RELATED ); // all correct
-  auto const tmp_wrong1_bool =
-      Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_BOOL{false}, IS_TOS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{"Line3"}, MAP_TO_RELATED ); // wrong line name
-  auto const tmp_wrong2_bool = Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_BOOL{false}, IS_TOS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{"Line2"},
+      Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_BOOL{ false }, IS_TIS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{ "Line2" }, MAP_TO_RELATED ); // all correct
+  auto const tmp_wrong1_bool = Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_BOOL{ false }, IS_TOS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{ "Line3" },
+                                                MAP_TO_RELATED ); // wrong line name
+  auto const tmp_wrong2_bool = Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_BOOL{ false }, IS_TOS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{ "Line2" },
                                                 MAP_TO_RELATED ); // no trigger info for particle two
-  auto const tmp_wrong3_bool = Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_BOOL{false}, IS_TOS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{"Line3"},
+  auto const tmp_wrong3_bool = Functors::chain( VALUE_OR_BOOL{ false }, IS_TOS{}, VALUE_FROM_DICT{ "Line3" },
                                                 MAP_TO_RELATED ); // wrong line name and no trigger info
   auto val_l1_istos_bool     = tmp_l1_istos_bool.prepare( evtCtx, top_level )( true, table, parts( 0 ) ); // all correct
   auto val_l1_istis_bool     = tmp_l1_istis_bool.prepare( evtCtx, top_level )( true, table, parts( 0 ) ); // all correct
@@ -3150,7 +3156,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_tistos_functors ) {
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_lhcb_math_functors ) {
   // ValueWithError
-  Gaudi::Math::ValueWithError math_value{999., 222.};
+  Gaudi::Math::ValueWithError math_value{ 999., 222. };
   const auto MATH_VALUE = Functors::LHCbMath::ValueWithError::Value;
   const auto MATH_ERROR = Functors::LHCbMath::ValueWithError::Error;
@@ -3161,13 +3167,13 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_lhcb_math_functors ) {
   // scalarMomentum and invariantMass
   const int           nDim = 4;
   Gaudi::SymMatrix4x4 covMatrix;
-  double              cov[nDim][nDim] = {{0.01, 0., 0., 0.}, {0, 0.1, 0., 0.}, {0., 0., 0.1, 0.}, {0., 0., 0., 0.1}};
+  double cov[nDim][nDim] = { { 0.01, 0., 0., 0. }, { 0, 0.1, 0., 0. }, { 0., 0., 0.1, 0. }, { 0., 0., 0., 0.1 } };
   for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; i++ ) {
     for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; j++ ) { covMatrix( i, j ) = cov[i][j]; }
   using Gaudi::Units::GeV;
   Gaudi::Vector4                      mom( 0.2 * GeV, 1 * GeV, 0.5 * GeV, 5 * GeV );
-  Gaudi::Math::LorentzVectorWithError P4{mom, covMatrix};
+  Gaudi::Math::LorentzVectorWithError P4{ mom, covMatrix };
   Functors::LHCbMath::scalarMomentum SCALAR_MOMENTUM;
   Functors::LHCbMath::invariantMass  INVARIANT_MASS;
@@ -3178,14 +3184,14 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_lhcb_math_functors ) {
   // Particle Params
   using Gaudi::Units::cm;
   Gaudi::Math::Point3DWithError pos;
-  Gaudi::Math::ValueWithError   decay_length{0.1 * cm, 1.e-8 * cm};
-  Gaudi::Vector3                len_pos = {0.01, 0.01, 0.01};
-  Gaudi::Vector4                len_mom = {0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01};
+  Gaudi::Math::ValueWithError   decay_length{ 0.1 * cm, 1.e-8 * cm };
+  Gaudi::Vector3                len_pos = { 0.01, 0.01, 0.01 };
+  Gaudi::Vector4                len_mom = { 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01 };
   Gaudi::Matrix4x3              pos_mom;
   pos_mom( 0, 0 ) = 0.01;
   pos_mom( 1, 1 ) = 0.01;
   pos_mom( 2, 2 ) = 0.01;
-  Gaudi::Math::ParticleParams params{pos, P4, decay_length, pos_mom, len_pos, len_mom};
+  Gaudi::Math::ParticleParams params{ pos, P4, decay_length, pos_mom, len_pos, len_mom };
   const auto CTAU            = Functors::LHCbMath::ParticleParams::ctau;
   const auto FLIGHT_DISTANCE = Functors::LHCbMath::ParticleParams::flightDistance;
@@ -3200,7 +3206,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_lhcb_math_functors ) {
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_require_close ) {
   // make some dummy particles
-  auto B0       = LHCb::Particle{LHCb::ParticleID( 511 ), 0};
+  auto B0       = LHCb::Particle{ LHCb::ParticleID( 511 ), 0 };
   auto pi_plus  = LHCb::Particle( LHCb::ParticleID( 211 ), 0 );
   auto pi_minus = LHCb::Particle( LHCb::ParticleID( -211 ), 0 );
   pi_plus.setMomentum( Gaudi::LorentzVector( 0., 0., 1000., 5000. ) );
@@ -3213,8 +3219,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_require_close ) {
   // define the functors and prepare them
   auto const                   PT = chain( Functors::Common::Rho_Coordinate{}, Functors::Track::ThreeMomentum{} );
-  const auto                   CHILD1_PT      = chain( PT, Functors::Adapters::Child{1} );
-  const auto                   CHILD2_PT      = chain( PT, Functors::Adapters::Child{2} );
+  const auto                   CHILD1_PT      = chain( PT, Functors::Adapters::Child{ 1 } );
+  const auto                   CHILD2_PT      = chain( PT, Functors::Adapters::Child{ 2 } );
   auto const                   _REQUIRE_CLOSE = Functors::Common::RequireClose( 1e-34f, 1e-07f );
   auto const                   REQUIRE_CLOSE  = Functors::bind( _REQUIRE_CLOSE, CHILD1_PT, CHILD2_PT );
   EventContext const           evtCtx;
@@ -3239,14 +3245,14 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_muon_nhits ) {
   std::array<CommonMuonStation, nStations>                   stations;
   for ( unsigned int station = 0; station < nStations; ++station ) {
     for ( unsigned int iHit = 0; iHit < station; iHit++ ) {
-      hits[station].emplace_back( LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID{0}, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., false, 0, 0 );
+      hits[station].emplace_back( LHCb::Detector::Muon::TileID{ 0 }, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., false, 0, 0 );
     // create a MuonHitContainer to be returned and stored in the TES
     // For the upgrade nStations == 4, and M1 has been removed, so use
     // 1-5, for Run II use 0-5
     stations[station].setHits( std::move( hits[station] ) );
-  LHCb::Pr::Hits<LHCb::Pr::HitType::Muon> muon_hits{std::move( stations )};
+  LHCb::Pr::Hits<LHCb::Pr::HitType::Muon> muon_hits{ std::move( stations ) };
   for ( int station = 0; station < 4; station++ )
     for ( int region = 0; region < 4; region++ ) {
       Functors::TES::NHitsInMuon nHits( station, region );
diff --git a/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/GenericVertexFinder.cpp b/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/GenericVertexFinder.cpp
index 5113ff87970cf1bdd00b1c6531fd5592a3edbc38..fda571350d33881132d04ce85afa8defc243ab20 100644
--- a/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/GenericVertexFinder.cpp
+++ b/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/GenericVertexFinder.cpp
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ namespace {
 GenericVertexFinder::TrajParticles GenericVertexFinder::sortInputTracks( const OwnedTrajParticles& tracks ) const {
   // copy the input list. flag all tracks as unused.
-  GenericVertexFinder::TrajParticles seedtracks{tracks.size()};
+  GenericVertexFinder::TrajParticles seedtracks{ tracks.size() };
   std::transform( tracks.begin(), tracks.end(), seedtracks.begin(),
                   []( const OwnedTrajParticles::value_type& tr ) { return tr.get(); } );
@@ -189,9 +189,9 @@ void GenericVertexFinder::mergeVertices( TrajVertices& vertices ) const {
         if ( ivertex && jvertex ) {
           Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3 invcov = ivertex->vertex->covMatrix() + jvertex->vertex->covMatrix();
-          Gaudi::Vector3 res{ivertex->vertex->position().x() - jvertex->vertex->position().x(),
-                             ivertex->vertex->position().y() - jvertex->vertex->position().y(),
-                             ivertex->vertex->position().z() - jvertex->vertex->position().z()};
+          Gaudi::Vector3 res{ ivertex->vertex->position().x() - jvertex->vertex->position().x(),
+                              ivertex->vertex->position().y() - jvertex->vertex->position().y(),
+                              ivertex->vertex->position().z() - jvertex->vertex->position().z() };
           double         dchi2 = ROOT::Math::Similarity( res, invcov );
           if ( dchi2 < m_minVertexVertexChi2 ) {
             double ichi2 = ivertex->vertex->chi2();
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ IGenericVertexFinder::ParticleContainer GenericVertexFinder::findVertices( LHCb:
                   [this]( const auto& ver ) {
                     auto                          statevertex = ver->vertex.get();
                     ParticleContainer::value_type p;
-                    p.particle = std::make_unique<LHCb::Particle>( LHCb::ParticleID{421} );
+                    p.particle = std::make_unique<LHCb::Particle>( LHCb::ParticleID{ 421 } );
                     p.vertex   = std::make_unique<LHCb::Vertex>( statevertex->position() );
                     p.particle->setEndVertex( p.vertex.get() );
                     this->fillParticleFromTrajVertex( *( p.particle ), *ver );
diff --git a/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/GenericVertexFinder.h b/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/GenericVertexFinder.h
index f935a072b5fc41f5837f89a04633cc087a7522d9..6d1b6368a76eddc59a0c9059e747878f0349c252 100644
--- a/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/GenericVertexFinder.h
+++ b/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/GenericVertexFinder.h
@@ -72,29 +72,29 @@ protected:
   const ITrajPoca& pocatool() const { return *m_pocatool; }
-  PublicToolHandle<ITrackStateProvider> m_stateprovider{"TrackStateProvider"};
-  PublicToolHandle<ITrajPoca>           m_pocatool{"TrajPoca"};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>         m_maxNumCommonHits{this, "MaxNumCommonHits", 1,
-                                                   "Maximum number of common hits for seed tracks"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zmin{this, "ZMin", -300 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Minimum z position for vertex seed"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zmax{this, "Zmax", 2800 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Maximum z position for vertex seed"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_distanceCutDownstream{this, "MaxDistanceDownstream", 5 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                                  "Maximum doca for seed of downstream tracks"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_distanceCutLong{this, "MaxDistanceLong", 1 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                            "Maximum doca for seed of long tracks"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minSeedOpeningAngle{this, "MinSeedOpeningAngle", 0.005,
-                                                "Minimum opening angle for two tracks making a seed"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxSeedVertexChi2{this, "MaxSeedVertexChi2", 4, "Maximum chi2 for seed vertex (1 DOF)"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaVertexChi2{this, "MaxVertexDeltaChi2", 8,
-                                               "Maximum chi2 for track to seed (2 DOFs)"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minVertexVertexChi2{this, "MinVertexVertexChi2", 10,
-                                                "Minimum chi2 for vertex-vertex separation (3 DOFs)"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_rejectUpstreamHits{this, "RejectUpstreamHits", true,
-                                             "Reject tracks that have hits upstream of the vertex"};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_sortingStrategy{this, "SortingStrategy", SortingStrategy::Density,
-                                         "Strategy used for sorting tracks"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_skipVeloTracksForMass{this, "SkipVeloTracksForMass", true,
-                                                "Flag to specify if velo-only tracks should be skipped in vertex p4"};
+  PublicToolHandle<ITrackStateProvider> m_stateprovider{ "TrackStateProvider" };
+  PublicToolHandle<ITrajPoca>           m_pocatool{ "TrajPoca" };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>         m_maxNumCommonHits{ this, "MaxNumCommonHits", 1,
+                                                    "Maximum number of common hits for seed tracks" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zmin{ this, "ZMin", -300 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Minimum z position for vertex seed" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zmax{ this, "Zmax", 2800 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Maximum z position for vertex seed" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_distanceCutDownstream{ this, "MaxDistanceDownstream", 5 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                                   "Maximum doca for seed of downstream tracks" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_distanceCutLong{ this, "MaxDistanceLong", 1 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                             "Maximum doca for seed of long tracks" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minSeedOpeningAngle{ this, "MinSeedOpeningAngle", 0.005,
+                                                 "Minimum opening angle for two tracks making a seed" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxSeedVertexChi2{ this, "MaxSeedVertexChi2", 4, "Maximum chi2 for seed vertex (1 DOF)" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaVertexChi2{ this, "MaxVertexDeltaChi2", 8,
+                                                "Maximum chi2 for track to seed (2 DOFs)" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minVertexVertexChi2{ this, "MinVertexVertexChi2", 10,
+                                                 "Minimum chi2 for vertex-vertex separation (3 DOFs)" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_rejectUpstreamHits{ this, "RejectUpstreamHits", true,
+                                              "Reject tracks that have hits upstream of the vertex" };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_sortingStrategy{ this, "SortingStrategy", SortingStrategy::Density,
+                                          "Strategy used for sorting tracks" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_skipVeloTracksForMass{ this, "SkipVeloTracksForMass", true,
+                                                 "Flag to specify if velo-only tracks should be skipped in vertex p4" };
diff --git a/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/GenericVertexFinderTwo.cpp b/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/GenericVertexFinderTwo.cpp
index 3ca60772654b86ab21fc8439e7d313127aeb9750..70195dbf2caf88cabac1bcef6cafea4f530fe144 100644
--- a/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/GenericVertexFinderTwo.cpp
+++ b/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/GenericVertexFinderTwo.cpp
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ protected:
   bool tryAndAdd( const LHCb::TrajParticle& track, LHCb::TrajParticleVertex& vertex ) const;
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_downweightNonLong{this, "DownweightNonLong", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_pruneSeeds{this, "PruneSeeds", true};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_downweightNonLong{ this, "DownweightNonLong", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_pruneSeeds{ this, "PruneSeeds", true };
@@ -186,8 +186,8 @@ GenericVertexFinder::TrajVertices GenericVertexFinderTwo::findVertices( const Ow
   if ( m_maxDeltaVertexChi2 > 0 ) {
     for ( const auto& track : seedtracks )
       if ( track->used() ) {
-        LHCb::TrajParticleVertex* bestvertex{nullptr};
-        double                    bestdist2{0}; /*, bestchi2(0) ;*/
+        LHCb::TrajParticleVertex* bestvertex{ nullptr };
+        double                    bestdist2{ 0 }; /*, bestchi2(0) ;*/
         for ( auto& vertex : vertices ) {
           LHCb::State state = track->state( vertex->vertex->position().z() );
           double      chi2 =
diff --git a/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/ParticleLocation.h b/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/ParticleLocation.h
index c165db6ab4e73794c10b9e14ec701e541f9ef5bf..7adefba4a4bfb28541285a4e09a8864daa496e51 100644
--- a/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/ParticleLocation.h
+++ b/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/ParticleLocation.h
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ namespace Kernel {
   class ParticleLocation {
     mutable std::string m_value;
-    bool                m_configured{false};
+    bool                m_configured{ false };
-    ParticleLocation( std::string value = {} ) : m_value{std::move( value )} {}
+    ParticleLocation( std::string value = {} ) : m_value{ std::move( value ) } {}
     bool               empty() const { return m_value.empty(); }
     std::string&       value() { return m_value; }
     const std::string& value() const { return m_value; }
diff --git a/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/ParticleTrajProvider.cpp b/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/ParticleTrajProvider.cpp
index 4897995ecb833d8a1d3808bad9f2ca3794521305..4af40e02fd7b84b76022c86798895d532e60074d 100644
--- a/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/ParticleTrajProvider.cpp
+++ b/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/ParticleTrajProvider.cpp
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<LHCb::TrajParticle> ParticleTrajProvider::trajectory( ITrackStat
                                                                       LHCb::Track const&         track,
                                                                       IGeometryInfo const&       geometry ) {
   const auto* traj = stateprovider.trajectory( track, geometry );
-  return traj ? std::make_unique<LHCb::TrajParticle>( track, *traj, LHCb::TrajParticle::OwnsTraj{false} )
+  return traj ? std::make_unique<LHCb::TrajParticle>( track, *traj, LHCb::TrajParticle::OwnsTraj{ false } )
               : std::unique_ptr<LHCb::TrajParticle>{};
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ std::unique_ptr<LHCb::TrajParticle> ParticleTrajProvider::trajectory( ITrackStat
     LHCb::State state = compositeParticleToState( particle );
     // Create a trajectory that's just a straight line
-    const auto* traj = new LHCb::LinearStateZTraj{state};
-    rc               = std::make_unique<LHCb::TrajParticle>( particle, *traj, LHCb::TrajParticle::OwnsTraj{true} );
+    const auto* traj = new LHCb::LinearStateZTraj{ state };
+    rc               = std::make_unique<LHCb::TrajParticle>( particle, *traj, LHCb::TrajParticle::OwnsTraj{ true } );
   return rc;
diff --git a/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/TrajParticle.cpp b/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/TrajParticle.cpp
index 8262d510fe77a2d1697efbc9ece70bcfea3f1acc..3a3d7a59a358639496b848ca1b6c23f6f1c41200 100644
--- a/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/TrajParticle.cpp
+++ b/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/TrajParticle.cpp
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ namespace {
   template <std::size_t... Is>
   constexpr auto init_array_helper( std::index_sequence<Is...> ) {
     constexpr int N = sizeof...( Is );
-    return std::array<TypeForSorting, N>{typeForSorting( static_cast<LHCb::Track::Types>( Is ) )...};
+    return std::array<TypeForSorting, N>{ typeForSorting( static_cast<LHCb::Track::Types>( Is ) )... };
   constexpr auto typeForSortingMap() {
@@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ namespace {
 namespace LHCb {
   TrajParticle::TrajParticle( const LHCb::Track& track, const ZTrajectory& traj, OwnsTraj ownstraj )
-      : m_particle{nullptr}
-      , m_track{&track}
-      , m_traj{&traj, bool( ownstraj )}
-      , m_pT{track.firstState().pt()}
-      , m_hasVeloHits{m_track->hasVelo()}
-      , m_typeForSorting{typeForSortingMapped( track.type() )} {
+      : m_particle{ nullptr }
+      , m_track{ &track }
+      , m_traj{ &traj, bool( ownstraj ) }
+      , m_pT{ track.firstState().pt() }
+      , m_hasVeloHits{ m_track->hasVelo() }
+      , m_typeForSorting{ typeForSortingMapped( track.type() ) } {
       const LHCb::State* stfirstm = m_track->stateAt( LHCb::State::Location::FirstMeasurement );
       m_beginZ                    = stfirstm ? stfirstm->z() : 9999;
@@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ namespace LHCb {
   TrajParticle::TrajParticle( const LHCb::Particle& p, const ZTrajectory& traj, OwnsTraj ownstraj )
-      : m_particle{&p}
-      , m_traj{&traj, bool( ownstraj )}
-      , m_beginZ{m_particle->referencePoint().z()}
-      , m_beginZCov{m_particle->posCovMatrix()( 2, 2 )}
-      , m_pT{p.momentum().Pt()} {
+      : m_particle{ &p }
+      , m_traj{ &traj, bool( ownstraj ) }
+      , m_beginZ{ m_particle->referencePoint().z() }
+      , m_beginZCov{ m_particle->posCovMatrix()( 2, 2 ) }
+      , m_pT{ p.momentum().Pt() } {
     m_density        = densityFromState( state( m_beginZ ) );
     auto numvelo     = numVeloDaughters( p );
     m_typeForSorting = numvelo >= 2 ? TypeForSorting::CompositeWithVelo : TypeForSorting::CompositeOther;
diff --git a/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/TrajParticle.h b/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/TrajParticle.h
index 9f149e205d02e1a83f006a25108c8a2894ad48bc..02f897e2164d215c59aaec5c43891b99526438e2 100644
--- a/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/TrajParticle.h
+++ b/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/TrajParticle.h
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ namespace LHCb {
   template <class T>
   class unique_ptr_optional_ownership {
-    T*   m_pointer{nullptr};
-    bool m_isowner{false};
+    T*   m_pointer{ nullptr };
+    bool m_isowner{ false };
     // constructor
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ namespace LHCb {
     unique_ptr_optional_ownership( T* p, bool isowner = false ) : m_pointer( p ), m_isowner( isowner ) {}
     // move constructor
     unique_ptr_optional_ownership( unique_ptr_optional_ownership&& source )
-        : m_pointer{std::exchange( source.m_pointer, nullptr )}, m_isowner{std::exchange( source.m_isowner, false )} {}
+        : m_pointer{ std::exchange( source.m_pointer, nullptr ) }
+        , m_isowner{ std::exchange( source.m_isowner, false ) } {}
     // move assignment
     unique_ptr_optional_ownership& operator=( unique_ptr_optional_ownership&& source ) {
       m_pointer = std::exchange( source.m_pointer, nullptr );
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
     T* operator->() const { return m_pointer; }
     // hide things that do now work?
-    unique_ptr_optional_ownership( const unique_ptr_optional_ownership& source ) = delete;
+    unique_ptr_optional_ownership( const unique_ptr_optional_ownership& source )      = delete;
     unique_ptr_optional_ownership& operator=( unique_ptr_optional_ownership& source ) = delete;
@@ -137,18 +138,18 @@ namespace LHCb {
     // hide the copy constructor until we have implemented it
     // TrajParticle(const TrajParticle&) {}
-    const LHCb::Particle*                            m_particle{nullptr};
-    const LHCb::Track*                               m_track{nullptr};
+    const LHCb::Particle*                            m_particle{ nullptr };
+    const LHCb::Track*                               m_track{ nullptr };
     unique_ptr_optional_ownership<const ZTrajectory> m_traj;
-    bool                                             m_ownstraj{false};
-    double                                           m_beginZ{999};
-    double                                           m_beginZCov{0};
-    double                                           m_density{0};
-    double                                           m_pT{0};
-    bool                                             m_hasVeloHits{true};
+    bool                                             m_ownstraj{ false };
+    double                                           m_beginZ{ 999 };
+    double                                           m_beginZCov{ 0 };
+    double                                           m_density{ 0 };
+    double                                           m_pT{ 0 };
+    bool                                             m_hasVeloHits{ true };
     mutable LHCb::State                              m_cachedstate;
-    mutable LHCb::TrajParticleVertex*                m_mother{nullptr};
-    int                                              m_typeForSorting{0};
+    mutable LHCb::TrajParticleVertex*                m_mother{ nullptr };
+    int                                              m_typeForSorting{ 0 };
 } // namespace LHCb
diff --git a/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/TrajParticleVertex.h b/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/TrajParticleVertex.h
index aad2b5da412faeabce24e7aadf7d7503e68fe66f..fff01a63cc8b13617c3eba402a50880add1076ee 100644
--- a/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/TrajParticleVertex.h
+++ b/Phys/GenericVertexFinder/src/TrajParticleVertex.h
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
     /// add a non-trivial move constructor. pretty expensive, because of the vertex-traj relation.
     TrajParticleVertex( TrajParticleVertex&& source )
-        : daughters{std::move( source.daughters )}, vertex{std::move( source.vertex )} {
+        : daughters{ std::move( source.daughters ) }, vertex{ std::move( source.vertex ) } {
       for ( const TrajParticle* dau : daughters )
         if ( dau->mother() == &source ) dau->setMother( this );
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
     /// remove the copy constructor and assignment operator
-    TrajParticleVertex( const TrajParticleVertex& ) = delete;
+    TrajParticleVertex( const TrajParticleVertex& )            = delete;
     TrajParticleVertex& operator=( const TrajParticleVertex& ) = delete;
     /// Add this vertex as mother to all its daughters
diff --git a/Phys/JetAccessories/doc/release.notes b/Phys/JetAccessories/doc/release.notes
index 51479cdfd5d91b0c81266f9eb7d63e3f50b2dffd..4281a0a3aa662e2669ab411d3c8ea83c75b1df99 100755
--- a/Phys/JetAccessories/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/JetAccessories/doc/release.notes
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! Package     : Phys/JetAccessories 
+! Package     : Phys/JetAccessories
 ! Responsible : Victor Coco victor.coco@cern.ch, Cedric Potterat cedric.potterat@cern.ch
 ! Purpose     : Jet finding accessories algorithm embedded into LHCb software
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 ! 2015-05-01 - Cedric Potterat
  - new jec (v3) implemented in PFJetMAker and its config
- - add new container "CandidatesToKeep", Particles that are keep in PF without cuts. 
+ - add new container "CandidatesToKeep", Particles that are keep in PF without cuts.
 !====================== JetAccessories v3r11 2015-02-24 =======================
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@
 !========================= JetAccessories v3r9 2014-12-15 =========================
 ! 2014-12-04 - Cédric Potterat
- - Fixing the call to FastJetMaker in JetMaker_Config 
+ - Fixing the call to FastJetMaker in JetMaker_Config
  - Adding post configuration for ParticleFlow_Config fixing MC settings
- - Adding all extra info key in Kernel/JetEnums.h and changing PFJetMaker and dict ccordingly 
+ - Adding all extra info key in Kernel/JetEnums.h and changing PFJetMaker and dict ccordingly
  - Adding PileUp info in PFJetMaker as new extra info
 !========================= JetAccessories v3r8 2014-10-30 =========================
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@
  - Adding the new ghost killer for Long/Down/Up trk via ProbNNghost
 ! 2014-08-15 - Victor Coco
- - Add particle composite and/or banning at the jet level rather than at the 
-   PF level (less CPU intensive when several config) 
+ - Add particle composite and/or banning at the jet level rather than at the
+   PF level (less CPU intensive when several config)
 !========================= JetAccessories v3r6 2014-07-25 =========================
@@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ and python codes Old*.
 !========================= JetAccessories v2r1 2013-02-20 =========================
-! 2013-02-18 - Marco Clemencic                                                          
- - Fixed compilation with CMake.                                                        
+! 2013-02-18 - Marco Clemencic
+ - Fixed compilation with CMake.
 ! 2013-02-15 - Victor Coco
  - Allow to call several instance of JetMaker Config (fix the multiple JEC in hsvc)
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ and python codes Old*.
  - Updated algorithm to apply JEC. JetID and JEC are now TRUE by default in JetMaker
 ! 2012-12-14 - Victor Coco
- - Put UseVelo to false as default in the ParticleFlow_Config.py (was not functional, 
+ - Put UseVelo to false as default in the ParticleFlow_Config.py (was not functional,
    this is fixed but in order not to affect the jetID, default is equivalent to the
    2012-12-07 setup)
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ and python codes Old*.
  - Refactory of the particle flow code + associated jet finder.
 	 ParticleFlow becomes the main algorithm called by ParticleFlow_Config.py
 	 PFJetMakerAlg becomes the algorithm called by JetMaker_Config.py
-	 Old code is still there and can be accessed via OldParticleFlow_Config.py 
+	 Old code is still there and can be accessed via OldParticleFlow_Config.py
    and OldJetMaker_Config.py configurables.
  - New Files:
@@ -283,13 +283,13 @@ and python codes Old*.
 	 python/JetAccessories/JetMaker_Config.py (use the new jet maker)
 	 python/JetAccessories/ParticleFlow_Config.py (use the new particle flow)
- - New behaviour of the particle flow neutral recovery with E/P parametrisation 
+ - New behaviour of the particle flow neutral recovery with E/P parametrisation
    as function of P is implemented. Substraction is now done on group of cluster
    linked by common tracks instead of single cluster.
  - New ParticleFlow algorithm more modular and slightly faster.
- - TODO: cleaning of the options, private members, configurables, default value 
+ - TODO: cleaning of the options, private members, configurables, default value
 	 of the options
 ! 2012-11-29 - Marco Clemencic
@@ -313,14 +313,14 @@ Small tool to require jets from Z vertex
 - changed PF input default parameters
 ! 2012-09-11 - Murilo Rangel
-- Fix of the fix - wrong case call for Velo Tracks 
+- Fix of the fix - wrong case call for Velo Tracks
 ! 2012-09-2 - Victor Coco
-- Fix wrong case call for Velo Tracks 
+- Fix wrong case call for Velo Tracks
 ! 2012-08-29 - Victor Coco
  - Fix bug in the Neutral recovery (in case of HCAL, typo using the ECAL sigmaE instead)
- - Add the possibility of using Velo Track with infinitely low momenta 
+ - Add the possibility of using Velo Track with infinitely low momenta
    (interesting for vertex association )
  - Upstream tracks with poor momentum measurement are turned to infinitely low momenta
    particle (based on sigma(q/p)/(q/p)) but still kept for vertex association
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ Small tool to require jets from Z vertex
 ! 2012-01-27 - Victor Coco
  - Add extra info on Saturated calorimeter cells.
- - Update the configuration files to the latest option (especially put JetID and 
+ - Update the configuration files to the latest option (especially put JetID and
    JEC in JetMaker_Config)
 !========================= JetAccessories v1r2p1 2011-12-15 =========================
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ Small tool to require jets from Z vertex
    and JetMaker_Config.py for to ease the jet configuration
 ! 2011-10-27 - Victor Coco
- - Fix add protection against non existant conatainer candidate banning 
+ - Fix add protection against non existant conatainer candidate banning
    Add vertex association in ParticleFlow4Jets.cpp
 ! 2011-10-27 - Victor Coco
@@ -413,9 +413,9 @@ Both are hardly tuned but used in the example configuration in JetAccessoriesMC/
   . increase version to v1r0
 ! 2011-04-01 - Victor Coco
- - Introduction of UpdateJetsVtx algorithm 
+ - Introduction of UpdateJetsVtx algorithm
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! The END 
+! The END
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Phys/JetAccessories/src/FastJetBuilder.cpp b/Phys/JetAccessories/src/FastJetBuilder.cpp
index 8b7a05a37bf27bd1fadfed0bf28e1cf85ab8127e..2cb54f2d5314388fd379f097fba652b72db0f884 100644
--- a/Phys/JetAccessories/src/FastJetBuilder.cpp
+++ b/Phys/JetAccessories/src/FastJetBuilder.cpp
@@ -90,60 +90,60 @@ namespace {
   auto           createJetInput( const LHCb::Particle& p, const int index ) {
     // trivial function which "converts" LHCb particle into the fastjet particle
     const auto& v = p.momentum();
-    PJet        jetinput{v.Px(), v.Py(), v.Pz(), v.E()};
+    PJet        jetinput{ v.Px(), v.Py(), v.Pz(), v.E() };
     jetinput.set_user_index( index );
     return jetinput;
   using namespace std::string_view_literals;
-  constexpr auto StrategyMap = std::array{std::pair{fastjet::Strategy::N2MinHeapTiled, "N2MinHeapTiled"sv},
-                                          std::pair{fastjet::Strategy::N2Tiled, "N2Tiled"sv},
-                                          std::pair{fastjet::Strategy::N2PoorTiled, "N2PoorTiled"sv},
-                                          std::pair{fastjet::Strategy::N2Plain, "N2Plain"sv},
-                                          std::pair{fastjet::Strategy::N3Dumb, "N3Dumb"sv},
-                                          std::pair{fastjet::Strategy::Best, "Best"sv},
-                                          std::pair{fastjet::Strategy::NlnN, "NlnN"sv},
-                                          std::pair{fastjet::Strategy::NlnN3pi, "NlnN3pi"sv},
-                                          std::pair{fastjet::Strategy::NlnN4pi, "NlnN4pi"sv},
-                                          std::pair{fastjet::Strategy::NlnNCam4pi, "NlnNCam4pi"sv},
-                                          std::pair{fastjet::Strategy::NlnNCam2pi2R, "NlnNCam2pi2R"sv},
-                                          std::pair{fastjet::Strategy::NlnNCam, "NlnNCam"sv},
-                                          std::pair{fastjet::Strategy::plugin_strategy, "plugin_strategy"sv}};
-  constexpr auto JetAlgorithmMap =
-      std::array{std::pair{fastjet::JetAlgorithm::kt_algorithm, "kt_algorithm"sv},
-                 std::pair{fastjet::JetAlgorithm::cambridge_algorithm, "cambridge_algorithm"sv},
-                 std::pair{fastjet::JetAlgorithm::antikt_algorithm, "antikt_algorithm"sv},
-                 std::pair{fastjet::JetAlgorithm::genkt_algorithm, "genkt_algorithm"sv},
-                 std::pair{fastjet::JetAlgorithm::cambridge_for_passive_algorithm, "cambridge_for_passive_algorithm"sv},
-                 std::pair{fastjet::JetAlgorithm::genkt_for_passive_algorithm, "genkt_for_passive_algorithm"sv},
-                 std::pair{fastjet::JetAlgorithm::ee_kt_algorithm, "ee_kt_algorithm"sv},
-                 std::pair{fastjet::JetAlgorithm::ee_genkt_algorithm, "ee_genkt_algorithm"sv},
-                 std::pair{fastjet::JetAlgorithm::plugin_algorithm, "plugin_algorithm"sv}};
+  constexpr auto StrategyMap = std::array{ std::pair{ fastjet::Strategy::N2MinHeapTiled, "N2MinHeapTiled"sv },
+                                           std::pair{ fastjet::Strategy::N2Tiled, "N2Tiled"sv },
+                                           std::pair{ fastjet::Strategy::N2PoorTiled, "N2PoorTiled"sv },
+                                           std::pair{ fastjet::Strategy::N2Plain, "N2Plain"sv },
+                                           std::pair{ fastjet::Strategy::N3Dumb, "N3Dumb"sv },
+                                           std::pair{ fastjet::Strategy::Best, "Best"sv },
+                                           std::pair{ fastjet::Strategy::NlnN, "NlnN"sv },
+                                           std::pair{ fastjet::Strategy::NlnN3pi, "NlnN3pi"sv },
+                                           std::pair{ fastjet::Strategy::NlnN4pi, "NlnN4pi"sv },
+                                           std::pair{ fastjet::Strategy::NlnNCam4pi, "NlnNCam4pi"sv },
+                                           std::pair{ fastjet::Strategy::NlnNCam2pi2R, "NlnNCam2pi2R"sv },
+                                           std::pair{ fastjet::Strategy::NlnNCam, "NlnNCam"sv },
+                                           std::pair{ fastjet::Strategy::plugin_strategy, "plugin_strategy"sv } };
+  constexpr auto JetAlgorithmMap = std::array{
+      std::pair{ fastjet::JetAlgorithm::kt_algorithm, "kt_algorithm"sv },
+      std::pair{ fastjet::JetAlgorithm::cambridge_algorithm, "cambridge_algorithm"sv },
+      std::pair{ fastjet::JetAlgorithm::antikt_algorithm, "antikt_algorithm"sv },
+      std::pair{ fastjet::JetAlgorithm::genkt_algorithm, "genkt_algorithm"sv },
+      std::pair{ fastjet::JetAlgorithm::cambridge_for_passive_algorithm, "cambridge_for_passive_algorithm"sv },
+      std::pair{ fastjet::JetAlgorithm::genkt_for_passive_algorithm, "genkt_for_passive_algorithm"sv },
+      std::pair{ fastjet::JetAlgorithm::ee_kt_algorithm, "ee_kt_algorithm"sv },
+      std::pair{ fastjet::JetAlgorithm::ee_genkt_algorithm, "ee_genkt_algorithm"sv },
+      std::pair{ fastjet::JetAlgorithm::plugin_algorithm, "plugin_algorithm"sv } };
   /// the various recombination schemes
   constexpr auto RecombinationSchemeMap =
-      std::array{std::pair{fastjet::RecombinationScheme::E_scheme, "E_scheme"sv},
-                 std::pair{fastjet::RecombinationScheme::pt_scheme, "pt_scheme"sv},
-                 std::pair{fastjet::RecombinationScheme::pt2_scheme, "pt2_scheme"sv},
-                 std::pair{fastjet::RecombinationScheme::Et_scheme, "Et_scheme"sv},
-                 std::pair{fastjet::RecombinationScheme::Et2_scheme, "Et2_scheme"sv},
-                 std::pair{fastjet::RecombinationScheme::BIpt_scheme, "BIpt_scheme"sv},
-                 std::pair{fastjet::RecombinationScheme::BIpt2_scheme, "BIpt2_scheme"sv},
-                 std::pair{fastjet::RecombinationScheme::external_scheme, "external_scheme"sv}};
+      std::array{ std::pair{ fastjet::RecombinationScheme::E_scheme, "E_scheme"sv },
+                  std::pair{ fastjet::RecombinationScheme::pt_scheme, "pt_scheme"sv },
+                  std::pair{ fastjet::RecombinationScheme::pt2_scheme, "pt2_scheme"sv },
+                  std::pair{ fastjet::RecombinationScheme::Et_scheme, "Et_scheme"sv },
+                  std::pair{ fastjet::RecombinationScheme::Et2_scheme, "Et2_scheme"sv },
+                  std::pair{ fastjet::RecombinationScheme::BIpt_scheme, "BIpt_scheme"sv },
+                  std::pair{ fastjet::RecombinationScheme::BIpt2_scheme, "BIpt2_scheme"sv },
+                  std::pair{ fastjet::RecombinationScheme::external_scheme, "external_scheme"sv } };
   constexpr auto OrderingMap = std::array{
-      std::pair{FastJetDetails::Ordering::by_rapidity, "by_rapidity"sv},
-      std::pair{FastJetDetails::Ordering::by_pt, "by_pt"sv},
-      std::pair{FastJetDetails::Ordering::by_E, "by_E"sv},
+      std::pair{ FastJetDetails::Ordering::by_rapidity, "by_rapidity"sv },
+      std::pair{ FastJetDetails::Ordering::by_pt, "by_pt"sv },
+      std::pair{ FastJetDetails::Ordering::by_E, "by_E"sv },
   template <typename Enum, auto N>
   std::string toString_( Enum e, std::array<std::pair<Enum, std::string_view>, N> const& tbl ) {
     auto i = std::find_if( tbl.begin(), tbl.end(), [e]( const auto& entry ) { return entry.first == e; } );
     if ( i == tbl.end() ) { throw std::out_of_range( "unknown enumeration value" ); }
-    return std::string{i->second};
+    return std::string{ i->second };
   template <typename Enum, auto N>
@@ -219,19 +219,19 @@ namespace {
     map.reserve( Particles.size() );
     for ( auto const* prt : Particles ) {
-      const auto pv = Gaudi::XYZPoint{prt->info( LHCb::JetPFMCInfo::mcpv_x, -9999. ),
-                                      prt->info( LHCb::JetPFMCInfo::mcpv_y, -9999. ),
-                                      prt->info( LHCb::JetPFMCInfo::mcpv_z, -9999. )};
+      const auto pv = Gaudi::XYZPoint{ prt->info( LHCb::JetPFMCInfo::mcpv_x, -9999. ),
+                                       prt->info( LHCb::JetPFMCInfo::mcpv_y, -9999. ),
+                                       prt->info( LHCb::JetPFMCInfo::mcpv_z, -9999. ) };
       if ( pv.X() < -999 ) {
-        throw GaudiException{"Particle from MC particle does not contain MC PV info", "FastJetBuilder::relateMCP2MCPV",
-                             StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "Particle from MC particle does not contain MC PV info", "FastJetBuilder::relateMCP2MCPV",
+                              StatusCode::FAILURE };
       auto i =
           std::find_if( map.begin(), map.end(), [&pv]( const auto& j ) { return ( pv - j.first ).Mag2() < 1e-5; } );
       if ( i != map.end() ) {
         i->second.push_back( prt );
       } else {
-        map.emplace_back( pv, std::vector{prt} );
+        map.emplace_back( pv, std::vector{ prt } );
     return map;
@@ -254,89 +254,91 @@ private:
   /// Tool to RelatedPVFinder
   ToolHandle<IRelatedPVFinder> m_prtVtxTool = {
       this, "RelatedPVFinder",
-      "GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIPChi2_OfflineDistanceCalculatorName_/P2PVWithIPChi2"};
+      "GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIPChi2_OfflineDistanceCalculatorName_/P2PVWithIPChi2" };
   // Combiner to be used
-  ToolHandle<IParticleCombiner> m_combiner{this, "ParticleCombiner", "MomentumCombiner"};
+  ToolHandle<IParticleCombiner> m_combiner{ this, "ParticleCombiner", "MomentumCombiner" };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_jetVtx = {this, "JetsByVtx", true,
-                                    "If true, build jets for each primary vertex, otherwise "
-                                    "build inclusively."};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_jetVtx = { this, "JetsByVtx", true,
+                                     "If true, build jets for each primary vertex, otherwise "
+                                     "build inclusively." };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_MCJets = {this, "MCJets", false, "If true, input particles are from MC"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_MCJets = { this, "MCJets", false, "If true, input particles are from MC" };
   // FastJet configuration
-  Gaudi::Property<FastJetDetails::Ordering> m_sort  = {this, "Sort", FastJetDetails::Ordering::by_pt,
-                                                      "FastJet: sorting criteria"};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>                      m_jetID = {this, "JetID", 98, "LHCb PID number for jets"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>                   m_r     = {this, "RParameter", 0.5, "FastJet: cone size"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>                   m_ptmin = {this, "PtMin", 5000,
-                                     [this]( auto& ) {
-                                       if ( m_ptmin.value() < 0 )
-                                         throw std::runtime_error{"min pt for FastJet is negative for FastJetBuilder"};
-                                     },
-                                     "FastJet: min pT"};
-  Gaudi::Property<fastjet::RecombinationScheme> m_recom = {this, "Recombination",
-                                                           fastjet::RecombinationScheme::E_scheme, "FastJet: scheme "};
-  Gaudi::Property<fastjet::Strategy>     m_strat = {this, "Strategy", fastjet::Strategy::Best, "FastJet: strategy"};
-  Gaudi::Property<fastjet::JetAlgorithm> m_type  = {this, "Type", fastjet::JetAlgorithm::antikt_algorithm,
-                                                   "FastJet: JetAlgorithm"};
+  Gaudi::Property<FastJetDetails::Ordering> m_sort  = { this, "Sort", FastJetDetails::Ordering::by_pt,
+                                                        "FastJet: sorting criteria" };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>                      m_jetID = { this, "JetID", 98, "LHCb PID number for jets" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>                   m_r     = { this, "RParameter", 0.5, "FastJet: cone size" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>                   m_ptmin = { this, "PtMin", 5000,
+                                                        [this]( auto& ) {
+                                        if ( m_ptmin.value() < 0 )
+                                          throw std::runtime_error{
+                                              "min pt for FastJet is negative for FastJetBuilder" };
+                                      },
+                                                        "FastJet: min pT" };
+  Gaudi::Property<fastjet::RecombinationScheme> m_recom = {
+      this, "Recombination", fastjet::RecombinationScheme::E_scheme, "FastJet: scheme " };
+  Gaudi::Property<fastjet::Strategy>     m_strat = { this, "Strategy", fastjet::Strategy::Best, "FastJet: strategy" };
+  Gaudi::Property<fastjet::JetAlgorithm> m_type  = { this, "Type", fastjet::JetAlgorithm::antikt_algorithm,
+                                                     "FastJet: JetAlgorithm" };
   ///< Perform jet energy correction.
   void jec( LHCb::Particle* prt, int nPVs ) const;
   /// Limits of n(PV) JEC bins.
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<int>> m_jecLimNPvs = {this, "jecLimNPvs", {0, 1}, "Limits of n(PV) JEC bins."};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<int>> m_jecLimNPvs = { this, "jecLimNPvs", { 0, 1 }, "Limits of n(PV) JEC bins." };
   /// Limits of the JEC eta bins.
   Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_jecLimEta = {
-      this, "jecLimEta", {2.0, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 3.0, 3.2, 3.6, 4.2, 4.5}, "Limits of the JEC eta bins."};
+      this, "jecLimEta", { 2.0, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 3.0, 3.2, 3.6, 4.2, 4.5 }, "Limits of the JEC eta bins." };
   /// Limits of the JEC (sum charged pT)/pT bins.
   Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_jecLimCpf = {
-      this, "jecLimCpf", {0.06, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0001}, "Limits of the JEC (sum charged pT)/pT bins."};
+      this, "jecLimCpf", { 0.06, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0001 }, "Limits of the JEC (sum charged pT)/pT bins." };
   /// Limits of the JEC phi bins.
   Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_jecLimPhi = {
-      this, "jecLimPhi", {0, 1.0 / 6.0 * M_PI, 1.0 / 3.0 * M_PI, 0.5 * M_PI}, "Limits of the JEC phi bins."};
+      this, "jecLimPhi", { 0, 1.0 / 6.0 * M_PI, 1.0 / 3.0 * M_PI, 0.5 * M_PI }, "Limits of the JEC phi bins." };
   /// Limits of the JEC pT bins.
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_jecLimPt = {this, "jecLimPt", {5, 298}, "Limits of the JEC pT bins."};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_jecLimPt = { this, "jecLimPt", { 5, 298 }, "Limits of the JEC pT bins." };
   /// Shift the jet energy correction by this (in JEC sigma).
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_jetEcShift = {this, "jetEcShift", 0.,
-                                          "Shift the jet energy correction by this (in JEC sigma)"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_jetEcShift = { this, "jetEcShift", 0.,
+                                           "Shift the jet energy correction by this (in JEC sigma)" };
   /// Path to histograms for JEC. If empty, skip JEC. Configured in Hlt2Conf/standard_jets.py
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_jetEcFilePath = {this, "jetEcFilePath", "",
-                                                  "Location of ROOT file with jet energy correction histograms"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_jetEcFilePath = { this, "jetEcFilePath", "",
+                                                   "Location of ROOT file with jet energy correction histograms" };
   /// Path to histograms for JEC in root file. If empty, skip JEC
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_jetEcPath = {this, "jetEcPath", "", "Path to histograms for jet energy correction."};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_jetEcPath = { this, "jetEcPath", "", "Path to histograms for jet energy correction." };
   /// File accessor to ParamFile
-  ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_file{this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc", "Service used to retrieve file contents"};
+  ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_file{ this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc", "Service used to retrieve file contents" };
   std::map<int, TH1D> m_jecsHistos; // Assume above bin limits less then 100
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbInput{this, "Nb of Inputs"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbJetCounter{this, "Nb of Reconstructed Jets"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbJetCounter10{this, "Nb of Reconstructed Jets with pT>10GeV"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbJetCounter20{this, "Nb of Reconstructed Jets with pT>20GeV"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbInput{ this, "Nb of Inputs" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbJetCounter{ this, "Nb of Reconstructed Jets" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbJetCounter10{ this, "Nb of Reconstructed Jets with pT>10GeV" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbJetCounter20{ this, "Nb of Reconstructed Jets with pT>20GeV" };
   /// MsgSvc counters
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_msg_noBestPV{
-      this, "Failed to relate a particle with its bestPV.", 0};
+      this, "Failed to relate a particle with its bestPV.", 0 };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_msg_invalid_input{
-      this, "Invalid input particle -> FastJet input", 0};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_msg_nojetdaughters{this, "Jets have no daughters", 0};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_msg_invalidjetdaughter{this, "Invalid jet daughter index", 0};
+      this, "Invalid input particle -> FastJet input", 0 };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_msg_nojetdaughters{ this, "Jets have no daughters", 0 };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_msg_invalidjetdaughter{ this, "Invalid jet daughter index",
+                                                                                  0 };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_msg_momcomb{
-      this, "Error in momentum combiner with jet daughters", 0};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_msg_nobestPV{this, "Could not find bestPV", 0};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_msg_partWithNANs{this, "Jet seed with NAN/INF information",
-                                                                           0};
+      this, "Error in momentum combiner with jet daughters", 0 };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_msg_nobestPV{ this, "Could not find bestPV", 0 };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_msg_partWithNANs{ this, "Jet seed with NAN/INF information",
+                                                                            0 };
   /// Relate a particles with bestPVs
@@ -362,9 +364,9 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( FastJetBuilder )
 FastJetBuilder::FastJetBuilder( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svc )
     : Transformer( name, svc,
-                   {KeyValue{"Input", ""}, KeyValue{"PVLocation", "Rec/Vertex/Primary"},
-                    KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-                   KeyValue{"Output", "Phys/Jets/Particles"} ) {}
+                   { KeyValue{ "Input", "" }, KeyValue{ "PVLocation", "Rec/Vertex/Primary" },
+                     KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+                   KeyValue{ "Output", "Phys/Jets/Particles" } ) {}
 // Initialize.
@@ -383,8 +385,8 @@ StatusCode FastJetBuilder::initialize() {
     if ( !buffer ) {
       throw GaudiException( "Failed to obtain histogram file " + m_jetEcFilePath, __func__, StatusCode::FAILURE );
-    auto     filedata = TMemFile::ZeroCopyView_t{buffer->data(), buffer->size()};
-    TMemFile tfile{"JECParamsDummyName", filedata};
+    auto     filedata = TMemFile::ZeroCopyView_t{ buffer->data(), buffer->size() };
+    TMemFile tfile{ "JECParamsDummyName", filedata };
     if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
@@ -459,8 +461,8 @@ LHCb::Particles FastJetBuilder::operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& Particl
       // Scan MCparticles, grouping them by MCPV, saving them in a list.
       auto vtx2prtRel = relateMCP2MCPV( Particles );
       if ( vtx2prtRel.empty() ) {
-        throw GaudiException{"Empty map from MC particles to MC vertices", "FastJetBuilder::operator",
-                             StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "Empty map from MC particles to MC vertices", "FastJetBuilder::operator",
+                              StatusCode::FAILURE };
       debug() << "Making MC jets by PVs" << endmsg;
       // For each MCPV in the list create jets with the lsit of MCParticles associated to it
@@ -578,7 +580,7 @@ LHCb::Particles FastJetBuilder::operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& Particl
 P2PVTable FastJetBuilder::relateP2Vtx( LHCb::span<LHCb::Particle const* const> Particles,
                                        const LHCb::RecVertices&                PrimaryVertices ) const {
   auto vtx2prtRel = P2PVTable{};
-  auto vtx        = LHCb::VertexBase::ConstVector{PrimaryVertices.begin(), PrimaryVertices.end()};
+  auto vtx        = LHCb::VertexBase::ConstVector{ PrimaryVertices.begin(), PrimaryVertices.end() };
   for ( auto* prt : Particles ) {
     auto bestPV = m_prtVtxTool->relatedPV( prt, vtx );
     if ( !bestPV ) {
@@ -627,7 +629,7 @@ FastJetBuilder::makeFastJets( LHCb::span<LHCb::Particle const* const> particles,
   // Reconstructed Jets from FastJet
-  auto jetDef = fastjet::JetDefinition{m_type.value(), m_r, m_recom.value(), m_strat.value()};
+  auto jetDef = fastjet::JetDefinition{ m_type.value(), m_r, m_recom.value(), m_strat.value() };
   if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
     debug() << "fastjet::JetDefinition:" << endmsg;
     debug() << jetDef.description() << endmsg;
@@ -677,7 +679,7 @@ FastJetBuilder::makeFastJets( LHCb::span<LHCb::Particle const* const> particles,
     pJet.setParticleID( LHCb::ParticleID( m_jetID ) );
     // redefine the momentum with the FastJet output
-    pJet.setMomentum( {jet.px(), jet.py(), jet.pz(), jet.e()} );
+    pJet.setMomentum( { jet.px(), jet.py(), jet.pz(), jet.e() } );
   return recojets;
diff --git a/Phys/JetAccessories/src/JetTag.cpp b/Phys/JetAccessories/src/JetTag.cpp
index 54262d94fb90a4648739fdd436495adf63d4e32d..b7e645304f6313eca971b4e883691d3cbe083470 100644
--- a/Phys/JetAccessories/src/JetTag.cpp
+++ b/Phys/JetAccessories/src/JetTag.cpp
@@ -23,21 +23,21 @@ class JetTag : public LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<LHCb::Particle::Selection(
   /// Tool to RelatedPVFinder
   ToolHandle<IRelatedPVFinder> m_prtVtxTool = {
       this, "RelatedPVFinder",
-      "GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIPChi2_OfflineDistanceCalculatorName_/P2PVWithIPChi2"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_ConeSizeTag{this, "ConeSizeTag", 0.5, "Cone size to tag jets."};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_UseFlightDirection{this, "UseFlightDirection", false,
-                                             "Flag to use flight direction if tag is composite."};
+      "GenericParticle2PVRelator__p2PVWithIPChi2_OfflineDistanceCalculatorName_/P2PVWithIPChi2" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_ConeSizeTag{ this, "ConeSizeTag", 0.5, "Cone size to tag jets." };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_UseFlightDirection{ this, "UseFlightDirection", false,
+                                              "Flag to use flight direction if tag is composite." };
   /// Constructor.
   JetTag( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svc )
-      : Transformer( name, svc, {KeyValue{"Jets", ""}, KeyValue{"Tags", ""}, KeyValue{"PVLocation", ""}},
-                     {"Output", ""} ) {}
+      : Transformer( name, svc, { KeyValue{ "Jets", "" }, KeyValue{ "Tags", "" }, KeyValue{ "PVLocation", "" } },
+                     { "Output", "" } ) {}
   // Main method
   LHCb::Particle::Selection operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& Jets, const LHCb::Particle::Range& Tags,
                                         const LHCb::RecVertices& PrimaryVertices ) const override {
-    LHCb::Particle::Selection prts{Jets.begin(), Jets.end(), [&]( const auto& jet ) {
+    LHCb::Particle::Selection prts{ Jets.begin(), Jets.end(), [&]( const auto& jet ) {
                                      auto jetphi = jet->momentum().Phi();
                                      auto jeteta = jet->momentum().Eta();
                                      return std::any_of( Tags.begin(), Tags.end(), [&]( const auto& tag ) {
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ public:
                                        while ( dphi <= -M_PI ) dphi += 2 * M_PI;
                                        return dphi * dphi + deta * deta < m_ConeSizeTag * m_ConeSizeTag;
                                      } );
-                                   }};
+                                   } };
     if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) debug() << "Number of output particles: " << prts.size() << endmsg;
     return prts;
diff --git a/Phys/JetAccessories/src/ParticleFlowFilter.cpp b/Phys/JetAccessories/src/ParticleFlowFilter.cpp
index f14dec3a2ff1dff2f65810570e6692ad40b676be..4973ce748256296bf10c98be5f8f9ef04916aaef 100644
--- a/Phys/JetAccessories/src/ParticleFlowFilter.cpp
+++ b/Phys/JetAccessories/src/ParticleFlowFilter.cpp
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ struct ParticleFlowFilter : LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<LHCb::Particle::Selecti
   /// Constructor.
   ParticleFlowFilter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svc )
-      : Transformer( name, svc, {KeyValue{"Inputs", ""}, KeyValue{"ParticlesToBan", ""}},
-                     {"Output", "Phys/ParticleFlow/Particles"} ) {}
+      : Transformer( name, svc, { KeyValue{ "Inputs", "" }, KeyValue{ "ParticlesToBan", "" } },
+                     { "Output", "Phys/ParticleFlow/Particles" } ) {}
   // Main method
   LHCb::Particle::Selection operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& Inputs,
diff --git a/Phys/JetAccessories/src/ParticleFlowMaker.cpp b/Phys/JetAccessories/src/ParticleFlowMaker.cpp
index ea7bd54334712d7913701956a481225a69089dec..e206d0e4aa2656ec07ab04c48680581ac3a07481 100644
--- a/Phys/JetAccessories/src/ParticleFlowMaker.cpp
+++ b/Phys/JetAccessories/src/ParticleFlowMaker.cpp
@@ -60,32 +60,32 @@ namespace LHCb {
   class ParticleFlowMaker : public Algorithm::MergingTransformer<Particle::Selection( inputs const& )> {
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>     m_count{this, "00: # Number of Events"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nbInputChargedsCounter{this, "01: # Basic Charged Input Particles"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nbInputNeutralsCounter{this, "02: # Basic Neutral Input Particles"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nbInputCompositesCounter{this, "03: # Composite Input Particles"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>     m_count{ this, "00: # Number of Events" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nbInputChargedsCounter{ this, "01: # Basic Charged Input Particles" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nbInputNeutralsCounter{ this, "02: # Basic Neutral Input Particles" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nbInputCompositesCounter{ this, "03: # Composite Input Particles" };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nbChargedsCounter{this, "04: # Basic Charged Output Particles"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nbNeutralsCounter{this, "05: # Basic Neutral Output Particles"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nbCompositesCounter{this, "06: # Composite Output Particles"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nbParticleCounter{this, "07: # Merged Output Particles"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nbChargedsCounter{ this, "04: # Basic Charged Output Particles" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nbNeutralsCounter{ this, "05: # Basic Neutral Output Particles" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nbCompositesCounter{ this, "06: # Composite Output Particles" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nbParticleCounter{ this, "07: # Merged Output Particles" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nbRejectedBasicsCounter{
-        this, "08: # ProtoParticles from Basic Particles rejected"};
+        this, "08: # ProtoParticles from Basic Particles rejected" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nbRejectedCompositesCounter{
-        this, "09: # ProtoParticles from Composite Particles rejected"};
+        this, "09: # ProtoParticles from Composite Particles rejected" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_nbBasicChargedWithNANs{
-        this, "10: Basic Charged has NAN/INF information", 0};
+        this, "10: Basic Charged has NAN/INF information", 0 };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_nbBasicNeutralWithNANs{
-        this, "11: Basic Neutral has NAN/INF information", 0};
+        this, "11: Basic Neutral has NAN/INF information", 0 };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_nbCompositePartWithNANs{
-        this, "12: Composite has NAN/INF information", 0};
+        this, "12: Composite has NAN/INF information", 0 };
     /// Constructor.
     ParticleFlowMaker( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svc )
-        : MergingTransformer( name, svc, {"Inputs", {}}, {"Output", "Phys/ParticleFlow/Particles"} ) {}
+        : MergingTransformer( name, svc, { "Inputs", {} }, { "Output", "Phys/ParticleFlow/Particles" } ) {}
     // Main method
     Particle::Selection operator()( inputs const& Inputs ) const override {
diff --git a/Phys/JetAccessories/src/ParticleFlowMakerMC.cpp b/Phys/JetAccessories/src/ParticleFlowMakerMC.cpp
index e5aa7eb49b84e967a21ac77b2fa1f2249601bb86..6541302d3891669f3c88cb44a29db5fbdec037e3 100644
--- a/Phys/JetAccessories/src/ParticleFlowMakerMC.cpp
+++ b/Phys/JetAccessories/src/ParticleFlowMakerMC.cpp
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
       prt->setMomentum( mcprt.momentum() );
       auto pos = referencePoint( mcprt );
-      prt->setReferencePoint( {pos.X().cast(), pos.Y().cast(), pos.Z().cast()} );
+      prt->setReferencePoint( { pos.X().cast(), pos.Y().cast(), pos.Z().cast() } );
       // Use jets enums to save MC PV position into particle
       prt->addInfo( JetPFMCInfo::MCParticleKey, key );
@@ -90,9 +90,10 @@ namespace LHCb {
           continue; // Particles already flagged
         int  pid  = std::abs( iPrt->particleID().pid() );
-        Code flag = ( isBanned( pid )
-                          ? Code::Banned
-                          : notRequested( pid ) ? Code::NotRequested : !primary( iPrt ) ? Code::NotFromPV : Code::OK );
+        Code flag = ( isBanned( pid )       ? Code::Banned
+                      : notRequested( pid ) ? Code::NotRequested
+                      : !primary( iPrt )    ? Code::NotFromPV
+                                            : Code::OK );
         if ( flag != Code::NotRequested ) {
           // If NotRequested, don't flag daughters, as they might be requested.
           // If not and it's a decay vertex, flag the daughters
@@ -122,19 +123,19 @@ namespace LHCb {
   class ParticleFlowMakerMC : public Algorithm::MergingTransformer<Particles( MCParticlesVector const& )> {
     Gaudi::Property<std::vector<int>> m_requestedParticlesPIDs{
-        this, "requestedParticlesPIDs", {0}, "List of MC particles PIDs to keep in the particle flow for jets"};
+        this, "requestedParticlesPIDs", { 0 }, "List of MC particles PIDs to keep in the particle flow for jets" };
     Gaudi::Property<std::vector<int>> m_banPIDs{
-        this, "banPIDs", {0}, "List of MC particles PIDs to be rejected, including its daughters"};
+        this, "banPIDs", { 0 }, "List of MC particles PIDs to be rejected, including its daughters" };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_count{this, "00: # Number of Events"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_count{ this, "00: # Number of Events" };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_msg_emptyVec{this, "Empty Input vector. Skipping", 0};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_msg_emptyVec{ this, "Empty Input vector. Skipping", 0 };
     /// Constructor.
     ParticleFlowMakerMC( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svc )
-        : MergingTransformer( name, svc, {"Inputs", {}}, {"Output", "Phys/ParticleFlow/Particles"} ) {}
+        : MergingTransformer( name, svc, { "Inputs", {} }, { "Output", "Phys/ParticleFlow/Particles" } ) {}
     // Main method
     Particles operator()( MCParticlesVector const& Inputs ) const override {
@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
       std::vector<const MCParticle*> mcprts;
       auto                           size = std::accumulate( Inputs.begin(), Inputs.end(), 0,
-                                   []( int i, const auto& Input ) { return i + Input.size(); } );
+                                                             []( int i, const auto& Input ) { return i + Input.size(); } );
       mcprts.reserve( size );
       //  Merge all inputs
diff --git a/Phys/KalmanFilter/dict/KalmanFilter.xml b/Phys/KalmanFilter/dict/KalmanFilter.xml
index 348ca345a16334035f81af89516db51576265a2e..97845deaa5e027ee525a4efc8a20b2bdde0af2f3 100644
--- a/Phys/KalmanFilter/dict/KalmanFilter.xml
+++ b/Phys/KalmanFilter/dict/KalmanFilter.xml
@@ -8,24 +8,24 @@
     granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
     or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
-     * ======================================================================== 
+     * ========================================================================
      * @file
-     * The seleciton file to build Reflex dictionaries for KalmanFilter 
+     * The seleciton file to build Reflex dictionaries for KalmanFilter
      * @author Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@cern.ch
      * @date 2011-01-13
      * ========================================================================
   <class    name = "IParticleClassifier"/>
   <class    name = "LoKi::FastVertex"   />
   <enum     name = "LoKi::KalmanFilter::ErrorCodes"    />
   <enum     name = "LoKi::KalmanFilter::ParticleTypes" />
   <class    name = "LoKi::KalmanFilter::Entry"                />
   <class    name = "std::vector<LoKi::KalmanFilter::Entry>"   />
   <function name = "LoKi::KalmanFilter::load"                 />
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
   <function name = "LoKi::KalmanFilter::okForVertex"          />
   <function name = "LoKi::KalmanFilter::nDof"                 />
   <function name = "LoKi::KalmanFilter::chi2"                 />
   <class    name = "LoKi::KalmanFilter::TrEntry4"                />
   <class    name = "std::vector<LoKi::KalmanFilter::TrEntry4>"   />
diff --git a/Phys/KalmanFilter/doc/release.notes b/Phys/KalmanFilter/doc/release.notes
index 6ab0a3e442e614b552734e9b1918153156540acc..27cd253a1dd2a9bddec97d748cfcb6e533433f9d 100644
--- a/Phys/KalmanFilter/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/KalmanFilter/doc/release.notes
@@ -12,27 +12,27 @@
 !========================= KalmanFilter v1r17 2016-03-13 ======================
 ! 2016-03-12 - Vanya Belyaev
- - fix the bug, affecting the case of making vertex from 
-   of "rho+-like" particle and long-lived particle, 
-   eg. D*0 pi+, or D*0 D- 
+ - fix the bug, affecting the case of making vertex from
+   of "rho+-like" particle and long-lived particle,
+   eg. D*0 pi+, or D*0 D-
 !========================= KalmanFilter v1r16 2016-02-04 ======================
 ! 2016-01-25 - Vanya Belyaev
  - VertexFit.cpp:
-   fix nDof calculation in the presence of 'rho+-like' particle 
-   thanks to Jascha Grabovski 
+   fix nDof calculation in the presence of 'rho+-like' particle
+   thanks to Jascha Grabovski
 ! 2016-01-18 - Vanya Belyaev
  - Introduce new type of particles "rho+-like"
    1) add correspondiong enum
-   2) update IParticleClassifier interface 
+   2) update IParticleClassifier interface
 !========================= KalmanFilter v1r15 2015-12-02 ======================
 ! 2015-11-28 - Vanya Belyaev
  - fix (thanks to Michel)
-   nDoF for "rho+"-like particles was set to zero.. formally should be -1 
+   nDoF for "rho+"-like particles was set to zero.. formally should be -1
 ! 2015-11-08 - Gerhard Raven
  - fix clang error
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@
    include also merged pi0
 ! 2015-09-09 - Vanya Belyaev
- - bug fix 
-   chi2(VX) for decays  
-    "A ->  B C D E  <pi0>   " 
+ - bug fix
+   chi2(VX) for decays
+    "A ->  B C D E  <pi0>   "
     "A ->  B C D E ( pi0 -> <gamma> <gamma> )   "
     "A ->  B C D E  <gamma> "
     "A ->  B C D E ( eta -> <gamma> <gamma> ) "
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 !========================= KalmanFilter v1r13 2015-07-21 ======================
 ! 2015-07-09 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add JetLikeParticle (for Wouter) 
+ - add JetLikeParticle (for Wouter)
 ! 2015-06-12 - Marco Clemencic
  - Modified CMakeLists.txt to install headers from 'Kernel' (needed for
@@ -203,4 +203,3 @@
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ! The END
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Phys/KalmanFilter/src/VertexFit.cpp b/Phys/KalmanFilter/src/VertexFit.cpp
index 0a3394007379d76e4dde24b42383d7b45590f3a1..fbc1dd8ed14ec5900aaa51fff0fce0551fb7b07b 100644
--- a/Phys/KalmanFilter/src/VertexFit.cpp
+++ b/Phys/KalmanFilter/src/VertexFit.cpp
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ namespace {
   const LHCb::Math::Zero<double> s_zero{};
   // ==========================================================================
   /// inverse "large" error in position: used to avoid singularity
-  const std::array<double, 3> s_ERROR2_i = {{1.0 / Gaudi::Math::pow( 15.0 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 2 ),
-                                             1.0 / Gaudi::Math::pow( 15.0 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 2 ),
-                                             1.0 / Gaudi::Math::pow( 50.0 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 2 )}};
+  const std::array<double, 3> s_ERROR2_i = { { 1.0 / Gaudi::Math::pow( 15.0 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 2 ),
+                                               1.0 / Gaudi::Math::pow( 15.0 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 2 ),
+                                               1.0 / Gaudi::Math::pow( 50.0 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 2 ) } };
   // ==========================================================================
   /// "smooth" the singular values
   template <class T, unsigned int D>
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ namespace {
       cixy( 1, 1 ) = _pmcov( 1, 1 );
       // Invert matrix: use Cholesky's decomposition, is fails, use regular inversion
       if ( !cixy.InvertChol() && !cixy.Invert() ) {
-        return StatusCode{LoKi::KalmanFilter::ErrorInMatrixInversion1};
+        return StatusCode{ LoKi::KalmanFilter::ErrorInMatrixInversion1 };
       } // RETURN
       // The most tricky part I
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ namespace {
         _smooth( entry.m_vxi );
         // 1) invert again using Cholesky decomposition
         if ( !entry.m_vxi.InvertChol() && !entry.m_vxi.Invert() ) {
-          return StatusCode{LoKi::KalmanFilter::ErrorInMatrixInversion2};
+          return StatusCode{ LoKi::KalmanFilter::ErrorInMatrixInversion2 };
         } // RETURN
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::loadAsMergedPi0( const LHCb::Particle& particle,
 // ============================================================================
 StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::transport( LoKi::KalmanFilter::Entry& entry, const double newZ,
                                           IParticleTransporter* tool, IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) {
-  if ( 0 == tool ) { return StatusCode{ErrorFromParticleTransporter}; }
+  if ( 0 == tool ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorFromParticleTransporter }; }
   // Avoid transporting to extremely large or small z values
   double z = newZ;
   if ( newZ < -10000. ) { z = -10000.; }
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ namespace {
 // ============================================================================
 StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::stepRho( LoKi::KalmanFilter::Entries& entries, const double chi2 ) {
-  if ( !rhoPlusLike( entries ) ) { return StatusCode{ErrorInInputData}; } // RETURN
+  if ( !rhoPlusLike( entries ) ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorInInputData }; } // RETURN
   Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3 ci;
   Gaudi::Math::setToScalar( ci, 0.0 );
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::stepRho( LoKi::KalmanFilter::Entries& entries, co
     // try to recover using "soft" constraints
     _smooth( ci, 2 * Gaudi::Units::meter );
-    if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( ci, c ) ) { return StatusCode{ErrorInMatrixInversion4}; }
+    if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( ci, c ) ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorInMatrixInversion4 }; }
   Gaudi::Vector3 x = c * seed;
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::step( LoKi::KalmanFilter::Entry& entry, const Gau
       _smooth( entry.m_ci );
       // invert it , start from Cholesky'decomposition
       if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( entry.m_ci, entry.m_c ) ) {
-        return StatusCode{ErrorInMatrixInversion3};
+        return StatusCode{ ErrorInMatrixInversion3 };
       } // RETURN
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::step( LoKi::KalmanFilter::Entry& entry, const Gau
   entry.m_ci = ci + entry.m_vxi;
   /// \f$ C_k = \left( C^{-1}_{k} \right)^{-1}\f$
-  if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( entry.m_ci, entry.m_c ) ) { return StatusCode{ErrorInMatrixInversion3}; }
+  if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( entry.m_ci, entry.m_c ) ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorInMatrixInversion3 }; }
   // OK !
   /// \f$\vec{x}_k\f$
   entry.m_x = entry.m_c * ( ci * x + entry.m_vxi * entry.m_parx );
@@ -445,18 +445,18 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::step( LoKi::KalmanFilter::Entry& entry1, LoKi::Ka
                                      const double chi2 ) {
   if ( entry1.m_type != LongLivedParticle && entry1.m_type != ShortLivedParticle ) {
-    return StatusCode{ErrorInInputData};
+    return StatusCode{ ErrorInInputData };
   if ( entry2.m_type != LongLivedParticle && entry2.m_type != ShortLivedParticle ) {
-    return StatusCode{ErrorInInputData};
+    return StatusCode{ ErrorInInputData };
   entry1.m_ci = entry1.m_vxi + entry2.m_vxi;
   entry2.m_ci = entry1.m_ci;
   /// \f$ C_k = \left( C^{-1}_{k} \right)^{-1}\f$
-  if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( entry1.m_ci, entry1.m_c ) ) { return StatusCode{ErrorInMatrixInversion3}; }
+  if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( entry1.m_ci, entry1.m_c ) ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorInMatrixInversion3 }; }
   entry2.m_c = entry1.m_c;
   /// \f$\vec{x}_k\f$
@@ -496,15 +496,15 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::step( LoKi::KalmanFilter::Entry& entry1, LoKi::Ka
                                      LoKi::KalmanFilter::Entry& entry3, const double chi2 ) {
   if ( entry1.m_type != LongLivedParticle && entry1.m_type != ShortLivedParticle ) {
-    return StatusCode{ErrorInInputData};
+    return StatusCode{ ErrorInInputData };
   if ( entry2.m_type != LongLivedParticle && entry2.m_type != ShortLivedParticle ) {
-    return StatusCode{ErrorInInputData};
+    return StatusCode{ ErrorInInputData };
   if ( entry3.m_type != LongLivedParticle && entry3.m_type != ShortLivedParticle ) {
-    return StatusCode{ErrorInInputData};
+    return StatusCode{ ErrorInInputData };
   entry1.m_ci = entry1.m_vxi;
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::step( LoKi::KalmanFilter::Entry& entry1, LoKi::Ka
   entry3.m_ci = entry1.m_ci;
   /// \f$ C_k = \left( C^{-1}_{k} \right)^{-1}\f$
-  if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( entry1.m_ci, entry1.m_c ) ) { return StatusCode{ErrorInMatrixInversion3}; }
+  if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( entry1.m_ci, entry1.m_c ) ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorInMatrixInversion3 }; }
   entry2.m_c = entry1.m_c;
   entry3.m_c = entry1.m_c;
@@ -566,19 +566,19 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::step( LoKi::KalmanFilter::Entry& entry1, LoKi::Ka
                                      const double chi2 ) {
   if ( entry1.m_type != LongLivedParticle && entry1.m_type != ShortLivedParticle ) {
-    return StatusCode{ErrorInInputData};
+    return StatusCode{ ErrorInInputData };
   if ( entry2.m_type != LongLivedParticle && entry2.m_type != ShortLivedParticle ) {
-    return StatusCode{ErrorInInputData};
+    return StatusCode{ ErrorInInputData };
   if ( entry3.m_type != LongLivedParticle && entry3.m_type != ShortLivedParticle ) {
-    return StatusCode{ErrorInInputData};
+    return StatusCode{ ErrorInInputData };
   if ( entry4.m_type != LongLivedParticle && entry4.m_type != ShortLivedParticle ) {
-    return StatusCode{ErrorInInputData};
+    return StatusCode{ ErrorInInputData };
   entry1.m_ci = entry1.m_vxi;
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::step( LoKi::KalmanFilter::Entry& entry1, LoKi::Ka
   entry4.m_ci = entry1.m_ci;
   /// \f$ C_k = \left( C^{-1}_{k} \right)^{-1}\f$
-  if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( entry1.m_ci, entry1.m_c ) ) { return StatusCode{ErrorInMatrixInversion3}; }
+  if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( entry1.m_ci, entry1.m_c ) ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorInMatrixInversion3 }; }
   entry2.m_c = entry1.m_c;
   entry3.m_c = entry1.m_c;
   entry4.m_c = entry1.m_c;
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::step( LoKi::KalmanFilter::Entry& entry1, LoKi::Ka
 // ============================================================================
 StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::steps( LoKi::KalmanFilter::Entries& entries, const double chi2 ) {
-  if ( !okForVertex( entries ) ) { return StatusCode{ErrorInInputData}; }
+  if ( !okForVertex( entries ) ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorInInputData }; }
   Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3 ci;
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::steps( LoKi::KalmanFilter::Entries& entries, cons
     // try to recover using "soft" constraints
     _smooth( ci );
-    if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( ci, c ) ) { return StatusCode{ErrorInMatrixInversion4}; }
+    if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( ci, c ) ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorInMatrixInversion4 }; }
   const Gaudi::Vector3 x = c * xi;
@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::seed( const LoKi::KalmanFilter::Entries& entries,
     // try to recover using "soft" constraints
     _smooth( ci );
-    if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( ci, c ) ) { return StatusCode{ErrorInMatrixInversion4}; }
+    if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( ci, c ) ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorInMatrixInversion4 }; }
   x = c * seed;
@@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::transportMergedPi0( LoKi::KalmanFilter::Entry& en
     status = calo.status();
-  if ( 0 != status ) { return StatusCode{ErrorMergedPi0Update}; }
+  if ( 0 != status ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorMergedPi0Update }; }
   // mass and mass uncertainties
   entry.m_p.setMeasuredMass( entry.m_p0->measuredMass() ); // corrected mass
@@ -909,30 +909,30 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::transportGamma( LoKi::KalmanFilter::Entry& entry,
   if ( GammaLikeParticle == entry.m_type ) {
     const LHCb::ProtoParticle* proto = entry.m_p0->proto();
-    if ( 0 == proto ) { return StatusCode{ErrorGammaLikeParticle}; }
+    if ( 0 == proto ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorGammaLikeParticle }; }
     calo.addCaloPosition( proto );
   } else if ( DiGammaLikeParticle == entry.m_type ) {
     // the first gamma  :
     const LHCb::Particle* gamma1 = child( entry.m_p0, 1 );
-    if ( 0 == gamma1 ) { return StatusCode{ErrorDiGammaLikeParticle}; }
+    if ( 0 == gamma1 ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorDiGammaLikeParticle }; }
     const LHCb::ProtoParticle* proto1 = gamma1->proto();
-    if ( 0 == proto1 ) { return StatusCode{ErrorDiGammaLikeParticle}; }
+    if ( 0 == proto1 ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorDiGammaLikeParticle }; }
     // the second gamma :
     const LHCb::Particle* gamma2 = child( entry.m_p0, 2 );
-    if ( 0 == gamma2 ) { return StatusCode{ErrorDiGammaLikeParticle}; }
+    if ( 0 == gamma2 ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorDiGammaLikeParticle }; }
     const LHCb::ProtoParticle* proto2 = gamma2->proto();
-    if ( 0 == proto2 ) { return StatusCode{ErrorDiGammaLikeParticle}; }
+    if ( 0 == proto2 ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorDiGammaLikeParticle }; }
     calo.addCaloPosition( proto1 );
     calo.addCaloPosition( proto2 );
   } else {
-    return StatusCode{ErrorGammaTransport};
+    return StatusCode{ ErrorGammaTransport };
   } // RETURN
   const bool ok = calo.evaluate();
-  if ( !ok ) { return StatusCode{ErrorFromCaloMomentum}; }
+  if ( !ok ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorFromCaloMomentum }; }
   // extract the values:
   entry.m_p.setReferencePoint( point );
diff --git a/Phys/KalmanFilter/src/VertexFitWithTracks.cpp b/Phys/KalmanFilter/src/VertexFitWithTracks.cpp
index bf90718b272cfbda4c6c0709d0e621eaf39e208b..29c79b420c4881cf3508f6ca3564b8a4f5768cc3 100644
--- a/Phys/KalmanFilter/src/VertexFitWithTracks.cpp
+++ b/Phys/KalmanFilter/src/VertexFitWithTracks.cpp
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ namespace // local anonymous namespace to keep local functions
   const LHCb::Math::Equal_To<double> s_equal;
   // ==========================================================================
   /// inverse "large" error in position: used to avoid singularity
-  const std::array<double, 3> s_ERROR2_i = {{1.0 / Gaudi::Math::pow( 10.0 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 2 ),
-                                             1.0 / Gaudi::Math::pow( 10.0 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 2 ),
-                                             1.0 / Gaudi::Math::pow( 90.0 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 2 )}};
+  const std::array<double, 3> s_ERROR2_i = { { 1.0 / Gaudi::Math::pow( 10.0 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 2 ),
+                                               1.0 / Gaudi::Math::pow( 10.0 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 2 ),
+                                               1.0 / Gaudi::Math::pow( 90.0 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 2 ) } };
   // ==========================================================================
   /// "smooth" the singular values
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::step( LoKi::KalmanFilter::TrEntry4& entry, const
   entry.m_ci = ci + entry.m_weight * entry.m_vxi;
   /// \f$ C_k = \left( C^{-1}_{k} \right)^{-1}\f$
-  if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( entry.m_ci, entry.m_c ) ) { return StatusCode{ErrorInMatrixInversion3}; }
+  if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( entry.m_ci, entry.m_c ) ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorInMatrixInversion3 }; }
   // OK !
   /// \f$\vec{x}_k\f$
   entry.m_x = entry.m_c * ( ci * x + entry.m_weight * entry.m_vxi * entry.m_parx );
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::seed( LoKi::KalmanFilter::TrEntries4& entries, Ga
   if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( ci, c ) ) {
     // try to recover using "soft" constraints
     _smooth( ci );
-    if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( ci, c ) ) { return StatusCode{ErrorInMatrixInversion4}; }
+    if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( ci, c ) ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorInMatrixInversion4 }; }
   x = c * seed;
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::step( LoKi::KalmanFilter::TrEntries4& entries, co
   Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3 _c;
-  if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( _ci, _c ) ) { return StatusCode{ErrorInMatrixInversion3}; }
+  if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( _ci, _c ) ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorInMatrixInversion3 }; }
   _x = Gaudi::Vector3( _c * _x );
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::step( LoKi::KalmanFilter::TrEntries4& entries ) {
   Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3 _c;
-  if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( _ci, _c ) ) { return StatusCode{ErrorInMatrixInversion3}; }
+  if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( _ci, _c ) ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorInMatrixInversion3 }; }
   _x = Gaudi::Vector3( _c * _x );
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::step( LoKi::KalmanFilter::TrEntry4& entry1, LoKi:
   entry2.m_ci = entry1.m_ci;
   /// \f$ C_k = \left( C^{-1}_{k} \right)^{-1}\f$
-  if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( entry1.m_ci, entry1.m_c ) ) { return StatusCode{ErrorInMatrixInversion3}; }
+  if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( entry1.m_ci, entry1.m_c ) ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorInMatrixInversion3 }; }
   entry2.m_c = entry1.m_c;
   /// \f$\vec{x}_k\f$
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::step( LoKi::KalmanFilter::TrEntry4& entry1, LoKi:
   entry3.m_ci = entry1.m_ci;
   /// \f$ C_k = \left( C^{-1}_{k} \right)^{-1}\f$
-  if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( entry1.m_ci, entry1.m_c ) ) { return StatusCode{ErrorInMatrixInversion3}; }
+  if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( entry1.m_ci, entry1.m_c ) ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorInMatrixInversion3 }; }
   entry2.m_c = entry1.m_c;
   entry3.m_c = entry1.m_c;
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::step( LoKi::KalmanFilter::TrEntry4& entry1, LoKi:
   entry4.m_ci = entry1.m_ci;
   /// \f$ C_k = \left( C^{-1}_{k} \right)^{-1}\f$
-  if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( entry1.m_ci, entry1.m_c ) ) { return StatusCode{ErrorInMatrixInversion3}; }
+  if ( 0 != Gaudi::Math::inverse( entry1.m_ci, entry1.m_c ) ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorInMatrixInversion3 }; }
   entry2.m_c = entry1.m_c;
   entry3.m_c = entry1.m_c;
   entry4.m_c = entry1.m_c;
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::KalmanFilter::load( const LHCb::State* state, LoKi::KalmanFilte
   cixy( 0, 1 ) = cov( 0, 1 ); // cov(x,y)
   cixy( 1, 1 ) = cov( 1, 1 ); // cov(y,y)
   if ( !cixy.InvertChol() && !cixy.Invert() ) {
-    return StatusCode{LoKi::KalmanFilter::ErrorInMatrixInversion1};
+    return StatusCode{ LoKi::KalmanFilter::ErrorInMatrixInversion1 };
   } // RETURN
   // The most tricky part I
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/dict/LoKiArrayFunctors.xml b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/dict/LoKiArrayFunctors.xml
index 16f0e9d9c060711ef95e8406e07fa5cc141bbcf7..a9e73da63ba30298a1e26e3bb389e9bcaf84982b 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/dict/LoKiArrayFunctors.xml
+++ b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/dict/LoKiArrayFunctors.xml
@@ -8,17 +8,17 @@
     granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
     or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
      * ========================================================================
      * @file
      * The seleciton file to build Reflex dictionaries for Phys/LoKiExHlt package
-     *  This file is a part of LoKi project - 
+     *  This file is a part of LoKi project -
      *    "C++ ToolKit  for Smart and Friendly Physics Analysis"
      *  The package has been designed with the kind help from
-     *  Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas, 
-     *  contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg, 
+     *  Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas,
+     *  contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg,
      *  A.Golutvin, P.Koppenburg have been used in the design.
      * @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
@@ -27,19 +27,19 @@
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Functor<*Range_*LHCb::Particle*>"           />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::FunctorFromFunctor<*Range*LHCb::Particle*>" />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Constant<*Range_*LHCb::Particle*>"         />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Valid<*Range*>"            />
   <class    pattern   = "LoKi::AParticles::*"             />
   <function pattern   = "LoKi::AKinematics::*"             />
   <function pattern = "LoKi::AChild::*"                   />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Dicts::FuncOps<*Range_*LHCb::Particle*>"    />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Dicts::CutsOps<*Range_*LHCb::Particle*>"    />
@@ -48,20 +48,20 @@
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Dicts::CutsOps_<*Range_*LHCb::Particle*>"   />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Dicts::FunCalls<*Range_*LHCb::Particle*>"   />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Dicts::CutCalls<*Range_*LHCb::Particle*>"   />
   <function pattern = "LoKi::Dicts::monitor*"            />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::IHybrid*"    />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Hybrid::*"   />
     <class name = "LoKi::AParticles::FourMomentum::Indices" />
     <class pattern="LoKi::AParticles::*">
       <method name="=" />
     <class pattern="LoKi::Dicts::*">
       <method name="=" />
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
     <class pattern="LoKi::Hybrid::*">
       <method name="=" />
     <class pattern="LoKi::Functor&lt;*&gt;">
       <method name="=" />
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
     <class pattern="LoKi::Valid&lt;*&gt;">
       <method name="=" />
     <class pattern="Gaudi::Range_&lt;*&gt;">
       <method name="=" />
@@ -98,5 +98,5 @@
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/doc/release.notes b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/doc/release.notes
index 3732f570ddb766c38a8660c5c9386fed526ea676..936d71cbbc10fc02d0edaf9c53b8930e77e67f75 100755
--- a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/doc/release.notes
@@ -10,19 +10,19 @@
    - change symbol AALLSAMEBPV to be *type* instead of the instance..
    It breaks ancient code (E.g. in StrippingArchive). The fix is trivial
-   AALLSAMEBPV  ->   AALLSAMEBPV( maxdist , maxchi2 , maxfrac ) , 
+   AALLSAMEBPV  ->   AALLSAMEBPV( maxdist , maxchi2 , maxfrac ) ,
   where parameters maxdist , maxchi2 , maxfrac needs to be defined.
-  To be compatible with (ill-defined) old behaviour, they could be set to -1 
+  To be compatible with (ill-defined) old behaviour, they could be set to -1
 ! 2016-06-05 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Add "A"-varibales for  LoKi::Hybrid::ArrayTupleTool for Basem  JIRA LHCBPS-1542 
+ - Add "A"-varibales for  LoKi::Hybrid::ArrayTupleTool for Basem  JIRA LHCBPS-1542
   *  xxx.AVariables = { "doca" : "ADOCA(1,2)"  , "docachi2" : "ACHI2DOCA(1,2)"}
   *   - For "A"-variables, temporary array of two elemements:
-  *     (signal particle and one "other" particle from the list) 
+  *     (signal particle and one "other" particle from the list)
   *     is constructed and each "A"-functor is applied to this array.
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@
  - Add LoKi::Hybrid::ArrayTupleTool for Basem
    It fill information about "other" particles
    (obtained via "Source" property)
-   e.g.  
+   e.g.
    *  @code
    *  xxx.Variables = { "pt" : "PT" , "eta" : "ETA" , "y" : "Y" }
    *  xxx.Source    = "SOURCE('Phys/StdLoosePions/Particles', PT>1*GeV )"
-   *  @endcode 
+   *  @endcode
 !=================== LoKiArrayFunctors v11r7 2016-05-19 =======================
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/include/LoKi/AParticleCuts.h b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/include/LoKi/AParticleCuts.h
index 30412a47a9ec338f78ab6e8a1f49e561fb900314..b5458d7906dd252320659145dd475a5572119a92 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/include/LoKi/AParticleCuts.h
+++ b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/include/LoKi/AParticleCuts.h
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::Eta AETA{0};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::Eta AETA{ 0 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var AETA0
      *  Simple evaluator of the pseudorapidity of the combination
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::Eta AETA0{0};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::Eta AETA0{ 0 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @typedef AETAP
      *  Simple evaluator of pseudorapidity of the various subcombintions
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya Belyaev ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date   2002-11-02
-    const LoKi::AParticles::DecayAngle ALV01{1};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::DecayAngle ALV01{ 1 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var ALV02
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya Belyaev ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date   2002-11-02
-    const LoKi::AParticles::DecayAngle ALV02{2};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::DecayAngle ALV02{ 2 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var ALV03
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya Belyaev ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date   2002-11-02
-    const LoKi::AParticles::DecayAngle ALV03{3};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::DecayAngle ALV03{ 3 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var ALV04
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya Belyaev ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date   2002-11-02
-    const LoKi::AParticles::DecayAngle ALV04{4};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::DecayAngle ALV04{ 4 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var AM
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM{0};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM{ 0 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var AM0
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM0{0};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM0{ 0 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var AM1
      *  Simple function which evaluates the invariant mass of 1st particle
@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM1{1};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM1{ 1 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var AM12
      *  Simple function , whoich evaluates the invariant mass of 1st and 2nd
@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM12{1, 2};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM12{ 1, 2 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var AM13
      *  Simple function, which evaluates the invariant mass of 1st and 3rd
@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM13{1, 3};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM13{ 1, 3 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var AM14
      *  Simple function, which evaluates the invariant mass of 1st and 4th
@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM14{1, 4};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM14{ 1, 4 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var AM2
      *  Simple function which evaluates the invariant mass of the second particle
@@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM2{2};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM2{ 2 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var AM23
      *  Simple function , whoich evaluates the invariant mass of 2nd and 3rd
@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM23{2, 3};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM23{ 2, 3 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var AM24
      *  Simple function , which evaluates the invariant mass of 2nd and 4th
@@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM24{2, 4};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM24{ 2, 4 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var AM3
      *  Simple function which evaluates the invariant mass of the third particle
@@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM3{3};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM3{ 3 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var AM34
      *  Simple function, which evaluates the invariant mass of 3rd and 4th
@@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM34{3, 4};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM34{ 3, 4 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var AM4
      *  Simple function which evaluates the invariant mass of the fourth particle
@@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM4{4};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::InvariantMass AM4{ 4 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @typedef AMASS
      *  Simple evaluator of the invariant mass for the subcombination from the
@@ -1123,7 +1123,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::Momentum AP{0};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::Momentum AP{ 0 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var AP0
      *  Simple evaluator of the momentum of the combination:
@@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::Momentum AP0{0};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::Momentum AP0{ 0 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var AP1
      *  Simple evaluator of the momentum of the first daughter
@@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::Momentum AP1{1};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::Momentum AP1{ 1 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var AP2
      *  Simple evaluator of the momentum of the second daughter
@@ -1177,7 +1177,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::Momentum AP2{2};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::Momentum AP2{ 2 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var AP3
      *  Simple evaluator of the momentum of the third daughter
@@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::Momentum AP3{3};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::Momentum AP3{ 3 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var AP4
      *  Simple evaluator of the momentum of the fourth daughter
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::Momentum AP4{4};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::Momentum AP4{ 4 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @typedef PLOT
      *  Simple monitoring histogram for the functions
@@ -1294,7 +1294,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::TransverseMomentum APT{0};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::TransverseMomentum APT{ 0 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var APT0
      *  Simple evaluator of the transverse momentum of the combination:
@@ -1312,7 +1312,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::TransverseMomentum APT0{0};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::TransverseMomentum APT0{ 0 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var APT1
      *  Simple evaluator of the transverse momentum of the first daughter
@@ -1330,7 +1330,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::TransverseMomentum APT1{1};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::TransverseMomentum APT1{ 1 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var APT2
      *  Simple evaluator of the transverse momentum of the second daughter
@@ -1348,7 +1348,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::TransverseMomentum APT2{2};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::TransverseMomentum APT2{ 2 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var APT3
      *  Simple evaluator of the transverse momentum of the third daughter
@@ -1366,7 +1366,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::TransverseMomentum APT3{3};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::TransverseMomentum APT3{ 3 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var APT4
      *  Simple evaluator of the transverse momentum of the fourth daughter
@@ -1384,7 +1384,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2007-06-09
-    const LoKi::AParticles::TransverseMomentum APT4{4};
+    const LoKi::AParticles::TransverseMomentum APT4{ 4 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var ASIZE
      *  Simple functor  to get the size of the combinaton
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/python/LoKiArrayFunctors/Array.py b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/python/LoKiArrayFunctors/Array.py
index 0868c7fa2d2bd10f108806ccd9e41cf0aea3cecc..b51fedfa59f1e91076eb6e0e6057e3006ee9efd7 100755
--- a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/python/LoKiArrayFunctors/Array.py
+++ b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/python/LoKiArrayFunctors/Array.py
@@ -36,14 +36,16 @@ Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas,
 contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg,
 A.Golutvin, P.Koppenburg have been used in the design.
 from __future__ import print_function
 # =============================================================================
-__author__ = 'Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu'
+__author__ = "Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu"
 # =============================================================================
-from LoKiArrayFunctors.functions import LoKi, LHCb, std, Gaudi
+from LoKiArrayFunctors.functions import Gaudi, LHCb, LoKi, std
-_T = Gaudi.Range_('std::vector<const LHCb::Particle*>')
+_T = Gaudi.Range_("std::vector<const LHCb::Particle*>")
 # =============================================================================
@@ -58,10 +60,14 @@ def nChildren(p):
     return p.size()
-if not hasattr(_T, 'nChildren'): _T.nChildren = nChildren
-if not hasattr(_T, 'nDaughters'): _T.nDaughters = nChildren
-if not hasattr(_T, '__nChildren__'): _T.__nChildren__ = nChildren
-if not hasattr(_T, '__nDaughters__'): _T.__nDaughters__ = nChildren
+if not hasattr(_T, "nChildren"):
+    _T.nChildren = nChildren
+if not hasattr(_T, "nDaughters"):
+    _T.nDaughters = nChildren
+if not hasattr(_T, "__nChildren__"):
+    _T.__nChildren__ = nChildren
+if not hasattr(_T, "__nDaughters__"):
+    _T.__nDaughters__ = nChildren
 # =============================================================================
@@ -78,10 +84,14 @@ def children(o):
     return o
-if not hasattr(_T, 'children'): _T.children = children
-if not hasattr(_T, '__children__'): _T.__children__ = children
-if not hasattr(_T, 'daughters'): _T.daughters = children
-if not hasattr(_T, '__daughters__'): _T.__daughters__ = children
+if not hasattr(_T, "children"):
+    _T.children = children
+if not hasattr(_T, "__children__"):
+    _T.__children__ = children
+if not hasattr(_T, "daughters"):
+    _T.daughters = children
+if not hasattr(_T, "__daughters__"):
+    _T.__daughters__ = children
 # =============================================================================
@@ -102,30 +112,15 @@ def child(p, *a):
 child.__doc__ += "\n\n" + LoKi.AChild.child.__doc__
-if not hasattr(_T, 'child'): _T.child = child
-if not hasattr(_T, '__child__'): _T.__child__ = child
-if not hasattr(_T, 'daughter'): _T.daughter = child
-if not hasattr(_T, '__daughter__'): _T.__daughter__ = child
-# =============================================================================
-## Get all descendants from the given combination
-def descendants(o):
-    """
-    Get all descendants from the given combination
-    >>> o = ...
-    >>> for p in descendants ( o ) :
-    ...    print p
-    """
-    return LoKi.AChild.descendants(o, *a)
-descendants.__doc__ += "\n\n" + LoKi.AChild.descendants.__doc__
+if not hasattr(_T, "child"):
+    _T.child = child
+if not hasattr(_T, "__child__"):
+    _T.__child__ = child
+if not hasattr(_T, "daughter"):
+    _T.daughter = child
+if not hasattr(_T, "__daughter__"):
+    _T.__daughter__ = child
-if not hasattr(_T, 'descendants'): _T.descendants = descendants
-if not hasattr(_T, '__descendants__'): _T.__descendants__ = descendants
 import LoKiCore.functions as _LCF
@@ -134,11 +129,10 @@ _LCF.child.__doc__ += "\n" + LoKi.AChild.child.__doc__
 _LCF.daughter.__doc__ += "\n" + LoKi.AChild.child.__doc__
 _LCF.children.__doc__ += "\n" + LoKi.AChild.children.__doc__
 _LCF.daughters.__doc__ += "\n" + LoKi.AChild.children.__doc__
-_LCF.descendants.__doc__ += "\n" + LoKi.AChild.descendants.__doc__
 # =============================================================================
-if '__main__' == __name__:
-    print(__doc__, '\n', __author__)
+if "__main__" == __name__:
+    print(__doc__, "\n", __author__)
     for i in dir():
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/python/LoKiArrayFunctors/__init__.py b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/python/LoKiArrayFunctors/__init__.py
index f5817e5aed36aebe6a1abb6d7465fd0244beed96..046f967576f86d3e11a4db3dae874314ffe941af 100755
--- a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/python/LoKiArrayFunctors/__init__.py
+++ b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/python/LoKiArrayFunctors/__init__.py
@@ -34,10 +34,11 @@ Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas,
 contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg,
 A.Golutvin, P.Koppenburg have been used in the design.
 # =============================================================================
 __author__ = "Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu"
 # =============================================================================
-#import LoKiCore.decorators
+# import LoKiCore.decorators
 # =============================================================================
 # The END
 # =============================================================================
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/python/LoKiArrayFunctors/decorators.py b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/python/LoKiArrayFunctors/decorators.py
index 8cc29ef335efacffcc1839cfdc90fa704bd30d61..485318218fcbccaa19f3e10af80f5c57fd8988a1 100755
--- a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/python/LoKiArrayFunctors/decorators.py
+++ b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/python/LoKiArrayFunctors/decorators.py
@@ -35,13 +35,15 @@ Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas,
 contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg,
 A.Golutvin, P.Koppenburg have been used in the design.
 from __future__ import print_function
 # =============================================================================
 __author__ = "Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu"
 # =============================================================================
-from LoKiArrayFunctors.functions import *
 import LoKiArrayFunctors.Array
+from LoKiArrayFunctors.functions import *
 _name = __name__
@@ -49,8 +51,9 @@ _name = __name__
 # =============================================================================
 ## make the decoration of all objects fomr this module
 def _decorate(name=_name):
-    """ Make the decoration of all objects fomr this module """
+    """Make the decoration of all objects fomr this module"""
     import LoKiCore.decorators as _LoKiCore
     from LoKiArrayFunctors.functions import _T
     ## regular functors which accept the combination
@@ -61,7 +64,8 @@ def _decorate(name=_name):
         name,  ## module name
         AFunc,  ## the base
         LoKi.Dicts.FunCalls(_T),  ## call-traits
-        LoKi.Dicts.FuncOps(_T))  ## operators&operations
+        LoKi.Dicts.FuncOps(_T),
+    )  ## operators&operations
     # "predicate/cut" : Combination -> bool
@@ -69,7 +73,8 @@ def _decorate(name=_name):
         name,  ## moduel name
         ACuts,  ## the base
         LoKi.Dicts.CutCalls(_T),  ## call-traits
-        LoKi.Dicts.CutsOps(_T))  ## operators&operations
+        LoKi.Dicts.CutsOps(_T),
+    )  ## operators&operations
     return _decorated  ## RETURN
@@ -81,8 +86,8 @@ _decorated = _decorate()  ## ATTENTION
 # =============================================================================
 # =============================================================================
-if '__main__' == __name__:
-    print('Number of properly decorated types: %s' % len(_decorated))
+if "__main__" == __name__:
+    print("Number of properly decorated types: %s" % len(_decorated))
     for o in _decorated:
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/python/LoKiArrayFunctors/functions.py b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/python/LoKiArrayFunctors/functions.py
index 7d9c59de0e009399451d23efc554132c62034ab6..0af4b2628e9ff9cd77249b748b15034c3fdfa515 100755
--- a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/python/LoKiArrayFunctors/functions.py
+++ b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/python/LoKiArrayFunctors/functions.py
@@ -36,7 +36,9 @@ Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas,
 contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg,
 A.Golutvin, P.Koppenburg have been used in the design.
 from __future__ import print_function
 # =============================================================================
 __author__ = "Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu"
 __date__ = " 2007-06-09 "
@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ LoKi = cpp.LoKi
 LHCb = cpp.LHCb
 Gaudi = cpp.Gaudi
-_x_R = 'Gaudi::Range_<std::vector<const LHCb::Particle*> >'
+_x_R = "Gaudi::Range_<std::vector<const LHCb::Particle*> >"
 _T = _x_R
 # =============================================================================
@@ -59,11 +61,11 @@ _T = _x_R
 # =============================================================================
 ## @see LoKi::Types::TrFunc
-AFunc = LoKi.Functor(_T, 'double')
+AFunc = LoKi.Functor(_T, "double")
 ## @see LoKi::Types::TrCuts
 ACuts = LoKi.Functor(_T, bool)
 ## @see LoKi::Types::TrFun
-AFun = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor(_T, 'double')
+AFun = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor(_T, "double")
 ## @see LoKi::Types::TrCut
 ACut = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor(_T, bool)
@@ -300,44 +302,12 @@ def aval_min(val, cmp, *args):
 # =============================================================================
-## Trivial function which returns the PDG mass for the given 'object'
-def PDGM(o):
-    """
-    Trivial function which returns the PDG mass for the given 'object'
-    >>> m = PDGM('B0')
-    >>> m = PDGM(LHCb.ParticleID(22))
-    >>> m = PGDM(22)
-    >>> particle = ...
-    >>> m = PDGM( particle )
-    >>> mcparticle = ...
-    >>> m = PDGM( mcparticle )
-    >>> genparticle = ...
-    >>> m = PDGM( genparticle )
-    """
-    if str == type(o):
-        return LoKi.Particles.massFromName(o)
-    elif LHCb.ParticleID == type(o):
-        return LoKi.Particles.massFromPID(o)
-    elif hassattr(o, "particleID"):
-        return LoKi.Particles.massFromPID(o.particleID())
-    elif hassattr(o, "pdg_id"):
-        return LoKi.Particles.massFromPID(LHCb.ParticleID(o.pdg_id()))
-    return PDGM(LHCb.PartielID(o))
-PDGM.__doc__ += '\n' + LoKi.Particles.massFromName.__doc__
-PDGM.__doc__ += '\n' + LoKi.Particles.massFromPID.__doc__
-# =============================================================================
-if '__main__' == __name__:
-    print(80 * '*')
+if "__main__" == __name__:
+    print(80 * "*")
-    print(' Author  : ', __author__)
-    print(' Date    : ', __date__)
-    print(80 * '*')
+    print(" Author  : ", __author__)
+    print(" Date    : ", __date__)
+    print(80 * "*")
 # =============================================================================
 # The END
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/python/LoKiArrayFunctors/tests.py b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/python/LoKiArrayFunctors/tests.py
index d2989ac2b0bbb9443bd545e4c6ff42975fbefa0f..bff1b4eeeb3c7b06c773be5f8af730056ccf368d 100755
--- a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/python/LoKiArrayFunctors/tests.py
+++ b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/python/LoKiArrayFunctors/tests.py
@@ -37,20 +37,22 @@ Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas,
 contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg,
 A.Golutvin, P.Koppenburg have been used in the design.
 from __future__ import print_function
 # =============================================================================
 __author__ = "Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu"
 # =============================================================================
-import LoKiArrayFunctors.Array
-from LoKiArrayFunctors.decorators import *
 from LoKiCore.functions import *
 from LoKiCore.math import *
-from LoKiPhys.decorators import P, PT, Q, ALL
+from LoKiPhys.decorators import ALL, PT, P, Q
+import LoKiArrayFunctors.Array
+from LoKiArrayFunctors.decorators import *
 # =============================================================================
 def testAll():
     print((ALV01 < 0) & (AETA > 0) | (AM < 50) & AALL)
     print(aval_max(P, PT), aval_min(P, PT, 0 != Q))
@@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ def testAll():
 # =============================================================================
-if '__main__' == __name__:
+if "__main__" == __name__:
 # =============================================================================
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/src/AParticles.cpp b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/src/AParticles.cpp
index 0de5ba051b9351306b6b9a287cb176692b6e566d..0294fef5cbe672a7e7b03cbabe538392aa51afef 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/src/AParticles.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/src/AParticles.cpp
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ LoKi::AParticles::Unique::~Unique() {
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::AParticles::Unique::result_type LoKi::AParticles::Unique::
-                                      operator()( LoKi::AParticles::Unique::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::AParticles::Unique::operator()( LoKi::AParticles::Unique::argument v ) const {
   Assert( m_tool.validPointer(), "Invalid pouinter to ICheckOverlap tool" );
   // use the tool
   return !m_tool->foundOverlap( v.begin(), v.end() );
@@ -384,8 +384,8 @@ LoKi::AParticles::MinChild::MinChild( const LoKi::AParticles::MinChild& right )
     , m_minval( right.m_minval ) {}
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::AParticles::MinChild::result_type LoKi::AParticles::MinChild::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::AParticles::MinChild::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::AParticles::MinChild::operator()( LoKi::AParticles::MinChild::argument v ) const {
   return LoKi::Algs::min_value( v.begin(), v.end(), m_fun, m_cut, m_minval );
@@ -458,8 +458,8 @@ LoKi::AParticles::MaxChild::MaxChild( const LoKi::AParticles::MaxChild& right )
     , m_maxval( right.m_maxval ) {}
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::AParticles::MaxChild::result_type LoKi::AParticles::MaxChild::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::AParticles::MaxChild::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::AParticles::MaxChild::operator()( LoKi::AParticles::MaxChild::argument v ) const {
   return LoKi::Algs::max_value( v.begin(), v.end(), m_fun, m_cut, m_maxval );
@@ -484,8 +484,8 @@ LoKi::AParticles::HasChild::HasChild( const LoKi::AParticles::HasChild& right )
     , m_cut( right.m_cut ) {}
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::AParticles::HasChild::result_type LoKi::AParticles::HasChild::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::AParticles::HasChild::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::AParticles::HasChild::operator()( LoKi::AParticles::HasChild::argument v ) const {
   return LoKi::Algs::found( v.begin(), v.end(), m_cut );
@@ -516,8 +516,8 @@ LoKi::AParticles::ChildFun::ChildFun( const LoKi::AParticles::ChildFun& right )
     , m_index( right.m_index ) {}
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::AParticles::ChildFun::result_type LoKi::AParticles::ChildFun::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::AParticles::ChildFun::argument a ) const {
+LoKi::AParticles::ChildFun::operator()( LoKi::AParticles::ChildFun::argument a ) const {
   const LHCb::Particle* c = LoKi::Child::child( a, m_index );
   if ( 0 == c ) { Warning( "The child particle points to NULL!" ).ignore(); }
   return m_fun( c );
@@ -550,8 +550,8 @@ LoKi::AParticles::ChildCut::ChildCut( const LoKi::AParticles::ChildCut& right )
     , m_index( right.m_index ) {}
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::AParticles::ChildCut::result_type LoKi::AParticles::ChildCut::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::AParticles::ChildCut::argument a ) const {
+LoKi::AParticles::ChildCut::operator()( LoKi::AParticles::ChildCut::argument a ) const {
   const LHCb::Particle* c = LoKi::Child::child( a, m_index );
   if ( 0 == c ) { Warning( "The child particle points to NULL!" ).ignore(); }
   return m_cut( c );
@@ -585,8 +585,8 @@ LoKi::AParticles::VertexChi2::~VertexChi2() {
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::AParticles::VertexChi2::result_type LoKi::AParticles::VertexChi2::
-                                          operator()( LoKi::AParticles::VertexChi2::argument a ) const {
+LoKi::AParticles::VertexChi2::operator()( LoKi::AParticles::VertexChi2::argument a ) const {
   Assert( m_fit.validPointer(), "Invalid pointer to IVetexFit tool" );
   if ( 2 > a.size() ) {
     Error( "Invalid number of daughters, return InvalidChi2" ).ignore();
@@ -622,8 +622,8 @@ LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCA::MaxDOCA( IDVAlgorithm const* algorithm, const std::st
     , LoKi::AParticles::DOCA( algorithm, 1, 1, doca, allow ) {}
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCA::result_type LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCA::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCA::argument a ) const {
+LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCA::operator()( LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCA::argument a ) const {
   if ( !tool() ) { loadTool().ignore(); }
   if ( a.empty() ) {
     Error( "Empty constainer, return Invalid Distance!" ).ignore();
@@ -662,8 +662,8 @@ LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCACut::MaxDOCACut( IDVAlgorithm const* algorithm, const d
     , m_threshold( threshold ) {}
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCACut::result_type LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCACut::
-                                          operator()( LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCACut::argument a ) const {
+LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCACut::operator()( LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCACut::argument a ) const {
   if ( !tool() ) { loadTool().ignore(); }
   typedef LoKi::ATypes::Combination A;
   for ( A::const_iterator i = a.begin(); a.end() != i; ++i ) {
@@ -696,8 +696,8 @@ LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCAChi2::MaxDOCAChi2( IDVAlgorithm const* algorithm, const
     , LoKi::AParticles::DOCAChi2( algorithm, 1, 1, doca, allow ) {}
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCAChi2::result_type LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCAChi2::
-                                           operator()( LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCAChi2::argument a ) const {
+LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCAChi2::operator()( LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCAChi2::argument a ) const {
   if ( !tool() ) { loadTool().ignore(); }
   if ( a.empty() ) {
@@ -729,8 +729,8 @@ LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCAChi2Cut::MaxDOCAChi2Cut( IDVAlgorithm const* algorithm,
     , LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCACut( algorithm, threshold, doca, allow ) {}
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCAChi2Cut::result_type LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCAChi2Cut::
-                                              operator()( LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCAChi2Cut::argument a ) const {
+LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCAChi2Cut::operator()( LoKi::AParticles::MaxDOCAChi2Cut::argument a ) const {
   if ( !tool() ) { loadTool().ignore(); }
@@ -763,8 +763,8 @@ LoKi::AParticles::DecayAngle::DecayAngle( const LoKi::AParticles::DecayAngle& ri
     , LoKi::BasicFunctors<LoKi::ATypes::Combination>::Function( right )
     , m_child( right.m_child ) {}
-LoKi::AParticles::DecayAngle::result_type LoKi::AParticles::DecayAngle::
-                                          operator()( LoKi::AParticles::DecayAngle::argument a ) const {
+LoKi::AParticles::DecayAngle::operator()( LoKi::AParticles::DecayAngle::argument a ) const {
   if ( 2 > a.size() ) {
     Error( " Argumentis invalid, return 'InvalidAngle' " ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidAngle; // RETURN
@@ -830,8 +830,8 @@ LoKi::AParticles::DeltaAngle* LoKi::AParticles::DeltaAngle::clone() const {
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::AParticles::DeltaAngle::result_type LoKi::AParticles::DeltaAngle::
-                                          operator()( LoKi::AParticles::DeltaAngle::argument a ) const {
+LoKi::AParticles::DeltaAngle::operator()( LoKi::AParticles::DeltaAngle::argument a ) const {
   // get the gaughter particles
   const LHCb::Particle* child1 = LoKi::Child::child( a, m_child1 );
   if ( 0 == child1 ) {
@@ -950,8 +950,8 @@ LoKi::AParticles::WrongMass::WrongMass( IDVAlgorithm const* algorithm, const std
     , m_wm( algorithm, names ) {}
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::AParticles::WrongMass::result_type LoKi::AParticles::WrongMass::
-                                         operator()( LoKi::AParticles::WrongMass::argument a ) const {
+LoKi::AParticles::WrongMass::operator()( LoKi::AParticles::WrongMass::argument a ) const {
   if ( masses().size() != a.size() ) {
     Error( "Mismatch in container size(s), return InvaidMass" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMass;
@@ -1283,8 +1283,8 @@ LoKi::AParticles::DOCAChi2::DOCAChi2( IDVAlgorithm const* algorithm, const size_
     , LoKi::AParticles::DOCA( algorithm, i1, i2, nick, allow ) {}
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::AParticles::DOCAChi2::result_type LoKi::AParticles::DOCAChi2::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::AParticles::DOCAChi2::argument a ) const {
+LoKi::AParticles::DOCAChi2::operator()( LoKi::AParticles::DOCAChi2::argument a ) const {
   const size_t s = a.size();
   if ( s < firstIndex() || s < secondIndex() ) {
     Error( "Invalid size, index out of range, return 'InvalidChi2'" ).ignore();
@@ -1318,8 +1318,8 @@ LoKi::AParticles::MinDOCA::MinDOCA( IDVAlgorithm const* algorithm, const std::st
     , LoKi::AParticles::DOCA( algorithm, 1, 1, doca, allow ) {}
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::AParticles::MinDOCA::result_type LoKi::AParticles::MinDOCA::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::AParticles::MinDOCA::argument a ) const {
+LoKi::AParticles::MinDOCA::operator()( LoKi::AParticles::MinDOCA::argument a ) const {
   if ( !tool() ) { loadTool().ignore(); }
   double                            result = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
   typedef LoKi::ATypes::Combination A;
@@ -1433,8 +1433,8 @@ namespace {
 } // namespace
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::AParticles::AllSameBestPV::result_type LoKi::AParticles::AllSameBestPV::
-                                             operator()( LoKi::AParticles::AllSameBestPV::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::AParticles::AllSameBestPV::operator()( LoKi::AParticles::AllSameBestPV::argument v ) const {
   // load the desktop if needed (and check for ReFitPVs option!)
   if ( !validDesktop() ) {
@@ -1599,8 +1599,8 @@ LoKi::AParticles::MaxVal::~MaxVal() {}
 LoKi::AParticles::MaxVal* LoKi::AParticles::MaxVal::clone() const { return new LoKi::AParticles::MaxVal( *this ); }
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::AParticles::MaxVal::result_type LoKi::AParticles::MaxVal::
-                                      operator()( LoKi::AParticles::MaxVal::argument a ) const {
+LoKi::AParticles::MaxVal::operator()( LoKi::AParticles::MaxVal::argument a ) const {
   LoKi::ATypes::Combination::iterator ifind = LoKi::Algs::select_max( a.begin(), a.end(), m_cmpv.func(), m_cut.func() );
   if ( a.end() == ifind ) {
     Error( "No elements are selected!" ).ignore();
@@ -1649,8 +1649,8 @@ LoKi::AParticles::MinVal::~MinVal() {}
 LoKi::AParticles::MinVal* LoKi::AParticles::MinVal::clone() const { return new LoKi::AParticles::MinVal( *this ); }
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::AParticles::MinVal::result_type LoKi::AParticles::MinVal::
-                                      operator()( LoKi::AParticles::MaxVal::argument a ) const {
+LoKi::AParticles::MinVal::operator()( LoKi::AParticles::MaxVal::argument a ) const {
   LoKi::ATypes::Combination::iterator ifind = LoKi::Algs::select_min( a.begin(), a.end(), m_cmpv.func(), m_cut.func() );
   if ( a.end() == ifind ) {
     Error( "No elements are selected!" ).ignore();
@@ -1762,8 +1762,8 @@ LoKi::AParticles::Overlap::~Overlap() {}
 LoKi::AParticles::Overlap* LoKi::AParticles::Overlap::clone() const { return new LoKi::AParticles::Overlap( *this ); }
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::AParticles::Overlap::result_type LoKi::AParticles::Overlap::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::AParticles::Overlap::argument a ) const {
+LoKi::AParticles::Overlap::operator()( LoKi::AParticles::Overlap::argument a ) const {
   if ( a.size() < m_i1 ) {
     Error( "Invalid index for the first daughter, return -2 " ).ignore();
     return -2;
@@ -1783,9 +1783,9 @@ LoKi::AParticles::Overlap::result_type LoKi::AParticles::Overlap::
     return -1;
   // PMF good = m_good ;
-  std::pair<double, double> result =
-      m_def ? LHCb::HashIDs::overlap( d1, d2 )
-            : m_good ? LHCb::HashIDs::overlap( d1, d2, m_good ) : LHCb::HashIDs::overlap( d1, d2, m_type );
+  std::pair<double, double> result = m_def    ? LHCb::HashIDs::overlap( d1, d2 )
+                                     : m_good ? LHCb::HashIDs::overlap( d1, d2, m_good )
+                                              : LHCb::HashIDs::overlap( d1, d2, m_type );
   return std::max( result.first, result.second );
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/src/Components/CheckOverlap.cpp b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/src/Components/CheckOverlap.cpp
index 53083d002ce61902cc0d8088cfd2725dd2749596..cc020e59c2645c8a0aba018cdfb374bf8e8bacce 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/src/Components/CheckOverlap.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/src/Components/CheckOverlap.cpp
@@ -220,10 +220,11 @@ inline bool LoKi::CheckOverlap::overlap( const LHCb::CaloCluster* cc1, const LHC
   // // it is enough to compare seeds:
   // return cc1->seed() == cc2->seed() ;
-  return nullptr == cc1
-             ? false
-             : nullptr == cc2 ? false : cc1 == cc2 ? true : cc1->seed() == cc2->seed(); // for clusters it is enought to
-                                                                                        // compare seed
+  return nullptr == cc1   ? false
+         : nullptr == cc2 ? false
+         : cc1 == cc2     ? true
+                          : cc1->seed() == cc2->seed(); // for clusters it is enought to
+                                                    // compare seed
 // ==========================================================================
 // check overlap of two CaloHypos
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/src/Components/DictValue.cpp b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/src/Components/DictValue.cpp
index b3a74b8fe10291b0b7fdfc057dae429311387a45..a53cd5be5ca851312415262c25b482339a1fe6ee 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/src/Components/DictValue.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/src/Components/DictValue.cpp
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ namespace LoKi {
       double operator()( const LHCb::Particle* particle ) const override;
-      ConditionAccessor<DetectorElement> m_lhcb{this, "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top};
-      ToolHandle<IParticleDictTool>      m_source{this, "Source", "", "Type/Name for Source Dictionary Tool"};
-      Gaudi::Property<std::string>       m_key{this, "Key", "", "name of the variable we want to access"};
+      ConditionAccessor<DetectorElement> m_lhcb{ this, "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top };
+      ToolHandle<IParticleDictTool>      m_source{ this, "Source", "", "Type/Name for Source Dictionary Tool" };
+      Gaudi::Property<std::string>       m_key{ this, "Key", "", "name of the variable we want to access" };
   } // namespace Hybrid
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/tests/qmtest/lokiarrayfunctors0.qmt b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/tests/qmtest/lokiarrayfunctors0.qmt
index 6b62e2db1d3d562e7929bdb0edfc3184a9bcd0e3..718745519254778001e8abaa2eb66e7b58f10720 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/tests/qmtest/lokiarrayfunctors0.qmt
+++ b/Phys/LoKiArrayFunctors/tests/qmtest/lokiarrayfunctors0.qmt
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 <!DOCTYPE extension  PUBLIC '-//QM/2.3/Extension//EN'  'http://www.codesourcery.com/qm/dtds/2.3/-//qm/2.3/extension//en.dtd'>
 <extension class="GaudiTest.GaudiExeTest" kind="test">
-  <argument name="program"> 
+  <argument name="program">
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiFitters/doc/release.notes b/Phys/LoKiFitters/doc/release.notes
index 2fb3fa701a5b04062dd8d3f1ce9c238da7505159..4375a673edcb60aa3ef4e1e0414341a49df0bc9c 100755
--- a/Phys/LoKiFitters/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/LoKiFitters/doc/release.notes
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ! Package     : Phys/LoKiFitters
 ! Responsible : Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@itep.ru
-! Purpose     : collection of various kinematical LoKi-based fitters 
+! Purpose     : collection of various kinematical LoKi-based fitters
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ! 2017-04-03 - Vanya Belyaev
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 ! 2017-03-31 - Vanya Belyaev
  - VertexFitter
    add option "RecursiveReFit" for recursive refit :-)
 ! 2016-05-29 - Sascha Stahl
  - PVRefitter: Switch on some warnings for debugging purposes.
@@ -32,19 +32,19 @@
  - Silence DecayTreeFit "Fitter failed" warning
 ! 2016-03-12 - Vanya Belyaev
- - improve a bit the printout to for easier debugging 
+ - improve a bit the printout to for easier debugging
 !===================== Phys/LoKiFitters v4r20 2016-02-04 ======================
 ! 2016-01-21 - Vanya Belyaev
- - DistanceCalculator: use 
-     !matrix.InvertChol() && !matrix.Invert() construction instead of 
-     !matrix.Invert() 
+ - DistanceCalculator: use
+     !matrix.InvertChol() && !matrix.Invert() construction instead of
+     !matrix.Invert()
     It should be a bit faster..
 ! 2016-01-18 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Implement more correct treatment of rho+-like particles 
+ - Implement more correct treatment of rho+-like particles
    (Thanks to Jascha Grabovski)
 ! 2016-01-15 - Vanya Belyaev
@@ -52,17 +52,17 @@
    LoKi::DistanceCalculator and LoKi::TrgDistanceCalcualtor
    Essentially now the same  code is running, modulo
    property setting  ( 'UseFastAlgorithms' ))
-   In short -  LoKi::TrgDistanceCalculator is LoKi::DistanceCalculator 
-   with no transportation and no iterations  
+   In short -  LoKi::TrgDistanceCalculator is LoKi::DistanceCalculator
+   with no transportation and no iterations
 !================= Phys/LoKiFitters v4r19 2016-01-14 =================
 ! 2016-01-14 - Vanya Belyaev
- - DistanceCalculator, "track" interface: 
-     for long-tracks in vicinity of origin point use 
-      ITrackStateProvider::stateFromTrajectory  instead of 
+ - DistanceCalculator, "track" interface:
+     for long-tracks in vicinity of origin point use
+      ITrackStateProvider::stateFromTrajectory  instead of
-   It is expected to be more CPU  efficient 
+   It is expected to be more CPU  efficient
 !====================== Phys/LoKiFitters v4r18 2015-10-16 =====================
@@ -75,24 +75,24 @@
 !====================== Phys/LoKiFitters v4r17 2015-09-09 =====================
 ! 2015-09-09 - Vanya Belyaev
- - distance calcualtor, 
+ - distance calcualtor,
    fix a bug, induced by the previous fix :-)
 ! 2015-09-09 - Vanya Belyaev
- - fix a bug with classification of merged pi0s 
-   it improves  a bit the resolution for channels with merged pi0 
-   (and reduce some warnings messages) 
+ - fix a bug with classification of merged pi0s
+   it improves  a bit the resolution for channels with merged pi0
+   (and reduce some warnings messages)
 ! 2015-09-08 - Andrea Contu
  - PVReFitter: Change defaults in DeltaChi2 and DeltaDist
 ! 2015-08-27 - Vanya Belyaev
- - replace boost::array with std::array 
+ - replace boost::array with std::array
 ! 2015-08-27 - Vanya Belyaev
  - PVReFitter:
-   fix strange/buggy statistic printout 
+   fix strange/buggy statistic printout
 ! 2015-08-12 - Gerhard Raven
  - remove #include of obsolete Gaudi headers
@@ -111,20 +111,20 @@
 ! 2015-07-17 - Vanya Belyaev
  - VertexFit:_load
-   add error message to debug misterious problem reported by Julian 
+   add error message to debug misterious problem reported by Julian
 ! 2015-07-09 - Vanya Belyaev
  - Vertex Fitter
    1) remove unnesessary branches
-   2) add treatment of jets according to Wouter's needs  
+   2) add treatment of jets according to Wouter's needs
  - Distance calculator:
    make IP,chi2(IP), DOCA,chi2(DOCA) for gammas and digammas always zero..
  - Particle classificator:
     add notion of jet-like particle
-    default CELLjet and CLUSjet 
+    default CELLjet and CLUSjet
 ! 2015-06-27 - Vanya Belyaev
- - minor aestetic changes 
+ - minor aestetic changes
 ! 2015-06-25 - Eduardo Rodrigues
  - PVReFitter: removed unusued variable to get rid of compilation warning.
@@ -132,15 +132,15 @@
 ! 2015-06-16 - Vanya Belyaev
  - PVReFitter.cpp
    Add new option "CheckAncestors" (default value is "true")
-   if activated, the track is considered to be from PV, 
+   if activated, the track is considered to be from PV,
    is any of its "ancestors" in PV.
    This *could* be very fragile and depends on
    ancestors are properly filled/stored...
-   Tests and feedback from experts (both online and offline) 
-   is needed here. 
+   Tests and feedback from experts (both online and offline)
+   is needed here.
 ! 2015-06-13 - Michel De Cian
- - Make minimum numbers of tracks in PV configurable, 
+ - Make minimum numbers of tracks in PV configurable,
    set default to 4, compare tracks by ID by default (all in PVRefitter.cpp).
 ! 2015-06-09 - Eduardo Rodrigues
@@ -158,22 +158,22 @@
  - activate optimized algorithm for default setting
 ! 2015-03-07 - Vanya Belyaev
- - VertexFitter:  
-   add option to allow CPU-performace measurement:   
-     - "MeasureCPUPerformace"   
-   implement optimized algoerithm  (but not yet fully tested, 
+ - VertexFitter:
+   add option to allow CPU-performace measurement:
+     - "MeasureCPUPerformace"
+   implement optimized algoerithm  (but not yet fully tested,
    further optimization is still possible  and optimized)
-   my tests with B&W wG_Selection shows factor of 30-35% improvement 
-   in CPU for the vertex fit 
+   my tests with B&W wG_Selection shows factor of 30-35% improvement
+   in CPU for the vertex fit
    optimized algorithm is used when new option is actiavted:
-     - "UseOptimizedAlgorithm"   
+     - "UseOptimizedAlgorithm"
 !========================= LoKiFitters v4r12 2014-10-30 =========================
 ! 2014-10-23 - Vanya Belyaev
- - ParticleClassificator:  
-     add merged (=="stable") pi0 into list of "di-gamma-like" particles 
+ - ParticleClassificator:
+     add merged (=="stable") pi0 into list of "di-gamma-like" particles
 ! 2014-10-21 - Chris Jones
  - Move custom _Warning and _Error methods into a new shared base class,
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
 !========================= LoKiFitters v4r10 2014-04-02 =========================
 ! 2014-03-16 - Vanya Belyaev
- - LoKi::PVReFitter : Very efficient implementation of IPVReFitter interface. 
+ - LoKi::PVReFitter : Very efficient implementation of IPVReFitter interface.
 ! 2014-03-13 - Chris Jones
  - Enable PrintMyAlg for FastVertexFitter as well...
@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@
 ! 2014-02-20 - Vanya Belyaev
  - Add new proeprty PrintMyAlg (default value "true")
-   to add the name of the related algorithm to the error/warning prints. 
+   to add the name of the related algorithm to the error/warning prints.
 ! 2014-02-13 - Vanya Belyaev
  - VertexFitter.h: Fix stupid typo/bug, that causes FPE .
@@ -225,11 +225,11 @@
 !========================= LoKiFitters v4r8 2014-01-10 =========================
 ! 2014-01-10 - Vanya Belyaev
- - DistanceCalculator : Set AllowTransitions to be False 
+ - DistanceCalculator : Set AllowTransitions to be False
                         (many thanks to Wouter and Pieter)
 ! 2013-12-20 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Set measured mass error to be 1MeV if it is -1 MeV < mErr < 0 
+ - Set measured mass error to be 1MeV if it is -1 MeV < mErr < 0
 !========================= LoKiFitters v4r7 2013-10-29 =========================
@@ -239,12 +239,12 @@
 !========================= LoKiFitters v4r6 2013-06-13 =========================
 ! 2013-06-10 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Fix complilation warning 
+ - Fix complilation warning
 ! 2013-06-09 - Vanya Belyaev
  - VertexFitter:
    + Add some functionality to improve fits with downstream tracks,
-      in particular allow the use of new ParticleTransporter. 
+      in particular allow the use of new ParticleTransporter.
    + Use a little bit different logic for seeding.
    + Redefine the fiducial volume for seeding.
@@ -253,14 +253,14 @@
 ! 2013-05-27 - Vanya Belyaev
  - Fix a bug with particle classification.
-   essentially all calculation of DOCACHI2 with 
+   essentially all calculation of DOCACHI2 with
    participation of K0S was wrong.
    Many thanks to Matt Reid for reporting the problem.
 !========================= LoKiFitters v4r5 2013-05-07 =========================
 ! 2013-04-14 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Minor improvement in the treatment of bad cases 
+ - Minor improvement in the treatment of bad cases
 !========================= LoKiFitters v4r4 2012-11-30 =========================
@@ -268,13 +268,13 @@
  - Added CMake configuration file.
 ! 2012-10-29 - Wouter Hulsbergen
- - LoKi::DecayTreeFit : Pass TrackStateProvider to DTF to improve Ks tracks in 
+ - LoKi::DecayTreeFit : Pass TrackStateProvider to DTF to improve Ks tracks in
                         2012 dsts.
 !========================= LoKiFitters v4r3 2012-07-26 =========================
 ! 2012-07-12 - Vanya Belyaev
- - LoKi::DecayTreeFit : Add options to constrain mass to something else than 
+ - LoKi::DecayTreeFit : Add options to constrain mass to something else than
                         the PDG mass
 !========================= LoKiFitters v4r2p1 2012-05-03 =======================
@@ -285,12 +285,12 @@
 !========================= LoKiFitters v4r2 2011-09-07 =========================
 ! 2011-07-29 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add possibility to evaluate the vertex for ``Rho+''-like particles 
+ - add possibility to evaluate the vertex for ``Rho+''-like particles
 !========================= LoKiFitters v4r1p4 2011-07-28 =========================
 ! 2011-07-19 - Vanya Belyaev
- - fix problem with calculation of nDoF and chi2 
+ - fix problem with calculation of nDoF and chi2
 !========================= LoKiFitters v4r1p3 2011-07-08 =========================
 ! 2011-07-08 - Rob Lambert
@@ -307,95 +307,95 @@
 !========================== LoKiFitters v4r1 2011-01-18 =====================
 ! 2011-01-14 - Vanya Belyaev
- - remove IPhysDesktop 
- - substitute DVAlgorithm with IDVAlgorithm 
+ - remove IPhysDesktop
+ - substitute DVAlgorithm with IDVAlgorithm
 ! 2011-01-13 - Vanya Belyaev
  - Patch for "Track-related" part of DistanceCalculator:
-    due to some problmes in TrackStateProvider, the 
+    due to some problmes in TrackStateProvider, the
     state is not extracted/propagated properly.
-    Put a in place: 
+    Put a in place:
-      in case of failure with the state provider, 
-      get the state from TrackExtrapolator.  
+      in case of failure with the state provider,
+      get the state from TrackExtrapolator.
- - cmt/requirments 
-    version increment to v4r1 
+ - cmt/requirments
+    version increment to v4r1
 !========================== LoKiFitters v4r0 2010-12-17 =====================
 ! 2010-12-03 - Vanya Belyaev
- - move all Kalman-Filter utilities into the separate package 
+ - move all Kalman-Filter utilities into the separate package
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
-    make usage of Phys/KalmanFilter 
-    version increment to v4r0 
+    make usage of Phys/KalmanFilter
+    version increment to v4r0
 ! 2010-11-20 - Vanya Belyaev
- - DistanceCalculators 
-      add methods for calculate IP-vector 
+ - DistanceCalculators
+      add methods for calculate IP-vector
 ! 2010-11-15 - Vanya Belyaev
- - some improvements for photons and diphotons 
- - add LoKi::SmartParticleCombiner 
-      simple implementation of IParticleCombiner that 
-      delegates the actual tretaemnt to 
-      "particle-adder" or "vertex-fitter", 
-      depending on the particle list/decay structure 
+ - some improvements for photons and diphotons
+ - add LoKi::SmartParticleCombiner
+      simple implementation of IParticleCombiner that
+      delegates the actual tretaemnt to
+      "particle-adder" or "vertex-fitter",
+      depending on the particle list/decay structure
 ! 2010-11-12 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add base class ParticleClassifier 
- - remove BlindVertexfitter 
+ - add base class ParticleClassifier
+ - remove BlindVertexfitter
 ! 2010-11-11 - Vanya Belyaev
- - KalmanFilter & LoKi::(Fast)VertexFitter : 
+ - KalmanFilter & LoKi::(Fast)VertexFitter :
     Implement the treatment of "di-gamma-like" particles in the vertex fitters.
     The list of di-gamma-lke patters is specified via property  "DiGammaDecays"
-    the default value is 
+    the default value is
        DiGammaDecays = " [ ( pi0 -> <gamma> <gamma> ) , ( eta -> <gamma> <gamma> ) ] "
 ! 2010-11-10 - Vanya Belyaev
- - VertexFitters: 
+ - VertexFitters:
      introduce the special branches for 3-body and 4-body decays.
      each branch contains only one matrix inversion instead of 3(4)
-     but I would expect some CPU gain (to be measured) 
+     but I would expect some CPU gain (to be measured)
      The actual behavior is under the control of Properties:
-    |                     |          The default value                  | 
+    |                     |          The default value                  |
     |     Property        +--------------------+------------------------+
     |                     | LoKi::VertexFitter | LoKi::FastVertexFitter |
     | UseTwoBodyBranch    |        false       |         true           |
-    | UseThreeBodyBranch  |        false       |         true           | 
+    | UseThreeBodyBranch  |        false       |         true           |
     | UseFourBodyBranch   |        false       |         true           |
 ! 2010-11-04 - Vanya Belyaev
@@ -403,52 +403,52 @@
      evaluation of chi2(DOCA) :
-       - make it numerically more robust 
+       - make it numerically more robust
-       - speedup it a little bit : 
+       - speedup it a little bit :
-           a. decrease the number of 3x3-matrix inversions from 2 to 1 
-           b. eilminate the creation of few local (small) matrices 
+           a. decrease the number of 3x3-matrix inversions from 2 to 1
+           b. eilminate the creation of few local (small) matrices
            c. [however use two 'matrix-similarity' operations instead of one]
      printout: allow a bit more flexible configuration of verbosity
      new property 'MaxPrint'
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
+    version increment to v3r3
-    version increment to v3r3   
 !========================== LoKiFitters v3r2 2010-11-02 =====================
 ! 2010-10-24 - Vanya Belyaev
  - VertexFitter
-      make use of decay descriptor for stable particles in 
-      for gamma and digamma definiitons 
+      make use of decay descriptor for stable particles in
+      for gamma and digamma definiitons
 ! 2010-10-24 - Vanya Belyaev
  - VertexFitter:
-    - remove some duplicated lines 
-    - make use of Gaudi::Math::sigmamass 
-    - fill 'MeasuredMass' and 'MeasuredMassErr' fields as 
+    - remove some duplicated lines
+    - make use of Gaudi::Math::sigmamass
+    - fill 'MeasuredMass' and 'MeasuredMassErr' fields as
-        mass from 4-momenta sum of all daughters, properly 
+        mass from 4-momenta sum of all daughters, properly
         extrapolated to the veretx position.
         NB: It is *NOT* equal to the mass evaluted from 4-momenta of mother particle.
-    - add the special treatment of converted photons 
+    - add the special treatment of converted photons
+        NB: GammaC is LONG-LIVED-PARTICLE
-        NB: GammaC is LONG-LIVED-PARTICLE 
     - preparation for the special treatment of di-gamma
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
     version increment to v3r2
@@ -458,18 +458,18 @@
 ! 2010-09-26 - Vanya Belyaev
  - VertexFitter:
-     fix the bug with nDoF evaluation 
+     fix the bug with nDoF evaluation
  - MassFitter:
      a. change the default tolerance from 200 keV/c2 to 20 keV/c2
-     b. replace usage of (Gaudi)IParticlePropertySvc by 
+     b. replace usage of (Gaudi)IParticlePropertySvc by
  - cmt/requirements
-     version increment to v3r1 
+     version increment to v3r1
 !========================== LoKiFitters v3r0 2010-08-25 =====================
@@ -479,11 +479,11 @@
  - VertexFitter:
      The first attempt to add the photons.
  - cmt/requirements
-     version increment to v3r0 
+     version increment to v3r0
 ! 2010-08-19 - Gerhard Raven
@@ -494,30 +494,30 @@
 ! 2010-08-11 - Vanya Belyaev
  - VertexFitter
-     add new (integer) property 'MaxPrints' to reduce the printout 
-     verbosity with the default values 
-        *  Vertexfitter     : 10 
-        *  FastVertexFitter :  0 
+     add new (integer) property 'MaxPrints' to reduce the printout
+     verbosity with the default values
+        *  Vertexfitter     : 10
+        *  FastVertexFitter :  0
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
-        * version increment to v2r7 
+        * version increment to v2r7
 !========================== LoKiFitters v2r6 2010-07-12 =====================
 ! 2010-07-11 - Vanya Belyaev
- - *ALL* fitters: 
+ - *ALL* fitters:
       remove all declareInterface<...> , rely on extends<...>
- - VertexFitter & FastVertexFitter 
+ - VertexFitter & FastVertexFitter
-   A. Introduce the special branch for twobody decays 
-   That could be up to 30-50% faster, sicen it has only half 
+   A. Introduce the special branch for twobody decays
+   That could be up to 30-50% faster, sicen it has only half
     of matrix operations
    The usage of this branch under the control of new property
@@ -526,75 +526,75 @@
    The default value of this property is set to be :
-        - 'false' for LoKi::VertexFitter 
-        - 'true'  for LoKi::FastVertexFitter 
+        - 'false' for LoKi::VertexFitter
+        - 'true'  for LoKi::FastVertexFitter
-    B. Reduce number of particle-transports, now the transports 
-       use the 'TransportTolerance' proeprty with defautl value 
-        - 10 micrometers for LoKi::VertexFitter 
+    B. Reduce number of particle-transports, now the transports
+       use the 'TransportTolerance' proeprty with defautl value
+        - 10 micrometers for LoKi::VertexFitter
         - 50 micrometers for LoKi::FastVertexFitter
 ! 2010-07-11 - Vanya Belyaev
    - FastVertexFitter.cpp
         The preconfigured version for vertex fitter with loose
         convergency criteria:
-        *    - delta-distance as 3.0 micrometers 
-        *    - delta-chi2     as 0.1 
-        *    - maximal number of iteration for 'fit'    is 5 
-        *    - maximal number of iteration for 'add'    is 3 
-        *    - maximal number of iteration for 'remove' is 3 
+        *    - delta-distance as 3.0 micrometers
+        *    - delta-chi2     as 0.1
+        *    - maximal number of iteration for 'fit'    is 5
+        *    - maximal number of iteration for 'add'    is 3
+        *    - maximal number of iteration for 'remove' is 3
+        Presumably it can be 15-30% faster with only the
+        moderate degradation in performance
-        Presumably it can be 15-30% faster with only the 
-        moderate degradation in performance      
    - VertexFitter.cpp
-        Fix a stupid bug in particle classification 
-        The bug appears from version v2r3 (commit 2010-01-04)   
+        Fix a stupid bug in particle classification
+        The bug appears from version v2r3 (commit 2010-01-04)
         many thanks to Yuehong Xie for pointing to the problem
-   - cmt/requirements 
+   - cmt/requirements
-       version increment to v2r6 
+       version increment to v2r6
 ! 2010-07-09 - Vanya Belyaev
  - VertexFitter.cpp
-   decrease the verbosity level 
+   decrease the verbosity level
- -cmt/requirements 
-   version increment to v2r5p1 
+ -cmt/requirements
+   version increment to v2r5p1
 !========================== LoKiFitters v2r5 2010-06-24 =====================
 ! 2010-06-21 - Vanya Belyaev
- - fix the stupid bug 
+ - fix the stupid bug
 ! 2010-06-09 - Vanya Belyaev
- - minor fix 
+ - minor fix
 ! 2010-06-08 - Vanya Belyaev
  - LoKi::DecayTreeFit:
-     implement chi2 & nDoF methods 
+     implement chi2 & nDoF methods
 ! 2010-05-29 - Vanya Belyaev
  - add LoKi::DecayTreeFit :
-    a thin  wrapper over nice utility DecayTreeFitter::Fitter 
-    by Wouter Hulsbergen 
+    a thin  wrapper over nice utility DecayTreeFitter::Fitter
+    by Wouter Hulsbergen
  - cmt/requirments
-   version increment to v2r5 
+   version increment to v2r5
 !========================== LoKiFitters v2r4p3 2010-04-25 ===================
 ! 2010-04-25 - Gerhard Raven
  - only print some Warnings at end of job statistics
@@ -612,10 +612,10 @@
 ! 2010-03-16 - Vanya Belyaev
  - DistanceCalculator.cpp, TrgDistanceCalculator.cpp
-   fix LateX types in doxygen comments 
+   fix LateX types in doxygen comments
+ - version increment to v2r4p1
- - version increment to v2r4p1 
 !========================== LoKiFitters v2r4 2010-03-08 ===================
@@ -623,15 +623,15 @@
  - src/VertexFitter.cpp
-    fix the stupid bug/type in service name 
+    fix the stupid bug/type in service name
  - src/BlindVertexFitter.cpp
-    add warning message at initialization 
+    add warning message at initialization
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
-     version increment to v2r4 
+     version increment to v2r4
 !========================== LoKiFitters v2r3 2010-01-29 ===================
@@ -642,28 +642,28 @@
 ! 2010-01-04 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - KalmanFilter & VertexFitter 
+ - KalmanFilter & VertexFitter
-   prepare veretx fitter to treat properly long-lived/short-lived 
+   prepare veretx fitter to treat properly long-lived/short-lived
    and gamma-like particles.
-   It is not yet ready, but th emajor igredient (particle classsification) 
+   It is not yet ready, but th emajor igredient (particle classsification)
    is in place.
  - cmt/requirements
-      version increment to v2r3 
+      version increment to v2r3
 !========================== LoKiFitters v2r2p1 2009-12-16 =================
-! 2009-12-15 - Vanya BELYAEV 
+! 2009-12-15 - Vanya BELYAEV
+ - DistanceCalculaterBase.h
- - DistanceCalculaterBase.h 
+     fix LaTeX error for Doxygen documentation
-     fix LaTeX error for Doxygen documentation 
+ - cmt/requirements
- - cmt/requirements 
      version increment to v2r2p1
@@ -675,59 +675,59 @@
     change the signature for modified IVertexFit interface
-    1. for all methods, WITHOUT creation of "mother" particle, 
-       the vertex os the first argument ( "fit vertex" ) 
-    2. for all methdos WITH creation of "mother" particle, 
-       the mother particle is the last argument , after vertex 
+    1. for all methods, WITHOUT creation of "mother" particle,
+       the vertex os the first argument ( "fit vertex" )
+    2. for all methdos WITH creation of "mother" particle,
+       the mother particle is the last argument , after vertex
 ! 2009-08-13 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - DirectionFitterBase::transport 
+ - DirectionFitterBase::transport
-      revert to "old" ( "pre-May 2k+9" ) behaviour 
+      revert to "old" ( "pre-May 2k+9" ) behaviour
-          "transport" instead of "transportAndProject" 
+          "transport" instead of "transportAndProject"
 - cmt/requirments
-     version inrement to v2r2 
+     version inrement to v2r2
 !========================== LoKiFitters v2r1p1 2009-05-16 =================
 ! 2009-05-16 - Vanya Belyaev
- - fix also TrgDistanceCalculator  
+ - fix also TrgDistanceCalculator
 ! 2009-05-16 - Vanya Belyaev
  - DistanceCalculator
      fix a bug in evaluation on impact parameter chi2.
-     (pre)-fix also Lifetime & Direction fitters. 
+     (pre)-fix also Lifetime & Direction fitters.
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
-    version increment to v2r1p1  
+    version increment to v2r1p1
 !========================== LoKiFitters v2r1 2009-02-20 ===================
 ! 2009-02-17 - Juan PALACIOS
  - src/DirectionFitter.cpp
-  . Restore use of  new DVAlgorithm::calculateRelatedPV method to get 
+  . Restore use of  new DVAlgorithm::calculateRelatedPV method to get
     related PV.
 ! 2009-02-13 - Juan PALACIOS
  - src/DirectionFitter.cpp
-  . Temporarilly restore previous behaviour, ie get related PV from 
+  . Temporarilly restore previous behaviour, ie get related PV from
     PhysDesktop. However, PhysDesktop now calls the DVAlgorithm methods.
 ! 2009-02-11 - Juan PALACIOS
  - src/DirectionFitter.cpp
-  . use new DVAlgorithm::calculateRelatedPV method to get related PV. This 
+  . use new DVAlgorithm::calculateRelatedPV method to get related PV. This
     gets a copy of a related (potentially re-fitted PV) but doesn't modify
     and PhysDesktop relaitons tables.
@@ -736,30 +736,30 @@
 !========================== LoKiFitters v2r0 2008-08-05 ===================
 ! 2008-07-15 - Vanya BELYAEV
-- add new tool LoKi::TrgDistanceCalculator - 
-    fast ("trigger oriented")  version of LoKi::DistanceCalculator 
+- add new tool LoKi::TrgDistanceCalculator -
+    fast ("trigger oriented")  version of LoKi::DistanceCalculator
     There is some gain in CPU. The numerical performace is rather adequite:
-    The relative numerical difference with respect to full unstripped 
-    version is 
-         O(10^-5) for the impact parameters  of tracks 
-         O(3%)    for chi2 of impact parameters of tracks 
-         O(1.5%)  for doca("distance of closest approach") between two tracks 
-         O(3%)    for chi2 of doca 
+    The relative numerical difference with respect to full unstripped
+    version is
+         O(10^-5) for the impact parameters  of tracks
+         O(3%)    for chi2 of impact parameters of tracks
+         O(1.5%)  for doca("distance of closest approach") between two tracks
+         O(3%)    for chi2 of doca
          O(10^-3) for "s-path"
          O(2%)    for error in s-path
-         O(1-^-2) for chi2 of s-path 
+         O(1-^-2) for chi2 of s-path
-      No difference for vertex distance, chi2(vertes distance), 
+      No difference for vertex distance, chi2(vertes distance),
       and projected distances are found.
 - remove unnesessary header files.
-- reduce a bit the printout for LoKi::DistanceCalculator 
+- reduce a bit the printout for LoKi::DistanceCalculator
-- cmt/requirements 
-    version increment to v2r0 
+- cmt/requirements
+    version increment to v2r0
 ! =========================== LoKiFitters v1r2 2008-07-03 =====================
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@
  - cmt/requirements
   . Increase version to v1r2
  - src/DistanceCalculatorBase.h
-  . Change all Gaudi::Line for Gaudi::Math::Line (adapting to 
+  . Change all Gaudi::Line for Gaudi::Math::Line (adapting to
     Kernel/LHCbMath v3)
 ! =========================== LoKiFitters v1r1 2008-04-24 =====================
@@ -776,24 +776,24 @@
  - complete the implementation of DistanceCalculator tool
     now it is a right time to start the tests...
 ! 2008-03-10 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - Add new lines and perform the major reshuffling 
+ - Add new lines and perform the major reshuffling
    of the existing lines:
     - src/KalmanFilter.h, src/KalmanFilter.cpp
-      the major ingredienst for Kalman-Filter based vertex fitting 
-    - src/FitterUtils.h, src/FitetrUtils.cpp 
+      the major ingredienst for Kalman-Filter based vertex fitting
+    - src/FitterUtils.h, src/FitetrUtils.cpp
       the major ingeredients for "direction/path/lifetime" fitting
     - src/DistanceCalculatorBase.h, src/DistanceCalculatorBase.cpp
       the base class for implementation of "distance calculator" tool
     - src/DistanceCalculator.h, src/DistanceCalculator.cpp
-      the concrete (precise) implementationo of IDistanceCalculator tool  
-    - 
+      the concrete (precise) implementationo of IDistanceCalculator tool
+    -
  - cmt/requirements
-     version increment to v1r1 
+     version increment to v1r1
 ! =========================== LoKiFitters v1r0 2008-02-18 =====================
@@ -802,20 +802,20 @@
  - src/VertexFitter.cpp
-      set properly nDoF for the fitted vertex 
+      set properly nDoF for the fitted vertex
 ! 2008-02-24 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - new package, currently it contains:
-    1) LoKi::VertexFitter & BlindVertexFitter 
-    2) LoKi::MassFitter 
-    3) LoKi::DirectionFitter 
-    4) LoKi::LifetimeFitter 
+    1) LoKi::VertexFitter & BlindVertexFitter
+    2) LoKi::MassFitter
+    3) LoKi::DirectionFitter
+    4) LoKi::LifetimeFitter
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! The END 
+! The END
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DecayTreeFit.cpp b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DecayTreeFit.cpp
index 37fe0a83042799acc4fc5afa7becd1a7938605bf..995ede657926ce3092deaa2172df270b5029794b 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DecayTreeFit.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DecayTreeFit.cpp
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::DecayTreeFit::finalize() {
 StatusCode LoKi::DecayTreeFit::fit( LHCb::Particle const* decay, IGeometryInfo const& geometry,
                                     LHCb::VertexBase const* origin ) const {
-  if ( 0 == decay ) { return Error( "fit(): invalid argument", StatusCode{101} ); } // RETURN
+  if ( 0 == decay ) { return Error( "fit(): invalid argument", StatusCode{ 101 } ); } // RETURN
   // reset fitter
   // initialize fitter
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::DecayTreeFit::fit( LHCb::Particle const* decay, IGeometryInfo c
   Fitter::FitStatus status = m_fitter->status();
   if ( Fitter::Success != status ) {
-    return Warning( "Fitter failed status", StatusCode{static_cast<unsigned long>( 110 + status )}, 0 );
+    return Warning( "Fitter failed status", StatusCode{ static_cast<unsigned long>( 110 + status ) }, 0 );
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -540,7 +540,8 @@ const IDecayTreeFit::Fitted* LoKi::DecayTreeFit::fitted( const LHCb::Particle* p
   Fitter::FitStatus status = m_fitter->status();
   if ( Fitter::Success != status ) {
-    Warning( "fitted: fit is not successfull , return NULL", StatusCode{static_cast<unsigned long>( 120 + status )}, 1 )
+    Warning( "fitted: fit is not successfull , return NULL", StatusCode{ static_cast<unsigned long>( 120 + status ) },
+             1 )
     return 0; // RETURN
@@ -578,7 +579,7 @@ LHCb::DecayTree LoKi::DecayTreeFit::fittedTree() const {
   Fitter::FitStatus status = m_fitter->status();
   if ( Fitter::Success != status ) {
     Warning( "fitted: fit is not successful, return empty tree",
-             StatusCode{static_cast<unsigned long>( 120 + status )} )
+             StatusCode{ static_cast<unsigned long>( 120 + status ) } )
     return LHCb::DecayTree(); // RETURN
@@ -613,8 +614,8 @@ double LoKi::DecayTreeFit::chi2() const {
   Fitter::FitStatus status = m_fitter->status();
   if ( Fitter::Success != status ) {
-    Warning( "chi2: fit is not successfull, return InvalidChi2", StatusCode{static_cast<unsigned long>( 120 + status )},
-             2 )
+    Warning( "chi2: fit is not successfull, return InvalidChi2",
+             StatusCode{ static_cast<unsigned long>( 120 + status ) }, 2 )
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2; // RETURN
@@ -648,7 +649,7 @@ unsigned int LoKi::DecayTreeFit::nDoF() const {
   Fitter::FitStatus status = m_fitter->status();
   if ( Fitter::Success != status ) {
-    Warning( "nDoF: fit is not sucessfull, return 0 ", StatusCode{static_cast<unsigned long>( 120 + status )}, 2 )
+    Warning( "nDoF: fit is not sucessfull, return 0 ", StatusCode{ static_cast<unsigned long>( 120 + status ) }, 2 )
     return 0; // RETURN
@@ -713,7 +714,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::DecayTreeFit::reFit( LHCb::Particle& particle, IGeometryInfo co
   if ( 0 == m_fitter.get() ) { return Error( "reFit: invalid fitter" ); }
   Fitter::FitStatus status = m_fitter->status();
   if ( Fitter::Success != status ) {
-    return Error( "reFit: invalid fit status", StatusCode{static_cast<unsigned long>( 120 + status )}, 2 );
+    return Error( "reFit: invalid fit status", StatusCode{ static_cast<unsigned long>( 120 + status ) }, 2 );
   // the actual refit
   if ( !m_fitter->updateCand( particle ) ) { return Error( "reFit: unable to update the candidate" ); }
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DirectionFitBase.cpp b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DirectionFitBase.cpp
index 9e8954042991735a10a96400d088cd8f53c9582d..bbc7fa9e4301166ec05a125b2c2cc894a2831d2f 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DirectionFitBase.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DirectionFitBase.cpp
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::DirectionFitBase::iterate( LHCb::VertexBase const* primary, LHC
   m_chi2 += chi2;
   m_ctau += ctau;
-  return _Warning( "There is no convergency", StatusCode{NoConvergency}, 0 );
+  return _Warning( "There is no convergency", StatusCode{ NoConvergency }, 0 );
 // ============================================================================
 // make the real fit
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DirectionFitBase.h b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DirectionFitBase.h
index a179d80569e015e9a9447c39d2d4f046bbf74ec5..aa4119f0ba49f8e8408593857e04d3ae8e2cb067 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DirectionFitBase.h
+++ b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DirectionFitBase.h
@@ -352,10 +352,10 @@ namespace LoKi {
     /// helper matrix for evalaution of other covarinace matrices:
     mutable Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3 m_vd1; // helper matrix
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>     m_nReset{this, "#reset"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nIterations{this, "#iterations"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_chi2{this, "chi2"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_ctau{this, "ctau"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>     m_nReset{ this, "#reset" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nIterations{ this, "#iterations" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_chi2{ this, "chi2" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_ctau{ this, "ctau" };
 } // end of namespace LoKi
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DirectionFitter.cpp b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DirectionFitter.cpp
index fcf12e31abb672cba33b74dc7a1371444fcac235..1de13895eb13c26dad9254f5a7cce428a7f0c2ef 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DirectionFitter.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DirectionFitter.cpp
@@ -130,11 +130,11 @@ StatusCode LoKi::DirectionFitter::reFit( LHCb::Particle& particle, IGeometryInfo
   // try to get the associated primary vertex
   const IDVAlgorithm* dv = Gaudi::Utils::getIDVAlgorithm( contextSvc() );
-  if ( 0 == dv ) { return Error( "No parent IDVAlgorithm is available!", StatusCode{NoIDVAlgorithm} ); }
+  if ( 0 == dv ) { return Error( "No parent IDVAlgorithm is available!", StatusCode{ NoIDVAlgorithm } ); }
   // 1 ) get the related primary vertex from the DValgorithm
   const LHCb::VertexBase* primary = dv->bestVertex( &particle, geometry );
-  if ( 0 == primary ) { return Error( "No associated primary vertex is found!", StatusCode{NoPrimaryVertex} ); }
+  if ( 0 == primary ) { return Error( "No associated primary vertex is found!", StatusCode{ NoPrimaryVertex } ); }
   // 2) use the regular "fit" method
   StatusCode sc = fit( *primary, particle, geometry );
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::DirectionFitter::fit( LHCb::VertexBase const& primary, LHCb::Pa
   // get the end-vertex for the particle
   LHCb::VertexBase* decay = particle.endVertex();
-  if ( 0 == decay ) { return Error( "No valid endVertex is found!", StatusCode{NoEndVertex} ); }
+  if ( 0 == decay ) { return Error( "No valid endVertex is found!", StatusCode{ NoEndVertex } ); }
   // backup the primary vertex:
   LHCb::VertexBase s_primary( primary );
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DistanceCalculator.h b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DistanceCalculator.h
index 0b1e41adad6b42a1524448ee07363029dfb355ca..480e8663846ef6c8075839b7925e779d95895eb0 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DistanceCalculator.h
+++ b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DistanceCalculator.h
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
         if ( v1 == v2 ) {
           dist = 0;
-          return StatusCode{StatusCode::SUCCESS};
+          return StatusCode{ StatusCode::SUCCESS };
         return i_distance( *v1, *v2, dist ); // RETURN
       } );
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
           dist = 0;
           chi2 = 0;
-          return StatusCode{StatusCode::SUCCESS};
+          return StatusCode{ StatusCode::SUCCESS };
         // make the real calculations
         return i_distance( *v1, *v2, dist, &chi2 ); // RETURN
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
         if ( p1 == p2 ) {
           dist = 0;
-          return StatusCode{StatusCode::SUCCESS};
+          return StatusCode{ StatusCode::SUCCESS };
         return _distance( *p1, *p2, dist, allow, geometry ); // RETURN
       } );
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
           dist = 0;
           chi2 = 0;
-          return StatusCode{StatusCode::SUCCESS};
+          return StatusCode{ StatusCode::SUCCESS };
         // make the real calculations
         return _distance( *p1, *p2, dist, allow, geometry, &chi2 ); // RETURN
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
         if ( track1 == track2 ) {
           doca = 0;
-          return StatusCode{StatusCode::SUCCESS};
+          return StatusCode{ StatusCode::SUCCESS };
         return _distance( *track1, *track2, doca, geometry );
       } );
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
           doca = 0;
           chi2 = 0;
-          return StatusCode{StatusCode::SUCCESS};
+          return StatusCode{ StatusCode::SUCCESS };
         return _distance( *track1, *track2, doca, geometry, &chi2 );
       } );
@@ -594,64 +594,66 @@ namespace LoKi {
     // the convergency criterion for delta(path)
     double m_delta_path = 2 * Gaudi::Units::micrometer; // the convergency criterion for delta(path)
     // the ragion where Trajectory" approximation is good for long tracks
-    std::pair<double, double> m_region = {-30 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 100 * Gaudi::Units::cm};
+    std::pair<double, double> m_region = { -30 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 100 * Gaudi::Units::cm };
     // use fast (no transportation, no iteration) algorithms?
     bool m_fastalgo = false;
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_IP2DIGamma{this, "IP->(DI)GAMMA"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_IP2VD{this, "IP->VD"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_DOCA2DIGamma{this, "DOCA->(DI)GAMMA"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_DOCA2IP{this, "DOCA->IP"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_IP2DIGamma{ this, "IP->(DI)GAMMA" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_IP2VD{ this, "IP->VD" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_DOCA2DIGamma{ this, "DOCA->(DI)GAMMA" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_DOCA2IP{ this, "DOCA->IP" };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_same_vertex{this, "distance(v,v): the same vertex"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_same_particle{this, "distance(p,p): the same particle"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_same_track{this, "distance(t,t): the same track"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_same_vertex{ this, "distance(v,v): the same vertex" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_same_particle{ this, "distance(p,p): the same particle" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_same_track{ this, "distance(t,t): the same track" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_unable_to_get_state_provider{
-        this, "stateAtZ: unable to get the proper state with provider"};
+        this, "stateAtZ: unable to get the proper state with provider" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_unable_to_get_state_extrapolator{
-        this, "stateAtZ: unable to get the proper state with extrapolator"};
+        this, "stateAtZ: unable to get the proper state with extrapolator" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_transport_error{
-        this, "Error from ParticleTransporter(ip_1), ignore"};
+        this, "Error from ParticleTransporter(ip_1), ignore" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_transport_error2{
-        this, "Error from ParticleTransporter(ip_2), ignore"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_convergence_I{this, "There is no convergency-I", 0};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_convergence_II{this, "There is no convergency-II", 0};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_convergence_III{this, "There is no convergency-III", 0};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_convergence_IV{this, "There is no convergency-IV", 0};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_convergence_V{this, "There is no convergency-V", 0};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_convergence_VI{this, "There is no convergency-VI", 0};
+        this, "Error from ParticleTransporter(ip_2), ignore" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_convergence_I{ this, "There is no convergency-I", 0 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_convergence_II{ this, "There is no convergency-II", 0 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_convergence_III{ this, "There is no convergency-III",
+                                                                                0 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_convergence_IV{ this, "There is no convergency-IV", 0 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_convergence_V{ this, "There is no convergency-V", 0 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_convergence_VI{ this, "There is no convergency-VI", 0 };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_transport_error_chi2{
-        this, "Error from ParticleTransporter(chi2_1), ignore"};
+        this, "Error from ParticleTransporter(chi2_1), ignore" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_transport_error_chi2_2{
-        this, "Error from ParticleTransporter(chi2_2), ignore"};
+        this, "Error from ParticleTransporter(chi2_2), ignore" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_transport_ierror{
-        this, "distance(IV):Error from IParticleTransporter"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_kalman_load{this, "distance(I): KalmanFilter::load failed"};
+        this, "distance(IV):Error from IParticleTransporter" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_kalman_load{ this,
+                                                                         "distance(I): KalmanFilter::load failed" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_kalman_load2{
-        this, "distance(III): error from KalmanFilter::load(s)"};
+        this, "distance(III): error from KalmanFilter::load(s)" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_kalman_gain{
-        this, "distance(I): unable to calculate the gain matrix"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_kalman_filter{this,
-                                                                          "distance(I): error from Kalman Filter step"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_kalman_step{
-        this, "distance(III): error from KalmanFilter::step(2)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_distance_II{this,
-                                                                      "distance(II): error from KalmanFilter::load"};
+        this, "distance(I): unable to calculate the gain matrix" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_kalman_filter{
+        this, "distance(I): error from Kalman Filter step" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_kalman_step{
+        this, "distance(III): error from KalmanFilter::step(2)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_distance_II{ this,
+                                                                       "distance(II): error from KalmanFilter::load" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_distance_III{
-        this, "distance(III):Error from ParticleTransporter, ignore"};
+        this, "distance(III):Error from ParticleTransporter, ignore" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_distance_IV{
-        this, "distance(IV):Error code from LoKi::Fitters::path0"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_distance_IV_path_step{this,
-                                                                                  "distance(IV): error from path_step"};
+        this, "distance(IV):Error code from LoKi::Fitters::path0" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_distance_IV_path_step{
+        this, "distance(IV): error from path_step" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_distance_V{
-        this, "distance(V):The negative covarinace, return error=-1"};
+        this, "distance(V):The negative covarinace, return error=-1" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_distance_VII_1{
-        this, "distance(V): can't get the proper state(1)"};
+        this, "distance(V): can't get the proper state(1)" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_distance_VII_2{
-        this, "distance(V): can't get the proper state(2)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_distance_VI{this,
-                                                                        "distance(VI): can't get the proper state(1)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_path_step{this, "_pathDistance(): error from path_step"};
+        this, "distance(V): can't get the proper state(2)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_distance_VI{
+        this, "distance(VI): can't get the proper state(1)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_path_step{ this, "_pathDistance(): error from path_step" };
 } // end of namespace LoKi
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DistanceCalculatorBase.h b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DistanceCalculatorBase.h
index 316f1e25381b1efb2975fb581764c19fb7c7b9ed..4c2501164dc294a920aa2ef5feb4e20aaae22129 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DistanceCalculatorBase.h
+++ b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/DistanceCalculatorBase.h
@@ -349,24 +349,24 @@ namespace LoKi {
     // ========================================================================
     /// Particle transporter tool
-    PublicToolHandle<IParticleTransporter> m_transporter{this, "Transporter", "DaVinci::ParticleTransporter"};
+    PublicToolHandle<IParticleTransporter> m_transporter{ this, "Transporter", "DaVinci::ParticleTransporter" };
     // =======================================================================
     /// State provider tool
-    PublicToolHandle<ITrackStateProvider> m_stateProvider{this, "StateProvider", "TrackStateProvider"};
+    PublicToolHandle<ITrackStateProvider> m_stateProvider{ this, "StateProvider", "TrackStateProvider" };
     // =======================================================================
     /// Track extrapolator tool
-    PublicToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{this, "TrackExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator"};
+    PublicToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{ this, "TrackExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator" };
     // =======================================================================
     // =======================================================================
     /// The z region allowed for extrapolations
     Gaudi::Property<std::pair<double, double>> m_detectorRegion{
-        this, "DetectorRegion", {-10000., 20000.}, "The z region allowed for extrapolations "};
+        this, "DetectorRegion", { -10000., 20000. }, "The z region allowed for extrapolations " };
     // =======================================================================
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_no_particle{this, "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_no_vertexbase{this, "LHCb::VertexBase* points to NULL"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_no_track{this, "LHCb::Track* points to NULL"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_matrix_inversion{this, "Error in matrix inversion"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_same_vertex{this, "distance(v,v): the same vertex"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_no_particle{ this, "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_no_vertexbase{ this, "LHCb::VertexBase* points to NULL" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_no_track{ this, "LHCb::Track* points to NULL" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_matrix_inversion{ this, "Error in matrix inversion" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_same_vertex{ this, "distance(v,v): the same vertex" };
   // ==========================================================================
 } //                                                      end of namespace LoKi
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
 inline StatusCode LoKi::DistanceCalculatorBase::check( const LHCb::Particle* p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
-    return StatusCode{InvalidParticle};
+    return StatusCode{ InvalidParticle };
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ inline StatusCode LoKi::DistanceCalculatorBase::check( const LHCb::Particle* p )
 inline StatusCode LoKi::DistanceCalculatorBase::check( const LHCb::VertexBase* v ) const {
   if ( !v ) {
-    return StatusCode{InvalidVertex};
+    return StatusCode{ InvalidVertex };
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ inline StatusCode LoKi::DistanceCalculatorBase::check( const LHCb::VertexBase* v
 inline StatusCode LoKi::DistanceCalculatorBase::check( const LHCb::Particle* p1, const LHCb::Particle* p2 ) const {
   if ( !p1 || !p2 ) {
-    return StatusCode{InvalidParticle};
+    return StatusCode{ InvalidParticle };
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -406,11 +406,11 @@ inline StatusCode LoKi::DistanceCalculatorBase::check( const LHCb::Particle* p1,
 inline StatusCode LoKi::DistanceCalculatorBase::check( const LHCb::Particle* p, const LHCb::VertexBase* v ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
-    return StatusCode{InvalidParticle};
+    return StatusCode{ InvalidParticle };
   if ( !v ) {
-    return StatusCode{InvalidVertex};
+    return StatusCode{ InvalidVertex };
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ inline StatusCode LoKi::DistanceCalculatorBase::check( const LHCb::Particle* p,
 inline StatusCode LoKi::DistanceCalculatorBase::check( const LHCb::VertexBase* v1, const LHCb::VertexBase* v2 ) const {
   if ( !v1 || !v2 ) {
-    return StatusCode{InvalidVertex};
+    return StatusCode{ InvalidVertex };
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ inline StatusCode LoKi::DistanceCalculatorBase::check( const LHCb::VertexBase* v
 inline StatusCode LoKi::DistanceCalculatorBase::check( const LHCb::Track* t ) const {
   if ( !t ) {
-    return StatusCode{InvalidTrack};
+    return StatusCode{ InvalidTrack };
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ inline StatusCode LoKi::DistanceCalculatorBase::check( const LHCb::Track* t ) co
 inline StatusCode LoKi::DistanceCalculatorBase::check( const LHCb::Track* t1, const LHCb::Track* t2 ) const {
   if ( !t1 || !t2 ) {
-    return StatusCode{InvalidTrack};
+    return StatusCode{ InvalidTrack };
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -450,11 +450,11 @@ inline StatusCode LoKi::DistanceCalculatorBase::check( const LHCb::Track* t1, co
 inline StatusCode LoKi::DistanceCalculatorBase::check( const LHCb::Track* t, const LHCb::VertexBase* v ) const {
   if ( !t ) {
-    return StatusCode{InvalidTrack};
+    return StatusCode{ InvalidTrack };
   if ( !v ) {
-    return StatusCode{InvalidVertex};
+    return StatusCode{ InvalidVertex };
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ inline StatusCode LoKi::DistanceCalculatorBase::i_distance( const LHCb::VertexBa
     Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3 cov( vx1.covMatrix() + vx2.covMatrix() );
     if ( !cov.Invert() ) {
-      return StatusCode{ErrorInMatrixInversion};
+      return StatusCode{ ErrorInMatrixInversion };
     // evaluate the chi2
     *chi2 = Gaudi::Math::Similarity( delta, cov );
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ inline StatusCode LoKi::DistanceCalculatorBase::i_distance( const LHCb::VertexBa
     Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3 cov( v.covMatrix() );
     if ( !cov.Invert() ) {
-      return StatusCode{ErrorInMatrixInversion};
+      return StatusCode{ ErrorInMatrixInversion };
     // evaluate the chi2
     *chi2 = Gaudi::Math::Similarity( delta, cov );
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/FitterUtils.cpp b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/FitterUtils.cpp
index 149c5d6b51baee05906415654282e5ef8dedd3f0..de700e68d93015e891db0850992000b855e9b5c0 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/FitterUtils.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/FitterUtils.cpp
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::Fitters::var0( const LHCb::VertexBase& primary, const LHCb::Ver
   // calculate V_D =  (D*V*D^T)^{-1} & neglect here the errors in momentum
   Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3 V_D( primary.covMatrix() + decay.covMatrix() );
-  if ( !V_D.Invert() ) { return StatusCode{ErrorInMatrixInversion1}; } // REUTRN
+  if ( !V_D.Invert() ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorInMatrixInversion1 }; } // REUTRN
   // E = d(H)/d(var) =
   Gaudi::Vector3 E;
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::Fitters::var_step( const LHCb::VertexBase& primary,  // the pri
   // V_D =  (D*V*D^T)^{-1}
   fit.m_VD = ROOT::Math::Similarity( fit.m_W, particle.momCovMatrix() ) + particle.posCovMatrix() + primary.covMatrix();
   Gaudi::Math::update( fit.m_VD, fit.m_W * particle.posMomCovMatrix(), -1.0 );
-  if ( !fit.m_VD.Invert() ) { return StatusCode{ErrorInMatrixInversion2}; }
+  if ( !fit.m_VD.Invert() ) { return StatusCode{ ErrorInMatrixInversion2 }; }
   fit.m_Da0 = fit.m_W * ( particle.momentum() - momentum ) - ( particle.referencePoint() - decvertex ) +
               ( primary.position() - primvertex );
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::Fitters::var_step( const LHCb::VertexBase& primary,  // the pri
   const double V_var = 1.0 / ROOT::Math::Similarity( fit.m_VD, fit.m_E );
   fit.m_Vvar         = V_var;
-  if ( 0 >= V_var ) { return StatusCode{NegativeSigma2}; }
+  if ( 0 >= V_var ) { return StatusCode{ NegativeSigma2 }; }
   // delta(var) = -V_var * E^T * Lam0
   const double dvar = -V_var * ROOT::Math::Dot( fit.m_E, fit.m_l0 );
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/LifetimeFitter.cpp b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/LifetimeFitter.cpp
index 164b576a26c79fda78998ebe6f28afa86792af5c..7dbf583d314b19d9e1f22012b2d1d59f7f10db9e 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/LifetimeFitter.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/LifetimeFitter.cpp
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
         error    = -1.e+10 * Gaudi::Units::nanosecond;
         chi2     = -1.e+10;
-        return StatusCode{NoEndVertex};
+        return StatusCode{ NoEndVertex };
       // make the actual iterations
@@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ namespace LoKi {
           .orElse( [&] { ++m_fitConst_failure; } );
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_fitConst_failure{this, "Error from LoKi::DirectionFitBase",
-                                                                             0};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_no_end_vertex{this, "No valid end-vertex is found"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_fitConst_failure{ this, "Error from LoKi::DirectionFitBase",
+                                                                              0 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_no_end_vertex{ this, "No valid end-vertex is found" };
 } //                                                      end of namespace LoKi
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/MassFitter.cpp b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/MassFitter.cpp
index 0f4a973864d874598d9f6d7c1ea1fcdb8eeb6b34..5066be7e6cad0d92074109a2d709931227c664b5 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/MassFitter.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/MassFitter.cpp
@@ -200,9 +200,9 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @return status code
     StatusCode fit( LHCb::Particle* particle ) const override {
-      if ( 0 == particle ) { return Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL", StatusCode{InvalidParticle} ); }
+      if ( 0 == particle ) { return Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL", StatusCode{ InvalidParticle } ); }
       const LHCb::ParticleProperty* prop = pp( particle->particleID() );
-      if ( 0 == prop ) { return Error( "Invalid LHCb::ParticleID", StatusCode{InvalidParticleID} ); }
+      if ( 0 == prop ) { return Error( "Invalid LHCb::ParticleID", StatusCode{ InvalidParticleID } ); }
       return fit( particle, prop->mass() );
@@ -296,10 +296,10 @@ namespace LoKi {
     inline const LHCb::ParticleProperty* pp( const LHCb::ParticleID& pid ) const {
       // locate the service (if needed)
       if ( 0 == m_ppSvc ) { m_ppSvc = svc<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc>( "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc", true ); }
-      Assert( 0 != m_ppSvc, "Unable to locate LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc", StatusCode{InvalidParticlePSvc} );
+      Assert( 0 != m_ppSvc, "Unable to locate LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc", StatusCode{ InvalidParticlePSvc } );
       const LHCb::ParticleProperty* p = m_ppSvc->find( pid );
       if ( 0 == p ) {
-        StatusCode sc = StatusCode{InvalidParticleID};
+        StatusCode sc = StatusCode{ InvalidParticleID };
         Error( "Invalid LHCb::ParticleProperty for ID=" + std::to_string( pid.pid() ), sc ).ignore();
       return p;
@@ -332,9 +332,9 @@ namespace LoKi {
     /// flag to control the modification of end-vertex
     bool m_change_vertex; // flag to control the modification of end-vertex
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nIterations{this, "#iterations"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_dMass{this, "dmass"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_chi2{this, "chi2"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nIterations{ this, "#iterations" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_dMass{ this, "dmass" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_chi2{ this, "chi2" };
 } //                                                      end of namespace LoKi
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
 StatusCode LoKi::MassFitter::fit( LHCb::Particle* particle, const double mass, double& chi2 ) const {
-  if ( 0 == particle ) { return Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL", StatusCode{InvalidParticle} ); }
+  if ( 0 == particle ) { return Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL", StatusCode{ InvalidParticle } ); }
   // play a bit with extra-info
   if ( particle->hasInfo( LHCb::Particle::Chi2OfMassConstrainedFit ) ) {
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::MassFitter::fit( LHCb::Particle* particle, const double mass, d
   m_dMass += s_momentum1.M() - mass;
   m_chi2 += s_chi2;
-  StatusCode sc = StatusCode{NoConvergency};
+  StatusCode sc = StatusCode{ NoConvergency };
   Error( "No convergency for mass-constrained fit", sc ).ignore();
   if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/PVReFitter.cpp b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/PVReFitter.cpp
index 861974d58411808417839676d545c5e06a126870..6ae75f20275f113ecafb3de8d5b36ba13852fa11 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/PVReFitter.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/PVReFitter.cpp
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ namespace LoKi {
     StatusCode reFit( LHCb::VertexBase* v, IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const override {
-      if ( 0 == v ) { return _Error( "Invalid     vertex ", StatusCode{InvalidVertex1} ); }
+      if ( 0 == v ) { return _Error( "Invalid     vertex ", StatusCode{ InvalidVertex1 } ); }
       LHCb::RecVertex* pv = dynamic_cast<LHCb::RecVertex*>( v );
-      if ( 0 == pv ) { return _Error( "Invalid Rec-vertex ", StatusCode{InvalidVertex2} ); }
+      if ( 0 == pv ) { return _Error( "Invalid Rec-vertex ", StatusCode{ InvalidVertex2 } ); }
       return _reFit_( *pv, geometry );
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @return status code
     StatusCode remove( LHCb::Particle const* p, LHCb::VertexBase* v, IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const override {
-      if ( 0 == p ) { return _Error( "Invalid particle ", StatusCode{InvalidParticle} ); }
-      if ( 0 == v ) { return _Error( "Invalid     vertex ", StatusCode{InvalidVertex1} ); }
+      if ( 0 == p ) { return _Error( "Invalid particle ", StatusCode{ InvalidParticle } ); }
+      if ( 0 == v ) { return _Error( "Invalid     vertex ", StatusCode{ InvalidVertex1 } ); }
       LHCb::RecVertex* pv = dynamic_cast<LHCb::RecVertex*>( v );
-      if ( 0 == pv ) { return _Error( "Invalid Rec-vertex ", StatusCode{InvalidVertex2} ); }
+      if ( 0 == pv ) { return _Error( "Invalid Rec-vertex ", StatusCode{ InvalidVertex2 } ); }
       // collect all tracks from the given particle
       LHCb::Track::ConstVector tracks;
@@ -239,17 +239,17 @@ namespace LoKi {
     mutable TrEntry     m_entry;
     mutable LHCb::State m_state;
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>     m_refitAskedCounter{this, "#refit-asked"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>     m_refitForcedCounter{this, "#refit-forced"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nRemoved{this, "#removed"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nToRemove{this, "#toremove"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nLoaded{this, "#loaded"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_deltaR{this, "#delta-R"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_TrackWeight{this, "#track-weight"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nIterations{this, "#iterations"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nTracksTotal{this, "#tracks/total"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nTracksGood{this, "#tracks/good"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nTracksNull{this, "#tracks/null"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>     m_refitAskedCounter{ this, "#refit-asked" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>     m_refitForcedCounter{ this, "#refit-forced" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nRemoved{ this, "#removed" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nToRemove{ this, "#toremove" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nLoaded{ this, "#loaded" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_deltaR{ this, "#delta-R" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_TrackWeight{ this, "#track-weight" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nIterations{ this, "#iterations" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nTracksTotal{ this, "#tracks/total" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nTracksGood{ this, "#tracks/good" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nTracksNull{ this, "#tracks/null" };
   }; //                                           end of class LoKi::PVReFitter
@@ -276,10 +276,10 @@ LoKi::PVReFitter::PVReFitter( const std::string& type, const std::string& name,
     , m_minTracksInPV( 4 )
     , m_minTS( "4" )
-    , m_tukey( {{3.0, 15.0, 3.0}} ) // used in LSAdaptPVFitter
-                                    // , m_tukey (  { { 4.0 , 24.0 , 4.0 } }  )
-                                    // , m_tukey (  { { 5.0 , 35.0 , 5.0 } }  ) // used in SimplePVFitter.cpp
-                                    //
+    , m_tukey( { { 3.0, 15.0, 3.0 } } ) // used in LSAdaptPVFitter
+                                        // , m_tukey (  { { 4.0 , 24.0 , 4.0 } }  )
+                                        // , m_tukey (  { { 5.0 , 35.0 , 5.0 } }  ) // used in SimplePVFitter.cpp
+                                        //
     , m_stateProvider( 0 )
     , m_extrapolator( 0 )
     , m_veloExtrapolator( 0 )
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/ParticleClassificator.h b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/ParticleClassificator.h
index 07e3f952ddca40cb077cfaba42cff7e410e56353..6e15a9eea4cb73052f5863a8d90e9bb81c8f13a2 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/ParticleClassificator.h
+++ b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/ParticleClassificator.h
@@ -161,11 +161,11 @@ namespace LoKi {
     // ========================================================================
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_jets_warning{
-        this, "The special treatment of Jets-like objects is disabled"};
+        this, "The special treatment of Jets-like objects is disabled" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_digamma_warning{
-        this, "The special treatment of DiGamma is disabled"};
+        this, "The special treatment of DiGamma is disabled" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_gammac_warning{
-        this, "The special treatment of Gamma_c is disabled"};
+        this, "The special treatment of Gamma_c is disabled" };
     // ========================================================================
     /// Unclassified particles
     mutable std::set<LHCb::ParticleID> m_unclassified;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/VertexFitter.cpp b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/VertexFitter.cpp
index e1f2ce20eb25001723295db7cc6b4a0278090fc2..c3a8e19b79520807a5bbd97cc63c862136404e12 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/VertexFitter.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/VertexFitter.cpp
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::VertexFitter::_load( const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector& ds, Fit
   } // RETURN
   if ( data.m_entries.empty() ) {
-    return StatusCode{InvalidData};
+    return StatusCode{ InvalidData };
   } // RETURN
   if ( !LoKi::KalmanFilter::okForVertex( data.m_entries ) &&
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::VertexFitter::_load( const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector& ds, Fit
       LoKi::DecayChain printer;
       error() << "Problem to vertex:" << endmsg << printer.print_( ds ) << endmsg;
-    return StatusCode{InvalidData};
+    return StatusCode{ InvalidData };
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::VertexFitter::_load( const LHCb::Particle* particle, FitData& d
   if ( !particle ) {
-    return StatusCode{InvalidParticle};
+    return StatusCode{ InvalidParticle };
   } // RETURN
   const LoKi::KalmanFilter::ParticleType t = particleType_( particle );
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::VertexFitter::_iterate_opt( size_t nMax, IGeometryInfo const& g
-  return StatusCode{NoConvergency}; // RETURN
+  return StatusCode{ NoConvergency }; // RETURN
 // ============================================================================
 // make few kalman iterations
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::VertexFitter::_iterate( size_t nIterMax, Gaudi::Vector3 const&
   } // end of iterations
-  return StatusCode{NoConvergency}; // RETURN
+  return StatusCode{ NoConvergency }; // RETURN
 // ============================================================================
 // make few kalman iterations
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::VertexFitter::_iterate_rho( size_t nIterMax, IGeometryInfo cons
   } // end of iterations
-  return StatusCode{NoConvergency}; // RETURN
+  return StatusCode{ NoConvergency }; // RETURN
 // ============================================================================
 // make a seed
@@ -730,19 +730,19 @@ StatusCode LoKi::VertexFitter::add( LHCb::Particle const* particle, LHCb::Vertex
                                     IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const {
   if ( !particle ) {
-    return StatusCode{InvalidParticle};
+    return StatusCode{ InvalidParticle };
   switch ( particleType_( particle ) ) {
   case LoKi::KalmanFilter::GammaLikeParticle:
-    return StatusCode{InvalidParticle};
+    return StatusCode{ InvalidParticle };
   case LoKi::KalmanFilter::DiGammaLikeParticle:
-    return StatusCode{InvalidParticle};
+    return StatusCode{ InvalidParticle };
   case LoKi::KalmanFilter::MergedPi0LikeParticle:
-    return StatusCode{InvalidParticle};
+    return StatusCode{ InvalidParticle };
@@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::VertexFitter::remove( [[maybe_unused]] LHCb::Particle const* pa
                                        [[maybe_unused]] LHCb::Vertex&         vertex,
                                        [[maybe_unused]] IGeometryInfo const&  geometry ) const {
-  return StatusCode{NotImplemented}; // ATTENTION!!!
+  return StatusCode{ NotImplemented }; // ATTENTION!!!
   // const StatusCode OK = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
   // if ( !particle ) { return Warning( "remove: nothing to remove", OK ); } // RETURN
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/VertexFitter.h b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/VertexFitter.h
index 61ebf202cc14f057706279f886eea21756d7bee4..eff8c389480b0e5ad1c89196d040cd01232e1a5c 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/VertexFitter.h
+++ b/Phys/LoKiFitters/src/VertexFitter.h
@@ -597,108 +597,110 @@ namespace LoKi {
     std::vector<double> m_massage;
     // counters
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                    m_nbSeedCase0Counter{this, "Seed:case(0)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                    m_nbSeedCase1Counter{this, "Seed:case(1)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                    m_nbSeedCase2Counter{this, "Seed:case(2)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                    m_nbSeedCase3Counter{this, "Seed:case(3)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                    m_nbSeedCase4Counter{this, "Seed:case(4)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                    m_nbSeedCase5Counter{this, "Seed:case(5)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                    m_nbSeedCase6Counter{this, "Seed:case(6)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                    m_nbSeedCase7Counter{this, "Seed:case(7)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_nbIterGenCounter{this, "#iterations/Gen"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_nbIterRhoCounter{this, "#iterations/rho"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_nbSeedMassageCounter{this, "Seed:massage"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>                m_nIterations1{this, "#iterations/1"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>                m_nIterations2{this, "#iterations/2"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>                m_nIterationsOpt{this, "#iterations/Opt"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>                m_badMassError{this, "bad mass error"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>                m_badMass{this, "bad mass "};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_fit_seed_failure{this, "fit(): failure from _seed()", 0};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_fit_failure_iterator{this, "fit(): failure from _iterate()",
-                                                                                 0};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                    m_nbSeedCase0Counter{ this, "Seed:case(0)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                    m_nbSeedCase1Counter{ this, "Seed:case(1)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                    m_nbSeedCase2Counter{ this, "Seed:case(2)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                    m_nbSeedCase3Counter{ this, "Seed:case(3)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                    m_nbSeedCase4Counter{ this, "Seed:case(4)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                    m_nbSeedCase5Counter{ this, "Seed:case(5)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                    m_nbSeedCase6Counter{ this, "Seed:case(6)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                    m_nbSeedCase7Counter{ this, "Seed:case(7)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_nbIterGenCounter{ this, "#iterations/Gen" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_nbIterRhoCounter{ this, "#iterations/rho" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_nbSeedMassageCounter{ this, "Seed:massage" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>                m_nIterations1{ this, "#iterations/1" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>                m_nIterations2{ this, "#iterations/2" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>                m_nIterationsOpt{ this, "#iterations/Opt" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>                m_badMassError{ this, "bad mass error" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>                m_badMass{ this, "bad mass " };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_fit_seed_failure{ this, "fit(): failure from _seed()", 0 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_fit_failure_iterator{ this,
+                                                                                  "fit(): failure from _iterate()", 0 };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_fit_small_negative_chi2{
-        this, "fit(): small negative chi2 detected, adjusted", 0};
+        this, "fit(): small negative chi2 detected, adjusted", 0 };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_fit_large_negative_chi2{
-        this, "fit(): large negative chi2 detected, ignore", 0};
+        this, "fit(): large negative chi2 detected, ignore", 0 };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_fit_outside_fiducial{
-        this, "fit(): Vertex is outside of fiducial volume", 0};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_fit_failure{this, "fit(): failure from fit", 0};
+        this, "fit(): Vertex is outside of fiducial volume", 0 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_fit_failure{ this, "fit(): failure from fit", 0 };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_fit_mmas_e_bit_np{
-        this, "fit(): measured mass error is a bit    non-positive, adjust to 1 MeV", 0};
+        this, "fit(): measured mass error is a bit    non-positive, adjust to 1 MeV", 0 };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_fit_mmas_e_slight_np{
-        this, "fit(): measured mass error is slightly non-positive, adjust to 1 MeV", 0};
+        this, "fit(): measured mass error is slightly non-positive, adjust to 1 MeV", 0 };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_fit_mmas_e_np{
-        this, "fit(): measured mass error is non-positive, adjust to 1 MeV", 0};
+        this, "fit(): measured mass error is non-positive, adjust to 1 MeV", 0 };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_fit_mmas_bit_np{
-        this, "fit(): measured mass is a bit    non-positive , adjust to 1 MeV", 0};
+        this, "fit(): measured mass is a bit    non-positive , adjust to 1 MeV", 0 };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_fit_mmas_slight_np{
-        this, "fit(): measured mass is slightly non-positive , adjust to 1 MeV", 0};
+        this, "fit(): measured mass is slightly non-positive , adjust to 1 MeV", 0 };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_fit_mmas_np{
-        this, "fit(): measured mass is non-positive , adjust to 1 MeV", 0};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_fit_load{this, "fit(): failure from _load() ", 0};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_add_no_particle{this, "add: Particle* point to NULL!"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_add_no_gamma{this, "add: No way to add      Gamma-like"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_add_no_digamma{this, "add: No way to add    DiGamma-like"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_add_no_mergedpi0{this, "add: No way to add Merged-Pi0-like"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_add_fit{this, "add: error from 'fit'"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_add_failure{this, "add(): failure from _add", 0};
+        this, "fit(): measured mass is non-positive , adjust to 1 MeV", 0 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_fit_load{ this, "fit(): failure from _load() ", 0 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_add_no_particle{ this, "add: Particle* point to NULL!" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_add_no_gamma{ this, "add: No way to add      Gamma-like" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_add_no_digamma{ this, "add: No way to add    DiGamma-like" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_add_no_mergedpi0{ this,
+                                                                            "add: No way to add Merged-Pi0-like" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_add_fit{ this, "add: error from 'fit'" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_add_failure{ this, "add(): failure from _add", 0 };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_add_failure_ignore{
-        this, "_add(): the error from _add()      , ignore"};
+        this, "_add(): the error from _add()      , ignore" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_add_transport_ignore{
-        this, "_add(): the error from _transport(), ignore"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_add_step{this, "add(): failure from _step", 0};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_add_smooth{this, "add(): failure from _smooth", 0};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_add_iterate{this, "add(): failure from _iterate", 0};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_no_remove{this, "remove(): not implemented (yet)!"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_rho_wrong_structure{this,
-                                                                              "Rho+-transport: wrong structure[1]!"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_rho_transport{this, "Error in rho+-transport", 0};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_rho_bad_inverse{this,
-                                                                            "Rho+-transport: can't inverse matrix!"};
+        this, "_add(): the error from _transport(), ignore" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_add_step{ this, "add(): failure from _step", 0 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_add_smooth{ this, "add(): failure from _smooth", 0 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_add_iterate{ this, "add(): failure from _iterate", 0 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_no_remove{ this, "remove(): not implemented (yet)!" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_rho_wrong_structure{ this,
+                                                                               "Rho+-transport: wrong structure[1]!" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_rho_transport{ this, "Error in rho+-transport", 0 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_rho_bad_inverse{ this,
+                                                                             "Rho+-transport: can't inverse matrix!" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_rho_transport_calo{
-        this, "Rho+-transport: can't transport `Calo'!"};
+        this, "Rho+-transport: can't transport `Calo'!" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_rho_transport_pi0{
-        this, "Calo-transport: can't update merged pi0!"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_rho_kalman{this, "Error from  rho+-like Kalman step"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_kalman{this, "Error from Kalman-step, skip"};
+        this, "Calo-transport: can't update merged pi0!" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_rho_kalman{ this, "Error from  rho+-like Kalman step" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_kalman{ this, "Error from Kalman-step, skip" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_rho_iterate_transport{
-        this, "_iterate(): problem with transport "};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_convergency{this, "No convergency has been reached", 0};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_proper_seed{this, "No proper seed is found", 0};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_load_error{this, "_load(): the error from _load:"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_load_no_valid_data{this, "_load(): no valid data found"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_load_no_particle{this, "_load(): invalid particle"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_not_vertexed{this, "Input set could not be vertexed"};
+        this, "_iterate(): problem with transport " };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_convergency{ this, "No convergency has been reached",
+                                                                            0 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_proper_seed{ this, "No proper seed is found", 0 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_load_error{ this, "_load(): the error from _load:" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_load_no_valid_data{ this, "_load(): no valid data found" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_load_no_particle{ this, "_load(): invalid particle" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_not_vertexed{ this, "Input set could not be vertexed" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_stop_iter_sn_chi2{
-        this, "stop_iter: small negative chi2 detected, adjusted", 0};
+        this, "stop_iter: small negative chi2 detected, adjusted", 0 };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_stop_iter_ln_chi2{
-        this, "stop_iter: large negative chi2 detected, ignore", 0};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_stop_iter_smoother{this,
-                                                                               "stop_iter(): problem with smoother", 0};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_stop_iter_cov{this,
-                                                                          "stop_iter(): problems with covariances", 0};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_iterate_steps{this, "_iterate_opt(): problem with steps"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_iterate_transport{this,
-                                                                              "_iterate_opt(): problem with transport"};
+        this, "stop_iter: large negative chi2 detected, ignore", 0 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_stop_iter_smoother{
+        this, "stop_iter(): problem with smoother", 0 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_stop_iter_cov{
+        this, "stop_iter(): problems with covariances", 0 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_iterate_steps{ this, "_iterate_opt(): problem with steps" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_iterate_transport{
+        this, "_iterate_opt(): problem with transport" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_iterate_no_convergence{
-        this, "_iterate_opt: No convergency has been reached", 0};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_iterate_transport2{this,
-                                                                               "_iterate(): problem with transport "};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_convergence{this, "No convergency has been reached"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_calo_wrong_proto{this,
-                                                                           "Calo-transport: wrong protoparticle[1]!"};
+        this, "_iterate_opt: No convergency has been reached", 0 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_iterate_transport2{ this,
+                                                                                "_iterate(): problem with transport " };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_convergence{ this, "No convergency has been reached" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_calo_wrong_proto{ this,
+                                                                            "Calo-transport: wrong protoparticle[1]!" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_calo_invalid_first_gamma{
-        this, "Calo-transport: invalid first gamma"};
+        this, "Calo-transport: invalid first gamma" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_calo_invalid_second_gamma{
-        this, "Calo-transport: invalid second gamma"};
+        this, "Calo-transport: invalid second gamma" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_calo_invalid_proto_1{
-        this, "Calo-transport: invalid protoparticle-1"};
+        this, "Calo-transport: invalid protoparticle-1" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_calo_invalid_proto_2{
-        this, "Calo-transport: invalid protoparticle-2"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_calo_illegal{this, "Calo-transport: illegal case"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_calo_invalid{this, "Calo-transport: invalid calo momentum"};
+        this, "Calo-transport: invalid protoparticle-2" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_calo_illegal{ this, "Calo-transport: illegal case" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_calo_invalid{ this, "Calo-transport: invalid calo momentum" };
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_timing{"MeasureCPUPerformance", false, "Measure CPU perormance"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_timing{ "MeasureCPUPerformance", false, "Measure CPU perormance" };
 } //                                                      end of namespace LoKi
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/dict/LoKiPhys.xml b/Phys/LoKiPhys/dict/LoKiPhys.xml
index 5e7717b563c07c3794b6aca19f4c7f4556c51122..28068be238a9f5e875f8de7770ea1b4380264c2a 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/dict/LoKiPhys.xml
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/dict/LoKiPhys.xml
@@ -8,17 +8,17 @@
     granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
     or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
      * ========================================================================
      * @file
      * The seleciton file to build Reflex dictionaries for Phys/LoKiPhys package
-     *  This file is a part of LoKi project - 
+     *  This file is a part of LoKi project -
      *    "C++ ToolKit  for Smart and Friendly Physics Analysis"
      *  The package has been designed with the kind help from
-     *  Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas, 
-     *  contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg, 
+     *  Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas,
+     *  contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg,
      *  A.Golutvin, P.Koppenburg have been used in the design.
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
@@ -27,25 +27,25 @@
   <class pattern   = "Gaudi::Range_<*LHCb::Particle*>"      />
   <class pattern   = "Gaudi::NamedRange_<*LHCb::Particle*>" />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::RangeList_<*LHCb::Particle*>"   />
   <class name = "LoKi::UniqueKeeper<LHCb::Particle>"      />
   <class name = "LoKi::UniqueKeeper<LHCb::VertexBase>"    />
   <class name = "LoKi::UniqueKeeper<LHCb::ProtoParticle>" />
   <class name = "LoKi::UniqueKeeper<LHCb::Track>"         />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Interface<*>"           />
   <class pattern   = "Gaudi::Range_<*LHCb::*Vertex*>"       />
   <class pattern   = "Gaudi::NamedRange_<*LHCb::*Vertex*>"  />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::RangeList_<*LHCb::*Vertex*>"   />
   <class name = "LoKi::Child::Selector"  />
   <function name = "LoKi::Child::nChildren"   />
   <function name = "LoKi::Child::child"       />
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@
   <function pattern = "LoKi::PhysKinematics::*"          />
   <function pattern = "LoKi::PrintPhys::*"               />
   <class name = "LoKi::SelectVertex"  />
   <class name = "Decays::Trees::Any_<const LHCb::Particle*>"    />
   <class name = "Decays::Trees::None_<const LHCb::Particle*>"   />
   <class name = "Decays::Trees::Stable_<const LHCb::Particle*>" />
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
   <class name = "LoKi::Dicts::FinderDicts_<const LHCb::Particle*>" />
   <class name = "LoKi::DecayChain"       />
   <function pattern = "LoKi::Photons::*"  />
@@ -89,23 +89,23 @@
   <function pattern = "LoKi::Dicts::Algs::*"             />
   <function pattern = "LoKi::Dicts::monitor*"            />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Functor<*LHCb::Pa*>" />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Functor<*LHCb::Ve*>" />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::BasicFunctors<*LHCb::Pa*>" />
-  <class pattern   = "LoKi::BasicFunctors<*LHCb::Ve*>" />  
+  <class pattern   = "LoKi::BasicFunctors<*LHCb::Ve*>" />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Constant<*LHCb::Pa*>" />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Constant<*LHCb::Ve*>" />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::FunctorFromFunctor<*LHCb::Pa*>" />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::FunctorFromFunctor<*LHCb::Ve*>" />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Valid<*LHCb::*>"                />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::TheSame<*LHCb::*>"              />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Functors::Empty<*LHCb::*>"      />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Functors::Size<*LHCb::*>"       />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Functors::FakeSource<*LHCb::*>" />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Dicts::FunCalls<*LHCb::Ve*>"  />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Dicts::CutCalls<*LHCb::Ve*>"  />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Dicts::FunCalls<*LHCb::Pa*>"  />
@@ -121,26 +121,26 @@
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Dicts::CutValOps<*LHCb::*>"   />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Dicts::SourceOps<*LHCb::*>"   />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Dicts::InfoOps<*LHCb::*>"     />
-  <class pattern   = "LoKi::Dicts::PIDOps<*LoKi::Pa*>"    />  
+  <class pattern   = "LoKi::Dicts::PIDOps<*LoKi::Pa*>"    />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::ExtraInfo::CheckInfo<*>"  />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::ExtraInfo::GetInfo<*>"    />
   <!-- <class name = "LoKi::AuxFunBase"  /> -->
   <class name = "LoKi::AuxDTFBase"  />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Particles::*"   />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::Vertices::*"    />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::ExtraInfo::GetSmartInfo<*Particle*>"   />
   <class pattern   = "LoKi::ExtraInfo::GetSmartInfo<*VertexBase*>"  />
-    <class name="LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass::Indices"    /> 
-    <class name="LoKi::Particles::MinMaxDistance::dist_func" /> 
+    <class name="LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass::Indices"    />
+    <class name="LoKi::Particles::MinMaxDistance::dist_func" />
     <class name="LoKi::Particles::PointingMass::DecayStructure" />
     <class pattern="LoKi::Dicts::*">
@@ -158,11 +158,11 @@
     <class pattern="LoKi::TheSame&lt;*&gt;">
       <method name="=" />
-    <class name="LoKi::Interface<IDataProviderSvc>" /> 
-    <class name="LoKi::Interface<LoKi::ILoKiSvc>"   /> 
-    <class name="LoKi::Interface<IChronoSvc>"   /> 
-    <class name="LoKi::Interface<IParticleReFitter>"   /> 
+    <class name="LoKi::Interface<IDataProviderSvc>" />
+    <class name="LoKi::Interface<LoKi::ILoKiSvc>"   />
+    <class name="LoKi::Interface<IChronoSvc>"   />
+    <class name="LoKi::Interface<IParticleReFitter>"   />
     <class pattern="LoKi::Interface&lt;*&gt;">
       <method name="=" />
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
     <class pattern="LoKi::I*">
       <method name="=" />
     <class pattern="Gaudi::Range_&lt;*&gt;">
       <method name="=" />
@@ -194,20 +194,20 @@
     <class pattern="LoKi::Functors::*">
       <method name="=" />
     <class pattern="LoKi::Particles::*">
       <method name="=" />
     <class pattern="LoKi::Vertices::*">
       <method name="=" />
     <class pattern="LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackMin*">
       <method name="="     />
       <field name="m_fun" />
     <class pattern="LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackHas*">
       <method name="="     />
       <field name="m_cut" />
@@ -230,10 +230,10 @@
     <class pattern   = "LoKi::Constant<Gaudi::Range_*LHCb::Pa*>" />
     <class pattern   = "LoKi::Functor*<Gaudi::Range_*>" />
     <class name      = "LoKi::Interface<GaudiAlgorithm>"/>
     <class pattern   = "Gaudi::Range_<*>"/>
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/dict/LoKiPhysFunctors.xml b/Phys/LoKiPhys/dict/LoKiPhysFunctors.xml
index bc70d54bb9c04cd648987b4932eecb7a40d2fb28..856574fb7fe200db588865b77912b057f7cd40f7 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/dict/LoKiPhysFunctors.xml
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/dict/LoKiPhysFunctors.xml
@@ -8,17 +8,17 @@
     granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
     or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
      * ========================================================================
      * @file
      * The seleciton file to build Reflex dictionaries for Phys/LoKiPhys package
-     *  This file is a part of LoKi project - 
+     *  This file is a part of LoKi project -
      *    "C++ ToolKit  for Smart and Friendly Physics Analysis"
      *  The package has been designed with the kind help from
-     *  Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas, 
-     *  contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg, 
+     *  Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas,
+     *  contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg,
      *  A.Golutvin, P.Koppenburg have been used in the design.
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
     <class name="LoKi::Particles::DecTree::iTree"  />
     <class name="LoKi::Particles::DecTree::Tree"   />
@@ -42,5 +42,5 @@
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/doc/release.notes b/Phys/LoKiPhys/doc/release.notes
index 88a04cf9ccbdd67e0a8f248febe77aab57544eb3..21eadd399df0589bb012137b6c5b647d4ae3d659 100755
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/doc/release.notes
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ! Package     : Phys/LoKiPhys
 ! Responsible : Vanya Belyaev
-! Purpose     : "Phys"-part of new restructurized LoKi 
+! Purpose     : "Phys"-part of new restructurized LoKi
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ! 2017-07-22 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Add new functor ANNPID to provide access to arbitrary ANNPID tuning 
+ - Add new functor ANNPID to provide access to arbitrary ANNPID tuning
 ! 2017-03-24 - Rosen Matev
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
 ! 2017-02-27 - Vanya Belyaev
-   add more constructors with constrains 
-   it allows to avoid usage of helper function "strings" in python 
+   add more constructors with constrains
+   it allows to avoid usage of helper function "strings" in python
 ! 2016-12-20 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Phys.py:  
+ - Phys.py:
    fix "descendants" function: thanks to Olli Lupton for reporing the problem)
 ! 2016-05-29 - Sascha Stahl
@@ -26,30 +26,30 @@
 !========================= LoKiPhys v11r11 2016-05-19 =========================
 ! 2016-04-27 - Vanya Belyaev
- - fix the issue with hash 
+ - fix the issue with hash
 !========================= LoKiPhys v11r10 2016-04-18 =========================
 ! 2016-04-11 - Vanya Belyaev
  - LoKi;Paticles::MinMaxPair::distance
    add missing predicate
 !========================== LoKiPhys v11r9 2016-03-21 =========================
 ! 2016-03-04 - Vanya Belyaev
  - Phys.py:
-   add function for transverse kinetic energy 
+   add function for transverse kinetic energy
 !========================== LoKiPhys v11r8 2016-03-04 =========================
 ! 2016-02-17 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add print functions to smart refs 
+ - add print functions to smart refs
 ! 2016-02-12 - Vanya Belyaev
  - add more methods fr particles:
-     mass, pT, eT, mT, rapidity, pseudorapidity, phi and theta, etc...  
+     mass, pT, eT, mT, rapidity, pseudorapidity, phi and theta, etc...
      they return the correponding quantity and the corresponding uncertainty
-    In [3]: B.mass() / GeV 
+    In [3]: B.mass() / GeV
     Out[3]: ( 4.82868 +- 0.0402819 )
 ! 2016-02-10 - Vanya Belyaev
@@ -65,19 +65,19 @@
   remove duplicated rules (thanks to Marco Cattaneo)
 ! 2016-01-25 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add Graphviz into CMT&CMAKE 
+ - add Graphviz into CMT&CMAKE
 ! 2016-01-17 - Vanya Belyaev
- - LoKiPhys.graph: several improvements 
+ - LoKiPhys.graph: several improvements
 ! 2016-01-16 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add new module LoKiPhys.graph to produce decay tree graphs 
+ - add new module LoKiPhys.graph to produce decay tree graphs
 ! 2015-12-30 - Gerhard Raven
  - replace deprecated std::auto_ptr with std::unique_ptr
 ! 2015-12-05 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add CHI2VX, CHI2NDF and CHI2NDOF symbols 
+ - add CHI2VX, CHI2NDF and CHI2NDOF symbols
 !========================== LoKiPhys v11r6 2015-12-02 =========================
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
 ! 2015-10-06 - Vanya Belyaev
   - attempt to speedup decay tree matchers ( aka "descriptors")
-    with optional particles " {} " 
+    with optional particles " {} "
 ! 2015-08-12 - Gerhard Raven
  - remove #include of obsolete Gaudi headers
@@ -111,15 +111,15 @@
  - Added functor to get IsMuonTight of a Particle
 ! 2015-07-10 - Vanya Belyaev
- - fix tool printout 
+ - fix tool printout
 ! 2015-07-10 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add few more signatures for "tracks"-method 
+ - add few more signatures for "tracks"-method
 ! 2015-06-25 - Vanya Belyaev
  - VRHO  : added for Jessica Prisciandaro
 ! 2015-06-22 - Eduardo Rodrigues
  - Removed unused class rules producing warnings in genflex.
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
 !========================== LoKiPhys v11r2 2015-04-27 =========================
 ! 2015-04-26 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add BPVPHI functor 
+ - add BPVPHI functor
 !========================= LoKiPhys v11r1 2015-03-31 =========================
@@ -138,13 +138,13 @@
  - Add functors for Pseudorapidity calculated from the PV->SV direction.
 ! 2015-03-24 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Warning -> Error for wrong pid/name in WrongMass functor 
+ - Warning -> Error for wrong pid/name in WrongMass functor
 ! 2015-03-15 - Roel Aaij
  - Add copy constructor to LoKi::Particles::Value.
 ! 2015-03-12 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add fake sources 
+ - add fake sources
 !========================== LoKiPhys v11r0 2015-02-24 =========================
@@ -153,16 +153,16 @@
    extend it a little bit to allow checking of tracks.
 ! 2015-02-06 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add missing particle 
+ - add missing particle
 ! 2015-02-02 - Vanya Belyaev
- - solve the issuw with late initiazalition 
+ - solve the issuw with late initiazalition
 ! 2015-01-29 - Vanya Belyaev
- - few more steps towards autogeneration of C++ code from functors 
+ - few more steps towards autogeneration of C++ code from functors
 ! 2015-01-27 - Vanya Belyaev
- - few more steps towards autogeneration of C++ code from functors 
+ - few more steps towards autogeneration of C++ code from functors
 ! 2015-01-22 - Vanya Belyaev
@@ -170,10 +170,10 @@
    move DPCTAU*-related stuff into Legacy
 ! 2015-01-21 - Vanya Belyaev
- - minor fix in PID-operators 
+ - minor fix in PID-operators
 ! 2015-01-20 - Vanya Belyaev
- - few more steps towards autogeneration of C++ code from functors 
+ - few more steps towards autogeneration of C++ code from functors
 ! 2015-01-19 - Vanya Belyaev
  - few more steps towards autogeneration of C++ code from functors
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
 !========================= LoKiPhys v10r21 2014-12-15 =========================
 ! 2014-12-05 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add helper functions for tis/tos/tps/tus 
+ - add helper functions for tis/tos/tps/tus
 !========================= LoKiPhys v10r20 2014-10-30 =========================
@@ -206,38 +206,38 @@
 ! 2014-07-11 - Marco Clemencic
  - Removed duplicate dictionary entries.
-! 2014-07-03 - Anton Poluektov 
+! 2014-07-03 - Anton Poluektov
  - Fix warning in dictionary generation
-! 2014-07-02 - Vanya Belyaev for Anton Poluektov 
- - Add RELINFO functor to access RelatedInfo structures in the DST. Usage: 
+! 2014-07-02 - Vanya Belyaev for Anton Poluektov
+ - Add RELINFO functor to access RelatedInfo structures in the DST. Usage:
      RELINFO ( AbsoluteRelatedInfoLocation', Index, ErrorValue )
   or (better)
      RELINFO ( AbsoluteRelatedInfoLocation', Variable, ErrorValue )
-     AbsoluteRelatedInfoLocation: 
+     AbsoluteRelatedInfoLocation:
        The location (starting from '/Event/Stream/Phys/...')
-       of the RelatedInfo object. Possible values now used are: 
-         'Particle2CV1Relations', 'Particle2CV2Relations', ... - cone variables 
+       of the RelatedInfo object. Possible values now used are:
+         'Particle2CV1Relations', 'Particle2CV2Relations', ... - cone variables
            saved by RelInfoConeVariables tool, for cone numbers 1, 2, etc.
-         'Particle2CVEW1Relations', 'Particle2CVEW2Relations', ... - cone variables 
+         'Particle2CVEW1Relations', 'Particle2CVEW2Relations', ... - cone variables
            saved by RelInfoConeVariablesForEW tool, for cone numbers 1, 2, etc.
-         'Particles2VIRelations' - vertex isolation information saved by 
+         'Particles2VIRelations' - vertex isolation information saved by
            RelInfoVertexIsolation tool
-     Index: 
-       Variable index, see Phys/DaVinciTypes/Kernel/RelatedInfoNamed.h enum for 
+     Index:
+       Variable index, see Phys/DaVinciTypes/Kernel/RelatedInfoNamed.h enum for
        index values
-     Variable: 
-       Variable name, see Phys/DaVinciTypes/Kernel/RelatedInfoNamed.h enum for 
+     Variable:
+       Variable name, see Phys/DaVinciTypes/Kernel/RelatedInfoNamed.h enum for
        available variable names
-     ErrorValue: 
+     ErrorValue:
        Value to return in case of error (no particle in the map, incorrect location etc.)
-   Example: 
+   Example:
      CONEMULT   = RELINFO('/Event/Charm/Phys/DstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuLine/Particle2CV1Relations','CONEMULT',-1000.)
      CONEPRASYM = RELINFO('/Event/Charm/Phys/DstarPromptWithD02HHMuMuLine/Particle2CV1Relations','CONEPTASYM',-1000.)
@@ -250,12 +250,12 @@
 !========================= LoKiPhys v10r18 2014-06-13 =========================
 ! 2014-05-22 - Vanya Belyaev
- - *DOCA* - Add an explicit treatment of "the same" particles. 
+ - *DOCA* - Add an explicit treatment of "the same" particles.
 ! 2014-05-22 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Phys.py - minor fix: 
-        Save/backup "old/C++" definition of LHCb::Particle::daughters 
-	Add __nonzero__ operator for some smart references 
+ - Phys.py - minor fix:
+        Save/backup "old/C++" definition of LHCb::Particle::daughters
+	Add __nonzero__ operator for some smart references
 !========================= LoKiPhys v10r17p1 2014-04-02 =========================
@@ -265,8 +265,8 @@
 !========================= LoKiPhys v10r17 2014-02-20 =========================
 ! 2014-02-13 - Vanya Belyaev
- - VDOF : return max(ndof,1) 
+ - VDOF : return max(ndof,1)
 ! 2014-02-06 - Marco Clemencic & Vanya Belyaev
  - Renamed LoKi::Cuts::STAT to LoKi::Cuts::PSTAT (the former name was already
    used in LoKi/TES.h).
@@ -275,10 +275,10 @@
  - add dictionaries for new FuncOps__
 ! 2014-01-22 - Vanya Belyaev
- - fix complilation warnings 
+ - fix complilation warnings
 ! 2014-01-17 - Vanya Belyaev
- - DOCA* make use of updated IDistanceCalculator interface 
+ - DOCA* make use of updated IDistanceCalculator interface
 !========================= LoKiPhys v10r16 2013-10-02 =========================
@@ -288,13 +288,13 @@
 ! 2013-08-08 Sebastian Neubert
  - Added VALUE functor. Simple adapter to IParticleValue tools
-   Receives a Particle; Returns a double. 
-   First example application: cut on MVA classifier response through a 
+   Receives a Particle; Returns a double.
+   First example application: cut on MVA classifier response through a
    DictValue tool (see package MVADictTools).
 !========================= LoKiPhys v10r15 2013-06-13 =========================
-! 2013-05-27 - Vanya Belyaev 
+! 2013-05-27 - Vanya Belyaev
  - (Re)Enable very important error message for IDistanceCalculator::distance.
 ! 2013-05-24 - Chris Jones
@@ -309,18 +309,18 @@
  - Fixed an error that was causing a segfault in clang++.
 ! 2013-04-11 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Particles35.cpp: bug fix 
+ - Particles35.cpp: bug fix
 ! 2013-04-09 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Photons.cpp: bug fix 
+ - Photons.cpp: bug fix
 !========================= LoKiPhys v10r13 2013-02-20 =========================
 ! 2013-02-15 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Fix definition of VPCHI2 symbol. Thanks to Conor Fitzpatrick 
+ - Fix definition of VPCHI2 symbol. Thanks to Conor Fitzpatrick
 ! 2013-02-01 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Allow four indices for MASS-functor 
+ - Allow four indices for MASS-functor
 !========================= LoKiPhys v10r12p1 2012-11-30 =========================
@@ -330,32 +330,32 @@
 !========================= LoKiPhys v10r12 2012-07-26 =========================
 ! 2012-07-25 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Add "sum-in-cone" functors... 
+ - Add "sum-in-cone" functors...
 ! 2012-07-23 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Add possibility of mass constrains to non-standard mass(e.g. sideband) 
+ - Add possibility of mass constrains to non-standard mass(e.g. sideband)
 ! 2012-07-19 - Chris Jones
- - Fix a bug in LoKi::Particles::IsMuon::muonPID which could result in a 
+ - Fix a bug in LoKi::Particles::IsMuon::muonPID which could result in a
    random uninitialised value of the Status Word being used.
 !========================= LoKiPhys v10r11 2012-06-28 =========================
 ! 2012-06-16 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Extend a bit the the method "child" 
+ - Extend a bit the the method "child"
 ! 2012-06-08 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Remove legacy stuff 
+ - Remove legacy stuff
-! 2012-06-08 - Vanya Belyaev  
- - Add the functors for easy (but inefficient) dealing with Tis/Tos-tools 
+! 2012-06-08 - Vanya Belyaev
+ - Add the functors for easy (but inefficient) dealing with Tis/Tos-tools
 ! 2012-05-29 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Add VCOV2 functor to access the vertex covariance matrix 
+ - Add VCOV2 functor to access the vertex covariance matrix
 ! 2012-05-24 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Improve interactive decorators 
- - Fix typo for M24 
+ - Improve interactive decorators
+ - Fix typo for M24
 !========================= LoKiPhys v10r10 2012-05-24 =========================
@@ -363,11 +363,11 @@
 !========================= LoKiPhys v10r9 2012-04-17 =========================
 ! 2012-03-31 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add "anti-clone"-functors for Walter Bonivento 
+ - add "anti-clone"-functors for Walter Bonivento
 ! 2012-03-30 - Vanya Belyaev
- - reshuffle beam-line/beam-spot functors 
- - issue warnings for legacy functors 
+ - reshuffle beam-line/beam-spot functors
+ - issue warnings for legacy functors
 !========================= LoKiPhys v10r8 2012-03-17 =========================
@@ -383,51 +383,51 @@
 !========================= LoKiPhys v10r6 2012-02-03 =========================
 ! 2012-01-29 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Add dumping functors 
+ - Add dumping functors
 ! 2012-01-18 - Vanya Belyaev
  - Add few "distance" functors
     MINDR2  (for Albert Bursche and Cedric Potterat)
-    MINKL 
-    MAXIDS 
-    MINM2 
+    MINKL
+    MINM2
 !========================= LoKiPhys v10r5 2011-12-15 =========================
 ! 2011-11-23 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add RV_P and RV_PT 
+ - add RV_P and RV_PT
 ! 2011-11-20 - Vanya Belyaev
- - small imporvements for pi0-veto 
+ - small imporvements for pi0-veto
 ! 2011-11-20 - Vanya Belyaev
- - fix for gcc46 compiler 
+ - fix for gcc46 compiler
 !========================= LoKiPhys v10r4 2011-09-07 =========================
 ! 2011-07-29 - Vanya Belyaev
- - fix in LHCb.Particle.Selection decorators 
+ - fix in LHCb.Particle.Selection decorators
 !========================= LoKiPhys v10r3 2011-07-28 =========================
 ! 2011-07-23 - Vanya Belyaev
- - fix signature of TRFUN/TRCUT adapters 
+ - fix signature of TRFUN/TRCUT adapters
 ! 2011-07-20 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add BeamLine functions from LoKiTrigger 
+ - add BeamLine functions from LoKiTrigger
 ! 2011-07-03 - Vanya Belyaev
- - minor polishing of iterators 
+ - minor polishing of iterators
 !========================= LoKiPhys v10r2 2011-06-16 =========================
 ! 2011-06-06 - Vanya Belyaev
- - more fixes for ICC compiler 
+ - more fixes for ICC compiler
 ! 2011-06-04 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add utilities for better printout 
+ - add utilities for better printout
 !========================= LoKiPhys v10r1 2011-05-13 =========================
 ! 2011-04-29 - Roel Aaij
@@ -435,30 +435,30 @@
    but count error messages.
 ! ========================== LoKiPhys v9r99 2011-03-18 =========================
-! 2011-03-18 - Gerhard Raven 
+! 2011-03-18 - Gerhard Raven
  - tag as v9r99 to keep CMT happy when including it in Moore...
 ! ========================== LoKiPhys v10r0 2011-03-17 =========================
 ! 2011-03-17 - Roel Aaij
- - Add SinkTES with python symbol RV_SINKTES; it puts a container of 
+ - Add SinkTES with python symbol RV_SINKTES; it puts a container of
    LHCb::RecVertex in the TES.
 ! 2011-03-15 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add symbol : RV_TrFUN 
+ - add symbol : RV_TrFUN
-    adapter for track-function 
+    adapter for track-function
 ! 2011-03-10 - Vanya Belyaev
  - kill bad concept of 'Element'-functor
- - cmt/requirements 
-    version increment to v10r0 
+ - cmt/requirements
+    version increment to v10r0
 ! ========================== LoKiPhys v9r9 2011-02-20 =========================
 ! 2011-02-17 - Vanya Belyaev
- - remove LoKi::Cuts::COUNTER typedef 
+ - remove LoKi::Cuts::COUNTER typedef
 ! 2011-02-11 - Chris Jones
  - Fix a few trivial icc warnings/remarks.
@@ -469,125 +469,125 @@
  - LoKi/Vertices1.h, LoKi/Particles10.h
-    add "missing" include for LHCb::RecVertex 
+    add "missing" include for LHCb::RecVertex
-    it prevents the compilation for "minimal" configuration 
+    it prevents the compilation for "minimal" configuration
-- cmt/requirements 
+- cmt/requirements
-    version increment to v9r8 
+    version increment to v9r8
 ! ========================== LoKiPhys v9r7 2011-01-18 =========================
 ! 2011-01-16 - Vanya Belyaev
  - add for all DTF_* functors the optional embedded cut on chi2(DTF)/nDoF
-   it allows to avoid the double fit, and thus one can 
-   be more efficient, e.g. 
-       DTF_FUN ( M , True , 5 , -1 * TeV ) 
-   it will perform the refit of decay tree, and in case of chi2(DTF)/nDoF<5, 
-  return -5 TeV, otherwie it will evaluate the functor M 
+   it allows to avoid the double fit, and thus one can
+   be more efficient, e.g.
+       DTF_FUN ( M , True , 5 , -1 * TeV )
+   it will perform the refit of decay tree, and in case of chi2(DTF)/nDoF<5,
+  return -5 TeV, otherwie it will evaluate the functor M
    it is formally equivalent to :
      switch ( DTF_CHI2NDOF( True ) < 5 , DTF_FUN( M , True ) , -1 * TeV )
-   howeever it is twice more efficient 
+   howeever it is twice more efficient
 ! 2011-01-12 - Vanya Belyaev
  - add new symbol:
-    CLONEDIST - accessor to LHcb::Track::CloneDist 
+    CLONEDIST - accessor to LHcb::Track::CloneDist
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
-    version increment to v9r7 
+    version increment to v9r7
 ! ========================== LoKiPhys v9r6 2010-12-17 =========================
 ! 2010-12-10 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add new symbol 
+ - add new symbol
-     NSHAREDMU : number of shared hits in muon system 
+     NSHAREDMU : number of shared hits in muon system
 ! 2010-12-09 - Vanya Belyaev
- - new symbols 
+ - new symbols
-    - PCOV2   : generic acessor to elements of particle 7x7 covariance matrix 
+    - PCOV2   : generic acessor to elements of particle 7x7 covariance matrix
     - PERR2   : sigma^2(P)
     - PTERR2  : sigma^2(PT)
-    - M2ERR2  : sigma^2(M^2) 
+    - M2ERR2  : sigma^2(M^2)
 ! 2010-12-07 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Vertices3.cpp 
-    remove debug prints 
+ - Vertices3.cpp
+    remove debug prints
 ! 2010-12-07 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add "mass of recontructed vertex" functor 
-     RV_MASS 
+ - add "mass of recontructed vertex" functor
+     RV_MASS
 ! 2010-12-06 - Vanya Belyaev
  - add functions to deal with rec-vertices
 ! 2010-12-05 - Vanya Belyaev
  - add functions to deal with rec-vertices
-    RV_TrMIN 
+    RV_TrMIN
-    RV_TrNUM 
+    RV_TrNUM
 ! 2010-12-05 - Vanya Belyaev
- - fix typo 
+ - fix typo
 ! 2010-12-04 - Vanya Belyaev
  - new symbols :
-     ISVERTEX    : check if the actual vertex type is LHCb::Vertex 
-     ISRECVERTEX : check if the actual vertex type is LHCb::RecVertex 
+     ISVERTEX    : check if the actual vertex type is LHCb::Vertex
+     ISRECVERTEX : check if the actual vertex type is LHCb::RecVertex
-     new NN-based variables for PID by Chris Jones 
+     new NN-based variables for PID by Chris Jones
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
      version inctrement to v9r6
 ! 2010-11-30 - Vanya Belyaev
  - SelectVertex:
-    patch the problem with Reflex/C++ overloading 
+    patch the problem with Reflex/C++ overloading
 ! 2010-11-07 - Vanya Belyaev
  - improve a little bit Particles(8,9&11).h(&.cpp)
-   1. shrink some common line 
-   2. use inheritance 
-   3. make use of boost::lambda instead of home-made functors 
+   1. shrink some common line
+   2. use inheritance
+   3. make use of boost::lambda instead of home-made functors
    (unfortunately now is reuslt in long compilaiton warnings,
     lets home it will be better with new Boost)
 ! 2010-11-04 - Vanya Belyaev
-  - remove obsolete ugly documentation lines 
+  - remove obsolete ugly documentation lines
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
      version inctrement to v9r5p1
 ! ========================== LoKiPhys v9r5 2010-11-02 =========================
@@ -595,64 +595,64 @@
 ! 2010-11-01 - Vanya Belyaev
  - fix the python problem for slc4-platform
- - undo split of the dictionary 
+ - undo split of the dictionary
 ! 2010-10-24 - Vanya Belyaev
  - introduce the concept of stable particle in decay descriptors
- - split Reflex dictionary into two libraries 
+ - split Reflex dictionary into two libraries
 ! 2010-10-23 - Vanya Belyaev
- - new functors (similar to ``decay-length-significance'' by Roel & wouter, 
-    but based on IDistanceCalculator::(path|projected)Distance methods) 
+ - new functors (similar to ``decay-length-significance'' by Roel & wouter,
+    but based on IDistanceCalculator::(path|projected)Distance methods)
-  ``Path-Distance''-related 
+  ``Path-Distance''-related
-       PATHDIST      - distance 
-       PATHDISTCHI2  - chi2 
-       PDS           - significance 
+       PATHDIST      - distance
+       PATHDISTCHI2  - chi2
+       PDS           - significance
-       BPVPDS 
+       BPVPDS
-  ``Projected-Distance''-related 
+  ``Projected-Distance''-related
-       PROJDIST  - distance 
-       PROJDS    - significance 
+       PROJDIST  - distance
+       PROJDS    - significance
 ! 2010-10-23 - Vanya Belyaev
  - new functors ( see task #17418 )
     a family of functors (thanks to Mike Williams) to deal with 'corrected mass'
-    ( for definition of 'corrected mass' see Mike's presentation 
-       at Trigger Session  28 September 2010 ) 
-     PTFLIGHT    ( type     ) - evaluate the transverse momentum with respect 
-                                to the particle fligth direction 
-     BPVPTFLIGHT ( instance ) - evaluate the transverse momentum with respect 
-                                to particle fligth direction using 
-                                'the best primary vertex' as origin vertex 
-                               for the particle  
-     CORRM       ( type     ) - evaluate the 'corrected mass' with respect 
-                                to the particle fligth direction 
-     BPVCORRM    ( instance ) - evaluate the 'corrected mass' with respect 
-                                to particle fligth direction using 
-                                'the best primary vertex' as origin vertex 
-                                for the particle  
+    ( for definition of 'corrected mass' see Mike's presentation
+       at Trigger Session  28 September 2010 )
+     PTFLIGHT    ( type     ) - evaluate the transverse momentum with respect
+                                to the particle fligth direction
+     BPVPTFLIGHT ( instance ) - evaluate the transverse momentum with respect
+                                to particle fligth direction using
+                                'the best primary vertex' as origin vertex
+                               for the particle
+     CORRM       ( type     ) - evaluate the 'corrected mass' with respect
+                                to the particle fligth direction
+     BPVCORRM    ( instance ) - evaluate the 'corrected mass' with respect
+                                to particle fligth direction using
+                                'the best primary vertex' as origin vertex
+                                for the particle
 ! 2010-10-08 - Marco Clemencic
@@ -665,8 +665,8 @@
      fix the bug with evaluation of DOCAMAXCHI2
      Thanks to Liming Zhang for reporting the problem
- - cmt/requirements 
-     version inctrement to v9r5 
+ - cmt/requirements
+     version inctrement to v9r5
 ! ========================== LoKiPhys v9r4 2010-09-29 =========================
@@ -678,26 +678,26 @@
  - Phys.py:
-     add functions  
+     add functions
-      p.vertex      () : alias for p.endVertex () 
-      p.decayVertex () : alias for p.endVertex () 
+      p.vertex      () : alias for p.endVertex ()
+      p.decayVertex () : alias for p.endVertex ()
  - functions.py
-     fix the typos (cut-n-paste) for PFUNA and PFUNV 
+     fix the typos (cut-n-paste) for PFUNA and PFUNV
+ - cmt/requirements
- - cmt/requirements 
      version increment to v9r4
 ! 2010-08-31 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add 'c_light' 
+ - add 'c_light'
+ - cmt/requirements
- - cmt/requirements 
      version increment to v9r3p2
@@ -710,23 +710,23 @@
 ! 2010-08-07 - Vanya Belyaev
- - resurrect DECTREE symbol 
+ - resurrect DECTREE symbol
 ! 2010-08-03 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add more functionality into "LifeTime"-functors 
+ - add more functionality into "LifeTime"-functors
-   From now one can specify the optional argument in 
-   constructor "chi2cut". In case of any positive value 
+   From now one can specify the optional argument in
+   constructor "chi2cut". In case of any positive value
    the evaluation e.g. of lifetime or lifetime-chi2 or signed
    lifetime-chi2 is performed using embeded cut on chi2 of lifetiem fit.
-   in case of chi2 of lifetiem fit exceed the predefined POSITIVE value , 
+   in case of chi2 of lifetiem fit exceed the predefined POSITIVE value ,
-    - the lifetime             evaluator returns LoKi::Constants::InvalidTime 
-    - the lifetime-chi2        evaluator returns LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2 
-    - the signed lifetime-chi2 evaluator returns LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2 
+    - the lifetime             evaluator returns LoKi::Constants::InvalidTime
+    - the lifetime-chi2        evaluator returns LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2
+    - the signed lifetime-chi2 evaluator returns LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2
-   As a result, instead of 
+   As a result, instead of
        xxx.Code = " ( BPTLTFITCHI2() < 9 ) & ( BPVLTIME() > 1 * ps ) "
@@ -740,9 +740,9 @@
  - Particles6.cpp
-    bug fix in CHILD functor 
-     " CHILD( fun , index ) " was correct, 
+    bug fix in CHILD functor
+     " CHILD( fun , index ) " was correct,
        while " CHILD( index , fun )" was buggy
     thanks to Steve Blusk for pointing to the problem.
@@ -768,37 +768,37 @@
  - IsMuon, IsMuonLoose, InMuonAcceptance :
     give the functor chance:
-     in case of NULL MuonPID object, 
-     use ProtoParticle::ExtraInfo 
+     in case of NULL MuonPID object,
+     use ProtoParticle::ExtraInfo
 ! 2010-06-09 - Vanya Belyaev
- - fix in AuxDTFBase 
+ - fix in AuxDTFBase
 ! 2010-06-08 - Vanya Belyaev
  - new symbols
-    DTF_CHI2 
-    DTF_NDOF 
+    DTF_CHI2
 ! 2010-06-04 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add functions to deal with decay tree tuple 
+ - add functions to deal with decay tree tuple
-     DTF_FUN - generic adapter 
-     DTF_CUT - generic adapter 
-     DTF_CTAU 
+     DTF_FUN - generic adapter
+     DTF_CUT - generic adapter
+     DTF_CTAU
 ! 2010-06-02 - Vanya Belyaev
- -  add new symbols for calculaitons 
+ -  add new symbols for calculaitons
-   sin(phi_tr) 
+   sin(phi_tr)
-   phi_tr 
+   phi_tr
 ! 2010-06-02 - Juan Palacios
  - Particles15, LoKiPhys, Particles
@@ -806,54 +806,54 @@
 ! 2010-05-30 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Child::Selector: selector for child particles  
+ - Child::Selector: selector for child particles
 ! 2010-05-28 - Vanya Belyaev
  - Particles35.h/Particles35.cpp
-      add adaptor functions for ProtoParticles and Track 
+      add adaptor functions for ProtoParticles and Track
 ! 2010-05-27 - Vanya Belyaev
- - GetTools: 
-    move into separate package Phys/LoKiUtils  
+ - GetTools:
+    move into separate package Phys/LoKiUtils
 ! ========================== LoKiPhys v9r1 2010-05-24 =========================
 ! 2010-05-15 - Vanya Belyaev
-    Kazu Karvalho Akiba 
+    Kazu Karvalho Akiba
-   ' DPCTAU(2) > 0.1 * mm '       
+   ' DPCTAU(2) > 0.1 * mm '
 ! 2010-05-14 - Vanya Belyaev
  - changes for IDVAlgorithm
 ! 2010-05-14 - Juan Palacios
  - AuxDesktopBase, Particles25, PhysSources
   . Adapt to change in IPhysDesktop::primaryVertices() signature.
 ! 2010-05-07 - Vanya Belyaev
- - update "WrongMass" functor to take into account the extrapolation of 
+ - update "WrongMass" functor to take into account the extrapolation of
    daughter particles. Now the resutls are much more precise.
-   It still donot take into acocutn e.g. vertex constrainst, etc. but 
+   It still donot take into acocutn e.g. vertex constrainst, etc. but
    now it is OK for e.g. longlived particles,like K0S, Lambda0, etc..
 ! 2010-05-05 - Vanya Belyaev
- - fix bug #63474 
- - improve treatment of tools 
- - cmt/requirements 
-      version increment to v9r1 
+ - fix bug #63474
+ - improve treatment of tools
+ - cmt/requirements
+      version increment to v9r1
 ! ========================== LoKiPhys v9r0 2010-04-30 =========================
@@ -864,53 +864,53 @@
 ! 2010-04-06 - Vanya Belyaev
  - replace LoKi::Range with Gaudi::Range
- - improve decorators 
- - add more operators  
- - version increment to v9r0 
+ - improve decorators
+ - add more operators
+ - version increment to v9r0
 ! 2010-03-31 - Vanya Belyaev
- - fix for LoKi::Particle::Filter 
+ - fix for LoKi::Particle::Filter
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
-    version increment to v8r15 
+    version increment to v8r15
 ! ========================== LoKiPhys v8r14 2010-02-26 ========================
 ! 2010-02-22 - Vanya Belyaev
  - LoKi/Particles33.h, src/Particles33.cpp
   new symbols, suitavle for angular analyses:
      COSPOL     LoKi::Particles::PolarizationAngle
-                allows to evalaute the (cosine) polarization angle 
+                allows to evalaute the (cosine) polarization angle
                 of daughter particle.
      SINCHI     LoKi::Particle::SinChi
-                define sin(chi), where chi is the angle between decay planes 
+                define sin(chi), where chi is the angle between decay planes
      COSCHI     LoKi::Particle::CosChi
-                define sin(chi), where chi is the angle between decay planes 
+                define sin(chi), where chi is the angle between decay planes
      ANGLECHI   LoKi::Particle::AngleChi
-                define chi : the angle between decay planes 
+                define chi : the angle between decay planes
 ! 2010-02-19 - Vanya Belyaev
- - new symbol : BPV  LoKi::Particles::BestPrimaryVertexAdaptor, 
+ - new symbol : BPV  LoKi::Particles::BestPrimaryVertexAdaptor,
     adaptor to "best-related-priamry-vertex":
-       BPV ( VZ ) - z-coordiate of related primary vertex 
+       BPV ( VZ ) - z-coordiate of related primary vertex
  - remove many explicit usage of IPhysDesktop
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
-    version increment to v8r14 
+    version increment to v8r14
 ! ========================== LoKiPhys v8r13 2010-01-20 ========================
@@ -923,14 +923,14 @@
 ! 2010-01-14 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add new symbols:  
-     DECNODE, that acts on ParicleID and allwos to select the 
-     particles accoridng to their type using  Decays::iNode utilities 
-   e.g. DECNODE ( PartProp.Nodes.Lepton & PartProp.Nodes.Positive , True ) 
-        DECNODE ( PartProp.Nodes.Meson  & PartProp.Nodes.Charm    , True ) 
-        DECNODE ( PartProp.Nodes.Beauty & PartProp.Nodes.Positive , True ) 
+ - add new symbols:
+     DECNODE, that acts on ParicleID and allwos to select the
+     particles accoridng to their type using  Decays::iNode utilities
+   e.g. DECNODE ( PartProp.Nodes.Lepton & PartProp.Nodes.Positive , True )
+        DECNODE ( PartProp.Nodes.Meson  & PartProp.Nodes.Charm    , True )
+        DECNODE ( PartProp.Nodes.Beauty & PartProp.Nodes.Positive , True )
    Few prede fined instances are provides:
@@ -944,8 +944,8 @@
     PBEAUTY   :   DECNODE ( PartProp.Nodes.Beauty , True )
     PCHARM    :   DECNODE ( PartProp.Nodes.Charm  , True )
-  The symbols and their operations are defined in PartProp.Nodes module ad described in details at: 
+  The symbols and their operations are defined in PartProp.Nodes module ad described in details at:
@@ -953,80 +953,80 @@
  - LoKi/Particles12.h
-      add new functor LoKi::Particles::InMuonAcceptance, symbol: INMUON 
+      add new functor LoKi::Particles::InMuonAcceptance, symbol: INMUON
       to check :is in muon acceptance" condition using LHCb::MuonPID::InAcceptance
-      Many thanks to Gaia LANFRANCI for kind help!   
+      Many thanks to Gaia LANFRANCI for kind help!
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
     version increment to v8r13
-! 2010-01-03 - Vanya Belyaev 
+! 2010-01-03 - Vanya Belyaev
  - LoKi/Vertices1.h
-      fix compiler warnings 
+      fix compiler warnings
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
-    version increment to v8r12p1 
+    version increment to v8r12p1
 ! ========================== LoKiPhys v8r12 2009-12-11 ========================
 ! 2009-11-28 - Vanya Belyaev
  - LoKi/Photons.h, src/Photons.cpp
-   add new functions (copy form Kali) very useful for analysis phtoon candidates 
-   for the first data 
+   add new functions (copy form Kali) very useful for analysis phtoon candidates
+   for the first data
+ - cmt/requirements
- - cmt/requirements 
+    version increment to v8r12
-    version increment to v8r12 
 ! ========================== LoKiPhys v8r11 2009-11-22 ========================
 ! 2009-11-19 - Marco Clemencic
  - Fixed a problem with the generation of the documentation (LaTeX error)
 ! 2009-11-18 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add CHILDIP     functor for Mat Charles 
+ - add CHILDIP     functor for Mat Charles
    add CHILDIPCHI2 functor
 ! 2009-11-17 - Vanya Belyaev
  - PhysTypes.h
-    add VCutVals & CutVal 
+    add VCutVals & CutVal
 ! 2009-11-16 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add Phys/ATypes.h from LoKiArrayFunctors package 
+ - add Phys/ATypes.h from LoKiArrayFunctors package
  - add adapetrs:
-     P(FUN/CUT)(A/V) 
+     P(FUN/CUT)(A/V)
+ - cmt/requirements
+     version increment to v8r11
- - cmt/requirements 
-     version increment to v8r11 
 ! ========================== LoKiPhys v8r10 2009-10-16 ========================
 ! 2009-10-02 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - New symbols for Chris & Co
-     1. "track ghost probablity"    LoKi::Particles::GhostProbability, 
-     2. "track likelihood"          LoKi::Particles::TrackLikelihood, 
+     1. "track ghost probablity"    LoKi::Particles::GhostProbability,
+     2. "track likelihood"          LoKi::Particles::TrackLikelihood,
 ! 2009-09-26 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - add ISMUONLOOE & ISLOOSEMUON for Alessio Sarti 
- - cmt/requirements 
-    verison increment to v8r10 
+ - add ISMUONLOOE & ISLOOSEMUON for Alessio Sarti
+ - cmt/requirements
+    verison increment to v8r10
 ! ========================== LoKiPhys v8r9 2009-09-02 =========================
 ! 2009-09-02 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -1034,29 +1034,29 @@
 ! 2009-08-13 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - substitute assertions by error messages for BPV*LT* functors 
+ - substitute assertions by error messages for BPV*LT* functors
 ! 2009-08-12 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - add useful typedef  
+ - add useful typedef
 ! ========================== LoKiPhys v8r8 2009-07-09 =========================
 ! 2009-07-09 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - add additional indices for CHILD and CHILDCUT functors  (for Marta) 
+ - add additional indices for CHILD and CHILDCUT functors  (for Marta)
- - cmt/requirements 
-    version increment to v8r8 
+ - cmt/requirements
+    version increment to v8r8
 ! ========================== LoKiPhys v8r7 2009-06-29 =========================
 ! 2009-06-28 - Vanya Belyaev
- - improvement for decay finder 
- - cmt/requirements 
-    version increment to v8r7 
+ - improvement for decay finder
+ - cmt/requirements
+    version increment to v8r7
 ! ========================== LoKiPhys v8r6 2009-06-16 =========================
 ! 2009-06-02 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - further polishing of decay finder 
+ - further polishing of decay finder
 ! 2009-05-27 - Vanya  BELYAEV
  - LoKi::Decay
@@ -1071,22 +1071,22 @@
       fix a typo
 ! 2009-05-14 - Vanya Belyaev
- - cleanup the trees 
+ - cleanup the trees
 ! 2009-05-13 - Vanya Belyaev
- - patch to fix the conflict between SmartIF & LoKi::Interface  
+ - patch to fix the conflict between SmartIF & LoKi::Interface
 ! 2009-05-11 - Vanya Belyaev
  - fix for changes in Kernel/PartProp
 ! 2009-05-09 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - remove unnesessary std::unary/binary_function bases 
+ - remove unnesessary std::unary/binary_function bases
  - cmt/requirements
    version increment to v8r5
 ! ========================== LoKiPhys v8r4 2009-05-06 =========================
 ! 2009-05-06 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - few improvements for new decay finder 
+ - few improvements for new decay finder
 ! 2009-04-30 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - new symbol for Jaap Panman:
@@ -1095,58 +1095,58 @@
 ! 2009-04-30 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - New symbols for Olivier Leroy
-      REFIT_ 
-      MFIT_ 
-      REFIT 
+      REFIT_
+      MFIT_
+      REFIT
-      MFITTER 
+      MFITTER
-   Using these symbodl one is able to performe various 
-   vertex/mass/lifetime/direction (re)fits  
+   Using these symbodl one is able to performe various
+   vertex/mass/lifetime/direction (re)fits
 ! 2009-04-29 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - New symbols:
 ! 2009-04-28 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - LoKi/Particles26.h: 
-    bug fix in DOCA::docamax & DOCA::docamaxchi2 
+ - LoKi/Particles26.h:
+    bug fix in DOCA::docamax & DOCA::docamaxchi2
 ! 2009-04-24 - Vanya BELYAEV
   LoKi/Particles26.h, src/Particles26.cpp
    new files with new symbols (requested by Rob Lambert)
-    DOCA 
-    DOCACHI2 
+    DOCA
-    DOCAMAX_ 
     remove all *DOCA* duplicates , only *CLAPP* are here from now..
 ! ========================== LoKiPhys v8r3 2009-03-23 ===================
 ! 2009-03-11 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - dict/LoKiPhys.xml 
+ - dict/LoKiPhys.xml
-    fix to prevent geenration of dictionaries for disabled 
-    assignment operators  
+    fix to prevent geenration of dictionaries for disabled
+    assignment operators
 ! 2009-03-10 - Patrick SPRADLIN
 - add new functors:
-   TRGPOINTINGWPT     the original version of the trigger pointing cut. 
+   TRGPOINTINGWPT     the original version of the trigger pointing cut.
                         Implemented in the Legacy section.
    BPVTRGPOINTINGWPT  Related primary vertex version of the above.
    TRGPOINTING        A version of the trigger pointing cut that uses the
@@ -1160,36 +1160,36 @@
    version increment to v8r3
 !========================== LoKiPhys v8r2 2009-02-18 ==========================
-! 2009-02-11 - Vanya BELYAEV 
+! 2009-02-11 - Vanya BELYAEV
 - add new functors:
    HASTRACK  to check the validity of the track fore the particle
-   TINFO/TRACKINFO to access "extra-info" for the underlying track 
+   TINFO/TRACKINFO to access "extra-info" for the underlying track
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
-   version increment to v8r2 
+   version increment to v8r2
 !========================== LoKiPhys v8r1 2009-01-08 ==========================
 ! 2008-12-17 - Vanya  Belyaev
- - add the first tree-functions 
+ - add the first tree-functions
 ! 2008-12-03 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - new symbols:
     -  DWMASS &  DWM : delta wrong mass
-    - ADWMASS & ADWM : absolute valeu for delte wrong mass 
+    - ADWMASS & ADWM : absolute valeu for delte wrong mass
 ! 2008-11-27 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - add QMTest 
- - polish filters 
- - version increment to v8r1 
+ - add QMTest
+ - polish filters
+ - version increment to v8r1
 !========================== LoKiPhys v8r0 2008-11-21 ==========================
@@ -1197,16 +1197,16 @@
  - Fix frustrating typos in Latex comments that break doxygen generation
 ! 2008-11-02 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - more fixes for various compilers 
- - remove unnesessary assignements form dictionaries 
+ - more fixes for various compilers
+ - remove unnesessary assignements form dictionaries
    (and from the code)
 ! 2008-10-31 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - dirty fixes for the starnge behavour of reflex in LCG-preview 
+ - dirty fixes for the starnge behavour of reflex in LCG-preview
 ! 2008-10-29 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - fixes for gcc43 compilation 
+ - fixes for gcc43 compilation
 ! 2008-10-28 - Juan PALACIOS
@@ -1216,45 +1216,45 @@
 ! 2008-10-19 - Vanya BELYAEV
   - adaptation to new Phys/LoKiCore v8r0
-     new structure of decorators 
+     new structure of decorators
- - cmt/requirements 
-   version incrmeent to v8r0 
+ - cmt/requirements
+   version incrmeent to v8r0
 ! 2008-10-13 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - LoKi/Particles23.h
-   python/LoKiPhys/functions.py 
+   python/LoKiPhys/functions.py
    new functor
-    WM & WMASS  LoKi::Particles::WrongMass 
+    WM & WMASS  LoKi::Particles::WrongMass
-       evaluatethemass of mothe rparticles taking the alternative 
+       evaluatethemass of mothe rparticles taking the alternative
        'wrong'-mass hypotheses for daughter particles
-  - cmt/requirements 
+  - cmt/requirements
-    version increment to v7r9 
+    version increment to v7r9
 !========================== LoKiPhys v7r8 2008-09-30 ==========================
 ! 2008-09-29 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - new functors 
+ - new functors
     D2DVVD          LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexVertexDistance:
             3D-vertex-vertex distance between vertices in the cascade decay
     D2DVVDCHI2      LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexVertexDistanceChi2:
             chi2-vertex-vertex distance between vertices in the cascade decay
     D2DVVDCHI2SIGN  LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexVertexDistanceSignedChi2:
-            signed chi2-vertex-vertex distance between evrtices in the cascade decay, 
-            the sign is according to (v1-v2)*p1 
+            signed chi2-vertex-vertex distance between evrtices in the cascade decay,
+            the sign is according to (v1-v2)*p1
     D2DVVDDOT      LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexVertexDistanceDot:
             'dot'-vertex-vertex distance between vertices in the cascade decay
             (== projected distance on the momentum direction of the first component)
     D2DVVDSIGN  LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexVertexSignedDistance:
-            signed 3D-vertex-vertex distance between vertices in the cascade decay, 
-            the sign is according to (v1-v2).Z() 
+            signed 3D-vertex-vertex distance between vertices in the cascade decay,
+            the sign is according to (v1-v2).Z()
   new files:
     LoKi/Particle22.h, src/Particles22.cpp
@@ -1262,19 +1262,19 @@
  - new functors:
-     NMASS       LoKi::Particles::NominalMass          : get Nominal/PDG mass 
-     DPDGM       LoKi::Particles::DeltaNominalMass     : get (mass-nominal_mass) 
+     NMASS       LoKi::Particles::NominalMass          : get Nominal/PDG mass
+     DPDGM       LoKi::Particles::DeltaNominalMass     : get (mass-nominal_mass)
      DPDGMASS    LoKi::Particles::DeltaNominalMass     : get (mass-nominal_mass)
-     ADPDGM      LoKi::Particles::AbsDeltaNominalMass  : get |mass-nominal_mass| 
+     ADPDGM      LoKi::Particles::AbsDeltaNominalMass  : get |mass-nominal_mass|
      ADPDGMASS   LoKi::Particles::AbsDeltaNominalMass  : get |mass-nominal_mass|
      CHI2PDGM    LoKi::Particles::DeltaNominalMassChi2 : get chi2(mass-nominal_mass)
      CHI2PDGMASS LoKi::Particles::DeltaNominalMassChi2 : get chi2(mass-nominal_mass)
 ! 2008-09-21 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - add the functor ARMENTEROS for evaluation of armenteros-podolanski 
+ - add the functor ARMENTEROS for evaluation of armenteros-podolanski
 !========================== LoKiPhys v7r7 2008-09-04 ==========================
@@ -1282,12 +1282,12 @@
  - python/LoKiPhys/functions.py
-    add missing LV0, LV01, LV02, LV03 & LV04 symbols 
+    add missing LV0, LV01, LV02, LV03 & LV04 symbols
     Many thanks to Ulrich Kerzel for reporting the problem
 - cmt/requirements
-    version incremen to v7r7 
+    version incremen to v7r7
 !========================== LoKiPhys v7r6 2008-07-16 ==========================
@@ -1295,34 +1295,34 @@
  - LoKi/Decays.h
-    many changes for Decay Finder 
+    many changes for Decay Finder
-- cmt/requirements 
+- cmt/requirements
-    version incrtement to v7r6 
+    version incrtement to v7r6
 !========================== LoKiPhys v7r5 2008-06-30 ==========================
 ! 2008-06-25 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - src/PhysSources.cpp
-   LoKi::*::*Sources : 
+   LoKi::*::*Sources :
      suppress warning messages for the used used DVAlgorithms.
-     use "alg->debug()" instead 
-     (thanks to Alison Bates & Patrick Koppenburg for spotting 
+     use "alg->debug()" instead
+     (thanks to Alison Bates & Patrick Koppenburg for spotting
       the problem and providing the idea for solution)
-! 2008-06-20 - Vanya BELYAEV 
- - add new function 
-    LoKi::Vertices::VertexChi2PerDoF 
-  for evaluation on of chi2/nDoF 
+! 2008-06-20 - Vanya BELYAEV
+ - add new function
+    LoKi::Vertices::VertexChi2PerDoF
+  for evaluation on of chi2/nDoF
   C++ symbol VCHI2PDOF and python symbol VCHI2PDOF are introudes
-   As concern "CombineParticles" it 
+   As concern "CombineParticles" it
    helps to substitute "VSAFPS(VCHI2/VDOF)" with "VFASPF(VCHI2PDOF)"
    and saves one virtual call
 ! 2008-06-12 - Vanya BELYAEV
@@ -1332,8 +1332,8 @@
     Implementation of "trees" (functors which acts on the decay structure),
     needed for new implementation of DecayFinders
- - cmt/requirements    
-     version increment to v7r5 
+ - cmt/requirements
+     version increment to v7r5
 !========================== LoKiPhys v7r4 2008-06-03 ==========================
 ! 2008-06-03 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -1343,25 +1343,25 @@
 ! 2008-06-03 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - LoKi/Legacy1.h, src/Legacy1.cpp
    new files
-   add new legacy function for incorrect evaluation of "vertex separation 
+   add new legacy function for incorrect evaluation of "vertex separation
    significance" as a distance between vertices, divided by error.
-   The functor is required by Vava, and one has said that it is  useful 
-   for detailed comparison with DC04 selections. 
-   The symbol is defined as 
-   BPVVDS_LEGACY ( "BPV" stays here for "Best Primary Vertex" and 
-   "VDS" - "Vertex Distance Significance") 
+   The functor is required by Vava, and one has said that it is  useful
+   for detailed comparison with DC04 selections.
+   The symbol is defined as
+   BPVVDS_LEGACY ( "BPV" stays here for "Best Primary Vertex" and
+   "VDS" - "Vertex Distance Significance")
- - cmt/requirements 
-   version incremenet to v7r4 
+ - cmt/requirements
+   version incremenet to v7r4
 !========================== LoKiPhys v7r3 2008-05-05 ==========================
 ! 2008-05-04 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - LoKi/Sections.h
-     add "sections" for the decay trees 
+     add "sections" for the decay trees
@@ -1372,14 +1372,14 @@
-  remove *all* occurences of IGeomDispCalculator and 
-  substitute them with IDistanceCalculator 
+  remove *all* occurences of IGeomDispCalculator and
+  substitute them with IDistanceCalculator
 ! 2008-04-22 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - python/LoKiPhys/functions.py
-   fix a stupid bug with ISLONG/ISDOWN/IS<XXX> functors. 
+   fix a stupid bug with ISLONG/ISDOWN/IS<XXX> functors.
    Thanks to Vava for the reporting the problem.
 !========================== LoKiPhys v7r2 2008-04-10 ==========================
@@ -1387,16 +1387,16 @@
  - LoKi/Particles13.h, src/Particles13.cpp
    add new functor LoKi::Particles::TrackChi2Prob, which evaluates the
    chi2-probability of the track fit using GSL routine.
- - LoKi/ParticleCuts.h, 
-   python/LoKiPhys/functions.py 
-    add the symbol TRPCHI2 for LoKi::Particles::TrackChi2Prob instance  
+ - LoKi/ParticleCuts.h,
+   python/LoKiPhys/functions.py
+    add the symbol TRPCHI2 for LoKi::Particles::TrackChi2Prob instance
 ! 2008-03-30 - Vanay BELYAEV
- - add new context functors on requested by Patrick, Sean & Vava 
+ - add new context functors on requested by Patrick, Sean & Vava
  - new streamers/shift __rshift__
- - better printout of boolean constants 
- - cmt/requirements 
-    version increment to v7r2 
+ - better printout of boolean constants
+ - cmt/requirements
+    version increment to v7r2
 !========================== LoKiPhys v7r1 2008-02-28 ==========================
 ! 2008-02-28 - Vanya BELYAEV
@@ -1408,9 +1408,9 @@
-    BPVVCHI2 
-   All of them are now *INSTANCES*, 
+   All of them are now *INSTANCES*,
    therefore no extra "()" is required for instantiation
@@ -1418,7 +1418,7 @@
 ! 2008-02-28 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - python/LoKiPhys/functions.py
-    add missing symbol ISMUON 
+    add missing symbol ISMUON
     (thanks a lot to Celestino Rodrigues Cobo for spotting the problem)
@@ -1426,7 +1426,7 @@
  - LoKi/Particles5.h
-     - fix the invalid printout of "Tree" meta-functors,  
+     - fix the invalid printout of "Tree" meta-functors,
      - fix the invalid start value of "MULTTREE" meta-functor
 ! 2008-02-28 - Vanya BELYAEV
@@ -1436,11 +1436,11 @@
-    add new C++ type: LoKi::Vertices::Chi2Prob and 
+    add new C++ type: LoKi::Vertices::Chi2Prob and
     the symbols for C++ and python:
-      VPCHI2N 
-      VPCHI2 
+      VPCHI2N
+      VPCHI2
@@ -1448,7 +1448,7 @@
  - python/LoKiPhys/functions.py
-    import the symbols M1,M2,M3 and M4 from C++ 
+    import the symbols M1,M2,M3 and M4 from C++
 ! 2008-02-22 - Vanya BELYAEV
@@ -1459,22 +1459,22 @@
 ! 2008-02-21 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - add more printout for easier location of problems 
-   increment number of constructors for "MinImpPar" context-functions 
-   add more ticky check dinto LoKi::Vertices::IsPrimary 
+ - add more printout for easier location of problems
+   increment number of constructors for "MinImpPar" context-functions
+   add more ticky check dinto LoKi::Vertices::IsPrimary
 ! 2008-02-18 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - src/Particles7.cpp
-   modify the printout of VFASPF functor ( "[...]" --> "(...)" ) 
+   modify the printout of VFASPF functor ( "[...]" --> "(...)" )
 ! 2008-02-18 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - python/LoKiPhys/Phys.py
-   coupel of minor fixes 
+   coupel of minor fixes
 ! 2008-02-15 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Remove generation of dictionary for std::vector<const LHCb::Particle*> and
    std::vector<const LHCb::VertexBase*>, now in PhysEvent and RecEvent
- - In Particles20.cpp constructors, invert initialisations of 
+ - In Particles20.cpp constructors, invert initialisations of
    LoKi::BasicFunctors<const LHCb::Particle*>::Function () and
    LoKi::AuxDesktopBase () to avoid compilation warnings
@@ -1483,36 +1483,36 @@
  - implement many shortcuts&aliases, proposed by Vava GLIGOROV
 ! 2008-01-25 - Vanya BELYAEV
-  - LoKi/Particles19.h, 
+  - LoKi/Particles19.h,
-       various "lifetime" functors, which are using ILifetimeFitter interface 
+       various "lifetime" functors, which are using ILifetimeFitter interface
-  - LoKi/ParticleContetxCuts.h, 
+  - LoKi/ParticleContetxCuts.h,
-        new "context-depet" functors 
+        new "context-depet" functors
   - cmt/requirements
-        version increment to v7r1 
+        version increment to v7r1
 !========================== LoKiPhys v7r0 2007-12-09 ==========================
 ! 2007-12-09 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - add 'sources' 
-   new files LoKi/PhysSources.h, src/PhsySources.cpp 
+ - add 'sources'
+   new files LoKi/PhysSources.h, src/PhsySources.cpp
 ! 2007-12-02 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - update for the new major verison of LoKi v7r0 ("The Powerful Streamers")
- - cmt/requirements 
-   version upgrade to v7r0 
+ - cmt/requirements
+   version upgrade to v7r0
 !========================== LoKiPhys v6r1 2007-10-08 ==========================
 ! 2007-10-07 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - cmt/requirements 
-    increment version to v6r1 
-    use new pattern for python modules 
+ - cmt/requirements
+    increment version to v6r1
+    use new pattern for python modules
 !========================== LoKiPhys v6r0 2007-09-04 ==========================
 ! 2007-08-22 - Patrick Koppenburg
@@ -1521,13 +1521,13 @@
    a circular dependency
 ! 2007-08-20 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - increment the major version to v6r0 
+ - increment the major version to v6r0
 ! 2007-07-23 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - many small fixes to speed-up the compilation, 
-   reduce the dictionaries and improve doxygen 
- - cmt/requirements 
-   version increment to v4r1 
+ - many small fixes to speed-up the compilation,
+   reduce the dictionaries and improve doxygen
+ - cmt/requirements
+   version increment to v4r1
 !========================== LoKiPhys v4r0 2007-06-11 ==========================
 ! 2007-06-10 - Vanya BELYAEV
@@ -1535,7 +1535,7 @@
    and to achieve coherent interafce for RC and MC worlds
 ! 2007-06-04 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - provide more coherent interfaces for RC/MC/HepMC-particles 
+ - provide more coherent interfaces for RC/MC/HepMC-particles
  - upgrade of various "STL-like" algorothms
  - New Files:
@@ -1551,13 +1551,13 @@
 ! 2007-06-01 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - prepare for the next major version: v4r0 
+ - prepare for the next major version: v4r0
  - New files:
@@ -1576,8 +1576,8 @@
- - cmt/requirements 
-    version increment to v4r0 
+ - cmt/requirements
+    version increment to v4r0
 !========================== LoKiPhys v3r2p1 2007-04-19 ===================
@@ -1587,37 +1587,37 @@
 !========================== LoKiPhys v3r2 2007-03-07 ==================
 ! 2007-03-07 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - LoKi/PhysAlgs.h  
+ - LoKi/PhysAlgs.h
    fix a stupid bug in "LoKi::PhysAlgs::accumulate" method..
    All tree-relates functions (SUMTREE,MULTREE, etc..) are affected..
- - retag as v3r2 
+ - retag as v3r2
 ! 2007-03-04 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - LoKi/Particles17.h, src/Particles17.cpp 
+ - LoKi/Particles17.h, src/Particles17.cpp
-    add new functions DeltaPhi/DeltaEta/DeltaR2 useful for jets studies 
- - cmt/requirements 
-   version increment to v3r2 
+    add new functions DeltaPhi/DeltaEta/DeltaR2 useful for jets studies
+ - cmt/requirements
+   version increment to v3r2
 !========================== LoKiPhys v3r1 2007-03-01 ==================
 ! 2007-03-01 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - LoKi/Particles0.h, src/Particles0.cpp, LoKi/ParticleCuts.h
     add new function LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentumDir
-     ( aliases PTDIR and PTREL ) 
-    for evaluationof the transvers emomentum of the particle with 
+     ( aliases PTDIR and PTREL )
+    for evaluationof the transvers emomentum of the particle with
     respect to some direction.
-    This function is very useful for jet studies, in particular 
+    This function is very useful for jet studies, in particular
     for b-tagging.
- - LoKi/Particles17.h, src/Particles17.cpp 
+ - LoKi/Particles17.h, src/Particles17.cpp
-     new files - placeholder for expected "jet-related" functions 
- - retag as v3r1 
+     new files - placeholder for expected "jet-related" functions
+ - retag as v3r1
 !========================== LoKiPhys v3r1 2007-02-25 ==================
@@ -1627,15 +1627,15 @@
    add new function LoKi::Particles::IsMuon (shortcut ISMUON)
    which eeesentially return LHCb::MuonPID::IsMuon
- - cmt/requirements 
-   version increment to v3r1 
+ - cmt/requirements
+   version increment to v3r1
 !========================== LoKiPhys v3r0 2007-01-23 ==================
 ! 2007-01-23 - Vanya BELYAEV
  -  LoKi/Particles0.h
-      fix for Ex/LoKiExample 
+      fix for Ex/LoKiExample
 !========================== LoKiPhys v3r0 2007-01-09 ==================
 ! 2007-01-09 - Florence RANJARD
@@ -1645,91 +1645,91 @@
 ! 2006-12-16 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - LoKi/Particles16.h, src/Particles16.cpp
-   add new function 
+   add new function
     LoKi::Particles::CosineDirectionAngle ( aliaases: DIRA, DANG )
-   for evaluation of the coside of the angle inbetweenparticle momentum 
+   for evaluation of the coside of the angle inbetweenparticle momentum
    and ther direction from the primary vertex to the secondary vertex
- - cmt/requirements 
-    version increment to v2r5 
+ - cmt/requirements
+    version increment to v2r5
 !========================== LoKiPhys v2r4 2006-12-01 ===================
-! 2006-12-01 - Vanya BELYAEV 
- - for for VertexBase 
- - cmt/requirements 
-   version increment to v2r4 
+! 2006-12-01 - Vanya BELYAEV
+ - for for VertexBase
+ - cmt/requirements
+   version increment to v2r4
 !========================== LoKiPhys v2r3 2006-11-25 ===================
 ! 2006-11-25 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - #include "Kernel/SystemOsUnits.h" 
-   ===> 
-   #include "GaudiKernel/SystemOsUnits.h" 
- - src/PrintDecay.cpp 
-    improve the printpout 
- - improve doxygen printout 
- - add many missing functions 
- - remove semicolumns after namespaces 
- - cmt/requirements 
-   version incrmement to v2r3 
+ - #include "Kernel/SystemOsUnits.h"
+   ===>
+   #include "GaudiKernel/SystemOsUnits.h"
+ - src/PrintDecay.cpp
+    improve the printpout
+ - improve doxygen printout
+ - add many missing functions
+ - remove semicolumns after namespaces
+ - cmt/requirements
+   version incrmement to v2r3
 !========================== LoKiPhys v2r1 2006-10-11 ===================
 ! 2006-10-10 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - LoKi/Particles4.h
-     fix for python/reflex dictionaries 
- - cmt/requirements 
-     version increment to v2r1 
+     fix for python/reflex dictionaries
+ - cmt/requirements
+     version increment to v2r1
 !========================== LoKiPhys v2r0 2006-08-30 ===================
 ! 2006-08-15 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - adaptation to new inheritance scheme of VertexBase/Vertex/RecVertes 
+ - adaptation to new inheritance scheme of VertexBase/Vertex/RecVertes
  - LoKi/VertexCast.h
-   couple of helper functions for Vertex <--- VertexBase ---> RecVertex cast 
- - cmt/requirements 
-   version increment to v2r0 
+   couple of helper functions for Vertex <--- VertexBase ---> RecVertex cast
+ - cmt/requirements
+   version increment to v2r0
 !========================== LoKiPhys v1r2 2006-07-07 ===================
 ! 2006-06-25 - Vanya BELYAEV
-  - src/Particles13.cpp 
+  - src/Particles13.cpp
       fixes for change in LHCb::Track
-  - LoKi/ParticleCuts.h 
-      uncomment PID<x> functions 
-  - cmt/requirements 
-      version increment to v1r2 
+  - LoKi/ParticleCuts.h
+      uncomment PID<x> functions
+  - cmt/requirements
+      version increment to v1r2
 !========================== LoKiPhys v1r1 2006-05-29 ===================
 ! 2006-05-27 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - LoKi/PritDecay.h src/PrintDecay.cpp
-    new utulities LoKi::printDecay for easy printout of decay trees 
+    new utulities LoKi::printDecay for easy printout of decay trees
 ! 2006-05-23 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - LoKi/Particles.0, src/Particles0.cpp
-   LoKi/ParticleCuts.h 
-     add new functions LoKi::Particles::Charge    ( alias    Q ) 
-                   and LoKi::Particles::SumCharge ( alias SUMQ )  
+   LoKi/ParticleCuts.h
+     add new functions LoKi::Particles::Charge    ( alias    Q )
+                   and LoKi::Particles::SumCharge ( alias SUMQ )
 ! 2006-04-24 - Ivan BELYAEV
  - LoKi/Particles13.h
-     fix for new signature of LHCb::Trach::hasStateAt method 
+     fix for new signature of LHCb::Trach::hasStateAt method
 ! 2006-04-23 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - LoKi/PIDOperators.h
-     '==' operator for ID and ABSID functions 
- - cmt/requirements 
-     version increment to v1r1 
+     '==' operator for ID and ABSID functions
+ - cmt/requirements
+     version increment to v1r1
 ! 2006-02-17 - Vanya Belyaev
- - new package 
+ - new package
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! The END 
+! The END
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/ATypes.h b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/ATypes.h
index 0177a296f70f7c29f19b4762f53b22d595726a56..25b98ec5c9b72c9d31b73eebd9b7913b059d35a2 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/ATypes.h
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/ATypes.h
@@ -74,12 +74,12 @@ namespace LoKi {
   namespace Functors {
     // ========================================================================
     template <>
-    Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, double>::result_type Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, double>::
-                                                           operator()( Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, double>::argument a ) const;
+    Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, double>::result_type Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, double>::operator()(
+        Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, double>::argument a ) const;
     // ========================================================================
     template <>
-    Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, bool>::result_type Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, bool>::
-                                                         operator()( Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, bool>::argument a ) const;
+    Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, bool>::result_type
+    Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, bool>::operator()( Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, bool>::argument a ) const;
     // ========================================================================
   } // namespace Functors
   // ==========================================================================
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/AuxDTFBase.h b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/AuxDTFBase.h
index cab735b60206748108f16a72f7b1773f1d990f40..b5bc7c400cf5fbed35aafe50215a6acda050d832 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/AuxDTFBase.h
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/AuxDTFBase.h
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
     /// the fitter name
     std::string m_fitterName{}; // the fitter name
     /// the fitter itself
-    mutable LoKi::Interface<IDecayTreeFit> m_fitter{nullptr}; // the fiter itself
+    mutable LoKi::Interface<IDecayTreeFit> m_fitter{ nullptr }; // the fiter itself
     /// the list of mass constraints
     std::vector<LHCb::ParticleID> m_constraints{}; // mass-constarints
     /// the list of mass constraints
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/ChildSelector.h b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/ChildSelector.h
index 7a98b449439bcc70b61812d5a9a352107e2579c4..b9abf094aa9ae0f91a9418a7fa3daaf00fd98b35 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/ChildSelector.h
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/ChildSelector.h
@@ -44,15 +44,15 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// constructor from the index
-      Selector( const unsigned int i ) : Selector( std::vector<unsigned int>{i} ) {}
+      Selector( const unsigned int i ) : Selector( std::vector<unsigned int>{ i } ) {}
       /// constructor from the indices
-      Selector( const unsigned int i1, const unsigned int i2 ) : Selector( std::vector<unsigned int>{i1, i2} ) {}
+      Selector( const unsigned int i1, const unsigned int i2 ) : Selector( std::vector<unsigned int>{ i1, i2 } ) {}
       /// constructor from the indices
       Selector( const unsigned int i1, const unsigned int i2, const unsigned int i3 )
-          : Selector( std::vector<unsigned int>{i1, i2, i3} ) {}
+          : Selector( std::vector<unsigned int>{ i1, i2, i3 } ) {}
       /// constructor from the indices
       Selector( const unsigned int i1, const unsigned int i2, const unsigned int i3, const unsigned int i4 )
-          : Selector( std::vector<unsigned int>{i1, i2, i3, i4} ) {}
+          : Selector( std::vector<unsigned int>{ i1, i2, i3, i4 } ) {}
       /// constructor from the indices
       Selector( std::vector<unsigned int> indices );
       /// constructor from decay node
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/ParticleCuts.h b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/ParticleCuts.h
index 3143eb2b2538a9bb4b91f2f91ea1df6f8f22be4f..0fcf47662ca4a89a62d4c059d7192a1fa849f452 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/ParticleCuts.h
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/ParticleCuts.h
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-15
-    const auto ALL = LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>{true};
+    const auto ALL = LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>{ true };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var ARMENTEROS
      *  Simple evaluator of Armenteros-Podolanski
@@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @date 2011-01-12
     const auto CLONEDIST =
-        LoKi::Particles::TrackInfo{static_cast<int>( LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::CloneDist ), 1.e+9};
+        LoKi::Particles::TrackInfo{ static_cast<int>( LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::CloneDist ), 1.e+9 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @typedef CLOSESTAPPROACH
      *  Evaluator of the closest approach
@@ -2613,7 +2613,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-23
-    const auto ISDOWN = EQUALTO{TRTYPE, static_cast<int>( LHCb::Track::Types::Downstream )};
+    const auto ISDOWN = EQUALTO{ TRTYPE, static_cast<int>( LHCb::Track::Types::Downstream ) };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @typedef ISINTREE
      *  The trivial predicate which
@@ -2663,7 +2663,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-23
-    const auto ISLONG = EQUALTO{TRTYPE, static_cast<int>( LHCb::Track::Types::Long )};
+    const auto ISLONG = EQUALTO{ TRTYPE, static_cast<int>( LHCb::Track::Types::Long ) };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var ISLOOSEMUON
      *  The simple evaluator of LHCb::MuonPID::IsMuonLoose
@@ -2877,7 +2877,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-23
-    const auto ISTTRACK = EQUALTO{TRTYPE, static_cast<int>( LHCb::Track::Types::Ttrack )};
+    const auto ISTTRACK = EQUALTO{ TRTYPE, static_cast<int>( LHCb::Track::Types::Ttrack ) };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var ISUP
      *  The trivial predicate which evaluates to true for particles,
@@ -2902,7 +2902,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-23
-    const auto ISUP = EQUALTO{TRTYPE, static_cast<int>( LHCb::Track::Types::Upstream )};
+    const auto ISUP = EQUALTO{ TRTYPE, static_cast<int>( LHCb::Track::Types::Upstream ) };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var KEY
      *  The trivial predicate, it relies on Particle::hasKey method
@@ -3340,7 +3340,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya Belyaev ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date   2002-11-02
-    const auto LV01 = LoKi::Particles::DecayAngle{1};
+    const auto LV01 = LoKi::Particles::DecayAngle{ 1 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var LV02
@@ -3358,7 +3358,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya Belyaev ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date   2002-11-02
-    const auto LV02 = LoKi::Particles::DecayAngle{2};
+    const auto LV02 = LoKi::Particles::DecayAngle{ 2 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var LV03
@@ -3376,7 +3376,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya Belyaev ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date   2002-11-02
-    const auto LV03 = LoKi::Particles::DecayAngle{3};
+    const auto LV03 = LoKi::Particles::DecayAngle{ 3 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var LV04
@@ -3394,7 +3394,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya Belyaev ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date   2002-11-02
-    const auto LV04 = LoKi::Particles::DecayAngle{4};
+    const auto LV04 = LoKi::Particles::DecayAngle{ 4 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var M0
      *  Particle's mass (as <tt>sqrt(E*E-P*P)</tt>)
@@ -3432,7 +3432,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-10
-    const auto M1 = LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass{1};
+    const auto M1 = LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass{ 1 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var M12
      *  invariant mass of the first and the second daughter particles
@@ -3451,7 +3451,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-10
-    const auto M12 = LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass{1, 2};
+    const auto M12 = LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass{ 1, 2 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var M13
      *  invariant mass of the first and the third daughter particles
@@ -3470,7 +3470,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-10
-    const auto M13 = LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass{1, 3};
+    const auto M13 = LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass{ 1, 3 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var M14
      *  invariant mass of the first and the fourth daughter particles
@@ -3489,7 +3489,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-10
-    const auto M14 = LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass{1, 4};
+    const auto M14 = LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass{ 1, 4 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var M2
      *  The mass of the second daughter
@@ -3508,7 +3508,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-10
-    const auto M2 = LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass{2};
+    const auto M2 = LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass{ 2 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var M23
      *  invariant mass of the second and the third daughter particles
@@ -3527,7 +3527,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-10
-    const auto M23 = LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass{2, 3};
+    const auto M23 = LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass{ 2, 3 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var M24
      *  invariant mass of the second and the fourth daughter particles
@@ -3546,7 +3546,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-10
-    const auto M24 = LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass{2, 4};
+    const auto M24 = LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass{ 2, 4 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var M3
      *  The mass of the third daughter
@@ -3565,7 +3565,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-10
-    const auto M3 = LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass{3};
+    const auto M3 = LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass{ 3 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var M34
      *  invariant mass of the third and the fourth daughter particles
@@ -3584,7 +3584,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-10
-    const auto M34 = LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass{3, 4};
+    const auto M34 = LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass{ 3, 4 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var M4
      *  The mass of the fourth daughter
@@ -3603,7 +3603,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-10
-    const auto M4 = LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass{4};
+    const auto M4 = LoKi::Particles::InvariantMass{ 4 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @typedef MASS
      *  Invariant mass of subcombination of dauhter particles
@@ -4061,7 +4061,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-15
-    const auto NONE = LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>{false};
+    const auto NONE = LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>{ false };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var ONE
      *  the trivial functor which always evaluates to 1
@@ -4072,7 +4072,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-15
-    const auto ONE = LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::Particle*, double>{1};
+    const auto ONE = LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::Particle*, double>{ 1 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var P
      *  Particle's momentum
@@ -4122,7 +4122,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-15
-    const auto PALL = LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>{true};
+    const auto PALL = LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>{ true };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var PDGMASS
      *  The simple evaluator of the nominal(PDG) particle mass
@@ -4154,7 +4154,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-15
-    const auto PFALSE = LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>{false};
+    const auto PFALSE = LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>{ false };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @typedef PHASINFO
      *  Trivial predicate which evaluates LHCb::Particle::hasInfo
@@ -4240,7 +4240,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-15
-    const auto PIDe = PPINFO{LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::CombDLLe, 0, -1000};
+    const auto PIDe = PPINFO{ LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::CombDLLe, 0, -1000 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var PIDk
      *  Combined delta log-likelihood  for kaon hypothesis
@@ -4264,7 +4264,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-15
-    const auto PIDk = PPINFO{LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::CombDLLk, 0, -1000};
+    const auto PIDk = PPINFO{ LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::CombDLLk, 0, -1000 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var PIDK
      *  Combined delta log-likelihood  for kaon hypothesis
@@ -4288,7 +4288,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-15
-    const auto PIDK = PPINFO{LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::CombDLLk, 0, -1000};
+    const auto PIDK = PPINFO{ LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::CombDLLk, 0, -1000 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var PIDmu
      *  Combined delta log-likelihood  for muon hypothesis
@@ -4312,7 +4312,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-15
-    const auto PIDmu = PPINFO{LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::CombDLLmu, 0, -1000};
+    const auto PIDmu = PPINFO{ LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::CombDLLmu, 0, -1000 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var PIDp
      *  Combined delta log-likelihood  for proton hypothesis
@@ -4336,7 +4336,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-15
-    const auto PIDp = PPINFO{LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::CombDLLp, 0, -1000};
+    const auto PIDp = PPINFO{ LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::CombDLLp, 0, -1000 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var PIDpi
      *  Combined delta log-likelihood  for pion hypothesis
@@ -4360,7 +4360,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-15
-    const auto PIDpi = PPINFO{LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::CombDLLpi, 0, -1000};
+    const auto PIDpi = PPINFO{ LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::CombDLLpi, 0, -1000 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var PROBNNe
      *  New NN-based variable for PID by Chris Jones
@@ -4378,7 +4378,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@cern.ch
      *  @date 2010-12-04
-    const auto PROBNNe = PPINFO{LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::ProbNNe, -1, -1000};
+    const auto PROBNNe = PPINFO{ LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::ProbNNe, -1, -1000 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var PROBNNmu
      *  New NN-based variable for PID by Chris Jones
@@ -4396,7 +4396,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@cern.ch
      *  @date 2010-12-04
-    const auto PROBNNmu = PPINFO{LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::ProbNNmu, -1, -1000};
+    const auto PROBNNmu = PPINFO{ LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::ProbNNmu, -1, -1000 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var PROBNNpi
      *  New NN-based variable for PID by Chris Jones
@@ -4414,7 +4414,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@cern.ch
      *  @date 2010-12-04
-    const auto PROBNNpi = PPINFO{LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::ProbNNpi, -1, -1000};
+    const auto PROBNNpi = PPINFO{ LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::ProbNNpi, -1, -1000 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var PROBNNk
      *  New NN-based variable for PID by Chris Jones
@@ -4432,7 +4432,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@cern.ch
      *  @date 2010-12-04
-    const auto PROBNNk = PPINFO{LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::ProbNNk, -1, -1000};
+    const auto PROBNNk = PPINFO{ LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::ProbNNk, -1, -1000 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var PROBNNK
      *  New NN-based variable for PID by Chris Jones
@@ -4450,7 +4450,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@cern.ch
      *  @date 2010-12-04
-    const auto PROBNNK = PPINFO{LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::ProbNNk, -1, -1000};
+    const auto PROBNNK = PPINFO{ LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::ProbNNk, -1, -1000 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var PROBNNp
      *  New NN-based variable for PID by Chris Jones
@@ -4468,7 +4468,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@cern.ch
      *  @date 2010-12-04
-    const auto PROBNNp = PPINFO{LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::ProbNNp, -1, -1000};
+    const auto PROBNNp = PPINFO{ LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::ProbNNp, -1, -1000 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var PROBNNghost
      *  New NN-based variable for PID by Chris Jones
@@ -4486,7 +4486,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@cern.ch
      *  @date 2010-12-04
-    const auto PROBNNghost = PPINFO{LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::ProbNNghost, -1, -1000};
+    const auto PROBNNghost = PPINFO{ LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::ProbNNghost, -1, -1000 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @typedef PINFO
      *  Trivial function which evaluates LHCb::Particle::info
@@ -4633,7 +4633,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-15
-    const auto PNONE = LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>{false};
+    const auto PNONE = LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>{ false };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var PONE
      *  the trivial functor which always evaluates to 1
@@ -4645,7 +4645,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-15
-    const auto PONE = LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::Particle*, double>{1};
+    const auto PONE = LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::Particle*, double>{ 1 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var PPHASCALOS
      *  the trivial predicate which tests the validity of
@@ -4993,7 +4993,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-15
-    const auto PTRUE = LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>{true};
+    const auto PTRUE = LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>{ true };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @typedef PVTRACK
      *  The simple predicate which evaluates to 'true' for
@@ -5122,7 +5122,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-15
-    const auto PZERO = LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::Particle*, double>{0};
+    const auto PZERO = LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::Particle*, double>{ 0 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var Q
      *  the trivial evaluator of particle charge
@@ -5191,7 +5191,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV  Ivan.Belyaev@nikhef.nl
      *  @date 2008-09-21
-    const auto QPT1 = LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentumQ{1};
+    const auto QPT1 = LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentumQ{ 1 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var QPT2
      *  Simple evalautor of the value of the transverse momentum of
@@ -5217,7 +5217,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV  Ivan.Belyaev@nikhef.nl
      *  @date 2008-09-21
-    const auto QPT2 = LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentumQ{2};
+    const auto QPT2 = LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentumQ{ 2 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @typedef SAME
      *  The trivial predicate which check the identity of 2 particles
@@ -5963,7 +5963,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-23
-    const auto TRDOWN = EQUALTO{TRTYPE, static_cast<int>( LHCb::Track::Types::Downstream )};
+    const auto TRDOWN = EQUALTO{ TRTYPE, static_cast<int>( LHCb::Track::Types::Downstream ) };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var TRGHP
      *  simple evaluator of "ghost probability"
@@ -6036,7 +6036,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-23
-    const auto TRLONG = EQUALTO{TRTYPE, static_cast<int>( LHCb::Track::Types::Long )};
+    const auto TRLONG = EQUALTO{ TRTYPE, static_cast<int>( LHCb::Track::Types::Long ) };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var TRLH
      *  simple evaluator of "track likelihood"
@@ -6133,7 +6133,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-23
-    const auto TRTTRACK = EQUALTO{TRTYPE, static_cast<int>( LHCb::Track::Types::Ttrack )};
+    const auto TRTTRACK = EQUALTO{ TRTYPE, static_cast<int>( LHCb::Track::Types::Ttrack ) };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var TRUP
      *  The trivial predicate which evaluates to true for particles,
@@ -6158,7 +6158,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-23
-    const auto TRUP = EQUALTO{TRTYPE, static_cast<int>( LHCb::Track::Types::Upstream )};
+    const auto TRUP = EQUALTO{ TRTYPE, static_cast<int>( LHCb::Track::Types::Upstream ) };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @typedef TSIGND
      *  Simple evaluator of the proper lifetime
@@ -6654,7 +6654,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-15
-    const auto ZERO = LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::Particle*, double>{0};
+    const auto ZERO = LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::Particle*, double>{ 0 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var NSHAREDMU
      *  Get number of muon shared hits
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Particles0.h b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Particles0.h
index 56dc4720cc93858f4e751cb9d2bb1faf39676431..75cbed3202378d228189f566c34043630916f6ab 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Particles0.h
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Particles0.h
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      HasKey() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      HasKey() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       HasKey* clone() const override { return new HasKey( *this ); }
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Contructor
-      Identifier() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      Identifier() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       Identifier* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      AbsIdentifier() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      AbsIdentifier() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       AbsIdentifier* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      Charge() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      Charge() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       Charge* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      SumCharge() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      SumCharge() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       SumCharge* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Contructor
-      Momentum() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      Momentum() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       Momentum* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Contructor
-      Momentum2() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      Momentum2() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       Momentum2* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Contructor
-      Energy() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      Energy() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       Energy* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Contructor
-      TransverseMomentum() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      TransverseMomentum() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       TransverseMomentum* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Contructor
-      MomentumX() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      MomentumX() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       MomentumX* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Contructor
-      MomentumY() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      MomentumY() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       MomentumY* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Contructor
-      MomentumZ() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      MomentumZ() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       MomentumZ* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Contructor
-      PseudoRapidity() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      PseudoRapidity() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       PseudoRapidity* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Contructor
-      Rapidity() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      Rapidity() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       Rapidity* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Contructor
-      Rapidity0() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      Rapidity0() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       Rapidity0* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Contructor
-      Phi() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      Phi() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       Phi* clone() const override { return new Phi( *this ); }
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Contructor
-      Theta() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      Theta() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       Theta* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      Mass() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      Mass() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       Mass* clone() const override { return new Mass( *this ); }
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      MeasuredMass() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      MeasuredMass() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       MeasuredMass* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -725,23 +725,23 @@ namespace LoKi {
       /** constructor with index of daughter particle
        *  @attention <c>index==0</c> corresponds to the particle
-      InvariantMass( const unsigned int index = 0 ) : InvariantMass( Indices{index} ) {}
+      InvariantMass( const unsigned int index = 0 ) : InvariantMass( Indices{ index } ) {}
       /** constructor with pair of indices of daughter particle
        *  @attention <c>index==0</c> corresponds to the particle
       InvariantMass( const unsigned int index1, const unsigned int index2 )
-          : InvariantMass( Indices{index1, index2} ) {}
+          : InvariantMass( Indices{ index1, index2 } ) {}
       /** constructor with triplet of indices of daughter particle
        *  @attention <c>index==0</c> corresponds to the particle
       InvariantMass( const unsigned int index1, const unsigned int index2, const unsigned int index3 )
-          : InvariantMass( Indices{index1, index2, index3} ) {}
+          : InvariantMass( Indices{ index1, index2, index3 } ) {}
       /** constructor with four indices of daughter particle
        *  @attention <c>index==0</c> corresponds to the particle
       InvariantMass( const unsigned int index1, const unsigned int index2, const unsigned int index3,
                      const unsigned int index4 )
-          : InvariantMass( Indices{index1, index2, index3, index4} ) {}
+          : InvariantMass( Indices{ index1, index2, index3, index4 } ) {}
       /** constructor with arbitrary number of indices of daughter particle
        *  @attention <c>index==0</c> corresponds to the particle
@@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      ConfidenceLevel() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      ConfidenceLevel() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       ConfidenceLevel* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -1061,7 +1061,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      Weight() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      Weight() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       Weight* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -1087,7 +1087,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      IsBasic() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      IsBasic() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       IsBasic* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -1112,7 +1112,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      NumberOfDaughters() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      NumberOfDaughters() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       NumberOfDaughters* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      HasProto() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      HasProto() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       HasProto* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -1164,7 +1164,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      HasVertex() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      HasVertex() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       HasVertex* clone() const override;
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      HasTrack() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      HasTrack() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// clone method (mandatory!)
       HasTrack* clone() const override { return new HasTrack( *this ); }
       /// the only one essential method
@@ -1333,7 +1333,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      NominalMass() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      NominalMass() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("virtual constructor")
       NominalMass* clone() const override { return new NominalMass( *this ); }
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -1379,7 +1379,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      Perr2() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      Perr2() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("virtual constructor")
       Perr2* clone() const override;
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -1400,7 +1400,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      PTerr2() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      PTerr2() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: virtual destructor
       PTerr2* clone() const override;
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -1421,7 +1421,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      M2err2() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      M2err2() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: virtual destructor
       M2err2* clone() const override;
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      Chi2VX() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      Chi2VX() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("virtual constructor")
       Chi2VX* clone() const override;
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -1462,7 +1462,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      Chi2VXnDOF() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      Chi2VXnDOF() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("virtual constructor")
       Chi2VXnDOF* clone() const override;
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Particles12.h b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Particles12.h
index 4d32f54a9c60e4bafaa48d63b4b29eabeb08da48..107fb3bb9f5d46b29329c22d7fe032148634b975 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Particles12.h
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Particles12.h
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      ProtoHasRichPID() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      ProtoHasRichPID() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("virtual constructor")
       ProtoHasRichPID* clone() const override { return new ProtoHasRichPID( *this ); }
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      ProtoHasMuonPID() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      ProtoHasMuonPID() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("virtual constructor")
       ProtoHasMuonPID* clone() const override { return new ProtoHasMuonPID( *this ); }
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      ProtoHasCaloHypos() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      ProtoHasCaloHypos() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("virtual constructor")
       ProtoHasCaloHypos* clone() const override { return new ProtoHasCaloHypos( *this ); }
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      IsMuon() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      IsMuon() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("constructor")
       IsMuon* clone() const override { return new IsMuon( *this ); }
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      IsMuonLoose() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      IsMuonLoose() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("virtual constructor")
       IsMuonLoose* clone() const override { return new IsMuonLoose( *this ); }
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      IsMuonTight() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      IsMuonTight() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("virtual constructor")
       IsMuonTight* clone() const override { return new IsMuonTight( *this ); }
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      MuonChi2Correlated() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      MuonChi2Correlated() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("virtual constructor")
       MuonChi2Correlated* clone() const override;
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      MuonMVA1() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      MuonMVA1() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("virtual constructor")
       MuonMVA1* clone() const override;
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      MuonMVA2() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      MuonMVA2() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("virtual constructor")
       MuonMVA2* clone() const override;
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      InMuonAcceptance() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      InMuonAcceptance() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("virtual constructor")
       InMuonAcceptance* clone() const override;
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      NShared() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      NShared() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("virtual constructor")
       NShared* clone() const override;
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Particles13.h b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Particles13.h
index fd632194b3ccc6d03b4caa41e981e000bbf201ff..97118b4b5917907507b3c5f3aa9ba1af0e4fd1e8 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Particles13.h
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Particles13.h
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      TrackChi2() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      TrackChi2() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("vitual constructor")
       TrackChi2* clone() const override { return new TrackChi2( *this ); }
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      TrackChi2PerDoF() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      TrackChi2PerDoF() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("vitual constructor")
       TrackChi2PerDoF* clone() const override { return new TrackChi2PerDoF( *this ); }
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      TrackChi2Prob() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      TrackChi2Prob() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("virtual constructor")
       TrackChi2Prob* clone() const override { return new TrackChi2Prob( *this ); }
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      TrackType() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      TrackType() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("vitual constructor")
       TrackType* clone() const override { return new TrackType( *this ); }
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      TrackHistory() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      TrackHistory() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("vitual constructor")
       TrackHistory* clone() const override { return new TrackHistory( *this ); }
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      TrackHistoryFit() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      TrackHistoryFit() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("vitual constructor")
       TrackHistoryFit* clone() const override { return new TrackHistoryFit( *this ); }
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      TrackStatus() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      TrackStatus() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("vitual constructor")
       TrackStatus* clone() const override { return new TrackStatus( *this ); }
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      GhostProbability() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      GhostProbability() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("vitual constructor")
       GhostProbability* clone() const override { return new GhostProbability( *this ); }
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      TrackLikelihood() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      TrackLikelihood() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("vitual constructor")
       TrackLikelihood* clone() const override { return new TrackLikelihood( *this ); }
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Particles45.h b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Particles45.h
index ea3f35b6d85679775e6745976646a386df900d4e..2e4e12461a7d86d59218fc879010e343e1609036 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Particles45.h
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Particles45.h
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       std::string m_location;
       short       m_index;
-      double      m_bad{-1000};
+      double      m_bad{ -1000 };
       // ======================================================================
       typedef IRelation<LHCb::Particle, LHCb::RelatedInfoMap> IMAP;
       mutable const IMAP*                                     m_table = nullptr;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Particles48.h b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Particles48.h
index b26d574a57d5e81128d75216afc553fe75391f06..dcead3be32b6957afba1769a4a60ebb5479249e8 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Particles48.h
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Particles48.h
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       std::string         m_to;
       mutable std::string m_location;
       short               m_index;
-      double              m_bad{-1000};
+      double              m_bad{ -1000 };
       // ======================================================================
       typedef IRelation<LHCb::Particle, LHCb::RelatedInfoMap> IMAP;
       mutable const IMAP*                                     m_table = nullptr;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/PhysDump.h b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/PhysDump.h
index 263a834e4f9c0e3eb46d499a3935be90b4412e5c..1c506580073d3d244d37f05ef9e2052bb9e6454d 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/PhysDump.h
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/PhysDump.h
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @date   2011-06-03
     template <>
-    Dump_<const LHCb::Particle*>::result_type Dump_<const LHCb::Particle*>::
-                                              operator()( Dump_<const LHCb::Particle*>::argument a ) const;
+    Dump_<const LHCb::Particle*>::result_type
+    Dump_<const LHCb::Particle*>::operator()( Dump_<const LHCb::Particle*>::argument a ) const;
     // ========================================================================
     /** template specialization of ``dumper''
      *  @see LoKi::Fuctors::Dump1_
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @date   2012-01-28
     template <>
-    Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>::result_type Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>::
-                                                     operator()( Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>::argument a ) const;
+    Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>::result_type
+    Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>::operator()( Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>::argument a ) const;
     // ========================================================================
     /** template specialization of ``dumper''
      *  @see LoKi::Fuctors::Dump1_
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @date   2012-01-28
     template <>
-    Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, double>::result_type Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, double>::
-                                                       operator()( Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, double>::argument a ) const;
+    Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, double>::result_type
+    Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, double>::operator()( Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, double>::argument a ) const;
     // ========================================================================
   } // namespace Functors
   // ==========================================================================
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/VertexCuts.h b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/VertexCuts.h
index ff9560f29f692a8737d119e602cb474c78f9e32f..d2739f4ec4bae4f55592bf4e02bb9346a2549184 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/VertexCuts.h
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/VertexCuts.h
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-15
-    const LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::VertexBase*, bool> VALL{true};
+    const LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::VertexBase*, bool> VALL{ true };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var VTRUE
      *  the trivial functor which always evaluates to "true"
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-15
-    const LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::VertexBase*, bool> VNONE{false};
+    const LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::VertexBase*, bool> VNONE{ false };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var VFALSE
      *  the trivial functor which always evaluates to "false"
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-15
-    const LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::VertexBase*, double> VONE{1};
+    const LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::VertexBase*, double> VONE{ 1 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var VZERO
      *  the trivial functor which always evaluates to 0
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      *  @date 2006-02-15
-    const LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::VertexBase*, double> VZERO{0};
+    const LoKi::Constant<const LHCb::VertexBase*, double> VZERO{ 0 };
     // ========================================================================
     /** @var VVALID
      *  the trivial functor which evaluayed the "validity" of the argument
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Vertices0.h b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Vertices0.h
index e5c2bfc4c099877805c6e69c578af48d00e6768a..739b9b442ad3b01e5731b22e97ff0c8790730c0c 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Vertices0.h
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/include/LoKi/Vertices0.h
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      Technique() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      Technique() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("virtual constructor")
       Technique* clone() const override;
       /// MANDATOY: the only one essential method
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      IsVertex() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      IsVertex() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("virtual constructor")
       IsVertex* clone() const override;
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       // ======================================================================
       /// Default Constructor
-      IsRecVertex() : AuxFunBase{std::tie()} {}
+      IsRecVertex() : AuxFunBase{ std::tie() } {}
       /// MANDATORY: clone method ("virtual constructor")
       IsRecVertex* clone() const override;
       /// MANDATORY: the only one essential method
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/Phys.py b/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/Phys.py
index 7f5c02b85b026b7614f24267fdf054805fb3cd6f..f30d4491dd1980cff76dd0c44cc7718c3385da1f 100755
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/Phys.py
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/Phys.py
@@ -36,14 +36,17 @@ contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg,
 A.Golutvin, P.Koppenburg have been used in the design.
 from __future__ import print_function
 # =============================================================================
 from builtins import range
-__author__ = 'Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu'
-__date__ = '2007-08-11'
+__author__ = "Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu"
+__date__ = "2007-08-11"
 # =============================================================================
-from LoKiPhys.functions import LoKi, LHCb, cpp
+from LoKiPhys.functions import LHCb, LoKi, cpp
 # =============================================================================
@@ -79,13 +82,13 @@ def children(o, *a):
     return LoKi.Child.children(o, *a)
-children.__doc__ += '\n' + LoKi.Child.children.__doc__
+children.__doc__ += "\n" + LoKi.Child.children.__doc__
 LHCb.Particle.children = children
 LHCb.Particle.__children__ = children
 ## save/backup the original C++ method
-if not hasattr(LHCb.Particle, 'orig_daughters'):
+if not hasattr(LHCb.Particle, "orig_daughters"):
     LHCb.Particle.orig_daughters = LHCb.Particle.daughters
 LHCb.Particle.daughters = children
@@ -142,7 +145,7 @@ LHCb.Particle.__call__ = child
 #  @attention indices start from 1.
 #  Index 0 corresponds to the particle itself.
 def _p_getitem_(p, index):
-    """ Get children particle by index
+    """Get children particle by index
     >>> p   = ...
     >>> d1  = p[1]
     >>> d2  = p[2]
@@ -151,7 +154,7 @@ def _p_getitem_(p, index):
     nc = nChildren(p)
     if not 0 <= index <= nc:
-        raise IndexError('Index %s is outside the range [0,%d]' % (index, nc))
+        raise IndexError("Index %s is outside the range [0,%d]" % (index, nc))
     return child(p, index)
@@ -206,6 +209,7 @@ def protoparticles(p, c=None):
     if c is None:
         from LoKiPhys.decorators import ISBASIC
         c = ISBASIC
     return LoKi.Dicts.Extract.protoParticles(p, c)
@@ -395,9 +399,16 @@ LHCb.Particle.__decay__ = printDecay
 import LoKiCore.functions as _LCF
 ## non-zero test for smart reference
-for t in (LHCb.Particle, LHCb.Vertex, LHCb.VertexBase, LHCb.RecVertex,
-          LHCb.Track, LHCb.CaloDigit, LHCb.CaloCluster, LHCb.CaloHypo):
+for t in (
+    LHCb.Particle,
+    LHCb.Vertex,
+    LHCb.VertexBase,
+    LHCb.RecVertex,
+    LHCb.Track,
+    LHCb.CaloDigit,
+    LHCb.CaloCluster,
+    LHCb.CaloHypo,
     _SR = cpp.SmartRef(t)
     _SR.__bool__ = lambda s: bool(s.target())
     _SR.__nonzero__ = _SR.__bool__  # Python 2 compatibility
@@ -430,25 +441,33 @@ _LCF.max_element.__doc__ += "\n" + LoKi.Dicts.Algs.max_element.__doc__
 _LCF.printDecay.__doc__ += "\n" + LoKi.PrintPhys.printDecay.__doc__
 # decorate SmartRefVectors:
-for _t in (LHCb.Particle, LHCb.VertexBase, LHCb.Track, LHCb.CaloDigit,
-           LHCb.CaloHypo, LHCb.CaloCluster):
+for _t in (
+    LHCb.Particle,
+    LHCb.VertexBase,
+    LHCb.Track,
+    LHCb.CaloDigit,
+    LHCb.CaloHypo,
+    LHCb.CaloCluster,
     _tt = cpp.SmartRefVector(_t)
     # redefine the iterator
     _tt.__iter__ = _LCF._iter_SRV_
-LHCb.Particle.ConstVector = cpp.std.vector('const LHCb::Particle*')
+LHCb.Particle.ConstVector = cpp.std.vector("const LHCb::Particle*")
 LHCb.Particle.Range = cpp.Gaudi.NamedRange_(LHCb.Particle.ConstVector)
-LHCb.Vertex.ConstVector = cpp.std.vector('const LHCb::VertexBase*')
+LHCb.Vertex.ConstVector = cpp.std.vector("const LHCb::VertexBase*")
 LHCb.Vertex.Range = cpp.Gaudi.NamedRange_(LHCb.Vertex.ConstVector)
-LHCb.VertexBase.ConstVector = cpp.std.vector('const LHCb::VertexBase*')
+LHCb.VertexBase.ConstVector = cpp.std.vector("const LHCb::VertexBase*")
 LHCb.VertexBase.Range = cpp.Gaudi.NamedRange_(LHCb.VertexBase.ConstVector)
-for r in (LHCb.Particle.Range, LHCb.VertexBase.Range,
-          cpp.Gaudi.Range_(LHCb.Particle.ConstVector),
-          cpp.Gaudi.Range_(LHCb.VertexBase.ConstVector)):
+for r in (
+    LHCb.Particle.Range,
+    LHCb.VertexBase.Range,
+    cpp.Gaudi.Range_(LHCb.Particle.ConstVector),
+    cpp.Gaudi.Range_(LHCb.VertexBase.ConstVector),
     import LoKiCore.decorators as _LCD
     r.__iter__ = _LCD._iter_1_
@@ -457,7 +476,8 @@ for r in (LHCb.Particle.Range, LHCb.VertexBase.Range,
     r.__setitem__ = None
 LHCb.Particle.Container = cpp.KeyedContainer(
-    LHCb.Particle, 'Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap>')
+    LHCb.Particle, "Containers::KeyedObjectManager<Containers::hashmap>"
 LHCb.Particle.Selection = cpp.SharedObjectsContainer(LHCb.Particle)
@@ -472,14 +492,16 @@ LHCb.Particle.Selection.__iter__ = _iter_LPS_
 # =============================================================================
 ## define various printers
-def _print_(self,
-            accept=None,
-            mark=None,
-            maxDepth=5,
-            vertex=True,
-            mode=LoKi.DecayChainBase.LV_WITHPT,
-            fg=cpp.MSG.YELLOW,
-            bg=cpp.MSG.RED):
+def _print_(
+    self,
+    accept=None,
+    mark=None,
+    maxDepth=5,
+    vertex=True,
+    mode=LoKi.DecayChainBase.LV_WITHPT,
+    fg=cpp.MSG.YELLOW,
+    bg=cpp.MSG.RED,
     Define the print functions for some objects
     for details see LoKi::DecayChain
@@ -495,17 +517,21 @@ def _print_(self,
 _print_.__doc__ += "\n" + LoKi.DecayChain.print_.__doc__
-for t in (LHCb.Particle, LHCb.Particle.Range, LHCb.Particle.ConstVector,
-          LHCb.Particle.Container, LHCb.Particle.Selection):
+for t in (
+    LHCb.Particle,
+    LHCb.Particle.Range,
+    LHCb.Particle.ConstVector,
+    LHCb.Particle.Container,
+    LHCb.Particle.Selection,
     t._print_ = _print_
     t.__str__ = _print_
     t.__repr__ = _print_
 _LVE = cpp.Gaudi.Math.LorentzVectorWithError
-if not hasattr(cpp.Gaudi.Math, 'Kinematics'):
-    print(
-        '# LoKiPhys.Phys: WARNING , Gaudi::Math::Kinematics is not available')
+if not hasattr(cpp.Gaudi.Math, "Kinematics"):
+    print("# LoKiPhys.Phys: WARNING , Gaudi::Math::Kinematics is not available")
 # =============================================================================
@@ -547,8 +573,7 @@ def _p_pt_(p):
     >>> p = ...
     >>> print p.pt() / GeV
-    return cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.transverseMomentum(
-        p.momentum(), p.momCovMatrix())
+    return cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.transverseMomentum(p.momentum(), p.momCovMatrix())
 # =============================================================================
@@ -564,8 +589,7 @@ def _p_et_(p):
     >>> p = ...
     >>> print p.et() / GeV
-    return cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.transverseEnergy(p.momentum(),
-                                                      p.momCovMatrix())
+    return cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.transverseEnergy(p.momentum(), p.momCovMatrix())
 # =============================================================================
@@ -581,8 +605,7 @@ def _p_ek_(p):
     >>> p = ...
     >>> print p.eK() / GeV
-    return cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.kineticEnergy(p.momentum(),
-                                                   p.momCovMatrix())
+    return cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.kineticEnergy(p.momentum(), p.momCovMatrix())
 # =============================================================================
@@ -593,13 +616,12 @@ def _p_ek_(p):
 #  print p.mt()
 #  @encode
 def _p_mt_(p):
-    """Get the transverse mass  (with uncertainty) of the particle
+    r"""Get the transverse mass  (with uncertainty) of the particle
     - m_T = \sqrt{ m^2 + pT^2}
     >>> p = ...
     >>> print p.mt() / GeV
-    return cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.transverseMass(p.momentum(),
-                                                    p.momCovMatrix())
+    return cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.transverseMass(p.momentum(), p.momCovMatrix())
 # =============================================================================
@@ -610,13 +632,14 @@ def _p_mt_(p):
 #  print p.eTk()
 #  @encode
 def _p_eTk_(p):
-    """Get the transverse kinetic energy (with uncertainty) of the particle
+    r"""Get the transverse kinetic energy (with uncertainty) of the particle
     - m_T = \sqrt{ m^2 + pT^2}
     >>> p = ...
     >>> print p.eTk() / GeV
     return cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.transverseKineticEnergy(
-        p.momentum(), p.momCovMatrix())
+        p.momentum(), p.momCovMatrix()
+    )
 # =============================================================================
@@ -648,8 +671,7 @@ def _p_eta_(p):
     >>> p = ...
     >>> print p.eta()
-    return cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.pseudorapidity(p.momentum(),
-                                                    p.momCovMatrix())
+    return cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.pseudorapidity(p.momentum(), p.momCovMatrix())
 # =============================================================================
@@ -695,21 +717,20 @@ def _p_all_(p):
     >>> p = ...
     >>> print p.momentumWithError() / GeV
-    return cpp.Gaudi.Math.LorentzVectorWithError(p.momentum(),
-                                                 p.momCovMatrix())
-_p_mass_.__doc__ += '\n' + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.mass.__doc__
-_p_p_.__doc__ += '\n' + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.momentum.__doc__
-_p_pt_.__doc__ += '\n' + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.transverseMomentum.__doc__
-_p_et_.__doc__ += '\n' + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.transverseEnergy.__doc__
-_p_mt_.__doc__ += '\n' + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.transverseMass.__doc__
-_p_ek_.__doc__ += '\n' + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.kineticEnergy.__doc__
-_p_y_.__doc__ += '\n' + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.rapidity.__doc__
-_p_eta_.__doc__ += '\n' + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.pseudorapidity.__doc__
-_p_phi_.__doc__ += '\n' + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.phi.__doc__
-_p_theta_.__doc__ += '\n' + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.theta.__doc__
-_p_eTk_.__doc__ += '\n' + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.transverseKineticEnergy.__doc__
+    return cpp.Gaudi.Math.LorentzVectorWithError(p.momentum(), p.momCovMatrix())
+_p_mass_.__doc__ += "\n" + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.mass.__doc__
+_p_p_.__doc__ += "\n" + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.momentum.__doc__
+_p_pt_.__doc__ += "\n" + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.transverseMomentum.__doc__
+_p_et_.__doc__ += "\n" + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.transverseEnergy.__doc__
+_p_mt_.__doc__ += "\n" + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.transverseMass.__doc__
+_p_ek_.__doc__ += "\n" + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.kineticEnergy.__doc__
+_p_y_.__doc__ += "\n" + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.rapidity.__doc__
+_p_eta_.__doc__ += "\n" + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.pseudorapidity.__doc__
+_p_phi_.__doc__ += "\n" + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.phi.__doc__
+_p_theta_.__doc__ += "\n" + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.theta.__doc__
+_p_eTk_.__doc__ += "\n" + cpp.Gaudi.Math.Kinematics.transverseKineticEnergy.__doc__
 LHCb.Particle.mass = _p_mass_
 LHCb.Particle.m = _p_mass_
@@ -736,13 +757,12 @@ LHCb.Particle.theta = _p_theta_
 LHCb.Particle.momentumWithError = _p_all_
 # =============================================================================
-if '__main__' == __name__:
-    print(80 * '*')
+if "__main__" == __name__:
+    print(80 * "*")
-    print(' Author  : ', __author__)
-    print(' Date    : ', __date__)
-    print(80 * '*')
+    print(" Author  : ", __author__)
+    print(" Date    : ", __date__)
+    print(80 * "*")
     for i in dir():
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/__init__.py b/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/__init__.py
index cd0137e1e0f7c83c7a8ac04a499c238121e7c918..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 100755
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/__init__.py
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/__init__.py
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
-#                                                                             #
-# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
-# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
-#                                                                             #
-# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
-# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
-# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-# =============================================================================
-## @file  LoKiPhys/__init__.py
-#  Helper file to manage LoKiPhys package
-#        This file is a part of LoKi project -
-#    "C++ ToolKit  for Smart and Friendly Physics Analysis"
-#  The package has been designed with the kind help from
-#  Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas,
-#  contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg,
-#  A.Golutvin, P.Koppenburg have been used in the design.
-#  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
-#  @date 2007-05-29
-# =============================================================================
-Helper file to manage LoKiPhys package
-      This file is a part of LoKi project -
-'C++ ToolKit  for Smart and Friendly Physics Analysis'
-The package has been designed with the kind help from
-Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas,
-contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg,
-A.Golutvin, P.Koppenburg have been used in the design.
-# =============================================================================
-__author__ = "Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu"
-# =============================================================================
-import LoKiCore.decorators
-# =============================================================================
-# The END
-# =============================================================================
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/decorators.py b/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/decorators.py
index 7038c9762f343a1533af34c56fd46f9dd4e7a606..282bba4c15f3d4e346f079a08bd1db89a88a4d16 100755
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/decorators.py
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/decorators.py
@@ -35,15 +35,26 @@ Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas,
 contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg,
 A.Golutvin, P.Koppenburg have been used in the design.
 from __future__ import print_function
 # =============================================================================
 __author__ = "Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu"
 # =============================================================================
-from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import (MeV, GeV, micrometer, millimeter,
-                                       centimeter, meter, picosecond,
-                                       femtosecond, nanosecond, perCent)
 from GaudiKernel.PhysicalConstants import c_light
+from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import (
+    GeV,
+    MeV,
+    centimeter,
+    femtosecond,
+    meter,
+    micrometer,
+    millimeter,
+    nanosecond,
+    perCent,
+    picosecond,
 um = micrometer
 mm = millimeter
@@ -52,11 +63,11 @@ ns = picosecond
 ps = picosecond
 fs = femtosecond
-from LoKiCore.basic import cpp, std, LoKi, LHCb
-from LoKiPhys.functions import *
+from LoKiCore.basic import LHCb, LoKi, cpp, std
 from LoKiCore.functions import equal_to
 import LoKiPhys.Phys
+from LoKiPhys.functions import *
 _name = __name__
@@ -70,44 +81,43 @@ def _decorate(name=_name):
     import LoKiCore.decorators as _LoKiCore
-    p = 'const LHCb::Particle*'
-    v = 'const LHCb::VertexBase*'
-    d = 'double'
-    _vp = 'std::vector<const LHCb::Particle*>'  ## std.vector( p )
-    _vv = 'std::vector<const LHCb::VertexBase*>'  ## std.vector( v )
-    _vd = 'std::vector<double>'  ## std.vector( 'double' )
-    #_vp  = std.vector( p )
-    #_vv  = std.vector( v )
-    #_vd  = std.vector( 'double' )
-    #
+    p = "const LHCb::Particle*"
+    v = "const LHCb::VertexBase*"
+    _vp = "std::vector<const LHCb::Particle*>"  ## std.vector( p )
+    _vv = "std::vector<const LHCb::VertexBase*>"  ## std.vector( v )
+    _vd = "std::vector<double>"  ## std.vector( 'double' )
     # "function" : Particle -> double
     _decorated = _LoKiCore.getAndDecorateFunctions(
         name,  ## module name                                   , ## the base
-        LoKi.Functor(p, 'double'),  ## the base
+        LoKi.Functor(p, "double"),  ## the base
         LoKi.Dicts.FunCalls(LHCb.Particle),  ## call-traits
-        LoKi.Dicts.FuncOps(p))  ## operators&operations
+        LoKi.Dicts.FuncOps(p),
+    )  ## operators&operations
     # "function" : Vertex -> double
     _decorated |= _LoKiCore.getAndDecorateFunctions(
         name,  ## module name
-        LoKi.Functor(v, 'double'),  ## the base
+        LoKi.Functor(v, "double"),  ## the base
         LoKi.Dicts.FunCalls(LHCb.VertexBase),  ## call-traits
-        LoKi.Dicts.FuncOps(v))  ## operators&operations
+        LoKi.Dicts.FuncOps(v),
+    )  ## operators&operations
     # "predicate/cut" :  Particle -> bool
     _decorated |= _LoKiCore.getAndDecoratePredicates(
         name,  ## module name
         LoKi.Functor(p, bool),  ## the base
         LoKi.Dicts.CutCalls(LHCb.Particle),  ## call-traits
-        LoKi.Dicts.CutsOps(p))  ## operators&operations
+        LoKi.Dicts.CutsOps(p),
+    )  ## operators&operations
     # "predicate/cut" :  Vertex -> bool
     _decorated |= _LoKiCore.getAndDecoratePredicates(
         name,  ## moduel name
         LoKi.Functor(v, bool),  ## the base
         LoKi.Dicts.CutCalls(LHCb.VertexBase),  ## call-traits
-        LoKi.Dicts.CutsOps(v))  ## operators&operations
+        LoKi.Dicts.CutsOps(v),
+    )  ## operators&operations
     # =========================================================================
     ## functional part:
@@ -117,61 +127,73 @@ def _decorate(name=_name):
     _decorated |= _LoKiCore.getAndDecorateMaps(
         name,  ## module name
         LoKi.Functor(_vp, _vd),  ## the base
-        LoKi.Dicts.MapsOps(p))  ## call-traits
+        LoKi.Dicts.MapsOps(p),
+    )  ## call-traits
     _decorated |= _LoKiCore.getAndDecorateMaps(
         name,  ## module name
         LoKi.Functor(_vv, _vd),  ## the base
-        LoKi.Dicts.MapsOps(v))  ## call-traits
+        LoKi.Dicts.MapsOps(v),
+    )  ## call-traits
     # "pipe" : vector<T> -> vector<T>
     _decorated |= _LoKiCore.getAndDecoratePipes(
         name,  ## module name
         LoKi.Functor(_vp, _vp),  ## the base
-        LoKi.Dicts.PipeOps(p))  ## call-traits
+        LoKi.Dicts.PipeOps(p),
+    )  ## call-traits
     _decorated |= _LoKiCore.getAndDecoratePipes(
         name,  ## module name
         LoKi.Functor(_vv, _vv),  ## the base
-        LoKi.Dicts.PipeOps(v))  ## call-traits
+        LoKi.Dicts.PipeOps(v),
+    )  ## call-traits
     # "funval" : vector<T> -> double
     _decorated |= _LoKiCore.getAndDecorateFunVals(
         name,  ## module name
-        LoKi.Functor(_vp, 'double'),  ## the base
-        LoKi.Dicts.FunValOps(p))  ## call-traits
+        LoKi.Functor(_vp, "double"),  ## the base
+        LoKi.Dicts.FunValOps(p),
+    )  ## call-traits
     _decorated |= _LoKiCore.getAndDecorateFunVals(
         name,  ## module name
-        LoKi.Functor(_vv, 'double'),  ## the base
-        LoKi.Dicts.FunValOps(v))  ## call-traits
+        LoKi.Functor(_vv, "double"),  ## the base
+        LoKi.Dicts.FunValOps(v),
+    )  ## call-traits
     # "cutval" : vector<T> -> bool
     _decorated |= _LoKiCore.getAndDecorateCutVals(
         name,  ## module name
         LoKi.Functor(_vp, bool),  ## the base
-        LoKi.Dicts.CutValOps(p))  ## call-traits
+        LoKi.Dicts.CutValOps(p),
+    )  ## call-traits
     _decorated |= _LoKiCore.getAndDecorateCutVals(
         name,  ## module name
         LoKi.Functor(_vv, bool),  ## the base
-        LoKi.Dicts.CutValOps(v))  ## call-traits
+        LoKi.Dicts.CutValOps(v),
+    )  ## call-traits
     # 'source' : void -> vector<T>
     _decorated |= _LoKiCore.getAndDecorateSources(
         name,  ## module name
-        LoKi.Functor('void', _vp),  ## the base
-        LoKi.Dicts.SourceOps(p))  ## call-traits
+        LoKi.Functor("void", _vp),  ## the base
+        LoKi.Dicts.SourceOps(p),
+    )  ## call-traits
     _decorated |= _LoKiCore.getAndDecorateSources(
         name,  ## module name
-        LoKi.Functor('void', _vv),  ## the base
-        LoKi.Dicts.SourceOps(v))  ## call-traits
+        LoKi.Functor("void", _vv),  ## the base
+        LoKi.Dicts.SourceOps(v),
+    )  ## call-traits
     # 'infos'
     _decorated |= _LoKiCore.getAndDecorateInfos(
         name,  ## module name
-        LoKi.Functor(p, 'double'),  ## the base
-        LoKi.Dicts.InfoOps(p))  ## methods
+        LoKi.Functor(p, "double"),  ## the base
+        LoKi.Dicts.InfoOps(p),
+    )  ## methods
     _decorated |= _LoKiCore.getAndDecorateInfos(
         name,  ## module name
-        LoKi.Functor(v, 'double'),  ## the base
-        LoKi.Dicts.InfoOps(v))  ## methods
+        LoKi.Functor(v, "double"),  ## the base
+        LoKi.Dicts.InfoOps(v),
+    )  ## methods
     ## void primitives
     _decorated |= _LoKiCore.getAndDecoratePrimitiveVoids(name)
@@ -194,6 +216,7 @@ _decorated = _decorate()  ## ATTENTION
 # play a bit with random cuts
 import LoKiNumbers.decorators as _LoKiNumbers
 RNDM = ONE >> _LoKiNumbers.XRNDM
 GAUSS = ONE >> _LoKiNumbers.XGAUSS
 RAND = ONE >> _LoKiNumbers.XRAND
@@ -211,8 +234,8 @@ ISDOWN = equal_to(TRTYPE, LHCb.Event.Enum.Track.Type.Downstream)
 ISTTRACK = equal_to(TRTYPE, LHCb.Event.Enum.Track.Type.Ttrack)
 # =============================================================================
-if '__main__' == __name__:
-    print('Number of properly decorated types: %s' % len(_decorated))
+if "__main__" == __name__:
+    print("Number of properly decorated types: %s" % len(_decorated))
     for o in _decorated:
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/functions.py b/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/functions.py
index 8a2c1019de83b2b6aaadf8386f2c2a72d3d958d8..f374ea5036c2ac3beb4e3737c36f0073cde258d8 100755
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/functions.py
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/functions.py
@@ -33,20 +33,22 @@ Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas,
 contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg,
 A.Golutvin, P.Koppenburg have been used in the design.
 from __future__ import print_function
 # =============================================================================
 __author__ = "Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@nikhef.nl"
 __date__ = "????-??-??"
 # =============================================================================
 import LoKiCore.decorators as _LoKiCore
-from LoKiCore.functions import equal_to
 # Namespaces:
-from LoKiCore.basic import cpp, std, LoKi, LHCb, Gaudi
+from LoKiCore.basic import Gaudi, LHCb, LoKi, cpp, std
+from LoKiCore.functions import equal_to
-_RCP = 'const LHCb::Particle*'
-_RCV = 'const LHCb::VertexBase*'
+_RCP = "const LHCb::Particle*"
+_RCV = "const LHCb::VertexBase*"
 _c1 = std.vector(_RCP)
 _c2 = std.vector(_RCV)
@@ -63,19 +65,19 @@ VRangeL = LoKi.RangeList_(VRange)
 # =============================================================================
 ## @see LoKi::Types::Func
-Func = LoKi.Functor(_RCP, 'double')
+Func = LoKi.Functor(_RCP, "double")
 ## @see LoKi::Types::Cuts
 Cuts = LoKi.Functor(_RCP, bool)
 ## @see LoKi::Types::Fun
-Fun = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor(_RCP, 'double')
+Fun = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor(_RCP, "double")
 ## @see LoKi::Types::Cut
 Cut = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor(_RCP, bool)
 ## @see LoKi::Types::Func
-VFunc = LoKi.Functor(_RCV, 'double')
+VFunc = LoKi.Functor(_RCV, "double")
 ## @see LoKi::Types::Cuts
 VCuts = LoKi.Functor(_RCV, bool)
 ## @see LoKi::Types::Fun
-VFun = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor(_RCV, 'double')
+VFun = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor(_RCV, "double")
 ## @see LoKi::Types::Cut
 VCut = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor(_RCV, bool)
@@ -84,41 +86,41 @@ VCut = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor(_RCV, bool)
 # =============================================================================
 ## functional part
-#_vp       = std.vector ( _RCP    )
-#_vv       = std.vector ( _RCV    )
-#_vd       = std.vector ('double')
+# _vp       = std.vector ( _RCP    )
+# _vv       = std.vector ( _RCV    )
+# _vd       = std.vector ('double')
-_vp = 'std::vector<const LHCb::Particle*>'  ## std.vector ( _RCP    )
-_vv = 'std::vector<const LHCb::VertexBase*>'  ## std.vector ( _RCV    )
-_vd = 'std::vector<double>'  ## std.vector ('double')
+_vp = "std::vector<const LHCb::Particle*>"  ## std.vector ( _RCP    )
+_vv = "std::vector<const LHCb::VertexBase*>"  ## std.vector ( _RCV    )
+_vd = "std::vector<double>"  ## std.vector ('double')
-#_vp       = std.vector ( _RCP    )
-#_vv       = std.vector ( _RCV    )
-#_vd       = std.vector ('double')
+# _vp       = std.vector ( _RCP    )
+# _vv       = std.vector ( _RCV    )
+# _vd       = std.vector ('double')
 Maps = LoKi.Functor(_vp, _vd)
 Map = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor(_vp, _vd)
 Pipes = LoKi.Functor(_vp, _vp)
 Pipe = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor(_vp, _vp)
-FunVals = LoKi.Functor(_vp, 'double')
-FunVal = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor(_vp, 'double')
+FunVals = LoKi.Functor(_vp, "double")
+FunVal = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor(_vp, "double")
 CutVals = LoKi.Functor(_vp, bool)
 CutVal = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor(_vp, bool)
-Sources = LoKi.Functor('void', _vp)
-Source = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor('void', _vp)
+Sources = LoKi.Functor("void", _vp)
+Source = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor("void", _vp)
 VMaps = LoKi.Functor(_vv, _vd)
 VMap = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor(_vv, _vd)
 VPipes = LoKi.Functor(_vv, _vv)
 VPipe = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor(_vv, _vv)
-VFunVals = LoKi.Functor(_vv, 'double')
-VFunVal = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor(_vv, 'double')
+VFunVals = LoKi.Functor(_vv, "double")
+VFunVal = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor(_vv, "double")
 VCutVals = LoKi.Functor(_vv, bool)
 VCutVal = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor(_vv, bool)
-VSources = LoKi.Functor('void', _vv)
-VSource = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor('void', _vv)
+VSources = LoKi.Functor("void", _vv)
+VSource = LoKi.FunctorFromFunctor("void", _vv)
 EMPTY = LoKi.Functors.Empty(_RCP)()
 VEMPTY = LoKi.Functors.Empty(_RCV)()
@@ -141,9 +143,9 @@ PALL = LoKi.Constant(_RCP, bool)(True)
 ## @see LoKi::Cuts::PNONE
 PNONE = LoKi.Constant(_RCP, bool)(False)
 ## @see LoKi::Cuts::ONE
-ONE = LoKi.Constant(_RCP, 'double')(1.0)
+ONE = LoKi.Constant(_RCP, "double")(1.0)
 ## @see LoKi::Cuts::ZERO
-ZERO = LoKi.Constant(_RCP, 'double')(0.0)
+ZERO = LoKi.Constant(_RCP, "double")(0.0)
 ## @see LoKi::Cuts::VALID
 VALID = LoKi.Valid(_RCP)()
 ## @see LoKi::Cuts::SAME
@@ -301,7 +303,8 @@ CLAPP = LoKi.Particles.ClosestApproach
 CLAPPCHI2 = LoKi.Particles.ClosestApproachChi2
 ## @see LoKi::Cuts::CLONEDIST
 CLONEDIST = LoKi.Particles.TrackInfo(
-    LHCb.Event.Enum.Track.AdditionalInfo.CloneDist, 1.e+9)
+    LHCb.Event.Enum.Track.AdditionalInfo.CloneDist, 1.0e9
 ## @see LoKi::Cuts::MINCLAPP
 MINCLAPP = LoKi.Particles.MinClosestApproach
 ## @see LoKi::Cuts::MINCLAPPCHI2
@@ -570,9 +573,9 @@ VALL = VTRUE
 ## @see LoKi::Cuts::VNONE
 ## @see LoKi::Cuts::VONE
-VONE = LoKi.Constant(_RCV, 'double')(1.0)
+VONE = LoKi.Constant(_RCV, "double")(1.0)
 ## @see LoKi::Cuts::VZERO
-VZERO = LoKi.Constant(_RCV, 'double')(0.0)
+VZERO = LoKi.Constant(_RCV, "double")(0.0)
 ## @see LoKi::Cuts::VVALID
 VVALID = LoKi.Valid(_RCV)()
 ## @see LoKi::Cuts::VSAME
@@ -803,6 +806,7 @@ DECTREE = LoKi.Particles.DecTree
 ## charged lepton:
 import PartProp.Nodes
 PELL = DECNODE(PartProp.Nodes.Ell, True)
 PLEPTON = DECNODE(PartProp.Nodes.Lepton, True)
 PHADRON = DECNODE(PartProp.Nodes.Hadron, True)
@@ -1053,85 +1057,93 @@ TUS = LoKi.Particles.Tus
 def L0TIS(lines):
-    return TIS(lines, 'L0TriggerTisTos')
+    return TIS(lines, "L0TriggerTisTos")
 def L0TOS(lines):
-    return TOS(lines, 'L0TriggerTisTos')
+    return TOS(lines, "L0TriggerTisTos")
 def L0TPS(lines):
-    return TPS(lines, 'L0TriggerTisTos')
+    return TPS(lines, "L0TriggerTisTos")
 def L0TUS(lines):
-    return TUS(lines, 'L0TriggerTisTos')
+    return TUS(lines, "L0TriggerTisTos")
 def Hlt1TIS(lines):
-    return TIS(lines, 'Hlt1TriggerTisTos')
+    return TIS(lines, "Hlt1TriggerTisTos")
 def Hlt1TOS(lines):
-    return TOS(lines, 'Hlt1TriggerTisTos')
+    return TOS(lines, "Hlt1TriggerTisTos")
 def Hlt1TPS(lines):
-    return TPS(lines, 'Hlt1TriggerTisTos')
+    return TPS(lines, "Hlt1TriggerTisTos")
 def Hlt1TUS(lines):
-    return TUS(lines, 'Hlt1TriggerTisTos')
+    return TUS(lines, "Hlt1TriggerTisTos")
 def Hlt2TIS(lines):
-    return TIS(lines, 'Hlt2TriggerTisTos')
+    return TIS(lines, "Hlt2TriggerTisTos")
 def Hlt2TOS(lines):
-    return TOS(lines, 'Hlt2TriggerTisTos')
+    return TOS(lines, "Hlt2TriggerTisTos")
 def Hlt2TPS(lines):
-    return TPS(lines, 'Hlt2TriggerTisTos')
+    return TPS(lines, "Hlt2TriggerTisTos")
 def Hlt2TUS(lines):
-    return TUS(lines, 'Hlt2TriggerTisTos')
+    return TUS(lines, "Hlt2TriggerTisTos")
 def tis(lines):
-    if 0 <= lines.find('L0'): return L0TIS(lines)
-    elif 0 <= lines.find('Hlt1'): return Hlt1TIS(lines)
-    elif 0 <= lines.find('Hlt2'): return Hlt2TIS(lines)
+    if 0 <= lines.find("L0"):
+        return L0TIS(lines)
+    elif 0 <= lines.find("Hlt1"):
+        return Hlt1TIS(lines)
+    elif 0 <= lines.find("Hlt2"):
+        return Hlt2TIS(lines)
     raise AttributeError("Invalid line configuration")
 def tos(lines):
-    if 0 <= lines.find('L0'): return L0TOS(lines)
-    elif 0 <= lines.find('Hlt1'): return Hlt1TOS(lines)
-    elif 0 <= lines.find('Hlt2'): return Hlt2TOS(lines)
+    if 0 <= lines.find("L0"):
+        return L0TOS(lines)
+    elif 0 <= lines.find("Hlt1"):
+        return Hlt1TOS(lines)
+    elif 0 <= lines.find("Hlt2"):
+        return Hlt2TOS(lines)
     raise AttributeError("Invalid line configuration")
 def tps(lines):
-    if 0 <= lines.find('L0'): return L0TPS(lines)
-    elif 0 <= lines.find('Hlt1'): return Hlt1TPS(lines)
-    elif 0 <= lines.find('Hlt2'): return Hlt2TPS(lines)
+    if 0 <= lines.find("L0"):
+        return L0TPS(lines)
+    elif 0 <= lines.find("Hlt1"):
+        return Hlt1TPS(lines)
+    elif 0 <= lines.find("Hlt2"):
+        return Hlt2TPS(lines)
     raise AttributeError("Invalid line configuration")
 def tus(lines):
-    if 0 <= lines.find('L0'): return L0TUS(lines)
-    elif 0 <= lines.find('Hlt1'): return Hlt1TUS(lines)
-    elif 0 <= lines.find('Hlt2'): return Hlt2TUS(lines)
+    if 0 <= lines.find("L0"):
+        return L0TUS(lines)
+    elif 0 <= lines.find("Hlt1"):
+        return Hlt1TUS(lines)
+    elif 0 <= lines.find("Hlt2"):
+        return Hlt2TUS(lines)
     raise AttributeError("Invalid line configuration")
@@ -1202,13 +1214,12 @@ FAKESOURCE = LoKi.Functors.FakeSource(_RCP)
 VFAKESOURCE = LoKi.Functors.FakeSource(_RCV)
 # =============================================================================
-if '__main__' == __name__:
-    print(80 * '*')
+if "__main__" == __name__:
+    print(80 * "*")
-    print(' Author  : ', __author__)
-    print(' Date    : ', __date__)
-    print(80 * '*')
+    print(" Author  : ", __author__)
+    print(" Date    : ", __date__)
+    print(80 * "*")
     for i in dir():
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/graph.py b/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/graph.py
index 83295622176ab565aebda1d1cd95a3a23b777026..136d2b7e32da1a98cc1734efe305cde4abbab296 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/graph.py
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/graph.py
@@ -34,27 +34,32 @@ Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas,
 contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg,
 A.Golutvin, P.Koppenburg have been used in the design.
 from __future__ import print_function
 # =============================================================================
 from builtins import object
 __author__ = "Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@itep.ru"
 __date__ = "2015-01-16"
 __all__ = (
-    'graph',  ## function to produce graph
-    'view',  ## function to produce graph and immediately display it
-    'DecayGraph'  ## helpe class to produce graph
+    "graph",  ## function to produce graph
+    "view",  ## function to produce graph and immediately display it
+    "DecayGraph",  ## helpe class to produce graph
 # =============================================================================
 import pydot
 from LoKiPhys.Phys import LHCb
 node_attributes = {
-    'shape': 'ellipse',
-    'fillcolor': 'yellow',
-    'color': 'red',
-    'style': 'filled'
+    "shape": "ellipse",
+    "fillcolor": "yellow",
+    "color": "red",
+    "style": "filled",
-edge_attributes = {'color': 'red'}
+edge_attributes = {"color": "red"}
 PARTICLE = LHCb.Particle
@@ -72,7 +77,7 @@ PARTICLE = LHCb.Particle
 #  @author Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@itep.ru
 #  @date 2016-01-16
 class DecayGraph(object):
-    """ Make graphical representation of the decay tree
+    """Make graphical representation of the decay tree
     >>> p     = ...
     >>> dg    = DecayGraph ( p )
     >>> graph = gd.graph()
@@ -82,9 +87,10 @@ class DecayGraph(object):
     def __init__(self, trees):
         self._nodes = set()
         self._edges = set()
-        self._graph = pydot.Dot('DecayTree', graph_type='digraph')
+        self._graph = pydot.Dot("DecayTree", graph_type="digraph")
-        if isinstance(trees, PARTICLE): trees = [trees]
+        if isinstance(trees, PARTICLE):
+            trees = [trees]
         for t in trees:
@@ -94,23 +100,25 @@ class DecayGraph(object):
         Construct unique node-id for the given particle
-        if not p: return ''
+        if not p:
+            return ""
         ## construct some unique name
-        nid = '%s:%s:#%d' % (p.name(), p.hex_id(), p.key())
+        nid = "%s:%s:#%d" % (p.name(), p.hex_id(), p.key())
         ## container
         cnt = p.parent()
         if cnt:
             r = cnt.registry()
-            if r: nid = '%s:%s:#%d' % (p.name(), r.identifier(), p.key())
+            if r:
+                nid = "%s:%s:#%d" % (p.name(), r.identifier(), p.key())
         ## massage the name:
         return pydot.quote_if_necessary(nid)
     ## add particle to graph
     def add_tree(self, p):
         nid = self.node_id(p)
-        if nid in self._nodes: return nid
+        if nid in self._nodes:
+            return nid
         # create new node
         label = pydot.quote_if_necessary(p.name())
@@ -122,9 +130,10 @@ class DecayGraph(object):
         for c in p.children():
             nidc = self.add_tree(c)  ## NB: recursion here
             edge = nid, nidc
-            if not edge in self._edges:
-                self._graph.add_edge(pydot.Edge(
-                    *edge, **edge_attributes))  ## create edge
+            if edge not in self._edges:
+                self._graph.add_edge(
+                    pydot.Edge(*edge, **edge_attributes)
+                )  ## create edge
         return nid
@@ -142,8 +151,8 @@ class DecayGraph(object):
 #  @endcode
 #  @author Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@itep.ru
 #  @date 2016-01-16
-def graph(particle, format='dot', filename='decaytree'):
-    """ Make a graph for given particle
+def graph(particle, format="dot", filename="decaytree"):
+    """Make a graph for given particle
     >>> p               = ...
     >>> graph_file_name = graph( p , format  = 'png' )
@@ -161,7 +170,7 @@ def graph(particle, format='dot', filename='decaytree'):
 #  @endcode
 #  @author Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@itep.ru
 #  @date 2016-01-16
-def view(particle, command=None, format='png'):
+def view(particle, command=None, format="png"):
     """Prepare the graph and vizualize it
     p = ...
     p.view ( format  = 'png' )
@@ -169,16 +178,18 @@ def view(particle, command=None, format='png'):
     class _TmpName_(object):
-        def __init__(self, suffix='png'):
-            self.suffix = '.' + suffix
+        def __init__(self, suffix="png"):
+            self.suffix = "." + suffix
         def __enter__(self):
             import tempfile
             self.name = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=self.suffix)
             return self.name
         def __exit__(self, *_):
             import os
                 if os.path.exists(self.name):
@@ -186,42 +197,55 @@ def view(particle, command=None, format='png'):
     with _TmpName_(format) as ofile:
         if not graph(particle, format, filename=ofile):
-            print('Error producing the graph for %s ' % particle.decay())
+            print("Error producing the graph for %s " % particle.decay())
         if not command:
             import distutils.spawn as ds
-            for i in ('eog', 'display', 'gnome-photos', 'gwenview', 'gimp',
-                      'gthumb', 'google-chrome'):
+            for i in (
+                "eog",
+                "display",
+                "gnome-photos",
+                "gwenview",
+                "gimp",
+                "gthumb",
+                "google-chrome",
+            ):
                 command = ds.find_executable(i)
-                if command: break
+                if command:
+                    break
         if not command:
-            print('No valid command is found!')
+            print("No valid command is found!")
         import subprocess
             subprocess.check_call("%s %s " % (command, ofile), shell=True)
         except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
-for t in (PARTICLE, PARTICLE.Container, PARTICLE.Selection,
-          PARTICLE.ConstVector, PARTICLE.Range):
+for t in (
+    PARTICLE.Container,
+    PARTICLE.Selection,
+    PARTICLE.ConstVector,
+    PARTICLE.Range,
     t.graph = graph
     t.view = view
 # =============================================================================
-if '__main__' == __name__:
-    print(80 * '*')
+if "__main__" == __name__:
+    print(80 * "*")
-    print(' Author  : ', __author__)
-    print(' Date    : ', __date__)
-    print(80 * '*')
+    print(" Author  : ", __author__)
+    print(" Date    : ", __date__)
+    print(80 * "*")
 # =============================================================================
 # The END
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/tests.py b/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/tests.py
index 08b55afcf57fdce0c54feaab998328e6c26c7396..f43fc7dfe234838318cd90173a4f709b612bd7a7 100755
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/tests.py
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/tests.py
@@ -24,27 +24,30 @@
 #  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
 #  @date 2007-05-29
 # =============================================================================
-""" The basic tests for LoKiPhys package """
+"""The basic tests for LoKiPhys package"""
 from __future__ import print_function
 _author_ = "Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu"
 # =============================================================================
 # temporary:
 import GaudiPython.Pythonizations
-import LoKiPhys.Phys
 import LoKiNumbers.decorators
-from LoKiPhys.decorators import *
 from LoKiCore.functions import *
 from LoKiCore.math import *
+import LoKiPhys.Phys
+from LoKiPhys.decorators import *
 # =============================================================================
 ## The most trivial test function
 def test_basic():
-    """ The most trivial test function """
+    """The most trivial test function"""
     from LoKiPhys.decorators import _decorated
-    print('LoKiPhysTest: decorated objects %s' % len(_decorated))
+    print("LoKiPhysTest: decorated objects %s" % len(_decorated))
 ## the test function for various "functional streamers"
@@ -55,11 +58,11 @@ def test_function_streamers():
     p = LHCb.Particle()
-    print('particle: %s/%s ' % (p.name(), pname(p)))
-    print('particle: (PX,PY,PZ)=(%s,%s,%s)' % (PX(p), PY(p), PZ(p)))
-    print('particle: ( p>>ID , p>>cos(E) )=(%s,%s)' % (p >> ID, p >> cos(E)))
+    print("particle: %s/%s " % (p.name(), pname(p)))
+    print("particle: (PX,PY,PZ)=(%s,%s,%s)" % (PX(p), PY(p), PZ(p)))
+    print("particle: ( p>>ID , p>>cos(E) )=(%s,%s)" % (p >> ID, p >> cos(E)))
-    v = std.vector('const LHCb::Particle*')()
+    v = std.vector("const LHCb::Particle*")()
     p1 = LHCb.Particle()
@@ -69,31 +72,27 @@ def test_function_streamers():
-    print(' v>>ID                           : %s' % (v >> ID))
-    print(' v>>yields(ID)                   : %s' % (v >> yields(ID)))
-    print(' v>>process(ID)>>min_value(P)    : %s' %
-          (v >> process(ID) >> min_value(P)))
-    print(' v>>(process(ID)>>min_value(P))  : %s' %
-          (v >> (process(ID) >> min_value(P))))
-    print('(v>>min_element(ID))[0].name()   : %s' %
-          (v >> min_element(ID))[0].name())
-    print(' v>>min_value(ID)                : %s' % (v >> min_value(ID)))
-    print(' v>>("e+"!=ABSID)>>SIZE          : %s' % (v >>
-                                                     ('e+' != ABSID) >> SIZE))
-    print(' v>>select("mu+"!=ABSID)>>EPMTY  : %s' %
-          (v >> select('mu+' != ABSID) >> EMPTY))
-    f1 = in_list(ID, ["e+", "e-", 'mu+', 'mu-'])
-    f2 = in_list(ABSID, ["e+", "e-", 'mu+', 'mu-'])
-    print(' in_list ( ID    , [ "e+" , "e-" , "mu+" , "mu-"] ) : %s %s ' %
-          (f1, f1(p1)))
-    print(' in_list ( ABSID , [ "e+" , "e-" , "mu+" , "mu-"] ) : %s %s ' %
-          (f2, f2(p1)))
+    print(" v>>ID                           : %s" % (v >> ID))
+    print(" v>>yields(ID)                   : %s" % (v >> yields(ID)))
+    print(" v>>process(ID)>>min_value(P)    : %s" % (v >> process(ID) >> min_value(P)))
+    print(
+        " v>>(process(ID)>>min_value(P))  : %s" % (v >> (process(ID) >> min_value(P)))
+    )
+    print("(v>>min_element(ID))[0].name()   : %s" % (v >> min_element(ID))[0].name())
+    print(" v>>min_value(ID)                : %s" % (v >> min_value(ID)))
+    print(' v>>("e+"!=ABSID)>>SIZE          : %s' % (v >> ("e+" != ABSID) >> SIZE))
+    print(
+        ' v>>select("mu+"!=ABSID)>>EPMTY  : %s' % (v >> select("mu+" != ABSID) >> EMPTY)
+    )
+    f1 = in_list(ID, ["e+", "e-", "mu+", "mu-"])
+    f2 = in_list(ABSID, ["e+", "e-", "mu+", "mu-"])
+    print(' in_list ( ID    , [ "e+" , "e-" , "mu+" , "mu-"] ) : %s %s ' % (f1, f1(p1)))
+    print(' in_list ( ABSID , [ "e+" , "e-" , "mu+" , "mu-"] ) : %s %s ' % (f2, f2(p1)))
 ## tets smart references
 def test_smart_references():
     ## simple check
@@ -103,23 +102,22 @@ def test_smart_references():
     pr1 = _SR(p)
     pr2 = _SR()
-    assert pr1, 'Invalid smart reference (1) ! '
-    assert not pr2, 'Invalid smart reference (2) ! '
+    assert pr1, "Invalid smart reference (1) ! "
+    assert not pr2, "Invalid smart reference (2) ! "
-        assert not pr1, 'Assertion(1) ok!'
+        assert not pr1, "Assertion(1) ok!"
     except AssertionError as e:
-        assert pr2, 'Assertion(2) ok!'
+        assert pr2, "Assertion(2) ok!"
     except AssertionError as e:
 ## test monitoring stuff
 def test_monitoring():
     p = LHCb.Particle()
     a = monitor(PT)
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/trees.py b/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/trees.py
index 557b5c4eef562154c0969199f69b9731f4025149..0b92547aa564b715906b71bc543fd4484732d33e 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/trees.py
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/python/LoKiPhys/trees.py
@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@ Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas,
 contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg,
 A.Golutvin, P.Koppenburg have been used in the design.
 from __future__ import print_function
 # =============================================================================
 __author__ = "Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu"
 # =============================================================================
@@ -43,16 +45,25 @@ __author__ = "Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu"
 import LoKiCore.decorators as _LoKiCore
 # Namespaces:
-from LoKiCore.basic import cpp, std, LoKi
+from LoKiCore.basic import LoKi, cpp, std
 Decays = cpp.Decays
-_RCP = 'const LHCb::Particle*'
+_RCP = "const LHCb::Particle*"
 _decorated = _LoKiCore.decorateTrees(
-    (Decays.iTree_(_RCP), Decays.Tree_(_RCP), Decays.Trees.Any_(_RCP),
-     Decays.Trees.None_(_RCP), Decays.Trees.Stable_(_RCP),
-     Decays.Trees.Exclusive, Decays.Trees.Inclusive, Decays.Trees.Optional),
-    LoKi.Dicts.TreeOps(_RCP))
+    (
+        Decays.iTree_(_RCP),
+        Decays.Tree_(_RCP),
+        Decays.Trees.Any_(_RCP),
+        Decays.Trees.None_(_RCP),
+        Decays.Trees.Stable_(_RCP),
+        Decays.Trees.Exclusive,
+        Decays.Trees.Inclusive,
+        Decays.Trees.Optional,
+    ),
+    LoKi.Dicts.TreeOps(_RCP),
 ## decay trees
 iTree = Decays.iTree_(_RCP)
@@ -68,7 +79,7 @@ IDecay = Decays.IDecay
 Finder = _LoKiCore.decorateFinder(IDecay.Finder, LoKi.Dicts.FinderDicts_(_RCP))
 # =============================================================================
-if '__main__' == __name__:
+if "__main__" == __name__:
     for o in dir():
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Decays.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Decays.cpp
index 90f633f9221ea6ff8d2b208d9c96ee6a8f1f2c8e..aa0b8f2875ed0b9bac967fe48ec2553679f86021 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Decays.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Decays.cpp
@@ -585,8 +585,8 @@ void Decays::Trees::Optional::setOptional( const std::vector<std::string>& optio
 // treat properly the stable trees
 // ============================================================================
 template <>
-bool Decays::Trees::Stable_<const LHCb::Particle*>::
-     operator()( Decays::iTree_<const LHCb::Particle*>::argument p ) const {
+bool Decays::Trees::Stable_<const LHCb::Particle*>::operator()(
+    Decays::iTree_<const LHCb::Particle*>::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) { return false; }
   if ( !valid() ) { return false; }
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles0.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles0.cpp
index a986223036eb59db04fa637271a1b7ffa5bcbf88..8451f6e6bff1d9b5d3acfa616de0c5dbcb698b34 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles0.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles0.cpp
@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::Identifier* LoKi::Particles::Identifier::clone() const {
   return new LoKi::Particles::Identifier( *this );
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::Identifier::result_type LoKi::Particles::Identifier::
-                                         operator()( LoKi::Particles::Identifier::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::Identifier::operator()( LoKi::Particles::Identifier::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'InvalidID'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidID;
@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::AbsIdentifier* LoKi::Particles::AbsIdentifier::clone() const {
   return new LoKi::Particles::AbsIdentifier( *this );
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::AbsIdentifier::result_type LoKi::Particles::AbsIdentifier::
-                                            operator()( LoKi::Particles::AbsIdentifier::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::AbsIdentifier::operator()( LoKi::Particles::AbsIdentifier::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'InvalidID'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidID;
@@ -206,8 +206,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::SumCharge::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const {
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Particles::Momentum* LoKi::Particles::Momentum::clone() const { return new Momentum( *this ); }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::Momentum::result_type LoKi::Particles::Momentum::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Particles::Momentum::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::Momentum::operator()( LoKi::Particles::Momentum::argument p ) const {
   if ( p ) { return p->p(); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'InvalidMomentum'" ).ignore();
   return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMomentum; // RETURN
@@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::Momentum::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const { r
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Particles::Momentum2* LoKi::Particles::Momentum2::clone() const { return new Momentum2( *this ); }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::Momentum2::result_type LoKi::Particles::Momentum2::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::Particles::Momentum2::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::Momentum2::operator()( LoKi::Particles::Momentum2::argument p ) const {
   if ( p ) { return p->momentum().P2(); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'InvalidMomentum'" ).ignore();
   return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMomentum; // RETURN
@@ -240,8 +240,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentum* LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentum::clone(
   return new TransverseMomentum( *this );
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentum::result_type LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentum::
-                                                 operator()( LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentum::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentum::operator()( LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentum::argument p ) const {
   if ( p ) { return p->momentum().Pt(); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'InvalidMomentum'" ).ignore();
   return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMomentum; // RETURN
@@ -251,8 +251,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentum::fillStream( std::ostream& s )
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Particles::MomentumX* LoKi::Particles::MomentumX::clone() const { return new MomentumX( *this ); }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::MomentumX::result_type LoKi::Particles::MomentumX::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::Particles::MomentumX::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MomentumX::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MomentumX::argument p ) const {
   if ( p ) { return p->momentum().Px(); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'InvalidMomentum'" ).ignore();
   return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMomentum; // RETURN
@@ -262,8 +262,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::MomentumX::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const {
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Particles::MomentumY* LoKi::Particles::MomentumY::clone() const { return new MomentumY( *this ); }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::MomentumY::result_type LoKi::Particles::MomentumY::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::Particles::MomentumY::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MomentumY::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MomentumY::argument p ) const {
   if ( p ) { return p->momentum().py(); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'InvalidMomentum'" ).ignore();
   return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMomentum; // RETURN
@@ -273,8 +273,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::MomentumY::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const {
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Particles::MomentumZ* LoKi::Particles::MomentumZ::clone() const { return new MomentumZ( *this ); }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::MomentumZ::result_type LoKi::Particles::MomentumZ::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::Particles::MomentumZ::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MomentumZ::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MomentumZ::argument p ) const {
   if ( p ) { return p->momentum().Pz(); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'InvalidMomentum'" ).ignore();
   return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMomentum; // RETURN
@@ -286,8 +286,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::PseudoRapidity* LoKi::Particles::PseudoRapidity::clone() const
   return new LoKi::Particles::PseudoRapidity( *this );
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::PseudoRapidity::result_type LoKi::Particles::PseudoRapidity::
-                                             operator()( LoKi::Particles::PseudoRapidity::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::PseudoRapidity::operator()( LoKi::Particles::PseudoRapidity::argument p ) const {
   if ( p ) { return eta( p ); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'InvalidMomenum'" ).ignore();
   return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMomentum; // RETURN
@@ -315,8 +315,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::Rapidity0::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const {
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Particles::Rapidity* LoKi::Particles::Rapidity::clone() const { return new LoKi::Particles::Rapidity( *this ); }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::Rapidity::result_type LoKi::Particles::Rapidity::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Particles::Rapidity::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::Rapidity::operator()( LoKi::Particles::Rapidity::argument p ) const {
   if ( p ) { return y( p ); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'InvalidMomenum'" ).ignore();
   return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMomentum; // RETURN
@@ -326,8 +326,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::Rapidity0* LoKi::Particles::Rapidity0::clone() const {
   return new LoKi::Particles::Rapidity0( *this );
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::Rapidity0::result_type LoKi::Particles::Rapidity0::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::Particles::Rapidity0::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::Rapidity0::operator()( LoKi::Particles::Rapidity0::argument p ) const {
   if ( p ) { return y0( p ); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'InvalidMomenum'" ).ignore();
   return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMomentum; // RETURN
@@ -359,8 +359,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::Mass::result_type LoKi::Particles::Mass::operator()( LoKi::Part
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Particles::MeasuredMass* LoKi::Particles::MeasuredMass::clone() const { return new MeasuredMass( *this ); }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::MeasuredMass::result_type LoKi::Particles::MeasuredMass::
-                                           operator()( LoKi::Particles::MeasuredMass::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MeasuredMass::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MeasuredMass::argument p ) const {
   if ( p ) { return measuredMass( p ); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'InvalidMass'" ).ignore();
   return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMass; // RETURN
@@ -473,8 +473,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::DeltaMass::DeltaMass( const LHCb::ParticleID& pid, LHCb::IParti
   m_mass = pp->mass();
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::DeltaMass::result_type LoKi::Particles::DeltaMass::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::Particles::DeltaMass::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DeltaMass::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DeltaMass::argument p ) const {
   if ( p ) { return ( mass( p ) - m_mass ); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'InvalidMass'" ).ignore();
   return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMass; // RETURN
@@ -568,15 +568,15 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::AbsDeltaMass::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const
   return s << "ADMASS(" << m0() << ")";
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::AbsDeltaMass::result_type LoKi::Particles::AbsDeltaMass::
-                                           operator()( LoKi::Particles::AbsDeltaMass::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::AbsDeltaMass::operator()( LoKi::Particles::AbsDeltaMass::argument p ) const {
   if ( p ) { return ::fabs( mass( p ) - m0() ); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'InvalidMass'" ).ignore();
   return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMass; // RETURN
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::DeltaMeasuredMass::result_type LoKi::Particles::DeltaMeasuredMass::
-                                                operator()( LoKi::Particles::DeltaMeasuredMass::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DeltaMeasuredMass::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DeltaMeasuredMass::argument p ) const {
   if ( p ) { return ( measuredMass( p ) - m0() ); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'InvalidMass'" ).ignore();
   return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMass; // RETURN
@@ -602,8 +602,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::AbsDeltaMeasuredMass* LoKi::Particles::AbsDeltaMeasuredMass::cl
 // ============================================================================
 //  MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::AbsDeltaMeasuredMass::result_type LoKi::Particles::AbsDeltaMeasuredMass::
-                                                   operator()( LoKi::Particles::AbsDeltaMeasuredMass::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::AbsDeltaMeasuredMass::operator()( LoKi::Particles::AbsDeltaMeasuredMass::argument p ) const {
   if ( p ) { return ::fabs( measuredMass( p ) - m0() ); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'InvalidMass'" ).ignore();
   return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMass; // RETURN
@@ -615,8 +615,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::AbsDeltaMeasuredMass::fillStream( std::ostream& s
   return s << "ADMMASS(" << m0() << ")";
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::DeltaMeasuredMassChi2::result_type LoKi::Particles::DeltaMeasuredMassChi2::
-                                                    operator()( LoKi::Particles::DeltaMeasuredMassChi2::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DeltaMeasuredMassChi2::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DeltaMeasuredMassChi2::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'InvalidMass'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMass; // RETURN
@@ -641,8 +641,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::DeltaMeasuredMassChi2::fillStream( std::ostream&
   return s << "CHI2MM(" << m0() << ")";
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::DeltaMassChi2::result_type LoKi::Particles::DeltaMassChi2::
-                                            operator()( LoKi::Particles::DeltaMassChi2::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DeltaMassChi2::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DeltaMassChi2::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'InvalidChi2'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2; // RETURN
@@ -660,8 +660,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::ConfidenceLevel* LoKi::Particles::ConfidenceLevel::clone() cons
   return new ConfidenceLevel( *this );
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::ConfidenceLevel::result_type LoKi::Particles::ConfidenceLevel::
-                                              operator()( LoKi::Particles::ConfidenceLevel::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ConfidenceLevel::operator()( LoKi::Particles::ConfidenceLevel::argument p ) const {
   if ( p ) { return p->confLevel(); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Particle, return '-1000'" ).ignore();
   return -1000; // RETURN
@@ -681,8 +681,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::Weight::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const { ret
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Particles::IsBasic* LoKi::Particles::IsBasic::clone() const { return new IsBasic( *this ); }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::IsBasic::result_type LoKi::Particles::IsBasic::
-                                      operator()( LoKi::Particles::IsBasic::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::IsBasic::operator()( LoKi::Particles::IsBasic::argument p ) const {
   if ( p ) { return p->isBasicParticle(); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'false'" ).ignore();
   return false; // RETURN
@@ -694,8 +694,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::NumberOfDaughters* LoKi::Particles::NumberOfDaughters::clone()
   return new NumberOfDaughters( *this );
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::NumberOfDaughters::result_type LoKi::Particles::NumberOfDaughters::
-                                                operator()( LoKi::Particles::NumberOfDaughters::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::NumberOfDaughters::operator()( LoKi::Particles::NumberOfDaughters::argument p ) const {
   if ( p ) { return p->daughters().size(); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Particle, return 0" ).ignore();
   return 0; // RETURN
@@ -705,8 +705,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::NumberOfDaughters::fillStream( std::ostream& s )
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Particles::HasProto* LoKi::Particles::HasProto::clone() const { return new HasProto( *this ); }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::HasProto::result_type LoKi::Particles::HasProto::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Particles::HasProto::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::HasProto::operator()( LoKi::Particles::HasProto::argument p ) const {
   if ( p ) { return ( 0 != p->proto() ); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Particle, return false" ).ignore();
   return false; // RETURN
@@ -716,8 +716,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::HasProto::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const { r
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Particles::HasVertex* LoKi::Particles::HasVertex::clone() const { return new HasVertex( *this ); }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::HasVertex::result_type LoKi::Particles::HasVertex::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::Particles::HasVertex::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::HasVertex::operator()( LoKi::Particles::HasVertex::argument p ) const {
   if ( p ) { return ( 0 != p->endVertex() ); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Particle, return false" ).ignore();
   return false; // RETURN
@@ -725,8 +725,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::HasVertex::result_type LoKi::Particles::HasVertex::
 // ============================================================================
 std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::HasVertex::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const { return s << "HASVERTEX"; }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::HasTrack::result_type LoKi::Particles::HasTrack::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Particles::HasTrack::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::HasTrack::operator()( LoKi::Particles::HasTrack::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid Particle, return false" ).ignore();
     return false; // RETURN
@@ -776,8 +776,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentumRel* LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentumRel::
 // ============================================================================
 //  MANDATORY: the only one essential mehtod
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentumRel::result_type LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentumRel::
-                                                    operator()( LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentumRel::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentumRel::operator()( LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentumRel::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid argument, return 'Invalid Momentum'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMomentum;
@@ -835,8 +835,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentumQ::TransverseMomentumQ( const unsigned int in
 // ============================================================================
 //  MANDATORY: the only one essential mehtod
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentumQ::result_type LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentumQ::
-                                                  operator()( LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentumQ::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentumQ::operator()( LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentumQ::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid argument, return 'Invalid Momentum'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMomentum;
@@ -867,8 +867,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentumQ::fillStream( std::ostream& s
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::NominalMass::result_type LoKi::Particles::NominalMass::
-                                          operator()( LoKi::Particles::NominalMass::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::NominalMass::operator()( LoKi::Particles::NominalMass::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid argument, return 'Invalid Mass'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMass;
@@ -1030,8 +1030,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::Chi2VXnDOF* LoKi::Particles::Chi2VXnDOF::clone() const {
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::Chi2VXnDOF::result_type LoKi::Particles::Chi2VXnDOF::
-                                         operator()( LoKi::Particles::Chi2VXnDOF::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::Chi2VXnDOF::operator()( LoKi::Particles::Chi2VXnDOF::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'InvalidChi2'" ).ignore();
@@ -1179,8 +1179,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::IsNotID::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const {
 // ============================================================================
 // the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::IsNotID::result_type LoKi::Particles::IsNotID::
-                                      operator()( LoKi::Particles::IsNotID::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::IsNotID::operator()( LoKi::Particles::IsNotID::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'False'" ).ignore();
@@ -1250,8 +1250,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::IsAbsID::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const {
 // ============================================================================
 // the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::IsAbsID::result_type LoKi::Particles::IsAbsID::
-                                      operator()( LoKi::Particles::IsAbsID::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::IsAbsID::operator()( LoKi::Particles::IsAbsID::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'False'" ).ignore();
@@ -1325,8 +1325,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::IsNotAbsID::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const {
 // ============================================================================
 // the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::IsNotAbsID::result_type LoKi::Particles::IsNotAbsID::
-                                         operator()( LoKi::Particles::IsNotAbsID::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::IsNotAbsID::operator()( LoKi::Particles::IsNotAbsID::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'False'" ).ignore();
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles1.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles1.cpp
index 949ab92b62113cc170a7c02215eea05f2bff95d0..ff871eda87c20df71d53f163ccc24e3f538f6310 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles1.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles1.cpp
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::VertexDistance* LoKi::Particles::VertexDistance::clone() const
 // ============================================================================
 //  MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::VertexDistance::result_type LoKi::Particles::VertexDistance::
-                                             operator()( LoKi::Particles::VertexDistance::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::VertexDistance::operator()( LoKi::Particles::VertexDistance::argument p ) const {
   return distance( p );
 // ============================================================================
@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::VertexDotDistance* LoKi::Particles::VertexDotDistance::clone()
 // ============================================================================
 //  MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::VertexDotDistance::result_type LoKi::Particles::VertexDotDistance::
-                                                operator()( LoKi::Particles::VertexDotDistance::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::VertexDotDistance::operator()( LoKi::Particles::VertexDotDistance::argument p ) const {
   return distance( p );
 // ============================================================================
@@ -233,8 +233,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::VertexChi2Distance* LoKi::Particles::VertexChi2Distance::clone(
 // ============================================================================
 //  MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::VertexChi2Distance::result_type LoKi::Particles::VertexChi2Distance::
-                                                 operator()( LoKi::Particles::VertexChi2Distance::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::VertexChi2Distance::operator()( LoKi::Particles::VertexChi2Distance::argument p ) const {
   return chi2( p );
 // ============================================================================
@@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MinVertexDistance::MinVertexDistance( const LoKi::PhysTypes::VR
 // ============================================================================
 //  MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::MinVertexDistance::result_type LoKi::Particles::MinVertexDistance::
-                                                operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinVertexDistance::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MinVertexDistance::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinVertexDistance::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( " Argument is invalid! return InvalidDistance " ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
@@ -346,8 +346,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MinVertexChi2Distance::MinVertexChi2Distance( const LoKi::PhysT
 // ============================================================================
 //  MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::MinVertexChi2Distance::result_type LoKi::Particles::MinVertexChi2Distance::
-                                                    operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinVertexChi2Distance::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MinVertexChi2Distance::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinVertexChi2Distance::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( " Argument is invalid! return InvalidChi2" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles10.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles10.cpp
index cb9456b059d167839a5e04c1b037db4cc01cdb45..fc3110c3921e44e118927bacdad6d1e770e71596 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles10.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles10.cpp
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::HasTracksInTreeFromPV::HasTracksInTreeFromPV( const LHCb::Verte
 LoKi::Particles::HasTracksInTreeFromPV::HasTracksInTreeFromPV( const LoKi::PhysTypes::VRange& pv )
     : LoKi::Particles::HasTracksFromPV( pv ) {}
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::HasTracksInTreeFromPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::HasTracksInTreeFromPV::
-                                                    operator()( LoKi::Particles::HasTracksInTreeFromPV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::HasTracksInTreeFromPV::operator()( LoKi::Particles::HasTracksInTreeFromPV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Argument is invalid! return 'false'" ).ignore();
     return false;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles11.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles11.cpp
index 346b8b3f9a6060e2e433588992a7cabeccb82f11..9e76647f33561e2f53916f057c5f9841c88fb4de 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles11.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles11.cpp
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::IsAParticleInTree::IsAParticleInTree( const LoKi::PhysTypes::Ra
 // ============================================================================
 //  MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::IsAParticleInTree::result_type LoKi::Particles::IsAParticleInTree::
-                                                operator()( LoKi::Particles::IsAParticleInTree::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::IsAParticleInTree::operator()( LoKi::Particles::IsAParticleInTree::argument p ) const {
   return inTree( p );
 // ============================================================================
@@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::IsAParticleFromTree::IsAParticleFromTree( const LoKi::PhysTypes
 // ============================================================================
 //  MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::IsAParticleFromTree::result_type LoKi::Particles::IsAParticleFromTree::
-                                                  operator()( LoKi::Particles::IsAParticleFromTree::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::IsAParticleFromTree::operator()( LoKi::Particles::IsAParticleFromTree::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Argument is invalid! return 'false'" ).ignore();
     return false; // RETURN
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles12.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles12.cpp
index d91b58d930851e4a4a9b05f53fe46badd6626814..a197dab0ee7375f6708496339f5b76948392d28b 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles12.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles12.cpp
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasInfo::ProtoHasInfo( const int info ) : LoKi::AuxFunBase( std::tie( info ) ), m_info( info ) {}
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasInfo::result_type LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasInfo::
-                                           operator()( LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasInfo::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasInfo::operator()( LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasInfo::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'false'" ).ignore();
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::ProtoInfo::ProtoInfo( const int key, const double def, const do
 LoKi::Particles::ProtoInfo::ProtoInfo( const int key, const double def )
     : LoKi::AuxFunBase( std::tie( key, def ) ), m_key( key ), m_def( def ), m_bad( def ) {}
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::ProtoInfo::result_type LoKi::Particles::ProtoInfo::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::Particles::ProtoInfo::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ProtoInfo::operator()( LoKi::Particles::ProtoInfo::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "Argument is invalid! return " + Gaudi::Utils::toString( m_bad ) ).ignore();
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::ProtoInfo::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const {
 // ============================================================================
 //  MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasRichPID::result_type LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasRichPID::
-                                              operator()( LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasRichPID::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasRichPID::operator()( LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasRichPID::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'false'" ).ignore();
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasRichPID::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) co
 // ============================================================================
 //  MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasMuonPID::result_type LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasMuonPID::
-                                              operator()( LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasMuonPID::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasMuonPID::operator()( LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasMuonPID::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'false'" ).ignore();
@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasMuonPID::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) co
 // ============================================================================
 //  MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasCaloHypos::result_type LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasCaloHypos::
-                                                operator()( LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasCaloHypos::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasCaloHypos::operator()( LoKi::Particles::ProtoHasCaloHypos::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'false'" ).ignore();
@@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ const LHCb::MuonPID* LoKi::Particles::IsMuon::muonPID( const LHCb::Particle* p )
 // ============================================================================
 std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::IsMuon::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const { return s << "ISMUON"; }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::IsMuonLoose::result_type LoKi::Particles::IsMuonLoose::
-                                          operator()( LoKi::Particles::IsMuonLoose::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::IsMuonLoose::operator()( LoKi::Particles::IsMuonLoose::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'false'" ).ignore();
@@ -236,8 +236,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::IsMuonLoose::result_type LoKi::Particles::IsMuonLoose::
 // ============================================================================
 std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::IsMuonLoose::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const { return s << "ISMUONLOOSE"; }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::IsMuonTight::result_type LoKi::Particles::IsMuonTight::
-                                          operator()( LoKi::Particles::IsMuonTight::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::IsMuonTight::operator()( LoKi::Particles::IsMuonTight::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'false'" ).ignore();
@@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::InMuonAcceptance* LoKi::Particles::InMuonAcceptance::clone() co
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::InMuonAcceptance::result_type LoKi::Particles::InMuonAcceptance::
-                                               operator()( LoKi::Particles::InMuonAcceptance::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::InMuonAcceptance::operator()( LoKi::Particles::InMuonAcceptance::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'false'" ).ignore();
@@ -295,8 +295,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::InMuonAcceptance::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) c
 LoKi::Particles::TrackHasInfo::TrackHasInfo( const int info )
     : LoKi::AuxFunBase( std::tie( info ) ), LoKi::BasicFunctors<const LHCb::Particle*>::Predicate(), m_info( info ) {}
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::TrackHasInfo::result_type LoKi::Particles::TrackHasInfo::
-                                           operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackHasInfo::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::TrackHasInfo::operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackHasInfo::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'false'" ).ignore();
@@ -332,8 +332,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::TrackInfo::TrackInfo( const int key, const double def )
     , m_def( def )
     , m_bad( def ) {}
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::TrackInfo::result_type LoKi::Particles::TrackInfo::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackInfo::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::TrackInfo::operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackInfo::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Argument is invalid! return " + Gaudi::Utils::toString( m_bad ) ).ignore();
@@ -370,8 +370,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MuonChi2Correlated* LoKi::Particles::MuonChi2Correlated::clone(
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::MuonChi2Correlated::result_type LoKi::Particles::MuonChi2Correlated::
-                                                 operator()( LoKi::Particles::MuonChi2Correlated::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MuonChi2Correlated::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MuonChi2Correlated::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return -100000" ).ignore();
     return -100000; // RETURN
@@ -409,8 +409,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MuonMVA1* LoKi::Particles::MuonMVA1::clone() const { return new
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::MuonMVA1::result_type LoKi::Particles::MuonMVA1::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Particles::MuonMVA1::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MuonMVA1::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MuonMVA1::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return -100000" ).ignore();
     return -100000; // RETURN
@@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MuonMVA2* LoKi::Particles::MuonMVA2::clone() const { return new
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::MuonMVA2::result_type LoKi::Particles::MuonMVA2::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Particles::MuonMVA2::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MuonMVA2::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MuonMVA2::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return -100000" ).ignore();
     return -100000; // RETURN
@@ -479,8 +479,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::NShared* LoKi::Particles::NShared::clone() const { return new L
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::NShared::result_type LoKi::Particles::NShared::
-                                      operator()( LoKi::Particles::NShared::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::NShared::operator()( LoKi::Particles::NShared::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return -100000" ).ignore();
     return -100000; // RETURN
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles13.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles13.cpp
index 91a112b9d04ab851cbe5b463c3cd1235f96db733..4fbcd261a9f9c825a03bfefd1a36b3e0ac6294a1 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles13.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles13.cpp
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::TrackChi2::result_type LoKi::Particles::TrackChi2::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackChi2::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::TrackChi2::operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackChi2::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "Argument is invalid! return 'InvalidChi2'" ).ignore();
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::TrackChi2::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const {
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::TrackChi2PerDoF::result_type LoKi::Particles::TrackChi2PerDoF::
-                                              operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackChi2PerDoF::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::TrackChi2PerDoF::operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackChi2PerDoF::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "Argument is invalid! return 'InvalidChi2'" ).ignore();
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::TrackHasState::TrackHasState( const LHCb::State::Location locat
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::TrackHasState::result_type LoKi::Particles::TrackHasState::
-                                            operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackHasState::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::TrackHasState::operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackHasState::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Argument is invalid! return false" ).ignore();
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::TrackHasState::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) cons
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::TrackType::result_type LoKi::Particles::TrackType::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackType::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::TrackType::operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackType::argument p ) const {
   const int errVal = -1000;
@@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::TrackType::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const {
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::TrackHistory::result_type LoKi::Particles::TrackHistory::
-                                           operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackHistory::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::TrackHistory::operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackHistory::argument p ) const {
   const int errVal = -1000;
@@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::TrackHistory::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::TrackHistoryFit::result_type LoKi::Particles::TrackHistoryFit::
-                                              operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackHistoryFit::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::TrackHistoryFit::operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackHistoryFit::argument p ) const {
   const int errVal = -1000;
@@ -206,8 +206,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::TrackHistoryFit::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) co
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::TrackStatus::result_type LoKi::Particles::TrackStatus::
-                                          operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackStatus::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::TrackStatus::operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackStatus::argument p ) const {
   const int errVal = -1000;
@@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::TrackStatus::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::TrackChi2Prob::result_type LoKi::Particles::TrackChi2Prob::
-                                            operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackChi2Prob::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::TrackChi2Prob::operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackChi2Prob::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Argument is invalid! return 'InvalidConfLevel'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidConfLevel; // RETURN
@@ -256,8 +256,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::TrackChi2Prob::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) cons
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::GhostProbability::result_type LoKi::Particles::GhostProbability::
-                                               operator()( LoKi::Particles::GhostProbability::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::GhostProbability::operator()( LoKi::Particles::GhostProbability::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Argument is invalid! return 'InvalidConfLevel'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidConfLevel; // RETURN
@@ -281,8 +281,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::GhostProbability::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) c
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::TrackLikelihood::result_type LoKi::Particles::TrackLikelihood::
-                                              operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackLikelihood::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::TrackLikelihood::operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackLikelihood::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "Argument is invalid! return 'InvalidConfLevel'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidConfLevel; // RETURN
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles14.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles14.cpp
index abee191435d6ab34ad0b9063fd4f55520db8e555..f9d898d25119149e9c62c2188ffad884c0e9de2e 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles14.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles14.cpp
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
 LoKi::Particles::DecayAngle::DecayAngle( const size_t child )
     : LoKi::AuxFunBase( std::tie( child ) ), m_child( child ) {}
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::DecayAngle::result_type LoKi::Particles::DecayAngle::
-                                         operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecayAngle::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DecayAngle::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecayAngle::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "Argument is invalid, return 'InvalidAngle' " ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidAngle; // RETURN
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::DecayAngle::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const {
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::ArmenterosPodolanski::result_type LoKi::Particles::ArmenterosPodolanski::
-                                                   operator()( LoKi::Particles::ArmenterosPodolanski::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ArmenterosPodolanski::operator()( LoKi::Particles::ArmenterosPodolanski::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( " Argument is invalid, return 'InvalidAngle' " ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidAngle; // RETURN
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles17.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles17.cpp
index 6413bc31fda34efc9b2ad3e1b6a8055e35f52727..d521acf8d899c0a2426b8f2a0cb244d9c9bb578c 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles17.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles17.cpp
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::DeltaPhi::DeltaPhi( const LHCb::Particle* p ) : LoKi::Particles
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::DeltaPhi::result_type LoKi::Particles::DeltaPhi::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Particles::DeltaPhi::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DeltaPhi::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DeltaPhi::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'InvalidAngle'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidAngle;
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::DeltaEta::DeltaEta( const LHCb::Particle* p ) : LoKi::Particles
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::DeltaEta::result_type LoKi::Particles::DeltaEta::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Particles::DeltaEta::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DeltaEta::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DeltaEta::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'InvalidAngle'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidAngle;
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::DeltaR2* LoKi::Particles::DeltaR2::clone() const { return new L
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::DeltaR2::result_type LoKi::Particles::DeltaR2::
-                                      operator()( LoKi::Particles::DeltaR2::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DeltaR2::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DeltaR2::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'InvalidAngle'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidAngle;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles2.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles2.cpp
index fe9cc2ca58a6c3bbedc6d4041ec615c2ec69dfca..eee825dc4cfdbd4cec09781525438cdfd4b9fc00 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles2.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles2.cpp
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::LifetimeDistance* LoKi::Particles::LifetimeDistance::clone() co
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::LifetimeDistance::result_type LoKi::Particles::LifetimeDistance::
-                                               operator()( LoKi::Particles::LifetimeDistance::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::LifetimeDistance::operator()( LoKi::Particles::LifetimeDistance::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Argument is invalid, return  InvalidDistance " ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance; // RETURN
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles20.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles20.cpp
index 3588f710c96e79842afdf7101b45e6917e56118b..e0b2ce82d8d7f59273e668e656c3277482b33e3c 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles20.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles20.cpp
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::IsBestPVValid::IsBestPVValid( const IDVAlgorithm* algorithm )
 LoKi::Particles::IsBestPVValid* LoKi::Particles::IsBestPVValid::clone() const { return new IsBestPVValid( *this ); }
-LoKi::Particles::IsBestPVValid::result_type LoKi::Particles::IsBestPVValid::
-                                            operator()( LoKi::Particles::IsBestPVValid::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::IsBestPVValid::operator()( LoKi::Particles::IsBestPVValid::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 != p ) { return ( 0 != bestVertex( p, desktop()->geometry() ) ); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Particle, return false" ).ignore();
   return false; // RETURN
@@ -81,8 +81,9 @@ LoKi::Particles::CosineDirectionAngleWithTheBestPV* LoKi::Particles::CosineDirec
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::CosineDirectionAngleWithTheBestPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::CosineDirectionAngleWithTheBestPV::
-                                                                operator()( LoKi::Particles::CosineDirectionAngleWithTheBestPV::argument p ) const {
+    LoKi::Particles::CosineDirectionAngleWithTheBestPV::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return -1000" ).ignore();
     return -1000; // RETURN
@@ -109,8 +110,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::TzWithTheBestPV* LoKi::Particles::TzWithTheBestPV::clone() cons
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::TzWithTheBestPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::TzWithTheBestPV::
-                                              operator()( LoKi::Particles::TzWithTheBestPV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::TzWithTheBestPV::operator()( LoKi::Particles::TzWithTheBestPV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return -1000" ).ignore();
     return -1000; // RETURN
@@ -140,8 +141,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::ImpParWithTheBestPV* LoKi::Particles::ImpParWithTheBestPV::clon
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::ImpParWithTheBestPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::ImpParWithTheBestPV::
-                                                  operator()( LoKi::Particles::ImpParWithTheBestPV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ImpParWithTheBestPV::operator()( LoKi::Particles::ImpParWithTheBestPV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return -1000" ).ignore();
     return -1000; // RETURN
@@ -173,8 +174,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::ImpParChi2WithTheBestPV* LoKi::Particles::ImpParChi2WithTheBest
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::ImpParChi2WithTheBestPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::ImpParChi2WithTheBestPV::
-                                                      operator()( LoKi::Particles::ImpParChi2WithTheBestPV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ImpParChi2WithTheBestPV::operator()( LoKi::Particles::ImpParChi2WithTheBestPV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return -1000" ).ignore();
     return -1000; // RETURN
@@ -214,8 +215,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MinImpParWithSource* LoKi::Particles::MinImpParWithSource::clon
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::MinImpParWithSource::result_type LoKi::Particles::MinImpParWithSource::
-                                                  operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinImpParWithSource::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MinImpParWithSource::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinImpParWithSource::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return -1000" ).ignore();
     return -1000; // RETURN
@@ -311,8 +312,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MinImpParChi2WithSource* LoKi::Particles::MinImpParChi2WithSour
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::MinImpParChi2WithSource::result_type LoKi::Particles::MinImpParChi2WithSource::
-                                                      operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinImpParChi2WithSource::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MinImpParChi2WithSource::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinImpParChi2WithSource::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return -1000" ).ignore();
     return -1000; // RETURN
@@ -404,8 +405,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::VertexDistanceDV* LoKi::Particles::VertexDistanceDV::clone() co
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::VertexDistanceDV::result_type LoKi::Particles::VertexDistanceDV::
-                                               operator()( LoKi::Particles::VertexDistanceDV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::VertexDistanceDV::operator()( LoKi::Particles::VertexDistanceDV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* poiunts to NULL, return InvalidDistance" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance; // RETURN
@@ -430,8 +431,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::VertexSignedDistanceDV* LoKi::Particles::VertexSignedDistanceDV
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::VertexSignedDistanceDV::result_type LoKi::Particles::VertexSignedDistanceDV::
-                                                     operator()( LoKi::Particles::VertexSignedDistanceDV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::VertexSignedDistanceDV::operator()( LoKi::Particles::VertexSignedDistanceDV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* poiunts to NULL, return InvalidDistance" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance; // RETURN
@@ -456,8 +457,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::VertexDotDistanceDV* LoKi::Particles::VertexDotDistanceDV::clon
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::VertexDotDistanceDV::result_type LoKi::Particles::VertexDotDistanceDV::
-                                                  operator()( LoKi::Particles::VertexDotDistanceDV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::VertexDotDistanceDV::operator()( LoKi::Particles::VertexDotDistanceDV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* poiunts to NULL, return InvalidDistance" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance; // RETURN
@@ -482,8 +483,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::VertexChi2DistanceDV* LoKi::Particles::VertexChi2DistanceDV::cl
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::VertexChi2DistanceDV::result_type LoKi::Particles::VertexChi2DistanceDV::
-                                                   operator()( LoKi::Particles::VertexChi2DistanceDV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::VertexChi2DistanceDV::operator()( LoKi::Particles::VertexChi2DistanceDV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* poiunts to NULL, return InvalidDistance" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance; // RETURN
@@ -522,8 +523,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeDV* LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeDV::clone() const {
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeDV::result_type LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeDV::
-                                         operator()( LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeDV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeDV::operator()( LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeDV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return InvalidTime" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidTime;
@@ -569,8 +570,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeChi2DV* LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeChi2DV::clone() const
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeChi2DV::result_type LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeChi2DV::
-                                             operator()( LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeChi2DV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeChi2DV::operator()( LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeChi2DV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return InvalidChi2" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2;
@@ -616,8 +617,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeSignedChi2DV* LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeSignedChi2DV::cl
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeSignedChi2DV::result_type LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeSignedChi2DV::
-                                                   operator()( LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeSignedChi2DV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeSignedChi2DV::operator()( LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeSignedChi2DV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return InvalidChi2" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2;
@@ -662,8 +663,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeFitChi2DV* LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeFitChi2DV::clone()
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeFitChi2DV::result_type LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeFitChi2DV::
-                                                operator()( LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeFitChi2DV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeFitChi2DV::operator()( LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeFitChi2DV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return InvalidChi2" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2;
@@ -706,8 +707,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeErrorDV* LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeErrorDV::clone() cons
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeErrorDV::result_type LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeErrorDV::
-                                              operator()( LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeErrorDV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeErrorDV::operator()( LoKi::Particles::LifeTimeErrorDV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return InvalidTime" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidTime;
@@ -742,8 +743,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::VertexZDistanceWithTheBestPV* LoKi::Particles::VertexZDistanceW
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::VertexZDistanceWithTheBestPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::VertexZDistanceWithTheBestPV::
-                                                           operator()( LoKi::Particles::VertexZDistanceWithTheBestPV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::VertexZDistanceWithTheBestPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::VertexZDistanceWithTheBestPV::operator()(
+    LoKi::Particles::VertexZDistanceWithTheBestPV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return InvalidDistance" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance; // RETURN
@@ -777,8 +778,9 @@ LoKi::Particles::VertexRhoDistanceWithTheBestPV* LoKi::Particles::VertexRhoDista
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::VertexRhoDistanceWithTheBestPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::VertexRhoDistanceWithTheBestPV::
-                                                             operator()( LoKi::Particles::VertexRhoDistanceWithTheBestPV::argument p ) const {
+    LoKi::Particles::VertexRhoDistanceWithTheBestPV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return InvalidDistance" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance; // RETURN
@@ -813,8 +815,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MinVertexDistanceWithSource* LoKi::Particles::MinVertexDistance
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::MinVertexDistanceWithSource::result_type LoKi::Particles::MinVertexDistanceWithSource::
-                                                          operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinVertexDistanceWithSource::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MinVertexDistanceWithSource::result_type LoKi::Particles::MinVertexDistanceWithSource::operator()(
+    LoKi::Particles::MinVertexDistanceWithSource::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'HugeDistance'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::HugeDistance; // RETURN
@@ -844,8 +846,9 @@ LoKi::Particles::MinVertexChi2DistanceWithSource* LoKi::Particles::MinVertexChi2
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::MinVertexChi2DistanceWithSource::result_type LoKi::Particles::MinVertexChi2DistanceWithSource::
-                                                              operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinVertexChi2DistanceWithSource::argument p ) const {
+    LoKi::Particles::MinVertexChi2DistanceWithSource::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'HugeChi2'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::HugeChi2; // RETURN
@@ -879,8 +882,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MinVertexDistanceDV* LoKi::Particles::MinVertexDistanceDV::clon
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::MinVertexDistanceDV::result_type LoKi::Particles::MinVertexDistanceDV::
-                                                  operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinVertexDistanceDV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MinVertexDistanceDV::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinVertexDistanceDV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'HugeDistance'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::HugeDistance; // RETURN
@@ -914,8 +917,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MinVertexChi2DistanceDV* LoKi::Particles::MinVertexChi2Distance
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::MinVertexChi2DistanceDV::result_type LoKi::Particles::MinVertexChi2DistanceDV::
-                                                      operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinVertexChi2DistanceDV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MinVertexChi2DistanceDV::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinVertexChi2DistanceDV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'HugeChi2'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::HugeChi2; // RETURN
@@ -946,8 +949,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::TrgPointingScoreWithBestPV* LoKi::Particles::TrgPointingScoreWi
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::TrgPointingScoreWithBestPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::TrgPointingScoreWithBestPV::
-                                                         operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrgPointingScoreWithBestPV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::TrgPointingScoreWithBestPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::TrgPointingScoreWithBestPV::operator()(
+    LoKi::Particles::TrgPointingScoreWithBestPV::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, retuen -1000" ).ignore();
     return -1000; // RETURN
@@ -969,8 +972,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::PseudoRapidityWithTheBestPV* LoKi::Particles::PseudoRapidityWit
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::PseudoRapidityWithTheBestPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::PseudoRapidityWithTheBestPV::
-                                                          operator()( LoKi::Particles::PseudoRapidityWithTheBestPV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::PseudoRapidityWithTheBestPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::PseudoRapidityWithTheBestPV::operator()(
+    LoKi::Particles::PseudoRapidityWithTheBestPV::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return -1000" ).ignore();
     return -1000; // RETURN
@@ -997,8 +1000,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::PhiWithTheBestPV* LoKi::Particles::PhiWithTheBestPV::clone() co
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::PhiWithTheBestPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::PhiWithTheBestPV::
-                                               operator()( LoKi::Particles::PhiWithTheBestPV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::PhiWithTheBestPV::operator()( LoKi::Particles::PhiWithTheBestPV::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return -1000" ).ignore();
     return -1000; // RETURN
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles22.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles22.cpp
index a0ec63e334026f7b1ab1f01fec88690e8bbae6ad..b02f459fbe5db6a788812d6c835153bc25d54345 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles22.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles22.cpp
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistance::DaughterVertexDistance( const unsigned
 // ============================================================================
 // the only essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistance::result_type LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistance::
-                                                     operator()( LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistance::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistance::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistance::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( " LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'Invalid Distance'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexSignedDistance::DaughterVertexSignedDistance( con
 // ============================================================================
 // the only essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexSignedDistance::result_type LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexSignedDistance::
-                                                           operator()( LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexSignedDistance::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexSignedDistance::result_type LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexSignedDistance::operator()(
+    LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexSignedDistance::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( " LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'Invalid Distance'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
@@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistanceChi2::DaughterVertexDistanceChi2( const u
 // ============================================================================
 // the only essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistanceChi2::result_type LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistanceChi2::
-                                                         operator()( LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistanceChi2::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistanceChi2::result_type LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistanceChi2::operator()(
+    LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistanceChi2::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( " LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'Invalid Chi2'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2;
@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistanceDot::DaughterVertexDistanceDot( const uns
 // ============================================================================
 // the only essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistanceDot::result_type LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistanceDot::
-                                                        operator()( LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistanceDot::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistanceDot::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistanceDot::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( " LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'Invalid Distance'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
@@ -260,8 +260,9 @@ LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistanceSignedChi2::DaughterVertexDistanceSignedC
 // ============================================================================
 // the only essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistanceSignedChi2::result_type LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistanceSignedChi2::
-                                                               operator()( LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistanceSignedChi2::argument p ) const {
+    LoKi::Particles::DaughterVertexDistanceSignedChi2::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( " LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'Invalid Chi2'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles23.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles23.cpp
index 3ef7f5b03f509a91ece4970a2e2d88fc0058b821..505416dcbd7186519e48d3a219d23b6e1ab0828e 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles23.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles23.cpp
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::Particles::WrongMass::decode() const {
       if ( 0 == pp ) {
         Error( "decode(): invalid pid " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>( ipid->pid() ) ).ignore();
-        return StatusCode{InvalidParticleID};
+        return StatusCode{ InvalidParticleID };
       m_masses.push_back( pp->mass() );
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::Particles::WrongMass::decode() const {
       if ( 0 == pp ) {
         Error( "decode(): invalid name '" + ( *iname ) + "'" ).ignore();
-        return StatusCode{InvalidParticleName};
+        return StatusCode{ InvalidParticleName };
       m_masses.push_back( pp->mass() );
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles24.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles24.cpp
index e0a01e963950b001d860742d75cb3f6fb6af2dd0..a406b5e7f33f726f225d6a9173af0ef113dc948c 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles24.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles24.cpp
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::DecNode::DecNode( const std::string& node, const bool autovalid
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::DecNode::result_type LoKi::Particles::DecNode::
-                                      operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecNode::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DecNode::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecNode::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* point to NULL, return false" ).ignore();
     return false;
@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::DecTree::DecTree( const std::string& tree, const bool autovalid
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::DecTree::result_type LoKi::Particles::DecTree::
-                                      operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecTree::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DecTree::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecTree::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* point to NULL, return false" ).ignore();
     return false;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles25.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles25.cpp
index afa7572c5960141281ed8f1747f7769d8dae4899..f4ec0a1df8293b49f61292302cd7d1997e25ce1e 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles25.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles25.cpp
@@ -65,8 +65,9 @@ LoKi::Particles::MaxCosineDirectionAngleWithSource* LoKi::Particles::MaxCosineDi
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::MaxCosineDirectionAngleWithSource::result_type LoKi::Particles::MaxCosineDirectionAngleWithSource::
-                                                                operator()( LoKi::Particles::MaxCosineDirectionAngleWithSource::argument p ) const {
+    LoKi::Particles::MaxCosineDirectionAngleWithSource::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return -1000" ).ignore();
     return -1000; // RETURN
@@ -113,8 +114,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MaxCosineDirectionAngleDV* LoKi::Particles::MaxCosineDirectionA
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::MaxCosineDirectionAngleDV::result_type LoKi::Particles::MaxCosineDirectionAngleDV::
-                                                        operator()( LoKi::Particles::MaxCosineDirectionAngleDV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MaxCosineDirectionAngleDV::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MaxCosineDirectionAngleDV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return -1000" ).ignore();
     return -1000; // RETURN
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles26.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles26.cpp
index 34053427b702df0e10d7f71fa3cbc8644377b91b..5d6bebc6fccc7c02c9962c07c64101fe85bafc42 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles26.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles26.cpp
@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::DOCAChi2::DOCAChi2( IDVAlgorithm const* algorithm, const size_t
     , LoKi::Particles::DOCA( algorithm, i1, i2, nick, allow ) {}
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::DOCAChi2::result_type LoKi::Particles::DOCAChi2::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Particles::DOCAChi2::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DOCAChi2::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DOCAChi2::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid particle, return 'InvalidChi2'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2;
@@ -195,8 +195,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::DOCAMax::DOCAMax( IDVAlgorithm const* algorithm, const std::str
     , LoKi::Particles::DOCA( algorithm, 1, 1, nick, allow ) {}
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::DOCAMax::result_type LoKi::Particles::DOCAMax::
-                                      operator()( LoKi::Particles::DOCAMax::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DOCAMax::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DOCAMax::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid particle, return 'InvalidDistance'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::DOCAChi2Max::DOCAChi2Max( IDVAlgorithm const* algorithm, const
     , LoKi::Particles::DOCAMax( algorithm, nick ) {}
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::DOCAChi2Max::result_type LoKi::Particles::DOCAChi2Max::
-                                          operator()( LoKi::Particles::DOCAChi2Max::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DOCAChi2Max::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DOCAChi2Max::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid particle, return 'InvalidChi2'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2;
@@ -287,8 +287,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::ChildIP::ChildIP( IDVAlgorithm const* algorithm, const size_t i
 LoKi::Particles::ChildIP* LoKi::Particles::ChildIP::clone() const { return new LoKi::Particles::ChildIP( *this ); }
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::ChildIP::result_type LoKi::Particles::ChildIP::
-                                      operator()( LoKi::Particles::ChildIP::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ChildIP::operator()( LoKi::Particles::ChildIP::argument p ) const {
   m_eval.setVertex( s_VERTEX );
   if ( 0 == p ) {
@@ -365,8 +365,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::ChildIPChi2* LoKi::Particles::ChildIPChi2::clone() const {
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::ChildIPChi2::result_type LoKi::Particles::ChildIPChi2::
-                                          operator()( LoKi::Particles::ChildIPChi2::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ChildIPChi2::operator()( LoKi::Particles::ChildIPChi2::argument p ) const {
   m_eval.setVertex( s_VERTEX );
   if ( 0 == p ) {
@@ -467,8 +467,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MTDOCAChi2* LoKi::Particles::MTDOCAChi2::clone() const {
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::MTDOCAChi2::result_type LoKi::Particles::MTDOCAChi2::
-                                         operator()( LoKi::Particles::MTDOCAChi2::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MTDOCAChi2::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MTDOCAChi2::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "Invalid particle, return 'InvalidDistance'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles27.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles27.cpp
index b0c3d06c93c3386504a23dd59ba7c421b49726d5..1bd3f8f1a26b55c187825838ad03cf5345697243 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles27.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles27.cpp
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MassFit::~MassFit() {
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::MassFit::result_type LoKi::Particles::MassFit::
-                                      operator()( LoKi::Particles::MassFit::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MassFit::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MassFit::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'false'" ).ignore();
     return false;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles28.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles28.cpp
index 8e580ca240f5f76581f6bfe0914120cec5c638f5..689166d57d90d5021e8aeb86e677b8c9a98ec2df 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles28.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles28.cpp
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::ReFitter::ReFitter( IDVAlgorithm const* algorithm, const std::s
     , m_name( name ) {}
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::ReFitter::result_type LoKi::Particles::ReFitter::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Particles::ReFitter::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ReFitter::operator()( LoKi::Particles::ReFitter::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'False'" ).ignore();
     return false;
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MassFitter::MassFitter( const std::string& name, const double m
     : LoKi::AuxFunBase( std::tie( name, mass ) ), LoKi::Particles::MassFit( s_MFIT, mass ), m_name( name ) {}
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::MassFitter::result_type LoKi::Particles::MassFitter::
-                                         operator()( LoKi::Particles::MassFitter::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MassFitter::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MassFitter::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'false'" ).ignore();
     return false;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles32.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles32.cpp
index adc443a4f0e5deb66248f390cf3cd680a5337483..01f61413838826a7b4338da29f8a70e889cbabe9 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles32.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles32.cpp
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::BestPrimaryVertexAdaptor* LoKi::Particles::BestPrimaryVertexAda
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::BestPrimaryVertexAdaptor::result_type LoKi::Particles::BestPrimaryVertexAdaptor::
-                                                       operator()( LoKi::Particles::BestPrimaryVertexAdaptor::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::BestPrimaryVertexAdaptor::operator()( LoKi::Particles::BestPrimaryVertexAdaptor::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* point to NULL, return 'NegativeInfinity' " ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::NegativeInfinity;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles33.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles33.cpp
index 563a6d0ff69b3eaa022f75e361543b04ffb92661..c7dbe9fd7eb17191489d9c24d2ab0f9fd32870d6 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles33.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles33.cpp
@@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ StatusCode LoKi::Particles::PolarizationAngle::getComponents12( const LHCb::Part
 // ==========================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ==========================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::PolarizationAngle::result_type LoKi::Particles::PolarizationAngle::
-                                                operator()( LoKi::Particles::PolarizationAngle::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::PolarizationAngle::operator()( LoKi::Particles::PolarizationAngle::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL" ).ignore();
     return 0; //                                 RETURN
@@ -461,8 +461,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::AngleChi* LoKi::Particles::AngleChi::clone() const { return new
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::AngleChi::result_type LoKi::Particles::AngleChi::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Particles::AngleChi::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::AngleChi::operator()( LoKi::Particles::AngleChi::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'Invaild Angle'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidAngle;
@@ -544,8 +544,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::CosThetaTr* LoKi::Particles::CosThetaTr::clone() const {
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::CosThetaTr::result_type LoKi::Particles::CosThetaTr::
-                                         operator()( LoKi::Particles::CosThetaTr::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::CosThetaTr::operator()( LoKi::Particles::CosThetaTr::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'Invaild Angle'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidAngle;
@@ -622,8 +622,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::SinPhiTr* LoKi::Particles::SinPhiTr::clone() const { return new
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::SinPhiTr::result_type LoKi::Particles::SinPhiTr::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Particles::SinPhiTr::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::SinPhiTr::operator()( LoKi::Particles::SinPhiTr::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'Invaild Angle'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidAngle;
@@ -700,8 +700,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::CosPhiTr* LoKi::Particles::CosPhiTr::clone() const { return new
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::CosPhiTr::result_type LoKi::Particles::CosPhiTr::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Particles::CosPhiTr::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::CosPhiTr::operator()( LoKi::Particles::CosPhiTr::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'Invaild Angle'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidAngle;
@@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::AnglePhiTr* LoKi::Particles::AnglePhiTr::clone() const {
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::AnglePhiTr::result_type LoKi::Particles::AnglePhiTr::
-                                         operator()( LoKi::Particles::AnglePhiTr::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::AnglePhiTr::operator()( LoKi::Particles::AnglePhiTr::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'Invaild Angle'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidAngle;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles35.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles35.cpp
index ff4c7ec09cc889ac0b81f2ab6af40b13b5ea7864..c089dca481514bf313ebded506cb4a04cb2d99c4 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles35.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles35.cpp
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::ProtoPFun* LoKi::Particles::ProtoPFun::clone() const {
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::ProtoPFun::result_type LoKi::Particles::ProtoPFun::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::Particles::ProtoPFun::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ProtoPFun::operator()( LoKi::Particles::ProtoPFun::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'bad'" ).ignore();
     return m_bad; // RETURN
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::ProtoPCut* LoKi::Particles::ProtoPCut::clone() const {
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::ProtoPCut::result_type LoKi::Particles::ProtoPCut::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::Particles::ProtoPCut::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ProtoPCut::operator()( LoKi::Particles::ProtoPCut::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'false'" ).ignore();
     return false; // RETURN
@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::TrackFun* LoKi::Particles::TrackFun::clone() const { return new
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::TrackFun::result_type LoKi::Particles::TrackFun::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackFun::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::TrackFun::operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackFun::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'bad'" ).ignore();
@@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::TrackCut* LoKi::Particles::TrackCut::clone() const { return new
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::TrackCut::result_type LoKi::Particles::TrackCut::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackCut::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::TrackCut::operator()( LoKi::Particles::TrackCut::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'false'" ).ignore();
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles36.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles36.cpp
index 633cb84b3b8189493d878f5fc200a3b8e020afab..4f18744291b8ca74fa85ea336e3448f45791b0cd 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles36.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles36.cpp
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterFun::DecayTreeFitterFun( const IDVAlgorithm*
     , m_usePV( usePV )
     , m_chi2( maxChi2DoF )
     , m_bad( bad ) {
-  std::vector<std::string> c = {constraint1, constraint2};
+  std::vector<std::string> c = { constraint1, constraint2 };
   setConstraint( c );
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterFun::DecayTreeFitterFun( const IDVAlgorithm*
     , m_usePV( usePV )
     , m_chi2( maxChi2DoF )
     , m_bad( bad ) {
-  std::vector<std::string> c = {constraint1, constraint2, constraint3};
+  std::vector<std::string> c = { constraint1, constraint2, constraint3 };
   setConstraint( c );
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterFun::DecayTreeFitterFun( const IDVAlgorithm*
     , m_usePV( usePV )
     , m_chi2( maxChi2DoF )
     , m_bad( bad ) {
-  std::vector<std::string> c = {constraint1, constraint2, constraint3, constraint4};
+  std::vector<std::string> c = { constraint1, constraint2, constraint3, constraint4 };
   setConstraint( c );
@@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterFun* LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterFun::clone(
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterFun::result_type LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterFun::
-                                                 operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterFun::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterFun::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterFun::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'bad'" ).ignore();
     return m_bad;
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterFun::result_type LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitte
   // apply local mass constrains
   IDecayTreeFit* _fitter = fitter();
-  StatusCode     sc = _fitter->fit( p, desktop()->geometry(), vertex );
+  StatusCode     sc      = _fitter->fit( p, desktop()->geometry(), vertex );
   if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
     Warning( "Error from IDecayTreeFit", sc ).ignore();
     return m_bad;
@@ -321,8 +321,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterCut* LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterCut::clone(
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterCut::result_type LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterCut::
-                                                 operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterCut::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterCut::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterCut::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return false" ).ignore();
     return false;
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitterCut::result_type LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitte
   // apply local mass constrains
   IDecayTreeFit* _fitter = fitter();
-  StatusCode     sc = _fitter->fit( p, desktop()->geometry(), vertex );
+  StatusCode     sc      = _fitter->fit( p, desktop()->geometry(), vertex );
   if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
     Warning( "Error from IDecayTreeFit", sc, 3 ).ignore();
     return false;
@@ -457,8 +457,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::ChildCTau* LoKi::Particles::ChildCTau::clone() const {
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::ChildCTau::result_type LoKi::Particles::ChildCTau::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::Particles::ChildCTau::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ChildCTau::operator()( LoKi::Particles::ChildCTau::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return InvalidDistance" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
@@ -576,8 +576,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::ChildCTauErr* LoKi::Particles::ChildCTauErr::clone() const {
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::ChildCTauErr::result_type LoKi::Particles::ChildCTauErr::
-                                           operator()( LoKi::Particles::ChildCTauErr::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ChildCTauErr::operator()( LoKi::Particles::ChildCTauErr::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return InvalidDistance" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
@@ -681,8 +681,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::ChildCTauSignificance* LoKi::Particles::ChildCTauSignificance::
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::ChildCTauSignificance::result_type LoKi::Particles::ChildCTauSignificance::
-                                                    operator()( LoKi::Particles::ChildCTauSignificance::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ChildCTauSignificance::operator()( LoKi::Particles::ChildCTauSignificance::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return NegativeInfinity" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::NegativeInfinity; // RETURN
@@ -729,8 +729,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitChi2* LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitChi2::clone() co
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitChi2::result_type LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitChi2::
-                                               operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitChi2::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitChi2::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitChi2::argument p ) const {
   return chi2( p, desktop()->geometry() );
@@ -892,8 +892,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitNDoF* LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitNDoF::clone() co
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitNDoF::result_type LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitNDoF::
-                                               operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitNDoF::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitNDoF::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitNDoF::argument p ) const {
   return nDoF( p, desktop()->geometry() );
@@ -926,8 +926,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitChi2NDoF* LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitChi2NDoF::cl
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitChi2NDoF::result_type LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitChi2NDoF::
-                                                   operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitChi2NDoF::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitChi2NDoF::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitChi2NDoF::argument p ) const {
   return chi2PerDoF( p, desktop()->geometry() );
@@ -961,8 +961,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitProb* LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitProb::clone() co
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitProb::result_type LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitProb::
-                                               operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitProb::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitProb::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecayTreeFitProb::argument p ) const {
   return prob( p, desktop()->geometry() );
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles37.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles37.cpp
index 3aaa3bfdec81635c0a717e017c42d752cca741ab..9b4ec2ec19f586a18b2416c73e3220f9709092c1 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles37.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles37.cpp
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::DecayLengthSignificance::dls( LoKi::Particles::DecayLengthSigni
 // MANDATORY: the only essential method
-LoKi::Particles::DecayLengthSignificance::result_type LoKi::Particles::DecayLengthSignificance::
-                                                      operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecayLengthSignificance::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DecayLengthSignificance::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecayLengthSignificance::argument p ) const {
   return dls( p );
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::DecayLengthSignificanceDV::DecayLengthSignificanceDV( const IDV
     , LoKi::Particles::DecayLengthSignificance( algorithm, LoKi::Point3D() ) {}
 // MANDATORY: the only essential method
-LoKi::Particles::DecayLengthSignificanceDV::result_type LoKi::Particles::DecayLengthSignificanceDV::
-                                                        operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecayLengthSignificanceDV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::DecayLengthSignificanceDV::operator()( LoKi::Particles::DecayLengthSignificanceDV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid Particle, return 'InvalidDistance'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
@@ -163,12 +163,12 @@ LoKi::Particles::PathDistance* LoKi::Particles::PathDistance::clone() const {
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::PathDistance::result_type LoKi::Particles::PathDistance::
-                                           operator()( LoKi::Particles::PathDistance::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::PathDistance::operator()( LoKi::Particles::PathDistance::argument p ) const {
   double           distance = LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
   double           error    = LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
   double           chi2     = LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2;
-  const StatusCode sc = path( p, distance, error, chi2, desktop()->geometry() );
+  const StatusCode sc       = path( p, distance, error, chi2, desktop()->geometry() );
   if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
     Warning( "Error from path, return 'InvalidDistance'", sc, 0 ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
@@ -198,12 +198,12 @@ LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceChi2* LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceChi2::clone() co
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceChi2::result_type LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceChi2::
-                                               operator()( LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceChi2::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceChi2::operator()( LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceChi2::argument p ) const {
   double     distance = LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
   double     error    = LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
   double     chi2     = LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2;
-  StatusCode sc = path( p, distance, error, chi2, desktop()->geometry() );
+  StatusCode sc       = path( p, distance, error, chi2, desktop()->geometry() );
   if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
     Warning( "Error from path, return InvalidChi2", sc ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2;
@@ -235,12 +235,12 @@ LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceSignificance* LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceSignific
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceSignificance::result_type LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceSignificance::
-                                                       operator()( LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceSignificance::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceSignificance::operator()( LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceSignificance::argument p ) const {
   double     distance = LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
   double     error    = LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
   double     chi2     = LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2;
-  StatusCode sc = path( p, distance, error, chi2, desktop()->geometry() );
+  StatusCode sc       = path( p, distance, error, chi2, desktop()->geometry() );
   if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
     Warning( "Error from path, return InvalidChi2", sc ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2;
@@ -270,8 +270,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistance* LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistance::clone()
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistance::result_type LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistance::
-                                                operator()( LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistance::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistance::operator()( LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistance::argument p ) const {
   return projected( p, desktop()->geometry() );
@@ -295,11 +295,11 @@ LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistanceSignificance* LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistan
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistanceSignificance::result_type LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistanceSignificance::
-                                                            operator()( LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistanceSignificance::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistanceSignificance::result_type LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistanceSignificance::operator()(
+    LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistanceSignificance::argument p ) const {
   double     distance = LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
   double     error    = LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
-  StatusCode sc = projected( p, distance, error, desktop()->geometry() );
+  StatusCode sc       = projected( p, distance, error, desktop()->geometry() );
   if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
     Warning( "Error from path, return InvalidChi2", sc ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2;
@@ -328,8 +328,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceWithBestPV* LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceWithBestPV
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceWithBestPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceWithBestPV::
-                                                     operator()( LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceWithBestPV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceWithBestPV::operator()( LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceWithBestPV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'InvalidDistance'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance; // RETURN
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceWithBestPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::PathDistan
   double     distance = LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
   double     error    = LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
   double     chi2     = LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2;
-  StatusCode sc = path( p, distance, error, chi2, desktop()->geometry() );
+  StatusCode sc       = path( p, distance, error, chi2, desktop()->geometry() );
   if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
     Warning( "Error from path, return InvalidDistance", sc ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
@@ -380,8 +380,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceChi2WithBestPV* LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceChi2Wi
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceChi2WithBestPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceChi2WithBestPV::
-                                                         operator()( LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceChi2WithBestPV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceChi2WithBestPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceChi2WithBestPV::operator()(
+    LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceChi2WithBestPV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'InvalidChi2'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2; // RETURN
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceChi2WithBestPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::PathDi
   double     distance = LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
   double     error    = LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
   double     chi2     = LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2;
-  StatusCode sc = path( p, distance, error, chi2, desktop()->geometry() );
+  StatusCode sc       = path( p, distance, error, chi2, desktop()->geometry() );
   if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
     Warning( "Error from path, return InvalidChi2", sc ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2;
@@ -433,8 +433,9 @@ LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceSignificanceWithBestPV::clone() const {
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceSignificanceWithBestPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceSignificanceWithBestPV::
-                                                                 operator()( LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceSignificanceWithBestPV::argument p ) const {
+    LoKi::Particles::PathDistanceSignificanceWithBestPV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'InvalidChi2'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2; // RETURN
@@ -473,8 +474,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistanceWithBestPV* LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistance
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistanceWithBestPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistanceWithBestPV::
-                                                          operator()( LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistanceWithBestPV::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistanceWithBestPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistanceWithBestPV::operator()(
+    LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistanceWithBestPV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'InvalidChi2'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2; // RETURN
@@ -493,7 +494,7 @@ LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistanceWithBestPV::result_type LoKi::Particles::Proje
   double     distance = LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
   double     error    = LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance;
   double     chi2     = LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2;
-  StatusCode sc = path( p, distance, error, chi2, desktop()->geometry() );
+  StatusCode sc       = path( p, distance, error, chi2, desktop()->geometry() );
   if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
     Warning( "Error from path, return InvalidChi2", sc ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2;
@@ -527,8 +528,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistanceSignificanceWithBestPV::clone() const {
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-operator()( LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistanceSignificanceWithBestPV::argument p ) const {
+    LoKi::Particles::ProjectedDistanceSignificanceWithBestPV::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'InvalidChi2'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2; // RETURN
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles38.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles38.cpp
index 0758e5e129b6156733b0b2fb806c18d02b69de16..55eb6f3444e17428ddbb71dbf136c60e16d3db80 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles38.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles38.cpp
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ namespace {
  *  @param z the x-position of primary vertex
 LoKi::Particles::PtFlight::PtFlight( IDVAlgorithm const* algorithm, const double x, const double y, const double z )
-    : AuxFunBase{std::tie( algorithm, x, y, z )}
+    : AuxFunBase{ std::tie( algorithm, x, y, z ) }
     , LoKi::AuxDesktopBase( algorithm )
     , LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentumRel( s_VECTOR )
     , LoKi::Vertices::VertexHolder( LoKi::Point3D( x, y, z ) ) {}
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ LoKi::Particles::PtFlight::PtFlight( IDVAlgorithm const* algorithm, const LHCb::
  *  @param point  the position of primary vertex
 LoKi::Particles::PtFlight::PtFlight( IDVAlgorithm const* algorithm, const LoKi::Point3D& point )
-    : AuxFunBase{std::tie( algorithm, point )}
+    : AuxFunBase{ std::tie( algorithm, point ) }
     , LoKi::AuxDesktopBase( algorithm )
     , LoKi::Particles::TransverseMomentumRel( s_VECTOR )
     , LoKi::Vertices::VertexHolder( point ) {}
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::PtFlight::PtFlight( IDVAlgorithm const* algorithm, const LoKi::
 LoKi::Particles::PtFlight* LoKi::Particles::PtFlight::clone() const { return new LoKi::Particles::PtFlight( *this ); }
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::PtFlight::result_type LoKi::Particles::PtFlight::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Particles::PtFlight::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::PtFlight::operator()( LoKi::Particles::PtFlight::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid argument, return 'Invalid Momentum'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMomentum;
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::PtFlight::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const {
  *  @param z the x-position of primary vertex
 LoKi::Particles::MCorrected::MCorrected( IDVAlgorithm const* algorithm, const double x, const double y, const double z )
-    : AuxFunBase{std::tie( algorithm, x, y, z )}
+    : AuxFunBase{ std::tie( algorithm, x, y, z ) }
     , LoKi::AuxDesktopBase( algorithm )
     , LoKi::Particles::PtFlight( algorithm, x, y, z ) {}
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ LoKi::Particles::MCorrected::MCorrected( IDVAlgorithm const* algorithm, const LH
  *  @param point  the position of primary vertex
 LoKi::Particles::MCorrected::MCorrected( IDVAlgorithm const* algorithm, const LoKi::Point3D& point )
-    : AuxFunBase{std::tie( algorithm, point )}
+    : AuxFunBase{ std::tie( algorithm, point ) }
     , LoKi::AuxDesktopBase( algorithm )
     , LoKi::Particles::PtFlight( algorithm, point ) {}
@@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MCorrected* LoKi::Particles::MCorrected::clone() const {
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::MCorrected::result_type LoKi::Particles::MCorrected::
-                                         operator()( LoKi::Particles::MCorrected::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MCorrected::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MCorrected::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid argument, return 'Invalid Mass'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMass;
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::PtFlightWithBestVertex* LoKi::Particles::PtFlightWithBestVertex
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::PtFlightWithBestVertex::result_type LoKi::Particles::PtFlightWithBestVertex::
-                                                     operator()( LoKi::Particles::PtFlightWithBestVertex::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::PtFlightWithBestVertex::operator()( LoKi::Particles::PtFlightWithBestVertex::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid argument, return 'Invalid Momentum'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMomentum;
@@ -196,8 +196,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MCorrectedWithBestVertex* LoKi::Particles::MCorrectedWithBestVe
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::MCorrectedWithBestVertex::result_type LoKi::Particles::MCorrectedWithBestVertex::
-                                                       operator()( LoKi::Particles::MCorrectedWithBestVertex::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MCorrectedWithBestVertex::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MCorrectedWithBestVertex::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid argument, return 'Invalid Mass'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMass;
@@ -250,10 +250,10 @@ LoKi::Particles::BremMCorrected* LoKi::Particles::BremMCorrected::clone() const
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-double                                       LoKi::Particles::BremMCorrected::m_mass = -1 * Gaudi::Units::GeV;
-LHCb::ParticleID                             LoKi::Particles::BremMCorrected::m_pid  = LHCb::ParticleID();
-LoKi::Particles::BremMCorrected::result_type LoKi::Particles::BremMCorrected::
-                                             operator()( LoKi::Particles::BremMCorrected::argument p ) const {
+double           LoKi::Particles::BremMCorrected::m_mass = -1 * Gaudi::Units::GeV;
+LHCb::ParticleID LoKi::Particles::BremMCorrected::m_pid  = LHCb::ParticleID();
+LoKi::Particles::BremMCorrected::operator()( LoKi::Particles::BremMCorrected::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 > m_mass || 0 == m_pid.pid() ) {
     m_mass = LoKi::Particles::massFromName( "e-" );
     m_pid  = LoKi::Particles::pidFromName( "e-" );
@@ -279,8 +279,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::BremMCorrected::result_type LoKi::Particles::BremMCorrected::
   for ( const auto child : ( m_others ) ) { P_h_tot += ( child->momentum() ); }
   for ( const auto child : ( m_electron_mothers ) ) { P_e_tot += ( child->momentum() ); }
   for ( const auto child : ( m_rest_electrons ) ) { P_e_tot += ( child->momentum() ); }
-  double pt_h = ptFlight( P_h_tot, p->endVertex()->position(), position() );
-  double pt_e = ptFlight( P_e_tot, p->endVertex()->position(), position() );
+  double pt_h  = ptFlight( P_h_tot, p->endVertex()->position(), position() );
+  double pt_e  = ptFlight( P_e_tot, p->endVertex()->position(), position() );
   double alpha = pt_h / pt_e;
   for ( const auto child : m_all_electrons ) {
     double E_e = sqrt( pow( ( alpha * child->momentum().X() ), 2 ) + pow( ( alpha * child->momentum().Y() ), 2 ) +
@@ -376,8 +376,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::BremMCorrectedWithBestVertex* LoKi::Particles::BremMCorrectedWi
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::BremMCorrectedWithBestVertex::result_type LoKi::Particles::BremMCorrectedWithBestVertex::
-                                                           operator()( LoKi::Particles::BremMCorrectedWithBestVertex::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::BremMCorrectedWithBestVertex::result_type LoKi::Particles::BremMCorrectedWithBestVertex::operator()(
+    LoKi::Particles::BremMCorrectedWithBestVertex::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid argument, return 'Invalid Mass'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMass;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles39.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles39.cpp
index 5130ad309bc395145f4aa2a07316006f3a3d2b6d..c475c0436005c533b9f2de3063354cea4f8ad455 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles39.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles39.cpp
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MinMaxDistance* LoKi::Particles::MinMaxDistance::clone() const
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::MinMaxDistance::result_type LoKi::Particles::MinMaxDistance::
-                                             operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinMaxDistance::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MinMaxDistance::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinMaxDistance::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return Infinity" ).ignore();
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MinMaxDistanceWithSource* LoKi::Particles::MinMaxDistanceWithSo
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::MinMaxDistanceWithSource::result_type LoKi::Particles::MinMaxDistanceWithSource::
-                                                       operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinMaxDistanceWithSource::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MinMaxDistanceWithSource::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinMaxDistanceWithSource::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return Infinity" ).ignore();
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles41.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles41.cpp
index dedff81ef39b8ad7c644f2729dda34cb9a101799..e49db2fd5b4f260bd9cdd741b6c2f1f62c4fa01f 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles41.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles41.cpp
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 LoKi::Particles::MinMaxPair::MinMaxPair( const bool                                                   minmax,
                                          const LoKi::BasicFunctors<const LHCb::Particle*>::Predicate& cut,
                                          const LoKi::Particles::MinMaxPair::dist_func                 fun )
-    : AuxFunBase{std::tie( minmax, cut, fun )}, m_minimum( minmax ), m_cut( cut ), m_distance( fun ) {
+    : AuxFunBase{ std::tie( minmax, cut, fun ) }, m_minimum( minmax ), m_cut( cut ), m_distance( fun ) {
   Assert( 0 != m_distance, "Invalid distance-function is specified!" );
 // ============================================================================
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ double LoKi::Particles::MinMaxPair::distance( const LHCb::Particle* p ) const {
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::MinMaxPair::result_type LoKi::Particles::MinMaxPair::
-                                         operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinMaxPair::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MinMaxPair::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinMaxPair::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL" ).ignore();
     return m_minimum ? LoKi::Constants::PositiveInfinity : LoKi::Constants::NegativeInfinity;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles42.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles42.cpp
index 2d6a3e0cd2cd9b05f259767569708f14c6c08b0d..a6c876d0221021944920045f26177231546949c3 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles42.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles42.cpp
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ ITisTos::TisTosTob LoKi::Particles::TisTosTobDec::tistos( const LHCb::Particle*
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one important method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::TisTosTobDec::result_type LoKi::Particles::TisTosTobDec::
-                                           operator()( LoKi::Particles::TisTosTobDec::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::TisTosTobDec::operator()( LoKi::Particles::TisTosTobDec::argument p ) const {
   ITisTos::TisTosTob r = tistos( p );
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles43.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles43.cpp
index ca5144ae5785ef5e1ed705ad46a7111412588f72..4b878d8077b38f36a73bad1370811319b9a26698 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles43.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles43.cpp
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::SumInR2Cone* LoKi::Particles::SumInR2Cone::clone() const {
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::SumInR2Cone::result_type LoKi::Particles::SumInR2Cone::
-                                          operator()( LoKi::Particles::SumInR2Cone::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::SumInR2Cone::operator()( LoKi::Particles::SumInR2Cone::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'NegativeInfinity'" ).ignore();
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::SumInR2ConeWithSource* LoKi::Particles::SumInR2ConeWithSource::
 // ===========================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only essential method
 // ===========================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::SumInR2ConeWithSource::result_type LoKi::Particles::SumInR2ConeWithSource::
-                                                    operator()( LoKi::Particles::SumInR2ConeWithSource::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::SumInR2ConeWithSource::operator()( LoKi::Particles::SumInR2ConeWithSource::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return NegativeInfinity" ).ignore();
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles44.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles44.cpp
index fd00eba101af3dcf216b058f34e9f555cf2425af..2d4c857325b382c52199ea070c77022de1c1a281 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles44.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles44.cpp
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ LoKi::Particles::Value::Value( const std::string& function ) : LoKi::AuxFunBase(
 // constructor from the function
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Particles::Value::Value( const IParticleValue* function )
-    : LoKi::AuxFunBase{std::tie()}, m_function( function ) {}
+    : LoKi::AuxFunBase{ std::tie() }, m_function( function ) {}
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: virtual destructor
 // ============================================================================
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles45.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles45.cpp
index d94af24ea9209734b203899d3cfc026ccf98332e..4a0b93ee820132ffebd846862620fbb0938de6aa 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles45.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles45.cpp
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::RelatedInfo* LoKi::Particles::RelatedInfo::clone() const {
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::RelatedInfo::result_type LoKi::Particles::RelatedInfo::
-                                          operator()( LoKi::Particles::RelatedInfo::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::RelatedInfo::operator()( LoKi::Particles::RelatedInfo::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "Invalid particle, return ..." ).ignore();
     return -2000;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles46.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles46.cpp
index ba7a57db9e47d032e2a9d187bd8fbebebf7ffd82..e9562fbeb5179d937cf3c0abeed10382e4968b42 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles46.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles46.cpp
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MP_nSolutions* LoKi::Particles::MP_nSolutions::clone() const {
 // MANDARORY: the only interesitng method
-LoKi::Particles::MP_nSolutions::result_type LoKi::Particles::MP_nSolutions::
-                                            operator()( LoKi::Particles::MP_nSolutions::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MP_nSolutions::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MP_nSolutions::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid particle, return -10" ).ignore();
     return -10; // RETURN
@@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MissingDNeutrinoDOCA::MissingDNeutrinoDOCA( const IDVAlgorithm*
 LoKi::Particles::MissingDNeutrinoDOCA::~MissingDNeutrinoDOCA() {}
 // MANDARORY: the only interesitng method
-LoKi::Particles::MissingDNeutrinoDOCA::result_type LoKi::Particles::MissingDNeutrinoDOCA::
-                                                   operator()( LoKi::Particles::MissingDNeutrinoDOCA::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MissingDNeutrinoDOCA::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MissingDNeutrinoDOCA::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid particle, return -10" ).ignore();
     return -10; // RETURN
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles48.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles48.cpp
index 7ff1f18385d21a07aa5401405aabccfdfcff9b70..79a3a00c78bdf7a3b4ba24beb2e1968b40ec3460 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles48.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles48.cpp
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::AutoRelatedInfo* LoKi::Particles::AutoRelatedInfo::clone() cons
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::AutoRelatedInfo::result_type LoKi::Particles::AutoRelatedInfo::
-                                              operator()( LoKi::Particles::AutoRelatedInfo::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::AutoRelatedInfo::operator()( LoKi::Particles::AutoRelatedInfo::argument p ) const {
   if ( !p ) {
     Error( "Invalid particle, return ..." ).ignore();
     return -2000;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles5.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles5.cpp
index c98bd3d0db0e9027ba34408e4ad0b70e8e9f6f52..3a0d03337b30f1dc6e554bbade6ca07927ee9834 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles5.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles5.cpp
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::NinTree::NinTree( const LoKi::PhysTypes::Cuts& cut )
 // ============================================================================
 //  MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::NinTree::result_type LoKi::Particles::NinTree::
-                                      operator()( LoKi::Particles::NinTree::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::NinTree::operator()( LoKi::Particles::NinTree::argument p ) const {
   return LoKi::PhysAlgs::count_if( p, m_cut );
 // ============================================================================
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::SumTree::SumTree( const LoKi::PhysTypes::Cuts& cut, const LoKi:
 // ============================================================================
 //  MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::SumTree::result_type LoKi::Particles::SumTree::
-                                      operator()( LoKi::Particles::SumTree::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::SumTree::operator()( LoKi::Particles::SumTree::argument p ) const {
   return LoKi::PhysAlgs::accumulate( p, m_fun, m_cut, m_res, std::plus<result_type>() );
 // ============================================================================
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MultTree::MultTree( const LoKi::PhysTypes::Cuts& cut, const LoK
 // ============================================================================
 //  MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::MultTree::result_type LoKi::Particles::MultTree::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Particles::MultTree::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MultTree::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MultTree::argument p ) const {
   return LoKi::PhysAlgs::accumulate( p, m_fun, m_cut, m_res, std::multiplies<result_type>() );
 // ============================================================================
@@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MinTree::MinTree( const LoKi::PhysTypes::Cuts& cut, const LoKi:
 // ============================================================================
 //  MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::MinTree::result_type LoKi::Particles::MinTree::
-                                      operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinTree::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MinTree::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MinTree::argument p ) const {
   return LoKi::PhysAlgs::min_value( p, m_fun, m_cut, m_res );
 // ============================================================================
@@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::MaxTree::MaxTree( const LoKi::PhysTypes::Cuts& cut, const LoKi:
 // ============================================================================
 //  MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::MaxTree::result_type LoKi::Particles::MaxTree::
-                                      operator()( LoKi::Particles::MaxTree::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::MaxTree::operator()( LoKi::Particles::MaxTree::argument p ) const {
   return LoKi::PhysAlgs::max_value( p, m_fun, m_cut, m_res );
 // ============================================================================
@@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::InGeneration* LoKi::Particles::InGeneration::clone() const {
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::InGeneration::result_type LoKi::Particles::InGeneration::
-                                           operator()( LoKi::Particles::InGeneration::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::InGeneration::operator()( LoKi::Particles::InGeneration::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) { Warning( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL" ).ignore(); }
   if ( 0 == m_level ) { return m_cut.fun( p ); } // RETURN
   // treat the first level explicitly (for efficiency reasons):
@@ -241,8 +241,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::NinGeneration* LoKi::Particles::NinGeneration::clone() const {
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::NinGeneration::result_type LoKi::Particles::NinGeneration::
-                                            operator()( LoKi::Particles::InGeneration::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::NinGeneration::operator()( LoKi::Particles::InGeneration::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) { Warning( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL" ).ignore(); }
   if ( 0 == m_level ) { return m_cut.fun( p ) ? 1 : 0; } // RETURN
   // treat the first level explicitly for efficiency reasons:
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles6.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles6.cpp
index 867150398d0a03eec0b98fc1d47c7fab8753bf11..d582988faf334a18d2e2c8cf270ce0ce47ddd20f 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles6.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles6.cpp
@@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::ChildFunction::ChildFunction( const std::string& selector, cons
     , m_child( selector ) {}
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::ChildFunction::result_type LoKi::Particles::ChildFunction::
-                                            operator()( LoKi::Particles::ChildFunction::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ChildFunction::operator()( LoKi::Particles::ChildFunction::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return NegativeInfinity" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::NegativeInfinity;
@@ -362,8 +362,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::ChildPredicate::ChildPredicate( const std::string& selector, co
     , m_child( selector ) {}
 //  MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::ChildPredicate::result_type LoKi::Particles::ChildPredicate::
-                                             operator()( LoKi::Particles::ChildPredicate::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::ChildPredicate::operator()( LoKi::Particles::ChildPredicate::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "LHCb::Particle* points to NULL, return 'false'" ).ignore();
     return false;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles7.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles7.cpp
index 6b945409a86b96016440cfbb917fe03ba6a900fa..9fcacad3d6b5f3384d1c278c1a3d7b7759829d3b 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles7.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles7.cpp
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::VFunAsPFun::VFunAsPFun( const LoKi::Types::VFunc& vfun, const d
 // ===========================================================================
 LoKi::Particles::VFunAsPFun* LoKi::Particles::VFunAsPFun::clone() const { return new VFunAsPFun( *this ); }
 // ===========================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::VFunAsPFun::result_type LoKi::Particles::VFunAsPFun::
-                                         operator()( const LoKi::Particles::VFunAsPFun::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::VFunAsPFun::operator()( const LoKi::Particles::VFunAsPFun::argument p ) const {
   if ( p ) { return m_vfun( p->endVertex() ); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Particle, return " + Gaudi::Utils::toString( m_bad ) ).ignore();
   return m_bad; // RETURN
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles8.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles8.cpp
index e5d5cbc0523e8825a93930888e925fccb9dc8ec7..9749eee061d500c2d5a8d3871eed4cabb5d1e959 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles8.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles8.cpp
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::HasProtos::HasProtos( const LoKi::Types::Range& p )
   addProtos( p.begin(), p.end() );
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::HasProtos::result_type LoKi::Particles::HasProtos::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::Particles::HasProtos::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::HasProtos::operator()( LoKi::Particles::HasProtos::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Argument is invalid! return 'false' " ).ignore();
@@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::HasProtosInTree::HasProtosInTree( const LHCb::Particle::ConstVe
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Particles::HasProtosInTree::HasProtosInTree( const LoKi::Types::Range& p ) : LoKi::Particles::HasProtos( p ) {}
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::HasProtosInTree::result_type LoKi::Particles::HasProtosInTree::
-                                              operator()( LoKi::Particles::HasProtosInTree::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::HasProtosInTree::operator()( LoKi::Particles::HasProtosInTree::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Argument is invalid! return 'false' " ).ignore();
     return false;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles9.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles9.cpp
index a7ecafc9c280e48bd7ea7253f04b92a99ed1b3c6..9db5e4378b6dc8d64245dd41bd7724d319cff2be 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles9.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Particles9.cpp
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::HasTracks::HasTracks( const LoKi::PhysTypes::Range& p )
   addTracks( p.begin(), p.end() );
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::HasTracks::result_type LoKi::Particles::HasTracks::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::Particles::HasTracks::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::HasTracks::operator()( LoKi::Particles::HasTracks::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Argument is invalid! return 'false' " ).ignore();
@@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::HasTracksInTree::HasTracksInTree( const LHCb::Particle::ConstVe
 LoKi::Particles::HasTracksInTree::HasTracksInTree( const LoKi::PhysTypes::Range& pp )
     : LoKi::Particles::HasTracks( pp ) {}
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::HasTracksInTree::result_type LoKi::Particles::HasTracksInTree::
-                                              operator()( LoKi::Particles::HasTracksInTree::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::HasTracksInTree::operator()( LoKi::Particles::HasTracksInTree::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Argument is invalid! return 'false' " ).ignore();
     return false;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/PhysDump.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/PhysDump.cpp
index 9ea5ee44248f3a9820cd98fdf2dd147d34f89549..89e51767d68a23f1786f55d497c8c1ff6c6e6d6a 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/PhysDump.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/PhysDump.cpp
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
 // ============================================================================
 template <>
-LoKi::Functors::Dump_<const LHCb::Particle*>::result_type LoKi::Functors::Dump_<const LHCb::Particle*>::
-                                                          operator()( LoKi::Functors::Dump_<const LHCb::Particle*>::argument a ) const {
+LoKi::Functors::Dump_<const LHCb::Particle*>::result_type LoKi::Functors::Dump_<const LHCb::Particle*>::operator()(
+    LoKi::Functors::Dump_<const LHCb::Particle*>::argument a ) const {
   const unsigned int mx = std::min( m_dump.nMax(), a.size() );
@@ -61,8 +61,9 @@ LoKi::Functors::Dump_<const LHCb::Particle*>::result_type LoKi::Functors::Dump_<
 // ============================================================================
 template <>
-LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>::result_type LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>::
-                                                                 operator()( LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>::argument a ) const {
+LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>::result_type
+LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>::operator()(
+    LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>::argument a ) const {
   if ( m_right ) {
     m_stream << m_dump.open();
@@ -95,8 +96,8 @@ LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, bool>::result_type LoKi::Functors:
 // ============================================================================
 template <>
 LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, double>::result_type
-LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, double>::
-operator()( LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, double>::argument a ) const {
+LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, double>::operator()(
+    LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, double>::argument a ) const {
   if ( m_right ) {
     m_stream << m_dump.open();
@@ -123,8 +124,8 @@ operator()( LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<const LHCb::Particle*, double>::argument a )
 // ============================================================================
 template <>
 LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, double>::result_type
-LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, double>::
-operator()( LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, double>::argument a ) const {
+LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, double>::operator()(
+    LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, double>::argument a ) const {
   if ( m_right ) {
     m_stream << m_dump.open();
@@ -151,8 +152,8 @@ operator()( LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, double>::argument
 // ============================================================================
 template <>
 LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, bool>::result_type
-LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, bool>::
-operator()( LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, bool>::argument a ) const {
+LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, bool>::operator()(
+    LoKi::Functors::Dump1_<LoKi::ATypes::Combination, bool>::argument a ) const {
   if ( m_right ) {
     m_stream << m_dump.open();
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/PhysSources.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/PhysSources.cpp
index bb6add44316ecd921f9627f42d6cd9f84c305409..3ee486bdb8ba3c057a0c26fe3f33af6f523403b1 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/PhysSources.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/PhysSources.cpp
@@ -663,8 +663,8 @@ LoKi::Particles::Flatten* LoKi::Particles::Flatten::clone() const { return new L
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Particles::Flatten::result_type LoKi::Particles::Flatten::
-                                      operator()( LoKi::Particles::Flatten::argument a ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::Flatten::operator()( LoKi::Particles::Flatten::argument a ) const {
   result_type flatten;
   if ( a.empty() ) { return flatten; } // RETURN
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/PhysStreamers.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/PhysStreamers.cpp
index 3b4ebb7cf0710b841615980b67d826a9a080abf4..4081f3c98aa91d830a32c5c8837f36fa74483773 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/PhysStreamers.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/PhysStreamers.cpp
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ namespace {
     LHCb::Particle::ConstVector r;
     r.reserve( last - first );
-    _VRTX_ vx{cuts};
+    _VRTX_ vx{ cuts };
     std::copy_if( first, last, std::back_inserter( r ), std::cref( vx ) );
     return r;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/PointingMass.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/PointingMass.cpp
index 8ff5495e31781e9ec444cab7fd688db370618c5a..1a366a412d17d7af3af21d56bbcb97df3b9fa624 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/PointingMass.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/PointingMass.cpp
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Particles::PointingMass::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method
-LoKi::Particles::PointingMass::result_type LoKi::Particles::PointingMass::
-                                           operator()( LoKi::Particles::PointingMass::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::Particles::PointingMass::operator()( LoKi::Particles::PointingMass::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "PointingMass: LHCb::Particle* points to NULL" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidMass;
@@ -120,10 +120,10 @@ LoKi::Particles::PointingMass::result_type LoKi::Particles::PointingMass::
   const LoKi::ThreeVector dir = vx->position() - pv->position();
   // this one will be changed in calculations, hence the copy and not const.
   LoKi::ThreeVector probe_vector = decayComponents.probe->momentum().Vect();
-  auto              Prb_p_PERP = LoKi::Kinematics::transverseMomentumDir( decayComponents.probe->momentum(), dir );
-  auto              tag_p_perp = LoKi::Kinematics::transverseMomentumDir( decayComponents.tag->momentum(), dir );
-  const auto        probe_mass = decayComponents.probe->momentum().M();
-  const auto        scale      = ( tag_p_perp ) / ( Prb_p_PERP );
+  auto              Prb_p_PERP   = LoKi::Kinematics::transverseMomentumDir( decayComponents.probe->momentum(), dir );
+  auto              tag_p_perp   = LoKi::Kinematics::transverseMomentumDir( decayComponents.tag->momentum(), dir );
+  const auto        probe_mass   = decayComponents.probe->momentum().M();
+  const auto        scale        = ( tag_p_perp ) / ( Prb_p_PERP );
   probe_vector *= scale;
   // Construct a new "mother vector", starting from a scaled version of the probe
   // momentum 4-vector, and adding the tag vector (and optionally, the extra vector)
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Vertices0.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Vertices0.cpp
index c5adf15710136cd8b7698a458bd932b1feebae47..a49a9ae61b9f7db311ff7cbcff38ba4a87afba48 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Vertices0.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Vertices0.cpp
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Vertices::IsPrimary* LoKi::Vertices::IsPrimary::clone() const { return new IsPrimary( *this ); }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::IsPrimary::result_type LoKi::Vertices::IsPrimary::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Vertices::IsPrimary::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::IsPrimary::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::IsPrimary::argument v ) const {
   if ( 0 == v ) {
     Error( "Invalid VertexBase, return 'false'" ).ignore();
     return false; // RETURN
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Vertices::IsPrimary::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const { r
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Vertices::Technique* LoKi::Vertices::Technique::clone() const { return new Technique( *this ); }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::Technique::result_type LoKi::Vertices::Technique::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Vertices::Technique::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::Technique::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::Technique::argument v ) const {
   // cast
   const LHCb::Vertex* vertex = base2vertex( v );
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Vertices::Technique::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const { r
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Vertices::VertexChi2* LoKi::Vertices::VertexChi2::clone() const { return new VertexChi2( *this ); }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::VertexChi2::result_type LoKi::Vertices::VertexChi2::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::Vertices::VertexChi2::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::VertexChi2::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::VertexChi2::argument v ) const {
   if ( 0 != v ) { return chi2( *v ); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Vertex, return 'InvalidChi2'" ).ignore();
   return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2; // RETURN
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ LoKi::Vertices::VertexChi2PerDoF* LoKi::Vertices::VertexChi2PerDoF::clone() cons
   return new VertexChi2PerDoF( *this );
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::VertexChi2PerDoF::result_type LoKi::Vertices::VertexChi2PerDoF::
-                                              operator()( LoKi::Vertices::VertexChi2PerDoF::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::VertexChi2PerDoF::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::VertexChi2PerDoF::argument v ) const {
   if ( 0 != v ) { return chi2PerDoF( *v ); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Vertex, return 'InvalidChi2'" ).ignore();
   return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2; // RETURN
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Vertices::VertexChi2PerDoF::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) co
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Vertices::VertexDoF* LoKi::Vertices::VertexDoF::clone() const { return new VertexDoF( *this ); }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::VertexDoF::result_type LoKi::Vertices::VertexDoF::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Vertices::VertexDoF::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::VertexDoF::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::VertexDoF::argument v ) const {
   if ( 0 == v ) {
     const int errVal = -1000;
     Error( "Invalid Vertex, return " + Gaudi::Utils::toString( errVal ) ).ignore();
@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Vertices::VertexDoF::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const { r
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Vertices::PositionX* LoKi::Vertices::PositionX::clone() const { return new PositionX( *this ); }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::PositionX::result_type LoKi::Vertices::PositionX::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Vertices::PositionX::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::PositionX::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::PositionX::argument v ) const {
   if ( v ) { return v->position().X(); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Vertex, return 'InvalidDistance'" ).ignore();
   return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance; // RETURN
@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Vertices::PositionX::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const { r
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Vertices::PositionY* LoKi::Vertices::PositionY::clone() const { return new PositionY( *this ); }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::PositionY::result_type LoKi::Vertices::PositionY::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Vertices::PositionY::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::PositionY::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::PositionY::argument v ) const {
   if ( v ) { return v->position().Y(); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Vertex, return 'InvalidDistance'" ).ignore();
   return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance; // RETURN
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Vertices::PositionY::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const { r
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Vertices::PositionZ* LoKi::Vertices::PositionZ::clone() const { return new PositionZ( *this ); }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::PositionZ::result_type LoKi::Vertices::PositionZ::
-                                       operator()( LoKi::Vertices::PositionZ::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::PositionZ::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::PositionZ::argument v ) const {
   if ( v ) { return v->position().Z(); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Vertex, return 'InvalidDistance'" ).ignore();
   return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance; // RETURN
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Vertices::PositionZ::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const { r
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Vertices::PositionRho* LoKi::Vertices::PositionRho::clone() const { return new PositionRho( *this ); }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::PositionRho::result_type LoKi::Vertices::PositionRho::
-                                         operator()( LoKi::Vertices::PositionRho::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::PositionRho::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::PositionRho::argument v ) const {
   if ( v ) { return v->position().Rho(); } // RETURN
   Error( "Invalid Vertex, return 'InvalidDistance'" ).ignore();
   return LoKi::Constants::InvalidDistance; // RETURN
@@ -185,8 +185,8 @@ LoKi::Vertices::NumberOfOutgoing* LoKi::Vertices::NumberOfOutgoing::clone() cons
   return new NumberOfOutgoing( *this );
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::NumberOfOutgoing::result_type LoKi::Vertices::NumberOfOutgoing::
-                                              operator()( LoKi::Vertices::NumberOfOutgoing::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::NumberOfOutgoing::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::NumberOfOutgoing::argument v ) const {
   const LHCb::Vertex* vertex = base2vertex( v );
   if ( vertex ) { return vertex->outgoingParticles().size(); } // RETURN
@@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Vertices::Info::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const {
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Vertices::NumberOfTracks* LoKi::Vertices::NumberOfTracks::clone() const { return new NumberOfTracks( *this ); }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::NumberOfTracks::result_type LoKi::Vertices::NumberOfTracks::
-                                            operator()( LoKi::Vertices::NumberOfTracks::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::NumberOfTracks::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::NumberOfTracks::argument v ) const {
   const LHCb::RecVertex* rv = base2rec( v );
   if ( NULL == rv ) {
@@ -241,8 +241,9 @@ LoKi::Vertices::NumberOfTracks::result_type LoKi::Vertices::NumberOfTracks::
     return errVal; // RETURN
-  return ( !rv->tracks().empty() ? rv->tracks().size()
-                                 : !rv->weights().empty() ? rv->weights().size() : 0.5 * ( 3 + rv->nDoF() ) );
+  return ( !rv->tracks().empty()    ? rv->tracks().size()
+           : !rv->weights().empty() ? rv->weights().size()
+                                    : 0.5 * ( 3 + rv->nDoF() ) );
 // ============================================================================
 std::ostream& LoKi::Vertices::NumberOfTracks::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const { return s << "NTRACKS"; }
@@ -255,8 +256,8 @@ LoKi::Vertices::Chi2Prob* LoKi::Vertices::Chi2Prob::clone() const { return new L
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential method:
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::Chi2Prob::result_type LoKi::Vertices::Chi2Prob::
-                                      operator()( LoKi::Vertices::Chi2Prob::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::Chi2Prob::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::Chi2Prob::argument v ) const {
   if ( NULL == v ) {
     Error( "Invalid Vertex, return 'LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2'" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2; // RETURN
@@ -275,8 +276,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Vertices::Chi2Prob::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const { re
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Vertices::IsVertex* LoKi::Vertices::IsVertex::clone() const { return new IsVertex( *this ); }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::IsVertex::result_type LoKi::Vertices::IsVertex::
-                                      operator()( LoKi::Vertices::IsVertex::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::IsVertex::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::IsVertex::argument v ) const {
   if ( NULL == v ) {
     Warning( "LHCb::VertexBase points to NULL, return 'false'" ).ignore();
     return false; // RETURN
@@ -290,8 +291,8 @@ std::ostream& LoKi::Vertices::IsVertex::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const { re
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Vertices::IsRecVertex* LoKi::Vertices::IsRecVertex::clone() const { return new IsRecVertex( *this ); }
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::IsRecVertex::result_type LoKi::Vertices::IsRecVertex::
-                                         operator()( LoKi::Vertices::IsRecVertex::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::IsRecVertex::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::IsRecVertex::argument v ) const {
   if ( NULL == v ) {
     Warning( "LHCb::VertexBase points to NULL, return 'false'" ).ignore();
     return false; // RETURN
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Vertices2.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Vertices2.cpp
index af295e992db8483dc7f13bc817b8c7cedaff9fa7..a071d8a15491edc0e57463cbb955227322bae661 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Vertices2.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Vertices2.cpp
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ LoKi::Vertices::ImpParChi2* LoKi::Vertices::ImpParChi2::clone() const {
 LoKi::Vertices::ImpParChi2::~ImpParChi2() {}
 //  the only one essential method
-LoKi::Vertices::ImpParChi2::result_type LoKi::Vertices::ImpParChi2::
-                                        operator()( LoKi::Vertices::ImpParChi2::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::ImpParChi2::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::ImpParChi2::argument v ) const {
   if ( 0 == v ) {
     Error( "LHCb::VertexBase* argument is invalid! return InvalidChi2" ).ignore();
     return LoKi::Constants::InvalidChi2;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Vertices3.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Vertices3.cpp
index 2b2f161035d5d5bf26cc826aeec254ade6e0eefb..2671424812c5ee07eae45b3137241d3b746e36c1 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Vertices3.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/src/Vertices3.cpp
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackMin* LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackMin::clone()
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the conly one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackMin::result_type LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackMin::
-                                                operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackMin::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackMin::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackMin::argument v ) const {
   if ( 0 == v ) {
     Error( "LHCb::VertexBase* points to NULL, return 'bad'" ).ignore();
     return m_bad;
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackMax* LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackMax::clone()
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the conly one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackMax::result_type LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackMax::
-                                                operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackMax::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackMax::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackMax::argument v ) const {
   if ( 0 == v ) {
     Error( "LHCb::VertexBase* points to NULL, return 'bad'" ).ignore();
     return m_bad;
@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackSum* LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackSum::clone()
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the conly one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackSum::result_type LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackSum::
-                                                operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackSum::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackSum::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackSum::argument v ) const {
   if ( 0 == v ) {
     Error( "LHCb::VertexBase* points to NULL, return 'bad'" ).ignore();
     return m_bad;
@@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackFun* LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackFun::clone()
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the conly one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackFun::result_type LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackFun::
-                                                operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackFun::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackFun::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackFun::argument v ) const {
   if ( 0 == v ) {
     Error( "LHCb::VertexBase* points to NULL, return 'bad'" ).ignore();
     return m_bad;
@@ -275,8 +275,8 @@ LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackHas* LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackHas::clone()
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the conly one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackHas::result_type LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackHas::
-                                                operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackHas::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackHas::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackHas::argument v ) const {
   if ( 0 == v ) {
     Error( "LHCb::VertexBase* points to NULL, return 'false'" ).ignore();
     return false;
@@ -317,8 +317,8 @@ LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackCut* LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackCut::clone()
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the conly one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackCut::result_type LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackCut::
-                                                operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackCut::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackCut::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackCut::argument v ) const {
   if ( 0 == v ) {
     Error( "LHCb::VertexBase* points to NULL, return 'false'" ).ignore();
     return false;
@@ -366,8 +366,8 @@ LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackNum* LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackNum::clone()
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the conly one essential method
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackNum::result_type LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackNum::
-                                                operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackNum::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackNum::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertex2TrackNum::argument v ) const {
   if ( 0 == v ) {
     Error( "LHCb::VertexBase* points to NULL, return 'bad'" ).ignore();
     return m_bad;
@@ -409,8 +409,8 @@ LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexMomentum* LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexMomentum::clone() co
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential mehtod
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexMomentum::result_type LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexMomentum::
-                                               operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexMomentum::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexMomentum::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexMomentum::argument v ) const {
   if ( 0 == v ) {
     Error( "LHCb::VertexBase* points to NULL, return 'InvalidMomentum'" ).ignore();
@@ -466,8 +466,8 @@ LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexPt* LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexPt::clone() const {
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential mehtod
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexPt::result_type LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexPt::
-                                         operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexPt::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexPt::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexPt::argument v ) const {
   if ( 0 == v ) {
     Error( "LHCb::VertexBase* points to NULL, return 'InvalidMomentum'" ).ignore();
@@ -536,12 +536,12 @@ LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexMass::RecVertexMass( const std::vector<std::string>& id
 // constructor from IDS
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexMass::RecVertexMass( const std::string& id1, const std::string& id2 )
-    : RecVertexMass( std::vector<std::string>{id1, id2} ) {}
+    : RecVertexMass( std::vector<std::string>{ id1, id2 } ) {}
 // ============================================================================
 // constructor from IDS
 // ============================================================================
 LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexMass::RecVertexMass( const std::string& id1, const std::string& id2, const std::string& id3 )
-    : RecVertexMass( std::vector<std::string>{id1, id2, id3} ) {}
+    : RecVertexMass( std::vector<std::string>{ id1, id2, id3 } ) {}
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: clone method ("virtual constructor")
 // ============================================================================
@@ -551,8 +551,8 @@ LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexMass* LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexMass::clone() const {
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential mehtod
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexMass::result_type LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexMass::
-                                           operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexMass::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexMass::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexMass::argument v ) const {
   if ( 0 == v ) {
     Error( "LHCb::VertexBase* points to NULL, return 'InvalidMass'" ).ignore();
@@ -606,8 +606,8 @@ LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexSharedHits* LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexSharedHits::clone(
 // ============================================================================
 // MANDATORY: the only one essential mehtod
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexSharedHits::result_type LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexSharedHits::
-                                                 operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexSharedHits::argument v ) const {
+LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexSharedHits::operator()( LoKi::Vertices::RecVertexSharedHits::argument v ) const {
   if ( !v ) {
     Error( "LHCb::VertexBase* points to NULL, return 0" ).ignore();
     return 0;
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhys/tests/DecayGrammarTest.txt b/Phys/LoKiPhys/tests/DecayGrammarTest.txt
index 2b252874cca55c2e7359b773d6b47e25fd5339a9..a4f7c9c63db3f7df9d5fb2bc628d69f137d0f1a6 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhys/tests/DecayGrammarTest.txt
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhys/tests/DecayGrammarTest.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-( B0  -> X  X0 ) 
-( B0  -> X  X0 ... ) 
-( B0  -> X  X0 { X+ } ) 
-( B0 --> X  X0 ) 
-( B0 --> X  X0 ... ) 
+( B0  -> X  X0 )
+( B0  -> X  X0 ... )
+( B0  -> X  X0 { X+ } )
+( B0 --> X  X0 )
+( B0 --> X  X0 ... )
 ( B0 --> X  X0 X+ X- { l+} { ( l- -> Nu  ( Beauty & Meson ) ...  ) } )
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/dict/LoKiPhysMC.xml b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/dict/LoKiPhysMC.xml
index 7ff2bf3e8eb8854802cd77bca8ecc86c0e09026a..bdb8f75822b6bafc500931b5d03789c3620654ac 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/dict/LoKiPhysMC.xml
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/dict/LoKiPhysMC.xml
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
     granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
     or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
      * ========================================================================
      * @file
-     * The seleciton file to build Reflex dictionaries 
+     * The seleciton file to build Reflex dictionaries
      * for Phys/LoKiPhysMC package
      * @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
      * @date 2006-02-06
@@ -19,18 +19,18 @@
   <class name = "LoKi::MCMatch"        />
   <class name = "LoKi::MCMatchObj"     />
   <class name="LoKi::Interface<LoKi::MCMatchObj>" />
   <class name = "LoKi::PhysMCParticles::RCTruth"    />
   <class name = "LoKi::PhysMCParticles::MCTruth"    />
   <function pattern="LoKi::Dicts::MCMatchDicts::*" />
     <class pattern="LoKi::PhysMCParticles::*">
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
     <class pattern="LoKi::Interface&lt;*&gt;">
       <method name="=" />
     <class name="LoKi::MCMatch">
       <method name="=" />
@@ -51,5 +51,5 @@
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/doc/release.notes b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/doc/release.notes
index a5c282774de11dd200e6e99d642114d5157c97eb..6f27e2382f426ae05b353352ec4162758df344af 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/doc/release.notes
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ! Package     : Phys/LoKiPhysMC
 ! Responsible : Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
-! Purpose     : RC <--> MC part of LoKi 
+! Purpose     : RC <--> MC part of LoKi
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ! 2017-02-10 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add new algorithm   MCTuthPhoton to create "custom" MC-truth linkst between 
+ - add new algorithm   MCTuthPhoton to create "custom" MC-truth linkst between
    some interesting MC-photons and neutral protoparticles
 e.g. build MC-truth for phtons frmo Bs -> phi(1020) gamma decays:
-    from Configurables import LoKi__MCTruthPhoton as CustomPP2MC 
+    from Configurables import LoKi__MCTruthPhoton as CustomPP2MC
     alg = CustomPP2MC('Custom')
     alg.EnergyFraction  = (0.1,2)
     alg.MaxChi2         = 4
-    alg.PropertiesPrint = True 
+    alg.PropertiesPrint = True
     alg.Preambulo = [
         "from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV, MeV, cm" ,
     alg.Code = """
-    ( MCPT > 100 * MeV ) & MCDECTREE ( 'Beauty -> (phi(1020) => K+ K-) ^gamma' ) 
+    ( MCPT > 100 * MeV ) & MCDECTREE ( 'Beauty -> (phi(1020) => K+ K-) ^gamma' )
 or a bit more generic:
     alg.Preambulo = [
         "from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV, MeV, cm" ,
-        "from LoKiCore.functions import in_range" 
+        "from LoKiCore.functions import in_range"
     alg.Code = """
     ( MCPZ >  1   * GeV             ) &
@@ -36,37 +36,37 @@ or a bit more generic:
     MCFROMDECAYS                      &
     ( abs ( MCPX / MCPZ  ) < 0.350  ) &
     ( abs ( MCPY / MCPZ  ) < 0.250  ) &
-    in_range ( -20*cm , MCVFASPF( MCVZ ) , 20*cm ) 
+    in_range ( -20*cm , MCVFASPF( MCVZ ) , 20*cm )
-MC-mathching is perfomed using the spatial matching of photon direction 
+MC-mathching is perfomed using the spatial matching of photon direction
 and CaloPositon ( using data on center&spread) using chi2.
-for inner/middle zones chi2<1 has almost 100% efficiency, 
+for inner/middle zones chi2<1 has almost 100% efficiency,
 for outer zone the distribution is a bit wider, but chi2<2 is close to 100%
-        150   ++----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+  
-              ||    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |  
-              ||    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |  
-              ||    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |  
-              ||    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |  
-        112   ++.................................................+  
-              ||    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |  
-              |**   .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |  
-              |***  .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |  
-              |***  .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |  
-         75   +***...............................................+  
-              |***  .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |  
-              |***  .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |  
-              |**** .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |  
-              |**** .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |  
-       37.5   +****..............................................+  
-              |*****.    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |  
-              |******    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |  
-              |********* .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |  
-              |***********    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |  
+        150   ++----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+
+              ||    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |
+              ||    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |
+              ||    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |
+              ||    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |
+        112   ++.................................................+
+              ||    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |
+              |**   .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |
+              |***  .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |
+              |***  .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |
+         75   +***...............................................+
+              |***  .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |
+              |***  .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |
+              |**** .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |
+              |**** .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |
+       37.5   +****..............................................+
+              |*****.    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |
+              |******    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |
+              |********* .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |
+              |***********    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    |
           0 *-++----+----+***************************************->*
-            U                                                       
+            U
             N                                                      O
             D                                                      V
             E                                                      E
@@ -75,26 +75,26 @@ for outer zone the distribution is a bit wider, but chi2<2 is close to 100%
             L       0    0    1    1         2    2    3    3      L
             O       .    .    .    .         .    .    .    .      O
             W 00    4    8    2    6    2    4    8    2    6    4 W
-Optionally the criteria on  E(mc)/E(calo) is applied. 
-Usage., e.g. for Bender: 
+Optionally the criteria on  E(mc)/E(calo) is applied.
+Usage., e.g. for Bender:
   bender_alg        = ...
-  bender_alg.PP2MCs = [ 
+  bender_alg.PP2MCs = [
      'Relations/Rec/ProtoP/Charged'  ,
      'Relations/Rec/ProtoP/Upstream' ,
      'Relations/Rec/ProtoP/Custom'   ]
-for "mcMatch" 
+for "mcMatch"
     ... = mcMatch ( ... , strings( [
      'Relations/Rec/ProtoP/Charged'  ,
      'Relations/Rec/ProtoP/Upstream' ,
-     'Relations/Rec/ProtoP/Custom'   ] ) , ... ) 
+     'Relations/Rec/ProtoP/Custom'   ] ) , ... )
 !======================== LoKiPhysMC v9r11 2015-12-03 =========================
@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ for "mcMatch"
    e.g. in bender command line:
     >>> get('/Event/Phys/StdNoPIDsPions/Particles', mcMatch('[  D*(2010)+ -> (D0 => pi- mu+ Nu) ^pi+]CC') )
-   Thanks to Adam Davis for inspiring idea 
+   Thanks to Adam Davis for inspiring idea
 !========================= LoKiPhysMC v9r9 2015-07-24 =========================
 ! 2015-06-22 - Eduardo Rodrigues
@@ -127,21 +127,21 @@ for "mcMatch"
 !========================= LoKiPhysMC v9r8 2015-02-26 =========================
 ! 2015-01-24 - Vanya Belyaev
- - step towards generation of C++ code 
+ - step towards generation of C++ code
 !========================= LoKiPhysMC v9r7 2014-10-30 =========================
 ! 2014-09-23 - Chris Jones
- - Explicitly initialise LoKi::AuxFunBase() base class in 
+ - Explicitly initialise LoKi::AuxFunBase() base class in
    LoKi::PhysMCParticles::MCMatcherBase copy constructor.
 ! 2014-09-03 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Fix a problem with copy of "non-strandard" MCMatcher objects 
-   many thanks to Igor Babushkin! 
+ - Fix a problem with copy of "non-strandard" MCMatcher objects
+   many thanks to Igor Babushkin!
 ! 2014-08-25 - Vanya Belyaev
  - 1) Fix a typo in mcMatch
-   2) Extend MCMatchers to allow picking MC-particles from non-standard locations 
+   2) Extend MCMatchers to allow picking MC-particles from non-standard locations
       (thanks to Igor Babuschkin)
 !========================= LoKiPhysMC v9r6p2 2013-05-07 =========================
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ for "mcMatch"
 !========================= LoKiPhysMC v9r6 2012-10-04 =========================
 ! 2012-09-18 - Will Barter
- - Adapted HepMCParticleMaker so that you can exclude particles from a particle 
+ - Adapted HepMCParticleMaker so that you can exclude particles from a particle
 !========================= LoKiPhysMC v9r5 2012-02-09 =========================
@@ -182,39 +182,39 @@ for "mcMatch"
 !========================= LoKiPhysMC v9r3 2011-06-17 =========================
 ! 2011-06-04 - Vanya Belyaev
- - remove some code 
+ - remove some code
 ! 2011-05-22 - Vanya Belyaev
  - MCMatchObj.cpp
-    another fix 
+    another fix
 ! 2011-05-18 - Vanya Belyaev
  - MCMatchObj.cpp
-   minor fix in logic 
+   minor fix in logic
 ! 2011-05-18 - Vanya Belyaev
  - MCMatchObj.cpp
    see bug report #82409
-   release a bit the matching criteria for composed particles :-( 
-   finally the final state matches is enough... 
-   I suspect that it it too "loose".. but  not I see no other easy solution 
-   for Steve's problem 
+   release a bit the matching criteria for composed particles :-(
+   finally the final state matches is enough...
+   I suspect that it it too "loose".. but  not I see no other easy solution
+   for Steve's problem
+ - cmt/requirements
+   version increment to v9r2
- - cmt/requirements 
-   version increment to v9r2 
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v9r1 2010-06-24 ========================
 ! 2010-05-31 - Vanya Belyaev
- - fix for new LoKiMC 
- - cmt/requirements 
-   version increment to v9r1 
+ - fix for new LoKiMC
+ - cmt/requirements
+   version increment to v9r1
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v9r0 2010-04-30 ========================
@@ -222,81 +222,81 @@ for "mcMatch"
  - src/Component/P2MCBase.h
-     Container -> Range 
+     Container -> Range
-   see task #13342 
+   see task #13342
 ! 2010-04-06 - Vanya Belyaev
  - replace LoKi::Range with Gaudi::Range
- - new decorators 
- - cmt/requirements 
-    version increment to v9r0 
+ - new decorators
+ - cmt/requirements
+    version increment to v9r0
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v8r8 2010-03-27 ========================
 ! 2010-03-14 - Vanya Belyaev
  - src/MatchObj.cpp
-    - do not try to "use" ProtoParticles & Tracks, 
+    - do not try to "use" ProtoParticles & Tracks,
       if no corresponidg MC-tables are provided
-    It is minor fix, but very important for usage with MicroDST  
+    It is minor fix, but very important for usage with MicroDST
 - cmt/requirements
-     verision increment to v8r8 
+     verision increment to v8r8
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v8r7 2010-02-26 ========================
 ! 2010-02-18 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add new component , LoKi::Hybrid::MCTupleTool, 
+ - add new component , LoKi::Hybrid::MCTupleTool,
     simple implementation  of IMCParticleTupleTool interface:
     XXTool.Varibales = {
-     ## "name" : "functor" 
+     ## "name" : "functor"
-     'px' : "MCPX" , 
+     'px' : "MCPX" ,
-     'fromB'         : " switch ( MCINANCESTORS ( BEAUTY ) , 1 , 0 ) " , 
+     'fromB'         : " switch ( MCINANCESTORS ( BEAUTY ) , 1 , 0 ) " ,
      'fromLongLived' : " switch ( MCINANCESTORS ( MCDECNODE ( Nodes.LonvLived ), 1 , 0 ) " ,
-     'fromPV' : " 0 == MCNINANCESTORS ( MCDECNODE ( Nodes.LonvLived ) ) " 
+     'fromPV' : " 0 == MCNINANCESTORS ( MCDECNODE ( Nodes.LonvLived ) ) "
- - cmt/requirements 
-     version increment to v8r7  
+ - cmt/requirements
+     version increment to v8r7
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v8r6 2009-12-11 ========================
 ! 2009-12-03 - Vanya Belyaev
- - MCMatcher: automatiocally insert 'Relations/' into the path for relation table, 
+ - MCMatcher: automatiocally insert 'Relations/' into the path for relation table,
    is original path does nto work...
 ! 2009-11-27 - Vanya Belyaev
- - minor fix with the default arguments for MCMatcher functors 
+ - minor fix with the default arguments for MCMatcher functors
   ( required for properMC-match within DecayTreeTuple framework)
- - cmt/requirement 
-     version increment to v8r6 
+ - cmt/requirement
+     version increment to v8r6
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v8r5 2009-10-16 ========================
 ! 2009-09-03 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - fix event and reference counters for MC-match 
- - cmt/requirements 
-     version increment to v8r5 
+ - fix event and reference counters for MC-match
+ - cmt/requirements
+     version increment to v8r5
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v8r4 2009-09-02 ========================
 ! 2009-09-02 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -306,45 +306,45 @@ for "mcMatch"
  - add more context symnols:
-   and the helper function mcMatch 
+   and the helper function mcMatch
- Thus one can use following constructions for 
+ Thus one can use following constructions for
    CombineParticles/FilterDesktop & "Hybrid" Plot/Print/Tuple-tools
-    XXX.DaughterCuts  = { 
-      'K+'  :  " ( PT > 1*GeV ) & MCMATCH     ( '[B_s0 => ^K+ ^K-]cc' ) " , 
-      'pi+' :  " ( PT > 1*GeV ) & MCSELMATCH  ( 'pi+' == MCABSD )  "      , 
-      'mu+' :  " ( PT > 1*GeV ) & MCNODEMATCH ( Lepton ) "   
+    XXX.DaughterCuts  = {
+      'K+'  :  " ( PT > 1*GeV ) & MCMATCH     ( '[B_s0 => ^K+ ^K-]cc' ) " ,
+      'pi+' :  " ( PT > 1*GeV ) & MCSELMATCH  ( 'pi+' == MCABSD )  "      ,
+      'mu+' :  " ( PT > 1*GeV ) & MCNODEMATCH ( Lepton ) "
 ! 2009-08-11 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - add new "context" symbol MCMATCH to be used with CombineParticles/FilterDesktop 
+ - add new "context" symbol MCMATCH to be used with CombineParticles/FilterDesktop
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
-   version increment to v8r4 
+   version increment to v8r4
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v8r3 2009-05-25 ========================
 ! 2009-05-09 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - remove unnesessary std::unary/binary_function bases 
+ - remove unnesessary std::unary/binary_function bases
  - cmt/requirements
-   version increment to v8r3 
+   version increment to v8r3
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v8r2 2009-05-07 ========================
 ! 2009-03-12 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - src/MCMatchObj.cpp
-   fix to speed-up drastically the Monte Carlo Truth Matching 
-   (thank to Jibo HE for inspiring "bug"-example) 
+   fix to speed-up drastically the Monte Carlo Truth Matching
+   (thank to Jibo HE for inspiring "bug"-example)
- - cmt/requirements 
-   version increment to v8r2 
+ - cmt/requirements
+   version increment to v8r2
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v8r1 2009-01-12 ========================
 ! 2009-01-10 - Chris Jones
@@ -358,47 +358,47 @@ for "mcMatch"
  - remove all opts files ( and the directory)
    add the configurations to tun 'on-demand'
-    Track -> MC relation tables 
-    Primary Vertices ---> Monte Carlo Vertices 
+    Track -> MC relation tables
+    Primary Vertices ---> Monte Carlo Vertices
     Primary Vertices ---> Generator Collisions  relation tables
-   python/LoKiPhysMC/Track2MC_Configuration.py 
-   python/LoKiPhysMC/PV2MC_Configuration.py 
+   python/LoKiPhysMC/Track2MC_Configuration.py
+   python/LoKiPhysMC/PV2MC_Configuration.py
 ! 2008-11-03 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - resurrect & redesign all PV -> MCV stuff
 ! 2008-11-02 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - more fixes for variosu compilers 
- - remove some methods form the dictionaries 
+ - more fixes for variosu compilers
+ - remove some methods form the dictionaries
 ! 2008-10-29 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - few fixes to please gcc43 compilation 
- - cmt/requirements 
-    versiom increment to v8r0 
+ - few fixes to please gcc43 compilation
+ - cmt/requirements
+    versiom increment to v8r0
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v7r4 2008-07-27 ========================
 ! 2008-07-22 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - LoKi/DecayChain.h
    remove obsolete CLHEP methods (not needed anymore with new HepMC)
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
    version inrement to v7r4
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v7r3 2008-06-30 ========================
 ! 2008-06-25 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - update the components
- - cmt/release.notes 
+ - cmt/release.notes
     version inrment to v7r3
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v7r2 2008-06-02 ========================
 ! 2008-06-02 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Fix two doxygen warnings
- - cmt/requirements:  version increment to v7r2 
+ - cmt/requirements:  version increment to v7r2
 ! 2008-06-02 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Change the handled incidents from EndEvent to BeginEvent 
+ - Change the handled incidents from EndEvent to BeginEvent
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v7r1 2008-05-19 ========================
 ! 2008-05-19 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -406,45 +406,45 @@ for "mcMatch"
  - Remove obsolete macro form requirements
 ! 2008-05-17 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - LoKi/DechayChain.h, src/DecayChain.cpp 
+ - LoKi/DechayChain.h, src/DecayChain.cpp
     put the various minor changes into improve the printout
     in partular now all colors work nicely
 ! 2008-05-05 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - src/Components/DumpMC.cpp 
-     new algorithm LoKi::DumpMC to perform the detailed printout of 
+ - src/Components/DumpMC.cpp
+     new algorithm LoKi::DumpMC to perform the detailed printout of
      MC information
 ! 2008-05-04 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - src/Components/DumpHepMC.cpp 
-     new algorithm LoKi::DumpHepMC to perform the detailed prinput of 
+ - src/Components/DumpHepMC.cpp
+     new algorithm LoKi::DumpHepMC to perform the detailed prinput of
      HepMC information (it is very useful for debugging of generators)
-- cmt/requirements:  version increment to v7r1 
+- cmt/requirements:  version increment to v7r1
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v7r0 2007-12-03 ========================
 ! 2007-12-03 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - update for the next major version of LoKi v7r0 ("The powerful Streamers")
  - cmt/requirements
-   version increment to v7r0 
+   version increment to v7r0
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v6r2 2007-11-06 ========================
 ! 2007-11-06 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Fix some doxygen warnings
 ! 2007-11-05 - Vanya BELYAEV
-  - src/Components/LoKi_PV2MCAlg.cpp 
+  - src/Components/LoKi_PV2MCAlg.cpp
+    fix couple of small problems with PV vertex <--> MC vertex association
-    fix couple of small problems with PV vertex <--> MC vertex association 
- - cmt/requirements 
-   version increment to v6r2 
+ - cmt/requirements
+   version increment to v6r2
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v6r1 2007-10-08 ========================
 ! 2007-10-07 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - cmt/requirements 
-    increment version to v6r1 
-    use new pattern for python modules 
+ - cmt/requirements
+    increment version to v6r1
+    use new pattern for python modules
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v6r0 2007-09-04 ========================
 ! 2007-08-20 - Vanya BELYAEV
@@ -452,10 +452,10 @@ for "mcMatch"
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v5r0 2007-06-11 ========================
 ! 2007-06-10 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - add the decorators for MCMatch class, 
- - few small fixes to please Reflex and make 
-   functions vizible 
- - some work on unification of vizible interface 
+ - add the decorators for MCMatch class,
+ - few small fixes to please Reflex and make
+   functions vizible
+ - some work on unification of vizible interface
   New files:
@@ -480,8 +480,8 @@ for "mcMatch"
  - Modified files:
- - cmt/requirements 
-    version increment to v5r0 
+ - cmt/requirements
+    version increment to v5r0
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v4r1p1 2007-04-19 ===================
 ! 2007-04-19 -  P. Koppenburg
@@ -492,21 +492,21 @@ for "mcMatch"
 ! 2007-04-04 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - src/Components/LoKi_HepMCPArticleMaker.cpp
-    fix a stupid bug with the defauld cuts for photons 
- - cmt/requirements 
-    version increment to v4r1 
+    fix a stupid bug with the defauld cuts for photons
+ - cmt/requirements
+    version increment to v4r1
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v4r0 2007-02-25 =======================
 ! 2007-02-24 - Vanya BELYAEV
   - src/Components/LoKi_P2MC.cpp ,
-       1) adapt to new location of Particle2MCLinker 
-       2) eliminate the code duplication through insertion of base class 
+       1) adapt to new location of Particle2MCLinker
+       2) eliminate the code duplication through insertion of base class
   - src/Components/P2MC.h,
-      new base class to remove the code duplication in P2MC and 
+      new base class to remove the code duplication in P2MC and
       P2MCW algorithms
   - retag as v4r0
@@ -524,49 +524,49 @@ for "mcMatch"
-    Configuration files to run an automatic on-demand decoding of linker objects 
+    Configuration files to run an automatic on-demand decoding of linker objects
     into  Relation tables.
-    The configurtaionis just approximate, 
-      for each concrete case, some tuning could be needed  
+    The configurtaionis just approximate,
+      for each concrete case, some tuning could be needed
  - cmt/requirements
-    version increment to v4r0 
+    version increment to v4r0
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v3r0 2007-01-20 =======================
 ! 2007-01-20 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - LoKi/PhysMCParticles.h, 
-   src/PhysMCParticles.cpp 
-    add new function LoKi::Particles::GenMCTruth for association of 
+ - LoKi/PhysMCParticles.h,
+   src/PhysMCParticles.cpp
+    add new function LoKi::Particles::GenMCTruth for association of
     LHCb::Particle objects and HepMC::GenParticle objects
    ( it is needed e.g. for parton-jet matching in higgs/jet studies)
     /** @class GenMCTruth PhysMCParticles.h LoKi/PhysMCParticles.h
-     *  Helper and useful function to be used to check the matching of  
+     *  Helper and useful function to be used to check the matching of
      *  LHCb::Particle and some HepMC::GenParticle
-     *  @code 
-     * 
+     *  @code
+     *
      *  // some sequence of HepMC-particles
      *  SEQUENCE hepmcps = ...  ;
-     *  // get RC<-->MC-matcher 
+     *  // get RC<-->MC-matcher
      *  MCMatch   mc =  ... ;
      *  // get HepMC<-->MC matcher
      *  const LHCb::HepMC2MC* table = ... ;
-     *  // create the function 
+     *  // create the function
      *  Cut cut = GMCTRUTH( table , mc , hepmcps.begin() , hepmcps.end() ) ;
-     *  
+     *
      *  const LHCb::Particle* B = ... ;
      *  // use the predicate!
-     * 
+     *
      *  const bool good = cut( B ) ;
-     *  @endcode 
+     *  @endcode
-     *  @see LoKi::Cuts::GMCTRUTH 
+     *  @see LoKi::Cuts::GMCTRUTH
      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.sye.edu
      *  @date   2003-01-28
@@ -590,16 +590,16 @@ for "mcMatch"
 ! 2006-12-15 - Ivan Belyaev
  - src/Components/LoKi_HepMCParticleMaker.cpp
    fix few bugs, observed and lindly reported by Victor COCO
- - cmt/requirements 
-   version increment to v2r6p1 
+ - cmt/requirements
+   version increment to v2r6p1
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v2r6 2006-11-25 ========================
 ! 2006-11-25 - Vanya BELYAEV
-  - add RCTUTH typedef into namespace LoKi::Cuts 
-  - improve a little bit Doxygen documentation 
-  - remove semicolumns after the namespaces 
-  - cmt/requirements 
-    version imcprement to v2r6 
+  - add RCTUTH typedef into namespace LoKi::Cuts
+  - improve a little bit Doxygen documentation
+  - remove semicolumns after the namespaces
+  - cmt/requirements
+    version imcprement to v2r6
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v2r5 2006-11-12 ========================
@@ -608,76 +608,76 @@ for "mcMatch"
  - src/Components/LoKi_HepMCParticleMaker.cpp
     for the default configuration DISABLE the smearing of momenta and positions
  - options/StdHepMCPhotons.opts
-     new file for "standard HepMC-photons" 
+     new file for "standard HepMC-photons"
+ - options/*.opts
+     adapt all option-file for new semantic of Data-On-Demans Service
- - options/*.opts 
-     adapt all option-file for new semantic of Data-On-Demans Service 
- - cmt/requirements 
-    1) add the environment variables:  
+ - cmt/requirements
+    1) add the environment variables:
        coherent inclusion of HepMC particles, e.g.
           #include "$HEPMCSTANDARDPARTICLESOPTS/StdHepMCPions.opts"
-    2) version increment to v2r5 
+    2) version increment to v2r5
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v2r4 2006-10-11 ========================
 ! 2006-10-11 - Vanya BELYAEV
-   Make usage of new package Phys/DaVinciMCKernel 
+   Make usage of new package Phys/DaVinciMCKernel
- - Kernel/*.cpp : remove all files 
+ - Kernel/*.cpp : remove all files
  - cmt/requirements
-     version incrmeent to v2r4 
+     version incrmeent to v2r4
 ! 2006-10-10 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - LoKi/MCMatchObj.h
-     tiny fixes for good&valid reflex/python dictionaries 
+     tiny fixes for good&valid reflex/python dictionaries
  - cmt/requirements
-     version incrmeent to v2r3 
+     version incrmeent to v2r3
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v2r2 2006-10-04 ========================
 ! 2006-10-04 - Vanya BELYAEV
-  - Kernel/RC2HepMC.h 
+  - Kernel/RC2HepMC.h
       new file, nesessary definitions for LHCb::Particle -> HepMC::GenParticle
   - options/StdHepMCElectrons.opts
   - options/StdHepMCKaons.opts
   - options/StdHepMCMuons.opts
   - options/StdHepMCPions.opts
   - options/StdHepMCProtons.opts
-     configuration files to build on-demand "standard" particles 
-     from generator information 
+     configuration files to build on-demand "standard" particles
+     from generator information
   - src/Components/LoKi_HepMCParticleMaker.cpp
-     special "particle maker": tool to produce particles from generator 
+     special "particle maker": tool to produce particles from generator
- - RETAG ad v2r2 
+ - RETAG ad v2r2
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v2r2 2006-09-26 ========================
 ! 2006-09-26 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add LoKi_HepMCParticleMaker.cpp 
+ - add LoKi_HepMCParticleMaker.cpp
  - cmt/requirements
-      version increment to v2r2 
+      version increment to v2r2
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v2r1 2006-09-06 ===================
 ! 2006-09-06 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - LoKi/PhysMCParticles.h, src/PhysMCParticles.cpp
-     fix a duplication in constructor 
- - cmt/requirements 
-     version increment to v2r1 
+     fix a duplication in constructor
+ - cmt/requirements
+     version increment to v2r1
 !========================== LoKiPhysMC v2r0 2006-08-30 ===================
@@ -685,26 +685,26 @@ for "mcMatch"
 ! 2006-08-29 - Ivan BELYAEV
-   Many updated to simplify the operations with MC 
+   Many updated to simplify the operations with MC
  - Kernel/Particle2MC.h
-     new definitions 
+     new definitions
 ! 2006-08-15 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - make an adaptation to new inheriance scheme 
-      LHCb::Vertex <--- LHCb::VertexBase --> LHCb::RecVertex 
- - cmt/requirements 
-   version increment to v2r0 
+ - make an adaptation to new inheriance scheme
+      LHCb::Vertex <--- LHCb::VertexBase --> LHCb::RecVertex
+ - cmt/requirements
+   version increment to v2r0
 !========================== LoKiPhys v1r2 2006-07-07 ===================
 ! 2006-06-23 - Juan PALACIOS
-  - fix for new version of Kernel/Relations 
+  - fix for new version of Kernel/Relations
    (no need in "serializers" anymore)
   - cmt/requirements increment version to v1r2
@@ -712,65 +712,65 @@ for "mcMatch"
 ! 2006-05-27 - VanyaBELYAEV
  - LoKi/DecayChain.h, src/DecayChain.cpp
-   nice utility for printout of  (Phys/MC/HepMC)-trees 
+   nice utility for printout of  (Phys/MC/HepMC)-trees
  - cmt/requirments
-   versionincrement to v1r1 
+   versionincrement to v1r1
 ! 2006-03-19 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - the major upgrade 
-   add the code for making the links inbetween the recontructed 
+ - the major upgrade
+   add the code for making the links inbetween the recontructed
    primary vertices and (primary) MC-vertices and pp-collisions.
-   The link attribute ("weight") is LHCb::PV2MCWeight, 
+   The link attribute ("weight") is LHCb::PV2MCWeight,
      which is std::pair<size_t,float>.
-   The first component is  a number of true MC-tracks from the 
+   The first component is  a number of true MC-tracks from the
    given (primary) vertez, used in the reconstruction of the PrimVertex
-   The second component is chi2-distance inbetween the reconstructed 
-   primary vertex and (primary) MC-vertex/pp-Collision 
+   The second component is chi2-distance inbetween the reconstructed
+   primary vertex and (primary) MC-vertex/pp-Collision
+   Relation tables and builder algorithsm
-   Relation tables and builder algorithsm 
-   Kernel/PV2MC.h 
+   Kernel/PV2MC.h
      the defintion of basic types & table locations
-     Types: 
-      RC           --> MC 
+     Types:
+      RC           --> MC
      IRelationWeighted<LHCb::PrimVertex,LHCb::MCVertex,LHCb::PV2MCWeght> ,
-      MC           --> RC 
+      MC           --> RC
      IRelationWeighted<LHCb::MCVertex,LHCb::PrimVertexLHCb::PV2MCWeght> ,
       RC           --> pp-Collision
      IRelationWeighted<LHCb::PrimVertex,LHCb::GenCollision,LHCb::PV2MCWeght> ,
-      pp-Collision --> RC 
-     IRelationWeighted<LHCb::GenCollision,LHCb::PrimVertexLHCb::PV2MCWeght> 
+      pp-Collision --> RC
+     IRelationWeighted<LHCb::GenCollision,LHCb::PrimVertexLHCb::PV2MCWeght>
   Locaions of 2D tables:
-    LHCb::PV2MCLocation::Default, defined as 
-      "Relations/" + LHCb::VertexLocation::Primary 
-    LHCb::PV2CoillisonLocation::Default, defined as 
+    LHCb::PV2MCLocation::Default, defined as
+      "Relations/" + LHCb::VertexLocation::Primary
+    LHCb::PV2CoillisonLocation::Default, defined as
       "Relations/" + LHCb::VertexLocation::Primary + "2Collision"
      the algorithm to build the links
-  Run-time configuration  (using Data-on-Demand service) 
+  Run-time configuration  (using Data-on-Demand service)
    OPTIONAL: (for those who likes to manipulate with tools)
-   src/Components/LoKi_PV2MC.cpp 
+   src/Components/LoKi_PV2MC.cpp
      definition of the abstract interface to deal with the tables
-     and concrete tool  
+     and concrete tool
 ! 2006-03-14 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - new import 
+ - new import
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! The END 
+! The END
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/python/LoKiPhysMC/PV2MC_Configuration.py b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/python/LoKiPhysMC/PV2MC_Configuration.py
index c9a960bd18255e67f2c32a8ef46404286f6f6733..e0fb254530a64d67dd4ea3125e838494426a913a 100755
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/python/LoKiPhysMC/PV2MC_Configuration.py
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/python/LoKiPhysMC/PV2MC_Configuration.py
@@ -35,21 +35,21 @@ Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas,
 contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg,
 A.Golutvin, P.Koppenburg have been used in the design.
 # =============================================================================
 __author__ = " Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@nikhef.nl "
 # =============================================================================
+from Configurables import DataOnDemandSvc, LoKi__PV2MCAlg
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from Configurables import DataOnDemandSvc
-from Configurables import LoKi__PV2MCAlg
 alg = LoKi__PV2MCAlg()
 dod = DataOnDemandSvc()
-dod.AlgMap['Relations/Rec/Vertex/Primary'] = alg.getFullName()
-dod.AlgMap['Relations/Rec/Vertex/Primary2Collision'] = alg.getFullName()
+dod.AlgMap["Relations/Rec/Vertex/Primary"] = alg.getFullName()
+dod.AlgMap["Relations/Rec/Vertex/Primary2Collision"] = alg.getFullName()
-#needed for the proper work:
+# needed for the proper work:
 import LoKiPhysMC.Track2MC_Configuration
 # =============================================================================
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/python/LoKiPhysMC/Track2MC_Configuration.py b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/python/LoKiPhysMC/Track2MC_Configuration.py
index 0885add7b9c340e8a64fef14c1503de32e190281..06fc50311a44aa7a5a663d4180b8d6383d40e2d7 100755
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/python/LoKiPhysMC/Track2MC_Configuration.py
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/python/LoKiPhysMC/Track2MC_Configuration.py
@@ -35,18 +35,18 @@ Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas,
 contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg,
 A.Golutvin, P.Koppenburg have been used in the design.
 # =============================================================================
 __author__ = " Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@nikhef.nl "
 # =============================================================================
+from Configurables import DataOnDemandSvc, LoKi__Track2MC
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from Configurables import DataOnDemandSvc
-from Configurables import LoKi__Track2MC
 alg = LoKi__Track2MC()
 dod = DataOnDemandSvc()
-dod.AlgMap['Relations/Rec/Track/Default'] = alg.getFullName()
+dod.AlgMap["Relations/Rec/Track/Default"] = alg.getFullName()
 # =============================================================================
 # The END
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/python/LoKiPhysMC/__init__.py b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/python/LoKiPhysMC/__init__.py
index 02945941bdeaf87a6ca9e9d6def25f1c96c5dfc9..ddb9a27b35167e002e5ae4059b4877cd25e0f0b0 100755
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/python/LoKiPhysMC/__init__.py
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/python/LoKiPhysMC/__init__.py
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
 #  @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
 #  @date 2007-05-29
 # =============================================================================
-""" Helper file to manage LoKiPhysMC package """
+"""Helper file to manage LoKiPhysMC package"""
 _author_ = "Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu"
 # =============================================================================
 # import LoKiMC.decorators
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/Components/LoKi_Track2MC.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/Components/LoKi_Track2MC.cpp
index 6e7236b301b03f6ef5eba71710609dcaad7f5742..b4f7337eafa63733aa387b457f92762cdb25893a 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/Components/LoKi_Track2MC.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/Components/LoKi_Track2MC.cpp
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ namespace LoKi {
     /// the address of the output table
     std::string m_output; // the address of the output table
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<size_t> m_linksCounter{this, "#links"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<size_t> m_tracksCounter{this, "#tracks"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<size_t> m_linksCounter{ this, "#links" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<size_t> m_tracksCounter{ this, "#tracks" };
 } // end of namespace LoKi
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::Track2MC::execute() {
     const LHCb::Tracks* tracks = get<LHCb::Tracks>( *iaddr );
     if ( 0 == tracks ) { continue; } // CONTINUE
     nTracks += tracks->size();       // Retrieve the Linker table made by the TrackAssociator
-    auto links = SmartDataPtr<LHCb::LinksByKey>{evtSvc(), LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( *iaddr )};
+    auto links = SmartDataPtr<LHCb::LinksByKey>{ evtSvc(), LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( *iaddr ) };
     if ( !links ) {
       Warning( "The linker table '" + links.path() + "' is not found!" ).ignore();
       continue; // CONTINUE
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ StatusCode LoKi::Track2MC::execute() {
     for ( const LHCb::Track* track : *tracks ) {
       if ( !track ) continue; // CONTINUE
       // get the  links form linker object
-      for ( const auto& [mcp, weight] : LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{links}.weightedRange( track ) ) {
+      for ( const auto& [mcp, weight] : LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{ links }.weightedRange( track ) ) {
         table->i_push( track, &mcp, weight ); // NB! i_push is used!
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/Components/MCTruthPhoton.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/Components/MCTruthPhoton.cpp
index 816e27e0a7334767eabcc850e5edfaebed702b12..300fe9693e00fa637a571b177096478c0d2220d0 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/Components/MCTruthPhoton.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/Components/MCTruthPhoton.cpp
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
     inline std::pair<double, double> xy_pos( const LHCb::MCParticle* mcp, const double z ) const {
       if ( nullptr == mcp ) { return std::make_pair( -1 * Gaudi::Units::km, -1 * Gaudi::Units::km ); }
-      static const Gaudi::XYZPoint s_null{0, 0, 0};
+      static const Gaudi::XYZPoint s_null{ 0, 0, 0 };
       const LHCb::MCVertex*        mcv = mcp->originVertex();
       const Gaudi::XYZPoint&       p0  = ( nullptr == mcv ) ? s_null : mcv->position();
       const Gaudi::LorentzVector&  vct = mcp->momentum();
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ namespace LoKi {
       double mcx, mcy;
       std::tie( mcx, mcy ) = xy_pos( mcp, pos->z() );
       const Gaudi::Vector2 v2( mcx, mcy );
-      Gaudi::SymMatrix2x2  icov2{pos->spread()};
+      Gaudi::SymMatrix2x2  icov2{ pos->spread() };
       if ( 0 < delta ) {
         const double d2 = delta * delta;
         icov2( 0, 0 ) += d2;
@@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ namespace LoKi {
     std::string        m_mccut_str; // criteria for MC photon selection
     LoKi::Types::MCCut m_mccut;
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<size_t> m_goodMCCounter{this, "#good-MC"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>   m_goodMCFoundCounter{this, "#good-MC-found"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<size_t> m_linksCounter{this, "#links"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<size_t> m_goodMCCounter{ this, "#good-MC" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>   m_goodMCFoundCounter{ this, "#good-MC-found" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<size_t> m_linksCounter{ this, "#links" };
 } // namespace LoKi
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/Components/P2MCBase.h b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/Components/P2MCBase.h
index fa696eb73d2bd256911d97a27fa3191f60142110..904368eccfd89192a54b72c7144f6c926b49d72f 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/Components/P2MCBase.h
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/Components/P2MCBase.h
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ namespace LoKi {
     // assignement operator is disabled
     P2MCBase& operator=( const P2MCBase& );
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<size_t> m_particlesCounter{this, "#particles"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<size_t> m_linksCounter{this, "#links"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<size_t> m_particlesCounter{ this, "#particles" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<size_t> m_linksCounter{ this, "#links" };
     /// copy links from linker to relation table
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/Components/PV2MC.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/Components/PV2MC.cpp
index 47e2cfda70321e037ff13ddf64f0d0003aad9e5e..4d01cee53480d3b3c235aa472ace0bdc0919b534 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/Components/PV2MC.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/Components/PV2MC.cpp
@@ -302,9 +302,9 @@ namespace LoKi {
     /// the validity flag
     mutable bool m_valid2; // the validity flag
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<size_t> m_pv2MCVertexCounter{this, "#PV->MCVertex"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<size_t> m_pv2genCollisionCounter{this, "#PV->GenCollision"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>   m_ghostEffCounter{this, "ghost eff"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<size_t> m_pv2MCVertexCounter{ this, "#PV->MCVertex" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<size_t> m_pv2genCollisionCounter{ this, "#PV->GenCollision" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>   m_ghostEffCounter{ this, "ghost eff" };
 } // end of namespace LoKi
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/Components/PV2MCAlg.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/Components/PV2MCAlg.cpp
index 3478cb8ba05d9e90e516b27af15f359d2fc97bb8..949ea58d38cdc22d2c35dc57aba25702f3f7655f 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/Components/PV2MCAlg.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/Components/PV2MCAlg.cpp
@@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ namespace LoKi {
     /// TES location of output relation table
     std::string m_output2; // TES location of output relation table
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<size_t> m_pv2MCCounter{this, "#PV->MC"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<size_t> m_pv2genCollisionCounter{this, "#PV->GenCollision"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<size_t> m_pv2MCCounter{ this, "#PV->MC" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<size_t> m_pv2genCollisionCounter{ this, "#PV->GenCollision" };
 } // end of namespace LoKi
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/PhysMCParticles.cpp b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/PhysMCParticles.cpp
index 9d657270704115c6a225091f76e33581190b19de..19f279e1d430f67e483368a3c5ac2566a49be684 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/PhysMCParticles.cpp
+++ b/Phys/LoKiPhysMC/src/PhysMCParticles.cpp
@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ LoKi::PhysMCParticles::RCTruth* LoKi::PhysMCParticles::RCTruth::clone() const {
 // ============================================================================
 //  MANDATORY: the only one essential method ("function")
 // ============================================================================
-LoKi::PhysMCParticles::RCTruth::result_type LoKi::PhysMCParticles::RCTruth::
-                                            operator()( LoKi::PhysMCParticles::RCTruth::argument p ) const {
+LoKi::PhysMCParticles::RCTruth::operator()( LoKi::PhysMCParticles::RCTruth::argument p ) const {
   if ( 0 == p ) {
     Error( "Invalid Particle! return 'False'" ).ignore( /* AUTOMATICALLY ADDED FOR gaudi/Gaudi!763 */ );
     return false; // RETURN
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiUtils/dict/LoKiUtils.xml b/Phys/LoKiUtils/dict/LoKiUtils.xml
index 6556bc03e30a6ce0fde559d9587973dd0d479920..9f6ce66bbb23c964aaeaec35819fed3e0a06b6ba 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiUtils/dict/LoKiUtils.xml
+++ b/Phys/LoKiUtils/dict/LoKiUtils.xml
@@ -8,19 +8,19 @@
     granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
     or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
      * ========================================================================
      * ========================================================================
      * @file
-     * The seleciton file to build Reflex dictionaries for 
+     * The seleciton file to build Reflex dictionaries for
      *  Phys/LoKiUtils package
-     *  This file is a part of LoKi project - 
+     *  This file is a part of LoKi project -
      *    "C++ ToolKit  for Smart and Friendly Physics Analysis"
      *  The package has been designed with the kind help from
-     *  Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas, 
-     *  contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg, 
+     *  Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas,
+     *  contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg,
      *  A.Golutvin, P.Koppenburg have been used in the design.
      * @author Vanya BELYAEV ibelyaev@physics.syr.edu
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@
   <class name = "LoKi::GetTools" />
      * ========================================================================
-     * The END 
+     * The END
      * ========================================================================
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiUtils/doc/release.notes b/Phys/LoKiUtils/doc/release.notes
index 188f9aa3ab2cd1a37802318c79ca3e7f45c6e63e..efb7c768644be3575a911f8a532421a28eed3209 100644
--- a/Phys/LoKiUtils/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/LoKiUtils/doc/release.notes
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
 !========================= LoKiUtils v1r3 2012-06-28 =========================
 ! 2012-06-08 - Vanya Belyaev
- - Add accessor to TisTos tool 
+ - Add accessor to TisTos tool
 !========================= LoKiUtils v1r2 2012-04-17 =========================
 ! 2012-03-30 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add BeamSpot-functions from LoKiPhys 
+ - add BeamSpot-functions from LoKiPhys
 ! ========================== LoKiUtils v1r1p1 2011-02-04 ======================
@@ -29,22 +29,21 @@
 ! 2011-01-20 - Vanya Belyaev
-	- GetTools: 
-      add accessors for Track Selectors 
+	- GetTools:
+      add accessors for Track Selectors
-  - cmt/requirments 
-    version increment to v1r1   
+  - cmt/requirments
+    version increment to v1r1
 ! ========================== LoKiUtils v1r0 2010-06-24 ========================
 ! 2010-05-29 - Vanya Belyaev
-	 - GetTools: 
-      add accessors for Particle Filters & Decay Tree Fitters 
+	 - GetTools:
+      add accessors for Particle Filters & Decay Tree Fitters
 ! 2010-05-28 - Vanya Belyaev
- - new package 
+ - new package
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! The END 
+! The END
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Phys/LoKiUtils/python/LoKiUtils/__init__.py b/Phys/LoKiUtils/python/LoKiUtils/__init__.py
index 6e8f599e3c546401cbfa1fa1ab5ef01f824ef25e..2c167a742cae3f558b449e609f14e9450fbd80af 100755
--- a/Phys/LoKiUtils/python/LoKiUtils/__init__.py
+++ b/Phys/LoKiUtils/python/LoKiUtils/__init__.py
@@ -36,18 +36,20 @@ Galina PAKHLOVA and Sergey BARSUK.  Many bright ideas,
 contributions and advices from G.Raven, J.van Tilburg,
 A.Golutvin, P.Koppenburg have been used in the design.
 from __future__ import print_function
 # =============================================================================
 __author__ = "Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.BElyaev@nikhef.nl"
 __date__ = "2010-05-28"
 # =============================================================================
-if '__main__' == __name__:
-    print(80 * '*')
+if "__main__" == __name__:
+    print(80 * "*")
-    print(' Author  : ', __author__)
-    print(' Date    : ', __date__)
-    print(80 * '*')
+    print(" Author  : ", __author__)
+    print(" Date    : ", __date__)
+    print(80 * "*")
 # =============================================================================
 # The END
diff --git a/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCounterFromContainer.cpp b/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCounterFromContainer.cpp
index 3acfd79ed89288f6cc3b5aeaaa26425eb394e035..c15fa83ea020ad60c63122832be7b92cee78ae9d 100644
--- a/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCounterFromContainer.cpp
+++ b/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCounterFromContainer.cpp
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class LumiCounterFromContainer : public LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<LHCb::HltLu
   using base_class = LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<LHCb::HltLumiSummary( const ContainerType& )>;
   LumiCounterFromContainer( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-      : base_class( name, pSvc, {"InputContainer", ""}, {"OutputSummary", ""} ) {}
+      : base_class( name, pSvc, { "InputContainer", "" }, { "OutputSummary", "" } ) {}
   StatusCode initialize() override {
     return base_class::initialize().andThen( [&] {
@@ -62,17 +62,17 @@ public:
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string>           m_counterName{this, "CounterName", "", "Luminosity counter name"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string>           m_counterName{ this, "CounterName", "", "Luminosity counter name" };
   Gaudi::Property<std::vector<unsigned>> m_counterMax{
-      this, "CounterMax", {0xffff}, "Required maximum value of the counter"};
+      this, "CounterMax", { 0xffff }, "Required maximum value of the counter" };
   Gaudi::Property<std::map<std::string, std::pair<double, double>>> m_counterShiftAndScale{
-      "Optional shift and scale factors used to process counter when encoding to a LumiSummary bank"};
+      "Optional shift and scale factors used to process counter when encoding to a LumiSummary bank" };
   /// Records container sizes
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<std::uint64_t> m_nobjects{this, "Nb objects"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<std::uint64_t> m_nobjects{ this, "Nb objects" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( LumiCounterFromContainer<LHCb::Event::v1::Track::Container>,
diff --git a/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCounterMerger.cpp b/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCounterMerger.cpp
index 2b0509b0dee8446092dfb52507442fef3123cd49..545c91ba40333b36e72addac7edbddd5c10c0ada 100644
--- a/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCounterMerger.cpp
+++ b/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCounterMerger.cpp
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class LumiCounterMerger : public LHCb::Algorithm::MergingTransformer<LHCb::HltLu
                               const Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<LHCb::HltLumiSummary>& )> {
   LumiCounterMerger( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-      : MergingTransformer( name, pSvc, {"InputSummaries", {}}, {"OutputSummary", ""} ) {}
+      : MergingTransformer( name, pSvc, { "InputSummaries", {} }, { "OutputSummary", "" } ) {}
   operator()( const Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<LHCb::HltLumiSummary>& summaries ) const override {
diff --git a/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCountersFromCalo.cpp b/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCountersFromCalo.cpp
index 01c4b4b8ad5fb90c2b788d040213a602ef121935..d3c1ac7a60dd93f05ea64d05ea94927d17900efe 100644
--- a/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCountersFromCalo.cpp
+++ b/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCountersFromCalo.cpp
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class LumiCountersFromCalo
     : public LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<LHCb::HltLumiSummary( const LHCb::Event::Calo::Digits& )> {
   LumiCountersFromCalo( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-      : Transformer( name, pSvc, {"InputContainer", ""}, {"OutputSummary", ""} ) {}
+      : Transformer( name, pSvc, { "InputContainer", "" }, { "OutputSummary", "" } ) {}
   LHCb::HltLumiSummary operator()( LHCb::Event::Calo::Digits const& digits ) const override {
     LHCb::HltLumiSummary summary{};
@@ -48,15 +48,16 @@ public:
   // In principle, the name can be taken from the Digits. However, this does not work if all cells are zero-suppressed.
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_counterBaseName{this, "CounterBaseName", "", "Prefix for luminosity counter names"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_counterNames{this, "CounterNames", {"EtotZSup"}, "Names of the counters"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<unsigned>>    m_counterMax{
-      this, "CounterMax", {0x3fffff}, "Required maximum values of the counters"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_counterBaseName{ this, "CounterBaseName", "", "Prefix for luminosity counter names" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_counterNames{
+      this, "CounterNames", { "EtotZSup" }, "Names of the counters" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<unsigned>> m_counterMax{
+      this, "CounterMax", { 0x3fffff }, "Required maximum values of the counters" };
   Gaudi::Property<std::map<std::string, std::pair<double, double>>> m_counterShiftAndScale{
-      {{"EtotZSup", {0x10000, 0.0667}}},
-      "Optional shift and scale factors used to process counters when encoding to a LumiSummary bank"};
+      { { "EtotZSup", { 0x10000, 0.0667 } } },
+      "Optional shift and scale factors used to process counters when encoding to a LumiSummary bank" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( LumiCountersFromCalo )
diff --git a/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCountersFromPVs.cpp b/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCountersFromPVs.cpp
index 2c71bd72950fb149e254b93b44c0c590a550e250..2c61baf3abc64833fbe54567fa7e741427cd91a6 100644
--- a/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCountersFromPVs.cpp
+++ b/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCountersFromPVs.cpp
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public:
       LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<LHCb::HltLumiSummary( const LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer& )>;
   LumiCountersFromPVs( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-      : base_class( name, pSvc, {"InputContainer", ""}, {"OutputSummary", ""} ) {}
+      : base_class( name, pSvc, { "InputContainer", "" }, { "OutputSummary", "" } ) {}
   LHCb::HltLumiSummary operator()( LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer const& vertices ) const override {
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public:
     counterMap[m_counterBaseName + "Vertices"] = vertices.size();
-    auto vertexIndex{0u};
+    auto vertexIndex{ 0u };
     for ( auto vertex : vertices ) {
       auto pos  = vertex.position();
@@ -73,36 +73,36 @@ public:
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_counterBaseName{this, "CounterBaseName", "", "Prefix for luminosity counter names"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>>                         m_counterNames{this,
-                                                           "CounterNames",
-                                                           {
-                                                               "Vertices",
-                                                               "FiducialVertices",
-                                                               "VertexX",
-                                                               "VertexY",
-                                                               "VertexZ",
-                                                           },
-                                                           "Names of the counters"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<unsigned>>                            m_counterMax{this,
-                                                      "CounterMax",
-                                                      {
-                                                          33,
-                                                          33,
-                                                          0x3fff,
-                                                          0x3fff,
-                                                          0x3fff,
-                                                      },
-                                                      "Required maximum values of the counters"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_counterBaseName{ this, "CounterBaseName", "", "Prefix for luminosity counter names" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>>                         m_counterNames{ this,
+                                                            "CounterNames",
+                                                                                    {
+                                                                "Vertices",
+                                                                "FiducialVertices",
+                                                                "VertexX",
+                                                                "VertexY",
+                                                                "VertexZ",
+                                                            },
+                                                            "Names of the counters" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<unsigned>>                            m_counterMax{ this,
+                                                       "CounterMax",
+                                                                                  {
+                                                           33,
+                                                           33,
+                                                           0x3fff,
+                                                           0x3fff,
+                                                           0x3fff,
+                                                       },
+                                                       "Required maximum values of the counters" };
   Gaudi::Property<std::map<std::string, std::pair<double, double>>> m_counterShiftAndScale{
-          {"VertexX", {0x2000, 1638.4}},
-          {"VertexY", {0x2000, 1638.4}},
-          {"VertexZ", {0x2000, 16.384}},
+          { "VertexX", { 0x2000, 1638.4 } },
+          { "VertexY", { 0x2000, 1638.4 } },
+          { "VertexZ", { 0x2000, 16.384 } },
-      "Optional shift and scale factors used to process counters when encoding to a LumiSummary bank"};
+      "Optional shift and scale factors used to process counters when encoding to a LumiSummary bank" };
diff --git a/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCountersFromRich.cpp b/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCountersFromRich.cpp
index 1dc8ee22ca7b757ab114c1c250ac8d67be95d99d..f8c0e64a40dd3cdd14dadf1e902cf919aa4d0492 100644
--- a/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCountersFromRich.cpp
+++ b/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCountersFromRich.cpp
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class LumiCountersFromRich
     : public LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<LHCb::HltLumiSummary( const Rich::Future::DAQ::DecodedData& )> {
   LumiCountersFromRich( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-      : Transformer( name, pSvc, {"InputContainer", ""}, {"OutputSummary", ""} ) {}
+      : Transformer( name, pSvc, { "InputContainer", "" }, { "OutputSummary", "" } ) {}
   LHCb::HltLumiSummary operator()( Rich::Future::DAQ::DecodedData const& data ) const override {
@@ -93,30 +93,30 @@ public:
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_counterBaseName{this, "CounterBaseName", "", "Prefix for luminosity counter names"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_counterBaseName{ this, "CounterBaseName", "", "Prefix for luminosity counter names" };
   Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_counterNames{
-      {"1S1C6M2Hits", "1S1C6M3Hits", "1S1C7M2Hits", "1S1C7M3Hits", "1S1C8M2Hits", "1S1C8M3Hits", "1S1C9M2Hits",
-       "1S1C9M3Hits", "1S2C6M2Hits", "1S2C6M3Hits", "1S2C7M2Hits", "1S2C7M3Hits", "1S2C8M2Hits", "1S2C8M3Hits",
-       "1S2C9M2Hits", "1S2C9M3Hits", "2S1C5M1Hits", "2S1C5M2Hits", "2S1C5M3Hits", "2S1C5M4Hits", "2S1C6M1Hits",
-       "2S1C6M2Hits", "2S1C6M3Hits", "2S1C6M4Hits", "2S1C7M1Hits", "2S1C7M2Hits", "2S1C7M3Hits", "2S1C7M4Hits",
-       "2S1C8M1Hits", "2S1C8M2Hits", "2S1C8M3Hits", "2S1C8M4Hits", "2S2C5M1Hits", "2S2C5M2Hits", "2S2C5M3Hits",
-       "2S2C5M4Hits", "2S2C6M1Hits", "2S2C6M2Hits", "2S2C6M3Hits", "2S2C6M4Hits", "2S2C7M1Hits", "2S2C7M2Hits",
-       "2S2C7M3Hits", "2S2C7M4Hits", "2S2C8M1Hits", "2S2C8M2Hits", "2S2C8M3Hits", "2S2C8M4Hits"},
-      "Names of the counters"};
+      { "1S1C6M2Hits", "1S1C6M3Hits", "1S1C7M2Hits", "1S1C7M3Hits", "1S1C8M2Hits", "1S1C8M3Hits", "1S1C9M2Hits",
+        "1S1C9M3Hits", "1S2C6M2Hits", "1S2C6M3Hits", "1S2C7M2Hits", "1S2C7M3Hits", "1S2C8M2Hits", "1S2C8M3Hits",
+        "1S2C9M2Hits", "1S2C9M3Hits", "2S1C5M1Hits", "2S1C5M2Hits", "2S1C5M3Hits", "2S1C5M4Hits", "2S1C6M1Hits",
+        "2S1C6M2Hits", "2S1C6M3Hits", "2S1C6M4Hits", "2S1C7M1Hits", "2S1C7M2Hits", "2S1C7M3Hits", "2S1C7M4Hits",
+        "2S1C8M1Hits", "2S1C8M2Hits", "2S1C8M3Hits", "2S1C8M4Hits", "2S2C5M1Hits", "2S2C5M2Hits", "2S2C5M3Hits",
+        "2S2C5M4Hits", "2S2C6M1Hits", "2S2C6M2Hits", "2S2C6M3Hits", "2S2C6M4Hits", "2S2C7M1Hits", "2S2C7M2Hits",
+        "2S2C7M3Hits", "2S2C7M4Hits", "2S2C8M1Hits", "2S2C8M2Hits", "2S2C8M3Hits", "2S2C8M4Hits" },
+      "Names of the counters" };
   Gaudi::Property<std::vector<unsigned>> m_counterMax{
-      {1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023,
-       1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023,
-       1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023},
-      "Required maximum values of the counters"};
+      { 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023,
+        1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023,
+        1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023 },
+      "Required maximum values of the counters" };
   Gaudi::Property<std::map<std::string, std::pair<double, double>>> m_counterShiftAndScale{
-      "Optional shift and scale factors used to process counters when encoding to a LumiSummary bank"};
+      "Optional shift and scale factors used to process counters when encoding to a LumiSummary bank" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( LumiCountersFromRich )
diff --git a/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCountersFromVeloHits.cpp b/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCountersFromVeloHits.cpp
index 4e8a39d1d963dbea34892f62a92a4daf5412b56e..7a143d0a7fe4e4b00a570e0be14feb8289cdb387 100644
--- a/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCountersFromVeloHits.cpp
+++ b/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCountersFromVeloHits.cpp
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public:
   using base_class = LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<LHCb::HltLumiSummary( const LHCb::Pr::VP::Hits& )>;
   LumiCountersFromVeloHits( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-      : base_class( name, pSvc, {"InputContainer", ""}, {"OutputSummary", ""} ) {}
+      : base_class( name, pSvc, { "InputContainer", "" }, { "OutputSummary", "" } ) {}
   LHCb::HltLumiSummary operator()( LHCb::Pr::VP::Hits const& data ) const override {
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public:
     for ( const auto hit : data.scalar() ) {
       LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID cid{
-          static_cast<unsigned>( hit.template get<LHCb::Pr::VP::VPHitsTag::ChannelId>().cast() )};
+          static_cast<unsigned>( hit.template get<LHCb::Pr::VP::VPHitsTag::ChannelId>().cast() ) };
       unsigned sensor_id = to_unsigned( cid.sensor() );
       // stations 0-25
       unsigned station_id = sensor_id / 8;
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public:
       ++counterMap[m_counterBaseName + counterName];
-      auto bin{0};
+      auto bin{ 0 };
       for ( auto stationEdge : m_binEdges ) {
         if ( station_id <= stationEdge ) break;
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ public:
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_counterBaseName{this, "CounterBaseName", "", "Prefix for luminosity counter names"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_counterBaseName{ this, "CounterBaseName", "", "Prefix for luminosity counter names" };
   Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_counterNames{
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ private:
           "HitsS20Inner",  "HitsS20Outer",  "HitsS21Inner",  "HitsS21Outer",  "HitsS22Inner",  "HitsS22Outer",
           "HitsS23Inner",  "HitsS23Outer",  "HitsS24Inner",  "HitsS24Outer",  "HitsS25Inner",  "HitsS25Outer",
-      "Names of the counters"};
+      "Names of the counters" };
   Gaudi::Property<std::vector<unsigned>> m_counterMax{
@@ -109,14 +109,14 @@ private:
           3000, 3000, 3000,  3000,  3000,  3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000,
           3000, 3000, 3000,  3000,  3000,  3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000,
-      "Required maximum values of the counters"};
+      "Required maximum values of the counters" };
   Gaudi::Property<std::map<std::string, std::pair<double, double>>> m_counterShiftAndScale{
-      "Optional shift and scale factors used to process counters when encoding to a LumiSummary bank"};
+      "Optional shift and scale factors used to process counters when encoding to a LumiSummary bank" };
   Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_binEdges{
-      this, "binEdges", {3, 13, 19}, "Bin edges for hit counters in ranges of station number"};
+      this, "binEdges", { 3, 13, 19 }, "Bin edges for hit counters in ranges of station number" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( LumiCountersFromVeloHits )
diff --git a/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCountersFromVeloTracks.cpp b/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCountersFromVeloTracks.cpp
index ce5b2a2bc5e58e1c9a0b227a909ae6ced322fe32..bfbc8e0d755930ffdb1c1c4940f8f85951aae2a5 100644
--- a/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCountersFromVeloTracks.cpp
+++ b/Phys/Luminosity/src/LumiCountersFromVeloTracks.cpp
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ public:
                                                                         const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& )>;
   LumiCountersFromVeloTracks( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-      : base_class( name, pSvc, {KeyValue{"ForwardTracks", ""}, KeyValue{"BackwardTracks", ""}},
-                    KeyValue{"OutputSummary", ""} ) {}
+      : base_class( name, pSvc, { KeyValue{ "ForwardTracks", "" }, KeyValue{ "BackwardTracks", "" } },
+                    KeyValue{ "OutputSummary", "" } ) {}
   static auto velo_DOCAz( float x, float y, float tx, float ty ) {
     return std::abs( ty * x - tx * y ) / std::sqrt( tx * tx + ty * ty );
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ public:
         ++counterMap[m_counterBaseName + "FiducialTracks"];
-      auto etaBin{0};
+      auto etaBin{ 0 };
       for ( auto etaEdge : m_etaBinEdges ) {
         if ( eta < etaEdge ) break;
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ public:
         ++counterMap[m_counterBaseName + "FiducialTracks"];
-      auto etaBin{0};
+      auto etaBin{ 0 };
       for ( auto etaEdge : m_etaBinEdges ) {
         if ( eta < etaEdge ) break;
@@ -125,44 +125,44 @@ public:
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_counterBaseName{this, "CounterBaseName", "", "Prefix for luminosity counter names"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>>                         m_counterNames{this,
-                                                           "CounterNames",
-                                                           {
-                                                               "Tracks",
-                                                               "FiducialTracks",
-                                                               "TracksEtaBin0",
-                                                               "TracksEtaBin1",
-                                                               "TracksEtaBin2",
-                                                               "TracksEtaBin3",
-                                                               "TracksEtaBin4",
-                                                               "TracksEtaBin5",
-                                                               "TracksEtaBin6",
-                                                               "TracksEtaBin7",
-                                                           },
-                                                           "Names of the counters"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<unsigned>>                            m_counterMax{this,
-                                                      "CounterMax",
-                                                      {
-                                                          1913,
-                                                          1913,
-                                                          68,
-                                                          294,
-                                                          302,
-                                                          287,
-                                                          471,
-                                                          427,
-                                                          328,
-                                                          81,
-                                                      },
-                                                      "Required maximum values of the counters"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_counterBaseName{ this, "CounterBaseName", "", "Prefix for luminosity counter names" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>>                         m_counterNames{ this,
+                                                            "CounterNames",
+                                                                                    {
+                                                                "Tracks",
+                                                                "FiducialTracks",
+                                                                "TracksEtaBin0",
+                                                                "TracksEtaBin1",
+                                                                "TracksEtaBin2",
+                                                                "TracksEtaBin3",
+                                                                "TracksEtaBin4",
+                                                                "TracksEtaBin5",
+                                                                "TracksEtaBin6",
+                                                                "TracksEtaBin7",
+                                                            },
+                                                            "Names of the counters" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<unsigned>>                            m_counterMax{ this,
+                                                       "CounterMax",
+                                                                                  {
+                                                           1913,
+                                                           1913,
+                                                           68,
+                                                           294,
+                                                           302,
+                                                           287,
+                                                           471,
+                                                           427,
+                                                           328,
+                                                           81,
+                                                       },
+                                                       "Required maximum values of the counters" };
   Gaudi::Property<std::map<std::string, std::pair<double, double>>> m_counterShiftAndScale{
-      "Optional shift and scale factors used to process counters when encoding to a LumiSummary bank"};
+      "Optional shift and scale factors used to process counters when encoding to a LumiSummary bank" };
   Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_etaBinEdges{
-      this, "etaBinEdges", {-4., -3., -2., 2., 3., 4., 5.}, "Bin edges for track counters in ranges of eta"};
+      this, "etaBinEdges", { -4., -3., -2., 2., 3., 4., 5. }, "Bin edges for track counters in ranges of eta" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( LumiCountersFromVeloTracks )
diff --git a/Phys/MCAssociation/src/MCReconstructedAlg.cpp b/Phys/MCAssociation/src/MCReconstructedAlg.cpp
index 9e2a6989d804376293ac79a887fbace24cc4eaa0..d9fbbdb2a6e33366a56c4be4b83042616faceb3d 100644
--- a/Phys/MCAssociation/src/MCReconstructedAlg.cpp
+++ b/Phys/MCAssociation/src/MCReconstructedAlg.cpp
@@ -46,8 +46,9 @@ using Transformer = LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<alg_out( const LHCb::MCParticle
 class MCReconstructedAlg final : public Transformer {
   MCReconstructedAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-      : Transformer( name, pSvc, {KeyValue{"Input", ""}, KeyValue{"ChargedPP2MCP", ""}, KeyValue{"NeutralPP2MCP", ""}},
-                     KeyValue{"MC2Reconstructed", ""} ){};
+      : Transformer( name, pSvc,
+                     { KeyValue{ "Input", "" }, KeyValue{ "ChargedPP2MCP", "" }, KeyValue{ "NeutralPP2MCP", "" } },
+                     KeyValue{ "MC2Reconstructed", "" } ){};
   alg_out operator()( const LHCb::MCParticle::Range& mc_particles, const Relation_PP2MC& m_cpp2mcp,
                       const Relation_PP2MC& m_npp2mcp ) const override {
@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ public:
     for ( const auto& mc_particle : mc_particles ) {
-      bool charged{mc_particle->particleID().threeCharge() != 0};
+      bool charged{ mc_particle->particleID().threeCharge() != 0 };
       if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) {
         verbose() << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" << endmsg;
@@ -137,12 +138,12 @@ public:
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_use_best_mcmatch{this, "use_best_mcmatch", true, "Only return the best matched track."};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_use_best_mcmatch{ this, "use_best_mcmatch", true, "Only return the best matched track." };
   // counters (event and ghost)
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_event{this, "#Events"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_matched{this, "#Matched"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_unmatched{this, "#Unmatched"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_event{ this, "#Events" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_matched{ this, "#Matched" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_unmatched{ this, "#Unmatched" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( MCReconstructedAlg )
diff --git a/Phys/MCAssociation/src/MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg.cpp b/Phys/MCAssociation/src/MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg.cpp
index d883ca17ab487bdc444d405a361f2350c064f6fd..b8d766d7998d7f3b0f9eba3c3127515312b103c9 100644
--- a/Phys/MCAssociation/src/MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg.cpp
+++ b/Phys/MCAssociation/src/MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg.cpp
@@ -77,29 +77,29 @@ public:
   /// properties
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_filter{this, "FilterMCP", true,
-                                 "Filter the truth-matched MCParticles. It will fill the output TruthMatchedMCP."};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_filter{ this, "FilterMCP", true,
+                                  "Filter the truth-matched MCParticles. It will fill the output TruthMatchedMCP." };
   /// mc associator tools and a vector holding them
-  ToolHandle<IParticle2MCAssociator> m_dv_assc{this, "DaVinciSmartAssociator", "DaVinciSmartAssociator"};
+  ToolHandle<IParticle2MCAssociator> m_dv_assc{ this, "DaVinciSmartAssociator", "DaVinciSmartAssociator" };
   /// bkg category tools and a vector holding them
-  mutable ToolHandle<IBackgroundCategory>              m_bkg_cat_via_rel{this, "BackgroundCategoryViaRelations",
-                                                            "BackgroundCategoryViaRelations"};
-  mutable ToolHandle<IBackgroundCategory>              m_bkg_cat{this, "BackgroundCategory", "BackgroundCategory"};
+  mutable ToolHandle<IBackgroundCategory>              m_bkg_cat_via_rel{ this, "BackgroundCategoryViaRelations",
+                                                             "BackgroundCategoryViaRelations" };
+  mutable ToolHandle<IBackgroundCategory>              m_bkg_cat{ this, "BackgroundCategory", "BackgroundCategory" };
   mutable std::vector<ToolHandle<IBackgroundCategory>> m_bkg_cats;
   /// tool to get the descendants of the particle
-  ToolHandle<IParticleDescendants> m_descendants{this, "ParticleDescendants", "ParticleDescendants"};
+  ToolHandle<IParticleDescendants> m_descendants{ this, "ParticleDescendants", "ParticleDescendants" };
   // counters (event and ghost)
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                 m_eventCount{this, "Events"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_particles{this, "Particles"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_ghosts{this, "Ghosts"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                 m_eventCount{ this, "Events" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_particles{ this, "Particles" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_ghosts{ this, "Ghosts" };
 /// constructor
 MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg::MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-    : MultiTransformer( name, pSvc, {KeyValue{"Input", ""}},
-                        {KeyValue{"MCAssocTable", ""}, KeyValue{"BkgCatTable", ""}, KeyValue{"TruthMatchedMCP", ""}} ) {
+    : MultiTransformer(
+          name, pSvc, { KeyValue{ "Input", "" } },
+          { KeyValue{ "MCAssocTable", "" }, KeyValue{ "BkgCatTable", "" }, KeyValue{ "TruthMatchedMCP", "" } } ) {}
 /// initialise
 StatusCode MCTruthAndBkgCatAlg::initialize() {
diff --git a/Phys/ParticleCombiners/doc/release.notes b/Phys/ParticleCombiners/doc/release.notes
index 49bd4bba542488554984c12bcbcb020bf6f72ad2..d9c74ad9846e07b93ac55880de6e15ec344e7977 100644
--- a/Phys/ParticleCombiners/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/ParticleCombiners/doc/release.notes
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
 ! 2016-10-20 - Sebastian Neubert
- - renamed CombineParticles.SelectionDescriptor to 
+ - renamed CombineParticles.SelectionDescriptor to
 ! 2016-10-18 - Sebastian Neubert
- - added feature to CombineParticles: 
+ - added feature to CombineParticles:
    can save a subbranch instead of the complete combined candidate by
-   specifying a new decay descriptor 
+   specifying a new decay descriptor
    see https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/LHCBPS-1644
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 !===================== ParticleCombiners v1r3 2015-08-06 =====================
 ! 2015-06-30 - Gerhard Raven
- - slighlty rewrite check for updateCallBack handler to make it compatible 
+ - slighlty rewrite check for updateCallBack handler to make it compatible
    with future Gaudi versions
 !===================== ParticleCombiners v1r2 2015-04-22 =====================
@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@
  - fix typo in 123 combination cut counter in N4Body decay combiner
 ! 2015-04-03 - Vanya Belyaev
- - add several counters 
+ - add several counters
 !===================== ParticleCombiners v1r1 2015-02-24 =====================
 ! 2015-02-15 - Vanya Belyaev
- - NBody-decays: make use of extended particle comparison.  
+ - NBody-decays: make use of extended particle comparison.
 ! 2015-02-04 - Vanya Belyaev
- - CombineParticles 
-   make the default name of factory dependent on the algorithm name prefix  
+ - CombineParticles
+   make the default name of factory dependent on the algorithm name prefix
 !========================= ParticleCombiners v1r0 2014-09-30 =========================
diff --git a/Phys/ParticleCombiners/include/CombKernel/ParticleCombiner.h b/Phys/ParticleCombiners/include/CombKernel/ParticleCombiner.h
index 7cd4409c597efb3a46b32e2ac1b83a85ef8f0002..65c813f25f8c4d9ca700803806be78512f39f053 100644
--- a/Phys/ParticleCombiners/include/CombKernel/ParticleCombiner.h
+++ b/Phys/ParticleCombiners/include/CombKernel/ParticleCombiner.h
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ namespace Combiner {
   std::string combinationCutName() {
     static_assert( N >= 2 );
     static_assert( M + 1 < N );
-    std::string name{"Combination"};
+    std::string name{ "Combination" };
     if ( M + 2 < N ) {
       // M = 0 => "12"
       // M = 1 => "123"
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ namespace Combiner {
     // Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/45172773/596068
     template <template <typename...> class C, std::size_t M, typename... T, std::size_t... I>
     static std::enable_if_t<( M <= sizeof...( T ) ), C<std::tuple_element_t<I, std::tuple<T...>>...>>
-    sub( std::index_sequence<I...> );
+        sub( std::index_sequence<I...> );
     template <template <typename...> class C, std::size_t M, typename... T>
     using subpack = decltype( sub<C, M, T...>( std::make_index_sequence<M>{} ) );
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ namespace Combiner {
      * @details reserve space for 16 leaves in the decay tree of the particle in the combination
      *          number is arbitrary, should be large enough to basically never re-allocate
-    CheckOverlap( const ICheckOverlap* tool = nullptr ) : m_tool{tool} {
+    CheckOverlap( const ICheckOverlap* tool = nullptr ) : m_tool{ tool } {
       if ( !m_tool ) { m_protos.reserve( 16 ); }
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ namespace Combiner {
-    const ICheckOverlap* m_tool{nullptr};
+    const ICheckOverlap* m_tool{ nullptr };
     // storage for all proto particles related to the particles
     // one goal of this implementation is to reuse this memory instead of
     // allocating at every overlap check like the CheckOverlap tool
@@ -241,10 +241,10 @@ public:
   using index_vector_t = std::vector<int>;
   NBodyParticleCombiner( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : base_t{name,
-               pSvcLocator,
-               input_names( std::index_sequence_for<InputTypes...>{} ),
-               {KeyValue{"OutputParticles", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputVertices", ""}}} {}
+      : base_t{ name,
+                pSvcLocator,
+                input_names( std::index_sequence_for<InputTypes...>{} ),
+                { KeyValue{ "OutputParticles", "" }, KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", "" } } } {}
   /** @brief Return an array of names for our N input properties.
@@ -253,8 +253,8 @@ public:
   template <std::size_t... Is>
   static auto input_names( std::index_sequence<Is...> ) {
-    return std::make_tuple( KeyValue{"Input" + std::to_string( Is + 1 ), ""}..., KeyValue{"PrimaryVertices", ""},
-                            KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top} );
+    return std::make_tuple( KeyValue{ "Input" + std::to_string( Is + 1 ), "" }..., KeyValue{ "PrimaryVertices", "" },
+                            KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } );
   StatusCode initialize() override {
@@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ public:
         throw std::runtime_error( "Cannot combine " + std::to_string( children.size() ) + " children in a " +
                                   std::to_string( N ) + "-body combiner" );
-      std::set<int> pids{children[0].pid().pid()};
+      std::set<int> pids{ children[0].pid().pid() };
       for ( uint i = 1; i < N; ++i ) {
         int pid = children[i].pid().pid();
         if ( pids.count( pid ) && children[i - 1].pid().pid() != pid ) {
-          throw std::runtime_error( std::string{"Children with idential PID "} +
+          throw std::runtime_error( std::string{ "Children with idential PID " } +
                                     "must appear consecutively in the decay descriptor; e.g.:\n" +
                                     "YES: B+ -> pi+ pi+ pi-\n" + "NO:  B+ -> pi+ pi- pi+\n" );
@@ -327,8 +327,8 @@ public:
   struct combinatorics {
-    std::size_t candidates{0};
-    std::size_t combinations{0};
+    std::size_t candidates{ 0 };
+    std::size_t combinations{ 0 };
   template <std::size_t... ICombinationCuts>
@@ -348,11 +348,11 @@ private:
     std::get<OutVertices_t>( out ).reserve( Combiner::constants::max_outcontainer_size );
     process_decays( particles..., out,
-                    std::tuple{std::get<ICombinationCuts>( unprepared_combination_cuts ).prepare()...},
+                    std::tuple{ std::get<ICombinationCuts>( unprepared_combination_cuts ).prepare()... },
                     unprepared_composite_cut.prepare(), geometry, pvs,
                     // Buffer counters to reduce atomic operations
-                    std::tuple{m_npassed_combination_cuts[ICombinationCuts].buffer()...}, m_npassed_vertex_fit.buffer(),
-                    m_npassed_composite_cut.buffer(),
+                    std::tuple{ m_npassed_combination_cuts[ICombinationCuts].buffer()... },
+                    m_npassed_vertex_fit.buffer(), m_npassed_composite_cut.buffer(),
                     // Generate some integer packs for convenience
                     std::index_sequence<ICombinationCuts...>{}, std::index_sequence_for<InputTypes...>{} );
@@ -403,9 +403,9 @@ private:
       // Load the children from the input containers
-      LHCb::Particle::ConstVector children{[&]( auto const& container, auto const& index ) {
+      LHCb::Particle::ConstVector children{ [&]( auto const& container, auto const& index ) {
         return container[index];
-      }( particles, std::get<IInput>( indices ) )...};
+      }( particles, std::get<IInput>( indices ) )... };
       // Run the fit
       vertex->setNDoF( -1 );
       auto const fit_success = ( m_vertex_fitter->combine( children, *particle, *vertex, geometry ) ).isSuccess();
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ private:
       // TODO(AP) could hoist this outside the loop for the first iteration, and on
       // the second iteration we can re-use the indices in the case where the
       // PID is the same (the child is self-conjugate)
-      std::array const matching_indices_storage{get_indices<IInput>( particles..., decay )...};
+      std::array const matching_indices_storage{ get_indices<IInput>( particles..., decay )... };
       // See if we can shortcut -- if we got zero entries for any compulsory
       // input then we can abort processing here
       if ( std::any_of( matching_indices_storage.begin(), matching_indices_storage.end(),
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ private:
       // Cache which list of indices we will actually use in each slot
-      std::array const matching_indices{[&]( std::size_t InputIndex ) {
+      std::array const matching_indices{ [&]( std::size_t InputIndex ) {
         // get_indices indicated that we can use the previous (InputIndex - 1) container
         bool const do_triangle_loop = !matching_indices_storage[InputIndex].has_value();
         if ( do_triangle_loop ) {
@@ -462,14 +462,14 @@ private:
           for ( std::size_t index_to_try = InputIndex - 1;; --index_to_try ) {
             if ( matching_indices_storage[index_to_try].has_value() ) {
               // Found the match
-              return std::pair{do_triangle_loop, std::cref( matching_indices_storage[index_to_try].value() )};
+              return std::pair{ do_triangle_loop, std::cref( matching_indices_storage[index_to_try].value() ) };
             assert( index_to_try != 0 );
           assert( false ); // we should never get here
-        return std::pair{do_triangle_loop, std::cref( matching_indices_storage[InputIndex].value() )};
-      }( IInput )...};
+        return std::pair{ do_triangle_loop, std::cref( matching_indices_storage[InputIndex].value() ) };
+      }( IInput )... };
       // Defer to another function to actually generate the combinations
       process_combinations( particles..., n_decay, matching_indices, do_vertex_fit, combination_cuts,
@@ -499,14 +499,14 @@ private:
       this->debug() << "indices0.size() == " << indices0.size() << ", indices1.size() == " << indices1.size()
                     << ", do_triangle_loop == " << do_triangle_loop << endmsg;
-    auto check_overlap = Combiner::CheckOverlap{m_check_overlap.get()};
+    auto check_overlap = Combiner::CheckOverlap{ m_check_overlap.get() };
     // We will need these objects for all combinations passing the overlap cut,
     // which is likely to be most combinations, so create them once outside the
     // loop
     auto const& comb_cut         = std::get<0>( combination_cuts );
     auto&       npassed_comb_cut = std::get<0>( npassed_combination_cuts );
-    auto const inputs = std::tuple{particles...};
+    auto const inputs = std::tuple{ particles... };
     for ( auto i0 = 0u; i0 < indices0.size(); ++i0 ) {
       // Load the particles matching the first child of the current decay
       // descriptor from the first container
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ private:
       for ( auto i1 = do_triangle_loop ? i0 + 1 : 0; i1 < indices1.size(); ++i1 ) {
         auto const       p1_index = indices1[i1];
         auto const       p1       = std::get<1>( inputs )[p1_index];
-        std::array const combination_indices{p0_index, p1_index};
+        std::array const combination_indices{ p0_index, p1_index };
         if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
           this->debug() << "Processing 2-body combination; indices = " << combination_indices << endmsg;
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ private:
           this->debug() << "Overlap check " << ( has_overlap ? "failed" : "passed" ) << endmsg;
-        auto       combination     = LHCb::ParticleCombination<InputTypes...>{p0, p1}; // todo: remove template args
+        auto       combination     = LHCb::ParticleCombination<InputTypes...>{ p0, p1 }; // todo: remove template args
         auto const passed_comb_cut = !has_overlap && comb_cut( combination );
         npassed_comb_cut += passed_comb_cut;
         if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
@@ -620,19 +620,20 @@ private:
     auto&       npassed_comb_cut = std::get<CombCutIndex>( npassed_combination_cuts );
     // Loop over the new additions to the input combinations
-    auto const inputs = std::tuple{particles...};
+    auto const inputs = std::tuple{ particles... };
     for ( auto i = first_index; i < new_indices.size(); ++i ) {
       auto const                             pN1_index = new_indices[i];
       auto const                             pN1       = std::get<NBodies>( inputs )[pN1_index];
       std::array<int, NBodiesExtended> const extended_combination_indices{
-          []( auto const index ) { return index; }( std::get<IParticle>( current_combination_indices ) )..., pN1_index};
+          []( auto const index ) { return index; }( std::get<IParticle>( current_combination_indices ) )...,
+          pN1_index };
       if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
         this->debug() << "Processing " << NBodiesExtended
                       << "-body combination; indices = " << extended_combination_indices << endmsg;
       // Update the combination children with the current set of particles
       auto combination = LHCb::ParticleCombination<InputTypes...>{
-          std::get<IParticle>( inputs )[std::get<IParticle>( extended_combination_indices )]..., pN1};
+          std::get<IParticle>( inputs )[std::get<IParticle>( extended_combination_indices )]..., pN1 };
       // We only need to check the overlap between each child in the current
       // N-body object and the current particle (i.e. we don't need to check
@@ -670,8 +671,8 @@ private:
   template <std::size_t IInput>
   auto get_indices( InputContainer<InputTypes> const&... particles, Decays::Decay const& decay ) const {
     using IterableInputTuple             = std::tuple<InputContainer<InputTypes>...>;
-    auto const                    inputs = std::tuple{particles...};
-    std::optional<index_vector_t> opt_indices{std::nullopt};
+    auto const                    inputs = std::tuple{ particles... };
+    std::optional<index_vector_t> opt_indices{ std::nullopt };
     auto const&                   input = std::get<IInput>( inputs );
     if constexpr ( IInput > 0 ) {
       // Not the first input, we need to figure out if this might be one of a
@@ -691,7 +692,7 @@ private:
             throw GaudiException{
                 "Got contiguous children with the same PIDs, but the corresponding algorithm inputs "
                 "were not the same. If this is intentional, please set AllowDiffInputsForSameIDChildren = True. ",
-                "NBodyCombiner<name>", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+                "NBodyCombiner<name>", StatusCode::FAILURE };
           // In this case there is no need to come up with a new list of
           // indices, we will make a "triangular" (need a better name) loop
@@ -737,29 +738,30 @@ private:
   static std::array<C, sizeof...( Ms )> make_input_particle_counters( NBodyParticleCombiner* ptr,
                                                                       std::index_sequence<Ms...> ) {
     // No space in InputN to match the property name
-    return {C{ptr, "Input" + std::to_string( Ms + 1 ) + " size"}...};
+    return { C{ ptr, "Input" + std::to_string( Ms + 1 ) + " size" }... };
   template <typename C, std::size_t... Ms>
   static std::array<C, sizeof...( Ms )> make_combination_cut_counters( NBodyParticleCombiner* ptr,
                                                                        std::index_sequence<Ms...> ) {
-    return {C{ptr, "# passed " + Combiner::combinationCutName<N, Ms>()}...};
+    return { C{ ptr, "# passed " + Combiner::combinationCutName<N, Ms>() }... };
-  ToolHandle<IDecodeSimpleDecayString> m_decay_descriptor_decoder{this, "DecayDecoder", "DecodeSimpleDecayString"};
-  ToolHandle<ICheckOverlap>            m_check_overlap{this, "OverlapTool", ""};
-  ToolHandle<IParticleCombiner>        m_vertex_fitter{this, "ParticleCombiner", "ParticleVertexFitter"};
+  ToolHandle<IDecodeSimpleDecayString> m_decay_descriptor_decoder{ this, "DecayDecoder", "DecodeSimpleDecayString" };
+  ToolHandle<ICheckOverlap>            m_check_overlap{ this, "OverlapTool", "" };
+  ToolHandle<IParticleCombiner>        m_vertex_fitter{ this, "ParticleCombiner", "ParticleVertexFitter" };
   // get particle pids from names:
-  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_particlePropSvc{this, "ParticlePropertySvc", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc"};
+  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_particlePropSvc{ this, "ParticlePropertySvc",
+                                                               "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc" };
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_decay_descriptor{this, "DecayDescriptor", {}, "The decay topology to reconstruct."};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_decay_descriptor{ this, "DecayDescriptor", {}, "The decay topology to reconstruct." };
   // By defalut, don't allow contiguous children with the same PID to have different algorithm inputs
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_allow_different_inputs{this, "AllowDiffInputsForSameIDChildren", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_allow_different_inputs{ this, "AllowDiffInputsForSameIDChildren", false };
   /// Limit the maximum number of candidates that pass the CompositeCut in an events
-  Gaudi::Property<std::size_t> m_max_candidates{this, "MaxComposites", 2000};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::size_t> m_max_candidates{ this, "MaxComposites", 2000 };
   // Limit the maximum number of N-body combinations
-  Gaudi::Property<std::size_t> m_max_combinations{this, "MaxCombinations", 50e6};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::size_t> m_max_combinations{ this, "MaxCombinations", 50e6 };
   /// Store decay objects parsed from the descriptor (this will be a maximum of
   /// two, in the case of a `[]cc` decay descriptor)
   std::vector<Decays::Decay> m_decays;
@@ -767,21 +769,21 @@ private:
   using counter_t = Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>;
   /// Number of objects in each input container
   mutable std::array<Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int>, N> m_ninput_particles{
-      make_input_particle_counters<Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int>>( this,
-                                                                                       std::make_index_sequence<N>{} )};
+      make_input_particle_counters<Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int>>(
+          this, std::make_index_sequence<N>{} ) };
   /// Number of combinations passing the combination cut; note that the overlap
   /// check *is counted* as a 'combination cut'
   mutable std::array<counter_t, N - 1> m_npassed_combination_cuts{
-      make_combination_cut_counters<counter_t>( this, std::make_index_sequence<N - 1>{} )};
+      make_combination_cut_counters<counter_t>( this, std::make_index_sequence<N - 1>{} ) };
   /// Number of successfully fitted combinations
-  mutable counter_t m_npassed_vertex_fit{this, "# passed vertex fit"};
+  mutable counter_t m_npassed_vertex_fit{ this, "# passed vertex fit" };
   /// Number of post-vertex-fit particles passing the composite cut
-  mutable counter_t                                     m_npassed_composite_cut{this, "# passed CompositeCut"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>            m_ncand_per_event{this, "candidate multiplicity"};
+  mutable counter_t                                     m_npassed_composite_cut{ this, "# passed CompositeCut" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>            m_ncand_per_event{ this, "candidate multiplicity" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_many_candidates{
-      this, "Too many composites. Stopping the combination.", 1};
+      this, "Too many composites. Stopping the combination.", 1 };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_many_combinations{
-      this, "Too many combinations. Stopping the combination.", 1};
+      this, "Too many combinations. Stopping the combination.", 1 };
   /// Number of operator() calls with at least one candidate produced
-  mutable counter_t m_npassed{this, "# passed"};
+  mutable counter_t m_npassed{ this, "# passed" };
diff --git a/Phys/ParticleCombiners/include/CombKernel/ThOrCombiner.h b/Phys/ParticleCombiners/include/CombKernel/ThOrCombiner.h
index a0500a3868be7bb786e9325e9564db8458bba86b..d2c7cf590062fe5efbe426649aa705bcc04a3843 100644
--- a/Phys/ParticleCombiners/include/CombKernel/ThOrCombiner.h
+++ b/Phys/ParticleCombiners/include/CombKernel/ThOrCombiner.h
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ namespace ThOr::detail::Combiner {
   std::string combinationCutName() {
     static_assert( N >= 2 );
     static_assert( M + 1 < N );
-    std::string name{"Combination"};
+    std::string name{ "Combination" };
     if ( M + 2 < N ) {
       // M = 0 => "12"
       // M = 1 => "123"
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ namespace ThOr::detail::Combiner {
     } else if constexpr ( Sel::Utils::isBasicParticle_v<T0> && !Sel::Utils::isBasicParticle_v<T1> ) {
       // track-like/composite
       using mask_t = decltype( p0.unique_id() == p0.unique_id() );
-      mask_t mask{false};
+      mask_t mask{ false };
       for ( auto i = 0u; i < p1.numDescendants(); ++i ) {
         mask = mask | ( p1.descendant_unique_id( i ) == p0.unique_id() );
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ namespace ThOr::detail::Combiner {
     } else {
       // composite/composite
       using mask_t = decltype( p0.descendant_unique_id( 0 ) == p1.descendant_unique_id( 0 ) );
-      mask_t mask{false};
+      mask_t mask{ false };
       // with SIMD types there doesn't seem to be a way to short-circuit some cases
       for ( auto i = 0u; i < p0.numDescendants(); ++i )
@@ -228,10 +228,10 @@ namespace ThOr::detail::Combiner {
     // Load the values that we want to return
     auto& indices_chunk = std::get<1>( ret );
     // Indices from `indices`
-    ( ( indices_chunk[Particle] = int_v{indices[Particle].data()} ), ... );
+    ( ( indices_chunk[Particle] = int_v{ indices[Particle].data() } ), ... );
     if constexpr ( process_descriptor_indices ) {
       // If we got a final argument, take a chunk of that too
-      std::get<2>( ret ) = int_v{descriptor_indices.get().data()};
+      std::get<2>( ret ) = int_v{ descriptor_indices.get().data() };
     // Replace invalid entries with the minimum valid index. We know `size`
     // is nonzero, so there must be at least one valid index.
@@ -414,12 +414,13 @@ namespace ThOr {
     template <std::size_t... Is>
     static auto input_names( std::index_sequence<Is...> ) {
-      return std::make_tuple( KeyValue{"InputUniqueIDGenerator", LHCb::UniqueIDGeneratorLocation::Default},
-                              KeyValue{"Input" + std::to_string( Is + 1 ), ""}... );
+      return std::make_tuple( KeyValue{ "InputUniqueIDGenerator", LHCb::UniqueIDGeneratorLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "Input" + std::to_string( Is + 1 ), "" }... );
     Combiner( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : base_t{name, pSvcLocator, input_names( std::index_sequence_for<InputTypes...>{} ), KeyValue{"Output", ""}} {}
+        : base_t{ name, pSvcLocator, input_names( std::index_sequence_for<InputTypes...>{} ),
+                  KeyValue{ "Output", "" } } {}
     StatusCode initialize() override {
       return base_t::initialize().andThen( [&] {
@@ -431,11 +432,11 @@ namespace ThOr {
                                       "body combiner? what the hell!" );
-          std::set<int> pids{children[0].pid().pid()};
+          std::set<int> pids{ children[0].pid().pid() };
           for ( uint i = 1; i < N; ++i ) {
             int pid = children[i].pid().pid();
             if ( pids.count( pid ) && children[i - 1].pid().pid() != pid ) {
-              throw std::runtime_error( std::string{"If you have multiple daughters of same PID, "} +
+              throw std::runtime_error( std::string{ "If you have multiple daughters of same PID, " } +
                                         "please put them consecutively:\nB0 -> pi+ pi- pi+ BAD\n" +
                                         "B0 -> pi+ pi+ pi- GOOD\n" );
@@ -482,21 +483,21 @@ namespace ThOr {
     std::tuple<bool, Output_t> do_the_work(
         EventContext const& evtCtx, LHCb::UniqueIDGenerator const& unique_id_gen, InputTypes const&... raw_in,
         std::tuple<Functors::Functor<typename CombCut<ICombinationCuts, Backend>::Signature> const&...>
-                                                                                              unprepared_combination_cuts,
+            unprepared_combination_cuts,
         Functors::Functor<typename detail::Combiner::CompositeCut<Backend>::Signature> const& unprepared_composite_cut,
         std::index_sequence<ICombinationCuts...> ) const {
       using simd_t = typename SIMDWrapper::type_map_t<Backend>;
       // Get an iterable version of the input if need be -- this should be a noop if the input is already a zip
       // If some of the inputs are variants, map those onto new variants (of zips)
-      std::tuple const in{detail::Combiner::invoke_or_visit_returning_variant(
-          []( auto const& raw ) { return LHCb::Event::make_zip<Backend>( raw ); }, raw_in )...};
+      std::tuple const in{ detail::Combiner::invoke_or_visit_returning_variant(
+          []( auto const& raw ) { return LHCb::Event::make_zip<Backend>( raw ); }, raw_in )... };
       // Prepare the output storage
       auto const memResource = LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx );
       // TODO make the scheduler provide a second memory resource that is reset
       //      after every algorithm and use that here
       auto const algLocalMemResource = memResource;
-      std::tuple ret{false, Output_t{unique_id_gen, Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), memResource}};
+      std::tuple ret{ false, Output_t{ unique_id_gen, Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), memResource } };
       // Can't use a structured binding here because we need to capture these
       // names in lambdas below (and clang doesn't let you do that...)
       auto& [filter_pass, storage] = ret;
@@ -526,7 +527,7 @@ namespace ThOr {
       // Temporary storage used as a buffer before the mother cut
       // TODO do we really need this? maybe we can just fill directly into the
       //      end of the real output container and then permute in-place
-      Output_t tmp_storage{unique_id_gen, storage.zipIdentifier(), algLocalMemResource};
+      Output_t tmp_storage{ unique_id_gen, storage.zipIdentifier(), algLocalMemResource };
       tmp_storage.reserve( simd_t::size );
       // To avoid this function being too monolithic, defer to another one to
@@ -534,19 +535,19 @@ namespace ThOr {
           storage, tmp_storage, in, algLocalMemResource,
           // Prepare functors, in case that's expensive
-          std::tuple{std::get<ICombinationCuts>( unprepared_combination_cuts ).prepare( evtCtx )...},
+          std::tuple{ std::get<ICombinationCuts>( unprepared_combination_cuts ).prepare( evtCtx )... },
           unprepared_composite_cut.prepare( evtCtx ),
           // Buffer counters to reduce atomic operations
-          std::tuple{m_buffer_shuffles[ICombinationCuts].buffer()...},
-          std::tuple{m_combination_cut_loads[ICombinationCuts].buffer()...},
-          std::tuple{m_combination_cut_ideal_loads[ICombinationCuts].buffer()...}, m_composite_cut_load.buffer(),
-          std::tuple{m_npassed_combination_cuts[ICombinationCuts].buffer()...}, m_npassed_vertex_fit.buffer(),
+          std::tuple{ m_buffer_shuffles[ICombinationCuts].buffer()... },
+          std::tuple{ m_combination_cut_loads[ICombinationCuts].buffer()... },
+          std::tuple{ m_combination_cut_ideal_loads[ICombinationCuts].buffer()... }, m_composite_cut_load.buffer(),
+          std::tuple{ m_npassed_combination_cuts[ICombinationCuts].buffer()... }, m_npassed_vertex_fit.buffer(),
           // Generate some integer packs for convenience
           std::index_sequence<ICombinationCuts...>{}, std::index_sequence_for<InputTypes...>{} );
       // Record if we had to reallocate the output container
-      m_output_container_reallocated += bool{storage.capacity() > initial_capacity};
+      m_output_container_reallocated += bool{ storage.capacity() > initial_capacity };
       filter_pass = !storage.empty();
       return ret;
@@ -559,7 +560,7 @@ namespace ThOr {
     auto get_indices( IterableInputTuple const& inputs, Decays::Decay const& decay,
                       LHCb::Allocators::MemoryResource* memResource ) const {
       // In principle a narrower datatype could be used here, but SIMDWrapper doesn't support that...
-      std::optional<index_vector_t> opt_indices{std::nullopt};
+      std::optional<index_vector_t> opt_indices{ std::nullopt };
       if constexpr ( IInput > 0 ) {
         // Not the first input, we need to figure out if this might be one of a
         // contiguous series of decay descriptor children of the same type. In
@@ -578,7 +579,7 @@ namespace ThOr {
               throw GaudiException{
                   "Got contiguous children with the same PIDs, but the corresponding algorithm inputs "
                   "were not the same. If this is intentional, please set AllowDiffInputsForSameIDChildren = True.",
-                  "ThOr::{name}Combiner", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+                  "ThOr::{name}Combiner", StatusCode::FAILURE };
             // In this case there is no need to come up with a new list of
             // indices, we will make a "triangular" (need a better name) loop
@@ -593,7 +594,7 @@ namespace ThOr {
       // The input containers might be variants...
           [&]( auto const& input ) {
-            std::size_t indices_size{0};
+            std::size_t indices_size{ 0 };
             // TODO can we use SOACollection here to hide this magic?
             opt_indices->resize( input.size() + std::decay_t<decltype( input )>::default_simd_t::size - 1 );
             for ( auto const& particles : input ) {
@@ -609,7 +610,7 @@ namespace ThOr {
     static auto exception( std::string message ) {
-      return GaudiException{std::move( message ), "ThOr::Combiner<T>", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      return GaudiException{ std::move( message ), "ThOr::Combiner<T>", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     /** This is a separate function just to keep the overhead/bookkeeping of
@@ -674,21 +675,21 @@ namespace ThOr {
           // Replace decay descriptor indices with PDG IDs of the new parents
           LHCb::Utils::unwind<0, simd_t::size>(
               [&]( auto i ) { tmp_data[i] = m_decays[tmp_data[i]].mother().pid().pid(); } );
-          return int_v{tmp_data.data()};
+          return int_v{ tmp_data.data() };
         if ( !tmp_storage.empty() ) { throw exception( "tmp_storage wasn't empty" ); }
         // Run a vertex fit and store the result in tmp_storage
         auto const fit_success_mask = m_vertex_fitter.fitComposite(
             tmp_storage, mask, new_composite_pids,
-            Sel::ParticleCombination{detail::Combiner::invoke_or_visit_returning_variant(
+            Sel::ParticleCombination{ detail::Combiner::invoke_or_visit_returning_variant(
                 [&]( auto const& container ) { return container.gather( indices[IInput], mask ); },
-                std::get<IInput>( in ) )...} );
+                std::get<IInput>( in ) )... } );
         if ( tmp_storage.size() != simd_t::size ) {
           throw exception( "tmp_storage didn't have simd_t::size elements." );
         std::size_t const fit_success_count = popcount( fit_success_mask );
         // Record the fit success statistics.
-        npassed_vertex_fit += {fit_success_count, std::size_t( popcount( mask ) )};
+        npassed_vertex_fit += { fit_success_count, std::size_t( popcount( mask ) ) };
         if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
           this->debug() << "Fit " << popcount( mask ) << ' ' << N << "-body combinations (" << mask
@@ -704,11 +705,11 @@ namespace ThOr {
           // Last fit_count elements of tmp_storage are valid particles that we can apply the composite cut to
           auto const& particle_chunk = *tmp_storage_view.begin();
           // Record how well we're SIMDifying the composite cut
-          if constexpr ( Backend != SIMDWrapper::Scalar ) { composite_cut_load += {fit_success_count, simd_t::size}; }
+          if constexpr ( Backend != SIMDWrapper::Scalar ) { composite_cut_load += { fit_success_count, simd_t::size }; }
           // Apply the composite cut to those particles
           auto const composite_cut_mask =
               fit_success_mask && composite_cut( Functors::mask_arg, fit_success_mask, particle_chunk );
-          npassed_composite_cut += {std::size_t( popcount( composite_cut_mask ) ), fit_success_count};
+          npassed_composite_cut += { std::size_t( popcount( composite_cut_mask ) ), fit_success_count };
           if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
             this->debug() << popcount( composite_cut_mask ) << '/' << fit_success_count << " passed composite cut ("
                           << composite_cut_mask << ')' << endmsg;
@@ -736,7 +737,7 @@ namespace ThOr {
         // input container is a mix of D0 and D~0 then get the indices of the
         // D0s. If the Nth input is the same as the N-1th input then returns a
         // null std::optional indicating that a "triangle" loop should be used
-        std::array const matching_indices_storage{get_indices<IInput>( in, decay, algLocalMemResource )...};
+        std::array const matching_indices_storage{ get_indices<IInput>( in, decay, algLocalMemResource )... };
         // See if we can shortcut -- if we got zero entries for any compulsory
         // input then we can abort processing here
         if ( std::any_of(
@@ -748,7 +749,7 @@ namespace ThOr {
         // Cache which list of indices we will actually use in each slot
-        std::array const matching_indices{[&]( std::size_t InputIndex ) {
+        std::array const matching_indices{ [&]( std::size_t InputIndex ) {
           bool const do_triangle_loop = !matching_indices_storage[InputIndex].has_value();
           if ( do_triangle_loop ) {
             // Look in indices below InputIndex for a populated entry in matching_indices_storage
@@ -756,14 +757,14 @@ namespace ThOr {
             for ( std::size_t index_to_try = InputIndex - 1;; --index_to_try ) {
               if ( matching_indices_storage[index_to_try].has_value() ) {
                 // Found the match
-                return std::pair{do_triangle_loop, std::cref( matching_indices_storage[index_to_try].value() )};
+                return std::pair{ do_triangle_loop, std::cref( matching_indices_storage[index_to_try].value() ) };
               assert( index_to_try != 0 );
             assert( false ); // we should never get here
-          return std::pair{do_triangle_loop, std::cref( matching_indices_storage[InputIndex].value() )};
-        }( IInput )...};
+          return std::pair{ do_triangle_loop, std::cref( matching_indices_storage[InputIndex].value() ) };
+        }( IInput )... };
         // Defer to another function to actually generate the combinations
         process_combinations<Backend>( in, n_decay, matching_indices, do_vertex_fit, combination_cuts, buffer_shuffles,
@@ -786,8 +787,8 @@ namespace ThOr {
       // = useful combinations rounded up to a multiple of simd_t::size
       if constexpr ( Backend != SIMDWrapper::Scalar ) {
         ( ( std::get<ICombinationCuts>( combination_cut_ideal_loads ) +=
-            {std::get<ICombinationCuts>( considered_combinations ),
-             detail::Combiner::roundUp<simd_t::size>( std::get<ICombinationCuts>( considered_combinations ) )} ),
+            { std::get<ICombinationCuts>( considered_combinations ),
+              detail::Combiner::roundUp<simd_t::size>( std::get<ICombinationCuts>( considered_combinations ) ) } ),
           ... );
@@ -831,7 +832,7 @@ namespace ThOr {
           auto const particles1_mask = simd_t::loop_mask( i1, indices1.size() );
           // Note that this is only *not* reading from beyond the end of
           // indices1 because of the convoluted .resize() in get_indices()
-          auto const p1_inds    = int_v{std::next( indices1.data(), i1 )};
+          auto const p1_inds    = int_v{ std::next( indices1.data(), i1 ) };
           auto const particles1 = detail::Combiner::invoke_or_visit_returning_variant(
               [&]( auto const& container ) { return container.gather( p1_inds, particles1_mask ); },
               std::get<1>( in ) );
@@ -873,23 +874,23 @@ namespace ThOr {
           if ( !prec12_count ) { continue; }
           std::get<0>( considered_combinations ) += prec12_count;
           auto const mask =
-              overlap_mask && comb12cut( Functors::mask_arg, overlap_mask, comb12_t{particles0, particles1} );
+              overlap_mask && comb12cut( Functors::mask_arg, overlap_mask, comb12_t{ particles0, particles1 } );
           std::size_t const c12cut_count = popcount( mask );
           // Record statistics
           if constexpr ( Backend != SIMDWrapper::Scalar ) {
-            std::get<0>( combination_cut_loads ) += {prec12_count, simd_t::size};
+            std::get<0>( combination_cut_loads ) += { prec12_count, simd_t::size };
-          std::get<0>( npassed_combination_cuts ) += {c12cut_count, prec12_count};
+          std::get<0>( npassed_combination_cuts ) += { c12cut_count, prec12_count };
           // Short-circuit if we can
           if ( !c12cut_count ) { continue; }
           auto& combination12_indices      = std::get<0>( combination_indices );
           auto& combination12_indices_size = std::get<0>( buffer_sizes );
           p1_inds.compressstore( mask, &combination12_indices[1][combination12_indices_size] );
-          int_v{p0_inds}.store( &combination12_indices[0][combination12_indices_size] );
+          int_v{ p0_inds }.store( &combination12_indices[0][combination12_indices_size] );
           // If we just made N-body combinations, store the index of their decay descriptor
           if constexpr ( N == 2 ) {
             // Populate `combinationN_decay_indices` with `n_decay`
-            int_v{n_decay}.store( &combinationN_decay_indices[combination12_indices_size] );
+            int_v{ n_decay }.store( &combinationN_decay_indices[combination12_indices_size] );
           if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
             this->debug() << "Stored " << c12cut_count << " 2-body combinations" << endmsg;
@@ -997,7 +998,7 @@ namespace ThOr {
         if ( do_triangle_loop ) {
           // find the index in `new_indices` of the first value larger than `min_last_index`
           return std::distance( new_indices.begin(), std::upper_bound( new_indices.begin(), new_indices.end(),
-                                                                       indices.back().hmin( mask ) ) );
+                                                                                        indices.back().hmin( mask ) ) );
         } else {
           return 0;
@@ -1016,14 +1017,14 @@ namespace ThOr {
         // If we're making an X+1-body combination from an X-body one,
         // indices.back() are the indices of the last member of the X-body
         // one
-        new_comb_t const comb{detail::Combiner::invoke_or_visit_returning_variant(
-                                  [inds = indices[Particle], mask = mask]( auto const& container ) {
-                                    return container.gather( inds, mask );
-                                  },
-                                  std::get<Particle>( in ) )...,
-                              detail::Combiner::invoke_or_visit_returning_variant(
-                                  [&]( auto const& container ) { return container.scalar_fill( new_indices[i] ); },
-                                  std::get<NBodies>( in ) )};
+        new_comb_t const comb{ detail::Combiner::invoke_or_visit_returning_variant(
+                                   [inds = indices[Particle], mask = mask]( auto const& container ) {
+                                     return container.gather( inds, mask );
+                                   },
+                                   std::get<Particle>( in ) )...,
+                               detail::Combiner::invoke_or_visit_returning_variant(
+                                   [&]( auto const& container ) { return container.scalar_fill( new_indices[i] ); },
+                                   std::get<NBodies>( in ) ) };
         mask_v const loop_mask = do_triangle_loop ? mask && ( new_indices[i] > indices.back() ) : mask;
         // I don't think this is the smartest way of handling the overlap check in case we are using variants
@@ -1038,14 +1039,14 @@ namespace ThOr {
         std::size_t const mask_count = popcount( overlap_mask );
         std::size_t const cut_count  = popcount( cut_mask );
         if constexpr ( Backend != SIMDWrapper::Scalar ) {
-          std::get<CombCutIndex>( combination_cut_loads ) += {mask_count, simd_t::size};
+          std::get<CombCutIndex>( combination_cut_loads ) += { mask_count, simd_t::size };
           std::get<CombCutIndex>( considered_combinations ) += mask_count;
-        std::get<CombCutIndex>( npassed_combination_cuts ) += {cut_count, mask_count};
+        std::get<CombCutIndex>( npassed_combination_cuts ) += { cut_count, mask_count };
         if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
           this->debug() << "Made " << NBodies + 1 << "-body combination with indices";
           ( ( this->debug() << ' ' << indices[Particle] ), ... );
-          this->debug() << ' ' << int_v{new_indices[i]} << ". loop_mask = " << loop_mask
+          this->debug() << ' ' << int_v{ new_indices[i] } << ". loop_mask = " << loop_mask
                         << ", overlap_mask = " << overlap_mask << ", cut_mask = " << cut_mask << endmsg;
         if ( !cut_count ) { continue; }
@@ -1055,11 +1056,11 @@ namespace ThOr {
         // Store the indices of the surviving X-body combination members
         ( indices[Particle].compressstore( cut_mask, &next_indices[Particle][next_size] ), ... );
         // Store the index of the final element that we just added.
-        int_v{new_indices[i]}.store( &next_indices.back()[next_size] );
+        int_v{ new_indices[i] }.store( &next_indices.back()[next_size] );
         // If we just made N-body combinations, store the index of their decay descriptor
         if constexpr ( NBodies + 1 == N ) {
           // Populate `combinationN_decay_indices` with `n_decay`
-          int_v{n_decay}.store( &combinationN_decay_indices[next_size] );
+          int_v{ n_decay }.store( &combinationN_decay_indices[next_size] );
         next_size += cut_count;
         // If our collection of (NBodies+1)-body combinations has at least a
@@ -1082,54 +1083,54 @@ namespace ThOr {
     template <typename C, std::size_t... Ms>
     static std::array<C, sizeof...( Ms )> makeCombinationCutCounters( Combiner* ptr, std::index_sequence<Ms...> ) {
-      return {C{ptr, "# passed " + detail::Combiner::combinationCutName<N, Ms>()}...};
+      return { C{ ptr, "# passed " + detail::Combiner::combinationCutName<N, Ms>() }... };
     template <typename C, std::size_t... Ms>
     static std::array<C, sizeof...( Ms )> makeCombinationCutLoadCounters( Combiner* ptr, std::index_sequence<Ms...> ) {
-      return {C{ptr, detail::Combiner::combinationCutName<N, Ms>() + " SIMD utilisation"}...};
+      return { C{ ptr, detail::Combiner::combinationCutName<N, Ms>() + " SIMD utilisation" }... };
     template <typename C, std::size_t... Ms>
     static std::array<C, sizeof...( Ms )> makeCombinationCutIdealLoadCounters( Combiner* ptr,
                                                                                std::index_sequence<Ms...> ) {
-      return {C{ptr, detail::Combiner::combinationCutName<N, Ms>() + " ideal SIMD utilisation"}...};
+      return { C{ ptr, detail::Combiner::combinationCutName<N, Ms>() + " ideal SIMD utilisation" }... };
     template <typename C, std::size_t... Ms>
     static std::array<C, sizeof...( Ms )> makeBufferShuffleCounters( Combiner* ptr, std::index_sequence<Ms...> ) {
-      return {C{ptr, "# shuffled in " + std::to_string( Ms + 2 ) + "-particle buffer"}...};
+      return { C{ ptr, "# shuffled in " + std::to_string( Ms + 2 ) + "-particle buffer" }... };
     /// Number of combinations passing the combination cut
     using counter_t         = Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>;
     using shuffle_counter_t = Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<>;
     mutable std::array<counter_t, N - 1> m_npassed_combination_cuts{
-        makeCombinationCutCounters<counter_t>( this, std::make_index_sequence<N - 1>{} )};
+        makeCombinationCutCounters<counter_t>( this, std::make_index_sequence<N - 1>{} ) };
     /// SIMD utilisation of the combination cuts
     mutable std::array<counter_t, N - 1> m_combination_cut_loads{
-        makeCombinationCutLoadCounters<counter_t>( this, std::make_index_sequence<N - 1>{} )};
+        makeCombinationCutLoadCounters<counter_t>( this, std::make_index_sequence<N - 1>{} ) };
     mutable std::array<counter_t, N - 1> m_combination_cut_ideal_loads{
-        makeCombinationCutIdealLoadCounters<counter_t>( this, std::make_index_sequence<N - 1>{} )};
+        makeCombinationCutIdealLoadCounters<counter_t>( this, std::make_index_sequence<N - 1>{} ) };
     /// Number of indices shuffled
     mutable std::array<shuffle_counter_t, N - 1> m_buffer_shuffles{
-        makeBufferShuffleCounters<shuffle_counter_t>( this, std::make_index_sequence<N - 1>{} )};
+        makeBufferShuffleCounters<shuffle_counter_t>( this, std::make_index_sequence<N - 1>{} ) };
     /// Number of successfully fitted combinations
-    mutable counter_t m_npassed_vertex_fit{this, "# passed vertex fit"};
+    mutable counter_t m_npassed_vertex_fit{ this, "# passed vertex fit" };
     /// Number of fitted vertices passing composite cut
-    mutable counter_t m_npassed_composite_cut{this, "# passed CompositeCut"};
+    mutable counter_t m_npassed_composite_cut{ this, "# passed CompositeCut" };
     /// How often we had to reallocate
-    mutable counter_t m_output_container_reallocated{this, "# output reallocations"};
+    mutable counter_t m_output_container_reallocated{ this, "# output reallocations" };
     /// SIMD utilisation of the composite cuts
-    mutable counter_t m_composite_cut_load{this, "CompositeCut SIMD utilisation"};
+    mutable counter_t m_composite_cut_load{ this, "CompositeCut SIMD utilisation" };
     // decay descriptors
-    ToolHandle<IDecodeSimpleDecayString> m_decoder{this, "DecayDecoder", "DecodeSimpleDecayString"};
+    ToolHandle<IDecodeSimpleDecayString> m_decoder{ this, "DecayDecoder", "DecodeSimpleDecayString" };
     // decays
     std::vector<Decays::Decay> m_decays;
     // descriptors
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_decaydescriptor{this, "DecayDescriptor", "PleaseConfigureMe!",
-                                                   "Please provide a decay descriptor!"};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_decaydescriptor{ this, "DecayDescriptor", "PleaseConfigureMe!",
+                                                    "Please provide a decay descriptor!" };
     // By defalut, don't allow contiguous children with the same PID to have different algorithm inputs
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_allow_different_inputs{this, "AllowDiffInputsForSameIDChildren", false};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_allow_different_inputs{ this, "AllowDiffInputsForSameIDChildren", false };
     // vertex fitter
-    VertexFitter m_vertex_fitter{this};
+    VertexFitter m_vertex_fitter{ this };
   template <typename... Ts>
diff --git a/Phys/ParticleCombiners/src/ParticleContainerMerger.cpp b/Phys/ParticleCombiners/src/ParticleContainerMerger.cpp
index 2293987a8b7361ef2988e954c28221c2718cb17a..b06c60d205c9ce90972c73d66271e6781962af19 100644
--- a/Phys/ParticleCombiners/src/ParticleContainerMerger.cpp
+++ b/Phys/ParticleCombiners/src/ParticleContainerMerger.cpp
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
   struct ParticleContainerMergerT final : base_t {
     ParticleContainerMergerT( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : base_t( name, pSvcLocator, {"InputContainers", {}}, {KeyValue{"OutputContainer", ""}} ) {}
+        : base_t( name, pSvcLocator, { "InputContainers", {} }, { KeyValue{ "OutputContainer", "" } } ) {}
     filter_output_t operator()( inputs_t lists ) const override {
       LHCb::Particle::Selection out_particles;
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ namespace LHCb {
       if ( out_particles.size() > 0 ) { out_decision = true; }
       m_npassed += out_decision;
-      return {out_decision, std::move( out_particles )};
+      return { out_decision, std::move( out_particles ) };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_npassed{this, "# passed"};
-    mutable counter_t                              m_ninput_particles{this, "# input particles"};
-    mutable counter_t                              m_noutput_particles{this, "# output particles"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_npassed{ this, "# passed" };
+    mutable counter_t                              m_ninput_particles{ this, "# input particles" };
+    mutable counter_t                              m_noutput_particles{ this, "# output particles" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( ParticleContainerMergerT, "ParticleContainerMerger" )
diff --git a/Phys/ParticleCombiners/tests/src/test_thor_combiner.cpp b/Phys/ParticleCombiners/tests/src/test_thor_combiner.cpp
index 25e355886a5ffe82a3c58f5c2f5143fd2317f0b5..af28d88082f053bc4f1c464e6e2413ff57c9fd95 100644
--- a/Phys/ParticleCombiners/tests/src/test_thor_combiner.cpp
+++ b/Phys/ParticleCombiners/tests/src/test_thor_combiner.cpp
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ using proxy_pack = std::tuple<Proxy...>;
 template <class... Proxy>
 proxy_pack<Proxy...> make_proxy_pack( Proxy&&... proxy ) {
-  return {std::forward<Proxy>( proxy )...};
+  return { std::forward<Proxy>( proxy )... };
 template <class... Proxy, class P>
@@ -126,14 +126,14 @@ auto check_overlap( Ref const& ref, proxy_pack<P...> const& proxies ) {
 // need to be robust/consistent for this test)
 template <std::size_t... I>
 auto child_indices( std::index_sequence<I...> ) {
-  std::array<int_v, sizeof...( I )> result{int_v{int{I}}...};
+  std::array<int_v, sizeof...( I )> result{ int_v{ int{ I } }... };
   return result;
 // Create the array of zip identifiers
 template <class... P>
 auto zip_identifiers( proxy_pack<P...> const& proxies ) {
-  return std::apply( []( const auto&... p ) { return std::array{int_v{int( p.zipIdentifier() )}...}; }, proxies );
+  return std::apply( []( const auto&... p ) { return std::array{ int_v{ int( p.zipIdentifier() ) }... }; }, proxies );
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ template <class Zip, class Accessors>
 class basic_accessor {
   basic_accessor() = default;
-  basic_accessor( Accessors& a, Zip& z ) : m_accessors{&a}, m_zip{&z} {}
+  basic_accessor( Accessors& a, Zip& z ) : m_accessors{ &a }, m_zip{ &z } {}
   auto current() const { return ( *m_zip )[m_index]; }
   auto index() const { return m_index; }
   void start() { m_index = 0; }
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ template <class Zip, class Accessors>
 class dependent_accessor {
   dependent_accessor() = default;
-  dependent_accessor( std::size_t r, Accessors& a, Zip& z ) : m_reference{r}, m_accessors{&a}, m_zip{&z} {}
+  dependent_accessor( std::size_t r, Accessors& a, Zip& z ) : m_reference{ r }, m_accessors{ &a }, m_zip{ &z } {}
   auto current() const { return ( *m_zip )[m_index]; }
   auto index() const { return m_index; }
   void start() {
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ public:
   template <std::size_t... I>
   combination_accessors( std::index_sequence<I...>, Zip&... zip )
-      : base_class_t{make_accessor<I>( *this, zip... )...} {}
+      : base_class_t{ make_accessor<I>( *this, zip... )... } {}
 template <class... Zip>
@@ -358,9 +358,9 @@ struct make_composites_t<I, I> {
         LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<float_v, 3>{},                             // position
         LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<float_v, 4>{},                             // 4-momenta
-        int_v{0},                                                    // PID
-        float_v{1.f},                                                // chi2
-        int_v{1},                                                    // ndof
+        int_v{ 0 },                                                  // PID
+        float_v{ 1.f },                                              // chi2
+        int_v{ 1 },                                                  // ndof
         LHCb::LinAlg::MatSym<float_v, 3>{},                          // covariance (position)
         LHCb::LinAlg::MatSym<float_v, 4>{},                          // covariance (4-momenta)
         LHCb::LinAlg::Mat<float_v, 4, 3>{},                          // covariance (position-momenta)
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ auto generate_particles( std::size_t n_elements, LHCb::UniqueIDGenerator const&
       std::make_unique<LHCb::Event::v3::Tracks>( LHCb::Event::v3::generate_tracks( n_elements, unique_id_gen, 1, zn ) );
   auto muon_pids = std::make_unique<LHCb::Event::v2::Muon::PIDs>( zn );
   muon_pids->reserve( n_elements );
-  LHCb::Event::ChargedBasics charged_basics{tracks.get(), muon_pids.get()};
+  LHCb::Event::ChargedBasics charged_basics{ tracks.get(), muon_pids.get() };
   charged_basics.reserve( n_elements );
   for ( auto i = 0u; i < n_elements; ++i ) {
diff --git a/Phys/ParticleConverters/src/KeyedToVectorParticle.cpp b/Phys/ParticleConverters/src/KeyedToVectorParticle.cpp
index 4b442b1baf7ea95a11c4128083058b980a618c26..4468bb4d52adb127992d7bb9493a6783f7079855 100644
--- a/Phys/ParticleConverters/src/KeyedToVectorParticle.cpp
+++ b/Phys/ParticleConverters/src/KeyedToVectorParticle.cpp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
     struct RangeToVectorParticle
         : public LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<std::vector<LHCb::Particle>( const LHCb::Particle::Range& )> {
       RangeToVectorParticle( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-          : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"Input", ""}}, KeyValue{"Output", ""} ) {}
+          : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "Input", "" } }, KeyValue{ "Output", "" } ) {}
       std::vector<LHCb::Particle> operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& in ) const override {
         std::vector<LHCb::Particle> out;
         for ( auto* i : in ) { out.emplace_back( *i ); }
diff --git a/Phys/ParticleConverters/src/Particle_to_Particle_v2.cpp b/Phys/ParticleConverters/src/Particle_to_Particle_v2.cpp
index 9e6c4c56b12f3f1dae48501e50dac0111022f934..ee2038aee1ef1b6b33c71e3c5facbdbee0fea76a 100644
--- a/Phys/ParticleConverters/src/Particle_to_Particle_v2.cpp
+++ b/Phys/ParticleConverters/src/Particle_to_Particle_v2.cpp
@@ -54,18 +54,18 @@ class Proto2ChargedBasic
   Proto2ChargedBasic( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : with_functors( name, pSvcLocator,
-                       {KeyValue{"InputProtoParticles", LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Charged},
-                        KeyValue{"InputUniqueIDGenerator", LHCb::UniqueIDGeneratorLocation::Default}},
+                       { KeyValue{ "InputProtoParticles", LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Charged },
+                         KeyValue{ "InputUniqueIDGenerator", LHCb::UniqueIDGeneratorLocation::Default } },
-                           KeyValue{"Particles", ""},
-                           KeyValue{"MuonPIDs", ""},
-                           KeyValue{"Tracks", ""},
+                           KeyValue{ "Particles", "" },
+                           KeyValue{ "MuonPIDs", "" },
+                           KeyValue{ "Tracks", "" },
                        } ) {}
   StatusCode initialize() override {
     return with_functors::initialize().andThen( [&] {
       const std::map<std::string, std::string> id_to_descriptor = {
-          {"pion", "pi+"}, {"kaon", "K+"}, {"muon", "mu+"}, {"electron", "e+"}, {"proton", "p+"}};
+          { "pion", "pi+" }, { "kaon", "K+" }, { "muon", "mu+" }, { "electron", "e+" }, { "proton", "p+" } };
       const auto result = id_to_descriptor.find( m_particleid.value() );
       if ( result == id_to_descriptor.end() ) {
         throw GaudiException( "Unknown ParticleID value: " + m_particleid.value(),
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public:
     auto muon_pids = std::make_unique<LHCb::Event::v2::Muon::PIDs>( zn );
     auto tracks =
         std::make_unique<LHCb::Event::v3::Tracks>( LHCb::Event::v3::TrackType::Long, unique_id_gen, zn, nullptr );
-    LHCb::Event::ChargedBasics chargedbasics{tracks.get(), muon_pids.get()};
+    LHCb::Event::ChargedBasics chargedbasics{ tracks.get(), muon_pids.get() };
     int                        nparticles     = 0;
     int                        nantiparticles = 0;
@@ -185,33 +185,33 @@ public:
-  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_particlePropertySvc{this, "ParticleProperty",
-                                                                  "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc"};
+  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_particlePropertySvc{ this, "ParticleProperty",
+                                                                   "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc" };
   /// Tool for filling the particle's kinematics from a given state
-  ToolHandle<IParticle2State> m_particle_from_state_tool = {this, "Particle2StateTool", "Particle2State"};
+  ToolHandle<IParticle2State> m_particle_from_state_tool = { this, "Particle2StateTool", "Particle2State" };
   /// Particle property information for matter particles to be created
   const LHCb::ParticleProperty* m_particle_prop = nullptr;
   /// Particle property information for antimatter particles to be created
   const LHCb::ParticleProperty* m_antiparticle_prop = nullptr;
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_particleid{this, "ParticleID", "UNDEFINED",
-                                            "Particle species hypothesis to apply to each created object."};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_particleid{ this, "ParticleID", "UNDEFINED",
+                                             "Particle species hypothesis to apply to each created object." };
   /// Number of created LHCb::Particle objects with particle IDs
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nparticles{this, "Nb created particles"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nparticles{ this, "Nb created particles" };
   /// Number of created LHCb::Particle objects with antiparticle IDs
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nantiparticles{this, "Nb created anti-particles"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nantiparticles{ this, "Nb created anti-particles" };
   /// Number of protoparticles passing the protoparticle filter
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_npassed_proto_filter{this, "# passed ProtoParticle filter"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_npassed_proto_filter{ this, "# passed ProtoParticle filter" };
   /// Number of tracks passing the track filter
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_npassed_track_filter{this, "# passed Track filter"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_npassed_track_filter{ this, "# passed Track filter" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_part_with_no_track{
-      this, "Charged ProtoParticle with no Track found. Ignoring"};
+      this, "Charged ProtoParticle with no Track found. Ignoring" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_part_with_empty_state{
-      this, "Track has empty states. This is likely to be a bug"};
+      this, "Track has empty states. This is likely to be a bug" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( Proto2ChargedBasic )
diff --git a/Phys/ParticleMaker/doc/release.notes b/Phys/ParticleMaker/doc/release.notes
index 08a257cff32cb991dc1a1501118706ce47ad3b41..a3d29984dba46b71b41a679616116e128b2b3444 100755
--- a/Phys/ParticleMaker/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/ParticleMaker/doc/release.notes
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@
 !======================= ParticleMaker v6r14 2015-04-22 =======================
 ! 2015-01-16 : Olivier Deschamps
-  - DiElectronMaker : reduce verbosity when electron container is define and  protoP container is missing 
+  - DiElectronMaker : reduce verbosity when electron container is define and  protoP container is missing
 !========================= ParticleMaker v6r13 2015-01-16 ========================
 ! 2015-01-04 : Gerhard Raven
- - Particle2State: use vectorized similarity transform from LHCbMath -- which 
+ - Particle2State: use vectorized similarity transform from LHCbMath -- which
    is (in this case) 4.8x faster...
 !========================= ParticleMaker v6r12 2014-12-15 ========================
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@
   - PhotonMaker & MergedPi0Maker : add selection according to ClusterCode
 ! 2014-08-18 - O. Deschamps
-  - PhotonMaker : fix typo  
-  - Photon & Pi0Makers : possibility to set the origin to 1st primary vertex 
+  - PhotonMaker : fix typo
+  - Photon & Pi0Makers : possibility to set the origin to 1st primary vertex
 !========================= ParticleMaker v6r10 2014-07-25 =========================
@@ -69,18 +69,18 @@
  - Photon & MergedPi0Maker : improve CL technique setting.
 ! 2014-06-25 - O. Deschamps
- - PhotonMaker    : CHANGE DEFAULT CL DEFINITION : isNotH from NN-based neutralID 
+ - PhotonMaker    : CHANGE DEFAULT CL DEFINITION : isNotH from NN-based neutralID
  - MergedPi0Maker : CHANGE DEFAULT CL DEFINITION : 1-isPhoton
 !========================= ParticleMaker v6r9 2014-02-20 =========================
 ! 2014-02-16 - O. Deschamps
- - DiElectronMaker, MergedPi0Maker : protect against (rare) FPE 
+ - DiElectronMaker, MergedPi0Maker : protect against (rare) FPE
 ! 2014-01-28 - Chris Jones
  - Make a warning message from ResolvedPi0Maker about an empty photon container
    less dramatic.
- - Also make some other messages from ResolvedPi0Maker use the Gaudi message 
+ - Also make some other messages from ResolvedPi0Maker use the Gaudi message
    suppression system.
 !========================= ParticleMaker v6r8p1 2014-01-13 =========================
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@
 !========================= ParticleMaker v6r7p2 2013-04-23 =========================
-! 2013-02-25 - Chris Jones 
- - Fix -pedantic compilation warnings 
+! 2013-02-25 - Chris Jones
+ - Fix -pedantic compilation warnings
 !========================= ParticleMaker v6r7p1 2013-02-20 =========================
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
  - Added CMake configuration file.
 ! 2012-11-07 -Olivier Deschamps for Edwige Tournefier
- - DiElectronMaker : Improve the gamma->ee (DD) vertexing 
+ - DiElectronMaker : Improve the gamma->ee (DD) vertexing
 !========================= ParticleMaker v6r6 2012-08-31 =========================
@@ -153,23 +153,23 @@
  - DiElectronMaker : speed-up processing
 ! 2012-06-20 - Wouter Hulsbergen
- - fixed Particle2State::state2Particle such that it doesn't rely on the 
+ - fixed Particle2State::state2Particle such that it doesn't rely on the
    pid (charge) of the mother particle (and made it a bit faster as well)
 ! 2012-06-18 - Patrick Koppenburg
- - DiElectronMaker  : Allow user to change mother ID of 'photon'. 
+ - DiElectronMaker  : Allow user to change mother ID of 'photon'.
                       Typically J/psi(1S)
      -> Use Particle property
 ! 2012-06-15 - Olivier Deschamps
   - DiElectronMaker : fix gcc46 warnings
 ! 2012-06-12 - Olivier Deschamps
-  - DiElectronMaker  : new maker algorithm to produce dielectron with correct 
+  - DiElectronMaker  : new maker algorithm to produce dielectron with correct
     bremsstrahlung treatment (killing overlap)
   - ResolvedPi0Maker : add the possibility to cut on the di-gamma energy balance
   - PhotonMaker      : possibility to create 'Ecal+Hcal' objects
 !========================= ParticleMaker v6r2 2012-05-03 =========================
 ! 2012-04-18 - Wouter Hulsbergen
@@ -223,24 +223,24 @@
  - PhotonMaker : convert new photonID into confLevel
 ! 2010-10-07 - Olivier Deschamps
- - PhotonMaker : protect against missing input container 
+ - PhotonMaker : protect against missing input container
 !========================== ParticleMaker v5r8 2010-09-29 =====================
 ! 2010-09-01 - Olivier Deschamps
  - MergedPi0/Photon Maker : reduce verbosity at initialize
 ! 2010-08-30 - Vanya Belyaev
- - minor changes 
- - cmt/requiremens 
-   verison incremen to v5r8 
+ - minor changes
+ - cmt/requiremens
+   verison incremen to v5r8
 !========================== ParticleMaker v5r7 2010-08-19 =====================
 ! 2010-08-16 - Olivier Deschamps
- - improve bremstrahlung correction : 
+ - improve bremstrahlung correction :
     - bremAdding machinery moved to ParticleMakerBase so it is applied to all ParticleMaker algos (in particular, now in NoPIDsParticleMaker)
     - brem correction can be activated for any particle ID passed in options (defaut electrons only)
@@ -264,16 +264,16 @@
 !========================== ParticleMaker v5r5p1 2010-04-15 ==================
 ! 2010-04-14 Olivier Deschamps
- - PhotonMaker : 
+ - PhotonMaker :
   - patch the definition of converted/unconverted photons (workaround for bug in NeutralProtoPAlg)
-  - add PrsThreshold cut in properties 
- - Photon/Pi0Makers : add statistics counters 
+  - add PrsThreshold cut in properties
+ - Photon/Pi0Makers : add statistics counters
 !========================== ParticleMaker v5r5 2010-01-29 ====================
 ! 2009-12-08 - Patrick Koppenburg
- - Move state to referencePoint conversion from CombinedParticleMaker and 
+ - Move state to referencePoint conversion from CombinedParticleMaker and
    NoPIDsParticlemaker to ParticleMakerBase
  - v5r5
@@ -289,13 +289,13 @@
 ! 2009-09-28 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - src/ParticleMakerBase.cpp 
+ - src/ParticleMakerBase.cpp
-    avoid crash for OutputLevel=VERBOSE & disabled Primary Vertices  
- - cmt/requiremets 
+    avoid crash for OutputLevel=VERBOSE & disabled Primary Vertices
-    version increment to v5r4  
+ - cmt/requiremets
+    version increment to v5r4
 !========================== ParticleMaker v5r3 2009-09-24 ===================
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
 ! 2009-06-25 - Patrick Koppenburg for Neil Gueissaz
  - New BestParticlemaker that re-implements the lost functionality
    ExclusiveSelection = true of the CombinedParticleMaker.
-   Do not use for B physics. Useful for jets. 
+   Do not use for B physics. Useful for jets.
  - Increment to v5r2
 !========================== ParticleMaker v5r1 2009-06-22 ===================
@@ -330,13 +330,13 @@
 ! 2009-04-23 - Patrick Koppenburg
  - Remove ParticleMakerSeq. Use GaudiSequencer instead.
- - Move common functionality of charged particle makers to 
+ - Move common functionality of charged particle makers to
  - Move common functionality of pi0 particle makers to Pi0MakerBase
  - Unify configuration. Now all ParticleMaker have property
    Maker.Input = "protos location" ;
-   Maker.Particle = "pi+" 
+   Maker.Particle = "pi+"
    for charged one has also
@@ -344,14 +344,14 @@
    Maker.TrackSelector.TrackTypes = [ "Long" ]
    This implies that old properties, Inputs, InputProtoParticles, UseLong... are gone.
-   It also means that CombinedParticleMaker can no longer make several types 
-   of Particles. Use 
+   It also means that CombinedParticleMaker can no longer make several types
+   of Particles. Use
-   MakeKaons = MakePions.clone("MakeKaons") 
+   MakeKaons = MakePions.clone("MakeKaons")
-   Finally, this measn the ominous ExclusiveSelection property is no 
+   Finally, this measn the ominous ExclusiveSelection property is no
    longer needed!
 ! 2009-04-22 - Patrick Koppenburg
  - Move Particle2State from DaVinciTools
@@ -364,27 +364,27 @@
  - Increment to v5r0
 !======================== ParticleMaker v4r4 2009-04-21 ===================
-! 2008-04-21 - Olivier Deschamps 
+! 2008-04-21 - Olivier Deschamps
  - Photon/MergedPi0/ResolvedPi0Maker.cpp : move to LHCb::(I)ParticlePropertySvc
 !======================== ParticleMaker v4r3 2009-04-08 ===================
-! 2008-04-03 - Olivier Deschamps 
+! 2008-04-03 - Olivier Deschamps
  - Merged/ResolvedPi0Maker.cpp : new property 'Particle' (default 'pi0') allow to produce any gamma-gamma particle (e.g. 'eta')
                                : change property name 'Pi0MassWindow' -> 'MassWindow' and 'Pi0PtCut' -> 'PtCut'
 !======================== ParticleMaker v4r2 2009-01-15 ===================
-! 2008-01-09 - Olivier Deschamps 
+! 2008-01-09 - Olivier Deschamps
  - PhotonMaker.cpp : add protection against negative energy caloHypo
 ! 2008-12-22 - Patrick Koppenburg
  - Remove all .opts files
 ! 2008-12-06 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - tiny fix for new particle properties 
- - fixes for new signature of LHCb::Track::statAt methods 
+ - tiny fix for new particle properties
+ - fixes for new signature of LHCb::Track::statAt methods
  - cmt/requirements
      version increment to v4r2
@@ -426,14 +426,14 @@
 ! 2007-11-27 - Patrick Koppenburg
  - src/NoPIDsParticleMaker.{cpp,h}
-   . Keep only track types that are explicitly foreseen (i.e. kill velo 
+   . Keep only track types that are explicitly foreseen (i.e. kill velo
      by default)
    . Allow to switch on velo tracks (default false)
    . Default behaviour: keep long, upstream, downstream unchanged (as long
      as there are no tracks of other types in ProtoP container)
    . Discard ProtoParticles with charge!=0 && track==0.
  - src/ParticleStuffer.cpp
-   . Some printout in DEBUG. Note that Usually ParticleStuffer is a public 
+   . Some printout in DEBUG. Note that Usually ParticleStuffer is a public
 	   tool, and ToolSvc.ParticleStuffer must be configured.
  - cmt/requirements
    . Increment to v3r4
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@
 ! 2007-08-22 - Patrick Koppenburg
  - src/MergedPi0Maker.cpp, src/PhotonMaker.cpp, src/ResolvedPi0Maker.cpp:
-	 Replace all by particle -> setParticleID( m_Id ); by 
+	 Replace all by particle -> setParticleID( m_Id ); by
    particle -> setParticleID( LHCb::ParticleID (m_Id) );
 ! 2007-08-15 - Patrick Koppenburg
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@
 !========================== ParticleMaker v3r2 2007-04-26 ===================
 ! 2007-04-25 - Patrick Koppenburg
  - Use in this order
-   . stateAt( LHCb::State::ClosestToBeam ) 
+   . stateAt( LHCb::State::ClosestToBeam )
    . stateAt( LHCb::State::FirstMeasurement )
    . firstState()
    to make Particles. This ensures that the particle maker uses the same
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@
  - Tidy up PID consistency checks in CombinedParticleMaker
 ! 2007-03-05 - Patrick Koppenburg
- - Remove ParticleEffPurMoni that depends on MC truth. 
+ - Remove ParticleEffPurMoni that depends on MC truth.
 ! 2007-03-05 - Patrick Koppenburg
  - Use Matrices from GaudiKernel
@@ -512,10 +512,10 @@
     . Make "Transporter" property "ParticleTransporter:PUBLIC" by default (was "ParticleTransporter).
 ! 2006-12-05 - Juan PALACIOS
   - cmt/requirements: increment version to v2r6
-! 2006-11-28 - Olivier Deschamps 
+! 2006-11-28 - Olivier Deschamps
   - bug fix and update in MergedPi0Maker
 ! 2006-11-20 - Chris Jones
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@
     . Increase version to v2r4
 ! 2006-10-13 - Olivier Deschamps
- - update message in Merged and Resolved Pi0Alg 
+ - update message in Merged and Resolved Pi0Alg
 !========================== ParticleMaker v2r3 2006-10-04 ===================
@@ -570,11 +570,11 @@
  - src/NoPIDsParticleMaker.cpp: Use Particle2State tool instead
 ! 2006-05-10 - Juan PALACIOS, P. Koppenburg
- - src/NoPIDsParticleMaker.cpp: use state2Particle function from 
-   Kernel/state2Particle.h instead of deprecated 
+ - src/NoPIDsParticleMaker.cpp: use state2Particle function from
+   Kernel/state2Particle.h instead of deprecated
    IParticleStuffer::fillParticle(state, particle).
  - src/ParticleStuffer.*
-   . Remove fillParticle and sumMomenta methods moved to dedicated headers in 
+   . Remove fillParticle and sumMomenta methods moved to dedicated headers in
 ! 2006-05-09 - Juan PALACIOS
@@ -588,18 +588,18 @@
  - tiny decoration around ParticleMakerSeq
    1) remove *.h file, the body of the tool is moved into *.cpp file
    2) remove the difference inbetween private an dpublic makers
-      (this piece of code has beed coded well before "::PUBLIC" 
-       directive becomes available in ToolSvc) 
-   3) tiny line reshuffling 
+      (this piece of code has beed coded well before "::PUBLIC"
+       directive becomes available in ToolSvc)
+   3) tiny line reshuffling
    From now the maker has only one property: Makers:
    MyAlg.PhysDesktop.ParticleMaker = "ParticleMakerSeq/MyMaker" ;
-   MyAlg.PhysDesktop.MyMaker.Makers = 
+   MyAlg.PhysDesktop.MyMaker.Makers =
-      "SomeParticleMakerType/SomeParticleMakerName" , // private maker  
-      "NoPIDParticleMaker/NoPIDMuons::PUBLIC"       , // public  maker  
-      "PhotonParticleMaker/PhotonMaker::PUBLIC"     , // public  maker 
+      "SomeParticleMakerType/SomeParticleMakerName" , // private maker
+      "NoPIDParticleMaker/NoPIDMuons::PUBLIC"       , // public  maker
+      "PhotonParticleMaker/PhotonMaker::PUBLIC"     , // public  maker
 ! 2006-01-24 - P. Koppenburg
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@
   - src/ParticleStuffer.cpp
     . Remove double filling of momentum and matrices
   - src/PreLoadParticles.cpp
-    . Use debug()  
+    . Use debug()
 !========================== ParticleMaker v1r6p1 2005-12-15 ===================
 ! 2005-11-11 - P. Koppenburg for G. Balbi
   - src/ParticleStuffer.h
@@ -663,9 +663,9 @@
 ! 2005-02-09 - P. Koppenburg
  - src/PhotonFromMergedParameters.h
  - src/PhotonParameters.h
-   . CLHEP 1.9 does not allow to forward declare classes in a backward 
+   . CLHEP 1.9 does not allow to forward declare classes in a backward
      compatible way.
 !========================== ParticleMaker v1r2 2005-01-18 ===================
 ! 2005-01-06 - P. Koppenburg
  - src/*.{cpp,h}
@@ -688,25 +688,25 @@
 !========================== ParticleMaker v1r0 2004-08-24 ===================
 ! 2004-08-23 - P. Koppenburg
  - New package ParticleMaker extracted from DaVinciTools,
-   containing ParticleMaker and associated tools, as well as the 
+   containing ParticleMaker and associated tools, as well as the
    PreLoadParticles algorithm.
 ! 2004-08-23 - P. Koppenburg
- - Split DaVinciTools package into 
+ - Split DaVinciTools package into
    . Phys/DaVinciKernel : DVAlgorithm, PhysDesktop and all Interfaces
    . Phys/ParticleMaker : All particle makers and the ParticleStuffer
    . Phys/DaVinciFilter : All Filter
    . Phys/VertexFit : All vertex fitters and the GeomDispCalculator.cpp
    . Phys/DaVinciTransporter : All transporters
    . Phys/DaVinciTools : Basically all high-level tools that are none
-        of the abvove, f.i. DecayFinder, PreDV, CheckOverlap...    
+        of the abvove, f.i. DecayFinder, PreDV, CheckOverlap...
    This split became necessary since DaVinciTools was become a huge monster
-   containing unrelated stuff (what do the TrackTypeFilterCriterion and the 
+   containing unrelated stuff (what do the TrackTypeFilterCriterion and the
    CombinedParticleMaker have in common?). Also DaVinciTools was evolving
-   with all versions of DaVinci. In the short term, I hope that most 
+   with all versions of DaVinci. In the short term, I hope that most
    developments will affect DaVinciFilter, while the other packages will
    be rather stable except for bug fixes.
 !========================== DaVinciTools v10r3 2004-08-23 ===================
 ! 2004-08-23 - Florence RANJARD
  - replace GaudiTools/ with GaudiAlg
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@
          declareProperty ( "UseLongTracks",     m_longTracks );
          declareProperty ( "UseDownstreamTracks", m_downstreamTracks );
          declareProperty ( "UseUpstreamTracks",      m_vttTracks );
-      For HLT      
+      For HLT
 !========================== DaVinciTools v9r6 2004-06-28 ===================
 ! 2004-06-18 - P. Koppenburg for Vanya Belyaev
@@ -734,7 +734,7 @@
   - src/ParticleMakerSeq.h
     . new
 Very simple particle maker which just a sequence of concrete particle
-makers. Being invoked this particle maker just execute all "dependent" 
+makers. Being invoked this particle maker just execute all "dependent"
 particle makers. The dependent particle makers can be either private
 or public. The last case can be used for some "standard" particle makers
 or avoid very long configuration lines, like
@@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ LongAlgorithmNameForPreselectionalgorithm.PhysDesktop.ParticleMakerSeq.PrivateMa
  = { "CombinedParticleMaker/TheFirstPublicMaker",
-     "NoPIDsParticleMaker/PionMaker" , 
+     "NoPIDsParticleMaker/PionMaker" ,
      "NoPIDsPArticleMaker/MuonMaker" };
 The MAIN advantage of this particle maker:
@@ -761,40 +761,40 @@ The MAIN advantage of this particle maker:
     in this approach.
 I guess that in sumamry one can get *SOME* simplification fo job-options
-file. (probably not for all cases) 
+file. (probably not for all cases)
 !========================= DaVinciTools v9r4 2004-05-05 ===================
 ! 2004-05-03 - P. Koppenburg for Gerhard Raven
  - */V0MakerAlg.*
  - src/ElectronParticleMaker_bbincl.*
-   . Obsolete -> removed 
+   . Obsolete -> removed
 !========================== DaVinciTools v9r3 2004-04-27 ==================
 ! 2004-04-22 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - src/PhotonFromMergedParticleMaker.cpp
  - src/PhotonFromMergedParticleMaker.h
-	     fix a problem with inproper release of PhotonParam tool 
+	     fix a problem with inproper release of PhotonParam tool
  - src/NoPIDsParticleMaker.cpp
  - src/NoPIDsParticleMaker.h
-       remove unnesessary location fo services and their release 
+       remove unnesessary location fo services and their release
 ! 2004-04-21 - Vanya Belyaev
   - src/PhotonParticleMaker.h,(.cpp)
-    updated version of PhotonParticleMaker from Frederic Machefert 
+    updated version of PhotonParticleMaker from Frederic Machefert
     which make use of his new "PhotonID" tool (the combined likelihood
     for single gammas). For default configuration the "CL" for
-    photons is a result of this estimator, other estimators are not used 
+    photons is a result of this estimator, other estimators are not used
     in evaluation of CL, but available for analysis.
-     (for future: one need to think how to include other 
-      information into CL and to provide CL normalization, 
-      "similar to charged") 
+     (for future: one need to think how to include other
+      information into CL and to provide CL normalization,
+      "similar to charged")
 !========================== DaVinciTools v9r0 2004-03-11 ==================
 ! 2004-02-11 - P. Koppenburg for Hugo Ruiz
  - src/CombinedParticleMaker.*
    . upstream -> downstream
  - src/PhotonParticleMaker.cpp
-   . New calo tools 
+   . New calo tools
  - src/NeutralParticleMaker.cpp
    . little backward compatible change preventing compilation against
      LHCb v15r0 ( CaloCellID() != operator does not exist )
@@ -806,19 +806,19 @@ file. (probably not for all cases)
 ! 2004-03-25 - P. Koppenburg for Sandra Amato
  - src/ParticleStuffer.*
-   . If the daughters of the particle to be stuffed is a resonance, do not 
+   . If the daughters of the particle to be stuffed is a resonance, do not
      transport it's parameters
    . Calculated the momentum position correlation matrix.
 !========================== DaVinciTools v8r4 2004-01-29 ==================
 ! 2004-01-14 - Gloria CORTI
  - ElectronParticleMaker.cpp, ElectronParticleMaker_bbincl.cpp
-       LinearTransporter.cpp, NoPIDsParticleMaker.cpp, 
+       LinearTransporter.cpp, NoPIDsParticleMaker.cpp,
        ParabolicTransporter.cpp, ParticleFilter.cpp, TrTransporter.cpp
-   . little fixes to remove warning messages (implicit typename, 
+   . little fixes to remove warning messages (implicit typename,
      passing double instead of int)
    . little fixes to remove warning messages (passing double instead of
-     int in HepMatrices)       
+     int in HepMatrices)
 !========================== DaVinciTools v8r2 2003-08-05 ==================
 ! 2003-08-05  - Gloria CORTI
@@ -832,14 +832,14 @@ file. (probably not for all cases)
      < UseVTTTracks > ( each one can be switched on/off independenly )
 ! 2003-07-23 - Gloria CORTI
- - src/ChargedParticleMaker.cpp 
+ - src/ChargedParticleMaker.cpp
-       MuonParticleMaker.cpp, 
+       MuonParticleMaker.cpp,
    . remove initialization of iterator = 0 to please gcc32
  - src/ElectronParticleMaker_bbincl.cpp
-       RichParticleMaker.cpp       
+       RichParticleMaker.cpp
    . remove initialization of iterator = 0 to please gcc32
    . set last argument of Hep(Sym)Matrix constructor as int (gcc32 warning)
@@ -866,12 +866,12 @@ file. (probably not for all cases)
 ! 2003-05-30 - Gloria Corti
  - src/CombinedParticleMaker.h, CombinedParticleMaker.cpp
-   . new tool to allow making charged particles from ProtoParticles 
-     choosing based on combination of delta log likelihood values 
+   . new tool to allow making charged particles from ProtoParticles
+     choosing based on combination of delta log likelihood values
      from various detectors techniques for a particular hypothesis
- - src/PMakerSelection.h 
-   . new class to hold conditions for selection for a particleID 
-     hypothesis.  
+ - src/PMakerSelection.h
+   . new class to hold conditions for selection for a particleID
+     hypothesis.
 - src/DaVinciTools_load.cpp
    . add new tool CombinedParticleMaker
 !========================== DaVinciTools v8r0 2003-05-01 ====================
@@ -891,29 +891,29 @@ file. (probably not for all cases)
    . New PhotonFromMergedParticleMaker.h/cpp to be used when
      making merged pi0 ( see MergedPi0Alg in Bd2PiPiPi0 )
    . New PhotonFromMergedParamaters.h/cpp and Interface is necessary
-     because the fact that there are 2 CaloHypothesis 
+     because the fact that there are 2 CaloHypothesis
      ("PhotonFromMergedPi0) for each ProtoParticle does not allow
      to use the existing PhotonParamaters tool for split photons.
  - Increase version number to v8r0
  - src/PhotonParticleMaker.cpp set default value for "UseAllPhotons"
-   property to "true" to have backwards compatible behaviour of the 
+   property to "true" to have backwards compatible behaviour of the
 ! 2003-04-08 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - src/PhotonParticleMaker.h,.cpp   
-      The Particle maker is updated to be able to produce 
+ - src/PhotonParticleMaker.h,.cpp
+      The Particle maker is updated to be able to produce
       separately converted and non-converted photons
       If "UseAllPhotons"  (bbolean)property is activated
-      the tool produces *all* (both converted and non-converted 
+      the tool produces *all* (both converted and non-converted
       photons). Otherwise only non-converted photons are produces.
-      The default value of this options is "false". 
- - src/CnvPhotonParticleMaker.h,.cpp   
-      new particle maker for converted photons (indeed it is just a   
+      The default value of this options is "false".
+ - src/CnvPhotonParticleMaker.h,.cpp
+      new particle maker for converted photons (indeed it is just a
       special consfiguration of PhotonParticleMaker).
       It always produces only converted photons, and this behaviour
       cannot be redefined through job-options.
- - src/DaVinciTools_load.cpp      
-      Declare CnvPhotonParticleMaker factory.  
+ - src/DaVinciTools_load.cpp
+      Declare CnvPhotonParticleMaker factory.
 !========================== DaVinciTools v7r3 2003-02-13 ====================
 ! 2003-02-12 - Gloria Corti
@@ -924,22 +924,22 @@ file. (probably not for all cases)
      != does not exist (PhotonParameters.cpp)
 ! 2003-01-22 - Ivan BELYAEV
- - DaVinciTools/IPhotonParams.h   new abstract interface for the 
-                                  (re)evaluation of photons parameters 
-                                  at photon production vertex 
+ - DaVinciTools/IPhotonParams.h   new abstract interface for the
+                                  (re)evaluation of photons parameters
+                                  at photon production vertex
  - src/PhotonParameters.h,.cpp    concrete implementation of IPhotonParams
-                                  abstract interface 
+                                  abstract interface
  - src/PhotonParticleMaker.h,.cpp new particle maker for photons.
                                   Only "normal" 1-cluster photons are considered.
-                                  Split photons from merged pi0s are ignored 
+                                  Split photons from merged pi0s are ignored
                                   in this version
  - src/DaVinciTools_load.h        add the factories for new tools
- - src/NeutralParticleMaker.cpp   put the guards against Merged pi0s 
+ - src/NeutralParticleMaker.cpp   put the guards against Merged pi0s
 !=========================== DaVinciTools v7r1 2002-12-20 ===================
 ! 2002-12-20 - Gloria Corti
- - Modified ParticleStuffer (S.Amato) to add transporting of daughter 
+ - Modified ParticleStuffer (S.Amato) to add transporting of daughter
    particles to vertex before combining their momentum parameters to
    obtain that of mother particle.
@@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ file. (probably not for all cases)
    daughters of resonaces are used.
 ! 2002-10-28 - Gloria Corti
- - Modify misleading comment in initialize of NeutralParticleMaker 
+ - Modify misleading comment in initialize of NeutralParticleMaker
 ! 2002-10-22 - Gloria Corti
@@ -971,8 +971,8 @@ file. (probably not for all cases)
    and correlation. Introduce ConfLevel = 0.0 for all neutral clusters,
    ConfLevel = 0.5 for coverted gammas, ConfLevel = 1.0 for non coverted
    gammas (F.Machefert)
- - Use CaloUtils v4r* and CaloInterfaces v2r* for changes in 
-	 NeutralParticleMaker 
+ - Use CaloUtils v4r* and CaloInterfaces v2r* for changes in
+	 NeutralParticleMaker
  - Introduce option "AllCompatible" in ChargedParticleMaker.cpp where
    all type of Particles are made starting from a ProtoParticle when
    the particleID Confidence Level is above specified value (i.e. if
@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ file. (probably not for all cases)
    on combined PID
 ! 2002-05-10 - Gloria Corti
-  - New tool category of tool IParticleMaker to which PhysDesktop 
+  - New tool category of tool IParticleMaker to which PhysDesktop
     delegates creations of Particles from different type of objects:
     one implementation AxParticleMaker making Particles from
     AxPartCandidates (Helder Lopes)
@@ -1017,8 +1017,7 @@ file. (probably not for all cases)
 ! ======================================================================
 ! 20020402 - DaVinciTools v3r0 (G.Corti)
     - DaVinciTools/IParticleStuffer.h (interface)
-      src/ParticleStuffer.h&cpp 
-          Tool to fill contents of a Particle class starting from info 
+      src/ParticleStuffer.h&cpp
+          Tool to fill contents of a Particle class starting from info
           provided by its end (decay) vertex
       author: Paul Colrain
diff --git a/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/FunctionalDiElectronMaker.cpp b/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/FunctionalDiElectronMaker.cpp
index 3fd8551fdcd3d6c12b366a3fd6a76b18e58a90f4..41eda18a7d6e1162e0433edc7adb22fc8eaf627c 100644
--- a/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/FunctionalDiElectronMaker.cpp
+++ b/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/FunctionalDiElectronMaker.cpp
@@ -54,32 +54,32 @@ private:
   bool hasBrem( LHCb::Particle const& el ) const;
   // properties
-  Gaudi::Property<float>       m_ptmin{this, "MinDiElecPT", 500 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_oppSign{this, "OppositeSign", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>       m_minM{this, "MinDiElecMass", 0. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>       m_maxM{this, "MaxDiElecMass", 200. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>       m_aFactor{this, "CombMassFactor", 1.5};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_pid{this, "DiElecID", "gamma"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>       m_maxdistpair{this, "DistMaxpair", 10 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+  Gaudi::Property<float>       m_ptmin{ this, "MinDiElecPT", 500 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_oppSign{ this, "OppositeSign", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>       m_minM{ this, "MinDiElecMass", 0. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>       m_maxM{ this, "MaxDiElecMass", 200. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>       m_aFactor{ this, "CombMassFactor", 1.5 };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_pid{ this, "DiElecID", "gamma" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>       m_maxdistpair{ this, "DistMaxpair", 10 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
   // Particle property information
   const LHCb::ParticleProperty*             m_particle_prop = nullptr;
-  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_particlePropertySvc{this, "ParticleProperty",
-                                                                  "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc"};
+  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_particlePropertySvc{ this, "ParticleProperty",
+                                                                   "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc" };
   // tools
-  ToolHandle<IParticleCombiner>    m_combiner{this, "ParticleCombiner", "ParticleVertexFitter"};
-  ToolHandle<ISelectiveBremAdder>  m_bremAdder{this, "BremAdder", "SelectiveBremAdder"};
-  ToolHandle<IParticleTransporter> m_transporter{this, "ParticleTransporter", "ParticleTransporter"};
+  ToolHandle<IParticleCombiner>    m_combiner{ this, "ParticleCombiner", "ParticleVertexFitter" };
+  ToolHandle<ISelectiveBremAdder>  m_bremAdder{ this, "BremAdder", "SelectiveBremAdder" };
+  ToolHandle<IParticleTransporter> m_transporter{ this, "ParticleTransporter", "ParticleTransporter" };
   // counters
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>         m_npassed{this, "# passed"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nBremCorr{this, "Corrected electron pairs"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nDiElec{this, "DiElectrons selected"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                 m_nCombFail{this, "Failed combinations"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                 m_nComb2Fail{this, "Failed combinations 2nd try"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                 m_nComb3Fail{this, "Failed combinations 3rd try"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING>  m_transFail{this, "Transporter returned failure"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>         m_npassed{ this, "# passed" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nBremCorr{ this, "Corrected electron pairs" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nDiElec{ this, "DiElectrons selected" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                 m_nCombFail{ this, "Failed combinations" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                 m_nComb2Fail{ this, "Failed combinations 2nd try" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                 m_nComb3Fail{ this, "Failed combinations 3rd try" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING>  m_transFail{ this, "Transporter returned failure" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( FunctionalDiElectronMaker )
@@ -87,12 +87,12 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( FunctionalDiElectronMaker )
 // Implementation
 FunctionalDiElectronMaker::FunctionalDiElectronMaker( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                        {KeyValue{"InputParticles", ""}, KeyValue{"PrimaryVertices", ""},
-                         KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
+                        { KeyValue{ "InputParticles", "" }, KeyValue{ "PrimaryVertices", "" },
+                          KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
-                            KeyValue{"Particles", ""},
-                            KeyValue{"OutputVertices", ""},
-                            KeyValue{"OutputChildren", ""},
+                            KeyValue{ "Particles", "" },
+                            KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", "" },
+                            KeyValue{ "OutputChildren", "" },
                         } ) {}
 StatusCode FunctionalDiElectronMaker::initialize() {
@@ -107,9 +107,9 @@ StatusCode FunctionalDiElectronMaker::initialize() {
   } );
-std::tuple<LHCb::Particles, LHCb::Vertices, LHCb::Particles> FunctionalDiElectronMaker::
-                                                             operator()( LHCb::Particle::Range const& electrons, LHCb::PrimaryVertices const& pvs,
-            DetectorElement const& lhcb ) const {
+std::tuple<LHCb::Particles, LHCb::Vertices, LHCb::Particles>
+FunctionalDiElectronMaker::operator()( LHCb::Particle::Range const& electrons, LHCb::PrimaryVertices const& pvs,
+                                       DetectorElement const& lhcb ) const {
   // output containers
   auto result                             = std::tuple<LHCb::Particles, LHCb::Vertices, LHCb::Particles>{};
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ std::tuple<LHCb::Particles, LHCb::Vertices, LHCb::Particles> FunctionalDiElectro
       // combine electrons
       auto diElec = std::make_unique<LHCb::Particle>( m_particle_prop->particleID() );
       auto vtx    = std::make_unique<LHCb::Vertex>();
-      auto combSc = m_combiner->combine( {e1.get(), e2.get()}, *diElec, *vtx, *lhcb.geometry() );
+      auto combSc = m_combiner->combine( { e1.get(), e2.get() }, *diElec, *vtx, *lhcb.geometry() );
       if ( combSc.isFailure() || ( diElec->p() < 0. ) ) {
         // add brem to original pair again changing order of e1 and e2
         // run combination again if e1 p is different in "normal" and "inverted" order
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ std::tuple<LHCb::Particles, LHCb::Vertices, LHCb::Particles> FunctionalDiElectro
         const bool b2 = m_bremAdder->addBrem2Pair( *e2, *e1 );
         // check new brem correction is different from previous
         if ( !b2 || LHCb::essentiallyEqual( mom1, e1->p() ) ) continue;
-        auto combSc2 = m_combiner->combine( {e1.get(), e2.get()}, *diElec, *vtx, *lhcb.geometry() );
+        auto combSc2 = m_combiner->combine( { e1.get(), e2.get() }, *diElec, *vtx, *lhcb.geometry() );
         if ( combSc2.isFailure() || ( diElec->p() < 0. ) ) {
           if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) debug() << "Error in 2nd vertex fit try" << endmsg;
diff --git a/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/FunctionalParticleMaker.cpp b/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/FunctionalParticleMaker.cpp
index 480557d653b0f1ca846438604730800d1c3c146c..d29af513b5da20e258fc480be3057beb27ba97b6 100644
--- a/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/FunctionalParticleMaker.cpp
+++ b/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/FunctionalParticleMaker.cpp
@@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ private:
                                                    const LHCb::ParticleProperty* property,
                                                    LHCb::PrimaryVertices const&  pvs ) const;
-  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_particlePropertySvc{this, "ParticleProperty",
-                                                                  "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc"};
+  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_particlePropertySvc{ this, "ParticleProperty",
+                                                                   "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc" };
   /// Tool for filling the particle's kinematics from a given state
-  ToolHandle<IParticle2State> m_particle_from_state_tool = {this, "Particle2StateTool", "Particle2State"};
+  ToolHandle<IParticle2State> m_particle_from_state_tool = { this, "Particle2StateTool", "Particle2State" };
   /// Particle property information for matter particles to be created
   const LHCb::ParticleProperty* m_particle_prop = nullptr;
@@ -86,33 +86,33 @@ private:
   const double m_CL = 50 * Gaudi::Units::perCent;
   void                         decode_particle_id();
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_particleid{this, "ParticleID", "UNDEFINED",
-                                            [this]( auto& ) {
-                                              if ( this->FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) return;
-                                              this->decode_particle_id();
-                                            },
-                                            "Particle species hypothesis to apply to each created object."};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_particleid{ this, "ParticleID", "UNDEFINED",
+                                             [this]( auto& ) {
+                                               if ( this->FSMState() < Gaudi::StateMachine::INITIALIZED ) return;
+                                               this->decode_particle_id();
+                                             },
+                                             "Particle species hypothesis to apply to each created object." };
   /// Number of events passed
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_npassed{this, "# passed"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_npassed{ this, "# passed" };
   /// Number of created LHCb::Particle objects with particle IDs
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nparticles{this, "Nb created particles"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nparticles{ this, "Nb created particles" };
   /// Number of created LHCb::Particle objects with antiparticle IDs
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nantiparticles{this, "Nb created anti-particles"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nantiparticles{ this, "Nb created anti-particles" };
   /// Number of protoparticles passing the protoparticle filter
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_npassed_proto_filter{this, "# passed ProtoParticle filter"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_npassed_proto_filter{ this, "# passed ProtoParticle filter" };
   /// Number of tracks passing the track filter
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_npassed_track_filter{this, "# passed Track filter"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_npassed_track_filter{ this, "# passed Track filter" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_part_with_no_track{
-      this, "Charged ProtoParticle with no Track found. Ignoring"};
+      this, "Charged ProtoParticle with no Track found. Ignoring" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_part_with_empty_state{
-      this, "Track has empty states. This is likely to be a bug"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_fail_to_fill_from_state{this,
-                                                                                  "Failed to fill Particle from State"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_fail_to_fill{this, "Failed to fill Particle, rejecting"};
+      this, "Track has empty states. This is likely to be a bug" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_fail_to_fill_from_state{
+      this, "Failed to fill Particle from State" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_fail_to_fill{ this, "Failed to fill Particle, rejecting" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_state{
-      this, "Found no state at ClosestToBeam or at FirstMeasurement for track. Using first state instead"};
+      this, "Found no state at ClosestToBeam or at FirstMeasurement for track. Using first state instead" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( FunctionalParticleMaker )
@@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( FunctionalParticleMaker )
 void FunctionalParticleMaker::decode_particle_id() {
   const std::map<std::string, std::string> id_to_descriptor = {
-      {"pion", "pi+"},      {"kaon", "K+"},           {"muon", "mu+"},    {"electron", "e+"},
-      {"proton", "p+"},     {"deuteron", "deuteron"}, {"helium3", "He3"}, {"helium4", "alpha"},
-      {"sigmap", "Sigma+"}, {"sigmam", "Sigma-"},     {"xim", "Xi-"},     {"omegam", "Omega-"}};
+      { "pion", "pi+" },      { "kaon", "K+" },           { "muon", "mu+" },    { "electron", "e+" },
+      { "proton", "p+" },     { "deuteron", "deuteron" }, { "helium3", "He3" }, { "helium4", "alpha" },
+      { "sigmap", "Sigma+" }, { "sigmam", "Sigma-" },     { "xim", "Xi-" },     { "omegam", "Omega-" } };
   const auto result = id_to_descriptor.find( m_particleid.value() );
   if ( result == id_to_descriptor.end() ) {
     throw GaudiException( "Unknown ParticleID value: " + m_particleid.value(), "FunctionalParticleMaker::initialize",
@@ -139,10 +139,10 @@ void FunctionalParticleMaker::decode_particle_id() {
 FunctionalParticleMaker::FunctionalParticleMaker( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : with_functors(
-          name, pSvcLocator,
-          {KeyValue{"InputProtoParticles", LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Charged}, KeyValue{"PrimaryVertices", ""}},
-          {KeyValue{"Particles", ""}} ) {}
+    : with_functors( name, pSvcLocator,
+                     { KeyValue{ "InputProtoParticles", LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Charged },
+                       KeyValue{ "PrimaryVertices", "" } },
+                     { KeyValue{ "Particles", "" } } ) {}
 StatusCode FunctionalParticleMaker::initialize() {
   return with_functors::initialize().andThen( [&] { decode_particle_id(); } );
diff --git a/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/NeutralMakers.cpp b/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/NeutralMakers.cpp
index ff039bd601ab4075ee98b0218f0588490ef448b4..b015712d18219a86fe24714ffa69cc496a9b2f4c 100644
--- a/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/NeutralMakers.cpp
+++ b/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/NeutralMakers.cpp
@@ -99,16 +99,16 @@ namespace {
   std::optional<int> ClusterCode( const LHCb::ProtoParticle& proto, ClusterCodes type );
   ClusterCodes       to_ClusterCodes( std::string_view type );
   std::map<ClusterCodes, std::pair<double, double>>
-                 ClusterCodeToEnum( std::map<std::string, std::pair<double, double>> const& clusterMasks, std::string const& AlgName );
+  ClusterCodeToEnum( std::map<std::string, std::pair<double, double>> const& clusterMasks, std::string const& AlgName );
   double         confLevelPhoton( const LHCb::ProtoParticle& proto );
   double         confLevelMergedPi0( const LHCb::ProtoParticle& proto );
   LHCb::Particle make_neutral( LHCb::Calo::Momentum& momentum );
   template <typename PVRange>
   auto highestMultPV( PVRange const& PVs ) {
-    const LHCb::VertexBase* bestpv{nullptr};
+    const LHCb::VertexBase* bestpv{ nullptr };
     auto                    it = std::max_element( PVs.begin(), PVs.end(),
-                                []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->nDoF() < rhs->nDoF(); } );
+                                                   []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->nDoF() < rhs->nDoF(); } );
     if ( it != PVs.end() ) bestpv = LHCb::PrimaryVertexUtils::to_pointer( *it );
     return bestpv;
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ namespace {
   inline auto toPoint( const LHCb::VertexBase* vertex ) {
-    return vertex ? XYZPointWithCov{vertex->position(), vertex->covMatrix()} : XYZPointWithCov{};
+    return vertex ? XYZPointWithCov{ vertex->position(), vertex->covMatrix() } : XYZPointWithCov{};
   // ====================
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ namespace {
     // Go through the map and convert strings to ClusterCodes
     for ( const auto& [type, window] : clusterMasks ) {
       auto cc = to_ClusterCodes( type );
-      clusterMasks_enum.insert( {cc, window} );
+      clusterMasks_enum.insert( { cc, window } );
       if ( cc == ClusterCodes::None ) Warning( AlgName.c_str(), "Unknown ClusterCode mask '%s'", type.c_str() );
     return clusterMasks_enum;
@@ -215,14 +215,14 @@ namespace LHCb::Phys::ParticleMakers {
     // ParticleProperty
     ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_particlePropertySvc{
-        this, "ParticlePropertySvc", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc", "To get neutral particle properties"};
+        this, "ParticlePropertySvc", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc", "To get neutral particle properties" };
     const LHCb::ParticleProperty* m_partProp;
     // Map using enum
     std::map<ClusterCodes, std::pair<double, double>> m_clusterMasks_enum;
     // Gaudi properties
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_setPV{this, "FirstPVasOrigin", false};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_setPV{ this, "FirstPVasOrigin", false };
     // Map of cluster masks (no mask by default)
     Gaudi::Property<std::map<std::string, std::pair<double, double>>> m_clusterMasks{
@@ -231,27 +231,28 @@ namespace LHCb::Phys::ParticleMakers {
         [this]( const auto& ) {
           this->m_clusterMasks_enum = ClusterCodeToEnum( this->m_clusterMasks.value(), name() );
-        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}};
+        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } };
     // Id (string) of the particle
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_part{this, "Particle", "gamma"};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_part{ this, "Particle", "gamma" };
     // Filters
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_clCut{this, "ConfLevelCut", -99};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_ptCut{this, "PtCut", 150.0};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_clCut{ this, "ConfLevelCut", -99 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_ptCut{ this, "PtCut", 150.0 };
     // Counters
     // Total of CL
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<double> m_confidenceLevelCounter{this, "Confidence Level"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<double> m_confidenceLevelCounter{ this, "Confidence Level" };
     // Total and selected photons
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_PhotonsNPassed{this, "# passed"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>         m_PhotonsCounter{this, "Created photons"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>     m_SelPhotonsCounter{this, "Selected photons"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>         m_SkipPhotonsCounter{this, "Skipped photons"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_PhotonsNPassed{ this, "# passed" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>         m_PhotonsCounter{ this, "Created photons" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>     m_SelPhotonsCounter{ this, "Selected photons" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>         m_SkipPhotonsCounter{ this, "Skipped photons" };
     // Count Errors
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_invalid_calomom{this, "Invalid CaloMomentum status"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_invalid_energy{this, "Negative energies are not allowed"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_not_neutral{this, "Track(s) found. Particle must be neutral"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_empty_hypotheses{this, "No hypotheses found"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_null_calohypo{this, "CaloHypos point to null"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_invalid_calomom{ this, "Invalid CaloMomentum status" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_invalid_energy{ this, "Negative energies are not allowed" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_not_neutral{ this,
+                                                                       "Track(s) found. Particle must be neutral" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_empty_hypotheses{ this, "No hypotheses found" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_null_calohypo{ this, "CaloHypos point to null" };
     // ====================
     // List of functions
@@ -275,9 +276,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Phys::ParticleMakers {
   DECLARE_COMPONENT( LHCb::Phys::ParticleMakers::PhotonMaker )
   PhotonMaker::PhotonMaker( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"InputProtoParticles", LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Neutrals},
-                      KeyValue{"InputPrimaryVertices", DefaultPrimaryVertexLocation}},
-                     {KeyValue{"Particles", ""}} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "InputProtoParticles", LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Neutrals },
+                       KeyValue{ "InputPrimaryVertices", DefaultPrimaryVertexLocation } },
+                     { KeyValue{ "Particles", "" } } ) {}
   // ===============================
   // Initialize algorithm
@@ -437,14 +438,14 @@ namespace LHCb::Phys::ParticleMakers {
     // ParticleProperty
     ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_particlePropertySvc{
-        this, "ParticlePropertySvc", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc", "To get neutral particle properties"};
+        this, "ParticlePropertySvc", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc", "To get neutral particle properties" };
     const LHCb::ParticleProperty* m_partProp;
     // Map using enum
     std::map<ClusterCodes, std::pair<double, double>> m_clusterMasks_enum;
     // Gaudi properties
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_setPV{this, "FirstPVasOrigin", false};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_setPV{ this, "FirstPVasOrigin", false };
     // Map of cluster masks (no mask by default)
     Gaudi::Property<std::map<std::string, std::pair<double, double>>> m_clusterMasks{
@@ -453,31 +454,32 @@ namespace LHCb::Phys::ParticleMakers {
         [this]( const auto& ) {
           this->m_clusterMasks_enum = ClusterCodeToEnum( this->m_clusterMasks.value(), name() );
-        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}};
+        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } };
     // Id (string) of the particle
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_part{this, "Particle", "pi0"};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_part{ this, "Particle", "pi0" };
     // Filters
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_clCut{this, "ConfLevelCut", -99};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_ptCut{this, "PtCut", 150.0};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_gPtCut{this, "GammaPtCut", 0. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_ggDistCut{this, "GammaGammaDistCut", 2.8};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_chi2Cut{this, "Chi2Cut", 1.};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_MassWin{this, "MassWindow", 30. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_clCut{ this, "ConfLevelCut", -99 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_ptCut{ this, "PtCut", 150.0 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_gPtCut{ this, "GammaPtCut", 0. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_ggDistCut{ this, "GammaGammaDistCut", 2.8 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_chi2Cut{ this, "Chi2Cut", 1. };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_MassWin{ this, "MassWindow", 30. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
     // Counters
     // Total of CL
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<double> m_confidenceLevelCounter_pi0{this, "Confidence Level pi0s"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<double> m_confidenceLevelCounter_pi0{ this, "Confidence Level pi0s" };
     // Total and selected pi0s
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_Pi0sNPassed{this, "# passed"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>         m_Pi0sCounter{this, "Created pi0s"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>     m_SelPi0sCounter{this, "Selected pi0s"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>         m_SkipPi0sCounter{this, "Skipped pi0s"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_Pi0sNPassed{ this, "# passed" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>         m_Pi0sCounter{ this, "Created pi0s" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>     m_SelPi0sCounter{ this, "Selected pi0s" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>         m_SkipPi0sCounter{ this, "Skipped pi0s" };
     // Count Errors
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_invalid_calomom{this, "Invalid CaloMomentum status"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_not_neutral{this, "Track(s) found. Particle must be neutral"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_empty_hypotheses{this, "No hypotheses found"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_null_caloposition{this, "CaloPosition point to null"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_null_calohypo{this, "CaloHypos point to null"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_invalid_calomom{ this, "Invalid CaloMomentum status" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_not_neutral{ this,
+                                                                       "Track(s) found. Particle must be neutral" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_empty_hypotheses{ this, "No hypotheses found" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_null_caloposition{ this, "CaloPosition point to null" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_null_calohypo{ this, "CaloHypos point to null" };
     // ====================
     // List of functions
@@ -502,10 +504,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Phys::ParticleMakers {
   DECLARE_COMPONENT( LHCb::Phys::ParticleMakers::MergedPi0Maker )
   MergedPi0Maker::MergedPi0Maker( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"InputProtoParticles", LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Neutrals},
-                      KeyValue{"InputPrimaryVertices", DefaultPrimaryVertexLocation},
-                      KeyValue{"DECalorimeter", DeCalorimeterLocation::Ecal}},
-                     {KeyValue{"Particles", ""}} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "InputProtoParticles", LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Neutrals },
+                       KeyValue{ "InputPrimaryVertices", DefaultPrimaryVertexLocation },
+                       KeyValue{ "DECalorimeter", DeCalorimeterLocation::Ecal } },
+                     { KeyValue{ "Particles", "" } } ) {}
   // ====================
   // Initialize algorithm
@@ -619,7 +621,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Phys::ParticleMakers {
     double                       zpos     = DECalo.cellZ( cellID );
     double                       epi0     = pi0Momentum.e();
     double                       dmin     = ( epi0 * CellSize > 0 ) ? zpos * 2. * m_partProp->mass() / epi0 / CellSize
-                                          : +9999.; // rare FPE ( hypo outside Calo acceptance ?)
+                                                                    : +9999.; // rare FPE ( hypo outside Calo acceptance ?)
     if ( m_ggDistCut < dmin ) return {};
     // ---- apply CL filter (must be after pT cut to match neutralID definition range)
diff --git a/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticleMakerForParticleFlow.cpp b/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticleMakerForParticleFlow.cpp
index 994106b2ac5bbf8fbf2e0f23a6238a0dd81f0dcc..56be815c2e72cc0d5d4e5545ddcea53cec32e994 100644
--- a/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticleMakerForParticleFlow.cpp
+++ b/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticleMakerForParticleFlow.cpp
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 namespace Pid {
   enum class Key { e, mu, pi, K, p };
-  inline constexpr auto keys = {Key::e, Key::mu, Key::pi, Key::K, Key::p};
+  inline constexpr auto keys = { Key::e, Key::mu, Key::pi, Key::K, Key::p };
   int pidCode( Key pid ) {
     switch ( pid ) {
@@ -115,14 +115,14 @@ private:
   bool fill_particle( const LHCb::ProtoParticle* proto, const LHCb::ParticleProperty* property,
                       LHCb::Particle& particle ) const;
-  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_particlePropertySvc{this, "ParticleProperty", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc",
-                                                                  "Particle property service"};
+  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_particlePropertySvc{
+      this, "ParticleProperty", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc", "Particle property service" };
   /// Tool for filling the particle's kinematics from a given state
-  ToolHandle<IParticle2State> m_particle_from_state_tool = {this, "Particle2StateTool", "Particle2State"};
+  ToolHandle<IParticle2State> m_particle_from_state_tool = { this, "Particle2StateTool", "Particle2State" };
   /// Apply high momentum trackcut if cut>0
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_c_over_e_cut{this, "c_over_e_cut", 0., "Cut on qOverP()/sqrt( sta.errQOverP2()"};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_c_over_e_cut{ this, "c_over_e_cut", 0., "Cut on qOverP()/sqrt( sta.errQOverP2()" };
   /// Particle property information for matter particles to be created
   Pid::Array<const LHCb::ParticleProperty*> m_particle_prop;
@@ -130,46 +130,46 @@ private:
   Pid::Array<const LHCb::ParticleProperty*> m_antiparticle_prop;
   /// Number of input protoparticles
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_ninput_proto{this, "01: # input ProtoParticle"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_ninput_proto{ this, "01: # input ProtoParticle" };
   /// Number of created LHCb::Particle objects with particle IDs
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nparticles{this, "04: # created particles"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nparticles{ this, "04: # created particles" };
   /// Number of created LHCb::Particle objects with antiparticle IDs
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nantiparticles{this, "05: # created anti-particles"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nantiparticles{ this, "05: # created anti-particles" };
   /// Number of protoparticles passing the protoparticle filter
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_npassed_proto_filter{this, "03: # passed ProtoParticle filter"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_npassed_proto_filter{ this, "03: # passed ProtoParticle filter" };
   /// Number of tracks passing the track filter
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_npassed_track_filter{this, "02: # passed Track filter"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_npassed_track_filter{ this, "02: # passed Track filter" };
   /// Number of tracks passing the qOverP()/sqrt( sta.errQOverP2() cut
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_npassed_c_over_e_filter{this, "06: # passed c/e filter"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_npassed_c_over_e_filter{ this, "06: # passed c/e filter" };
   /// Counters by pid
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_npions{this, "06: #pions"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nkaons{this, "07: #kaons"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nmuons{this, "08: #muons"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nelectrons{this, "09: #electrons"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nprotons{this, "10: #protons"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_npions{ this, "06: #pions" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nkaons{ this, "07: #kaons" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nmuons{ this, "08: #muons" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nelectrons{ this, "09: #electrons" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nprotons{ this, "10: #protons" };
   /// Counter of high p tracks
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nHighP{this, "11: #High P tracks"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nHighP{ this, "11: #High P tracks" };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_failed_to_fill{this, "Failed to fill Particle from State"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_failed_to_fill{ this, "Failed to fill Particle from State" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_track_state{
-      this, "Found no state at ClosestToBeam or at FirstMeasurement for track. Using first state instead"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_failed_to_fill_particle{this,
-                                                                                  "Failed to fill Particle, rejecting"};
+      this, "Found no state at ClosestToBeam or at FirstMeasurement for track. Using first state instead" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_failed_to_fill_particle{
+      this, "Failed to fill Particle, rejecting" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_failed_proto_no_track{
-      this, "Charged ProtoParticle with no Track found. Ignoring."};
+      this, "Charged ProtoParticle with no Track found. Ignoring." };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_failed_track_no_states{
-      this, "Track has empty states. This is likely to be bug"};
+      this, "Track has empty states. This is likely to be bug" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( ParticleMakerForParticleFlow )
 ParticleMakerForParticleFlow::ParticleMakerForParticleFlow( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : with_functors( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"InputProtoParticles", LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Charged},
-                      KeyValue{"PrimaryVertices", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation}},
-                     {KeyValue{"Output", "Phys/ParticleMakerForParticleFlow/Particles"}} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "InputProtoParticles", LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Charged },
+                       KeyValue{ "PrimaryVertices", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation } },
+                     { KeyValue{ "Output", "Phys/ParticleMakerForParticleFlow/Particles" } } ) {}
 StatusCode ParticleMakerForParticleFlow::initialize() {
   return with_functors::initialize().andThen( [&] {
@@ -252,9 +252,9 @@ LHCb::Particles ParticleMakerForParticleFlow::operator()( LHCb::ProtoParticle::R
     // Get the (anti)particle property corresponding to the charge we have
     const LHCb::ParticleProperty* prop =
-        ( proto->charge() == (int)std::round( best_part_prop->charge() )
-              ? best_part_prop
-              : proto->charge() == (int)std::round( best_antipart_prop->charge() ) ? best_antipart_prop : nullptr );
+        ( proto->charge() == (int)std::round( best_part_prop->charge() )       ? best_part_prop
+          : proto->charge() == (int)std::round( best_antipart_prop->charge() ) ? best_antipart_prop
+                                                                               : nullptr );
     // Fill the particle information
     auto particle = std::make_unique<LHCb::Particle>();
diff --git a/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticleMassDTFMonitor.cpp b/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticleMassDTFMonitor.cpp
index 6871c2b92d1b187cf3981c9438725cb1f315e6a2..0065c8e565d37ad227977928112ab636ed31eb09 100644
--- a/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticleMassDTFMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticleMassDTFMonitor.cpp
@@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ class ParticleMassDTFMonitor : public base_type {
   ParticleMassDTFMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : base_type{name,
-                  pSvcLocator,
-                  {KeyValue{"Particles", ""}, KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}}} {}
+      : base_type{ name,
+                   pSvcLocator,
+                   { KeyValue{ "Particles", "" }, KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } } } {}
   StatusCode initialize() override {
     return base_type::initialize().andThen( [&] {
       m_histo.emplace( this, m_histoName, m_histoName,
-                       Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis<double>{m_bins, m_mean - 20 * m_sigma, m_mean + 20 * m_sigma} );
+                       Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis<double>{ m_bins, m_mean - 20 * m_sigma, m_mean + 20 * m_sigma } );
     } );
@@ -70,23 +70,23 @@ public:
   // properties
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>             m_bins{this, "Bins", 20};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>                    m_mean{this, "MassMean", 5279.65 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>                    m_sigma{this, "MassSigma", 50 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string>              m_histoName{this, "histoName", "Invariant Mass"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>                     m_usedtf{this, "UseDTF", true, "Use DecayTreeFitter"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_mass_constraints{this, "MassConstraints"};
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>             m_bins{ this, "Bins", 20 };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>                    m_mean{ this, "MassMean", 5279.65 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>                    m_sigma{ this, "MassSigma", 50 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string>              m_histoName{ this, "histoName", "Invariant Mass" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>                     m_usedtf{ this, "UseDTF", true, "Use DecayTreeFitter" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_mass_constraints{ this, "MassConstraints" };
   // counters
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<double> m_mass{this, "Candidate mass"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>           m_n1sigma{this, "Candidates in 1 sigma"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>           m_ndtf{this, "Candidates with succesful DTF fit"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<double> m_mass{ this, "Candidate mass" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>           m_n1sigma{ this, "Candidates in 1 sigma" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>           m_ndtf{ this, "Candidates with succesful DTF fit" };
   // histograms
   mutable std::optional<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>> m_histo{};
   // property service
-  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_particlePropertySvc{this, "ParticleProperty",
-                                                                  "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc"};
+  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_particlePropertySvc{ this, "ParticleProperty",
+                                                                   "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc" };
   // tools
-  ToolHandle<ITrackStateProvider> m_stateprovider{this, "StateProvider", "TrackStateProvider"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackStateProvider> m_stateprovider{ this, "StateProvider", "TrackStateProvider" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( ParticleMassDTFMonitor )
diff --git a/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticleMassMonitor.cpp b/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticleMassMonitor.cpp
index aa824056b48d106620c4b22b4d0a55eeb28b3b76..6680e1b23d968872aafa2e4d0165776e75484204 100644
--- a/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticleMassMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticleMassMonitor.cpp
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class ParticleMassMonitor
   ParticleMassMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"Particles", ""}} ) {}
+      : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "Particles", "" } } ) {}
   StatusCode initialize() override {
     return Consumer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
@@ -58,23 +58,23 @@ public:
   // Histogram settings. Default values are the standard ones for D0 -> KPi candidates
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_bins{this, "Bins", 100};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_pdiff_bins{this, "PdiffBins", 20};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_mass{this, "MassMean", 1864.84 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_sigma{this, "MassSigma", 18 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_minpt{this, "MinPt", 800 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_maxpt{this, "MaxPt", 5000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_minp{this, "MinP", 2000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_maxp{this, "MaxP", 150000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_pdiff_range{this, "PdiffDelta", 40000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_bins{ this, "Bins", 100 };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_pdiff_bins{ this, "PdiffBins", 20 };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_mass{ this, "MassMean", 1864.84 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_sigma{ this, "MassSigma", 18 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_minpt{ this, "MinPt", 800 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_maxpt{ this, "MaxPt", 5000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_minp{ this, "MinP", 2000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_maxp{ this, "MaxP", 150000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_pdiff_range{ this, "PdiffDelta", 40000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
   // Vector with the name of the particles in the same order as in the particle combiner
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_particles{this, "ParticleType", {"D0", "Pi", "K"}};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_particles{ this, "ParticleType", { "D0", "Pi", "K" } };
   // Flag for tuple generation
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_generateTuples{this, "GenerateTuples", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_generateTuples{ this, "GenerateTuples", false };
   // counters
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_n1sigma{this, "Candidates in 1 sigma"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_n1sigma{ this, "Candidates in 1 sigma" };
   // Definition of histograms
   struct HistoMomentum {
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ private:
     HistoMomentum( const ParticleMassMonitor* owner, unsigned int const& bins, std::string const& name,
                    float const& min_pt, float const& max_pt, float const& min_p, float const& max_p )
-        : CandidatePt{owner, name + "_Pt", name + "_Pt", {bins, min_pt, max_pt, "pt [MeV/c]"}}
-        , CandidateMom{owner, name + "_P", name + "_P", {bins, min_p, max_p, "p [MeV/c]"}} {}
+        : CandidatePt{ owner, name + "_Pt", name + "_Pt", { bins, min_pt, max_pt, "pt [MeV/c]" } }
+        , CandidateMom{ owner, name + "_P", name + "_P", { bins, min_p, max_p, "p [MeV/c]" } } {}
   struct HistoMass {
@@ -96,22 +96,24 @@ private:
     HistoMass( const ParticleMassMonitor* owner, unsigned int const& bins, unsigned int const& bins_pdiff,
                std::string const& name, float const& mass, float const& sigma, float const& min_pt, float const& max_pt,
                float const& min_p, float const& max_p, float const& range_pdiff )
-        : CandidateMass{owner,
-                        name + "_mass",
-                        name + " mass",
-                        {bins, mass - 5 * sigma, mass + 5 * sigma, "m [MeV/c^{2}]"}}
-        , MassvsPt{owner,
-                   name + "_MassvsPt",
-                   name + " mass vs pt",
-                   {{bins, min_pt, max_pt, "pt [MeV/c]"}, {bins, mass - 5 * sigma, mass + 5 * sigma, "m [MeV/c^{2}]"}}}
-        , MassvsP{owner,
-                  name + "_MassvsP",
-                  name + " mass vs p",
-                  {{bins, min_p, max_p, "p [MeV/c]"}, {bins, mass - 5 * sigma, mass + 5 * sigma, "m [MeV/c^{2}]"}}}
-        , MassvsPdiff{owner,
-                      name + "_MassvsPdiff",
-                      fmt::format( "m({}) - {:.2f} MeV/c^{{2}} vs daughter p difference", name, mass ),
-                      {bins_pdiff, -range_pdiff, range_pdiff, "Daughter p_{+} - p_{-} [GeV/c]"}} {}
+        : CandidateMass{ owner,
+                         name + "_mass",
+                         name + " mass",
+                         { bins, mass - 5 * sigma, mass + 5 * sigma, "m [MeV/c^{2}]" } }
+        , MassvsPt{ owner,
+                    name + "_MassvsPt",
+                    name + " mass vs pt",
+                    { { bins, min_pt, max_pt, "pt [MeV/c]" },
+                      { bins, mass - 5 * sigma, mass + 5 * sigma, "m [MeV/c^{2}]" } } }
+        , MassvsP{ owner,
+                   name + "_MassvsP",
+                   name + " mass vs p",
+                   { { bins, min_p, max_p, "p [MeV/c]" },
+                     { bins, mass - 5 * sigma, mass + 5 * sigma, "m [MeV/c^{2}]" } } }
+        , MassvsPdiff{ owner,
+                       name + "_MassvsPdiff",
+                       fmt::format( "m({}) - {:.2f} MeV/c^{{2}} vs daughter p difference", name, mass ),
+                       { bins_pdiff, -range_pdiff, range_pdiff, "Daughter p_{+} - p_{-} [GeV/c]" } } {}
   // Histogram objects are stored inside of maps
@@ -142,8 +144,8 @@ void ParticleMassMonitor::operator()( LHCb::Particle::Range const& particles ) c
     if ( std::abs( m_mass - m ) / m_sigma < 1 ) b_1sig++;
-    ++mass_histo.MassvsPt[{pt, m}];
-    ++mass_histo.MassvsP[{mom, m}];
+    ++mass_histo.MassvsPt[{ pt, m }];
+    ++mass_histo.MassvsP[{ mom, m }];
     if ( m_particles.size() == 3 ) {
       mass_histo.MassvsPdiff[mom_difference / Gaudi::Units::GeV] += m - m_mass; // Momentum in GeV for this plot
@@ -191,4 +193,4 @@ double ParticleMassMonitor::calculate_momentum_difference( const LHCb::Particle&
   const double p2        = particle2.p();
   const double p_diff    = ( charge_p1 > 0 && charge_p2 < 0 ) ? p1 - p2 : p2 - p1;
   return p_diff;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticleWithBremMaker.cpp b/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticleWithBremMaker.cpp
index 49ef379a9bf204e97c622993e2dbc12e1cdeb1e7..203bb2c9bdf13fffa74af90fb248247878ac8ec6 100644
--- a/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticleWithBremMaker.cpp
+++ b/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticleWithBremMaker.cpp
@@ -40,19 +40,19 @@ public:
   /// Tool to add brem
-  ToolHandle<ISelectiveBremAdder> m_bremAdder{this, "BremAdder", "SelectiveBremAdder"};
+  ToolHandle<ISelectiveBremAdder> m_bremAdder{ this, "BremAdder", "SelectiveBremAdder" };
   /// Number of created LHCb::Particle objects
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nbrem{
-      this, "Nb of particles corrected with brem (including those without change)"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_hasBrem{this, "Input particle has already brem added"};
+      this, "Nb of particles corrected with brem (including those without change)" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_hasBrem{ this, "Input particle has already brem added" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( ParticleWithBremMaker )
 // Implementation
 ParticleWithBremMaker::ParticleWithBremMaker( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"InputParticles", ""}}, {KeyValue{"Particles", ""}} ) {}
+    : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "InputParticles", "" } }, { KeyValue{ "Particles", "" } } ) {}
 LHCb::Particles ParticleWithBremMaker::operator()( LHCb::Particle::Range const& inparts ) const {
diff --git a/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticleWithHeavyFlavourTrackMaker.cpp b/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticleWithHeavyFlavourTrackMaker.cpp
index 12a539675a40a86806531ebc8bb60794e26f8e74..cddbb069de7618d6d644892da6e25c0c2bfef7bb 100644
--- a/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticleWithHeavyFlavourTrackMaker.cpp
+++ b/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticleWithHeavyFlavourTrackMaker.cpp
@@ -35,15 +35,15 @@ public:
   // properties
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_pid{this, "ParticleID", "B+"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_pid{ this, "ParticleID", "B+" };
   // particle property information
   LHCb::ParticleProperty const* m_partprop     = nullptr;
   LHCb::ParticleProperty const* m_antipartprop = nullptr;
   // services
-  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_particlePropertySvc{this, "ParticleProperty",
-                                                                  "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc"};
+  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_particlePropertySvc{ this, "ParticleProperty",
+                                                                   "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc" };
 // include also algorithm to decode Particle into relation table again (for use in functors etc..)
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ class HeavyFlavourTrackRelationTableMaker
     : public LHCb::Algorithm::MultiTransformer<InvertedOutput( LHCb::Particle::Range const& )> {
   HeavyFlavourTrackRelationTableMaker( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"ParticlesWithHeavyFlavourTracks", ""}},
-                          {KeyValue{"OutputTable", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputComposites", ""}} ){};
+      : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "ParticlesWithHeavyFlavourTracks", "" } },
+                          { KeyValue{ "OutputTable", "" }, KeyValue{ "OutputComposites", "" } } ){};
   InvertedOutput operator()( LHCb::Particle::Range const& particles ) const override {
     auto result               = InvertedOutput{};
@@ -74,8 +74,9 @@ public:
 ParticleWithHeavyFlavourTrackMaker::ParticleWithHeavyFlavourTrackMaker( const std::string& name,
                                                                         ISvcLocator*       pSvcLocator )
-    : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"InputComposites", ""}, KeyValue{"Composite2TrackRelations", ""}},
-                        {KeyValue{"OutputParticles", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputProtoParticles", ""}} ) {}
+    : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator,
+                        { KeyValue{ "InputComposites", "" }, KeyValue{ "Composite2TrackRelations", "" } },
+                        { KeyValue{ "OutputParticles", "" }, KeyValue{ "OutputProtoParticles", "" } } ) {}
 StatusCode ParticleWithHeavyFlavourTrackMaker::initialize() {
   return MultiTransformer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
diff --git a/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticlesEmptyProducer.cpp b/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticlesEmptyProducer.cpp
index 90cae1e59b5ffcddc907e57fbc9abeab2fb659df..22e0086cc7270766e509ff7aa2d412a80475fc45 100644
--- a/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticlesEmptyProducer.cpp
+++ b/Phys/ParticleMaker/src/ParticlesEmptyProducer.cpp
@@ -16,4 +16,4 @@
  * @brief dummy producer of an empty container of particles
-DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( EmptyProducer<LHCb::Particles>, "ParticlesEmptyProducer" )
\ No newline at end of file
+DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( EmptyProducer<LHCb::Particles>, "ParticlesEmptyProducer" )
diff --git a/Phys/ParticleMatching/src/KSVelo2LongEfficiencyMonitor.cpp b/Phys/ParticleMatching/src/KSVelo2LongEfficiencyMonitor.cpp
index 858a9f42890ba7b6b647fa9027604448618c86bc..9990ef3d16d68631bb96bd80edd26f15fd56e6c8 100644
--- a/Phys/ParticleMatching/src/KSVelo2LongEfficiencyMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Phys/ParticleMatching/src/KSVelo2LongEfficiencyMonitor.cpp
@@ -29,59 +29,64 @@ namespace {
 class KSVelo2LongEfficiencyMonitor : public Consumer {
   KSVelo2LongEfficiencyMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-      : Consumer( name, pSvc, {KeyValue{"Particles", ""}, KeyValue{"Table", ""}} ) {}
+      : Consumer( name, pSvc, { KeyValue{ "Particles", "" }, KeyValue{ "Table", "" } } ) {}
   StatusCode initialize() override {
     auto sc = Consumer::initialize();
     if ( sc.isFailure() ) return sc;
     using Axis1D = Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis<double>;
     m_efficiency_vs_p.emplace( this, "EfficiencyVsP", m_histodef_eff_p.value().title(),
-                               Axis1D{static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_p.value().bins() ),
-                                      m_histodef_eff_p.value().lowEdge(), m_histodef_eff_p.value().highEdge()} );
+                               Axis1D{ static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_p.value().bins() ),
+                                       m_histodef_eff_p.value().lowEdge(), m_histodef_eff_p.value().highEdge() } );
     m_efficiency_vs_pt.emplace( this, "EfficiencyVsPt", m_histodef_eff_pt.value().title(),
-                                Axis1D{static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_pt.value().bins() ),
-                                       m_histodef_eff_pt.value().lowEdge(), m_histodef_eff_pt.value().highEdge()} );
+                                Axis1D{ static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_pt.value().bins() ),
+                                        m_histodef_eff_pt.value().lowEdge(), m_histodef_eff_pt.value().highEdge() } );
     m_efficiency_vs_eta.emplace( this, "EfficiencyVsEta", m_histodef_eff_eta.value().title(),
-                                 Axis1D{static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_eta.value().bins() ),
-                                        m_histodef_eff_eta.value().lowEdge(), m_histodef_eff_eta.value().highEdge()} );
+                                 Axis1D{ static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_eta.value().bins() ),
+                                         m_histodef_eff_eta.value().lowEdge(),
+                                         m_histodef_eff_eta.value().highEdge() } );
     m_efficiency_vs_p_den.emplace( this, "EfficiencyVsP_den", m_histodef_eff_p.value().title() + "_den",
-                                   Axis1D{static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_p.value().bins() ),
-                                          m_histodef_eff_p.value().lowEdge(), m_histodef_eff_p.value().highEdge()} );
+                                   Axis1D{ static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_p.value().bins() ),
+                                           m_histodef_eff_p.value().lowEdge(), m_histodef_eff_p.value().highEdge() } );
     m_efficiency_vs_pt_den.emplace( this, "EfficiencyVsPt_den", m_histodef_eff_pt.value().title() + "_den",
-                                    Axis1D{static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_pt.value().bins() ),
-                                           m_histodef_eff_pt.value().lowEdge(), m_histodef_eff_pt.value().highEdge()} );
+                                    Axis1D{ static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_pt.value().bins() ),
+                                            m_histodef_eff_pt.value().lowEdge(),
+                                            m_histodef_eff_pt.value().highEdge() } );
     m_efficiency_vs_eta_den.emplace( this, "EfficiencyVsEta_den", m_histodef_eff_eta.value().title() + "_den",
-                                     Axis1D{static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_eta.value().bins() ),
-                                            m_histodef_eff_eta.value().lowEdge(),
-                                            m_histodef_eff_eta.value().highEdge()} );
+                                     Axis1D{ static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_eta.value().bins() ),
+                                             m_histodef_eff_eta.value().lowEdge(),
+                                             m_histodef_eff_eta.value().highEdge() } );
     m_efficiency_vs_p_num.emplace( this, "EfficiencyVsP_num", m_histodef_eff_p.value().title() + "_num",
-                                   Axis1D{static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_p.value().bins() ),
-                                          m_histodef_eff_p.value().lowEdge(), m_histodef_eff_p.value().highEdge()} );
+                                   Axis1D{ static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_p.value().bins() ),
+                                           m_histodef_eff_p.value().lowEdge(), m_histodef_eff_p.value().highEdge() } );
     m_efficiency_vs_pt_num.emplace( this, "EfficiencyVsPt_num", m_histodef_eff_pt.value().title() + "_num",
-                                    Axis1D{static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_pt.value().bins() ),
-                                           m_histodef_eff_pt.value().lowEdge(), m_histodef_eff_pt.value().highEdge()} );
+                                    Axis1D{ static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_pt.value().bins() ),
+                                            m_histodef_eff_pt.value().lowEdge(),
+                                            m_histodef_eff_pt.value().highEdge() } );
     m_efficiency_vs_eta_num.emplace( this, "EfficiencyVsEta_num", m_histodef_eff_eta.value().title() + "_num",
-                                     Axis1D{static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_eta.value().bins() ),
-                                            m_histodef_eff_eta.value().lowEdge(),
-                                            m_histodef_eff_eta.value().highEdge()} );
+                                     Axis1D{ static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_eta.value().bins() ),
+                                             m_histodef_eff_eta.value().lowEdge(),
+                                             m_histodef_eff_eta.value().highEdge() } );
     m_efficiency_vs_eta_p.emplace( this, "EfficiencyVsEtaP", m_histodef_eff_eta.value().title(),
-                                   Axis1D{static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_eta.value().bins() / 2 ),
-                                          m_histodef_eff_eta.value().lowEdge(), m_histodef_eff_eta.value().highEdge()},
-                                   Axis1D{static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_p.value().bins() / 2 ),
-                                          m_histodef_eff_p.value().lowEdge(), m_histodef_eff_p.value().highEdge()} );
-    m_efficiency_vs_eta_pt.emplace( this, "EfficiencyVsEtaPt", m_histodef_eff_eta.value().title(),
-                                    Axis1D{static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_eta.value().bins() / 2 ),
-                                           m_histodef_eff_eta.value().lowEdge(), m_histodef_eff_eta.value().highEdge()},
-                                    Axis1D{static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_pt.value().bins() / 2 ),
-                                           m_histodef_eff_pt.value().lowEdge(), m_histodef_eff_pt.value().highEdge()} );
+                                   Axis1D{ static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_eta.value().bins() / 2 ),
+                                           m_histodef_eff_eta.value().lowEdge(),
+                                           m_histodef_eff_eta.value().highEdge() },
+                                   Axis1D{ static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_p.value().bins() / 2 ),
+                                           m_histodef_eff_p.value().lowEdge(), m_histodef_eff_p.value().highEdge() } );
+    m_efficiency_vs_eta_pt.emplace(
+        this, "EfficiencyVsEtaPt", m_histodef_eff_eta.value().title(),
+        Axis1D{ static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_eta.value().bins() / 2 ),
+                m_histodef_eff_eta.value().lowEdge(), m_histodef_eff_eta.value().highEdge() },
+        Axis1D{ static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_pt.value().bins() / 2 ), m_histodef_eff_pt.value().lowEdge(),
+                m_histodef_eff_pt.value().highEdge() } );
     m_mass_unmatched_vs_momentum.emplace( this, "MassVsMomentum", "MassVsMomentum",
-                                          Axis1D{static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_p.value().bins() ),
-                                                 m_histodef_eff_p.value().lowEdge(),
-                                                 m_histodef_eff_p.value().highEdge()},
-                                          Axis1D{200, 400., 600.} );
+                                          Axis1D{ static_cast<unsigned int>( m_histodef_eff_p.value().bins() ),
+                                                  m_histodef_eff_p.value().lowEdge(),
+                                                  m_histodef_eff_p.value().highEdge() },
+                                          Axis1D{ 200, 400., 600. } );
     return sc;
   void operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& particles,
@@ -100,7 +105,7 @@ public:
       auto probe_momentum = particle->momentum() - tag->momentum();
-      ++( *m_mass_unmatched_vs_momentum )[{probe_momentum.P() / 1000., particle->momentum().M()}];
+      ++( *m_mass_unmatched_vs_momentum )[{ probe_momentum.P() / 1000., particle->momentum().M() }];
       double mass_window_size = m_signal_mass_range.value().second - m_signal_mass_range.value().first;
       bool is_signal = particle->momentum().M() > m_signal_mass_range.value().first &&
@@ -150,8 +155,8 @@ public:
         ( *m_efficiency_vs_p )[probe_momentum.P() / 1000.] += matched;
         ( *m_efficiency_vs_pt )[probe_momentum.Pt() / 1000.] += matched;
         ( *m_efficiency_vs_eta )[probe_momentum.Eta()] += matched;
-        ( *m_efficiency_vs_eta_p )[{probe_momentum.Eta(), probe_momentum.P() / 1000.}] += matched;
-        ( *m_efficiency_vs_eta_pt )[{probe_momentum.Eta(), probe_momentum.Pt() / 1000.}] += matched;
+        ( *m_efficiency_vs_eta_p )[{ probe_momentum.Eta(), probe_momentum.P() / 1000. }] += matched;
+        ( *m_efficiency_vs_eta_pt )[{ probe_momentum.Eta(), probe_momentum.Pt() / 1000. }] += matched;
       if ( matched > 0.0 ) {
         ( *m_efficiency_vs_p_num )[probe_momentum.P() / 1000.] += weight;
@@ -164,31 +169,32 @@ public:
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_efficiency{this, "integrated efficiency"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_efficiency{ this, "integrated efficiency" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_velo_match_weight{
-      this, "velo_match_weight", "velo_match_weight", {110, 0, 1.1}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_probe_p{this, "probe_p", "probe_p", {100, 0, 100000}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_probe_pt{this, "probe_pt", "probe_pt", {100, 0, 5000}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_probe_eta{this, "probe_eta", "probe_eta", {90, 1, 5.5}};
+      this, "velo_match_weight", "velo_match_weight", { 110, 0, 1.1 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_probe_p{ this, "probe_p", "probe_p", { 100, 0, 100000 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_probe_pt{ this, "probe_pt", "probe_pt", { 100, 0, 5000 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_probe_eta{ this, "probe_eta", "probe_eta", { 90, 1, 5.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_probe_long_prel_diff{
-      this, "probe_long_prel_diff", "probe_long_preg_diff", {100, -0.5, 0.5}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_mass_unmatched{this, "mass_unmatched", "mass_unmatched", {200, 400, 600}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_mass_matched{this, "mass_matched", "mass_matched", {200, 400, 600}};
+      this, "probe_long_prel_diff", "probe_long_preg_diff", { 100, -0.5, 0.5 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_mass_unmatched{
+      this, "mass_unmatched", "mass_unmatched", { 200, 400, 600 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_mass_matched{ this, "mass_matched", "mass_matched", { 200, 400, 600 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_mass_matched_no_filter{
-      this, "mass_matched_no_filter", "mass_matched_no_filter", {200, 400, 600}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_mass_long{this, "mass_long", "mass_long", {200, 400, 600}};
+      this, "mass_matched_no_filter", "mass_matched_no_filter", { 200, 400, 600 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_mass_long{ this, "mass_long", "mass_long", { 200, 400, 600 } };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_fthits{this, "n_fthits", "n_fthits", {10, 5.5, 15.5}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_fthits{ this, "n_fthits", "n_fthits", { 10, 5.5, 15.5 } };
   mutable std::optional<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2>> m_mass_unmatched_vs_momentum;
   Gaudi::Property<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> m_histodef_eff_p{
-      this, "HistogramDefEffP", {"Efficiency versus p [GeV]", 2., 50., 24}, "Histogram definition"};
+      this, "HistogramDefEffP", { "Efficiency versus p [GeV]", 2., 50., 24 }, "Histogram definition" };
   Gaudi::Property<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> m_histodef_eff_pt{
-      this, "HistogramDefEffPt", {"Efficiency versus pt [GeV]", 0.25, 5., 19}, "Histogram definition"};
+      this, "HistogramDefEffPt", { "Efficiency versus pt [GeV]", 0.25, 5., 19 }, "Histogram definition" };
   Gaudi::Property<Gaudi::Histo1DDef> m_histodef_eff_eta{
-      this, "HistogramDefEffEta", {"Efficiency versus eta", 1.5, 5., 14}, "Histogram definition"};
+      this, "HistogramDefEffEta", { "Efficiency versus eta", 1.5, 5., 14 }, "Histogram definition" };
   mutable std::optional<Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1>> m_efficiency_vs_p;
   mutable std::optional<Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1>> m_efficiency_vs_pt;
@@ -205,13 +211,13 @@ private:
   mutable std::optional<Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<2>> m_efficiency_vs_eta_p;
   mutable std::optional<Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<2>> m_efficiency_vs_eta_pt;
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_min_match_fraction{this, "MinMatchFraction", 0.7f};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_min_match_fraction{ this, "MinMatchFraction", 0.7f };
   // Range when a candidate is accepted as the momentum using two long tracks is in the Ks signal mass range.
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_max_rel_momentum_diff{this, "MaxRelativePDiff", 0.2f};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_max_rel_momentum_diff{ this, "MaxRelativePDiff", 0.2f };
   // Range when a candidate is accepted as the momentum using two long tracks is in the Ks signal mass range.
-  Gaudi::Property<std::pair<double, double>> m_long_mass_range{this, "LongMassRange", {470., 520.}};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::pair<double, double>> m_long_mass_range{ this, "LongMassRange", { 470., 520. } };
   // Range which defines a candidate is counted as signal bases on the mass from PV constraint.
-  Gaudi::Property<std::pair<double, double>> m_signal_mass_range{this, "SignalMassRange", {480., 515.}};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::pair<double, double>> m_signal_mass_range{ this, "SignalMassRange", { 480., 515. } };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( KSVelo2LongEfficiencyMonitor )
diff --git a/Phys/ParticleMatching/src/LHCbIDOverlapRelationTable.cpp b/Phys/ParticleMatching/src/LHCbIDOverlapRelationTable.cpp
index 856963b108b14a93191d8446846e68d6c28820fa..14f3db280b6d43bc46dde9c732447792b174fd0e 100644
--- a/Phys/ParticleMatching/src/LHCbIDOverlapRelationTable.cpp
+++ b/Phys/ParticleMatching/src/LHCbIDOverlapRelationTable.cpp
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ public:
   LHCbIDOverlapRelationTable( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
       : base_class_t(
             name, pSvc,
-            {typename base_class_t::KeyValue{"MatchFrom", ""}, typename base_class_t::KeyValue{"MatchTo", ""}},
-            typename base_class_t::KeyValue{"OutputRelations", ""} ) {}
+            { typename base_class_t::KeyValue{ "MatchFrom", "" }, typename base_class_t::KeyValue{ "MatchTo", "" } },
+            typename base_class_t::KeyValue{ "OutputRelations", "" } ) {}
   WeightedRelationTable operator()( const typename MatchFromType::Range& match_from_particles,
                                     const typename MatchToType::Range&   match_to_objects ) const override {
@@ -168,22 +168,22 @@ public:
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_includeVP{this, "IncludeVP", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_includeFT{this, "IncludeFT", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_includeUT{this, "IncludeUT", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_includeVP{ this, "IncludeVP", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_includeFT{ this, "IncludeFT", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_includeUT{ this, "IncludeUT", false };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_onlyConsiderOtherTracks{this, "OnlyLookAtOtherTracks", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_onlyConsiderOtherTracks{ this, "OnlyLookAtOtherTracks", false };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_inCount{this, "Match To Particles/Tracks"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_refCount{this, "Match From Particles/Tracks"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_match{this, "Found matches"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_zeromatch{this, "Non-matches considered"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_inCount{ this, "Match To Particles/Tracks" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_refCount{ this, "Match From Particles/Tracks" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_match{ this, "Found matches" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_zeromatch{ this, "Non-matches considered" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_msg_match_from_no_track{
-      this, "Match from object has no track - possibly not a basic object, or NULL"};
+      this, "Match from object has no track - possibly not a basic object, or NULL" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_msg_match_to_no_track{
-      this, "Match to object has no track - possibly not a basic object, or NULL"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_min_match_fraction{this, "MinMatchFraction", 0.0f};
+      this, "Match to object has no track - possibly not a basic object, or NULL" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_min_match_fraction{ this, "MinMatchFraction", 0.0f };
 using LHCbIDOverlapRelationTableParticleToParticle = LHCbIDOverlapRelationTable<LHCb::Particle, LHCb::Particle>;
diff --git a/Phys/ParticleMatching/src/MatchVeloTrackToVertex.cpp b/Phys/ParticleMatching/src/MatchVeloTrackToVertex.cpp
index ba5906806bf5b60e1161c24c3e48946c8ab41e06..dd2fe6badfea69cc28be2aad843b9bee9a750c63 100644
--- a/Phys/ParticleMatching/src/MatchVeloTrackToVertex.cpp
+++ b/Phys/ParticleMatching/src/MatchVeloTrackToVertex.cpp
@@ -84,33 +84,33 @@ class MatchVeloTrackToVertex
   /// Standard constructor
   MatchVeloTrackToVertex( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : MultiTransformerFilter{name,
-                               pSvcLocator,
-                               {KeyValue{"SeedParticles", ""}, KeyValue{"VeloTracks", "Rec/Track/Velo"},
-                                KeyValue{"PrimaryVertices", ""},
-                                KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-                               {KeyValue{"OutputParticles", ""}}} {}
+      : MultiTransformerFilter{ name,
+                                pSvcLocator,
+                                { KeyValue{ "SeedParticles", "" }, KeyValue{ "VeloTracks", "Rec/Track/Velo" },
+                                  KeyValue{ "PrimaryVertices", "" },
+                                  KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+                                { KeyValue{ "OutputParticles", "" } } } {}
   filter_output_t operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range&, const LHCb::Event::v1::Tracks&,
                               const LHCb::PrimaryVertices&, const DetectorElement& ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_match_ip_cut{this, "VeloMatchIP", 5.f * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                        "Loose match IP cut (used before and after state extrapolation)"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_match_chi2_cut{this, "VeloMatchChi2", 64.,
-                                          "Match chi^2 cut as described in https://inspirehep.net/literature/2768765"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_eta_tolerance{this, "EtaTolerance", 5.f, "max Delta Eta between VELO track and seed"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_offline{this, "OfflineAlg", false, "Persist cloned object with Velo track as proto?"};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_match_ip_cut{ this, "VeloMatchIP", 5.f * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                         "Loose match IP cut (used before and after state extrapolation)" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_match_chi2_cut{
+      this, "VeloMatchChi2", 64., "Match chi^2 cut as described in https://inspirehep.net/literature/2768765" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_eta_tolerance{ this, "EtaTolerance", 5.f, "max Delta Eta between VELO track and seed" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_offline{ this, "OfflineAlg", false, "Persist cloned object with Velo track as proto?" };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>     m_nVeloIn{this, "Input VELO tracks"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>     m_nCombIn{this, "Input vertices"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_matched{this, "Matched"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>     m_nVeloIn{ this, "Input VELO tracks" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>     m_nCombIn{ this, "Input vertices" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_matched{ this, "Matched" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_end_velo_state_warning{
-      this, "Provided VELO track does not have an end velo state"};
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{this, "TrackExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator"};
-  ToolHandle<ITrackFitter>       m_velo_track_refitter{this, "TrackFitter", "TrackMasterFitter/Fitter"};
-  ToolHandle<IParticle2State>    m_particle_to_state{this, "ParticleToState", "Particle2State"};
+      this, "Provided VELO track does not have an end velo state" };
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{ this, "TrackExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator" };
+  ToolHandle<ITrackFitter>       m_velo_track_refitter{ this, "TrackFitter", "TrackMasterFitter/Fitter" };
+  ToolHandle<IParticle2State>    m_particle_to_state{ this, "ParticleToState", "Particle2State" };
 // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( MatchVeloTrackToVertex )
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ filter_output_t MatchVeloTrackToVertex::operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range&
   for ( const auto seed : seeds ) {
     bool                    matched = false;
-    LHCb::Event::v1::Track* best_velo_track{nullptr};
+    LHCb::Event::v1::Track* best_velo_track{ nullptr };
     double                  best_chi2 = 9e9, best_ip = -1.;
     LHCb::State             seed_as_state = compositeParticleToState( *seed );
     debug() << "Seed state at endvtx" << endmsg;
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ filter_output_t MatchVeloTrackToVertex::operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range&
       const Gaudi::XYZPoint& seed_vertex_pos    = seed->endVertex()->position();
       const auto             closest_velo_state = velo_track->closestState( seed_vertex_pos.z() );
       const auto             ip                 = Gaudi::Math::impactParameter(
-          seed_vertex_pos, Gaudi::Math::Line{closest_velo_state.position(), closest_velo_state.slopes()} );
+          seed_vertex_pos, Gaudi::Math::Line{ closest_velo_state.position(), closest_velo_state.slopes() } );
       if ( ip > m_match_ip_cut || abs( closest_velo_state.slopes().eta() - seed->momentum().eta() ) > m_eta_tolerance )
@@ -191,13 +191,13 @@ filter_output_t MatchVeloTrackToVertex::operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range&
         seed_as_state = compositeParticleToState( *seed );
-      Gaudi::Vector4 dv{seed_as_state.x() - velo_lastm_fitted->x(), seed_as_state.y() - velo_lastm_fitted->y(),
-                        seed_as_state.tx() - velo_lastm_fitted->tx(), seed_as_state.ty() - velo_lastm_fitted->ty()};
+      Gaudi::Vector4 dv{ seed_as_state.x() - velo_lastm_fitted->x(), seed_as_state.y() - velo_lastm_fitted->y(),
+                         seed_as_state.tx() - velo_lastm_fitted->tx(), seed_as_state.ty() - velo_lastm_fitted->ty() };
       const auto     match_chi2 = ROOT::Math::Similarity( dv, cov );
       // choose the best match and filter on IP and Match chi^2
-      if ( best_ip =
-               Gaudi::Math::impactParameter( seed_as_state.position(), Gaudi::Math::Line{velo_lastm_fitted->position(),
-                                                                                         velo_lastm_fitted->slopes()} );
+      if ( best_ip = Gaudi::Math::impactParameter(
+               seed_as_state.position(),
+               Gaudi::Math::Line{ velo_lastm_fitted->position(), velo_lastm_fitted->slopes() } );
            match_chi2 < best_chi2 && match_chi2 > 0. && match_chi2 < m_match_chi2_cut && best_ip < m_match_ip_cut ) {
         best_chi2       = match_chi2;
         best_velo_track = velo_track;
@@ -230,5 +230,5 @@ filter_output_t MatchVeloTrackToVertex::operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range&
     m_matched += matched;
-  return {filtered_seeds.size() > 0, std::move( filtered_seeds )};
\ No newline at end of file
+  return { filtered_seeds.size() > 0, std::move( filtered_seeds ) };
diff --git a/Phys/ProtoParticleFilter/doc/release.notes b/Phys/ProtoParticleFilter/doc/release.notes
index 9dace4bd3ea14b0fcfa07823064e6845968766ca..7bedd50f0e68f355115f45d1efcc734d534fb590 100755
--- a/Phys/ProtoParticleFilter/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/ProtoParticleFilter/doc/release.notes
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 !===================== ProtoParticleFilter v1r5 2010-09-29 =================
 ! 2010-08-27 - Olivier Deschamps
-  - ProtoParticleCALOFilter : extend filtering to any existing calo-related 
+  - ProtoParticleCALOFilter : extend filtering to any existing calo-related
     additionalInfo (automatic scan)
 !===================== ProtoParticleFilter v1r4 2009-09-11 =================
@@ -74,9 +74,9 @@
   . Increase version to v1r3
 ! 2007-08-10 - Chris Jones
- - Update ProtoParticleDLLFilter::createDetReq to support 'MustNotHaveDet' 
+ - Update ProtoParticleDLLFilter::createDetReq to support 'MustNotHaveDet'
    detector requirement
- - Remove flawed logic that tried to check for consisency (need to think how 
+ - Remove flawed logic that tried to check for consisency (need to think how
    to do this properly).
 !===================== ProtoParticleFilter v1r2p1 2006-06-18 =================
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
 !===================== ProtoParticleFilter v1r1 2006-07-07 ===================
-! 2006-07-07 - Juan PALACIOS	
+! 2006-07-07 - Juan PALACIOS
   - cmt/requirements
     . Increase version number to v1r1
@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@
 ! 2006-05-02 - Christopher Rob Jones
  - Contains ProtoParticle filters used by ParticleMakers and ParticleFilters.
  - This version is not yet complete.
-  + Electron filters do not yet work, due to lack of CALO info in 
+  + Electron filters do not yet work, due to lack of CALO info in
     ProtoParticles. To be fixed soon
   + Not all extended filter options are available yet.
diff --git a/Phys/ProtoParticleFilter/src/ProtoParticleSelection.cpp b/Phys/ProtoParticleFilter/src/ProtoParticleSelection.cpp
index 8fc738c40e66a9146ae583a26b717be70c490770..4ad1b101ab59c44a0bcf2d8639b0e067608f2da5 100644
--- a/Phys/ProtoParticleFilter/src/ProtoParticleSelection.cpp
+++ b/Phys/ProtoParticleFilter/src/ProtoParticleSelection.cpp
@@ -150,35 +150,20 @@ ProtoParticleSelection::Cut::Vector ProtoParticleSelection::cloneCuts() const {
 ProtoParticleSelection::DetectorRequirements::detector( const std::string& det ) {
-  const DetectorRequirements::Detector _Det =
-      ( "RICH" == det
-            ? DetectorRequirements::RICH
-            : "CALO" == det
-                  ? DetectorRequirements::CALO
-                  : "MUON" == det
-                        ? DetectorRequirements::MUON
-                        : "RICHORCALO" == det
-                              ? DetectorRequirements::RICHORCALO
-                              : "CALOORRICH" == det
-                                    ? DetectorRequirements::RICHORCALO
-                                    : "RICH_AEROGEL" == det
-                                          ? DetectorRequirements::RICH_AEROGEL
-                                          : "RICH_RICH1GAS" == det
-                                                ? DetectorRequirements::RICH_RICH1GAS
-                                                : "RICH_RICH2GAS" == det
-                                                      ? DetectorRequirements::RICH_RICH2GAS
-                                                      : "CALO_SPD" == det
-                                                            ? DetectorRequirements::CALO_SPD
-                                                            : "CALO_PRS" == det
-                                                                  ? DetectorRequirements::CALO_PRS
-                                                                  : "CALO_ECAL" == det
-                                                                        ? DetectorRequirements::CALO_ECAL
-                                                                        : "CALO_HCAL" == det
-                                                                              ? DetectorRequirements::CALO_HCAL
-                                                                              : "CALO_BREM" == det
-                                                                                    ? DetectorRequirements::CALO_BREM
-                                                                                    : DetectorRequirements::
-                                                                                          UndefinedDet );
+  const DetectorRequirements::Detector _Det = ( "RICH" == det            ? DetectorRequirements::RICH
+                                                : "CALO" == det          ? DetectorRequirements::CALO
+                                                : "MUON" == det          ? DetectorRequirements::MUON
+                                                : "RICHORCALO" == det    ? DetectorRequirements::RICHORCALO
+                                                : "CALOORRICH" == det    ? DetectorRequirements::RICHORCALO
+                                                : "RICH_AEROGEL" == det  ? DetectorRequirements::RICH_AEROGEL
+                                                : "RICH_RICH1GAS" == det ? DetectorRequirements::RICH_RICH1GAS
+                                                : "RICH_RICH2GAS" == det ? DetectorRequirements::RICH_RICH2GAS
+                                                : "CALO_SPD" == det      ? DetectorRequirements::CALO_SPD
+                                                : "CALO_PRS" == det      ? DetectorRequirements::CALO_PRS
+                                                : "CALO_ECAL" == det     ? DetectorRequirements::CALO_ECAL
+                                                : "CALO_HCAL" == det     ? DetectorRequirements::CALO_HCAL
+                                                : "CALO_BREM" == det     ? DetectorRequirements::CALO_BREM
+                                                                         : DetectorRequirements::UndefinedDet );
   if ( DetectorRequirements::UndefinedDet == _Det ) {
     throw GaudiException( "Unknown detector " + det, "*ProtoParticleSelection::DetectorRequirements::detector*",
                           StatusCode::FAILURE );
diff --git a/Phys/ProtoParticleFilter/src/ProtoParticleSelection.h b/Phys/ProtoParticleFilter/src/ProtoParticleSelection.h
index a9ff4a2a3626a61f3ad3da8ca42a7e831425329b..25ff42243172c3e579803d832c2c2b1b198d42ec 100644
--- a/Phys/ProtoParticleFilter/src/ProtoParticleSelection.h
+++ b/Phys/ProtoParticleFilter/src/ProtoParticleSelection.h
@@ -115,10 +115,10 @@ public: // Helper classes
     /// Returns the cut delimiter type for a given string descriptor
     static Delim delimiter( const std::string& delim ) {
       const ProtoParticleSelection::Cut::Delim _Delim =
-          ( delim == "<" ? ProtoParticleSelection::Cut::LT
-                         : delim == ">" ? ProtoParticleSelection::Cut::GT
-                                        : delim == "=" ? ProtoParticleSelection::Cut::EQ
-                                                       : ProtoParticleSelection::Cut::UndefinedDelim );
+          ( delim == "<"   ? ProtoParticleSelection::Cut::LT
+            : delim == ">" ? ProtoParticleSelection::Cut::GT
+            : delim == "=" ? ProtoParticleSelection::Cut::EQ
+                           : ProtoParticleSelection::Cut::UndefinedDelim );
       if ( ProtoParticleSelection::Cut::UndefinedDelim == _Delim ) {
         throw GaudiException( "Unknown delimiter " + delim, "*ProtoParticleSelection::Cut::delimiter*",
                               StatusCode::FAILURE );
diff --git a/Phys/ProtoParticleFilter/src/TracksFromProtoParticleSelection.cpp b/Phys/ProtoParticleFilter/src/TracksFromProtoParticleSelection.cpp
index 53adf75edf20d5292aadeda786e58e4bfc266889..ca23c03037518e942021496ce7df0a60332e53f7 100644
--- a/Phys/ProtoParticleFilter/src/TracksFromProtoParticleSelection.cpp
+++ b/Phys/ProtoParticleFilter/src/TracksFromProtoParticleSelection.cpp
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
     using KeyValue = TracksFromProtoParticleSelection::KeyValue;
     TracksFromProtoParticleSelection( std::string const& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Algo( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"Input", ""}}, {KeyValue{"OutputTracks", ""}} ) {}
+        : Algo( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "Input", "" } }, { KeyValue{ "OutputTracks", "" } } ) {}
     Output operator()( Protos const& protos ) const override {
       Output output;
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ namespace LHCb {
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_proto_with_no_track{
-        this, "Charged ProtoParticle with no track found. Ignoring"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_eff_proto{this, "selection efficiency"};
+        this, "Charged ProtoParticle with no track found. Ignoring" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_eff_proto{ this, "selection efficiency" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( TracksFromProtoParticleSelection, "TracksFromProtoParticleSelection" )
diff --git a/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/CMakeLists.txt b/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/CMakeLists.txt
index c9c85f588328b4b0cb4df5c753f4e2d5c85fb19e..d0b669a90265cd77bdc064df59f18516e8523928 100644
--- a/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ gaudi_add_module(RelatedInfoTools
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/doc/release.notes b/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/doc/release.notes
index a55b12d8b436724750ceb6d67737538cb23d4989..ec4339360b961ceba5cc08d1cd6bcc71ab2a937c 100644
--- a/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/doc/release.notes
@@ -12,39 +12,39 @@
 !======================= RelatedInfoTools v1r4 2015-11-27 ====================
-! 2015-11-24 - Anton Poluektov 
- - Add RelInfoConeIsolation tool: converted from TupleToolConeIsolation. 
-   There is some overlap of functionality with RelInfoConeVariables, but 
-   ConeIsolation offers additional variables and also neutral cones. 
-   After making sure that ConeVariables and ConeIsolation produce the same 
-   results on charged cones, we need to migrate to ConeIsolation. 
-! 2015-11-12 - Anton Poluektov 
+! 2015-11-24 - Anton Poluektov
+ - Add RelInfoConeIsolation tool: converted from TupleToolConeIsolation.
+   There is some overlap of functionality with RelInfoConeVariables, but
+   ConeIsolation offers additional variables and also neutral cones.
+   After making sure that ConeVariables and ConeIsolation produce the same
+   results on charged cones, we need to migrate to ConeIsolation.
+! 2015-11-12 - Anton Poluektov
  - Add flag "IgnoreUnmatchedDescriptors" to AddRelatedInfo. Setting it to "true"
-   will make AddRelatedInfo silently ignore the descriptors in DaughterLocations 
-   which do not match any daughter particles (rather than stopping with FAILURE). 
+   will make AddRelatedInfo silently ignore the descriptors in DaughterLocations
+   which do not match any daughter particles (rather than stopping with FAILURE).
 ! 2015-11-01 - Gerhard Raven
  - replace endreq with endmsg
 ! 2015-10-23 - Roel Aaij
- - Make RelInfoConeVariables usable in HLT: 
-    * "Inputs" property should now be used, which takes the list of track locations, 
-       instead of "TracksLocation" which takes a single location. By default, Inputs 
-       equals to all tracks in the event. 
+ - Make RelInfoConeVariables usable in HLT:
+    * "Inputs" property should now be used, which takes the list of track locations,
+       instead of "TracksLocation" which takes a single location. By default, Inputs
+       equals to all tracks in the event.
  - Use unique_ptr for selectors in AddRelatedInfo.
 !======================= RelatedInfoTools v1r3 2015-10-22 ====================
-! 2015-09-29 - Anton Poluektov 
- - New configuration option for AddRelatedInfo. Instead of 'Locations' and 'RecursionLevel', 
-   it takes the 'DaughterLocations' dictionary in the form 
+! 2015-09-29 - Anton Poluektov
+ - New configuration option for AddRelatedInfo. Instead of 'Locations' and 'RecursionLevel',
+   it takes the 'DaughterLocations' dictionary in the form
      'LoKi daughter selection string' : 'RelatedInfo TES location'
-   e.g. 
+   e.g.
-     'D0 -> ^K- pi+' : 'RelInfoKaon', 
+     'D0 -> ^K- pi+' : 'RelInfoKaon',
      'D0 -> K- ^pi+' : 'RelInfoPion'
@@ -66,27 +66,27 @@
  - Fixed RelInfoVertexIsolation to behave correctly in the case of secondary dettached
-! 2014-10-23 - Anton Poluektov 
- - Added RelInfoVertexIsolationDetached tool, which implements the same algorithm as 
-   the old TupleToolVtxIsoln (before it moved to use VertexIsolation from ExtraInfoTools). 
-   The treatment of decays with secondary detached vertices should be more correct. 
+! 2014-10-23 - Anton Poluektov
+ - Added RelInfoVertexIsolationDetached tool, which implements the same algorithm as
+   the old TupleToolVtxIsoln (before it moved to use VertexIsolation from ExtraInfoTools).
+   The treatment of decays with secondary detached vertices should be more correct.
- - Added the parameter "TracksLocation" for RelInfoConeVariables. 
+ - Added the parameter "TracksLocation" for RelInfoConeVariables.
    By default (""), all best tracks from the event are used, but it can be set to e.g.
-   "/Event/Phys/StdNoPIDsPions" to use only detached tracks for cones. 
+   "/Event/Phys/StdNoPIDsPions" to use only detached tracks for cones.
 ! 2014-10-23 - Albert Puig
  - Small bugfix in RelInfoVertexIsolation to take into account fits with chi2 == -1
-! 2014-10-13 - Anton Poluektov 
- - Small modification of AddRelatedInfo: do not count element of InfoLocations list 
-   if the map returned by the tool is empty. 
+! 2014-10-13 - Anton Poluektov
+ - Small modification of AddRelatedInfo: do not count element of InfoLocations list
+   if the map returned by the tool is empty.
-! 2014-10-06 - Anton Poluektov 
- - Modify behaviour of AddRelatedInfo: 
+! 2014-10-06 - Anton Poluektov
+ - Modify behaviour of AddRelatedInfo:
-    * Instead of ParticleLocation:RelatedInfoLocation map for InfoLocations property, it takes 
-      the map ParticleLocation:vector<RelatedInfoLocations>, where each element of the vector 
+    * Instead of ParticleLocation:RelatedInfoLocation map for InfoLocations property, it takes
+      the map ParticleLocation:vector<RelatedInfoLocations>, where each element of the vector
       corresponds to the unique particle from ParticleLocation in the decay tree
       (e.g. for Bs->MuMu need to specify two RelatedInfoLocations, tau->mu+mu-mu- - tree)
@@ -100,11 +100,11 @@
 ! 2014-09-14 - Xabier Cid Vidal
  - Change a couple of warning() to Warning(
-! 2014-09-03 - Anton Poluektov 
- - Fix ConeVariables, ConeVariablesForEW and VertexIsolation tools to 
-   write out all possible variables if the list of variables is empty. 
+! 2014-09-03 - Anton Poluektov
+ - Fix ConeVariables, ConeVariablesForEW and VertexIsolation tools to
+   write out all possible variables if the list of variables is empty.
-! 2014-08-30 - Anton Poluektov 
+! 2014-08-30 - Anton Poluektov
  - Further fix for selections which filter common particles.
 ! 2014-08-28 - Cedric Potterat
@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@
    Isolation and ParticleFlow. The last two are for BMuNu analysis. Package
    requirements also modified to access LoKi tools.
-! 2014-08-23 - Anton Poluektov 
- - Fixed problem with selections which filter common particles. 
+! 2014-08-23 - Anton Poluektov
+ - Fixed problem with selections which filter common particles.
 ! 2014-08-08 - Chris Jones
  - Make sure all info locations in AddRelatedInfo start with "/Event/"
diff --git a/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/python/IsolationTools/IsolationTools.py b/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/python/IsolationTools/IsolationTools.py
index 0cf86e7a228688f8d36414eea92f62d3f2dfc98c..81a5eb7609349211154eb6edd89cc7b7978271fa 100644
--- a/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/python/IsolationTools/IsolationTools.py
+++ b/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/python/IsolationTools/IsolationTools.py
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from Gaudi.Configuration import INFO  # type: ignore[import]
-from PyConf.dataflow import DataHandle  # type: ignore[import]
-from PyConf.Algorithms import WeightedRelTableAlg
 import Functors as F
 from Functors.grammar import BoundFunctor
+from Gaudi.Configuration import INFO  # type: ignore[import]
+from PyConf.Algorithms import WeightedRelTableAlg
+from PyConf.dataflow import DataHandle  # type: ignore[import]
 class VertexAndConeIsolation:
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class VertexAndConeIsolation:
     from VertexAndConeIsolation import VertexAndConeIsolation
      # Create the tool
      cone_isolation_b = VertexAndConeIsolation(
         name = 'cone_isolation_b',
@@ -54,20 +54,22 @@ class VertexAndConeIsolation:
      `map_functor(Functor=functor, Relations=self.Output)`
      If `map_functor` argument is not specified, `functor` is directly applied to the relation table:
-     """
-    def __init__(self,
-                 name: str,
-                 reference_particles: DataHandle,
-                 related_particles: DataHandle,
-                 cut: DataHandle,
-                 sumcone_invalid_value=F.NaN,
-                 output_level: int = INFO) -> None:
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        name: str,
+        reference_particles: DataHandle,
+        related_particles: DataHandle,
+        cut: DataHandle,
+        sumcone_invalid_value=F.NaN,
+        output_level: int = INFO,
+    ) -> None:
         rel_table = WeightedRelTableAlg(
-            Cut=cut)
+            Cut=cut,
+        )
         self.name = name
         self.sumcone_invalid_value = sumcone_invalid_value
@@ -75,15 +77,20 @@ class VertexAndConeIsolation:
         self.MULT = F.VALUE_OR(0) @ self.__call__(functor=F.MAP_INPUT_SIZE)
         self.CP = F.VALUE_OR(self.sumcone_invalid_value) @ self.__call__(
-            functor=F.P, map_functor=F.SUMCONE)
+            functor=F.P, map_functor=F.SUMCONE
+        )
         self.CPT = F.VALUE_OR(self.sumcone_invalid_value) @ self.__call__(
-            functor=F.PT, map_functor=F.SUMCONE)
+            functor=F.PT, map_functor=F.SUMCONE
+        )
         self.CPX = F.VALUE_OR(self.sumcone_invalid_value) @ self.__call__(
-            functor=F.PX, map_functor=F.SUMCONE)
+            functor=F.PX, map_functor=F.SUMCONE
+        )
         self.CPY = F.VALUE_OR(self.sumcone_invalid_value) @ self.__call__(
-            functor=F.PY, map_functor=F.SUMCONE)
+            functor=F.PY, map_functor=F.SUMCONE
+        )
         self.CPZ = F.VALUE_OR(self.sumcone_invalid_value) @ self.__call__(
-            functor=F.PZ, map_functor=F.SUMCONE)
+            functor=F.PZ, map_functor=F.SUMCONE
+        )
         self.PASY = self.__call__(functor=F.P, map_functor=F.ASYM)
         self.PTASY = self.__call__(functor=F.PT, map_functor=F.ASYM)
@@ -102,17 +109,18 @@ class VertexAndConeIsolation:
         self.MINCPT = self.__call__(functor=F.PT, map_functor=F.MINCONE)
         self.Smallest_CHI2 = F.MIN_ELEMENT @ self.__call__(
-            functor=F.CHI2, map_functor=F.MAP_INPUT_ARRAY)
+            functor=F.CHI2, map_functor=F.MAP_INPUT_ARRAY
+        )
         self.Smallest_DELTACHI2 = self.__call__(functor=F.SMALLEST_DELTACHI2)
         self.Smallest_Mass_DELTACHI2 = self.__call__(
-            functor=F.MASS,
+            functor=F.MASS, map_functor=F.PARTICLE_PROPERTY_WITH_SMALLEST_DELTACHI2
+        )
     def _get_delta_functor(self, functor: BoundFunctor) -> BoundFunctor:
         Internal function that applies the functor to related and
         reference particles and retrieves the delta value between them.
            functor (BoundFunctor): the functor to be applied
@@ -123,7 +131,7 @@ class VertexAndConeIsolation:
     def _apply_map_functor(self, functor: BoundFunctor):
         Internal function that maps functor to certain relation.
            functor (BoundFunctor): the functor to be applied
@@ -132,8 +140,7 @@ class VertexAndConeIsolation:
         return F.MAP(functor).bind(RELS, F.FORWARDARGS)
-    def __call__(self, functor: BoundFunctor,
-                 map_functor: BoundFunctor = None):
+    def __call__(self, functor: BoundFunctor, map_functor: BoundFunctor = None):
         Retrieve the variable information applying the input functor in different ways
         (specified by the `map_functor` argument) to the relations table.
@@ -142,12 +149,13 @@ class VertexAndConeIsolation:
            functor (BoundFunctor): the functor to be applied
            map_functor (BoundFunctor): way to apply functor to the relation table.
-           If `map_functor` is not specified, `functor` is applied directly to the relation table  
+           If `map_functor` is not specified, `functor` is applied directly to the relation table
         if map_functor:
             IsolationVariable_Functor = map_functor(
-                Functor=functor, Relations=self.Output)
+                Functor=functor, Relations=self.Output
+            )
             IsolationVariable_Functor = functor(Relations=self.Output)
         return IsolationVariable_Functor
diff --git a/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/python/IsolationTools/__init__.py b/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/python/IsolationTools/__init__.py
index d1205c0d4bd3be93486bb8643703961050290f86..69568da2d8f8143ee07bc19bc359aaa24c2f82ef 100644
--- a/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/python/IsolationTools/__init__.py
+++ b/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/python/IsolationTools/__init__.py
@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@
 from .IsolationTools import VertexAndConeIsolation
-__all__ = {"VertexAndConeIsolation"}
+__all__ = ("VertexAndConeIsolation",)
diff --git a/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/src/MuonProbeToLongMatcher.cpp b/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/src/MuonProbeToLongMatcher.cpp
index 63957af42acb2b2ec78beca59288de949f39ac66..fa1b8bdc1497ae6a2818b555c7bb158987f667ff 100644
--- a/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/src/MuonProbeToLongMatcher.cpp
+++ b/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/src/MuonProbeToLongMatcher.cpp
@@ -36,34 +36,35 @@ public:
   // properties are members of the class
   // need to specify owner, name, default value, doc
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_thresMuon{this, "MinMuonFrac", 0.4}; // overlap threshold of Muon stations
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_thresVP{this, "MinVPFrac", 0.4};     // overlap threshold of VP
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_thresUT{this, "MinUTFrac", 0.4};     // overlap threshold of UT
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_thresFT{this, "MinFTFrac", 0.4};     // overlap threshold of FT
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> p_checkMuon{this, "checkMuon", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> p_checkVP{this, "checkVP", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> p_checkUT{this, "checkUT", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> p_checkFT{this, "checkFT", false};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_all{this, "#Input composites"}; // Number of JPsi candidates
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_thresMuon{ this, "MinMuonFrac", 0.4 }; // overlap threshold of Muon stations
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_thresVP{ this, "MinVPFrac", 0.4 };     // overlap threshold of VP
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_thresUT{ this, "MinUTFrac", 0.4 };     // overlap threshold of UT
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_thresFT{ this, "MinFTFrac", 0.4 };     // overlap threshold of FT
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> p_checkMuon{ this, "checkMuon", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> p_checkVP{ this, "checkVP", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> p_checkUT{ this, "checkUT", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> p_checkFT{ this, "checkFT", false };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_all{ this,
+                                                                "#Input composites" }; // Number of JPsi candidates
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_matched{
-      this, "#Matched composites"}; // Number of JPsi candidates with a matched probe track
+      this, "#Matched composites" }; // Number of JPsi candidates with a matched probe track
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_no_track{
-      this, "Charged ProtoParticle with no Track found. This is likely to be a bug."};
+      this, "Charged ProtoParticle with no Track found. This is likely to be a bug." };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_state{
-      this, "Track has empty states. This is likely to be a bug."};
+      this, "Track has empty states. This is likely to be a bug." };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( MuonProbeToLongMatcher )
 // Implementation
 MuonProbeToLongMatcher::MuonProbeToLongMatcher( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : MultiTransformerFilter( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"TwoBodyComposites", ""}, KeyValue{"LongTracks", ""}},
-                              {KeyValue{"MatchedComposites", ""}, KeyValue{"MatchedLongTracks", ""}} ) {}
+    : MultiTransformerFilter( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "TwoBodyComposites", "" }, KeyValue{ "LongTracks", "" } },
+                              { KeyValue{ "MatchedComposites", "" }, KeyValue{ "MatchedLongTracks", "" } } ) {}
-std::tuple<bool, LHCb::Particle::Selection, LHCb::Particle::Selection> MuonProbeToLongMatcher::
-                                                                       operator() // we use a mulitransformer to define multiple outputs
+std::tuple<bool, LHCb::Particle::Selection, LHCb::Particle::Selection>
+MuonProbeToLongMatcher::operator() // we use a mulitransformer to define multiple outputs
     ( LHCb::Particle::Range const& composites, LHCb::Particle::Range const& longparts ) const {
   // initialize counter
diff --git a/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/src/RelationTables.cpp b/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/src/RelationTables.cpp
index 98d8ab7f59861b2123244635e01620e724044949..96b315e4649642803bc327e369ff78cf27d01277 100644
--- a/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/src/RelationTables.cpp
+++ b/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/src/RelationTables.cpp
@@ -45,16 +45,17 @@ namespace LHCb::Phys::RelationTables {
       : Gaudi::Functional::SplittingTransformer<std::vector<Relations>( const LHCb::Particle::Range& )> {
     Gaudi::Property<std::vector<LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo>> m_vai{
-        this, "AdditionalInfo", {LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::IsPhoton}, "List of all Ai."};
+        this, "AdditionalInfo", { LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::IsPhoton }, "List of all Ai." };
     MakeRelTables( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc )
-        : SplittingTransformer( name, svcLoc, KeyValue( "InputParticles", {} ), KeyValues( "OutputLocation", {""} ) ) {}
+        : SplittingTransformer( name, svcLoc, KeyValue( "InputParticles", {} ),
+                                KeyValues( "OutputLocation", { "" } ) ) {}
     std::vector<Relations> operator()( const LHCb::Particle::Range& input ) const override {
       assert( m_vai.size() == outputLocationSize() );
       std::vector<Relations> vai;
       vai.reserve( m_vai.size() );
-      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_vai.size(); i++ ) { vai.emplace_back( Relations{input.size()} ); }
+      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_vai.size(); i++ ) { vai.emplace_back( Relations{ input.size() } ); }
       for ( const auto* particle : input ) {
         LHCb::ProtoParticle const* pp = particle->proto();
         for ( auto&& [i, m_ai] : range::enumerate( m_vai.value() ) ) {
@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Phys::RelationTables {
     FilterRelTables( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc )
         : with_functors<
               Gaudi::Functional::MergingTransformer<LHCb::Particle::Selection( const VectorOfRelations& ), BaseClass_t>,
-              RelCuts<Row>>{name, svcLoc, KeyValues( "InputTables", {} ), KeyValue( "OutputLocation", "" )} {}
+              RelCuts<Row>>{ name, svcLoc, KeyValues( "InputTables", {} ), KeyValue( "OutputLocation", "" ) } {}
     LHCb::Particle::Selection operator()( const VectorOfRelations& input ) const override {
       auto const&               predicate = this->template getFunctor<RelCuts<Row>>();
@@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Phys::RelationTables {
       std::vector<std::string>  locations;
       locations.reserve( inputLocationSize() );
       for ( unsigned i = 0; i < inputLocationSize(); ++i ) { locations.emplace_back( inputLocation( i ) ); }
-      for ( Row row : TableView{input, locations} ) {
+      for ( Row row : TableView{ input, locations } ) {
         if ( predicate( row ) ) { selection.push_back( row.from() ); }
       return selection;
@@ -150,9 +151,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Phys::RelationTables {
       : Gaudi::Functional::Transformer<LHCb::Relation1D<LHCb::Particle, double>( const LHCb::Particle::Range& ),
                                        BaseClass_t> {
-    Gaudi::Property<LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo> m_ai{this, "AdditionalInfo",
-                                                              LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::IsPhoton,
-                                                              "Assign which additionalInfo we're retrieving."};
+    Gaudi::Property<LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo> m_ai{ this, "AdditionalInfo",
+                                                               LHCb::ProtoParticle::additionalInfo::IsPhoton,
+                                                               "Assign which additionalInfo we're retrieving." };
     AiToRelTable( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc )
         : Transformer( name, svcLoc, KeyValue( "InputParticles", "" ), KeyValue( "OutputLocation", "" ) ) {}
diff --git a/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/src/WeightedRelationTable.cpp b/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/src/WeightedRelationTable.cpp
index 0b2f405a949dc5ec38dcbbf5c939e12112d4d05a..f04dcce2c13b733757092d23d159453de4094544 100644
--- a/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/src/WeightedRelationTable.cpp
+++ b/Phys/RelatedInfoTools/src/WeightedRelationTable.cpp
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ struct WeightedRelTableAlg final : with_functors<RelTableTransformer, PredFunct>
   WeightedRelTableAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
       : with_functors<RelTableTransformer, PredFunct>::with_functors(
-            name, pSvc, {KeyValue{"InputCandidates", ""}, KeyValue{"ReferenceParticles", ""}},
-            KeyValue{"OutputRelations", ""} ) {}
+            name, pSvc, { KeyValue{ "InputCandidates", "" }, KeyValue{ "ReferenceParticles", "" } },
+            KeyValue{ "OutputRelations", "" } ) {}
   // ==========================================================================
   /// the standard execution of the algorithm
@@ -107,9 +107,9 @@ struct WeightedRelTableAlg final : with_functors<RelTableTransformer, PredFunct>
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_inCount{this, "#InputCandidates"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_refCount{this, "#InputParticles"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_outCount{this, "#OutputParticles"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_inCount{ this, "#InputCandidates" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_refCount{ this, "#InputParticles" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_outCount{ this, "#OutputParticles" };
 struct Projection {
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ struct SelectionFromRelationTable final : SelectionTransformer {
     const auto&             rels = input.relations();
     wparts.reserve( rels.size() );
     std::transform( rels.begin(), rels.end(), std::back_inserter( wparts ),
-                    []( const auto& r ) { return Projection{r.to()}; } );
+                    []( const auto& r ) { return Projection{ r.to() }; } );
     return selectionFromProjectionVector( wparts );
@@ -226,8 +226,8 @@ struct SelectionFromWeightedRelationTable final : WeightedSelectionTransformer {
     return selectionFromProjectionVector( wparts );
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_minWeight{this, "MinimumWeight", -1.0, "Minimum Weight"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxWeight{this, "MaximumWeight", 1000.0, "Maximum Weight"};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_minWeight{ this, "MinimumWeight", -1.0, "Minimum Weight" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxWeight{ this, "MaximumWeight", 1000.0, "Maximum Weight" };
 // ============================================================================
@@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ struct ThOrParticleSelection : with_functors<Transformer, Funct> {
    *  @param pSvc service locator
   ThOrParticleSelection( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-      : with_functors<Transformer, Funct>::with_functors( name, pSvc, KeyValue{"InputParticles", ""},
-                                                          KeyValue{"OutputSelection", ""} ) {}
+      : with_functors<Transformer, Funct>::with_functors( name, pSvc, KeyValue{ "InputParticles", "" },
+                                                          KeyValue{ "OutputSelection", "" } ) {}
   // ==========================================================================
   /// the standard execution of the algorithm
   // ==========================================================================
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ struct ThOrParticleSelection : with_functors<Transformer, Funct> {
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_outCount{this, "#OutputParticles"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_outCount{ this, "#OutputParticles" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( WeightedRelTableAlg )
diff --git a/Phys/SelAlgorithms/python/SelAlgorithms/monitoring.py b/Phys/SelAlgorithms/python/SelAlgorithms/monitoring.py
index 9a6a0d719f5ae8d0cf568e3bedb60ee476f11368..f67d607be31f05e85f40d2ffd0e02138b3f1a66f 100644
--- a/Phys/SelAlgorithms/python/SelAlgorithms/monitoring.py
+++ b/Phys/SelAlgorithms/python/SelAlgorithms/monitoring.py
@@ -11,9 +11,10 @@
 Python wrappers over C++ objects passed to the monitoring algorithms
+import Functors
 import PyConf.Algorithms as algorithms
 from PyConf.dataflow import DataHandle
-import Functors
 class histogram_axis(object):
@@ -21,10 +22,16 @@ class histogram_axis(object):
     Object wrapping a exposed C++ monitoring class that represents a
     histogram axis
-    __slots__ = 'functor', 'bins', 'min', 'max', 'label'
-    def __init__(self, functor: Functors.Functor, bins: int,
-                 range: tuple[float, float], label: str):
+    __slots__ = "functor", "bins", "min", "max", "label"
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        functor: Functors.Functor,
+        bins: int,
+        range: tuple[float, float],
+        label: str,
+    ):
             functor (Functors.Functor): any functor object which can be
@@ -64,7 +71,7 @@ class histogram_axis(object):
         return self.functor.data_dependencies()
     def to_json(self):
-        """ Representation of the underlying C++ class as a string """
+        """Representation of the underlying C++ class as a string"""
         return {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.__slots__}
@@ -73,10 +80,18 @@ class histogram_1d(object):
     Object wrapping a exposed C++ monitoring class that represents a
     1D histogram
-    __slots__ = ['name', 'title', 'axis']
-    def __init__(self, name: str, title: str, functor: Functors.Functor,
-                 bins: int, range: tuple[float, float], label: str):
+    __slots__ = ["name", "title", "axis"]
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        name: str,
+        title: str,
+        functor: Functors.Functor,
+        bins: int,
+        range: tuple[float, float],
+        label: str,
+    ):
             name (str): name of the histogram in the ROOT file
@@ -113,12 +128,8 @@ class histogram_1d(object):
         return self.axis.data_dependencies()
     def to_json(self):
-        """ Representation of the underlying C++ class as a string """
-        return {
-            'name': self.name,
-            'title': self.title,
-            'axis': self.axis.to_json()
-        }
+        """Representation of the underlying C++ class as a string"""
+        return {"name": self.name, "title": self.title, "axis": self.axis.to_json()}
 class histogram_2d(object):
@@ -126,10 +137,12 @@ class histogram_2d(object):
     Object wrapping a exposed C++ monitoring class that represents a
     2D histogram
-    __slots__ = 'name', 'title', 'xaxis', 'yaxis'
-    def __init__(self, name: str, title: str, xaxis: histogram_axis,
-                 yaxis: histogram_axis):
+    __slots__ = "name", "title", "xaxis", "yaxis"
+    def __init__(
+        self, name: str, title: str, xaxis: histogram_axis, yaxis: histogram_axis
+    ):
             name (str): name of the histogram in the ROOT file
@@ -164,18 +177,20 @@ class histogram_2d(object):
     def to_json(self):
         return {
-            'name': self.name,
-            'title': self.title,
-            'xaxis': self.xaxis.to_json(),
-            'yaxis': self.yaxis.to_json()
+            "name": self.name,
+            "title": self.title,
+            "xaxis": self.xaxis.to_json(),
+            "yaxis": self.yaxis.to_json(),
-def monitor(*,
-            histograms: list[histogram_1d, histogram_2d],
-            data: DataHandle = None,
-            data_type: str = 'ParticleRange',
-            **kwargs):
+def monitor(
+    *,
+    histograms: list[histogram_1d, histogram_2d],
+    data: DataHandle = None,
+    data_type: str = "ParticleRange",
+    **kwargs,
     Function that builds a monitoring algorithm as a function of
     the data object that is passed.
@@ -202,9 +217,11 @@ def monitor(*,
         # handler itself, but this seems to be hardly possible due to the
         # presence of type aliases and the usage of templates.
-            monitor_cls = getattr(algorithms, f'Monitor__{data_type}')
+            monitor_cls = getattr(algorithms, f"Monitor__{data_type}")
         except AttributeError:
-            raise TypeError(f'Unable to make a monitor for data handler with "\
+            raise TypeError(
+                f'Unable to make a monitor for data handler with "\
                 "type named "{data_type}" (unexisting binding for C++ class "\
-                "with name "Monitor__{data_type}")')
+                "with name "Monitor__{data_type}")'
+            )
         return monitor_cls(Input=data, Histograms=histograms, **kwargs)
diff --git a/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/CombineTracksSIMD.h b/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/CombineTracksSIMD.h
index 68edf17b1d52bdee239b78639c7e7095a390f948..3ed45b1810dce2dd83f42c04088864d53547aaf4 100644
--- a/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/CombineTracksSIMD.h
+++ b/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/CombineTracksSIMD.h
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
     std::string combinationCutName() {
       static_assert( N >= 2 );
       static_assert( M + 1 < N );
-      std::string name{"Combination"};
+      std::string name{ "Combination" };
       if ( M + 2 < N ) {
         // M = 0 => "12"
         // M = 1 => "123"
@@ -133,7 +133,12 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
       template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<Sel::Utils::canBeExtrapolatedDownstream_v<T>, int> = 0>
       MiniState( T const& other )
-          : x{other.x()}, y{other.y()}, tx{other.tx()}, ty{other.ty()}, z{other.z()}, qOverP{other.qOverP()} {
+          : x{ other.x() }
+          , y{ other.y() }
+          , tx{ other.tx() }
+          , ty{ other.ty() }
+          , z{ other.z() }
+          , qOverP{ other.qOverP() } {
         auto const& other_cov = other.covariance();
         LHCb::Utils::unwind<0, 5>( [this, &other_cov]( auto i ) {
           LHCb::Utils::unwind<i, 5>( [this, i, &other_cov]( auto j ) { cov( i, j ) = other_cov( i, j ); } );
@@ -162,7 +167,7 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
     template <typename T, std::size_t N, typename F, std::size_t... Is>
     auto transform_helper( std::array<T, N> const& arr, F&& fun, std::index_sequence<Is...> ) {
-      return std::array<decltype( fun( std::declval<T>() ) ), N>{fun( std::get<Is>( arr ) )...};
+      return std::array<decltype( fun( std::declval<T>() ) ), N>{ fun( std::get<Is>( arr ) )... };
     template <typename T, std::size_t N, typename F>
@@ -210,16 +215,16 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
       auto const mu1 = -( secondinv11 * first1 + secondinv01 * first0 );
       // the initial point, this one will be updated in the fit loop
-      VecN<3, float_v> vertex_position{0.5f * ( s0.x + mu0 * s0.tx + s1.x + mu1 * s1.tx ),
-                                       0.5f * ( s0.y + mu0 * s0.ty + s1.y + mu1 * s1.ty ),
-                                       0.5f * ( s0.z + mu0 + s1.z + mu1 )};
+      VecN<3, float_v> vertex_position{ 0.5f * ( s0.x + mu0 * s0.tx + s1.x + mu1 * s1.tx ),
+                                        0.5f * ( s0.y + mu0 * s0.ty + s1.y + mu1 * s1.ty ),
+                                        0.5f * ( s0.z + mu0 + s1.z + mu1 ) };
       // std::cout << "new vertex_position: " << vertex_position << std::endl;
       // TODO to match the particlevertexfitter, we have to choose another state if we are inside the beam pipe!
       // prepare some data that will change within the vertex loop
       auto fitted_slopes = detail::transform( current_states, []( auto const& state ) {
-        return VecN<2, float_v>{state.tx, state.ty};
+        return VecN<2, float_v>{ state.tx, state.ty };
       } );
       // check if need this actually here
@@ -230,7 +235,7 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
       SymNxN<3, float_v> poscov{};
       float_v            chi2{};
-      int_v              ndof{-3 + 2 * N};
+      int_v              ndof{ -3 + 2 * N };
       mask_v             converged = simd_t::mask_false();
       mask_v             success   = simd_t::mask_true();
@@ -257,7 +262,7 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
             weight_matrix( 0, 1 ) = -1.f * state.cov( 0, 1 ) / det;
-          VecN<2, float_v> residual{vertex_position( 0 ) - state.x, vertex_position( 1 ) - state.y};
+          VecN<2, float_v> residual{ vertex_position( 0 ) - state.x, vertex_position( 1 ) - state.y };
           projection_matrix( 0, 0 ) = projection_matrix( 1, 1 ) = 1.f;
           projection_matrix( 0, 1 ) = projection_matrix( 1, 0 ) = 0.f;
@@ -274,7 +279,7 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
         // Step 3.2: calculate change in position and the covariance
         std::tie( success, poscov ) = halfD2ChisqDX2.invChol();
-        auto delta_pos  = poscov * halfDChisqDX * float_v{-1.f};
+        auto delta_pos  = poscov * halfDChisqDX * float_v{ -1.f };
         vertex_position = vertex_position + delta_pos;
         // add to chi2
@@ -289,10 +294,10 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
             auto const&      state         = current_states[state_idx];
             auto const&      weight_matrix = weight_matrices[state_idx];
             auto const       dz            = vertex_position( 2 ) - state.z;
-            VecN<2, float_v> res{vertex_position( 0 ) - ( state.x + state.tx * dz ),
-                                 vertex_position( 1 ) - ( state.y + state.ty * dz )};
+            VecN<2, float_v> res{ vertex_position( 0 ) - ( state.x + state.tx * dz ),
+                                  vertex_position( 1 ) - ( state.y + state.ty * dz ) };
             fitted_slope =
-                VecN<2, float_v>{state.tx, state.ty} + state.covXT().transpose() * weight_matrix.cast_to_mat() * res;
+                VecN<2, float_v>{ state.tx, state.ty } + state.covXT().transpose() * weight_matrix.cast_to_mat() * res;
           } );
@@ -301,7 +306,7 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
       std::size_t const fit_count = popcount( fit_mask );
       // Record the fit success statistics.
-      npassed_vertex_fit += {fit_count, std::size_t( popcount( prelim_fit_mask ) )};
+      npassed_vertex_fit += { fit_count, std::size_t( popcount( prelim_fit_mask ) ) };
       // Now we've recorded statistics we could shortcircuit if we wanted.
       // if ( !fit_count ) { return; }
@@ -317,8 +322,8 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
         auto const& weight_matrix = weight_matrices[state_idx];
         // update tx, ty, qOverP
         auto             dz = vertex_position( 2 ) - state.z;
-        VecN<2, float_v> res{vertex_position( 0 ) - ( state.x + fitted_slope( 0 ) * dz ),
-                             vertex_position( 1 ) - ( state.y + fitted_slope( 1 ) * dz )};
+        VecN<2, float_v> res{ vertex_position( 0 ) - ( state.x + fitted_slope( 0 ) * dz ),
+                              vertex_position( 1 ) - ( state.y + fitted_slope( 1 ) * dz ) };
         auto const       Vba    = state.cov.template sub<Matrix<3, 2, float_v>, 2, 0>();
         auto             K      = Vba * weight_matrix.cast_to_mat();
         auto             tx     = state.tx + ( K * res )( 0 );
@@ -334,8 +339,8 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
         auto       px   = tx * pz;
         auto       py   = ty * pz;
         auto       E    = sqrt( p * p + mass * mass );
-        p4              = p4 + VecN<4, float_v>{px, py, pz, E}; // TODO check whether this gives right results
-                                                                // it was E px py pz before
+        p4              = p4 + VecN<4, float_v>{ px, py, pz, E }; // TODO check whether this gives right results
+                                                                  // it was E px py pz before
         Matrix<4, 3, float_v> dp4dmom{}; // jacobi matrix of del(p4)/del(tx,ty,qOverP)
@@ -368,7 +373,7 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
       auto const momposcov = gain_matrix * poscov.cast_to_mat();
       // Actually fill the output storage
-      tmp_storage.emplace_back<Backend>( vertex_position, p4, int_v{0} /* parent PID */, chi2, ndof, poscov, p4cov,
+      tmp_storage.emplace_back<Backend>( vertex_position, p4, int_v{ 0 } /* parent PID */, chi2, ndof, poscov, p4cov,
                                          momposcov, current_child_indices, current_zip_families, current_unique_ids );
       // Return a mask of the validity of the first chunk of tmp_storage
       return fit_mask;
@@ -402,9 +407,9 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
     CombineTracksSIMD( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : base_t( name, pSvcLocator,
-                  {KeyValue{"InputUniqueIDGenerator", LHCb::UniqueIDGeneratorLocation::Default},
-                   KeyValue{"InputTracks", ""}},
-                  {KeyValue{"Output", ""}} ) {}
+                  { KeyValue{ "InputUniqueIDGenerator", LHCb::UniqueIDGeneratorLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "InputTracks", "" } },
+                  { KeyValue{ "Output", "" } } ) {}
     StatusCode initialize() override {
       StatusCode sc = base_t::initialize();
@@ -450,7 +455,7 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
     std::tuple<bool, LHCb::Event::Composites>
     do_the_work( EventContext const& evtCtx, LHCb::UniqueIDGenerator const& unique_id_gen, T const& raw_in,
                  std::tuple<Functors::Functor<typename CombCut<NCombinationCuts, Backend>::Signature> const&...>
-                                                                                                unprepared_combination_cuts,
+                     unprepared_combination_cuts,
                  Functors::Functor<typename detail::VertexCut<T, N, Backend>::Signature> const& unprepared_vertex_cut,
                  std::index_sequence<NCombinationCuts...> ) const {
       using simd_t  = typename SIMDWrapper::type_map_t<Backend>;
@@ -462,7 +467,7 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
       // Prepare the output storage
       auto const memResource = LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx );
-      std::tuple ret{false, LHCb::Event::Composites{unique_id_gen, Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), memResource}};
+      std::tuple ret{ false, LHCb::Event::Composites{ unique_id_gen, Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), memResource } };
       // Can't use a structured binding here because we need to capture these
       // names in lambdas below (and clang doesn't let you do that...)
       auto& filter_pass = std::get<0>( ret );
@@ -492,27 +497,27 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
       // Temporary storage used as a buffer before the mother cut
       // TODO make the scheduler provide a second memory resource that is reset after every algorithm and use that here
-      LHCb::Event::Composites tmp_storage{unique_id_gen, storage.zipIdentifier(), memResource};
+      LHCb::Event::Composites tmp_storage{ unique_id_gen, storage.zipIdentifier(), memResource };
       tmp_storage.reserve( simd_t::size );
       auto tmp_storage_view = tmp_storage.template simd<Backend>();
       // Do some potentially-expensive preparation before we enter the loop
       auto       vertex_cut = unprepared_vertex_cut.prepare( evtCtx );
-      std::tuple combination_cuts{std::get<NCombinationCuts>( unprepared_combination_cuts ).prepare( evtCtx )...};
+      std::tuple combination_cuts{ std::get<NCombinationCuts>( unprepared_combination_cuts ).prepare( evtCtx )... };
       // Buffer our counters to reduce the number of atomic operations
       auto       vertex_cut_load    = m_vertex_cut_load.buffer();
       auto       npassed_vertex_cut = m_npassed_vertex_cut.buffer();
       auto       npassed_vertex_fit = m_npassed_vertex_fit.buffer();
-      std::tuple buffer_shuffles{m_buffer_shuffles[NCombinationCuts].buffer()...};
-      std::tuple combination_cut_loads{m_combination_cut_loads[NCombinationCuts].buffer()...};
-      std::tuple npassed_combination_cuts{m_npassed_combination_cuts[NCombinationCuts].buffer()...};
+      std::tuple buffer_shuffles{ m_buffer_shuffles[NCombinationCuts].buffer()... };
+      std::tuple combination_cut_loads{ m_combination_cut_loads[NCombinationCuts].buffer()... };
+      std::tuple npassed_combination_cuts{ m_npassed_combination_cuts[NCombinationCuts].buffer()... };
       constexpr float inv_simd_size = 1.f / simd_t::size;
       constexpr auto  buffer_depth  = 2 * simd_t::size;
       // These never change -- just the mass and input zip ID copied N times
       auto const current_masses       = LHCb::make_object_array<float_v, N>( m_assumed_mass_value );
-      auto const current_zip_families = LHCb::make_object_array<int_v, N>( int{in.zipIdentifier()} );
+      auto const current_zip_families = LHCb::make_object_array<int_v, N>( int{ in.zipIdentifier() } );
       // Buffers that we track combinations in. +2 because the 0th combination
       // cut is applied to a 2-track combination and so on.
       std::array<std::size_t, N - 1>                                                 combination_indices_sizes{};
@@ -543,13 +548,13 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
         vertex_cut_load += inv_simd_size * particle_count;
         // Apply the vertex cut to those particles
         auto const vertex_cut_mask = particle_mask && vertex_cut( Functors::mask_arg, particle_mask, particle_chunk );
-        npassed_vertex_cut += {std::size_t( popcount( vertex_cut_mask ) ), particle_count};
+        npassed_vertex_cut += { std::size_t( popcount( vertex_cut_mask ) ), particle_count };
         // Copy the particles that matched into the actual storage
         storage.template copy_back<simd_t>( tmp_storage, 0, vertex_cut_mask );
         // Clear the temporary storage again
-      [[maybe_unused]] int seen_2body_combs{0};
+      [[maybe_unused]] int seen_2body_combs{ 0 };
       int const            input_size = in.size();
       for ( auto i = 0; i < input_size; i += simd_t::size ) {
         auto const& t1      = in[i];
@@ -557,23 +562,23 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
         auto const  t1_inds = t1.indices();
         for ( auto j = i + 1; j < input_size; ++j ) {
           auto const& t2 = in.scalar_fill( j );
-          assert( all( t2.indices() == int_v{j} ) );
+          assert( all( t2.indices() == int_v{ j } ) );
           auto const mask = t1_mask && ( j > t1_inds );
           auto const comb_mask =
-              mask && std::get<0>( combination_cuts )( Functors::mask_arg, mask, Combination<2, Backend>{t1, t2} );
+              mask && std::get<0>( combination_cuts )( Functors::mask_arg, mask, Combination<2, Backend>{ t1, t2 } );
           std::size_t const mask_count = popcount( mask );
           std::size_t const comb_count = popcount( comb_mask );
           // Record statistics
           seen_2body_combs += mask_count;
           std::get<0>( combination_cut_loads ) += inv_simd_size * mask_count;
-          std::get<0>( npassed_combination_cuts ) += {comb_count, mask_count};
+          std::get<0>( npassed_combination_cuts ) += { comb_count, mask_count };
           // Short-circuit if we can
           if ( !comb_count ) { continue; }
           // Buffer the indices of the first and second elements of the combination
           auto& combination12_indices      = std::get<0>( combination_indices );
           auto& combination12_indices_size = std::get<0>( combination_indices_sizes );
           t1_inds.compressstore( comb_mask, &combination12_indices[0][combination12_indices_size] );
-          int_v{j}.compressstore( comb_mask, &combination12_indices[1][combination12_indices_size] );
+          int_v{ j }.compressstore( comb_mask, &combination12_indices[1][combination12_indices_size] );
           combination12_indices_size += comb_count;
           // If we don't have a full SIMD unit of 'comb12's, hold off
           if ( combination12_indices_size < simd_t::size ) { continue; }
@@ -598,7 +603,7 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
         ... );
       // Record if we had to reallocate the output container
-      m_output_container_reallocated += bool{storage.capacity() > initial_capacity};
+      m_output_container_reallocated += bool{ storage.capacity() > initial_capacity };
       filter_pass = !storage.empty();
       return ret;
@@ -653,7 +658,7 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
       // When tidying up after the 2-body generation loop this != mask_true()
       auto const comb_mask = simd_t::loop_mask( 0, current_size );
       // Get the indices of members of the combination we're operating on
-      std::array indices{int_v{current_indices[Particle].data()}...};
+      std::array indices{ int_v{ current_indices[Particle].data() }... };
       // Make sure we don't load anything invalid -- replace invalid indices
       // with the minimum valid index. current_size is nonzero, so there is
       // always at least one valid index here.
@@ -676,11 +681,11 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
       if constexpr ( NBodies == N ) {
         // Do a vertex fit...
         static_assert( indices.size() == N );
-        do_vertex_fit(
-            comb_mask, indices,
-            std::array<detail::MiniState<float_v>, N>{
-                in.gather( indices[Particle], comb_mask ).closestToBeamState()...},
-            std::vector<LHCb::UniqueIDGenerator::ID<int_v>>{in.gather( indices[Particle], comb_mask ).unique_id()...} );
+        do_vertex_fit( comb_mask, indices,
+                       std::array<detail::MiniState<float_v>, N>{
+                           in.gather( indices[Particle], comb_mask ).closestToBeamState()... },
+                       std::vector<LHCb::UniqueIDGenerator::ID<int_v>>{
+                           in.gather( indices[Particle], comb_mask ).unique_id()... } );
       } else {
         // Our task is to make (NBodies+1)-body combinations from NBodies-body
         // combinations.
@@ -702,11 +707,11 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
           auto const& comb_cut = std::get<CombCutIndex + 1>( combination_cuts );
           auto const  cut_mask =
               mask && comb_cut( Functors::mask_arg, mask,
-                                new_comb_t{in.gather( indices[Particle], mask )..., in.scalar_fill( i )} );
+                                new_comb_t{ in.gather( indices[Particle], mask )..., in.scalar_fill( i ) } );
           std::size_t const mask_count = popcount( mask );
           std::size_t const cut_count  = popcount( cut_mask );
           std::get<CombCutIndex + 1>( combination_cut_loads ) += inv_simd_size * mask_count;
-          std::get<CombCutIndex + 1>( npassed_combination_cuts ) += {cut_count, mask_count};
+          std::get<CombCutIndex + 1>( npassed_combination_cuts ) += { cut_count, mask_count };
           if ( !cut_count ) { continue; }
           // Store indices of the new X+1-body combination
           auto& next_size    = std::get<CombCutIndex + 1>( combination_indices_sizes );
@@ -714,7 +719,7 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
           // Store the indices of the surviving X-body combination members
           ( indices[Particle].compressstore( cut_mask, &next_indices[Particle][next_size] ), ... );
           // Store the index of the final element that we just added.
-          int_v{i}.compressstore( cut_mask, &next_indices.back()[next_size] );
+          int_v{ i }.compressstore( cut_mask, &next_indices.back()[next_size] );
           next_size += cut_count;
           // If our collection of (NBodies+1)-body combinations has at least a
           // whole SIMD vector worth of elements, process a chunk now.
@@ -729,39 +734,40 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
     template <typename C, std::size_t... Ms>
     static std::array<C, sizeof...( Ms )> makeCombinationCutCounters( CombineTracksSIMD* ptr,
                                                                       std::index_sequence<Ms...> ) {
-      return {C{ptr, "# passed " + SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD::detail::combinationCutName<N, Ms>()}...};
+      return { C{ ptr, "# passed " + SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD::detail::combinationCutName<N, Ms>() }... };
     template <typename C, std::size_t... Ms>
     static std::array<C, sizeof...( Ms )> makeCombinationCutLoadCounters( CombineTracksSIMD* ptr,
                                                                           std::index_sequence<Ms...> ) {
-      return {C{ptr, SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD::detail::combinationCutName<N, Ms>() + " SIMD utilisation"}...};
+      return {
+          C{ ptr, SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD::detail::combinationCutName<N, Ms>() + " SIMD utilisation" }... };
     template <typename C, std::size_t... Ms>
     static std::array<C, sizeof...( Ms )> makeBufferShuffleCounters( CombineTracksSIMD* ptr,
                                                                      std::index_sequence<Ms...> ) {
-      return {C{ptr, "# shuffled in " + std::to_string( Ms + 2 ) + "-particle buffer"}...};
+      return { C{ ptr, "# shuffled in " + std::to_string( Ms + 2 ) + "-particle buffer" }... };
     /// Number of combinations passing the combination cut
     using cut_counter_t = Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>;
     mutable std::array<cut_counter_t, N - 1> m_npassed_combination_cuts{
-        makeCombinationCutCounters<cut_counter_t>( this, std::make_index_sequence<N - 1>{} )};
+        makeCombinationCutCounters<cut_counter_t>( this, std::make_index_sequence<N - 1>{} ) };
     /// SIMD utilisation of the combination cuts
     using load_counter_t = Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<>;
     mutable std::array<load_counter_t, N - 1> m_combination_cut_loads{
-        makeCombinationCutLoadCounters<load_counter_t>( this, std::make_index_sequence<N - 1>{} )};
+        makeCombinationCutLoadCounters<load_counter_t>( this, std::make_index_sequence<N - 1>{} ) };
     /// Number of indices shuffled
     mutable std::array<load_counter_t, N - 1> m_buffer_shuffles{
-        makeBufferShuffleCounters<load_counter_t>( this, std::make_index_sequence<N - 1>{} )};
+        makeBufferShuffleCounters<load_counter_t>( this, std::make_index_sequence<N - 1>{} ) };
     /// Number of successfully fitted combinations
-    mutable cut_counter_t m_npassed_vertex_fit{this, "# passed vertex fit"};
+    mutable cut_counter_t m_npassed_vertex_fit{ this, "# passed vertex fit" };
     /// Number of fitted vertices passing vertex cut
-    mutable cut_counter_t m_npassed_vertex_cut{this, "# passed VertexCut"};
+    mutable cut_counter_t m_npassed_vertex_cut{ this, "# passed VertexCut" };
     /// How often we had to reallocate
-    mutable cut_counter_t m_output_container_reallocated{this, "# output reallocations"};
+    mutable cut_counter_t m_output_container_reallocated{ this, "# output reallocations" };
     /// SIMD utilisation of the vertex cuts
-    mutable load_counter_t m_vertex_cut_load{this, "VertexCut SIMD utilisation"};
+    mutable load_counter_t m_vertex_cut_load{ this, "VertexCut SIMD utilisation" };
     /// Service used to convert particle names into floating point mass values
-    ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_pp_svc{this, "ParticlePropertyService", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc"};
+    ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_pp_svc{ this, "ParticlePropertyService", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc" };
     /// Mass hypothesis applied to children when calculating parent 4-momenta
     float                        m_assumed_mass_value{};
     Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_assumed_mass{
@@ -771,7 +777,7 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
             // Print the error as well as throwing; hopefully this will make
             // the message more obvious in the logfile.
             this->fatal() << msg << endmsg;
-            return {std::move( msg ), "SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+            return { std::move( msg ), "SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD", StatusCode::FAILURE };
           if ( !m_pp_svc ) { throw exception( "Couldn't get ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc>" ); }
           if ( !m_pp_svc->size() ) {
@@ -800,6 +806,6 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD {
         "Mass hypothesis assumed for the tracks when calculating the parent 4-momentum. This will be interpreted as "
         "a particle name, and if that lookup fails it will be interpreted as a floating point value. If that also "
-        "fails, an exception will be thrown."};
+        "fails, an exception will be thrown." };
 } // namespace SelAlgorithms::CombineTracksSIMD
diff --git a/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/FlattenDecayTree.cpp b/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/FlattenDecayTree.cpp
index cdbb0a4c463ca2c7ad11b2482ae44efbd37ed80a..1d1cc9b73a2805259f4e9ad0b11c86ed357f5160 100644
--- a/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/FlattenDecayTree.cpp
+++ b/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/FlattenDecayTree.cpp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
   class FlattenDecayTree final : public Algorithm::Transformer<out_particles_t( in_particles_t )> {
     FlattenDecayTree( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, {"InputParticles", {}}, {KeyValue{"OutputParticles", ""}} ) {}
+        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, { "InputParticles", {} }, { KeyValue{ "OutputParticles", "" } } ) {}
     out_particles_t operator()( in_particles_t particles ) const override {
       LHCb::Particle::Selection out_particles;
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ namespace LHCb {
-    mutable counter_t m_ninput_particles{this, "# input particles"};
-    mutable counter_t m_noutput_particles{this, "# output particles"};
+    mutable counter_t m_ninput_particles{ this, "# input particles" };
+    mutable counter_t m_noutput_particles{ this, "# output particles" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( FlattenDecayTree, "FlattenDecayTree" )
diff --git a/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/MakePVRelations.cpp b/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/MakePVRelations.cpp
index e736f4fe1a1521b2d64971203d11d3ccbf5d71a3..9d5990883cd68234690b7635f4643e97da80f2ed 100644
--- a/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/MakePVRelations.cpp
+++ b/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/MakePVRelations.cpp
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ template <typename PrTracks>
 struct MakePVRelations final : public Base<PrTracks> {
   using typename Base<PrTracks>::KeyValue;
   MakePVRelations( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : Base<PrTracks>( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"Input", ""}, KeyValue{"InputVertices", ""}}, {"Output", ""} ) {}
+      : Base<PrTracks>( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "Input", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputVertices", "" } },
+                        { "Output", "" } ) {}
   Output operator()( PrTracks const& in, Vertices vertices ) const override {
     return Sel::calculateBestVertices( in, vertices );
diff --git a/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/MakeZip.cpp b/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/MakeZip.cpp
index 58803316fa11ed2cb566d0a678c9d596ad1a2ae8..7fb07c4a64d6a4475e594efa68d2b7a4db2f3049 100644
--- a/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/MakeZip.cpp
+++ b/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/MakeZip.cpp
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ struct MakeZip final : public Helper<OutputType, Inputs...>::Base {
   using Help     = Helper<OutputType, Inputs...>;
   using KeyValue = typename Help::Base::KeyValue;
   MakeZip( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : Help::Base{name, pSvcLocator, Help::InputNames(), KeyValue{"Output", ""}} {}
+      : Help::Base{ name, pSvcLocator, Help::InputNames(), KeyValue{ "Output", "" } } {}
   typename Help::Output operator()( Inputs const&... in ) const override { return LHCb::Event::make_zip( in... ); }
diff --git a/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/Monitor.h b/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/Monitor.h
index b68fe36a0d404635d7d794ad9357757dc139f306..bc6418a56ecd53382bccc046d87d8a7559b01f0c 100644
--- a/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/Monitor.h
+++ b/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/Monitor.h
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::monitoring {
     general_histogram_wrapper_base( Owner* owner, std::string const& name, std::string const& title,
                                     functors_pointer_type&& functors, Axis&&... axis )
         : base_class{}
-        , m_functors_ptr{std::move( functors )}
+        , m_functors_ptr{ std::move( functors ) }
         , m_histogram( owner, name, title, axis_type( std::forward<Axis>( axis ) )... ) {
       static_assert( sizeof...( Axis ) == N,
                      "The number of axes provided must match the number of dimensions of the histogram" );
@@ -205,14 +205,14 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::monitoring {
     template <std::size_t... I>
     void fill_impl( InputType const& container, std::index_sequence<I...> ) {
       for ( auto const& item : container ) {
-        auto values = std::array{std::invoke( this->m_functors_ptr->at( I ), item )...};
+        auto values = std::array{ std::invoke( this->m_functors_ptr->at( I ), item )... };
         if constexpr ( sizeof...( I ) == 1 ) {
           // for 1D histograms we can not pass a tuple
           ++( this->m_histogram )[as_<float>( std::get<0>( values ) )]; // TODO: check whether m_histogram want floats
                                                                         // or something else...
         } else {
-          ++( this->m_histogram )[{as_<float>( std::get<I>( values ) )...}]; // TODO: check whether m_histogram want
-                                                                             // floats or something else...
+          ++( this->m_histogram )[{ as_<float>( std::get<I>( values ) )... }]; // TODO: check whether m_histogram want
+                                                                               // floats or something else...
@@ -234,14 +234,14 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::monitoring {
     // Implementation of the action of filling the underlying histogram
     template <std::size_t... I>
     void fill_impl( std::index_sequence<I...> ) {
-      auto values = std::array{std::invoke( this->m_functors_ptr->at( I ) )...};
+      auto values = std::array{ std::invoke( this->m_functors_ptr->at( I ) )... };
       if constexpr ( sizeof...( I ) == 1 ) {
         // for 1D histograms we can not pass a tuple, but just the only argument
         ++( this->m_histogram )[as_<float>( std::get<0>( values ) )]; // TODO: check whether m_histogram want floats or
                                                                       // something else...
       } else {
-        ++( this->m_histogram )[{as_<float>( std::get<I>( values ) )...}]; // TODO: check whether m_histogram want
-                                                                           // floats or something else...
+        ++( this->m_histogram )[{ as_<float>( std::get<I>( values ) )... }]; // TODO: check whether m_histogram want
+                                                                             // floats or something else...
@@ -260,8 +260,8 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::monitoring {
       using histogram_wrapper_type = histogram_wrapper<InputType, sizeof...( FunctorDescriptionAndAxis )>;
       using axis_type              = typename histogram_wrapper_type::axis_type;
       using return_type = std::unique_ptr<histogram_wrapper_base<underlying_iterable_type_for_input_type_t<InputType>>>;
-      return return_type{std::make_unique<histogram_wrapper_type>(
-          owner, name, title, std::move( functors_ptr ), axis_type( fax.bins, fax.min, fax.max, fax.label )... )};
+      return return_type{ std::make_unique<histogram_wrapper_type>(
+          owner, name, title, std::move( functors_ptr ), axis_type( fax.bins, fax.min, fax.max, fax.label )... ) };
     // Make an unique pointer to an object wrapping any kind of histogram
@@ -346,9 +346,10 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::monitoring {
     // properties
-    Gaudi::Property<histogram_configurations_type> m_configurations{this, "Histograms", {}, "Histogram configurations"};
-    mutable histograms_type                        m_histograms;
-    ServiceHandle<Functors::IFactory>              m_functor_factory{this, "FunctorFactory", "FunctorFactory"};
+    Gaudi::Property<histogram_configurations_type> m_configurations{
+        this, "Histograms", {}, "Histogram configurations" };
+    mutable histograms_type           m_histograms;
+    ServiceHandle<Functors::IFactory> m_functor_factory{ this, "FunctorFactory", "FunctorFactory" };
   /** @class ContainerMonitor Monitor.h
@@ -364,7 +365,7 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::monitoring {
     using base_class = MonitorBase<InputType>;
     // The only constructor
     ContainerMonitor( std::string const& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : base_class( name, pSvcLocator, typename base_class::KeyValue{"Input", ""} ) {}
+        : base_class( name, pSvcLocator, typename base_class::KeyValue{ "Input", "" } ) {}
     // Virtual method that should preprocess the container, if necessary, and call the "fill" member function
     void operator()( InputType const& in ) const override = 0;
diff --git a/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/MonitorProperties.h b/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/MonitorProperties.h
index 8c44dd643e6c95285100273daa5983c403fbfce4..1f7eecc5ff4c4cd7330e2833b46acd5ad7785b70 100644
--- a/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/MonitorProperties.h
+++ b/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/MonitorProperties.h
@@ -29,7 +29,11 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::monitoring {
     // Constructor from the fields
     histogram_axis( ThOr::FunctorDesc _functor_desc, unsigned int _bins, histogram_value_type _min,
                     histogram_value_type _max, std::string _label )
-        : functor_desc{std::move( _functor_desc )}, bins{_bins}, min{_min}, max{_max}, label{std::move( _label )} {}
+        : functor_desc{ std::move( _functor_desc ) }
+        , bins{ _bins }
+        , min{ _min }
+        , max{ _max }
+        , label{ std::move( _label ) } {}
     // The functor that will be used to compute the values to the histogram
     ThOr::FunctorDesc functor_desc;
@@ -51,7 +55,7 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::monitoring {
     // Constructor from the fields
     histogram_1d( std::string _name, std::string _title, histogram_axis _axis )
-        : name{std::move( _name )}, title{std::move( _title )}, axis{std::move( _axis )} {}
+        : name{ std::move( _name ) }, title{ std::move( _title ) }, axis{ std::move( _axis ) } {}
     // Name of the histogram in the ROOT file
     std::string name;
@@ -69,10 +73,10 @@ namespace SelAlgorithms::monitoring {
     // Construct the object from the name, title and the configuration of the axes
     histogram_2d( std::string _name, std::string _title, histogram_axis _xaxis, histogram_axis _yaxis )
-        : name{std::move( _name )}
-        , title{std::move( _title )}
-        , xaxis{std::move( _xaxis )}
-        , yaxis{std::move( _yaxis )} {}
+        : name{ std::move( _name ) }
+        , title{ std::move( _title ) }
+        , xaxis{ std::move( _xaxis ) }
+        , yaxis{ std::move( _yaxis ) } {}
     // Name of the histogram in the ROOT file
     std::string name;
diff --git a/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/TestFunctors.h b/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/TestFunctors.h
index 096bafbb7f8d08b6f606fc9d99f741f9529b48d0..154be73a8041f5a3ec51fe1953801aa857589254 100644
--- a/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/TestFunctors.h
+++ b/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/TestFunctors.h
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ namespace ThOr::Functors::Tests {
     template <bool ConsumeInput_ = ConsumeInput, std::enable_if_t<ConsumeInput_, int> = 0>
     InitialiseAndOptionallyEvaluate( std::string const& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : base_t( name, pSvcLocator, {"Input", ""} ) {}
+        : base_t( name, pSvcLocator, { "Input", "" } ) {}
     template <bool ConsumeInput_ = ConsumeInput, std::enable_if_t<!ConsumeInput_, int> = 0>
     InitialiseAndOptionallyEvaluate( std::string const& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ namespace ThOr::Functors::Tests {
       auto const dump_functors   = std::tie( this->template getFunctorMap<dump_tags>()... );
       auto const filter_functors = std::tie( this->template getFunctorMap<filter_tags>()... );
       // Get the names of the tag types
-      std::array<std::string, num_dump_tags>   dump_tag_names{dump_tags::name()...};
-      std::array<std::string, num_filter_tags> filter_tag_names{filter_tags::name()...};
+      std::array<std::string, num_dump_tags>   dump_tag_names{ dump_tags::name()... };
+      std::array<std::string, num_filter_tags> filter_tag_names{ filter_tags::name()... };
       this->debug() << "dump_tag_names: " << dump_tag_names << endmsg;
       this->debug() << "filter_tag_names: " << filter_tag_names << endmsg;
       // Shorthand for below
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ namespace ThOr::Functors::Tests {
         std::ostringstream oss;
         oss << std::move( name ) << " [dump_tag_names = " << dump_tag_names
             << ", filter_tag_names = " << filter_tag_names << ']';
-        return GaudiException{oss.str(), prettyName() + "::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        return GaudiException{ oss.str(), prettyName() + "::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
       // Count how many valid functors there are in each container
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ namespace ThOr::Functors::Tests {
                   return name_functor_pair.second;
                 } );
-              return std::array<long, sizeof...( functors )>{num_valid( functors )...};
+              return std::array<long, sizeof...( functors )>{ num_valid( functors )... };
             functor_tuple );
         // Do some basic checks -- note that this should "really" be in some kind of update handler.
@@ -274,19 +274,20 @@ namespace ThOr::Functors::Tests {
       // Good sets of return values for dump functors
       std::array const good_rtypes{
-          std::array{System::typeinfoName( typeid( typename dump_tags::template return_t<int> ) )...},
-          std::array{System::typeinfoName( typeid( typename dump_tags::template return_t<bool> ) )...},
-          std::array{System::typeinfoName( typeid( typename dump_tags::template return_t<float> ) )...}};
+          std::array{ System::typeinfoName( typeid( typename dump_tags::template return_t<int> ) )... },
+          std::array{ System::typeinfoName( typeid( typename dump_tags::template return_t<bool> ) )... },
+          std::array{ System::typeinfoName( typeid( typename dump_tags::template return_t<float> ) )... } };
       // Variants initialised with the corresponding plain types -- the order
       // here MUST match good_rtypes just above.
-      [[maybe_unused]] std::array<pod_variant_t, 3> const good_rtypes_variants{int{}, bool{}, float{}};
+      [[maybe_unused]] std::array<pod_variant_t, 3> const good_rtypes_variants{ int{}, bool{}, float{} };
       // The sets of functors are all the same length, so we can loop through them in lockstep
-      for ( auto iters = std::tuple{std::get<Dump_Is>( dump_functors ).begin()...};
-            iters != std::tuple{std::get<Dump_Is>( dump_functors ).end()...}; ( ++std::get<Dump_Is>( iters ), ... ) ) {
+      for ( auto iters = std::tuple{ std::get<Dump_Is>( dump_functors ).begin()... };
+            iters != std::tuple{ std::get<Dump_Is>( dump_functors ).end()... };
+            ( ++std::get<Dump_Is>( iters ), ... ) ) {
         // Get the keys from all the functor maps
-        std::array functor_names{std::string_view{std::get<Dump_Is>( iters )->first}...};
+        std::array functor_names{ std::string_view{ std::get<Dump_Is>( iters )->first }... };
         // Get a tuple of const references to the functors themselves (map values)
         auto const functors = std::tie( std::as_const( std::get<Dump_Is>( iters )->second )... );
         // Check that they all match
@@ -303,7 +304,7 @@ namespace ThOr::Functors::Tests {
         if ( ( !std::get<Dump_Is>( functors ) || ... ) ) { throw exception( "A subset of functors were null" ); }
         // Get all of the return types as strings
-        std::array const functor_rtypes{System::typeinfoName( std::get<Dump_Is>( functors ).rtype() )...};
+        std::array const functor_rtypes{ System::typeinfoName( std::get<Dump_Is>( functors ).rtype() )... };
         // We also allow all functor return types that are trivially copyable (e.g. enums)
         // std::array const trivially_copyable{ std::is_trivially_copyable_v<decltype(std::get<Dump_Is>( functors
         // ).rtype())>... };
@@ -337,11 +338,11 @@ namespace ThOr::Functors::Tests {
       if constexpr ( num_filter_tags > 0 ) {
         // Do some basic checking of the filter functor(s) that we received
-        for ( auto iters = std::tuple{std::get<Filter_Is>( filter_functors ).begin()...};
-              iters != std::tuple{std::get<Filter_Is>( filter_functors ).end()...};
+        for ( auto iters = std::tuple{ std::get<Filter_Is>( filter_functors ).begin()... };
+              iters != std::tuple{ std::get<Filter_Is>( filter_functors ).end()... };
               ( ++std::get<Filter_Is>( iters ), ... ) ) {
           // Get the keys from all the functor maps
-          std::array functor_names{std::string_view{std::get<Filter_Is>( iters )->first}...};
+          std::array functor_names{ std::string_view{ std::get<Filter_Is>( iters )->first }... };
           // Check that they all match
           if ( !all_same( functor_names ) ) {
             std::ostringstream oss;
@@ -357,7 +358,7 @@ namespace ThOr::Functors::Tests {
           // Get the return types of all the different versions as strings
-          std::array const functor_rtypes{System::typeinfoName( std::get<Filter_Is>( functors ).rtype() )...};
+          std::array const functor_rtypes{ System::typeinfoName( std::get<Filter_Is>( functors ).rtype() )... };
           // Check that they all match
           if ( !all_same( functor_rtypes ) ) {
             std::ostringstream oss;
@@ -390,16 +391,17 @@ namespace ThOr::Functors::Tests {
     void do_the_work( std::index_sequence<Dump_Is...>, boost::mp11::mp_list<dump_tags...> ) const {
       // Get all the dumping functors/functions
       auto const dump_functors = std::tie( this->template getFunctorMap<dump_tags>()... );
-      for ( auto iters = std::tuple{std::get<Dump_Is>( dump_functors ).begin()...};
-            iters != std::tuple{std::get<Dump_Is>( dump_functors ).end()...}; ( ++std::get<Dump_Is>( iters ), ... ) ) {
+      for ( auto iters = std::tuple{ std::get<Dump_Is>( dump_functors ).begin()... };
+            iters != std::tuple{ std::get<Dump_Is>( dump_functors ).end()... };
+            ( ++std::get<Dump_Is>( iters ), ... ) ) {
         // Evaluate all of the functors
-        std::array<std::any, num_dump_tags> results{std::get<Dump_Is>( iters )->second()...};
+        std::array<std::any, num_dump_tags> results{ std::get<Dump_Is>( iters )->second()... };
         // Deal with the type-erasure and check the results are all the same
         if ( !erased_values_all_match<bool, int>( results ) ) {
           // We already checked that all of the names are the same
           auto const& functor_name = std::get<0>( iters )->first;
-          throw GaudiException{"Mismatched void functor (" + functor_name + ") return values",
-                               prettyName() + "::operator()(void)", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+          throw GaudiException{ "Mismatched void functor (" + functor_name + ") return values",
+                                prettyName() + "::operator()(void)", StatusCode::FAILURE };
@@ -429,28 +431,28 @@ namespace ThOr::Functors::Tests {
       // Shorthand for below
       auto exception = [&]( std::string_view name ) {
         std::ostringstream oss;
-        oss << name << " [dump_tag_names = " << std::array{dump_tags::name()...} << ']';
-        return GaudiException{oss.str(), prettyName() + "::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        oss << name << " [dump_tag_names = " << std::array{ dump_tags::name()... } << ']';
+        return GaudiException{ oss.str(), prettyName() + "::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
       // First check the filter functors
       auto const filter_functors = std::tie( this->template getFunctorMap<filter_tags>()... );
       // Prepare the input types that they expect
-      std::tuple const iterables_for_filters{LHCb::Event::make_zip<filter_tags::VectorBackend>( input_container )...};
+      std::tuple const iterables_for_filters{ LHCb::Event::make_zip<filter_tags::VectorBackend>( input_container )... };
       if constexpr ( num_filter_tags > 0 ) {
         // Execute each of the filters, looping over the map (quite possibly there is only one entry)
-        for ( auto iters = std::tuple{std::get<Filter_Is>( filter_functors ).begin()...};
-              iters != std::tuple{std::get<Filter_Is>( filter_functors ).end()...};
+        for ( auto iters = std::tuple{ std::get<Filter_Is>( filter_functors ).begin()... };
+              iters != std::tuple{ std::get<Filter_Is>( filter_functors ).end()... };
               ( ++std::get<Filter_Is>( iters ), ... ) ) {
           // Get all the different cache/cling scalar/vector combinations
           auto const functors = std::tie( std::get<Filter_Is>( iters )->second... );
           // execute them on their prepared input types
           std::tuple const filtered_containers{
-              std::get<Filter_Is>( functors )( std::get<Filter_Is>( iterables_for_filters ) )...};
+              std::get<Filter_Is>( functors )( std::get<Filter_Is>( iterables_for_filters ) )... };
           // not much more to do...check the output sizes are all the same
-          std::array const filtered_sizes{filtered_size( std::get<Filter_Is>( filtered_containers ) )...};
+          std::array const filtered_sizes{ filtered_size( std::get<Filter_Is>( filtered_containers ) )... };
           // Check that they all match
           if ( !all_same( filtered_sizes ) ) {
             std::ostringstream oss;
@@ -467,7 +469,7 @@ namespace ThOr::Functors::Tests {
       // This is more iterable containers than strictly necessary, but it
       // shouldn't be too expensive...
       auto const       input_size = input_container.size();
-      std::tuple const iterable_containers{LHCb::Event::make_zip<dump_tags::VectorBackend>( input_container )...};
+      std::tuple const iterable_containers{ LHCb::Event::make_zip<dump_tags::VectorBackend>( input_container )... };
       // The sets of functors are all the same length, so we can loop through them in lockstep
       auto variant_iter = m_variants.begin();
@@ -475,7 +477,7 @@ namespace ThOr::Functors::Tests {
                     std::get<Dump_Is>( all_functors ).begin()...,
-            variant_iter != m_variants.end() && iters != std::tuple{std::get<Dump_Is>( all_functors ).end()...};
+            variant_iter != m_variants.end() && iters != std::tuple{ std::get<Dump_Is>( all_functors ).end()... };
             ++variant_iter, ( ++std::get<Dump_Is>( iters ), ... ) ) {
         // We already checked that all of the names are the same
         auto const& functor_name = std::get<0>( iters )->first;
@@ -503,7 +505,7 @@ namespace ThOr::Functors::Tests {
               // Now do a scalar loop, checking that all of the values in
               // 'functor_values' are finite and consistent with one another
               for ( auto i = 0; i < int( input_size ); ++i ) {
-                std::array const values{functor_values[Dump_Is][i]...};
+                std::array const values{ functor_values[Dump_Is][i]... };
                 if ( std::any_of( values.begin(), values.end(), [&]( data_t value ) {
                        if ( !approx_equal( value, values.front() ) ) { return true; }
                        if constexpr ( !std::is_same_v<data_t, bool> ) {
@@ -537,7 +539,7 @@ namespace ThOr::Functors::Tests {
     template <typename result_t, typename iterable_container_t, typename functor_t, typename data_t>
     static void fill_container( iterable_container_t const& in, functor_t const& functor,
                                 std::vector<data_t>& values ) {
-      std::size_t offset{0};
+      std::size_t offset{ 0 };
       for ( auto const& chunk : in ) {
         auto const mask       = chunk.loop_mask();
         auto const any_result = functor( chunk );
diff --git a/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/TestFunctors_void.cpp b/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/TestFunctors_void.cpp
index e62f214f25f57a9b14e220152fbb8e7db0233859..782c83169a7b273a796699a8ac1e5df750782ec1 100644
--- a/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/TestFunctors_void.cpp
+++ b/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/TestFunctors_void.cpp
@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@
 #include "TestFunctors.h"
 DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( ThOr::Functors::Tests::Evaluate<>, "TestThOrFunctorEvaluation__void" )
-DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( ThOr::Functors::Tests::Initialise<>, "TestThOrFunctorInitialisation__void" )
\ No newline at end of file
+DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( ThOr::Functors::Tests::Initialise<>, "TestThOrFunctorInitialisation__void" )
diff --git a/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/VoidFilter.cpp b/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/VoidFilter.cpp
index 824475abce5a6ac9e3664d00075eb3513df21da9..e201ac95cfde3b96e3541b18ba649218305ebbb9 100644
--- a/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/VoidFilter.cpp
+++ b/Phys/SelAlgorithms/src/VoidFilter.cpp
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ struct VoidFilter final : public with_functors<LHCb::Algorithm::FilterPredicate<
   // Counter for recording cut retention statistics
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cutEff{this, "Cut selection efficiency"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cutEff{ this, "Cut selection efficiency" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( VoidFilter, "VoidFilter" )
diff --git a/Phys/SelKernel/include/SelKernel/ParticleCombination.h b/Phys/SelKernel/include/SelKernel/ParticleCombination.h
index cabdaa00031d35dcce04629cde6e8ff8ec944af7..7b61cca798738e2f2fbf72fd04420dab210cf43d 100644
--- a/Phys/SelKernel/include/SelKernel/ParticleCombination.h
+++ b/Phys/SelKernel/include/SelKernel/ParticleCombination.h
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ namespace Sel::detail {
     static constexpr auto _() {
       static_assert( ( Sel::Utils::has_static_mask_true_v<Ts> && ... ) );
       using mask_true_t = std::common_type_t<decltype( Ts::mask_true() )...>;
-      return mask_true_t{first_t<Ts...>::mask_true()};
+      return mask_true_t{ first_t<Ts...>::mask_true() };
 } // namespace Sel::detail
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ namespace Sel {
   template <typename iterator_t>
   struct ParticleCombinationSpan : public detail::ParticleCombinationBase<ParticleCombinationSpan<iterator_t>> {
-    ParticleCombinationSpan( iterator_t begin, iterator_t end ) : m_begin{std::move( begin )}, m_end{end} {}
+    ParticleCombinationSpan( iterator_t begin, iterator_t end ) : m_begin{ std::move( begin ) }, m_end{ end } {}
     friend iterator_t begin( ParticleCombinationSpan const& span ) { return span.m_begin; }
     friend iterator_t end( ParticleCombinationSpan const& span ) { return span.m_end; }
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ namespace Sel {
   template <typename... child_ts>
   struct ParticleCombination : public detail::ParticleCombinationBase<ParticleCombination<child_ts...>> {
     static_assert( sizeof...( child_ts ) > 1, "Combinations of fewer than 2 particles don't make sense..." );
-    ParticleCombination( child_ts... children ) : m_children{std::move( children )...} {}
+    ParticleCombination( child_ts... children ) : m_children{ std::move( children )... } {}
     /** Helper type containing all child types with wrapping by
      *  std::reference_wrapper removed.
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ namespace Sel {
     template <size_t... idx>
     auto subCombination() const {
       static_assert( ( ( 0 <= idx && idx < sizeof...( child_ts ) ) && ... ) );
-      return ParticleCombination{std::get<idx>( m_children )...};
+      return ParticleCombination{ std::get<idx>( m_children )... };
     auto size() const { return sizeof...( child_ts ); }
@@ -368,16 +368,16 @@ namespace Sel {
     auto iter = begin( comb );
     auto endi = end( comb );
     if ( iter == endi ) {
-      throw GaudiException{"Empty particle combination -- this should never happen", "Sel::transform",
-                           StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "Empty particle combination -- this should never happen", "Sel::transform",
+                            StatusCode::FAILURE };
     // T const& from std::reference_wrapper<T>
     using item_t    = detail::as_const_ref_t<decltype( *iter )>;
     using value_t   = decltype( LHCb::invoke_or_visit( transform, std::declval<item_t>() ) );
     using reduced_t = std::invoke_result_t<reduce_t, value_t, value_t>;
-    reduced_t value = LHCb::invoke_or_visit( transform, item_t{*iter} );
+    reduced_t value = LHCb::invoke_or_visit( transform, item_t{ *iter } );
     for ( ++iter; iter != endi; ++iter ) {
-      value = std::invoke( reduce, value, LHCb::invoke_or_visit( transform, item_t{*iter} ) );
+      value = std::invoke( reduce, value, LHCb::invoke_or_visit( transform, item_t{ *iter } ) );
     return value;
@@ -396,11 +396,11 @@ namespace Sel {
     static_assert( std::is_same_v<reduced_t, reduced2_t> );
     // Writing this out explicitly avoids an avoidable value_t -> reduced_t
     // conversion.
-    auto value = std::invoke( reduce, value_t{LHCb::invoke_or_visit( transform, comb.template get<0>() )},
-                              value_t{LHCb::invoke_or_visit( transform, comb.template get<1>() )} );
+    auto value = std::invoke( reduce, value_t{ LHCb::invoke_or_visit( transform, comb.template get<0>() ) },
+                              value_t{ LHCb::invoke_or_visit( transform, comb.template get<1>() ) } );
     static_assert( std::is_same_v<reduced_t, decltype( value )> );
     LHCb::Utils::unwind<2, sizeof...( child_ts )>( [&]( auto n ) {
-      value = std::invoke( reduce, value, value_t{LHCb::invoke_or_visit( transform, comb.template get<n>() )} );
+      value = std::invoke( reduce, value, value_t{ LHCb::invoke_or_visit( transform, comb.template get<n>() ) } );
     } );
     return value;
@@ -424,8 +424,8 @@ namespace Sel {
     auto iter = begin( comb );
     auto endi = end( comb );
     if ( iter == endi ) {
-      throw GaudiException{"Empty collection of children -- this should never happen", "Sel::pairwise_transform",
-                           StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "Empty collection of children -- this should never happen", "Sel::pairwise_transform",
+                            StatusCode::FAILURE };
     // T const& from std::reference_wrapper<T>
     using item_t     = detail::as_const_ref_t<decltype( *iter )>;
@@ -434,16 +434,17 @@ namespace Sel {
     auto second_iter = iter;
     if ( second_iter == endi ) {
-      throw GaudiException{"<2-particle combination -- this should never happen", "Sel::pairwise_transform",
-                           StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "<2-particle combination -- this should never happen", "Sel::pairwise_transform",
+                            StatusCode::FAILURE };
     // Calculate the first value explicitly to avoid having to pass in an
     // initial value of type reduced_t
-    reduced_t value = LHCb::invoke_or_visit( transform, item_t{*iter}, item_t{*second_iter} ); // (0, 1)
+    reduced_t value = LHCb::invoke_or_visit( transform, item_t{ *iter }, item_t{ *second_iter } ); // (0, 1)
     do {
       for ( ; second_iter != endi; ++second_iter ) {
-        value = std::invoke( reduce, value, LHCb::invoke_or_visit( transform, item_t{*iter}, item_t{*second_iter} ) );
+        value =
+            std::invoke( reduce, value, LHCb::invoke_or_visit( transform, item_t{ *iter }, item_t{ *second_iter } ) );
       second_iter = iter;
diff --git a/Phys/SelKernel/include/SelKernel/Utilities.h b/Phys/SelKernel/include/SelKernel/Utilities.h
index 96b013884e12487fba0a9f691456c8fdada1f1cf..2facbfd921bbcff5a1722ef7bae4bf3ae9b51740 100644
--- a/Phys/SelKernel/include/SelKernel/Utilities.h
+++ b/Phys/SelKernel/include/SelKernel/Utilities.h
@@ -147,14 +147,14 @@ namespace Sel::Utils {
     auto cov                 = posCovMatrix( v1 ) + posCovMatrix( v2 );
     using mask_t             = decltype( cov.invChol().first );
     using ret_t              = decltype( similarity( endVertexPos( v1 ) - endVertexPos( v2 ), cov ) );
-    auto success             = mask_t{true};
+    auto success             = mask_t{ true };
     std::tie( success, cov ) = cov.invChol();
     if constexpr ( std::is_arithmetic_v<mask_t> ) {
       return success ? similarity( endVertexPos( v1 ) - endVertexPos( v2 ), cov )
                      : std::numeric_limits<ret_t>::quiet_NaN();
     } else {
       return select( success, similarity( endVertexPos( v1 ) - endVertexPos( v2 ), cov ),
-                     ret_t{std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()} );
+                     ret_t{ std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN() } );
diff --git a/Phys/SelKernel/include/SelKernel/VertexRelation.h b/Phys/SelKernel/include/SelKernel/VertexRelation.h
index 91ff7aad0f2c18acb223a70ff164959f60b9d5ee..90bdf2413cbe3296674818fae5c7c8eaae62ea0b 100644
--- a/Phys/SelKernel/include/SelKernel/VertexRelation.h
+++ b/Phys/SelKernel/include/SelKernel/VertexRelation.h
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
 template <typename Index_t, typename Float_t>
 class BestVertexRelation {
-  Index_t m_index{invalid_index};
-  Float_t m_discriminant{0.f};
+  Index_t m_index{ invalid_index };
+  Float_t m_discriminant{ 0.f };
   /** WARNING std::numeric_limits is very dangerous in generic code like this,
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public:
   static_assert( std::numeric_limits<Index_t>::is_specialized );
   inline static auto const invalid_index = std::numeric_limits<Index_t>::max();
-  BestVertexRelation( Index_t index, Float_t discriminant ) : m_index{index}, m_discriminant{discriminant} {}
+  BestVertexRelation( Index_t index, Float_t discriminant ) : m_index{ index }, m_discriminant{ discriminant } {}
   Index_t     index() const { return m_index; }
   Float_t     discriminant() const { return m_discriminant; }
   friend auto operator==( BestVertexRelation const& lhs, BestVertexRelation const& rhs ) {
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ struct BestVertexRelations : Tag::best_vertex_relation_t<BestVertexRelations> {
     [[nodiscard]] auto index() const { return this->template get<Tag::Index>(); }
     [[nodiscard]] auto discriminant() const { return this->template get<Tag::Discriminant>(); }
-    [[nodiscard]] auto bestPV() const { return BestVertexRelation{index(), discriminant()}; }
+    [[nodiscard]] auto bestPV() const { return BestVertexRelation{ index(), discriminant() }; }
     [[nodiscard]] auto set( int_v index, float_v discriminant ) const {
       this->template field<Tag::Index>().set( index );
@@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ namespace Sel {
     if ( vertices.empty() ) {
       // To avoid having to handle the case that there are no vertices in "many"
       // different places, instead define that this is the caller's responsibility.
-      throw GaudiException{"Empty vertex container passed to Sel::calculateBestVertex()", "Sel::calculateBestVertex",
-                           StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "Empty vertex container passed to Sel::calculateBestVertex()", "Sel::calculateBestVertex",
+                            StatusCode::FAILURE };
     // First, deduce the float-like and int-like types that we will use
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ namespace Sel {
     static_assert( std::numeric_limits<float_t>::is_specialized );
     auto        min_index = std::numeric_limits<int_t>::max();
     auto        min_ip2   = std::numeric_limits<float_t>::max();
-    std::size_t vertex_index{0};
+    std::size_t vertex_index{ 0 };
     for ( const auto& vertex : vertices ) {
       auto ip2  = impactParameterSquared( endVertexPos( Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( vertex ) ), obj );
       auto mask = ip2 < min_ip2; // caution: nans can mess with that logic
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ namespace Sel {
     auto min_index_san = select( min_index == std::numeric_limits<int_t>::max(), 0, min_index );
     // Return the index of the 'best' vertex, and the ip with respect to it
-    return BestVertexRelation{min_index_san, sqrt( min_ip2 )};
+    return BestVertexRelation{ min_index_san, sqrt( min_ip2 ) };
   template <typename T>
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ namespace Sel {
   template <typename OContainer, typename VContainer>
   BestVertexRelations calculateBestVertices( OContainer const& objects, VContainer const& vertices ) {
-    BestVertexRelations relations{objects.zipIdentifier(), objects.get_allocator()};
+    BestVertexRelations relations{ objects.zipIdentifier(), objects.get_allocator() };
     relations.reserve( objects.size() );
     for ( auto const& object : objects.simd() ) {
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ namespace Sel {
     using Sel::Utils::any;
     if ( any( index == std::decay_t<decltype( cref_rel )>::invalid_index ) ) {
       // This shouldn't happen, but better to provide a useful error message.
-      throw GaudiException{"Invalid vertex index", "Sel::getBestPV", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "Invalid vertex index", "Sel::getBestPV", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     // index could be int or int_v, if it's int_v, size should be one for v1 Particle
     if constexpr ( Sel::Utils::has_size_v<decltype( index )> ) { // FIXME has_size -> is_int_v
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ namespace Sel {
     using Sel::Utils::any;
     if ( any( index == std::decay_t<decltype( cref_rel )>::invalid_index ) ) {
       // This shouldn't happen, but better to provide a useful error message.
-      throw GaudiException{"Invalid vertex index", "Sel::getBestPV", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "Invalid vertex index", "Sel::getBestPV", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     // index could be int or int_v, if it's int_v, we need
     // to return multiple vertices
@@ -306,12 +306,12 @@ namespace Sel {
   /// Template specialization such that the code above also works for KeyedContainer<RecVertex>
   template <typename Object, typename T, typename = requireNotV1Particle<Object>>
   decltype( auto ) getBestPV( Object const& obj, KeyedContainer<T> const& vertices ) {
-    return getBestPV( obj, LHCb::ObjectContainerVectorView<KeyedContainer<T>>{vertices} );
+    return getBestPV( obj, LHCb::ObjectContainerVectorView<KeyedContainer<T>>{ vertices } );
   /// Template specialization such that the code above also works for KeyedContainer<RecVertex>
   template <typename T>
   auto getBestPV( LHCb::Particle const& obj, KeyedContainer<T> const& vertices ) -> decltype( obj.pv().target() ) {
-    return getBestPV( obj, LHCb::ObjectContainerVectorView<KeyedContainer<T>>{vertices} );
+    return getBestPV( obj, LHCb::ObjectContainerVectorView<KeyedContainer<T>>{ vertices } );
 } // namespace Sel
diff --git a/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/DistanceCalculator.h b/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/DistanceCalculator.h
index 5f0113ef04bf5edaf2b77b4dc8ba106eccde744f..261dbcf942b0450a8ebb70f2507a53e60398566a 100644
--- a/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/DistanceCalculator.h
+++ b/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/DistanceCalculator.h
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ namespace Sel {
-    Gaudi::Algorithm*                                     m_owning_algorithm{nullptr};
+    Gaudi::Algorithm*                                     m_owning_algorithm{ nullptr };
     mutable std::optional<Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>> m_no_convergence;
     mutable std::optional<Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>> m_negative_variance;
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ namespace Sel {
       auto lifetime = ctau / Gaudi::Units::c_light;
       error /= Gaudi::Units::c_light;
-      return std::tuple{lifetime, error, chi2};
+      return std::tuple{ lifetime, error, chi2 };
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ namespace Sel {
       auto const m  = sqrt( m2 );
       // LoKi::Fitters::e_ctau
-      auto const vec_E = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec{px, py, pz} / m;
+      auto const vec_E = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec{ px, py, pz } / m;
       LHCb::LinAlg::Mat<float_v, 3, 4> mat_W;
       mat_W( 0, 0 ) = ( 1.0 + px * px / m2 );
@@ -409,10 +409,10 @@ namespace Sel {
       const auto ctau_variance = 1. / similarity( vec_E, mat_VD );
       if constexpr ( std::is_arithmetic_v<decltype( success )> ) {
         if ( !success )
-          return std::tuple<float_v, float_v, float_v>{NonPhysicalValue, NonPhysicalValue, NonPhysicalValue};
+          return std::tuple<float_v, float_v, float_v>{ NonPhysicalValue, NonPhysicalValue, NonPhysicalValue };
         if ( ctau_variance < 0. ) {
           if ( m_negative_variance.has_value() ) { ++( *m_negative_variance ); }
-          return std::tuple<float_v, float_v, float_v>{NonPhysicalValue, NonPhysicalValue, NonPhysicalValue};
+          return std::tuple<float_v, float_v, float_v>{ NonPhysicalValue, NonPhysicalValue, NonPhysicalValue };
@@ -439,10 +439,10 @@ namespace Sel {
       primvertex = primaryPos + delta_primary_pos;
       if constexpr ( std::is_arithmetic_v<decltype( success )> ) {
-        return std::tuple{updated_ctau, chi2, error};
+        return std::tuple{ updated_ctau, chi2, error };
       } else {
-        return std::tuple{select( success, updated_ctau, NonPhysicalValue ), select( success, chi2, NonPhysicalValue ),
-                          select( success, error, NonPhysicalValue )};
+        return std::tuple{ select( success, updated_ctau, NonPhysicalValue ), select( success, chi2, NonPhysicalValue ),
+                           select( success, error, NonPhysicalValue ) };
diff --git a/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/MVAUtils.h b/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/MVAUtils.h
index 6af07b8d3d37f1d2efcb553c8d346cb94ec5b9ed..e1e042b16d0ab3a232c510763a532931480284b5 100644
--- a/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/MVAUtils.h
+++ b/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/MVAUtils.h
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@
 #include <string>
 namespace Sel {
   using MVA_config_dict = std::map<std::string, std::any, std::less<>>;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/MatrixNet.h b/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/MatrixNet.h
index 72eeefbd09ae7e1acfcce199341bc78077d7c63f..157ece8272d3bfc7bc8a323c3a13d29a1c09df47 100644
--- a/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/MatrixNet.h
+++ b/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/MatrixNet.h
@@ -175,11 +175,11 @@ namespace Sel {
     MatrixNet( MVA_config_dict config ) : m_config( std::move( config ) ) {}
     GaudiException exception( std::string s ) const {
-      return GaudiException{std::move( s ), "Sel::MatrixNet", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      return GaudiException{ std::move( s ), "Sel::MatrixNet", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     void bind( Gaudi::Algorithm* alg ) {
-      ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> filesvc{"ParamFileSvc", "MatrixNet"};
+      ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> filesvc{ "ParamFileSvc", "MatrixNet" };
       // Get the path to the weights file
       auto matrixnet_file = std::any_cast<std::string>( m_config.at( "MatrixnetFile" ) );
diff --git a/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/SigmaNet.h b/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/SigmaNet.h
index b5ace64f28997a831b22030282177b024cc2a8e7..3f78d6045fe82eae4f2c11e6c01b1e9122544885 100644
--- a/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/SigmaNet.h
+++ b/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/SigmaNet.h
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace Sel {
   template <typename T>
   T const& get_mva_config( MVA_config_dict dict, std::string_view k ) {
     auto i = dict.find( k );
-    if ( i == dict.end() ) throw std::out_of_range{std::string{"Unknown key "}.append( k )};
+    if ( i == dict.end() ) throw std::out_of_range{ std::string{ "Unknown key " }.append( k ) };
     return std::any_cast<T const&>( i->second );
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ namespace Sel {
     auto                     input_for = [&]( long unsigned int layer ) {
       assert( layer > 0 && layer <= layer_sizes.size() );
       assert( layer_sizes[layer - 1] <= N );
-      auto ret = LHCb::span{storage};
+      auto ret = LHCb::span{ storage };
       return ret.subspan( N * ( ( layer - 1 ) % 2 ), layer_sizes[layer - 1] );
     auto output_for = [&]( int layer ) { return input_for( layer + 1 ); };
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ namespace Sel {
     // Gaudi exception handler
     GaudiException exception( std::string s ) const {
-      return GaudiException{std::move( s ), "Sel::SigmaNet", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      return GaudiException{ std::move( s ), "Sel::SigmaNet", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     // Retrieve the configuration
@@ -160,9 +160,9 @@ namespace Sel {
       if ( alg.msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) { alg.verbose() << "Start reading config..." << endmsg; }
       constexpr auto mandatory_keys =
-          std::array{"Name", "File", "Monotone_Constraints", "InputSize", "NLayers", "Lambda"};
+          std::array{ "Name", "File", "Monotone_Constraints", "InputSize", "NLayers", "Lambda" };
       for ( auto const& key : mandatory_keys ) {
-        if ( m_config.find( key ) == m_config.end() ) throw exception( "'" + std::string{key} + " not provided" );
+        if ( m_config.find( key ) == m_config.end() ) throw exception( "'" + std::string{ key } + " not provided" );
       if ( alg.msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) {
diff --git a/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/State4.h b/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/State4.h
index aa9f2e63d1961e0c1dc5438e3614047dac8eed09..d3f819fe2ea07d25ba03c72337fe2ae41c797d32 100644
--- a/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/State4.h
+++ b/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/State4.h
@@ -24,16 +24,16 @@ namespace Sel {
     StateVector4() = default;
-    StateVector4( float_v x, float_v y, float_v z, float_v tx, float_v ty ) : m_x{x, y}, m_t{tx, ty}, m_z{z} {}
+    StateVector4( float_v x, float_v y, float_v z, float_v tx, float_v ty ) : m_x{ x, y }, m_t{ tx, ty }, m_z{ z } {}
     template <typename state_t>
-    StateVector4( state_t const& s ) : m_x{s.x(), s.y()}, m_t{s.tx(), s.ty()}, m_z{s.z()} {}
+    StateVector4( state_t const& s ) : m_x{ s.x(), s.y() }, m_t{ s.tx(), s.ty() }, m_z{ s.z() } {}
     template <typename XYZPoint, typename XYZVector>
     StateVector4( XYZPoint const& point, XYZVector const& direction )
-        : m_x{point.X(), point.Y()}
-        , m_t{direction.X() / direction.Z(), direction.Y() / direction.Z()}
-        , m_z{point.Z()} {}
+        : m_x{ point.X(), point.Y() }
+        , m_t{ direction.X() / direction.Z(), direction.Y() / direction.Z() }
+        , m_z{ point.Z() } {}
     auto  x() const { return m_x( 0 ); }
     auto  y() const { return m_x( 1 ); }
     auto  z() const { return m_z; }
@@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ namespace Sel {
     StateVector5() = default;
     StateVector5( float_v x, float_v y, float_v z, float_v tx, float_v ty, float_v qop )
-        : StateVector4<float_v>( x, y, z, tx, ty ), m_qop{qop} {}
+        : StateVector4<float_v>( x, y, z, tx, ty ), m_qop{ qop } {}
     template <typename state_t>
-    StateVector5( state_t const& s ) : StateVector4<float_v>( s ), m_qop{s.qOverP()} {}
+    StateVector5( state_t const& s ) : StateVector4<float_v>( s ), m_qop{ s.qOverP() } {}
     auto  qOverP() const { return m_qop; }
     auto& qOverP() { return m_qop; }
diff --git a/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/TMVA.h b/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/TMVA.h
index b74a209f3c9f6645eeb21c3c793664f51bbe1c5a..d66bbb99d6f98da8fc0f2283248790fd279acbf1 100644
--- a/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/TMVA.h
+++ b/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/TMVA.h
@@ -82,14 +82,14 @@ namespace Sel {
     std::unique_ptr<int>                      m_spectator_var;
     std::string                               m_name; // Name of the method to book
     std::string                               m_weightfile;
-    std::string                               m_reader_opts{"Silent"};
-    bool                                      m_verbose{false};
+    std::string                               m_reader_opts{ "Silent" };
+    bool                                      m_verbose{ false };
     Gaudi::Algorithm const*                   m_parent = nullptr;
     std::optional<ServiceHandle<IFileAccess>> m_filesvc;
     // TMVA bits
     std::unique_ptr<TMVAlib::Reader>                                          m_reader;
-    mutable LHCb::cxx::SynchronizedValue<std::unique_ptr<::TMVA::MethodBase>> m_mva{nullptr};
+    mutable LHCb::cxx::SynchronizedValue<std::unique_ptr<::TMVA::MethodBase>> m_mva{ nullptr };
     auto evaluateMVA( std::vector<float> const& vals ) const {
       // given that the MVA must know how many inputs it expects, and `vals` also knows how many
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ namespace Sel {
       // GetMvaValue, and then reset fTmpEvent instead of just passing the pointer explicitly?
       // As a result of this use of fTmpEvent, this method is not thread-safe, and thus needs
       // a lock...
-      return m_mva.with_lock( [event = ::TMVA::Event{vals, m_reader->DataInfo().GetNVariables()}](
+      return m_mva.with_lock( [event = ::TMVA::Event{ vals, m_reader->DataInfo().GetNVariables() }](
                                   std::unique_ptr<::TMVA::MethodBase>& mb ) { return mb->GetMvaValue( &event, 0 ); } );
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ namespace Sel {
     void bind( Gaudi::Algorithm* alg );
     // Gaudi exception handler
     GaudiException exception( std::string s ) const {
-      return GaudiException{std::move( s ), "Sel::TMVA", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      return GaudiException{ std::move( s ), "Sel::TMVA", StatusCode::FAILURE };
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ namespace Sel {
     // which is _also_ passed? The only added functionality is the ability to pass something inconsistent,
     // and the requirement to parse the XML twice in order to be consistent...
     auto mva = std::unique_ptr<::TMVA::IMethod>{
-        m_reader->BookMVA( ::TMVA::Types::Instance().GetMethodType( methodType ), buffer->c_str() )};
+        m_reader->BookMVA( ::TMVA::Types::Instance().GetMethodType( methodType ), buffer->c_str() ) };
     if ( !mva ) throw exception( m_name + " method couldn't be booked" );
     auto mb = TMVA_details::dynamic_unique_cast<::TMVA::MethodBase>( std::move( mva ) );
     if ( !mb ) throw exception( m_name + " method is not a MethodBase" );
diff --git a/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/Utilities.h b/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/Utilities.h
index 257eaf0144c4085f9d3723cc2000fe1bd1a9cefe..784eccea8bf78e01f664333f84275e01f79177ee 100644
--- a/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/Utilities.h
+++ b/Phys/SelTools/include/SelTools/Utilities.h
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ namespace Sel {
   template <typename particle_t>
   auto stateVectorFromNeutral( particle_t const& p ) {
     auto const invpz = 1.f / p.pz();
-    return StateVector5{p.position().x(), p.position().y(), p.position().z(),
-                        p.px() * invpz,   p.py() * invpz,   1.f / p.p()};
+    return StateVector5{ p.position().x(), p.position().y(), p.position().z(),
+                         p.px() * invpz,   p.py() * invpz,   1.f / p.p() };
   namespace Utils {
diff --git a/Phys/SelTools/src/Utilities.cpp b/Phys/SelTools/src/Utilities.cpp
index 1725f765bd9c554537a31fe4b6cf050c688234bc..3949dde75d45351f63658cdc77e5547f970c76ac 100644
--- a/Phys/SelTools/src/Utilities.cpp
+++ b/Phys/SelTools/src/Utilities.cpp
@@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ void Sel::Utils::setPVForComposite( LHCb::Particle& newParticle, LHCb::Vertex co
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Phys/TisTosTobbing/include/TisTos/ParticleTisTos.h b/Phys/TisTosTobbing/include/TisTos/ParticleTisTos.h
index 744be8498f862f63d0608f240b6c6a664f275ee7..3dd27fbc6008846193883d721d3d0ad0b60cb54a 100644
--- a/Phys/TisTosTobbing/include/TisTos/ParticleTisTos.h
+++ b/Phys/TisTosTobbing/include/TisTos/ParticleTisTos.h
@@ -155,9 +155,9 @@ public:
   /// Hcal detector geometry
-  ConditionAccessor<DeCalorimeter> m_hcalDeCal{this, "DetectorHcal", DeCalorimeterLocation::Hcal};
+  ConditionAccessor<DeCalorimeter> m_hcalDeCal{ this, "DetectorHcal", DeCalorimeterLocation::Hcal };
   /// Ecal detector geometry
-  ConditionAccessor<DeCalorimeter> m_ecalDeCal{this, "DetectorEcal", DeCalorimeterLocation::Ecal};
+  ConditionAccessor<DeCalorimeter> m_ecalDeCal{ this, "DetectorEcal", DeCalorimeterLocation::Ecal };
   /// true if signal Tracks are projected to Ecal and Hcal to claim calo cells
   bool m_projectTracksToCalo;
diff --git a/Phys/TisTosTobbing/src/HltTisTosAlg.cpp b/Phys/TisTosTobbing/src/HltTisTosAlg.cpp
index 4a5a9159e97bb6cef129a014a89bb5724341796d..6f6daca6f755de96b4a8542de4695419e4625580 100644
--- a/Phys/TisTosTobbing/src/HltTisTosAlg.cpp
+++ b/Phys/TisTosTobbing/src/HltTisTosAlg.cpp
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ namespace detail {
   /// Remove the suffix "Decision" from the line name
   std::string_view remove_dec_suffix( std::string_view s ) {
-    std::string_view suffix{"Decision"};
+    std::string_view suffix{ "Decision" };
     if ( s.size() >= suffix.size() && s.compare( s.size() - suffix.size(), s.npos, suffix ) == 0 )
       s.remove_suffix( suffix.size() );
     return s;
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ public:
       : detail::base_class_hlt1_t<Particles>{
-            {KeyValue{"InputParticles", ""}, KeyValue{"SelReports", ""}, KeyValue{"DecReports", ""}},
-            {KeyValue{"P2TisTosTable", ""}}} {}
+            { KeyValue{ "InputParticles", "" }, KeyValue{ "SelReports", "" }, KeyValue{ "DecReports", "" } },
+            { KeyValue{ "P2TisTosTable", "" } } } {}
   StatusCode initialize() override;
   detail::Table_t<Particles> operator()( const Particles& input_particles, const LHCb::HltSelReports& sel_reports,
@@ -140,16 +140,16 @@ public:
   /// Gaudi property to specify the trigger lines
   Gaudi::Property<detail::vec_str_t> m_line_decisions{
-      this, "TriggerLines", {}, "List of trigger lines for which TIS/TOS information is required."};
+      this, "TriggerLines", {}, "List of trigger lines for which TIS/TOS information is required." };
   /// Configured IParticleTisTos tool to compute TIS/TOS decisions.
   /// Tool must be mutable as all the methods of this tool are non-const.
   /// When the tools become thread-safe probably move to a functor rather
   /// than this algorithm (see discussion: https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Rec/-/merge_requests/3115#note_6001452)
-  mutable ToolHandle<IParticleTisTos> m_tistos{this, "ParticleTisTosTool", "ParticleTisTos"};
+  mutable ToolHandle<IParticleTisTos> m_tistos{ this, "ParticleTisTosTool", "ParticleTisTos" };
   /// Lock needs to be acquired during `operator()` to avoid race conditions when using the IParticleTisTos tool
   mutable std::mutex m_lock;
   /// Tool get all descendants of a given particle
-  ToolHandle<IParticleDescendants> m_descendants{this, "ParticleDescendants", "ParticleDescendants"};
+  ToolHandle<IParticleDescendants> m_descendants{ this, "ParticleDescendants", "ParticleDescendants" };
 template <typename Particles>
@@ -157,19 +157,19 @@ StatusCode Hlt1TisTosAlg<Particles>::initialize() {
   return detail::base_class_hlt1_t<Particles>::initialize().andThen( [&]() -> StatusCode {
     /// Check that the tool handle has been loaded correctly
     if ( !m_tistos )
-      throw GaudiException{"The tool IParticleTisTos has not been configured properly and is null. Please check!",
-                           "Hlt1TisTosAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "The tool IParticleTisTos has not been configured properly and is null. Please check!",
+                            "Hlt1TisTosAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     /// Check that the line decisions are non-empty
     if ( m_line_decisions.empty() )
-      throw GaudiException{"No Hlt1 line decisions have been specified to store the TIS/TOS results. Please check!",
-                           "Hlt1TisTosAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "No Hlt1 line decisions have been specified to store the TIS/TOS results. Please check!",
+                            "Hlt1TisTosAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     /// check that the m_line_decisions have a suffix "Decision" if not throw as error
     for ( auto& line : m_line_decisions )
       if ( line.find( "Decision" ) == std::string::npos )
-        throw GaudiException{"The line decision " + line + " does not have a suffix 'Decision'. Please check!",
-                             "Hlt1TisTosAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "The line decision " + line + " does not have a suffix 'Decision'. Please check!",
+                              "Hlt1TisTosAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
   } );
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ detail::Table_t<Particles> Hlt1TisTosAlg<Particles>::operator()( const Particles
   /// Loop over the flattened input particles with a lock to avoid race conditions when interacting with m_tistos tool.
   /// Also fill the relations table.
-  std::scoped_lock guard{m_lock};
+  std::scoped_lock guard{ m_lock };
   for ( const auto* input_particle : parts_in ) {
     /// Clear the vector holding LHCbIDs of reconstructed particles (i.e. clear "m_Signal" vector of type
     /// "std::vector<LHCbID>")
@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ detail::Table_t<Particles> Hlt1TisTosAlg<Particles>::operator()( const Particles
       const LHCb::HltObjectSummary* sel = sel_reports.selReport( line_decision );
       /// Throw GaudiException if the HltObjectSummary is null
       if ( !sel )
-        throw GaudiException{"The selection report for " + line_decision + " is null. Please check!",
-                             "Hlt1TisTosAlg::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "The selection report for " + line_decision + " is null. Please check!",
+                              "Hlt1TisTosAlg::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
       /// Store TIS/TOS/TUS decision in the map
       LHCb::detail::TisTosResult_t tistostus;
       tistostus.setTOS( m_tistos->tos( *sel ) );
@@ -244,9 +244,9 @@ detail::Table_t<Particles> Hlt1TisTosAlg<Particles>::operator()( const Particles
     /// Throw GaudiException if size of map_tistos is not equal to m_line_decisions.size()*2
     if ( map_tistos.size() != n_valid_lines )
-      throw GaudiException{"Size of the map containing TIS/TOS information is not equal to (# of specified trigger "
-                           "lines). Please check!",
-                           "Hlt1TisTosAlg::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "Size of the map containing TIS/TOS information is not equal to (# of specified trigger "
+                            "lines). Please check!",
+                            "Hlt1TisTosAlg::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     /// Relate the particle to the map only if the map is not empty
     if ( !map_tistos.empty() ) reco2tistos.relate( input_particle, map_tistos ).ignore();
@@ -308,10 +308,10 @@ class Hlt2TisTosAlg : public detail::base_class_hlt2_t<Particles> {
   using KeyValue = typename detail::base_class_hlt2_t<Particles>::KeyValue;
   Hlt2TisTosAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-      : detail::base_class_hlt2_t<Particles>{name,
-                                             pSvc,
-                                             {KeyValue{"InputParticles", ""}, KeyValue{"DecReports", ""}},
-                                             {KeyValue{"P2TisTosTable", ""}}} {}
+      : detail::base_class_hlt2_t<Particles>{ name,
+                                              pSvc,
+                                              { KeyValue{ "InputParticles", "" }, KeyValue{ "DecReports", "" } },
+                                              { KeyValue{ "P2TisTosTable", "" } } } {}
   StatusCode                 initialize() override;
   detail::Table_t<Particles> operator()( const Particles&           input_particles,
                                          const LHCb::HltDecReports& dec_reports ) const override;
@@ -319,19 +319,19 @@ public:
   /// Gaudi property to specify the trigger lines
   Gaudi::Property<detail::vec_str_t> m_line_decisions{
-      this, "TriggerLines", {}, "List of trigger lines for which TIS/TOS information is required."};
+      this, "TriggerLines", {}, "List of trigger lines for which TIS/TOS information is required." };
   /// Configured IParticleTisTos tool to compute TIS/TOS decisions.
   /// Tool must be mutable as all the methods of this tool are non-const.
   /// When the tools become thread-safe probably move to a functor rather
   /// than this algorithm (see discussion: https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Rec/-/merge_requests/3115#note_6001452)
-  mutable ToolHandle<IParticleTisTos> m_tistos{this, "ParticleTisTosTool", "ParticleTisTos"};
+  mutable ToolHandle<IParticleTisTos> m_tistos{ this, "ParticleTisTosTool", "ParticleTisTos" };
   /// Lock needs to be acquired during `operator()` to avoid race conditions when using the IParticleTisTos tool
   mutable std::mutex m_lock;
   /// Tool get all descendants of a given particle
-  ToolHandle<IParticleDescendants> m_descendants{this, "ParticleDescendants", "ParticleDescendants"};
+  ToolHandle<IParticleDescendants> m_descendants{ this, "ParticleDescendants", "ParticleDescendants" };
   /// vector of Hlt2 trigger candidates
   Gaudi::Property<detail::vec_str_t> m_candidateList{
-      this, "TriggerParticles", {}, "List of TES locations to the output of Hlt2 candidates"};
+      this, "TriggerParticles", {}, "List of TES locations to the output of Hlt2 candidates" };
   /// vector of data handles for the Hlt2 trigger candidates (this gets filled in initialize)
   detail::vec_datahandle_t<Particles> m_candidateHandles;
@@ -341,25 +341,25 @@ StatusCode Hlt2TisTosAlg<Particles>::initialize() {
   return detail::base_class_hlt2_t<Particles>::initialize().andThen( [&]() -> StatusCode {
     /// Check that the tool handle has been loaded correctly
     if ( !m_tistos )
-      throw GaudiException{"The tool IParticleTisTos has not been configured properly and is null. Please check!",
-                           "Hlt1TisTosAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "The tool IParticleTisTos has not been configured properly and is null. Please check!",
+                            "Hlt1TisTosAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     /// Check that the line decisions are non-empty
     if ( m_line_decisions.empty() )
-      throw GaudiException{"No Hlt2 line decisions have been specified to store the TIS/TOS results. Please check!",
-                           "Hlt1TisTosAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "No Hlt2 line decisions have been specified to store the TIS/TOS results. Please check!",
+                            "Hlt1TisTosAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     /// Check that the m_candidateList is non-empty
     if ( m_candidateList.empty() )
       throw GaudiException{
           "No Hlt2 trigger candidate's TES location has been specified to store the TIS/TOS results. Please check!",
-          "Hlt1TisTosAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+          "Hlt1TisTosAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     /// Check that the m_line_decisions and m_candidateList have the same size
     if ( m_line_decisions.size() != m_candidateList.size() )
       throw GaudiException{
           "The number of Hlt2 line decisions and Hlt2 trigger candidate's TES locations do not match. Please check!",
-          "Hlt1TisTosAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+          "Hlt1TisTosAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     /// check that there is one-to-one correspondence between TES location names (vec of strings) and specified lines
     /// decisions (vector of strings) i.e. check that the line decision name is a substring of only one and only one of
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ StatusCode Hlt2TisTosAlg<Particles>::initialize() {
         throw GaudiException{
             "The line decision " + line + " does not have a one-to-one correspondence between the TES locations." +
                 " The number of matches are " + std::to_string( n_matched_locations ) + ". Please check!",
-            "Hlt2TisTosAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+            "Hlt2TisTosAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
@@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ StatusCode Hlt2TisTosAlg<Particles>::initialize() {
       // auto candHandle = std::make_unique<DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Particles>>(location, this);
       auto candHandle = std::make_unique<DataObjectReadHandle<Particles>>( location, this );
       if ( !candHandle->isValid() ) {
-        throw GaudiException{"The location " + location + " is not valid. Please check!", "Hlt2TisTosAlg::initialize()",
-                             StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "The location " + location + " is not valid. Please check!",
+                              "Hlt2TisTosAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
       m_candidateHandles.push_back( std::move( candHandle ) );
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ detail::Table_t<Particles> Hlt2TisTosAlg<Particles>::operator()( const Particles
   /// Loop over the flattened input particles with a lock to avoid race conditions when interacting with m_tistos tool.
   /// Also fill the relations table.
-  std::scoped_lock guard{m_lock};
+  std::scoped_lock guard{ m_lock };
   for ( const auto* input_particle : parts_in ) {
     /// Clear the vector holding LHCbIDs of reconstructed particles (i.e. clear "m_Signal" vector of type
     /// "std::vector<LHCbID>")
@@ -446,8 +446,8 @@ detail::Table_t<Particles> Hlt2TisTosAlg<Particles>::operator()( const Particles
       Particles trigger_cands;
       detail::fill_trigger_cands_from_datahandle<Particles>( m_candidateHandles, line_decision, trigger_cands );
       if ( trigger_cands.empty() ) {
-        throw GaudiException{"Couldnt locate the trigger candidates for line " + line_decision + ". Please check!",
-                             "Hlt2TisTosAlg::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "Couldnt locate the trigger candidates for line " + line_decision + ". Please check!",
+                              "Hlt2TisTosAlg::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
       // loop over the candidates and store the TIS/TOS/TUS decision
@@ -482,9 +482,9 @@ detail::Table_t<Particles> Hlt2TisTosAlg<Particles>::operator()( const Particles
     /// Throw GaudiException if size of map_tistos is not equal to m_line_decisions.size()*2
     if ( map_tistos.size() != n_valid_lines )
-      throw GaudiException{"Size of the map containing TIS/TOS information is not equal to (# of specified trigger "
-                           "lines). Please check!",
-                           "Hlt1TisTosAlg::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "Size of the map containing TIS/TOS information is not equal to (# of specified trigger "
+                            "lines). Please check!",
+                            "Hlt1TisTosAlg::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     /// Relate the particle to the map only if the map is not empty
     if ( !map_tistos.empty() ) reco2tistos.relate( input_particle, map_tistos ).ignore();
diff --git a/Phys/TisTosTobbing/src/HltTrueSimEffAlg.cpp b/Phys/TisTosTobbing/src/HltTrueSimEffAlg.cpp
index 39c43b8c7c8b8cb1a437e08dcca3f85fe53678da..5c89d750949a9a945974c859ed3d23c17803fe08 100644
--- a/Phys/TisTosTobbing/src/HltTrueSimEffAlg.cpp
+++ b/Phys/TisTosTobbing/src/HltTrueSimEffAlg.cpp
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ namespace detail {
       const MCParticles&, const LHCb::HltDecReports&, const LHCb::LinksByKey& )>;
   std::string_view remove_decision_suffix( std::string_view s ) {
-    std::string_view suffix{"Decision"};
+    std::string_view suffix{ "Decision" };
     if ( s.size() >= suffix.size() && s.compare( s.size() - suffix.size(), s.npos, suffix ) == 0 )
       s.remove_suffix( suffix.size() );
     return s;
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ namespace detail {
     auto reco_track_matches_to_mcp = [&weighted_ids_by_mcp_track, &match_threshold]( const IDvec& reco_track_IDs ) {
       if ( reco_track_IDs.size() == 0 ) { return false; }
       for ( const auto& mcp_track_IDs : weighted_ids_by_mcp_track ) {
-        float n_matching_IDs{0.f};
+        float n_matching_IDs{ 0.f };
         for ( const auto& id : reco_track_IDs ) {
           const auto iter = mcp_track_IDs.find( id );
           if ( iter != mcp_track_IDs.end() ) { n_matching_IDs += iter->second; }
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ namespace detail {
     // Add this track's LHCbIDs to the map
     std::map<LHCb::LHCbID, float> this_track_map_of_ids{};
     mc2IdLink.applyToAllLinks( [&this_track_map_of_ids, &mcp]( unsigned int id, int mcPartKey, float weight ) {
-      if ( mcPartKey == mcp.key() ) { this_track_map_of_ids.insert( {LHCb::LHCbID( id ), weight} ); }
+      if ( mcPartKey == mcp.key() ) { this_track_map_of_ids.insert( { LHCb::LHCbID( id ), weight } ); }
     } );
     if ( this_track_map_of_ids.size() > 0 ) { weighted_ids_by_mcp_track.emplace_back( this_track_map_of_ids ); }
@@ -149,9 +149,9 @@ namespace detail {
       // 2003 is CaloCluster - see LHCb/Event/RecEvent/include/Event/CaloCluster.h
       // This algorithm only matches track hits, so ignore 2003
       // Not expecting anything else in the SelReport, so fail if find anything else
-      throw GaudiException{"Dont know how to handle object with summarizedObjectCLID " +
-                               std::to_string( hltObjectSummary->summarizedObjectCLID() ),
-                           "Hlt1TrueSimEffAlg::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "Dont know how to handle object with summarizedObjectCLID " +
+                                std::to_string( hltObjectSummary->summarizedObjectCLID() ),
+                            "Hlt1TrueSimEffAlg::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
@@ -162,11 +162,11 @@ class Hlt1TrueSimEffAlg : public detail::base_class_hlt1_t<MCParticles> {
   using KeyValue = typename detail::base_class_hlt1_t<MCParticles>::KeyValue;
   Hlt1TrueSimEffAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-      : detail::base_class_hlt1_t<MCParticles>{name,
-                                               pSvc,
-                                               {KeyValue{"InputMCParticles", ""}, KeyValue{"DecReports", ""},
-                                                KeyValue{"MC2IDLink", ""}, KeyValue{"SelReports", ""}},
-                                               {KeyValue{"P2TrueSimEffTable", ""}}} {}
+      : detail::base_class_hlt1_t<MCParticles>{ name,
+                                                pSvc,
+                                                { KeyValue{ "InputMCParticles", "" }, KeyValue{ "DecReports", "" },
+                                                  KeyValue{ "MC2IDLink", "" }, KeyValue{ "SelReports", "" } },
+                                                { KeyValue{ "P2TrueSimEffTable", "" } } } {}
   StatusCode initialize() override;
   detail::Table_t<MCParticles> operator()( const MCParticles& input_mcps, const LHCb::HltDecReports& dec_reports,
@@ -175,10 +175,10 @@ public:
   Gaudi::Property<detail::vec_str_t> m_line_decisions{
-      this, "TriggerLines", {}, "List of trigger lines for which TrueSim effs are required."};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_match_threshold{this, "match_fraction", 0.7,
-                                           "Match fraction of LHCbIDs between trigger candidate and MCParticle. "
-                                           "Obtained from dedicated study; see HltEfficiencyChecker documentation."};
+      this, "TriggerLines", {}, "List of trigger lines for which TrueSim effs are required." };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_match_threshold{ this, "match_fraction", 0.7,
+                                            "Match fraction of LHCbIDs between trigger candidate and MCParticle. "
+                                            "Obtained from dedicated study; see HltEfficiencyChecker documentation." };
 template <typename MCParticles>
@@ -186,23 +186,24 @@ StatusCode Hlt1TrueSimEffAlg<MCParticles>::initialize() {
   return detail::base_class_hlt1_t<MCParticles>::initialize().andThen( [&]() -> StatusCode {
     /// Check that the line decisions are non-empty
     if ( m_line_decisions.empty() )
-      throw GaudiException{"No Hlt line decisions have been specified. Please check!",
-                           "Hlt1TrueSimEffAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "No Hlt line decisions have been specified. Please check!",
+                            "Hlt1TrueSimEffAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     /// check that the m_line_decisions have a suffix "Decision" if not throw as error
     for ( auto& line : m_line_decisions )
       if ( line.find( "Decision" ) == std::string::npos )
-        throw GaudiException{"The line decision " + line + " does not have a suffix 'Decision'. Please check!",
-                             "Hlt1TrueSimEffAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "The line decision " + line + " does not have a suffix 'Decision'. Please check!",
+                              "Hlt1TrueSimEffAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
   } );
 template <typename MCParticles>
-detail::Table_t<MCParticles> Hlt1TrueSimEffAlg<MCParticles>::
-                             operator()( const MCParticles& input_mcps, const LHCb::HltDecReports& dec_reports, const LHCb::LinksByKey& mcp_id_link,
-            const LHCb::HltSelReports& sel_reports ) const {
+Hlt1TrueSimEffAlg<MCParticles>::operator()( const MCParticles& input_mcps, const LHCb::HltDecReports& dec_reports,
+                                            const LHCb::LinksByKey&    mcp_id_link,
+                                            const LHCb::HltSelReports& sel_reports ) const {
   /// Create an instance of relations table i.e. map of particle -> TrueSim decisions
   detail::Table_t<MCParticles> mcp2truesimeffs;
@@ -218,8 +219,8 @@ detail::Table_t<MCParticles> Hlt1TrueSimEffAlg<MCParticles>::
       const auto dec_ptr = dec_reports.decReport( line_decision );
       if ( !dec_ptr )
-        throw GaudiException{"The HltDecReport for the line " + line_decision + " is null. Please check!",
-                             "Hlt1TrueSimEffAlg::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "The HltDecReport for the line " + line_decision + " is null. Please check!",
+                              "Hlt1TrueSimEffAlg::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
       if ( !dec_ptr->decision() ) {
         // No point looking for candidates if trigger didn't fire
@@ -228,14 +229,15 @@ detail::Table_t<MCParticles> Hlt1TrueSimEffAlg<MCParticles>::
       const auto hltObjectSummary = sel_reports.selReport( line_decision );
       if ( !hltObjectSummary )
-        throw GaudiException{"No HltSelReport found for " + line_decision + " even though trigger fired. Please check!",
-                             "Hlt1TrueSimEffAlg::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "No HltSelReport found for " + line_decision +
+                                  " even though trigger fired. Please check!",
+                              "Hlt1TrueSimEffAlg::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
       if ( hltObjectSummary->summarizedObjectCLID() != 1 ) {
         throw GaudiException{
             "Not a selection summary. Dont know what to do with this object with summarizedObjectCLID " +
                 std::to_string( hltObjectSummary->summarizedObjectCLID() ),
-            "Hlt1TrueSimEffAlg::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+            "Hlt1TrueSimEffAlg::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
       const auto candidate_ids = [&]() {
@@ -267,8 +269,8 @@ public:
       : detail::base_class_hlt2_t<MCParticles>{
-            {KeyValue{"InputMCParticles", ""}, KeyValue{"DecReports", ""}, KeyValue{"MC2IDLink", ""}},
-            {KeyValue{"P2TrueSimEffTable", ""}}} {}
+            { KeyValue{ "InputMCParticles", "" }, KeyValue{ "DecReports", "" }, KeyValue{ "MC2IDLink", "" } },
+            { KeyValue{ "P2TrueSimEffTable", "" } } } {}
   StatusCode initialize() override;
   detail::Table_t<MCParticles> operator()( const MCParticles& input_mcps, const LHCb::HltDecReports& dec_reports,
@@ -276,30 +278,30 @@ public:
   Gaudi::Property<detail::vec_str_t> m_line_decisions{
-      this, "TriggerLines", {}, "List of trigger lines for which TrueSim effs are required."};
+      this, "TriggerLines", {}, "List of trigger lines for which TrueSim effs are required." };
   Gaudi::Property<detail::vec_str_t> m_candidateList{
-      this, "CandidateLocations", {}, "List of TES locations for reconstructed candidates"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_match_threshold{this, "match_fraction", 0.7,
-                                           "Match fraction of LHCbIDs between trigger candidate and MCParticle. "
-                                           "Obtained from dedicated study; see HltEfficiencyChecker documentation."};
+      this, "CandidateLocations", {}, "List of TES locations for reconstructed candidates" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_match_threshold{ this, "match_fraction", 0.7,
+                                            "Match fraction of LHCbIDs between trigger candidate and MCParticle. "
+                                            "Obtained from dedicated study; see HltEfficiencyChecker documentation." };
   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Particle::Range>>> m_candidateHandles;
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING>                     m_neutral_warning{
       this, "Cannot match neutral particle to true MC signal (no reco'd track); TrueSim efficiencies will be skipped "
-            "for this candidate."};
+                                "for this candidate." };
 template <typename MCParticles>
 StatusCode Hlt2TrueSimEffAlg<MCParticles>::initialize() {
   return detail::base_class_hlt2_t<MCParticles>::initialize().andThen( [&]() -> StatusCode {
     if ( m_line_decisions.empty() )
-      throw GaudiException{"No Hlt line decisions have been specified. Please check!",
-                           "Hlt2TrueSimEffAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "No Hlt line decisions have been specified. Please check!",
+                            "Hlt2TrueSimEffAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     /// check that the m_line_decisions have a suffix "Decision" if not throw as error
     for ( auto& line : m_line_decisions )
       if ( line.find( "Decision" ) == std::string::npos )
-        throw GaudiException{"The line decision " + line + " does not have a suffix 'Decision'. Please check!",
-                             "Hlt2TrueSimEffAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "The line decision " + line + " does not have a suffix 'Decision'. Please check!",
+                              "Hlt2TrueSimEffAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     for ( auto const& location : m_candidateList ) {
       m_candidateHandles.push_back( std::make_unique<DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Particle::Range>>( location, this ) );
@@ -307,9 +309,9 @@ StatusCode Hlt2TrueSimEffAlg<MCParticles>::initialize() {
         return location.find( detail::remove_decision_suffix( line ) ) != location.npos;
       } );
       if ( !found_line ) {
-        throw GaudiException{"Passed trigger candidates at " + location +
-                                 " which dont match to any of the lines in m_line_decisions.",
-                             "Hlt2TrueSimEffAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "Passed trigger candidates at " + location +
+                                  " which dont match to any of the lines in m_line_decisions.",
+                              "Hlt2TrueSimEffAlg::initialize()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
@@ -336,8 +338,8 @@ detail::Table_t<MCParticles> Hlt2TrueSimEffAlg<MCParticles>::operator()( const M
       const auto dec_ptr = dec_reports.decReport( line_decision );
       if ( !dec_ptr )
-        throw GaudiException{"The HltDecReport for the line " + line_decision + " is null. Please check!",
-                             "Hlt2TrueSimEffAlg::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "The HltDecReport for the line " + line_decision + " is null. Please check!",
+                              "Hlt2TrueSimEffAlg::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
       if ( !dec_ptr->decision() ) {
         // No point looking for candidates if trigger didn't fire
@@ -350,8 +352,8 @@ detail::Table_t<MCParticles> Hlt2TrueSimEffAlg<MCParticles>::operator()( const M
                    cand_handle->objKey().find( detail::remove_decision_suffix( line_decision ) ) != std::string::npos;
           } );
       if ( candidate_handle == m_candidateHandles.end() ) {
-        throw GaudiException{"Couldnt locate the trigger candidates for line " + line_decision + ". Please check!",
-                             "Hlt2TrueSimEffAlg::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ "Couldnt locate the trigger candidates for line " + line_decision + ". Please check!",
+                              "Hlt2TrueSimEffAlg::operator()", StatusCode::FAILURE };
       std::vector<detail::IDsByTrack> candidate_ids{};
diff --git a/Phys/TisTosTobbing/src/TOSFilter.cpp b/Phys/TisTosTobbing/src/TOSFilter.cpp
index 78a58cfca0c96fed258c28ff7b5c8dc5f700a5c8..ba0707c62288e53d5e5ba7f89be4d73b0116fb70 100644
--- a/Phys/TisTosTobbing/src/TOSFilter.cpp
+++ b/Phys/TisTosTobbing/src/TOSFilter.cpp
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace {
     std::regex  m_regex;
-    RegEx( std::string_view s ) : m_str{s}, m_regex{m_str} {}
+    RegEx( std::string_view s ) : m_str{ s }, m_regex{ m_str } {}
     template <typename Arg>
     decltype( auto ) match( Arg&& arg ) const {
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ namespace {
           s.remove_prefix( 1 );
           s.remove_suffix( 1 );
-        r = RegEx{s};
+        r = RegEx{ s };
         return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
       } catch ( const std::regex_error& ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE; }
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ namespace {
       ids_set.insert( track_ids.begin(), track_ids.end() );
     // Convert to a vector to match the return type
-    std::vector<LHCb::LHCbID> ids{ids_set.begin(), ids_set.end()};
+    std::vector<LHCb::LHCbID> ids{ ids_set.begin(), ids_set.end() };
     return ids;
 } // namespace
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ public:
   using KeyValue = typename base_class::KeyValue;
   TOSFilter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : base_class( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"InputContainer", ""}, KeyValue{"SelReports", ""}},
-                    {KeyValue{"OutputContainer", ""}} ) {}
+      : base_class( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "InputContainer", "" }, KeyValue{ "SelReports", "" } },
+                    { KeyValue{ "OutputContainer", "" } } ) {}
   std::tuple<bool, Container> operator()( const Container&           input,
                                           const LHCb::HltSelReports& sel_reports ) const override {
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ public:
     // Check each object to see if it's TOS against at least one report
-    std::scoped_lock guard{m_lock};
+    std::scoped_lock guard{ m_lock };
     for ( const auto& obj : input ) {
       auto&& ids = lhcb_ids( obj );
       m_tistos->setSignal( ids );
@@ -135,23 +135,23 @@ public:
     auto filter_passed = !output.empty();
     m_eff_event += filter_passed;
-    return {filter_passed, std::move( output )};
+    return { filter_passed, std::move( output ) };
-  Gaudi::Property<RegEx> m_decisionPattern{this, "DecisionPattern", "",
-                                           "Regular expression of decision names to require TOS against."};
+  Gaudi::Property<RegEx> m_decisionPattern{ this, "DecisionPattern", "",
+                                            "Regular expression of decision names to require TOS against." };
   /// Tool to compute TIS/TOS decisions
   /// Must be mutable as all the methods of this tool are non-const
-  mutable ToolHandle<IParticleTisTos> m_tistos{this, "ParticleTisTosTool", "ParticleTisTos"};
+  mutable ToolHandle<IParticleTisTos> m_tistos{ this, "ParticleTisTosTool", "ParticleTisTos" };
   /// Lock acquired during `operator()` to avoid race conditions when
   /// interacting with `m_tistos`
   mutable std::mutex m_lock;
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_eff_object{this, "Object selection efficiency"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_eff_event{this, "Event selection efficiency"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_eff_object{ this, "Object selection efficiency" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_eff_event{ this, "Event selection efficiency" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( TOSFilter<std::vector<LHCb::Event::v1::Track>>, "TOSFilter__v1__Track" )
diff --git a/Phys/TisTosTobbing/src/TriggerSelectionTisTos.cpp b/Phys/TisTosTobbing/src/TriggerSelectionTisTos.cpp
index abf89afc3d7ecf427868054dee7f49362fe8bc04..deaebc027590266e47f2f51842b0b16c6387f815 100644
--- a/Phys/TisTosTobbing/src/TriggerSelectionTisTos.cpp
+++ b/Phys/TisTosTobbing/src/TriggerSelectionTisTos.cpp
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 * granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  *
 * or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       *
-//#define LOCDEBUG
-// Include files
+// #define LOCDEBUG
+//  Include files
 #include "boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp"
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <sstream>
diff --git a/Phys/TisTosTobbing/src/TriggerSelectionTisTos.h b/Phys/TisTosTobbing/src/TriggerSelectionTisTos.h
index 690f0d11e8e8662547329e597918b2a23094a381..9faea09c309da7a920edb17c45a732fa89bf4db6 100644
--- a/Phys/TisTosTobbing/src/TriggerSelectionTisTos.h
+++ b/Phys/TisTosTobbing/src/TriggerSelectionTisTos.h
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 // Include files
 // from Gaudi
-//#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiTool.h"
+// #include "GaudiAlg/GaudiTool.h"
 #include "Kernel/ITriggerSelectionTisTos.h" // Interface
 #include "TisTos/ParticleTisTos.h"
diff --git a/Phys/TrackRefitting/src/RecombineDecayTrees.cpp b/Phys/TrackRefitting/src/RecombineDecayTrees.cpp
index 25d71ee64c602bea271228e4e1ca8d66f0eff40b..29fe31782a27df0320d675143bb4cffb9129854f 100644
--- a/Phys/TrackRefitting/src/RecombineDecayTrees.cpp
+++ b/Phys/TrackRefitting/src/RecombineDecayTrees.cpp
@@ -80,16 +80,16 @@ namespace LHCb {
     RecombineDecayTrees( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : MultiTransformer_t( name, pSvcLocator,
-                              {KeyValue{"InputParticles", ""}, KeyValue{"InputPVs", ""}, KeyValue{"InputTracks", ""},
-                               KeyValue{"InputTrackRelations", ""},
-                               KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
+                              { KeyValue{ "InputParticles", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputPVs", "" },
+                                KeyValue{ "InputTracks", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputTrackRelations", "" },
+                                KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
-                                  KeyValue{"OutputParticles", ""},
-                                  KeyValue{"OutputChildren", ""},
-                                  KeyValue{"OutputProtoParticles", ""},
-                                  KeyValue{"OutputVertices", ""},
-                                  KeyValue{"OutputRelationsOldToNew", ""},
-                                  KeyValue{"OutputRelationsNewToOld", ""},
+                                  KeyValue{ "OutputParticles", "" },
+                                  KeyValue{ "OutputChildren", "" },
+                                  KeyValue{ "OutputProtoParticles", "" },
+                                  KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", "" },
+                                  KeyValue{ "OutputRelationsOldToNew", "" },
+                                  KeyValue{ "OutputRelationsNewToOld", "" },
                               } ) {}
     Output_t operator()( LHCb::Particle::Range const& decays, LHCb::PrimaryVertices const& pvs,
@@ -250,22 +250,22 @@ namespace LHCb {
       return newParticle;
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_weightThreshold{this, "WeightThreshold", 0.85};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_weightThreshold{ this, "WeightThreshold", 0.85 };
-    ToolHandle<IParticle2State>     m_particle_from_state_tool = {this, "Particle2StateTool", "Particle2State"};
-    ToolHandle<ISelectiveBremAdder> m_bremAdder{this, "BremAdder", "SelectiveBremAdder"};
-    ToolHandle<IParticleCombiner>   m_combiner{this, "ParticleCombiner", "ParticleVertexFitter"};
+    ToolHandle<IParticle2State>     m_particle_from_state_tool = { this, "Particle2StateTool", "Particle2State" };
+    ToolHandle<ISelectiveBremAdder> m_bremAdder{ this, "BremAdder", "SelectiveBremAdder" };
+    ToolHandle<IParticleCombiner>   m_combiner{ this, "ParticleCombiner", "ParticleVertexFitter" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_msg_could_not_find_track{
-        this, "Could not find matching track in relation table for particle"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_fail_to_fill_from_state{this,
-                                                                                  "Failed to fill Particle from State"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_n_failedBrem{this,
-                                                                         "Failed to re-add bremsstrahlung to particle"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>     m_n_addedBrems{this, "# Re-added the bremsstrahlung to particle"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_n_passed_vertex_fit{this, "# passed vertex fit"};
+        this, "Could not find matching track in relation table for particle" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_fail_to_fill_from_state{
+        this, "Failed to fill Particle from State" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_n_failedBrem{
+        this, "Failed to re-add bremsstrahlung to particle" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>     m_n_addedBrems{ this, "# Re-added the bremsstrahlung to particle" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_n_passed_vertex_fit{ this, "# passed vertex fit" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( RecombineDecayTrees, "RecombineDecayTrees" )
-} // namespace LHCb
\ No newline at end of file
+} // namespace LHCb
diff --git a/Phys/TrackRefitting/src/ReplaceTracksInRecVertex.cpp b/Phys/TrackRefitting/src/ReplaceTracksInRecVertex.cpp
index a014b9e2dcc178da1365c1b16922f515fa10471b..4f4c234608cfa5cbc489ced8e6dbc263e761dae4 100644
--- a/Phys/TrackRefitting/src/ReplaceTracksInRecVertex.cpp
+++ b/Phys/TrackRefitting/src/ReplaceTracksInRecVertex.cpp
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ namespace {
-    return {refittedTrack, bestWeight};
+    return { refittedTrack, bestWeight };
 } // namespace
@@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ namespace LHCb {
     ReplaceTracksInRecVertex( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : MultiTransformer_RV_t( name, pSvcLocator,
-                                 {KeyValue{"InputVertices", ""}, KeyValue{"InputTracks", ""},
-                                  KeyValue{"InputTrackRelations", ""},
-                                  KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
+                                 { KeyValue{ "InputVertices", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputTracks", "" },
+                                   KeyValue{ "InputTrackRelations", "" },
+                                   KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
-                                     KeyValue{"OutputVertices", ""},
-                                     KeyValue{"OutputRelations", ""},
+                                     KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", "" },
+                                     KeyValue{ "OutputRelations", "" },
                                  } ) {}
     Output_RV_t operator()( LHCb::RecVertices const&     pvs, LHCb::Track::Range const&,
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
-          weightVector.push_back( {trackTo, pv_track_weight} );
+          weightVector.push_back( { trackTo, pv_track_weight } );
         newPV->setTracksWithWeights( weightVector );
@@ -153,25 +153,26 @@ namespace LHCb {
-    ToolHandle<IPVFitter> m_fitter{this, "PVFitter", "RecVertexAsExtendedPrimaryVertexFitter"};
+    ToolHandle<IPVFitter> m_fitter{ this, "PVFitter", "RecVertexAsExtendedPrimaryVertexFitter" };
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_weightThreshold{this, "WeightThreshold", 0.85};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_refitPV{this, "ReFitPV", true};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_weightThreshold{ this, "WeightThreshold", 0.85 };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_refitPV{ this, "ReFitPV", true };
     // false is the default behaviour of HLT2
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_onlyKeepConverged{this, "OnlyKeepConvergedFits", false};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_onlyKeepConverged{ this, "OnlyKeepConvergedFits", false };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_msg_could_not_find_track{
         this, std::string( "Could not find matching track in relation table for PV track. " ) +
                   "This can happen now-and-then if you are refitting tracks with a drastically different alignment, "
-                  "and the track fit failed."};
+                  "and the track fit failed." };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::INFO> m_msg_pv_fit_fail_but_kept{
-        this, "PV fit failed, but the vertex is kept nonetheless (behaviour as HLT2)", 1};
+        this, "PV fit failed, but the vertex is kept nonetheless (behaviour as HLT2)", 1 };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_msg_pv_fit_fail_and_removed{
-        this, "Refitted PV fit failed, removed the vertex from the container as OnlyKeepConvergedFits is enabled"};
+        this, "Refitted PV fit failed, removed the vertex from the container as OnlyKeepConvergedFits is enabled" };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_msg_relation_add_fail{this, "Adding of relationship failed"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_msg_relation_add_fail{ this,
+                                                                                 "Adding of relationship failed" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( ReplaceTracksInRecVertex, "ReplaceTracksInRecVertex" )
diff --git a/Phys/TrackRefitting/src/SelectTracksForParticles.cpp b/Phys/TrackRefitting/src/SelectTracksForParticles.cpp
index 5a4166cbf69cc60839ad425eb17560f7b30b184f..204603151bb7653ac61c7edc694676baa7864e4e 100644
--- a/Phys/TrackRefitting/src/SelectTracksForParticles.cpp
+++ b/Phys/TrackRefitting/src/SelectTracksForParticles.cpp
@@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ namespace {
 namespace LHCb {
   class SelectTracksForParticles final : public MergingMultiTransformer_t {
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_tracksPerEvent{this, "Average tracks copied per event"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_tracksPerEvent{ this, "Average tracks copied per event" };
     SelectTracksForParticles( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : MergingMultiTransformer_t( name, pSvcLocator, {"Inputs", {}},
-                                     {KeyValue{"OutputTracks", ""}, KeyValue{"Relations", ""}} ) {}
+        : MergingMultiTransformer_t( name, pSvcLocator, { "Inputs", {} },
+                                     { KeyValue{ "OutputTracks", "" }, KeyValue{ "Relations", "" } } ) {}
     Output_t operator()( In_t const& lists ) const override {
       Output_t myOutput{};
@@ -87,4 +87,4 @@ namespace LHCb {
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( SelectTracksForParticles, "SelectTracksForParticles" )
-} // namespace LHCb
\ No newline at end of file
+} // namespace LHCb
diff --git a/Phys/TrackRefitting/src/SelectTracksForRecVertices.cpp b/Phys/TrackRefitting/src/SelectTracksForRecVertices.cpp
index e95c69b4a8db834218132b52249d41932d696b58..5ec2bb3ac9e4808d3398e934dd2794bb4d27ff45 100644
--- a/Phys/TrackRefitting/src/SelectTracksForRecVertices.cpp
+++ b/Phys/TrackRefitting/src/SelectTracksForRecVertices.cpp
@@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ namespace {
 namespace LHCb {
   class SelectTracksForRecVertices final : public Transformer_t {
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_tracksPerEvent{this, "Average # tracks selected per event"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_tracksPerEvent{ this, "Average # tracks selected per event" };
     SelectTracksForRecVertices( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Transformer_t( name, pSvcLocator, {"Inputs", {}}, {KeyValue{"OutputTracks", ""}} ) {}
+        : Transformer_t( name, pSvcLocator, { "Inputs", {} }, { KeyValue{ "OutputTracks", "" } } ) {}
     Output_t operator()( In_t const& lists ) const override {
       Output_t outputTracks{};
@@ -56,4 +56,4 @@ namespace LHCb {
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( SelectTracksForRecVertices, "SelectTracksForRecVertices" )
-} // namespace LHCb
\ No newline at end of file
+} // namespace LHCb
diff --git a/Phys/VertexFit/doc/release.notes b/Phys/VertexFit/doc/release.notes
index d90e9fcbcb1ad1b13478449721f92edc6d8291ec..52960c755cae031206119c2c76fc32909a1a84f6 100755
--- a/Phys/VertexFit/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Phys/VertexFit/doc/release.notes
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 !========================= VertexFit v6r19 2014-05-19 =========================
 ! 2014-05-13 - Vanya Belyaev
- - PVReFitterAlg.cpp : Change the default refitting tool from 
+ - PVReFitterAlg.cpp : Change the default refitting tool from
                        AdaptivePVReFitter to LoKi::PVReFitter, match change
                        in core DaVinci base classes.
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
 ! 2014-02-17 - Chris Jones
  - Protect MomentumCombiner from sqrt(-number) FPE due to negative mass
-   error squares. 
- - Fail the fit in MomentumCombiner if MassErr^2<-999 (same as for the 
+   error squares.
+ - Fail the fit in MomentumCombiner if MassErr^2<-999 (same as for the
 ! 2014-02-14 - Chris Jones
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
    in std::exp(...) for large exponents. Fixes an FPE exception.
 ! 2013-12-19 - Chris Jones
- - Add a warning message when a fit is failed due to the 
+ - Add a warning message when a fit is failed due to the
    'mass error squared < -999' check.
 !========================= VertexFit v6r16 2013-10-02 =========================
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
 !========================= VertexFit v6r15 2013-05-07 =========================
 ! 2013-05-06 - Chris Jones
- - Protect OfflineVertexFitter against an invalid ParticleID value in 
+ - Protect OfflineVertexFitter against an invalid ParticleID value in
    isResonance. An exception is now thrown in this situation.
 !========================= VertexFit v6r14p1 2013-02-20 =========================
@@ -146,11 +146,11 @@
 !========================= VertexFit v6r10 2012-06-28 =========================
 ! 2012-06-26 - Chris Jones
- - Suppress warnings in PVReFitterAlg about missing or empty Particle 
+ - Suppress warnings in PVReFitterAlg about missing or empty Particle
    locations in the TES. Can happen in the stripping.
 ! 2012-05-09 - Chris Jones
- - Remove obsolete "ParticleInputLocation" property from PVReFitterAlg. 
+ - Remove obsolete "ParticleInputLocation" property from PVReFitterAlg.
    Use "ParticleInputLocations" instead
  - Use the method removeTracksAndRecalculatePV instead of reDoSinglePV
    when using the IPVOfflineTool in PVReFitterAlg
@@ -163,13 +163,13 @@
 !========================= VertexFit v6r8 2012-03-01 =========================
 ! 2012-02-18 - Chris Jones
- - Various minor clean ups and speed ups in AdaptivePVReFitter and 
+ - Various minor clean ups and speed ups in AdaptivePVReFitter and
 !========================= VertexFit v6r7p3 2011-11-10 =====================
 ! 2011-09-16 - Yuehong Xie
  - commit the changes for using new ParticlePropertySvc, which were forgot
-   last time. 
+   last time.
 !========================= VertexFit v6r7p2 2011-05-13 =====================
 ! 2011-05-10 - Yuehong Xie
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
    removeTracksAndCalculatePV method to remove the weighted contribution
    of the set of tracks making a particle from the PV.
    NOTE: This implementation is temporary and for testing. The reFit method
-   has no meaning and isn't implemented. 
+   has no meaning and isn't implemented.
  - Increase to v6r7.
 !========================== VertexFit v6r6 2010-11-02 ======================
@@ -212,14 +212,14 @@
   . introduce new option "includeDauVertexChi2", which controls whether to add
     the chi2 and DOF of daughter vertices to the mother vertex. Default value
     is set to be true.
-  . new option "applyMomMassConstraint" controls whether to  apply 
+  . new option "applyMomMassConstraint" controls whether to  apply
     mass constraint on the mother particle.  Default value is set to false.
 !========================== VertexFit v6r4 2010-08-19 ======================
 ! 2010-08-12 - Juan Palacios
  - PVReFitterAlg.
-  . Does not fail when particles or PVs not found. Just produces supressed 
+  . Does not fail when particles or PVs not found. Just produces supressed
     warning or error messages.
 ! 2010-08-04 - Juan Palacios
@@ -246,11 +246,11 @@
  - OffliveVertexFitter.cpp
-    replace "err" --> "Error" to reduce a bit the identiical printout 
+    replace "err" --> "Error" to reduce a bit the identiical printout
- - cmt/requirements 
+ - cmt/requirements
-    version increment  to v6r2p3 
+    version increment  to v6r2p3
 !========================== VertexFit v6r2p2 2010-04-15 ===============
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
 ! 2010-4-1 - Yuehong Xie
  - src/AdaptivePVReFitter.cpp
-   . add protection against null track pointer in PV->tracks() 
+   . add protection against null track pointer in PV->tracks()
 !========================== VertexFit v6r2 2010-01-29 =================
@@ -304,23 +304,23 @@
   . Adapt to change in Particle2Vertex typedefs: Table -> WTable
 ! 2009-08-24 - Patrick Koppenburg
- - TrgParticleMaker : add 
+ - TrgParticleMaker : add
   -> v6r0
 ! 2009-08-19 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - OfflineVertexFitter, 
-   TrgVertexFitter, 
+ - OfflineVertexFitter,
+   TrgVertexFitter,
-   change  a bit the signature due to modified IVertexFit: 
-    1. for all methods, WITHOUT creation of "mother" particle, 
-       the vertex os the first argument ( "fit vertex" ) 
-    2. for all methdos WITH creation of "mother" particle, 
-       the mother particle is the last argument , after vertex 
+   change  a bit the signature due to modified IVertexFit:
+    1. for all methods, WITHOUT creation of "mother" particle,
+       the vertex os the first argument ( "fit vertex" )
+    2. for all methdos WITH creation of "mother" particle,
+       the mother particle is the last argument , after vertex
 ! 2009-08-18 - Juan PALACIOS
  - src/PVReFitter.cpp, AdaptivePVReFitter.cpp
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
 !========================== VertexFit v5r6 2009-02-20 =================
 ! 2009-02-11 - Patrick Koppenburg
- - TrgVertexFit: Bug fix for PhiGamma. 
+ - TrgVertexFit: Bug fix for PhiGamma.
  - Increment to v5r6
 ! 2009-02-03 - Patrick Koppenburg
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@
 ! 2008-11-24 - Juan PALACIOS
  - src/PVReFitterAlg.cpp
   . Simplify getTracks loop.
-  . Add bool properties UseIPVOfflineTool(false) and UseIPVReFitter(true) 
+  . Add bool properties UseIPVOfflineTool(false) and UseIPVReFitter(true)
     determining if the PV re-fitting tools should be used.
 ! 2008-11-20 - Juan PALACIOS
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@
   . Increase version to v5r4p1
 ! 2008-10-4 - Yuehong Xie
- - OfflineVertexFitter: fix problem in pi0 mass constraint reported 
+ - OfflineVertexFitter: fix problem in pi0 mass constraint reported
    by Steven Blust
 !========================== VertexFit v5r4 2008-09-11 ===================
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@
 ! 2008-09-09 - Juan PALACIOS
  - src/PVReFitterAlg{.cpp, .h}
-  . Go back to KeyedContainer to store refitted vertices. ObjectVector 
+  . Go back to KeyedContainer to store refitted vertices. ObjectVector
     would've posed problems in client code and MicroDST cloning.
     It is now up to the user to know how to deal with these vertices.
@@ -450,9 +450,9 @@
 ! 2008-07-03 - Juan PALACIOS
  - Add src/PVReFitterAlg.cpp, src/PVReFitterAlg.h
-   . Simple GaudiAlgorithm that takes some particles, their related primary 
-     vertices, and refits the vertices excluding the tracks coming from the 
-     particle's decay. It also creates a relations table associating each 
+   . Simple GaudiAlgorithm that takes some particles, their related primary
+     vertices, and refits the vertices excluding the tracks coming from the
+     particle's decay. It also creates a relations table associating each
      particle to its corresponding new vertex.
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@
  - src/AdaptivePVReFitter.h
  - src/PVReFitter.cpp
  - src/PVReFitter.h
-  . Make all methods const. 
+  . Make all methods const.
   . Make first argument of IPVReFitter::remove a const LHCb::Particle*
 ! 2008-05-30 - Patrick Koppenburg
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@
   . Increment version to v5r1
 ! 2008-03-27 - Yuehong Xie
- - PVReFitter.cpp, OfflineVertexFitter.cpp, AdaptivePVReFitter.h: 
+ - PVReFitter.cpp, OfflineVertexFitter.cpp, AdaptivePVReFitter.h:
    fix compilation warnings
 ! 2008-03-27 - Patrick Koppenburg
@@ -509,21 +509,21 @@
 ! 2008-02-05 - Juan PALACIOS
  - cmt/requirements
   . Increase version to v4r5
  - options/DVFlightDistanceFilterCriterion.opts
   . Remove .DLLs += line.
 ! 2008-01-15 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - src/MassFitter.cpp
-   new class LoKi::MassFitter, 
-   the most trivial implementation of IMassFit abstract interface 
+   new class LoKi::MassFitter,
+   the most trivial implementation of IMassFit abstract interface
    ATTENTION: the tool is not properly tested yet! to be done urgently!
  - src/MatrixUtils.h
-   remove the obsolete file, use 
+   remove the obsolete file, use
     LHCbMath/MatrixUtils.h & LHCbMath/MatrixTransforms.h instead
-   the related files are updated properly 
+   the related files are updated properly
 !========================== VertexFit v4r4p1 2007-12-13 =================
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@
 ! 2007-11-11 - Yuehong Xie
  - add src/AdaptivePVReFitter.cpp, AdaptivePVReFitter.h, PVFitTrack.h
-   . A new tool for adaptive PV refitting using deterministic anneling 
+   . A new tool for adaptive PV refitting using deterministic anneling
 !========================== VertexFit v4r3p3 2007-11-05 ====================
@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@
 ! 2007-11-02 - Yuehong Xie
  - src/OfflineVertexFitter.cpp/.h
   . Add treatment of merged pi0
-  . simplify the way to get photon parameters, 
+  . simplify the way to get photon parameters,
     no chnage of performance expected
 !========================== VertexFit v4r3p2 2007-10-25 ====================
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@
 !========================== VertexFit v4r3p1 2007-10-10 ====================
 ! 2007-10-11 - Patrick Koppenburg
- - TrgVertexFitter: protect against 0 denominators. 0 is defined as 
+ - TrgVertexFitter: protect against 0 denominators. 0 is defined as
 	 smaller that 10^{-16}. Can be changed by options
    . More verbose printout
    . Use pointers instead of references
@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@
 ! 2007-10-08 - Juan PALACIOS
  - src/OfflineVertexFitter.cpp
   . Remove last changes as they affect some pre-selections. Behaviour should
-    now be the same as in revision 1.25. Revert to that version once 
+    now be the same as in revision 1.25. Revert to that version once
     pre-selections have been adapted accordingly.
  - cmt/requirements
   . Increase version to v4r3p1
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@
 ! 2007-10-05 - Yuehong Xie
   - src/OfflineVertexFitter.cpp
    . change the chi2 definition so that when "useResonanceVertex" is true,
-     the chi2 and NDoF of no resonance are included for the mother. The 
+     the chi2 and NDoF of no resonance are included for the mother. The
      chi2 and NDoF of the first resonance were included by mistake.
 ! 2007-10-02 - Yuehong Xie
@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@
  - src/PVReFitter.h
    . Make all protected member functions private.
    . Use LHCb::Track::Vector and ConstVector typedefs instead of std::vector<...>
  - src/ParticleAdder{.h, .cpp}, src/TrgVertexFitter{.cpp, .h}
    . Remove unused protected methods isResonance and isVertexed
    . Minor clean up and move implementaitons of virtual functions to .cpp
@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@
 !========================== VertexFit v4r2 2007-04-19 ===================
 ! 2007-04-16 - Patrick Koppenburg
  - OfflineVertexFitter:
-   . Add particles to vertex outgoingParticles whenever they are actually 
+   . Add particles to vertex outgoingParticles whenever they are actually
      used in the vertex fit.
    . Remove adding of particles to outgoingParticles at end of fit.
      This should solve a bug reported by Ulrich Kerzel.
@@ -720,9 +720,9 @@
 ! 2006-10-04 - Yuehong Xie
   - src/OfflineVertexfitter.cpp
-    . set mass related elements in the mass represantation of 
+    . set mass related elements in the mass represantation of
       covariance matrix of basic particles to zero to fix a bug in making
-      basic particles. 
+      basic particles.
 ! 2006-10-02 - Yuehong Xie
   - src/OfflineVertexfitter.cpp
@@ -737,19 +737,19 @@
      Question here: Should it be "ParticleAdder" instead of "MomentumCombiner"?
- - src/VertexFit_load.cpp 
-     add a tool declaration. needed fro component library 
+ - src/VertexFit_load.cpp
+     add a tool declaration. needed fro component library
  - src/OfflineVertexFitter.h
      add a "default" implemntation of IParticleCombiner::combine
      through the delegation to the method "fit" with the same signature.
  - src/OfflineVertexFitter.cpp
      add the declaration of interfaces into the tool constructor:
-       declareInterface<IParticleCombiner>     
+       declareInterface<IParticleCombiner>
  - cmt/requirements
-     version increment to v3r1 
+     version increment to v3r1
 ! 2006-08-02 - Juan PALACIOS
   - src/OfflineVertexFitter.cpp
@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@
 ! 2006-07-05 - Juan PALACIOS
   - src/OfflineVertexFitter.cpp
-    . Change location of Calo hypothesis enums according to changes in  
+    . Change location of Calo hypothesis enums according to changes in
       RecEvent v1r5. Enums no longer in CaloHypothesis namespace but in
       CaloHypo class definition.
@@ -777,17 +777,17 @@
   - src/PVReFitter.cpp is completed now.
 ! 2006-06-08 Yuehong Xie
-  - src/OfflineVertexFitter.cpp: fix a small bug 
+  - src/OfflineVertexFitter.cpp: fix a small bug
   - add src/PVReFitter.cpp. Not finished yet.
 ! 2006-06-07 Yuehong Xie
   - add src/DirectionFitter.cpp. Uses IDirectionFit.h.
 ! 2006-06-07 Yuehong Xie
-  - add src/PropertimeFitter.cpp. Uses ILifetimeFitter.h. 
+  - add src/PropertimeFitter.cpp. Uses ILifetimeFitter.h.
-! 2006-06-06 Juan PALACIOS 
-  - src/OfflineVertexFitter.h: Fix a few compilation warnings to do with 
+! 2006-06-06 Juan PALACIOS
+  - src/OfflineVertexFitter.h: Fix a few compilation warnings to do with
                                unimplemented methods
 ! 2006-06-07 Yuehong Xie
@@ -797,7 +797,7 @@
   - src/OfflineVertexFitter.cpp: implement addPhotonPair. Now it should work with pi0/eta.
 ! 2006-06-06 Yuehong Xie
-  - src/OfflineVertexFitter.cpp: implement addPhoton. Now it should work with photons.     
+  - src/OfflineVertexFitter.cpp: implement addPhoton. Now it should work with photons.
 ! 2006-05-31 Juan PALACIOS
   Remove src/MatrixUtils.h (moved to LHCbMath v1r1)
@@ -817,19 +817,19 @@
 ! 2006-05-26 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - src/BlindVertexFitter.cpp
-     - simple Kalman-filter based vertex fitter, 
+     - simple Kalman-filter based vertex fitter,
        current implementation works only for basic charged particles
- - src/FitterUtils.h - helper namespace for implementation of vertex fitter 
- - src/MatrixUtils.h - helper file with set of helper matrix utilities   
+ - src/FitterUtils.h - helper namespace for implementation of vertex fitter
+ - src/MatrixUtils.h - helper file with set of helper matrix utilities
 ! 2006-05-17 - Yuehong Xie
  - first version that only fit two tarck vertex like Jpsi->mumu, more functionalities to be added
 ! 2006-05-09 - P. Koppenburg
   Moved GeomDispCalculator to DaVinciTools
 ! 2006-05-08 - Juan PALACIOS
- - Added src/GeomDispCalculator. Re-implemented from DaVinciTransporter 
+ - Added src/GeomDispCalculator. Re-implemented from DaVinciTransporter
    and restored.
 ! 2006-04-05 - J. Palacios
@@ -857,7 +857,7 @@
     . replaced some err() with debug()
     . fixed the problem of wrongly setting resonance vertex position to
     the state position after transport
-    . call setMass() for photon pair to allow for retrivial 
+    . call setMass() for photon pair to allow for retrivial
     of pi0/eta->gammagamma mass from KFFittool
 !========================== VertexFit v1r9p1 2005-12-21 ===================
@@ -879,7 +879,7 @@
 ! 2005-11-16 - Gabriele Balbi & Stefania Vecchi
   - src/LagrangeGlobalFitter.{cpp,h}
     .added documentation
-    .fixed a numerical bug	
+    .fixed a numerical bug
 ! 2005-11-11 - P. Koppenburg for G. Balbi
   - src/LagrangeGlobalFitter.{cpp,h}
@@ -892,25 +892,25 @@
 !========================== VertexFit v1r7 2005-09-07 ===================
 ! 2005-09-02 - Yuehong Xie
-  - src/PVReFitter.cpp 
+  - src/PVReFitter.cpp
   - src/PVReFitter.h
     . New PV refit tool
-    . refit a primary type vertex 
+    . refit a primary type vertex
     . remove all tracks of a particle from PV and refit PV
     . the problem of Velo/veloBack track charge is fixed by using Q=sign(tx)
 !========================== VertexFit v1r6p1 2005-05-30 ===================
 ! 2005-05-24 - H.Ruiz
   - src/TrgVertexFitter.cpp
-    . Reduced level of verbosity for debug mode. Most messages moved to 
+    . Reduced level of verbosity for debug mode. Most messages moved to
       verbose mode
 !========================== VertexFit v1r6 2005-05-12 ===================
 ! 2005-04-25 - P. Koppenburg for L. Fernandez
-  - src/UnconstVertexFitter.cpp 
+  - src/UnconstVertexFitter.cpp
   - src/UnconstVertexFitter.h
-    . Another modification for neutrals. New options      
-      UseDaughters = true 
+    . Another modification for neutrals. New options
+      UseDaughters = true
     . looks recursively for all final states (with origin) or long-lived daughters
       in the resonances' decay trees
     . all gammas(s) found in the descendants are re-evaluated at the vertex
@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@
   - introduce new tool src/NewDirectionFitter.cpp(.h)
     .a upgraded version of LifetimeFitter. The difference is this tool fits
      for both time and mass at the same time. Correlation between time and
-     mass is obtained. Based on this a mass constraint can then be applied 
+     mass is obtained. Based on this a mass constraint can then be applied
   - src/KFFitTool.cpp
     . update vertex chi2 and NDoF when reFitting a Particle
@@ -948,7 +948,7 @@
       which results in the run-trime error
       relocation error: .../slc3_ia32_gcc323/lib*.so: undefined symbol: _ZN5CLHEP12HepSymMatrix3subEii
     -> Include HepSymMatrix at the very beginning of the file.
 ! 2005-02-24 - P. Koppenburg for Hugo Ruiz
   - src/TrgVertexFitter.{cpp,h}
     . Do not fix vector sizes
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@
     . Windows does not know what to do with
          const int n = someVector.size() ;
 	 double X[n] ;
-      Use std::vectors throughout	 
+      Use std::vectors throughout
 ! 2005-02-09 - P. Koppenburg
   - src/GeomDispCalculator.cpp
@@ -986,11 +986,11 @@
     . New tool that performs the job of the GeomDispCalculator
       and uses the sames assumptions as the TRgVertexFitter. Gets identical
       results under these assumptions.
 ! 2005-02-04 - P. Koppenburg
   - src/TrgVertexFitter.{cpp,h}
     . Fast Unconstrained Vertex Fitter by Hugo Ruiz.
-      Works only with Particles made from TrgTracks. Assumes cylindrical 
+      Works only with Particles made from TrgTracks. Assumes cylindrical
       errors around the trajectory.
   - src/VertexFitter_load.cpp
     . Use it.
@@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@
 ! 2005-01-06 - P. Koppenburg
   - src/*.h
     . Moved all interface to $DAVINCIKERNELROOT/Kernel/
 ! 2004-12-15 - P. Koppenburg
   - src/UnconstVertexFitter.cpp
     . Initialize GaudiTool
@@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@
     . Add the possibility to treat photons correctly
     . Make it a GaudiTool
     -> yet to be tested
 !========================== VertexFit v1r2 2004-12-01 ===================
 ! 2004-11-25 - Yuehong Xie
   - Modified KFFitTool.cpp/.h to make it work with Ks
@@ -1019,9 +1019,9 @@
  - New tool KFFitTool.cpp/.h basically does
   . recomputation of track covariance matrix to fix a bug in Particle class
   . vertex fitting with Kalman Filter method
-  . mass constraint of narrow width resonant particles 
-  . adding photon or photon pair to a vertex and giving correct covariance matrix 
-  . At the moment Kshort is not reprocessed. 
+  . mass constraint of narrow width resonant particles
+  . adding photon or photon pair to a vertex and giving correct covariance matrix
+  . At the moment Kshort is not reprocessed.
  - LagrangeDirectionFitter.cpp/.h
   . Add new method fitWithDirection which returns the modified primary vertex
   . Now Direction fitter and LifetimeFitter give very similar result
@@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@
 !========================== VertexFit v1r0 2004-08-24 ===================
 ! 2004-08-24 - P. Koppenburg
- - Made a mistake while importing DaVinciFilter, overwriting VertexFit. 
+ - Made a mistake while importing DaVinciFilter, overwriting VertexFit.
    Had to remove all filters from VertexFit.
 ! 2004-08-23 - P. Koppenburg
@@ -1044,21 +1044,21 @@
    containing all vertex fitters and assocaited tools.
 ! 2004-08-23 - P. Koppenburg
- - Split DaVinciTools package into 
+ - Split DaVinciTools package into
    . Phys/DaVinciKernel : DVAlgorithm, PhysDesktop and all Interfaces
    . Phys/ParticleMaker : All particle makers and the ParticleStuffer
    . Phys/DaVinciFilter : All Filter
    . Phys/VertexFit : All vertex fitters and the GeomDispCalculator.cpp
    . Phys/DaVinciTransporter : All transporters
    . Phys/DaVinciTools : Basically all high-level tools that are none
-        of the abvove, f.i. DecayFinder, PreDV, CheckOverlap...    
+        of the abvove, f.i. DecayFinder, PreDV, CheckOverlap...
    This split became necessary since DaVinciTools was become a huge monster
-   containing unrelated stuff (what do the TrackTypeFilterCriterion and the 
+   containing unrelated stuff (what do the TrackTypeFilterCriterion and the
    CombinedParticleMaker have in common?). Also DaVinciTools was evolving
-   with all versions of DaVinci. In the short term, I hope that most 
+   with all versions of DaVinci. In the short term, I hope that most
    developments will affect DaVinciFilter, while the other packages will
    be rather stable except for bug fixes.
 !========================== DaVinciTools v10r3 2004-08-23 ===================
 ! 2004-08-23 - Florence RANJARD
  - replace GaudiTools/ with GaudiAlg
@@ -1073,40 +1073,40 @@
       in the sections where one knows that there are more than 2 particles.
   - src/LifetimeFitter.cpp
-    . posMomCorr() was misused as the upper square in LifetimeFitter.cpp, 
+    . posMomCorr() was misused as the upper square in LifetimeFitter.cpp,
       and this is fixed.
 !========================= DaVinciTools v9r5 2004-06-04 ===================
 ! 2004-06-04 - P. Koppenburg
   - src/LagrangeGeomVertexFitter.cpp
     . String over two lines corrected for Windows
 ! 2004-05-11 - P. Koppenburg for Claudia Pereira Nunes
  - src/LagrangeGeomVertexFitter.{cpp,h}
  - DaVinciTools/IGeomVertexFitter.h
-   . New constrained vertex fitting tool. This tool has two public methods. 
-     One, called fitWithGeom, makes only a geometrical  constrained fit for 
-     at most 4 tracks. It doesn't make any kind of invariant mass vertex fit, 
+   . New constrained vertex fitting tool. This tool has two public methods.
+     One, called fitWithGeom, makes only a geometrical  constrained fit for
+     at most 4 tracks. It doesn't make any kind of invariant mass vertex fit,
      like the LagrangeMassVertexFitter tool does, it just constrain the
-     particles to come from the same point. The other method, called 
-     fitWithGeomAndSubMass, makes a geometrical constrained fit and an 
-     invariant mass constrained fit of any daughter which is a resonance 
-     (with width < 10 MeV).  This method only works if there is a daughter 
-     resonance and it works for at most 4 tracks also. 
+     particles to come from the same point. The other method, called
+     fitWithGeomAndSubMass, makes a geometrical constrained fit and an
+     invariant mass constrained fit of any daughter which is a resonance
+     (with width < 10 MeV).  This method only works if there is a daughter
+     resonance and it works for at most 4 tracks also.
  - src/LagrangeMassVertexFitter.{cpp,h}
-   . Corrected an error on the way the geometrical constrained 
+   . Corrected an error on the way the geometrical constrained
      equations were being obtained.
 !========================== DaVinciTools v9r2 2004-03-31 ==================
 ! 2004-03-30 - P. Koppenburg for Miriam Gandelman
  - src/GeomDispCalculator.cpp
    . Bug fix
 !========================== DaVinciTools v8r4 2004-01-29 ==================
 ! 2004-01-14 - Gloria CORTI
  - DaVinciTools/IGeomDispCalCulator.h
-   . propagate change from DaVinci v8r3 that was built on a branch  
+   . propagate change from DaVinci v8r3 that was built on a branch
 !========================== DaVinciTools v8r3 2003-12-12 ==================
 ! 2003-12-12 - Gloria CORTI for Miriam GANDELMAN
  Built on a branch v8r2b
@@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@
 !========================== DaVinciTools v8r1p2 2003-06-26 ==================
 ! 2003-06-26 - Gloria CORTI
  - src/LagrangeMassVertexFitter.h & cpp
-   . introduce method finalize where tools are released (valgrind 
+   . introduce method finalize where tools are released (valgrind
      possible memory leak)
  - src/GeomDispCalculator.h & cpp
    . introduce method finalize where tools are released (valgrind
@@ -1137,7 +1137,7 @@
      the corresponding particle lifetime
 ! 2002-11-11 - Gloria Corti
- - Fix problem in tree propagation in UnconstVertexFitter when using 
+ - Fix problem in tree propagation in UnconstVertexFitter when using
    resonances and fix bug reported by Gerhard Raven of hessian/2 (Sandra Amato)
  - Introduce property with cut value on width of mother particle in order to
    use products or not to make vertex in LagrangeMassVertexFitter (S.Amato)
@@ -1165,7 +1165,7 @@
       to perform the fit when widht < 10 MeV
     + fix error reported by B.Viaud to use transported values of slopes
       and momentum and not only positions
- - Modified UnconstVertexFitter (S.Amato) 
+ - Modified UnconstVertexFitter (S.Amato)
     + check if a particle is a resonace in which case uses the daughters
       to perform the fit
     + fix error reported by B.Viaud to use transported values of slopes
@@ -1181,7 +1181,7 @@
 !=========================== DaVinciTools v5r0 2002-07-29 ===================
 ! 2002-07-27 - Gloria Corti
- - Add error calculation in DCA for parallel particles in 
+ - Add error calculation in DCA for parallel particles in
    GeomDispCalculator ( M.Gandelman )
 ! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DaVinciTools v4r0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
@@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@
   - LagrangeVertexFitter: shortcut methods (Joao de Mello)
 ! 2002-05-06 - Gloria Corti
-  - DaVinciTools/IVertexFitter.h: new methods (short-cuts) for 2 and 3 
+  - DaVinciTools/IVertexFitter.h: new methods (short-cuts) for 2 and 3
   - src/UnconsVertexFitter: short cut methods implementation (Sandra Amato)
   - DaVinciTools/IGeomDispCalculator.h: return type of method changed from
     void to StatusCode (Miriam Gandelman)
@@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@
     - DaVinciTools/IVertexFitter.h, interface for generic vertex fitters
       src/UnconstVertexFitter.h&cpp, concrete implementation of a vertex fitter
           based on Fortran axksvrtx.F
-      author: Sandra Amato      
+      author: Sandra Amato
     - DaVinciTools/IMassVertexFitter.h, interface for mass constrained vertex
       src/LagrangeMassVertexFitter.h&cpp, concrete implementation using
@@ -1210,9 +1210,7 @@
   - Introduce new OO tools working with new PhysEvent model
     The interfaces are in DaVinciTools subdirectory.
     - DaVinciTools/IGeomDispCalculator.h (interface)
-      src/GeomDispCalculator.h&cpp 
-          Tool to calculate varius geometrical distances between Particles & 
-          Vertices (ex. impact parameter) 
+      src/GeomDispCalculator.h&cpp
+          Tool to calculate varius geometrical distances between Particles &
+          Vertices (ex. impact parameter)
       author: Miriam Gandelman
diff --git a/Phys/VertexFit/include/VertexFit/ParticleVertexFitter.h b/Phys/VertexFit/include/VertexFit/ParticleVertexFitter.h
index f98fb6b498823b553b84e5bb95ad3b0003684435..dbeb1d88659f9f7788dd4c372b1ad10ab94d29e1 100644
--- a/Phys/VertexFit/include/VertexFit/ParticleVertexFitter.h
+++ b/Phys/VertexFit/include/VertexFit/ParticleVertexFitter.h
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ namespace {
     state_t    m_state;
-    UnfittedParticle( particle_t p, state_t state ) : m_particle{std::move( p )}, m_state{std::move( state )} {}
+    UnfittedParticle( particle_t p, state_t state ) : m_particle{ std::move( p ) }, m_state{ std::move( state ) } {}
     // Add the momenta of a particle with no covariance information to the result of a combination
     // Update the information of the momenta of the objects based on the vertex of
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ namespace {
       auto p = m_particle.p();
-      p4 = VecN<4, float_v>{p * dx / d, p * dy / d, p * dz / d, m_particle.energy()};
+      p4 = VecN<4, float_v>{ p * dx / d, p * dy / d, p * dz / d, m_particle.energy() };
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ namespace {
     VertexTraj( particle_t p, state_t state )
-        : m_particle{std::move( p )}, m_state{std::move( state )}, m_q{m_state.tx(), m_state.ty()} {}
+        : m_particle{ std::move( p ) }, m_state{ std::move( state ) }, m_q{ m_state.tx(), m_state.ty() } {}
     void project( VecN<3, float_v> const& vertexpos, VecN<3, float_v>& halfDChisqDX, SymNxN<3, float_v>& halfD2ChisqDX2,
                   float_v& chi2, int_v& ndof ) {
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ namespace {
       m_G = Invert2x2( m_state.covXX() );
       // compute residual
-      VecN<2, float_v> residual{vertexpos( 0 ) - m_state.x(), vertexpos( 1 ) - m_state.y()};
+      VecN<2, float_v> residual{ vertexpos( 0 ) - m_state.x(), vertexpos( 1 ) - m_state.y() };
       // fill the projection matrix: use the fitted momentum!
       m_A( 0, 0 ) = m_A( 1, 1 ) = 1.f;
@@ -199,14 +199,14 @@ namespace {
     void updateSlopes( VecN<3, float_v> const& vertexpos ) {
       // first update the residual. (note the subtle difference with that in project!)
       float_v const          dz = vertexpos( 2 ) - m_state.z();
-      VecN<2, float_v> const residual{vertexpos( 0 ) - ( m_state.x() + m_state.tx() * dz ),
-                                      vertexpos( 1 ) - ( m_state.y() + m_state.ty() * dz )};
+      VecN<2, float_v> const residual{ vertexpos( 0 ) - ( m_state.x() + m_state.tx() * dz ),
+                                       vertexpos( 1 ) - ( m_state.y() + m_state.ty() * dz ) };
       // get the matrix that is the correlation of (x,y) and (tx,ty,qop)
       // ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,2,2> Vba = m_state.covariance().template
       // Sub<ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,2,2>>(2,0); compute the corresponding gain matrix (this is WBG in the BFR fit,
       // but here it is Vba * Vaa^-1) ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,2,2> K = Vba*m_G ; compute the momentum vector
-      m_q = VecN<2, float_v>{m_state.tx(), m_state.ty()} + m_state.covXT().transpose() * m_G.cast_to_mat() * residual;
+      m_q = VecN<2, float_v>{ m_state.tx(), m_state.ty() } + m_state.covXT().transpose() * m_G.cast_to_mat() * residual;
     void addToFourVector( VecN<3, float_v> const& vertexpos, VecN<4, float_v>& p4, SymNxN<4, float_v>& p4cov,
@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ namespace {
       // This specialisation is for TrackWithVelo and TrackWithoutVelo
       // we first need to update q/p. since we also need the full gain matrix, we could as well redo that part.
       float_v const          dz = vertexpos( 2 ) - m_state.z();
-      VecN<2, float_v> const residual{vertexpos( 0 ) - ( m_state.x() + m_q( 0 ) * dz ),
-                                      vertexpos( 1 ) - ( m_state.y() + m_q( 1 ) * dz )};
+      VecN<2, float_v> const residual{ vertexpos( 0 ) - ( m_state.x() + m_q( 0 ) * dz ),
+                                       vertexpos( 1 ) - ( m_state.y() + m_q( 1 ) * dz ) };
       auto const Vba    = m_state.cov().template sub<Matrix<3, 2, float_v>, 2, 0>();
       auto       K      = Vba * m_G.cast_to_mat();
@@ -247,8 +247,8 @@ namespace {
       auto const px   = tx * pz;
       auto const py   = ty * pz;
       auto const E    = sqrt( p * p + mass * mass );
-      p4              = p4 + VecN<4, float_v>{px, py, pz, E}; // TODO check whether this gives right results
-                                                              // it was E px py pz before
+      p4              = p4 + VecN<4, float_v>{ px, py, pz, E }; // TODO check whether this gives right results
+                                                                // it was E px py pz before
       Matrix<4, 3, float_v> dp4dmom{}; // jacobi matrix of del(p4)/del(tx,ty,qOverP)
       auto const            n3    = n2 * n;
@@ -324,8 +324,8 @@ namespace {
       using LHCb::Event::referencePoint;
       auto             particlepos = referencePoint( m_particle );
       float_v const    dz          = Z( vertexpos ) - particlepos.Z();
-      VecN<2, float_v> res{X( vertexpos ) - ( particlepos.X() + tx * dz ),
-                           Y( vertexpos ) - ( particlepos.Y() + ty * dz )};
+      VecN<2, float_v> res{ X( vertexpos ) - ( particlepos.X() + tx * dz ),
+                            Y( vertexpos ) - ( particlepos.Y() + ty * dz ) };
       auto const&      R    = m_state.covXX();
       auto const&      Rinv = m_G;
       using LHCb::Event::momCovMatrix;
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ namespace {
     template <typename mask_v, typename float_v, typename proxy>
     constexpr auto operator()( [[maybe_unused]] LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<float_v, 3> const& vertex_position,
                                [[maybe_unused]] mask_v const& vertex_position_mask, proxy const& child ) {
-      return VertexTraj{child, child.state( LHCb::Event::v3::Tracks::StateLocation::ClosestToBeam )};
+      return VertexTraj{ child, child.state( LHCb::Event::v3::Tracks::StateLocation::ClosestToBeam ) };
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ namespace {
     template <typename mask_v, typename float_v, typename proxy>
     constexpr auto operator()( [[maybe_unused]] LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<float_v, 3> const& vertex_position,
                                [[maybe_unused]] mask_v const& vertex_position_mask, proxy const& child ) {
-      return UnfittedParticle{child, Sel::stateVectorFromNeutral( child )};
+      return UnfittedParticle{ child, Sel::stateVectorFromNeutral( child ) };
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ namespace {
     template <typename mask_v, typename float_v, typename proxy>
     constexpr auto operator()( [[maybe_unused]] LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<float_v, 3> const& vertex_position,
                                [[maybe_unused]] mask_v const& vertex_position_mask, proxy const& child ) {
-      return VertexTraj{child, Sel::stateVectorFromComposite( child )};
+      return VertexTraj{ child, Sel::stateVectorFromComposite( child ) };
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ namespace Sel::Fitters {
   struct ParticleVertex {
     ParticleVertex( Gaudi::Algorithm* owning_algorithm )
-        : m_pp_svc{owning_algorithm, "ParticlePropertyService", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc"} {}
+        : m_pp_svc{ owning_algorithm, "ParticlePropertyService", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc" } {}
     /// Interface for use by particle combiner algorithms.
     template <typename mask_v, typename int_v, typename... child_ts>
@@ -460,14 +460,14 @@ namespace Sel::Fitters {
       auto const mu1 = -( secondinv11 * first1 + secondinv01 * first0 );
       // the initial point, this one will be updated in the fit loop
-      return {{0.5f * ( s0.x() + mu0 * s0.tx() + s1.x() + mu1 * s1.tx() ),
-               0.5f * ( s0.y() + mu0 * s0.ty() + s1.y() + mu1 * s1.ty() ), 0.5f * ( s0.z() + mu0 + s1.z() + mu1 )},
-              mask};
+      return { { 0.5f * ( s0.x() + mu0 * s0.tx() + s1.x() + mu1 * s1.tx() ),
+                 0.5f * ( s0.y() + mu0 * s0.ty() + s1.y() + mu1 * s1.ty() ), 0.5f * ( s0.z() + mu0 + s1.z() + mu1 ) },
+               mask };
     GaudiException exception( std::string_view message ) const {
       // TODO also output to fatal() here to make it easier to find the errors
-      return {std::string{message}, "Sel::Fitters::ParticleVertex", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      return { std::string{ message }, "Sel::Fitters::ParticleVertex", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     /** Helper for getting the return type of the prepareChild method of a
@@ -478,8 +478,8 @@ namespace Sel::Fitters {
     template <typename mask_v, typename float_v, template <class...> class Variant, typename... Proxy>
     struct return_types_helper<mask_v, float_v, Variant<Proxy...>> {
-      using type = std::variant<decltype(
-          prepare_child<Proxy>( std::declval<VecN<3, float_v>>(), std::declval<mask_v>(), std::declval<Proxy>() ) )...>;
+      using type = std::variant<decltype( prepare_child<Proxy>( std::declval<VecN<3, float_v>>(),
+                                                                std::declval<mask_v>(), std::declval<Proxy>() ) )...>;
     template <typename mask_v, typename float_v, typename VariantTypes>
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ namespace Sel::Fitters {
       // Branch off to the different ways we can calculate a seed vertex
       if ( count( ChildType::Resonance ) > 0 ) {
         // Case 1
-        std::optional<std::tuple<VecN<3, float_v>, mask_v>> tmp{std::nullopt};
+        std::optional<std::tuple<VecN<3, float_v>, mask_v>> tmp{ std::nullopt };
         LHCb::Utils::unwind<0, N>( [&]( auto i ) {
           // Find the first `Resonance` child
           if ( !tmp.has_value() && types[i] == ChildType::Resonance ) {
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ namespace Sel::Fitters {
                 [&]( auto const& child ) {
                   using LHCb::Event::endVertexPos;
                   if constexpr ( !Sel::Utils::isBasicParticle_v<decltype( child )> ) {
-                    tmp.emplace( endVertexPos( child ), mask_v{true} );
+                    tmp.emplace( endVertexPos( child ), mask_v{ true } );
                   } else {
                     throw exception( "Resonance type didn't have an endVertex()" );
@@ -566,14 +566,14 @@ namespace Sel::Fitters {
                   using LHCb::Event::threeMomentum;
                   if ( types[i] == ChildType::TrackWithVelo ) {
                     if constexpr ( Sel::Utils::canBeExtrapolatedDownstream_v<decltype( child )> ) {
-                      velotrajs[nvelotrajs++] = {trackState( child )};
+                      velotrajs[nvelotrajs++] = { trackState( child ) };
                     } else {
                       throw exception(
                           "TrackWithVelo type didn't have a state( child_t::StateLocation::ClosestToBeam)" );
                   } else if ( types[i] == ChildType::Composite ) {
                     if constexpr ( !Sel::Utils::canBeExtrapolatedDownstream_v<decltype( child )> ) {
-                      velotrajs[nvelotrajs++] = {referencePoint( child ), threeMomentum( child )};
+                      velotrajs[nvelotrajs++] = { referencePoint( child ), threeMomentum( child ) };
                     } else {
                       throw exception( "Composite type didn't one/both of referencePoint() and threeMomentum()" );
@@ -642,9 +642,9 @@ namespace Sel::Fitters {
       // the template pack `child_ts...`. If the input children are themselves
       // variants then `deriveType` is used as a visitor, increasing the amount
       // of runtime dispatch.
-      std::array const types{LHCb::invoke_or_visit(
+      std::array const types{ LHCb::invoke_or_visit(
           []( auto const& child ) { return child_type_for_proxy_v<std::decay_t<decltype( child )>>; },
-          children.template get<IChild>() )...};
+          children.template get<IChild>() )... };
       // Obtain an estimate of the vertex position for initialization
       auto [vertex_position, vertex_position_mask] = calculateInitialPosition<simd_t>( types, children );
@@ -657,20 +657,21 @@ namespace Sel::Fitters {
       // that we are within the beampipe, we could as well just use
       // the first state.
       // TODO implement this, e.g. R < 8mm, and pass it to `prepareChild`
-      [[maybe_unused]] bool const vertexinsidefoil{true};
+      [[maybe_unused]] bool const vertexinsidefoil{ true };
       // Now estimate everything that goes into the vertex, this array will be
       // filled with variants; the different variant types encode the different
       // handling required for TrackWith[out]Velo/Composite/Resonance/Other.
       std::tuple extrapolated_children{
-          prepareChild( vertex_position, prelim_fit_mask, children.template get<IChild>() )...};
+          prepareChild( vertex_position, prelim_fit_mask, children.template get<IChild>() )... };
       // These are required for populating child relations at the end, but the
       // API for dealing with them should be agnostic to the child types
-      std::array const current_child_indices{LHCb::invoke_or_visit(
-          []( auto const& child ) { return int_v{child.indices()}; }, children.template get<IChild>() )...};
-      std::array const current_zip_families{LHCb::invoke_or_visit(
-          []( auto const& child ) { return int_v{int{child.zipIdentifier()}}; }, children.template get<IChild>() )...};
+      std::array const current_child_indices{ LHCb::invoke_or_visit(
+          []( auto const& child ) { return int_v{ child.indices() }; }, children.template get<IChild>() )... };
+      std::array const current_zip_families{
+          LHCb::invoke_or_visit( []( auto const& child ) { return int_v{ int{ child.zipIdentifier() } }; },
+                                 children.template get<IChild>() )... };
       auto num_descendants = ( LHCb::invoke_or_visit(
                                    []( [[maybe_unused]] auto const& child ) -> std::size_t {
@@ -703,8 +704,8 @@ namespace Sel::Fitters {
       SymNxN<3, float_v>       poscov{};
       float_v                  chi2{};
       int_v                    ndof{};
-      mask_v                   converged{!prelim_fit_mask}; // mark invalid entries as already converged
-      mask_v                   success{true};
+      mask_v                   converged{ !prelim_fit_mask }; // mark invalid entries as already converged
+      mask_v                   success{ true };
       constexpr unsigned short max_iter       = 5;     // TODO make configurable
       constexpr auto           max_delta_chi2 = 0.01f; // TODO make configurable
       for ( unsigned short iter = 0; iter < max_iter && !all( converged ); ++iter ) {
@@ -725,7 +726,7 @@ namespace Sel::Fitters {
         // calculate the covariance and the change in the position
         std::tie( success, poscov ) = halfD2ChisqDX2.invChol();
-        auto delta_pos = poscov * halfDChisqDX * float_v{-1.f};
+        auto delta_pos = poscov * halfDChisqDX * float_v{ -1.f };
         // update the position
         vertex_position = vertex_position + delta_pos;
@@ -740,7 +741,7 @@ namespace Sel::Fitters {
         //      slopes but not the chi2
         if ( !all( converged ) ) {
           ( std::visit(
-                [& vertex_position = vertex_position]( auto& child ) {
+                [&vertex_position = vertex_position]( auto& child ) {
                   if constexpr ( has_covariance_v<typename std::decay_t<decltype( child )>::proxy_type> )
                     child.updateSlopes( vertex_position );
diff --git a/Phys/VertexFit/src/AdaptivePVReFitter.cpp b/Phys/VertexFit/src/AdaptivePVReFitter.cpp
index 0d67db044a27c46a0b65c8e6b822310c58f4e4eb..95c657ed60c72c524fe5f79db861b7612c1704c7 100644
--- a/Phys/VertexFit/src/AdaptivePVReFitter.cpp
+++ b/Phys/VertexFit/src/AdaptivePVReFitter.cpp
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ AdaptivePVReFitter::AdaptivePVReFitter( const std::string& type, const std::stri
   declareProperty( "maxIter", m_maxIter = 6 );
   declareProperty( "reweightTracks", m_reweightTracks = true );
-  declareProperty( "temperatures", m_temperatures = {10.0, 4.0, 1.0, 0.001, 0.001} );
+  declareProperty( "temperatures", m_temperatures = { 10.0, 4.0, 1.0, 0.001, 0.001 } );
   declareProperty( "criticalPoint", m_criticalPoint = 9.0 );
   declareProperty( "maxDeltaChi2", m_maxDeltaChi2 = 0.001 );
   declareProperty( "fullExtrapolatorName", m_fullExtrapolatorName = "TrackMasterExtrapolator" );
diff --git a/Phys/VertexFit/src/MassConstrainer.h b/Phys/VertexFit/src/MassConstrainer.h
index 7c96222be2136c57c2ca3d67ab8da0f899d0ad2d..af33ee921fbb3e6a4e59e2748b95e6734d56dc3f 100644
--- a/Phys/VertexFit/src/MassConstrainer.h
+++ b/Phys/VertexFit/src/MassConstrainer.h
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ namespace MassConstrainer {
     double       chi2 = 0;
     if ( mcov > 1.0 ) { // Need some sort of threshold. Could add as function argument
       // Compute the inverse of the variance of the residual
-      const ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 1, 1> Rinv{1. / ( mcov + pdgmasscov )};
+      const ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 1, 1> Rinv{ 1. / ( mcov + pdgmasscov ) };
       // Compute the gain matrix in mass space
       const ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 3, 1> Kbeta_mom = momcov.Sub<Gaudi::Matrix3x4>( 0, 0 ) * Transpose( Hp ) * Rinv;
       const ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 1, 1> Kbeta_mass = mcov * Rinv;
-      const ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 1>    residual{pdgmass - m};
+      const ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 1>    residual{ pdgmass - m };
       const ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 3>    deltamom  = Kbeta_mom * residual;
       const ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 1>    deltamass = Kbeta_mass * residual;
       // Must find a less error prone method to update
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ namespace MassConstrainer {
       Hp( 0, 2 )                        = -pznew / mnew;
       Hp( 0, 3 )                        = Enew / mnew;
       const double              mcovnew = Similarity( Hp, momcov )( 0, 0 );
-      const Gaudi::SymMatrix1x1 Rinvmatrix{1 / ( mcovnew + pdgmasscov )};
+      const Gaudi::SymMatrix1x1 Rinvmatrix{ 1 / ( mcovnew + pdgmasscov ) };
       // We rewrote the expressions to make them more efficient.
       // const Gaudi::SymMatrix4x4 matrixA = - Similarity(Transpose(Hp), Rinvmatrix) ;
       // const Gaudi::SymMatrix4x4 deltamomcov = Similarity(momcov,matrixA) ;
diff --git a/Phys/VertexFit/src/OfflineVertexFitter.cpp b/Phys/VertexFit/src/OfflineVertexFitter.cpp
index 65a7cd3465cc9050e918206d9b687a41eaea5065..fc53d1a9052ee0b5d94583608f904cb57d7cdd7c 100644
--- a/Phys/VertexFit/src/OfflineVertexFitter.cpp
+++ b/Phys/VertexFit/src/OfflineVertexFitter.cpp
@@ -145,32 +145,33 @@ private:
   int m_photonID = 22;  ///< Photon particle ID
   int m_pi0ID    = 111; ///< Pi0 particle ID
-  PublicToolHandle<IParticleTransporter> m_transporter{this, "Transporter", "ParticleTransporter"};
+  PublicToolHandle<IParticleTransporter> m_transporter{ this, "Transporter", "ParticleTransporter" };
-  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_ppSvc{this, "ParticlePropertySvc", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc"};
+  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_ppSvc{ this, "ParticlePropertySvc", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc" };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_useResonanceVertex{this, "useResonanceVertex", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_includeDauVertexChi2{this, "includeDauVertexChi2", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_applyDauMassConstraint{this, "applyDauMassConstraint", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_applyMomMassConstraint{this, "applyMomMassConstraint", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_widthThreshold{this, "widthThreshold", 2.0 * MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_maxIter{this, "maxIter", 10};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaChi2{this, "maxDeltaChi2", 0.001};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaZ{this, "maxDeltaZ", 1.0 * mm};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_useResonanceVertex{ this, "useResonanceVertex", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_includeDauVertexChi2{ this, "includeDauVertexChi2", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_applyDauMassConstraint{ this, "applyDauMassConstraint", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_applyMomMassConstraint{ this, "applyMomMassConstraint", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_widthThreshold{ this, "widthThreshold", 2.0 * MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_maxIter{ this, "maxIter", 10 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaChi2{ this, "maxDeltaChi2", 0.001 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaZ{ this, "maxDeltaZ", 1.0 * mm };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_nullptr{this, "Cannot use a NULL pointer !!"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_nullptr{ this, "Cannot use a NULL pointer !!" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_badNDoF{
-      this, "Particle fitted successfully but final EndVertex nDoF<=0 !!"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_badError{this, "Mass Error Squared < -999 -> Fit aborted"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_parallel{this,
-                                                                 "Parallel particles: unable to compute z estimate"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_no_add{this, "add is not implemented for OffLineVertexFitter"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_no_remove{this,
-                                                                  "remove is not implemented for OffLineVertexFitter"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_not_a_photon{this, "Particle is not a photon!"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_no_proto{this, "ProtoParticle points to NULL!"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_no_calohypo{this, "ProtoParticle has no CaloHypos "};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_no_caloposition{this, "CaloPosition* points to NULL! "};
+      this, "Particle fitted successfully but final EndVertex nDoF<=0 !!" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_badError{ this, "Mass Error Squared < -999 -> Fit aborted" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_parallel{ this,
+                                                                  "Parallel particles: unable to compute z estimate" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_no_add{ this,
+                                                                "add is not implemented for OffLineVertexFitter" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_no_remove{
+      this, "remove is not implemented for OffLineVertexFitter" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_not_a_photon{ this, "Particle is not a photon!" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_no_proto{ this, "ProtoParticle points to NULL!" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_no_calohypo{ this, "ProtoParticle has no CaloHypos " };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_no_caloposition{ this, "CaloPosition* points to NULL! " };
diff --git a/Phys/VertexFit/src/ParticleVertexFitter.cpp b/Phys/VertexFit/src/ParticleVertexFitter.cpp
index 53d1f9fb8219397f503eaa95fcab268bd097b43d..f7074e0e78a4b2c6bfb8ea293451b3ecc9217604 100644
--- a/Phys/VertexFit/src/ParticleVertexFitter.cpp
+++ b/Phys/VertexFit/src/ParticleVertexFitter.cpp
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public:
   /// Method to fit a vertex
   StatusCode fit( LHCb::Vertex& vertex, const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector& daughters,
                   const IGeometryInfo& geometry ) const override final {
-    LHCb::Particle* mother{nullptr};
+    LHCb::Particle* mother{ nullptr };
     return fit( daughters, vertex, mother, geometry );
@@ -93,20 +93,21 @@ private:
   std::optional<double> massConstraint( const LHCb::Particle& p ) const {
     const auto it = m_massConstraintMap.find( p.particleID().pid() );
-    return it != m_massConstraintMap.end() ? std::optional<double>{it->second} : std::optional<double>{};
+    return it != m_massConstraintMap.end() ? std::optional<double>{ it->second } : std::optional<double>{};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>                      m_maxnumiter{this, "MaxNumIter", 5};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>                   m_maxdchisq{this, "MaxDeltaChi2", 0.01};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>                     m_extrapolateTtracks{this, "extrapolateTtracks", false};
-  PublicToolHandle<ITrackStateProvider>     m_stateprovider{this, "StateProvider", "TrackStateProvider"};
-  ToolHandle<ITrajPoca>                     m_trajpoca{"TrajPoca"};
-  const LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc*         m_ppsvc{nullptr};
+  Gaudi::Property<int>                      m_maxnumiter{ this, "MaxNumIter", 5 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>                   m_maxdchisq{ this, "MaxDeltaChi2", 0.01 };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>                     m_extrapolateTtracks{ this, "extrapolateTtracks", false };
+  PublicToolHandle<ITrackStateProvider>     m_stateprovider{ this, "StateProvider", "TrackStateProvider" };
+  ToolHandle<ITrajPoca>                     m_trajpoca{ "TrajPoca" };
+  const LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc*         m_ppsvc{ nullptr };
   Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_massConstraints{
-      this, "MassConstraints" /*, [this]( auto& ) { this->sync_pids(); }*/};
+      this, "MassConstraints" /*, [this]( auto& ) { this->sync_pids(); }*/ };
   std::map<int, double>                                 m_massConstraintMap;
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_matrix_inversion_failed{this, "Problem inverting matrix!", 0};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_matrix_inversion_failed{ this, "Problem inverting matrix!",
+                                                                                   0 };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( ParticleVertexFitter )
@@ -297,19 +298,19 @@ namespace {
     Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3  m_posCovMatrix; ///< Covariance matrix relative to point at which the momentum is given (3x3)
     Gaudi::Matrix4x3 m_posMomCovMatrix;  ///< Matrix with correlation errors between momemtum and pointOnTrack (momentum
     CompositeDaughter( const LHCb::Particle& p )
-        : VertexDaughter{p}
-        , m_p4{p.momentum()}
-        , m_pos{p.endVertex()->position()}
-        , m_momCovMatrix{p.momCovMatrix()}
-        , m_posCovMatrix{p.endVertex()->covMatrix()}
-        , m_posMomCovMatrix{p.posMomCovMatrix()} {}
+        : VertexDaughter{ p }
+        , m_p4{ p.momentum() }
+        , m_pos{ p.endVertex()->position() }
+        , m_momCovMatrix{ p.momCovMatrix() }
+        , m_posCovMatrix{ p.endVertex()->covMatrix() }
+        , m_posMomCovMatrix{ p.posMomCovMatrix() } {}
     CompositeDaughter( const LHCb::Particle& p, const double pdgmass )
-        : VertexDaughter{p}
-        , m_p4{p.momentum()}
-        , m_pos{p.endVertex()->position()}
-        , m_momCovMatrix{p.momCovMatrix()}
-        , m_posCovMatrix{p.endVertex()->covMatrix()}
-        , m_posMomCovMatrix{p.posMomCovMatrix()} {
+        : VertexDaughter{ p }
+        , m_p4{ p.momentum() }
+        , m_pos{ p.endVertex()->position() }
+        , m_momCovMatrix{ p.momCovMatrix() }
+        , m_posCovMatrix{ p.endVertex()->covMatrix() }
+        , m_posMomCovMatrix{ p.posMomCovMatrix() } {
       MassConstrainer::ConstrainMass( m_pos, m_p4, m_posCovMatrix, m_posMomCovMatrix, m_momCovMatrix, pdgmass );
     const auto& position() const { return m_pos; }
@@ -328,7 +329,7 @@ namespace {
     Gaudi::SymMatrix2x2               m_G; // weight matrix of (x,y) of state
     ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 2, 3> m_A; // projection matrix for vertex position
-    VertexTraj( const State& state ) : m_state{state}, m_q{state.tx(), state.ty()} {
+    VertexTraj( const State& state ) : m_state{ state }, m_q{ state.tx(), state.ty() } {
       // std::cout << "old fitted_slopes: " << m_q << std::endl;
@@ -346,7 +347,7 @@ namespace {
       Invert2x2( m_G );
       // compute residual
-      Gaudi::Vector2 res{vertexpos( 0 ) - m_state.x(), vertexpos( 1 ) - m_state.y()};
+      Gaudi::Vector2 res{ vertexpos( 0 ) - m_state.x(), vertexpos( 1 ) - m_state.y() };
       // fill the projection matrix: use the fitted momentum!
       m_A( 0, 0 ) = m_A( 1, 1 ) = 1;
@@ -375,8 +376,8 @@ namespace {
       // first update the residual. (note the subtle difference with that in project!)
       const double   dz = vertexpos( 2 ) - m_state.z();
-      Gaudi::Vector2 res{vertexpos( 0 ) - ( m_state.x() + m_state.tx() * dz ),
-                         vertexpos( 1 ) - ( m_state.y() + m_state.ty() * dz )};
+      Gaudi::Vector2 res{ vertexpos( 0 ) - ( m_state.x() + m_state.tx() * dz ),
+                          vertexpos( 1 ) - ( m_state.y() + m_state.ty() * dz ) };
       // get the matrix that is the correlation of (x,y) and (tx,ty,qop)
       // ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,2,2> Vba = m_state.covariance().template Sub<ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,2,2>>(2,0) ;
@@ -399,10 +400,10 @@ namespace {
   struct VertexComposite : public CompositeDaughter, public VertexTraj<State4> {
     // Constructors without mass constraint
     VertexComposite( const LHCb::Particle& p )
-        : CompositeDaughter{p}, VertexTraj<State4>{stateVectorFromComposite( *this )} {}
+        : CompositeDaughter{ p }, VertexTraj<State4>{ stateVectorFromComposite( *this ) } {}
     // Constructor with mass constraint
     VertexComposite( const LHCb::Particle& p, double constrainedmass )
-        : CompositeDaughter{p, constrainedmass}, VertexTraj<State4>{stateVectorFromComposite( *this )} {}
+        : CompositeDaughter{ p, constrainedmass }, VertexTraj<State4>{ stateVectorFromComposite( *this ) } {}
     void addToFourVector( const ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 3>& vertexpos, Gaudi::LorentzVector& p4,
                           Gaudi::SymMatrix4x4& p4cov, ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 4, 3>& gainmatrix ) const {
@@ -418,7 +419,7 @@ namespace {
       // first update the residual
       const double   dz = vertexpos( 2 ) - ppos.z();
-      Gaudi::Vector2 res{vertexpos( 0 ) - ( ppos.x() + tx * dz ), vertexpos( 1 ) - ( ppos.y() + ty * dz )};
+      Gaudi::Vector2 res{ vertexpos( 0 ) - ( ppos.x() + tx * dz ), vertexpos( 1 ) - ( ppos.y() + ty * dz ) };
       const auto&    R         = m_state.covXX();
       const auto&    Rinv      = m_G;
       const auto&    momCov    = CompositeDaughter::momCovMatrix();
@@ -472,14 +473,14 @@ namespace {
    * class to deal with tracks
   struct VertexTrack : public VertexDaughter, public VertexTraj<LHCb::State> {
-    VertexTrack( const LHCb::Particle& p, const LHCb::State& state ) : VertexDaughter{p}, VertexTraj{state} {}
+    VertexTrack( const LHCb::Particle& p, const LHCb::State& state ) : VertexDaughter{ p }, VertexTraj{ state } {}
     void addToFourVector( const ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 3>& vertexpos, Gaudi::LorentzVector& p4,
                           Gaudi::SymMatrix4x4& p4cov, ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 4, 3>& gainmatrix ) const {
       // we first need to update q/p. since we also need the full gain matrix, we could as well redo that part.
       const double                      dz = vertexpos( 2 ) - m_state.z();
-      Gaudi::Vector2                    res{vertexpos( 0 ) - ( m_state.x() + m_q( 0 ) * dz ),
-                         vertexpos( 1 ) - ( m_state.y() + m_q( 1 ) * dz )};
+      Gaudi::Vector2                    res{ vertexpos( 0 ) - ( m_state.x() + m_q( 0 ) * dz ),
+                          vertexpos( 1 ) - ( m_state.y() + m_q( 1 ) * dz ) };
       const auto                        Vba = m_state.covariance().Sub<ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 3, 2>>( 2, 0 );
       ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 3, 2> K   = Vba * m_G;
       Gaudi::Vector3                    q   = m_state.stateVector().Sub<Gaudi::Vector3>( 2 );
@@ -527,14 +528,14 @@ namespace {
             const auto ty = q( 1 );
             auto       t  = std::sqrt( 1 + tx * tx + ty * ty );
             // we could also 'scale' the momentum, but we anyway need the components for the jacobian
-            Gaudi::LorentzVector p4brem{bremEnergy * tx / t, bremEnergy * ty / t, bremEnergy / t, bremEnergy};
+            Gaudi::LorentzVector p4brem{ bremEnergy * tx / t, bremEnergy * ty / t, bremEnergy / t, bremEnergy };
             p4 += p4brem;
             ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 4, 1> J;
             J( 0, 0 ) = tx / t;
             J( 1, 0 ) = ty / t;
             J( 2, 0 ) = 1 / t;
             J( 3, 0 ) = 1;
-            p4cov += Similarity( J, Gaudi::SymMatrix1x1{bremEnergyCov} );
+            p4cov += Similarity( J, Gaudi::SymMatrix1x1{ bremEnergyCov } );
@@ -551,15 +552,15 @@ namespace {
     void init() {
       const auto& pos = CompositeDaughter::position();
-      m_pos           = Gaudi::Vector3{pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z()};
+      m_pos           = Gaudi::Vector3{ pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z() };
       const auto& cov = CompositeDaughter::posCovMatrix();
       m_G             = cov;
-    VertexResonance( const LHCb::Particle& p ) : CompositeDaughter{p} { init(); }
-    VertexResonance( const LHCb::Particle& p, double constrainedmass ) : CompositeDaughter{p, constrainedmass} {
+    VertexResonance( const LHCb::Particle& p ) : CompositeDaughter{ p } { init(); }
+    VertexResonance( const LHCb::Particle& p, double constrainedmass ) : CompositeDaughter{ p, constrainedmass } {
@@ -605,9 +606,9 @@ namespace {
     Gaudi::SymMatrix4x4  m_p4cov;
-    VertexOther( const LHCb::Particle& p ) : VertexDaughter{p}, m_p4{p.momentum()}, m_p4cov{p.momCovMatrix()} {}
+    VertexOther( const LHCb::Particle& p ) : VertexDaughter{ p }, m_p4{ p.momentum() }, m_p4cov{ p.momCovMatrix() } {}
     VertexOther( const LHCb::Particle& p, double constrainedmass )
-        : VertexDaughter{p}, m_p4{p.momentum()}, m_p4cov{p.momCovMatrix()} {
+        : VertexDaughter{ p }, m_p4{ p.momentum() }, m_p4cov{ p.momCovMatrix() } {
       MassConstrainer::ConstrainMass( m_p4, m_p4cov, constrainedmass );
@@ -660,22 +661,22 @@ StatusCode ParticleVertexFitter::fit( const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector& origdau
   // - Resonances:  composites with ctau<1micron
   // - Composities: other composites
   // - Others: everything else, e.g. photons, pi0, jets
-  constexpr int                                                                 DefaultMaxNumDaughters{10};
+  constexpr int                                                                 DefaultMaxNumDaughters{ 10 };
   boost::container::small_vector<const LHCb::Particle*, DefaultMaxNumDaughters> daughters;
   collectdaughters( origdaughters, daughters );
   const size_t                                                         N = daughters.size();
-  boost::container::small_vector<DaughterType, DefaultMaxNumDaughters> types{N};
+  boost::container::small_vector<DaughterType, DefaultMaxNumDaughters> types{ N };
   std::transform( daughters.begin(), daughters.end(), types.begin(),
                   [this]( const LHCb::Particle* p ) { return derivetype( *p, *m_ppsvc ); } );
-  std::array<unsigned char, NumTypes> counttypes{0};
+  std::array<unsigned char, NumTypes> counttypes{ 0 };
   std::for_each( types.begin(), types.end(), [&]( const DaughterType& t ) { counttypes[int( t )] += 1; } );
   // Obtain an estimate of the vertex position for initialization:
   // 1. if there are 'resonance' daughters, take the vertex position of the first.
   // 2. if not, use the states of the first two tracks with velo or composites
   // 3. if not, try with downstream tracks and trajpoca
-  bool posinitialized{false};
+  bool posinitialized{ false };
   Gaudi::XYZPoint position;
   if ( counttypes[Resonance] > 0 ) {
@@ -789,12 +790,12 @@ StatusCode ParticleVertexFitter::fit( const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector& origdau
     case TrackWithVelo: {
       const LHCb::Track* track = p->proto()->track();
       if ( vertexinsidefoil )
-        vertexdaughters.emplace_back( VertexTrack{*p, track->firstState()} );
+        vertexdaughters.emplace_back( VertexTrack{ *p, track->firstState() } );
       else {
         // If we are not inside the beam-pipe, use tracktraj
         const LHCb::TrackTraj* tracktraj = m_stateprovider->trajectory( *( p->proto()->track() ), geometry );
-            VertexTrack{*p, tracktraj ? tracktraj->state( position.z() ) : track->firstState()} );
+            VertexTrack{ *p, tracktraj ? tracktraj->state( position.z() ) : track->firstState() } );
     } break;
     case TrackWithoutVelo: {
@@ -803,28 +804,28 @@ StatusCode ParticleVertexFitter::fit( const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector& origdau
         const LHCb::Track*     track     = p->proto()->track();
         const LHCb::TrackTraj* tracktraj = m_stateprovider->trajectory( *( p->proto()->track() ), geometry );
-            VertexTrack{*p, tracktraj ? tracktraj->state( position.z() ) : track->firstState()} );
+            VertexTrack{ *p, tracktraj ? tracktraj->state( position.z() ) : track->firstState() } );
       } else {
         // useful for some applications -- extrapolate instead of using TrackTraj
         const LHCb::Track* track = p->proto()->track();
         LHCb::State        extrapolatedState;
         StatusCode         success_extr = m_stateprovider->state( extrapolatedState, *track, position.z(), geometry );
-        vertexdaughters.emplace_back( VertexTrack{*p, success_extr ? extrapolatedState : track->firstState()} );
+        vertexdaughters.emplace_back( VertexTrack{ *p, success_extr ? extrapolatedState : track->firstState() } );
     } break;
     case Composite: {
       auto massconstraint = massConstraint( *p );
-      vertexdaughters.emplace_back( massconstraint ? VertexComposite{*p, *massconstraint} : VertexComposite{*p} );
+      vertexdaughters.emplace_back( massconstraint ? VertexComposite{ *p, *massconstraint } : VertexComposite{ *p } );
     case Resonance: {
       auto massconstraint = massConstraint( *p );
-      vertexdaughters.emplace_back( massconstraint ? VertexResonance{*p, *massconstraint} : VertexResonance{*p} );
+      vertexdaughters.emplace_back( massconstraint ? VertexResonance{ *p, *massconstraint } : VertexResonance{ *p } );
     } break;
     case Other:
-      vertexdaughters.emplace_back( VertexOther{*p} );
+      vertexdaughters.emplace_back( VertexOther{ *p } );
     case NumTypes:
@@ -832,13 +833,13 @@ StatusCode ParticleVertexFitter::fit( const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector& origdau
   // run vertex fit iterations
-  Gaudi::Vector3 posvec{position.x(), position.y(), position.z()};
+  Gaudi::Vector3 posvec{ position.x(), position.y(), position.z() };
   // std::cout << "old vertex_position: " << posvec << std::endl;
   Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3 poscov;
-  double              chi2{0};
-  int                 ndof{0};
-  bool                converged{false};
-  for ( unsigned short iter{0}; iter < m_maxnumiter && !converged; ++iter ) {
+  double              chi2{ 0 };
+  int                 ndof{ 0 };
+  bool                converged{ false };
+  for ( unsigned short iter{ 0 }; iter < m_maxnumiter && !converged; ++iter ) {
     chi2 = 0;
     ndof = -3;
     Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3            halfD2ChisqDX2;
@@ -869,7 +870,7 @@ StatusCode ParticleVertexFitter::fit( const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector& origdau
   // Now fill the particle
-  Gaudi::XYZPoint pos{posvec( 0 ), posvec( 1 ), posvec( 2 )};
+  Gaudi::XYZPoint pos{ posvec( 0 ), posvec( 1 ), posvec( 2 ) };
   if ( mother ) {
     // compute the total fourvector and all other parts of the covariance matrix
     Gaudi::LorentzVector              p4;
@@ -897,7 +898,7 @@ StatusCode ParticleVertexFitter::fit( const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector& origdau
     mother->setPosMomCovMatrix( covmompos );
     const auto mass = p4.M();
     mother->setMeasuredMass( mass );
-    const Gaudi::Vector4 jacobian{-p4.Px() / mass, -p4.Py() / mass, -p4.Pz() / mass, p4.E() / mass};
+    const Gaudi::Vector4 jacobian{ -p4.Px() / mass, -p4.Py() / mass, -p4.Pz() / mass, p4.E() / mass };
     const auto           massErr2 = Similarity( p4cov, jacobian );
     mother->setMeasuredMassErr( massErr2 > 0 ? std::sqrt( massErr2 ) : 0.0 );
@@ -905,7 +906,7 @@ StatusCode ParticleVertexFitter::fit( const LHCb::Particle::ConstVector& origdau
   vertex.setPosition( pos );
   vertex.setCovMatrix( poscov );
   vertex.setChi2AndDoF( chi2, ndof );
-  vertex.setOutgoingParticles( SmartRefVector<LHCb::Particle>{origdaughters.begin(), origdaughters.end()} );
+  vertex.setOutgoingParticles( SmartRefVector<LHCb::Particle>{ origdaughters.begin(), origdaughters.end() } );
   vertex.setTechnique( LHCb::Vertex::VertexFitter );
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Phys/VertexFit/src/PropertimeFitter.cpp b/Phys/VertexFit/src/PropertimeFitter.cpp
index f4a06dcd684d256f3c55ae32e9da61a52fa3fe85..b0876c6afc1073a90dde3a9a15863ca95ca5042e 100644
--- a/Phys/VertexFit/src/PropertimeFitter.cpp
+++ b/Phys/VertexFit/src/PropertimeFitter.cpp
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ private:
   int    m_maxIter;
   double m_maxDeltaChi2;
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_convergenceNotReachedCounter{this, "Convergence not reached"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_negMassCovCounter{this, "Negative Mass covariance"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_negTauCovCounter{this, "Negative Tau covariance"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_convergenceNotReachedCounter{ this, "Convergence not reached" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_negMassCovCounter{ this, "Negative Mass covariance" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_negTauCovCounter{ this, "Negative Tau covariance" };
diff --git a/Phys/keras/include/keras/keras_model.h b/Phys/keras/include/keras/keras_model.h
index c98011e7992308b0806646c95f5f57e758957ce1..2a5556f1fe51ab835010faa16e9dfc806cf34c71 100644
--- a/Phys/keras/include/keras/keras_model.h
+++ b/Phys/keras/include/keras/keras_model.h
@@ -54,22 +54,22 @@ public:
   Tensor( int i, int j, int k, int l ) { Resize( i, j, k, l ); }
   void Resize( int i ) {
-    dims_ = {i};
+    dims_ = { i };
     data_.resize( i );
   void Resize( int i, int j ) {
-    dims_ = {i, j};
+    dims_ = { i, j };
     data_.resize( i * j );
   void Resize( int i, int j, int k ) {
-    dims_ = {i, j, k};
+    dims_ = { i, j, k };
     data_.resize( i * j * k );
   void Resize( int i, int j, int k, int l ) {
-    dims_ = {i, j, k, l};
+    dims_ = { i, j, k, l };
     data_.resize( i * j * k * l );
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public:
     int elements = dims_[0];
     for ( unsigned int i = 1; i < dims_.size(); i++ ) { elements *= dims_[i]; }
-    dims_ = {elements};
+    dims_ = { elements };
   inline float& operator()( int i ) {
diff --git a/Phys/keras/src/keras_model.cpp b/Phys/keras/src/keras_model.cpp
index 9751adb2c614b434c5925dd62df07c0350f2e826..a08d8b90a255476fe7221021b10d847a12a40b8e 100644
--- a/Phys/keras/src/keras_model.cpp
+++ b/Phys/keras/src/keras_model.cpp
@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ bool KerasLayerLSTM::Apply( Tensor* in, Tensor* out ) {
   Tensor outputs, lastOutput;
   if ( return_sequences_ ) {
-    outputs.dims_ = {steps, outputDim};
+    outputs.dims_ = { steps, outputDim };
     outputs.data_.reserve( steps * outputDim );
@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ bool KerasLayerEmbedding::LoadLayer( std::ifstream* file ) {
 bool KerasLayerEmbedding::Apply( Tensor* in, Tensor* out ) {
   int output_rows = in->dims_[1];
   int output_cols = weights_.dims_[1];
-  out->dims_      = {output_rows, output_cols};
+  out->dims_      = { output_rows, output_cols };
   out->data_.reserve( output_rows * output_cols );
   std::for_each( in->data_.begin(), in->data_.end(), [this, output_cols, out]( float i ) {
diff --git a/Phys/lwtnnParser/src/parse_json.cpp b/Phys/lwtnnParser/src/parse_json.cpp
index 548486bd884bef99fb5fa2e4a2c09795fa3bdb10..33115cef4e79e19ad4589bb7cdba27e0c387176c 100644
--- a/Phys/lwtnnParser/src/parse_json.cpp
+++ b/Phys/lwtnnParser/src/parse_json.cpp
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ namespace {
     std::string name   = v.second.get<std::string>( "name" );
     auto        offset = v.second.get<double>( "offset" );
     auto        scale  = v.second.get<double>( "scale" );
-    return {name, offset, scale};
+    return { name, offset, scale };
   lwt::InputNodeConfig get_input_node( const ptree::value_type& v ) {
@@ -234,8 +234,9 @@ namespace {
   const std::map<std::string, lwt::Component> component_map{
-      {"i", Component::I}, {"o", Component::O}, {"c", Component::C}, {"f", Component::F},        {"z", Component::Z},
-      {"r", Component::R}, {"h", Component::H}, {"t", Component::T}, {"carry", Component::CARRY}};
+      { "i", Component::I }, { "o", Component::O }, { "c", Component::C },
+      { "f", Component::F }, { "z", Component::Z }, { "r", Component::R },
+      { "h", Component::H }, { "t", Component::T }, { "carry", Component::CARRY } };
   void add_component_info( LayerConfig& layer, const ptree::value_type& v ) {
     using namespace lwt;
diff --git a/Plume/PlumeReco/src/PlumeCoincidenceFinder.cpp b/Plume/PlumeReco/src/PlumeCoincidenceFinder.cpp
index 32ea397e72507811319d097dd6ebdcd1f1c51e97..0a51f43d3c0a71b23e08474511124ffa0a5e441f 100644
--- a/Plume/PlumeReco/src/PlumeCoincidenceFinder.cpp
+++ b/Plume/PlumeReco/src/PlumeCoincidenceFinder.cpp
@@ -42,20 +42,20 @@ public:
   PlumeCoincidences operator()( const LHCb::PlumeAdcs& ) const override;
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_numCoincidances = {this, "Number of Coincidences in event"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_numCoincidances = { this, "Number of Coincidences in event" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int> m_CoincHist{
-      this, "numCoinc", "Coincidence distribution", {24, 0, 24}};
+      this, "numCoinc", "Coincidence distribution", { 24, 0, 24 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int> m_numPairs{
-      this, "numPairs", "Number of pairs in event", {10, 0, 10}};
+      this, "numPairs", "Number of pairs in event", { 10, 0, 10 } };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( PlumeCoincidenceFinder )
 PlumeCoincidenceFinder::PlumeCoincidenceFinder( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{"InputADCs", LHCb::PlumeAdcLocation::Default},
-                   KeyValue{"OutputCoincidances", "MC/Plume/Coincidences"} ) {}
+    : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{ "InputADCs", LHCb::PlumeAdcLocation::Default },
+                   KeyValue{ "OutputCoincidances", "MC/Plume/Coincidences" } ) {}
 PlumeCoincidences PlumeCoincidenceFinder::operator()( const LHCb::PlumeAdcs& adcs ) const {
   PlumeCoincidences coincidences;
diff --git a/Plume/PlumeReco/src/PlumeDigitMonitor.cpp b/Plume/PlumeReco/src/PlumeDigitMonitor.cpp
index f0c09abde6498b398dd08ce4277b735b4af9dcd2..acbf5db56370e30a1f83d35d07d008fd93ad8d04 100644
--- a/Plume/PlumeReco/src/PlumeDigitMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Plume/PlumeReco/src/PlumeDigitMonitor.cpp
@@ -78,14 +78,14 @@ class PlumeDigitMonitor final : public LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void( const Inp
   // Standart constructor
   PlumeDigitMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"Input", ""}, KeyValue{"ODIN", ""}} ){};
+      : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "Input", "" }, KeyValue{ "ODIN", "" } } ){};
   virtual ~PlumeDigitMonitor() = default;
   StatusCode initialize() override;
   void       operator()( const Input&, const LHCb::ODIN& odin ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_timing_threshold{"TimingThreshold", 9.5};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_timing_threshold{ "TimingThreshold", 9.5 };
   // DeCalorimeter* m_calo = nullptr;
   bool overThreshold( LHCb::PlumeAdc const& adc ) const {
@@ -101,74 +101,79 @@ private:
   void fit_single_sshape( std::vector<int> sshape, std::vector<std::pair<float, float>>& result, int& status ) const;
   void initialize_function();
   std::unique_ptr<TF1>   m_fit_function_tf1;
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_threshold_sshape{this, "ThresholdSShape", 100.5};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_threshold_sshape{ this, "ThresholdSShape", 100.5 };
   mutable std::mutex m_lazy_lock;
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_over_thld_time{
-      this, "over_threshold_time", "#events OT per channel: TIME", axis1D<double>{64, -0.5, 63.5}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_bcid_adc_lumi{this, "bcid_adc", "BCID vs ADC (LUMI)", AxisBCID, AxisADC};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_bcid_adc_time{this, "bcid_adc_time", "BCID vs ADC time", AxisBCID,
-                                                            axis1D<double>{256, -256, 4096 - 256}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_bcid_adc_pin{this, "bcid_adc_pin", "BCID vs ADC pin", AxisBCID,
-                                                           axis1D<double>{256, -256, 4096 - 256}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_bcid_adc_mon{this, "bcid_adc_mon", "BCID vs ADC mon", AxisBCID,
-                                                           axis1D<double>{256, -256, 4096 - 256}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_bcid_adc_lumi_coarse{this, "bcid_adc_coarse", "BCID vs ADC (LUMI)",
-                                                                   AxisBCID, axis1D<double>{410 + 26, -260, 4100}};
+      this, "over_threshold_time", "#events OT per channel: TIME", axis1D<double>{ 64, -0.5, 63.5 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_bcid_adc_lumi{ this, "bcid_adc", "BCID vs ADC (LUMI)", AxisBCID,
+                                                             AxisADC };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_bcid_adc_time{ this, "bcid_adc_time", "BCID vs ADC time", AxisBCID,
+                                                             axis1D<double>{ 256, -256, 4096 - 256 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_bcid_adc_pin{ this, "bcid_adc_pin", "BCID vs ADC pin", AxisBCID,
+                                                            axis1D<double>{ 256, -256, 4096 - 256 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_bcid_adc_mon{ this, "bcid_adc_mon", "BCID vs ADC mon", AxisBCID,
+                                                            axis1D<double>{ 256, -256, 4096 - 256 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_bcid_adc_lumi_coarse{ this, "bcid_adc_coarse", "BCID vs ADC (LUMI)",
+                                                                    AxisBCID, axis1D<double>{ 410 + 26, -260, 4100 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_xy_hits_front{
       this, "hits_front", "Hits in the front layer",
-          11, -5.5, 5.5, "hits_front_xaxis", {"16", "15", "14", "13", "12", "", "00", "01", "02", "03", "04"}},
+          11, -5.5, 5.5, "hits_front_xaxis", { "16", "15", "14", "13", "12", "", "00", "01", "02", "03", "04" } },
-          11, -5.5, 5.5, "hits_front_yaxis", {"22", "21", "20", "19", "18", "", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10"}}};
+          11, -5.5, 5.5, "hits_front_yaxis", { "22", "21", "20", "19", "18", "", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10" } } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_xy_hits_back{
       this, "hits_back", "Hits in the back layer",
-          11, -5.5, 5.5, "hits_back_xaxis", {"40", "39", "38", "37", "36", "", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28"}},
+          11, -5.5, 5.5, "hits_back_xaxis", { "40", "39", "38", "37", "36", "", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28" } },
-          11, -5.5, 5.5, "hits_back_yaxis", {"46", "45", "44", "43", "42", "", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34"}}};
+          11, -5.5, 5.5, "hits_back_yaxis", { "46", "45", "44", "43", "42", "", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34" } } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_occup_front_right{
       this, "hits_LUMI_00_04", "Number of hits in channels 00-04",
-      axis1D<double>{5, 0, 5, "hits_LUMI_00_04_axis", {"00", "01", "02", "03", "04"}}};
+      axis1D<double>{ 5, 0, 5, "hits_LUMI_00_04_axis", { "00", "01", "02", "03", "04" } } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_occup_front_left{
       this, "hits_LUMI_12_16", "Number of hits in channels 12-16",
-      axis1D<double>{5, 0, 5, "hits_LUMI_12_16_axis", {"12", "13", "14", "15", "16"}}};
+      axis1D<double>{ 5, 0, 5, "hits_LUMI_12_16_axis", { "12", "13", "14", "15", "16" } } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_occup_front_up{
       this, "hits_LUMI_06_10", "Number of hits in channels 06-10",
-      axis1D<double>{5, 0, 5, "hits_LUMI_06_10_axis", {"06", "07", "08", "09", "10"}}};
+      axis1D<double>{ 5, 0, 5, "hits_LUMI_06_10_axis", { "06", "07", "08", "09", "10" } } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_occup_front_down{
       this, "hits_LUMI_18_22", "Number of hits in channels 18-22",
-      axis1D<double>{5, 0, 5, "hits_LUMI_18_22_axis", {"18", "19", "20", "21", "22"}}};
+      axis1D<double>{ 5, 0, 5, "hits_LUMI_18_22_axis", { "18", "19", "20", "21", "22" } } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_occup_back_right{
       this, "hits_LUMI_24_28", "Number of hits in channels 24-28",
-      axis1D<double>{5, 0, 5, "hits_LUMI_24_28_axis", {"24", "25", "26", "27", "28"}}};
+      axis1D<double>{ 5, 0, 5, "hits_LUMI_24_28_axis", { "24", "25", "26", "27", "28" } } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_occup_back_left{
       this, "hits_LUMI_36_40", "Number of hits in channels 36-40",
-      axis1D<double>{5, 0, 5, "hits_LUMI_36_40_axis", {"36", "37", "38", "39", "40"}}};
+      axis1D<double>{ 5, 0, 5, "hits_LUMI_36_40_axis", { "36", "37", "38", "39", "40" } } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_occup_back_up{
       this, "hits_LUMI_30_34", "Number of hits in channels 30-34",
-      axis1D<double>{5, 0, 5, "hits_LUMI_30_34_axis", {"30", "31", "32", "33", "34"}}};
+      axis1D<double>{ 5, 0, 5, "hits_LUMI_30_34_axis", { "30", "31", "32", "33", "34" } } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_occup_back_down{
       this, "hits_LUMI_42_46", "Number of hits in channels 42-46",
-      axis1D<double>{5, 0, 5, "hits_LUMI_42_46_axis", {"42", "43", "44", "45", "46"}}};
+      axis1D<double>{ 5, 0, 5, "hits_LUMI_42_46_axis", { "42", "43", "44", "45", "46" } } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_assym_front_vert{
       this, "hits_front_v", "Number of hits in front layer vertical PMTs",
-      axis1D<double>{10, -5., 5., "hits_front_v_axis", {"16", "15", "14", "13", "12", "00", "01", "02", "03", "04"}}};
+      axis1D<double>{
+          10, -5., 5., "hits_front_v_axis", { "16", "15", "14", "13", "12", "00", "01", "02", "03", "04" } } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_assym_front_horiz{
       this, "hits_front_h", "Number of hits in front layer horizontal PMTs",
-      axis1D<double>{10, -5., 5., "hits_front_h_axis", {"22", "21", "20", "19", "18", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10"}}};
+      axis1D<double>{
+          10, -5., 5., "hits_front_h_axis", { "22", "21", "20", "19", "18", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10" } } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_assym_back_vert{
       this, "hits_back_v", "Number of hits in back layer vertical PMTs",
-      axis1D<double>{10, -5., 5., "hits_back_v_axis", {"40", "39", "38", "37", "36", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28"}}};
+      axis1D<double>{
+          10, -5., 5., "hits_back_v_axis", { "40", "39", "38", "37", "36", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28" } } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_assym_back_horiz{
       this, "hits_back_h", "Number of hits in back layer horizontal PMTs",
-      axis1D<double>{10, -5., 5., "hits_back_h_axis", {"46", "45", "44", "43", "42", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34"}}};
+      axis1D<double>{
+          10, -5., 5., "hits_back_h_axis", { "46", "45", "44", "43", "42", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34" } } };
   mutable std::map<unsigned int, Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>> m_time_channel_tot;
   mutable std::map<unsigned int, Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>> m_time_err_channel_tot;
@@ -180,13 +185,13 @@ private:
   mutable std::map<unsigned int, Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2>> m_sshape_amp;
   mutable std::map<unsigned int, Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2>> m_sshape_amp_err;
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_numAdcOTLumi = {this, "Number of ADC over threshold for LUMI"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_numAdcOTLumi = { this, "Number of ADC over threshold for LUMI" };
   // Calibration
   // ADC histogram for every channel (LUMI/PIN/...) only for calibration trigger (light)
   // (in MONET, "freeze" references for all of the above and compare with current histos)
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_calibType{
-      this, "odin_calib_type", "ODIN CalibrationType", {16, -0.5, 15.5}};
+      this, "odin_calib_type", "ODIN CalibrationType", { 16, -0.5, 15.5 } };
   // ADC histogram per channel type and BX type (only for calib triggers)
   mutable std::map<BXTypes, Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>> m_mon_bx_adc;
   mutable std::map<BXTypes, Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>> m_pin_bx_adc;
@@ -205,7 +210,7 @@ private:
   mutable std::map<ChannelID, Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1>> m_channel_bcid_adc;
   // Timing data
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_time_adc{this, "adc_TIME", "ADC for all timing channels", AxisADC};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_time_adc{ this, "adc_TIME", "ADC for all timing channels", AxisADC };
   mutable std::map<ChannelID, Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>> m_channel_time;
   mutable unsigned long int m_runStartGps = 0;
@@ -236,7 +241,7 @@ StatusCode PlumeDigitMonitor::initialize() {
     for ( int i = 1; i <= LHCb::Plume::nMonitoringPMTs; ++i ) {
       channels.emplace_back( ChannelID::ChannelType::MON, i );
     } // loops over Monitoring PMT numbers, that are defined between 1 and 4
-    for ( int i : {5, 29, 11, 35} ) {
+    for ( int i : { 5, 29, 11, 35 } ) {
       for ( int j = 0; j <= 15; ++j ) channels.emplace_back( ChannelID::ChannelType::TIME, i, j );
@@ -246,7 +251,7 @@ StatusCode PlumeDigitMonitor::initialize() {
                      AxisBCID );
-      for ( auto bx : {BXTypes::NoBeam, BXTypes::Beam1, BXTypes::Beam2, BXTypes::BeamCrossing} ) {
+      for ( auto bx : { BXTypes::NoBeam, BXTypes::Beam1, BXTypes::Beam2, BXTypes::BeamCrossing } ) {
         map_emplace( m_channel_bx_adc, std::make_pair( ch, bx ), this, "adc_" + ch.toString() + "_" + to_string( bx ),
                      "ADC for " + ch.toString() + "/" + to_string( bx ), AxisADC );
         if ( ch.channelType() == ChannelID::ChannelType::LUMI && bx == BXTypes::NoBeam ) {
@@ -256,18 +261,19 @@ StatusCode PlumeDigitMonitor::initialize() {
       if ( ch.channelType() == ChannelID::ChannelType::TIME_T ) {
-        map_emplace( m_channel_time, ch, this, "time_" + ch.toString(), "Time for " + ch.toString(), {4096, 0, 4096} );
+        map_emplace( m_channel_time, ch, this, "time_" + ch.toString(), "Time for " + ch.toString(),
+                     { 4096, 0, 4096 } );
-    for ( auto bx : {BXTypes::NoBeam, BXTypes::Beam1, BXTypes::Beam2, BXTypes::BeamCrossing} ) {
+    for ( auto bx : { BXTypes::NoBeam, BXTypes::Beam1, BXTypes::Beam2, BXTypes::BeamCrossing } ) {
       map_emplace( m_lumi_bx_adc, bx, this, "adc_LUMI_" + to_string( bx ), "ADC for LUMI/" + to_string( bx ), AxisADC );
       map_emplace( m_time_bx_adc, bx, this, "adc_TIME_" + to_string( bx ), "ADC for TIME/" + to_string( bx ), AxisADC );
       map_emplace( m_mon_bx_adc, bx, this, "adc_MON_" + to_string( bx ), "ADC for MON/" + to_string( bx ), AxisADC );
       map_emplace( m_pin_bx_adc, bx, this, "adc_PIN_" + to_string( bx ), "ADC for PIN/" + to_string( bx ), AxisADC );
-    for ( auto tchannel : {5, 11, 29, 35} ) {
+    for ( auto tchannel : { 5, 11, 29, 35 } ) {
       map_emplace( m_time_channel_tot, tchannel, this, "time_sshape_tot_" + to_string( tchannel ),
                    "Inflection point for " + to_string( tchannel ), AxisTIME );
       map_emplace( m_time_err_channel_tot, tchannel, this, "time_sshape_err_tot_" + to_string( tchannel ),
@@ -343,10 +349,10 @@ void PlumeDigitMonitor::monitor( const Input& adcs, const LHCb::ODIN& odin ) con
     if ( type == ChannelType::TIME && channel_sub_id == 0 ) {
       if ( sshape_status.at( channel_id ) == true ) {
-        ++m_time_channel.at( channel_id )[{bcid, sshape_result.at( channel_id )[3].first}];
-        ++m_time_err_channel.at( channel_id )[{bcid, sshape_result.at( channel_id )[3].second}];
-        ++m_sshape_amp.at( channel_id )[{bcid, sshape_result.at( channel_id )[1].first}];
-        ++m_sshape_amp_err.at( channel_id )[{bcid, sshape_result.at( channel_id )[1].second}];
+        ++m_time_channel.at( channel_id )[{ bcid, sshape_result.at( channel_id )[3].first }];
+        ++m_time_err_channel.at( channel_id )[{ bcid, sshape_result.at( channel_id )[3].second }];
+        ++m_sshape_amp.at( channel_id )[{ bcid, sshape_result.at( channel_id )[1].first }];
+        ++m_sshape_amp_err.at( channel_id )[{ bcid, sshape_result.at( channel_id )[1].second }];
         ++m_time_channel_tot.at( channel_id )[sshape_result.at( channel_id )[3].first];
         ++m_time_err_channel_tot.at( channel_id )[sshape_result.at( channel_id )[3].second];
@@ -376,8 +382,8 @@ void PlumeDigitMonitor::monitor( const Input& adcs, const LHCb::ODIN& odin ) con
     switch ( type ) {
     case ChannelID::ChannelType::LUMI: {
-      ++m_bcid_adc_lumi[{bcid, adc}];
-      ++m_bcid_adc_lumi_coarse[{bcid, adc}];
+      ++m_bcid_adc_lumi[{ bcid, adc }];
+      ++m_bcid_adc_lumi_coarse[{ bcid, adc }];
       // avoid calib signals, that are in empty-empty, and fill only if over threshold
       if ( bx != BXTypes::NoBeam && over_thld ) {
@@ -397,13 +403,13 @@ void PlumeDigitMonitor::monitor( const Input& adcs, const LHCb::ODIN& odin ) con
         ( channel_id % 12 ) < 5 ? y = 0 : x = 0;
         // fill outliers first
-        if ( channel_id == 17 ) { ++m_xy_hits_front[{-2, -2}]; }
-        if ( channel_id == 23 ) { ++m_xy_hits_front[{2, -2}]; }
-        if ( channel_id == 41 ) { ++m_xy_hits_back[{-2, -2}]; }
-        if ( channel_id == 47 ) { ++m_xy_hits_back[{2, -2}]; }
+        if ( channel_id == 17 ) { ++m_xy_hits_front[{ -2, -2 }]; }
+        if ( channel_id == 23 ) { ++m_xy_hits_front[{ 2, -2 }]; }
+        if ( channel_id == 41 ) { ++m_xy_hits_back[{ -2, -2 }]; }
+        if ( channel_id == 47 ) { ++m_xy_hits_back[{ 2, -2 }]; }
         if ( channel_id < 24 ) {
-          ++m_xy_hits_front[{x, y}];
+          ++m_xy_hits_front[{ x, y }];
           if ( x > 0 && y == 0 ) {
             ++m_occup_front_right[channel_id % 6];
             ++m_assym_front_horiz[x - 0.5];
@@ -423,7 +429,7 @@ void PlumeDigitMonitor::monitor( const Input& adcs, const LHCb::ODIN& odin ) con
         if ( channel_id >= 24 ) {
-          ++m_xy_hits_back[{x, y}];
+          ++m_xy_hits_back[{ x, y }];
           if ( x > 0 && y == 0 ) {
             ++m_occup_back_right[channel_id % 6];
             ++m_assym_back_horiz[x - 0.5];
@@ -448,13 +454,13 @@ void PlumeDigitMonitor::monitor( const Input& adcs, const LHCb::ODIN& odin ) con
     case ChannelID::ChannelType::TIME:
       if ( over_thld ) ++m_over_thld_time[channel_id];
-      ++m_bcid_adc_time[{bcid, adc}];
+      ++m_bcid_adc_time[{ bcid, adc }];
     case ChannelID::ChannelType::PIN:
-      ++m_bcid_adc_pin[{bcid, adc}];
+      ++m_bcid_adc_pin[{ bcid, adc }];
     case ChannelID::ChannelType::MON:
-      ++m_bcid_adc_mon[{bcid, adc}];
+      ++m_bcid_adc_mon[{ bcid, adc }];
     case ChannelID::ChannelType::TIME_T:
       ++m_channel_time.at( digit->channelID() )[digit->adc()];
@@ -537,7 +543,7 @@ void PlumeDigitMonitor::fit_sshapes( const Input&
       fit_single_sshape( sshape.second, fit_result, status_sshape );
       result[channelID] = fit_result;
     } else
-      result[channelID] = std::vector<std::pair<float, float>>( 4, std::pair<float, float>{-9999, -9999} );
+      result[channelID] = std::vector<std::pair<float, float>>( 4, std::pair<float, float>{ -9999, -9999 } );
     status[channelID] = status_sshape;
diff --git a/Plume/PlumeReco/src/PlumeRawToDigits.cpp b/Plume/PlumeReco/src/PlumeRawToDigits.cpp
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 1d946ec7f9b302bf40a6d3807463c4af2aa849ee..100bba46ee803c1e84c4a8dc65f9e5faff0c8aa7
--- a/Plume/PlumeReco/src/PlumeRawToDigits.cpp
+++ b/Plume/PlumeReco/src/PlumeRawToDigits.cpp
@@ -40,17 +40,17 @@ public:
   LHCb::PlumeAdcs operator()( const LHCb::RawBank::View& ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_read_all_channels{this, "ReadAllChannels", false,
-                                            "Read all channels, including those that are nominally not used"};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>  m_pedestalOffset{this, "PedestalOffset", 256, "Offset to subtract from raw ADC counts."};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_read_all_channels{ this, "ReadAllChannels", false,
+                                             "Read all channels, including those that are nominally not used" };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>  m_pedestalOffset{ this, "PedestalOffset", 256, "Offset to subtract from raw ADC counts." };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_noLumiAndMonitoringBank{
-      this, "No lumi and monitoring bank found for Plume"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_noTimingBank{this, "No timing bank found for Plume"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_tooManyBanks{this, "Too many banks for Plume"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_noFoundBanks{this, "Banks not found"};
+      this, "No lumi and monitoring bank found for Plume" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_noTimingBank{ this, "No timing bank found for Plume" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_tooManyBanks{ this, "Too many banks for Plume" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_noFoundBanks{ this, "Banks not found" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::WeightedHistogram<1>     m_sumADCPerChannel{
-      this, "SumADCPerChannel", "Sum of ADCs per channel", {4 * 32, 0, 4 * 32}};
+      this, "SumADCPerChannel", "Sum of ADCs per channel", { 4 * 32, 0, 4 * 32 } };
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( PlumeRawToDigits )
 // Standard creator, initializes variables
 PlumeRawToDigits::PlumeRawToDigits( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{"RawBankLocation", ""}, {KeyValue{"Output", ""}} ) {}
+    : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{ "RawBankLocation", "" }, { KeyValue{ "Output", "" } } ) {}
 //  Main execution
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ LHCb::PlumeAdcs PlumeRawToDigits::operator()( const LHCb::RawBank::View& banks )
     bitset bits;
     for ( const auto& [i, data] : LHCb::range::enumerate( bank->range<std::byte>().subspan( 0, 128 ) ) ) {
       auto num = static_cast<uint8_t>( data );
-      bits |= bitset{num} << ( i * 8 );
+      bits |= bitset{ num } << ( i * 8 );
       if ( msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ) ) { verbose() << fmt::format( "i={:02} num={:02x}", i, num ) << endmsg; }
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ LHCb::PlumeAdcs PlumeRawToDigits::operator()( const LHCb::RawBank::View& banks )
       unsigned int shift = ( sourceID == LHCb::Plume::lumiAndMonitoringSourceID_1 ) ? 0 : 32;
       for ( int i = 0; i < n_channels; ++i ) {
-        auto channel       = (unsigned int)( bitset{0xFFFFFFFF} & ( bits >> ( 32 * i ) ) ).to_ulong();
+        auto channel       = (unsigned int)( bitset{ 0xFFFFFFFF } & ( bits >> ( 32 * i ) ) ).to_ulong();
         auto overThreshold = (unsigned int)( ( 0x80000000 & channel ) >> 31 ); // first bit is ovt bit
         auto pedsubAdc     = (unsigned int)( ( 0x7ffff000 & channel ) >> 12 ); // then 19 bits ped sub adc
         auto rawAdc        = (unsigned int)( 0xFFF & channel );                // then 12 bits not ped sub from FEB
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ LHCb::PlumeAdcs PlumeRawToDigits::operator()( const LHCb::RawBank::View& banks )
       unsigned int shift = ( sourceID == LHCb::Plume::timingSourceID_1 ) ? 0 : 32;
       for ( int i = 0; i < n_channels; ++i ) {
-        auto channel   = (unsigned int)( bitset{0xFFFFFFFF} & ( bits >> ( 32 * i ) ) ).to_ulong();
+        auto channel   = (unsigned int)( bitset{ 0xFFFFFFFF } & ( bits >> ( 32 * i ) ) ).to_ulong();
         auto pedsubAdc = (unsigned int)( ( 0x7ffff000 & channel ) >> 12 ); // no ovt bit, so 19 bits ped sub adc
         auto rawAdc    = (unsigned int)( 0xFFF & channel );                // then 12 bits not ped sub from FEB
diff --git a/Plume/PlumeReco/src/PlumeTAEMonitor.cpp b/Plume/PlumeReco/src/PlumeTAEMonitor.cpp
index 7a7ed19f574b7ec59d1014ccfc752a99b60ae2ae..d5ea2bbadcee265e5268c2a51fc759df0dcfc366 100644
--- a/Plume/PlumeReco/src/PlumeTAEMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Plume/PlumeReco/src/PlumeTAEMonitor.cpp
@@ -32,15 +32,15 @@ class PlumeTAEMonitor final : public LHCb::Algorithm::MergingConsumer<void( ODIN
   PlumeTAEMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : LHCb::Algorithm::MergingConsumer<void( ODINVector const&, InputVector const& )>(
-            name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValues{"ODINVector", {}}, KeyValues{"InputVector", {}}} ){};
+            name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValues{ "ODINVector", {} }, KeyValues{ "InputVector", {} } } ){};
   void operator()( ODINVector const&, InputVector const& ) const override;
-  LHCb::TAE::Handler m_taeHandler{this};
+  LHCb::TAE::Handler m_taeHandler{ this };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_tae_adc{this, "tae_adc", "ADC counts in lumi channels vs TAE offset",
-                                                      LHCb::TAE::defaultAxis, axisADC};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_tae_adc{ this, "tae_adc", "ADC counts in lumi channels vs TAE offset",
+                                                       LHCb::TAE::defaultAxis, axisADC };
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ void PlumeTAEMonitor::operator()( ODINVector const& odinVector, InputVector cons
       const auto type = digit->channelID().channelType();
       if ( offset == 0 || odin.bunchCrossingType() == LHCb::ODIN::BXTypes::NoBeam ) {
         // one histogram that mixes together all channels and all TAE types (INDIVs and "fake TAEs")
-        if ( type == ChannelID::ChannelType::LUMI ) { ++m_tae_adc[{offset, adc}]; }
+        if ( type == ChannelID::ChannelType::LUMI ) { ++m_tae_adc[{ offset, adc }]; }
diff --git a/Plume/PlumeReco/src/PlumeTuple.cpp b/Plume/PlumeReco/src/PlumeTuple.cpp
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 01008139f0413ddfccd4261fd414b6c65d9dcaae..f66f1c656f32395f4a05dd1c40f272972534bc27
--- a/Plume/PlumeReco/src/PlumeTuple.cpp
+++ b/Plume/PlumeReco/src/PlumeTuple.cpp
@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ public:
   void       operator()( const LHCb::ODIN&, const Input& ) const override; ///< Algorithm execution
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_read_all_channels{this, "ReadAllChannels", false,
-                                            "Read all channels, including those that are nominally not used"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_read_all_channels{ this, "ReadAllChannels", false,
+                                             "Read all channels, including those that are nominally not used" };
-  mutable PublicToolHandle<ISequencerTimerTool> m_timerTool{this, "TimerTool",
-                                                            "SequencerTimerTool"}; ///< global timer tool
-  int                                           m_timer      = 0;                  ///< timer index
-  mutable std::atomic<unsigned long long>       m_evtCounter = {0};
+  mutable PublicToolHandle<ISequencerTimerTool> m_timerTool{ this, "TimerTool",
+                                                             "SequencerTimerTool" }; ///< global timer tool
+  int                                           m_timer      = 0;                    ///< timer index
+  mutable std::atomic<unsigned long long>       m_evtCounter = { 0 };
   template <class TYPE>
   void fillTuple( Tuple& tuple, const std::string& var, const TYPE number ) const {
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( PlumeTuple )
 // Standard constructor, initializes variables
 PlumeTuple::PlumeTuple( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"ODIN", ""}, KeyValue{"Input", ""}} ) {}
+    : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "ODIN", "" }, KeyValue{ "Input", "" } } ) {}
 // Initialization
diff --git a/Plume/PlumeReco/tests/options/plume_decoding.py b/Plume/PlumeReco/tests/options/plume_decoding.py
index 2f9b1cff4093bbc8e0ecd1165697a6b096507fea..552bedff7e4ecf106694ad1d5c4c3f2303509e5e 100644
--- a/Plume/PlumeReco/tests/options/plume_decoding.py
+++ b/Plume/PlumeReco/tests/options/plume_decoding.py
@@ -9,22 +9,22 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 import logging
-from Gaudi.Configuration import VERBOSE, DEBUG
-from PRConfig.TestFileDB import test_file_db
-from PyConf.application import (
-    default_raw_banks,
-    configure_input,
-    configure,
-    make_odin,
-    CompositeNode,
+from Gaudi.Configuration import DEBUG, VERBOSE
+from PRConfig.TestFileDB import test_file_db
 from PyConf.Algorithms import (
-    PlumeRawToDigits,
+    PlumeRawToDigits,
+from PyConf.application import (
+    CompositeNode,
+    configure,
+    configure_input,
+    default_raw_banks,
+    make_odin,
 options = test_file_db["2024_raw_hlt1_290683"].make_lbexec_options(
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ options = test_file_db["2024_raw_hlt1_290683"].make_lbexec_options(
-    histo_file='plume_decoding_histo.root',
-    ntuple_file='plume_decoding_ntuple.root',
+    histo_file="plume_decoding_histo.root",
+    ntuple_file="plume_decoding_ntuple.root",
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ configure_input(options)  # must call this before calling default_raw_event
 odin = make_odin()
 digits = PlumeRawToDigits(
-    OutputLevel=DEBUG, RawBankLocation=default_raw_banks("Plume")).Output
+    OutputLevel=DEBUG, RawBankLocation=default_raw_banks("Plume")
 monitor = PlumeDigitMonitor(Input=digits, ODIN=odin)
 plume_tuple = PlumeTuple(Input=digits, ODIN=odin)
 print_event = PrintHeader(ODINLocation=odin)
@@ -50,4 +51,5 @@ top_node = CompositeNode("Top", [print_event, monitor, plume_tuple])
 configure(options, top_node)
 from Configurables import LHCb__DetDesc__ReserveDetDescForEvent as reserveIOV
 reserveIOV("reserveIOV").PreloadGeometry = False
diff --git a/Plume/PlumeReco/tests/qmtest/plume_decoding.qmt b/Plume/PlumeReco/tests/qmtest/plume_decoding.qmt
index 40ba62766aca069f8cf21cf91f46f9b1df3b73d4..7ae40057288a0f66e777b5ba2e1f2e3db775660c 100644
--- a/Plume/PlumeReco/tests/qmtest/plume_decoding.qmt
+++ b/Plume/PlumeReco/tests/qmtest/plume_decoding.qmt
@@ -32,4 +32,3 @@ validateWithReference(preproc=preprocessor)
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/doc/release.notes b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/doc/release.notes
index 9b78e544d596bd94c88791f03da089cef6bf53ee..5c3efb2031d11376c29d5c0b7ae42aebff5f8807 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/doc/release.notes
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
 2016-04-18 Renato Quagliani
  - Fix warnings for unused variables
 2016-04-18 Renato Quagliani
- - Recover track routine implemented for HybridSeeding . 
-   Improves a 3% for lower momentum tracks and 1.5% for higher, guarantee more robustness of performance. 
+ - Recover track routine implemented for HybridSeeding .
+   Improves a 3% for lower momentum tracks and 1.5% for higher, guarantee more robustness of performance.
 	 Only 2% more ghost rate with latest V5 sample.
 	 10 %slower.(can be switched off with RecoverTracks = False.)
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 ! 2016-01-21 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Remove unused member variable (fixes clang warnings)
-! 2016-01-16 - Sevda Esen			
+! 2016-01-16 - Sevda Esen
  - Updated  PrSeedingXLayers, PrSeedTrack to use cubic track fit model
 ! 2016-01-11 - Thomas Nikodem
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@
 ! 2015-12-11 - Renato Quagliani
  - Correct default parametrisation which was applying division for 0
- - Throw an exception if m_nCases >3 
+ - Throw an exception if m_nCases >3
  - Fully retuned to be compatible to provide reproducible results with the Internal Note
- - Stereo2 switched on by default , 1% more tracking eff for low P and 1% less ghost rate. NoSpillOver + NoNoise 
+ - Stereo2 switched on by default , 1% more tracking eff for low P and 1% less ghost rate. NoSpillOver + NoNoise
  - ( => 14% ghost, 93.5 % tr.eff V2 )
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
  - Fix bug in PrPlaneCounter
 ! 2015-11-25 - Renato Quagliani
- - Fix unusued private variables to suppress clang warnings                
+ - Fix unusued private variables to suppress clang warnings
 ! 2015-11-24 - Renato Quagliani
  - Add the PrHybridSeeding algorithm (.cpp .h) : New seeding algorithm for the upgrade.
  - Add the PrPlaneHybridCounter.h to count the number of layers on track.
@@ -96,14 +96,14 @@
 !========================= PrAlgorithms v1r15 2014-12-11 ========================
 ! 2014-14-11 -  Renato Quagliani
-  - In PrFTHitManager the zone geometry setting has been changed to reflect 
+  - In PrFTHitManager the zone geometry setting has been changed to reflect
     the modifications in FTDet in createDetSegment.
 !========================= PrAlgorithms v1r14 2014-09-08 ========================
 ! 2014-07-29 - Georg Krocker
   - Removed unused Kalman Fitter tool in PrDownstream.h
-! 2014-07-23 - Georg Krocker 
+! 2014-07-23 - Georg Krocker
   - Added several improvements to PrDownstream - can be switched on with the
     option PrDownstream().Mode = False ; the new approach includes
     1) Vetoing of Seeds that share FT hits with reasonably good ForwardTracks
@@ -119,13 +119,13 @@
 !========================= PrAlgorithms v1r13 2014-07-14 =======================
-! 2014-06-26 - Yasmine Amhis 
+! 2014-06-26 - Yasmine Amhis
   - Add Histograms in PrSeedingXLayers.
-    Uncomment #DEBUG_HISTO in PrSeedingXLayers.h and recompile before running. 
+    Uncomment #DEBUG_HISTO in PrSeedingXLayers.h and recompile before running.
 !========================= PrAlgorithms v1r12 2014-06-10 =======================
 ! 2014-05-21 - Michel De Cian
- - Introduce flag in 'buildGeometry' of PrFTHitManager that ensures that the geometry is only built once. 
+ - Introduce flag in 'buildGeometry' of PrFTHitManager that ensures that the geometry is only built once.
  - Add doxygen comments.
 ! 2014-05-20 - Michel De Cian
@@ -133,23 +133,23 @@
 !========================= PrAlgorithms v1r11 2014-05-13 =======================
 ! 2014-05-02 - Michel De Cian
- - Fixed bug in PrSeedingXLayers to take inverted top/bottom for new FT into account. 
+ - Fixed bug in PrSeedingXLayers to take inverted top/bottom for new FT into account.
    Added new properties and documentation.
-! 2014-03-20 - Francesco Polci 
+! 2014-03-20 - Francesco Polci
  -Adapted to the new version of FTChannelID having:
   1) mat() instead of quarter()
   2) a different constructor with 5 instead of 4 arguments
   Affected files: PrFTHitManager.cpp, PrSeedingAlgorithm.cpp, PrSeedingXLayers.cpp
 ! 2014-03-19 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Fix clang33 compilation failures in PrPlaneCounter.h, due to 
+ - Fix clang33 compilation failures in PrPlaneCounter.h, due to
 ! 2014-03-18 - Michel De Cian
  - Changed FTRawCluster to FTLiteCluster in PrFTHitManager
-! 2014-03-18 - Francesco Polci 
+! 2014-03-18 - Francesco Polci
  - Removed bilayer code from PrFTHitManager.cpp
    Changed NULL to nullptr
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
  - Complete incomplete commit for PrSeedingXLayers
 ! 2014-02-14 - Michel De Cian
- - Update in PrSeedingXLayers, to represent code used for TDR. 
+ - Update in PrSeedingXLayers, to represent code used for TDR.
 ! 2014-02-14 - Michel De Cian
  - Remove PrAddUTCoord, was replaced by PrAddUTHitsTool some time ago.
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
  at the moment just copies of PatMatch / PatMatchTool.
 ! 2013-11-13 - Michel De Cian
- - Introduce PrAddUTCoordTool, which is to replace PrAddUTCoord. The new tool is 
+ - Introduce PrAddUTCoordTool, which is to replace PrAddUTCoord. The new tool is
    basically a copy of the old one, but without keeping the non-uprade inheritance structure.
 ! 2013-11-08 - Michel De Cian
@@ -250,12 +250,12 @@
 ! 2013-03-25 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Use stable_sort in PrSeedingXLayers, to get same results in gcc43 and gcc46
-! 2013-03-21 - Amhis Yasmine 
- - Delete from svn PrSeedingNew.cpp/h 
-! 2013-03-21 - Amhis Yasmine 
- - Rename PrSeedingNew to PrSeedingXLayers to make it default 
-   in reconstruction upgrade sequence 	
+! 2013-03-21 - Amhis Yasmine
+ - Delete from svn PrSeedingNew.cpp/h
+! 2013-03-21 - Amhis Yasmine
+ - Rename PrSeedingNew to PrSeedingXLayers to make it default
+   in reconstruction upgrade sequence
 ! 2013-03-18 - Sascha Stahl
  - Fixed track type (Long -> Ttrack) in PrSeedingAlgorithm and PrSeedNew.
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/HitsEmptyProducer.cpp b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/HitsEmptyProducer.cpp
index 510c8aadda12d731e0ae74ce30da175db0f070c4..46525f9c533ba63b561139993cb591f5aceee8be 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/HitsEmptyProducer.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/HitsEmptyProducer.cpp
@@ -22,4 +22,4 @@
 DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( EmptyProducer<LHCb::FTLiteCluster::FTLiteClusters>, "FTRawBankDecoderEmptyProducer" )
 DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( EmptyProducer<LHCb::UTHitClusters>, "PrStoreUTHitClustersEmptyProducer" )
 DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( EmptyProducer<UT::HitHandler>, "PrStoreUTHitEmptyProducer" )
-DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( EmptyProducer<LHCb::Pr::Hits<LHCb::Pr::HitType::UT>>, "PrStorePrUTHitsEmptyProducer" )
\ No newline at end of file
+DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( EmptyProducer<LHCb::Pr::Hits<LHCb::Pr::HitType::UT>>, "PrStorePrUTHitsEmptyProducer" )
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/HoughSearch.h b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/HoughSearch.h
index ab2c590de5647fbb1375db1639260b9222bc1ecd..d61d2ab511445ad59f708f96ac8fcd2b123c9dcc 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/HoughSearch.h
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/HoughSearch.h
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ namespace Hough {
      *  @param binw     Bin width of the histograms for each hypothesis
     HoughSearch( int th, std::array<float, sizeof...( NBINS )> xmin, std::array<float, sizeof...( NBINS )> binw )
-        : m_th{th}, m_binw{binw}, m_n_valid_hits{{{0}}}, m_clusters{{0}} {
+        : m_th{ th }, m_binw{ binw }, m_n_valid_hits{ { { 0 } } }, m_clusters{ { 0 } } {
       for ( size_t h = 0; h < sizeof...( NBINS ); ++h ) {
         // Normalize by the bin width to simplify algebra later
         m_factors[h].fill( 1.f / binw[h] );
@@ -117,7 +117,8 @@ namespace Hough {
      *  @param xmin     Low edge of the first bin of the histograms (the same for all hypothesis)
      *  @param binw     Bin width of the histograms (the same for all hypothesis)
-    HoughSearch( int th, float xmin, float binw ) : m_th{th}, m_binw{binw}, m_n_valid_hits{{{0}}}, m_clusters{{0}} {
+    HoughSearch( int th, float xmin, float binw )
+        : m_th{ th }, m_binw{ binw }, m_n_valid_hits{ { { 0 } } }, m_clusters{ { 0 } } {
       float inv_binw = 1.f / binw;
       xmin *= inv_binw;
       for ( size_t h = 0; h < sizeof...( NBINS ); ++h ) {
@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ namespace Hough {
     HoughSearch( int th, std::array<float, sizeof...( NBINS )> xmin, std::array<float, sizeof...( NBINS )> binw,
                  std::array<std::array<float, NLAYERS>, sizeof...( NBINS )> factors )
-        : m_th{th}, m_binw{binw}, m_n_valid_hits{{{0}}}, m_clusters{{0}} {
+        : m_th{ th }, m_binw{ binw }, m_n_valid_hits{ { { 0 } } }, m_clusters{ { 0 } } {
       for ( size_t h = 0; h < sizeof...( NBINS ); ++h ) {
         // Normalize by the bin width to simplify algebra later
         std::transform( factors[h].begin(), factors[h].end(), m_factors[h].begin(),
@@ -154,7 +155,7 @@ namespace Hough {
      *                  This parameter is used to differentiate between hypothesis.
     HoughSearch( int th, float xmin, float binw, std::array<std::array<float, NLAYERS>, sizeof...( NBINS )> factors )
-        : m_th( th ), m_binw{}, m_n_valid_hits{{{0}}}, m_clusters{{0}} {
+        : m_th( th ), m_binw{}, m_n_valid_hits{ { { 0 } } }, m_clusters{ { 0 } } {
       float inv_binw = 1.f / binw;
       xmin *= inv_binw;
       for ( size_t h = 0; h < sizeof...( NBINS ); ++h ) {
@@ -227,7 +228,7 @@ namespace Hough {
         // is nullptr) if a layer has multiple elements (total depth > 1), than multiple iterations are done, each time
         // with a different depth for that layer
         auto f = [&]( auto... i ) {
-          std::array<size_t, NLAYERS> depths{i...};
+          std::array<size_t, NLAYERS> depths{ i... };
           int                         ilayer = 0, ihit = 0;
           for ( const auto& d : depths ) {
             if ( d < raw_candidate_depth[iraw][ilayer] ) {
@@ -313,7 +314,7 @@ namespace Hough {
     static inline constexpr std::array<int, sizeof...( NBINS )> NCUMBINS_ARRAY( int seed = 0 ) {
-      return {{seed += NBINS...}};
+      return { { seed += NBINS... } };
     template <int N>
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrAddUTHitsTool.cpp b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrAddUTHitsTool.cpp
index 62c4a72e00bcf72e93630bc9f7a5a9ca9a8e8891..e536a5ef501e3b35756ff76a2dba37821912273e 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrAddUTHitsTool.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrAddUTHitsTool.cpp
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       BoundInstance( const PrAddUTHitsTool* parent, const LHCb::UTDAQ::GeomCache& geomcache, const UT::Hits& hitHandler,
                      const DeMagnet& magnet )
-          : m_parent{parent}, m_geomcache{geomcache}, m_HitHandler{hitHandler}, m_magnet{magnet} {}
+          : m_parent{ parent }, m_geomcache{ geomcache }, m_HitHandler{ hitHandler }, m_magnet{ magnet } {}
       void addUTHits( LongTracks& tracks ) const override {
         m_parent->addUTHits( tracks, m_geomcache, m_HitHandler, *m_magnet );
@@ -127,20 +127,20 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     PrAddUTHitsTool( std::string type, std::string name, const IInterface* parent )
-        : ToolBinder{std::move( type ),
-                     name,
-                     parent,
-                     {{"UTGeomCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "UTGeomCache"},
-                      {"UTHitsLocation", "UT/PrUTHits"},
-                      {"Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path}},
-                     construct<BoundInstance>( this )
+        : ToolBinder{ std::move( type ),
+                      name,
+                      parent,
+                      { { "UTGeomCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "UTGeomCache" },
+                        { "UTHitsLocation", "UT/PrUTHits" },
+                        { "Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path } },
+                      construct<BoundInstance>( this )
           } {}
     StatusCode initialize() override {
       return ToolBinder::initialize().andThen( [&] {
         addConditionDerivation<LHCb::UTDAQ::GeomCache( const DeUTDetector& )>(
-            {DeUTDetLocation::location()}, inputLocation<LHCb::UTDAQ::GeomCache>() );
+            { DeUTDetLocation::location() }, inputLocation<LHCb::UTDAQ::GeomCache>() );
       } );
@@ -156,27 +156,27 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
                     const UT::Hits&, const DeMagnet& ) const;
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_zUTField{this, "ZUTField", 1740. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_zMSPoint{this, "ZMSPoint", 400. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_utParam{this, "UTParam", 29.};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_zUTProj{this, "ZUTProj", 2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2Tol{this, "MaxChi2Tol", 2.0};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2Slope{this, "MaxChi2Slope", 25000.0};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2POffset{this, "MaxChi2POffset", 100.0};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_yTolSlope{this, "YTolSlope", 20000.};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_xTol{this, "XTol", 1.0};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_xTolSlope{this, "XTolSlope", 30000.0};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_fixedWeightFactor{this, "FixedWeightFactor", 9.f};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_zUTField{ this, "ZUTField", 1740. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_zMSPoint{ this, "ZMSPoint", 400. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_utParam{ this, "UTParam", 29. };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_zUTProj{ this, "ZUTProj", 2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2Tol{ this, "MaxChi2Tol", 2.0 };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2Slope{ this, "MaxChi2Slope", 25000.0 };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2POffset{ this, "MaxChi2POffset", 100.0 };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_yTolSlope{ this, "YTolSlope", 20000. };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_xTol{ this, "XTol", 1.0 };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_xTolSlope{ this, "XTolSlope", 30000.0 };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_fixedWeightFactor{ this, "FixedWeightFactor", 9.f };
     float                  m_invMajAxProj2 = 0.0;
     Gaudi::Property<float> m_majAxProj{
         this, "MajAxProj", 20.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
         [this]( auto& ) { this->m_invMajAxProj2 = 1 / ( this->m_majAxProj * this->m_majAxProj ); },
-        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minAxProj{this, "MinAxProj", 2.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_enableTool{this, "EnableTool", true};
+        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minAxProj{ this, "MinAxProj", 2.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_enableTool{ this, "EnableTool", true };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_hitsAddedCounter{this, "#UT hits added"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>        m_tracksWithHitsCounter{this, "#tracks with hits added"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_hitsAddedCounter{ this, "#UT hits added" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>        m_tracksWithHitsCounter{ this, "#tracks with hits added" };
     template <typename InputType>
     std::array<BoundariesNominal, totUTLayers> findSectors( const InputType&, MiniStates&, float,
@@ -215,8 +215,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     if ( const auto size = tracks.size(); size % simd::size ) {
       if ( ( size + simd::size ) > tracks.capacity() ) tracks.reserve( size + simd::size );
       tracks.simd()[size].field<TracksTag::States>( 0 ).setQOverP( 1.f );
-      tracks.simd()[size].field<TracksTag::States>( 0 ).setPosition( LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<F, 3>{1.f, 1.f, 1.f} );
-      tracks.simd()[size].field<TracksTag::States>( 0 ).setDirection( LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<F, 3>{1.f, 1.f, 1.f} );
+      tracks.simd()[size].field<TracksTag::States>( 0 ).setPosition( LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<F, 3>{ 1.f, 1.f, 1.f } );
+      tracks.simd()[size].field<TracksTag::States>( 0 ).setDirection( LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<F, 3>{ 1.f, 1.f, 1.f } );
     const auto compBoundsArray = findSectors( tracks, filteredStates, signedReCur, geomcache );
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       if ( !selectHits( fState, compBoundsArray, hitsInLayers, hitHandler, signedReCur ) ) continue;
-      for ( unsigned i{0}; i < hitsInLayers.size(); ++i ) permutations.push_back( i );
+      for ( unsigned i{ 0 }; i < hitsInLayers.size(); ++i ) permutations.push_back( i );
       const auto& hitsInL = hitsInLayers.scalar();
       std::sort( permutations.begin(), permutations.end(), [&hitsInL]( auto i, auto j ) {
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
         tracks.scalar()[itr].field<TracksTag::UTHits>()[offset].template field<TracksTag::Index>().set(
             myUTHit.index() );
         tracks.scalar()[itr].field<TracksTag::UTHits>()[offset].template field<TracksTag::LHCbID>().set(
-            LHCb::Event::lhcbid_v<SIMDWrapper::scalar::types>{LHCb::LHCbID{utID}} );
+            LHCb::Event::lhcbid_v<SIMDWrapper::scalar::types>{ LHCb::LHCbID{ utID } } );
       hitsAddedCounter += myUTHits.size();
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     selectHits( fState, compBoundsArray, hitsInLayers, hitHandler, signedReCur );
     small_vector<int, nHitsInLayers> permutations{};
-    for ( unsigned i{0}; i < hitsInLayers.size(); ++i ) permutations.push_back( i );
+    for ( unsigned i{ 0 }; i < hitsInLayers.size(); ++i ) permutations.push_back( i );
     const auto& hitsInL = hitsInLayers.scalar();
     std::sort( permutations.begin(), permutations.end(), [&hitsInL]( auto i, auto j ) {
       return hitsInL[i].projection().cast() < hitsInL[j].projection().cast();
@@ -343,8 +343,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
               const simd::float_v xTol = m_xTol + m_xTolSlope.value() * overp;
               const simd::float_v yTol = m_yTolSlope.value() * overp;
-              const simd::float_v zLayer{geomcache.layers[layerIndex].z};
-              const simd::float_v dxDy{geomcache.layers[layerIndex].dxDy};
+              const simd::float_v zLayer{ geomcache.layers[layerIndex].z };
+              const simd::float_v dxDy{ geomcache.layers[layerIndex].dxDy };
               const simd::float_v xLayer = x + ( zLayer - z ) * tx + bendParam * ( zLayer - m_zUTField.value() );
               const simd::float_v yLayer = y + ( zLayer - z ) * ty;
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     small_vector<int, 3 * MaxUTHits> goodUT{};
     static_vector<int, MaxUTHits>    UTHits{};
     // -- Loop over all hits and make "groups" of hits to form a candidate
-    for ( unsigned itB{0}; itB + 2 < permutations.size(); ++itB ) {
+    for ( unsigned itB{ 0 }; itB + 2 < permutations.size(); ++itB ) {
       const auto itBeg     = permutations[itB];
       const auto firstProj = hitsInL[itBeg].projection().cast();
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       if ( hitsInL[permutations[itB + 2]].projection().cast() > maxProj ) continue;
       auto nbPlane     = 0;
-      auto firedPlanes = std::array{0, 0, 0, 0};
+      auto firedPlanes = std::array{ 0, 0, 0, 0 };
       // -- Make "group" of hits which are within a certain distance to the first hit of the group
       for ( auto itE = itB; itE < permutations.size(); itE++ ) {
         const auto itEnd = permutations[itE];
@@ -546,9 +546,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     // -- Fix slope by point at multiple scattering point
     const auto fixSlope = fixW * ( m_zUTProj - m_zMSPoint ) * ( m_zUTProj - m_zMSPoint );
-    auto                 nDoF{0};
+    auto                 nDoF{ 0 };
     std::array<int, 4>   differentPlanes{};
-    std::array<float, 6> mat{fixW, 0.f, fixSlope, 0.f, 0.f, fixW};
+    std::array<float, 6> mat{ fixW, 0.f, fixSlope, 0.f, 0.f, fixW };
     std::array<float, 3> rhs{};
     const auto& hitsInL = hitsInLayers.scalar();
@@ -571,11 +571,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     // -- Loop to remove outliers
-    auto totChi2{0.f};
+    auto totChi2{ 0.f };
     while ( goodUT.size() > 2 ) {
       // -- This is needed since 'CholeskyDecomp' overwrites rhs
       // -- which is needed later on
-      const auto saveRhs = std::array{rhs[0], rhs[1], rhs[2]};
+      const auto saveRhs = std::array{ rhs[0], rhs[1], rhs[2] };
       CholeskyDecomp<float, 3> decomp( mat.data() );
       if ( !decomp ) return std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
@@ -583,8 +583,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       totChi2 = fixW * ( rhs[0] * rhs[0] + rhs[2] * rhs[2] +
                          ( m_zUTProj - m_zMSPoint ) * ( m_zUTProj - m_zMSPoint ) * rhs[1] * rhs[1] );
-      auto       worst{-1};
-      auto       worstChi2{-1.f};
+      auto       worst{ -1 };
+      auto       worstChi2{ -1.f };
       const auto notMultiple = nDoF == static_cast<int>( goodUT.size() );
       for ( auto [idx, iHit] : LHCb::range::enumerate( goodUT ) ) {
         const auto  uthit = hitsInL[iHit];
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrDownTrack.h b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrDownTrack.h
index 09ebdb5778114c5a03f2d01f4f7762d8361ae31d..c3ea7d2630c23a4f60da1a0c47d925da826cce4c 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrDownTrack.h
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrDownTrack.h
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ namespace Downstream {
     const LHCb::Pr::UT::Hits* hits = nullptr;
-    int                       hit{0};
-    float                     x{0}, z{0};
-    float                     projection{0};
+    int                       hit{ 0 };
+    float                     x{ 0 }, z{ 0 };
+    float                     projection{ 0 };
     using F = SIMDWrapper::scalar::types::float_v;
     using I = SIMDWrapper::scalar::types::int_v;
@@ -83,9 +83,10 @@ namespace Downstream {
   using Hits = std::vector<Hit, LHCb::Allocators::EventLocal<Hit>>;
   inline constexpr auto IncreaseByProj = []( const Hit& lhs, const Hit& rhs ) {
-    return ( lhs.projection < rhs.projection ? true :      //
-                 rhs.projection < lhs.projection ? false : //
-                     lhs.lhcbID() < rhs.lhcbID() );
+    return ( lhs.projection < rhs.projection ? true : //
+                 rhs.projection < lhs.projection ? false
+                                                 : //
+                 lhs.lhcbID() < rhs.lhcbID() );
 } // namespace Downstream
@@ -229,21 +230,21 @@ public:
   Gaudi::TrackVector m_stateVector;
-  double             m_stateZ{0};
+  double             m_stateZ{ 0 };
   Gaudi::XYZPoint    m_magnet;
-  double m_momentumParam{0};
-  double m_zUT{0};
-  double m_slopeX{0};
-  double m_slopeY{0};
-  double m_displX{0};
-  double m_displY{0};
-  double m_weightXMag{0};
-  double m_weightYMag{0};
-  double m_chi2{0};
+  double m_momentumParam{ 0 };
+  double m_zUT{ 0 };
+  double m_slopeX{ 0 };
+  double m_slopeY{ 0 };
+  double m_displX{ 0 };
+  double m_displY{ 0 };
+  double m_weightXMag{ 0 };
+  double m_weightYMag{ 0 };
+  double m_chi2{ 0 };
   Hits m_hits; /// working list of hits on this track
 // collection of downstream tracks... From PatDownTrack
-using PrDownTracks = std::vector<PrDownTrack>;
\ No newline at end of file
+using PrDownTracks = std::vector<PrDownTrack>;
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrForwardTracking.cpp b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrForwardTracking.cpp
index c8da358ccad579d005c0237914bdd3871602ebf2..e6a8f83ad459f0238a4cf5a971bfe370fdab4aab 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrForwardTracking.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrForwardTracking.cpp
@@ -192,15 +192,15 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
         ::Hough::HoughSearch<int, Hough::DEPTH, Hough::MAXCAND, Detector::FT::nUVLayersTotal, Hough::NBINS>;
     // names of variables used in multilayer perceptron used to identify ghosts
-    constexpr std::array<std::string_view, 9> NNVars{"redChi2",
-                                                     "abs((x+(zMagMatch-770.0)*tx)-(xEndT+(zMagMatch-9410.0)*txEndT))",
-                                                     "abs(ySeedMatch-yEndT)",
-                                                     "abs(yParam0Final-yParam0Init)",
-                                                     "abs(yParam1Final-yParam1Init)",
-                                                     "abs(ty)",
-                                                     "abs(qop)",
-                                                     "abs(tx)",
-                                                     "abs(xParam1Final-xParam1Init)"};
+    constexpr std::array<std::string_view, 9> NNVars{ "redChi2",
+                                                      "abs((x+(zMagMatch-770.0)*tx)-(xEndT+(zMagMatch-9410.0)*txEndT))",
+                                                      "abs(ySeedMatch-yEndT)",
+                                                      "abs(yParam0Final-yParam0Init)",
+                                                      "abs(yParam1Final-yParam1Init)",
+                                                      "abs(ty)",
+                                                      "abs(qop)",
+                                                      "abs(tx)",
+                                                      "abs(xParam1Final-xParam1Init)" };
     constexpr std::array<std::string_view, 10> NNVarsVeloUT{
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
-        "abs(xParam1Final-xParam1Init)"};
+        "abs(xParam1Final-xParam1Init)" };
      * @return larger n such that it is divisible by simd::size and padded by one more simd::size
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
     auto removeUsedHits( int idx1, int& idxEnd, const XCandidate& track, ModSciFiHits::ModPrSciFiHitsSOA& allXHits ) {
       const auto& hitsOnTrack = track.getCoordsToFit();
       const auto  hits_simd   = allXHits.simd();
-      for ( auto idx{idx1}; idx < idxEnd; idx += simd::size ) {
+      for ( auto idx{ idx1 }; idx < idxEnd; idx += simd::size ) {
         const auto loopMask = simd::loop_mask( idx, idxEnd );
         auto       keepMask = loopMask;
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       dSlope                      = slopeT - veloSeed.seed.tx;
       const auto CX               = veloSeed.calcCX( dSlope );
       const auto DX               = veloSeed.calcDX( dSlope );
-      trackCandidate.getXParams() = {{xAtRef, slopeT, CX, DX}};
+      trackCandidate.getXParams() = { { xAtRef, slopeT, CX, DX } };
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       const auto AY               = veloSeed.yStraightAtRef + veloSeed.calcYCorr( dSlope );
       const auto BY               = veloSeed.seed.ty + veloSeed.calcTyCorr( dSlope );
       const auto CY               = veloSeed.calcCY( dSlope );
-      trackCandidate.getYParams() = {{AY, BY, CY}};
+      trackCandidate.getYParams() = { { AY, BY, CY } };
@@ -327,16 +327,16 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
     class HoughTransformation {
-      static constexpr int      minBinOffset{2};
-      static constexpr int      nBins{1150 + minBinOffset};
-      static constexpr int      reservedBinContent{16};
-      static constexpr float    rangeMax{3000.f * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-      static constexpr float    rangeMin{-3000.f * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-      static constexpr unsigned nDiffPlanesBits{8};
-      static constexpr unsigned diffPlanesFlags{0xFF}; // 1111 1111
-      static constexpr unsigned uvFlags{0x666};        // 0110 0110 0110
-      static constexpr unsigned xFlags{0x999};         // 1001 1001 1001
-      static_assert( sizeof( unsigned ) >= 4 );        // at the moment at least 32 bit datatype for plane encoding
+      static constexpr int      minBinOffset{ 2 };
+      static constexpr int      nBins{ 1150 + minBinOffset };
+      static constexpr int      reservedBinContent{ 16 };
+      static constexpr float    rangeMax{ 3000.f * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+      static constexpr float    rangeMin{ -3000.f * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+      static constexpr unsigned nDiffPlanesBits{ 8 };
+      static constexpr unsigned diffPlanesFlags{ 0xFF }; // 1111 1111
+      static constexpr unsigned uvFlags{ 0x666 };        // 0110 0110 0110
+      static constexpr unsigned xFlags{ 0x999 };         // 1001 1001 1001
+      static_assert( sizeof( unsigned ) >= 4 );          // at the moment at least 32 bit datatype for plane encoding
       static_assert( ( reservedBinContent % simd::size == 0 ) &&
                      "Currently only multiples of avx2 vector width supported" );
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       auto calculateBinNumber( simd::float_v xAtRef, int idx, int maxIdx ) const {
         const auto boundaryMask = xAtRef < rangeMax && xAtRef > rangeMin && simd::loop_mask( idx, maxIdx );
         // p[0] + p[1] * x / (1 + p[2] * abs(x)) for nBins = 1152
-        constexpr auto p                 = std::array{576.9713937732083f, 0.5780266207743059f, 0.0006728484590464921f};
+        constexpr auto p = std::array{ 576.9713937732083f, 0.5780266207743059f, 0.0006728484590464921f };
         const auto     floatingBinNumber = p[0] + p[1] * xAtRef / ( 1.f + p[2] * abs( xAtRef ) );
         // it can happen that two almost equal xAtRef lead to floating bin numbers right on a bin edge, where one
         // falls into the left, the other into the right bin due to numerical differences coming from the calculations
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       template <typename I>
       auto decodeNbDifferentPlanes( int bin ) const {
-        return I{m_planeCounter.data() + bin} & diffPlanesFlags;
+        return I{ m_planeCounter.data() + bin } & diffPlanesFlags;
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       template <typename I>
       auto planeBits( int bin ) const {
-        return I{m_planeCounter.data() + bin} >> nDiffPlanesBits;
+        return I{ m_planeCounter.data() + bin } >> nDiffPlanesBits;
@@ -413,10 +413,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
        * @return span for the coordinates in this bin
       auto getBinContentCoord( int iBin ) {
-        return LHCb::span{m_binContentCoord}.subspan( iBin * reservedBinContent, m_binContentSize[iBin] );
+        return LHCb::span{ m_binContentCoord }.subspan( iBin * reservedBinContent, m_binContentSize[iBin] );
       auto getBinContentCoord( int iBin ) const {
-        return LHCb::span{m_binContentCoord}.subspan( iBin * reservedBinContent, m_binContentSize[iBin] );
+        return LHCb::span{ m_binContentCoord }.subspan( iBin * reservedBinContent, m_binContentSize[iBin] );
@@ -425,10 +425,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
        * @return span for the PrSciFiHits indices in this bin
       auto getBinContentFulldex( int iBin ) {
-        return LHCb::span{m_binContentFulldex}.subspan( iBin * reservedBinContent, m_binContentSize[iBin] );
+        return LHCb::span{ m_binContentFulldex }.subspan( iBin * reservedBinContent, m_binContentSize[iBin] );
       auto getBinContentFulldex( int iBin ) const {
-        return LHCb::span{m_binContentFulldex}.subspan( iBin * reservedBinContent, m_binContentSize[iBin] );
+        return LHCb::span{ m_binContentFulldex }.subspan( iBin * reservedBinContent, m_binContentSize[iBin] );
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
         if ( const auto binSize = m_binContentSize[bin]; binSize ) {
           std::iota( m_binPermutations.begin(), m_binPermutations.end(), 0 );
           const auto coordContent = getBinContentCoord( bin );
-          for ( auto iCoord{1}; iCoord < binSize; ++iCoord ) {
+          for ( auto iCoord{ 1 }; iCoord < binSize; ++iCoord ) {
             const auto insertVal = coordContent[iCoord];
             auto       insertPos = iCoord;
             for ( auto movePos = iCoord; movePos && insertVal < coordContent[m_binPermutations[--movePos]];
@@ -454,9 +454,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
           const auto fulldexContent = getBinContentFulldex( bin );
           const auto max_size       = allXHits.size() + binSize;
-          auto       i{0};
+          auto       i{ 0 };
           do {
-            const auto permut_v  = simd::int_v{m_binPermutations.data() + i};
+            const auto permut_v  = simd::int_v{ m_binPermutations.data() + i };
             const auto fulldex_v = gather( fulldexContent.data(), permut_v );
             const auto coord_v   = gather( coordContent.data(), permut_v );
             auto       hit       = allXHits.template emplace_back<>( max_size );
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
           os << "Bin " << bin << " x coords: [ ";
           const auto coords    = h.getBinContentCoord( bin );
           const auto fulldexes = h.getBinContentFulldex( bin );
-          for ( auto i{0}; i < h.m_binContentSize[bin]; ++i ) {
+          for ( auto i{ 0 }; i < h.m_binContentSize[bin]; ++i ) {
             os << "(" << fulldexes[i] << ", " << coords[i] << ")";
             os << ( i != h.m_binContentSize[bin] - 1 ? " | " : "" );
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
        * @property sstorage that contains temporary permutations from insertion sort
       alignas( 64 ) std::array<int, reservedBinContent> m_binPermutations;
-      int m_candSize{0};
+      int m_candSize{ 0 };
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
     [[gnu::always_inline]] inline void separateSingleHitsForFit( Container& otherPlanes, XCandidate& protoCand,
                                                                  const VeloSeedExtended& veloSeed ) {
-      for ( unsigned int iPlane{0}; iPlane < Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal; ++iPlane ) {
+      for ( unsigned int iPlane{ 0 }; iPlane < Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal; ++iPlane ) {
         if ( protoCand.planeSize( iPlane ) == 1 ) {
           const auto idx = protoCand.getIdx( iPlane * protoCand.planeMulti );
           protoCand.addHitForLineFit( idx, veloSeed );
@@ -549,8 +549,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
         const auto idxSpan = protoCand.getIdxSpan( iPlane );
         assert( idxSpan.size() > 0 );
         const auto bestIdx = [&] {
-          auto best{0};
-          auto bestChi2{std::numeric_limits<float>::max()};
+          auto best{ 0 };
+          auto bestChi2{ std::numeric_limits<float>::max() };
           for ( auto idx : idxSpan ) {
             const auto chi2 = protoCand.lineChi2( idx, veloSeed );
             if ( chi2 < bestChi2 ) {
@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
      * @brief store all hits present in candidate for fitting
     void prepareAllHitsForFit( const ModSciFiHits::ModPrSciFiHitsSOA& allXHits, XCandidate& protoCand ) {
-      for ( unsigned int iPlane{0}; iPlane < Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal; ++iPlane ) {
+      for ( unsigned int iPlane{ 0 }; iPlane < Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal; ++iPlane ) {
         const auto idxSpan = protoCand.getIdxSpan( iPlane );
         std::transform( idxSpan.begin(), idxSpan.end(), std::back_inserter( protoCand.getCoordsToFit() ),
                         [&]( auto idx ) {
@@ -594,9 +594,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
                                const VeloSeedExtended& veloSeed ) {
       auto& coordsToFit = protoCand.getCoordsToFit();
-      bool  fit{true};
+      bool  fit{ true };
       while ( fit ) {
-        float s0{0.f}, sz{0.f}, sz2{0.f}, sd{0.f}, sdz{0.f};
+        float s0{ 0.f }, sz{ 0.f }, sz2{ 0.f }, sd{ 0.f }, sdz{ 0.f };
         for ( auto iHit : coordsToFit ) {
           auto dz = SciFiHits.z( iHit ) - zReference;
           dz += veloSeed.yStraightInZone[SciFiHits.planeCode( iHit )] * SciFiHits.dzDy( iHit );
@@ -612,11 +612,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
         if ( essentiallyZero( den ) ) return;
         const auto da = ( sdz * sz - sd * sz2 ) / den;
         const auto db = ( sd * sz - s0 * sdz ) / den;
-        protoCand.addXParams<2>( std::array{da, db} );
+        protoCand.addXParams<2>( std::array{ da, db } );
         const auto itEnd = coordsToFit.end();
         auto       worst = itEnd;
-        auto       maxChi2{0.f};
+        auto       maxChi2{ 0.f };
         const bool notMultiple = protoCand.nDifferentPlanes() == coordsToFit.size();
         for ( auto itH = coordsToFit.begin(); itH != itEnd; ++itH ) {
           auto dz = SciFiHits.z( *itH ) - zReference;
@@ -657,12 +657,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       if ( protoCand.nDifferentPlanes() == Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal ) return false;
-      bool       added{false};
+      bool       added{ false };
       const auto xAtRef  = protoCand.getXParams()[0];
       const auto xWindow = pars.maxXWindow +
                            ( std::abs( xAtRef ) + std::abs( xAtRef - veloSeed.xStraightAtRef ) ) * pars.maxXWindowSlope;
-      for ( unsigned int iPlane{0}; iPlane < Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal; ++iPlane ) {
+      for ( unsigned int iPlane{ 0 }; iPlane < Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal; ++iPlane ) {
         if ( protoCand.planeSize( iPlane ) ) continue;
         const auto pc             = Detector::FT::xLayers[iPlane];
         const auto [xStart, xEnd] = SciFiHits.getZoneIndices( 2 * pc + veloSeed.upperHalfTrack );
@@ -670,9 +670,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
         const auto xPred = protoCand.x( veloSeed.betterZ[pc] - zReference );
         const auto startwin = SciFiHits.get_lower_bound_fast<4>( xStart, xEnd, xPred - xWindow );
-        auto       endwin{startwin};
-        auto       bestChi2{maxChi2XAdd};
-        auto       best{0};
+        auto       endwin{ startwin };
+        auto       bestChi2{ maxChi2XAdd };
+        auto       best{ 0 };
         for ( const auto maxX = xPred + xWindow; SciFiHits.x( endwin ) <= maxX; ++endwin ) {
           const auto d = SciFiHits.x( endwin ) - xPred;
           if ( const auto chi2 = d * d * SciFiHits.w( endwin ); chi2 < bestChi2 ) {
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       if ( track.size() == Detector::FT::nLayersTotal ) return false;
       auto&                                    coordsToFit = track.getCoordsToFit();
       std::bitset<Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal> hasXLayer{};
-      unsigned int                             nX{0};
+      unsigned int                             nX{ 0 };
       for ( auto iHit : coordsToFit ) {
         if ( const auto pc = SciFiHits.planeCode( iHit ); Detector::FT::isXLayer[pc] ) {
           hasXLayer.set( pc / 2u );
@@ -714,12 +714,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       if ( nX == Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal ) return false;
-      bool       added{false};
+      bool       added{ false };
       const auto xAtRef  = track.getXParams()[0];
       const auto xWindow = pars.maxXWindow +
                            ( std::abs( xAtRef ) + std::abs( xAtRef - veloSeed.xStraightAtRef ) ) * pars.maxXWindowSlope;
-      for ( unsigned int iPlane{0}; iPlane < Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal; ++iPlane ) {
+      for ( unsigned int iPlane{ 0 }; iPlane < Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal; ++iPlane ) {
         if ( hasXLayer.test( iPlane ) ) continue;
         const auto pc             = Detector::FT::xLayers[iPlane];
         const auto [xStart, xEnd] = SciFiHits.getZoneIndices( 2 * pc + veloSeed.upperHalfTrack );
@@ -727,9 +727,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
         const auto xPred = track.x( veloSeed.betterZ[pc] - zReference );
         const auto startwin = SciFiHits.get_lower_bound_fast<4>( xStart, xEnd, xPred - xWindow );
-        auto       endwin{startwin};
-        auto       bestChi2{maxChi2XAdd};
-        auto       best{0};
+        auto       endwin{ startwin };
+        auto       bestChi2{ maxChi2XAdd };
+        auto       best{ 0 };
         for ( const auto maxX = xPred + xWindow; SciFiHits.x( endwin ) <= maxX; ++endwin ) {
           const auto d = SciFiHits.x( endwin ) - xPred;
           if ( const auto chi2 = d * d * SciFiHits.w( endwin ); chi2 < bestChi2 ) {
@@ -756,12 +756,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
     auto fitXProjection( XCandidate& track, const PrParametersX& pars, const FT::Hits& SciFiHits ) {
       auto&      coordsToFit = track.getCoordsToFit();
       const auto minHits     = pars.minXHits;
-      bool       fit{true};
+      bool       fit{ true };
       while ( fit ) {
         // plus one because we are fitting all params but one
         const auto nDoF = coordsToFit.size() - track.getXParams().size() + 1;
         if ( nDoF < 1 ) return false;
-        auto s0{0.f}, sz{0.f}, sz2{0.f}, sz3{0.f}, sz4{0.f}, sd{0.f}, sdz{0.f}, sdz2{0.f};
+        auto s0{ 0.f }, sz{ 0.f }, sz2{ 0.f }, sz3{ 0.f }, sz4{ 0.f }, sd{ 0.f }, sdz{ 0.f }, sdz2{ 0.f };
         for ( auto iHit : coordsToFit ) {
           const auto dzNoScale = track.calcBetterDz( iHit );
           const auto d         = track.distanceXHit( iHit, dzNoScale );
@@ -789,10 +789,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
         const auto db = ( d1 * c2 - d2 * c1 ) / den;
         const auto dc = ( d2 * b1 - d1 * b2 ) / den;
         const auto da = ( sd - db * sz - dc * sz2 ) / s0;
-        track.addXParams<3>( std::array{da, db * 1.e-3f, dc * 1.e-6f} );
+        track.addXParams<3>( std::array{ da, db * 1.e-3f, dc * 1.e-6f } );
-        auto maxChi2{0.f};
-        auto totChi2{0.f};
+        auto maxChi2{ 0.f };
+        auto totChi2{ 0.f };
         const auto itEnd = coordsToFit.end();
         auto       worst = itEnd;
@@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
             worst   = itH;
-        track.setChi2NDoF( {totChi2, static_cast<float>( nDoF )} );
+        track.setChi2NDoF( { totChi2, static_cast<float>( nDoF ) } );
         if ( worst == itEnd ) return true;
@@ -834,12 +834,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       auto&      coordsToFit = track.getCoordsToFit();
       const auto minHits     = pars.minXHits + pars.minStereoHits;
-      bool fit{true};
+      bool fit{ true };
       while ( fit ) {
         // plus one because we are fitting all params but one
         const auto nDoF = coordsToFit.size() - track.getXParams().size() + 1;
         if ( nDoF < 1 ) return false;
-        auto s0{0.f}, sz{0.f}, sz2{0.f}, sz3{0.f}, sz4{0.f}, sd{0.f}, sdz{0.f}, sdz2{0.f};
+        auto s0{ 0.f }, sz{ 0.f }, sz2{ 0.f }, sz3{ 0.f }, sz4{ 0.f }, sd{ 0.f }, sdz{ 0.f }, sdz2{ 0.f };
         for ( auto iHit : coordsToFit ) {
           const auto dzNoScale = track.getBetterDz( iHit, SciFiHits.z( iHit ) - zReference, SciFiHits );
           const auto d         = track.distance( iHit, dzNoScale, SciFiHits );
@@ -867,10 +867,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
         const auto db = ( d1 * c2 - d2 * c1 ) / den;
         const auto dc = ( d2 * b1 - d1 * b2 ) / den;
         const auto da = ( sd - db * sz - dc * sz2 ) / s0;
-        track.addXParams<3>( std::array{da, db * 1.e-3f, dc * 1.e-6f} );
+        track.addXParams<3>( std::array{ da, db * 1.e-3f, dc * 1.e-6f } );
-        auto maxChi2{0.f};
-        auto totChi2{0.f};
+        auto maxChi2{ 0.f };
+        auto totChi2{ 0.f };
         const auto itEnd = coordsToFit.end();
         auto       worst = itEnd;
@@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
             worst   = itH;
-        track.setChi2NDoF( {totChi2, static_cast<float>( nDoF )} );
+        track.setChi2NDoF( { totChi2, static_cast<float>( nDoF ) } );
         if ( worst == itEnd ) return true;
@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
         const auto [yMinHit, yMaxHit] = SciFiHits.yEnd( index );
         return yMax < yMaxHit && yMin > yMinHit;
-      for ( auto iUV{iUVStart}; SciFiHits.x( iUV ) <= xMax; ++iUV ) {
+      for ( auto iUV{ iUVStart }; SciFiHits.x( iUV ) <= xMax; ++iUV ) {
         const auto signedDx = ( SciFiHits.x( iUV ) - xPredShifted ) * dxDySign;
         if ( triangleOK( iUV ) ) { hough.add( zoneNumberOS / 4u, signedDx, iUV ); }
@@ -946,14 +946,14 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       const auto minTol = -pars.tolY - pars.tolYSlope * ( HoughTransformation::rangeMax + pars.maxTolY );
       // the first parameter controls the threshold which bins in the hough search have to have at least
-      StereoSearch hough{Detector::FT::nUVLayersTotal / 2, minTol, pars.uvSearchBinWidth};
+      StereoSearch hough{ Detector::FT::nUVLayersTotal / 2, minTol, pars.uvSearchBinWidth };
       direct_debug( "Collect stereo hits with maximal", std::abs( minTol ), "mm deviation from x track." );
       const auto& uvZones = veloSeed.upperHalfTrack ? Detector::FT::uvZonesUpper : Detector::FT::uvZonesLower;
       for ( auto zoneNumber : uvZones ) {
-        const auto side = track.x( cache.z( zoneNumber / 2u ) - zReference ) > 0.f
-                              ? LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::Side::A
-                              : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::Side::C;
+        const auto side  = track.x( cache.z( zoneNumber / 2u ) - zReference ) > 0.f
+                               ? LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::Side::A
+                               : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::Side::C;
         const auto zZone = cache.z( zoneNumber, side );
         // TODO: can we improve here by using the ShiftCalculator?
         const auto yInZone      = track.y( zZone - zReference );
@@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
         // versa but it makes a difference for the sorting!
         const auto dxDySign = std::copysign( 1.f, dxDy );
         const auto iUVStart = SciFiHits.get_lower_bound_fast<4>( uvStart, uvEnd, xMin );
-        for ( auto iUV{iUVStart}; SciFiHits.x( iUV ) <= xMax; ++iUV ) {
+        for ( auto iUV{ iUVStart }; SciFiHits.x( iUV ) <= xMax; ++iUV ) {
           const auto dz          = SciFiHits.z( iUV ) + yInZone * SciFiHits.dzDy( iUV ) - zReference;
           const auto predShifted = track.x( dz ) - yInZone * SciFiHits.dxDy( iUV );
           const auto signedDx    = ( SciFiHits.x( iUV ) - predShifted ) * dxDySign;
@@ -1003,9 +1003,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
     auto fitLinearYProjection( StereoCandidate& track, const PrParametersY& pars, const FT::Hits& SciFiHits ) {
       auto& coordsToFit = track.getCoordsToFit();
-      auto  fit{true};
+      auto  fit{ true };
       while ( fit ) {
-        auto s0{0.f}, sz{0.f}, sz2{0.f}, sd{0.f}, sdz{0.f};
+        auto s0{ 0.f }, sz{ 0.f }, sz2{ 0.f }, sd{ 0.f }, sdz{ 0.f };
         for ( auto iHit : coordsToFit ) {
           const auto dz = track.calcBetterDz( iHit, SciFiHits );
           const auto d  = track.distanceStereoHit( iHit, dz, SciFiHits );
@@ -1020,11 +1020,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
         if ( essentiallyZero( den ) ) return false;
         const auto da = ( sd * sz2 - sdz * sz ) / den;
         const auto db = ( sdz * s0 - sd * sz ) / den;
-        track.addYParams<2>( std::array{da, db} );
+        track.addYParams<2>( std::array{ da, db } );
         const auto itEnd = coordsToFit.end();
         auto       worst = itEnd;
-        auto       maxChi2{0.f};
+        auto       maxChi2{ 0.f };
         for ( auto itH = coordsToFit.begin(); itH != itEnd; ++itH ) {
           const auto chi2 = track.chi2StereoHits( *itH, SciFiHits );
           if ( chi2 > maxChi2 ) {
@@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       const auto dzMagRef    = .001f * ( zMagMatch - zReference );
       auto&      coordsToFit = track.getCoordsToFit();
-      bool fit{true};
+      bool fit{ true };
       while ( fit ) {
         assert( pars.minStereoHits >= coordsToFit.size() - track.getYParams().size() );
         const auto dyMag = track.yStraight( zMagMatch ) - veloSeed.seed.y( zMagMatch );
@@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
         auto       sz2   = wMag * dzMagRef * dzMagRef;
         auto       sd    = wMag * dyMag;
         auto       sdz   = wMag * dyMag * dzMagRef;
-        auto       sz2m{0.f}, sz3{0.f}, sz4{0.f}, sdz2{0.f};
+        auto       sz2m{ 0.f }, sz3{ 0.f }, sz4{ 0.f }, sdz2{ 0.f };
         for ( auto iHit : coordsToFit ) {
           const auto dzNoScale = track.calcBetterDz( iHit, SciFiHits );
@@ -1105,11 +1105,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
         const auto db = ( d1 * c2 - d2 * c1 ) / den;
         const auto dc = ( d2 * b1 - d1 * b2 ) / den;
         const auto da = ( sd - db * sz - dc * sz2 ) / s0;
-        track.addYParams<3>( std::array{da, db * 1.e-3f, dc * 1.e-6f} );
+        track.addYParams<3>( std::array{ da, db * 1.e-3f, dc * 1.e-6f } );
         const auto itEnd = coordsToFit.end();
         auto       worst = itEnd;
-        auto       maxChi2{0.f};
+        auto       maxChi2{ 0.f };
         for ( auto itH = coordsToFit.begin(); itH != itEnd; ++itH ) {
           const auto chi2 = track.chi2StereoHits( *itH, SciFiHits );
           if ( chi2 > maxChi2 ) {
@@ -1145,9 +1145,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
         const auto [yMinHit, yMaxHit] = SciFiHits.yEnd( index );
         return yMax < yMaxHit && yMin > yMinHit;
-      auto bestChi2{pars.maxChi2Stereo};
-      auto best{0};
-      for ( auto iUV{iUVStart}; SciFiHits.x( iUV ) <= xMax; ++iUV ) {
+      auto bestChi2{ pars.maxChi2Stereo };
+      auto best{ 0 };
+      for ( auto iUV{ iUVStart }; SciFiHits.x( iUV ) <= xMax; ++iUV ) {
         const auto d = SciFiHits.x( iUV ) - xPredShifted;
         if ( const auto chi2 = d * d * SciFiHits.w( iUV ); chi2 < bestChi2 && triangleOK( iUV ) ) {
           bestChi2 = chi2;
@@ -1177,13 +1177,13 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
                                 const ZoneCache& cache, const PrParametersY& pars ) {
       if ( track.nDifferentPlanes() == Detector::FT::nUVLayersTotal ) return false;
-      bool added{false};
-      for ( unsigned int iPlane{0}; iPlane < Detector::FT::nUVLayersTotal; ++iPlane ) {
+      bool added{ false };
+      for ( unsigned int iPlane{ 0 }; iPlane < Detector::FT::nUVLayersTotal; ++iPlane ) {
         if ( track.isPlaneUsed( iPlane ) ) continue;
-        const auto pc         = Detector::FT::stereoLayers[iPlane];
-        const auto zoneNumber = 2 * pc + veloSeed.upperHalfTrack;
-        const auto side       = track.x( cache.z( pc ) - zReference ) > 0.f ? LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::Side::A
-                                                                      : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::Side::C;
+        const auto pc           = Detector::FT::stereoLayers[iPlane];
+        const auto zoneNumber   = 2 * pc + veloSeed.upperHalfTrack;
+        const auto side         = track.x( cache.z( pc ) - zReference ) > 0.f ? LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::Side::A
+                                                                              : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::Side::C;
         const auto zZone        = cache.z( zoneNumber, side );
         const auto betterZ      = zZone + track.y( zZone - zReference ) * cache.dzdy( zoneNumber, side );
         const auto yInZone      = track.y( betterZ - zReference );
@@ -1196,9 +1196,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
         const auto xMin             = xPredShifted - dxTol;
         const auto xMax             = xPredShifted + dxTol;
         const auto iUVStart         = SciFiHits.get_lower_bound_fast<4>( uvStart, uvEnd, xMin );
-        auto       bestChi2{pars.maxChi2StereoAdd};
-        auto       best{0};
-        for ( auto iUV{iUVStart}; SciFiHits.x( iUV ) <= xMax; ++iUV ) {
+        auto       bestChi2{ pars.maxChi2StereoAdd };
+        auto       best{ 0 };
+        for ( auto iUV{ iUVStart }; SciFiHits.x( iUV ) <= xMax; ++iUV ) {
           const auto dz          = SciFiHits.z( iUV ) + yInZone * SciFiHits.dzDy( iUV ) - zReference;
           const auto predShifted = track.x( dz ) - yInZone * SciFiHits.dxDy( iUV );
           const auto d           = SciFiHits.x( iUV ) - predShifted;
@@ -1237,7 +1237,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       static_vector<int, Detector::FT::nUVLayersTotal> bestStereoHits{};
       TrackPars<3>                                     bestYParams{};
-      auto                                             bestMeanDy2{std::numeric_limits<float>::max()};
+      auto                                             bestMeanDy2{ std::numeric_limits<float>::max() };
       StereoCandidate                                  stereoCand{};
       StereoSearch::result_type                        combinations;
       stereoCand.getXParams() = track.getXParams();
@@ -1356,7 +1356,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
         // used
         const auto encodedPlaneNumber = 1u << ( iLayer + nDiffPlanesBits );
-        for ( auto i{minIdx}; i < maxIdx; i += simd::size ) {
+        for ( auto i{ minIdx }; i < maxIdx; i += simd::size ) {
           const auto hits        = SciFiHits.x<simd::float_v>( i );
           const auto dSlope      = ( hits - xStraightInZone ) * dSlopeDivPart;
           const auto zMagPrecise = veloSeed.calcZMag( dSlope );
@@ -1377,7 +1377,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
           const auto planeCntBase  = SIMDWrapper::to_array( newEncodedPlaneCnt );
           const auto projHitBase   = SIMDWrapper::to_array( projHit );
           // the bins are static, always check that they do not overflow
-          for ( size_t idx{0}; idx < simd::size; ++idx ) {
+          for ( size_t idx{ 0 }; idx < simd::size; ++idx ) {
             if ( const auto iBin = binNumberBase[idx]; m_binContentSize[iBin] < reservedBinContent ) {
               m_planeCounter[iBin]         = planeCntBase[idx];
               const auto iBinIdx           = reservedBinContent * iBin + m_binContentSize[iBin]++;
@@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
         const auto dz2                = dz * dz;
         const auto x0                 = xStraightInZone - tx * zZone;
         const auto encodedPlaneNumber = 1u << ( iLayer + nDiffPlanesBits );
-        for ( auto i{minIdx}; i < maxIdx; i += simd::size ) {
+        for ( auto i{ minIdx }; i < maxIdx; i += simd::size ) {
           // first shift hits by total shift determined by straight line y extrapolation
           auto       hits        = SciFiHits.x<simd::float_v>( i ) + xShiftAtY;
           const auto dSlope      = ( hits - xStraightInZone ) * dSlopeDivPart;
@@ -1494,9 +1494,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
     void HoughTransformation::sortAndCopyBinContents( int neighbourCheck, ModSciFiHits::ModPrSciFiHitsSOA& allXHits ) {
-      auto lastBinCopied{0};
-      auto last2ndBinCopied{0};
-      for ( auto iCand{0}; iCand < m_candSize; ++iCand ) {
+      auto lastBinCopied{ 0 };
+      auto last2ndBinCopied{ 0 };
+      for ( auto iCand{ 0 }; iCand < m_candSize; ++iCand ) {
         const auto iBin = m_candidateBins[iCand];
         assert( iBin );
         const int nDiff = decodeNbDifferentPlanes<scalar::int_v>( iBin ).cast();
@@ -1553,7 +1553,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       // threshold values imply "equal or less" which is not implemented in SIMDWrapper thus simply decrement
       // it's better to first quickly collect all bins that have at least a minimum amount of planes
-      for ( auto iBin{minBinOffset}; iBin < nBins; iBin += simd::size ) {
+      for ( auto iBin{ minBinOffset }; iBin < nBins; iBin += simd::size ) {
         const auto aboveThreshold = decodeNbDifferentPlanes<simd::int_v>( iBin ) > minPlanes;
         compressstoreCandidates( aboveThreshold, simd::indices( iBin ) );
@@ -1562,9 +1562,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       m_candSize              = 0;
       // then check if there's really a local excess of planes
       // this vectorised version is marginally faster than a simple remove if
-      for ( auto i{0}; i < originalSize; i += simd::size ) {
+      for ( auto i{ 0 }; i < originalSize; i += simd::size ) {
         const auto loopmask = simd::loop_mask( i, originalSize );
-        const auto iBin     = select( loopmask, simd::int_v{m_candidateBins.data() + i}, minBinOffset );
+        const auto iBin     = select( loopmask, simd::int_v{ m_candidateBins.data() + i }, minBinOffset );
         assert( none( iBin < minBinOffset ) );
         const auto pc      = gather( m_planeCounter.data(), iBin ) >> nDiffPlanesBits;
         const auto pcLeft  = gather( m_planeCounter.data(), iBin - 1 ) >> nDiffPlanesBits;
@@ -1589,7 +1589,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
        * between speed and efficiencies. Always keeping both sacrifices ~5% throughput for O(0.1%) efficiency.
       auto candSpan = LHCb::make_span( m_candidateBins.begin(), m_candSize );
-      auto removeNext{false};
+      auto removeNext{ false };
       m_candSize =
           std::distance( candSpan.begin(), std::remove_if( candSpan.begin(), candSpan.end(), [&]( const auto& iBin ) {
                            if ( removeNext ) {
@@ -1639,14 +1639,14 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
     PrForwardTracking( std::string const& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : base_class_t( name, pSvcLocator,
-                        {typename base_class_t::KeyValue{"SciFiHits", ""},
-                         typename base_class_t::KeyValue{"InputTracks", ""},
-                         typename base_class_t::KeyValue{"FTZoneCache", std::string{ZoneCache::Location} + name},
-                         typename base_class_t::KeyValue{"AddUTHitsToolName", "PrAddUTHitsTool"},
-                         typename base_class_t::KeyValue{"Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path}},
-                        typename base_class_t::KeyValue{"OutputTracks", ""} )
-        , m_NN{NNVars}
-        , m_NNVeloUT{NNVarsVeloUT} {}
+                        { typename base_class_t::KeyValue{ "SciFiHits", "" },
+                          typename base_class_t::KeyValue{ "InputTracks", "" },
+                          typename base_class_t::KeyValue{ "FTZoneCache", std::string{ ZoneCache::Location } + name },
+                          typename base_class_t::KeyValue{ "AddUTHitsToolName", "PrAddUTHitsTool" },
+                          typename base_class_t::KeyValue{ "Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path } },
+                        typename base_class_t::KeyValue{ "OutputTracks", "" } )
+        , m_NN{ NNVars }
+        , m_NNVeloUT{ NNVarsVeloUT } {}
      * Initialisation, set some member variables and cache
@@ -1654,7 +1654,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
     StatusCode initialize() override {
       auto sc = base_class_t::initialize();
       if ( sc.isFailure() ) return sc;
-      this->template addConditionDerivation<ZoneCache( const DeFT& )>( {DeFTDetectorLocation::Default},
+      this->template addConditionDerivation<ZoneCache( const DeFT& )>( { DeFTDetectorLocation::Default },
                                                                        this->template inputLocation<ZoneCache>() );
       if ( m_timerTool.isEnabled() ) m_timerIndex = m_timerTool->addTimer( this->name() );
       return sc;
@@ -1684,9 +1684,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
     auto makeLHCbLongTracks( PrForwardTracks&&, Container&&, const TrackType&, const IPrAddUTHitsTool& ) const;
     auto make_TracksFT_from_ancestors( const TrackType& input_tracks ) const {
-      const TracksVP*                  velo_ancestors{nullptr};
-      const TracksUT*                  upstream_ancestors{nullptr};
-      const LHCb::Pr::Seeding::Tracks* seed_ancestors{nullptr};
+      const TracksVP*                  velo_ancestors{ nullptr };
+      const TracksUT*                  upstream_ancestors{ nullptr };
+      const LHCb::Pr::Seeding::Tracks* seed_ancestors{ nullptr };
       const auto                       history = Event::Enum::Track::History::PrForward;
       if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<TrackType, TracksUT> ) {
         velo_ancestors     = input_tracks.getVeloAncestors();
@@ -1694,115 +1694,115 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       } else {
         velo_ancestors = &input_tracks;
-      return TracksFT{velo_ancestors,
-                      upstream_ancestors,
-                      seed_ancestors,
-                      history,
-                      Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(),
-                      {input_tracks.get_allocator().resource()}};
+      return TracksFT{ velo_ancestors,
+                       upstream_ancestors,
+                       seed_ancestors,
+                       history,
+                       Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(),
+                       { input_tracks.get_allocator().resource() } };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_inputTracksCnt{this, "Input tracks"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_acceptedInputTracksCnt{this, "Accepted input tracks"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_outputTracksCnt{this, "Created long tracks"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_duplicateCnt{this, "Removed duplicates"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_secondLoopCnt{this, "Percentage second loop execution"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>   m_xCandidates1Cnt{this, "Number of x candidates per track 1st Loop"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>   m_xCandidates2Cnt{this, "Number of x candidates per track 2nd Loop"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>    m_candidateBinsCnt{this, "Number of candidate bins per track"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_candidates1Cnt{this, "Number of complete candidates/track 1st Loop"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_candidates2Cnt{this, "Number of complete candidates/track 2nd Loop"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>     m_noSciFiHits{this, "Empty SciFi hits"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>     m_noInputTracks{this, "Empty input tracks"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>     m_noHitsAndTracks{this, "Empty input tracks AND SciFi hits"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_inputTracksCnt{ this, "Input tracks" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_acceptedInputTracksCnt{ this, "Accepted input tracks" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_outputTracksCnt{ this, "Created long tracks" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_duplicateCnt{ this, "Removed duplicates" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_secondLoopCnt{ this, "Percentage second loop execution" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<> m_xCandidates1Cnt{ this, "Number of x candidates per track 1st Loop" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<> m_xCandidates2Cnt{ this, "Number of x candidates per track 2nd Loop" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>  m_candidateBinsCnt{ this, "Number of candidate bins per track" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_candidates1Cnt{ this, "Number of complete candidates/track 1st Loop" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_candidates2Cnt{ this, "Number of complete candidates/track 2nd Loop" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>     m_noSciFiHits{ this, "Empty SciFi hits" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>     m_noInputTracks{ this, "Empty input tracks" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>     m_noHitsAndTracks{ this, "Empty input tracks AND SciFi hits" };
     // avoid sign comparison warning
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned> m_minTotalHits{this, "MinTotalHits", 10};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>     m_secondLoop{this, "SecondLoop", true};
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned> m_minTotalHits{ this, "MinTotalHits", 10 };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>     m_secondLoop{ this, "SecondLoop", true };
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minPT{this, "MinPT", 50.f * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minP{this, "MinP", 1500.f * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_minPlanesCompl{this, "MinPlanesCompl", 10};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_minPlanes{this, "MinPlanes", 4};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_minPlanesComplX{this, "MinPlanesComplX", 4};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_minPlanesComplUV{this, "MinPlanesComplUV", 4};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_maxLinearYEndT{this, "MaxLinearYEndT", 2600 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minPT{ this, "MinPT", 50.f * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minP{ this, "MinP", 1500.f * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_minPlanesCompl{ this, "MinPlanesCompl", 10 };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_minPlanes{ this, "MinPlanes", 4 };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_minPlanesComplX{ this, "MinPlanesComplX", 4 };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_minPlanesComplUV{ this, "MinPlanesComplUV", 4 };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_maxLinearYEndT{ this, "MaxLinearYEndT", 2600 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
     // first loop Hough Cluster search
     // unsigned to avoid warnings
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned> m_minXHits{this, "MinXHits", 5};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxXWindow{this, "MaxXWindow", 1.2f * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxXWindowSlope{this, "MaxXWindowSlope", 0.002f / Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxXGap{this, "MaxXGap", 1.2f * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>      m_minSingleHits{this, "MinSingleHits", 2};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxXSubrangeWidth{this, "MaxXSubrangeWidth", 1.f * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned> m_minXHits{ this, "MinXHits", 5 };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxXWindow{ this, "MaxXWindow", 1.2f * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxXWindowSlope{ this, "MaxXWindowSlope", 0.002f / Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxXGap{ this, "MaxXGap", 1.2f * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>      m_minSingleHits{ this, "MinSingleHits", 2 };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxXSubrangeWidth{ this, "MaxXSubrangeWidth", 1.f * Gaudi::Units::mm };
     // second loop Hough Cluster search
     // unsigned to avoid warnings
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned> m_minXHits2nd{this, "MinXHits2nd", 4};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxXWindow2nd{this, "MaxXWindow2nd", 1.5f * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxXWindowSlope2nd{this, "MaxXWindowSlope2nd", 0.002f / Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxXGap2nd{this, "MaxXGap2nd", 0.5f * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2LinearFit{this, "MaxChi2LinearFit", 100.f};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2XProjection{this, "MaxChi2XProjection", 15.f};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2PerDoF{this, "MaxChi2PerDoF", 7.f};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2PerDoFFinal{this, "MaxChi2PerDoFFinal", 4.f};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2XAddLinear{this, "MaxChi2XAddLinear", 2000.f};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2XAddFull{this, "MaxChi2XAddFull", 500.f};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_tolYUVSearch{this, "TolYUVSearch", 11.f * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_tolY{this, "TolY", 5.f * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_tolYSlope{this, "TolYSlope", 0.002f / Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxTolY{this, "MaxTolY", 2000.f * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_uvSearchBinWidth{this, "UVSearchBinWidth", 2.f * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_tolYMag{this, "TolYMag", 10.f * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_tolYMagSlope{this, "TolYMagSlope", 0.015f / Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2StereoLinear{this, "MaxChi2StereoLinear", 60.f};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2Stereo{this, "MaxChi2Stereo", 4.5f};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2StereoAdd{this, "MaxChi2StereoAdd", 4.5f};
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned> m_minXHits2nd{ this, "MinXHits2nd", 4 };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxXWindow2nd{ this, "MaxXWindow2nd", 1.5f * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxXWindowSlope2nd{ this, "MaxXWindowSlope2nd", 0.002f / Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxXGap2nd{ this, "MaxXGap2nd", 0.5f * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2LinearFit{ this, "MaxChi2LinearFit", 100.f };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2XProjection{ this, "MaxChi2XProjection", 15.f };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2PerDoF{ this, "MaxChi2PerDoF", 7.f };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2PerDoFFinal{ this, "MaxChi2PerDoFFinal", 4.f };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2XAddLinear{ this, "MaxChi2XAddLinear", 2000.f };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2XAddFull{ this, "MaxChi2XAddFull", 500.f };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_tolYUVSearch{ this, "TolYUVSearch", 11.f * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_tolY{ this, "TolY", 5.f * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_tolYSlope{ this, "TolYSlope", 0.002f / Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxTolY{ this, "MaxTolY", 2000.f * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_uvSearchBinWidth{ this, "UVSearchBinWidth", 2.f * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_tolYMag{ this, "TolYMag", 10.f * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_tolYMagSlope{ this, "TolYMagSlope", 0.015f / Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2StereoLinear{ this, "MaxChi2StereoLinear", 60.f };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2Stereo{ this, "MaxChi2Stereo", 4.5f };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2StereoAdd{ this, "MaxChi2StereoAdd", 4.5f };
     // unsigned to avoid warnings
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned> m_minStereoHits{this, "MinStereoHits", 4};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>    m_tolYTriangleSearch{this, "TolYTriangleSearch",
-                                                Detector::FT::triangleHeight* Gaudi::Units::mm};
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned> m_minStereoHits{ this, "MinStereoHits", 4 };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>    m_tolYTriangleSearch{ this, "TolYTriangleSearch",
+                                                 Detector::FT::triangleHeight* Gaudi::Units::mm };
     // Momentum guided search window switch
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_useMomentumSearchWindow{this, "UseMomentumSearchWindow", false};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_useWrongSignWindow{this, "UseWrongSignWindow", true};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_wrongSignPT{this, "WrongSignPT", 2000.f * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_useMomentumSearchWindow{ this, "UseMomentumSearchWindow", false };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_useWrongSignWindow{ this, "UseWrongSignWindow", true };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_wrongSignPT{ this, "WrongSignPT", 2000.f * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
     // calculate an upper error boundary on the tracks x-prediction,
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_upperLimitOffset{this, "UpperLimitOffset", 100.f};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_upperLimitSlope{this, "UpperLimitSlope", 2800.f};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_upperLimitMax{this, "UpperLimitMax", 600.f};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_upperLimitMin{this, "UpperLimitMin", 150.f};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_upperLimitOffset{ this, "UpperLimitOffset", 100.f };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_upperLimitSlope{ this, "UpperLimitSlope", 2800.f };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_upperLimitMax{ this, "UpperLimitMax", 600.f };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_upperLimitMin{ this, "UpperLimitMin", 150.f };
     // same as above for the lower limit
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_lowerLimitOffset{this, "LowerLimitOffset", 50.f};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_lowerLimitSlope{this, "LowerLimitSlope", 1400.f};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_lowerLimitMax{this, "LowerLimitMax", 600.f};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_lowerLimitOffset{ this, "LowerLimitOffset", 50.f };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_lowerLimitSlope{ this, "LowerLimitSlope", 1400.f };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_lowerLimitMax{ this, "LowerLimitMax", 600.f };
     // Track Quality (Neural Net)
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDistX{this, "MaxDistX", 140.f * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDistY{this, "MaxDistY", 500.f * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxY0Diff{this, "MaxY0Diff", 140.f * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxYSlopeDiff{this, "MaxYSlopeDiff", 0.055f};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minQuality{this, "MinQuality", 0.14f};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minQualityMomentum{this, "MinQualityMomentum", 0.1f};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_deltaQuality{this, "DeltaQuality", 0.24f};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDistX{ this, "MaxDistX", 140.f * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDistY{ this, "MaxDistY", 500.f * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxY0Diff{ this, "MaxY0Diff", 140.f * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxYSlopeDiff{ this, "MaxYSlopeDiff", 0.055f };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minQuality{ this, "MinQuality", 0.14f };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minQualityMomentum{ this, "MinQualityMomentum", 0.1f };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_deltaQuality{ this, "DeltaQuality", 0.24f };
     // duplicate removal
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minXInterspace{this, "MinXInterspace", 50.f * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minYInterspace{this, "MinYInterspace", 100.f * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxCommonFrac{this, "MaxCommonFrac", 0.5f};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minXInterspace{ this, "MinXInterspace", 50.f * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minYInterspace{ this, "MinYInterspace", 100.f * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxCommonFrac{ this, "MaxCommonFrac", 0.5f };
     ReadGhostNN       m_NN;
     ReadGhostNNVeloUT m_NNVeloUT;
-    ToolHandle<IPrDebugTrackingTool>              m_debugTool{this, "DebugTool", ""};
-    mutable PublicToolHandle<ISequencerTimerTool> m_timerTool{this, "TimerTool", "",
-                                                              "Do not use in combination with multi-threading."};
+    ToolHandle<IPrDebugTrackingTool>              m_debugTool{ this, "DebugTool", "" };
+    mutable PublicToolHandle<ISequencerTimerTool> m_timerTool{ this, "TimerTool", "",
+                                                               "Do not use in combination with multi-threading." };
     int                                           m_timerIndex{};
@@ -1830,7 +1830,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
     assert( [&] {
       auto allSentinels = true;
-      for ( unsigned int iZone{0}; iZone < Detector::FT::nZonesTotal; ++iZone ) {
+      for ( unsigned int iZone{ 0 }; iZone < Detector::FT::nZonesTotal; ++iZone ) {
         const auto zoneEnd = SciFiHits.getZoneIndices( iZone ).second;
         allSentinels &= ( SciFiHits.x( zoneEnd ) > 2 * HoughTransformation::rangeMax );
@@ -1871,21 +1871,21 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
     auto  houghTransformation_ptr = std::make_unique<HoughTransformation>();
     auto& houghTransformation     = *houghTransformation_ptr.get();
-    ModSciFiHits::ModPrSciFiHitsSOA allXHits{Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(),
-                                             {input_tracks.get_allocator().resource()}};
+    ModSciFiHits::ModPrSciFiHitsSOA allXHits{ Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(),
+                                              { input_tracks.get_allocator().resource() } };
     allXHits.init( SciFiHits.size(), HoughTransformation::nBins );
-    PrParametersX pars{m_minXHits,      m_maxXWindow,    m_maxXWindowSlope,    m_maxXGap,
-                       m_minStereoHits, m_maxChi2PerDoF, m_maxChi2XProjection, m_maxChi2LinearFit};
-    PrParametersX pars2ndLoop{m_minXHits2nd,   m_maxXWindow2nd, m_maxXWindowSlope2nd, m_maxXGap2nd,
-                              m_minStereoHits, m_maxChi2PerDoF, m_maxChi2XProjection, m_maxChi2LinearFit};
+    PrParametersX pars{ m_minXHits,      m_maxXWindow,    m_maxXWindowSlope,    m_maxXGap,
+                        m_minStereoHits, m_maxChi2PerDoF, m_maxChi2XProjection, m_maxChi2LinearFit };
+    PrParametersX pars2ndLoop{ m_minXHits2nd,   m_maxXWindow2nd, m_maxXWindowSlope2nd, m_maxXGap2nd,
+                               m_minStereoHits, m_maxChi2PerDoF, m_maxChi2XProjection, m_maxChi2LinearFit };
     const auto magScaleFactor = static_cast<float>( magnet.signedRelativeCurrent() );
     direct_debug( cache );
     direct_debug( "magScaleFactor =", magScaleFactor );
     // main loop over input tracks
     const auto inputTrks = input_tracks.scalar();
-    auto       acceptedInputTracks{0};
+    auto       acceptedInputTracks{ 0 };
     VeloSeed   previousSeed{};
     for ( const auto& tr : inputTrks ) {
       const auto iTrack = tr.offset();
@@ -1900,11 +1900,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
           const auto velo_track = velozipped[trackVP.cast()];
           const auto endv_pos   = velo_track.StatePos( Event::Enum::State::Location::EndVelo );
           const auto endv_dir   = velo_track.StateDir( Event::Enum::State::Location::EndVelo );
-          return std::tuple{endv_pos, endv_dir, tr.qOverP().cast()};
+          return std::tuple{ endv_pos, endv_dir, tr.qOverP().cast() };
         } else {
           const auto endv_pos = tr.StatePos( Event::Enum::State::Location::EndVelo );
           const auto endv_dir = tr.StateDir( Event::Enum::State::Location::EndVelo );
-          return std::tuple{endv_pos, endv_dir, nanMomentum};
+          return std::tuple{ endv_pos, endv_dir, nanMomentum };
@@ -1917,9 +1917,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
-      const VeloSeed seed{endv_pos.x().cast(), endv_pos.y().cast(), endv_pos.z().cast(),
-                          endv_dir.x().cast(), endv_dir.y().cast(), qOverP,
-                          magScaleFactor};
+      const VeloSeed seed{ endv_pos.x().cast(), endv_pos.y().cast(), endv_pos.z().cast(),
+                           endv_dir.x().cast(), endv_dir.y().cast(), qOverP,
+                           magScaleFactor };
       direct_debug( seed );
       // there can be clones coming from the Velo tracking
@@ -1932,15 +1932,15 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<TrackType, TracksUT> ) {
         if ( !std::isnan( qOverP ) ) {
           // we have VeloUT to make a preselection according to momentum
-          const auto p  = std::abs( 1.f / qOverP ) * float{Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-          const auto pt = p * seed.momProj * float{Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+          const auto p  = std::abs( 1.f / qOverP ) * float{ Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+          const auto pt = p * seed.momProj * float{ Gaudi::Units::MeV };
           if ( p < m_minP || pt < m_minPT ) continue;
-      const VeloSeedExtended veloSeed{iTrack, seed, cache};
+      const VeloSeedExtended veloSeed{ iTrack, seed, cache };
@@ -2044,13 +2044,13 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       direct_debug( "------------selectXCandidates------------" );
     direct_debug( "" );
     direct_debug( veloSeed );
-    XCandidate            protoCand{allXHits, SciFiHits};
+    XCandidate            protoCand{ allXHits, SciFiHits };
     static_vector<int, 6> otherPlanes{};
     const auto startIndexSize = allXHits.candidateStartIndex.size();
     assert( allXHits.candidateStartIndex.size() == allXHits.candidateEndIndex.size() );
     // unsigned to avoid warning
-    for ( unsigned iStart{0}; iStart < startIndexSize; ++iStart ) {
+    for ( unsigned iStart{ 0 }; iStart < startIndexSize; ++iStart ) {
       direct_debug( "++++ XCandidate", iStart, "++++" );
       auto idx1   = allXHits.candidateStartIndex[iStart];
       auto idxEnd = allXHits.candidateEndIndex[iStart];
@@ -2068,7 +2068,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
-        for ( auto idx{idx1}; idx < idx2; ++idx ) { protoCand.addHit( idx ); }
+        for ( auto idx{ idx1 }; idx < idx2; ++idx ) { protoCand.addHit( idx ); }
         // try to find more hits to the right
         idx2 = protoCand.improveRightSide( idx1, idx2, idxEnd, pars.maxXGap, xWindow );
@@ -2167,20 +2167,20 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
     const auto redChi2 = track.getChi2PerNDoF();
     if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<TrackType, TracksUT> && !STORE_DATA ) {
-      return std::array{vdt::fast_logf( std::abs( 1.f / qOverP - 1.f / veloSeed.seed.qOverP ) ),
-                        redChi2,
-                        xMatch,
-                        std::abs( yMatch ),
-                        dYParam0,
-                        dYParam1,
-                        std::abs( ty ),
-                        std::abs( qOverP ),
-                        std::abs( tx ),
-                        dXParam1};
+      return std::array{ vdt::fast_logf( std::abs( 1.f / qOverP - 1.f / veloSeed.seed.qOverP ) ),
+                         redChi2,
+                         xMatch,
+                         std::abs( yMatch ),
+                         dYParam0,
+                         dYParam1,
+                         std::abs( ty ),
+                         std::abs( qOverP ),
+                         std::abs( tx ),
+                         dXParam1 };
     } else if constexpr ( !STORE_DATA ) {
-      return std::array{redChi2,  xMatch,         std::abs( yMatch ), dYParam0,
-                        dYParam1, std::abs( ty ), std::abs( qOverP ), std::abs( tx ),
-                        dXParam1};
+      return std::array{ redChi2,  xMatch,         std::abs( yMatch ), dYParam0,
+                         dYParam1, std::abs( ty ), std::abs( qOverP ), std::abs( tx ),
+                         dXParam1 };
     } else {
       const auto dz     = static_cast<float>( StateParameters::ZEndT ) - zReference;
       const auto xEndT  = track.x( dz );
@@ -2191,35 +2191,35 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       std::vector<int> indices;
       indices.reserve( track.size() );
       std::copy( track.getCoordsToFit().begin(), track.getCoordsToFit().end(), std::back_inserter( indices ) );
-      std::array<IPrDebugTrackingTool::VariableDef, 27> vars_and_values = {{
-          {"label", m_debugTool->check( veloSeed.iTrack, 0, indices )},
-          {"x", veloSeed.seed.x0},
-          {"y", veloSeed.seed.y0},
-          {"tx", veloSeed.seed.tx},
-          {"ty", veloSeed.seed.ty},
-          {"qopUT", veloSeed.seed.qOverP},
-          {"redChi2", track.getChi2PerNDoF()},
-          {"zMagMatch", veloSeed.calcZMag( dSlope )},
-          {"zMag", veloSeed.zMag},
-          {"dSlope", dSlope},
-          {"xEndT", xEndT},
-          {"yEndT", yEndT},
-          {"txEndT", txEndT},
-          {"tyEndT", tyEndT},
-          {"qop", qOverP},
-          {"ySeedMatch", calcYMatchDistance( track, veloSeed ) + yEndT},
-          {"yParam0Final", yPars[0]},
-          {"yParam1Final", yPars[1]},
-          {"yParam2Final", yPars[2]},
-          {"xParam0Final", xPars[0]},
-          {"xParam1Final", xPars[1]},
-          {"xParam2Final", xPars[2]},
-          {"xParam3Final", xPars[3]},
-          {"yParam0Init", ayPredicted},
-          {"yParam1Init", byPredicted},
-          {"xParam1Init", bxPredicted},
-          {"nHits", static_cast<int>( track.size() )},
-      }};
+      std::array<IPrDebugTrackingTool::VariableDef, 27> vars_and_values = { {
+          { "label", m_debugTool->check( veloSeed.iTrack, 0, indices ) },
+          { "x", veloSeed.seed.x0 },
+          { "y", veloSeed.seed.y0 },
+          { "tx", veloSeed.seed.tx },
+          { "ty", veloSeed.seed.ty },
+          { "qopUT", veloSeed.seed.qOverP },
+          { "redChi2", track.getChi2PerNDoF() },
+          { "zMagMatch", veloSeed.calcZMag( dSlope ) },
+          { "zMag", veloSeed.zMag },
+          { "dSlope", dSlope },
+          { "xEndT", xEndT },
+          { "yEndT", yEndT },
+          { "txEndT", txEndT },
+          { "tyEndT", tyEndT },
+          { "qop", qOverP },
+          { "ySeedMatch", calcYMatchDistance( track, veloSeed ) + yEndT },
+          { "yParam0Final", yPars[0] },
+          { "yParam1Final", yPars[1] },
+          { "yParam2Final", yPars[2] },
+          { "xParam0Final", xPars[0] },
+          { "xParam1Final", xPars[1] },
+          { "xParam2Final", xPars[2] },
+          { "xParam3Final", xPars[3] },
+          { "yParam0Init", ayPredicted },
+          { "yParam1Init", byPredicted },
+          { "xParam1Init", bxPredicted },
+          { "nHits", static_cast<int>( track.size() ) },
+      } };
       m_debugTool->storeData( vars_and_values, "MVAInput" );
@@ -2251,11 +2251,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       direct_debug( "------------selectFullCandidates------------" );
     direct_debug( "" );
-    PrParametersY yPars{m_maxTolY,       m_uvSearchBinWidth,   m_tolY,          m_tolYSlope,
-                        m_tolYUVSearch,  m_tolYTriangleSearch, m_minStereoHits, m_maxChi2StereoLinear,
-                        m_maxChi2Stereo, m_maxChi2StereoAdd,   m_tolYMag,       m_tolYMagSlope};
-    auto          anyGood{false};
-    auto          anyOK{0};
+    PrParametersY yPars{ m_maxTolY,       m_uvSearchBinWidth,   m_tolY,          m_tolYSlope,
+                         m_tolYUVSearch,  m_tolYTriangleSearch, m_minStereoHits, m_maxChi2StereoLinear,
+                         m_maxChi2Stereo, m_maxChi2StereoAdd,   m_tolYMag,       m_tolYMagSlope };
+    auto          anyGood{ false };
+    auto          anyOK{ 0 };
     const auto    minQuality = std::isnan( veloSeed.seed.qOverP ) ? m_minQuality : m_minQualityMomentum;
     for ( auto& track : candidates ) {
       direct_debug( "++++ New XCandidate ++++" );
@@ -2286,11 +2286,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
         auto getQuality = [&] {
           const auto mvaInput = calcMVAInput<>( veloSeed, track, magScaleFactor );
           if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<TrackType, TracksUT> ) {
-            const auto span = LHCb::span{mvaInput}.subspan( 1 );
+            const auto span = LHCb::span{ mvaInput }.subspan( 1 );
             const auto preselection =
                 span[1] < m_maxDistX && span[2] < m_maxDistY && span[3] < m_maxY0Diff && span[4] < m_maxYSlopeDiff;
             if ( preselection ) {
-              return std::isnan( veloSeed.seed.qOverP ) ? m_NN.GetMvaValue( LHCb::span<const float, 9>{span} )
+              return std::isnan( veloSeed.seed.qOverP ) ? m_NN.GetMvaValue( LHCb::span<const float, 9>{ span } )
                                                         : m_NNVeloUT.GetMvaValue( mvaInput );
             } else {
               return 0.f;
@@ -2315,7 +2315,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       direct_debug( "" );
     counter += anyOK;
-    return std::pair<bool, bool>{anyGood, anyOK};
+    return std::pair<bool, bool>{ anyGood, anyOK };
@@ -2330,8 +2330,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
   template <typename TrackType>
   auto PrForwardTracking<TrackType>::calculateMomentumBorders( const VeloSeed& seed ) const {
-    const auto minInvPGeVfromPt  = float{Gaudi::Units::GeV} / m_minPT * seed.momProj;
-    const auto minInvPGeV        = float{Gaudi::Units::GeV} / m_minP;
+    const auto minInvPGeVfromPt  = float{ Gaudi::Units::GeV } / m_minPT * seed.momProj;
+    const auto minInvPGeV        = float{ Gaudi::Units::GeV } / m_minP;
     const auto minPBorder        = seed.calcMomentumBorder( minInvPGeV );
     const auto minPTBorder       = seed.calcMomentumBorder( minInvPGeVfromPt );
     const auto minMomentumBorder = std::min( minPBorder, minPTBorder );
@@ -2342,7 +2342,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
     if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<TrackType, TracksUT> ) {
       if ( m_useMomentumSearchWindow && !std::isnan( seed.qOverP ) ) {
-        const auto invPGeV = std::abs( seed.qOverP ) * float{Gaudi::Units::GeV};
+        const auto invPGeV = std::abs( seed.qOverP ) * float{ Gaudi::Units::GeV };
         const auto pBorder = seed.calcMomentumBorder( invPGeV );
         const auto lowerMomentumError = std::clamp( m_upperLimitOffset + m_upperLimitSlope * invPGeV,
@@ -2365,7 +2365,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
-    return std::pair{dxMin, dxMax};
+    return std::pair{ dxMin, dxMax };
@@ -2385,7 +2385,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
                [&]( auto const& t1, auto const& t2 ) { return t1.x( zEndT ) < t2.x( zEndT ); } );
     const auto                                                           nTotal = tracks.size();
-    auto                                                                 nDuplicates{0};
+    auto                                                                 nDuplicates{ 0 };
     std::vector<static_vector<LHCb::LHCbID, Detector::FT::nLayersTotal>> idSets( nTotal );
     for ( const auto& [idx, track] : LHCb::range::enumerate( tracks ) ) {
       const auto& coordsToFit = track.getCoordsToFit();
@@ -2395,7 +2395,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       std::sort( idVec.begin(), idVec.end() );
     // unsigned to fix warning
-    for ( unsigned i1{0}; i1 < nTotal; ++i1 ) {
+    for ( unsigned i1{ 0 }; i1 < nTotal; ++i1 ) {
       auto& t1 = tracks[i1];
       if ( !t1.valid() ) continue;
       for ( unsigned i2 = i1 + 1; i2 < nTotal; ++i2 ) {
@@ -2446,8 +2446,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       const auto iTrack      = cand.track();
       const auto ancestTrack = inputtracks[iTrack];
-      auto n_vphits = scalar::int_v{0};
-      auto n_uthits = scalar::int_v{0};
+      auto n_vphits = scalar::int_v{ 0 };
+      auto n_uthits = scalar::int_v{ 0 };
       auto out = result.emplace_back<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar>();
       out.field<TracksTag::trackSeed>().set( -1 );
@@ -2460,11 +2460,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
         out.field<TracksTag::VPHits>().resize( n_vphits );
         out.field<TracksTag::UTHits>().resize( n_uthits );
-        for ( auto idx{0}; idx < n_vphits.cast(); ++idx ) {
+        for ( auto idx{ 0 }; idx < n_vphits.cast(); ++idx ) {
           out.field<TracksTag::VPHits>()[idx].template field<TracksTag::Index>().set( ancestTrack.vp_index( idx ) );
           out.field<TracksTag::VPHits>()[idx].template field<TracksTag::LHCbID>().set( ancestTrack.vp_lhcbID( idx ) );
-        for ( auto idx{0}; idx < n_uthits.cast(); ++idx ) {
+        for ( auto idx{ 0 }; idx < n_uthits.cast(); ++idx ) {
           out.field<TracksTag::UTHits>()[idx].template field<TracksTag::Index>().set( ancestTrack.ut_index( idx ) );
           out.field<TracksTag::UTHits>()[idx].template field<TracksTag::LHCbID>().set( ancestTrack.ut_lhcbID( idx ) );
@@ -2475,7 +2475,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
         out.field<TracksTag::VPHits>().resize( n_vphits );
         out.field<TracksTag::UTHits>().resize( 0 );
-        for ( auto idx{0}; idx < n_vphits.cast(); ++idx ) {
+        for ( auto idx{ 0 }; idx < n_vphits.cast(); ++idx ) {
           out.field<TracksTag::VPHits>()[idx].template field<TracksTag::Index>().set( ancestTrack.vp_index( idx ) );
           out.field<TracksTag::VPHits>()[idx].template field<TracksTag::LHCbID>().set( ancestTrack.vp_lhcbID( idx ) );
@@ -2488,8 +2488,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       constexpr auto dz      = zEndT - zReference;
       const auto qOverP = cand.getQoP();
-      const auto pos    = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<scalar::float_v, 3>{cand.x( dz ), cand.y( dz ), zEndT};
-      const auto dir    = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<scalar::float_v, 3>{cand.xSlope( dz ), cand.ySlope( dz ), 1.f};
+      const auto pos    = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<scalar::float_v, 3>{ cand.x( dz ), cand.y( dz ), zEndT };
+      const auto dir    = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<scalar::float_v, 3>{ cand.xSlope( dz ), cand.ySlope( dz ), 1.f };
       out.field<TracksTag::States>( endT ).setPosition( pos );
       out.field<TracksTag::States>( endT ).setDirection( dir );
       out.field<TracksTag::States>( endT ).setQOverP( qOverP );
@@ -2499,9 +2499,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
           const auto velozipped  = input_tracks.getVeloAncestors()->scalar();
           const auto trackVP     = ancestTrack.trackVP();
           const auto velo_scalar = velozipped[trackVP.cast()];
-          return std::pair{velo_scalar.StatePos( EndVelo ), velo_scalar.StateDir( EndVelo )};
+          return std::pair{ velo_scalar.StatePos( EndVelo ), velo_scalar.StateDir( EndVelo ) };
         } else {
-          return std::pair{ancestTrack.StatePos( EndVelo ), ancestTrack.StateDir( EndVelo )};
+          return std::pair{ ancestTrack.StatePos( EndVelo ), ancestTrack.StateDir( EndVelo ) };
       constexpr auto endVeloIndex = stateIndex<Event::Enum::Track::Type::Long>( EndVelo );
@@ -2515,7 +2515,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       out.field<TracksTag::FTHits>().resize( n_fthits );
       const auto& hits = cand.getCoordsToFit();
       // unsigned to avoid warning
-      for ( unsigned idx{0}; idx < n_fthits; ++idx ) {
+      for ( unsigned idx{ 0 }; idx < n_fthits; ++idx ) {
         out.field<TracksTag::FTHits>()[idx].template field<TracksTag::Index>().set( hits[idx] );
         out.field<TracksTag::FTHits>()[idx].template field<TracksTag::LHCbID>().set( ids[idx] );
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrHybridSeedTrack.h b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrHybridSeedTrack.h
index 739e5abe502398ea17e609a202307b78b689dea4..758d5b3ec800da743decb5e0278a49adba1ef73a 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrHybridSeedTrack.h
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrHybridSeedTrack.h
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Hybrid {
   class AbsSeedTrack {
-    AbsSeedTrack()                       = delete;
-    AbsSeedTrack( const AbsSeedTrack& )  = default;
-    AbsSeedTrack( const AbsSeedTrack&& ) = delete;
-    AbsSeedTrack& operator=( const AbsSeedTrack& ) = default;
+    AbsSeedTrack()                                  = delete;
+    AbsSeedTrack( const AbsSeedTrack& )             = default;
+    AbsSeedTrack( const AbsSeedTrack&& )            = delete;
+    AbsSeedTrack& operator=( const AbsSeedTrack& )  = default;
     AbsSeedTrack& operator=( const AbsSeedTrack&& ) = delete;
     AbsSeedTrack( float dratio ) : m_dRatio( dratio ) {}
@@ -121,23 +121,23 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Hybrid {
     // Global Protected variables
-    float m_chi2PerDoF{0.f};
-    bool  m_valid{true};
-    bool  m_recovered{false};
-    float m_ax{0.f};
-    float m_bx{0.f};
-    float m_cx{0.f};
-    float m_dRatio{0.f};
-    float m_xT1{0.f};
-    float m_xT3{0.f};
+    float m_chi2PerDoF{ 0.f };
+    bool  m_valid{ true };
+    bool  m_recovered{ false };
+    float m_ax{ 0.f };
+    float m_bx{ 0.f };
+    float m_cx{ 0.f };
+    float m_dRatio{ 0.f };
+    float m_xT1{ 0.f };
+    float m_xT3{ 0.f };
   //    //Specialised class for X candidates
   class SeedTrackX final : public AbsSeedTrack {
-    SeedTrackX()                    = delete;
-    SeedTrackX( const SeedTrackX& ) = default;
-    SeedTrackX( SeedTrackX&& )      = delete;
-    SeedTrackX& operator=( const SeedTrackX& ) = default;
+    SeedTrackX()                                = delete;
+    SeedTrackX( const SeedTrackX& )             = default;
+    SeedTrackX( SeedTrackX&& )                  = delete;
+    SeedTrackX& operator=( const SeedTrackX& )  = default;
     SeedTrackX& operator=( SeedTrackX&& other ) = delete;
     SeedTrackX( float dratio ) : AbsSeedTrack( dratio ) {}
     SeedTrackX( float dratio, const SeedTrackHitsX& hits ) : AbsSeedTrack( dratio ), m_hits( hits ) {}
@@ -182,10 +182,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Hybrid {
   //    //Specialised class for XY candidates
   class SeedTrack final : public AbsSeedTrack {
-    SeedTrack()                   = delete;
-    SeedTrack( const SeedTrack& ) = default;
-    SeedTrack( SeedTrack&& )      = delete;
-    SeedTrack& operator=( const SeedTrack& ) = default;
+    SeedTrack()                               = delete;
+    SeedTrack( const SeedTrack& )             = default;
+    SeedTrack( SeedTrack&& )                  = delete;
+    SeedTrack& operator=( const SeedTrack& )  = default;
     SeedTrack& operator=( SeedTrack&& other ) = delete;
     SeedTrack( float dratio ) : AbsSeedTrack( dratio ) {}
     SeedTrack( const SeedTrackX& xTrack )
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrHybridSeeding.cpp b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrHybridSeeding.cpp
index 7af538a65b53919620556ee2b5f6b60a2c768e35..44f8b976691e5e3c5285eea370d7dad09dfa0582 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrHybridSeeding.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrHybridSeeding.cpp
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     struct CommonXYHits {
       constexpr unsigned int operator()( unsigned int s1, unsigned int s2 ) {
-        constexpr auto nCommonHits = std::array{7u, 6u, 6u, 5u, 4u}; // 70%*(12-nHits)
+        constexpr auto nCommonHits = std::array{ 7u, 6u, 6u, 5u, 4u }; // 70%*(12-nHits)
         auto           idx         = LHCb::Detector::FT::nLayersTotal - std::min( s1, s2 );
         assert( idx < nCommonHits.size() );
         return nCommonHits[idx];
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     struct CommonXHits {
       constexpr unsigned int operator()( unsigned int s1, unsigned int s2 ) {
-        constexpr auto nCommonHits = std::array{3u, 3u, 2u, 1u, 1u, 1u};
+        constexpr auto nCommonHits = std::array{ 3u, 3u, 2u, 1u, 1u, 1u };
         auto           idx         = 2 * LHCb::Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal - s1 - s2;
         assert( idx < nCommonHits.size() );
         return nCommonHits[idx];
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     struct CommonRecoverHits {
       constexpr unsigned int operator()( unsigned int s1, unsigned int s2 ) {
-        constexpr auto nCommonHits = std::array{4u, 3u, 2u, 2u}; // 70%*(6-nHits)
+        constexpr auto nCommonHits = std::array{ 4u, 3u, 2u, 2u }; // 70%*(6-nHits)
         auto           idx         = LHCb::Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal - std::min( s1, s2 );
         assert( idx < nCommonHits.size() );
         return nCommonHits[idx];
@@ -122,10 +122,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     struct CaseGeomInfoXZ {
       float                                                       invZf{};
       float                                                       invZlZf{};
-      std::array<unsigned int, LHCb::Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal> zones{{}};
-      std::array<float, LHCb::Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal>        zLays{{}};
-      std::array<float, LHCb::Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal>        dzLays{{}};
-      std::array<float, LHCb::Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal>        dz2Lays{{}};
+      std::array<unsigned int, LHCb::Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal> zones{ {} };
+      std::array<float, LHCb::Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal>        zLays{ {} };
+      std::array<float, LHCb::Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal>        dzLays{ {} };
+      std::array<float, LHCb::Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal>        dz2Lays{ {} };
       float                                                       t2Dist;
       //  float                                                   xInfCorr{};
       float txCorr{};
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     //---LoH: currently we cannot use coord as the flagging puts it to float::min -> breaks the logic of that function
     //---LoH: this function looks for the first hit whose x is smaller than the bound
     [[gnu::always_inline]] inline HitIter get_lowerBound_lin_reverse( HitRevIter low, HitIter high, float xMin ) {
-      return std::find_if( std::reverse_iterator{high}, low,
+      return std::find_if( std::reverse_iterator{ high }, low,
                            [xMin, cmp = compCoordXreverse{}]( const auto& i ) { return cmp( xMin, i ); } )
@@ -387,28 +387,29 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     // Counters about the total number of tracks
     using SC = Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>;
-    mutable SC                         m_outputTracksCnt{this, "Created seed tracks"};
-    mutable std::array<SC, 2>          m_outputTracksCnt_part{SC{this, "Created seed tracks (part 0)"},
-                                                     SC{this, "Created seed tracks (part 1)"}};
+    mutable SC                         m_outputTracksCnt{ this, "Created seed tracks" };
+    mutable std::array<SC, 2>          m_outputTracksCnt_part{ SC{ this, "Created seed tracks (part 0)" },
+                                                      SC{ this, "Created seed tracks (part 1)" } };
     mutable std::array<SC, NCases + 1> m_outputTracksCnt_cases{
-        SC{this, "Created seed tracks in case 0"}, SC{this, "Created seed tracks in case 1"},
-        SC{this, "Created seed tracks in case 2"}, SC{this, "Created seed tracks in recovery step"}};
-    mutable std::array<SC, 2>          m_outputXZTracksCnt_part{SC{this, "Created XZ tracks (part 0)"},
-                                                       SC{this, "Created XZ tracks (part 1)"}};
+        SC{ this, "Created seed tracks in case 0" }, SC{ this, "Created seed tracks in case 1" },
+        SC{ this, "Created seed tracks in case 2" }, SC{ this, "Created seed tracks in recovery step" } };
+    mutable std::array<SC, 2>          m_outputXZTracksCnt_part{ SC{ this, "Created XZ tracks (part 0)" },
+                                                        SC{ this, "Created XZ tracks (part 1)" } };
     mutable std::array<SC, NCases + 1> m_outputXZTracksCnt_cases{
-        SC{this, "Created XZ tracks in case 0"}, SC{this, "Created XZ tracks in case 1"},
-        SC{this, "Created XZ tracks in case 2"}, SC{this, "Created XZ tracks in recovery step"}};
+        SC{ this, "Created XZ tracks in case 0" }, SC{ this, "Created XZ tracks in case 1" },
+        SC{ this, "Created XZ tracks in case 2" }, SC{ this, "Created XZ tracks in recovery step" } };
     // Internal counters - must be called with a buffer
-    mutable std::array<SC, NCases> m_twoHitCombCnt_cases{SC{this, "Created two-hit combinations in case 0"},
-                                                         SC{this, "Created two-hit combinations in case 1"},
-                                                         SC{this, "Created two-hit combinations in case 2"}};
-    mutable std::array<SC, NCases> m_threeHitCombCnt_cases{SC{this, "Created T2x1 three-hit combinations in case 0"},
-                                                           SC{this, "Created T2x1 three-hit combinations in case 1"},
-                                                           SC{this, "Created T2x1 three-hit combinations in case 2"}};
-    mutable std::array<SC, NCases> m_fullHitCombCnt_cases{SC{this, "Created full hit combinations in case 0"},
-                                                          SC{this, "Created full hit combinations in case 1"},
-                                                          SC{this, "Created full hit combinations in case 2"}};
+    mutable std::array<SC, NCases> m_twoHitCombCnt_cases{ SC{ this, "Created two-hit combinations in case 0" },
+                                                          SC{ this, "Created two-hit combinations in case 1" },
+                                                          SC{ this, "Created two-hit combinations in case 2" } };
+    mutable std::array<SC, NCases> m_threeHitCombCnt_cases{
+        SC{ this, "Created T2x1 three-hit combinations in case 0" },
+        SC{ this, "Created T2x1 three-hit combinations in case 1" },
+        SC{ this, "Created T2x1 three-hit combinations in case 2" } };
+    mutable std::array<SC, NCases> m_fullHitCombCnt_cases{ SC{ this, "Created full hit combinations in case 0" },
+                                                           SC{ this, "Created full hit combinations in case 1" },
+                                                           SC{ this, "Created full hit combinations in case 2" } };
     /** @brief Collect Hits in X layers producing the xz projections
      * @param part (if 1, y<0 ; if 0 , y>0)
@@ -417,8 +418,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
                            const PrFTHitHandler<ModPrHit>& hitHandler, XCandidates& xCandidates ) const noexcept;
     /** @brief Initialises parameters for X-hit finding
-    CaseGeomInfoXZ initializeXProjections( ZoneCache const& zoneCache, unsigned int iCase, unsigned int part ) const
-        noexcept;
+    CaseGeomInfoXZ initializeXProjections( ZoneCache const& zoneCache, unsigned int iCase,
+                                           unsigned int part ) const noexcept;
     /** @brief Updates parameters for each XZ pair
@@ -460,8 +461,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     /** @brief Finds hit corresponding to remaining layers
     [[gnu::always_inline]] inline void fillXhitRemaining( float tol, float xAtZ, SearchWindow& searchWindow,
-                                                          const ZoneLimits& zoneLimit, SeedTrackHitsX& xHits ) const
-        noexcept;
+                                                          const ZoneLimits& zoneLimit,
+                                                          SeedTrackHitsX&   xHits ) const noexcept;
     /** @brief Track recovering routine for x/z discarded tracks
@@ -472,8 +473,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     /** @brief Flag Hits on found tracks
     void flagHits( unsigned int icase, unsigned int part, TrackCandidates& trackCandidates, unsigned int firstTrackCand,
-                   const FT::Hits& sciFiHits, const SmallDexes& smallDexes, PrFTHitHandler<ModPrHit>& hitHandler ) const
-        noexcept;
+                   const FT::Hits& sciFiHits, const SmallDexes& smallDexes,
+                   PrFTHitHandler<ModPrHit>& hitHandler ) const noexcept;
     /** @brief Transform the tracks from the internal representation into Tracks
      *  @param tracks The tracks to transform
@@ -488,165 +489,168 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     std::array<std::array<float, nParts>, 2>   m_yMaxs;
     //------------- Track recovering routine specific parameters
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<int, NCases>> m_nusedthreshold{this, "nUsedThreshold", {3, 2, 1}};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<int, NCases>> m_nusedthreshold{ this, "nUsedThreshold", { 3, 2, 1 } };
     //------------- Momentum tuning
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minP{this, "MinP", 0.f * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_pFromTwoHitP1{this, "PfromTwoHit_P1", 1.6322e-07f};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_pFromTwoHitP2{this, "PfromTwoHit_P2", -5.0217e-12f};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minP{ this, "MinP", 0.f * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_pFromTwoHitP1{ this, "PfromTwoHit_P1", 1.6322e-07f };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_pFromTwoHitP2{ this, "PfromTwoHit_P2", -5.0217e-12f };
     //------------- Global configuration of the algorithm
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_minXPlanes{this, "MinXPlanes", 4};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_removeClonesX{this, "RemoveClonesX", true};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_removeClones_forLead{this, "RemoveClones_forLead", false};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>        m_removeClones_sorted_distance{this, "RemoveClones_sorted_distance", 100.f};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>        m_removeClones_distance{this, "RemoveClones_distance", 2.f};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>        m_removeClones_distance_recover{this, "RemoveClones_distance_recover", 5.f};
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_minXPlanes{ this, "MinXPlanes", 4 };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_removeClonesX{ this, "RemoveClonesX", true };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_removeClones_forLead{ this, "RemoveClones_forLead", false };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>        m_removeClones_sorted_distance{ this, "RemoveClones_sorted_distance", 100.f };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>        m_removeClones_distance{ this, "RemoveClones_distance", 2.f };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>        m_removeClones_distance_recover{ this, "RemoveClones_distance_recover", 5.f };
     //------------- Guesses about vector size
-    Gaudi::Property<int> m_nTrackCandidates{this, "nTrackCandidates", maxCandidates};
-    Gaudi::Property<int> m_nXTrackCandidates{this, "nXTrackCandidates", maxXCandidates};
+    Gaudi::Property<int> m_nTrackCandidates{ this, "nTrackCandidates", maxCandidates };
+    Gaudi::Property<int> m_nXTrackCandidates{ this, "nXTrackCandidates", maxXCandidates };
     //------------ X-Z projections search parametrisation
     //=== 1st (T1) / Last (T3) Layer search windows
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_alphaCorrection{this, "L0_AlphaCorr", {120.64, 510.64, 730.64}};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_TolFirstLast{this, "L0_tolHp", {280.0, 540.0, 1080.0}};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_alphaCorrection{ this, "L0_AlphaCorr", { 120.64, 510.64, 730.64 } };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_TolFirstLast{ this, "L0_tolHp", { 280.0, 540.0, 1080.0 } };
     //=== Add of the third hit in middle layers (p and Pt dependent, i.e., case dependent)
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>              m_maxParabolaSeedHits{this, "maxParabolaSeedHits", 8};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>                      m_parabolaSeedParabolicModel{this, "ParabolaSeedParabolicModel", false};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_x0Cut{this, "x0Cut", {1500., 4000., 6000.}};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_x0Corr{this, "x0Corr", {1.002152, 1.001534, 1.001834}};
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxParabolaSeedHits{ this, "maxParabolaSeedHits", 8 };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_parabolaSeedParabolicModel{ this, "ParabolaSeedParabolicModel", false };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_x0Cut{ this, "x0Cut", { 1500., 4000., 6000. } };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_x0Corr{ this, "x0Corr", { 1.002152, 1.001534, 1.001834 } };
     // In case we use the linear model
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_x0SlopeChange{this, "X0SlopeChange", {400., 500., 500.}};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_tolX0SameSign{this, "ToleranceX0Up", {0.75, 0.75, 0.75}};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_x0SlopeChange{ this, "X0SlopeChange", { 400., 500., 500. } };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_tolX0SameSign{ this, "ToleranceX0Up", { 0.75, 0.75, 0.75 } };
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_tolAtX0Cut{this, "TolAtX0Cut", {4.5, 8.0, 14.0}};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_tolX0OppSign{this, "ToleranceX0Down", {0.75, 0.75, 0.75}};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_x0SlopeChange2{this, "X0SlopeChangeDown", {2000., 2000., 2000.}};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_tolAtx0CutOppSign{this, "TolAtX0CutOpp", {0.75, 2.0, 7.0}};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_tolAtX0Cut{ this, "TolAtX0Cut", { 4.5, 8.0, 14.0 } };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_tolX0OppSign{ this, "ToleranceX0Down", { 0.75, 0.75, 0.75 } };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_x0SlopeChange2{ this, "X0SlopeChangeDown", { 2000., 2000., 2000. } };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_tolAtx0CutOppSign{ this, "TolAtX0CutOpp", { 0.75, 2.0, 7.0 } };
     //=== Add Hits in remaining X Layers after parabolic shape is found
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_tolRemaining{this, "TolXRemaining", {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_tolRemaining{ this, "TolXRemaining", { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 } };
     //----------- Track Model parameters
-    Gaudi::Property<float>                m_dRatio{this, "dRatio", -0.000262};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, 3>> m_dRatioPar{this, "dRatioPar", {0.000267957, -8.651e-06, 4.60324e-05}};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_ConstC{this, "CConst", 2.458e8}; // Const value to compute the backward projection
+    Gaudi::Property<float>                m_dRatio{ this, "dRatio", -0.000262 };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, 3>> m_dRatioPar{ this, "dRatioPar", { 0.000267957, -8.651e-06, 4.60324e-05 } };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_ConstC{ this, "CConst", 2.458e8 }; // Const value to compute the backward projection
     //----------- Beam hole parameters
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_removeBeamHole{this, "RemoveBeamHole", false};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_beamHoleX{this, "BeamHoleX", 130. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_beamHoleY{this, "BeamHoleY", 115. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_removeBeamHole{ this, "RemoveBeamHole", false };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_beamHoleX{ this, "BeamHoleX", 130. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_beamHoleY{ this, "BeamHoleY", 115. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
     //----------- Fit X/Z projection tolerances
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases + 1>> m_maxChi2HitsX{this, "maxChi2HitsX", {5.5, 5.5, 5.5}};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases + 1>> m_maxChi2DoFX{this, "maxChi2DoFX", {4.0, 5.0, 6.0}};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases + 1>> m_maxChi2HitsX{ this, "maxChi2HitsX", { 5.5, 5.5, 5.5 } };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases + 1>> m_maxChi2DoFX{ this, "maxChi2DoFX", { 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 } };
     //----------- Full fit tolerances in standard cases and in recover case (index = 3)
     Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases + 1>> m_minChi2HitFullRemove{
-        this, "MinChi2HitFullRemove", {6., 10., 12., 10.}};
+        this, "MinChi2HitFullRemove", { 6., 10., 12., 10. } };
     Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases + 1>> m_minChi2PerDofFullRemove{
-        this, "MinChi2PerDofFullRemove", {1.75, 2., 1.5, 5.}};
+        this, "MinChi2PerDofFullRemove", { 1.75, 2., 1.5, 5. } };
     Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases + 1>> m_maxChi2PerDofFullLow{
-        this, "MaxChi2PerDofFullLow", {1.75, 1.4, 1.25, 3.5}};
+        this, "MaxChi2PerDofFullLow", { 1.75, 1.4, 1.25, 3.5 } };
     Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases + 1>> m_maxYAt0Low{
-        this, "MaxYAt0Low", {9999999., 9999999., 120., 9999999.}};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases + 1>> m_minYAtRefLow{this, "MinYAtRefLow", {25., -1., 30., -1.}};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases + 1>> m_maxYAtRefLow{this, "MaxYAtRefLow", {1080., 1000., 400., 2100.}};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases + 1>> m_minYAtRefHigh{this, "MinYAtRefHigh", {-1., -1., -1., -1.}};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases + 1>> m_maxYAtRefHigh{this, "MaxYAtRefHigh", {1200., 2100., 1600., 2200.}};
+        this, "MaxYAt0Low", { 9999999., 9999999., 120., 9999999. } };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases + 1>> m_minYAtRefLow{ this, "MinYAtRefLow", { 25., -1., 30., -1. } };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases + 1>> m_maxYAtRefLow{
+        this, "MaxYAtRefLow", { 1080., 1000., 400., 2100. } };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases + 1>> m_minYAtRefHigh{ this, "MinYAtRefHigh", { -1., -1., -1., -1. } };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases + 1>> m_maxYAtRefHigh{
+        this, "MaxYAtRefHigh", { 1200., 2100., 1600., 2200. } };
     //----------- UV-hits search parameters
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_yMin{this, "yMin", -1.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                  [this]( const auto& ) {
-                                    m_yMins[0][0] = m_yMin;
-                                    m_yMaxs[1][1] = -m_yMin;
-                                  },
-                                  Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_yMax{this, "yMax", +2700. * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                  [this]( const auto& ) {
-                                    m_yMins[1][1] = -m_yMax;
-                                    m_yMaxs[0][0] = m_yMax;
-                                  },
-                                  Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_yMin_TrFix{this, "yMin_TrFix", -2.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                        [this]( const auto& ) {
-                                          m_yMins[0][1] = m_yMin_TrFix;
-                                          m_yMaxs[1][0] = -m_yMin_TrFix;
-                                        },
-                                        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_yMax_TrFix{this, "yMax_TrFix", +30.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                        [this]( const auto& ) {
-                                          m_yMins[1][0] = -m_yMax_TrFix;
-                                          m_yMaxs[0][1] = m_yMax_TrFix;
-                                        },
-                                        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_yMin{ this, "yMin", -1.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                   [this]( const auto& ) {
+                                     m_yMins[0][0] = m_yMin;
+                                     m_yMaxs[1][1] = -m_yMin;
+                                   },
+                                   Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_yMax{ this, "yMax", +2700. * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                   [this]( const auto& ) {
+                                     m_yMins[1][1] = -m_yMax;
+                                     m_yMaxs[0][0] = m_yMax;
+                                   },
+                                   Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_yMin_TrFix{ this, "yMin_TrFix", -2.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                         [this]( const auto& ) {
+                                           m_yMins[0][1] = m_yMin_TrFix;
+                                           m_yMaxs[1][0] = -m_yMin_TrFix;
+                                         },
+                                         Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_yMax_TrFix{ this, "yMax_TrFix", +30.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                         [this]( const auto& ) {
+                                           m_yMins[1][0] = -m_yMax_TrFix;
+                                           m_yMaxs[0][1] = m_yMax_TrFix;
+                                         },
+                                         Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } };
     Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases + 1>> m_YSlopeBinWidth{
-        this, "YSlopeBinWidth", {0.0020, 0.0030, 0.0040, 0.0080}};
+        this, "YSlopeBinWidth", { 0.0020, 0.0030, 0.0040, 0.0080 } };
     // Y fit
     Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases + 1>> m_minChi2PerDofYRemove{
-        this, "MinChi2PerDofYRemove", {16., 35., 50., 120.}};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases + 1>> m_maxChi2PerDofYLow{this, "MaxChi2PerDofYLow", {10., 11., 3., 30.}};
+        this, "MinChi2PerDofYRemove", { 16., 35., 50., 120. } };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases + 1>> m_maxChi2PerDofYLow{
+        this, "MaxChi2PerDofYLow", { 10., 11., 3., 30. } };
     Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases + 1>> m_maxChi2PerDofYHigh{
-        this, "MaxChi2PerDofYHigh", {14.5, 35., 34., 100.}};
+        this, "MaxChi2PerDofYHigh", { 14.5, 35., 34., 100. } };
     Gaudi::Property<std::array<unsigned int, NCases>> m_minUV6{
-        {4, 4, 4},
+        { 4, 4, 4 },
         [this]( const auto& ) {
           for ( int i = 0; i < NCases; ++i ) m_minUV[i][0] = m_minUV6[i];
-        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}};
+        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } };
     Gaudi::Property<std::array<unsigned int, NCases>> m_minUV5{
-        {5, 5, 4},
+        { 5, 5, 4 },
         [this]( const auto& ) {
           for ( int i = 0; i < NCases; ++i ) m_minUV[i][1] = m_minUV5[i];
-        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}};
+        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } };
     Gaudi::Property<std::array<unsigned int, NCases>> m_minUV4{
-        {6, 6, 5},
+        { 6, 6, 5 },
         [this]( const auto& ) {
           m_minUV[0][2] = m_minUV4[0];
           m_minUV[1][2] = m_minUV4[1];
           m_minUV[2][2] = m_minUV4[2];
-        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}};
+        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } };
     Gaudi::Property<std::array<unsigned int, NCases>> m_recover_minUV{
-        {4, 5, 5},
+        { 4, 5, 5 },
         [this]( const auto& ) { std::copy( m_recover_minUV.begin(), m_recover_minUV.end(), m_minUV[3].begin() ); },
-        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}};
+        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } };
     Gaudi::Property<std::array<unsigned int, NCases + 1>> m_minTot{
-        {9, 9, 9, 9},
+        { 9, 9, 9, 9 },
         [this]( const auto& ) {
           if ( std::any_of( m_minTot.begin(), m_minTot.end(), []( unsigned i ) { return i < 9u; } ) ) {
             throw GaudiException( "Algorithm does not support fewer than 9 hits in total (due to addStereo)", name(),
                                   StatusCode::FAILURE );
-        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}};
+        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } };
     // Flag Hits Settings
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_MaxChi2Flag{this, "Flag_MaxChi2DoF_11Hits", {0.5, 1.0, 1.0}};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_MaxX0Flag{this, "Flag_MaxX0_11Hits", {100., 8000., 200.}};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_MaxChi2Flag{ this, "Flag_MaxChi2DoF_11Hits", { 0.5, 1.0, 1.0 } };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, NCases>> m_MaxX0Flag{ this, "Flag_MaxX0_11Hits", { 100., 8000., 200. } };
-    PublicToolHandle<ITrackMomentumEstimate> m_momentumTool{this, "MomentumToolName", "FastMomentumEstimate"};
+    PublicToolHandle<ITrackMomentumEstimate> m_momentumTool{ this, "MomentumToolName", "FastMomentumEstimate" };
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<unsigned int, NCases + 1>> m_maxNClusters{this, "maxNbestCluster", {2, 4, 4, 3}};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<unsigned int, NCases + 1>> m_maxNClusters{ this, "maxNbestCluster", { 2, 4, 4, 3 } };
-    mutable PublicToolHandle<ISequencerTimerTool> m_timerTool{this, "TimerTool", "",
-                                                              "Do not use in combination with multi-threading."};
+    mutable PublicToolHandle<ISequencerTimerTool> m_timerTool{ this, "TimerTool", "",
+                                                               "Do not use in combination with multi-threading." };
     int                                           m_timerIndex{};
@@ -661,8 +665,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       addStereoBase() {}
       addStereoBase( const HybridSeeding::addStereoBase<RECO>& ) = delete;
       addStereoBase( HybridSeeding::addStereoBase<RECO>&& )      = delete;
-      addStereoBase& operator=( const addStereoBase<RECO>& ) = delete;
-      addStereoBase& operator=( addStereoBase<RECO>&& ) = delete;
+      addStereoBase& operator=( const addStereoBase<RECO>& )     = delete;
+      addStereoBase& operator=( addStereoBase<RECO>&& )          = delete;
     template <int CASE>
@@ -683,7 +687,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       addStereo( HybridSeeding&& ) = delete;
       addStereo& operator=( const addStereo<CASE>& ) = delete;
-      addStereo& operator=( addStereo<CASE>&& ) = delete;
+      addStereo& operator=( addStereo<CASE>&& )      = delete;
       inline void operator()( const FT::Hits& sciFiHits, const ZoneCache& zoneCache, unsigned int part,
                               const PrFTHitHandler<ModPrHit>& FTHitHandler, TrackCandidates& trackCandidates,
@@ -739,8 +743,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     addStereoBase()                                             = delete;
     addStereoBase( const HybridSeeding::addStereoBase<false>& ) = delete;
     addStereoBase( HybridSeeding::addStereoBase<false>&& )      = delete;
-    addStereoBase& operator=( const addStereoBase<false>& ) = delete;
-    addStereoBase& operator=( addStereoBase<false>&& ) = delete;
+    addStereoBase& operator=( const addStereoBase<false>& )     = delete;
+    addStereoBase& operator=( addStereoBase<false>&& )          = delete;
     TracksToRecover& m_tracksToRecover;
@@ -928,10 +932,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
   HybridSeeding::HybridSeeding( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"FTHitsLocation", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation},
-                      KeyValue{"ZoneCache", std::string{ZoneCache::Location} + name},
-                      KeyValue{"Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputName", LHCb::TrackLocation::Seed} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "FTHitsLocation", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation },
+                       KeyValue{ "ZoneCache", std::string{ ZoneCache::Location } + name },
+                       KeyValue{ "Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputName", LHCb::TrackLocation::Seed } ) {}
   // Initialization
@@ -953,7 +957,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       // Zones cache, retrieved from the detector store
       // Zones cache
-      this->template addConditionDerivation<ZoneCache( const DeFT& )>( {DeFTDetectorLocation::Default},
+      this->template addConditionDerivation<ZoneCache( const DeFT& )>( { DeFTDetectorLocation::Default },
                                                                        this->template inputLocation<ZoneCache>() );
       if ( m_timerTool.isEnabled() ) m_timerIndex = m_timerTool->addTimer( this->name() );
       return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -1069,8 +1073,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
   template <int CASE>
   void HybridSeeding::addStereo<CASE>::operator()( const FT::Hits& sciFiHits, const ZoneCache& zoneCache,
                                                    unsigned int part, const PrFTHitHandler<ModPrHit>& FTHitHandler,
-                                                   TrackCandidates& trackCandidates, XCandidates& xCandidates ) const
-      noexcept {
+                                                   TrackCandidates& trackCandidates,
+                                                   XCandidates&     xCandidates ) const noexcept {
     // Initialise bounds
     SearchWindowsUV searchWindows;
     ZoneLimitsUV    zoneLimits;
@@ -1101,9 +1105,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
   void HybridSeeding::addStereo<CASE>::initializeUVsearchWindows( const PrFTHitHandler<ModPrHit>& FTHitHandler,
                                                                   SearchWindowsUV&                searchWindows,
                                                                   ZoneLimitsUV& zoneLimits ) const noexcept {
-    for ( unsigned int layer : {LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T1U, LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T2U,
-                                LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T3U, LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T1V,
-                                LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T2V, LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T3V} ) {
+    for ( unsigned int layer : { LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T1U, LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T2U,
+                                 LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T3U, LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T1V,
+                                 LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T2V, LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T3V } ) {
       auto uv       = ( ( layer + 1 ) / 2 ) % 2;
       auto iStation = layer / 8;
       for ( unsigned int iPart = 0; iPart < nParts; ++iPart ) {
@@ -1111,8 +1115,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
         // Fill the UV bounds
         auto r = FTHitHandler.hits( layer - iPart );
         if ( !r.empty() ) lastHitX = r.back().coord;
-        searchWindows[uv][iStation][iPart] = {r.begin(), r.end(), std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest()};
-        zoneLimits[uv][iStation][iPart]    = {std::reverse_iterator{r.begin()}, r.end(), lastHitX};
+        searchWindows[uv][iStation][iPart] = { r.begin(), r.end(), std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() };
+        zoneLimits[uv][iStation][iPart]    = { std::reverse_iterator{ r.begin() }, r.end(), lastHitX };
@@ -1124,28 +1128,28 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       const ZoneLimitsUV& zoneLimits, SearchWindowsUV& searchWindows ) const noexcept {
     auto calculate_factor = [&]( int zone ) -> float {
-      const auto layer = zone / Detector::FT::nHalfLayers;
-      const auto side  = xProje.x( zoneCache.z( layer ) ) > 0.f ? LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::Side::A
-                                                               : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::Side::C;
+      const auto layer    = zone / Detector::FT::nHalfLayers;
+      const auto side     = xProje.x( zoneCache.z( layer ) ) > 0.f ? LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::Side::A
+                                                                   : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::Side::C;
       const auto partSign = part < 1 ? 1.f : -1.f;
       return partSign / ( zoneCache.z( zone, side ) * zoneCache.dxdy( zone, side ) );
-    auto calculate_factors = [&]( auto... layers ) { return std::array{calculate_factor( layers )...}; };
-    auto hough =
-        HoughSearch{2,
-                    -m_hybridSeeding.m_YSlopeBinWidth[CASE] / 2,
-                    m_hybridSeeding.m_YSlopeBinWidth[CASE],
-                    {calculate_factors( LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T1U, LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T1V,
-                                        LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T2U, LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T2V,
-                                        LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T3U, LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T3V )}};
+    auto calculate_factors = [&]( auto... layers ) { return std::array{ calculate_factor( layers )... }; };
+    auto hough = HoughSearch{
+        2,
+        -m_hybridSeeding.m_YSlopeBinWidth[CASE] / 2,
+        m_hybridSeeding.m_YSlopeBinWidth[CASE],
+        { calculate_factors( LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T1U, LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T1V,
+                             LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T2U, LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T2V,
+                             LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T3U, LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T3V ) } };
     // u-layers
-    for ( unsigned int layer : {LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T1U, LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T2U,
-                                LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T3U} )
+    for ( unsigned int layer : { LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T1U, LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T2U,
+                                 LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T3U } )
       this->CollectLayerUV<0>( zoneCache, part, layer, xProje, zoneLimits[0], searchWindows[0], hough );
     // v-layers
-    for ( unsigned int layer : {LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T1V, LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T2V,
-                                LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T3V} )
+    for ( unsigned int layer : { LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T1V, LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T2V,
+                                 LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T3V } )
       this->CollectLayerUV<1>( zoneCache, part, layer, xProje, zoneLimits[1], searchWindows[1], hough );
     return hough;
@@ -1157,9 +1161,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
                                                        const ZoneLimitUV& zoneLimits, SearchWindowUV& searchWindows,
                                                        HoughSearch& hough ) const noexcept {
     static_assert( UV == 0 || UV == 1, "UV must be 0 (U) or 1 (V)!" );
-    const auto side = xProje.x( zoneCache.z( zone / Detector::FT::nHalfLayers ) ) > 0.f
-                          ? LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::Side::A
-                          : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::Side::C;
+    const auto side  = xProje.x( zoneCache.z( zone / Detector::FT::nHalfLayers ) ) > 0.f
+                           ? LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::Side::A
+                           : LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::Side::C;
     const auto dxDy  = zoneCache.dxdy( zone, side );
     const auto xPred = xProje.xFromDz( zoneCache.z( zone, side ) - Pr::Hybrid::zReference );
     // Note: UV layers are 1, 3, 11, 13, 19, 21
@@ -1167,9 +1171,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     unsigned int iStereoLayer = zone / ( Detector::FT::nHalfLayers * 2 ); // only half of the layers are stereo
     // Part 0
-    std::array<float, 2> yMinMax{m_hybridSeeding.m_yMins[part][0], m_hybridSeeding.m_yMaxs[part][0]};
+    std::array<float, 2> yMinMax{ m_hybridSeeding.m_yMins[part][0], m_hybridSeeding.m_yMaxs[part][0] };
     // The 1 - UV expression will be optmized away by the compiler (const expression)
-    std::array<float, 2> xMinMax{xPred - yMinMax[1 - UV] * dxDy, xPred - yMinMax[UV] * dxDy};
+    std::array<float, 2> xMinMax{ xPred - yMinMax[1 - UV] * dxDy, xPred - yMinMax[UV] * dxDy };
     //---LoH: in most cases (~70%), xMinMax is larger than xMinPrev. This is the same proportion between U and V
     LookAroundMin( searchWindows[iStation][0], xMinMax[0], zoneLimits[iStation][0] );
     for ( searchWindows[iStation][0].end = searchWindows[iStation][0].begin;
@@ -1179,9 +1183,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       AddUVHit( iStereoLayer, searchWindows[iStation][0].end, xPred, hough );
     // Part 1
-    yMinMax = {m_hybridSeeding.m_yMins[part][1], m_hybridSeeding.m_yMaxs[part][1]};
+    yMinMax = { m_hybridSeeding.m_yMins[part][1], m_hybridSeeding.m_yMaxs[part][1] };
     // The 1 - UV expression will be optmized away by the compiler (const expression)
-    xMinMax = {xPred - yMinMax[1 - UV] * dxDy, xPred - yMinMax[UV] * dxDy};
+    xMinMax = { xPred - yMinMax[1 - UV] * dxDy, xPred - yMinMax[UV] * dxDy };
     LookAroundMin( searchWindows[iStation][1], xMinMax[0], zoneLimits[iStation][1] );
     for ( searchWindows[iStation][1].end = searchWindows[iStation][1].begin;
           searchWindows[iStation][1].end != zoneLimits[iStation][1].end; ++searchWindows[iStation][1].end ) {
@@ -1248,7 +1252,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
            std::abs( xCandidate.ax() ) < m_hybridSeeding.m_beamHoleX )
       for ( auto dz :
-            {StateParameters::ZBegT - Pr::Hybrid::zReference, StateParameters::ZEndT - Pr::Hybrid::zReference} ) {
+            { StateParameters::ZBegT - Pr::Hybrid::zReference, StateParameters::ZEndT - Pr::Hybrid::zReference } ) {
         auto y = std::abs( fitterYZ.ay() + fitterYZ.by() * dz );
         if ( y < m_hybridSeeding.m_beamHoleY )
           if ( std::abs( xCandidate.xFromDz( dz ) ) < m_hybridSeeding.m_beamHoleX ) return;
@@ -1312,8 +1316,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
   bool HybridSeeding::addStereo<CASE>::createTracksFromHough( const FT::Hits&                     sciFiHits,
                                                               std::vector<Pr::Hybrid::SeedTrack>& trackCandidates,
                                                               const Pr::Hybrid::SeedTrackX&       xCandidate,
-                                                              HoughCandidates& houghCand, size_t nHoughCand ) const
-      noexcept {
+                                                              HoughCandidates&                    houghCand,
+                                                              size_t nHoughCand ) const noexcept {
     unsigned int nValidCandidates = 0;
     unsigned int nTarget          = m_hybridSeeding.m_minTot[CASE];
     float        chi2Target       = m_hybridSeeding.m_maxChi2PerDofFullLow[CASE];
@@ -1329,10 +1333,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
   template <int CASE>
-  HybridSeeding::HoughCandidateHitIter HybridSeeding::addStereo<CASE>::findWorstY( const PrTrackFitterYZ& fitterYZ,
-                                                                                   HoughCandidateHitIter& hitBegin,
-                                                                                   HoughCandidateHitIter& hitEnd ) const
-      noexcept {
+  HybridSeeding::HoughCandidateHitIter
+  HybridSeeding::addStereo<CASE>::findWorstY( const PrTrackFitterYZ& fitterYZ, HoughCandidateHitIter& hitBegin,
+                                              HoughCandidateHitIter& hitEnd ) const noexcept {
     const auto worst_it =
         std::max_element( fitterYZ.chi2Hits().cbegin(), fitterYZ.chi2Hits().cbegin() + ( hitEnd - hitBegin ) );
     auto worst_pos = worst_it - fitterYZ.chi2Hits().cbegin();
@@ -1344,8 +1347,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
   template <int CASE>
-  SeedTrackHitsConstIter HybridSeeding::addStereo<CASE>::findWorstXY( const Pr::Hybrid::SeedTrack& track ) const
-      noexcept {
+  SeedTrackHitsConstIter
+  HybridSeeding::addStereo<CASE>::findWorstXY( const Pr::Hybrid::SeedTrack& track ) const noexcept {
     const auto worst_it  = std::max_element( track.chi2Hits().cbegin(), track.chi2Hits().cbegin() + track.size() );
     auto       worst_pos = worst_it - track.chi2Hits().cbegin();
     if ( track.chi2PerDoF() < m_hybridSeeding.m_minChi2PerDofFullRemove[CASE] &&
@@ -1461,8 +1464,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       auto stateZref = State{
-          {{track.ax(), track.yRef(), track.xSlope0(), track.ySlope(), std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN()},
-           Pr::Hybrid::zReference}};
+          { { track.ax(), track.yRef(), track.xSlope0(), track.ySlope(), std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN() },
+            Pr::Hybrid::zReference } };
       double      qOverP, sigmaQOverP;
       const float scaleFactor = magnet.signedRelativeCurrent();
       if ( m_momentumTool->calculate( magnet, &stateZref, qOverP, sigmaQOverP, true ).isFailure() ) {
@@ -1536,13 +1539,13 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       float lastHitX( -5000.f );
       auto  r = FTHitHandler.hits( xZones.zones[i] );
       if ( i == 0 )
-        searchWindows[i] = {r.begin(), r.end(), std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest()};
+        searchWindows[i] = { r.begin(), r.end(), std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() };
-        searchWindows[i] = {r.begin(), r.begin(), std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest()};
-      tempWindows[i] = {r.begin(), r.begin(), std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest()};
+        searchWindows[i] = { r.begin(), r.begin(), std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() };
+      tempWindows[i] = { r.begin(), r.begin(), std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() };
       // Store the coordinate of the last hit for faster methods
       if ( !r.empty() ) lastHitX = r.back().coord;
-      zoneLimits[i] = {std::reverse_iterator{r.begin()}, r.end(), lastHitX};
+      zoneLimits[i] = { std::reverse_iterator{ r.begin() }, r.end(), lastHitX };
     ModPrHitConstIter Fhit, Lhit;
     // Used to cache the position to do a "look-around search"
@@ -1764,8 +1767,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
   void HybridSeeding::updateXZCombinationPars( unsigned int iCase, float xFirst, float xLast,
                                                const CaseGeomInfoXZ& xZones, float slope, float slopeopp,
-                                               float accTerm1, float accTerm2, TwoHitCombination& hitComb ) const
-      noexcept {
+                                               float accTerm1, float accTerm2,
+                                               TwoHitCombination& hitComb ) const noexcept {
     //---LoH: Called 3M times in 100 events
     hitComb.tx    = ( xLast - xFirst ) * xZones.invZlZf;   //---LoH: this is basically b
     hitComb.x0    = xFirst - hitComb.tx * xZones.zLays[0]; //---LoH: this carries all the momentum information
@@ -1823,8 +1826,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     unsigned int i = 4;
     // Add extra layer HERE, if needed!!!!
-    for ( unsigned int xZoneId : {LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T1X1, LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T1X2,
-                                  LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T3X1, LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T3X2} ) {
+    for ( unsigned int xZoneId : { LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T1X1, LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T1X2,
+                                   LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T3X1, LHCb::Detector::FT::UpperZones::T3X2 } ) {
       xZoneId = xZoneId - part;
       if ( xZoneId != firstZoneId && xZoneId != lastZoneId ) {
         xZones.zones[i]   = xZoneId;
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrIgnoreUTHitsTool.cpp b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrIgnoreUTHitsTool.cpp
index 52729bcb545ed6ecfc692d17bdab3a2ceacd5737..882985afb92b9c0f34f3c5d3dd451b6accc33114 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrIgnoreUTHitsTool.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrIgnoreUTHitsTool.cpp
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     PrIgnoreUTHitsTool( std::string type, std::string name, const IInterface* parent )
-        : ToolBinder{std::move( type ), name, parent, {}, construct<BoundInstance>( this )} {}
+        : ToolBinder{ std::move( type ), name, parent, {}, construct<BoundInstance>( this ) } {}
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( PrIgnoreUTHitsTool, "PrIgnoreUTHitsTool" )
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrLongLivedTracking.cpp b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrLongLivedTracking.cpp
index a2681ea93a9316ef6865e47e4235c25b70344ac6..4387ed79f6cb03cbfd15eda3a72640d9a5794bdf 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrLongLivedTracking.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrLongLivedTracking.cpp
@@ -76,10 +76,11 @@ public:
   // - MatchLocation: Location of match tracks, for seed rejection
   PrLongLivedTracking( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"InputLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Seed}, KeyValue{"UTHits", UTInfo::HitLocation},
-                      KeyValue{"GeometryInfo", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-UTGeometryInfo"},
-                      KeyValue{"Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Downstream} ) {
+                     { KeyValue{ "InputLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Seed },
+                       KeyValue{ "UTHits", UTInfo::HitLocation },
+                       KeyValue{ "GeometryInfo", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-UTGeometryInfo" },
+                       KeyValue{ "Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Downstream } ) {
     // flagging not supported yet
     // declareProperty( "ForwardLocation", m_ForwardTracks) ;
     // declareProperty( "MatchLocation", m_MatchTracks) ;
@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ public:
       auto buffer     = m_filesvc->read( m_weightsfilename.value() );
       m_mlp_evaluator->load( buffer ).orThrow( "Can't load the MLP::PrLongLivedTracking::Evaluator." );
-      addConditionDerivation<LHCb::UTDAQ::GeomCache( const DeUTDetector& )>( {DeUTDetLocation::location()},
+      addConditionDerivation<LHCb::UTDAQ::GeomCache( const DeUTDetector& )>( { DeUTDetLocation::location() },
                                                                              inputLocation<LHCb::UTDAQ::GeomCache>() );
     } );
@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ public:
     // Get the output container
-    DownstreamTracks finalTracks{&InputTracks, Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
+    DownstreamTracks finalTracks{ &InputTracks, Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) };
     finalTracks.reserve( InputTracks.size() );
     const double magScaleFactor = magnet.signedRelativeCurrent();
@@ -139,10 +140,10 @@ public:
       // -- Note: You want the state the furthest away from the magnet, as then
       // the straight-line approximation is the best
       const auto         state = _tr.StatePosDir( LHCb::Event::Enum::State::Location::EndT );
-      Gaudi::TrackVector stateVector{state.x().cast(), state.y().cast(), state.tx().cast(), state.ty().cast(),
-                                     _tr.qOverP().cast()};
+      Gaudi::TrackVector stateVector{ state.x().cast(), state.y().cast(), state.tx().cast(), state.ty().cast(),
+                                      _tr.qOverP().cast() };
       PrDownTrack        refTrack( stateVector, state.z().cast(), m_zUT, m_zMagnetParams.value(), m_yParams.value(),
-                            m_momentumParams.value(), magScaleFactor * ( -1 ) );
+                                   m_momentumParams.value(), magScaleFactor * ( -1 ) );
       if ( ( std::abs( refTrack.momentum() ) < m_initialMinMomentum ) || ( refTrack.pt() < m_initialMinPt ) ) continue;
@@ -258,109 +259,110 @@ private:
   // - XPredTolConst: x-window for preselection is XPredTolConst/p + XPredTolOffset
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_xPredTolConst{this, "XPredTolConst", 200. * Gaudi::Units::mm* Gaudi::Units::GeV};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_xPredTolConst{ this, "XPredTolConst", 200. * Gaudi::Units::mm* Gaudi::Units::GeV };
   // - XPredTolOffset: x-window for preselection is XPredTolConst/p + XPredTolOffset
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_xPredTolOffset{this, "XPredTolOffset", 6. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_xPredTolOffset{ this, "XPredTolOffset", 6. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
   // - TolMatchConst: x-window for matching x hits is TolMatchConst/p + TolMatchOffset
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_tolMatchConst{this, "TolMatchConst", 20000.};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_tolMatchConst{ this, "TolMatchConst", 20000. };
   //  - TolMatchOffset: x-window for matching x hits is TolMatchConst/p + TolMatchOffset
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_tolMatchOffset{this, "TolMatchOffset", 1.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_tolMatchOffset{ this, "TolMatchOffset", 1.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
   // - TolUConst: window for u hits is TolUConst/p + TolUOffset
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_tolUConst{this, "TolUConst", 20000.0};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_tolUConst{ this, "TolUConst", 20000.0 };
   // - TolUOffset: window for u hits is TolUConst/p + TolUOffset
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_tolUOffset{this, "TolUOffset", 2.5};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_tolUOffset{ this, "TolUOffset", 2.5 };
   // - TolVConst: window for v hits is TolVConst/p + TolVOffset
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_tolVConst{this, "TolVConst", 2000.0};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_tolVConst{ this, "TolVConst", 2000.0 };
   // - TolVOffset: window for v hits is TolVConst/p + TolVOffset
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_tolVOffset{this, "TolVOffset", 0.5};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_tolVOffset{ this, "TolVOffset", 0.5 };
   // - MaxWindowSize: maximum window size for matching x hits
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxWindow{this, "MaxWindowSize", 10.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxWindow{ this, "MaxWindowSize", 10.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
   // - MaxChi2: Maximum chi2 for tracks with at least 4 hits
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2{this, "MaxChi2", 20.};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2{ this, "MaxChi2", 20. };
   // - MaxChi2ThreeHits: Maximum chi2 for tracks with 3 hits
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2ThreeHits{this, "MaxChi2ThreeHits", 10.0};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2ThreeHits{ this, "MaxChi2ThreeHits", 10.0 };
   // - MinUTx: half-width  of beampipe rectangle
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minUTx{this, "MinUTx", 25. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minUTx{ this, "MinUTx", 25. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
   // - MinUTy: half-height of of beampipe rectangle
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minUTy{this, "MinUTy", 25. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minUTy{ this, "MinUTy", 25. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
   // - MaxGhostProb: Maximum ghost probability for tracks
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxGhostProb{this, "MaxGhostProb", 0.75};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxGhostProb{ this, "MaxGhostProb", 0.75 };
   // Define parameters for MC09 field, zState = 9410
   // - ZMagnetParams: Parameters to determine the z-position of the magnet point. Tune with PrKsParams.
   Gaudi::Property<std::array<double, 7>> m_zMagnetParams{
-      this, "ZMagnetParams", {5379.88, -2143.93, 366.124, 119074, -0.0100333, -0.146055, 1260.96}};
+      this, "ZMagnetParams", { 5379.88, -2143.93, 366.124, 119074, -0.0100333, -0.146055, 1260.96 } };
   // - MomentumParams: Parameters to determine the momentum. Tune with PrKsParams.
-  Gaudi::Property<std::array<double, 3>> m_momentumParams{this, "MomentumParams", {1217.77, 454.598, 3353.39}};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::array<double, 3>> m_momentumParams{ this, "MomentumParams", { 1217.77, 454.598, 3353.39 } };
   // - YParams: Parameters to determine the bending in y.  Tune with PrKsParams.
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_yParams{this, "YParams", {5., 2000.}};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_yParams{ this, "YParams", { 5., 2000. } };
   // - ZUT: z-position of middle of UT.
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zUT{this, "ZUT", 2485. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zUT{ this, "ZUT", 2485. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
   // - ZUTa: z-position of first UT station
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zUTa{this, "ZUTa", 2350. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zUTa{ this, "ZUTa", 2350. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
   // - InitialMinPt: Minimum pT of the track from initial estimate
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_initialMinPt{this, "InitialMinPt", 0. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_initialMinPt{ this, "InitialMinPt", 0. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
   // - InitialMinMomentum: Minimum momentum of the track from initial estimate
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_initialMinMomentum{this, "InitialMinMomentum", 1400. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_initialMinMomentum{ this, "InitialMinMomentum", 1400. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
   // - MinPt: Minimum pT of the track
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPt{this, "MinPt", 0. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPt{ this, "MinPt", 0. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
   // - MinMomentum: Minimum momentum of the track
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minMomentum{this, "MinMomentum", 0. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minMomentum{ this, "MinMomentum", 0. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
   // - MinNumUTHits: Minimum number of UT hits required
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned> m_MinNumUTHits{this, "MinNumUTHits", 3};
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned> m_MinNumUTHits{ this, "MinNumUTHits", 3 };
   // - MaxNumUTHits: Maximum number of UT hits required
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned> m_MaxNumUTHits{this, "MaxNumUTHits", 8};
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned> m_MaxNumUTHits{ this, "MaxNumUTHits", 8 };
   // -- Parameter to reject seed track which are likely ghosts
   // - FisherCut: Cut on Fisher-discriminant to reject bad seed tracks.
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_seedCut{this, "FisherCut", -1.0};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_seedCut{ this, "FisherCut", -1.0 };
   // -- Parameters for the cut on deltaP (momentum estimate from Seeding and Downstream kink)
   // - MaxDeltaPConst: Window for deltaP is: MaxDeltaPConst/p + MaxDeltaPOffset
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaPConst{this, "MaxDeltaPConst", 0.0};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaPConst{ this, "MaxDeltaPConst", 0.0 };
   // - MaxDeltaPOffset: Window for deltaP is: MaxDeltaPConst/p + MaxDeltaPOffset
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaPOffset{this, "MaxDeltaPOffset", 0.25};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaPOffset{ this, "MaxDeltaPOffset", 0.25 };
   // -- Parameters for correcting the predicted position
   // - XCorrectionConst: Correction for x-position of search window in preselection is XCorrectionConst/p +
   //   XCorrestionOffset
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_xCorrectionConst{this, "XCorrectionConst", 23605.0};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_xCorrectionConst{ this, "XCorrectionConst", 23605.0 };
   // - XCorrectionOffset: Correction for x-position of search window in preselection is XCorrectionConst/p +
   //   XCorrestionOffset
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_xCorrectionOffset{this, "XCorrestionOffset", 0.4};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_xCorrectionOffset{ this, "XCorrestionOffset", 0.4 };
   // - MaxXTracks: Maximum number of x-tracklets to process further
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxXTracks{this, "MaxXTracks", 2};
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxXTracks{ this, "MaxXTracks", 2 };
   // - MaxChi2DistXTracks: Maximum chi2 difference to x-tracklet with best chi2
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2DistXTracks{this, "MaxChi2DistXTracks", 0.2};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2DistXTracks{ this, "MaxChi2DistXTracks", 0.2 };
   // - MaxXUTracks:  Maximum number of xu-tracklets to process further
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxXUTracks{this, "MaxXUTracks", 3};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_fitXProjChi2Offset{this, "FitXProjChi2Offset", 4.5};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_fitXProjChi2Const{this, "FitXProjChi2Const", 35000.0};
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxXUTracks{ this, "MaxXUTracks", 3 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_fitXProjChi2Offset{ this, "FitXProjChi2Offset", 4.5 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_fitXProjChi2Const{ this, "FitXProjChi2Const", 35000.0 };
   // -- Tolerance for adding overlap hits
   // - OverlapTol: Tolerance for adding overlap hits
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_overlapTol{this, "OverlapTol", 2.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_overlapTol{ this, "OverlapTol", 2.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
   // - YTol: YTolerance for adding / removing hits.
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_yTol{this, "YTol", 2.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_yTol{ this, "YTol", 2.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
   // Change this in order to remove hits and T-tracks used for longtracks.
   // RemoveAll configures that everything is removed.
   // If false only hits and T-tracks from good longtracks are removed.
   // The criterion for this is the Chi2 of the longtracks from the fit.
   // - RemoveUsed: Remove seed tracks and used UT hits (with chi2-cut on long track)?
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_removeUsed{this, "RemoveUsed", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_removeUsed{ this, "RemoveUsed", false };
   // - RemoveAll: Remove seed tracks and used UT hits (withoug chi2-cut on long track)?
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_removeAll{this, "RemoveAll", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_removeAll{ this, "RemoveAll", false };
   //  - LongChi2: Chi2-cut for the removal
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_longChi2{this, "LongChi2", 1.5};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_longChi2{ this, "LongChi2", 1.5 };
   // properties
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_weightsfilename{this, "WeightsFileName",
-                                                 "paramfile://data/GhostProbability/hlt2_PrLongLIvedTracking_MLP.json",
-                                                 "locations of weights files, to be read with ParamFileSvc"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_weightsfilename{ this, "WeightsFileName",
+                                                  "paramfile://data/GhostProbability/hlt2_PrLongLIvedTracking_MLP.json",
+                                                  "locations of weights files, to be read with ParamFileSvc" };
   // services
-  ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_filesvc{this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc", "Service used to retrieve file contents"};
+  ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_filesvc{ this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc",
+                                        "Service used to retrieve file contents" };
   std::unique_ptr<MLP::PrLongLivedTracking::Evaluator> m_mlp_evaluator;
@@ -404,7 +406,7 @@ private:
         geom.findSectorsFullID( layer, track.xAtZ( zLayer ), track.yAtZ( zLayer ), xPredTol, yTol + 20.0, sectors );
         std::sort( sectors.begin(), sectors.end() );
-        int pp{-1};
+        int pp{ -1 };
         for ( auto& p : sectors ) {
           // sectors can be duplicated in the list, but they are ordered
           if ( p == pp ) continue;
@@ -479,7 +481,7 @@ private:
       rhs[1] = 0.;
       rhs[2] = 0.;
-      std::array<int, 4> differentPlanes = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+      std::array<int, 4> differentPlanes = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
       for ( auto& hit : track.hits() ) {
         const double dz   = 0.001 * ( hit.z - track.zMagnet() );
@@ -866,16 +868,16 @@ private:
   // -- counters
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_downTrackCounter{this, "#Downstream tracks made"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_utHitsCounter{this, "#UT hits added"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nSeeds{this, "#Seeds"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nHits0{this, "#Presel hits0"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nHits1{this, "#Presel hits1"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nHits2{this, "#Presel hits2"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nHits3{this, "#Presel hits3"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nXcand{this, "#Good Xcand"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nXUVcand{this, "#Good XUVcand"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_downTrackCounter{ this, "#Downstream tracks made" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_utHitsCounter{ this, "#UT hits added" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nSeeds{ this, "#Seeds" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nHits0{ this, "#Presel hits0" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nHits1{ this, "#Presel hits1" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nHits2{ this, "#Presel hits2" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nHits3{ this, "#Presel hits3" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nXcand{ this, "#Good Xcand" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nXUVcand{ this, "#Good XUVcand" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( PrLongLivedTracking )
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrMakeSelection.cpp b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrMakeSelection.cpp
index d268ca531db377e025d3dc1b0f4f50722de5c819..99454f11d812c7f96b66fc639454590ba86d549d 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrMakeSelection.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrMakeSelection.cpp
@@ -29,14 +29,15 @@ namespace Pr {
   template <typename T, typename Container = std::vector<T> const&>
   struct MakeSelection final : public LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<Selection<T>( Container )> {
     MakeSelection( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<Selection<T>( Container )>( name, pSvcLocator, {"Input", ""}, {"Output", ""} ) {}
+        : LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<Selection<T>( Container )>( name, pSvcLocator, { "Input", "" },
+                                                                   { "Output", "" } ) {}
     Selection<T> operator()( Container in ) const override {
       m_inputObjects += in.size();
-      return {in}; // by default we get a selection with everything marked accepted
+      return { in }; // by default we get a selection with everything marked accepted
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_inputObjects{this, "# input objects"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_inputObjects{ this, "# input objects" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( MakeSelection<LHCb::Event::v1::Track>, "MakeSelection__Track_v1" )
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrMatchNN.cpp b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrMatchNN.cpp
index a067329d6165e37fb428abd5ef1edf29861ba8d6..eba8469618730a7f2b2cf4c2f3e994b0ba04e8ef 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrMatchNN.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrMatchNN.cpp
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::MatchNN {
                                                   Algorithm::Traits::usesConditions<DeMagnet>> {
     using base_t   = Algorithm::Transformer<Long::Tracks( const Velo::Tracks&, const SciFiTracks&,
-                                                        const IPrAddUTHitsTool&, const DeMagnet& ),
+                                                          const IPrAddUTHitsTool&, const DeMagnet& ),
     using KeyValue = typename base_t::KeyValue;
@@ -105,10 +105,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::MatchNN {
     PrMatchNN( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : base_t( name, pSvcLocator,
-                  {KeyValue{"VeloInput", "Rec/Track/Velo"}, KeyValue{"SeedInput", "Rec/Track/Seed"},
-                   KeyValue{"AddUTHitsToolName", "PrAddUTHitsTool"}, KeyValue{"Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path}},
-                  KeyValue{"MatchOutput", "Rec/Track/Match"} )
-        , m_NN{inputVars} {}
+                  { KeyValue{ "VeloInput", "Rec/Track/Velo" }, KeyValue{ "SeedInput", "Rec/Track/Seed" },
+                    KeyValue{ "AddUTHitsToolName", "PrAddUTHitsTool" },
+                    KeyValue{ "Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path } },
+                  KeyValue{ "MatchOutput", "Rec/Track/Match" } )
+        , m_NN{ inputVars } {}
     StatusCode initialize() override {
       return base_t::initialize().andThen( [this] {
@@ -121,8 +122,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::MatchNN {
                              const DeMagnet& ) const override;
-    static constexpr const std::array<const std::string_view, 6> inputVars = {"chi2",  "teta2",  "distX",
-                                                                              "distY", "dSlope", "dSlopeY"};
+    static constexpr const std::array<const std::string_view, 6> inputVars = { "chi2",  "teta2",  "distX",
+                                                                               "distY", "dSlope", "dSlopeY" };
     // calculate matching chi^2
     simd::mask_v checkChi2Match( const LinAlg::Vec<scalar::float_v, 3>        vState_pos,
                                  const LinAlg::Vec<scalar::float_v, 3>        vState_dir,
@@ -135,34 +136,34 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::MatchNN {
     Long::Tracks makeTracks( const Velo::Tracks& velos, const SciFiTracks& seeds, matchCandidates& matches,
                              const DeMagnet& magnet ) const;
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_zMatchY{this, "zMatchY", 10000. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_zMatchY{ this, "zMatchY", 10000. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
     // -- Tolerances
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_dxTol{this, "dxTol", 8. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_dxTolSlope{this, "dxTolSlope", 80. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_dyTol{this, "dyTol", 6. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_dyTolSlope{this, "dyTolSlope", 300. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_fastYTol{this, "FastYTol", 250. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_dxTol{ this, "dxTol", 8. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_dxTolSlope{ this, "dxTolSlope", 80. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_dyTol{ this, "dyTol", 6. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_dyTolSlope{ this, "dyTolSlope", 300. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_fastYTol{ this, "FastYTol", 250. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
     // -- The main cut values
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2{this, "MaxMatchChi2", 15.0};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minNN{this, "MinMatchNN", 0.215};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxdDist{this, "MaxdDist", 0.1};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDistX{this, "MaxDistX", 250 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDistY{this, "MaxDistY", 250 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDSlope{this, "MaxDSlope", 1.5};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDSlopeY{this, "MaxDSlopeY", 0.15};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minP{this, "MinP", 0.0 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minPt{this, "MinPt", 0.0 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxChi2{ this, "MaxMatchChi2", 15.0 };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minNN{ this, "MinMatchNN", 0.215 };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxdDist{ this, "MaxdDist", 0.1 };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDistX{ this, "MaxDistX", 250 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDistY{ this, "MaxDistY", 250 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDSlope{ this, "MaxDSlope", 1.5 };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDSlopeY{ this, "MaxDSlopeY", 0.15 };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minP{ this, "MinP", 0.0 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minPt{ this, "MinPt", 0.0 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
     // -- Counters
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING>     m_momentum_failed{this, "momentum determination failed!"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_tracksCount{this, "#MatchingTracks"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<float>        m_tracksMLP{this, "#MatchingMLP"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<float>        m_tracksChi2{this, "#MatchingChi2"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_momentum_failed{ this, "momentum determination failed!" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_tracksCount{ this, "#MatchingTracks" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<float>        m_tracksMLP{ this, "#MatchingMLP" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<float>        m_tracksChi2{ this, "#MatchingChi2" };
-    ToolHandle<IPrDebugTrackingTool>   m_matchDebugTool{this, "MatchDebugToolName", ""};
-    ToolHandle<ITrackMomentumEstimate> m_fastMomentumTool{this, "FastMomentumToolName", "FastMomentumEstimate"};
-    mutable PublicToolHandle<ISequencerTimerTool> m_timerTool{this, "TimerTool", "",
-                                                              "Do not use in combination with multi-threading."};
+    ToolHandle<IPrDebugTrackingTool>   m_matchDebugTool{ this, "MatchDebugToolName", "" };
+    ToolHandle<ITrackMomentumEstimate> m_fastMomentumTool{ this, "FastMomentumToolName", "FastMomentumEstimate" };
+    mutable PublicToolHandle<ISequencerTimerTool> m_timerTool{ this, "TimerTool", "",
+                                                               "Do not use in combination with multi-threading." };
     ReadMLPMatching m_NN;
@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::MatchNN {
     std::array<simd::float_v, inputVars.size()> mLPReaderInput = {};
     if ( velos.size() == 0 || seeds.size() == 0 ) {
-      return {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::History::PrMatch};
+      return { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::History::PrMatch };
     matchCandidates matches;
@@ -218,9 +219,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::MatchNN {
-      const float posYApproxV   = velo_pos.y().cast() + ( m_zMatchY - velo_pos.z().cast() ) * velo_dir.y().cast();
-      const auto veloSciFiMatch = VeloSciFiMatch<simd::float_v>{velo_dir.x(), velo_dir.y(), velo_dir.x() * velo_dir.x(),
-                                                                velo_dir.y() * velo_dir.y()};
+      const float posYApproxV    = velo_pos.y().cast() + ( m_zMatchY - velo_pos.z().cast() ) * velo_dir.y().cast();
+      const auto  veloSciFiMatch = VeloSciFiMatch<simd::float_v>{
+          velo_dir.x(), velo_dir.y(), velo_dir.x() * velo_dir.x(), velo_dir.y() * velo_dir.y() };
       for ( auto const& s : seeds.simd() ) {
@@ -228,10 +229,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::MatchNN {
         const auto loopMask   = s.loop_mask();
         const auto seedidx    = s.indices();
         const auto seed_state = s.StatePosDir( Event::Enum::State::Location::EndT );
-        const auto seed_pos   = LinAlg::Vec<simd::float_v, 3>{seed_state.x(), seed_state.y(), seed_state.z()};
+        const auto seed_pos   = LinAlg::Vec<simd::float_v, 3>{ seed_state.x(), seed_state.y(), seed_state.z() };
         // to avoid problems in the dSlope calculation later on, set out-of-range x slopes to 0.f
         const auto seed_dir =
-            LinAlg::Vec<simd::float_v, 3>{select( loopMask, seed_state.tx(), 0.f ), seed_state.ty(), 1.f};
+            LinAlg::Vec<simd::float_v, 3>{ select( loopMask, seed_state.tx(), 0.f ), seed_state.ty(), 1.f };
         const auto posYApproxS = seed_state.y() + ( m_zMatchY.value() - seed_state.z() ) * seed_state.ty();
         if ( all( posYApproxS > posYApproxV + m_fastYTol.value() || !loopMask ) ) continue;
@@ -252,7 +253,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::MatchNN {
               .orElse( [&] {
                 // assume the Velo/T station standalone reco do something reasonable
-                qOverP = decltype( qOverP ){std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()};
+                qOverP = decltype( qOverP ){ std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN() };
               } )
           auto selected =
@@ -260,7 +261,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::MatchNN {
           const auto velo_indices = SIMDWrapper::to_array<simd::int_v>( velo.offset() );
           const auto seed_indices = SIMDWrapper::to_array( seedidx );
-          for ( size_t idx{0}; idx < simd::size; ++idx ) {
+          for ( size_t idx{ 0 }; idx < simd::size; ++idx ) {
             if ( std::isnan( selected[idx] ) ) continue;
             // prepare pairs of variable name and value
@@ -268,18 +269,18 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::MatchNN {
             // for each variable name in inputVars get the value from the mlp input
             for ( auto [i, var] : LHCb::range::enumerate( inputVars ) ) {
-              vars_and_values[i] = {var, SIMDWrapper::to_array( mLPReaderInput[i] )[idx]};
+              vars_and_values[i] = { var, SIMDWrapper::to_array( mLPReaderInput[i] )[idx] };
-            vars_and_values[inputVars.size()]     = {"quality",
-                                                 m_matchDebugTool->check( velo_indices[idx], seed_indices[idx] )};
-            vars_and_values[inputVars.size() + 1] = {"mlp", SIMDWrapper::to_array( mlp )[idx]};
-            vars_and_values[inputVars.size() + 2] = {"qop", SIMDWrapper::to_array( qOverP )[idx]};
-            vars_and_values[inputVars.size() + 3] = {"redChi2", SIMDWrapper::to_array( s.chi2PerDoF() )[idx]};
-            vars_and_values[inputVars.size() + 4] = {"tx", velo_dir.x().cast()};
-            vars_and_values[inputVars.size() + 5] = {"ty", velo_dir.y().cast()};
-            vars_and_values[inputVars.size() + 6] = {"tx_scifi", SIMDWrapper::to_array( seed_dir.x() )[idx]};
-            vars_and_values[inputVars.size() + 7] = {"ty_scifi", SIMDWrapper::to_array( seed_dir.y() )[idx]};
-            vars_and_values[inputVars.size() + 8] = {"qop_seed", SIMDWrapper::to_array( seed_state.qOverP() )[idx]};
+            vars_and_values[inputVars.size()]     = { "quality",
+                                                      m_matchDebugTool->check( velo_indices[idx], seed_indices[idx] ) };
+            vars_and_values[inputVars.size() + 1] = { "mlp", SIMDWrapper::to_array( mlp )[idx] };
+            vars_and_values[inputVars.size() + 2] = { "qop", SIMDWrapper::to_array( qOverP )[idx] };
+            vars_and_values[inputVars.size() + 3] = { "redChi2", SIMDWrapper::to_array( s.chi2PerDoF() )[idx] };
+            vars_and_values[inputVars.size() + 4] = { "tx", velo_dir.x().cast() };
+            vars_and_values[inputVars.size() + 5] = { "ty", velo_dir.y().cast() };
+            vars_and_values[inputVars.size() + 6] = { "tx_scifi", SIMDWrapper::to_array( seed_dir.x() )[idx] };
+            vars_and_values[inputVars.size() + 7] = { "ty_scifi", SIMDWrapper::to_array( seed_dir.y() )[idx] };
+            vars_and_values[inputVars.size() + 8] = { "qop_seed", SIMDWrapper::to_array( seed_state.qOverP() )[idx] };
             m_matchDebugTool->storeData( vars_and_values, "MVAInputAndOutput" );
@@ -375,10 +376,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::MatchNN {
                                                    matchCandidates& matches, const DeMagnet& magnet ) const {
     auto result = [&] {
       if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<SciFiTracks, SeedTracks> ) {
-        return Long::Tracks{&velos, nullptr, &seeds, Event::Enum::Track::History::PrMatch};
+        return Long::Tracks{ &velos, nullptr, &seeds, Event::Enum::Track::History::PrMatch };
       } else if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<SciFiTracks, Event::v3::Tracks> ) {
         // the v3 tracks do not work here as ancestors, this can be implemented if needed.
-        return Long::Tracks{&velos, nullptr, nullptr, Event::Enum::Track::History::PrMatch};
+        return Long::Tracks{ &velos, nullptr, nullptr, Event::Enum::Track::History::PrMatch };
@@ -442,13 +443,13 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::MatchNN {
       oTrack.template field<TracksTag::UTHits>().resize( 0 );
       oTrack.template field<TracksTag::FTHits>().resize( n_fthits );
-      for ( auto idx{0}; idx < n_vphits.hmax( loopMask ); ++idx ) {
+      for ( auto idx{ 0 }; idx < n_vphits.hmax( loopMask ); ++idx ) {
         oTrack.template field<TracksTag::VPHits>()[idx].template field<TracksTag::Index>().set(
             velo_track.vp_index( idx ) );
         oTrack.template field<TracksTag::VPHits>()[idx].template field<TracksTag::LHCbID>().set(
             velo_track.vp_lhcbID( idx ) );
-      for ( auto idx{0}; idx < n_fthits.hmax( loopMask ); ++idx ) {
+      for ( auto idx{ 0 }; idx < n_fthits.hmax( loopMask ); ++idx ) {
         const auto ft_index = [&] {
           if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<SciFiTracks, SeedTracks> ) {
             return seed_track.ft_index( idx );
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrResidualPrUTHits.cpp b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrResidualPrUTHits.cpp
index b8b108d99f04f74475c0c3a0bb04b9c56bb1a516..4e383fb81beaf5195b2a906b86d7c787c86224d4 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrResidualPrUTHits.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrResidualPrUTHits.cpp
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ public:
   PrResidualPrUTHits( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : base_class_t( name, pSvcLocator,
-                      {typename base_class_t::KeyValue{"TracksLocation", ""},
-                       typename base_class_t::KeyValue{"PrUTHitsLocation", ""}},
-                      typename base_class_t::KeyValue{"PrUTHitsOutput", ""} ) {}
+                      { typename base_class_t::KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", "" },
+                        typename base_class_t::KeyValue{ "PrUTHitsLocation", "" } },
+                      typename base_class_t::KeyValue{ "PrUTHitsOutput", "" } ) {}
 // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
@@ -60,12 +60,12 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( PrResidualPrUTHits<LHCb::Pr::Upstream::Tracks>, "PrRe
 template <typename T>
 LHCb::Pr::UT::Hits PrResidualPrUTHits<T>::operator()( const EventContext& evtCtx, const T& tracks,
                                                       const LHCb::Pr::UT::Hits& uthithandler ) const {
-  LHCb::Pr::UT::Hits tmp{Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
+  LHCb::Pr::UT::Hits tmp{ Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) };
   // mark used UT hits
   const unsigned int nhits = uthithandler.nHits();
   tmp.reserve( nhits );
-  boost::dynamic_bitset<> used{nhits, false};
+  boost::dynamic_bitset<> used{ nhits, false };
   /// mark used SciFi Hits
   for ( const auto& track : tracks.scalar() ) {
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrResidualSciFiHits.cpp b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrResidualSciFiHits.cpp
index 7411da5ffef47f69ddb49209198ea8c4c3f53b9c..20401402a1bd93bea9105823cef682976d300698 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrResidualSciFiHits.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrResidualSciFiHits.cpp
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::FT {
       : public Algorithm::Transformer<Hits( const EventContext&, const LHCb::Pr::Long::Tracks&, const Hits& )> {
     using Tracks = Long::Tracks;
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_noTracks{this, "Empty Long tracks"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_noTracks{ this, "Empty Long tracks" };
     ResidualHits( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator );
@@ -48,15 +48,15 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::FT {
   ResidualHits::ResidualHits( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"TracksLocation", ""}, KeyValue{"SciFiHitsLocation", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation}},
-                     KeyValue{"SciFiHitsOutput", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", "" }, KeyValue{ "SciFiHitsLocation", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation } },
+                     KeyValue{ "SciFiHitsOutput", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation } ) {}
   // Main execution
   Hits ResidualHits::operator()( const EventContext& evtCtx, const Tracks& tracks, const Hits& fthits ) const {
-    Hits hits{LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ), fthits.size()};
+    Hits hits{ LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ), fthits.size() };
     if ( tracks.empty() || fthits.empty() ) {
       if ( tracks.empty() ) { ++m_noTracks; }
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::FT {
       return hits;
-    auto used = boost::dynamic_bitset<>{fthits.size()};
+    auto used = boost::dynamic_bitset<>{ fthits.size() };
     /// mark used SciFi Hits
     for ( const auto& track : tracks.scalar() ) {
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::FT {
     for ( auto zone : hitzones ) {
       const auto [zoneBegin, zoneEnd] = fthits.getZoneIndices( zone );
       hits.setZoneIndex( zone, hits.size() );
-      for ( auto iHit{zoneBegin}; iHit < zoneEnd; ++iHit ) {
+      for ( auto iHit{ zoneBegin }; iHit < zoneEnd; ++iHit ) {
         if ( used[iHit] ) continue;
         hits.appendColumn( fthits.planeCode( iHit ), fthits.x( iHit ), fthits.hotHitInfo( iHit ),
                            fthits.coldHitInfo( iHit ) );
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::FT {
     // so when asking for lastZone, lastZone+2 gives the very end of the container
     hits.setZoneIndex( LHCb::Detector::FT::nZonesTotal + 1, hits.size() );
     // avoid FPEs
-    for ( unsigned i{0}; i < SIMDWrapper::best::types::size; ++i ) {
+    for ( unsigned i{ 0 }; i < SIMDWrapper::best::types::size; ++i ) {
       hits.appendColumn( std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max(), 1.e9f, {}, {} );
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrResidualSeeding.cpp b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrResidualSeeding.cpp
index 231d28ea27aed6ad44e5fa5c6a7b3336bbdb2480..56d0112cf17a76f57c6e0ed65e7a7ce78cbef160 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrResidualSeeding.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrResidualSeeding.cpp
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ public:
   PrResidualSeeding( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : base_class_t( name, pSvcLocator,
-                      {typename base_class_t::KeyValue{"MatchTracksLocation", ""},
-                       typename base_class_t::KeyValue{"SeedTracksLocation", ""}},
-                      typename base_class_t::KeyValue{"SeedTracksOutput", ""} ) {}
+                      { typename base_class_t::KeyValue{ "MatchTracksLocation", "" },
+                        typename base_class_t::KeyValue{ "SeedTracksLocation", "" } },
+                      typename base_class_t::KeyValue{ "SeedTracksOutput", "" } ) {}
 DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( PrResidualSeeding<TracksLong>, "PrResidualSeedingLong" )
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Tracks PrResidualSeeding<TrackType>::operator()( const TrackType& matchtracks, c
     return tmptracks;
-  boost::dynamic_bitset<> used{seedtracks.size(), false};
+  boost::dynamic_bitset<> used{ seedtracks.size(), false };
   /// mark used SciFi Hits
   for ( const auto& track : matchtracks.scalar() ) {
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrResidualVeloTracks.cpp b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrResidualVeloTracks.cpp
index e2b27dcc38bc111caabb9c2d6a210b812ccd290c..7c5746f59d2e6e1de2f782ba6e9c1325ff594666 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrResidualVeloTracks.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrResidualVeloTracks.cpp
@@ -61,8 +61,9 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( PrResidualVeloTracks, "PrResidualVeloTracks" )
 // Standard constructor, initializes variables
 PrResidualVeloTracks::PrResidualVeloTracks( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"TracksLocation", ""}, KeyValue{"VeloTrackLocation", "Rec/Track/Velo"}},
-                   KeyValue{"VeloTrackOutput", ""} ) {}
+    : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
+                   { KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", "" }, KeyValue{ "VeloTrackLocation", "Rec/Track/Velo" } },
+                   KeyValue{ "VeloTrackOutput", "" } ) {}
 // Main execution
@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks PrResidualVeloTracks::operator()( const LongTracks& track
   const unsigned int      nvelo = velotracks.size();
-  boost::dynamic_bitset<> used{nvelo, false};
+  boost::dynamic_bitset<> used{ nvelo, false };
   auto const veloiter = velotracks.scalar();
   auto const longiter = tracks.scalar();
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrStoreSciFiHits.cpp b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrStoreSciFiHits.cpp
index 18c9ad9875364bccb9a0d0dbaed378cc1046bd76..9923e2a72d9cebdf12dadecc7459aa053c1a7a27 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrStoreSciFiHits.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrStoreSciFiHits.cpp
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::FT {
   // TODO: get this from a tool?
   constexpr auto invClusRes2 = [] {
-    auto tmp = std::array{0.05f, 0.08f, 0.11f, 0.14f, 0.17f, 0.20f, 0.23f, 0.26f, 0.29f};
-    for ( std::size_t i{0}; i < tmp.size(); ++i ) {
+    auto tmp = std::array{ 0.05f, 0.08f, 0.11f, 0.14f, 0.17f, 0.20f, 0.23f, 0.26f, 0.29f };
+    for ( std::size_t i{ 0 }; i < tmp.size(); ++i ) {
       const auto inv = 1.f / tmp[i];
       tmp[i]         = inv * inv;
@@ -52,16 +52,16 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::FT {
     StoreHits( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                       {KeyValue{"HitsLocation", FTLiteClusterLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"FTMatsCache", std::string{MatsCache::Location} + name}},
-                       KeyValue{"Output", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation} ) {}
+                       { KeyValue{ "HitsLocation", FTLiteClusterLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "FTMatsCache", std::string{ MatsCache::Location } + name } },
+                       KeyValue{ "Output", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation } ) {}
     StatusCode initialize() override {
       return Transformer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
-            {DeFTDetectorLocation::Default}, inputLocation<MatsCache>(),
+            { DeFTDetectorLocation::Default }, inputLocation<MatsCache>(),
             [parent = this, applyMatContractionCalibration = m_applyMatContractionCalibration]( const DeFT& deft ) {
-              return MatsCache{deft, parent, applyMatContractionCalibration};
+              return MatsCache{ deft, parent, applyMatContractionCalibration };
             } );
       } );
@@ -70,29 +70,29 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::FT {
     // Calib
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_applyMatContractionCalibration{this, "ApplyMatContractionCalibration",
-                                                           true}; // TODO: remove this flag when fallback solution for
-                                                                  // missing conditions is in place
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<bool, FTConstants::nLayersTotal>> m_layerMasks{this, "LayerMasks", {}};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_applyMatContractionCalibration{ this, "ApplyMatContractionCalibration",
+                                                            true }; // TODO: remove this flag when fallback solution for
+                                                                    // missing conditions is in place
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<bool, FTConstants::nLayersTotal>> m_layerMasks{ this, "LayerMasks", {} };
     // Counters
     using SC = Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>;
     using SCbuf =
         Gaudi::Accumulators::Buffer<Gaudi::Accumulators::StatAccumulator, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, double>;
-    mutable SC                                               m_cntTotalHits{this, "Total number of hits"};
+    mutable SC                                               m_cntTotalHits{ this, "Total number of hits" };
     mutable std::array<SC, LHCb::Detector::FT::nLayersTotal> m_cntHitsPerLayer{
-        SC{this, "Hits in T1X1"}, SC{this, "Hits in T1U"}, SC{this, "Hits in T1V"}, SC{this, "Hits in T1X2"},
-        SC{this, "Hits in T2X1"}, SC{this, "Hits in T2U"}, SC{this, "Hits in T2V"}, SC{this, "Hits in T2X2"},
-        SC{this, "Hits in T3X1"}, SC{this, "Hits in T3U"}, SC{this, "Hits in T3V"}, SC{this, "Hits in T3X2"}};
+        SC{ this, "Hits in T1X1" }, SC{ this, "Hits in T1U" }, SC{ this, "Hits in T1V" }, SC{ this, "Hits in T1X2" },
+        SC{ this, "Hits in T2X1" }, SC{ this, "Hits in T2U" }, SC{ this, "Hits in T2V" }, SC{ this, "Hits in T2X2" },
+        SC{ this, "Hits in T3X1" }, SC{ this, "Hits in T3U" }, SC{ this, "Hits in T3V" }, SC{ this, "Hits in T3X2" } };
     mutable std::array<SC, LHCb::Detector::FT::nLayersTotal> m_cntXPerLayer{
-        SC{this, "Average X in T1X1"}, SC{this, "Average X in T1U"},  SC{this, "Average X in T1V"},
-        SC{this, "Average X in T1X2"}, SC{this, "Average X in T2X1"}, SC{this, "Average X in T2U"},
-        SC{this, "Average X in T2V"},  SC{this, "Average X in T2X2"}, SC{this, "Average X in T3X1"},
-        SC{this, "Average X in T3U"},  SC{this, "Average X in T3V"},  SC{this, "Average X in T3X2"}};
+        SC{ this, "Average X in T1X1" }, SC{ this, "Average X in T1U" },  SC{ this, "Average X in T1V" },
+        SC{ this, "Average X in T1X2" }, SC{ this, "Average X in T2X1" }, SC{ this, "Average X in T2U" },
+        SC{ this, "Average X in T2V" },  SC{ this, "Average X in T2X2" }, SC{ this, "Average X in T3X1" },
+        SC{ this, "Average X in T3U" },  SC{ this, "Average X in T3V" },  SC{ this, "Average X in T3X2" } };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_noCalib{
         this, "Requested to correct FT mats for temperature distortions but conditions not available. "
               "These corrections cannot be applied. Check your conditions tags if you intend to apply "
               "these corrections or set property ApplyMatContractionCalibration to false if you do not. "
-              "Continuing without applying corrections."};
+              "Continuing without applying corrections." };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( StoreHits, "PrStoreSciFiHits" )
@@ -100,19 +100,19 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::FT {
   Hits StoreHits::operator()( const EventContext& evtCtx, FTLiteClusters const& clusters,
                               MatsCache const& cache ) const {
-    Hits hits{LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
+    Hits hits{ LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) };
     auto                                                bufTotalHits    = m_cntTotalHits.buffer();
     std::array<SCbuf, LHCb::Detector::FT::nLayersTotal> bufHitsPerLayer = {
         m_cntHitsPerLayer[0].buffer(), m_cntHitsPerLayer[1].buffer(),  m_cntHitsPerLayer[2].buffer(),
         m_cntHitsPerLayer[3].buffer(), m_cntHitsPerLayer[4].buffer(),  m_cntHitsPerLayer[5].buffer(),
         m_cntHitsPerLayer[6].buffer(), m_cntHitsPerLayer[7].buffer(),  m_cntHitsPerLayer[8].buffer(),
-        m_cntHitsPerLayer[9].buffer(), m_cntHitsPerLayer[10].buffer(), m_cntHitsPerLayer[11].buffer()};
+        m_cntHitsPerLayer[9].buffer(), m_cntHitsPerLayer[10].buffer(), m_cntHitsPerLayer[11].buffer() };
     std::array<SCbuf, LHCb::Detector::FT::nLayersTotal> bufXPerLayer = {
         m_cntXPerLayer[0].buffer(), m_cntXPerLayer[1].buffer(),  m_cntXPerLayer[2].buffer(),
         m_cntXPerLayer[3].buffer(), m_cntXPerLayer[4].buffer(),  m_cntXPerLayer[5].buffer(),
         m_cntXPerLayer[6].buffer(), m_cntXPerLayer[7].buffer(),  m_cntXPerLayer[8].buffer(),
-        m_cntXPerLayer[9].buffer(), m_cntXPerLayer[10].buffer(), m_cntXPerLayer[11].buffer()};
+        m_cntXPerLayer[9].buffer(), m_cntXPerLayer[10].buffer(), m_cntXPerLayer[11].buffer() };
     bufTotalHits += clusters.size();
     for ( auto iZone : hitzones ) {
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::FT {
         hits.appendColumn( std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max(), 1.e9f, {}, {} );
-      for ( unsigned int localQuarterIdx{0};
+      for ( unsigned int localQuarterIdx{ 0 };
             localQuarterIdx < LHCb::Detector::FT::nQuarters / LHCb::Detector::FT::nZones; ++localQuarterIdx ) {
         const auto globalQuarterIdx = bit_cast<unsigned>( iZone * LHCb::Detector::FT::nZones + localQuarterIdx );
         bufHitsPerLayer[globalLayerIdx] += clusters.range( globalQuarterIdx ).size();
@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::FT {
           hits.appendColumn( globalLayerIdx, x0,
-                             {invClusRes2[clus.pseudoSize()], cache.dzdy[index], cache.dxdy[index], z0},
-                             {id, yMin, yMax} );
+                             { invClusRes2[clus.pseudoSize()], cache.dzdy[index], cache.dxdy[index], z0 },
+                             { id, yMin, yMax } );
       // add a large number at the end of x hits for each zone to stop binary search before end
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::FT {
     // so when asking for lastZone, lastZone+2 gives the very end of the container
     hits.setZoneIndex( LHCb::Detector::FT::nZonesTotal + 1, hits.size() );
     // avoid FPEs
-    for ( unsigned i{0}; i < SIMDWrapper::best::types::size; ++i ) {
+    for ( unsigned i{ 0 }; i < SIMDWrapper::best::types::size; ++i ) {
       hits.appendColumn( std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max(), 1.e9f, {}, {} );
     return hits;
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrStoreUTHit.cpp b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrStoreUTHit.cpp
index 2f9367edd7c634df83a885c97d35aeaf6f17e2c8..ab7e33611692f5a252c66a2ceacab1bf0a49c57a 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrStoreUTHit.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrStoreUTHit.cpp
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::UT {
   template <typename HANDLER>
   using Transformer    = LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<HANDLER( const EventContext&, const RawBank::View&,
-                                                            const RawBank::View&, const UTGeomCache& ),
+                                                               const RawBank::View&, const UTGeomCache& ),
   using PositionMethod = UTDecoder<::UTDAQ::version::v5>::PositionMethod;
   template <typename HANDLER>
@@ -38,25 +38,25 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::UT {
     StoreHit( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer<HANDLER>( name, pSvcLocator,
-                                {KeyValue{"UTRawBank", "DAQ/RawBanks/UT"},
-                                 KeyValue{"UTErrorRawBank", "DAQ/RawBanks/UTError"},
-                                 KeyValue{"GeomCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-UTGeomCache"}},
-                                KeyValue{"UTHitsLocation", UTInfo::HitLocation} ) {}
+                                { KeyValue{ "UTRawBank", "DAQ/RawBanks/UT" },
+                                  KeyValue{ "UTErrorRawBank", "DAQ/RawBanks/UTError" },
+                                  KeyValue{ "GeomCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-UTGeomCache" } },
+                                KeyValue{ "UTHitsLocation", UTInfo::HitLocation } ) {}
     StatusCode initialize() override {
       return Transformer<HANDLER>::initialize().andThen( [&] {
         // TODO : alignment need the updateSvc for detector ( UT experts needed )
-        this->addConditionDerivation( {DeUTDetLocation::location(), m_readoutTool->getReadoutInfoKey()},
+        this->addConditionDerivation( { DeUTDetLocation::location(), m_readoutTool->getReadoutInfoKey() },
                                       this->template inputLocation<UTGeomCache>(),
                                       [this]( const DeUTDetector& utDet, IUTReadoutTool::ReadoutInfo const& roInfo ) {
-                                        return UTGeomCache{utDet, *m_readoutTool, roInfo};
+                                        return UTGeomCache{ utDet, *m_readoutTool, roInfo };
                                       } );
       } );
     HANDLER operator()( const EventContext& evtCtx, const RawBank::View& utBanks, const RawBank::View& utErrorBanks,
                         const UTGeomCache& cache ) const override {
-      HANDLER hitHandler{Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
+      HANDLER hitHandler{ Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) };
       hitHandler.reserve( 10000 );
       // only process requested bank types via m_bankTypes
@@ -86,42 +86,42 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::UT {
                 hitHandler.emplace_back( *aSector, fullChan.idx, strip, fracStripBitsHandler( aWord ),
-                                         Detector::UT::ChannelID{fullChan.chanID + strip}, aWord.pseudoSizeBits(),
+                                         Detector::UT::ChannelID{ fullChan.chanID + strip }, aWord.pseudoSizeBits(),
                                          aWord.hasHighThreshold(), clusterChargeHandler( aWord ) );
-            switch ( ::UTDAQ::version{bank->version()} ) {
+            switch ( ::UTDAQ::version{ bank->version() } ) {
             case ::UTDAQ::version::v2:
               if ( !m_isCluster )
-                    UTDecoder<::UTDAQ::version::v2>{*bank}.posRange(),
+                    UTDecoder<::UTDAQ::version::v2>{ *bank }.posRange(),
                     []( const auto& aWord ) { return aWord.clusterCharge(); },
                     []( const auto& aWord ) { return aWord.fracStripBits(); } );
-                    UTDecoder<::UTDAQ::version::v2>{*bank}.posAdcRange( m_positionMethod, m_stripMax ),
+                    UTDecoder<::UTDAQ::version::v2>{ *bank }.posAdcRange( m_positionMethod, m_stripMax ),
                     []( const auto& aWord ) { return aWord.clusterCharge(); },
                     []( const auto& aWord ) { return aWord.fracStripBits(); } );
             case ::UTDAQ::version::v5:
               if ( !m_isCluster )
-                    UTDecoder<::UTDAQ::version::v5>{*bank}.posRange(),
+                    UTDecoder<::UTDAQ::version::v5>{ *bank }.posRange(),
                     []( const auto& aWord ) { return aWord.clusterCharge(); },
                     []( const auto& aWord ) { return aWord.fracStripBits(); } );
-                    UTDecoder<::UTDAQ::version::v5>{*bank}.posAdcRange( m_positionMethod, m_stripMax ),
+                    UTDecoder<::UTDAQ::version::v5>{ *bank }.posAdcRange( m_positionMethod, m_stripMax ),
                     []( const auto& aWord ) { return aWord.clusterCharge(); },
                     []( const auto& aWord ) { return aWord.fracStripBits(); } );
             case ::UTDAQ::version::v4:
-                  UTDecoder<::UTDAQ::version::v4>{*bank}.posRange(), [&]( const auto& ) { return 0; },
+                  UTDecoder<::UTDAQ::version::v4>{ *bank }.posRange(), [&]( const auto& ) { return 0; },
                   []( const auto& aWord ) { return aWord.fracStripBits() / 4; } );
-              throw std::runtime_error{"unknown version of the RawBank"}; /* OOPS: unknown format */
+              throw std::runtime_error{ "unknown version of the RawBank" }; /* OOPS: unknown format */
           m_nUTBanks += utBanks.size();
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::UT {
                 const auto& fullChan = cache.fullchan[geomIdx];
                 const auto strip     = ( aWord.channelID() & 0x1ff );
-                auto       channelId = Detector::UT::ChannelID{fullChan.chanID + strip};
+                auto       channelId = Detector::UT::ChannelID{ fullChan.chanID + strip };
 #ifdef USE_DD4HEP
                 hitHandler.emplace_back( aSector, fullChan.idx, strip, fracStripBitsHandler( aWord ),
@@ -162,38 +162,38 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::UT {
                                          clusterChargeHandler( aWord ) );
-            switch ( ::UTDAQ::version{bank->version()} ) {
+            switch ( ::UTDAQ::version{ bank->version() } ) {
             case ::UTDAQ::version::v2:
               if ( !m_isCluster )
-                    UTDecoder<::UTDAQ::version::v2>{*bank}.posRange(),
+                    UTDecoder<::UTDAQ::version::v2>{ *bank }.posRange(),
                     []( const auto& aWord ) { return aWord.clusterCharge(); },
                     []( const auto& aWord ) { return aWord.fracStripBits(); } );
-                    UTDecoder<::UTDAQ::version::v2>{*bank}.posAdcRange( m_positionMethod, m_stripMax ),
+                    UTDecoder<::UTDAQ::version::v2>{ *bank }.posAdcRange( m_positionMethod, m_stripMax ),
                     []( const auto& aWord ) { return aWord.clusterCharge(); },
                     []( const auto& aWord ) { return aWord.fracStripBits(); } );
             case ::UTDAQ::version::v5:
               if ( !m_isCluster )
-                    UTDecoder<::UTDAQ::version::v5>{*bank}.posRange(),
+                    UTDecoder<::UTDAQ::version::v5>{ *bank }.posRange(),
                     []( const auto& aWord ) { return aWord.clusterCharge(); },
                     []( const auto& aWord ) { return aWord.fracStripBits(); } );
-                    UTDecoder<::UTDAQ::version::v5>{*bank}.posAdcRange( m_positionMethod, m_stripMax ),
+                    UTDecoder<::UTDAQ::version::v5>{ *bank }.posAdcRange( m_positionMethod, m_stripMax ),
                     []( const auto& aWord ) { return aWord.clusterCharge(); },
                     []( const auto& aWord ) { return aWord.fracStripBits(); } );
             case ::UTDAQ::version::v4:
-                  UTDecoder<::UTDAQ::version::v4>{*bank}.posRange(), [&]( const auto& ) { return 0; },
+                  UTDecoder<::UTDAQ::version::v4>{ *bank }.posRange(), [&]( const auto& ) { return 0; },
                   []( const auto& aWord ) { return aWord.fracStripBits() / 4; } );
-              throw std::runtime_error{"unknown version of the RawBank"}; /* OOPS: unknown format */
+              throw std::runtime_error{ "unknown version of the RawBank" }; /* OOPS: unknown format */
           m_nUTErrorBanks += utErrorBanks.size();
@@ -229,19 +229,19 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::UT {
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useUTBanks{this, "UseUTBanks", true, "Whether to decode RawBank::UT"};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useUTErrorBanks{this, "UseUTErrorBanks", true, "Whether to decode RawBank::UTError"};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_isCluster{this, "isCluster", true};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_assumeSorted{this, "AssumeSorted", true};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_assumeUnique{this, "AssumeUnique", true};
-    Gaudi::Property<PositionMethod> m_positionMethod{this, "positionMethod", PositionMethod::AdcWeighting};
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>   m_stripMax{this, "stripMax", 128};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_nUTBanks{this, "# RawBank::UT banks"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_nUTErrorBanks{this, "# RawBank::UTError banks"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_not_unique_clusters{this, "Non-unique UT clusters in event"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_bad_data{this, "Decoding Error -- dropping all UT hits"};
-    ToolHandle<IUTReadoutTool>                          m_readoutTool{this, "ReadoutTool", "UTReadoutTool"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useUTBanks{ this, "UseUTBanks", true, "Whether to decode RawBank::UT" };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useUTErrorBanks{ this, "UseUTErrorBanks", true, "Whether to decode RawBank::UTError" };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_isCluster{ this, "isCluster", true };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_assumeSorted{ this, "AssumeSorted", true };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_assumeUnique{ this, "AssumeUnique", true };
+    Gaudi::Property<PositionMethod> m_positionMethod{ this, "positionMethod", PositionMethod::AdcWeighting };
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>   m_stripMax{ this, "stripMax", 128 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_nUTBanks{ this, "# RawBank::UT banks" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_nUTErrorBanks{ this, "# RawBank::UTError banks" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_not_unique_clusters{ this, "Non-unique UT clusters in event" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_bad_data{ this, "Decoding Error -- dropping all UT hits" };
+    ToolHandle<IUTReadoutTool>                          m_readoutTool{ this, "ReadoutTool", "UTReadoutTool" };
     bool                                                m_add_ut_banks;
     bool                                                m_add_ut_error_banks;
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrTrackFitterXYZ.h b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrTrackFitterXYZ.h
index f35fa3685cce6ef9da908d4b5b8fc9686543748f..15ff7335598036eeac96939eb099aec13a86852b 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrTrackFitterXYZ.h
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrTrackFitterXYZ.h
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ class PrTrackFitterXYZ final {
   using PrSciFiHits  = LHCb::Pr::FT::Hits;
-  PrTrackFitterXYZ()                                 = default;
-  PrTrackFitterXYZ( const PrTrackFitterXYZ<NITER>& ) = delete;
-  PrTrackFitterXYZ( PrTrackFitterXYZ<NITER>&& )      = delete;
+  PrTrackFitterXYZ()                                            = default;
+  PrTrackFitterXYZ( const PrTrackFitterXYZ<NITER>& )            = delete;
+  PrTrackFitterXYZ( PrTrackFitterXYZ<NITER>&& )                 = delete;
   PrTrackFitterXYZ& operator=( const PrTrackFitterXYZ<NITER>& ) = delete;
-  PrTrackFitterXYZ& operator=( PrTrackFitterXYZ<NITER>&& ) = delete;
+  PrTrackFitterXYZ& operator=( PrTrackFitterXYZ<NITER>&& )      = delete;
   template <typename DRatioParArrayType>
   bool fit( const PrSciFiHits& sciFiHits, TrackType& track, const DRatioParArrayType& dRatioPar ) noexcept {
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ private:
   void calculate_chi2( const PrSciFiHits& sciFiHits, TrackType& track ) noexcept {
     // Calculate chi2
     float chi2PerDoF = 0.f;
-    for ( auto [iterH, iterChi2] = std::tuple{track.hits().cbegin(), track.chi2Hits().begin()};
+    for ( auto [iterH, iterChi2] = std::tuple{ track.hits().cbegin(), track.chi2Hits().begin() };
           iterH != track.hits().cend(); ++iterH, ++iterChi2 ) {
       *iterChi2 = track.chi2( sciFiHits, iterH->fullDex );
       chi2PerDoF += *iterChi2;
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrTrackFitterXZ.h b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrTrackFitterXZ.h
index 3f1b874cfb8cd8fc50d927ecb1cb79c4a3c1b584..5a0511d1550cdf6aa827ac2946abccc2b2037ed9 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrTrackFitterXZ.h
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrTrackFitterXZ.h
@@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ class PrTrackFitterXZ final {
   using PrSciFiHits  = LHCb::Pr::FT::Hits;
-  PrTrackFitterXZ()                         = default;
-  PrTrackFitterXZ( const PrTrackFitterXZ& ) = delete;
-  PrTrackFitterXZ( PrTrackFitterXZ&& )      = delete;
+  PrTrackFitterXZ()                                    = default;
+  PrTrackFitterXZ( const PrTrackFitterXZ& )            = delete;
+  PrTrackFitterXZ( PrTrackFitterXZ&& )                 = delete;
   PrTrackFitterXZ& operator=( const PrTrackFitterXZ& ) = delete;
-  PrTrackFitterXZ& operator=( PrTrackFitterXZ&& ) = delete;
+  PrTrackFitterXZ& operator=( PrTrackFitterXZ&& )      = delete;
   bool fit( const PrSciFiHits& sciFiHits, TrackType& track ) noexcept {
     VectorType rhs; // right-hand-side of the linear system (function of the x positions)
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ private:
   void calculate_chi2( const PrSciFiHits& sciFiHits, TrackType& track ) noexcept {
     // Calculate chi2
     float chi2PerDoF = 0.f;
-    for ( auto [iterH, iterChi2] = std::tuple{track.hits().cbegin(), track.chi2Hits().begin()};
+    for ( auto [iterH, iterChi2] = std::tuple{ track.hits().cbegin(), track.chi2Hits().begin() };
           iterH != track.hits().cend(); ++iterH, ++iterChi2 ) {
       *iterChi2 = track.chi2( sciFiHits, *( iterH ) );
       chi2PerDoF += *iterChi2;
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrTrackFitterYZ.h b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrTrackFitterYZ.h
index 092fe4764d1823d9e0b0afa3a92d895b809b8f45..9a724bbed7439de490973cbe463ce0983a0a65b5 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrTrackFitterYZ.h
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrTrackFitterYZ.h
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ class PrTrackFitterYZ final {
   using PrSciFiHits  = LHCb::Pr::FT::Hits;
-  PrTrackFitterYZ()                         = delete;
-  PrTrackFitterYZ( const PrTrackFitterYZ& ) = delete;
-  PrTrackFitterYZ( PrTrackFitterYZ&& )      = delete;
+  PrTrackFitterYZ()                                    = delete;
+  PrTrackFitterYZ( const PrTrackFitterYZ& )            = delete;
+  PrTrackFitterYZ( PrTrackFitterYZ&& )                 = delete;
   PrTrackFitterYZ& operator=( const PrTrackFitterYZ& ) = delete;
-  PrTrackFitterYZ& operator=( PrTrackFitterYZ&& ) = delete;
+  PrTrackFitterYZ& operator=( PrTrackFitterYZ&& )      = delete;
   PrTrackFitterYZ( TrackType& track ) : m_track( track ) {}
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ private:
   void calculate_chi2( const PrSciFiHits& sciFiHits, HitIteratorType itBeg, HitIteratorType itEnd ) noexcept {
     // Calculate chi2
     m_chi2PerDoF = 0.f;
-    for ( auto [iterH, iterChi2] = std::tuple{itBeg, m_chi2Hits.begin()}; itEnd != iterH; ++iterH, ++iterChi2 ) {
+    for ( auto [iterH, iterChi2] = std::tuple{ itBeg, m_chi2Hits.begin() }; itEnd != iterH; ++iterH, ++iterChi2 ) {
       *iterChi2 = chi2hit( sciFiHits, **iterH );
       m_chi2PerDoF += *iterChi2;
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrTrackModel.h b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrTrackModel.h
index 38e5ed6a56ba280c9d35cbda7d92c8b9f8113db8..2df8bcd046b35ca5e099cff7a6318465dd092217 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrTrackModel.h
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/PrTrackModel.h
@@ -100,18 +100,18 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     // param[0] + param[1]*dSlope_xEndT_abs + param[2]*x_EndT_abs + param[3]*tx^2 +
     // param[4]*dSlope_xEndT^2
     static constexpr std::array<float, 5> zMagnetParamsEndT{
-        5286.687877988849f, -3.259689996453795f, 0.015615778872337033f, -1377.3175211789967f, 282.9821232487341f};
+        5286.687877988849f, -3.259689996453795f, 0.015615778872337033f, -1377.3175211789967f, 282.9821232487341f };
     /*  param[0]*dSlope_yEndT + param[1]*ty dSlope_xEndT_abs + param[2]*ty
      *  dSlope_yEndT_abs + param[3]*ty tx dSlope_xEndT + param[4]*ty dSlope_xEndT^2 +
      *  param[5]*ty dSlope_yEndT^2 + param[6]*tx^2 dSlope_yEndT + param[7]*ty tx^2
      *  dSlope_xEndT_abs + param[8]*ty^3 tx dSlope_xEndT
-    static constexpr std::array<float, 9> bendYParams{4227.700246518678f,  49.57143777936437f,   1771.7315744432228f,
-                                                      1939.3072869085627f, 1536.7479670346445f,  287.1741842353233f,
-                                                      1901.2686457070686f, -1757.6881109430192f, 17703.99684842123f};
+    static constexpr std::array<float, 9> bendYParams{ 4227.700246518678f,  49.57143777936437f,   1771.7315744432228f,
+                                                       1939.3072869085627f, 1536.7479670346445f,  287.1741842353233f,
+                                                       1901.2686457070686f, -1757.6881109430192f, 17703.99684842123f };
     // param[0]*ty dSlope_xEndT^2 + param[1]*ty dSlope_yEndT^2
-    static constexpr std::array<float, 2> bendYParamsMatch{-1974.6355416889746f, -35933.837494833504f};
+    static constexpr std::array<float, 2> bendYParamsMatch{ -1974.6355416889746f, -35933.837494833504f };
   namespace Forward {
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     inline constexpr auto nan         = std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN();
     inline constexpr auto nanMomentum = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
-    inline constexpr float zReference{8520.f};
+    inline constexpr float zReference{ 8520.f };
     // this must be false in production!
     inline constexpr auto DEBUG = false;
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       template <auto N>
       void add( LHCb::span<const float, N> v ) {
         static_assert( N <= P );
-        for ( size_t i{0}; i < N; ++i ) { this->operator[]( i ) += v[i]; }
+        for ( size_t i{ 0 }; i < N; ++i ) { this->operator[]( i ) += v[i]; }
       // for debugging
@@ -190,16 +190,16 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       VeloSeed() = default;
       VeloSeed( float x0, float y0, float z0, float tx, float ty, float qOverP, float magScaleFactor )
-          : x0{x0}
-          , y0{y0}
-          , z0{z0}
-          , tx{tx}
-          , ty{ty}
-          , qOverP{qOverP}
-          , tx2{tx * tx}
-          , ty2{ty * ty}
-          , slope2{tx * tx + ty * ty}
-          , momProj{std::sqrt( ( tx * tx + ty * ty ) / ( 1.f + tx * tx + ty * ty ) )} {
+          : x0{ x0 }
+          , y0{ y0 }
+          , z0{ z0 }
+          , tx{ tx }
+          , ty{ ty }
+          , qOverP{ qOverP }
+          , tx2{ tx * tx }
+          , ty2{ ty * ty }
+          , slope2{ tx * tx + ty * ty }
+          , momProj{ std::sqrt( ( tx * tx + ty * ty ) / ( 1.f + tx * tx + ty * ty ) ) } {
         qMag       = !std::isnan( qOverP ) ? magScaleFactor * std::copysign( 1.f, qOverP ) : std::abs( magScaleFactor );
         linearTerm = momentumWindowParamsRef[0] + momentumWindowParamsRef[1] * ty2 + momentumWindowParamsRef[2] * tx2 +
@@ -211,20 +211,20 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
             momentumWindowParamsRef[4] + momentumWindowParamsRef[7] * tx * qMag + momentumWindowParamsRef[11] * ty2;
-      float x0{nan};
-      float y0{nan};
-      float z0{nan};
-      float tx{nan};
-      float ty{nan};
-      float qOverP{nan};
-      float tx2{nan};
-      float ty2{nan};
-      float slope2{nan};
-      float momProj{nan};
-      float qMag{nan};
-      float linearTerm{nan};
-      float quadraticTerm{nan};
-      float cubicTerm{nan};
+      float x0{ nan };
+      float y0{ nan };
+      float z0{ nan };
+      float tx{ nan };
+      float ty{ nan };
+      float qOverP{ nan };
+      float tx2{ nan };
+      float ty2{ nan };
+      float slope2{ nan };
+      float momProj{ nan };
+      float qMag{ nan };
+      float linearTerm{ nan };
+      float quadraticTerm{ nan };
+      float cubicTerm{ nan };
        * @brief Linear extrapolation of the Velo track in x.
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       static constexpr std::array<float, 13> momentumWindowParamsRef{
           4018.896625676043f,  6724.789549369031f,  3970.9093976497766f, -4363.5807241252905f, 1421.1056758688073f,
           4934.07761471779f,   6985.252911263751f,  -5538.28013195104f,  1642.8616070452542f,  106068.96918885755f,
-          -94446.81037767915f, 26489.793756692892f, -23936.54391006025f};
+          -94446.81037767915f, 26489.793756692892f, -23936.54391006025f };
@@ -291,12 +291,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     struct VeloSeedExtended {
       VeloSeedExtended( int iTrack, const VeloSeed& veloseed, const ZoneCache& cache )
-          : veloSciFiMatch{veloseed.tx, veloseed.ty, veloseed.tx2, veloseed.ty2}
-          , seed{veloseed}
-          , xStraightAtRef{veloseed.x( zReference )}
-          , zMag{zMagnetParamsRef[0] + zMagnetParamsRef[1] * veloseed.tx2 + zMagnetParamsRef[3] * veloseed.ty2}
-          , yStraightAtRef{veloseed.y( zReference )}
-          , iTrack{iTrack} {
+          : veloSciFiMatch{ veloseed.tx, veloseed.ty, veloseed.tx2, veloseed.ty2 }
+          , seed{ veloseed }
+          , xStraightAtRef{ veloseed.x( zReference ) }
+          , zMag{ zMagnetParamsRef[0] + zMagnetParamsRef[1] * veloseed.tx2 + zMagnetParamsRef[3] * veloseed.ty2 }
+          , yStraightAtRef{ veloseed.y( zReference ) }
+          , iTrack{ iTrack } {
         const auto tx     = seed.tx;
         const auto ty     = seed.ty;
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
         cyTerm        = cyParams[1] * txty;
         cyTermAbs     = cyParams[0] * ty + cyParams[3] * ty3 + cyParams[4] * tytx2;
-        for ( unsigned int iLayer{0}; iLayer < Detector::FT::nLayersTotal; ++iLayer ) {
+        for ( unsigned int iLayer{ 0 }; iLayer < Detector::FT::nLayersTotal; ++iLayer ) {
           if ( iLayer % 2 ) {
             const auto l      = iLayer / 2;
             yCorrTermLayer[l] = yCorrParamsLayers[l][0] + yCorrParamsLayers[l][2] * txty +
@@ -489,56 +489,56 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       // param[0] + param[1]*tx^2 + param[2]*tx dSlope_fringe + param[3]*ty^2 +
       // param[4]*dSlope_fringe^2
       static constexpr std::array<float, 5> zMagnetParamsRef{
-          5205.144186525624f, -320.7206595710594f, 702.1384894815535f, -316.36350963107543f, 441.59909857558097f};
+          5205.144186525624f, -320.7206595710594f, 702.1384894815535f, -316.36350963107543f, 441.59909857558097f };
       // param[0]*dSlope_fringe + param[1]*tx dSlope_fringe + param[2]*ty
       // dSlope_fringe + param[3]*tx^2 dSlope_fringe + param[4]*tx ty dSlope_fringe +
       // param[5]*ty^2 dSlope_fringe
-      static constexpr std::array<float, 6> cxParams{2.335283084724005e-05f,   -5.394341220986507e-08f,
-                                                     -1.1353152524130453e-06f, 9.213281616649267e-06f,
-                                                     -6.76457896718169e-07f,   -0.0003740758569392804f};
+      static constexpr std::array<float, 6> cxParams{ 2.335283084724005e-05f,   -5.394341220986507e-08f,
+                                                      -1.1353152524130453e-06f, 9.213281616649267e-06f,
+                                                      -6.76457896718169e-07f,   -0.0003740758569392804f };
       // param[0]*dSlope_fringe + param[1]*tx dSlope_fringe + param[2]*ty
       // dSlope_fringe + param[3]*tx^2 dSlope_fringe + param[4]*tx ty dSlope_fringe +
       // param[5]*ty^2 dSlope_fringe
-      static constexpr std::array<float, 6> dxParams{-7.057523874477465e-09f, 1.0524178059699073e-11f,
-                                                     6.46124765440666e-10f,   2.595690034874298e-09f,
-                                                     8.044356540608104e-11f,  9.933758467661586e-08f};
+      static constexpr std::array<float, 6> dxParams{ -7.057523874477465e-09f, 1.0524178059699073e-11f,
+                                                      6.46124765440666e-10f,   2.595690034874298e-09f,
+                                                      8.044356540608104e-11f,  9.933758467661586e-08f };
       // param[0]*dSlope_fringe + param[1]*ty dSlope_fringe_abs + param[2]*ty tx
       // dSlope_fringe + param[3]*ty^3 dSlope_fringe_abs + param[4]*ty tx^2
       // dSlope_fringe_abs + param[5]*ty^3 tx dSlope_fringe + param[6]*ty tx^3
       // dSlope_fringe + param[7]*ty^3 tx^2 dSlope_fringe_abs
       static constexpr std::array<std::array<float, 8>, 6> yCorrParamsLayers{
-          {{1.9141402652138315f, 154.61935746400832f, 3719.298754021463f, -6981.575944838166f, -67.7612042340458f,
-            41484.88865215446f, 30544.717526101966f, 211219.00520598015f},
-           {1.9802106454737567f, 146.34197177414035f, 3766.9995843145575f, -7381.001822418669f, 18.407833054380728f,
-            42635.398541425144f, 31434.95400997568f, 218404.36150766257f},
-           {2.6036680178541256f, 53.231282135657125f, 4236.335446831202f, -10844.798302911375f, 986.1498917330866f,
-            52670.269097485856f, 39380.4857744525f, 281250.90766092145f},
-           {2.6802443731107797f, 40.75834605688442f, 4296.645356936966f, -11234.776424245354f, 1115.363228090216f,
-            53813.817216417505f, 40299.07624778942f, 288431.507847565f},
-           {3.3827128857688793f, -76.61325300322648f, 4875.424130053332f, -14585.199358667853f, 2322.162251501158f,
-            63618.048819648175f, 48278.83901554796f, 350657.56046107266f},
-           {3.4657288815375846f, -90.58976402034898f, 4946.538479838353f, -14962.319670402725f, 2464.758450826609f,
-            64707.51942328425f, 49179.43246319585f, 357681.17176708044f}}};
+          { { 1.9141402652138315f, 154.61935746400832f, 3719.298754021463f, -6981.575944838166f, -67.7612042340458f,
+              41484.88865215446f, 30544.717526101966f, 211219.00520598015f },
+            { 1.9802106454737567f, 146.34197177414035f, 3766.9995843145575f, -7381.001822418669f, 18.407833054380728f,
+              42635.398541425144f, 31434.95400997568f, 218404.36150766257f },
+            { 2.6036680178541256f, 53.231282135657125f, 4236.335446831202f, -10844.798302911375f, 986.1498917330866f,
+              52670.269097485856f, 39380.4857744525f, 281250.90766092145f },
+            { 2.6802443731107797f, 40.75834605688442f, 4296.645356936966f, -11234.776424245354f, 1115.363228090216f,
+              53813.817216417505f, 40299.07624778942f, 288431.507847565f },
+            { 3.3827128857688793f, -76.61325300322648f, 4875.424130053332f, -14585.199358667853f, 2322.162251501158f,
+              63618.048819648175f, 48278.83901554796f, 350657.56046107266f },
+            { 3.4657288815375846f, -90.58976402034898f, 4946.538479838353f, -14962.319670402725f, 2464.758450826609f,
+              64707.51942328425f, 49179.43246319585f, 357681.17176708044f } } };
       // param[0]*dSlope_fringe + param[1]*ty dSlope_fringe_abs + param[2]*ty tx
       // dSlope_fringe + param[3]*ty^3 dSlope_fringe_abs + param[4]*ty tx^2
       // dSlope_fringe_abs + param[5]*ty^3 tx dSlope_fringe + param[6]*ty tx^3
       // dSlope_fringe + param[7]*ty^3 tx^2 dSlope_fringe_abs
-      static constexpr std::array<float, 8> yCorrParamsRef{2.5415524238347658f, 63.25841388467006f, 4187.534822693825f,
-                                                           -10520.25391602297f, 881.6859925052617f, 51730.04107647908f,
-                                                           38622.50428524951f,  275325.5721020971f};
+      static constexpr std::array<float, 8> yCorrParamsRef{ 2.5415524238347658f, 63.25841388467006f, 4187.534822693825f,
+                                                            -10520.25391602297f, 881.6859925052617f, 51730.04107647908f,
+                                                            38622.50428524951f,  275325.5721020971f };
       // param[0]*ty tx dSlope_fringe + param[1]*ty dSlope_fringe^2 + param[2]*ty^3
       // dSlope_fringe_abs + param[3]*ty tx^2 dSlope_fringe_abs + param[4]*ty tx^3
       // dSlope_fringe + param[5]*ty^3 tx^2 dSlope_fringe_abs
-      static constexpr std::array<float, 6> tyCorrParamsRef{0.9346197967408639f, -0.4658007458482092f,
-                                                            -4.119808929050499f, 2.9514781492224613f,
-                                                            12.5961355543964f,   39.98472114588754f};
+      static constexpr std::array<float, 6> tyCorrParamsRef{ 0.9346197967408639f, -0.4658007458482092f,
+                                                             -4.119808929050499f, 2.9514781492224613f,
+                                                             12.5961355543964f,   39.98472114588754f };
       // param[0]*ty dSlope_fringe_abs + param[1]*ty tx dSlope_fringe + param[2]*ty
       // dSlope_fringe^2 + param[3]*ty^3 dSlope_fringe_abs + param[4]*ty tx^2
       // dSlope_fringe_abs
-      static constexpr std::array<float, 5> cyParams{-1.2034772990836242e-05f, 8.344645618037317e-05f,
-                                                     -3.924972865228243e-05f, 0.00024639290417116324f,
-                                                     0.0001867723161873795f};
+      static constexpr std::array<float, 5> cyParams{ -1.2034772990836242e-05f, 8.344645618037317e-05f,
+                                                      -3.924972865228243e-05f, 0.00024639290417116324f,
+                                                      0.0001867723161873795f };
     namespace ModSciFiHits {
@@ -593,10 +593,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       // typically we look at 3 bins from the HoughTransformation each can have 16 x hits at most
       // so let's take up to 6 hits per xlayer
-      static constexpr int planeMulti{6};
+      static constexpr int planeMulti{ 6 };
       XCandidate( const ModSciFiHits::ModPrSciFiHitsSOA& allXHits, const FT::Hits& SciFiHits )
-          : m_allXHits{allXHits}, m_SciFiHits{SciFiHits} {}
+          : m_allXHits{ allXHits }, m_SciFiHits{ SciFiHits } {}
       void tryToShrinkRange( int, int, float, int );
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       auto  txNew() const { return m_txNew; }
       auto  getIdx( int index ) const { return m_idxOnPlane[index]; }
       auto  getIdxSpan( int ip ) const {
-        const auto span = LHCb::span{m_idxOnPlane};
+        const auto span = LHCb::span{ m_idxOnPlane };
         return span.subspan( ip * planeMulti, m_planeSize[ip] );
       template <auto N>
@@ -731,16 +731,16 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       alignas( 64 ) std::array<int, Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal * planeMulti> m_idxOnPlane{};
       alignas( 64 ) std::array<int, Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal> m_planeSize{};
-      alignas( 64 ) std::array<float, 5> m_s{nan, nan, nan, nan, nan};
+      alignas( 64 ) std::array<float, 5> m_s{ nan, nan, nan, nan, nan };
       FitCoords<int, Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal * planeMulti> m_coordsToFit{};
       // unsigned to avoid warnings
-      unsigned                               m_nDifferentPlanes{0};
-      float                                  m_txNew{nan};
-      float                                  m_xAtRef{nan};
-      TrackPars<4>                           m_xParams{{nan, nan, nan, nan}};
-      TrackPars<3>                           m_yParams{{nan, nan, nan}};
-      std::pair<float, float>                m_chi2NDoF{nan, nan};
+      unsigned                               m_nDifferentPlanes{ 0 };
+      float                                  m_txNew{ nan };
+      float                                  m_xAtRef{ nan };
+      TrackPars<4>                           m_xParams{ { nan, nan, nan, nan } };
+      TrackPars<3>                           m_yParams{ { nan, nan, nan } };
+      std::pair<float, float>                m_chi2NDoF{ nan, nan };
       const ModSciFiHits::ModPrSciFiHitsSOA& m_allXHits;
       const FT::Hits&                        m_SciFiHits;
@@ -762,10 +762,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       auto best    = idx1;
       auto bestEnd = idx2;
-      auto       otherNDifferentPlanes{0};
-      std::array otherPlaneSize{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+      auto       otherNDifferentPlanes{ 0 };
+      std::array otherPlaneSize{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-      for ( auto idx{idxWindowStart}; idx < idxWindowEnd; ++idx ) {
+      for ( auto idx{ idxWindowStart }; idx < idxWindowEnd; ++idx ) {
         const int ip = m_SciFiHits.planeCode( m_allXHits.fulldex( idx ) ) / 2;
         otherNDifferentPlanes += !( otherPlaneSize[ip]++ );
@@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
         otherNDifferentPlanes -= !( --otherPlaneSize[ip] );
-      for ( auto idx{best}; idx < bestEnd; ++idx ) {
+      for ( auto idx{ best }; idx < bestEnd; ++idx ) {
         const auto fulldex = m_allXHits.fulldex( idx );
         m_coordsToFit.push_back( fulldex );
         m_xAtRef += m_allXHits.coord( idx );
@@ -870,8 +870,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       FitCoords<int, Detector::FT::nUVLayersTotal> m_coordsToFit{};
-      TrackPars<4>                                 m_xParams{{nan, nan, nan, nan}};
-      TrackPars<3>                                 m_yParams{{nan, nan, nan}};
+      TrackPars<4>                                 m_xParams{ { nan, nan, nan, nan } };
+      TrackPars<3>                                 m_yParams{ { nan, nan, nan } };
       std::bitset<Detector::FT::nUVLayersTotal>    m_usedPlanes{};
       // for debugging
@@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       PrForwardTrack( static_vector<int, Detector::FT::nXLayersTotal * XCandidate::planeMulti> coordsToFit,
                       TrackPars<4> xParams, TrackPars<3> yParams, std::pair<float, float> chi2NDoF, int iInputTrack )
-          : m_xParams{xParams}, m_yParams{yParams}, m_chi2NDoF{chi2NDoF}, m_track{iInputTrack} {
+          : m_xParams{ xParams }, m_yParams{ yParams }, m_chi2NDoF{ chi2NDoF }, m_track{ iInputTrack } {
         std::copy( std::make_move_iterator( coordsToFit.begin() ), std::make_move_iterator( coordsToFit.end() ),
                    std::back_inserter( m_coordsToFit ) );
@@ -986,19 +986,19 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
                 ( fieldIntegralParamsRef[10] * tx2 + fieldIntegralParamsRef[3] + fieldIntegralParamsRef[7] * ty2 ) +
             fieldIntegralParamsRef[11] * tx_ref4 + fieldIntegralParamsRef[2] * tx2 +
             tx_ref2 * ( fieldIntegralParamsRef[4] + fieldIntegralParamsRef[8] * ty2 ) + fieldIntegralParamsRef[9] * tx4;
-        m_qop = dSlopeMag / ( integral * float{Gaudi::Units::GeV} );
+        m_qop = dSlopeMag / ( integral * float{ Gaudi::Units::GeV } );
         return m_qop;
       FitCoords<int, Detector::FT::nLayersTotal> m_coordsToFit{};
-      TrackPars<4>                               m_xParams{{nan, nan, nan, nan}};
-      TrackPars<3>                               m_yParams{{nan, nan, nan}};
-      std::pair<float, float>                    m_chi2NDoF{nan, nan};
-      float                                      m_quality{0.f};
-      float                                      m_qop{nan};
-      int                                        m_track{-1};
-      bool                                       m_valid{false};
+      TrackPars<4>                               m_xParams{ { nan, nan, nan, nan } };
+      TrackPars<3>                               m_yParams{ { nan, nan, nan } };
+      std::pair<float, float>                    m_chi2NDoF{ nan, nan };
+      float                                      m_quality{ 0.f };
+      float                                      m_qop{ nan };
+      int                                        m_track{ -1 };
+      bool                                       m_valid{ false };
       // for debugging
       friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const PrForwardTrack& t ) {
@@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       static constexpr std::array<float, 12> fieldIntegralParamsRef{
           -1.2094486121528516f, -2.7897043324822492f, -0.35976930628193077f, -0.47138558705675454f,
           -0.5600847231491961f, 14.009315350693472f,  -16.162818973243674f,  -8.807994419844437f,
-          -0.8753190393972976f, 2.98254201374128f,    0.9625408279466898f,   0.10200564097830103f};
+          -0.8753190393972976f, 2.98254201374128f,    0.9625408279466898f,   0.10200564097830103f };
   } // namespace Forward
 } // namespace LHCb::Pr
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/weights/TMVA_MLP_GhostNN_PrForwardTracking.h b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/weights/TMVA_MLP_GhostNN_PrForwardTracking.h
index 5a618a30ee9a80af7498db3a11865c8ad5bef1ea..7888b7f9f0a95ea44480ac5d1c685dd2018b0efe 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/weights/TMVA_MLP_GhostNN_PrForwardTracking.h
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/weights/TMVA_MLP_GhostNN_PrForwardTracking.h
@@ -31,66 +31,66 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
     constexpr auto fMin = std::array<float, 10>{
-        {-5.79507064819, 0.000539337401278, 6.44962929073e-05, 9.1552734375e-05, 0, 0, 0, 1.27572263864e-09, 0, 0}};
+        { -5.79507064819, 0.000539337401278, 6.44962929073e-05, 9.1552734375e-05, 0, 0, 0, 1.27572263864e-09, 0, 0 } };
     constexpr auto fMax =
-        std::array<float, 10>{{21.3727073669, 7.9990901947, 139.93737793, 499.828094482, 139.837768555, 0.0549617446959,
-                               0.281096696854, 0.00079078116687, 0.349586248398, 0.0576412677765}};
+        std::array<float, 10>{ { 21.3727073669, 7.9990901947, 139.93737793, 499.828094482, 139.837768555,
+                                 0.0549617446959, 0.281096696854, 0.00079078116687, 0.349586248398, 0.0576412677765 } };
     constexpr auto fWeightMatrix0to1 = std::array<std::array<float, 11>, 12>{
-        {{-5.19794815568925, 1.87197537853549, -1.10717797757926, -2.86970252748238, -6.34055081230473,
-          -5.00759687179371, 0.31193986693587, -8.01387747621716, -0.120803639675188, -22.2071141316253,
-          -38.8490339403707},
-         {20.4100238181115, 0.792781537499611, -2.30137034971144, 1.16999587784412, 0.889469621266034,
-          0.239667010403193, -0.969309214660315, 5.21461903375948, 0.348799845137009, -3.7347620794893,
-          0.25771517766665},
-         {-2.13629241669652, -0.353986293257471, 9.61086066828255, -2.33661235049463, 1.93528728163342,
-          -0.843722079096251, 0.999688424438972, -8.55711877917878, 1.02394998490757, -15.267288590286,
-          -13.235596389738},
-         {23.4650215184851, -0.726082462224456, 0.941255141296868, -1.25219178023961, 1.87830610438659,
-          -0.0626703177011942, 0.798264835732211, 2.24872165119832, 0.499173544293671, -1.38568068487979,
-          -2.73161981770289},
-         {2.57560609203081, 0.129379326313481, -4.39493675912134, 0.755378151374909, -4.00108724778843,
-          0.203477875797884, -1.08477900245397, -7.03054484748858, -1.09623688169448, -26.3844077677349,
-          -41.2491346895123},
-         {-0.768854476049515, 0.0931802742811194, 0.0821972098693852, -3.89193022157862, 14.9873083975585,
-          1.28580626432386, -0.181845844796471, -8.47241051331203, -0.943962517139566, 6.01103622570362,
-          9.48437982003848},
-         {0.178040151771032, 0.136134754761245, -0.787571684703651, 2.32182273660402, 7.30437794491034,
-          -16.4278614062814, -0.113422629084682, -1.0680200019718, -0.568606303594401, 1.0249516698155,
-          -7.95920000382392},
-         {0.675546296267863, -0.385104312033727, -0.205638813395668, -3.31653776098415, 10.5616483640347,
-          0.218068680685705, 0.605728183391577, -4.63802179325434, -0.254055135097754, 5.28618861484003,
-          6.64663231117868},
-         {-4.21416802017974, -1.23106312717449, -1.75652044911551, -1.53276007675347, -1.36027716886005,
-          -1.6755055391045, 0.843394761591634, 6.71332112562865, -3.21984188557587, -2.49871614350354,
-          -5.16629424142249},
-         {-3.17947657486281, -2.70445335081074, 1.17896471286998, -1.88889268162012, 0.115966139146512,
-          -1.69860246319196, -0.329404631248515, -6.09206258757561, 3.39801515225553, -3.44730923665625,
-          -7.36048093738012},
-         {-12.1422669814385, -0.937172442798055, 2.04047673532808, -0.2149743778283, -2.6487701795534,
-          -2.62694503937013, -0.530083657842696, -14.923114328578, -0.317336092090262, 23.1177068701846,
-          6.21557901179705},
-         {2.9112902347786, -4.39915513290615, -6.29077091232232, -3.50206937799633, -0.367072002518522,
-          0.145186305220916, -6.21085587377794, 11.6250310635655, -7.43312502309394, 3.26005495282282,
-          -11.6647818884921}}};
+        { { -5.19794815568925, 1.87197537853549, -1.10717797757926, -2.86970252748238, -6.34055081230473,
+            -5.00759687179371, 0.31193986693587, -8.01387747621716, -0.120803639675188, -22.2071141316253,
+            -38.8490339403707 },
+          { 20.4100238181115, 0.792781537499611, -2.30137034971144, 1.16999587784412, 0.889469621266034,
+            0.239667010403193, -0.969309214660315, 5.21461903375948, 0.348799845137009, -3.7347620794893,
+            0.25771517766665 },
+          { -2.13629241669652, -0.353986293257471, 9.61086066828255, -2.33661235049463, 1.93528728163342,
+            -0.843722079096251, 0.999688424438972, -8.55711877917878, 1.02394998490757, -15.267288590286,
+            -13.235596389738 },
+          { 23.4650215184851, -0.726082462224456, 0.941255141296868, -1.25219178023961, 1.87830610438659,
+            -0.0626703177011942, 0.798264835732211, 2.24872165119832, 0.499173544293671, -1.38568068487979,
+            -2.73161981770289 },
+          { 2.57560609203081, 0.129379326313481, -4.39493675912134, 0.755378151374909, -4.00108724778843,
+            0.203477875797884, -1.08477900245397, -7.03054484748858, -1.09623688169448, -26.3844077677349,
+            -41.2491346895123 },
+          { -0.768854476049515, 0.0931802742811194, 0.0821972098693852, -3.89193022157862, 14.9873083975585,
+            1.28580626432386, -0.181845844796471, -8.47241051331203, -0.943962517139566, 6.01103622570362,
+            9.48437982003848 },
+          { 0.178040151771032, 0.136134754761245, -0.787571684703651, 2.32182273660402, 7.30437794491034,
+            -16.4278614062814, -0.113422629084682, -1.0680200019718, -0.568606303594401, 1.0249516698155,
+            -7.95920000382392 },
+          { 0.675546296267863, -0.385104312033727, -0.205638813395668, -3.31653776098415, 10.5616483640347,
+            0.218068680685705, 0.605728183391577, -4.63802179325434, -0.254055135097754, 5.28618861484003,
+            6.64663231117868 },
+          { -4.21416802017974, -1.23106312717449, -1.75652044911551, -1.53276007675347, -1.36027716886005,
+            -1.6755055391045, 0.843394761591634, 6.71332112562865, -3.21984188557587, -2.49871614350354,
+            -5.16629424142249 },
+          { -3.17947657486281, -2.70445335081074, 1.17896471286998, -1.88889268162012, 0.115966139146512,
+            -1.69860246319196, -0.329404631248515, -6.09206258757561, 3.39801515225553, -3.44730923665625,
+            -7.36048093738012 },
+          { -12.1422669814385, -0.937172442798055, 2.04047673532808, -0.2149743778283, -2.6487701795534,
+            -2.62694503937013, -0.530083657842696, -14.923114328578, -0.317336092090262, 23.1177068701846,
+            6.21557901179705 },
+          { 2.9112902347786, -4.39915513290615, -6.29077091232232, -3.50206937799633, -0.367072002518522,
+            0.145186305220916, -6.21085587377794, 11.6250310635655, -7.43312502309394, 3.26005495282282,
+            -11.6647818884921 } } };
     constexpr auto fWeightMatrix1to2 = std::array<float, 13>{
-        {0.737121712699059, -1.04254794966614, -0.789570860582197, 1.11549851568754, 1.5426749194788, -1.2610505044793,
-         -0.630483186934049, 1.57472828085649, 0.790891919516845, 0.937883258898894, -0.781778561713509,
-         -0.610089040707349, -0.385566736632017}};
+        { 0.737121712699059, -1.04254794966614, -0.789570860582197, 1.11549851568754, 1.5426749194788, -1.2610505044793,
+          -0.630483186934049, 1.57472828085649, 0.790891919516845, 0.937883258898894, -0.781778561713509,
+          -0.610089040707349, -0.385566736632017 } };
     // Normalization transformation
-    constexpr auto transformer = TMV::Utils::Transformer{fMin, fMax};
+    constexpr auto transformer = TMV::Utils::Transformer{ fMin, fMax };
     // the training input variables
     constexpr auto validator = TMV::Utils::Validator{
-        std::tuple{"log(abs(1./qop-1./qopUT))", "redChi2",
-                   "abs((x+(zMagMatch-770.0)*tx)-(xEndT+(zMagMatch-9410.0)*txEndT))", "abs(ySeedMatch-yEndT)",
-                   "abs(yParam0Final-yParam0Init)", "abs(yParam1Final-yParam1Init)", "abs(ty)", "abs(qop)", "abs(tx)",
-                   "abs(xParam1Final-xParam1Init)"}};
+        std::tuple{ "log(abs(1./qop-1./qopUT))", "redChi2",
+                    "abs((x+(zMagMatch-770.0)*tx)-(xEndT+(zMagMatch-9410.0)*txEndT))", "abs(ySeedMatch-yEndT)",
+                    "abs(yParam0Final-yParam0Init)", "abs(yParam1Final-yParam1Init)", "abs(ty)", "abs(qop)", "abs(tx)",
+                    "abs(xParam1Final-xParam1Init)" } };
-    constexpr auto l0To1 = TMV::Utils::Layer{fWeightMatrix0to1, ActivationFnc};
-    constexpr auto l1To2 = TMV::Utils::Layer{fWeightMatrix1to2, OutputActivationFnc};
-    constexpr auto MVA   = TMV::Utils::MVA{validator, transformer, 0, l0To1, l1To2};
+    constexpr auto l0To1 = TMV::Utils::Layer{ fWeightMatrix0to1, ActivationFnc };
+    constexpr auto l1To2 = TMV::Utils::Layer{ fWeightMatrix1to2, OutputActivationFnc };
+    constexpr auto MVA   = TMV::Utils::MVA{ validator, transformer, 0, l0To1, l1To2 };
   } // namespace NNVeloUT
   struct ReadGhostNNVeloUT final {
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/weights/TMVA_MLP_GhostNN_PrForwardTrackingVelo.h b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/weights/TMVA_MLP_GhostNN_PrForwardTrackingVelo.h
index b1cc6676b70a2397b93d09ae5ef9eaaf971a3e16..b26b42a5bb76a7b208d46d1f300a9dffd3fcbe0c 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/weights/TMVA_MLP_GhostNN_PrForwardTrackingVelo.h
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/weights/TMVA_MLP_GhostNN_PrForwardTrackingVelo.h
@@ -30,90 +30,90 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
       return 1.f / ( 1.f + vdt::fast_expf( -x ) );
-    constexpr auto fMin = std::array<float, 9>{{0.00086611090228, 0.000137108087074, 9.1552734375e-05,
-                                                1.52587890625e-05, 1.49011611938e-08, 0, 3.38108901987e-10, 0, 0}};
+    constexpr auto fMin = std::array<float, 9>{ { 0.00086611090228, 0.000137108087074, 9.1552734375e-05,
+                                                  1.52587890625e-05, 1.49011611938e-08, 0, 3.38108901987e-10, 0, 0 } };
     constexpr auto fMax =
-        std::array<float, 9>{{7.99757671356, 139.755401611, 499.902832031, 139.934204102, 0.0548411794007,
-                              0.33653563261, 0.0011771483114, 0.614122271538, 0.0932129621506}};
+        std::array<float, 9>{ { 7.99757671356, 139.755401611, 499.902832031, 139.934204102, 0.0548411794007,
+                                0.33653563261, 0.0011771483114, 0.614122271538, 0.0932129621506 } };
     constexpr auto fWeightMatrix0to1 = std::array<std::array<float, 10>, 13>{
-        {{0.272388837195353, 1.04297766281443, 7.10858971290199, 8.20176699323914, -17.4998198279343,
-          -0.903938445734019, -4.45523353351358, 0.202604346228416, -0.343763626116408, -6.0398577123475},
-         {1.17259942394887, -0.372252986403353, -0.172055869721126, 4.32425941771619, 0.980522044689679,
-          -0.486163242078544, 4.89499262471543, -2.19861130758734, -9.43992619200679, -2.37510165732473},
-         {-0.312463651685767, -0.114031703331406, -0.643524084362763, -0.130218804467335, 0.0672200809874041,
-          0.492579418283905, 10.0423165027703, -9.1229718440813, -3.21081732473868, -3.78681415782996},
-         {0.285964399088691, 3.50382532157828, 0.202967804648741, -2.34731912244972, -1.01724465412901,
-          6.94879051931226, 1.42757737963066, -0.414886005380144, -5.12456720768917, -5.42877386327517},
-         {-1.17951731489478, -0.786765172581322, -4.2989135483231, 4.05294030963229, -0.127313249850962,
-          -4.14839099916227, 3.23904819574731, -13.6552536266634, 20.5968822768501, 6.85315498878814},
-         {0.103392918358953, 1.44880697882548, 0.577811396176936, 1.10045098601948, -0.178340433397024,
-          -17.8770425761109, 3.7017773013521, -23.3892167651105, 15.0495143106538, -17.4605298799865},
-         {-1.64979711432504, 0.774908843327995, 3.31059510110807, -3.1819692768259, 7.12231795634781,
-          -0.241753227182394, -0.977884374115893, 0.952532388892299, 0.723099651883065, 6.54591062809547},
-         {-0.0534432249645241, 3.9887257817946, -1.49200429968719, 11.8855727958475, 1.04666107895933,
-          0.238167385927067, -17.6503013604389, -0.6355065389129, 34.3524751991456, 32.5893217368421},
-         {0.386236757608688, -3.68207271228384, -1.59827939590235, -5.63561468820375, -2.05612305429069,
-          -0.414007692878055, -2.30218891934988, -1.45254018219727, -41.888511388421, -55.4154956571825},
-         {-0.33882942035142, 0.828500879691617, -1.11913145963814, 5.44432070997378, 0.593216106072808,
-          -0.335356938266522, -4.29488215708929, -0.45349431026542, 12.6168245530257, 11.203180125896},
-         {-5.06732270572528, -0.747932010258911, -1.32944569630483, 0.399754582341283, -1.22419379102021,
-          -0.0632059754142294, -3.9176205612916, 4.95338770012354, -10.0874931996749, -13.4899867496953},
-         {-0.652708751114843, 0.153993426617753, 0.507696533435112, -0.0829575859982346, -1.26075671332944,
-          -1.72921422048723, 0.436623404900834, 1.2481716555653, 4.75489497214422, 0.917647460712304},
-         {-0.337064695166363, 1.6829713570542, -1.24667087979073, 4.38935163725774, 0.546771935887102,
-          0.380216805759757, -4.27094569696754, 1.60030195739679, 21.1019766790379, 22.9277879180437}}};
+        { { 0.272388837195353, 1.04297766281443, 7.10858971290199, 8.20176699323914, -17.4998198279343,
+            -0.903938445734019, -4.45523353351358, 0.202604346228416, -0.343763626116408, -6.0398577123475 },
+          { 1.17259942394887, -0.372252986403353, -0.172055869721126, 4.32425941771619, 0.980522044689679,
+            -0.486163242078544, 4.89499262471543, -2.19861130758734, -9.43992619200679, -2.37510165732473 },
+          { -0.312463651685767, -0.114031703331406, -0.643524084362763, -0.130218804467335, 0.0672200809874041,
+            0.492579418283905, 10.0423165027703, -9.1229718440813, -3.21081732473868, -3.78681415782996 },
+          { 0.285964399088691, 3.50382532157828, 0.202967804648741, -2.34731912244972, -1.01724465412901,
+            6.94879051931226, 1.42757737963066, -0.414886005380144, -5.12456720768917, -5.42877386327517 },
+          { -1.17951731489478, -0.786765172581322, -4.2989135483231, 4.05294030963229, -0.127313249850962,
+            -4.14839099916227, 3.23904819574731, -13.6552536266634, 20.5968822768501, 6.85315498878814 },
+          { 0.103392918358953, 1.44880697882548, 0.577811396176936, 1.10045098601948, -0.178340433397024,
+            -17.8770425761109, 3.7017773013521, -23.3892167651105, 15.0495143106538, -17.4605298799865 },
+          { -1.64979711432504, 0.774908843327995, 3.31059510110807, -3.1819692768259, 7.12231795634781,
+            -0.241753227182394, -0.977884374115893, 0.952532388892299, 0.723099651883065, 6.54591062809547 },
+          { -0.0534432249645241, 3.9887257817946, -1.49200429968719, 11.8855727958475, 1.04666107895933,
+            0.238167385927067, -17.6503013604389, -0.6355065389129, 34.3524751991456, 32.5893217368421 },
+          { 0.386236757608688, -3.68207271228384, -1.59827939590235, -5.63561468820375, -2.05612305429069,
+            -0.414007692878055, -2.30218891934988, -1.45254018219727, -41.888511388421, -55.4154956571825 },
+          { -0.33882942035142, 0.828500879691617, -1.11913145963814, 5.44432070997378, 0.593216106072808,
+            -0.335356938266522, -4.29488215708929, -0.45349431026542, 12.6168245530257, 11.203180125896 },
+          { -5.06732270572528, -0.747932010258911, -1.32944569630483, 0.399754582341283, -1.22419379102021,
+            -0.0632059754142294, -3.9176205612916, 4.95338770012354, -10.0874931996749, -13.4899867496953 },
+          { -0.652708751114843, 0.153993426617753, 0.507696533435112, -0.0829575859982346, -1.26075671332944,
+            -1.72921422048723, 0.436623404900834, 1.2481716555653, 4.75489497214422, 0.917647460712304 },
+          { -0.337064695166363, 1.6829713570542, -1.24667087979073, 4.38935163725774, 0.546771935887102,
+            0.380216805759757, -4.27094569696754, 1.60030195739679, 21.1019766790379, 22.9277879180437 } } };
     constexpr auto fWeightMatrix1to2 = std::array<std::array<float, 14>, 11>{
-        {{0.942639197400156, -0.0931922637028017, 1.16131136847027, -0.463586546886379, -0.00734730684531865,
-          0.659865738065189, -0.0819640968388477, 0.716168152659691, 0.0594465496519534, -3.09809338025968,
-          -0.993314598112327, -0.626796644903994, 1.18112507293241, -7.53912207323744},
-         {-0.290157117133191, -1.44319213353958, 0.976801127908426, 1.83059667355593, -0.579127895773621,
-          -0.959358564216034, -0.200943614057267, 2.26102190218572, 0.680574054232225, 0.512044291258324,
-          0.441279132836691, 0.195148753454237, -4.40558418761793, -2.59697427283538},
-         {0.231019193167673, -0.33534671921076, -4.02952877004057, 0.328301743837591, -0.935217897351683,
-          0.656308147872124, 0.148770195853327, -1.02822979925373, -1.15074999231744, 1.25931257478392,
-          -5.51506732446672, 2.76878002159781, 1.15670995216412, -1.81920686548505},
-         {-1.4433538095335, -1.39651294706804, -0.0384612540687588, -0.643375798593072, -0.125102719515762,
-          -0.654090297545811, -1.64699393573932, -0.508246308405062, -0.781867310732538, 1.0126843726006,
-          -1.62926724862902, 1.36812357325107, -0.529386420395731, -0.0138925908234309},
-         {-1.41898718038457, 0.477953102899375, -0.322619989760896, 1.09732380296345, -0.782655793929218,
-          0.462713092659323, -2.94842712863178, -0.132292667509809, 0.0769059927035169, 1.19584278425479,
-          -1.05534832662164, -0.531211272706436, -0.611338365394562, 3.05377051979242},
-         {-1.24565900961033, -0.803882286327658, 0.779616435095014, -0.149080238970127, -1.12090436198206,
-          -0.881759817062632, -2.29233937767415, -1.47774128243345, 1.08239889708401, 2.24462771397501,
-          0.485265744305715, -1.48553084966211, -0.0143728439705144, 3.27583681932498},
-         {-0.28996288685836, 0.780550033512762, -2.15121583289839, 1.20922563714172, -0.644843512306469,
-          -0.234457523529768, -0.231658959155198, 0.218579418768696, -0.395509623165805, -0.411218621945028,
-          -1.02932631809835, -0.376223727062923, -0.340041262998441, 3.63881067894002},
-         {1.44978573970303, -2.18583173535086, -0.846483915375948, 0.105328656470861, 1.87072932363927,
-          -0.00190765575147529, 0.584012973055999, -1.39776672542255, -0.180232469445207, -1.98952098967519,
-          -1.37262959684684, -0.90548142705001, -0.920429811986854, -2.99277232574331},
-         {0.921784086695698, 0.803938386481379, -0.793436984418934, -0.198036997127606, 0.88955947123962,
-          0.62100428659737, 1.37636249959335, 0.820454358047461, -0.632502523362294, -2.07934437515782,
-          -0.181199371886594, -3.08568993123453, -0.36401687310168, -2.43212452146954},
-         {0.699249590603178, 0.278024565615921, -0.198350259368371, -0.783418866551348, 0.118700073145684,
-          0.21833431656626, 1.65512324292893, -0.111147682703641, 1.3283515189562, -0.246599469063488,
-          0.754508475403135, 0.00506528019287302, 0.166494023039331, -4.84019659854236},
-         {0.298019259877464, 0.00346409235528412, 1.35256951642456, 0.869362943235745, -1.52238605698392,
-          1.83110259539772, -0.878203306047072, -0.0145711167869491, -2.02333355061148, 0.870770188694429,
-          0.379444379601702, 0.418591035142932, 0.19006790384741, -4.59660818674123}}};
+        { { 0.942639197400156, -0.0931922637028017, 1.16131136847027, -0.463586546886379, -0.00734730684531865,
+            0.659865738065189, -0.0819640968388477, 0.716168152659691, 0.0594465496519534, -3.09809338025968,
+            -0.993314598112327, -0.626796644903994, 1.18112507293241, -7.53912207323744 },
+          { -0.290157117133191, -1.44319213353958, 0.976801127908426, 1.83059667355593, -0.579127895773621,
+            -0.959358564216034, -0.200943614057267, 2.26102190218572, 0.680574054232225, 0.512044291258324,
+            0.441279132836691, 0.195148753454237, -4.40558418761793, -2.59697427283538 },
+          { 0.231019193167673, -0.33534671921076, -4.02952877004057, 0.328301743837591, -0.935217897351683,
+            0.656308147872124, 0.148770195853327, -1.02822979925373, -1.15074999231744, 1.25931257478392,
+            -5.51506732446672, 2.76878002159781, 1.15670995216412, -1.81920686548505 },
+          { -1.4433538095335, -1.39651294706804, -0.0384612540687588, -0.643375798593072, -0.125102719515762,
+            -0.654090297545811, -1.64699393573932, -0.508246308405062, -0.781867310732538, 1.0126843726006,
+            -1.62926724862902, 1.36812357325107, -0.529386420395731, -0.0138925908234309 },
+          { -1.41898718038457, 0.477953102899375, -0.322619989760896, 1.09732380296345, -0.782655793929218,
+            0.462713092659323, -2.94842712863178, -0.132292667509809, 0.0769059927035169, 1.19584278425479,
+            -1.05534832662164, -0.531211272706436, -0.611338365394562, 3.05377051979242 },
+          { -1.24565900961033, -0.803882286327658, 0.779616435095014, -0.149080238970127, -1.12090436198206,
+            -0.881759817062632, -2.29233937767415, -1.47774128243345, 1.08239889708401, 2.24462771397501,
+            0.485265744305715, -1.48553084966211, -0.0143728439705144, 3.27583681932498 },
+          { -0.28996288685836, 0.780550033512762, -2.15121583289839, 1.20922563714172, -0.644843512306469,
+            -0.234457523529768, -0.231658959155198, 0.218579418768696, -0.395509623165805, -0.411218621945028,
+            -1.02932631809835, -0.376223727062923, -0.340041262998441, 3.63881067894002 },
+          { 1.44978573970303, -2.18583173535086, -0.846483915375948, 0.105328656470861, 1.87072932363927,
+            -0.00190765575147529, 0.584012973055999, -1.39776672542255, -0.180232469445207, -1.98952098967519,
+            -1.37262959684684, -0.90548142705001, -0.920429811986854, -2.99277232574331 },
+          { 0.921784086695698, 0.803938386481379, -0.793436984418934, -0.198036997127606, 0.88955947123962,
+            0.62100428659737, 1.37636249959335, 0.820454358047461, -0.632502523362294, -2.07934437515782,
+            -0.181199371886594, -3.08568993123453, -0.36401687310168, -2.43212452146954 },
+          { 0.699249590603178, 0.278024565615921, -0.198350259368371, -0.783418866551348, 0.118700073145684,
+            0.21833431656626, 1.65512324292893, -0.111147682703641, 1.3283515189562, -0.246599469063488,
+            0.754508475403135, 0.00506528019287302, 0.166494023039331, -4.84019659854236 },
+          { 0.298019259877464, 0.00346409235528412, 1.35256951642456, 0.869362943235745, -1.52238605698392,
+            1.83110259539772, -0.878203306047072, -0.0145711167869491, -2.02333355061148, 0.870770188694429,
+            0.379444379601702, 0.418591035142932, 0.19006790384741, -4.59660818674123 } } };
     constexpr auto fWeightMatrix2to3 =
-        std::array<float, 12>{{0.283357190373951, -0.505821393459412, -0.992928878077031, 1.46980063870956,
-                               -0.393221447900897, 0.68377817358151, -0.516508953958371, -0.282023879956352,
-                               -0.65334083539925, 0.526593979331363, -0.157977106282126, 1.39115062576625}};
+        std::array<float, 12>{ { 0.283357190373951, -0.505821393459412, -0.992928878077031, 1.46980063870956,
+                                 -0.393221447900897, 0.68377817358151, -0.516508953958371, -0.282023879956352,
+                                 -0.65334083539925, 0.526593979331363, -0.157977106282126, 1.39115062576625 } };
     // Normalization transformation
-    constexpr auto transformer = TMV::Utils::Transformer{fMin, fMax};
+    constexpr auto transformer = TMV::Utils::Transformer{ fMin, fMax };
     // the training input variables
     constexpr auto validator = TMV::Utils::Validator{
-        std::tuple{"redChi2", "abs((x+(zMagMatch-770.0)*tx)-(xEndT+(zMagMatch-9410.0)*txEndT))",
-                   "abs(ySeedMatch-yEndT)", "abs(yParam0Final-yParam0Init)", "abs(yParam1Final-yParam1Init)", "abs(ty)",
-                   "abs(qop)", "abs(tx)", "abs(xParam1Final-xParam1Init)"}};
-    constexpr auto l0To1 = TMV::Utils::Layer{fWeightMatrix0to1, ActivationFnc};
-    constexpr auto l1To2 = TMV::Utils::Layer{fWeightMatrix1to2, ActivationFnc};
-    constexpr auto l2To3 = TMV::Utils::Layer{fWeightMatrix2to3, OutputActivationFnc};
-    constexpr auto MVA   = TMV::Utils::MVA{validator, transformer, 0, l0To1, l1To2, l2To3};
+        std::tuple{ "redChi2", "abs((x+(zMagMatch-770.0)*tx)-(xEndT+(zMagMatch-9410.0)*txEndT))",
+                    "abs(ySeedMatch-yEndT)", "abs(yParam0Final-yParam0Init)", "abs(yParam1Final-yParam1Init)",
+                    "abs(ty)", "abs(qop)", "abs(tx)", "abs(xParam1Final-xParam1Init)" } };
+    constexpr auto l0To1 = TMV::Utils::Layer{ fWeightMatrix0to1, ActivationFnc };
+    constexpr auto l1To2 = TMV::Utils::Layer{ fWeightMatrix1to2, ActivationFnc };
+    constexpr auto l2To3 = TMV::Utils::Layer{ fWeightMatrix2to3, OutputActivationFnc };
+    constexpr auto MVA   = TMV::Utils::MVA{ validator, transformer, 0, l0To1, l1To2, l2To3 };
   } // namespace NNVelo
   struct ReadGhostNN final {
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/weights/TMVA_MLP_MatchNN_PrMatchNN.h b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/weights/TMVA_MLP_MatchNN_PrMatchNN.h
index b371b7e7a9119353a849b89154a5e04ac29fcf8a..9c00e056b334e68ec4f8647cf6bb58c7d3818316 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/weights/TMVA_MLP_MatchNN_PrMatchNN.h
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/weights/TMVA_MLP_MatchNN_PrMatchNN.h
@@ -32,53 +32,54 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::MatchNN {
       return 1.f / ( 1.f + exp( -x ) );
-    const auto fMin = std::array<simd::float_v, 6>{{6.2234539655e-06, 1.07554035367e-06, 0, 0, 1.38022005558e-06, 0}};
+    const auto fMin =
+        std::array<simd::float_v, 6>{ { 6.2234539655e-06, 1.07554035367e-06, 0, 0, 1.38022005558e-06, 0 } };
     const auto fMax = std::array<simd::float_v, 6>{
-        {14.9999675751, 0.414966464043, 249.946044922, 399.411682129, 1.32134592533, 0.148659110069}};
+        { 14.9999675751, 0.414966464043, 249.946044922, 399.411682129, 1.32134592533, 0.148659110069 } };
     const auto fWeightMatrix0to1 = std::array<std::array<simd::float_v, 7>, 8>{
-        {{-1.81318680192985, 11.5306183035191, -1.52244588205196, -2.18285669265567, 5.01352644485465,
-          -5.51296033910149, 5.73927468893956},
-         {-0.672534709795381, -3.00002957605882, 6.88356805276872, -6.22160659721202, 6.77446979297102,
-          3.22745998562836, 2.16560576533548},
-         {0.671467962865227, -5.25794414846222, 19.3828230421486, 11.0803546893003, -6.38234816567783,
-          -8.90286557784295, 10.7684525390767},
-         {-0.2692056487945, -45.0124720478328, 3.02956760827695, -5.39985352881923, 2.33235637852444, 3.67377088731803,
-          -41.6892338123688},
-         {-1.7097866252219, -2.44815463022872, -6.25060061923427, -2.9527155271918, -2.82646287573035,
-          -2.57930159017213, -15.3820440704287},
-         {-1.05477315994645, 10.922735030486, 3.15543979640938, -1.83775727341147, 7.65261550754585, -6.94317448033313,
-          6.86131922732798},
-         {-0.79066972900182, -0.617757099680603, 0.740878002718091, 0.681870030239224, -1.20759406685829,
-          0.769290467724204, -1.8437808630988},
-         {-0.184133955272691, 1.92932229057759, 10.2040343486098, 4.08783185462586, -2.02695228923391,
-          -3.00792235466827, 10.2821397360227}}};
+        { { -1.81318680192985, 11.5306183035191, -1.52244588205196, -2.18285669265567, 5.01352644485465,
+            -5.51296033910149, 5.73927468893956 },
+          { -0.672534709795381, -3.00002957605882, 6.88356805276872, -6.22160659721202, 6.77446979297102,
+            3.22745998562836, 2.16560576533548 },
+          { 0.671467962865227, -5.25794414846222, 19.3828230421486, 11.0803546893003, -6.38234816567783,
+            -8.90286557784295, 10.7684525390767 },
+          { -0.2692056487945, -45.0124720478328, 3.02956760827695, -5.39985352881923, 2.33235637852444,
+            3.67377088731803, -41.6892338123688 },
+          { -1.7097866252219, -2.44815463022872, -6.25060061923427, -2.9527155271918, -2.82646287573035,
+            -2.57930159017213, -15.3820440704287 },
+          { -1.05477315994645, 10.922735030486, 3.15543979640938, -1.83775727341147, 7.65261550754585,
+            -6.94317448033313, 6.86131922732798 },
+          { -0.79066972900182, -0.617757099680603, 0.740878002718091, 0.681870030239224, -1.20759406685829,
+            0.769290467724204, -1.8437808630988 },
+          { -0.184133955272691, 1.92932229057759, 10.2040343486098, 4.08783185462586, -2.02695228923391,
+            -3.00792235466827, 10.2821397360227 } } };
     const auto fWeightMatrix1to2 = std::array<std::array<simd::float_v, 9>, 6>{
-        {{-0.529669554811976, -2.45282233466048, 1.45989990967879, 3.56480948423982, 0.687553026936273,
-          1.78027012856298, 1.63438201788813, -2.94255147008571, -2.10797233521637},
-         {1.36475059953963, 0.542190986793164, -0.135276688209357, -0.761685823733301, 0.679401991574712,
-          -1.40198671179551, -1.61531096417457, -0.791464040720268, 0.852677079400607},
-         {0.767942415115046, -2.97714597002192, -3.5629451506092, -2.69040161409325, 3.21229316674369,
-          0.688654835034672, -0.825543426908553, -1.84996857815595, -7.69537697905136},
-         {0.114639040310829, -0.37219550277267, -1.42908394861416, -1.86752756108709, -0.839837159377482,
-          -1.70735346337309, 1.61348068527877, -1.66550797875971, -0.949665027488677},
-         {-0.0439008856537062, 0.14714685191285, -0.900218617709006, 0.734110875341394, -3.26381964641836,
-          -0.903556360012639, -0.848898627795279, 2.4264150318668, 0.290359165274663},
-         {0.404515384352441, -0.158287682443141, -1.5660040193724, -1.64457334373498, 0.883554107720622,
-          -1.48730815915072, -1.52203810494393, 3.67527716420631, -0.393484682839}}};
+        { { -0.529669554811976, -2.45282233466048, 1.45989990967879, 3.56480948423982, 0.687553026936273,
+            1.78027012856298, 1.63438201788813, -2.94255147008571, -2.10797233521637 },
+          { 1.36475059953963, 0.542190986793164, -0.135276688209357, -0.761685823733301, 0.679401991574712,
+            -1.40198671179551, -1.61531096417457, -0.791464040720268, 0.852677079400607 },
+          { 0.767942415115046, -2.97714597002192, -3.5629451506092, -2.69040161409325, 3.21229316674369,
+            0.688654835034672, -0.825543426908553, -1.84996857815595, -7.69537697905136 },
+          { 0.114639040310829, -0.37219550277267, -1.42908394861416, -1.86752756108709, -0.839837159377482,
+            -1.70735346337309, 1.61348068527877, -1.66550797875971, -0.949665027488677 },
+          { -0.0439008856537062, 0.14714685191285, -0.900218617709006, 0.734110875341394, -3.26381964641836,
+            -0.903556360012639, -0.848898627795279, 2.4264150318668, 0.290359165274663 },
+          { 0.404515384352441, -0.158287682443141, -1.5660040193724, -1.64457334373498, 0.883554107720622,
+            -1.48730815915072, -1.52203810494393, 3.67527716420631, -0.393484682839 } } };
     const auto fWeightMatrix2to3 =
-        std::array<simd::float_v, 7>{{-0.776910463978178, 0.811895970822024, 0.775804138783722, 0.282335113136984,
-                                      -0.612856158181358, 0.786801771324536, -2.16123706007375}};
+        std::array<simd::float_v, 7>{ { -0.776910463978178, 0.811895970822024, 0.775804138783722, 0.282335113136984,
+                                        -0.612856158181358, 0.786801771324536, -2.16123706007375 } };
     // Normalization transformation
-    const auto transformer = TMV::Utils::Transformer{fMin, fMax};
+    const auto transformer = TMV::Utils::Transformer{ fMin, fMax };
     // the training input variables
-    const auto validator =
-        TMV::Utils::Validator{"ReadMLPMatching", std::tuple{"chi2", "teta2", "distX", "distY", "dSlope", "dSlopeY"}};
-    const auto l0To1 = TMV::Utils::Layer{fWeightMatrix0to1, ActivationFnc};
-    const auto l1To2 = TMV::Utils::Layer{fWeightMatrix1to2, ActivationFnc};
-    const auto l2To3 = TMV::Utils::Layer{fWeightMatrix2to3, OutputActivationFnc};
-    const auto MVA   = TMV::Utils::MVA{validator, transformer, 0, l0To1, l1To2, l2To3};
+    const auto validator = TMV::Utils::Validator{
+        "ReadMLPMatching", std::tuple{ "chi2", "teta2", "distX", "distY", "dSlope", "dSlopeY" } };
+    const auto l0To1 = TMV::Utils::Layer{ fWeightMatrix0to1, ActivationFnc };
+    const auto l1To2 = TMV::Utils::Layer{ fWeightMatrix1to2, ActivationFnc };
+    const auto l2To3 = TMV::Utils::Layer{ fWeightMatrix2to3, OutputActivationFnc };
+    const auto MVA   = TMV::Utils::MVA{ validator, transformer, 0, l0To1, l1To2, l2To3 };
   } // namespace NN
diff --git a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/weights/TMVA_PrLongLivedTracking_MLP.class.C b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/weights/TMVA_PrLongLivedTracking_MLP.class.C
index cc828dfe296fe7b2f2f6685204c42570772450d6..93166bec4c268710e3bd9f313ed6cf2f2a61673b 100644
--- a/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/weights/TMVA_PrLongLivedTracking_MLP.class.C
+++ b/Pr/PrAlgorithms/src/weights/TMVA_PrLongLivedTracking_MLP.class.C
@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ public:
   // constructor
   NNForLLT( const std::vector<std::string>& theInputVars ) {
     // the training input variables
-    const char* inputVars[] = {"chi2",      "seedChi2",    "p",     "pt",           "deltaP",
-                               "deviation", "initialChi2", "nHits", "highThresHits"};
+    const char* inputVars[] = { "chi2",      "seedChi2",    "p",     "pt",           "deltaP",
+                                "deviation", "initialChi2", "nHits", "highThresHits" };
     // sanity checks
     if ( theInputVars.size() <= 0 ) {
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ private:
   size_t                  GetNvar() const { return fNvars; }
   char                    GetType( int ivar ) const {
     // type of input variable: 'F' or 'I'
-    static constexpr char fType[fNvars] = {'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F'};
+    static constexpr char fType[fNvars] = { 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'F' };
     return fType[ivar];
@@ -180,44 +180,44 @@ double NNForLLT::GetMvaValue__( const std::array<double, fNvars>& inputValues )
   // build network structure
   constexpr int                      fLayers    = 3;
-  constexpr std::array<int, fLayers> fLayerSize = {10, 15, 1};
+  constexpr std::array<int, fLayers> fLayerSize = { 10, 15, 1 };
   // weight matrix from layer 0 to 1
   static constexpr double fWeightMatrix0to1[fLayerSize[1]][fLayerSize[0]] = {
-      {-0.159988061216097, -0.0288443527641527, -4.14974329044045, 3.81105644239148, 1.22170243017733,
-       0.958687397983864, 1.96383198084087, -0.390165101096577, -0.96260098791518, 3.1693091792906},
-      {0.991198675856357, 1.43711861414492, 0.848030606613098, 2.40790463923064, -1.82736032237584, -1.86596393924827,
-       0.715103221827321, 0.0473705763898225, -1.18568489901349, 0.999278392705942},
-      {1.23398891345619, -0.29412009203639, 0.216258450266045, -1.119236438548, 1.74495336284469, 0.883613416326042,
-       1.27121676033308, -2.25593259646822, -1.21547716362445, -1.32105124904016},
-      {1.72722031910379, 1.60953159884603, 2.45574543887207, -0.33325000983855, -0.214050078690866, -0.088853589329277,
-       -1.6135758298526, -1.34160476246501, 2.55112093270656, 0.706777214333567},
-      {-0.930744996129737, 0.442866020718777, -0.168849720636411, 1.36961082760777, -2.96406717370372,
-       0.189704580988342, -1.17698814313625, 0.31640889497951, -1.05844432017337, -1.19336982392844},
-      {-1.43856692000168, 0.103462200680609, 0.0054408330523039, 1.36779349315227, 0.35729013243452, 0.977421944976319,
-       -1.79840299595851, 2.85142613379838, -1.81743842404449, -0.0680045449604156},
-      {-1.38247784143833, -0.720255354245469, 0.377841634588054, 2.56068293292282, 0.27677946701197, -0.214505561240179,
-       0.654747453366814, -0.0157733988064166, 2.14019497585393, 2.04162106960511},
-      {1.91776900836508, 1.12069669855829, -0.912502872739713, 1.60411688000255, 0.169943856861226, -2.43222613326565,
-       0.269100219067868, 1.66498890906353, -0.736666461782157, -1.34155103245281},
-      {-1.03643332796002, 1.02303203651558, -0.812776485958405, 1.3785380559435, 4.68426940750364, 1.12423127838535,
-       -0.209021890938452, 1.02860558305364, -1.42015535880605, 0.515866793005734},
-      {-0.461179079439787, -0.434214116160295, 1.79426102036118, 1.3208881167651, 0.4301946994156, 1.66861596269273,
-       -2.34180310027017, -0.101416939440672, 1.09597892727315, 1.8044372338864},
-      {0.19963900991783, -0.00592440082074486, 1.06116396151975, -4.26724358021828, 2.68708191957747, 1.79001374505289,
-       -0.00685616925372599, -2.39914521401491, 0.406323686243346, -0.442924596318703},
-      {-0.41367709543556, -0.22618842497468, 1.11355694197118, 1.31841345876455, -1.20979642588645, 0.642542898654938,
-       1.61348068527877, 0.337556495331228, 1.79975253436714, -1.88079455960542},
-      {-1.84453275645836, 1.79891870711404, 0.816899594555126, -1.06415371249484, 0.653923096742488, 1.55015264285264,
-       0.299478873567986, -1.67708852068458, 0.823530828935443, -0.345541969065072},
-      {-0.0952806431493381, 0.102267238010965, 2.93058479179663, -7.52094716423401, -0.653064377767366,
-       0.347018999360103, 0.339076424183956, 0.331157163981209, 0.0911233090662068, -3.63251641981164}};
+      { -0.159988061216097, -0.0288443527641527, -4.14974329044045, 3.81105644239148, 1.22170243017733,
+        0.958687397983864, 1.96383198084087, -0.390165101096577, -0.96260098791518, 3.1693091792906 },
+      { 0.991198675856357, 1.43711861414492, 0.848030606613098, 2.40790463923064, -1.82736032237584, -1.86596393924827,
+        0.715103221827321, 0.0473705763898225, -1.18568489901349, 0.999278392705942 },
+      { 1.23398891345619, -0.29412009203639, 0.216258450266045, -1.119236438548, 1.74495336284469, 0.883613416326042,
+        1.27121676033308, -2.25593259646822, -1.21547716362445, -1.32105124904016 },
+      { 1.72722031910379, 1.60953159884603, 2.45574543887207, -0.33325000983855, -0.214050078690866, -0.088853589329277,
+        -1.6135758298526, -1.34160476246501, 2.55112093270656, 0.706777214333567 },
+      { -0.930744996129737, 0.442866020718777, -0.168849720636411, 1.36961082760777, -2.96406717370372,
+        0.189704580988342, -1.17698814313625, 0.31640889497951, -1.05844432017337, -1.19336982392844 },
+      { -1.43856692000168, 0.103462200680609, 0.0054408330523039, 1.36779349315227, 0.35729013243452, 0.977421944976319,
+        -1.79840299595851, 2.85142613379838, -1.81743842404449, -0.0680045449604156 },
+      { -1.38247784143833, -0.720255354245469, 0.377841634588054, 2.56068293292282, 0.27677946701197,
+        -0.214505561240179, 0.654747453366814, -0.0157733988064166, 2.14019497585393, 2.04162106960511 },
+      { 1.91776900836508, 1.12069669855829, -0.912502872739713, 1.60411688000255, 0.169943856861226, -2.43222613326565,
+        0.269100219067868, 1.66498890906353, -0.736666461782157, -1.34155103245281 },
+      { -1.03643332796002, 1.02303203651558, -0.812776485958405, 1.3785380559435, 4.68426940750364, 1.12423127838535,
+        -0.209021890938452, 1.02860558305364, -1.42015535880605, 0.515866793005734 },
+      { -0.461179079439787, -0.434214116160295, 1.79426102036118, 1.3208881167651, 0.4301946994156, 1.66861596269273,
+        -2.34180310027017, -0.101416939440672, 1.09597892727315, 1.8044372338864 },
+      { 0.19963900991783, -0.00592440082074486, 1.06116396151975, -4.26724358021828, 2.68708191957747, 1.79001374505289,
+        -0.00685616925372599, -2.39914521401491, 0.406323686243346, -0.442924596318703 },
+      { -0.41367709543556, -0.22618842497468, 1.11355694197118, 1.31841345876455, -1.20979642588645, 0.642542898654938,
+        1.61348068527877, 0.337556495331228, 1.79975253436714, -1.88079455960542 },
+      { -1.84453275645836, 1.79891870711404, 0.816899594555126, -1.06415371249484, 0.653923096742488, 1.55015264285264,
+        0.299478873567986, -1.67708852068458, 0.823530828935443, -0.345541969065072 },
+      { -0.0952806431493381, 0.102267238010965, 2.93058479179663, -7.52094716423401, -0.653064377767366,
+        0.347018999360103, 0.339076424183956, 0.331157163981209, 0.0911233090662068, -3.63251641981164 } };
   // weight matrix from layer 1 to 2
   static constexpr double fWeightMatrix1to2[fLayerSize[2]][fLayerSize[1]] = {
-      {1.05108741619712, -2.33537137207328, -1.88646245683149, 1.31693484828441, -1.55900720975402, 0.80017580453241,
-       0.726715711261941, -1.55149718983795, -3.18221526311605, 1.04995209715017, -1.86811068513899, 0.609195512719452,
-       1.35413591925158, -3.80054783510394, -0.802693882471588}};
+      { 1.05108741619712, -2.33537137207328, -1.88646245683149, 1.31693484828441, -1.55900720975402, 0.80017580453241,
+        0.726715711261941, -1.55149718983795, -3.18221526311605, 1.04995209715017, -1.86811068513899, 0.609195512719452,
+        1.35413591925158, -3.80054783510394, -0.802693882471588 } };
-  std::array<double, fLayerSize[1] - 1 + fLayerSize[2]> fWeights = {0};
+  std::array<double, fLayerSize[1] - 1 + fLayerSize[2]> fWeights = { 0 };
   // layer 0 to 1
   for ( int o = 0; o < fLayerSize[1] - 1; o++ ) {
@@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ double NNForLLT::GetMvaValue( const std::vector<double>& inputValues ) const {
     return 0;
   // initialize min and max vectors (for normalisation)
-  static constexpr double fVmin[fNvars] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
-  static constexpr double fVmax[fNvars] = {0.99999988079071, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
+  static constexpr double fVmin[fNvars] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 };
+  static constexpr double fVmax[fNvars] = { 0.99999988079071, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
   // classifier response value
   double retval = 0;
@@ -277,16 +277,18 @@ double NNForLLT::GetMvaValue( const std::vector<double>& inputValues ) const {
 inline void NNForLLT::Transform( std::array<double, fNvars>& iv, int cls ) const {
   // Normalization transformation, initialisation
-  constexpr double fMin_1[3][fNvars] = {{0.00772825069726, 0.0201481822878, 1437.72265625, 27.5935173035,
-                                         -0.0820798203349, 0.714163601398, 0.000174650442204, 2, 2},
-                                        {0.000526935153175, 0.0209721103311, 1425.44555664, 7.08713912964,
-                                         -0.128111407161, 1.3154027462, 0.000238049440668, 2, 1},
-                                        {0.000526935153175, 0.0201481822878, 1425.44555664, 7.08713912964,
-                                         -0.128111407161, 0.714163601398, 0.000174650442204, 2, 1}};
-  constexpr double fMax_1[3][fNvars] = {
-      {19.9912433624, 3.85413146019, 117527.453125, 4159.05957031, 0.0838460996747, 342.545349121, 39.7950744629, 5, 5},
-      {19.8668727875, 4.06411504745, 87145.0703125, 4357.78515625, 0.190970674157, 290.415283203, 39.7268753052, 5, 5},
-      {19.9912433624, 4.06411504745, 117527.453125, 4357.78515625, 0.190970674157, 342.545349121, 39.7950744629, 5, 5}};
+  constexpr double fMin_1[3][fNvars] = { { 0.00772825069726, 0.0201481822878, 1437.72265625, 27.5935173035,
+                                           -0.0820798203349, 0.714163601398, 0.000174650442204, 2, 2 },
+                                         { 0.000526935153175, 0.0209721103311, 1425.44555664, 7.08713912964,
+                                           -0.128111407161, 1.3154027462, 0.000238049440668, 2, 1 },
+                                         { 0.000526935153175, 0.0201481822878, 1425.44555664, 7.08713912964,
+                                           -0.128111407161, 0.714163601398, 0.000174650442204, 2, 1 } };
+  constexpr double fMax_1[3][fNvars] = { { 19.9912433624, 3.85413146019, 117527.453125, 4159.05957031, 0.0838460996747,
+                                           342.545349121, 39.7950744629, 5, 5 },
+                                         { 19.8668727875, 4.06411504745, 87145.0703125, 4357.78515625, 0.190970674157,
+                                           290.415283203, 39.7268753052, 5, 5 },
+                                         { 19.9912433624, 4.06411504745, 117527.453125, 4357.78515625, 0.190970674157,
+                                           342.545349121, 39.7950744629, 5, 5 } };
   // Normalization transformation
   if ( cls < 0 || cls > 2 ) {
     if ( 2 > 1 )
@@ -297,8 +299,8 @@ inline void NNForLLT::Transform( std::array<double, fNvars>& iv, int cls ) const
   // get indices of used variables
   // define the indices of the variables which are transformed by this transformation
-  constexpr std::array<int, fNvars> indicesGet = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
-  constexpr std::array<int, fNvars> indicesPut = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
+  constexpr std::array<int, fNvars> indicesGet = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
+  constexpr std::array<int, fNvars> indicesPut = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
   std::array<double, fNvars>        dv;
   for ( unsigned ivar = 0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++ ) dv[ivar] = iv[indicesGet.at( ivar )];
   for ( unsigned ivar = 0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++ ) {
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/CompositesToV1Vertex.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/CompositesToV1Vertex.cpp
index 072161cd0e34dfbbd7b90629966af2754c1b195a..4bd4fb641d1adc8265850f0c44e964890835cb03 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/CompositesToV1Vertex.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/CompositesToV1Vertex.cpp
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ namespace {
                                                    LHCb::Event::Composites const>
       LHCb::Event::v3::Tracks const& tracks, std::vector<LHCb::Track> const& conv_tracks ) {
-    LHCb::RecVertex output{Gaudi::XYZPoint{LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( composite.x() ),
-                                           LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( composite.y() ),
-                                           LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( composite.z() )}};
+    LHCb::RecVertex output{ Gaudi::XYZPoint{ LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( composite.x() ),
+                                             LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( composite.y() ),
+                                             LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( composite.z() ) } };
     output.setChi2AndDoF( LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( composite.chi2() ),
                           LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( composite.nDoF() ) );
@@ -63,13 +63,14 @@ namespace {
     for ( auto i = 0u; i < composite.numChildren(); ++i ) {
       // Get the zip family identifier for the i-th child of the composite
-      Zipping::ZipFamilyNumber child_container_family{LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( composite.childRelationFamily( i ) )};
+      Zipping::ZipFamilyNumber child_container_family{
+          LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( composite.childRelationFamily( i ) ) };
       // Check it matches the track container that we were given
       if ( child_container_family != tracks.zipIdentifier() ) {
         std::ostringstream oss;
         oss << "Mismatch in zip family identifier, needed " << child_container_family
             << " but the provided track container has " << tracks.zipIdentifier();
-        throw GaudiException{oss.str(), "CompositesToV1Vertex::{anon}::convert_vertex", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+        throw GaudiException{ oss.str(), "CompositesToV1Vertex::{anon}::convert_vertex", StatusCode::FAILURE };
       auto const fittedtracks = tracks.scalar();
       auto const childIdx     = LHCb::Utils::as_arithmetic( composite.childRelationIndex( i ) );
@@ -113,10 +114,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Composites {
     using KeyValue = typename base_t::KeyValue;
     ToVectorOfRecVertex( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : base_t{name,
-                 pSvcLocator,
-                 {KeyValue{"InputComposites", ""}, KeyValue{"TracksInVertices", ""}, KeyValue{"ConvertedTracks", ""}},
-                 KeyValue{"OutputVertices", ""}} {}
+        : base_t{ name,
+                  pSvcLocator,
+                  { KeyValue{ "InputComposites", "" }, KeyValue{ "TracksInVertices", "" },
+                    KeyValue{ "ConvertedTracks", "" } },
+                  KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", "" } } {}
     std::vector<RecVertex> operator()( Event::Composites const& composites, tracks_zip_t const& tracks_zip,
                                        std::vector<Track> const& conv_tracks ) const override {
       // Create the output container and reserve capacity
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/PrConvertersInfo.h b/Pr/PrConverters/src/PrConvertersInfo.h
index 87cc8836bee0b459c4e894e7456ecb7bdada02de..40d4d83d7a18241eb1b4af3520717d105ea4d2d5 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/PrConvertersInfo.h
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/PrConvertersInfo.h
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::ConversionInfo {
     static constexpr auto                       StateLocations        = stateLocations<Type>();
     static constexpr bool                       AddStatesFromAncestor = false;
-    static constexpr std::array<const char*, 1> AncestorLocations     = {"SeedTracksLocation"};
+    static constexpr std::array<const char*, 1> AncestorLocations     = { "SeedTracksLocation" };
   struct Upstream {
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::ConversionInfo {
     using Ancestor1                                                   = LHCb::Pr::Upstream::Tag::trackVP;
     static constexpr auto                       StateLocations        = stateLocations<Type>();
     static constexpr bool                       AddStatesFromAncestor = false;
-    static constexpr std::array<const char*, 1> AncestorLocations     = {"VeloTracksLocation"};
+    static constexpr std::array<const char*, 1> AncestorLocations     = { "VeloTracksLocation" };
   struct Match {
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::ConversionInfo {
     using Ancestor2                                                   = LHCb::Pr::Long::Tag::trackSeed;
     static constexpr auto                       StateLocations        = stateLocations<Type>();
     static constexpr bool                       AddStatesFromAncestor = true;
-    static constexpr std::array<const char*, 2> AncestorLocations     = {"VeloTracksLocation", "SeedTracksLocation"};
+    static constexpr std::array<const char*, 2> AncestorLocations     = { "VeloTracksLocation", "SeedTracksLocation" };
   struct Forward {
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::ConversionInfo {
     static constexpr auto                       StateLocations        = stateLocations<Type>();
     static constexpr bool                       AddStatesFromAncestor = false;
-    static constexpr std::array<const char*, 1> AncestorLocations     = {"VeloTracksLocation"};
+    static constexpr std::array<const char*, 1> AncestorLocations     = { "VeloTracksLocation" };
   struct ForwardFromVeloUT {
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::ConversionInfo {
     static constexpr auto                       StateLocations        = stateLocations<Type>();
     static constexpr bool                       AddStatesFromAncestor = false;
-    static constexpr std::array<const char*, 1> AncestorLocations     = {"UpstreamTracksLocation"};
+    static constexpr std::array<const char*, 1> AncestorLocations     = { "UpstreamTracksLocation" };
   struct VeloForward {
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::ConversionInfo {
     static constexpr auto                       StateLocations        = stateLocations<Type>();
     static constexpr bool                       AddStatesFromAncestor = false;
-    static constexpr std::array<const char*, 0> AncestorLocations     = {{}};
+    static constexpr std::array<const char*, 0> AncestorLocations     = { {} };
   struct Velo {
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::ConversionInfo {
     static constexpr auto                       StateLocations        = stateLocations<Type>();
     static constexpr bool                       AddStatesFromAncestor = false;
-    static constexpr std::array<const char*, 0> AncestorLocations     = {{}};
+    static constexpr std::array<const char*, 0> AncestorLocations     = { {} };
 } // namespace LHCb::Pr::ConversionInfo
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/PrUTHitsToUTHitClusterConverter.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/PrUTHitsToUTHitClusterConverter.cpp
index fc92f1d47fd9d00c8640143d3ec1c827038d8bbe..2342faaa2b03808c6bf711560810ca6dd85ff960 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/PrUTHitsToUTHitClusterConverter.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/PrUTHitsToUTHitClusterConverter.cpp
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ namespace LHCb {
   struct PrUTHitsToUTHitClusterConverter : Algorithm::Transformer<UTHitClusters( ::LHCb::Pr::UT::Hits const& )> {
     PrUTHitsToUTHitClusterConverter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"InputHits", ""}}, {KeyValue{"OutputClusters", ""}} ) {}
+        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "InputHits", "" } }, { KeyValue{ "OutputClusters", "" } } ) {}
     UTHitClusters operator()( ::LHCb::Pr::UT::Hits const& ) const override;
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned long> m_convertedClusters{this, "# Converted Clusters"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned long> m_convertedClusters{ this, "# Converted Clusters" };
 } // namespace LHCb
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/SOATrackConverters.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/SOATrackConverters.cpp
index 838b9bfa4fd4fdb2ab22ba13aeb2cfa3ba7e0b8e..08cfadb38e8f631397253e666998732c4da5f745 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/SOATrackConverters.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/SOATrackConverters.cpp
@@ -64,11 +64,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::v2::Event {
     using KeyValue = typename Transformer<TrackContainer>::KeyValue;
     fromTrack( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Transformer<TrackContainer>{name,
-                                      pSvcLocator,
-                                      {KeyValue{"InputTracks", ""},
-                                       KeyValue{"InputUniqueIDGenerator", LHCb::UniqueIDGeneratorLocation::Default}},
-                                      {KeyValue{"OutputTracks", ""}, KeyValue{"Relations", ""}}} {}
+        : Transformer<TrackContainer>{
+              name,
+              pSvcLocator,
+              { KeyValue{ "InputTracks", "" },
+                KeyValue{ "InputUniqueIDGenerator", LHCb::UniqueIDGeneratorLocation::Default } },
+              { KeyValue{ "OutputTracks", "" }, KeyValue{ "Relations", "" } } } {}
     Output operator()( const TrackContainer&          fitted_tracks,
                        const LHCb::UniqueIDGenerator& unique_id_gen ) const override {
@@ -77,9 +78,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::v2::Event {
       if ( fitted_tracks.empty() ) {
         // assume that track was fitted
-        auto output = Output{OutTracks( m_only_type, Enum::Track::FitHistory::PrKalmanFilter,
-                                        m_only_type == Enum::Track::Type::VeloBackward, unique_id_gen, zn ),
-                             V3ToV1Mapping<TrackContainer>( &fitted_tracks )};
+        auto output = Output{ OutTracks( m_only_type, Enum::Track::FitHistory::PrKalmanFilter,
+                                         m_only_type == Enum::Track::Type::VeloBackward, unique_id_gen, zn ),
+                              V3ToV1Mapping<TrackContainer>( &fitted_tracks ) };
         return output;
@@ -94,9 +95,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::v2::Event {
                                         ? Sel::Utils::deref_if_ptr( *firstOfType ).fitHistory()
                                         : Enum::Track::FitHistory::PrKalmanFilter;
-      auto output            = Output{OutTracks( outputTrackType, outputFitHistory,
-                                      outputTrackType == Enum::Track::Type::VeloBackward, unique_id_gen, zn ),
-                           V3ToV1Mapping<TrackContainer>( &fitted_tracks )};
+      auto output            = Output{ OutTracks( outputTrackType, outputFitHistory,
+                                                  outputTrackType == Enum::Track::Type::VeloBackward, unique_id_gen, zn ),
+                            V3ToV1Mapping<TrackContainer>( &fitted_tracks ) };
       auto& [out, relations] = output;
       out.reserve( fitted_tracks.size() );
@@ -136,14 +137,14 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::v2::Event {
         this, "RestrictToType", LHCb::Event::v3::TrackType::Unknown,
         "If set, filter the input tracks and only write those of the given type. Otherwise the full set is processed, "
         "and the type of the container is determined from the first track to convert (a warning is displayed if tracks "
-        "of different types are consequently found)"};
+        "of different types are consequently found)" };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>         m_nbTracksCounter{this, "Nb of Produced Tracks"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>         m_emptyTracks{this, "Nb of Events without Tracks"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>         m_nbTracksCounter{ this, "Nb of Produced Tracks" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>         m_emptyTracks{ this, "Nb of Events without Tracks" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_different_types{
-        this, "Container is being filled with tracks of different types"};
+        this, "Container is being filled with tracks of different types" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_invalid_states{
-        this, "Invalid states detected in track to convert"};
+        this, "Invalid states detected in track to convert" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( fromTrack<LHCb::Event::v1::Tracks>, "LHCb__Converters__Track__SOA__fromV1Track" )
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/TrackCompactVertexToV1Vertex.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/TrackCompactVertexToV1Vertex.cpp
index 61a76ab8765c1f185db73c293b33fdaf11ef28eb..8aa2910fa55770ac1d6f649e34a180e5b04bd2c0 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/TrackCompactVertexToV1Vertex.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/TrackCompactVertexToV1Vertex.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace {
   /** @brief Create and fill vertex information from a RecVertex from a TrackCompactVertex.
   LHCb::RecVertex create_vertex( const LHCb::TrackKernel::TrackCompactVertex<2, double>& input ) {
-    auto output = LHCb::RecVertex{input.position()};
+    auto output = LHCb::RecVertex{ input.position() };
     // output->setTechnique( static_cast<LHCb::RecVertex::RecVertexType>( input.technique() ) );
     output.setChi2( input.chi2() );
     output.setNDoF( input.nDoF() );
@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::TrackCompactVertex {
             std::vector<LHCb::TrackKernel::TrackCompactVertex<2, double>> const&,
             const ::Pr::Selection<LHCb::Event::v2::Track>&, const std::vector<LHCb::Track>& )> {
     VectorOf2Trackv2CompactVertexToVectorOfRecVertex( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Transformer(
-              name, pSvcLocator,
-              {KeyValue{"InputVertices", ""}, KeyValue{"TracksInVertices", ""}, KeyValue{"ConvertedTracks", ""}},
-              KeyValue{"OutputVertices", ""} ) {}
+        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
+                       { KeyValue{ "InputVertices", "" }, KeyValue{ "TracksInVertices", "" },
+                         KeyValue{ "ConvertedTracks", "" } },
+                       KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", "" } ) {}
     operator()( const std::vector<LHCb::TrackKernel::TrackCompactVertex<2, double>>& vertices,
                 const ::Pr::Selection<LHCb::Event::v2::Track>&                       tracks,
@@ -101,10 +101,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::TrackCompactVertex {
     using KeyValue = typename Transformer<VertexTrackType>::KeyValue;
     VectorOf2TrackPrFittedCompactVertexToVectorOfRecVertex( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Transformer<VertexTrackType>(
-              name, pSvcLocator,
-              {KeyValue{"InputVertices", ""}, KeyValue{"TracksInVertices", ""}, KeyValue{"ConvertedTracks", ""}},
-              KeyValue{"OutputVertices", ""} ) {}
+        : Transformer<VertexTrackType>( name, pSvcLocator,
+                                        { KeyValue{ "InputVertices", "" }, KeyValue{ "TracksInVertices", "" },
+                                          KeyValue{ "ConvertedTracks", "" } },
+                                        KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", "" } ) {}
     std::vector<LHCb::RecVertex> operator()(
         const std::vector<LHCb::TrackKernel::TrackCompactVertex<2, double>,
                           LHCb::Allocators::EventLocal<LHCb::TrackKernel::TrackCompactVertex<2, double>>>& vertices,
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/UTHitClustersToPrUTHitsConverter.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/UTHitClustersToPrUTHitsConverter.cpp
index 3aa10462713b6c0a4e8b8528836274d20b1235d0..3011c5791e2f28a3acf18caefbc93b2e21c171c9 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/UTHitClustersToPrUTHitsConverter.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/UTHitClustersToPrUTHitsConverter.cpp
@@ -31,21 +31,22 @@ namespace LHCb {
     UTHitClustersToPrUTHitsConverter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                       {KeyValue{"InputClusters", ""}, KeyValue{"DeUTLocation", DeUTDetLocation::location()}},
-                       {KeyValue{"OutputClusters", ""}} ) {}
+                       { KeyValue{ "InputClusters", "" }, KeyValue{ "DeUTLocation", DeUTDetLocation::location() } },
+                       { KeyValue{ "OutputClusters", "" } } ) {}
     ::LHCb::Pr::UT::Hits operator()( const EventContext&, UTHitClusters const&, DeUTDetector const& ) const override;
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned long> m_convertedClusters{this, "# Converted Clusters"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned long> m_convertedClusters{ this, "# Converted Clusters" };
 } // namespace LHCb
 DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( LHCb::UTHitClustersToPrUTHitsConverter, "UTHitClustersToPrUTHitsConverter" )
-::LHCb::Pr::UT::Hits LHCb::UTHitClustersToPrUTHitsConverter::
-                     operator()( const EventContext& evtCtx, LHCb::UTHitClusters const& dst, DeUTDetector const& deut ) const {
+::LHCb::Pr::UT::Hits LHCb::UTHitClustersToPrUTHitsConverter::operator()( const EventContext&        evtCtx,
+                                                                         LHCb::UTHitClusters const& dst,
+                                                                         DeUTDetector const&        deut ) const {
-  ::LHCb::Pr::UT::Hits hitHandler{Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
+  ::LHCb::Pr::UT::Hits hitHandler{ Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) };
   hitHandler.reserve( dst.size() );
   for ( const auto& ut_hit_cluster : dst ) {
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/UTHitClustersToUTHitHandlerConverter.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/UTHitClustersToUTHitHandlerConverter.cpp
index 9cf85c748e75790abe22f23499ca061f58837cd7..8da923dc117b104cd042336827158b0712951f17 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/UTHitClustersToUTHitHandlerConverter.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/UTHitClustersToUTHitHandlerConverter.cpp
@@ -36,21 +36,22 @@ namespace LHCb {
     UTHitClustersToUTHitHandlerConverter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                       {KeyValue{"InputClusters", ""}, KeyValue{"DeUTLocation", DeUTDetLocation::location()}},
-                       {KeyValue{"OutputClusters", ""}} ) {}
+                       { KeyValue{ "InputClusters", "" }, KeyValue{ "DeUTLocation", DeUTDetLocation::location() } },
+                       { KeyValue{ "OutputClusters", "" } } ) {}
     ::UT::HitHandler operator()( const EventContext&, UTHitClusters const&, DeUTDetector const& ) const override;
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned long> m_convertedClusters{this, "# Converted Clusters"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned long> m_convertedClusters{ this, "# Converted Clusters" };
 } // namespace LHCb
 DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( LHCb::UTHitClustersToUTHitHandlerConverter, "UTHitClustersToUTHitHandlerConverter" )
-::UT::HitHandler LHCb::UTHitClustersToUTHitHandlerConverter::
-                 operator()( const EventContext& evtCtx, LHCb::UTHitClusters const& dst, DeUTDetector const& deut ) const {
+::UT::HitHandler LHCb::UTHitClustersToUTHitHandlerConverter::operator()( const EventContext&        evtCtx,
+                                                                         LHCb::UTHitClusters const& dst,
+                                                                         DeUTDetector const&        deut ) const {
-  ::UT::HitHandler hitHandler{Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
+  ::UT::HitHandler hitHandler{ Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) };
   hitHandler.reserve( dst.size() );
   for ( const auto& ut_lite_cluster : dst ) {
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/UTHitHandlerToUTHitClusterConverter.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/UTHitHandlerToUTHitClusterConverter.cpp
index 6768366e41815ede6ba800c5aca68fd830feaec5..5c4d3030b02fc378a567e9fe1047464466b3d4bf 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/UTHitHandlerToUTHitClusterConverter.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/UTHitHandlerToUTHitClusterConverter.cpp
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ namespace LHCb {
   struct UTHitHandlerToUTHitClusterConverter : Algorithm::Transformer<UTHitClusters( ::UT::HitHandler const& )> {
     UTHitHandlerToUTHitClusterConverter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"InputHits", ""}}, {KeyValue{"OutputClusters", ""}} ) {}
+        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "InputHits", "" } }, { KeyValue{ "OutputClusters", "" } } ) {}
     UTHitClusters operator()( ::UT::HitHandler const& ) const override;
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned long> m_convertedClusters{this, "# Converted Clusters"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned long> m_convertedClusters{ this, "# Converted Clusters" };
 } // namespace LHCb
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/VPLightClustersToVPHitsConverter.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/VPLightClustersToVPHitsConverter.cpp
index c75357c3313bc6f0c409bb7c33031106d37bc9be..b1ded2ed8d6e3d59bdb1d75b38fe1e793017ca3c 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/VPLightClustersToVPHitsConverter.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/VPLightClustersToVPHitsConverter.cpp
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ namespace LHCb {
   struct VPLightClustersToVPHitsConverter : Algorithm::Transformer<VPHits( VPLightClusters const& )> {
     VPLightClustersToVPHitsConverter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"InputClusters", LHCb::VPClusterLocation::Light}},
-                       {KeyValue{"OutputHits", ""}} ) {}
+        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "InputClusters", LHCb::VPClusterLocation::Light } },
+                       { KeyValue{ "OutputHits", "" } } ) {}
     VPHits operator()( VPLightClusters const& ) const override;
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned long> m_convertedClusters{this, "# Converted Clusters"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned long> m_convertedClusters{ this, "# Converted Clusters" };
 } // namespace LHCb
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ VPHits LHCb::VPLightClustersToVPHitsConverter::operator()( LHCb::VPLightClusters
   hits.reserve( clusters.size() );
   for ( const auto& vp_light_cluster : clusters ) {
     auto hit = hits.emplace_back<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar>();
-    hit.field<LHCb::Pr::VP::VPHitsTag::pos>().set( {vp_light_cluster.x(), vp_light_cluster.y(), vp_light_cluster.z()} );
+    hit.field<LHCb::Pr::VP::VPHitsTag::pos>().set(
+        { vp_light_cluster.x(), vp_light_cluster.y(), vp_light_cluster.z() } );
     hit.field<LHCb::Pr::VP::VPHitsTag::ChannelId>().set( SIMDWrapper::scalar::int_v( vp_light_cluster.channelID() ) );
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/VPLightClustersToVPMicroClustersConverter.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/VPLightClustersToVPMicroClustersConverter.cpp
index 85103c12e21c501d4ba89c23881245c346dbac5c..09678ebcb158a7512dc396d3996bc1d7491a89e5 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/VPLightClustersToVPMicroClustersConverter.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/VPLightClustersToVPMicroClustersConverter.cpp
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ namespace LHCb {
   struct VPLightClustersToVPMicroClustersConverter : Algorithm::Transformer<VPMicroClusters( VPLightClusters const& )> {
     VPLightClustersToVPMicroClustersConverter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"InputClusters", LHCb::VPClusterLocation::Light}},
-                       {KeyValue{"OutputClusters", LHCb::VPClusterLocation::Micro}} ) {}
+        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "InputClusters", LHCb::VPClusterLocation::Light } },
+                       { KeyValue{ "OutputClusters", LHCb::VPClusterLocation::Micro } } ) {}
     LHCb::VPMicroClusters operator()( VPLightClusters const& ) const override;
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned long> m_convertedClusters{this, "# Converted Clusters"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned long> m_convertedClusters{ this, "# Converted Clusters" };
 } // namespace LHCb
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ namespace LHCb {
 DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( LHCb::VPLightClustersToVPMicroClustersConverter,
                            "VPLightClustersToVPMicroClustersConverter" )
-LHCb::VPMicroClusters LHCb::VPLightClustersToVPMicroClustersConverter::
-                      operator()( LHCb::VPLightClusters const& clusters ) const {
+LHCb::VPLightClustersToVPMicroClustersConverter::operator()( LHCb::VPLightClusters const& clusters ) const {
   LHCb::VPMicroClusters microClusters;
   microClusters.reserve( clusters.size() );
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/VPMicroClustersToVPLightClustersConverter.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/VPMicroClustersToVPLightClustersConverter.cpp
index b52c50f3e593809b613393bc027229b7a002f3b5..930db47fc36546ebf5b3d0ed29633a40b23b2010 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/VPMicroClustersToVPLightClustersConverter.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/VPMicroClustersToVPLightClustersConverter.cpp
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ namespace LHCb {
     VPMicroClustersToVPLightClustersConverter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                       {KeyValue{"InputClusters", LHCb::VPClusterLocation::Micro},
-                        KeyValue{"DeVPLocation", LHCb::Det::VP::det_path}},
-                       {KeyValue{"OutputClusters", ""}} ) {}
+                       { KeyValue{ "InputClusters", LHCb::VPClusterLocation::Micro },
+                         KeyValue{ "DeVPLocation", LHCb::Det::VP::det_path } },
+                       { KeyValue{ "OutputClusters", "" } } ) {}
     LHCb::VPLightClusters operator()( VPMicroClusters const&, DeVP const& ) const override;
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned long> m_convertedClusters{this, "# Converted Clusters"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned long> m_convertedClusters{ this, "# Converted Clusters" };
 } // namespace LHCb
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromLHCbTrackVector.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromLHCbTrackVector.cpp
index f82df6e97ad0f1407a8d5b7932d7813bea765bd3..f4fa96050884a77de2eadcd89be9a89048967b72 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromLHCbTrackVector.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromLHCbTrackVector.cpp
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ namespace LHCb {
         class fromLHCbTrackVector : public Algorithm::Transformer<std::vector<LHCb::Track>( const LHCb::Tracks& )> {
           fromLHCbTrackVector( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-              : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{"InputTracksName", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputTracksName", ""} ) {}
+              : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{ "InputTracksName", "" },
+                             KeyValue{ "OutputTracksName", "" } ) {}
           // The main function, converts the track
           std::vector<LHCb::Track> operator()( const LHCb::Tracks& inputTracks ) const override {
             std::vector<LHCb::Track> outputTracks;
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromPrTracksV1Track.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromPrTracksV1Track.cpp
index ca524d74b7636a4852281275ea45cd6d40671082..9dd844a21733c06b3317ee37574584a756de2738 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromPrTracksV1Track.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromPrTracksV1Track.cpp
@@ -92,19 +92,19 @@ namespace {
   template <typename Base, typename ConversionInfo, size_t... I>
   auto NamesHelper( std::index_sequence<I...> ) {
     using KV = typename Base::KeyValue;
-    return std::make_tuple( KV{"InputTracksLocation", ""}, KV{ConversionInfo::AncestorLocations[I], ""}... );
+    return std::make_tuple( KV{ "InputTracksLocation", "" }, KV{ ConversionInfo::AncestorLocations[I], "" }... );
   template <typename Base, typename ConversionInfo, size_t... I>
   auto NamesHelper2( std::index_sequence<I...> ) {
     using KV = typename Base::KeyValue;
-    return std::make_tuple( KV{"InputTracksLocation1", ""}, KV{"InputTracksLocation2", ""},
-                            KV{ConversionInfo::AncestorLocations[I], ""}... );
+    return std::make_tuple( KV{ "InputTracksLocation1", "" }, KV{ "InputTracksLocation2", "" },
+                            KV{ ConversionInfo::AncestorLocations[I], "" }... );
   template <typename Base, typename ConversionInfo>
   struct IOHelper {
     static constexpr std::size_t NumInputs = ConversionInfo::AncestorLocations.size();
     static auto InputLocations() { return NamesHelper<Base, ConversionInfo>( std::make_index_sequence<NumInputs>{} ); }
-    static auto OutputLocation() { return typename Base::KeyValue{"OutputTracksLocation", ""}; }
+    static auto OutputLocation() { return typename Base::KeyValue{ "OutputTracksLocation", "" }; }
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ namespace {
   struct IOHelperMerger {
     static constexpr std::size_t NumInputs = ConversionInfo::AncestorLocations.size();
     static auto InputLocations() { return NamesHelper2<Base, ConversionInfo>( std::make_index_sequence<NumInputs>{} ); }
-    static auto OutputLocation() { return typename Base::KeyValue{"OutputTracksLocation", ""}; }
+    static auto OutputLocation() { return typename Base::KeyValue{ "OutputTracksLocation", "" }; }
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ namespace {
       cov( 4, 4 ) = errQOverP * errQOverP;
-          LHCb::State{{s.x().cast(), s.y().cast(), s.tx().cast(), s.ty().cast(), QOverP}, cov, s.z().cast(), loc} );
+          LHCb::State{ { s.x().cast(), s.y().cast(), s.tx().cast(), s.ty().cast(), QOverP }, cov, s.z().cast(), loc } );
     // -- Velo tracks get an artifical momentum assigned, based on a constant pT
     if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<PrTracksType, LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks> && stateLocations.size() > 0 ) {
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Track::v1 {
         if ( inTracks.backward() ) ++m_nbWrongVeloBackwardsConversion;
-      StateErrors errors{m_stateErrorX2, m_stateErrorY2, m_stateErrorTX2, m_stateErrorTY2, m_stateErrorP};
+      StateErrors errors{ m_stateErrorX2, m_stateErrorY2, m_stateErrorTX2, m_stateErrorTY2, m_stateErrorP };
       for ( auto const& inTrack : inTracks.scalar() ) {
@@ -296,23 +296,23 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Track::v1 {
-    ToolHandle<ITrackAddClusters> m_clusterAdder{this, "TrackAddClusterTool", "AddClustersToTrackTool"};
+    ToolHandle<ITrackAddClusters> m_clusterAdder{ this, "TrackAddClusterTool", "AddClustersToTrackTool" };
     // - StateErrorX2: Error^2 on x-position (for making Track)
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorX2{this, "StateErrorX2", 4.0};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorX2{ this, "StateErrorX2", 4.0 };
     // - StateErrorY2: Error^2 on y-position (for making Track)
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorY2{this, "StateErrorY2", 400.};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorY2{ this, "StateErrorY2", 400. };
     // - StateErrorTX2: Error^2 on tx-slope (for making Track)
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorTX2{this, "StateErrorTX2", 6.e-5};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorTX2{ this, "StateErrorTX2", 6.e-5 };
     // - StateErrorTY2: Error^2 on ty-slope (for making Track)
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorTY2{this, "StateErrorTY2", 1.e-4};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorTY2{ this, "StateErrorTY2", 1.e-4 };
     // - StateErrorP:  Error^2 on momentum (for making Track)
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorP{this, "StateErrorP", 0.15};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorP{ this, "StateErrorP", 0.15 };
     // - VeloPT:  Default PT for VeloTracks
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_veloPT{this, "VeloPT", 400 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_veloPT{ this, "VeloPT", 400 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
     // - A counter for the tracks
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>         m_nbTracksCounter{this, "Nb of converted Tracks"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>         m_nbTracksCounter{ this, "Nb of converted Tracks" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_nbWrongVeloBackwardsConversion{
-        this, "Using Velo forward tracks conversion options on Velo backward tracks. Use at your own risk."};
+        this, "Using Velo forward tracks conversion options on Velo backward tracks. Use at your own risk." };
   using PrDownstreamConverter =
       fromPrTracksV1Track<LHCb::Pr::Downstream::Tracks, LHCb::Pr::ConversionInfo::Downstream, LHCb::Event::v1::Tracks>;
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Track::v1 {
       outTracks.reserve( inTracks1.size() + inTracks2.size() );
       m_nbTracksCounter += inTracks1.size() + inTracks2.size();
-      StateErrors errors{m_stateErrorX2, m_stateErrorY2, m_stateErrorTX2, m_stateErrorTY2, m_stateErrorP};
+      StateErrors errors{ m_stateErrorX2, m_stateErrorY2, m_stateErrorTX2, m_stateErrorTY2, m_stateErrorP };
       for ( auto const& inTrack : inTracks1.scalar() ) {
@@ -394,21 +394,21 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Track::v1 {
-    ToolHandle<ITrackAddClusters> m_clusterAdder{this, "TrackAddClusterTool", "AddClustersToTrackTool"};
+    ToolHandle<ITrackAddClusters> m_clusterAdder{ this, "TrackAddClusterTool", "AddClustersToTrackTool" };
     // - StateErrorX2: Error^2 on x-position (for making Track)
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorX2{this, "StateErrorX2", 4.0};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorX2{ this, "StateErrorX2", 4.0 };
     // - StateErrorY2: Error^2 on y-position (for making Track)
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorY2{this, "StateErrorY2", 400.};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorY2{ this, "StateErrorY2", 400. };
     // - StateErrorTX2: Error^2 on tx-slope (for making Track)
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorTX2{this, "StateErrorTX2", 6.e-5};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorTX2{ this, "StateErrorTX2", 6.e-5 };
     // - StateErrorTY2: Error^2 on ty-slope (for making Track)
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorTY2{this, "StateErrorTY2", 1.e-4};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorTY2{ this, "StateErrorTY2", 1.e-4 };
     // - StateErrorP:  Error^2 on momentum (for making Track)
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorP{this, "StateErrorP", 0.15};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorP{ this, "StateErrorP", 0.15 };
     // - VeloPT:  Default PT for VeloTracks
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_veloPT{this, "VeloPT", 400 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_veloPT{ this, "VeloPT", 400 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
     // - A counter for the tracks
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbTracksCounter{this, "Nb of converted Tracks"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbTracksCounter{ this, "Nb of converted Tracks" };
   using PrVeloMergerConverter = fromPrTracksV1TrackMerger<LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks, LHCb::Pr::ConversionInfo::VeloForward,
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromRecVertexv1RecVertexv2.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromRecVertexv1RecVertexv2.cpp
index cce61fa4379c0d43fce49fe365a3b6efa36d32d5..9881d11fa59da1b0b508c3ce4cf95cd8f3595287 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromRecVertexv1RecVertexv2.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromRecVertexv1RecVertexv2.cpp
@@ -33,17 +33,17 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::RecVertex::v2 {
                                           const std::vector<LHCb::RecVertex>&, std::vector<Event::v2::Track> const& )> {
     fromRecVertexv1RecVertexv2( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Transformer{name,
-                      pSvcLocator,
-                      {KeyValue{"InputVerticesName", ""}, KeyValue{"InputTracksName", ""}},
-                      KeyValue{"OutputVerticesName", ""}} {}
+        : Transformer{ name,
+                       pSvcLocator,
+                       { KeyValue{ "InputVerticesName", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputTracksName", "" } },
+                       KeyValue{ "OutputVerticesName", "" } } {}
     Event::v2::RecVertices operator()( const std::vector<LHCb::RecVertex>&  vertexes,
                                        std::vector<Event::v2::Track> const& tracks ) const override {
       Event::v2::RecVertices converted_vertexes;
       for ( const auto& vertex : vertexes ) {
         auto& converted_vertex = converted_vertexes.emplace_back(
-            Event::v2::RecVertex( vertex.position(), vertex.covMatrix(), {vertex.chi2(), vertex.nDoF()} ) );
+            Event::v2::RecVertex( vertex.position(), vertex.covMatrix(), { vertex.chi2(), vertex.nDoF() } ) );
         for ( const auto& weightedTrack : vertex.tracksWithWeights() ) {
           if ( not weightedTrack.first ) continue;
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::RecVertex::v2 {
     // A counter for the converted vertexes
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbVtxsCounter{this, "Nb of converted Vertices"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbVtxsCounter{ this, "Nb of converted Vertices" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT( fromRecVertexv1RecVertexv2 )
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromRecVertexv2RecVertexv1.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromRecVertexv2RecVertexv1.cpp
index ff345bd44084886bc63c595695aab4ed206721a3..f049af864b4afdb7e61c418aeb8eb7960c9dc65b 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromRecVertexv2RecVertexv1.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromRecVertexv2RecVertexv1.cpp
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::RecVertex::v1 {
                                           const Event::v2::RecVertices&, std::vector<Event::v1::Track> const& )> {
     fromRecVertexv2RecVertexv1( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Transformer{name,
-                      pSvcLocator,
-                      {KeyValue{"InputVerticesName", ""}, KeyValue{"InputTracksName", ""}},
-                      KeyValue{"OutputVerticesName", ""}} {}
+        : Transformer{ name,
+                       pSvcLocator,
+                       { KeyValue{ "InputVerticesName", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputTracksName", "" } },
+                       KeyValue{ "OutputVerticesName", "" } } {}
     std::vector<LHCb::RecVertex> operator()( const Event::v2::RecVertices&        vertexes,
                                              std::vector<Event::v1::Track> const& tracks ) const override {
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::RecVertex::v1 {
     // A counter for the converted vertexes
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbVtxsCounter{this, "Nb of converted Vertices"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbVtxsCounter{ this, "Nb of converted Vertices" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT( fromRecVertexv2RecVertexv1 )
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromV1TrackV2Track.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromV1TrackV2Track.cpp
index 28a5b4eba74b2c9d75d1de71fb82cafa3102dd60..c711e1845f95f1067ac5e543a78093b0e4bbb15b 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromV1TrackV2Track.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromV1TrackV2Track.cpp
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ namespace {
   LHCb::Event::v2::Track ConvertTrack( LHCb::Event::v1::Track const& track ) {
     auto outTr = LHCb::Event::v2::Track{};
-    outTr.setChi2PerDoF( {track.chi2(), track.nDoF()} );
+    outTr.setChi2PerDoF( { track.chi2(), track.nDoF() } );
     outTr.setFlags( track.flags() );
     for ( auto const& id : track.lhcbIDs() ) { outTr.addToLhcbIDs( id ); }
     for ( auto const state : track.states() ) { outTr.addToStates( *state ); }
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Track::v2 {
                                                                                           Event::v1::Tracks const& )> {
     fromV1TrackV2Track( std::string const& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : ScalarTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, {"InputTracksName", ""}, {"OutputTracksName", ""} ) {}
+        : ScalarTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, { "InputTracksName", "" }, { "OutputTracksName", "" } ) {}
     using ScalarTransformer::operator();
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromV2MuonPIDV1MuonPID.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromV2MuonPIDV1MuonPID.cpp
index 2ae131e05e120de145036c48d4d120eb0631a393..d3157472615741e32f0d4925c5f8689e966c8490 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromV2MuonPIDV1MuonPID.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromV2MuonPIDV1MuonPID.cpp
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Muon {
     using KeyValue = typename fromV2MuonPIDV1MuonPID<Relations>::KeyValue;
     fromV2MuonPIDV1MuonPID( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : fromV2MuonPIDV1MuonPID<Relations>::Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                                                          {KeyValue( "InputMuonPIDs", "" ),
-                                                           KeyValue( "InputTrackRelations", "" ),
-                                                           KeyValue( "InputMuonTracks", "" )},
-                                                          {KeyValue( "OutputMuonPIDs", "" )} ) {}
+                                                          { KeyValue( "InputMuonPIDs", "" ),
+                                                            KeyValue( "InputTrackRelations", "" ),
+                                                            KeyValue( "InputMuonTracks", "" ) },
+                                                          { KeyValue( "OutputMuonPIDs", "" ) } ) {}
     LHCb::MuonPIDs operator()( const Event::v2::Muon::PIDs& muonPIDs, const Relations& trackrels,
                                const LHCb::Tracks& muontracks ) const override {
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Muon {
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbMuonPIDsCounter{this, "Nb of Produced MuonPIDs"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbMuonPIDsCounter{ this, "Nb of Produced MuonPIDs" };
   using RelationsKeyed  = LHCb::Event::V3ToV1Mapping<LHCb::Event::v1::Tracks>;
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromV2TrackV1Track.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromV2TrackV1Track.cpp
index df9e78c3fb33d19ab46e8e3b2aca8f3d63f865fd..a12fc0c1e9740d74eb71e3b7cb785c1709e8e555 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromV2TrackV1Track.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromV2TrackV1Track.cpp
@@ -37,13 +37,14 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Track::v1 {
                                             Event::v1::Tracks( std::vector<Event::v2::Track> const& )> {
     fromV2TrackV1Track( std::string const& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : ScalarTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{"InputTracksName", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputTracksName", ""} ) {}
+        : ScalarTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{ "InputTracksName", "" },
+                             KeyValue{ "OutputTracksName", "" } ) {}
     using ScalarTransformer::operator();
     /// The main function, converts the track
     Event::v1::Track* operator()( Event::v2::Track const& track ) const {
-      return new Event::v1::Track{ConvertTrack( track )};
+      return new Event::v1::Track{ ConvertTrack( track ) };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT( fromV2TrackV1Track )
@@ -53,7 +54,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Track::v1 {
                                             std::vector<Event::v1::Track>( std::vector<Event::v2::Track> const& )> {
     fromV2TrackV1TrackVector( std::string const& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : ScalarTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{"InputTracksName", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputTracksName", ""} ) {}
+        : ScalarTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{ "InputTracksName", "" },
+                             KeyValue{ "OutputTracksName", "" } ) {}
     using ScalarTransformer::operator();
@@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Track::v1 {
       : public Algorithm::Transformer<std::vector<Event::v1::Track>( Pr::Selection<Event::v2::Track> const& )> {
     fromV2SelectionV1TrackVector( std::string const& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{"InputTracksName", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputTracksName", ""} ) {}
+        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{ "InputTracksName", "" }, KeyValue{ "OutputTracksName", "" } ) {}
     /// The main function, converts the track
     std::vector<Event::v1::Track> operator()( Pr::Selection<Event::v2::Track> const& tracks ) const override {
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromV3TrackV1Track.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromV3TrackV1Track.cpp
index f1630f15ddee22b751473e1682dab79c90696430..a435e7a923f9a397108e479d985f7388bd9f2908 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromV3TrackV1Track.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromV3TrackV1Track.cpp
@@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Track::v1 {
     using KeyValue   = typename base_class::KeyValue;
     fromV3TrackV1Track( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : base_class( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue( get_input_name<V3InputTypes>(), "" )...},
-                      KeyValue{"OutputTracks", ""} ) {}
+        : base_class( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue( get_input_name<V3InputTypes>(), "" )... },
+                      KeyValue{ "OutputTracks", "" } ) {}
     LHCb::Event::v1::Tracks operator()( V3InputTypes const&... inputs ) const override {
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Track::v1 {
         if constexpr ( has_fit_results ) {
           const auto& fit_results = std::get<std::vector<LHCb::PrKalmanFitResult> const&>( input_tuple );
           assert( fit_results.size() == in_tracks.size() );
-          new_track->setFitResult( new LHCb::PrKalmanFitResult{std::move( fit_results[counter] )} );
+          new_track->setFitResult( new LHCb::PrKalmanFitResult{ std::move( fit_results[counter] ) } );
         out.insert( new_track );
@@ -334,13 +334,14 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Track::v1 {
-    ToolHandle<ITrackAddClusters>      m_clusterAdder{this, "TrackAddClusterTool", "AddClustersToTrackTool"};
+    ToolHandle<ITrackAddClusters>      m_clusterAdder{ this, "TrackAddClusterTool", "AddClustersToTrackTool" };
     ToolHandleArray<IGhostProbability> m_ghostTools{
-        this, "GhostProbTools", {}, "List of ghost probability tools (per track type)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>         m_nbTracksCounter{this, "Nb of Produced Tracks"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_ghostProb{this, "Track ghostProb set to default value"};
+        this, "GhostProbTools", {}, "List of ghost probability tools (per track type)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>         m_nbTracksCounter{ this, "Nb of Produced Tracks" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_ghostProb{ this,
+                                                                          "Track ghostProb set to default value" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_clustersOnTrackFail{
-        this, "Not all LHCbIDs were found as clusters."};
+        this, "Not all LHCbIDs were found as clusters." };
   template <typename output_t, typename... V3InputTypes>
@@ -351,8 +352,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Track::v1 {
     using KeyValue   = typename base_class::KeyValue;
     fromV3TrackV1TrackVector( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : base_class( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue( get_input_name<V3InputTypes>(), "" )...},
-                      KeyValue{"OutputTracks", ""} ) {}
+        : base_class( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue( get_input_name<V3InputTypes>(), "" )... },
+                      KeyValue{ "OutputTracks", "" } ) {}
     output_t operator()( V3InputTypes const&... inputs ) const override {
@@ -399,11 +400,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Track::v1 {
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbTracksCounter{this, "Nb of Produced Tracks"};
-    ToolHandle<ITrackAddClusters>                 m_clusterAdder{this, "TrackAddClusterTool", ""};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbTracksCounter{ this, "Nb of Produced Tracks" };
+    ToolHandle<ITrackAddClusters>                 m_clusterAdder{ this, "TrackAddClusterTool", "" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_clustersOnTrackFail{
-        this, "Not all LHCbIDs were found as clusters."};
+        this, "Not all LHCbIDs were found as clusters." };
   using ConvFromV3TrackV1Track = fromV3TrackV1TrackVector<LHCb::Event::v1::Tracks, LHCb::Event::v3::Tracks>;
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromVectorLHCbRecVertex.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromVectorLHCbRecVertex.cpp
index 2cdc5fc90f56c1ad88c389a36d9845d0bbc6a341..d8393424f1a64647c852eb56e21b4dbd48e26ac2 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromVectorLHCbRecVertex.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromVectorLHCbRecVertex.cpp
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::RecVertex::v1 {
   struct fromVectorLHCbRecVertex
       : public Algorithm::Transformer<RecVertices( const std::vector<LHCb::RecVertex>&, const Tracks& )> {
     fromVectorLHCbRecVertex( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"InputVerticesName", ""}, KeyValue{"InputTracksName", ""}},
-                       KeyValue{"OutputVerticesName", ""} ) {}
+        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "InputVerticesName", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputTracksName", "" } },
+                       KeyValue{ "OutputVerticesName", "" } ) {}
     /// The main function, converts the vertex and puts it into a keyed container
     RecVertices operator()( const std::vector<LHCb::RecVertex>& vertices, const Tracks& keyed_tracks ) const override {
       RecVertices converted_vertices;
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromVectorLHCbRecVertexv2.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromVectorLHCbRecVertexv2.cpp
index 4eb662dcbcc52b7850cae91505ccc7e9f2650659..66b01c6168d232ac68f1c14b7130dd8ee48a4239 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromVectorLHCbRecVertexv2.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromVectorLHCbRecVertexv2.cpp
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::RecVertex::v2 {
     using KeyValue = typename Transformer<InputType>::KeyValue;
     fromv2RecVertex( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Transformer<InputType>{name,
-                                 pSvcLocator,
-                                 {KeyValue{"InputVerticesName", ""}, KeyValue{"InputTracksName", ""}},
-                                 KeyValue{"OutputVerticesName", ""}} {}
+        : Transformer<InputType>{ name,
+                                  pSvcLocator,
+                                  { KeyValue{ "InputVerticesName", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputTracksName", "" } },
+                                  KeyValue{ "OutputVerticesName", "" } } {}
     /// The main function, converts the vertex and puts it into a keyed container
     LHCb::RecVertices operator()( const InputType& vertices, const LHCb::Track::Range& keyed_tracks ) const override {
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::RecVertices {
       : public Algorithm::Transformer<LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertices( LHCb::RecVertices const&,
                                                                     std::vector<LHCb::Event::v2::Track> const& )> {
     LHCbRecVerticesToVectorV2RecVertex( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"InputVertices", ""}, KeyValue{"InputTracks", ""}},
-                       KeyValue{"OutputVertices", ""} ) {}
+        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "InputVertices", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputTracks", "" } },
+                       KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", "" } ) {}
     /// The main function, converts the vertex and puts it into a keyed container
     LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertices operator()( LHCb::RecVertices const&                   vertices,
                                              std::vector<LHCb::Event::v2::Track> const& tracks ) const override {
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::RecVertices {
       for ( const auto* vertex : vertices ) {
         if ( not vertex ) continue;
         converted_vertices.emplace_back( LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertex( vertex->position(), vertex->covMatrix(),
-                                                                     {vertex->chi2PerDoF(), vertex->nDoF()} ) );
+                                                                     { vertex->chi2PerDoF(), vertex->nDoF() } ) );
         // Add tracks from keyed container.
         // The following relies on the Velo tracks being created with a key in PrPixelTracking.
         for ( const auto& weightedTrack : vertex->tracksWithWeights() ) {
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromVectorLHCbTrack.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromVectorLHCbTrack.cpp
index dcaff7d60291a1e9635c1e4bcb0934615e93efab..f9163b9d43666e3c456fb03c8b0ab6662b954afc 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromVectorLHCbTrack.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/fromVectorLHCbTrack.cpp
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Converters::Track::v1 {
       : public Algorithm::ScalarTransformer<fromVectorLHCbTrack, Tracks( const std::vector<LHCb::Track>& )> {
     fromVectorLHCbTrack( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : ScalarTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{"InputTracksName", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputTracksName", ""} ) {}
+        : ScalarTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{ "InputTracksName", "" },
+                             KeyValue{ "OutputTracksName", "" } ) {}
     using ScalarTransformer::operator();
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/tests/TestOverlappingFTLiteClusters.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/tests/TestOverlappingFTLiteClusters.cpp
index fbbb6b5e273184e7eb6c571ec430cca1854e4dab..c109c3e9a4fab5a6ad638b6a4a493a599cf36eeb 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/tests/TestOverlappingFTLiteClusters.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/tests/TestOverlappingFTLiteClusters.cpp
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ namespace LHCb {
   struct TestOverlappingFTLiteClusters : Algorithm::Consumer<void( FTLiteClusters const&, FTLiteClusters const& )> {
     TestOverlappingFTLiteClusters( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"FTLiteClusters_A", ""}, KeyValue{"FTLiteClusters_B", ""}} ) {}
+        : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "FTLiteClusters_A", "" }, KeyValue{ "FTLiteClusters_B", "" } } ) {}
     void operator()( FTLiteClusters const&, FTLiteClusters const& ) const override;
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_missed_in_B{this, "Missing clusters in [B]"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                m_found_in_B{this, "Found clusters in [B]"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_missed_in_B{ this, "Missing clusters in [B]" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                m_found_in_B{ this, "Found clusters in [B]" };
 } // namespace LHCb
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/tests/TestOverlappingUTHits.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/tests/TestOverlappingUTHits.cpp
index f845748c77cdb13751445ec657cb22fa2948a0b7..c0a5d8766548a993e69d92fc5512aaa711c67eb2 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/tests/TestOverlappingUTHits.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/tests/TestOverlappingUTHits.cpp
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ namespace LHCb {
   struct TestOverlappingUTHits : Algorithm::Consumer<void( ::LHCb::Pr::UT::Hits const&, ::LHCb::Pr::UT::Hits const& )> {
     TestOverlappingUTHits( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"UTHits_A", ""}, KeyValue{"UTHits_B", ""}} ) {}
+        : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "UTHits_A", "" }, KeyValue{ "UTHits_B", "" } } ) {}
     void operator()( ::LHCb::Pr::UT::Hits const&, ::LHCb::Pr::UT::Hits const& ) const override;
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_missed_in_B{this, "Missing clusters in [B]"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                m_found_in_B{this, "Found clusters in [B]"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_missed_in_B{ this, "Missing clusters in [B]" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                m_found_in_B{ this, "Found clusters in [B]" };
     template <typename T>
     bool is_same_uthit( T const& uth_a, T const& uth_b ) const {
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/src/tests/TestOverlappingVPLightClusters.cpp b/Pr/PrConverters/src/tests/TestOverlappingVPLightClusters.cpp
index 478b2039786d346e57969c78b3795071fc9e0543..07fdb3fd7a1d6d4cf20b1e980eb8bfb9398dbad0 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/src/tests/TestOverlappingVPLightClusters.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/src/tests/TestOverlappingVPLightClusters.cpp
@@ -31,15 +31,15 @@ namespace LHCb {
     TestOverlappingVPLightClusters( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                    {KeyValue{"VPLightClusters_A", ""}, KeyValue{"VPLightClusters_B", ""},
-                     KeyValue{"DeVPLocation", LHCb::Det::VP::det_path}} ) {}
+                    { KeyValue{ "VPLightClusters_A", "" }, KeyValue{ "VPLightClusters_B", "" },
+                      KeyValue{ "DeVPLocation", LHCb::Det::VP::det_path } } ) {}
     void operator()( VPLightClusters const&, VPLightClusters const&, DeVP const& ) const override;
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_missed_in_B{this, "Missing clusters in [B]"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                m_found_in_B{this, "Found clusters in [B]"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_missed_in_B{ this, "Missing clusters in [B]" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                m_found_in_B{ this, "Found clusters in [B]" };
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_tolerance{this, "Tolerance", 0.001,
-                                       "Tolerance (in mm) for coordinates (default: 1 micron)."};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_tolerance{ this, "Tolerance", 0.001,
+                                        "Tolerance (in mm) for coordinates (default: 1 micron)." };
     bool is_same_cluster( LHCb::VPLightCluster const& vplc_a, LHCb::VPLightCluster const& vplc_b,
                           DeVP const& devp ) const {
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/tests/options/convert_RecVertices.py b/Pr/PrConverters/tests/options/convert_RecVertices.py
index c9ff30bbc80cc6898270cea805e8b86df9de46c1..6448aa4ee96f2e89fa82cbec997f4031058a3b2b 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/tests/options/convert_RecVertices.py
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/tests/options/convert_RecVertices.py
@@ -34,28 +34,39 @@ InFile -> LHCb::RecVertices
         -> VtxConvVecV2ToKeyContV1 -> LHCb::RecVertices
       -> VtxConvVecV1ToKeyContV1 -> LHCb::RecVertices
 from PRConfig.TestFileDB import test_file_db
-from PyConf.application import (configure_input, configure,
-                                input_from_root_file)
-from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode, NodeLogic
-from PyConf.components import force_location
 from PyConf.Algorithms import (
-    UniqueIDGeneratorAlg, UnpackTrack, PatPV3DFuture,
-    LHCb__Converters__RecVertex__v2__fromRecVertexv1RecVertexv2 as
-    VtxConvVecV1ToVecV2,
-    LHCb__Converters__RecVertex__v1__fromRecVertexv2RecVertexv1 as
-    VtxConvVecV2ToVecV1,
-    LHCb__Converters__RecVertex__v1__fromVectorLHCbRecVertex as
-    VtxConvVecV1ToKeyContV1,
-    LHCb__Converters__RecVertex__v2__fromVectorLHCbRecVertices as
-    VtxConvVecV2ToKeyContV1,
-    LHCb__Converters__RecVertices__LHCbRecVerticesToVectorV2RecVertex as
-    VtxConvKeyContV1ToVecV2, LHCb__Converters__Track__v2__fromV1TrackV2Track as
-    TrkConvKeyContV1ToVecV2, LHCb__Converters__Track__v1__fromV2TrackV1Track as
-    TrkConvVecV2ToKeyContV1,
-    LHCb__Converters__Track__v1__fromV2TrackV1TrackVector as
-    TrkConvVecV2ToVecV1, LHCb__Converters__Track__v1__fromVectorLHCbTrack as
-    TrkConvVecV1ToKeyContV1)
+    LHCb__Converters__RecVertex__v1__fromRecVertexv2RecVertexv1 as VtxConvVecV2ToVecV1,
+from PyConf.Algorithms import (
+    LHCb__Converters__RecVertex__v1__fromVectorLHCbRecVertex as VtxConvVecV1ToKeyContV1,
+from PyConf.Algorithms import (
+    LHCb__Converters__RecVertex__v2__fromRecVertexv1RecVertexv2 as VtxConvVecV1ToVecV2,
+from PyConf.Algorithms import (
+    LHCb__Converters__RecVertex__v2__fromVectorLHCbRecVertices as VtxConvVecV2ToKeyContV1,
+from PyConf.Algorithms import (
+    LHCb__Converters__RecVertices__LHCbRecVerticesToVectorV2RecVertex as VtxConvKeyContV1ToVecV2,
+from PyConf.Algorithms import (
+    LHCb__Converters__Track__v1__fromV2TrackV1Track as TrkConvVecV2ToKeyContV1,
+from PyConf.Algorithms import (
+    LHCb__Converters__Track__v1__fromV2TrackV1TrackVector as TrkConvVecV2ToVecV1,
+from PyConf.Algorithms import (
+    LHCb__Converters__Track__v1__fromVectorLHCbTrack as TrkConvVecV1ToKeyContV1,
+from PyConf.Algorithms import (
+    LHCb__Converters__Track__v2__fromV1TrackV2Track as TrkConvKeyContV1ToVecV2,
+from PyConf.Algorithms import PatPV3DFuture, UniqueIDGeneratorAlg, UnpackTrack
+from PyConf.application import configure, configure_input, input_from_root_file
+from PyConf.components import force_location
+from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode, NodeLogic
 def fromFileToKeyContV1(options):
@@ -67,18 +78,15 @@ def fromFileToKeyContV1(options):
     track_alg = UnpackTrack(
-            "pRec/Track/Best",
-            forced_type='LHCb::PackedTracks',
-            options=options))
+            "pRec/Track/Best", forced_type="LHCb::PackedTracks", options=options
+        )
+    )
     tracks = track_alg.OutputName
     vtx_alg = PatPV3DFuture(InputTracks=tracks)
     return {
-        'algs': [track_alg, vtx_alg],
-        'data': {
-            'tracks': tracks,
-            'vertices': vtx_alg.OutputVerticesName
-        }
+        "algs": [track_alg, vtx_alg],
+        "data": {"tracks": tracks, "vertices": vtx_alg.OutputVerticesName},
@@ -123,19 +131,15 @@ class fromToConverter(object):
         track_alg = self._tct(InputTracksName=tracks)
         out_tracks = track_alg.OutputTracksName
         if self._inNames:
-            vtx_alg = self._vct(
-                InputTracksName=out_tracks, InputVerticesName=vertices)
+            vtx_alg = self._vct(InputTracksName=out_tracks, InputVerticesName=vertices)
             out_vtxs = vtx_alg.OutputVerticesName
             vtx_alg = self._vct(InputTracks=out_tracks, InputVertices=vertices)
             out_vtxs = vtx_alg.OutputVertices
         return {
-            'algs': [track_alg, vtx_alg],
-            'data': {
-                'tracks': out_tracks,
-                'vertices': out_vtxs
-            }
+            "algs": [track_alg, vtx_alg],
+            "data": {"tracks": out_tracks, "vertices": out_vtxs},
@@ -149,43 +153,45 @@ config = configure_input(options)
 v1Keyed = fromFileToKeyContV1(options)
 fromKeyContV1ToVectorV2 = fromToConverter(
-    TrkConvKeyContV1ToVecV2, VtxConvKeyContV1ToVecV2, inputNames=False)
-v2Vect = fromKeyContV1ToVectorV2(**v1Keyed['data'])
+    TrkConvKeyContV1ToVecV2, VtxConvKeyContV1ToVecV2, inputNames=False
+v2Vect = fromKeyContV1ToVectorV2(**v1Keyed["data"])
-fromVectorV2ToVectorV1 = fromToConverter(TrkConvVecV2ToVecV1,
-                                         VtxConvVecV2ToVecV1)
-v1Vect = fromVectorV2ToVectorV1(**v2Vect['data'])
+fromVectorV2ToVectorV1 = fromToConverter(TrkConvVecV2ToVecV1, VtxConvVecV2ToVecV1)
+v1Vect = fromVectorV2ToVectorV1(**v2Vect["data"])
 # No direct track converter, needs to be done in two steps
-fromVectorV1ToVectorV2 = fromToConverter(TrkConvKeyContV1ToVecV2,
-                                         VtxConvVecV1ToVecV2)
+fromVectorV1ToVectorV2 = fromToConverter(TrkConvKeyContV1ToVecV2, VtxConvVecV1ToVecV2)
 v2Vect_2 = fromVectorV1ToVectorV2(
-    TrkConvVecV1ToKeyContV1(
-        InputTracksName=v1Vect['data']['tracks']).OutputTracksName,
-    vertices=v1Vect['data']['vertices'])
+    TrkConvVecV1ToKeyContV1(InputTracksName=v1Vect["data"]["tracks"]).OutputTracksName,
+    vertices=v1Vect["data"]["vertices"],
-fromVectorV2ToKeyContV1 = fromToConverter(TrkConvVecV2ToKeyContV1,
-                                          VtxConvVecV2ToKeyContV1)
-v1Keyed_2 = fromVectorV2ToKeyContV1(**v2Vect_2['data'])
+fromVectorV2ToKeyContV1 = fromToConverter(
+    TrkConvVecV2ToKeyContV1, VtxConvVecV2ToKeyContV1
+v1Keyed_2 = fromVectorV2ToKeyContV1(**v2Vect_2["data"])
-fromVectorV1ToKeyContV1 = fromToConverter(TrkConvVecV1ToKeyContV1,
-                                          VtxConvVecV1ToKeyContV1)
-v1Keyed_3 = fromVectorV1ToKeyContV1(**v1Vect['data'])
+fromVectorV1ToKeyContV1 = fromToConverter(
+    TrkConvVecV1ToKeyContV1, VtxConvVecV1ToKeyContV1
+v1Keyed_3 = fromVectorV1ToKeyContV1(**v1Vect["data"])
 prec_node = CompositeNode(
-    'precursors',
-    combine_logic=NodeLogic.LAZY_AND,
-    children=[UniqueIDGeneratorAlg()])
+    "precursors", combine_logic=NodeLogic.LAZY_AND, children=[UniqueIDGeneratorAlg()]
 conv_node = CompositeNode(
-    'finalconverters',
+    "finalconverters",
-    children=v1Keyed_2['algs'] + v1Keyed_3['algs'])
+    children=v1Keyed_2["algs"] + v1Keyed_3["algs"],
 top_node = CompositeNode(
-    'top',
+    "top",
     children=[prec_node, conv_node],
-    force_order=True)
+    force_order=True,
 config.update(configure(options, top_node))
diff --git a/Pr/PrConverters/tests/options/convert_tracks.py b/Pr/PrConverters/tests/options/convert_tracks.py
index 424e9576b24e451491655dd389b9c446170f8f28..ba23399b748a413d5258f02bcb9618d4c8bb4773 100644
--- a/Pr/PrConverters/tests/options/convert_tracks.py
+++ b/Pr/PrConverters/tests/options/convert_tracks.py
@@ -12,14 +12,25 @@
 Test the conversion of AoS-like tracks aka (v1::Track and v2::Track) among
 themselves and to SoA track containers.
-from PyConf.application import configure, configure_input, ApplicationOptions, input_from_root_file
-from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode
+from Gaudi.Configuration import ERROR
+from PyConf.Algorithms import (
+    LHCb__Converters__Track__SOA__fromV1Track as fromV1TrackFittedGenericTrack,
 from PyConf.Algorithms import (
-    UniqueIDGeneratorAlg, UnpackTrack,
-    LHCb__Converters__Track__v2__fromV1TrackV2Track as fromV1TrackV2Track,
     LHCb__Converters__Track__v1__fromV2TrackV1Track as fromV2TrackV1Track,
-    LHCb__Converters__Track__SOA__fromV1Track as fromV1TrackFittedGenericTrack)
-from Gaudi.Configuration import ERROR
+from PyConf.Algorithms import (
+    LHCb__Converters__Track__v2__fromV1TrackV2Track as fromV1TrackV2Track,
+from PyConf.Algorithms import UniqueIDGeneratorAlg, UnpackTrack
+from PyConf.application import (
+    ApplicationOptions,
+    configure,
+    configure_input,
+    input_from_root_file,
+from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode
 options = ApplicationOptions(_enabled=False)
 # Pick a file that has the reconstruction available
@@ -29,25 +40,28 @@ config = configure_input(options)
 # Unpack tracks
 track_unpacker = UnpackTrack(
-    InputName=input_from_root_file(
-        "pRec/Track/Best", forced_type='LHCb::PackedTracks'))
+    InputName=input_from_root_file("pRec/Track/Best", forced_type="LHCb::PackedTracks")
 # Track converters (old versions)
 track_converter_v1_to_v2 = fromV1TrackV2Track(
-    name='TrackConverter_v1_to_v2', InputTracksName=track_unpacker.OutputName)
+    name="TrackConverter_v1_to_v2", InputTracksName=track_unpacker.OutputName
 track_converter_v2_to_v1 = fromV2TrackV1Track(
-    name='TrackConverter_v2_to_v1',
-    InputTracksName=track_converter_v1_to_v2.OutputTracksName)
+    name="TrackConverter_v2_to_v1",
+    InputTracksName=track_converter_v1_to_v2.OutputTracksName,
 idgen = UniqueIDGeneratorAlg(name="UniqueIDGeneratorAlg")
 # Track converters (SIMD-friendly version)
 track_converter_v1_to_SOA = fromV1TrackFittedGenericTrack(
-    name='TrackConverter_v1_to_SOA',
+    name="TrackConverter_v1_to_SOA",
-    RestrictToType='Long',
-    OutputLevel=ERROR)  # avoid invalid states warnings
+    RestrictToType="Long",
+    OutputLevel=ERROR,
+)  # avoid invalid states warnings
 # Define the sequence
 algs = [
diff --git a/Pr/PrFilters/include/PrFilters/PrFilter.h b/Pr/PrFilters/include/PrFilters/PrFilter.h
index b42dce0456f42cdae883540971bb63f095d08289..1f52cfd337ef7f57f73bf7ca0ba7866f4d588b90 100644
--- a/Pr/PrFilters/include/PrFilters/PrFilter.h
+++ b/Pr/PrFilters/include/PrFilters/PrFilter.h
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       template <typename KeyValue>
       static auto names() {
         if constexpr ( WrapOutput ) {
-          return std::tuple{KeyValue{"Output", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputStorage", ""}};
+          return std::tuple{ KeyValue{ "Output", "" }, KeyValue{ "OutputStorage", "" } };
         } else {
-          return KeyValue{"Output", ""};
+          return KeyValue{ "Output", "" };
@@ -75,15 +75,15 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
           // The point of the output wrapping is to make sure that the input
           // and output types are the same. Check that's the case.
           static_assert( std::is_same_v<decltype( view ), TagType> );
-          return std::tuple{false, std::move( view ), std::move( storage )};
+          return std::tuple{ false, std::move( view ), std::move( storage ) };
         } else {
           // Similarly if the output wrapping was not deemed necessary this
           // "should" mean that the filtered type already matched the input type.
           // Actually with the v2 zip machinery then `T` maps onto `std::tuple<T>`
           if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<FilteredType, std::tuple<TagType>> ) {
-            return std::tuple{false, std::get<0>( std::move( filtered ) )};
+            return std::tuple{ false, std::get<0>( std::move( filtered ) ) };
           } else {
-            return std::tuple{false, std::move( filtered )};
+            return std::tuple{ false, std::move( filtered ) };
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     using OHelper = OutputHelper<T>;
     Filter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Base( name, pSvcLocator, {"Input", ""}, OHelper::template names<typename Base::KeyValue>() ) {}
+        : Base( name, pSvcLocator, { "Input", "" }, OHelper::template names<typename Base::KeyValue>() ) {}
     // Return type is std::tuple<bool, A[, B]>
     typename OHelper::AlgorithmOutput operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, T const& in ) const override {
@@ -162,14 +162,14 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       // Counter of number of events passed
       m_npassed += !filtered_view.empty();
       // Update the statistics.
-      m_cutEff += {filtered_view.size(), in.size()};
+      m_cutEff += { filtered_view.size(), in.size() };
       return converted;
     // Counter for recording cut retention statistics
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cutEff{this, "Cut selection efficiency"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cutEff{ this, "Cut selection efficiency" };
     // Counter for number of events passing the filter
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_npassed{this, "#passed"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_npassed{ this, "#passed" };
 } // namespace LHCb::Pr
diff --git a/Pr/PrFilters/src/PrCheckEmptyFilter.cpp b/Pr/PrFilters/src/PrCheckEmptyFilter.cpp
index c001f14478a7db321172857566d11debb1ace1de..ef73ec0bd0bee705d9a79f3fe4c0a3da1506c155 100644
--- a/Pr/PrFilters/src/PrCheckEmptyFilter.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrFilters/src/PrCheckEmptyFilter.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     // Standard Constructor
     PrCheckEmptyFilter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Algorithm::FilterPredicate<bool( const Container& )>( name, pSvcLocator, {"inputLocation", ""} ) {}
+        : Algorithm::FilterPredicate<bool( const Container& )>( name, pSvcLocator, { "inputLocation", "" } ) {}
     bool operator()( const Container& inputs ) const override {
       if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) )
diff --git a/Pr/PrFilters/src/PrFilterIPSoA.cpp b/Pr/PrFilters/src/PrFilterIPSoA.cpp
index 6adb11e39d640208ae99a624d203ceaa7099f165..47de2717bd1587b61d28984cd810293082a0126e 100644
--- a/Pr/PrFilters/src/PrFilterIPSoA.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrFilters/src/PrFilterIPSoA.cpp
@@ -35,9 +35,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
   struct FilterIP : public LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<Tracks( Tracks const&, Vertices const& )> {
     using base_class = LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<Tracks( Tracks const&, Vertices const& )>;
     FilterIP( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : base_class( name, pSvcLocator,
-                      {{"Input", "Rec/Track/Velo"}, {"InputVertices", LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertexLocation::Primary}},
-                      {"Output", ""} ) {}
+        : base_class(
+              name, pSvcLocator,
+              { { "Input", "Rec/Track/Velo" }, { "InputVertices", LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertexLocation::Primary } },
+              { "Output", "" } ) {}
     Tracks operator()( const Tracks& tracks, const Vertices& vertices ) const override {
       using dType = SIMDWrapper::best::types;
@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
         F min_d = 10e3;
         for ( int j = 0; j < (int)vertices.size(); j++ ) {
           auto PV = vertices[j].position();
-          auto A  = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<F, 3>{PV.x(), PV.y(), PV.z()};
+          auto A  = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<F, 3>{ PV.x(), PV.y(), PV.z() };
           auto d  = ( B - A ).cross( u ).mag2();
           min_d   = min( min_d, d );
@@ -75,11 +76,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbTracksCounter{this, "Nb of Produced Tracks"};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>                        m_ipcut{this, "IPcut", 0.0};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbTracksCounter{ this, "Nb of Produced Tracks" };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>                        m_ipcut{ this, "IPcut", 0.0 };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( FilterIP<LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertices>, "PrFilterIPSoAV2" )
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( FilterIP<LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer>, "PrFilterIPSoA" )
-} // namespace LHCb::Pr
\ No newline at end of file
+} // namespace LHCb::Pr
diff --git a/Pr/PrFilters/src/PrFilterTrackRelation.cpp b/Pr/PrFilters/src/PrFilterTrackRelation.cpp
index 6dfa383f3f9b8412b5c41ff80ff88b33bc46f3f1..fe64dc5d6683c387f6720a234df721427ce08f72 100644
--- a/Pr/PrFilters/src/PrFilterTrackRelation.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrFilters/src/PrFilterTrackRelation.cpp
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
         with_functors<Algorithm::Transformer<OutTracks( const Relation& )>, FilterCut<ZipType<Relation>>>;
     FilterTrackRelation( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : base_class_t( name, pSvcLocator, {typename base_class_t::KeyValue{"Relation", ""}},
-                        typename base_class_t::KeyValue{"Output", ""} ) {}
+        : base_class_t( name, pSvcLocator, { typename base_class_t::KeyValue{ "Relation", "" } },
+                        typename base_class_t::KeyValue{ "Output", "" } ) {}
     OutTracks operator()( const Relation& relation ) const override {
@@ -82,12 +82,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       const auto zipView = Event::make_zip( *relation.from(), relView );
       auto filteredTracks = std::get<OutTracks>( pred( zipView ) );
-      m_cutEff += {filteredTracks.size(), zipView.size()};
+      m_cutEff += { filteredTracks.size(), zipView.size() };
       return filteredTracks;
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cutEff{this, "Cut selection efficiency"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_cutEff{ this, "Cut selection efficiency" };
   using PrFilterTracks2CaloClusters   = FilterTrackRelation<Calo::TrackUtils::Tracks2Clusters>;
@@ -98,4 +98,4 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( PrFilterTracks2ElectronMatch, "PrFilterTracks2ElectronMatch" )
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( PrFilterTracks2ElectronShower, "PrFilterTracks2ElectronShower" )
-} // namespace LHCb::Pr
\ No newline at end of file
+} // namespace LHCb::Pr
diff --git a/Pr/PrFilters/src/PrGECFilter.cpp b/Pr/PrFilters/src/PrGECFilter.cpp
index 462163690e63e6b0f51d15f895c86cc53ef6e3c1..42ed45276a1e03c200af9df8a95f87d55e2f3086 100644
--- a/Pr/PrFilters/src/PrGECFilter.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrFilters/src/PrGECFilter.cpp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     PrGECFilter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : FilterPredicate(
               name, pSvcLocator,
-              {KeyValue{"FTRawBanks", "DAQ/RawBanks/FTCluster"}, KeyValue{"UTRawBanks", "DAQ/RawBanks/UT"}} ) {}
+              { KeyValue{ "FTRawBanks", "DAQ/RawBanks/FTCluster" }, KeyValue{ "UTRawBanks", "DAQ/RawBanks/UT" } } ) {}
     /// Algorithm execution
     bool operator()( const RawBank::View& ftBanks, const RawBank::View& utBanks ) const override {
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_nFTUTClusters{this, "NumberFTUTClusters", 0};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_skipUT{this, "SkipUT", false, "Ignore UT raw banks"};
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_nFTUTClusters{ this, "NumberFTUTClusters", 0 };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_skipUT{ this, "SkipUT", false, "Ignore UT raw banks" };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_eventsProcessedCounter{this, "Nb Events Processed"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_eventsRejectedCounter{this, "Nb events removed"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_eventsProcessedCounter{ this, "Nb Events Processed" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_eventsRejectedCounter{ this, "Nb events removed" };
diff --git a/Pr/PrFitParams/doc/release.notes b/Pr/PrFitParams/doc/release.notes
index 6be614c1c08e4c1ad844ab6f615bf399105a3c4a..35c2dd9421d1c1c4cda2e0f6cf2a5c42390fd30b 100644
--- a/Pr/PrFitParams/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Pr/PrFitParams/doc/release.notes
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 !========================= PrFitParams v1r1 2013-03-22 =========================
 ! 2013-03-11 - Marco Clemencic
  - Fixed compilation with C++11.
 ! 2013-02-26 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Fix gcc -pedentic warnings
@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@
 ! 2013-02-15 - Marco Clemencic
  - Added CMakeLists.txt.
-! 2013-02-15 Yasmine Amhis 
+! 2013-02-15 Yasmine Amhis
   - Remove warning in PrFwdFitParams
-! 2013-02-07   Yasmine Amhis 
-  - Adapt  PrFwdFitParams, PrFitSeedParams, PrFitKsParams to work with 
-    upgrade geometry 
+! 2013-02-07   Yasmine Amhis
+  - Adapt  PrFwdFitParams, PrFitSeedParams, PrFitKsParams to work with
+    upgrade geometry
 ! 2012-11-21 - Olivier Callot
  - Fix the PrFwdFitParams to produce proper input fo rthe next iteration.
diff --git a/Pr/PrFitParams/include/PrFitParams/LinParFit.h b/Pr/PrFitParams/include/PrFitParams/LinParFit.h
index 30a7cf6c8fd30f23ab7588d9fdc0f3cefb8e1fca..8dd74aff64ba2493bbaae642d2e498eb87f643a0 100644
--- a/Pr/PrFitParams/include/PrFitParams/LinParFit.h
+++ b/Pr/PrFitParams/include/PrFitParams/LinParFit.h
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ public:
       FLT operator[]( unsigned k ) const noexcept { return std::pow( m_x, k++ ) / m_sigma; }
-    accumulate( y / sigma, wgrad_helper{x, sigma, m_rhs.size()} );
+    accumulate( y / sigma, wgrad_helper{ x, sigma, m_rhs.size() } );
   /** @brief accumulate new data point (simplified interface)
diff --git a/Pr/PrFitParams/src/PrFitTool.cpp b/Pr/PrFitParams/src/PrFitTool.cpp
index 934f7eccc9bd0762eef350ae1f2e3f9685beca0a..ca8daaf73697174dd03a0c1defab27a794ac63a7 100644
--- a/Pr/PrFitParams/src/PrFitTool.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrFitParams/src/PrFitTool.cpp
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ public:
                                                                       double z0 ) const override;
-  mutable LinParFit<double> m_fit2{2};
-  mutable LinParFit<double> m_fit3{3};
-  mutable LinParFit<double> m_fit4{4};
+  mutable LinParFit<double> m_fit2{ 2 };
+  mutable LinParFit<double> m_fit3{ 3 };
+  mutable LinParFit<double> m_fit4{ 4 };
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ std::optional<std::tuple<double, double>> PrFitTool::fitLine( const std::vector<
   for ( const auto& p : hits ) m_fit2.accumulate( ( mode == XY::Y ? p.y() : p.x() ), 1., p.z() - z0 );
   if ( !m_fit2.solve() ) return {};
-  return std::tuple{m_fit2[0], m_fit2[1]};
+  return std::tuple{ m_fit2[0], m_fit2[1] };
 //  Fit a parabola in the specified projection
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ std::optional<std::tuple<double, double, double>> PrFitTool::fitParabola( const
   for ( const auto& p : hits ) m_fit3.accumulate( ( mode == XY::Y ? p.y() : p.x() ), 1., 1e-3 * ( p.z() - z0 ) );
   if ( !m_fit3.solve() ) return {};
-  return std::tuple{m_fit3[0], 1e-3 * m_fit3[1], 1e-6 * m_fit3[2]};
+  return std::tuple{ m_fit3[0], 1e-3 * m_fit3[1], 1e-6 * m_fit3[2] };
 //  Fit a Cubic in the specified projection
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ std::optional<std::tuple<double, double, double, double>> PrFitTool::fitCubic( c
   for ( const auto& p : hits ) m_fit4.accumulate( ( mode == XY::Y ? p.y() : p.x() ), 1., 1e-3 * ( p.z() - z0 ) );
   if ( !m_fit4.solve() ) return {};
-  return std::tuple{m_fit4[0], 1e-3 * m_fit4[1], 1e-6 * m_fit4[2], 1e-9 * m_fit4[3]};
+  return std::tuple{ m_fit4[0], 1e-3 * m_fit4[1], 1e-6 * m_fit4[2], 1e-9 * m_fit4[3] };
diff --git a/Pr/PrFitParams/src/PrParameterisationData.cpp b/Pr/PrFitParams/src/PrParameterisationData.cpp
index 372ceb6ed1736f938c558a22b192d211250e8968..d14c3c0b5a63c6de796ce91d67d601ce3350d4c3 100644
--- a/Pr/PrFitParams/src/PrParameterisationData.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrFitParams/src/PrParameterisationData.cpp
@@ -55,15 +55,15 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     PrParameterisationData( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                    {KeyValue{"MCParticles", ""}, KeyValue{"MCVPHits", ""}, KeyValue{"MCFTHits", ""},
-                     KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", standard_geometry_top},
+                    { KeyValue{ "MCParticles", "" }, KeyValue{ "MCVPHits", "" }, KeyValue{ "MCFTHits", "" },
+                      KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", standard_geometry_top },
 #ifdef USE_DD4HEP
-                     KeyValue{"FTZoneCache", "/world:AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-FTZoneCache"},
+                      KeyValue{ "FTZoneCache", "/world:AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-FTZoneCache" },
-                     KeyValue{"FTZoneCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-FTZoneCache"},
+                      KeyValue{ "FTZoneCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-FTZoneCache" },
-                     KeyValue{"Magnet", Det::Magnet::det_path},
-                     KeyValue{"TrackInfo", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo}} ){};
+                      KeyValue{ "Magnet", Det::Magnet::det_path },
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackInfo", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo } } ){};
     using base_class_t =
         LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void( const MCParticles&, const MCHits&, const MCHits&, const DetectorElement&,
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     StatusCode initialize() override {
       auto sc = base_class_t::initialize();
       if ( sc.isFailure() ) return sc;
-      addConditionDerivation<ZoneCache( const DeFT& )>( {DeFTDetectorLocation::Default},
+      addConditionDerivation<ZoneCache( const DeFT& )>( { DeFTDetectorLocation::Default },
                                                         this->template inputLocation<ZoneCache>() );
       return sc;
@@ -82,17 +82,18 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
                      const DeMagnet&, const MCProperty& ) const override;
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_zEndVelo{this, "zEndVelo", 770. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_zRef{this, "zRef", 8520. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_zOutOfMagField{this, "zOutOfMagField", 10. * Gaudi::Units::m};
-    Gaudi::Property<Type>   m_tracktype{this, "TrackType", Type::Long,
-                                      "Defines the reconstructibility type considered when checking the MCParticles."};
-    Gaudi::Property<RecAs>  m_recas{this, "RecAs", RecAs::Unknown,
-                                   "Allows to further restrict the reconstructibility requirement set by TrackType."};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_zEndVelo{ this, "zEndVelo", 770. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_zRef{ this, "zRef", 8520. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_zOutOfMagField{ this, "zOutOfMagField", 10. * Gaudi::Units::m };
+    Gaudi::Property<Type>   m_tracktype{
+        this, "TrackType", Type::Long,
+        "Defines the reconstructibility type considered when checking the MCParticles." };
+    Gaudi::Property<RecAs> m_recas{ this, "RecAs", RecAs::Unknown,
+                                    "Allows to further restrict the reconstructibility requirement set by TrackType." };
-    ToolHandle<IPrDebugTrackingTool> m_debugTool{this, "DebugTool", "PrDebugTrackingTool"};
-    ToolHandle<IPrFitTool>           m_fitTool{this, "FitTool", "PrFitTool"};
-    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator>   m_extrap{this, "Extrapolator", "TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator"};
+    ToolHandle<IPrDebugTrackingTool> m_debugTool{ this, "DebugTool", "PrDebugTrackingTool" };
+    ToolHandle<IPrFitTool>           m_fitTool{ this, "FitTool", "PrFitTool" };
+    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator>   m_extrap{ this, "Extrapolator", "TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( PrParameterisationData, "PrParameterisationData" )
@@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
                                            const MCHits& mc_fthits, const DetectorElement& lhcb,
                                            const ZoneCache& ft_cache, const DeMagnet& magnet,
                                            const MCProperty& mcproperties ) const {
-    const auto track_info = MCTrackInfo{mcproperties};
+    const auto track_info = MCTrackInfo{ mcproperties };
     auto       variables  = MCParticleData{};
     for ( const auto* mcp : mc_particles ) {
       if ( !track_info.fullInfo( mcp ) ) continue;
@@ -147,9 +148,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       const auto [chi2_x, chi2_y, chi2_comb] = [&, AX = AX, BX = BX, CX = CX, DX = DX, AY = AY, BY = BY, CY = CY,
                                                 x_err = 0.1 * Gaudi::Units::mm, y_err = 1. * Gaudi::Units::mm] {
-        auto chi2_x{0.};
-        auto chi2_y{0.};
-        auto chi2_comb{0.};
+        auto chi2_x{ 0. };
+        auto chi2_y{ 0. };
+        auto chi2_comb{ 0. };
         for ( auto pos : scifi_hit_positions ) {
           const auto dz = pos.z() - m_zRef;
           const auto dx = pos.x() - ( AX + dz * ( BX + dz * ( CX + dz * DX ) ) );
@@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
           chi2_y += dy * dy / ( y_err * y_err );
           chi2_comb += dx * dx / ( x_err * x_err ) + dy * dy / ( y_err * y_err );
-        return std::tuple{chi2_x, chi2_y, chi2_comb};
+        return std::tuple{ chi2_x, chi2_y, chi2_comb };
       const int ndof_x = scifi_hit_positions.size() - 4;
       const int ndof_y = scifi_hit_positions.size() - 3;
@@ -170,7 +171,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       const auto pid                 = std::abs( mcp->particleID().pid() );
       // propagate velo state to reference plane
-      auto track_state = StateVector{{x0, y0, tx, ty, qop}, m_zEndVelo};
+      auto track_state = StateVector{ { x0, y0, tx, ty, qop }, m_zEndVelo };
       if ( m_extrap->propagate( track_state, m_zRef, *lhcb.geometry() ).isFailure() ) { continue; }
       // fix the state values at the reference plane
       const auto x_ref  = track_state.x();
@@ -261,7 +262,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       // propagate to each scifi layer
       std::vector<Gaudi::XYZPoint> extrapolated_positions( LHCb::Detector::FT::nLayersTotal );
       if ( [&] {
-             for ( unsigned int iLayer{0}; iLayer < LHCb::Detector::FT::nLayersTotal; ++iLayer ) {
+             for ( unsigned int iLayer{ 0 }; iLayer < LHCb::Detector::FT::nLayersTotal; ++iLayer ) {
                const auto zZone = ft_cache.z( iLayer );
                if ( m_extrap->propagate( track_state, zZone, *lhcb.geometry() ).isFailure() ) { return true; }
                variables["x_l" + std::to_string( iLayer )]  = track_state.x();
diff --git a/Pr/PrKernel/doc/release.notes b/Pr/PrKernel/doc/release.notes
index 57d8515c4cfe4553327eb7fed5538dcebf3f12a2..bf1eb83996679bfe1ce83b0685ae13fb20da1a94 100644
--- a/Pr/PrKernel/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Pr/PrKernel/doc/release.notes
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 ! Package     : Pr/PrKernel
-! Responsible : 
+! Responsible :
 ! Purpose     : Basic tools for Pattern for the Upgrade
 !========================= PrKernel v1r10 2016-01-28 =========================
 ! 2016-01-15 Marian Stahl
-  - Added new member varibales and function to set them to IPrCounter 
+  - Added new member varibales and function to set them to IPrCounter
     to be able to write the statistics table to a tex-file in PrChecker2
 !========================= PrKernel v1r9p1 2015-10-13 =========================
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
  - Added dictionary files.
 ! 2013-02-05 - Sascha Stahl
- - Moved UT related code from Tf/PatKernel. 
+ - Moved UT related code from Tf/PatKernel.
 !========================= PrKernel v1r1 2012-11-28 =========================
 ! 2012-11-22 - Marco Clemencic
diff --git a/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/FTGeometryCache.h b/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/FTGeometryCache.h
index b7d72a60dc8f67ae945a763fbe29d7932e496935..7d801b37821105f03df93528347c49041e50f1d7 100644
--- a/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/FTGeometryCache.h
+++ b/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/FTGeometryCache.h
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Detector::FT::Cache {
     GeometryCache( const DeFT& ftDet ) {
 #ifndef USE_DD4HEP
-      auto iLayer{0};
+      auto iLayer{ 0 };
       ftDet.applyToAllLayers( [&]( const DeFTLayer& layer ) {
 #ifdef USE_DD4HEP
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Detector::FT::Cache {
         const auto index = iLayer++;
-        m_layers.at( index ) = {layer.globalZ(), layer.dxdy(), layer.dzdy()};
+        m_layers.at( index ) = { layer.globalZ(), layer.dxdy(), layer.dzdy() };
       } );
 #ifndef USE_DD4HEP
-      auto iQuarter{0};
+      auto iQuarter{ 0 };
       ftDet.applyToAllQuarters( [&]( const DeFTQuarter& quarter ) {
 #ifdef USE_DD4HEP
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Detector::FT::Cache {
         const auto index = iQuarter++;
-        m_quarters.at( index ) = {quarter.meanModuleZ(), quarter.meanModuleDxdy(), quarter.meanModuleDzdy()};
+        m_quarters.at( index ) = { quarter.meanModuleZ(), quarter.meanModuleDxdy(), quarter.meanModuleDzdy() };
       } );
@@ -115,13 +115,13 @@ namespace LHCb::Detector::FT::Cache {
     int quarter( int iZone, LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::Side side ) const { return 2 * iZone + to_unsigned( side ); }
-    std::array<Plane, nLayersTotal>   m_layers{{{std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN()}}};
-    std::array<Plane, nQuartersTotal> m_quarters{{{std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN()}}};
+    std::array<Plane, nLayersTotal>   m_layers{ { { std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN() } } };
+    std::array<Plane, nQuartersTotal> m_quarters{ { { std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN() } } };
   inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const GeometryCache& c ) {
     fmt::print( os, "LHCb::Detector::FT::Cache::GeometryCache:\n" );
-    for ( auto layer{0u}; layer < nLayersTotal; ++layer ) {
+    for ( auto layer{ 0u }; layer < nLayersTotal; ++layer ) {
       fmt::print( os, "\n=================Layer {:2}==================\n", layer );
       fmt::print( os, "(z = {:6.1f}, dxdy = {:7.5f}, dzdy = {:7.5f})\n", c.m_layers[layer].z, c.m_layers[layer].dxdy,
                   c.m_layers[layer].dzdy );
diff --git a/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/FTMatsCache.h b/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/FTMatsCache.h
index 04e1cfde27d51c8e43eb1f3977dec6db2e648f3a..6e8d2deb7bc502a4c754db02aef52c698c46d0a9 100644
--- a/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/FTMatsCache.h
+++ b/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/FTMatsCache.h
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Detector::FT::Cache {
     auto       yMax = yMin + this->globaldy[index];
     if ( id.isBottom() ) std::swap( yMin, yMax );
-    return {x0, yMin, yMax, z0};
+    return { x0, yMin, yMax, z0 };
   float MatsCache::calculateCalibratedX( const LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID& id, float x0_orig ) const {
diff --git a/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/IPrUTMagnetTool.h b/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/IPrUTMagnetTool.h
index ad25058577831e0e2f7a697d3c0e2898e856830b..e072ade7774302d7a9cafb88f842c7548d9dfb94 100644
--- a/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/IPrUTMagnetTool.h
+++ b/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/IPrUTMagnetTool.h
@@ -28,16 +28,16 @@ class IPrUTMagnetTool : public extend_interfaces<IAlgTool> {
   struct Cache {
-        : lutBdl{std::make_unique<LUTForFunction<30, 10, 10>>(
-              LUT::Range{-0.3, +0.3}, LUT::Range{-250. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 250. * Gaudi::Units::mm},
-              LUT::Range{0. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 800. * Gaudi::Units::mm} )}
-        , lutZHalfBdl{std::make_unique<LUTForFunction<30, 10, 10>>(
-              LUT::Range{-0.3, +0.3}, LUT::Range{-250. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 250. * Gaudi::Units::mm},
-              LUT::Range{0. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 800. * Gaudi::Units::mm} )}
-        , lutDxLay{std::make_unique<LUTForFunction<3, 30>>( LUT::Range{0., 3.}, LUT::Range{0.0, 0.3} )}
-        , lutDxToMom{std::make_unique<LUTForFunction<30>>( LUT::Range{0.0, 0.3} )} {}
+        : lutBdl{ std::make_unique<LUTForFunction<30, 10, 10>>(
+              LUT::Range{ -0.3, +0.3 }, LUT::Range{ -250. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 250. * Gaudi::Units::mm },
+              LUT::Range{ 0. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 800. * Gaudi::Units::mm } ) }
+        , lutZHalfBdl{ std::make_unique<LUTForFunction<30, 10, 10>>(
+              LUT::Range{ -0.3, +0.3 }, LUT::Range{ -250. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 250. * Gaudi::Units::mm },
+              LUT::Range{ 0. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 800. * Gaudi::Units::mm } ) }
+        , lutDxLay{ std::make_unique<LUTForFunction<3, 30>>( LUT::Range{ 0., 3. }, LUT::Range{ 0.0, 0.3 } ) }
+        , lutDxToMom{ std::make_unique<LUTForFunction<30>>( LUT::Range{ 0.0, 0.3 } ) } {}
-    std::array<float, 4> zLayers = {0};
+    std::array<float, 4> zLayers = { 0 };
     float zCenterUT = std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN();
     float zMidField = std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN();
diff --git a/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/PrChecker.h b/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/PrChecker.h
index 2bb5924109c6b00edc98b4e6f2d3da0bf87c7e02..aadce805dd05e2534a04774b15b45eb35d3d7b65 100644
--- a/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/PrChecker.h
+++ b/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/PrChecker.h
@@ -181,4 +181,4 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Checker {
       return std::nullopt;
-} // namespace LHCb::Pr::Checker
\ No newline at end of file
+} // namespace LHCb::Pr::Checker
diff --git a/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/PrDebugTrackingToolBase.h b/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/PrDebugTrackingToolBase.h
index 2257e7f33466330524d0935e24bd4d34acf68a4c..c62034e93409e4b2afa6f34e8386a767d2ebbe8d 100644
--- a/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/PrDebugTrackingToolBase.h
+++ b/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/PrDebugTrackingToolBase.h
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ struct PrDebugTrackingToolBase : public extends<GaudiTupleTool, IPrDebugTracking
   virtual void storeData( LHCb::span<const VariableDef> vars_and_values, std::string_view tuple_name ) const override {
-    Tuple tuple = nTuple( std::string{tuple_name} );
+    Tuple tuple = nTuple( std::string{ tuple_name } );
     for ( auto [name, value] : vars_and_values ) {
           [name = name, &tuple]( const auto& v ) {
             using Type = std::decay_t<decltype( v )>;
             if constexpr ( is_vector<Type>::value ) {
-              return tuple->farray( name, v, std::string{name} + "_length", 1024 );
+              return tuple->farray( name, v, std::string{ name } + "_length", 1024 );
             } else {
               return tuple->column( name, v );
diff --git a/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/PrFTHitHandler.h b/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/PrFTHitHandler.h
index 6ad7e49cbf048454ef4d8f0b3841b0fb6750f036..1804406b5ef796e327c2eacd31403695f4081424 100644
--- a/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/PrFTHitHandler.h
+++ b/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/PrFTHitHandler.h
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ public:
   PrFTHitHandler() = default;
   PrFTHitHandler( typename HitContainer::Hits&& hits, typename HitContainer::Offsets&& offsets )
-      : m_hits{std::forward<typename HitContainer::Hits>( hits ),
-               std::forward<typename HitContainer::Offsets>( offsets )} {}
+      : m_hits{ std::forward<typename HitContainer::Hits>( hits ),
+                std::forward<typename HitContainer::Offsets>( offsets ) } {}
   // Constructor with the capacity of the HitContainer
   PrFTHitHandler( int size, LHCb::Allocators::EventLocal<ModPrHit> alloc = {} ) : m_hits( size, alloc ){};
diff --git a/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/PrHit.h b/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/PrHit.h
index 4fb529847dd1afe4a69a4f020396cdaa494d73d3..1555ba4fdbcc6f303df00637c9a2c9be74d7f85f 100644
--- a/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/PrHit.h
+++ b/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/PrHit.h
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 // struct to capsul modifiable information
 struct ModPrHit final {
   ModPrHit() = default;
-  ModPrHit( float c, size_t i ) : coord{c}, fullDex{i} {}
+  ModPrHit( float c, size_t i ) : coord{ c }, fullDex{ i } {}
   float  coord   = 0.f;
   size_t fullDex = 0;
   bool   isValid() const {
diff --git a/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/PrSelection.h b/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/PrSelection.h
index cddb9b6c9c004589090fab6a7cce3a46bf73ed3d..1459221c197f7474afa0ae553d46232ec230442e 100644
--- a/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/PrSelection.h
+++ b/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/PrSelection.h
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ namespace Pr {
     template <typename S>
     void check_for_set_operation( S const& s1, S const& s2, const char* msg_prefix ) {
       if ( s1.m_container.data() != s2.m_container.data() ) {
-        throw GaudiException{std::string{msg_prefix} +
-                                 "(Selection, Selection) was given views to different underlying storage.",
-                             typename_v<S>, StatusCode::SUCCESS};
+        throw GaudiException{ std::string{ msg_prefix } +
+                                  "(Selection, Selection) was given views to different underlying storage.",
+                              typename_v<S>, StatusCode::SUCCESS };
       assert( std::is_sorted( s1.m_indices.begin(), s1.m_indices.end() ) );
       assert( std::is_sorted( s2.m_indices.begin(), s2.m_indices.end() ) );
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ namespace Pr {
-    Zipping::ZipFamilyNumber m_family{Zipping::generateZipIdentifier()};
+    Zipping::ZipFamilyNumber m_family{ Zipping::generateZipIdentifier() };
     index_vector             m_indices;
     container_t              m_container;
@@ -113,11 +113,12 @@ namespace Pr {
      *                         used to initialise the vector of selected indices.
     template <typename Predicate = details::alwaysTrue>
-    Selection( container_t container, Predicate&& predicate = {}, int reserveCapacity = -1 ) : m_container{container} {
+    Selection( container_t container, Predicate&& predicate = {}, int reserveCapacity = -1 )
+        : m_container{ container } {
       if ( !m_container.empty() && ( m_container.size() - 1 > std::numeric_limits<IndexSize>::max() ) ) {
-        throw GaudiException{"Index overflow: " + std::to_string( container.size() - 1 ) + " > " +
-                                 std::to_string( std::numeric_limits<IndexSize>::max() ),
-                             details::typename_v<Selection>, StatusCode::SUCCESS};
+        throw GaudiException{ "Index overflow: " + std::to_string( container.size() - 1 ) + " > " +
+                                  std::to_string( std::numeric_limits<IndexSize>::max() ),
+                              details::typename_v<Selection>, StatusCode::SUCCESS };
       if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<Predicate, details::alwaysTrue> ) {
@@ -147,7 +148,7 @@ namespace Pr {
     template <typename Predicate>
     Selection( Selection const& old_selection, Predicate&& predicate, int reserveCapacity = -1 )
-        : m_container{old_selection.m_container} {
+        : m_container{ old_selection.m_container } {
       // It's imposed that old_selection has the same IndexSize as us, so we don't need to do any overflow checking
       // apply an additional selection on the input selection
       m_indices.reserve( reserveCapacity < 0 ? old_selection.size() : reserveCapacity );
@@ -155,9 +156,9 @@ namespace Pr {
                     [&]( auto i ) { return std::invoke( predicate, m_container[i] ); } );
-    const_iterator begin() const { return {m_container, m_indices.begin()}; }
+    const_iterator begin() const { return { m_container, m_indices.begin() }; }
-    const_iterator end() const { return {m_container, m_indices.end()}; }
+    const_iterator end() const { return { m_container, m_indices.end() }; }
     std::size_t size() const { return m_indices.size(); }
@@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ namespace Pr {
     template <typename Predicate>
     Selection select( Predicate&& p, int reserveCapacity = -1 ) const {
-      return Selection{*this, std::forward<Predicate>( p ), reserveCapacity};
+      return Selection{ *this, std::forward<Predicate>( p ), reserveCapacity };
     // Set operations -- these throw if two Selections that point to different underlying storage are provided.
@@ -191,8 +192,8 @@ namespace Pr {
       // Create a new Selection object with an empty index vector with an appropriate reserved capacity
       std::size_t est_csize = std::max( s1.m_indices.back(), s2.m_indices.back() ) + 1;
-      Selection   ret{s1.m_container, details::alwaysFalse{},
-                    static_cast<int>( std::min( est_csize, s1.size() + s2.size() ) )};
+      Selection   ret{ s1.m_container, details::alwaysFalse{},
+                     static_cast<int>( std::min( est_csize, s1.size() + s2.size() ) ) };
       // Use std::set_union to combine s1.m_indices and s2.m_indices into a new index container
       std::set_union( s1.m_indices.begin(), s1.m_indices.end(), s2.m_indices.begin(), s2.m_indices.end(),
@@ -204,7 +205,7 @@ namespace Pr {
       details::check_for_set_operation( s1, s2, "set_intersection" ); // check s1 and s2 are valid and compatible
       // Create a new Selection object with an empty index vector with an appropriate reserved capacity
-      Selection ret{s1.m_container, details::alwaysFalse{}, static_cast<int>( std::min( s1.size(), s2.size() ) )};
+      Selection ret{ s1.m_container, details::alwaysFalse{}, static_cast<int>( std::min( s1.size(), s2.size() ) ) };
       // Use std::set_intersection to combine s1.m_indices and s2.m_indices into a new index container
       std::set_intersection( s1.m_indices.begin(), s1.m_indices.end(), s2.m_indices.begin(), s2.m_indices.end(),
@@ -216,7 +217,7 @@ namespace Pr {
       details::check_for_set_operation( s1, s2, "set_difference" ); // check s1 and s2 are valid and compatible
       // Create a new Selection object with an empty index vector with an appropriate reserved capacity
-      Selection ret{s1.m_container, details::alwaysFalse{}, static_cast<int>( s1.size() )};
+      Selection ret{ s1.m_container, details::alwaysFalse{}, static_cast<int>( s1.size() ) };
       // Use std::set_difference to combine s1.m_indices and s2.m_indices into a new index container
       std::set_difference( s1.m_indices.begin(), s1.m_indices.end(), s2.m_indices.begin(), s2.m_indices.end(),
@@ -239,8 +240,8 @@ namespace Pr {
       // Create a new Selection object with an empty index vector with an appropriate reserved capacity
       std::size_t est_csize = std::max( s1.m_indices.back(), s2.m_indices.back() ) + 1;
-      Selection   ret{s1.m_container, details::alwaysFalse{},
-                    static_cast<int>( std::min( est_csize, s1.size() + s2.size() ) )};
+      Selection   ret{ s1.m_container, details::alwaysFalse{},
+                     static_cast<int>( std::min( est_csize, s1.size() + s2.size() ) ) };
       // Use std::set_difference to combine s1.m_indices and s2.m_indices into a new index container
       std::set_symmetric_difference( s1.m_indices.begin(), s1.m_indices.end(), s2.m_indices.begin(), s2.m_indices.end(),
@@ -251,7 +252,7 @@ namespace Pr {
   // Template parameter deduction guides
   template <typename T, typename... Args>
-  Selection( T, Args... )->Selection<typename T::value_type>;
+  Selection( T, Args... ) -> Selection<typename T::value_type>;
   namespace details {
     // Helpers for requireSelection<S> below
diff --git a/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/UTGeomCache.h b/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/UTGeomCache.h
index c81834f8c1075421d327e1e58a05b8fcd6cff5a6..f42ef30d04f547fe95f3097f318285336976dc80 100644
--- a/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/UTGeomCache.h
+++ b/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/UTGeomCache.h
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::UT {
     struct FullChan {
-      unsigned int idx{0};
-      unsigned int chanID{0};
+      unsigned int idx{ 0 };
+      unsigned int chanID{ 0 };
     std::array<FullChan, UTInfo::MaxSectorsAllBoards> fullchan;
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::UT {
           if ( sectors[idx] ) throw std::runtime_error( "UTGeomCache: duplicate sector???" );
           sectors[idx] = &utDet.getSector( subsector );
-          fullchan[idx] = {LHCb::UTDAQ::sectorFullID( subsector.side(), subsector.layer(), subsector.stave(),
-                                                      subsector.face(), subsector.module(), subsector.sector() ),
-                           subsector.getFullSector()};
+          fullchan[idx] = { LHCb::UTDAQ::sectorFullID( subsector.side(), subsector.layer(), subsector.stave(),
+                                                       subsector.face(), subsector.module(), subsector.sector() ),
+                            subsector.getFullSector() };
diff --git a/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/UTHitHandler.h b/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/UTHitHandler.h
index 6a3edfc45316bf65f7658bb34812cbc5cff6ab5b..173aea69fba01dbd8f610f188d988f6052a81293 100644
--- a/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/UTHitHandler.h
+++ b/Pr/PrKernel/include/PrKernel/UTHitHandler.h
@@ -54,18 +54,18 @@ namespace UT {
     using HitRange = LHCb::span<const UT::Hit>;
-    HitHandler( Zipping::ZipFamilyNumber, allocator_type alloc = {} ) : m_allhits{alloc} {}
-    HitHandler( allocator_type alloc = {} ) : m_allhits{alloc} {}
+    HitHandler( Zipping::ZipFamilyNumber, allocator_type alloc = {} ) : m_allhits{ alloc } {}
+    HitHandler( allocator_type alloc = {} ) : m_allhits{ alloc } {}
     UT::Hit& emplace_back( const DeUTSector& aSector, unsigned int fullChanIdx, unsigned int strip, float fracStrip,
                            LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID chanID, unsigned int clusterSize, bool highThreshold,
                            unsigned int clusterCharge ) {
-      double dxDy{0};
-      double dzDy{0};
-      double xAtYEq0{0};
-      double zAtYEq0{0};
-      double yBegin{0};
-      double yEnd{0};
+      double dxDy{ 0 };
+      double dzDy{ 0 };
+      double xAtYEq0{ 0 };
+      double zAtYEq0{ 0 };
+      double yBegin{ 0 };
+      double yEnd{ 0 };
       //--- this method allow to set the values
       aSector.trajectory( strip, fracStrip, dxDy, dzDy, xAtYEq0, zAtYEq0, yBegin, yEnd );
       const auto cos            = aSector.cosAngle();
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ namespace UT {
         // If it has, assumed ordering is broken
         assert( indices.first == indices.second );
         // reset indices to current end of container
-        indices = {m_allhits.size(), m_allhits.size()};
+        indices = { m_allhits.size(), m_allhits.size() };
         // update used last index cache
         m_last_indices = &indices;
diff --git a/Pr/PrKernel/tests/src/TestSelection.cpp b/Pr/PrKernel/tests/src/TestSelection.cpp
index 2b40f513c98231a4b90651e8846e341716badccb..4da7b9dc5d91bac25517bbcf7006fbe0790c7f36 100644
--- a/Pr/PrKernel/tests/src/TestSelection.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrKernel/tests/src/TestSelection.cpp
@@ -20,32 +20,32 @@
 using Pr::Selection;
 namespace {
-  static constexpr std::array test_array          = {1, 3, 9, 14, 18};
+  static constexpr std::array test_array          = { 1, 3, 9, 14, 18 };
   static constexpr std::array test_array_clone    = test_array;
-  static constexpr std::array test_even_values    = {test_array[3], test_array[4]};
-  static constexpr std::array test_even_addresses = {&test_array[3], &test_array[4]};
+  static constexpr std::array test_even_values    = { test_array[3], test_array[4] };
+  static constexpr std::array test_even_addresses = { &test_array[3], &test_array[4] };
   struct Stubborn {
-    Stubborn()                  = default;
-    Stubborn( Stubborn&& )      = delete;
-    Stubborn( Stubborn const& ) = delete;
-    Stubborn& operator=( Stubborn&& ) & = delete;
+    Stubborn()                               = default;
+    Stubborn( Stubborn&& )                   = delete;
+    Stubborn( Stubborn const& )              = delete;
+    Stubborn& operator=( Stubborn&& ) &      = delete;
     Stubborn& operator=( Stubborn const& ) & = delete;
-  static constexpr std::array<Stubborn, 2> stubborn_array = {Stubborn{}, Stubborn{}};
+  static constexpr std::array<Stubborn, 2> stubborn_array = { Stubborn{}, Stubborn{} };
   bool is_even( int num ) { return num % 2 == 0; }
   bool is_odd( int num ) { return num % 2 == 1; }
 } // namespace
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_selection_set_operations ) {
-  Selection all_sel{test_array}, even_sel{test_array, is_even}, odd_sel{test_array, is_odd};
+  Selection all_sel{ test_array }, even_sel{ test_array, is_even }, odd_sel{ test_array, is_odd };
   auto      union_sel = set_union( even_sel, odd_sel );
   BOOST_CHECK( union_sel == all_sel );               // same indices into the same container
   BOOST_CHECK( equal_values( union_sel, all_sel ) ); // => this also holds
-  Selection clone_sel{test_array_clone};
+  Selection clone_sel{ test_array_clone };
   // selections point to different underlying storage => should throw
   BOOST_CHECK_THROW( includes( all_sel, clone_sel ), GaudiException );
   BOOST_CHECK_THROW( set_union( all_sel, clone_sel ), GaudiException );
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_selection_set_operations ) {
   auto both_even_and_odd = set_intersection( odd_sel, even_sel );
   BOOST_CHECK( both_even_and_odd.empty() );
-  Selection        at_least_8{test_array, []( auto x ) { return x >= 8; }};
+  Selection        at_least_8{ test_array, []( auto x ) { return x >= 8; } };
   auto             odd_and_at_least_8     = set_intersection( odd_sel, at_least_8 );
-  std::vector<int> odd_and_at_least_8_ref = {9};
+  std::vector<int> odd_and_at_least_8_ref = { 9 };
   BOOST_CHECK( equal_values( odd_and_at_least_8, odd_and_at_least_8_ref ) );
   // even or odd but not both
@@ -73,31 +73,31 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_selection_set_operations ) {
   BOOST_CHECK( even_or_odd_not_both == all_sel );
   auto             odd_or_at_least_8_but_not_both     = set_symmetric_difference( odd_sel, at_least_8 );
-  std::vector<int> odd_or_at_least_8_but_not_both_ref = {1, 3, 14, 18};
+  std::vector<int> odd_or_at_least_8_but_not_both_ref = { 1, 3, 14, 18 };
   BOOST_CHECK( equal_values( odd_or_at_least_8_but_not_both, odd_or_at_least_8_but_not_both_ref ) );
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_selection_from_vector ) {
-  std::vector<int> input = {0, 1, 2};
-  Selection        selection{input}; // select everything
+  std::vector<int> input = { 0, 1, 2 };
+  Selection        selection{ input }; // select everything
   BOOST_CHECK( equal_values( selection, input ) );
   BOOST_CHECK( equal_values( input, selection ) ); // check the arg ordering doesn't matter
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_selection_from_array ) {
-  Selection selection{test_array};
+  Selection selection{ test_array };
   BOOST_CHECK( equal_values( selection, test_array ) );
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_selection_from_span ) {
   LHCb::span<int const> input = test_array;
-  Selection             selection{input};
+  Selection             selection{ input };
   BOOST_CHECK( equal_values( selection, input ) );
   BOOST_CHECK( equal_values( selection, test_array ) );
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_selection_of_immovable_objects ) {
-  Selection<Stubborn> sel{stubborn_array};
+  Selection<Stubborn> sel{ stubborn_array };
   // for ( auto x : sel ) { } is not allowed
@@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ void dump( T const& cont ) {
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_even_integer_selection ) {
-  std::vector<int> integers = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, even_integers_ref = {0, 2, 4};
+  std::vector<int> integers = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, even_integers_ref = { 0, 2, 4 };
   // Select the even integers
-  Selection even_integers{integers, is_even};
+  Selection even_integers{ integers, is_even };
   BOOST_CHECK( equal_values( even_integers, even_integers_ref ) );
   // Test iteration too
@@ -122,19 +122,19 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_even_integer_selection ) {
   BOOST_CHECK( range_based_even == index_based_even );
   // Add another selection on top of the selection
-  Selection mod4_integers{even_integers, []( auto i ) { return i % 4 == 0; }};
+  Selection mod4_integers{ even_integers, []( auto i ) { return i % 4 == 0; } };
   BOOST_CHECK( mod4_integers.size() == 2 );
-  std::array const mod4_integers_ref = {0, 4};
+  std::array const mod4_integers_ref = { 0, 4 };
   BOOST_CHECK( equal_values( mod4_integers, mod4_integers_ref ) );
   // Add an incompatible selection
-  Selection even_and_odd{mod4_integers, is_odd};
+  Selection even_and_odd{ mod4_integers, is_odd };
   BOOST_CHECK( even_and_odd.empty() );
   BOOST_CHECK( even_and_odd.size() == 0 );
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_addresses_selection ) {
-  Selection even_test_ints{test_array, is_even};
+  Selection even_test_ints{ test_array, is_even };
   BOOST_CHECK( test_even_addresses.size() == even_test_ints.size() );
   BOOST_CHECK( equal_values( even_test_ints, test_even_values ) );
@@ -144,17 +144,17 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_addresses_selection ) {
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_selection_equality ) {
   // test array is {odd, odd, odd, even, even}
-  Selection even_test_ints1{test_array, is_even}, even_test_ints2{test_array, is_even};
+  Selection even_test_ints1{ test_array, is_even }, even_test_ints2{ test_array, is_even };
   // same predicate applied to the same input => should equal equal
   BOOST_CHECK( even_test_ints1 == even_test_ints2 );
-  Selection even_test_ints_clone{test_array_clone, is_even};
+  Selection even_test_ints_clone{ test_array_clone, is_even };
   // same predicate applied to a different input sequence with the same values => should not compare equal
   BOOST_CHECK( even_test_ints1 != even_test_ints_clone );
-  LHCb::span<int const> truncated_test_array{test_array.begin(), std::prev( test_array.end() )};
-  Selection             odd_test_ints{test_array, is_odd}, truncated_odd_test_ints{truncated_test_array, is_odd};
+  LHCb::span<int const> truncated_test_array{ test_array.begin(), std::prev( test_array.end() ) };
+  Selection             odd_test_ints{ test_array, is_odd }, truncated_odd_test_ints{ truncated_test_array, is_odd };
   // same predicate applied to different numbers of elements starting in the same place => ??? :-)
   BOOST_CHECK( odd_test_ints == truncated_odd_test_ints );
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/doc/release.notes b/Pr/PrMCTools/doc/release.notes
index 429d61f8032e048c22592422af169d59e162264e..af396b33252b5f050d0262505d274f00a9dbedee 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/doc/release.notes
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 ! 2016-12-14 - Jeroen van Tilburg
  - Adapt to new FT geometry and numbering scheme
- - Changed location of Linker tables. 
+ - Changed location of Linker tables.
 !========================= PrMCTools v2r12 2016-01-28 =========================
 ! 2016-01-21 Marco Cattaneo
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrCheatedLongTracking.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrCheatedLongTracking.cpp
index 14eb58c6dc09e1ffaa6467caf2000fda1857e347..8a3a6e5349354e1a5facf806a8cc64f3c08121c6 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrCheatedLongTracking.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrCheatedLongTracking.cpp
@@ -66,22 +66,22 @@ public:
                                  const LHCb::MCProperty&, const LHCb::LinksByKey& ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_numFTZones      = {this, "NumFTZones", 24};
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minFTXHits      = {this, "MinFTXHits", 3};
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minFTStereoHits = {this, "MinFTStereoHits", 3};
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minFTHits       = {this, "MinFTHits", 6};
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_numFTZones      = { this, "NumFTZones", 24 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minFTXHits      = { this, "MinFTXHits", 3 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minFTStereoHits = { this, "MinFTStereoHits", 3 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minFTHits       = { this, "MinFTHits", 6 };
   // Minimum number of VP clusters to be found for the track to be created
-  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minVPHits = {this, "MinVPHits", 3};
+  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minVPHits = { this, "MinVPHits", 3 };
   // UT Hits are only added if the number of associated hits is great or equal than this
-  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_thresholdUTHits = {this, "ThresholdUTHits", 4};
+  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_thresholdUTHits = { this, "ThresholdUTHits", 4 };
   // UT Hits are only added if this is true
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_addUTHits = {this, "AddUTHits", true};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_addUTHits = { this, "AddUTHits", true };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>          m_add_ideal_states = {this, "AddIdealStates", false};
-  ToolHandle<IIdealStateCreator> m_ideal_state_creator{this, "IdealStateCreator", "IdealStateCreator"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>          m_add_ideal_states = { this, "AddIdealStates", false };
+  ToolHandle<IIdealStateCreator> m_ideal_state_creator{ this, "IdealStateCreator", "IdealStateCreator" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( PrCheatedLongTracking )
@@ -89,13 +89,13 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( PrCheatedLongTracking )
 PrCheatedLongTracking::PrCheatedLongTracking( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                       KeyValue{"FTHitsLocation", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation},
-                       KeyValue{"MCParticleLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-                       KeyValue{"MCVerticesLocation", LHCb::MCVertexLocation::Default},
-                       KeyValue{"MCPropertyLocation", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo},
-                       KeyValue{"LHCbIdLinkLocation", "Link/Pr/LHCbID"},
+                       KeyValue{ "FTHitsLocation", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation },
+                       KeyValue{ "MCParticleLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                       KeyValue{ "MCVerticesLocation", LHCb::MCVertexLocation::Default },
+                       KeyValue{ "MCPropertyLocation", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo },
+                       KeyValue{ "LHCbIdLinkLocation", "Link/Pr/LHCbID" },
-                   KeyValue{"OutputName", "Rec/Track/CheatedLong"} ) {}
+                   KeyValue{ "OutputName", "Rec/Track/CheatedLong" } ) {}
 std::vector<Track> PrCheatedLongTracking::operator()( const LHCb::Pr::FT::Hits& hits, const LHCb::MCParticles& mcParts,
                                                       const LHCb::MCVertices&, const LHCb::MCProperty&         mcProps,
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrCheatedSciFiTracking.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrCheatedSciFiTracking.cpp
index 7a0e84f8db992e8dec56b78f2ce57e8aa674d713..2c8a3e2d42ce8284b61c6215aa8be98144beef0f 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrCheatedSciFiTracking.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrCheatedSciFiTracking.cpp
@@ -74,13 +74,13 @@ public:
                          const LHCb::LinksByKey&, DetectorElement const& ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_numZones      = {this, "NumZones", 24};
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minXHits      = {this, "MinXHits", 5};
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minStereoHits = {this, "MinStereoHits", 5};
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minTotHits    = {this, "MinTotHits", 10};
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_numZones      = { this, "NumZones", 24 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minXHits      = { this, "MinXHits", 5 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minStereoHits = { this, "MinStereoHits", 5 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minTotHits    = { this, "MinTotHits", 10 };
   /// The track extrapolator
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator = {this, "ReferenceExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator = { this, "ReferenceExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator" };
 // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
@@ -91,12 +91,12 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( PrCheatedSciFiTracking )
 PrCheatedSciFiTracking::PrCheatedSciFiTracking( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : base_t( name, pSvcLocator,
-              {KeyValue{"FTHitsLocation", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation},
-               KeyValue{"MCParticleLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-               KeyValue{"MCPropertyLocation", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo},
-               KeyValue{"LinkLocation", "Link/Raw/FT/LiteClusters"},
-               KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-              KeyValue{"OutputName", LHCb::TrackLocation::Seed} ) {}
+              { KeyValue{ "FTHitsLocation", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation },
+                KeyValue{ "MCParticleLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                KeyValue{ "MCPropertyLocation", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo },
+                KeyValue{ "LinkLocation", "Link/Raw/FT/LiteClusters" },
+                KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+              KeyValue{ "OutputName", LHCb::TrackLocation::Seed } ) {}
 // make cheated tracks by getting the clusters matched to an MCParticle
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrCheatedUpstreamTracking.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrCheatedUpstreamTracking.cpp
index 13d5e8b43c56ac400ea8e7aaccdd30315bcea228..fdc321279f703886ff68d5bb6480161acff34283 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrCheatedUpstreamTracking.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrCheatedUpstreamTracking.cpp
@@ -49,17 +49,18 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     PrCheatedUpstreamTracking( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                       {KeyValue{"InputTracksName", ""}, KeyValue{"UTHits", ""}, KeyValue{"MCParticles", ""},
-                        KeyValue{"MCProperty", ""}, KeyValue{"LHCbIDLinks", ""}, KeyValue{"VeloTrackLinks", ""}},
-                       KeyValue{"OutputName", ""} ){};
+                       { KeyValue{ "InputTracksName", "" }, KeyValue{ "UTHits", "" }, KeyValue{ "MCParticles", "" },
+                         KeyValue{ "MCProperty", "" }, KeyValue{ "LHCbIDLinks", "" },
+                         KeyValue{ "VeloTrackLinks", "" } },
+                       KeyValue{ "OutputName", "" } ){};
     Upstream::Tracks operator()( const Velo::Tracks& veloTracks, const UT::Hits& hits, const MCParticles& particles,
                                  const MCProperty& props, const LinksByKey& hitLinks,
                                  const LinksByKey& veloLinks ) const override {
       auto cheatedTracks =
-          Upstream::Tracks{&veloTracks, Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), veloTracks.get_allocator().resource()};
+          Upstream::Tracks{ &veloTracks, Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), veloTracks.get_allocator().resource() };
       cheatedTracks.reserve( veloTracks.size() );
-      const auto mcinfo    = MCTrackInfo{props};
+      const auto mcinfo    = MCTrackInfo{ props };
       auto       trackHits = std::vector<Hit>{};
       trackHits.reserve( TracksInfo::MaxUTHits );
       for ( const auto* mcp : particles ) {
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
         for ( auto hit : hits.scalar() ) {
           hitLinks.applyToLinks( hits.lhcbid( hit.offset() ).lhcbID(), [&]( auto id, auto mcKey, auto /*weight*/ ) {
-            if ( particles( mcKey ) == mcp ) trackHits.emplace_back( Hit{hit.offset(), LHCbID{id}} );
+            if ( particles( mcKey ) == mcp ) trackHits.emplace_back( Hit{ hit.offset(), LHCbID{ id } } );
           } );
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrCheatedVP.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrCheatedVP.cpp
index f765f440918639ca656cdb03707dda8835eb9fae..e9de930501da3e619ffda4163489c45725834178 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrCheatedVP.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrCheatedVP.cpp
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ namespace {
                               getPoints ) {
     LHCb::Tracks tracks;
-    LinkedFrom<LHCb::VPCluster> link{&my_links};
+    LinkedFrom<LHCb::VPCluster> link{ &my_links };
     constexpr double zVelo = 0.;
@@ -94,21 +94,21 @@ public:
   using PrCheatedVPBase::Transformer::Transformer;
-  ToolHandle<const IPrFitTool> m_fitTool{"PrFitTool", this};
+  ToolHandle<const IPrFitTool> m_fitTool{ "PrFitTool", this };
 struct PrCheatedVP final : PrCheatedVPBase<false> {
   PrCheatedVP( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : PrCheatedVPBase( name, pSvcLocator,
-                         {KeyValue{"MCParticles", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-                          KeyValue{"MCTrackInfo", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo},
-                          KeyValue{"MCLinks", LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::VPClusterLocation::Default )}},
-                         KeyValue{"Tracks", LHCb::TrackLocation::Velo} ) {}
+                         { KeyValue{ "MCParticles", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                           KeyValue{ "MCTrackInfo", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo },
+                           KeyValue{ "MCLinks", LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::VPClusterLocation::Default ) } },
+                         KeyValue{ "Tracks", LHCb::TrackLocation::Velo } ) {}
   LHCb::Tracks operator()( const LHCb::MCParticles& particles, const LHCb::MCProperty& trackInfo,
                            const LHCb::LinksByKey& my_links ) const override {
-    return getTracks( *this, MCTrackInfo{trackInfo}, *m_fitTool, particles, my_links,
+    return getTracks( *this, MCTrackInfo{ trackInfo }, *m_fitTool, particles, my_links,
                       []( LHCb::Track& track, std::vector<Gaudi::XYZPoint>& points,
                           const LHCb::MCParticle* const particle, LinkedFrom<LHCb::VPCluster> link ) {
                         for ( const LHCb::VPCluster& cluster : link.range( particle ) ) {
@@ -123,15 +123,15 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( PrCheatedVP )
 struct PrCheatedVPMCHits final : PrCheatedVPBase<true> {
   PrCheatedVPMCHits( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : PrCheatedVPBase( name, pSvcLocator,
-                         {KeyValue{"MCParticles", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-                          KeyValue{"MCHits", LHCb::MCHitLocation::VP},
-                          KeyValue{"MCTrackInfo", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo},
-                          KeyValue{"MCLinks", LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::VPClusterLocation::Default )}},
-                         KeyValue{"Tracks", LHCb::TrackLocation::Velo} ) {}
+                         { KeyValue{ "MCParticles", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                           KeyValue{ "MCHits", LHCb::MCHitLocation::VP },
+                           KeyValue{ "MCTrackInfo", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo },
+                           KeyValue{ "MCLinks", LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::VPClusterLocation::Default ) } },
+                         KeyValue{ "Tracks", LHCb::TrackLocation::Velo } ) {}
   LHCb::Tracks operator()( const LHCb::MCParticles& particles, const LHCb::MCHits& hits,
                            const LHCb::MCProperty& trackInfo, const LHCb::LinksByKey& my_links ) const override {
-    return getTracks( *this, MCTrackInfo{trackInfo}, *m_fitTool, particles, my_links,
+    return getTracks( *this, MCTrackInfo{ trackInfo }, *m_fitTool, particles, my_links,
                       [&hits]( LHCb::Track& track, std::vector<Gaudi::XYZPoint>& points,
                                const LHCb::MCParticle* const particle, LinkedFrom<LHCb::VPCluster> link ) {
                         for ( const auto& src : link.range( particle ) ) { track.addToLhcbIDs( src.channelID() ); }
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrCheatedVPTracking.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrCheatedVPTracking.cpp
index da28e89588f5c23c62c95907e5c332db24d3ec2e..61507c6536300e282483fb3a83885e3476350faf 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrCheatedVPTracking.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrCheatedVPTracking.cpp
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 * granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  *
 * or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       *
-//#include "Event/FTLiteCluster.h"
+// #include "Event/FTLiteCluster.h"
 #include "Event/LinksByKey.h"
 #include "Event/MCParticle.h"
 #include "Event/MCTrackInfo.h"
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ public:
   // Minimum number of VP clusters to be found for the track to be created
-  Gaudi::Property<size_t>        m_minVPHits        = {this, "MinVPHits", 3};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>          m_add_ideal_states = {this, "AddIdealStates", false};
-  ToolHandle<IIdealStateCreator> m_ideal_state_creator{this, "IdealStateCreator", "IdealStateCreator"};
+  Gaudi::Property<size_t>        m_minVPHits        = { this, "MinVPHits", 3 };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>          m_add_ideal_states = { this, "AddIdealStates", false };
+  ToolHandle<IIdealStateCreator> m_ideal_state_creator{ this, "IdealStateCreator", "IdealStateCreator" };
@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( PrCheatedVPTracking )
 PrCheatedVPTracking::PrCheatedVPTracking( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                       KeyValue{"MCParticleLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-                       KeyValue{"MCVerticesLocation", LHCb::MCVertexLocation::Default},
-                       KeyValue{"MCPropertyLocation", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo},
-                       KeyValue{"LHCbIdLinkLocation", "Link/Pr/LHCbID"},
+                       KeyValue{ "MCParticleLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                       KeyValue{ "MCVerticesLocation", LHCb::MCVertexLocation::Default },
+                       KeyValue{ "MCPropertyLocation", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo },
+                       KeyValue{ "LHCbIdLinkLocation", "Link/Pr/LHCbID" },
-                   KeyValue{"OutputName", "Rec/Track/CheatedVP"} ) {}
+                   KeyValue{ "OutputName", "Rec/Track/CheatedVP" } ) {}
 std::vector<Track> PrCheatedVPTracking::operator()( const LHCb::MCParticles& mcParts, const LHCb::MCVertices&,
                                                     const LHCb::MCProperty&  mcProps,
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrChecker.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrChecker.cpp
index a6811c8d173b444d39b37749668a722ea51b3559..2718fbab88ae831d485ac8a34899a2aae4d48066 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrChecker.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrChecker.cpp
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Checker {
     using Gaudi::Functional::details::zip::range;
     class isTrack {
-      isTrack( RecAs kind ) : m_kind{kind} {};
+      isTrack( RecAs kind ) : m_kind{ kind } {};
       /// Functor that checks if the MCParticle fulfills certain criteria, e.g. reco'ble as long track, B daughter, ...
       bool operator()( const MCParticle* mcp, const MCTrackInfo& mcInfo, span<const LHCbID> lhcbIds ) const {
         if ( auto type = reconstructibleType( mcp, m_kind, mcInfo ); type.has_value() ) return type.value();
@@ -187,11 +187,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Checker {
     PrCheckerAlgorithm( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                    {KeyValue{"Tracks", ""}, KeyValue{"MCParticleInput", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"MCVerticesInput", LHCb::MCVertexLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"MCPropertyInput", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo}, KeyValue{"Links", ""},
-                     KeyValue{"LinkTableLocation", "Link/Pr/LHCbID"},
-                     KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}} ) {}
+                    { KeyValue{ "Tracks", "" }, KeyValue{ "MCParticleInput", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "MCVerticesInput", LHCb::MCVertexLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "MCPropertyInput", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo }, KeyValue{ "Links", "" },
+                      KeyValue{ "LinkTableLocation", "Link/Pr/LHCbID" },
+                      KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } } ) {}
     /// Algorithm initialization
     StatusCode initialize() override;
@@ -203,10 +203,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Checker {
     StatusCode finalize() override;
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string>        m_title{this, "Title", ""};
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>       m_firstNVeloHits{this, "FirstNVeloHits", 3};
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>       m_hitTypesToCheck{this, "HitTypesToCheck", 0};
-    Gaudi::Property<LHCb::Track::Types> m_trackType{this, "TrackType", LHCb::Track::Types::Unknown};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string>        m_title{ this, "Title", "" };
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>       m_firstNVeloHits{ this, "FirstNVeloHits", 3 };
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>       m_hitTypesToCheck{ this, "HitTypesToCheck", 0 };
+    Gaudi::Property<LHCb::Track::Types> m_trackType{ this, "TrackType", LHCb::Track::Types::Unknown };
     // The counters are not at all thread safe for the moment
     // So we protect their use by a mutex. Not optimal but MC checking
@@ -215,20 +215,20 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Checker {
     mutable std::mutex      m_counterMutex;
     // -- histograming options
-    Gaudi::Property<int>  m_writeHistos{this, "WriteHistos", -1};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_triggerNumbers{this, "TriggerNumbers", false};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_vetoElectrons{this, "VetoElectrons", true};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_xyPlots{this, "XYPlots", false};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_writetexfile{this, "WriteTexOutput", false};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_texfilename{this, "TexOutputName", "efficiencies"};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_texfolder{this, "TexOutputFolder", ""};
+    Gaudi::Property<int>  m_writeHistos{ this, "WriteHistos", -1 };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_triggerNumbers{ this, "TriggerNumbers", false };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_vetoElectrons{ this, "VetoElectrons", true };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_xyPlots{ this, "XYPlots", false };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_writetexfile{ this, "WriteTexOutput", false };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_texfilename{ this, "TexOutputName", "efficiencies" };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_texfolder{ this, "TexOutputFolder", "" };
     // maps for each track container with {cut name,selection cut}
-    Gaudi::Property<std::map<std::string, std::string>> m_cutMap{this, "MyCuts", {}};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::map<std::string, std::string>> m_cutMap{ this, "MyCuts", {} };
-    ToolHandle<IHistoTool>             m_histoTool{this, "HistoTool", "HistoTool/PrCheckerHistos"};
-    ToolHandle<LoKi::IMCHybridFactory> m_factory{this, "LoKiFactory", "LoKi::Hybrid::MCTool/MCHybridFactory:PUBLIC"};
-    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator>     m_extrapolator{this, "TrackMasterExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator"};
+    ToolHandle<IHistoTool>             m_histoTool{ this, "HistoTool", "HistoTool/PrCheckerHistos" };
+    ToolHandle<LoKi::IMCHybridFactory> m_factory{ this, "LoKiFactory", "LoKi::Hybrid::MCTool/MCHybridFactory:PUBLIC" };
+    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator>     m_extrapolator{ this, "TrackMasterExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator" };
     std::vector<LoKi::Types::MCCut> m_MCCuts;
     std::vector<RecAsCuts>          m_MCRecAsCuts;
@@ -313,17 +313,18 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Checker {
   template <typename InternalCounter>
-  void PrCheckerAlgorithm<InternalCounter>::
-       operator()( LHCb::Track::Range const& tracks, LHCb::MCParticles const& mcParts, LHCb::MCVertices const& mcVert,
-              LHCb::MCProperty const& flags, LHCb::LinksByKey const& tr2McLink, LHCb::LinksByKey const& mc2IdLink,
-              DetectorElement const& geometry ) const {
+  void
+  PrCheckerAlgorithm<InternalCounter>::operator()( LHCb::Track::Range const& tracks, LHCb::MCParticles const& mcParts,
+                                                   LHCb::MCVertices const& mcVert, LHCb::MCProperty const& flags,
+                                                   LHCb::LinksByKey const& tr2McLink, LHCb::LinksByKey const& mc2IdLink,
+                                                   DetectorElement const& geometry ) const {
     // in debug mode, check consistency of the inputs
     assert( tr2McLink.sourceClassID() == LHCb::Track::classID() &&
             "Incompatible link table in PrCheckerAlgorithm. Source should be Track" );
     assert( tr2McLink.targetClassID() == LHCb::MCParticle::classID() &&
             "Incompatible link table in PrCheckerAlgorithm. Target should be McParticle" );
-    MCTrackInfo  trackInfo = {flags};
+    MCTrackInfo  trackInfo = { flags };
     unsigned int nPrim     = std::count_if( mcVert.begin(), mcVert.end(), [&]( const auto& vertex ) {
       if ( !vertex->isPrimary() ) return false;
       int nbVisible = std::count_if( mcParts.begin(), mcParts.end(), [&]( const auto& part ) {
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrDebugTrackingLosses.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrDebugTrackingLosses.cpp
index f1cc0eb285767b33e44a96335b0ff0625122a966..197060ebe59e1bf327f1c6f1c57d111b735579fa 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrDebugTrackingLosses.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrDebugTrackingLosses.cpp
@@ -66,13 +66,13 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     struct TrMCPair {
       std::vector<State>       ideal_hit_states{};
       std::vector<StateVector> ideal_states{};
-      int                      mc_idx{-1};
-      int                      velo_idx{-1};
-      int                      tr_idx{-1};
-      float                    velo_match_frac{0.f};
-      float                    match_frac{0.f};
-      bool                     lost_in_track_fit{false};
-      bool                     lost{true};
+      int                      mc_idx{ -1 };
+      int                      velo_idx{ -1 };
+      int                      tr_idx{ -1 };
+      float                    velo_match_frac{ 0.f };
+      float                    match_frac{ 0.f };
+      bool                     lost_in_track_fit{ false };
+      bool                     lost{ true };
     auto get_mc_hits_positions( const MCParticle* mcp, const MCHits& hits ) {
@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     PrDebugTrackingLosses( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                    {KeyValue{"StudyTracks", ""}, KeyValue{"VeloTracks", ""}, KeyValue{"MCParticles", ""},
-                     KeyValue{"MCVPHits", ""}, KeyValue{"MCUTHits", ""}, KeyValue{"MCFTHits", ""},
-                     KeyValue{"VeloTrackLinks", ""}, KeyValue{"TrackLinks", ""}, KeyValue{"LooseTrackLinks", ""},
-                     KeyValue{"FittedTrackLinks", ""}, KeyValue{"TrackInfo", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo},
-                     KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", standard_geometry_top}} ){};
+                    { KeyValue{ "StudyTracks", "" }, KeyValue{ "VeloTracks", "" }, KeyValue{ "MCParticles", "" },
+                      KeyValue{ "MCVPHits", "" }, KeyValue{ "MCUTHits", "" }, KeyValue{ "MCFTHits", "" },
+                      KeyValue{ "VeloTrackLinks", "" }, KeyValue{ "TrackLinks", "" }, KeyValue{ "LooseTrackLinks", "" },
+                      KeyValue{ "FittedTrackLinks", "" }, KeyValue{ "TrackInfo", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo },
+                      KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", standard_geometry_top } } ){};
     void operator()( const Track::Range&, const Track::Range&, const MCParticles&, const MCHits&, const MCHits&,
                      const MCHits&, const LinksByKey&, const LinksByKey&, const LinksByKey&, const LinksByKey&,
@@ -126,30 +126,30 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
-    Gaudi::Property<Type>               m_tracktype{this, "TrackType", Type::Long,
-                                      "Defines the reconstructibility type considered when checking the MCParticles. "
-                                      "Usually matches the type of the TrackLinks."};
-    Gaudi::Property<RecAs>              m_recas{this, "RecAs", RecAs::Unknown,
-                                   "Allows to further restrict the reconstructibility requirement set by TrackType."};
+    Gaudi::Property<Type>               m_tracktype{ this, "TrackType", Type::Long,
+                                       "Defines the reconstructibility type considered when checking the MCParticles. "
+                                                     "Usually matches the type of the TrackLinks." };
+    Gaudi::Property<RecAs>              m_recas{ this, "RecAs", RecAs::Unknown,
+                                    "Allows to further restrict the reconstructibility requirement set by TrackType." };
     Gaudi::Property<std::vector<float>> m_ideal_hit_states_z{
-        {StateParameters::ZEndT, StateParameters::ZEndVelo},
-        "The z positions at which ideal states are created for each MCParticle."};
+        { StateParameters::ZEndT, StateParameters::ZEndVelo },
+        "The z positions at which ideal states are created for each MCParticle." };
     Gaudi::Property<std::pair<double, double>> m_radLengthBetweenZ{
-        this, "RadLengthBetweenZ", {StateParameters::ZEndVelo, StateParameters::ZEndUT}};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_betweenZStepSize{this, "BetweenZStepSize", 2. * Gaudi::Units::cm};
+        this, "RadLengthBetweenZ", { StateParameters::ZEndVelo, StateParameters::ZEndUT } };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_betweenZStepSize{ this, "BetweenZStepSize", 2. * Gaudi::Units::cm };
     // the debug tool provides a convenient way to store information in an NTuple
-    ToolHandle<IPrDebugTrackingTool> m_debug_tool{this, "DebugTool", "PrDebugTrackingTool"};
-    ToolHandle<IIdealStateCreator>   m_ideal_state_creator{this, "IdealStateCreator", "IdealStateCreator"};
-    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator>   m_extrap{this, "Extrapolator", "TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator"};
+    ToolHandle<IPrDebugTrackingTool> m_debug_tool{ this, "DebugTool", "PrDebugTrackingTool" };
+    ToolHandle<IIdealStateCreator>   m_ideal_state_creator{ this, "IdealStateCreator", "IdealStateCreator" };
+    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator>   m_extrap{ this, "Extrapolator", "TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator" };
-    ServiceHandle<ITransportSvc> m_trSvc{this, "TransportService", "TransportSvc", "transport service"};
+    ServiceHandle<ITransportSvc> m_trSvc{ this, "TransportService", "TransportSvc", "transport service" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_mcp{
-        this, "Matched non-reconstructible MC particle to a track or it was already removed due to multiple matches."};
+        this, "Matched non-reconstructible MC particle to a track or it was already removed due to multiple matches." };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_z_pos_above_limit{
-        this, "Track's origin vertex z position is larger than upper limit configured by RadLengthBetweenZ."};
+        this, "Track's origin vertex z position is larger than upper limit configured by RadLengthBetweenZ." };
     // this algorithm only runs on MC events, so we can use a simple counter as multi-threading is not an issue. For
     // thread-safety we will still lock though.
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
                                           const LinksByKey& loose_tr2mc_link, const LinksByKey& fitted_tr2mc_link,
                                           const MCProperty& mcproperties, const DetectorElement& lhcb ) const {
-    const auto track_info        = MCTrackInfo{mcproperties};
+    const auto track_info        = MCTrackInfo{ mcproperties };
     auto       mc_particles_info = std::vector<TrMCPair>{};
     mc_particles_info.reserve( mc_particles.size() );
     // first store all type-reconstructible MC particles in a vector
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
                           StateVector state{};
                           m_ideal_state_creator->createStateVector( mcp, z, state, *lhcb.geometry() )
                               .orElse( [&state] {
-                                state = {{nan, nan, nan, nan, nan}, nan}; // BATMAN!
+                                state = { { nan, nan, nan, nan, nan }, nan }; // BATMAN!
                               } )
                           return state;
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       std::vector<IPrDebugTrackingTool::VariableDef> data( mcp_data.begin(), mcp_data.end() );
       m_debug_tool->storeData( data );
-    std::scoped_lock lock{m_lock};
+    std::scoped_lock lock{ m_lock };
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     const auto vtxPos    = mcp.originVertex()->position();
     const auto qop       = ( mcp.particleID().threeCharge() / 3 ) / mcp.p();
     // start from the origin vertex of the MCParticle
-    auto state = StateVector{{vtxPos.x(), vtxPos.y(), P.x() / P.z(), P.y() / P.z(), qop}, vtxPos.z()};
+    auto state = StateVector{ { vtxPos.x(), vtxPos.y(), P.x() / P.z(), P.y() / P.z(), qop }, vtxPos.z() };
     if ( state.z() > zMax ) {
       return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
@@ -432,15 +432,15 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     // the step distance in units of the radiation length of the encountered material is estimated
     // by the transport service. The radiation length fraction is summed up to eventually obtain
     // the total traversed material in fraction of the radiation length.
-    auto totalRadLengthFrac{0.};
+    auto totalRadLengthFrac{ 0. };
     for ( auto nextZ = state.z() + m_betweenZStepSize; nextZ < zMax; nextZ += m_betweenZStepSize ) {
-      const auto p1 = Gaudi::XYZPoint{state.x(), state.y(), state.z()};
+      const auto p1 = Gaudi::XYZPoint{ state.x(), state.y(), state.z() };
       if ( m_extrap->propagate( state.parameters(), state.z(), nextZ, geo )
                .andThen( [&state, nextZ = nextZ] { state.setZ( nextZ ); } )
                .isFailure() ) {
         return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
-      const auto p2 = Gaudi::XYZPoint{state.x(), state.y(), state.z()};
+      const auto p2 = Gaudi::XYZPoint{ state.x(), state.y(), state.z() };
       // distance in units of the radiation length between p1 and p2 can simply be added up
       try {
         totalRadLengthFrac += m_trSvc->distanceInRadUnits( p1, p2, cache, geo );
@@ -450,11 +450,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     // at the end we still want to go the remaing way to zMax (if the distance is not too small)
     assert( std::abs( state.z() - zMax ) <= m_betweenZStepSize );
     if ( std::abs( state.z() - zMax ) > TrackParameters::propagationTolerance ) {
-      const auto p1 = Gaudi::XYZPoint{state.x(), state.y(), state.z()};
+      const auto p1 = Gaudi::XYZPoint{ state.x(), state.y(), state.z() };
       m_extrap->propagate( state.parameters(), state.z(), zMax, geo )
           .andThen( [&state, zMax = zMax] { state.setZ( zMax ); } )
-      const auto p2 = Gaudi::XYZPoint{state.x(), state.y(), state.z()};
+      const auto p2 = Gaudi::XYZPoint{ state.x(), state.y(), state.z() };
       try {
         totalRadLengthFrac += m_trSvc->distanceInRadUnits( p1, p2, cache, geo );
       } catch ( const TransportSvcException& ) { return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); }
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrDownstreamDumper.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrDownstreamDumper.cpp
index 16275711cb4e5385f98dc54218b8102cf7925344..20b54751b44f763d8723d523729076b02429f8c2 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrDownstreamDumper.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrDownstreamDumper.cpp
@@ -54,14 +54,14 @@ public:
                    const LHCb::MCProperty&, const DetectorElement& ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_seed_location{this, "TrackLocation", LHCb::Event::v2::TrackLocation::Seed,
-                                               "Container in which are stored reconstructed T-seeds linked to MC "
-                                               "particles"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_output_directory{this, "OutputDirectory", ".", "Directory to store output hTuples"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_seed_location{ this, "TrackLocation", LHCb::Event::v2::TrackLocation::Seed,
+                                                "Container in which are stored reconstructed T-seeds linked to MC "
+                                                "particles" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_output_directory{ this, "OutputDirectory", ".", "Directory to store output hTuples" };
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{this, "Extrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolatro"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{ this, "Extrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolatro" };
-  ToolHandle<IIdealStateCreator> m_stateCreator{this, "IdealStateCreator", "IdealStateCreator"};
+  ToolHandle<IIdealStateCreator> m_stateCreator{ this, "IdealStateCreator", "IdealStateCreator" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( PrDownstreamDumper )
@@ -88,17 +88,18 @@ namespace {
-    return {particle_to_ut_hits, non_assoc_ut_hits};
+    return { particle_to_ut_hits, non_assoc_ut_hits };
 } // namespace
 PrDownstreamDumper::PrDownstreamDumper( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {KeyValue{"MCParticlesLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-                 KeyValue{"UTHitsLocation", UTInfo::HitLocation}, KeyValue{"ODINLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default},
-                 KeyValue{"LinkerLocation", Links::location( "Pr/LHCbID" )},
-                 KeyValue{"MCPropertyLocation", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo},
-                 KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}} ) {}
+                { KeyValue{ "MCParticlesLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "UTHitsLocation", UTInfo::HitLocation },
+                  KeyValue{ "ODINLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "LinkerLocation", Links::location( "Pr/LHCbID" ) },
+                  KeyValue{ "MCPropertyLocation", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo },
+                  KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } } ) {}
 // initialize creates a .root file with tree for saving hits data.
 StatusCode PrDownstreamDumper::initialize() {
@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ StatusCode PrDownstreamDumper::initialize() {
   StatusCode sc = Consumer::initialize();
   if ( sc.isFailure() ) return sc;
-  auto dir = fs::path{m_output_directory.value()};
+  auto dir = fs::path{ m_output_directory.value() };
   if ( !fs::exists( dir ) ) {
     boost::system::error_code ec;
@@ -265,13 +266,13 @@ void PrDownstreamDumper::operator()( const LHCb::MCParticles& MCParticles, const
   eventID = odin.eventNumber();
   InputLinks<ContainedObject, LHCb::MCParticle> HitMCParticleLinks( links );
-  auto seedLinks = SmartDataPtr<LHCb::LinksByKey>{evtSvc(), LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( m_seed_location )};
+  auto seedLinks = SmartDataPtr<LHCb::LinksByKey>{ evtSvc(), LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( m_seed_location ) };
   auto [mcparticles_to_ut_hits, non_assoc_ut_hits] = SplitUTHits( prUTHitHandler, links );
-  MCTrackInfo track_info{mcprop};
+  MCTrackInfo track_info{ mcprop };
   for ( const auto* particle : MCParticles ) {
-    const LHCb::Track* seed_track = LinkedFrom<LHCb::Track>{seedLinks}.range( particle ).try_front();
+    const LHCb::Track* seed_track = LinkedFrom<LHCb::Track>{ seedLinks }.range( particle ).try_front();
@@ -385,7 +386,7 @@ void PrDownstreamDumper::operator()( const LHCb::MCParticles& MCParticles, const
       track_pseudoRapidity   = seed_track->pseudoRapidity();
       track_position_phi     = seed_track->position().phi();
       track_position_r       = std::sqrt( seed_track->position().x() * seed_track->position().x() +
-                                    seed_track->position().y() * seed_track->position().y() );
+                                          seed_track->position().y() * seed_track->position().y() );
       track_position_x       = seed_track->position().x();
       track_position_y       = seed_track->position().y();
       track_position_z       = seed_track->position().z();
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrFTHitsChecker.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrFTHitsChecker.cpp
index bf2488fb656ccfa006be1b2a215b57e9e8bc8586..0965f83b5e3fefcd0452aa6c97c9f9e44c75ee23 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrFTHitsChecker.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrFTHitsChecker.cpp
@@ -58,103 +58,107 @@ class PrFTHitsChecker final
   PrFTHitsChecker( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                  {KeyValue{"FTHitsLocation", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation},
-                   KeyValue{"FTLiteClusterLocation", LHCb::FTLiteClusterLocation::Default},
-                   KeyValue{"FTHits2MCHitLinksLocation", LHCb::FTLiteClusterLocation::Default + "2MCHits"},
-                   KeyValue{"MCHitsLocation", LHCb::MCHitLocation::FT},
-                   KeyValue{"MCParticleLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-                   KeyValue{"DeFT", DeFTDetectorLocation::Default}} ) {}
+                  { KeyValue{ "FTHitsLocation", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation },
+                    KeyValue{ "FTLiteClusterLocation", LHCb::FTLiteClusterLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "FTHits2MCHitLinksLocation", LHCb::FTLiteClusterLocation::Default + "2MCHits" },
+                    KeyValue{ "MCHitsLocation", LHCb::MCHitLocation::FT },
+                    KeyValue{ "MCParticleLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "DeFT", DeFTDetectorLocation::Default } } ) {}
   void operator()( const FTHits&, const FTLiteClusters&, const LHCb::LinksByKey&, const MCHits&, const MCParticles&,
                    const DeFT& ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_isGlobal{this, "isGlobal", true, "Boolean for choosing global coordinate system"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_performStudy{this, "performStudy", false,
-                                       "Boolean for performing studies with cluster size and diraction of mcparticle"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_min{this, "m_min_bin", -1., "Double for left boundary of residuals range"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_max{this, "m_max_bin", 1., "Double for right boundary of residuals range"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_isGlobal{ this, "isGlobal", true, "Boolean for choosing global coordinate system" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_performStudy{
+      this, "performStudy", false, "Boolean for performing studies with cluster size and diraction of mcparticle" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_min{ this, "m_min_bin", -1., "Double for left boundary of residuals range" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_max{ this, "m_max_bin", 1., "Double for right boundary of residuals range" };
   using ErrorCounter = Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>;
-  mutable ErrorCounter          m_noClus{this, "No cluster found"};
-  mutable ErrorCounter          m_noMat{this, "No mat found"};
-  mutable ErrorCounter          m_noMCP{this, "No MCParticle found"};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_num_bins{this, "m_num_bins", 100, "Int for number of bins"};
+  mutable ErrorCounter          m_noClus{ this, "No cluster found" };
+  mutable ErrorCounter          m_noMat{ this, "No mat found" };
+  mutable ErrorCounter          m_noMCP{ this, "No MCParticle found" };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_num_bins{ this, "m_num_bins", 100, "Int for number of bins" };
   const std::string             geom_name = m_isGlobal ? "" : "_local";
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_x{
-      this, "residuals" + geom_name + "_X", "residuals" + geom_name + "_X", {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_x_0{this,
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_bigger_than_8",
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_bigger_than_8",
-                                                      {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_x_1{this,
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_between_1_4",
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_between_1_4",
-                                                      {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_x_5{this,
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_5",
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_5",
-                                                      {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_x_6{this,
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_6",
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_6",
-                                                      {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_x_7{this,
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_7",
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_7",
-                                                      {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_x_8{this,
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_8",
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_8",
-                                                      {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max}};
+      this, "residuals" + geom_name + "_X", "residuals" + geom_name + "_X", { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_x_0{ this,
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_bigger_than_8",
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_bigger_than_8",
+                                                       { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_x_1{ this,
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_between_1_4",
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_between_1_4",
+                                                       { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_x_5{ this,
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_5",
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_5",
+                                                       { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_x_6{ this,
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_6",
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_6",
+                                                       { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_x_7{ this,
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_7",
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_7",
+                                                       { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_x_8{ this,
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_8",
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_cluster_size_8",
+                                                       { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max } };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_z{
-      this, "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z", "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z", {m_num_bins * 10, m_min * 20, m_max * 20}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_z_0{this,
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_bigger_than_8",
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_bigger_than_8",
-                                                      {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_z_1{this,
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_between_1_4",
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_between_1_4",
-                                                      {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_z_5{this,
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_5",
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_5",
-                                                      {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_z_6{this,
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_6",
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_6",
-                                                      {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_z_7{this,
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_7",
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_7",
-                                                      {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_z_8{this,
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_8",
-                                                      "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_8",
-                                                      {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_z{ this,
+                                                     "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z",
+                                                     "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z",
+                                                     { m_num_bins * 10, m_min * 20, m_max * 20 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_z_0{ this,
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_bigger_than_8",
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_bigger_than_8",
+                                                       { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_z_1{ this,
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_between_1_4",
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_between_1_4",
+                                                       { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_z_5{ this,
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_5",
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_5",
+                                                       { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_z_6{ this,
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_6",
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_6",
+                                                       { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_z_7{ this,
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_7",
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_7",
+                                                       { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_z_8{ this,
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_8",
+                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_cluster_size_8",
+                                                       { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max } };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_res_vs_p_x{this,
-                                                         "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_VS_slope_dxdz",
-                                                         "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_VS_slope_dxdz",
-                                                         {{m_num_bins, m_min, m_max}, {m_num_bins, -1., 1.}}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_res_vs_p_x{ this,
+                                                          "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_VS_slope_dxdz",
+                                                          "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_VS_slope_dxdz",
+                                                          { { m_num_bins, m_min, m_max }, { m_num_bins, -1., 1. } } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_cluster{
-      this, "cluster_size", "cluster_size; cluster size; counts", {11, -0.5, 10.5}};
+      this, "cluster_size", "cluster_size; cluster size; counts", { 11, -0.5, 10.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_tprof_res_x_vs_slope_dxdz{
       "profile_res" + geom_name + "_X_VS_slope_dxdz",
       "profile_res" + geom_name + "_X_VS_slope_dxdz",
-      {m_num_bins, m_min, m_max}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_res_x_vs_cluster_size{this,
-                                                                    "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_VS_cluster_size",
-                                                                    "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_VS_cluster_size",
-                                                                    {{m_num_bins, m_min, m_max}, {11, -0.5, 10.5}}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_res_z_vs_cluster_size{this,
-                                                                    "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_VS_cluster_size",
-                                                                    "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_VS_cluster_size",
-                                                                    {{m_num_bins, m_min, m_max}, {11, -0.5, 10.5}}};
+      { m_num_bins, m_min, m_max } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_res_x_vs_cluster_size{
+      this,
+      "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_VS_cluster_size",
+      "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_VS_cluster_size",
+      { { m_num_bins, m_min, m_max }, { 11, -0.5, 10.5 } } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_res_z_vs_cluster_size{
+      this,
+      "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_VS_cluster_size",
+      "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_VS_cluster_size",
+      { { m_num_bins, m_min, m_max }, { 11, -0.5, 10.5 } } };
@@ -191,7 +195,7 @@ void PrFTHitsChecker::operator()( const FTHits& FThits, const FTLiteClusters& cl
       for ( auto i = begIndex; i < endIndex; i++ ) {
         const auto& r  = clusters.range();
         auto        it = find_if( r.begin(), r.end(),
-                           [id = FThits.lhcbid( i ).ftID()]( const auto& h ) { return h.channelID() == id; } );
+                                  [id = FThits.lhcbid( i ).ftID()]( const auto& h ) { return h.channelID() == id; } );
         if ( it == r.end() ) {
           debug() << "No cluster is found for " << FThits.lhcbid( i ).ftID() << endmsg;
@@ -232,14 +236,14 @@ void PrFTHitsChecker::operator()( const FTHits& FThits, const FTLiteClusters& cl
           const auto& momentum = MCparticle->momentum();
           if ( !LHCb::essentiallyZero( momentum.Z() ) ) {
             m_tprof_res_x_vs_slope_dxdz[momentum.X() / momentum.Z()] += residual.X();
-            ++m_res_vs_p_x[{residual.X(), momentum.X() / momentum.Z()}];
+            ++m_res_vs_p_x[{ residual.X(), momentum.X() / momentum.Z() }];
           } else {
             m_tprof_res_x_vs_slope_dxdz[-9999.] += -9999.;
-            ++m_res_vs_p_x[{-9999., -9999.}];
+            ++m_res_vs_p_x[{ -9999., -9999. }];
-          ++m_res_x_vs_cluster_size[{residual.X(), cluster_size}];
-          ++m_res_z_vs_cluster_size[{residual.Z(), cluster_size}];
+          ++m_res_x_vs_cluster_size[{ residual.X(), cluster_size }];
+          ++m_res_z_vs_cluster_size[{ residual.Z(), cluster_size }];
           if ( cluster_size == 4 ) {
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrGhostDumper.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrGhostDumper.cpp
index a4471fd3ba539eeeca9ddaf47f325cad344d562a..c02508b04d93c87e998da67b46b95ca7da4ff35d 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrGhostDumper.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrGhostDumper.cpp
@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ public:
   void operator()( const LHCb::Tracks& SeedTracks, const LHCb::ODIN& odin, const LHCb::LinksByKey& ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_seed_location{this, "TrackLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Seed,
-                                               "Container in which are stored reconstructed T-seeds linked to MC "
-                                               "particles"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_output_directory{this, "OutputDirectory", ".", "Directory to store output hTuples"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_seed_location{ this, "TrackLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Seed,
+                                                "Container in which are stored reconstructed T-seeds linked to MC "
+                                                "particles" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_output_directory{ this, "OutputDirectory", ".", "Directory to store output hTuples" };
 // local
@@ -66,16 +66,16 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( PrGhostDumper )
 PrGhostDumper::PrGhostDumper( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {KeyValue{"SeedTrackLocation", LHCb::Event::TrackLocation::Default},
-                 KeyValue{"ODINLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default},
-                 KeyValue{"SeedLinkerLocation", LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::TrackLocation::Default )}} ) {}
+                { KeyValue{ "SeedTrackLocation", LHCb::Event::TrackLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "ODINLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "SeedLinkerLocation", LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::TrackLocation::Default ) } } ) {}
 StatusCode PrGhostDumper::initialize() {
   info() << "Initizaling" << endmsg;
   StatusCode sc = Consumer::initialize();
   if ( sc.isFailure() ) return sc;
-  auto dir = fs::path{m_output_directory.value()};
+  auto dir = fs::path{ m_output_directory.value() };
   if ( !fs::exists( dir ) ) {
     boost::system::error_code ec;
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ void PrGhostDumper::operator()( const LHCb::Tracks& SeedTracks, const LHCb::ODIN
   eventID = odin.eventNumber();
   for ( const auto* track : SeedTracks ) {
-    const LHCb::MCParticle* mcSeedPart = LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{&seed_links}.range( track->key() ).try_front();
+    const LHCb::MCParticle* mcSeedPart = LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{ &seed_links }.range( track->key() ).try_front();
     if ( !mcSeedPart && track && track->position().z() > 7400 ) {
       track_charge = track->charge();
       track_chi2   = track->chi2();
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrLHCbID2MCParticle.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrLHCbID2MCParticle.cpp
index d482d7db2be27621b66c57e282665db2ecdde031..0baf75a49476194791b3f4790f47500c5b043b00 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrLHCbID2MCParticle.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrLHCbID2MCParticle.cpp
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ namespace {
     void operator()( const ClusterContainer& clusters, const LHCb::LinksByKey& clusterLink, LHCb::LinksByKey& idLink,
                      const LHCb::MCParticles& mcParts, BufferedType& nullMCParticles_counter ) {
       for ( const auto& clus : clusters ) {
-        linkAll( clusterLink, idLink, mcParts, clus.channelID(), {clus.channelID().channelID()},
+        linkAll( clusterLink, idLink, mcParts, clus.channelID(), { clus.channelID().channelID() },
                  nullMCParticles_counter );
@@ -156,15 +156,15 @@ namespace {
       auto linkfunc = [&idLink, &mcParts, &hitHandler, &nullMCParticles_counter]( const LHCb::LinksByKey iLink ) {
         for ( const auto& hit : hitHandler.hits() ) {
           linkAll( iLink, idLink, mcParts, hit.chanID(),
-                   {boost::numeric_cast<unsigned int>( hit.chanID().channelID() )}, nullMCParticles_counter );
+                   { boost::numeric_cast<unsigned int>( hit.chanID().channelID() ) }, nullMCParticles_counter );
       if ( utIDconvert ) {
         // below is copy LinksByKey with old ID -> new ID:
-        LHCb::LinksByKey nLink{std::in_place_type<void>, std::in_place_type<LHCb::MCParticle>, clusterLink.order()};
+        LHCb::LinksByKey nLink{ std::in_place_type<void>, std::in_place_type<LHCb::MCParticle>, clusterLink.order() };
         for ( auto [key, _] : clusterLink.keyIndex() ) {
           unsigned int clusterID = LHCb::UTIDMapping::ReconvertID( key );
-          for ( const auto& [mcp, weight] : LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{&clusterLink}.weightedRange( key ) ) {
+          for ( const auto& [mcp, weight] : LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{ &clusterLink }.weightedRange( key ) ) {
             nLink.link( clusterID, &mcp, weight );
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ namespace {
                      LHCb::LinksByKey& idLink, const LHCb::MCParticles& mcParts,
                      BufferedType& nullMCParticles_counter ) {
       for ( const auto& clus : clusters.range() ) {
-        linkAll( clusterLink, idLink, mcParts, clus.channelID(), {clus.channelID().channelID()},
+        linkAll( clusterLink, idLink, mcParts, clus.channelID(), { clus.channelID().channelID() },
                  nullMCParticles_counter );
@@ -238,14 +238,14 @@ public:
   LHCb::LinksByKey operator()( const LHCb::MCParticles& mcParts, const ContainerType&... clusters,
                                const LinksByKeyT<ContainerType>&... links ) const override {
-    LHCb::LinksByKey lhcbLink{std::in_place_type<ContainedObject>, std::in_place_type<LHCb::MCParticle>,
-                              LHCb::LinksByKey::Order::decreasingWeight};
+    LHCb::LinksByKey lhcbLink{ std::in_place_type<ContainedObject>, std::in_place_type<LHCb::MCParticle>,
+                               LHCb::LinksByKey::Order::decreasingWeight };
     auto             buffered_counter = m_nullMCParticles.buffer();
     LoopOverClusters<ContainerType...>{}( clusters..., links..., lhcbLink, mcParts, buffered_counter );
     return lhcbLink;
-  mutable CounterType m_nullMCParticles{this, "#removed null MCParticles"};
+  mutable CounterType m_nullMCParticles{ this, "#removed null MCParticles" };
 // PrLHCbID2MCParticle for a single subdetector
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrMCDebugForwardTool.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrMCDebugForwardTool.cpp
index ba4adb2eb1d54fa0f08ec85d0c4701655436d34e..678307d92542519512d0cf8561520bb92a9c1769 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrMCDebugForwardTool.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrMCDebugForwardTool.cpp
@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
     int check( int track_index = -1, int index = -1, const std::vector<int>& = {} ) const override;
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_matchFrac{this, "MatchFraction", 0.7};
-    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Tracks>                m_inputTracks{this, "InputTracks", ""};
-    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::LinksByKey>            m_inputTrackLinks{this, "InputTrackLinks", ""};
-    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::LinksByKey>            m_SciFiHitLinks{this, "SciFiHitLinks", ""};
-    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCParticles>           m_mcparticles{this, "MCParticles", ""};
-    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Pr::Hits<HitType::FT>> m_SciFiHits{this, "SciFiHits", ""};
-    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCProperty>            m_trackInfo{this, "TrackInfo", ""};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_matchFrac{ this, "MatchFraction", 0.7 };
+    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Tracks>                m_inputTracks{ this, "InputTracks", "" };
+    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::LinksByKey>            m_inputTrackLinks{ this, "InputTrackLinks", "" };
+    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::LinksByKey>            m_SciFiHitLinks{ this, "SciFiHitLinks", "" };
+    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCParticles>           m_mcparticles{ this, "MCParticles", "" };
+    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Pr::Hits<HitType::FT>> m_SciFiHits{ this, "SciFiHits", "" };
+    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCProperty>            m_trackInfo{ this, "TrackInfo", "" };
   // Declaration of the Tool Factory
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
     } );
     if ( std::none_of( input_mcps.begin(), input_mcps.end(),
-                       [trackInfo = MCTrackInfo{*m_trackInfo.get()}]( const auto* mcp ) {
+                       [trackInfo = MCTrackInfo{ *m_trackInfo.get() }]( const auto* mcp ) {
                          return Checker::reconstructibleType( mcp, Event::Enum::Track::Type::Long, trackInfo ).value();
                        } ) ) {
       return 0;
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Forward {
                     [hits = m_SciFiHits.get()]( auto idx ) { return hits->lhcbid( idx ); } );
     std::vector<int> match_counters( input_mcps.size(), 0 );
-    for ( size_t i{0}; i < input_mcps.size(); ++i ) {
+    for ( size_t i{ 0 }; i < input_mcps.size(); ++i ) {
       for ( auto id : lhcbids ) {
         m_SciFiHitLinks.get()->applyToLinks( id.lhcbID(), [&]( auto /*FTChannelID*/, auto mcKey, auto /*weight*/ ) {
           const auto linked_mcp = m_mcparticles.get()->operator()( mcKey );
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrMCDebugMatchToolNN.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrMCDebugMatchToolNN.cpp
index 0ff5368eeb3fe5200fcc59dea03c2b534ae8d75a..d64dbf1364062f4e5b89ea9b57251db8c558029b 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrMCDebugMatchToolNN.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrMCDebugMatchToolNN.cpp
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::MatchNN {
     int check( int veloIndex = -1, int seedIndex = -1, const std::vector<int>& = {} ) const override;
-    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Tracks>      m_veloTracks{this, "VeloTracks", ""};
-    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Tracks>      m_seedTracks{this, "SeedTracks", ""};
-    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::LinksByKey>  m_veloTrackLinks{this, "VeloTrackLinks", ""};
-    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::LinksByKey>  m_seedTrackLinks{this, "SeedTrackLinks", ""};
-    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCParticles> m_mcparticles{this, "MCParticles", ""};
-    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCProperty>  m_trackInfo{this, "TrackInfo", ""};
+    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Tracks>      m_veloTracks{ this, "VeloTracks", "" };
+    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Tracks>      m_seedTracks{ this, "SeedTracks", "" };
+    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::LinksByKey>  m_veloTrackLinks{ this, "VeloTrackLinks", "" };
+    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::LinksByKey>  m_seedTrackLinks{ this, "SeedTrackLinks", "" };
+    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCParticles> m_mcparticles{ this, "MCParticles", "" };
+    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCProperty>  m_trackInfo{ this, "TrackInfo", "" };
   // Declaration of the Tool Factory
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::MatchNN {
     m_seedTrackLinks.get()->applyToLinks( seedIndex, [&]( auto /*seedIndex*/, auto mcKey, auto /*weight*/ ) {
       seed_mcps.push_back( m_mcparticles.get()->operator()( mcKey ) );
     } );
-    auto       found{0};
-    const auto trackInfo = MCTrackInfo{*m_trackInfo.get()};
+    auto       found{ 0 };
+    const auto trackInfo = MCTrackInfo{ *m_trackInfo.get() };
     if ( !velo_mcps.empty() && !seed_mcps.empty() ) {
       auto veloIter = velo_mcps.begin();
       while ( veloIter != velo_mcps.end() ) {
@@ -82,9 +82,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::MatchNN {
         if ( found )
-        else {
-          veloIter = std::next( veloIter );
-        }
+        else { veloIter = std::next( veloIter ); }
     return found;
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrMultiplicityChecker.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrMultiplicityChecker.cpp
index b17078f64bfb4326b6f502a05d52dee5b03cfd7b..b2959e90eb3519a2441f615c7aebce72ddce9250 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrMultiplicityChecker.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrMultiplicityChecker.cpp
@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ class PrMultiplicityChecker : public LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void(
   PrMultiplicityChecker( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                  {KeyValue{"Tracks", ""}, KeyValue{"Links", ""},
-                   KeyValue{"MCParticleInput", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-                   KeyValue{"MCVerticesInput", LHCb::MCVertexLocation::Default},
-                   KeyValue{"MCPropertyInput", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo}, KeyValue{"Velo_Hits", ""},
-                   KeyValue{"Velo_Tracks", ""}, KeyValue{"UT_Hits", UTInfo::HitLocation},
-                   KeyValue{"FT_Hits", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation}} ){};
+                  { KeyValue{ "Tracks", "" }, KeyValue{ "Links", "" },
+                    KeyValue{ "MCParticleInput", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "MCVerticesInput", LHCb::MCVertexLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "MCPropertyInput", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo }, KeyValue{ "Velo_Hits", "" },
+                    KeyValue{ "Velo_Tracks", "" }, KeyValue{ "UT_Hits", UTInfo::HitLocation },
+                    KeyValue{ "FT_Hits", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation } } ){};
   void operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range& tracks, const LHCb::LinksByKey& links, const LHCb::MCParticles& mcParts,
                    const LHCb::MCVertices& mcVert, const LHCb::MCProperty& flags, const PrVP::Hits& Velo_Hits,
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public:
     assert( links.targetClassID() == LHCb::MCParticle::classID() &&
             "Incompatible link table in PrMultiplicityChecker. Target should be McParticle" );
-    auto         trackInfo = MCTrackInfo{flags};
+    auto         trackInfo = MCTrackInfo{ flags };
     unsigned int nPrim     = std::count_if( mcVert.begin(), mcVert.end(), [&]( const auto& vertex ) {
       if ( !vertex->isPrimary() ) return false;
       int nbVisible = std::count_if( mcParts.begin(), mcParts.end(), [&]( const auto& part ) {
@@ -127,15 +127,15 @@ public:
-  ToolHandle<IHistoTool>       m_histoTool{this, "HistoTool", "HistoTool/PrMultiplicityChecker"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_title{this, "Title", ""};
+  ToolHandle<IHistoTool>       m_histoTool{ this, "HistoTool", "HistoTool/PrMultiplicityChecker" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_title{ this, "Title", "" };
-  mutable int          m_totTrack{0}; ///< Total number of tracks processed
-  mutable int          m_totGhost{0}; ///< Total number of ghosts
-  mutable double       m_fracGhost{0};
-  mutable unsigned int m_nEvent{0};
+  mutable int          m_totTrack{ 0 }; ///< Total number of tracks processed
+  mutable int          m_totGhost{ 0 }; ///< Total number of ghosts
+  mutable double       m_fracGhost{ 0 };
+  mutable unsigned int m_nEvent{ 0 };
-  static constexpr auto tag_name = std::array{"Velo", "Upstream", "Forward", "Seed"};
+  static constexpr auto tag_name = std::array{ "Velo", "Upstream", "Forward", "Seed" };
   void initEvent( const IHistoTool* htool, const int nPV, const LHCb::Track::Range& tracks,
                   const LHCb::LinksByKey& links, const PrVP::Hits& Velo_Hits, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& Velo_Tracks,
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ private:
           n_hits_Scifi += 1;
-      std::vector<std::string> track_types{"_Total"};
+      std::vector<std::string> track_types{ "_Total" };
       if ( !links.hasEntry( *track ) ) {
         track_types.push_back( "_Ghosts" );
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ private:
     while ( mother->mother() != NULL ) mother = mother->mother();
     double PVz = mother->originVertex()->position().Z();
-    std::vector<std::string> particle_tags{"_reconstructible"};
+    std::vector<std::string> particle_tags{ "_reconstructible" };
     if ( found ) particle_tags.push_back( "_reconstructed" );
     for ( unsigned int k = 0; type_tags.size() > k; ++k ) {
       if ( type_tags[k] == 0 ) continue;
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrSimpleTrackCounter.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrSimpleTrackCounter.cpp
index 5754a0376a1b7deb019d103152ceab183cbfda75..9033ef89a09e94c4479c662507ddc58d0fb51327 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrSimpleTrackCounter.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrSimpleTrackCounter.cpp
@@ -41,23 +41,23 @@ public:
   PrSimpleTrackCounter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void( Tracks const&, LHCb::MCParticles const&, LHCb::LinksByKey const& )>(
             name, pSvcLocator,
-            {KeyValue{"Tracks", ""}, KeyValue{"MCParticles", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-             KeyValue{"Links", ""}} ){};
+            { KeyValue{ "Tracks", "" }, KeyValue{ "MCParticles", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+              KeyValue{ "Links", "" } } ){};
   void operator()( Tracks const& tracks, LHCb::MCParticles const& mc_particles,
                    LHCb::LinksByKey const& links ) const override {
-    unsigned int index{0};
+    unsigned int index{ 0 };
     for ( auto const& track : tracks ) {
-      unsigned int key{0};
+      unsigned int key{ 0 };
       if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<Tracks, LHCb::Track::Range> ) {
         key = track->index();
       } else {
         key = index;
-      LHCb::MCParticle const* mcparticle{nullptr};
-      float                   max_weight{0};
-      unsigned int            n_mcparticles{0};
+      LHCb::MCParticle const* mcparticle{ nullptr };
+      float                   max_weight{ 0 };
+      unsigned int            n_mcparticles{ 0 };
       links.applyToLinks( key, [&n_mcparticles, &max_weight, &mcparticle,
                                 &mc_particles]( unsigned int /* srcIndex */, unsigned int mcPartKey, float weight ) {
@@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ public:
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>  m_efficiency{this, "Efficiency"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_mcparticles_per_track{this, "MC particles per track"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_weight_per_track{this, "Max weight per track"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>  m_efficiency{ this, "Efficiency" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_mcparticles_per_track{ this, "MC particles per track" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_weight_per_track{ this, "Max weight per track" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( PrSimpleTrackCounter<LHCb::Track::Range>, "PrSimpleTrackCounter" )
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTStationDebugTool.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTStationDebugTool.cpp
index a668220e3bf8b7642074e37290590f1d0df6ca35..22aa2b6d3232e2358cd1bb35b9810fa57f4f9ba5 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTStationDebugTool.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTStationDebugTool.cpp
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( PrTStationDebugTool )
 bool PrTStationDebugTool::matchKey( LHCb::LHCbID id, int key ) const {
   if ( id.isFT() ) {
-    auto links =
-        SmartDataPtr<LHCb::LinksByKey>{evtSvc(), LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::FTLiteClusterLocation::Default )};
-    auto r = LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{links}.range( id.ftID() );
+    auto links = SmartDataPtr<LHCb::LinksByKey>{ evtSvc(),
+                                                 LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::FTLiteClusterLocation::Default ) };
+    auto r     = LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{ links }.range( id.ftID() );
     return std::any_of( r.begin(), r.end(), [key]( const auto& i ) { return i.key() == key; } );
   return false;
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ bool PrTStationDebugTool::matchKey( LHCb::LHCbID id, int key ) const {
 void PrTStationDebugTool::printKey( MsgStream& msg, LHCb::LHCbID id ) const {
   if ( id.isFT() ) {
-    auto links =
-        SmartDataPtr<LHCb::LinksByKey>{evtSvc(), LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::FTLiteClusterLocation::Default )};
-    auto r = LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{links}.range( id.ftID() );
+    auto links = SmartDataPtr<LHCb::LinksByKey>{ evtSvc(),
+                                                 LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::FTLiteClusterLocation::Default ) };
+    auto r     = LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{ links }.range( id.ftID() );
     if ( !r.empty() ) msg << " MC:";
     for ( const auto& p : r ) msg << " " << p.key();
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTrackAssociator.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTrackAssociator.cpp
index 64b4ea37acddafb99de20c6fe599d207807dce10..563248b1df6e23838792061fb2dfdf94ba8134c0 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTrackAssociator.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTrackAssociator.cpp
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ namespace {
   struct TruthCounter {
     TruthCounter() = default;
     TruthCounter( const LHCb::MCParticle* part ) : particle( part ) {}
-    const LHCb::MCParticle* particle{nullptr};
-    unsigned int            nVelo{0};
-    unsigned int            nTT{0};
-    unsigned int            nT{0};
-    unsigned int            nMuon{0};
-    unsigned int            seniority{0};
+    const LHCb::MCParticle* particle{ nullptr };
+    unsigned int            nVelo{ 0 };
+    unsigned int            nTT{ 0 };
+    unsigned int            nT{ 0 };
+    unsigned int            nMuon{ 0 };
+    unsigned int            seniority{ 0 };
     unsigned int            nMeasurements() const { return nVelo + nTT + nT; };
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ namespace {
-    return {total, truthCounters};
+    return { total, truthCounters };
   std::optional<double> matchingFraction( double fractionOK, TruthCounter const& counter, TruthCounter const& total ) {
@@ -230,10 +230,10 @@ public:
       : LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<LHCb::LinksByKey( const LHCb::MCParticles&, const LHCb::MCVertices&, const Tracks&,
                                                        const LHCb::LinksByKey& )>(
             name, pSvcLocator,
-            {KeyValue{"MCParticleLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-             KeyValue{"MCVerticesInput", LHCb::MCVertexLocation::Default}, KeyValue{"SingleContainer", ""},
-             KeyValue{"LinkerLocationID", "Link/Pr/LHCbID"}},
-            KeyValue{"OutputLocation", ""} ){};
+            { KeyValue{ "MCParticleLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+              KeyValue{ "MCVerticesInput", LHCb::MCVertexLocation::Default }, KeyValue{ "SingleContainer", "" },
+              KeyValue{ "LinkerLocationID", "Link/Pr/LHCbID" } },
+            KeyValue{ "OutputLocation", "" } ){};
   LHCb::LinksByKey operator()( const LHCb::MCParticles& mcParts, const LHCb::MCVertices& /* */, const Tracks& tracks,
                                const LHCb::LinksByKey& idlinks ) const override {
     // Create the Linker table from Track to MCParticle
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ public:
     // This has to be done, even if there are no tracks in the event, to satisfy the DST writer
     LHCb::LinksByKey result{
         std::in_place_type<std::conditional_t<std::is_same_v<Tracks, LHCb::Track::Range>, LHCb::Track, void>>,
-        std::in_place_type<LHCb::MCParticle>, LHCb::LinksByKey::Order::decreasingWeight};
+        std::in_place_type<LHCb::MCParticle>, LHCb::LinksByKey::Order::decreasingWeight };
     // Loop over the Tracks
     for ( auto const& [index, tr] : LHCb::range::enumerate( tracks ) ) {
@@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ public:
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_fractionOK{this, "FractionOK", 0.70, "minimal good matching fraction"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>  m_efficiency{this, "Efficiency"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_mcparticles_per_track{this, "MC particles per track"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_fractionOK{ this, "FractionOK", 0.70, "minimal good matching fraction" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>  m_efficiency{ this, "Efficiency" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_mcparticles_per_track{ this, "MC particles per track" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( PrTrackAssociator<LHCb::Track::Range>, "PrTrackAssociator" )
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTrackConverter.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTrackConverter.cpp
index efd17a4402c0ba05ff2f21bc4d3e551411896d65..7f3cc2bd245e95122d9a0e80a146bf1255976d3b 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTrackConverter.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTrackConverter.cpp
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ public:
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( PrTrackConverter )
 PrTrackConverter::PrTrackConverter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{"InputTracksLocation", ""}, KeyValue{"OutKeyedTrackLocation", ""} ) {}
+    : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{ "InputTracksLocation", "" }, KeyValue{ "OutKeyedTrackLocation", "" } ) {
 LHCb::Tracks PrTrackConverter::operator()( const std::vector<LHCb::Track>& inputTracks ) const {
   // Loop over the Tracks
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTrackCounter.h b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTrackCounter.h
index 9fbf7b8b5b7a7888f2da432c5b6accd5f03c6571..67d6b16e8e1a21695b7653b7cae531566f2cf5cd 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTrackCounter.h
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTrackCounter.h
@@ -61,27 +61,27 @@ public:
   enum HitType { Unspecified = 0, VP = 3, UT = 4, FT = 8 };
-  int         m_writeHistos{-1};
-  bool        m_triggerNumbers{false};
-  bool        m_xyPlots{false};
-  int         m_hitTypesToCheck{HitType::Unspecified};
-  bool        m_writetex{false};
+  int         m_writeHistos{ -1 };
+  bool        m_triggerNumbers{ false };
+  bool        m_xyPlots{ false };
+  int         m_hitTypesToCheck{ HitType::Unspecified };
+  bool        m_writetex{ false };
   std::string m_texoutname;
   std::string m_texoutdir;
-  LHCb::Track::Types m_trackType{LHCb::Track::Types::Unknown};
+  LHCb::Track::Types m_trackType{ LHCb::Track::Types::Unknown };
   std::string  m_title;
-  unsigned int m_titleSize{0};
-  unsigned int m_firstNVeloHits{3};
+  unsigned int m_titleSize{ 0 };
+  unsigned int m_firstNVeloHits{ 3 };
   // total variables
-  int          m_totTrack{0};        ///< Total number of tracks processed
-  int          m_totGhost{0};        ///< Total number of ghosts
-  int          m_totTrackTrigger{0}; ///< Total number of tracks processed
-  int          m_totGhostTrigger{0}; ///< Total number of ghosts
-  double       m_fracGhost{0.};
-  unsigned int m_nEvent{0};
+  int          m_totTrack{ 0 };        ///< Total number of tracks processed
+  int          m_totGhost{ 0 };        ///< Total number of ghosts
+  int          m_totTrackTrigger{ 0 }; ///< Total number of tracks processed
+  int          m_totGhostTrigger{ 0 }; ///< Total number of ghosts
+  double       m_fracGhost{ 0. };
+  unsigned int m_nEvent{ 0 };
   std::vector<std::string> m_name;       ///< Name of the sub-counters
   std::vector<bool>        m_writeHisto; ///< Make histograms for this container
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTrackRecoDumper.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTrackRecoDumper.cpp
index bca8dde93083b14cfec3017b3ca241ac8311d6a1..a69a67dcf06c6722d3eb55e0a851c1a6440b402f 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTrackRecoDumper.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTrackRecoDumper.cpp
@@ -199,12 +199,12 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( PrTrackRecoDumper )
 PrTrackRecoDumper::PrTrackRecoDumper( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {KeyValue{"TrackLocation", "Rec/Track/Velo"},
-                 KeyValue{"VPLightClusterLocation", LHCb::VPClusterLocation::Light},
-                 KeyValue{"ODINLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default},
-                 KeyValue{"FTHitsLocation", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation},
-                 KeyValue{"UTHitsLocation", UTInfo::HitLocation}, KeyValue{"LinksLocation", ""},
-                 KeyValue{"MCParticlesLocation", ""}} ) {}
+                { KeyValue{ "TrackLocation", "Rec/Track/Velo" },
+                  KeyValue{ "VPLightClusterLocation", LHCb::VPClusterLocation::Light },
+                  KeyValue{ "ODINLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "FTHitsLocation", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation },
+                  KeyValue{ "UTHitsLocation", UTInfo::HitLocation }, KeyValue{ "LinksLocation", "" },
+                  KeyValue{ "MCParticlesLocation", "" } } ) {}
 // Initialization
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ void PrTrackRecoDumper::operator()( const Tracks& recTracks, const LHCb::VPLight
   for ( const auto& track : recTracks ) {
     // Here we retireve the link between MC particles and reconstructed tracks
-    const LHCb::MCParticle* mcSeedPart{nullptr};
+    const LHCb::MCParticle* mcSeedPart{ nullptr };
     double                  maxWeight( 0 );
     links.applyToLinks( track->key(),
                         [&maxWeight, &mcSeedPart, &mcParts]( unsigned int, unsigned int mcPartKey, float weight ) {
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTrackerDumper2.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTrackerDumper2.cpp
index 3a1dd7b17ec97a182c085d5ecfc9fa21958bdd59..6f8245c74206a3227769b580fbe4ddc5bed97685 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTrackerDumper2.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrTrackerDumper2.cpp
@@ -234,13 +234,14 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( PrTrackerDumper2 )
 PrTrackerDumper2::PrTrackerDumper2( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {KeyValue{"MCParticlesLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-                 KeyValue{"VPLightClusterLocation", LHCb::VPClusterLocation::Light},
-                 KeyValue{"FTHitsLocation", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation},
-                 KeyValue{"UTHitsLocation", UTInfo::HitLocation}, KeyValue{"ODINLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default},
-                 KeyValue{"LinkerLocation", Links::location( "Pr/LHCbID" )},
-                 KeyValue{"MCTrackInfo", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo},
-                 KeyValue{"TrackLinks", LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( "Rec/Track/Keyed/Velo" )}} ) {}
+                { KeyValue{ "MCParticlesLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "VPLightClusterLocation", LHCb::VPClusterLocation::Light },
+                  KeyValue{ "FTHitsLocation", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation },
+                  KeyValue{ "UTHitsLocation", UTInfo::HitLocation },
+                  KeyValue{ "ODINLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "LinkerLocation", Links::location( "Pr/LHCbID" ) },
+                  KeyValue{ "MCTrackInfo", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo },
+                  KeyValue{ "TrackLinks", LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( "Rec/Track/Keyed/Velo" ) } } ) {}
 // Initialization
@@ -371,7 +372,7 @@ void PrTrackerDumper2::operator()( const LHCb::MCParticles& MCParticles, const L
                                    const LHCb::MCProperty& mcProperty, const LHCb::LinksByKey& seed_links ) const {
   verbose() << "Starting to dump..." << endmsg;
-  auto lock = std::scoped_lock{m_mutex};
+  auto lock = std::scoped_lock{ m_mutex };
   // Look for associated MC  particle to the hit
   InputLinks<ContainedObject, LHCb::MCParticle> HitMCParticleLinks( links );
@@ -453,7 +454,7 @@ void PrTrackerDumper2::operator()( const LHCb::MCParticles& MCParticles, const L
   eventID = odin.eventNumber();
-  const auto trackInfo = MCTrackInfo{mcProperty};
+  const auto trackInfo = MCTrackInfo{ mcProperty };
   nbHits_in_UT    = computeNumberUTHits( prUTHitHandler );
   nbHits_in_SciFi = ftHits.size();
@@ -470,7 +471,7 @@ void PrTrackerDumper2::operator()( const LHCb::MCParticles& MCParticles, const L
-    const LHCb::Track* mcSeedPart = LinkedFrom<LHCb::Track>{&seed_links}.range( mcparticle ).try_front();
+    const LHCb::Track* mcSeedPart = LinkedFrom<LHCb::Track>{ &seed_links }.range( mcparticle ).try_front();
     // Velo
     nVeloHits = 0;
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrUTCounter.h b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrUTCounter.h
index cc4139f43c6c351c39c9e589475f63cae72a3925..7a94e187af60590176266574ed6ada290a573f9c 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrUTCounter.h
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrUTCounter.h
@@ -52,18 +52,18 @@ public:
   void        setTeXName( const std::string&, const std::string& ) {}
-  int  m_writeHistos{-1};
-  bool m_triggerNumbers{false};
-  bool m_xyPlots{false};
+  int  m_writeHistos{ -1 };
+  bool m_triggerNumbers{ false };
+  bool m_xyPlots{ false };
   std::string  m_title;
-  unsigned int m_titleSize{0};
+  unsigned int m_titleSize{ 0 };
-  int          m_totTrack{0};
-  unsigned int m_nbGhost{0};
-  unsigned int m_nbGhostHit{0};
-  int          m_totTrackTrigger{0}; ///< Total number of tracks processed
-  int          m_totGhostTrigger{0};
+  int          m_totTrack{ 0 };
+  unsigned int m_nbGhost{ 0 };
+  unsigned int m_nbGhostHit{ 0 };
+  int          m_totTrackTrigger{ 0 }; ///< Total number of tracks processed
+  int          m_totGhostTrigger{ 0 };
   std::vector<std::string> m_name;       ///< Name of the sub-counters
   std::vector<bool>        m_writeHisto; ///< Make histograms for this container
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrUTHitsChecker.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrUTHitsChecker.cpp
index 802afefdb77ffa21aa5fa49e2d8c647aaec9a95f..0ebf993bc5fba69d37eb9780455727d1c0fe0d7a 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrUTHitsChecker.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrUTHitsChecker.cpp
@@ -59,102 +59,104 @@ class PrUTHitsChecker final
   PrUTHitsChecker( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                  {KeyValue{"UTHitsLocation", UTInfo::HitLocation},
-                   KeyValue{"UTHits2MCHitLinksLocation", LHCb::UTClusterLocation::UTClusters + "2MCHits"},
-                   KeyValue{"MCHitsLocation", LHCb::MCHitLocation::UT},
-                   KeyValue{"MCParticleLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-                   KeyValue{"DeUT", DeUTDetLocation::location()}} ) {}
+                  { KeyValue{ "UTHitsLocation", UTInfo::HitLocation },
+                    KeyValue{ "UTHits2MCHitLinksLocation", LHCb::UTClusterLocation::UTClusters + "2MCHits" },
+                    KeyValue{ "MCHitsLocation", LHCb::MCHitLocation::UT },
+                    KeyValue{ "MCParticleLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "DeUT", DeUTDetLocation::location() } } ) {}
   void operator()( const UTHits&, const LHCb::LinksByKey&, const MCHits&, const MCParticles&,
                    const DeUTDetector& ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_isGlobal{this, "isGlobal", true, "Boolean for choosing global coordinate system"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_performStudy{this, "performStudy", false,
-                                       "Boolean for performing studies with cluster size and diraction of mcparticle"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_min{this, "m_min_bin", -1., "Double for left boundary of residuals range"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_max{this, "m_max_bin", 1., "Double for right boundary of residuals range"};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_num_bins{this, "m_num_bins", 100, "Int for number of bins"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_isGlobal{ this, "isGlobal", true, "Boolean for choosing global coordinate system" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_performStudy{
+      this, "performStudy", false, "Boolean for performing studies with cluster size and diraction of mcparticle" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_min{ this, "m_min_bin", -1., "Double for left boundary of residuals range" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_max{ this, "m_max_bin", 1., "Double for right boundary of residuals range" };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_num_bins{ this, "m_num_bins", 100, "Int for number of bins" };
   const std::string             sensor_types = "ABCD";
-  static constexpr const char*  layers[4]    = {"aX", "aU", "bV", "bX"};
+  static constexpr const char*  layers[4]    = { "aX", "aU", "bV", "bX" };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_cluster_charge{this, "clusterCharge", "clusterCharge", {50, 0, 50}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_cluster_charge{ this, "clusterCharge", "clusterCharge", { 50, 0, 50 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>, 4> m_cluster_charge_sensors{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "clusterCharge_Sensor{}", (char)( 'A' + n ) ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "clusterCharge_Sensor{}", (char)( 'A' + n ) ); },
-      {50, 0, 50},
+      { 50, 0, 50 },
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2>, 4> m_cluster_charge_sensors_strips{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "clusterCharge_Sensor{}_byStrips", (char)( 'A' + n ) ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "clusterCharge_Sensor{}_byStrips", (char)( 'A' + n ) ); },
-      {50, 0, 50},
-      {4, 1, 5},
+      { 50, 0, 50 },
+      { 4, 1, 5 },
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_x{
-      this, "residuals_X", "residuals_X", {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max}};
+      this, "residuals_X", "residuals_X", { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>, 4> m_res_x_sensors{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "residuals_X_Sensor{}", (char)( 'A' + n ) ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "residuals_X_Sensor{}", (char)( 'A' + n ) ); },
-      {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max}};
+      { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2>, 4> m_res_x_sensors_strips{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "residuals_X_Sensor{}_byStrips", (char)( 'A' + n ) ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "residuals_X_Sensor{}_byStrips", (char)( 'A' + n ) ); },
-      {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max},
-      {4, 1, 5}};
+      { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max },
+      { 4, 1, 5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>, 4> m_res_x_layers{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "residuals_X_UT{}", layers[n] ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "residuals_X_UT{}", layers[n] ); },
-      {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max}};
+      { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_x_zoom{
-      this, "residuals_X_zoom", "residuals_X_zoom", {m_num_bins * 10, -0.5, 0.5}};
+      this, "residuals_X_zoom", "residuals_X_zoom", { m_num_bins * 10, -0.5, 0.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>, 4> m_res_x_planes{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "residuals_X_plane_{}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "residuals_X_plane_{}", n ); },
-      {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max}};
+      { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_z{
-      this, "residuals_Z", "residuals_Z", {m_num_bins * 10, m_min * 20, m_max * 20}};
+      this, "residuals_Z", "residuals_Z", { m_num_bins * 10, m_min * 20, m_max * 20 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>, 4> m_res_z_planes{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "residuals_Z_plane_{}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "residuals_Z_plane_{}", n ); },
-      {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max}};
+      { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max } };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2>                                         m_res_vs_p_x{this,
-                                                         "residuals_X_VS_slope_dxdz",
-                                                         "residuals_X_VS_slope_dxdz",
-                                                         {{m_num_bins, m_min, m_max}, {m_num_bins, -1., 1.}}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2>                                         m_res_vs_p_x{ this,
+                                                          "residuals_X_VS_slope_dxdz",
+                                                          "residuals_X_VS_slope_dxdz",
+                                                                                                  { { m_num_bins, m_min, m_max }, { m_num_bins, -1., 1. } } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2>, 3> m_fracStrip{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "fracStrip_reco_vs_truth_{}strip", n + 2 ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "fracStrip_reco_vs_truth_{}strip", n + 2 ); },
-      {100, -1.0, 1.0},
-      {100, -1.0, 1.0}};
+      { 100, -1.0, 1.0 },
+      { 100, -1.0, 1.0 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_cluster{
-      this, "cluster_size", "cluster_size; cluster size; counts", {11, -0.5, 10.5}};
+      this, "cluster_size", "cluster_size; cluster size; counts", { 11, -0.5, 10.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_tprof_res_x_vs_slope_dxdz{
-      this, "profile_res_X_VS_slope_dxdz", "profile_res_X_VS_slope_dxdz", {m_num_bins, m_min, m_max}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_res_x_vs_cluster_size{this,
-                                                                    "residuals_X_VS_cluster_size",
-                                                                    "residuals_X_VS_cluster_size",
-                                                                    {{m_num_bins, m_min, m_max}, {11, -0.5, 10.5}}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_res_z_vs_cluster_size{this,
-                                                                    "residuals_Z_VS_cluster_size",
-                                                                    "residuals_Z_VS_cluster_size",
-                                                                    {{m_num_bins, m_min, m_max}, {11, -0.5, 10.5}}};
+      this, "profile_res_X_VS_slope_dxdz", "profile_res_X_VS_slope_dxdz", { m_num_bins, m_min, m_max } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_res_x_vs_cluster_size{
+      this,
+      "residuals_X_VS_cluster_size",
+      "residuals_X_VS_cluster_size",
+      { { m_num_bins, m_min, m_max }, { 11, -0.5, 10.5 } } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_res_z_vs_cluster_size{
+      this,
+      "residuals_Z_VS_cluster_size",
+      "residuals_Z_VS_cluster_size",
+      { { m_num_bins, m_min, m_max }, { 11, -0.5, 10.5 } } };
@@ -239,7 +241,7 @@ void PrUTHitsChecker::operator()( const UTHits& UThits, const LHCb::LinksByKey&
             double         fracStripMC = ( mcHit->midPoint().x() - trajPosition ) / sector->sensor( 0 ).pitch();
-            ++( m_fracStrip[clusterSize - 2] )[{fracStrip, fracStripMC}];
+            ++( m_fracStrip[clusterSize - 2] )[{ fracStrip, fracStripMC }];
           Gaudi::XYZVector residual      = m_isGlobal ? UThit - ( mcHit->midPoint() ) : UThit_local - ( mcHit_local );
           const auto       clusterCharge = hit.get<LHCb::Pr::UT::UTHitsTag::clusterCharge>().cast();
@@ -249,9 +251,9 @@ void PrUTHitsChecker::operator()( const UTHits& UThits, const LHCb::LinksByKey&
           unsigned int sensor_type = sensor_types.find( sector.sensor().sensorType() );
           ++( m_res_x_sensors[sensor_type] )[residual.X()];
-          ++( m_res_x_sensors_strips[sensor_type] )[{residual.X(), clusterSize}];
+          ++( m_res_x_sensors_strips[sensor_type] )[{ residual.X(), clusterSize }];
           ++( m_cluster_charge_sensors[sensor_type] )[clusterCharge];
-          ++( m_cluster_charge_sensors_strips[sensor_type] )[{clusterCharge, clusterSize}];
+          ++( m_cluster_charge_sensors_strips[sensor_type] )[{ clusterCharge, clusterSize }];
@@ -262,11 +264,11 @@ void PrUTHitsChecker::operator()( const UTHits& UThits, const LHCb::LinksByKey&
           const auto momentum   = MCparticle->momentum();
           if ( momentum.Z() != 0 ) {
             m_tprof_res_x_vs_slope_dxdz[momentum.X() / momentum.Z()] += residual.X();
-            ++m_res_vs_p_x[{residual.X(), momentum.X() / momentum.Z()}];
+            ++m_res_vs_p_x[{ residual.X(), momentum.X() / momentum.Z() }];
           } else {
             m_tprof_res_x_vs_slope_dxdz[-9999.] += -9999.;
-            ++m_res_vs_p_x[{-9999., -9999.}];
+            ++m_res_vs_p_x[{ -9999., -9999. }];
         } // loop mcHits
       }   // loop indices
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrVPHitsChecker.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrVPHitsChecker.cpp
index 68a533f41ebe0115421021f2bb01cf5718e253ff..79bea6e62c100c6da9c3b265aad153f928d56dfd 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrVPHitsChecker.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrVPHitsChecker.cpp
@@ -57,68 +57,71 @@ class PrVPHitsChecker final
                                        LHCb::Algorithm::Traits::usesConditions<DeVP>> {
   PrVPHitsChecker( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : Consumer{name,
-                 pSvcLocator,
-                 {KeyValue{"VPHitsLocation", "Raw/VP/Hits"},
-                  KeyValue{"VPFullClusterLocation", LHCb::VPFullClusterLocation::Default},
-                  KeyValue{"VPHits2MCHitLinksLocation", "Link/Pr/LHCbID"},
-                  KeyValue{"MCHitsLocation", LHCb::MCHitLocation::VP},
-                  KeyValue{"MCParticleLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-                  KeyValue{"DeVP", LHCb::Det::VP::det_path}}} {}
+      : Consumer{ name,
+                  pSvcLocator,
+                  { KeyValue{ "VPHitsLocation", "Raw/VP/Hits" },
+                    KeyValue{ "VPFullClusterLocation", LHCb::VPFullClusterLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "VPHits2MCHitLinksLocation", "Link/Pr/LHCbID" },
+                    KeyValue{ "MCHitsLocation", LHCb::MCHitLocation::VP },
+                    KeyValue{ "MCParticleLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "DeVP", LHCb::Det::VP::det_path } } } {}
   void operator()( const Hits&, const std::vector<VPFullClus>&, const LHCb::LinksByKey&, const MCHits&,
                    const MCParticles&, const DeVP& ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_isGlobal{this, "isGlobal", true, "Boolean for choosing global coordinate system"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_performStudy{this, "performStudy", false,
-                                       "Boolean for performing studies with cluster size and diraction of mcparticle"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_min{this, "min_bin", -0.5, "Double for left boundary of residuals range"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_max{this, "max_bin", 0.5, "Double for right boundary of residuals range"};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_num_bins{this, "num_bins", 100, "Int for number of bins"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_isGlobal{ this, "isGlobal", true, "Boolean for choosing global coordinate system" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_performStudy{
+      this, "performStudy", false, "Boolean for performing studies with cluster size and diraction of mcparticle" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_min{ this, "min_bin", -0.5, "Double for left boundary of residuals range" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_max{ this, "max_bin", 0.5, "Double for right boundary of residuals range" };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_num_bins{ this, "num_bins", 100, "Int for number of bins" };
   const std::string             geom_name = m_isGlobal ? "" : "_local";
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_nomchit{this, "No MCHit is found in the plane of VPHit"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_nomcparticle{this, "No MCParticle is found for MCHit"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_nomchit{ this, "No MCHit is found in the plane of VPHit" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_nomcparticle{ this, "No MCParticle is found for MCHit" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>             m_res_x{
-      this, "residuals" + geom_name + "_X", "residuals" + geom_name + "_X", {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max}};
+      this, "residuals" + geom_name + "_X", "residuals" + geom_name + "_X", { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_y{
-      this, "residuals" + geom_name + "_Y", "residuals" + geom_name + "_Y", {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max}};
+      this, "residuals" + geom_name + "_Y", "residuals" + geom_name + "_Y", { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_res_z{
-      this, "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z", "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z", {m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> res_vs_p_x{this,
-                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_VS_slope_dxdz",
-                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_VS_slope_dxdz",
-                                                       {{m_num_bins, m_min, m_max}, {m_num_bins, -1., 1.}}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> res_vs_p_y{this,
-                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_Y_VS_slope_dydz",
-                                                       "residuals" + geom_name + "_Y_VS_slope_dydz",
-                                                       {{m_num_bins, m_min, m_max}, {m_num_bins, -1., 1.}}};
+      this, "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z", "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z", { m_num_bins * 10, m_min, m_max } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> res_vs_p_x{ this,
+                                                        "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_VS_slope_dxdz",
+                                                        "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_VS_slope_dxdz",
+                                                        { { m_num_bins, m_min, m_max }, { m_num_bins, -1., 1. } } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> res_vs_p_y{ this,
+                                                        "residuals" + geom_name + "_Y_VS_slope_dydz",
+                                                        "residuals" + geom_name + "_Y_VS_slope_dydz",
+                                                        { { m_num_bins, m_min, m_max }, { m_num_bins, -1., 1. } } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> cluster{
-      this, "cluster_size", "cluster_size; cluster size; counts", {11, -0.5, 10.5}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2>        res_x_vs_cluster_size{this,
-                                                                  "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_VS_cluster_size",
-                                                                  "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_VS_cluster_size",
-                                                                  {{m_num_bins, m_min, m_max}, {11, -0.5, 10.5}}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2>        res_y_vs_cluster_size{this,
-                                                                  "residuals" + geom_name + "_Y_VS_cluster_size",
-                                                                  "residuals" + geom_name + "_Y_VS_cluster_size",
-                                                                  {{m_num_bins, m_min, m_max}, {11, -0.5, 10.5}}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2>        res_z_vs_cluster_size{this,
-                                                                  "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_VS_cluster_size",
-                                                                  "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_VS_cluster_size",
-                                                                  {{m_num_bins, m_min, m_max}, {11, -0.5, 10.5}}};
+      this, "cluster_size", "cluster_size; cluster size; counts", { 11, -0.5, 10.5 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> res_x_vs_cluster_size{
+      this,
+      "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_VS_cluster_size",
+      "residuals" + geom_name + "_X_VS_cluster_size",
+      { { m_num_bins, m_min, m_max }, { 11, -0.5, 10.5 } } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> res_y_vs_cluster_size{
+      this,
+      "residuals" + geom_name + "_Y_VS_cluster_size",
+      "residuals" + geom_name + "_Y_VS_cluster_size",
+      { { m_num_bins, m_min, m_max }, { 11, -0.5, 10.5 } } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> res_z_vs_cluster_size{
+      this,
+      "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_VS_cluster_size",
+      "residuals" + geom_name + "_Z_VS_cluster_size",
+      { { m_num_bins, m_min, m_max }, { 11, -0.5, 10.5 } } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> tprof_res_x_vs_slope_dxdz{
       "profile_res" + geom_name + "_X_VS_slope_dxdz",
       "profile_res" + geom_name + "_X_VS_slope_dxdz",
-      {m_num_bins, m_min, m_max}};
+      { m_num_bins, m_min, m_max } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> tprof_res_y_vs_slope_dydz{
       "profile_res" + geom_name + "_Y_VS_slope_dydz",
       "profile_res" + geom_name + "_Y_VS_slope_dydz",
-      {m_num_bins, m_min, m_max}};
+      { m_num_bins, m_min, m_max } };
@@ -137,8 +140,8 @@ void PrVPHitsChecker::operator()( const Hits& VPHits, const std::vector<VPFullCl
       const Gaudi::XYZPoint VPhit( vec.x().cast(), vec.y().cast(), vec.z().cast() );
       // get MCParticles that have the same VPChannelID
-      LHCb::MCHit const* MChit{nullptr};
-      float              max_weight{0};
+      LHCb::MCHit const* MChit{ nullptr };
+      float              max_weight{ 0 };
       links.applyToLinks( unwrapped_num,
                           [&max_weight, &MChit, &mchits]( unsigned int, unsigned int mcHitKey, float weight ) {
@@ -163,11 +166,11 @@ void PrVPHitsChecker::operator()( const Hits& VPHits, const std::vector<VPFullCl
     for ( auto& ch : clusters ) {
       const unsigned int    channelID = ch.channelID();
       const Gaudi::XYZPoint VPCluster( ch.x(), ch.y(), ch.z() );
-      const auto            id   = LHCb::LHCbID{LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID( channelID )};
+      const auto            id   = LHCb::LHCbID{ LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID( channelID ) };
       const auto&           sens = det.sensor( id.vpID() );
-      LHCb::MCHit const* MChit{nullptr};
-      float              max_weight{0};
+      LHCb::MCHit const* MChit{ nullptr };
+      float              max_weight{ 0 };
       links.applyToLinks( channelID,
                           [&max_weight, &MChit, &mchits]( unsigned int, unsigned int mcHitKey, float weight ) {
                             if ( weight > max_weight ) MChit = mchits[mcHitKey];
@@ -190,12 +193,12 @@ void PrVPHitsChecker::operator()( const Hits& VPHits, const std::vector<VPFullCl
-      ++res_x_vs_cluster_size[{residual.X(), pixels.size()}];
-      ++res_y_vs_cluster_size[{residual.Y(), pixels.size()}];
-      ++res_z_vs_cluster_size[{residual.Z(), pixels.size()}];
+      ++res_x_vs_cluster_size[{ residual.X(), pixels.size() }];
+      ++res_y_vs_cluster_size[{ residual.Y(), pixels.size() }];
+      ++res_z_vs_cluster_size[{ residual.Z(), pixels.size() }];
-      ++res_vs_p_x[{residual.X(), momentum.X() / momentum.Z()}];
-      ++res_vs_p_y[{residual.Y(), momentum.Y() / momentum.Z()}];
+      ++res_vs_p_x[{ residual.X(), momentum.X() / momentum.Z() }];
+      ++res_vs_p_y[{ residual.Y(), momentum.Y() / momentum.Z() }];
       tprof_res_x_vs_slope_dxdz[momentum.X() / momentum.Z()] += residual.X();
       tprof_res_y_vs_slope_dydz[momentum.Y() / momentum.Z()] += residual.Y();
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrVeloHeavyFlavourTrackingChecker.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrVeloHeavyFlavourTrackingChecker.cpp
index f7ab37e118676bf3696fb76c0352a302e9d8bdd2..0eea2b06d93ef1746e8145b674b4ab743736b8cc 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrVeloHeavyFlavourTrackingChecker.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/PrVeloHeavyFlavourTrackingChecker.cpp
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ namespace {
   struct DecayMCParticles {
     LHCb::MCParticle const*                B        = NULL;
     LHCb::MCParticle const*                tau      = NULL;
-    std::array<LHCb::MCParticle const*, 3> pions    = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
-    std::array<Composite const*, 3>        recpions = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
+    std::array<LHCb::MCParticle const*, 3> pions    = { NULL, NULL, NULL };
+    std::array<Composite const*, 3>        recpions = { NULL, NULL, NULL };
   struct WeightedHit {
@@ -188,36 +188,37 @@ public:
   // standard constructor
   PrVeloHeavyFlavourTrackingChecker( std::string const& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-      : base_type{name,
-                  pSvc,
-                  {KeyValue{"MCParticles", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default}, KeyValue{"PVs", ""},
-                   KeyValue{"MCHits", "/Event/MC/VP/Hits"}, KeyValue{"VPLinks", ""}, KeyValue{"TrackLinks", ""}}} {}
+      : base_type{ name,
+                   pSvc,
+                   { KeyValue{ "MCParticles", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default }, KeyValue{ "PVs", "" },
+                     KeyValue{ "MCHits", "/Event/MC/VP/Hits" }, KeyValue{ "VPLinks", "" },
+                     KeyValue{ "TrackLinks", "" } } } {}
   // main execution
   void operator()( MCParticles const&, PVs const&, MCHits const&, Links const&, Links const& ) const override;
   // data that might not be there
-  DataObjectReadHandle<Composites>   m_composites{this, "Composites", ""};
-  DataObjectReadHandle<P2TRelations> m_relations{this, "Composite2HeavyFlavourTrackRelations", ""};
+  DataObjectReadHandle<Composites>   m_composites{ this, "Composites", "" };
+  DataObjectReadHandle<P2TRelations> m_relations{ this, "Composite2HeavyFlavourTrackRelations", "" };
   // monitoring
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_hftrack_global_eff{this,
-                                                                      "Eff: has HF track | sel'd FS & HF reco'ible"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_hftrack_pure_eff{this,
-                                                                    "HF track: MC-matched | sel'd FS & HF reco'ible"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_reconstructible_hf_track{this, "HF track: reco'ible"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_reconstructed_hf_track{this, "HF track: reco'd | reco'ible"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_hftrack_global_eff{ this,
+                                                                       "Eff: has HF track | sel'd FS & HF reco'ible" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_hftrack_pure_eff{ this,
+                                                                     "HF track: MC-matched | sel'd FS & HF reco'ible" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_reconstructible_hf_track{ this, "HF track: reco'ible" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_reconstructed_hf_track{ this, "HF track: reco'd | reco'ible" };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<int>  m_hftrack_nhits{this, "HF track: #hits | sel'd FS & HF track"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_hftrack_purity{this, "HF track: hit purity | sel'd FS & HF track"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<int>  m_hftrack_nhits{ this, "HF track: #hits | sel'd FS & HF track" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_hftrack_purity{ this, "HF track: hit purity | sel'd FS & HF track" };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_vphit_for_mchit_eff{this, "Eff: VP hit for VP MCHit"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_vphit_for_mchit_eff{ this, "Eff: VP hit for VP MCHit" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_hit_on_track_for_vphit_with_mchit_eff{
-      this, "Eff: true hit on track | sel'd FS & HF track"};
+      this, "Eff: true hit on track | sel'd FS & HF track" };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_reconstructed_eff{this, "Final state (FS): reco'd"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_final_state_eff{this, "Final state (FS): sel'd | reco'd"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_reconstructed_eff{ this, "Final state (FS): reco'd" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_final_state_eff{ this, "Final state (FS): sel'd | reco'd" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( PrVeloHeavyFlavourTrackingChecker, "PrVeloHeavyFlavourTrackingChecker" )
@@ -234,7 +235,7 @@ void PrVeloHeavyFlavourTrackingChecker::operator()( MCParticles const& mcparts,
   std::map<LHCb::MCHit const*, std::vector<WeightedHit>> channelIDForMCHit;
       [&channelIDForMCHit, &mchits]( unsigned int channelID, unsigned int mcHitKey, float weight ) {
-        channelIDForMCHit[mchits[mcHitKey]].emplace_back( WeightedHit{channelID, weight} );
+        channelIDForMCHit[mchits[mcHitKey]].emplace_back( WeightedHit{ channelID, weight } );
       } );
   // fill for all tracks
@@ -287,7 +288,7 @@ void PrVeloHeavyFlavourTrackingChecker::operator()( MCParticles const& mcparts,
         auto track_lhcbids = track->lhcbIDs();
         n_matches          = std::count_if( ids.begin(), ids.end(), [&track_lhcbids]( auto whit ) {
           return std::count_if( track_lhcbids.begin(), track_lhcbids.end(),
-                                [&whit]( auto lhcbid ) { return lhcbid.vpID() == whit.id; } ) > 0;
+                                         [&whit]( auto lhcbid ) { return lhcbid.vpID() == whit.id; } ) > 0;
         } );
       if ( reconstructed && has_comp && has_hits ) {
@@ -303,13 +304,13 @@ void PrVeloHeavyFlavourTrackingChecker::operator()( MCParticles const& mcparts,
         unsigned int channelid = lhcbid.vpID();
         int          n_match_per_hit =
             bhits.empty() ? 0
-                          : std::count_if( bhits.begin(), bhits.end(), [&channelIDForMCHit, &channelid]( auto mchit ) {
+                                   : std::count_if( bhits.begin(), bhits.end(), [&channelIDForMCHit, &channelid]( auto mchit ) {
                               auto map_iter = channelIDForMCHit.find( mchit );
                               int  n_match_per_hit_per_mchit =
                                   ( map_iter == channelIDForMCHit.end() )
-                                      ? 0
-                                      : std::count_if( map_iter->second.begin(), map_iter->second.end(),
-                                                       [&channelid]( auto whit ) { return whit.id == channelid; } );
+                                                ? 0
+                                                : std::count_if( map_iter->second.begin(), map_iter->second.end(),
+                                                                 [&channelid]( auto whit ) { return whit.id == channelid; } );
                               return n_match_per_hit_per_mchit > 0;
                             } );
         if ( n_match_per_hit > 0 ) n_matched_hits++;
diff --git a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/VPClusterEfficiency.cpp b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/VPClusterEfficiency.cpp
index 473b57ec11562e35576f2da262f612e5af3b9758..c54da86727e85a701307cae750306cdb34ee6775 100644
--- a/Pr/PrMCTools/src/VPClusterEfficiency.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrMCTools/src/VPClusterEfficiency.cpp
@@ -40,436 +40,447 @@ public:
                    const DeVP& ) const override;
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>    m_num_clusters{this, "# clusters per event"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>    m_num_pix_clu{this, "# pixels per cluster"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>    m_num_pix_hit{this, "# pixels per MCHit"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_efficiency{this, "Cluster Efficiency"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>    m_residual_x{this, "Residuals x [mm]"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>    m_residual_y{this, "Residuals y [mm]"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>    m_purity{this, "Purity"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>    m_num_clusters{ this, "# clusters per event" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>    m_num_pix_clu{ this, "# pixels per cluster" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>    m_num_pix_hit{ this, "# pixels per MCHit" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_efficiency{ this, "Cluster Efficiency" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>    m_residual_x{ this, "Residuals x [mm]" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>    m_residual_y{ this, "Residuals y [mm]" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>    m_purity{ this, "Purity" };
   // MCHit related histograms
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2>, 52> m_mcHitXYPerModule{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "All MCHit x,y VP module {}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "All MCHit x,y VP module {}", n ); },
-      {240, -60, 60},
-      {240, -60, 60}};
+      { 240, -60, 60 },
+      { 240, -60, 60 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2> m_mcHitXY{
-      this, "All MCHit x,y VP all modules", "All MCHit x,y VP all modules", {240, -60, 60}, {240, -60, 60}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_mcHitDistTravel{this,
-                                                                    "Distance travelled by MCHit in VP sensor (mm)",
-                                                                    "Distance travelled by MCHit in VP sensor (mm)",
-                                                                    {100, 0, 1}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_mcHitEnergyDeposit{this,
-                                                                       "Energy depotisted by MCHit in VP sensor (MeV)",
-                                                                       "Energy depotisted by MCHit in VP sensor (MeV)",
-                                                                       {100, 0, 1}};
+      this, "All MCHit x,y VP all modules", "All MCHit x,y VP all modules", { 240, -60, 60 }, { 240, -60, 60 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_mcHitDistTravel{ this,
+                                                                     "Distance travelled by MCHit in VP sensor (mm)",
+                                                                     "Distance travelled by MCHit in VP sensor (mm)",
+                                                                     { 100, 0, 1 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_mcHitEnergyDeposit{ this,
+                                                                        "Energy depotisted by MCHit in VP sensor (MeV)",
+                                                                        "Energy depotisted by MCHit in VP sensor (MeV)",
+                                                                        { 100, 0, 1 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<2>, 52> m_mcHitEffXYPerModule{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Efficiency MCHit -> Pixel x,y VP module {}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Efficiency MCHit -> Pixel x,y VP module {}", n ); },
-      {240, -60, 60},
-      {240, -60, 60}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<2> m_mcHitEffXY{this,
-                                                                      "Efficiency MCHit -> Pixel x,y VP all modules",
-                                                                      "Efficiency MCHit -> Pixel x,y VP all modules",
-                                                                      {240, -60, 60},
-                                                                      {240, -60, 60}};
+      { 240, -60, 60 },
+      { 240, -60, 60 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<2> m_mcHitEffXY{ this,
+                                                                       "Efficiency MCHit -> Pixel x,y VP all modules",
+                                                                       "Efficiency MCHit -> Pixel x,y VP all modules",
+                                                                       { 240, -60, 60 },
+                                                                       { 240, -60, 60 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_mcHitEffvDist{
       "Efficiency (MCHit->Pixel) v distance travelled by MCHit in VP sensor (mm)",
       "Efficiency (MCHit->Pixel) v distance travelled by MCHit in VP sensor (mm)",
-      {100, 0, 1}};
+      { 100, 0, 1 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_mcHitEffvEnergy{
       "Efficiency (MCHit->Pixel) v energy depotisted by MCHit in VP sensor (MeV)",
       "Efficiency (MCHit->Pixel) v energy depotisted by MCHit in VP sensor (MeV)",
-      {100, 0, 1}};
+      { 100, 0, 1 } };
   // Cluster related histograms
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_nHitsPerPixel{
-      this, "Number of MCHits per VP pixel", "Number of MCHits per VP pixel", {10, -0.5, 9.5}};
+      this, "Number of MCHits per VP pixel", "Number of MCHits per VP pixel", { 10, -0.5, 9.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_nMCParticlesPerPixel{
-      this, "Number of MCParticles per VP pixel", "Number of MCParticles per VP pixel", {10, -0.5, 9.5}};
+      this, "Number of MCParticles per VP pixel", "Number of MCParticles per VP pixel", { 10, -0.5, 9.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2> m_nMCParticlesPerPixelModule{
       "Number of MCParticles per VP Pixel v module",
       "Number of MCParticles per VP Pixel v module",
-      {10, -0.5, 9.5},
-      {52, -0.5, 51.5}};
+      { 10, -0.5, 9.5 },
+      { 52, -0.5, 51.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_nParticlesPerCluster{
-      this, "Number of MCParticles per VP Cluster", "Number of MCParticles per VP Cluster", {10, -0.5, 9.5}};
+      this, "Number of MCParticles per VP Cluster", "Number of MCParticles per VP Cluster", { 10, -0.5, 9.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2> m_nParticlesPerClusterModule{
       "Number of MCParticles per VP Cluster v module",
       "Number of MCParticles per VP Cluster v module",
-      {10, -0.5, 9.5},
-      {52, -0.5, 51.5}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_spillPerCluster{
-      this, "Fraction pixels spill or noise per cluster", "Fraction pixels spill or noise per cluster", {26, 0., 1.04}};
+      { 10, -0.5, 9.5 },
+      { 52, -0.5, 51.5 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_spillPerCluster{ this,
+                                                                     "Fraction pixels spill or noise per cluster",
+                                                                     "Fraction pixels spill or noise per cluster",
+                                                                     { 26, 0., 1.04 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2> m_spillPerClusterSize{
       "Fraction pixels spill or noise per cluster v cluster size",
       "Fraction pixels spill or noise per cluster v cluster size",
-      {26, 0., 1.04},
-      {50, 0.5, 50.5}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2>                                          m_goodCluterPos{this,
-                                                                  "Good (>70% true) Clusters pos all modules",
-                                                                  "Good (>70% true) Clusters pos all modules",
-                                                                  {240, -60, 60},
-                                                                  {240, -60, 60}};
+      { 26, 0., 1.04 },
+      { 50, 0.5, 50.5 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2>                                          m_goodCluterPos{ this,
+                                                                   "Good (>70% true) Clusters pos all modules",
+                                                                   "Good (>70% true) Clusters pos all modules",
+                                                                                                            { 240, -60, 60 },
+                                                                                                            { 240, -60, 60 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2>, 52> m_goodCluterPosPerModule{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Good (>70% true) Clusters pos module {}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Good (>70% true) Clusters pos module {}", n ); },
-      {240, -60, 60},
-      {240, -60, 60}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2>                                          m_badCluterPos{this,
-                                                                 "Bad (<70% true) Clusters pos all modules",
-                                                                 "Bad (<70% true) Clusters pos all modules",
-                                                                 {240, -60, 60},
-                                                                 {240, -60, 60}};
+      { 240, -60, 60 },
+      { 240, -60, 60 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2>                                          m_badCluterPos{ this,
+                                                                  "Bad (<70% true) Clusters pos all modules",
+                                                                  "Bad (<70% true) Clusters pos all modules",
+                                                                                                           { 240, -60, 60 },
+                                                                                                           { 240, -60, 60 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2>, 52> m_badCluterPosPerModule{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Bad (<70% true) Clusters pos module {}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Bad (<70% true) Clusters pos module {}", n ); },
-      {240, -60, 60},
-      {240, -60, 60}};
+      { 240, -60, 60 },
+      { 240, -60, 60 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2> m_pixelXY{
-      this, "Pixel xy all sensors", "Pixel xy all sensors", {240, -60, 60}, {240, -60, 60}};
+      this, "Pixel xy all sensors", "Pixel xy all sensors", { 240, -60, 60 }, { 240, -60, 60 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2>, 52> m_pixelXYPerModule{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Pixel xy sensor {}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Pixel xy sensor {}", n ); },
-      {240, -60, 60},
-      {240, -60, 60}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>                                          m_nPixelNotUsed{this,
-                                                                  "Number of pixels not in clusters per event",
-                                                                  "Number of pixels not in clusters per event",
-                                                                  {100, 0., 10000.}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>                                          m_fracPixelNotInEvent{this,
-                                                                        "Fraction of pixels not in clusters per event",
-                                                                        "Fraction of pixels not in clusters per event",
-                                                                        {100, 0., 1.}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2>                                          m_pixelNotinCluster{this,
-                                                                      "Pixel not in cluster xy all sensors",
-                                                                      "Pixel not in cluster xy all sensors",
-                                                                      {240, -60, 60},
-                                                                      {240, -60, 60}};
+      { 240, -60, 60 },
+      { 240, -60, 60 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>                                          m_nPixelNotUsed{ this,
+                                                                   "Number of pixels not in clusters per event",
+                                                                   "Number of pixels not in clusters per event",
+                                                                                                            { 100, 0., 10000. } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>                                          m_fracPixelNotInEvent{ this,
+                                                                         "Fraction of pixels not in clusters per event",
+                                                                         "Fraction of pixels not in clusters per event",
+                                                                                                                  { 100, 0., 1. } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2>                                          m_pixelNotinCluster{ this,
+                                                                       "Pixel not in cluster xy all sensors",
+                                                                       "Pixel not in cluster xy all sensors",
+                                                                                                                { 240, -60, 60 },
+                                                                                                                { 240, -60, 60 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2>, 52> m_pixelNotinClusterPerModule{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Pixel not in cluster xy sensor {}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Pixel not in cluster xy sensor {}", n ); },
-      {240, -60, 60},
-      {240, -60, 60}};
+      { 240, -60, 60 },
+      { 240, -60, 60 } };
   // missed MCHits histograms
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedHitsEta{
-      this, "# MCHits not found - eta", "# MCHits not found - eta", {70, -5.5, 5.5}};
+      this, "# MCHits not found - eta", "# MCHits not found - eta", { 70, -5.5, 5.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedHitsPhi{
-      this, "# MCHits not found - phi", "# MCHits not found - phi", {21, -M_PI, M_PI}};
+      this, "# MCHits not found - phi", "# MCHits not found - phi", { 21, -M_PI, M_PI } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedHitsPhikk{
-      this, "# MCHits not found - phi - phikk", "# MCHits not found - phi - phikk", {21, -M_PI, M_PI}};
+      this, "# MCHits not found - phi - phikk", "# MCHits not found - phi - phikk", { 21, -M_PI, M_PI } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedHitsPhigee{
-      this, "# MCHits not found - phi - gammaee", "# MCHits not found - phi - gammaee", {21, -M_PI, M_PI}};
+      this, "# MCHits not found - phi - gammaee", "# MCHits not found - phi - gammaee", { 21, -M_PI, M_PI } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedHitsR{
-      this, "# MCHits not found - r", "# MCHits not found - r", {50, 5.1, 50}};
+      this, "# MCHits not found - r", "# MCHits not found - r", { 50, 5.1, 50 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedHitsR7{
-      this, "# MCHits not found - r<7mm", "# MCHits not found - r<7mm", {14, 5.1, 7}};
+      this, "# MCHits not found - r<7mm", "# MCHits not found - r<7mm", { 14, 5.1, 7 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedHitsP{
-      this, "# MCHits not found - p", "# MCHits not found - p", {120, 0, 100}};
+      this, "# MCHits not found - p", "# MCHits not found - p", { 120, 0, 100 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedHitsPt{
-      this, "# MCHits not found - pt", "# MCHits not found - pt", {120, 0, 10}};
+      this, "# MCHits not found - pt", "# MCHits not found - pt", { 120, 0, 10 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedHitsZ{
-      this, "# MCHits not found - z", "# MCHits not found - z", {90, -300, 800}};
+      this, "# MCHits not found - z", "# MCHits not found - z", { 90, -300, 800 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedHitsModule{
-      this, "# MCHits not found - module", "# MCHits not found - module", {52, -0.5, 51.5}};
+      this, "# MCHits not found - module", "# MCHits not found - module", { 52, -0.5, 51.5 } };
   // recontructed MCHits histograms
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recHitsEta{
-      this, "# MCHits reconstructible - eta", "# MCHits reconstructible - eta", {70, -5.5, 5.5}};
+      this, "# MCHits reconstructible - eta", "# MCHits reconstructible - eta", { 70, -5.5, 5.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recHitsPhi{
-      this, "# MCHits reconstructible - phi", "# MCHits reconstructible - phi", {21, -M_PI, M_PI}};
+      this, "# MCHits reconstructible - phi", "# MCHits reconstructible - phi", { 21, -M_PI, M_PI } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recHitsPhikk{
-      this, "# MCHits reconstructible - phi - phikk", "# MCHits reconstructible - phi - phikk", {21, -M_PI, M_PI}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recHitsPhigee{
-      this, "# MCHits reconstructible - phi - gammaee", "# MCHits reconstructible - phi - gammaee", {21, -M_PI, M_PI}};
+      this, "# MCHits reconstructible - phi - phikk", "# MCHits reconstructible - phi - phikk", { 21, -M_PI, M_PI } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recHitsPhigee{ this,
+                                                                   "# MCHits reconstructible - phi - gammaee",
+                                                                   "# MCHits reconstructible - phi - gammaee",
+                                                                   { 21, -M_PI, M_PI } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recHitsR{
-      this, "# MCHits reconstructible - r", "# MCHits reconstructible - r", {50, 5.1, 50}};
+      this, "# MCHits reconstructible - r", "# MCHits reconstructible - r", { 50, 5.1, 50 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recHitsR7{
-      this, "# MCHits reconstructible - r<7mm", "# MCHits reconstructible - r<7mm", {14, 5.1, 7}};
+      this, "# MCHits reconstructible - r<7mm", "# MCHits reconstructible - r<7mm", { 14, 5.1, 7 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recHitsP{
-      this, "# MCHits reconstructible - p", "# MCHits reconstructible - p", {120, 0, 100}};
+      this, "# MCHits reconstructible - p", "# MCHits reconstructible - p", { 120, 0, 100 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recHitsPt{
-      this, "# MCHits reconstructible - pt", "# MCHits reconstructible - pt", {120, 0, 10}};
+      this, "# MCHits reconstructible - pt", "# MCHits reconstructible - pt", { 120, 0, 10 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recHitsZ{
-      this, "# MCHits reconstructible - z", "# MCHits reconstructible - z", {90, -300, 800}};
+      this, "# MCHits reconstructible - z", "# MCHits reconstructible - z", { 90, -300, 800 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recHitsModule{
-      this, "# MCHits reconstructible - module", "# MCHits reconstructible - module", {52, -0.5, 51.5}};
+      this, "# MCHits reconstructible - module", "# MCHits reconstructible - module", { 52, -0.5, 51.5 } };
   // missed MCHits from Velo reconstructible tracks histograms
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedVeloHitsEta{
-      this, "# MCHits not found Velo reco - eta", "# MCHits not found Velo reco - eta", {70, -5.5, 5.5}};
+      this, "# MCHits not found Velo reco - eta", "# MCHits not found Velo reco - eta", { 70, -5.5, 5.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedVeloHitsPhi{
-      this, "# MCHits not found Velo reco - phi", "# MCHits not found Velo reco - phi", {21, -M_PI, M_PI}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedVeloHitsPhikk{this,
-                                                                        "# MCHits not found Velo reco - phi - phikk",
-                                                                        "# MCHits not found Velo reco - phi - phikk",
-                                                                        {21, -M_PI, M_PI}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedVeloHitsPhigee{this,
-                                                                         "# MCHits not found Velo reco - phi - gammaee",
-                                                                         "# MCHits not found Velo reco - phi - gammaee",
-                                                                         {21, -M_PI, M_PI}};
+      this, "# MCHits not found Velo reco - phi", "# MCHits not found Velo reco - phi", { 21, -M_PI, M_PI } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedVeloHitsPhikk{ this,
+                                                                         "# MCHits not found Velo reco - phi - phikk",
+                                                                         "# MCHits not found Velo reco - phi - phikk",
+                                                                         { 21, -M_PI, M_PI } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedVeloHitsPhigee{
+      this,
+      "# MCHits not found Velo reco - phi - gammaee",
+      "# MCHits not found Velo reco - phi - gammaee",
+      { 21, -M_PI, M_PI } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedVeloHitsR{
-      this, "# MCHits not found Velo reco - r", "# MCHits not found Velo reco - r", {50, 5.1, 50}};
+      this, "# MCHits not found Velo reco - r", "# MCHits not found Velo reco - r", { 50, 5.1, 50 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedVeloHitsR7{
-      this, "# MCHits not found Velo reco - r<7mm", "# MCHits not found Velo reco - r<7mm", {14, 5.1, 7}};
+      this, "# MCHits not found Velo reco - r<7mm", "# MCHits not found Velo reco - r<7mm", { 14, 5.1, 7 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedVeloHitsP{
-      this, "# MCHits not found Velo reco - p", "# MCHits not found Velo reco - p", {120, 0, 100}};
+      this, "# MCHits not found Velo reco - p", "# MCHits not found Velo reco - p", { 120, 0, 100 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedVeloHitsPt{
-      this, "# MCHits not found Velo reco - pt", "# MCHits not found Velo reco - pt", {120, 0, 10}};
+      this, "# MCHits not found Velo reco - pt", "# MCHits not found Velo reco - pt", { 120, 0, 10 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedVeloHitsZ{
-      this, "# MCHits not found Velo reco - z", "# MCHits not found Velo reco - z", {90, -300, 800}};
+      this, "# MCHits not found Velo reco - z", "# MCHits not found Velo reco - z", { 90, -300, 800 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_missedVeloHitsModule{
-      this, "# MCHits not found Velo reco - module", "# MCHits not found Velo reco - module", {52, -0.5, 51.5}};
+      this, "# MCHits not found Velo reco - module", "# MCHits not found Velo reco - module", { 52, -0.5, 51.5 } };
   // recontructed MCHits from Velo reconstructible tracks histograms
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recVeloHitsEta{
-      this, "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - eta", "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - eta", {70, -5.5, 5.5}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recVeloHitsPhi{
-      this, "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - phi", "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - phi", {21, -M_PI, M_PI}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recVeloHitsPhikk{this,
-                                                                     "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - phi - phikk",
-                                                                     "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - phi - phikk",
-                                                                     {21, -M_PI, M_PI}};
+      this, "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - eta", "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - eta", { 70, -5.5, 5.5 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recVeloHitsPhi{ this,
+                                                                    "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - phi",
+                                                                    "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - phi",
+                                                                    { 21, -M_PI, M_PI } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recVeloHitsPhikk{
+      this,
+      "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - phi - phikk",
+      "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - phi - phikk",
+      { 21, -M_PI, M_PI } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recVeloHitsPhigee{
       "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - phi - gammaee",
       "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - phi - gammaee",
-      {21, -M_PI, M_PI}};
+      { 21, -M_PI, M_PI } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recVeloHitsR{
-      this, "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - r", "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - r", {50, 5.1, 50}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recVeloHitsR7{
-      this, "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - r<7mm", "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - r<7mm", {14, 5.1, 7}};
+      this, "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - r", "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - r", { 50, 5.1, 50 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recVeloHitsR7{ this,
+                                                                   "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - r<7mm",
+                                                                   "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - r<7mm",
+                                                                   { 14, 5.1, 7 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recVeloHitsP{
-      this, "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - p", "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - p", {120, 0, 100}};
+      this, "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - p", "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - p", { 120, 0, 100 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recVeloHitsPt{
-      this, "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - pt", "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - pt", {120, 0, 10}};
+      this, "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - pt", "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - pt", { 120, 0, 10 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recVeloHitsZ{
-      this, "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - z", "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - z", {90, -300, 800}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recVeloHitsModule{this,
-                                                                      "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - module",
-                                                                      "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - module",
-                                                                      {52, -0.5, 51.5}};
+      this, "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - z", "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - z", { 90, -300, 800 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recVeloHitsModule{ this,
+                                                                       "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - module",
+                                                                       "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - module",
+                                                                       { 52, -0.5, 51.5 } };
   // recontructed MCHits from Muon histograms
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_muonR7{this, "# muons r<7mm", "# muons r<7mm", {11, -0.5, 10.5}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_muonR7{
+      this, "# muons r<7mm", "# muons r<7mm", { 11, -0.5, 10.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_muonEff{
-      this, "Efficiency vs # #mu (at least 2 #mu)", "Efficiency vs # #mu (at least 2 #mu)", {11, -0.5, 10.5}};
+      this, "Efficiency vs # #mu (at least 2 #mu)", "Efficiency vs # #mu (at least 2 #mu)", { 11, -0.5, 10.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_muonSemsorsMu{
-      this, "Sensors w at least 2 #mu", "Sensors w at least 2 #mu", {208, -0.5, 207.5}};
+      this, "Sensors w at least 2 #mu", "Sensors w at least 2 #mu", { 208, -0.5, 207.5 } };
   // cluster residual histograms
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_resX{
-      this, "Residuals along x [mm]", "Residuals along x [mm]", {200, -0.2, 0.2}};
+      this, "Residuals along x [mm]", "Residuals along x [mm]", { 200, -0.2, 0.2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_resY{
-      this, "Residuals along y [mm]", "Residuals along y [mm]", {200, -0.2, 0.2}};
+      this, "Residuals along y [mm]", "Residuals along y [mm]", { 200, -0.2, 0.2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>, 52> m_resXPerModule{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Residuals along x [mm] - module{}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Residuals along x [mm] - module{}", n ); },
-      {200, -0.2, 0.2}};
+      { 200, -0.2, 0.2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>, 52> m_resYPerModule{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Residuals along y [mm] - module{}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Residuals along y [mm] - module{}", n ); },
-      {200, -0.2, 0.2}};
+      { 200, -0.2, 0.2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_resXVelo{
-      this, "Residuals along x - VELO reco [mm]", "Residuals along x - VELO reco [mm]", {200, -0.2, 0.2}};
+      this, "Residuals along x - VELO reco [mm]", "Residuals along x - VELO reco [mm]", { 200, -0.2, 0.2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_resYVelo{
-      this, "Residuals along y - VELO reco [mm]", "Residuals along y - VELO reco [mm]", {200, -0.2, 0.2}};
+      this, "Residuals along y - VELO reco [mm]", "Residuals along y - VELO reco [mm]", { 200, -0.2, 0.2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_resXLong{
-      this, "Residuals along x - long [mm]", "Residuals along x - long [mm]", {200, -0.2, 0.2}};
+      this, "Residuals along x - long [mm]", "Residuals along x - long [mm]", { 200, -0.2, 0.2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_resYLong{
-      this, "Residuals along y - long [mm]", "Residuals along y - long [mm]", {200, -0.2, 0.2}};
+      this, "Residuals along y - long [mm]", "Residuals along y - long [mm]", { 200, -0.2, 0.2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_resXLongPixel{
-      this, "Residuals along x - long pixels [mm]", "Residuals along x - long pixels [mm]", {200, -0.2, 0.2}};
+      this, "Residuals along x - long pixels [mm]", "Residuals along x - long pixels [mm]", { 200, -0.2, 0.2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_resYLongPixel{
-      this, "Residuals along y - long pixels [mm]", "Residuals along y - long pixels [mm]", {200, -0.2, 0.2}};
+      this, "Residuals along y - long pixels [mm]", "Residuals along y - long pixels [mm]", { 200, -0.2, 0.2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_resXEdge{
-      this, "Residuals along x - sensor edges [mm]", "Residuals along x - sensor edges [mm]", {200, -0.2, 0.2}};
+      this, "Residuals along x - sensor edges [mm]", "Residuals along x - sensor edges [mm]", { 200, -0.2, 0.2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_resYEdge{
-      this, "Residuals along y - sensor edges [mm]", "Residuals along y - sensor edges [mm]", {200, -0.2, 0.2}};
+      this, "Residuals along y - sensor edges [mm]", "Residuals along y - sensor edges [mm]", { 200, -0.2, 0.2 } };
   // matrix edge histograms
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2> m_noRecClosestCluter2D{this,
-                                                                         "Non reconstructed MCHit - closest cluster",
-                                                                         "Non reconstructed MCHit - closest cluster",
-                                                                         {36, -0.99, 0.99},
-                                                                         {36, -0.99, 0.99}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2> m_noRecClosestCluter2D{ this,
+                                                                          "Non reconstructed MCHit - closest cluster",
+                                                                          "Non reconstructed MCHit - closest cluster",
+                                                                          { 36, -0.99, 0.99 },
+                                                                          { 36, -0.99, 0.99 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_noRecClosestCluter1D{
       "Non reconstructed MCHit - closest cluster - 1D",
       "Non reconstructed MCHit - closest cluster - 1D",
-      {48, 0., 0.66}};
+      { 48, 0., 0.66 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_noRecClosestRecHit{
       "Non reconstructed MCHit - closest reconstructible MCHit",
       "Non reconstructed MCHit - closest reconstructible MCHit",
-      {48, 0., 0.66}};
+      { 48, 0., 0.66 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recClosestRecHit{
       "Reconstructible MCHit - closest reconstructible MCHit",
       "Reconstructible MCHit - closest reconstructible MCHit",
-      {48, 0., 0.66}};
+      { 48, 0., 0.66 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recClosestRecHitExt{
       "Reconstructible MCHit - closest reconstructible MCHit - extended",
       "Reconstructible MCHit - closest reconstructible MCHit - extended",
-      {3830, 0., 52.8}};
+      { 3830, 0., 52.8 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_noRecClosestRecHitphikk{
       "Non reconstructed MCHit - closest reconstructible MCHit - phikk",
       "Non reconstructed MCHit - closest reconstructible MCHit - phikk",
-      {48, 0., 0.66}};
+      { 48, 0., 0.66 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recClosestRecHitphikk{
       "Reconstructible MCHit - closest reconstructible MCHit - phikk",
       "Reconstructible MCHit - closest reconstructible MCHit - phikk",
-      {48, 0., 0.66}};
+      { 48, 0., 0.66 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_noRecClosestRecHitgee{
       "Non reconstructed MCHit - closest reconstructible MCHit - gammaee",
       "Non reconstructed MCHit - closest reconstructible MCHit - gammaee",
-      {48, 0., 0.66}};
+      { 48, 0., 0.66 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_recClosestRecHitgee{
       "Reconstructible MCHit - closest reconstructible MCHit - gammaee",
       "Reconstructible MCHit - closest reconstructible MCHit - gammaee",
-      {48, 0., 0.66}};
+      { 48, 0., 0.66 } };
   // distribution number of clusters histograms
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_nClusters{this, "# clusters", "# clusters", {10000, 0, 10000}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_nClusters{ this, "# clusters", "# clusters", { 10000, 0, 10000 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_nUnmatchedClusters{
-      this, "# unmatched clusters", "# unmatched clusters", {100, 0, 10000}};
+      this, "# unmatched clusters", "# unmatched clusters", { 100, 0, 10000 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_nClustersR{
-      this, "# clusters distribution - r", "# clusters distribution - r", {50, 5.1, 50}};
+      this, "# clusters distribution - r", "# clusters distribution - r", { 50, 5.1, 50 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>, 52> m_nClustersRPerModule{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "# cluster distribution - r - module{}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "# cluster distribution - r - module{}", n ); },
-      {50, 5.1, 50}};
+      { 50, 5.1, 50 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_nClustersModule{
-      this, "# clusters distribution - module", "# clusters distribution - module", {52, -0.5, 51.5}};
+      this, "# clusters distribution - module", "# clusters distribution - module", { 52, -0.5, 51.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_nPixelPerCluster{
-      this, "# pixel per cluster distribution", "# pixel per cluster distribution", {51, -0.5, 50.5}};
+      this, "# pixel per cluster distribution", "# pixel per cluster distribution", { 51, -0.5, 50.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>, 52> m_nPixelPerClusterPerModule{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "# pixel per cluster distribution - module{}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "# pixel per cluster distribution - module{}", n ); },
-      {51, -0.5, 50.5}};
+      { 51, -0.5, 50.5 } };
   // purity histograms
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_purityHisto{
-      this, "Purity distribution", "Purity distribution", {110, 0, 1.1}};
+      this, "Purity distribution", "Purity distribution", { 110, 0, 1.1 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_nPixels{
-      this, "# pixel distribution - seen", "# pixel distribution - seen", {20, 0, 100}};
+      this, "# pixel distribution - seen", "# pixel distribution - seen", { 20, 0, 100 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_purityPixels{
-      this, "Purity vs # pixels", "Purity vs # pixels", {20, 0, 100}};
+      this, "Purity vs # pixels", "Purity vs # pixels", { 20, 0, 100 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_nPixelsInCluster{
-      this, "Number of pixels in cluster", "Number of pixels in cluster", {33, 0, 32}};
+      this, "Number of pixels in cluster", "Number of pixels in cluster", { 33, 0, 32 } };
   // pixel stat histograms
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_cluterTohit{
-      this, "# associated cluster to hit", "# associated cluster to hit", {11, -0.5, 10.5}};
+      this, "# associated cluster to hit", "# associated cluster to hit", { 11, -0.5, 10.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_pixels{
-      this, "# pixel distribution", "# pixel distribution", {10, 0, 100}};
+      this, "# pixel distribution", "# pixel distribution", { 10, 0, 100 } };
   // efficiency vs occupancy histograms
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2>, 208> m_recMCHitPerSensor{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Reconstructible MCHit x,y VP sensor {}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Reconstructible MCHit x,y VP sensor {}", n ); },
-      {240, -60, 60},
-      {240, -60, 60}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2>                                           m_recMCHit{this,
-                                                             "Reconstructible MCHit x,y VP all sensors",
-                                                             "Reconstructible MCHit x,y VP all sensors",
-                                                             {240, -60, 60},
-                                                             {240, -60, 60}};
+      { 240, -60, 60 },
+      { 240, -60, 60 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2>                                           m_recMCHit{ this,
+                                                              "Reconstructible MCHit x,y VP all sensors",
+                                                              "Reconstructible MCHit x,y VP all sensors",
+                                                                                                        { 240, -60, 60 },
+                                                                                                        { 240, -60, 60 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2>, 208> m_recMCHitVeloPerSensor{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Reconstructible MCHit x,y VP sensor - VELO {}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Reconstructible MCHit x,y VP sensor - VELO {}", n ); },
-      {240, -60, 60},
-      {240, -60, 60}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2>                                           m_recMCHitVelo{this,
-                                                                 "Reconstructible MCHit x,y VP all sensors - VELO",
-                                                                 "Reconstructible MCHit x,y VP all sensors - VELO",
-                                                                 {240, -60, 60},
-                                                                 {240, -60, 60}};
+      { 240, -60, 60 },
+      { 240, -60, 60 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2>                                           m_recMCHitVelo{ this,
+                                                                  "Reconstructible MCHit x,y VP all sensors - VELO",
+                                                                  "Reconstructible MCHit x,y VP all sensors - VELO",
+                                                                                                            { 240, -60, 60 },
+                                                                                                            { 240, -60, 60 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2>, 208> m_missedMCHitPerSensor{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Missed MCHit x,y VP sensor {}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Missed MCHit x,y VP sensor {}", n ); },
-      {240, -60, 60},
-      {240, -60, 60}};
+      { 240, -60, 60 },
+      { 240, -60, 60 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2> m_missedMCHit{
-      this, "Missed MCHit x,y VP all sensors", "Missed MCHit x,y VP all sensors", {240, -60, 60}, {240, -60, 60}};
+      this, "Missed MCHit x,y VP all sensors", "Missed MCHit x,y VP all sensors", { 240, -60, 60 }, { 240, -60, 60 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2>, 208> m_missedMCHitVeloPerSensor{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Missed MCHit x,y VP sensor - VELO {}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "Missed MCHit x,y VP sensor - VELO {}", n ); },
-      {240, -60, 60},
-      {240, -60, 60}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2> m_missedMCHitVelo{this,
-                                                                    "Missed MCHit x,y VP all sensors - VELO",
-                                                                    "Missed MCHit x,y VP all sensors - VELO",
-                                                                    {240, -60, 60},
-                                                                    {240, -60, 60}};
+      { 240, -60, 60 },
+      { 240, -60, 60 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<2> m_missedMCHitVelo{ this,
+                                                                     "Missed MCHit x,y VP all sensors - VELO",
+                                                                     "Missed MCHit x,y VP all sensors - VELO",
+                                                                     { 240, -60, 60 },
+                                                                     { 240, -60, 60 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>, 52> m_recHitsRPerModule{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "# MCHits reconstructible - r - module{}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "# MCHits reconstructible - r - module{}", n ); },
-      {50, 5.1, 50}};
+      { 50, 5.1, 50 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>, 52> m_recHitsR7PerModule{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "# MCHits reconstructible - r<7mm - module{}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "# MCHits reconstructible - r<7mm - module{}", n ); },
-      {14, 5.1, 7}};
+      { 14, 5.1, 7 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>, 52> m_recHitsVeloRPerModule{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - r - module{}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - r - module{}", n ); },
-      {50, 5.1, 50}};
+      { 50, 5.1, 50 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>, 52> m_recHitsVeloR7PerModule{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - r<7mm - module{}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "# MCHits reconstructible Velo reco - r<7mm - module{}", n ); },
-      {14, 5.1, 7}};
+      { 14, 5.1, 7 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>, 52> m_missedHitsRPerModule{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "# MCHits not found - r - module{}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "# MCHits not found - r - module{}", n ); },
-      {50, 5.1, 50}};
+      { 50, 5.1, 50 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>, 52> m_missedHitsR7PerModule{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "# MCHits not found - r<7mm - module{}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "# MCHits not found - r<7mm - module{}", n ); },
-      {14, 5.1, 7}};
+      { 14, 5.1, 7 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>, 52> m_missedHitsVeloRPerModule{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "# MCHits not found Velo reco - r - module{}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "# MCHits not found Velo reco - r - module{}", n ); },
-      {50, 5.1, 50}};
+      { 50, 5.1, 50 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>, 52> m_missedHitsVeloR7PerModule{
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "# MCHits not found Velo reco - r<7mm - module{}", n ); },
       []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "# MCHits not found Velo reco - r<7mm - module{}", n ); },
-      {14, 5.1, 7}};
+      { 14, 5.1, 7 } };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( VPClusterEfficiency )
@@ -478,14 +489,14 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( VPClusterEfficiency )
 // Standard constructor, initializes variables
 VPClusterEfficiency::VPClusterEfficiency( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : Consumer{name,
-               pSvcLocator,
-               {KeyValue{"RawBanks", {}}, KeyValue{"VPClusterLocation", LHCb::VPFullClusterLocation::Default},
-                KeyValue{"MCHitLocation", LHCb::MCHitLocation::VP},
-                KeyValue{"MCParticleLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-                KeyValue{"VPDigit2MCHitLinksLocation", LHCb::VPDigitLocation::Default + "2MCHits"},
-                KeyValue{"MCProperty", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo},
-                KeyValue{"DeVP", LHCb::Det::VP::det_path}}} {}
+    : Consumer{ name,
+                pSvcLocator,
+                { KeyValue{ "RawBanks", {} }, KeyValue{ "VPClusterLocation", LHCb::VPFullClusterLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "MCHitLocation", LHCb::MCHitLocation::VP },
+                  KeyValue{ "MCParticleLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "VPDigit2MCHitLinksLocation", LHCb::VPDigitLocation::Default + "2MCHits" },
+                  KeyValue{ "MCProperty", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo },
+                  KeyValue{ "DeVP", LHCb::Det::VP::det_path } } } {}
 // Main execution
@@ -538,9 +549,9 @@ void VPClusterEfficiency::operator()( const LHCb::RawBank::View&              ra
         if ( sp & mask ) {                               // test each of the 8 bits in turn
           const uint32_t cx = sp_col * 2 + ( off >> 2 ); // 0->3 no offset, 4->7 offset = 1
           const auto     cy =
-              LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{sp_row * 4 + ( off & 0b11U )}; // 0->3 add off, 4->7 add off-4
-          const auto chip = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ChipID{cx / CHIP_COLUMNS};
-          const auto ccol = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{cx % CHIP_COLUMNS};
+              LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{ sp_row * 4 + ( off & 0b11U ) }; // 0->3 add off, 4->7 add off-4
+          const auto chip = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ChipID{ cx / CHIP_COLUMNS };
+          const auto ccol = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{ cx % CHIP_COLUMNS };
           digits.emplace_back( sensor, chip, ccol, cy );
@@ -584,8 +595,8 @@ void VPClusterEfficiency::operator()( const LHCb::RawBank::View&              ra
   for ( const auto& hitsInModule : hitsInModules ) {
     for ( const auto& mcH : hitsInModule ) {
       // all MCHits
-      ++m_mcHitXYPerModule[modNum][{mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y()}];
-      ++m_mcHitXY[{mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y()}];
+      ++m_mcHitXYPerModule[modNum][{ mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y() }];
+      ++m_mcHitXY[{ mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y() }];
       // distance particle traveled in sensor & energy
       auto dist = mcH->pathLength();
@@ -594,8 +605,8 @@ void VPClusterEfficiency::operator()( const LHCb::RawBank::View&              ra
       // were MCHits found
       double efficiency = ( channelIdForMCHit.find( mcH ) != channelIdForMCHit.end() );
-      m_mcHitEffXYPerModule[modNum][{mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y()}] += efficiency;
-      m_mcHitEffXY[{mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y()}] += efficiency;
+      m_mcHitEffXYPerModule[modNum][{ mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y() }] += efficiency;
+      m_mcHitEffXY[{ mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y() }] += efficiency;
       m_mcHitEffvDist[dist] += efficiency;
       m_mcHitEffvEnergy[energy] += efficiency;
@@ -627,7 +638,7 @@ void VPClusterEfficiency::operator()( const LHCb::RawBank::View&              ra
       unsigned int numMCP = mcKeysPix.size();
-      ++m_nMCParticlesPerPixelModule[{numMCP, channelID.module()}];
+      ++m_nMCParticlesPerPixelModule[{ numMCP, channelID.module() }];
       // check if pixel is from MCHit
       if ( numMC != 0 ) {
@@ -639,18 +650,18 @@ void VPClusterEfficiency::operator()( const LHCb::RawBank::View&              ra
     double numMCParticles = (double)mcKeysClus.size();
-    ++m_nParticlesPerClusterModule[{numMCParticles, clus.channelID().module()}];
+    ++m_nParticlesPerClusterModule[{ numMCParticles, clus.channelID().module() }];
     double fracOther = ( (double)otherPix ) / ( (double)( otherPix + mainPix ) );
-    ++m_spillPerClusterSize[{fracOther, clus.pixels().size()}];
+    ++m_spillPerClusterSize[{ fracOther, clus.pixels().size() }];
     // plot positions of "good" clusters i.e. > 70% from MCHits
     unsigned int module = clus.channelID().module();
     if ( fracOther < 0.3 ) {
-      ++m_goodCluterPos[{clus.x(), clus.y()}];
-      ++m_goodCluterPosPerModule[module][{clus.x(), clus.y()}];
+      ++m_goodCluterPos[{ clus.x(), clus.y() }];
+      ++m_goodCluterPosPerModule[module][{ clus.x(), clus.y() }];
     } else {
-      ++m_badCluterPos[{clus.x(), clus.y()}];
-      ++m_badCluterPosPerModule[module][{clus.x(), clus.y()}];
+      ++m_badCluterPos[{ clus.x(), clus.y() }];
+      ++m_badCluterPosPerModule[module][{ clus.x(), clus.y() }];
@@ -658,8 +669,8 @@ void VPClusterEfficiency::operator()( const LHCb::RawBank::View&              ra
   for ( auto& channelID : digits ) {
     const DeVPSensor& sensor      = det.sensor( channelID.sensor() );
     Gaudi::XYZPoint   pointGlobal = sensor.channelToGlobalPoint( channelID );
-    ++m_pixelXY[{pointGlobal.x(), pointGlobal.y()}];
-    ++m_pixelXYPerModule[channelID.module()][{pointGlobal.x(), pointGlobal.y()}];
+    ++m_pixelXY[{ pointGlobal.x(), pointGlobal.y() }];
+    ++m_pixelXYPerModule[channelID.module()][{ pointGlobal.x(), pointGlobal.y() }];
   // lost pixels
@@ -671,12 +682,12 @@ void VPClusterEfficiency::operator()( const LHCb::RawBank::View&              ra
   for ( auto& channelID : pixUsed ) {
     const DeVPSensor& sensor      = det.sensor( channelID.sensor() );
     Gaudi::XYZPoint   pointGlobal = sensor.channelToGlobalPoint( channelID );
-    ++m_pixelNotinCluster[{pointGlobal.x(), pointGlobal.y()}];
-    ++m_pixelNotinClusterPerModule[channelID.module()][{pointGlobal.x(), pointGlobal.y()}];
+    ++m_pixelNotinCluster[{ pointGlobal.x(), pointGlobal.y() }];
+    ++m_pixelNotinClusterPerModule[channelID.module()][{ pointGlobal.x(), pointGlobal.y() }];
   // cluster efficiency
-  const auto trackInfo = MCTrackInfo{mcprop};
+  const auto trackInfo = MCTrackInfo{ mcprop };
   std::vector<LHCb::MCHit*> hitsReconstructible;
   std::vector<LHCb::MCHit*> hitsMissed;
@@ -877,18 +888,18 @@ void VPClusterEfficiency::operator()( const LHCb::RawBank::View&              ra
-      if ( clus.channelID().col() == LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{255} ||
-           clus.channelID().col() == LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{256} ||
-           clus.channelID().col() == LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{511} ||
-           clus.channelID().col() == LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{512} ) { // make residuals for long pixels
+      if ( clus.channelID().col() == LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{ 255 } ||
+           clus.channelID().col() == LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{ 256 } ||
+           clus.channelID().col() == LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{ 511 } ||
+           clus.channelID().col() == LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{ 512 } ) { // make residuals for long pixels
-      if ( clus.channelID().col() < LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{3} ||
-           clus.channelID().col() > LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{764} ||
-           clus.channelID().row() < LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{3} ||
-           clus.channelID().row() > LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{252} ) { // make residuals for sensor edges
+      if ( clus.channelID().col() < LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{ 3 } ||
+           clus.channelID().col() > LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{ 764 } ||
+           clus.channelID().row() < LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{ 3 } ||
+           clus.channelID().row() > LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{ 252 } ) { // make residuals for sensor edges
@@ -910,7 +921,7 @@ void VPClusterEfficiency::operator()( const LHCb::RawBank::View&              ra
           if ( sqrt( ( mcH->midPoint().x() - clus.x() ) * ( mcH->midPoint().x() - clus.x() ) +
                      ( mcH->midPoint().y() - clus.y() ) * ( mcH->midPoint().y() - clus.y() ) ) < dist ) {
             dist    = sqrt( ( mcH->midPoint().x() - clus.x() ) * ( mcH->midPoint().x() - clus.x() ) +
-                         ( mcH->midPoint().y() - clus.y() ) * ( mcH->midPoint().y() - clus.y() ) );
+                            ( mcH->midPoint().y() - clus.y() ) * ( mcH->midPoint().y() - clus.y() ) );
             x_dist  = ( mcH->midPoint().x() - clus.x() );
             y_dist  = ( mcH->midPoint().y() - clus.y() );
             gotdist = true;
@@ -918,7 +929,7 @@ void VPClusterEfficiency::operator()( const LHCb::RawBank::View&              ra
       if ( gotdist ) {
-        ++m_noRecClosestCluter2D[{x_dist, y_dist}];
+        ++m_noRecClosestCluter2D[{ x_dist, y_dist }];
@@ -985,9 +996,9 @@ void VPClusterEfficiency::operator()( const LHCb::RawBank::View&              ra
                            ( mcH->midPoint().y() - mcHMiss->midPoint().y() ) *
                                ( mcH->midPoint().y() - mcHMiss->midPoint().y() ) ) < dist ) {
                   dist    = sqrt( ( mcH->midPoint().x() - mcHMiss->midPoint().x() ) *
-                                   ( mcH->midPoint().x() - mcHMiss->midPoint().x() ) +
-                               ( mcH->midPoint().y() - mcHMiss->midPoint().y() ) *
-                                   ( mcH->midPoint().y() - mcHMiss->midPoint().y() ) );
+                                      ( mcH->midPoint().x() - mcHMiss->midPoint().x() ) +
+                                  ( mcH->midPoint().y() - mcHMiss->midPoint().y() ) *
+                                      ( mcH->midPoint().y() - mcHMiss->midPoint().y() ) );
                   gotdist = true;
@@ -1048,9 +1059,9 @@ void VPClusterEfficiency::operator()( const LHCb::RawBank::View&              ra
                            ( mcH->midPoint().y() - mcHMiss->midPoint().y() ) *
                                ( mcH->midPoint().y() - mcHMiss->midPoint().y() ) ) < dist ) {
                   dist    = sqrt( ( mcH->midPoint().x() - mcHMiss->midPoint().x() ) *
-                                   ( mcH->midPoint().x() - mcHMiss->midPoint().x() ) +
-                               ( mcH->midPoint().y() - mcHMiss->midPoint().y() ) *
-                                   ( mcH->midPoint().y() - mcHMiss->midPoint().y() ) );
+                                      ( mcH->midPoint().x() - mcHMiss->midPoint().x() ) +
+                                  ( mcH->midPoint().y() - mcHMiss->midPoint().y() ) *
+                                      ( mcH->midPoint().y() - mcHMiss->midPoint().y() ) );
                   gotdist = true;
@@ -1153,11 +1164,11 @@ void VPClusterEfficiency::operator()( const LHCb::RawBank::View&              ra
     for ( const auto& mcH : hitsReconstructibleInSensor ) {
       // reconstructible MCHits
       const auto sensor = mcH->sensDetID();
-      ++m_recMCHitPerSensor[sensor][{mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y()}];
-      ++m_recMCHit[{mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y()}];
+      ++m_recMCHitPerSensor[sensor][{ mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y() }];
+      ++m_recMCHit[{ mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y() }];
       if ( trackInfo.hasVelo( mcH->mcParticle() ) ) {
-        ++m_recMCHitVeloPerSensor[sensor][{mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y()}];
-        ++m_recMCHitVelo[{mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y()}];
+        ++m_recMCHitVeloPerSensor[sensor][{ mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y() }];
+        ++m_recMCHitVelo[{ mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y() }];
@@ -1167,11 +1178,11 @@ void VPClusterEfficiency::operator()( const LHCb::RawBank::View&              ra
     if ( hitsMissedInSensor.size() != 0 ) sensor = hitsMissedInSensor[0]->sensDetID();
     for ( auto& mcH : hitsMissedInSensor ) {
       // missed MCHits
-      ++m_missedMCHitPerSensor[sensor][{mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y()}];
-      ++m_missedMCHit[{mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y()}];
+      ++m_missedMCHitPerSensor[sensor][{ mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y() }];
+      ++m_missedMCHit[{ mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y() }];
       if ( trackInfo.hasVelo( mcH->mcParticle() ) ) {
-        ++m_missedMCHitVeloPerSensor[sensor][{mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y()}];
-        ++m_missedMCHitVelo[{mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y()}];
+        ++m_missedMCHitVeloPerSensor[sensor][{ mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y() }];
+        ++m_missedMCHitVelo[{ mcH->midPoint().x(), mcH->midPoint().y() }];
diff --git a/Pr/PrPixel/doc/release.notes b/Pr/PrPixel/doc/release.notes
index 854b02d3528b160208c7ecb4f994d5a5e908ea75..326227a9eb7516e4f95dc193db82c853d2d8dfaf 100644
--- a/Pr/PrPixel/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Pr/PrPixel/doc/release.notes
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 !========================= PrPixel v1r8 2014-07-14 =========================
 ! 2014-06-30 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Move bulk of debugging histograms from PrPixelTracking to new algorithm 
+ - Move bulk of debugging histograms from PrPixelTracking to new algorithm
 ! 2014-06-16 - Heinrich Schindler
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
  - Don't recompute straight-line fit parameters progressively for each new hit,
    but only when requested explicitly (PrPixelTrack::fit).
  - Use auto iterators.
 !========================= PrPixel v1r7 2014-05-13 =========================
 ! 2014-05-08 - Heinrich Schindler
  - Remove unused functions removeHit, all3SensorsAreDifferent from PrPixelTrack
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
  - clang-format
 ! 2014-04-30 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Remove slope correction option (to be reimplemented in VPDet or cluster 
+ - Remove slope correction option (to be reimplemented in VPDet or cluster
    position tool after retuning for binary readout)
 ! 2014-04-26 - Heinrich Schindler
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
    banks. This is to avoid changes in results when we switch over. Cuts will
    help, but this needs a detailed study before deployment.
  - help the compiler with out of order execution and constness in various places.
- - avoid calling into sqrt() in hot PrPixelTracking::bestHit() method. 
+ - avoid calling into sqrt() in hot PrPixelTracking::bestHit() method.
 ! 2014-04-06 - Kurt Rinnert
  - avoid mixing double and float (this is very expensive!).
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
 ! 2014-02-27 - Kurt Rinnert
  - use new features of DeVPSensor to speed up 3D point building.
- - additional various optimizations (cache global transforms, PrPixelModule 
+ - additional various optimizations (cache global transforms, PrPixelModule
    object pool ...).
  - added possibility to do clustering and 3D hit building directly from
    super pixel raw banks.
@@ -195,15 +195,15 @@
 ! 2013-09-27 - Heinrich Schindler
  - Renamed PatPixelSensor to PatPixelModule to reflect new geometry
  - Added flag to use slope dependent correction in position calculation or not
- - Some cleanup in PatPixelTracking 
+ - Some cleanup in PatPixelTracking
 ! 2013-09-25 - Heinrich Schindler
  - Modifications for use with new XML and detector element hierarchy
  - Moved track extrapolation to PatPixelTracking
  - Temporarily removed trackUpstream method
- - Moved position calculation to PatPixelHitManager 
+ - Moved position calculation to PatPixelHitManager
  - Removed printf statements from helper classes
 ! 2013-09-18 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Fix uninitialised counter in PatPixelHitManager.h
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
  - code not very clean and not final: more a test of the new concept
 ! 2013-08-25 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Replace direct calls to DeVPSquareType 
+ - Replace direct calls to DeVPSquareType
 !========================= PatPixel v1r1 2013-06-03 =========================
 ! 2013-05-28 - Wouter Hulsbergen
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
 !========================= PatPixel v1r0 2013-02-14 =========================
 ! 2013-02-08 - Diego Martinez Santos
  - Added correction to the bias in cluster positions, as well as a slope
-   dependent correction for two pixel clusters. 
+   dependent correction for two pixel clusters.
    This might cause for the moment a loss of speed.
 ! 2013-02-08 - Marco Clemencic
@@ -253,14 +253,14 @@
  - Re-implementation of the algorithm, based on finding a pair of consecutive hits
    and extrapolating in both directions.
    Tested on 900 events: 0.9% ghosts, 99.7% efficient, 0.5% clones, 1.35 ms/event
-   Improvements are possible, but a better clustering is probably the most 
+   Improvements are possible, but a better clustering is probably the most
    important one
 ! 2012-01-10 - Olivier Callot
  - First version. The overall structure is taken form FastVelo.
-   New logic to make the search: Find enough hits in a seed region before 
+   New logic to make the search: Find enough hits in a seed region before
    extrapolating. This seed region can extend acroos the half detector boundary.
    Initial performance is great:  <2% ghosts, >99.5% efficiency for long > 5 GeV,
-                                  <0.5% clones, and only < 1.5 ms per event. 
+                                  <0.5% clones, and only < 1.5 ms per event.
       This is obtained on a limited sample.
diff --git a/Pr/PrPixel/src/PrVPHitsToVPLightClusters.cpp b/Pr/PrPixel/src/PrVPHitsToVPLightClusters.cpp
index 2ddd87baefacada71510f204ad4923476c489d11..df4da660c73d8bb36b8583a9f6c5ec57d4cb4a45 100644
--- a/Pr/PrPixel/src/PrVPHitsToVPLightClusters.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrPixel/src/PrVPHitsToVPLightClusters.cpp
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
     PrVPHitsToVPLightClusters( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : MultiTransformer(
               name, pSvcLocator,
-              {KeyValue{"HitsLocation", "Raw/VP/Hits"}, KeyValue{"DeVPLocation", LHCb::Det::VP::det_path}},
-              {KeyValue{"ClusterLocation", VPClusterLocation::Light},
-               KeyValue{"ClusterOffsets", "Raw/VP/LightClustersOffsets"}} ) {}
+              { KeyValue{ "HitsLocation", "Raw/VP/Hits" }, KeyValue{ "DeVPLocation", LHCb::Det::VP::det_path } },
+              { KeyValue{ "ClusterLocation", VPClusterLocation::Light },
+                KeyValue{ "ClusterOffsets", "Raw/VP/LightClustersOffsets" } } ) {}
     std::tuple<std::vector<VPLightCluster>, std::array<unsigned, VeloInfo::Numbers::NOffsets>>
     operator()( const VP::Hits& hits, DeVP const& devp ) const override {
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
       pool.reserve( hits.size() );
       for ( const auto hit : hits.scalar() ) {
-        Detector::VPChannelID cid{static_cast<unsigned>( hit.template get<VP::VPHitsTag::ChannelId>().cast() )};
+        Detector::VPChannelID cid{ static_cast<unsigned>( hit.template get<VP::VPHitsTag::ChannelId>().cast() ) };
         float                 gx = hit.template get<VP::VPHitsTag::pos>().x().cast();
         float                 gy = hit.template get<VP::VPHitsTag::pos>().y().cast();
         float                 gz = hit.template get<VP::VPHitsTag::pos>().z().cast();
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbClustersCounter{this, "Nb of Produced Clusters"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbClustersCounter{ this, "Nb of Produced Clusters" };
 } // namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo
diff --git a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VPClus.cpp b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VPClus.cpp
index 0f9aea6276ff5d91a0f1ea9df3d81b370c8c1c2e..17987d0e0c9541ba0109b8296961a99e899c6ccf 100644
--- a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VPClus.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VPClus.cpp
@@ -58,18 +58,18 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
     unsigned int m_maxClusterSize = 999999999;
     std::bitset<VP::NModules>                  m_modulesToSkipMask;
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<unsigned int>> m_modulesToSkip{this,
-                                                               "ModulesToSkip",
-                                                               {},
-                                                               [this]( auto& ) {
-                                                                 m_modulesToSkipMask.reset();
-                                                                 for ( auto i : m_modulesToSkip )
-                                                                   m_modulesToSkipMask.set( i );
-                                                               },
-                                                               Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true},
-                                                               "List of modules that should be skipped in decoding"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbClustersCounter{this, "Nb of Produced Clusters"};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<unsigned int>> m_modulesToSkip{
+        this,
+        "ModulesToSkip",
+        {},
+        [this]( auto& ) {
+          m_modulesToSkipMask.reset();
+          for ( auto i : m_modulesToSkip ) m_modulesToSkipMask.set( i );
+        },
+        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true },
+        "List of modules that should be skipped in decoding" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbClustersCounter{ this, "Nb of Produced Clusters" };
 } // namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ namespace {
     // initialize() and only takes about 20 us.
     // define deltas to 8-connectivity neighbours
-    const int dx[] = {-1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 1};
-    const int dy[] = {-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0};
+    const int dx[] = { -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 1 };
+    const int dy[] = { -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 };
     // clustering buffer for isolated superpixels.
     std::uint8_t sp_buffer[8];
@@ -196,15 +196,16 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
   // Standard constructor, initializes variables
   VPClus::VPClus( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"RawBanks", ""}, KeyValue{"DEVP", LHCb::Det::VP::det_path}},
-                          {KeyValue{"ClusterLocation", VPClusterLocation::Light},
-                           KeyValue{"ClusterOffsets", VPClusterLocation::Offsets}} ) {}
+      : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator,
+                          { KeyValue{ "RawBanks", "" }, KeyValue{ "DEVP", LHCb::Det::VP::det_path } },
+                          { KeyValue{ "ClusterLocation", VPClusterLocation::Light },
+                            KeyValue{ "ClusterOffsets", VPClusterLocation::Offsets } } ) {}
   // Main execution
-  std::tuple<std::vector<VPLightCluster>, std::array<unsigned, VeloInfo::Numbers::NOffsets>> VPClus::
-                                                                                             operator()( const RawBank::View& rawBanks, const DeVP& devp ) const {
+  std::tuple<std::vector<VPLightCluster>, std::array<unsigned, VeloInfo::Numbers::NOffsets>>
+  VPClus::operator()( const RawBank::View& rawBanks, const DeVP& devp ) const {
     auto result = std::tuple<std::vector<VPLightCluster>, std::array<unsigned, VeloInfo::Numbers::NOffsets>>{};
     if ( rawBanks.empty() ) return result;
@@ -297,7 +298,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
       auto data = VPRawBanks[s]->range<const uint32_t>();
       if ( version <= 3 ) {
         [[maybe_unused]] auto nsp = data.front();
-        data = data.subspan( 1 );
+        data                      = data.subspan( 1 );
         assert( data.size() == nsp );
@@ -306,9 +307,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         if ( 0 == sp ) continue; // protect against zero super pixels.
-        const uint32_t sp_addr = ( sp_word & 0x007FFF00U ) >> 8;
-        const uint32_t sp_row = sp_addr & 0x3FU;
-        const uint32_t sp_col = ( sp_addr >> 6 );
+        const uint32_t sp_addr          = ( sp_word & 0x007FFF00U ) >> 8;
+        const uint32_t sp_row           = sp_addr & 0x3FU;
+        const uint32_t sp_col           = ( sp_addr >> 6 );
         const uint32_t no_sp_neighbours = sp_word & 0x80000000U;
         if ( sp_row > ( VP::NRows / 4 - 1 ) ) continue; // protect against super pixels outside sensor coordinates.
@@ -323,21 +324,21 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         // channel IDs.
         if ( no_sp_neighbours ) {
           const auto&    spcache = s_SPCaches[sp];
-          const uint32_t idx = spcache.pattern;
+          const uint32_t idx     = spcache.pattern;
           // there is always at least one cluster in the super
           // pixel. look up the pattern and add it.
-          const uint32_t row = idx & 0x03U;
-          const uint32_t col = ( idx >> 2 ) & 1;
-          const uint32_t cx = sp_col * 2 + col;
-          const auto     cy = Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{sp_row * 4 + row};
-          const auto     chip = Detector::VPChannelID::ChipID{cx / CHIP_COLUMNS};
-          const auto     ccol = Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{cx % CHIP_COLUMNS};
+          const uint32_t row  = idx & 0x03U;
+          const uint32_t col  = ( idx >> 2 ) & 1;
+          const uint32_t cx   = sp_col * 2 + col;
+          const auto     cy   = Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{ sp_row * 4 + row };
+          const auto     chip = Detector::VPChannelID::ChipID{ cx / CHIP_COLUMNS };
+          const auto     ccol = Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{ cx % CHIP_COLUMNS };
           Detector::VPChannelID cid( sensor, chip, ccol, cy );
-          const float fx = spcache.fxy[0];
-          const float fy = spcache.fxy[1];
+          const float fx      = spcache.fxy[0];
+          const float fy      = spcache.fxy[1];
           const float local_x = devp.local_x( cx ) + fx * devp.x_pitch( cx );
           const float local_y = ( to_unsigned( cy ) + 0.5f + fy ) * devp.pixel_size();
@@ -354,17 +355,17 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
           // if there is a second cluster for this pattern
           // add it as well.
           if ( idx & 8 ) {
-            const uint32_t row = ( idx >> 4 ) & 3;
+            const uint32_t row  = ( idx >> 4 ) & 3;
             const uint32_t col2 = ( idx >> 6 ) & 1;
-            const auto     cy = Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{sp_row * 4 + row};
+            const auto     cy   = Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{ sp_row * 4 + row };
             // to get rid of the div use old ccol
-            const auto ccol2 = Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{to_unsigned( ccol ) + ( col2 - col )};
+            const auto ccol2 = Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{ to_unsigned( ccol ) + ( col2 - col ) };
             Detector::VPChannelID cid( sensor, chip, ccol2, cy );
-            const float fx = spcache.fxy[2];
-            const float fy = spcache.fxy[3];
+            const float fx      = spcache.fxy[2];
+            const float fy      = spcache.fxy[3];
             const float local_x = devp.local_x( cx ) + fx * devp.x_pitch( cx );
             const float local_y = ( to_unsigned( cy ) + 0.5f + fy ) * devp.pixel_size();
@@ -388,7 +389,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
             const uint32_t row = sp_row * 4 + shift % 4;
             const uint32_t col = sp_col * 2 + shift / 4;
             const uint32_t idx = ( col << 8 ) | row;
-            buffer[idx] = pixel;
+            buffer[idx]        = pixel;
             pixel_idx.push_back( idx );
           sp = sp >> 1;
@@ -500,16 +501,16 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         if ( n <= m_maxClusterSize ) {
           // if the pixel is smaller than the max cluster size, store it for the tracking
           const unsigned int cx = x / n;
-          const auto         cy = Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{y / n};
+          const auto         cy = Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{ y / n };
-          const auto chip = Detector::VPChannelID::ChipID{cx / CHIP_COLUMNS};
-          const auto ccol = Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{cx % CHIP_COLUMNS};
+          const auto chip = Detector::VPChannelID::ChipID{ cx / CHIP_COLUMNS };
+          const auto ccol = Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{ cx % CHIP_COLUMNS };
           // store target (3D point for tracking)
           Detector::VPChannelID cid( sensor, chip, ccol, cy );
-          const float fx = x / static_cast<float>( n ) - cx;
-          const float fy = y / static_cast<float>( n ) - to_unsigned( cy );
+          const float fx      = x / static_cast<float>( n ) - cx;
+          const float fy      = y / static_cast<float>( n ) - to_unsigned( cy );
           const float local_x = devp.local_x( cx ) + fx * devp.x_pitch( cx );
           const float local_y = ( to_unsigned( cy ) + 0.5f + fy ) * devp.pixel_size();
@@ -524,7 +525,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
       } // loop over all potential seed pixels
-    } // loop over all banks
+    }   // loop over all banks
     std::partial_sum( offsets.begin(), offsets.end(), offsets.begin() );
diff --git a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VPClusCache.h b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VPClusCache.h
index 6ba79f60b159c05d8d050c8717354cb513816457..2fa69ee8687b41bc17a3ad7945a18ffcaf907318 100644
--- a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VPClusCache.h
+++ b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VPClusCache.h
@@ -133,19 +133,19 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         // if (yi == yj-1) return linkH(spi, spj); else
         if ( yi == yj + 1 ) return linkH( spj, spi );
       } else
-          /*if (xi == xj-1) {
-            if (yi == yj)   return linkV(spi, spj); else
-            if (yi == yj-1) return linkDF(spj, spi); else
-            if (yi == yj+1) return linkDB(spi, spj);
-          } else*/
-          if ( xi == xj + 1 ) {
-        if ( yi == yj )
-          return linkV( spj, spi );
-        else if ( yi == yj - 1 )
-          return linkDF( spi, spj );
-        else if ( yi == yj + 1 )
-          return linkDB( spj, spi );
-      }
+        /*if (xi == xj-1) {
+          if (yi == yj)   return linkV(spi, spj); else
+          if (yi == yj-1) return linkDF(spj, spi); else
+          if (yi == yj+1) return linkDB(spi, spj);
+        } else*/
+        if ( xi == xj + 1 ) {
+          if ( yi == yj )
+            return linkV( spj, spi );
+          else if ( yi == yj - 1 )
+            return linkDF( spi, spj );
+          else if ( yi == yj + 1 )
+            return linkDB( spj, spi );
+        }
       return false;
diff --git a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VPClusFull.cpp b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VPClusFull.cpp
index 37ec3ccede8aad85f9febf93662fce9a4f4377d8..470efbdeb42201e0460adc28008548b8a1f7d0b2 100644
--- a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VPClusFull.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VPClusFull.cpp
@@ -53,17 +53,16 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
     unsigned int m_maxClusterSize = 999999999;
     std::bitset<VP::NModules>                  m_modulesToSkipMask;
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<unsigned int>> m_modulesToSkip{this,
-                                                               "ModulesToSkip",
-                                                               {},
-                                                               [this]( auto& ) {
-                                                                 m_modulesToSkipMask.reset();
-                                                                 for ( auto i : m_modulesToSkip ) {
-                                                                   m_modulesToSkipMask.set( i );
-                                                                 }
-                                                               },
-                                                               Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true},
-                                                               "List of modules that should be skipped in decoding"};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<unsigned int>> m_modulesToSkip{
+        this,
+        "ModulesToSkip",
+        {},
+        [this]( auto& ) {
+          m_modulesToSkipMask.reset();
+          for ( auto i : m_modulesToSkip ) { m_modulesToSkipMask.set( i ); }
+        },
+        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true },
+        "List of modules that should be skipped in decoding" };
@@ -89,8 +88,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
       // initialize() and only takes about 20 us.
       // define deltas to 8-connectivity neighbours
-      const int dx[] = {-1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 1};
-      const int dy[] = {-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0};
+      const int dx[] = { -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 1 };
+      const int dy[] = { -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 };
       // clustering buffer for isolated superpixels.
       std::uint8_t sp_buffer[8];
@@ -186,17 +185,17 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
   // Standard constructor, initializes variables
   VPClusFull::VPClusFull( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : MultiTransformer{name,
-                         pSvcLocator,
-                         {KeyValue{"RawBanks", {}}, KeyValue{"DEVP", Det::VP::det_path}},
-                         {KeyValue{"ClusterLocation", VPFullClusterLocation::Default},
-                          KeyValue{"ClusterOffsets", VPFullClusterLocation::Offsets}}} {}
+      : MultiTransformer{ name,
+                          pSvcLocator,
+                          { KeyValue{ "RawBanks", {} }, KeyValue{ "DEVP", Det::VP::det_path } },
+                          { KeyValue{ "ClusterLocation", VPFullClusterLocation::Default },
+                            KeyValue{ "ClusterOffsets", VPFullClusterLocation::Offsets } } } {}
   // Main execution
-  std::tuple<std::vector<VPFullCluster>, std::array<unsigned, VeloInfo::Numbers::NOffsets>> VPClusFull::
-                                                                                            operator()( const RawBank::View& rawBanks, const DeVP& devp ) const {
+  std::tuple<std::vector<VPFullCluster>, std::array<unsigned, VeloInfo::Numbers::NOffsets>>
+  VPClusFull::operator()( const RawBank::View& rawBanks, const DeVP& devp ) const {
     // WARNING:
     // This clustering algorithm is designed to perform the Offline Clustering without checking any isolation flag
     auto result = std::tuple<std::vector<VPFullCluster>, std::array<unsigned, VeloInfo::Numbers::NOffsets>>{};
@@ -228,7 +227,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
     // and then preallocate per module and move hits might not be faster than adding
     // directly to the PixelModuleHits (which would require more allocations, but
     // not many if we start with a sensible default)
-    auto& [pool, offsets] = result;
+    auto& [pool, offsets]        = result;
     const unsigned int startSize = 10000U;
     pool.reserve( startSize );
@@ -289,7 +288,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
       auto data = VPRawBanks[s]->range<const uint32_t>();
       if ( version <= 3 ) {
         [[maybe_unused]] auto nsp = data.front();
-        data = data.subspan( 1 );
+        data                      = data.subspan( 1 );
         assert( data.size() == nsp );
@@ -299,8 +298,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         if ( 0 == sp ) continue; // protect against zero super pixels.
         const uint32_t sp_addr = ( sp_word & 0x007FFF00U ) >> 8;
-        const uint32_t sp_row = sp_addr & 0x3FU;
-        const uint32_t sp_col = ( sp_addr >> 6 );
+        const uint32_t sp_row  = sp_addr & 0x3FU;
+        const uint32_t sp_col  = ( sp_addr >> 6 );
         if ( sp_row > ( VP::NRows / 4 - 1 ) ) continue; // protect against super pixels outside sensor coordinates.
         if ( sp_col > ( VP::NColumns * VP::NChipsPerSensor / 2 - 1 ) )
@@ -331,7 +330,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
       const unsigned int nidx = pixel_idx.size();
       for ( unsigned int irc = 0; irc < nidx; ++irc ) {
-        const uint32_t idx = pixel_idx[irc];
+        const uint32_t idx   = pixel_idx[irc];
         const uint8_t  pixel = buffer[idx];
         if ( 0 == pixel ) continue; // pixel is used in another cluster
@@ -359,7 +358,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
           // pop pixel from stack and add it to cluster
           const uint32_t idx = stack.back();
-          const auto     row = Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{idx & 0xFFu};
+          const auto     row = Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{ idx & 0xFFu };
           const uint32_t col = ( idx >> 8 ) & 0x3FFu;
           x += col;
           y += to_unsigned( row );
@@ -368,7 +367,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
           const auto            chip = Detector::VPChannelID::ChipID( col / CHIP_COLUMNS );
           Detector::VPChannelID cid( sensor, chip, Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID( col % CHIP_COLUMNS ), row );
           if ( n == 1 ) {
-            channelIDs.push_back( {{cid}} );
+            channelIDs.push_back( { { cid } } );
           } else {
             channelIDs.back().push_back( cid );
@@ -444,16 +443,16 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         if ( n <= m_maxClusterSize ) {
           // if the pixel is smaller than the max cluster size, store it for the tracking
           const unsigned int cx = x / n;
-          const auto         cy = Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{y / n};
+          const auto         cy = Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{ y / n };
-          const auto chip = Detector::VPChannelID::ChipID{cx / CHIP_COLUMNS};
-          const auto ccol = Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{cx % CHIP_COLUMNS};
+          const auto chip = Detector::VPChannelID::ChipID{ cx / CHIP_COLUMNS };
+          const auto ccol = Detector::VPChannelID::ColumnID{ cx % CHIP_COLUMNS };
           // store target (3D point for tracking)
           Detector::VPChannelID cid( sensor, chip, ccol, cy );
-          const float fx = x / static_cast<float>( n ) - cx;
-          const float fy = y / static_cast<float>( n ) - to_unsigned( cy );
+          const float fx      = x / static_cast<float>( n ) - cx;
+          const float fy      = y / static_cast<float>( n ) - to_unsigned( cy );
           const float local_x = devp.local_x( cx ) + fx * devp.x_pitch( cx );
           const float local_y = ( to_unsigned( cy ) + 0.5f + fy ) * devp.pixel_size();
@@ -467,7 +466,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
       } // loop over all potential seed pixels
-    } // loop over all banks
+    }   // loop over all banks
     std::partial_sum( offsets.begin(), offsets.end(), offsets.begin() );
     // Do we actually need to sort the hits ? [ depends, if the offline clustering will be re-run and tracking will use
diff --git a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloClusterTrackingSIMD.cpp b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloClusterTrackingSIMD.cpp
index 3e1838cb957dc23a40cd41ebc3d1c36607acbffe..0011314ce37a1d6b464de6b7e53420d2a402b5cd 100644
--- a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloClusterTrackingSIMD.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloClusterTrackingSIMD.cpp
@@ -457,8 +457,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
           uint32_t y = pixel_SY[i];
           const uint32_t cx   = x / n;
-          const auto     cy   = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{y / n};
-          const auto     scol = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ScolID{cx};
+          const auto     cy   = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{ y / n };
+          const auto     scol = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ScolID{ cx };
           // store target (3D point for tracking)
           const float fx      = x / static_cast<float>( n ) - cx;
@@ -471,13 +471,13 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
           const float gz = ( ltg[6] * local_x + ltg[7] * local_y + ltg[11] );
           auto hit = hits.emplace_back<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar>();
-          hit.field<VP::VPHitsTag::pos>().set( {gx, gy, gz} );
+          hit.field<VP::VPHitsTag::pos>().set( { gx, gy, gz } );
-              SIMDWrapper::scalar::int_v( LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID{sensor, scol, cy}.channelID() ) );
+              SIMDWrapper::scalar::int_v( LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID{ sensor, scol, cy }.channelID() ) );
           if ( !masked_sensors[sensorID] ) {
             auto pout = Pout.emplace_back<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar>();
-            pout.field<HitsTag::pos>().set( {gx, gy, gz} );
+            pout.field<HitsTag::pos>().set( { gx, gy, gz } );
             pout.field<HitsTag::idx>().set( offset + n_hits );
@@ -531,26 +531,26 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
           if ( bank_version == 2 ) {
             cx   = ( rc_word >> 14 ) & 0x3FF;
             fx   = ( ( rc_word >> 11 ) & 0x7 ) / 8.f;
-            cy   = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{( rc_word >> 3 ) & 0xFF};
+            cy   = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{ ( rc_word >> 3 ) & 0xFF };
             fy   = ( rc_word & 0x7FF ) / 8.f;
-            scol = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ScolID{cx};
+            scol = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ScolID{ cx };
-            or_fx = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::OrfxID{0};
-            or_fy = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::OrfyID{0};
+            or_fx = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::OrfxID{ 0 };
+            or_fy = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::OrfyID{ 0 };
           } else {
             cx   = ( rc_word >> 12 ) & 0x3FF;
             fx   = ( ( rc_word >> 10 ) & 0x3 ) / 4.f;
-            cy   = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{( rc_word >> 2 ) & 0xFF};
+            cy   = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::RowID{ ( rc_word >> 2 ) & 0xFF };
             fy   = ( rc_word & 0x3FF ) / 4.f;
-            scol = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ScolID{cx};
+            scol = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::ScolID{ cx };
             cx_frac_half    = ( rc_word >> 11 ) & 0x1;
             cx_frac_quarter = ( rc_word >> 10 ) & 0x1;
-            or_fx           = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::OrfxID{( cx_frac_half | cx_frac_quarter )};
+            or_fx           = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::OrfxID{ ( cx_frac_half | cx_frac_quarter ) };
             cy_frac_half    = ( rc_word >> 1 ) & 0x1;
             cy_frac_quarter = (rc_word)&0x1;
-            or_fy           = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::OrfyID{( cy_frac_half | cy_frac_quarter )};
+            or_fy           = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::OrfyID{ ( cy_frac_half | cy_frac_quarter ) };
           if ( to_unsigned( cy ) > ( VPInfos::NRows - 1 ) )
@@ -566,13 +566,13 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
           const float gz = ( ltg[6] * local_x + ltg[7] * local_y + ltg[11] );
           auto hit = hits.emplace_back<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar>();
-          hit.field<VP::VPHitsTag::pos>().set( {gx, gy, gz} );
+          hit.field<VP::VPHitsTag::pos>().set( { gx, gy, gz } );
-              SIMDWrapper::scalar::int_v( LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID{sensor, scol, cy, or_fx, or_fy}.channelID() ) );
+              SIMDWrapper::scalar::int_v( LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID{ sensor, scol, cy, or_fx, or_fy }.channelID() ) );
           if ( !masked_sensors[sensorID] ) {
             auto pout = Pout.emplace_back<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar>();
-            pout.field<HitsTag::pos>().set( {gx, gy, gz} );
+            pout.field<HitsTag::pos>().set( { gx, gy, gz } );
             pout.field<HitsTag::idx>().set( offset + n_hits );
@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         auto sIdx = hitP0[i].get<HitsTag::idx>();
         auto sPhi = hitP0[i].get<HitsTag::phi>();
-        p0_pos[i]    = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<F, 3>{sPos.x(), sPos.y(), sPos.z()};
+        p0_pos[i]    = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<F, 3>{ sPos.x(), sPos.y(), sPos.z() };
         p0_idx[i]    = sIdx.cast();
         distances[i] = abs( phi1 - F( sPhi ) );
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         auto sIdx = hitP0[i].get<HitsTag::idx>();
         auto sPhi = hitP0[i].get<HitsTag::phi>();
-        auto pos = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<F, 3>{sPos.x(), sPos.y(), sPos.z()};
+        auto pos = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<F, 3>{ sPos.x(), sPos.y(), sPos.z() };
         I    idx = sIdx.cast();
         F    dis = abs( phi1 - F( sPhi ) );
@@ -649,12 +649,13 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
     // Standard constructor, initializes variables
     ClusterTrackingSIMD( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                            {KeyValue{"RawBanks", "DAQ/RawBanks/VP"}, KeyValue{"DEVP", Det::VP::det_path},
-                             KeyValue{"InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion"}},
-                            {KeyValue{"HitsLocation", "Raw/VP/Hits"},
-                             KeyValue{"TracksBackwardLocation", "Rec/Track/VeloBackward"},
-                             KeyValue{"TracksLocation", "Rec/Track/Velo"}} ) {}
+        : MultiTransformer(
+              name, pSvcLocator,
+              { KeyValue{ "RawBanks", "DAQ/RawBanks/VP" }, KeyValue{ "DEVP", Det::VP::det_path },
+                KeyValue{ "InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion" } },
+              { KeyValue{ "HitsLocation", "Raw/VP/Hits" },
+                KeyValue{ "TracksBackwardLocation", "Rec/Track/VeloBackward" },
+                KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", "Rec/Track/Velo" } } ) {}
     StatusCode initialize() override {
       return MultiTransformer::initialize().andThen( [&]() {
@@ -688,15 +689,15 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         I vh0     = 0;
         I vh2     = 0;
-        LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<F, 3> bestP0{0, 0, 0};
-        LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<F, 3> bestP2{0, 0, 0};
+        LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<F, 3> bestP0{ 0, 0, 0 };
+        LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<F, 3> bestP2{ 0, 0, 0 };
         closestsHitsInPhi<N_CANDIDATES>( P0, phi1, p0_candidates_pos, p0_candidates_idx );
         for ( const auto& hitP2 : P2->scalar() ) {
           const I    cid2       = hitP2.get<HitsTag::idx>().cast();
           const auto sp2        = hitP2.get<HitsTag::pos>();
-          const auto p2         = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<F, 3>{sp2.x(), sp2.y(), sp2.z()};
+          const auto p2         = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<F, 3>{ sp2.x(), sp2.y(), sp2.z() };
           auto       m_found_h0 = simd::mask_false();
           for ( int i = 0; i < N_CANDIDATES; i++ ) {
@@ -783,7 +784,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         for ( HitsPlane* P2 : P2s ) {
           for ( const auto hitP2 : P2->scalar() ) {
             const auto sp2 = hitP2.get<HitsTag::pos>();
-            const auto p2  = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<F, 3>{sp2.x(), sp2.y(), sp2.z()};
+            const auto p2  = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<F, 3>{ sp2.x(), sp2.y(), sp2.z() };
             const F dz = p2.z() - p0.z();
             const F x  = tx * dz + p0.x();
@@ -915,7 +916,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
       std::tuple<Hits, Tracks, Tracks> result{
           Hits( Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) ),
           Tracks( true, Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) ),
-          Tracks( Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) )};
+          Tracks( Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) ) };
       auto& [hits, tracksBackward, tracksForward] = result;
       hits.reserve( 10000 );
@@ -961,9 +962,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         P.emplace_back( &p );
-      LightTracksSoA t_candidates{Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
-      LightTracksSoA t_forwarded{Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
-      LightTracksSoA tracks{Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
+      LightTracksSoA t_candidates{ Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) };
+      LightTracksSoA t_forwarded{ Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) };
+      LightTracksSoA tracks{ Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) };
       t_candidates.reserve( reserved_tracks_size );
       t_forwarded.reserve( reserved_tracks_size );
       tracks.reserve( reserved_tracks_size );
@@ -1018,7 +1019,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
           getHits<VP_banktype>( VPRawBanks, sensor + VPInfos::NSensorsPerModule,
                                 sensor + 2 * VPInfos::NSensorsPerModule, devp, *P2[2], hits, m_sensorMasks );
-          TrackForwarding( tracks_candidates, std::array<HitsPlane*, 2>( {P[2], P2[2]} ), tracks_forwarded, &tracks );
+          TrackForwarding( tracks_candidates, std::array<HitsPlane*, 2>( { P[2], P2[2] } ), tracks_forwarded, &tracks );
           std::swap( tracks_candidates, tracks_forwarded );
@@ -1053,7 +1054,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         for ( int p = planes - 4; p >= 0; p-- ) {
           const int sensor = p * stride;
           getHits<VP_banktype>( VPRawBanks, sensor, sensor + stride, devp, *P[last_sensor], hits, m_sensorMasks );
-          TrackForwarding( tracks_candidates, std::array<HitsPlane*, 1>( {P[last_sensor]} ), tracks_forwarded,
+          TrackForwarding( tracks_candidates, std::array<HitsPlane*, 1>( { P[last_sensor] } ), tracks_forwarded,
                            &tracks );
           std::swap( tracks_candidates, tracks_forwarded );
@@ -1161,7 +1162,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         F z_beam = p1.z();
         F denom  = tx * tx + ty * ty;
         z_beam   = select( denom < 0.001f * 0.001f, z_beam,
-                         ( ( region.avgPosition.x() - x0 ) * tx + ( region.avgPosition.y() - y0 ) * ty ) / denom );
+                           ( ( region.avgPosition.x() - x0 ) * tx + ( region.avgPosition.y() - y0 ) * ty ) / denom );
         const auto hitproxy = hits.simd();
         auto       n_hits   = track.get<LightTrackTag::nHits>();
@@ -1211,7 +1212,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         track.StatePosDir( Location::ClosestToBeam ).setPosition( closestToBeam.pos() );
         track.StatePosDir( Location::ClosestToBeam ).setDirection( closestToBeam.dir() );
         track.setStateCovXY( Location::ClosestToBeam, closestToBeam.covX(), closestToBeam.covY() );
-        track.setStateCovXY( Location::EndVelo, {100.f, 0.f, 1.f}, {100.f, 0.f, 1.f} ); //  avoid NAN in chechers
+        track.setStateCovXY( Location::EndVelo, { 100.f, 0.f, 1.f }, { 100.f, 0.f, 1.f } ); //  avoid NAN in chechers
       // Fit backwards
       for ( auto const& track : tracksBackward.simd() ) {
@@ -1224,7 +1225,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         track.StatePosDir( Location::ClosestToBeam ).setPosition( closestToBeam.pos() );
         track.StatePosDir( Location::ClosestToBeam ).setDirection( closestToBeam.dir() );
         track.setStateCovXY( Location::ClosestToBeam, closestToBeam.covX(), closestToBeam.covY() );
-        track.setStateCovXY( Location::EndVelo, {100.f, 0.f, 1.f}, {100.f, 0.f, 1.f} ); //  avoid NAN in chechers
+        track.setStateCovXY( Location::EndVelo, { 100.f, 0.f, 1.f }, { 100.f, 0.f, 1.f } ); //  avoid NAN in chechers
       m_nbClustersCounter += hits.size();
       m_nbTracksCounter += tracks.size();
@@ -1233,17 +1234,17 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_msg_nobanks{
-        this, "Missing velo raw banks (check raw bank type)", 1};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_msg_badversion{this, "Unsupported velo raw bank version",
-                                                                           1};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>         m_nbClustersCounter{this, "Nb of Produced Clusters"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>         m_nbTracksCounter{this, "Nb of Produced Tracks"};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<bool, VPInfos::NSensors>>  m_sensorMasks{this, "SensorMasks", {}};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>                                m_max_scatter_seeding{this, "MaxScatterSeeding", 0.1f};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>                                m_max_scatter_forwarding{this, "MaxScatterForwarding", 0.1f};
-    Gaudi::Property<float>                                m_max_scatter_3hits{this, "MaxScatter3hits", 0.02f};
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned> m_skip_forward{this, "SkipForward", SearchModeParam<searchMode>::skip_forward_default};
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned> m_seeding_window{this, "SeedingWindow", SearchModeParam<searchMode>::plane_window};
+        this, "Missing velo raw banks (check raw bank type)", 1 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_msg_badversion{ this, "Unsupported velo raw bank version",
+                                                                            1 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>         m_nbClustersCounter{ this, "Nb of Produced Clusters" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>         m_nbTracksCounter{ this, "Nb of Produced Tracks" };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<bool, VPInfos::NSensors>>  m_sensorMasks{ this, "SensorMasks", {} };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>                                m_max_scatter_seeding{ this, "MaxScatterSeeding", 0.1f };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>    m_max_scatter_forwarding{ this, "MaxScatterForwarding", 0.1f };
+    Gaudi::Property<float>    m_max_scatter_3hits{ this, "MaxScatter3hits", 0.02f };
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned> m_skip_forward{ this, "SkipForward", SearchModeParam<searchMode>::skip_forward_default };
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned> m_seeding_window{ this, "SeedingWindow", SearchModeParam<searchMode>::plane_window };
   using VeloClusterTrackingSIMD             = ClusterTrackingSIMD<RawBank::VP, SearchMode::Default>;
   using VeloClusterTrackingSIMDFaster       = ClusterTrackingSIMD<RawBank::VP, SearchMode::Fast>;
diff --git a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloHeavyFlavourTracking.cpp b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloHeavyFlavourTracking.cpp
index b3e8a66f9547e2b02184619a034b17af5ad6e83e..9dd23ba513e6663a02f0d2bab6b8c5330a0b6104 100644
--- a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloHeavyFlavourTracking.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloHeavyFlavourTracking.cpp
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
       SensorID id;
       // sorting
       friend bool operator<( SensorInfo const& lhs, SensorInfo const& rhs ) {
-        return std::pair{lhs.z, lhs.id} < std::pair{rhs.z, rhs.id};
+        return std::pair{ lhs.z, lhs.id } < std::pair{ rhs.z, rhs.id };
     using SensorInfos = std::vector<SensorInfo>;
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         m_sensors = SensorInfos{};
         m_sensors.reserve( velo.numberSensors() );
         auto getSensorZs = [&]( auto const& sensor ) {
-          m_sensors.push_back( {(float)sensor.z(), sensor.sensorNumber()} );
+          m_sensors.push_back( { (float)sensor.z(), sensor.sensorNumber() } );
         velo.runOnAllSensors( getSensorZs );
         std::sort( m_sensors.begin(), m_sensors.end() );
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
       ChannelID id;
       // sorting in z first, then distance to search window
       friend bool operator<( HitInfo const& lhs, HitInfo const& rhs ) {
-        return std::pair{lhs.position.z(), lhs.d} < std::pair{rhs.position.z(), rhs.d};
+        return std::pair{ lhs.position.z(), lhs.d } < std::pair{ rhs.position.z(), rhs.d };
       // equal just by unique channel id
       friend bool operator==( HitInfo const& lhs, HitInfo const& rhs ) { return lhs.id == rhs.id; }
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         pos = pos + ( sensor.z - pos.Z() ) * slopes;
         auto dist =
             velo.sensor( sensor.id ).closestDistanceToSensor( ROOT::Math::XYZPoint( pos.X(), pos.Y(), pos.Z() ) );
-        if ( dist.perp2() < max_distance_squared ) crossedSensors.push_back( {pos.Z(), sensor.id} );
+        if ( dist.perp2() < max_distance_squared ) crossedSensors.push_back( { pos.Z(), sensor.id } );
       return crossedSensors;
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
           if ( id.sensor() == sensor.id ) {
             auto hitpos = hit.get<LHCb::Pr::VP::VPHitsTag::pos>().cast<float>();
             auto dist   = ( hitpos - pos ).rho();
-            if ( dist < max_distance ) poshits.push_back( {dist, hitpos, id} );
+            if ( dist < max_distance ) poshits.push_back( { dist, hitpos, id } );
@@ -170,15 +170,15 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
     // properties
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_max_distance{this, "MaxDistanceFromPVSV", 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                          "maximum hit distance from PV-SV line (search window)"};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_unique_hits{this, "UniqueHitsPerZ", true,
-                                        "Make sure only the closest hit to PV-SV line per z value is used"};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_revert_charge{this, "RevertCharge", false, "Revert charge with respect to composite"};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_max_distance{ this, "MaxDistanceFromPVSV", 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                           "maximum hit distance from PV-SV line (search window)" };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_unique_hits{ this, "UniqueHitsPerZ", true,
+                                         "Make sure only the closest hit to PV-SV line per z value is used" };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_revert_charge{ this, "RevertCharge", false, "Revert charge with respect to composite" };
     // statistics monitoring
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nInSensor{this, "Nb of sensors crossed"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nHitCandidates{this, "Nb hit candidates"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nInSensor{ this, "Nb of sensors crossed" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nHitCandidates{ this, "Nb hit candidates" };
   }; // namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( HeavyFlavourTrackFinder, "VeloHeavyFlavourTrackFinder" )
@@ -188,15 +188,15 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
   // constructor
   HeavyFlavourTrackFinder::HeavyFlavourTrackFinder( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                          {KeyValue( "Composites", "" ), KeyValue( "PVs", "" ), KeyValue( "Hits", "" ),
-                           KeyValue( "DeVP", LHCb::Det::VP::det_path ),
-                           KeyValue( "Sensors", {"AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-sensorinfos"} )},
-                          {KeyValue{"OutputTracks", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputRelations", ""}} ) {}
+                          { KeyValue( "Composites", "" ), KeyValue( "PVs", "" ), KeyValue( "Hits", "" ),
+                            KeyValue( "DeVP", LHCb::Det::VP::det_path ),
+                            KeyValue( "Sensors", { "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-sensorinfos" } ) },
+                          { KeyValue{ "OutputTracks", "" }, KeyValue{ "OutputRelations", "" } } ) {}
   // initialization
   StatusCode LHCb::Pr::Velo::HeavyFlavourTrackFinder::initialize() {
     auto sc = MultiTransformer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
-      addConditionDerivation<Sensors( DeVP const& )>( {LHCb::Det::VP::det_path}, inputLocation<Sensors>() );
+      addConditionDerivation<Sensors( DeVP const& )>( { LHCb::Det::VP::det_path }, inputLocation<Sensors>() );
     } );
     return sc;
diff --git a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp
index b591cf42dc52c4df74578eca894d9c56595f051e..a4dc67294466b77b057ace1ee685e4a575758fa0 100644
--- a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalman.cpp
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
     Kalman( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                       {KeyValue{"UniqueIDGenerator", UniqueIDGeneratorLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"HitsLocation", "Raw/VP/Hits"}, KeyValue{"TracksVPLocation", "Rec/Track/VP"},
-                        KeyValue{"TracksFTLocation", "Rec/Track/FT"},
-                        KeyValue{"InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion"}},
-                       KeyValue{"OutputTracksLocation", "Rec/Track/Fit"} ) {}
+                       { KeyValue{ "UniqueIDGenerator", UniqueIDGeneratorLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "HitsLocation", "Raw/VP/Hits" }, KeyValue{ "TracksVPLocation", "Rec/Track/VP" },
+                         KeyValue{ "TracksFTLocation", "Rec/Track/FT" },
+                         KeyValue{ "InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion" } },
+                       KeyValue{ "OutputTracksLocation", "Rec/Track/Fit" } ) {}
     StatusCode initialize() override {
       return Transformer::initialize().andThen( [&]() {
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
                           const TracksVP& tracksVP, const TracksFT& tracksFT,
                           const LHCb::Conditions::InteractionRegion& region ) const override {
       // Forward tracks and its fit are zipable as there is a one to one correspondence.
-      TracksFit out{Event::Enum::Track::Type::Long,
-                    Event::Enum::Track::FitHistory::VeloKalman,
-                    false,
-                    unique_id_gen,
-                    tracksFT.zipIdentifier(),
-                    LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
+      TracksFit out{ Event::Enum::Track::Type::Long,
+                     Event::Enum::Track::FitHistory::VeloKalman,
+                     false,
+                     unique_id_gen,
+                     tracksFT.zipIdentifier(),
+                     LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) };
       out.reserve( tracksFT.size() );
       m_nbTracksCounter += tracksFT.size();
@@ -93,7 +93,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
         outTrack.field<LHCb::Event::v3::Tag::nDoF>().set( nDof );
         outTrack.field<LHCb::Event::v3::Tag::history>().set( tracksFT.history() );
-            decltype( outTrack.field<LHCb::Event::v3::Tag::UniqueID>().get() ){unique_id_gen.generate<int>().value()} );
+            decltype( outTrack.field<LHCb::Event::v3::Tag::UniqueID>().get() ){
+                unique_id_gen.generate<int>().value() } );
         // Copy LHCbIds
         auto nVPHits   = track.nVPHits();
@@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbTracksCounter{this, "Nb of Produced Tracks"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbTracksCounter{ this, "Nb of Produced Tracks" };
   class KalmanTrackV1 : public Algorithm::Transformer<Event::v1::Tracks( const LHCb::Track::Range&, const DeVP&,
@@ -143,9 +144,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
     KalmanTrackV1( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                       {KeyValue{"TracksLocation", "Rec/Track/VP"}, KeyValue{"DEVP", Det::VP::det_path},
-                        KeyValue{"InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion"}},
-                       KeyValue{"OutputTracksLocation", "Rec/Track/Fit"} ) {}
+                       { KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", "Rec/Track/VP" }, KeyValue{ "DEVP", Det::VP::det_path },
+                         KeyValue{ "InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion" } },
+                       KeyValue{ "OutputTracksLocation", "Rec/Track/Fit" } ) {}
     StatusCode initialize() override {
       return Transformer::initialize().andThen( [&]() {
@@ -195,7 +196,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
           ty             = d.y() / d.z();
-        LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<float, 3> dir{tx, ty, 1.f};
+        LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<float, 3> dir{ tx, ty, 1.f };
         if ( new_track->isVeloBackward() ) {
           auto s = fitBackwardV1( hits, dir );
           s.transportTo( s.zBeam( region.avgPosition.x(), region.avgPosition.y() ) );
@@ -214,8 +215,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo {
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbTracksCounter{this, "Nb of Produced Tracks"};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>                         m_resetFirstState{this, "ResetFirstState", true};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbTracksCounter{ this, "Nb of Produced Tracks" };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>                         m_resetFirstState{ this, "ResetFirstState", true };
 } // namespace LHCb::Pr::Velo
diff --git a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h
index 9a7664487677e49df1bdd7640ccc7ab9001e53ad..a885de9dc25106a854601ba46b09276ead7a9beb 100644
--- a/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h
+++ b/Pr/PrPixel/src/VeloKalmanHelpers.h
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ namespace VeloKalmanParam {
   constexpr float wx  = err * err;
   constexpr float wy  = wx;
-  constexpr float scatterSensorParameters[4] = {0.54772f, 1.478845f, 0.626634f, -0.78f};
-  constexpr float scatterFoilParameters[2]   = {1.67f, 20.f};
+  constexpr float scatterSensorParameters[4] = { 0.54772f, 1.478845f, 0.626634f, -0.78f };
+  constexpr float scatterFoilParameters[2]   = { 1.67f, 20.f };
 } // namespace VeloKalmanParam
 template <typename T>
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ public:
       , covYTy( covYTy )
       , covTyTy( covTyTy ) {}
-  inline auto pos() const { return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<T, 3>{x, y, z}; }
-  inline auto dir() const { return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<T, 3>{tx, ty, 1.f}; }
-  inline auto covX() const { return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<T, 3>{covXX, covXTx, covTxTx}; }
-  inline auto covY() const { return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<T, 3>{covYY, covYTy, covTyTy}; }
+  inline auto pos() const { return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<T, 3>{ x, y, z }; }
+  inline auto dir() const { return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<T, 3>{ tx, ty, 1.f }; }
+  inline auto covX() const { return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<T, 3>{ covXX, covXTx, covTxTx }; }
+  inline auto covY() const { return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<T, 3>{ covYY, covYTy, covTyTy }; }
   inline T zBeam( const float beamspot_x, const float beamspot_y ) const {
     const T x0    = x - z * tx;
@@ -364,5 +364,5 @@ fitBackwardWithMomentum( const M track_mask, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& track
   s.transportTo( s.zBeam( beamspot.x(), beamspot.y() ) );
-  return {s, chi2, 2 * nHits - 4};
+  return { s, chi2, 2 * nHits - 4 };
diff --git a/Pr/PrVeloUT/doc/release.notes b/Pr/PrVeloUT/doc/release.notes
index 06fce588015a5987d37bd632ec31d00bc14b89e4..8d56dd1f94813110a69f440ea0b6954e00898496 100644
--- a/Pr/PrVeloUT/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Pr/PrVeloUT/doc/release.notes
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
 !========================= PrVeloUT v1r0 2013-02-14 =========================
-! 2013-03-14 - Espen Eie Bowen	
+! 2013-03-14 - Espen Eie Bowen
  - PrVeloUT can give momentum estimate to velo tracks.
 ! 2013-02-07 - Sascha Stahl
diff --git a/Pr/PrVeloUT/src/PrUTMagnetTool.cpp b/Pr/PrVeloUT/src/PrUTMagnetTool.cpp
index e2c9a3fa425dc6219d8dfbcef8af60e0d79956c4..c3b6580658378475bbe76c467d1756482f2613ac 100644
--- a/Pr/PrVeloUT/src/PrUTMagnetTool.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrVeloUT/src/PrUTMagnetTool.cpp
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     bdl_t f_bdl( const DeMagnet& magnet, float slopeY, float zOrigin, float zStart, float zStop ) {
-      if ( zStart > zStop ) return {0, 0};
+      if ( zStart > zStop ) return { 0, 0 };
       float Bdl      = 0.0;
       float zHalfBdl = 0.0;
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
-      return {Bdl, zHalfBdl};
+      return { Bdl, zHalfBdl };
   } // namespace
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
   StatusCode UTMagnetTool::initialize() {
     return ConditionAccessorHolder::initialize().andThen( [&]() {
-      addConditionDerivation( {LHCb::standard_geometry_top, LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path, DeUTDetLocation::location()},
+      addConditionDerivation( { LHCb::standard_geometry_top, LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path, DeUTDetLocation::location() },
                               [&]( const LHCb::Detector::DeLHCb& lhcb, const DeMagnet& magnet,
                                    const DeUTDetector& utdet ) { return makeCache( lhcb, magnet, utdet ); } );
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       c.dist2mom  = s_averageDist2mom_NoB;
       c.zMidField = s_zMidField_NoB;
     } else {
-      c.zMidField = c.lutZHalfBdl->getInterpolatedValue( {0.05, 0.0, 0.0} );
+      c.zMidField = c.lutZHalfBdl->getInterpolatedValue( { 0.05, 0.0, 0.0 } );
     return c;
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     c.lutDxToMom->fillTable( dxToMom );
     // determine distToMomentum parameter
-    c.dist2mom = c.lutDxToMom->getValue( {0.05} );
+    c.dist2mom = c.lutDxToMom->getValue( { 0.05 } );
     if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) debug() << "Generation of VeloUT deflection LUTs finished" << endmsg;
diff --git a/Pr/PrVeloUT/src/PrUTMagnetTool.h b/Pr/PrVeloUT/src/PrUTMagnetTool.h
index 418922fe2171909b402a1f593b30d1ba95993b5f..f012994ad1430ca886df531c86616a440ec2e79b 100644
--- a/Pr/PrVeloUT/src/PrUTMagnetTool.h
+++ b/Pr/PrVeloUT/src/PrUTMagnetTool.h
@@ -40,15 +40,15 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     float bdlIntegral( float ySlopeVelo, float zOrigin, float zVelo ) const override {
       auto& c = cache();
-      return c.noField ? s_bdlIntegral_NoB : c.lutBdl->getInterpolatedValue( {ySlopeVelo, zOrigin, zVelo} );
+      return c.noField ? s_bdlIntegral_NoB : c.lutBdl->getInterpolatedValue( { ySlopeVelo, zOrigin, zVelo } );
     float zBdlMiddle( float ySlopeVelo, float zOrigin, float zVelo ) const override {
       auto& c = cache();
-      return c.noField ? s_zBdlMiddle_NoB : c.lutZHalfBdl->getInterpolatedValue( {ySlopeVelo, zOrigin, zVelo} );
+      return c.noField ? s_zBdlMiddle_NoB : c.lutZHalfBdl->getInterpolatedValue( { ySlopeVelo, zOrigin, zVelo } );
     float dist2mom( float ySlope ) const override {
       auto& c = cache();
-      return c.noField ? s_averageDist2mom_NoB : c.lutDxToMom->getValue( {ySlope} );
+      return c.noField ? s_averageDist2mom_NoB : c.lutDxToMom->getValue( { ySlope } );
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     void  prepareDeflectionTables( IGeometryInfo const& geometry, const DeMagnet& magnet, Cache& c ) const;
     Cache makeCache( const LHCb::Detector::DeLHCb& lhcb, const DeMagnet& magnet, const DeUTDetector& utdet ) const;
-    ConditionAccessor<Cache> m_cache{this, "PrUTMagnetTool-Cache-" + name()};
+    ConditionAccessor<Cache> m_cache{ this, "PrUTMagnetTool-Cache-" + name() };
     const Cache&             cache() const;
     // set parameters for no field run
@@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     constexpr static float s_averageDist2mom_NoB = 0.00004;
     // Retrieve extrapolators
-    PublicToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_linear{this, "LinearExtrapolator", "TrackLinearExtrapolator"};
-    PublicToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_parabolic{this, "Extrapolator", "TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator"};
+    PublicToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_linear{ this, "LinearExtrapolator", "TrackLinearExtrapolator" };
+    PublicToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_parabolic{ this, "Extrapolator", "TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator" };
     // warnings
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_ExtrapolationFailed{this, "Extrapolation failed", 0};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_ExtrapolationFailed{ this, "Extrapolation failed", 0 };
 } // namespace LHCb::Pr
diff --git a/Pr/PrVeloUT/src/PrVeloUT.cpp b/Pr/PrVeloUT/src/PrVeloUT.cpp
index c848a7904e8d7db3d1f482b4b81ac961602ecec6..fb9a7d99b6502dc63a5de885ab3e297bc9fa5b2c 100644
--- a/Pr/PrVeloUT/src/PrVeloUT.cpp
+++ b/Pr/PrVeloUT/src/PrVeloUT.cpp
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     // -- and this an index to find the hit containers
     std::array<int, batchSize> hitContIndexs;
-    std::size_t size{0};
+    std::size_t size{ 0 };
     SOA_ACCESSOR_VAR( x, &( xs[pos * batchSize] ), int pos )
     SOA_ACCESSOR_VAR( z, &( zs[pos * batchSize] ), int pos )
     SOA_ACCESSOR_VAR( weight, &( weightss[pos * batchSize] ), int pos )
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       using F = typename dType::float_v;
       using I = typename dType::int_v;
-      auto nValid{0};
+      auto nValid{ 0 };
       if ( hitsInL.size() != 0 ) {
         for ( int i = 0; i < totalUTLayers; ++i ) {
           int        hitI   = hitIndexs[trackIndex + i * batchSize];
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       VeloUTGeomCache() = default;
       UTDAQ::GeomCache common;
-      float            zMidUT{0.}, distToMomentum{0.};
+      float            zMidUT{ 0. }, distToMomentum{ 0. };
   } // namespace
@@ -201,14 +201,14 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     VeloUT( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : base_class_t( name, pSvcLocator,
-                        {KeyValue{"InputTracksName", "Rec/Track/Velo"}, KeyValue{"UTHits", UTInfo::HitLocation},
-                         KeyValue{"GeometryInfo", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-UTGeometryInfo"},
-                         KeyValue{"Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path}},
-                        KeyValue{"OutputTracksName", "Rec/Track/UT"} ) {}
+                        { KeyValue{ "InputTracksName", "Rec/Track/Velo" }, KeyValue{ "UTHits", UTInfo::HitLocation },
+                          KeyValue{ "GeometryInfo", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-UTGeometryInfo" },
+                          KeyValue{ "Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path } },
+                        KeyValue{ "OutputTracksName", "Rec/Track/UT" } ) {}
     StatusCode initialize() override {
       return Transformer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
-        addConditionDerivation( {DeUTDetLocation::location(), m_PrUTMagnetTool->cacheLocation()},
+        addConditionDerivation( { DeUTDetLocation::location(), m_PrUTMagnetTool->cacheLocation() },
                                 []( const DeUTDetector& det, const UTMagnetTool::Cache& magtoolcache ) {
                                   return VeloUTGeomCache( det, magtoolcache );
@@ -220,34 +220,34 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
                                  const VeloUTGeomCache&, const DeMagnet& ) const override final;
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minMomentum{this, "MinMomentum", 1500.f * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minPT{this, "MinPT", 300.f * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minMomentumFinal{this, "MinMomentumFinal", 2500.f * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minPTFinal{this, "MinPTFinal", 425.f * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxPseudoChi2{this, "MaxPseudoChi2", 1280.};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_yTol{this, "YTolerance", 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm}; // 0.8
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_yTolSlope{this, "YTolSlope", 0.08};               // 0.2
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_hitTol{this, "HitTol", 0.8 * Gaudi::Units::mm};   // 0.8
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_deltaTx{this, "DeltaTx", 0.018};                  // 0.02
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxXSlope{this, "MaxXSlope", 0.350};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxYSlope{this, "MaxYSlope", 0.300};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_centralHoleSize{this, "CentralHoleSize", 33. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_intraLayerDist{this, "IntraLayerDist", 15.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_overlapTol{this, "OverlapTol", 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_passHoleSize{this, "PassHoleSize", 40. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_LD3Hits{this, "LD3HitsMin", -0.5};
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_LD4Hits{this, "LD4HitsMin", -0.5};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_minLayers{this, "MinLayers", 3};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_printVariables{this, "PrintVariables", false};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_passTracks{this, "PassTracks", false};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_finalFit{this, "FinalFit", true};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_fiducialCuts{this, "FiducialCuts", true};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_looseSectorSearch{this, "LooseSectorSearch", false};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_filterMode{this, "FilterMode", false};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_seedsCounter{this, "#seeds"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_tracksCounter{this, "#tracks"};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minMomentum{ this, "MinMomentum", 1500.f * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minPT{ this, "MinPT", 300.f * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minMomentumFinal{ this, "MinMomentumFinal", 2500.f * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minPTFinal{ this, "MinPTFinal", 425.f * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxPseudoChi2{ this, "MaxPseudoChi2", 1280. };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_yTol{ this, "YTolerance", 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm }; // 0.8
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_yTolSlope{ this, "YTolSlope", 0.08 };               // 0.2
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_hitTol{ this, "HitTol", 0.8 * Gaudi::Units::mm };   // 0.8
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_deltaTx{ this, "DeltaTx", 0.018 };                  // 0.02
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxXSlope{ this, "MaxXSlope", 0.350 };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxYSlope{ this, "MaxYSlope", 0.300 };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_centralHoleSize{ this, "CentralHoleSize", 33. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_intraLayerDist{ this, "IntraLayerDist", 15.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_overlapTol{ this, "OverlapTol", 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_passHoleSize{ this, "PassHoleSize", 40. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_LD3Hits{ this, "LD3HitsMin", -0.5 };
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_LD4Hits{ this, "LD4HitsMin", -0.5 };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>   m_minLayers{ this, "MinLayers", 3 };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_printVariables{ this, "PrintVariables", false };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_passTracks{ this, "PassTracks", false };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_finalFit{ this, "FinalFit", true };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_fiducialCuts{ this, "FiducialCuts", true };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_looseSectorSearch{ this, "LooseSectorSearch", false };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_filterMode{ this, "FilterMode", false };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_seedsCounter{ this, "#seeds" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_tracksCounter{ this, "#tracks" };
     LHCb::UT::TrackUtils::MiniStates getStates( const Velo::Tracks& inputTracks, Upstream::Tracks& outputTracks,
                                                 float zMidUT ) const;
@@ -273,16 +273,16 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
                                  const BdlTable& bdlTable, const DeMagnet& magnet, float zMidUT ) const;
     /// Multipurpose tool for Bdl and deflection
-    ToolHandle<UTMagnetTool> m_PrUTMagnetTool{this, "PrUTMagnetTool", "PrUTMagnetTool"};
+    ToolHandle<UTMagnetTool> m_PrUTMagnetTool{ this, "PrUTMagnetTool", "PrUTMagnetTool" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_too_much_in_filtered{
-        this, "Reached the maximum number of tracks in filteredStates!!"};
+        this, "Reached the maximum number of tracks in filteredStates!!" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_too_much_in_boundaries{
-        this, "Reached the maximum number of tracks in Boundaries!!"};
+        this, "Reached the maximum number of tracks in Boundaries!!" };
-    constexpr static float c_zKink{1780.0};
-    constexpr static float c_sigmaVeloSlope{0.10 * Gaudi::Units::mrad};
-    constexpr static float c_invSigmaVeloSlope{10.0 / Gaudi::Units::mrad};
+    constexpr static float c_zKink{ 1780.0 };
+    constexpr static float c_sigmaVeloSlope{ 0.10 * Gaudi::Units::mrad };
+    constexpr static float c_invSigmaVeloSlope{ 10.0 / Gaudi::Units::mrad };
 } // namespace LHCb::Pr
@@ -306,18 +306,18 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       // -- copied from Root::Math::CholeskyDecomp
       // -- first decompose
       std::array<simd::float_v, 6> dst;
-      simd::mask_v                 mask = !( mat[0] > simd::float_v{0.0f} );
+      simd::mask_v                 mask = !( mat[0] > simd::float_v{ 0.0f } );
       dst[0]                            = max( 1e-6f, dst[0] ); // that's only needed if you care about FPE
       dst[0]                            = 1.0f / sqrt( mat[0] );
       dst[1]                            = mat[1] * dst[0];
       dst[2]                            = mat[2] - dst[1] * dst[1];
-      mask                              = mask || ( dst[2] < simd::float_v{0.0f} );
+      mask                              = mask || ( dst[2] < simd::float_v{ 0.0f } );
       dst[2]                            = max( 1e-6f, dst[2] ); // that's only needed if you care about FPE
       dst[2]                            = 1.0f / sqrt( dst[2] );
       dst[3]                            = mat[3] * dst[0];
       dst[4]                            = ( mat[4] - dst[1] * dst[3] ) * dst[2];
       dst[5]                            = mat[5] - ( dst[3] * dst[3] + dst[4] * dst[4] );
-      mask                              = mask || ( dst[5] < simd::float_v{0.0f} );
+      mask                              = mask || ( dst[5] < simd::float_v{ 0.0f } );
       dst[5]                            = max( 1e-6f, dst[5] ); // that's only needed if you care about FPE
       dst[5]                            = 1.0f / sqrt( dst[5] );
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     // -- parameters that describe the z position of the kink point as a function of ty in a 4th order polynomial (even
     // terms only)
-    constexpr auto magFieldParams = std::array{2010.0f, -2240.0f, -71330.f};
+    constexpr auto magFieldParams = std::array{ 2010.0f, -2240.0f, -71330.f };
     // perform a fit using trackhelper's best hits with y correction, improve qop estimate
     simd::float_v fastfitterSIMD( std::array<simd::float_v, 4>& improvedParams, const ProtoTracks& protoTracks,
@@ -368,8 +368,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       const simd::float_v error  = error1 * error1 + error2 * error2;
       const simd::float_v weight = 1.0f / error;
-      std::array<simd::float_v, 6> mat = {weight, weight * zDiff, weight * zDiff * zDiff, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
-      std::array<simd::float_v, 3> rhs = {weight * xMidField, weight * xMidField * zDiff, 0.0f};
+      std::array<simd::float_v, 6> mat = { weight, weight * zDiff, weight * zDiff * zDiff, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
+      std::array<simd::float_v, 3> rhs = { weight * xMidField, weight * xMidField * zDiff, 0.0f };
       for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) {
         // -- there are 3-hit candidates, but we'll
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
           0.5f * ( ( xUTFit + xSlopeUTFit * ( zKink - zMidUT ) ) + xMidField ); // the 0.5 is empirical
       const simd::float_v xSlopeVeloFit = ( xb - x ) / ( zKink - z );
-      improvedParams = {xUTFit, xSlopeUTFit, y + ty * ( zMidUT - z ) + offsetY, chi2};
+      improvedParams = { xUTFit, xSlopeUTFit, y + ty * ( zMidUT - z ) + offsetY, chi2 };
       // calculate q/p
       const simd::float_v sinInX  = xSlopeVeloFit / sqrt( 1.0f + xSlopeVeloFit * xSlopeVeloFit + ty * ty );
@@ -431,12 +431,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     simd::float_v evaluateLinearDiscriminantSIMD( const std::array<simd::float_v, 3>& inputValues ) {
       constexpr auto coeffs =
-          ( nHits == 3 ? std::array{0.162880166064f, -0.107081172665f, 0.134153123662f, -0.137764853657f}
-                       : std::array{0.235010729187f, -0.0938323617311f, 0.110823681145f, -0.170467109599f} );
+          ( nHits == 3 ? std::array{ 0.162880166064f, -0.107081172665f, 0.134153123662f, -0.137764853657f }
+                       : std::array{ 0.235010729187f, -0.0938323617311f, 0.110823681145f, -0.170467109599f } );
       assert( coeffs.size() == inputValues.size() + 1 );
-      return simd::float_v{coeffs[0]} + coeffs[1] * log<simd::float_v>( inputValues[0] ) +
+      return simd::float_v{ coeffs[0] } + coeffs[1] * log<simd::float_v>( inputValues[0] ) +
              coeffs[2] * log<simd::float_v>( inputValues[1] ) + coeffs[3] * log<simd::float_v>( inputValues[2] );
@@ -476,9 +476,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       return ( index3 * 11 + index2 ) * 31 + index1;
-    constexpr auto minValsBdl = std::array{-0.3f, -250.0f, 0.0f};
-    constexpr auto maxValsBdl = std::array{0.3f, 250.0f, 800.0f};
-    constexpr auto deltaBdl   = std::array{0.02f, 50.0f, 80.0f};
+    constexpr auto minValsBdl = std::array{ -0.3f, -250.0f, 0.0f };
+    constexpr auto maxValsBdl = std::array{ 0.3f, 250.0f, 800.0f };
+    constexpr auto deltaBdl   = std::array{ 0.02f, 50.0f, 80.0f };
     // constexpr auto dxDyHelper = std::array{0.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f};
     // ===========================================================================================
     // -- 2 helper functions for fit
@@ -512,8 +512,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       const float stateTx         = pTracks.dir<scalar::float_v>( trackIndex ).x.cast();
       const float zDiff = 0.001f * ( zKink - zMidUT );
-      auto        mat   = std::array{wb, wb * zDiff, wb * zDiff * zDiff};
-      auto        rhs   = std::array{wb * xMidField, wb * xMidField * zDiff};
+      auto        mat   = std::array{ wb, wb * zDiff, wb * zDiff * zDiff };
+      auto        rhs   = std::array{ wb * xMidField, wb * xMidField * zDiff };
       auto const muthit = hits.scalar();
       std::for_each( indices.begin(), indices.end(),
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
                                        const LHCb::Pr::UT::Hits& hh, const VeloUTGeomCache& velogeom,
                                        const DeMagnet& magnet ) const {
-    Upstream::Tracks outputTracks{&inputTracks, Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
+    Upstream::Tracks outputTracks{ &inputTracks, Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) };
     outputTracks.reserve( inputTracks.size() );
     m_seedsCounter += inputTracks.size();
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     simd::float_v invMinMomentum = 1.0f / m_minMomentum.value();
     // -- Used for the calculation of the size of the search windows
-    constexpr const std::array<float, totalUTLayers> normFact{0.95f, 1.0f, 1.36f, 1.41f};
+    constexpr const std::array<float, totalUTLayers> normFact{ 0.95f, 1.0f, 1.36f, 1.41f };
     auto extrapFunc = [&]( int layerIndex, simd::float_v x, simd::float_v y, simd::float_v z, simd::float_v tx,
                            simd::float_v ty, simd::float_v ) {
@@ -587,8 +587,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
           abs( velogeom.distToMomentum * invMinMom * normFact[layerIndex] ) - abs( tx ) * m_intraLayerDist.value();
       const simd::float_v yTol = m_yTol.value() + m_yTolSlope.value() * xTol;
-      const simd::float_v zGeo{geometry.layers[layerIndex].z};
-      const simd::float_v dxDy{geometry.layers[layerIndex].dxDy};
+      const simd::float_v zGeo{ geometry.layers[layerIndex].z };
+      const simd::float_v dxDy{ geometry.layers[layerIndex].dxDy };
       const simd::float_v yAtZ   = y + ty * ( zGeo - z );
       const simd::float_v xLayer = x + tx * ( zGeo - z );
@@ -645,11 +645,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       for ( const auto& fState : filteredStates.scalar() ) {
         const auto tEff = fState.offset();
-        Vec3<scalar::float_v> pos{fState.get<LHCb::UT::TrackUtils::MiniStateTag::State>().x(),
-                                  fState.get<LHCb::UT::TrackUtils::MiniStateTag::State>().y(),
-                                  fState.get<LHCb::UT::TrackUtils::MiniStateTag::State>().z()};
-        Vec3<scalar::float_v> dir{fState.get<LHCb::UT::TrackUtils::MiniStateTag::State>().tx(),
-                                  fState.get<LHCb::UT::TrackUtils::MiniStateTag::State>().ty(), 1.f};
+        Vec3<scalar::float_v> pos{ fState.get<LHCb::UT::TrackUtils::MiniStateTag::State>().x(),
+                                   fState.get<LHCb::UT::TrackUtils::MiniStateTag::State>().y(),
+                                   fState.get<LHCb::UT::TrackUtils::MiniStateTag::State>().z() };
+        Vec3<scalar::float_v> dir{ fState.get<LHCb::UT::TrackUtils::MiniStateTag::State>().tx(),
+                                   fState.get<LHCb::UT::TrackUtils::MiniStateTag::State>().ty(), 1.f };
         const int trackIndex = pTracks.size;
         pTracks.fillHelperParams<scalar>( pos, dir, c_zKink, c_sigmaVeloSlope );
@@ -694,11 +694,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
   __attribute__( ( flatten ) ) LHCb::UT::TrackUtils::MiniStates
   VeloUT::getStates( const Velo::Tracks& inputTracks, Upstream::Tracks& outputTracks, float zMidUT ) const {
-    LHCb::UT::TrackUtils::MiniStates filteredStates{Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(),
-                                                    {inputTracks.get_allocator().resource()}};
+    LHCb::UT::TrackUtils::MiniStates filteredStates{ Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(),
+                                                     { inputTracks.get_allocator().resource() } };
     filteredStates.reserve( inputTracks.size() );
-    const auto centralHoleR2 = simd::float_v{m_centralHoleSize * m_centralHoleSize};
+    const auto centralHoleR2 = simd::float_v{ m_centralHoleSize * m_centralHoleSize };
     for ( auto const& velotrack : inputTracks.simd() ) {
       auto const loopMask = velotrack.loop_mask();
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
           ( ( abs( dir.x() ) > m_maxXSlope.value() ) || ( abs( dir.y() ) > m_maxYSlope.value() ) );
       simd::mask_v passHoleMask = abs( xMidUT ) < m_passHoleSize.value() && abs( yMidUT ) < m_passHoleSize.value();
       simd::mask_v mask         = centralHoleMask || slopesMask;
-      simd::mask_v csMask       = loopMask && !mask && ( !simd::mask_v{m_passTracks.value()} || !passHoleMask );
+      simd::mask_v csMask       = loopMask && !mask && ( !simd::mask_v{ m_passTracks.value() } || !passHoleMask );
       auto fState = filteredStates.compress_back<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Best>( csMask );
       fState.field<LHCb::UT::TrackUtils::MiniStateTag::State>().setPosition( pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z() );
@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
                                                    ? LHCb::UT::TrackUtils::maxNumSectorsBoundariesLoose
                                                    : LHCb::UT::TrackUtils::maxNumSectorsBoundariesNominal;
-    const simd::float_v tolProto{m_yTol.value()};
+    const simd::float_v tolProto{ m_yTol.value() };
     const auto fState  = filteredStates.scalar();
     const auto xState  = fState[t].get<LHCb::UT::TrackUtils::MiniStateTag::State>().x().cast();
@@ -779,10 +779,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     int         nLayers = 0;
     // -- the protos could be precomputed
-    const simd::float_v yProto{yState - tyState * zState};
-    const simd::float_v xOnTrackProto{xState - txState * zState};
-    const simd::float_v ty{tyState};
-    const simd::float_v tx{txState};
+    const simd::float_v yProto{ yState - tyState * zState };
+    const simd::float_v xOnTrackProto{ xState - txState * zState };
+    const simd::float_v ty{ tyState };
+    const simd::float_v tx{ txState };
     // -- the second condition is to ensure at least 3 layers with hits
     for ( int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < totalUTLayers && layerIndex - nLayers <= totalUTLayers - minLayers;
@@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
         // -- All hits found
         if ( bestHit1Index != -1 && bestHit3Index != -1 ) {
-          simpleFit( std::array{i0, bestHit1Index, i2, bestHit3Index}, hitsInLayers, pTracks, trackIndex, zMidUT,
+          simpleFit( std::array{ i0, bestHit1Index, i2, bestHit3Index }, hitsInLayers, pTracks, trackIndex, zMidUT,
                      c_zKink, c_invSigmaVeloSlope );
           if ( !fourLayerSolution && pTracks.hitIndex<scalar::int_v>( trackIndex, 0 ).cast() != -1 ) {
@@ -967,13 +967,13 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
         // -- Nothing found in layer 3
         if ( !fourLayerSolution && bestHit1Index != -1 ) {
-          simpleFit( std::array{i0, bestHit1Index, i2}, hitsInLayers, pTracks, trackIndex, zMidUT, c_zKink,
+          simpleFit( std::array{ i0, bestHit1Index, i2 }, hitsInLayers, pTracks, trackIndex, zMidUT, c_zKink,
                      c_invSigmaVeloSlope );
         // -- Noting found in layer 1
         if ( !fourLayerSolution && bestHit3Index != -1 ) {
-          simpleFit( std::array{i0, bestHit3Index, i2}, hitsInLayers, pTracks, trackIndex, zMidUT, c_zKink,
+          simpleFit( std::array{ i0, bestHit3Index, i2 }, hitsInLayers, pTracks, trackIndex, zMidUT, c_zKink,
                      c_invSigmaVeloSlope );
@@ -1011,26 +1011,26 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       // -- FIXME: these rely on the internal details of PrTableForFunction!!!
       //           and should at least be put back in there, and used from here
       //           to make sure everything _stays_ consistent...
-      auto var = std::array{protoTracks.dir<simd::float_v>( t ).y, zOrigin, protoTracks.pos<simd::float_v>( t ).z};
+      auto var = std::array{ protoTracks.dir<simd::float_v>( t ).y, zOrigin, protoTracks.pos<simd::float_v>( t ).z };
-      simd::int_v index1 = min( max( simd::int_v{( var[0] + 0.3f ) / 0.6f * 30}, 0 ), 30 );
-      simd::int_v index2 = min( max( simd::int_v{( var[1] + 250 ) / 500 * 10}, 0 ), 10 );
-      simd::int_v index3 = min( max( simd::int_v{var[2] / 800 * 10}, 0 ), 10 );
+      simd::int_v index1 = min( max( simd::int_v{ ( var[0] + 0.3f ) / 0.6f * 30 }, 0 ), 30 );
+      simd::int_v index2 = min( max( simd::int_v{ ( var[1] + 250 ) / 500 * 10 }, 0 ), 10 );
+      simd::int_v index3 = min( max( simd::int_v{ var[2] / 800 * 10 }, 0 ), 10 );
       simd::float_v bdl = gather( bdlTable.table().data(), masterIndexSIMD( index1, index2, index3 ) );
       // -- TODO: check if we can go outside this table...
       const std::array<simd::float_v, 3> bdls =
-          std::array{gather( bdlTable.table().data(), masterIndexSIMD( index1 + 1, index2, index3 ) ),
-                     gather( bdlTable.table().data(), masterIndexSIMD( index1, index2 + 1, index3 ) ),
-                     gather( bdlTable.table().data(), masterIndexSIMD( index1, index2, index3 + 1 ) )};
+          std::array{ gather( bdlTable.table().data(), masterIndexSIMD( index1 + 1, index2, index3 ) ),
+                      gather( bdlTable.table().data(), masterIndexSIMD( index1, index2 + 1, index3 ) ),
+                      gather( bdlTable.table().data(), masterIndexSIMD( index1, index2, index3 + 1 ) ) };
-      const std::array<simd::float_v, 3> boundaries = {-0.3f + simd::float_v{index1} * deltaBdl[0],
-                                                       -250.0f + simd::float_v{index2} * deltaBdl[1],
-                                                       0.0f + simd::float_v{index3} * deltaBdl[2]};
+      const std::array<simd::float_v, 3> boundaries = { -0.3f + simd::float_v{ index1 } * deltaBdl[0],
+                                                        -250.0f + simd::float_v{ index2 } * deltaBdl[1],
+                                                        0.0f + simd::float_v{ index3 } * deltaBdl[2] };
       // -- This is an interpolation, to get a bit more precision
-      simd::float_v addBdlVal{0.0f};
+      simd::float_v addBdlVal{ 0.0f };
       for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) {
         // -- this should make sure that values outside the range add nothing to the sum
@@ -1049,17 +1049,17 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
           protoTracks.xTT<simd::float_v>( t ), protoTracks.xSlopeTT<simd::float_v>( t ),
           protoTracks.pos<simd::float_v>( t ).y +
               protoTracks.dir<simd::float_v>( t ).y * ( zMidUT - protoTracks.pos<simd::float_v>( t ).z ),
-          protoTracks.chi2TT<simd::float_v>( t )};
+          protoTracks.chi2TT<simd::float_v>( t ) };
       const simd::float_v qpxz2p  = -1.0f / bdl * 3.3356f / Gaudi::Units::GeV;
       simd::mask_v        fitMask = simd::mask_true();
       simd::float_v       qp      = m_finalFit ? fastfitterSIMD( finalParams, protoTracks, zMidUT, qpxz2p, t, fitMask )
-                                    : protoTracks.qp<simd::float_v>( t ) /
+                                               : protoTracks.qp<simd::float_v>( t ) /
                                           sqrt( 1.0f + protoTracks.dir<simd::float_v>( t ).y *
-                                                           protoTracks.dir<simd::float_v>( t ).y ); // is this correct?
+                                                                      protoTracks.dir<simd::float_v>( t ).y ); // is this correct?
       qp                      = select( fitMask, qp, protoTracks.qp<simd::float_v>( t ) );
-      const simd::float_v qop = select( abs( bdl ) < 1.e-8f, simd::float_v{1000.0f}, qp * qpxz2p );
+      const simd::float_v qop = select( abs( bdl ) < 1.e-8f, simd::float_v{ 1000.0f }, qp * qpxz2p );
       // -- Don't make tracks that have grossly too low momentum
       // -- Beware of the momentum resolution!
@@ -1093,8 +1093,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       if ( m_finalFit ) {
-        const simd::float_v fourHitDisc  = evaluateLinearDiscriminantSIMD<4>( {p, pt, finalParams[3]} );
-        const simd::float_v threeHitDisc = evaluateLinearDiscriminantSIMD<3>( {p, pt, finalParams[3]} );
+        const simd::float_v fourHitDisc  = evaluateLinearDiscriminantSIMD<4>( { p, pt, finalParams[3] } );
+        const simd::float_v threeHitDisc = evaluateLinearDiscriminantSIMD<3>( { p, pt, finalParams[3] } );
         simd::mask_v fourHitMask  = fourHitDisc > m_LD4Hits.value();
         simd::mask_v threeHitMask = threeHitDisc > m_LD3Hits.value();
diff --git a/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/CMakeLists.txt b/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/CMakeLists.txt
index 8f9fde04fcb50ca0fed959bca4c4facbcefa51f0..bd6409a766b14c061576240f99a427d41acdba50 100644
--- a/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ gaudi_add_module(SciFiTrackForwarding
-        LHCb::MagnetLib        
+        LHCb::MagnetLib
diff --git a/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/src/SciFiTrackForwarding.cpp b/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/src/SciFiTrackForwarding.cpp
index 59065b9d1df863dfa2ccafc2de172d694709924f..6108ec9054f17d4a6883f212f486d9160d30bcbd 100644
--- a/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/src/SciFiTrackForwarding.cpp
+++ b/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/src/SciFiTrackForwarding.cpp
@@ -109,19 +109,19 @@ namespace {
   double constexpr ExtFacS2_gamma = -0.000461618451581078;
   struct GeomCache {
-    std::array<float, 24> LayerZPos{std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN()};
-    std::array<float, 24> dZdYFiber{std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN()};
-    std::array<float, 12> dXdYFiber{std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN()};
+    std::array<float, 24> LayerZPos{ std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN() };
+    std::array<float, 24> dZdYFiber{ std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN() };
+    std::array<float, 12> dXdYFiber{ std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN() };
     // polynomial coefficients for extrapolations
-    std::array<float, 48> ext_coeff{std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN()};
+    std::array<float, 48> ext_coeff{ std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN() };
     GeomCache() = default;
     GeomCache( DeFT const& ftDet ) {
       const auto fullCache = LHCb::Detector::FT::Cache::GeometryCache( ftDet );
       // get the layer z-positions and slopes to cache them for later usage
-      for ( auto i{0u}; i < LHCb::Detector::FT::nLayersTotal; ++i ) {
+      for ( auto i{ 0u }; i < LHCb::Detector::FT::nLayersTotal; ++i ) {
         // the first 12 values are the bottom layers
         LayerZPos[i] = fullCache.z( i );
         dZdYFiber[i] = fullCache.dzdy( i );
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ namespace {
       // get the uv layer fiber slopes to cache them for later usage
-      for ( int i{0}; i < 6; ++i ) {
+      for ( int i{ 0 }; i < 6; ++i ) {
         // the first 6 values are the bottom uv layers
         dXdYFiber[i] = -fullCache.dxdy( LHCb::Detector::FT::stereoZones[2 * i] / 2 );
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ namespace {
       int cnt = 0;
       // used in the first iteration, seeding from S3
-      for ( int i : {0, 3, 4, 7} ) {
+      for ( int i : { 0, 3, 4, 7 } ) {
         ext_coeff[cnt]        = ExtFacS3_alpha * std::pow( LayerZPos[i] - LayerZPos[8], 2 );
         ext_coeff[12 + cnt++] = ExtFacS3_alpha * std::pow( LayerZPos[12 + i] - LayerZPos[20], 2 );
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ namespace {
       cnt = 24;
       // used in the second iteration, seeding from S2
-      for ( int i : {0, 3, 8, 11} ) {
+      for ( int i : { 0, 3, 8, 11 } ) {
         int const from = i < 4 ? 4 : 7;
         ext_coeff[cnt]        = ExtFacS2_alpha * std::pow( LayerZPos[i] - LayerZPos[from], 2 );
@@ -174,33 +174,33 @@ namespace {
   // constants for the extrapolation polynomial from Velo to SciFi, used to determine searchwindows and minPT cut border
-  std::array<float, 8> constexpr toSciFiExtParams{4824.31956565f,  426.26974766f,   7071.08408876f, 12080.38364257f,
-                                                  14077.79607408f, 13909.31561208f, 9315.34184959f, 3209.49021545f};
+  std::array<float, 8> constexpr toSciFiExtParams{ 4824.31956565f,  426.26974766f,   7071.08408876f, 12080.38364257f,
+                                                   14077.79607408f, 13909.31561208f, 9315.34184959f, 3209.49021545f };
   // constants for the y-correction polynomial
-  std::array<float, 8> constexpr deltaYParams{3.78837f, 73.1636f, 7353.89f,  -6347.68f,
-                                              20270.3f, 3721.02f, -46038.2f, 230943.f};
+  std::array<float, 8> constexpr deltaYParams{ 3.78837f, 73.1636f, 7353.89f,  -6347.68f,
+                                               20270.3f, 3721.02f, -46038.2f, 230943.f };
   // parameters used for the momentum determination at the very end
-  std::array<float, 8> constexpr MomentumParams{1239.4073749458162, 486.05664058906814, 6.7158701518424815,
-                                                632.7283787142547,  2358.5758035677504, -9256.27946160669,
-                                                241.4601040854867,  42.04859549174048};
+  std::array<float, 8> constexpr MomentumParams{ 1239.4073749458162, 486.05664058906814, 6.7158701518424815,
+                                                 632.7283787142547,  2358.5758035677504, -9256.27946160669,
+                                                 241.4601040854867,  42.04859549174048 };
   // Parameters for the linear discriminant which we use to reject ghosts
-  std::array<float, 8> LDAParams{5.35770606, 1.22786675, -1.17615119, 2.41396581,
-                                 2.09624748, 1.7029565,  -2.69818528, 1.88471171};
+  std::array<float, 8> LDAParams{ 5.35770606, 1.22786675, -1.17615119, 2.41396581,
+                                  2.09624748, 1.7029565,  -2.69818528, 1.88471171 };
   // internal helper class to keep track of our best candidate
   struct SciFiTrackForwardingCand {
     // array used to store indices of hits
     boost::container::static_vector<int, 12> ids;
-    float                                    PQ{0.f};    // Momentum times charge of candidate
-    float                                    finaltx{0}; // x-slope at the first x-hit in station 3 after linear fit
-    float                                    newx0{0};   // x position of x-hit in S3 after linear fit
+    float                                    PQ{ 0.f };    // Momentum times charge of candidate
+    float                                    finaltx{ 0 }; // x-slope at the first x-hit in station 3 after linear fit
+    float                                    newx0{ 0 };   // x position of x-hit in S3 after linear fit
     // float               quality{50.f};  // the default value of quality acts as cut in the later selection of
     // candidates
-    float quality{-4.5f}; // the default value of quality acts as cut in the later selection of candidates
-    int   numHits{0};     // number of hits this candidate holds
+    float quality{ -4.5f }; // the default value of quality acts as cut in the later selection of candidates
+    int   numHits{ 0 };     // number of hits this candidate holds
   // Custom span that allow for negative indices
@@ -256,10 +256,10 @@ namespace {
                                                             float const val ) noexcept {
     // vector of comparison value
-    vF vval{val};
+    vF vval{ val };
     for ( ;; ) {
       // load vector of data
-      vF vvec{hitvec.data() + start};
+      vF vvec{ hitvec.data() + start };
       // comparison mask with true/false values
       auto const mask = vval > vvec;
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ namespace {
     float sd  = 0;
     float sdz = 0;
-    for ( int idx{0}; idx < fitcnt; idx += 4 ) {
+    for ( int idx{ 0 }; idx < fitcnt; idx += 4 ) {
       // for now the weight is just 1
       sz += fitvec[idx + 1];
       sz2 += fitvec[idx + 1] * fitvec[idx + 1];
@@ -308,12 +308,12 @@ namespace {
     // calculate a chi2 after the fit
     float chi2 = ( fitvec[0] - newx0 ) * ( fitvec[0] - newx0 );
-    for ( int idx{4}; idx < fitcnt; idx += 4 ) {
+    for ( int idx{ 4 }; idx < fitcnt; idx += 4 ) {
       // for now the weight is just 1
       float const diff = fitvec[idx] - ( newx0 + fitvec[idx + 1] * finaltx + fitvec[idx + 2] );
       chi2 += diff * diff;
-    return {finaltx, newx0, chi2};
+    return { finaltx, newx0, chi2 };
   template <bool is_first_loop>
@@ -363,25 +363,25 @@ namespace {
     // average z-position of the kink position inside the magnet (tuned on MC),
     float static constexpr zPosKinkMagnet = 5282.5f;
     // idx of first layer of seed station in Z-position array
-    int static constexpr seed_first_layer_z_idx{8};
-    int static constexpr next_first_layer_z_idx{4};
-    int static constexpr last_first_layer_z_idx{0};
+    int static constexpr seed_first_layer_z_idx{ 8 };
+    int static constexpr next_first_layer_z_idx{ 4 };
+    int static constexpr last_first_layer_z_idx{ 0 };
     // the array of extrapolation coefficients is 48 entries long
     // first 24 are for the first loop 24-47 for the second loop
-    int static constexpr ext_coeff_start{0};
+    int static constexpr ext_coeff_start{ 0 };
     // Config 1 starts seeding in last station
     // indices to select layers of third station
-    int static constexpr seed_station_idx_first{4};
-    int static constexpr seed_station_idx_last{5};
+    int static constexpr seed_station_idx_first{ 4 };
+    int static constexpr seed_station_idx_last{ 5 };
     // station 2 is the first station to be extrapolated into
-    int static constexpr next_station_idx_first{2};
-    int static constexpr next_station_idx_last{3};
-    float static constexpr doublet_curve_c0{-0.231615f};
-    float static constexpr doublet_curve_c1{33.1256f};
-    float static constexpr doublet_curve_c2{10.4693f};
-    float static constexpr seed_scale_ycorr{1.005f};
-    float static constexpr next_scale_ycorr{0.83f};
-    float static constexpr last_scale_ycorr{0.615f};
+    int static constexpr next_station_idx_first{ 2 };
+    int static constexpr next_station_idx_last{ 3 };
+    float static constexpr doublet_curve_c0{ -0.231615f };
+    float static constexpr doublet_curve_c1{ 33.1256f };
+    float static constexpr doublet_curve_c2{ 10.4693f };
+    float static constexpr seed_scale_ycorr{ 1.005f };
+    float static constexpr next_scale_ycorr{ 0.83f };
+    float static constexpr last_scale_ycorr{ 0.615f };
     // cut window parameters
     float static constexpr doublet_win_slope = 4.25f;
     float static constexpr doublet_win_off   = 0.48f;
@@ -403,31 +403,31 @@ namespace {
     float static constexpr last_uv_win_slope = 7.f;
     float static constexpr last_uv_win_off   = 1.f;
-    int static constexpr last_station_idx_first{0};
-    int static constexpr last_station_idx_last{1};
+    int static constexpr last_station_idx_first{ 0 };
+    int static constexpr last_station_idx_last{ 1 };
   struct config_loop_2 {
     float static constexpr zPosKinkMagnet = 5195.f;
-    int static constexpr seed_first_layer_z_idx{4};
-    int static constexpr next_first_layer_z_idx{8};
-    int static constexpr last_first_layer_z_idx{0};
+    int static constexpr seed_first_layer_z_idx{ 4 };
+    int static constexpr next_first_layer_z_idx{ 8 };
+    int static constexpr last_first_layer_z_idx{ 0 };
     // the array of extrapolation coefficients is 48 entries long
     // first 24 are for the first loop 24-47 for the second loop
-    int static constexpr ext_coeff_start{24};
+    int static constexpr ext_coeff_start{ 24 };
     // Config 1 starts seeding in last station
     // indices to select layers of third station
-    int static constexpr seed_station_idx_first{2};
-    int static constexpr seed_station_idx_last{3};
+    int static constexpr seed_station_idx_first{ 2 };
+    int static constexpr seed_station_idx_last{ 3 };
     // station 2 is the first station to be extrapolated into
-    int static constexpr next_station_idx_first{4};
-    int static constexpr next_station_idx_last{5};
-    float static constexpr doublet_curve_c0{-1.050f};
-    float static constexpr doublet_curve_c1{17.74f};
-    float static constexpr doublet_curve_c2{20.62};
-    float static constexpr seed_scale_ycorr{0.83f};
-    float static constexpr next_scale_ycorr{1.005f};
-    float static constexpr last_scale_ycorr{0.615f};
+    int static constexpr next_station_idx_first{ 4 };
+    int static constexpr next_station_idx_last{ 5 };
+    float static constexpr doublet_curve_c0{ -1.050f };
+    float static constexpr doublet_curve_c1{ 17.74f };
+    float static constexpr doublet_curve_c2{ 20.62 };
+    float static constexpr seed_scale_ycorr{ 0.83f };
+    float static constexpr next_scale_ycorr{ 1.005f };
+    float static constexpr last_scale_ycorr{ 0.615f };
     // cut window parameters
     float static constexpr doublet_win_slope = 4.3f;
     float static constexpr doublet_win_off   = 0.6f;
@@ -448,8 +448,8 @@ namespace {
     float static constexpr last_l3_win_off   = 2.3f;
     float static constexpr last_uv_win_slope = 7.5f;
     float static constexpr last_uv_win_off   = 1.5f;
-    int static constexpr last_station_idx_first{0};
-    int static constexpr last_station_idx_last{1};
+    int static constexpr last_station_idx_first{ 0 };
+    int static constexpr last_station_idx_last{ 1 };
 } // namespace
@@ -476,20 +476,20 @@ class SciFiTrackForwarding
   SciFiTrackForwarding( std::string const& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"HitsLocation", "Rec/SciFiTrackForwarding/Hits"},
-                      KeyValue{"InputTracks", "Rec/Track/UT"},
+                     { KeyValue{ "HitsLocation", "Rec/SciFiTrackForwarding/Hits" },
+                       KeyValue{ "InputTracks", "Rec/Track/UT" },
 #ifdef USE_DD4HEP
-                      KeyValue{"GeometryCache", DeFTDetectorLocation::Default + ":" + name + "-ZoneHandlerCache"},
+                       KeyValue{ "GeometryCache", DeFTDetectorLocation::Default + ":" + name + "-ZoneHandlerCache" },
-                      KeyValue{"GeometryCache", "FT:" + name + "-ZoneHandlerCache"},
+                       KeyValue{ "GeometryCache", "FT:" + name + "-ZoneHandlerCache" },
-                      KeyValue{"Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path}},
-                     KeyValue{"Output", "Rec/Track/FT"} ) {
+                       KeyValue{ "Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path } },
+                     KeyValue{ "Output", "Rec/Track/FT" } ) {
   StatusCode initialize() override {
     return Transformer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
-      addConditionDerivation<GeomCache( DeFT const& )>( {DeFTDetectorLocation::Default}, inputLocation<GeomCache>() );
+      addConditionDerivation<GeomCache( DeFT const& )>( { DeFTDetectorLocation::Default }, inputLocation<GeomCache>() );
     } );
@@ -503,28 +503,28 @@ public:
               LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3> const&, float const, float const, float const,
               float const, float const, float const, std::array<float, 12> const& ) const;
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned> m_counter_created_tracks{this, "Created long tracks"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                m_counter_2_loop{this, "2nd Loop"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned> m_counter_created_tracks{ this, "Created long tracks" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                m_counter_2_loop{ this, "2nd Loop" };
-  Gaudi::Property<float> p_minPt{this, "MinPt", 490.f};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> p_minPt{ this, "MinPt", 490.f };
   // if  a track exhibits a higher PT we open a symmetric search window
   // this is to counter the possibility of a wrong charge estimate from the UT
-  Gaudi::Property<float> p_wrongSignPT{this, "WrongSignPT", 2000.f};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> p_wrongSignPT{ this, "WrongSignPT", 2000.f };
   // parameters for the momentum dependent upper error limit on the x-search window estimation
-  Gaudi::Property<float> p_UpperLimitOffset{this, "UpperLimit_offset", 100.f};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> p_UpperLimitSlope{this, "UpperLimit_slope", 2800.f};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> p_UpperLimitMax{this, "UpperLimit_max", 600.f};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> p_UpperLimitMin{this, "UpperLimit_min", 150.f};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> p_UpperLimitOffset{ this, "UpperLimit_offset", 100.f };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> p_UpperLimitSlope{ this, "UpperLimit_slope", 2800.f };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> p_UpperLimitMax{ this, "UpperLimit_max", 600.f };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> p_UpperLimitMin{ this, "UpperLimit_min", 150.f };
   // same as above for the lower limit
-  Gaudi::Property<float> p_LowerLimitOffset{this, "LowerLimit_offset", 50.f};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> p_LowerLimitSlope{this, "LowerLimit_slope", 1400.f};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> p_LowerLimitMax{this, "LowerLimit_max", 600.f};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> p_LowerLimitOffset{ this, "LowerLimit_offset", 50.f };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> p_LowerLimitSlope{ this, "LowerLimit_slope", 1400.f };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> p_LowerLimitMax{ this, "LowerLimit_max", 600.f };
   // second loop for searching doublets
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> p_SecondLoop{this, "SecondLoop", true};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> p_SecondLoop{ this, "SecondLoop", true };
   // this enables me to print things automagically space separated (less typing)
@@ -547,26 +547,26 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
   // factor of -1 because everything was trained with magdown, so for magdown we want factor = 1, magup = -1
   const float magscalefactor = -1 * magnet.signedRelativeCurrent();
-  TracksFT Output{tracks.getVeloAncestors(),
-                  &tracks,
-                  nullptr,
-                  LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::History::SciFiTrackForwarding,
-                  Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(),
-                  LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
+  TracksFT Output{ tracks.getVeloAncestors(),
+                   &tracks,
+                   nullptr,
+                   LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::History::SciFiTrackForwarding,
+                   Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(),
+                   LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) };
   Output.reserve( tracks.size() );
   mydebug( "LayerZPos", cache.LayerZPos );
   // I want this in GeV but default in LHCb is MeV so this is a compromise to have the property in MeV
-  float const minPTCutValue = p_minPt / float{Gaudi::Units::GeV};
+  float const minPTCutValue = p_minPt / float{ Gaudi::Units::GeV };
   auto buffer_2_loop = m_counter_2_loop.buffer();
   // start our loop over UT tracks
   auto const utzipped          = tracks.simd();
   const auto velozipped        = tracks.getVeloAncestors()->simd();
-  auto const vec_mag_scale     = vF{magscalefactor};
-  auto const neg_vec_mag_scale = vF{-1.f * magscalefactor};
+  auto const vec_mag_scale     = vF{ magscalefactor };
+  auto const neg_vec_mag_scale = vF{ -1.f * magscalefactor };
   for ( auto const& track : utzipped ) {
     auto loop_mask = track.loop_mask();
@@ -588,8 +588,8 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
     // determine if a track is expected to intersect the seeding station from the top or the bottom
     // check is performed at last layer of second station.
-    auto const ones                = vI{1};
-    auto const zeroes              = vI{0};
+    auto const ones                = vI{ 1 };
+    auto const zeroes              = vI{ 0 };
     auto const track_in_upper_half = signselect( ( endv_y + ( cache.LayerZPos[8] - endv_z ) * endv_ty ), ones, zeroes );
     // offset for LayerZPos & ext_coeff and dxdy array
     auto const up_down_offset = to_std_array( track_in_upper_half * ( cache.LayerZPos.size() / 2 ) );
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
     auto const factor = signselect( endv_qp, vec_mag_scale, neg_vec_mag_scale );
     // charge over momentum is usally in MeV so make it GeV
-    auto const qOpGeV = endv_qp * float{Gaudi::Units::GeV} * magscalefactor;
+    auto const qOpGeV = endv_qp * float{ Gaudi::Units::GeV } * magscalefactor;
     // calculate an upper error boundary on the tracks x-prediction,
     auto const upper_error =
         min( max( p_UpperLimitOffset.value() + p_UpperLimitSlope.value() * abs( qOpGeV ), p_UpperLimitMin.value() ),
@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
     auto const offset  = track.offset();
     auto const uttrack = utzipped.with<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar>();
     const auto vptrack = velozipped.with<SIMDWrapper::InstructionSet::Scalar>();
-    for ( size_t tr{0}; tr < track.width(); ++tr ) {
+    for ( size_t tr{ 0 }; tr < track.width(); ++tr ) {
       if ( !testbit( loop_mask, tr ) ) { break; }
       auto const track_scalar = uttrack[offset + tr];
       const auto velo_scalar  = vptrack[track_scalar.trackVP().cast()];
@@ -658,9 +658,9 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
       mydebug( "yatz: ", yAtZ );
-      auto bestcandidate{find_track<config_loop_1>( cache, hithandler, a_track_in_upper_half[tr], scalar_endv_pos,
-                                                    scalar_endv_dir, a_qp[tr], a_factor[tr], a_upper_error[tr],
-                                                    a_lower_error[tr], a_xExt[tr], a_min_pt_border[tr], yAtZ )};
+      auto bestcandidate{ find_track<config_loop_1>( cache, hithandler, a_track_in_upper_half[tr], scalar_endv_pos,
+                                                     scalar_endv_dir, a_qp[tr], a_factor[tr], a_upper_error[tr],
+                                                     a_lower_error[tr], a_xExt[tr], a_min_pt_border[tr], yAtZ ) };
       mydebug( "Search 1 done!" );
       if ( bestcandidate.ids.empty() && p_SecondLoop.value() ) {
@@ -693,8 +693,8 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
         float const endT_z   = cache.LayerZPos[8];
         float const endT_x   = bestcandidate.newx0;
         auto        endT_y   = scalar_endv_pos.y() + scalar_endv_dir.y() * ( endT_z - scalar_endv_pos.z() );
-        auto        endT_pos = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<sF, 3>{endT_x, endT_y, endT_z};
-        auto        endT_dir = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<sF, 3>{bestcandidate.finaltx, scalar_endv_dir.y(), 1.f};
+        auto        endT_pos = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<sF, 3>{ endT_x, endT_y, endT_z };
+        auto        endT_dir = LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<sF, 3>{ bestcandidate.finaltx, scalar_endv_dir.y(), 1.f };
         out.field<TracksTag::States>( 1 ).setPosition( endT_pos );
         out.field<TracksTag::States>( 1 ).setDirection( endT_dir );
@@ -704,12 +704,12 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
         out.field<TracksTag::VPHits>().resize( n_vphits );
         out.field<TracksTag::UTHits>().resize( n_uthits );
-        for ( auto idx{0}; idx < n_vphits; ++idx ) {
+        for ( auto idx{ 0 }; idx < n_vphits; ++idx ) {
           out.field<TracksTag::VPHits>()[idx].template field<TracksTag::Index>().set( track_scalar.vp_index( idx ) );
           out.field<TracksTag::VPHits>()[idx].template field<TracksTag::LHCbID>().set( track_scalar.vp_lhcbID( idx ) );
-        for ( auto idx{0}; idx < n_uthits; ++idx ) {
+        for ( auto idx{ 0 }; idx < n_uthits; ++idx ) {
           out.field<TracksTag::UTHits>()[idx].template field<TracksTag::Index>().set( track_scalar.ut_index( idx ) );
           out.field<TracksTag::UTHits>()[idx].template field<TracksTag::LHCbID>().set( track_scalar.ut_lhcbID( idx ) );
@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ TracksFT SciFiTrackForwarding::operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, SciFiTrac
         out.field<TracksTag::FTHits>().resize( n_fthits );
         std::size_t n_hits = 0;
         /// FT hit indices & lhcbID
-        for ( auto idx{bestcandidate.ids.begin()}; idx != bestcandidate.ids.end(); ++idx, ++n_hits ) {
+        for ( auto idx{ bestcandidate.ids.begin() }; idx != bestcandidate.ids.end(); ++idx, ++n_hits ) {
           out.field<TracksTag::FTHits>()[n_hits].template field<TracksTag::Index>().set( *idx );
           out.field<TracksTag::FTHits>()[n_hits].template field<TracksTag::LHCbID>().set(
               LHCb::LHCbID( hithandler.IDs[*idx] ) );
@@ -794,12 +794,12 @@ template <typename config>
   int const start_s3_l0 =
       seed_station_range_l0.first +
-      get_closest_hit_idx_binary( {hithandler.hits.data() + seed_station_range_l0.first, seed_station_range_l0.second},
-                                  xMin );
+      get_closest_hit_idx_binary(
+          { hithandler.hits.data() + seed_station_range_l0.first, seed_station_range_l0.second }, xMin );
   int const end_s3_l0 = start_s3_l0 + get_closest_hit_idx_binary(
-                                          {hithandler.hits.data() + start_s3_l0,
-                                           seed_station_range_l0.second - start_s3_l0 + seed_station_range_l0.first},
+                                          { hithandler.hits.data() + start_s3_l0,
+                                            seed_station_range_l0.second - start_s3_l0 + seed_station_range_l0.first },
                                           xMax );
   int start_seed_station_l1 = hithandler.zonerange[UVzones[c::seed_station_idx_first]].first;
@@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ template <typename config>
   float const inv_zdelta_kink_station = 1.f / ( seed_station_z_pos_l0 - c::zPosKinkMagnet );
   // Loop over the hits in the first x-layer within the search window
-  for ( auto idxL0{start_s3_l0}; idxL0 < end_s3_l0; ++idxL0 ) {
+  for ( auto idxL0{ start_s3_l0 }; idxL0 < end_s3_l0; ++idxL0 ) {
     mydebug( "#####################Start new hit################################" );
@@ -879,13 +879,13 @@ template <typename config>
     // we have a doublet and are going to try and build a track
     // for that we need a couple tmp objects to keep track of stuff
     // tmpidvec will store the indices of the hit to refind it later
-    boost::container::static_vector<int, 12> tmpidvec{start_seed_station_l3, idxL0};
+    boost::container::static_vector<int, 12> tmpidvec{ start_seed_station_l3, idxL0 };
     // this is a vector that will remember some values for the linear fit performed at the very end.
     // for each hit this will store 4 values, [xvalue, zdelta, curvature, residual]
     // where zdelta is the distance between the hit and the hit in layer 0 of the seeding station
     // curvature is the non-linear part of the prediction. See x3curve variable for example
-    std::array<float, 24> fitvec{firstXhit, 0, 0, 0, secondXhit, zdelta_seed_doublet, doubletCurve, 0};
+    std::array<float, 24> fitvec{ firstXhit, 0, 0, 0, secondXhit, zdelta_seed_doublet, doubletCurve, 0 };
     // fitcnt simply keeps track of what's in the array
     int fitcnt = 8;
@@ -901,8 +901,8 @@ template <typename config>
                                                           deltaYParams[4] * direction * endv_tx ) ) ) );
     // keep track of how many hits we find
-    int numuvhits{0};
-    int numxhits{2};
+    int numuvhits{ 0 };
+    int numxhits{ 2 };
     // calculate the x-predictions for the U V layers in station 3
     float const seed_l1_pred =
@@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ template <typename config>
     // FIXME we could potentially allow this search in other/all scenarios but this need more tweaking
     // Note that this search will only help with ghost rejection, not help with efficiencies
     // Thus as long as ghosts aren't a problem there isn't really a big reason to loosen this requirement
-    float next_uv_delta{1.0f};
+    float next_uv_delta{ 1.0f };
     if ( next_station_doublet ) {
       mydebug( "next uv search" );
@@ -1099,7 +1099,7 @@ template <typename config>
     auto const last_l3_hit_idx =
         last_station_range_l3.first +
-            {hithandler.hits.data() + last_station_range_l3.first, last_station_range_l3.second}, last_l3_pred );
+            { hithandler.hits.data() + last_station_range_l3.first, last_station_range_l3.second }, last_l3_pred );
     auto const last_delta_l3 = hithandler.hits[last_l3_hit_idx] - last_l3_pred;
     mydebug( "last_straight", firstXhit + newtx * ( last_station_z_pos_l3 - seed_station_z_pos_l0 ), "last_l3_curve",
@@ -1131,7 +1131,7 @@ template <typename config>
     auto const last_l0_hit_idx =
         last_station_range_l0.first +
-            {hithandler.hits.data() + last_station_range_l0.first, last_station_range_l0.second}, last_l0_pred );
+            { hithandler.hits.data() + last_station_range_l0.first, last_station_range_l0.second }, last_l0_pred );
     auto const last_delta_l0 = hithandler.hits[last_l0_hit_idx] - last_l0_pred;
     mydebug( "last_straight", firstXhit + newtx * ( last_station_z_pos_l0 - seed_station_z_pos_l0 ), "last_l0_curve",
@@ -1173,13 +1173,13 @@ template <typename config>
       auto const last_l1_hit_idx =
           last_station_range_l1.first +
-              {hithandler.hits.data() + last_station_range_l1.first, last_station_range_l1.second}, last_l1_pred );
+              { hithandler.hits.data() + last_station_range_l1.first, last_station_range_l1.second }, last_l1_pred );
       auto const last_delta_l1 = hithandler.hits[last_l1_hit_idx] - last_l1_pred;
       auto const last_l2_hit_idx =
           last_station_range_l2.first +
-              {hithandler.hits.data() + last_station_range_l2.first, last_station_range_l2.second}, last_l2_pred );
+              { hithandler.hits.data() + last_station_range_l2.first, last_station_range_l2.second }, last_l2_pred );
       auto const last_delta_l2 = hithandler.hits[last_l2_hit_idx] - last_l2_pred;
       // the UV window value depends on the current iteration
@@ -1231,7 +1231,7 @@ template <typename config>
                       endv_txy, seed_uv_delta, next_uv_delta, last_uv_delta, numuvhits, numxhits );
     if ( quality < bestcandidate.quality )
-      bestcandidate = {tmpidvec, candPQ, finaltx, newx0, quality, numuvhits + numxhits};
+      bestcandidate = { tmpidvec, candPQ, finaltx, newx0, quality, numuvhits + numxhits };
     mydebug( candPQ, finaltx, endv_pq );
     mydebug( seed_uv_delta, next_uv_delta, last_uv_delta );
diff --git a/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/src/SciFiTrackForwardingHits.h b/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/src/SciFiTrackForwardingHits.h
index d309c71dd7bf4a2c9b7c5f512e90129c262fad0f..b00e2962c6065d9f9b43b938ceb6d1c88713a9b9 100644
--- a/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/src/SciFiTrackForwardingHits.h
+++ b/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/src/SciFiTrackForwardingHits.h
@@ -24,5 +24,5 @@ struct SciFiTrackForwardingHits {
   std::array<std::pair<int, int>, LHCb::Detector::FT::nZonesTotal> zonerange{};
   hits_t                                                           hits;
   IDs_t                                                            IDs;
-  SciFiTrackForwardingHits( allocator_type alloc = {} ) : hits{alloc}, IDs{alloc} {}
+  SciFiTrackForwardingHits( allocator_type alloc = {} ) : hits{ alloc }, IDs{ alloc } {}
diff --git a/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/src/SciFiTrackForwardingStoreHit.cpp b/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/src/SciFiTrackForwardingStoreHit.cpp
index 8a55770b75eae83175058a8382cceead9eb05fe3..a8ae65f3736a865153612e10b1b29b8e1f775ef0 100644
--- a/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/src/SciFiTrackForwardingStoreHit.cpp
+++ b/Pr/SciFiTrackForwarding/src/SciFiTrackForwardingStoreHit.cpp
@@ -93,20 +93,21 @@ class SciFiTrackForwardingStoreHit
       public : SciFiTrackForwardingStoreHit( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator ) :
           Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                       {KeyValue{"HitsLocation", LHCb::FTLiteClusterLocation::Default},
+                       { KeyValue{ "HitsLocation", LHCb::FTLiteClusterLocation::Default },
 // KeyValue{"MatsCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-MatsCache"}},
 #ifdef USE_DD4HEP
-                        KeyValue {
-                          "MatsCache",
-                          DeFTDetectorLocation::Default + ":" + name + "-MatsCache"
-                        }},
+                         KeyValue {
+                           "MatsCache",
+                           DeFTDetectorLocation::Default + ":" + name + "-MatsCache"
+                         } },
-                        KeyValue{"MatsCache", "FT:" + name + "-MatsCache"}},
+                         KeyValue{ "MatsCache", "FT:" + name + "-MatsCache" } },
-                       KeyValue{"Output", "Rec/SciFiTrackForwarding/Hits"} ){}
+                       KeyValue{ "Output", "Rec/SciFiTrackForwarding/Hits" } ){}
-      StatusCode initialize() override{return Transformer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
-        addConditionDerivation<MatsCache( const DeFT& )>( {DeFTDetectorLocation::Default}, inputLocation<MatsCache>() );
+      StatusCode initialize() override{ return Transformer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
+        addConditionDerivation<MatsCache( const DeFT& )>( { DeFTDetectorLocation::Default },
+                                                          inputLocation<MatsCache>() );
         // TODO: this should be ~80 micron; get this from a tool?
         // std::array<float, 9> clusRes = {0.05f, 0.08f, 0.11f, 0.14f, 0.17f, 0.20f, 0.23f, 0.26f, 0.29f};
@@ -127,11 +128,12 @@ SciFiTrackForwardingHits operator()( EventContext const&, FTLiteClusters const&,
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( SciFiTrackForwardingStoreHit )
-SciFiTrackForwardingHits SciFiTrackForwardingStoreHit::
-                         operator()( EventContext const& evtCtx, FTLiteClusters const& clusters, MatsCache const& cache ) const {
+SciFiTrackForwardingHits SciFiTrackForwardingStoreHit::operator()( EventContext const&   evtCtx,
+                                                                   FTLiteClusters const& clusters,
+                                                                   MatsCache const&      cache ) const {
   int                      size = clusters.size() + 2 * 24; // N clusters + 2 guards / zone
-  SciFiTrackForwardingHits tmp{LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx )};
+  SciFiTrackForwardingHits tmp{ LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx ) };
   auto& hitvec = tmp.hits;
   auto& IDvec  = tmp.IDs;
@@ -144,7 +146,7 @@ SciFiTrackForwardingHits SciFiTrackForwardingStoreHit::
           "FT hits must be properly sorted for the pattern recognition "
           "Lower by X for each zone" );*/
-  for ( unsigned i{0}; i < tmp.zonerange.size(); ++i ) {
+  for ( unsigned i{ 0 }; i < tmp.zonerange.size(); ++i ) {
     size = hitvec.size();
     hitvec.emplace_back( std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() );
     IDvec.emplace_back( 0 );
@@ -167,12 +169,12 @@ SciFiTrackForwardingHits SciFiTrackForwardingStoreHit::
     // padding of one simd length
-    for ( int idx{0}; idx < 8; ++idx ) {
+    for ( int idx{ 0 }; idx < 8; ++idx ) {
       hitvec.emplace_back( std::numeric_limits<float>::max() );
       IDvec.emplace_back( 0 );
-    tmp.zonerange[i] = {size, hitvec.size() - size};
+    tmp.zonerange[i] = { size, hitvec.size() - size };
   return tmp;
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalPID/CMakeLists.txt b/Rec/GlobalPID/CMakeLists.txt
index 1dde860045a3f49536b36753914f9f8055220ccc..0133f50251f2218c41c01438e948111d747b671e 100644
--- a/Rec/GlobalPID/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Rec/GlobalPID/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ gaudi_add_header_only_library(GlobalPIDLib
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalPID/python/GlobalPID/models.py b/Rec/GlobalPID/python/GlobalPID/models.py
index 3f9f00f69d05fd41098dd36cbb9918e59b09e270..c15bcc0362afd72ed4bd73f61ac0a80b492e5bae 100644
--- a/Rec/GlobalPID/python/GlobalPID/models.py
+++ b/Rec/GlobalPID/python/GlobalPID/models.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 from cppyy import gbl
 from LHCbMath.VectorizedML import Sequence
-# Long and Downstream track models
+# Long and Downstream track models
 ProbNN__Electron__Model = Sequence(gbl.ProbNN.Long.Electron.Model())
 ProbNN__Muon__Model = Sequence(gbl.ProbNN.Long.Muon.Model())
 ProbNN__Pion__Model = Sequence(gbl.ProbNN.Long.Pion.Model())
@@ -19,9 +19,8 @@ ProbNN__Kaon__Model = Sequence(gbl.ProbNN.Long.Kaon.Model())
 ProbNN__Proton__Model = Sequence(gbl.ProbNN.Long.Proton.Model())
 ProbNN__Ghost__Model = Sequence(gbl.ProbNN.Long.Ghost.Model())
-# Upstream track models
-ProbNN__Upstream__Electron__Model = Sequence(
-    gbl.ProbNN.Upstream.Electron.Model())
+# Upstream track models
+ProbNN__Upstream__Electron__Model = Sequence(gbl.ProbNN.Upstream.Electron.Model())
 ProbNN__Upstream__Muon__Model = Sequence(gbl.ProbNN.Upstream.Muon.Model())
 ProbNN__Upstream__Pion__Model = Sequence(gbl.ProbNN.Upstream.Pion.Model())
 ProbNN__Upstream__Kaon__Model = Sequence(gbl.ProbNN.Upstream.Kaon.Model())
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalPID/src/ChargedProtoParticleAddGlobalPID.cpp b/Rec/GlobalPID/src/ChargedProtoParticleAddGlobalPID.cpp
index d286c3b999e88c66bc7a6d637f7420e80c9d7bb0..461d30e3090c01be2feae6cabd77b371d223a18e 100644
--- a/Rec/GlobalPID/src/ChargedProtoParticleAddGlobalPID.cpp
+++ b/Rec/GlobalPID/src/ChargedProtoParticleAddGlobalPID.cpp
@@ -61,21 +61,21 @@ namespace LHCb::Rec::GlobalPID {
     // properties
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_weightsfilename{this, "WeightsFileName", "",
-                                                   "location of weights file, to be read with ParamFileSvc"};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_weightsfilename{ this, "WeightsFileName", "",
+                                                    "location of weights file, to be read with ParamFileSvc" };
     LHCb::Track::Types           m_tracktype = LHCb::Track::Types::Unknown;
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_trktypeprop{this, "TrackType", "UNDEFINED", [&]( auto& ) {
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_trktypeprop{ this, "TrackType", "UNDEFINED", [&]( auto& ) {
                                                  if ( parse( m_tracktype, m_trktypeprop ).isFailure() )
                                                    m_tracktype = LHCb::Track::Types::Unknown;
-                                               }};
+                                               } };
     // data members
     std::unique_ptr<Model> m_model;
     // services
-    ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_filesvc{this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc",
-                                         "Service used to retrieve file contents"};
+    ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_filesvc{ this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc",
+                                          "Service used to retrieve file contents" };
   using AddGlobalPID_Electron = AddGlobalPID<ProbNN::Long::Electron::Model, LHCb::GlobalChargedPID::ProbNN::Electron>;
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalPID/src/TrainingTupleAlgs.cpp b/Rec/GlobalPID/src/TrainingTupleAlgs.cpp
index 9eb6e2b2ae4139de2fbffe44cbbf9b4c5aa4ddc0..edddc7e41e3499bd3105338f740d4af2e2e01d86 100644
--- a/Rec/GlobalPID/src/TrainingTupleAlgs.cpp
+++ b/Rec/GlobalPID/src/TrainingTupleAlgs.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace {
   template <typename KeyedObject>
   LHCb::MCParticle const* mcTruth( KeyedObject const* obj, LHCb::MCParticles const& mcparts,
                                    LHCb::LinksByKey const& links ) {
-    LHCb::MCParticle const* mcp{nullptr};
+    LHCb::MCParticle const* mcp{ nullptr };
     if ( obj ) {
       links.applyToLinks( obj->key(), [&mcp, &mcparts]( unsigned int, unsigned int mcpkey, float ) {
         if ( !mcp ) mcp = static_cast<LHCb::MCParticle const*>( mcparts.containedObject( mcpkey ) );
@@ -42,7 +42,9 @@ public:
   using KeyValue = typename base_type::KeyValue;
   ProbNNTrainingTupleAlg( std::string const& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-      : base_type{name, pSvc, {KeyValue{"InputObjects", ""}, KeyValue{"MCParticles", ""}, KeyValue{"LinksToMC", ""}}} {}
+      : base_type{ name,
+                   pSvc,
+                   { KeyValue{ "InputObjects", "" }, KeyValue{ "MCParticles", "" }, KeyValue{ "LinksToMC", "" } } } {}
   StatusCode initialize() override {
     auto sc = base_type::initialize();
@@ -95,13 +97,14 @@ public:
   // properties
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_modelname{this, "ModelName", ""};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_weightsfilename{this, "WeightsFileName", "",
-                                                 [&]( auto& ) { evaluate_model = m_weightsfilename.value() != ""; }};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_modelname{ this, "ModelName", "" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_weightsfilename{ this, "WeightsFileName", "",
+                                                  [&]( auto& ) { evaluate_model = m_weightsfilename.value() != ""; } };
   bool                         evaluate_model;
   // services
-  ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_filesvc{this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc", "Service used to retrieve file contents"};
+  ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_filesvc{ this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc",
+                                        "Service used to retrieve file contents" };
   // data members
   ModelEvaluator m_model;
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalReco/doc/release.notes b/Rec/GlobalReco/doc/release.notes
index 22cd29b8480bcc5575ca4bda6355833f7e523710..64fa20c5a59c2038f8c1e8d444877a7b20954559 100755
--- a/Rec/GlobalReco/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Rec/GlobalReco/doc/release.notes
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
  - Add some additional debug messages.
 ! 2014-09-26 - Sajan Easo
- - Adaption for recent ROOT version and minor modifications to plotting 
+ - Adaption for recent ROOT version and minor modifications to plotting
 !========================= GlobalReco v6r50 2014-09-12 =========================
@@ -68,13 +68,13 @@
 !========================= GlobalReco v6r46 2013-10-24 ========================
 ! 2013-10-09 - Olivier Deschamps
- -  python/GlobalReco/Configuration.py : 
+ -  python/GlobalReco/Configuration.py :
         - possibility to set-up a configuration without active Spd/Prs  (NoSpdPrs = <False> flag)
 !========================= GlobalReco v6r45 2013-10-01 ========================
 ! 2013-08-12 - Chris Jones
- - Update ChargedProtoParticleMoni and ChargedProtoParticleTupleAlg to not 
-   terminate the processing if the input Tracks or ProtoParticles are missing. 
+ - Update ChargedProtoParticleMoni and ChargedProtoParticleTupleAlg to not
+   terminate the processing if the input Tracks or ProtoParticles are missing.
    Instead just print a warning.
 !========================= GlobalReco v6r44p1 2013-04-30 =======================
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
 !========================= GlobalReco v6r42 2012-05-02 ========================
 ! 2012-04-30 - Chris Jones
- - Change default track chi^2 cut from 0->10 to 0->5, to reflect tracking 
+ - Change default track chi^2 cut from 0->10 to 0->5, to reflect tracking
    changes. Note that by default in the tracking clone killing a cut of 0->3 is
    now applied, so this cut does nothing. Retain though as a sanity check.
  - Remove context() specific default job options from ChargedProtoParticleMoni
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
 ! 2011-12-20 - Chris Jones
  - Add the slot DataType to the Configurable, and pass this on to the ANN PID
- - Remove obsolete properties for inputs and outputs from 
+ - Remove obsolete properties for inputs and outputs from
 !========================= GlobalReco v6r39 2011-11-08 ========================
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
 ! 2011-10-19 - Chris Jones
  - Update ChargedProtoParticleMoni to define a ProtoParticle as having Muon
-   information when LHCb::ProtoParticle::InAccMuon is present in the 
+   information when LHCb::ProtoParticle::InAccMuon is present in the
 !========================= GlobalReco v6r38 2011-07-27 =======================
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
  - Some minor improvements to the charged ProtoParticle monitor
 ! 2011-06-17 - Olivier Deschamps
- - NeutralProtoPAlg : add pi0/gamma separation variable (requires 
+ - NeutralProtoPAlg : add pi0/gamma separation variable (requires
    CaloInterfaces v8r2 - CaloTool v6r2 and RecEvent r124994)
 !========================= GlobalReco v6r37p1 2011-06-15 =====================
@@ -159,8 +159,8 @@
 ! 2011-02-18 - Juan Palacios
  - ChargedParticleMaker
   . Added new properties Inputs and Output, mirroring InputTrackLocation and
-    OutputProtoParticleLocation respectively. If InputTrackLocation or 
-    OutputProtoParticleLocation are set, issue warning. If both old and new 
+    OutputProtoParticleLocation respectively. If InputTrackLocation or
+    OutputProtoParticleLocation are set, issue warning. If both old and new
     mirror properties are set, return ERROR in initializaiton.
  - Add QM test suite
   . Single test to check configuration above.
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
 !========================== GlobalReco v6r32p2 2010-06-21 =====================
 ! 2010-06-10 - V. Gligorov
- - Remove obsolete default HLT track locations. 
+ - Remove obsolete default HLT track locations.
 !========================== GlobalReco v6r32p1 2010-04-26 =====================
 ! 2010-04-15 - Olivier Deschamps
@@ -216,10 +216,10 @@
 !========================== GlobalReco v6r32 2010-03-19 ======================
 ! 2010-03-15 - Chris Jones
- - Turn back on adding the RICH, CALO and CombinedDLLs to the ProtoParticles, 
+ - Turn back on adding the RICH, CALO and CombinedDLLs to the ProtoParticles,
    as it has proved to cause a few problems downstream, for instance in the
    CALO monitoring. The information can if need be be wiped before saving
-   to DSTs by running ChargedProtoParticleRemovePIDInfo in the appropriate 
+   to DSTs by running ChargedProtoParticleRemovePIDInfo in the appropriate
 ! 2010-03-12 - Chris Jones
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
 !========================== GlobalReco v6r31 2010-01-19 ======================
 ! 2010-1-18 - Chris Jones
- - Always set MuonPID SmartRef in ChargedProtoParticleAddMuonInfo when 
+ - Always set MuonPID SmartRef in ChargedProtoParticleAddMuonInfo when
 !========================== GlobalReco v6r30 2009-12-10 ======================
@@ -250,8 +250,8 @@
 !========================== GlobalReco v6r29 2009-11-27 ======================
 ! 2009-11-24 - Chris Jones
- - Add work around for older data where MuonPID::IsMuonLoose() or 
-   MuonPID::InAcceptance() is missing (and thus false) but MuonPID::IsMuon() 
+ - Add work around for older data where MuonPID::IsMuonLoose() or
+   MuonPID::InAcceptance() is missing (and thus false) but MuonPID::IsMuon()
    is true. Manually set IsMuonLoose and InAcceptance to true.
    in this case.
  - Improve a little the verbose printout
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
 ! 2009-11-04 - Christopher Rob Jones
  - Do not automatically add the RICH, MUOn and Combined DLL information to the
-   ProtoParticle extraInfo in Brunel. Instead the MuonPIDs and RichPIDs are 
+   ProtoParticle extraInfo in Brunel. Instead the MuonPIDs and RichPIDs are
    saved on the (r/X)DSTs (packed) and the information is added at the start
    of DaVinci instead.
@@ -278,9 +278,9 @@
 ! 2009-09-29 - Christopher Rob Jones
  - Fix untested StatusCodes in Charged ProtoParticle tuple monitor.
-! 2009-09-17 - Vanya BELYAEV 
- - src/NeutralProtoPAlg.cpp 
-    disable replace of container for "lightMode"  ( it result in HUGE gain 
+! 2009-09-17 - Vanya BELYAEV
+ - src/NeutralProtoPAlg.cpp
+    disable replace of container for "lightMode"  ( it result in HUGE gain
     in calibration mode, avoiding decoding of "old" & "packed" protoparticles)
 ! 2009-09-09 - Chris Jones
@@ -292,14 +292,14 @@
 ! 2009-08-29 - Chris Jones
- - Reorganisation of charged ProtoParticle algorithms for greater 
+ - Reorganisation of charged ProtoParticle algorithms for greater
    flexibility :-
    + New algorithm with creates ProtoParticles from Tracks, but no longer
      adds any PID information
-   + One algorithm per PID information to be added to the ProtoParticles. 
+   + One algorithm per PID information to be added to the ProtoParticles.
      Seperating these tasks from the main ProtoParticle creator allows PID
      information to be added at a later date (e.g. in the HLT).
-   + Each PID algorithm now makes sure to first purge any existingg 
+   + Each PID algorithm now makes sure to first purge any existingg
      information from the ProtoParticles before adding any new values.
    + python Configurable is updated to use the new algorithms (used by Brunel)
    + New Monitor algorithm (used in Brunel).
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
 ! 2009-08-03 - Vanya BELYAEV
- - NeutralPropPAlg 
+ - NeutralPropPAlg
      add "LightMode" flag to skip all "additional info"
      (very useful for calibration purposes)
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
 !========================== GlobalReco v6r24 2009-07-28 ======================
 ! 2009-07-20 - Chris Jones
  - Store Muon PID information in charged ProtoParticles when MuonPID::IsMuonLoose
-   is true, not MuonPID::IsMuon. 
+   is true, not MuonPID::IsMuon.
 !========================== GlobalReco v6r23 2009-07-14 ======================
 ! 2009-07-14 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -338,16 +338,16 @@
  - Fix WIN32 double -> float conversion warnings
 ! 2009-07-08 - C. Jones
- - Add an option to ChargedProtoPAlg to allow the track selector type to 
+ - Add an option to ChargedProtoPAlg to allow the track selector type to
    be controlled.
 ! 2009-07-06 - Chris Jones
- - Improve how the track selection cuts are implemented in the python 
+ - Improve how the track selection cuts are implemented in the python
  - Suppress all Velo and Tracks from being made into ProtoParticles.
 ! 2009-07-01 - Chris Jones
- - Add loose track selection criteria to charged ProtoParticle creation. 
+ - Add loose track selection criteria to charged ProtoParticle creation.
    Current cut is track Chi^2/d.o.f. < 50
  - Compact a bit the summary printout for charged ProtoParticles.
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@
 !========================== GlobalReco v6r11 2007-07-16 ======================
 ! 2007-07-13 - Chris Jones
- - Set the new MuonTrack SmartRef in MuonPID data objects when recreating them 
+ - Set the new MuonTrack SmartRef in MuonPID data objects when recreating them
    using the algorithm MuonPIDsFromProtoParticlesAlg
 ! 2007-06-22 - Chris Jones
@@ -440,9 +440,9 @@
 ! 2007-05-23 - Chris Jones
  - Update ChargedProtoPAlg
-  + Split up the handling of the CALO information so each CALO sub-det 
+  + Split up the handling of the CALO information so each CALO sub-det
     (ECAL, PRS etc.) are handled completely seperately.
-  + Fix crash when trying to recreate ProtoParticles with some CALO 
+  + Fix crash when trying to recreate ProtoParticles with some CALO
     information missing
   + Replace some internal use of StatusCodes with simplier bools
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@
 ! 2007-02-19 - Chris Jones
  - Renormalise Rich DLL contributions to the el and mu combined DLL values
    in order to suppress huge values, which adversely affect the performance
- - Rename ProtoCombineDLLsAlg ChargedProtoCombineDLLsAlg 
+ - Rename ProtoCombineDLLsAlg ChargedProtoCombineDLLsAlg
    (to better match its purpose)
 !========================== GlobalReco v6r7 2007-02-06 ===================
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@
  - Split of calculation of combined DLL values in ChargedProtoPAlg into new
    dedicated algorithm ChargedProtoCombineDLLsAlg
   + ChargedProtoCombineDLLsAlg can then be run in DaVinci to 'recalibrate'
-    the combined DLL values as the user requires. 
+    the combined DLL values as the user requires.
 !========================== GlobalReco v6r4 2006-09-26 ===================
 ! 2006-09-26 - Olivier Deschamps
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@
 !========================== GlobalReco v5r2 2006-03-23 ===================
 !  2006-02-24 - P. Koppenburg
   - options/ChargedProtoPAlg.opts
-    . Correction of comment: default in ProtoParticle making is 
+    . Correction of comment: default in ProtoParticle making is
       VTT = true, Downstream = true ;
       Error reported by Jose Helder Lopes
@@ -609,19 +609,19 @@
     . Remove obsolete stuff
   - options/NeutralProtoPAlg.opts
     . Removed
 !========================== GlobalReco v4r9 2005-05-12 ===================
 ! 2005-05-12 - Vanya BELYAEV
  - src/ChargedProtoPAlg.h,.cpp
-    1) remove all calo-related associators, 
-    2) make direct usage of relation tables 
-    3) *****  use GaudiAlgorithm as a base class. 
- - src/NeutralPPsFromCPsAlg.cpp 
-    1) remove all calo-related associators, 
-    2) make direct usage of relation tables 
-    3) cosmetics 
+    1) remove all calo-related associators,
+    2) make direct usage of relation tables
+    3) *****  use GaudiAlgorithm as a base class.
+ - src/NeutralPPsFromCPsAlg.cpp
+    1) remove all calo-related associators,
+    2) make direct usage of relation tables
+    3) cosmetics
  - src/NeutralPPsFromCPsAlg.h
-    remove the obsolete file 
+    remove the obsolete file
 !========================== GlobalReco v4r8p1 2004-09-16 ===================
 ! 2004-09-13 -P. Koppenburg
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@
 ! 2004-07-15 - Gloria CORTI
   - src/ChargedProtoPAlg.{h,cpp}
     . introduce protection against problem spotted when reading back from
-      permanent storage of TrStoredTracks without any TrState: algorithm 
+      permanent storage of TrStoredTracks without any TrState: algorithm
       will fail and error reported also at finalization. Print only error
       counters different from zero.
@@ -642,14 +642,14 @@
 !===================== GlobalReco v4r6 2004-04-27 ===========================
 ! 2004-04-11 - Ivan Belyaev
- - src/NeutralPPSFromCPs.Alg.cpp 
-   fix a bug with usage of PhotonID tool 
- - cmt/requirements 
-   increment the version to v4r6 
+ - src/NeutralPPSFromCPs.Alg.cpp
+   fix a bug with usage of PhotonID tool
+ - cmt/requirements
+   increment the version to v4r6
 ! 2004-04-8 - Yuehong Xie
  - src/ChargedProtoPAlg.cpp ChargedProtoPAlg.h
-   . remove the  member function ProjectSeed2TT since it is already done 
+   . remove the  member function ProjectSeed2TT since it is already done
      in TrKShort
    . change Chi2NdFofUps to Chi2NdFofDown, m_chiSqUps to  m_chiSqDowns
    . decrease Chi2NdFofDown from 5.0 to 3.0
@@ -659,11 +659,11 @@
  - src/NeutralPPsFromCPsAlg.cpp
    1) add the usage of Frederic's Machefert CaloPhotonEstimatorTool/'PhotonPID'
-             It REQUIRES the usage of newer Calo/CaloPIDs package 
-   2) remove extra "release" (not needed anymore) 
+             It REQUIRES the usage of newer Calo/CaloPIDs package
+   2) remove extra "release" (not needed anymore)
-   increase the version to v4r5 
+   increase the version to v4r5
 !===================== GlobalReco v4r4 2004-03-11 ===========================
 ! 2004-02-11 - P. Koppenburg
@@ -672,13 +672,13 @@
  - src/NeutralPPCreator.*, src/NeutralPPsFromCPsAlg.*
    . Likelyhood -> Likelihood in Calo/CaloInterfaces
    . Changes in tool and get methods from CaloKernel
 !===================== GlobalReco v4r2 2004-02-11 ===========================
 ! 2004-02-11 - Gloria CORTI
  - src/ChargedProtoPAlg.cpp
    . Set as default to make ProtoParticles using all type of "physics" track:
-     TTT and VeloTT in addition to long tracks. 
+     TTT and VeloTT in addition to long tracks.
      Their use can be switched off by default. Note that the properties
      still use the old nomenclature. This will be changed in a future version.
@@ -686,8 +686,8 @@
 ! 2004-01-14 - Gloria CORTI
  - src/CaloE1Correction.{h,cpp}
-   . removed since no longer supporting reading of Brunel v13r1 data for 
-     which they were necessary and would not compile with LHCb v14r0 
+   . removed since no longer supporting reading of Brunel v13r1 data for
+     which they were necessary and would not compile with LHCb v14r0
  - src/GlobalReco_load.cpp
    . remove declaration of algorithms above
@@ -695,9 +695,9 @@
 ! 2003-07-16 - Yuehong Xie
  - src/ChargedProtoPAlg.cpp src/ChargedProtoPAlg.h
    . correct confusion with Property "Chi2NdFofITracks" and "Chi2NdFofOTracks"
-   . added Chi2NdF cut for VTT and upstream tracks, controled by 
-     Properties "Chi2NdFofVTT" and "Chi2NdFofUps" 
-   . added beampipe cut on TT plane for upstream tracks, controled by 
+   . added Chi2NdF cut for VTT and upstream tracks, controled by
+     Properties "Chi2NdFofVTT" and "Chi2NdFofUps"
+   . added beampipe cut on TT plane for upstream tracks, controled by
      Properties "minTTx" and "minTTy"
 !===================== GlobalReco v4r0p2 2003-06-26 =========================
@@ -718,8 +718,8 @@
 ! 2003-05-30 - Gloria Corti
  - src/ChargedProtoPAlg.h, ChargedProtoPAlg.cpp
    . introduce combined particle ID and fill all DLL values for separate
-     detectors as well as the combined value in ProtoParticles. 
-     Note that the combined values are the difference between a certain 
+     detectors as well as the combined value in ProtoParticles.
+     Note that the combined values are the difference between a certain
      hypothesis and the pion hypothesis, hence the DLL combined value for the
      pion is identically set to zero.
    . release all tools in finalize
@@ -731,9 +731,9 @@
    . increase version number to v3r1
 ! 2003-04-08 - Vanya BELYAEV Ivan.Belyaev@itep.ru
- - src/NeutralPPsFromCPsAlg.cpp   - 1) add PhotonFromMergedPi0 to the list of 
+ - src/NeutralPPsFromCPsAlg.cpp   - 1) add PhotonFromMergedPi0 to the list of
                                        default accepted hypothesis
-                                    2) Remove few trivial warning messages 
+                                    2) Remove few trivial warning messages
 !===================== GlobalReco v3r0 2003-02-13 ===========================
 ! 2003-02-07 - Gloria Corti
@@ -743,18 +743,18 @@
  - Remove first version of primary vertex calculation. A new version is
    available in a new package (PrimVtx v2r0).
    . Removed source of PrimaryVertexFinderAlg and PrimaryVertexFitterTool
-     as well as their declaration in GlobalReco_load 
+     as well as their declaration in GlobalReco_load
    . Removed options file PrimaryVertexFinderAlg.opts
  - Clean up of options in ChargedProtoPAlg.opts
 ! 2003-01-19 - Ivan Belyaev
- - src/NeutralPPsFromCPsAlg.cpp        - (1) bug fix with incorrect default 
-                                             location of input/output data  
-                                         (2) improve error printout 
- - src/NeutralPPsFromCPsAlg.h          -     improve documentation strings 
- - cmt/requirements                    -  increase the version 
+ - src/NeutralPPsFromCPsAlg.cpp        - (1) bug fix with incorrect default
+                                             location of input/output data
+                                         (2) improve error printout
+ - src/NeutralPPsFromCPsAlg.h          -     improve documentation strings
+ - cmt/requirements                    -  increase the version
 !===================== GlobalReco v2r3 2003-01-06 ===========================
 ! 2003-01-06 - Florence Ranjard
@@ -765,7 +765,7 @@
  - Copy from CaloTools v4r4 the tools CaloE1Correction and CaloPrsCorrection
    (renamed CaloSummerPrsCorrection to avoid conflicts with CaloReco package)
    These tools are necessary for the recalibration of the calorimeter when
-   running on Brunel v13r1 data    
+   running on Brunel v13r1 data
 ! 2002-12-19 - Gloria Corti
  - PrimaryVertexFinderAlg use tracks with veloBack flag introduced in new data
@@ -778,20 +778,20 @@
  - options/GlobalReco.opts - remove obsolete references to Matching relations
 ! 2002-11-20 - Ivan Belyaev
- - src/NeutralPPsFromCPsAlg.h,cpp  - new algorithm for creation of 
+ - src/NeutralPPsFromCPsAlg.h,cpp  - new algorithm for creation of
                                      neutral protoparticles from CaloParticles.
- - src/GlobalReco_load.cpp         - add new algorithm 
+ - src/GlobalReco_load.cpp         - add new algorithm
 !====================== GlobalReco v2r1 2002-11-13 ===========================
 ! 2002-11-13 - Gloria Corti
  - Increase version number to v2r1
 ! 2002-11-11 - Gloria Corti
- - Use state at first measured point for forward tracks in 
+ - Use state at first measured point for forward tracks in
    PrimaryVertexFinderAlg as well as average Pt=400MeV for velo tracks.
  - Set value of parameterization error in PrimaryVertexFitterTool following
    tuning for L1 by F.Teubert.
- - Introduce possibility to have veloTT tracks used to make ProtoP in 
+ - Introduce possibility to have veloTT tracks used to make ProtoP in
    ChargedProtoPAlg. This options is controlled by the property
    VeloTTTracks( default = false )
@@ -814,8 +814,8 @@
  - increase version number and use PhysEvent v7
 ! 2002-09-06 - Ivan Belyaev
- - add options file for NeutralPP creator algorithm 
- - put a minor change into algoriothm itself  
+ - add options file for NeutralPP creator algorithm
+ - put a minor change into algoriothm itself
 !====================== GlobalReco v1r0 2002-07-29 ===========================
 ! 2002-07-26 - Gloria Corti
@@ -850,4 +850,3 @@
  - Introduce first version of algorithm to make ChargeProtoParticles
    (only rich and muonpid at the moment)
  - Introduce algorithm and tool for primary vertex reconstruction
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalReco/python/GlobalReco/Configuration.py b/Rec/GlobalReco/python/GlobalReco/Configuration.py
index 3515a0ce08e77f4429adb1a84ff45c22edd85312..fb89b12cf58cb048675665294cbac0a4d7d82de3 100644
--- a/Rec/GlobalReco/python/GlobalReco/Configuration.py
+++ b/Rec/GlobalReco/python/GlobalReco/Configuration.py
@@ -32,28 +32,34 @@ hypoConverterMap = dict()
 def converterForHypo(path):
     # TODO: make all converters (other than the 'split' clusters of the merged Pi0) use the
     #  underlying /Event/Rec/Calo/EcalClusters clusters after they in turn have been converted...
-    if str(path).startswith("/Event/"): path = str(path)[len("/Event/"):]
+    if str(path).startswith("/Event/"):
+        path = str(path)[len("/Event/") :]
     if str(path) not in hypoConverterMap:
-        from Configurables import LHCb__Converters__Calo__Hypo__v1__fromV2 as HypoConverter
-        from Configurables import LHCb__Converters__Calo__Hypo__v1__MergedPi0__fromV2 as MergedPi0HypoConverter
+        from Configurables import (
+            LHCb__Converters__Calo__Hypo__v1__fromV2 as HypoConverter,
+        )
+        from Configurables import (
+            LHCb__Converters__Calo__Hypo__v1__MergedPi0__fromV2 as MergedPi0HypoConverter,
+        )
         from Gaudi.Configuration import allConfigurables
         if "MergedPi0" in str(path):
-            converter = MergedPi0HypoConverter("HypoConverter_" +
-                                               str(path).replace('/', '_'))
+            converter = MergedPi0HypoConverter(
+                "HypoConverter_" + str(path).replace("/", "_")
+            )
             converter.InputSplitClusters = allConfigurables[
-                'CaloSplitClusterConverter'].OutputClusters
+                "CaloSplitClusterConverter"
+            ].OutputClusters
             converter.OutputSplitPhotons = fixupName(
-                str(path).replace("Rec", "Rec/Converted"),
-                "SplitPhotonsFromMergedPi0")
+                str(path).replace("Rec", "Rec/Converted"), "SplitPhotonsFromMergedPi0"
+            )
-            converter = HypoConverter("HypoConverter_" +
-                                      str(path).replace('/', '_'))
+            converter = HypoConverter("HypoConverter_" + str(path).replace("/", "_"))
         converter.InputHypos = path
         converter.InputClusters = allConfigurables[
-            'CaloClusterConverter'].OutputClusters
+            "CaloClusterConverter"
+        ].OutputClusters
         converter.OutputHypos = str(path).replace("Rec", "Rec/Converted")
         converter.OutputTable = fixupName(converter.OutputHypos, "Link2v2")
         hypoConverterMap[str(path)] = converter
@@ -65,20 +71,25 @@ hypoTableConverterMap = dict()
 def converterForHypo2TrackTable(table_path, hypo_path):
     if str(table_path).startswith("/Event/"):
-        table_path = str(table_path)[len("/Event/"):]
+        table_path = str(table_path)[len("/Event/") :]
     if str(hypo_path).startswith("/Event/"):
-        hypo_path = str(hypo_path)[len("/Event/"):]
+        hypo_path = str(hypo_path)[len("/Event/") :]
     if str(table_path) not in hypoTableConverterMap:
-        from Configurables import LHCb__Converters__Calo__Hypo2TrackTable__v1__fromV2 as Hypo2TrackTableConverter
-        converter = Hypo2TrackTableConverter("Hypo2TrackTableConverter_" +
-                                             str(table_path).replace('/', '_'))
+        from Configurables import (
+            LHCb__Converters__Calo__Hypo2TrackTable__v1__fromV2 as Hypo2TrackTableConverter,
+        )
+        converter = Hypo2TrackTableConverter(
+            "Hypo2TrackTableConverter_" + str(table_path).replace("/", "_")
+        )
         converter.InputTable = table_path
         converter.InputHypotheses = hypo_path
         converter.OutputTable = str(converter.InputTable).replace(
-            "Rec", "Rec/Converted")
+            "Rec", "Rec/Converted"
+        )
         hypoTableConverterMap[str(table_path)] = converter
     converter = hypoTableConverterMap[str(table_path)]
-    assert (str(converter.InputHypotheses) == str(hypo_path))
+    assert str(converter.InputHypotheses) == str(hypo_path)
     return converter
@@ -87,20 +98,25 @@ clusterTableConverterMap = dict()
 def converterForCluster2TrackTable(table_path, cluster_path):
     if str(table_path).startswith("/Event/"):
-        table_path = str(table_path)[len("/Event/"):]
+        table_path = str(table_path)[len("/Event/") :]
     if str(cluster_path).startswith("/Event/"):
-        cluster_path = str(cluster_path)[len("/Event/"):]
+        cluster_path = str(cluster_path)[len("/Event/") :]
     if str(table_path) not in clusterTableConverterMap:
-        from Configurables import LHCb__Converters__Calo__Cluster2TrackTable__v1__fromV2 as Cluster2TrackTableConverter
+        from Configurables import (
+            LHCb__Converters__Calo__Cluster2TrackTable__v1__fromV2 as Cluster2TrackTableConverter,
+        )
         converter = Cluster2TrackTableConverter(
-            "Cluster2TrackTableConverter_" + str(table_path).replace('/', '_'))
+            "Cluster2TrackTableConverter_" + str(table_path).replace("/", "_")
+        )
         converter.InputTable = table_path
         converter.InputClusters = cluster_path
         converter.OutputTable = str(converter.InputTable).replace(
-            "Rec", "Rec/Converted")
+            "Rec", "Rec/Converted"
+        )
         clusterTableConverterMap[str(table_path)] = converter
     converter = clusterTableConverterMap[str(table_path)]
-    assert (str(converter.InputClusters) == str(cluster_path))
+    assert str(converter.InputClusters) == str(cluster_path)
     return converter
@@ -109,37 +125,28 @@ def converterForCluster2TrackTable(table_path, cluster_path):
 #  @author Chris Jones  (Christopher.Rob.Jones@cern.ch)
 #  @date   15/08/2008
 class GlobalRecoConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
     ## Possible used Configurables
     __used_configurables__ = []
     ## Options
     __slots__ = {
         "SpecialData": [],
-        "RecoSequencer": None  # The sequencer to use
-        ,
-        "OutputLevel": INFO  # The printout level to use
-        ,
+        "RecoSequencer": None,  # The sequencer to use
+        "OutputLevel": INFO,  # The printout level to use
         "TrackTypes": ["Long", "Upstream", "Downstream"],
         "TrackCuts": {
-            "Long": {
-                "Chi2Cut": [0, 5]
-            },
-            "Upstream": {
-                "Chi2Cut": [0, 5]
-            },
-            "Downstream": {
-                "Chi2Cut": [0, 5]
-            }
+            "Long": {"Chi2Cut": [0, 5]},
+            "Upstream": {"Chi2Cut": [0, 5]},
+            "Downstream": {"Chi2Cut": [0, 5]},
-        "DataType": ""  # Type of data, propagated from application
-        ,
-        "NoSpdPrs": True  # Upgrade configuration with no SPd/Prs
+        "DataType": "",  # Type of data, propagated from application
+        "NoSpdPrs": True,  # Upgrade configuration with no SPd/Prs
     ## Configure a track selector with the given name
     def setupTypeTrackSelector(self, tsname, selector):
         from Configurables import TrackSelector
         selector.addTool(TrackSelector, name=tsname)
         ts = getattr(selector, tsname)
         # Set Cuts
@@ -152,7 +159,6 @@ class GlobalRecoConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
     ## Apply the configuration to the given sequence
     def applyConf(self):
         if not self.isPropertySet("RecoSequencer"):
             raise RuntimeError("ERROR : PROTO Sequencer not set")
@@ -160,16 +166,21 @@ class GlobalRecoConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
         # Charged Proto particles
         from Configurables import (
-            GaudiSequencer, FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker,
-            ChargedProtoParticleAddRichInfo, ChargedProtoParticleAddMuonInfo,
-            ChargedProtoParticleAddCaloInfo, ChargedProtoParticleAddBremInfo,
-            ChargedProtoParticleAddCombineDLLs, DelegatingTrackSelector)
+            ChargedProtoParticleAddBremInfo,
+            ChargedProtoParticleAddCaloInfo,
+            ChargedProtoParticleAddCombineDLLs,
+            ChargedProtoParticleAddMuonInfo,
+            ChargedProtoParticleAddRichInfo,
+            DelegatingTrackSelector,
+            FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker,
+            GaudiSequencer,
+        )
         cseq = GaudiSequencer("ChargedProtoParticles")
         seq.Members += [cseq]
         # Make Charged ProtoParticles
-        charged = FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker(
-            "ChargedProtoPMaker", AddInfo=[])
+        charged = FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker("ChargedProtoPMaker", AddInfo=[])
         charged.addTool(DelegatingTrackSelector, name="TrackSelector")
         tracktypes = self.getProp("TrackTypes")
         charged.TrackSelector.TrackTypes = tracktypes
@@ -193,32 +204,34 @@ class GlobalRecoConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
         )  # FIXME: use the propery of the producer... (ClassifyPhotonElectronalg)
         ecal_converter2 = converterForHypo2TrackTable(
-            calo.InputElectronMatchLocation, ecal_converter1.OutputHypos)
+            calo.InputElectronMatchLocation, ecal_converter1.OutputHypos
+        )
         calo.InputElectronMatchLocation = ecal_converter2.OutputTable  # HypoTrTable2D
         from Configurables import CaloFutureHypoEstimator
-        ecal_hypo = calo.addTool(CaloFutureHypoEstimator,
-                                 "CaloFutureHypoEstimator")
+        ecal_hypo = calo.addTool(CaloFutureHypoEstimator, "CaloFutureHypoEstimator")
         ecal_hypo.ElectronMatchLocation = calo.InputElectronMatchLocation
         ecal_hypo.BremMatchLocation = calo.InputElectronMatchLocation
         brem = addInfo(charged, ChargedProtoParticleAddBremInfo, "AddBrem")
-        brem.InputBremMatchLocation = ecal_converter2.OutputTable  # HypoTrTable2D    --  Rec/Calo/ElectronMatch
-        brem_hypo = brem.addTool(CaloFutureHypoEstimator,
-                                 "CaloFutureHypoEstimator")
+        brem.InputBremMatchLocation = (
+            ecal_converter2.OutputTable
+        )  # HypoTrTable2D    --  Rec/Calo/ElectronMatch
+        brem_hypo = brem.addTool(CaloFutureHypoEstimator, "CaloFutureHypoEstimator")
         brem_hypo.BremMatchLocation = brem.InputBremMatchLocation
         brem_hypo.ElectronMatchLocation = calo.InputElectronMatchLocation
         # Fill the Combined DLL information in the charged protoparticles
-        combine = addInfo(charged, ChargedProtoParticleAddCombineDLLs,
-                          "CombDLLs")
+        combine = addInfo(charged, ChargedProtoParticleAddCombineDLLs, "CombDLLs")
         # Fill the sequence
         cseq.Members += [ecal_converter1, ecal_converter2, charged]
         # Neutrals
         from Configurables import FutureNeutralProtoPAlg
         nseq = GaudiSequencer("NeutralProtoParticles")
         seq.Members += [nseq]
         neutral = FutureNeutralProtoPAlg("FutureNeutralProtoPMaker")
@@ -231,8 +244,10 @@ class GlobalRecoConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
         neutral.SplitPhotons = mpi0_converter1.OutputSplitPhotons
         from Configurables import CaloFutureHypoEstimator
-        neutral_hypo = neutral.addTool(CaloFutureHypoEstimator,
-                                       "CaloFutureHypoEstimator")
+        neutral_hypo = neutral.addTool(
+            CaloFutureHypoEstimator, "CaloFutureHypoEstimator"
+        )
         neutral_hypo.ElectronMatchLocation = ecal.InputElectronMatchLocation
         neutral_hypo.BremMatchLocation = ecal.InputElectronMatchLocation  # FIXME???
@@ -256,7 +271,6 @@ class GlobalRecoConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
 #  @author Chris Jones  (Christopher.Rob.Jones@cern.ch)
 #  @date   26/02/2010
 class GlobalRecoChecks(LHCbConfigurableUser):
     ## Options
     __slots__ = {
         "Sequencer": None,  # The sequencer to add monitors to
@@ -266,7 +280,6 @@ class GlobalRecoChecks(LHCbConfigurableUser):
     ## Apply the configuration to the given sequence
     def applyConf(self):
         if not self.isPropertySet("Sequencer"):
             raise RuntimeError("ERROR : Sequencer not set")
@@ -274,6 +287,7 @@ class GlobalRecoChecks(LHCbConfigurableUser):
         # The ntuple maker
         from Configurables import ChargedProtoParticleTupleAlg
         protoChecker = ChargedProtoParticleTupleAlg("ChargedProtoTuple")
         protoChecker.NTupleLUN = "PROTOTUPLE"
@@ -282,9 +296,11 @@ class GlobalRecoChecks(LHCbConfigurableUser):
         # The output ntuple ROOT file
         from Configurables import NTupleSvc
         NTupleSvc().Output += [
-            "PROTOTUPLE DATAFILE='" + self.getProp("ProtoTupleName") +
-            "' TYP='ROOT' OPT='NEW'"
+            "PROTOTUPLE DATAFILE='"
+            + self.getProp("ProtoTupleName")
+            + "' TYP='ROOT' OPT='NEW'"
         # Set output levels
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalReco/root/GlobalPID.h b/Rec/GlobalReco/root/GlobalPID.h
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index fc062804903675b939a95e8273c3644b96a1d954..862fa04abf8fc998976d6266f3cb88478dae0556
--- a/Rec/GlobalReco/root/GlobalPID.h
+++ b/Rec/GlobalReco/root/GlobalPID.h
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #include <memory>
 #include <vector>
-//#include <TROOT.h>
+// #include <TROOT.h>
 #include <TCanvas.h>
 #include <TChain.h>
 #include <TFile.h>
@@ -78,34 +78,34 @@ public: // classes
     Configuration() = default;
-    double              minIDeff{0}, maxIDeff{100}, minMisIDeff{0}, maxMisIDeff{100};
-    double              minP{2000}, maxP{100000}, minPt{500}, maxPt{100000};
-    double              minGhostProb{0}, maxGhostProb{0.9};
-    double              minTrackLikelihood{-40}, maxTrackLikelihood{999};
-    double              minCut{-15}, maxCut{15};
-    double              minAngle{-9999}, maxAngle{9999};
-    bool                mustHaveAerogel{false}, mustHaveR1Gas{false}, mustHaveR2Gas{false}, mustHaveAnyRICH{false};
-    bool                mustHaveECAL{false}, mustHaveHCAL{false}, mustHavePRS{false};
-    bool                mustHaveBREM{false}, mustHaveECALorPRS{false};
-    bool                mustHaveMUON{false}, mustHaveECALorPRSorRICH{false};
-    unsigned int        nSteps{41};
-    GlobalPID::PIDType  idType{Kaon}, misidType{Pion};
-    GlobalPID::TrkType  trackType{Long};
-    GlobalPID::Variable var1{richDLLk}, var2{richDLLpi}, secvar1{NoVar}, secvar2{NoVar};
-    double              secondaryCut{0};
-    bool                logX{false}, logY{true};
-    int                 maxLabels{6};
-    std::string         title{"UnDefined Title"}, subtitle;
-    bool                recreateCombinedDLLs{false};
-    bool                superImpose{false};
-    bool                writeCutValues{true};
-    Color_t             color{kBlack};
-    double              textSize{0.018};
+    double       minIDeff{ 0 }, maxIDeff{ 100 }, minMisIDeff{ 0 }, maxMisIDeff{ 100 };
+    double       minP{ 2000 }, maxP{ 100000 }, minPt{ 500 }, maxPt{ 100000 };
+    double       minGhostProb{ 0 }, maxGhostProb{ 0.9 };
+    double       minTrackLikelihood{ -40 }, maxTrackLikelihood{ 999 };
+    double       minCut{ -15 }, maxCut{ 15 };
+    double       minAngle{ -9999 }, maxAngle{ 9999 };
+    bool         mustHaveAerogel{ false }, mustHaveR1Gas{ false }, mustHaveR2Gas{ false }, mustHaveAnyRICH{ false };
+    bool         mustHaveECAL{ false }, mustHaveHCAL{ false }, mustHavePRS{ false };
+    bool         mustHaveBREM{ false }, mustHaveECALorPRS{ false };
+    bool         mustHaveMUON{ false }, mustHaveECALorPRSorRICH{ false };
+    unsigned int nSteps{ 41 };
+    GlobalPID::PIDType  idType{ Kaon }, misidType{ Pion };
+    GlobalPID::TrkType  trackType{ Long };
+    GlobalPID::Variable var1{ richDLLk }, var2{ richDLLpi }, secvar1{ NoVar }, secvar2{ NoVar };
+    double              secondaryCut{ 0 };
+    bool                logX{ false }, logY{ true };
+    int                 maxLabels{ 6 };
+    std::string         title{ "UnDefined Title" }, subtitle;
+    bool                recreateCombinedDLLs{ false };
+    bool                superImpose{ false };
+    bool                writeCutValues{ true };
+    Color_t             color{ kBlack };
+    double              textSize{ 0.018 };
     std::string         imageFile;
-    std::string         cutType{">"}, secCutType{">"};
-    bool                useFixedGraphRange{true};
-    double              minGraphX{60}, maxGraphX{100}, minGraphY{1}, maxGraphY{40};
-    bool                rejectBThypos{false};
+    std::string         cutType{ ">" }, secCutType{ ">" };
+    bool                useFixedGraphRange{ true };
+    double              minGraphX{ 60 }, maxGraphX{ 100 }, minGraphY{ 1 }, maxGraphY{ 40 };
+    bool                rejectBThypos{ false };
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalReco/root/MakeRichPlots.C b/Rec/GlobalReco/root/MakeRichPlots.C
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 1660c4723e9abb3e895a2f9d8c9806541d57946a..9716d5880cd0265b693346d6c80e7cb4603bf510
--- a/Rec/GlobalReco/root/MakeRichPlots.C
+++ b/Rec/GlobalReco/root/MakeRichPlots.C
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ void MakeRichPlots() {
 #include "utils.C"
   const std::string scopeN = "Scope3";
-  for ( const std::string SiPMTW : {"PhoTW-0.150", "PhoTW-0.075"} ) {
-    for ( const auto scenario : {"3.0-Value", "2.0-MidRange", "2.1-MidRange", "1.0-Finest"} ) {
-      for ( const std::string lumi : {"1.5e34", "1.2e34", "1.0e34"} ) {
+  for ( const std::string SiPMTW : { "PhoTW-0.150", "PhoTW-0.075" } ) {
+    for ( const auto scenario : { "3.0-Value", "2.0-MidRange", "2.1-MidRange", "1.0-Finest" } ) {
+      for ( const std::string lumi : { "1.5e34", "1.2e34", "1.0e34" } ) {
         // for ( const auto scenario : {"1.0-Finest"} ) {
         // for ( const std::string lumi : {"1.2e34"} ) {
-        findAll( scopeN + "-" + SiPMTW + "-" + lumi, dir + "/" + scopeN + "/" + scenario, {lumi, SiPMTW},
+        findAll( scopeN + "-" + SiPMTW + "-" + lumi, dir + "/" + scopeN + "/" + scenario, { lumi, SiPMTW },
                  scopeN + "-" + scenario + "-" + lumi + "-" + SiPMTW );
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ void MakeRichPlots() {
       // gStyle->SetStatW(0.1);
       // gStyle->SetStatH(0.02);
-      const std::vector<double> cuts = {-10, -8, -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10};
+      const std::vector<double> cuts = { -10, -8, -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 };
       // const std::vector<double> cuts = {0};
       // Open a PDF file
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalReco/root/RichKaonIDCompareFiles.C b/Rec/GlobalReco/root/RichKaonIDCompareFiles.C
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index dde88e2a1a86f7c66301eea9239a74995badadbf..f2a35d08895fbc9e4231c5aad98e2eb5183b1861
--- a/Rec/GlobalReco/root/RichKaonIDCompareFiles.C
+++ b/Rec/GlobalReco/root/RichKaonIDCompareFiles.C
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ void RichKaonIDCompareFiles() {
 #include "utils.C"
   const std::string scopeN = "Scope3";
-  for ( const std::string SiPMTW : {"PhoTW-0.150", "PhoTW-0.075"} ) {
-    for ( const std::string scenario : {"3.0-Value", "2.0-MidRange", "2.1-MidRange", "1.0-Finest"} ) {
-      for ( const std::string lumi : {"1.5e34", "1.2e34", "1.0e34"} ) {
-        findAll( scopeN + "-" + SiPMTW + "-" + lumi, dir + "/" + scopeN + "/" + scenario, {lumi, SiPMTW}, scenario );
+  for ( const std::string SiPMTW : { "PhoTW-0.150", "PhoTW-0.075" } ) {
+    for ( const std::string scenario : { "3.0-Value", "2.0-MidRange", "2.1-MidRange", "1.0-Finest" } ) {
+      for ( const std::string lumi : { "1.5e34", "1.2e34", "1.0e34" } ) {
+        findAll( scopeN + "-" + SiPMTW + "-" + lumi, dir + "/" + scopeN + "/" + scenario, { lumi, SiPMTW }, scenario );
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ void RichKaonIDCompareFiles() {
     auto pid = std::make_unique<GlobalPID>();
     // for ( const auto tktype : {GlobalPID::Long, GlobalPID::Upstream, GlobalPID::Downstream, GlobalPID::Ttrack} ) {
-    for ( const auto tktype : {GlobalPID::Long} ) {
+    for ( const auto tktype : { GlobalPID::Long } ) {
       // Default Config Object
       GlobalPID::Configuration gConf;
@@ -227,8 +227,8 @@ void RichKaonIDCompareFiles() {
       // colours ... https://root.cern.ch/doc/master/classTColor.html
       const auto colors =
-          std::array{kRed + 1,     kBlue + 1,  kGreen + 2, kMagenta + 2, kBlack + 0, kOrange + 7, kCyan - 3,
-                     kMagenta - 7, kGreen - 8, kRed - 6,   kCyan + 2,    kGray + 2,  kAzure + 8};
+          std::array{ kRed + 1,     kBlue + 1,  kGreen + 2, kMagenta + 2, kBlack + 0, kOrange + 7, kCyan - 3,
+                      kMagenta - 7, kGreen - 8, kRed - 6,   kCyan + 2,    kGray + 2,  kAzure + 8 };
       auto lastColor = colors.begin();
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalReco/root/RichProtonIDCompareFiles.C b/Rec/GlobalReco/root/RichProtonIDCompareFiles.C
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 310433637fce6b68a07ce15a4c3c64cb8dc464bd..848fecfe7bb0fdb04e94a8b1e1324f95218564c8
--- a/Rec/GlobalReco/root/RichProtonIDCompareFiles.C
+++ b/Rec/GlobalReco/root/RichProtonIDCompareFiles.C
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
 * or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       *
-//#include "TROOT.h"
+// #include "TROOT.h"
-//#include "GlobalPID.h"
+// #include "GlobalPID.h"
 #include "GlobalPID.C"
 void RichProtonIDCompareFiles() {
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalReco/src/ChargedProtoParticleFilteredCopyAlg.cpp b/Rec/GlobalReco/src/ChargedProtoParticleFilteredCopyAlg.cpp
index 95dbd8c68298efc89abdf52b3981d92df393ee1e..d349e8032a34c52f513816a3e6cad759ee1fc94b 100644
--- a/Rec/GlobalReco/src/ChargedProtoParticleFilteredCopyAlg.cpp
+++ b/Rec/GlobalReco/src/ChargedProtoParticleFilteredCopyAlg.cpp
@@ -43,19 +43,19 @@ namespace LHCb {
     using KeyValue = ChargedProtoParticleFilteredCopyAlg::KeyValue;
     ChargedProtoParticleFilteredCopyAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-        : with_functors( name, pSvc, {KeyValue( "InputProtos", "" )},
-                         {KeyValue( "OutputProtos", "" ), KeyValue( "OutputTracks", "" ),
-                          KeyValue( "OutputRichPIDs", "" ), KeyValue( "OutputMuonPIDs", "" ),
-                          KeyValue( "OutputMuonTracks", "" ), KeyValue( "OutputCaloChargedPIDs", "" ),
-                          KeyValue( "OutputBremInfos", "" ), KeyValue( "OutputGlobalChargedPIDs", "" )} ) {}
+        : with_functors( name, pSvc, { KeyValue( "InputProtos", "" ) },
+                         { KeyValue( "OutputProtos", "" ), KeyValue( "OutputTracks", "" ),
+                           KeyValue( "OutputRichPIDs", "" ), KeyValue( "OutputMuonPIDs", "" ),
+                           KeyValue( "OutputMuonTracks", "" ), KeyValue( "OutputCaloChargedPIDs", "" ),
+                           KeyValue( "OutputBremInfos", "" ), KeyValue( "OutputGlobalChargedPIDs", "" ) } ) {}
     OutData operator()( ProtoParticle::Range const& ) const override;
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned short int> m_rpidversion{this, "RichPIDVersion", 2u, "Version of the RichPID container"};
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned short int> m_rpidversion{ this, "RichPIDVersion", 2u, "Version of the RichPID container" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_proto_with_no_track{
-        this, "Charged ProtoParticle with no track found. Ignoring"};
+        this, "Charged ProtoParticle with no track found. Ignoring" };
 } // namespace LHCb
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalReco/src/ChargedProtoParticleTupleAlg.cpp b/Rec/GlobalReco/src/ChargedProtoParticleTupleAlg.cpp
index 8011058c4dd0b8b01d1f507ec308bd5377107441..59ae39038d331eddd429b9cbd67c72c79ccff791 100644
--- a/Rec/GlobalReco/src/ChargedProtoParticleTupleAlg.cpp
+++ b/Rec/GlobalReco/src/ChargedProtoParticleTupleAlg.cpp
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class ChargedProtoParticleTupleAlg final
   /// Standard constructor
   ChargedProtoParticleTupleAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : Consumer{name, pSvcLocator, {"ProtoParticleLocation", LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Charged}} {
+      : Consumer{ name, pSvcLocator, { "ProtoParticleLocation", LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Charged } } {
     // Turn off Tuple printing during finalize
     setProperty( "NTuplePrint", false ).ignore();
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public:
   /// Use RICH tool to get MCParticle associations for Tracks (To avoid Linker details)
-  ToolHandle<Rich::MC::IMCTruthTool> m_truth{this, "MCTruthTool", "Rich::MC::MCTruthTool/MCTruth"};
+  ToolHandle<Rich::MC::IMCTruthTool> m_truth{ this, "MCTruthTool", "Rich::MC::MCTruthTool/MCTruth" };
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalReco/src/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker.cpp b/Rec/GlobalReco/src/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker.cpp
index db8538785dd5e5f33cab54ec138a225c2d26d43c..0434c566e270f5685e5c316d500a2c0b86234544 100644
--- a/Rec/GlobalReco/src/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker.cpp
+++ b/Rec/GlobalReco/src/FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker.cpp
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ public:
   /// Standard constructor
   FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : with_functors( name, pSvcLocator, //
-                       {"Inputs", {LHCb::TrackLocation::Default}},
-                       {KeyValue{"Output", LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Charged}, KeyValue{"OutputPIDs", ""}} ) {}
+                       { "Inputs", { LHCb::TrackLocation::Default } },
+                       { KeyValue{ "Output", LHCb::ProtoParticleLocation::Charged }, KeyValue{ "OutputPIDs", "" } } ) {}
   Output operator()( const Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<LHCb::Track::Range>& ranges ) const override {
     if ( !m_det.get().geometry() ) { throw GaudiException( "Could not load geometry", name(), StatusCode::FAILURE ); }
@@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ public:
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_standardGeometry_address{this, "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_standardGeometry_address{ this, "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top };
   // A merging transformer does not easily allow this to be passed in the operator(), so we just do it manually and pass
   // it as a member variable.
-  LHCb::DetDesc::ConditionAccessor<LHCb::Detector::DeLHCb> m_det{this, "DeLHCb", m_standardGeometry_address};
+  LHCb::DetDesc::ConditionAccessor<LHCb::Detector::DeLHCb> m_det{ this, "DeLHCb", m_standardGeometry_address };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                  m_count{this, "CreatedProtos"};
-  ToolHandleArray<LHCb::Rec::Interfaces::IProtoParticles> m_addInfo{this, "AddInfo", {}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                  m_count{ this, "CreatedProtos" };
+  ToolHandleArray<LHCb::Rec::Interfaces::IProtoParticles> m_addInfo{ this, "AddInfo", {} };
 // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalReco/src/ProtoParticlesSplitterPerTrackType.cpp b/Rec/GlobalReco/src/ProtoParticlesSplitterPerTrackType.cpp
index ceccb4e3cfbb1dfcd795b1b85dec6710673be6f0..456c604be2e9164b718f4bf5d76407a7d824ad87 100644
--- a/Rec/GlobalReco/src/ProtoParticlesSplitterPerTrackType.cpp
+++ b/Rec/GlobalReco/src/ProtoParticlesSplitterPerTrackType.cpp
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ namespace LHCb {
     ProtoParticlesSplitterPerTrackType( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
         : ProtoParticlesSplitterPerTrackType<ProtosOut>::MultiTransformer(
-              name, pSvc, {KeyValue( "InputProtos", "" )},
-              {KeyValue( "LongProtos", "" ), KeyValue( "DownstreamProtos", "" ), KeyValue( "UpstreamProtos", "" ),
-               KeyValue( "TtrackProtos", "" )} ) {}
+              name, pSvc, { KeyValue( "InputProtos", "" ) },
+              { KeyValue( "LongProtos", "" ), KeyValue( "DownstreamProtos", "" ), KeyValue( "UpstreamProtos", "" ),
+                KeyValue( "TtrackProtos", "" ) } ) {}
     OutData operator()( ProtoParticle::Range const& protos ) const override {
       OutData out_protos;
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/src/MakeRelationsTables.cpp b/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/src/MakeRelationsTables.cpp
index d09e55baac49bac6ad2670549a5a4704f5ccd65b..a11e85ff7a8092697e94d1d3377fc393c321bc37 100644
--- a/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/src/MakeRelationsTables.cpp
+++ b/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/src/MakeRelationsTables.cpp
@@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ namespace LHCb::Test {
   struct MakeRelationsTables : public Algorithm::Consumer<void( ProtoParticles const&, MCParticles const& )> {
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>             m_nEntriesPerTable{this, "NEntries", 5,
-                                                     "Number of relations to create per output table"};
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>             m_nEntriesPerTable{ this, "NEntries", 5,
+                                                      "Number of relations to create per output table" };
     Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_outputTables{
-        this, "OutputTablesLocations", {}, "Locations of output relations tables"};
+        this, "OutputTablesLocations", {}, "Locations of output relations tables" };
     // the data handles to write the different tables, created dynamically during initialize
     std::vector<DataObjectHandle<DataObject>> m_dataHandles;
     MakeRelationsTables( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"ProtoParticles", {}}, KeyValue{"MCParticles", ""}} ){};
+        : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "ProtoParticles", {} }, KeyValue{ "MCParticles", "" } } ){};
     StatusCode initialize() override {
       return Consumer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Test {
               mcparticles.size() >= m_nEntriesPerTable * m_outputTables.size() );
       // random uniform distribution and random engine
-      std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist{0.0, 1.0};
+      std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist{ 0.0, 1.0 };
       std::default_random_engine             engine{};
       // Create one table per nentries_per_table-length chunk of ProtoParticles and MCParticles
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/src/MergeLinksByKeysToVector.cpp b/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/src/MergeLinksByKeysToVector.cpp
index 5ff905ca6f3ac88f3a3a539c5a913c3917a39199..2213f74faacd113a979b9ec40a679bebbca8b9d2 100644
--- a/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/src/MergeLinksByKeysToVector.cpp
+++ b/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/src/MergeLinksByKeysToVector.cpp
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ struct MergeLinksByKeysToVector
     : public LHCb::Algorithm::MergingTransformer<std::vector<const LHCb::LinksByKey*>( const LinksByKeyVOC& )> {
   MergeLinksByKeysToVector( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : LHCb::Algorithm::MergingTransformer<std::vector<const LHCb::LinksByKey*>( const LinksByKeyVOC& )>(
-            name, pSvcLocator, {"InputLinksByKeys", {}}, {"Output", ""} ){};
+            name, pSvcLocator, { "InputLinksByKeys", {} }, { "Output", "" } ){};
   std::vector<const LHCb::LinksByKey*> operator()( const LinksByKeyVOC& linkers ) const override {
     std::vector<const LHCb::LinksByKey*> result;
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/src/MergeRelationsTables.cpp b/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/src/MergeRelationsTables.cpp
index ef5d5a8bb024208ee48d352fe7e3c8c375bc56d2..0fd3a56f9fd15d4077450c44512f4cf003420c4a 100644
--- a/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/src/MergeRelationsTables.cpp
+++ b/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/src/MergeRelationsTables.cpp
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ struct MergeRelationsTables : public LHCb::Algorithm::MergingTransformer<LHCb::R
   using base_class = LHCb::Algorithm::MergingTransformer<output_t( input_t )>;
   MergeRelationsTables( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : base_class( name, pSvcLocator, {"InputRelationsTables", {}}, {"Output", ""} ){};
+      : base_class( name, pSvcLocator, { "InputRelationsTables", {} }, { "Output", "" } ){};
   output_t operator()( input_t tables ) const override {
     output_t merged;
@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ struct MergeRelationsTables : public LHCb::Algorithm::MergingTransformer<LHCb::R
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_duplicate_relation{this, "Unexpected duplicate relation found"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_duplicate_relation{ this,
+                                                                            "Unexpected duplicate relation found" };
 namespace {
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/src/ProtoParticleAssociator.cpp b/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/src/ProtoParticleAssociator.cpp
index 3ae437c787ea30977330271d87aa677472d0e733..869f78fd90fc93db2f0ebb73e8a701e0f2c52f98 100644
--- a/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/src/ProtoParticleAssociator.cpp
+++ b/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/src/ProtoParticleAssociator.cpp
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ namespace {
     using BasicType = LHCb::Track;
     static const std::vector<SmartRef<BasicType>> allBasics( const LHCb::ProtoParticle* proto ) {
-      return {proto->track()};
+      return { proto->track() };
@@ -96,8 +96,9 @@ struct ProtoParticleAssociator
       : LHCb::Algorithm::MultiTransformer<std::tuple<PP2MCPLinks, PP2MCPTable>(
             const LHCb::ProtoParticle::Range&, const LHCb::MCParticles&, const LinksByKeyVOC& )>(
             name, pSvcLocator,
-            {KeyValue{"InputProtoParticles", ""}, KeyValue{"InputMCParticles", ""}, KeyValue{"InputAssociations", ""}},
-            {KeyValue{"OutputLinks", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputTable", ""}} ){};
+            { KeyValue{ "InputProtoParticles", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputMCParticles", "" },
+              KeyValue{ "InputAssociations", "" } },
+            { KeyValue{ "OutputLinks", "" }, KeyValue{ "OutputTable", "" } } ){};
   std::tuple<PP2MCPLinks, PP2MCPTable> operator()( const LHCb::ProtoParticle::Range& protos, const LHCb::MCParticles&,
                                                    const LinksByKeyVOC&              basic_links ) const override {
@@ -106,26 +107,26 @@ struct ProtoParticleAssociator
       return ( l->sourceClassID() == BasicType::classID() ) && ( l->targetClassID() == LHCb::MCParticle::classID() );
     } );
     if ( !valid_links ) {
-      throw GaudiException{"An input LinksByKey has unexpected source -> target class IDs", "ProtoParticleAssociator",
-                           StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "An input LinksByKey has unexpected source -> target class IDs", "ProtoParticleAssociator",
+                            StatusCode::FAILURE };
     // Initialise output link and relations tables
-    PP2MCPLinks pp_links{std::in_place_type<LHCb::ProtoParticle>, std::in_place_type<LHCb::MCParticle>,
-                         LHCb::LinksByKey::Order::decreasingWeight};
+    PP2MCPLinks pp_links{ std::in_place_type<LHCb::ProtoParticle>, std::in_place_type<LHCb::MCParticle>,
+                          LHCb::LinksByKey::Order::decreasingWeight };
     PP2MCPTable pp_table( 1000 );
     for ( auto* const pp : protos ) {
       // Check all ProtoParticle objects have the right basic type
       if constexpr ( S == Charged ) {
         if ( pp->track() == nullptr ) {
-          throw GaudiException{"Unexpected neutral ProtoParticle object", "ChargedProtoParticleAssociator",
-                               StatusCode::FAILURE};
+          throw GaudiException{ "Unexpected neutral ProtoParticle object", "ChargedProtoParticleAssociator",
+                                StatusCode::FAILURE };
       } else {
         if ( pp->track() != nullptr ) {
-          throw GaudiException{"Unexpected charged ProtoParticle object", "NeutralProtoParticleAssociator",
-                               StatusCode::FAILURE};
+          throw GaudiException{ "Unexpected charged ProtoParticle object", "NeutralProtoParticleAssociator",
+                                StatusCode::FAILURE };
@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ struct ProtoParticleAssociator
       // ProtoParticle -> MCParticle in the output tables.
       for ( auto basic : basics ) {
         for ( const auto* l : basic_links ) {
-          for ( const auto& [to, weight] : LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{l}.weightedRange( basic.target() ) ) {
+          for ( const auto& [to, weight] : LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{ l }.weightedRange( basic.target() ) ) {
             is_associated = true;
             pp_links.link( pp, &to, weight );
@@ -150,12 +151,12 @@ struct ProtoParticleAssociator
       if ( is_associated ) { m_mcparticles_per_proto += n_mcparticles; }
-    return {pp_links, pp_table};
+    return { pp_links, pp_table };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>  m_efficiency{this, "Efficiency"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_mcparticles_per_proto{this, "MC particles per ProtoParticle"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>  m_efficiency{ this, "Efficiency" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_mcparticles_per_proto{ this, "MC particles per ProtoParticle" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( ProtoParticleAssociator<Charged>, "ChargedProtoParticleAssociator" )
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/tests/options/test_mergelinksbykeystovector.py b/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/tests/options/test_mergelinksbykeystovector.py
index 3dc96d590222fd252da71aed9efb627931c43aee..b0a5748a9f538c1330485d87a3c1a3451be30fa2 100644
--- a/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/tests/options/test_mergelinksbykeystovector.py
+++ b/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/tests/options/test_mergelinksbykeystovector.py
@@ -13,10 +13,16 @@
 Asserts that the list of input objects is converted to an output vector of
 pointers to those objects.
-from PyConf.application import configure, configure_input, ApplicationOptions, create_or_reuse_rootIOAlg
-from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode
-from PyConf.Algorithms import MergeLinksByKeysToVector
 import GaudiPython as GP
+from PyConf.Algorithms import MergeLinksByKeysToVector
+from PyConf.application import (
+    ApplicationOptions,
+    configure,
+    configure_input,
+    create_or_reuse_rootIOAlg,
+from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode
 def compare(links_vec, original_link_paths):
@@ -24,35 +30,38 @@ def compare(links_vec, original_link_paths):
     for idx, link_path in enumerate(original_link_paths):
         element = links_vec.at(idx)
         expected = TES[link_path]
-        assert element == expected, "Index {} in output vector is not equal to object at {}".format(
-            idx, link_path)
+        assert element == expected, (
+            "Index {} in output vector is not equal to object at {}".format(
+                idx, link_path
+            )
+        )
         # Couple more checks out of paranoia (in case for example the equality method does very little)
-        assert element.linkMgr().size() == expected.linkMgr().size(
-        ), "Index {} in output vector has different LinkMgr".format(idx)
-        assert element.linkReference().size() == expected.linkReference().size(
-        ), "Index {} in output vector has different linkReference".format(idx)
+        assert element.linkMgr().size() == expected.linkMgr().size(), (
+            "Index {} in output vector has different LinkMgr".format(idx)
+        )
+        assert element.linkReference().size() == expected.linkReference().size(), (
+            "Index {} in output vector has different linkReference".format(idx)
+        )
 options = ApplicationOptions(_enabled=False)
 options.evt_max = 100
 options.gaudipython_mode = True
-options.root_ioalg_name = 'RootIOAlgExt'
+options.root_ioalg_name = "RootIOAlgExt"
 options.print_freq = 10
 config = configure_input(options)
 charged_link_paths = ["Link/Rec/Track/Best"]
 charged_merger = MergeLinksByKeysToVector(
-    name="ChargedMergeLinksByKeysToVector",
-    InputLinksByKeys=charged_link_paths)
+    name="ChargedMergeLinksByKeysToVector", InputLinksByKeys=charged_link_paths
-hypo_locs = [
-    "Rec/Calo/Photons", "Rec/Calo/SplitPhotons", "Rec/Calo/MergedPi0s"
+hypo_locs = ["Rec/Calo/Photons", "Rec/Calo/SplitPhotons", "Rec/Calo/MergedPi0s"]
 neutral_link_paths = [str("Link/" + loc) for loc in hypo_locs]
 neutral_merger = MergeLinksByKeysToVector(
-    name="NeutralMergeLinksByKeysToVector",
-    InputLinksByKeys=neutral_link_paths)
+    name="NeutralMergeLinksByKeysToVector", InputLinksByKeys=neutral_link_paths
 algs = [
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/tests/options/test_mergerelationstables.py b/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/tests/options/test_mergerelationstables.py
index 21c9b995343da2693b1e8e7c5cebc96cfba4a4d9..3720b98f3e8e7d661148dd6f92a732b448890568 100644
--- a/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/tests/options/test_mergerelationstables.py
+++ b/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/tests/options/test_mergerelationstables.py
@@ -17,44 +17,58 @@ ProtoParticle-to-MCParticle relations, merges these using the algorithm, and
 then checks that the merged table contains all the information present in the
 individual tables.
 import random
-from PyConf.application import configure, configure_input, ApplicationOptions, create_or_reuse_rootIOAlg, input_from_root_file, force_location
-from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode
+import GaudiPython as GP
+from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
+from PyConf.Algorithms import (
+    LHCb__Tests__FakeRunNumberProducer as FET,
 from PyConf.Algorithms import (
-    LHCb__Tests__FakeRunNumberProducer as FET,
-import GaudiPython as GP
-from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
+from PyConf.application import (
+    ApplicationOptions,
+    configure,
+    configure_input,
+    create_or_reuse_rootIOAlg,
+    force_location,
+    input_from_root_file,
+from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode
 options = ApplicationOptions(_enabled=False)
 options.evt_max = 50
-options.root_ioalg_name = 'RootIOAlgExt'
+options.root_ioalg_name = "RootIOAlgExt"
 options.gaudipython_mode = True
 config = configure_input(options)
-fet = FET(name='FakeRunNumber', Start=0, Step=0)
+fet = FET(name="FakeRunNumber", Start=0, Step=0)
 if UseDD4Hep:
-    dd4hepSvc = config[
-        "LHCb::Det::LbDD4hep::DD4hepSvc/LHCb::Det::LbDD4hep::DD4hepSvc"]
+    dd4hepSvc = config["LHCb::Det::LbDD4hep::DD4hepSvc/LHCb::Det::LbDD4hep::DD4hepSvc"]
     dd4hepSvc.DetectorList = []
     from PyConf.Algorithms import (
-        LHCb__Det__LbDD4hep__IOVProducer as IOVProducer, )
+        LHCb__Det__LbDD4hep__IOVProducer as IOVProducer,
+    )
     iov = IOVProducer(
-        outputs={"SliceLocation": force_location("/Event/IOVLock")})
+        outputs={"SliceLocation": force_location("/Event/IOVLock")},
+    )
     from PyConf.Algorithms import LHCb__DetDesc__ReserveDetDescForEvent as reserveIOV
     iov = reserveIOV(
-        outputs={"IOVLock": force_location("/Event/IOVLock")})
+        outputs={"IOVLock": force_location("/Event/IOVLock")},
+    )
 cond_algs = [fet, iov]
 # note the usage of force_location for all outputs of packers
@@ -64,13 +78,17 @@ cond_algs = [fet, iov]
 unpack_mcp = UnpackMCParticle(
-        "pSim/MCParticles", forced_type='LHCb::PackedMCParticles'),
-    outputs={'OutputName': force_location("/Event/MC/Particles")})
+        "pSim/MCParticles", forced_type="LHCb::PackedMCParticles"
+    ),
+    outputs={"OutputName": force_location("/Event/MC/Particles")},
 unpack_charged_pp = UnpackProtoParticle(
-        "pRec/ProtoP/Charged", forced_type='LHCb::PackedProtoParticles'),
-    outputs={'OutputName': force_location("/Event/Rec/ProtoP/Charged")})
+        "pRec/ProtoP/Charged", forced_type="LHCb::PackedProtoParticles"
+    ),
+    outputs={"OutputName": force_location("/Event/Rec/ProtoP/Charged")},
 relations_locations = ["TableA", "TableB", "TableC"]
 maker = MakeRelationsTables(
@@ -80,12 +98,15 @@ maker = MakeRelationsTables(
 merger = MergeRelationsTablesPP2MCP(
-    name="MergeRelationsTablesPP2MCP",
-    InputRelationsTables=relations_locations)
+    name="MergeRelationsTablesPP2MCP", InputRelationsTables=relations_locations
 algs = cond_algs + [
-    create_or_reuse_rootIOAlg(options), unpack_mcp, unpack_charged_pp, maker,
-    merger
+    create_or_reuse_rootIOAlg(options),
+    unpack_mcp,
+    unpack_charged_pp,
+    maker,
+    merger,
 config.update(configure(options, CompositeNode("TopSeq", algs)))
@@ -99,21 +120,25 @@ while TES["/Event/Rec"] and i < options.evt_max:
     merged = TES[merger.Output.location]
     merged_rels = set()
     for rel in merged.relations():
-        merged_rels.add((
-            getattr(rel, "from")().index(),
-            rel.to().index(),
-            rel.weight(),
-        ))
+        merged_rels.add(
+            (
+                getattr(rel, "from")().index(),
+                rel.to().index(),
+                rel.weight(),
+            )
+        )
     table_rels = set()
     for loc in relations_locations:
         table = TES[loc]
         for rel in table.relations():
-            table_rels.add((
-                getattr(rel, "from")().index(),
-                rel.to().index(),
-                rel.weight(),
-            ))
+            table_rels.add(
+                (
+                    getattr(rel, "from")().index(),
+                    rel.to().index(),
+                    rel.weight(),
+                )
+            )
     assert merged_rels == table_rels
     i += 1
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/tests/options/test_protoparticleassociator.py b/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/tests/options/test_protoparticleassociator.py
index d786b71e7c44360c47f08a7800da925f01f204b2..c72af453669cc63ff386725333e643242bf228a5 100644
--- a/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/tests/options/test_protoparticleassociator.py
+++ b/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/tests/options/test_protoparticleassociator.py
@@ -24,8 +24,9 @@ MCParticle links.
 There's similar procedure for neutral protos, using CaloHypo -> MCParticle
 link objects and the NeutralProtoParticleAssociator algorithm instead.
-from PyConf.application import configure, configure_input, ApplicationOptions, create_or_reuse_rootIOAlg, input_from_root_file, force_location
-from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode
+import GaudiPython as GP
+from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
 from PyConf.Algorithms import (
@@ -34,10 +35,19 @@ from PyConf.Algorithms import (
+from PyConf.Algorithms import (
     LHCb__Tests__FakeRunNumberProducer as FET,
-import GaudiPython as GP
-from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
+from PyConf.application import (
+    ApplicationOptions,
+    configure,
+    configure_input,
+    create_or_reuse_rootIOAlg,
+    force_location,
+    input_from_root_file,
+from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode
 def compare(protos, pp2mcp, link_paths, charged):
@@ -64,9 +74,9 @@ def compare(protos, pp2mcp, link_paths, charged):
                     to_path = links.linkMgr().link(ref.linkID()).path()
                     to_index = ref.objectKey()
                     mcp = TES[to_path].object(to_index)
-                    assert (
-                        proto, mcp
-                    ) in pairs, "Basic -> MCP link not found in ProtoParticle -> MCP table"
+                    assert (proto, mcp) in pairs, (
+                        "Basic -> MCP link not found in ProtoParticle -> MCP table"
+                    )
                     nmatches += 1
                     ok = links.nextReference(ref)
@@ -77,29 +87,34 @@ options = ApplicationOptions(_enabled=False)
 options.evt_max = 100
 options.conditions_version = "sim-20171127-vc-md100"
-options.root_ioalg_name = 'RootIOAlgExt'
+options.root_ioalg_name = "RootIOAlgExt"
 options.gaudipython_mode = True
 config = configure_input(options)
-fet = FET(name='FakeRunNumber', Start=0, Step=0)
+fet = FET(name="FakeRunNumber", Start=0, Step=0)
 if UseDD4Hep:
-    dd4hepSvc = config[
-        "LHCb::Det::LbDD4hep::DD4hepSvc/LHCb::Det::LbDD4hep::DD4hepSvc"]
+    dd4hepSvc = config["LHCb::Det::LbDD4hep::DD4hepSvc/LHCb::Det::LbDD4hep::DD4hepSvc"]
     dd4hepSvc.DetectorList = []
     from PyConf.Algorithms import (
         LHCb__Det__LbDD4hep__IOVProducer as IOVProducer,
+    )
+    from PyConf.Algorithms import (
         LHCb__Tests__FakeRunNumberProducer as FET,
     iov = IOVProducer(
-        outputs={"SliceLocation": force_location("/Event/IOVLock")})
+        outputs={"SliceLocation": force_location("/Event/IOVLock")},
+    )
     from PyConf.Algorithms import LHCb__DetDesc__ReserveDetDescForEvent as reserveIOV
     iov = reserveIOV(
-        outputs={"IOVLock": force_location("/Event/IOVLock")})
+        outputs={"IOVLock": force_location("/Event/IOVLock")},
+    )
 cond_algs = [fet, iov]
 # note the usage of force_location for all outputs of packers
@@ -109,36 +124,45 @@ cond_algs = [fet, iov]
 unpack_mcp = UnpackMCParticle(
-        "pSim/MCParticles", forced_type='LHCb::PackedMCParticles'),
-    outputs={'OutputName': force_location("/Event/MC/Particles")})
+        "pSim/MCParticles", forced_type="LHCb::PackedMCParticles"
+    ),
+    outputs={"OutputName": force_location("/Event/MC/Particles")},
 unpack_track = UnpackTrack(
-    InputName=input_from_root_file(
-        "pRec/Track/Best", forced_type='LHCb::PackedTracks'),
-    outputs={'OutputName': force_location("/Event/Rec/Track/Best")})
+    InputName=input_from_root_file("pRec/Track/Best", forced_type="LHCb::PackedTracks"),
+    outputs={"OutputName": force_location("/Event/Rec/Track/Best")},
 unpack_charged_pp = UnpackProtoParticle(
-        "pRec/ProtoP/Charged", forced_type='LHCb::PackedProtoParticles'),
-    outputs={'OutputName': force_location("/Event/Rec/ProtoP/Charged")})
+        "pRec/ProtoP/Charged", forced_type="LHCb::PackedProtoParticles"
+    ),
+    outputs={"OutputName": force_location("/Event/Rec/ProtoP/Charged")},
 unpack_calohypos = [
         name="Unpack{}".format(loc.replace("/", "")),
-            "pRec/Calo/" + loc, forced_type="LHCb::PackedCaloHypos"),
-        outputs={'OutputName': force_location("/Event/Rec/Calo/" + loc)})
+            "pRec/Calo/" + loc, forced_type="LHCb::PackedCaloHypos"
+        ),
+        outputs={"OutputName": force_location("/Event/Rec/Calo/" + loc)},
+    )
     for loc in ["Photons", "SplitPhotons", "MergedPi0s"]
 unpack_neutral_pp = UnpackProtoParticle(
-        "pRec/ProtoP/Neutrals", forced_type="LHCb::PackedProtoParticles"),
-    outputs={'OutputName': force_location("/Event/Rec/ProtoP/Neutrals")})
+        "pRec/ProtoP/Neutrals", forced_type="LHCb::PackedProtoParticles"
+    ),
+    outputs={"OutputName": force_location("/Event/Rec/ProtoP/Neutrals")},
 charged_merger = MergeLinksByKeysToVector(
-            "/Event/Link/Rec/Track/Best", forced_type="LHCb::LinksByKey")
+            "/Event/Link/Rec/Track/Best", forced_type="LHCb::LinksByKey"
+        )
 charged_assoc = ChargedProtoParticleAssociator(
@@ -151,12 +175,13 @@ charged_assoc = ChargedProtoParticleAssociator(
 neutral_merger = MergeLinksByKeysToVector(
+        input_from_root_file("Link/Rec/Calo/Photons", forced_type="LHCb::LinksByKey"),
-            "Link/Rec/Calo/Photons", forced_type="LHCb::LinksByKey"),
+            "Link/Rec/Calo/SplitPhotons", forced_type="LHCb::LinksByKey"
+        ),
-            "Link/Rec/Calo/SplitPhotons", forced_type="LHCb::LinksByKey"),
-        input_from_root_file(
-            "Link/Rec/Calo/MergedPi0s", forced_type="LHCb::LinksByKey"),
+            "Link/Rec/Calo/MergedPi0s", forced_type="LHCb::LinksByKey"
+        ),
 neutral_assoc = NeutralProtoParticleAssociator(
@@ -166,16 +191,21 @@ neutral_assoc = NeutralProtoParticleAssociator(
-algs = cond_algs + [create_or_reuse_rootIOAlg(options)] + unpack_calohypos + [
-    unpack_neutral_pp,
-    unpack_track,
-    unpack_charged_pp,
-    unpack_mcp,
-    charged_merger,
-    charged_assoc,
-    neutral_merger,
-    neutral_assoc,
+algs = (
+    cond_algs
+    + [create_or_reuse_rootIOAlg(options)]
+    + unpack_calohypos
+    + [
+        unpack_neutral_pp,
+        unpack_track,
+        unpack_charged_pp,
+        unpack_mcp,
+        charged_merger,
+        charged_assoc,
+        neutral_merger,
+        neutral_assoc,
+    ]
 config.update(configure(options, CompositeNode("TopSeq", algs)))
@@ -189,24 +219,25 @@ nmatches_neutral = 0
 while TES["/Event/Rec"] and i < options.evt_max:
     charged_protos = TES[unpack_charged_pp.OutputName.location]
     charged_pp2mcp = TES[charged_assoc.OutputTable.location]
-    charged_link_paths = [
-        h.location for h in charged_merger.inputs['InputLinksByKeys']
-    ]
+    charged_link_paths = [h.location for h in charged_merger.inputs["InputLinksByKeys"]]
     nmatches_charged += compare(
-        charged_protos, charged_pp2mcp, charged_link_paths, charged=True)
+        charged_protos, charged_pp2mcp, charged_link_paths, charged=True
+    )
     neutral_protos = TES[unpack_neutral_pp.OutputName.location]
     neutral_pp2mcp = TES[neutral_assoc.OutputTable.location]
-    neutral_link_paths = [
-        h.location for h in neutral_merger.inputs['InputLinksByKeys']
-    ]
+    neutral_link_paths = [h.location for h in neutral_merger.inputs["InputLinksByKeys"]]
     nmatches_neutral += compare(
-        neutral_protos, neutral_pp2mcp, neutral_link_paths, charged=False)
+        neutral_protos, neutral_pp2mcp, neutral_link_paths, charged=False
+    )
     i += 1
 assert nmatches_charged > 0, "ERROR: Found zero charged matches"
 assert nmatches_neutral > 0, "ERROR: Found zero neutral matches"
-print("SUCCESS: Found {}/{} charged/neutral matches".format(
-    nmatches_charged, nmatches_neutral))
+    "SUCCESS: Found {}/{} charged/neutral matches".format(
+        nmatches_charged, nmatches_neutral
+    )
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/tests/qmtest/globalrecomctools.qms/test_mergelinksbykeystovector.qmt b/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/tests/qmtest/globalrecomctools.qms/test_mergelinksbykeystovector.qmt
index ab2ddbfda0c6221ffbdb515b70c48b85e0c81dfb..00ec3cb76c6c410aa623dc26e24318def997bfad 100644
--- a/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/tests/qmtest/globalrecomctools.qms/test_mergelinksbykeystovector.qmt
+++ b/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/tests/qmtest/globalrecomctools.qms/test_mergelinksbykeystovector.qmt
@@ -18,4 +18,3 @@
 countErrorLines({"FATAL": 0, "ERROR": 0, "WARNING": 0})
diff --git a/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/tests/qmtest/globalrecomctools.qms/test_mergerelationstables.qmt b/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/tests/qmtest/globalrecomctools.qms/test_mergerelationstables.qmt
index b274f3808f742cece16c3804d3839f913a704621..2cb21b9c9fdc76aa5dcb1de327f2dd37209d74ef 100644
--- a/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/tests/qmtest/globalrecomctools.qms/test_mergerelationstables.qmt
+++ b/Rec/GlobalRecoMCTools/tests/qmtest/globalrecomctools.qms/test_mergerelationstables.qmt
@@ -31,4 +31,3 @@ countErrorLines(
diff --git a/Rec/RecAlgs/src/AddToProcStatus.cpp b/Rec/RecAlgs/src/AddToProcStatus.cpp
index 80848bb40ec51be50d0ba6d504ade890696ffa02..d8cb873ba67f172d98e2cfb49eba2c36e2b48cfc 100644
--- a/Rec/RecAlgs/src/AddToProcStatus.cpp
+++ b/Rec/RecAlgs/src/AddToProcStatus.cpp
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ public:
   StatusCode execute() override;    ///< Algorithm execution
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_subsystem{this, "Subsystem", "", "Subsystem that has aborted"}; ///< subsystem
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_reason{this, "Reason", "", "Reason"};                           ///< Reason for error
-  Gaudi::Property<int>         m_status{this, "Status", -3, "Status Code"};                      ///< return code
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_abort{this, "Abort", true, "Abort Event?"}; ///< should processing be aborted?
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_subsystem{ this, "Subsystem", "", "Subsystem that has aborted" }; ///< subsystem
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_reason{ this, "Reason", "", "Reason" };                           ///< Reason for error
+  Gaudi::Property<int>         m_status{ this, "Status", -3, "Status Code" };                      ///< return code
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_abort{ this, "Abort", true, "Abort Event?" }; ///< should processing be aborted?
 // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rec/RecAlgs/src/LumiPVs_nobeamline.cpp b/Rec/RecAlgs/src/LumiPVs_nobeamline.cpp
index ac33c716f832e41d9fed586c917bdea1c291692e..3235b435a5437426ea9c2b52f0a5188addfa6d0f 100644
--- a/Rec/RecAlgs/src/LumiPVs_nobeamline.cpp
+++ b/Rec/RecAlgs/src/LumiPVs_nobeamline.cpp
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ class LumiPVs_nobeamline
           void( const LHCb::ODIN&, const InputVeloTracks&, const InputHlt&, const DetectorElement& ),
           LHCb::Algorithm::Traits::usesBaseAndConditions<GaudiTupleAlg, DetectorElement>> {
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_tupleName{this, "BeamGasTuple", "BeamGasTuple"};
-  ToolHandle<IPVOfflineTool>   m_toolpv{this, "PVOfflineTool", "PVOfflineTool"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_tupleName{ this, "BeamGasTuple", "BeamGasTuple" };
+  ToolHandle<IPVOfflineTool>   m_toolpv{ this, "PVOfflineTool", "PVOfflineTool" };
   LHCb::RecVertices            reconstructMultiPVFromTracks( std::vector<const LHCb::Event::v1::Track*>& tracks2use,
                                                              Gaudi::XYZPoint const&                      beamSpot ) const;
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ public:
 DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( LumiPVs_nobeamline, "LumiPVs_nobeamline" );
 LumiPVs_nobeamline::LumiPVs_nobeamline( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {KeyValue{"ODIN", ""}, KeyValue{"InputVeloTracks", ""}, KeyValue{"InputHlt", ""},
-                 KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}} ) {}
+                { KeyValue{ "ODIN", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputVeloTracks", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputHlt", "" },
+                  KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } } ) {}
 void LumiPVs_nobeamline::operator()( const LHCb::ODIN& odin, const InputVeloTracks& tracks, const InputHlt& decreport,
                                      const DetectorElement& lhcb ) const {
@@ -71,12 +71,13 @@ void LumiPVs_nobeamline::operator()( const LHCb::ODIN& odin, const InputVeloTrac
   for ( const auto& kvp : decreport ) { sc = tuple->column( kvp.first, kvp.second.decision() ); }
   sc = tuple->farray(
-      {{"PV_nTracks", +[]( const RecPV& pv ) -> double { return pv.tracks().size(); }},
-       {"PV_chi2ndof", +[]( const RecPV& pv ) { return pv.chi2() / pv.nDoF(); }},
-       {"PVX", +[]( const RecPV& pv ) { return pv.position().x(); }},
-       {"PVY", +[]( const RecPV& pv ) { return pv.position().y(); }},
-       {"PVZ", +[]( const RecPV& pv ) { return pv.position().z(); }},
-       {"PVR", +[]( const RecPV& pv ) { return sqrt( pow( pv.position().x(), 2 ) + pow( pv.position().y(), 2 ) ); }}},
+      { { "PV_nTracks", +[]( const RecPV& pv ) -> double { return pv.tracks().size(); } },
+        { "PV_chi2ndof", +[]( const RecPV& pv ) { return pv.chi2() / pv.nDoF(); } },
+        { "PVX", +[]( const RecPV& pv ) { return pv.position().x(); } },
+        { "PVY", +[]( const RecPV& pv ) { return pv.position().y(); } },
+        { "PVZ", +[]( const RecPV& pv ) { return pv.position().z(); } },
+        { "PVR",
+          +[]( const RecPV& pv ) { return sqrt( pow( pv.position().x(), 2 ) + pow( pv.position().y(), 2 ) ); } } },
       vtxlist.begin(), vtxlist.end(), "nPVs", 1000 );
   sc.andThen( [&] { return tuple->write(); } ).orThrow( "Failed to fill ntuple", "LumiPV_nobeamline Alg" );
diff --git a/Rec/RecAlgs/src/LumiSummaryTuple.cpp b/Rec/RecAlgs/src/LumiSummaryTuple.cpp
index cdeec17511a6ffb86899c2cf6dbf49ea9756819a..2721146dabfd2c9b0b87abba16382fa3f0f852c6 100644
--- a/Rec/RecAlgs/src/LumiSummaryTuple.cpp
+++ b/Rec/RecAlgs/src/LumiSummaryTuple.cpp
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ class LumiSummaryTuple
     : public virtual LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void( const InputLumi&, const LHCb::ODIN& ),
                                                Gaudi::Functional::Traits::BaseClass_t<GaudiTupleAlg>> {
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_tupleName29kHz{this, "LumiTuple29kHz", "LumiTuple29kHz"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_tupleName1kHz{this, "LumiTuple1kHz", "LumiTuple1kHz"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_tupleName29kHz{ this, "LumiTuple29kHz", "LumiTuple29kHz" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_tupleName1kHz{ this, "LumiTuple1kHz", "LumiTuple1kHz" };
   virtual void operator()( const InputLumi&, const LHCb::ODIN& ) const override;
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( LumiSummaryTuple, "LumiSummaryTuple" );
 LumiSummaryTuple::LumiSummaryTuple( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                    KeyValue{"InputLumi", ""},
-                    KeyValue{"ODIN", ""},
+                    KeyValue{ "InputLumi", "" },
+                    KeyValue{ "ODIN", "" },
                 } ) {}
 void LumiSummaryTuple::operator()( const InputLumi& summary, const LHCb::ODIN& odin ) const {
diff --git a/Rec/RecAlgs/src/RecSummaryMaker.cpp b/Rec/RecAlgs/src/RecSummaryMaker.cpp
index c518186a06d2574da0e515d8609782ddb37b943c..89673d186ff8d850654083e197d3540017ee85e7 100644
--- a/Rec/RecAlgs/src/RecSummaryMaker.cpp
+++ b/Rec/RecAlgs/src/RecSummaryMaker.cpp
@@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ class RecSummaryMaker : public LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<LHCb::RecSummary(
   RecSummaryMaker( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"LongTracks", ""}, KeyValue{"VeloTracks", ""}, KeyValue{"UpstreamTracks", ""},
-                      KeyValue{"DownstreamTracks", ""}, KeyValue{"Ttracks", ""}, KeyValue{"PVs", ""},
-                      KeyValue{"SciFiClusters", ""}, KeyValue{"VeloClusters", ""}, KeyValue{"UTClusters", ""},
-                      KeyValue{"eCalClusters", ""}, KeyValue{"EDigits", ""}, KeyValue{"HDigits", ""},
-                      KeyValue{"RichPixels", ""}, KeyValue{"MuonHits", ""}},
-                     KeyValue{"Output", ""} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "LongTracks", "" }, KeyValue{ "VeloTracks", "" }, KeyValue{ "UpstreamTracks", "" },
+                       KeyValue{ "DownstreamTracks", "" }, KeyValue{ "Ttracks", "" }, KeyValue{ "PVs", "" },
+                       KeyValue{ "SciFiClusters", "" }, KeyValue{ "VeloClusters", "" }, KeyValue{ "UTClusters", "" },
+                       KeyValue{ "eCalClusters", "" }, KeyValue{ "EDigits", "" }, KeyValue{ "HDigits", "" },
+                       KeyValue{ "RichPixels", "" }, KeyValue{ "MuonHits", "" } },
+                     KeyValue{ "Output", "" } ) {}
   LHCb::RecSummary operator()( Tracks const& longtracks, Tracks const& velotracks, Tracks const& uptracks,
                                Tracks const& downtracks, Tracks const& ttracks, PVs const& pvs,
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( RecSummaryMaker )
 class RecSummaryPrinter : public LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void( LHCb::RecSummary const& )> {
   RecSummaryPrinter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"Input", ""}} ){};
+      : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "Input", "" } } ){};
   void operator()( LHCb::RecSummary const& summary ) const override { always() << summary << endmsg; };
diff --git a/Rec/RecAlgs/src/TimingTuple.cpp b/Rec/RecAlgs/src/TimingTuple.cpp
index aad6e21714b700ec9e9464ef8c5d2295d4e9942a..dc61f3ce1a0bb7e91b89dff61ebd34148a56d452 100644
--- a/Rec/RecAlgs/src/TimingTuple.cpp
+++ b/Rec/RecAlgs/src/TimingTuple.cpp
@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ public:
   Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_algos{
-      this, "TimeAlgos", {}, "List of algorithm names to get time counters from."};
-  mutable PublicToolHandle<ISequencerTimerTool> m_timerTool{this, "TimerTool", "SequencerTimerTool"};
+      this, "TimeAlgos", {}, "List of algorithm names to get time counters from." };
+  mutable PublicToolHandle<ISequencerTimerTool> m_timerTool{ this, "TimerTool", "SequencerTimerTool" };
   int                                           m_timer      = 0;
-  mutable std::atomic<unsigned long long>       m_evtCounter = {0};
+  mutable std::atomic<unsigned long long>       m_evtCounter = { 0 };
   template <class TYPE>
   void fillTuple( Tuple& tuple, const std::string& var, const TYPE number ) const {
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( TimingTuple )
 TimingTuple::TimingTuple( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {KeyValue{"ODINLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default},
-                 KeyValue{"RecSummaryLocation", LHCb::RecSummaryLocation::Default}} ) {}
+                { KeyValue{ "ODINLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "RecSummaryLocation", LHCb::RecSummaryLocation::Default } } ) {}
 // Initialization
diff --git a/Rec/RecAlgs/src/UniqueIDGeneratorAlg.cpp b/Rec/RecAlgs/src/UniqueIDGeneratorAlg.cpp
index 38183548ffd6b1569b13bb81de90ec8f7932bb4a..0dccfdca92b8c5ce033182cf9d1d101d92a90366 100644
--- a/Rec/RecAlgs/src/UniqueIDGeneratorAlg.cpp
+++ b/Rec/RecAlgs/src/UniqueIDGeneratorAlg.cpp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class UniqueIDGeneratorAlg final : public LHCb::Algorithm::Producer<LHCb::Unique
   UniqueIDGeneratorAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : LHCb::Algorithm::Producer<LHCb::UniqueIDGenerator()>(
-            name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{"Output", LHCb::UniqueIDGeneratorLocation::Default} ) {}
+            name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{ "Output", LHCb::UniqueIDGeneratorLocation::Default } ) {}
   LHCb::UniqueIDGenerator operator()() const override { return LHCb::UniqueIDGenerator(); }
diff --git a/Rec/RecConf/doc/release.notes b/Rec/RecConf/doc/release.notes
index 8069a7fce3a7d32642e1b989f6e56cb4d2b266ca..99605e17f1970c6825191c27bf17645dfef3875e 100755
--- a/Rec/RecConf/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Rec/RecConf/doc/release.notes
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 !========================= RecConf v2r23 2015-11-23 =========================
 ! 2015-11-09 - Chris Jones
  - Only set RichRecSysConf track and pid locations if not previously set.
-   Allows for custom studies using non standard locations, configured at 
+   Allows for custom studies using non standard locations, configured at
    the top level options file level.
 ! 2015-11-02 - Wouter Hulsbergen
@@ -39,18 +39,18 @@
  - Set 'IgnoreFilterPassed' to True for PV reconstruction in 2015 to not abort processing the rest of the event.
 ! 2015-03-30 - Michel De Cian
- - Change Configuration such that 2015 online-like tracking sequence can be run by using '2015Dev' 
+ - Change Configuration such that 2015 online-like tracking sequence can be run by using '2015Dev'
    in SpecialData (temporary solution to allow development)
 ! 2015-03-09 - Chris Jones
- - Activate by default the seperate track type groups in the RICH 
+ - Activate by default the seperate track type groups in the RICH
    reconstruction. Must be done before any 'applyConf' methods are called, in
    order for the Configurable dependences to be correctly set up, and thus this
    is done from a new custom __init__ method of the RecSysConf Configurable.
 !========================= RecConf v2r20 2015-02-23 =========================
 ! 2015-01-31 - Michel De Cian
- - Add 'pGun' to KnownSpecialData, replace normal vertex finder with 
+ - Add 'pGun' to KnownSpecialData, replace normal vertex finder with
    PGPrimaryVertex when pGun is in SpecialData.
 !========================= RecConf v2r19 2014-12-11 =========================
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@
 !========================= RecConf v2r18 2014-09-08 =========================
 ! 2014-07-24 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Add 'SkipTracking' slot to RecSysConf and RecMoniConf. If enabled, tracking
-   sequences are skipped. Used by Brunel to reprocess from DST without 
-   rerunning the tracking 
+   sequences are skipped. Used by Brunel to reprocess from DST without
+   rerunning the tracking
 !========================= RecConf v2r17 2014-05-13 =========================
 ! 2014-05-08 - Chris Jones
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 !========================= RecConf v2r16 2014-02-19 =========================
 ! 2013-12-18 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Add 'pA' to KnownSpecialData 
+ - Add 'pA' to KnownSpecialData
 !========================= RecConf v2r15 2013-12-10 =========================
 ! 2013-11-30
@@ -93,14 +93,14 @@
  - Configuration.py: Added lines to accommodate NoSpdPrs.
 ! 2013-10-11 - Olivier Deschamps
- - Configuration.py : 
+ - Configuration.py :
  	 									- RecSysConf  : make use of CaloProcessor configure the calorimeter Reco&PIDs sequence
  	 								  - RecMoniConf : adapt to change in CaloMoniDST
 !========================= RecConf v2r13 2013-04-30 =========================
 ! 2013-04-25 - Sascha Stahl
- - Added checks if detector exists to monitoring sequence. 
+ - Added checks if detector exists to monitoring sequence.
  - Removed obsolete upgrade stuff in RecSysConf.
 ! 2013-04-09 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
 ! 2013-02-12 - Sascha Stahl
  - Added slot "Detectors" to RecSysConf.
- - Property Detectors of RecSummaryAlg is set to the list of detectors if this dos not 
+ - Property Detectors of RecSummaryAlg is set to the list of detectors if this dos not
    consist of "Rich1","Rich2","Velo","TT","IT","OT","Spd","Muon".
 !========================= RecConf v2r10 2012-11-28 =========================
@@ -136,11 +136,11 @@
 !========================= RecConf v2r8 2012-08-16 =========================
 ! 2012-08-16 - Chris Jones
- - Add a temporary hack to the PROTO sequence, to rerun the tracking ghost 
+ - Add a temporary hack to the PROTO sequence, to rerun the tracking ghost
    probability with the new settings after the ANN variables have been
    computed. This is temporary for Reco13e/Reco14, as there has not been
    time to retune the ANN variables with the new ghost prob, so they must run
-   with the old value first. 
+   with the old value first.
 ! 2012-08-14 - Chris Jones
  - GlobalReco PROTO checks need to run in Check sequence if MC is enabled.
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
 !========================= RecConf v2r6 2012-04-13 =========================
 ! 2012-04-10 - Alessia Satta
- - Add options in the Muon configuration phase to convert the 
+ - Add options in the Muon configuration phase to convert the
    RawReadoutBankStatus to ProcStatus
 !========================= RecConf v2r5 2012-01-31 =========================
@@ -173,12 +173,12 @@
 !========================= RecConf v2r3 2011-08-31 =========================
 ! 2011-09-02 - Mariusz Witek
  - modify RecConf/Configuration.py to disable radial cut for primary vertices
-   for old MC to preserve backward compatibility. 
-   The cut will be applied starting from MC 2011 on. 
+   for old MC to preserve backward compatibility.
+   The cut will be applied starting from MC 2011 on.
 ! 2011-08-29 - Mariusz Witek
  - introduce new StandardPV configuration to include radial cut for primary
-   vertices. See http://savannah.cern.ch/task/?19768. 
+   vertices. See http://savannah.cern.ch/task/?19768.
 !========================= RecConf v2r2 2011-07-27 =========================
 ! 2011-07-19 - Chris Jones
@@ -193,9 +193,9 @@
  - Updated major version because this changes the DST format
 ! 2011-01-20 - Chris Jones
- - Add new SUMMARY sequence to reconstruction that runs the summary algorithm 
-   at the end of the event processing. Fills the new summary object that is 
-   saved on the DST as a simple summary of the main reconstruction quantities 
+ - Add new SUMMARY sequence to reconstruction that runs the summary algorithm
+   at the end of the event processing. Fills the new summary object that is
+   saved on the DST as a simple summary of the main reconstruction quantities
    ( number tracks, PVs etc.)
 !========================= RecConf v1r4 2010-12-16 =========================
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
 !========================== RecConf v1r3 2010-09-24 ===========================
 ! 2010-09-22 - Victor Coco
- - Add upgrade special datatype and change measurmenet provider of muonID 
+ - Add upgrade special datatype and change measurmenet provider of muonID
    if VeloPix is part of the detector used.
 ! 2010-09-20 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -239,4 +239,3 @@
 ! 2010-05-21 - Rob Lambert
  - Creation of package, a copy of RecSys
diff --git a/Rec/RecConf/python/RecConf/QMTest/exclusions.py b/Rec/RecConf/python/RecConf/QMTest/exclusions.py
index 8a9e5b280a11200a34dd68e0ac88663129c6d6ee..40629244800e53e978a6707fd4561d61e06d9c09 100755
--- a/Rec/RecConf/python/RecConf/QMTest/exclusions.py
+++ b/Rec/RecConf/python/RecConf/QMTest/exclusions.py
@@ -9,12 +9,15 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from GaudiConf.QMTest.LHCbExclusions import preprocessor as LHCbPreprocessor, LineSkipper
+from GaudiConf.QMTest.LHCbExclusions import LineSkipper
+from GaudiConf.QMTest.LHCbExclusions import preprocessor as LHCbPreprocessor
-skip_lines = LineSkipper(regexps=[
-    r"FunctorFactory\s*INFO New functor library will be created.",
-    r"FunctorFactory\s*INFO Compilation of functor library took .*",
-    r"FunctorFactory\s*INFO Reusing functor library.*",
+skip_lines = LineSkipper(
+    regexps=[
+        r"FunctorFactory\s*INFO New functor library will be created.",
+        r"FunctorFactory\s*INFO Compilation of functor library took .*",
+        r"FunctorFactory\s*INFO Reusing functor library.*",
+    ]
 preprocessor = skip_lines + LHCbPreprocessor
diff --git a/RecSys/doc/release.notes b/RecSys/doc/release.notes
index e6fec495c95320d8ddfd1b02601b755d1eb7a338..81b124e3a09ae451abe38f195df75ad7c833674f 100755
--- a/RecSys/doc/release.notes
+++ b/RecSys/doc/release.notes
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Purpose: LHCb reconstruction packages.
 <li>As from version v21r5 this file is no longer maintained. The release notes for each individual release can be found in the ReleaseNotes subdirectory of the project
 <li>As from version v19r3, this project is maintained only in Git
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Purpose: LHCb reconstruction packages.
 This version uses Gaudi v28r2, LHCb v42r4 and Lbcom v20r4 (and LCG_88 with ROOT 6.08.06)
-This version is released on 2017-patches branch. 
+This version is released on 2017-patches branch.
 <h2>Performance optimisations</h2>
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ This version is released on 2017-patches branch.
 This version uses Gaudi v28r2, LHCb v42r3 and Lbcom v20r3 (and LCG_88 with ROOT 6.08.06)
-This version is released on master branch. 
+This version is released on master branch.
 <h2>New or changed functionalities</h2>
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dt>[MR !554] Kalman keep node store
 <dd> Keeps the node store (Updated states) for the lifetime of the track
-<dt>[MR !542] Use 'always inline' attribute to force compiler to inline functions used by CPU dispatch methods. 
+<dt>[MR !542] Use 'always inline' attribute to force compiler to inline functions used by CPU dispatch methods.
 <h2>Bug fixes</h2>
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 This version uses Gaudi v28r2, LHCb v42r2 and Lbcom v20r2 (and LCG_88 with ROOT 6.08.06)
-This version is released on master branch. 
+This version is released on master branch.
 <h2>New or changed functionalities</h2>
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dt>[MR !505] Update of PatLongLivedTracking
 <dd> Contains the updates presented in the T&A 7.2.2017, plus some sanity cuts
 <dt>[MR !445] Remove PatDownstream
 <dd> ```PatDownstream``` algorithm is obsolete. Remove it from (Run1) reconstruction sequences and replace it with ```PatLongLivedTracking``` as in Run2
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dt>[MR !496] Fix a small bug in the RichFuture configuration
 <dd> A custom particles list passed to the reco sequence configuration was overridden by the monitoring configuration.
 <dt>[MR !502] Fixed small bug in MuonTTTrack
 <dt>[MR !494] Fix CommonMuonStation assert in debug build running with upgrade geometry
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dt>[MR !521, !488] PrLongLivedTracking bug fixes
 <dd> Add a missing std::abs, to correctly calculate the deviation of the hits.
-<dd> Initialize m_mvaVal member variable, to avoid comparison with an uninitialized value, 
+<dd> Initialize m_mvaVal member variable, to avoid comparison with an uninitialized value,
 <dd> Correctly update the X-projection before calculating the MVA value for a Track
 <dt>[MR !503] Fix floating point exceptions in PrVeloUTTool, PrCounter2 and PrTTCounter.
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <h2>Monitoring changes</h2>
-<dt>[MR !538] Changes for Rich alignment    
+<dt>[MR !538] Changes for Rich alignment
 <dd> RichRecQC: Added new set of tkCuts to Configuration.py called "TightMirror" and corresponding new Monitor called PhotonMonitoringAlignOnline
 <dd> RichAlignment: decreased Max GhostProb cut to 0.5
 <dd> See RICH-7
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 This version uses Gaudi v28r1, LHCb v42r1 and Lbcom v20r1 (and LCG_87 with ROOT 6.08.02)
-This version is released on master branch. 
+This version is released on master branch.
 <h2>New or improved functionality</h2>
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dt>[MR !457] Update RecSummaryAlg to use the new RichFuture decoded data via the TES when available, instead of the provider.
 <dd> Requires lhcb/LHCb!527
 <dt>[MR !456] RichFuture - Add track and cluster GEC cuts, and 'OnlineBrunel' mode.
 <dt>[MR !460] RichFuture - Use the new IMirrorSegFinderLookUpTable interface.
@@ -276,9 +276,9 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dt>[MR !423] [LHCBPS-1681] Replace temporary version of Track1DTabFunc (temporarily added in !394)
 <dd> The ghost probability (Tr/TrackTools/*/TrackNNGhostId.* and Tr/TrackTools/*/Run2GhostId.*) used the 1D tabulated function from RichDet which is being replaced (lhcb/LHCb!451). This MR is a standalone implementation of a 1 dimensional tabulated function for the ghost probability, taking into account that (from run2 onwards) the tabulation binning is equidistant in y [sic].
 <dt>[MR !471] Updated PatLongLivedParams for new resolution studies
 <dt>[MR !470] Added function to PatDebugTTTruthTool that checks if track is downstream reconstructible
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dt>[MR !453] Speedup in PrMatchToolNN
 <dd> Change double to float
 <dd> Sort states according to extrapolated y-position
-<dd> Use binary searches to only calculate chi2 and MVA value for close states. 
+<dd> Use binary searches to only calculate chi2 and MVA value for close states.
 <dd> Do some C++11 changes
 <dd> Use new method for Gaudi::Property.
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dd> Based on https://indico.cern.ch/event/600120/contributions/2444101/attachments/1398576/2133160/Ghost_Probability_for_upgrade.pdf it seems there is a lot of time to be gained by pre-allocating sufficient memory for the vector of observables.
 <dt>[MR !479] Speed up (factor 10) the RICH future emitted photon yield algorithm
 <h2>Bug fixes</h2>
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dd> Made TrackVelodEdxCharge counters thread safe
 <dd> Removed unnecessary internal state from VeloClusterPosition tool.
 <dd> See also LHCBPS-1680
 <h2>Code modernisations and cleanups</h2>
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dd> remove obsolete SVN/CVS keywords
 <dd> prefer lambda callbacks over member function callbacks
 <dd> prefer .empty()  over comparison with ""
 <dt>[MR !430] Modernize HitManagers & hit comparison operators
 <dd> Always sort hits in hitmanagers as they are added, avoid sorting on demand, and make it impossible to use inconsistent comparisons.
 <dd> Replace templated binary comparisons classes with non-templated classes, with templated operator() instead.
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dd> prefer std::make_unique over standalone equivalent
 <dd> prefer implicit destructors
 <dd> do not cache msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)
 <dt> [MR !437] Modernize TrackProjectors
 <dd> prefer Gaudi::Property
 <dd> prefer inheriting from extends over explicit virtual inheritance
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dd> prefer static_assert over BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT
 <dd> prefer table lookup over if-else-if as table can be re-used for inverse lookup -- which is now guaranteed consistent and needs less source code ( note: generated code is equivalent, see https://godbolt.org/g/cCzjsm )
 <dd> add UNLIKELY
 <dt>[MR !435] Modernize TrackUtils
 <dd> prefer auto
 <dd> prefer implicit destructors
@@ -499,14 +499,14 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dt>[MR !441] Improved a doxygen comment in PatLongLivedParams, which was not particularly helpful...
-<dt>[MR !429] Remove whitespaces at end of line    
+<dt>[MR !429] Remove whitespaces at end of line
 <H1><A NAME=v21r0>2016-11-30 RecSys v21r0</A></H1>
 This version uses Gaudi v28r0, LHCb v42r0 and Lbcom v20r0 (and LCG_86 with ROOT 6.08.00)
-This version is released on master branch. 
+This version is released on master branch.
 <h2>Packaging changes</h2>
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dt>[MR !211] PatFitParams: added files 'PatLongLivedParams' to determine parameters/resolutions for PatLongLivedTracking
 <h2>Bug fixes</h2>
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dt>[MR !301] Various minor debugging updates to current Rich/RichRecPhotonTools
 <dt>[MR !299] Improved ostream overloading for Rich PhotonSpectra
 <h2>Changes to tests</h2>
@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dd> Prefer getIfExists over exists/get
 <dd> Prefer range-based for loops
 <dd> Update lumi2reader reference to follow these changes
 <dt>[MR !252, !275, !277, !279] Modernize Muon
 <dd> Change memory layout: use vectors of values instead of vectors of pointers to values allocated on the heap. Carefully reserve all vectors to ensure that the addresses of the values are stable.
 <dd> Add const when possible
@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dd> Prefer STL algorithms
 <dd> Prefer lambda for predicates
 <dd> Prefer auto
 <dt>[MR !222] Modernize TrackProjectors
 <dd> Prefer direct member initialization
 <dd> Prefer auto
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 This version uses Gaudi v27r1, LHCb v41r1 and Lbcom v19r1 (and LCG_84 with ROOT 6.06.02)
-This version is released on master branch. 
+This version is released on master branch.
 <h2>Algorithm improvements</h2>
@@ -845,17 +845,17 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dd> A few small speed improvements, to how trig functions are used
 <dt>[MR !193] Implement counter switch in calo reco packages
-<dd> Speeds up reconstruction by switching off most counters by default    
+<dd> Speeds up reconstruction by switching off most counters by default
 <dt>[MR !138] RICH Optimisations for a 'Ultimate speed' tuning
-<dd> Some more technical optimisations, that have no impact on PID performance, but are slightly beneficial for HLT2. 
+<dd> Some more technical optimisations, that have no impact on PID performance, but are slightly beneficial for HLT2.
 <dd> Saves about 3% of the RICH timing, so roughly 20% * 3%  = ~0.5% in HLT2.
 <dt>[MR !114, !120] RICH Reconstruction Speedups
 <dd> Faster RICH Global PID minimisation through use of additional data caches.
 <dd> Optimisation of the pixel background tool.
 <dd> Change IRichPhotonReconstruction reconstructPhoton() to return a boolean instead of StatusCode
 <dt>[MR !109] ANNPID: Use std algorithm instead of simple loop to fill MVA inputs. Faster...
@@ -864,11 +864,11 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dt>[MR !110] Add new tool "RichFlippedDetailedTrSegMakerFromRecoTracks".
 <dd> Creates the RICH segments in the same way as the standard tool, but then flips the track state information in X and Y.
 <dd> Useful for background studies.
 <h2>Bug fixes</h2>
 <dt>[MR !192] Fix bug whereby CCEscan property was not initialised in PatVeloPhiHitManager.cpp
 <dd> This bug was causing CCE scan to be called when not explicitly required. The flag has now been initialised to false.
@@ -877,8 +877,8 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dd> The only significant one is in RichSellmeirFunc as this is the only one actively used in production.
 <dd> There are also a few minor performance tweaks as well.
-<dt>[MR !119] Fix PrForwardTracking.cpp to always create an output tracks container even if there are no input tracks   
+<dt>[MR !119] Fix PrForwardTracking.cpp to always create an output tracks container even if there are no input tracks
 <h2>Fixes to tests</h2>
@@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dd> Change specification of input file so it also works outside CERN
 <dd> Improve const-correctness
 <dd> Flag potential double delete...
 <dt>[MR !171, !168] RecSys: Update configurables list in Configurables test reference
@@ -910,34 +910,34 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 <dd> Invert lookup-tables to simply things
 <dd> Partition in-situ instead of using map of vectors
 <dd> Avoid extra clone of states
 <dt>[MR !189] Streamline Run2 GhostID
 <dd> Make TMVA ReadMLP constructor const correct
 <dd> Prefer std::vector over int*
 <dd> Prefer std::unique_ptr over raw pointer + delete
 <dd> Streamline variablenames lookup
 <dt>[MR !184] TrackFitEvent: make event model classes 'final' when possible
 <dd> Qualify event model classes as 'final'
 <dd> const fix in VPMeasurement
 <dd> And a bit of C++11 modernization
 <dt>[MR !167] Migrate ITrackVertexer to return std::unique_ptr
 <dd> Update implementations and users of ITrackVertexer accordingly (which implicitly fixes a memory leak in the Velo monitor code)
 <dt>[MR !162, !186] Consolidate MeasurementProviders
 <dd> Remove initialize,nominalZ from IMeasurementProvider (not needed)
 <dd> IMeasurementProvider::addToMeasurments: use range of LHCbIDs instead of vector of LHCbIDs
 <dd> Increase interface version number of IMeasurementProvider
 <dd> Replace VPMeasurementProvider with MeasurementProviderT<VP>
 <dd> Streamline MeasurementProviderT, reduce duplication of code
 <dt>[MR !166] Modernize TrackV0Finder
 <dd> Prefer STL algorithms
 <dd> Prefer std::unique_ptr over raw pointers
 <dd> Prefer range based loops
 <dd> Remove superfluous destructor
 <dt>[MR !152] Hit creator cleanup
 <dd> Eliminate redundant vector of sorted OT hits
 <dd> Remove redundant destructors
@@ -1011,14 +1011,14 @@ This version is released on master branch.
 This version uses Gaudi v27r1, LHCb v41r0 and Lbcom v19r0 (and LCG_84 with ROOT 6.06.02)
-This version is released on master branch. 
-It contains a merge of the contents of v19r3p1 (from 2016-patches branch) plus the following changes 
+This version is released on master branch.
+It contains a merge of the contents of v19r3p1 (from 2016-patches branch) plus the following changes
 <h2>Upgrade reconstruction</h2>
 <dt>[MR !96] Merge branch 'upgrade-mergedMaster' into 'master'
 <dd>Replace old (upgrade TDR) upgrade tracking sequence by latest version from upgrade tracking task force
-<dd><b>N.B. This is a major change. All work leading to this is documented in the commit messages of this Merge Request</b>   
+<dd><b>N.B. This is a major change. All work leading to this is documented in the commit messages of this Merge Request</b>
 <dt>[MR !101] ConfiguredMuonIDs.py: Revert to MuonIDAlg for Upgrade gemoetry
 <dd>Temporarily revert to MuonIDAlg for DataType="Upgrade" reconstruction, because MuonIDAlgLite does not yet support the upgrade geometry
 <dd>Remove obsolete MC09 use case
@@ -1073,16 +1073,16 @@ It contains a merge of the contents of v19r3p1 (from 2016-patches branch) plus t
 <dt>[MR !100] Fix various clang warnings
 <dd>In PatAlgorithms, PatVelo, TfTools, TrackExtrapolators, TrackTools
 <dt>[MR !99] Replace endreq by endmsg
-<dd>In MuonID, PrMCTools, RichAlignment, TrackAssociators, TrackCheckers, TrackExtrapolators, TrackFitter, TrackMonitors    
+<dd>In MuonID, PrMCTools, RichAlignment, TrackAssociators, TrackCheckers, TrackExtrapolators, TrackFitter, TrackMonitors
 <dt>[MR !86] Cleanup HitManagers
 <dd>After https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Hlt/merge_requests/97, the decoding-on-demand is no longer used, and the hit managers can be simplified:
 <li>remove (now unused) 'prepareHitsInWindow'
 <li>remove (now unused) 'prepareHits(iterator)'
 <li>remove IStationSelector
 <dd>And some additional modernization:
 <li>add range accessors (instead of two accessors for 'begin' and 'end') and use them in range-based for loops
 <li>prefer struct over class with only public methods/data
 <li>remove trivial destructors
@@ -1119,7 +1119,7 @@ This version is released only on 2016-patches branch
 <dt>[<a href="https://gitlab.cern.ch/LHCb-SVN-mirrors/Rec/merge_requests/44">MR 44</a>] Fixed bug that caused wrong hits to be flagged as used in PatLongLivedTracking. Small improvement in performance (permille level) expected.
 <dt>[<a href="https://gitlab.cern.ch/LHCb-SVN-mirrors/Rec/merge_requests/46">MR 46</a>] Remove info messages from TrackMasterFitter
 <dd>As per the conventions, we shouldn't produce info outside initialize/finalize. The debug messages remain.
@@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@ This version is released only on 2016-patches branch
 <dt>[<a href="https://gitlab.cern.ch/LHCb-SVN-mirrors/Rec/merge_requests/54">MR 54</a>], [<a href="https://gitlab.cern.ch/LHCb-SVN-mirrors/Rec/merge_requests/40">MR 40</a>], [<a href="https://gitlab.cern.ch/LHCb-SVN-mirrors/Rec/merge_requests/27">MR 27</a>] Improvements to the HPD image fitting used to create the HPD image calibration constants.
-<dd>Add an explicit check on the intensity variation inside the fitted image region, to decide if an S-Curve correction is required 
+<dd>Add an explicit check on the intensity variation inside the fitted image region, to decide if an S-Curve correction is required
 <dd>More improvements to the memory management. Include in the returned fit result object shared pointers to the various histograms used during the fitting procedure. Removes the need for callers to recreate them if required, as now they can just directly access those used internally by the fit itself.
 <dd>Add a new processing mode, which normalises the histograms using a SCurve (tanh) method, effectively removing areas of very high intensity, which can cause the Sobel filter some problems. Better approach than the old (although still there) Log(z) as it does not effect the extracted radius in the same way, and is more accurate. The returned errors are also much more realistic.
 <dd>Create the HPD image histograms on demand if required. This closes a potential loop hole (that so far as never been hit) where the list of HPDs changes between initialisation and the event loop.
@@ -1165,7 +1165,7 @@ This version is released only on 2016-patches branch
 This version uses Gaudi v27r1, LHCb v40r1 and Lbcom v18r1 (and ROOT 6.06.02)
 - Packages added:    Event/TrackEvent v6r7 - patch to LHCb v40r1
-- Packages modified: Rich/RichRecMonitors v2r39, Tf/PatAlgorithms v5r1, 
+- Packages modified: Rich/RichRecMonitors v2r39, Tf/PatAlgorithms v5r1,
     Tr/TrackExtrapolators v2r42, Tr/TrackKernel v3r1, Tr/TrackMonitors v2r14,
     Tr/TrackUtils v6r7
@@ -1198,7 +1198,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r1, LHCb v40r1 and Lbcom v18r1 (and ROOT 6.06.02)
 </PRE><H1><A NAME=v19r1>2016-03-23 RecSys v19r1</A></H1><PRE>
 This version uses Gaudi v27r1, LHCb v40r1 and Lbcom v18r1 (and ROOT 6.06.02)
-- Packages modified: Calo/CaloPIDs v5r22, Calo/CaloReco v5r28, 
+- Packages modified: Calo/CaloPIDs v5r22, Calo/CaloReco v5r28,
     Calo/CaloTools v6r13, Muon/MuonID v10r1, Muon/MuonTrackMonitor v2r10,
     Pr/PrAlgorithms v1r18, Pr/PrPixel v1r14, Rec/ChargedProtoANNPID v2r15,
     Rec/GlobalReco v6r55, Rec/LumiAlgs v9r12, Rec/RecConf v2r24,
@@ -1215,7 +1215,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r1, LHCb v40r1 and Lbcom v18r1 (and ROOT 6.06.02)
     Tr/TrackTools v6r2, Tr/TrackUtils v1r64, Tr/PatPV v3r31
 - In Calo/CaloPIDs v5r22
-  . CaloPIDs configurable :  add slots to configure the Accepted Track::Types 
+  . CaloPIDs configurable :  add slots to configure the Accepted Track::Types
   . src : add counter per track type in match algs
 - In Calo/CaloPIDs v5r22, Calo/CaloReco v5r28, Calo/CaloTools v6r13
@@ -1255,8 +1255,8 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r1, LHCb v40r1 and Lbcom v18r1 (and ROOT 6.06.02)
   . Follow change in DeVP (r202920).
 - In Rec/ChargedProtoANNPID v2r15
-  . Add an FPE Guard to compiler TMVA response call, to protect against 
-    exceptions from things like exp(large number) within the TMVA generated code. 
+  . Add an FPE Guard to compiler TMVA response call, to protect against
+    exceptions from things like exp(large number) within the TMVA generated code.
   . Add 'official' V1 tuning for Run 2 data. "MC15TuneV1". This is now the
     default for 2015 data onwards (which includes the Upgrade...).
   . Add a new Run 1 tuning based on MC12 samples. Called "MC12TuneV4" this
@@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r1, LHCb v40r1 and Lbcom v18r1 (and ROOT 6.06.02)
 - In Rec/RecConf v2r24
   . Add double threshold for radial cut in PV reconstruction
   . RecSysConf: Remove Velo tracks in FittedHLT1VeloTracks container that don't
-    belong to a PV. 
+    belong to a PV.
     This is done for all Run2, also for 2015 (which was originally not the case).
 - In Rich/RichGlobalPID v3r26
@@ -1301,7 +1301,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r1, LHCb v40r1 and Lbcom v18r1 (and ROOT 6.06.02)
   . Modernise a bit, and make blind to the underlying type use for clusters.
 - In Rich/RichIFBAnalysis v1r5, Rich/RichRecBase v4r24
-  . Adapt to change in clustering interface, which now returns an 
+  . Adapt to change in clustering interface, which now returns an
     std::unique_ptr managing the cluster object, to enforce memory management.
 - In Rich/RichRecBase v4r24, Rich/RichParticleSearch v1r13,
@@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r1, LHCb v40r1 and Lbcom v18r1 (and ROOT 6.06.02)
 - In Rich/RichRecMCTools v2r34, Rich/RichRecTrackTools v1r42
   . make FinishEvent() and InitNewEvent() methods const.
-- In Rich/RichRecMonitors v2r38, Rich/RichRecTools v4r30, 
+- In Rich/RichRecMonitors v2r38, Rich/RichRecTools v4r30,
      Rich/RichRecTrackTools v1r42, Rich/RichRecMCAlgorithms v1r7
   . Adapt to changes in ray tracing enums.
@@ -1342,7 +1342,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r1, LHCb v40r1 and Lbcom v18r1 (and ROOT 6.06.02)
 - In Rich/RichRecPhotonTools v1r21, Rich/RichRecTrackTools v1r42
   . Adapt to changes in DeRichBeamPipe.
-  . Adapt to the move of some basic methods to a utility header file 
+  . Adapt to the move of some basic methods to a utility header file
     in Rich/RichKernel.
 - In Rich/RichRecPhotonTools v1r21
@@ -1351,9 +1351,9 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r1, LHCb v40r1 and Lbcom v18r1 (and ROOT 6.06.02)
     instead of a plane for the secondary mirrors when appropriate.
   . Add a property to RichPhotonRecoUsingCKEstiFromRadius to allow the
     inter-ring interpolation to be turned on/off via options.
-  . Improve the reconstruction in RichPhotonRecoUsingCKEstiFromRadius to 
+  . Improve the reconstruction in RichPhotonRecoUsingCKEstiFromRadius to
     interpolate both in Cherenkov phi, and (new) radius.
-  . Update the adaptive photon reconstruction to more efficiently disable when 
+  . Update the adaptive photon reconstruction to more efficiently disable when
     it is not active for a given radiator, by avoiding virtual function calls.
 - In Rich/RichRecQC v2r74
@@ -1365,7 +1365,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r1, LHCb v40r1 and Lbcom v18r1 (and ROOT 6.06.02)
 - In Rich/RichRecSys v5r10
   . Add new option to the RICH configurable to turn on the clearing of the
     transient event information at the end of the reconstruction sequence.
-    Should not be used (default is off) if monitoring is required, but 
+    Should not be used (default is off) if monitoring is required, but
     potentially useful for the HLT in minimising the memory footprint.
   . Propagate properly custom options for the ray tracing, mass hypothesis and
     expected track signal tools.
@@ -1392,7 +1392,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r1, LHCb v40r1 and Lbcom v18r1 (and ROOT 6.06.02)
   . Adapt to removal of typedefs in RichDet.
   . Add a flag to RichDetailedTrSegMakerFromRecoTracks to turn on/off the
     State sanity checks. Default now off to save CPU.
-  . (Experimental) use of move semantics when constructing 
+  . (Experimental) use of move semantics when constructing
     LHCb::RichTrackSegment in RichDetailedTrSegMakerFromRecoTracks.
     (There appears to be a modest improvement from using this on the
     Rich::RadIntersection::Vector vector.)
@@ -1473,13 +1473,13 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r1, LHCb v40r1 and Lbcom v18r1 (and ROOT 6.06.02)
   . Code style fix for STEfficiency.cpp (coverity fix)
   . Fixed a bug in STEfficiency.cpp for TT sectors (Efficiency was filled several
     times for some sectors)
-  . Replaced TH2DSummaryHist by TH1DSummaryHist in STEfficiency algorithm. 
+  . Replaced TH2DSummaryHist by TH1DSummaryHist in STEfficiency algorithm.
     Removed "DrawProfile" option for this algorithm.
   . Fixed a bug with missing TT sectors number 26 in 2D histograms.
     (TTTrackMonitor, STEfficiency, STTrackTuple)
 - In Tr/TrackTools v6r2
-  . Run2GhostID: Use OTHitCreator instead OTRawBankDecoder to get the total 
+  . Run2GhostID: Use OTHitCreator instead OTRawBankDecoder to get the total
     number of OT hits. This avoids a duplication of work.
   . Adapt to modernization of DeFTFibreMat
@@ -1493,7 +1493,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r1, LHCb v40r1 and Lbcom v18r1 (and ROOT 6.06.02)
   . Add new options to PVOfllineTool which allow to set double radial treshold:
     o BeamSpotRHighMultiplicityCut: relaxed cut for PV with many associated tracks
     o BeamSpotRMultiplicityTreshold: multiplicity treshold to switch between
-                                     tight and relaxed cut. 
+                                     tight and relaxed cut.
 - In Pr/PrAlgorithms v1r18, Rich/RichRecAlgorithms v2r22, Rich/RichRecQC v2r74,
      Rich/RichRecTrackTools v1r42, Tf/PatVelo v3r34, Tf/PatVeloTT v4r9,
@@ -1526,20 +1526,20 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r0, LHCb v40r0 and Lbcom v18r0 (and ROOT 6.06.00)
   . Replace explicit boost::assign::list_of with implicit std::initializer_list
 - In Calo/CaloPIDs v5r21
-  . CaloPhotonMatch,CaloElectronMatch, CaloBremMatch tools : 
+  . CaloPhotonMatch,CaloElectronMatch, CaloBremMatch tools :
     o move m_position and m_plane data members to the base tool (CaloTrackMatch)
-      and invoke a BeginEvent reset 
+      and invoke a BeginEvent reset
     o fixes the (rare) initialization issues producing difference in the offline
       versus online reconstruction
 - In Calo/CaloReco v5r27
   . CaloCorrectionBase.cpp: add workaround to prevent wierd FPE with clang
-  . Avoid the use of exception handling to find out whether there already is an 
+  . Avoid the use of exception handling to find out whether there already is an
     object on the TES...
 - In Calo/CaloTools v6r12
   . Calo2MCTool : change default MC association to rely on CaloHypo->MC Linker.
-    In case the Linker doesn't exist the chain 
+    In case the Linker doesn't exist the chain
     CaloHypo->CaloCluster->CaloDigit->MC is used (assuming the reconstruction
     version is consistent with the original CaloHypos)
   . CaloHypoEstimator.cpp: reorganise an if clause to avoid an FPE with clang
@@ -1552,7 +1552,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r0, LHCb v40r0 and Lbcom v18r0 (and ROOT 6.06.00)
     MuonChi2MatchTool  (computes chi2 properly, taking correlations into account,
                        and chooses best muon hits combination based on this chi2)
     MuonKalmanMatchTool (extends Kalman fit through muon stations)
-  . New generic IMuonIDTool with implementation MuonIDPlusTool, to start 
+  . New generic IMuonIDTool with implementation MuonIDPlusTool, to start
     developing new approaches to muonID
   . New MuonIDPlusAlg algorithm, using MuonIDPlusTool
   . Add option to MakeMuonTool to compute chi2 properly (using MuonChi2MatchTool)
@@ -1594,14 +1594,14 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r0, LHCb v40r0 and Lbcom v18r0 (and ROOT 6.06.00)
     the Forward tracking ( too high ghosts )
   . Suppress info messages, showed only if m_printSettings is True
   . Correct default parametrisation which was applying division for 0
-  . Throw an exception if m_nCases >3 
+  . Throw an exception if m_nCases >3
   . Fully retuned to be compatible to provide reproducible results with the
     Internal Note
   . Stereo2 switched on by default
   . Change default parameters for HybridSeeding to keep ghost rate under control
     for stereo2 = True
   . Fix bug in PrPlaneCounter
-  . Fix unusued private variables to suppress clang warnings                
+  . Fix unusued private variables to suppress clang warnings
   . Add the PrHybridSeeding algorithm : New seeding algorithm for the upgrade.
   . Add the PrPlaneHybridCounter.h to count the number of layers on track.
   . Add the PrLineFitterY.h to fit lines using only u/v stereo hits based on a
@@ -1611,7 +1611,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r0, LHCb v40r0 and Lbcom v18r0 (and ROOT 6.06.00)
   . Add method to the PrGeometryTool.h to accept PrHybridSeedTrack as input.
 - In Pr/PrKernel v1r10
-  . Added new member variables and function to set them to IPrCounter 
+  . Added new member variables and function to set them to IPrCounter
     to be able to write the statistics table to a tex-file in PrChecker2
 - In Pr/PrMCTools v2r12
@@ -1623,7 +1623,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r0, LHCb v40r0 and Lbcom v18r0 (and ROOT 6.06.00)
     contribution to cluster.
   . Add flag to PrChecker to switch between upgrade and non-upgrade location for
     LHCbID linker table.
-  . Add option to PrPlotFTHits to plot the residual state for Seed and Forward 
+  . Add option to PrPlotFTHits to plot the residual state for Seed and Forward
   . Add option to PrPlotFTHits to plot the Occupancy in the detector splitting
     contributions from Noise / SpillOver / MCParticle
@@ -1651,14 +1651,14 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r0, LHCb v40r0 and Lbcom v18r0 (and ROOT 6.06.00)
   . Remove variable name from various default methods to avoid unused variable
   . Add explicit move semantics to TrackID, PhotonKey and PhotonSpectra.
-  . Comment out all messaging calls in the Photon Creator base class.  
+  . Comment out all messaging calls in the Photon Creator base class.
   . Save the ray-traced segment PD hit point in radiator corrected local
     coordinates in the RichRecSegment object.
   . Add the azimuthal phi value to each RichRecPointOnRing object.
   . Update the RichRecRing 'closest points' methods to return the two points
     either side, in azimuthal phi, of the requested angle.
   . Update the emission point tool interface to prove methods using only a track
-    segment. 
+    segment.
   . Add some wrapper methods to interfaces that hide const_cast'ing in one place
   . Add a new definition to RichDetParams.h
@@ -1673,7 +1673,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r0, LHCb v40r0 and Lbcom v18r0 (and ROOT 6.06.00)
 - In Rich/RichRecMonitors v2r37
   . Add a few more plots to RichCherenkovAngleMonitor to help understand Rec-MC
     differences with the various different photon reconstruction tools.
-  . Add a new monitor, PhotonRecoCompare, that explicitly compares, photon by 
+  . Add a new monitor, PhotonRecoCompare, that explicitly compares, photon by
     photon, candidates created by different reconstruction tools.
 - In Rich/RichRecPhotonTools v1r20
@@ -1688,7 +1688,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r0, LHCb v40r0 and Lbcom v18r0 (and ROOT 6.06.00)
     option to reject ambigous photons is enabled.
   . Improve further the RichPhotonRecoUsingCKEstiFromRadius tool to instead of
     simply using the calibration data from the nearest (in Cherenkov phi)
-    calibration data point to perform a fast interpolation using the two 
+    calibration data point to perform a fast interpolation using the two
     nearest calibration points.
   . Update the photon reconstruction tools to always use the tool interface
     to determine the best emission point estimate, rather than to determine
@@ -1721,16 +1721,16 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r0, LHCb v40r0 and Lbcom v18r0 (and ROOT 6.06.00)
   . Propagate custom options for groupConfig.richTools().photonReco()
 - In Rich/RichRecTools v4r29
-  . Compute the bailout number of ray-tracing attempts in 
+  . Compute the bailout number of ray-tracing attempts in
     RichRayTraceCherenkovCone based on a fraction of the total number requested,
      rather than as a fixed number.
-  . Rename job option in RayTraceCherenkovCone "BailoutFraction" to refect its 
+  . Rename job option in RayTraceCherenkovCone "BailoutFraction" to refect its
     new meaning.
   . Update the Cherenkov cone tool to determine the best guess photon emission
     point using the tool interface rather than directly from the track segment.
-  . Slightly change how the number of ray trace photons to use in 
+  . Slightly change how the number of ray trace photons to use in
     MassHypothesisRingCreator is determined.
-  . Calculate the saturated CK theta values from the refractive index 
+  . Calculate the saturated CK theta values from the refractive index
     information rather than hardcode the values.
 - In Rich/RichRecTrackTools v1r41
@@ -1738,13 +1738,13 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r0, LHCb v40r0 and Lbcom v18r0 (and ROOT 6.06.00)
     point using the tool interface rather than directly from the track segment.
 - In Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r45
-  . Replace StaticArray in PatSeedTrack and PatSeedTool with 
+  . Replace StaticArray in PatSeedTrack and PatSeedTool with
   . Fix bug in PatForward 2nd loop: hits following a not selected OT hit are
     skipped, and if the not selected hit is the last one, the loop termination
-    fails, and things go horribly out-of-bounds... 
+    fails, and things go horribly out-of-bounds...
   . PatSeedingTool: fix clang warning (no changes in performance)
-  . Improve/simplify vectorization in PatFwdTool using new scatter_invoke 
+  . Improve/simplify vectorization in PatFwdTool using new scatter_invoke
     and make_array functionality in VectorizationSupport.h
 - In Tf/PatVelo v3r33
@@ -1757,7 +1757,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r0, LHCb v40r0 and Lbcom v18r0 (and ROOT 6.06.00)
 - In Tf/TrackSys v9r12
   . Make 'PrHybridSeeding' default one in tracking sequence.
   . Added RecoExcludeSTLayers.py to ignore certains layers during the tracking.
-    Added the "ExcludedLayers" prop to the TrackSys configurable. 
+    Added the "ExcludedLayers" prop to the TrackSys configurable.
     Modified RecoTrackingRun2.py in order to enable layers exclusion.
 - In Tr/TrackExtrapolators v2r40
@@ -1770,7 +1770,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r0, LHCb v40r0 and Lbcom v18r0 (and ROOT 6.06.00)
   . First commit of ISTSpilloverTool
 - In Tr/TrackKernel v3r0
-  . Major change: follow substitution of std::unique_ptr in favor of 
+  . Major change: follow substitution of std::unique_ptr in favor of
     std::auto_ptr in Kernel/LHCbKernel
 - In Tr/TrackMonitors v2r12
@@ -1804,13 +1804,13 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r0, LHCb v40r0 and Lbcom v18r0 (and ROOT 6.06.00)
 - In Tr/TrackUtils v1r63
   . Speed up TrackBuildCloneTable and TrackCloneCleaner
-  . Replace property to set summary location in TrackBestTrackCreator by 
+  . Replace property to set summary location in TrackBestTrackCreator by
     predefined location 'LHCb::RecSummary:Track'
-  . Add possibility to write out 'RecSummary' in TrackBestTrackCreator with 
-    number of identified ghosts (maybe used for event index). Default is off 
+  . Add possibility to write out 'RecSummary' in TrackBestTrackCreator with
+    number of identified ghosts (maybe used for event index). Default is off
 - In Tr/PatPV v3r30
-  . Fix  PVOfflineTool::initialize: invoke base class initialize 
+  . Fix  PVOfflineTool::initialize: invoke base class initialize
   . Major: update IPVSeeding interface to return by value, take const
     arguments and be const
   . Explicitly invoke callbacks so that even if property is never updated the
@@ -1820,7 +1820,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v27r0, LHCb v40r0 and Lbcom v18r0 (and ROOT 6.06.00)
 - In Velo/VeloRecMonitors v2r34
   . Remove unused member variables (fixes clang warnings)
-  . VeloIPResolutionMonitorNT : Allow tools to be externally configured and 
+  . VeloIPResolutionMonitorNT : Allow tools to be externally configured and
     fix storing of momentum covariance matrix.
@@ -1829,7 +1829,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r4, LHCb v39r2 and Lbcom v17r2 (and ROOT 6.04.02)
 - Packages modified: Calo/CaloMoniDst v5r20, Calo/CaloReco v5r26,
     Calo/CaloTools v6r11, Muon/MuonTrackRec v3r15, Pr/PrAlgorithms v1r16p2,
-    Pr/PrMCTools v2r11p1, Pr/PrVeloUT v2r3, Rec/LumiAlgs v9r10, 
+    Pr/PrMCTools v2r11p1, Pr/PrVeloUT v2r3, Rec/LumiAlgs v9r10,
     Rec/RecAlgs v3r3p3, Rec/RecConf v2r23, Rich/RichRecBase v4r22,
     Rich/RichRecPhotonTools v1r19, Rich/RichRecSys v5r8, Tf/FastVelo v1r24,
     Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r44, Tf/PatVelo v3r32p2, Tf/TfKernel v2r34,
@@ -1841,14 +1841,14 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r4, LHCb v39r2 and Lbcom v17r2 (and ROOT 6.04.02)
   . Fix clang compilation warnings
 - In Calo/CaloMoniDst v5r20
-  . Initialize base-class (CaloMoniAlg) everywhere 
+  . Initialize base-class (CaloMoniAlg) everywhere
 - In Calo/CaloReco v5r26
   . python configurable : propagate same Et threshold for mergedPi0 and for
     splitCluster production
 - In Muon/MuonTrackRec v3r15
-  . Add timing information to MuonPadFromCoord 
+  . Add timing information to MuonPadFromCoord
   . Fix some compilation warnings and some cleanup in MuonHitDecode
 - In Pr/PrAlgorithms v1r16p2, Rec/RecAlgs v3r3p3, Tf/FastVelo v1r24,
@@ -1864,12 +1864,12 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r4, LHCb v39r2 and Lbcom v17r2 (and ROOT 6.04.02)
 - In Rec/LumiAlgs v9r10
   . lumi9mergesmallfiles.qmt: add temporary exclusion for printout of Algorithm
     RootOnTES property, to be removed after Gaudi v26r4
-  . Update test references to follow LHCBPS-1434 patch: LHCbApp() now assigns 
+  . Update test references to follow LHCBPS-1434 patch: LHCbApp() now assigns
     OdinTimeDecoder as EventClockSvc().EventTimeDecoder when processing real data
 - In Rec/RecConf v2r23
   . Only set RichRecSysConf track and pid locations if not previously set.
-    Allows for custom studies using non standard locations, configured at 
+    Allows for custom studies using non standard locations, configured at
     the top level options file level.
   . Configured PatPV3D such that it also creates list of new type PrimaryVertices
@@ -1878,16 +1878,16 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r4, LHCb v39r2 and Lbcom v17r2 (and ROOT 6.04.02)
   . Various minor cleanups to base classes.
 - In Rich/RichRecPhotonTools v1r19
-  . Convert Gaudi XYZ types to Eigen types sooner, to avoid a few non-vectorised 
+  . Convert Gaudi XYZ types to Eigen types sooner, to avoid a few non-vectorised
   . Remove return type from QuarticSolver::solve<TYPE>, as it was never false.
     Instead handle the 'in principle could but in practice never does' divide
     by zero possibility internally.
   . Various other small improvements.
-  . Small CPU optimisation of QuarticSolver by vectorising three sqrt 
-    calculations into one using VectorClass' Vec4f implementation. 
+  . Small CPU optimisation of QuarticSolver by vectorising three sqrt
+    calculations into one using VectorClass' Vec4f implementation.
     Saves about 4% CPU time in QuarticSolver::solve<TYPE>.
-  . Use std::conditional to switch between float and double VectorClass types 
+  . Use std::conditional to switch between float and double VectorClass types
     depending on template type used in QuarticSolver::solve<TYPE>.
   . Remove old unused ROOT implementation of solve in QuarticSolver.
@@ -1912,9 +1912,9 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r4, LHCb v39r2 and Lbcom v17r2 (and ROOT 6.04.02)
 - In Tf/TfKernel v2r34
   . VeloHitManager:
     o replace the type ZLessThan by the instance ZLessThan
-    o use direct member initialization 
+    o use direct member initialization
     o use auto and range-based for loops
-  . Simplify VeloSensorHits.h   
+  . Simplify VeloSensorHits.h
   . Minimal change to make SIMDChi2Fit compile with clang
   . Add method in IndexedHitContainer to return hits in a given layer non-const.
   . Add sorting in station and layer in TTStationHitManager.
@@ -1934,7 +1934,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r4, LHCb v39r2 and Lbcom v17r2 (and ROOT 6.04.02)
   . Use move semantics when possible to avoid copying of vectors
 - In Tr/TrackKernel v2r4
-  . Remove static 
+  . Remove static
 - In Tr/TrackMCTools v3r12p2, Velo/VeloRecMonitors v2r33
   . Replace endreq with endmsg
@@ -1979,19 +1979,19 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r4, LHCb v39r2 and Lbcom v17r2 (and ROOT 6.04.02)
   . Prefer std::shared_ptr over boost::shared_ptr
   . Preferably put objects on the stack
   . Fixed memory leak in FTHitExpectation::collectHits
-  . Fixed unitiliased use of variable and naming conventions in VeloMuonBuilder 
+  . Fixed unitiliased use of variable and naming conventions in VeloMuonBuilder
   . Removed distanceCut property from VeloMuonBuilder, as the value is hardcoded
     during execute
 - In Tr/TrackUtils v1r62
-  . Fix forward declaration broken in Gaudi HEAD build 
+  . Fix forward declaration broken in Gaudi HEAD build
 - In Tr/PatPV v3r29
   . Added AdaptivePV3DFitter
   . Added option to PatPV3D to write also new PV list
 - In Velo/VeloRecMonitors v2r33
-  . Replace auto_ptr with auto so that code will be forward-compatible 
+  . Replace auto_ptr with auto so that code will be forward-compatible
     in case trajectory starts to run unique_ptr instead...
 </PRE><H1><A NAME=v18r2>2015-10-13 RecSys v18r2</A></H1><PRE>
@@ -2010,7 +2010,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r4, LHCb v39r1 and Lbcom v17r1 (and ROOT 6.04.02)
     Rich/RichIFBAnalysis v1r4p1, Rich/RichParticleSearch v1r12p1,
     Rich/RichPIDMerge v2r11p1, Rich/RichRecAlgorithms v2r21p1,
     Rich/RichRecBase v4r21, Rich/RichRecMCAlgorithms v1r6p1,
-    Rich/RichRecMCTools v2r32p1, Rich/RichRecMonitors v2r36p1, 
+    Rich/RichRecMCTools v2r32p1, Rich/RichRecMonitors v2r36p1,
     Rich/RichRecPhotonTools v1r18, Rich/RichRecQC v2r72,
     Rich/RichRecStereoTools v1r10p1, Rich/RichRecTemplateRings v1r7p1,
     Rich/RichRecTools v4r28p1, Rich/RichRecTrackTools v1r40p1, Tf/FastVelo v1r23,
@@ -2020,15 +2020,15 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r4, LHCb v39r1 and Lbcom v17r1 (and ROOT 6.04.02)
     Tr/TrackAssociators v2r12p1, Tr/TrackCheckers v4r22p1,
     Tr/TrackExtrapolators v2r39, Tr/TrackFitter v5r7p1, Tr/TrackIdealPR v2r20p1,
     Tr/TrackMCTools v3r12p1, Tr/TrackMonitors v2r10, Tr/TrackProjectors v3r2p1,
-    Tr/TrackTools v5r12, Tr/TrackUtils v1r61p1, Tr/PatPV v3r28p1, 
+    Tr/TrackTools v5r12, Tr/TrackUtils v1r61p1, Tr/PatPV v3r28p1,
     Tf/FastPV v1r2p1, Velo/VeloRecMonitors v2r32
 - In Calo/CaloMoniDst v5r19, Hlt/HltMonitors v1r8
     DECLARE_ALGORITHM_FACTORY(HltMonitorBase) as these are not 'concrete'
     algorithms, but base classes from which one first must inherit and implement
-    execute before they are useful. 
+    execute before they are useful.
 - In Muon/MuonID v9r17, v9r18
   . Remove container for pad sizes in CommonMuonTool. The pad sizes are obtained
@@ -2037,7 +2037,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r4, LHCb v39r1 and Lbcom v17r1 (and ROOT 6.04.02)
   . Fixed bug in DLLMuonTool, see LHCBPS-1431: added two functions to be sure a
     valid region is always used in the DLL calculation and consequentely changed
     two GaudiExceptions into Error messages (which shold never happen, given the
-    new code). 
+    new code).
 - In Muon/MuonTrackRec v3r14
   . Changed MuonTrackMomRec to update B field on changes in MagneticFieldSvc
@@ -2057,7 +2057,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r4, LHCb v39r1 and Lbcom v17r1 (and ROOT 6.04.02)
   . prefer std::to_string over std::stringstream
 - In Rec/LumiAlgs v9r9p1
-  . Update lumi2reader reference to follow Gaudi v26r4 fix to GaudiSequencer 
+  . Update lumi2reader reference to follow Gaudi v26r4 fix to GaudiSequencer
     reference counting
 - In Rich/RichHPDImageAnalysis v1r18
@@ -2104,7 +2104,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r4, LHCb v39r1 and Lbcom v17r1 (and ROOT 6.04.02)
   . New class LinParFit for fits which are linear in their parameters, much
     more flexible and general than anything previously available
   . Adapt various classes to take advantage of LinParFit, retire
-    FwdFitPolinomial class which serves little purpose now 
+    FwdFitPolinomial class which serves little purpose now
   . Modernise code in SeedFitParams
 - In Tr/TrackExtrapolators v2r39
@@ -2121,11 +2121,11 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r4, LHCb v39r1 and Lbcom v17r1 (and ROOT 6.04.02)
   . Change virtual private inheritance of interface into virtual public
 - In Velo/VeloRecMonitors v2r32
-  . VeloIPResolutionMonitorNT: Added tuple branches for track Ghost probability, 
+  . VeloIPResolutionMonitorNT: Added tuple branches for track Ghost probability,
  	  momentum x, y, z components and errors and momentum x, y, z, covariance matrix
   . Fixing bugs in accessing MC info in VeloIPResolutionMonitorNT.
-  . VeloClusterMonitor: Added histograms to represent ADC cluster fits functions  
-    for offline monitoring purpose. A job option switched these off by default. 
+  . VeloClusterMonitor: Added histograms to represent ADC cluster fits functions
+    for offline monitoring purpose. A job option switched these off by default.
 - In all above packages except Tf/TrackSys:
   . remove #include of obsolete Gaudi headers
@@ -2154,7 +2154,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r3, LHCb v39r0 and Lbcom v17r0 (and ROOT 6.04.02)
 - Packages modified: Muon/MuonID v9r16, Muon/MuonTrackMonitor v2r9,
     Pr/PrMCTools v2r10, Pr/PrPixel v1r12, Rec/ChargedProtoANNPID v2r11,
-    Rec/GlobalReco v6r53, Rec/LumiAlgs v9r9, Rec/RecAlgs v3r3p1, 
+    Rec/GlobalReco v6r53, Rec/LumiAlgs v9r9, Rec/RecAlgs v3r3p1,
     Rec/RecConf v2r22, Rich/RichAlignment v1r12, Rich/RichHPDImageAnalysis v1r17,
     Rich/RichRecQC v2r71, Tf/FastVelo v1r21, Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r42,
     Tf/PatKernel v2r10, Tf/TfKernel v2r33, Tf/TrackSys v9r9,
@@ -2168,7 +2168,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r3, LHCb v39r0 and Lbcom v17r0 (and ROOT 6.04.02)
   . Adapt the algorithm to take several inputLocations and remove the insertion
     of the muonPID and muonTrack using the key of the mother track. This change
     is necessary to produce the same value of nShared online and offline, which
-    will reduce the differences in ProbNN outputs. 
+    will reduce the differences in ProbNN outputs.
   . Modify the Configuration file so as not to use the new MuonID in 2008, 2009,
     MC09 and Upgrade datatypes
@@ -2202,16 +2202,16 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r3, LHCb v39r0 and Lbcom v17r0 (and ROOT 6.04.02)
     to list for fieldOn (in Configuration.py)
 - In Rich/RichAlignment v1r11, v1r12
-  . Changed from 20 bins in phi to 60 bins in phi, for the 2D histograms used 
+  . Changed from 20 bins in phi to 60 bins in phi, for the 2D histograms used
     in the mirror alignment. Can always rebin later, within the mirror alignment.
-  . Added several TrackSelector cuts in order to remove background photons from 
+  . Added several TrackSelector cuts in order to remove background photons from
     our deltaTheta histograms.
 - In Rich/RichHPDImageAnalysis v1r17
   . Make parameters object in HPD fitting base class protected, to allow
     direct use in derived classes.
   . Add support for fitting log-z images when the first fit gave unusual fit
-    errors. Designed to try and deal with image fits for HPDs with strongly 
+    errors. Designed to try and deal with image fits for HPDs with strongly
     varying occupancies.
   . Add a method to extract a copy of the cleaned histogram from the fitter.
@@ -2230,7 +2230,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r3, LHCb v39r0 and Lbcom v17r0 (and ROOT 6.04.02)
     FastVeloTracking and FastVeloFitLHCbIDs. Property is called
     "KalmanScatteringNoiseParameters". Requires 4 parameters.
   . Added code to refit FastTrack with kalman fit with scattering.
-  . LHCBPS-1426 - VeloFastKalmanTrack: Initialize element (4,4) of the covariance 
+  . LHCBPS-1426 - VeloFastKalmanTrack: Initialize element (4,4) of the covariance
     matrix to 0.0001.
@@ -2246,7 +2246,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r3, LHCb v39r0 and Lbcom v17r0 (and ROOT 6.04.02)
 - In Tf/TfKernel v2r33
   . Fix SIMDChi2Fit. In the previous release the new code did not get enabled by
-    accident 
+    accident
 - In Tf/TrackSys v9r8, v9r9
   . Switch on new multiple scattering treatment for public tools like
@@ -2254,8 +2254,8 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r3, LHCb v39r0 and Lbcom v17r0 (and ROOT 6.04.02)
   . Add switch for fast Kalman fitting of Velo tracks for PV reconstruction.
     Default is on, old behaviour can be set via 'ExpertTracking'
   . Switch on new multiple scattering correction in 'RecoTrackingRun2.py'
-  . Replace PatDownstream with PatLongLivedTracking in the default sequence, 
-    put in warning if non-standard Pat Reco algorithm is used, adapt 
+  . Replace PatDownstream with PatLongLivedTracking in the default sequence,
+    put in warning if non-standard Pat Reco algorithm is used, adapt
     PatChecking.py such that new algo fires up the TrackAssociator.
   . Erase ExtraInfo from the Fitted HLT1 Velo Track (in RecoTrackingRun2.py)
   . In RecoTracking.py, remove treatment of fitted Velo tracks for obsolete Run 1
@@ -2309,7 +2309,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r3, LHCb v39r0 and Lbcom v17r0 (and ROOT 6.04.02)
   . Adapt StateThickMSCorrectionTool to omit log term in calculation if wanted.
     Default for the moment is: Use the log term.
-  . Made TrackVelodEdxCharge work properly with 2015 configured tracking 
+  . Made TrackVelodEdxCharge work properly with 2015 configured tracking
     and print a line in log file of average number of real tracks per VELO track
   . Added src/VPTrackSelecor.cpp
@@ -2318,9 +2318,9 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r3, LHCb v39r0 and Lbcom v17r0 (and ROOT 6.04.02)
     print option, remove unnecessary includes, add doxygen comments.
 - In Velo/VeloRecMonitors v2r31
-  . VeloClusterMonitor: Added convoluted Landau-Gaussian fits of cluster ADC 
-    values for offline monitoring purpose. A job option switched these fit off 
-    by default. 
+  . VeloClusterMonitor: Added convoluted Landau-Gaussian fits of cluster ADC
+    values for offline monitoring purpose. A job option switched these fit off
+    by default.
   . VeloIPResolutionMonitorNT: Added functionality for multi-PV events, option
     to compare tracks using LHCbIDs when refitting PVs, and option to use the
     SimplifiedMaterialLocator when determining material intersected by tracks.
@@ -2331,7 +2331,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r2, LHCb v38r7 and Lbcom v16r6 (and ROOT 6.02.08)
 - Packages modified: Calo/CaloMoniDst v5r18, Muon/MuonID v9r15,
     Muon/MuonPIDChecker v5r5, Muon/MuonTrackRec v3r13, Pr/PrMCTools v2r9,
-    Pr/PrPixel v1r11, Rec/LumiAlgs v9r8, Rec/RecAlgs v3r3, 
+    Pr/PrPixel v1r11, Rec/LumiAlgs v9r8, Rec/RecAlgs v3r3,
     Rich/RichAlignment v1r10p1, Rich/RichHPDImageAnalysis v1r16,
     Rich/RichRecQC v2r70, Rich/RichRecSys v5r7, Tf/FastVelo v1r20,
     Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r41, Tf/PatVelo v3r32, Tf/PatVeloTT v4r7,
@@ -2344,8 +2344,8 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r2, LHCb v38r7 and Lbcom v16r6 (and ROOT 6.02.08)
 - In Muon/MuonID v9r15
   . Bugfix in the foiYDim for MuonIDAlg that was used the dx coordinate.
-  . Bugfix in the NShared computation that was comparing a distance with a 
-    distance squared 
+  . Bugfix in the NShared computation that was comparing a distance with a
+    distance squared
   . Bugfix in MuonIDAlgLite.cpp
   . Remove the algorithms committed to /src/ due to a mismatch in a previous
@@ -2353,10 +2353,10 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r2, LHCb v38r7 and Lbcom v16r6 (and ROOT 6.02.08)
   . Remove the cleaning of muonPIDs as it prevent them to be written.
   . Clean the MakeMuonTool from the chi2cut flag
   . Modify the algorithms to use DLLflag = 5 corresponding to the new calibration.
-    The algorithms are configured to run with either DLLflag = 4 or DLLflag = 5 
+    The algorithms are configured to run with either DLLflag = 4 or DLLflag = 5
   . Add the files Muon_2015_def.py and tanh_2015.py from the new calibration
-  . Add the makeMuonTrack part to the code. 
-  . Add the possibility to use DLLflag == 3 as the new DLL calibration would use 
+  . Add the makeMuonTrack part to the code.
+  . Add the possibility to use DLLflag == 3 as the new DLL calibration would use
     the cumulative histograms for muons and non-muons.
   . Clean up a bit unnecessary properties and functions.
@@ -2389,7 +2389,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r2, LHCb v38r7 and Lbcom v16r6 (and ROOT 6.02.08)
     for example regular clusters and lite clusters.
 - In Rich/RichAlignment v1r10p1
-  . Decreased Bins in phi (from 25 to 20) in 2D dThetavphiRec histograms for 
+  . Decreased Bins in phi (from 25 to 20) in 2D dThetavphiRec histograms for
     specific mirror combinations. (Reversed decision of 2011-06-07)
 - In Rich/RichHPDImageAnalysis v1r16
@@ -2402,11 +2402,11 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r2, LHCb v38r7 and Lbcom v16r6 (and ROOT 6.02.08)
 - In Rich/RichRecSys v5r7
   . No longer throw an exception if an instance of the RichRecSysConf is
     created without its reconstruction sequence defined. Instead print
-    a warning and do nothing. Currently needed due to the changes in RecConf to 
+    a warning and do nothing. Currently needed due to the changes in RecConf to
     support multiple track groupings. Might be improved in the future...
 - In Tf/FastVelo v1r20
-  . Rework FastVeloFitLHCbIDs to reset and correct the FastVeloHits in a 
+  . Rework FastVeloFitLHCbIDs to reset and correct the FastVeloHits in a
     repeatable way
   . Use move-syntax in FastVeloTracking (includes changes to FastVeloTrack)
@@ -2420,7 +2420,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r2, LHCb v38r7 and Lbcom v16r6 (and ROOT 6.02.08)
   . New AddPileupToTrack algorithm adds pileup sensor hits to existing tracks
 - In Tf/PatVeloTT v4r7
-  . Add move-constructor to PatVTTHybridTrack, use it in PatVeloTTHybridTool. 
+  . Add move-constructor to PatVTTHybridTrack, use it in PatVeloTTHybridTool.
     Gains about 4.5% in speed (according to callgrind), no change in performance.
 - In Tf/TfKernel v2r32
@@ -2450,7 +2450,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r2, LHCb v38r7 and Lbcom v16r6 (and ROOT 6.02.08)
     MC PVs if they exist in the TES.
 - In Tr/TrackTools v5r9
-  . Added PVLocation configurable to MuonTTTrack 
+  . Added PVLocation configurable to MuonTTTrack
   . Fix to MuonTTTrack to only write out successfully fitted tracks
   . Added protection for division by 0 in finalise method of StandaloneMuonRec.
   . TrackSelector: Added the possibility to cut on the phi of a track.
@@ -2469,17 +2469,17 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r1, LHCb v38r6 and Lbcom v16r5 (and ROOT 6.02.05)
     Rich/RichRecQC v2r69, Rich/RichRecStereoTools v1r10, Rich/RichRecSys v5r6,
     Rich/RichRecTools v4r28, Rich/RichRecTrackTools v1r40, Tf/FastVelo vr19,
     Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r40, Tf/PatKernel v2r9, Tf/PatVeloTT v4r6,
-    Tf/TfKernel v2r31, Tf/TrackSys v9r6, Tr/PatPV v3r28, 
-    Tr/TrackAssociators v2r12, Tr/TrackCheckers v4r22, 
+    Tf/TfKernel v2r31, Tf/TrackSys v9r6, Tr/PatPV v3r28,
+    Tr/TrackAssociators v2r12, Tr/TrackCheckers v4r22,
     Tr/TrackExtrapolators v2r37, Tr/TrackFitter v5r4, Tr/TrackKernel v2r3,
     Tr/TrackMonitors v2r6, Tr/TrackTools v5r8, Tr/TrackUtils v1r60
 - In Calo/CaloReco v5r24, v5r25
-  . python/CaloReco/Configuration : in CaloProcessor : 
+  . python/CaloReco/Configuration : in CaloProcessor :
     give CaloProcessor-name-dependent naming for the neutralProtoPAlg and the
     algorithms updating charged ProtoP
   . Fix bad assert.
-  . CaloCorrectionBase::getParams: 
+  . CaloCorrectionBase::getParams:
     o don't create an empty vector if it won't be needed
     o cache counters by (type, areaName) instead of creating a string containing
       both every single time, and then looking them up by string
@@ -2544,7 +2544,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r1, LHCb v38r6 and Lbcom v16r5 (and ROOT 6.02.05)
 - In Rich/RichRecBase v4r20
   . Skip summary printouts for empty selections.
-- In Rich/RichRecBase v4r20, Rich/RichRecMCAlgorithms v1r6, 
+- In Rich/RichRecBase v4r20, Rich/RichRecMCAlgorithms v1r6,
      Rich/RichRecMCTools v2r32, Rich/RichRecMonitors v2r36,
      Rich/RichRecPhotonTools v1r17, Rich/RichRecStereoTools v1r10,
      Rich/RichRecTools v4r28, Rich/RichRecTrackTools v1r40
@@ -2569,21 +2569,21 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r1, LHCb v38r6 and Lbcom v16r5 (and ROOT 6.02.05)
     based on the tracks it is monitoring.
 - In Rich/RichRecSys v5r6
-  . Small change in the RichRecSysConf trackTypeIsActive method to fix a 
+  . Small change in the RichRecSysConf trackTypeIsActive method to fix a
     issue where the Long Track monitors in RichRecQC went missing after
     the last commit.
   . Avoid creating reconstruction sequences for track groups that would fail
     the tracking cuts (as their types are not included).
-  . Forcibly set the Context correctly before anything else, in all used 
+  . Forcibly set the Context correctly before anything else, in all used
-  . Do not append final RichPID merger to algorithm sequence if PID is 
+  . Do not append final RichPID merger to algorithm sequence if PID is
     globally turned off.
   . Fix a small problem in the configurables that cause custom settings to
     not always be properly propagated.
   . Rework things to avoid assumptions based on the order things are applied.
   . Update the python configurable to support running with separate processing
     sequences for different track groups. Enabled by calling the method
         richConf = RichRecSysConf(self.richRecConfName)
         richConf.setTrackGroups( [ ["Forward","Match"],
                                    ["VeloTT"], ["KsTrack"] ] )
@@ -2619,7 +2619,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r1, LHCb v38r6 and Lbcom v16r5 (and ROOT 6.02.05)
     std::vector<PatFwdHit*> with StaticArray class from DetDesc; this speeds up
     the Seeding by 4% without significant changes in performance (the code will
     now abandon track candidates which accumulate a crazy number of hits 72 or
-    more, i.e. at least 6 in every layer of the T stations) 
+    more, i.e. at least 6 in every layer of the T stations)
   . PatSeedingTool/PatSeedTool/PatSeedFit: continue to push outward decision if
     hit is IT or OT (in many cases, we can now neglect to check the track
     altogether); this gains another 5 permille in speed without affecting
@@ -2631,7 +2631,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r1, LHCb v38r6 and Lbcom v16r5 (and ROOT 6.02.05)
 	  o Add improvements made in the ambiguity resolution of the Forward:
       + keep track of quality of last ambiguity assignment, and make sure each
         hit keeps the best assignment that is possible
-      + do not assign ambiguities if the pitch residual looks fishy (too large) 
+      + do not assign ambiguities if the pitch residual looks fishy (too large)
       These changes speed up the Seeding by 2%, raise the efficiency by up to
       half a percent while keeping the ghost rate stable with permille level
@@ -2667,7 +2667,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r1, LHCb v38r6 and Lbcom v16r5 (and ROOT 6.02.05)
     o liteClusters and simplifiedGeometry are default for Run 2
   . Add 'RecoTrackingRun2.py' containing the tracking options for run2.
     o Change 'TrackBestTrackCreator' to 'TrackEventFitter' for Velo and Forward
-      separately for HLT1 
+      separately for HLT1
     o Fix input container for forward merging to use fitted HLT1 forward tracks
     o Fix bug with TrackStateInitTool
     o Change 'TrackListMerger' to (new) 'TrackContainerCopy', such that forward
@@ -2688,10 +2688,10 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r1, LHCb v38r6 and Lbcom v16r5 (and ROOT 6.02.05)
   . Remove left-over possibility to apply R-cut in LSAdaptPV3DFitter
   . Add bound on Velo distance to beam, above which the beam-spot R cut is not
     applied. Once the BeamSpotRho functor is available in Rec, use that instead.
-  . Add new functionality to LSAdaptPV3DFitter which 
+  . Add new functionality to LSAdaptPV3DFitter which
     o allow to use kalman fitter tracks, option UseFittedTracks
-    o add option for radial distance cut of PV - maxRDPV 
-    o to make offline and online algorithms consistent: 
+    o add option for radial distance cut of PV - maxRDPV
+    o to make offline and online algorithms consistent:
       deprecate maxIP2PV cut, instead trackMaxChi2 is recommended
     o deprecation warning printed if the obsolete property maxIP2PV is set.
       Not removed, to avoid braking the Stripping tests in the nightlies.
@@ -2736,7 +2736,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r1, LHCb v38r6 and Lbcom v16r5 (and ROOT 6.02.05)
   . Run2GhostId: Changed TT and IT cluster type to lite.
 - In Tr/TrackUtils v1r59, v1r60
-  . TrackContainerCopy: Now can take more than one input location. 
+  . TrackContainerCopy: Now can take more than one input location.
     To avoid breakign existing tests, use obsolete inputLocation instead of
     inputLocations if that option is set. Warning is issued to change to
     use the newer list option. It is an error to set both inputLocation and
@@ -2754,13 +2754,13 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r1, LHCb v38r6 and Lbcom v16r5 (and ROOT 6.02.05)
 </PRE><H1><A NAME=v17r5>2015-02-25 RecSys v17r5</A></H1><PRE>
 This version uses Gaudi v26r1, LHCb v38r5 and Lbcom v16r4 (and ROOT 6.02.05)
-- Packages modified: Calo/CaloReco v5r23, Muon/MuonID v9r13, 
+- Packages modified: Calo/CaloReco v5r23, Muon/MuonID v9r13,
     Pr/PrAlgorithms v1r16, Pr/PrKernel v1r8, Pr/PrMCTools v2r7, Rec/LumiAlgs v9r7,
     Rec/RecConf v2r20, Rich/RichGlobalPID v3r23, Rich/RichRecBase v4r19,
-    Rich/RichRecMonitors v2r35, Rich/RichRecPhotonTools v1r16, 
+    Rich/RichRecMonitors v2r35, Rich/RichRecPhotonTools v1r16,
     Rich/RichRecSys v5r5, Rich/RichRecTools v4r27, Rich/RichRecTrackTools v1r39,
     Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r39, Tf/PatVeloTT v4r5, Tf/TfKernel v2r30,
-    Tf/TrackSys v9r5, Tr/TrackExtrapolators v2r36, Tr/TrackFitter v5r3, 
+    Tf/TrackSys v9r5, Tr/TrackExtrapolators v2r36, Tr/TrackFitter v5r3,
     Tr/TrackInterfaces v4r28, Tr/TrackKernel v2r2, Tr/TrackMCTools v3r11p1,
     Tr/TrackMonitors v2r5, Tr/TrackProjectors v3r2, Tr/TrackTools v5r7,
     Tr/TrackUtils v1r58
@@ -2774,7 +2774,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r1, LHCb v38r5 and Lbcom v16r4 (and ROOT 6.02.05)
 - In Muon/MuonID v9r13
   . Speed up MuonIDAlg by a factor of 1.8 by only computing the FOI once per
-    station/region/candidate momentum, and factorizing out the hit (i.e. 'dx' 
+    station/region/candidate momentum, and factorizing out the hit (i.e. 'dx'
     and 'dy') dependence
 - In Pr/PrAlgorithms v1r16
@@ -2819,20 +2819,20 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r1, LHCb v38r5 and Lbcom v16r4 (and ROOT 6.02.05)
   . Add a new method to IRichPhotonSignal to allow a client to request the
     pre-filling of all photon pixel signal information. Used to then avoid a
     virtual function call deep inside the Global PID likelihood minimisation.
-  . Add protection to RichRecPhoton::expPixelSignalPhots if call with a 
+  . Add protection to RichRecPhoton::expPixelSignalPhots if call with a
     Below Threshold hypothesis.
 - In Rich/RichRecMonitors v2r35
   . Add a new histogram to RichCherenkovAngleMonitor.
 - In Rich/RichRecPhotonTools v1r16
-  . Revert back to std::sqrt(x) instead of vdt::fast_isqrt(x) as its actually 
+  . Revert back to std::sqrt(x) instead of vdt::fast_isqrt(x) as its actually
     faster ...
   . Turn off photon reconstruction check to reject gas photons where the
     emission point and first reflection points are on different detector sides.
   . Protect against a sqrt(-number) FPE in QuarticSolver.h
   . Update QuarticSolver to use the Complex2f class from the VectorClass library
-    instead of std::complex. Results in an almost factor of two speed up of the 
+    instead of std::complex. Results in an almost factor of two speed up of the
     QuarticSolver::solve method...
   . Add some missing FPE protection in QuarticSolver.h
   . Replace some divisions by multiplications in QuarticSolver.h
@@ -2847,20 +2847,20 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r1, LHCb v38r5 and Lbcom v16r4 (and ROOT 6.02.05)
 - In Rich/RichRecSys v5r5
   . Add a new configuration option "RefitTracks" which enables a full refit of
     the tracks prior to running the RICH reconstruction on them.
-  . Fix a small bug with the "PreloadTracks" options that was failing to 
+  . Fix a small bug with the "PreloadTracks" options that was failing to
     properly enable this option.
 - In Rich/RichRecTools v4r27
-  . Various small CPU optimisations (using VDT, prefer * to /  etc.). 
+  . Various small CPU optimisations (using VDT, prefer * to /  etc.).
 - In Rich/RichRecTrackTools v1r39
-  . Add a new option (enabled by default) to move states in 
+  . Add a new option (enabled by default) to move states in
     DetailedTrSegMakerFromRecoTracks using a StateProvider using the
     stateFromTrajectory method. Faster, with no signficant loss of resolution.
   . Clean up internal interface used by DetailedTrSegMakerFromRecoTracks to
     avoid passing around unique_ptr instances by reference.
   . Add a new (off by default) option to RichDetailedTrSegMakerFromRecoTracks to
-    use a TrackTraj object move states to the RICH radiator entry and exit 
+    use a TrackTraj object move states to the RICH radiator entry and exit
   . Add an option to RichFunctionalCKResForRecoTracks to use the fast geometry
     when calculating the radiation length the track traverses in the RICH
@@ -2895,10 +2895,10 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r1, LHCb v38r5 and Lbcom v16r4 (and ROOT 6.02.05)
   . PatSeeding and classes used by it: take advantage of the new isOT()
     method available from PatForwardHit
   . Simplify some things in PatDownTrack and PatDownstream. No performance change
-  . PatMatchTool: Added the option to veto Velo seeds similar to PatForwardTool. 
+  . PatMatchTool: Added the option to veto Velo seeds similar to PatForwardTool.
   . PatForwardTool:
     o Do not add additional TT hits to Forward candidates if the Seed is an
-      Upstream track. 
+      Upstream track.
     o Made the location to flag Velo seeds as used a vector of locations.
       Renamed this from VeloVetoTracksName to VeloVetoTracksNames.
     o Added a protection in case the location of veto tracks does not exist.
@@ -2920,11 +2920,11 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r1, LHCb v38r5 and Lbcom v16r4 (and ROOT 6.02.05)
 - In Tf/PatVeloTT v4r5
   . Add code to account for overlap hits, change default value of PassHoleSize
   . Remove a "std::cout" and clean up VeloTTHybrid.cpp/h code
-    (removing obsolete members). 
+    (removing obsolete members).
   . Add some doxygen documentation.
 - In Tf/TfKernel v2r30
-  . SIMDChi2Fit: 
+  . SIMDChi2Fit:
     o use UNLIKELY/LIKELY to give hints to the compiler
       (seems to improve the timing of the Seeding by about 5%)
     o add further hints to help gcc produce good autovectorised code
@@ -2985,7 +2985,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r1, LHCb v38r5 and Lbcom v16r4 (and ROOT 6.02.05)
       called, fill an std::array of sufficient size instead
     o don't dynamic_cast when a static_cast will do
     o use vdt::fast_... versions of various trigonometric functions (they're
-      more than accurate enough not to affect Velo performance in any way) 
+      more than accurate enough not to affect Velo performance in any way)
   . Speed up StateThickMSCorrectionTool by a factor two
   . Speed up StateDetailedBetheBlochEnergyCorrectionTool by a factor two
     o caching particle masses more agressively
@@ -3051,22 +3051,22 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r0, LHCb v38r4 and Lbcom v16r3 (and ROOT 6.02.03)
   . Fix bug in PatAddTTCoord in 'returnTTClusters' which caused wrong chi2 to be
     returned. Calculate part of the bending parameter only once per event.
     Add some doxygen comments.
-  . PatFwdTool: use new PatForwardHit methods to speed things up 
+  . PatFwdTool: use new PatForwardHit methods to speed things up
 - In Tf/PatKernel v2r8
   . PatForwardHit, PatTTHit: bypass mutex of static memory pool.
-  . PatForwardHit: 
-     o use the already present 'planeCode' to get the layer info, and 
+  . PatForwardHit:
+     o use the already present 'planeCode' to get the layer info, and
        'isStereo' -- this saves both a pointer dereference + if statement
      o add a fast 'isOT' method to help avoid virtual function calls
 - In Tf/PatVeloTT v4r4
   . Adapt the check for an empty input to explicitely query the size of the Range
-    move the corresponding message-level from warning to debug 
+    move the corresponding message-level from warning to debug
 - In Tf/TfKernel v2r29
-  . Tf::TStationHitManager: remove virtual function which allows tweaking of hit 
-    creation -- which isn't actually used, but does imply a virtual function call 
+  . Tf::TStationHitManager: remove virtual function which allows tweaking of hit
+    creation -- which isn't actually used, but does imply a virtual function call
     overhead for the creation of every single hit...
 - In Tf/TfTools v1r20
@@ -3093,7 +3093,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v26r0, LHCb v38r4 and Lbcom v16r3 (and ROOT 6.02.03)
     o use vectorized filter in computeFilteredState
     o use vectorized average in computeBiSmoothedState
     o use vectorized similarity to compute residual.
-    o speed up transport of covariance matrix by a factor of 2 by 
+    o speed up transport of covariance matrix by a factor of 2 by
       just spelling out the entire 5x5 similarity transform....
     o speed up transport by a further factor of 2 by using vectorized
       version of the similarity transforms from LHCbMath.
@@ -3119,13 +3119,13 @@ Identical to v17r2 but built against LCG_70root6 with ROOT 6.02.02
 This version uses Gaudi v25r6, LHCb v38r3 and Lbcom v16r2 (and ROOT v5.43.24)
 - Packages removed:  Tr/TrackMatching, Tr/TrackSeeding (both obsolete)
-- Packages modified: Calo/CaloPIDs v5r20, Calo/CaloReco v5r22, 
+- Packages modified: Calo/CaloPIDs v5r20, Calo/CaloReco v5r22,
     Hlt/HltMonitors v1r7, Muon/MuonID v9r12, Pr/PrAlgorithms v1r15,
     Pr/PrKernel v1r6, Pr/PrMCTools v2r5, Rec/ChargedProtoANNPID v2r8,
     Rec/GlobalReco v6r52, Rec/LumiAlgs v9r6, Rec/RecConf v2r19,
     Rec/RecInterfaces v1r4, Rich/RichGlobalPID v3r22, Rich/RichRecBase v4r18,
     Rich/RichRecQC v2r68, Tf/FastVelo v1r17, Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r37,
-    Tf/PatVeloTT v4r3, Tf/TfKernel v2r28, Tf/TrackSys v9r3, 
+    Tf/PatVeloTT v4r3, Tf/TfKernel v2r28, Tf/TrackSys v9r3,
     Tr/TrackCheckers v4r21, Tr/TrackFitEvent v6r4, Tr/TrackInterfaces v4r27,
     Tr/TrackKernel v2r1, Tr/TrackMCTools v3r11, Tr/TrackTools v5r5,
     Tr/TrackUtils v1r57, Velo/VeloRecMonitors v2r30
@@ -3145,7 +3145,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r6, LHCb v38r3 and Lbcom v16r2 (and ROOT v5.43.24)
     and using vdt::fast_exp
 - In Pr/PrAlgorithms v1r15
-  . In PrFTHitManager the zone geometry setting has been changed to reflect 
+  . In PrFTHitManager the zone geometry setting has been changed to reflect
     the modifications in FTDet in createDetSegment.
 - In Pr/PrKernel v1r6
@@ -3200,7 +3200,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r6, LHCb v38r3 and Lbcom v16r2 (and ROOT v5.43.24)
  - In Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r37
    . PatFwdTrackCondidate:
-     o use vdt::fast_isqrt 
+     o use vdt::fast_isqrt
      o move data members to the 'top' of the class so that one can use 'auto'
        (trailing) return specifitation
      o improve PatFwdTrackCandidate memory layout: move 'cold' pointer towards
@@ -3221,7 +3221,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r6, LHCb v38r3 and Lbcom v16r2 (and ROOT v5.43.24)
      no changes in performance or timing
 - In Tf/PatVeloTT v4r3
-  . PatVeloTTHybrid uses Ranges now. It can operate on both track containers 
+  . PatVeloTTHybrid uses Ranges now. It can operate on both track containers
     and track selections
   . Optimised PatVeloTTHybridTool for low momentum tracks
@@ -3234,7 +3234,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r6, LHCb v38r3 and Lbcom v16r2 (and ROOT v5.43.24)
 - In Tf/TrackSys v9r3
   . Replace "Match" with "PatMatch" for old sequence of PatReco algorithms in
-  . Remove 'TrackMatching' from RecoTracking.py. A runtime error is raised 
+  . Remove 'TrackMatching' from RecoTracking.py. A runtime error is raised
     if it is set as a track type.
   . Remove 'TrackMatching' and 'TrackSeeding' from dependencies
@@ -3283,7 +3283,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r6, LHCb v38r3 and Lbcom v16r2 (and ROOT v5.43.24)
     be used to restore the old behaviour if needed
   . Factor out the remove_if_partitioned algorithm from TrackEventCloneKiller
     and TrackBestTrackCreator, and move it to its own header file; adapt
-    TrackEventCloneKiller and TrackBestTrackCreator accordingly   
+    TrackEventCloneKiller and TrackBestTrackCreator accordingly
   . TrackEventCloneKiller: rewrite internal logic so fewer comparisons are
     needed to determine if two tracks are clones, use Bloom filters for
     non-overlapping tracks, remove useless (and unused) StoreCloneTrack
@@ -3312,7 +3312,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r4, LHCb v38r2 and Lbcom v16r1 (and ROOT v5.43.21)
     Tf/TfTools v1r19, Tr/TrackMCTools v3r10p1, Tr/TrackUtils v1r56
 - In Muon/MuonTrackRec v3r12
-  . MuonCombRec: Make tools public, protect debug statements, some 
+  . MuonCombRec: Make tools public, protect debug statements, some
                  simplifications in the code.
   . MuonHitDecode: Introduce option to skip the calculations of the
     'hardware numbers', as it is not needed for pure track reconstruction
@@ -3328,7 +3328,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r4, LHCb v38r2 and Lbcom v16r1 (and ROOT v5.43.21)
 - In Rec/GlobalReco v6r51
   . Add some additional debug messages.
-  . Adaption for recent ROOT version and minor modifications to plotting 
+  . Adaption for recent ROOT version and minor modifications to plotting
 - In Rec/LumiAlgs v9r5
@@ -3338,11 +3338,11 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r4, LHCb v38r2 and Lbcom v16r1 (and ROOT v5.43.21)
   . Use the new SIMDChi2Fit framework for the seeding; efficiencies and ghost
     rates are stable at the permille level, timing is unaffected within the
     usual 5% fluctuations I see on my system
-  . PatFwdFitParabola: reduce the # of multiplications needed. This slightly 
+  . PatFwdFitParabola: reduce the # of multiplications needed. This slightly
     changes the rounding, which affects the results at the 1e-5 level.
-  . PatFwdRegionCounter, PatForwardTool: replace some for loops with 
+  . PatFwdRegionCounter, PatForwardTool: replace some for loops with
     std::for_each, more use of auto, improve formatting
-  . PatFwdTool: 
+  . PatFwdTool:
     o Make updateHitsForTrack a standalone function, factor out the fit in the Y
       projection, inline zMagnet, upgrade inRegion check from lambda to functor
     o Factor out search for 'best region' and 'shortest range',
@@ -3378,7 +3378,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r4, LHCb v38r2 and Lbcom v16r1 (and ROOT v5.43.21)
     results in a 10% relative CPU gain
 - In Tr/TrackMCTools v3r10p1
-  . Add missing PhysEvent dependency in CMakeLists.txt 
+  . Add missing PhysEvent dependency in CMakeLists.txt
 - In Tr/TrackUtils v1r56
   . TrackEventCloneKiller uses LHCb::Track::Range now. This allows it to run
@@ -3402,7 +3402,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r3, LHCb v38r1 and Lbcom v16r0p1 (and ROOT v6.00.00)
                         of ZShowerMax plane
 - In Calo/CaloReco v5r21, v5r21p1
-  . CaloMergedPi0 : fix bug that affect sub-seed definition in some configuration 
+  . CaloMergedPi0 : fix bug that affect sub-seed definition in some configuration
  	. Configuration.py : decrease MergedPi0Pt threshold from 2 GeV to 1.5 GeV
    (applies on cluster pT before merged hypothesis is fully reconstructed)
   . Various CPU performance improvements.
@@ -3412,7 +3412,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r3, LHCb v38r1 and Lbcom v16r0p1 (and ROOT v6.00.00)
     propagation to Covariance
 - In Calo/CaloTools v6r10
-  . CaloHypoEstimator.cpp : implement ClusterCode & ClusterFrac 
+  . CaloHypoEstimator.cpp : implement ClusterCode & ClusterFrac
 - In Pr/PrAlgorithms v1r14
   . Removed unused Kalman Fitter tool in PrDownstream.h
@@ -3436,19 +3436,19 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r3, LHCb v38r1 and Lbcom v16r0p1 (and ROOT v6.00.00)
 - In Rec/GlobalReco v6r49, v6r50
   . ChargedProtoParticleMaker : If output already exists clear and reuse.
-  . NeutralProtoPAlg : 
+  . NeutralProtoPAlg :
     o Change default value to +1 for IsPhoton when variable is not evaluated
       (i.e. pt<2GeV hence not merged)
     o add ClusterCode & ClusterFrac as extra info
 - In Rec/RecAlgs v3r2
-  . Replace 'Other/RawEvent' with 'Calo/RawEvent' in default RecInit.cpp 
+  . Replace 'Other/RawEvent' with 'Calo/RawEvent' in default RecInit.cpp
     search list, for forward compatibility with RawEvent format 4.0
 - In Rec/RecConf v2r18
   . Add 'SkipTracking' slot to RecSysConf and RecMoniConf. If enabled, tracking
-    sequences are skipped. Used by Brunel to reprocess from DST without 
-    rerunning the tracking 
+    sequences are skipped. Used by Brunel to reprocess from DST without
+    rerunning the tracking
 - In Rich/RichRecQC v2r67
   . Remove Aerogel from default radiator list when DataType is set for Run II.
@@ -3464,11 +3464,11 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r3, LHCb v38r1 and Lbcom v16r0p1 (and ROOT v6.00.00)
     now (BloomFilter is more reliable and faster)
   . Unify scalar and vector version of PatFwdTool::xAtReferencePlane_ by using
     variadic templates to gather/scatter the vectors to generate both scalar and
-    vector versions from the same source, based on the number of arguments. 
-    This produces optimal code for both cases (i.e. fully inlined, no extra 
+    vector versions from the same source, based on the number of arguments.
+    This produces optimal code for both cases (i.e. fully inlined, no extra
     function calls) without having to write a lot of overloads and/or
-    specializations of the gather/scatter operations. 
-  . Generalize the vectorization types 
+    specializations of the gather/scatter operations.
+  . Generalize the vectorization types
   . Unify the with/without B-field versions of PatFwdTool::xAtReferencePlane
   . Move the skipping of used hits from PatForwardTool to PatForward. This avoids
     having to look up all hits for all seeds, and instead does it once per event.
@@ -3481,20 +3481,20 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r3, LHCb v38r1 and Lbcom v16r0p1 (and ROOT v6.00.00)
   . Make PatFwdCandidate 'vector friendly' i.e. don't enforce types on a few
     member functions that perform arithmetic.
   . Update PatFwdTool to use the above, and make it more 'type neutral' as well.
-  . Added a few useful counters to PatForwardTool 
+  . Added a few useful counters to PatForwardTool
   . Added TrackUsedLHCbID tool to PatForwardTool: allows to exclude hits that
     have already been used elsewhere
   . Make the skipping of used seed tracks optional in PatForwardTool
     default: do not skip (false) can be switched on through property skipUsedSeeds
-  . Provide, and use vector, interface version of PatFwdTool::xAtReference, 
+  . Provide, and use vector, interface version of PatFwdTool::xAtReference,
     o Update PatForwardTool to use above vector interface (changes results at the
       permille level as x boundaries are now treated left-right symmetrically)
     o Implement an explicitly vectorized (using gcc vector extension, see
       https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Vector-Extensions.html; note that clang
-      supports these as well: 
-      http://clang.llvm.org/docs/LanguageExtensions.html#vectors-and-extended-vectors), 
-      branch-free version of PatFwdTool::xAtReference, 
+      supports these as well:
+      http://clang.llvm.org/docs/LanguageExtensions.html#vectors-and-extended-vectors),
+      branch-free version of PatFwdTool::xAtReference,
       and use it in PatFwdTool::setXAtReference
     o Enable vectorization only when using gcc...  icc and clang don't (yet)
       support all of the extensions used for this.
@@ -3503,11 +3503,11 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r3, LHCb v38r1 and Lbcom v16r0p1 (and ROOT v6.00.00)
  - In Tf/TfKernel v2r26
    . add a 'hitsInXRange' method to TStationHitManager (i.e. both lower and upper
-  . Extend OTHit such that is possible to get the driftTime _without_ the 
-    (expensive) walk correction. And in the OTHit constructor, which ask for 
+  . Extend OTHit such that is possible to get the driftTime _without_ the
+    (expensive) walk correction. And in the OTHit constructor, which ask for
     driftTime at the middle of the station, ensure it skips the walk correction
   . Add a method in RecoFuncs which allows one to update the hits without
-    doing the walk correction. 
+    doing the walk correction.
   . Replace size_t by int to specify layer/station/region -- int more than large
     enough to enumerate them, and int division is faster than size_t division.
@@ -3554,12 +3554,12 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r3, LHCb v38r0 and Lbcom v16r0 (and ROOT v6.00.00)
   . Fix minor typo in a printout
 - In Calo/CaloReco v5r20
-  . python/CaloReco/Configuration.py  : new slots to select cluster masks :  
-    ClusterEnergyMasks, ClusterPositionMasks (default : get mask setting from DB) 
+  . python/CaloReco/Configuration.py  : new slots to select cluster masks :
+    ClusterEnergyMasks, ClusterPositionMasks (default : get mask setting from DB)
   . python/CaloReco/Reconstruction.py :
     o propagate masks to ClusterCovariance , ClusterOverlap & MergedPi0
     o use CaloMergedPi0     (replacing the now obsolete CaloMergedPi0Alg)
-    o use CaloShowerOverlap (replacing the now obsolete CaloSharedCellAlg)  
+    o use CaloShowerOverlap (replacing the now obsolete CaloSharedCellAlg)
     o skip single-cell "clusters" for CaloHypo building
   . CaloECorrection/CaloCorrectionBase :
     o add energy offset correction (allowing sin(theta) dependency to have
@@ -3572,34 +3572,34 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r3, LHCb v38r0 and Lbcom v16r0 (and ROOT v6.00.00)
   . SubClusterSelectorTool      : improve DB access
   . add Hcal default settings for Jet-related reconstruction
   . CaloShowerOverlapTool : add protection in case of missing ShowerProfile
-  . CaloMergedPi0 : 
+  . CaloMergedPi0 :
     o add minimal ET cut on splitPhoton
       (applied to both cluster and corrected CaloHypo)
-    o Fix property name causing a crash in Moore 
+    o Fix property name causing a crash in Moore
   . Photon/Electron/MergedPi0 CaloHypos : skip CaloHypos with negative energy
   . CaloSelectCluster : add a cut on entries.size()
   . fix electronPt/photonPt cluster thresholds for CaloHypo production
   . fix default parameters for Covariance estimation
-	. add new specific ClusterSelector's : 
+	. add new specific ClusterSelector's :
     SubClusterSelector2x2 , SubClusterSelectorSwissCross.h
   . Add a generic tool to access condDB and tag the clusters :
   . CaloShowerOverlapTool : new tool to substract overlap energy in cluster pair
     (note : CaloSharedCellAlg.cpp is now obsolete)
-  . CaloMergedPi0 & CaloShowerOverlap  : mergePi0 reconstruction and 
+  . CaloMergedPi0 & CaloShowerOverlap  : mergePi0 reconstruction and
     ClusterOverlap based on the above tool (CaloMergedPi0Alg is now obsolete)
-  . Adapt to change in cluster masking : CaloClusterizationTool, 
+  . Adapt to change in cluster masking : CaloClusterizationTool,
     SubClusterSelectorBase, CaloClusterCovarianceAlg, SubClusterSelector3x3,
   . CaloCorrectionBase  : map new corrections and implement generic DB access for
-    cluster masks                   
+    cluster masks
   . CaloSCorrection.cpp : add new Alexis' correction
 - In Calo/CaloTools v6r9
   . NeutralIDTool.{cpp,h}       : (new) implementation for MLP-based neutralID
   . CaloHypoEstimator.h, GammaPi0SeparationTool.h : update against reco changes
   . GammaPi0SeparationTool :
-    o improve & speed-up the evaluation of Prs-related variables 
+    o improve & speed-up the evaluation of Prs-related variables
     o protect against unphysical value
 - In Muon/MuonTrackRec v3r11
@@ -3610,10 +3610,10 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r3, LHCb v38r0 and Lbcom v16r0 (and ROOT v6.00.00)
 - In Pr/PrAlgorithms v1r13
   . Add Histograms in PrSeedingXLayers.
-    Uncomment #DEBUG_HISTO in PrSeedingXLayers.h and recompile before running. 
+    Uncomment #DEBUG_HISTO in PrSeedingXLayers.h and recompile before running.
 - In Pr/PrPixel v1r8
-  . Move bulk of debugging histograms from PrPixelTracking to new algorithm 
+  . Move bulk of debugging histograms from PrPixelTracking to new algorithm
   . Stop search for pairs two stations earlier.
   . PrPixelTrack: remove unused member m_backward and functions first/lastModule.
@@ -3622,7 +3622,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r3, LHCb v38r0 and Lbcom v16r0 (and ROOT v6.00.00)
   . Use auto iterators.
 - In Rec/ChargedProtoANNPID v2r7
-  . Add support for a new MC12TuneV3 network tune. 
+  . Add support for a new MC12TuneV3 network tune.
     Default for now is still MC12TuneV2.
   . Add a new tool that provides access to the ANNPID for a given ProtoParticle.
@@ -3635,7 +3635,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r3, LHCb v38r0 and Lbcom v16r0 (and ROOT v6.00.00)
     NN-based neutralID directly using protoP info (to be used in DV)
 - In Rec/LumiAlgs v9r4
-  . Expose ILumiIntegrator interface to python 
+  . Expose ILumiIntegrator interface to python
     This makes it possible to get lumi and mu values per run in gaudipython job.
   . Add example for gaudipython usage of mu calculation in jobs directory
@@ -3674,7 +3674,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r3, LHCb v38r0 and Lbcom v16r0 (and ROOT v6.00.00)
     very clearly by clang!)
 - In Tr/TrackFitEvent v6r2
-  . VPMeasurement: modify constructor, passing PixelPositionInfo directly 
+  . VPMeasurement: modify constructor, passing PixelPositionInfo directly
     instead of cluster position tool.
 - In Tr/TrackMonitors v2r3
@@ -3693,11 +3693,11 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r2, LHCb v37r3 and Lbcom v15r2p1
 - Packages modified: Calo/CaloPIDs v5r18, Calo/CaloTools v6r8, Muon/MuonID v9r11,
     Pr/PrAlgorithms v1r12, Pr/PrMCTools v2r3, Rec/LumiAlgs v9r3
-    Rich/RichAlignment v1r9, Rich/RichRecPhotonTools v1r15, 
+    Rich/RichAlignment v1r9, Rich/RichRecPhotonTools v1r15,
     Rich/RichRecTools v4r25, Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r33
 - In Calo/CaloPIDs v5r18
-  . CaloTrackMatch.h : 
+  . CaloTrackMatch.h :
     o Remove unused i_updateField() declaration
     o Fix some unprotected StatusCodes
@@ -3712,8 +3712,8 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r2, LHCb v37r3 and Lbcom v15r2p1
   . Call the base class initialize and finalize in various tools
 - In Pr/PrAlgorithms v1r12
-  . Introduce flag in 'buildGeometry' of PrFTHitManager that ensures that the 
-    geometry is only built once. 
+  . Introduce flag in 'buildGeometry' of PrFTHitManager that ensures that the
+    geometry is only built once.
   . Add doxygen comments.
   . Fix unchecked StatusCode and unprotected debug()s in PrFTHitManager.
@@ -3727,8 +3727,8 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r2, LHCb v37r3 and Lbcom v15r2p1
   . (GetIntegratedLuminosity) add mu per raw file from the FSRs as a root ntuple
     activated by LumiIntegrateFSR('IntegrateBeamCrossing').AccumulateMu = True
     one ntuple for corrected values and one for raw values
-    corrsponding mods to LumiIntegrateFSR and LumiIntegrator 
-  . More sanity checks in LumiIntegrateFSR to handle empty timeSpanFSRs 
+    corrsponding mods to LumiIntegrateFSR and LumiIntegrator
+  . More sanity checks in LumiIntegrateFSR to handle empty timeSpanFSRs
     (possible problem with legacy reco versions after merging)
 - In Rich/RichAlignment v1r9
@@ -3745,29 +3745,29 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r2, LHCb v37r3 and Lbcom v15r2p1
   . Use VDT for various math functions.
 - In Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r33
-  . PatFwdPlaneCounter: 
+  . PatFwdPlaneCounter:
     o Add 'checkingPolicy' so that, if wanted,  the 'isSelected' check can be
       disabled (at compile time) in case it is a-priori known to always return
       true. Default policy (for backwards compatibility) is to perform the check
       for isSelected.
     o Generalize checkingPolicy to allow generic, stateful predicates;
-    o Employ 'empty base class' optimization to ensure that object size 
+    o Employ 'empty base class' optimization to ensure that object size
       is unaffected when a stateless predicate is provided.
   . PatFwdTool:
-    o Optimize rl-ambiguity resolution, 
+    o Optimize rl-ambiguity resolution,
     o Unify with{,out} B-field computation of X @ reference plane
-    o Use PatFwdPlaneCounter::addUntilEnough 
-    o Use a predicated PatFwdPlaneCounter to count planes for selected hits in 
+    o Use PatFwdPlaneCounter::addUntilEnough
+    o Use a predicated PatFwdPlaneCounter to count planes for selected hits in
       specified region; reduce code duplication
   . PatForwardTool:
-    o combine find_range and make_single_zone into a single call to a mem_fn 
+    o combine find_range and make_single_zone into a single call to a mem_fn
       of a 'sentinel' object which controls the peak finding loop.
     o better utilization of above 'sentinel' in loop control
     o Use lambdas to hoist invariants out of loops
     o Consolidate x searchwindow determination in single function
     o Improve x search window computation
   . PatFwdRegionCounter: remove virtual destructor, add 'final' qualification.
-  . PatFwdTrackCandidate,PatFwdTool : improve const-correctness 
+  . PatFwdTrackCandidate,PatFwdTool : improve const-correctness
   . PatFwdTrackCandidate,PatFwdFit{Line,Parabola} : consolidate data members in
   . PatFwdPlaneCounter: add addHitsUntilEnough, always invoke addHits internally
@@ -3775,7 +3775,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r2, LHCb v37r3 and Lbcom v15r2p1
 </PRE><H1><A NAME=v16r2>2014-05-13 RecSys v16r2</A></H1><PRE>
 This version uses Gaudi v25r1, LHCb v37r2 and Lbcom v15r2
-- Packages modified: Calo/CaloMoniDst v5r17, Calo/CaloPIDs v5r17, 
+- Packages modified: Calo/CaloMoniDst v5r17, Calo/CaloPIDs v5r17,
     Pr/PrAlgorithms v1r11, Pr/PrMCTools v2r2, Pr/PrPixel v1r7, Pr/PrVeloUT v2r2,
     Rec/ChargedProtoANNPID v2r6, Rec/GlobalReco v6r47, Rec/LumiAlgs v9r2,
     Rec/RecAlgs v3r1, Rec/RecConf v2r17, Rec/RecInterfaces v1r2,
@@ -3790,7 +3790,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r1, LHCb v37r2 and Lbcom v15r2
 - In Calo/CaloMoniDst v5r17
   . Fix unprotected debug() warnings:
     o In CaloMoniAlg.cpp: use setHistoTopDir in initialize() instead of
-      setProperty("HistoTopDir") in constructor. Removes need for debug() in 
+      setProperty("HistoTopDir") in constructor. Removes need for debug() in
     o CaloEFlowAlg.cpp: remove unnecessary debug() in constructor
@@ -3807,7 +3807,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r1, LHCb v37r2 and Lbcom v15r2
   . Adapted to the new version of FTChannelID having:
     1) mat() instead of quarter()
     2) a different constructor with 5 instead of 4 arguments
-  . Fix clang33 compilation failures in PrPlaneCounter.h, due to 
+  . Fix clang33 compilation failures in PrPlaneCounter.h, due to
   . Changed FTRawCluster to FTLiteCluster in PrFTHitManager
   . Removed bilayer code from PrFTHitManager.cpp
@@ -3822,7 +3822,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r1, LHCb v37r2 and Lbcom v15r2
   . Remove linking based on VPLiteClusters from PrLHCbID2MCParticle.
   . Rename FTRawCluster to FTLiteCluster in PrLHCbID2MCParticle
-- In Pr/PrMCTools v2r2, Pr/PrPixel v1r7 
+- In Pr/PrMCTools v2r2, Pr/PrPixel v1r7
   . Follow changes in VPChannelID format (r171869).
   . Follow changes in VPCluster format (removal of VPLiteCluster, r170715)
@@ -3836,7 +3836,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r1, LHCb v37r2 and Lbcom v15r2
   . Change default to unlimited cluster size when running on Super Pixel raw
   . Help the compiler with out of order execution and constness in various places.
-  . Avoid calling into sqrt() in hot PrPixelTracking::bestHit() method. 
+  . Avoid calling into sqrt() in hot PrPixelTracking::bestHit() method.
   . Avoid mixing double and float (this is very expensive!).
   . Cache global x of first hit on a module.
   . Change default value of RunOnRawBanks to True.
@@ -3867,7 +3867,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r1, LHCb v37r2 and Lbcom v15r2
 - In Rec/RecConf v2r17
   . Add new OnlineMode property to RecSysConf and RecMoniConf Configurables.
     Propagated to Rich configurables to tune the reconstruction and monitoring
-    as appropriate for Online Brunel 
+    as appropriate for Online Brunel
 - In Rec/RecInterfaces v1r2
   . Rework the tool interface, to allow it to be used by a DecayTreeTuple tool.
@@ -3891,8 +3891,8 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r1, LHCb v37r2 and Lbcom v15r2
     handled seperately.
 - In Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r32
-  . PatFwdTool: 
-     o consolidate find_single_zone 
+  . PatFwdTool:
+     o consolidate find_single_zone
      o replace some loops by std::for_each
      o make sortQuality a constexpr literal
      o use override
@@ -3903,7 +3903,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r1, LHCb v37r2 and Lbcom v15r2
   . Added counter for number of tracks produced by the forward tracking
   . Fixed bug on how preselection on pT is applied.
   . Fixed handling of the kickRange
-  . PatForwardTool: 
+  . PatForwardTool:
     o Added options for use of charge and momentum estimate from VeloTT
     o Trivial optimizations in control flow
     o use in-situ remove_if/erase instead of swapping between vectors when
@@ -3914,12 +3914,12 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r1, LHCb v37r2 and Lbcom v15r2
   . PatFwdFitLine, PatFwdFitParabola: declare final, remove virtual destructor
   . PatFwdTrackCandidate:
     o use perfect forwarding in  c'tor
-    o use default copy ctor, dtor, assignement, move ctor/assignment 
+    o use default copy ctor, dtor, assignement, move ctor/assignment
     o Compactify, add noexcept move assignment and copy c'tor
   . PatForward : factor out and optimize overlap count, clarify overlap logic
   . PatSeedingTool: replace loop by std::copy_if
   . PatSeedTool: various little fixes which do not hurt, but improve timing by
-    12% for PatSeeding and 5% for TrackBestTrackCreator, with marginal 
+    12% for PatSeeding and 5% for TrackBestTrackCreator, with marginal
     improvements to efficiencies and ghost rate of the Seeding
     o some code refactoring to increase code reuse
     o have a clear bail-out strategy for fits which do not converge, propagate
@@ -3935,12 +3935,12 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r1, LHCb v37r2 and Lbcom v15r2
 - In Tf/PatVeloTT v4r2
   . Add VDT dependency in CMakeLists.txt
-  . VeloTTHybrid: Completely rewritten implementation of VeloTT. New track 
+  . VeloTTHybrid: Completely rewritten implementation of VeloTT. New track
     finding. New Regions. New hybrid modes.
 - In Tf/TrackSys v9r1,
   . Add PrPixelStoreClusters to TrVeloSeq
-  . Add VPClusterLinker to MCLinksTrSeq 
+  . Add VPClusterLinker to MCLinksTrSeq
 - In Tr/TrackFitEvent v6r1
   . Adapted FTMeasurement to work with FTLiteClusters
@@ -3960,7 +3960,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r1, LHCb v37r2 and Lbcom v15r2
   . Follow removal of VPLite measurement (r170832, r170821).
 - In Tr/TrackTools v5r2
-  . VPExpectation: follow change in DeVPSensor::isInActiveArea return type 
+  . VPExpectation: follow change in DeVPSensor::isInActiveArea return type
     (r172319), remove support for obsolete geometry, clang-format
   . Remove VPLiteMeasurementProvider
   . Add VPMeasurementProvider
@@ -3997,13 +3997,13 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r1, LHCb v37r1 and Lbcom v15r1
     PrPlaneCounter, simplifications in PrGeometryTool
   . Added doxygen documentation to PrForwardTrack, replaced call by value by call
     by reference
-  . Added doxygen documentation to PrPlaneCounter, changed PrForwardTracking 
+  . Added doxygen documentation to PrPlaneCounter, changed PrForwardTracking
     to make it faster and more standardized
   . Changes in PrPlaneCounter which make it faster.
   . Fix unstable sorting in PrSeedingXLayers.
 - In Pr/PrMCTools v2r1, Pr/PrPixel v1r6, Tr/TrackMCTools v3r8
-  . Follow changes in VPCluster format and path 
+  . Follow changes in VPCluster format and path
 - In Pr/PrPixel v1r6
   . Store 3D point information when creating VPClusters.
@@ -4021,7 +4021,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r1, LHCb v37r1 and Lbcom v15r1
     received the wrong sensor column number (wrong grouping of integer divisions).
   . Simplified generic clustering code in PrPixelClustering
   . Use new features of DeVPSensor to speed up 3D point building.
-  . Additional various optimizations (cache global transforms, PrPixelModule 
+  . Additional various optimizations (cache global transforms, PrPixelModule
     object pool ...).
   . Added possibility to do clustering and 3D hit building directly from
     super pixel raw banks.
@@ -4042,7 +4042,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r1, LHCb v37r1 and Lbcom v15r1
     and fillStereoList into make_single_region
   . PatFwdTool: move check on B-field out of loop
   . various C++11 changes resulting in O(5%) speedup of PatForward in Hlt2.
-  . replace boost::array with C++11 std::array, BOOST_FOREACH with C++11 
+  . replace boost::array with C++11 std::array, BOOST_FOREACH with C++11
     range-based for, and boost::assign::list_of with C++11 list initializers
 - In Tr/TrackMonitors v2r1
@@ -4059,7 +4059,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v25r1, LHCb v37r1 and Lbcom v15r1
 </PRE><H1><A NAME=v16r0>2014-02-20 RecSys v16r0</A></H1><PRE>
 This version uses Gaudi v25r0, LHCb v37r0 and Lbcom v15r0
-Contains all changes that were used for Upgrade Tracking TDR results 
+Contains all changes that were used for Upgrade Tracking TDR results
 - Packages removed:  Pr/PrVL (obsolete)
 - Packages renamed:  Tf/PatPixel -> Pr/PrPixel
@@ -4079,16 +4079,16 @@ Contains all changes that were used for Upgrade Tracking TDR results
   . Removed unneeded calls to foiX and foiY in MuonIDAlg::setCoords.
     This optimisation should have no implications except for performance
-  . Fixed problem with ROOT 6 (https://sft.its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ROOT-5985): 
-    For non-muon probability use ROOT::Math::landau_cdf. User function land()    
-    removed. For muon probability continue to use TF1 integral, but now only 
-    call it if DLL_flag == 1. 
+  . Fixed problem with ROOT 6 (https://sft.its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ROOT-5985):
+    For non-muon probability use ROOT::Math::landau_cdf. User function land()
+    removed. For muon probability continue to use TF1 integral, but now only
+    call it if DLL_flag == 1.
 - In Muon/MuonInterfaces v1r6
-  . Protect against sqrt(-number) in MuonHit. 
+  . Protect against sqrt(-number) in MuonHit.
 - In Pr/PrAlgorithms v1r9
-  . Update in PrSeedingXLayers, to represent code used for Upgrade Tracking TDR. 
+  . Update in PrSeedingXLayers, to represent code used for Upgrade Tracking TDR.
   . Remove PrAddUTCoord, was replaced by PrAddUTHitsTool some time ago.
   . Fix several floating point exceptions
   . Add in small wrong side window.
@@ -4137,7 +4137,7 @@ Contains all changes that were used for Upgrade Tracking TDR results
   . Add support for Upgrade geometries to RichCKthetaBandsPhotonPredictor.
   . Remove some unused data members from RichPhotonRecoUsingCKEstiFromRadius.
-- In Rich/RichRecPhotonTools v1r13, 
+- In Rich/RichRecPhotonTools v1r13,
   . Adaptation for using a mixed set of PMTs (large+standard pixel size) in
     RICH2 for upgrade.
@@ -4196,17 +4196,17 @@ This version uses Gaudi v24r2, LHCb v36r4 and Lbcom v14r4
   .  python/CaloReco/Configuration.py : fix typo in CaloLines method.
 - In Muon/MuonID v9r8
-  . Avoid repeated calculation of index station * m_NRegion + region. 
-  . Fixes for the No M1 upgrade studies setup: a few bugs to correctly pick the 
-    station index and set FindQuality to false because Chi2MuIDTool is not yet 
-    fixed to no M1 case. 
+  . Avoid repeated calculation of index station * m_NRegion + region.
+  . Fixes for the No M1 upgrade studies setup: a few bugs to correctly pick the
+    station index and set FindQuality to false because Chi2MuIDTool is not yet
+    fixed to no M1 case.
 - In Pr/PrAlgorithms v1r8
   . Replace all 'Pat' track histories with 'Pr' track histories
   . Fix uninitialized pointers in various Pr Classes.
-  . Introduce PrMatch / PrMatchTool, which are at the moment just copies of 
+  . Introduce PrMatch / PrMatchTool, which are at the moment just copies of
     PatMatch / PatMatchTool.
-  . Introduce PrAddUTHitsTool, which is to replace PrAddUTCoord. The new tool is 
+  . Introduce PrAddUTHitsTool, which is to replace PrAddUTCoord. The new tool is
     basically a copy of the old one, but without keeping the non-uprade
     inheritance structure.
   . Put some speed improvements in PrSeedingXLayers
@@ -4216,14 +4216,14 @@ This version uses Gaudi v24r2, LHCb v36r4 and Lbcom v14r4
   . Fix initialize/finalize memory leak in PrHitManager
 - In Pr/PrMCTools v1r8
-  . PrCheatedVP: Follow change in channelToPoint syntax in DeVPSensor, 
+  . PrCheatedVP: Follow change in channelToPoint syntax in DeVPSensor,
     remove unused includes
 - In Pr/PrVeloUT v1r3
   . Fix uninitialized pointers in PrVeloUT, change track history to PrVeloUT
   . Changed number of hits from 8 to 4, pick up LastMeasurement state.
-- In Rec/LumiAlgs v9r0, Rich/RichRecSys v5r0, Tf/TrackSys v8r0 
+- In Rec/LumiAlgs v9r0, Rich/RichRecSys v5r0, Tf/TrackSys v8r0
   . Adapt to DecoderDB, this is a major change
 - In Rec/RecConf v2r15
@@ -4239,7 +4239,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v24r2, LHCb v36r4 and Lbcom v14r4
   . Fixed bug when making R cluster VELO tracks crossing sectors
 - In Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r29
-  . Fixed inconsistency PatFwdTool.cpp in fitStereoCandidate where a x layer 
+  . Fixed inconsistency PatFwdTool.cpp in fitStereoCandidate where a x layer
     was marked as a stereo layer.
 - In Tf/PatPixel v1r4
@@ -4259,7 +4259,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v24r2, LHCb v36r4 and Lbcom v14r4
   . Fixed eta range in TrackIPResolutionChecker
 - In Tr/TrackInterfaces v4r26
-  . Added IVPExpectation, which is a new interface to VP Expectation class 
+  . Added IVPExpectation, which is a new interface to VP Expectation class
   . Add IPrAddUTHitsTool.h, which is the new interface for the (renamed) tool
     that adds UT hits to long tracks.
   . Remove IAddUTClusterTool.h, as it was not used by any other class
@@ -4294,16 +4294,16 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r10, LHCb v36r3 and Lbcom v14r3
                            Spd/Prs  (NoSpdPrs = <False> flag)
 - In Calo/CaloReco v5r17
-  . python/CaloReco/*.py : 
+  . python/CaloReco/*.py :
     o possibility to set-up a configuration without active Spd/Prs
       (NoSpdPrs = <False> flag)
       . Configure the caloReco/Pids algorithms in order they don't access Prs/Spd
         detectorElement nor Digits
-      . Remove any component related to Prs/Spd in the reconstruction sequence : 
+      . Remove any component related to Prs/Spd in the reconstruction sequence :
         digits decoding via CaloDigitsConf, cluster filtering, photonID,
         pi0/gamma separation, neutral/charged ID
     o NoSpdPrs flag propagated to CaloPIDs configuration via CaloProcessor and
-      CaloDigitsConf configured with [Ecal,Hcal] only 
+      CaloDigitsConf configured with [Ecal,Hcal] only
   . src/CaloMergedPi0AlgAlg :  protect against accessing Prs/Spd digits when they
                                don't exist
@@ -4328,8 +4328,8 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r10, LHCb v36r3 and Lbcom v14r3
      without active Spd/Prs  (NoSpdPrs = <False> flag)
 - In Rec/RecAlgs v2r15
-  . TimingTuple: fix warning 
-    TimingTuple       WARNING TimingTuple:: Tuple 'TimingTuple' 'unsignedlong' has different sizes on 32/64 bit systems. Casting 'EventInSequence' to 'unsigned long long' 
+  . TimingTuple: fix warning
+    TimingTuple       WARNING TimingTuple:: Tuple 'TimingTuple' 'unsignedlong' has different sizes on 32/64 bit systems. Casting 'EventInSequence' to 'unsigned long long'
 - In Rec/RecConf v2r14
   . Configuration.py: Added lines to accommodate NoSpdPrs.
@@ -4338,8 +4338,8 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r10, LHCb v36r3 and Lbcom v14r3
   . RecMoniConf.py : adapt to change in CaloMoniDST
 - In Tf/FastVelo v1r13
-  . Fixed bug in container access in FastVeloHitManager.cpp when more than 
-    10k clusters in the event (needed for the pA data). 
+  . Fixed bug in container access in FastVeloHitManager.cpp when more than
+    10k clusters in the event (needed for the pA data).
 - In Tf/PatPixel v1r3
   . Changed default value of UseSlopeCorrection to False
@@ -4361,12 +4361,12 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r10, LHCb v36r2 and Lbcom v14r2
     Rich/RichRecMCAlgorithms v1r5, Rich/RichRecPhotonTools v1r12,
     Rich/RichRecQC v2r63, Rich/RichRecSys v4r8, Rich/RichRecTools v2r24,
     Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r28, Tf/PatPixel v1r2, Tf/PatVelo v3r30,
-    Tf/TrackSys v7r12, Tr/TrackFitEvent v5r24, Tr/TrackKernel v1r17, 
+    Tf/TrackSys v7r12, Tr/TrackFitEvent v5r24, Tr/TrackKernel v1r17,
     Tr/TrackMCTools v3r5, Tr/TrackMonitors v1r46, Tr/TrackTools v4r26,
     Velo/VeloRecMonitors v2r27
 - In Muon/MuonID v9r7
-  . Chi2MuIDTool: Fixed problem in addLHCbIDsToMuTrack when running without M1 
+  . Chi2MuIDTool: Fixed problem in addLHCbIDsToMuTrack when running without M1
   . Correct some comment lines
   . Change some printout from info to debug.
   . Adapt MuonIDAlg to work also in the no M1 setup.
@@ -4390,12 +4390,12 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r10, LHCb v36r2 and Lbcom v14r2
     Instead just print a warning.
 - In Rec/GlobalReco v6r45
-  . Update ChargedProtoParticleMoni and ChargedProtoParticleTupleAlg to not 
-    terminate the processing if the input Tracks or ProtoParticles are missing. 
+  . Update ChargedProtoParticleMoni and ChargedProtoParticleTupleAlg to not
+    terminate the processing if the input Tracks or ProtoParticles are missing.
     Instead just print a warning.
 - In Rec/LumiAlgs v8r2
-  . Fix bug in TimeAccounting.cpp to avoid writing multiple timeSpanFSRs 
+  . Fix bug in TimeAccounting.cpp to avoid writing multiple timeSpanFSRs
   . Update freezer input files to use existing files in eos
   . Update unit test references
   . Update db tags in tests
@@ -4415,10 +4415,10 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r10, LHCb v36r2 and Lbcom v14r2
 - In Rich/RichRecPhotonTools v1r12
   . Move some calculations from the event loop to initialize().
   . RichPhotonSignalGaussProb.{h,.cpp} updated to use with large Pixel PMTs
-  . Introduced a scalefactor for the pixel signal calculation so that one can 
-    give different weights to Rich2 signals compared to Rich1 signals for 
+  . Introduced a scalefactor for the pixel signal calculation so that one can
+    give different weights to Rich2 signals compared to Rich1 signals for
     example. This is applied only in the case of PMTs.
-  . Updated RichPhotonSignalGaussProb.cpp to support pmt reconstruction in 
+  . Updated RichPhotonSignalGaussProb.cpp to support pmt reconstruction in
     the RICH upgrade.
     Switches are set up so that it can run with hpd and pmt configurations.
   . Use vdt::fast_exp in PhotonSignalGaussProb.
@@ -4432,25 +4432,25 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r10, LHCb v36r2 and Lbcom v14r2
     when the DataType property is set to "Upgrade". Work in progress
 - In Rich/RichRecTools v2r24
-  . Minor fixes to RichTabulatedSignalDetectionEff.cpp and 
+  . Minor fixes to RichTabulatedSignalDetectionEff.cpp and
     RichNominalTabulatedSignalDetectionEff.cpp to use with pmts.
-  . Update RichRecBackgroundEstiAvHPD.cpp and 
-    RichNominalTabulatedSignalDetectionEff.cpp to support the RICH upgrade 
+  . Update RichRecBackgroundEstiAvHPD.cpp and
+    RichNominalTabulatedSignalDetectionEff.cpp to support the RICH upgrade
     reconstruction with pmts. Switches are set up that it can run with
     hpd configuration and pmt configuration.
 - In Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r28
-  . Fixed bug in PatSeedingTool which disabled protection against hot events 
+  . Fixed bug in PatSeedingTool which disabled protection against hot events
     in the OT when disabling protection against hot events in IT
 - In Tf/PatPixel v1r2
   . Renamed PatPixelSensor to PatPixelModule to reflect new geometry
   . Added flag to use slope dependent correction in position calculation or not
-  . Some cleanup in PatPixelTracking 
+  . Some cleanup in PatPixelTracking
   . Modifications for use with new XML and detector element hierarchy
   . Moved track extrapolation to PatPixelTracking
   . Temporarily removed trackUpstream method
-  . Moved position calculation to PatPixelHitManager 
+  . Moved position calculation to PatPixelHitManager
   . Removed printf statements from helper classes
   . Fix uninitialised counter in PatPixelHitManager.h
   . Removed some obsolete code/commented out PatPixelSensor code that is not used
@@ -4458,7 +4458,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r10, LHCb v36r2 and Lbcom v14r2
   . Follow VP detector element and channel ID changes (r162190, 162191)
   . Tracks fit on multiple scattering model, instead of a straight line,
     improves hit efficiency (and IP resolution as a result)
-  . Replace direct calls to DeVPSquareType 
+  . Replace direct calls to DeVPSquareType
 - In Tf/PatVelo v3r30
   . Fix clang32 warnings
@@ -4477,7 +4477,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r10, LHCb v36r2 and Lbcom v14r2
 - In Tr/TrackMonitors v1r46
   . Adding some additional verbose plotting to STEfficiency.
   . AlignmentOnlineMonitor should always run, not only offline.
-  . AlignmentOnlineMonitor : 
+  . AlignmentOnlineMonitor :
     o remove cout and fix compilation warning on gcc4.7
     o Produces residual plots to check the alignment in OnlineBrunel
   . ConfiguredTrackMonitors.py : Add  AlignmentOnlineMonitor to sequence
@@ -4501,7 +4501,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r9, LHCb v36r1 and Lbcom v14r1
 - Packages modified: Calo/CaloMoniDst v5r14, Calo/CaloTools v6r6,
     Muon/MuonID v9r6, Muon/MuonTrackAlign v1r10, Muon/MuonTrackMonitor v2r8,
     Muon/MuonTrackRec v3r9p1, Pr/PrAlgorithms v1r6, Pr/PrFitParams v1r3,
-    Pr/PrMCTools v1r5, Pr/PrVL v1r4, Pr/PrVeloUT v1r2, 
+    Pr/PrMCTools v1r5, Pr/PrVL v1r4, Pr/PrVeloUT v1r2,
     Rec/ChargedProtoANNPID v2r3, Rich/RichRecAlgorithms v2r20p1,
     Rich/RichRecPhotonTools v1r11, Rich/RichRecTools v4r23, Tf/FastVelo v1r12p1,
     Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r27, Tf/PatVelo v3r29, Tf/PatVeloTT v4r1,
@@ -4515,7 +4515,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r9, LHCb v36r1 and Lbcom v14r1
 - In Pr/PrVL v1r4
   . Reduce calls to phiOfStrip by pre-calculating R sector of each Phi hit
-  . Modifications of default parameters (in particular for space tracking) 
+  . Modifications of default parameters (in particular for space tracking)
 - In Pr/PrVeloUT v1r2
   . Reduced verbosity in PrVeloUTTool, use PrintVariables flag.
@@ -4559,8 +4559,8 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r9, LHCb v36r1 and Lbcom v14r1
     with direct call to SMatrix InvertChol() method. Fixes gcc48 warning
 - In Velo/VeloRecMonitors v2r26
-  . Added selection for overlap tracks with track quality cuts (ll 659). 
-  . Added different approach for left-right tracks. 
+  . Added selection for overlap tracks with track quality cuts (ll 659).
+  . Added different approach for left-right tracks.
     selectmethod 0: Select Left/Righttracks by direction of slope,
                  1: Select Left/Righttracks by number of hits in Velo Half,
     Left/Righttracks are tracks that have only hits in the left/right half.
@@ -4590,7 +4590,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r9, LHCb v36r1 and Lbcom v14r1
      Pr/PrVeloUT v1r2, Tf/PatVelo v3r29, Tr/TrackCheckers v4r18,
      Tr/TrackMonitors v1r45
-    FORWARD_NULL defects 
+    FORWARD_NULL defects
 - In Calo/CaloMoniDst v5r14, Muon/MuonID v9r6, Muon/MuonTrackAlign v1r10,
      Muon/MuonTrackMonitor v2r8, Tr/TrackMonitors v1r45
@@ -4663,7 +4663,7 @@ N.B.: Project dependencies have changed. Rec now depends on Lbcom
   . implemented a simple fixed-noise kalman filter to improve IP resolution
 - In Tf/PatVeloTT v4r0
-  . PatVeloTTTool by default now returns one track per velo candidate even if no 
+  . PatVeloTTTool by default now returns one track per velo candidate even if no
     TT match is found. Switch available to toggle previous behaviour
 - In Tf/TrackSys v7r11p1, Tr/TrackTools v4r24
@@ -4672,7 +4672,7 @@ N.B.: Project dependencies have changed. Rec now depends on Lbcom
 - In Tr/TrackKernel v1r14, v1r15
   . Fixed old bug in LHCb::TrackTraj::distTo1stError and
     LHCb::TrackTraj::distTo2ndError, exposed by fix below.
-  . Fixed operator precedence order issue for ? and + in 
+  . Fixed operator precedence order issue for ? and + in
     LHCb::TrackTraj::distTo1stError and LHCb::TrackTraj::distTo2ndError
   . Bugfix for VL.
@@ -4680,7 +4680,7 @@ N.B.: Project dependencies have changed. Rec now depends on Lbcom
   . Introduce return values in ghost classification tools (replace exception by
     status code in case of missing data on TES). Follows change in MCInterfaces
-- In Tr/TrackTools v4r24 
+- In Tr/TrackTools v4r24
   . Fixes to allow configurations without M1 (e.g. upgrade)
 - In Velo/VeloRecMonitors v2r25
@@ -4694,7 +4694,7 @@ N.B.: Project dependencies have changed. Rec now depends on Lbcom
 - In Calo/CaloReco v5r16p1, Muon/MuonTools v5r5, Pr/PrAlgorithms v1r5,
      Rec/LumiAlgs v8r1p2, Rec/RecoUpgrade v3r1p2, Rec/RecoUpgradeMC v2r1p1,
      Rich/RichHPDImageAnalysis v1r13p1, Rich/RichIFBAnalysis v1r4,
-     Rich/RichRecMCTools v2r31, Rich/RichRecTools v4r22, 
+     Rich/RichRecMCTools v2r31, Rich/RichRecTools v4r22,
      Rich/RichRecTrackTools v1r35, Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r26p2, Tf/PatVelo v3r28p1,
      Tf/TrackMatching v2r35p2, Tf/TrackSeeding v1r7p1, Tf/TsaAlgorithms v3r27p2,
      Tr/TrackMonitors v1r44p1, Tr/TrackTools v4r24, Tr/TrackUtils v1r52p1,
@@ -4710,13 +4710,13 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r7 and LHCb v35r6
     Rec/GlobalReco v6r44p1, Rec/LumiAlgs v8r1p1, Rec/RecAlgs v2r14,
     Rec/RecConf v2r13, Rec/RecoUpgrade v3r1p1, Rich/RichAlignment v1r8p1,
     Rich/RichENNRingFinder v1r5p1, Rich/RichParticleSearch v1r11p1,
-    Rich/RichRecQC v2r61p1, Rich/RichRecSys v4r7p1, 
-    Rich/RichRecTemplateRings v1r7, Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r26p1, 
+    Rich/RichRecQC v2r61p1, Rich/RichRecSys v4r7p1,
+    Rich/RichRecTemplateRings v1r7, Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r26p1,
     Tf/PatVeloTT v3r23p1, Tf/TfTools v1r18, Tf/TrackMatching v2r35p1,
     Tf/TrackSys v7r11, Tf/TsaAlgorithms v3r27p1, Tr/PatPV v3r26p1,
     Tr/TrackCheckers v4r16, Tr/TrackFitEvent v5r22, Tr/TrackFitter v4r10p1,
     Tr/TrackMonitors v1r44, Tr/TrackTools v4r23, Tr/TrackUtils v1r52,
-    Velo/VeloRecMonitors v2r24 
+    Velo/VeloRecMonitors v2r24
 - In Pr/PrAlgorithms v1r4
   . Added check for backward velo tracks in PrForwardTracking.
@@ -4724,7 +4724,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r7 and LHCb v35r6
 - In PrVL v1r1, v1r2
   . Fix for 2pi -> 0 transition in overlap region
   . put back check for overlap tracks
-  . modifications for compact design 
+  . modifications for compact design
 - In Rec/ChargedProtoANNPID v2r0, v2r1
   . Update the CMT and CMake configurations to only enable Neurobayes on
@@ -4752,11 +4752,11 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r7 and LHCb v35r6
   . Update ganga scripts to v6 series.
 - In Rec/RecConf v2r13
-  . Added checks if detector exists to monitoring sequence. 
+  . Added checks if detector exists to monitoring sequence.
   . Removed obsolete upgrade stuff in RecSysConf.
 - In Tf/TrackSys v7r11
-  . Replaced UpgradeBestTrackCreator by TrackBestTrackCreator in 
+  . Replaced UpgradeBestTrackCreator by TrackBestTrackCreator in
 - In Tr/TrackCheckers v4r16
@@ -4795,15 +4795,15 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r7 and LHCb v35r6
   . Fix clang32 compilation
 - In Hlt/HltMonitors v1r6p1, Muon/MuonID v9r5p1, Muon/MuonPIDChecker v5r4p1,
-     Muon/MuonTrackMonitor v2r7p1, Rec/ChargedProtoANNPID v2r0, 
+     Muon/MuonTrackMonitor v2r7p1, Rec/ChargedProtoANNPID v2r0,
      Rec/GlobalReco v6r44p1, Rec/LumiAlgs v8r1p1, Rec/RecConf v2r13,
      Rec/RecoUpgrade v3r1p1, Rich/RichAlignment v1r8p1,
      Rich/RichENNRingFinder v1r5p1, Rich/RichParticleSearch v1r11p1,
      Rich/RichRecQC v2r61p1, Rich/RichRecSys v4r7p1,
-     Rich/RichRecTemplateRings v1r7, Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r26p1, 
+     Rich/RichRecTemplateRings v1r7, Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r26p1,
      Tf/PatVeloTT v3r23p1, Tf/TrackMatching v2r35p1, Tf/TrackSys v7r11,
      Tf/TsaAlgorithms v3r27p1, Tr/PatPV v3r26p1, Tr/TrackFitter v4r10p1,
-     Tr/TrackMonitors v1r44, Velo/VeloRecMonitors v2r24 
+     Tr/TrackMonitors v1r44, Velo/VeloRecMonitors v2r24
   . Add __init__.py to please CMake
@@ -4839,7 +4839,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r7 and LHCb v35r5
   . Added support for TMVA based network tunings.
   . Updated preselection cut handling to support the new style text file based
     specification the training application now uses.
-  . Improved access to the RecSummary data object to prevent multiple loads from 
+  . Improved access to the RecSummary data object to prevent multiple loads from
     the TES each event.
   . Print some basic statistics of the ANNPID distributions during finalize,
     to help monitor for instabilities in the expert.
@@ -4853,7 +4853,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r7 and LHCb v35r5
 - In Tf/PatVeloTT v3r23
   . PatVeloTT can give momentum estimate to velo tracks
-  . PatVeloTT now uses PatVeloTTTool through ITrackFromTrack interface 
+  . PatVeloTT now uses PatVeloTTTool through ITrackFromTrack interface
   . PatVeloTTTool now implements ITracksFromTrack
 - In Tf/TrackSys v7r10
@@ -4866,7 +4866,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r7 and LHCb v35r5
   . Added PatMatch to upgrade sequence.
 - In Tr/TrackFitEvent v5r21
-  . Cleanup of VL measurements. 
+  . Cleanup of VL measurements.
 - In Tr/TrackMonitors v1r43
   . Minor changes to TrackParticleMonitor, including:
@@ -4898,7 +4898,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r6 and LHCb v35r4
      Rec/ChargedProtoANNPID v1r11, Rec/RecAlgs v2r12, Rec/RecConf v2r11,
      Rich/RichGlobalPID v3r20, Tf/FastPV v1r2, Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r26,
      Tf/PatVelo v3r28, Tf/PatVeloTT v3r22, Tf/TfTools v1r17,
-     Tf/TrackMatching v2r35, Tf/TrackSys v7r9, Tr/PatChecker v3r14, 
+     Tf/TrackMatching v2r35, Tf/TrackSys v7r9, Tr/PatChecker v3r14,
      Tr/PatPV v3r26, Tr/TrackAssociators v2r11, Tr/TrackCheckers v4r15,
      Tr/TrackFitEvent v5r20, Tr/TrackFitter v4r10, Tr/TrackMonitors v1r42,
      Tr/TrackProjectors v2r34, Tr/TrackTools v4r21, Tr/TrackUtils v1r50,
@@ -4936,9 +4936,9 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r6 and LHCb v35r4
     protections to handle default case and upgrade
 - In Rich/RichGlobalPID v3r20
-  . Add back an approximate log(exp(x)-1) implementation. Gains a signficant 
+  . Add back an approximate log(exp(x)-1) implementation. Gains a signficant
     speed up (factors of 3 or more) in the likehood.
-  . Add as "mathematica/Log(Exp(x)-1).nb" the mathematica workbook used to 
+  . Add as "mathematica/Log(Exp(x)-1).nb" the mathematica workbook used to
     compute the above approximation.
 - In Tf/FastPV v1r2
@@ -4965,7 +4965,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r6 and LHCb v35r4
 - In Tr/PatChecker v3r14
   . Include UT hits in PatLHCbID2MCParticle
-  . Change the name of the OTHitCreator from Tf::OTHitCreator to OTHitCreator in 
+  . Change the name of the OTHitCreator from Tf::OTHitCreator to OTHitCreator in
 - In Tr/PatPV v3r26
@@ -4988,13 +4988,13 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r6 and LHCb v35r4
 - In Tr/TrackFitter v4r10
   . Added check for available upgrade detectors. It sets the correct
 	  measurement providers.
-  . Added VL measurements to the TrackMasterFitter. 
-  . Changed structure of hittype map so that it reflects the measurements 
+  . Added VL measurements to the TrackMasterFitter.
+  . Changed structure of hittype map so that it reflects the measurements
     defined in Measurement.h
 - In Tr/TrackMonitors v1r42
   . Add UT Monitor.
-  . Rebuilding of STEfficiency that is working with TT now. 
+  . Rebuilding of STEfficiency that is working with TT now.
   . Fix bin number computed in histoBin of TTTrackMonitor.
 - In Tr/TrackProjectors v2r34
@@ -5015,7 +5015,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r6 and LHCb v35r4
   . Change the name of the OTHitCreator in TrackHitAdder
 - In Velo/VeloRecMonitors v2r23
-  . Update in VeloTrackMonitorNT: add ntuple for eta study and other small 
+  . Update in VeloTrackMonitorNT: add ntuple for eta study and other small
     changes (clean up of the code, delete duplication in the variables)
 </PRE><H1><A NAME=v14r3>2012-11-29 RecSys v14r3</A></H1><PRE>
@@ -5033,7 +5033,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r5 and LHCb v35r3
     Rec/LumiAlgs v8r1, Rec/RecAlgs v2r11, Rec/RecoUpgrade v3r1,
     Rec/RecoUpgradeMC v2r1, Rich/RichAlignment v1r8, Rich/RichGlobalPID v3r19,
     Rich/RichHPDImageAnalysis v1r13, Rich/RichRecAlgorithms v2r20,
-    Rich/RichRecMCAlgorithms v1r4, Rich/RichRecMonitors v2r34, 
+    Rich/RichRecMCAlgorithms v1r4, Rich/RichRecMonitors v2r34,
     Rich/RichRecPhotonTools v1r10, Rich/RichRecQC v2r61, Rich/RichRecSys v4r7,
     Rich/RichRecTools v4r21, Rich/RichRecTrackTools v1r34, Tf/FastVelo v1r12,
     Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r25, Tf/TrackMatching v2r34, Tf/TrackSys v7r8,
@@ -5041,7 +5041,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r5 and LHCb v35r3
     Tr/TrackCheckers v4r14, Tr/TrackExtrapolators v2r33, Tr/TrackFitter v4r9,
     Tr/TrackIdealPR v2r20, Tr/TrackMCTools v3r3, Tr/TrackMonitors v1r41,
     Tr/TrackProjectors v2r33, Tr/TrackTools v4r20, Tr/TrackUtils v1r49,
-    Velo/VeloRecMonitors v2r22 
+    Velo/VeloRecMonitors v2r22
 - In CaloPIDs v5r13
   . In CaloTrack2IDAlg, return Error from initialize if undefined Input, removes
@@ -5099,40 +5099,40 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r5 and LHCb v35r3
   . Add method to clear the cache in TrackStateProvider
   . Add more states to Downstream tracks in TrackStateProvider
-- In CaloMoniDst v5r13, CaloPIDs v5r13, CaloReco v5r16, LumiAlgs v8r1, 
+- In CaloMoniDst v5r13, CaloPIDs v5r13, CaloReco v5r16, LumiAlgs v8r1,
      RichRecQC v2r61, RichRecSys v4r7, TrackSys v7r8, TsaAlgorithms v3r27
   . Remove setting of MeasureTime=true
     Should not be the default, and should in any case use TimingAuditor.
 - In HltMonitors v1r6, PrMCTools v1r1, GlobalReco v6r44, RecAlgs v2r11,
      TrackMonitors v1r41, TrackTools v4r20, TrackUtils v1r49,
-     VeloRecMonitors v2r22 
+     VeloRecMonitors v2r22
   . Use getIfExists instead of separate exist and get calls
-- In CaloMoniDst v5r13, CaloPIDs v5r13, HltMonitors v1r6, MuonPIDChecker v5r4, 
-     MuonTools v5r4, MuonTrackAlign v1r9, PrKernel v1r1, PrMCTools v1r1, 
+- In CaloMoniDst v5r13, CaloPIDs v5r13, HltMonitors v1r6, MuonPIDChecker v5r4,
+     MuonTools v5r4, MuonTrackAlign v1r9, PrKernel v1r1, PrMCTools v1r1,
      ChargedProtoANNPID v1r9, LumiAlgs v8r1, RecAlgs v2r11, RecoUpgrade v3r1,
-     RecoUpgradeMC v2r1, TrackMatching v2r34, TsaAlgorithms v3r27, 
-     PatFitParams v4r2, TrackAssociators v2r10, TrackCheckers v4r14, 
+     RecoUpgradeMC v2r1, TrackMatching v2r34, TsaAlgorithms v3r27,
+     PatFitParams v4r2, TrackAssociators v2r10, TrackCheckers v4r14,
      TrackExtrapolators v2r33, TrackIdealPR v2r20, TrackMonitors v1r41,
      TrackProjectors v2r33, TrackTools v4r20, TrackUtils v1r49,
-     VeloRecMonitors v2r22 
+     VeloRecMonitors v2r22
   . Fix gcc -pedantic warnings
-- In CaloMoniDst v5r13, CaloReco v5r16, PrMCTools v1r1, LumiAlgs v8r1, 
-     RichAlignment v1r8, FastVelo v1r12, PatAlgorithms v4r25, 
+- In CaloMoniDst v5r13, CaloReco v5r16, PrMCTools v1r1, LumiAlgs v8r1,
+     RichAlignment v1r8, FastVelo v1r12, PatAlgorithms v4r25,
      TsaAlgorithms v3r27, PatFitParams v4r2, TrackAssociators v2r10,
-     TrackTools v4r20, TrackUtils v1r49, VeloRecMonitors v2r22 
+     TrackTools v4r20, TrackUtils v1r49, VeloRecMonitors v2r22
   . Fix coverity defects
 - In HltMonitors v1r6, MuonID v9r5, MuonPIDChecker v5r4, MuonTools v5r4,
      MuonTrackRec v3r8, ChargedProtoANNPID v1r9, RichGlobalPID v3r19,
-     RichRecAlgorithms v2r20, RichRecMonitors v2r34, RichRecPhotonTools v1r10, 
-     RichRecQC v2r61, RichRecTools v4r21, RichRecTrackTools v1r34, 
-     PatAlgorithms v4r25, TrackMatching v2r34, TsaAlgorithms v3r27, 
+     RichRecAlgorithms v2r20, RichRecMonitors v2r34, RichRecPhotonTools v1r10,
+     RichRecQC v2r61, RichRecTools v4r21, RichRecTrackTools v1r34,
+     PatAlgorithms v4r25, TrackMatching v2r34, TsaAlgorithms v3r27,
      PatFitParams v4r2, TrackCheckers v4r14, TrackFitter v4r9,
      TrackIdealPR v2r20, TrackMCTools v3r3, TrackMonitors v1r41,
-     TrackTools v4r20, TrackUtils v1r49, VeloRecMonitors v2r22 
+     TrackTools v4r20, TrackUtils v1r49, VeloRecMonitors v2r22
   . Fix build with C++11
 - In PrMCTools v1r1, TrackIdealPR v2r20, TrackProjectors v2r33
@@ -5144,7 +5144,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r5 and LHCb v35r3
 - In RecAlgs v2r11, TrackAssociators v2r10, TrackTools v4r20, TrackUtils v1r49
   . Remove finalize() in derived classes if it only calls the base class
-- In ChargedProtoANNPID v1r9, TrackMonitors v1r41, VeloRecMonitors v2r22 
+- In ChargedProtoANNPID v1r9, TrackMonitors v1r41, VeloRecMonitors v2r22
   . Add missing dependency on Event/MCEvent
 </PRE><H1><A NAME=v14r2>2012-10-03 RecSys v14r2</A></H1><PRE>
@@ -5199,7 +5199,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r4 and LHCb v35r2
     (temporary hack in v2r8, removed in v2r9, needed for Reco13e/Reco13f/Reco14)
 - In RecoUpgrade v3r0, RecoUpgradeMC v2r0, PatVeloTT v3r20, TrackCheckers v4r13,
-     TrackFitEvent v5r18, TrackMCTools v3r2, TrackProjectors v2r32, 
+     TrackFitEvent v5r18, TrackMCTools v3r2, TrackProjectors v2r32,
      TrackTools v4r19
   . Rename VeloPix to VP
@@ -5215,7 +5215,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r4 and LHCb v35r2
   . Modifications in DebugTrackingLosses to debug Velo Pixel tracking losses
 - In TrackTools v4r19, v4r18, v4r17, v4r16
-  . TrackNNGhostID + TMVA weight file: 
+  . TrackNNGhostID + TMVA weight file:
     + Add tuning for MC2012, only for long tracks, add switch to chose tuning.
     + Add tuning for Reco14, for use in postReco14 or in DaVinci on Reco14 data.
   . TrackNNGhostID:
@@ -5325,7 +5325,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r3 and LHCb v35r1
 - In MuonID v9r4p1
   . Fixed access out of array bounds
 </PRE><H1><A NAME=v14r0>2012-06-26 RecSys v14r0</A></H1><PRE>
 This version uses Gaudi v23r3 and LHCb v35r0
@@ -5334,7 +5334,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r3 and LHCb v35r0
 - Packages updated: Calo/CaloMoniDst v5r12,  Calo/CaloReco v5r15,
     Muon/MuonTools v5r3, Rec/ChargedProtoANNPID v1r7, Rec/LumiAlgs v7r7,
     Rec/RecAlgs v2r9, Rich/RichParticleSearch v1r9, Rich/RichRecQC v2r58,
-    Rich/RichRecSys v4r6, Tf/FastVelo v1r10, Tf/TrackSys v7r4, 
+    Rich/RichRecSys v4r6, Tf/FastVelo v1r10, Tf/TrackSys v7r4,
     Tr/PatChecker v3r12, Tr/TrackMonitors v1r38p1, Tr/TrackUtils v1r47,
     VeloRecMonitors v2r19
@@ -5487,7 +5487,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r2 and LHCb v34r3
   . PatMatchTool, PatDownstream : Added option MinMomentum and MinPt
     to reject tracks with a certain momentum.
   . PatMatchTool: Make the name of the tool that adds the TT hits a property
-  . PatAddTTCoord: Adapting parameters to optimal values found in MC11a and 
+  . PatAddTTCoord: Adapting parameters to optimal values found in MC11a and
     fixing the slope at zMSPoint instead of TTField in the chi2 fit.
   . PatDownstream: Added options to set the output location of the matching and
     forward tracking in PatDownstream. Now used seeds and tt hits can be removed
@@ -5511,7 +5511,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r2 and LHCb v34r3
     TrackPrepareVelo (temporarily?).
 - In TrackUtils v1r46
-  . Added TrackBestTrackCreator. 
+  . Added TrackBestTrackCreator.
     Current version has a cut at chi2=3, and no dqop cut
 </PRE><H1><A NAME=v13r2>2012-03-28 RecSys v13r2</A></H1><PRE>
@@ -5520,7 +5520,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r2 and LHCb v34r2
 - Production release for initial 2012 data taking
 - Packages updated: Calo/CaloPIDs v5r12, Muon/MuonID v9r4, Rec/GlobalReco v6r41,
-    Rec/LumiAlgs v7r5, Rec/RecAlgs v2r7, Rich/RichParticleSearch v1r6, 
+    Rec/LumiAlgs v7r5, Rec/RecAlgs v2r7, Rich/RichParticleSearch v1r6,
     Tf/FastPV v1r0p1, Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r20, Tf/PatVelo v3r26,
     Tf/PatVeloTT v3r18, Tf/TrackSeeding v1r6, Tf/TsaAlgorithms v3r26,
     Tf/PatPV v3r23, Tf/TrackFitEvent v5r16, Tr/TrackFitter v4r7,
@@ -5675,7 +5675,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r1 and LHCb v34r1
 - In Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r18
   . PatDownstream: make sure we copy all three states in T to help the fast fit
     in HLT
-  . PatForwardTool: 
+  . PatForwardTool:
     o Changed parametrisation of first search window in x.
       Required to add property "MagnetKickParams" to PatForwardTool.
     o Bug fix in PatForward in part which uses momentum estimate.
@@ -5789,7 +5789,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r0 and LHCb v34r0
     the tracking TrackStateProvider tool, instead of extrapolators.
 - In PatAlgorithms v4r17
-  . PatMatchTool: 
+  . PatMatchTool:
     o Make sure we copy all three states in T to help the fast fit in HLT
     o Clean up and streamline the code somewhat while we're at it;
       one minor change in behaviour: if momentum estimate tool fails (as far as I
@@ -5814,7 +5814,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v23r0 and LHCb v34r0
     not being updated
 - In TrackFitEvent v5r13
-  . Fix problem in reinterpret_cast that only appears in optimization in 
+  . Fix problem in reinterpret_cast that only appears in optimization in
   . Make sure chi2 cache of trackfitresult is invalidated if a measurement is
@@ -5949,7 +5949,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v22r5 and LHCb v33r2
   . Fix a wrong length string, was causing a memory corruption on occasions
     when running debug version of Brunel.
   . New algorithm VertexChecker to measure the performance of vertexing
-  . New type of tracks monitored in TrackEffChecker: 
+  . New type of tracks monitored in TrackEffChecker:
     Tracks with IP between 1 and 2 mm
 - In TrackProjectors v2r29p3
@@ -5976,7 +5976,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v22r5 and LHCb v33r2
 - In MuonID v9r3, MuonTools v5r2p2, MuonTrackRec v3r6p1, LumiAlgs v7r2,
      RecoUpgradeMC v1r3p1, RichGlobalPID v3r18, RichRecStereoTools v1r8p1,
-     FastVelo v1r6, PatAlgorithms v4r16, PatVelo v3r25p2, PatVeloTT v3r16, 
+     FastVelo v1r6, PatAlgorithms v4r16, PatVelo v3r25p2, PatVeloTT v3r16,
      TrackMatching v2r33p1, TsaAlgorithms v3r25p1, TrackExtrapolators v2r32p1,
      TrackTools v4r10, TrackUtils v1r43p1, VeloRecMonitors v2r16
   . Fix gcc4.6 warnings
@@ -5997,7 +5997,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v22r5 and LHCb v33r1
 - Packages updated: CaloPIDs v5r10, MuonID v9r2, MuonTrackRec v3r6,
     GlobalReco v6r39, LumiAlgs v7r1, RecConf v2r4, RichHPDImageAnalysis v1r10,
-    RichRecMonitors v2r32, RichRecQC v2r55, RichRecTools v4r19, 
+    RichRecMonitors v2r32, RichRecQC v2r55, RichRecTools v4r19,
     PatAlgorithms v4r15, TfTools v1r15p1, TsaAlgorithms v3r25,
     TrackExtrapolators v2r32, TrackFitEvent v5r12, TrackMCTools v3r1,
     TrackMonitors v1r35, TrackProjectors v2r29p2, TrackTools v4r9
@@ -6085,8 +6085,8 @@ This version uses Gaudi v22r4 and LHCb v33r0
     MuonTrackMonitor v2r4, LumiAlgs v7r0, RecAlgs v2r6, RecConf v2r3,
     RichAlignment v1r5, RichENNRingFinder v1r4, RichGlobalPID v3r17,
     RichHPDImageAnalysis v1r9, RichParticleSearch v1r4, RichRecAlgorithms v2r19,
-    RichRecQC v2r54, RichRecSys v4r4, RichRecTemplateRings v1r5, 
-    RichRecTools v4r18, RichRecTrackTools v1r31, TrackMonitors v1r34, 
+    RichRecQC v2r54, RichRecSys v4r4, RichRecTemplateRings v1r5,
+    RichRecTools v4r18, RichRecTrackTools v1r31, TrackMonitors v1r34,
     TrackSys v7r0, TrackTools v4r8, PatPV v3r20, VeloRecMonitors v1r34
 - In Calo/CaloMoniDst v5r9
@@ -6094,7 +6094,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v22r4 and LHCb v33r0
 - In Calo/CaloReco v5r12
   . fix tracks list reset in CaloProcessor.XXSequence when called from CaloLines
-  . python/Configuration.py: 
+  . python/Configuration.py:
     o remove dependency on GlobalRecoConf (was producing loop in configurable).
     o TrackTypes & TrackCuts is now private property currently with the same
       default as in GlobalRecoConf
@@ -6104,7 +6104,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v22r4 and LHCb v33r0
   . Implemented IsMuonTight, which is IsMuon requiring hits with x,y crossing.
     Option UseUncrossed does not affect IsMuonLoose or IsMuon or IsMuonTight
-  . Remove use of random weights for IsMuon or IsMuonLoose. Keep, however, 
+  . Remove use of random weights for IsMuon or IsMuonLoose. Keep, however,
     weight 0 for hits in M4 if p<3.5 GeV and hits in M5 if p<4.2 GeV.
     Property Weight_flag continues in database, bit is not used anymore.
@@ -6131,7 +6131,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v22r4 and LHCb v33r0
     o Protect a few debug()
   . GetLumiParameters.cpp: Bug #85240
     o Rename method init(..) to initialise and push the properties passed to that
-      method to this class. Change LumiCheckCondDB and 
+      method to this class. Change LumiCheckCondDB and
       GetIntegratedLuminosity.cpp accordingly.
     o Move UseOnline property to tool in LumiIntegratorConf
   . GetLumiParameters and GetIntegratedLuminosity.cpp:
@@ -6217,12 +6217,12 @@ This version uses Gaudi v22r4 and LHCb v33r0
 </PRE><H1><A NAME=v11r6>2011-07-27 RecSys v11r6</A></H1><PRE>
 This version uses Gaudi v22r2 and LHCb v32r5
-- Production release for 2011 August data, 
+- Production release for 2011 August data,
              developments for 2011 MC and end of year reprocessing
 - Packages updated: CaloMoniDst v5r8, CaloReco v5r11, HltMonitors v1r4,
     MuonID v9r0p2, MuonTrackMonitor v2r3, ChargedProtoANNPID v1r5,
-    GlobalReco v6r38, LumiAlgs v6r1, RecAlgs v2r5, RecConf v2r2, 
+    GlobalReco v6r38, LumiAlgs v6r1, RecAlgs v2r5, RecConf v2r2,
     RichAlignment v1r4, RichENNRingFinder v1r3, RichGlobalPID v3r16,
     RichHPDImageAnalysis v1r8, RichRecQC v2r53, RichRecStereoTools v1r8,
     RichRecSys v4r3, RichRecTrackTools v1r30, PatAlgorithms v4r14,
@@ -6258,7 +6258,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v22r2 and LHCb v32r5
 - In Rec/RecAlgs v2r5
   . Add "Hlt" to the list of sub-systems ProcStatAbortMoni knows about
-- In Rec/RecConf v2r2 
+- In Rec/RecConf v2r2
   . Propagate "Simulation" flag to RichRecQCConf Configurable.
 - In Rich/RichAlignment v1r4, Rich/RichHPDImageAnalysis v1r8
@@ -6339,7 +6339,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v22r2 and LHCb v32r5
   . TrackVertexMonitor: introduce cutoff for IP profiles to be more sensitive
                         to mean
-- In Velo/VeloRecMonitors v2r14 
+- In Velo/VeloRecMonitors v2r14
   . Fixed integer division bug in new occpancy vs. BCID code
   . Re-implementation of occupancy per bunch crossing ID in
     VeloOccupancyMonitor: much cleaner code and fixes a bug that caused these
@@ -6352,7 +6352,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v22r2 and LHCb v32r5
      Rich/RichRecStereoTools v1r8, Rich/RichRecTrackTools v1r30,
      Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r14, Tf/TfTools v1r15, Tr/TrackExtrapolators v2r31,
      Tr/TrackMonitors v1r33, Tr/TrackTools v4r7, Tr/TrackUtils v1r43,
-     Velo/VeloRecMonitors v2r14 
+     Velo/VeloRecMonitors v2r14
   . Create debug(), verbose() messages only when output level requires it
 - In Calo/CaloMoniDst v5r8, Muon/MuonTrackMonitor v2r3, Tf/PatAlgorithms v4r14,
@@ -6386,11 +6386,11 @@ This version uses Gaudi v22r2 and LHCb v32r3
 - This is a development version of Rec, for use with 2011 data.
-- Modified packages: CaloPIDs v5r9, CaloReco v5r9, MuonID v8r1, 
+- Modified packages: CaloPIDs v5r9, CaloReco v5r9, MuonID v8r1,
     MuonTrackMonitor v2r2, MuonTrackRec v3r5, GlobalReco v6r37, LumiAlgs v5r1,
     RecoUpgrade v2r2, RecoUpgradeMC v1r3, RichAlignment v1r3,
     RichHPDImageAnalysis v1r7, RichParticleSearch v1r1, RichRecQC v2r50,
-    RichRecTools v4r16, RichRecTrackTools v1r28, TrackFitEvent v5r9, 
+    RichRecTools v4r16, RichRecTrackTools v1r28, TrackFitEvent v5r9,
     TrackTools v4r5
 - In CaloPIDs v5r9
@@ -6482,7 +6482,7 @@ This version uses Gaudi v22r1 and LHCb v32r2
     which was duplicated 5 times or so in the code.
   . Move 0-protection check to 1e-30 and ensure consistency
   . Fixed debug printout, only prepare string if debug is required.
-  . Fixed bug in MuonIDAlg: 
+  . Fixed bug in MuonIDAlg:
     Null ProbMu and ProbNonMu in method calcMuonLL_tanhdist_landau
     Change to low value to avoid log(ProbMu) and log(ProbNonMu) divergence.
   . Move WARNING message during initialize to INFO
@@ -6578,8 +6578,8 @@ This version uses Gaudi v22r1 and LHCb v32r1p1
 - The L0TCK major version has increased requiring a
   L0DU (Lbcom) and Rec/LumiAlgs v5r0p1 patch
-- The RecHeader now also holds for each event a string of the 
-  raw file GUID, required before we can use conditions to 
+- The RecHeader now also holds for each event a string of the
+  raw file GUID, required before we can use conditions to
   perform DQ checks, This is filled by RecInit in Rec/RecAlgs v2r2
 - Minor changes were also made to Tr/TrackMonitors v3r31
@@ -6601,15 +6601,15 @@ Highlights:
  - Tr/TrackTools, roll back of error parameterisation to DC06 settings
                   new MC10 parameterisation is under study
  - Tr/TrackSys, make 2011 the default datatype
- - Rec/LumiAlgs, 
-      . move database access to a tool, "GetLumiParameters" 
+ - Rec/LumiAlgs,
+      . move database access to a tool, "GetLumiParameters"
         used by LumiIntegrateFSR, LumiCheckCondDB
       . add usage of online partition for LHC parameters (filling scheme) and TCK
         dependent parameters (e.g. rate limiters)
       . update unit tests using new pinned input files
       . update requirements file to enable TCK and online partition
-Otherwise many minor cosmetic changes, including the start of the campaign to 
+Otherwise many minor cosmetic changes, including the start of the campaign to
 suppress the many icc warnings, remarks, and coverity defects in Rec.
 For more details, links to changesets and bugs, see:
@@ -6665,7 +6665,7 @@ https://lhcb-tag-collector.web.cern.ch/lhcb-tag-collector/display.html?project=R
 </PRE><H1><A NAME=v10r6>2010-12-16 RecSys v10r6</A></H1><PRE>
 This version uses Gaudi v21r11 and LHCb v31r8
-- Development releases for 2011. 
+- Development releases for 2011.
 - Many changes in underlying packages, new LHCb version
 - Retire the package Rich/RichMarkovRingFinder
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes/v21r5.md b/ReleaseNotes/v21r5.md
index d1bccae201b9a2234bbbe6ecf6555269ae3e15d3..695c47fc560017c7195c7e30f4b7905b3f2a9529 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes/v21r5.md
+++ b/ReleaseNotes/v21r5.md
@@ -2,19 +2,19 @@
 This version uses Gaudi v28r2, LHCb v42r5 and Lbcom v20r5 (and LCG_88 with ROOT 6.08.06)
-This version is released on `2017-patches` branch. 
+This version is released on `2017-patches` branch.
 ## Change to release notes format
-**As from this release, the file `LbcomSys/doc/release.notes` is frozen**  
+**As from this release, the file `LbcomSys/doc/release.notes` is frozen**
 Instead, there will be a file per release in the new `ReleaseNotes` directory. e.g. this file is called `ReleaseNotes/v21r5.md`
 ## New features
-**[MR !629, !602, !634] Add Yandex PID classifiers to ANNPID**  
+**[MR !629, !602, !634] Add Yandex PID classifiers to ANNPID**
 See LBPID-27
 ## Bug fixes
-**[MR !642, !641] Fix for use of `DecayTreeFitter` on 2015/2016 turbo**  
+**[MR !642, !641] Fix for use of `DecayTreeFitter` on 2015/2016 turbo**
 On turbo 2015/2016 there are only two states on the track, namely at the beamline and at rich2. For the trajectory approximation used in DTF for Long-Long Ks, this is not enough. Add a state at the end of the Velo.
 **[MR !623] ProtoParticle Moni : Fix the conversion of the track type enum to string**
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes/v21r6.md b/ReleaseNotes/v21r6.md
index 390c2d8830cc920d3fc4ff4ee78f963173af39b2..e896b48e565a28d770c60d77e64fd983af9d6233 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes/v21r6.md
+++ b/ReleaseNotes/v21r6.md
@@ -2,21 +2,21 @@
 This version uses Gaudi v28r2, LHCb v42r6 and Lbcom v20r6 (and LCG_88 with ROOT 6.08.06)
-This version is released on `2017-patches` branch. 
+This version is released on `2017-patches` branch.
 ## New features
-**[MR !707] Add the MVATool to compute and store a BDT variable in the MuonPID**  
+**[MR !707] Add the MVATool to compute and store a BDT variable in the MuonPID**
-**[MR !724] RichCKResolutionFitter - Add hyperbolic background option**  
-For use online during the refractive index calibration  
+**[MR !724] RichCKResolutionFitter - Add hyperbolic background option**
+For use online during the refractive index calibration
-**[MR !691] Add standalone CK resolution fitter utility**  
-Allows Cherenkov resolution fit used in Panoptes for the online refractive index calibration to be reused in other scenarios, like DQ monitoring or the alignment  
+**[MR !691] Add standalone CK resolution fitter utility**
+Allows Cherenkov resolution fit used in Panoptes for the online refractive index calibration to be reused in other scenarios, like DQ monitoring or the alignment
 ## Code improvements
-**[MR !668, !674, !682] Refactor of TrackVectorFit**  
+**[MR !668, !674, !682] Refactor of TrackVectorFit**
 No changes to physics performance
 **[MR !646] Fix code ndentation warnings in yPID**
@@ -24,19 +24,19 @@ No changes to physics performance
 ## Bug fixes
-**[MR !707] Fix bug in MuonID upgrade configuration, that was overestimating the efficiency**  
+**[MR !707] Fix bug in MuonID upgrade configuration, that was overestimating the efficiency**
-**[MR !700] Fix TrackStateProvider trackID method to only use track memory address**  
-Improves the way the unique track ID is computed. The previous implementation did not always produce a unique ID  
+**[MR !700] Fix TrackStateProvider trackID method to only use track memory address**
+Improves the way the unique track ID is computed. The previous implementation did not always produce a unique ID
 ## Monitoring changes
-**[MR !693] Reduce CaloReco verbosity**  
+**[MR !693] Reduce CaloReco verbosity**
-**[MR !676] Add RICH per PD Cherenkov resolution plots**  
-Disabled by default    
+**[MR !676] Add RICH per PD Cherenkov resolution plots**
+Disabled by default
 ## Changes to tests
-**[MR !703, !656] Increase lumi9mergesmallfiles VMEM test failure threshold to 1.5 GB, to avoid false alarms**  
+**[MR !703, !656] Increase lumi9mergesmallfiles VMEM test failure threshold to 1.5 GB, to avoid false alarms**
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes/v21r6p1.md b/ReleaseNotes/v21r6p1.md
index 1cce57cbf5a2e4255f84fb57038ed2de04027f6b..460d06d323079997dea354301cebe10f2bf9c0f4 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes/v21r6p1.md
+++ b/ReleaseNotes/v21r6p1.md
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
 This version uses Gaudi v28r2, LHCb v42r6p1 and Lbcom v20r6p1 (and LCG_88 with ROOT 6.08.06)
-This version is released on `2017-patches` branch. 
+This version is released on `2017-patches` branch.
 ## Bug fixes
-**[MR !707] Fix MuonID compilation warnings in clang and gcc7**  
+**[MR !707] Fix MuonID compilation warnings in clang and gcc7**
-**[MR !738] RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms - Add out of bounds checks**  
-Add some additional checks to make sure no out-of-bounds read access to vectors are performed in PixelBackgroundsEstiAvHPD, related to MR LHCb!873  
+**[MR !738] RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms - Add out of bounds checks**
+Add some additional checks to make sure no out-of-bounds read access to vectors are performed in PixelBackgroundsEstiAvHPD, related to MR LHCb!873
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes/v22r0.md b/ReleaseNotes/v22r0.md
index ca0d7957b671fbffb041e93713825bb029b9bfd9..baf456ec373d29a154d8ab6adb6eac36ffe85c7d 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes/v22r0.md
+++ b/ReleaseNotes/v22r0.md
@@ -5,43 +5,43 @@ This version uses Gaudi v28r2, LHCb v43r0 and Lbcom v21r0 (and LCG_88 with ROOT
 This version is released on `master` branch. The previous release on `master` branch  was `Rec v21r3`. This release contains all the changes that were made in `Rec v21r4` and `Rec v21r5` (released on `2017-patches` branch, see corresponding release notes), as well as the additional changes described in this file.
 ## Change to compiler support
-**As from this release, support for gcc49 is dropped**  
+**As from this release, support for gcc49 is dropped**
 This means that C++14 is now fully supported
 ## Thread safety
 **[MR !593] Make TMVA NN in PrForward stateless**
 ## Code optimisations
-**[MR !572] Rich MaPMT improvements following [LHCb!618]**  
+**[MR !572] Rich MaPMT improvements following [LHCb!618]**
 **[MR !598] Rich: adapt to streamlining of TrackSegment of LHCb!691, removing the segment type**
 ## Bug fixes and cleanups
-**[MR !644] Fixed typo in CaloPi0Monitor leading to bad photon counts** 
+**[MR !644] Fixed typo in CaloPi0Monitor leading to bad photon counts**
-**[MR !637] Fixed logging of lack of vertices in VeloIPResolutionMonitor**  
+**[MR !637] Fixed logging of lack of vertices in VeloIPResolutionMonitor**
 In case an empty set was in the TES, nothing was reported
 **[MR !579] PrFitPolinomial: fixed compilation warning that could have lead to memory corruption**
-**[MR !576] Fix old RICH pixel sorting**  
+**[MR !576] Fix old RICH pixel sorting**
 Fixes an issue with the pixel sorting in the old RICH sequence, that affects the Upgrade productions only.
 **[MR !625] Ignore some warnings coming from the Boost library**
 ## Code modernisations
-**[MR !639] Modernize for Gaudi::Property in Muon**  
-**[MR !631] Modernize for Gaudi::Property in Hlt**  
-**[MR !627, !633] Modernize for Gaudi::Property in Calo**  
-**[MR !611] Modernize TrackExtrapolators**  
-**[MR !618] Replace StaticArray with boost::container::static_vector**  
+**[MR !639] Modernize for Gaudi::Property in Muon**
+**[MR !631] Modernize for Gaudi::Property in Hlt**
+**[MR !627, !633] Modernize for Gaudi::Property in Calo**
+**[MR !611] Modernize TrackExtrapolators**
+**[MR !618] Replace StaticArray with boost::container::static_vector**
 **[MR !651] Remove include of obsolete header files**
-**[MR !595] Rich remove residual aerogel code from track segment maker**  
+**[MR !595] Rich remove residual aerogel code from track segment maker**
 **[MR !588] RichRecTrack tools remove unused pd panel pointer**
 ## Changes to tests
-**[MR !585] Fix LumiAlgs tests for Gaudi/master in backwards compatible way**  
+**[MR !585] Fix LumiAlgs tests for Gaudi/master in backwards compatible way**
 **[MR !650] Increase VMEM test failure threshold to 1.4GB, to avoid false alarms**
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes/v22r1.md b/ReleaseNotes/v22r1.md
index 129260b020b69278215ee7e1d92b17b9358c37da..a4dc32de87396757e642f2f490fb537f480d3c05 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes/v22r1.md
+++ b/ReleaseNotes/v22r1.md
@@ -5,120 +5,120 @@ This version uses Gaudi v29r0, LHCb v43r1 and Lbcom v21r1 (and LCG_91 with ROOT
 This version is released on `master` branch. The previous release on `master` branch  was `Rec v22r0`. This release contains all the changes that were made in `Rec v21r6` and `Rec v21r6p1` (released on `2017-patches` branch, see corresponding release notes), as well as the additional changes described in this file.
 ## Change to compiler support
-**As from this release, support for gcc7 is added**  
-Note that C++17 is not yet fully supported, waiting for support from ROOT  
+**As from this release, support for gcc7 is added**
+Note that C++17 is not yet fully supported, waiting for support from ROOT
-**[MR !731] Fix gcc7 buffer overflow warning**  
+**[MR !731] Fix gcc7 buffer overflow warning**
-**[MR !729] Fix gcc7 initialisation warning in MuonTrackAlign**  
+**[MR !729] Fix gcc7 initialisation warning in MuonTrackAlign**
-**[MR !719] ChargedProtoANNPID - gcc7 Warning Suppression + Merge yPID libs into one**  
+**[MR !719] ChargedProtoANNPID - gcc7 Warning Suppression + Merge yPID libs into one**
-**[MR !714] Fix support for CPU dispatching with GCC7 on older CPUs that do not support AVX.**  
+**[MR !714] Fix support for CPU dispatching with GCC7 on older CPUs that do not support AVX.**
 Follows LHCb!848.
-**[MR !709] Fix gcc7 compilation error in DefaultVeloHitManager.h**  
+**[MR !709] Fix gcc7 compilation error in DefaultVeloHitManager.h**
-**[MR !710] ChargedProtoANNPID - Fix json.hpp for gcc7**  
+**[MR !710] ChargedProtoANNPID - Fix json.hpp for gcc7**
-**[MR !708] Suppress compilation warnings from Boost headers**  
+**[MR !708] Suppress compilation warnings from Boost headers**
 ## Packaging changes
-**[MR !760] Remove use of the temporary Kernel/TemplatedGenVector LHCb package**  
+**[MR !760] Remove use of the temporary Kernel/TemplatedGenVector LHCb package**
 ## Changes to configuration
-**[MR !766] Change default pA/AA GEC cut from 80k to 20k Velo clusters**  
+**[MR !766] Change default pA/AA GEC cut from 80k to 20k Velo clusters**
 ## Code optimisations
-**[MR !607] Disable boost pool allocators**  
+**[MR !607] Disable boost pool allocators**
 ## Bug fixes and cleanups
-**[MR !696] Fix Calo counter names broken by MR !627**  
+**[MR !696] Fix Calo counter names broken by MR !627**
-**[MR !659] Fixed track checking in VeloIPResolutionMonitor**  
-In case an empty set of tracks was found in the TES, the message reporting that no tracks were there was not displayed.  
+**[MR !659] Fixed track checking in VeloIPResolutionMonitor**
+In case an empty set of tracks was found in the TES, the message reporting that no tracks were there was not displayed.
-**[MR !763] Fix untested StatusCodes uncovered by gaudi/Gaudi!386**  
+**[MR !763] Fix untested StatusCodes uncovered by gaudi/Gaudi!386**
 ## Monitoring changes
-**[MR !747] Add additional variables to VPTrackMonitor**  
+**[MR !747] Add additional variables to VPTrackMonitor**
 ## Code modernisations
-**[MR !730] Minor fixes to PrPixelModule**  
-- Direct member initialisation (also fixes uninitialised variable warning from gcc7)  
-- Remove empty destructor  
-- Make the class final  
-**[MR !723] Follow modernization of TrackEvent (LHCb!858)**  
-- TrackFunctor functors no longer require a template argument to instantiate them  
-- make internal VertexTrack final  
-- use boost::optional<T> instead of std::pair<bool,T>  
-- prefer STL algorithms over raw loops  
-- prefer direct member initialization  
-- fully qualify enums  
-**[MR !718] Follow CaloHypo change in LHCb!852, plus some modernization**  
-- update calls to CaloHypo::setPosition, following lhcb/LHCb!852  
-- remove unnecessary  #include  
-- prefer auto  
-- avoid repeated searches in maps  
-- prefer range-based for loops  
-- avoid heap storage if stack will do  
-- replace std::auto_ptr with std::unique_ptr    
-**[MR !720] Change from class to struct in IMuonRawBuffer. Follows MR LHCb!847**  
-**[MR !690] Inline functions in TMVA for PatLLT, add debug statement to TrackAssociator**  
-**[MR !670] Modernize TrackMonitors**  
-- replace `BOOST_FOREACH` with range-based for loops  
-- replace boost::assign with (implicit) std::initializer_list  
-- remove unused headers  
-- prefer auto  
-- avoid repeated calculations of chi2().prob()  
-**[MR !671] Modernize TrackIdealPR**  
-- remove explicit trivial destructors  
-- prefer (implicit) std::initializer_list over boost::assign  
-- make static map const  
-- remove unused headers  
+**[MR !730] Minor fixes to PrPixelModule**
+- Direct member initialisation (also fixes uninitialised variable warning from gcc7)
+- Remove empty destructor
+- Make the class final
+**[MR !723] Follow modernization of TrackEvent (LHCb!858)**
+- TrackFunctor functors no longer require a template argument to instantiate them
+- make internal VertexTrack final
+- use boost::optional<T> instead of std::pair<bool,T>
+- prefer STL algorithms over raw loops
+- prefer direct member initialization
+- fully qualify enums
+**[MR !718] Follow CaloHypo change in LHCb!852, plus some modernization**
+- update calls to CaloHypo::setPosition, following lhcb/LHCb!852
+- remove unnecessary  #include
+- prefer auto
+- avoid repeated searches in maps
+- prefer range-based for loops
+- avoid heap storage if stack will do
+- replace std::auto_ptr with std::unique_ptr
+**[MR !720] Change from class to struct in IMuonRawBuffer. Follows MR LHCb!847**
+**[MR !690] Inline functions in TMVA for PatLLT, add debug statement to TrackAssociator**
+**[MR !670] Modernize TrackMonitors**
+- replace `BOOST_FOREACH` with range-based for loops
+- replace boost::assign with (implicit) std::initializer_list
+- remove unused headers
+- prefer auto
+- avoid repeated calculations of chi2().prob()
+**[MR !671] Modernize TrackIdealPR**
+- remove explicit trivial destructors
+- prefer (implicit) std::initializer_list over boost::assign
+- make static map const
+- remove unused headers
 **[MR !672] Modernize TrackCheckers**
-- remove unused headers  
-- replace `BOOST_FOREACH` with ranger-based for loops  
-- prefer Gaudi::Property  
-- prefer inherited constructors  
-- prefer implicit destructors over explicit trivial ones  
-- make static maps const  
-- prefer auto  
-- replace repetitive code with a lambda   
+- remove unused headers
+- replace `BOOST_FOREACH` with ranger-based for loops
+- prefer Gaudi::Property
+- prefer inherited constructors
+- prefer implicit destructors over explicit trivial ones
+- make static maps const
+- prefer auto
+- replace repetitive code with a lambda
-**[MR !681] TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator: Implement both `toStream` and `toString` instead of just `toStream`**  
+**[MR !681] TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator: Implement both `toStream` and `toString` instead of just `toStream`**
-**[MR !673] Modernize VeloRecMonitors**  
-- remove unused headers  
-- prefer STL algorithms over raw loops  
-- replace `BOOST_FOREACH` with range-based for loops  
-- prefer lambdas over bind  
+**[MR !673] Modernize VeloRecMonitors**
+- remove unused headers
+- prefer STL algorithms over raw loops
+- replace `BOOST_FOREACH` with range-based for loops
+- prefer lambdas over bind
-**[MR !663] Adapt to strict TrajPoca interface**  
-Follows LHCb!785  
+**[MR !663] Adapt to strict TrajPoca interface**
+Follows LHCb!785
-**[MR !716] Modernize VeloClusterPosition**  
-- Prefer implicit compiler generated destructors  
-- Prefer inherited constructors  
-- Prefer boost::optional over std::unique_ptr  
-- Prefer Gaudi::Property<GaudiMath::Interpolation::Type> over Gaudi::Property<std::string>  
-- Qualify VeloClusterPosition as final  
-- Remove unneccesary finalize implementation  
+**[MR !716] Modernize VeloClusterPosition**
+- Prefer implicit compiler generated destructors
+- Prefer inherited constructors
+- Prefer boost::optional over std::unique_ptr
+- Prefer Gaudi::Property<GaudiMath::Interpolation::Type> over Gaudi::Property<std::string>
+- Qualify VeloClusterPosition as final
+- Remove unneccesary finalize implementation
 ## Changes to tests and documentation
-**[MR !711] RichFuture examples update.**  
+**[MR !711] RichFuture examples update.**
-**[MR !679] Update test reference to match LHCb!795**  
+**[MR !679] Update test reference to match LHCb!795**
-**[v22r0.md] Fix bug in dependencies documentation**  
+**[v22r0.md] Fix bug in dependencies documentation**
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes/v23r0.md b/ReleaseNotes/v23r0.md
index 6d49508c9da8408ec06689b5cc354e16e6e630a6..428d135c58c3fdbd042810883ee34fd7b9f457a2 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes/v23r0.md
+++ b/ReleaseNotes/v23r0.md
@@ -15,22 +15,21 @@ Built relative to Rec v22r1, with the following changes:
   - Expose Keras model headers and make it possible to inherit specific members (related to Phys!251)
   - Allow activation layer inheritance - improves interface
-- Catboost integration into MuID, 824 (@nkazeev)  
+- Catboost integration into MuID, 824 (@nkazeev)
 ### Enhancements
-- Update of TrackKernel to include new vertex fitting code, !893 (@wouter)   
+- Update of TrackKernel to include new vertex fitting code, !893 (@wouter)
-- Update dependencis of Tr/TrackInterfaces to include range/v3/utility/any.hpp, !857 (@philten) [LHCBPS-1764]  
-- Reset the status of the first node on each track iteration on TrackMasterFitter, !801 (@dcampora)   
+- Update dependencis of Tr/TrackInterfaces to include range/v3/utility/any.hpp, !857 (@philten) [LHCBPS-1764]
+- Reset the status of the first node on each track iteration on TrackMasterFitter, !801 (@dcampora)
 ### Bug fixes
-- Fix typo in PatLongLivedTracking parameters, !945 (@decianm)   
+- Fix typo in PatLongLivedTracking parameters, !945 (@decianm)
-- Remove extraneous PUBLIC_HEADERS uncovered by gaudi/Gaudi!614, !934, !936 (@rmatev)   
+- Remove extraneous PUBLIC_HEADERS uncovered by gaudi/Gaudi!614, !934, !936 (@rmatev)
-- CaloTools: Add missing .value() to fix non-string -> string -> non-string conversion, !843 (@olupton)  
+- CaloTools: Add missing .value() to fix non-string -> string -> non-string conversion, !843 (@olupton)
 ### Code modernisations and cleanups
-- Make PatBBDTSeedClassifier compatible with recent ranges-v3, !866 (@graven)   
+- Make PatBBDTSeedClassifier compatible with recent ranges-v3, !866 (@graven)
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes/v30r0.md b/ReleaseNotes/v30r0.md
index a304725f7fd8ce5724f9ab05c387de1cec185c57..587574d606c1c3203bb4504532b432278fc44685 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes/v30r0.md
+++ b/ReleaseNotes/v30r0.md
@@ -5,253 +5,253 @@ This version uses Lbcom v30r0, LHCb v50r0, Gaudi v30r2 and LCG_93 with ROOT 6.12
 This version is released on `master` branch. The previous release on `master` branch  was `Rec v22r1`.
-This release includes the merge to `master` of the `future` branch, done in November 2017 - see !800 commit history for details of `future` changes that were included 
+This release includes the merge to `master` of the `future` branch, done in November 2017 - see !800 commit history for details of `future` changes that were included
 This release also contains all the changes that were made in `Rec v23r0` (released on `2018-patches` branch, see corresponding release notes), as well as the additional changes described in this file.
 ### New features
-- Made CommonMuonHitManager public, !834 (@nkazeev)   
+- Made CommonMuonHitManager public, !834 (@nkazeev)
-- Added implementation of Parameterized Kalman, !721, !850, !905 (@sstemmle)   
+- Added implementation of Parameterized Kalman, !721, !850, !905 (@sstemmle)
-- Introduced VPLightcluster, !858, !904 (@sponce)   
+- Introduced VPLightcluster, !858, !904 (@sponce)
 ### Enhancements
-- Template TrackListMerger and export copies for LHCb::Tracks and LHCb::Track::Selection, !958 (@olupton)   
-- Faster PrVeloUT, !859, !913 (@decianm)   
-  *  Get rid of the tool, do everything directly in `PrVeloUT`  
-  *  Cache look-up table for tolerances locally, instead of accessing the tool for every track. Still need to do the same for the Bdl table.  
-  *  Avoid using a `std::vector` in the clustering stage, as it just creates unnecessary overhead  
-  *  Introduce a minimum momentum cut of 1500MeV. More detailed checks needed for possible efficiency loss  
-  *  Speed up hit search by precalculating some quantities.  
-  *  Don't split hits in top and bottom anymore, gain was not worth the savings in time.  
+- Template TrackListMerger and export copies for LHCb::Tracks and LHCb::Track::Selection, !958 (@olupton)
+- Faster PrVeloUT, !859, !913 (@decianm)
+  *  Get rid of the tool, do everything directly in `PrVeloUT`
+  *  Cache look-up table for tolerances locally, instead of accessing the tool for every track. Still need to do the same for the Bdl table.
+  *  Avoid using a `std::vector` in the clustering stage, as it just creates unnecessary overhead
+  *  Introduce a minimum momentum cut of 1500MeV. More detailed checks needed for possible efficiency loss
+  *  Speed up hit search by precalculating some quantities.
+  *  Don't split hits in top and bottom anymore, gain was not worth the savings in time.
   *  Also contains a (prototype) version of the method that creates the output tracks, as most of the time is spent in the method that writes out the `LHCb::Track` in keyed containers. In principle only `x,y,z,tx,ty,q/p` and the `LHCbIDs` are needed from VeloUT
-- Try to fix FT zone order, !891 (@mhadji)   
+- Try to fix FT zone order, !891 (@mhadji)
-- Improvements for faster decoding in PrFTStoreHit. Reduces CPU consumption by ~40%, !882, !897 (@jvantilb) [LHCBSCIFI-109]   
+- Improvements for faster decoding in PrFTStoreHit. Reduces CPU consumption by ~40%, !882, !897 (@jvantilb) [LHCBSCIFI-109]
-- replace isLarge with pseudoSize for FTLiteClusters, resolution depends on pseudoSize, !838 (@sesen)   
+- replace isLarge with pseudoSize for FTLiteClusters, resolution depends on pseudoSize, !838 (@sesen)
-- Adapt to new templated LHCb traj for TVF, !894, !914 (@mhadji)   
-- declare MeasProviders as properties, !898 (@sstemmle)   
+- Adapt to new templated LHCb traj for TVF, !894, !914 (@mhadji)
-- Use addSortedForwardStates when inserting new states on TrackEventFitter, !847 (@mhadji)   
+- declare MeasProviders as properties, !898 (@sstemmle)
-- Vectorized updateTransport in TrackVectorFitter, !811 (@dcampora)   
-  Closes https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Rec/issues/2  
-- Removed reference nodes from TrackVectorFitter, !802 (@dcampora)   
-  Closes https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Rec/issues/4, https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Rec/issues/6  
-- changes in MuonID after 12/2017 hackathon, !922 (@rvazquez)   
-  - change vdt::fast_exp to std::exp as profiling shows it to be faster  
-    - remove the Choleskiy decomposition for matrix inversion in favour of Kramer as profiling shows it to be faster  
-    - change when possible double to float  
+- Use addSortedForwardStates when inserting new states on TrackEventFitter, !847 (@mhadji)
+- Vectorized updateTransport in TrackVectorFitter, !811 (@dcampora)
+  Closes https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Rec/issues/2
+- Removed reference nodes from TrackVectorFitter, !802 (@dcampora)
+  Closes https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Rec/issues/4, https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Rec/issues/6
+- changes in MuonID after 12/2017 hackathon, !922 (@rvazquez)
+  - change vdt::fast_exp to std::exp as profiling shows it to be faster
+    - remove the Choleskiy decomposition for matrix inversion in favour of Kramer as profiling shows it to be faster
+    - change when possible double to float
     - change when possible int to unsigned int
-- Fixes for running muon algorithms on upgrade MC, !823 (@olupton)   
+- Fixes for running muon algorithms on upgrade MC, !823 (@olupton)
-- MuonID upgrade to Gaudi functional, !822 (@nkazeev)   
+- MuonID upgrade to Gaudi functional, !822 (@nkazeev)
-- Rich adapt to decoded data format update, !923 (@jonrob)   
+- Rich adapt to decoded data format update, !923 (@jonrob)
-- Various RICH CPU improvements, !907 (@jonrob)   
-  - Adapt to move of SIMD mirror data cache to `RichFutureUtils` in `LHCb`.  
-  - Use new SIMD global to PD panel coordinate system transformation in the smart ID tool.  
-  - Small improvement to the detectable signal algorithm to avoid unnecessary find calls.  
-  - CPU improvements to the geometrical efficiency algorithm from converting the TES data type from `map<A,B>` to `vector< pair<A,B> >`.  
+- Various RICH CPU improvements, !907 (@jonrob)
+  - Adapt to move of SIMD mirror data cache to `RichFutureUtils` in `LHCb`.
+  - Use new SIMD global to PD panel coordinate system transformation in the smart ID tool.
+  - Small improvement to the detectable signal algorithm to avoid unnecessary find calls.
+  - CPU improvements to the geometrical efficiency algorithm from converting the TES data type from `map<A,B>` to `vector< pair<A,B> >`.
-- RichRayTracing - Turn off the beam pipe intersection checks with raytracing photons for the CK rings., !889 (@jonrob)   
+- RichRayTracing - Turn off the beam pipe intersection checks with raytracing photons for the CK rings., !889 (@jonrob)
 - RICH - Turn off by default unambiguous photon and beam pipe intersection checks in quartic reconstruction., !888 (@jonrob)
-- Reduce secondary mirror iterations to 1 for RICH1 in quartic reconstruction, !886 (@jonrob)   
-- Reoptimise the RICH photon selection cuts for the Upgrade, !875 (@jonrob)   
+- Reduce secondary mirror iterations to 1 for RICH1 in quartic reconstruction, !886 (@jonrob)
+- Reoptimise the RICH photon selection cuts for the Upgrade, !875 (@jonrob)
-- RICH - Minor optimisation, !848 (@jonrob)   
+- RICH - Minor optimisation, !848 (@jonrob)
   - Add to reco base class methods to retrieve list of active mass hypotheses excluding the below threshold type.
-  - Remove unnecessary normalisation of final photon direction in quartic reconstruction.  
-  - Remove some residual aerogel support code.  
+  - Remove unnecessary normalisation of final photon direction in quartic reconstruction.
+  - Remove some residual aerogel support code.
-- Small update to RICH expected photon signal algorithm, !830 (@jonrob)   
-  - Remove the Below Threshold type from the hypo list during initialize() rather than skip each time.  
-  - Bail out the hypo loop as soon as a below threshold type is found.  
-  - Make the min expected track CK theta angle a configurable radiator property.  
+- Small update to RICH expected photon signal algorithm, !830 (@jonrob)
+  - Remove the Below Threshold type from the hypo list during initialize() rather than skip each time.
+  - Bail out the hypo loop as soon as a below threshold type is found.
+  - Make the min expected track CK theta angle a configurable radiator property.
   - Drive by cleanup of RichFutureRecBase.
-- Convert RICH CK Estimation photon reconstruction alg to SIMD version., !831 (@jonrob)   
+- Convert RICH CK Estimation photon reconstruction alg to SIMD version., !831 (@jonrob)
-- Use fully SIMD RICH ray tracing API, !795 (@jonrob)   
+- Use fully SIMD RICH ray tracing API, !795 (@jonrob)
-- Fully SIMD vectorised RICH photon reconstruction, !779, !814, !884 (@jonrob)   
+- Fully SIMD vectorised RICH photon reconstruction, !779, !814, !884 (@jonrob)
-- Backported optimizations in memory allocations from TDR to master, !860 (@sponce)   
+- Backported optimizations in memory allocations from TDR to master, !860 (@sponce)
-- Adapt to Future linker base class, !839 (@sstahl)   
+- Adapt to Future linker base class, !839 (@sstahl)
 ### Bug fixes
-- Suppress a maybe unitialised variable warning in StandaloneMuonRec, !971 (@jonrob)   
+- Suppress a maybe unitialised variable warning in StandaloneMuonRec, !971 (@jonrob)
-- Remove default muon state, !966 (@sstahl)   
+- Remove default muon state, !966 (@sstahl)
   The state is not produced by the MuonID, only by some monitoring.
-- Remove duplicate MuonIDAlgLite properties, !955 (@olupton)   
+- Remove duplicate MuonIDAlgLite properties, !955 (@olupton)
-- PrVeloUT: Fix sometimes off by one in degrees of freedom, !947 (@graven)   
-- Fix typo in PatLongLivedTracking parameters and fix some indentations, !941 (@decianm)   
+- PrVeloUT: Fix sometimes off by one in degrees of freedom, !947 (@graven)
-- Fix in-place modification of PrPixelTracking property, !927 (@olupton)   
+- Fix typo in PatLongLivedTracking parameters and fix some indentations, !941 (@decianm)
-- Fix undefined reference with -O0 after gaudi/Gaudi!514, !903 (@clemenci)   
-- Fix TrackListRefiner for VPTrackSelector in Alignment, !825 (@cburr)   
+- Fix in-place modification of PrPixelTracking property, !927 (@olupton)
-- Fix clang warnings, !819 (@cattanem)   
-  - ParameterizedKalman: replace abs by std::abs  
+- Fix undefined reference with -O0 after gaudi/Gaudi!514, !903 (@clemenci)
+- Fix TrackListRefiner for VPTrackSelector in Alignment, !825 (@cburr)
+- Fix clang warnings, !819 (@cattanem)
+  - ParameterizedKalman: replace abs by std::abs
   - CaloMoniDst: remove unused variables
-- Fix typo in assertions (std::none_of -> std::all_of), !812 (@chasse)   
+- Fix typo in assertions (std::none_of -> std::all_of), !812 (@chasse)
-- Fix typo in PrMatchNN, !806 (@chasse)   
+- Fix typo in PrMatchNN, !806 (@chasse)
-- Fix trivial clang warnings, !807 (@cattanem)   
+- Fix trivial clang warnings, !807 (@cattanem)
-- Fix clang compilation warnings, !784 (@cattanem)   
-  * PrForwardTool: remove unused member variable  
+- Fix clang compilation warnings, !784 (@cattanem)
+  * PrForwardTool: remove unused member variable
   * TrackSTEPExtrapolator: Remove unused member variables
-- Fix clang warnings in MuonID, !909 (@cattanem)   
+- Fix clang warnings in MuonID, !909 (@cattanem)
-- Prevent automatic retrieval of undesired ToolHandles, !791 (@clemenci)   
+- Prevent automatic retrieval of undesired ToolHandles, !791 (@clemenci)
 ### Code modernisations and cleanups
-- Generalize IMeasurementProvider: prefer span over iterator_range, !940 (@graven)   
+- Generalize IMeasurementProvider: prefer span over iterator_range, !940 (@graven)
-- PrVeloUT: implicitly deduce template argument, !943 (@graven)   
+- PrVeloUT: implicitly deduce template argument, !943 (@graven)
-- Added method in PrUTMagnetTool/PrTableForFunction to return the table, !855 (@decianm)   
+- Added method in PrUTMagnetTool/PrTableForFunction to return the table, !855 (@decianm)
-- Do not assume that Track::states() returns a reference to a container, !944 (@graven)   
+- Do not assume that Track::states() returns a reference to a container, !944 (@graven)
-- Removed Tr::TrackVectorFit::FitTrack, !753 (@dcampora)   
+- Removed Tr::TrackVectorFit::FitTrack, !753 (@dcampora)
-- Adapt TrackBestTrackCreator to automatic ToolHandle retrieval in gaudi/Gaudi!429, !782 (@cattanem)   
+- Adapt TrackBestTrackCreator to automatic ToolHandle retrieval in gaudi/Gaudi!429, !782 (@cattanem)
-- Generalize TrackTraj, !915 (@graven)   
-  - avoid mentioning StateContainer, accept span<State* const> instead  
-  - prefer offsets over iterators  
-  - use assert instead of commented out checks  
+- Generalize TrackTraj, !915 (@graven)
+  - avoid mentioning StateContainer, accept span<State* const> instead
+  - prefer offsets over iterators
+  - use assert instead of commented out checks
   - make static object const
-- Modernize TrackFitter, !849 (@graven)   
-  - Fully qualify enum values  
-  - Prefer explicit enums over ints  
+- Modernize TrackFitter, !849 (@graven)
+  - Fully qualify enum values
+  - Prefer explicit enums over ints
   - Prefer control flow which reduces indentation
-- Modernize Track Likelihood, !837 (@graven)   
-  - avoid redundant copies & loops  
+- Modernize Track Likelihood, !837 (@graven)
+  - avoid redundant copies & loops
   - add `ITrackFunctor` in order to be able to deprecate the use of `ITrackManipulator`
-  - Make TrackLikelihood inherit from ITrackFunctor instead of ITrackManipulator, and make it const-correct  
-  - TrackAddLikelihood now calls ITrackFunctor to obtain values, and then it forwards those value to Track::setLikelihood  
+  - Make TrackLikelihood inherit from ITrackFunctor instead of ITrackManipulator, and make it const-correct
+  - TrackAddLikelihood now calls ITrackFunctor to obtain values, and then it forwards those value to Track::setLikelihood
   - Prefer Gaudi::Property
-- Generalize ITrackVertexer interface by using span<T> instead of an explicit container<T> type, !917 (@graven)     
+- Generalize ITrackVertexer interface by using span<T> instead of an explicit container<T> type, !917 (@graven)
   and update the TrackVertexer implementation accordingly
-- Modernize TrackCheckerNT, !931 (@graven)   
-  - avoid redundant casts  
-  - prefer STL algorithms over raw loops  
-  - prefer auto  
-  - prefer switch/case over if-else-if-else cascades  
+- Modernize TrackCheckerNT, !931 (@graven)
+  - avoid redundant casts
+  - prefer STL algorithms over raw loops
+  - prefer auto
+  - prefer switch/case over if-else-if-else cascades
   - avoid explicit memory allocation
-- Further modernize TrackCaloMatchMonitor, !932 (@graven)   
-  - prefer Gaudi::Property  
-  - inherit constructor  
-  - do not use front and back of ConstNodeRange (to allow ConstNodeRange to become a gsl::span)  
-  - use pointer / boost::optional for 'nullable' State instead of an explicit bool flag  
-  - prefer emplace_back  
+- Further modernize TrackCaloMatchMonitor, !932 (@graven)
+  - prefer Gaudi::Property
+  - inherit constructor
+  - do not use front and back of ConstNodeRange (to allow ConstNodeRange to become a gsl::span)
+  - use pointer / boost::optional for 'nullable' State instead of an explicit bool flag
+  - prefer emplace_back
   - prefer std::accumulate over explicit raw loop
-- Modernize TrackMonitors, !916 (@graven)   
-  - Avoid mentioning LHCb::Track::ConstNodeRange  
-  - prefer switch over if-else-if-else-  
+- Modernize TrackMonitors, !916 (@graven)
+  - Avoid mentioning LHCb::Track::ConstNodeRange
+  - prefer switch over if-else-if-else-
   - prefer TupleTool::columns over TupleTool::column
-- RichRecUtils - Remove unused code, !854 (@jonrob)   
-- RICH Clean up Pixel SIMD algorithm, !828 (@jonrob)   
-- Remove old RICH framework + Future scalar algorithms, !818 (@jonrob)   
-- Remove unused captures in Rich global pid algorithm, !778 (@jonrob)   
-- Modernize Muons, !717 (@graven)   
-  - make interfaces inherit from extend_interfaces, and use `DeclareInterfaceID`  
-  - avoid trailing return types in interfaces  
-  - deprecate interface methods which take a string as argument, provide method which takes an enum instead -- this avoids having to create a string, and then parse it, on every call  
-  - prefer inheriting constructors  
-  - prefer std::abs over fabs  
-  - prefer std::transform over std::for_each  
-  - add const  
-  - move debug printout out of loop  
-  - simplify logic  
-  - prefer std::array over std::vector to avoid heap allocation  
-  - prefer passing std::array<>& over decayed pointers  
-  - prefer true/false over 1/0 assignments for bool  
-  - prefer std::array.fill over loops  
-  - simplify inside using lambda  
-  - prefer range-based for loops  
-  - prefer switch/case over if-else-if-else-if-  
-  - prefer boost::static_vector over std::vector if there is a known upperlimit on the maximum size  
+- RichRecUtils - Remove unused code, !854 (@jonrob)
+- RICH Clean up Pixel SIMD algorithm, !828 (@jonrob)
+- Remove old RICH framework + Future scalar algorithms, !818 (@jonrob)
+- Remove unused captures in Rich global pid algorithm, !778 (@jonrob)
+- Modernize Muons, !717 (@graven)
+  - make interfaces inherit from extend_interfaces, and use `DeclareInterfaceID`
+  - avoid trailing return types in interfaces
+  - deprecate interface methods which take a string as argument, provide method which takes an enum instead -- this avoids having to create a string, and then parse it, on every call
+  - prefer inheriting constructors
+  - prefer std::abs over fabs
+  - prefer std::transform over std::for_each
+  - add const
+  - move debug printout out of loop
+  - simplify logic
+  - prefer std::array over std::vector to avoid heap allocation
+  - prefer passing std::array<>& over decayed pointers
+  - prefer true/false over 1/0 assignments for bool
+  - prefer std::array.fill over loops
+  - simplify inside using lambda
+  - prefer range-based for loops
+  - prefer switch/case over if-else-if-else-if-
+  - prefer boost::static_vector over std::vector if there is a known upperlimit on the maximum size
   - prefer range-based loop over BOOST_FOREACH
-- msgLevel already caches the level -- do not cache the cached value, !890 (@graven)   
+- msgLevel already caches the level -- do not cache the cached value, !890 (@graven)
-- Fully qualify enum values, !851, !852, !853, !856, !868 (@graven)   
+- Fully qualify enum values, !851, !852, !853, !856, !868 (@graven)
-- Adapt code to lhcb/LHCb!1077, !865 (@graven)   
-  - avoid using eventSvc() in MCTrackInfo, prefer make_MCTrackInfo  
-  - do not explicitly fetch MCParticles from event store  
-  - remove explicit initialize and finalize  
+- Adapt code to lhcb/LHCb!1077, !865 (@graven)
+  - avoid using eventSvc() in MCTrackInfo, prefer make_MCTrackInfo
+  - do not explicitly fetch MCParticles from event store
+  - remove explicit initialize and finalize
   - prefer Gaudi::Property
-- Remove extraneous PUBLIC_HEADERS uncovered by gaudi/Gaudi!615, !933 (@rmatev)   
+- Remove extraneous PUBLIC_HEADERS uncovered by gaudi/Gaudi!615, !933 (@rmatev)
-- Removed use of deprecated factories, !803, !964 (@clemenci)   
-  - replaced `DECLARE_*_FACTORY` with `DECLARE_COMPONENT`  
-  - made constructors public  
-  - removed some unnecessary _disabling_ of copy constructors  
-  - removed some trivial destructors  
+- Removed use of deprecated factories, !803, !964 (@clemenci)
+  - made constructors public
+  - removed some unnecessary _disabling_ of copy constructors
+  - removed some trivial destructors
   See gaudi/Gaudi!420
-- Adapted to change in logical comparison between StatusCodes, !885 (@clemenci)   
+- Adapted to change in logical comparison between StatusCodes, !885 (@clemenci)
   see gaudi/Gaudi!514
-- Forward compatibility for gaudi/Gaudi!514, !870 (@clemenci)   
-- Make forward/backward compatible with gaudi/Gaudi!534, !805 (@graven)   
+- Forward compatibility for gaudi/Gaudi!514, !870 (@clemenci)
+- Make forward/backward compatible with gaudi/Gaudi!534, !805 (@graven)
 ### Monitoring changes
-- Remove spurious info message, !864 (@cattanem)   
+- Remove spurious info message, !864 (@cattanem)
-- Adapt to Future linker base class, !839 (@sstahl)   
+- Adapt to Future linker base class, !839 (@sstahl)
-- Add TrackResChecker to CheckPatSeq, !798 (@sstemmle)   
+- Add TrackResChecker to CheckPatSeq, !798 (@sstemmle)
 ### Changes to tests
-- Update reference to follow gaudi/Gaudi!542, !863 (@cattanem)   
+- Update reference to follow gaudi/Gaudi!542, !863 (@cattanem)
-- Update test reference to follow formatting change from gaudi/Gaudi!426, !804 (@cattanem)   
+- Update test reference to follow formatting change from gaudi/Gaudi!426, !804 (@cattanem)
-- LumiAlgs: Tweak lumi2reader reference file to follow gaudi/Gaudi!515, !794 (@cattanem)   
+- LumiAlgs: Tweak lumi2reader reference file to follow gaudi/Gaudi!515, !794 (@cattanem)
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes/v30r1.md b/ReleaseNotes/v30r1.md
index 1c152ba9dbaedca5ccddd85ccc09ab5683cd2af4..c4b464862687e9e9bde14fb842e0c2b3aa6e9fb1 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes/v30r1.md
+++ b/ReleaseNotes/v30r1.md
@@ -11,223 +11,222 @@ Built relative to Rec v30r0, with the following changes:
 ### New features
-- Propagate XGBoost-based IsPhoton separation variable to (Neutral)ProtoParticle::additionalInfo, !1118 (@deschamp)   
+- Propagate XGBoost-based IsPhoton separation variable to (Neutral)ProtoParticle::additionalInfo, !1118 (@deschamp)
   Same as !1105 on `2018-patches`
-- New pi0 gamma separation tool, !1114 (@vchekali)   
+- New pi0 gamma separation tool, !1114 (@vchekali)
   Cherry-picked from lhcb/Rec!1087 on `2018-patches`
-- Added LinearStateZTraj.h to Tr/TrackKernel, !1085 (@wouter)   
-  Cherry-picked from lhcb/Rec!1082 on `2018-patches`  
+- Added LinearStateZTraj.h to Tr/TrackKernel, !1085 (@wouter)
+  Cherry-picked from lhcb/Rec!1082 on `2018-patches`
+- Add PrTrackerDumper tool to PrMCTools package [dump all VP,UT,FT hit] and the MCParticle linking information used in PrChecker, enable a wide range of offline studies and algorithm developments, !1078 (@rquaglia)
+  See MR description for detailed discussion of this change
+- Implement LoKi based generic track selector, !1028 (@graven)
-- Add PrTrackerDumper tool to PrMCTools package [dump all VP,UT,FT hit] and the MCParticle linking information used in PrChecker, enable a wide range of offline studies and algorithm developments, !1078 (@rquaglia)  
-  See MR description for detailed discussion of this change    
-- Implement LoKi based generic track selector, !1028 (@graven)   
 ### Enhancements
-- Fixed MuonMatch isolation computation & clusters return value, !1126 (@masantim)   
-  - Renamed isolation and changed its computation to handle events with 2 matched stations only, as now implemented in lhcb/Rec!1076  
+- Fixed MuonMatch isolation computation & clusters return value, !1126 (@masantim)
+  - Renamed isolation and changed its computation to handle events with 2 matched stations only, as now implemented in lhcb/Rec!1076
   - Prevented the return value to be NaN in the ncl=0 (i.e. no hits) case
-- Add Append to ChargeProtoParticleMaker, !1119 (@lgarciam) [LHCBTRACK-21]  
-  Add the possibility of appending instead of overwriting the new protoparticles if the directory already exists  
+- Add Append to ChargeProtoParticleMaker, !1119 (@lgarciam) [LHCBTRACK-21]
+  Add the possibility of appending instead of overwriting the new protoparticles if the directory already exists
-- Fix PrepareMuonHits and add 1D matrix inversion for isolation, !1076, !1011 (@rvazquez)   
-  - Add the times to the muonCoords created which were dropped from CommonMuonHitManager.  
-  - Add inversion of 1-D matrix which is needed by the isolation algorithm  
+- Fix PrepareMuonHits and add 1D matrix inversion for isolation, !1076, !1011 (@rvazquez)
+  - Add the times to the muonCoords created which were dropped from CommonMuonHitManager.
+  - Add inversion of 1-D matrix which is needed by the isolation algorithm
-- Move CommonMuonHitManager files to 'MuonID/src/component'. Create interface ICommonMuonHitManager., !1099 (@mramospe)   
+- Move CommonMuonHitManager files to 'MuonID/src/component'. Create interface ICommonMuonHitManager., !1099 (@mramospe)
   Proposal of interface for the CommonMuonHitManager class following discussion in !1098
-- Implement isolation MuonChi2MatchTool and add a fast clustering tool, !1018 (@masantim)   
-  Isolation:  
-  - computed within MuonChi2MatchTool with no timing degradation  
-  - added a method to get the result and modified IMuonMatchTool accordingly MuonClusterRec2:  
+- Implement isolation MuonChi2MatchTool and add a fast clustering tool, !1018 (@masantim)
+  Isolation:
+  - computed within MuonChi2MatchTool with no timing degradation
+  - added a method to get the result and modified IMuonMatchTool accordingly MuonClusterRec2:
   - New tool, negligible timing impact, not called at the moment
-- Perform VPClustering inside MCLinking sequence using full VPCluster, !1117 (@rquaglia)   
-  - Introduce back a VPClusFull algorithm which does the equivalent of the "Offline" Velo clustering [it also sorts the hits by phi] and produces the Offsets as done for tracking in TDR branch.  
-  - Also modify the linking sequence to run instead of ```VPCluster2MCParticleLinker``` the new ```VPFullCluster2MCParticleLinker```.  Inside ```PrLHCbID2MCParticle``` try first to get if exist the ```vector<VPFullCluster>```, if it fails it tries to read ```vector<VPLightCluster>``` to produce the link of All LHCbID to MCParticle.   
-  - MR linked to lhcb/LHCb!1396 and lhcb/Lbcom!263  
+- Perform VPClustering inside MCLinking sequence using full VPCluster, !1117 (@rquaglia)
+  - Introduce back a VPClusFull algorithm which does the equivalent of the "Offline" Velo clustering [it also sorts the hits by phi] and produces the Offsets as done for tracking in TDR branch.
+  - Also modify the linking sequence to run instead of ```VPCluster2MCParticleLinker``` the new ```VPFullCluster2MCParticleLinker```.  Inside ```PrLHCbID2MCParticle``` try first to get if exist the ```vector<VPFullCluster>```, if it fails it tries to read ```vector<VPLightCluster>``` to produce the link of All LHCbID to MCParticle.
+  - MR linked to lhcb/LHCb!1396 and lhcb/Lbcom!263
-- ANNPID Add Upgrade tune, !1112 (@jonrob) [LHCBGAUSS-1242]  
-  Adds a new `MCUpTuneV1` for the upgrade.   
-  Based on the MC samples generated under https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/LHCBGAUSS-1242  
-  Performance information can be found under https://www.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/~jonesc/lhcb/PID/ANN/MCUpTuneV1  
+- ANNPID Add Upgrade tune, !1112 (@jonrob) [LHCBGAUSS-1242]
+  Adds a new `MCUpTuneV1` for the upgrade.
+  Based on the MC samples generated under https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/LHCBGAUSS-1242
+  Performance information can be found under https://www.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/~jonesc/lhcb/PID/ANN/MCUpTuneV1
-- Added template parameter for floating point type, as for Trajectory, !1110 (@wouter)   
+- Added template parameter for floating point type, as for Trajectory, !1110 (@wouter)
   Needed for lhcb/Phys!376
-- Add PT cut to PrFitFwdParams, !961 (@decianm)   
+- Add PT cut to PrFitFwdParams, !961 (@decianm)
-- Speed-up PrStoreFtHit, !1072 (@jvantilb)   
-  Also, the MultiIndexedHitContainer is moved to LHCb project (lhcb/LHCb!1326).  
+- Speed-up PrStoreFtHit, !1072 (@jvantilb)
+  Also, the MultiIndexedHitContainer is moved to LHCb project (lhcb/LHCb!1326).
-- Use bulk Rich PD cluster global positions method, !1075 (@jonrob)   
-  Make use of the new more efficient bulk conversion method defined in the interface update in lhcb/LHCb!1330 and implemented in lhcb/Lbcom!248  
-  - Due to changes in the way the pixel positions are calculated, the resulting positions are not bit-wise identical to before.   
+- Use bulk Rich PD cluster global positions method, !1075 (@jonrob)
+  Make use of the new more efficient bulk conversion method defined in the interface update in lhcb/LHCb!1330 and implemented in lhcb/Lbcom!248
+  - Due to changes in the way the pixel positions are calculated, the resulting positions are not bit-wise identical to before.
   - A number of algorithms have been removed from the pixel processing sequence, as the calls to compute the global and local space points for each cluster are now incorporated into the SIMD pixel summary algorithm, for improved efficiency reasons.
-- RichDAQ - Cleans up a number of HPD/PMT specific definitions, !1074 (@jonrob)   
+- RichDAQ - Cleans up a number of HPD/PMT specific definitions, !1074 (@jonrob)
   Requires lhcb/LHCb!1329
-- Addition of reference nodes to TrackVectorFitter, !1055 (@dcampora)   
+- Addition of reference nodes to TrackVectorFitter, !1055 (@dcampora)
   See lhcb/Rec!1050 for the discussion leading to this MR.
-- RichDetailedTrSegMakerFromTracks - Disable by default CreateMissingStates, !1050 (@jonrob)   
-  Changes the default setting of the `RichDetailedTrSegMakerFromTracks` property `CreateMissingStates` from True to False.  
-  Makes explicit the need to provide track states expected by the RICH reconstruction   
-  See MR description for detailed discussion of this change.     
+- RichDetailedTrSegMakerFromTracks - Disable by default CreateMissingStates, !1050 (@jonrob)
+  Changes the default setting of the `RichDetailedTrSegMakerFromTracks` property `CreateMissingStates` from True to False.
+  Makes explicit the need to provide track states expected by the RICH reconstruction
+  See MR description for detailed discussion of this change.
-- Added option for a faster Fast sequence for VectorFitter, !1073 (@dcampora)   
+- Added option for a faster Fast sequence for VectorFitter, !1073 (@dcampora)
-- Rich CK Resolution Fitter : Add new signal forms, !1041 (@jonrob)   
-  Cherry picked from lhcb/Rec!1040 on `run2-patches` branch    
-  c1d9503e Add Asymmetric Normal signal form    
-  c5ce7094 Add skewed normal signal form    
+- Rich CK Resolution Fitter : Add new signal forms, !1041 (@jonrob)
+  Cherry picked from lhcb/Rec!1040 on `run2-patches` branch
+  c1d9503e Add Asymmetric Normal signal form
+  c5ce7094 Add skewed normal signal form
   aba1e730 Avoid some string comparisons and code duplication
-- SIMDChi2Fit: update code optimizer settings for newer gcc versions, !953 (@mschille)   
+- SIMDChi2Fit: update code optimizer settings for newer gcc versions, !953 (@mschille)
-- Rich improved upgrade backgrounds, !1030 (@jonrob)   
+- Rich improved upgrade backgrounds, !1030 (@jonrob)
   Improves the PID performance for upgrade data by better tuning the pixel background estimates.
-- Avoid pessimizing move, !1013 (@graven)   
+- Avoid pessimizing move, !1013 (@graven)
   Do not use `std::move` when returning a local object -- as that forbids 'copy elision', which will actually ensure that the object is created 'in the right location' to begin with, thus eliminating a move...
-- Add Deuteron ANNPID, !998 (@jonrob)   
-  cherry picked from lhcb/Rec!997 on `2018-patches` branch 
+- Add Deuteron ANNPID, !998 (@jonrob)
+  cherry picked from lhcb/Rec!997 on `2018-patches` branch
   Adds support for `MC15TuneV1` versions of ANNPID networks for Deuterons.
-- Fully qualify enums in Tr/TrackFitEvent and improve searching for TT Hits, !985 (@graven)   
-  In addition, make less assumptions on the return type of `fitNodes()`  
+- Fully qualify enums in Tr/TrackFitEvent and improve searching for TT Hits, !985 (@graven)
+  In addition, make less assumptions on the return type of `fitNodes()`
-- Propagate MR !942 changes related to HDKerasModel from 2018-patches to master, !991 (@kgizdov)   
+- Propagate MR !942 changes related to HDKerasModel from 2018-patches to master, !991 (@kgizdov)
   make private layers accessible by inheritance - fixes lhcb/Phys!301
-- Improvements on PrStoreUTHit, !937 (@mhadji)   
-  This MR needs lhcb/LHCb!1163  
-  Gains around ~55% on PrStoreUTHit according to callgrind. See MR description for discussion of this change  
+- Improvements on PrStoreUTHit, !937 (@mhadji)
+  This MR needs lhcb/LHCb!1163
+  Gains around ~55% on PrStoreUTHit according to callgrind. See MR description for discussion of this change
-- Added linking to PartProp library, !975 (@philten)   
+- Added linking to PartProp library, !975 (@philten)
   Made necessary lhcb/LHCb!1189
 ### Bug fixes
-- Protect against NaN in PrPixelTrack::zBeam() in the case that tx=ty=0, !1093 (@olupton) [LHCBTRACK-22]  
-  Return the mean hit position in Z in this case  
+- Protect against NaN in PrPixelTrack::zBeam() in the case that tx=ty=0, !1093 (@olupton) [LHCBTRACK-22]
+  Return the mean hit position in Z in this case
-- Protect from division by zero in PrCounter2, !1088 (@sstahl)   
-- Fix multithread reproducibility in TMVA generated code used by PrLongLivedTracking, !1054 (@graven)   
+- Protect from division by zero in PrCounter2, !1088 (@sstahl)
+- Fix multithread reproducibility in TMVA generated code used by PrLongLivedTracking, !1054 (@graven)
   Closes #18
-- PrLongLivedTracking: remove use of `static` in MLP, !1053 (@graven)   
+- PrLongLivedTracking: remove use of `static` in MLP, !1053 (@graven)
   Prevents memory corruption in multithreaded running
-- TrackCheckerNT: fix gcc7 warning, !1045 (@cattanem)   
-- Fix lambda captures, !1014 (@graven)   
-- Correctly set the RichPID container version, !1006 (@jobrob)   
-  Cherry-picked from lhcb/Rec!1000 on `2018-patches`  
+- TrackCheckerNT: fix gcc7 warning, !1045 (@cattanem)
+- Fix lambda captures, !1014 (@graven)
-- Avoid memory leaks in ParamKalman, !973, !976 (@sstemmle)   
-  Related to: lhcb/Rec#15  
+- Correctly set the RichPID container version, !1006 (@jobrob)
+  Cherry-picked from lhcb/Rec!1000 on `2018-patches`
+- Avoid memory leaks in ParamKalman, !973, !976 (@sstemmle)
+  Related to: lhcb/Rec#15
 ### Code modernisations and cleanups
-- Calo tools modernization - mainly changing counters, !1109 (@wkrzemie)   
+- Calo tools modernization - mainly changing counters, !1109 (@wkrzemie)
+- Remove unused typedefs (exposed by gaudi/Gaudi!408), !1132 (@cattanem)
+- Use std::invoke, !1131 (@graven)
-- Remove unused typedefs (exposed by gaudi/Gaudi!408), !1132 (@cattanem)   
-- Use std::invoke, !1131 (@graven)   
-- Prefer std::optional over boost::optional, !1130 (@graven)   
-- Prepare for const RawEvent, const RawBank, !1124 (@graven)   
-- Porting CaloElectronAlg to GaudiFunctional, !1116 (@aszabels)   
+- Prefer std::optional over boost::optional, !1130 (@graven)
-- Modernize counters in CaloSinglePhotonAlg, !1108 (@wkrzemie)   
+- Prepare for const RawEvent, const RawBank, !1124 (@graven)
+- Porting CaloElectronAlg to GaudiFunctional, !1116 (@aszabels)
+- Modernize counters in CaloSinglePhotonAlg, !1108 (@wkrzemie)
   Replace old counters by new ones in CaloSinglePhotonAlg. Also, remove empty calls to some tools.
-- Add runtime dependency on BLAS, !1097 (@clemenci)   
+- Add runtime dependency on BLAS, !1097 (@clemenci)
   required by ROOT TMVA since 6.14
-- Fully qualify enums, !1096, !1071, !1070, !1069, !1068, !1067, !1066, !1065, !1064, !1063, !1062, !1061, !1046, !1060, !1059, !1058, !1057, !1056, !993, !989, !988, !987, !986, !984, !983, !982, !980, !960 (@graven)   
+- Fully qualify enums, !1096, !1071, !1070, !1069, !1068, !1067, !1066, !1065, !1064, !1063, !1062, !1061, !1046, !1060, !1059, !1058, !1057, !1056, !993, !989, !988, !987, !986, !984, !983, !982, !980, !960 (@graven)
-- Make CaloClusterizationTool const, !1036 (@cmarinbe)   
-  Changes the `CaloClusterizationTool` to make it `const` and propagates the changes to the users: `CellularAutomatonAlg` and `L0Calo2CaloTool`  
+- Make CaloClusterizationTool const, !1036 (@cmarinbe)
+  Changes the `CaloClusterizationTool` to make it `const` and propagates the changes to the users: `CellularAutomatonAlg` and `L0Calo2CaloTool`
   The interface of the `CaloClusterizationTool` has been updated accordingly, see lhcb/LHCb!1295
-- Follow lhcb/LHCb!1264, !1022 (@graven)   
-- Remove AlignedAllocator.h from Rec and its include in  PrPixel, !1026 (@chasse)   
+- Follow lhcb/LHCb!1264, !1022 (@graven)
+- Remove AlignedAllocator.h from Rec and its include in  PrPixel, !1026 (@chasse)
   This was a leftover from previous experiments, which has been cleaned up in TDR before but hasn't been removed here.
-- Replace AnyDataHandle with DataObjectReadHandle, to prepare for gaudi/Gaudi!671, !1027 (@graven)   
-- Small cleanup of MergeRichPIDs, !1012 (@jonrob)   
-  - Prefer `#pragma once` to `#ifdef/#define`  
-  - Reserve complete size for output PIDs once.  
+- Replace AnyDataHandle with DataObjectReadHandle, to prepare for gaudi/Gaudi!671, !1027 (@graven)
+- Small cleanup of MergeRichPIDs, !1012 (@jonrob)
+  - Prefer `#pragma once` to `#ifdef/#define`
+  - Reserve complete size for output PIDs once.
   - Add a version check and warning if input version != output version.
 - Prefer enums over strings to change behaviour, !1046 (@graven)
-- Prefer inheriting constructors, !1046, !981, !980, !978 (@graven)  
+- Prefer inheriting constructors, !1046, !981, !980, !978 (@graven)
-- Prefer compiler-generated destructors, !1046, !981, !980, !978 (@graven)  
+- Prefer compiler-generated destructors, !1046, !981, !980, !978 (@graven)
-- Prefer Gaudi::Property over explicit calls to declareProperty, !1046, !981, !980, !978 (@graven)  
+- Prefer Gaudi::Property over explicit calls to declareProperty, !1046, !981, !980, !978 (@graven)
-- Prefer ToolHandle over calls to tool<>, !1046, !980, !978 (@graven)  
+- Prefer ToolHandle over calls to tool<>, !1046, !980, !978 (@graven)
-- Prefer inheriting from `extends` instead of explicit virtual inheritance !981, !980 (@graven)  
+- Prefer inheriting from `extends` instead of explicit virtual inheritance !981, !980 (@graven)
-- Prefer direct member initialization, !981, !980 (@graven)  
+- Prefer direct member initialization, !981, !980 (@graven)
-- Prefer range-based for loops, !981, !980 (@graven)  
+- Prefer range-based for loops, !981, !980 (@graven)
-- Prefer freestanding function in anonymous namespace over member function which does not access class data, !1046, !980 (@graven)  
+- Prefer freestanding function in anonymous namespace over member function which does not access class data, !1046, !980 (@graven)
-- Modernize TrackMonitors, !980 (@graven)   
-  - prefer static data in anonymous namespace in .cpp file over static data in local scope (which incurs an atomic check whether the data has (already) been initialized, as that must be done in a thread-safe manner, every time the data is accessed)  
+- Modernize TrackMonitors, !980 (@graven)
+  - prefer static data in anonymous namespace in .cpp file over static data in local scope (which incurs an atomic check whether the data has (already) been initialized, as that must be done in a thread-safe manner, every time the data is accessed)
   - prefer std::array::fill over std::fill
-- Modernize PatPV, !978 (@graven)   
-  - make IPVOfflineTool interface const-correct so it can be used with ToolHandles  
-  - prefer STL algorithms over explicit loops  
-  - generalize PVOfflineTool::removeTracks to avoid a temporary memory allocation  
+- Modernize PatPV, !978 (@graven)
+  - make IPVOfflineTool interface const-correct so it can be used with ToolHandles
+  - prefer STL algorithms over explicit loops
+  - generalize PVOfflineTool::removeTracks to avoid a temporary memory allocation
-- Modernize TrackFitter, !981 (@graven)   
-  - do not hardwire the return type of `fitNodes()`  
-  - prefer std::find_if on reverse range instead of explicit forward loop, remembering the 'last' valid item  
-  - do not cache `msgLevel`, as `msgLevel` already is cached  
+- Modernize TrackFitter, !981 (@graven)
+  - do not hardwire the return type of `fitNodes()`
+  - prefer std::find_if on reverse range instead of explicit forward loop, remembering the 'last' valid item
+  - do not cache `msgLevel`, as `msgLevel` already is cached
   - prefer lambda over stateless struct which provide call operator
-- Use gaudi automated toolhandle retrieve, !980, !977 (@graven)   
+- Use gaudi automated toolhandle retrieve, !980, !977 (@graven)
   When a `ToolHandle` is constructed such that there is a corresponding property, Gaudi will implicitly retrieve the tool (unless explicitly disabled) after `::initialize()` is invoked
 ### Monitoring changes
-- PVChecker for PR2, !1107 (@adudziak)   
+- PVChecker for PR2, !1107 (@adudziak)
-- Rich Monitoring - Add various new plots, !1020 (@jonrob)   
+- Rich Monitoring - Add various new plots, !1020 (@jonrob)
   - Restores some MC performance plots not yet ported over to the new RichFuture framework.
-  - Adds a plot showing the average CK theta resolution, for true photons, as a function of P.  
+  - Adds a plot showing the average CK theta resolution, for true photons, as a function of P.
 ### Changes to tests
-- Update reference for use with gcc7, !1049 (@cattanem)   
+- Update reference for use with gcc7, !1049 (@cattanem)
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes/v30r2.md b/ReleaseNotes/v30r2.md
index a6d6445090cc298d8d07c79f96c59d7281ff1714..65afad91caf1019d9d31a330a4c1322c7e227402 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes/v30r2.md
+++ b/ReleaseNotes/v30r2.md
@@ -10,333 +10,330 @@ Built relative to Rec v30r1, with the following changes:
 ### New features
-- Loki for Track v2, !1285 (@sstahl)   
+- Loki for Track v2, !1285 (@sstahl)
   Add a small set of LoKi functors using Track v2 needed for making more realistic selections.
-- Add copyright statements, !1247 (@clemenci) [LBCORE-1619]  
+- Add copyright statements, !1247 (@clemenci) [LBCORE-1619]
-- PrForwardTool: add momentum guided search window, !1239 (@jihu)   
-  - Turn it on with `PrForwardTool().UseMomentumGuidedSearchWindow = True` (default `False`)    
+- PrForwardTool: add momentum guided search window, !1239 (@jihu)
+  - Turn it on with `PrForwardTool().UseMomentumGuidedSearchWindow = True` (default `False`)
   - PrVeloUT: add a fitter with Y offset correction
-    To turn it with `PrVeloUT().FinalFit = True` (default `False`)  
+    To turn it with `PrVeloUT().FinalFit = True` (default `False`)
   - TrackSys: add switch `UseMomentumGuidedSearchWindow` in the `ConfigHLT1` field.
-    If turned on, it will set both `PrForwardTool().UseMomentumGuidedSearchWindow` and `PrVeloUT().FinalFit` to be true in the fast stage tracking.   
+    If turned on, it will set both `PrForwardTool().UseMomentumGuidedSearchWindow` and `PrVeloUT().FinalFit` to be true in the fast stage tracking.
-- Dump banks, hits and geometry to binary files, !1177 (@raaij), !1229, !1267 (@dovombru), !1274 (@graven), !1288 (@freiss)     
+- Dump banks, hits and geometry to binary files, !1177 (@raaij), !1229, !1267 (@dovombru), !1274 (@graven), !1288 (@freiss)
   Code to dump VP banks, UT banks, UT hits, UT geometry, FT hits, MuonCoords, MuonCommonHits and track MC info to a binary file format or ROOT files for consumption by the standalone GPU application.
 - Added new dumpers based on PrTrackerDumper, !1310 (@gtuci)
-- Add GPU input readme, !1297 (@dovombru)   
+- Add GPU input readme, !1297 (@dovombru)
-- Add package CaloFuture, !1209 (@jmarchan)   
+- Add package CaloFuture, !1209 (@jmarchan)
   New CaloFuture package to be used for upgrade
 ### Enhancements
-- Making PatPV3D a Transformer instead of MulitTransformerFilter, !1325, (@chasse)   
+- Making PatPV3D a Transformer instead of MulitTransformerFilter, !1325, (@chasse)
-- Batch evaluation of Catboost in MuonID, !1301 (@nkazeev)    
+- Batch evaluation of Catboost in MuonID, !1301 (@nkazeev)
-- ParameterizedKalman: Access qOverP directly, !1292 (@pseyfert)   
+- ParameterizedKalman: Access qOverP directly, !1292 (@pseyfert)
-- Adapted to RecVertex v2, !1287 (@sponce)   
-- Improve PatAlgorithms vectorization support, !1278 (@graven)   
+- Adapted to RecVertex v2, !1287 (@sponce)
-- Use Property constructor which accepts updateHandler, !1275 (@graven)   
+- Improve PatAlgorithms vectorization support, !1278 (@graven)
-- Port CaloFutureShowerOverlap to new framework, !1273, !1293, !1304, !1313 (@cmarinbe)   
+- Use Property constructor which accepts updateHandler, !1275 (@graven)
-- Avoid implicit float to double conversion in PrPixel package, !1322 (@chasse)    
+- Port CaloFutureShowerOverlap to new framework, !1273, !1293, !1304, !1313 (@cmarinbe)
-- Prevent PrForwardTracking from using fake qoverP, !1252 (@jihu)   
-  When the input tracks are from PrPixelTracking, or you don't want to use momentum estimate from input tracks, set `PrForwardTool().UseMomentumEstimate = False`  
-- Add a default q/p to the PrPixel track states, !1246 (@cattanem)   
-  Implements a default q/p in PrPixel track states, as was done in Run1/2 for Velo tracks, to avoid NaNs due to infinite momentum. See discussions in lhcb/LHCb!1553 and lhcb/Brunel!540.      
+- Avoid implicit float to double conversion in PrPixel package, !1322 (@chasse)
+- Prevent PrForwardTracking from using fake qoverP, !1252 (@jihu)
+  When the input tracks are from PrPixelTracking, or you don't want to use momentum estimate from input tracks, set `PrForwardTool().UseMomentumEstimate = False`
+- Add a default q/p to the PrPixel track states, !1246 (@cattanem)
+  Implements a default q/p in PrPixel track states, as was done in Run1/2 for Velo tracks, to avoid NaNs due to infinite momentum. See discussions in lhcb/LHCb!1553 and lhcb/Brunel!540.
   Enabled by default, can be switched off with `PrPixelTracking().AddQoverP = false`. Default pT can be changed with  `PrPixelTracking().ptVelo`, default is 400 MeV.
-- Port CaloEnergyForTrack to new framework and remove PRS/SPD related classes in CaloPIDs, !1243 (@zhxu)   
+- Port CaloEnergyForTrack to new framework and remove PRS/SPD related classes in CaloPIDs, !1243 (@zhxu)
-- Changes for calorimeters RawBank access, !1303 (@jmarchan)   
-  Addition of CaloFutureRawToDigits and removal of old code, related to lhcb/LHCb!1629   
+- Changes for calorimeters RawBank access, !1303 (@jmarchan)
+  Addition of CaloFutureRawToDigits and removal of old code, related to lhcb/LHCb!1629
-- Updated the beam hole in PrHybridSeeding, !1237 (@lohenry)   
-  The PrHybridSeeding has a possibility (True by default) to remove by hand the beam hole in the search for (u,v) hits. This cut was implemented when that hole was circular. This MR proposes new options to change the beam hole size and shape.  
+- Updated the beam hole in PrHybridSeeding, !1237 (@lohenry)
+  The PrHybridSeeding has a possibility (True by default) to remove by hand the beam hole in the search for (u,v) hits. This cut was implemented when that hole was circular. This MR proposes new options to change the beam hole size and shape.
   `RemoveHole` has been left to True by default.
-- Use new counters, !1233, !1242 (@sponce)   
-- Add new input types to ChargedProtoANNPID to provide information on (x,y,z) positions at various positions along the track, !1232 (@jonrob)   
+- Use new counters, !1233, !1242 (@sponce)
+- Add new input types to ChargedProtoANNPID to provide information on (x,y,z) positions at various positions along the track, !1232 (@jonrob)
-- Adapt pattern recognition to Track::v2 class, !1205, !1226 (@sstahl), !1296 (@sponce)   
+- Adapt pattern recognition to Track::v2 class, !1205, !1226 (@sstahl), !1296 (@sponce)
 - Support selections on contiguous containers (e.g. vector<v2 Track>...), !1281 (@olupton)
-- Restore old performance for Velo tracking  using Phi-Sorted hits, !1207 (@rquaglia)   
-  Addresses https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Rec/issues/12  
+- Restore old performance for Velo tracking  using Phi-Sorted hits, !1207 (@rquaglia)
+  Addresses https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Rec/issues/12
-- Only search for additional hits in X layers if there is actually an empty one, !1191 (@decianm)   
+- Only search for additional hits in X layers if there is actually an empty one, !1191 (@decianm)
-- Update TrackSys package to swallow main switchess for the HLT1 throughput and physics scenarios, !1188 (@rquaglia)   
-  Allows to configure directly via a Dictionary the main configuration of the HLT1 reconstruction sequence.   
+- Update TrackSys package to swallow main switchess for the HLT1 throughput and physics scenarios, !1188 (@rquaglia)
+  Allows to configure directly via a Dictionary the main configuration of the HLT1 reconstruction sequence.
-- New paramKalman extrapolation through the magnet, !1178 (@sstemmle)   
+- New paramKalman extrapolation through the magnet, !1178 (@sstemmle)
   In addition, some other hard coded numbers are replaced by parameters and some small changes to other parametrizations were applied. Uses new parameters for FT6x2, see lhcb-datapkg/ParamFiles!15.
-- add PrCheckEmpty FilterPredicate (end decision for the scheduler), !1170 (@nnolte)   
-  Also added the possibility of a sharedobjectscontainer as input for the trackeventfitter (for the barrier)    
+- add PrCheckEmpty FilterPredicate (end decision for the scheduler), !1170 (@nnolte)
+  Also added the possibility of a sharedobjectscontainer as input for the trackeventfitter (for the barrier)
-- Optimized PV3D, !1169 (@sponce)   
-- Optimized VPClus and VSPClus, !1168 (@sponce)   
+- Optimized PV3D, !1169 (@sponce)
-- Optimized PrStoreFTHit by caching the DeFTMat objects, !1167 (@sponce)   
+- Optimized VPClus and VSPClus, !1168 (@sponce)
-- Rec/LoKiTrack - change a way how LoKi-functors get the context, !1162 (@ibelyaev)   
+- Optimized PrStoreFTHit by caching the DeFTMat objects, !1167 (@sponce)
+- Rec/LoKiTrack - change a way how LoKi-functors get the context, !1162 (@ibelyaev)
   see  lhcb/LHCb!1441
-- Adapt to versioned Track and revert of changes in TDR track, !1148 (@sstahl)   
+- Adapt to versioned Track and revert of changes in TDR track, !1148 (@sstahl)
-- update Calo/CaloPIDs algorithms to the new Gaudi framework (charged PIDs only), !1133 (@zhxu)   
+- update Calo/CaloPIDs algorithms to the new Gaudi framework (charged PIDs only), !1133 (@zhxu)
-- RICH Set segment photon energies using parameters tool, !1111 (@jonrob)   
+- RICH Set segment photon energies using parameters tool, !1111 (@jonrob)
-- Big improvements to MuonMatchVeloUT algorithm, !1033 (@mramospe)   
+- Big improvements to MuonMatchVeloUT algorithm, !1033 (@mramospe)
 - Added support for VeloUTMuonMatch reco sequence in TrackSys, !1305 (@sponce)
-- Merge of TDR branch, aka code that would break master but is needed to run TDR tests, !826 (@sponce)   
+- Merge of TDR branch, aka code that would break master but is needed to run TDR tests, !826 (@sponce)
 ### Thread safety
-- Modernize PrTableForFunction and PrUTMagnetTool, !1182 (@graven)   
+- Modernize PrTableForFunction and PrUTMagnetTool, !1182 (@graven)
 ### Bug fixes
-- Add fully qualified enum name needed by FunctorCache generation, !1334 (@cattanem)   
+- Add fully qualified enum name needed by FunctorCache generation, !1334 (@cattanem)
+- Fix two memory leaks in ParameterizedKalman/src/CompareTracks.cpp, !1284 (@graven)
-- Fix two memory leaks in ParameterizedKalman/src/CompareTracks.cpp, !1284 (@graven)  
+- MuonMatch fix to the gcc8 seqfault, !1309 (@cprouve)
-- MuonMatch fix to the gcc8 seqfault, !1309 (@cprouve)   
+- Fix untested StatusCodes in Muon Rec packages, !1308 (@cattanem)
-- Fix untested StatusCodes in Muon Rec packages, !1308 (@cattanem)   
+- Fixes to untested StatusCodes seen by Brunel tests, !1306 (@cattanem)
-- Fixes to untested StatusCodes seen by Brunel tests, !1306 (@cattanem)   
-- PatAlgorithms - Fix UB Sanitizer error in PatBBDTSeedClassifier, !1206 (@jonrob)   
-- MuonChi2MatchTool: fix undefined behaviour due to number of regions, !1248 (@rvazquez)   
+- PatAlgorithms - Fix UB Sanitizer error in PatBBDTSeedClassifier, !1206 (@jonrob)
+- MuonChi2MatchTool: fix undefined behaviour due to number of regions, !1248 (@rvazquez)
-- PrVeloUT: small correction to straight line extrapolation formula, !1245 (@jihu)   
+- PrVeloUT: small correction to straight line extrapolation formula, !1245 (@jihu)
-- TrackMonitors - Increase the size of some char buffers to avoid buffer overflows, !1228 (@jonrob)   
+- TrackMonitors - Increase the size of some char buffers to avoid buffer overflows, !1228 (@jonrob)
-- ChargedProtoANNPID - Suppress json warnings, !1222 (@jonrob)   
+- ChargedProtoANNPID - Suppress json warnings, !1222 (@jonrob)
-- Add array index protection to avoid stack overflows, !1218 (@jonrob)   
+- Add array index protection to avoid stack overflows, !1218 (@jonrob)
-- PrAlgorithms - Fix MVA leak, !1213 (@jonrob)   
+- PrAlgorithms - Fix MVA leak, !1213 (@jonrob)
-- CaloTools - Fix trivial TMVA leaks, !1212 (@jonrob)   
+- CaloTools - Fix trivial TMVA leaks, !1212 (@jonrob)
-- Fixed bug in PrHybridSeeding, !1210 (@sponce)   
-  Stupid mistake leading to memory corruption and detected jointly by valgrind and the memory sanitizers in the nightlies.  
+- Fixed bug in PrHybridSeeding, !1210 (@sponce)
+  Stupid mistake leading to memory corruption and detected jointly by valgrind and the memory sanitizers in the nightlies.
-- TrackBestTrackCreator: Add missing default inititalisation of `TrackData` members, !1208 (@jonrob)   
+- TrackBestTrackCreator: Add missing default inititalisation of `TrackData` members, !1208 (@jonrob)
-- Fix bug for the bestScatter tolerance in Velo tracking, !1204 (@rquaglia)   
+- Fix bug for the bestScatter tolerance in Velo tracking, !1204 (@rquaglia)
-- Fixed bug in ForwardTracking leading to use of deleted memory, !1203 (@sponce)   
+- Fixed bug in ForwardTracking leading to use of deleted memory, !1203 (@sponce)
-- Add a callback to CommonMuonTool, to update cached geometry when alignment changes, !1201 (@cattanem) [LHCBPS-1800]  
-  Cherry-picked from !1154 on `run2-patches`  
+- Add a callback to CommonMuonTool, to update cached geometry when alignment changes, !1201 (@cattanem) [LHCBPS-1800]
+  Cherry-picked from !1154 on `run2-patches`
-- Rich fix SIMD pixel summary ranges, !1194 (@jonrob)   
-  Fixes a bug in the determination of the RICH SIMD pixel summary indices that occurs when no RICH1 bottom pixels are present.  
-- Add missing .size() inside an assert() to fix compilation of the debug builds, !1186 (@olupton)   
+- Rich fix SIMD pixel summary ranges, !1194 (@jonrob)
+  Fixes a bug in the determination of the RICH SIMD pixel summary indices that occurs when no RICH1 bottom pixels are present.
-- Fix floating point exception in PrCounter2, !1173 (@chasse)   
+- Add missing .size() inside an assert() to fix compilation of the debug builds, !1186 (@olupton)
+- Fix floating point exception in PrCounter2, !1173 (@chasse)
   This protects the PrCounter2 against a floating point exception in the printing.
-- Fix assert bug., !1172 (@raaij)   
-  This assert does not make sense and seems to always fail in the debug builds.  
+- Fix assert bug., !1172 (@raaij)
+  This assert does not make sense and seems to always fail in the debug builds.
-- Fixes in TrackerDumper and PrLHCbID2MCParticle.cpp, !1171 (@dovombru)   
-  Makes the TrackerDumper compatible with the latest changes.  
+- Fixes in TrackerDumper and PrLHCbID2MCParticle.cpp, !1171 (@dovombru)
+  Makes the TrackerDumper compatible with the latest changes.
-- Fixed mistake in StatZTraj on horizontal_and, !1152 (@sponce)   
+- Fixed mistake in StatZTraj on horizontal_and, !1152 (@sponce)
-- Fixed clang compilation error in VPClus, !1282 (@sponce)   
+- Fixed clang compilation error in VPClus, !1282 (@sponce)
 ### Code modernisations and cleanups
-- Backward compatible changes required to decommision COOL, !1324 (@clemenci)   
+- Backward compatible changes required to decommision COOL, !1324 (@clemenci)
-- Port CaloFutureMergedPi0 algorithm to the Gaudi::Functional framework, !1283 (@dgolubko)    
+- Port CaloFutureMergedPi0 algorithm to the Gaudi::Functional framework, !1283 (@dgolubko)
-- Streamline LoKiTrack, !1315 (@graven)    
-  Simplify definition of unary functions    
+- Streamline LoKiTrack, !1315 (@graven)
+  Simplify definition of unary functions
-- Moved VectorSOAMatrixView header from the LHCb project to Rec, !1318 (@sponce)   
+- Moved VectorSOAMatrixView header from the LHCb project to Rec, !1318 (@sponce)
 - Fix order of addition of converters to the sequence in TrackSys, !1316 (@sponce)
-- Minor fixes to avoid gcc8 warnings, !1225 (@jonrob)   
+- Minor fixes to avoid gcc8 warnings, !1225 (@jonrob)
-- fix odr violations, !1277, !1289 (@graven)   
+- fix odr violations, !1277, !1289 (@graven)
   Use constexpr and C++17 inline variables to fix violations of the [One Definition Rule](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/definition)
-- Prefer copy constructor over LHCb::State::clone, !1284 (@graven)   
+- Prefer copy constructor over LHCb::State::clone, !1284 (@graven)
-- Use more direct way of obtaining the TES location of Calo hypos, !1312 (@graven)   
+- Use more direct way of obtaining the TES location of Calo hypos, !1312 (@graven)
-- Add TrMINIPCHI2 and TrMINIPCHI2CUT functors from Phys!455, !1307 (@olupton)   
+- Add TrMINIPCHI2 and TrMINIPCHI2CUT functors from Phys!455, !1307 (@olupton)
-- Fix -Wnon-virtual-dtor warning, !1295 (@graven)   
+- Fix -Wnon-virtual-dtor warning, !1295 (@graven)
-- merge PrForwardTool and PrForwardTracking, !1286 (@olupton)   
+- merge PrForwardTool and PrForwardTracking, !1286 (@olupton)
-- return std::optional instead of boost::optional in ScalarTransformer call operator, !1279 (@graven)   
+- return std::optional instead of boost::optional in ScalarTransformer call operator, !1279 (@graven)
-- replace ranges::v3::any with std::any, !1276 (@graven)   
+- replace ranges::v3::any with std::any, !1276 (@graven)
-- Remove UpgradeBestTrackCreator, !1266 (@cattanem)   
+- Remove UpgradeBestTrackCreator, !1266 (@cattanem)
-- tweak TrackInterfaces, TrackTools, !1263 (@graven)   
-  * use ToolHandle  
-  * inherit from extend instead of base_class/GaudiTool  
+- tweak TrackInterfaces, TrackTools, !1263 (@graven)
+  * use ToolHandle
+  * inherit from extend instead of base_class/GaudiTool
   * prefer struct for interfaces
-- Modernize PatForward, !1262 (@graven)   
-  * replace AUTO_RETURN macro with C++14 decltype(auto) return value deduction  
-  * replace make_... functions with  class template argument deduction  
-  * replace plain owning pointers with std::unique_ptr  
-  * use std::invoke to generically invoke callables  
-  * pick SIMD vector size depending on __AVX512F__, __AVX__ and __SSE__ pre-processer flags  
-  * use std::inner_product instead of explicitly writing out an unrolled inner product  
+- Modernize PatForward, !1262 (@graven)
+  * replace AUTO_RETURN macro with C++14 decltype(auto) return value deduction
+  * replace make_... functions with  class template argument deduction
+  * replace plain owning pointers with std::unique_ptr
+  * use std::invoke to generically invoke callables
+  * pick SIMD vector size depending on __AVX512F__, __AVX__ and __SSE__ pre-processer flags
+  * use std::inner_product instead of explicitly writing out an unrolled inner product
   * replace custom index_sequence implementation with std::index_sequence
-- use class template argument deduction, !1261 (@graven)   
+- use class template argument deduction, !1261 (@graven)
-- fully qualify enums, !1260 (@graven)   
+- fully qualify enums, !1260 (@graven)
-- Modernize PrGeometryTool / PrForwardTool, !1255 (@graven)   
-  * make methods const  
-  * prefer Gaudi::Property over declareProperty  
-  * prefer std::array properties over std::vector properties  
-  * remove unused properties  
-  * use ToolHandles  
+- Modernize PrGeometryTool / PrForwardTool, !1255 (@graven)
+  * make methods const
+  * prefer Gaudi::Property over declareProperty
+  * prefer std::array properties over std::vector properties
+  * remove unused properties
+  * use ToolHandles
   * prefer free-standing functions in anonymous namespace over member functions
-- prefer SynchronizedValue over raw mutex, !1254 (@graven)   
-- Remove obsolete RecSys/cmt/requirements and RecSys/CMakeLists.txt, !1250 (@cattanem)   
+- prefer SynchronizedValue over raw mutex, !1254 (@graven)
+- Remove obsolete RecSys/cmt/requirements and RecSys/CMakeLists.txt, !1250 (@cattanem)
-- Simplify vectorized code, !1244 (@graven)   
+- Simplify vectorized code, !1244 (@graven)
   By using generic lambdas instead of explicit templates
-- PrCheckEmptyFilter.cpp: removed the info from execute(), and other minor changes, !1200 (@nnolte)   
-- ChargedProtoANNPID - Disable instrumentation for some compilation units, !1199 (@jonrob)   
+- PrCheckEmptyFilter.cpp: removed the info from execute(), and other minor changes, !1200 (@nnolte)
-- Refactor UT code out of ST libraries, !1189 (@abeiter), !1235 (@sponce)   
+- ChargedProtoANNPID - Disable instrumentation for some compilation units, !1199 (@jonrob)
+- Refactor UT code out of ST libraries, !1189 (@abeiter), !1235 (@sponce)
   Classes updated to use new UT libraries in LHCb and Lbcom when handling UT code.
-- Modernize PrVeloUT, PrUTMagnetTool, PrTableForFunction, !1185 (@graven)   
-  * prefer std::clamp(x,y,z) over std::min(std::max(x,y),z),  
-  * prefer constexpr  
-  * prefer static functions  
-  * prefer inherited constructor  
-  * prefer template deduction guides  
-  * prefer LHCb::span over std::array as function argument  
-  * prefer std::array over C-style array  
+- Modernize PrVeloUT, PrUTMagnetTool, PrTableForFunction, !1185 (@graven)
+  * prefer std::clamp(x,y,z) over std::min(std::max(x,y),z),
+  * prefer constexpr
+  * prefer static functions
+  * prefer inherited constructor
+  * prefer template deduction guides
+  * prefer LHCb::span over std::array as function argument
+  * prefer std::array over C-style array
   * static_assert over assert
-- Make PrVeloUT less dependendant on actual container types, !1180 (@graven)   
-- Do not to use std::make_pair unnecessarily, !1179 (@graven)   
-- IMuonMatchTool: remove data from interface, move to implementation, !1176 (@graven)   
+- Make PrVeloUT less dependendant on actual container types, !1180 (@graven)
+- Do not to use std::make_pair unnecessarily, !1179 (@graven)
+- IMuonMatchTool: remove data from interface, move to implementation, !1176 (@graven)
+- prefer structured bindings over std::get<N>(), !1175 (@graven)
-- prefer structured bindings over std::get<N>(), !1175 (@graven)   
+- prefer template deduction guide over LHCb::make_array, !1174 (@graven)
-- prefer template deduction guide over LHCb::make_array, !1174 (@graven)   
-- Rich - C++17 improvements + clang formatting., !1160, !1181 (@jonrob)   
+- Rich - C++17 improvements + clang formatting., !1160, !1181 (@jonrob)
-- deprecate use of getIterator_{Begin,End}, !1156 (@graven)   
+- deprecate use of getIterator_{Begin,End}, !1156 (@graven)
-- use structured bindings in combination with zip, !1149 (@graven)   
-- cleanup of some Trajectory using code, !1146 (@graven)   
-  - include the correct header files  
-  - remove old WIN32 specific #ifdef  
-  - add `final` where appropriate  
+- use structured bindings in combination with zip, !1149 (@graven)
+- cleanup of some Trajectory using code, !1146 (@graven)
+  - include the correct header files
+  - remove old WIN32 specific #ifdef
+  - add `final` where appropriate
   - remove redundant destructor declarations
-- Adressed several comments summarized in issue #25, !1145 (@sponce)   
+- Adressed several comments summarized in issue #25, !1145 (@sponce)
-- Modernize PrLongLivedTracking, !1144 (@graven)   
-  - add additional argument to Transformer instead of using an  
-    explicit DataObjectReadHandle  
-  - prefer range-based for loops  
-  - initialize member variables when they are declared  
-  - move stand-alone struct into anonymous namespace  
-  - fix one-time only memory leak by using std::unique_ptr  
-  - avoid repeated push-back  
+- Modernize PrLongLivedTracking, !1144 (@graven)
+  - add additional argument to Transformer instead of using an
+    explicit DataObjectReadHandle
+  - prefer range-based for loops
+  - initialize member variables when they are declared
+  - move stand-alone struct into anonymous namespace
+  - fix one-time only memory leak by using std::unique_ptr
+  - avoid repeated push-back
   - remove redundant inline qualifiers
-- prefer std::string_view over boost::string_ref, !1143 (@graven)   
+- prefer std::string_view over boost::string_ref, !1143 (@graven)
-- prefer std::optional over boost::optional, !1142 (@graven)   
+- prefer std::optional over boost::optional, !1142 (@graven)
-- Reduce the use of #ifdef in PrVeloUT, !1141 (@graven)   
-  - instead, use templates and `if constexpr`  
-  - replace explicit `DataObjectReadhandle` with extra `Transformer` argument  
+- Reduce the use of #ifdef in PrVeloUT, !1141 (@graven)
+  - instead, use templates and `if constexpr`
+  - replace explicit `DataObjectReadhandle` with extra `Transformer` argument
   - use std::optional instead of boost::optional
-- Minimize the ICaloClusterization interface, !1137 (@graven)   
+- Minimize the ICaloClusterization interface, !1137 (@graven)
   Follow changes in lhcb/LHCb!1431
-- prefer CaloCluster copy constructor over virtual clone, !1135 (@graven)   
+- prefer CaloCluster copy constructor over virtual clone, !1135 (@graven)
 ### Monitoring changes
-- MuMonitor: Remove unnecessary get of HltDecReports, !1202 (@cattanem)   
-  MuMonitor was retrieving `HltDecReports` from the TES, even though it was not using them. This MR removes it, allowing MuMonitor to work also on data taken in HLT passthrough mode where the HltDecReports are absent. See discussion in lhcb/Brunel!484  
+- MuMonitor: Remove unnecessary get of HltDecReports, !1202 (@cattanem)
+  MuMonitor was retrieving `HltDecReports` from the TES, even though it was not using them. This MR removes it, allowing MuMonitor to work also on data taken in HLT passthrough mode where the HltDecReports are absent. See discussion in lhcb/Brunel!484
-- PrChecker histograms: plot negative eta range, !1251 (@dovombru)   
+- PrChecker histograms: plot negative eta range, !1251 (@dovombru)
   For Velo track histograms of reconstructed and reconstructible tracks: plot the whole eta range: -7, 7 if no eta25 cut was specified.
-- Convert SIMDRecoStats (Rich monitoring algorithm in Brunel) to use new Gaudi counters, !1220 (@jonrob)   
+- Convert SIMDRecoStats (Rich monitoring algorithm in Brunel) to use new Gaudi counters, !1220 (@jonrob)
-- Fix RecMoniConf to enable Monitoring of new Upgrade sub-detectors, !1249 (@cattanem)   
+- Fix RecMoniConf to enable Monitoring of new Upgrade sub-detectors, !1249 (@cattanem)
-- Added back counters to HLT1 sequence, !1236 (@sponce)   
+- Added back counters to HLT1 sequence, !1236 (@sponce)
-- Update PrChecking, !1223 (@rquaglia)   
+- Update PrChecking, !1223 (@rquaglia)
-- Explicit electron checks and efficiency of first velo hits in PrChecker2/PrCounter2, !1140 (@chasse) [N-3]  
+- Explicit electron checks and efficiency of first velo hits in PrChecker2/PrCounter2, !1140 (@chasse) [N-3]
 ### Changes to tests
-- LumiAlgs - Disable virtual memory check under sanitizers, !1215 (@jonrob)   
-- Fix test using the SQLite DDDB, broken by lhcb/LHCb!1439, !1150 (@cattanem)   
+- LumiAlgs - Disable virtual memory check under sanitizers, !1215 (@jonrob)
+- Fix test using the SQLite DDDB, broken by lhcb/LHCb!1439, !1150 (@cattanem)
   Cherry picked from lhcb/Rec!1147 on `run2-patches`
-- Remove assert to fix tests in dbg mode, !1139 (@rvazquez)   
+- Remove assert to fix tests in dbg mode, !1139 (@rvazquez)
   Brunel tests in debug mode were failing due to the assert in `CommonMuonStation.cpp` removed by this MR. See discussion in lhcb/Rec!1076.
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes/v30r3.md b/ReleaseNotes/v30r3.md
index 177088ff1418b03e4e3c48e6047519f0f5a2368c..0e644913dac78e6a36cab8f46f451bc386e27cd3 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes/v30r3.md
+++ b/ReleaseNotes/v30r3.md
@@ -11,182 +11,182 @@ Built relative to Rec v30r2, with the following changes:
 ### New features
-- Add forward compatibility functions for Track V1, !1362 (@graven)   
-  - Provide freestanding functions for `LHCb::Event::v1::Track` which can be found by ADL, and provide forward compatible ways of eg. getting `Measurements`, and which provide backwards compatible `closestState` functionality.  
-  - Use the above `closestState` in VeloExpectation, MuonTrackAlignMonitor, and TrackCaloMatchMonitor  
+- Add forward compatibility functions for Track V1, !1362 (@graven)
+  - Provide freestanding functions for `LHCb::Event::v1::Track` which can be found by ADL, and provide forward compatible ways of eg. getting `Measurements`, and which provide backwards compatible `closestState` functionality.
+  - Use the above `closestState` in VeloExpectation, MuonTrackAlignMonitor, and TrackCaloMatchMonitor
-- Primary vertex dumper for Allen, !1351 (@freiss)   
-  * Add PrimaryVertexDumper, similar to TrackerDumper, to write out MC PV information, to be used in Allen project  
-  * Writes out number of MC particles and x,y,z position for each MC PV  
+- Primary vertex dumper for Allen, !1351 (@freiss)
+  * Add PrimaryVertexDumper, similar to TrackerDumper, to write out MC PV information, to be used in Allen project
+  * Writes out number of MC particles and x,y,z position for each MC PV
-- Add "Extreme' flag to "drop" modules [0,1,....13] in Velo clustering and Velo Tracking, !1335 (@rquaglia)   
+- Add "Extreme' flag to "drop" modules [0,1,....13] in Velo clustering and Velo Tracking, !1335 (@rquaglia)
-- Added new PV algorithm TrackBeamLineVertexFinder, !1269 (@wouter)   
-  New implementation of a fast PV finder. 
-  For documentation, see https://gitlab.cern.ch/wouter/pvfinder  
+- Added new PV algorithm TrackBeamLineVertexFinder, !1269 (@wouter)
+  New implementation of a fast PV finder.
+  For documentation, see https://gitlab.cern.ch/wouter/pvfinder
-- Added FT geometry dumper for GPU project, !1386 (@lfunke)   
+- Added FT geometry dumper for GPU project, !1386 (@lfunke)
-- Added options script for JPsiMuMu events for GPU input, !1381 (@dovombru)   
+- Added options script for JPsiMuMu events for GPU input, !1381 (@dovombru)
 ### Enhancements
-- Small improvements in PrPixelTracking boundary search windows finding, !1395 (@rquaglia)   
-  According to the flamegraph lower/upper bound calls was taking 10% of the time in Velo tracking.   
+- Small improvements in PrPixelTracking boundary search windows finding, !1395 (@rquaglia)
+  According to the flamegraph lower/upper bound calls was taking 10% of the time in Velo tracking.
-- Update the input to the MuonMatchVeloUT algorithm, !1388 (@cprouve)   
-  - change the VeloUT track input from vector to selection to be in line with other tracking algorithms  
-  - change names of KeyValues to me more intuitive  
-  - cosmetic changes files in MuonMatch/MuonMatch to be more intuitive and readable  
-  - change to TrackSys/RecoUpgradeTracking.py to set up the MuonMatch sequence with the correct input for MuonMatchVeloUT  
-  - add script to generate n-tuples (with MC-matching information for the tracks)  
+- Update the input to the MuonMatchVeloUT algorithm, !1388 (@cprouve)
+  - change the VeloUT track input from vector to selection to be in line with other tracking algorithms
+  - change names of KeyValues to me more intuitive
+  - cosmetic changes files in MuonMatch/MuonMatch to be more intuitive and readable
+  - change to TrackSys/RecoUpgradeTracking.py to set up the MuonMatch sequence with the correct input for MuonMatchVeloUT
+  - add script to generate n-tuples (with MC-matching information for the tracks)
   - add script to do studies for the VeloUT-Muon matching algorithm
-- Remove the use of the high-threshold bit in PrLongLivedTracking, !1384 (@decianm)   
-  Small drop in efficiency, as the value in the MVA has to be set constant. Preparation for removal of highThreshold member in UTHit.  
+- Remove the use of the high-threshold bit in PrLongLivedTracking, !1384 (@decianm)
+  Small drop in efficiency, as the value in the MVA has to be set constant. Preparation for removal of highThreshold member in UTHit.
-- Remove check for high-threshold hits in VeloUT, !1383 (@decianm)   
+- Remove check for high-threshold hits in VeloUT, !1383 (@decianm)
-- Keep Measurements 'by value' inside TrackFitResult, Keep Trajectories 'by value' inside Measurement, !1380 (@graven)   
+- Keep Measurements 'by value' inside TrackFitResult, Keep Trajectories 'by value' inside Measurement, !1380 (@graven)
-- Apply IP cut in a separate algorithm, !1369 (@sponce)   
+- Apply IP cut in a separate algorithm, !1369 (@sponce)
-- Follow lhcb/LHCb!1698, !1366 (@graven)   
-  DeSTSector: use BrokenLineTrajectory instead of PiecewiseTrajectory  
+- Follow lhcb/LHCb!1698, !1366 (@graven)
+  DeSTSector: use BrokenLineTrajectory instead of PiecewiseTrajectory
-- One measurement to rule them all, !1361 (@graven)   
-  Replace the polymorphic `Measurement` and its implementations with a single, concrete `Measurement` class  
+- One measurement to rule them all, !1361 (@graven)
+  Replace the polymorphic `Measurement` and its implementations with a single, concrete `Measurement` class
-- Use C99 (and C++20) designated initializers to avoid default constructing and subsequent overwriting, !1360 (@graven)   
-- Add [temporary] `Pr::FilterIP` algorithm to avoid using LoKi IP cuts, !1345 (@olupton)   
-  - Recover speed lost when applying IP cuts in `Pr::Filter`  
+- Use C99 (and C++20) designated initializers to avoid default constructing and subsequent overwriting, !1360 (@graven)
+- Add [temporary] `Pr::FilterIP` algorithm to avoid using LoKi IP cuts, !1345 (@olupton)
+  - Recover speed lost when applying IP cuts in `Pr::Filter`
   - Uses IP cut implementation that was removed in 5851e4bf9cea51c660c579497c62269ebff51708.
-- Improve IMeasurementProvider interface, !1343 (@graven)   
-  * remove 'measurement' call which forces, for each measurement, a seperate lookup in the event store, followed by a (linear!) search in the cluster/hit container for the corresponding hit/cluster  
-  * update users of the IMeasurementProvider interface  
-  * update implementations of the IMeasurementProvider interface, reducing the number of lookups to one per type of hit per track  
-- BayesianDNN (x4 speed-up of DNN), !1342 (@aryzhiko)   
-- Fix and Improve VSPClus, !1333 (@ahennequ)   
-  *  Simplification of the linkV Lookup Table (65536 -> 256 ways)  
-  *  Fix a bug in the left scan that was causing out of bounds accesses (scan was in the wrong way)  
-  *  Add UP and DOWN checks in the scans to improve the results  
+- Improve IMeasurementProvider interface, !1343 (@graven)
+  * remove 'measurement' call which forces, for each measurement, a seperate lookup in the event store, followed by a (linear!) search in the cluster/hit container for the corresponding hit/cluster
+  * update users of the IMeasurementProvider interface
+  * update implementations of the IMeasurementProvider interface, reducing the number of lookups to one per type of hit per track
+- BayesianDNN (x4 speed-up of DNN), !1342 (@aryzhiko)
+- Fix and Improve VSPClus, !1333 (@ahennequ)
+  *  Simplification of the linkV Lookup Table (65536 -> 256 ways)
+  *  Fix a bug in the left scan that was causing out of bounds accesses (scan was in the wrong way)
+  *  Add UP and DOWN checks in the scans to improve the results
   VSPClus's result is now closer to the reference VPClus algorithm.
-- Reduce (temporary) memory usage in PrepareMuonHits, !1326 (@graven)   
+- Reduce (temporary) memory usage in PrepareMuonHits, !1326 (@graven)
-- Bypassing measurement providers for fitting, !1311 (@pkardos)   
+- Bypassing measurement providers for fitting, !1311 (@pkardos)
   Transfers hit positions, fiber directions and measurement errors straight from pattern recognition algorithms to the parametrized fitter via additional members in the track. Bypassing measurement providers greatly increases performance for the best physics case, additional data members in track reduce performance in all cases, to varying degrees.
-- Use selections in tracking algorithms, !1291 (@olupton)   
-  Modify tracking algorithms:  
-  - Both `PrVeloUT` and `PrForwardTracking` now expect `Pr::Selection<LHCb::Event::v2::Track>`.  
-  - `PrVeloUT` no longer takes a container of PVs or applies IP cuts, as these are done in a `Pr::Filter` instance instead.  
-  Modify `v2::LoKi`:  
-  - Change `namespace { struct _Instantiations { ... }; }` in `Rec/LoKiTrack_v2/LoKi_v2/LoKiTrack_dct.h` as it seems to clash with non-`v2::LoKi` in some situations.  
-  - Make `v2::LoKi` functors expect containers of `v2::RecVertex`.  
-  Modify python configuration:  
-  - Insert `Pr::MakeSelection<T>` and `Pr::Filter<T>` before `PrVeloUT` in `RecoUpgradeTracking`, configure the filter to apply IP cuts.  
-  - Insert `Pr::MakeSelection<T>` before `PrForwardTracking` in `RecoUpgradeTracking`.  
+- Use selections in tracking algorithms, !1291 (@olupton)
+  Modify tracking algorithms:
+  - Both `PrVeloUT` and `PrForwardTracking` now expect `Pr::Selection<LHCb::Event::v2::Track>`.
+  - `PrVeloUT` no longer takes a container of PVs or applies IP cuts, as these are done in a `Pr::Filter` instance instead.
+  Modify `v2::LoKi`:
+  - Change `namespace { struct _Instantiations { ... }; }` in `Rec/LoKiTrack_v2/LoKi_v2/LoKiTrack_dct.h` as it seems to clash with non-`v2::LoKi` in some situations.
+  - Make `v2::LoKi` functors expect containers of `v2::RecVertex`.
+  Modify python configuration:
+  - Insert `Pr::MakeSelection<T>` and `Pr::Filter<T>` before `PrVeloUT` in `RecoUpgradeTracking`, configure the filter to apply IP cuts.
+  - Insert `Pr::MakeSelection<T>` before `PrForwardTracking` in `RecoUpgradeTracking`.
 ### Thread safety
-- Made UpgradeGhostId thread safe, !1377 (@sponce)   
+- Made UpgradeGhostId thread safe, !1377 (@sponce)
+- Remove unnecessary mutable, !1370 (@graven)
-- Remove unnecessary mutable, !1370 (@graven)   
-- Made TMVAs used in MiniBrunel thread safe, !1365 (@sponce)   
+- Made TMVAs used in MiniBrunel thread safe, !1365 (@sponce)
   Fixes part of the issues of the minibrunel.hive-multi-thread described in Brunel!609
 ### Bug fixes
-- Fixed wrong order of checks in PrPixelTracking, !1407 (@sponce)   
+- Fixed wrong order of checks in PrPixelTracking, !1407 (@sponce)
-- PrForwardTracking: fix a bug which may cause segmentation fault, !1393 (@jihu)   
+- PrForwardTracking: fix a bug which may cause segmentation fault, !1393 (@jihu)
   Physics performance not affected.
-- Fixes to PrimaryVertexChecker, !1382 (@freiss) (@adudziak)   
-  *  number of close and isolated MC PVs now add up to the total number of MC PVs  
-  *  don't skip anymore events where no PVs are reconstructed  
+- Fixes to PrimaryVertexChecker, !1382 (@freiss) (@adudziak)
+  *  number of close and isolated MC PVs now add up to the total number of MC PVs
+  *  don't skip anymore events where no PVs are reconstructed
-- Fix bug in VeloExpectation::zBeamLine due to shadowing, !1363 (@graven)   
+- Fix bug in VeloExpectation::zBeamLine due to shadowing, !1363 (@graven)
-- PrForwardTracking - Fix ubsan error due to null pointer dereferencing, !1348 (@jonrob)   
+- PrForwardTracking - Fix ubsan error due to null pointer dereferencing, !1348 (@jonrob)
-- Fix usage of uninitialized member in PrHit constructor, !1341 (@raaij)   
+- Fix usage of uninitialized member in PrHit constructor, !1341 (@raaij)
-- No longer set PatQuality in TrackV2 in PrForwardTracking, !1330 (@jihu)   
-  This change introduces a slight drop in ghost rate and a 0.03% loss in efficiency for `FromB P > 5GeV Pt > 500MeV` tracks. The cause for this diff is that previously UT IDs were "accidentally" used for calculating overlap between tracks, while in this newer version, only FT IDs are used  
+- No longer set PatQuality in TrackV2 in PrForwardTracking, !1330 (@jihu)
+  This change introduces a slight drop in ghost rate and a 0.03% loss in efficiency for `FromB P > 5GeV Pt > 500MeV` tracks. The cause for this diff is that previously UT IDs were "accidentally" used for calculating overlap between tracks, while in this newer version, only FT IDs are used
 ### Code modernisations and cleanups
-- Remove PrChecker (replaced by PrChecker2), !1408 (@rangel)   
+- Remove PrChecker (replaced by PrChecker2), !1408 (@rangel)
 - RICH Misc. Updates, !1404 (@jonrob)
-- PrChecker2.h: Change isNoTT to isNotTT, !1403 (@mengzhen)   
+- PrChecker2.h: Change isNoTT to isNotTT, !1403 (@mengzhen)
+- remove throw from PrLHCbID2MCParticle.cpp, !1399 (@nnolte)
+- reduce the usage of Measurement::type(), !1396 (@graven)
-- remove throw from PrLHCbID2MCParticle.cpp, !1399 (@nnolte)   
+- follow changes in lhcb/LHCb!1701, !1390 (@graven)
+  Fix dangerous DeVP::sensor interface
-- reduce the usage of Measurement::type(), !1396 (@graven)   
+- Remove highThreshold bit from PrTrack(er)Dumpers, !1389 (@decianm)
-- follow changes in lhcb/LHCb!1701, !1390 (@graven)   
-  Fix dangerous DeVP::sensor interface  
+- Remove use of highThreshold bit in PrDebugUTTruthTool, !1385 (@decianm)
-- Remove highThreshold bit from PrTrack(er)Dumpers, !1389 (@decianm)   
+- PrPlaneCounter: make counting single-hit planes explicit, !1379 (@jihu)
-- Remove use of highThreshold bit in PrDebugUTTruthTool, !1385 (@decianm)   
+- Minor changes to help formatting, !1372 (@clemenci)
-- PrPlaneCounter: make counting single-hit planes explicit, !1379 (@jihu)   
-- Minor changes to help formatting, !1372 (@clemenci)   
+- Remove unused TrackCheckerNT, !1364 (@graven)
-- Remove unused TrackCheckerNT, !1364 (@graven)   
+- Migrate LHCb::TrackFitResult,Measurement,Node from LHCb to Rec, !1359 (@graven)
-- Migrate LHCb::TrackFitResult,Measurement,Node from LHCb to Rec, !1359 (@graven)   
+- streamline PVDumper, !1355 (@graven)
-- streamline PVDumper, !1355 (@graven)   
-- RICH - Fix compilation with range v3 0.4, !1352 (@jonrob)   
+- RICH - Fix compilation with range v3 0.4, !1352 (@jonrob)
-- Avoid ubsan errors in ParameterizedKalmanFit due to excessively large data members, !1350 (@jonrob)   
+- Avoid ubsan errors in ParameterizedKalmanFit due to excessively large data members, !1350 (@jonrob)
-- Fix missing includes in header files, !1347 (@sponce)   
+- Fix missing includes in header files, !1347 (@sponce)
-- Changed dx_t_covXtX to dz_t_covXTx to match definition., !1340 (@ldufour)   
+- Changed dx_t_covXtX to dz_t_covXTx to match definition., !1340 (@ldufour)
-- change ICaloFutureClusterTool,ICaloFutureSubClusterTag, and ICaloFutureHypoTool IFs to accept ref intstead of ptr, !1337 (@dgolubko)   
-  Addresses #42   
+- change ICaloFutureClusterTool,ICaloFutureSubClusterTag, and ICaloFutureHypoTool IFs to accept ref intstead of ptr, !1337 (@dgolubko)
+  Addresses #42
-- Minor changes to the titles of some RICH histograms to avoid the use of '|', !1336 (@jonrob)   
+- Minor changes to the titles of some RICH histograms to avoid the use of '|', !1336 (@jonrob)
-- Follow removal of unused Track V2 data members, !1317 (@pkardos)   
+- Follow removal of unused Track V2 data members, !1317 (@pkardos)
   Addresses LHCb/issues#16
-- Prepare for new JobOptionsSvc, !1234 (@clemenci)   
+- Prepare for new JobOptionsSvc, !1234 (@clemenci)
   backward compatible changes to prepare for gaudi/Gaudi!577
 ### Monitoring changes
-- add the label for PairProduction, HadronicInteraction and isDecay in PrChecker2, !1394 (@mengzhen)   
+- add the label for PairProduction, HadronicInteraction and isDecay in PrChecker2, !1394 (@mengzhen)
-- Converted all counters of TrackBestTrackCreator to new counters and added one for ghostProbability, !1371 (@sponce)   
-  The new counter on ghostProbability allows to see discrepancies that then change the Rich output (see discussion in Brunel!609 and fixes in !1365)  
+- Converted all counters of TrackBestTrackCreator to new counters and added one for ghostProbability, !1371 (@sponce)
+  The new counter on ghostProbability allows to see discrepancies that then change the Rich output (see discussion in Brunel!609 and fixes in !1365)
-- Added counters in PrMatchNN as a rough check that everything is ok, !1367 (@sponce)   
+- Added counters in PrMatchNN as a rough check that everything is ok, !1367 (@sponce)
-- Add counters for muonMVA{1,2}, !1332 (@nkazeev)   
+- Add counters for muonMVA{1,2}, !1332 (@nkazeev)
 ### Changes to tests
-- Update references to follow gaudi/Gaudi!703, !1349 (@cattanem)   
+- Update references to follow gaudi/Gaudi!703, !1349 (@cattanem)
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes/v30r4.md b/ReleaseNotes/v30r4.md
index 5fc4fe4a603c5d017b75e2b4dda8cd9dc9ff415f..d6ac7684b94dae4fbfe6f6696b771a6b7b9af77b 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes/v30r4.md
+++ b/ReleaseNotes/v30r4.md
@@ -11,197 +11,197 @@ Built relative to Rec v30r3, with the following changes:
 ### New features
-- Introduce new algorithm SciFiTrackForwarding, !1514 (@chasse)   
+- Introduce new algorithm SciFiTrackForwarding, !1514 (@chasse)
-- Added list of unused tracks as a PrSelection to output of BeamLineVertexFinder, !1512 (@wouter)   
-  Can then be used   
+- Added list of unused tracks as a PrSelection to output of BeamLineVertexFinder, !1512 (@wouter)
+  Can then be used
   - as input to the forward tracking
   - as input to PatPV3D (or another PV finder) with looser settings for reconstructing beam gas events
-- Make PrAddUTHitsTool's UT location configurable, !1446, !1449 (@nnolte)   
+- Make PrAddUTHitsTool's UT location configurable, !1446, !1449 (@nnolte)
-- Add service to dump VP geometry for use in Allen, !1497 (@raaij)   
-  The same information is needed as is used to obtain conditions in `PrPixel`. To avoid code duplication, two files have been moved from `Pr/PrPixel` to public headers and the linker library in `Det/VPDet` in lhcb/LHCb!1884.  
-- Add service to dump muon geometry info and fix the position lookup table, !1491, !1495 (@raaij)   
+- Add service to dump VP geometry for use in Allen, !1497 (@raaij)
+  The same information is needed as is used to obtain conditions in `PrPixel`. To avoid code duplication, two files have been moved from `Pr/PrPixel` to public headers and the linker library in `Det/VPDet` in lhcb/LHCb!1884.
-- GPU dumpers: dump muon geom, !1471 (@raaij)   
-- TrackerDumper: add option to not write one ROOT file per event, !1520 (@dovombru)   
+- Add service to dump muon geometry info and fix the position lookup table, !1491, !1495 (@raaij)
-- Dump a lookup table of the positions of pads and strips in the muon system, !1445 (@raaij)   
+- GPU dumpers: dump muon geom, !1471 (@raaij)
-- Apply source code style convention, !1373 (@clemenci)   
-  - add CI check on code format  
+- TrackerDumper: add option to not write one ROOT file per event, !1520 (@dovombru)
+- Dump a lookup table of the positions of pads and strips in the muon system, !1445 (@raaij)
+- Apply source code style convention, !1373 (@clemenci)
+  - add CI check on code format
   - global reformat
 ### Enhancements
-- Updates to MuonMatch scripts and MuonMatchVeloUT algorithm for the TrMuonMatch tracking sequence, !1515 (@mramospe)   
-  - MuonMatchVeloUT algorithm now makes use of the new MuonRawToHits algorithm.  
-  - TrMuonMatch sequence in RecoUpgradeTracking runs MuonRawToHits instead of MuonRawToCoord + MuonCoordsToHits.  
-  - Scripts to create n-tuples and study the performance of the algorithm have been changed, including MC-match information about the muon hits.  
+- Updates to MuonMatch scripts and MuonMatchVeloUT algorithm for the TrMuonMatch tracking sequence, !1515 (@mramospe)
+  - MuonMatchVeloUT algorithm now makes use of the new MuonRawToHits algorithm.
+  - TrMuonMatch sequence in RecoUpgradeTracking runs MuonRawToHits instead of MuonRawToCoord + MuonCoordsToHits.
+  - Scripts to create n-tuples and study the performance of the algorithm have been changed, including MC-match information about the muon hits.
   - Added new converter fromV2SelectionV1TrackVector needed to measure the performance using MC-matching information.
-- Change TrMINIPCHI2 functors to accept v2 vertices, !1483 (@apearce)   
+- Change TrMINIPCHI2 functors to accept v2 vertices, !1483 (@apearce)
+- Refactored MC checking code and made it fully functional, !1482 (@sponce)
+- Update tracker dumper, !1475 (@dovombru)
+- Add region to muon common hit dump, !1474 (@popovs)
+- Update of IsPhoton (gamma/pi0 separation) tool for Run 3., !1473, !1485 (@calvom)
-- Refactored MC checking code and made it fully functional, !1482 (@sponce)   
+- Simplifications and fixes to the MuonMatchVeloUT algorithm, !1468 (@mramospe)
+  1. Extrapolation to the muon chambers has been simplified.
+  2. How we define the search windows has changed.
+  3. Remove negligible corrections to the magnet focal plane parametrization.
-- Update tracker dumper, !1475 (@dovombru)   
+  Performance of the algorithm practically didn't change.
-- Add region to muon common hit dump, !1474 (@popovs)   
-- Update of IsPhoton (gamma/pi0 separation) tool for Run 3., !1473, !1485 (@calvom)   
+- VeloClusterTracking using avx512, !1456 (@ahennequ)
+  The Cluster and Tracking algorithm are merged for simplifying the data passing between the two.
+  All AVX512 functions have a scalar fallback.
-- Simplifications and fixes to the MuonMatchVeloUT algorithm, !1468 (@mramospe)   
-  1. Extrapolation to the muon chambers has been simplified.  
-  2. How we define the search windows has changed.  
-  3. Remove negligible corrections to the magnet focal plane parametrization.  
-  Performance of the algorithm practically didn't change.  
+- TrackSys: make PrVeloUT use its default FinalFit setting, !1428 (@jihu)
+  Removes the coupling of the 2 options `PrForwardTracking.useMomentumGuidedSearchWindow` and `PrVeloUT.FinalFit`
-- VeloClusterTracking using avx512, !1456 (@ahennequ)   
-  The Cluster and Tracking algorithm are merged for simplifying the data passing between the two.  
-  All AVX512 functions have a scalar fallback. 
+- PrForwardTracking: Initialize ModPrHit.coord to PrHit::x() value, avoid reading later, !1426 (@jihu)
-- TrackSys: make PrVeloUT use its default FinalFit setting, !1428 (@jihu)   
-  Removes the coupling of the 2 options `PrForwardTracking.useMomentumGuidedSearchWindow` and `PrVeloUT.FinalFit`  
+- ParamKalman additions, !1420 (@sstemmle)
+  Adds a few more states to the output track of the ```ParameterizedKalmanFit``` and updates some Kalman auxiliary algorithms that are needed for tuning and performance tests. In addition, the TrackResChecker is modified to also print the mean prob(chi2,ndof) of the tracks.
-- PrForwardTracking: Initialize ModPrHit.coord to PrHit::x() value, avoid reading later, !1426 (@jihu)   
+- Fix MC dumper after !1406, !1416 (@dovombru)
-- ParamKalman additions, !1420 (@sstemmle)   
-  Adds a few more states to the output track of the ```ParameterizedKalmanFit``` and updates some Kalman auxiliary algorithms that are needed for tuning and performance tests. In addition, the TrackResChecker is modified to also print the mean prob(chi2,ndof) of the tracks. 
+- First version of modified PrVeloUT, !1415 (@decianm)
+  - New "final fit" method with improved uncertainties for the magnet point, and a chi2 calculation, yield a much more accurate chi2 and a better momentum estimate.
+  - Fiducial cuts that reject tracks at the edge of the acceptance
+  - A cut on the final momentum and pT
+  - A linear discriminant, using the new chi2, to fight ghosts
-- Fix MC dumper after !1406, !1416 (@dovombru)   
-- First version of modified PrVeloUT, !1415 (@decianm)   
-  - New "final fit" method with improved uncertainties for the magnet point, and a chi2 calculation, yield a much more accurate chi2 and a better momentum estimate.  
-  - Fiducial cuts that reject tracks at the edge of the acceptance  
-  - A cut on the final momentum and pT  
-  - A linear discriminant, using the new chi2, to fight ghosts  
+- Reduce the amount of usage of LHCb::Track when not necessary in MuonID and Hlt1Muon lines, !1413 (@rvazquez)
-- Reduce the amount of usage of LHCb::Track when not necessary in MuonID and Hlt1Muon lines, !1413 (@rvazquez)   
-- PrForwardtracking: simplify some calculations, remove double naming of variables in- and outside loop, !1412 (@decianm)   
+- PrForwardtracking: simplify some calculations, remove double naming of variables in- and outside loop, !1412 (@decianm)
-- Used integers to count tracks in PrTrackAssociator, !1411 (@sponce)   
+- Used integers to count tracks in PrTrackAssociator, !1411 (@sponce)
-- add faster tools to get coords and hits from muon raw, !1398 (@rvazquez)   
+- add faster tools to get coords and hits from muon raw, !1398 (@rvazquez)
-- Calo track tool upgrade for future, !1298 (@wkrzemie)   
+- Calo track tool upgrade for future, !1298 (@wkrzemie)
 ### Bug fixes
 - Add missing delete in TMV_MLP_E and TMV_MLP_H, !1543 (@jmarchan)
-- Require explicitly that the Velo state used in PrMatchNN is the one from EndVelo, !1529 (@sstahl)   
+- Require explicitly that the Velo state used in PrMatchNN is the one from EndVelo, !1529 (@sstahl)
-- Fixed creation of LinksByKey in PrTrackAssociator by setting source LinkId properly, !1528 (@sponce)   
+- Fixed creation of LinksByKey in PrTrackAssociator by setting source LinkId properly, !1528 (@sponce)
-- Set tracktype properly in parameterized Kalman, !1509 (@chasse)   
+- Set tracktype properly in parameterized Kalman, !1509 (@chasse)
-- RICH - Fix an issue that causes a zipping size mis-match exception when the track GEC fires., !1466 (@jonrob)  
+- RICH - Fix an issue that causes a zipping size mis-match exception when the track GEC fires., !1466 (@jonrob)
   Also, increase the default GEC cuts to those used for lead processing.
 - Change PrForwardTracking so that when it is run with OutputLevel set to DEBUG, it doesn't generate floating point exceptions, !1455 (@graven)
-- PrForwardTracking: fix particle bending direction bug in the case of MagUp, !1436 (@jihu)   
+- PrForwardTracking: fix particle bending direction bug in the case of MagUp, !1436 (@jihu)
-- Fix wrong hit uncertainty in the FT, !1419 (@sstemmle)   
+- Fix wrong hit uncertainty in the FT, !1419 (@sstemmle)
   NoCutWithFit throughput goes from ~8700 Hz to ~8200 Hz as a result of this fix.
-- Tracking - AVX512 compilation fixes, !1405 (@jonrob)   
+- Tracking - AVX512 compilation fixes, !1405 (@jonrob)
 ### Code modernisations and cleanups
 - New CaloFutureDigitsFilterAlg, !1539 (@jmarchan)
-- Update test reference to follow gaudi/Gaudi!904, !1537 (@cattanem)   
-- Port CaloFutureClusterCovarianceAlg to new framework, !1524 (@ppais)   
-  - Moved CaloFutureClusterCovarianceAlg to `Transformer`  
-  - Updated counters for the algorithm and FutureClusterCovarianceMatrixTool   
+- Update test reference to follow gaudi/Gaudi!904, !1537 (@cattanem)
+- Port CaloFutureClusterCovarianceAlg to new framework, !1524 (@ppais)
+  - Moved CaloFutureClusterCovarianceAlg to `Transformer`
+  - Updated counters for the algorithm and FutureClusterCovarianceMatrixTool
   - Modified CaloFutureShowerOverlap to write to a new output cluster location 'EcalOverlap'
-- Move local stand-alone utility function in anonymous namespace, !1521 (@graven)   
+- Move local stand-alone utility function in anonymous namespace, !1521 (@graven)
   this should avoid linking problems with other implementations of functions with the same name
-- Prefer ADL lookup of updateHandleLocation over explicit Gaudi::Functional::updateHandleLocation, !1516 (@graven)   
+- Prefer ADL lookup of updateHandleLocation over explicit Gaudi::Functional::updateHandleLocation, !1516 (@graven)
   Fix deprecation warnings introduced by gaudi/Gaudi!897
-- const correctness changes, !1513 (@graven)   
+- const correctness changes, !1513 (@graven)
+- Remove SPD/PRS and IIncidentListener from CaloFutureCorrections, !1505 (@dgolubko)
+- Remove unused local Variable in PrStoreFTHit.cpp, !1500 (@chasse)
-- Remove SPD/PRS and IIncidentListener from CaloFutureCorrections, !1505 (@dgolubko)   
+- Cleanup unused VectorClass statements, !1499 (@sponce)
-- Remove unused local Variable in PrStoreFTHit.cpp, !1500 (@chasse)   
+- Remove unused variables flagged by clang8, !1496 (@cattanem)
-- Cleanup unused VectorClass statements, !1499 (@sponce)   
+- Remove Spd and Prs from 'list of cluster selector tools' in CaloFutureElectronAlg.h, !1487 (@aszabels)
-- Remove unused variables flagged by clang8, !1496 (@cattanem)   
+- tool handles in masterextrapolator + paramkalman, !1486 (@nnolte)
-- Remove Spd and Prs from 'list of cluster selector tools' in CaloFutureElectronAlg.h, !1487 (@aszabels)   
+- Streamline PrFTHitHandler, !1484 (@graven)
+  * move static functions to PrHybridSeeding, the only user of them, and remove the unused ones
+  * add getRange, get_until
-- tool handles in masterextrapolator + paramkalman, !1486 (@nnolte)   
+- Simplify zone-to-layer code in PrClustersResidual, !1476, !1492 (@casanche)
-- Streamline PrFTHitHandler, !1484 (@graven)   
-  * move static functions to PrHybridSeeding, the only user of them, and remove the unused ones  
-  * add getRange, get_until  
+- Follow changes in lhcb/LHCb!1770, !1467 (@graven)
-- Simplify zone-to-layer code in PrClustersResidual, !1476, !1492 (@casanche)   
+- Remove obsolete CVS keywords, !1462 (@cattanem)
-- Follow changes in lhcb/LHCb!1770, !1467 (@graven)   
-- Remove obsolete CVS keywords, !1462 (@cattanem)   
-- Modernize PrForwardTracking, !1447, !1489 (@graven)   
-  * prefer stand-alone functions over member functions  
-  * prefer STL algorithms over explicit loops  
-  * use auto  
+- Modernize PrForwardTracking, !1447, !1489 (@graven)
+  * prefer stand-alone functions over member functions
+  * prefer STL algorithms over explicit loops
+  * use auto
   * reduce the amount of copying
-- Remove spurious CMT file, !1434 (@cattanem)   
-- PrHit: Fix double promotion, !1427 (@jihu)   
+- Remove spurious CMT file, !1434 (@cattanem)
+- PrHit: Fix double promotion, !1427 (@jihu)
+- PrForwardTracking: reducing float to double promotion, !1424 (@jihu)
-- PrForwardTracking: reducing float to double promotion, !1424 (@jihu)   
+- PrForwardTracking: Initialize Vc::float_v entries to zero, !1418 (@jihu)
-- PrForwardTracking: Initialize Vc::float_v entries to zero, !1418 (@jihu)   
+- Converted PrTrackAssociator to functional, !1406 (@sponce)
-- Converted PrTrackAssociator to functional, !1406 (@sponce)   
+- Modified Pr/PrPixel to use ConditionAccessor and derived conditions, !1402 (@clemenci)
+  This is mostly a proof of concept, waiting for proper integration of ConditionAccessorHolder concept in `Gaudi::Functional`.
-- Modified Pr/PrPixel to use ConditionAccessor and derived conditions, !1402 (@clemenci)   
-  This is mostly a proof of concept, waiting for proper integration of ConditionAccessorHolder concept in `Gaudi::Functional`.  
+- Change vectorclass.h include path to follow LHCb!1697, !1368 (@cattanem)
-- Change vectorclass.h include path to follow LHCb!1697, !1368 (@cattanem)   
 ### Monitoring changes
-- Clean up of names in MC checking, !1495 (@sstahl)   
-  Renamed PrChecker to PrCheckerAlgorithm.  
-  Renamed typedef PrCheckerCounter2 to PrTrackChecker.  
-  Renamed PrCounter2 to PrTrackCounter.  
-  Renamed PrCheckerTTCounter to PrUTHitChecker.  
-  Renamed PrTTCounter to PrUTCounter.  
-  Renamed PrLHCbID2MCParticleVPUTFT to PrLHCbID2MCParticle.  
-  Renamed property SelectId to HitTypesToCheck.  
+- Clean up of names in MC checking, !1495 (@sstahl)
+  Renamed PrChecker to PrCheckerAlgorithm.
+  Renamed typedef PrCheckerCounter2 to PrTrackChecker.
+  Renamed PrCounter2 to PrTrackCounter.
+  Renamed PrCheckerTTCounter to PrUTHitChecker.
+  Renamed PrTTCounter to PrUTCounter.
+  Renamed PrLHCbID2MCParticleVPUTFT to PrLHCbID2MCParticle.
+  Renamed property SelectId to HitTypesToCheck.
   Removed references to TT, IT, OT, Velo.
-- PrCounter2: Add the nhits distribution of ghost tracks, !1469 (@mengzhen)   
+- PrCounter2: Add the nhits distribution of ghost tracks, !1469 (@mengzhen)
-- PrChecker functional, !1465 (@sponce)   
-  Major refactoring of the PrChecker to make it fully functional and thread safe.  
+- PrChecker functional, !1465 (@sponce)
+  Major refactoring of the PrChecker to make it fully functional and thread safe.
-- Updated linking for track IP resolution checker., !1501 (@ldufour)   
+- Updated linking for track IP resolution checker., !1501 (@ldufour)
-- Calo future electron alg new counters, !1479 (@aszabels)   
+- Calo future electron alg new counters, !1479 (@aszabels)
-- Update a test reference to follow gaudi/Gaudi!830, !1464 (@cattanem)   
+- Update a test reference to follow gaudi/Gaudi!830, !1464 (@cattanem)
-- added #PVs counter in TBLVF, !1414 (@nnolte)   
+- added #PVs counter in TBLVF, !1414 (@nnolte)
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes/v30r5.md b/ReleaseNotes/v30r5.md
index ec42915c7904c5dc7d1bc6154f140b62dbf4f282..a9def5eff18d34ca332dbee062522f8380166d14 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes/v30r5.md
+++ b/ReleaseNotes/v30r5.md
@@ -11,175 +11,175 @@ Built relative to Rec v30r4, with the following changes:
 ### New features
-- Add the flag fromPV to PrChecker, !1617 (@mengzhen)   
+- Add the flag fromPV to PrChecker, !1617 (@mengzhen)
-- Support Gaudi::Algorithm as functor owners, !1616 (@apearce)   
+- Support Gaudi::Algorithm as functor owners, !1616 (@apearce)
-- readd prfilter_v1, !1612 (@nnolte)   
+- readd prfilter_v1, !1612 (@nnolte)
-- Add v1 to v2 Track converter, !1603 (@apearce)   
+- Add v1 to v2 Track converter, !1603 (@apearce)
-- Add information needed for heavy flavor efficiency studies to PrTrackerDumper, !1595 (@thboettc)  
+- Add information needed for heavy flavor efficiency studies to PrTrackerDumper, !1595 (@thboettc)
-- Add an interface for PrVeloUTMagnetTool to allow it to be used outside for Pr/PrVeloUT, !1571 (@raaij)   
+- Add an interface for PrVeloUTMagnetTool to allow it to be used outside for Pr/PrVeloUT, !1571 (@raaij)
-- Allow existing binary file dumpers to function as Producer for Allen, !1554 (@raaij)   
+- Allow existing binary file dumpers to function as Producer for Allen, !1554 (@raaij)
-- Added TrackParametrizedExtrapolator, !1546 (@mlucioma)   
+- Added TrackParametrizedExtrapolator, !1546 (@mlucioma)
-- Add new C++ functors that work a little differently to the existing LoKi ones, !1541 (@olupton)   
+- Add new C++ functors that work a little differently to the existing LoKi ones, !1541 (@olupton)
 ### Enhancements
-- Switch VeloClusterTrackingSIMD to avx256, improve hit removal, !1627 (@ahennequ)   
+- Switch VeloClusterTrackingSIMD to avx256, improve hit removal, !1627 (@ahennequ)
   Depends on https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/LHCb/merge_requests/2031
-- Misc. optimisations to SIMDQuarticPhotonReco, !1626 (@jonrob)   
-  Relies on lhcb/LHCb!2030  
+- Misc. optimisations to SIMDQuarticPhotonReco, !1626 (@jonrob)
+  Relies on lhcb/LHCb!2030
-- RichDetailedTrSegMakerFromTracks : Minor overhaul to improve CPU performance, !1609 (@jonrob)   
+- RichDetailedTrSegMakerFromTracks : Minor overhaul to improve CPU performance, !1609 (@jonrob)
-- Support SIMD/POD containers and vectorised selections in new functors, !1601 (@olupton)   
-  Goes with LHCb!2004 and Brunel!830.  
+- Support SIMD/POD containers and vectorised selections in new functors, !1601 (@olupton)
+  Goes with LHCb!2004 and Brunel!830.
-- TrackSTEPExtrapolator - Modest CPU optimisation, !1597 (@jonrob)   
+- TrackSTEPExtrapolator - Modest CPU optimisation, !1597 (@jonrob)
-- RichRecUtils/QuarticSolverNewton.h - More optimisations, !1583 (@jonrob)   
+- RichRecUtils/QuarticSolverNewton.h - More optimisations, !1583 (@jonrob)
-- PrTrackerDumper2: Avoid unneccessary memory allocations, !1578 (@graven)   
-- Rich DetectablePhotonYields - Better tuned vector reserve size, other minor optimisations., !1574 (@jonrob)   
-- Rich QuarticSolverNewton - Use new SIMD type traits, and templated inline if (iff), !1573 (@jonrob)   
+- PrTrackerDumper2: Avoid unneccessary memory allocations, !1578 (@graven)
+- Rich DetectablePhotonYields - Better tuned vector reserve size, other minor optimisations., !1574 (@jonrob)
+- Rich QuarticSolverNewton - Use new SIMD type traits, and templated inline if (iff), !1573 (@jonrob)
   Requires lhcb/LHCb!1983
-- RICH - Small optimisation of likelihood log(exp(x)-1) function., !1567 (@jonrob)   
+- RICH - Small optimisation of likelihood log(exp(x)-1) function., !1567 (@jonrob)
-- QuarticSolverNewton - Cleanup replacing SFINAE with constexpr if, and small performance optimisation, !1566 (@jonrob)   
+- QuarticSolverNewton - Cleanup replacing SFINAE with constexpr if, and small performance optimisation, !1566 (@jonrob)
-- Minor changes to support alternative SIMD abstraction layers (e.g. ve) in the RICH, !1535 (@jonrob)   
+- Minor changes to support alternative SIMD abstraction layers (e.g. ve) in the RICH, !1535 (@jonrob)
   Associated LHCb MR lhcb/LHCb!1932
-- moved SIMD HLT1 sequence to SoA POD event model, !1532 (@sponce)   
-  Depends on LHCb!1913  
+- moved SIMD HLT1 sequence to SoA POD event model, !1532 (@sponce)
+  Depends on LHCb!1913
 ### Thread safety
-- Workaround for caching in TrackStateProvider, !1584 (@rmatev) [LHCBPS-1835]  
+- Workaround for caching in TrackStateProvider, !1584 (@rmatev) [LHCBPS-1835]
 ### Bug fixes
-- Divide chi2 by ndof in VeloKalman, !1600 (@ahennequ)   
+- Divide chi2 by ndof in VeloKalman, !1600 (@ahennequ)
-- Add to RecConf package dependencies to CaloFuture packages to RecConf package, !1593 (@cattanem)   
+- Add to RecConf package dependencies to CaloFuture packages to RecConf package, !1593 (@cattanem)
-- Fix clang-error, !1572 (@graven)   
-  Fixes:  
-  error: 'gTk' in capture list does not name a variable  
-  error: reference to local binding 'gTk' declared in enclosing function 'Rich::Future::Rec::GlobalPID::SIMDLikelihoodMinimiser::initBestLogLikelihood'  
-  error: 'gTkDLLs' in capture list does not name a variable  
+- Fix clang-error, !1572 (@graven)
+  Fixes:
+  error: 'gTk' in capture list does not name a variable
+  error: reference to local binding 'gTk' declared in enclosing function 'Rich::Future::Rec::GlobalPID::SIMDLikelihoodMinimiser::initBestLogLikelihood'
+  error: 'gTkDLLs' in capture list does not name a variable
   error: reference to local binding 'gTkDLLs' declared in enclosing function 'Rich::Future::Rec::GlobalPID::SIMDLikelihoodMinimiser::initBestLogLikelihood'
-- Fix propagation of uncertainties in MuonMatch, !1562 (@mramospe)   
+- Fix propagation of uncertainties in MuonMatch, !1562 (@mramospe)
-- update to avoid segfault in PixelTracking for searching at different minZ/maxZ..., !1550 (@rquaglia)   
+- update to avoid segfault in PixelTracking for searching at different minZ/maxZ..., !1550 (@rquaglia)
 ### Code modernisations and cleanups
 - Remove double printout of counters following gaudi/Gaudi!943, !1632 (@cattanem)
-- Switch to GAUDI_LOOP_UNROLL, !1620 (@jonrob)   
+- Switch to GAUDI_LOOP_UNROLL, !1620 (@jonrob)
-- Modified VeloClusterTrackingSIMD to use of Functional Condition Accessors, !1619 (@bcouturi)   
+- Modified VeloClusterTrackingSIMD to use of Functional Condition Accessors, !1619 (@bcouturi)
-- Rich : Use MsgCounter instances, !1618 (@jonrob)   
+- Rich : Use MsgCounter instances, !1618 (@jonrob)
   Requires lhcb/LHCb!2018
-- Remove Run1/2 Calo sequences from GlobalReco Configuration, !1615 (@cattanem)   
-  - Remove also the unnecessary Future Prs and Spd Info algorithms  
+- Remove Run1/2 Calo sequences from GlobalReco Configuration, !1615 (@cattanem)
+  - Remove also the unnecessary Future Prs and Spd Info algorithms
-- Use conditions to access VPGeometry in VeloClusterTrackingSIMD, !1614 (@ahennequ)   
+- Use conditions to access VPGeometry in VeloClusterTrackingSIMD, !1614 (@ahennequ)
-- Remove AddVeloInfo, !1613 (@cattanem)   
+- Remove AddVeloInfo, !1613 (@cattanem)
-- Remove Velo/VeloRecMonitors package (moved to Vetra), !1610 (@cattanem)   
+- Remove Velo/VeloRecMonitors package (moved to Vetra), !1610 (@cattanem)
   See Vetra!30
-- Moved VPTrackingInfo to VPDet, !1608 (@ldufour)   
+- Moved VPTrackingInfo to VPDet, !1608 (@ldufour)
   Requires lhcb/LHCb!2008
-- PrChecker: add toolhandles for loki factory and histotool, !1606 (@nnolte)   
+- PrChecker: add toolhandles for loki factory and histotool, !1606 (@nnolte)
-- Fixes to MuonMatchVeloUTSoA, !1605 (@mramospe)   
-  . Fix SetQOverP mode of the MuonMatchVeloUTSoA algorithm and reorganize code after Rec!1532.  
+- Fixes to MuonMatchVeloUTSoA, !1605 (@mramospe)
+  . Fix SetQOverP mode of the MuonMatchVeloUTSoA algorithm and reorganize code after Rec!1532.
   . Allow to set the momentum bounds in the configuration.
-- Remove HltMonitors, !1604 (@cattanem)   
+- Remove HltMonitors, !1604 (@cattanem)
-- Remove CaloFutureExtraDigits, !1596 (@aszabels)   
+- Remove CaloFutureExtraDigits, !1596 (@aszabels)
-- follow changes to ICaloFutureHypoTool in lhcb/LHCb!2001, !1591 (@graven)   
+- follow changes to ICaloFutureHypoTool in lhcb/LHCb!2001, !1591 (@graven)
-- Modernize CaloFutureSelector, !1589 (@graven)   
-  * prefer inheritance from extends  
-  * prefer inherited constructors  
+- Modernize CaloFutureSelector, !1589 (@graven)
+  * prefer inheritance from extends
+  * prefer inherited constructors
   * prefer STL algortihms over raw loops
-- Modernize FutureCellularAutomatonAlg, !1585 (@graven)   
-  * use Gaudi::Functional to (also) access conditions database objects  
-- fix unused variable warnings from clang, !1581 (@cattanem)   
-- Set some compiler flags only for gcc as they are not known to clang, !1580 (@cattanem)   
-- remove use of boost::assign, !1579 (@graven)   
-- Modernize CaloFuture, !1577 (@graven)   
-  * follow changes in match interface -- no need to add std::optional around a type which has a recognizable invalid state  
-  * put tools/algorithms in namespace Calo::Future  
-  * prefer ToolHandles  
-  * remove use of redundant  futuredetails::to_string  
-  * prefer free-standing functions over member functions which do not interact with their hosting class  
-  * remove some unused code  
-  * prefer std::is_base_of_v<...> over std::is_base_of<...>::value  
-  * prefer STL algorithms over raw loops  
+- Modernize FutureCellularAutomatonAlg, !1585 (@graven)
+  * use Gaudi::Functional to (also) access conditions database objects
+- fix unused variable warnings from clang, !1581 (@cattanem)
+- Set some compiler flags only for gcc as they are not known to clang, !1580 (@cattanem)
+- remove use of boost::assign, !1579 (@graven)
+- Modernize CaloFuture, !1577 (@graven)
+  * follow changes in match interface -- no need to add std::optional around a type which has a recognizable invalid state
+  * put tools/algorithms in namespace Calo::Future
+  * prefer ToolHandles
+  * remove use of redundant  futuredetails::to_string
+  * prefer free-standing functions over member functions which do not interact with their hosting class
+  * remove some unused code
+  * prefer std::is_base_of_v<...> over std::is_base_of<...>::value
+  * prefer STL algorithms over raw loops
   Must be applied in conjunction with lhcb/LHCb!1990
-- Follow changes in lhcb/LHCb!1988, !1576 (@graven)   
+- Follow changes in lhcb/LHCb!1988, !1576 (@graven)
-- Follow-up on lhcb/Rec!1556, !1569 (@graven)   
-  * avoid some calls to updateHandleLocation now that `context()`  
-    is no longer used, and thus there is no reason to delay  
-    the initialization of the handles  
-  * migrate to ToolHandle in a few places  
+- Follow-up on lhcb/Rec!1556, !1569 (@graven)
+  * avoid some calls to updateHandleLocation now that `context()`
+    is no longer used, and thus there is no reason to delay
+    the initialization of the handles
+  * migrate to ToolHandle in a few places
   * add a mutex around the usage of some thead-unsafe, tools in some non-performance critical code
-- follow changes to VPGeom to Simplify rotation/translation parameter storage, !1568 (@graven)   
-  * also, small restructuring in VSPClus to allow more constexpr usage  
+- follow changes to VPGeom to Simplify rotation/translation parameter storage, !1568 (@graven)
+  * also, small restructuring in VSPClus to allow more constexpr usage
   Requires lhcb/LHCb!1974
-- Adapt to change in return value from RichRayTracing, !1565 (@jonrob)   
+- Adapt to change in return value from RichRayTracing, !1565 (@jonrob)
   Adapts to lhcb/LHCb!1969
-- Remove Spd/Prs classes from CaloFutureReco, !1563 (@aszabels)   
+- Remove Spd/Prs classes from CaloFutureReco, !1563 (@aszabels)
-- Cleanup TrackSys to remove Run1+Run2 support, !1557 (@cattanem)   
+- Cleanup TrackSys to remove Run1+Run2 support, !1557 (@cattanem)
-- First round of context removal, !1556 (@jmarchan)   
+- First round of context removal, !1556 (@jmarchan)
-- Fix compilation warning on avx2, !1555 (@cattanem)   
+- Fix compilation warning on avx2, !1555 (@cattanem)
-- ToolHandles for PrMatchNN, !1553 (@mstahl)   
+- ToolHandles for PrMatchNN, !1553 (@mstahl)
-- Remove SPD/PRS from CaloFuture configuration, !1542 (@cmarinbe)   
+- Remove SPD/PRS from CaloFuture configuration, !1542 (@cmarinbe)
-- Remove Run1 and Run2 support from RecConf Configurables, !1536 (@cattanem)   
+- Remove Run1 and Run2 support from RecConf Configurables, !1536 (@cattanem)
   Goes with Brunel!784
@@ -187,25 +187,25 @@ Built relative to Rec v30r4, with the following changes:
 - Template PrTrackAssociator to support different track types, !1632 (@sstahl)
-- Add PrTrackChecker dedicated to testing GhostProbability, !1607 (@sstahl)   
-  * Remove GhostProb cut from PrTrackCheckers which test long track and downstream track efficiencies in the Best track container.  
-  * Add two new PrTrackCheckers which include the removed GhostProb cuts which test long track and downstream track efficiencies in the Best track container.  
-  * Added electrons with P>5GeV to Long track efficiency checkers for completeness.   
-  * Added electrons with and without P>5GeV to Downstream track efficiency checkers for completeness.   
+- Add PrTrackChecker dedicated to testing GhostProbability, !1607 (@sstahl)
+  * Remove GhostProb cut from PrTrackCheckers which test long track and downstream track efficiencies in the Best track container.
+  * Add two new PrTrackCheckers which include the removed GhostProb cuts which test long track and downstream track efficiencies in the Best track container.
+  * Added electrons with P>5GeV to Long track efficiency checkers for completeness.
+  * Added electrons with and without P>5GeV to Downstream track efficiency checkers for completeness.
-- Added IPCHI2 to IPResolutionCheckerNT, !1561 (@ldufour)   
+- Added IPCHI2 to IPResolutionCheckerNT, !1561 (@ldufour)
-- Remove cuts on reconstructed quantities in PrTrackChecker, !1551 (@sstahl)   
+- Remove cuts on reconstructed quantities in PrTrackChecker, !1551 (@sstahl)
   * Removes cut 2<eta<5 on track quantities.
   * Move ghostprob cuts on Best track container to a dedicated algorithm for Long and Downstream tracks. Removed the cut for the full container
 ### Changes to tests
-- RichRecTests - Add new basic SIMD operation test application, !1575 (@jonrob)   
+- RichRecTests - Add new basic SIMD operation test application, !1575 (@jonrob)
+- Fix/update dumper tests., !1592 (@raaij)
-- Fix/update dumper tests., !1592 (@raaij)   
+- RichRecTests - Add AVX512 builds of test applications, !1587 (@jonrob)
-- RichRecTests - Add AVX512 builds of test applications, !1587 (@jonrob)   
-- Allen input for various physics channels, !1582 (@dovombru)   
+- Allen input for various physics channels, !1582 (@dovombru)
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes/v30r6.md b/ReleaseNotes/v30r6.md
index e9f9b3d99239da6b574437bbd302fdb53a2ba829..0e27554bdb2bd88a5c5fc0b553496623d0f0dc81 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes/v30r6.md
+++ b/ReleaseNotes/v30r6.md
@@ -11,141 +11,141 @@ Built relative to Rec v30r5, with the following changes:
 ### New features
-- Add `NONE` and `MAXDOCACHI2CUT` functors, !1708 (@nnolte)   
+- Add `NONE` and `MAXDOCACHI2CUT` functors, !1708 (@nnolte)
-- Add `NHITS` and `CLOSESTTOBEAMZ` functors for the smog minimum bias line, !1703 (@samarian)   
+- Add `NHITS` and `CLOSESTTOBEAMZ` functors for the smog minimum bias line, !1703 (@samarian)
   See also lhcb/LHCb!2134
-- Add zipping of SOA tracks + PV relations demonstrator, !1678 (@olupton)   
-  See also lhcb/LHCb!2095. Contains also many other changes:  
-  - Implement @graven's suggestions in Rec#80  
-  - Add `PrUpstreamFromVelo` algorithm for feeding `SciFiTrackForwarding` with velo tracks  
-  - Make logical and/or in functor expressions short-circuit when cuts are vectorised  
-  - Teach functor predicates how to filter `LHCb::Pr::Zip` objects  
-  - Generalise the functor predicate overload that already covered `LHCb::Pr::{Velo,Fitted::Forward}::Tracks` to one that filters anything accepted by `LHCb::Pr::make_zip()`  
-  - Move some helper functions (`all( bool )`, `any( bool )`, `none( bool )`, ...) that are needed when writing generic code into `SelKernel` and out of the functor code  
-  - Instantiate `CombineTracks` for track+relations zip input  
+- Add zipping of SOA tracks + PV relations demonstrator, !1678 (@olupton)
+  See also lhcb/LHCb!2095. Contains also many other changes:
+  - Implement @graven's suggestions in Rec#80
+  - Add `PrUpstreamFromVelo` algorithm for feeding `SciFiTrackForwarding` with velo tracks
+  - Make logical and/or in functor expressions short-circuit when cuts are vectorised
+  - Teach functor predicates how to filter `LHCb::Pr::Zip` objects
+  - Generalise the functor predicate overload that already covered `LHCb::Pr::{Velo,Fitted::Forward}::Tracks` to one that filters anything accepted by `LHCb::Pr::make_zip()`
+  - Move some helper functions (`all( bool )`, `any( bool )`, `none( bool )`, ...) that are needed when writing generic code into `SelKernel` and out of the functor code
+  - Instantiate `CombineTracks` for track+relations zip input
   - Instantiate `PrTracks` for track+relations zip input
-  - Add `MakePVRelations` algorithm that puts track->vertex relations on the TES  
-  - Add `MakeZip` algorithm that puts `LHCb::Pr::make_zip` output on the TES  
-  - Replace old `MakeIterableTracks` algorithm with `Unwrap` algorithm, which puts 'unwrapped' iterable tracks on the TES. 
+  - Add `MakePVRelations` algorithm that puts track->vertex relations on the TES
+  - Add `MakeZip` algorithm that puts `LHCb::Pr::make_zip` output on the TES
+  - Replace old `MakeIterableTracks` algorithm with `Unwrap` algorithm, which puts 'unwrapped' iterable tracks on the TES.
   - Add convenience typedefs like `LHCb::Pr::Fitted::Forward::TracksWithPVs`
-- convert trackcompactvertex to recvertex_v1, !1672 (@nnolte)   
+- convert trackcompactvertex to recvertex_v1, !1672 (@nnolte)
-- components for full 1-track and 2-track line implementations, !1659 (@olupton)   
-  Combined lhcb/LHCb!2065 and lhcb/Moore!223 this implements the `TrackMVALoose` and `TwoTrackMVALoose` lines    
+- components for full 1-track and 2-track line implementations, !1659 (@olupton)
+  Combined lhcb/LHCb!2065 and lhcb/Moore!223 this implements the `TrackMVALoose` and `TwoTrackMVALoose` lines
   - Add adapter for applying "combination cuts" as "vertex cuts"
   - Add `MVA` functor and enough implementation to run the Run 2 `MatrixNet` `TwoTrackMVA` classifier
-  - Use a new `detail::DataDepWrapper` helper for functors with data dependencies 
-    - Fix a bug causing some extraneous copies in these functors  
-  - Extend the Python wrapper:  
-    - Allow docstrings for template arguments  
-    - Map Python `str` onto C++ `std::string`  
-    - Custom formatters for more complex functors like `MVA` and `COMB`  
-    - Support template arguments properly  
-  - Modify the factory to make fewer separate calls to cling and simplify how the functors are created. Check cling's "`-O3`" optimisation works. Don't call cling multiple times for the same functor.  
-  - Add new unit tests.  
-  - Add dummy `.family() = 42` method to `Pr::Selection<T>`  
-  - Add child relations to `TrackCompactVertex`  
-- More automated binary input production for Allen, !1639 (@dovombru)   
-  - removed debug printf statement in TrackerDumper  
-  - provide options script to dump raw banks and MC info at the same time  
-  - provide shell script to produce binary input for the various physics samples  
+  - Use a new `detail::DataDepWrapper` helper for functors with data dependencies
+    - Fix a bug causing some extraneous copies in these functors
+  - Extend the Python wrapper:
+    - Allow docstrings for template arguments
+    - Map Python `str` onto C++ `std::string`
+    - Custom formatters for more complex functors like `MVA` and `COMB`
+    - Support template arguments properly
+  - Modify the factory to make fewer separate calls to cling and simplify how the functors are created. Check cling's "`-O3`" optimisation works. Don't call cling multiple times for the same functor.
+  - Add new unit tests.
+  - Add dummy `.family() = 42` method to `Pr::Selection<T>`
+  - Add child relations to `TrackCompactVertex`
+- More automated binary input production for Allen, !1639 (@dovombru)
+  - removed debug printf statement in TrackerDumper
+  - provide options script to dump raw banks and MC info at the same time
+  - provide shell script to produce binary input for the various physics samples
 ### Enhancements
-- VeloKalmanHelpers.h - remove std::move on return, that inhibits RVO, !1704 (@jonrob)   
+- VeloKalmanHelpers.h - remove std::move on return, that inhibits RVO, !1704 (@jonrob)
-- VeloSIMD small throughput improvement, !1699 (@ahennequ)   
-  * Reorder loops to allow unrolling  
-  * Add early exit if any hit container size == 0  
+- VeloSIMD small throughput improvement, !1699 (@ahennequ)
+  * Reorder loops to allow unrolling
+  * Add early exit if any hit container size == 0
   * Remove division from loop over hits
-- Update PrCheatedSciFiTracking, !1698 (@decianm)   
+- Update PrCheatedSciFiTracking, !1698 (@decianm)
   Adapt PrCheatedSciFiTracking to work with Track::v2, and fix truthmatching
-- Various updates for new RICH PMT DBs with large flag properly set, !1679 (@jonrob)   
-  related to lhcb/LHCb!2097  
+- Various updates for new RICH PMT DBs with large flag properly set, !1679 (@jonrob)
+  related to lhcb/LHCb!2097
-- Speed improvements of the seeding, !1676 (@lohenry)   
+- Speed improvements of the seeding, !1676 (@lohenry)
-- Modify Pr::Tracks to know of ancestor relation, add lhcbIDs functions, !1671 (@sstahl)   
-  - Adapt pattern recognition to changes in LHCb!2086.  
+- Modify Pr::Tracks to know of ancestor relation, add lhcbIDs functions, !1671 (@sstahl)
+  - Adapt pattern recognition to changes in LHCb!2086.
   - Add converter going from `LHCb::Pr::Fitted::Forward::Tracks` to `LHCb::v2:Track` directly.
-- SciFiTrackForwarding, Introduce wrong sign window, update LDA parameters, !1656 (@chasse)   
-  - updates the parameters of the linear discriminant analysis used to reject ghosts.        
-  - introduce a wrong sign window search including a property which specifies the minimum transverse momentum at which this should be activated.  
-  - The linear search is added in a variant that always uses abs.       
+- SciFiTrackForwarding, Introduce wrong sign window, update LDA parameters, !1656 (@chasse)
+  - updates the parameters of the linear discriminant analysis used to reject ghosts.
+  - introduce a wrong sign window search including a property which specifies the minimum transverse momentum at which this should be activated.
+  - The linear search is added in a variant that always uses abs.
-- New parabola seed window search in PrHybridSeeding, !1645 (@lohenry)   
+- New parabola seed window search in PrHybridSeeding, !1645 (@lohenry)
-- RichSIMDQuarticPhotonReco - Enable truncation of CK theta/phi values, !1643 (@jonrob)   
+- RichSIMDQuarticPhotonReco - Enable truncation of CK theta/phi values, !1643 (@jonrob)
-- Improvements to RICH pixel background algorithm, !1638 (@jonrob)   
-  Implements some bug fixes to the background algorithm, and adapts to the changes in lhcb/LHCb!2036.   
+- Improvements to RICH pixel background algorithm, !1638 (@jonrob)
+  Implements some bug fixes to the background algorithm, and adapts to the changes in lhcb/LHCb!2036.
-- Improved u-v-hit search window calculation for the ForwardTracking, !1633 (@gunther)   
+- Improved u-v-hit search window calculation for the ForwardTracking, !1633 (@gunther)
-- Reintroduce Kalman Fit in VeloClusterTrackingSIMD, !1628 (@ahennequ)   
+- Reintroduce Kalman Fit in VeloClusterTrackingSIMD, !1628 (@ahennequ)
   Needs lhcb/LHCb!2038
-- Functor improvements, !1625 (@olupton)   
-  - Adjust functor code to allow printing via the owning algorithm.  
-  - Provide a simple implementation of Warning that doesn't spam  
-  - Remove apply_single, simplifying functor definitions slightly. Closes Rec#60.  
-  - Support adapters, so you can write e.g. `SUM(PT)` as a `CombinationCut`  
+- Functor improvements, !1625 (@olupton)
+  - Adjust functor code to allow printing via the owning algorithm.
+  - Provide a simple implementation of Warning that doesn't spam
+  - Remove apply_single, simplifying functor definitions slightly. Closes Rec#60.
+  - Support adapters, so you can write e.g. `SUM(PT)` as a `CombinationCut`
   - Add some functors for acting on composite particles
-  - Make the `detail::ComposedFunctor` helper variadic and implement most/all operations and overloads more succinctly using it. Also add some missing operator overloads.  
-  - Add generic `detail::FunctorWithDataDeps` helper for functors that have external data dependencies  
+  - Make the `detail::ComposedFunctor` helper variadic and implement most/all operations and overloads more succinctly using it. Also add some missing operator overloads.
+  - Add generic `detail::FunctorWithDataDeps` helper for functors that have external data dependencies
   - Make some functors into templates
-  - Improvements in the Python wrapper:  
-    - Add missing operator overloads `__r*__` for when the LHS is a basic type.  
-    - Allow functors with exactly one argument to have it specified as a positional argument.  
-  - Allow "prepared" functors to be accessed through the type-erasure layer.  
-  - Support variadic functor signatures and add some new functors.  
-    - Allows `void` functors for things like `SIZE("Some/TES/Location") > 0`.  
-    - Also permits functors that explicitly take two objects, e.g. `DOCA`.  
-  - Reduce the verbosity of the functor factory and try to enable cling optimisation.  
-  - Move the proxies used to iterate `LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks` out of the functor code (closes Rec#72)   
-  - Make `Pr::Selection`'s iterators compatible with `std::next()`  
-  - In `TracksFTConverter` make all states get a consistent `q/p` error according to the algorithm property  
-  - Import commit from @pseyfert simplifying how we can write out `SOA::Container` skin/proxy types.  
+  - Improvements in the Python wrapper:
+    - Add missing operator overloads `__r*__` for when the LHS is a basic type.
+    - Allow functors with exactly one argument to have it specified as a positional argument.
+  - Allow "prepared" functors to be accessed through the type-erasure layer.
+  - Support variadic functor signatures and add some new functors.
+    - Allows `void` functors for things like `SIZE("Some/TES/Location") > 0`.
+    - Also permits functors that explicitly take two objects, e.g. `DOCA`.
+  - Reduce the verbosity of the functor factory and try to enable cling optimisation.
+  - Move the proxies used to iterate `LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks` out of the functor code (closes Rec#72)
+  - Make `Pr::Selection`'s iterators compatible with `std::next()`
+  - In `TracksFTConverter` make all states get a consistent `q/p` error according to the algorithm property
+  - Import commit from @pseyfert simplifying how we can write out `SOA::Container` skin/proxy types.
   - Import commit from @wouter including new vertex types
   - Add a track combiner algorithm based on these new vertex classes
-  - Add a "void filter" algorithm, which wraps a functor that takes no arguments  
-  - Add `Phys/SelAlgorithms` and `Phys/SelKernel` packages to hold new algorithms/types/utilities.  
+  - Add a "void filter" algorithm, which wraps a functor that takes no arguments
+  - Add `Phys/SelAlgorithms` and `Phys/SelKernel` packages to hold new algorithms/types/utilities.
   Goes with LHCb!2029 and Moore!204.
-- VeloKalman parameters update, !1624 (@ldufour)   
+- VeloKalman parameters update, !1624 (@ldufour)
-- Add special (faster!) handling for Line measurements, !1598 (@graven)   
+- Add special (faster!) handling for Line measurements, !1598 (@graven)
 ### Bug fixes
 - Fix PV type in converter, !1729 (@sstahl)
-- Change Pr::Zip to avoid using SIMDWrapper types as class template arguments, !1713 (@olupton)  
-  Goes with LHCb!2156   
+- Change Pr::Zip to avoid using SIMDWrapper types as class template arguments, !1713 (@olupton)
+  Goes with LHCb!2156
-- RichMCCherenkovResolution - Book histograms for all MC types, not just those 'active', !1706 (@jonrob)   
+- RichMCCherenkovResolution - Book histograms for all MC types, not just those 'active', !1706 (@jonrob)
   Minor MC checking bug fix.
-- fix gcc9 error: reinterpret_cast is not constexpr, !1688 (@graven)   
+- fix gcc9 error: reinterpret_cast is not constexpr, !1688 (@graven)
-- Add workaround for cling errors when mixing C++ functors/LoKi, !1681 (@olupton)   
+- Add workaround for cling errors when mixing C++ functors/LoKi, !1681 (@olupton)
-- Fix bug in MuonMatchVeloUTSoA which caused q over p written into the wrong place, !1662 (@sstahl)   
+- Fix bug in MuonMatchVeloUTSoA which caused q over p written into the wrong place, !1662 (@sstahl)
-- Fixed precision issues in computations of the Kalman filter, !1660 (@sponce)   
+- Fixed precision issues in computations of the Kalman filter, !1660 (@sponce)
-- Attempts to fix gcc problem with range-v3..., !1649, !1666 (@graven, @cattanem)   
+- Attempts to fix gcc problem with range-v3..., !1649, !1666 (@graven, @cattanem)
-- Add dependency of CaloTools on libomp.so (clang only), !1631 (@clemenci)   
+- Add dependency of CaloTools on libomp.so (clang only), !1631 (@clemenci)
   needed to be able to load XGBoost.
@@ -153,99 +153,99 @@ Built relative to Rec v30r5, with the following changes:
 - Remove unused dependency on GaudiObjDesc, !1715 (@clemenci)
-- Prefer CaloIndex enum over int or string, !1701 (@graven)  
+- Prefer CaloIndex enum over int or string, !1701 (@graven)
   Needs lhcb/LHCb!2132
-- Remove CaloFutureDigitFilterAlg, !1712 (@jmarchan)   
+- Remove CaloFutureDigitFilterAlg, !1712 (@jmarchan)
   Needs lhcb/LHCb!2154
-- Address #78, !1707 (@cmarinbe)   
-  Use `PublicToolHandleArray` instead of `ToolHandleArray` in `ClassifyPhotonElectronAlg` and remove intermediate `m_corrXTypeNames`.   
+- Address #78, !1707 (@cmarinbe)
+  Use `PublicToolHandleArray` instead of `ToolHandleArray` in `ClassifyPhotonElectronAlg` and remove intermediate `m_corrXTypeNames`.
-- Follow changes introduced in lhcb/LHCb!2127, !1705 (@graven)   
+- Follow changes introduced in lhcb/LHCb!2127, !1705 (@graven)
-- Make public headers compilable, !1702 (@pseyfert)   
+- Make public headers compilable, !1702 (@pseyfert)
-- Move {,I}CaloFutureDigitFilterTool from LHCb to Rec, !1700 (@graven)   
+- Move {,I}CaloFutureDigitFilterTool from LHCb to Rec, !1700 (@graven)
   Needs lhcb/LHCb!2131.
-- prefer std::is_sorted to ranges::is_sorted to avoid issues with missing operator ==, !1696 (@jonrob)   
+- prefer std::is_sorted to ranges::is_sorted to avoid issues with missing operator ==, !1696 (@jonrob)
-- follow changes in ROOT-8935, !1695 (@graven) [ROOT-8935]  
+- follow changes in ROOT-8935, !1695 (@graven) [ROOT-8935]
-- Streamline upgrade ghost ID, !1694 (@graven)   
-  * avoid virtual destructors if not required  
-  * prefer front/back over *begin and *end  
-  * multiply less  
-  * add const  
-  * avoid naked new and delete, prefer std::unique_ptr  
-  * avoid repeated push_back on container, prefer constructing  
-    in one shot  
+- Streamline upgrade ghost ID, !1694 (@graven)
+  * avoid virtual destructors if not required
+  * prefer front/back over *begin and *end
+  * multiply less
+  * add const
+  * avoid naked new and delete, prefer std::unique_ptr
+  * avoid repeated push_back on container, prefer constructing
+    in one shot
   * prefer switch over repeated if-else-if
-- Fix gcc9 warning: redundant move in return statement, !1693 (@graven)   
+- Fix gcc9 warning: redundant move in return statement, !1693 (@graven)
+- Simplify ranges usage, misc. fixes for v 0.9.x, !1686 (@graven)
-- Simplify ranges usage, misc. fixes for v 0.9.x, !1686 (@graven)   
+- Remove obsolete (Run 1+2 only) FlagHitsForPatternReco algorithm, !1685 (@cattanem)
-- Remove obsolete (Run 1+2 only) FlagHitsForPatternReco algorithm, !1685 (@cattanem)   
-- Follow lhcb/LHCb!2099, !1682 (@graven)   
-  * rename Calo::Future into LHCb::Calo  
-  * follow changes in CaloFutureUtils  
-  * prefer string_view where appropriate  
-  * avoid declaring uninitialized variables  
-  * prefer std::optional over 'special values'  
-  * avoid functions with lots of arguments of the same type -- instead  
-    define a dedicated struct so the variables can be explicitly named  
-  * prefer std::copy, std::transform over explicit loop  
+- Follow lhcb/LHCb!2099, !1682 (@graven)
+  * rename Calo::Future into LHCb::Calo
+  * follow changes in CaloFutureUtils
+  * prefer string_view where appropriate
+  * avoid declaring uninitialized variables
+  * prefer std::optional over 'special values'
+  * avoid functions with lots of arguments of the same type -- instead
+    define a dedicated struct so the variables can be explicitly named
+  * prefer std::copy, std::transform over explicit loop
-- Avoid generate an anonymous Gaudi::Property, !1677 (@graven)   
+- Avoid generate an anonymous Gaudi::Property, !1677 (@graven)
-- RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms - Misc. cosmetic cleanups, !1669 (@jonrob)   
+- RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms - Misc. cosmetic cleanups, !1669 (@jonrob)
-- Rich monitoring cosmetic cleanup, !1668 (@jonrob)   
+- Rich monitoring cosmetic cleanup, !1668 (@jonrob)
-- CaloFuture{ShowerOverlap,MergedPi0}: use functional conditions access to get DeCalorimeter, !1665 (@graven)   
+- CaloFuture{ShowerOverlap,MergedPi0}: use functional conditions access to get DeCalorimeter, !1665 (@graven)
-- Changed IP resolution checker to functional, !1661 (@ldufour)   
+- Changed IP resolution checker to functional, !1661 (@ldufour)
-- Follow renaming in lhcb/LHCb!2057, !1658 (@graven)   
+- Follow renaming in lhcb/LHCb!2057, !1658 (@graven)
-- Rename PrStoreUTHit to LHCb::Pr::StoreUTHit, !1655 (@graven)   
+- Rename PrStoreUTHit to LHCb::Pr::StoreUTHit, !1655 (@graven)
-- PrVeloUT: introduce namespace LHCb::Pr, !1652 (@graven)   
+- PrVeloUT: introduce namespace LHCb::Pr, !1652 (@graven)
-- PrPixel: Introduce the LHCb::Pr::Velo namespace, !1651 (@graven)   
+- PrPixel: Introduce the LHCb::Pr::Velo namespace, !1651 (@graven)
-- PrStoreUTHit - Adapt to UTDet changes, warn when a null sector ptr is received, !1650 (@jonrob)   
-  Adapts to lhcb/LHCb!2052 and adds warning  
-- various fixes for clang 8 build, !1644 (@jonrob)   
+- PrStoreUTHit - Adapt to UTDet changes, warn when a null sector ptr is received, !1650 (@jonrob)
+  Adapts to lhcb/LHCb!2052 and adds warning
-- Follow changes in lhcb/LHCb!2045, !1642 (@graven)   
-  * follow renaming of interfaces  
-  * follow constification of interface methods  
-  * disentangle CaloFutureHypoEstimator and FutureNeutralIDTool usage  
-  * remove unused method in CaloFutureElectron  
-  * remove unused CaloFutureGetterInit algorithm  
+- various fixes for clang 8 build, !1644 (@jonrob)
+- Follow changes in lhcb/LHCb!2045, !1642 (@graven)
+  * follow renaming of interfaces
+  * follow constification of interface methods
+  * disentangle CaloFutureHypoEstimator and FutureNeutralIDTool usage
+  * remove unused method in CaloFutureElectron
+  * remove unused CaloFutureGetterInit algorithm
   * remove (use of) CaloFutureGetterTool
-- Classify Photon Electron, !1640 (@cmarinbe)   
-  Replace `CaloFutureSinglePhotonAlg` and `CaloFutureElectronAlg` by a single `ClassifyPhotonElectronAlg`.   
+- Classify Photon Electron, !1640 (@cmarinbe)
+  Replace `CaloFutureSinglePhotonAlg` and `CaloFutureElectronAlg` by a single `ClassifyPhotonElectronAlg`.
-- Avoid GOD for Node, !1522 (@graven)   
+- Avoid GOD for Node, !1522 (@graven)
 ### Monitoring changes
-- Put back option for x/y plots at a given z in PrChecker, !1641 (@decianm)   
+- Put back option for x/y plots at a given z in PrChecker, !1641 (@decianm)
 ### Changes to tests
-- Add simple test for TrackLike functors, !1709 (@samarian)   
+- Add simple test for TrackLike functors, !1709 (@samarian)
+- RichRecTests - Add CPU capabilities check, !1670 (@jonrob)
-- RichRecTests - Add CPU capabilities check, !1670 (@jonrob)   
-- BinaryDumpers - Update ref file size for ut boards, !1663 (@jonrob)   
-  Adapts to change following lhcb/LHCb!2052  
+- BinaryDumpers - Update ref file size for ut boards, !1663 (@jonrob)
+  Adapts to change following lhcb/LHCb!2052
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes/v35r17.md b/ReleaseNotes/v35r17.md
index b17d06370108793b30367249e51b8a2d4d33ce1e..dfae1abb076f925bc7b947f1adae1d6759e442bd 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes/v35r17.md
+++ b/ReleaseNotes/v35r17.md
@@ -13,6 +13,3 @@ Built relative to Rec [v35r16](/../../tags/v35r16), with the following changes:
 ### Enhancements ~enhancement
 - ~Monitoring | Mean residual alignment for FT, !3503 (@zexu)
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes/v35r6.md b/ReleaseNotes/v35r6.md
index 576464d647af65baebf35a75f1fdb6b9adc27b9b..ac7cea1de15c7356077457c997248b6c8b98b184 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes/v35r6.md
+++ b/ReleaseNotes/v35r6.md
@@ -49,4 +49,3 @@ Built relative to Rec [v35r5](/../../tags/v35r5), with the following changes:
 ### Other
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes/v36r10p1.md b/ReleaseNotes/v36r10p1.md
index a69b6efa141e73c6644b04c871b4a7a28ce72c87..14c08cfe6bfba7e9b9133f1b717463773060e123 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes/v36r10p1.md
+++ b/ReleaseNotes/v36r10p1.md
@@ -32,4 +32,3 @@ Built relative to Rec [v36r10](/../../tags/v36r10), with the following changes:
 ### Other
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes/v36r12p1.md b/ReleaseNotes/v36r12p1.md
index 7a6a432dd354c425ce5086f8021d1d7882a8536f..5ef20edb5ae5d72dc0524c4acdc559fe7cb3a08f 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes/v36r12p1.md
+++ b/ReleaseNotes/v36r12p1.md
@@ -20,4 +20,3 @@ Built relative to Rec [v36r12](/../../tags/v36r12), with the following changes:
 - ~Tracking | Suppress printout from warning counter (follow up !4047), !4055 (@rmatev)
 - ~Monitoring | Remove GaudiHistoAlg from TrackPV2HalfMonitor, !4014 (@mstahl)
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes/v36r13.md b/ReleaseNotes/v36r13.md
index 159dcc53c28dd27ac15fa63b2a3763800c010634..34d366ec39c2884a33fb08b12a99e7655a8973d9 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes/v36r13.md
+++ b/ReleaseNotes/v36r13.md
@@ -47,4 +47,3 @@ Built relative to Rec [v36r12p2](/../../tags/v36r12p2), with the following chang
 ### Other
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureGlobalPID/mathematica/Log(Exp(x)-1).nb b/Rich/RichFutureGlobalPID/mathematica/Log(Exp(x)-1).nb
index 6fcd54dce910386bf4dc218b0bf719186ae73be7..22712cd2e6bdaadf4f8ca9b499dd1943ee20e5f8 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureGlobalPID/mathematica/Log(Exp(x)-1).nb
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureGlobalPID/mathematica/Log(Exp(x)-1).nb
@@ -20,19 +20,19 @@ WindowFrame->Normal*)
-  RowBox[{"func", "[", "x_", "]"}], ":=", 
-  RowBox[{"Log", "[", 
+  RowBox[{"func", "[", "x_", "]"}], ":=",
+  RowBox[{"Log", "[",
     RowBox[{"Exp", "[", "x", "]"}], "-", "1"}], "]"}]}]], "Input",
  CellChangeTimes->{{3.488915606759459*^9, 3.488915632646793*^9}, {
-   3.488915669803586*^9, 3.48891569011511*^9}, {3.488916174227746*^9, 
+   3.488915669803586*^9, 3.48891569011511*^9}, {3.488916174227746*^9,
    3.488916194257972*^9}, {3.488916268672805*^9, 3.488916285070855*^9}, {
-   3.488916330310823*^9, 3.4889163423165503`*^9}, {3.488916639084366*^9, 
-   3.4889166560584583`*^9}, 3.488917143223824*^9, {3.4889171798954153`*^9, 
+   3.488916330310823*^9, 3.4889163423165503`*^9}, {3.488916639084366*^9,
+   3.4889166560584583`*^9}, 3.488917143223824*^9, {3.4889171798954153`*^9,
    3.488917209133094*^9}, {3.488917274076604*^9, 3.4889172855224667`*^9}, {
-   3.4889174202318583`*^9, 3.4889174419562397`*^9}, {3.488918410414796*^9, 
+   3.4889174202318583`*^9, 3.4889174419562397`*^9}, {3.488918410414796*^9,
    3.488918411630334*^9}, {3.720966949388233*^9, 3.7209669496382303`*^9}, {
-   3.720967383162888*^9, 
+   3.720967383162888*^9,
@@ -41,149 +41,149 @@ Cell[BoxData[
   RowBox[{"<<", "FunctionApproximations`"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]"}]], "Input",\
  CellChangeTimes->{{3.488918418850699*^9, 3.488918444853948*^9}, {
-  3.488918756207526*^9, 
+  3.488918756207526*^9,
- RowBox[{"x1", "=", "0.001"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
- RowBox[{"x2", "=", "0.1"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
+ RowBox[{"x1", "=", "0.001"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
+ RowBox[{"x2", "=", "0.1"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
  RowBox[{"x3", "=", "5.0"}]}], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.488918875294607*^9, 3.4889188785144*^9}, 
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-   3.488959777053256*^9, 3.4889597772591047`*^9}, {3.488961322975828*^9, 
-   3.488961323591095*^9}, {3.488961358814611*^9, 3.488961359021901*^9}, 
-   3.488961407774315*^9, 3.48896616923875*^9, {3.488971235311499*^9, 
+   3.488959777053256*^9, 3.4889597772591047`*^9}, {3.488961322975828*^9,
+   3.488961323591095*^9}, {3.488961358814611*^9, 3.488961359021901*^9},
+   3.488961407774315*^9, 3.48896616923875*^9, {3.488971235311499*^9,
    3.488971235534895*^9}, 3.488972097207061*^9, 3.488972212436788*^9, {
    3.488980304737414*^9, 3.488980326664257*^9}, 3.488980357077141*^9, {
-   3.4889804060765753`*^9, 3.488980428301098*^9}, {3.4890839698826437`*^9, 
+   3.4889804060765753`*^9, 3.488980428301098*^9}, {3.4890839698826437`*^9,
    3.489083973410049*^9}, {3.489084019825654*^9, 3.489084030848555*^9}, {
-   3.5686498382029448`*^9, 3.568649840705111*^9}, {3.720966531382695*^9, 
+   3.5686498382029448`*^9, 3.568649840705111*^9}, {3.720966531382695*^9,
    3.7209665314736443`*^9}, {3.720968543031787*^9, 3.720968545031139*^9}, {
-   3.720968631816543*^9, 3.720968632856043*^9}, {3.7209715186253777`*^9, 
+   3.720968631816543*^9, 3.720968632856043*^9}, {3.7209715186253777`*^9,
    3.7209715186870613`*^9}, {3.720972180601347*^9, 3.720972194622871*^9}, {
-   3.720972460906142*^9, 3.720972476903387*^9}, {3.720972671079466*^9, 
-   3.720972671559677*^9}, {3.720973360403359*^9, 
+   3.720972460906142*^9, 3.720972476903387*^9}, {3.720972671079466*^9,
+   3.720972671559677*^9}, {3.720973360403359*^9,
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-   3.489084684291548*^9, 3.489084751758707*^9, 3.489084808525277*^9, 
-   3.489084880867947*^9, 3.489506069052589*^9, 3.50558231271346*^9, 
+  3.489084045448031*^9, 3.48908445324664*^9, 3.489084543984379*^9,
+   3.489084684291548*^9, 3.489084751758707*^9, 3.489084808525277*^9,
+   3.489084880867947*^9, 3.489506069052589*^9, 3.50558231271346*^9,
    3.511630902816574*^9, 3.526910421390018*^9, 3.568649205459244*^9, {
-   3.568649239761426*^9, 3.5686492544907427`*^9}, {3.5686497140399113`*^9, 
-   3.5686497324716043`*^9}, 3.5686497858722486`*^9, {3.568649823324061*^9, 
+   3.568649239761426*^9, 3.5686492544907427`*^9}, {3.5686497140399113`*^9,
+   3.5686497324716043`*^9}, 3.5686497858722486`*^9, {3.568649823324061*^9,
    3.568649880527403*^9}, {3.568649949435669*^9, 3.5686499913359823`*^9}, {
-   3.568650078143178*^9, 3.5686500871622057`*^9}, 3.568650196619095*^9, 
-   3.568650257749695*^9, 3.568699751629897*^9, 3.6318004412492037`*^9, 
-   3.6563072267324*^9, 3.720966277484622*^9, {3.720966487398655*^9, 
-   3.720966536608961*^9}, {3.720966575815618*^9, 3.720966603651504*^9}, 
-   3.720966641990391*^9, {3.7209667822075987`*^9, 3.720966836246365*^9}, 
+   3.568650078143178*^9, 3.5686500871622057`*^9}, 3.568650196619095*^9,
+   3.568650257749695*^9, 3.568699751629897*^9, 3.6318004412492037`*^9,
+   3.6563072267324*^9, 3.720966277484622*^9, {3.720966487398655*^9,
+   3.720966536608961*^9}, {3.720966575815618*^9, 3.720966603651504*^9},
+   3.720966641990391*^9, {3.7209667822075987`*^9, 3.720966836246365*^9},
    3.720966916237651*^9, {3.720966952611027*^9, 3.7209670741158867`*^9}, {
-   3.720967361636725*^9, 3.720967385827722*^9}, {3.7209675617379913`*^9, 
-   3.720967588904291*^9}, {3.720968546256804*^9, 3.720968549683769*^9}, 
-   3.7209686349745693`*^9, {3.7209689731719437`*^9, 3.720969045644293*^9}, 
+   3.720967361636725*^9, 3.720967385827722*^9}, {3.7209675617379913`*^9,
+   3.720967588904291*^9}, {3.720968546256804*^9, 3.720968549683769*^9},
+   3.7209686349745693`*^9, {3.7209689731719437`*^9, 3.720969045644293*^9},
    3.7209713255752487`*^9, {3.7209713605777187`*^9, 3.720971445492836*^9}, {
-   3.720971501215609*^9, 3.720971531828394*^9}, {3.720971573141835*^9, 
-   3.720971593833365*^9}, 3.720971630381053*^9, {3.720972145334734*^9, 
-   3.720972159765733*^9}, {3.7209722062253513`*^9, 3.720972237384911*^9}, 
+   3.720971501215609*^9, 3.720971531828394*^9}, {3.720971573141835*^9,
+   3.720971593833365*^9}, 3.720971630381053*^9, {3.720972145334734*^9,
+   3.720972159765733*^9}, {3.7209722062253513`*^9, 3.720972237384911*^9},
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-   3.720972407949881*^9, 3.720972479921214*^9}, {3.7209725399045258`*^9, 
+   3.720972407949881*^9, 3.720972479921214*^9}, {3.7209725399045258`*^9,
    3.7209725628377857`*^9}, {3.720972645899116*^9, 3.7209726745186377`*^9}, {
-   3.720972793660222*^9, 3.720972815597533*^9}, {3.720972847705996*^9, 
-   3.720972911494534*^9}, {3.7209729597728233`*^9, 3.72097298307815*^9}, 
+   3.720972793660222*^9, 3.720972815597533*^9}, {3.720972847705996*^9,
+   3.720972911494534*^9}, {3.7209729597728233`*^9, 3.72097298307815*^9},
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-   3.720973363481977*^9, 3.72097338209626*^9}, {3.7209734194289503`*^9, 
+   3.720973363481977*^9, 3.72097338209626*^9}, {3.7209734194289503`*^9,
    3.720973440364418*^9}, 3.720973541954503*^9, 3.7209735945728703`*^9, {
-   3.720973630849859*^9, 3.7209736743610897`*^9}, {3.7209743415864267`*^9, 
-   3.7209743612138367`*^9}, 3.72097443610177*^9, 3.72102027097941*^9, 
+   3.720973630849859*^9, 3.7209736743610897`*^9}, {3.7209743415864267`*^9,
+   3.7209743612138367`*^9}, 3.72097443610177*^9, 3.72102027097941*^9,
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-   3.721020541967757*^9, 3.721020567702055*^9}, 3.721036033625578*^9, 
-   3.721036065113412*^9, {3.721108938336089*^9, 3.721108956174171*^9}, 
-   3.721109268145401*^9, {3.721109321627973*^9, 
+   3.721020541967757*^9, 3.721020567702055*^9}, 3.721036033625578*^9,
+   3.721036065113412*^9, {3.721108938336089*^9, 3.721108956174171*^9},
+   3.721109268145401*^9, {3.721109321627973*^9,
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-   3.489084684291548*^9, 3.489084751758707*^9, 3.489084808525277*^9, 
-   3.489084880867947*^9, 3.489506069052589*^9, 3.50558231271346*^9, 
+  3.489084045448031*^9, 3.48908445324664*^9, 3.489084543984379*^9,
+   3.489084684291548*^9, 3.489084751758707*^9, 3.489084808525277*^9,
+   3.489084880867947*^9, 3.489506069052589*^9, 3.50558231271346*^9,
    3.511630902816574*^9, 3.526910421390018*^9, 3.568649205459244*^9, {
-   3.568649239761426*^9, 3.5686492544907427`*^9}, {3.5686497140399113`*^9, 
-   3.5686497324716043`*^9}, 3.5686497858722486`*^9, {3.568649823324061*^9, 
+   3.568649239761426*^9, 3.5686492544907427`*^9}, {3.5686497140399113`*^9,
+   3.5686497324716043`*^9}, 3.5686497858722486`*^9, {3.568649823324061*^9,
    3.568649880527403*^9}, {3.568649949435669*^9, 3.5686499913359823`*^9}, {
-   3.568650078143178*^9, 3.5686500871622057`*^9}, 3.568650196619095*^9, 
-   3.568650257749695*^9, 3.568699751629897*^9, 3.6318004412492037`*^9, 
-   3.6563072267324*^9, 3.720966277484622*^9, {3.720966487398655*^9, 
-   3.720966536608961*^9}, {3.720966575815618*^9, 3.720966603651504*^9}, 
-   3.720966641990391*^9, {3.7209667822075987`*^9, 3.720966836246365*^9}, 
+   3.568650078143178*^9, 3.5686500871622057`*^9}, 3.568650196619095*^9,
+   3.568650257749695*^9, 3.568699751629897*^9, 3.6318004412492037`*^9,
+   3.6563072267324*^9, 3.720966277484622*^9, {3.720966487398655*^9,
+   3.720966536608961*^9}, {3.720966575815618*^9, 3.720966603651504*^9},
+   3.720966641990391*^9, {3.7209667822075987`*^9, 3.720966836246365*^9},
    3.720966916237651*^9, {3.720966952611027*^9, 3.7209670741158867`*^9}, {
-   3.720967361636725*^9, 3.720967385827722*^9}, {3.7209675617379913`*^9, 
-   3.720967588904291*^9}, {3.720968546256804*^9, 3.720968549683769*^9}, 
-   3.7209686349745693`*^9, {3.7209689731719437`*^9, 3.720969045644293*^9}, 
+   3.720967361636725*^9, 3.720967385827722*^9}, {3.7209675617379913`*^9,
+   3.720967588904291*^9}, {3.720968546256804*^9, 3.720968549683769*^9},
+   3.7209686349745693`*^9, {3.7209689731719437`*^9, 3.720969045644293*^9},
    3.7209713255752487`*^9, {3.7209713605777187`*^9, 3.720971445492836*^9}, {
-   3.720971501215609*^9, 3.720971531828394*^9}, {3.720971573141835*^9, 
-   3.720971593833365*^9}, 3.720971630381053*^9, {3.720972145334734*^9, 
-   3.720972159765733*^9}, {3.7209722062253513`*^9, 3.720972237384911*^9}, 
+   3.720971501215609*^9, 3.720971531828394*^9}, {3.720971573141835*^9,
+   3.720971593833365*^9}, 3.720971630381053*^9, {3.720972145334734*^9,
+   3.720972159765733*^9}, {3.7209722062253513`*^9, 3.720972237384911*^9},
    3.720972311867711*^9, {3.720972350163508*^9, 3.720972367745569*^9}, {
-   3.720972407949881*^9, 3.720972479921214*^9}, {3.7209725399045258`*^9, 
+   3.720972407949881*^9, 3.720972479921214*^9}, {3.7209725399045258`*^9,
    3.7209725628377857`*^9}, {3.720972645899116*^9, 3.7209726745186377`*^9}, {
-   3.720972793660222*^9, 3.720972815597533*^9}, {3.720972847705996*^9, 
-   3.720972911494534*^9}, {3.7209729597728233`*^9, 3.72097298307815*^9}, 
+   3.720972793660222*^9, 3.720972815597533*^9}, {3.720972847705996*^9,
+   3.720972911494534*^9}, {3.7209729597728233`*^9, 3.72097298307815*^9},
    3.720973041071467*^9, {3.72097317348732*^9, 3.720973222577447*^9}, {
-   3.720973363481977*^9, 3.72097338209626*^9}, {3.7209734194289503`*^9, 
+   3.720973363481977*^9, 3.72097338209626*^9}, {3.7209734194289503`*^9,
    3.720973440364418*^9}, 3.720973541954503*^9, 3.7209735945728703`*^9, {
-   3.720973630849859*^9, 3.7209736743610897`*^9}, {3.7209743415864267`*^9, 
-   3.7209743612138367`*^9}, 3.72097443610177*^9, 3.72102027097941*^9, 
+   3.720973630849859*^9, 3.7209736743610897`*^9}, {3.7209743415864267`*^9,
+   3.7209743612138367`*^9}, 3.72097443610177*^9, 3.72102027097941*^9,
    3.721020355413443*^9, 3.721020386189633*^9, 3.721020467177422*^9, {
-   3.721020541967757*^9, 3.721020567702055*^9}, 3.721036033625578*^9, 
-   3.721036065113412*^9, {3.721108938336089*^9, 3.721108956174171*^9}, 
-   3.721109268145401*^9, {3.721109321627973*^9, 
+   3.721020541967757*^9, 3.721020567702055*^9}, 3.721036033625578*^9,
+   3.721036065113412*^9, {3.721108938336089*^9, 3.721108956174171*^9},
+   3.721109268145401*^9, {3.721109321627973*^9,
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-  3.489084045448031*^9, 3.48908445324664*^9, 3.489084543984379*^9, 
-   3.489084684291548*^9, 3.489084751758707*^9, 3.489084808525277*^9, 
-   3.489084880867947*^9, 3.489506069052589*^9, 3.50558231271346*^9, 
+  3.489084045448031*^9, 3.48908445324664*^9, 3.489084543984379*^9,
+   3.489084684291548*^9, 3.489084751758707*^9, 3.489084808525277*^9,
+   3.489084880867947*^9, 3.489506069052589*^9, 3.50558231271346*^9,
    3.511630902816574*^9, 3.526910421390018*^9, 3.568649205459244*^9, {
-   3.568649239761426*^9, 3.5686492544907427`*^9}, {3.5686497140399113`*^9, 
-   3.5686497324716043`*^9}, 3.5686497858722486`*^9, {3.568649823324061*^9, 
+   3.568649239761426*^9, 3.5686492544907427`*^9}, {3.5686497140399113`*^9,
+   3.5686497324716043`*^9}, 3.5686497858722486`*^9, {3.568649823324061*^9,
    3.568649880527403*^9}, {3.568649949435669*^9, 3.5686499913359823`*^9}, {
-   3.568650078143178*^9, 3.5686500871622057`*^9}, 3.568650196619095*^9, 
-   3.568650257749695*^9, 3.568699751629897*^9, 3.6318004412492037`*^9, 
-   3.6563072267324*^9, 3.720966277484622*^9, {3.720966487398655*^9, 
-   3.720966536608961*^9}, {3.720966575815618*^9, 3.720966603651504*^9}, 
-   3.720966641990391*^9, {3.7209667822075987`*^9, 3.720966836246365*^9}, 
+   3.568650078143178*^9, 3.5686500871622057`*^9}, 3.568650196619095*^9,
+   3.568650257749695*^9, 3.568699751629897*^9, 3.6318004412492037`*^9,
+   3.6563072267324*^9, 3.720966277484622*^9, {3.720966487398655*^9,
+   3.720966536608961*^9}, {3.720966575815618*^9, 3.720966603651504*^9},
+   3.720966641990391*^9, {3.7209667822075987`*^9, 3.720966836246365*^9},
    3.720966916237651*^9, {3.720966952611027*^9, 3.7209670741158867`*^9}, {
-   3.720967361636725*^9, 3.720967385827722*^9}, {3.7209675617379913`*^9, 
-   3.720967588904291*^9}, {3.720968546256804*^9, 3.720968549683769*^9}, 
-   3.7209686349745693`*^9, {3.7209689731719437`*^9, 3.720969045644293*^9}, 
+   3.720967361636725*^9, 3.720967385827722*^9}, {3.7209675617379913`*^9,
+   3.720967588904291*^9}, {3.720968546256804*^9, 3.720968549683769*^9},
+   3.7209686349745693`*^9, {3.7209689731719437`*^9, 3.720969045644293*^9},
    3.7209713255752487`*^9, {3.7209713605777187`*^9, 3.720971445492836*^9}, {
-   3.720971501215609*^9, 3.720971531828394*^9}, {3.720971573141835*^9, 
-   3.720971593833365*^9}, 3.720971630381053*^9, {3.720972145334734*^9, 
-   3.720972159765733*^9}, {3.7209722062253513`*^9, 3.720972237384911*^9}, 
+   3.720971501215609*^9, 3.720971531828394*^9}, {3.720971573141835*^9,
+   3.720971593833365*^9}, 3.720971630381053*^9, {3.720972145334734*^9,
+   3.720972159765733*^9}, {3.7209722062253513`*^9, 3.720972237384911*^9},
    3.720972311867711*^9, {3.720972350163508*^9, 3.720972367745569*^9}, {
-   3.720972407949881*^9, 3.720972479921214*^9}, {3.7209725399045258`*^9, 
+   3.720972407949881*^9, 3.720972479921214*^9}, {3.7209725399045258`*^9,
    3.7209725628377857`*^9}, {3.720972645899116*^9, 3.7209726745186377`*^9}, {
-   3.720972793660222*^9, 3.720972815597533*^9}, {3.720972847705996*^9, 
-   3.720972911494534*^9}, {3.7209729597728233`*^9, 3.72097298307815*^9}, 
+   3.720972793660222*^9, 3.720972815597533*^9}, {3.720972847705996*^9,
+   3.720972911494534*^9}, {3.7209729597728233`*^9, 3.72097298307815*^9},
    3.720973041071467*^9, {3.72097317348732*^9, 3.720973222577447*^9}, {
-   3.720973363481977*^9, 3.72097338209626*^9}, {3.7209734194289503`*^9, 
+   3.720973363481977*^9, 3.72097338209626*^9}, {3.7209734194289503`*^9,
    3.720973440364418*^9}, 3.720973541954503*^9, 3.7209735945728703`*^9, {
-   3.720973630849859*^9, 3.7209736743610897`*^9}, {3.7209743415864267`*^9, 
-   3.7209743612138367`*^9}, 3.72097443610177*^9, 3.72102027097941*^9, 
+   3.720973630849859*^9, 3.7209736743610897`*^9}, {3.7209743415864267`*^9,
+   3.7209743612138367`*^9}, 3.72097443610177*^9, 3.72102027097941*^9,
    3.721020355413443*^9, 3.721020386189633*^9, 3.721020467177422*^9, {
-   3.721020541967757*^9, 3.721020567702055*^9}, 3.721036033625578*^9, 
-   3.721036065113412*^9, {3.721108938336089*^9, 3.721108956174171*^9}, 
-   3.721109268145401*^9, {3.721109321627973*^9, 
+   3.721020541967757*^9, 3.721020567702055*^9}, 3.721036033625578*^9,
+   3.721036065113412*^9, {3.721108938336089*^9, 3.721108956174171*^9},
+   3.721109268145401*^9, {3.721109321627973*^9,
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@@ -191,111 +191,111 @@ ff3e26c2a43f"]
- RowBox[{"approx1", "=", 
-  RowBox[{"RationalInterpolation", "[", 
+ RowBox[{"approx1", "=",
+  RowBox[{"RationalInterpolation", "[",
-    RowBox[{"func", "[", "x", "]"}], ",", 
-    RowBox[{"{", 
-     RowBox[{"x", ",", "4", ",", "4"}], "}"}], ",", 
-    RowBox[{"{", 
+    RowBox[{"func", "[", "x", "]"}], ",",
+    RowBox[{"{",
+     RowBox[{"x", ",", "4", ",", "4"}], "}"}], ",",
+    RowBox[{"{",
      RowBox[{"x", ",", "x1", ",", "x2"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}]], "Input",
  CellChangeTimes->{{3.488958380333782*^9, 3.488958388275133*^9}, {
-   3.4889584964742413`*^9, 3.488958559598032*^9}, {3.488959019952874*^9, 
+   3.4889584964742413`*^9, 3.488958559598032*^9}, {3.488959019952874*^9,
    3.488959020981716*^9}, {3.4889595038941917`*^9, 3.488959504005465*^9}, {
-   3.488959539830553*^9, 3.488959539923513*^9}, {3.488961384559914*^9, 
+   3.488959539830553*^9, 3.488959539923513*^9}, {3.488961384559914*^9,
    3.4889613860610733`*^9}, {3.4889614370859537`*^9, 3.488961439803546*^9}, {
-   3.488966060358636*^9, 3.4889660615555468`*^9}, {3.4889661282255497`*^9, 
+   3.488966060358636*^9, 3.4889660615555468`*^9}, {3.4889661282255497`*^9,
    3.4889661480568037`*^9}, {3.488966253109671*^9, 3.488966301676141*^9}, {
-   3.488971861600498*^9, 3.488971895733018*^9}, {3.489045992483284*^9, 
+   3.488971861600498*^9, 3.488971895733018*^9}, {3.489045992483284*^9,
    3.489045994451324*^9}, {3.489084059193486*^9, 3.489084068368371*^9}, {
-   3.568649225480147*^9, 3.568649226764763*^9}, {3.5686499436243277`*^9, 
+   3.568649225480147*^9, 3.568649226764763*^9}, {3.5686499436243277`*^9,
    3.568649945478059*^9}, {3.6318004231942587`*^9, 3.631800425302013*^9}, {
-   3.720966269263015*^9, 3.720966269374967*^9}, 3.7209663119516*^9, 
+   3.720966269263015*^9, 3.720966269374967*^9}, 3.7209663119516*^9,
    3.720966432128772*^9, {3.7209664958735857`*^9, 3.7209665114575863`*^9}, {
-   3.720966571986671*^9, 3.720966599138483*^9}, {3.7209669617505703`*^9, 
+   3.720966571986671*^9, 3.720966599138483*^9}, {3.7209669617505703`*^9,
    3.7209669865666723`*^9}, {3.7209670620877*^9, 3.7209670710155983`*^9}, {
-   3.7209675536932077`*^9, 3.7209675693089046`*^9}, {3.720968969116078*^9, 
+   3.7209675536932077`*^9, 3.7209675693089046`*^9}, {3.720968969116078*^9,
    3.7209690428445177`*^9}, {3.720971321051297*^9, 3.7209713447079*^9}, {
-   3.720971395445529*^9, 3.720971395507826*^9}, {3.72097149739117*^9, 
+   3.720971395445529*^9, 3.720971395507826*^9}, {3.72097149739117*^9,
    3.720971497494932*^9}, {3.72097152815209*^9, 3.7209715281844587`*^9}, {
-   3.7209715677794313`*^9, 3.7209715678251543`*^9}, {3.7209721391398993`*^9, 
+   3.7209715677794313`*^9, 3.7209715678251543`*^9}, {3.7209721391398993`*^9,
    3.720972139184471*^9}, {3.720972215542848*^9, 3.7209722450770473`*^9}, {
-   3.720972789983202*^9, 3.720972791154159*^9}, {3.720972956060377*^9, 
+   3.720972789983202*^9, 3.720972791154159*^9}, {3.720972956060377*^9,
    3.7209729803148623`*^9}, {3.720973219409432*^9, 3.720973219488625*^9}, {
-   3.721108929487728*^9, 
+   3.721108929487728*^9,
-   RowBox[{"-", "8.153881974971727`"}], "-", 
-   RowBox[{"3763.9820937450886`", " ", "x"}], "-", 
-   RowBox[{"180149.47011640694`", " ", 
-    SuperscriptBox["x", "2"]}], "-", 
-   RowBox[{"923340.7133801008`", " ", 
-    SuperscriptBox["x", "3"]}], "+", 
-   RowBox[{"1.5368801356135493`*^6", " ", 
-    SuperscriptBox["x", "4"]}]}], 
-  RowBox[{"1", "+", 
-   RowBox[{"710.6892499540406`", " ", "x"}], "+", 
-   RowBox[{"53227.905690870386`", " ", 
-    SuperscriptBox["x", "2"]}], "+", 
-   RowBox[{"631524.6174061331`", " ", 
-    SuperscriptBox["x", "3"]}], "+", 
-   RowBox[{"765067.9490218208`", " ", 
+   RowBox[{"-", "8.153881974971727`"}], "-",
+   RowBox[{"3763.9820937450886`", " ", "x"}], "-",
+   RowBox[{"180149.47011640694`", " ",
+    SuperscriptBox["x", "2"]}], "-",
+   RowBox[{"923340.7133801008`", " ",
+    SuperscriptBox["x", "3"]}], "+",
+   RowBox[{"1.5368801356135493`*^6", " ",
+    SuperscriptBox["x", "4"]}]}],
+  RowBox[{"1", "+",
+   RowBox[{"710.6892499540406`", " ", "x"}], "+",
+   RowBox[{"53227.905690870386`", " ",
+    SuperscriptBox["x", "2"]}], "+",
+   RowBox[{"631524.6174061331`", " ",
+    SuperscriptBox["x", "3"]}], "+",
+   RowBox[{"765067.9490218208`", " ",
     SuperscriptBox["x", "4"]}]}]]], "Output",
-  3.4889583890421143`*^9, 3.488958560399096*^9, 3.488958606470067*^9, 
-   3.4889588539385967`*^9, 3.4889590251053333`*^9, {3.488959065350903*^9, 
+  3.4889583890421143`*^9, 3.488958560399096*^9, 3.488958606470067*^9,
+   3.4889588539385967`*^9, 3.4889590251053333`*^9, {3.488959065350903*^9,
    3.488959124814827*^9}, {3.488959156620461*^9, 3.488959183877894*^9}, {
-   3.48895949000661*^9, 3.488959507701337*^9}, {3.488959541315221*^9, 
+   3.48895949000661*^9, 3.488959507701337*^9}, {3.488959541315221*^9,
    3.4889595482349663`*^9}, {3.4889596847371387`*^9, 3.488959699050981*^9}, {
-   3.488959740000671*^9, 3.4889598043912983`*^9}, 3.48895997856479*^9, 
+   3.488959740000671*^9, 3.4889598043912983`*^9}, 3.48895997856479*^9,
    3.4889604591992807`*^9, 3.488960588028535*^9, 3.488961326275029*^9, {
    3.488961362203383*^9, 3.488961410453473*^9}, 3.4889614425961742`*^9, {
-   3.488965444260487*^9, 3.48896547062361*^9}, {3.488966068608364*^9, 
+   3.488965444260487*^9, 3.48896547062361*^9}, {3.488966068608364*^9,
    3.4889660867347193`*^9}, {3.48896613418326*^9, 3.4889661718982153`*^9}, {
-   3.488966256291418*^9, 3.488966307369831*^9}, {3.488966399998555*^9, 
-   3.488966449230896*^9}, 3.488971238979659*^9, {3.488971865853006*^9, 
+   3.488966256291418*^9, 3.488966307369831*^9}, {3.488966399998555*^9,
+   3.488966449230896*^9}, 3.488971238979659*^9, {3.488971865853006*^9,
    3.4889718985161657`*^9}, 3.488972101139051*^9, 3.488972216586379*^9, {
    3.48898031537226*^9, 3.48898033358605*^9}, 3.488980366185871*^9, {
-   3.488980411520753*^9, 3.488980438102817*^9}, 3.489046065595385*^9, 
-   3.4890461185024643`*^9, 3.489083999090087*^9, 3.489084073957605*^9, 
-   3.489084453284215*^9, 3.489084544040621*^9, 3.4890846843305273`*^9, 
-   3.489084751809334*^9, 3.489084808567895*^9, 3.489084880919713*^9, 
-   3.4895060691786337`*^9, 3.505582312754838*^9, 3.51163090285293*^9, 
-   3.526910421726797*^9, 3.56864920607584*^9, {3.568649239809928*^9, 
-   3.5686492545413923`*^9}, {3.5686497140755873`*^9, 3.568649732508334*^9}, 
+   3.488980411520753*^9, 3.488980438102817*^9}, 3.489046065595385*^9,
+   3.4890461185024643`*^9, 3.489083999090087*^9, 3.489084073957605*^9,
+   3.489084453284215*^9, 3.489084544040621*^9, 3.4890846843305273`*^9,
+   3.489084751809334*^9, 3.489084808567895*^9, 3.489084880919713*^9,
+   3.4895060691786337`*^9, 3.505582312754838*^9, 3.51163090285293*^9,
+   3.526910421726797*^9, 3.56864920607584*^9, {3.568649239809928*^9,
+   3.5686492545413923`*^9}, {3.5686497140755873`*^9, 3.568649732508334*^9},
    3.56864978592391*^9, {3.568649823361092*^9, 3.568649880566703*^9}, {
-   3.568649949476213*^9, 3.568649991388681*^9}, {3.568650078217922*^9, 
-   3.568650087211691*^9}, 3.5686501966538277`*^9, 3.568650257790535*^9, 
+   3.568649949476213*^9, 3.568649991388681*^9}, {3.568650078217922*^9,
+   3.568650087211691*^9}, 3.5686501966538277`*^9, 3.568650257790535*^9,
    3.5686997519495173`*^9, 3.631800441533461*^9, 3.6563072270958853`*^9, {
-   3.72096627007972*^9, 3.720966277507621*^9}, {3.720966487423526*^9, 
-   3.720966536655167*^9}, {3.720966575843913*^9, 3.7209666036799498`*^9}, 
-   3.7209666420185223`*^9, {3.720966782248885*^9, 3.7209668362717524`*^9}, 
+   3.72096627007972*^9, 3.720966277507621*^9}, {3.720966487423526*^9,
+   3.720966536655167*^9}, {3.720966575843913*^9, 3.7209666036799498`*^9},
+   3.7209666420185223`*^9, {3.720966782248885*^9, 3.7209668362717524`*^9},
    3.720966916279478*^9, {3.720966952639056*^9, 3.720967074144857*^9}, {
-   3.7209673616865463`*^9, 3.72096738585697*^9}, {3.7209675546124887`*^9, 
+   3.7209673616865463`*^9, 3.72096738585697*^9}, {3.7209675546124887`*^9,
    3.7209675889294653`*^9}, 3.720968549714849*^9, 3.7209686350066833`*^9, {
    3.7209689732303*^9, 3.7209690457128487`*^9}, 3.720971325737296*^9, {
-   3.720971356014372*^9, 3.7209714456464252`*^9}, {3.720971501352515*^9, 
-   3.72097153201003*^9}, {3.7209715733790197`*^9, 3.720971594014708*^9}, 
+   3.720971356014372*^9, 3.7209714456464252`*^9}, {3.720971501352515*^9,
+   3.72097153201003*^9}, {3.7209715733790197`*^9, 3.720971594014708*^9},
    3.7209716305573606`*^9, {3.7209721455330267`*^9, 3.7209721599687138`*^9}, {
    3.7209722064137774`*^9, 3.720972237587748*^9}, 3.7209723120769033`*^9, {
-   3.7209723503884087`*^9, 3.720972367956587*^9}, {3.720972408145233*^9, 
+   3.7209723503884087`*^9, 3.720972367956587*^9}, {3.720972408145233*^9,
    3.720972480146346*^9}, {3.720972540110916*^9, 3.7209725630481873`*^9}, {
-   3.720972646113853*^9, 3.72097267475803*^9}, {3.72097279387941*^9, 
+   3.720972646113853*^9, 3.72097267475803*^9}, {3.72097279387941*^9,
    3.7209728158197947`*^9}, {3.7209728477901077`*^9, 3.720972911574848*^9}, {
    3.720972959864188*^9, 3.7209729831662493`*^9}, 3.720973041146865*^9, {
-   3.720973173577002*^9, 3.720973222668932*^9}, {3.72097336358048*^9, 
-   3.720973382190804*^9}, {3.720973419506493*^9, 3.7209734404425993`*^9}, 
-   3.720973542042585*^9, 3.720973594660013*^9, {3.720973630923684*^9, 
-   3.720973674453362*^9}, {3.720974341676323*^9, 3.7209743612920218`*^9}, 
-   3.720974436185953*^9, 3.721020271011437*^9, 3.721020355435791*^9, 
-   3.7210203862143803`*^9, 3.721020467264583*^9, {3.721020542054976*^9, 
+   3.720973173577002*^9, 3.720973222668932*^9}, {3.72097336358048*^9,
+   3.720973382190804*^9}, {3.720973419506493*^9, 3.7209734404425993`*^9},
+   3.720973542042585*^9, 3.720973594660013*^9, {3.720973630923684*^9,
+   3.720973674453362*^9}, {3.720974341676323*^9, 3.7209743612920218`*^9},
+   3.720974436185953*^9, 3.721020271011437*^9, 3.721020355435791*^9,
+   3.7210203862143803`*^9, 3.721020467264583*^9, {3.721020542054976*^9,
    3.7210205677782917`*^9}, 3.7210360336460123`*^9, 3.721036065133459*^9, {
    3.7211089383574266`*^9, 3.721108956200571*^9}, 3.721109268170895*^9, {
-   3.72110932165418*^9, 
+   3.72110932165418*^9,
 }, Open  ]],
@@ -303,95 +303,95 @@ Cell[BoxData[
- RowBox[{"approx2", "=", 
-  RowBox[{"RationalInterpolation", "[", 
+ RowBox[{"approx2", "=",
+  RowBox[{"RationalInterpolation", "[",
-    RowBox[{"func", "[", "x", "]"}], ",", 
-    RowBox[{"{", 
-     RowBox[{"x", ",", "3", ",", "4"}], "}"}], ",", 
-    RowBox[{"{", 
+    RowBox[{"func", "[", "x", "]"}], ",",
+    RowBox[{"{",
+     RowBox[{"x", ",", "3", ",", "4"}], "}"}], ",",
+    RowBox[{"{",
      RowBox[{"x", ",", "x2", ",", "x3"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}]], "Input",
  CellChangeTimes->{{3.7209722605987387`*^9, 3.7209722681247597`*^9}, {
-  3.7209728118905783`*^9, 3.720972813041201*^9}, {3.720972882432773*^9, 
+  3.7209728118905783`*^9, 3.720972813041201*^9}, {3.720972882432773*^9,
   3.720972908829998*^9}, {3.720973170614854*^9, 3.7209732170441*^9}, {
-  3.720974433306179*^9, 
+  3.720974433306179*^9,
-   RowBox[{"-", "4.607325499367173`"}], "-", 
-   RowBox[{"25.594854219076243`", " ", "x"}], "+", 
-   RowBox[{"34.24320868914387`", " ", 
-    SuperscriptBox["x", "2"]}], "+", 
-   RowBox[{"17.67838014763876`", " ", 
-    SuperscriptBox["x", "3"]}]}], 
-  RowBox[{"1", "+", 
-   RowBox[{"17.994362235519787`", " ", "x"}], "+", 
-   RowBox[{"21.554896658342326`", " ", 
-    SuperscriptBox["x", "2"]}], "-", 
-   RowBox[{"0.4365084410635895`", " ", 
-    SuperscriptBox["x", "3"]}], "+", 
-   RowBox[{"0.019476828793646282`", " ", 
+   RowBox[{"-", "4.607325499367173`"}], "-",
+   RowBox[{"25.594854219076243`", " ", "x"}], "+",
+   RowBox[{"34.24320868914387`", " ",
+    SuperscriptBox["x", "2"]}], "+",
+   RowBox[{"17.67838014763876`", " ",
+    SuperscriptBox["x", "3"]}]}],
+  RowBox[{"1", "+",
+   RowBox[{"17.994362235519787`", " ", "x"}], "+",
+   RowBox[{"21.554896658342326`", " ",
+    SuperscriptBox["x", "2"]}], "-",
+   RowBox[{"0.4365084410635895`", " ",
+    SuperscriptBox["x", "3"]}], "+",
+   RowBox[{"0.019476828793646282`", " ",
     SuperscriptBox["x", "4"]}]}]]], "Output",
-  3.720972269346122*^9, 3.720972312127162*^9, {3.720972350455145*^9, 
+  3.720972269346122*^9, 3.720972312127162*^9, {3.720972350455145*^9,
    3.720972368005477*^9}, {3.720972408196136*^9, 3.720972480211667*^9}, {
-   3.720972540178253*^9, 3.720972563114094*^9}, {3.720972646181882*^9, 
+   3.720972540178253*^9, 3.720972563114094*^9}, {3.720972646181882*^9,
    3.7209726748249607`*^9}, {3.720972793946855*^9, 3.7209728158850393`*^9}, {
-   3.720972847840987*^9, 3.720972911645335*^9}, {3.720972959936179*^9, 
-   3.7209729832339067`*^9}, 3.720973041214582*^9, {3.7209731736417217`*^9, 
+   3.720972847840987*^9, 3.720972911645335*^9}, {3.720972959936179*^9,
+   3.7209729832339067`*^9}, 3.720973041214582*^9, {3.7209731736417217`*^9,
    3.7209732227499847`*^9}, {3.720973363649064*^9, 3.720973382252054*^9}, {
-   3.7209734195555*^9, 3.7209734405090303`*^9}, 3.7209735421108227`*^9, 
+   3.7209734195555*^9, 3.7209734405090303`*^9}, 3.7209735421108227`*^9,
    3.720973594724956*^9, {3.720973630992387*^9, 3.720973674518909*^9}, {
-   3.720974341743112*^9, 3.720974361358839*^9}, 3.7209744362531548`*^9, 
-   3.7210202710288258`*^9, 3.7210203554532413`*^9, 3.721020386231166*^9, 
-   3.721020467338324*^9, {3.721020542126025*^9, 3.72102056786279*^9}, 
-   3.721036033663787*^9, 3.721036065152995*^9, {3.721108938385405*^9, 
-   3.721108956220058*^9}, 3.721109268188596*^9, {3.721109321672166*^9, 
+   3.720974341743112*^9, 3.720974361358839*^9}, 3.7209744362531548`*^9,
+   3.7210202710288258`*^9, 3.7210203554532413`*^9, 3.721020386231166*^9,
+   3.721020467338324*^9, {3.721020542126025*^9, 3.72102056786279*^9},
+   3.721036033663787*^9, 3.721036065152995*^9, {3.721108938385405*^9,
+   3.721108956220058*^9}, 3.721109268188596*^9, {3.721109321672166*^9,
 }, Open  ]],
-  RowBox[{"fullapprox1", "[", "x_", "]"}], ":=", 
-  RowBox[{"If", "[", 
+  RowBox[{"fullapprox1", "[", "x_", "]"}], ":=",
+  RowBox[{"If", "[",
-    RowBox[{"x", ">", "x2"}], ",", 
+    RowBox[{"x", ">", "x2"}], ",",
     RowBox[{"func", "[", "x", "]"}], ",", "approx1"}], " ", "]"}]}]], "Input",\
  CellChangeTimes->{{3.4890841375403643`*^9, 3.489084138268917*^9}, {
-   3.4890842605381203`*^9, 3.489084385095311*^9}, {3.4890844268239527`*^9, 
+   3.4890842605381203`*^9, 3.489084385095311*^9}, {3.4890844268239527`*^9,
    3.489084432307228*^9}, {3.489084472895565*^9, 3.48908452477731*^9}, {
-   3.4890846107419033`*^9, 3.489084646012226*^9}, {3.4890846789409447`*^9, 
+   3.4890846107419033`*^9, 3.489084646012226*^9}, {3.4890846789409447`*^9,
    3.489084732161787*^9}, {3.489084864911353*^9, 3.48908487675012*^9}, {
    3.720966443856885*^9, 3.720966461552957*^9}, 3.72096718375338*^9, {
-   3.720972282614122*^9, 3.720972304813711*^9}, {3.720972337667536*^9, 
-   3.720972344211001*^9}, {3.7209728608420343`*^9, 
+   3.720972282614122*^9, 3.720972304813711*^9}, {3.720972337667536*^9,
+   3.720972344211001*^9}, {3.7209728608420343`*^9,
-  RowBox[{"fullapprox2", "[", "x_", "]"}], ":=", 
-  RowBox[{"If", "[", 
+  RowBox[{"fullapprox2", "[", "x_", "]"}], ":=",
+  RowBox[{"If", "[",
-    RowBox[{"x", ">", "x3"}], ",", 
+    RowBox[{"x", ">", "x3"}], ",",
     RowBox[{"func", "[", "x", "]"}], ",", "approx2"}], " ", "]"}]}]], "Input",\
  CellChangeTimes->{{3.7209723883795357`*^9, 3.720972403249305*^9}, {
-   3.7209728671134243`*^9, 3.720972867159522*^9}, 3.72097355730654*^9, 
+   3.7209728671134243`*^9, 3.720972867159522*^9}, 3.72097355730654*^9,
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+   3.7209725405143137`*^9, 3.720972563534567*^9}, {3.720972646647423*^9,
    3.7209726752029247`*^9}, {3.720972794308359*^9, 3.720972816229941*^9}, {
-   3.720972848222145*^9, 3.720972912023518*^9}, {3.720972960309349*^9, 
-   3.720972983578723*^9}, 3.7209730416309834`*^9, {3.72097317402273*^9, 
+   3.720972848222145*^9, 3.720972912023518*^9}, {3.720972960309349*^9,
+   3.720972983578723*^9}, 3.7209730416309834`*^9, {3.72097317402273*^9,
    3.7209732231173058`*^9}, {3.7209733640436697`*^9, 3.720973382631669*^9}, {
-   3.7209734199333553`*^9, 3.7209734409274273`*^9}, 3.720973542545598*^9, 
+   3.7209734199333553`*^9, 3.7209734409274273`*^9}, 3.720973542545598*^9,
    3.7209735952042847`*^9, {3.720973631579832*^9, 3.720973675071765*^9}, {
-   3.720974342308324*^9, 3.7209743617917557`*^9}, 3.720974436666292*^9, 
-   3.72102027133853*^9, 3.721020355673856*^9, 3.7210203864643707`*^9, 
-   3.721020468415882*^9, {3.721020542998926*^9, 3.7210205688807898`*^9}, 
-   3.721036065383286*^9, {3.72110893868503*^9, 3.7211089564599657`*^9}, 
-   3.721109268498831*^9, {3.721109321902131*^9, 
+   3.720974342308324*^9, 3.7209743617917557`*^9}, 3.720974436666292*^9,
+   3.72102027133853*^9, 3.721020355673856*^9, 3.7210203864643707`*^9,
+   3.721020468415882*^9, {3.721020542998926*^9, 3.7210205688807898`*^9},
+   3.721036065383286*^9, {3.72110893868503*^9, 3.7211089564599657`*^9},
+   3.721109268498831*^9, {3.721109321902131*^9,
 }, Open  ]],
@@ -1643,7 +1643,7 @@ Cell[CellGroupData[{
  RowBox[{"CForm", "[", "approx2", "]"}]], "Input",
- CellChangeTimes->{{3.720973038362014*^9, 
+ CellChangeTimes->{{3.720973038362014*^9,
@@ -1651,19 +1651,19 @@ Cell["\<\
 (-4.607325499367173 - 25.594854219076243*x + 34.24320868914387*Power(x,2) + \
    (1 + 17.994362235519787*x + 21.554896658342326*Power(x,2) - \
-0.4365084410635895*Power(x,3) + 
+0.4365084410635895*Power(x,3) +
 \>", "Output",
   3.720973041703143*^9, {3.720973174088348*^9, 3.720973223180787*^9}, {
-   3.720973364111158*^9, 3.7209733826987*^9}, {3.72097342000956*^9, 
+   3.720973364111158*^9, 3.7209733826987*^9}, {3.72097342000956*^9,
    3.720973440996682*^9}, 3.720973542607541*^9, 3.720973595271367*^9, {
-   3.720973631646098*^9, 3.7209736751325397`*^9}, {3.720974342372404*^9, 
-   3.720974361861771*^9}, 3.720974436732634*^9, 3.721020271356639*^9, 
+   3.720973631646098*^9, 3.7209736751325397`*^9}, {3.720974342372404*^9,
+   3.720974361861771*^9}, 3.720974436732634*^9, 3.721020271356639*^9,
    3.721020355689389*^9, 3.721020386483366*^9, 3.721020468503758*^9, {
    3.721020543070097*^9, 3.721020568963121*^9}, 3.7210360654000587`*^9, {
    3.72110893870453*^9, 3.7211089564783163`*^9}, 3.721109268518867*^9, {
-   3.721109321917596*^9, 
+   3.721109321917596*^9,
 }, Open  ]]
@@ -1673,8 +1673,8 @@ WindowMargins->{{320, Automatic}, {4, Automatic}},
 FrontEndVersion->"11.1 for Linux x86 (64-bit) (April 18, 2017)",
-    StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> "Default.nb"]]}, Visible -> False, 
-  FrontEndVersion -> "11.1 for Linux x86 (64-bit) (April 18, 2017)", 
+    StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> "Default.nb"]]}, Visible -> False,
+  FrontEndVersion -> "11.1 for Linux x86 (64-bit) (April 18, 2017)",
   StyleDefinitions -> "PrivateStylesheetFormatting.nb"]
 (* End of Notebook Content *)
@@ -1769,4 +1769,3 @@ Cell[88552, 1649, 978, 18, 84, "Output", "ExpressionUUID" -> \
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureGlobalPID/scripts/drawfuncs.C b/Rich/RichFutureGlobalPID/scripts/drawfuncs.C
index dc643abe61e2598692b2f5c2b7b9db05341465bf..afade25ad8b37dbeeacf10a8db71f1fafd12f369 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureGlobalPID/scripts/drawfuncs.C
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureGlobalPID/scripts/drawfuncs.C
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ void drawfuncs() {
     const union {
       float         f;
       std::uint32_t i;
-    } vx = {x};
+    } vx = { x };
     const union {
       std::uint32_t i;
       float         f;
-    } mx         = {( vx.i & 0x007FFFFF ) | 0x3f000000};
+    } mx         = { ( vx.i & 0x007FFFFF ) | 0x3f000000 };
     const auto y = float( vx.i ) * 1.1920928955078125e-7f;
     auto       z = 0.69314718f * ( y - 124.22551499f - 1.498030302f * mx.f - 1.72587999f / ( 0.3520887068f + mx.f ) );
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ void drawfuncs() {
     const union {
       float         f;
       std::uint32_t i;
-    } vx   = {x};
+    } vx   = { x };
     auto z = ( float( vx.i ) * 8.2629582881927490e-8f ) - 87.989971088f;
     // the power series
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureGlobalPID/src/RichGlobalPIDInitialisePIDInfo.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureGlobalPID/src/RichGlobalPIDInitialisePIDInfo.cpp
index f94c611f70ecef0bce11c56e128e74d8d2e305b5..9a0b0e5d0a978c5b33fdc4bdd24113b3cdadd42a 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureGlobalPID/src/RichGlobalPIDInitialisePIDInfo.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureGlobalPID/src/RichGlobalPIDInitialisePIDInfo.cpp
@@ -46,17 +46,17 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::GlobalPID {
     InitialisePIDInfo( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                             // input data
-                            {KeyValue{"SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks}},
+                            { KeyValue{ "SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks } },
                             // output data
-                            {KeyValue{"TrackPIDHyposLocation", TrackPIDHyposLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"TrackDLLsLocation", TrackDLLsLocation::Default}} ) {}
+                            { KeyValue{ "TrackPIDHyposLocation", TrackPIDHyposLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "TrackDLLsLocation", TrackDLLsLocation::Default } } ) {}
     /// Functional operator
     OutData operator()( const Summary::Track::Vector& gTracks ) const override {
       // make default output containers with the correct size
       // and fill with default values
-      return {TrackPIDHypos( gTracks.size(), Rich::Pion ), TrackDLLs::Vector( gTracks.size() )};
+      return { TrackPIDHypos( gTracks.size(), Rich::Pion ), TrackDLLs::Vector( gTracks.size() ) };
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureGlobalPID/src/RichGlobalPIDWriteRichPIDs.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureGlobalPID/src/RichGlobalPIDWriteRichPIDs.cpp
index 701b2f681eb0e65a4d8e946252ba0406d0330a7e..74ff6a005c1fd4375b755d72ac6c3f312611124e 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureGlobalPID/src/RichGlobalPIDWriteRichPIDs.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureGlobalPID/src/RichGlobalPIDWriteRichPIDs.cpp
@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::GlobalPID {
     WriteRichPIDs( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                        // input
-                       {KeyValue{"TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks},
-                        KeyValue{"TrackPIDHyposInputLocation", TrackPIDHyposLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"TrackDLLsInputLocation", TrackDLLsLocation::Default}},
+                       { KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks },
+                         KeyValue{ "TrackPIDHyposInputLocation", TrackPIDHyposLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "TrackDLLsInputLocation", TrackDLLsLocation::Default } },
                        // output
-                       {KeyValue{"RichPIDsLocation", LHCb::RichPIDLocation::Default}} ) {
+                       { KeyValue{ "RichPIDsLocation", LHCb::RichPIDLocation::Default } } ) {
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE ).ignore();
@@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::GlobalPID {
     // properties
     /// Data object version for RichPID container
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned short int> m_pidVersion{this, "PIDVersion", 2u, "Version of the RichPID container"};
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned short int> m_pidVersion{ this, "PIDVersion", 2u, "Version of the RichPID container" };
     // messaging
     /// Non-zero best deltaLL value
-    mutable WarningCounter m_nonZeroBestDLLWarn{this, "Track has non-zero best deltaLL value"};
+    mutable WarningCounter m_nonZeroBestDLLWarn{ this, "Track has non-zero best deltaLL value" };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureGlobalPID/src/RichSIMDGlobalPIDLikelihoodMinimiser.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureGlobalPID/src/RichSIMDGlobalPIDLikelihoodMinimiser.cpp
index f41ba29a690153528879fe09bef9159298724b43..e56e1b8809942c1d36350903ae47dc76dd6b917b 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureGlobalPID/src/RichSIMDGlobalPIDLikelihoodMinimiser.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureGlobalPID/src/RichSIMDGlobalPIDLikelihoodMinimiser.cpp
@@ -158,9 +158,9 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::GlobalPID {
           : pidTrack( track ), hypo( h ), minDLL( mindll ) {}
-      const Summary::Track* pidTrack{nullptr}; ///< Pointer to the track
-      Rich::ParticleIDType  hypo{Rich::Pion};  ///< Track hypothesis
-      FloatType             minDLL{0};         ///< The DLL value
+      const Summary::Track* pidTrack{ nullptr }; ///< Pointer to the track
+      Rich::ParticleIDType  hypo{ Rich::Pion };  ///< Track hypothesis
+      FloatType             minDLL{ 0 };         ///< The DLL value
@@ -168,16 +168,16 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::GlobalPID {
     SIMDLikelihoodMinimiser( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                             // inputs
-                            {KeyValue{"SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks},
-                             KeyValue{"SummaryPixelsLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Pixels},
-                             KeyValue{"TrackPIDHyposInputLocation", TrackPIDHyposLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"TrackDLLsInputLocation", TrackDLLsLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"PixelBackgroundsLocation", SIMDPixelBackgroundsLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"PhotonSignalsLocation", SIMDPhotonSignalsLocation::Default}},
+                            { KeyValue{ "SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks },
+                              KeyValue{ "SummaryPixelsLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Pixels },
+                              KeyValue{ "TrackPIDHyposInputLocation", TrackPIDHyposLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "TrackDLLsInputLocation", TrackDLLsLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "PixelBackgroundsLocation", SIMDPixelBackgroundsLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "PhotonSignalsLocation", SIMDPhotonSignalsLocation::Default } },
                             // outputs
-                            {KeyValue{"TrackPIDHyposOutputLocation", TrackPIDHyposLocation::Global},
-                             KeyValue{"TrackDLLsOutputLocation", TrackDLLsLocation::Global}} ) {
+                            { KeyValue{ "TrackPIDHyposOutputLocation", TrackPIDHyposLocation::Global },
+                              KeyValue{ "TrackDLLsOutputLocation", TrackDLLsLocation::Global } } ) {
       // update cache parameters based on properties
       m_minSig.declareUpdateHandler( [this]( const auto& ) {
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::GlobalPID {
                         const SIMDPixelBackgrounds&               pixelBkgs,  ///< Pixel backgrounds
                         const Relations::PhotonToParents::Vector& photRel,    ///< photon relations
                         const SIMDPhotonSignals::Vector&          photSignals ///< photon signals
-                        ) const override {
+    ) const override {
       // Form the output data, cloning from the inputs
       OutData outData( inTkHypos, inTkDLLs );
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::GlobalPID {
     /// Get the active RICH flags
     auto getRICHFlags( MinTrList& minTracks ) const noexcept {
       // RICH flags. Default to flase
-      DetectorArray<bool> inR = {{false, false}};
+      DetectorArray<bool> inR = { { false, false } };
       if ( !minTracks.empty() ) {
         for ( const auto& T : minTracks ) {
           // check if this track is in both RICHes
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::GlobalPID {
           if ( inR[Rich::Rich1] && inR[Rich::Rich2] ) { break; }
       } else {
-        inR = {true, true};
+        inR = { true, true };
       return inR;
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::GlobalPID {
       // This allows better optimisation of this method with 1 loop not 2 ;)
       // Do Pixel sum entirely in SIMD form
-      SIMDFP deltaLL{SIMDFP::Zero()};
+      SIMDFP deltaLL{ SIMDFP::Zero() };
       // loop over the photons for this track
       for ( const auto& iPhot : track.photonIndices() ) {
@@ -846,48 +846,48 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::GlobalPID {
     // properties
     /// Minimum signal value for full calculation of log(exp(signal)-1)
-    Gaudi::Property<FloatType> m_minSig{this, "MinSignalForNoLLCalc", 1e-3,
-                                        "Minimum signal value for full calculation of log(exp(-signal)-1)"};
+    Gaudi::Property<FloatType> m_minSig{ this, "MinSignalForNoLLCalc", 1e-3,
+                                         "Minimum signal value for full calculation of log(exp(-signal)-1)" };
     /// Threshold for likelihood maximisation
-    Gaudi::Property<FloatType> m_epsilon{this, "LikelihoodThreshold", -1e-3, "Threshold for likelihood maximisation"};
+    Gaudi::Property<FloatType> m_epsilon{ this, "LikelihoodThreshold", -1e-3, "Threshold for likelihood maximisation" };
     /// Maximum number of track iterations
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxEventIterations{this, "MaxEventIterations", 2000u,
-                                                       "Maximum number of track iterations"};
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxEventIterations{ this, "MaxEventIterations", 2000u,
+                                                        "Maximum number of track iterations" };
     /// Track DLL value to freeze track out from future iterations
     Gaudi::Property<FloatType> m_freezeOutDll{
         this, "TrackFreezeOutDLL", 4,
-        "Track freeze out value (The point at which it is no longer considered for change)"};
+        "Track freeze out value (The point at which it is no longer considered for change)" };
     /// Track DLL value for a forced change
-    Gaudi::Property<FloatType> m_forceChangeDll{this, "TrackForceChangeDLL", -2,
-                                                "Track DLL Threshold for forced change"};
+    Gaudi::Property<FloatType> m_forceChangeDll{ this, "TrackForceChangeDLL", -2,
+                                                 "Track DLL Threshold for forced change" };
     /// Flag to turn on final DLL and hypothesis check
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_doFinalDllCheck{this, "FinalDLLCheck", false,
-                                            "Flag to turn on final DLL and hypothesis check"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_doFinalDllCheck{ this, "FinalDLLCheck", false,
+                                             "Flag to turn on final DLL and hypothesis check" };
     /// Flag to turn on RICH check in LL minimisation
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_richCheck{this, "RichDetCheck", true,
-                                      "Flag to turn on RICH check in LL minimisation (turn off for max precision)"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_richCheck{ this, "RichDetCheck", true,
+                                       "Flag to turn on RICH check in LL minimisation (turn off for max precision)" };
     /// Maximum number of tracks to change in a single event iteration
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxTkChanges{this, "MaxTrackChangesPerIt", 5u,
-                                                 "Maximum number of tracks to change in a single event iteration"};
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxTkChanges{ this, "MaxTrackChangesPerIt", 5u,
+                                                  "Maximum number of tracks to change in a single event iteration" };
     /// Maximum number of iteration retries
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxItRetries{this, "MaxIterationRetries", 20u, "Maximum retries"};
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxItRetries{ this, "MaxIterationRetries", 20u, "Maximum retries" };
     // messaging
     /// Maximum iteration retires reached
-    mutable WarningCounter m_maxItTriesWarn{this, "Maximum number of iteration re-tries reached", 1};
+    mutable WarningCounter m_maxItTriesWarn{ this, "Maximum number of iteration re-tries reached", 1 };
     /// Maximum iterations reached
-    mutable WarningCounter m_maxItsWarn{this, "Taken more than maximum number of iterations -> quitting", 1};
+    mutable WarningCounter m_maxItsWarn{ this, "Taken more than maximum number of iterations -> quitting", 1 };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecAlgorithms/src/MergeRichPIDs.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecAlgorithms/src/MergeRichPIDs.cpp
index 1dd3a079a7afee67d1af2e9384a22ca0e480e500..4c34d25ba5947043080823e2b16c443e00340055 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecAlgorithms/src/MergeRichPIDs.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecAlgorithms/src/MergeRichPIDs.cpp
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     MergeRichPIDs( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : MergingTransformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                               // inputs
-                              {"InputRichPIDLocations", {}},
+                              { "InputRichPIDLocations", {} },
                               // outputs
-                              {"OutputRichPIDLocation", LHCb::RichPIDLocation::Default} ) {
+                              { "OutputRichPIDLocation", LHCb::RichPIDLocation::Default } ) {
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE ).ignore();
@@ -57,16 +57,16 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     // properties
     /// Should the original RichPID be preserved in the cloned container ?
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_keepPIDKey{this, "PreserveOriginalKeys", true};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_keepPIDKey{ this, "PreserveOriginalKeys", true };
     /// Data object version for RichPID container
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned short int> m_pidVersion{this, "PIDVersion", 2u, "Version of the RichPID container"};
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned short int> m_pidVersion{ this, "PIDVersion", 2u, "Version of the RichPID container" };
     // messaging
     /// PID version mis-match
-    mutable WarningCounter m_verWarn{this, "Input/Output RichPID version mis-match"};
+    mutable WarningCounter m_verWarn{ this, "Input/Output RichPID version mis-match" };
   // alternative class with SharedObjectsContainer
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDRecoSummary.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDRecoSummary.cpp
index 912a1b3b9c8c4dbf0f19b4ecd2af09e25c9fd029..9cea23997823ebc0b182c1090fa48839d819befb 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDRecoSummary.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDRecoSummary.cpp
@@ -67,16 +67,16 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     SIMDRecoSummary( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                             // input data
-                            {KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"TrackToSegmentsLocation", Relations::TrackToSegmentsLocation::Selected},
-                             KeyValue{"PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"DetectablePhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Detectable},
-                             KeyValue{"SignalPhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Signal},
-                             KeyValue{"PhotonSignalsLocation", SIMDPhotonSignalsLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default}},
+                            { KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "TrackToSegmentsLocation", Relations::TrackToSegmentsLocation::Selected },
+                              KeyValue{ "PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "DetectablePhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Detectable },
+                              KeyValue{ "SignalPhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Signal },
+                              KeyValue{ "PhotonSignalsLocation", SIMDPhotonSignalsLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default } },
                             // output data
-                            {KeyValue{"SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks},
-                             KeyValue{"SummaryPixelsLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Pixels}} ) {
+                            { KeyValue{ "SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks },
+                              KeyValue{ "SummaryPixelsLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Pixels } } ) {
       // debug output
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE );
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
                         const PhotonYields::Vector&               sigYields,    ///< signal photon yields
                         const SIMDPhotonSignals::Vector&          expPhotSigs,  ///< expected photon signals
                         const SIMDPixelSummaries&                 pixels        ///< summary pixels
-                        ) const override {
+    ) const override {
       using namespace LHCb::SIMD;
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecBase/include/RichFutureRecBase/RichRecBase.h b/Rich/RichFutureRecBase/include/RichFutureRecBase/RichRecBase.h
index 90e8984a2bdbef998c73d64be571bd2dbc69108f..48903fe0bdc153b8ade6cce69960236755f238c7 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecBase/include/RichFutureRecBase/RichRecBase.h
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecBase/include/RichFutureRecBase/RichRecBase.h
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     /// Access active RICH radiator flags
     inline auto radiatorIsActive() const noexcept {
-      return Rich::RadiatorArray<bool>{false, richIsActive( Rich::Rich1 ), richIsActive( Rich::Rich2 )};
+      return Rich::RadiatorArray<bool>{ false, richIsActive( Rich::Rich1 ), richIsActive( Rich::Rich2 ) };
@@ -137,11 +137,11 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     // properties
     /// Active RICH detectors (RICH1,RICH2)
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_richIsActive{m_base, "Detectors", {true, true}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_richIsActive{ m_base, "Detectors", { true, true } };
     /// Pointer to RichParticleProperties interface
-    PublicToolHandle<const IParticleProperties> m_richPartProp{m_base, "ParticlePropertiesTool",
-                                                               "Rich::Future::ParticleProperties/RichPartProp:PUBLIC"};
+    PublicToolHandle<const IParticleProperties> m_richPartProp{
+        m_base, "ParticlePropertiesTool", "Rich::Future::ParticleProperties/RichPartProp:PUBLIC" };
 } // namespace Rich::Future::Rec
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCCKResParameterisation.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCCKResParameterisation.cpp
index 0c876b4f6ead42abb3399f99fec4c0b3b8d30ffb..8fd5a07abaef0e74876a2df2ef8a1266a9039b1b 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCCKResParameterisation.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCCKResParameterisation.cpp
@@ -78,17 +78,17 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
     /// Standard constructor
     CKResParameterisation( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                    {KeyValue{"SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks},
-                     KeyValue{"TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"RichPixelClustersLocation", Rich::PDPixelClusterLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal},
-                     KeyValue{"CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"PhotonSignalsLocation", SIMDPhotonSignalsLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles},
-                     KeyValue{"RichDigitSummariesLocation", LHCb::MCRichDigitSummaryLocation::Default}} ) {
+                    { KeyValue{ "SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks },
+                      KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "RichPixelClustersLocation", Rich::PDPixelClusterLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal },
+                      KeyValue{ "CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "PhotonSignalsLocation", SIMDPhotonSignalsLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles },
+                      KeyValue{ "RichDigitSummariesLocation", LHCb::MCRichDigitSummaryLocation::Default } } ) {
       setProperty( "NBins1DHistos", 150 ).ignore();
@@ -117,9 +117,10 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
                                const Rich::DetectorType rich ) const {
       const auto ckRange = m_ckThetaMax[rich] - m_ckThetaMin[rich];
       const auto inc     = ckRange / NCKThetaBins;
-      const auto bin     = ( ckTheta <= m_ckThetaMin[rich] ? 0 :                    //
-                             ckTheta >= m_ckThetaMax[rich] ? NCKThetaBins - 1 : //
-                                 std::size_t( ( ckTheta - m_ckThetaMin[rich] ) / inc ) );
+      const auto bin     = ( ckTheta <= m_ckThetaMin[rich] ? 0 : //
+                             ckTheta >= m_ckThetaMax[rich] ? NCKThetaBins - 1
+                                                               : //
+                             std::size_t( ( ckTheta - m_ckThetaMin[rich] ) / inc ) );
       assert( bin < NCKThetaBins );
       return std::min( bin, NCKThetaBins - 1 );
@@ -130,8 +131,8 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
       assert( bin < NCKThetaBins );
       const auto ckRange = m_ckThetaMax[rich] - m_ckThetaMin[rich];
       const auto inc     = ckRange / NCKThetaBins;
-      return {m_ckThetaMin[rich] + ( inc * bin ), //
-              m_ckThetaMin[rich] + ( inc * ( 1 + bin ) )};
+      return { m_ckThetaMin[rich] + ( inc * bin ), //
+               m_ckThetaMin[rich] + ( inc * ( 1 + bin ) ) };
     /// Is CK theta value inside the bin range
@@ -148,9 +149,10 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
                              const Rich::DetectorType rich ) const {
       const auto pRange = m_maxP[rich] - m_minP[rich];
       const auto inc    = pRange / NCKThetaBins;
-      const auto bin    = ( p <= m_minP[rich] ? 0 :                    //
-                             p >= m_maxP[rich] ? NCKThetaBins - 1 : //
-                                 std::size_t( ( p - m_minP[rich] ) / inc ) );
+      const auto bin    = ( p <= m_minP[rich] ? 0 : //
+                             p >= m_maxP[rich] ? NCKThetaBins - 1
+                                                  : //
+                             std::size_t( ( p - m_minP[rich] ) / inc ) );
       assert( bin < NCKThetaBins );
       return std::min( bin, NCKThetaBins - 1 );
@@ -161,8 +163,8 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
       assert( bin < NCKThetaBins );
       const auto pRange = m_maxP[rich] - m_minP[rich];
       const auto inc    = pRange / NCKThetaBins;
-      return {m_minP[rich] + ( inc * bin ), //
-              m_minP[rich] + ( inc * ( 1 + bin ) )};
+      return { m_minP[rich] + ( inc * bin ), //
+               m_minP[rich] + ( inc * ( 1 + bin ) ) };
     /// Is momentum value inside the bin range
@@ -176,28 +178,28 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
     // properties
     /// Min theta limit for histos for each rad
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaMin{this, "ChThetaRecHistoLimitMin", {0.010f, 0.010f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaMin{ this, "ChThetaRecHistoLimitMin", { 0.010f, 0.010f } };
     /// Max theta limit for histos for each rad
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaMax{this, "ChThetaRecHistoLimitMax", {0.056f, 0.033f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaMax{ this, "ChThetaRecHistoLimitMax", { 0.056f, 0.033f } };
     /// Histogram ranges for CK resolution plots
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckResRange{this, "CKResHistoRange", {0.008f, 0.0050f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckResRange{ this, "CKResHistoRange", { 0.008f, 0.0050f } };
     /// Min momentum by radiator (MeV/c)
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minP{
-        this, "MinP", {0.5 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::GeV}, "Minimum momentum (MeV/c)"};
+        this, "MinP", { 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::GeV }, "Minimum momentum (MeV/c)" };
     /// Max momentum by radiator (MeV/c)
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxP{
-        this, "MaxP", {120.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 120.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV}, "Maximum momentum (MeV/c)"};
+        this, "MaxP", { 120.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 120.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV }, "Maximum momentum (MeV/c)" };
     /// Maximum number of MCParticles associated to a given track
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<std::size_t>> m_nMaxMCPsAssoc{this, "MaxMCPsAssoc", {1, 1}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<std::size_t>> m_nMaxMCPsAssoc{ this, "MaxMCPsAssoc", { 1, 1 } };
     /// The minimum cut value for photon probability
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_minPhotonProb{
-        this, "MinPhotonProbability", {1e-9f, 1e-8f}, "The minimum allowed photon probability values"};
+        this, "MinPhotonProbability", { 1e-9f, 1e-8f }, "The minimum allowed photon probability values" };
     // cached data
@@ -209,15 +211,15 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
     using ParamCKRes = Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::Array<Hist::WH1D<>, NCKThetaBins>>>;
     // true
-    mutable ParamCKRes h_ckResTrueCKBins   = {{}};
-    mutable ParamCKRes h_ckThetaTrueCKBins = {{}};
-    mutable ParamCKRes h_ckResTruePBins    = {{}};
-    mutable ParamCKRes h_ckThetaTruePBins  = {{}};
+    mutable ParamCKRes h_ckResTrueCKBins   = { {} };
+    mutable ParamCKRes h_ckThetaTrueCKBins = { {} };
+    mutable ParamCKRes h_ckResTruePBins    = { {} };
+    mutable ParamCKRes h_ckThetaTruePBins  = { {} };
     // fake
-    mutable ParamCKRes h_ckResFakeCKBins   = {{}};
-    mutable ParamCKRes h_ckThetaFakeCKBins = {{}};
-    mutable ParamCKRes h_ckResFakePBins    = {{}};
-    mutable ParamCKRes h_ckThetaFakePBins  = {{}};
+    mutable ParamCKRes h_ckResFakeCKBins   = { {} };
+    mutable ParamCKRes h_ckThetaFakeCKBins = { {} };
+    mutable ParamCKRes h_ckResFakePBins    = { {} };
+    mutable ParamCKRes h_ckThetaFakePBins  = { {} };
 } // namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni
@@ -303,7 +305,7 @@ StatusCode CKResParameterisation::prebookHistograms() {
-  return StatusCode{ok};
+  return StatusCode{ ok };
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCCherenkovResolution.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCCherenkovResolution.cpp
index 2925b241df087161b0b99e66a8d0f4e5a1d149ce..e5a885ecb86b79d73ea28733b45aafaab838cdc9 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCCherenkovResolution.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCCherenkovResolution.cpp
@@ -77,17 +77,17 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
     /// Standard constructor
     CherenkovResolution( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                    {KeyValue{"SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks},
-                     KeyValue{"TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"RichPixelClustersLocation", Rich::PDPixelClusterLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal},
-                     KeyValue{"CherenkovResolutionsLocation", CherenkovResolutionsLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles},
-                     KeyValue{"RichDigitSummariesLocation", LHCb::MCRichDigitSummaryLocation::Default}} ) {
+                    { KeyValue{ "SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks },
+                      KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "RichPixelClustersLocation", Rich::PDPixelClusterLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal },
+                      KeyValue{ "CherenkovResolutionsLocation", CherenkovResolutionsLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles },
+                      KeyValue{ "RichDigitSummariesLocation", LHCb::MCRichDigitSummaryLocation::Default } } ) {
       setProperty( "NBins1DHistos", 100 ).ignore(); // to match number of bins in CKResParameterisation
@@ -112,9 +112,10 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
     /// momentum bin
     inline auto pullBin( const double ptot, const Rich::DetectorType rich ) const {
-      return ( ptot < m_minP[rich] ? 0 :                         //
-                   ptot > m_maxP[rich] ? m_nPullBins[rich] - 1 : //
-                       ( std::size_t )( ( ptot - m_minP[rich] ) * m_pullPtotInc[rich] ) );
+      return ( ptot < m_minP[rich] ? 0 : //
+                   ptot > m_maxP[rich] ? m_nPullBins[rich] - 1
+                                       : //
+                   ( std::size_t )( ( ptot - m_minP[rich] ) * m_pullPtotInc[rich] ) );
     /// min max for given momentum bin ( in GeV )
@@ -130,69 +131,70 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
     /// minimum beta value for tracks
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_minBeta{this, "MinBeta", {0.0f, 0.0f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_minBeta{ this, "MinBeta", { 0.0f, 0.0f } };
     /// maximum beta value for tracks
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_maxBeta{this, "MaxBeta", {999.99f, 999.99f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_maxBeta{ this, "MaxBeta", { 999.99f, 999.99f } };
     /// Min theta limit for histos for each rad
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaMin{this, "ChThetaRecHistoLimitMin", {0.010f, 0.010f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaMin{ this, "ChThetaRecHistoLimitMin", { 0.010f, 0.010f } };
     /// Max theta limit for histos for each rad
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaMax{this, "ChThetaRecHistoLimitMax", {0.056f, 0.033f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaMax{ this, "ChThetaRecHistoLimitMax", { 0.056f, 0.033f } };
     /// Min for expected CK resolution
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckResMin{this, "CKResMin", {0.00075f, 0.00040f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckResMin{ this, "CKResMin", { 0.00075f, 0.00040f } };
     /// Max for expected CK resolution
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckResMax{this, "CKResMax", {0.0026f, 0.00102f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckResMax{ this, "CKResMax", { 0.0026f, 0.00102f } };
     /// Min momentum by radiator (MeV/c)
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minP{this, "MinP", {0.5 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::GeV}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minP{ this, "MinP", { 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::GeV } };
     /// Max momentum by radiator (MeV/c)
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxP{this, "MaxP", {120.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 120.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxP{
+        this, "MaxP", { 120.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 120.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV } };
     /// Option to skip electrons
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_skipElectrons{this, "SkipElectrons", false};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_skipElectrons{ this, "SkipElectrons", false };
     /// Number of bins for binned pull plots
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<std::size_t>> m_nPullBins{this, "NPullBins", {200, 200}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<std::size_t>> m_nPullBins{ this, "NPullBins", { 200, 200 } };
     // cached data
     /// 1/increment for pull ptot binning
-    DetectorArray<double> m_pullPtotInc = {0, 0};
+    DetectorArray<double> m_pullPtotInc = { 0, 0 };
     // cached histogram pointers
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_expCKang      = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_ckres         = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_ckresVcktheta = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_ckresVptot    = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_expCKang      = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_ckres         = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_ckresVcktheta = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_ckresVptot    = { {} };
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_diffckVckang     = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_diffckVPtot      = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_fabsdiffckVckang = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_fabsdiffckVPtot  = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_diffckVckang     = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_diffckVPtot      = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_fabsdiffckVckang = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_fabsdiffckVPtot  = { {} };
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_diffckVckangInner     = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_diffckVPtotInner      = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_fabsdiffckVckangInner = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_fabsdiffckVPtotInner  = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_diffckVckangInner     = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_diffckVPtotInner      = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_fabsdiffckVckangInner = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_fabsdiffckVPtotInner  = { {} };
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_diffckVckangOuter     = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_diffckVPtotOuter      = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_fabsdiffckVckangOuter = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_fabsdiffckVPtotOuter  = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_diffckVckangOuter     = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_diffckVPtotOuter      = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_fabsdiffckVckangOuter = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_fabsdiffckVPtotOuter  = { {} };
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_ckPullVckang     = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_ckPullVPtot      = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_fabsCkPullVckang = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_fabsCkPullVPtot  = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_ckPullVckang     = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_ckPullVPtot      = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_fabsCkPullVckang = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_fabsCkPullVPtot  = { {} };
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<std::deque<Hist::WH1D<>>>> h_pullBins = {{{}}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<std::deque<Hist::WH1D<>>>> h_pullBins = { { {} } };
 } // namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni
@@ -337,7 +339,7 @@ StatusCode CherenkovResolution::prebookHistograms() {
     } // active particles
-  return StatusCode{ok};
+  return StatusCode{ ok };
@@ -466,29 +468,29 @@ void CherenkovResolution::operator()( const Summary::Track::Vector&
             // fill some plots for true photons only
             if ( trueCKSig ) {
               // Res versus Ptot and CK theta
-              hb_diffckVckang[rich][pid][thetaExp] += {deltaTheta, mcPW};
-              hb_diffckVPtot[rich][pid][pTot] += {deltaTheta, mcPW};
-              hb_fabsdiffckVckang[rich][pid][thetaExp] += {fabs( deltaTheta ), mcPW};
-              hb_fabsdiffckVPtot[rich][pid][pTot] += {fabs( deltaTheta ), mcPW};
+              hb_diffckVckang[rich][pid][thetaExp] += { deltaTheta, mcPW };
+              hb_diffckVPtot[rich][pid][pTot] += { deltaTheta, mcPW };
+              hb_fabsdiffckVckang[rich][pid][thetaExp] += { fabs( deltaTheta ), mcPW };
+              hb_fabsdiffckVPtot[rich][pid][pTot] += { fabs( deltaTheta ), mcPW };
               if ( simdPix.isInnerRegion()[i] ) {
-                hb_diffckVckangInner[rich][pid][thetaExp] += {deltaTheta, mcPW};
-                hb_diffckVPtotInner[rich][pid][pTot] += {deltaTheta, mcPW};
-                hb_fabsdiffckVckangInner[rich][pid][thetaExp] += {fabs( deltaTheta ), mcPW};
-                hb_fabsdiffckVPtotInner[rich][pid][pTot] += {fabs( deltaTheta ), mcPW};
+                hb_diffckVckangInner[rich][pid][thetaExp] += { deltaTheta, mcPW };
+                hb_diffckVPtotInner[rich][pid][pTot] += { deltaTheta, mcPW };
+                hb_fabsdiffckVckangInner[rich][pid][thetaExp] += { fabs( deltaTheta ), mcPW };
+                hb_fabsdiffckVPtotInner[rich][pid][pTot] += { fabs( deltaTheta ), mcPW };
               } else {
-                hb_diffckVckangOuter[rich][pid][thetaExp] += {deltaTheta, mcPW};
-                hb_diffckVPtotOuter[rich][pid][pTot] += {deltaTheta, mcPW};
-                hb_fabsdiffckVckangOuter[rich][pid][thetaExp] += {fabs( deltaTheta ), mcPW};
-                hb_fabsdiffckVPtotOuter[rich][pid][pTot] += {fabs( deltaTheta ), mcPW};
+                hb_diffckVckangOuter[rich][pid][thetaExp] += { deltaTheta, mcPW };
+                hb_diffckVPtotOuter[rich][pid][pTot] += { deltaTheta, mcPW };
+                hb_fabsdiffckVckangOuter[rich][pid][thetaExp] += { fabs( deltaTheta ), mcPW };
+                hb_fabsdiffckVPtotOuter[rich][pid][pTot] += { fabs( deltaTheta ), mcPW };
               // pulls
               if ( ckRes[pid] > 0 ) {
                 const auto pull = deltaTheta / ckRes[pid];
                 h_pullBins[rich][pid].at( pullBin( pTot, rich ) )[pull] += mcPW;
-                hb_ckPullVckang[rich][pid][thetaExp] += {pull, mcPW};
-                hb_ckPullVPtot[rich][pid][pTot] += {pull, mcPW};
-                hb_fabsCkPullVckang[rich][pid][thetaExp] += {fabs( pull ), mcPW};
-                hb_fabsCkPullVPtot[rich][pid][pTot] += {fabs( pull ), mcPW};
+                hb_ckPullVckang[rich][pid][thetaExp] += { pull, mcPW };
+                hb_ckPullVPtot[rich][pid][pTot] += { pull, mcPW };
+                hb_fabsCkPullVckang[rich][pid][thetaExp] += { fabs( pull ), mcPW };
+                hb_fabsCkPullVPtot[rich][pid][pTot] += { fabs( pull ), mcPW };
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCDetectorHits.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCDetectorHits.cpp
index 39162a8f46bb8934b36ab7b8beab30de705466ba..f44793a31202345ef77822c688750a5e6ea4374a 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCDetectorHits.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCDetectorHits.cpp
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
     DetectorHits( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
                     // input data
-                    {KeyValue{"RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"RichDigitSummariesLocation", LHCb::MCRichDigitSummaryLocation::Default}} ) {}
+                    { KeyValue{ "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "RichDigitSummariesLocation", LHCb::MCRichDigitSummaryLocation::Default } } ) {}
     /// Functional operator
@@ -136,16 +136,16 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
                         -0.5, nHitMax + 0.5, nHitMax + 1 );
-      return StatusCode{ok};
+      return StatusCode{ ok };
     // cached histograms
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_hitsPerID   = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_signalPerID = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_digitsPerID = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P1D<>> h_sigFracVOcc = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_hitsPerID   = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_signalPerID = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_digitsPerID = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P1D<>> h_sigFracVOcc = { {} };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCOpticalPhotons.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCOpticalPhotons.cpp
index 8081e2312772f047183531c24fedd0db3c61b4ae..bb069f98cdb0040be95939a395ce0b7f7011a429 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCOpticalPhotons.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCOpticalPhotons.cpp
@@ -91,23 +91,23 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
     OpticalPhotons( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
                     // input data
-                    {KeyValue{"SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks},
-                     KeyValue{"TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"RichPixelClustersLocation", Rich::PDPixelClusterLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"SegmentToTrackLocation", Relations::SegmentToTrackLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles},
-                     KeyValue{"PhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Detectable},
-                     KeyValue{"RichDigitSummariesLocation", LHCb::MCRichDigitSummaryLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"MCRichHitsLocation", LHCb::MCRichHitLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"MCRichSegmentsLocation", LHCb::MCRichSegmentLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"MCRichTracksLocation", LHCb::MCRichTrackLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"MCRichOpticalPhotonsLocation", LHCb::MCRichOpticalPhotonLocation::Default},
-                     // input conditions data
-                     KeyValue{"RichSmartIDs", Rich::Utils::RichSmartIDs::DefaultConditionKey}} ) {
+                    { KeyValue{ "SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks },
+                      KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "RichPixelClustersLocation", Rich::PDPixelClusterLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "SegmentToTrackLocation", Relations::SegmentToTrackLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles },
+                      KeyValue{ "PhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Detectable },
+                      KeyValue{ "RichDigitSummariesLocation", LHCb::MCRichDigitSummaryLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "MCRichHitsLocation", LHCb::MCRichHitLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "MCRichSegmentsLocation", LHCb::MCRichSegmentLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "MCRichTracksLocation", LHCb::MCRichTrackLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "MCRichOpticalPhotonsLocation", LHCb::MCRichOpticalPhotonLocation::Default },
+                      // input conditions data
+                      KeyValue{ "RichSmartIDs", Rich::Utils::RichSmartIDs::DefaultConditionKey } } ) {
       // print some stats on the final plots
       setProperty( "HistoPrint", true ).ignore();
@@ -128,14 +128,14 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
       using namespace Gaudi::Units;
-      const DetectorArray<double> panelXsizes{{650, 800}};
-      const DetectorArray<double> panelYsizes{{680, 750}};
-      const DetectorArray<double> richXsizes{{350, 1300}};
-      const DetectorArray<double> richYsizes{{350, 1300}};
-      const DetectorArray<double> shiftXrange{{10, 100}};
-      const DetectorArray<double> shiftYrange{{10, 25}};
-      const DetectorArray<double> richZMin{{800, 9000}};
-      const DetectorArray<double> richZMax{{2200, 11800}};
+      const DetectorArray<double> panelXsizes{ { 650, 800 } };
+      const DetectorArray<double> panelYsizes{ { 680, 750 } };
+      const DetectorArray<double> richXsizes{ { 350, 1300 } };
+      const DetectorArray<double> richYsizes{ { 350, 1300 } };
+      const DetectorArray<double> shiftXrange{ { 10, 100 } };
+      const DetectorArray<double> shiftYrange{ { 10, 25 } };
+      const DetectorArray<double> richZMin{ { 800, 9000 } };
+      const DetectorArray<double> richZMax{ { 2200, 11800 } };
       // loop over RICHes
       for ( const auto rich : activeDetectors() ) {
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
                         "Panel Local X / mm", "Panel Local Y / mm" );
         // track charges
-        for ( const auto charge : {TkCharge::Pos, TkCharge::Neg} ) {
+        for ( const auto charge : { TkCharge::Pos, TkCharge::Neg } ) {
           const std::string cS = ( charge == TkCharge::Pos ? "TkPos" : "TkNeg" );
           ok &= initHist( h_tkMCEmissX[charge][rich],                     //
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
-      return StatusCode{ok};
+      return StatusCode{ ok };
@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
                 hb_mcYieldVp[rich][pid][pTot] += nPhots;
                 hb_mcYieldVx[rich][pid][seg.entryPoint().X()] += nPhots;
                 hb_mcYieldVy[rich][pid][seg.entryPoint().Y()] += nPhots;
-                hb_mcYieldVxy[rich][pid][{seg.entryPoint().X(), seg.entryPoint().Y()}] += nPhots;
+                hb_mcYieldVxy[rich][pid][{ seg.entryPoint().X(), seg.entryPoint().Y() }] += nPhots;
                 const auto yield_diff = yield[pid] - (double)nPhots;
                 hb_mcYieldDiffVp[rich][pid][pTot] += yield_diff;
@@ -685,8 +685,8 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
         if ( mcPs.empty() ) { continue; }
         // True MC Signal counts for this track
-        RadiatorArray<std::size_t>  nSigPhots{{}};
-        RadiatorArray<std::int32_t> segIndex{-1, -1, -1};
+        RadiatorArray<std::size_t>  nSigPhots{ {} };
+        RadiatorArray<std::int32_t> segIndex{ -1, -1, -1 };
         // track charge
         const auto charge = ( tk->charge() > 0 ? TkCharge::Pos : TkCharge::Neg );
@@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
               m_chargeMisMatch += ( ( mc_charge * tk->charge() ) <= 0 );
               // get angle between reco track segment and MC Photon parent direction at emission
-              double theta{0}, phi{0};
+              double theta{ 0 }, phi{ 0 };
               seg.angleToDirection<LHCb::RichTrackSegment::FULL_PRECISION, LHCb::RichTrackSegment::FULL_PRECISION>(
                   mcPhot->parentMomentum(), theta, phi );
               theta = 1000 * std::abs( theta ); // convert to use mrad for plots for CK theta
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
                 const auto mc_ty  = get_ty( mcPhot->parentMomentum() );
                 const auto rec_tx = get_tx( seg.bestMomentum() );
                 const auto rec_ty = get_ty( seg.bestMomentum() );
-                double     sinPhi{0}, cosPhi{0};
+                double     sinPhi{ 0 }, cosPhi{ 0 };
                 LHCb::Math::fast_sincos( phi, sinPhi, cosPhi );
                 const auto xSlopeDiff = theta * cosPhi;
                 const auto ySlopeDiff = theta * sinPhi;
@@ -779,43 +779,43 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
                 hb_tkRecEmissY[charge][rich][rec_y] += mcPW;
                 hb_tkRecEmissZ[charge][rich][rec_z] += mcPW;
                 hb_tkEmissXDiff[charge][rich][diff_x] += mcPW;
-                hb_tkEmissXDiffvX[charge][rich][mc_x] += {diff_x, mcPW};
-                hb_tkEmissXDiffvY[charge][rich][mc_y] += {diff_x, mcPW};
-                hb_tkEmissXDiffvZ[charge][rich][mc_z] += {diff_x, mcPW};
-                hb_tkEmissXDiffvXY[charge][rich][{mc_x, mc_y}] += {diff_x, mcPW};
+                hb_tkEmissXDiffvX[charge][rich][mc_x] += { diff_x, mcPW };
+                hb_tkEmissXDiffvY[charge][rich][mc_y] += { diff_x, mcPW };
+                hb_tkEmissXDiffvZ[charge][rich][mc_z] += { diff_x, mcPW };
+                hb_tkEmissXDiffvXY[charge][rich][{ mc_x, mc_y }] += { diff_x, mcPW };
                 hb_tkEmissYDiff[charge][rich][diff_y] += mcPW;
-                hb_tkEmissYDiffvX[charge][rich][mc_x] += {diff_y, mcPW};
-                hb_tkEmissYDiffvY[charge][rich][mc_y] += {diff_y, mcPW};
-                hb_tkEmissYDiffvZ[charge][rich][mc_z] += {diff_y, mcPW};
-                hb_tkEmissYDiffvXY[charge][rich][{mc_x, mc_y}] += {diff_y, mcPW};
+                hb_tkEmissYDiffvX[charge][rich][mc_x] += { diff_y, mcPW };
+                hb_tkEmissYDiffvY[charge][rich][mc_y] += { diff_y, mcPW };
+                hb_tkEmissYDiffvZ[charge][rich][mc_z] += { diff_y, mcPW };
+                hb_tkEmissYDiffvXY[charge][rich][{ mc_x, mc_y }] += { diff_y, mcPW };
                 hb_tkEmissZDiff[charge][rich][diff_z] += mcPW;
-                hb_tkEmissZDiffvX[charge][rich][mc_x] += {diff_z, mcPW};
-                hb_tkEmissZDiffvY[charge][rich][mc_y] += {diff_z, mcPW};
-                hb_tkEmissZDiffvZ[charge][rich][mc_z] += {diff_z, mcPW};
-                hb_tkEmissZDiffvXY[charge][rich][{mc_x, mc_y}] += {diff_z, mcPW};
+                hb_tkEmissZDiffvX[charge][rich][mc_x] += { diff_z, mcPW };
+                hb_tkEmissZDiffvY[charge][rich][mc_y] += { diff_z, mcPW };
+                hb_tkEmissZDiffvZ[charge][rich][mc_z] += { diff_z, mcPW };
+                hb_tkEmissZDiffvXY[charge][rich][{ mc_x, mc_y }] += { diff_z, mcPW };
                 hb_tkAngle[charge][rich][theta] += mcPW;
-                hb_tkAngleVX[charge][rich][mc_x] += {theta, mcPW};
-                hb_tkAngleVY[charge][rich][mc_y] += {theta, mcPW};
-                hb_tkAngleVXY[charge][rich][{mc_x, mc_y}] += {theta, mcPW};
-                hb_tkAngleVP[charge][rich][pTot] += {theta, mcPW};
+                hb_tkAngleVX[charge][rich][mc_x] += { theta, mcPW };
+                hb_tkAngleVY[charge][rich][mc_y] += { theta, mcPW };
+                hb_tkAngleVXY[charge][rich][{ mc_x, mc_y }] += { theta, mcPW };
+                hb_tkAngleVP[charge][rich][pTot] += { theta, mcPW };
                 hb_tkMCSlopeX[charge][rich][mc_tx] += mcPW;
                 hb_tkMCSlopeY[charge][rich][mc_ty] += mcPW;
                 hb_tkRecSlopeX[charge][rich][rec_tx] += mcPW;
                 hb_tkRecSlopeY[charge][rich][rec_ty] += mcPW;
-                hb_tkMCSlopeXvX[charge][rich][mc_x] += {mc_tx, mcPW};
-                hb_tkMCSlopeYvY[charge][rich][mc_y] += {mc_ty, mcPW};
-                hb_tkRecSlopeXvX[charge][rich][mc_x] += {rec_tx, mcPW};
-                hb_tkRecSlopeYvY[charge][rich][mc_y] += {rec_ty, mcPW};
+                hb_tkMCSlopeXvX[charge][rich][mc_x] += { mc_tx, mcPW };
+                hb_tkMCSlopeYvY[charge][rich][mc_y] += { mc_ty, mcPW };
+                hb_tkRecSlopeXvX[charge][rich][mc_x] += { rec_tx, mcPW };
+                hb_tkRecSlopeYvY[charge][rich][mc_y] += { rec_ty, mcPW };
                 hb_tkAngleX[charge][rich][xSlopeDiff] += mcPW;
-                hb_tkAngleXvP[charge][rich][pTot] += {xSlopeDiff, mcPW};
-                hb_tkAngleXvX[charge][rich][mc_x] += {ySlopeDiff, mcPW};
-                hb_tkAngleXvY[charge][rich][mc_y] += {ySlopeDiff, mcPW};
-                hb_tkAngleXvXY[charge][rich][{mc_x, mc_y}] += {xSlopeDiff, mcPW};
+                hb_tkAngleXvP[charge][rich][pTot] += { xSlopeDiff, mcPW };
+                hb_tkAngleXvX[charge][rich][mc_x] += { ySlopeDiff, mcPW };
+                hb_tkAngleXvY[charge][rich][mc_y] += { ySlopeDiff, mcPW };
+                hb_tkAngleXvXY[charge][rich][{ mc_x, mc_y }] += { xSlopeDiff, mcPW };
                 hb_tkAngleY[charge][rich][ySlopeDiff] += mcPW;
-                hb_tkAngleYvP[charge][rich][pTot] += {ySlopeDiff, mcPW};
-                hb_tkAngleYvX[charge][rich][mc_x] += {ySlopeDiff, mcPW};
-                hb_tkAngleYvY[charge][rich][mc_y] += {ySlopeDiff, mcPW};
-                hb_tkAngleYvXY[charge][rich][{mc_x, mc_y}] += {ySlopeDiff, mcPW};
+                hb_tkAngleYvP[charge][rich][pTot] += { ySlopeDiff, mcPW };
+                hb_tkAngleYvX[charge][rich][mc_x] += { ySlopeDiff, mcPW };
+                hb_tkAngleYvY[charge][rich][mc_y] += { ySlopeDiff, mcPW };
+                hb_tkAngleYvXY[charge][rich][{ mc_x, mc_y }] += { ySlopeDiff, mcPW };
               // Hit position resolution
@@ -829,12 +829,12 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
               const auto  yDiffLoc    = yLoc - mcHitPtnLoc.Y();
-              hb_pixXGloShift2D[rich][{xLoc, yLoc}] += xDiffGlo;
-              hb_pixYGloShift2D[rich][{xLoc, yLoc}] += yDiffGlo;
+              hb_pixXGloShift2D[rich][{ xLoc, yLoc }] += xDiffGlo;
+              hb_pixYGloShift2D[rich][{ xLoc, yLoc }] += yDiffGlo;
-              hb_pixXLocShift2D[rich][{xLoc, yLoc}] += xDiffLoc;
-              hb_pixYLocShift2D[rich][{xLoc, yLoc}] += yDiffLoc;
+              hb_pixXLocShift2D[rich][{ xLoc, yLoc }] += xDiffLoc;
+              hb_pixYLocShift2D[rich][{ xLoc, yLoc }] += yDiffLoc;
             } // MC photons
@@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
                     hb_recoYieldVp[rich][pid][pTot] += nPhots;
                     hb_recoYieldVx[rich][pid][seg.entryPoint().X()] += nPhots;
                     hb_recoYieldVy[rich][pid][seg.entryPoint().Y()] += nPhots;
-                    hb_recoYieldVxy[rich][pid][{seg.entryPoint().X(), seg.entryPoint().Y()}] += nPhots;
+                    hb_recoYieldVxy[rich][pid][{ seg.entryPoint().X(), seg.entryPoint().Y() }] += nPhots;
                     const auto yield_diff = yield[pid] - (double)nPhots;
                     hb_recoYieldDiffVp[rich][pid][pTot] += yield_diff;
@@ -884,111 +884,113 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
     template <typename T>
     using ChargeArray = Hist::Array<T, 2, TkCharge>;
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkMCSlopeX  = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkMCSlopeY  = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkRecSlopeX = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkRecSlopeY = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkMCSlopeXvX  = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkMCSlopeYvY  = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkRecSlopeXvX = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkRecSlopeYvY = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkAngle     = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkAngleVP   = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkAngleVX   = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkAngleVY   = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP2D<>>> h_tkAngleVXY  = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkAngleX    = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkAngleXvP  = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkAngleXvX  = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkAngleXvY  = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP2D<>>> h_tkAngleXvXY = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkAngleY    = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkAngleYvP  = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkAngleYvX  = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkAngleYvY  = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP2D<>>> h_tkAngleYvXY = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkMCEmissX = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkMCEmissY = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkMCEmissZ = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkRecEmissX = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkRecEmissY = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkRecEmissZ = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkEmissXDiff = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkEmissYDiff = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkEmissZDiff = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkEmissXDiffvX  = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkEmissXDiffvY  = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkEmissXDiffvZ  = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP2D<>>> h_tkEmissXDiffvXY = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkEmissYDiffvX  = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkEmissYDiffvY  = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkEmissYDiffvZ  = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP2D<>>> h_tkEmissYDiffvXY = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkEmissZDiffvX  = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkEmissZDiffvY  = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkEmissZDiffvZ  = {{{}}};
-    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP2D<>>> h_tkEmissZDiffvXY = {{{}}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_pixXGloShift   = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_pixYGloShift   = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P2D<>> h_pixXGloShift2D = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P2D<>> h_pixYGloShift2D = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_pixXLocShift   = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_pixYLocShift   = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P2D<>> h_pixXLocShift2D = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P2D<>> h_pixYLocShift2D = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_mcYield       = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_mcYieldVp     = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_mcYieldVx     = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_mcYieldVy     = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P2D<>>> h_mcYieldVxy    = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_mcYieldDiff   = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_mcYieldDiffVp = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_recoYield       = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_recoYieldVp     = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_recoYieldVx     = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_recoYieldVy     = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P2D<>>> h_recoYieldVxy    = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_recoYieldDiff   = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_recoYieldDiffVp = {{}};
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkMCSlopeX  = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkMCSlopeY  = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkRecSlopeX = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkRecSlopeY = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkMCSlopeXvX  = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkMCSlopeYvY  = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkRecSlopeXvX = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkRecSlopeYvY = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkAngle     = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkAngleVP   = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkAngleVX   = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkAngleVY   = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP2D<>>> h_tkAngleVXY  = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkAngleX    = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkAngleXvP  = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkAngleXvX  = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkAngleXvY  = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP2D<>>> h_tkAngleXvXY = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkAngleY    = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkAngleYvP  = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkAngleYvX  = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkAngleYvY  = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP2D<>>> h_tkAngleYvXY = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkMCEmissX = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkMCEmissY = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkMCEmissZ = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkRecEmissX = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkRecEmissY = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkRecEmissZ = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkEmissXDiff = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkEmissYDiff = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>>> h_tkEmissZDiff = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkEmissXDiffvX  = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkEmissXDiffvY  = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkEmissXDiffvZ  = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP2D<>>> h_tkEmissXDiffvXY = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkEmissYDiffvX  = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkEmissYDiffvY  = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkEmissYDiffvZ  = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP2D<>>> h_tkEmissYDiffvXY = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkEmissZDiffvX  = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkEmissZDiffvY  = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_tkEmissZDiffvZ  = { { {} } };
+    mutable ChargeArray<Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP2D<>>> h_tkEmissZDiffvXY = { { {} } };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_pixXGloShift   = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_pixYGloShift   = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P2D<>> h_pixXGloShift2D = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P2D<>> h_pixYGloShift2D = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_pixXLocShift   = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_pixYLocShift   = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P2D<>> h_pixXLocShift2D = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P2D<>> h_pixYLocShift2D = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_mcYield       = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_mcYieldVp     = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_mcYieldVx     = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_mcYieldVy     = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P2D<>>> h_mcYieldVxy    = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_mcYieldDiff   = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_mcYieldDiffVp = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_recoYield       = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_recoYieldVp     = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_recoYieldVx     = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_recoYieldVy     = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P2D<>>> h_recoYieldVxy    = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_recoYieldDiff   = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_recoYieldDiffVp = { {} };
     // counters
     // warning for when the charge of the reco and its associated MCParticle do not match
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_chargeMisMatch{
-        this, "Charge mis-match between reco track and matched MCParticle"};
+        this, "Charge mis-match between reco track and matched MCParticle" };
     // JOs
     /// Min momentum by radiator (MeV/c)
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minP{this, "MinP", {3.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 16.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minP{
+        this, "MinP", { 3.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 16.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV } };
     /// Max momentum by radiator (MeV/c)
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxP{this, "MaxP", {80.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 120.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxP{
+        this, "MaxP", { 80.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 120.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV } };
     /// minimum beta value for tracks
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_minBeta{this, "MinBeta", {0.9999f, 0.9999f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_minBeta{ this, "MinBeta", { 0.9999f, 0.9999f } };
     /// maximum beta value for tracks
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_maxBeta{this, "MaxBeta", {999.99f, 999.99f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_maxBeta{ this, "MaxBeta", { 999.99f, 999.99f } };
     /// Maximum photon yield
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_maxYield{this, "MaximumYields", {80, 80}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_maxYield{ this, "MaximumYields", { 80, 80 } };
     /// Max track angle
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxTkAng{this, "MaxTkAngle", {5.0, 4.0}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxTkAng{ this, "MaxTkAngle", { 5.0, 4.0 } };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCSIMDPhotonCherenkovAngles.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCSIMDPhotonCherenkovAngles.cpp
index 8d0b93328aaf63e5d900202426eb8527a4b81dd9..91a107fc1412156d03f0d0f79c2c292154535a71 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCSIMDPhotonCherenkovAngles.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCSIMDPhotonCherenkovAngles.cpp
@@ -70,16 +70,16 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
     /// Standard constructor
     SIMDPhotonCherenkovAngles( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                    {KeyValue{"SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks},
-                     KeyValue{"TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"RichPixelClustersLocation", Rich::PDPixelClusterLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal},
-                     KeyValue{"CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles},
-                     KeyValue{"RichDigitSummariesLocation", LHCb::MCRichDigitSummaryLocation::Default}} ) {
+                    { KeyValue{ "SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks },
+                      KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "RichPixelClustersLocation", Rich::PDPixelClusterLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal },
+                      KeyValue{ "CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles },
+                      KeyValue{ "RichDigitSummariesLocation", LHCb::MCRichDigitSummaryLocation::Default } } ) {
       // print some stats on the final plots
       setProperty( "HistoPrint", true ).ignore();
       setProperty( "NBins1DHistos", 100 ).ignore();
@@ -108,58 +108,59 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
     // properties
     /// minimum beta value for tracks
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_minBeta{this, "MinBeta", {0.9999f, 0.9999f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_minBeta{ this, "MinBeta", { 0.9999f, 0.9999f } };
     /// maximum beta value for tracks
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_maxBeta{this, "MaxBeta", {999.99f, 999.99f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_maxBeta{ this, "MaxBeta", { 999.99f, 999.99f } };
     /// Min theta limit for histos for each rad
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaMin{this, "ChThetaRecHistoLimitMin", {0.010f, 0.010f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaMin{ this, "ChThetaRecHistoLimitMin", { 0.010f, 0.010f } };
     /// Max theta limit for histos for each rad
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaMax{this, "ChThetaRecHistoLimitMax", {0.056f, 0.033f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaMax{ this, "ChThetaRecHistoLimitMax", { 0.056f, 0.033f } };
     /// Histogram ranges for CK resolution plots
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckResRange{this, "CKResHistoRange", {0.0026f, 0.002f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckResRange{ this, "CKResHistoRange", { 0.0026f, 0.002f } };
     /// Min momentum by radiator (MeV/c)
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minP{this, "MinP", {0.5 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::GeV}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minP{ this, "MinP", { 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::GeV } };
     /// Max momentum by radiator (MeV/c)
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxP{this, "MaxP", {120.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 120.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxP{
+        this, "MaxP", { 120.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 120.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV } };
     /// Option to skip electrons
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_skipElectrons{this, "SkipElectrons", false, "Skip electrons from monitoring"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_skipElectrons{ this, "SkipElectrons", false, "Skip electrons from monitoring" };
     // cached data
     // histograms
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_ckResAll         = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_ckResTrue        = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_ckResFake        = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_ckResAllBetaCut  = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_ckResTrueBetaCut = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_ckResFakeBetaCut = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_thetaRecTrue = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_phiRecTrue   = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_thetaRecFake = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_phiRecFake   = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>> h_ckResTrueVP = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_ckResAllPion         = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_ckResTruePion        = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_ckResFakePion        = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_ckResAllPionBetaCut  = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_ckResTruePionBetaCut = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_ckResFakePionBetaCut = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_ckResTrueInner = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_ckResTrueOuter = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_ckexpVptot = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_ckResAll         = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_ckResTrue        = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_ckResFake        = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_ckResAllBetaCut  = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_ckResTrueBetaCut = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_ckResFakeBetaCut = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_thetaRecTrue = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_phiRecTrue   = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_thetaRecFake = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_phiRecFake   = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WP1D<>> h_ckResTrueVP = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_ckResAllPion         = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_ckResTruePion        = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_ckResFakePion        = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_ckResAllPionBetaCut  = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_ckResTruePionBetaCut = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_ckResFakePionBetaCut = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_ckResTrueInner = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_ckResTrueOuter = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_ckexpVptot = { {} };
 } // namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni
@@ -295,7 +296,7 @@ StatusCode SIMDPhotonCherenkovAngles::prebookHistograms() {
   } // radiators
-  return StatusCode{ok};
+  return StatusCode{ ok };
@@ -442,7 +443,7 @@ void SIMDPhotonCherenkovAngles::operator()( const Summary::Track::Vector&
             if ( betaC ) { hb_ckResTrueBetaCut[rich][deltaTheta] += mcPW; }
             hb_thetaRecTrue[rich][thetaRec] += mcPW;
             hb_phiRecTrue[rich][phiRec] += mcPW;
-            hb_ckResTrueVP[rich][pTot] += {fabs( deltaTheta ), mcPW};
+            hb_ckResTrueVP[rich][pTot] += { fabs( deltaTheta ), mcPW };
             const auto isInner = simdPix.isInnerRegion()[i];
             ( isInner ? hb_ckResTrueInner[rich] : hb_ckResTrueOuter[rich] )[deltaTheta] += mcPW;
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCSIMDPhotonTime.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCSIMDPhotonTime.cpp
index 8989f7bdd8d5429d61df5678c3508ef334db3655..c7432493bbc5a9953dfecd8e761ebaeb82aa3e67 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCSIMDPhotonTime.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCSIMDPhotonTime.cpp
@@ -68,15 +68,15 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
     /// Standard constructor
     SIMDPhotonTime( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                    {KeyValue{"SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks},
-                     KeyValue{"TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"RichPixelClustersLocation", Rich::PDPixelClusterLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles},
-                     KeyValue{"RichDigitSummariesLocation", LHCb::MCRichDigitSummaryLocation::Default}} ) {
+                    { KeyValue{ "SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks },
+                      KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "RichPixelClustersLocation", Rich::PDPixelClusterLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles },
+                      KeyValue{ "RichDigitSummariesLocation", LHCb::MCRichDigitSummaryLocation::Default } } ) {
       // print some stats on the final plots
       setProperty( "HistoPrint", true ).ignore();
       setProperty( "NBins1DHistos", 100 ).ignore();
@@ -102,41 +102,41 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
     // cached data
     // histograms
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>>  h_hitTimeAll   = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>>  h_hitTimeTrue  = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>>  h_hitTimeFake  = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_timeResAll   = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_timeResTrue  = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_timeResFake  = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>>  h_tkOriginTime = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>>  h_tkOriginX    = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>>  h_tkOriginY    = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>>  h_tkOriginZ    = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>>  h_hitTimeAll   = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>>  h_hitTimeTrue  = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>>  h_hitTimeFake  = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_timeResAll   = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_timeResTrue  = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_timeResFake  = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>>  h_tkOriginTime = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>>  h_tkOriginX    = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>>  h_tkOriginY    = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>>  h_tkOriginZ    = { {} };
     mutable Hist::H1D<> h_tkPVTime{};
     mutable Hist::H1D<> h_tkPVZ{};
     mutable Hist::H1D<> h_tkPVt0{};
     mutable Hist::H2D<> h_PVTime_PVZ_All{};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_hitTime2All      = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_hitTime2True     = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_hitTime2Fake     = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_hitTime2_t0_All  = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_hitTime2_t0_True = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_hitTime2_PVt0_momentum_All     = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_hitTime2_PVt0_momentum_True    = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_hitTime2_timeRes_momentum_All  = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_hitTime2_timeRes_momentum_True = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_PVTime_CkAngle_All            = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_PVTime_CkAngle_True           = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_PVZ_CkAngle_All               = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_PVZ_CkAngle_True              = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_PVTime_Pred_noPV_All          = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_PVTime_Pred_noPV_True         = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_hitTime2_timeRes_CkAngle_All  = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_hitTime2_timeRes_CkAngle_True = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_hitTime2All      = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_hitTime2True     = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_hitTime2Fake     = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_hitTime2_t0_All  = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH1D<>> h_hitTime2_t0_True = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_hitTime2_PVt0_momentum_All     = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_hitTime2_PVt0_momentum_True    = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_hitTime2_timeRes_momentum_All  = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_hitTime2_timeRes_momentum_True = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_PVTime_CkAngle_All            = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_PVTime_CkAngle_True           = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_PVZ_CkAngle_All               = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_PVZ_CkAngle_True              = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_PVTime_Pred_noPV_All          = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_PVTime_Pred_noPV_True         = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_hitTime2_timeRes_CkAngle_All  = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::WH2D<>> h_hitTime2_timeRes_CkAngle_True = { {} };
 } // namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni
@@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ StatusCode SIMDPhotonTime::prebookHistograms() {
   bool ok = true;
   // time limits
-  const DetectorArray<double> minTime{0.0, 40.0}, minTime_t0_corr{12.95, 52.5}, maxTime{25.0, 65.0};
-  const DetectorArray<double> maxTime_t0_corr{13.15, 53.5}, timeRes{50, 50};
+  const DetectorArray<double> minTime{ 0.0, 40.0 }, minTime_t0_corr{ 12.95, 52.5 }, maxTime{ 25.0, 65.0 };
+  const DetectorArray<double> maxTime_t0_corr{ 13.15, 53.5 }, timeRes{ 50, 50 };
   ok &= initHist( h_tkPVTime,                          //
                   HID( "tkPVTime" ), "Track PV Times", //
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ StatusCode SIMDPhotonTime::prebookHistograms() {
                     "Ck Angle / rad", "Hit Time - Pred Time / ps" );
-  return StatusCode{ok};
+  return StatusCode{ ok };
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ void SIMDPhotonTime::operator()( const Summary::Track::Vector&
-        ++hb_PVTime_PVZ_All[{PVtime, PVZpos}];
+        ++hb_PVTime_PVZ_All[{ PVtime, PVZpos }];
@@ -433,22 +433,22 @@ void SIMDPhotonTime::operator()( const Summary::Track::Vector&
           hb_timeResAll[rich][timeRes] += mcPW;
           hb_hitTime2All[rich][hitTime] += mcPW;
           hb_hitTime2_t0_All[rich][hitTime - PVt0] += mcPW;
-          hb_hitTime2_PVt0_momentum_All[rich][{mcP_momentum, ( hitTime - PVt0 )}] += mcPW;
-          hb_hitTime2_timeRes_momentum_All[rich][{mcP_momentum, timeRes}] += mcPW;
-          hb_PVTime_CkAngle_All[rich][{PVtime, thetaRec}] += mcPW;
-          hb_PVZ_CkAngle_All[rich][{PVZpos, thetaRec}] += mcPW;
-          hb_PVTime_Pred_noPV_All[rich][{PVtime, recoTime - PVtime}] += mcPW;
-          hb_hitTime2_timeRes_CkAngle_All[rich][{thetaRec, timeRes}] += mcPW;
+          hb_hitTime2_PVt0_momentum_All[rich][{ mcP_momentum, ( hitTime - PVt0 ) }] += mcPW;
+          hb_hitTime2_timeRes_momentum_All[rich][{ mcP_momentum, timeRes }] += mcPW;
+          hb_PVTime_CkAngle_All[rich][{ PVtime, thetaRec }] += mcPW;
+          hb_PVZ_CkAngle_All[rich][{ PVZpos, thetaRec }] += mcPW;
+          hb_PVTime_Pred_noPV_All[rich][{ PVtime, recoTime - PVtime }] += mcPW;
+          hb_hitTime2_timeRes_CkAngle_All[rich][{ thetaRec, timeRes }] += mcPW;
           if ( trueCKSig ) {
             hb_timeResTrue[rich][timeRes] += mcPW;
             hb_hitTime2True[rich][hitTime] += mcPW;
             hb_hitTime2_t0_True[rich][hitTime - PVt0] += mcPW;
-            hb_hitTime2_PVt0_momentum_True[rich][{mcP_momentum, ( hitTime - PVt0 )}] += mcPW;
-            hb_hitTime2_timeRes_momentum_True[rich][{mcP_momentum, timeRes}] += mcPW;
-            hb_PVTime_CkAngle_True[rich][{PVtime, thetaRec}] += mcPW;
-            hb_PVZ_CkAngle_True[rich][{PVZpos, thetaRec}] += mcPW;
-            hb_PVTime_Pred_noPV_True[rich][{PVtime, recoTime - PVtime}] += mcPW;
-            hb_hitTime2_timeRes_CkAngle_True[rich][{thetaRec, timeRes}] += mcPW;
+            hb_hitTime2_PVt0_momentum_True[rich][{ mcP_momentum, ( hitTime - PVt0 ) }] += mcPW;
+            hb_hitTime2_timeRes_momentum_True[rich][{ mcP_momentum, timeRes }] += mcPW;
+            hb_PVTime_CkAngle_True[rich][{ PVtime, thetaRec }] += mcPW;
+            hb_PVZ_CkAngle_True[rich][{ PVZpos, thetaRec }] += mcPW;
+            hb_PVTime_Pred_noPV_True[rich][{ PVtime, recoTime - PVtime }] += mcPW;
+            hb_hitTime2_timeRes_CkAngle_True[rich][{ thetaRec, timeRes }] += mcPW;
           } else {
             hb_timeResFake[rich][timeRes] += mcPW;
             hb_hitTime2Fake[rich][hitTime] += mcPW;
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCTrackResolution.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCTrackResolution.cpp
index b68c3e93f71e76dbddeb49bd4fcd9d8bdd320459..303bca494ae67b65c26fc1fd83f06a9c3b443116 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCTrackResolution.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichMCTrackResolution.cpp
@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
     /// Standard constructor
     TrackResolution( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                    {KeyValue{"TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"SegmentToTrackLocation", Relations::SegmentToTrackLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles}} ) {
+                    { KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "SegmentToTrackLocation", Relations::SegmentToTrackLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles } } ) {
       // print some stats on the final plots
       setProperty( "HistoPrint", true ).ignore();
       setProperty( "NBins1DHistos", 100 ).ignore();
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
           const auto pTotMC = mcP->p();
           // fill histograms
-          hb_mcpVrecoP[rich][pid][pTot] += {pTotMC, mcPW};
-          hb_pdiffVrecoP[rich][pid][pTot] += {pTot - pTotMC, mcPW};
+          hb_mcpVrecoP[rich][pid][pTot] += { pTotMC, mcPW };
+          hb_pdiffVrecoP[rich][pid][pTot] += { pTot - pTotMC, mcPW };
@@ -142,23 +142,24 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
                           "(Reco-MC) Track Momentum (MeV/c)" );
-      return StatusCode{ok};
+      return StatusCode{ ok };
     // properties
     /// Min momentum by RICH (MeV/c)
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minP{this, "MinP", {2.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 2.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minP{ this, "MinP", { 2.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 2.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV } };
     /// Max momentum by RICH (MeV/c)
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxP{this, "MaxP", {120.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 120.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxP{
+        this, "MaxP", { 120.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 120.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV } };
     // cached data
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_mcpVrecoP   = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_pdiffVrecoP = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_mcpVrecoP   = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_pdiffVrecoP = { {} };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichPIDQC.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichPIDQC.cpp
index c49cb0d3fbfbd5a327a17abdddd7558e2a3de903..e0d8de786f873d5e734aef28b09dbbd8fabf5a82 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichPIDQC.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichPIDQC.cpp
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
     /// Standard constructor
     PIDQC( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                    {KeyValue{"TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"RichPIDsLocation", LHCb::RichPIDLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles}} ) {
+                    { KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "RichPIDsLocation", LHCb::RichPIDLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles } } ) {
       // debugging
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE ).ignore();
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
       bool ok = true;
-      const BinLabels pidTypes = {"unknown", "electron", "muon", "pion", "kaon", "proton", "deuteron", "below_thres"};
+      const BinLabels pidTypes = { "unknown", "electron", "muon", "pion", "kaon", "proton", "deuteron", "below_thres" };
       ok &= initHist( h_pidTable,
                       HID( "pidTable" ),                                          //
                       "PID Performance Table",                                    //
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
       ok &= initHist( h_evOK, HID( "evOK" ), "Event Success V Failures", //
                       -0.5, 1.5, 2,                                      //
-                      "Event has PIDs", "Entries", BinLabels{"false", "true"} );
+                      "Event has PIDs", "Entries", BinLabels{ "false", "true" } );
       ok &= initHist( h_tkFrac, HID( "pidFrac" ), "Fraction of Tracks with PIDs", //
                       0, 1, nBins1D(),                                            //
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
                         "Track Momentum / MeV/c", "% PIDs with RICH2 Info" );
-      return StatusCode{ok};
+      return StatusCode{ ok };
@@ -132,14 +132,14 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
     /** Track selector.
      *  Longer term should get rid of this and pre-filter the input data instead.
-    ToolHandle<const ITrackSelector> m_tkSel{this, "TrackSelector", "TrackSelector"};
+    ToolHandle<const ITrackSelector> m_tkSel{ this, "TrackSelector", "TrackSelector" };
     // properties
     /// Allow reassign PID to below threshold
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_allowBTreassign{this, "AllowBTReassign", true,
-                                            "Allow PIDs to be reassigned as Below Threshold"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_allowBTreassign{ this, "AllowBTReassign", true,
+                                             "Allow PIDs to be reassigned as Below Threshold" };
     // Gaudi counters and histos
@@ -157,37 +157,37 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
     mutable Hist::H1D<> h_tkFrac{};
     /// Fraction of tracks with RICH information versus P
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_nRFrac{{{}}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::WP1D<>>> h_nRFrac{ { {} } };
     /// Proton heavy ID efficiency
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_protonEff{this, "Pr DLL(Pr)>0 ID Efficiency"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_protonEff{ this, "Pr DLL(Pr)>0 ID Efficiency" };
     /// Kaon heavy ID efficiency
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_kaonEff{this, "K->K,Pr,D ID Efficiency"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_kaonEff{ this, "K->K,Pr,D ID Efficiency" };
     /// Pion light ID efficiency
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_pionEff{this, "Pi->El,Mu,Pi ID Efficiency"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_pionEff{ this, "Pi->El,Mu,Pi ID Efficiency" };
     /// RICH Event ID rate
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_eventsWithID{this, "Event ID rate"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_eventsWithID{ this, "Event ID rate" };
     /// RICH Track ID rate
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_tracksWithID{this, "Track ID rate"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_tracksWithID{ this, "Track ID rate" };
     /// Only using RICH1
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_withR1{this, "Used RICH1 only"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_withR1{ this, "Used RICH1 only" };
     /// Only using RICH2
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_withR2{this, "Used RICH2 only"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_withR2{ this, "Used RICH2 only" };
     /// Using both RICH1 and RICH2
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_withR1R2{this, "Used RICH1 and RICH2"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_withR1R2{ this, "Used RICH1 and RICH2" };
     /// Reco PID reassigned as BT
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_recoPIDBT{this, "Reassigned Reco PID BT"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_recoPIDBT{ this, "Reassigned Reco PID BT" };
     /// MC PID reassigned as BT
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_mcPIDBT{this, "Reassigned MC PID BT"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_mcPIDBT{ this, "Reassigned MC PID BT" };
 } // namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ void PIDQC::operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range&                       tracks,
     // Did we get any MCPs ?
     if ( mcPs.empty() ) {
       // Fill once with MC type unknown (Below threshold)
-      hb_pidTable[{(int)bpid, (int)Rich::BelowThreshold}] += 1.0;
+      hb_pidTable[{ (int)bpid, (int)Rich::BelowThreshold }] += 1.0;
     } else {
       // Get the sum off all MCP weights
       const auto wSum = std::accumulate( mcPs.begin(), mcPs.end(), 0.0,
@@ -287,8 +287,8 @@ void PIDQC::operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range&                       tracks,
         if ( Rich::Unknown == mcpid ) { mcpid = Rich::BelowThreshold; }
         // acceptance plots (fill before we possibily reassign MCPID BT)
         if ( Rich::BelowThreshold != mcpid ) {
-          hb_nRFrac[Rich::Rich1][mcpid][tk->p()] += {( pid->usedRich1Gas() ? 100.0 : 0.0 ), mcPW};
-          hb_nRFrac[Rich::Rich2][mcpid][tk->p()] += {( pid->usedRich2Gas() ? 100.0 : 0.0 ), mcPW};
+          hb_nRFrac[Rich::Rich1][mcpid][tk->p()] += { ( pid->usedRich1Gas() ? 100.0 : 0.0 ), mcPW };
+          hb_nRFrac[Rich::Rich2][mcpid][tk->p()] += { ( pid->usedRich2Gas() ? 100.0 : 0.0 ), mcPW };
         // If a real type, but below threshold, set below threshold
         const bool reassignMCBT = ( m_allowBTreassign && !pid->isAboveThreshold( mcpid ) );
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ void PIDQC::operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range&                       tracks,
         m_mcPIDBT += reassignMCBT;
         _ri_verbo << " -> MC PID = " << mcpid << endmsg;
         // fill table
-        hb_pidTable[{(int)bpid, (int)mcpid}] += mcPW;
+        hb_pidTable[{ (int)bpid, (int)mcpid }] += mcPW;
         // fill ID counters
         if ( Rich::BelowThreshold != bpid ) {
           // For protons use DLL cut
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichPIDTupleCreatorAlg.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichPIDTupleCreatorAlg.cpp
index a690c97ae36eb10b3bb3e0e8ff3775caa9a7cb3d..c5b752e0e874c5cedc4eb15390ffed9b2020e9cd 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichPIDTupleCreatorAlg.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecCheckers/src/RichPIDTupleCreatorAlg.cpp
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
     RichPIDTupleCreatorAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                    {KeyValue{"TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"RichPIDsLocation", LHCb::RichPIDLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles}} ) {}
+                    { KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "RichPIDsLocation", LHCb::RichPIDLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles } } ) {}
     /// Functional operator
@@ -71,29 +71,29 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni {
     /// Tools
     /** Track selector. **/
-    ToolHandle<const ITrackSelector> m_tkSelForPIDNtuple{this, "TrackSelector", "TrackSelector"};
+    ToolHandle<const ITrackSelector> m_tkSelForPIDNtuple{ this, "TrackSelector", "TrackSelector" };
     /// Enable PID Ntuple creation and filling
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_fillRichPIDNtuple{this, "FillRichPIDNtuple", true,
-                                              "Enable the creation and filling of RICH  PID Ntuple"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_fillRichPIDNtuple{ this, "FillRichPIDNtuple", true,
+                                               "Enable the creation and filling of RICH  PID Ntuple" };
     /// Allow reassign PID to below threshold
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_allowBTreassign{this, "AllowBTReassign", true,
-                                            "Allow PIDs to be reassigned as Below Threshold"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_allowBTreassign{ this, "AllowBTReassign", true,
+                                             "Allow PIDs to be reassigned as Below Threshold" };
     /// mutex lock
     mutable std::mutex m_updatePIDNtupleLock;
     /// RICH Event ID rate
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_eventsWithID{this, "Event ID rate"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_eventsWithID{ this, "Event ID rate" };
     /// RICH Track ID rate
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_tracksWithID{this, "Track ID rate"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_tracksWithID{ this, "Track ID rate" };
     /// Reco PID reassigned as BT
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_recoPIDBT{this, "Reassigned Reco PID BT"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_recoPIDBT{ this, "Reassigned Reco PID BT" };
 } // namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC::Moni
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/dict/RichFutureRecEventDict.xml b/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/dict/RichFutureRecEventDict.xml
index 0a59c1ececaa9299b020412d1648ea87a4bf5716..da5f39759297b559a1b6c34c7d41fb09f34db3d5 100755
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/dict/RichFutureRecEventDict.xml
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/dict/RichFutureRecEventDict.xml
@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
   <!--class name = "LHCb::RichRecSegment" /-->
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecCherenkovPhotons.h b/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecCherenkovPhotons.h
index 8b012fdf518b7dc23c2ac69ee1e7e87d8c0738ea..c1dc619123022984c36ef49cffd876ec8e1083d3 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecCherenkovPhotons.h
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecCherenkovPhotons.h
@@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     /// Primary mirror pointers
-    Mirrors m_primMirrors{{nullptr}};
+    Mirrors m_primMirrors{ { nullptr } };
     /// Secondary mirror pointers
-    Mirrors m_secMirrors{{nullptr}};
+    Mirrors m_secMirrors{ { nullptr } };
     /// Flag to indicate if unambiguous photons or not
-    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) MASK m_unambigPhot{MASK( false )};
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) MASK m_unambigPhot{ MASK( false ) };
     /// Constructor
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecGeomEfficiencies.h b/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecGeomEfficiencies.h
index 58e99541009bc76991d904d754680321a1c659fd..fd600603ba0c578237f6e6b26d9495f18c322ff9 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecGeomEfficiencies.h
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecGeomEfficiencies.h
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     /// PD identifier
     LHCb::RichSmartID pdID;
     /// efficieny contribution for this PD
-    float eff{0.0f};
+    float eff{ 0.0f };
     /// Container type
     using Vector = boost::container::small_vector<PDGeom, 30>;
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     /// Stores the flag for each RICH side
-    Rich::PanelArray<bool> m_photsEachSide = {{false, false}};
+    Rich::PanelArray<bool> m_photsEachSide = { { false, false } };
   /// Locations in TES for segment photon side flags
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecRayTracedCKRingPoint.h b/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecRayTracedCKRingPoint.h
index d973b2feedd06c4315b550201c63b03d22aaf885..be06a04018819d90c7d3a94b305cf60ce3cc66f6 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecRayTracedCKRingPoint.h
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecRayTracedCKRingPoint.h
@@ -129,16 +129,16 @@ namespace Rich::Future {
     void setPhotonDetector( const Detector::PD* value ) noexcept { m_pd = value; }
-    Gaudi::XYZPoint         m_globalPosition{0, 0, 0}; ///< Position on the ring in global coordinates
-    Gaudi::XYZPoint         m_localPosition{0, 0, 0};  ///< Position on the ring in local coordinates
-    float                   m_azimuth{-1};             ///< Azimuthal phi w.r.t the ring centre for this position
+    Gaudi::XYZPoint         m_globalPosition{ 0, 0, 0 }; ///< Position on the ring in global coordinates
+    Gaudi::XYZPoint         m_localPosition{ 0, 0, 0 };  ///< Position on the ring in local coordinates
+    float                   m_azimuth{ -1 };             ///< Azimuthal phi w.r.t the ring centre for this position
     LHCb::RichSmartID       m_smartID; ///< RichSmartID identifying the PD or pixel this point is in, if known
-    Acceptance              m_acceptance{UndefinedAcceptance}; ///< The RICH acceptance state of the point
-    const Detector::Mirror* m_primaryMirror{nullptr};          ///< Pointer to the associated Mirror object for the
-                                                               ///< primary mirror
-    const Detector::Mirror* m_secondaryMirror{nullptr};        ///< Pointer to the associated Mirror object for the
-                                                               ///< secondary mirror
-    const Detector::PD* m_pd{nullptr};                         ///< Pointer to the associated PD object
+    Acceptance              m_acceptance{ UndefinedAcceptance }; ///< The RICH acceptance state of the point
+    const Detector::Mirror* m_primaryMirror{ nullptr };          ///< Pointer to the associated Mirror object for the
+                                                                 ///< primary mirror
+    const Detector::Mirror* m_secondaryMirror{ nullptr };        ///< Pointer to the associated Mirror object for the
+                                                                 ///< secondary mirror
+    const Detector::PD* m_pd{ nullptr };                         ///< Pointer to the associated PD object
   inline std::ostream& RayTracedCKRingPoint::fillStream( std::ostream& s ) const {
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecRelations.h b/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecRelations.h
index 199939c9cd0bcd392ede417fd46d14b923f85337..5217776f99bcc2550dd7b266f27783f34d8d7345 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecRelations.h
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecRelations.h
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Relations {
     /// The track key
     LHCb::Tracks::key_type tkKey{};
     /// Track index
-    IndexType tkIndex{0};
+    IndexType tkIndex{ 0 };
     /// The list of segment indices
     SegmentIndices segmentIndices{};
@@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Relations {
     /// The photon index
-    PhotonIndex m_photonIndex{0};
+    PhotonIndex m_photonIndex{ 0 };
     /// The pixel index
-    PixelIndex m_pixelIndex{0};
+    PixelIndex m_pixelIndex{ 0 };
     /// The segment index
-    SegmentIndex m_segmentIndex{0};
+    SegmentIndex m_segmentIndex{ 0 };
     /// The track index
-    TrackIndex m_trackIndex{0};
+    TrackIndex m_trackIndex{ 0 };
   /// TES locations for Photon to Pixel+Segment relations
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecSIMDPixels.h b/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecSIMDPixels.h
index 45e3d18d3fbf55ce043772aa0f14c52aaffdcadb..133f79f5f6e62133d48e9803d982bb887c553b41 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecSIMDPixels.h
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecSIMDPixels.h
@@ -144,12 +144,12 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     // global position for given scalar entry
     [[nodiscard]] inline auto gloPos( const std::size_t i ) const noexcept {
-      return Gaudi::XYZPoint{gloPos().X()[i], gloPos().Y()[i], gloPos().Z()[i]};
+      return Gaudi::XYZPoint{ gloPos().X()[i], gloPos().Y()[i], gloPos().Z()[i] };
     // local position for given scalar entry
     [[nodiscard]] inline auto locPos( const std::size_t i ) const noexcept {
-      return Gaudi::XYZPoint{locPos().X()[i], locPos().Y()[i], locPos().Z()[i]};
+      return Gaudi::XYZPoint{ locPos().X()[i], locPos().Y()[i], locPos().Z()[i] };
@@ -255,16 +255,16 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     // data
     /// RICH
-    Rich::DetectorType m_rich{Rich::InvalidDetector};
+    Rich::DetectorType m_rich{ Rich::InvalidDetector };
     /// Panel
-    Rich::Side m_side{Rich::InvalidSide};
+    Rich::Side m_side{ Rich::InvalidSide };
     /// The channel IDs for the photon detection points
     SmartIDs m_smartID;
     /// Hit times
-    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) SIMDFP m_hitTime{SIMDFP::Zero()};
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) SIMDFP m_hitTime{ SIMDFP::Zero() };
     /// Global position
     alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) Point m_gloPos;
@@ -273,13 +273,13 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) Point m_locPos;
     /// Effective cluster area
-    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) SIMDFP m_effArea{SIMDFP::Zero()};
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) SIMDFP m_effArea{ SIMDFP::Zero() };
     /// Indices to the original scalar clusters
-    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) ScIndex m_scClusIn{-ScIndex::One()};
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) ScIndex m_scClusIn{ -ScIndex::One() };
     /// validity mask (default initialised to false)
-    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) Mask m_validMask{Mask( false )};
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) Mask m_validMask{ Mask( false ) };
     /// @todo These might be a temporary inclusion to aid the Upgrade II studies.
@@ -288,10 +288,10 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     ///       For now, as flexibility in the geometry is needed cache here for each pixel.
     /// Inner/Outer region flag
-    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) Mask m_isInnerRegion{Mask( true )};
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) Mask m_isInnerRegion{ Mask( true ) };
     /// Time window for this pixel
-    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) SIMDFP m_timeWindow{SIMDFP( 999999 )};
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) SIMDFP m_timeWindow{ SIMDFP( 999999 ) };
   /** @class SIMDPixelSummaries RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecSIMDPixels.h
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     [[nodiscard]] inline auto nHitsScalar( const Rich::DetectorType rich, //
                                            const Rich::Side         side ) const noexcept {
       const auto hits = range( rich, side );
-      return std::accumulate( hits.begin(), hits.end(), std::size_t{0},
+      return std::accumulate( hits.begin(), hits.end(), std::size_t{ 0 },
                               []( const std::size_t sum, const auto& rh ) { return sum + rh.validMask().count(); } );
@@ -422,13 +422,13 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     // data
     /// Hit counts for each RICH and panel
-    DetectorArray<PanelArray<std::size_t>> m_nHitsSIMD = {{}};
+    DetectorArray<PanelArray<std::size_t>> m_nHitsSIMD = { {} };
     /// RICH ranges
-    DetectorArray<Indices> m_richRanges = {{}};
+    DetectorArray<Indices> m_richRanges = { {} };
     /// Panel ranges
-    DetectorArray<PanelArray<Indices>> m_panelRanges = {{}};
+    DetectorArray<PanelArray<Indices>> m_panelRanges = { {} };
   /// TES locations
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecSpacePoints.h b/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecSpacePoints.h
index ea33cbc794a5633b334708bc5683e4ad68e8b7be..d7d856cef9f7a5a5c118b91760ff9c9475891034 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecSpacePoints.h
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichRecSpacePoints.h
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
                              const Rich::Side        bestSide, //
                              const LHCb::RichSmartID pdID,     //
                              const bool              OK = true )
-        : m_OK( OK ), m_bestPoint( std::move( p ) ), m_pos( {p0, p1} ), m_bestSide( bestSide ), m_closestPD( pdID ) {}
+        : m_OK( OK ), m_bestPoint( std::move( p ) ), m_pos( { p0, p1 } ), m_bestSide( bestSide ), m_closestPD( pdID ) {}
     /// Access the point for the given panel
@@ -101,16 +101,16 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     /// Status code
-    bool m_OK{false};
+    bool m_OK{ false };
     /// The best point
     SpacePoint m_bestPoint;
     /// Space points for each panel
-    std::array<SpacePoint, Rich::NPDPanelsPerRICH> m_pos = {{}};
+    std::array<SpacePoint, Rich::NPDPanelsPerRICH> m_pos = { {} };
     /// Which is the best side for this track segment
-    Rich::Side m_bestSide{Rich::top};
+    Rich::Side m_bestSide{ Rich::top };
     /// Closest PD to the segment extrapolation
     LHCb::RichSmartID m_closestPD;
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichSummaryEventData.h b/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichSummaryEventData.h
index 1832d9aa3e77a332e0ba468738215672ad9cd704..cd19666ddff0abe496e91b48f675561af46b1c80 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichSummaryEventData.h
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecEvent/include/RichFutureRecEvent/RichSummaryEventData.h
@@ -116,13 +116,13 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Summary {
     /// Is this track active
-    bool m_active{false};
+    bool m_active{ false };
     /// RICH flags.
-    DetectorArray<bool> m_richActive = {{false, false}};
+    DetectorArray<bool> m_richActive = { { false, false } };
     /// Track index
-    std::size_t m_index{0};
+    std::size_t m_index{ 0 };
     /// Threshold flags. True if above threshold in at least one radiator
     HypoData<bool> m_thresholds;
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Summary {
     Relations::PhotonIndices m_photonIndices;
     /// Radiator flags
-    RadiatorArray<bool> m_radActive = {{false, false, false}};
+    RadiatorArray<bool> m_radActive = { { false, false, false } };
     /// LHCb Track key
     LHCb::Tracks::key_type m_tkKey{};
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichMCTrackFilter.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichMCTrackFilter.cpp
index 09ea28008747f2ee19292800f2defd76f68f07f7..b2915edfa5170eee149f30fee8cd03aec801f5ac 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichMCTrackFilter.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichMCTrackFilter.cpp
@@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
     TrackFilter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                        // data inputs
-                       {KeyValue{"InTracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles},
-                        KeyValue{"MCRichTracksLocation", LHCb::MCRichTrackLocation::Default}},
+                       { KeyValue{ "InTracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles },
+                         KeyValue{ "MCRichTracksLocation", LHCb::MCRichTrackLocation::Default } },
                        // data output
-                       {KeyValue{"OutTracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default + "Out"}} ) {}
+                       { KeyValue{ "OutTracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default + "Out" } } ) {}
     /// Functional operator
@@ -190,27 +190,27 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
     /// Overall Min monentum cut
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minP{
-        this, "MinP", {0.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 0.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV}, "Minimum momentum (GeV/c)"};
+        this, "MinP", { 0.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 0.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV }, "Minimum momentum (GeV/c)" };
     /// Overall Max monentum cut
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxP{
-        this, "MaxP", {9e9 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 9e9 * Gaudi::Units::GeV}, "Maximum momentum (GeV/c)"};
+        this, "MaxP", { 9e9 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 9e9 * Gaudi::Units::GeV }, "Maximum momentum (GeV/c)" };
     /// Minimum track transerve momentum
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPt{this, "MinPt", 0.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, "Minimum transerve momentum (GeV/c)"};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPt{ this, "MinPt", 0.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, "Minimum transerve momentum (GeV/c)" };
     /// Min path length for each RICH
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minPathL{
-        this, "MinPathLengths", {500 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 1500 * Gaudi::Units::mm}};
+        this, "MinPathLengths", { 500 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 1500 * Gaudi::Units::mm } };
     /// Min number of photons for each RICH
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minPhots{this, "MinNumPhotons", {0, 0}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minPhots{ this, "MinNumPhotons", { 0, 0 } };
     /// Tolerance on track origin w.r.t. (0,0,0)
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<double, 3>> m_tkOriginTol{this, "TrackOriginTol", {1.0, 1.0, 100.0}};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<double, 3>> m_tkOriginTol{ this, "TrackOriginTol", { 1.0, 1.0, 100.0 } };
     /// Minimum z position for states in each RICH (mm)
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minZ{this, "MinStateZ", {800, 9000}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minZ{ this, "MinStateZ", { 800, 9000 } };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichPhotonUseMCInfo.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichPhotonUseMCInfo.cpp
index 91518b9dbd545d36152b989d692ca4f5f75e8c87..f4fad985efa4ebfc39e7c692237c7a80eb8f5bb9 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichPhotonUseMCInfo.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichPhotonUseMCInfo.cpp
@@ -78,18 +78,18 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
     RichPhotonUseMCInfo( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                        // data inputs
-                       {KeyValue{"InCherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal},
-                        KeyValue{"PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"SegmentToTrackLocation", Relations::SegmentToTrackLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles},
-                        KeyValue{"RichDigitSummariesLocation", LHCb::MCRichDigitSummaryLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"MCRichHitsLocation", LHCb::MCRichHitLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"MCRichOpticalPhotonsLocation", LHCb::MCRichOpticalPhotonLocation::Default}},
+                       { KeyValue{ "InCherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal },
+                         KeyValue{ "PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "SegmentToTrackLocation", Relations::SegmentToTrackLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles },
+                         KeyValue{ "RichDigitSummariesLocation", LHCb::MCRichDigitSummaryLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "MCRichHitsLocation", LHCb::MCRichHitLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "MCRichOpticalPhotonsLocation", LHCb::MCRichOpticalPhotonLocation::Default } },
                        // output data
-                       {KeyValue{"OutCherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default + "Out"}} ) {
+                       { KeyValue{ "OutCherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default + "Out" } } ) {
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE ).ignore();
@@ -200,28 +200,28 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
     Rndm::Numbers m_unitGauss{};
     // TF1 functions for CK theta smear value as a function of P (Inner)
-    DetectorArray<std::optional<TF1>> m_ckVPInner{{}};
+    DetectorArray<std::optional<TF1>> m_ckVPInner{ {} };
     // TF1 functions for CK theta smear value as a function of P (Outer)
-    DetectorArray<std::optional<TF1>> m_ckVPOuter{{}};
+    DetectorArray<std::optional<TF1>> m_ckVPOuter{ {} };
     // properties
     /// Use true MC optical photon values
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useMcPhotCKT{this, "UseMCPhotonCKThetaValues", false};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useMcPhotCKT{ this, "UseMCPhotonCKThetaValues", false };
     /// CK theta smearing function versus P for each RICH for the inner regions
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<std::string>> m_ckThetaSmearVPInner{
-        {"0.00078+0.0012*(std::tanh(-x/5000.0)+1.0)", "0.00065+0.0011*(std::tanh(-x/5000.0)+1.0)"}};
+        { "0.00078+0.0012*(std::tanh(-x/5000.0)+1.0)", "0.00065+0.0011*(std::tanh(-x/5000.0)+1.0)" } };
     /// CK theta smearing function versus P for each RICH for the outer regions
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<std::string>> m_ckThetaSmearVPOuter{
-        {"0.00078+0.0012*(std::tanh(-x/5000.0)+1.0)", "0.00065+0.0011*(std::tanh(-x/5000.0)+1.0)"}};
+        { "0.00078+0.0012*(std::tanh(-x/5000.0)+1.0)", "0.00065+0.0011*(std::tanh(-x/5000.0)+1.0)" } };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichPixelUseMCInfo.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichPixelUseMCInfo.cpp
index a11a7d0b64e84250c497d9cb472b2e2d0a1646eb..92be7292b80a47cd7b3db6bb729890f4bcb46ca7 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichPixelUseMCInfo.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichPixelUseMCInfo.cpp
@@ -58,14 +58,15 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
     /// Standard constructor
     RichPixelUseMCInfo( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                       // data inputs
-                       {KeyValue{"InRichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"MCRichHitsLocation", LHCb::MCRichHitLocation::Default},
-                        // input conditions data
-                        KeyValue{"RichSmartIDs", Rich::Utils::RichSmartIDs::DefaultConditionKey}},
-                       // output data
-                       {KeyValue{"OutRichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default + "Out"}} ) {}
+        : Transformer(
+              name, pSvcLocator,
+              // data inputs
+              { KeyValue{ "InRichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default },
+                KeyValue{ "MCRichHitsLocation", LHCb::MCRichHitLocation::Default },
+                // input conditions data
+                KeyValue{ "RichSmartIDs", Rich::Utils::RichSmartIDs::DefaultConditionKey } },
+              // output data
+              { KeyValue{ "OutRichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default + "Out" } } ) {}
     /// Initialize
     StatusCode initialize() override {
@@ -93,9 +94,9 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
     // types
     struct XYData {
-      double      x{0}, y{0};
-      SIMDPixel*  pix{nullptr};
-      std::size_t index{0};
+      double      x{ 0 }, y{ 0 };
+      SIMDPixel*  pix{ nullptr };
+      std::size_t index{ 0 };
       auto        time() const { return ( pix ? pix->hitTime()[index] : -999.0f ); }
       void        disable() {
         if ( pix ) { pix->validMask()[index] = false; }
@@ -121,12 +122,15 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
         if ( !mchit ) { return 0.0; }
         // Deduce if this is a spillover event and if it is apply offset
         const auto   loc         = hitLocation( mchit );
-        const double spillOffset =                                             //
-            ( ( loc.find( "PrevPrev" ) != std::string::npos ) ? -50.0 :        //
-                  ( loc.find( "Prev" ) != std::string::npos ) ? -25.0 :        //
-                      ( loc.find( "NextNext" ) != std::string::npos ) ? 50.0 : //
-                          ( loc.find( "Next" ) != std::string::npos ) ? 25.0 : //
-                              0.0 );
+        const double spillOffset =                                      //
+            ( ( loc.find( "PrevPrev" ) != std::string::npos ) ? -50.0 : //
+                  ( loc.find( "Prev" ) != std::string::npos ) ? -25.0
+                                                              : //
+                  ( loc.find( "NextNext" ) != std::string::npos ) ? 50.0
+                                                                  : //
+                  ( loc.find( "Next" ) != std::string::npos ) ? 25.0
+                                                              : //
+                  0.0 );
         const auto hitT = spillOffset + mchit->timeOfFlight();
         // _ri_verbo << "TES Location '" << loc << "' SpillOffset=" << spillOffset << " HitTime=" << hitT << endmsg;
         return hitT;
@@ -143,7 +147,8 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
               // Option needs to be explicitly activated only when input is known to
               // be DetDesc based MC.
               // ***** To eventually be removed when DetDesc finally dies completely *****
-              const Rich::DetectorArray<Rich::PanelArray<LHCb::RichSmartID::DataType>> mod_corr{{{0, 0}, {6, 18}}};
+              const Rich::DetectorArray<Rich::PanelArray<LHCb::RichSmartID::DataType>> mod_corr{
+                  { { 0, 0 }, { 6, 18 } } };
               const auto pdMod      = id.pdMod() + mod_corr[id.rich()][id.panel()];
               const auto pdNumInMod = id.pdNumInMod();
               id.setPD( pdMod, pdNumInMod );
@@ -180,7 +185,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
       std::map<LHCb::RichSmartID, XYData::Vector> madeXY;
       // disabled hits
-      DetectorArray<std::size_t> disHits{0, 0};
+      DetectorArray<std::size_t> disHits{ 0, 0 };
       // Loop over summary data and update positions
       for ( auto& pix : out_pixs ) {
@@ -252,7 +257,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
                 // Shift to local coords
                 auto mc_lpos = smartIDsHelper.globalToPDPanel( mc_gpos );
                 // Apply Z correction
-                const DetectorArray<double> zCorr{-10.8, -10.8};
+                const DetectorArray<double> zCorr{ -10.8, -10.8 };
                 mc_lpos.SetZ( mc_lpos.Z() + zCorr[rich] );
                 // If requested quantize the pixel position inside the pixel,
                 // to emulate smaller pixels
@@ -263,7 +268,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
                   mc_lpos.SetY( quantize( mc_lpos.Y() ) );
                   // have we already made a hit at this quantized (x,y) for this PD
                   auto&        xys = madeXY[id.pdID()];
-                  const XYData new_xyD{mc_lpos.X(), mc_lpos.Y(), &pix, i};
+                  const XYData new_xyD{ mc_lpos.X(), mc_lpos.Y(), &pix, i };
                   auto         old_xyD = std::find_if( xys.begin(), xys.end(), [&new_xyD]( const auto& d ) {
                     const double tol = 1.0e-4;
                     return ( std::fabs( d.x - new_xyD.x ) < tol && std::fabs( d.y - new_xyD.y ) < tol );
@@ -324,7 +329,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
       } // SIMD pixel loop
       // Count disabled hits per event
-      for ( const auto rich : {Rich::Rich1, Rich::Rich2} ) { m_disabledHits[rich] += disHits[rich]; }
+      for ( const auto rich : { Rich::Rich1, Rich::Rich2 } ) { m_disabledHits[rich] += disHits[rich]; }
       return out_pixs;
@@ -340,7 +345,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
     /// # Disabled Hits
     mutable DetectorArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>> m_disabledHits{
-        {{this, "# Rich1 Disabled Hits"}, {this, "# Rich2 Disabled Hits"}}};
+        { { this, "# Rich1 Disabled Hits" }, { this, "# Rich2 Disabled Hits" } } };
     // properties
@@ -348,45 +353,47 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
     /** Temporary workaround for processing DetDesc MC as input.
      *  When active, applies corrections to the data to make compatible
      *  with the dd4hep builds. */
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_detdescMCinput{this, "IsDetDescMC", true};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_detdescMCinput{ this, "IsDetDescMC", true };
     /// Enable use of MC position info
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useMCPos{this, "UseMCPosition", true};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useMCPos{ this, "UseMCPosition", true };
     /// Enable use of MC time info
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useMCTime{this, "UseMCTime", false};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useMCTime{ this, "UseMCTime", false };
     /// Include spillover events
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_enableSpillover{this, "EnableSpillover", true};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_enableSpillover{ this, "EnableSpillover", true };
     /// Time window shift for each RICH
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_timeShift{
-        this, "TimeCalib", {0., 40.}, "Global time shift for each RICH, to get both to same calibrated point"};
+        this, "TimeCalib", { 0., 40. }, "Global time shift for each RICH, to get both to same calibrated point" };
     /// Inner region spatial quantisation to apply to MC local coordinate hits (<0 means do not apply)
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_mcPixQuantizeInner{
-        this, "InnerPixelQuantization", {-1.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, -1.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm}};
+        this, "InnerPixelQuantization", { -1.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, -1.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm } };
     /// Outer region spatial quantisation to apply to MC local coordinate hits (<0 means do not apply)
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_mcPixQuantizeOuter{
-        this, "OuterPixelQuantization", {-1.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, -1.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm}};
+        this, "OuterPixelQuantization", { -1.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, -1.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm } };
     /// Inner region pixel efficiency
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_effPixInner{this, "InnerPixelEff", {1.0, 1.0}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_effPixInner{ this, "InnerPixelEff", { 1.0, 1.0 } };
     /// Outer region pixel efficiency
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_effPixOuter{this, "OuterPixelEff", {1.0, 1.0}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_effPixOuter{ this, "OuterPixelEff", { 1.0, 1.0 } };
     // Handles to access MCRichHits other than Signal, as they are not necessary there
-    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCRichHits> m_prevHits{this, "PrevLocation", "Prev/" + LHCb::MCRichHitLocation::Default};
-    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCRichHits> m_prevPrevHits{this, "PrevPrevLocation",
-                                                          "PrevPrev/" + LHCb::MCRichHitLocation::Default};
-    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCRichHits> m_nextHits{this, "NextLocation", "Next/" + LHCb::MCRichHitLocation::Default};
-    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCRichHits> m_nextNextHits{this, "NextNextLocation",
-                                                          "NextNext/" + LHCb::MCRichHitLocation::Default};
-    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCRichHits> m_lhcBkgHits{this, "LHCBackgroundLocation",
-                                                        "LHCBackground/" + LHCb::MCRichHitLocation::Default};
+    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCRichHits> m_prevHits{ this, "PrevLocation",
+                                                       "Prev/" + LHCb::MCRichHitLocation::Default };
+    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCRichHits> m_prevPrevHits{ this, "PrevPrevLocation",
+                                                           "PrevPrev/" + LHCb::MCRichHitLocation::Default };
+    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCRichHits> m_nextHits{ this, "NextLocation",
+                                                       "Next/" + LHCb::MCRichHitLocation::Default };
+    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCRichHits> m_nextNextHits{ this, "NextNextLocation",
+                                                           "NextNext/" + LHCb::MCRichHitLocation::Default };
+    DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCRichHits> m_lhcBkgHits{ this, "LHCBackgroundLocation",
+                                                         "LHCBackground/" + LHCb::MCRichHitLocation::Default };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichSegmentAddTimeFromMC.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichSegmentAddTimeFromMC.cpp
index a4752aa5efec0a4c6606fb959dfd2826cd5c0d67..c70e3852d062684dcb5b01c85da5ae773e605d9f 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichSegmentAddTimeFromMC.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichSegmentAddTimeFromMC.cpp
@@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
     RichSegmentAddTimeFromMC( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                        // data inputs
-                       {KeyValue{"TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"InTrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"SegmentToTrackLocation", Relations::SegmentToTrackLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"MCParticlesLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"MCParticlesLinkLocation", "Link/" + LHCb::TrackLocation::Default}},
+                       { KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "InTrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "SegmentToTrackLocation", Relations::SegmentToTrackLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "MCParticlesLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "MCParticlesLinkLocation", "Link/" + LHCb::TrackLocation::Default } },
                        // output data
-                       {KeyValue{"OutTrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default + "Out"}} ) {
+                       { KeyValue{ "OutTrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default + "Out" } } ) {
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE ).ignore();
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
         // Set origin (primary) 4D vertex
         const auto mc_orig_v = ( bestMCP ? bestMCP->primaryVertex() : nullptr );
-        new_seg.setOriginVertex( mc_orig_v ? mc_orig_v->position4vector() : Gaudi::XYZTPoint{0, 0, 0, 0} );
+        new_seg.setOriginVertex( mc_orig_v ? mc_orig_v->position4vector() : Gaudi::XYZTPoint{ 0, 0, 0, 0 } );
         _ri_verbo << new_seg << endmsg;
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichTrSegMakerFromMCRichTracks.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichTrSegMakerFromMCRichTracks.cpp
index f42fca78971a7c3d722a7d790668b403f50eae37..20a71da9d4664490a488d1b235c42cecefb3dc8f 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichTrSegMakerFromMCRichTracks.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichTrSegMakerFromMCRichTracks.cpp
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
       /// Rich1 and Rich2 detector elements
-      DetectorArray<const Rich::Detector::RichBase*> riches = {{}};
+      DetectorArray<const Rich::Detector::RichBase*> riches = { {} };
       /// Pointers to RICH radiator detector elements
       Radiators radiators;
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
       SegMakerDetInfo( const Rich::Detector::Rich1&     rich1, //
                        const Rich::Detector::Rich2&     rich2, //
                        const Rich::RadiatorArray<bool>& usedRads ) {
-        riches = {&rich1, &rich2};
+        riches = { &rich1, &rich2 };
         radiators.reserve( Rich::NRiches );
         if ( usedRads[Rich::Rich1Gas] ) { radiators.push_back( &rich1.radiator() ); }
         if ( usedRads[Rich::Rich2Gas] ) { radiators.push_back( &rich2.radiator() ); }
@@ -131,20 +131,21 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
     /// Standard constructor
     TrSegMakerFromMCRichTracks( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                            // data inputs
-                            {KeyValue{"MCParticleLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"MCRichTracksLocation", LHCb::MCRichTrackLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"MCPropertyLocation", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo},
-                             // conditions input
-                             KeyValue{"DetectorCache", DeRichLocations::derivedCondition( name + "-DetectorCache" )},
-                             KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-                            // data outputs
-                            {KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"TrackToSegmentsLocation", Relations::TrackToSegmentsLocation::Initial},
-                             KeyValue{"SegmentToTrackLocation", Relations::SegmentToTrackLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"OutputTracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default + "RICH"},
-                             KeyValue{"MCParticlesLinkLocation", "Link/" + LHCb::TrackLocation::Default + "RICH"}} ) {}
+        : MultiTransformer(
+              name, pSvcLocator,
+              // data inputs
+              { KeyValue{ "MCParticleLocation", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                KeyValue{ "MCRichTracksLocation", LHCb::MCRichTrackLocation::Default },
+                KeyValue{ "MCPropertyLocation", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo },
+                // conditions input
+                KeyValue{ "DetectorCache", DeRichLocations::derivedCondition( name + "-DetectorCache" ) },
+                KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+              // data outputs
+              { KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                KeyValue{ "TrackToSegmentsLocation", Relations::TrackToSegmentsLocation::Initial },
+                KeyValue{ "SegmentToTrackLocation", Relations::SegmentToTrackLocation::Default },
+                KeyValue{ "OutputTracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default + "RICH" },
+                KeyValue{ "MCParticlesLinkLocation", "Link/" + LHCb::TrackLocation::Default + "RICH" } } ) {}
     /// Initialization after creation
     StatusCode initialize() override {
@@ -160,12 +161,12 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
       // derived condition data
       Detector::Rich1::addConditionDerivation( this );
       Detector::Rich2::addConditionDerivation( this );
-      addConditionDerivation( {Detector::Rich1::DefaultConditionKey,                         // inputs
-                               Detector::Rich2::DefaultConditionKey},                        //
+      addConditionDerivation( { Detector::Rich1::DefaultConditionKey,                        // inputs
+                                Detector::Rich2::DefaultConditionKey },                      //
                               inputLocation<SegMakerDetInfo>(),                              // output
                               [usedRads = radiatorIsActive()]( const Detector::Rich1& rich1, //
                                                                const Detector::Rich2& rich2 ) {
-                                return SegMakerDetInfo{rich1, rich2, usedRads};
+                                return SegMakerDetInfo{ rich1, rich2, usedRads };
                               } );
       m_randZeroOne = Rndm::Numbers( randSvc(), Rndm::Flat( 0.0, 1.0 ) );
@@ -270,7 +271,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
           const auto        ty   = ( mom.z() > 0 ? mom.y() / mom.z() : 0.0 );
           const auto        p2   = mom.mag2();
           const auto        qOvP = ( p2 > 0 ? charge / std::sqrt( p2 ) : 999 );
-          const LHCb::State state( Gaudi::TrackVector{x, y, tx, ty, qOvP}, z, loc );
+          const LHCb::State state( Gaudi::TrackVector{ x, y, tx, ty, qOvP }, z, loc );
           _ri_verbo << "Created State : " << state << endmsg;
           tk->addToStates( std::move( state ) );
@@ -314,7 +315,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
         const bool ghostXflip = ( asGhost && m_randZeroOne.shoot() < 0.5 );
         const bool ghostYflip = ( asGhost && ( !ghostXflip || m_randZeroOne.shoot() < 0.5 ) );
-        DetectorArray<bool> hasSegment{{false, false}};
+        DetectorArray<bool> hasSegment{ { false, false } };
         // Loop over all radiators
         for ( const auto radiator : detInfo.radiators ) {
@@ -498,14 +499,14 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
           // finally increment tk index last for next one
           // counters
-          for ( const auto rich : {Rich::Rich1, Rich::Rich2} ) { m_hasSeg[rich] += hasSegment[rich]; }
+          for ( const auto rich : { Rich::Rich1, Rich::Rich2 } ) { m_hasSeg[rich] += hasSegment[rich]; }
       } // MCParticle loop
       // initialise the linker
-      tkLinks = LHCb::LinksByKey{std::in_place_type<LHCb::Track>, std::in_place_type<LHCb::MCParticle>,
-                                 LHCb::LinksByKey::Order::decreasingWeight};
+      tkLinks = LHCb::LinksByKey{ std::in_place_type<LHCb::Track>, std::in_place_type<LHCb::MCParticle>,
+                                  LHCb::LinksByKey::Order::decreasingWeight };
       for ( const auto& [mcp, tks] : tkToMCPs ) {
         if ( !tks.empty() ) {
           const double weight = 1.0 / tks.size();
@@ -529,86 +530,87 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
     Rndm::Numbers m_randZeroOne{};
     /// Ideal sate creator
-    ToolHandle<IIdealStateCreator> m_ideal_state_creator{this, "IdealStateCreator", "IdealStateCreator"};
+    ToolHandle<IIdealStateCreator> m_ideal_state_creator{ this, "IdealStateCreator", "IdealStateCreator" };
     // counters
-    mutable DetectorArray<BinomialCounter<>> m_noMCSeg{{{this, "No Rich1 MC Segment"}, {this, "No Rich2 MC Segment"}}};
+    mutable DetectorArray<BinomialCounter<>> m_noMCSeg{
+        { { this, "No Rich1 MC Segment" }, { this, "No Rich2 MC Segment" } } };
     mutable DetectorArray<BinomialCounter<>> m_failedPathL{
-        {{this, "Rich1 Failed PathLength"}, {this, "Rich2 Failed PathLength"}}};
+        { { this, "Rich1 Failed PathLength" }, { this, "Rich2 Failed PathLength" } } };
     mutable DetectorArray<BinomialCounter<>> m_failedIdealStCr{
-        {{this, "Rich1 Failed IdealState"}, {this, "Rich2 Failed IdealState"}}};
+        { { this, "Rich1 Failed IdealState" }, { this, "Rich2 Failed IdealState" } } };
     mutable DetectorArray<BinomialCounter<>> m_failedXYBounds{
-        {{this, "Rich1 Failed XY Bounds"}, {this, "Rich2 Failed XY Bounds"}}};
+        { { this, "Rich1 Failed XY Bounds" }, { this, "Rich2 Failed XY Bounds" } } };
     mutable DetectorArray<BinomialCounter<>> m_failedZBounds{
-        {{this, "Rich1 Failed Z Bound"}, {this, "Rich2 Failed Z Bound"}}};
+        { { this, "Rich1 Failed Z Bound" }, { this, "Rich2 Failed Z Bound" } } };
     mutable DetectorArray<BinomialCounter<>> m_failedP{
-        {{this, "Rich1 Failed Momentum"}, {this, "Rich2 Failed Momentum"}}};
+        { { this, "Rich1 Failed Momentum" }, { this, "Rich2 Failed Momentum" } } };
     mutable DetectorArray<BinomialCounter<>> m_failedMCPhots{
-        {{this, "Rich1 Failed Min MC Photons"}, {this, "Rich2 Failed Min MC Photons"}}};
+        { { this, "Rich1 Failed Min MC Photons" }, { this, "Rich2 Failed Min MC Photons" } } };
     mutable DetectorArray<BinomialCounter<>> m_hasSeg{
-        {{this, "Created Rich1 Segment"}, {this, "Created Rich2 Segment"}}};
+        { { this, "Created Rich1 Segment" }, { this, "Created Rich2 Segment" } } };
     mutable DetectorArray<BinomialCounter<>> m_usedRichMCInfo{
-        {{this, "Rich1 Used Rich-XMC Info"}, {this, "Rich2 Used Rich-XMC Info"}}};
+        { { this, "Rich1 Used Rich-XMC Info" }, { this, "Rich2 Used Rich-XMC Info" } } };
     mutable DetectorArray<BinomialCounter<>> m_usedIdealState{
-        {{this, "Rich1 Used Ideal MC State"}, {this, "Rich2 Used Ideal MC State"}}};
-    mutable BinomialCounter<> m_failedTkOriginV{this, "Failed MC Origin Position"};
-    mutable BinomialCounter<> m_failedCharged{this, "Failed Charged MCParticle"};
-    mutable BinomialCounter<> m_failedNoPV{this, "Failed MC PV Check"};
-    mutable BinomialCounter<> m_failedNoOV{this, "Failed MC Origin Vertex Check"};
-    mutable BinomialCounter<> m_failedMinPt{this, "Failed Min MC Pt"};
-    mutable BinomialCounter<> m_failedRecoLong{this, "Failed Reconstrucible Long"};
-    mutable BinomialCounter<> m_nullMCP{this, "NULL MCParticle"};
+        { { this, "Rich1 Used Ideal MC State" }, { this, "Rich2 Used Ideal MC State" } } };
+    mutable BinomialCounter<> m_failedTkOriginV{ this, "Failed MC Origin Position" };
+    mutable BinomialCounter<> m_failedCharged{ this, "Failed Charged MCParticle" };
+    mutable BinomialCounter<> m_failedNoPV{ this, "Failed MC PV Check" };
+    mutable BinomialCounter<> m_failedNoOV{ this, "Failed MC Origin Vertex Check" };
+    mutable BinomialCounter<> m_failedMinPt{ this, "Failed Min MC Pt" };
+    mutable BinomialCounter<> m_failedRecoLong{ this, "Failed Reconstrucible Long" };
+    mutable BinomialCounter<> m_nullMCP{ this, "NULL MCParticle" };
     // properties
     /// Min path length for each radiator
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minPathL{
-        this, "MinPathLengths", {500 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 1000 * Gaudi::Units::mm}};
+        this, "MinPathLengths", { 500 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 1000 * Gaudi::Units::mm } };
     /// Min number of photons for each radiator
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minPhots{this, "MinNumPhotons", {5, 5}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minPhots{ this, "MinNumPhotons", { 5, 5 } };
     /// Overall Min monentum cut
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minP{
-        this, "MinP", {0.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 0.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV}, "Minimum momentum (GeV/c)"};
+        this, "MinP", { 0.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 0.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV }, "Minimum momentum (GeV/c)" };
     /// Overall Max monentum cut
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxP{
-        this, "MaxP", {9e9 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 9e9 * Gaudi::Units::GeV}, "Maximum momentum (GeV/c)"};
+        this, "MaxP", { 9e9 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 9e9 * Gaudi::Units::GeV }, "Maximum momentum (GeV/c)" };
     /// Minimum track transerve momentum
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPt{this, "MinPt", 0.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, "Minimum transerve momentum (GeV/c)"};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPt{ this, "MinPt", 0.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, "Minimum transerve momentum (GeV/c)" };
     /// Minimum z position for states in each radiator (mm)
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minZ{this, "MinStateZ", {800, 9000}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minZ{ this, "MinStateZ", { 800, 9000 } };
     /// Maximum X for states in each radiator
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxX{this, "MaxX", {800, 4000}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxX{ this, "MaxX", { 800, 4000 } };
     /// Maximum Y for states in each radiator
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxY{this, "MaxY", {700, 3000}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxY{ this, "MaxY", { 700, 3000 } };
     /// Minimum R^2 for states in each radiator
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minR2{this, "MinR2", {30 * 30, 100 * 100}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minR2{ this, "MinR2", { 30 * 30, 100 * 100 } };
     /// Tolerance on track origin w.r.t. (0,0,0)
-    Gaudi::Property<std::array<double, 3>> m_tkOriginTol{this, "TrackOriginTol", {1.0, 1.0, 100.0}};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::array<double, 3>> m_tkOriginTol{ this, "TrackOriginTol", { 1.0, 1.0, 100.0 } };
     /// Require segments in given radiator
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_reqSegs{this, "RequireSegment", {false, false}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_reqSegs{ this, "RequireSegment", { false, false } };
     /// Tracking efficiency
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_tkEff{this, "TrackingEfficiency", 1.1, "Tracking efficiency to emulate"};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_tkEff{ this, "TrackingEfficiency", 1.1, "Tracking efficiency to emulate" };
     /// Allow use of RICH extended MC info to build track states
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_useRichMCStates{this, "UseRichMCStates", {true, true}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_useRichMCStates{ this, "UseRichMCStates", { true, true } };
     /// Allow use of ideal state creator when RICH data is missing
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_useIdealStates{this, "UseIdealStates", {true, true}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_useIdealStates{ this, "UseIdealStates", { true, true } };
     /// Fraction of tracks to use to make 'ghosts'
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_ghostFrac{this, "GhostFraction", 0.0};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_ghostFrac{ this, "GhostFraction", 0.0 };
     /// Nominal z positions of states at RICHes
     Gaudi::Property<std::array<double, 2 * Rich::NRiches>> m_nomZstates{
@@ -620,10 +622,10 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
             9450 * Gaudi::Units::mm, ///< Place to look for Rich2 entry state
             11900 * Gaudi::Units::mm ///< Place to look for Rich2 exit state
-        "The z positions to look for state at the entry/exit of RICH1/RICH2."};
+        "The z positions to look for state at the entry/exit of RICH1/RICH2." };
     /// Always save tracks even if no RICH segments
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_saveAllTracks{this, "SaveAllTracks", true, "Save all tracks"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_saveAllTracks{ this, "SaveAllTracks", true, "Save all tracks" };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichTrackCKAnglesUseMCInfo.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichTrackCKAnglesUseMCInfo.cpp
index 8a6eb148baf73396ae6070ba4708762c3d721926..e60d8858f308a2ed357acd661d01211914efb851 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichTrackCKAnglesUseMCInfo.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMCAlgorithms/src/RichTrackCKAnglesUseMCInfo.cpp
@@ -68,14 +68,14 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
     RichTrackCKAnglesUseMCInfo( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                        // data inputs
-                       {KeyValue{"InCherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal},
-                        KeyValue{"TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"SegmentToTrackLocation", Relations::SegmentToTrackLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles},
-                        KeyValue{"MCRichTracksLocation", LHCb::MCRichTrackLocation::Default}},
+                       { KeyValue{ "InCherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal },
+                         KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "SegmentToTrackLocation", Relations::SegmentToTrackLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "TrackToMCParticlesRelations", Rich::Future::MC::Relations::TrackToMCParticles },
+                         KeyValue{ "MCRichTracksLocation", LHCb::MCRichTrackLocation::Default } },
                        // output data
-                       {KeyValue{"OutCherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal + "Out"}} ) {
+                       { KeyValue{ "OutCherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal + "Out" } } ) {
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE ).ignore();
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::MC {
         if ( mcPhots.empty() ) { continue; }
         // Loop over photons and form average CK theta for signal
-        float theta{0};
+        float theta{ 0 };
         for ( const auto& mcPhot : mcPhots ) { theta += mcPhot->cherenkovTheta(); }
         theta /= (float)mcPhots.size();
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/python/RichFutureRecMonitors/ConfiguredRecoMonitors.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/python/RichFutureRecMonitors/ConfiguredRecoMonitors.py
index f1afff985287b0495bde2f605a9c306520c99643..fffb1f773a0218fec782adf670860c6536852b42 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/python/RichFutureRecMonitors/ConfiguredRecoMonitors.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/python/RichFutureRecMonitors/ConfiguredRecoMonitors.py
@@ -13,84 +13,100 @@ from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
 # Returns a configured monitoring (MC free) sequence.
 def RichRecMonitors(
-        # Optional name given to this group.
-        GroupName="",
-        #===========================================================
-        # General Data processing options
-        #===========================================================
-        # The data type
-        dataType="",
-        # Flag to indicate we are running in 'Online Brunel' mode
-        onlineBrunelMode=False,
-        # radiators to process
-        radiators=["Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas"],
-        # enable 4D reco in each radiator
-        enable4DReco=(False, False),
-        #===========================================================
-        # Pixel treatment options
-        #===========================================================
-        # Should pixel clustering be run, for either ( RICH1, RICH2 )
-        applyPixelClustering=(False, False),
-        #===========================================================
-        # Input / Output options
-        #===========================================================
-        # Dict of input track locations with name key
-        inputTrackLocations={"All": "Rec/Track/Best"},
-        # Dict of output PID locations. Name keys must match above.
-        outputPIDLocations={"All": "Rec/Rich/PIDs"},
-        #===========================================================
-        # Monitoring options
-        #===========================================================
-        # The histogram set to use
-        histograms="OfflineFull",
-        # Dictionary setting the histograms for each set
-        monitors={
-            "Expert": [
-                "RecoStats", "RichHits", "PixelClusters", "RichMaterial",
-                "PixelBackgrounds", "TrackSelEff", "PhotonCherenkovAngles",
-                "DLLs", "PhotonYields", "GeomEffs", "MassRings", "SIMDPerf",
-                "TrackGeometry"
-            ],
-            "OfflineFull": [
-                "RecoStats", "RichHits", "PixelClusters", "RichMaterial",
-                "PixelBackgrounds", "TrackSelEff", "PhotonCherenkovAngles",
-                "DLLs", "PhotonYields", "GeomEffs", "MassRings",
-                "TrackGeometry"
-            ],
-            "OfflineExpress": [
-                "RecoStats", "RichHits", "PixelClusters", "TrackSelEff",
-                "PhotonCherenkovAngles", "DLLs", "TrackGeometry"
-            ],
-            "Online": [
-                "RecoStats", "RichHits", "PixelClusters", "TrackSelEff",
-                "PhotonCherenkovAngles", "DLLs", "TrackGeometry"
-            ],
-            "None": []
-        },
-        #===========================================================
-        # Technical options
-        #===========================================================
-        # Turn on CPU time measurements
-        MeasureTime=True):
+    # Optional name given to this group.
+    GroupName="",
+    # ===========================================================
+    # General Data processing options
+    # ===========================================================
+    # The data type
+    dataType="",
+    # Flag to indicate we are running in 'Online Brunel' mode
+    onlineBrunelMode=False,
+    # radiators to process
+    radiators=["Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas"],
+    # enable 4D reco in each radiator
+    enable4DReco=(False, False),
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Pixel treatment options
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Should pixel clustering be run, for either ( RICH1, RICH2 )
+    applyPixelClustering=(False, False),
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Input / Output options
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Dict of input track locations with name key
+    inputTrackLocations={"All": "Rec/Track/Best"},
+    # Dict of output PID locations. Name keys must match above.
+    outputPIDLocations={"All": "Rec/Rich/PIDs"},
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Monitoring options
+    # ===========================================================
+    # The histogram set to use
+    histograms="OfflineFull",
+    # Dictionary setting the histograms for each set
+    monitors={
+        "Expert": [
+            "RecoStats",
+            "RichHits",
+            "PixelClusters",
+            "RichMaterial",
+            "PixelBackgrounds",
+            "TrackSelEff",
+            "PhotonCherenkovAngles",
+            "DLLs",
+            "PhotonYields",
+            "GeomEffs",
+            "MassRings",
+            "SIMDPerf",
+            "TrackGeometry",
+        ],
+        "OfflineFull": [
+            "RecoStats",
+            "RichHits",
+            "PixelClusters",
+            "RichMaterial",
+            "PixelBackgrounds",
+            "TrackSelEff",
+            "PhotonCherenkovAngles",
+            "DLLs",
+            "PhotonYields",
+            "GeomEffs",
+            "MassRings",
+            "TrackGeometry",
+        ],
+        "OfflineExpress": [
+            "RecoStats",
+            "RichHits",
+            "PixelClusters",
+            "TrackSelEff",
+            "PhotonCherenkovAngles",
+            "DLLs",
+            "TrackGeometry",
+        ],
+        "Online": [
+            "RecoStats",
+            "RichHits",
+            "PixelClusters",
+            "TrackSelEff",
+            "PhotonCherenkovAngles",
+            "DLLs",
+            "TrackGeometry",
+        ],
+        "None": [],
+    },
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Technical options
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Turn on CPU time measurements
+    MeasureTime=True,
     from Configurables import GaudiSequencer
-    from RichFutureRecSys.ConfiguredRichReco import RichTESPixelMap, RichTESTrackMap, makeRichAlg, CheckConfig
+    from RichFutureRecSys.ConfiguredRichReco import (
+        CheckConfig,
+        RichTESPixelMap,
+        RichTESTrackMap,
+        makeRichAlg,
+    )
     # Check the configuration
     CheckConfig(inputTrackLocations, outputPIDLocations)
@@ -119,13 +135,17 @@ def RichRecMonitors(
     # Name for pixel locations
     pixname = ""
-    if algprops["Detectors"][0]: pixname += "RICH1"
-    if algprops["Detectors"][1]: pixname += "RICH2"
+    if algprops["Detectors"][0]:
+        pixname += "RICH1"
+    if algprops["Detectors"][1]:
+        pixname += "RICH2"
     # Clustering name extension
     clusName = ""
-    if applyPixelClustering[0]: clusName += "R1ClusON"
-    if applyPixelClustering[1]: clusName += "R2ClusON"
+    if applyPixelClustering[0]:
+        clusName += "R1ClusON"
+    if applyPixelClustering[1]:
+        clusName += "R2ClusON"
     # Pixel TES locations
     cLocs = RichTESPixelMap(pixname + clusName)
@@ -138,34 +158,37 @@ def RichRecMonitors(
     # Rich Hits
     if "RichHits" in monitors[histograms]:
         from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__DetectorHits as DetectorHits
-        richHits = makeRichAlg(DetectorHits, "RichRecPixelQC" + GroupName,
-                               algprops)
+        richHits = makeRichAlg(DetectorHits, "RichRecPixelQC" + GroupName, algprops)
         richHits.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs[
-            "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"]
+            "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"
+        ]
         all.Members += [richHits]
     # clusters
     if "PixelClusters" in monitors[histograms]:
-        from Configurables import Rich__Future__SmartIDClustering as RichClustering
         from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__PixelClusters as ClusterMoni
+        from Configurables import Rich__Future__SmartIDClustering as RichClustering
         # Custom cluster location for monitor. Need to run clustering here as it
         # might not be enabled in the reco itself
         clusLoc = "Rec/Rich/PixelClusters/Monitoring"
         # The clustering
         clustering = makeRichAlg(
-            RichClustering, "RichFutureMoniClustering" + GroupName, algprops)
+            RichClustering, "RichFutureMoniClustering" + GroupName, algprops
+        )
         clustering.ApplyPixelClustering = (True, True)
         clustering.RichPixelClustersLocation = clusLoc
         # The monitoring
-        clusMoni = makeRichAlg(ClusterMoni, "RichRecPixelClusters" + GroupName,
-                               algprops)
+        clusMoni = makeRichAlg(
+            ClusterMoni, "RichRecPixelClusters" + GroupName, algprops
+        )
         clusMoni.RichPixelClustersLocation = clusLoc
         # Add to the sequence
         all.Members += [clustering, clusMoni]
     # Loop over tracks
     for tktype, trackLocation in sorted(inputTrackLocations.items()):
         # name for this sequence
         name = tktype + GroupName
@@ -181,15 +204,17 @@ def RichRecMonitors(
         # Basic reco stats.
         if "RecoStats" in monitors[histograms]:
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__SIMDRecoStats as RecoStats
-            recoStats = makeRichAlg(RecoStats, "RichRecoStats" + name,
-                                    algprops, tktype)
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__SIMDRecoStats as RecoStats,
+            )
+            recoStats = makeRichAlg(RecoStats, "RichRecoStats" + name, algprops, tktype)
             # Inputs
             recoStats.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs[
-                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"]
+                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"
+            ]
             recoStats.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
-            recoStats.TrackToSegmentsLocation = locs[
-                "SelectedTrackToSegmentsLocation"]
+            recoStats.TrackToSegmentsLocation = locs["SelectedTrackToSegmentsLocation"]
             recoStats.CherenkovPhotonLocation = locs["CherenkovPhotonLocation"]
             # Properties
             recoStats.Enable4D = enable4DReco
@@ -197,10 +222,13 @@ def RichRecMonitors(
             tkSeq.Members += [recoStats]
         if "TrackSelEff" in monitors[histograms]:
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__TrackSelEff as TrackSelEff
-            tkSelEff = makeRichAlg(TrackSelEff,
-                                   "Ri" + tktype + "TrkEff" + GroupName,
-                                   algprops, tktype)
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__TrackSelEff as TrackSelEff,
+            )
+            tkSelEff = makeRichAlg(
+                TrackSelEff, "Ri" + tktype + "TrkEff" + GroupName, algprops, tktype
+            )
             # Inputs
             tkSelEff.TracksLocation = trackLocation
             tkSelEff.RichPIDsLocation = outputPIDLocations[tktype]
@@ -208,31 +236,34 @@ def RichRecMonitors(
             tkSeq.Members += [tkSelEff]
         if "TrackGeometry" in monitors[histograms]:
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__TrackGeometry as TrackGeometry
-            tkGeom = makeRichAlg(TrackGeometry,
-                                 "Ri" + tktype + "TrkGeom" + GroupName,
-                                 algprops, tktype)
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__TrackGeometry as TrackGeometry,
+            )
+            tkGeom = makeRichAlg(
+                TrackGeometry, "Ri" + tktype + "TrkGeom" + GroupName, algprops, tktype
+            )
             # Inputs
             tkGeom.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
             # Add to sequence
             tkSeq.Members += [tkGeom]
         if "PhotonCherenkovAngles" in monitors[histograms]:
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__SIMDPhotonCherenkovAngles as PhotAngles
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__SIMDPhotonCherenkovAngles as PhotAngles,
+            )
             from Configurables import TrackSelector
             # Standard monitor
-            ckAngles = makeRichAlg(PhotAngles, "RiCKRes" + name, algprops,
-                                   tktype)
+            ckAngles = makeRichAlg(PhotAngles, "RiCKRes" + name, algprops, tktype)
             # Inputs
             ckAngles.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs[
-                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"]
+                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"
+            ]
             ckAngles.TracksLocation = trackLocation
             ckAngles.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
             ckAngles.CherenkovPhotonLocation = locs["CherenkovPhotonLocation"]
-            ckAngles.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs[
-                "SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
+            ckAngles.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs["SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
             ckAngles.SummaryTracksLocation = locs["SummaryTracksLocation"]
             ckAngles.PhotonToParentsLocation = locs["PhotonToParentsLocation"]
             # Options
@@ -241,16 +272,17 @@ def RichRecMonitors(
                 ckAngles.CKResHistoRange = (0.008, 0.004)
             # Monitor with tight tracking cuts
-            ckAnglesT = makeRichAlg(PhotAngles, "RiCKRes" + name + "Tight",
-                                    algprops, tktype)
+            ckAnglesT = makeRichAlg(
+                PhotAngles, "RiCKRes" + name + "Tight", algprops, tktype
+            )
             # Inputs
             ckAnglesT.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs[
-                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"]
+                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"
+            ]
             ckAnglesT.TracksLocation = trackLocation
             ckAnglesT.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
             ckAnglesT.CherenkovPhotonLocation = locs["CherenkovPhotonLocation"]
-            ckAnglesT.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs[
-                "SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
+            ckAnglesT.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs["SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
             ckAnglesT.SummaryTracksLocation = locs["SummaryTracksLocation"]
             ckAnglesT.PhotonToParentsLocation = locs["PhotonToParentsLocation"]
             # Options
@@ -268,77 +300,98 @@ def RichRecMonitors(
             tkSeq.Members += [ckAngles, ckAnglesT]
         if "PhotonYields" in monitors[histograms]:
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__PhotonYield as PhotonYield
-            photYE = makeRichAlg(PhotonYield, "RiTkEmittedYields" + name,
-                                 algprops, tktype)
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__PhotonYield as PhotonYield,
+            )
+            photYE = makeRichAlg(
+                PhotonYield, "RiTkEmittedYields" + name, algprops, tktype
+            )
             photYE.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
             photYE.PhotonYieldLocation = locs["EmittedPhotonYieldLocation"]
             photYE.MaximumYields = (800, 800)
-            photYD = makeRichAlg(PhotonYield, "RiTkDetectableYields" + name,
-                                 algprops, tktype)
+            photYD = makeRichAlg(
+                PhotonYield, "RiTkDetectableYields" + name, algprops, tktype
+            )
             photYD.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
             photYD.PhotonYieldLocation = locs["DetectablePhotonYieldLocation"]
-            photYS = makeRichAlg(PhotonYield, "RiTkSignalYields" + name,
-                                 algprops, tktype)
+            photYS = makeRichAlg(
+                PhotonYield, "RiTkSignalYields" + name, algprops, tktype
+            )
             photYS.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
             photYS.PhotonYieldLocation = locs["SignalPhotonYieldLocation"]
             # Add to the sequence
             tkSeq.Members += [photYE, photYD, photYS]
         if "GeomEffs" in monitors[histograms]:
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__GeometricalEfficiencies as GeomEffs
-            geomEffs = makeRichAlg(GeomEffs, "RiTkGeomEffs" + name, algprops,
-                                   tktype)
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__GeometricalEfficiencies as GeomEffs,
+            )
+            geomEffs = makeRichAlg(GeomEffs, "RiTkGeomEffs" + name, algprops, tktype)
             geomEffs.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
             geomEffs.GeomEffsLocation = locs["GeomEffsLocation"]
             # Add to the sequence
             tkSeq.Members += [geomEffs]
         if "MassRings" in monitors[histograms]:
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__MassHypoRings as MassRings
-            mringMoni = makeRichAlg(MassRings, "RichMassRings" + name,
-                                    algprops, tktype)
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__MassHypoRings as MassRings,
+            )
+            mringMoni = makeRichAlg(MassRings, "RichMassRings" + name, algprops, tktype)
             mringMoni.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
-            mringMoni.TrackLocalPointsLocation = locs[
-                "TrackLocalPointsLocation"]
+            mringMoni.TrackLocalPointsLocation = locs["TrackLocalPointsLocation"]
             mringMoni.MassHypothesisRingsLocation = locs[
-                "EmittedMassHypothesisRingsLocation"]
-            mringMoni.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs[
-                "SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
+                "EmittedMassHypothesisRingsLocation"
+            ]
+            mringMoni.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs["SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
             # Add to the sequence
             tkSeq.Members += [mringMoni]
         if "RichMaterial" in monitors[histograms]:
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__TrackRadiatorMaterial as TkMaterial
-            tkMat = makeRichAlg(TkMaterial, "RiTkMaterial" + name, algprops,
-                                tktype)
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__TrackRadiatorMaterial as TkMaterial,
+            )
+            tkMat = makeRichAlg(TkMaterial, "RiTkMaterial" + name, algprops, tktype)
             # Inputs
             tkMat.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
             # Add to sequence
             tkSeq.Members += [tkMat]
         if "PixelBackgrounds" in monitors[histograms]:
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__PixelBackgrounds as PixBackgrds
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__PixelBackgrounds as PixBackgrds,
+            )
             # The monitor
-            bkgMoni = makeRichAlg(PixBackgrds, "RichRecPixBkgs" + name,
-                                  algprops, tktype)
+            bkgMoni = makeRichAlg(
+                PixBackgrds, "RichRecPixBkgs" + name, algprops, tktype
+            )
             bkgMoni.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs[
-                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"]
+                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"
+            ]
             bkgMoni.PixelBackgroundsLocation = "Rec/Rich/PixelBackgrounds/It1/" + name
             # Add to the sequence
             tkSeq.Members += [bkgMoni]
         if "DLLs" in monitors[histograms]:
             from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__DLLs as DLLs
             dllMoni = makeRichAlg(DLLs, "RichDLLs" + name, algprops, tktype)
             dllMoni.RichPIDsLocation = outputPIDLocations[tktype]
             # Add to the sequence
             tkSeq.Members += [dllMoni]
         if "SIMDPerf" in monitors[histograms]:
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__PhotonSIMDEfficiency as PhotSIMDEff
-            phSIMDEff = makeRichAlg(PhotSIMDEff, "RichPhotonSIMDEff" + name,
-                                    algprops, tktype)
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__PhotonSIMDEfficiency as PhotSIMDEff,
+            )
+            phSIMDEff = makeRichAlg(
+                PhotSIMDEff, "RichPhotonSIMDEff" + name, algprops, tktype
+            )
             phSIMDEff.CherenkovPhotonLocation = locs["CherenkovPhotonLocation"]
             phSIMDEff.PhotonToParentsLocation = locs["PhotonToParentsLocation"]
             phSIMDEff.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
@@ -351,87 +404,88 @@ def RichRecMonitors(
 # Returns a configured MC checking sequence.
 def RichRecCheckers(
-        # Optional name given to this group.
-        GroupName="",
-        #===========================================================
-        # General Data processing options
-        #===========================================================
-        # radiators to process
-        radiators=["Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas"],
-        # Should pixel clustering be run, for either ( RICH1, RICH2 )
-        applyPixelClustering=(False, False),
-        # Flag to indicate we are running in 'Online Brunel' mode
-        onlineBrunelMode=False,
-        # enable 4D reco in each radiator
-        enable4DReco=(False, False),
-        #===========================================================
-        # Input / Output options
-        #===========================================================
-        # Dict of input track locations with name key
-        inputTrackLocations={"All": "Rec/Track/Best"},
-        # Dict of output PID locations. Name keys must match above.
-        outputPIDLocations={"All": "Rec/Rich/PIDs"},
-        #===========================================================
-        # Monitoring options
-        #===========================================================
-        # The histogram set to use
-        histograms="OfflineFull",
-        # List of monitors to run
-        checkers={
-            "ResolutionParameterisation": ["CKResParameterisation"],
-            "Expert": [
-                "RichHits", "PIDPerformance", "PhotonCherenkovAngles",
-                "CherenkovResolution", "TrackResolution", "MCOpticalPhotons",
-                "Time"
-            ],
-            "OfflineFull": [
-                "RichHits", "PIDPerformance", "PhotonCherenkovAngles",
-                "TrackResolution", "Time"
-            ],
-            "OfflineExpress": [
-                "RichHits", "PIDPerformance", "PhotonCherenkovAngles",
-                "TrackResolution", "Time"
-            ],
-            "Online": [
-                "RichHits", "PIDPerformance", "PhotonCherenkovAngles",
-                "TrackResolution", "Time"
-            ],
-            "None": []
-        },
-        # extra checkers
-        extra_checkers=[],
-        # Momentum selections for performance plots
-        momentumCuts={
-            "2to100": [2, 100],
-            "2to10": [2, 10],
-            "10to70": [10, 70],
-            "70to100": [70, 100]
-        },
-        #===========================================================
-        # Techical options
-        #===========================================================
-        # Turn on CPU time measurements
-        MeasureTime=True):
+    # Optional name given to this group.
+    GroupName="",
+    # ===========================================================
+    # General Data processing options
+    # ===========================================================
+    # radiators to process
+    radiators=["Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas"],
+    # Should pixel clustering be run, for either ( RICH1, RICH2 )
+    applyPixelClustering=(False, False),
+    # Flag to indicate we are running in 'Online Brunel' mode
+    onlineBrunelMode=False,
+    # enable 4D reco in each radiator
+    enable4DReco=(False, False),
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Input / Output options
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Dict of input track locations with name key
+    inputTrackLocations={"All": "Rec/Track/Best"},
+    # Dict of output PID locations. Name keys must match above.
+    outputPIDLocations={"All": "Rec/Rich/PIDs"},
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Monitoring options
+    # ===========================================================
+    # The histogram set to use
+    histograms="OfflineFull",
+    # List of monitors to run
+    checkers={
+        "ResolutionParameterisation": ["CKResParameterisation"],
+        "Expert": [
+            "RichHits",
+            "PIDPerformance",
+            "PhotonCherenkovAngles",
+            "CherenkovResolution",
+            "TrackResolution",
+            "MCOpticalPhotons",
+            "Time",
+        ],
+        "OfflineFull": [
+            "RichHits",
+            "PIDPerformance",
+            "PhotonCherenkovAngles",
+            "TrackResolution",
+            "Time",
+        ],
+        "OfflineExpress": [
+            "RichHits",
+            "PIDPerformance",
+            "PhotonCherenkovAngles",
+            "TrackResolution",
+            "Time",
+        ],
+        "Online": [
+            "RichHits",
+            "PIDPerformance",
+            "PhotonCherenkovAngles",
+            "TrackResolution",
+            "Time",
+        ],
+        "None": [],
+    },
+    # extra checkers
+    extra_checkers=[],
+    # Momentum selections for performance plots
+    momentumCuts={
+        "2to100": [2, 100],
+        "2to10": [2, 10],
+        "10to70": [10, 70],
+        "70to100": [70, 100],
+    },
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Techical options
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Turn on CPU time measurements
+    MeasureTime=True,
     from Configurables import GaudiSequencer
     from RichFutureRecSys.ConfiguredRichReco import (
-        RichTESTrackMap, RichTESPixelMap, makeRichAlg, CheckConfig)
+        CheckConfig,
+        RichTESPixelMap,
+        RichTESTrackMap,
+        makeRichAlg,
+    )
     # Check the configuration
     CheckConfig(inputTrackLocations, outputPIDLocations)
@@ -444,10 +498,7 @@ def RichRecCheckers(
     GeV = 1000
     # Momentum cuts for plotting etc (by RICH)
-    pCuts = {
-        "MinP": (0.5 * GeV, 0.5 * GeV),
-        "MaxP": (120.0 * GeV, 120.0 * GeV)
-    }
+    pCuts = {"MinP": (0.5 * GeV, 0.5 * GeV), "MaxP": (120.0 * GeV, 120.0 * GeV)}
     # Bins for resolution parameterisation plots
     resBins = (200, 200)
@@ -464,13 +515,17 @@ def RichRecCheckers(
     # Name for pixel locations
     pixname = ""
-    if algprops["Detectors"][0]: pixname += "RICH1"
-    if algprops["Detectors"][1]: pixname += "RICH2"
+    if algprops["Detectors"][0]:
+        pixname += "RICH1"
+    if algprops["Detectors"][1]:
+        pixname += "RICH2"
     # Clustering name extension
     clusName = ""
-    if applyPixelClustering[0]: clusName += "R1ClusON"
-    if applyPixelClustering[1]: clusName += "R2ClusON"
+    if applyPixelClustering[0]:
+        clusName += "R1ClusON"
+    if applyPixelClustering[1]:
+        clusName += "R2ClusON"
     # Pixel TES locations
     cLocs = RichTESPixelMap(pixname + clusName)
@@ -483,13 +538,14 @@ def RichRecCheckers(
     if isMCTracks:
         # Demand MC tracking is done on its own
         if len(inputTrackLocations.items()) > 1:
-            raise RuntimeError(
-                "MC tracking option can only be used on its own")
+            raise RuntimeError("MC tracking option can only be used on its own")
     # Make the Track->MCparticle relations table
-    from Configurables import Rich__Future__MC__TrackToMCParticleRelations as TkToMCPRels
-    tkMCPRels = makeRichAlg(TkToMCPRels, "RichFutureTKToMCPsRels" + GroupName,
-                            algprops)
+    from Configurables import (
+        Rich__Future__MC__TrackToMCParticleRelations as TkToMCPRels,
+    )
+    tkMCPRels = makeRichAlg(TkToMCPRels, "RichFutureTKToMCPsRels" + GroupName, algprops)
     if isMCTracks:
         # Create relations for a different track location
         tkMCPRels.TracksLocation = inputTrackLocations["MC"]
@@ -500,16 +556,18 @@ def RichRecCheckers(
     # Rich Hits
     if "RichHits" in checks:
-        from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__MC__Moni__DetectorHits as DetectorHits
-        richHits = makeRichAlg(DetectorHits, "RichMCHits" + GroupName,
-                               algprops)
+        from Configurables import (
+            Rich__Future__Rec__MC__Moni__DetectorHits as DetectorHits,
+        )
+        richHits = makeRichAlg(DetectorHits, "RichMCHits" + GroupName, algprops)
         richHits.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs[
-            "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"]
+            "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"
+        ]
         all.Members += [richHits]
     # Loop over tracks
     for tktype, trackLocation in sorted(inputTrackLocations.items()):
         # name for this sequence
         name = tktype + GroupName
@@ -524,22 +582,22 @@ def RichRecCheckers(
         locs = RichTESTrackMap(name)
         if "PIDPerformance" in checks:
-            pidSeq = GaudiSequencer(
-                "RichPIDCheck" + name, MeasureTime=MeasureTime)
+            pidSeq = GaudiSequencer("RichPIDCheck" + name, MeasureTime=MeasureTime)
             tkSeq.Members += [pidSeq]
             from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__MC__Moni__PIDQC as PIDQC
             from Configurables import TrackSelector
             for cutname, cuts in sorted(momentumCuts.items()):
-                pidQC = makeRichAlg(PIDQC, "RichPIDMon" + name + cutname,
-                                    algprops, tktype)
+                pidQC = makeRichAlg(
+                    PIDQC, "RichPIDMon" + name + cutname, algprops, tktype
+                )
                 # Inputs
                 pidQC.TracksLocation = trackLocation
                 pidQC.RichPIDsLocation = outputPIDLocations[tktype]
-                pidQC.TrackToMCParticlesRelations = tkMCPRels.TrackToMCParticlesRelations
+                pidQC.TrackToMCParticlesRelations = (
+                    tkMCPRels.TrackToMCParticlesRelations
+                )
                 # Cuts
                 pidQC.TrackSelector.MinPCut = cuts[0] * GeV
@@ -548,26 +606,25 @@ def RichRecCheckers(
                 pidSeq.Members += [pidQC]
         if "PhotonCherenkovAngles" in checks:
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__MC__Moni__SIMDPhotonCherenkovAngles as MCCKAngles
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__MC__Moni__SIMDPhotonCherenkovAngles as MCCKAngles,
+            )
             # Standard monitor
-            mcAngs = makeRichAlg(MCCKAngles, "RiCKMCRes" + name, algprops,
-                                 tktype)
+            mcAngs = makeRichAlg(MCCKAngles, "RiCKMCRes" + name, algprops, tktype)
             # Add to sequence
             tkSeq.Members += [mcAngs]
             # Inputs
             mcAngs.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
             mcAngs.CherenkovPhotonLocation = locs["CherenkovPhotonLocation"]
-            mcAngs.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs[
-                "SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
+            mcAngs.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs["SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
             mcAngs.SummaryTracksLocation = locs["SummaryTracksLocation"]
             mcAngs.PhotonToParentsLocation = locs["PhotonToParentsLocation"]
             mcAngs.TrackToMCParticlesRelations = tkMCPRels.TrackToMCParticlesRelations
-            mcAngs.RichPixelClustersLocation = cLocs[
-                "RichPixelClustersLocation"]
+            mcAngs.RichPixelClustersLocation = cLocs["RichPixelClustersLocation"]
             mcAngs.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs[
-                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"]
+                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"
+            ]
             mcAngs.TracksLocation = trackLocation
             # Options
             mcAngs.MinP = pCuts["MinP"]
@@ -577,22 +634,22 @@ def RichRecCheckers(
                 mcAngs.CKResHistoRange = (0.05, 0.008, 0.004)
             # Tight monitor
-            mcAngsT = makeRichAlg(MCCKAngles, "RiCKMCRes" + name + "Tight",
-                                  algprops, tktype)
+            mcAngsT = makeRichAlg(
+                MCCKAngles, "RiCKMCRes" + name + "Tight", algprops, tktype
+            )
             # Add to sequence
             tkSeq.Members += [mcAngsT]
             # Inputs
             mcAngsT.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
             mcAngsT.CherenkovPhotonLocation = locs["CherenkovPhotonLocation"]
-            mcAngsT.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs[
-                "SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
+            mcAngsT.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs["SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
             mcAngsT.SummaryTracksLocation = locs["SummaryTracksLocation"]
             mcAngsT.PhotonToParentsLocation = locs["PhotonToParentsLocation"]
             mcAngsT.TrackToMCParticlesRelations = tkMCPRels.TrackToMCParticlesRelations
-            mcAngsT.RichPixelClustersLocation = cLocs[
-                "RichPixelClustersLocation"]
+            mcAngsT.RichPixelClustersLocation = cLocs["RichPixelClustersLocation"]
             mcAngsT.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs[
-                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"]
+                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"
+            ]
             mcAngsT.TracksLocation = trackLocation
             # Options
             mcAngsT.MinP = pCuts["MinP"]
@@ -608,68 +665,68 @@ def RichRecCheckers(
             mcAngsT.TrackSelector.MaxGhostProbCut = 0.2
         if "CherenkovResolution" in checks:
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__MC__Moni__CherenkovResolution as MCCKReso
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__MC__Moni__CherenkovResolution as MCCKReso,
+            )
             # Make instance
-            mcRes = makeRichAlg(MCCKReso, "RiCKTkMCRes" + name, algprops,
-                                tktype)
+            mcRes = makeRichAlg(MCCKReso, "RiCKTkMCRes" + name, algprops, tktype)
             # Add to sequence
             tkSeq.Members += [mcRes]
             # Inputs
             mcRes.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
             mcRes.CherenkovPhotonLocation = locs["CherenkovPhotonLocation"]
-            mcRes.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs[
-                "SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
+            mcRes.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs["SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
             mcRes.SummaryTracksLocation = locs["SummaryTracksLocation"]
             mcRes.PhotonToParentsLocation = locs["PhotonToParentsLocation"]
             mcRes.TrackToMCParticlesRelations = tkMCPRels.TrackToMCParticlesRelations
-            mcRes.RichPixelClustersLocation = cLocs[
-                "RichPixelClustersLocation"]
+            mcRes.RichPixelClustersLocation = cLocs["RichPixelClustersLocation"]
             mcRes.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs[
-                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"]
+                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"
+            ]
             mcRes.TracksLocation = trackLocation
-            mcRes.CherenkovResolutionsLocation = locs[
-                "CherenkovResolutionsLocation"]
+            mcRes.CherenkovResolutionsLocation = locs["CherenkovResolutionsLocation"]
             # Options
             mcRes.MinP = pCuts["MinP"]
             mcRes.MaxP = pCuts["MaxP"]
             mcRes.NPullBins = resBins
         if "CKResParameterisation" in checks:
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__MC__Moni__CKResParameterisation as MCCKResParam
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__MC__Moni__CKResParameterisation as MCCKResParam,
+            )
             # Make instance
-            resParam = makeRichAlg(MCCKResParam, "RiMCCKResParam" + name,
-                                   algprops, tktype)
+            resParam = makeRichAlg(
+                MCCKResParam, "RiMCCKResParam" + name, algprops, tktype
+            )
             # Add to sequence
             tkSeq.Members += [resParam]
             # Inputs
             resParam.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
             resParam.CherenkovPhotonLocation = locs["CherenkovPhotonLocation"]
-            resParam.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs[
-                "SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
+            resParam.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs["SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
             resParam.PhotonSignalsLocation = locs["PhotonSignalsLocation"]
             resParam.SummaryTracksLocation = locs["SummaryTracksLocation"]
             resParam.PhotonToParentsLocation = locs["PhotonToParentsLocation"]
             resParam.TrackToMCParticlesRelations = tkMCPRels.TrackToMCParticlesRelations
-            resParam.RichPixelClustersLocation = cLocs[
-                "RichPixelClustersLocation"]
+            resParam.RichPixelClustersLocation = cLocs["RichPixelClustersLocation"]
             resParam.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs[
-                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"]
+                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"
+            ]
             resParam.TracksLocation = trackLocation
             # Options
             resParam.MinP = pCuts["MinP"]
             resParam.MaxP = pCuts["MaxP"]
-            #resParam.NCKThetaBins = resBins
+            # resParam.NCKThetaBins = resBins
             # Enlarge CK theta resolution ranges for some track types
             if tktype == "Up" or tktype == "Seed":
                 resParam.CKResHistoRange = (0.03, 0.015)
         if "TrackResolution" in checks:
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__MC__Moni__TrackResolution as MCTkRes
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__MC__Moni__TrackResolution as MCTkRes,
+            )
             # Make instance
             tkRes = makeRichAlg(MCTkRes, "RiMCTkRes" + name, algprops, tktype)
@@ -682,36 +739,39 @@ def RichRecCheckers(
             tkRes.TrackToMCParticlesRelations = tkMCPRels.TrackToMCParticlesRelations
         if "MCOpticalPhotons" in checks:
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__MC__Moni__OpticalPhotons as OptPhots
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__MC__Moni__OpticalPhotons as OptPhots,
+            )
             # Make Instance
-            mcOptPhots = makeRichAlg(OptPhots, "RiMCOpticalPhotons" + name,
-                                     algprops, tktype)
+            mcOptPhots = makeRichAlg(
+                OptPhots, "RiMCOpticalPhotons" + name, algprops, tktype
+            )
             # Add to sequence
             tkSeq.Members += [mcOptPhots]
             # Inputs
             mcOptPhots.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
             mcOptPhots.SegmentToTrackLocation = locs["SegmentToTrackLocation"]
-            mcOptPhots.CherenkovPhotonLocation = locs[
-                "CherenkovPhotonLocation"]
+            mcOptPhots.CherenkovPhotonLocation = locs["CherenkovPhotonLocation"]
             mcOptPhots.SummaryTracksLocation = locs["SummaryTracksLocation"]
-            mcOptPhots.PhotonToParentsLocation = locs[
-                "PhotonToParentsLocation"]
-            mcOptPhots.TrackToMCParticlesRelations = tkMCPRels.TrackToMCParticlesRelations
-            mcOptPhots.RichPixelClustersLocation = cLocs[
-                "RichPixelClustersLocation"]
+            mcOptPhots.PhotonToParentsLocation = locs["PhotonToParentsLocation"]
+            mcOptPhots.TrackToMCParticlesRelations = (
+                tkMCPRels.TrackToMCParticlesRelations
+            )
+            mcOptPhots.RichPixelClustersLocation = cLocs["RichPixelClustersLocation"]
             mcOptPhots.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs[
-                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"]
+                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"
+            ]
             mcOptPhots.TracksLocation = trackLocation
             mcOptPhots.PhotonYieldLocation = locs["SignalPhotonYieldLocation"]
             # Options
-            #mcOptPhots.MinP = pCuts["MinP"]
-            #mcOptPhots.MaxP = pCuts["MaxP"]
+            # mcOptPhots.MinP = pCuts["MinP"]
+            # mcOptPhots.MaxP = pCuts["MaxP"]
         if "Time" in checks and (enable4DReco[0] or enable4DReco[1]):
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__MC__Moni__SIMDPhotonTime as MCTime
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__MC__Moni__SIMDPhotonTime as MCTime,
+            )
             # Standard monitor
             mcTime = makeRichAlg(MCTime, "RiCKMCTime" + name, algprops, tktype)
@@ -723,10 +783,10 @@ def RichRecCheckers(
             mcTime.SummaryTracksLocation = locs["SummaryTracksLocation"]
             mcTime.PhotonToParentsLocation = locs["PhotonToParentsLocation"]
             mcTime.TrackToMCParticlesRelations = tkMCPRels.TrackToMCParticlesRelations
-            mcTime.RichPixelClustersLocation = cLocs[
-                "RichPixelClustersLocation"]
+            mcTime.RichPixelClustersLocation = cLocs["RichPixelClustersLocation"]
             mcTime.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs[
-                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"]
+                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"
+            ]
             mcTime.TracksLocation = trackLocation
     # return the full monitoring sequence
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichDLLs.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichDLLs.cpp
index efe99f31819353ab618631383dd7e0f429b1d1ea..b48974e402d032056d0b31ef1e554a7f629c0f7a 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichDLLs.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichDLLs.cpp
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     DLLs( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
                     // data inputs
-                    KeyValue{"RichPIDsLocation", LHCb::RichPIDLocation::Default} ) {
+                    KeyValue{ "RichPIDsLocation", LHCb::RichPIDLocation::Default } ) {
       // print some stats on the final plots
       setProperty( "HistoPrint", true ).ignore();
       // force debug messages
@@ -92,33 +92,33 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
       for ( const auto id : activeParticles() ) {
         ok &= initHist( h_dlls[id], HID( "dll", id ), "DLL", -50, 50, nBins1D() );
-      return StatusCode{ok};
+      return StatusCode{ ok };
     // data
     /// Histograms for each DLL value
-    mutable Hist::PartArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_dlls = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::PartArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_dlls = { {} };
     /// PID count
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nPIDs{this, "# PIDs"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nPIDs{ this, "# PIDs" };
     /// Only using RICH1
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_withR1{this, "Used RICH1 only"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_withR1{ this, "Used RICH1 only" };
     /// Only using RICH2
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_withR2{this, "Used RICH2 only"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_withR2{ this, "Used RICH2 only" };
     /// Using both RICH1 and RICH2
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_withR1R2{this, "Used RICH1 and RICH2"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_withR1R2{ this, "Used RICH1 and RICH2" };
     /// Mass hypothesis thresholds
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::CounterArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>, Rich::NRealParticleTypes>
-        m_aboveThres{this, []( const int n ) {
-                       const auto types = std::array{"El", "Mu", "Pi", "Ka", "Pr", "De"};
+        m_aboveThres{ this, []( const int n ) {
+                       const auto types = std::array{ "El", "Mu", "Pi", "Ka", "Pr", "De" };
                        return fmt::format( "{} Above Threshold", types.at( n ) );
-                     }};
+                     } };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichDetectorHits.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichDetectorHits.cpp
index e04a7952c0a87e9a5827034e63398ed5e6442d28..e2274fa265efde744c421da492a15ed77fc778a8 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichDetectorHits.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichDetectorHits.cpp
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     DetectorHits( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
                     // input data
-                    {KeyValue{"RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default}} ) {
+                    { KeyValue{ "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default } } ) {
       // print some stats on the final plots
       setProperty( "HistoPrint", true ).ignore();
       setProperty( "NBins2DHistos", 50 ).ignore();
@@ -93,15 +93,15 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
         double effArea = 1.0;
         // count hits in current PD
-        std::size_t curPDhits{0};
+        std::size_t curPDhits{ 0 };
         // cache iX and iY indices for hits in current PD
         boost::container::small_vector<std::pair<int, int>, LHCb::RichSmartID::MaPMT::TotalPixels> hitiXiY;
         // count for occupancy in each PD
         using VD = std::vector<double>;
-        std::vector<VD> pdOccXY{nBins2D(), VD( nBins2D(), 0.0 )};
-        std::vector<VD> hitsPerMM2{nBins2D(), VD( nBins2D(), 0.0 )};
+        std::vector<VD> pdOccXY{ nBins2D(), VD( nBins2D(), 0.0 ) };
+        std::vector<VD> hitsPerMM2{ nBins2D(), VD( nBins2D(), 0.0 ) };
         // Count active PDs in each RICH
         std::uint32_t activePDs = 0;
@@ -157,10 +157,10 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
             const auto lPos = pix.locPos( i );
             // fill plots
-            ++hb_pixXYGlo[rich][side][{gPos.X(), gPos.Y()}];
+            ++hb_pixXYGlo[rich][side][{ gPos.X(), gPos.Y() }];
-            ++hb_pixXYLoc[rich][{lPos.X(), lPos.Y()}];
+            ++hb_pixXYLoc[rich][{ lPos.X(), lPos.Y() }];
@@ -185,11 +185,11 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
             const auto X = xaxis.minValue() + ( ( 0.5 + iX ) * ( xaxis.maxValue() - xaxis.minValue() ) / xaxis.nBins );
             const auto Y = yaxis.minValue() + ( ( 0.5 + iY ) * ( yaxis.maxValue() - yaxis.minValue() ) / yaxis.nBins );
             const auto occ = pdOccXY[iX][iY];
-            hb_pdXYOcc[rich][{X, Y}] += occ;
+            hb_pdXYOcc[rich][{ X, Y }] += occ;
             hb_pdXOcc[rich][X] += occ;
             hb_pdYOcc[rich][Y] += occ;
             const auto hitPerMM2 = hitsPerMM2[iX][iY];
-            hb_hitDensityXY[rich][{X, Y}] += hitPerMM2;
+            hb_hitDensityXY[rich][{ X, Y }] += hitPerMM2;
             hb_hitDensityX[rich][X] += hitPerMM2;
             hb_hitDensityY[rich][Y] += hitPerMM2;
@@ -206,11 +206,11 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     StatusCode prebookHistograms() override {
       bool ok = true;
-      const DetectorArray<double> panelXsizes{{650, 800}};
-      const DetectorArray<double> panelYsizes{{680, 750}};
-      const DetectorArray<double> gloXsizes{{750, 4100}};
-      const DetectorArray<double> gloYsizes{{1600, 800}};
-      const DetectorArray<double> pSF{{0.6, 0.5}}; // reduced (x,y) size in global projection
+      const DetectorArray<double> panelXsizes{ { 650, 800 } };
+      const DetectorArray<double> panelYsizes{ { 680, 750 } };
+      const DetectorArray<double> gloXsizes{ { 750, 4100 } };
+      const DetectorArray<double> gloYsizes{ { 1600, 800 } };
+      const DetectorArray<double> pSF{ { 0.6, 0.5 } }; // reduced (x,y) size in global projection
       for ( const auto rich : activeDetectors() ) {
         ok &= initHist( h_nTotalPixsPerPD[rich],                      //
@@ -234,22 +234,18 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
                         "# Active PDs (nHits>0)", -0.5, 2000.5, 2001 );
         // hit points (global)
         for ( const auto side : Rich::sides() ) {
-          const auto minX =
-              ( rich == Rich::Rich1 ? -gloXsizes[rich]
-                                    : side == Rich::right ? -gloXsizes[rich] //
-                                                          : gloXsizes[rich] - ( pSF[rich] * panelXsizes[rich] ) );
-          const auto maxX =
-              ( rich == Rich::Rich1 ? gloXsizes[rich]
-                                    : side == Rich::right ? ( pSF[rich] * panelXsizes[rich] ) - gloXsizes[rich] //
-                                                          : gloXsizes[rich] );
-          const auto minY =
-              ( rich == Rich::Rich2 ? -gloYsizes[rich]
-                                    : side == Rich::top ? gloYsizes[rich] - ( pSF[rich] * panelYsizes[rich] ) //
-                                                        : -gloYsizes[rich] );
-          const auto maxY =
-              ( rich == Rich::Rich2 ? gloYsizes[rich]
-                                    : side == Rich::top ? gloYsizes[rich] //
-                                                        : -gloYsizes[rich] + ( pSF[rich] * panelYsizes[rich] ) );
+          const auto minX = ( rich == Rich::Rich1   ? -gloXsizes[rich]
+                              : side == Rich::right ? -gloXsizes[rich] //
+                                                    : gloXsizes[rich] - ( pSF[rich] * panelXsizes[rich] ) );
+          const auto maxX = ( rich == Rich::Rich1   ? gloXsizes[rich]
+                              : side == Rich::right ? ( pSF[rich] * panelXsizes[rich] ) - gloXsizes[rich] //
+                                                    : gloXsizes[rich] );
+          const auto minY = ( rich == Rich::Rich2 ? -gloYsizes[rich]
+                              : side == Rich::top ? gloYsizes[rich] - ( pSF[rich] * panelYsizes[rich] ) //
+                                                  : -gloYsizes[rich] );
+          const auto maxY = ( rich == Rich::Rich2 ? gloYsizes[rich]
+                              : side == Rich::top ? gloYsizes[rich] //
+                                                  : -gloYsizes[rich] + ( pSF[rich] * panelYsizes[rich] ) );
           ok &= initHist( h_pixXYGlo[rich][side],        //
                           HID( "pixXYGlo", rich, side ), //
                           "Global (X,Y) hits",           //
@@ -319,40 +315,40 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
                         "Local Y / mm", "hits per mm^2" );
-      return StatusCode{ok};
+      return StatusCode{ ok };
     /// Maximum pixels
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<unsigned int>> m_maxPixels{this, "MaxPixels", {30000u, 20000u}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<unsigned int>> m_maxPixels{ this, "MaxPixels", { 30000u, 20000u } };
     // cached histograms
     /// Pixels per PD histograms
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_nTotalPixsPerPD      = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_nTotalPixsPerPDInner = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_nTotalPixsPerPDOuter = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_nTotalPixsPerPD      = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_nTotalPixsPerPDInner = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_nTotalPixsPerPDOuter = { {} };
     /// Pixels per detector histograms
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_nTotalPixs = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_nTotalPixs = { {} };
     /// Number active PDs histograms
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_nActivePDs = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_nActivePDs = { {} };
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PanelArray<Hist::H2D<>>> h_pixXYGlo = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PanelArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_pixXGlo  = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PanelArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_pixYGlo  = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PanelArray<Hist::H2D<>>> h_pixXYGlo = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PanelArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_pixXGlo  = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PanelArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_pixYGlo  = { {} };
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H2D<>> h_pixXYLoc = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_pixXLoc  = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_pixYLoc  = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H2D<>> h_pixXYLoc = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_pixXLoc  = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_pixYLoc  = { {} };
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P2D<>> h_pdXYOcc = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P1D<>> h_pdXOcc  = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P1D<>> h_pdYOcc  = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P2D<>> h_pdXYOcc = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P1D<>> h_pdXOcc  = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P1D<>> h_pdYOcc  = { {} };
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P2D<>> h_hitDensityXY = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P1D<>> h_hitDensityX  = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P1D<>> h_hitDensityY  = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P2D<>> h_hitDensityXY = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P1D<>> h_hitDensityX  = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P1D<>> h_hitDensityY  = { {} };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichGeometricalEfficiencies.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichGeometricalEfficiencies.cpp
index f6af1630f7d88f1704758053d3733b4a514b4d46..9924fc251ce81fa3a42ab40d69fb3bff858628b9 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichGeometricalEfficiencies.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichGeometricalEfficiencies.cpp
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     GeometricalEfficiencies( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
                     // input data
-                    {KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"GeomEffsLocation", GeomEffsLocation::Default}} ) {
+                    { KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "GeomEffsLocation", GeomEffsLocation::Default } } ) {
       // print some stats on the final plots
       setProperty( "HistoPrint", true ).ignore();
       // debug
@@ -94,14 +94,14 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
           ok &= initHist( h_geoms[rich][pid], HID( "eff", rad, pid ), "Geom. Eff. (>0)", 0, 1, nBins1D() );
-      return StatusCode{ok};
+      return StatusCode{ ok };
     // data
     /// Yield histograms
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_geoms = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_geoms = { {} };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichMassHypoRings.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichMassHypoRings.cpp
index f7b5dbdf986ab4f0c559e29bca6b2379fe72cbff..2ee0e0794fe38ed1fcbd7d4d8b463e18f5c1177a 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichMassHypoRings.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichMassHypoRings.cpp
@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     MassHypoRings( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
                     // input data
-                    {KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal},
-                     KeyValue{"TrackLocalPointsLocation", SpacePointLocation::SegmentsLocal},
-                     KeyValue{"MassHypothesisRingsLocation", MassHypoRingsLocation::Emitted}} ) {
+                    { KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal },
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackLocalPointsLocation", SpacePointLocation::SegmentsLocal },
+                      KeyValue{ "MassHypothesisRingsLocation", MassHypoRingsLocation::Emitted } } ) {
       // print some stats on the final plots
       setProperty( "HistoPrint", true ).ignore();
       // debug
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
         if ( richIsActive( rich ) ) {
           // ring reuse flagds
-          ParticleArray<bool> reused{{false}};
+          ParticleArray<bool> reused{ { false } };
           // loop over IDs and deduce the reuse
           for ( const auto id : activeParticlesNoBT() ) {
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
                         "Ring Reuse (%) V Mass Hypothesis",                             //
                         -0.5, Rich::NRealParticleTypes - 0.5, Rich::NRealParticleTypes, //
                         "Ring Reuse (%)", "Mass Hypothesis",                            //
-                        BinLabels{"El", "Mu", "Pi", "Ka", "Pr", "De"} );
+                        BinLabels{ "El", "Mu", "Pi", "Ka", "Pr", "De" } );
         // Sep versus CKT
         ok &= initHist( h_sepVckt[rich], HID( "sepVckt", rad ), //
                         "Local Seperation V CK Theta",          //
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
         // loop over active particle types
         for ( const auto id : activeParticlesNoBT() ) {
           // point/segment seperation derivation from average
-          const Rich::RadiatorArray<double> sepHistR{100, 20, 50};
+          const Rich::RadiatorArray<double> sepHistR{ 100, 20, 50 };
           ok &= initHist( h_ringPointSegSep[rich][id], HID( "pntSegSepDev", rad, id ), //
                           "Ring - Segment local point seperation deviation",           //
                           -sepHistR[rad], sepHistR[rad], nBins1D(),                    //
@@ -177,28 +177,28 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
                           "Rich-Segment local point seperation / mm" );
-      return StatusCode{ok};
+      return StatusCode{ ok };
     // properties
     /// Min theta limit for histos for each rad
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaMin{this, "ChThetaRecHistoLimitMin", {0.010f, 0.010f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaMin{ this, "ChThetaRecHistoLimitMin", { 0.010f, 0.010f } };
     /// Max theta limit for histos for each rad
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaMax{this, "ChThetaRecHistoLimitMax", {0.056f, 0.033f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaMax{ this, "ChThetaRecHistoLimitMax", { 0.056f, 0.033f } };
     // histos
     /// Ring Reuse histograms
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P1D<>> h_ringReuse = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P1D<>> h_ringReuse = { {} };
     /// Deviations in point - segment ring seperation
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_ringPointSegSep     = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_ringPointSegSepVPhi = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_ringPointSegSep     = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_ringPointSegSepVPhi = { {} };
     /// Correlation between CHerenkov theta and local segment-point seperation
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P1D<>> h_sepVckt = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::P1D<>> h_sepVckt = { {} };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichPhotonSIMDEfficiency.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichPhotonSIMDEfficiency.cpp
index 7c70b297e3e6e59556f7bc6b022f608b219d23e8..a600fb4cd449b033aa2650bc873e8910e26f3196 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichPhotonSIMDEfficiency.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichPhotonSIMDEfficiency.cpp
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     /// Standard constructor
     PhotonSIMDEfficiency( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, //
-                    {KeyValue{"CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default}} ) {}
+                    { KeyValue{ "CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default } } ) {}
     /// Functional operator
@@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
         ok &= initHist( h_simdEff[rich], HID( "simdEff", rad ), "# valid scalar photons / SIMD photon", //
                         -0.5, NSIMD + 0.5, NSIMD + 1 );
-      return StatusCode{ok};
+      return StatusCode{ ok };
     /// CK theta histograms
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_simdEff = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_simdEff = { {} };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichPhotonYield.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichPhotonYield.cpp
index c446c4b17d1aff82c707dcf65fb8941b8b273ca4..587ec09ca9278a777c11946f14e0abfc75e403e4 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichPhotonYield.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichPhotonYield.cpp
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     PhotonYield( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
                     // input data
-                    {KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"PhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Detectable}} ) {
+                    { KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "PhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Detectable } } ) {
       // print some stats on the final plots
       setProperty( "HistoPrint", true ).ignore();
       // debug
@@ -105,22 +105,22 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
                           "Track Momentum (MeV/c)", "Photon Yield (>0)" );
-      return StatusCode{ok};
+      return StatusCode{ ok };
     // properties
     /// Maximum photon yield
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_maxYield{this, "MaximumYields", {80, 80}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_maxYield{ this, "MaximumYields", { 80, 80 } };
     // data
     /// Yield histograms
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_yields = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::H1D<>>> h_yields = { {} };
     /// Yield versus momentum
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_yieldVp = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::PartArray<Hist::P1D<>>> h_yieldVp = { {} };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichPixelBackgrounds.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichPixelBackgrounds.cpp
index 0f257eac67ea53018a7e8aa7140c4234b8b5249b..ee30cd6270be8dee9ec98de58cb904cb001b02eb 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichPixelBackgrounds.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichPixelBackgrounds.cpp
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     /// Standard constructor
     PixelBackgrounds( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                    {KeyValue{"RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"PixelBackgroundsLocation", SIMDPixelBackgroundsLocation::Default}} ) {
+                    { KeyValue{ "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "PixelBackgroundsLocation", SIMDPixelBackgroundsLocation::Default } } ) {
       // Default number of bins
       setProperty( "NBins1DHistos", 25 ).ignore();
       setProperty( "NBins2DHistos", 20 ).ignore();
@@ -82,14 +82,14 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
       bool ok = true;
       // The max background value for each RICH for plots
-      const DetectorArray<float> maxBkg = {0.6, 0.3};
+      const DetectorArray<float> maxBkg = { 0.6, 0.3 };
       for ( const auto rich : activeDetectors() ) {
         ok &= initHist( h_pixBkg[rich], HID( "pixBkg", rich ), "Pixel Background Likelihood", //
                         -0.001, maxBkg[rich], nBins1D() );
-      return StatusCode{ok};
+      return StatusCode{ ok };
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     // data
     /// Background histogram
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_pixBkg = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_pixBkg = { {} };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichPixelClusters.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichPixelClusters.cpp
index 6a1d9627db7ee20eb596d5882648044d01d2b43d..038ae07cfff0bb3aa90e9f002e122cb312566998 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichPixelClusters.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichPixelClusters.cpp
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     /// Standard constructor
     PixelClusters( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, //
-                    KeyValue{"RichPixelClustersLocation", Rich::PDPixelClusterLocation::Default} ) {
+                    KeyValue{ "RichPixelClustersLocation", Rich::PDPixelClusterLocation::Default } ) {
       // print some stats on the final plots
       setProperty( "HistoPrint", true ).ignore( /* AUTOMATICALLY ADDED FOR gaudi/Gaudi!763 */ );
@@ -63,15 +63,15 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
         ok &= initHist( h_clusterSize[rich], Rich::HistogramID( "clusterSize", rich ), //
                         "Pixel Cluster Sizes", -0.5, 64.5, 65 );
-      return StatusCode{ok};
+      return StatusCode{ ok };
     /// empty cluster warning
-    mutable WarningCounter m_emptyClusWarn{this, "Empty relation table!"};
+    mutable WarningCounter m_emptyClusWarn{ this, "Empty relation table!" };
     /// Cluster size histogram
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_clusterSize = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_clusterSize = { {} };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichSIMDAlignment.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichSIMDAlignment.cpp
index 9c7a56569c399108116b3aa06989588135eac5bf..05eaeebb59b5cdb3398f6527fd127ab577f8c126 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichSIMDAlignment.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichSIMDAlignment.cpp
@@ -82,15 +82,15 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     /// Standard constructor
-    SIMDAlignment( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )                                 //
-        : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,                                                                 //
-                    {KeyValue{"TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},                         //
-                     KeyValue{"SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks},                 //
-                     KeyValue{"PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default}, //
-                     KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},       //
-                     KeyValue{"CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal},             //
-                     KeyValue{"CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default},        //
-                     KeyValue{"PhotonMirrorDataLocation", SIMDMirrorDataLocation::Default}} ) {
+    SIMDAlignment( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )                                    //
+        : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,                                                                    //
+                    { KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },                         //
+                      KeyValue{ "SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks },                 //
+                      KeyValue{ "PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default }, //
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },       //
+                      KeyValue{ "CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal },             //
+                      KeyValue{ "CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default },        //
+                      KeyValue{ "PhotonMirrorDataLocation", SIMDMirrorDataLocation::Default } } ) {
       // print some stats on the final plots
       setProperty( "HistoPrint", true ).ignore();
@@ -239,9 +239,9 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
         std::array<std::vector<std::pair<std::array<std::string, 2>, double>>, 2>
-        for ( int side : {0, 1} ) {
+        for ( int side : { 0, 1 } ) {
           for ( auto& kv : sides_prisec_allCombsPopulations[side] ) {
-            std::array<std::string, 2> prisec{kv.first[0].c_str(), kv.first[1].c_str()};
+            std::array<std::string, 2> prisec{ kv.first[0].c_str(), kv.first[1].c_str() };
             sides_prisec_allCombsPopulationsSorted[side].push_back( std::make_pair( prisec, kv.second ) );
           std::sort( sides_prisec_allCombsPopulationsSorted[side].begin(),
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
         std::vector<std::pair<std::array<std::string, 2>, double>> prisec_restCombsPopulationsSorted;
         for ( auto& kv : prisec_restCombsPopulations ) {
-          std::array<std::string, 2> prisec{kv.first[0].c_str(), kv.first[1].c_str()};
+          std::array<std::string, 2> prisec{ kv.first[0].c_str(), kv.first[1].c_str() };
           prisec_restCombsPopulationsSorted.push_back( std::make_pair( prisec, kv.second ) );
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
       if ( task_SkipFilled ) {
         std::vector<std::pair<std::array<std::string, 2>, double>> prisec_TotalPopulationsSorted;
         for ( auto& kv : prisec_totalPopulation ) {
-          std::array<std::string, 2> prisec{kv.first[0].c_str(), kv.first[1].c_str()};
+          std::array<std::string, 2> prisec{ kv.first[0].c_str(), kv.first[1].c_str() };
           prisec_TotalPopulationsSorted.push_back( std::make_pair( prisec, kv.second ) );
         std::sort( prisec_TotalPopulationsSorted.begin(), prisec_TotalPopulationsSorted.end(),
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
         std::vector<std::pair<std::array<std::string, 2>, double>> prisec_PopulationsWhenFullSorted;
         for ( auto& kv : prisec_populationWhenFull ) {
-          std::array<std::string, 2> prisec{kv.first[0].c_str(), kv.first[1].c_str()};
+          std::array<std::string, 2> prisec{ kv.first[0].c_str(), kv.first[1].c_str() };
           prisec_PopulationsWhenFullSorted.push_back( std::make_pair( prisec, kv.second ) );
         std::sort( prisec_PopulationsWhenFullSorted.begin(), prisec_PopulationsWhenFullSorted.end(),
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
         std::vector<std::pair<std::array<std::string, 2>, double>> prisec_amountOfContributingEventsSorted;
         for ( auto& kv : prisec_amountOfContributingEvents ) {
-          std::array<std::string, 2> prisec{kv.first[0].c_str(), kv.first[1].c_str()};
+          std::array<std::string, 2> prisec{ kv.first[0].c_str(), kv.first[1].c_str() };
           prisec_amountOfContributingEventsSorted.push_back( std::make_pair( prisec, kv.second ) );
         std::sort( prisec_amountOfContributingEventsSorted.begin(), prisec_amountOfContributingEventsSorted.end(),
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
         std::vector<std::pair<std::array<std::string, 2>, double>> prisec_amountOfContributingEventsUntilFullSorted;
         for ( auto& kv : prisec_amountOfContributingEventsUntilFull ) {
-          std::array<std::string, 2> prisec{kv.first[0].c_str(), kv.first[1].c_str()};
+          std::array<std::string, 2> prisec{ kv.first[0].c_str(), kv.first[1].c_str() };
           prisec_amountOfContributingEventsUntilFullSorted.push_back( std::make_pair( prisec, kv.second ) );
         std::sort( prisec_amountOfContributingEventsUntilFullSorted.begin(),
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
         std::vector<std::pair<std::array<std::string, 2>, double>> prisec_numberOfEventsUntilFullSorted;
         for ( auto& kv : prisec_numberOfEventsUntilFull ) {
-          std::array<std::string, 2> prisec{kv.first[0].c_str(), kv.first[1].c_str()};
+          std::array<std::string, 2> prisec{ kv.first[0].c_str(), kv.first[1].c_str() };
           prisec_numberOfEventsUntilFullSorted.push_back( std::make_pair( prisec, kv.second ) );
         std::sort( prisec_numberOfEventsUntilFullSorted.begin(), prisec_numberOfEventsUntilFullSorted.end(),
@@ -418,57 +418,58 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     // properties and tools
     /// minimum beta value for tracks
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_minBeta{this, "MinBeta", {0.9999f, 0.9999f}}; ///
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_minBeta{ this, "MinBeta", { 0.9999f, 0.9999f } }; ///
     /// maximum beta value for tracks
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_maxBeta{this, "MaxBeta", {999.99f, 999.99f}}; ///
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_maxBeta{ this, "MaxBeta", { 999.99f, 999.99f } }; ///
     /// minimum momentum value for tracks
     // Gaudi::Property<float>                     m_minP4Align        {this, "MinP4Align",        50.*GeV        };
     // ///<saturation momenum for Rich2
-    Gaudi::Property<int> m_nPhiBins{this, "NPhiBins", 60}; ///< for Rich2
-                                                           // previously used m_nPhiBins values: 25, 20
+    Gaudi::Property<int> m_nPhiBins{ this, "NPhiBins", 60 }; ///< for Rich2
+                                                             // previously used m_nPhiBins values: 25, 20
-    Gaudi::Property<int> m_nThetaBins{this, "NThetaBins", 50}; ///< for Rich2
+    Gaudi::Property<int> m_nThetaBins{ this, "NThetaBins", 50 }; ///< for Rich2
     // ///<for Rich2: Phi bins in quantile
     /// mirrors of which radiator to align?
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_radName{this, "RichGases", {"Rich2Gas"}}; ///< default
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_radName{ this, "RichGases", { "Rich2Gas" } }; ///< default
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useMCTruth{this, "UseMCTruth", false}; ///
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useMCTruth{ this, "UseMCTruth", false }; ///
-    Gaudi::Property<int> m_histoOutputLevel{this, "HistoOutputLevel", 3}; ///
+    Gaudi::Property<int> m_histoOutputLevel{ this, "HistoOutputLevel", 3 }; ///
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>> m_prebookHistos{this, "PrebookHistos"}; ///
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>> m_prebookHistos{ this, "PrebookHistos" }; ///
-    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_tasks{this, "MirrorAlignTasks", {"Produce"}}; ///
+    Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_tasks{ this, "MirrorAlignTasks", { "Produce" } }; ///
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_poorestPopulation{this, "PoorestPopulation", 279.}; ///< poorest population for Rich2
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_poorestPopulation{ this, "PoorestPopulation", 279. }; ///< poorest population for Rich2
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_variant{this, "Variant", ""}; ///< e.g. 2022-07-11T17:31_rich2
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_variant{ this, "Variant", "" }; ///< e.g. 2022-07-11T17:31_rich2
-    Gaudi::Property<int> m_minUsefulTracks{this, "MinUsefulTracks", 1}; ///< min number of useful tracks to select event
+    Gaudi::Property<int> m_minUsefulTracks{ this, "MinUsefulTracks",
+                                            1 }; ///< min number of useful tracks to select event
-    ToolHandle<const ITrackSelector> m_tkSel{this, "TrackSelector", "TrackSelector"};
+    ToolHandle<const ITrackSelector> m_tkSel{ this, "TrackSelector", "TrackSelector" };
     // the above is hardly needed, instead -- a simple initialization:
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_deltaThetaRange{this, "DeltaThetaRange", 0.004}; ///< for Rich2
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_deltaThetaRange{ this, "DeltaThetaRange", 0.004 }; ///< for Rich2
     // dictionary of tasks
     std::map<std::string, bool> alignTasks = {
-        {"Produce", false},       //
-        {"Monitor", false},       //
-        {"MapExlore", false},     //
-        {"MapConstruct", false},  //
-        {"Map", false},           //
-        {"MapUse", false},        //
-        {"MapPhi", false},        //
-        {"MapPhiUse", false},     //
-        {"AllFillCount", false},  //
-        {"AllFillPhi", false},    //
-        {"CheckRestFill", false}, //
-        {"SkipFilled", false},    //
-        {"CoordSysTrans", false}, //
+        { "Produce", false },       //
+        { "Monitor", false },       //
+        { "MapExlore", false },     //
+        { "MapConstruct", false },  //
+        { "Map", false },           //
+        { "MapUse", false },        //
+        { "MapPhi", false },        //
+        { "MapPhiUse", false },     //
+        { "AllFillCount", false },  //
+        { "AllFillPhi", false },    //
+        { "CheckRestFill", false }, //
+        { "SkipFilled", false },    //
+        { "CoordSysTrans", false }, //
     bool task_Produce;       // fill the production set of histograms
@@ -524,7 +525,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     mutable std::map<std::string, int> bin_eventNumberPhi;
     // total amount of phi theta bins
-    mutable int nPhiThetaBins{m_nPhiBins * m_nThetaBins};
+    mutable int nPhiThetaBins{ m_nPhiBins * m_nThetaBins };
     // just vector, not map, which will be serialized as a trivial sequence
     // for straigtforward usage in HLT1
@@ -537,11 +538,11 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     mutable int amountOfSelectedEvents = 0;
     mutable std::default_random_engine             gen;
-    mutable std::uniform_real_distribution<double> uniProbDistr{0., 1.};
+    mutable std::uniform_real_distribution<double> uniProbDistr{ 0., 1. };
     // the following inputs are generated separately, by make_array_bin_weigts.py
-    const uint16_t binThetaRich1Lo{6};
-    const uint16_t binThetaRich1Hi{25};
+    const uint16_t binThetaRich1Lo{ 6 };
+    const uint16_t binThetaRich1Hi{ 25 };
     double         binWeightRich1[1140]{
         0.0000000, 0.0000395, 0.0000000, 0.0000460, 0.0000000, 0.0000375, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000238, 0.0000197,
         0.0000381, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000108, 0.0000332, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000112, 0.0000000,
@@ -658,8 +659,8 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
         0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000,
         0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000,
-    const uint16_t binThetaRich2Lo{3};
-    const uint16_t binThetaRich2Hi{18};
+    const uint16_t binThetaRich2Lo{ 3 };
+    const uint16_t binThetaRich2Hi{ 18 };
     double         binWeightRich2[900]{
         0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000,
         0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000,
@@ -806,50 +807,50 @@ StatusCode SIMDAlignment::prebookHistograms() {
     if ( RN == "R1" ) {
       prebookPriSecCombs = {
-          {"p00", "s00"}, {"p00", "s01"}, {"p00", "s02"}, {"p00", "s03"}, {"p01", "s04"}, {"p01", "s05"},
-          {"p01", "s06"}, {"p01", "s07"}, {"p02", "s12"}, {"p02", "s13"}, {"p02", "s14"}, {"p02", "s15"},
-          {"p03", "s08"}, {"p03", "s09"}, {"p03", "s10"}, {"p03", "s11"},
+          { "p00", "s00" }, { "p00", "s01" }, { "p00", "s02" }, { "p00", "s03" }, { "p01", "s04" }, { "p01", "s05" },
+          { "p01", "s06" }, { "p01", "s07" }, { "p02", "s12" }, { "p02", "s13" }, { "p02", "s14" }, { "p02", "s15" },
+          { "p03", "s08" }, { "p03", "s09" }, { "p03", "s10" }, { "p03", "s11" },
     } else if ( RN == "R2" ) {
       prebookPriSecCombs = {
-          {"p00", "s00"}, {"p00", "s01"}, {"p01", "s00"}, {"p01", "s01"}, {"p01", "s02"}, {"p02", "s01"},
-          {"p02", "s02"}, {"p02", "s03"}, {"p02", "s06"}, {"p03", "s02"}, {"p03", "s03"}, {"p03", "s07"},
-          {"p04", "s00"}, {"p04", "s01"}, {"p04", "s04"}, {"p04", "s05"}, {"p05", "s01"}, {"p05", "s02"},
-          {"p05", "s05"}, {"p05", "s06"}, {"p06", "s02"}, {"p06", "s03"}, {"p06", "s06"}, {"p06", "s07"},
-          {"p07", "s03"}, {"p07", "s07"}, {"p07", "s11"}, {"p08", "s04"}, {"p08", "s05"}, {"p08", "s08"},
-          {"p08", "s09"}, {"p09", "s04"}, {"p09", "s05"}, {"p09", "s06"}, {"p09", "s08"}, {"p09", "s09"},
-          {"p09", "s10"}, {"p10", "s05"}, {"p10", "s06"}, {"p10", "s07"}, {"p10", "s09"}, {"p10", "s10"},
-          {"p10", "s11"}, {"p11", "s06"}, {"p11", "s07"}, {"p11", "s10"}, {"p11", "s11"}, {"p12", "s04"},
-          {"p12", "s05"}, {"p12", "s08"}, {"p12", "s09"}, {"p12", "s12"}, {"p12", "s13"}, {"p13", "s05"},
-          {"p13", "s06"}, {"p13", "s09"}, {"p13", "s10"}, {"p13", "s13"}, {"p13", "s14"}, {"p14", "s06"},
-          {"p14", "s07"}, {"p14", "s10"}, {"p14", "s11"}, {"p14", "s14"}, {"p14", "s15"}, {"p15", "s07"},
-          {"p15", "s11"}, {"p15", "s15"}, {"p16", "s08"}, {"p16", "s09"}, {"p16", "s12"}, {"p16", "s13"},
-          {"p17", "s08"}, {"p17", "s09"}, {"p17", "s10"}, {"p17", "s12"}, {"p17", "s13"}, {"p17", "s14"},
-          {"p18", "s09"}, {"p18", "s10"}, {"p18", "s11"}, {"p18", "s13"}, {"p18", "s14"}, {"p18", "s15"},
-          {"p19", "s10"}, {"p19", "s11"}, {"p19", "s14"}, {"p19", "s15"}, {"p20", "s12"}, {"p20", "s13"},
-          {"p20", "s16"}, {"p20", "s17"}, {"p21", "s13"}, {"p21", "s14"}, {"p21", "s17"}, {"p21", "s18"},
-          {"p22", "s14"}, {"p22", "s15"}, {"p22", "s18"}, {"p22", "s19"}, {"p23", "s11"}, {"p23", "s15"},
-          {"p23", "s19"}, {"p24", "s16"}, {"p24", "s17"}, {"p25", "s16"}, {"p25", "s17"}, {"p25", "s18"},
-          {"p26", "s17"}, {"p26", "s18"}, {"p26", "s19"}, {"p27", "s15"}, {"p27", "s18"}, {"p27", "s19"},
-          {"p28", "s20"}, {"p28", "s21"}, {"p28", "s24"}, {"p29", "s20"}, {"p29", "s21"}, {"p29", "s22"},
-          {"p29", "s25"}, {"p30", "s21"}, {"p30", "s22"}, {"p30", "s23"}, {"p31", "s22"}, {"p31", "s23"},
-          {"p32", "s20"}, {"p32", "s24"}, {"p32", "s28"}, {"p33", "s20"}, {"p33", "s21"}, {"p33", "s24"},
-          {"p33", "s25"}, {"p34", "s21"}, {"p34", "s22"}, {"p34", "s25"}, {"p34", "s26"}, {"p35", "s22"},
-          {"p35", "s23"}, {"p35", "s26"}, {"p35", "s27"}, {"p36", "s24"}, {"p36", "s25"}, {"p36", "s28"},
-          {"p36", "s29"}, {"p37", "s24"}, {"p37", "s25"}, {"p37", "s26"}, {"p37", "s28"}, {"p37", "s29"},
-          {"p37", "s30"}, {"p38", "s25"}, {"p38", "s26"}, {"p38", "s27"}, {"p38", "s29"}, {"p38", "s30"},
-          {"p38", "s31"}, {"p39", "s26"}, {"p39", "s27"}, {"p39", "s30"}, {"p39", "s31"}, {"p40", "s24"},
-          {"p40", "s28"}, {"p40", "s32"}, {"p41", "s24"}, {"p41", "s25"}, {"p41", "s28"}, {"p41", "s29"},
-          {"p41", "s32"}, {"p41", "s33"}, {"p42", "s25"}, {"p42", "s26"}, {"p42", "s29"}, {"p42", "s30"},
-          {"p42", "s33"}, {"p42", "s34"}, {"p43", "s26"}, {"p43", "s27"}, {"p43", "s30"}, {"p43", "s31"},
-          {"p43", "s34"}, {"p43", "s35"}, {"p44", "s28"}, {"p44", "s29"}, {"p44", "s32"}, {"p44", "s33"},
-          {"p45", "s28"}, {"p45", "s29"}, {"p45", "s30"}, {"p45", "s32"}, {"p45", "s33"}, {"p45", "s34"},
-          {"p46", "s29"}, {"p46", "s30"}, {"p46", "s31"}, {"p46", "s33"}, {"p46", "s34"}, {"p46", "s35"},
-          {"p47", "s30"}, {"p47", "s31"}, {"p47", "s34"}, {"p47", "s35"}, {"p48", "s28"}, {"p48", "s32"},
-          {"p48", "s36"}, {"p49", "s32"}, {"p49", "s33"}, {"p49", "s36"}, {"p49", "s37"}, {"p50", "s33"},
-          {"p50", "s34"}, {"p50", "s37"}, {"p50", "s38"}, {"p51", "s34"}, {"p51", "s35"}, {"p51", "s38"},
-          {"p51", "s39"}, {"p52", "s32"}, {"p52", "s36"}, {"p52", "s37"}, {"p53", "s36"}, {"p53", "s37"},
-          {"p53", "s38"}, {"p54", "s37"}, {"p54", "s38"}, {"p54", "s39"}, {"p55", "s38"}, {"p55", "s39"},
+          { "p00", "s00" }, { "p00", "s01" }, { "p01", "s00" }, { "p01", "s01" }, { "p01", "s02" }, { "p02", "s01" },
+          { "p02", "s02" }, { "p02", "s03" }, { "p02", "s06" }, { "p03", "s02" }, { "p03", "s03" }, { "p03", "s07" },
+          { "p04", "s00" }, { "p04", "s01" }, { "p04", "s04" }, { "p04", "s05" }, { "p05", "s01" }, { "p05", "s02" },
+          { "p05", "s05" }, { "p05", "s06" }, { "p06", "s02" }, { "p06", "s03" }, { "p06", "s06" }, { "p06", "s07" },
+          { "p07", "s03" }, { "p07", "s07" }, { "p07", "s11" }, { "p08", "s04" }, { "p08", "s05" }, { "p08", "s08" },
+          { "p08", "s09" }, { "p09", "s04" }, { "p09", "s05" }, { "p09", "s06" }, { "p09", "s08" }, { "p09", "s09" },
+          { "p09", "s10" }, { "p10", "s05" }, { "p10", "s06" }, { "p10", "s07" }, { "p10", "s09" }, { "p10", "s10" },
+          { "p10", "s11" }, { "p11", "s06" }, { "p11", "s07" }, { "p11", "s10" }, { "p11", "s11" }, { "p12", "s04" },
+          { "p12", "s05" }, { "p12", "s08" }, { "p12", "s09" }, { "p12", "s12" }, { "p12", "s13" }, { "p13", "s05" },
+          { "p13", "s06" }, { "p13", "s09" }, { "p13", "s10" }, { "p13", "s13" }, { "p13", "s14" }, { "p14", "s06" },
+          { "p14", "s07" }, { "p14", "s10" }, { "p14", "s11" }, { "p14", "s14" }, { "p14", "s15" }, { "p15", "s07" },
+          { "p15", "s11" }, { "p15", "s15" }, { "p16", "s08" }, { "p16", "s09" }, { "p16", "s12" }, { "p16", "s13" },
+          { "p17", "s08" }, { "p17", "s09" }, { "p17", "s10" }, { "p17", "s12" }, { "p17", "s13" }, { "p17", "s14" },
+          { "p18", "s09" }, { "p18", "s10" }, { "p18", "s11" }, { "p18", "s13" }, { "p18", "s14" }, { "p18", "s15" },
+          { "p19", "s10" }, { "p19", "s11" }, { "p19", "s14" }, { "p19", "s15" }, { "p20", "s12" }, { "p20", "s13" },
+          { "p20", "s16" }, { "p20", "s17" }, { "p21", "s13" }, { "p21", "s14" }, { "p21", "s17" }, { "p21", "s18" },
+          { "p22", "s14" }, { "p22", "s15" }, { "p22", "s18" }, { "p22", "s19" }, { "p23", "s11" }, { "p23", "s15" },
+          { "p23", "s19" }, { "p24", "s16" }, { "p24", "s17" }, { "p25", "s16" }, { "p25", "s17" }, { "p25", "s18" },
+          { "p26", "s17" }, { "p26", "s18" }, { "p26", "s19" }, { "p27", "s15" }, { "p27", "s18" }, { "p27", "s19" },
+          { "p28", "s20" }, { "p28", "s21" }, { "p28", "s24" }, { "p29", "s20" }, { "p29", "s21" }, { "p29", "s22" },
+          { "p29", "s25" }, { "p30", "s21" }, { "p30", "s22" }, { "p30", "s23" }, { "p31", "s22" }, { "p31", "s23" },
+          { "p32", "s20" }, { "p32", "s24" }, { "p32", "s28" }, { "p33", "s20" }, { "p33", "s21" }, { "p33", "s24" },
+          { "p33", "s25" }, { "p34", "s21" }, { "p34", "s22" }, { "p34", "s25" }, { "p34", "s26" }, { "p35", "s22" },
+          { "p35", "s23" }, { "p35", "s26" }, { "p35", "s27" }, { "p36", "s24" }, { "p36", "s25" }, { "p36", "s28" },
+          { "p36", "s29" }, { "p37", "s24" }, { "p37", "s25" }, { "p37", "s26" }, { "p37", "s28" }, { "p37", "s29" },
+          { "p37", "s30" }, { "p38", "s25" }, { "p38", "s26" }, { "p38", "s27" }, { "p38", "s29" }, { "p38", "s30" },
+          { "p38", "s31" }, { "p39", "s26" }, { "p39", "s27" }, { "p39", "s30" }, { "p39", "s31" }, { "p40", "s24" },
+          { "p40", "s28" }, { "p40", "s32" }, { "p41", "s24" }, { "p41", "s25" }, { "p41", "s28" }, { "p41", "s29" },
+          { "p41", "s32" }, { "p41", "s33" }, { "p42", "s25" }, { "p42", "s26" }, { "p42", "s29" }, { "p42", "s30" },
+          { "p42", "s33" }, { "p42", "s34" }, { "p43", "s26" }, { "p43", "s27" }, { "p43", "s30" }, { "p43", "s31" },
+          { "p43", "s34" }, { "p43", "s35" }, { "p44", "s28" }, { "p44", "s29" }, { "p44", "s32" }, { "p44", "s33" },
+          { "p45", "s28" }, { "p45", "s29" }, { "p45", "s30" }, { "p45", "s32" }, { "p45", "s33" }, { "p45", "s34" },
+          { "p46", "s29" }, { "p46", "s30" }, { "p46", "s31" }, { "p46", "s33" }, { "p46", "s34" }, { "p46", "s35" },
+          { "p47", "s30" }, { "p47", "s31" }, { "p47", "s34" }, { "p47", "s35" }, { "p48", "s28" }, { "p48", "s32" },
+          { "p48", "s36" }, { "p49", "s32" }, { "p49", "s33" }, { "p49", "s36" }, { "p49", "s37" }, { "p50", "s33" },
+          { "p50", "s34" }, { "p50", "s37" }, { "p50", "s38" }, { "p51", "s34" }, { "p51", "s35" }, { "p51", "s38" },
+          { "p51", "s39" }, { "p52", "s32" }, { "p52", "s36" }, { "p52", "s37" }, { "p53", "s36" }, { "p53", "s37" },
+          { "p53", "s38" }, { "p54", "s37" }, { "p54", "s38" }, { "p54", "s39" }, { "p55", "s38" }, { "p55", "s39" },
@@ -857,10 +858,10 @@ StatusCode SIMDAlignment::prebookHistograms() {
     for ( const auto& prisec : m_prebookHistos ) {
       // store set of combinations in another handy manner
-      prebookPriSecCombs.push_back( {prisec.first, prisec.second} );
+      prebookPriSecCombs.push_back( { prisec.first, prisec.second } );
       // initialize the per-comb information
-      if ( task_Map ) comb_status.insert( {prisec.first + prisec.second, {0, 0}} );
-      if ( task_MapPhi ) comb_status_phi.insert( {prisec.first + prisec.second, {0, 0}} );
+      if ( task_Map ) comb_status.insert( { prisec.first + prisec.second, { 0, 0 } } );
+      if ( task_MapPhi ) comb_status_phi.insert( { prisec.first + prisec.second, { 0, 0 } } );
@@ -922,10 +923,10 @@ StatusCode SIMDAlignment::prebookHistograms() {
       ok &= initHist( h_alignHistoRec1D[h_id], HID( h_id, rad ), title, 0., 2. * pi, m_nPhiBins );
-    if ( task_SkipFilled ) { prisec_full[{prebookComb[0], prebookComb[1]}] = false; }
+    if ( task_SkipFilled ) { prisec_full[{ prebookComb[0], prebookComb[1] }] = false; }
-  return StatusCode{ok};
+  return StatusCode{ ok };
@@ -940,7 +941,7 @@ void SIMDAlignment::operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range&                 tracks
                                 const SIMDMirrorData::Vector&             mirrorData ) const {
   // the lock
-  std::scoped_lock lock{m_fill_histogram_lock};
+  std::scoped_lock lock{ m_fill_histogram_lock };
   using namespace Gaudi::Units;
@@ -1009,7 +1010,7 @@ void SIMDAlignment::operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range&                 tracks
   int binRaw{}; // track's angular bin number = ( binTrTheta * m_nPhiBins ) + binTrPhi
   int binSel{}; // track's angular bin number after non-empty theta raws are selected
-  //##### preparatory loop over tracks for imitation of the HLT1 selection #####
+  // ##### preparatory loop over tracks for imitation of the HLT1 selection #####
   if ( task_MapUse || task_MapPhiUse ) {
@@ -1081,7 +1082,7 @@ void SIMDAlignment::operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range&                 tracks
     if ( usefulTrackCount < m_minUsefulTracks ) { thisEventSelected = false; }
-  //################ regular loop over the track containers ####################
+  // ################ regular loop over the track containers ####################
   if ( thisEventSelected ) { // this is default
@@ -1252,7 +1253,7 @@ void SIMDAlignment::operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range&                 tracks
             ossPri << std::setw( 2 ) << std::setfill( '0' ) << mirrorSegmentPri;
             std::ostringstream ossSec;
             ossSec << std::setw( 2 ) << std::setfill( '0' ) << mirrorSegmentSec;
-            std::array<std::string, 2> prisec{"p" + ossPri.str(), "s" + ossSec.str()};
+            std::array<std::string, 2> prisec{ "p" + ossPri.str(), "s" + ossSec.str() };
             const auto& comb = prisec[0] + prisec[1];
@@ -1271,7 +1272,7 @@ void SIMDAlignment::operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range&                 tracks
                 if ( task_Produce ) {
                   // fill the production histograms from the dictionary
                   h_id = "dThetaPhiRecSaturTr" + RN + comb;
-                  ++h_alignHistoRec2D.at( h_id )[{photPhi, dTheta}];
+                  ++h_alignHistoRec2D.at( h_id )[{ photPhi, dTheta }];
                 // ------------------------------ Map ----------------------------
@@ -1346,7 +1347,7 @@ void SIMDAlignment::operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range&                 tracks
                   // and if this event is already selected, which happens
                   // only if the number of useful tracks >= m_minUsefulTracks
                   h_id = "dThetaPhiRecSaturTr" + RN + comb + "HLT1sel";
-                  ++h_alignHistoRec2D.at( h_id )[{photPhi, dTheta}];
+                  ++h_alignHistoRec2D.at( h_id )[{ photPhi, dTheta }];
                 // --------------------------- MapPhiUse -------------------------
@@ -1357,7 +1358,7 @@ void SIMDAlignment::operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range&                 tracks
                   // and if this event is already selected, which happens
                   // only if the number of useful tracks >= m_minUsefulTracks
                   h_id = "dThetaPhiRecSaturTr" + RN + comb + "HLT1selPhi";
-                  ++h_alignHistoRec2D.at( h_id )[{photPhi, dTheta}];
+                  ++h_alignHistoRec2D.at( h_id )[{ photPhi, dTheta }];
                 // -------------------------- MapExlore --------------------------
@@ -1379,7 +1380,7 @@ void SIMDAlignment::operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range&                 tracks
                   if ( ( comb_fullnessPhotCount.empty() ) ||
                        ( comb_fullnessPhotCount.find( comb ) == comb_fullnessPhotCount.end() ) ) {
                     // empty or not found -- create new entry
-                    comb_fullnessPhotCount.insert( {comb, {0, 1}} );
+                    comb_fullnessPhotCount.insert( { comb, { 0, 1 } } );
                   } else {
                     // found -- check if it is not full yet: 0, not 1
                     if ( !comb_fullnessPhotCount[comb][0] ) {
@@ -1422,7 +1423,7 @@ void SIMDAlignment::operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range&                 tracks
                   // Chernkov photons from all tracks
                   h_id = "dThetaPhiRecAllTrSymm" + RN + comb;
-                  ++h_alignHistoRec2D.at( h_id )[{photPhiSymm, dThetaSymm}];
+                  ++h_alignHistoRec2D.at( h_id )[{ photPhiSymm, dThetaSymm }];
                 // ------------------------- CheckRestFill -----------------------
@@ -1518,7 +1519,7 @@ void SIMDAlignment::operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range&                 tracks
             // fill the track's angular region
             h_id = "thetaPhiRecSaturTr" + RN + comb;
             // h_alignHistoRec2D.at( h_id )->fill( trPhi,           trTheta  );
-            ++h_alignHistoRec2D.at( h_id )[{trPhi, std::sqrt( trTheta )}];
+            ++h_alignHistoRec2D.at( h_id )[{ trPhi, std::sqrt( trTheta ) }];
             // fill photon conters per track
             h_id = "numPhotsRecSaturTr" + RN + comb;
             ++h_alignHistoRec1D.at( h_id )[prisec_photCountSaturTr4Map.at( populated_prisec )];
@@ -1564,7 +1565,7 @@ void SIMDAlignment::operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range&                 tracks
             // create new entry with track counter = 1 and
             // the entire map of this track's contributions to combs
             bin_trackCount_comb_fullnessPhotCount[bin] = std::make_pair( 1, comb_fullnessPhotCount );
-            bin_trackCount_comb_fullnessPhotCount.insert( {bin, std::make_pair( 1, comb_fullnessPhotCount )} );
+            bin_trackCount_comb_fullnessPhotCount.insert( { bin, std::make_pair( 1, comb_fullnessPhotCount ) } );
@@ -1634,17 +1635,17 @@ void SIMDAlignment::operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range&                 tracks
     if ( task_CheckRestFill ) {
       totalEventsCount += 1.;
-      if ( prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.find( {"p07", "s03"} ) != prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.end() or
-           prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.find( {"p33", "s20"} ) != prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.end() or
-           prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.find( {"p49", "s36"} ) != prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.end() or
-           prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.find( {"p22", "s19"} ) != prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.end() or
-           prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.find( {"p32", "s24"} ) != prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.end() or
-           prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.find( {"p23", "s15"} ) != prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.end() or
-           prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.find( {"p52", "s36"} ) != prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.end() or
-           prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.find( {"p07", "s07"} ) != prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.end() ) {
+      if ( prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.find( { "p07", "s03" } ) != prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.end() or
+           prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.find( { "p33", "s20" } ) != prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.end() or
+           prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.find( { "p49", "s36" } ) != prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.end() or
+           prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.find( { "p22", "s19" } ) != prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.end() or
+           prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.find( { "p32", "s24" } ) != prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.end() or
+           prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.find( { "p23", "s15" } ) != prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.end() or
+           prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.find( { "p52", "s36" } ) != prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.end() or
+           prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.find( { "p07", "s07" } ) != prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent.end() ) {
         selectedEventsCount += 1.;
         for ( auto& kv : prisec_restCombsPopulationsInEvent ) {
-          prisec_restCombsPopulations[{kv.first[0].c_str(), kv.first[1].c_str()}] += kv.second;
+          prisec_restCombsPopulations[{ kv.first[0].c_str(), kv.first[1].c_str() }] += kv.second;
@@ -1655,10 +1656,10 @@ void SIMDAlignment::operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range&                 tracks
       for ( auto& kv : prisec_populationWhenFull ) {
-        if ( kv.second >= m_poorestPopulation ) { prisec_full[{kv.first[0].c_str(), kv.first[1].c_str()}] = true; }
+        if ( kv.second >= m_poorestPopulation ) { prisec_full[{ kv.first[0].c_str(), kv.first[1].c_str() }] = true; }
       for ( auto& kv : prisec_full ) {
-        if ( !kv.second ) { prisec_numberOfEventsUntilFull[{kv.first[0].c_str(), kv.first[1].c_str()}] += 1.; }
+        if ( !kv.second ) { prisec_numberOfEventsUntilFull[{ kv.first[0].c_str(), kv.first[1].c_str() }] += 1.; }
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichSIMDPhotonCherenkovAngles.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichSIMDPhotonCherenkovAngles.cpp
index de5e451dbf6d8a90678fa2387a550bb8c1f860b1..3c9ef62c3da2a5fb7e4b092f9e9fa505cdf96a5b 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichSIMDPhotonCherenkovAngles.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichSIMDPhotonCherenkovAngles.cpp
@@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     /// Standard constructor
     SIMDPhotonCherenkovAngles( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                    {KeyValue{"TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks},
-                     KeyValue{"RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal},
-                     KeyValue{"CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default}} ) {
+                    { KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "SummaryTracksLocation", Summary::TESLocations::Tracks },
+                      KeyValue{ "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal },
+                      KeyValue{ "CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default } } ) {
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE ).ignore();
       // print some stats on the final plots
       setProperty( "HistoPrint", true ).ignore();
@@ -128,24 +128,24 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     // properties and tools
     /// minimum beta value for tracks
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_minBeta{this, "MinBeta", {0.9999f, 0.9999f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_minBeta{ this, "MinBeta", { 0.9999f, 0.9999f } };
     /// maximum beta value for tracks
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_maxBeta{this, "MaxBeta", {999.99f, 999.99f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_maxBeta{ this, "MaxBeta", { 999.99f, 999.99f } };
     /// Min theta limit for histos for each rad
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaMin{this, "ChThetaRecHistoLimitMin", {0.010f, 0.010f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaMin{ this, "ChThetaRecHistoLimitMin", { 0.010f, 0.010f } };
     /// Max theta limit for histos for each rad
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaMax{this, "ChThetaRecHistoLimitMax", {0.056f, 0.033f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaMax{ this, "ChThetaRecHistoLimitMax", { 0.056f, 0.033f } };
     /// Histogram ranges for CK resolution plots
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckResRange{this, "CKResHistoRange", {0.0026f, 0.002f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckResRange{ this, "CKResHistoRange", { 0.0026f, 0.002f } };
     /** Track selector.
      *  Longer term should get rid of this and pre-filter the input data instead.
-    ToolHandle<const ITrackSelector> m_tkSel{this, "TrackSelector", "TrackSelector"};
+    ToolHandle<const ITrackSelector> m_tkSel{ this, "TrackSelector", "TrackSelector" };
 } // namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ StatusCode SIMDPhotonCherenkovAngles::prebookHistograms() {
   } // active rad loop
-  return StatusCode{ok};
+  return StatusCode{ ok };
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichSIMDRecoStats.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichSIMDRecoStats.cpp
index 4ff40e5733b2ad9557cf60b2c21b61d10c72019c..66d1e8cde3d11e5018bf606a3b20f2693a1f4ad0 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichSIMDRecoStats.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichSIMDRecoStats.cpp
@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     SIMDRecoStats( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
                     // input data
-                    {KeyValue{"RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"TrackToSegmentsLocation", Relations::TrackToSegmentsLocation::Selected},
-                     KeyValue{"CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default}} ) {
+                    { KeyValue{ "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackToSegmentsLocation", Relations::TrackToSegmentsLocation::Selected },
+                      KeyValue{ "CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default } } ) {
       // debugging
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE ).ignore();
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
                      const SIMDCherenkovPhoton::Vector&        photons ) const override {
       // local counts
-      DetectorArray<unsigned long long> photCount{{}};
-      DetectorArray<unsigned long long> segCount{{}};
-      unsigned long long                tkCount{0};
+      DetectorArray<unsigned long long> photCount{ {} };
+      DetectorArray<unsigned long long> segCount{ {} };
+      unsigned long long                tkCount{ 0 };
       auto                              richEff = m_richEff.buffer();
       // Loop over the track data
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
       // update counts
       m_nTracks += tkCount;
-      for ( auto rich : {Rich::Rich1, Rich::Rich2} ) {
+      for ( auto rich : { Rich::Rich1, Rich::Rich2 } ) {
         // Only count pixels when 4D reco is enabled, as in 3D-only all hits are anyway
         // used. Work around to avoid unnecessary ref diffs to run3 (3D) tests.
         if ( m_enable4D[rich] ) { m_nPixs[rich] += pixels.nHitsScalar( rich ); }
@@ -136,28 +136,28 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     // properties
     /// Enabled 4D reconstruction
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_enable4D{this, "Enable4D", {false, false}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_enable4D{ this, "Enable4D", { false, false } };
     // counters
     /// # tracks per event
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nTracks{this, "# Selected Tracks"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nTracks{ this, "# Selected Tracks" };
     /// RICH selection efficiency
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_richEff{this, "RICH selection efficiency"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_richEff{ this, "RICH selection efficiency" };
     /// # Pixels per event
     mutable DetectorArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>> m_nPixs{
-        {{this, "# Rich1Gas Pixels"}, {this, "# Rich2Gas Pixels"}}};
+        { { this, "# Rich1Gas Pixels" }, { this, "# Rich2Gas Pixels" } } };
     /// # Segments per event
     mutable DetectorArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>> m_nSegs{
-        {{this, "# Rich1Gas Segments"}, {this, "# Rich2Gas Segments"}}};
+        { { this, "# Rich1Gas Segments" }, { this, "# Rich2Gas Segments" } } };
     /// # Photons per event
     mutable DetectorArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>> m_nPhots{
-        {{this, "# Rich1Gas Photons"}, {this, "# Rich2Gas Photons"}}};
+        { { this, "# Rich1Gas Photons" }, { this, "# Rich2Gas Photons" } } };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichTrackGeometry.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichTrackGeometry.cpp
index 91d708d2d2428772877435ead36b81f89fcff873..12aa89565cb1fc002e80190dd86973dd9b66617f 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichTrackGeometry.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichTrackGeometry.cpp
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     TrackGeometry( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
                     // input data
-                    {KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default}} ) {
+                    { KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default } } ) {
       // print some stats on the final plots
       setProperty( "HistoPrint", true ).ignore();
       // debug
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
-        ++hb_tkEntXY[rich][{segment.entryPoint().X(), segment.entryPoint().Y()}];
-        ++hb_tkExtXY[rich][{segment.exitPoint().X(), segment.exitPoint().Y()}];
+        ++hb_tkEntXY[rich][{ segment.entryPoint().X(), segment.entryPoint().Y() }];
+        ++hb_tkExtXY[rich][{ segment.exitPoint().X(), segment.exitPoint().Y() }];
@@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     /// Pre-Book all histograms
     StatusCode prebookHistograms() override {
       bool                        ok       = true;
-      const DetectorArray<double> minZ     = {900, 9000};
-      const DetectorArray<double> maxZ     = {2500, 12000};
-      const DetectorArray<double> maxX     = {1000, 5000};
-      const DetectorArray<double> maxY     = {1000, 4000};
-      const DetectorArray<double> maxPathL = {2000, 4000};
+      const DetectorArray<double> minZ     = { 900, 9000 };
+      const DetectorArray<double> maxZ     = { 2500, 12000 };
+      const DetectorArray<double> maxX     = { 1000, 5000 };
+      const DetectorArray<double> maxY     = { 1000, 4000 };
+      const DetectorArray<double> maxPathL = { 2000, 4000 };
       // loop over active radiators
       for ( const auto rich : activeDetectors() ) {
         const auto rad = radType( rich );
@@ -116,17 +116,17 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
                         "Track Exit Point X / mm",               //
                         "Track Exit Point Y / mm" );
-      return StatusCode{ok};
+      return StatusCode{ ok };
     // histos
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_tkEntZ  = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_tkExtZ  = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_tkPathL = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H2D<>> h_tkEntXY = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H2D<>> h_tkExtXY = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_tkEntZ  = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_tkExtZ  = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_tkPathL = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H2D<>> h_tkEntXY = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H2D<>> h_tkExtXY = { {} };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichTrackRadiatorMaterial.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichTrackRadiatorMaterial.cpp
index 11b2973d3e2a2e742a00e646c9b19a7337aeca40..1c2dfef20989a270560d440c9eadbbbef35d7a4d 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichTrackRadiatorMaterial.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichTrackRadiatorMaterial.cpp
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     /// Standard constructor
     TrackRadiatorMaterial( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, //
-                    {KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}} ) {
+                    { KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } } ) {
       // change some defaults
       setProperty( "NBins1DHistos", 200 ).ignore();
       setProperty( "NBins2DHistos", 100 ).ignore();
@@ -65,18 +65,18 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
 #ifndef USE_DD4HEP
     /// Transport Service
-    ServiceHandle<ITransportSvc> m_transSvc{this, "TransportSvc", "TransportSvc"};
+    ServiceHandle<ITransportSvc> m_transSvc{ this, "TransportSvc", "TransportSvc" };
     /// radiation length computation error
-    mutable WarningCounter m_radLwarn{this, "Problem computing radiation length"};
+    mutable WarningCounter m_radLwarn{ this, "Problem computing radiation length" };
     // cached data
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_EffL        = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_EffLOvPathL = {{}};
-    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_PathL       = {{}};
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_EffL        = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_EffLOvPathL = { {} };
+    mutable Hist::DetArray<Hist::H1D<>> h_PathL       = { {} };
 } // namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ StatusCode TrackRadiatorMaterial::prebookHistograms() {
     ok &= initHist( h_PathL[rich], HID( "PathL", rad ), "Track pathlength", minL, maxL, nBins1D() );
-  return StatusCode{ok};
+  return StatusCode{ ok };
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ void TrackRadiatorMaterial::operator()( LHCb::RichTrackSegment::Vector const& se
 #ifndef USE_DD4HEP
-                                        ) const {
+) const {
 #ifndef USE_DD4HEP
   // Create accelerator cache for the transport service
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichTrackSelEff.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichTrackSelEff.cpp
index 99d72b396830e2ba4dc668de842094857e4b4a36..6a9afa10c4afe5d19f73a1e253615ece5d8d346f 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichTrackSelEff.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecMonitors/src/RichTrackSelEff.cpp
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
     /// Standard constructor
     TrackSelEff( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                    {KeyValue{"TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                     KeyValue{"RichPIDsLocation", LHCb::RichPIDLocation::Default}} ) {
+                    { KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "RichPIDsLocation", LHCb::RichPIDLocation::Default } } ) {
       // reset defaults in base class
       setProperty( "NBins1DHistos", 50 ).ignore();
       // print some stats on the final plots
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec::Moni {
                       "RICH Track Sel. Eff. V Clone Distance", 0.0, 6e3, nBins1D() );
       // return
-      return StatusCode{ok};
+      return StatusCode{ ok };
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichBasePhotonReco.h b/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichBasePhotonReco.h
index 220de6f38c46dc61a55f01183c2bf27971878ec5..bdf0d7f682b8e24c696f96a4da62051ba75cfdf7 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichBasePhotonReco.h
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichBasePhotonReco.h
@@ -168,51 +168,51 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     /// SIMD Square of m_maxROI
-    DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_maxROI2PreSelSIMD = {{}};
+    DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_maxROI2PreSelSIMD = { {} };
     /// SIMD Square of m_minROI
-    DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_minROI2PreSelSIMD = {{}};
+    DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_minROI2PreSelSIMD = { {} };
     /// SIMD Internal cached parameter for speed
-    DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_scalePreSelSIMD = {{}};
+    DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_scalePreSelSIMD = { {} };
     /// SIMD N sigma for acceptance bands for preselection
-    DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_nSigmaPreSelSIMD = {{}};
+    DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_nSigmaPreSelSIMD = { {} };
     /// SIMD Absolute minimum allowed Cherenkov Angle
-    DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_minCKthetaSIMD = {{}};
+    DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_minCKthetaSIMD = { {} };
     /// SIMD Absolute maximum allowed Cherenkov Angle
-    DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_maxCKthetaSIMD = {{}};
+    DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_maxCKthetaSIMD = { {} };
     /// SIMD N sigma for acceptance bands
-    DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_nSigmaSIMD = {{}};
+    DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_nSigmaSIMD = { {} };
     /// SIMD CK theta correction factors
-    DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_ckThetaCorrSIMD = {{}};
+    DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_ckThetaCorrSIMD = { {} };
     // Pre-sel options
     /// Min hit radius of interest around track centres for preselection
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_minROIPreSel{this, "PreSelMinTrackROI", {0, 0}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_minROIPreSel{ this, "PreSelMinTrackROI", { 0, 0 } };
     /// Max hit radius of interest around track centres for preselection
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_maxROIPreSel{this, "PreSelMaxTrackROI", {110, 165}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_maxROIPreSel{ this, "PreSelMaxTrackROI", { 110, 165 } };
     /// N sigma for acceptance bands for preselection
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_nSigmaPreSel{this, "PreSelNSigma", {5, 24}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_nSigmaPreSel{ this, "PreSelNSigma", { 5, 24 } };
     // cache values for speed
     /// Square of m_maxROI
-    DetectorArray<float> m_maxROI2PreSel{0.0, 0.0};
+    DetectorArray<float> m_maxROI2PreSel{ 0.0, 0.0 };
     /// Square of m_minROI
-    DetectorArray<float> m_minROI2PreSel{0.0, 0.0};
+    DetectorArray<float> m_minROI2PreSel{ 0.0, 0.0 };
     /// Internal cached parameter for speed
-    DetectorArray<float> m_scalePreSel{0.0, 0.0};
+    DetectorArray<float> m_scalePreSel{ 0.0, 0.0 };
     // reco options
@@ -224,36 +224,36 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_minCKtheta{
-        {0.005, 0.005},
-        "The minimum allowed CK theta values for each RICH (R1Gas/R2Gas)"};
+        { 0.005, 0.005 },
+        "The minimum allowed CK theta values for each RICH (R1Gas/R2Gas)" };
     /// Absolute maximum allowed Cherenkov Angle
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_maxCKtheta{
-        {0.055, 0.032},
-        "The maximum allowed CK theta values for each RICH (R1Gas/R2Gas)"};
+        { 0.055, 0.032 },
+        "The maximum allowed CK theta values for each RICH (R1Gas/R2Gas)" };
     /// N sigma for acceptance bands
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_nSigma{
-        this, "NSigma", {3.6, 4.5}, "The CK theta # sigma selection range for each RICH (R1Gas/R2Gas)"};
+        this, "NSigma", { 3.6, 4.5 }, "The CK theta # sigma selection range for each RICH (R1Gas/R2Gas)" };
     /** Cherenkov theta bias corrections, specific for each photon
      *  reconstruction method. */
-    DetectorArray<float> m_ckBiasCorrs{0.0, 0.0};
+    DetectorArray<float> m_ckBiasCorrs{ 0.0, 0.0 };
     /** Job-Option Corrections applied to the reconstructed theta vales.
      *  By default 0. */
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckJOCorrs{this, "CKThetaQuartzRefractCorrections", {0.0, 0.0}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckJOCorrs{ this, "CKThetaQuartzRefractCorrections", { 0.0, 0.0 } };
     // Parameters for the scale factor calculations
     // The CK theta value
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaScale{this, "ScaleFactorCKTheta", {0.045, 0.024}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_ckThetaScale{ this, "ScaleFactorCKTheta", { 0.045, 0.024 } };
     // The seperation the scale factors apply to
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_sepGScale{this, "ScaleFactorSepG", {83, 107}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_sepGScale{ this, "ScaleFactorSepG", { 83, 107 } };
 } // namespace Rich::Future::Rec
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichCommonQuarticPhotonReco.h b/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichCommonQuarticPhotonReco.h
index a192ad6b95e2936b7e1c9c200edd62f17a34dfdf..1e229a105d4d6965761e4b9fdf357eaa24a1b9e7 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichCommonQuarticPhotonReco.h
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichCommonQuarticPhotonReco.h
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
       // Corrections for the intrinsic biases
       //            Aerogel Rich1Gas Rich2Gas
 #ifdef USE_DD4HEP
-      m_ckBiasCorrs = {2.15e-4, 1.8e-5};
+      m_ckBiasCorrs = { 2.15e-4, 1.8e-5 };
-      m_ckBiasCorrs = {1.2e-4, 5.0e-5};
+      m_ckBiasCorrs = { 1.2e-4, 5.0e-5 };
@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_testForUnambigPhots{
-        {false, false},
-        "Perform additional reconstruction checks to determine if each photon is anbiguous or not"};
+        { false, false },
+        "Perform additional reconstruction checks to determine if each photon is anbiguous or not" };
     /** Flag to turn on rejection of ambiguous photons
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
      *  will be set true
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_rejectAmbigPhots{
-        this, "RejectAmbiguousPhotons", {false, false}, "Reject ambiguous photon candidates"};
+        this, "RejectAmbiguousPhotons", { false, false }, "Reject ambiguous photon candidates" };
     /** @brief Flag to indicate if Cherenkov angles should be computed using the
      *  absolute mirror segment alignment.
@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_useAlignedMirrSegs{
-        {true, true},
-        "Use the fully aligned mirror segments during the photon reconstruction"};
+        { true, true },
+        "Use the fully aligned mirror segments during the photon reconstruction" };
     /** Maximum number of iterations of the quartic solution, for each RICH,
      *  in order to account for the non-flat secondary mirrors.
@@ -146,32 +146,32 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<int>> m_nMaxQits{
-        {1, 3},
-        "Max number of reconstruction iterations used to account for non-flat secondary mirrors"};
+        { 1, 3 },
+        "Max number of reconstruction iterations used to account for non-flat secondary mirrors" };
     /// Minimum active segment fraction in each radiator
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_minActiveFrac{
-        {0.2f, 0.2f},
-        "Minimum active fraction of segment path length for photon reconstruction"};
+        { 0.2f, 0.2f },
+        "Minimum active fraction of segment path length for photon reconstruction" };
     /// Minimum tolerance for mirror reflection point during iterations
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_minSphMirrTolIt{
-        {static_cast<float>( std::pow( 0.08 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2 ) ),
-         static_cast<float>( std::pow( 0.05 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2 ) )}};
+        { static_cast<float>( std::pow( 0.08 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2 ) ),
+          static_cast<float>( std::pow( 0.05 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2 ) ) } };
     /// Flag to control if the secondary mirrors are treated as if they are completely flat
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_treatSecMirrsFlat{
-        this, "AssumeFlatSecondaryMirrors", {true, false}, "Assume the secondary mirrors are perfectly flat"};
+        this, "AssumeFlatSecondaryMirrors", { true, false }, "Assume the secondary mirrors are perfectly flat" };
     /// Flag to enable the truncation of the output Cherenkov theta and phi values, for each radiator
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_ckValueTruncate{this, "TruncateCKAngles", {true, true}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_ckValueTruncate{ this, "TruncateCKAngles", { true, true } };
     /// Enabled 4D reconstruction
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_enable4D{this, "Enable4D", {false, false}, "Enable 4D reconstruction"};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_enable4D{ this, "Enable4D", { false, false }, "Enable 4D reconstruction" };
 } // namespace Rich::Future::Rec
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichCreateScalarPhotons.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichCreateScalarPhotons.cpp
index 2870afd9c3da9aff00c8de901508c61138f6ed1a..79e0811f07b09c495fa4f39736e53e7a63c1fe86 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichCreateScalarPhotons.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichCreateScalarPhotons.cpp
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     CreateScalarPhotons( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                        // input
-                       KeyValue{"InputPhotonsLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default},
+                       KeyValue{ "InputPhotonsLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default },
                        // output
-                       KeyValue{"OutputPhotonsLocation", CherenkovPhotonLocation::Default} ) {}
+                       KeyValue{ "OutputPhotonsLocation", CherenkovPhotonLocation::Default } ) {}
     /// Functional operator
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDCKEstiFromRadiusPhotonReco.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDCKEstiFromRadiusPhotonReco.cpp
index ad4a5a55fba439dbd84840c0ee4c928026cb9a43..5ab2f890b1924fd3801af982bad88c3ce32c0cf9 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDCKEstiFromRadiusPhotonReco.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDCKEstiFromRadiusPhotonReco.cpp
@@ -65,20 +65,20 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     SIMDCKEstiFromRadiusPhotonReco( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                             // inputs
-                            {KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Emitted},
-                             KeyValue{"CherenkovResolutionsLocation", CherenkovResolutionsLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"TrackLocalPointsLocation", SpacePointLocation::SegmentsLocal},
-                             KeyValue{"MassHypothesisRingsLocation", MassHypoRingsLocation::Emitted},
-                             KeyValue{"SegmentPhotonFlagsLocation", SegmentPhotonFlagsLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"TrackToSegmentsLocation", Relations::TrackToSegmentsLocation::Selected}},
+                            { KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Emitted },
+                              KeyValue{ "CherenkovResolutionsLocation", CherenkovResolutionsLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "TrackLocalPointsLocation", SpacePointLocation::SegmentsLocal },
+                              KeyValue{ "MassHypothesisRingsLocation", MassHypoRingsLocation::Emitted },
+                              KeyValue{ "SegmentPhotonFlagsLocation", SegmentPhotonFlagsLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "TrackToSegmentsLocation", Relations::TrackToSegmentsLocation::Selected } },
                             // outputs
-                            {KeyValue{"CherenkovPhotonLocation", CherenkovPhotonLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default}} ) {
+                            { KeyValue{ "CherenkovPhotonLocation", CherenkovPhotonLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default } } ) {
       // Corrections for the intrinsic biases
       //                Rich1Gas  Rich2Gas
-      m_ckBiasCorrs = {-6.687e-5, 1.787e-6};
+      m_ckBiasCorrs = { -6.687e-5, 1.787e-6 };
       // debugging
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE ).ignore();
@@ -93,14 +93,14 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
                         const SegmentPhotonFlags::Vector&         segPhotFlags,  ///< segment flags
                         const SIMDPixelSummaries&                 pixels,        ///< hit pisxels
                         const Relations::TrackToSegments::Vector& tkToSegRels    ///< track -> segment relations
-                        ) const override;
+    ) const override;
     /// Flag to turn on interpolation between two nearest rings, by RICH
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_useRingInterp{this, "UseRingInterpolation", {true, true}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_useRingInterp{ this, "UseRingInterpolation", { true, true } };
     /// Flag to turn on the rejection of 'ambiguous' photons
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_rejAmbigPhots{this, "RejectAmbiguousPhotons", false};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_rejAmbigPhots{ this, "RejectAmbiguousPhotons", false };
 } // namespace Rich::Future::Rec
@@ -166,21 +166,21 @@ OutData SIMDCKEstiFromRadiusPhotonReco::operator()( const LHCb::RichTrackSegment
       // if ( Rich::Aerogel == rad ) { Exception("Aerogel not supported"); }
       // cache SIMD version of segment point for each side
-      const PanelArray<SIMDPixel::Point> segSidePtns{{SIMDPixel::Point( tkLocPtn.point( Rich::top ) ), // also R2 left
-                                                      SIMDPixel::Point( tkLocPtn.point( Rich::bottom ) )}}; // also R2
-                                                                                                            // right
+      const PanelArray<SIMDPixel::Point> segSidePtns{ { SIMDPixel::Point( tkLocPtn.point( Rich::top ) ), // also R2 left
+                                                        SIMDPixel::Point( tkLocPtn.point( Rich::bottom ) ) } }; // also
+                                                                                                                // R2
+                                                                                                                // right
       //_ri_verbo << endmsg;
       //_ri_verbo << "Segment P=" << segment.bestMomentum() << " " << rich << " " << rad << endmsg;
       // get the best pixel range for this segment, based on where hits are expected
       const auto pixR =
-          ( segFlags.inBothPanels()
-                ? pixels.range( rich )
-                : Rich::Rich1 == rich ? ( segFlags.inPanel( Rich::top ) ? pixels.range( Rich::Rich1, Rich::top )
-                                                                        : pixels.range( Rich::Rich1, Rich::bottom ) )
-                                      : ( segFlags.inPanel( Rich::left ) ? pixels.range( Rich::Rich2, Rich::left )
-                                                                         : pixels.range( Rich::Rich2, Rich::right ) ) );
+          ( segFlags.inBothPanels() ? pixels.range( rich )
+            : Rich::Rich1 == rich   ? ( segFlags.inPanel( Rich::top ) ? pixels.range( Rich::Rich1, Rich::top )
+                                                                      : pixels.range( Rich::Rich1, Rich::bottom ) )
+                                    : ( segFlags.inPanel( Rich::left ) ? pixels.range( Rich::Rich2, Rich::left )
+                                                                       : pixels.range( Rich::Rich2, Rich::right ) ) );
       // SIMD Pixel index in container (start index - 1) for this range
       int pixIndex = pixR.begin() - pixels.begin() - 1;
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ OutData SIMDCKEstiFromRadiusPhotonReco::operator()( const LHCb::RichTrackSegment
         // fraction of segment path length accessible to the photon
         // cannot determine this here so set to 1
-        const SIMDFP fraction{SIMDFP::One()};
+        const SIMDFP fraction{ SIMDFP::One() };
         // The track - pixel seperation
         const auto track_pix_sep = std::sqrt( sep2 );
@@ -269,15 +269,15 @@ OutData SIMDCKEstiFromRadiusPhotonReco::operator()( const LHCb::RichTrackSegment
           if ( !pixmask[i] ) continue;
           // make a scalar pixel point...
-          const Gaudi::XYZPoint pixPRad_sc{pixPRad.x()[i], pixPRad.y()[i], pixPRad.z()[i]};
+          const Gaudi::XYZPoint pixPRad_sc{ pixPRad.x()[i], pixPRad.y()[i], pixPRad.z()[i] };
           // Find the best ring and points to use as the calibration data
-          const RayTracedCKRingPoint::Vector* ring{nullptr};
+          const RayTracedCKRingPoint::Vector* ring{ nullptr };
           // const RayTracedCKRingPoint *best_point{nullptr};
-          Rich::ParticleIDType ring_pid{Rich::Unknown}, last_ring_pid{Rich::Unknown};
+          Rich::ParticleIDType ring_pid{ Rich::Unknown }, last_ring_pid{ Rich::Unknown };
           float                sep_diff2 = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
-          float                sep_calib{0}, last_sep_calib{0};
-          bool                 pointOutsideLargestRing{false};
+          float                sep_calib{ 0 }, last_sep_calib{ 0 };
+          bool                 pointOutsideLargestRing{ false };
           for ( const auto pid : activeParticlesNoBT() ) {
             // Load the ring and select the point for this PID type
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDPhotonPredictedPixelSignal.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDPhotonPredictedPixelSignal.cpp
index 3066de2e56bf40e8a10add244c4c59eca29b0ac2..4ed270811cbb5a9304f63df957e0a31cc24e038d 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDPhotonPredictedPixelSignal.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDPhotonPredictedPixelSignal.cpp
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     /// Struct for cached information
     struct alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) PredSignalDataCache {
       /// cached SIMD scale factor / RoC^2
-      DetectorArray<SIMDCherenkovPhoton::SIMDFP> factor = {{NaN, NaN}};
+      DetectorArray<SIMDCherenkovPhoton::SIMDFP> factor = { { NaN, NaN } };
   } // namespace
@@ -84,17 +84,17 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     SIMDPhotonPredictedPixelSignal( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                        // input data
-                       {KeyValue{"RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal},
-                        KeyValue{"CherenkovResolutionsLocation", CherenkovResolutionsLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"PhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Detectable},
-                        // input conditions data
-                        KeyValue{"DataCache", DeRichLocations::derivedCondition( name + "-DataCache" )}},
+                       { KeyValue{ "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal },
+                         KeyValue{ "CherenkovResolutionsLocation", CherenkovResolutionsLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "PhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Detectable },
+                         // input conditions data
+                         KeyValue{ "DataCache", DeRichLocations::derivedCondition( name + "-DataCache" ) } },
                        // output data
-                       {KeyValue{"PhotonSignalsLocation", SIMDPhotonSignalsLocation::Default}} ) {
+                       { KeyValue{ "PhotonSignalsLocation", SIMDPhotonSignalsLocation::Default } } ) {
       // debug
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE );
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
                         const CherenkovResolutions::Vector&       ckRes,      ///< CK theta track resolutions
                         const PhotonYields::Vector&               photYields, ///< photon yields
                         const PredSignalDataCache&                dataCache   ///< Derived data cache
-                        ) const override;
+    ) const override;
     /// Scalar type
@@ -139,34 +139,34 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) SIMDFP m_expMinArg = SIMDFP::Zero();
     /// Cache SIMD minimum cut value for photon probability
-    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_minPhotonProbSIMD = {{}};
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_minPhotonProbSIMD = { {} };
     /// cached min exp(arg) factor
-    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_minExpArgF = {{}};
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_minExpArgF = { {} };
     /// The minimum expected track Cherenkov angle to be considered 'Above Threshold'
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_minExpCKT{
-        {0.0f, 0.0f}, // was { 1e-6f, 1e-6f }
-        "The minimum expected track Cherenkov angle for each RICH (R1Gas/R2Gas)"};
+        { 0.0f, 0.0f }, // was { 1e-6f, 1e-6f }
+        "The minimum expected track Cherenkov angle for each RICH (R1Gas/R2Gas)" };
     /// The minimum cut value for photon probability
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_minPhotonProb{
-        {1e-15f, 1e-15f},
-        "The minimum allowed photon probability values for each RICH (R1Gas/R2Gas)"};
+        { 1e-15f, 1e-15f },
+        "The minimum allowed photon probability values for each RICH (R1Gas/R2Gas)" };
     /// Scale factors
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_scaleFactor{this, "ScaleFactor", {4.0f, 4.0f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_scaleFactor{ this, "ScaleFactor", { 4.0f, 4.0f } };
     /// The minimum argument value for the probability value
-    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minArg{this, "MinExpArg", -80.0f};
+    Gaudi::Property<float> m_minArg{ this, "MinExpArg", -80.0f };
     /// Enable 4D time window
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_enable4D{this, "Enable4D", {false, false}, "Enable 4D reconstruction"};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_enable4D{ this, "Enable4D", { false, false }, "Enable 4D reconstruction" };
 } // namespace Rich::Future::Rec
@@ -186,15 +186,16 @@ StatusCode SIMDPhotonPredictedPixelSignal::initialize() {
   // derived data cache
-      {Detector::Rich1::DefaultConditionKey, Rich::Detector::Rich2::DefaultConditionKey}, // input conditions locations
+      { Detector::Rich1::DefaultConditionKey, Rich::Detector::Rich2::DefaultConditionKey }, // input conditions
+                                                                                            // locations
       inputLocation<PredSignalDataCache>(),                                 // output location for data cache
       [scaleF = m_scaleFactor.value()]( const Rich::Detector::Rich1& rich1, //
                                         const Rich::Detector::Rich2& rich2 ) {
         // Mirror radii of curvature in mm
-        const DetectorArray<double> radiusCurv = {rich1.sphMirrorRadius(), rich2.sphMirrorRadius()};
+        const DetectorArray<double> radiusCurv = { rich1.sphMirrorRadius(), rich2.sphMirrorRadius() };
         // cache the factors for each RICH
         auto cache = PredSignalDataCache();
-        for ( const auto det : {Rich::Rich1, Rich::Rich2} ) {
+        for ( const auto det : { Rich::Rich1, Rich::Rich2 } ) {
           cache.factor[det] = ( scaleF[det] / ( std::pow( radiusCurv[det], 2 ) * std::pow( 2.0 * M_PI, 1.5 ) ) );
         return cache;
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDQuarticPhotonReco.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDQuarticPhotonReco.cpp
index 4fb7d6117b6ae00ae9bc354737243d8358e05a68..3943d0726d42b21d5c769f5f3e47f5387ee4db85 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDQuarticPhotonReco.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecPhotonAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDQuarticPhotonReco.cpp
@@ -83,22 +83,22 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     SIMDQuarticPhotonReco( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                             // Input data
-                            {KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal},
-                             KeyValue{"CherenkovResolutionsLocation", CherenkovResolutionsLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"TrackLocalPointsLocation", SpacePointLocation::SegmentsLocal},
-                             KeyValue{"SegmentPhotonFlagsLocation", SegmentPhotonFlagsLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"TrackToSegmentsLocation", Relations::TrackToSegmentsLocation::Selected},
-                             // conditions input
-                             KeyValue{"Rich1", Detector::Rich1::DefaultConditionKey},
-                             KeyValue{"Rich2", Detector::Rich2::DefaultConditionKey},
-                             KeyValue{"RichMirrorFinder", Rich::Utils::MirrorFinder::DefaultConditionKey},
-                             KeyValue{"TabulatedRefIndex", Utils::TabulatedRefIndex::DefaultConditionKey}},
+                            { KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal },
+                              KeyValue{ "CherenkovResolutionsLocation", CherenkovResolutionsLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "TrackLocalPointsLocation", SpacePointLocation::SegmentsLocal },
+                              KeyValue{ "SegmentPhotonFlagsLocation", SegmentPhotonFlagsLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "TrackToSegmentsLocation", Relations::TrackToSegmentsLocation::Selected },
+                              // conditions input
+                              KeyValue{ "Rich1", Detector::Rich1::DefaultConditionKey },
+                              KeyValue{ "Rich2", Detector::Rich2::DefaultConditionKey },
+                              KeyValue{ "RichMirrorFinder", Rich::Utils::MirrorFinder::DefaultConditionKey },
+                              KeyValue{ "TabulatedRefIndex", Utils::TabulatedRefIndex::DefaultConditionKey } },
                             // Output data
-                            {KeyValue{"CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"PhotonMirrorDataLocation", SIMDMirrorDataLocation::Default}} ) {
+                            { KeyValue{ "CherenkovPhotonLocation", SIMDCherenkovPhotonLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "PhotonToParentsLocation", Relations::PhotonToParentsLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "PhotonMirrorDataLocation", SIMDMirrorDataLocation::Default } } ) {
       // debugging
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE ).ignore();
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
                         const Rich::Detector::Rich2&              deRich2,       ///< RICH2 detector element
                         const Rich::Utils::MirrorFinder&          mirrorFinder,  ///< Mirror finder
                         const Utils::TabulatedRefIndex&           tabRefIndx     ///< Refractive index
-                        ) const override;
+    ) const override;
     // methods
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
                                                const LHCb::RichTrackSegment& segment,   ///< track segment
                                                SIMD::Point<FP>&              emissionPoint, ///< assumed emission point
                                                SIMDFP&                       fraction       ///< active track fraction
-                                               ) const;
+    ) const;
     /// Find mirror segments and reflection points for given data
     void findMirrorData( const Rich::Detector::RichBase& deRich, ///< The RICH detector element
@@ -174,25 +174,25 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
                          SIMD::Point<FP>&       sphReflPoint,    ///< primary mirror reflection point
                          SIMD::Point<FP>&       secReflPoint,    ///< secondary mirror reflection point
                          const Rich::Utils::MirrorFinder& mirrorFinder ///< Mirror finder
-                         ) const;
+    ) const;
     // SIMD cache of various quantities
     /// SIMD Minimum active segment fraction in each radiator
-    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_minActiveFracSIMD = {{}};
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_minActiveFracSIMD = { {} };
     /// SIMD Minimum tolerance for mirror reflection point during iterations
-    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_minSphMirrTolItSIMD = {{}};
+    alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) DetectorArray<SIMDFP> m_minSphMirrTolItSIMD = { {} };
     // properties
     /// Save optional mirror data
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_saveMirrorData{this, "SaveMirrorData", false};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_saveMirrorData{ this, "SaveMirrorData", false };
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_pdTransitTime{
-        this, "PDTransitTime", {0.04605 * Gaudi::Units::ns, 0.04605 * Gaudi::Units::ns}};
+        this, "PDTransitTime", { 0.04605 * Gaudi::Units::ns, 0.04605 * Gaudi::Units::ns } };
 } // namespace Rich::Future::Rec
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ SIMDQuarticPhotonReco::operator()( const LHCb::RichTrackSegment::Vector&     seg
                                    const Rich::Detector::Rich2&              deRich2,       // RICH2 detector element
                                    const Rich::Utils::MirrorFinder&          mirrorFinder,  // Mirror finder
                                    const Utils::TabulatedRefIndex&           tabRefIndx     // ref index
-                                   ) const {
+) const {
   using namespace LHCb::SIMD;
@@ -246,10 +246,10 @@ SIMDQuarticPhotonReco::operator()( const LHCb::RichTrackSegment::Vector&     seg
   // best secondary and spherical mirror data caches
   Rich::SIMD::MirrorData sphMirrData, secMirrData;
-  Mirrors                sphMirrors{{}}, secMirrors{{}};
+  Mirrors                sphMirrors{ {} }, secMirrors{ {} };
   // array for RICH det elems
-  const DeRiches deRiches = {&deRich1, &deRich2};
+  const DeRiches deRiches = { &deRich1, &deRich2 };
   // global photon index
   Relations::PhotonToParents::PhotonIndex photonIndex( 0 );
@@ -288,9 +288,9 @@ SIMDQuarticPhotonReco::operator()( const LHCb::RichTrackSegment::Vector&     seg
                                                                          : segment.bestPoint() );
       // cache SIMD version of segment point for each side
-      const PanelArray<SIMDPixel::Point>                                     //
-          segSidePtns{{SIMDPixel::Point( tkLocPtn.point( Rich::top ) ),      // also R2 left
-                       SIMDPixel::Point( tkLocPtn.point( Rich::bottom ) )}}; // also R2 right
+      const PanelArray<SIMDPixel::Point>                                         //
+          segSidePtns{ { SIMDPixel::Point( tkLocPtn.point( Rich::top ) ),        // also R2 left
+                         SIMDPixel::Point( tkLocPtn.point( Rich::bottom ) ) } }; // also R2 right
       // Obtain the refractive index to compute the photon speed
       const SIMDFP refIndex( m_enable4D[rich]
@@ -304,12 +304,11 @@ SIMDQuarticPhotonReco::operator()( const LHCb::RichTrackSegment::Vector&     seg
       // get the best pixel range for this segment, based on where hits are expected
       const auto pixR =
-          ( segFlags.inBothPanels()
-                ? pixels.range( rich )
-                : Rich::Rich1 == rich ? ( segFlags.inPanel( Rich::top ) ? pixels.range( Rich::Rich1, Rich::top )
-                                                                        : pixels.range( Rich::Rich1, Rich::bottom ) )
-                                      : ( segFlags.inPanel( Rich::left ) ? pixels.range( Rich::Rich2, Rich::left )
-                                                                         : pixels.range( Rich::Rich2, Rich::right ) ) );
+          ( segFlags.inBothPanels() ? pixels.range( rich )
+            : Rich::Rich1 == rich   ? ( segFlags.inPanel( Rich::top ) ? pixels.range( Rich::Rich1, Rich::top )
+                                                                      : pixels.range( Rich::Rich1, Rich::bottom ) )
+                                    : ( segFlags.inPanel( Rich::left ) ? pixels.range( Rich::Rich2, Rich::left )
+                                                                       : pixels.range( Rich::Rich2, Rich::right ) ) );
       // SIMD Pixel index in container (start index) for this range
       Relations::PhotonToParents::PixelIndex pixIndex = std::distance( pixels.begin(), pixR.begin() );
@@ -374,7 +373,7 @@ SIMDQuarticPhotonReco::operator()( const LHCb::RichTrackSegment::Vector&     seg
         // If get here, we have passed the pre-sel so proceed with full reconstruction
         // Emission point to use for photon reconstruction
-        SIMD::Point<FP> emissionPoint{segment.bestPoint()};
+        SIMD::Point<FP> emissionPoint{ segment.bestPoint() };
         // Final reflection points on sec and spherical mirrors
         SIMD::Point<FP> sphReflPoint, secReflPoint;
@@ -719,13 +718,13 @@ SIMDQuarticPhotonReco::operator()( const LHCb::RichTrackSegment::Vector&     seg
         // small but noticable runtime penalty.
         assert( photonIndex == photons.size() );
         assert( pixIndex < pixels.size() );
-        photons.emplace_back( SIMDCherenkovPhoton{rich,                                 //
-                                                  thetaCerenkov, phiCerenkov,           //
-                                                  pix.smartID(), fraction, photDetTime, //
-                                                  pixmask} );
+        photons.emplace_back( SIMDCherenkovPhoton{ rich,                                 //
+                                                   thetaCerenkov, phiCerenkov,           //
+                                                   pix.smartID(), fraction, photDetTime, //
+                                                   pixmask } );
         // Save relations for this photon
-        relations.emplace_back( Relations::PhotonToParents{photonIndex, pixIndex, //
-                                                           segIndex, inTkRel.tkIndex} );
+        relations.emplace_back( Relations::PhotonToParents{ photonIndex, pixIndex, //
+                                                            segIndex, inTkRel.tkIndex } );
         // info() << relations.back() << endmsg;
         // info() << gPhoton << endmsg;
         // for ( const auto & sphot : gPhoton.scalarPhotons() ) { info() << sphot << endmsg; }
@@ -767,7 +766,7 @@ void SIMDQuarticPhotonReco::findMirrorData( const Rich::Detector::RichBase& deRi
                                             SIMD::Point<FP>& sphReflPoint, // primary mirror reflection point
                                             SIMD::Point<FP>& secReflPoint, // secondary mirror reflection point
                                             const Rich::Utils::MirrorFinder& mirrorFinder // Mirror finder
-                                            ) const {
+) const {
   using namespace LHCb::SIMD;
   // RICH enum
@@ -808,7 +807,7 @@ SIMDQuarticPhotonReco::getBestGasEmissionPoint( const Rich::RadiatorType radiato
                                                 const LHCb::RichTrackSegment& segment,   // track segment
                                                 SIMD::Point<FP>&              emissionPoint, // Assumed emission point
                                                 SIMDFP&                       fraction       // active track fraction
-                                                ) const {
+) const {
   using namespace LHCb::SIMD;
   // Default point for emission point is the middle
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms/CMakeLists.txt b/Rich/RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms/CMakeLists.txt
index e656bb9b257c483d45fa94b4f465e093840eaf29..112908abb526f9eebd884a6fdfbd7ee002167330 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ gaudi_add_module(RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms
-        Rec::RichFutureRecEvent    
+        Rec::RichFutureRecEvent
 # Fixes for GCC7.
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms/src/RichPixelClusterGlobalPositions.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms/src/RichPixelClusterGlobalPositions.cpp
index ecf3c6e12fd6857d59fefb839a3fc147ce24f0ac..89f8281706ec168902cbdf9c8f0bb4026a42f689 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms/src/RichPixelClusterGlobalPositions.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms/src/RichPixelClusterGlobalPositions.cpp
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     PixelClusterGlobalPositions( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                        // input data
-                       {KeyValue{"RichPixelClustersLocation", Rich::PDPixelClusterLocation::Default},
-                        // input conditions data
-                        KeyValue{"RichSmartIDs", Rich::Utils::RichSmartIDs::DefaultConditionKey}},
+                       { KeyValue{ "RichPixelClustersLocation", Rich::PDPixelClusterLocation::Default },
+                         // input conditions data
+                         KeyValue{ "RichSmartIDs", Rich::Utils::RichSmartIDs::DefaultConditionKey } },
                        // output data
-                       {KeyValue{"RichPixelGlobalPositionsLocation", SpacePointLocation::PixelsGlobal}} ) {
+                       { KeyValue{ "RichPixelGlobalPositionsLocation", SpacePointLocation::PixelsGlobal } } ) {
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::DEBUG );
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     /// Shortcut in case clustering is disabled
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_noClustering{this, "NoClustering", false};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_noClustering{ this, "NoClustering", false };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms/src/RichPixelClusterLocalPositions.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms/src/RichPixelClusterLocalPositions.cpp
index 742c5095b5f7ea63fc52e5851c529ff856f6221e..cee5b66658c7b995ef9a1d9964c9e1855facc5c9 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms/src/RichPixelClusterLocalPositions.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms/src/RichPixelClusterLocalPositions.cpp
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     PixelClusterLocalPositions( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                        // input data
-                       {KeyValue{"RichPixelGlobalPositionsLocation", SpacePointLocation::PixelsGlobal},
-                        // input conditions data
-                        KeyValue{"RichSmartIDs", Rich::Utils::RichSmartIDs::DefaultConditionKey}},
+                       { KeyValue{ "RichPixelGlobalPositionsLocation", SpacePointLocation::PixelsGlobal },
+                         // input conditions data
+                         KeyValue{ "RichSmartIDs", Rich::Utils::RichSmartIDs::DefaultConditionKey } },
                        // output data
-                       {KeyValue{"RichPixelLocalPositionsLocation", SpacePointLocation::PixelsLocal}} ) {
+                       { KeyValue{ "RichPixelLocalPositionsLocation", SpacePointLocation::PixelsLocal } } ) {
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::DEBUG );
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDPixelBackgroundsEstiAvHPD.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDPixelBackgroundsEstiAvHPD.cpp
index d2bb0dca00c32b8d71ce5eb4897c93707fdc9817..7326ab6f9d5db5b7ec8d62e7e8889e5f4809f692 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDPixelBackgroundsEstiAvHPD.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDPixelBackgroundsEstiAvHPD.cpp
@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     struct PDData {
       using Vector = std::vector<PDData>; ///< Vector type
       using Index  = std::size_t;         ///< Index type
-      Index         groupID{0};           ///< Group ID
-      std::uint32_t obsSignal{0};         ///< Number of observed hits in this PD
-      FP            expSignal{0};         ///< Expected signal in this PD
-      FP            expBackgrd{0};        ///< Expected background in this PD
-      FP            effNumPixs{0};        ///< Effective number of pixels
+      Index         groupID{ 0 };         ///< Group ID
+      std::uint32_t obsSignal{ 0 };       ///< Number of observed hits in this PD
+      FP            expSignal{ 0 };       ///< Expected signal in this PD
+      FP            expBackgrd{ 0 };      ///< Expected background in this PD
+      FP            effNumPixs{ 0 };      ///< Effective number of pixels
     /// Per Rich Data Structure
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
       /// PD data
       RichPDData pdData;
       /// Min group index per panel
-      DetectorArray<PanelArray<PDData::Index>> minPanelIndex{{{0, 0}, {0, 0}}};
+      DetectorArray<PanelArray<PDData::Index>> minPanelIndex{ { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } } };
       /// Gets the working data index for the given PD ID
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
       void getPDData() {
         // Compute the min module ID
-        DetectorArray<PanelArray<PDData::Index>> tempMinPanIndx{{{999999, 999999}, {999999, 999999}}};
+        DetectorArray<PanelArray<PDData::Index>> tempMinPanIndx{ { { 999999, 999999 }, { 999999, 999999 } } };
         for ( const auto pd : m_pdInfo->allPDRichSmartIDs() ) {
           // get module number
           const auto mod = pdIndex( pd );
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
         minPanelIndex = tempMinPanIndx;
         // loop over all PD smartIDs and extract min index for each
-        DetectorArray<PanelArray<std::size_t>> maxIndex{{}};
+        DetectorArray<PanelArray<std::size_t>> maxIndex{ {} };
         for ( const auto pd : m_pdInfo->allPDRichSmartIDs() ) {
           // get the max (group) index for this PD
           const auto index = pdIndex( pd );
@@ -232,16 +232,16 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     SIMDPixelBackgroundsEstiAvHPD( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                        // data inputs
-                       {KeyValue{"TrackToSegmentsLocation", Relations::TrackToSegmentsLocation::Selected},
-                        KeyValue{"TrackPIDHyposLocation", TrackPIDHyposLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"GeomEffsPerPDLocation", GeomEffsPerPDLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"DetectablePhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Detectable},
-                        KeyValue{"RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default},
-                        // conditions input
-                        KeyValue{"DataCache", DeRichLocations::derivedCondition( name + "-DataCache" )}},
+                       { KeyValue{ "TrackToSegmentsLocation", Relations::TrackToSegmentsLocation::Selected },
+                         KeyValue{ "TrackPIDHyposLocation", TrackPIDHyposLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "GeomEffsPerPDLocation", GeomEffsPerPDLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "DetectablePhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Detectable },
+                         KeyValue{ "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default },
+                         // conditions input
+                         KeyValue{ "DataCache", DeRichLocations::derivedCondition( name + "-DataCache" ) } },
                        // outputs
-                       {KeyValue{"PixelBackgroundsLocation", SIMDPixelBackgroundsLocation::Default}} ) {
+                       { KeyValue{ "PixelBackgroundsLocation", SIMDPixelBackgroundsLocation::Default } } ) {
       // force debug
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::DEBUG ).ignore();
@@ -252,10 +252,10 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
         // declare dependency on PD info derived condition
         Detector::PDInfo::addConditionDerivation( this );
         // Derived cached data
-        addConditionDerivation( {Detector::PDInfo::DefaultConditionKey}, // inputs
-                                inputLocation<PixBkgdsDataCache>(),      // output
+        addConditionDerivation( { Detector::PDInfo::DefaultConditionKey }, // inputs
+                                inputLocation<PixBkgdsDataCache>(),        // output
                                 [parent = this]( const Detector::PDInfo& pdInfo ) {
-                                  return PixBkgdsDataCache{pdInfo, parent};
+                                  return PixBkgdsDataCache{ pdInfo, parent };
                                 } );
         for ( const auto rich : activeDetectors() ) {
           if ( m_enable4D[rich] ) { info() << "4D Photon Time Window Scale Factor enabled for " << rich << endmsg; }
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
                                      const PhotonYields::Vector&               detYieldsV,    //
                                      const SIMDPixelSummaries&                 pixels,        //
                                      const PixBkgdsDataCache&                  dataCache      //
-                                     ) const override {
+    ) const override {
       // the backgrounds to return. Initialize to 0
       SIMDPixelBackgrounds backgrounds( pixels.size(), SIMDFP::Zero() );
@@ -542,47 +542,47 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     // properties
     /// Maximum number of iterations in background normalisation
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxBkgIterations{this, "MaxBackgroundNormIterations", 10,
-                                                     "Maximum number of iterations in background normalisation"};
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxBkgIterations{ this, "MaxBackgroundNormIterations", 10,
+                                                      "Maximum number of iterations in background normalisation" };
     /// Minimum pixel background value, for each RICH
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<FP>> m_minPixBkg{
-        this, "MinPixelBackground", {0.0f, 0.0f}, "Minimum pixel background for each RICH"};
+        this, "MinPixelBackground", { 0.0f, 0.0f }, "Minimum pixel background for each RICH" };
     /// Maximum pixel background value, for each RICH
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<FP>> m_maxPixBkg{
-        this, "MaxPixelBackground", {99.9f, 99.9f}, "Maximum pixel background for each RICH"};
+        this, "MaxPixelBackground", { 99.9f, 99.9f }, "Maximum pixel background for each RICH" };
     /// Threshold pixel background. Values below this will be reset to 0.
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<FP>> m_thresPixBkg{
-        this, "ThresholdBackground", {0.0f, 0.0f}, "Threshold background values"};
+        this, "ThresholdBackground", { 0.0f, 0.0f }, "Threshold background values" };
     /** Ignore the expected signal when computing the background terms.
         Effectively, will assume all observed hits are background */
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_ignoreExpSignal{this, "IgnoreExpectedSignals", false,
-                                            "Ignore track expectations when calculating backgrounds"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_ignoreExpSignal{ this, "IgnoreExpectedSignals", false,
+                                             "Ignore track expectations when calculating backgrounds" };
     /// Ignore the hit data. Effectively results in zero background values.
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_ignoreHitData{this, "IgnoreHitData", false, "Ignore hit data when forming backgrounds"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_ignoreHitData{ this, "IgnoreHitData", false, "Ignore hit data when forming backgrounds" };
     /// Background 'weight' for each RICH
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_bkgWeight{
-        this, "PDBckWeights", {1.0f, 1.0f}, "Weights to apply to the background terms for each RICH"};
+        this, "PDBckWeights", { 1.0f, 1.0f }, "Weights to apply to the background terms for each RICH" };
     // 4D Reco options
     /// Enabled 4D reconstruction
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_enable4D{this, "Enable4D", {false, false}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_enable4D{ this, "Enable4D", { false, false } };
     // messaging
     /// Pixel PD index error
-    mutable ErrorCounter m_pixIndexRangeErr{this, "Pixel PD index out of range !!"};
+    mutable ErrorCounter m_pixIndexRangeErr{ this, "Pixel PD index out of range !!" };
     /// Track PD index error
-    mutable ErrorCounter m_tkIndexRangeErr{this, "Track PD index out of range !!"};
+    mutable ErrorCounter m_tkIndexRangeErr{ this, "Track PD index out of range !!" };
     /// Background PD index error
-    mutable ErrorCounter m_bkgIndexRangeErr{this, "Bkg PD index out of range !!"};
+    mutable ErrorCounter m_bkgIndexRangeErr{ this, "Bkg PD index out of range !!" };
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDSummaryPixels.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDSummaryPixels.cpp
index 7ccc6b4e7bc4a3cfda0f85c12084c25682c011e4..15e7f35d4dee177c256ec2a0945edbede40d67f2 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDSummaryPixels.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecPixelAlgorithms/src/RichSIMDSummaryPixels.cpp
@@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     SIMDSummaryPixels( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                        // input data
-                       {KeyValue{"RichPixelClustersLocation", Rich::PDPixelClusterLocation::Default},
-                        // input conditions data
-                        KeyValue{"RichSmartIDs", Rich::Utils::RichSmartIDs::DefaultConditionKey}},
+                       { KeyValue{ "RichPixelClustersLocation", Rich::PDPixelClusterLocation::Default },
+                         // input conditions data
+                         KeyValue{ "RichSmartIDs", Rich::Utils::RichSmartIDs::DefaultConditionKey } },
                        // output data
-                       {KeyValue{"RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default}} ) {}
+                       { KeyValue{ "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation", SIMDPixelSummariesLocation::Default } } ) {}
     /// Initialize
     StatusCode initialize() override {
@@ -86,24 +86,24 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     /// Shortcut incase clustering is disabled
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_noClustering{this, "NoClustering", true};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_noClustering{ this, "NoClustering", true };
     // Related to 4D support. These options are likely to evolve in the future as support for 4D
     // becomes more mainstream and the hardware options become more finalised.
     /// Enabled 4D reconstruction
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_enable4D{this, "Enable4D", {false, false}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_enable4D{ this, "Enable4D", { false, false } };
     /// Average expected hit time for signal in each RICH
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_avHitTime{
-        this, "AvHitTime", {13.03 * Gaudi::Units::ns, 52.94 * Gaudi::Units::ns}};
+        this, "AvHitTime", { 13.03 * Gaudi::Units::ns, 52.94 * Gaudi::Units::ns } };
     /// Course (pixel) Time window for each RICH. For now use the same for both inner and outer regions.
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_timeWindow{this,
-                                                       "CourseTimeWindow",
-                                                       {3.0 * Gaudi::Units::ns, 3.0 * Gaudi::Units::ns},
-                                                       "Course (pixel) time window to apply in each RICH"};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_timeWindow{ this,
+                                                        "CourseTimeWindow",
+                                                        { 3.0 * Gaudi::Units::ns, 3.0 * Gaudi::Units::ns },
+                                                        "Course (pixel) time window to apply in each RICH" };
     // The definition of the inner and out pixel regions is in principle something that should be
@@ -114,27 +114,27 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     // also for some MC cheating options like the ability to override the CK theta resolutions.
     /// Enable the override of inner and out regions
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_overrideRegions{this, "OverrideRegions", {false, false}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_overrideRegions{ this, "OverrideRegions", { false, false } };
     /// Size in X defining the inner pixels for each RICH
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_innerPixX{this, "InnerPixelsX", {250.0, 99999.9}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_innerPixX{ this, "InnerPixelsX", { 250.0, 99999.9 } };
     /// Size in Y defining the inner pixels for each RICH
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_innerPixY{this, "InnerPixelsY", {300.0, 300.0}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_innerPixY{ this, "InnerPixelsY", { 300.0, 300.0 } };
     /// Time resolution for inner regions
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_innerTimeWindow{
-        {0.15 * Gaudi::Units::ns, 0.15 * Gaudi::Units::ns},
-        "Inner region fine (photon) time window to apply in each RICH"};
+        { 0.15 * Gaudi::Units::ns, 0.15 * Gaudi::Units::ns },
+        "Inner region fine (photon) time window to apply in each RICH" };
     /// Time resolution for outer regions
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_outerTimeWindow{
-        {0.3 * Gaudi::Units::ns, 0.3 * Gaudi::Units::ns},
-        "Outer region fine (photon) time window to apply in each RICH"};
+        { 0.3 * Gaudi::Units::ns, 0.3 * Gaudi::Units::ns },
+        "Outer region fine (photon) time window to apply in each RICH" };
 } // namespace Rich::Future::Rec
@@ -147,9 +147,9 @@ namespace {
   /// SIMD (x,y,z) position, default initialised to (0,0,0)
   struct SIMDXYZ {
     using FP = SIMDPixel::SIMDFP;
-    FP x{FP::Zero()};
-    FP y{FP::Zero()};
-    FP z{FP::Zero()};
+    FP x{ FP::Zero() };
+    FP y{ FP::Zero() };
+    FP z{ FP::Zero() };
 } // namespace
@@ -167,17 +167,17 @@ SIMDSummaryPixels::operator()( const Rich::PDPixelCluster::Vector& clusters, //
   summaries.reserve( ( clusters.size() / SIMDPixel::SIMDFP::Size ) + 4 );
   // last RICH
-  Rich::DetectorType lastRich{Rich::InvalidDetector};
+  Rich::DetectorType lastRich{ Rich::InvalidDetector };
   // last side
-  Rich::Side lastSide{Rich::InvalidSide};
+  Rich::Side lastSide{ Rich::InvalidSide };
   // Working SIMD values
   using SIMDFP = SIMDPixel::SIMDFP;
-  SIMDXYZ            gXYZ;                                // global position
-  SIMDFP             effArea{SIMDPixel::SIMDFP::Zero()};  // effective area
-  SIMDPixel::ScIndex scClusIn( -1 );                      // indices to original clusters
-  SIMDPixel::Mask    mask{SIMDPixel::Mask::Zero()};       // selection mask
-  SIMDPixel::Mask    innerRegion{SIMDPixel::Mask::One()}; // Inner/Outer region
+  SIMDXYZ            gXYZ;                                  // global position
+  SIMDFP             effArea{ SIMDPixel::SIMDFP::Zero() };  // effective area
+  SIMDPixel::ScIndex scClusIn( -1 );                        // indices to original clusters
+  SIMDPixel::Mask    mask{ SIMDPixel::Mask::Zero() };       // selection mask
+  SIMDPixel::Mask    innerRegion{ SIMDPixel::Mask::One() }; // Inner/Outer region
   // SIMD index
   std::uint32_t index = 0;
@@ -326,14 +326,14 @@ SIMDSummaryPixels::operator()( const Rich::PDPixelCluster::Vector& clusters, //
   if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
     // explicitly count number in each region to compare to ranges
-    DetectorArray<PanelArray<unsigned int>> count = {{}};
+    DetectorArray<PanelArray<unsigned int>> count = { {} };
     for ( const auto& p : summaries ) { ++count[p.rich()][p.side()]; }
     std::size_t rangeSum = 0;
     bool        OK       = true;
     // Loop over each range and test against full container
-    for ( const auto rich : {Rich::Rich1, Rich::Rich2} ) {
-      for ( const auto side : {Rich::firstSide, Rich::secondSide} ) {
+    for ( const auto rich : { Rich::Rich1, Rich::Rich2 } ) {
+      for ( const auto side : { Rich::firstSide, Rich::secondSide } ) {
         // get the range for this rich and side
         const auto rPixs = summaries.range( rich, side );
         for ( const auto& p : rPixs ) {
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/Callgrind.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/Callgrind.py
index a8c96288da139f04012ea8dd57e270a4e26a7619..cc9d3d41901f264b01c9906427ebc36312947d14 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/Callgrind.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/Callgrind.py
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from Configurables import CallgrindProfile, GaudiSequencer
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 appMgr = ApplicationMgr()
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ p = CallgrindProfile(
-    DumpName='CALLGRIND-OUT')
+    DumpName="CALLGRIND-OUT",
 appMgr.TopAlg.insert(0, p)
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -39,8 +40,13 @@ appMgr.TopAlg.insert(0, p)
 # Monitoring
 unwanted = [
-    "RichMoni", "UnpackMCVertex", "UnpackMCParticle", "RichSumUnPack",
-    "RichCheck", "ProtoMonitoring", "UnpackMCSeq"
+    "RichMoni",
+    "UnpackMCVertex",
+    "UnpackMCParticle",
+    "RichSumUnPack",
+    "RichCheck",
+    "ProtoMonitoring",
+    "UnpackMCSeq",
 for alg in appMgr.TopAlg:
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/IntelProfiler.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/IntelProfiler.py
index 50cd1d16d3af7f551867f4e902318056a119267a..670cdb80e1f6b9912e38281ee029f24bec77a39b 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/IntelProfiler.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/IntelProfiler.py
@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 # Intel VTune auditor
 from Configurables import IntelProfilerAuditor
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 profiler = IntelProfilerAuditor()
-#profiler.OutputLevel = DEBUG
+# profiler.OutputLevel = DEBUG
 # We can skip some events
 profiler.StartFromEventN = 50
-#profiler.StopAtEventN = 500
+# profiler.StopAtEventN = 500
 AuditorSvc().Auditors += [profiler]
 ApplicationMgr().AuditAlgorithms = True
 # Sequence which we need to profile. If empty, we profile all algorithms
@@ -25,30 +25,34 @@ profiler.IncludeAlgorithms = []
 # Pixels and decoding
 profiler.IncludeAlgorithms += ["RichFutureDecode", "RichPixels"]
 # Photon reco
-profiler.IncludeAlgorithms += [
-    "RichPhotonsDown", "RichPhotonsUp", "RichPhotonsLong"
+profiler.IncludeAlgorithms += ["RichPhotonsDown", "RichPhotonsUp", "RichPhotonsLong"]
 # ray tracing
 profiler.IncludeAlgorithms += [
-    "RichMassConesDown", "RichMassConesUp", "RichMassConesLong"
+    "RichMassConesDown",
+    "RichMassConesUp",
+    "RichMassConesLong",
 # PID
 profiler.IncludeAlgorithms += ["RichPIDDown", "RichPIDUp", "RichPIDLong"]
 # Yields
 profiler.IncludeAlgorithms += [
-    "RichDetectableYieldsDown", "RichDetectableYieldsUp",
-    "RichDetectableYieldsLong"
+    "RichDetectableYieldsDown",
+    "RichDetectableYieldsUp",
+    "RichDetectableYieldsLong",
 # Geom effs
-profiler.IncludeAlgorithms += [
-    "RichGeomEffDown", "RichGeomEffUp", "RichGeomEffLong"
+profiler.IncludeAlgorithms += ["RichGeomEffDown", "RichGeomEffUp", "RichGeomEffLong"]
 # Mini Brunel Algorithms
 profiler.IncludeAlgorithms += [
-    "PrStoreFTHit", "PrStoreUTHit", "VPClustering", "PrPixelTrackingFast",
-    "PatPV3D", "PrVeloUTFast", "PrForwardTrackingFast",
-    "ForwardFitterAlgParamFast"
+    "PrStoreFTHit",
+    "PrStoreUTHit",
+    "VPClustering",
+    "PrPixelTrackingFast",
+    "PatPV3D",
+    "PrVeloUTFast",
+    "PrForwardTrackingFast",
+    "ForwardFitterAlgParamFast",
 # -------------------------------- Runtime options -----------------------------------------
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/RichDecode.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/RichDecode.py
index 49381d03342a779583d3459fceab095809ef27ac..12c848dd15428eac06274223cf33794f8cf1ecd5 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/RichDecode.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/RichDecode.py
@@ -11,46 +11,48 @@
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import os
+from Configurables import GaudiSequencer, LHCbApp
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from GaudiConfig.ControlFlow import seq
-from Configurables import LHCbApp, GaudiSequencer
-import os
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # General configs
 # histograms
-#histos = "OfflineFull"
+# histos = "OfflineFull"
 histos = "Expert"
 # ROOT persistency
 ApplicationMgr().HistogramPersistency = "ROOT"
 from Configurables import RootHistCnv__PersSvc
-RootHistCnv__PersSvc('RootHistCnv').ForceAlphaIds = True
-myBuild = os.environ['User_release_area'].split('/')[-1]
-myConf = os.environ['CMTCONFIG']
+RootHistCnv__PersSvc("RootHistCnv").ForceAlphaIds = True
+myBuild = os.environ["User_release_area"].split("/")[-1]
+myConf = os.environ["CMTCONFIG"]
 rootFileBaseName = myBuild + "-" + myConf + "-" + histos
 HistogramPersistencySvc().OutputFile = rootFileBaseName + "-Histos.root"
 # Event numbers
 nEvents = 1000
 EventSelector().PrintFreq = 1
-#LHCbApp().SkipEvents = 5416
+# LHCbApp().SkipEvents = 5416
 # Timestamps in messages
-#LHCbApp().TimeStamp = True
+# LHCbApp().TimeStamp = True
 msgSvc = getConfigurable("MessageSvc")
 msgSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
 from Configurables import SequencerTimerTool
 SequencerTimerTool("ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool").NameSize = 40
 # Auditors
-#AuditorSvc().Auditors += [ "FPEAuditor" ]
-#from Configurables import FPEAuditor
-#FPEAuditor().ActivateAt = ["Execute"]
-#AuditorSvc().Auditors += [ "NameAuditor" ]
+# AuditorSvc().Auditors += [ "FPEAuditor" ]
+# from Configurables import FPEAuditor
+# FPEAuditor().ActivateAt = ["Execute"]
+# AuditorSvc().Auditors += [ "NameAuditor" ]
 # The overall sequence. Filled below.
 all = GaudiSequencer("All", MeasureTime=True)
@@ -59,15 +61,18 @@ all = GaudiSequencer("All", MeasureTime=True)
 app = ApplicationMgr(
     EvtMax=nEvents,  # events to be processed
-    ExtSvc=['ToolSvc', 'AuditorSvc'],
-    AuditAlgorithms=True)
+    ExtSvc=["ToolSvc", "AuditorSvc"],
+    AuditAlgorithms=True,
 # Are we using DD4Hep ?
 from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
 if UseDD4Hep:
     from Configurables import LHCb__Det__LbDD4hep__DD4hepSvc as DD4hepSvc
     dd4hep = DD4hepSvc(DetectorList=["/world", "Magnet", "Rich1", "Rich2"])
-    #dd4hep.DumpConditions = True
+    # dd4hep.DumpConditions = True
     app.ExtSvc += [dd4hep]
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -75,8 +80,8 @@ if UseDD4Hep:
 # Fetch required data from file
 from Configurables import Gaudi__Hive__FetchDataFromFile as FetchDataFromFile
-fetcher = FetchDataFromFile('FetchDSTData')
-fetcher.DataKeys = ['Trigger/RawEvent', 'Rich/RawEvent']
+fetcher = FetchDataFromFile("FetchDSTData")
+fetcher.DataKeys = ["Trigger/RawEvent", "Rich/RawEvent"]
 all.Members += [fetcher]
 # First various raw event decodings
@@ -86,9 +91,8 @@ from Configurables import LHCb__UnpackRawEvent as UnpackRawEvent
 all.Members += [
-        'UnpackODIN',
-        BankTypes=['ODIN'],
-        RawBankLocations=['DAQ/RawBanks/ODIN'])
+        "UnpackODIN", BankTypes=["ODIN"], RawBankLocations=["DAQ/RawBanks/ODIN"]
+    )
 from Configurables import createODIN
@@ -98,46 +102,51 @@ all.Members += [odinDecode]
 if UseDD4Hep:
     from Configurables import LHCb__Det__LbDD4hep__IOVProducer as IOVProducer
     all.Members += [IOVProducer("ReserveIOVDD4hep", ODIN=odinDecode.ODIN)]
 all.Members += [
-        'UnpackRich',
-        BankTypes=['Rich'],
+        "UnpackRich",
+        BankTypes=["Rich"],
-        RawBankLocations=['DAQ/RawBanks/Rich'])
+        RawBankLocations=["DAQ/RawBanks/Rich"],
+    )
 from Configurables import Rich__Future__RawBankDecoder as RichDecoder
 richDecode = RichDecoder("RichFutureDecode")
-#richDecode.OutputLevel = 1
+# richDecode.OutputLevel = 1
 all.Members += [richDecode]
 # clustering
 from Configurables import Rich__Future__SmartIDClustering as RichClustering
 clusters = RichClustering("RichClustering")
 all.Members += [clusters]
 # Positions
-#from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__PixelClusterGlobalPositions as RichGlobalPoints
-#from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__PixelClusterLocalPositions  as RichLocalPoints
-#from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__PixelClusterPositions  as RichPoints
-#gPoints = RichGlobalPoints("RichGloPoints")
-#lPoints = RichLocalPoints("RichLocPoints")
-#aPoints = RichPoints("RichPoints")
-#aPoints.RichPixelGlobalPositionsLocation = gPoints.RichPixelGlobalPositionsLocation+"TMP"
-#aPoints.RichPixelLocalPositionsLocation  = lPoints.RichPixelLocalPositionsLocation+"TMP"
-#all.Members += [gPoints]
-#all.Members += [ gPoints, lPoints ]
-#all.Members += [ aPoints ]
+# from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__PixelClusterGlobalPositions as RichGlobalPoints
+# from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__PixelClusterLocalPositions  as RichLocalPoints
+# from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__PixelClusterPositions  as RichPoints
+# gPoints = RichGlobalPoints("RichGloPoints")
+# lPoints = RichLocalPoints("RichLocPoints")
+# aPoints = RichPoints("RichPoints")
+# aPoints.RichPixelGlobalPositionsLocation = gPoints.RichPixelGlobalPositionsLocation+"TMP"
+# aPoints.RichPixelLocalPositionsLocation  = lPoints.RichPixelLocalPositionsLocation+"TMP"
+# all.Members += [gPoints]
+# all.Members += [ gPoints, lPoints ]
+# all.Members += [ aPoints ]
 # Make SIMD pixel summaries
-#from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__SIMDSummaryPixels as RichSIMDPixels
-#simdPixs = RichSIMDPixels("SIMDPixels")
-#all.Members += [simdPixs]
+# from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__SIMDSummaryPixels as RichSIMDPixels
+# simdPixs = RichSIMDPixels("SIMDPixels")
+# all.Members += [simdPixs]
 # basic monitoring
 from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__DetectorHits as DetectorHits
 pixMon = DetectorHits("RichRecPixelQC")
 all.Members += [pixMon]
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/RichFuture.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/RichFuture.py
index f94ef009126ce78048440c1b8c915246c25c1834..ffff9c826ef52ea8d5a4cde4d9c5af801697e97d 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/RichFuture.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/RichFuture.py
@@ -11,18 +11,31 @@
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from Configurables import Gaudi__Monitoring__MessageSvcSink as MessageSvcSink
+import os
+import socket
+from Configurables import (
+    DDDBConf,
+    FPEAuditor,
+    GaudiSequencer,
+    LHCbApp,
+    MCFTHitUnpacker,
+    MCParticle2MCHitAlg,
+    MCRichDigitSummaryUnpacker,
+    MCRichHitUnpacker,
+    MCRichOpticalPhotonUnpacker,
+    MCRichSegmentUnpacker,
+    MCRichTrackUnpacker,
+    MCUTHitUnpacker,
+    MCVPHitUnpacker,
+    UnpackMCParticle,
+    UnpackMCVertex,
 from Configurables import Gaudi__Histograming__Sink__Root as RootHistoSink
+from Configurables import Gaudi__Monitoring__MessageSvcSink as MessageSvcSink
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from GaudiConfig.ControlFlow import seq
 from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV
-from Configurables import LHCbApp, GaudiSequencer, DDDBConf
-from Configurables import UnpackMCParticle, UnpackMCVertex
-from Configurables import MCRichSegmentUnpacker, MCRichTrackUnpacker, MCRichHitUnpacker
-from Configurables import MCRichDigitSummaryUnpacker, MCRichOpticalPhotonUnpacker
-from Configurables import MCFTHitUnpacker, MCUTHitUnpacker, MCVPHitUnpacker
-from Configurables import FPEAuditor, MCParticle2MCHitAlg
-import os, socket
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -38,8 +51,10 @@ def boolOpt(var, defVal):
     if var in os.environ:
         val = os.environ[var]
         print("INFO: Using ENV VAR value for", var, "=", val)
-        if val.upper() == 'TRUE' or val == "1": return True
-        if val.upper() == 'FALSE' or val == "0": return False
+        if val.upper() == "TRUE" or val == "1":
+            return True
+        if val.upper() == "FALSE" or val == "0":
+            return False
         raise ValueError("could not decode boolean option", var, val)
     print("INFO: Using default value for", var, "=", defVal)
     return defVal
@@ -60,50 +75,52 @@ def floatOpt(var, defVal):
 print("Host", socket.gethostname())
 # Use own DB clones
-#os.environ['GITCONDDBPATH'] = '/usera/jonesc/NFS/GitDB'
+# os.environ['GITCONDDBPATH'] = '/usera/jonesc/NFS/GitDB'
 # Are we running in a batch job ?
 batchMode = "CONDOR_FILE_BATCH" in os.environ
 # histograms
-#histos = "OfflineFull"
+# histos = "OfflineFull"
 histos = "Expert"
 rootFileBaseName = "RichFuture"
 if not batchMode:
-    myBuild = os.getenv('User_release_area', 'None').split('/')[-1]
-    myConf = os.getenv('BINARY_TAG', 'None')
+    myBuild = os.getenv("User_release_area", "None").split("/")[-1]
+    myConf = os.getenv("BINARY_TAG", "None")
     rootFileBaseName += "-" + myBuild + "-" + myConf + "-" + histos
 RootHistoSink().FileName = rootFileBaseName + "-Histos.root"
 ApplicationMgr().HistogramPersistency = "ROOT"
 # Event numbers
-nEvents = (1000 if not batchMode else 99999999)
-EventSelector().PrintFreq = (100 if not batchMode else 250)
-#LHCbApp().SkipEvents     = 2
+nEvents = 1000 if not batchMode else 99999999
+EventSelector().PrintFreq = 100 if not batchMode else 250
+# LHCbApp().SkipEvents     = 2
 # Just to initialise
 # Timestamps in messages
-#LHCbApp().TimeStamp = True
+# LHCbApp().TimeStamp = True
 msgSvc = getConfigurable("MessageSvc")
-#msgSvc.OutputLevel = 1
+# msgSvc.OutputLevel = 1
 msgSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
 from Configurables import SequencerTimerTool
 SequencerTimerTool("ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool").NameSize = 40
 # Auditors
 AuditorSvc().Auditors += ["FPEAuditor"]
 FPEAuditor().ActivateAt = ["Execute"]
-#AuditorSvc().Auditors += ["NameAuditor"]
+# AuditorSvc().Auditors += ["NameAuditor"]
 # JIT cache
-#if batchMode:
+# if batchMode:
 from Configurables import FunctorFactory
-#FunctorFactory().DisableJIT = True
+# FunctorFactory().DisableJIT = True
 FunctorFactory().DisableCache = True
 # The overall sequence.Filled below.
@@ -115,18 +132,18 @@ all = GaudiSequencer("All", MeasureTime=True)
 app = ApplicationMgr(
     EvtMax=nEvents,  # events to be processed
-    ExtSvc=[ToolSvc(),
-            AuditorSvc(),
-            MessageSvcSink(),
-            RootHistoSink()],
-    AuditAlgorithms=True)
+    ExtSvc=[ToolSvc(), AuditorSvc(), MessageSvcSink(), RootHistoSink()],
+    AuditAlgorithms=True,
 # Are we using DD4Hep ?
 from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
 if UseDD4Hep:
     from Configurables import LHCb__Det__LbDD4hep__DD4hepSvc as DD4hepSvc
     dd4hep = DD4hepSvc(DetectorList=["/world", "Magnet", "Rich1", "Rich2"])
-    #dd4hep.DumpConditions = True
+    # dd4hep.DumpConditions = True
     app.ExtSvc += [dd4hep]
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -159,11 +176,11 @@ minPt = 0.2 * GeV
 # Add time to reco tracks using MC
 # Only used if useMCTracks = False and 4D enabled
-tkSegAddTimeFromMC = ((enable4D[0] or enable4D[1]) and not useMCTracks)
+tkSegAddTimeFromMC = (enable4D[0] or enable4D[1]) and not useMCTracks
 # Add time info to Rich hits
 # Only if useMCHits = False and 4D enabled
-usePixelMCTime = ((enable4D[0] or enable4D[1]) and not useMCHits)
+usePixelMCTime = (enable4D[0] or enable4D[1]) and not useMCHits
 # Cheat pixel positions using MC info
 usePixelMCPos = boolOpt("USEPIXELMCINFO", False)
@@ -180,7 +197,7 @@ tkSegUseMCExpCKTheta = False
 filterTksUsingMC = False
 # Override Inner/Outer PD regions from options
-#pixOverrideRegions = (False,False)
+# pixOverrideRegions = (False,False)
 pixOverDR = boolOpt("OVERRIDEDETREGIONS", False)
 pixOverrideRegions = (pixOverDR, pixOverDR)
@@ -190,35 +207,47 @@ all.Members += [preUnpackSeq]
 # Fetch required data from file
 from Configurables import Gaudi__Hive__FetchDataFromFile as FetchDataFromFile
-fetcher = FetchDataFromFile('FetchDSTData')
-fetcher.DataKeys = ['Trigger/RawEvent']
+fetcher = FetchDataFromFile("FetchDSTData")
+fetcher.DataKeys = ["Trigger/RawEvent"]
 preUnpackSeq.Members += [fetcher]
 # Unpack the ODIN raw event
 odinSeq = GaudiSequencer("ODINSeq", MeasureTime=True)
 all.Members += [odinSeq]
 from Configurables import LHCb__UnpackRawEvent as UnpackRawEvent
 odinSeq.Members += [
-        'UnpackODIN',
-        BankTypes=['ODIN'],
-        RawEventLocation='Trigger/RawEvent',
-        RawBankLocations=['DAQ/RawBanks/ODIN'])
+        "UnpackODIN",
+        BankTypes=["ODIN"],
+        RawEventLocation="Trigger/RawEvent",
+        RawBankLocations=["DAQ/RawBanks/ODIN"],
+    )
 # Create the ODIN object from its raw bank
 from Configurables import createODIN
 decodeODIN = createODIN("ODINDecode")
 odinSeq.Members += [decodeODIN]
 if UseDD4Hep:
     from Configurables import LHCb__Det__LbDD4hep__IOVProducer as IOVProducer
     all.Members += [IOVProducer("ReserveIOVDD4hep", ODIN=decodeODIN.ODIN)]
-if tkSegAddTimeFromMC or useMCHits or useMCTracks or filterTksUsingMC or tkSegUseMCExpCKTheta:
+if (
+    tkSegAddTimeFromMC
+    or useMCHits
+    or useMCTracks
+    or filterTksUsingMC
+    or tkSegUseMCExpCKTheta
     preUnpackSeq.Members += [UnpackMCVertex(), UnpackMCParticle()]
 if usePixelMCPos:
     from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__MC__RichPixelUseMCInfo as PixUseMCInfo
     pixInfoAlg = PixUseMCInfo("RichSIMDPixelsUseMCInfo")
     innerPixQR1 = floatOpt("R1INNERPIXQUANT", "2.8")
     outerPixQR1 = floatOpt("R1OUTERPIXQUANT", "5.6")
@@ -234,41 +263,52 @@ if usePixelMCPos:
     pixInfoAlg.OuterPixelEff = (outerPixEffR1, outerPixEffR2)
 if usePixelMCPos or usePixelMCTime or useMCHits:
-    fetcher.DataKeys += ['pSim/Rich/Hits']
+    fetcher.DataKeys += ["pSim/Rich/Hits"]
     preUnpackSeq.Members += [MCRichHitUnpacker()]
     for spill in ["PrevPrev", "Prev", "Next", "NextNext", "LHCBackground"]:
         preUnpackSeq.Members += [
                 spill + "MCRichHitUnpack",
                 InputName="/Event/" + spill + "/pSim/Rich/Hits",
-                OutputName="/Event/" + spill + "/MC/Rich/Hits")
+                OutputName="/Event/" + spill + "/MC/Rich/Hits",
+            )
 if not useMCHits:
     # Run regular rawEvent decoding
-    fetcher.DataKeys += ['Rich/RawEvent']
+    fetcher.DataKeys += ["Rich/RawEvent"]
     from Configurables import Rich__Future__RawBankDecoder as RichDecoder
     unpack_rich = UnpackRawEvent(
-        'UnpackRich',
-        BankTypes=['Rich'],
-        RawEventLocation='Rich/RawEvent',
-        RawBankLocations=['DAQ/RawBanks/Rich'])
+        "UnpackRich",
+        BankTypes=["Rich"],
+        RawEventLocation="Rich/RawEvent",
+        RawBankLocations=["DAQ/RawBanks/Rich"],
+    )
     richDecode = RichDecoder("RichDecodeRawBanks")
     preUnpackSeq.Members += [unpack_rich]
     all.Members += [richDecode]
     # If asked for update decoded data with time from MC
     if usePixelMCTime:
-        richDecode.DecodedDataLocation = str(
-            richDecode.DecodedDataLocation) + "BeforeMCCheat"
-        from Configurables import Rich__Future__MC__DecodedDataAddMCInfo as DecodedDataAddMCInfo
+        richDecode.DecodedDataLocation = (
+            str(richDecode.DecodedDataLocation) + "BeforeMCCheat"
+        )
+        from Configurables import (
+            Rich__Future__MC__DecodedDataAddMCInfo as DecodedDataAddMCInfo,
+        )
         all.Members += [
-                InDecodedDataLocation=richDecode.DecodedDataLocation)
+                InDecodedDataLocation=richDecode.DecodedDataLocation,
+            )
     # Emulate RICH decoded data from extended MC info from Gauss
-    from Configurables import Rich__Future__MC__DecodedDataFromMCRichHits as RichMCDecoder
+    from Configurables import (
+        Rich__Future__MC__DecodedDataFromMCRichHits as RichMCDecoder,
+    )
     richMCDecode = RichMCDecoder("RichDecodeFromMC")
     richMCDecode.IsDetDescMC = True
     richMCDecode.RejectAllBackgrounds = False
@@ -279,8 +319,10 @@ else:
     # Nominal (0.95, 0.95)
     # 50% resolution (0.75, 0.85)
     # 25% resolution (0.55, 0.75)
-    richMCDecode.ReadoutEfficiency = (floatOpt("R1DETEFF", "0.95"),
-                                      floatOpt("R2DETEFF", "0.95"))
+    richMCDecode.ReadoutEfficiency = (
+        floatOpt("R1DETEFF", "0.95"),
+        floatOpt("R2DETEFF", "0.95"),
+    )
     all.Members += [richMCDecode]
 #  Now get the RICH sequence
@@ -288,96 +330,97 @@ else:
 if tkSegUseMCExpCKTheta or photUseMC or filterTksUsingMC or useMCTracks:
     # Build track info from RICH extended MC info
     fetcher.DataKeys += [
-        'pSim/Rich/Segments', 'pSim/Rich/Tracks', 'pSim/MCVertices',
-        'pSim/MCParticles'
+        "pSim/Rich/Segments",
+        "pSim/Rich/Tracks",
+        "pSim/MCVertices",
+        "pSim/MCParticles",
     preUnpackSeq.Members += [
-        MCRichTrackUnpacker()
+        MCRichTrackUnpacker(),
 if not useMCTracks:
     # Explicitly unpack the Tracks
-    fetcher.DataKeys += ['pRec/Track/Best']
+    fetcher.DataKeys += ["pRec/Track/Best"]
     from Configurables import UnpackTrack
     tkUnpack = UnpackTrack("UnpackTracks")
     preUnpackSeq.Members += [tkUnpack]
     # Input tracks
-    inTracks = 'Rec/Track/Best'
+    inTracks = "Rec/Track/Best"
     if filterTksUsingMC:
-        from Configurables import Rich__Future__MC__TrackToMCParticleRelations as TkToMCPRels
+        from Configurables import (
+            Rich__Future__MC__TrackToMCParticleRelations as TkToMCPRels,
+        )
         tkRels = TkToMCPRels("TkMCLongFilterRels")
         tkRels.TrackToMCParticlesRelations = "Rec/Track/BestLongRichMCRels"
         from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__MC__TrackFilter as TkMCFilter
         tkMCFilter = TkMCFilter("TkMCLongFilter")
         tkMCFilter.InTracksLocation = inTracks
-        inTracks = 'Rec/Track/BestRichMCFiltered'
+        inTracks = "Rec/Track/BestRichMCFiltered"
         tkMCFilter.OutTracksLocation = inTracks
         tkMCFilter.TrackToMCParticlesRelations = tkRels.TrackToMCParticlesRelations
         all.Members += [tkRels, tkMCFilter]
     # Filter the tracks by type
     from Configurables import TracksSharedSplitterPerType as TrackFilter
     tkFilt = TrackFilter("TrackTypeFilter")
     tkFilt.InputTracks = inTracks
-    tkFilt.LongTracks = 'Rec/Track/BestLong'
-    tkFilt.DownstreamTracks = 'Rec/Track/BestDownstream'
-    tkFilt.UpstreamTracks = 'Rec/Track/BestUpstream'
-    tkFilt.Ttracks = 'Rec/Track/BestTtrack'
-    tkFilt.VeloTracks = 'Rec/Track/BestVelo'
+    tkFilt.LongTracks = "Rec/Track/BestLong"
+    tkFilt.DownstreamTracks = "Rec/Track/BestDownstream"
+    tkFilt.UpstreamTracks = "Rec/Track/BestUpstream"
+    tkFilt.Ttracks = "Rec/Track/BestTtrack"
+    tkFilt.VeloTracks = "Rec/Track/BestVelo"
     all.Members += [tkFilt]
     # Input tracks
-    #tkLocs = {
-    #"Long" : tkFilt.LongTracks,
-    #"Down" : tkFilt.DownstreamTracks,
-    #"Up" : tkFilt.UpstreamTracks,
-    #"Seed" : tkFilt.Ttracks
-    #}
-    #tkLocs = {"All" : tkFilt.InputTracks }
+    # tkLocs = {
+    # "Long" : tkFilt.LongTracks,
+    # "Down" : tkFilt.DownstreamTracks,
+    # "Up" : tkFilt.UpstreamTracks,
+    # "Seed" : tkFilt.Ttracks
+    # }
+    # tkLocs = {"All" : tkFilt.InputTracks }
     tkLocs = {"Long": tkFilt.LongTracks}
-    #tkLocs = {"Up" : tkFilt.UpstreamTracks }
-    #tkLocs = {"Down" : tkFilt.DownstreamTracks }
+    # tkLocs = {"Up" : tkFilt.UpstreamTracks }
+    # tkLocs = {"Down" : tkFilt.DownstreamTracks }
     # Output PID
-    #pidLocs = {
-    #"Long" : "Rec/Rich/LongPIDs",
-    #"Down" : "Rec/Rich/DownPIDs",
-    #"Up" : "Rec/Rich/UpPIDs",
-    #"Seed" : "Rec/Rich/SeedPIDs"
-    #}
-    #pidLocs = {"All" : "Rec/Rich/PIDs" }
+    # pidLocs = {
+    # "Long" : "Rec/Rich/LongPIDs",
+    # "Down" : "Rec/Rich/DownPIDs",
+    # "Up" : "Rec/Rich/UpPIDs",
+    # "Seed" : "Rec/Rich/SeedPIDs"
+    # }
+    # pidLocs = {"All" : "Rec/Rich/PIDs" }
     pidLocs = {"Long": "Rec/Rich/LongPIDs"}
-    #pidLocs = {"Up" : "Rec/Rich/UpPIDs" }
-    #pidLocs = {"Down" : "Rec/Rich/DownPIDs" }
+    # pidLocs = {"Up" : "Rec/Rich/UpPIDs" }
+    # pidLocs = {"Down" : "Rec/Rich/DownPIDs" }
     # Needed for ideal state creator
     unpVPHits = MCVPHitUnpacker()
     unpFTHits = MCFTHitUnpacker()
     unpUTHits = MCUTHitUnpacker()
     linkVP = MCParticle2MCHitAlg(
-        "LinkVPMCHits",
-        MCHitPath=unpVPHits.OutputName,
-        OutputData="Link/MC/VP/Hits")
+        "LinkVPMCHits", MCHitPath=unpVPHits.OutputName, OutputData="Link/MC/VP/Hits"
+    )
     linkFF = MCParticle2MCHitAlg(
-        "LinkFTMCHits",
-        MCHitPath=unpFTHits.OutputName,
-        OutputData="Link/MC/FT/Hits")
+        "LinkFTMCHits", MCHitPath=unpFTHits.OutputName, OutputData="Link/MC/FT/Hits"
+    )
     linkUT = MCParticle2MCHitAlg(
-        "LinkUTMCHits",
-        MCHitPath=unpUTHits.OutputName,
-        OutputData="Link/MC/UT/Hits")
-    preUnpackSeq.Members += [
-        unpVPHits, unpFTHits, unpUTHits, linkVP, linkFF, linkUT
-    ]
+        "LinkUTMCHits", MCHitPath=unpUTHits.OutputName, OutputData="Link/MC/UT/Hits"
+    )
+    preUnpackSeq.Members += [unpVPHits, unpFTHits, unpUTHits, linkVP, linkFF, linkUT]
     # Fake Input tracks
     inTracks = "Rec/Track/FromRichMCTracks"
@@ -386,43 +429,41 @@ else:
     pidLocs = {"MC": "Rec/Rich/MCPIDs"}
 # track extrapolator type
-#tkExtrap = "TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator/TrackExtrapolator"
+# tkExtrap = "TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator/TrackExtrapolator"
 tkExtrap = "TrackSTEPExtrapolator/TrackExtrapolator"
 # RICH radiators to use
 rads = ["Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas"]
-#rads = ["Rich1Gas"]
-#rads = ["Rich2Gas"]
+# rads = ["Rich1Gas"]
+# rads = ["Rich2Gas"]
 # PID types to process
-parts = [
-    "electron", "muon", "pion", "kaon", "proton", "deuteron", "belowThreshold"
-#parts = ["pion", "kaon", "proton", "deuteron", "belowThreshold"]
+parts = ["electron", "muon", "pion", "kaon", "proton", "deuteron", "belowThreshold"]
+# parts = ["pion", "kaon", "proton", "deuteron", "belowThreshold"]
 photonRecoType = "Quartic"
-#photonRecoType = "FastQuartic"
-#photonRecoType = "CKEstiFromRadius"
+# photonRecoType = "FastQuartic"
+# photonRecoType = "CKEstiFromRadius"
 photonSel = "Nominal"
-#photonSel = "Online"
-#photonSel = "None"
+# photonSel = "Online"
+# photonSel = "None"
 # Number ring points for ray tracing( scaled by CK theta )
 ringPointsMin = (16, 16, 16)
 ringPointsMax = (96, 96, 96)
 # Compute the ring share CK theta values
-#rSTol        = 0.075 #as fraction of sat.CK theta
-#newCKRingTol = ( rSTol, rSTol, rSTol )
+# rSTol        = 0.075 #as fraction of sat.CK theta
+# newCKRingTol = ( rSTol, rSTol, rSTol )
 newCKRingTol = (0.0, 0.05, 0.1)
 # Detectable Yield calculation
 detYieldPrecision = "Average"
-#detYieldPrecision = "Full"
+# detYieldPrecision = "Full"
 # Track CK resolution treatment
-#tkCKResTreatment = "Functional"
+# tkCKResTreatment = "Functional"
 tkCKResTreatment = "Parameterised"
 # Pixel background weights
@@ -431,7 +472,7 @@ WR2 = floatOpt("PIXBCKWEIGHTRICH2", ("1.0" if enable4D[0] else "1.0"))
 pdBckWeights = [(WR1, WR2), (WR1, WR2), (WR1, WR2), (WR1, WR2)]
 # Hit treatment in background alg
-#Need to try and understand the difference here between best 3D and 4D tunings
+# Need to try and understand the difference here between best 3D and 4D tunings
 PDBackIgnoreHitData = [is4D, False, False, False]
 # background thresholds
@@ -442,41 +483,53 @@ bkgThres = [(bT, bT), (bT, bT), (bT, bT), (bT, bT)]
 from RichFutureRecSys.ConfiguredRichReco import defaultNSigmaCuts
 ckResSigma = defaultNSigmaCuts()
-#S = 4.5
+# S = 4.5
 # for tk in tkLocs.keys():
 # #Override presel cuts
-#ckResSigma[photonSel][tkCKResTreatment][tk][0] = ( S, S, S )
+# ckResSigma[photonSel][tkCKResTreatment][tk][0] = ( S, S, S )
 # #Override sel cuts
-#ckResSigma[photonSel][tkCKResTreatment][tk][1] = ( 99, 99, 99 )
+# ckResSigma[photonSel][tkCKResTreatment][tk][1] = ( 99, 99, 99 )
 # Track CK res scale factors (RICH1, RICH2) (Inner, Outer)
 scF = (
     # Inner (R1,R2)
     (floatOpt("INNERR1RESSCALEF", "1.0"), floatOpt("INNERR2RESSCALEF", "1.0")),
     # Outer (R1,R2)
-    (floatOpt("OUTERR1RESSCALEF", "1.0"), floatOpt("OUTERR2RESSCALEF", "1.0")))
+    (floatOpt("OUTERR1RESSCALEF", "1.0"), floatOpt("OUTERR2RESSCALEF", "1.0")),
 # CK theta resolution funcs to use for the emulation when enabled
 defResFs = (
     # Inner (R1,R2)
-    ("(0.00078+0.0012*(std::tanh(-x/5000.0)+1.0))",
-     "(0.00065+0.0011*(std::tanh(-x/5000.0)+1.0))"),
+    (
+        "(0.00078+0.0012*(std::tanh(-x/5000.0)+1.0))",
+        "(0.00065+0.0011*(std::tanh(-x/5000.0)+1.0))",
+    ),
     # Outer (R1,R2)
-    ("(0.00078+0.0012*(std::tanh(-x/5000.0)+1.0))",
-     "(0.00065+0.0011*(std::tanh(-x/5000.0)+1.0))"))
+    (
+        "(0.00078+0.0012*(std::tanh(-x/5000.0)+1.0))",
+        "(0.00065+0.0011*(std::tanh(-x/5000.0)+1.0))",
+    ),
 photEmulatedResMC = (
     # Inner (R1,R2)
-    (str(scF[0][0]) + "*" + os.getenv("INNERR1CKRESFUNC", defResFs[0][0]),
-     str(scF[0][1]) + "*" + os.getenv("INNERR2CKRESFUNC", defResFs[0][1])),
+    (
+        str(scF[0][0]) + "*" + os.getenv("INNERR1CKRESFUNC", defResFs[0][0]),
+        str(scF[0][1]) + "*" + os.getenv("INNERR2CKRESFUNC", defResFs[0][1]),
+    ),
     # Outer (R1,R2)
-    (str(scF[1][0]) + "*" + os.getenv("OUTERR1CKRESFUNC", defResFs[1][0]),
-     str(scF[1][1]) + "*" + os.getenv("OUTERR2CKRESFUNC", defResFs[1][1])))
+    (
+        str(scF[1][0]) + "*" + os.getenv("OUTERR1CKRESFUNC", defResFs[1][0]),
+        str(scF[1][1]) + "*" + os.getenv("OUTERR2CKRESFUNC", defResFs[1][1]),
+    ),
 # Track CK res scale factors
-#tkCKResScaleF = None  # Use nominal values (1.0)
+# tkCKResScaleF = None  # Use nominal values (1.0)
 # To Do. Improve this....
 scFRes = max(max(scF[0][0], scF[1][0]), max(scF[0][1], scF[1][1]))
-if scFRes < 0.5: scFRes = 0.5
+if scFRes < 0.5:
+    scFRes = 0.5
 tkCKResScaleF = (scFRes, scFRes, scFRes)
 # Merged output
@@ -486,7 +539,7 @@ finalPIDLoc = "Rec/Rich/PIDs"
 dType = "Upgrade"
 # Online Brunel mode.
-#online = True
+# online = True
 online = False
 # Create missing track states
@@ -494,25 +547,27 @@ createStates = False
 # Perform clustering ?
 pixelClustering = (False, False)
-#pixelClustering = ( True, True )
+# pixelClustering = ( True, True )
 # Truncate CK angles ?
-#truncateAngles = ( False, False, False )
+# truncateAngles = ( False, False, False )
 truncateAngles = (True, True, True)
 # Max PD occupancy
-maxPDOcc = (int(os.getenv("MAXPDOCCR1", "99999")),
-            int(os.getenv("MAXPDOCCR2", "99999")))
+maxPDOcc = (
+    int(os.getenv("MAXPDOCCR1", "99999")),
+    int(os.getenv("MAXPDOCCR2", "99999")),
 # Minimum photon probability
 minPhotonProb = None  # Nominal
 # Likelihood Settings
-#Number Iterations
+# Number Iterations
 nIts = 2
 # likelihood thresholds
 likeThres = [-1e-2, -1e-3, -1e-4, -1e-5]  # nominal
-#likeThres = [-1e-3, -1e-3, -1e-4, -1e-5]
+# likeThres = [-1e-3, -1e-3, -1e-4, -1e-5]
 # OutputLevel( -1 means no setting )
 outLevel = -1
@@ -520,6 +575,7 @@ outLevel = -1
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # The reconstruction
 from RichFutureRecSys.ConfiguredRichReco import RichRecoSequence
 RichRec = RichRecoSequence(
@@ -560,7 +616,8 @@ RichRec = RichRecoSequence(
-    mergedOutputPIDLocation=finalPIDLoc)
+    mergedOutputPIDLocation=finalPIDLoc,
 # The final sequence to run
 all.Members += [RichRec]
@@ -570,11 +627,14 @@ all.Members += [RichRec]
 # Simple debugging / testing
 enableDebug = False
 if enableDebug:
-    from Configurables import Rich__Future__TestDerivedDetObjects as TestDerivedDetObjects
     from Configurables import Rich__Future__TestDecodeAndIDs as TestDecodeAndIDs
+    from Configurables import (
+        Rich__Future__TestDerivedDetObjects as TestDerivedDetObjects,
+    )
     all.Members += [
         TestDerivedDetObjects("TestDerivedDets", OutputLevel=1),
-        TestDecodeAndIDs("TestDecodeAndIDs")
+        TestDecodeAndIDs("TestDecodeAndIDs"),
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -583,6 +643,7 @@ if enableDebug:
 enableDataMoni = True
 if enableDataMoni:
     from RichFutureRecMonitors.ConfiguredRecoMonitors import RichRecMonitors
     all.Members += [
@@ -591,7 +652,8 @@ if enableDataMoni:
-            histograms=histos)
+            histograms=histos,
+        )
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -603,8 +665,12 @@ enablePIDTuples = True
 if enableMCChecks or enablePIDTuples:
     fetcher.DataKeys += [
-        'pSim/MCVertices', 'pSim/MCParticles', 'pSim/Rich/Hits',
-        'pSim/Rich/Segments', 'pSim/Rich/Tracks', 'pSim/Rich/OpticalPhotons'
+        "pSim/MCVertices",
+        "pSim/MCParticles",
+        "pSim/Rich/Hits",
+        "pSim/Rich/Segments",
+        "pSim/Rich/Tracks",
+        "pSim/Rich/OpticalPhotons",
     # Unpacking sequence after reco is run
     postUnpackSeq = GaudiSequencer("PostUnpackSeq", MeasureTime=True)
@@ -615,13 +681,14 @@ if enableMCChecks or enablePIDTuples:
-        MCRichTrackUnpacker()
+        MCRichTrackUnpacker(),
     if not useMCHits:
         postUnpackSeq.Members += [MCRichDigitSummaryUnpacker()]
 if enableMCChecks:
     from RichFutureRecMonitors.ConfiguredRecoMonitors import RichRecCheckers
     all.Members += [
@@ -630,25 +697,31 @@ if enableMCChecks:
-            histograms=histos)
+            histograms=histos,
+        )
 if enablePIDTuples:
     from Configurables import NTupleSvc
     # ProtoParticle monitoring.For detailed PID monitoring.
     protoMoniSeq = GaudiSequencer("ProtoMonitoring", MeasureTime=True)
     all.Members += [protoMoniSeq]
     # Remake the protos with the new Rich PID objects
-    from Configurables import (ChargedProtoParticleAddRichInfo,
-                               ChargedProtoParticleAddCombineDLLs,
-                               FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker,
-                               DelegatingTrackSelector, TrackSelector)
+    from Configurables import (
+        ChargedProtoParticleAddCombineDLLs,
+        ChargedProtoParticleAddRichInfo,
+        DelegatingTrackSelector,
+        FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker,
+        TrackSelector,
+    )
     makecproto = FunctionalChargedProtoParticleMaker("ProtoPMaker", AddInfo=[])
     makecproto.Inputs = [inTracks]
     makecproto.OutputPIDs = "Rec/ProtoPMakerPIDs"
     makecproto.addTool(DelegatingTrackSelector, name="TrackSelector")
-    tracktypes = ['Long', 'Upstream', 'Downstream', 'Ttrack']
+    tracktypes = ["Long", "Upstream", "Downstream", "Ttrack"]
     makecproto.TrackSelector.TrackTypes = tracktypes
     selector = makecproto.TrackSelector
     for tsname in tracktypes:
@@ -660,6 +733,7 @@ if enablePIDTuples:
     protoMoniSeq.Members += [makecproto]
     # monitoring config
     from Configurables import GlobalRecoChecks
     GlobalRecoChecks().Sequencer = protoMoniSeq
     GlobalRecoChecks().ProtoTupleName = rootFileBaseName + "-ProtoTuple.root"
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/RichFutureFast.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/RichFutureFast.py
index d69f93956ee8ee3c7f91ea35024a8b05d3fa770c..9869d3d5bbeafc8e37dc41d4126d1af88231162f 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/RichFutureFast.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/RichFutureFast.py
@@ -11,99 +11,108 @@
 # Job options file
+# ==============================================================
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from GaudiConfig.ControlFlow import seq
-from Configurables import CondDB, LHCbApp, GaudiSequencer
+from Configurables import CondDB, GaudiSequencer, LHCbApp
 # Fetch required data from file
 from Configurables import Gaudi__Hive__FetchDataFromFile as FetchDataFromFile
-fetcher = FetchDataFromFile('FetchDSTData')
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
+from GaudiConfig.ControlFlow import seq
+fetcher = FetchDataFromFile("FetchDSTData")
 fetcher.DataKeys = [
-    'Trigger/RawEvent', 'Rich/RawEvent', 'pRec/Track/Best', 'pMC/Particles'
+    "Trigger/RawEvent",
+    "Rich/RawEvent",
+    "pRec/Track/Best",
+    "pMC/Particles",
 # First various raw event decodings
 from Configurables import createODIN
 odinDecode = createODIN("ODINFutureDecode")
 from Configurables import Rich__Future__RawBankDecoder as RichDecoder
 richDecode = RichDecoder("RichFutureDecode")
 richDecode.Detectors = (True, False)  # RICH1 only
 # Explicitly unpack the Tracks
-#from Configurables import UnpackTrackFunctional
-#tkUnpack = UnpackTrackFunctional("UnpackTracks")
+# from Configurables import UnpackTrackFunctional
+# tkUnpack = UnpackTrackFunctional("UnpackTracks")
 from Configurables import UnpackTrack
 tkUnpack = UnpackTrack("UnpackTracks")
 # Filter the tracks by type
 from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__TrackFilter as TrackFilter
 tkFilt = TrackFilter("TrackTypeFilter")
 # Now get the RICH sequences
-#photoRecoType = "Quartic"
+# photoRecoType = "Quartic"
 photoRecoType = "CKEstiFromRadius"
 # Preload the geometry during initialise. Useful for timing studies.
 preloadGeom = True
-#preloadGeom = False
+# preloadGeom = False
 # Work around for some tracking tools the RICH uses that doesn't seem
 # to be thread safe yet. Does not matter for normal execution, but if
 # using Gaudi Hive set this to true. Changes how the RICH works to
 # a not completely ideal mode, but avoids the problem.
-#workAroundTrackTools = False
+# workAroundTrackTools = False
 workAroundTrackTools = True
 # Input tracks
 tkLocs = {
     "Long": tkFilt.OutLongTracksLocation,
     "Down": tkFilt.OutDownTracksLocation,
-    "Up": tkFilt.OutUpTracksLocation
+    "Up": tkFilt.OutUpTracksLocation,
-#tkLocs = { "All"  : "Rec/Track/Best" }
-#tkLocs = { "Long" : tkFilt.OutLongTracksLocation }
-#tkLocs = { "Up" : tkFilt.OutUpTracksLocation }
+# tkLocs = { "All"  : "Rec/Track/Best" }
+# tkLocs = { "Long" : tkFilt.OutLongTracksLocation }
+# tkLocs = { "Up" : tkFilt.OutUpTracksLocation }
 # Output PID
 pidLocs = {
     "Long": "Rec/Rich/LongPIDs",
     "Down": "Rec/Rich/DownPIDs",
-    "Up": "Rec/Rich/UpPIDs"
+    "Up": "Rec/Rich/UpPIDs",
-#pidLocs = { "All" : "Rec/Rich/PIDs" }
-#pidLocs = { "Long" : "Rec/Rich/LongPIDs" }
-#pidLocs = { "Up" : "Rec/Rich/UpPIDs" }
+# pidLocs = { "All" : "Rec/Rich/PIDs" }
+# pidLocs = { "Long" : "Rec/Rich/LongPIDs" }
+# pidLocs = { "Up" : "Rec/Rich/UpPIDs" }
 # Merged output
 finalPIDLoc = "Rec/Rich/PIDs"
 # Number of ring points to use during ray tracing
 # Default (Offline, HLT2)
-#nRingPoints = ( 100, 100, 100 )
+# nRingPoints = ( 100, 100, 100 )
 # Fast (HLT1??)
 nRingPoints = (15, 15, 15)
 # Particle Types
-#parts = ["electron","muon","pion","kaon","proton","deuteron","belowThreshold"]
+# parts = ["electron","muon","pion","kaon","proton","deuteron","belowThreshold"]
 parts = ["pion", "kaon"]
 # Track extrapolator
-#tkExt = "TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator"
+# tkExt = "TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator"
 tkExt = "TrackParabolicExtrapolator"
 # Radiators
-#rads = ["Rich1Gas","Rich2Gas"]
+# rads = ["Rich1Gas","Rich2Gas"]
 rads = ["Rich1Gas"]
 # The reconstruction
 from RichFutureRecSys.ConfiguredRichReco import RichRecoSequence
 RichRec = RichRecoSequence(
@@ -114,56 +123,65 @@ RichRec = RichRecoSequence(
-    mergedOutputPIDLocation=finalPIDLoc)
+    mergedOutputPIDLocation=finalPIDLoc,
 # Monitoring
 from RichFutureRecMonitors.ConfiguredRecoMonitors import RichRecMonitors
 RichMoni = RichRecMonitors(
-    particles=parts, inputTrackLocations=tkLocs, outputPIDLocations=pidLocs)
+    particles=parts, inputTrackLocations=tkLocs, outputPIDLocations=pidLocs
 # Explicitly unpack the MCParticles
 from Configurables import UnpackMCParticle
 mcPUnpack = UnpackMCParticle()
 # MC Checking
 from RichFutureRecMonitors.ConfiguredRecoMonitors import RichRecCheckers
 RichCheck = RichRecCheckers(
-    particles=parts, inputTrackLocations=tkLocs, outputPIDLocations=pidLocs)
+    particles=parts, inputTrackLocations=tkLocs, outputPIDLocations=pidLocs
 # The final sequence to run
 all = GaudiSequencer(
-    "All",
-    Members=[fetcher, odinDecode, richDecode, tkUnpack, tkFilt, RichRec])
+    "All", Members=[fetcher, odinDecode, richDecode, tkUnpack, tkFilt, RichRec]
 all.Members += [RichMoni]
-#all.Members += [ mcPUnpack, RichCheck ]
+# all.Members += [ mcPUnpack, RichCheck ]
 all.MeasureTime = True
     EvtMax=50000,  # events to be processed (default is 10)
-    #EvtSel = 'NONE', # do not use any event input
-    ExtSvc=['ToolSvc', 'AuditorSvc'],
-    AuditAlgorithms=True)
+    # EvtSel = 'NONE', # do not use any event input
+    ExtSvc=["ToolSvc", "AuditorSvc"],
+    AuditAlgorithms=True,
 EventSelector().PrintFreq = 1000
-#LHCbApp().SkipEvents = 1278
+# LHCbApp().SkipEvents = 1278
 CondDB()  # Just to initialise
 # Timestamps in messages
-#LHCbApp().TimeStamp = True
+# LHCbApp().TimeStamp = True
 msgSvc = getConfigurable("MessageSvc")
 msgSvc.Format = "% F%40W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
 from Configurables import SequencerTimerTool
 SequencerTimerTool("ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool").NameSize = 40
 # ROOT persistency for histograms
 ApplicationMgr().HistogramPersistency = "ROOT"
 from Configurables import RootHistCnv__PersSvc
-RootHistCnv__PersSvc('RootHistCnv').ForceAlphaIds = True
+RootHistCnv__PersSvc("RootHistCnv").ForceAlphaIds = True
 HistogramPersistencySvc().OutputFile = "RichFutureFast.root"
-#AuditorSvc().Auditors += [ "FPEAuditor" ]
-#from Configurables import FPEAuditor
-#FPEAuditor().ActivateAt = ["Execute"]
+# AuditorSvc().Auditors += [ "FPEAuditor" ]
+# from Configurables import FPEAuditor
+# FPEAuditor().ActivateAt = ["Execute"]
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/RichFutureHive.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/RichFutureHive.py
index aeb74f8fb3de4db1b8d4c712829189571ad93877..233deb9777298f82fb15014e30525703ad3480e1 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/RichFutureHive.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/RichFutureHive.py
@@ -11,27 +11,27 @@
 # Job options file
+# ==============================================================
+from Configurables import HiveWhiteBoard, LHCbApp
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from Configurables import LHCbApp, HiveWhiteBoard
 # Enable Hive !!
+# ==============================================================
 LHCbApp().EnableHive = True
 LHCbApp().Scheduler = "HLTControlFlowMgr"
 LHCbApp().ThreadPoolSize = 2
-#from Configurables import AlgResourcePool, HiveWhiteBoard, ForwardSchedulerSvc
-#AlgResourcePool().OutputLevel = VERBOSE
+# from Configurables import AlgResourcePool, HiveWhiteBoard, ForwardSchedulerSvc
+# AlgResourcePool().OutputLevel = VERBOSE
-#scheduler = ForwardSchedulerSvc()
-#scheduler.OutputLevel = VERBOSE
+# scheduler = ForwardSchedulerSvc()
+# scheduler.OutputLevel = VERBOSE
 whiteboard = HiveWhiteBoard("EventDataSvc")
-#scheduler.MaxAlgosInFlight = 20
-#scheduler.ThreadPoolSize   = 30
+# scheduler.MaxAlgosInFlight = 20
+# scheduler.ThreadPoolSize   = 30
 whiteboard.EventSlots = 2
+# ==============================================================
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/brunel-2011-magdown.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/brunel-2011-magdown.py
index 4b05820438fe9e7df63269c6323bb41686b74c79..6369fcb1573f8ac0f0bcc74cec62a96ecf267f27 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/brunel-2011-magdown.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/brunel-2011-magdown.py
@@ -8,13 +8,12 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from Brunel.Configuration import *
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-    "$PRCONFIGOPTS/Brunel/PR-COLLISION11-Beam3500GeV-VeloClosed-MagDown.py")
@@ -23,4 +22,4 @@ Brunel().PackType = "MDF"
 MessageSvc().countInactive = True
 Brunel().OnlineMode = True
-#Brunel().SkipEvents = 164
+# Brunel().SkipEvents = 164
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/brunel-baseline-qmtest.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/brunel-baseline-qmtest.py
index 08b139207a0d88915840d2753920fe2a04dd268b..87da9f63e31c3258c726b85ddfdebed0693401b6 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/brunel-baseline-qmtest.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/brunel-baseline-qmtest.py
@@ -12,21 +12,24 @@ from Gaudi.Configuration import *
+# importOptions("$BRUNELROOT/tests/options/testBrunel-defaults.py")
 from Configurables import Brunel
 Brunel().DataType = "Upgrade"
 from PRConfig import TestFileDB
 Brunel().EvtMax = 1
 Brunel().PrintFreq = 1
-Brunel().OutputType = 'NONE'
-#Brunel().FilterTrackStates = False
+Brunel().OutputType = "NONE"
+# Brunel().FilterTrackStates = False
 msgSvc = getConfigurable("MessageSvc")
 msgSvc.Format = "% F%30W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
 from Configurables import SequencerTimerTool
 SequencerTimerTool("ToolSvc.SequencerTimerTool").NameSize = 30
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/brunel-oldrich.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/brunel-oldrich.py
index a81f63187dba2d4554a01c41386e2e9556adb9e1..236137f03bcf4260cd9b0823f1ee7f3b30118eb5 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/brunel-oldrich.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/brunel-oldrich.py
@@ -10,4 +10,5 @@
 from Configurables import Brunel
 Brunel().RichSequences = ["RICH"]
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/Classic-PMTs/MCXDigiFiles.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/Classic-PMTs/MCXDigiFiles.py
index 12239a90349f19ef27c4fbb476e0459b079b692c..bf2130f6150cbada16ed46b0b24e01c92bafe465 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/Classic-PMTs/MCXDigiFiles.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/Classic-PMTs/MCXDigiFiles.py
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
+import glob
 # (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
@@ -10,7 +13,6 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-import glob
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
 # Check what is available
@@ -18,7 +20,7 @@ searchPaths = [
     # Cambridge
     # CRJ's CernVM
-    "/home/chris/LHCb/Data/MC/Run3/Sim09c-Up02/30000000/XDIGI/"
+    "/home/chris/LHCb/Data/MC/Run3/Sim09c-Up02/30000000/XDIGI/",
 print("Data Files :-")
@@ -29,12 +31,12 @@ for path in searchPaths:
     for f in files:
-IOHelper('ROOT').inputFiles(data, clear=True)
-FileCatalog().Catalogs = ['xmlcatalog_file:out.xml']
+IOHelper("ROOT").inputFiles(data, clear=True)
+FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:out.xml"]
 from Configurables import Brunel, LHCbApp
-Brunel().InputType = 'DIGI'
+Brunel().InputType = "DIGI"
 Brunel().DataType = "Upgrade"
 Brunel().Simulation = True
 Brunel().WithMC = True
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/Classic-PMTs/MCXDstFiles.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/Classic-PMTs/MCXDstFiles.py
index c2239f298b9840d6c3c51eb8c0e5911987c445bb..477ce7bebc50a2c0d5050278bc891d88bb260a96 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/Classic-PMTs/MCXDstFiles.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/Classic-PMTs/MCXDstFiles.py
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
+import glob
 # (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
@@ -9,9 +12,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-import glob
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
 # Check what is available
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ searchPaths = [
     # CRJ's CernVM
     # the pit
-    "/group/rich/jonesc/LHCb/Data/MC/Run3/Sim09c-Up02/30000000/XDST/"
+    "/group/rich/jonesc/LHCb/Data/MC/Run3/Sim09c-Up02/30000000/XDST/",
 print("Data Files :-")
@@ -34,25 +35,27 @@ for path in searchPaths:
     for f in files:
-IOHelper('ROOT').inputFiles(data, clear=True)
-FileCatalog().Catalogs = ['xmlcatalog_file:out.xml']
+IOHelper("ROOT").inputFiles(data, clear=True)
+FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:out.xml"]
 from Configurables import LHCbApp
 LHCbApp().Simulation = True
 LHCbApp().DataType = "Upgrade"
 LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "dddb-20171010"
 LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "sim-20170301-vc-md100"
 from Configurables import CondDB
 CondDB().setProp("Upgrade", True)
-#from Configurables import Brunel
-#Brunel().InputType    = "DST"
-#Brunel().SkipTracking = True
-#Brunel().DataType   = LHCbApp().DataType
-#Brunel().Simulation = LHCbApp().Simulation
-#Brunel().RecoSequence  = Brunel().RichSequences + [ "PROTO" ]
+# from Configurables import Brunel
+# Brunel().InputType    = "DST"
+# Brunel().SkipTracking = True
+# Brunel().DataType   = LHCbApp().DataType
+# Brunel().Simulation = LHCbApp().Simulation
+# Brunel().RecoSequence  = Brunel().RichSequences + [ "PROTO" ]
-#from Configurables import DstConf
-#DstConf().setProp("EnableUnpack", ["Tracking"] )
-#ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [ "DataOnDemandSvc" ]
+# from Configurables import DstConf
+# DstConf().setProp("EnableUnpack", ["Tracking"] )
+# ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [ "DataOnDemandSvc" ]
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/AllRawDataFiles.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/AllRawDataFiles.py
index 0f3dd1b59c3dd0866fa51116ceadcdf0dfe6c79b..7f6195560f64078ccc5e9bb462e3514f39bd9a7b 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/AllRawDataFiles.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/AllRawDataFiles.py
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
+import glob
 # (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
@@ -12,15 +15,13 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
-import glob
 # Check what is available
 searchPaths = [
     "/usera/jonesc/NFS/data/Collision16/LHCb/Raw/",  # Cambridge
     "/usera/jonesc/NFS/data/Collision15/LHCb/Raw/",  # Cambridge
     "/usera/jonesc/NFS/data/Collision12/LHCb/Raw/",  # Cambridge
     "/usera/jonesc/NFS/data/Collision11_25/LHCb/Raw/",  # Cambridge
-    "/home/chris/LHCb/Data/Collision16/LHCb/Raw/"  # CRJ's CernVM
+    "/home/chris/LHCb/Data/Collision16/LHCb/Raw/",  # CRJ's CernVM
 print("Data Files :-")
@@ -30,5 +31,5 @@ for path in searchPaths:
     data += ["DATAFILE='" + file + "'" for file in files]
-IOHelper('MDF').inputFiles(data, clear=True)
-FileCatalog().Catalogs = ['xmlcatalog_file:out.xml']
+IOHelper("MDF").inputFiles(data, clear=True)
+FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:out.xml"]
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/Col16DstDataFiles.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/Col16DstDataFiles.py
index 3bad85bad4f40c97013003dc0721a2c95cc00e51..52fe2c3d914909339f1559411da44e593991b080 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/Col16DstDataFiles.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/Col16DstDataFiles.py
@@ -8,14 +8,15 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 import glob
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
 # Check what is available
 searchPaths = [
     "/usera/jonesc/NFS/data/Collision16/LHCb/DST/",  # Cambridge
-    "/home/chris/LHCb/Data/Collision16/LHCb/DST/"  # CRJ's CernVM
+    "/home/chris/LHCb/Data/Collision16/LHCb/DST/",  # CRJ's CernVM
 data = []
@@ -23,11 +24,11 @@ for path in searchPaths:
     files = sorted(glob.glob(path + "*/*.dst"))
     data += ["'PFN:" + file for file in files]
-IOHelper('ROOT').inputFiles(data, clear=True)
-FileCatalog().Catalogs = ['xmlcatalog_file:out.xml']
+IOHelper("ROOT").inputFiles(data, clear=True)
+FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:out.xml"]
 from Configurables import LHCbApp
 LHCbApp().DataType = "2016"
-#LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "cond-20170510"
+# LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "cond-20170510"
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/Col16RawDataFiles.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/Col16RawDataFiles.py
index c02b3d5b44ffc1a59fdbc74cfcf8228d6bb6253f..8d9b7036b05e25027837520ecb7d68e2fa6772b0 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/Col16RawDataFiles.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/Col16RawDataFiles.py
@@ -8,14 +8,15 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 import glob
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
 # Check what is available
 searchPaths = [
     "/usera/jonesc/NFS/data/Collision16/LHCb/Raw/",  # Cambridge
-    "/home/chris/LHCb/Data/Collision16/LHCb/Raw/"  # CRJ's CernVM
+    "/home/chris/LHCb/Data/Collision16/LHCb/Raw/",  # CRJ's CernVM
 data = []
@@ -23,8 +24,8 @@ for path in searchPaths:
     files = sorted(glob.glob(path + "*/*.raw"))
     data += ["DATAFILE='" + file + "'" for file in files]
-IOHelper('MDF').inputFiles(data, clear=True)
-FileCatalog().Catalogs = ['xmlcatalog_file:out.xml']
+IOHelper("MDF").inputFiles(data, clear=True)
+FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:out.xml"]
 from Configurables import Brunel, LHCbApp
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/Col17RawDataFiles.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/Col17RawDataFiles.py
index 0bb7a8fb75ef3f92c2d524161c97c3f3a7998092..204fb868ecc44e6cb1741e7ff79c5181ade890f7 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/Col17RawDataFiles.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/Col17RawDataFiles.py
@@ -8,16 +8,17 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 import glob
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
 # Check what is available
 searchPaths = [
     "/usera/jonesc/NFS/data/Collision17/LHCb/Raw/",  # Cambridge
-    #"/usera/jonesc/NFS/data/Collision17/LHCb/Turcal/",   # Cambridge
-    #"/usera/jonesc/NFS/data/Collision17/LHCb/Raw/LOWMULT/",
-    "/home/chris/LHCb/Data/Collision17/LHCb/Raw/"  # CRJ's CernVM
+    # "/usera/jonesc/NFS/data/Collision17/LHCb/Turcal/",   # Cambridge
+    # "/usera/jonesc/NFS/data/Collision17/LHCb/Raw/LOWMULT/",
+    "/home/chris/LHCb/Data/Collision17/LHCb/Raw/",  # CRJ's CernVM
 data = []
@@ -25,13 +26,13 @@ for path in searchPaths:
     # all
     files = sorted(glob.glob(path + "*/*.raw"))
     # mag down
-    #files = sorted(glob.glob(path+"195244/*.raw"))
+    # files = sorted(glob.glob(path+"195244/*.raw"))
     # mag up
-    #files = sorted(glob.glob(path+"194248/*.raw"))
+    # files = sorted(glob.glob(path+"194248/*.raw"))
     data += ["DATAFILE='" + file + "'" for file in files]
-IOHelper('MDF').inputFiles(data, clear=True)
-FileCatalog().Catalogs = ['xmlcatalog_file:out.xml']
+IOHelper("MDF").inputFiles(data, clear=True)
+FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:out.xml"]
 from Configurables import Brunel, LHCbApp
@@ -39,12 +40,12 @@ Brunel().DataType = "2017"
 Brunel().Simulation = False
 Brunel().WithMC = False
-#Brunel().DDDBtag   = "dddb-20150724"
-#Brunel().CondDBtag = "cond-20161011"
+# Brunel().DDDBtag   = "dddb-20150724"
+# Brunel().CondDBtag = "cond-20161011"
-#from Configurables import CondDB
+# from Configurables import CondDB
-#CondDB().Tags['LHCBCOND'] = 'cond-20170510-anita-MDCS'
-#CondDB().Tags['LHCBCOND'] = 'cond-20170510-anita2-MDCS'
-#CondDB().Tags['LHCBCOND'] = 'cond-20170510-anita-mod-MDCS'
-#CondDB().Tags['LHCBCOND'] = 'cond-20170510-chris-MDCS'
+# CondDB().Tags['LHCBCOND'] = 'cond-20170510-anita-MDCS'
+# CondDB().Tags['LHCBCOND'] = 'cond-20170510-anita2-MDCS'
+# CondDB().Tags['LHCBCOND'] = 'cond-20170510-anita-mod-MDCS'
+# CondDB().Tags['LHCBCOND'] = 'cond-20170510-chris-MDCS'
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/MCDigiDataFiles.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/MCDigiDataFiles.py
index a3e24719e4df372f4891fcdfc86ccf462d959d98..9c4ad73141007182dfef05c835a1204ebd2ac2fb 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/MCDigiDataFiles.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/MCDigiDataFiles.py
@@ -8,14 +8,15 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 import glob
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
 # Check what is available
 searchPaths = [
     "/usera/jonesc/NFS/data/MC/Run2/XDIGI/",  # Cambridge
-    "/home/chris/LHCb/Data/MC/Run2/XDIGI/"  # CRJ's CernVM
+    "/home/chris/LHCb/Data/MC/Run2/XDIGI/",  # CRJ's CernVM
 data = []
@@ -23,12 +24,12 @@ for path in searchPaths:
     files = sorted(glob.glob(path + "*.xdigi"))
     data += ["'PFN:" + file for file in files]
-IOHelper('ROOT').inputFiles(data, clear=True)
-FileCatalog().Catalogs = ['xmlcatalog_file:out.xml']
+IOHelper("ROOT").inputFiles(data, clear=True)
+FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:out.xml"]
 from Configurables import Brunel, LHCbApp
-Brunel().InputType = 'DIGI'
+Brunel().InputType = "DIGI"
 Brunel().DataType = "2015"
 Brunel().Simulation = True
 Brunel().WithMC = True
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/MCDstDataFiles.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/MCDstDataFiles.py
index fa7de20438a043d129def8b7ddd2b0c89fa9c809..4d34500740b9014e47b85bccdea417485637c44a 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/MCDstDataFiles.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/HPDs/MCDstDataFiles.py
@@ -8,14 +8,15 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 import glob
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
 # Check what is available
 searchPaths = [
     "/usera/jonesc/NFS/data/MC/Run2/XDST/",  # Cambridge
-    "/home/chris/LHCb/Data/MC/Run2/XDST/"  # CRJ's CernVM
+    "/home/chris/LHCb/Data/MC/Run2/XDST/",  # CRJ's CernVM
 data = []
@@ -23,8 +24,8 @@ for path in searchPaths:
     files = sorted(glob.glob(path + "*.xdst"))
     data += ["'PFN:" + file for file in files]
-IOHelper('ROOT').inputFiles(data, clear=True)
-FileCatalog().Catalogs = ['xmlcatalog_file:out.xml']
+IOHelper("ROOT").inputFiles(data, clear=True)
+FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:out.xml"]
 from Configurables import Brunel, LHCbApp
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/Hlt2/2022-data.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/Hlt2/2022-data.py
index 5750f29d8bcc92de7c0d4e1624d8723d095dc67e..9a1dbb4e694269f2ee8f28508379b4e518a9ee1a 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/Hlt2/2022-data.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/Hlt2/2022-data.py
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
+import glob
 # (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
@@ -9,9 +12,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-import glob
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
 # Check what is available
@@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ searchPaths = [
     # Cambridge
     # CERN EOS
-    "/eos/lhcb/hlt2/LHCb/0000248711/"
+    "/eos/lhcb/hlt2/LHCb/0000248711/",
 print("Data Files :-")
@@ -30,16 +31,19 @@ for path in searchPaths:
     for f in files:
-IOHelper('MDF').inputFiles(data, clear=True)
-FileCatalog().Catalogs = ['xmlcatalog_file:out.xml']
+IOHelper("MDF").inputFiles(data, clear=True)
+FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:out.xml"]
+from Configurables import DDDBConf, LHCbApp
-from Configurables import LHCbApp, DDDBConf
 LHCbApp().Simulation = True
 LHCbApp().DataType = "Upgrade"
 LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "upgrade/master"
 from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
 if not UseDD4Hep:
     LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "upgrade/master"
 from Configurables import CondDB
 CondDB().setProp("Upgrade", True)
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/LHCbSimulator.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/LHCbSimulator.py
index 52727585ed00aa15f3886e7c3be669c469768034..c9bed33c3fbeee1e154a48bc366e6b6b6c386c47 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/LHCbSimulator.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/LHCbSimulator.py
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 import glob
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
 # Check what is available
@@ -23,16 +24,17 @@ for path in searchPaths:
     files = sorted(glob.glob(path + "fixedNZS.mdf"))
     data += ["DATAFILE='" + file + "'" for file in files]
-IOHelper('MDF').inputFiles(data, clear=True)
-FileCatalog().Catalogs = ['xmlcatalog_file:out.xml']
+IOHelper("MDF").inputFiles(data, clear=True)
+FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:out.xml"]
 # Currently no PMTs in LHCbCond ...
 from Configurables import LHCbApp
 LHCbApp().Simulation = True
 LHCbApp().DataType = "Upgrade"
-#LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "upgrade/dddb-20200529"
+# LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "upgrade/dddb-20200529"
 LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "upgrade/jonrob/add-realistic-pmt-hardware-maps"
-#LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "upgrade/sim-20200515-vc-md100"
+# LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "upgrade/sim-20200515-vc-md100"
 LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "upgrade/jonrob/add-realistic-pmt-hardware-maps"
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/MCFormat/MCXDigiFiles.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/MCFormat/MCXDigiFiles.py
index f79fed51aa47539e2f815d03b4994d81aaeab6f4..5f50b7ebb850c831c89a8b11cd756bc3acef48bd 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/MCFormat/MCXDigiFiles.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/MCFormat/MCXDigiFiles.py
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
+import glob
 # (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
@@ -10,7 +13,6 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-import glob
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
 # Check what is available
@@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ searchPaths = [
     # CERN EOS
     # CRJ's CernVM
-    "/home/chris/LHCb/Data/MC/Run3/NewPMTsSE/13104011/XDIGI/"
+    "/home/chris/LHCb/Data/MC/Run3/NewPMTsSE/13104011/XDIGI/",
 print("Data Files :-")
@@ -31,11 +33,12 @@ for path in searchPaths:
     for f in files:
-IOHelper('ROOT').inputFiles(data, clear=True)
-FileCatalog().Catalogs = ['xmlcatalog_file:out.xml']
+IOHelper("ROOT").inputFiles(data, clear=True)
+FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:out.xml"]
 from Configurables import Brunel, LHCbApp
-Brunel().InputType = 'DIGI'
+Brunel().InputType = "DIGI"
 Brunel().DataType = "Upgrade"
 Brunel().Simulation = True
 Brunel().WithMC = True
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/MCFormat/MCXDstFiles-2019DDDBTag.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/MCFormat/MCXDstFiles-2019DDDBTag.py
index c5ee187d7793e20a450c7b04da279c2555d1da34..f66521529794334a9451c1cf4daf703dab45343d 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/MCFormat/MCXDstFiles-2019DDDBTag.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/MCFormat/MCXDstFiles-2019DDDBTag.py
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
+import glob
 # (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
@@ -9,9 +12,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-import glob
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
 # Check what is available
@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ searchPaths = [
     # CERN EOS
     # CRJ's CernVM
-    "/home/chris/LHCb/Data/MC/Run3/NewPMTsSE/13104011/XDST/"
+    "/home/chris/LHCb/Data/MC/Run3/NewPMTsSE/13104011/XDST/",
 print("Data Files :-")
@@ -32,25 +33,27 @@ for path in searchPaths:
     for f in files:
-IOHelper('ROOT').inputFiles(data, clear=True)
-FileCatalog().Catalogs = ['xmlcatalog_file:out.xml']
+IOHelper("ROOT").inputFiles(data, clear=True)
+FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:out.xml"]
 from Configurables import LHCbApp
 LHCbApp().Simulation = True
 LHCbApp().DataType = "Upgrade"
 LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "upgrade/dddb-20190726"
 LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "upgrade/sim-20190911-vc-md100"
 from Configurables import CondDB
 CondDB().setProp("Upgrade", True)
-#from Configurables import Brunel
-#Brunel().InputType    = "DST"
-#Brunel().SkipTracking = True
-#Brunel().DataType   = LHCbApp().DataType
-#Brunel().Simulation = LHCbApp().Simulation
-#Brunel().RecoSequence  = Brunel().RichSequences + [ "PROTO" ]
+# from Configurables import Brunel
+# Brunel().InputType    = "DST"
+# Brunel().SkipTracking = True
+# Brunel().DataType   = LHCbApp().DataType
+# Brunel().Simulation = LHCbApp().Simulation
+# Brunel().RecoSequence  = Brunel().RichSequences + [ "PROTO" ]
-#from Configurables import DstConf
-#DstConf().setProp("EnableUnpack", ["Tracking"] )
-#ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [ "DataOnDemandSvc" ]
+# from Configurables import DstConf
+# DstConf().setProp("EnableUnpack", ["Tracking"] )
+# ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [ "DataOnDemandSvc" ]
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/MCFormat/MCXDstFiles.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/MCFormat/MCXDstFiles.py
index 2f21b18c9c14ae5b91c8403b5be4ef000525e599..173263b85d750ac9552a41367cf8d2f93e73bbcd 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/MCFormat/MCXDstFiles.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/MCFormat/MCXDstFiles.py
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
+import glob
 # (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
@@ -9,9 +12,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-import glob
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
 # Check what is available
@@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ searchPaths = [
     # Cambridge
     # CERN EOS
-    "/eos/lhcb/user/j/jonrob/data/MC/Run3/BM-20220111-DDDB/30000000/XDST/"
+    "/eos/lhcb/user/j/jonrob/data/MC/Run3/BM-20220111-DDDB/30000000/XDST/",
 print("Data Files :-")
@@ -30,19 +31,21 @@ for path in searchPaths:
     for f in files:
-IOHelper('ROOT').inputFiles(data, clear=True)
-FileCatalog().Catalogs = ['xmlcatalog_file:out.xml']
+IOHelper("ROOT").inputFiles(data, clear=True)
+FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:out.xml"]
+from Configurables import DDDBConf, LHCbApp
-from Configurables import LHCbApp, DDDBConf
 LHCbApp().Simulation = True
 LHCbApp().DataType = "Upgrade"
 LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "upgrade/dddb-20220111"
 from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
 if UseDD4Hep:
     # https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb-conddb/lhcb-conditions-database/-/merge_requests/26
     LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "jonrob/all-pmts-active"
     # Use a geometry from before changes to RICH1
     # https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Detector/-/merge_requests/205
-    DDDBConf().GeometryVersion = 'run3/before-rich1-geom-update-26052022'
+    DDDBConf().GeometryVersion = "run3/before-rich1-geom-update-26052022"
     LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "upgrade/sim-20210630-vc-md100"
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/MCFormat/MCXSimFiles.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/MCFormat/MCXSimFiles.py
index dde3bfe39f43886b95b399a792f6e9643a5e0a9d..9f8aa4262efaecf04d41548ab5239a3fc4a5d0d2 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/MCFormat/MCXSimFiles.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/MCFormat/MCXSimFiles.py
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
+import glob
+from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
 # (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
@@ -9,18 +14,14 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-import glob
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
-from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
 # Use DD4HEP or DetDesc generated samples
 isDD4HEPSIM = False
 if isDD4HEPSIM and not UseDD4Hep:
-    raise RuntimeError(
-        "DD4HEP XSIM files can only be processed with a DD4HEP build")
+    raise RuntimeError("DD4HEP XSIM files can only be processed with a DD4HEP build")
 if isDD4HEPSIM:
     # samples made with DD4HEP simulation
@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ if isDD4HEPSIM:
         # Cambridge
         # CERN EOS
-        "/eos/lhcb/user/s/seaso/GaussOutput/Rich-RUN3/NewFramework/RICH-SimFiles/July14-2023/"
+        "/eos/lhcb/user/s/seaso/GaussOutput/Rich-RUN3/NewFramework/RICH-SimFiles/July14-2023/",
     # samples made with DetDesc simulation
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ else:
         # Cambridge
         # CERN EOS
-        "/eos/lhcb/user/s/seaso/GaussOutput/Rich-RUN3/OldFramework/RICH-SimFiles/August2023/"
+        "/eos/lhcb/user/s/seaso/GaussOutput/Rich-RUN3/OldFramework/RICH-SimFiles/August2023/",
 print("Data Files :-")
@@ -48,10 +49,11 @@ for path in searchPaths:
     for f in files:
-IOHelper('ROOT').inputFiles(data, clear=True)
-FileCatalog().Catalogs = ['xmlcatalog_file:out.xml']
+IOHelper("ROOT").inputFiles(data, clear=True)
+FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:out.xml"]
+from Configurables import DDDBConf, LHCbApp
-from Configurables import LHCbApp, DDDBConf
 LHCbApp().Simulation = True
 LHCbApp().DataType = "Upgrade"
@@ -62,9 +64,9 @@ if isDD4HEPSIM:
     if UseDD4Hep:
         # To be seen if these are correct for data above...
-        #LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "sim10/2023" # Seems different to master for RICH1 ??
+        # LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "sim10/2023" # Seems different to master for RICH1 ??
         LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "master"
-        DDDBConf().GeometryVersion = 'run3/trunk'
+        DDDBConf().GeometryVersion = "run3/trunk"
         LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "upgrade/sim-20230310-vc-md100"
         LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "upgrade/dddb-20230310"
@@ -73,12 +75,16 @@ else:
 if isDD4HEPSIM:
     # If XSIM input was created by a DD4HEP simulation disable some DetDesc workarounds
-    from Configurables import Rich__Future__MC__DecodedDataFromMCRichHits as RichMCDecoder
+    from Configurables import (
+        Rich__Future__MC__DecodedDataFromMCRichHits as RichMCDecoder,
+    )
     RichMCDecoder("RichDecodeFromMC").IsDetDescMC = False
 # Create a fake ODIN as these do not exist in XSIM input
 from Configurables import GaudiSequencer
 from Configurables import LHCb__Tests__FakeEventTimeProducer as DummyEventTime
 # Override members of GaudiSequencer 'ODINSeq' to create a fake ODIN object
 # instead of attempting to build from RawEvent
 odinSeq = GaudiSequencer("ODINSeq")
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/RealTel40Format/MCLDstFiles.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/RealTel40Format/MCLDstFiles.py
index 8cf0a467505a581b1d9eb37340326ce061134aee..0346e12cf1bfea2bfeedae0108231840a34e712f 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/RealTel40Format/MCLDstFiles.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/RealTel40Format/MCLDstFiles.py
@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+import glob
+import os
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-import glob, os
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
 # Check what is available
@@ -18,14 +20,14 @@ searchPaths = [
     # Cambridge
     # CernVM
-    "/home/chris/LHCb/Data/MC/Run3/RealTel40Format/Format10/LDST/"
+    "/home/chris/LHCb/Data/MC/Run3/RealTel40Format/Format10/LDST/",
 data = []
 for path in searchPaths:
     files = sorted(glob.glob(path + "*.ldst"))
     data += ["DATAFILE='" + file + "'" for file in files]
-print "Found", len(data), "data files"
+print("Found", len(data), "data files")
 # Batch options ?
 if "CONDOR_FILE_BATCH" in os.environ:
@@ -35,23 +37,25 @@ if "CONDOR_FILE_BATCH" in os.environ:
     firstFile = batch * nfiles
     lastFile = (batch + 1) * nfiles
     if firstFile <= len(data):
-        if lastFile > len(data): lastFile = len(data)
-        print "Using restricted file range", firstFile, lastFile
+        if lastFile > len(data):
+            lastFile = len(data)
+        print("Using restricted file range", firstFile, lastFile)
         data = data[firstFile:lastFile]
         for f in data:
-            print " ", f
+            print(" ", f)
-        print "WARNING: File range outside input data list"
+        print("WARNING: File range outside input data list")
         data = []
-IOHelper('ROOT').inputFiles(data, clear=True)
-FileCatalog().Catalogs = ['xmlcatalog_file:out.xml']
+IOHelper("ROOT").inputFiles(data, clear=True)
+FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:out.xml"]
 from Configurables import LHCbApp
 LHCbApp().Simulation = True
 LHCbApp().DataType = "Upgrade"
-#LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "upgrade/jonrob/add-realistic-pmt-hardware-maps"
-#LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "upgrade/jonrob/add-realistic-pmt-hardware-maps"
+# LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "upgrade/jonrob/add-realistic-pmt-hardware-maps"
+# LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "upgrade/jonrob/add-realistic-pmt-hardware-maps"
 LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "upgrade/dddb-20201029"
 LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "upgrade/sim-20201029-vc-md100"
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/RealTel40Format/PitCommData.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/RealTel40Format/PitCommData.py
index c0151260cb16d0cb1340441a8935a556d6657082..f4df7ea63f91abb464998352898a55f32d8e5c6c 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/RealTel40Format/PitCommData.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/RealTel40Format/PitCommData.py
@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+import glob
+import os
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-import glob, os
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
 # RICH2 pattern
@@ -19,13 +21,13 @@ data = [
-IOHelper('MDF').inputFiles(data, clear=True)
-FileCatalog().Catalogs = ['xmlcatalog_file:out.xml']
+IOHelper("MDF").inputFiles(data, clear=True)
+FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:out.xml"]
 from Configurables import LHCbApp
 LHCbApp().Simulation = True
 LHCbApp().DataType = "Upgrade"
-LHCbApp().DDDBtag = 'upgrade/dddb-20210617'
-#LHCbApp().CondDBtag = 'upgrade/jonrob/rich1-disable-u00-d00'
-LHCbApp().CondDBtag = 'upgrade/jonrob/cable-mapping-2022-final'
+LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "upgrade/dddb-20210617"
+# LHCbApp().CondDBtag = 'upgrade/jonrob/rich1-disable-u00-d00'
+LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "upgrade/jonrob/cable-mapping-2022-final"
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/NoSpill/DIGI/10000000.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/NoSpill/DIGI/10000000.py
index 505dbcbd9adbdad4ddf1a1dd810cfe7b841bfeb7..9d219dc3433fef740f6feb7fbe14f907a6d80678 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/NoSpill/DIGI/10000000.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/NoSpill/DIGI/10000000.py
@@ -10,4 +10,5 @@
 import os
 os.environ["LHCB_EVENT_TYPE"] = "10000000"
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/NoSpill/DIGI/30000000.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/NoSpill/DIGI/30000000.py
index bf44b7b26034263dfae84d889b402c89ca664262..ac4cd9a6d309ac761216d817a1b4a7944eeb29ea 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/NoSpill/DIGI/30000000.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/NoSpill/DIGI/30000000.py
@@ -10,4 +10,5 @@
 import os
 os.environ["LHCB_EVENT_TYPE"] = "30000000"
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/NoSpill/DIGI/files.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/NoSpill/DIGI/files.py
index c5beca1911a7dbe2a01bf025882cecd54143a2cc..8a9c83b392574eb65c419618f10d5cd9e2dd4ce1 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/NoSpill/DIGI/files.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/NoSpill/DIGI/files.py
@@ -10,9 +10,14 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-import glob, os, shutil, uuid
+import glob
+import os
+import shutil
+import uuid
 from pathlib import Path
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
 # name tag
@@ -28,7 +33,19 @@ cdTag = "sim-20221220-vc-md100"
 # Event type
 evType = os.getenv("LHCB_EVENT_TYPE", "30000000")
-relPath = "data/MC/UpgradeII/" + evType + "/" + dbTag + "/" + cdTag + "/" + tag + "-lumi_" + lumi + "/DIGI/"
+relPath = (
+    "data/MC/UpgradeII/"
+    + evType
+    + "/"
+    + dbTag
+    + "/"
+    + cdTag
+    + "/"
+    + tag
+    + "-lumi_"
+    + lumi
+    + "/DIGI/"
 # Check what is available
 searchPaths = [
@@ -48,22 +65,22 @@ for path in searchPaths:
 # Batch options ?
 if "CONDOR_FILE_BATCH" in os.environ:
     # Use env vars to define reduced file range for this job
     batch = int(os.environ["CONDOR_FILE_BATCH"])
     nfiles = int(os.environ["CONDOR_FILES_PER_BATCH"])
     firstFile = batch * nfiles
     lastFile = (batch + 1) * nfiles
     if firstFile <= len(data):
-        if lastFile > len(data): lastFile = len(data)
+        if lastFile > len(data):
+            lastFile = len(data)
         print("INFO: Using restricted file range", firstFile, lastFile)
         data = data[firstFile:lastFile]
         print("WARNING: File range outside input data list")
         data = []
-    #cache_dir = "/var/work/" + os.environ["USER"] + "/DataCache"
-    #if "CACHE_DATA_LOCALLY" in os.environ:
+    # cache_dir = "/var/work/" + os.environ["USER"] + "/DataCache"
+    # if "CACHE_DATA_LOCALLY" in os.environ:
     #    # Attempt to cache locally to work area
     #    new_data = []
     #    Path(cache_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
@@ -83,7 +100,7 @@ if "CONDOR_FILE_BATCH" in os.environ:
     #                    os.remove(tmp_f)
     #            new_data += [cache_f]
     #    data = new_data
-    #else:
+    # else:
     #    shutil.rmtree(cache_dir)
 print("Data Files :-")
@@ -93,24 +110,27 @@ for f in data:
 # Append "PFN:" to each file
 pfns = ["'PFN:" + f for f in data]
-IOHelper('ROOT').inputFiles(pfns, clear=True)
-FileCatalog().Catalogs = ['xmlcatalog_file:out.xml']
+IOHelper("ROOT").inputFiles(pfns, clear=True)
+FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:out.xml"]
+from Configurables import DDDBConf, LHCbApp
-from Configurables import LHCbApp, DDDBConf
 LHCbApp().Simulation = True
 LHCbApp().DataType = "Upgrade"
 LHCbApp().DDDBtag = dbTag
 from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
 if UseDD4Hep:
     # To Be Seen what is correct here...
     # https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb-conddb/lhcb-conditions-database/-/merge_requests/26
     LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "jonrob/all-pmts-active"
     # Use a geometry from before changes to RICH1
     # https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Detector/-/merge_requests/205
-    DDDBConf().GeometryVersion = 'run3/before-rich1-geom-update-26052022'
+    DDDBConf().GeometryVersion = "run3/before-rich1-geom-update-26052022"
     LHCbApp().CondDBtag = cdTag
 from Configurables import LHCb__UnpackRawEvent as UnpackRawEvent
-UnpackRawEvent('UnpackODIN').RawEventLocation = 'DAQ/RawEvent'
-UnpackRawEvent('UnpackRich').RawEventLocation = 'DAQ/RawEvent'
+UnpackRawEvent("UnpackODIN").RawEventLocation = "DAQ/RawEvent"
+UnpackRawEvent("UnpackRich").RawEventLocation = "DAQ/RawEvent"
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/WithSpill/DIGI/10000000.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/WithSpill/DIGI/10000000.py
index 505dbcbd9adbdad4ddf1a1dd810cfe7b841bfeb7..9d219dc3433fef740f6feb7fbe14f907a6d80678 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/WithSpill/DIGI/10000000.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/WithSpill/DIGI/10000000.py
@@ -10,4 +10,5 @@
 import os
 os.environ["LHCB_EVENT_TYPE"] = "10000000"
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/WithSpill/DIGI/30000000.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/WithSpill/DIGI/30000000.py
index bf44b7b26034263dfae84d889b402c89ca664262..ac4cd9a6d309ac761216d817a1b4a7944eeb29ea 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/WithSpill/DIGI/30000000.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/WithSpill/DIGI/30000000.py
@@ -10,4 +10,5 @@
 import os
 os.environ["LHCB_EVENT_TYPE"] = "30000000"
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/WithSpill/DIGI/files.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/WithSpill/DIGI/files.py
index d1338e18f5c596642eee459c10b45ddf30f132fa..911d1666bc7433ea6ca80e02d10e21debbfcda6a 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/WithSpill/DIGI/files.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/data/PMTs/UpgradeII/WithSpill/DIGI/files.py
@@ -10,9 +10,14 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-import glob, os, shutil, uuid
+import glob
+import os
+import shutil
+import uuid
 from pathlib import Path
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
 # name tag
@@ -28,7 +33,19 @@ cdTag = "sim-20221220-vc-md100"
 # Event type
 evType = os.getenv("LHCB_EVENT_TYPE", "30000000")
-relPath = "data/MC/UpgradeII/" + evType + "/" + dbTag + "/" + cdTag + "/" + tag + "-lumi_" + lumi + "/DIGI/"
+relPath = (
+    "data/MC/UpgradeII/"
+    + evType
+    + "/"
+    + dbTag
+    + "/"
+    + cdTag
+    + "/"
+    + tag
+    + "-lumi_"
+    + lumi
+    + "/DIGI/"
 # Check what is available
 searchPaths = [
@@ -48,22 +65,22 @@ for path in searchPaths:
 # Batch options ?
 if "CONDOR_FILE_BATCH" in os.environ:
     # Use env vars to define reduced file range for this job
     batch = int(os.environ["CONDOR_FILE_BATCH"])
     nfiles = int(os.environ["CONDOR_FILES_PER_BATCH"])
     firstFile = batch * nfiles
     lastFile = (batch + 1) * nfiles
     if firstFile <= len(data):
-        if lastFile > len(data): lastFile = len(data)
+        if lastFile > len(data):
+            lastFile = len(data)
         print("INFO: Using restricted file range", firstFile, lastFile)
         data = data[firstFile:lastFile]
         print("WARNING: File range outside input data list")
         data = []
-    #cache_dir = "/var/work/" + os.environ["USER"] + "/DataCache"
-    #if "CACHE_DATA_LOCALLY" in os.environ:
+    # cache_dir = "/var/work/" + os.environ["USER"] + "/DataCache"
+    # if "CACHE_DATA_LOCALLY" in os.environ:
     #    # Attempt to cache locally to work area
     #    new_data = []
     #    Path(cache_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
@@ -83,7 +100,7 @@ if "CONDOR_FILE_BATCH" in os.environ:
     #                    os.remove(tmp_f)
     #                    new_data += [cache_f]
     #    data = new_data
-    #else:
+    # else:
     #    if os.path.exists(cache_dir): shutil.rmtree(cache_dir)
 print("Data Files :-")
@@ -93,24 +110,27 @@ for f in data:
 # Append "PFN:" to each file
 pfns = ["'PFN:" + f for f in data]
-IOHelper('ROOT').inputFiles(pfns, clear=True)
-FileCatalog().Catalogs = ['xmlcatalog_file:out.xml']
+IOHelper("ROOT").inputFiles(pfns, clear=True)
+FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:out.xml"]
+from Configurables import DDDBConf, LHCbApp
-from Configurables import LHCbApp, DDDBConf
 LHCbApp().Simulation = True
 LHCbApp().DataType = "Upgrade"
 LHCbApp().DDDBtag = dbTag
 from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
 if UseDD4Hep:
     # To Be Seen what is correct here...
     # https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb-conddb/lhcb-conditions-database/-/merge_requests/26
     LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "jonrob/all-pmts-active"
     # Use a geometry from before changes to RICH1
     # https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Detector/-/merge_requests/205
-    DDDBConf().GeometryVersion = 'run3/before-rich1-geom-update-26052022'
+    DDDBConf().GeometryVersion = "run3/before-rich1-geom-update-26052022"
     LHCbApp().CondDBtag = cdTag
 from Configurables import LHCb__UnpackRawEvent as UnpackRawEvent
-UnpackRawEvent('UnpackODIN').RawEventLocation = 'DAQ/RawEvent'
-UnpackRawEvent('UnpackRich').RawEventLocation = 'DAQ/RawEvent'
+UnpackRawEvent("UnpackODIN").RawEventLocation = "DAQ/RawEvent"
+UnpackRawEvent("UnpackRich").RawEventLocation = "DAQ/RawEvent"
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/jobs/RunJobs.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/jobs/RunJobs.py
index e6b428ea06d76c99d09782b0f86d00157aef7278..7eccbd9b2bf76ed88cdf6bc7a60b525858d236b1 100755
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/jobs/RunJobs.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/jobs/RunJobs.py
@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@
 # Does bad things here so just disable...
 # yapf: disable
-import subprocess, os, argparse
+import argparse
+import os
+import subprocess
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
     description="Submit condor jobs for RICH reco",
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/jobs/merge.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/jobs/merge.py
index d01cd4c7e29f6ed0e3ae10c0145c987653451cb7..77e13593d251167c0a7e360a704b6c694e4b1138 100755
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/jobs/merge.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/examples/jobs/merge.py
@@ -12,58 +12,63 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
-import glob, os
-import subprocess
+import glob
 import multiprocessing
+import os
+import subprocess
 from contextlib import closing
 from shutil import which
 def merge(dir):
     # Switch to directory to merge in
     if not os.path.isdir(dir):
         print(dir, "does not exist")
         # Find files in sub-jobs
         files = sorted(glob.glob("jobs/job*/*.root"))
         if len(files) > 0:
             # group files by base name
             merge_list = {}
             for f in files:
                 basef = os.path.basename(f)
-                if basef not in merge_list.keys(): merge_list[basef] = []
+                if basef not in merge_list.keys():
+                    merge_list[basef] = []
                 merge_list[basef] += [f]
             # loop over different files
             for merged in merge_list.keys():
-                print("Merging", merged, "in", dir, "with",
-                      len(merge_list[merged]), "files")
+                print(
+                    "Merging",
+                    merged,
+                    "in",
+                    dir,
+                    "with",
+                    len(merge_list[merged]),
+                    "files",
+                )
                 # if merged file present first remove
                 subprocess.call(["rm", "-f", merged])
                 # run merge
-                    ["nice", "-n10", "hadd", "-v", "0", "-ff", merged] +
-                    merge_list[merged])
+                    ["nice", "-n10", "hadd", "-v", "0", "-ff", merged]
+                    + merge_list[merged]
+                )
                 # delete input files
                 subprocess.call(["rm"] + merge_list[merged])
             # tar up jobs directory and remove
-            subprocess.call(
-                ["nice", "-n10", "tar", "-jcf", "jobs.tar.bz2", "jobs"])
+            subprocess.call(["nice", "-n10", "tar", "-jcf", "jobs.tar.bz2", "jobs"])
             subprocess.call(["rm", "-r", "jobs"])
             print("Found no files to merge in", dir)
-def directory_find(atom, root='.'):
+def directory_find(atom, root="."):
     # Find all directories to merge below root
     paths = []
     for path, dirs, files in os.walk(root):
@@ -72,14 +77,12 @@ def directory_find(atom, root='.'):
     return paths
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
     # Check hadd exists before proceeding
     merger = "hadd"
     if which(merger) is None:
         print(merger, "not found")
         # Find jobs to merge
         dirs = directory_find("jobs", os.getcwd())
         print("Found", len(dirs), "directories to merge")
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/python/RichFutureRecSys/ConfiguredRichReco.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/python/RichFutureRecSys/ConfiguredRichReco.py
index 4c223c06dd8ae6ae5cb4bd568d64aa6e0d96cdb6..a5e5577f4a259c1f2e828761dbd337f354d2de6e 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/python/RichFutureRecSys/ConfiguredRichReco.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/python/RichFutureRecSys/ConfiguredRichReco.py
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from builtins import str
-from builtins import range
+from builtins import range, str
 from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV
@@ -18,14 +17,10 @@ from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV
 def RichTESPixelMap(name="RICH1RICH2"):
     # Common data
     locs = {
-        "RichPixelClustersLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/PixelClusters/" + name,
-        "RichPixelGlobalPositionsLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/PixelPositions/Global/" + name,
-        "RichPixelLocalPositionsLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/PixelPositions/Local/" + name,
-        "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/SIMDPixelSummaries/" + name
+        "RichPixelClustersLocation": "Rec/Rich/PixelClusters/" + name,
+        "RichPixelGlobalPositionsLocation": "Rec/Rich/PixelPositions/Global/" + name,
+        "RichPixelLocalPositionsLocation": "Rec/Rich/PixelPositions/Local/" + name,
+        "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation": "Rec/Rich/SIMDPixelSummaries/" + name,
     return locs
@@ -34,61 +29,38 @@ def RichTESTrackMap(name):
     # Contruct the naming map for the given name
     locs = {
         # Track data
-        "TrackSegmentsLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/TrackSegments/" + name,
+        "TrackSegmentsLocation": "Rec/Rich/TrackSegments/" + name,
         # Segment data
-        "SegmentToTrackLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/Relations/SegmentToTrack/" + name,
-        "TrackGlobalPointsLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/SegmentPositions/Global/" + name,
-        "TrackLocalPointsLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/SegmentPositions/Local/" + name,
-        "EmittedPhotonYieldLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/PhotonYields/Emitted/" + name,
-        "EmittedPhotonSpectraLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/PhotonSpectra/Emitted/" + name,
-        "EmittedCherenkovAnglesLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/CherenkovAngles/Emitted/" + name,
-        "SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/CherenkovAngles/Signal/" + name,
-        "EmittedMassHypothesisRingsLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/MassHypoRings/Emitted/" + name,
-        "DetectablePhotonYieldLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/PhotonYields/Detectable/" + name,
-        "DetectablePhotonSpectraLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/PhotonSpectra/Detectable/" + name,
-        "SignalPhotonYieldLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/PhotonYields/Signal/" + name,
-        "SignalPhotonSpectraLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/PhotonSpectra/Signal/" + name,
-        "GeomEffsLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/GeomEffs/" + name,
-        "GeomEffsPerPDLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/GeomEffsPerPD/" + name,
-        "SegmentPhotonFlagsLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/SegmentPhotonFlags/" + name,
-        "CherenkovResolutionsLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/CherenkovResolutions/" + name,
+        "SegmentToTrackLocation": "Rec/Rich/Relations/SegmentToTrack/" + name,
+        "TrackGlobalPointsLocation": "Rec/Rich/SegmentPositions/Global/" + name,
+        "TrackLocalPointsLocation": "Rec/Rich/SegmentPositions/Local/" + name,
+        "EmittedPhotonYieldLocation": "Rec/Rich/PhotonYields/Emitted/" + name,
+        "EmittedPhotonSpectraLocation": "Rec/Rich/PhotonSpectra/Emitted/" + name,
+        "EmittedCherenkovAnglesLocation": "Rec/Rich/CherenkovAngles/Emitted/" + name,
+        "SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation": "Rec/Rich/CherenkovAngles/Signal/" + name,
+        "EmittedMassHypothesisRingsLocation": "Rec/Rich/MassHypoRings/Emitted/" + name,
+        "DetectablePhotonYieldLocation": "Rec/Rich/PhotonYields/Detectable/" + name,
+        "DetectablePhotonSpectraLocation": "Rec/Rich/PhotonSpectra/Detectable/" + name,
+        "SignalPhotonYieldLocation": "Rec/Rich/PhotonYields/Signal/" + name,
+        "SignalPhotonSpectraLocation": "Rec/Rich/PhotonSpectra/Signal/" + name,
+        "GeomEffsLocation": "Rec/Rich/GeomEffs/" + name,
+        "GeomEffsPerPDLocation": "Rec/Rich/GeomEffsPerPD/" + name,
+        "SegmentPhotonFlagsLocation": "Rec/Rich/SegmentPhotonFlags/" + name,
+        "CherenkovResolutionsLocation": "Rec/Rich/CherenkovResolutions/" + name,
         # photon data
-        "CherenkovPhotonLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/CherenkovPhotons/" + name,
-        "PhotonSignalsLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/PhotonPixelSignals/" + name,
+        "CherenkovPhotonLocation": "Rec/Rich/CherenkovPhotons/" + name,
+        "PhotonSignalsLocation": "Rec/Rich/PhotonPixelSignals/" + name,
         # (optionally filled) photon data
-        "PhotonMirrorDataLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/PhotonMirrorData/" + name,
+        "PhotonMirrorDataLocation": "Rec/Rich/PhotonMirrorData/" + name,
         # relations
-        "InitialTrackToSegmentsLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/Relations/TrackToSegments/Initial/" + name,
-        "SelectedTrackToSegmentsLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/Relations/TrackToSegments/Selected/" + name,
-        "PhotonToParentsLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/Relations/PhotonToParents/" + name,
+        "InitialTrackToSegmentsLocation": "Rec/Rich/Relations/TrackToSegments/Initial/"
+        + name,
+        "SelectedTrackToSegmentsLocation": "Rec/Rich/Relations/TrackToSegments/Selected/"
+        + name,
+        "PhotonToParentsLocation": "Rec/Rich/Relations/PhotonToParents/" + name,
         # Summary data
-        "SummaryTracksLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/Summary/Tracks/" + name,
-        "SummaryPixelsLocation":
-        "Rec/Rich/Summary/Pixels/" + name
+        "SummaryTracksLocation": "Rec/Rich/Summary/Tracks/" + name,
+        "SummaryPixelsLocation": "Rec/Rich/Summary/Pixels/" + name,
     return locs
@@ -96,18 +68,9 @@ def RichTESTrackMap(name):
 # Returns the default Track ROI pre-sel cuts
 def defaultMinMaxTrackROICuts():
     return {
-        "Nominal": {
-            "Min": (0, 0),
-            "Max": (110, 165)
-        },
-        "Online": {
-            "Min": (0, 0),
-            "Max": (120, 175)
-        },
-        "None": {
-            "Min": (0, 0),
-            "Max": (200, 200)
-        }
+        "Nominal": {"Min": (0, 0), "Max": (110, 165)},
+        "Online": {"Min": (0, 0), "Max": (120, 175)},
+        "None": {"Min": (0, 0), "Max": (200, 200)},
@@ -120,15 +83,15 @@ def defaultNSigmaCuts():
                 "Long": [(5, 24), (3.6, 4.5)],
                 "Seed": [(5, 5), (3.6, 4.5)],
                 "Up": [(7, 7), (3.6, 4.5)],
-                "MC": [(5, 24), (3.6, 4.5)]
+                "MC": [(5, 24), (3.6, 4.5)],
             "Parameterised": {
                 "Down": [(6.5, 14), (3.5, 4.0)],
                 "Long": [(6, 14), (4.0, 4.5)],
                 "Seed": [(5, 5), (3.5, 3.5)],
                 "Up": [(6, 6), (3.5, 3.5)],
-                "MC": [(6, 14), (4.0, 4.5)]
-            }
+                "MC": [(6, 14), (4.0, 4.5)],
+            },
         "Online": {
             "Functional": {
@@ -136,15 +99,15 @@ def defaultNSigmaCuts():
                 "Long": [(45, 35), (30, 12)],
                 "Seed": [(45, 35), (30, 12)],
                 "Up": [(45, 35), (30, 12)],
-                "MC": [(45, 35), (30, 12)]
+                "MC": [(45, 35), (30, 12)],
             "Parameterised": {
                 "Down": [(35, 35), (25, 15)],
                 "Long": [(35, 35), (25, 15)],
                 "Seed": [(35, 35), (25, 15)],
                 "Up": [(35, 35), (25, 15)],
-                "MC": [(35, 35), (25, 15)]
-            }
+                "MC": [(35, 35), (25, 15)],
+            },
         "None": {
             "Functional": {
@@ -152,43 +115,30 @@ def defaultNSigmaCuts():
                 "Long": [(99999, 99999), (99999, 99999)],
                 "Seed": [(99999, 99999), (99999, 99999)],
                 "Up": [(99999, 99999), (99999, 99999)],
-                "MC": [(99999, 99999), (99999, 99999)]
+                "MC": [(99999, 99999), (99999, 99999)],
             "Parameterised": {
                 "Down": [(99999, 99999), (99999, 99999)],
                 "Long": [(99999, 99999), (99999, 99999)],
                 "Seed": [(99999, 99999), (99999, 99999)],
                 "Up": [(99999, 99999), (99999, 99999)],
-                "MC": [(99999, 99999), (99999, 99999)]
-            }
-        }
+                "MC": [(99999, 99999), (99999, 99999)],
+            },
+        },
 # Returns min CK photon probability values
 def defaultMinPhotonProbabilityCuts():
-    return {
-        "Nominal": (1e-15, 1e-15),
-        "Online": (1e-35, 1e-35),
-        "None": (0, 0)
-    }
+    return {"Nominal": (1e-15, 1e-15), "Online": (1e-35, 1e-35), "None": (0, 0)}
 # Returns the default min/max allowed cherenov theta cuts
 def defaultMinMaxCKThetaCuts():
     return {
-        "Nominal": {
-            "Min": (0.005, 0.005),
-            "Max": (0.055, 0.032)
-        },
-        "Online": {
-            "Min": (0.005, 0.005),
-            "Max": (0.080, 0.035)
-        },
-        "None": {
-            "Min": (0.005, 0.005),
-            "Max": (0.150, 0.120)
-        }
+        "Nominal": {"Min": (0.005, 0.005), "Max": (0.055, 0.032)},
+        "Online": {"Min": (0.005, 0.005), "Max": (0.080, 0.035)},
+        "None": {"Min": (0.005, 0.005), "Max": (0.150, 0.120)},
@@ -199,7 +149,7 @@ def defaultMaxCKThetaResolutions():
         "Long": (0.0030, 0.0015),
         "Down": (0.0050, 0.002),
         "Up": (0.0080, 0.002),
-        "Seed": (0.0050, 0.005)
+        "Seed": (0.0050, 0.005),
@@ -210,10 +160,12 @@ def makeRichAlg(type, name, props, track_type=""):
         lv = value
         # Hack to turn off RICH2 for Upstream tracks.
         if "Up" == track_type or "Upstream" == track_type:
-            if "Detectors" == prop: lv = (value[0], False)
+            if "Detectors" == prop:
+                lv = (value[0], False)
         # Hack to turn off RICH1 for Seed tracks.
         if "Seed" == track_type:
-            if "Detectors" == prop: lv = (False, value[1])
+            if "Detectors" == prop:
+                lv = (False, value[1])
             alg.setProp(prop, lv)
         except AttributeError:
@@ -240,7 +192,6 @@ def pidTESLocations(types=["Long", "Down", "Up"]):
 # Utility method to check the consistency of the configured TES locations
 def CheckConfig(inputTrackLocations, outputPIDLocations):
     if 0 == len(list(inputTrackLocations.keys())):
         raise ValueError("No input track locations specified")
     if 0 == len(list(outputPIDLocations.keys())):
@@ -250,238 +201,171 @@ def CheckConfig(inputTrackLocations, outputPIDLocations):
 def RichRecoSequence(
-        GroupName="",  # Optional name given to this group.
-        #===========================================================
-        # General Data processing options
-        #===========================================================
-        # The data type
-        dataType="",
-        # Flag to indicate we are running in 'Online Brunel' mode
-        onlineBrunelMode=False,
-        # PID types to process
-        particles=[
-            "electron", "muon", "pion", "kaon", "proton", "deuteron",
-            "belowThreshold"
-        ],
-        # radiators to process
-        radiators=["Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas"],
-        # enable 4D reco in each radiator
-        enable4DReco=(False, False),
-        #===========================================================
-        # Input / Output options
-        #===========================================================
-        # TES location for decoded data
-        decodedDataLocation="Raw/Rich/DecodedData/RICH1RICH2",
-        # Dict of input track locations with name key
-        inputTrackLocations={"All": "Rec/Track/Best"},
-        # Dict of output PID locations. Name keys must match above.
-        outputPIDLocations={"All": "Rec/Rich/PIDs"},
-        # Merged PID location.
-        # If set, merges the above into one final location
-        mergedOutputPIDLocation="",
-        # PID version
-        pidVersion=2,
-        #===========================================================
-        # Pixel treatment options
-        #===========================================================
-        # Maximum number of clusters GEC cut
-        maxClusters=200000,
-        # Maximum PD occupancy
-        maxPDOccupancy=(999999, 999999),
-        # Should pixel clustering be run, for either ( RICH1, RICH2 )
-        applyPixelClustering=(False, False),
-        # Average hit time expected in each RICH (for 4D reco)
-        averageHitTime=(13.03, 52.94),
-        # Course time window for hit selection (in ns)
-        pixelTimeWindow=(1.0, 1.0),
-        # MC cheating options
-        # Use MC to cheat pixel hit positions
-        pixUsePosFromMC=False,
-        # Use MC to cheat pixel hit times
-        pixUseTimeFromMC=False,
-        # Override Inner/Outer regions
-        pixOverrideRegions=None,
-        #===========================================================
-        # Track treatment options
-        #===========================================================
-        # Minimum momentum cuts for each RICH
-        MinP=(0 * GeV, 0 * GeV),
-        # Maximum momentum cuts for each RICH
-        MaxP=(9e90 * GeV, 9e90 * GeV),
-        # Minimum transverse momentum cut
-        MinPt=0 * GeV,
-        # Maximum number of tracks GEC cut
-        maxTracks=10000,
-        # Disable non-tread-safe tracking tools
-        makeTkToolsThreadSafe=False,
-        # Max Number points for mass hypothesis ring ray tracing
-        NRingPointsMax=(96, 96),
-        # Min Number points for mass hypothesis ring ray tracing
-        NRingPointsMin=(16, 16),
-        # Tolerence for creating new ray traced CK rings (as fraction of sat. CK theta)
-        NewCKRingTol=(0.05, 0.1),
-        # Track Extrapolator type
-        trackExtrapolator="TrackSTEPExtrapolator/TrackExtrapolator",
-        # Allow missing track states to be created on the fly
-        createMissingStates=False,
-        # Detectable Yield calculation
-        detYieldPrecision="Average",
-        # Treatment of track CK resolutions
-        tkCKResTreatment="Parameterised",
-        # Track CK theta resolution scale factors
-        tkCKResScaleFactors=None,
-        # MC cheating options
-        # Add 4D origin vertex info to track segments using MC
-        tkSegAddTimeFromMC=False,
-        # Use MC to update expected CK theta values for each segment
-        tkSegUseMCExpCKTheta=False,
-        #===========================================================
-        # Photon treatment options
-        #===========================================================
-        # The photon reconstruction to use. Supports either :-
-        #  "Quartic"          - Full solution using the analytic solution.
-        #  "FastQuartic"      - Stripped down quartic algorithm.
-        #  "CKEstiFromRadius" - Estimation using the ray tracing information
-        photonReco="Quartic",
-        # Photon selection cut setting
-        #   Nominal - Normal tuned settings
-        #   Online  - Loosen settings for Online running (wider side-bands)
-        #   None    - Effectively no (pre)selection cuts.
-        photonSelection="Nominal",
-        # Truncate Cherenkov angles to a fixed precision
-        truncateCKAngles=(True, True),
-        # Minimum photon probability (None means use defaults)
-        minPhotonProbability=None,
-        # N Sigma cuts by selection, CK resolution model and track type
-        # None means use defaults
-        nSigmaCuts=None,
-        # Min/Max photon CK theta angle cuts
-        minMaxCKThetaCuts=None,
-        # Timing window for photon reconstruction (in ns) for (inner,outer) regions
-        # Only used if 4D reconstruction is active
-        photonTimeWindow=((0.25, 0.25), (0.25, 0.25)),
-        # MC cheating options
-        # Use MC to cheat photon parameters
-        photUseMC=False,
-        # Function to use when emulating a given CK resolution for each RICH
-        photEmulatedResMC=None,
-        #===========================================================
-        # Settings for the global PID minimisation
-        #===========================================================
-        # Number of iterations of the global PID background and
-        # likelihood minimisation
-        nIterations=2,
-        # The following are technical settings per iteration.
-        # Do not change unless you know what you are doing ;)
-        # Array size must be at least as big as the number of iterations
-        # Pixel background options
-        # Ignore the expected signals based on the track information
-        PDBackIgnoreExpSignals=[True, False, False, False],
-        # Ignore the hit data when computing backgrounds
-        PDBackIgnoreHitData=[False, False, False, False],
-        # Minimum allowed pixel background value (RICH1,RICH2)
-        PDBackMinPixBackground=[(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)],
-        # Maximum allowed pixel background value (RICH1,RICH2)
-        PDBackMaxPixBackground=[(99, 99), (99, 99), (99, 99), (99, 99)],
-        # Threshold values for background values
-        PDBackThresholds=[(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)],
-        # Background weights for each RICH
-        PDBckWeights=[(1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)],
-        # Likelihood minimizer options
-        # Freeze out DLL values
-        TrackFreezeOutDLL=[2, 4, 5, 6],
-        # Run a final check on the DLL values
-        FinalDLLCheck=[False, True, True, True],
-        # Force change DLL values
-        TrackForceChangeDLL=[-1, -2, -3, -4],
-        # Likelihood threshold
-        LikelihoodThreshold=[-1e-2, -1e-3, -1e-4, -1e-5],
-        # Maximum tracks that can change per iteration
-        MaxTrackChangesPerIt=[5, 5, 4, 3],
-        # The minimum DLL signal value
-        MinSignalForNoLLCalc=[1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3],
-        #===========================================================
-        # Technical options
-        #===========================================================
-        # Turn on CPU time measurements
-        MeasureTime=True,
-        # output level
-        OutputLevel=-1
-        # end options
+    GroupName="",  # Optional name given to this group.
+    # ===========================================================
+    # General Data processing options
+    # ===========================================================
+    # The data type
+    dataType="",
+    # Flag to indicate we are running in 'Online Brunel' mode
+    onlineBrunelMode=False,
+    # PID types to process
+    particles=[
+        "electron",
+        "muon",
+        "pion",
+        "kaon",
+        "proton",
+        "deuteron",
+        "belowThreshold",
+    ],
+    # radiators to process
+    radiators=["Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas"],
+    # enable 4D reco in each radiator
+    enable4DReco=(False, False),
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Input / Output options
+    # ===========================================================
+    # TES location for decoded data
+    decodedDataLocation="Raw/Rich/DecodedData/RICH1RICH2",
+    # Dict of input track locations with name key
+    inputTrackLocations={"All": "Rec/Track/Best"},
+    # Dict of output PID locations. Name keys must match above.
+    outputPIDLocations={"All": "Rec/Rich/PIDs"},
+    # Merged PID location.
+    # If set, merges the above into one final location
+    mergedOutputPIDLocation="",
+    # PID version
+    pidVersion=2,
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Pixel treatment options
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Maximum number of clusters GEC cut
+    maxClusters=200000,
+    # Maximum PD occupancy
+    maxPDOccupancy=(999999, 999999),
+    # Should pixel clustering be run, for either ( RICH1, RICH2 )
+    applyPixelClustering=(False, False),
+    # Average hit time expected in each RICH (for 4D reco)
+    averageHitTime=(13.03, 52.94),
+    # Course time window for hit selection (in ns)
+    pixelTimeWindow=(1.0, 1.0),
+    # MC cheating options
+    # Use MC to cheat pixel hit positions
+    pixUsePosFromMC=False,
+    # Use MC to cheat pixel hit times
+    pixUseTimeFromMC=False,
+    # Override Inner/Outer regions
+    pixOverrideRegions=None,
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Track treatment options
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Minimum momentum cuts for each RICH
+    MinP=(0 * GeV, 0 * GeV),
+    # Maximum momentum cuts for each RICH
+    MaxP=(9e90 * GeV, 9e90 * GeV),
+    # Minimum transverse momentum cut
+    MinPt=0 * GeV,
+    # Maximum number of tracks GEC cut
+    maxTracks=10000,
+    # Disable non-tread-safe tracking tools
+    makeTkToolsThreadSafe=False,
+    # Max Number points for mass hypothesis ring ray tracing
+    NRingPointsMax=(96, 96),
+    # Min Number points for mass hypothesis ring ray tracing
+    NRingPointsMin=(16, 16),
+    # Tolerence for creating new ray traced CK rings (as fraction of sat. CK theta)
+    NewCKRingTol=(0.05, 0.1),
+    # Track Extrapolator type
+    trackExtrapolator="TrackSTEPExtrapolator/TrackExtrapolator",
+    # Allow missing track states to be created on the fly
+    createMissingStates=False,
+    # Detectable Yield calculation
+    detYieldPrecision="Average",
+    # Treatment of track CK resolutions
+    tkCKResTreatment="Parameterised",
+    # Track CK theta resolution scale factors
+    tkCKResScaleFactors=None,
+    # MC cheating options
+    # Add 4D origin vertex info to track segments using MC
+    tkSegAddTimeFromMC=False,
+    # Use MC to update expected CK theta values for each segment
+    tkSegUseMCExpCKTheta=False,
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Photon treatment options
+    # ===========================================================
+    # The photon reconstruction to use. Supports either :-
+    #  "Quartic"          - Full solution using the analytic solution.
+    #  "FastQuartic"      - Stripped down quartic algorithm.
+    #  "CKEstiFromRadius" - Estimation using the ray tracing information
+    photonReco="Quartic",
+    # Photon selection cut setting
+    #   Nominal - Normal tuned settings
+    #   Online  - Loosen settings for Online running (wider side-bands)
+    #   None    - Effectively no (pre)selection cuts.
+    photonSelection="Nominal",
+    # Truncate Cherenkov angles to a fixed precision
+    truncateCKAngles=(True, True),
+    # Minimum photon probability (None means use defaults)
+    minPhotonProbability=None,
+    # N Sigma cuts by selection, CK resolution model and track type
+    # None means use defaults
+    nSigmaCuts=None,
+    # Min/Max photon CK theta angle cuts
+    minMaxCKThetaCuts=None,
+    # Timing window for photon reconstruction (in ns) for (inner,outer) regions
+    # Only used if 4D reconstruction is active
+    photonTimeWindow=((0.25, 0.25), (0.25, 0.25)),
+    # MC cheating options
+    # Use MC to cheat photon parameters
+    photUseMC=False,
+    # Function to use when emulating a given CK resolution for each RICH
+    photEmulatedResMC=None,
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Settings for the global PID minimisation
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Number of iterations of the global PID background and
+    # likelihood minimisation
+    nIterations=2,
+    # The following are technical settings per iteration.
+    # Do not change unless you know what you are doing ;)
+    # Array size must be at least as big as the number of iterations
+    # Pixel background options
+    # Ignore the expected signals based on the track information
+    PDBackIgnoreExpSignals=[True, False, False, False],
+    # Ignore the hit data when computing backgrounds
+    PDBackIgnoreHitData=[False, False, False, False],
+    # Minimum allowed pixel background value (RICH1,RICH2)
+    PDBackMinPixBackground=[(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)],
+    # Maximum allowed pixel background value (RICH1,RICH2)
+    PDBackMaxPixBackground=[(99, 99), (99, 99), (99, 99), (99, 99)],
+    # Threshold values for background values
+    PDBackThresholds=[(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)],
+    # Background weights for each RICH
+    PDBckWeights=[(1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)],
+    # Likelihood minimizer options
+    # Freeze out DLL values
+    TrackFreezeOutDLL=[2, 4, 5, 6],
+    # Run a final check on the DLL values
+    FinalDLLCheck=[False, True, True, True],
+    # Force change DLL values
+    TrackForceChangeDLL=[-1, -2, -3, -4],
+    # Likelihood threshold
+    LikelihoodThreshold=[-1e-2, -1e-3, -1e-4, -1e-5],
+    # Maximum tracks that can change per iteration
+    MaxTrackChangesPerIt=[5, 5, 4, 3],
+    # The minimum DLL signal value
+    MinSignalForNoLLCalc=[1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3],
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Technical options
+    # ===========================================================
+    # Turn on CPU time measurements
+    MeasureTime=True,
+    # output level
+    OutputLevel=-1,
+    # end options
-    #from GaudiConfig.ControlFlow import seq
+    # from GaudiConfig.ControlFlow import seq
     from Configurables import GaudiSequencer
     # Check config is sane
@@ -495,9 +379,10 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
     if onlineBrunelMode:
         photonSelection = "Online"
         from Configurables import UpdateManagerSvc
         UpdateManagerSvc().ConditionsOverride += [
             "Conditions/Environment/Rich1/RefractivityScaleFactor := double CurrentScaleFactor = 1.0;",
-            "Conditions/Environment/Rich2/RefractivityScaleFactor := double CurrentScaleFactor = 1.0;"
+            "Conditions/Environment/Rich2/RefractivityScaleFactor := double CurrentScaleFactor = 1.0;",
     # Dictionary of general algorithm properties
@@ -507,6 +392,7 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
     ppToolName = "RichPartProp" + GroupName
     ppTool = "Rich::Future::ParticleProperties/" + ppToolName + ":PUBLIC"
     from Configurables import Rich__Future__ParticleProperties as RichPartProps
     RichPartProps("ToolSvc." + ppToolName).ParticleTypes = particles
     algprops["ParticlePropertiesTool"] = ppTool
@@ -516,25 +402,34 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
     # Name for pixel locations
     pixname = ""
-    if algprops["Detectors"][0]: pixname += "RICH1"
-    if algprops["Detectors"][1]: pixname += "RICH2"
+    if algprops["Detectors"][0]:
+        pixname += "RICH1"
+    if algprops["Detectors"][1]:
+        pixname += "RICH2"
     # output level
-    if OutputLevel > 0: algprops["OutputLevel"] = str(OutputLevel)
+    if OutputLevel > 0:
+        algprops["OutputLevel"] = str(OutputLevel)
     # ==================================================================
     # RICH Pixel Treatment. Common to all track types and instanciations
     # of the RICH sequences.
     # ==================================================================
+    from Configurables import (
+        Rich__Future__Rec__PixelClusterGlobalPositions as RichGlobalPoints,
+    )
+    from Configurables import (
+        Rich__Future__Rec__PixelClusterLocalPositions as RichLocalPoints,
+    )
     from Configurables import Rich__Future__SmartIDClustering as RichClustering
-    from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__PixelClusterGlobalPositions as RichGlobalPoints
-    from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__PixelClusterLocalPositions as RichLocalPoints
     # Clustering name extension
     clusName = ""
-    if applyPixelClustering[0]: clusName += "R1ClusON"
-    if applyPixelClustering[1]: clusName += "R2ClusON"
+    if applyPixelClustering[0]:
+        clusName += "R1ClusON"
+    if applyPixelClustering[1]:
+        clusName += "R2ClusON"
     # Pixel TES locations
     cLocs = RichTESPixelMap(pixname + clusName)
@@ -560,11 +455,13 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
     # Make SIMD pixel summaries
     from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__SIMDSummaryPixels as RichSIMDPixels
     simdPixels = makeRichAlg(RichSIMDPixels, "RichSIMDPixels", algprops)
     pixels.Members += [simdPixels]
     # Options
-    simdPixels.NoClustering = (not applyPixelClustering[0]
-                               and not applyPixelClustering[1])
+    simdPixels.NoClustering = (
+        not applyPixelClustering[0] and not applyPixelClustering[1]
+    )
     # 4D reco
     simdPixels.Enable4D = enable4DReco
     simdPixels.AvHitTime = averageHitTime
@@ -576,22 +473,27 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
     # inputs
     simdPixels.RichPixelClustersLocation = cLocs["RichPixelClustersLocation"]
     # Outputs
-    simdPixels.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs[
-        "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"]
+    simdPixels.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs["RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"]
     # MC cheating of positions
     if pixUsePosFromMC or pixUseTimeFromMC:
-        simdPixels.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs[
-            "RichPixelClustersLocation"] + "BeforeMCCheat"
-        from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__MC__RichPixelUseMCInfo as PixUseMCInfo
-        mcPixPos = makeRichAlg(PixUseMCInfo, "RichSIMDPixelsUseMCInfo",
-                               algprops)
+        simdPixels.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = (
+            cLocs["RichPixelClustersLocation"] + "BeforeMCCheat"
+        )
+        from Configurables import (
+            Rich__Future__Rec__MC__RichPixelUseMCInfo as PixUseMCInfo,
+        )
+        mcPixPos = makeRichAlg(PixUseMCInfo, "RichSIMDPixelsUseMCInfo", algprops)
         pixels.Members += [mcPixPos]
         mcPixPos.UseMCPosition = pixUsePosFromMC
         mcPixPos.UseMCTime = pixUseTimeFromMC
-        mcPixPos.InRichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = simdPixels.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation
+        mcPixPos.InRichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = (
+            simdPixels.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation
+        )
         mcPixPos.OutRichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs[
-            "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"]
+            "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"
+        ]
     # The complete sequence
     all = GaudiSequencer("RichRecoSeq" + GroupName, MeasureTime=MeasureTime)
@@ -599,7 +501,6 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
     # Loop over tracks
     for tktype, trackLocation in sorted(inputTrackLocations.items()):
         # name for this sequence
         name = GroupName + tktype
@@ -623,35 +524,67 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
         # Add to final sequence
         tkSeq.Members += [segs]
-        from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__RayTraceTrackGlobalPoints as TrackPanelGlobalPoints
-        from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__RayTraceTrackLocalPoints as TrackPanelLocalPoints
-        from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__EmittedPhotonYields as EmittedYields
+        from Configurables import (
+            Rich__Future__Rec__EmittedPhotonYields as EmittedYields,
+        )
+        from Configurables import (
+            Rich__Future__Rec__RayTraceTrackGlobalPoints as TrackPanelGlobalPoints,
+        )
+        from Configurables import (
+            Rich__Future__Rec__RayTraceTrackLocalPoints as TrackPanelLocalPoints,
+        )
         if detYieldPrecision == "Full":
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__DetectablePhotonYields as DetectableYields
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__DetectablePhotonYields as DetectableYields,
+            )
         elif detYieldPrecision == "Average":
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__AverageDetectablePhotonYields as DetectableYields
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__AverageDetectablePhotonYields as DetectableYields,
+            )
-            raise ValueError("Unknown detectable yield mode '" +
-                             detYieldPrecision + "'")
-        from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__SignalPhotonYields as SignalYields
-        from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__TrackEmittedCherenkovAngles as EmittedCherenkovAngles
-        from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__TrackSignalCherenkovAngles as SignalCherenkovAngles
-        from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__RayTraceCherenkovCones as EmittedMassCones
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Unknown detectable yield mode '" + detYieldPrecision + "'"
+            )
         from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__GeomEffCKMassRings as GeomEff
+        from Configurables import (
+            Rich__Future__Rec__RayTraceCherenkovCones as EmittedMassCones,
+        )
+        from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__SignalPhotonYields as SignalYields
+        from Configurables import (
+            Rich__Future__Rec__TrackEmittedCherenkovAngles as EmittedCherenkovAngles,
+        )
+        from Configurables import (
+            Rich__Future__Rec__TrackSignalCherenkovAngles as SignalCherenkovAngles,
+        )
         if tkCKResTreatment == "Functional":
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__TrackFunctionalCherenkovResolutions as TrackCKResolutions
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__TrackFunctionalCherenkovResolutions as TrackCKResolutions,
+            )
         elif tkCKResTreatment == "Parameterised":
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__TrackParameterisedCherenkovResolutions as TrackCKResolutions
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__TrackParameterisedCherenkovResolutions as TrackCKResolutions,
+            )
-            raise ValueError("Unknown track Cherenkov resolution treatment '" +
-                             tkCKResTreatment + "'")
-        from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__SelectTrackSegments as SelectTrackSegments
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Unknown track Cherenkov resolution treatment '"
+                + tkCKResTreatment
+                + "'"
+            )
+        from Configurables import (
+            Rich__Future__Rec__SelectTrackSegments as SelectTrackSegments,
+        )
         if tktype != "MC":
             # Segment Creator from reco tracks
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__DetailedTrSegMakerFromTracks as SegmentCreator
-            segCr = makeRichAlg(SegmentCreator, "RichTrackSegments" + name,
-                                algprops, tktype)
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__DetailedTrSegMakerFromTracks as SegmentCreator,
+            )
+            segCr = makeRichAlg(
+                SegmentCreator, "RichTrackSegments" + name, algprops, tktype
+            )
             # Properties
             segCr.TrackExtrapolator = trackExtrapolator
             segCr.MaxTracks = maxTracks
@@ -669,54 +602,61 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
             segCr.TracksLocation = trackLocation
             # Outputs
             segCr.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
-            segCr.TrackToSegmentsLocation = locs[
-                "InitialTrackToSegmentsLocation"]
+            segCr.TrackToSegmentsLocation = locs["InitialTrackToSegmentsLocation"]
             segCr.SegmentToTrackLocation = locs["SegmentToTrackLocation"]
             segs.Members += [segCr]
             if tkSegAddTimeFromMC:
-                segCr.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs[
-                    "TrackSegmentsLocation"] + "NoTime"
-                from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__MC__RichSegmentAddTimeFromMC as AddSegTimeMC
-                addSegTime = makeRichAlg(AddSegTimeMC,
-                                         "RichAddSegTimeFromMC" + name,
-                                         algprops, tktype)
+                segCr.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"] + "NoTime"
+                from Configurables import (
+                    Rich__Future__Rec__MC__RichSegmentAddTimeFromMC as AddSegTimeMC,
+                )
+                addSegTime = makeRichAlg(
+                    AddSegTimeMC, "RichAddSegTimeFromMC" + name, algprops, tktype
+                )
                 addSegTime.TracksLocation = trackLocation
                 addSegTime.InTrackSegmentsLocation = segCr.TrackSegmentsLocation
-                addSegTime.SegmentToTrackLocation = locs[
-                    "SegmentToTrackLocation"]
-                addSegTime.OutTrackSegmentsLocation = locs[
-                    "TrackSegmentsLocation"]
+                addSegTime.SegmentToTrackLocation = locs["SegmentToTrackLocation"]
+                addSegTime.OutTrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
                 segs.Members += [addSegTime]
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__MC__TrSegMakerFromMCRichTracks as SegmentCreator
-            segCr = makeRichAlg(SegmentCreator, "RichTrackSegments" + name,
-                                algprops, tktype)
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__MC__TrSegMakerFromMCRichTracks as SegmentCreator,
+            )
+            segCr = makeRichAlg(
+                SegmentCreator, "RichTrackSegments" + name, algprops, tktype
+            )
             # properties
             segCr.MinP = MinP
             segCr.MaxP = MaxP
             segCr.MinPt = MinPt
             # Outputs
             segCr.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
-            segCr.TrackToSegmentsLocation = locs[
-                "InitialTrackToSegmentsLocation"]
+            segCr.TrackToSegmentsLocation = locs["InitialTrackToSegmentsLocation"]
             segCr.SegmentToTrackLocation = locs["SegmentToTrackLocation"]
-            segCr.OutputTracksLocation = trackLocation  # Location of fake tracks created
+            segCr.OutputTracksLocation = (
+                trackLocation  # Location of fake tracks created
+            )
             segCr.MCParticlesLinkLocation = "Link/" + trackLocation
             segs.Members += [segCr]
         if photUseMC or tkSegUseMCExpCKTheta:
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__MC__TrackToMCParticleRelations as TkToMCPRels
-            mcRels = makeRichAlg(TkToMCPRels, "RichUseMCRels" + name, algprops,
-                                 tktype)
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__MC__TrackToMCParticleRelations as TkToMCPRels,
+            )
+            mcRels = makeRichAlg(TkToMCPRels, "RichUseMCRels" + name, algprops, tktype)
             segs.Members += [mcRels]
             mcRels.TrackToMCParticlesRelations = "Rec/Track/RichMCRels" + tktype
             mcRels.TracksLocation = trackLocation
             mcRels.MCParticlesLinkLocation = "Link/" + trackLocation
         # Track global impact points on PD plane
-        tkGloPnts = makeRichAlg(TrackPanelGlobalPoints,
-                                "RichTrackGloPoints" + name, algprops, tktype)
+        tkGloPnts = makeRichAlg(
+            TrackPanelGlobalPoints, "RichTrackGloPoints" + name, algprops, tktype
+        )
         # Inputs
         tkGloPnts.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
         # Outputs
@@ -724,8 +664,9 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
         segs.Members += [tkGloPnts]
         # Track local impact points on PD plane
-        tkLocPnts = makeRichAlg(TrackPanelLocalPoints,
-                                "RichTrackLocPoints" + name, algprops, tktype)
+        tkLocPnts = makeRichAlg(
+            TrackPanelLocalPoints, "RichTrackLocPoints" + name, algprops, tktype
+        )
         # Inputs
         tkLocPnts.TrackGlobalPointsLocation = locs["TrackGlobalPointsLocation"]
         tkLocPnts.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
@@ -734,41 +675,39 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
         segs.Members += [tkLocPnts]
         # Emitted photon yields
-        emitY = makeRichAlg(EmittedYields, "RichEmittedYields" + name,
-                            algprops, tktype)
+        emitY = makeRichAlg(EmittedYields, "RichEmittedYields" + name, algprops, tktype)
         # Inputs
         emitY.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
         # Outputs
         emitY.EmittedPhotonYieldLocation = locs["EmittedPhotonYieldLocation"]
-        emitY.EmittedPhotonSpectraLocation = locs[
-            "EmittedPhotonSpectraLocation"]
+        emitY.EmittedPhotonSpectraLocation = locs["EmittedPhotonSpectraLocation"]
         segs.Members += [emitY]
         # Expected CK anges using emitted photon spectra
-        emitChAngles = makeRichAlg(EmittedCherenkovAngles,
-                                   "RichEmittedCKAngles" + name, algprops,
-                                   tktype)
+        emitChAngles = makeRichAlg(
+            EmittedCherenkovAngles, "RichEmittedCKAngles" + name, algprops, tktype
+        )
         # Input
         emitChAngles.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
-        emitChAngles.EmittedPhotonYieldLocation = locs[
-            "EmittedPhotonYieldLocation"]
-        emitChAngles.EmittedPhotonSpectraLocation = locs[
-            "EmittedPhotonSpectraLocation"]
+        emitChAngles.EmittedPhotonYieldLocation = locs["EmittedPhotonYieldLocation"]
+        emitChAngles.EmittedPhotonSpectraLocation = locs["EmittedPhotonSpectraLocation"]
         # Output
         emitChAngles.EmittedCherenkovAnglesLocation = locs[
-            "EmittedCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
+            "EmittedCherenkovAnglesLocation"
+        ]
         segs.Members += [emitChAngles]
         # Cherenkov mass cones using emitted spectra
-        emitMassCones = makeRichAlg(EmittedMassCones, "RichMassCones" + name,
-                                    algprops, tktype)
+        emitMassCones = makeRichAlg(
+            EmittedMassCones, "RichMassCones" + name, algprops, tktype
+        )
         # Input
         emitMassCones.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
-        emitMassCones.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs[
-            "EmittedCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
+        emitMassCones.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs["EmittedCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
         # Output
         emitMassCones.MassHypothesisRingsLocation = locs[
-            "EmittedMassHypothesisRingsLocation"]
+            "EmittedMassHypothesisRingsLocation"
+        ]
         # Options
         emitMassCones.NRingPointsMax = NRingPointsMax
         emitMassCones.NRingPointsMin = NRingPointsMin
@@ -776,28 +715,24 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
         segs.Members += [emitMassCones]
         # Detectable photon yields
-        detY = makeRichAlg(DetectableYields, "RichDetectableYields" + name,
-                           algprops, tktype)
+        detY = makeRichAlg(
+            DetectableYields, "RichDetectableYields" + name, algprops, tktype
+        )
         # Inputs
         detY.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
         detY.EmittedSpectraLocation = locs["EmittedPhotonSpectraLocation"]
-        detY.MassHypothesisRingsLocation = locs[
-            "EmittedMassHypothesisRingsLocation"]
+        detY.MassHypothesisRingsLocation = locs["EmittedMassHypothesisRingsLocation"]
         # Output
-        detY.DetectablePhotonYieldLocation = locs[
-            "DetectablePhotonYieldLocation"]
-        detY.DetectablePhotonSpectraLocation = locs[
-            "DetectablePhotonSpectraLocation"]
+        detY.DetectablePhotonYieldLocation = locs["DetectablePhotonYieldLocation"]
+        detY.DetectablePhotonSpectraLocation = locs["DetectablePhotonSpectraLocation"]
         segs.Members += [detY]
         # Geometrical Eff.
         geomEff = makeRichAlg(GeomEff, "RichGeomEff" + name, algprops, tktype)
         # Inputs
         geomEff.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
-        geomEff.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs[
-            "EmittedCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
-        geomEff.MassHypothesisRingsLocation = locs[
-            "EmittedMassHypothesisRingsLocation"]
+        geomEff.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs["EmittedCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
+        geomEff.MassHypothesisRingsLocation = locs["EmittedMassHypothesisRingsLocation"]
         # Outputs
         geomEff.GeomEffsLocation = locs["GeomEffsLocation"]
         geomEff.GeomEffsPerPDLocation = locs["GeomEffsPerPDLocation"]
@@ -805,51 +740,51 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
         segs.Members += [geomEff]
         # Select final track segments
-        tkSel = makeRichAlg(SelectTrackSegments, "RichTkSegmentSel" + name,
-                            algprops, tktype)
+        tkSel = makeRichAlg(
+            SelectTrackSegments, "RichTkSegmentSel" + name, algprops, tktype
+        )
         # Inputs
-        tkSel.InTrackToSegmentsLocation = locs[
-            "InitialTrackToSegmentsLocation"]
+        tkSel.InTrackToSegmentsLocation = locs["InitialTrackToSegmentsLocation"]
         tkSel.GeomEffsLocation = locs["GeomEffsLocation"]
         # Outputs
-        tkSel.OutTrackToSegmentsLocation = locs[
-            "SelectedTrackToSegmentsLocation"]
+        tkSel.OutTrackToSegmentsLocation = locs["SelectedTrackToSegmentsLocation"]
         segs.Members += [tkSel]
         # Signal Photon Yields
-        sigYields = makeRichAlg(SignalYields, "RichSignalYields" + name,
-                                algprops, tktype)
+        sigYields = makeRichAlg(
+            SignalYields, "RichSignalYields" + name, algprops, tktype
+        )
         # Inputs
-        sigYields.DetectablePhotonYieldLocation = locs[
-            "DetectablePhotonYieldLocation"]
+        sigYields.DetectablePhotonYieldLocation = locs["DetectablePhotonYieldLocation"]
         sigYields.DetectablePhotonSpectraLocation = locs[
-            "DetectablePhotonSpectraLocation"]
+            "DetectablePhotonSpectraLocation"
+        ]
         sigYields.GeomEffsLocation = locs["GeomEffsLocation"]
         # Outputs
         sigYields.SignalPhotonYieldLocation = locs["SignalPhotonYieldLocation"]
-        sigYields.SignalPhotonSpectraLocation = locs[
-            "SignalPhotonSpectraLocation"]
+        sigYields.SignalPhotonSpectraLocation = locs["SignalPhotonSpectraLocation"]
         segs.Members += [sigYields]
         # Signal Cherenkov angles
-        sigChAngles = makeRichAlg(SignalCherenkovAngles,
-                                  "RichSignalCKAngles" + name, algprops,
-                                  tktype)
+        sigChAngles = makeRichAlg(
+            SignalCherenkovAngles, "RichSignalCKAngles" + name, algprops, tktype
+        )
         # Inputs
         sigChAngles.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
-        sigChAngles.SignalPhotonSpectraLocation = locs[
-            "SignalPhotonSpectraLocation"]
-        sigChAngles.SignalPhotonYieldLocation = locs[
-            "SignalPhotonYieldLocation"]
+        sigChAngles.SignalPhotonSpectraLocation = locs["SignalPhotonSpectraLocation"]
+        sigChAngles.SignalPhotonYieldLocation = locs["SignalPhotonYieldLocation"]
         # Outputs
         sigLoc = locs["SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
         sigChAngles.SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation = sigLoc
         segs.Members += [sigChAngles]
         if tkSegUseMCExpCKTheta:
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__MC__RichTrackCKAnglesUseMCInfo as UseMCTKAngles
-            useMCAngles = makeRichAlg(UseMCTKAngles,
-                                      "RichSignalCKAnglesUseMC" + name,
-                                      algprops, tktype)
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__MC__RichTrackCKAnglesUseMCInfo as UseMCTKAngles,
+            )
+            useMCAngles = makeRichAlg(
+                UseMCTKAngles, "RichSignalCKAnglesUseMC" + name, algprops, tktype
+            )
             segs.Members += [useMCAngles]
             sigChAngles.SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation = sigLoc + "BeforeMCCheat"
             useMCAngles.InCherenkovAnglesLocation = sigLoc + "BeforeMCCheat"
@@ -860,20 +795,21 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
             useMCAngles.OutCherenkovAnglesLocation = sigLoc
         # Track Resolutions
-        tkRes = makeRichAlg(TrackCKResolutions, "RichCKResolutions" + name,
-                            algprops, tktype)
+        tkRes = makeRichAlg(
+            TrackCKResolutions, "RichCKResolutions" + name, algprops, tktype
+        )
         # Inputs
         tkRes.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
-        tkRes.SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation = locs[
-            "SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
+        tkRes.SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation = locs["SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
         if tkCKResTreatment == "Functional":
             tkRes.MassHypothesisRingsLocation = locs[
-                "EmittedMassHypothesisRingsLocation"]
+                "EmittedMassHypothesisRingsLocation"
+            ]
         # Outputs
-        tkRes.CherenkovResolutionsLocation = locs[
-            "CherenkovResolutionsLocation"]
+        tkRes.CherenkovResolutionsLocation = locs["CherenkovResolutionsLocation"]
         # Processing options
-        if tkCKResScaleFactors: tkRes.ScaleFactor = tkCKResScaleFactors
+        if tkCKResScaleFactors:
+            tkRes.ScaleFactor = tkCKResScaleFactors
         # Max Resolution values
         tkRes.MaxCKThetaRes = defaultMaxCKThetaResolutions()[tktype]
         if tkCKResTreatment == "Parameterised":
@@ -887,30 +823,32 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
         photAlgs = []
         if photonReco == "Quartic" or photonReco == "FastQuartic":
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__SIMDQuarticPhotonReco as PhotonReco
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__SIMDQuarticPhotonReco as PhotonReco,
+            )
         elif photonReco == "CKEstiFromRadius":
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__SIMDCKEstiFromRadiusPhotonReco as PhotonReco
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__SIMDCKEstiFromRadiusPhotonReco as PhotonReco,
+            )
             raise ValueError("Unknown Photon Reco mode '" + photonReco + "'")
-        from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__SIMDPhotonPredictedPixelSignal as PhotonPredSignal
+        from Configurables import (
+            Rich__Future__Rec__SIMDPhotonPredictedPixelSignal as PhotonPredSignal,
+        )
         # The photon reconstruction
-        photReco = makeRichAlg(PhotonReco, "RichPhotonReco" + name, algprops,
-                               tktype)
+        photReco = makeRichAlg(PhotonReco, "RichPhotonReco" + name, algprops, tktype)
         photAlgs += [photReco]
         # Inputs
         photReco.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
-        photReco.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs[
-            "SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
-        photReco.CherenkovResolutionsLocation = locs[
-            "CherenkovResolutionsLocation"]
+        photReco.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs["SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
+        photReco.CherenkovResolutionsLocation = locs["CherenkovResolutionsLocation"]
         photReco.TrackLocalPointsLocation = locs["TrackLocalPointsLocation"]
-        photReco.TrackToSegmentsLocation = locs[
-            "SelectedTrackToSegmentsLocation"]
-        photReco.SegmentPhotonFlagsLocation = locs[
-            "SegmentPhotonFlagsLocation"]
+        photReco.TrackToSegmentsLocation = locs["SelectedTrackToSegmentsLocation"]
+        photReco.SegmentPhotonFlagsLocation = locs["SegmentPhotonFlagsLocation"]
         photReco.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs[
-            "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"]
+            "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"
+        ]
         # Outputs
         photReco.CherenkovPhotonLocation = locs["CherenkovPhotonLocation"]
         photReco.PhotonToParentsLocation = locs["PhotonToParentsLocation"]
@@ -923,7 +861,8 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
         photReco.ScaleFactorCKTheta = (0.045, 0.024)
         photReco.ScaleFactorSepG = (83, 107)
         # Photon (pre)selection cuts
-        if not nSigmaCuts: nSigmaCuts = defaultNSigmaCuts()
+        if not nSigmaCuts:
+            nSigmaCuts = defaultNSigmaCuts()
         if not minMaxCKThetaCuts:
             minMaxCKThetaCuts = defaultMinMaxCKThetaCuts()
         nSigmaC = nSigmaCuts[photonSelection][tkCKResTreatment][tktype]
@@ -958,16 +897,21 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
         elif photonReco == "CKEstiFromRadius":
             # This implementation requires the CK rings
             photReco.MassHypothesisRingsLocation = locs[
-                "EmittedMassHypothesisRingsLocation"]
+                "EmittedMassHypothesisRingsLocation"
+            ]
-            raise ValueError("Unknown photon reconstruction algorithm '" +
-                             photonReco + "'")
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Unknown photon reconstruction algorithm '" + photonReco + "'"
+            )
         if photUseMC:
-            from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__MC__RichPhotonUseMCInfo as PhotonUseMCInfo
-            photMCInfo = makeRichAlg(PhotonUseMCInfo,
-                                     "RichPhotonUseMCInfo" + name, algprops,
-                                     tktype)
+            from Configurables import (
+                Rich__Future__Rec__MC__RichPhotonUseMCInfo as PhotonUseMCInfo,
+            )
+            photMCInfo = makeRichAlg(
+                PhotonUseMCInfo, "RichPhotonUseMCInfo" + name, algprops, tktype
+            )
             photAlgs += [photMCInfo]
             pLoc = locs["CherenkovPhotonLocation"]
             photMCInfo.OutCherenkovPhotonLocation = pLoc
@@ -975,13 +919,14 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
             photReco.CherenkovPhotonLocation = pLoc + "BeforeMC"
             photMCInfo.TrackToMCParticlesRelations = mcRels.TrackToMCParticlesRelations
             photMCInfo.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs[
-                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"]
+                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"
+            ]
             photMCInfo.TracksLocation = trackLocation
-            photMCInfo.PhotonToParentsLocation = locs[
-                "PhotonToParentsLocation"]
+            photMCInfo.PhotonToParentsLocation = locs["PhotonToParentsLocation"]
             photMCInfo.SegmentToTrackLocation = locs["SegmentToTrackLocation"]
             photMCInfo.SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation = locs[
-                "SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
+                "SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"
+            ]
             if photEmulatedResMC:
                 photMCInfo.CKThetaSmearFuncInner = photEmulatedResMC[0]
                 photMCInfo.CKThetaSmearFuncOuter = photEmulatedResMC[1]
@@ -989,18 +934,18 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
         # Predicted pixel signals
         photPredSig = makeRichAlg(
-            PhotonPredSignal, "RichPredPixelSignal" + name, algprops, tktype)
+            PhotonPredSignal, "RichPredPixelSignal" + name, algprops, tktype
+        )
         photAlgs += [photPredSig]
         # Input
         photPredSig.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs[
-            "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"]
+            "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"
+        ]
         photPredSig.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
         photPredSig.CherenkovPhotonLocation = locs["CherenkovPhotonLocation"]
         photPredSig.PhotonToParentsLocation = locs["PhotonToParentsLocation"]
-        photPredSig.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs[
-            "SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
-        photPredSig.CherenkovResolutionsLocation = locs[
-            "CherenkovResolutionsLocation"]
+        photPredSig.CherenkovAnglesLocation = locs["SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation"]
+        photPredSig.CherenkovResolutionsLocation = locs["CherenkovResolutionsLocation"]
         photPredSig.PhotonYieldLocation = locs["DetectablePhotonYieldLocation"]
         # Output
         photPredSig.PhotonSignalsLocation = locs["PhotonSignalsLocation"]
@@ -1012,7 +957,8 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
         # The photon reco sequence
         phots = GaudiSequencer(
-            "RichPhotons" + name, MeasureTime=MeasureTime, Members=photAlgs)
+            "RichPhotons" + name, MeasureTime=MeasureTime, Members=photAlgs
+        )
         # Add to final sequence
         tkSeq.Members += [phots]
@@ -1022,19 +968,15 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
         from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__SIMDRecoSummary as RecSummary
-        recSum = makeRichAlg(RecSummary, "RichRecSummary" + name, algprops,
-                             tktype)
+        recSum = makeRichAlg(RecSummary, "RichRecSummary" + name, algprops, tktype)
         # Inputs
         recSum.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
-        recSum.TrackToSegmentsLocation = locs[
-            "SelectedTrackToSegmentsLocation"]
+        recSum.TrackToSegmentsLocation = locs["SelectedTrackToSegmentsLocation"]
         recSum.PhotonToParentsLocation = locs["PhotonToParentsLocation"]
-        recSum.DetectablePhotonYieldLocation = locs[
-            "DetectablePhotonYieldLocation"]
+        recSum.DetectablePhotonYieldLocation = locs["DetectablePhotonYieldLocation"]
         recSum.SignalPhotonYieldLocation = locs["SignalPhotonYieldLocation"]
         recSum.PhotonSignalsLocation = locs["PhotonSignalsLocation"]
-        recSum.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs[
-            "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"]
+        recSum.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs["RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"]
         # Output
         recSum.SummaryTracksLocation = locs["SummaryTracksLocation"]
         recSum.SummaryPixelsLocation = locs["SummaryPixelsLocation"]
@@ -1045,14 +987,21 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
         # RICH Global PID
         # ==================================================================
-        from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__GlobalPID__InitialisePIDInfo as GPIDInit
-        from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__GlobalPID__WriteRichPIDs as WriteRichPIDs
-        from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__SIMDPixelBackgroundsEstiAvHPD as PixelBackgrounds
-        from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__GlobalPID__SIMDLikelihoodMinimiser as LikelihoodMinimiser
+        from Configurables import (
+            Rich__Future__Rec__GlobalPID__InitialisePIDInfo as GPIDInit,
+        )
+        from Configurables import (
+            Rich__Future__Rec__GlobalPID__SIMDLikelihoodMinimiser as LikelihoodMinimiser,
+        )
+        from Configurables import (
+            Rich__Future__Rec__GlobalPID__WriteRichPIDs as WriteRichPIDs,
+        )
+        from Configurables import (
+            Rich__Future__Rec__SIMDPixelBackgroundsEstiAvHPD as PixelBackgrounds,
+        )
         # Initalise some default locations
-        gpidInit = makeRichAlg(GPIDInit, "RichGPIDInit" + name, algprops,
-                               tktype)
+        gpidInit = makeRichAlg(GPIDInit, "RichGPIDInit" + name, algprops, tktype)
         # Inputs
         gpidInit.SummaryTracksLocation = locs["SummaryTracksLocation"]
         # Output
@@ -1065,31 +1014,34 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
         # The pid sequence
         pid = GaudiSequencer(
-            "RichPID" + name, MeasureTime=MeasureTime, Members=[gpidInit])
+            "RichPID" + name, MeasureTime=MeasureTime, Members=[gpidInit]
+        )
         # Add to final sequence
         tkSeq.Members += [pid]
         # PID iterations
         for it in range(0, nIterations):
             itN = "It" + repr(it)
             # Pixel backgrounds
-            pixBkgs = makeRichAlg(PixelBackgrounds,
-                                  "RichPixBackgrounds" + itN + name, algprops,
-                                  tktype)
+            pixBkgs = makeRichAlg(
+                PixelBackgrounds, "RichPixBackgrounds" + itN + name, algprops, tktype
+            )
             # Input
             pixBkgs.TrackPIDHyposLocation = lastTrackPIDHyposLocation
-            pixBkgs.TrackToSegmentsLocation = locs[
-                "SelectedTrackToSegmentsLocation"]
+            pixBkgs.TrackToSegmentsLocation = locs["SelectedTrackToSegmentsLocation"]
             pixBkgs.TrackSegmentsLocation = locs["TrackSegmentsLocation"]
             pixBkgs.GeomEffsPerPDLocation = locs["GeomEffsPerPDLocation"]
             pixBkgs.DetectablePhotonYieldLocation = locs[
-                "DetectablePhotonYieldLocation"]
+                "DetectablePhotonYieldLocation"
+            ]
             pixBkgs.RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation = cLocs[
-                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"]
+                "RichSIMDPixelSummariesLocation"
+            ]
             # Output
-            pixBkgs.PixelBackgroundsLocation = "Rec/Rich/PixelBackgrounds/" + itN + "/" + name
+            pixBkgs.PixelBackgroundsLocation = (
+                "Rec/Rich/PixelBackgrounds/" + itN + "/" + name
+            )
             # Settings
             pixBkgs.IgnoreExpectedSignals = PDBackIgnoreExpSignals[it]
             pixBkgs.IgnoreHitData = PDBackIgnoreHitData[it]
@@ -1100,9 +1052,9 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
             pixBkgs.Enable4D = enable4DReco
             # Likelihood minimiser
-            like = makeRichAlg(LikelihoodMinimiser,
-                               "RichGPIDLikelihood" + itN + name, algprops,
-                               tktype)
+            like = makeRichAlg(
+                LikelihoodMinimiser, "RichGPIDLikelihood" + itN + name, algprops, tktype
+            )
             # Input
             like.SummaryTracksLocation = locs["SummaryTracksLocation"]
             like.SummaryPixelsLocation = locs["SummaryPixelsLocation"]
@@ -1130,8 +1082,9 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
             pid.Members += [pixBkgs, like]
         # Write the file RichPID objects
-        writePIDs = makeRichAlg(WriteRichPIDs, "RichGPIDWriteRichPIDs" + name,
-                                algprops, tktype)
+        writePIDs = makeRichAlg(
+            WriteRichPIDs, "RichGPIDWriteRichPIDs" + name, algprops, tktype
+        )
         # options
         writePIDs.PIDVersion = pidVersion
         # Inputs
@@ -1150,10 +1103,9 @@ def RichRecoSequence(
     # ==================================================================
     if "" != mergedOutputPIDLocation:
         from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__MergeRichPIDs as MergePIDs
-        pidMerge = makeRichAlg(MergePIDs, "MergeRichPIDs" + GroupName,
-                               algprops)
+        pidMerge = makeRichAlg(MergePIDs, "MergeRichPIDs" + GroupName, algprops)
         pidMerge.InputRichPIDLocations = list(outputPIDLocations.values())
         pidMerge.OutputRichPIDLocation = mergedOutputPIDLocation
         pidMerge.PIDVersion = pidVersion
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/2022-data.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/2022-data.py
index 5894b40bb77866839cb9a07f538c22aa2bf85e4e..f6f688ac0f82b5208e841fbc9fcf09017e8b1e2d 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/2022-data.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/2022-data.py
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
+from Configurables import DDDBConf, LHCbApp
+from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
 # (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
@@ -9,20 +13,18 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
-from Configurables import LHCbApp, DDDBConf
-from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
 from PRConfig.TestFileDB import test_file_db
 data = test_file_db["rich-decode-2022"].filenames
-IOHelper('MDF').inputFiles(data, clear=True)
+IOHelper("MDF").inputFiles(data, clear=True)
 LHCbApp().Simulation = True
 LHCbApp().DataType = "Upgrade"
 if not UseDD4Hep:
     from Configurables import CondDB
     CondDB().setProp("Upgrade", True)
     LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "upgrade/master"
     LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "upgrade/master"
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/2023-data.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/2023-data.py
index 2d62a5652e819ede89d35f30209e99df0451ac0b..b97a650d8de37eb6c6af783cf80b2ad2434baaec 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/2023-data.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/2023-data.py
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
+from Configurables import DDDBConf, LHCbApp
+from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
 # (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
@@ -9,20 +13,18 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
-from Configurables import LHCbApp, DDDBConf
-from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
 from PRConfig.TestFileDB import test_file_db
 data = test_file_db["rich-decode-2023-2"].filenames
-IOHelper('MDF').inputFiles(data, clear=True)
+IOHelper("MDF").inputFiles(data, clear=True)
 LHCbApp().Simulation = True
 LHCbApp().DataType = "Upgrade"
 if not UseDD4Hep:
     from Configurables import CondDB
     CondDB().setProp("Upgrade", True)
     LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "upgrade/master"
     LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "upgrade/master"
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/2024-data.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/2024-data.py
index 64510528cff52b983c6e97c7d71fa0c9be0280c9..9f8edc97a44248a4412db7193ceabcb58f9db21b 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/2024-data.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/2024-data.py
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
+from Configurables import DDDBConf, LHCbApp
+from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
 # (c) Copyright 2000-2018 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
 #                                                                             #
@@ -9,20 +13,18 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
 from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
-from Configurables import LHCbApp, DDDBConf
-from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
 from PRConfig.TestFileDB import test_file_db
 data = test_file_db["rich-decode-2024"].filenames
-IOHelper('MDF').inputFiles(data, clear=True)
+IOHelper("MDF").inputFiles(data, clear=True)
 LHCbApp().Simulation = True
 LHCbApp().DataType = "Upgrade"
 if not UseDD4Hep:
     from Configurables import CondDB
     CondDB().setProp("Upgrade", True)
     LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "upgrade/master"
     LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "upgrade/master"
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/pmt-v3-data.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/pmt-v3-data.py
index 4a59fbafe9cad87b866d1dcfc568b7fe848ef477..f62c882de6f6ae522cb588f861718cf26884f4d2 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/pmt-v3-data.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/pmt-v3-data.py
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from Configurables import DDDBConf
 from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from PRConfig.TestFileDB import test_file_db
 if not UseDD4Hep:
     from Configurables import CondDB
     CondDB().setProp("Upgrade", True)
 # Timestamps in messages
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ if UseDD4Hep:
     LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "jonrob/all-pmts-active"
     # Use a geometry from before changes to RICH1
     # https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb/Detector/-/merge_requests/205
-    DDDBConf().GeometryVersion = 'run3/before-rich1-geom-update-26052022'
+    DDDBConf().GeometryVersion = "run3/before-rich1-geom-update-26052022"
     LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "upgrade/sim-20210630-vc-md100"
 from GaudiConf import IOHelper
 data = test_file_db["rich-decode-detdesc-compat-old-rich1"].filenames
-IOHelper('ROOT').inputFiles(data, clear=True)
-FileCatalog().Catalogs = ['xmlcatalog_file:out.xml']
+IOHelper("ROOT").inputFiles(data, clear=True)
+FileCatalog().Catalogs = ["xmlcatalog_file:out.xml"]
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/rich-decode.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/rich-decode.py
index d0b27610cd07aaaee1f06658aa9315149aa3bd8a..d23b7f636c15501507f2b3f08e4976af69703e1b 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/rich-decode.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/rich-decode.py
@@ -11,24 +11,23 @@
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from Configurables import Gaudi__Monitoring__MessageSvcSink as MessageSvcSink
+import os
 from Configurables import Gaudi__Histograming__Sink__Root as RootHistoSink
-from Configurables import GaudiSequencer
 from Configurables import Gaudi__Hive__FetchDataFromFile as FetchDataFromFile
+from Configurables import Gaudi__Monitoring__MessageSvcSink as MessageSvcSink
+from Configurables import GaudiSequencer, createODIN
 from Configurables import LHCb__UnpackRawEvent as UnpackRawEvent
-from Configurables import createODIN
 from Configurables import Rich__Future__RawBankDecoder as RichDecoder
-from Configurables import Rich__Future__SmartIDClustering as RichClustering
-from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__SIMDSummaryPixels as RichSIMDPixels
 from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__Moni__DetectorHits as DetectorHits
-import os
+from Configurables import Rich__Future__Rec__SIMDSummaryPixels as RichSIMDPixels
+from Configurables import Rich__Future__SmartIDClustering as RichClustering
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 # get test name
 nameEnvVar = "QMTTEST_NAME"
 if nameEnvVar not in os.environ:
-    raise RuntimeError(
-        f"Could not determine test NAME via EnvVar {nameEnvVar}")
+    raise RuntimeError(f"Could not determine test NAME via EnvVar {nameEnvVar}")
 myName = os.environ[nameEnvVar]
 # Event numbers
@@ -52,22 +51,25 @@ app = ApplicationMgr(
-        RootHistoSink(FileName=myName + "-hists.root")
+        RootHistoSink(FileName=myName + "-hists.root"),
-    AuditAlgorithms=True)
+    AuditAlgorithms=True,
 # Are we using DD4Hep ?
 from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
 if UseDD4Hep:
     from Configurables import LHCb__Det__LbDD4hep__DD4hepSvc as DD4hepSvc
     dd4hep = DD4hepSvc(DetectorList=["/world", "Magnet", "Rich1", "Rich2"])
     app.ExtSvc += [dd4hep]
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Fetch required data from file
-fetcher = FetchDataFromFile('FetchDSTData')
-fetcher.DataKeys = ['Trigger/RawEvent', 'Rich/RawEvent']
+fetcher = FetchDataFromFile("FetchDSTData")
+fetcher.DataKeys = ["Trigger/RawEvent", "Rich/RawEvent"]
 all.Members += [fetcher]
 # First various raw event decodings
@@ -75,10 +77,11 @@ all.Members += [fetcher]
 # Unpack the ODIN raw event
 all.Members += [
-        'UnpackODIN',
-        BankTypes=['ODIN'],
-        RawEventLocation='DAQ/RawEvent',
-        RawBankLocations=['DAQ/RawBanks/ODIN'])
+        "UnpackODIN",
+        BankTypes=["ODIN"],
+        RawEventLocation="DAQ/RawEvent",
+        RawBankLocations=["DAQ/RawBanks/ODIN"],
+    )
 odinDecode = createODIN("ODINDecode")
@@ -86,15 +89,17 @@ all.Members += [odinDecode]
 if UseDD4Hep:
     from Configurables import LHCb__Det__LbDD4hep__IOVProducer as IOVProducer
     all.Members += [IOVProducer("ReserveIOVDD4hep", ODIN=odinDecode.ODIN)]
 # Unpack the ODIN raw event
 all.Members += [
-        'UnpackRich',
-        BankTypes=['Rich'],
-        RawEventLocation='DAQ/RawEvent',
-        RawBankLocations=['DAQ/RawBanks/Rich'])
+        "UnpackRich",
+        BankTypes=["Rich"],
+        RawEventLocation="DAQ/RawEvent",
+        RawBankLocations=["DAQ/RawBanks/Rich"],
+    )
 richDecode = RichDecoder("RichDecode")
 all.Members += [richDecode]
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/rich-dst-reco.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/rich-dst-reco.py
index 8b3f9255eac2e15fc97d2976925d0bb510b0f672..74a2ec3473d1bb1c62b50ea990d2cba483182df2 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/rich-dst-reco.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecSys/tests/options/rich-dst-reco.py
@@ -11,55 +11,66 @@
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-from Gaudi.Configuration import *
-from Configurables import Gaudi__Monitoring__MessageSvcSink as MessageSvcSink
+import os
+from Configurables import (
+    DDDBConf,
+    FPEAuditor,
+    GaudiSequencer,
+    LHCbApp,
+    MCFTHitUnpacker,
+    MCParticle2MCHitAlg,
+    MCRichDigitSummaryUnpacker,
+    MCRichHitUnpacker,
+    MCRichOpticalPhotonUnpacker,
+    MCRichSegmentUnpacker,
+    MCRichTrackUnpacker,
+    MCUTHitUnpacker,
+    MCVPHitUnpacker,
+    UnpackMCParticle,
+    UnpackMCVertex,
 from Configurables import Gaudi__Histograming__Sink__Root as RootHistoSink
+from Configurables import Gaudi__Monitoring__MessageSvcSink as MessageSvcSink
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
 from GaudiConfig.ControlFlow import seq
 from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV
-from Configurables import LHCbApp, GaudiSequencer, DDDBConf
-from Configurables import FPEAuditor, MCParticle2MCHitAlg
-from Configurables import UnpackMCParticle, UnpackMCVertex
-from Configurables import MCRichSegmentUnpacker, MCRichTrackUnpacker
-from Configurables import MCFTHitUnpacker, MCUTHitUnpacker, MCVPHitUnpacker
-from Configurables import MCRichDigitSummaryUnpacker, MCRichOpticalPhotonUnpacker
-from Configurables import MCRichHitUnpacker
-import os
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # get test name
 nameEnvVar = "QMTTEST_NAME"
 if nameEnvVar not in os.environ:
-    raise RuntimeError(
-        f"Could not determine test NAME via EnvVar {nameEnvVar}")
+    raise RuntimeError(f"Could not determine test NAME via EnvVar {nameEnvVar}")
 myName = os.environ[nameEnvVar]
 # data options
-isDetDescMC = ("detdesc-mc" in myName)
+isDetDescMC = "detdesc-mc" in myName
 # reco options
-useMCTracks = ("mctracks" in myName)
-useMCHits = ("mchits" in myName)
-is4D = ("4D" in myName)
+useMCTracks = "mctracks" in myName
+useMCHits = "mchits" in myName
+is4D = "4D" in myName
 enable4D = (is4D, is4D)
-addTkSegTimeMC = (is4D and not useMCTracks)
-usePixelMCPos = ("pixmcpos" in myName)
-usePixelMCTime = ("pixmctime" in myName)
+addTkSegTimeMC = is4D and not useMCTracks
+usePixelMCPos = "pixmcpos" in myName
+usePixelMCTime = "pixmctime" in myName
 # Monitoring/checking options
-useExpertHists = ("experthists" in myName)
+useExpertHists = "experthists" in myName
 # Just to initialise
 # Event numbers
-nEvents = (250 if useExpertHists else 1000)
+nEvents = 250 if useExpertHists else 1000
 EventSelector().PrintFreq = 50
 # Messaging
 msgSvc = getConfigurable("MessageSvc")
 msgSvc.Format = "% F%30W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
 from Configurables import SequencerTimerTool
 # Disable tool timing output
 SequencerTimerTool().OutputLevel = 4
@@ -76,8 +87,9 @@ all.Members += [preUnpackSeq]
 # Data fetcher
 from Configurables import Gaudi__Hive__FetchDataFromFile as FetchDataFromFile
-fetcher = FetchDataFromFile('FetchDSTData')
-fetcher.DataKeys = ['Trigger/RawEvent']
+fetcher = FetchDataFromFile("FetchDSTData")
+fetcher.DataKeys = ["Trigger/RawEvent"]
 preUnpackSeq.Members += [fetcher]
 # Finally set up the application
@@ -88,33 +100,40 @@ app = ApplicationMgr(
-        RootHistoSink(FileName=myName + "-hists.root")
+        RootHistoSink(FileName=myName + "-hists.root"),
-    AuditAlgorithms=True)
+    AuditAlgorithms=True,
 # Are we using DD4Hep ?
 from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
 if UseDD4Hep:
     from Configurables import LHCb__Det__LbDD4hep__DD4hepSvc as DD4hepSvc
     dd4hep = DD4hepSvc(DetectorList=["/world", "Magnet", "Rich1", "Rich2"])
-    #dd4hep.DumpConditions = True
+    # dd4hep.DumpConditions = True
     app.ExtSvc += [dd4hep]
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # First various raw event decodings
 from Configurables import LHCb__UnpackRawEvent as UnpackRawEvent
 unpack = UnpackRawEvent(
-    'UnpackRawEvent',
-    BankTypes=['ODIN'],
-    RawEventLocation='Trigger/RawEvent',
-    RawBankLocations=['DAQ/RawBanks/ODIN'])
+    "UnpackRawEvent",
+    BankTypes=["ODIN"],
+    RawEventLocation="Trigger/RawEvent",
+    RawBankLocations=["DAQ/RawBanks/ODIN"],
 from Configurables import createODIN
 decodeODIN = createODIN("ODINFutureDecode")
 preUnpackSeq.Members += [unpack, decodeODIN]
 if UseDD4Hep:
     from Configurables import LHCb__Det__LbDD4hep__IOVProducer as IOVProducer
     all.Members += [IOVProducer("ReserveIOVDD4hep", ODIN=decodeODIN.ODIN)]
 if addTkSegTimeMC or useMCHits or useMCTracks:
@@ -122,34 +141,45 @@ if addTkSegTimeMC or useMCHits or useMCTracks:
 if useMCHits or usePixelMCPos or usePixelMCTime:
     preUnpackSeq.Members += [MCRichHitUnpacker()]
-    fetcher.DataKeys += ['pSim/Rich/Hits']
+    fetcher.DataKeys += ["pSim/Rich/Hits"]
 if not useMCHits:
     # Regular decoding from RawBanks
-    fetcher.DataKeys += ['Rich/RawEvent']
+    fetcher.DataKeys += ["Rich/RawEvent"]
     from Configurables import Rich__Future__RawBankDecoder as RichDecoder
     unpack_rich = UnpackRawEvent(
-        'UnpackRich',
-        BankTypes=['Rich'],
-        RawEventLocation='Rich/RawEvent',
-        RawBankLocations=['DAQ/RawBanks/Rich'])
+        "UnpackRich",
+        BankTypes=["Rich"],
+        RawEventLocation="Rich/RawEvent",
+        RawBankLocations=["DAQ/RawBanks/Rich"],
+    )
     preUnpackSeq.Members += [unpack_rich]
     richDecode = RichDecoder("RichFutureDecode")
     all.Members += [richDecode]
     # If asked for update decoded data with time from MC
     if usePixelMCTime:
-        richDecode.DecodedDataLocation = str(
-            richDecode.DecodedDataLocation) + "BeforeMCCheat"
-        from Configurables import Rich__Future__MC__DecodedDataAddMCInfo as DecodedDataAddMCInfo
+        richDecode.DecodedDataLocation = (
+            str(richDecode.DecodedDataLocation) + "BeforeMCCheat"
+        )
+        from Configurables import (
+            Rich__Future__MC__DecodedDataAddMCInfo as DecodedDataAddMCInfo,
+        )
         all.Members += [
-                InDecodedDataLocation=richDecode.DecodedDataLocation)
+                InDecodedDataLocation=richDecode.DecodedDataLocation,
+            )
-    from Configurables import Rich__Future__MC__DecodedDataFromMCRichHits as RichMCDecoder
+    from Configurables import (
+        Rich__Future__MC__DecodedDataFromMCRichHits as RichMCDecoder,
+    )
     richMCDecode = RichMCDecoder(
-        "RichDecodeFromMC", IsDetDescMC=isDetDescMC, IncludeTimeInfo=is4D)
+        "RichDecodeFromMC", IsDetDescMC=isDetDescMC, IncludeTimeInfo=is4D
+    )
     all.Members += [richMCDecode]
 # DataType
@@ -160,69 +190,67 @@ minP = (0.5 * GeV, 0.5 * GeV)
 minPt = 0.1 * GeV
 if not useMCTracks:
     # Explicitly unpack the Tracks
-    fetcher.DataKeys += ['pRec/Track/Best']
+    fetcher.DataKeys += ["pRec/Track/Best"]
     from Configurables import UnpackTrack
     preUnpackSeq.Members += [UnpackTrack("UnpackTracks")]
     # Filter the tracks by type
     from Configurables import TracksSharedSplitterPerType as TrackFilter
     tkFilt = TrackFilter("TrackTypeFilter")
-    tkFilt.InputTracks = 'Rec/Track/Best'
-    tkFilt.LongTracks = 'Rec/Track/BestLong'
-    tkFilt.DownstreamTracks = 'Rec/Track/BestDownstream'
-    tkFilt.UpstreamTracks = 'Rec/Track/BestUpstream'
-    tkFilt.Ttracks = 'Rec/Track/BestTtrack'
-    tkFilt.VeloTracks = 'Rec/Track/BestVelo'
+    tkFilt.InputTracks = "Rec/Track/Best"
+    tkFilt.LongTracks = "Rec/Track/BestLong"
+    tkFilt.DownstreamTracks = "Rec/Track/BestDownstream"
+    tkFilt.UpstreamTracks = "Rec/Track/BestUpstream"
+    tkFilt.Ttracks = "Rec/Track/BestTtrack"
+    tkFilt.VeloTracks = "Rec/Track/BestVelo"
     all.Members += [tkFilt]
     # Input tracks
     tkLocs = {
         "Long": tkFilt.LongTracks,
         "Down": tkFilt.DownstreamTracks,
-        "Up": tkFilt.UpstreamTracks
+        "Up": tkFilt.UpstreamTracks,
     # Output PID
     pidLocs = {
         "Long": "Rec/Rich/LongPIDs",
         "Down": "Rec/Rich/DownPIDs",
-        "Up": "Rec/Rich/UpPIDs"
+        "Up": "Rec/Rich/UpPIDs",
     # Build track info from RICH extended MC info
     fetcher.DataKeys += [
-        'pSim/Rich/Segments', 'pSim/Rich/Tracks', 'pSim/MCVertices',
-        'pSim/MCParticles', 'pSim/Rich/Photons'
+        "pSim/Rich/Segments",
+        "pSim/Rich/Tracks",
+        "pSim/MCVertices",
+        "pSim/MCParticles",
+        "pSim/Rich/Photons",
     preUnpackSeq.Members += [
-        MCRichTrackUnpacker()
+        MCRichTrackUnpacker(),
     # Needed for ideal state creator
     unpVPHits = MCVPHitUnpacker()
     unpFTHits = MCFTHitUnpacker()
     unpUTHits = MCUTHitUnpacker()
     linkVP = MCParticle2MCHitAlg(
-        "LinkVPMCHits",
-        MCHitPath=unpVPHits.OutputName,
-        OutputData="Link/MC/VP/Hits")
+        "LinkVPMCHits", MCHitPath=unpVPHits.OutputName, OutputData="Link/MC/VP/Hits"
+    )
     linkFF = MCParticle2MCHitAlg(
-        "LinkFTMCHits",
-        MCHitPath=unpFTHits.OutputName,
-        OutputData="Link/MC/FT/Hits")
+        "LinkFTMCHits", MCHitPath=unpFTHits.OutputName, OutputData="Link/MC/FT/Hits"
+    )
     linkUT = MCParticle2MCHitAlg(
-        "LinkUTMCHits",
-        MCHitPath=unpUTHits.OutputName,
-        OutputData="Link/MC/UT/Hits")
-    preUnpackSeq.Members += [
-        unpVPHits, unpFTHits, unpUTHits, linkVP, linkFF, linkUT
-    ]
+        "LinkUTMCHits", MCHitPath=unpUTHits.OutputName, OutputData="Link/MC/UT/Hits"
+    )
+    preUnpackSeq.Members += [unpVPHits, unpFTHits, unpUTHits, linkVP, linkFF, linkUT]
     # Input tracks
     tkLocs = {"MC": "Rec/Track/FromRichMCTracks"}
     # Output PIDs
@@ -232,7 +260,7 @@ else:
 finalPIDLoc = "Rec/Rich/PIDs"
 # histograms
-histos = ("Expert" if useExpertHists else "OfflineFull")
+histos = "Expert" if useExpertHists else "OfflineFull"
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # The reconstruction
@@ -247,7 +275,8 @@ RichRec = RichRecoSequence(
-    mergedOutputPIDLocation=finalPIDLoc)
+    mergedOutputPIDLocation=finalPIDLoc,
 all.Members += [RichRec]
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -259,7 +288,8 @@ RichMoni = RichRecMonitors(
-    histograms=histos)
+    histograms=histos,
 all.Members += [RichMoni]
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -267,24 +297,25 @@ all.Members += [RichMoni]
 # Post reco Unpack sequence
 postUnpackSeq = GaudiSequencer("PostUnpackSeq", MeasureTime=True)
 all.Members += [postUnpackSeq]
-fetcher.DataKeys += ['pMC/Vertices', 'pMC/Particles']
+fetcher.DataKeys += ["pMC/Vertices", "pMC/Particles"]
 postUnpackSeq.Members += [UnpackMCVertex(), UnpackMCParticle()]
 if not useMCHits:
     postUnpackSeq.Members += [MCRichDigitSummaryUnpacker("RichSumUnPack")]
 # Extras needed for Expert histograms (e.g. RICH extended MC data)
 if useExpertHists:
     if not useMCHits:
-        fetcher.DataKeys += ['pSim/Rich/Hits']
+        fetcher.DataKeys += ["pSim/Rich/Hits"]
         postUnpackSeq.Members += [MCRichHitUnpacker()]
     if not useMCTracks:
         fetcher.DataKeys += [
-            'pSim/Rich/Segments', 'pSim/Rich/Tracks',
-            'pSim/Rich/OpticalPhotons'
+            "pSim/Rich/Segments",
+            "pSim/Rich/Tracks",
+            "pSim/Rich/OpticalPhotons",
         postUnpackSeq.Members += [
-            MCRichTrackUnpacker()
+            MCRichTrackUnpacker(),
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -296,6 +327,7 @@ RichCheck = RichRecCheckers(
-    histograms=histos)
+    histograms=histos,
 all.Members += [RichCheck]
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/scripts/CKResParam.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/scripts/CKResParam.py
index 2f561e58be241b3961b0d51d84ad8d78d3f9519b..cf303ac96b8bed408bbec3a464d8338785d15123 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/scripts/CKResParam.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/scripts/CKResParam.py
@@ -11,12 +11,15 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-import ROOT
+import glob
+import math
+import os
+import GaussFit
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import ROOT
 from parse import parse
 from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
-import os, math, glob
-import GaussFit
@@ -25,60 +28,52 @@ ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(101)
 ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = ROOT.kWarning
 dataSet = "FunctionalCKRes-OnlinePhotonSel"
-#dataSet = "ParameterisedCKRes-OnlinePhotonSel"
+# dataSet = "ParameterisedCKRes-OnlinePhotonSel"
-fname = "data/" + dataSet + "/RichFuture-Feature-x86_64-centos7-gcc9-opt-Expert-Histos.root"
+fname = (
+    "data/" + dataSet + "/RichFuture-Feature-x86_64-centos7-gcc9-opt-Expert-Histos.root"
 print("Processing", fname)
 root_file = ROOT.TFile.Open(fname)
-if not root_file or root_file.IsZombie(): quit()
+if not root_file or root_file.IsZombie():
+    quit()
 # need to deduce this from root file somehow...
 nCKBins = 200
 # Scale factors by track type for CK res extracted from RMS
-#scaleF_Fit = {"Long": 0.90, "Down": 0.85, "Up": 0.85, "Seed": 0.90}
+# scaleF_Fit = {"Long": 0.90, "Down": 0.85, "Up": 0.85, "Seed": 0.90}
 scaleF_RMS = {
-    "Rich1Gas": {
-        "Long": 0.85,
-        "Down": 0.85,
-        "Up": 0.70,
-        "Seed": 0.70
-    },
-    "Rich2Gas": {
-        "Long": 0.85,
-        "Down": 0.85,
-        "Up": 0.70,
-        "Seed": 0.70
-    }
+    "Rich1Gas": {"Long": 0.85, "Down": 0.85, "Up": 0.70, "Seed": 0.70},
+    "Rich2Gas": {"Long": 0.85, "Down": 0.85, "Up": 0.70, "Seed": 0.70},
 scaleF_Fit = {
-    "Rich1Gas": {
-        "Long": 0.85,
-        "Down": 0.85,
-        "Up": 1.10
-    },
-    "Rich2Gas": {
-        "Long": 0.90,
-        "Down": 0.85,
-        "Seed": 1.10
-    }
+    "Rich1Gas": {"Long": 0.85, "Down": 0.85, "Up": 1.10},
+    "Rich2Gas": {"Long": 0.90, "Down": 0.85, "Seed": 1.10},
 def fitHist(tk, rad, pid, c, h, pdfName, binMean):
     # Set title
-    h.SetTitle(rad + " " + tk + " " + pid + " Rec-Exp CKTheta | <Bin> = " +
-               str(round(binMean, 7)))
+    h.SetTitle(
+        rad
+        + " "
+        + tk
+        + " "
+        + pid
+        + " Rec-Exp CKTheta | <Bin> = "
+        + str(round(binMean, 7))
+    )
     # run the fit
     res = GaussFit.fitHist(h)
     # Save in PDF
-    if c: c.SaveAs(pdfName)
+    if c:
+        c.SaveAs(pdfName)
     # return scaled resolution
     return res.GetParameter(2) * scaleF_Fit[rad][tk]
@@ -86,14 +81,15 @@ def fitHist(tk, rad, pid, c, h, pdfName, binMean):
 # Values to use for C++ class
 cppUse = "Fitted"
-#cppUse = "RMS"
+# cppUse = "RMS"
 outDir = "Performance/CKT Resolution Parameterisation/" + dataSet
-if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.makedirs(outDir)
+if not os.path.exists(outDir):
+    os.makedirs(outDir)
 print("Output Dir", outDir)
 # Write out resolutions to C++
-f_cpp = open(outDir + "/ResolutionParameters.h", mode='w')
+f_cpp = open(outDir + "/ResolutionParameters.h", mode="w")
@@ -113,8 +109,8 @@ f_cpp.write("\n//    - Using results from " + cppUse + " CK Theta data.\n\n")
 f_cpp.write("#pragma once\n\n")
 f_cpp.write("#include <map>\n")
 f_cpp.write("#include <string>\n")
-f_cpp.write("#include \"Kernel/RichParticleIDType.h\"\n")
-f_cpp.write("#include \"Kernel/RichRadiatorType.h\"\n\n")
+f_cpp.write('#include "Kernel/RichParticleIDType.h"\n')
+f_cpp.write('#include "Kernel/RichRadiatorType.h"\n\n')
 f_cpp.write("namespace {\n")
 f_cpp.write("   ///< Type for resolution parameters for a track type\n")
@@ -128,37 +124,35 @@ f_cpp.write(
 f_cpp.write("   std::map<std::string,Params> resParams;\n")
 # Track types by RICH radiator
-tkTypes = {
-    "Rich1Gas": ["Long", "Down", "Up"],
-    "Rich2Gas": ["Long", "Down", "Seed"]
+tkTypes = {"Rich1Gas": ["Long", "Down", "Up"], "Rich2Gas": ["Long", "Down", "Seed"]}
 # loop over radiators
 for rad in ["Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas"]:
     # Loop over track types
     for tk in tkTypes[rad]:
         # Plot dir
         dir = outDir + "/" + rad + "/" + tk
-        if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir)
+        if not os.path.exists(dir):
+            os.makedirs(dir)
         for pdf in glob.glob(dir + "/*.pdf"):
         # Loop over particles
         for pid in ["electron", "muon", "pion", "kaon", "proton"]:
             # Load the expected CK resolution profile
-            h_exp_ck = root_file.Get("RICH/RiCKTkMCRes" + tk + "/" + rad +
-                                     "/" + pid + "/ckresVcktheta")
-            h_exp_p = root_file.Get("RICH/RiCKTkMCRes" + tk + "/" + rad + "/" +
-                                    pid + "/ckresVptot")
-            h_exp_lp = root_file.Get("RICH/RiCKTkMCRes" + tk + "/" + rad +
-                                     "/" + pid + "/ckresVlogptot")
+            h_exp_ck = root_file.Get(
+                "RICH/RiCKTkMCRes" + tk + "/" + rad + "/" + pid + "/ckresVcktheta"
+            )
+            h_exp_p = root_file.Get(
+                "RICH/RiCKTkMCRes" + tk + "/" + rad + "/" + pid + "/ckresVptot"
+            )
+            h_exp_lp = root_file.Get(
+                "RICH/RiCKTkMCRes" + tk + "/" + rad + "/" + pid + "/ckresVlogptot"
+            )
             # Min entries to form an interpolation point
             # muons are rare, so need lower limit
-            minEntForInterp = (50000 if pid != "muon" else 10000)
+            minEntForInterp = 50000 if pid != "muon" else 10000
             # Min RMS value to use
             minRMSForInterp = 0.000001
@@ -178,30 +172,30 @@ for rad in ["Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas"]:
             ckmean_diff_tol = 0.0004
             # ROOT directory object
-            dName = "RICH/RiMCCKResParam" + tk + "/" + rad + "/" + pid + "/CKBins/ckResTrue"
+            dName = (
+                "RICH/RiMCCKResParam" + tk + "/" + rad + "/" + pid + "/CKBins/ckResTrue"
+            )
             # Plot name
             name = rad + "-" + tk + "-" + pid
             # ROOT canvas
-            #c = ROOT.TCanvas(name+"CKT", name+"CKT", 1400, 1000)
+            # c = ROOT.TCanvas(name+"CKT", name+"CKT", 1400, 1000)
             c = None
             # Open PDF for fits
             pdfName = dir + "/CKT-Fits-" + name + ".pdf"
-            if c: c.SaveAs(pdfName + "[")
+            if c:
+                c.SaveAs(pdfName + "[")
             # loop over bins and extract values
             for iBin in range(0, nCKBins):
                 # CK res V ck histo
                 h = root_file.Get(dName + "/bin" + str(iBin + 1))
                 if h and h.GetEntries() > 0:
                     # Extract expected CK res from profile for this bin
                     exp_ck = h_exp_ck.GetBinContent(iBin)
                     if exp_ck > 0 and h.GetRMS() > minRMSForInterp:
                         # Number of entries in this bin
                         ents = h.GetEntries()
@@ -217,13 +211,15 @@ for rad in ["Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas"]:
                         ckrms_ck = scaleF_RMS[rad][tk] * h.GetRMS()
                         # Update cached values with this bin
-                        curr_ckmean = ((curr_entries * curr_ckmean) +
-                                       (ents * ckmean)) / (ents + curr_entries)
+                        curr_ckmean = (
+                            (curr_entries * curr_ckmean) + (ents * ckmean)
+                        ) / (ents + curr_entries)
                         curr_ckrms = (
-                            (curr_entries * curr_ckrms) +
-                            (ents * ckrms_ck)) / (ents + curr_entries)
-                        curr_ckexp = ((curr_entries * curr_ckexp) +
-                                      (ents * exp_ck)) / (ents + curr_entries)
+                            (curr_entries * curr_ckrms) + (ents * ckrms_ck)
+                        ) / (ents + curr_entries)
+                        curr_ckexp = ((curr_entries * curr_ckexp) + (ents * exp_ck)) / (
+                            ents + curr_entries
+                        )
                         curr_entries = ents + curr_entries
                         if not curr_h:
                             curr_h = h.Clone()
@@ -231,11 +227,12 @@ for rad in ["Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas"]:
                         # If enough entries save to list and reset
-                        if curr_entries > minEntForInterp and abs(
-                                last_ckmean - curr_ckmean) > ckmean_diff_tol:
+                        if (
+                            curr_entries > minEntForInterp
+                            and abs(last_ckmean - curr_ckmean) > ckmean_diff_tol
+                        ):
                             ckfits_ck += [
-                                fitHist(tk, rad, pid, c, curr_h, pdfName,
-                                        curr_ckmean)
+                                fitHist(tk, rad, pid, c, curr_h, pdfName, curr_ckmean)
                             ckmeans += [curr_ckmean]
                             ckrmss_ck += [curr_ckrms]
@@ -249,15 +246,14 @@ for rad in ["Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas"]:
             # Add last values saved if OK
             if curr_entries > minEntForInterp / 100:
-                ckfits_ck += [
-                    fitHist(tk, rad, pid, c, curr_h, pdfName, curr_ckmean)
-                ]
+                ckfits_ck += [fitHist(tk, rad, pid, c, curr_h, pdfName, curr_ckmean)]
                 ckmeans += [curr_ckmean]
                 ckrmss_ck += [curr_ckrms]
                 ckexps_ck += [curr_ckexp]
             # Finalise PDF
-            if c: c.SaveAs(pdfName + "]")
+            if c:
+                c.SaveAs(pdfName + "]")
             # Values
             pmeans = []
@@ -275,26 +271,26 @@ for rad in ["Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas"]:
             pmean_diff_tol = 1000
             # ROOT directory name
-            dName = "RICH/RiMCCKResParam" + tk + "/" + rad + "/" + pid + "/PBins/ckResTrue"
+            dName = (
+                "RICH/RiMCCKResParam" + tk + "/" + rad + "/" + pid + "/PBins/ckResTrue"
+            )
             # make canvas
             c = ROOT.TCanvas(name + "Ptot", name + "Ptot", 1400, 1000)
             # Open PDF for fits
             pdfName = dir + "/Ptot-fits-" + name + ".pdf"
-            if c: c.SaveAs(pdfName + "[")
+            if c:
+                c.SaveAs(pdfName + "[")
             # loop over bins and extract values
             for iBin in range(0, nCKBins):
                 # CK res V p histo path
                 h = root_file.Get(dName + "/bin" + str(iBin + 1))
                 if h and h.GetEntries() > 0:
                     # Extract expected CK res from profile for this bin
                     exp_ck = h_exp_p.GetBinContent(iBin)
                     if exp_ck > 0 and h.GetRMS() > minRMSForInterp:
                         # Number of entries in this bin
                         ents = h.GetEntries()
@@ -310,12 +306,15 @@ for rad in ["Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas"]:
                         ckrms_p = scaleF_RMS[rad][tk] * h.GetRMS()
                         # Update cached values with this bin
-                        curr_pmean = ((curr_entries * curr_pmean) +
-                                      (ents * pmean)) / (ents + curr_entries)
-                        curr_ckrms = ((curr_entries * curr_ckrms) +
-                                      (ents * ckrms_p)) / (ents + curr_entries)
-                        curr_ckexp = ((curr_entries * curr_ckexp) +
-                                      (ents * exp_ck)) / (ents + curr_entries)
+                        curr_pmean = ((curr_entries * curr_pmean) + (ents * pmean)) / (
+                            ents + curr_entries
+                        )
+                        curr_ckrms = (
+                            (curr_entries * curr_ckrms) + (ents * ckrms_p)
+                        ) / (ents + curr_entries)
+                        curr_ckexp = ((curr_entries * curr_ckexp) + (ents * exp_ck)) / (
+                            ents + curr_entries
+                        )
                         curr_entries = ents + curr_entries
                         if not curr_h:
                             curr_h = h.Clone()
@@ -323,11 +322,12 @@ for rad in ["Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas"]:
                         # If enough entries save to list and reset
-                        if curr_entries > minEntForInterp and abs(
-                                last_pmean - curr_pmean) > pmean_diff_tol:
+                        if (
+                            curr_entries > minEntForInterp
+                            and abs(last_pmean - curr_pmean) > pmean_diff_tol
+                        ):
                             ckfits_p += [
-                                fitHist(tk, rad, pid, c, curr_h, pdfName,
-                                        curr_pmean)
+                                fitHist(tk, rad, pid, c, curr_h, pdfName, curr_pmean)
                             pmeans += [curr_pmean]
                             ckrmss_p += [curr_ckrms]
@@ -341,103 +341,128 @@ for rad in ["Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas"]:
             # Add last values saved if OK
             if curr_entries > minEntForInterp / 100:
-                ckfits_p += [
-                    fitHist(tk, rad, pid, c, curr_h, pdfName, curr_pmean)
-                ]
+                ckfits_p += [fitHist(tk, rad, pid, c, curr_h, pdfName, curr_pmean)]
                 pmeans += [curr_pmean]
                 ckrmss_p += [curr_ckrms]
                 ckexps_p += [curr_ckexp]
             # Finalise PDF
-            if c: c.SaveAs(pdfName + "]")
+            if c:
+                c.SaveAs(pdfName + "]")
             # Minimum data plots for plots
             minPoints = 4
             # Smoothing ploy order
             ployOrder = 9
-            print(" ->", rad, tk, pid, "# P values", len(pmeans),
-                  "# CKT values", len(ckmeans))
+            print(
+                " ->",
+                rad,
+                tk,
+                pid,
+                "# P values",
+                len(pmeans),
+                "# CKT values",
+                len(ckmeans),
+            )
             # If enough points plot results and make output text files
             if len(ckmeans) > minPoints:
                 # Smooth the RMS values
-                #smoothptns = len(ckmeans)
+                # smoothptns = len(ckmeans)
                 smoothptns = 45
-                if smoothptns > len(ckmeans): smoothptns = len(ckmeans)
-                if smoothptns % 2 == 0: smoothptns -= 1
-                if ployOrder >= smoothptns: ployOrder = smoothptns - 1
-                ckrmss_ck_smooth = savgol_filter(ckrmss_ck, smoothptns,
-                                                 ployOrder)
-                ckfits_ck_smooth = savgol_filter(ckfits_ck, smoothptns,
-                                                 ployOrder)
+                if smoothptns > len(ckmeans):
+                    smoothptns = len(ckmeans)
+                if smoothptns % 2 == 0:
+                    smoothptns -= 1
+                if ployOrder >= smoothptns:
+                    ployOrder = smoothptns - 1
+                ckrmss_ck_smooth = savgol_filter(ckrmss_ck, smoothptns, ployOrder)
+                ckfits_ck_smooth = savgol_filter(ckfits_ck, smoothptns, ployOrder)
                 # Make some plots versus CK theta
-                raw_rms, = plt.plot(
+                (raw_rms,) = plt.plot(
-                    '-ok',
-                    color='blue',
+                    "-ok",
+                    color="blue",
-                    label='Raw R.M.S.')
-                smoothed_rms, = plt.plot(
+                    label="Raw R.M.S.",
+                )
+                (smoothed_rms,) = plt.plot(
-                    '-ok',
-                    color='red',
+                    "-ok",
+                    color="red",
-                    label='Smoothed R.M.S.')
-                raw_fit, = plt.plot(
+                    label="Smoothed R.M.S.",
+                )
+                (raw_fit,) = plt.plot(
-                    '-ok',
-                    color='orange',
+                    "-ok",
+                    color="orange",
-                    label='Raw Fitted')
-                smoothed_fit, = plt.plot(
+                    label="Raw Fitted",
+                )
+                (smoothed_fit,) = plt.plot(
-                    '-ok',
-                    color='purple',
+                    "-ok",
+                    color="purple",
-                    label='Smoothed Fitted')
-                expected, = plt.plot(
+                    label="Smoothed Fitted",
+                )
+                (expected,) = plt.plot(
-                    '-ok',
-                    color='green',
+                    "-ok",
+                    color="green",
-                    label='Computed CK Res.')
+                    label="Computed CK Res.",
+                )
                 # Add some labels
-                plt.title(rad + " " + tk + " " + pid +
-                          " | CK Theta Resolution")
+                plt.title(rad + " " + tk + " " + pid + " | CK Theta Resolution")
                 plt.xlabel("CK theta / rad")
                 plt.ylabel("CK theta resolution / rad")
-                    handles=[
-                        raw_rms, smoothed_rms, raw_fit, smoothed_fit, expected
-                    ],
-                    prop={'size': 7})
+                    handles=[raw_rms, smoothed_rms, raw_fit, smoothed_fit, expected],
+                    prop={"size": 7},
+                )
                 # Save to PDF / PNG
                 plt.savefig(dir + "/" + name + "-VCKTheta.pdf")
                 # Write out the resolutions for this radiator and hypo
-                f_cpp.write("   resParams[\"" + tk + "CKTheta\"][Rich::" +
-                            rad + "][Rich::" + pid.capitalize() + "] = {\n")
+                f_cpp.write(
+                    '   resParams["'
+                    + tk
+                    + 'CKTheta"][Rich::'
+                    + rad
+                    + "][Rich::"
+                    + pid.capitalize()
+                    + "] = {\n"
+                )
                 for i in range(0, len(ckmeans)):
-                    val = (ckfits_ck_smooth[i]
-                           if cppUse == "Fitted" else ckrmss_ck_smooth[i])
-                    f_cpp.write("    { " + str("{:.7f}".format(ckmeans[i])) +
-                                ", " + str("{:.7f}".format(round(val, 7))) +
-                                " }")
-                    if i < len(ckmeans) - 1: f_cpp.write(",")
+                    val = (
+                        ckfits_ck_smooth[i]
+                        if cppUse == "Fitted"
+                        else ckrmss_ck_smooth[i]
+                    )
+                    f_cpp.write(
+                        "    { "
+                        + str("{:.7f}".format(ckmeans[i]))
+                        + ", "
+                        + str("{:.7f}".format(round(val, 7)))
+                        + " }"
+                    )
+                    if i < len(ckmeans) - 1:
+                        f_cpp.write(",")
                 f_cpp.write("   };\n")
@@ -445,95 +470,131 @@ for rad in ["Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas"]:
             ployOrder = 8
             if len(pmeans) > minPoints:
                 # Smooth the RMS values
-                #smoothptns = len(pmeans)
+                # smoothptns = len(pmeans)
                 smoothptns = 25
-                if smoothptns > len(pmeans): smoothptns = len(pmeans)
-                if smoothptns % 2 == 0: smoothptns -= 1
-                if ployOrder >= smoothptns: ployOrder = smoothptns - 1
-                ckrmss_p_smooth = savgol_filter(ckrmss_p, smoothptns,
-                                                ployOrder)
-                ckfits_p_smooth = savgol_filter(ckfits_p, smoothptns,
-                                                ployOrder)
+                if smoothptns > len(pmeans):
+                    smoothptns = len(pmeans)
+                if smoothptns % 2 == 0:
+                    smoothptns -= 1
+                if ployOrder >= smoothptns:
+                    ployOrder = smoothptns - 1
+                ckrmss_p_smooth = savgol_filter(ckrmss_p, smoothptns, ployOrder)
+                ckfits_p_smooth = savgol_filter(ckfits_p, smoothptns, ployOrder)
                 # Make some plots versus momentum
-                raw_rms, = plt.plot(
+                (raw_rms,) = plt.plot(
-                    '-ok',
-                    color='blue',
+                    "-ok",
+                    color="blue",
-                    label='Raw R.M.S.')
-                smoothed_rms, = plt.plot(
+                    label="Raw R.M.S.",
+                )
+                (smoothed_rms,) = plt.plot(
-                    '-ok',
-                    color='red',
+                    "-ok",
+                    color="red",
-                    label='Smoothed R.M.S.')
-                raw_fit, = plt.plot(
+                    label="Smoothed R.M.S.",
+                )
+                (raw_fit,) = plt.plot(
-                    '-ok',
-                    color='orange',
+                    "-ok",
+                    color="orange",
-                    label='Raw Fitted')
-                smoothed_fit, = plt.plot(
+                    label="Raw Fitted",
+                )
+                (smoothed_fit,) = plt.plot(
-                    '-ok',
-                    color='purple',
+                    "-ok",
+                    color="purple",
-                    label='Smoothed Fitted')
-                expected, = plt.plot(
+                    label="Smoothed Fitted",
+                )
+                (expected,) = plt.plot(
-                    '-ok',
-                    color='green',
+                    "-ok",
+                    color="green",
-                    label='Computed CK Res.')
+                    label="Computed CK Res.",
+                )
                 # Add some labels
-                plt.title(rad + " " + tk + " " + pid +
-                          " | CK Theta Resolution")
+                plt.title(rad + " " + tk + " " + pid + " | CK Theta Resolution")
                 plt.xlabel("Momentum / MeV/c")
                 plt.ylabel("CK theta resolution / rad")
-                    handles=[
-                        raw_rms, smoothed_rms, raw_fit, smoothed_fit, expected
-                    ],
-                    prop={'size': 7})
+                    handles=[raw_rms, smoothed_rms, raw_fit, smoothed_fit, expected],
+                    prop={"size": 7},
+                )
                 # Save to PDF
                 plt.savefig(dir + "/" + name + "-VPtot.pdf")
                 # Write out the resolutions for this radiator and hypo
-                f_cpp.write("   resParams[\"" + tk + "Momentum\"][Rich::" +
-                            rad + "][Rich::" + pid.capitalize() + "] = {\n")
+                f_cpp.write(
+                    '   resParams["'
+                    + tk
+                    + 'Momentum"][Rich::'
+                    + rad
+                    + "][Rich::"
+                    + pid.capitalize()
+                    + "] = {\n"
+                )
                 for i in range(0, len(pmeans)):
-                    val = (ckfits_p_smooth[i]
-                           if cppUse == "Fitted" else ckrmss_p_smooth[i])
-                    f_cpp.write("    { " + str("{:.2f}".format(pmeans[i])) +
-                                ", " + str("{:.7f}".format(round(val, 7))) +
-                                " }")
-                    if i < len(pmeans) - 1: f_cpp.write(",")
+                    val = (
+                        ckfits_p_smooth[i] if cppUse == "Fitted" else ckrmss_p_smooth[i]
+                    )
+                    f_cpp.write(
+                        "    { "
+                        + str("{:.2f}".format(pmeans[i]))
+                        + ", "
+                        + str("{:.7f}".format(round(val, 7)))
+                        + " }"
+                    )
+                    if i < len(pmeans) - 1:
+                        f_cpp.write(",")
                 f_cpp.write("   };\n")
         for mode in ("Momentum", "CKTheta"):
             # Hard code the deuteron type to use the same parameters as proton, the next heaviest
-            f_cpp.write("   resParams[\"" + tk + mode + "\"][Rich::" + rad +
-                        "][Rich::Deuteron] = resParams[\"" + tk + mode +
-                        "\"][Rich::" + rad + "][Rich::Proton];\n")
+            f_cpp.write(
+                '   resParams["'
+                + tk
+                + mode
+                + '"][Rich::'
+                + rad
+                + '][Rich::Deuteron] = resParams["'
+                + tk
+                + mode
+                + '"][Rich::'
+                + rad
+                + "][Rich::Proton];\n"
+            )
             # Hardcode BelowThreshold type to just use pion values
-            f_cpp.write("   resParams[\"" + tk + mode + "\"][Rich::" + rad +
-                        "][Rich::BelowThreshold] = resParams[\"" + tk + mode +
-                        "\"][Rich::" + rad + "][Rich::Pion];\n")
+            f_cpp.write(
+                '   resParams["'
+                + tk
+                + mode
+                + '"][Rich::'
+                + rad
+                + '][Rich::BelowThreshold] = resParams["'
+                + tk
+                + mode
+                + '"][Rich::'
+                + rad
+                + "][Rich::Pion];\n"
+            )
 # Finish the c++ method and close
 f_cpp.write("  return resParams[tkType+mode];\n")
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/scripts/GaussFit.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/scripts/GaussFit.py
index e9a9063aab555e52b959b7eba087362e74ce25d0..cb539b613f908f25f320ba0ffec549c9d1df6c80 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/scripts/GaussFit.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/scripts/GaussFit.py
@@ -14,33 +14,37 @@ import ROOT
 # Fits a Gaussian distribution to given histogram
 def fitHist(h):
     # make pre-fitter
     range = h.GetRMS()
     center = h.GetBinCenter(h.GetMaximumBin())
     height = h.GetBinContent(h.GetMaximumBin())
-    prefit = ROOT.TF1(h.GetTitle() + " PreFitter", "gaus", center - range,
-                      center + range)
+    prefit = ROOT.TF1(
+        h.GetTitle() + " PreFitter", "gaus", center - range, center + range
+    )
     prefit.SetParameter(0, height)
     prefit.SetParameter(1, center)
     prefit.SetParameter(2, range)
     # Run prefit
-    preRes = h.Fit(prefit, "MQRSE0")
+    h.Fit(prefit, "MQRSE0")
     # make final fitter
     range = prefit.GetParameter(2)
     center = prefit.GetParameter(1)
     height = prefit.GetParameter(0)
     scale = 1.7
-    fitter = ROOT.TF1(h.GetTitle() + " Fitter", "gaus",
-                      center - (scale * range), center + (scale * range))
+    fitter = ROOT.TF1(
+        h.GetTitle() + " Fitter",
+        "gaus",
+        center - (scale * range),
+        center + (scale * range),
+    )
     fitter.SetParameter(0, height)
     fitter.SetParameter(1, center)
     fitter.SetParameter(2, range)
     # Fit
-    res = h.Fit(fitter, "MQRSE")
+    h.Fit(fitter, "MQRSE")
     # Return Fitted info
     return fitter
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/scripts/NSigmaOpt.py b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/scripts/NSigmaOpt.py
index 2e629034c3c886268b087a8507701855b91b488f..95cb0e4671c27fba984ba73c16f9f8d017a2dc88 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/scripts/NSigmaOpt.py
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/scripts/NSigmaOpt.py
@@ -11,12 +11,15 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-import ROOT
+import glob
+import math
+import os
+import GaussFit
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import ROOT
 from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
 from parse import parse
-import os, glob, math
-import GaussFit
@@ -25,42 +28,51 @@ ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(101)
 ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = ROOT.kWarning
 dataSet = "Funct"
-#dataSet = "Param"
+# dataSet = "Param"
-#optName = "NS"
+# optName = "NS"
 optName = "NSPre"
-dataVer = 'V3'
+dataVer = "V3"
 # NSigma cuts for each radiator
 cutValuesAll = {
     "Funct": {
         "NS": {
             "Rich1Gas": ["5.0", "4.5", "4.0", "3.5", "3.0"],
-            "Rich2Gas": ["5.0", "4.5", "4.0", "3.5", "3.0"]
+            "Rich2Gas": ["5.0", "4.5", "4.0", "3.5", "3.0"],
         "NSPre": {
             "Rich1Gas": ["7", "6", "5", "4.5", "4.0", "3.5", "3.0"],
             "Rich2Gas": [
-                "24", "22", "20", "18", "16", "12", "10", "9", "8", "7", "6",
-                "5"
-            ]
-        }
+                "24",
+                "22",
+                "20",
+                "18",
+                "16",
+                "12",
+                "10",
+                "9",
+                "8",
+                "7",
+                "6",
+                "5",
+            ],
+        },
     "Param": {
         "NS": {
             "Rich1Gas": ["5.0", "4.5", "4.0", "3.5", "3.0"],
-            "Rich2Gas": ["5.0", "4.5", "4.0", "3.5", "3.0"]
+            "Rich2Gas": ["5.0", "4.5", "4.0", "3.5", "3.0"],
         "NSPre": {
             "Rich1Gas": ["7", "6", "5", "4.5", "4.0", "3.5", "3.0"],
-            "Rich2Gas":
-            ["20", "18", "16", "14", "12", "10", "9", "8", "7", "6", "5"]
-        }
-    }
+            "Rich2Gas": ["20", "18", "16", "14", "12", "10", "9", "8", "7", "6", "5"],
+        },
+    },
 cutValues = cutValuesAll[dataSet][optName]
@@ -69,15 +81,15 @@ minPlotEff = 95
 # Track types by RICH radiator
 tkTypes = {
     "Rich1Gas": ["Long", "Down", "Up"],
-    "Rich2Gas": ["Long", "Down", "Seed"]
-    #"Rich1Gas": ["Long"],
-    #"Rich2Gas": ["Long"]
+    "Rich2Gas": ["Long", "Down", "Seed"],
+    # "Rich1Gas": ["Long"],
+    # "Rich2Gas": ["Long"]
 rads = ["Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas"]
 pids = ["electron", "muon", "pion", "kaon", "proton"]
-#rads = ["Rich2Gas"]
-#pids = ["kaon"]
+# rads = ["Rich2Gas"]
+# pids = ["kaon"]
 minPtot = {"Long": 3.0, "Down": 3.0, "Up": 2.0, "Seed": 3.0}
@@ -87,22 +99,32 @@ radPtotThreshold = {
         "muon": 2.1,
         "pion": 2.7,
         "kaon": 9.5,
-        "proton": 18.5
+        "proton": 18.5,
     "Rich2Gas": {
         "electron": 0.1,
         "muon": 3.5,
         "pion": 4.7,
         "kaon": 16.5,
-        "proton": 31.7
-    }
+        "proton": 31.7,
+    },
 tag = "PBins"
 def loadROOTFile(tag):
-    fname = "data/NSigmaOpt/" + dataVer + "/" + dataSet + "-" + optName + "-" + tag + "/RichFuture-Feature-x86_64-centos7-gcc9-opt-Expert-Histos.root"
+    fname = (
+        "data/NSigmaOpt/"
+        + dataVer
+        + "/"
+        + dataSet
+        + "-"
+        + optName
+        + "-"
+        + tag
+        + "/RichFuture-Feature-x86_64-centos7-gcc9-opt-Expert-Histos.root"
+    )
     rfile = ROOT.TFile.Open(fname)
     if not rfile or rfile.IsZombie():
         print("Error opening", fname)
@@ -112,7 +134,9 @@ def loadROOTFile(tag):
 def histoPath(tk, rad, pid, tag):
-    return "RICH/RiMCCKResParam" + tk + "/" + rad + "/" + pid + "/" + tag + "/ckResTrue/"
+    return (
+        "RICH/RiMCCKResParam" + tk + "/" + rad + "/" + pid + "/" + tag + "/ckResTrue/"
+    )
 def getHistEntries(h):
@@ -153,8 +177,8 @@ def getPhotonYields(hists):
     yields = []
     for h in hists:
         yields += [getHistEntries(h)]
-        #yields += [ getHistIntegral(h) ]
-        #print( getHistEntries(h),  getHistIntegral(h) )
+        # yields += [ getHistIntegral(h) ]
+        # print( getHistEntries(h),  getHistIntegral(h) )
     return yields
@@ -177,7 +201,6 @@ def histToArrays(h):
 def makeEffs(yields, means):
     plplots = []
     min_yield = 50000
@@ -193,8 +216,9 @@ def makeEffs(yields, means):
             mean = means[i]
             base = yields["99"][i]
             if ents > 0:
-                curr_mean = ((curr_yield * curr_mean) +
-                             (ents * mean)) / (ents + curr_yield)
+                curr_mean = ((curr_yield * curr_mean) + (ents * mean)) / (
+                    ents + curr_yield
+                )
                 curr_yield = ents + curr_yield
                 curr_base = base + curr_base
                 if curr_yield >= min_yield:
@@ -203,8 +227,9 @@ def makeEffs(yields, means):
                     curr_yield = 0
                     curr_base = 0
                     curr_mean = 0
-        effp, = plt.plot(
-            selmeans, effs, markersize=2, linewidth=1, label='cut=' + cut)
+        (effp,) = plt.plot(
+            selmeans, effs, markersize=2, linewidth=1, label="cut=" + cut
+        )
         plplots += [effp]
     return plplots
@@ -213,17 +238,29 @@ def makeEffs(yields, means):
 for rad in rads:
     # Loop over track types
     for tk in tkTypes[rad]:
         # Plot dir
-        dir = "Performance/Selection Optimisation/Efficiencies/" + dataSet + "/" + tag + "/" + rad + "/" + tk + "/" + optName + "/" + dataVer
-        if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir)
+        dir = (
+            "Performance/Selection Optimisation/Efficiencies/"
+            + dataSet
+            + "/"
+            + tag
+            + "/"
+            + rad
+            + "/"
+            + tk
+            + "/"
+            + optName
+            + "/"
+            + dataVer
+        )
+        if not os.path.exists(dir):
+            os.makedirs(dir)
         for pdf in glob.glob(dir + "/*.pdf"):
         print("Output Dir", dir)
         # Loop over particles
         for pid in pids:
             print(" -> Processing", dataSet, rad, tk, pid)
             name = rad + "-" + tk + "-" + pid
@@ -234,7 +271,8 @@ for rad in rads:
             # Baseline yields in Ptot bins
             baseROOTF = loadROOTFile("99")
-            if not baseROOTF: continue
+            if not baseROOTF:
+                continue
             hists["99"] = getHists(tk, rad, pid, baseROOTF, tag)
             yields["99"] = getPhotonYields(hists["99"])
@@ -266,8 +304,20 @@ for rad in rads:
                     baseH = hists["99"][iH]
                     if baseH and baseH.GetEntries() > 0:
-                        titleS = dataSet + " " + dataVer + " | " + rad + " " + pid + " " + tk + " | Mean " + str(
-                            means[iH]) + " | Cut "
+                        titleS = (
+                            dataSet
+                            + " "
+                            + dataVer
+                            + " | "
+                            + rad
+                            + " "
+                            + pid
+                            + " "
+                            + tk
+                            + " | Mean "
+                            + str(means[iH])
+                            + " | Cut "
+                        )
                         baseH.SetTitle(titleS + "99")
@@ -277,7 +327,7 @@ for rad in rads:
                                 H = hists[cut][iH]
                                 if H:
-                                    #H.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed)
+                                    # H.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed)
                                     H.SetTitle(titleS + cut)
@@ -287,11 +337,23 @@ for rad in rads:
             # Make a plot for efficiency of each cut
             plplots = makeEffs(yields, means)
-            plt.title(dataSet + " " + dataVer + " | " + rad + " " + tk + " " +
-                      pid + " | " + optName + " Cut Efficiencies")
+            plt.title(
+                dataSet
+                + " "
+                + dataVer
+                + " | "
+                + rad
+                + " "
+                + tk
+                + " "
+                + pid
+                + " | "
+                + optName
+                + " Cut Efficiencies"
+            )
             plt.xlabel("Momentum / GeV/c")
             plt.ylabel("Efficiency / %")
-            plt.legend(handles=plplots, prop={'size': 7})
+            plt.legend(handles=plplots, prop={"size": 7})
             # Save to PDF
             pdfName = dir + "/Effs-" + name + ".pdf"
             print(" -> Creating", pdfName)
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/ResolutionParameters.h b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/ResolutionParameters.h
index e3e738c1a45a6037cf1fe531dc0ef315f2813b1b..70cbbdd308f78fb3ea68da073a49e16d9156a067 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/ResolutionParameters.h
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/ResolutionParameters.h
@@ -27,170 +27,170 @@ namespace {
   Params resolutionParameters( const std::string& tkType, const std::string& mode ) {
     std::map<std::string, Params> resParams;
     resParams["LongMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Electron] = {
-        {1993.75, 0.0013494},  {3091.92, 0.0010185},  {4383.75, 0.0008513},  {5485.87, 0.0007701},
-        {6773.75, 0.0007297},  {7892.36, 0.0007063},  {9163.75, 0.0006893},  {10295.27, 0.0006749},
-        {11553.75, 0.0006627}, {12693.86, 0.0006532}, {13943.75, 0.0006468}, {15090.67, 0.0006431},
-        {16333.75, 0.0006413}, {17494.27, 0.0006399}, {18723.75, 0.0006381}, {19879.71, 0.0006385},
-        {21113.75, 0.0006373}, {22277.21, 0.0006355}, {23503.75, 0.0006338}, {24668.19, 0.0006324},
-        {25893.75, 0.0006300}, {27062.65, 0.0006291}, {28571.19, 0.0006291}, {29776.18, 0.0006300},
-        {30972.15, 0.0006306}, {32164.56, 0.0006311}, {33359.70, 0.0006313}, {34847.46, 0.0006310},
-        {36614.96, 0.0006303}, {38708.69, 0.0006294}, {41368.79, 0.0006286}, {44650.52, 0.0006281},
-        {48956.97, 0.0006275}, {55591.65, 0.0006262}, {69136.38, 0.0006223}, {96429.08, 0.0006126}};
+        { 1993.75, 0.0013494 },  { 3091.92, 0.0010185 },  { 4383.75, 0.0008513 },  { 5485.87, 0.0007701 },
+        { 6773.75, 0.0007297 },  { 7892.36, 0.0007063 },  { 9163.75, 0.0006893 },  { 10295.27, 0.0006749 },
+        { 11553.75, 0.0006627 }, { 12693.86, 0.0006532 }, { 13943.75, 0.0006468 }, { 15090.67, 0.0006431 },
+        { 16333.75, 0.0006413 }, { 17494.27, 0.0006399 }, { 18723.75, 0.0006381 }, { 19879.71, 0.0006385 },
+        { 21113.75, 0.0006373 }, { 22277.21, 0.0006355 }, { 23503.75, 0.0006338 }, { 24668.19, 0.0006324 },
+        { 25893.75, 0.0006300 }, { 27062.65, 0.0006291 }, { 28571.19, 0.0006291 }, { 29776.18, 0.0006300 },
+        { 30972.15, 0.0006306 }, { 32164.56, 0.0006311 }, { 33359.70, 0.0006313 }, { 34847.46, 0.0006310 },
+        { 36614.96, 0.0006303 }, { 38708.69, 0.0006294 }, { 41368.79, 0.0006286 }, { 44650.52, 0.0006281 },
+        { 48956.97, 0.0006275 }, { 55591.65, 0.0006262 }, { 69136.38, 0.0006223 }, { 96429.08, 0.0006126 } };
     resParams["LongCKTheta"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Muon] = {
-        {0.0147477, 0.0020156}, {0.0185167, 0.0019003}, {0.0205082, 0.0018077}, {0.0219943, 0.0017368},
-        {0.0232458, 0.0016846}, {0.0242651, 0.0016471}, {0.0251861, 0.0016200}, {0.0259853, 0.0015997},
-        {0.0266783, 0.0015830}, {0.0273661, 0.0015679}, {0.0279479, 0.0015527}, {0.0283999, 0.0015368},
-        {0.0288653, 0.0015201}, {0.0293250, 0.0015028}, {0.0297822, 0.0014854}, {0.0302482, 0.0014685},
-        {0.0307059, 0.0014527}, {0.0311615, 0.0014384}, {0.0316263, 0.0014258}, {0.0320820, 0.0014148},
-        {0.0325455, 0.0014052}, {0.0330048, 0.0013966}, {0.0334642, 0.0013885}, {0.0339226, 0.0013799},
-        {0.0343844, 0.0013690}, {0.0348475, 0.0013586}, {0.0353048, 0.0013486}, {0.0357626, 0.0013337},
-        {0.0362264, 0.0013212}, {0.0366796, 0.0013067}, {0.0371408, 0.0012934}, {0.0376016, 0.0012776},
-        {0.0380635, 0.0012612}, {0.0385198, 0.0012446}, {0.0389859, 0.0012306}, {0.0394431, 0.0012160},
-        {0.0398995, 0.0011999}, {0.0403616, 0.0011862}, {0.0408231, 0.0011700}, {0.0412823, 0.0011522},
-        {0.0417397, 0.0011362}, {0.0422028, 0.0011200}, {0.0426611, 0.0011036}, {0.0431215, 0.0010873},
-        {0.0435808, 0.0010708}, {0.0440413, 0.0010542}, {0.0445002, 0.0010374}, {0.0449636, 0.0010203},
-        {0.0454225, 0.0010028}, {0.0458824, 0.0009848}, {0.0463423, 0.0009661}, {0.0468013, 0.0009467},
-        {0.0472625, 0.0009262}, {0.0477233, 0.0009047}, {0.0481816, 0.0008819}, {0.0486426, 0.0008575},
-        {0.0491033, 0.0008314}, {0.0495637, 0.0008035}, {0.0500219, 0.0007735}, {0.0504834, 0.0007415},
-        {0.0509429, 0.0007072}, {0.0514069, 0.0006709}, {0.0517453, 0.0006328}};
+        { 0.0147477, 0.0020156 }, { 0.0185167, 0.0019003 }, { 0.0205082, 0.0018077 }, { 0.0219943, 0.0017368 },
+        { 0.0232458, 0.0016846 }, { 0.0242651, 0.0016471 }, { 0.0251861, 0.0016200 }, { 0.0259853, 0.0015997 },
+        { 0.0266783, 0.0015830 }, { 0.0273661, 0.0015679 }, { 0.0279479, 0.0015527 }, { 0.0283999, 0.0015368 },
+        { 0.0288653, 0.0015201 }, { 0.0293250, 0.0015028 }, { 0.0297822, 0.0014854 }, { 0.0302482, 0.0014685 },
+        { 0.0307059, 0.0014527 }, { 0.0311615, 0.0014384 }, { 0.0316263, 0.0014258 }, { 0.0320820, 0.0014148 },
+        { 0.0325455, 0.0014052 }, { 0.0330048, 0.0013966 }, { 0.0334642, 0.0013885 }, { 0.0339226, 0.0013799 },
+        { 0.0343844, 0.0013690 }, { 0.0348475, 0.0013586 }, { 0.0353048, 0.0013486 }, { 0.0357626, 0.0013337 },
+        { 0.0362264, 0.0013212 }, { 0.0366796, 0.0013067 }, { 0.0371408, 0.0012934 }, { 0.0376016, 0.0012776 },
+        { 0.0380635, 0.0012612 }, { 0.0385198, 0.0012446 }, { 0.0389859, 0.0012306 }, { 0.0394431, 0.0012160 },
+        { 0.0398995, 0.0011999 }, { 0.0403616, 0.0011862 }, { 0.0408231, 0.0011700 }, { 0.0412823, 0.0011522 },
+        { 0.0417397, 0.0011362 }, { 0.0422028, 0.0011200 }, { 0.0426611, 0.0011036 }, { 0.0431215, 0.0010873 },
+        { 0.0435808, 0.0010708 }, { 0.0440413, 0.0010542 }, { 0.0445002, 0.0010374 }, { 0.0449636, 0.0010203 },
+        { 0.0454225, 0.0010028 }, { 0.0458824, 0.0009848 }, { 0.0463423, 0.0009661 }, { 0.0468013, 0.0009467 },
+        { 0.0472625, 0.0009262 }, { 0.0477233, 0.0009047 }, { 0.0481816, 0.0008819 }, { 0.0486426, 0.0008575 },
+        { 0.0491033, 0.0008314 }, { 0.0495637, 0.0008035 }, { 0.0500219, 0.0007735 }, { 0.0504834, 0.0007415 },
+        { 0.0509429, 0.0007072 }, { 0.0514069, 0.0006709 }, { 0.0517453, 0.0006328 } };
     resParams["LongMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Muon] = {
-        {2591.25, 0.0014123},  {3746.43, 0.0010902},  {4981.25, 0.0009250},  {6103.93, 0.0008387},
-        {7371.25, 0.0007885},  {8507.55, 0.0007538},  {9761.25, 0.0007265},  {10897.16, 0.0007044},
-        {12151.25, 0.0006876}, {13298.25, 0.0006762}, {14541.25, 0.0006694}, {15704.15, 0.0006658},
-        {16931.25, 0.0006635}, {18085.62, 0.0006586}, {19321.25, 0.0006555}, {20488.92, 0.0006510},
-        {21711.25, 0.0006478}, {22878.73, 0.0006436}, {24400.21, 0.0006377}, {25570.45, 0.0006357},
-        {26758.48, 0.0006344}, {27977.18, 0.0006353}, {29161.88, 0.0006351}, {30360.19, 0.0006360},
-        {31796.34, 0.0006356}, {33653.65, 0.0006343}, {35428.27, 0.0006322}, {37460.61, 0.0006298},
-        {39913.82, 0.0006274}, {42584.27, 0.0006253}, {45848.73, 0.0006236}, {49937.47, 0.0006222},
-        {56076.75, 0.0006215}, {65767.60, 0.0006231}, {84830.85, 0.0006312}, {110455.85, 0.0006552}};
+        { 2591.25, 0.0014123 },  { 3746.43, 0.0010902 },  { 4981.25, 0.0009250 },  { 6103.93, 0.0008387 },
+        { 7371.25, 0.0007885 },  { 8507.55, 0.0007538 },  { 9761.25, 0.0007265 },  { 10897.16, 0.0007044 },
+        { 12151.25, 0.0006876 }, { 13298.25, 0.0006762 }, { 14541.25, 0.0006694 }, { 15704.15, 0.0006658 },
+        { 16931.25, 0.0006635 }, { 18085.62, 0.0006586 }, { 19321.25, 0.0006555 }, { 20488.92, 0.0006510 },
+        { 21711.25, 0.0006478 }, { 22878.73, 0.0006436 }, { 24400.21, 0.0006377 }, { 25570.45, 0.0006357 },
+        { 26758.48, 0.0006344 }, { 27977.18, 0.0006353 }, { 29161.88, 0.0006351 }, { 30360.19, 0.0006360 },
+        { 31796.34, 0.0006356 }, { 33653.65, 0.0006343 }, { 35428.27, 0.0006322 }, { 37460.61, 0.0006298 },
+        { 39913.82, 0.0006274 }, { 42584.27, 0.0006253 }, { 45848.73, 0.0006236 }, { 49937.47, 0.0006222 },
+        { 56076.75, 0.0006215 }, { 65767.60, 0.0006231 }, { 84830.85, 0.0006312 }, { 110455.85, 0.0006552 } };
     resParams["LongCKTheta"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Pion] = {
-        {0.0103635, 0.0013652}, {0.0109262, 0.0019202}, {0.0113857, 0.0020416}, {0.0118445, 0.0019659},
-        {0.0123056, 0.0018329}, {0.0127656, 0.0017154}, {0.0132230, 0.0016427}, {0.0136852, 0.0016177},
-        {0.0141436, 0.0016292}, {0.0146049, 0.0016607}, {0.0150625, 0.0016960}, {0.0155233, 0.0017221},
-        {0.0159828, 0.0017308}, {0.0164422, 0.0017190}, {0.0169030, 0.0016877}, {0.0173643, 0.0016412},
-        {0.0178217, 0.0015857}, {0.0182829, 0.0015280}, {0.0187427, 0.0014741}, {0.0192028, 0.0014290},
-        {0.0196624, 0.0013955}, {0.0201233, 0.0013743}, {0.0205823, 0.0013643}, {0.0210411, 0.0013529},
-        {0.0215020, 0.0013847}, {0.0219626, 0.0013571}, {0.0224222, 0.0013330}, {0.0228835, 0.0013221},
-        {0.0233412, 0.0012980}, {0.0238010, 0.0012751}, {0.0242616, 0.0012674}, {0.0247218, 0.0012533},
-        {0.0251820, 0.0012400}, {0.0256421, 0.0012274}, {0.0261022, 0.0012152}, {0.0265622, 0.0012027},
-        {0.0270229, 0.0011911}, {0.0274815, 0.0011790}, {0.0279429, 0.0011676}, {0.0284011, 0.0011562},
-        {0.0288620, 0.0011453}, {0.0293218, 0.0011341}, {0.0297811, 0.0011232}, {0.0302419, 0.0011126},
-        {0.0307021, 0.0011026}, {0.0311625, 0.0010927}, {0.0316219, 0.0010830}, {0.0320819, 0.0010734},
-        {0.0325423, 0.0010638}, {0.0330015, 0.0010546}, {0.0334610, 0.0010453}, {0.0339218, 0.0010359},
-        {0.0343818, 0.0010265}, {0.0348414, 0.0010171}, {0.0353014, 0.0010077}, {0.0357621, 0.0009982},
-        {0.0362221, 0.0009886}, {0.0366824, 0.0009790}, {0.0371415, 0.0009695}, {0.0376014, 0.0009599},
-        {0.0380619, 0.0009506}, {0.0385223, 0.0009412}, {0.0389824, 0.0009320}, {0.0394414, 0.0009229},
-        {0.0399024, 0.0009136}, {0.0403620, 0.0009043}, {0.0408215, 0.0008949}, {0.0412817, 0.0008854},
-        {0.0417422, 0.0008759}, {0.0422023, 0.0008662}, {0.0426625, 0.0008564}, {0.0431218, 0.0008466},
-        {0.0435818, 0.0008367}, {0.0440418, 0.0008267}, {0.0445025, 0.0008167}, {0.0449622, 0.0008067},
-        {0.0454225, 0.0007966}, {0.0458825, 0.0007865}, {0.0463423, 0.0007762}, {0.0468034, 0.0007657},
-        {0.0472627, 0.0007549}, {0.0477229, 0.0007439}, {0.0481831, 0.0007325}, {0.0486441, 0.0007208},
-        {0.0491037, 0.0007086}, {0.0495643, 0.0006960}, {0.0500238, 0.0006829}, {0.0504853, 0.0006693},
-        {0.0509456, 0.0006553}, {0.0514047, 0.0006408}, {0.0517450, 0.0006255}};
+        { 0.0103635, 0.0013652 }, { 0.0109262, 0.0019202 }, { 0.0113857, 0.0020416 }, { 0.0118445, 0.0019659 },
+        { 0.0123056, 0.0018329 }, { 0.0127656, 0.0017154 }, { 0.0132230, 0.0016427 }, { 0.0136852, 0.0016177 },
+        { 0.0141436, 0.0016292 }, { 0.0146049, 0.0016607 }, { 0.0150625, 0.0016960 }, { 0.0155233, 0.0017221 },
+        { 0.0159828, 0.0017308 }, { 0.0164422, 0.0017190 }, { 0.0169030, 0.0016877 }, { 0.0173643, 0.0016412 },
+        { 0.0178217, 0.0015857 }, { 0.0182829, 0.0015280 }, { 0.0187427, 0.0014741 }, { 0.0192028, 0.0014290 },
+        { 0.0196624, 0.0013955 }, { 0.0201233, 0.0013743 }, { 0.0205823, 0.0013643 }, { 0.0210411, 0.0013529 },
+        { 0.0215020, 0.0013847 }, { 0.0219626, 0.0013571 }, { 0.0224222, 0.0013330 }, { 0.0228835, 0.0013221 },
+        { 0.0233412, 0.0012980 }, { 0.0238010, 0.0012751 }, { 0.0242616, 0.0012674 }, { 0.0247218, 0.0012533 },
+        { 0.0251820, 0.0012400 }, { 0.0256421, 0.0012274 }, { 0.0261022, 0.0012152 }, { 0.0265622, 0.0012027 },
+        { 0.0270229, 0.0011911 }, { 0.0274815, 0.0011790 }, { 0.0279429, 0.0011676 }, { 0.0284011, 0.0011562 },
+        { 0.0288620, 0.0011453 }, { 0.0293218, 0.0011341 }, { 0.0297811, 0.0011232 }, { 0.0302419, 0.0011126 },
+        { 0.0307021, 0.0011026 }, { 0.0311625, 0.0010927 }, { 0.0316219, 0.0010830 }, { 0.0320819, 0.0010734 },
+        { 0.0325423, 0.0010638 }, { 0.0330015, 0.0010546 }, { 0.0334610, 0.0010453 }, { 0.0339218, 0.0010359 },
+        { 0.0343818, 0.0010265 }, { 0.0348414, 0.0010171 }, { 0.0353014, 0.0010077 }, { 0.0357621, 0.0009982 },
+        { 0.0362221, 0.0009886 }, { 0.0366824, 0.0009790 }, { 0.0371415, 0.0009695 }, { 0.0376014, 0.0009599 },
+        { 0.0380619, 0.0009506 }, { 0.0385223, 0.0009412 }, { 0.0389824, 0.0009320 }, { 0.0394414, 0.0009229 },
+        { 0.0399024, 0.0009136 }, { 0.0403620, 0.0009043 }, { 0.0408215, 0.0008949 }, { 0.0412817, 0.0008854 },
+        { 0.0417422, 0.0008759 }, { 0.0422023, 0.0008662 }, { 0.0426625, 0.0008564 }, { 0.0431218, 0.0008466 },
+        { 0.0435818, 0.0008367 }, { 0.0440418, 0.0008267 }, { 0.0445025, 0.0008167 }, { 0.0449622, 0.0008067 },
+        { 0.0454225, 0.0007966 }, { 0.0458825, 0.0007865 }, { 0.0463423, 0.0007762 }, { 0.0468034, 0.0007657 },
+        { 0.0472627, 0.0007549 }, { 0.0477229, 0.0007439 }, { 0.0481831, 0.0007325 }, { 0.0486441, 0.0007208 },
+        { 0.0491037, 0.0007086 }, { 0.0495643, 0.0006960 }, { 0.0500238, 0.0006829 }, { 0.0504853, 0.0006693 },
+        { 0.0509456, 0.0006553 }, { 0.0514047, 0.0006408 }, { 0.0517450, 0.0006255 } };
     resParams["LongMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Pion] = {
-        {3188.75, 0.0011574},   {4395.22, 0.0009074},   {5578.75, 0.0007929},   {6731.61, 0.0007425},
-        {7968.75, 0.0007179},   {9119.57, 0.0007015},   {10358.75, 0.0006870},  {11513.36, 0.0006736},
-        {12748.75, 0.0006623},  {13906.78, 0.0006540},  {15138.75, 0.0006489},  {16299.36, 0.0006461},
-        {17528.75, 0.0006444},  {18690.95, 0.0006399},  {19918.75, 0.0006379},  {21083.71, 0.0006373},
-        {22308.75, 0.0006369},  {23474.76, 0.0006365},  {24698.75, 0.0006365},  {25867.06, 0.0006362},
-        {27088.75, 0.0006358},  {28259.56, 0.0006348},  {29478.75, 0.0006337},  {30648.48, 0.0006329},
-        {31868.75, 0.0006318},  {33043.27, 0.0006312},  {34258.75, 0.0006309},  {35431.81, 0.0006308},
-        {36648.75, 0.0006303},  {37823.71, 0.0006299},  {39038.75, 0.0006292},  {40212.94, 0.0006282},
-        {41428.75, 0.0006272},  {42605.80, 0.0006264},  {43818.75, 0.0006260},  {44996.22, 0.0006259},
-        {46208.75, 0.0006263},  {47383.77, 0.0006267},  {48598.75, 0.0006272},  {49777.50, 0.0006270},
-        {50988.75, 0.0006271},  {52167.52, 0.0006265},  {53378.75, 0.0006261},  {54552.58, 0.0006261},
-        {55768.75, 0.0006260},  {56948.12, 0.0006262},  {58158.75, 0.0006261},  {59334.92, 0.0006257},
-        {60548.75, 0.0006260},  {61726.14, 0.0006262},  {62938.75, 0.0006263},  {64126.96, 0.0006256},
-        {65328.75, 0.0006253},  {66508.60, 0.0006246},  {67718.75, 0.0006243},  {68902.63, 0.0006248},
-        {70108.75, 0.0006253},  {71289.40, 0.0006258},  {72498.75, 0.0006253},  {73675.23, 0.0006245},
-        {74888.75, 0.0006232},  {76071.92, 0.0006219},  {77278.75, 0.0006217},  {78453.52, 0.0006206},
-        {79668.75, 0.0006209},  {80849.85, 0.0006215},  {82058.75, 0.0006226},  {83240.74, 0.0006231},
-        {84448.75, 0.0006221},  {85630.01, 0.0006216},  {87135.78, 0.0006224},  {88317.39, 0.0006235},
-        {89525.39, 0.0006245},  {90717.31, 0.0006252},  {91901.91, 0.0006243},  {93102.10, 0.0006222},
-        {94298.45, 0.0006197},  {95502.39, 0.0006184},  {96702.24, 0.0006182},  {97882.84, 0.0006192},
-        {99083.11, 0.0006202},  {100271.32, 0.0006212}, {101482.20, 0.0006219}, {102971.22, 0.0006221},
-        {104760.07, 0.0006217}, {106555.50, 0.0006210}, {108333.68, 0.0006205}, {110135.14, 0.0006211},
-        {112222.49, 0.0006229}, {114586.83, 0.0006252}, {116991.97, 0.0006251}, {119097.48, 0.0006156}};
+        { 3188.75, 0.0011574 },   { 4395.22, 0.0009074 },   { 5578.75, 0.0007929 },   { 6731.61, 0.0007425 },
+        { 7968.75, 0.0007179 },   { 9119.57, 0.0007015 },   { 10358.75, 0.0006870 },  { 11513.36, 0.0006736 },
+        { 12748.75, 0.0006623 },  { 13906.78, 0.0006540 },  { 15138.75, 0.0006489 },  { 16299.36, 0.0006461 },
+        { 17528.75, 0.0006444 },  { 18690.95, 0.0006399 },  { 19918.75, 0.0006379 },  { 21083.71, 0.0006373 },
+        { 22308.75, 0.0006369 },  { 23474.76, 0.0006365 },  { 24698.75, 0.0006365 },  { 25867.06, 0.0006362 },
+        { 27088.75, 0.0006358 },  { 28259.56, 0.0006348 },  { 29478.75, 0.0006337 },  { 30648.48, 0.0006329 },
+        { 31868.75, 0.0006318 },  { 33043.27, 0.0006312 },  { 34258.75, 0.0006309 },  { 35431.81, 0.0006308 },
+        { 36648.75, 0.0006303 },  { 37823.71, 0.0006299 },  { 39038.75, 0.0006292 },  { 40212.94, 0.0006282 },
+        { 41428.75, 0.0006272 },  { 42605.80, 0.0006264 },  { 43818.75, 0.0006260 },  { 44996.22, 0.0006259 },
+        { 46208.75, 0.0006263 },  { 47383.77, 0.0006267 },  { 48598.75, 0.0006272 },  { 49777.50, 0.0006270 },
+        { 50988.75, 0.0006271 },  { 52167.52, 0.0006265 },  { 53378.75, 0.0006261 },  { 54552.58, 0.0006261 },
+        { 55768.75, 0.0006260 },  { 56948.12, 0.0006262 },  { 58158.75, 0.0006261 },  { 59334.92, 0.0006257 },
+        { 60548.75, 0.0006260 },  { 61726.14, 0.0006262 },  { 62938.75, 0.0006263 },  { 64126.96, 0.0006256 },
+        { 65328.75, 0.0006253 },  { 66508.60, 0.0006246 },  { 67718.75, 0.0006243 },  { 68902.63, 0.0006248 },
+        { 70108.75, 0.0006253 },  { 71289.40, 0.0006258 },  { 72498.75, 0.0006253 },  { 73675.23, 0.0006245 },
+        { 74888.75, 0.0006232 },  { 76071.92, 0.0006219 },  { 77278.75, 0.0006217 },  { 78453.52, 0.0006206 },
+        { 79668.75, 0.0006209 },  { 80849.85, 0.0006215 },  { 82058.75, 0.0006226 },  { 83240.74, 0.0006231 },
+        { 84448.75, 0.0006221 },  { 85630.01, 0.0006216 },  { 87135.78, 0.0006224 },  { 88317.39, 0.0006235 },
+        { 89525.39, 0.0006245 },  { 90717.31, 0.0006252 },  { 91901.91, 0.0006243 },  { 93102.10, 0.0006222 },
+        { 94298.45, 0.0006197 },  { 95502.39, 0.0006184 },  { 96702.24, 0.0006182 },  { 97882.84, 0.0006192 },
+        { 99083.11, 0.0006202 },  { 100271.32, 0.0006212 }, { 101482.20, 0.0006219 }, { 102971.22, 0.0006221 },
+        { 104760.07, 0.0006217 }, { 106555.50, 0.0006210 }, { 108333.68, 0.0006205 }, { 110135.14, 0.0006211 },
+        { 112222.49, 0.0006229 }, { 114586.83, 0.0006252 }, { 116991.97, 0.0006251 }, { 119097.48, 0.0006156 } };
     resParams["LongCKTheta"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Kaon] = {
-        {0.0114875, 0.0012499}, {0.0132699, 0.0015160}, {0.0143798, 0.0015838}, {0.0153016, 0.0015491},
-        {0.0161016, 0.0014721}, {0.0167960, 0.0013878}, {0.0174788, 0.0013137}, {0.0180522, 0.0012565},
-        {0.0185135, 0.0012158}, {0.0189731, 0.0011882}, {0.0194293, 0.0011690}, {0.0198920, 0.0011538},
-        {0.0203523, 0.0011389}, {0.0208137, 0.0011222}, {0.0212711, 0.0011028}, {0.0217321, 0.0010807},
-        {0.0221898, 0.0010568}, {0.0226516, 0.0010325}, {0.0231110, 0.0010093}, {0.0235746, 0.0009881},
-        {0.0240327, 0.0009700}, {0.0244926, 0.0009553}, {0.0249501, 0.0009437}, {0.0254132, 0.0009367},
-        {0.0258710, 0.0009268}, {0.0263313, 0.0009155}, {0.0267910, 0.0009034}, {0.0272524, 0.0008936},
-        {0.0277120, 0.0008845}, {0.0281706, 0.0008738}, {0.0286317, 0.0008640}, {0.0290912, 0.0008528},
-        {0.0295519, 0.0008426}, {0.0300119, 0.0008338}, {0.0304710, 0.0008253}, {0.0309309, 0.0008172},
-        {0.0313906, 0.0008093}, {0.0318514, 0.0008018}, {0.0323108, 0.0007946}, {0.0327712, 0.0007876},
-        {0.0332312, 0.0007810}, {0.0336915, 0.0007744}, {0.0341516, 0.0007686}, {0.0346119, 0.0007627},
-        {0.0350725, 0.0007573}, {0.0355321, 0.0007519}, {0.0359936, 0.0007465}, {0.0364509, 0.0007415},
-        {0.0369109, 0.0007364}, {0.0373718, 0.0007316}, {0.0378322, 0.0007271}, {0.0382905, 0.0007222},
-        {0.0387523, 0.0007175}, {0.0392116, 0.0007124}, {0.0396713, 0.0007080}, {0.0401309, 0.0007036},
-        {0.0405917, 0.0006992}, {0.0410520, 0.0006951}, {0.0415111, 0.0006911}, {0.0419706, 0.0006873},
-        {0.0424318, 0.0006836}, {0.0428909, 0.0006800}, {0.0433512, 0.0006765}, {0.0438109, 0.0006730},
-        {0.0442703, 0.0006696}, {0.0447314, 0.0006662}, {0.0451923, 0.0006630}, {0.0456513, 0.0006598},
-        {0.0461113, 0.0006567}, {0.0465720, 0.0006538}, {0.0470317, 0.0006510}, {0.0474924, 0.0006482},
-        {0.0479514, 0.0006455}, {0.0484118, 0.0006427}, {0.0488719, 0.0006399}, {0.0493314, 0.0006368},
-        {0.0497918, 0.0006336}, {0.0502511, 0.0006301}, {0.0507102, 0.0006267}, {0.0511655, 0.0006238},
-        {0.0515581, 0.0006223}};
+        { 0.0114875, 0.0012499 }, { 0.0132699, 0.0015160 }, { 0.0143798, 0.0015838 }, { 0.0153016, 0.0015491 },
+        { 0.0161016, 0.0014721 }, { 0.0167960, 0.0013878 }, { 0.0174788, 0.0013137 }, { 0.0180522, 0.0012565 },
+        { 0.0185135, 0.0012158 }, { 0.0189731, 0.0011882 }, { 0.0194293, 0.0011690 }, { 0.0198920, 0.0011538 },
+        { 0.0203523, 0.0011389 }, { 0.0208137, 0.0011222 }, { 0.0212711, 0.0011028 }, { 0.0217321, 0.0010807 },
+        { 0.0221898, 0.0010568 }, { 0.0226516, 0.0010325 }, { 0.0231110, 0.0010093 }, { 0.0235746, 0.0009881 },
+        { 0.0240327, 0.0009700 }, { 0.0244926, 0.0009553 }, { 0.0249501, 0.0009437 }, { 0.0254132, 0.0009367 },
+        { 0.0258710, 0.0009268 }, { 0.0263313, 0.0009155 }, { 0.0267910, 0.0009034 }, { 0.0272524, 0.0008936 },
+        { 0.0277120, 0.0008845 }, { 0.0281706, 0.0008738 }, { 0.0286317, 0.0008640 }, { 0.0290912, 0.0008528 },
+        { 0.0295519, 0.0008426 }, { 0.0300119, 0.0008338 }, { 0.0304710, 0.0008253 }, { 0.0309309, 0.0008172 },
+        { 0.0313906, 0.0008093 }, { 0.0318514, 0.0008018 }, { 0.0323108, 0.0007946 }, { 0.0327712, 0.0007876 },
+        { 0.0332312, 0.0007810 }, { 0.0336915, 0.0007744 }, { 0.0341516, 0.0007686 }, { 0.0346119, 0.0007627 },
+        { 0.0350725, 0.0007573 }, { 0.0355321, 0.0007519 }, { 0.0359936, 0.0007465 }, { 0.0364509, 0.0007415 },
+        { 0.0369109, 0.0007364 }, { 0.0373718, 0.0007316 }, { 0.0378322, 0.0007271 }, { 0.0382905, 0.0007222 },
+        { 0.0387523, 0.0007175 }, { 0.0392116, 0.0007124 }, { 0.0396713, 0.0007080 }, { 0.0401309, 0.0007036 },
+        { 0.0405917, 0.0006992 }, { 0.0410520, 0.0006951 }, { 0.0415111, 0.0006911 }, { 0.0419706, 0.0006873 },
+        { 0.0424318, 0.0006836 }, { 0.0428909, 0.0006800 }, { 0.0433512, 0.0006765 }, { 0.0438109, 0.0006730 },
+        { 0.0442703, 0.0006696 }, { 0.0447314, 0.0006662 }, { 0.0451923, 0.0006630 }, { 0.0456513, 0.0006598 },
+        { 0.0461113, 0.0006567 }, { 0.0465720, 0.0006538 }, { 0.0470317, 0.0006510 }, { 0.0474924, 0.0006482 },
+        { 0.0479514, 0.0006455 }, { 0.0484118, 0.0006427 }, { 0.0488719, 0.0006399 }, { 0.0493314, 0.0006368 },
+        { 0.0497918, 0.0006336 }, { 0.0502511, 0.0006301 }, { 0.0507102, 0.0006267 }, { 0.0511655, 0.0006238 },
+        { 0.0515581, 0.0006223 } };
     resParams["LongMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Kaon] = {
-        {9761.25, 0.0015293},   {11057.79, 0.0009689},  {12151.25, 0.0007702},  {13349.72, 0.0007215},
-        {14541.25, 0.0007161},  {15722.32, 0.0007105},  {16931.25, 0.0006950},  {18106.13, 0.0006742},
-        {19321.25, 0.0006560},  {20494.86, 0.0006454},  {21711.25, 0.0006434},  {22883.89, 0.0006471},
-        {24101.25, 0.0006518},  {25275.14, 0.0006441},  {26491.25, 0.0006408},  {27663.84, 0.0006384},
-        {28881.25, 0.0006364},  {30053.16, 0.0006341},  {31271.25, 0.0006323},  {32446.41, 0.0006317},
-        {33661.25, 0.0006310},  {34835.38, 0.0006309},  {36051.25, 0.0006308},  {37225.84, 0.0006308},
-        {38441.25, 0.0006304},  {39615.06, 0.0006303},  {40831.25, 0.0006300},  {42009.84, 0.0006293},
-        {43221.25, 0.0006289},  {44399.95, 0.0006293},  {45611.25, 0.0006295},  {46787.32, 0.0006297},
-        {48001.25, 0.0006293},  {49177.00, 0.0006289},  {50391.25, 0.0006275},  {51564.31, 0.0006265},
-        {52781.25, 0.0006256},  {53962.97, 0.0006252},  {55171.25, 0.0006251},  {56352.91, 0.0006251},
-        {57561.25, 0.0006263},  {58737.85, 0.0006266},  {59951.25, 0.0006263},  {61128.96, 0.0006262},
-        {62341.25, 0.0006260},  {63534.07, 0.0006263},  {64731.25, 0.0006265},  {65911.29, 0.0006272},
-        {67121.25, 0.0006275},  {68298.40, 0.0006269},  {69806.56, 0.0006261},  {71002.29, 0.0006254},
-        {72204.41, 0.0006248},  {73386.03, 0.0006245},  {74590.53, 0.0006237},  {75779.62, 0.0006236},
-        {76978.48, 0.0006228},  {78165.58, 0.0006238},  {79361.79, 0.0006237},  {80553.69, 0.0006239},
-        {82047.86, 0.0006247},  {83845.09, 0.0006252},  {85627.95, 0.0006258},  {87430.00, 0.0006261},
-        {89218.78, 0.0006261},  {91303.48, 0.0006256},  {93688.64, 0.0006247},  {96370.12, 0.0006237},
-        {99363.24, 0.0006227},  {102578.14, 0.0006221}, {106547.79, 0.0006220}, {110989.72, 0.0006222},
-        {116245.68, 0.0006211}, {119701.25, 0.0006158}};
+        { 9761.25, 0.0015293 },   { 11057.79, 0.0009689 },  { 12151.25, 0.0007702 },  { 13349.72, 0.0007215 },
+        { 14541.25, 0.0007161 },  { 15722.32, 0.0007105 },  { 16931.25, 0.0006950 },  { 18106.13, 0.0006742 },
+        { 19321.25, 0.0006560 },  { 20494.86, 0.0006454 },  { 21711.25, 0.0006434 },  { 22883.89, 0.0006471 },
+        { 24101.25, 0.0006518 },  { 25275.14, 0.0006441 },  { 26491.25, 0.0006408 },  { 27663.84, 0.0006384 },
+        { 28881.25, 0.0006364 },  { 30053.16, 0.0006341 },  { 31271.25, 0.0006323 },  { 32446.41, 0.0006317 },
+        { 33661.25, 0.0006310 },  { 34835.38, 0.0006309 },  { 36051.25, 0.0006308 },  { 37225.84, 0.0006308 },
+        { 38441.25, 0.0006304 },  { 39615.06, 0.0006303 },  { 40831.25, 0.0006300 },  { 42009.84, 0.0006293 },
+        { 43221.25, 0.0006289 },  { 44399.95, 0.0006293 },  { 45611.25, 0.0006295 },  { 46787.32, 0.0006297 },
+        { 48001.25, 0.0006293 },  { 49177.00, 0.0006289 },  { 50391.25, 0.0006275 },  { 51564.31, 0.0006265 },
+        { 52781.25, 0.0006256 },  { 53962.97, 0.0006252 },  { 55171.25, 0.0006251 },  { 56352.91, 0.0006251 },
+        { 57561.25, 0.0006263 },  { 58737.85, 0.0006266 },  { 59951.25, 0.0006263 },  { 61128.96, 0.0006262 },
+        { 62341.25, 0.0006260 },  { 63534.07, 0.0006263 },  { 64731.25, 0.0006265 },  { 65911.29, 0.0006272 },
+        { 67121.25, 0.0006275 },  { 68298.40, 0.0006269 },  { 69806.56, 0.0006261 },  { 71002.29, 0.0006254 },
+        { 72204.41, 0.0006248 },  { 73386.03, 0.0006245 },  { 74590.53, 0.0006237 },  { 75779.62, 0.0006236 },
+        { 76978.48, 0.0006228 },  { 78165.58, 0.0006238 },  { 79361.79, 0.0006237 },  { 80553.69, 0.0006239 },
+        { 82047.86, 0.0006247 },  { 83845.09, 0.0006252 },  { 85627.95, 0.0006258 },  { 87430.00, 0.0006261 },
+        { 89218.78, 0.0006261 },  { 91303.48, 0.0006256 },  { 93688.64, 0.0006247 },  { 96370.12, 0.0006237 },
+        { 99363.24, 0.0006227 },  { 102578.14, 0.0006221 }, { 106547.79, 0.0006220 }, { 110989.72, 0.0006222 },
+        { 116245.68, 0.0006211 }, { 119701.25, 0.0006158 } };
     resParams["LongCKTheta"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Proton] = {
-        {0.0122708, 0.0016219}, {0.0145294, 0.0014670}, {0.0160131, 0.0013421}, {0.0172646, 0.0012438},
-        {0.0182913, 0.0011680}, {0.0190884, 0.0011104}, {0.0197820, 0.0010673}, {0.0204694, 0.0010349},
-        {0.0211599, 0.0010104}, {0.0217286, 0.0009911}, {0.0221906, 0.0009751}, {0.0226491, 0.0009611},
-        {0.0231133, 0.0009481}, {0.0235721, 0.0009354}, {0.0240308, 0.0009227}, {0.0244950, 0.0009100},
-        {0.0249519, 0.0008973}, {0.0254112, 0.0008848}, {0.0258737, 0.0008727}, {0.0263318, 0.0008610},
-        {0.0267908, 0.0008499}, {0.0272530, 0.0008395}, {0.0277121, 0.0008298}, {0.0281714, 0.0008199},
-        {0.0286336, 0.0008113}, {0.0290919, 0.0008045}, {0.0295509, 0.0007961}, {0.0300128, 0.0007891},
-        {0.0304729, 0.0007820}, {0.0309307, 0.0007725}, {0.0313912, 0.0007669}, {0.0318520, 0.0007613},
-        {0.0323110, 0.0007548}, {0.0327740, 0.0007490}, {0.0332293, 0.0007429}, {0.0336916, 0.0007382},
-        {0.0341517, 0.0007326}, {0.0346124, 0.0007282}, {0.0350703, 0.0007232}, {0.0355320, 0.0007188},
-        {0.0359907, 0.0007145}, {0.0364511, 0.0007107}, {0.0369112, 0.0007064}, {0.0373717, 0.0007018},
-        {0.0378294, 0.0006973}, {0.0382908, 0.0006930}, {0.0387530, 0.0006890}, {0.0392102, 0.0006849},
-        {0.0396722, 0.0006811}, {0.0401303, 0.0006773}, {0.0405918, 0.0006737}, {0.0410506, 0.0006704},
-        {0.0415106, 0.0006672}, {0.0419712, 0.0006642}, {0.0424316, 0.0006614}, {0.0428914, 0.0006587},
-        {0.0433513, 0.0006560}, {0.0438105, 0.0006535}, {0.0442695, 0.0006511}, {0.0447306, 0.0006487},
-        {0.0451915, 0.0006464}, {0.0456508, 0.0006442}, {0.0461119, 0.0006420}, {0.0465707, 0.0006399},
-        {0.0470319, 0.0006377}, {0.0474903, 0.0006357}, {0.0479517, 0.0006336}, {0.0484094, 0.0006315},
-        {0.0488695, 0.0006294}, {0.0493288, 0.0006274}, {0.0497870, 0.0006257}, {0.0502466, 0.0006243},
-        {0.0507029, 0.0006239}, {0.0511180, 0.0006250}};
+        { 0.0122708, 0.0016219 }, { 0.0145294, 0.0014670 }, { 0.0160131, 0.0013421 }, { 0.0172646, 0.0012438 },
+        { 0.0182913, 0.0011680 }, { 0.0190884, 0.0011104 }, { 0.0197820, 0.0010673 }, { 0.0204694, 0.0010349 },
+        { 0.0211599, 0.0010104 }, { 0.0217286, 0.0009911 }, { 0.0221906, 0.0009751 }, { 0.0226491, 0.0009611 },
+        { 0.0231133, 0.0009481 }, { 0.0235721, 0.0009354 }, { 0.0240308, 0.0009227 }, { 0.0244950, 0.0009100 },
+        { 0.0249519, 0.0008973 }, { 0.0254112, 0.0008848 }, { 0.0258737, 0.0008727 }, { 0.0263318, 0.0008610 },
+        { 0.0267908, 0.0008499 }, { 0.0272530, 0.0008395 }, { 0.0277121, 0.0008298 }, { 0.0281714, 0.0008199 },
+        { 0.0286336, 0.0008113 }, { 0.0290919, 0.0008045 }, { 0.0295509, 0.0007961 }, { 0.0300128, 0.0007891 },
+        { 0.0304729, 0.0007820 }, { 0.0309307, 0.0007725 }, { 0.0313912, 0.0007669 }, { 0.0318520, 0.0007613 },
+        { 0.0323110, 0.0007548 }, { 0.0327740, 0.0007490 }, { 0.0332293, 0.0007429 }, { 0.0336916, 0.0007382 },
+        { 0.0341517, 0.0007326 }, { 0.0346124, 0.0007282 }, { 0.0350703, 0.0007232 }, { 0.0355320, 0.0007188 },
+        { 0.0359907, 0.0007145 }, { 0.0364511, 0.0007107 }, { 0.0369112, 0.0007064 }, { 0.0373717, 0.0007018 },
+        { 0.0378294, 0.0006973 }, { 0.0382908, 0.0006930 }, { 0.0387530, 0.0006890 }, { 0.0392102, 0.0006849 },
+        { 0.0396722, 0.0006811 }, { 0.0401303, 0.0006773 }, { 0.0405918, 0.0006737 }, { 0.0410506, 0.0006704 },
+        { 0.0415106, 0.0006672 }, { 0.0419712, 0.0006642 }, { 0.0424316, 0.0006614 }, { 0.0428914, 0.0006587 },
+        { 0.0433513, 0.0006560 }, { 0.0438105, 0.0006535 }, { 0.0442695, 0.0006511 }, { 0.0447306, 0.0006487 },
+        { 0.0451915, 0.0006464 }, { 0.0456508, 0.0006442 }, { 0.0461119, 0.0006420 }, { 0.0465707, 0.0006399 },
+        { 0.0470319, 0.0006377 }, { 0.0474903, 0.0006357 }, { 0.0479517, 0.0006336 }, { 0.0484094, 0.0006315 },
+        { 0.0488695, 0.0006294 }, { 0.0493288, 0.0006274 }, { 0.0497870, 0.0006257 }, { 0.0502466, 0.0006243 },
+        { 0.0507029, 0.0006239 }, { 0.0511180, 0.0006250 } };
     resParams["LongMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Proton] = {
-        {18717.48, 0.0014600},  {20004.28, 0.0010144},  {21113.75, 0.0008321},  {22323.34, 0.0007672},
-        {23503.75, 0.0007440},  {24699.07, 0.0007287},  {25893.75, 0.0007115},  {27077.48, 0.0006929},
-        {28283.75, 0.0006767},  {29466.65, 0.0006657},  {30673.75, 0.0006603},  {31856.50, 0.0006590},
-        {33063.75, 0.0006591},  {34242.49, 0.0006524},  {35453.75, 0.0006493},  {36633.80, 0.0006473},
-        {37843.75, 0.0006427},  {39022.44, 0.0006407},  {40233.75, 0.0006395},  {41411.31, 0.0006382},
-        {42623.75, 0.0006368},  {43801.88, 0.0006365},  {45013.75, 0.0006357},  {46190.64, 0.0006348},
-        {47403.75, 0.0006340},  {48580.93, 0.0006335},  {49793.75, 0.0006302},  {50970.93, 0.0006274},
-        {52183.75, 0.0006249},  {53368.85, 0.0006241},  {54573.75, 0.0006256},  {55755.77, 0.0006279},
-        {56963.75, 0.0006298},  {58150.24, 0.0006309},  {59353.75, 0.0006312},  {60539.86, 0.0006310},
-        {61743.75, 0.0006311},  {62919.12, 0.0006286},  {64133.75, 0.0006281},  {65317.09, 0.0006279},
-        {66821.47, 0.0006274},  {68013.19, 0.0006269},  {69204.21, 0.0006255},  {70406.40, 0.0006250},
-        {71594.60, 0.0006234},  {72797.08, 0.0006231},  {73991.39, 0.0006240},  {75179.51, 0.0006249},
-        {76378.35, 0.0006253},  {77572.52, 0.0006250},  {78774.50, 0.0006239},  {79961.94, 0.0006234},
-        {81448.42, 0.0006229},  {83229.28, 0.0006234},  {85026.58, 0.0006242},  {86830.86, 0.0006251},
-        {88914.64, 0.0006256},  {91303.27, 0.0006256},  {93992.94, 0.0006252},  {96968.35, 0.0006248},
-        {100222.46, 0.0006249}, {104104.36, 0.0006257}, {108506.19, 0.0006268}, {113906.85, 0.0006257},
-        {118468.89, 0.0006167}};
+        { 18717.48, 0.0014600 },  { 20004.28, 0.0010144 },  { 21113.75, 0.0008321 },  { 22323.34, 0.0007672 },
+        { 23503.75, 0.0007440 },  { 24699.07, 0.0007287 },  { 25893.75, 0.0007115 },  { 27077.48, 0.0006929 },
+        { 28283.75, 0.0006767 },  { 29466.65, 0.0006657 },  { 30673.75, 0.0006603 },  { 31856.50, 0.0006590 },
+        { 33063.75, 0.0006591 },  { 34242.49, 0.0006524 },  { 35453.75, 0.0006493 },  { 36633.80, 0.0006473 },
+        { 37843.75, 0.0006427 },  { 39022.44, 0.0006407 },  { 40233.75, 0.0006395 },  { 41411.31, 0.0006382 },
+        { 42623.75, 0.0006368 },  { 43801.88, 0.0006365 },  { 45013.75, 0.0006357 },  { 46190.64, 0.0006348 },
+        { 47403.75, 0.0006340 },  { 48580.93, 0.0006335 },  { 49793.75, 0.0006302 },  { 50970.93, 0.0006274 },
+        { 52183.75, 0.0006249 },  { 53368.85, 0.0006241 },  { 54573.75, 0.0006256 },  { 55755.77, 0.0006279 },
+        { 56963.75, 0.0006298 },  { 58150.24, 0.0006309 },  { 59353.75, 0.0006312 },  { 60539.86, 0.0006310 },
+        { 61743.75, 0.0006311 },  { 62919.12, 0.0006286 },  { 64133.75, 0.0006281 },  { 65317.09, 0.0006279 },
+        { 66821.47, 0.0006274 },  { 68013.19, 0.0006269 },  { 69204.21, 0.0006255 },  { 70406.40, 0.0006250 },
+        { 71594.60, 0.0006234 },  { 72797.08, 0.0006231 },  { 73991.39, 0.0006240 },  { 75179.51, 0.0006249 },
+        { 76378.35, 0.0006253 },  { 77572.52, 0.0006250 },  { 78774.50, 0.0006239 },  { 79961.94, 0.0006234 },
+        { 81448.42, 0.0006229 },  { 83229.28, 0.0006234 },  { 85026.58, 0.0006242 },  { 86830.86, 0.0006251 },
+        { 88914.64, 0.0006256 },  { 91303.27, 0.0006256 },  { 93992.94, 0.0006252 },  { 96968.35, 0.0006248 },
+        { 100222.46, 0.0006249 }, { 104104.36, 0.0006257 }, { 108506.19, 0.0006268 }, { 113906.85, 0.0006257 },
+        { 118468.89, 0.0006167 } };
     resParams["LongMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Deuteron] = resParams["LongMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Proton];
     resParams["LongMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::BelowThreshold] =
@@ -198,109 +198,109 @@ namespace {
     resParams["LongCKTheta"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::BelowThreshold] =
     resParams["DownMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Electron] = {
-        {1993.75, 0.0019277},  {3112.19, 0.0013428},  {4383.75, 0.0010475},  {5492.22, 0.0009019},
-        {6773.75, 0.0008267},  {7896.57, 0.0007816},  {9163.75, 0.0007488},  {10297.74, 0.0007224},
-        {11553.75, 0.0007015}, {12694.14, 0.0006865}, {13943.75, 0.0006768}, {15091.57, 0.0006713},
-        {16333.75, 0.0006679}, {17491.89, 0.0006628}, {18723.75, 0.0006575}, {19884.89, 0.0006552},
-        {21113.75, 0.0006525}, {22278.57, 0.0006511}, {23503.75, 0.0006497}, {24667.38, 0.0006480},
-        {25893.75, 0.0006462}, {27054.26, 0.0006436}, {28283.75, 0.0006415}, {29462.19, 0.0006395},
-        {30961.09, 0.0006378}, {32161.49, 0.0006368}, {33349.73, 0.0006363}, {34837.37, 0.0006362},
-        {36634.11, 0.0006363}, {38426.13, 0.0006365}, {40488.89, 0.0006363}, {43162.98, 0.0006356},
-        {46691.61, 0.0006342}, {51599.89, 0.0006321}, {59591.05, 0.0006293}, {79490.90, 0.0006263},
-        {115356.15, 0.0006234}};
+        { 1993.75, 0.0019277 },  { 3112.19, 0.0013428 },  { 4383.75, 0.0010475 },  { 5492.22, 0.0009019 },
+        { 6773.75, 0.0008267 },  { 7896.57, 0.0007816 },  { 9163.75, 0.0007488 },  { 10297.74, 0.0007224 },
+        { 11553.75, 0.0007015 }, { 12694.14, 0.0006865 }, { 13943.75, 0.0006768 }, { 15091.57, 0.0006713 },
+        { 16333.75, 0.0006679 }, { 17491.89, 0.0006628 }, { 18723.75, 0.0006575 }, { 19884.89, 0.0006552 },
+        { 21113.75, 0.0006525 }, { 22278.57, 0.0006511 }, { 23503.75, 0.0006497 }, { 24667.38, 0.0006480 },
+        { 25893.75, 0.0006462 }, { 27054.26, 0.0006436 }, { 28283.75, 0.0006415 }, { 29462.19, 0.0006395 },
+        { 30961.09, 0.0006378 }, { 32161.49, 0.0006368 }, { 33349.73, 0.0006363 }, { 34837.37, 0.0006362 },
+        { 36634.11, 0.0006363 }, { 38426.13, 0.0006365 }, { 40488.89, 0.0006363 }, { 43162.98, 0.0006356 },
+        { 46691.61, 0.0006342 }, { 51599.89, 0.0006321 }, { 59591.05, 0.0006293 }, { 79490.90, 0.0006263 },
+        { 115356.15, 0.0006234 } };
     resParams["DownCKTheta"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Muon] = {
-        {0.0145553, 0.0021605}, {0.0182661, 0.0020309}, {0.0202718, 0.0019533}, {0.0217792, 0.0019048},
-        {0.0230019, 0.0018709}, {0.0240566, 0.0018432}, {0.0249600, 0.0018175}, {0.0257708, 0.0017921},
-        {0.0264471, 0.0017670}, {0.0271424, 0.0017427}, {0.0278382, 0.0017200}, {0.0284004, 0.0016996},
-        {0.0288607, 0.0016818}, {0.0293195, 0.0016668}, {0.0297802, 0.0016542}, {0.0302429, 0.0016435},
-        {0.0306976, 0.0016341}, {0.0311629, 0.0016251}, {0.0316204, 0.0016158}, {0.0320818, 0.0016057},
-        {0.0325422, 0.0015943}, {0.0330006, 0.0015814}, {0.0334617, 0.0015670}, {0.0339181, 0.0015513},
-        {0.0343837, 0.0015330}, {0.0348387, 0.0015164}, {0.0353013, 0.0014998}, {0.0357612, 0.0014843},
-        {0.0362232, 0.0014680}, {0.0366798, 0.0014512}, {0.0371474, 0.0014372}, {0.0375990, 0.0014199},
-        {0.0380601, 0.0014022}, {0.0385220, 0.0013847}, {0.0389831, 0.0013673}, {0.0394388, 0.0013497},
-        {0.0399040, 0.0013326}, {0.0403621, 0.0013125}, {0.0408260, 0.0012924}, {0.0412802, 0.0012733},
-        {0.0417355, 0.0012554}, {0.0422026, 0.0012343}, {0.0426598, 0.0012125}, {0.0431206, 0.0011902},
-        {0.0435861, 0.0011674}, {0.0440387, 0.0011442}, {0.0445002, 0.0011207}, {0.0449594, 0.0010970},
-        {0.0454194, 0.0010729}, {0.0458857, 0.0010485}, {0.0463440, 0.0010236}, {0.0467990, 0.0009980},
-        {0.0472650, 0.0009715}, {0.0477245, 0.0009439}, {0.0481796, 0.0009151}, {0.0486388, 0.0008850},
-        {0.0491020, 0.0008536}, {0.0495605, 0.0008210}, {0.0500207, 0.0007872}, {0.0504818, 0.0007525},
-        {0.0509381, 0.0007167}, {0.0513908, 0.0006795}, {0.0517450, 0.0006400}};
+        { 0.0145553, 0.0021605 }, { 0.0182661, 0.0020309 }, { 0.0202718, 0.0019533 }, { 0.0217792, 0.0019048 },
+        { 0.0230019, 0.0018709 }, { 0.0240566, 0.0018432 }, { 0.0249600, 0.0018175 }, { 0.0257708, 0.0017921 },
+        { 0.0264471, 0.0017670 }, { 0.0271424, 0.0017427 }, { 0.0278382, 0.0017200 }, { 0.0284004, 0.0016996 },
+        { 0.0288607, 0.0016818 }, { 0.0293195, 0.0016668 }, { 0.0297802, 0.0016542 }, { 0.0302429, 0.0016435 },
+        { 0.0306976, 0.0016341 }, { 0.0311629, 0.0016251 }, { 0.0316204, 0.0016158 }, { 0.0320818, 0.0016057 },
+        { 0.0325422, 0.0015943 }, { 0.0330006, 0.0015814 }, { 0.0334617, 0.0015670 }, { 0.0339181, 0.0015513 },
+        { 0.0343837, 0.0015330 }, { 0.0348387, 0.0015164 }, { 0.0353013, 0.0014998 }, { 0.0357612, 0.0014843 },
+        { 0.0362232, 0.0014680 }, { 0.0366798, 0.0014512 }, { 0.0371474, 0.0014372 }, { 0.0375990, 0.0014199 },
+        { 0.0380601, 0.0014022 }, { 0.0385220, 0.0013847 }, { 0.0389831, 0.0013673 }, { 0.0394388, 0.0013497 },
+        { 0.0399040, 0.0013326 }, { 0.0403621, 0.0013125 }, { 0.0408260, 0.0012924 }, { 0.0412802, 0.0012733 },
+        { 0.0417355, 0.0012554 }, { 0.0422026, 0.0012343 }, { 0.0426598, 0.0012125 }, { 0.0431206, 0.0011902 },
+        { 0.0435861, 0.0011674 }, { 0.0440387, 0.0011442 }, { 0.0445002, 0.0011207 }, { 0.0449594, 0.0010970 },
+        { 0.0454194, 0.0010729 }, { 0.0458857, 0.0010485 }, { 0.0463440, 0.0010236 }, { 0.0467990, 0.0009980 },
+        { 0.0472650, 0.0009715 }, { 0.0477245, 0.0009439 }, { 0.0481796, 0.0009151 }, { 0.0486388, 0.0008850 },
+        { 0.0491020, 0.0008536 }, { 0.0495605, 0.0008210 }, { 0.0500207, 0.0007872 }, { 0.0504818, 0.0007525 },
+        { 0.0509381, 0.0007167 }, { 0.0513908, 0.0006795 }, { 0.0517450, 0.0006400 } };
     resParams["DownMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Muon] = {
-        {2591.25, 0.0015970},  {3695.37, 0.0011831},  {4981.25, 0.0009755},  {6076.01, 0.0008673},
-        {7371.25, 0.0008052},  {8482.42, 0.0007653},  {9761.25, 0.0007377},  {10883.01, 0.0007177},
-        {12151.25, 0.0007023}, {13277.14, 0.0006919}, {14541.25, 0.0006775}, {15688.58, 0.0006632},
-        {17201.88, 0.0006544}, {18650.11, 0.0006538}, {20747.26, 0.0006559}, {23873.72, 0.0006482},
-        {30169.49, 0.0006268}, {49393.03, 0.0006370}};
+        { 2591.25, 0.0015970 },  { 3695.37, 0.0011831 },  { 4981.25, 0.0009755 },  { 6076.01, 0.0008673 },
+        { 7371.25, 0.0008052 },  { 8482.42, 0.0007653 },  { 9761.25, 0.0007377 },  { 10883.01, 0.0007177 },
+        { 12151.25, 0.0007023 }, { 13277.14, 0.0006919 }, { 14541.25, 0.0006775 }, { 15688.58, 0.0006632 },
+        { 17201.88, 0.0006544 }, { 18650.11, 0.0006538 }, { 20747.26, 0.0006559 }, { 23873.72, 0.0006482 },
+        { 30169.49, 0.0006268 }, { 49393.03, 0.0006370 } };
     resParams["DownCKTheta"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Pion] = {
-        {0.0116439, 0.0016173}, {0.0135033, 0.0018459}, {0.0147407, 0.0019348}, {0.0157640, 0.0019447},
-        {0.0165621, 0.0019153}, {0.0172530, 0.0018712}, {0.0179371, 0.0018261}, {0.0185120, 0.0017865},
-        {0.0189731, 0.0017545}, {0.0194317, 0.0017294}, {0.0198952, 0.0017095}, {0.0203534, 0.0016928},
-        {0.0208138, 0.0016772}, {0.0212723, 0.0016616}, {0.0217323, 0.0016450}, {0.0221921, 0.0016274},
-        {0.0226518, 0.0016090}, {0.0231107, 0.0015902}, {0.0235718, 0.0015717}, {0.0240329, 0.0015541},
-        {0.0244905, 0.0015379}, {0.0249514, 0.0015232}, {0.0254125, 0.0015102}, {0.0258723, 0.0014927},
-        {0.0263321, 0.0014895}, {0.0267901, 0.0014774}, {0.0272508, 0.0014654}, {0.0277114, 0.0014542},
-        {0.0281709, 0.0014417}, {0.0286310, 0.0014276}, {0.0290907, 0.0014144}, {0.0295544, 0.0014017},
-        {0.0300118, 0.0013883}, {0.0304728, 0.0013752}, {0.0309317, 0.0013631}, {0.0313911, 0.0013508},
-        {0.0318528, 0.0013389}, {0.0323108, 0.0013266}, {0.0327710, 0.0013142}, {0.0332314, 0.0013023},
-        {0.0336919, 0.0012900}, {0.0341508, 0.0012772}, {0.0346119, 0.0012646}, {0.0350711, 0.0012521},
-        {0.0355318, 0.0012389}, {0.0359917, 0.0012254}, {0.0364506, 0.0012123}, {0.0369121, 0.0011988},
-        {0.0373715, 0.0011859}, {0.0378318, 0.0011721}, {0.0382911, 0.0011580}, {0.0387514, 0.0011442},
-        {0.0392113, 0.0011301}, {0.0396706, 0.0011161}, {0.0401308, 0.0011023}, {0.0405922, 0.0010882},
-        {0.0410508, 0.0010739}, {0.0415125, 0.0010597}, {0.0419721, 0.0010454}, {0.0424319, 0.0010309},
-        {0.0428913, 0.0010160}, {0.0433523, 0.0010009}, {0.0438124, 0.0009853}, {0.0442715, 0.0009694},
-        {0.0447323, 0.0009530}, {0.0451923, 0.0009363}, {0.0456518, 0.0009191}, {0.0461124, 0.0009016},
-        {0.0465725, 0.0008837}, {0.0470320, 0.0008654}, {0.0474921, 0.0008468}, {0.0479525, 0.0008277},
-        {0.0484122, 0.0008081}, {0.0488719, 0.0007880}, {0.0493324, 0.0007672}, {0.0497930, 0.0007457},
-        {0.0502533, 0.0007237}, {0.0507138, 0.0007015}, {0.0511745, 0.0006798}, {0.0516157, 0.0006598}};
+        { 0.0116439, 0.0016173 }, { 0.0135033, 0.0018459 }, { 0.0147407, 0.0019348 }, { 0.0157640, 0.0019447 },
+        { 0.0165621, 0.0019153 }, { 0.0172530, 0.0018712 }, { 0.0179371, 0.0018261 }, { 0.0185120, 0.0017865 },
+        { 0.0189731, 0.0017545 }, { 0.0194317, 0.0017294 }, { 0.0198952, 0.0017095 }, { 0.0203534, 0.0016928 },
+        { 0.0208138, 0.0016772 }, { 0.0212723, 0.0016616 }, { 0.0217323, 0.0016450 }, { 0.0221921, 0.0016274 },
+        { 0.0226518, 0.0016090 }, { 0.0231107, 0.0015902 }, { 0.0235718, 0.0015717 }, { 0.0240329, 0.0015541 },
+        { 0.0244905, 0.0015379 }, { 0.0249514, 0.0015232 }, { 0.0254125, 0.0015102 }, { 0.0258723, 0.0014927 },
+        { 0.0263321, 0.0014895 }, { 0.0267901, 0.0014774 }, { 0.0272508, 0.0014654 }, { 0.0277114, 0.0014542 },
+        { 0.0281709, 0.0014417 }, { 0.0286310, 0.0014276 }, { 0.0290907, 0.0014144 }, { 0.0295544, 0.0014017 },
+        { 0.0300118, 0.0013883 }, { 0.0304728, 0.0013752 }, { 0.0309317, 0.0013631 }, { 0.0313911, 0.0013508 },
+        { 0.0318528, 0.0013389 }, { 0.0323108, 0.0013266 }, { 0.0327710, 0.0013142 }, { 0.0332314, 0.0013023 },
+        { 0.0336919, 0.0012900 }, { 0.0341508, 0.0012772 }, { 0.0346119, 0.0012646 }, { 0.0350711, 0.0012521 },
+        { 0.0355318, 0.0012389 }, { 0.0359917, 0.0012254 }, { 0.0364506, 0.0012123 }, { 0.0369121, 0.0011988 },
+        { 0.0373715, 0.0011859 }, { 0.0378318, 0.0011721 }, { 0.0382911, 0.0011580 }, { 0.0387514, 0.0011442 },
+        { 0.0392113, 0.0011301 }, { 0.0396706, 0.0011161 }, { 0.0401308, 0.0011023 }, { 0.0405922, 0.0010882 },
+        { 0.0410508, 0.0010739 }, { 0.0415125, 0.0010597 }, { 0.0419721, 0.0010454 }, { 0.0424319, 0.0010309 },
+        { 0.0428913, 0.0010160 }, { 0.0433523, 0.0010009 }, { 0.0438124, 0.0009853 }, { 0.0442715, 0.0009694 },
+        { 0.0447323, 0.0009530 }, { 0.0451923, 0.0009363 }, { 0.0456518, 0.0009191 }, { 0.0461124, 0.0009016 },
+        { 0.0465725, 0.0008837 }, { 0.0470320, 0.0008654 }, { 0.0474921, 0.0008468 }, { 0.0479525, 0.0008277 },
+        { 0.0484122, 0.0008081 }, { 0.0488719, 0.0007880 }, { 0.0493324, 0.0007672 }, { 0.0497930, 0.0007457 },
+        { 0.0502533, 0.0007237 }, { 0.0507138, 0.0007015 }, { 0.0511745, 0.0006798 }, { 0.0516157, 0.0006598 } };
     resParams["DownMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Pion] = {
-        {3188.75, 0.0014302},  {4368.49, 0.0010941},  {5578.75, 0.0009248},  {6713.07, 0.0008395},
-        {7968.75, 0.0007925},  {9109.80, 0.0007614},  {10358.75, 0.0007371}, {11506.03, 0.0007170},
-        {12748.75, 0.0007012}, {13900.29, 0.0006899}, {15138.75, 0.0006826}, {16296.17, 0.0006784},
-        {17528.75, 0.0006757}, {18689.53, 0.0006709}, {19918.75, 0.0006674}, {21080.69, 0.0006650},
-        {22308.75, 0.0006638}, {23468.69, 0.0006638}, {24698.75, 0.0006629}, {25868.20, 0.0006623},
-        {27088.75, 0.0006611}, {28260.57, 0.0006596}, {29478.75, 0.0006588}, {30644.44, 0.0006576},
-        {31868.75, 0.0006577}, {33038.20, 0.0006575}, {34258.75, 0.0006573}, {35430.60, 0.0006567},
-        {36648.75, 0.0006564}, {37825.25, 0.0006558}, {39332.18, 0.0006552}, {40526.62, 0.0006548},
-        {41728.59, 0.0006549}, {42916.95, 0.0006548}, {44113.62, 0.0006545}, {45308.18, 0.0006538},
-        {46496.46, 0.0006536}, {47988.36, 0.0006536}, {49757.31, 0.0006538}, {51571.25, 0.0006543},
-        {53646.18, 0.0006553}, {56348.28, 0.0006564}, {59587.38, 0.0006574}, {63435.44, 0.0006576},
-        {68401.98, 0.0006565}, {75615.78, 0.0006542}, {89448.42, 0.0006516}, {109814.22, 0.0006520}};
+        { 3188.75, 0.0014302 },  { 4368.49, 0.0010941 },  { 5578.75, 0.0009248 },  { 6713.07, 0.0008395 },
+        { 7968.75, 0.0007925 },  { 9109.80, 0.0007614 },  { 10358.75, 0.0007371 }, { 11506.03, 0.0007170 },
+        { 12748.75, 0.0007012 }, { 13900.29, 0.0006899 }, { 15138.75, 0.0006826 }, { 16296.17, 0.0006784 },
+        { 17528.75, 0.0006757 }, { 18689.53, 0.0006709 }, { 19918.75, 0.0006674 }, { 21080.69, 0.0006650 },
+        { 22308.75, 0.0006638 }, { 23468.69, 0.0006638 }, { 24698.75, 0.0006629 }, { 25868.20, 0.0006623 },
+        { 27088.75, 0.0006611 }, { 28260.57, 0.0006596 }, { 29478.75, 0.0006588 }, { 30644.44, 0.0006576 },
+        { 31868.75, 0.0006577 }, { 33038.20, 0.0006575 }, { 34258.75, 0.0006573 }, { 35430.60, 0.0006567 },
+        { 36648.75, 0.0006564 }, { 37825.25, 0.0006558 }, { 39332.18, 0.0006552 }, { 40526.62, 0.0006548 },
+        { 41728.59, 0.0006549 }, { 42916.95, 0.0006548 }, { 44113.62, 0.0006545 }, { 45308.18, 0.0006538 },
+        { 46496.46, 0.0006536 }, { 47988.36, 0.0006536 }, { 49757.31, 0.0006538 }, { 51571.25, 0.0006543 },
+        { 53646.18, 0.0006553 }, { 56348.28, 0.0006564 }, { 59587.38, 0.0006574 }, { 63435.44, 0.0006576 },
+        { 68401.98, 0.0006565 }, { 75615.78, 0.0006542 }, { 89448.42, 0.0006516 }, { 109814.22, 0.0006520 } };
     resParams["DownCKTheta"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Kaon] = {
-        {0.0197965, 0.0012372}, {0.0262803, 0.0009885}, {0.0297483, 0.0008926}, {0.0322416, 0.0008540},
-        {0.0341765, 0.0008303}, {0.0358957, 0.0008077}, {0.0373833, 0.0007852}, {0.0386497, 0.0007654},
-        {0.0398032, 0.0007506}, {0.0408346, 0.0007408}, {0.0417359, 0.0007346}, {0.0426639, 0.0007297},
-        {0.0434766, 0.0007240}, {0.0441581, 0.0007165}, {0.0448486, 0.0007057}, {0.0455442, 0.0006978},
-        {0.0462314, 0.0006903}, {0.0469179, 0.0006839}, {0.0474911, 0.0006789}, {0.0479560, 0.0006756},
-        {0.0484134, 0.0006736}, {0.0488712, 0.0006723}, {0.0493304, 0.0006709}, {0.0497923, 0.0006687},
-        {0.0502526, 0.0006650}, {0.0507105, 0.0006602}, {0.0511712, 0.0006553}, {0.0515525, 0.0006524}};
+        { 0.0197965, 0.0012372 }, { 0.0262803, 0.0009885 }, { 0.0297483, 0.0008926 }, { 0.0322416, 0.0008540 },
+        { 0.0341765, 0.0008303 }, { 0.0358957, 0.0008077 }, { 0.0373833, 0.0007852 }, { 0.0386497, 0.0007654 },
+        { 0.0398032, 0.0007506 }, { 0.0408346, 0.0007408 }, { 0.0417359, 0.0007346 }, { 0.0426639, 0.0007297 },
+        { 0.0434766, 0.0007240 }, { 0.0441581, 0.0007165 }, { 0.0448486, 0.0007057 }, { 0.0455442, 0.0006978 },
+        { 0.0462314, 0.0006903 }, { 0.0469179, 0.0006839 }, { 0.0474911, 0.0006789 }, { 0.0479560, 0.0006756 },
+        { 0.0484134, 0.0006736 }, { 0.0488712, 0.0006723 }, { 0.0493304, 0.0006709 }, { 0.0497923, 0.0006687 },
+        { 0.0502526, 0.0006650 }, { 0.0507105, 0.0006602 }, { 0.0511712, 0.0006553 }, { 0.0515525, 0.0006524 } };
     resParams["DownMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Kaon] = {
-        {10602.66, 0.0011019}, {11868.82, 0.0008920}, {13044.78, 0.0008025}, {14245.12, 0.0007651},
-        {15432.40, 0.0007458}, {16631.20, 0.0007311}, {17820.22, 0.0007171}, {19014.12, 0.0007041},
-        {20214.22, 0.0006935}, {21400.20, 0.0006856}, {22595.12, 0.0006803}, {24077.16, 0.0006768},
-        {25860.90, 0.0006744}, {27673.35, 0.0006726}, {29755.16, 0.0006710}, {32390.78, 0.0006695},
-        {35634.32, 0.0006676}, {39783.10, 0.0006643}, {45877.02, 0.0006590}, {57680.34, 0.0006534},
-        {83169.94, 0.0006557}};
+        { 10602.66, 0.0011019 }, { 11868.82, 0.0008920 }, { 13044.78, 0.0008025 }, { 14245.12, 0.0007651 },
+        { 15432.40, 0.0007458 }, { 16631.20, 0.0007311 }, { 17820.22, 0.0007171 }, { 19014.12, 0.0007041 },
+        { 20214.22, 0.0006935 }, { 21400.20, 0.0006856 }, { 22595.12, 0.0006803 }, { 24077.16, 0.0006768 },
+        { 25860.90, 0.0006744 }, { 27673.35, 0.0006726 }, { 29755.16, 0.0006710 }, { 32390.78, 0.0006695 },
+        { 35634.32, 0.0006676 }, { 39783.10, 0.0006643 }, { 45877.02, 0.0006590 }, { 57680.34, 0.0006534 },
+        { 83169.94, 0.0006557 } };
     resParams["DownCKTheta"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Proton] = {
-        {0.0164564, 0.0013396}, {0.0215304, 0.0010894}, {0.0243097, 0.0009524}, {0.0263672, 0.0008805},
-        {0.0280728, 0.0008429}, {0.0295707, 0.0008212}, {0.0308160, 0.0008054}, {0.0319817, 0.0007908},
-        {0.0330068, 0.0007758}, {0.0339261, 0.0007605}, {0.0348420, 0.0007458}, {0.0357714, 0.0007325},
-        {0.0365678, 0.0007212}, {0.0372571, 0.0007122}, {0.0379503, 0.0007053}, {0.0386431, 0.0007001},
-        {0.0393290, 0.0006961}, {0.0400171, 0.0006928}, {0.0405914, 0.0006897}, {0.0410517, 0.0006864},
-        {0.0415102, 0.0006828}, {0.0419739, 0.0006790}, {0.0424350, 0.0006751}, {0.0428908, 0.0006714},
-        {0.0433526, 0.0006681}, {0.0438129, 0.0006655}, {0.0442668, 0.0006635}, {0.0447294, 0.0006622},
-        {0.0451910, 0.0006613}, {0.0456470, 0.0006604}, {0.0461044, 0.0006593}, {0.0465734, 0.0006576},
-        {0.0470301, 0.0006553}, {0.0474916, 0.0006525}, {0.0479493, 0.0006498}, {0.0484069, 0.0006479},
-        {0.0488666, 0.0006473}, {0.0493302, 0.0006483}, {0.0497837, 0.0006495}, {0.0503464, 0.0006469},
-        {0.0509756, 0.0006319}};
+        { 0.0164564, 0.0013396 }, { 0.0215304, 0.0010894 }, { 0.0243097, 0.0009524 }, { 0.0263672, 0.0008805 },
+        { 0.0280728, 0.0008429 }, { 0.0295707, 0.0008212 }, { 0.0308160, 0.0008054 }, { 0.0319817, 0.0007908 },
+        { 0.0330068, 0.0007758 }, { 0.0339261, 0.0007605 }, { 0.0348420, 0.0007458 }, { 0.0357714, 0.0007325 },
+        { 0.0365678, 0.0007212 }, { 0.0372571, 0.0007122 }, { 0.0379503, 0.0007053 }, { 0.0386431, 0.0007001 },
+        { 0.0393290, 0.0006961 }, { 0.0400171, 0.0006928 }, { 0.0405914, 0.0006897 }, { 0.0410517, 0.0006864 },
+        { 0.0415102, 0.0006828 }, { 0.0419739, 0.0006790 }, { 0.0424350, 0.0006751 }, { 0.0428908, 0.0006714 },
+        { 0.0433526, 0.0006681 }, { 0.0438129, 0.0006655 }, { 0.0442668, 0.0006635 }, { 0.0447294, 0.0006622 },
+        { 0.0451910, 0.0006613 }, { 0.0456470, 0.0006604 }, { 0.0461044, 0.0006593 }, { 0.0465734, 0.0006576 },
+        { 0.0470301, 0.0006553 }, { 0.0474916, 0.0006525 }, { 0.0479493, 0.0006498 }, { 0.0484069, 0.0006479 },
+        { 0.0488666, 0.0006473 }, { 0.0493302, 0.0006483 }, { 0.0497837, 0.0006495 }, { 0.0503464, 0.0006469 },
+        { 0.0509756, 0.0006319 } };
     resParams["DownMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Proton] = {
-        {19102.52, 0.0013146}, {20239.91, 0.0010064}, {21416.92, 0.0008591}, {22601.93, 0.0007915},
-        {23798.85, 0.0007582}, {25002.37, 0.0007371}, {26189.22, 0.0007195}, {27385.09, 0.0007035},
-        {28581.84, 0.0006898}, {29765.28, 0.0006796}, {30967.10, 0.0006731}, {32160.49, 0.0006698},
-        {33360.55, 0.0006683}, {34546.95, 0.0006665}, {35737.49, 0.0006633}, {36940.21, 0.0006605},
-        {38127.86, 0.0006578}, {39322.39, 0.0006572}, {40827.38, 0.0006558}, {42605.43, 0.0006543},
-        {44408.56, 0.0006530}, {46187.69, 0.0006518}, {48265.99, 0.0006510}, {50907.59, 0.0006505},
-        {54162.57, 0.0006504}, {58063.16, 0.0006501}, {63022.23, 0.0006492}, {70601.29, 0.0006471},
-        {85262.44, 0.0006431}, {108448.33, 0.0006378}};
+        { 19102.52, 0.0013146 }, { 20239.91, 0.0010064 }, { 21416.92, 0.0008591 }, { 22601.93, 0.0007915 },
+        { 23798.85, 0.0007582 }, { 25002.37, 0.0007371 }, { 26189.22, 0.0007195 }, { 27385.09, 0.0007035 },
+        { 28581.84, 0.0006898 }, { 29765.28, 0.0006796 }, { 30967.10, 0.0006731 }, { 32160.49, 0.0006698 },
+        { 33360.55, 0.0006683 }, { 34546.95, 0.0006665 }, { 35737.49, 0.0006633 }, { 36940.21, 0.0006605 },
+        { 38127.86, 0.0006578 }, { 39322.39, 0.0006572 }, { 40827.38, 0.0006558 }, { 42605.43, 0.0006543 },
+        { 44408.56, 0.0006530 }, { 46187.69, 0.0006518 }, { 48265.99, 0.0006510 }, { 50907.59, 0.0006505 },
+        { 54162.57, 0.0006504 }, { 58063.16, 0.0006501 }, { 63022.23, 0.0006492 }, { 70601.29, 0.0006471 },
+        { 85262.44, 0.0006431 }, { 108448.33, 0.0006378 } };
     resParams["DownMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Deuteron] = resParams["DownMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Proton];
     resParams["DownMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::BelowThreshold] =
@@ -308,245 +308,245 @@ namespace {
     resParams["DownCKTheta"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::BelowThreshold] =
     resParams["UpMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Electron] = {
-        {1978.61, 0.0014540},  {3099.74, 0.0012856},  {4383.75, 0.0011549},  {5526.04, 0.0010579},
-        {6773.75, 0.0009896},  {7952.20, 0.0009440},  {9163.75, 0.0009154},  {10334.68, 0.0008982},
-        {11553.75, 0.0008879}, {12725.22, 0.0008814}, {13943.75, 0.0008762}, {15104.06, 0.0008714},
-        {16333.75, 0.0008666}, {17489.59, 0.0008625}, {18723.75, 0.0008595}, {19889.14, 0.0008583},
-        {21403.59, 0.0008590}, {22581.18, 0.0008612}, {24063.82, 0.0008638}, {25863.35, 0.0008654},
-        {27922.72, 0.0008646}, {30842.06, 0.0008614}, {35427.04, 0.0008584}, {44117.73, 0.0008634},
-        {71190.98, 0.0008919}};
+        { 1978.61, 0.0014540 },  { 3099.74, 0.0012856 },  { 4383.75, 0.0011549 },  { 5526.04, 0.0010579 },
+        { 6773.75, 0.0009896 },  { 7952.20, 0.0009440 },  { 9163.75, 0.0009154 },  { 10334.68, 0.0008982 },
+        { 11553.75, 0.0008879 }, { 12725.22, 0.0008814 }, { 13943.75, 0.0008762 }, { 15104.06, 0.0008714 },
+        { 16333.75, 0.0008666 }, { 17489.59, 0.0008625 }, { 18723.75, 0.0008595 }, { 19889.14, 0.0008583 },
+        { 21403.59, 0.0008590 }, { 22581.18, 0.0008612 }, { 24063.82, 0.0008638 }, { 25863.35, 0.0008654 },
+        { 27922.72, 0.0008646 }, { 30842.06, 0.0008614 }, { 35427.04, 0.0008584 }, { 44117.73, 0.0008634 },
+        { 71190.98, 0.0008919 } };
     resParams["UpCKTheta"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Muon] = {
-        {0.0294793, 0.0072661}, {0.0356396, 0.0044111}, {0.0386722, 0.0043679}, {0.0411012, 0.0039218},
-        {0.0432589, 0.0031848}, {0.0451922, 0.0025860}, {0.0468407, 0.0021692}, {0.0480758, 0.0017939},
-        {0.0491438, 0.0014231}, {0.0500704, 0.0011581}, {0.0507193, 0.0010463}, {0.0511835, 0.0009477},
-        {0.0516254, 0.0008890}};
+        { 0.0294793, 0.0072661 }, { 0.0356396, 0.0044111 }, { 0.0386722, 0.0043679 }, { 0.0411012, 0.0039218 },
+        { 0.0432589, 0.0031848 }, { 0.0451922, 0.0025860 }, { 0.0468407, 0.0021692 }, { 0.0480758, 0.0017939 },
+        { 0.0491438, 0.0014231 }, { 0.0500704, 0.0011581 }, { 0.0507193, 0.0010463 }, { 0.0511835, 0.0009477 },
+        { 0.0516254, 0.0008890 } };
     resParams["UpMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Muon] = {
-        {2591.25, 0.0053567},  {3645.34, 0.0033856},  {5250.65, 0.0018522},  {6475.61, 0.0014571},
-        {7977.51, 0.0011448},  {10048.57, 0.0010219}, {12664.20, 0.0009711}, {15929.51, 0.0009185},
-        {21684.49, 0.0008921}, {43480.79, 0.0008727}};
+        { 2591.25, 0.0053567 },  { 3645.34, 0.0033856 },  { 5250.65, 0.0018522 },  { 6475.61, 0.0014571 },
+        { 7977.51, 0.0011448 },  { 10048.57, 0.0010219 }, { 12664.20, 0.0009711 }, { 15929.51, 0.0009185 },
+        { 21684.49, 0.0008921 }, { 43480.79, 0.0008727 } };
     resParams["UpCKTheta"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Pion] = {
-        {0.0103536, 0.0086544}, {0.0110334, 0.0085721}, {0.0117289, 0.0085492}, {0.0122987, 0.0085439},
-        {0.0127612, 0.0085336}, {0.0132190, 0.0085085}, {0.0136823, 0.0084668}, {0.0141410, 0.0084114},
-        {0.0146001, 0.0083472}, {0.0150619, 0.0082796}, {0.0155206, 0.0082132}, {0.0159804, 0.0081514},
-        {0.0164419, 0.0080964}, {0.0169014, 0.0080489}, {0.0173625, 0.0080086}, {0.0178200, 0.0079743},
-        {0.0182838, 0.0079444}, {0.0187442, 0.0079170}, {0.0191999, 0.0078902}, {0.0196626, 0.0078627},
-        {0.0201216, 0.0078332}, {0.0205801, 0.0078010}, {0.0210423, 0.0077658}, {0.0215001, 0.0077285},
-        {0.0219622, 0.0076879}, {0.0224234, 0.0076569}, {0.0228815, 0.0076072}, {0.0233415, 0.0075501},
-        {0.0238004, 0.0075057}, {0.0242627, 0.0074493}, {0.0247208, 0.0073860}, {0.0251819, 0.0073166},
-        {0.0256402, 0.0072386}, {0.0261015, 0.0071600}, {0.0265592, 0.0070749}, {0.0270221, 0.0069922},
-        {0.0274815, 0.0069129}, {0.0279428, 0.0068188}, {0.0284020, 0.0067424}, {0.0288620, 0.0066591},
-        {0.0293205, 0.0065665}, {0.0297803, 0.0064728}, {0.0302411, 0.0063815}, {0.0306993, 0.0063025},
-        {0.0311609, 0.0062104}, {0.0316223, 0.0061128}, {0.0320808, 0.0060097}, {0.0325423, 0.0059073},
-        {0.0330018, 0.0058118}, {0.0334594, 0.0057092}, {0.0339207, 0.0055874}, {0.0343808, 0.0054667},
-        {0.0348407, 0.0053401}, {0.0353020, 0.0052017}, {0.0357602, 0.0050795}, {0.0362217, 0.0049534},
-        {0.0366815, 0.0048299}, {0.0371424, 0.0047091}, {0.0376017, 0.0045873}, {0.0380608, 0.0044538},
-        {0.0385217, 0.0043309}, {0.0389805, 0.0042017}, {0.0394409, 0.0040742}, {0.0399023, 0.0039479},
-        {0.0403618, 0.0038190}, {0.0408209, 0.0036878}, {0.0412813, 0.0035579}, {0.0417410, 0.0034314},
-        {0.0422024, 0.0033018}, {0.0426628, 0.0031705}, {0.0431205, 0.0030371}, {0.0435816, 0.0029015},
-        {0.0440411, 0.0027636}, {0.0445025, 0.0026239}, {0.0449622, 0.0024828}, {0.0454218, 0.0023411},
-        {0.0458827, 0.0021999}, {0.0463419, 0.0020602}, {0.0468038, 0.0019231}, {0.0472632, 0.0017896},
-        {0.0477234, 0.0016607}, {0.0481835, 0.0015368}, {0.0486450, 0.0014186}, {0.0491045, 0.0013062},
-        {0.0495652, 0.0012002}, {0.0500260, 0.0011012}, {0.0504892, 0.0010113}, {0.0509506, 0.0009339},
-        {0.0514035, 0.0008758}, {0.0517450, 0.0008483}};
+        { 0.0103536, 0.0086544 }, { 0.0110334, 0.0085721 }, { 0.0117289, 0.0085492 }, { 0.0122987, 0.0085439 },
+        { 0.0127612, 0.0085336 }, { 0.0132190, 0.0085085 }, { 0.0136823, 0.0084668 }, { 0.0141410, 0.0084114 },
+        { 0.0146001, 0.0083472 }, { 0.0150619, 0.0082796 }, { 0.0155206, 0.0082132 }, { 0.0159804, 0.0081514 },
+        { 0.0164419, 0.0080964 }, { 0.0169014, 0.0080489 }, { 0.0173625, 0.0080086 }, { 0.0178200, 0.0079743 },
+        { 0.0182838, 0.0079444 }, { 0.0187442, 0.0079170 }, { 0.0191999, 0.0078902 }, { 0.0196626, 0.0078627 },
+        { 0.0201216, 0.0078332 }, { 0.0205801, 0.0078010 }, { 0.0210423, 0.0077658 }, { 0.0215001, 0.0077285 },
+        { 0.0219622, 0.0076879 }, { 0.0224234, 0.0076569 }, { 0.0228815, 0.0076072 }, { 0.0233415, 0.0075501 },
+        { 0.0238004, 0.0075057 }, { 0.0242627, 0.0074493 }, { 0.0247208, 0.0073860 }, { 0.0251819, 0.0073166 },
+        { 0.0256402, 0.0072386 }, { 0.0261015, 0.0071600 }, { 0.0265592, 0.0070749 }, { 0.0270221, 0.0069922 },
+        { 0.0274815, 0.0069129 }, { 0.0279428, 0.0068188 }, { 0.0284020, 0.0067424 }, { 0.0288620, 0.0066591 },
+        { 0.0293205, 0.0065665 }, { 0.0297803, 0.0064728 }, { 0.0302411, 0.0063815 }, { 0.0306993, 0.0063025 },
+        { 0.0311609, 0.0062104 }, { 0.0316223, 0.0061128 }, { 0.0320808, 0.0060097 }, { 0.0325423, 0.0059073 },
+        { 0.0330018, 0.0058118 }, { 0.0334594, 0.0057092 }, { 0.0339207, 0.0055874 }, { 0.0343808, 0.0054667 },
+        { 0.0348407, 0.0053401 }, { 0.0353020, 0.0052017 }, { 0.0357602, 0.0050795 }, { 0.0362217, 0.0049534 },
+        { 0.0366815, 0.0048299 }, { 0.0371424, 0.0047091 }, { 0.0376017, 0.0045873 }, { 0.0380608, 0.0044538 },
+        { 0.0385217, 0.0043309 }, { 0.0389805, 0.0042017 }, { 0.0394409, 0.0040742 }, { 0.0399023, 0.0039479 },
+        { 0.0403618, 0.0038190 }, { 0.0408209, 0.0036878 }, { 0.0412813, 0.0035579 }, { 0.0417410, 0.0034314 },
+        { 0.0422024, 0.0033018 }, { 0.0426628, 0.0031705 }, { 0.0431205, 0.0030371 }, { 0.0435816, 0.0029015 },
+        { 0.0440411, 0.0027636 }, { 0.0445025, 0.0026239 }, { 0.0449622, 0.0024828 }, { 0.0454218, 0.0023411 },
+        { 0.0458827, 0.0021999 }, { 0.0463419, 0.0020602 }, { 0.0468038, 0.0019231 }, { 0.0472632, 0.0017896 },
+        { 0.0477234, 0.0016607 }, { 0.0481835, 0.0015368 }, { 0.0486450, 0.0014186 }, { 0.0491045, 0.0013062 },
+        { 0.0495652, 0.0012002 }, { 0.0500260, 0.0011012 }, { 0.0504892, 0.0010113 }, { 0.0509506, 0.0009339 },
+        { 0.0514035, 0.0008758 }, { 0.0517450, 0.0008483 } };
     resParams["UpMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Pion] = {
-        {3188.75, 0.0070551},  {4348.77, 0.0038156},  {5578.75, 0.0023148},   {6735.57, 0.0016692},
-        {7968.75, 0.0013923},  {9133.57, 0.0012464},  {10358.75, 0.0011373},  {11528.95, 0.0010425},
-        {12748.75, 0.0009672}, {13919.20, 0.0009194}, {15138.75, 0.0008999},  {16303.51, 0.0009005},
-        {17528.75, 0.0009085}, {18689.51, 0.0008911}, {19918.75, 0.0008791},  {21081.22, 0.0008729},
-        {22308.75, 0.0008674}, {23474.27, 0.0008633}, {24698.75, 0.0008598},  {25865.27, 0.0008559},
-        {27088.75, 0.0008533}, {28260.56, 0.0008518}, {29478.75, 0.0008513},  {30646.18, 0.0008524},
-        {31868.75, 0.0008552}, {33038.59, 0.0008591}, {34258.75, 0.0008639},  {35438.08, 0.0008663},
-        {36648.75, 0.0008657}, {37823.59, 0.0008648}, {39038.75, 0.0008628},  {40222.14, 0.0008619},
-        {41428.75, 0.0008612}, {42606.75, 0.0008612}, {43818.75, 0.0008605},  {44992.05, 0.0008593},
-        {46208.75, 0.0008581}, {47388.21, 0.0008572}, {48598.75, 0.0008572},  {49788.99, 0.0008574},
-        {50988.75, 0.0008584}, {52179.82, 0.0008591}, {53671.65, 0.0008572},  {54865.70, 0.0008561},
-        {56069.96, 0.0008552}, {57249.37, 0.0008550}, {58453.46, 0.0008568},  {59642.19, 0.0008583},
-        {60849.40, 0.0008590}, {62033.78, 0.0008587}, {63513.63, 0.0008578},  {65325.14, 0.0008558},
-        {67092.53, 0.0008527}, {68907.86, 0.0008500}, {70984.53, 0.0008484},  {73393.06, 0.0008483},
-        {75755.04, 0.0008498}, {78433.25, 0.0008526}, {81710.47, 0.0008559},  {85580.54, 0.0008588},
-        {90001.09, 0.0008605}, {95142.85, 0.0008606}, {101061.24, 0.0008602}, {108536.76, 0.0008626},
-        {116363.47, 0.0008741}};
+        { 3188.75, 0.0070551 },  { 4348.77, 0.0038156 },  { 5578.75, 0.0023148 },   { 6735.57, 0.0016692 },
+        { 7968.75, 0.0013923 },  { 9133.57, 0.0012464 },  { 10358.75, 0.0011373 },  { 11528.95, 0.0010425 },
+        { 12748.75, 0.0009672 }, { 13919.20, 0.0009194 }, { 15138.75, 0.0008999 },  { 16303.51, 0.0009005 },
+        { 17528.75, 0.0009085 }, { 18689.51, 0.0008911 }, { 19918.75, 0.0008791 },  { 21081.22, 0.0008729 },
+        { 22308.75, 0.0008674 }, { 23474.27, 0.0008633 }, { 24698.75, 0.0008598 },  { 25865.27, 0.0008559 },
+        { 27088.75, 0.0008533 }, { 28260.56, 0.0008518 }, { 29478.75, 0.0008513 },  { 30646.18, 0.0008524 },
+        { 31868.75, 0.0008552 }, { 33038.59, 0.0008591 }, { 34258.75, 0.0008639 },  { 35438.08, 0.0008663 },
+        { 36648.75, 0.0008657 }, { 37823.59, 0.0008648 }, { 39038.75, 0.0008628 },  { 40222.14, 0.0008619 },
+        { 41428.75, 0.0008612 }, { 42606.75, 0.0008612 }, { 43818.75, 0.0008605 },  { 44992.05, 0.0008593 },
+        { 46208.75, 0.0008581 }, { 47388.21, 0.0008572 }, { 48598.75, 0.0008572 },  { 49788.99, 0.0008574 },
+        { 50988.75, 0.0008584 }, { 52179.82, 0.0008591 }, { 53671.65, 0.0008572 },  { 54865.70, 0.0008561 },
+        { 56069.96, 0.0008552 }, { 57249.37, 0.0008550 }, { 58453.46, 0.0008568 },  { 59642.19, 0.0008583 },
+        { 60849.40, 0.0008590 }, { 62033.78, 0.0008587 }, { 63513.63, 0.0008578 },  { 65325.14, 0.0008558 },
+        { 67092.53, 0.0008527 }, { 68907.86, 0.0008500 }, { 70984.53, 0.0008484 },  { 73393.06, 0.0008483 },
+        { 75755.04, 0.0008498 }, { 78433.25, 0.0008526 }, { 81710.47, 0.0008559 },  { 85580.54, 0.0008588 },
+        { 90001.09, 0.0008605 }, { 95142.85, 0.0008606 }, { 101061.24, 0.0008602 }, { 108536.76, 0.0008626 },
+        { 116363.47, 0.0008741 } };
     resParams["UpCKTheta"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Kaon] = {
-        {0.0125337, 0.0080242}, {0.0161642, 0.0076252}, {0.0187942, 0.0073515}, {0.0208298, 0.0071421},
-        {0.0224383, 0.0069622}, {0.0238228, 0.0067941}, {0.0250734, 0.0066309}, {0.0261110, 0.0064722},
-        {0.0270349, 0.0063202}, {0.0279523, 0.0061778}, {0.0287489, 0.0060474}, {0.0294388, 0.0059300},
-        {0.0301316, 0.0058253}, {0.0308182, 0.0057315}, {0.0313897, 0.0056459}, {0.0318501, 0.0055654},
-        {0.0323161, 0.0054866}, {0.0327687, 0.0054065}, {0.0332314, 0.0053227}, {0.0336949, 0.0052336},
-        {0.0341510, 0.0051384}, {0.0346153, 0.0050375}, {0.0350698, 0.0049318}, {0.0355305, 0.0048296},
-        {0.0359908, 0.0047293}, {0.0364522, 0.0046142}, {0.0369104, 0.0044958}, {0.0373712, 0.0043769},
-        {0.0378300, 0.0042707}, {0.0382888, 0.0041868}, {0.0387530, 0.0040982}, {0.0392131, 0.0040045},
-        {0.0396728, 0.0038826}, {0.0401321, 0.0037619}, {0.0405938, 0.0036601}, {0.0410521, 0.0035490},
-        {0.0415103, 0.0034222}, {0.0419704, 0.0033063}, {0.0424313, 0.0031908}, {0.0428904, 0.0030758},
-        {0.0433508, 0.0029614}, {0.0438124, 0.0028476}, {0.0442709, 0.0027343}, {0.0447292, 0.0026214},
-        {0.0451908, 0.0025086}, {0.0456519, 0.0023956}, {0.0461106, 0.0022823}, {0.0465721, 0.0021684},
-        {0.0470299, 0.0020537}, {0.0474907, 0.0019380}, {0.0479516, 0.0018214}, {0.0484106, 0.0017038},
-        {0.0488706, 0.0015857}, {0.0493308, 0.0014680}, {0.0497899, 0.0013520}, {0.0502493, 0.0012403},
-        {0.0507091, 0.0011367}, {0.0511656, 0.0010473}, {0.0515668, 0.0009811}};
+        { 0.0125337, 0.0080242 }, { 0.0161642, 0.0076252 }, { 0.0187942, 0.0073515 }, { 0.0208298, 0.0071421 },
+        { 0.0224383, 0.0069622 }, { 0.0238228, 0.0067941 }, { 0.0250734, 0.0066309 }, { 0.0261110, 0.0064722 },
+        { 0.0270349, 0.0063202 }, { 0.0279523, 0.0061778 }, { 0.0287489, 0.0060474 }, { 0.0294388, 0.0059300 },
+        { 0.0301316, 0.0058253 }, { 0.0308182, 0.0057315 }, { 0.0313897, 0.0056459 }, { 0.0318501, 0.0055654 },
+        { 0.0323161, 0.0054866 }, { 0.0327687, 0.0054065 }, { 0.0332314, 0.0053227 }, { 0.0336949, 0.0052336 },
+        { 0.0341510, 0.0051384 }, { 0.0346153, 0.0050375 }, { 0.0350698, 0.0049318 }, { 0.0355305, 0.0048296 },
+        { 0.0359908, 0.0047293 }, { 0.0364522, 0.0046142 }, { 0.0369104, 0.0044958 }, { 0.0373712, 0.0043769 },
+        { 0.0378300, 0.0042707 }, { 0.0382888, 0.0041868 }, { 0.0387530, 0.0040982 }, { 0.0392131, 0.0040045 },
+        { 0.0396728, 0.0038826 }, { 0.0401321, 0.0037619 }, { 0.0405938, 0.0036601 }, { 0.0410521, 0.0035490 },
+        { 0.0415103, 0.0034222 }, { 0.0419704, 0.0033063 }, { 0.0424313, 0.0031908 }, { 0.0428904, 0.0030758 },
+        { 0.0433508, 0.0029614 }, { 0.0438124, 0.0028476 }, { 0.0442709, 0.0027343 }, { 0.0447292, 0.0026214 },
+        { 0.0451908, 0.0025086 }, { 0.0456519, 0.0023956 }, { 0.0461106, 0.0022823 }, { 0.0465721, 0.0021684 },
+        { 0.0470299, 0.0020537 }, { 0.0474907, 0.0019380 }, { 0.0479516, 0.0018214 }, { 0.0484106, 0.0017038 },
+        { 0.0488706, 0.0015857 }, { 0.0493308, 0.0014680 }, { 0.0497899, 0.0013520 }, { 0.0502493, 0.0012403 },
+        { 0.0507091, 0.0011367 }, { 0.0511656, 0.0010473 }, { 0.0515668, 0.0009811 } };
     resParams["UpMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Kaon] = {
-        {9761.25, 0.0079846},   {11029.66, 0.0068187}, {12151.25, 0.0056534}, {13361.83, 0.0046772},
-        {14541.25, 0.0039387},  {15723.18, 0.0034122}, {16931.25, 0.0030424}, {18107.70, 0.0027722},
-        {19321.25, 0.0025561},  {20485.91, 0.0023663}, {21711.25, 0.0021908}, {22884.11, 0.0020293},
-        {24101.25, 0.0018871},  {25268.63, 0.0017954}, {26491.25, 0.0016987}, {27666.02, 0.0016174},
-        {28881.25, 0.0015455},  {30056.79, 0.0014872}, {31271.25, 0.0014461}, {32445.71, 0.0014100},
-        {33661.25, 0.0013717},  {34840.83, 0.0013422}, {36337.62, 0.0013068}, {37533.57, 0.0012841},
-        {38729.32, 0.0012636},  {39927.22, 0.0012443}, {41126.26, 0.0012234}, {42319.27, 0.0012073},
-        {43516.73, 0.0011812},  {44998.43, 0.0011641}, {46798.44, 0.0011408}, {48580.04, 0.0011141},
-        {50684.80, 0.0010864},  {53056.18, 0.0010609}, {55745.62, 0.0010409}, {58920.54, 0.0010281},
-        {62859.01, 0.0010219},  {67920.82, 0.0010185}, {74617.09, 0.0010121}, {84088.40, 0.0009977},
-        {100187.28, 0.0009771}, {115997.08, 0.0009689}};
+        { 9761.25, 0.0079846 },   { 11029.66, 0.0068187 }, { 12151.25, 0.0056534 }, { 13361.83, 0.0046772 },
+        { 14541.25, 0.0039387 },  { 15723.18, 0.0034122 }, { 16931.25, 0.0030424 }, { 18107.70, 0.0027722 },
+        { 19321.25, 0.0025561 },  { 20485.91, 0.0023663 }, { 21711.25, 0.0021908 }, { 22884.11, 0.0020293 },
+        { 24101.25, 0.0018871 },  { 25268.63, 0.0017954 }, { 26491.25, 0.0016987 }, { 27666.02, 0.0016174 },
+        { 28881.25, 0.0015455 },  { 30056.79, 0.0014872 }, { 31271.25, 0.0014461 }, { 32445.71, 0.0014100 },
+        { 33661.25, 0.0013717 },  { 34840.83, 0.0013422 }, { 36337.62, 0.0013068 }, { 37533.57, 0.0012841 },
+        { 38729.32, 0.0012636 },  { 39927.22, 0.0012443 }, { 41126.26, 0.0012234 }, { 42319.27, 0.0012073 },
+        { 43516.73, 0.0011812 },  { 44998.43, 0.0011641 }, { 46798.44, 0.0011408 }, { 48580.04, 0.0011141 },
+        { 50684.80, 0.0010864 },  { 53056.18, 0.0010609 }, { 55745.62, 0.0010409 }, { 58920.54, 0.0010281 },
+        { 62859.01, 0.0010219 },  { 67920.82, 0.0010185 }, { 74617.09, 0.0010121 }, { 84088.40, 0.0009977 },
+        { 100187.28, 0.0009771 }, { 115997.08, 0.0009689 } };
     resParams["UpCKTheta"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Proton] = {
-        {0.0142219, 0.0077905}, {0.0194511, 0.0073755}, {0.0227135, 0.0070225}, {0.0251062, 0.0067267},
-        {0.0269175, 0.0064789}, {0.0285238, 0.0062681}, {0.0300323, 0.0060835}, {0.0312823, 0.0059154},
-        {0.0323224, 0.0057565}, {0.0332337, 0.0056013}, {0.0341651, 0.0054467}, {0.0349564, 0.0052910},
-        {0.0356545, 0.0051344}, {0.0363418, 0.0049776}, {0.0370301, 0.0048220}, {0.0377118, 0.0046693},
-        {0.0384087, 0.0045209}, {0.0391026, 0.0043776}, {0.0397866, 0.0042401}, {0.0403582, 0.0041082},
-        {0.0408192, 0.0039814}, {0.0412829, 0.0038587}, {0.0417388, 0.0037343}, {0.0422022, 0.0036177},
-        {0.0426623, 0.0035018}, {0.0431233, 0.0033852}, {0.0435780, 0.0032666}, {0.0440391, 0.0031453},
-        {0.0445010, 0.0030209}, {0.0449572, 0.0028937}, {0.0454213, 0.0027642}, {0.0458804, 0.0026329},
-        {0.0463411, 0.0025004}, {0.0467991, 0.0023669}, {0.0472628, 0.0022319}, {0.0477209, 0.0020942},
-        {0.0481799, 0.0019521}, {0.0486403, 0.0018035}, {0.0490983, 0.0016468}, {0.0495591, 0.0014827},
-        {0.0500218, 0.0013160}, {0.0504758, 0.0011593}, {0.0509390, 0.0010376}, {0.0512850, 0.0009940}};
+        { 0.0142219, 0.0077905 }, { 0.0194511, 0.0073755 }, { 0.0227135, 0.0070225 }, { 0.0251062, 0.0067267 },
+        { 0.0269175, 0.0064789 }, { 0.0285238, 0.0062681 }, { 0.0300323, 0.0060835 }, { 0.0312823, 0.0059154 },
+        { 0.0323224, 0.0057565 }, { 0.0332337, 0.0056013 }, { 0.0341651, 0.0054467 }, { 0.0349564, 0.0052910 },
+        { 0.0356545, 0.0051344 }, { 0.0363418, 0.0049776 }, { 0.0370301, 0.0048220 }, { 0.0377118, 0.0046693 },
+        { 0.0384087, 0.0045209 }, { 0.0391026, 0.0043776 }, { 0.0397866, 0.0042401 }, { 0.0403582, 0.0041082 },
+        { 0.0408192, 0.0039814 }, { 0.0412829, 0.0038587 }, { 0.0417388, 0.0037343 }, { 0.0422022, 0.0036177 },
+        { 0.0426623, 0.0035018 }, { 0.0431233, 0.0033852 }, { 0.0435780, 0.0032666 }, { 0.0440391, 0.0031453 },
+        { 0.0445010, 0.0030209 }, { 0.0449572, 0.0028937 }, { 0.0454213, 0.0027642 }, { 0.0458804, 0.0026329 },
+        { 0.0463411, 0.0025004 }, { 0.0467991, 0.0023669 }, { 0.0472628, 0.0022319 }, { 0.0477209, 0.0020942 },
+        { 0.0481799, 0.0019521 }, { 0.0486403, 0.0018035 }, { 0.0490983, 0.0016468 }, { 0.0495591, 0.0014827 },
+        { 0.0500218, 0.0013160 }, { 0.0504758, 0.0011593 }, { 0.0509390, 0.0010376 }, { 0.0512850, 0.0009940 } };
     resParams["UpMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Proton] = {
-        {19039.76, 0.0077757}, {20230.31, 0.0070926}, {21412.92, 0.0064963}, {22612.46, 0.0059722},
-        {23804.17, 0.0055098}, {24992.74, 0.0051012}, {26188.65, 0.0047399}, {27387.61, 0.0044201},
-        {28578.61, 0.0041368}, {29777.23, 0.0038851}, {30972.97, 0.0036608}, {32166.13, 0.0034602},
-        {33352.33, 0.0032802}, {34549.16, 0.0031113}, {35741.99, 0.0029552}, {36946.58, 0.0028339},
-        {38137.70, 0.0027190}, {39329.72, 0.0026153}, {40524.54, 0.0025053}, {41711.56, 0.0023964},
-        {43199.18, 0.0022839}, {44995.73, 0.0021721}, {46798.14, 0.0020599}, {48854.08, 0.0019470},
-        {51251.34, 0.0018328}, {53940.00, 0.0017166}, {57196.49, 0.0015981}, {61076.12, 0.0014779},
-        {65782.26, 0.0013585}, {71945.53, 0.0012445}, {81168.69, 0.0011417}, {98273.92, 0.0010561},
-        {116340.24, 0.0009905}};
+        { 19039.76, 0.0077757 }, { 20230.31, 0.0070926 }, { 21412.92, 0.0064963 }, { 22612.46, 0.0059722 },
+        { 23804.17, 0.0055098 }, { 24992.74, 0.0051012 }, { 26188.65, 0.0047399 }, { 27387.61, 0.0044201 },
+        { 28578.61, 0.0041368 }, { 29777.23, 0.0038851 }, { 30972.97, 0.0036608 }, { 32166.13, 0.0034602 },
+        { 33352.33, 0.0032802 }, { 34549.16, 0.0031113 }, { 35741.99, 0.0029552 }, { 36946.58, 0.0028339 },
+        { 38137.70, 0.0027190 }, { 39329.72, 0.0026153 }, { 40524.54, 0.0025053 }, { 41711.56, 0.0023964 },
+        { 43199.18, 0.0022839 }, { 44995.73, 0.0021721 }, { 46798.14, 0.0020599 }, { 48854.08, 0.0019470 },
+        { 51251.34, 0.0018328 }, { 53940.00, 0.0017166 }, { 57196.49, 0.0015981 }, { 61076.12, 0.0014779 },
+        { 65782.26, 0.0013585 }, { 71945.53, 0.0012445 }, { 81168.69, 0.0011417 }, { 98273.92, 0.0010561 },
+        { 116340.24, 0.0009905 } };
     resParams["UpMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Deuteron] = resParams["UpMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Proton];
     resParams["UpMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::BelowThreshold] = resParams["UpMomentum"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Pion];
     resParams["UpCKTheta"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Deuteron]       = resParams["UpCKTheta"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Proton];
     resParams["UpCKTheta"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::BelowThreshold] = resParams["UpCKTheta"][Rich::Rich1Gas][Rich::Pion];
     resParams["LongMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Electron]    = {
-        {5400.67, 0.0008463},  {6609.31, 0.0007639},  {7716.08, 0.0007054},  {8872.54, 0.0006611},
-        {10055.89, 0.0006259}, {11241.52, 0.0005970}, {12435.66, 0.0005729}, {13629.97, 0.0005531},
-        {14823.99, 0.0005370}, {16020.14, 0.0005242}, {17215.07, 0.0005142}, {18411.43, 0.0005062},
-        {19607.20, 0.0004996}, {20801.28, 0.0004930}, {21998.46, 0.0004883}, {23190.94, 0.0004836},
-        {24383.37, 0.0004795}, {25587.34, 0.0004760}, {26782.13, 0.0004726}, {27976.06, 0.0004698},
-        {29171.72, 0.0004675}, {30364.87, 0.0004659}, {31556.60, 0.0004648}, {32749.11, 0.0004642},
-        {33944.43, 0.0004634}, {35142.36, 0.0004635}, {36341.88, 0.0004626}, {37542.13, 0.0004622},
-        {38724.97, 0.0004614}, {40222.94, 0.0004604}, {41997.39, 0.0004593}, {43803.86, 0.0004583},
-        {45897.60, 0.0004575}, {48509.66, 0.0004570}, {51834.81, 0.0004566}, {55638.73, 0.0004563},
-        {60952.77, 0.0004557}, {69229.60, 0.0004544}, {86072.80, 0.0004514}, {110208.98, 0.0004457}};
+        { 5400.67, 0.0008463 },  { 6609.31, 0.0007639 },  { 7716.08, 0.0007054 },  { 8872.54, 0.0006611 },
+        { 10055.89, 0.0006259 }, { 11241.52, 0.0005970 }, { 12435.66, 0.0005729 }, { 13629.97, 0.0005531 },
+        { 14823.99, 0.0005370 }, { 16020.14, 0.0005242 }, { 17215.07, 0.0005142 }, { 18411.43, 0.0005062 },
+        { 19607.20, 0.0004996 }, { 20801.28, 0.0004930 }, { 21998.46, 0.0004883 }, { 23190.94, 0.0004836 },
+        { 24383.37, 0.0004795 }, { 25587.34, 0.0004760 }, { 26782.13, 0.0004726 }, { 27976.06, 0.0004698 },
+        { 29171.72, 0.0004675 }, { 30364.87, 0.0004659 }, { 31556.60, 0.0004648 }, { 32749.11, 0.0004642 },
+        { 33944.43, 0.0004634 }, { 35142.36, 0.0004635 }, { 36341.88, 0.0004626 }, { 37542.13, 0.0004622 },
+        { 38724.97, 0.0004614 }, { 40222.94, 0.0004604 }, { 41997.39, 0.0004593 }, { 43803.86, 0.0004583 },
+        { 45897.60, 0.0004575 }, { 48509.66, 0.0004570 }, { 51834.81, 0.0004566 }, { 55638.73, 0.0004563 },
+        { 60952.77, 0.0004557 }, { 69229.60, 0.0004544 }, { 86072.80, 0.0004514 }, { 110208.98, 0.0004457 } };
     resParams["LongCKTheta"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Muon] = {
-        {0.0217490, 0.0009087}, {0.0233302, 0.0008588}, {0.0239997, 0.0008704}, {0.0244382, 0.0008643},
-        {0.0248517, 0.0008426}, {0.0253137, 0.0008171}, {0.0257716, 0.0007923}, {0.0262305, 0.0007675},
-        {0.0266884, 0.0007426}, {0.0271493, 0.0007175}, {0.0276068, 0.0006903}, {0.0280677, 0.0006600},
-        {0.0285253, 0.0006246}, {0.0289845, 0.0005813}, {0.0294419, 0.0005284}, {0.0297225, 0.0004750}};
+        { 0.0217490, 0.0009087 }, { 0.0233302, 0.0008588 }, { 0.0239997, 0.0008704 }, { 0.0244382, 0.0008643 },
+        { 0.0248517, 0.0008426 }, { 0.0253137, 0.0008171 }, { 0.0257716, 0.0007923 }, { 0.0262305, 0.0007675 },
+        { 0.0266884, 0.0007426 }, { 0.0271493, 0.0007175 }, { 0.0276068, 0.0006903 }, { 0.0280677, 0.0006600 },
+        { 0.0285253, 0.0006246 }, { 0.0289845, 0.0005813 }, { 0.0294419, 0.0005284 }, { 0.0297225, 0.0004750 } };
     resParams["LongMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Muon] = {
-        {5427.07, 0.0008953},  {6561.74, 0.0008235},  {7708.82, 0.0007616},  {8880.11, 0.0007120},
-        {10062.74, 0.0006737}, {11247.54, 0.0006447}, {12439.21, 0.0006226}, {13633.60, 0.0006050},
-        {14833.89, 0.0005905}, {16026.75, 0.0005778}, {17217.51, 0.0005667}, {18414.12, 0.0005569},
-        {19614.19, 0.0005485}, {20804.20, 0.0005416}, {21999.98, 0.0005373}, {23196.53, 0.0005331},
-        {24405.31, 0.0005287}, {25584.08, 0.0005251}, {26784.77, 0.0005196}, {27966.42, 0.0005153},
-        {29164.71, 0.0005108}, {30364.36, 0.0005086}, {31559.41, 0.0005086}, {32757.36, 0.0005076},
-        {33953.42, 0.0005087}, {35148.57, 0.0005067}, {36341.25, 0.0005032}, {37526.69, 0.0005011},
-        {38743.43, 0.0004974}, {39916.57, 0.0004896}, {41110.27, 0.0004826}, {42316.91, 0.0004800},
-        {43512.89, 0.0004782}, {44718.98, 0.0004770}, {46182.86, 0.0004750}, {47986.30, 0.0004730},
-        {49745.53, 0.0004711}, {51848.02, 0.0004698}, {54523.12, 0.0004695}, {57807.10, 0.0004699},
-        {61675.40, 0.0004702}, {66421.49, 0.0004693}, {72815.17, 0.0004659}, {82532.72, 0.0004603},
-        {99884.24, 0.0004561}, {117555.00, 0.0004643}};
+        { 5427.07, 0.0008953 },  { 6561.74, 0.0008235 },  { 7708.82, 0.0007616 },  { 8880.11, 0.0007120 },
+        { 10062.74, 0.0006737 }, { 11247.54, 0.0006447 }, { 12439.21, 0.0006226 }, { 13633.60, 0.0006050 },
+        { 14833.89, 0.0005905 }, { 16026.75, 0.0005778 }, { 17217.51, 0.0005667 }, { 18414.12, 0.0005569 },
+        { 19614.19, 0.0005485 }, { 20804.20, 0.0005416 }, { 21999.98, 0.0005373 }, { 23196.53, 0.0005331 },
+        { 24405.31, 0.0005287 }, { 25584.08, 0.0005251 }, { 26784.77, 0.0005196 }, { 27966.42, 0.0005153 },
+        { 29164.71, 0.0005108 }, { 30364.36, 0.0005086 }, { 31559.41, 0.0005086 }, { 32757.36, 0.0005076 },
+        { 33953.42, 0.0005087 }, { 35148.57, 0.0005067 }, { 36341.25, 0.0005032 }, { 37526.69, 0.0005011 },
+        { 38743.43, 0.0004974 }, { 39916.57, 0.0004896 }, { 41110.27, 0.0004826 }, { 42316.91, 0.0004800 },
+        { 43512.89, 0.0004782 }, { 44718.98, 0.0004770 }, { 46182.86, 0.0004750 }, { 47986.30, 0.0004730 },
+        { 49745.53, 0.0004711 }, { 51848.02, 0.0004698 }, { 54523.12, 0.0004695 }, { 57807.10, 0.0004699 },
+        { 61675.40, 0.0004702 }, { 66421.49, 0.0004693 }, { 72815.17, 0.0004659 }, { 82532.72, 0.0004603 },
+        { 99884.24, 0.0004561 }, { 117555.00, 0.0004643 } };
     resParams["LongCKTheta"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Pion] = {
-        {0.0124599, 0.0009640}, {0.0143180, 0.0009333}, {0.0151974, 0.0009080}, {0.0158215, 0.0008887},
-        {0.0163324, 0.0008746}, {0.0167325, 0.0008642}, {0.0171391, 0.0008560}, {0.0175961, 0.0008486},
-        {0.0180601, 0.0008410}, {0.0185195, 0.0008327}, {0.0189786, 0.0008234}, {0.0194376, 0.0008131},
-        {0.0198971, 0.0008019}, {0.0202978, 0.0007900}, {0.0207031, 0.0007776}, {0.0211640, 0.0007650},
-        {0.0216245, 0.0007522}, {0.0220841, 0.0007393}, {0.0225451, 0.0007262}, {0.0230042, 0.0007130},
-        {0.0234642, 0.0006996}, {0.0239255, 0.0006858}, {0.0243854, 0.0006715}, {0.0248450, 0.0006567},
-        {0.0253053, 0.0006413}, {0.0257641, 0.0006249}, {0.0262242, 0.0006075}, {0.0266840, 0.0005885},
-        {0.0271441, 0.0005676}, {0.0276051, 0.0005445}, {0.0280649, 0.0005194}, {0.0285238, 0.0004931},
-        {0.0289855, 0.0004680}, {0.0294459, 0.0004489}, {0.0297225, 0.0004447}};
+        { 0.0124599, 0.0009640 }, { 0.0143180, 0.0009333 }, { 0.0151974, 0.0009080 }, { 0.0158215, 0.0008887 },
+        { 0.0163324, 0.0008746 }, { 0.0167325, 0.0008642 }, { 0.0171391, 0.0008560 }, { 0.0175961, 0.0008486 },
+        { 0.0180601, 0.0008410 }, { 0.0185195, 0.0008327 }, { 0.0189786, 0.0008234 }, { 0.0194376, 0.0008131 },
+        { 0.0198971, 0.0008019 }, { 0.0202978, 0.0007900 }, { 0.0207031, 0.0007776 }, { 0.0211640, 0.0007650 },
+        { 0.0216245, 0.0007522 }, { 0.0220841, 0.0007393 }, { 0.0225451, 0.0007262 }, { 0.0230042, 0.0007130 },
+        { 0.0234642, 0.0006996 }, { 0.0239255, 0.0006858 }, { 0.0243854, 0.0006715 }, { 0.0248450, 0.0006567 },
+        { 0.0253053, 0.0006413 }, { 0.0257641, 0.0006249 }, { 0.0262242, 0.0006075 }, { 0.0266840, 0.0005885 },
+        { 0.0271441, 0.0005676 }, { 0.0276051, 0.0005445 }, { 0.0280649, 0.0005194 }, { 0.0285238, 0.0004931 },
+        { 0.0289855, 0.0004680 }, { 0.0294459, 0.0004489 }, { 0.0297225, 0.0004447 } };
     resParams["LongMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Pion] = {
-        {4981.25, 0.0009627},   {6033.55, 0.0008217},   {7150.63, 0.0007289},   {8305.76, 0.0006656},
-        {9477.61, 0.0006201},   {10661.09, 0.0005856},  {11851.15, 0.0005582},  {13042.91, 0.0005359},
-        {14235.72, 0.0005177},  {15429.39, 0.0005031},  {16624.23, 0.0004916},  {17819.09, 0.0004826},
-        {19013.81, 0.0004757},  {20209.99, 0.0004703},  {21404.40, 0.0004654},  {22599.39, 0.0004617},
-        {23794.58, 0.0004587},  {24989.99, 0.0004561},  {26185.24, 0.0004533},  {27379.34, 0.0004508},
-        {28575.00, 0.0004490},  {29770.26, 0.0004477},  {30965.78, 0.0004472},  {32160.17, 0.0004470},
-        {33355.84, 0.0004473},  {34550.70, 0.0004472},  {35745.39, 0.0004465},  {36940.75, 0.0004455},
-        {38135.88, 0.0004448},  {39330.73, 0.0004443},  {40524.91, 0.0004435},  {41719.18, 0.0004427},
-        {42917.00, 0.0004423},  {44110.78, 0.0004420},  {45305.53, 0.0004423},  {46500.81, 0.0004428},
-        {47695.52, 0.0004432},  {48890.51, 0.0004433},  {50087.62, 0.0004435},  {51280.52, 0.0004437},
-        {52476.59, 0.0004435},  {53671.67, 0.0004433},  {54863.76, 0.0004434},  {56061.73, 0.0004434},
-        {57258.96, 0.0004441},  {58452.89, 0.0004448},  {59646.34, 0.0004458},  {60840.44, 0.0004462},
-        {62037.07, 0.0004455},  {63229.15, 0.0004445},  {64429.15, 0.0004441},  {65620.42, 0.0004431},
-        {66818.89, 0.0004425},  {68011.10, 0.0004424},  {69206.10, 0.0004430},  {70406.30, 0.0004442},
-        {71600.31, 0.0004457},  {72797.78, 0.0004470},  {73987.86, 0.0004474},  {75187.09, 0.0004473},
-        {76379.23, 0.0004473},  {77572.40, 0.0004469},  {78764.74, 0.0004470},  {79967.07, 0.0004468},
-        {81156.38, 0.0004471},  {82351.14, 0.0004482},  {83546.99, 0.0004480},  {84744.67, 0.0004478},
-        {85937.21, 0.0004481},  {87133.07, 0.0004471},  {88325.10, 0.0004458},  {89521.41, 0.0004452},
-        {90719.70, 0.0004447},  {91907.56, 0.0004439},  {93105.14, 0.0004445},  {94299.21, 0.0004453},
-        {95501.54, 0.0004463},  {96698.51, 0.0004467},  {97884.96, 0.0004466},  {99087.54, 0.0004465},
-        {100277.50, 0.0004464}, {101478.05, 0.0004454}, {102667.46, 0.0004445}, {103853.33, 0.0004436},
-        {105060.42, 0.0004437}, {106258.63, 0.0004447}, {107448.78, 0.0004460}, {108640.52, 0.0004474},
-        {109840.54, 0.0004483}, {111027.16, 0.0004484}, {112231.15, 0.0004476}, {113424.15, 0.0004460},
-        {114619.19, 0.0004442}, {115810.28, 0.0004432}, {117011.95, 0.0004435}, {118209.74, 0.0004452},
-        {119404.81, 0.0004463}};
+        { 4981.25, 0.0009627 },   { 6033.55, 0.0008217 },   { 7150.63, 0.0007289 },   { 8305.76, 0.0006656 },
+        { 9477.61, 0.0006201 },   { 10661.09, 0.0005856 },  { 11851.15, 0.0005582 },  { 13042.91, 0.0005359 },
+        { 14235.72, 0.0005177 },  { 15429.39, 0.0005031 },  { 16624.23, 0.0004916 },  { 17819.09, 0.0004826 },
+        { 19013.81, 0.0004757 },  { 20209.99, 0.0004703 },  { 21404.40, 0.0004654 },  { 22599.39, 0.0004617 },
+        { 23794.58, 0.0004587 },  { 24989.99, 0.0004561 },  { 26185.24, 0.0004533 },  { 27379.34, 0.0004508 },
+        { 28575.00, 0.0004490 },  { 29770.26, 0.0004477 },  { 30965.78, 0.0004472 },  { 32160.17, 0.0004470 },
+        { 33355.84, 0.0004473 },  { 34550.70, 0.0004472 },  { 35745.39, 0.0004465 },  { 36940.75, 0.0004455 },
+        { 38135.88, 0.0004448 },  { 39330.73, 0.0004443 },  { 40524.91, 0.0004435 },  { 41719.18, 0.0004427 },
+        { 42917.00, 0.0004423 },  { 44110.78, 0.0004420 },  { 45305.53, 0.0004423 },  { 46500.81, 0.0004428 },
+        { 47695.52, 0.0004432 },  { 48890.51, 0.0004433 },  { 50087.62, 0.0004435 },  { 51280.52, 0.0004437 },
+        { 52476.59, 0.0004435 },  { 53671.67, 0.0004433 },  { 54863.76, 0.0004434 },  { 56061.73, 0.0004434 },
+        { 57258.96, 0.0004441 },  { 58452.89, 0.0004448 },  { 59646.34, 0.0004458 },  { 60840.44, 0.0004462 },
+        { 62037.07, 0.0004455 },  { 63229.15, 0.0004445 },  { 64429.15, 0.0004441 },  { 65620.42, 0.0004431 },
+        { 66818.89, 0.0004425 },  { 68011.10, 0.0004424 },  { 69206.10, 0.0004430 },  { 70406.30, 0.0004442 },
+        { 71600.31, 0.0004457 },  { 72797.78, 0.0004470 },  { 73987.86, 0.0004474 },  { 75187.09, 0.0004473 },
+        { 76379.23, 0.0004473 },  { 77572.40, 0.0004469 },  { 78764.74, 0.0004470 },  { 79967.07, 0.0004468 },
+        { 81156.38, 0.0004471 },  { 82351.14, 0.0004482 },  { 83546.99, 0.0004480 },  { 84744.67, 0.0004478 },
+        { 85937.21, 0.0004481 },  { 87133.07, 0.0004471 },  { 88325.10, 0.0004458 },  { 89521.41, 0.0004452 },
+        { 90719.70, 0.0004447 },  { 91907.56, 0.0004439 },  { 93105.14, 0.0004445 },  { 94299.21, 0.0004453 },
+        { 95501.54, 0.0004463 },  { 96698.51, 0.0004467 },  { 97884.96, 0.0004466 },  { 99087.54, 0.0004465 },
+        { 100277.50, 0.0004464 }, { 101478.05, 0.0004454 }, { 102667.46, 0.0004445 }, { 103853.33, 0.0004436 },
+        { 105060.42, 0.0004437 }, { 106258.63, 0.0004447 }, { 107448.78, 0.0004460 }, { 108640.52, 0.0004474 },
+        { 109840.54, 0.0004483 }, { 111027.16, 0.0004484 }, { 112231.15, 0.0004476 }, { 113424.15, 0.0004460 },
+        { 114619.19, 0.0004442 }, { 115810.28, 0.0004432 }, { 117011.95, 0.0004435 }, { 118209.74, 0.0004452 },
+        { 119404.81, 0.0004463 } };
     resParams["LongCKTheta"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Kaon] = {
-        {0.0104521, 0.0005059}, {0.0110442, 0.0006122}, {0.0115021, 0.0006624}, {0.0119575, 0.0006780},
-        {0.0123608, 0.0006741}, {0.0127638, 0.0006604}, {0.0131660, 0.0006431}, {0.0135699, 0.0006255},
-        {0.0140288, 0.0006096}, {0.0144304, 0.0005958}, {0.0148325, 0.0005842}, {0.0152374, 0.0005743},
-        {0.0156389, 0.0005656}, {0.0160398, 0.0005576}, {0.0164461, 0.0005501}, {0.0169036, 0.0005427},
-        {0.0173056, 0.0005355}, {0.0177071, 0.0005282}, {0.0181087, 0.0005211}, {0.0185141, 0.0005143},
-        {0.0189152, 0.0005078}, {0.0193187, 0.0005017}, {0.0197202, 0.0004962}, {0.0201235, 0.0004892},
-        {0.0205245, 0.0004872}, {0.0209293, 0.0004827}, {0.0213890, 0.0004784}, {0.0217895, 0.0004745},
-        {0.0221937, 0.0004708}, {0.0225940, 0.0004674}, {0.0229968, 0.0004642}, {0.0233987, 0.0004612},
-        {0.0238029, 0.0004584}, {0.0242054, 0.0004558}, {0.0246065, 0.0004533}, {0.0250094, 0.0004510},
-        {0.0254120, 0.0004489}, {0.0258152, 0.0004469}, {0.0262180, 0.0004453}, {0.0266202, 0.0004439},
-        {0.0270234, 0.0004428}, {0.0274235, 0.0004421}, {0.0278272, 0.0004417}, {0.0282300, 0.0004417},
-        {0.0286853, 0.0004419}, {0.0290892, 0.0004421}, {0.0293478, 0.0004418}};
+        { 0.0104521, 0.0005059 }, { 0.0110442, 0.0006122 }, { 0.0115021, 0.0006624 }, { 0.0119575, 0.0006780 },
+        { 0.0123608, 0.0006741 }, { 0.0127638, 0.0006604 }, { 0.0131660, 0.0006431 }, { 0.0135699, 0.0006255 },
+        { 0.0140288, 0.0006096 }, { 0.0144304, 0.0005958 }, { 0.0148325, 0.0005842 }, { 0.0152374, 0.0005743 },
+        { 0.0156389, 0.0005656 }, { 0.0160398, 0.0005576 }, { 0.0164461, 0.0005501 }, { 0.0169036, 0.0005427 },
+        { 0.0173056, 0.0005355 }, { 0.0177071, 0.0005282 }, { 0.0181087, 0.0005211 }, { 0.0185141, 0.0005143 },
+        { 0.0189152, 0.0005078 }, { 0.0193187, 0.0005017 }, { 0.0197202, 0.0004962 }, { 0.0201235, 0.0004892 },
+        { 0.0205245, 0.0004872 }, { 0.0209293, 0.0004827 }, { 0.0213890, 0.0004784 }, { 0.0217895, 0.0004745 },
+        { 0.0221937, 0.0004708 }, { 0.0225940, 0.0004674 }, { 0.0229968, 0.0004642 }, { 0.0233987, 0.0004612 },
+        { 0.0238029, 0.0004584 }, { 0.0242054, 0.0004558 }, { 0.0246065, 0.0004533 }, { 0.0250094, 0.0004510 },
+        { 0.0254120, 0.0004489 }, { 0.0258152, 0.0004469 }, { 0.0262180, 0.0004453 }, { 0.0266202, 0.0004439 },
+        { 0.0270234, 0.0004428 }, { 0.0274235, 0.0004421 }, { 0.0278272, 0.0004417 }, { 0.0282300, 0.0004417 },
+        { 0.0286853, 0.0004419 }, { 0.0290892, 0.0004421 }, { 0.0293478, 0.0004418 } };
     resParams["LongMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Kaon] = {
-        {17528.75, 0.0005579},  {18797.69, 0.0005948},  {19918.75, 0.0005657},  {21133.09, 0.0005239},
-        {22308.75, 0.0004917},  {23505.27, 0.0004738},  {24698.75, 0.0004670},  {25890.00, 0.0004656},
-        {27088.75, 0.0004650},  {28278.36, 0.0004624},  {29478.75, 0.0004574},  {30667.26, 0.0004514},
-        {31868.75, 0.0004460},  {33055.02, 0.0004471},  {34258.75, 0.0004460},  {35442.62, 0.0004452},
-        {36648.75, 0.0004445},  {37830.33, 0.0004438},  {39038.75, 0.0004435},  {40221.17, 0.0004433},
-        {41428.75, 0.0004431},  {42612.06, 0.0004426},  {43818.75, 0.0004422},  {44997.58, 0.0004421},
-        {46208.75, 0.0004418},  {47388.82, 0.0004419},  {48598.75, 0.0004418},  {49773.33, 0.0004418},
-        {50988.75, 0.0004421},  {52170.67, 0.0004419},  {53378.75, 0.0004422},  {54561.12, 0.0004426},
-        {55768.75, 0.0004423},  {56953.94, 0.0004416},  {58158.75, 0.0004406},  {59345.09, 0.0004403},
-        {60548.75, 0.0004408},  {61729.15, 0.0004410},  {62938.75, 0.0004417},  {64119.03, 0.0004428},
-        {65328.75, 0.0004436},  {66515.18, 0.0004433},  {67718.75, 0.0004428},  {68905.60, 0.0004422},
-        {70108.75, 0.0004411},  {71295.01, 0.0004411},  {72498.75, 0.0004417},  {73677.35, 0.0004426},
-        {74888.75, 0.0004437},  {76077.23, 0.0004446},  {77278.75, 0.0004438},  {78459.92, 0.0004433},
-        {79964.61, 0.0004432},  {81151.79, 0.0004424},  {82358.32, 0.0004425},  {83547.49, 0.0004438},
-        {84745.28, 0.0004449},  {85936.14, 0.0004466},  {87134.22, 0.0004466},  {88327.10, 0.0004456},
-        {89525.17, 0.0004449},  {90715.17, 0.0004442},  {91909.16, 0.0004438},  {93110.19, 0.0004436},
-        {94601.94, 0.0004432},  {96372.78, 0.0004430},  {98204.47, 0.0004430},  {99973.78, 0.0004430},
-        {101760.37, 0.0004429}, {103573.69, 0.0004426}, {105651.47, 0.0004421}, {108001.24, 0.0004414},
-        {110433.85, 0.0004408}, {113122.02, 0.0004403}, {116088.76, 0.0004399}, {118824.01, 0.0004390}};
+        { 17528.75, 0.0005579 },  { 18797.69, 0.0005948 },  { 19918.75, 0.0005657 },  { 21133.09, 0.0005239 },
+        { 22308.75, 0.0004917 },  { 23505.27, 0.0004738 },  { 24698.75, 0.0004670 },  { 25890.00, 0.0004656 },
+        { 27088.75, 0.0004650 },  { 28278.36, 0.0004624 },  { 29478.75, 0.0004574 },  { 30667.26, 0.0004514 },
+        { 31868.75, 0.0004460 },  { 33055.02, 0.0004471 },  { 34258.75, 0.0004460 },  { 35442.62, 0.0004452 },
+        { 36648.75, 0.0004445 },  { 37830.33, 0.0004438 },  { 39038.75, 0.0004435 },  { 40221.17, 0.0004433 },
+        { 41428.75, 0.0004431 },  { 42612.06, 0.0004426 },  { 43818.75, 0.0004422 },  { 44997.58, 0.0004421 },
+        { 46208.75, 0.0004418 },  { 47388.82, 0.0004419 },  { 48598.75, 0.0004418 },  { 49773.33, 0.0004418 },
+        { 50988.75, 0.0004421 },  { 52170.67, 0.0004419 },  { 53378.75, 0.0004422 },  { 54561.12, 0.0004426 },
+        { 55768.75, 0.0004423 },  { 56953.94, 0.0004416 },  { 58158.75, 0.0004406 },  { 59345.09, 0.0004403 },
+        { 60548.75, 0.0004408 },  { 61729.15, 0.0004410 },  { 62938.75, 0.0004417 },  { 64119.03, 0.0004428 },
+        { 65328.75, 0.0004436 },  { 66515.18, 0.0004433 },  { 67718.75, 0.0004428 },  { 68905.60, 0.0004422 },
+        { 70108.75, 0.0004411 },  { 71295.01, 0.0004411 },  { 72498.75, 0.0004417 },  { 73677.35, 0.0004426 },
+        { 74888.75, 0.0004437 },  { 76077.23, 0.0004446 },  { 77278.75, 0.0004438 },  { 78459.92, 0.0004433 },
+        { 79964.61, 0.0004432 },  { 81151.79, 0.0004424 },  { 82358.32, 0.0004425 },  { 83547.49, 0.0004438 },
+        { 84745.28, 0.0004449 },  { 85936.14, 0.0004466 },  { 87134.22, 0.0004466 },  { 88327.10, 0.0004456 },
+        { 89525.17, 0.0004449 },  { 90715.17, 0.0004442 },  { 91909.16, 0.0004438 },  { 93110.19, 0.0004436 },
+        { 94601.94, 0.0004432 },  { 96372.78, 0.0004430 },  { 98204.47, 0.0004430 },  { 99973.78, 0.0004430 },
+        { 101760.37, 0.0004429 }, { 103573.69, 0.0004426 }, { 105651.47, 0.0004421 }, { 108001.24, 0.0004414 },
+        { 110433.85, 0.0004408 }, { 113122.02, 0.0004403 }, { 116088.76, 0.0004399 }, { 118824.01, 0.0004390 } };
     resParams["LongCKTheta"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Proton] = {
-        {0.0107393, 0.0005644}, {0.0116204, 0.0005880}, {0.0123107, 0.0005853}, {0.0129381, 0.0005708},
-        {0.0134562, 0.0005531}, {0.0139160, 0.0005366}, {0.0143730, 0.0005230}, {0.0147741, 0.0005126},
-        {0.0151812, 0.0005046}, {0.0156404, 0.0004983}, {0.0160980, 0.0004929}, {0.0165004, 0.0004876},
-        {0.0169047, 0.0004822}, {0.0173054, 0.0004766}, {0.0177086, 0.0004707}, {0.0181107, 0.0004649},
-        {0.0185151, 0.0004594}, {0.0189740, 0.0004545}, {0.0194308, 0.0004503}, {0.0198337, 0.0004468},
-        {0.0202376, 0.0004442}, {0.0206399, 0.0004429}, {0.0210433, 0.0004405}, {0.0214453, 0.0004384},
-        {0.0218481, 0.0004367}, {0.0222490, 0.0004353}, {0.0226523, 0.0004342}, {0.0231121, 0.0004333},
-        {0.0235147, 0.0004326}, {0.0239170, 0.0004319}, {0.0243192, 0.0004313}, {0.0247218, 0.0004306},
-        {0.0251247, 0.0004300}, {0.0255262, 0.0004294}, {0.0259280, 0.0004292}, {0.0263321, 0.0004294},
-        {0.0267328, 0.0004303}, {0.0271345, 0.0004320}, {0.0275359, 0.0004343}, {0.0279367, 0.0004366},
-        {0.0283393, 0.0004379}, {0.0286253, 0.0004356}};
+        { 0.0107393, 0.0005644 }, { 0.0116204, 0.0005880 }, { 0.0123107, 0.0005853 }, { 0.0129381, 0.0005708 },
+        { 0.0134562, 0.0005531 }, { 0.0139160, 0.0005366 }, { 0.0143730, 0.0005230 }, { 0.0147741, 0.0005126 },
+        { 0.0151812, 0.0005046 }, { 0.0156404, 0.0004983 }, { 0.0160980, 0.0004929 }, { 0.0165004, 0.0004876 },
+        { 0.0169047, 0.0004822 }, { 0.0173054, 0.0004766 }, { 0.0177086, 0.0004707 }, { 0.0181107, 0.0004649 },
+        { 0.0185151, 0.0004594 }, { 0.0189740, 0.0004545 }, { 0.0194308, 0.0004503 }, { 0.0198337, 0.0004468 },
+        { 0.0202376, 0.0004442 }, { 0.0206399, 0.0004429 }, { 0.0210433, 0.0004405 }, { 0.0214453, 0.0004384 },
+        { 0.0218481, 0.0004367 }, { 0.0222490, 0.0004353 }, { 0.0226523, 0.0004342 }, { 0.0231121, 0.0004333 },
+        { 0.0235147, 0.0004326 }, { 0.0239170, 0.0004319 }, { 0.0243192, 0.0004313 }, { 0.0247218, 0.0004306 },
+        { 0.0251247, 0.0004300 }, { 0.0255262, 0.0004294 }, { 0.0259280, 0.0004292 }, { 0.0263321, 0.0004294 },
+        { 0.0267328, 0.0004303 }, { 0.0271345, 0.0004320 }, { 0.0275359, 0.0004343 }, { 0.0279367, 0.0004366 },
+        { 0.0283393, 0.0004379 }, { 0.0286253, 0.0004356 } };
     resParams["LongMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Proton] = {
-        {34036.01, 0.0006053},  {35173.37, 0.0005531},  {36357.31, 0.0005150},  {37549.09, 0.0004889},
-        {38742.32, 0.0004721},  {39939.05, 0.0004616},  {41129.43, 0.0004548},  {42325.25, 0.0004500},
-        {43519.80, 0.0004461},  {44714.18, 0.0004426},  {45906.14, 0.0004395},  {47103.47, 0.0004370},
-        {48296.78, 0.0004352},  {49493.54, 0.0004351},  {50687.08, 0.0004349},  {51882.42, 0.0004343},
-        {53078.00, 0.0004333},  {54270.43, 0.0004328},  {55464.91, 0.0004322},  {56661.35, 0.0004322},
-        {57856.95, 0.0004315},  {59051.84, 0.0004301},  {60246.09, 0.0004290},  {61437.64, 0.0004288},
-        {62634.09, 0.0004281},  {63836.76, 0.0004280},  {65028.04, 0.0004277},  {66220.58, 0.0004281},
-        {67421.21, 0.0004289},  {68611.99, 0.0004305},  {69801.77, 0.0004317},  {70996.56, 0.0004320},
-        {72201.69, 0.0004331},  {73392.12, 0.0004333},  {74577.42, 0.0004328},  {75779.79, 0.0004332},
-        {76973.92, 0.0004331},  {78177.90, 0.0004323},  {79367.79, 0.0004312},  {80565.19, 0.0004318},
-        {81753.07, 0.0004330},  {82946.90, 0.0004350},  {84143.28, 0.0004357},  {85343.48, 0.0004365},
-        {86527.53, 0.0004370},  {87718.06, 0.0004378},  {88933.81, 0.0004381},  {90122.54, 0.0004373},
-        {91314.18, 0.0004362},  {92805.39, 0.0004360},  {94602.18, 0.0004363},  {96384.57, 0.0004372},
-        {98187.85, 0.0004384},  {99980.63, 0.0004393},  {102048.08, 0.0004396}, {104446.87, 0.0004389},
-        {106840.04, 0.0004372}, {109237.63, 0.0004353}, {111918.58, 0.0004342}, {114914.16, 0.0004357},
-        {118173.90, 0.0004423}};
+        { 34036.01, 0.0006053 },  { 35173.37, 0.0005531 },  { 36357.31, 0.0005150 },  { 37549.09, 0.0004889 },
+        { 38742.32, 0.0004721 },  { 39939.05, 0.0004616 },  { 41129.43, 0.0004548 },  { 42325.25, 0.0004500 },
+        { 43519.80, 0.0004461 },  { 44714.18, 0.0004426 },  { 45906.14, 0.0004395 },  { 47103.47, 0.0004370 },
+        { 48296.78, 0.0004352 },  { 49493.54, 0.0004351 },  { 50687.08, 0.0004349 },  { 51882.42, 0.0004343 },
+        { 53078.00, 0.0004333 },  { 54270.43, 0.0004328 },  { 55464.91, 0.0004322 },  { 56661.35, 0.0004322 },
+        { 57856.95, 0.0004315 },  { 59051.84, 0.0004301 },  { 60246.09, 0.0004290 },  { 61437.64, 0.0004288 },
+        { 62634.09, 0.0004281 },  { 63836.76, 0.0004280 },  { 65028.04, 0.0004277 },  { 66220.58, 0.0004281 },
+        { 67421.21, 0.0004289 },  { 68611.99, 0.0004305 },  { 69801.77, 0.0004317 },  { 70996.56, 0.0004320 },
+        { 72201.69, 0.0004331 },  { 73392.12, 0.0004333 },  { 74577.42, 0.0004328 },  { 75779.79, 0.0004332 },
+        { 76973.92, 0.0004331 },  { 78177.90, 0.0004323 },  { 79367.79, 0.0004312 },  { 80565.19, 0.0004318 },
+        { 81753.07, 0.0004330 },  { 82946.90, 0.0004350 },  { 84143.28, 0.0004357 },  { 85343.48, 0.0004365 },
+        { 86527.53, 0.0004370 },  { 87718.06, 0.0004378 },  { 88933.81, 0.0004381 },  { 90122.54, 0.0004373 },
+        { 91314.18, 0.0004362 },  { 92805.39, 0.0004360 },  { 94602.18, 0.0004363 },  { 96384.57, 0.0004372 },
+        { 98187.85, 0.0004384 },  { 99980.63, 0.0004393 },  { 102048.08, 0.0004396 }, { 104446.87, 0.0004389 },
+        { 106840.04, 0.0004372 }, { 109237.63, 0.0004353 }, { 111918.58, 0.0004342 }, { 114914.16, 0.0004357 },
+        { 118173.90, 0.0004423 } };
     resParams["LongMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Deuteron] = resParams["LongMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Proton];
     resParams["LongMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::BelowThreshold] =
@@ -554,72 +554,72 @@ namespace {
     resParams["LongCKTheta"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::BelowThreshold] =
     resParams["DownMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Electron] = {
-        {4885.80, 0.0008206},  {5984.49, 0.0007541},  {7125.65, 0.0006973},  {8286.85, 0.0006496},
-        {9462.37, 0.0006104},  {10649.82, 0.0005787}, {11838.62, 0.0005536}, {13034.89, 0.0005340},
-        {14228.01, 0.0005187}, {15423.65, 0.0005065}, {16618.21, 0.0004967}, {17814.82, 0.0004884},
-        {19009.42, 0.0004812}, {20203.13, 0.0004754}, {21398.43, 0.0004693}, {22596.76, 0.0004635},
-        {23791.33, 0.0004597}, {24991.17, 0.0004569}, {26184.49, 0.0004556}, {27375.79, 0.0004538},
-        {28573.00, 0.0004523}, {29765.98, 0.0004497}, {30962.92, 0.0004469}, {32161.13, 0.0004446},
-        {33353.70, 0.0004423}, {34550.70, 0.0004411}, {35735.64, 0.0004407}, {36949.80, 0.0004407},
-        {38135.92, 0.0004407}, {39616.80, 0.0004407}, {41404.69, 0.0004407}, {43191.87, 0.0004406},
-        {45261.83, 0.0004404}, {47935.65, 0.0004401}, {51158.65, 0.0004395}, {55341.76, 0.0004386},
-        {61001.82, 0.0004377}, {69478.59, 0.0004374}, {89395.57, 0.0004396}, {117398.84, 0.0004480}};
+        { 4885.80, 0.0008206 },  { 5984.49, 0.0007541 },  { 7125.65, 0.0006973 },  { 8286.85, 0.0006496 },
+        { 9462.37, 0.0006104 },  { 10649.82, 0.0005787 }, { 11838.62, 0.0005536 }, { 13034.89, 0.0005340 },
+        { 14228.01, 0.0005187 }, { 15423.65, 0.0005065 }, { 16618.21, 0.0004967 }, { 17814.82, 0.0004884 },
+        { 19009.42, 0.0004812 }, { 20203.13, 0.0004754 }, { 21398.43, 0.0004693 }, { 22596.76, 0.0004635 },
+        { 23791.33, 0.0004597 }, { 24991.17, 0.0004569 }, { 26184.49, 0.0004556 }, { 27375.79, 0.0004538 },
+        { 28573.00, 0.0004523 }, { 29765.98, 0.0004497 }, { 30962.92, 0.0004469 }, { 32161.13, 0.0004446 },
+        { 33353.70, 0.0004423 }, { 34550.70, 0.0004411 }, { 35735.64, 0.0004407 }, { 36949.80, 0.0004407 },
+        { 38135.92, 0.0004407 }, { 39616.80, 0.0004407 }, { 41404.69, 0.0004407 }, { 43191.87, 0.0004406 },
+        { 45261.83, 0.0004404 }, { 47935.65, 0.0004401 }, { 51158.65, 0.0004395 }, { 55341.76, 0.0004386 },
+        { 61001.82, 0.0004377 }, { 69478.59, 0.0004374 }, { 89395.57, 0.0004396 }, { 117398.84, 0.0004480 } };
     resParams["DownCKTheta"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Muon] = {
-        {0.0230215, 0.0007544}, {0.0247599, 0.0006807}, {0.0254833, 0.0006829}, {0.0259365, 0.0006760},
-        {0.0263394, 0.0006514}, {0.0267408, 0.0006243}, {0.0271507, 0.0006028}, {0.0276070, 0.0005825},
-        {0.0280635, 0.0005553}, {0.0285196, 0.0005190}, {0.0289789, 0.0004774}, {0.0294205, 0.0004370},
-        {0.0297225, 0.0004308}};
+        { 0.0230215, 0.0007544 }, { 0.0247599, 0.0006807 }, { 0.0254833, 0.0006829 }, { 0.0259365, 0.0006760 },
+        { 0.0263394, 0.0006514 }, { 0.0267408, 0.0006243 }, { 0.0271507, 0.0006028 }, { 0.0276070, 0.0005825 },
+        { 0.0280635, 0.0005553 }, { 0.0285196, 0.0005190 }, { 0.0289789, 0.0004774 }, { 0.0294205, 0.0004370 },
+        { 0.0297225, 0.0004308 } };
     resParams["DownMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Muon] = {
-        {5864.97, 0.0007383},  {7108.02, 0.0006690},  {8281.35, 0.0006231},  {9462.26, 0.0005858},
-        {10645.21, 0.0005541}, {11840.24, 0.0005282}, {13030.20, 0.0005080}, {14226.68, 0.0004924},
-        {15417.80, 0.0004795}, {16620.70, 0.0004681}, {17819.08, 0.0004577}, {19000.35, 0.0004493},
-        {20209.98, 0.0004438}, {21669.27, 0.0004412}, {23487.94, 0.0004397}, {25786.90, 0.0004357},
-        {29314.96, 0.0004264}, {35608.69, 0.0004176}, {55385.83, 0.0004364}};
+        { 5864.97, 0.0007383 },  { 7108.02, 0.0006690 },  { 8281.35, 0.0006231 },  { 9462.26, 0.0005858 },
+        { 10645.21, 0.0005541 }, { 11840.24, 0.0005282 }, { 13030.20, 0.0005080 }, { 14226.68, 0.0004924 },
+        { 15417.80, 0.0004795 }, { 16620.70, 0.0004681 }, { 17819.08, 0.0004577 }, { 19000.35, 0.0004493 },
+        { 20209.98, 0.0004438 }, { 21669.27, 0.0004412 }, { 23487.94, 0.0004397 }, { 25786.90, 0.0004357 },
+        { 29314.96, 0.0004264 }, { 35608.69, 0.0004176 }, { 55385.83, 0.0004364 } };
     resParams["DownCKTheta"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Pion] = {
-        {0.0155394, 0.0008410}, {0.0180103, 0.0007963}, {0.0190581, 0.0007744}, {0.0197271, 0.0007615},
-        {0.0202440, 0.0007509}, {0.0207030, 0.0007396}, {0.0211615, 0.0007272}, {0.0216223, 0.0007143},
-        {0.0220229, 0.0007016}, {0.0224262, 0.0006898}, {0.0228273, 0.0006789}, {0.0232321, 0.0006686},
-        {0.0236923, 0.0006583}, {0.0241535, 0.0006475}, {0.0246134, 0.0006353}, {0.0250745, 0.0006212},
-        {0.0255330, 0.0006053}, {0.0259948, 0.0005878}, {0.0264539, 0.0005694}, {0.0269125, 0.0005505},
-        {0.0273135, 0.0005313}, {0.0277199, 0.0005117}, {0.0281787, 0.0004911}, {0.0286381, 0.0004696},
-        {0.0290960, 0.0004490}, {0.0295245, 0.0004359}};
+        { 0.0155394, 0.0008410 }, { 0.0180103, 0.0007963 }, { 0.0190581, 0.0007744 }, { 0.0197271, 0.0007615 },
+        { 0.0202440, 0.0007509 }, { 0.0207030, 0.0007396 }, { 0.0211615, 0.0007272 }, { 0.0216223, 0.0007143 },
+        { 0.0220229, 0.0007016 }, { 0.0224262, 0.0006898 }, { 0.0228273, 0.0006789 }, { 0.0232321, 0.0006686 },
+        { 0.0236923, 0.0006583 }, { 0.0241535, 0.0006475 }, { 0.0246134, 0.0006353 }, { 0.0250745, 0.0006212 },
+        { 0.0255330, 0.0006053 }, { 0.0259948, 0.0005878 }, { 0.0264539, 0.0005694 }, { 0.0269125, 0.0005505 },
+        { 0.0273135, 0.0005313 }, { 0.0277199, 0.0005117 }, { 0.0281787, 0.0004911 }, { 0.0286381, 0.0004696 },
+        { 0.0290960, 0.0004490 }, { 0.0295245, 0.0004359 } };
     resParams["DownMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Pion] = {
-        {5525.33, 0.0008285},   {6567.63, 0.0007326},  {7713.22, 0.0006632},  {8884.62, 0.0006119},
-        {10063.21, 0.0005732},  {11251.42, 0.0005435}, {12443.24, 0.0005205}, {13636.97, 0.0005026},
-        {14831.26, 0.0004886},  {16025.28, 0.0004777}, {17218.35, 0.0004691}, {18414.44, 0.0004623},
-        {19611.08, 0.0004568},  {20803.82, 0.0004523}, {22000.47, 0.0004478}, {23194.80, 0.0004451},
-        {24389.89, 0.0004433},  {25587.23, 0.0004419}, {26780.33, 0.0004401}, {27977.44, 0.0004393},
-        {29174.94, 0.0004390},  {30368.92, 0.0004379}, {31555.25, 0.0004370}, {32759.39, 0.0004363},
-        {33954.27, 0.0004355},  {35151.26, 0.0004349}, {36343.50, 0.0004345}, {37540.06, 0.0004339},
-        {38733.48, 0.0004344},  {39924.55, 0.0004352}, {41118.39, 0.0004352}, {42314.87, 0.0004346},
-        {43510.81, 0.0004333},  {44706.75, 0.0004332}, {45905.41, 0.0004337}, {47101.05, 0.0004343},
-        {48299.60, 0.0004348},  {49489.73, 0.0004360}, {50674.62, 0.0004356}, {51875.85, 0.0004359},
-        {53082.88, 0.0004355},  {54553.04, 0.0004364}, {56368.09, 0.0004358}, {58146.49, 0.0004352},
-        {60223.49, 0.0004350},  {62615.32, 0.0004357}, {65271.45, 0.0004372}, {68285.56, 0.0004391},
-        {71571.92, 0.0004407},  {75651.71, 0.0004409}, {81244.16, 0.0004390}, {89385.30, 0.0004360},
-        {102979.30, 0.0004364}, {116494.25, 0.0004506}};
+        { 5525.33, 0.0008285 },   { 6567.63, 0.0007326 },  { 7713.22, 0.0006632 },  { 8884.62, 0.0006119 },
+        { 10063.21, 0.0005732 },  { 11251.42, 0.0005435 }, { 12443.24, 0.0005205 }, { 13636.97, 0.0005026 },
+        { 14831.26, 0.0004886 },  { 16025.28, 0.0004777 }, { 17218.35, 0.0004691 }, { 18414.44, 0.0004623 },
+        { 19611.08, 0.0004568 },  { 20803.82, 0.0004523 }, { 22000.47, 0.0004478 }, { 23194.80, 0.0004451 },
+        { 24389.89, 0.0004433 },  { 25587.23, 0.0004419 }, { 26780.33, 0.0004401 }, { 27977.44, 0.0004393 },
+        { 29174.94, 0.0004390 },  { 30368.92, 0.0004379 }, { 31555.25, 0.0004370 }, { 32759.39, 0.0004363 },
+        { 33954.27, 0.0004355 },  { 35151.26, 0.0004349 }, { 36343.50, 0.0004345 }, { 37540.06, 0.0004339 },
+        { 38733.48, 0.0004344 },  { 39924.55, 0.0004352 }, { 41118.39, 0.0004352 }, { 42314.87, 0.0004346 },
+        { 43510.81, 0.0004333 },  { 44706.75, 0.0004332 }, { 45905.41, 0.0004337 }, { 47101.05, 0.0004343 },
+        { 48299.60, 0.0004348 },  { 49489.73, 0.0004360 }, { 50674.62, 0.0004356 }, { 51875.85, 0.0004359 },
+        { 53082.88, 0.0004355 },  { 54553.04, 0.0004364 }, { 56368.09, 0.0004358 }, { 58146.49, 0.0004352 },
+        { 60223.49, 0.0004350 },  { 62615.32, 0.0004357 }, { 65271.45, 0.0004372 }, { 68285.56, 0.0004391 },
+        { 71571.92, 0.0004407 },  { 75651.71, 0.0004409 }, { 81244.16, 0.0004390 }, { 89385.30, 0.0004360 },
+        { 102979.30, 0.0004364 }, { 116494.25, 0.0004506 } };
     resParams["DownCKTheta"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Kaon] = {
-        {0.0145978, 0.0005665}, {0.0185631, 0.0004955}, {0.0207509, 0.0004647}, {0.0223420, 0.0004461},
-        {0.0235903, 0.0004423}, {0.0246170, 0.0004401}, {0.0254800, 0.0004335}, {0.0262220, 0.0004301},
-        {0.0269077, 0.0004336}, {0.0275406, 0.0004332}, {0.0281103, 0.0004248}, {0.0286909, 0.0004368},
-        {0.0292148, 0.0004405}};
+        { 0.0145978, 0.0005665 }, { 0.0185631, 0.0004955 }, { 0.0207509, 0.0004647 }, { 0.0223420, 0.0004461 },
+        { 0.0235903, 0.0004423 }, { 0.0246170, 0.0004401 }, { 0.0254800, 0.0004335 }, { 0.0262220, 0.0004301 },
+        { 0.0269077, 0.0004336 }, { 0.0275406, 0.0004332 }, { 0.0281103, 0.0004248 }, { 0.0286909, 0.0004368 },
+        { 0.0292148, 0.0004405 } };
     resParams["DownMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Kaon] = {
-        {19061.07, 0.0005670}, {21419.64, 0.0004927}, {23783.82, 0.0004578}, {26171.68, 0.0004460},
-        {28535.64, 0.0004401}, {31228.43, 0.0004348}, {34225.86, 0.0004321}, {37775.53, 0.0004324},
-        {42526.36, 0.0004327}, {48645.89, 0.0004302}, {58128.03, 0.0004298}, {78064.36, 0.0004394},
-        {110427.62, 0.0004362}};
+        { 19061.07, 0.0005670 }, { 21419.64, 0.0004927 }, { 23783.82, 0.0004578 }, { 26171.68, 0.0004460 },
+        { 28535.64, 0.0004401 }, { 31228.43, 0.0004348 }, { 34225.86, 0.0004321 }, { 37775.53, 0.0004324 },
+        { 42526.36, 0.0004327 }, { 48645.89, 0.0004302 }, { 58128.03, 0.0004298 }, { 78064.36, 0.0004394 },
+        { 110427.62, 0.0004362 } };
     resParams["DownCKTheta"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Proton] = {
-        {0.0127349, 0.0005553}, {0.0156615, 0.0004838}, {0.0175157, 0.0004585}, {0.0189487, 0.0004442},
-        {0.0200785, 0.0004331}, {0.0210520, 0.0004258}, {0.0219123, 0.0004228}, {0.0227123, 0.0004230},
-        {0.0234583, 0.0004242}, {0.0241428, 0.0004245}, {0.0248423, 0.0004231}, {0.0254686, 0.0004205},
-        {0.0260416, 0.0004181}, {0.0266205, 0.0004177}, {0.0271899, 0.0004211}, {0.0278156, 0.0004286},
-        {0.0284380, 0.0004347}};
+        { 0.0127349, 0.0005553 }, { 0.0156615, 0.0004838 }, { 0.0175157, 0.0004585 }, { 0.0189487, 0.0004442 },
+        { 0.0200785, 0.0004331 }, { 0.0210520, 0.0004258 }, { 0.0219123, 0.0004228 }, { 0.0227123, 0.0004230 },
+        { 0.0234583, 0.0004242 }, { 0.0241428, 0.0004245 }, { 0.0248423, 0.0004231 }, { 0.0254686, 0.0004205 },
+        { 0.0260416, 0.0004181 }, { 0.0266205, 0.0004177 }, { 0.0271899, 0.0004211 }, { 0.0278156, 0.0004286 },
+        { 0.0284380, 0.0004347 } };
     resParams["DownMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Proton] = {
-        {35046.55, 0.0005466}, {37561.32, 0.0004806}, {39624.29, 0.0004532}, {41430.66, 0.0004393},
-        {43215.74, 0.0004305}, {45302.16, 0.0004252}, {47674.10, 0.0004231}, {50074.19, 0.0004232},
-        {52740.56, 0.0004240}, {55731.75, 0.0004238}, {59019.76, 0.0004222}, {62861.94, 0.0004197},
-        {67612.99, 0.0004180}, {73547.29, 0.0004189}, {81659.81, 0.0004234}, {95245.70, 0.0004306},
-        {112600.28, 0.0004384}};
+        { 35046.55, 0.0005466 }, { 37561.32, 0.0004806 }, { 39624.29, 0.0004532 }, { 41430.66, 0.0004393 },
+        { 43215.74, 0.0004305 }, { 45302.16, 0.0004252 }, { 47674.10, 0.0004231 }, { 50074.19, 0.0004232 },
+        { 52740.56, 0.0004240 }, { 55731.75, 0.0004238 }, { 59019.76, 0.0004222 }, { 62861.94, 0.0004197 },
+        { 67612.99, 0.0004180 }, { 73547.29, 0.0004189 }, { 81659.81, 0.0004234 }, { 95245.70, 0.0004306 },
+        { 112600.28, 0.0004384 } };
     resParams["DownMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Deuteron] = resParams["DownMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Proton];
     resParams["DownMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::BelowThreshold] =
@@ -627,101 +627,101 @@ namespace {
     resParams["DownCKTheta"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::BelowThreshold] =
     resParams["SeedMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Electron] = {
-        {3081.54, 0.0017868},  {4200.89, 0.0016434},  {5321.78, 0.0014234},   {6506.26, 0.0012337},
-        {7681.03, 0.0011090},  {8863.59, 0.0010454},  {10054.48, 0.0010232},  {11242.64, 0.0010209},
-        {12434.82, 0.0010223}, {13630.68, 0.0010188}, {14824.01, 0.0010090},  {16020.93, 0.0009962},
-        {17214.71, 0.0009853}, {18410.10, 0.0009860}, {19606.09, 0.0009901},  {20801.02, 0.0009969},
-        {21997.60, 0.0010000}, {23188.64, 0.0010047}, {24389.46, 0.0010097},  {25584.50, 0.0010145},
-        {26778.11, 0.0010180}, {27975.75, 0.0010249}, {29172.91, 0.0010297},  {30368.58, 0.0010324},
-        {31560.95, 0.0010366}, {32751.56, 0.0010404}, {33953.65, 0.0010433},  {35152.78, 0.0010501},
-        {36338.12, 0.0010591}, {37536.50, 0.0010641}, {38729.15, 0.0010682},  {39928.41, 0.0010705},
-        {41120.90, 0.0010726}, {42316.82, 0.0010802}, {43518.51, 0.0010908},  {44710.43, 0.0011082},
-        {45895.64, 0.0011192}, {47094.94, 0.0011331}, {48579.50, 0.0011478},  {50365.62, 0.0011564},
-        {52155.26, 0.0011703}, {54250.35, 0.0011851}, {56658.76, 0.0012017},  {59302.87, 0.0012216},
-        {62605.11, 0.0012477}, {66457.95, 0.0012836}, {70935.65, 0.0013340},  {76245.68, 0.0014037},
-        {83047.81, 0.0014953}, {92481.39, 0.0016075}, {106018.62, 0.0017304}, {117276.88, 0.0018396}};
+        { 3081.54, 0.0017868 },  { 4200.89, 0.0016434 },  { 5321.78, 0.0014234 },   { 6506.26, 0.0012337 },
+        { 7681.03, 0.0011090 },  { 8863.59, 0.0010454 },  { 10054.48, 0.0010232 },  { 11242.64, 0.0010209 },
+        { 12434.82, 0.0010223 }, { 13630.68, 0.0010188 }, { 14824.01, 0.0010090 },  { 16020.93, 0.0009962 },
+        { 17214.71, 0.0009853 }, { 18410.10, 0.0009860 }, { 19606.09, 0.0009901 },  { 20801.02, 0.0009969 },
+        { 21997.60, 0.0010000 }, { 23188.64, 0.0010047 }, { 24389.46, 0.0010097 },  { 25584.50, 0.0010145 },
+        { 26778.11, 0.0010180 }, { 27975.75, 0.0010249 }, { 29172.91, 0.0010297 },  { 30368.58, 0.0010324 },
+        { 31560.95, 0.0010366 }, { 32751.56, 0.0010404 }, { 33953.65, 0.0010433 },  { 35152.78, 0.0010501 },
+        { 36338.12, 0.0010591 }, { 37536.50, 0.0010641 }, { 38729.15, 0.0010682 },  { 39928.41, 0.0010705 },
+        { 41120.90, 0.0010726 }, { 42316.82, 0.0010802 }, { 43518.51, 0.0010908 },  { 44710.43, 0.0011082 },
+        { 45895.64, 0.0011192 }, { 47094.94, 0.0011331 }, { 48579.50, 0.0011478 },  { 50365.62, 0.0011564 },
+        { 52155.26, 0.0011703 }, { 54250.35, 0.0011851 }, { 56658.76, 0.0012017 },  { 59302.87, 0.0012216 },
+        { 62605.11, 0.0012477 }, { 66457.95, 0.0012836 }, { 70935.65, 0.0013340 },  { 76245.68, 0.0014037 },
+        { 83047.81, 0.0014953 }, { 92481.39, 0.0016075 }, { 106018.62, 0.0017304 }, { 117276.88, 0.0018396 } };
     resParams["SeedCKTheta"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Muon] = {
-        {0.0146721, 0.0032352}, {0.0175805, 0.0026865}, {0.0188320, 0.0024680}, {0.0196795, 0.0023566},
-        {0.0203085, 0.0022630}, {0.0208192, 0.0021650}, {0.0212713, 0.0020663}, {0.0216797, 0.0019759},
-        {0.0220849, 0.0018984}, {0.0225439, 0.0018326}, {0.0230043, 0.0017733}, {0.0234629, 0.0017145},
-        {0.0239226, 0.0016519}, {0.0243844, 0.0015861}, {0.0248440, 0.0015170}, {0.0253067, 0.0014445},
-        {0.0257641, 0.0013720}, {0.0262222, 0.0013040}, {0.0266827, 0.0012433}, {0.0271439, 0.0011898},
-        {0.0276033, 0.0011397}, {0.0280656, 0.0010869}, {0.0285212, 0.0010288}, {0.0289803, 0.0009784},
-        {0.0294156, 0.0009838}, {0.0297225, 0.0011611}};
+        { 0.0146721, 0.0032352 }, { 0.0175805, 0.0026865 }, { 0.0188320, 0.0024680 }, { 0.0196795, 0.0023566 },
+        { 0.0203085, 0.0022630 }, { 0.0208192, 0.0021650 }, { 0.0212713, 0.0020663 }, { 0.0216797, 0.0019759 },
+        { 0.0220849, 0.0018984 }, { 0.0225439, 0.0018326 }, { 0.0230043, 0.0017733 }, { 0.0234629, 0.0017145 },
+        { 0.0239226, 0.0016519 }, { 0.0243844, 0.0015861 }, { 0.0248440, 0.0015170 }, { 0.0253067, 0.0014445 },
+        { 0.0257641, 0.0013720 }, { 0.0262222, 0.0013040 }, { 0.0266827, 0.0012433 }, { 0.0271439, 0.0011898 },
+        { 0.0276033, 0.0011397 }, { 0.0280656, 0.0010869 }, { 0.0285212, 0.0010288 }, { 0.0289803, 0.0009784 },
+        { 0.0294156, 0.0009838 }, { 0.0297225, 0.0011611 } };
     resParams["SeedMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Muon] = {
-        {4304.66, 0.0027832},  {5352.65, 0.0019104},  {6505.73, 0.0014802},  {7676.71, 0.0012765},
-        {8862.44, 0.0011768},  {10052.91, 0.0011189}, {11244.36, 0.0010758}, {12437.09, 0.0010393},
-        {13630.07, 0.0010091}, {14828.57, 0.0009870}, {16024.21, 0.0009734}, {17211.35, 0.0009670},
-        {18411.73, 0.0009655}, {19608.20, 0.0009601}, {20793.98, 0.0009576}, {21985.71, 0.0009638},
-        {23196.42, 0.0009723}, {24381.51, 0.0009767}, {25581.19, 0.0009768}, {26761.03, 0.0009785},
-        {27960.22, 0.0009746}, {29170.76, 0.0009852}, {30357.30, 0.0009932}, {31549.31, 0.0009992},
-        {32758.19, 0.0010076}, {33947.93, 0.0010197}, {35135.85, 0.0010353}, {36594.76, 0.0010517},
-        {38426.79, 0.0010642}, {40477.08, 0.0010676}, {43239.92, 0.0010613}, {46963.22, 0.0010583},
-        {52833.10, 0.0010996}, {63854.63, 0.0012764}, {90777.79, 0.0017607}};
+        { 4304.66, 0.0027832 },  { 5352.65, 0.0019104 },  { 6505.73, 0.0014802 },  { 7676.71, 0.0012765 },
+        { 8862.44, 0.0011768 },  { 10052.91, 0.0011189 }, { 11244.36, 0.0010758 }, { 12437.09, 0.0010393 },
+        { 13630.07, 0.0010091 }, { 14828.57, 0.0009870 }, { 16024.21, 0.0009734 }, { 17211.35, 0.0009670 },
+        { 18411.73, 0.0009655 }, { 19608.20, 0.0009601 }, { 20793.98, 0.0009576 }, { 21985.71, 0.0009638 },
+        { 23196.42, 0.0009723 }, { 24381.51, 0.0009767 }, { 25581.19, 0.0009768 }, { 26761.03, 0.0009785 },
+        { 27960.22, 0.0009746 }, { 29170.76, 0.0009852 }, { 30357.30, 0.0009932 }, { 31549.31, 0.0009992 },
+        { 32758.19, 0.0010076 }, { 33947.93, 0.0010197 }, { 35135.85, 0.0010353 }, { 36594.76, 0.0010517 },
+        { 38426.79, 0.0010642 }, { 40477.08, 0.0010676 }, { 43239.92, 0.0010613 }, { 46963.22, 0.0010583 },
+        { 52833.10, 0.0010996 }, { 63854.63, 0.0012764 }, { 90777.79, 0.0017607 } };
     resParams["SeedCKTheta"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Pion] = {
-        {0.0107492, 0.0027579}, {0.0118634, 0.0030656}, {0.0126580, 0.0031962}, {0.0132851, 0.0032224},
-        {0.0138593, 0.0031911}, {0.0143768, 0.0031313}, {0.0148337, 0.0030601}, {0.0152364, 0.0029864},
-        {0.0156387, 0.0029143}, {0.0160407, 0.0028452}, {0.0164434, 0.0027791}, {0.0168455, 0.0027154},
-        {0.0172492, 0.0026533}, {0.0177094, 0.0025923}, {0.0181103, 0.0025319}, {0.0185164, 0.0024717},
-        {0.0189167, 0.0024113}, {0.0193203, 0.0023503}, {0.0197211, 0.0022882}, {0.0201238, 0.0022245},
-        {0.0205245, 0.0021586}, {0.0209328, 0.0020902}, {0.0213918, 0.0020189}, {0.0218514, 0.0019450},
-        {0.0223123, 0.0018690}, {0.0227742, 0.0017916}, {0.0232313, 0.0017141}, {0.0236922, 0.0016380},
-        {0.0241523, 0.0015648}, {0.0246118, 0.0014959}, {0.0250124, 0.0014320}, {0.0254188, 0.0013734},
-        {0.0258781, 0.0013194}, {0.0263390, 0.0012683}, {0.0268004, 0.0012179}, {0.0272606, 0.0011659},
-        {0.0277208, 0.0011113}, {0.0281818, 0.0010566}, {0.0286427, 0.0010102}, {0.0290963, 0.0009915},
-        {0.0295048, 0.0010360}};
+        { 0.0107492, 0.0027579 }, { 0.0118634, 0.0030656 }, { 0.0126580, 0.0031962 }, { 0.0132851, 0.0032224 },
+        { 0.0138593, 0.0031911 }, { 0.0143768, 0.0031313 }, { 0.0148337, 0.0030601 }, { 0.0152364, 0.0029864 },
+        { 0.0156387, 0.0029143 }, { 0.0160407, 0.0028452 }, { 0.0164434, 0.0027791 }, { 0.0168455, 0.0027154 },
+        { 0.0172492, 0.0026533 }, { 0.0177094, 0.0025923 }, { 0.0181103, 0.0025319 }, { 0.0185164, 0.0024717 },
+        { 0.0189167, 0.0024113 }, { 0.0193203, 0.0023503 }, { 0.0197211, 0.0022882 }, { 0.0201238, 0.0022245 },
+        { 0.0205245, 0.0021586 }, { 0.0209328, 0.0020902 }, { 0.0213918, 0.0020189 }, { 0.0218514, 0.0019450 },
+        { 0.0223123, 0.0018690 }, { 0.0227742, 0.0017916 }, { 0.0232313, 0.0017141 }, { 0.0236922, 0.0016380 },
+        { 0.0241523, 0.0015648 }, { 0.0246118, 0.0014959 }, { 0.0250124, 0.0014320 }, { 0.0254188, 0.0013734 },
+        { 0.0258781, 0.0013194 }, { 0.0263390, 0.0012683 }, { 0.0268004, 0.0012179 }, { 0.0272606, 0.0011659 },
+        { 0.0277208, 0.0011113 }, { 0.0281818, 0.0010566 }, { 0.0286427, 0.0010102 }, { 0.0290963, 0.0009915 },
+        { 0.0295048, 0.0010360 } };
     resParams["SeedMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Pion] = {
-        {4981.25, 0.0031990},   {6339.53, 0.0022550},   {7371.25, 0.0017331},   {8610.69, 0.0014498},
-        {9761.25, 0.0012937},   {10961.21, 0.0012017},  {12151.25, 0.0011412},  {13333.90, 0.0010970},
-        {14541.25, 0.0010633},  {15720.31, 0.0010379},  {16931.25, 0.0010198},  {18105.36, 0.0010080},
-        {19321.25, 0.0010007},  {20492.43, 0.0009937},  {21711.25, 0.0009914},  {22879.36, 0.0009893},
-        {24101.25, 0.0009912},  {25267.44, 0.0009938},  {26491.25, 0.0009939},  {27657.32, 0.0009953},
-        {28881.25, 0.0009970},  {30046.44, 0.0009993},  {31271.25, 0.0010030},  {32436.71, 0.0010070},
-        {33661.25, 0.0010108},  {34826.90, 0.0010164},  {36051.25, 0.0010213},  {37218.18, 0.0010271},
-        {38441.25, 0.0010325},  {39610.28, 0.0010386},  {40831.25, 0.0010451},  {42003.81, 0.0010533},
-        {43221.25, 0.0010620},  {44392.74, 0.0010674},  {45611.25, 0.0010750},  {46787.34, 0.0010804},
-        {48001.25, 0.0010869},  {49178.31, 0.0010899},  {50391.25, 0.0010946},  {51565.67, 0.0011019},
-        {52781.25, 0.0011094},  {53957.65, 0.0011183},  {55171.25, 0.0011326},  {56351.42, 0.0011478},
-        {57561.25, 0.0011612},  {58743.22, 0.0011733},  {59951.25, 0.0011811},  {61131.61, 0.0011899},
-        {62639.79, 0.0011971},  {63833.58, 0.0012079},  {65023.89, 0.0012149},  {66211.54, 0.0012237},
-        {67421.95, 0.0012347},  {68613.36, 0.0012489},  {69814.42, 0.0012621},  {71006.52, 0.0012693},
-        {72194.11, 0.0012819},  {73690.27, 0.0013004},  {75483.28, 0.0013172},  {77272.16, 0.0013210},
-        {79057.68, 0.0013300},  {80840.47, 0.0013547},  {82643.31, 0.0013652},  {84732.28, 0.0013757},
-        {87126.88, 0.0013893},  {89518.01, 0.0014096},  {91918.45, 0.0014384},  {94578.90, 0.0014751},
-        {97547.77, 0.0015155},  {100862.10, 0.0015528}, {104405.14, 0.0015801}, {108310.57, 0.0015962},
-        {112806.73, 0.0016153}, {117573.50, 0.0016822}};
+        { 4981.25, 0.0031990 },   { 6339.53, 0.0022550 },   { 7371.25, 0.0017331 },   { 8610.69, 0.0014498 },
+        { 9761.25, 0.0012937 },   { 10961.21, 0.0012017 },  { 12151.25, 0.0011412 },  { 13333.90, 0.0010970 },
+        { 14541.25, 0.0010633 },  { 15720.31, 0.0010379 },  { 16931.25, 0.0010198 },  { 18105.36, 0.0010080 },
+        { 19321.25, 0.0010007 },  { 20492.43, 0.0009937 },  { 21711.25, 0.0009914 },  { 22879.36, 0.0009893 },
+        { 24101.25, 0.0009912 },  { 25267.44, 0.0009938 },  { 26491.25, 0.0009939 },  { 27657.32, 0.0009953 },
+        { 28881.25, 0.0009970 },  { 30046.44, 0.0009993 },  { 31271.25, 0.0010030 },  { 32436.71, 0.0010070 },
+        { 33661.25, 0.0010108 },  { 34826.90, 0.0010164 },  { 36051.25, 0.0010213 },  { 37218.18, 0.0010271 },
+        { 38441.25, 0.0010325 },  { 39610.28, 0.0010386 },  { 40831.25, 0.0010451 },  { 42003.81, 0.0010533 },
+        { 43221.25, 0.0010620 },  { 44392.74, 0.0010674 },  { 45611.25, 0.0010750 },  { 46787.34, 0.0010804 },
+        { 48001.25, 0.0010869 },  { 49178.31, 0.0010899 },  { 50391.25, 0.0010946 },  { 51565.67, 0.0011019 },
+        { 52781.25, 0.0011094 },  { 53957.65, 0.0011183 },  { 55171.25, 0.0011326 },  { 56351.42, 0.0011478 },
+        { 57561.25, 0.0011612 },  { 58743.22, 0.0011733 },  { 59951.25, 0.0011811 },  { 61131.61, 0.0011899 },
+        { 62639.79, 0.0011971 },  { 63833.58, 0.0012079 },  { 65023.89, 0.0012149 },  { 66211.54, 0.0012237 },
+        { 67421.95, 0.0012347 },  { 68613.36, 0.0012489 },  { 69814.42, 0.0012621 },  { 71006.52, 0.0012693 },
+        { 72194.11, 0.0012819 },  { 73690.27, 0.0013004 },  { 75483.28, 0.0013172 },  { 77272.16, 0.0013210 },
+        { 79057.68, 0.0013300 },  { 80840.47, 0.0013547 },  { 82643.31, 0.0013652 },  { 84732.28, 0.0013757 },
+        { 87126.88, 0.0013893 },  { 89518.01, 0.0014096 },  { 91918.45, 0.0014384 },  { 94578.90, 0.0014751 },
+        { 97547.77, 0.0015155 },  { 100862.10, 0.0015528 }, { 104405.14, 0.0015801 }, { 108310.57, 0.0015962 },
+        { 112806.73, 0.0016153 }, { 117573.50, 0.0016822 } };
     resParams["SeedCKTheta"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Kaon] = {
-        {0.0110467, 0.0041839}, {0.0126749, 0.0042306}, {0.0138657, 0.0040704}, {0.0148444, 0.0038644},
-        {0.0157035, 0.0036853}, {0.0164484, 0.0035536}, {0.0170764, 0.0034633}, {0.0175926, 0.0033979},
-        {0.0180539, 0.0033405}, {0.0185153, 0.0032785}, {0.0189723, 0.0032053}, {0.0194291, 0.0031200},
-        {0.0198326, 0.0030257}, {0.0202392, 0.0029276}, {0.0206963, 0.0028310}, {0.0210967, 0.0027400},
-        {0.0215022, 0.0026567}, {0.0219038, 0.0025807}, {0.0223077, 0.0025068}, {0.0227106, 0.0024358},
-        {0.0231150, 0.0023649}, {0.0235730, 0.0022913}, {0.0239742, 0.0022135}, {0.0243746, 0.0021312},
-        {0.0247759, 0.0020459}, {0.0251823, 0.0019600}, {0.0256411, 0.0018771}, {0.0260435, 0.0018002},
-        {0.0264464, 0.0017316}, {0.0269030, 0.0016716}, {0.0273062, 0.0016192}, {0.0277066, 0.0015726},
-        {0.0281091, 0.0015336}, {0.0285601, 0.0015135}, {0.0290310, 0.0015443}, {0.0293563, 0.0016946}};
+        { 0.0110467, 0.0041839 }, { 0.0126749, 0.0042306 }, { 0.0138657, 0.0040704 }, { 0.0148444, 0.0038644 },
+        { 0.0157035, 0.0036853 }, { 0.0164484, 0.0035536 }, { 0.0170764, 0.0034633 }, { 0.0175926, 0.0033979 },
+        { 0.0180539, 0.0033405 }, { 0.0185153, 0.0032785 }, { 0.0189723, 0.0032053 }, { 0.0194291, 0.0031200 },
+        { 0.0198326, 0.0030257 }, { 0.0202392, 0.0029276 }, { 0.0206963, 0.0028310 }, { 0.0210967, 0.0027400 },
+        { 0.0215022, 0.0026567 }, { 0.0219038, 0.0025807 }, { 0.0223077, 0.0025068 }, { 0.0227106, 0.0024358 },
+        { 0.0231150, 0.0023649 }, { 0.0235730, 0.0022913 }, { 0.0239742, 0.0022135 }, { 0.0243746, 0.0021312 },
+        { 0.0247759, 0.0020459 }, { 0.0251823, 0.0019600 }, { 0.0256411, 0.0018771 }, { 0.0260435, 0.0018002 },
+        { 0.0264464, 0.0017316 }, { 0.0269030, 0.0016716 }, { 0.0273062, 0.0016192 }, { 0.0277066, 0.0015726 },
+        { 0.0281091, 0.0015336 }, { 0.0285601, 0.0015135 }, { 0.0290310, 0.0015443 }, { 0.0293563, 0.0016946 } };
     resParams["SeedMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Kaon] = {
-        {17970.46, 0.0041505}, {19039.63, 0.0038997}, {20228.52, 0.0035547}, {21409.64, 0.0032197},
-        {22608.00, 0.0029357}, {23799.20, 0.0027089}, {24992.32, 0.0025295}, {26188.92, 0.0023838},
-        {27380.57, 0.0022600}, {28570.60, 0.0021511}, {29767.67, 0.0020541}, {30969.38, 0.0019693},
-        {32157.53, 0.0018976}, {33351.00, 0.0018475}, {34554.42, 0.0018011}, {35739.09, 0.0017581},
-        {36944.44, 0.0017137}, {38130.37, 0.0016736}, {39337.45, 0.0016467}, {40527.31, 0.0016260},
-        {42020.56, 0.0016087}, {43791.68, 0.0015912}, {45868.60, 0.0015706}, {48261.83, 0.0015465},
-        {51194.10, 0.0015222}, {55100.30, 0.0015050}, {60052.10, 0.0015059}, {67591.81, 0.0015367},
-        {80354.76, 0.0016039}, {103030.88, 0.0016988}};
+        { 17970.46, 0.0041505 }, { 19039.63, 0.0038997 }, { 20228.52, 0.0035547 }, { 21409.64, 0.0032197 },
+        { 22608.00, 0.0029357 }, { 23799.20, 0.0027089 }, { 24992.32, 0.0025295 }, { 26188.92, 0.0023838 },
+        { 27380.57, 0.0022600 }, { 28570.60, 0.0021511 }, { 29767.67, 0.0020541 }, { 30969.38, 0.0019693 },
+        { 32157.53, 0.0018976 }, { 33351.00, 0.0018475 }, { 34554.42, 0.0018011 }, { 35739.09, 0.0017581 },
+        { 36944.44, 0.0017137 }, { 38130.37, 0.0016736 }, { 39337.45, 0.0016467 }, { 40527.31, 0.0016260 },
+        { 42020.56, 0.0016087 }, { 43791.68, 0.0015912 }, { 45868.60, 0.0015706 }, { 48261.83, 0.0015465 },
+        { 51194.10, 0.0015222 }, { 55100.30, 0.0015050 }, { 60052.10, 0.0015059 }, { 67591.81, 0.0015367 },
+        { 80354.76, 0.0016039 }, { 103030.88, 0.0016988 } };
     resParams["SeedCKTheta"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Proton] = {
-        {0.0117726, 0.0051539}, {0.0143218, 0.0048900}, {0.0161309, 0.0046269}, {0.0175596, 0.0043460},
-        {0.0186981, 0.0041002}, {0.0196731, 0.0039173}, {0.0205953, 0.0037829}, {0.0214481, 0.0036606},
-        {0.0221935, 0.0035177}, {0.0228882, 0.0033429}, {0.0235145, 0.0031483}, {0.0240914, 0.0029592},
-        {0.0246610, 0.0027974}, {0.0252351, 0.0026676}, {0.0258164, 0.0025530}, {0.0263299, 0.0024262},
-        {0.0267919, 0.0022713}, {0.0272510, 0.0021073}, {0.0277095, 0.0019872}, {0.0282237, 0.0019361},
-        {0.0286256, 0.0017714}};
+        { 0.0117726, 0.0051539 }, { 0.0143218, 0.0048900 }, { 0.0161309, 0.0046269 }, { 0.0175596, 0.0043460 },
+        { 0.0186981, 0.0041002 }, { 0.0196731, 0.0039173 }, { 0.0205953, 0.0037829 }, { 0.0214481, 0.0036606 },
+        { 0.0221935, 0.0035177 }, { 0.0228882, 0.0033429 }, { 0.0235145, 0.0031483 }, { 0.0240914, 0.0029592 },
+        { 0.0246610, 0.0027974 }, { 0.0252351, 0.0026676 }, { 0.0258164, 0.0025530 }, { 0.0263299, 0.0024262 },
+        { 0.0267919, 0.0022713 }, { 0.0272510, 0.0021073 }, { 0.0277095, 0.0019872 }, { 0.0282237, 0.0019361 },
+        { 0.0286256, 0.0017714 } };
     resParams["SeedMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Proton] = {
-        {34308.73, 0.0051408}, {36065.72, 0.0048569}, {37841.37, 0.0045459}, {39628.39, 0.0042445},
-        {41419.53, 0.0039903}, {43211.02, 0.0037961}, {45007.95, 0.0036490}, {46787.82, 0.0035213},
-        {48591.07, 0.0033858}, {50658.35, 0.0032271}, {53076.78, 0.0030447}, {55729.32, 0.0028758},
-        {58726.78, 0.0027185}, {61998.40, 0.0025786}, {65848.66, 0.0024535}, {70352.82, 0.0023336},
-        {75907.93, 0.0022063}, {83305.70, 0.0020658}, {93507.29, 0.0019277}, {109330.18, 0.0018501}};
+        { 34308.73, 0.0051408 }, { 36065.72, 0.0048569 }, { 37841.37, 0.0045459 }, { 39628.39, 0.0042445 },
+        { 41419.53, 0.0039903 }, { 43211.02, 0.0037961 }, { 45007.95, 0.0036490 }, { 46787.82, 0.0035213 },
+        { 48591.07, 0.0033858 }, { 50658.35, 0.0032271 }, { 53076.78, 0.0030447 }, { 55729.32, 0.0028758 },
+        { 58726.78, 0.0027185 }, { 61998.40, 0.0025786 }, { 65848.66, 0.0024535 }, { 70352.82, 0.0023336 },
+        { 75907.93, 0.0022063 }, { 83305.70, 0.0020658 }, { 93507.29, 0.0019277 }, { 109330.18, 0.0018501 } };
     resParams["SeedMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Deuteron] = resParams["SeedMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::Proton];
     resParams["SeedMomentum"][Rich::Rich2Gas][Rich::BelowThreshold] =
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichAverageDetectablePhotonYields.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichAverageDetectablePhotonYields.cpp
index a3b4946b0dfc66ea7629f978c6bce0f94d2bfcf4..d0d8c40e0f29ec0ecf9471b954b17859a1d467b9 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichAverageDetectablePhotonYields.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichAverageDetectablePhotonYields.cpp
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     class DetYieldsDataCache final {
       /// cached energy bin efficiences
-      RadiatorArray<std::array<ScType, NPhotonSpectraBins>> spectraEffs = {{{NaN}}};
+      RadiatorArray<std::array<ScType, NPhotonSpectraBins>> spectraEffs = { { { NaN } } };
       /// Constructor from Riches
@@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
         // Quartz window params
-        const RadiatorArray<double> qWinZSize{rich1.param<double>( "Rich1GasQuartzWindowThickness" ),
-                                              rich1.param<double>( "Rich1GasQuartzWindowThickness" ),
-                                              rich2.param<double>( "Rich2GasQuartzWindowThickness" )};
+        const RadiatorArray<double> qWinZSize{ rich1.param<double>( "Rich1GasQuartzWindowThickness" ),
+                                               rich1.param<double>( "Rich1GasQuartzWindowThickness" ),
+                                               rich2.param<double>( "Rich2GasQuartzWindowThickness" ) };
         // RICH for each radiator type
-        const RadiatorArray<const Detector::RichBase*> radToRich{&rich1, &rich1, &rich2};
+        const RadiatorArray<const Detector::RichBase*> radToRich{ &rich1, &rich1, &rich2 };
         // Loop over radiators
         for ( const auto rad : Rich::radiators() ) {
@@ -137,14 +137,14 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     AverageDetectablePhotonYields( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                             // data inputs
-                            {KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"EmittedSpectraLocation", PhotonSpectraLocation::Emitted},
-                             KeyValue{"MassHypothesisRingsLocation", MassHypoRingsLocation::Emitted},
-                             // conditions input
-                             KeyValue{"DataCache", DeRichLocations::derivedCondition( name + "-DataCache" )}},
+                            { KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "EmittedSpectraLocation", PhotonSpectraLocation::Emitted },
+                              KeyValue{ "MassHypothesisRingsLocation", MassHypoRingsLocation::Emitted },
+                              // conditions input
+                              KeyValue{ "DataCache", DeRichLocations::derivedCondition( name + "-DataCache" ) } },
                             // outputs
-                            {KeyValue{"DetectablePhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Detectable},
-                             KeyValue{"DetectablePhotonSpectraLocation", PhotonSpectraLocation::Detectable}} ) {
+                            { KeyValue{ "DetectablePhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Detectable },
+                              KeyValue{ "DetectablePhotonSpectraLocation", PhotonSpectraLocation::Detectable } } ) {
       // debug
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE ).ignore();
@@ -158,13 +158,13 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
         // derived data cache
         _ri_debug << "Declaring DetYieldsDataCache derived condition at '" << inputLocation<DetYieldsDataCache>() << "'"
                   << endmsg;
-        addConditionDerivation( {Detector::Rich1::DefaultConditionKey,           // input conditions locations
-                                 Detector::Rich2::DefaultConditionKey},          //
+        addConditionDerivation( { Detector::Rich1::DefaultConditionKey,          // input conditions locations
+                                  Detector::Rich2::DefaultConditionKey },        //
                                 inputLocation<DetYieldsDataCache>(),             // output location
                                 [minPhotEn = richPartProps()->minPhotonEnergy(), //
                                  maxPhotEn = richPartProps()->maxPhotonEnergy()] //
                                 ( const Detector::Rich1& rich1, const Detector::Rich2& rich2 ) {
-                                  return DetYieldsDataCache{rich1, rich2, minPhotEn, maxPhotEn};
+                                  return DetYieldsDataCache{ rich1, rich2, minPhotEn, maxPhotEn };
                                 } );
       } );
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
                         const PhotonSpectra::Vector&          emittedSpectra, //
                         const MassHypoRingsVector&            massRings,      //
                         const DetYieldsDataCache&             dataCache       //
-                        ) const override {
+    ) const override {
       // make the data to return
       OutData data;
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichConvertToSharedV1Tracks.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichConvertToSharedV1Tracks.cpp
index 2998b39adcd3dde442003ac365763ac047c0e297..6659a62b9322164dad9ea175f92c9646d2e7c558 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichConvertToSharedV1Tracks.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichConvertToSharedV1Tracks.cpp
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     TrackV1ToSelection( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                        // input
-                       KeyValue{"InTracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
+                       KeyValue{ "InTracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
                        // output
-                       KeyValue{"OutTracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default + "RichShared"} ) {
+                       KeyValue{ "OutTracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default + "RichShared" } ) {
       // Debug messages
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE );
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichDetailedTrSegMakerFromTracks.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichDetailedTrSegMakerFromTracks.cpp
index f8b2e8422bfbb16c65573765cfac38500a4dca2c..f027e7380a650f9250806d77fdbb753e1c71c77c 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichDetailedTrSegMakerFromTracks.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichDetailedTrSegMakerFromTracks.cpp
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
       /// Rich1 and Rich2 detector elements
-      DetectorArray<const Rich::Detector::RichBase*> riches = {{}};
+      DetectorArray<const Rich::Detector::RichBase*> riches = { {} };
       /// Pointers to RICH radiator detector elements
       Radiators radiators;
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
       SegMakerDetInfo( const Rich::Detector::Rich1&     rich1, //
                        const Rich::Detector::Rich2&     rich2, //
                        const Rich::RadiatorArray<bool>& usedRads ) {
-        riches = {&rich1, &rich2};
+        riches = { &rich1, &rich2 };
         radiators.reserve( Rich::NRiches );
         if ( usedRads[Rich::Rich1Gas] ) { radiators.push_back( &rich1.radiator() ); }
         if ( usedRads[Rich::Rich2Gas] ) { radiators.push_back( &rich2.radiator() ); }
@@ -124,16 +124,16 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     DetailedTrSegMakerFromTracks( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                             // data inputs
-                            {KeyValue{"TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                             // conditions input
-                             KeyValue{"DetectorCache", DeRichLocations::derivedCondition( name + "-DetectorCache" )},
-                             KeyValue{"RadiatorIntersects", Utils::RadIntersects::DefaultConditionKey},
-                             KeyValue{"TabulatedRefIndex", Utils::TabulatedRefIndex::DefaultConditionKey},
-                             KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
+                            { KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                              // conditions input
+                              KeyValue{ "DetectorCache", DeRichLocations::derivedCondition( name + "-DetectorCache" ) },
+                              KeyValue{ "RadiatorIntersects", Utils::RadIntersects::DefaultConditionKey },
+                              KeyValue{ "TabulatedRefIndex", Utils::TabulatedRefIndex::DefaultConditionKey },
+                              KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
                             // data outputs
-                            {KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"TrackToSegmentsLocation", Relations::TrackToSegmentsLocation::Initial},
-                             KeyValue{"SegmentToTrackLocation", Relations::SegmentToTrackLocation::Default}} ) {}
+                            { KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "TrackToSegmentsLocation", Relations::TrackToSegmentsLocation::Initial },
+                              KeyValue{ "SegmentToTrackLocation", Relations::SegmentToTrackLocation::Default } } ) {}
     /// Initialization after creation
     StatusCode initialize() override;
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
                             const Utils::RadIntersects&         radInter,    ///< Radiator intersects
                             const Utils::TabulatedRefIndex&     tabRefIndx,  ///< refractive index
                             DetectorElement const&              geometry     ///< geometry info
-                            ) const;
+    ) const;
     /** Extrapolate a state to a new z position
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
       LHCb::RichTrackSegment::StateErrors errors;
       Gaudi::XYZPoint                     point;
       Gaudi::XYZVector                    momentum;
-      bool                                status{false};
+      bool                                status{ false };
     /// Creates the middle point information
@@ -219,32 +219,33 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     // data caches
     /// Cache min radius^2 at exit
-    DetectorArray<double> m_minRadLengthSq = {{}};
+    DetectorArray<double> m_minRadLengthSq = { {} };
     // tools services etc.
     /// Magnetic Field Service
-    ServiceHandle<IMagneticFieldSvc> m_magFieldSvc{this, "MagneticFieldService", "MagneticFieldSvc"};
+    ServiceHandle<IMagneticFieldSvc> m_magFieldSvc{ this, "MagneticFieldService", "MagneticFieldSvc" };
     /// Track state provider
-    ToolHandle<const ITrackStateProvider> m_trStateP{this, "TrackStateProvider", "TrackStateProvider/StateProvider"};
+    ToolHandle<const ITrackStateProvider> m_trStateP{ this, "TrackStateProvider", "TrackStateProvider/StateProvider" };
     /// Track extrapolator ( Best options either TrackSTEPExtrapolator or TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator )
-    ToolHandle<const ITrackExtrapolator> m_trExt{this, "TrackExtrapolator", "TrackSTEPExtrapolator/TrackExtrapolator"};
+    ToolHandle<const ITrackExtrapolator> m_trExt{ this, "TrackExtrapolator",
+                                                  "TrackSTEPExtrapolator/TrackExtrapolator" };
     // properties
     /// Check for beam pipe intersections in each radiator ?
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_checkBeamP{this, "CheckBeamPipe", {true, false}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_checkBeamP{ this, "CheckBeamPipe", { true, false } };
     /// Allowable tolerance on state z positions
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_zTolerance{
-        {10 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 10 * Gaudi::Units::mm},
-        "Tolerances on the z positions of requested state positions in each RICH"};
+        { 10 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 10 * Gaudi::Units::mm },
+        "Tolerances on the z positions of requested state positions in each RICH" };
     /// Nominal z positions of states at RICHes
     Gaudi::Property<std::array<double, 2 * Rich::NRiches>> m_nomZstates{
@@ -256,51 +257,51 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
             9450 * Gaudi::Units::mm, ///< Place to look for Rich2 entry state
             11900 * Gaudi::Units::mm ///< Place to look for Rich2 exit state
-        "The z positions to look for state at the entry/exit of RICH1/RICH2."};
+        "The z positions to look for state at the entry/exit of RICH1/RICH2." };
     /// Shifts for mirror correction
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_mirrShift{
-        {35 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 150 * Gaudi::Units::cm},
-        "z shift values to move state to be on the 'inside' of the primary mirrors."};
+        { 35 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 150 * Gaudi::Units::cm },
+        "z shift values to move state to be on the 'inside' of the primary mirrors." };
     /// Sanity checks on state information
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minStateDiff{
-        {25 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 50 * Gaudi::Units::mm},
-        "Minimum difference in z between the final found entry and exit points."};
+        { 25 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 50 * Gaudi::Units::mm },
+        "Minimum difference in z between the final found entry and exit points." };
     /// Minimum state movement in z to bother with (RICH1,RICH2)
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minZmove{
-        {1 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 1 * Gaudi::Units::mm},
-        "Minimum state z shift to bother performing state extrapolation."};
+        { 1 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 1 * Gaudi::Units::mm },
+        "Minimum state z shift to bother performing state extrapolation." };
     /** Min z movement for full extrapolator treatment.
      *  Below this, just basic linear extrapolation. (RICH1,RICH2) */
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_linZmove{
-        {30 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 30 * Gaudi::Units::mm},
-        "Minimum z shift to use state extrapolator. Otherwise a basic linear extrapolation is used."};
+        { 30 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 30 * Gaudi::Units::mm },
+        "Minimum z shift to use state extrapolator. Otherwise a basic linear extrapolation is used." };
     /// Min radius at exit for each radiator
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minRadLength{this,
-                                                          "MinRadiatorPathLength",
-                                                          {500 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 1500 * Gaudi::Units::mm},
-                                                          "Minimum path length in each RICH radiator volume."};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minRadLength{ this,
+                                                           "MinRadiatorPathLength",
+                                                           { 500 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 1500 * Gaudi::Units::mm },
+                                                           "Minimum path length in each RICH radiator volume." };
     /// Flag to turn on/off the use of the TrackStateProvider to create missing states
     Gaudi::Property<bool> m_createMissingStates{
         this, "CreateMissingStates", false,
-        "Activate the creation of missing states at requested z position using state provider tool."};
+        "Activate the creation of missing states at requested z position using state provider tool." };
     /// Use the State provider instead of the extrapolator to move states
     Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useStateProvider{
-        this, "UseStateProvider", false, "Use the state provider tool instead of extrapolation tool to move states."};
+        this, "UseStateProvider", false, "Use the state provider tool instead of extrapolation tool to move states." };
     /** Flag to turn on extrapolating both first and last states, and taking an average
      *  when creating the middle point information. Default (false) is to just use
@@ -308,62 +309,62 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_useBothStatesForMiddle{
-        {false, false},
+        { false, false },
         "Use an average of the entry and exit state information when computing the middle point state. "
-        "Default is to just use the entry state."};
+        "Default is to just use the entry state." };
     /** Radiator middle point z fraction. Value gives the fraction of the trajectory from the entry
      *  to the exit point to use for the 'middle' point. So 0.5 means mid point, 0.1 is closer to
      *  the entry point and 0.9 closer to the exit point. */
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_midPointZFrac{
-        this, "MiddlePointZFraction", {0.5, 0.5}, "Radiator middle point z fraction."};
+        this, "MiddlePointZFraction", { 0.5, 0.5 }, "Radiator middle point z fraction." };
     /// Maximum momentum to 'finesse' state info to take any curvature into account
     Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxPstateFinesse{
-        {10 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 10 * Gaudi::Units::GeV},
+        { 10 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 10 * Gaudi::Units::GeV },
         "Maximum track momentum value in RICH1/RICH2 to perform a finessing of the radiator intersections "
-        "to account for track curvature."};
+        "to account for track curvature." };
     /// Max number tracks GEC
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxTracks{this, "MaxTracks", std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max(),
-                                              "Maximum input track global event cut."};
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxTracks{ this, "MaxTracks", std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max(),
+                                               "Maximum input track global event cut." };
     /// Overall Min monentum cut
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minP{this,
-                                                  "MinP",
-                                                  {0.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 0.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV},
-                                                  "Minimum track momentum (GeV/c) in RICH1/RICH2"};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minP{ this,
+                                                   "MinP",
+                                                   { 0.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 0.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV },
+                                                   "Minimum track momentum (GeV/c) in RICH1/RICH2" };
     /// Overall Max monentum cut
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxP{this,
-                                                  "MaxP",
-                                                  {9e9 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 9e9 * Gaudi::Units::GeV},
-                                                  "Maximum track momentum (GeV/c) in RICH1/RICH2"};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxP{ this,
+                                                   "MaxP",
+                                                   { 9e9 * Gaudi::Units::GeV, 9e9 * Gaudi::Units::GeV },
+                                                   "Maximum track momentum (GeV/c) in RICH1/RICH2" };
     /// Minimum track transerve momentum
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPt{this, "MinPt", 0.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV,
-                                    "Minimum transerve momentum (GeV/c) in RICH1/RICH2"};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPt{ this, "MinPt", 0.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV,
+                                     "Minimum transerve momentum (GeV/c) in RICH1/RICH2" };
     // messaging
     /// empty relations table
-    mutable WarningCounter m_TkGecWarn{this, "Too many tracks -> Processing aborted"};
+    mutable WarningCounter m_TkGecWarn{ this, "Too many tracks -> Processing aborted" };
     /// Create missing entry state
-    mutable WarningCounter m_createMissingEntrState{this, "Creating missing entry State"};
+    mutable WarningCounter m_createMissingEntrState{ this, "Creating missing entry State" };
     /// Create missing exit state
-    mutable WarningCounter m_createMissingExitState{this, "Creating missing exit State"};
+    mutable WarningCounter m_createMissingExitState{ this, "Creating missing exit State" };
     /// Failed to find entry state
-    mutable WarningCounter m_failedEntryState{this, "Failed to find appropriate entry State"};
+    mutable WarningCounter m_failedEntryState{ this, "Failed to find appropriate entry State" };
     /// Failed to find exit state
-    mutable WarningCounter m_failedExitState{this, "Failed to find appropriate exit State"};
+    mutable WarningCounter m_failedExitState{ this, "Failed to find appropriate exit State" };
     /// Problem getting State from Track
-    mutable ErrorCounter m_stateFromTrackErr{this, "Problem getting track state"};
+    mutable ErrorCounter m_stateFromTrackErr{ this, "Problem getting track state" };
 } // namespace Rich::Future::Rec
@@ -417,12 +418,12 @@ StatusCode DetailedTrSegMakerFromTracks::initialize() {
   // derived condition data
   Detector::Rich1::addConditionDerivation( this );
   Detector::Rich2::addConditionDerivation( this );
-  addConditionDerivation( {Detector::Rich1::DefaultConditionKey,                         // inputs
-                           Detector::Rich2::DefaultConditionKey},                        //
+  addConditionDerivation( { Detector::Rich1::DefaultConditionKey,                        // inputs
+                            Detector::Rich2::DefaultConditionKey },                      //
                           inputLocation<SegMakerDetInfo>(),                              // output
                           [usedRads = radiatorIsActive()]( const Detector::Rich1& rich1, //
                                                            const Detector::Rich2& rich2 ) {
-                            return SegMakerDetInfo{rich1, rich2, usedRads};
+                            return SegMakerDetInfo{ rich1, rich2, usedRads };
                           } );
   Utils::RadIntersects::addConditionDerivation( this );
   Utils::TabulatedRefIndex::addConditionDerivation( this );
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichDetectablePhotonYields.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichDetectablePhotonYields.cpp
index 924b513fbdb5eda9304372a60b9bda9af7edd811..267427fc4d4ac3cecf428e8d9bee206521bb62a1 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichDetectablePhotonYields.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichDetectablePhotonYields.cpp
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     class DetYieldsDataCache final {
       /// Rich pointers
-      DetectorArray<const Rich::Detector::RichBase*> riches = {{}};
+      DetectorArray<const Rich::Detector::RichBase*> riches = { {} };
       /// cached energy bin efficiences
-      RadiatorArray<std::array<ScType, NPhotonSpectraBins>> spectraEffs = {{{NaN}}};
+      RadiatorArray<std::array<ScType, NPhotonSpectraBins>> spectraEffs = { { { NaN } } };
       /// Constructor from Riches
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
                           const Rich::DetectorArray<float> maxPhotEn ) {
         // cache riches
-        riches = {&rich1, &rich2};
+        riches = { &rich1, &rich2 };
 #ifdef USE_DD4HEP
         // PMT Eff.
@@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
         // Quartz window params
-        const RadiatorArray<double> qWinZSize{rich1.param<double>( "Rich1GasQuartzWindowThickness" ),
-                                              rich1.param<double>( "Rich1GasQuartzWindowThickness" ),
-                                              rich2.param<double>( "Rich2GasQuartzWindowThickness" )};
+        const RadiatorArray<double> qWinZSize{ rich1.param<double>( "Rich1GasQuartzWindowThickness" ),
+                                               rich1.param<double>( "Rich1GasQuartzWindowThickness" ),
+                                               rich2.param<double>( "Rich2GasQuartzWindowThickness" ) };
         // Loop over radiators
         for ( const auto rad : Rich::radiators() ) {
@@ -194,14 +194,14 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     DetectablePhotonYields( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                             // data inputs
-                            {KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"EmittedSpectraLocation", PhotonSpectraLocation::Emitted},
-                             KeyValue{"MassHypothesisRingsLocation", MassHypoRingsLocation::Emitted},
-                             // conditions input
-                             KeyValue{"DataCache", DeRichLocations::derivedCondition( name + "-DataCache" )}},
+                            { KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "EmittedSpectraLocation", PhotonSpectraLocation::Emitted },
+                              KeyValue{ "MassHypothesisRingsLocation", MassHypoRingsLocation::Emitted },
+                              // conditions input
+                              KeyValue{ "DataCache", DeRichLocations::derivedCondition( name + "-DataCache" ) } },
                             // outputs
-                            {KeyValue{"DetectablePhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Detectable},
-                             KeyValue{"DetectablePhotonSpectraLocation", PhotonSpectraLocation::Detectable}} ) {
+                            { KeyValue{ "DetectablePhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Detectable },
+                              KeyValue{ "DetectablePhotonSpectraLocation", PhotonSpectraLocation::Detectable } } ) {
       // debug
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE ).ignore();
@@ -215,13 +215,13 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
         // derived data cache
         _ri_debug << "Declaring DetYieldsDataCache derived condition at '" << inputLocation<DetYieldsDataCache>() << "'"
                   << endmsg;
-        addConditionDerivation( {Detector::Rich1::DefaultConditionKey,           // input conditions locations
-                                 Detector::Rich2::DefaultConditionKey},          //
+        addConditionDerivation( { Detector::Rich1::DefaultConditionKey,          // input conditions locations
+                                  Detector::Rich2::DefaultConditionKey },        //
                                 inputLocation<DetYieldsDataCache>(),             // output location
                                 [minPhotEn = richPartProps()->minPhotonEnergy(), //
                                  maxPhotEn = richPartProps()->maxPhotonEnergy()] //
                                 ( const Detector::Rich1& r1, const Detector::Rich2& r2 ) {
-                                  return DetYieldsDataCache{r1, r2, minPhotEn, maxPhotEn};
+                                  return DetYieldsDataCache{ r1, r2, minPhotEn, maxPhotEn };
                                 } );
       } );
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
                         const PhotonSpectra::Vector&          emittedSpectra, //
                         const MassHypoRingsVector&            massRings,      //
                         const DetYieldsDataCache&             dataCache       //
-                        ) const override {
+    ) const override {
       // make the data to return
       OutData data;
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
           if ( !rings[id].empty() ) {
             // Collect the signal info for this ring
-            std::uint32_t totalInPD{0};
+            std::uint32_t totalInPD{ 0 };
@@ -318,10 +318,10 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
                     if ( !pdCount.empty() ) {
                       for ( const auto& PD : pdCount ) {
                         // add up Q.E. eff
-                        pdQEEff += ( ScType )( PD.second ) * ( ScType )( *( PD.first->pdQuantumEff() ) )[energy];
+                        pdQEEff += (ScType)( PD.second ) * (ScType)( *( PD.first->pdQuantumEff() ) )[energy];
                       // normalise the result (and scale from % to fraction)
-                      pdQEEff /= ( ScType )( 100 * totalInPD );
+                      pdQEEff /= (ScType)( 100 * totalInPD );
                     } else {
                       pdQEEff = 1.0;
@@ -332,10 +332,10 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
                     if ( !primMirrCount.empty() ) {
                       for ( const auto& PM : primMirrCount ) {
                         // add up mirror refl.
-                        primMirrRefl += ( ScType )( PM.second ) * ( ScType )( *( PM.first->reflectivity() ) )[energy];
+                        primMirrRefl += (ScType)( PM.second ) * (ScType)( *( PM.first->reflectivity() ) )[energy];
                       // normalise the result
-                      primMirrRefl /= ( ScType )( totalInPD );
+                      primMirrRefl /= (ScType)( totalInPD );
                     } else {
                       primMirrRefl = 1.0;
@@ -346,10 +346,10 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
                     if ( !secMirrCount.empty() ) {
                       for ( const auto& SM : secMirrCount ) {
                         // add up mirror refl.
-                        secMirrRefl += ( ScType )( SM.second ) * ( ScType )( *( SM.first->reflectivity() ) )[energy];
+                        secMirrRefl += (ScType)( SM.second ) * (ScType)( *( SM.first->reflectivity() ) )[energy];
                       // normalise the result
-                      secMirrRefl /= ( ScType )( totalInPD );
+                      secMirrRefl /= (ScType)( totalInPD );
                     } else {
                       secMirrRefl = 1.0;
@@ -393,13 +393,13 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     // messaging
     /// No PDs found
-    mutable WarningCounter m_warnNoPDs{this, "No PDs found -> Assuming Av. PD Q.E. of 1"};
+    mutable WarningCounter m_warnNoPDs{ this, "No PDs found -> Assuming Av. PD Q.E. of 1" };
     /// No primary mirrors found
-    mutable WarningCounter m_warnNoPrimMirrs{this, "No primary mirrors found -> Assuming Av. reflectivity of 1"};
+    mutable WarningCounter m_warnNoPrimMirrs{ this, "No primary mirrors found -> Assuming Av. reflectivity of 1" };
     /// No secondary mirrors found
-    mutable WarningCounter m_warnNoSecMirrs{this, "No secondary mirrors found -> Assuming Av. reflectivity of 1"};
+    mutable WarningCounter m_warnNoSecMirrs{ this, "No secondary mirrors found -> Assuming Av. reflectivity of 1" };
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichEmittedPhotonYields.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichEmittedPhotonYields.cpp
index df3de42715e83703cd0f33e5b0bcfd2e10f169cb..a332b7e9f69854c6e4a6b29a9d61848e1251e26b 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichEmittedPhotonYields.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichEmittedPhotonYields.cpp
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
       /// Cache the 'paraW' calculation for each energy bin and radiator
-      RadiatorArray<std::array<double, NPhotonSpectraBins>> paraWDiff = {{{NaN}}};
+      RadiatorArray<std::array<double, NPhotonSpectraBins>> paraWDiff = { { { NaN } } };
       /// Min photon energies for each RICH
-      DetectorArray<float> minPhotEnergy = {{NaN}};
+      DetectorArray<float> minPhotEnergy = { { NaN } };
       /// Max photon energies for each RICH
-      DetectorArray<float> maxPhotEnergy = {{NaN}};
+      DetectorArray<float> maxPhotEnergy = { { NaN } };
       /// Constructor from RICH1 and min/max photon energies
@@ -63,26 +63,26 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
           : minPhotEnergy( minPhotEn ), maxPhotEnergy( maxPhotEn ) {
         // Load radiator sellmeir parameters
-        const RadiatorArray<double> selF1        = {2.653, rich1.param<double>( "SellC4F10F1Param" ),
-                                             rich1.param<double>( "SellCF4F1Param" )};
-        const RadiatorArray<double> selF2        = {13.075, rich1.param<double>( "SellC4F10F2Param" ),
-                                             rich1.param<double>( "SellCF4F2Param" )};
-        const RadiatorArray<double> selE1        = {10.666, rich1.param<double>( "SellC4F10E1Param" ),
-                                             rich1.param<double>( "SellCF4E1Param" )};
-        const RadiatorArray<double> selE2        = {18.125, rich1.param<double>( "SellC4F10E2Param" ),
-                                             rich1.param<double>( "SellCF4E2Param" )};
-        const RadiatorArray<double> molW         = {0, rich1.param<double>( "GasMolWeightC4F10Param" ),
-                                            rich1.param<double>( "GasMolWeightCF4Param" )};
-        const RadiatorArray<double> rho          = {0, rich1.param<double>( "RhoEffectiveSellC4F10Param" ),
-                                           rich1.param<double>( "RhoEffectiveSellCF4Param" )};
+        const RadiatorArray<double> selF1        = { 2.653, rich1.param<double>( "SellC4F10F1Param" ),
+                                                     rich1.param<double>( "SellCF4F1Param" ) };
+        const RadiatorArray<double> selF2        = { 13.075, rich1.param<double>( "SellC4F10F2Param" ),
+                                                     rich1.param<double>( "SellCF4F2Param" ) };
+        const RadiatorArray<double> selE1        = { 10.666, rich1.param<double>( "SellC4F10E1Param" ),
+                                                     rich1.param<double>( "SellCF4E1Param" ) };
+        const RadiatorArray<double> selE2        = { 18.125, rich1.param<double>( "SellC4F10E2Param" ),
+                                                     rich1.param<double>( "SellCF4E2Param" ) };
+        const RadiatorArray<double> molW         = { 0, rich1.param<double>( "GasMolWeightC4F10Param" ),
+                                                     rich1.param<double>( "GasMolWeightCF4Param" ) };
+        const RadiatorArray<double> rho          = { 0, rich1.param<double>( "RhoEffectiveSellC4F10Param" ),
+                                                     rich1.param<double>( "RhoEffectiveSellCF4Param" ) };
         const auto                  selLorGasFac = rich1.param<double>( "SellLorGasFacParam" );
         // data caches
-        RadiatorArray<double> RXSPscale = {{}};
-        RadiatorArray<double> RXSMscale = {{}};
-        RadiatorArray<double> REP       = {{}};
-        RadiatorArray<double> REM       = {{}};
-        RadiatorArray<double> X         = {{}};
+        RadiatorArray<double> RXSPscale = { {} };
+        RadiatorArray<double> RXSMscale = { {} };
+        RadiatorArray<double> REP       = { {} };
+        RadiatorArray<double> REM       = { {} };
+        RadiatorArray<double> X         = { {} };
         // Initialise the calculations and cache as much as possible for efficiency
         for ( const auto rad : Rich::radiators() ) {
@@ -151,12 +151,12 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     EmittedPhotonYields( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                             // data inputs
-                            {KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                             // conditions input
-                             KeyValue{"DataCache", DeRichLocations::derivedCondition( name + "-DataCache" )}},
+                            { KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                              // conditions input
+                              KeyValue{ "DataCache", DeRichLocations::derivedCondition( name + "-DataCache" ) } },
                             // data outputs
-                            {KeyValue{"EmittedPhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Emitted},
-                             KeyValue{"EmittedPhotonSpectraLocation", PhotonSpectraLocation::Emitted}} ) {
+                            { KeyValue{ "EmittedPhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Emitted },
+                              KeyValue{ "EmittedPhotonSpectraLocation", PhotonSpectraLocation::Emitted } } ) {
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE );
@@ -168,12 +168,12 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
         for ( const auto pid : Rich::particles() ) { m_particleMassSq[pid] = richPartProps()->massSq( pid ); }
         // derived data cache
         Detector::Rich1::addConditionDerivation( this );
-        addConditionDerivation( {Detector::Rich1::DefaultConditionKey},          //
+        addConditionDerivation( { Detector::Rich1::DefaultConditionKey },        //
                                 inputLocation<EmitYieldCache>(),                 //
                                 [minPhotEn = richPartProps()->minPhotonEnergy(), //
                                  maxPhotEn = richPartProps()->maxPhotonEnergy()] //
                                 ( const Detector::Rich1& rich1 ) {
-                                  return EmitYieldCache{rich1, minPhotEn, maxPhotEn};
+                                  return EmitYieldCache{ rich1, minPhotEn, maxPhotEn };
                                 } );
       } );
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     /// particle hypothesis masses squared
-    ParticleArray<double> m_particleMassSq = {{NaN}};
+    ParticleArray<double> m_particleMassSq = { { NaN } };
 } // namespace Rich::Future::Rec
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichGeomEffCKMassRings.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichGeomEffCKMassRings.cpp
index b64730230a7cb1d060a84e304eb60dabbf695372..806863b3b5fa0facd3085b8da8b668d6a830a181 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichGeomEffCKMassRings.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichGeomEffCKMassRings.cpp
@@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     GeomEffCKMassRings( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                             // inputs
-                            {KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Emitted},
-                             KeyValue{"MassHypothesisRingsLocation", MassHypoRingsLocation::Emitted}},
+                            { KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Emitted },
+                              KeyValue{ "MassHypothesisRingsLocation", MassHypoRingsLocation::Emitted } },
                             // outputs
-                            {KeyValue{"GeomEffsLocation", GeomEffsLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"GeomEffsPerPDLocation", GeomEffsPerPDLocation::Default},
-                             KeyValue{"SegmentPhotonFlagsLocation", SegmentPhotonFlagsLocation::Default}} ) {}
+                            { KeyValue{ "GeomEffsLocation", GeomEffsLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "GeomEffsPerPDLocation", GeomEffsPerPDLocation::Default },
+                              KeyValue{ "SegmentPhotonFlagsLocation", SegmentPhotonFlagsLocation::Default } } ) {}
     /// Algorithm execution via transform
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichRayTraceCherenkovCones.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichRayTraceCherenkovCones.cpp
index d0793f4fc3170efc3644837a3f1c06d3e80dc877..c1ba821db70510a50f95f1f437616863d60dabb9 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichRayTraceCherenkovCones.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichRayTraceCherenkovCones.cpp
@@ -120,14 +120,14 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     RayTraceCherenkovCones( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                        // data inputs
-                       {KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Emitted},
-                        // input conditions data
-                        KeyValue{"RichSmartIDs", Utils::RichSmartIDs::DefaultConditionKey},
-                        KeyValue{"RichRayTracing", Utils::RayTracing::DefaultConditionKey},
-                        KeyValue{"TabulatedRefIndex", Utils::TabulatedRefIndex::DefaultConditionKey}},
+                       { KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "CherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Emitted },
+                         // input conditions data
+                         KeyValue{ "RichSmartIDs", Utils::RichSmartIDs::DefaultConditionKey },
+                         KeyValue{ "RichRayTracing", Utils::RayTracing::DefaultConditionKey },
+                         KeyValue{ "TabulatedRefIndex", Utils::TabulatedRefIndex::DefaultConditionKey } },
                        // data output
-                       {KeyValue{"MassHypothesisRingsLocation", MassHypoRingsLocation::Emitted}} ) {
+                       { KeyValue{ "MassHypothesisRingsLocation", MassHypoRingsLocation::Emitted } } ) {
       // debugging
       //   setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE ).ignore();
@@ -150,35 +150,35 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     alignas( LHCb::SIMD::VectorAlignment ) std::array<CosSinPhi<SIMDFP>::Vector, AbsMaxRingPointsSIMD + 1> m_cosSinPhiV;
     /// Cached trace modes for each RICH
-    DetectorArray<LHCb::RichTraceMode> m_traceModeRICH = {{}};
+    DetectorArray<LHCb::RichTraceMode> m_traceModeRICH = { {} };
     /// Maximum number of SIMD points to ray trace on each ring, for each RICH
-    DetectorArray<unsigned int> m_nPointsMaxSIMD = {{}};
+    DetectorArray<unsigned int> m_nPointsMaxSIMD = { {} };
     /// Minimum number of points to ray trace on each ring, for each RICH
-    DetectorArray<unsigned int> m_nPointsMinSIMD = {{}};
+    DetectorArray<unsigned int> m_nPointsMinSIMD = { {} };
     // properties
     /// Minimum number of points to ray trace on each ring, for each RICH
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<unsigned int>> m_nPointsMin{this, "NRingPointsMin", {16u, 16u}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<unsigned int>> m_nPointsMin{ this, "NRingPointsMin", { 16u, 16u } };
     /// Maximum number of points to ray trace on each ring, for each RICH
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<unsigned int>> m_nPointsMax{this, "NRingPointsMax", {96u, 96u}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<unsigned int>> m_nPointsMax{ this, "NRingPointsMax", { 96u, 96u } };
     /// Tolerence (in %) for creating new CK rings.
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_newCKRingTol{this, "NewCKRingTol", {0.05f, 0.1f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_newCKRingTol{ this, "NewCKRingTol", { 0.05f, 0.1f } };
     /// Flag to turn on or off checking of intersections with beampipe
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_checkBeamPipe{this, "CheckBeamPipe", false};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_checkBeamPipe{ this, "CheckBeamPipe", false };
     /// Flag to switch between simple or detail HPD description in ray tracing
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useDetailedHPDsForRayT{this, "UseDetailedHPDs", false};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useDetailedHPDsForRayT{ this, "UseDetailedHPDs", false };
     /** Bailout fraction. If no ray tracings have worked after this
      *  fraction have been perfromed, then give up */
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_bailoutFrac{this, "BailoutFraction", {0.75f, 0.75f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_bailoutFrac{ this, "BailoutFraction", { 0.75f, 0.75f } };
 } // namespace Rich::Future::Rec
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ RayTraceCherenkovCones::operator()( const LHCb::RichTrackSegment::Vector& segmen
   // cache the CK ring tolerance values, using tol. fraction and nom. saturated CK theta values
   const DetectorArray<float> ckTol{
       m_newCKRingTol[Rich::Rich1] * refIndex.nominalSaturatedCherenkovTheta( Rich::Rich1Gas ), //
-      m_newCKRingTol[Rich::Rich2] * refIndex.nominalSaturatedCherenkovTheta( Rich::Rich2Gas )};
+      m_newCKRingTol[Rich::Rich2] * refIndex.nominalSaturatedCherenkovTheta( Rich::Rich2Gas ) };
   // loop over the input data
   for ( const auto&& [segment, ckTheta] : Ranges::ConstZip( segments, ckAngles ) ) {
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ RayTraceCherenkovCones::operator()( const LHCb::RichTrackSegment::Vector& segmen
       // cache hypo for last ring created.
       auto lastRingHypo = lightestActiveHypo();
       // number of values in current average
-      unsigned int nAverage{0};
+      unsigned int nAverage{ 0 };
       // set the grouped average CK theta values to use
       for ( const auto id : activeParticlesNoBT() ) {
         if ( id != lightestActiveHypo() &&                           // always make new ring for lightest (first) hypo
@@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ RayTraceCherenkovCones::operator()( const LHCb::RichTrackSegment::Vector& segmen
             for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < SIMDFP::Size; ++i ) {
               // Add a new point
-              ring.emplace_back( Gaudi::XYZPoint{gP.X()[i], gP.Y()[i], gP.Z()[i]},           //
-                                 Gaudi::XYZPoint{lP.X()[i], lP.Y()[i], lP.Z()[i]},           //
+              ring.emplace_back( Gaudi::XYZPoint{ gP.X()[i], gP.Y()[i], gP.Z()[i] },         //
+                                 Gaudi::XYZPoint{ lP.X()[i], lP.Y()[i], lP.Z()[i] },         //
                                  res.smartID[i],                                             //
                                  ( RayTracedCKRingPoint::Acceptance )( (int)res.result[i] ), //
                                  res.primaryMirror[i],                                       //
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichRayTraceTrackGlobalPoints.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichRayTraceTrackGlobalPoints.cpp
index 864ab36e24328fbce958ec870150e8e7833153bc..85fec2f6253102281a90ccb8ac4dbda75a607782 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichRayTraceTrackGlobalPoints.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichRayTraceTrackGlobalPoints.cpp
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     RayTraceTrackGlobalPoints( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                        // data inputs
-                       {KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                        // input conditions data
-                        KeyValue{"RichRayTracing", Utils::RayTracing::DefaultConditionKey}},
+                       { KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                         // input conditions data
+                         KeyValue{ "RichRayTracing", Utils::RayTracing::DefaultConditionKey } },
                        // outputs
-                       {KeyValue{"TrackGlobalPointsLocation", SpacePointLocation::SegmentsGlobal}} ) {
+                       { KeyValue{ "TrackGlobalPointsLocation", SpacePointLocation::SegmentsGlobal } } ) {
       // init
       m_traceMode.fill( LHCb::RichTraceMode( LHCb::RichTraceMode::DetectorPlaneBoundary::IgnorePDAcceptance ) );
       // debugging
@@ -78,10 +78,10 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     /// Cached trace modes for each RICH
-    DetectorArray<LHCb::RichTraceMode> m_traceMode = {{}};
+    DetectorArray<LHCb::RichTraceMode> m_traceMode = { {} };
     /// Cached forced trace modes for each radiator
-    DetectorArray<LHCb::RichTraceMode> m_fTraceMode = {{}};
+    DetectorArray<LHCb::RichTraceMode> m_fTraceMode = { {} };
 } // namespace Rich::Future::Rec
@@ -128,11 +128,11 @@ RayTraceTrackGlobalPoints::operator()( const LHCb::RichTrackSegment::Vector& seg
       // left/top
       result          = rayTrace.traceToDetector( rich, trackPtn, trackDir, photon, m_fTraceMode[rich], Rich::left );
-      const auto lPos = ( m_fTraceMode[rich].traceWasOK( result ) ? photon.detectionPoint() : SpacePoint{0, 0, 0} );
+      const auto lPos = ( m_fTraceMode[rich].traceWasOK( result ) ? photon.detectionPoint() : SpacePoint{ 0, 0, 0 } );
       // right/bottom
       result          = rayTrace.traceToDetector( rich, trackPtn, trackDir, photon, m_fTraceMode[rich], Rich::right );
-      const auto rPos = ( m_fTraceMode[rich].traceWasOK( result ) ? photon.detectionPoint() : SpacePoint{0, 0, 0} );
+      const auto rPos = ( m_fTraceMode[rich].traceWasOK( result ) ? photon.detectionPoint() : SpacePoint{ 0, 0, 0 } );
       // save the data
       points.emplace_back( bestPoint, lPos, rPos, bestSide, closestPD );
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichRayTraceTrackLocalPoints.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichRayTraceTrackLocalPoints.cpp
index 2aff3b56571e9250e522dfed67f08708018aaac5..7fc4a1d3445d56b81627a1e86542edae397680b7 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichRayTraceTrackLocalPoints.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichRayTraceTrackLocalPoints.cpp
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     RayTraceTrackLocalPoints( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                        // input data
-                       {KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"TrackGlobalPointsLocation", SpacePointLocation::SegmentsGlobal},
-                        // input conditions data
-                        KeyValue{"RichSmartIDs", Rich::Utils::RichSmartIDs::DefaultConditionKey}},
+                       { KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "TrackGlobalPointsLocation", SpacePointLocation::SegmentsGlobal },
+                         // input conditions data
+                         KeyValue{ "RichSmartIDs", Rich::Utils::RichSmartIDs::DefaultConditionKey } },
                        // output data
-                       {KeyValue{"TrackLocalPointsLocation", SpacePointLocation::SegmentsLocal}} ) {
+                       { KeyValue{ "TrackLocalPointsLocation", SpacePointLocation::SegmentsLocal } } ) {
       // debugging
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE );
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     // properties
     /// Flag to turn on average radiator local position corrections
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_applyLocCorrs{this, "ApplyLocalRadiatorCorrections", {true, true}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_applyLocCorrs{ this, "ApplyLocalRadiatorCorrections", { true, true } };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichSelectTrackSegments.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichSelectTrackSegments.cpp
index eb3db86abed99b1a459b47b4a88c5bcfbc8263b4..d338d7beb832e3dd081d1f826f40a77eef6e7aa5 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichSelectTrackSegments.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichSelectTrackSegments.cpp
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     /// Standard constructor
     SelectTrackSegments( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                       {KeyValue{"InTrackToSegmentsLocation", Relations::TrackToSegmentsLocation::Initial},
-                        KeyValue{"GeomEffsLocation", GeomEffsLocation::Default}},
-                       {KeyValue{"OutTrackToSegmentsLocation", Relations::TrackToSegmentsLocation::Selected}} ) {
+                       { KeyValue{ "InTrackToSegmentsLocation", Relations::TrackToSegmentsLocation::Initial },
+                         KeyValue{ "GeomEffsLocation", GeomEffsLocation::Default } },
+                       { KeyValue{ "OutTrackToSegmentsLocation", Relations::TrackToSegmentsLocation::Selected } } ) {
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE );
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichSignalPhotonYields.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichSignalPhotonYields.cpp
index a8cd58d6d0fa9dba84ba8d39abf4fad160a076ff..4c9f0df99e200e1316ef5baa78611d5132838463 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichSignalPhotonYields.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichSignalPhotonYields.cpp
@@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     SignalPhotonYields( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                             // input data
-                            {KeyValue{"DetectablePhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Detectable},
-                             KeyValue{"DetectablePhotonSpectraLocation", PhotonSpectraLocation::Detectable},
-                             KeyValue{"GeomEffsLocation", GeomEffsLocation::Default}},
+                            { KeyValue{ "DetectablePhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Detectable },
+                              KeyValue{ "DetectablePhotonSpectraLocation", PhotonSpectraLocation::Detectable },
+                              KeyValue{ "GeomEffsLocation", GeomEffsLocation::Default } },
                             // output data
-                            {KeyValue{"SignalPhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Signal},
-                             KeyValue{"SignalPhotonSpectraLocation", PhotonSpectraLocation::Signal}} ) {
+                            { KeyValue{ "SignalPhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Signal },
+                              KeyValue{ "SignalPhotonSpectraLocation", PhotonSpectraLocation::Signal } } ) {
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE );
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichTrackCherenkovAngles.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichTrackCherenkovAngles.cpp
index add7de27cad50fd5d997fbf0a14939c892903fcf..edc62b551e48cbc9f518baa2a030fda72230f387 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichTrackCherenkovAngles.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichTrackCherenkovAngles.cpp
@@ -135,13 +135,13 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     TrackEmittedCherenkovAngles( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                        // input data
-                       {KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"EmittedPhotonSpectraLocation", PhotonSpectraLocation::Emitted},
-                        KeyValue{"EmittedPhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Emitted},
-                        // conditions input
-                        KeyValue{"TabulatedRefIndex", Utils::TabulatedRefIndex::DefaultConditionKey}},
+                       { KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "EmittedPhotonSpectraLocation", PhotonSpectraLocation::Emitted },
+                         KeyValue{ "EmittedPhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Emitted },
+                         // conditions input
+                         KeyValue{ "TabulatedRefIndex", Utils::TabulatedRefIndex::DefaultConditionKey } },
                        // output data
-                       {KeyValue{"EmittedCherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Emitted}} ) {
+                       { KeyValue{ "EmittedCherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Emitted } } ) {
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE ).ignore();
     /// Algorithm execution via transform
@@ -178,13 +178,13 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     TrackSignalCherenkovAngles( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                        // input data
-                       {KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"SignalPhotonSpectraLocation", PhotonSpectraLocation::Signal},
-                        KeyValue{"SignalPhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Signal},
-                        // conditions input
-                        KeyValue{"TabulatedRefIndex", Utils::TabulatedRefIndex::DefaultConditionKey}},
+                       { KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "SignalPhotonSpectraLocation", PhotonSpectraLocation::Signal },
+                         KeyValue{ "SignalPhotonYieldLocation", PhotonYieldsLocation::Signal },
+                         // conditions input
+                         KeyValue{ "TabulatedRefIndex", Utils::TabulatedRefIndex::DefaultConditionKey } },
                        // output data
-                       {KeyValue{"SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal}} ) {
+                       { KeyValue{ "SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal } } ) {
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE ).ignore();
     /// Algorithm execution via transform
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichTrackFunctionalCherenkovResolutions.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichTrackFunctionalCherenkovResolutions.cpp
index 91285c36d6b9c6bdf301e420daee25156d44de67..365768a96898e47374c34115cbd2cdba1713489d 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichTrackFunctionalCherenkovResolutions.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichTrackFunctionalCherenkovResolutions.cpp
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     class TkResDataCache final {
       /// Cache ref. index standard deviations for each radiator
-      RadiatorArray<double> refIndexSD = {{0.488e-3, 0.2916e-4, 0.6777e-5}};
+      RadiatorArray<double> refIndexSD = { { 0.488e-3, 0.2916e-4, 0.6777e-5 } };
       /// Constructor from RICH1
@@ -95,16 +95,16 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     TrackFunctionalCherenkovResolutions( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                        // data input
-                       {KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal},
-                        KeyValue{"MassHypothesisRingsLocation", MassHypoRingsLocation::Emitted},
-                        // conditions input
-                        KeyValue{"DataCache", DeRichLocations::derivedCondition( name + "-DataCache" )},
-                        KeyValue{"TabulatedRefIndex", Utils::TabulatedRefIndex::DefaultConditionKey},
-                        KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top},
-                        KeyValue{"radLenPerUnitL", DeRichLocations::derivedCondition( name + "-radLenPerUnitL" )}},
+                       { KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal },
+                         KeyValue{ "MassHypothesisRingsLocation", MassHypoRingsLocation::Emitted },
+                         // conditions input
+                         KeyValue{ "DataCache", DeRichLocations::derivedCondition( name + "-DataCache" ) },
+                         KeyValue{ "TabulatedRefIndex", Utils::TabulatedRefIndex::DefaultConditionKey },
+                         KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top },
+                         KeyValue{ "radLenPerUnitL", DeRichLocations::derivedCondition( name + "-radLenPerUnitL" ) } },
                        // data outputs
-                       {KeyValue{"CherenkovResolutionsLocation", CherenkovResolutionsLocation::Default}} ) {}
+                       { KeyValue{ "CherenkovResolutionsLocation", CherenkovResolutionsLocation::Default } } ) {}
     /// Initialization after creation
     StatusCode initialize() override;
@@ -127,40 +127,40 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     // services
     /// Transport Service
-    ServiceHandle<ITransportSvc> m_transSvc{this, "TransportSvc", "TransportSvc"};
+    ServiceHandle<ITransportSvc> m_transSvc{ this, "TransportSvc", "TransportSvc" };
     // properties
     /// Overall scale factors for each radiator
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_scale{this, "ScaleFactor", {1.0f, 1.0f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_scale{ this, "ScaleFactor", { 1.0f, 1.0f } };
     /// Flag to turn on the full treatment of MS using the TS
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_useTSForMS{this, "UseTSForMultScat", {false, false}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_useTSForMS{ this, "UseTSForMultScat", { false, false } };
     /// Flag to turn on the caching of the radiation length parameter
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_cacheRadLenP{this, "CacheRadLenParam", {true, true}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_cacheRadLenP{ this, "CacheRadLenParam", { true, true } };
     /// RICH PD contributions to CK theta resolution
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_pdErr{this, "PDErrors", {0.0002, 0.0002}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_pdErr{ this, "PDErrors", { 0.0002, 0.0002 } };
     /// RICH PD reference areas (mm^2).
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_pdRefArea{this, "PDRefAreas", {7.77016, 37.4688}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_pdRefArea{ this, "PDRefAreas", { 7.77016, 37.4688 } };
     /// Flag to turn on the full PD area treatment per RICH
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_fullPDAreaTreatment{this, "FullPDAreaTreatment", {false, true}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<bool>> m_fullPDAreaTreatment{ this, "FullPDAreaTreatment", { false, true } };
     /// Absolute max CK theta resolution per RICH
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_maxRes{this, "MaxCKThetaRes", {0.0025f, 0.001f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<float>> m_maxRes{ this, "MaxCKThetaRes", { 0.0025f, 0.001f } };
     // messaging
     /// Problems during determination of path length
-    mutable WarningCounter m_pathLenWarn{this, "Problem computing radiation length"};
+    mutable WarningCounter m_pathLenWarn{ this, "Problem computing radiation length" };
     /// Null PD pointer
-    mutable WarningCounter m_nullPD{this, "NULL RICH PD pointer !!"};
+    mutable WarningCounter m_nullPD{ this, "NULL RICH PD pointer !!" };
 } // namespace Rich::Future::Rec
@@ -172,30 +172,30 @@ StatusCode TrackFunctionalCherenkovResolutions::initialize() {
   return Transformer::initialize().andThen( [&]() {
     // derived conditions
     Detector::Rich1::addConditionDerivation( this );
-    addConditionDerivation( {Detector::Rich1::DefaultConditionKey}, //
-                            inputLocation<TkResDataCache>(),        //
-                            []( const Detector::Rich1& r1 ) { return TkResDataCache{r1}; } );
+    addConditionDerivation( { Detector::Rich1::DefaultConditionKey }, //
+                            inputLocation<TkResDataCache>(),          //
+                            []( const Detector::Rich1& r1 ) { return TkResDataCache{ r1 }; } );
     Utils::TabulatedRefIndex::addConditionDerivation( this );
     // Compute for each radiator the radiator radiation length / unit path length
-    addConditionDerivation( {inputLocation<DetectorElement>()}, inputLocation<RadiatorArray<double>>(),
+    addConditionDerivation( { inputLocation<DetectorElement>() }, inputLocation<RadiatorArray<double>>(),
                             [&]( DetectorElement const& lhcb ) {
-                              RadiatorArray<double> radLenPerUnitL = {{0, 3.46137e-05, 1.14196e-05}};
+                              RadiatorArray<double> radLenPerUnitL = { { 0, 3.46137e-05, 1.14196e-05 } };
                               auto                  tsCache        = m_transSvc->createCache();
                               // Fixed vector start/end points for each radiator
-                              const RadiatorArray<std::pair<Gaudi::XYZPoint, Gaudi::XYZPoint>> radVs{{
-                                  {{150, 150, 1110}, {150, 150, 1170}},  // Aero (not used in practise)
-                                  {{150, 150, 1500}, {150, 150, 1700}},  // RICH1 gas
-                                  {{500, 500, 10000}, {500, 500, 11000}} // RICH2 gas
-                              }};
+                              const RadiatorArray<std::pair<Gaudi::XYZPoint, Gaudi::XYZPoint>> radVs{ {
+                                  { { 150, 150, 1110 }, { 150, 150, 1170 } },  // Aero (not used in practise)
+                                  { { 150, 150, 1500 }, { 150, 150, 1700 } },  // RICH1 gas
+                                  { { 500, 500, 10000 }, { 500, 500, 11000 } } // RICH2 gas
+                              } };
                               // Use the fixed vectors to compute from the TS the radiation length / mm
                               // in each RICH radiator medium
                               for ( const auto rad : Rich::radiators() ) {
                                 const auto rich = richType( rad );
                                 if ( m_cacheRadLenP[rich] && !m_useTSForMS[rich] ) {
                                   const auto effL     = m_transSvc->distanceInRadUnits( radVs[rad].first,  //
-                                                                                    radVs[rad].second, //
-                                                                                    tsCache, *lhcb.geometry(), 0 );
+                                                                                        radVs[rad].second, //
+                                                                                        tsCache, *lhcb.geometry(), 0 );
                                   const auto length   = std::sqrt( ( radVs[rad].second - radVs[rad].first ).mag2() );
                                   radLenPerUnitL[rad] = ( length > 0 ? effL / length : 0.0 );
                                   _ri_debug << std::setprecision( 9 ) << rad //
@@ -207,14 +207,14 @@ StatusCode TrackFunctionalCherenkovResolutions::initialize() {
   } );
-CherenkovResolutions::Vector TrackFunctionalCherenkovResolutions::
-                             operator()( LHCb::RichTrackSegment::Vector const& segments,   //
-            CherenkovAngles::Vector const&        ckAngles,   //
-            MassHypoRingsVector const&            massRings,  //
-            TkResDataCache const&                 dataCache,  //
-            Utils::TabulatedRefIndex const&       tabRefIndx, //
-            DetectorElement const&                lhcb,       //
-            RadiatorArray<double> const&          radLenPerUnitL ) const {
+TrackFunctionalCherenkovResolutions::operator()( LHCb::RichTrackSegment::Vector const& segments,   //
+                                                 CherenkovAngles::Vector const&        ckAngles,   //
+                                                 MassHypoRingsVector const&            massRings,  //
+                                                 TkResDataCache const&                 dataCache,  //
+                                                 Utils::TabulatedRefIndex const&       tabRefIndx, //
+                                                 DetectorElement const&                lhcb,       //
+                                                 RadiatorArray<double> const&          radLenPerUnitL ) const {
   using namespace Gaudi::Units;
@@ -316,8 +316,8 @@ CherenkovResolutions::Vector TrackFunctionalCherenkovResolutions::
         // Are we using the full treatment to deal with PD size difference ?
         if ( m_fullPDAreaTreatment[rich] && Rich::BelowThreshold != hypo ) {
           // loop over the ring points for this hypo
-          unsigned int totalInPD{0};
-          double       totalSize{0.0};
+          unsigned int totalInPD{ 0 };
+          double       totalSize{ 0.0 };
           if ( !rings[hypo].empty() ) {
             for ( const auto& P : rings[hypo] ) {
               if ( RayTracedCKRingPoint::InHPDTube == P.acceptance() ) {
diff --git a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichTrackParameterisedCherenkovResolutions.cpp b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichTrackParameterisedCherenkovResolutions.cpp
index 18f60a6a0d30b5b72c4214ab639116621642d713..0ef917f0489dc68121aa4a683d4858e95e0b7746 100644
--- a/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichTrackParameterisedCherenkovResolutions.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichFutureRecTrackAlgorithms/src/RichTrackParameterisedCherenkovResolutions.cpp
@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     TrackParameterisedCherenkovResolutions( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
                        // data input
-                       {KeyValue{"TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default},
-                        KeyValue{"SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal}},
+                       { KeyValue{ "TrackSegmentsLocation", LHCb::RichTrackSegmentLocation::Default },
+                         KeyValue{ "SignalCherenkovAnglesLocation", CherenkovAnglesLocation::Signal } },
                        // data outputs
-                       {KeyValue{"CherenkovResolutionsLocation", CherenkovResolutionsLocation::Default}} ) {
+                       { KeyValue{ "CherenkovResolutionsLocation", CherenkovResolutionsLocation::Default } } ) {
       // debug
       // setProperty( "OutputLevel", MSG::VERBOSE ).ignore();
@@ -181,22 +181,22 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     /// For electron use momentum (as CK theta always saturated), for everything else CK theta.
     // const ParticleArray<ParamMode> m_modes = {Momentum, CKTheta, CKTheta, CKTheta, CKTheta, CKTheta, CKTheta};
     /// Use momentum for all types
-    const ParticleArray<ParamMode> m_modes = {Momentum, Momentum, Momentum, Momentum, Momentum, Momentum, Momentum};
+    const ParticleArray<ParamMode> m_modes = { Momentum, Momentum, Momentum, Momentum, Momentum, Momentum, Momentum };
     // properties
     /// Track Type
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_tkType{this, "TrackType", ""};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_tkType{ this, "TrackType", "" };
     /// Overall scale factors for each RICH
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_scale{this, "ScaleFactor", {1.0f, 1.0f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_scale{ this, "ScaleFactor", { 1.0f, 1.0f } };
     /// Absolute max CK theta resolution per RICH
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxRes{this, "MaxCKThetaRes", {0.0025f, 0.001f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_maxRes{ this, "MaxCKThetaRes", { 0.0025f, 0.001f } };
     /// Absolute min CK theta resolution per RICH
-    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minRes{this, "MinCKThetaRes", {0.0f, 0.0f}};
+    Gaudi::Property<DetectorArray<double>> m_minRes{ this, "MinCKThetaRes", { 0.0f, 0.0f } };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Rich/RichRecTests/src/MirrorCompare/main.icpp b/Rich/RichRecTests/src/MirrorCompare/main.icpp
index 72ca42e5b9c4bdae0c553f9b90af0bd14969f71b..9bd00877baf4714cd80757a71117292c167fc0de 100644
--- a/Rich/RichRecTests/src/MirrorCompare/main.icpp
+++ b/Rich/RichRecTests/src/MirrorCompare/main.icpp
@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@
 #include <typeinfo>
 #include <vector>
-static unsigned short int gid{0};
+static unsigned short int gid{ 0 };
 class Foo {
   Foo() : id( gid++ ) {}
-  unsigned short int id{0};
+  unsigned short int id{ 0 };
 using FloatV = Rich::SIMD::FPF;
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ using FooPtrArray = std::array<const Foo*, FloatV::Size>;
 template <typename DATA>
 unsigned long long int __attribute__( ( noinline ) ) comparePtrs( const DATA& V ) {
-  unsigned long long int best_dur{99999999999999999};
+  unsigned long long int best_dur{ 99999999999999999 };
   timespec               start, end;
   unsigned long long int sum( 0 );
diff --git a/Rich/RichRecTests/src/PhotonReco/main.icpp b/Rich/RichRecTests/src/PhotonReco/main.icpp
index e19cfca92b32bf79cd246568de6be3c525d07175..0e90c083729488c87036325bc4e3f21286afe53c 100644
--- a/Rich/RichRecTests/src/PhotonReco/main.icpp
+++ b/Rich/RichRecTests/src/PhotonReco/main.icpp
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 #include "RichUtils/RichSIMDTypes.h"
 // Gaudi
-//#include "GaudiKernel/Transform3DTypes.h"
+// #include "GaudiKernel/Transform3DTypes.h"
 #include "GaudiKernel/Point3DTypes.h"
 #include "GaudiKernel/Vector3DTypes.h"
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ public:
     static std::uniform_real_distribution<GENTYPE> r_vdp_x( -3000, 3000 ), r_vdp_y( -200, 200 ), r_vdp_z( 8100, 8200 );
     static std::uniform_real_distribution<GENTYPE> r_rad( 8500, 8600 );
     // setup data
-    emissPnt     = {r_emiss_x( gen ), r_emiss_y( gen ), r_emiss_z( gen )};
-    centOfCurv   = {r_coc_x( gen ), r_coc_y( gen ), r_coc_z( gen )};
-    virtDetPoint = {r_vdp_x( gen ), r_vdp_y( gen ), r_vdp_z( gen )};
+    emissPnt     = { r_emiss_x( gen ), r_emiss_y( gen ), r_emiss_z( gen ) };
+    centOfCurv   = { r_coc_x( gen ), r_coc_y( gen ), r_coc_z( gen ) };
+    virtDetPoint = { r_vdp_x( gen ), r_vdp_y( gen ), r_vdp_z( gen ) };
     radius       = r_rad( gen );
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ template <std::size_t NTESTS, typename DATA, typename POINT>
 unsigned long long int __attribute__( ( noinline ) ) //
 solveV( const typename DATA::Vector& dataV, POINT& sphReflPoint ) {
-  unsigned long long int best_dur{99999999999999999};
+  unsigned long long int best_dur{ 99999999999999999 };
   timespec               start, end;
   for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < NTESTS; ++i ) {
diff --git a/Rich/RichRecTests/src/RayTracing/main.icpp b/Rich/RichRecTests/src/RayTracing/main.icpp
index 1f11b8f410dd7c938fb43914a217d0260e62bcdb..b6102ae9e103afd33ea4e252bb9e5e45dba3bb05 100644
--- a/Rich/RichRecTests/src/RayTracing/main.icpp
+++ b/Rich/RichRecTests/src/RayTracing/main.icpp
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ public:
   VECTOR direction;
   POINT  CoC;
   PLANE  plane;
-  FTYPE  radius{0};
+  FTYPE  radius{ 0 };
   template <typename INDATA>
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ template <typename DATA>
 unsigned long long int __attribute__( ( noinline ) ) rayTrace( const DATA& in_dataV ) {
   timespec start, end;
-  unsigned long long int best_dur{99999999999999999};
+  unsigned long long int best_dur{ 99999999999999999 };
   const unsigned int nTests = 5000;
   // std::cout << "Running " << nTests << " tests on " << in_dataV.size() << " data objects" <<
@@ -175,8 +175,8 @@ int main( int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/ ) {
   // Basic checks
   if ( false ) {
-    std::vector<Vc::float_v> a = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
-    std::vector<Vc::float_v> b = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
+    std::vector<Vc::float_v> a = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
+    std::vector<Vc::float_v> b = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
     std::cout << "Size " << a.size() << " " << Vc::float_v::Size << std::endl;
diff --git a/Rich/RichRecTests/src/SIMD/main.icpp b/Rich/RichRecTests/src/SIMD/main.icpp
index 82499a828df0fa312ccec16d6d28e03493b4def0..4f2409ed295b7d0f3ff06290a7aa30ff1bfa55b6 100644
--- a/Rich/RichRecTests/src/SIMD/main.icpp
+++ b/Rich/RichRecTests/src/SIMD/main.icpp
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ void __attribute__( ( noinline ) ) run_test( DATA& dataV ) {
 template <typename DATA>
 unsigned long long int __attribute__( ( noinline ) ) test( DATA& dataV ) {
   timespec               start, end;
-  unsigned long long int best_dur{99999999999999999};
+  unsigned long long int best_dur{ 99999999999999999 };
   const unsigned int     nTests = 50000;
   for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nTests; ++i ) {
     clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &start );
diff --git a/Rich/RichRecUtils/examples/TestCKFitter.py b/Rich/RichRecUtils/examples/TestCKFitter.py
index f3f96094f424aaba97aa1ac338da2cd3181d22cd..192d87ccf796f5a355b5a6e0a025fada852ede40 100644
--- a/Rich/RichRecUtils/examples/TestCKFitter.py
+++ b/Rich/RichRecUtils/examples/TestCKFitter.py
@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ from GaudiPython import gbl
 from ROOT import *
 hfile = TFile(
-    '/usera/jonesc/NFS/data/Savesets/06/01/Brunel-175727-20160601T080814-EOR.root'
+    "/usera/jonesc/NFS/data/Savesets/06/01/Brunel-175727-20160601T080814-EOR.root"
 fitter = gbl.Rich.Rec.CKResolutionFitter()
 # Reduced range
-#print fitter.params().RichFitMin
-#fitter.params().RichFitMin = array.array( 'f', [-0.0048, -0.0024] )
-#fitter.params().RichFitMax = array.array( 'f', [0.0046,  0.00225] )
+# print fitter.params().RichFitMin
+# fitter.params().RichFitMin = array.array( 'f', [-0.0048, -0.0024] )
+# fitter.params().RichFitMax = array.array( 'f', [0.0046,  0.00225] )
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ gStyle.SetPadTickY(1)
-r1hist = hfile.Get('RICH/RiCKResLongTight/Rich1Gas/ckResAll')
+r1hist = hfile.Get("RICH/RiCKResLongTight/Rich1Gas/ckResAll")
 r1res = fitter.fit(r1hist, gbl.Rich.Rich1Gas)
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ r1res.overallFitFunc.Draw("SAME")
-r2hist = hfile.Get('RICH/RiCKResLongTight/Rich2Gas/ckResAll')
+r2hist = hfile.Get("RICH/RiCKResLongTight/Rich2Gas/ckResAll")
 r2res = fitter.fit(r2hist, gbl.Rich.Rich2Gas)
diff --git a/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/QuarticSolverNewton.h b/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/QuarticSolverNewton.h
index 3d40724042a2c1981328c1d01a88a7ac7811c716..165c804251067b864a84143153ef2a7a31a6fc53 100644
--- a/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/QuarticSolverNewton.h
+++ b/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/QuarticSolverNewton.h
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ namespace Rich::Rec {
       const TYPE ez = enorm * ( evec.X() * M[2] + evec.Y() * M[5] + evec.Z() * M[8] );
       // set the final reflection point
-      sphReflPoint = {CoC.X() + ex, CoC.Y() + ey, CoC.Z() + ez};
+      sphReflPoint = { CoC.X() + ex, CoC.Y() + ey, CoC.Z() + ez };
@@ -219,8 +219,8 @@ namespace Rich::Rec {
     inline decltype( auto ) __attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) //
     evalPolyHorner( const Params<TYPE>& a,                     //
                     const TYPE&         x                      //
-                    ) const noexcept {
-      std::array<TYPE, DIFFGRADE + 1> res{{a[0]}};
+    ) const noexcept {
+      std::array<TYPE, DIFFGRADE + 1> res{ { a[0] } };
       for ( std::size_t j = 1; j <= ORDER; ++j ) {
         res[0]       = ( res[0] * x ) + a[j];
diff --git a/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/RichCKResolutionFitter.h b/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/RichCKResolutionFitter.h
index 1554b12dd019d8f3004053057c08a9bac7adeb39..786b6052f1a0a2b57e2c214fbdf7b9f774e1fc50 100644
--- a/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/RichCKResolutionFitter.h
+++ b/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/RichCKResolutionFitter.h
@@ -73,28 +73,29 @@ namespace Rich::Rec {
       //                              RICH1     RICH2
       /// Starting resolution guesses
-      Rich::DetectorArray<double> RichStartRes{{0.00105, 0.00060}};
+      Rich::DetectorArray<double> RichStartRes{ { 0.00105, 0.00060 } };
       /// Starting prefit deltas
-      Rich::DetectorArray<double> RichStartDelta{{0.0020, 0.0009}};
+      Rich::DetectorArray<double> RichStartDelta{ { 0.0020, 0.0009 } };
       /// Fit Range Minimums
-      Rich::DetectorArray<double> RichFitMin{{-0.0068, -0.00395}};
+      Rich::DetectorArray<double> RichFitMin{ { -0.0068, -0.00395 } };
       /// Fit range Maxmimums
-      Rich::DetectorArray<double> RichFitMax{{0.0068, 0.00395}};
+      Rich::DetectorArray<double> RichFitMax{ { 0.0068, 0.00395 } };
       /// Default Gauss Asymmetry
-      Rich::DetectorArray<double> RichStartAsym{{0.15, 0.22}};
+      Rich::DetectorArray<double> RichStartAsym{ { 0.15, 0.22 } };
       /// Asymmetry limits
-      Rich::DetectorArray<double> RichAsymLimit{{0.40, 0.40}};
+      Rich::DetectorArray<double> RichAsymLimit{ { 0.40, 0.40 } };
       /// Fit Type(s)
-      Rich::DetectorArray<std::vector<std::string>> RichFitTypes{{{"AsymNormal:FreeNPol"}, {"AsymNormal:FreeNPol"}}};
+      Rich::DetectorArray<std::vector<std::string>> RichFitTypes{
+          { { "AsymNormal:FreeNPol" }, { "AsymNormal:FreeNPol" } } };
       // Free polynominal background fit options
       /// Polynominal degree
-      Rich::DetectorArray<unsigned int> RichNPol{{3, 3}};
+      Rich::DetectorArray<unsigned int> RichNPol{ { 3, 3 } };
       /// Starting poly degree
-      Rich::DetectorArray<unsigned int> RichStartPol{{1, 1}};
+      Rich::DetectorArray<unsigned int> RichStartPol{ { 1, 1 } };
       // polynominal function
@@ -127,11 +128,11 @@ namespace Rich::Rec {
     public: // Hyperbolic functions
       //                                     RICH1    RICH2
       /// Side band sizes
-      Rich::DetectorArray<double> SideBandSize{{0.002, 0.001}};
+      Rich::DetectorArray<double> SideBandSize{ { 0.002, 0.001 } };
       /// Init values for parameter B
-      Rich::DetectorArray<double> HyperInitB{{1e8, 1e8}};
+      Rich::DetectorArray<double> HyperInitB{ { 1e8, 1e8 } };
       /// Init values for parameter D
-      Rich::DetectorArray<double> HyperInitD{{7e-4, 5e-4}};
+      Rich::DetectorArray<double> HyperInitD{ { 7e-4, 5e-4 } };
       /// lambda func for pol background
       [[nodiscard]] inline auto PolFitFunc( const int degree ) const { return Pol( degree ); }
@@ -151,36 +152,36 @@ namespace Rich::Rec {
     public: // Fit Quality options
       /// Maximum abs fitted mean for OK fit
-      Rich::DetectorArray<double> RichMaxMean{{0.0040, 0.0020}};
+      Rich::DetectorArray<double> RichMaxMean{ { 0.0040, 0.0020 } };
       /// Minimum abs fitted sigma for OK fit
-      Rich::DetectorArray<double> RichMinSigma{{0.0003, 0.0001}};
+      Rich::DetectorArray<double> RichMinSigma{ { 0.0003, 0.0001 } };
       /// Maximum abs fitted sigma for OK fit
-      Rich::DetectorArray<double> RichMaxSigma{{0.0030, 0.0020}};
+      Rich::DetectorArray<double> RichMaxSigma{ { 0.0030, 0.0020 } };
       /// Maximum shift error for OK fit
-      Rich::DetectorArray<double> MaxShiftError{{0.0010, 0.0010}};
+      Rich::DetectorArray<double> MaxShiftError{ { 0.0010, 0.0010 } };
       /// Maximum resolution error for OK fit
-      Rich::DetectorArray<double> MaxSigmaError{{0.0002, 0.0001}};
+      Rich::DetectorArray<double> MaxSigmaError{ { 0.0002, 0.0001 } };
     /// Class to store the result of a histogram fit
     class FitResult final {
       /// Overall fit status
-      bool fitOK{false};
+      bool fitOK{ false };
       /// Number of attempts before a successful fit
-      unsigned int fitAttempts{0};
+      unsigned int fitAttempts{ 0 };
       /// CK shift
-      double ckShift{0};
+      double ckShift{ 0 };
       /// CK shift error
-      double ckShiftErr{9999};
+      double ckShiftErr{ 9999 };
       /// CK resolution
-      double ckResolution{0};
+      double ckResolution{ 0 };
       /// CK resolution
-      double ckResolutionErr{9999};
+      double ckResolutionErr{ 9999 };
       /// The minimum of the used fit range
-      double fitMin{0};
+      double fitMin{ 0 };
       /// The maximum of the used fit range
-      double fitMax{0};
+      double fitMax{ 0 };
       /// The overall fitted function
       std::shared_ptr<TF1> overallFitFunc;
       /// The fitted background function
@@ -262,7 +263,7 @@ namespace Rich::Rec {
     /// Parameters
     FitParams m_params;
     /// Pointer back to parent algorithm (for messaging)
-    const Gaudi::Algorithm* m_parent{nullptr};
+    const Gaudi::Algorithm* m_parent{ nullptr };
     /// cache of fit functions
     mutable std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<TF1>> m_fitfuncs;
diff --git a/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/RichDetParams.h b/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/RichDetParams.h
index 33155db28e1776aeefdb52880112e083fa4096eb..78a4fa1a3dbfb61af02b6f626e0de1407cb490a2 100644
--- a/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/RichDetParams.h
+++ b/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/RichDetParams.h
@@ -24,35 +24,35 @@
-#define RADIATOR_NAMES constexpr std::string radiator[] = {"aerogel", "Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas"}
-#define RICH_NAMES constexpr std::string rich[] = {"Rich1", "Rich2"}
-#define HYPOTHESIS_NAMES constexpr std::string hypothesis[] = {"el", "mu", "pi", "Ka", "Pr", "X"}
+#define RADIATOR_NAMES constexpr std::string radiator[] = { "aerogel", "Rich1Gas", "Rich2Gas" }
+#define RICH_NAMES constexpr std::string rich[] = { "Rich1", "Rich2" }
+#define HYPOTHESIS_NAMES constexpr std::string hypothesis[] = { "el", "mu", "pi", "Ka", "Pr", "X" }
 #define RICH_HISTO_OFFSET constexpr int richOffset = 100000
 #define RAD_HISTO_OFFSET constexpr int radOffset = 10000
 #define HYPO_HISTO_OFFSET constexpr int hypoOffset = 1000
 //            Radiator                                  Aerogel  Rich1Gas  Rich2Gas
-#define MAX_CKTHETA_RAD constexpr double maxCkTheta[] = {0.31, 0.065, 0.035}
-#define MIN_CKTHETA_RAD constexpr double minCkTheta[] = {0.0, 0.001, 0.005}
-#define CKTHETADIFF_RANGE constexpr double ckRange[] = {0.015, 0.01, 0.005}
-#define RADIATOR_MAX_CKTHETA constexpr double ckThetaMax[] = {0.3, 0.06, 0.06}
+#define MAX_CKTHETA_RAD constexpr double maxCkTheta[] = { 0.31, 0.065, 0.035 }
+#define MIN_CKTHETA_RAD constexpr double minCkTheta[] = { 0.0, 0.001, 0.005 }
+#define CKTHETADIFF_RANGE constexpr double ckRange[] = { 0.015, 0.01, 0.005 }
+#define RADIATOR_MAX_CKTHETA constexpr double ckThetaMax[] = { 0.3, 0.06, 0.06 }
 //                               Aerogel  Rich1Gas    Rich2Gas
-#define RADIATOR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_X_ENTRY constexpr double xRadEntGlo[] = {400.0, 400.0, 3500.0}
-#define RADIATOR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_X_EXIT constexpr double xRadExitGlo[] = {400.0, 400.0, 4000.0}
+#define RADIATOR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_X_ENTRY constexpr double xRadEntGlo[] = { 400.0, 400.0, 3500.0 }
+#define RADIATOR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_X_EXIT constexpr double xRadExitGlo[] = { 400.0, 400.0, 4000.0 }
 #define RADIATOR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_X                                                                                    \
   RADIATOR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_X_ENTRY;                                                                                   \
-#define RADIATOR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_Y_ENTRY constexpr double yRadEntGlo[] = {400.0, 400.0, 3500.0}
-#define RADIATOR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_Y_EXIT constexpr double yRadExitGlo[] = {400.0, 400.0, 4000.0}
+#define RADIATOR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_Y_ENTRY constexpr double yRadEntGlo[] = { 400.0, 400.0, 3500.0 }
+#define RADIATOR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_Y_EXIT constexpr double yRadExitGlo[] = { 400.0, 400.0, 4000.0 }
 #define RADIATOR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_Y                                                                                    \
   RADIATOR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_Y_ENTRY;                                                                                   \
 #define RADIATOR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_Z                                                                                    \
-  constexpr double zRadEntGlo[]  = {1100.0, 900.0, 9200.0};                                                            \
-  constexpr double zRadExitGlo[] = {1180.0, 2100.0, 12000.0}
+  constexpr double zRadEntGlo[]  = { 1100.0, 900.0, 9200.0 };                                                          \
+  constexpr double zRadExitGlo[] = { 1180.0, 2100.0, 12000.0 }
 #define RADIATOR_GLOBAL_LENGTHS                                                                                        \
-  constexpr double zRadLenMin[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};                                                                     \
-  constexpr double zRadLenMax[] = {60.0, 2000.0, 2500.0}
+  constexpr double zRadLenMin[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };                                                                   \
+  constexpr double zRadLenMax[] = { 60.0, 2000.0, 2500.0 }
 #define RADIATOR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS                                                                                      \
   RADIATOR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_X;                                                                                         \
   RADIATOR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_Y;                                                                                         \
@@ -61,14 +61,14 @@
 //                                 Rich1     Rich2
 #define PD_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_X                                                                                          \
-  constexpr double xMinPDGlo[] = {-800.0, -4500.0};                                                                    \
-  constexpr double xMaxPDGlo[] = {800.0, 4500.0}
+  constexpr double xMinPDGlo[] = { -800.0, -4500.0 };                                                                  \
+  constexpr double xMaxPDGlo[] = { 800.0, 4500.0 }
 #define PD_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_Y                                                                                          \
-  constexpr double yMinPDGlo[] = {-1200.0, -750.0};                                                                    \
-  constexpr double yMaxPDGlo[] = {1200.0, 750.0}
+  constexpr double yMinPDGlo[] = { -1200.0, -750.0 };                                                                  \
+  constexpr double yMaxPDGlo[] = { 1200.0, 750.0 }
 #define PD_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_Z                                                                                          \
-  constexpr double zMinPDGlo[] = {1150.0, 10440.0};                                                                    \
-  constexpr double zMaxPDGlo[] = {1750.0, 11100.0}
+  constexpr double zMinPDGlo[] = { 1150.0, 10440.0 };                                                                  \
+  constexpr double zMaxPDGlo[] = { 1750.0, 11100.0 }
 #define PD_GLOBAL_POSITIONS                                                                                            \
   PD_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_X;                                                                                               \
   PD_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_Y;                                                                                               \
@@ -76,14 +76,14 @@
 //                                 Rich1     Rich2
 #define PD_LOCAL_POSITIONS_X                                                                                           \
-  constexpr double xMinPDLoc[] = {-650.0, -800.0};                                                                     \
-  constexpr double xMaxPDLoc[] = {650.0, 800.0}
+  constexpr double xMinPDLoc[] = { -650.0, -800.0 };                                                                   \
+  constexpr double xMaxPDLoc[] = { 650.0, 800.0 }
 #define PD_LOCAL_POSITIONS_Y                                                                                           \
-  constexpr double yMinPDLoc[] = {-650.0, -800.0};                                                                     \
-  constexpr double yMaxPDLoc[] = {650.0, 800.0}
+  constexpr double yMinPDLoc[] = { -650.0, -800.0 };                                                                   \
+  constexpr double yMaxPDLoc[] = { 650.0, 800.0 }
 #define PD_LOCAL_POSITIONS_Z                                                                                           \
-  constexpr double zMinPDLoc[] = {-5.0, -5.0};                                                                         \
-  constexpr double zMaxPDLoc[] = {5.0, 5.0}
+  constexpr double zMinPDLoc[] = { -5.0, -5.0 };                                                                       \
+  constexpr double zMaxPDLoc[] = { 5.0, 5.0 }
 #define PD_LOCAL_POSITIONS                                                                                             \
   PD_LOCAL_POSITIONS_X;                                                                                                \
   PD_LOCAL_POSITIONS_Y;                                                                                                \
@@ -91,14 +91,14 @@
 //                                 Rich1     Rich2
 #define SPHERICAL_MIRROR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_X                                                                            \
-  constexpr double xMinSpheGlo[] = {-1000.0, -1100.0};                                                                 \
-  constexpr double xMaxSpheGlo[] = {1000.0, 1100.0}
+  constexpr double xMinSpheGlo[] = { -1000.0, -1100.0 };                                                               \
+  constexpr double xMaxSpheGlo[] = { 1000.0, 1100.0 }
 #define SPHERICAL_MIRROR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_Y                                                                            \
-  constexpr double yMinSpheGlo[] = {-1000.0, -1100.0};                                                                 \
-  constexpr double yMaxSpheGlo[] = {1000.0, 1100.0}
+  constexpr double yMinSpheGlo[] = { -1000.0, -1100.0 };                                                               \
+  constexpr double yMaxSpheGlo[] = { 1000.0, 1100.0 }
 #define SPHERICAL_MIRROR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_Z                                                                            \
-  constexpr double zMinSpheGlo[] = {1800.0, 11100.0};                                                                  \
-  constexpr double zMaxSpheGlo[] = {2080.0, 11800.0}
+  constexpr double zMinSpheGlo[] = { 1800.0, 11100.0 };                                                                \
+  constexpr double zMaxSpheGlo[] = { 2080.0, 11800.0 }
 #define SPHERICAL_MIRROR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS                                                                              \
   SPHERICAL_MIRROR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_X;                                                                                 \
   SPHERICAL_MIRROR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_Y;                                                                                 \
@@ -106,14 +106,14 @@
 //                                 Rich1     Rich2
 #define FLAT_MIRROR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_X                                                                                 \
-  constexpr double xMinFlatGlo[] = {-575.0, -3000.0};                                                                  \
-  constexpr double xMaxFlatGlo[] = {575.0, 3000.0}
+  constexpr double xMinFlatGlo[] = { -575.0, -3000.0 };                                                                \
+  constexpr double xMaxFlatGlo[] = { 575.0, 3000.0 }
 #define FLAT_MIRROR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_Y                                                                                 \
-  constexpr double yMinFlatGlo[] = {-1100.0, -1000.0};                                                                 \
-  constexpr double yMaxFlatGlo[] = {1100.0, 1000.0}
+  constexpr double yMinFlatGlo[] = { -1100.0, -1000.0 };                                                               \
+  constexpr double yMaxFlatGlo[] = { 1100.0, 1000.0 }
 #define FLAT_MIRROR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_Z                                                                                 \
-  constexpr double zMinFlatGlo[] = {1175.0, 9600.0};                                                                   \
-  constexpr double zMaxFlatGlo[] = {1420.0, 9900.0}
+  constexpr double zMinFlatGlo[] = { 1175.0, 9600.0 };                                                                 \
+  constexpr double zMaxFlatGlo[] = { 1420.0, 9900.0 }
 #define FLAT_MIRROR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS                                                                                   \
   FLAT_MIRROR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_X;                                                                                      \
   FLAT_MIRROR_GLOBAL_POSITIONS_Y;                                                                                      \
diff --git a/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/RichMassAliasArray.h b/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/RichMassAliasArray.h
index 5b9357387253dc8b037d8a1a82f90588cabe9445..8b8818c39dbab10d4fa9ead688444f78575ab647 100644
--- a/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/RichMassAliasArray.h
+++ b/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/RichMassAliasArray.h
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
     /// Internal mapping of which indices to use for which particle type
-    Indices m_indices{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
+    Indices m_indices{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
     /// The data array
-    Array m_data{{}};
+    Array m_data{ {} };
     /// Set the alias to use for a given mass hypo
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ namespace Rich::Future::Rec {
       m_indices[from] = to;
     /// Get the mass alias
-    decltype( auto ) massAlias( const ParticleIDType from ) const noexcept { return ParticleIDType{m_indices[from]}; }
+    decltype( auto ) massAlias( const ParticleIDType from ) const noexcept { return ParticleIDType{ m_indices[from] }; }
     // access operators
diff --git a/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/RichPhotonSpectra.h b/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/RichPhotonSpectra.h
index 8f46a881131b3e4425774889049640de18d76d74..8f7579699f2dd316dc253562482a83b131dc57f0 100644
--- a/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/RichPhotonSpectra.h
+++ b/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/RichPhotonSpectra.h
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ namespace Rich {
      *  @return The energy of the lower edge of the bin
     inline TYPE binEnergyLowerEdge( const unsigned int bin ) const noexcept {
-      return ( minEnergy() + ( ( TYPE )( bin ) ) * binSize() );
+      return ( minEnergy() + ( (TYPE)( bin ) ) * binSize() );
     /** Access the upper edge of the energy bin
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ namespace Rich {
      *  @return The energy of the upper edge of the bin
     inline TYPE binEnergyUpperEdge( const unsigned int bin ) const noexcept {
-      return ( minEnergy() + ( ( TYPE )( 1 + bin ) ) * binSize() );
+      return ( minEnergy() + ( (TYPE)( 1 + bin ) ) * binSize() );
     /** Access the average bin energy
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ namespace Rich {
      *  @return The average energy value for the given bin
     inline TYPE binEnergy( const unsigned int bin ) const noexcept {
-      return ( minEnergy() + ( ( TYPE )( 0.5 + bin ) ) * binSize() );
+      return ( minEnergy() + ( (TYPE)( 0.5 + bin ) ) * binSize() );
     /** Access the energy distribution for a given mass hypothesis (non-const)
@@ -218,12 +218,12 @@ namespace Rich {
     // data
-    TYPE m_minEn{0};           ///< minimum energy for which the distribution is defined
-    TYPE m_maxEn{NEnergyBins}; ///< maximum energy for which the distribution is defined
-    TYPE m_binSize{1};         ///< energy bin size
+    TYPE m_minEn{ 0 };           ///< minimum energy for which the distribution is defined
+    TYPE m_maxEn{ NEnergyBins }; ///< maximum energy for which the distribution is defined
+    TYPE m_binSize{ 1 };         ///< energy bin size
     /// The data container
-    HypoPhotonData m_photdata = {{}};
+    HypoPhotonData m_photdata = { {} };
 } // namespace Rich
diff --git a/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/RichRadCorrLocalPositions.h b/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/RichRadCorrLocalPositions.h
index d6c6e64418088442ab7d37f7aa6394694375088f..70ce110c4f8311ecc3ad8d9a953e3f711e8729b8 100644
--- a/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/RichRadCorrLocalPositions.h
+++ b/Rich/RichRecUtils/include/RichRecUtils/RichRadCorrLocalPositions.h
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ namespace Rich::Rec {
     /// The radiator correction parameters
-    const RadiatorArray<TYPE> m_radScale = {{TYPE( 0.03 ), TYPE( 0.0117 ), TYPE( -0.021 )}};
+    const RadiatorArray<TYPE> m_radScale = { { TYPE( 0.03 ), TYPE( 0.0117 ), TYPE( -0.021 ) } };
   /** @class RadCorrLocalPositions RichRecBase/RichRadCorrLocalPositions.h
diff --git a/Rich/RichRecUtils/src/RichCKResolutionFitter.cpp b/Rich/RichRecUtils/src/RichCKResolutionFitter.cpp
index a23309c44ea3b6f43439cf3b7da360b9d15c6bf8..41111cc452e1b115058f7339e840595b0b451129 100644
--- a/Rich/RichRecUtils/src/RichCKResolutionFitter.cpp
+++ b/Rich/RichRecUtils/src/RichCKResolutionFitter.cpp
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 template <>
 struct fmt::formatter<TString> : formatter<std::string_view> {
   auto format( const TString& s, format_context& ctx ) const {
-    return formatter<std::string_view>::format( std::string_view{s}, ctx );
+    return formatter<std::string_view>::format( std::string_view{ s }, ctx );
diff --git a/Tf/FastPV/doc/release.notes b/Tf/FastPV/doc/release.notes
index 3e4a2afce761c31306fa8fb4b5c89c24a060ba35..183b46717169e6cff7c02e2ff746e0965e678857 100644
--- a/Tf/FastPV/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Tf/FastPV/doc/release.notes
@@ -50,18 +50,18 @@
  - New algorithm FastPVMonitor to monitor the vertices.
 ! 2011-11-22 - Olivier Callot
- - Request backward tracks only if the numbe rof tracks is between 
+ - Request backward tracks only if the numbe rof tracks is between
    MinTrackInPV and twice that.
 ! 2011-11-21 - Olivier Callot
- - Change the tuning after fixing the checker. No longer cleanup of 
+ - Change the tuning after fixing the checker. No longer cleanup of
    tracks on two vertices. Larger tolerances.
 ! 2011-11-18 - Olivier Callot
  - New package, with one algorithm, FastPVFinder.
    It searches the PV from the Velo tracks, in a fast and efficient way
-   It requires a proper knowledge of teh beam position, obtained from the 
-   Velo position. 
+   It requires a proper knowledge of teh beam position, obtained from the
+   Velo position.
 ! Package     : Tf/FastPV
 ! Responsible : Olivier Callot
@@ -91,15 +91,15 @@
  - New algorithm FastPVMonitor to monitor the vertices.
 ! 2011-11-22 - Olivier Callot
- - Request backward tracks only if the numbe rof tracks is between 
+ - Request backward tracks only if the numbe rof tracks is between
    MinTrackInPV and twice that.
 ! 2011-11-21 - Olivier Callot
- - Change the tuning after fixing the checker. No longer cleanup of 
+ - Change the tuning after fixing the checker. No longer cleanup of
    tracks on two vertices. Larger tolerances.
 ! 2011-11-18 - Olivier Callot
  - New package, with one algorithm, FastPVFinder.
    It searches the PV from the Velo tracks, in a fast and efficient way
-   It requires a proper knowledge of teh beam position, obtained from the 
-   Velo position. 
+   It requires a proper knowledge of teh beam position, obtained from the
+   Velo position.
diff --git a/Tf/FastPV/src/FastPVFinder.cpp b/Tf/FastPV/src/FastPVFinder.cpp
index 444feb9011baf4c156a7da646f70b9cd4a3108a1..97e4ae59791d6b4fb04aedbd4e1d187112060182 100644
--- a/Tf/FastPV/src/FastPVFinder.cpp
+++ b/Tf/FastPV/src/FastPVFinder.cpp
@@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ namespace LHCb {
     std::tuple<bool, RecVertices> operator()( Tracks const&, Conditions::InteractionRegion const& ) const override;
-    Gaudi::Property<double>       m_maxIPToBeam{this, "MaxIPToBeam", 0.200 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<double>       m_maxDeltaZ{this, "MaxDeltaZ", 3.000 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_minTracksInPV{this, "MinTracksInPV", 5};
-    Gaudi::Property<double>       m_maxChi2ToAdd{this, "MaxChi2ToAdd", 50};
-    Gaudi::Property<double>       m_maxChi2Fit{this, "MaxChi2Fit", 12};
-    Gaudi::Property<double>       m_maxChi2PerDoF{this, "MaxChi2PerDoF", 3};
+    Gaudi::Property<double>       m_maxIPToBeam{ this, "MaxIPToBeam", 0.200 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<double>       m_maxDeltaZ{ this, "MaxDeltaZ", 3.000 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_minTracksInPV{ this, "MinTracksInPV", 5 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double>       m_maxChi2ToAdd{ this, "MaxChi2ToAdd", 50 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double>       m_maxChi2Fit{ this, "MaxChi2Fit", 12 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double>       m_maxChi2PerDoF{ this, "MaxChi2PerDoF", 3 };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
@@ -48,10 +48,11 @@ namespace LHCb {
 } // namespace LHCb
 LHCb::FastPVFinder::FastPVFinder( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : MultiTransformerFilter( name, pSvcLocator,
-                              {KeyValue{"InputLocation", TrackLocation::Velo},
-                               KeyValue{"InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion"}},
-                              {KeyValue{"OutputLocation", RecVertexLocation::Primary}} ) {}
+    : MultiTransformerFilter(
+          name, pSvcLocator,
+          { KeyValue{ "InputLocation", TrackLocation::Velo },
+            KeyValue{ "InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion" } },
+          { KeyValue{ "OutputLocation", RecVertexLocation::Primary } } ) {}
 StatusCode LHCb::FastPVFinder::FastPVFinder::initialize() {
   return MultiTransformerFilter::initialize().andThen( [&]() {
@@ -62,8 +63,8 @@ StatusCode LHCb::FastPVFinder::FastPVFinder::initialize() {
   } );
-std::tuple<bool, LHCb::RecVertices> LHCb::FastPVFinder::
-                                    operator()( LHCb::Tracks const& tracks, LHCb::Conditions::InteractionRegion const& region ) const {
+std::tuple<bool, LHCb::RecVertices>
+LHCb::FastPVFinder::operator()( LHCb::Tracks const& tracks, LHCb::Conditions::InteractionRegion const& region ) const {
   std::tuple<bool, LHCb::RecVertices> fullOutput;
   auto& [filter, out] = fullOutput;
   filter              = false;
diff --git a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/CompareTracks.cpp b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/CompareTracks.cpp
index c00ed302e071651511a789838b6c106c45929190..c53ecfb204361ba797fd2bc49725d03e6e00bffe 100644
--- a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/CompareTracks.cpp
+++ b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/CompareTracks.cpp
@@ -86,29 +86,29 @@ public:
       : base_class<TrackListType1, TrackListType2>{
-            {std::pair<std::string, std::string>{"InputTracks1", "Rec/Track/ForwardFastFitted_TMP"},
-             std::pair<std::string, std::string>{"InputTracks2", "Rec/Track/ForwardFastFitted"},
-             std::pair<std::string, std::string>{"ODINLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default},
-             std::pair<std::string, std::string>{"LinkerLocation", Links::location( "Rec/Track/ForwardFastFitted" )},
-             std::pair<std::string, std::string>{"MCProperty", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo},
-             std::pair<std::string, std::string>{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}}} {};
+            { std::pair<std::string, std::string>{ "InputTracks1", "Rec/Track/ForwardFastFitted_TMP" },
+              std::pair<std::string, std::string>{ "InputTracks2", "Rec/Track/ForwardFastFitted" },
+              std::pair<std::string, std::string>{ "ODINLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default },
+              std::pair<std::string, std::string>{ "LinkerLocation", Links::location( "Rec/Track/ForwardFastFitted" ) },
+              std::pair<std::string, std::string>{ "MCProperty", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo },
+              std::pair<std::string, std::string>{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } } } {};
   /// Algorithm execution
   void operator()( TrackListType1 const& tracks1, TrackListType2 const& tracks2, LHCb::ODIN const& odin,
                    LHCb::LinksByKey const& links, LHCb::MCProperty const&, DetectorElement const& ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_FileName{this, "OutputFile", "CompareTracks"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_FileName{ this, "OutputFile", "CompareTracks" };
   // ideal state creator for tuning and performance checks
-  ToolHandle<IIdealStateCreator> m_idealStateCreator = {"IdealStateCreator", this};
+  ToolHandle<IIdealStateCreator> m_idealStateCreator = { "IdealStateCreator", this };
   // extrapolator
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator = {"TrackMasterExtrapolator/extr", this};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator = { "TrackMasterExtrapolator/extr", this };
-  //#################
-  // 1. Level methods
-  //#################
+  // #################
+  //  1. Level methods
+  // #################
   /// Create trees that should be filled for tuning and perfomance checks
   void addBranches( TTree& trees, tupleVars* vars ) const;
@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ private:
                    MCTrackInfo const&, tupleVars* vars, double z, int nPos, IGeometryInfo const& geometry,
                    bool closeToVertex = false ) const;
-  //#######################################
-  // Further methods for the Kalman filter
-  //#######################################
+  // #######################################
+  //  Further methods for the Kalman filter
+  // #######################################
   /// Check if a MC particle is linked to this track
   int MatchesMC( const LHCb::Track& track, const LHCb::LinksByKey& links, const MCTrackInfo& trackInfo ) const;
@@ -147,10 +147,12 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( CompareTracksTrTr, "CompareTracksTrTr" )
 // Main execution
 template <typename TrackListType1, typename TrackListType2>
-void CompareTracks<TrackListType1, TrackListType2>::
-     operator()( TrackListType1 const& tracks1, TrackListType2 const& tracks2, LHCb::ODIN const& odin,
-            LHCb::LinksByKey const& links, LHCb::MCProperty const& mcprop, DetectorElement const& lhcb ) const {
-  const auto trackInfo = MCTrackInfo{mcprop};
+void CompareTracks<TrackListType1, TrackListType2>::operator()( TrackListType1 const& tracks1,
+                                                                TrackListType2 const& tracks2, LHCb::ODIN const& odin,
+                                                                LHCb::LinksByKey const& links,
+                                                                LHCb::MCProperty const& mcprop,
+                                                                DetectorElement const&  lhcb ) const {
+  const auto trackInfo = MCTrackInfo{ mcprop };
   if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) debug() << "==> Execute" << endmsg;
diff --git a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/KalmanParametrizations.cpp b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/KalmanParametrizations.cpp
index 5b66ed37c68276c033aabf08cecdc477e6d69d70..7487f35743422ac9516c2d92889711b164e3377a 100644
--- a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/KalmanParametrizations.cpp
+++ b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/KalmanParametrizations.cpp
@@ -23,17 +23,17 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <vector>
+// ##################################################################################################
-// Implementation file for class : KalmanParametrizations
+//  Implementation file for class : KalmanParametrizations
-// 2017-10-26: Simon Stemmle
+//  2017-10-26: Simon Stemmle
+// ##################################################################################################
 namespace {
   // Set a 5x5 diagonal matrix for later use
-  std::array<double, 25> F_diag = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1};
+  std::array<double, 25> F_diag = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };
 } // namespace
@@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ template <std::size_t BN, std::size_t BS>
 void KalmanParametrizations::read_params( std::string_view file, KalmanParameters<BN, BS>& params ) {
   // read new parameters
   std::string   line;
-  std::ifstream myfile( std::string{file} );
+  std::ifstream myfile( std::string{ file } );
   bool foundSet = false;
   if ( myfile.is_open() ) {
@@ -882,7 +882,7 @@ void KalmanParametrizations::read_params( std::string_view file, KalmanParameter
   } else
-    throw GaudiException( std::string{"Failed to set the parameters from file "}.append( file ),
+    throw GaudiException( std::string{ "Failed to set the parameters from file " }.append( file ),
                           "KalmanParametrizations", StatusCode::FAILURE );
   // std::cout << file << std::endl;
@@ -899,9 +899,9 @@ void KalmanParametrizations::read_params( std::string_view file, KalmanParameter
 void KalmanParametrizations::read_params_UTT( std::string_view file ) {
   std::string   line;
-  std::ifstream myfile( std::string{file} );
+  std::ifstream myfile( std::string{ file } );
   if ( !myfile.is_open() )
-    throw GaudiException( std::string{"Failed to set the parameters from file "}.append( file ),
+    throw GaudiException( std::string{ "Failed to set the parameters from file " }.append( file ),
                           "KalmanParametrizations", StatusCode::FAILURE );
   myfile >> ZINI >> ZFIN >> PMIN >> BENDX >> BENDX_X2 >> BENDX_Y2 >> BENDY_XY >> Txmax >> Tymax >> XFmax >> Dtxy;
diff --git a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/KalmanParametrizations.h b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/KalmanParametrizations.h
index 65c389383ba42408f0aac21118ef1c1ffb19dabc..c3cb35b5a0ead17e72808660522e4090d436da1c 100644
--- a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/KalmanParametrizations.h
+++ b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/KalmanParametrizations.h
@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@
 enum class Polarity { Up, Down };
 // Dimensions of the parameters {n, m} : n sets with m parameters
-constexpr std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> ParDim_predictV     = {2, 10};
-constexpr std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> ParDim_predictVUT   = {2, 30};
-constexpr std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> ParDim_predictUT    = {7, 20};
-constexpr std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> ParDim_predictUTFUT = {1, 1};
-constexpr std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> ParDim_predictUTTF  = {2, 20};
-constexpr std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> ParDim_predictTFT   = {2, 20};
-constexpr std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> ParDim_predictT     = {46, 20};
+constexpr std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> ParDim_predictV     = { 2, 10 };
+constexpr std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> ParDim_predictVUT   = { 2, 30 };
+constexpr std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> ParDim_predictUT    = { 7, 20 };
+constexpr std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> ParDim_predictUTFUT = { 1, 1 };
+constexpr std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> ParDim_predictUTTF  = { 2, 20 };
+constexpr std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> ParDim_predictTFT   = { 2, 20 };
+constexpr std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> ParDim_predictT     = { 46, 20 };
-constexpr std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> ParDim_TLayer  = {2, 12};
-constexpr std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> ParDim_UTLayer = {1, 4};
+constexpr std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> ParDim_TLayer  = { 2, 12 };
+constexpr std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> ParDim_UTLayer = { 1, 4 };
 /** @class KalmanParametrizations KalmanParametrizations.h
  *  Contains a set of extrapolation methods that are used in the ParameterizedKalmanFit
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ struct KalmanParameters {
   std::array<double, BATCHSIZE * BATCHNUMBER> parameters;
   double&                  operator()( int i, int j ) { return parameters[i * BATCHSIZE + j]; }
-  LHCb::span<const double> operator[]( int i ) const { return {&parameters[i * BATCHSIZE], BATCHSIZE}; }
+  LHCb::span<const double> operator[]( int i ) const { return { &parameters[i * BATCHSIZE], BATCHSIZE }; }
 class KalmanParametrizations {
@@ -161,18 +161,18 @@ private:
   Polarity m_Polarity   = Polarity::Up;
   bool     paramsLoaded = false;
-  //###########################
-  // parameter vectors
-  //###########################
+  // ###########################
+  //  parameter vectors
+  // ###########################
   // Parameters that change sign under polarity flip
-  const std::array<unsigned int, 1> flip_Par_predictV     = {4};
-  const std::array<unsigned int, 4> flip_Par_predictVUT   = {0, 8, 9, 10};
-  const std::array<unsigned int, 4> flip_Par_predictUT    = {5, 6, 7, 10};
-  const std::array<unsigned int, 2> flip_Par_predictUTFUT = {0};
-  const std::array<unsigned int, 8> flip_Par_predictUTTF  = {0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11};
-  const std::array<unsigned int, 2> flip_Par_predictTFT   = {5, 6};
-  const std::array<unsigned int, 3> flip_Par_predictT     = {5, 6, 7};
+  const std::array<unsigned int, 1> flip_Par_predictV     = { 4 };
+  const std::array<unsigned int, 4> flip_Par_predictVUT   = { 0, 8, 9, 10 };
+  const std::array<unsigned int, 4> flip_Par_predictUT    = { 5, 6, 7, 10 };
+  const std::array<unsigned int, 2> flip_Par_predictUTFUT = { 0 };
+  const std::array<unsigned int, 8> flip_Par_predictUTTF  = { 0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 };
+  const std::array<unsigned int, 2> flip_Par_predictTFT   = { 5, 6 };
+  const std::array<unsigned int, 3> flip_Par_predictT     = { 5, 6, 7 };
   bool m_qop_flip = false;
@@ -194,14 +194,14 @@ private:
 #define NBINYMAX 50
   std::array<std::array<KalmanParametrizationsCoef, NBINYMAX>, NBINXMAX> C;
-  double                                                                 ZINI{0}, ZFIN{0};
-  double                                                                 PMIN{0};
-  double BENDX{0}, BENDX_X2{0}, BENDX_Y2{0}, BENDY_XY{0};
-  double Txmax{0}, Tymax{0}, XFmax{0}, Xmax{0}, Ymax{0};
-  double Dtxy{0};
-  double step{0};
-  int Nbinx{0}, Nbiny{0};
-  int XGridOption{0}, YGridOption{0};
-  int DEGX1{0}, DEGX2{0}, DEGY1{0}, DEGY2{0};
+  double                                                                 ZINI{ 0 }, ZFIN{ 0 };
+  double                                                                 PMIN{ 0 };
+  double BENDX{ 0 }, BENDX_X2{ 0 }, BENDX_Y2{ 0 }, BENDY_XY{ 0 };
+  double Txmax{ 0 }, Tymax{ 0 }, XFmax{ 0 }, Xmax{ 0 }, Ymax{ 0 };
+  double Dtxy{ 0 };
+  double step{ 0 };
+  int Nbinx{ 0 }, Nbiny{ 0 };
+  int XGridOption{ 0 }, YGridOption{ 0 };
+  int DEGX1{ 0 }, DEGX2{ 0 }, DEGY1{ 0 }, DEGY2{ 0 };
diff --git a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/KalmanParametrizationsCoef.cpp b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/KalmanParametrizationsCoef.cpp
index 9255afcd8fb5a55321d32fab3d6977163b116246..049df385f209bc4131447e3ea2049b0b90373d45 100644
--- a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/KalmanParametrizationsCoef.cpp
+++ b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/KalmanParametrizationsCoef.cpp
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
 #include "KalmanParametrizationsCoef.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
+// ##################################################################################################
-// Implementation file for class : KalmanParametrizationsCoef
+//  Implementation file for class : KalmanParametrizationsCoef
-// 2018-07-06: Pierre Billoir, Simon Stemmle
+//  2018-07-06: Pierre Billoir, Simon Stemmle
+// ##################################################################################################
 int KalmanParametrizationsCoef::Read( std::istream& inp, int degx1, int degx2, int degy1, int degy2 ) {
   if ( degx1 > 10 || degx2 > 10 || degy1 > 10 || degy2 > 10 )
diff --git a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit.cpp b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit.cpp
index 18f066325859d58de95f673686b41b1d1d395f41..ce1942d67bb16c2ed7961707c93642f6e797d5f6 100644
--- a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit.cpp
+++ b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit.cpp
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@
 #include "ParameterizedKalmanFit.h"
 #include "SerializeTrack.h"
+// ########################################################################
-// Implementation file for class : ParameterizedKalmanFit
+//  Implementation file for class : ParameterizedKalmanFit
-// 2017-10-26: Simon Stemmle
+//  2017-10-26: Simon Stemmle
+// ########################################################################
 using namespace ParKalman;
@@ -38,10 +38,11 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( ParameterizedKalmanFit )
 ParameterizedKalmanFit::ParameterizedKalmanFit( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                   {KeyValue{"InputName", "Rec/Track/ForwardFast"},
-                    KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top},
-                    KeyValue{"Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path}, KeyValue{"FT", DeFTDetectorLocation::Default}},
-                   KeyValue{"OutputName", "Rec/Track/Best2"} ) {}
+                   { KeyValue{ "InputName", "Rec/Track/ForwardFast" },
+                     KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top },
+                     KeyValue{ "Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path },
+                     KeyValue{ "FT", DeFTDetectorLocation::Default } },
+                   KeyValue{ "OutputName", "Rec/Track/Best2" } ) {}
 // Initialization
@@ -60,9 +61,9 @@ StatusCode ParameterizedKalmanFit::initialize() {
 // Main execution
-std::vector<ParameterizedKalmanFit::OutputTrack> ParameterizedKalmanFit::
-                                                 operator()( std::vector<InputTrack> const& input, DetectorElement const& lhcb, DeMagnet const& magnet,
-            DeFT const& deFT ) const {
+ParameterizedKalmanFit::operator()( std::vector<InputTrack> const& input, DetectorElement const& lhcb,
+                                    DeMagnet const& magnet, DeFT const& deFT ) const {
   if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) debug() << "==> Execute" << endmsg;
@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ std::vector<ParameterizedKalmanFit::OutputTrack> ParameterizedKalmanFit::
   // Check the FT geometry version
   if ( deFT.version() < 62 ) {
     error() << "This version requires FTDet v6.2 or higher" << endmsg;
-    throw std::runtime_error{"ParametrizedKalmanFit: This version requires FTDet v6.2 or higher"};
+    throw std::runtime_error{ "ParametrizedKalmanFit: This version requires FTDet v6.2 or higher" };
   // struct that contains the intermediate track information
@@ -146,9 +147,9 @@ StatusCode ParameterizedKalmanFit::fit( trackInfo& tI, IGeometryInfo const& geom
   Gaudi::Vector5      xBestLastMeas;
   Gaudi::SymMatrix5x5 CBestLastMeas;
-  //#####################################
-  // do a forward and a backward iteration
-  //#####################################
+  // #####################################
+  //  do a forward and a backward iteration
+  // #####################################
   // create the seed state at the first VELO hit
   CreateVeloSeedState( 0, x, C, lastz, tI );
@@ -218,9 +219,9 @@ StatusCode ParameterizedKalmanFit::fit( trackInfo& tI, IGeometryInfo const& geom
   // same for the chi2 (might be better) To test!
   if ( !m_UseForwardChi2Estimate ) chi2Best = tI.m_chi2;
-  //##############################################
-  // do outlier removal if requested and necessary
-  //##############################################
+  // ##############################################
+  //  do outlier removal if requested and necessary
+  // ##############################################
   for ( int i = 0; i < m_MaxNoutlier; i++ ) {
     // start by running the smoother (average forward and backward)
     tI.m_chi2 = 0;
diff --git a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit.h b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit.h
index a91b25d87c38bed0baaa6ba1de90859d80cc47c3..385fbf37d80d7b976e5983d89044eb9abfdef1f5 100644
--- a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit.h
+++ b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit.h
@@ -72,20 +72,20 @@ public:
                                        DeFT const& ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_UseUT{this, "UseUTHits", true};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_UseUT{ this, "UseUTHits", true };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_UseT{this, "UseTHits", true};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_UseT{ this, "UseTHits", true };
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_MaxNoutlier{this, "MaxNumOutlier", 1};
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_MaxNoutlier{ this, "MaxNumOutlier", 1 };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_UseForwardMomEstimate{this, "UseForwMomEstimate", true};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_UseForwardMomEstimate{ this, "UseForwMomEstimate", true };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_UseForwardChi2Estimate{this, "UseForwChi2Estimate", true};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_UseForwardChi2Estimate{ this, "UseForwChi2Estimate", true };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_UseOneParameterSet{this, "UseOneParameterSet", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_UseOneParameterSet{ this, "UseOneParameterSet", false };
   Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_ParamFileLocation{
-      this, "ParamFileLocation", System::getEnv( "PARAMFILESROOT" ) + "/data/ParametrizedKalmanFit/FT6x2"};
+      this, "ParamFileLocation", System::getEnv( "PARAMFILESROOT" ) + "/data/ParametrizedKalmanFit/FT6x2" };
   // cache information for the smoother step
   bool m_do_smoother = true;
@@ -94,26 +94,26 @@ private:
   std::unique_ptr<KalmanParametrizations> m_ParExtrUp;
   std::unique_ptr<KalmanParametrizations> m_ParExtrDown;
-  //#####
-  // Tools
-  //#####
+  // #####
+  //  Tools
+  // #####
   // extrapolators for the extrapolation to the beam pipe
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator_toPV{this, "Extrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator_toPV{ this, "Extrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator" };
-  ToolHandle<IMeasurementProviderProjector> m_measProvider = {this, "MeasProvider",
-                                                              "MeasurementProvider/MeasurementProvider"};
+  ToolHandle<IMeasurementProviderProjector> m_measProvider = { this, "MeasProvider",
+                                                               "MeasurementProvider/MeasurementProvider" };
-  //#################
-  // 1. Main method
-  //#################
+  // #################
+  //  1. Main method
+  // #################
   /// Runs the Kalman filter on a track
   StatusCode fit( trackInfo& tI, IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const;
-  //##########################################################################################
-  // Methods for the Kalman filter that are not implemented in ParameterizedKalmanFit_Methods
-  //##########################################################################################
+  // ##########################################################################################
+  //  Methods for the Kalman filter that are not implemented in ParameterizedKalmanFit_Methods
+  // ##########################################################################################
   /// General method for predicting to a hit
   bool PredictState( int forward, int nHit, Gaudi::Vector5& x, Gaudi::SymMatrix5x5& C, double& lastz,
diff --git a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker.cpp b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker.cpp
index 73ddd6d62e67cffda5b3ac51f68de053a8f05580..ac7b7177ce540a64d96002313eed4ef5f32988c5 100644
--- a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker.cpp
+++ b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker.cpp
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ namespace {
+// ########################################################################
-// Implementation file for class : ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker
+//  Implementation file for class : ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker
-// 2017-11-02: Simon Stemmle
+//  2017-11-02: Simon Stemmle
+// ########################################################################
 // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker )
@@ -66,13 +66,13 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker )
 ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker::ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                   {KeyValue{"InputName", "Rec/Track/ForwardFast"},
-                    KeyValue{"ODINLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default},
-                    KeyValue{"LinkerLocation", Links::location( "Rec/Track/ForwardFast" )},
-                    KeyValue{"MCProperty", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo},
-                    KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top},
-                    KeyValue{"Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path}},
-                   KeyValue{"OutputName", "Rec/Track/ForwardFastFitted_Checker"} ) {}
+                   { KeyValue{ "InputName", "Rec/Track/ForwardFast" },
+                     KeyValue{ "ODINLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default },
+                     KeyValue{ "LinkerLocation", Links::location( "Rec/Track/ForwardFast" ) },
+                     KeyValue{ "MCProperty", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo },
+                     KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top },
+                     KeyValue{ "Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path } },
+                   KeyValue{ "OutputName", "Rec/Track/ForwardFastFitted_Checker" } ) {}
 // Initialization
@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@ LHCb::Tracks ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker::operator()( LHCb::Tracks const& inp
   StatusCode sc;
   // struct that contains the intermediate track information
-  trackInfo tI{links};
+  trackInfo tI{ links };
   tI.m_do_smoother = m_do_smoother;
-  const auto trackInfo = MCTrackInfo{mcprop};
+  const auto trackInfo = MCTrackInfo{ mcprop };
   // select the respective extrapolator
   tI.m_extr = ( magnet.signedRelativeCurrent() > 0 ? m_ParExtrUp.get() : m_ParExtrDown.get() );
@@ -195,9 +195,9 @@ StatusCode ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker::fitForTuning( trackInfo& tI, const MC
   // covariance
   Gaudi::SymMatrix5x5 C;
-  //############################
-  // do the actual Kalman filter
-  //############################
+  // ############################
+  //  do the actual Kalman filter
+  // ############################
   // create the seed state at the first VELO hit
   CreateVeloSeedState_Ch( 0, x, C, lastz, tI, trees, tV, geometry );
@@ -255,9 +255,9 @@ StatusCode ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker::fit( trackInfo& tI, MCTrackInfo const
   Gaudi::Vector5      xBestLastMeas;
   Gaudi::SymMatrix5x5 CBestLastMeas;
-  //#####################################
-  // do a forward and a backward iteration
-  //#####################################
+  // #####################################
+  //  do a forward and a backward iteration
+  // #####################################
   // create the seed state at the first VELO hit
   CreateVeloSeedState_Ch( 0, x, C, lastz, tI, trees, tV, geometry );
@@ -327,9 +327,9 @@ StatusCode ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker::fit( trackInfo& tI, MCTrackInfo const
   // same for the chi2 (might be better) To test!
   if ( !m_UseForwardChi2Estimate ) chi2Best = tI.m_chi2;
-  //##############################################
-  // do outlier removal if requested and necessary
-  //##############################################
+  // ##############################################
+  //  do outlier removal if requested and necessary
+  // ##############################################
   for ( int i = 0; i < m_MaxNoutlier; i++ ) {
     // start by running the smoother (average forward and backward)
     tI.m_chi2 = 0;
diff --git a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker.h b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker.h
index 34e8c1891ba05047264bed76257415d4da8b0591..d1bc90381b9b1dea4ddf8d9741abb01d48a60809 100644
--- a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker.h
+++ b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker.h
@@ -83,24 +83,24 @@ public:
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_UseUT{this, "UseUTHits", true};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_UseUT{ this, "UseUTHits", true };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_UseT{this, "UseTHits", true};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_UseT{ this, "UseTHits", true };
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_MaxNoutlier{this, "MaxNumOutlier", 1};
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_MaxNoutlier{ this, "MaxNumOutlier", 1 };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_UseForwardMomEstimate{this, "UseForwMomEstiamte", true};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_UseForwardMomEstimate{ this, "UseForwMomEstiamte", true };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_UseForwardChi2Estimate{this, "UseForwChi2Estiamte", true};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_UseForwardChi2Estimate{ this, "UseForwChi2Estiamte", true };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_UseOneParameterSet{this, "UseOneParameterSet", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_UseOneParameterSet{ this, "UseOneParameterSet", false };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_RunForTuning{this, "RunForTuning", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_RunForTuning{ this, "RunForTuning", false };
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_TreesFileName{this, "OutputTreesFile", "ParameterizedKalmanTuning"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_TreesFileName{ this, "OutputTreesFile", "ParameterizedKalmanTuning" };
   Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_ParamFileLocation{
-      this, "ParamFileLocation", System::getEnv( "PARAMFILESROOT" ) + "/data/ParametrizedKalmanFit/FT6x2"};
+      this, "ParamFileLocation", System::getEnv( "PARAMFILESROOT" ) + "/data/ParametrizedKalmanFit/FT6x2" };
   // Control options for tuning,testing
   bool m_SetTrueStateAfterUpdate     = false;
@@ -114,24 +114,24 @@ private:
   std::unique_ptr<KalmanParametrizations> m_ParExtrUp;
   std::unique_ptr<KalmanParametrizations> m_ParExtrDown;
-  //#####
-  // Tools
-  //#####
-  ToolHandle<IMeasurementProviderProjector> m_measProvider = {this, "MeasProvider",
-                                                              "MeasurementProvider/MeasurementProvider"};
+  // #####
+  //  Tools
+  // #####
+  ToolHandle<IMeasurementProviderProjector> m_measProvider = { this, "MeasProvider",
+                                                               "MeasurementProvider/MeasurementProvider" };
   // ideal state creator for tuning and performance checks
-  ToolHandle<IIdealStateCreator> m_idealStateCreator = {"IdealStateCreator", this};
+  ToolHandle<IIdealStateCreator> m_idealStateCreator = { "IdealStateCreator", this };
   // extrapolators
   // 1.For tuning and performance checks
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator = {"TrackMasterExtrapolator/extr1", this};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator = { "TrackMasterExtrapolator/extr1", this };
   // 2.For the extrapolation to the beam pipe
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator_toPV = {"TrackMasterExtrapolator/extr2", this};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator_toPV = { "TrackMasterExtrapolator/extr2", this };
-  //#################
-  // 1. Level methods
-  //#################
+  // #################
+  //  1. Level methods
+  // #################
   /// Method to run the Kalman filter in order to extract tuning information
   StatusCode fitForTuning( trackInfo& tI, const MCTrackInfo& trackInfo, std::vector<TTree*>* trees, trackTupleInfo* tV,
@@ -144,9 +144,9 @@ private:
   /// Create trees that should be filled for tuning and perfomance checks
   void addTrees( std::vector<TTree*>& trees, trackTupleInfo* treeVars ) const;
-  //####################################
-  // Main methods for the Kalman filter
-  //####################################
+  // ####################################
+  //  Main methods for the Kalman filter
+  // ####################################
   /// Load hit information
   void LoadHits_Ch( trackInfo& tI, const ToolHandle<IMeasurementProviderProjector>& measProvider, bool m_UseUT,
@@ -168,9 +168,9 @@ private:
   void FillNtuple( Gaudi::Vector5 x, Gaudi::SymMatrix5x5 C, double z, trackInfo& tI, trackTupleInfo* tV,
                    double position, int pos, IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const;
-  //#######################################
-  // Further methods for the Kalman filter
-  //#######################################
+  // #######################################
+  //  Further methods for the Kalman filter
+  // #######################################
   /// Check if a MC particle is linked to this track
   int MatchesMC( const trackInfo& tI, const MCTrackInfo& trackInfo ) const;
diff --git a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker_include.icpp b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker_include.icpp
index 4faab898b48b4f5b0d61b367c02c4092e94e1a56..b177576e46c1c45420b2277208313e96417af12e 100644
--- a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker_include.icpp
+++ b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker_include.icpp
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
 #include "Core/FloatComparison.h"
+// ########################################################################
-// Additional implementation file for class : ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker
+//  Additional implementation file for class : ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker
-// 2017-11-02: Simon Stemmle
+//  2017-11-02: Simon Stemmle
+// ########################################################################
 namespace {
   using FTYPE = double;
@@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ void ParameterizedKalmanFit_Checker::fillInfoForExtrapolation( double z_prev, do
                                                                trackTupleInfo*      tV,
                                                                IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const {
   // Create the true state at the previous z position
-  double tr_x[5] = {0};
+  double tr_x[5] = { 0 };
   TrueState( z_prev, tr_x[0], tr_x[1], tr_x[2], tr_x[3], tr_x[4], tI, geometry, false ); // qop at position
   Gaudi::TrackVector    stateVec( tr_x, 5 );
-  double                C[15] = {0};
+  double                C[15] = { 0 };
   Gaudi::TrackSymMatrix covMat( C, 15 );
   LHCb::State           state( stateVec, covMat, z_prev, LHCb::State::Location::LocationUnknown );
   // get the extrapolated state
diff --git a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit_Methods.cpp b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit_Methods.cpp
index 03487f0c5d482b91b6bd3153d8c78e4c35649b34..7e32b5cf7be0eb53a8eecf7addd8eea616dcb604 100644
--- a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit_Methods.cpp
+++ b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit_Methods.cpp
@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@
 #include "ParameterizedKalmanFit_Methods.h"
+// ########################################################################
-// Implementation of methods defined in ParameterizedKalmanFit_Methods.h
+//  Implementation of methods defined in ParameterizedKalmanFit_Methods.h
-// 2017-10-30: Simon Stemmle
+//  2017-10-30: Simon Stemmle
+// ########################################################################
 namespace ParKalman {
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ namespace ParKalman {
     std::vector<LHCb::LHCbID> ids = tI.m_track->lhcbIDs();
-    m_measProvider->addToMeasurements( ids, measurements, LHCb::TrackTraj{*tI.m_track} );
+    m_measProvider->addToMeasurements( ids, measurements, LHCb::TrackTraj{ *tI.m_track } );
     auto itM    = measurements.begin();
     auto itMEnd = measurements.end();
@@ -610,9 +610,7 @@ namespace ParKalman {
     if ( tI.m_HasHitT[nHit] != 0 )
       tI.m_extr->ExtrapolateInT( lastz, nHit, tI.m_measFtLite[nHit].point, tI.m_measFtLite[nHit].direction, z, x, F,
                                  Q );
-    else {
-      tI.m_extr->ExtrapolateInT( lastz, nHit, z, x, F, Q );
-    }
+    else { tI.m_extr->ExtrapolateInT( lastz, nHit, z, x, F, Q ); }
     // transport covariance matrix
     C = LHCb::Math::Similarity( F, C );
@@ -666,8 +664,8 @@ namespace ParKalman {
     // set measurement residual
     Gaudi::Vector2 res( tI.m_XMeasV[nHit] - x( 0 ), tI.m_YMeasV[nHit] - x( 1 ) );
-    double              CresTmp[3] = {tI.m_XErrV[nHit] * tI.m_XErrV[nHit] + C( 0, 0 ), C( 0, 1 ),
-                         tI.m_YErrV[nHit] * tI.m_YErrV[nHit] + C( 1, 1 )};
+    double              CresTmp[3] = { tI.m_XErrV[nHit] * tI.m_XErrV[nHit] + C( 0, 0 ), C( 0, 1 ),
+                                       tI.m_YErrV[nHit] * tI.m_YErrV[nHit] + C( 1, 1 ) };
     Gaudi::SymMatrix2x2 CRes( CresTmp, 3 );
     // Kalman formalism:
@@ -852,9 +850,9 @@ namespace ParKalman {
       Gaudi::Vector2 res( tI.m_XMeasV[nHit] - tI.m_StateSmoothed[nHit][0],
                           tI.m_YMeasV[nHit] - tI.m_StateSmoothed[nHit][1] );
-      double              CresTmp[3] = {tI.m_XErrV[nHit] * tI.m_XErrV[nHit] - tI.m_CovSmoothed[nHit]( 0, 0 ),
-                           -tI.m_CovSmoothed[nHit]( 0, 1 ),
-                           tI.m_YErrV[nHit] * tI.m_YErrV[nHit] - tI.m_CovSmoothed[nHit]( 1, 1 )};
+      double              CresTmp[3] = { tI.m_XErrV[nHit] * tI.m_XErrV[nHit] - tI.m_CovSmoothed[nHit]( 0, 0 ),
+                                         -tI.m_CovSmoothed[nHit]( 0, 1 ),
+                                         tI.m_YErrV[nHit] * tI.m_YErrV[nHit] - tI.m_CovSmoothed[nHit]( 1, 1 ) };
       Gaudi::SymMatrix2x2 CRes( CresTmp, 3 );
       int fail;
diff --git a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit_Methods.h b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit_Methods.h
index 78d2fe62df2dcccdaf49343c18c8e79a128c926f..bc874746c8da76811503a66a72fc8e86577e6bfe 100644
--- a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit_Methods.h
+++ b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/ParameterizedKalmanFit_Methods.h
@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@
 #include "Associators/Associators.h"
 #include <TFile.h>
+// ########################################################################
-// Some common content for the different Parameterized Kalman algorithms
+//  Some common content for the different Parameterized Kalman algorithms
-// 2017-10-30: Simon Stemmle
+//  2017-10-30: Simon Stemmle
+// ########################################################################
 namespace ParKalman {
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ namespace ParKalman {
   struct trackInfo {
     trackInfo() = default;
-    trackInfo( const LHCb::LinksByKey& _links ) : links{_links} {}
+    trackInfo( const LHCb::LinksByKey& _links ) : links{ _links } {}
     // Should additional information be cached to run the smoother afterwards
     bool m_do_smoother = false;
diff --git a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/SerializeTrack.cpp b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/SerializeTrack.cpp
index 4765f71ebb545a0f1ad0f1f741444a5b3270e22d..2bb9e50f63c3642a2063f60bc2af295d342ecc7d 100644
--- a/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/SerializeTrack.cpp
+++ b/Tr/ParameterizedKalman/src/SerializeTrack.cpp
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ StateVectorDifference CompareSingleStates( const LHCb::State& lhs, const LHCb::S
   StateVectorDifference diff;
   // Compute distance of the two points.
-  Gaudi::XYZPoint p1 = {lhs.x(), lhs.y(), lhs.z()};
-  Gaudi::XYZPoint p2 = {rhs.x(), rhs.y(), rhs.z()};
+  Gaudi::XYZPoint p1 = { lhs.x(), lhs.y(), lhs.z() };
+  Gaudi::XYZPoint p2 = { rhs.x(), rhs.y(), rhs.z() };
   diff.avgPos = diff.maxPos = sqrt( ( p1 - p2 ).mag2() );
diff --git a/Tr/PatChecker/CMakeLists.txt b/Tr/PatChecker/CMakeLists.txt
index bb409b133b9480b0802e1d995e95c04997206a27..701be27b8435aad944c02a346c9dacee4aee9347 100644
--- a/Tr/PatChecker/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Tr/PatChecker/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -34,7 +34,3 @@ gaudi_add_module(PatChecker
diff --git a/Tr/PatChecker/doc/release.notes b/Tr/PatChecker/doc/release.notes
index 8c8c6fc2f15daffd5cf9295ebc480d35aa4dce70..8391a4a8f775723b6d542686595ba3acbb293701 100755
--- a/Tr/PatChecker/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Tr/PatChecker/doc/release.notes
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ! Package     : Tr/PatChecker
-! Responsible : 
+! Responsible :
 ! Purpose     : Checker for pattern recognition
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
  - Include UT hits in PatLHCbID2MCParticle
 ! 2012-12-05 - Olivier Callot
- - Change the name of the OTHitCreator from Tf::OTHitCreator to OTHitCreator in 
+ - Change the name of the OTHitCreator from Tf::OTHitCreator to OTHitCreator in
 !========================= PatChecker v3r13 2012-11-28 ========================
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 =========================== PatChecker v3r8 2010-06-21 ======================
 ! 2010-06-10 - V. Gligorov
  - Remove obsolete default HLT track locations. Users must now configure
-   this by hand. 
+   this by hand.
 =========================== PatChecker v3r7p1 2010-05-21 ======================
 ! 2010-05-13 - Rob Lambert
@@ -120,6 +120,5 @@
  - Propagate Pat/PatChecker change of 2007-09-21
 ! 2007-10-09 - Stephanie Hansmann-Menzemer
- - import from Tf/PatChecker, for release note see Tf/PatChecker 
+ - import from Tf/PatChecker, for release note see Tf/PatChecker
    and Pat/PatChecker
diff --git a/Tr/PatChecker/src/PrimaryVertexChecker.cpp b/Tr/PatChecker/src/PrimaryVertexChecker.cpp
index d9264abe11171213806322844efa451f09292292..618af1216a38133c550750da9c16e8556688dcee 100644
--- a/Tr/PatChecker/src/PrimaryVertexChecker.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatChecker/src/PrimaryVertexChecker.cpp
@@ -63,16 +63,16 @@ namespace {
   struct MCPVInfo {
-    LHCb::MCVertex const* pMCPV             = {nullptr}; // pointer to MC PV
-    int                   nRecTracks        = {0};       // number of reconstructed tracks from this MCPV
-    int                   nRecBackTracks    = {0};       // number of reconstructed backward tracks
-    int                   indexRecPVInfo    = {-1};      // index to reconstructed PVInfo (-1 if not reco)
-    int                   nCorrectTracks    = {0};       // correct tracks belonging to reconstructed PV
-    int                   multClosestMCPV   = {0};       // multiplicity of closest reconstructable MCPV
-    double                distToClosestMCPV = {999999.}; // distance to closest reconstructible MCPV
-    bool                  decayCharm        = {false};   // type of mother particle
-    bool                  decayBeauty       = {false};
-    bool                  decayStrange      = {false};
+    LHCb::MCVertex const* pMCPV             = { nullptr }; // pointer to MC PV
+    int                   nRecTracks        = { 0 };       // number of reconstructed tracks from this MCPV
+    int                   nRecBackTracks    = { 0 };       // number of reconstructed backward tracks
+    int                   indexRecPVInfo    = { -1 };      // index to reconstructed PVInfo (-1 if not reco)
+    int                   nCorrectTracks    = { 0 };       // correct tracks belonging to reconstructed PV
+    int                   multClosestMCPV   = { 0 };       // multiplicity of closest reconstructable MCPV
+    double                distToClosestMCPV = { 999999. }; // distance to closest reconstructible MCPV
+    bool                  decayCharm        = { false };   // type of mother particle
+    bool                  decayBeauty       = { false };
+    bool                  decayStrange      = { false };
   template <typename VERTEXTYPE>
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ namespace {
     Gaudi::XYZPoint   position;      // position
     Gaudi::XYZPoint   positionSigma; // position sigmas
     int               indexMCPVInfo; // index to MCPVInfo
-    VERTEXTYPE const* pRECPV{nullptr};
+    VERTEXTYPE const* pRECPV{ nullptr };
   MCPVInfo const* closestMCPV( LHCb::span<MCPVInfo const> rblemcpv, MCPVInfo const& mc ) {
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ namespace {
                             [&mc]( Result r, auto const& i ) {
                               if ( i.pMCPV == mc.pMCPV ) return r;
                               double dist = ( i.pMCPV->position() - mc.pMCPV->position() ).R();
-                              return r.dist < dist ? r : Result{&i, dist};
+                              return r.dist < dist ? r : Result{ &i, dist };
                             } )
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ namespace {
     return std::accumulate( rblemcpv.begin(), rblemcpv.end(), Result{},
                             [&rec]( Result r, auto const& i ) {
                               double dist = ( i.pMCPV->position() - rec.pRECPV->position() ).R();
-                              return r.dist < dist ? r : Result{&i, dist};
+                              return r.dist < dist ? r : Result{ &i, dist };
                             } )
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ namespace {
                                            [z = rinfo[ipv].position.z()]( auto r, auto const& mcpv ) {
                                              if ( mcpv.indexRecPVInfo > -1 ) return r;
                                              double dist = std::abs( mcpv.pMCPV->position().z() - z );
-                                             return r.dist < dist ? r : Result{&mcpv, dist};
+                                             return r.dist < dist ? r : Result{ &mcpv, dist };
                                            } );
     if ( ptr && mindist < 5.0 * rinfo[ipv].positionSigma.z() ) {
       auto indexmc                    = ptr - mcpvvec.data();
@@ -160,11 +160,11 @@ namespace {
   constexpr auto All = std::array{
       recoAs::all,      recoAs::isolated, recoAs::close,  recoAs::ntracks_low, recoAs::ntracks_high, recoAs::z_low,
       recoAs::z_middle, recoAs::z_high,   recoAs::beauty, recoAs::charm,       recoAs::strange,      recoAs::other,
-      recoAs::first,    recoAs::second,   recoAs::third,  recoAs::fourth,      recoAs::fifth};
-  constexpr auto Part  = std::array{recoAs::all, recoAs::beauty, recoAs::charm, recoAs::strange, recoAs::other};
-  constexpr auto Basic = std::array{recoAs::all,          recoAs::isolated, recoAs::close,    recoAs::ntracks_low,
-                                    recoAs::ntracks_high, recoAs::z_low,    recoAs::z_middle, recoAs::z_high,
-                                    recoAs::beauty,       recoAs::charm,    recoAs::strange,  recoAs::other};
+      recoAs::first,    recoAs::second,   recoAs::third,  recoAs::fourth,      recoAs::fifth };
+  constexpr auto Part  = std::array{ recoAs::all, recoAs::beauty, recoAs::charm, recoAs::strange, recoAs::other };
+  constexpr auto Basic = std::array{ recoAs::all,          recoAs::isolated, recoAs::close,    recoAs::ntracks_low,
+                                     recoAs::ntracks_high, recoAs::z_low,    recoAs::z_middle, recoAs::z_high,
+                                     recoAs::beauty,       recoAs::charm,    recoAs::strange,  recoAs::other };
   constexpr int size_basic  = static_cast<int>( recoAs::other ) + 1;
   constexpr int size_recoAs = static_cast<int>( recoAs::fifth ) + 1;
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ namespace {
   void count_reconstructible_mc_particles( LHCb::span<MCPVInfo> mcpvvec, LHCb::MCProperty const& flags,
                                            bool requireVelo ) {
-    const MCTrackInfo trInfo = {flags};
+    const MCTrackInfo trInfo = { flags };
     for ( auto& infomc : mcpvvec ) {
       LHCb::MCVertex const*                avtx         = infomc.pMCPV;
       unsigned                             mcPartInMCPV = 0;
@@ -228,15 +228,15 @@ class PrimaryVertexChecker
   /// Standard constructor
   PrimaryVertexChecker( std::string const& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : Consumer{name,
-                 pSvcLocator,
-                 {KeyValue{"inputTracksName", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                  KeyValue{"inputVerticesName", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation},
-                  KeyValue{"MCVertexInput", LHCb::MCVertexLocation::Default},
-                  KeyValue{"MCParticleInput", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-                  KeyValue{"MCHeaderLocation", LHCb::MCHeaderLocation::Default},
-                  KeyValue{"MCPropertyInput", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo},
-                  KeyValue{"InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion"}}} {}
+      : Consumer{ name,
+                  pSvcLocator,
+                  { KeyValue{ "inputTracksName", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "inputVerticesName", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation },
+                    KeyValue{ "MCVertexInput", LHCb::MCVertexLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "MCParticleInput", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "MCHeaderLocation", LHCb::MCHeaderLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "MCPropertyInput", LHCb::MCPropertyLocation::TrackInfo },
+                    KeyValue{ "InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion" } } } {}
   StatusCode initialize() override; ///< Algorithm initialization
   void       operator()( LHCb::Tracks const& tracks, Vertices const& vertices, LHCb::MCVertices const& mcvtx,
@@ -247,15 +247,15 @@ public:
   using VertexType = Vertices::value_type;
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_nTracksToBeRecble{this, "nTracksToBeRecble", 4};  // min number of tracks in PV
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_produceHistogram{this, "produceHistogram", true}; // producing histograms (light version)
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_produceNtuple{this, "produceNtuple", false};      // producing NTuples (full version)
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_requireVelo{this, "RequireVelo", true};           // requiring VELO for tracks
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_dzIsolated{this, "dzIsolated", 10.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm}; // split close/isolated PVs
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_nTracksToPrint{this, "nTracksToPrint", 10};              // split low/high multiplicity PVs
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zToPrint{this, "zToPrint", 50.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm};     // split in z
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                            m_nevt{this, "nEvents"};
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_nTracksToBeRecble{ this, "nTracksToBeRecble", 4 };  // min number of tracks in PV
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_produceHistogram{ this, "produceHistogram", true }; // producing histograms (light version)
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_produceNtuple{ this, "produceNtuple", false };      // producing NTuples (full version)
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_requireVelo{ this, "RequireVelo", true };           // requiring VELO for tracks
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_dzIsolated{ this, "dzIsolated", 10.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm }; // split close/isolated PVs
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_nTracksToPrint{ this, "nTracksToPrint", 10 };          // split low/high multiplicity PVs
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zToPrint{ this, "zToPrint", 50.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm }; // split in z
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                            m_nevt{ this, "nEvents" };
   mutable std::map<recoAs, Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>>  m_false;     // False PVs vs Reco PVs
   mutable std::map<recoAs, Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>>  m_eff;       // MC reconstructible vs Reconstructed
   mutable std::map<recoAs, Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>>  m_mcpv;      // MC vs MC reconstrucible
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ void PrimaryVertexChecker::operator()( LHCb::Tracks const& tracks, Vertices cons
     recinfo.pRECPV        = &pv;
     recinfo.position      = pv.position();
     auto const& covPV     = pv.covMatrix();
-    recinfo.positionSigma = Gaudi::XYZPoint{sqrt( covPV( 0, 0 ) ), sqrt( covPV( 1, 1 ) ), sqrt( covPV( 2, 2 ) )};
+    recinfo.positionSigma = Gaudi::XYZPoint{ sqrt( covPV( 0, 0 ) ), sqrt( covPV( 1, 1 ) ), sqrt( covPV( 2, 2 ) ) };
     recinfo.nTracks       = pv.nTracks();
     recinfo.chi2          = pv.chi2();
     recinfo.nDoF          = pv.nDoF();
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ void PrimaryVertexChecker::operator()( LHCb::Tracks const& tracks, Vertices cons
   for ( int ipv = 0; ipv < static_cast<int>( recpvvec.size() ); ipv++ ) {
-    match_mc_vertex_by_distance( ipv, LHCb::span<RecPVInfo<VertexType>>{recpvvec}, rblemcpv );
+    match_mc_vertex_by_distance( ipv, LHCb::span<RecPVInfo<VertexType>>{ recpvvec }, rblemcpv );
   rblemcpv.insert( rblemcpv.end(), not_rble_but_visible.begin(), not_rble_but_visible.end() );
diff --git a/Tr/PatFitParams/doc/release.notes b/Tr/PatFitParams/doc/release.notes
index 397a064b80b4ad300c4921dbeb311bc5415e7d75..700727cdcff096e82ec3951374eea3aca53ddb94 100755
--- a/Tr/PatFitParams/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Tr/PatFitParams/doc/release.notes
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ! Package     : Tr/PatFitParams
-! Responsible : 
+! Responsible :
 ! Purpose     : Fit MC tracks to compute the PatForward parameters
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
    easier (if something should go wrong)
  - LinParFit: fix slight regression in the conversion of a LinParFit to string
    (used in pretty-printing) where the correlation matrix elements were not
-   properly aligned 
+   properly aligned
 ! 2015-03-19 - Manuel Tobias Schiller
  - new class LinParFit for fits which are linear in their parameters, much
    more flexible and general than anything previously available
  - adapt various classes to take advantage of LinParFit, retire
-   FwdFitPolinomial class which serves little purpose now 
+   FwdFitPolinomial class which serves little purpose now
  - modernise code in SeedFitParams
 !========================= PatFitParams v4r3 2015-01-14 =========================
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 !======================== PatFitParams v4r0 2009-09-03 =======================
 ! 2009-09-03 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Remove obsolete file src/PatFitParams_dll.cpp
 ! 2009-08-19 - Olivier Callot
  - Adapt to python configurable so that it is easy to run:
    after havind setup Brunel, just do gaudirun.py ../options/FitParams.py
diff --git a/Tr/PatFitParams/src/LinParFit.h b/Tr/PatFitParams/src/LinParFit.h
index 30a7cf6c8fd30f23ab7588d9fdc0f3cefb8e1fca..8dd74aff64ba2493bbaae642d2e498eb87f643a0 100644
--- a/Tr/PatFitParams/src/LinParFit.h
+++ b/Tr/PatFitParams/src/LinParFit.h
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ public:
       FLT operator[]( unsigned k ) const noexcept { return std::pow( m_x, k++ ) / m_sigma; }
-    accumulate( y / sigma, wgrad_helper{x, sigma, m_rhs.size()} );
+    accumulate( y / sigma, wgrad_helper{ x, sigma, m_rhs.size() } );
   /** @brief accumulate new data point (simplified interface)
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/CMakeLists.txt b/Tr/PatPV/CMakeLists.txt
index 373b4aa1ca64c0206599e89df12f8a755515351b..470918c58b61ef0e34d13732a931e3424cdfa000 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ gaudi_add_module(PatPV
-	src/ParticlePVAdder.cpp 
+	src/ParticlePVAdder.cpp
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/doc/release.notes b/Tr/PatPV/doc/release.notes
index ab52b262a8f6ebfbd50c929b858857529a7320f7..f27a09e7a0a195fd731448f78ac1c8a13594913c 100755
--- a/Tr/PatPV/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/doc/release.notes
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
 !========================= PatPV v3r31 2016-03-17 =========================
-! 2016-03-08 - Agnieszka Dziurda 
+! 2016-03-08 - Agnieszka Dziurda
  - add two new options to PVOfllineTool which allow to set double radial treshold.
    -- BeamSpotRHighMultiplicityCut - relaxed cut for PV with many associated tracks
-   -- BeamSpotRMultiplicityTreshold - multiplicity treshold to switch 
-         between tight and relaxed cut. 
+   -- BeamSpotRMultiplicityTreshold - multiplicity treshold to switch
+         between tight and relaxed cut.
 !========================= PatPV v3r30 2016-01-28 =========================
 ! 2016-01-21 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
    clang warnings
 ! 2016-01-01 - Gerhard Raven
- - fix  PVOfflineTool::initialize: invoke base class initialize 
+ - fix  PVOfflineTool::initialize: invoke base class initialize
    (exposed after fixing 'the same' problem in finalize by removing finalize...)
  - use boost::optional instead of a bool return value and out parameter
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
 ! 2015-04-16 - Chris Jones
  - Add back the property maxIP2PV to LSAdaptPV3DFitter as its removal broke
    the Stripping tests in the nightlies. Add a deprication warning incase
-   it is set to this time allow for a proper depreciation period before 
+   it is set to this time allow for a proper depreciation period before
    removing it again in the future...
 !========================= PatPV v3r27 2015-03-31 =========================
@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@
 ! 2015-03-16 - Agnieszka Dziurda
- - add new functionality to LSAdaptPV3DFitter which 
+ - add new functionality to LSAdaptPV3DFitter which
  -- allow to use kalman fitter tracks, option UseFittedTracks
- -- add option for radial distance cut of PV - maxRDPV 
- -- to make offline and online algorithms consistent: 
+ -- add option for radial distance cut of PV - maxRDPV
+ -- to make offline and online algorithms consistent:
         remove maxIP2PV cut, instead trackMaxChi2 is recommended
@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@
 !========================= PatPV v3r24 2012-07-24 =========================
 ! 2012-07-19 - Mariusz Witek
  - technical modification to gain a few % of speed in LSAdaptPV3DFitter.
- - downgrade warning to debug when hessian inversion fails 
-   in LSAdaptPV3DFitter.   
+ - downgrade warning to debug when hessian inversion fails
+   in LSAdaptPV3DFitter.
 ! 2012-07-13 - Mariusz Witek
  - return StatusCode from PVOfflineRecalculate->RecalculateVertex to allow
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@
  - Make LSAdaptPV3DFitter faster (for HLT)
 ! 2012-02-20 - Chris Jones
- - Update PatPVOffline to no longer create a seperate 'WeightsVector', but 
-   instead to store the track weights directly in the RecVertex class, which 
+ - Update PatPVOffline to no longer create a seperate 'WeightsVector', but
+   instead to store the track weights directly in the RecVertex class, which
    now supports this.
  - Update PVOfflineRecalculate to take the track weights direct from the PV
    itself, instead of trying to load the now obsolete weights vector.
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
 ! 2011-11-23 - Mariusz Witek
  - introduce beamspot constraint into PVSeedTool to make PatPV3D faster which
    gives :-
-  - a factor between 2 or 3 in exe time when switching from 3D PVSeed3DTool 
+  - a factor between 2 or 3 in exe time when switching from 3D PVSeed3DTool
     to PVSeedTool
   - lower false PV rate and lower PV->SV mistakes
   - same performance for other parameters like resolution and PV efficiency
@@ -162,13 +162,13 @@
 !========================= PatPV v3r19 2010-10-30 =========================
 ! 2010-10-29 - Mariusz Witek
 - remove access to tracks of PV to be recalculated in PVOfflineRecalculate.
-  They are not stored on uDST 
+  They are not stored on uDST
 ! 2010-10-24 - Mariusz Witek
 - change of argument type to const in removeTracksAndRecalculatePV of IPVOfflineTool interface
 ! 2010-10-20 - Mariusz Witek
-- supress final printout of statistics in PVOfflineRecalculate 
+- supress final printout of statistics in PVOfflineRecalculate
   if tool instantiated but not used
 ! 2010-10-18 - Mariusz Witek
@@ -279,8 +279,8 @@
 ! 2009-12-16 - Mariusz Witek
  - modifications to reconstruct loose PV without requirement of VELO segment
  - added SimplePVFitter and SimplePVSeedTool
- - modified PVOfflineTool 
- - saveguard for MinTracks in PV for LSAdaptFitter 
+ - modified PVOfflineTool
+ - saveguard for MinTracks in PV for LSAdaptFitter
  - modified PVLoose.py options for Collision09
 ! 2009-12-14 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -318,30 +318,30 @@
 !============================= PatPV v3r7 2008-11-21 =========================
 ! 2008-11-17 - Mariusz Witek
   - improvements for reconstruction of close primary vertices in multi PV events
-  See http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=33059 
+  See http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=33059
 !============================= PatPV v3r6 2008-09-05 =========================
 ! 2008-08-28 - Mariusz Witek
   - improvements for reconstruction of low multiplicity PVs and bad quality
-    tracks. Triggered by options. Deafult performance not changed.   
+    tracks. Triggered by options. Deafult performance not changed.
 !============================= PatPV v3r5 2008-07-17 =========================
 ! 2008-07-11 - Mariusz Witek
-  - removal of cout and option correction 
+  - removal of cout and option correction
 !============================= PatPV v3r4 2008-07-02 =========================
 ! 2008-06-17 - Patrick Koppenburg
  - Removed unnecessary unchecked StatusCode.
 ! 2008-06-12 - Mariusz Witek
-  - adjusted default options for LSAdaptPV3DFitter 
+  - adjusted default options for LSAdaptPV3DFitter
   - added example options for displaced vertices
 ! 2008-06-11 - Mariusz Witek
-  - new functionality and package structure change: 
-  - PV off-axis reconstruction 
+  - new functionality and package structure change:
+  - PV off-axis reconstruction
   - Seeding interface introduced IPVSeeding.h
-  - PVSeed3DTool.cpp - new (second) seeding for off-axis PVs 
+  - PVSeed3DTool.cpp - new (second) seeding for off-axis PVs
   - LSAdaptPV3DFitter - new PV fitting algorithm for PatPV3D
   - PatPV3D - new algorithm. Uses PVOfflineTool
   See <a href="http://indico.cern.ch/materialDisplay.py?contribId=46&sessionId=20&materialId=slides&confId=33862">presentation</a> at tracking and alignment workshop, 2008-06-11
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
  - Fixed warning message
 ! 2008-06-02 - Mariusz Witek
-  - removed setting of Invalid flag for 2D tracks 
+  - removed setting of Invalid flag for 2D tracks
 !============================= PatPV v3r2 2008-02-22 =========================
 ! 2008-02-21 - Mariusz Witek
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/options/PV2DFit3D.py b/Tr/PatPV/options/PV2DFit3D.py
index a0d17ab2e4b5c2cc77f5444f8fb9b4734175d5ac..39b647f23d537d1b8c18543b4ddf1b24dd3e2ed5 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/options/PV2DFit3D.py
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/options/PV2DFit3D.py
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ from Configurables import PatPV2DFit3D, PVOfflineTool
 myPV2DFit3D = PatPV2DFit3D("myPV2DFit3D")
 myPV2DFit3D.PVOfflineTool.PVFitterName = "LSAdaptPV3DFitter"
-#myPV2DFit3D.OutputVerticesName = "Rec/Vertex/myPV2DFit3D"
+# myPV2DFit3D.OutputVerticesName = "Rec/Vertex/myPV2DFit3D"
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/python/PatPV/PVConf.py b/Tr/PatPV/python/PatPV/PVConf.py
index e84c2767132970efc574001fad341944e26faf89..1e5d755c7c3094acbc08f535aa8650656dc5d2f4 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/python/PatPV/PVConf.py
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/python/PatPV/PVConf.py
@@ -10,69 +10,77 @@
 from builtins import object
-from Configurables import PatPVOffline, PVSeed3DOfflineTool, PVSeedTool
-from Configurables import PVOfflineTool, SimplePVSeedTool, SimplePVFitter, LSAdaptPVFitter
+from Configurables import (
+    LSAdaptPVFitter,
+    PatPVOffline,
+    PVOfflineTool,
+    PVSeed3DOfflineTool,
+    PVSeedTool,
+    SimplePVFitter,
+    SimplePVSeedTool,
 class LoosePV(object):
-    '''Simple python class to configure loose PV settings for reconstruction'''
+    """Simple python class to configure loose PV settings for reconstruction"""
     def configureAlg(self, PVAlg=PatPVOffline("PatPVOffline")):
-        '''pass in an alg to configure'''
+        """pass in an alg to configure"""
         PVAlg.addTool(PVOfflineTool, "PVOfflineTool")
     def configureTool(self, PVTool):
-        '''pass in a tool method to configure'''
+        """pass in a tool method to configure"""
         PVTool.addTool(PVSeedTool, "PVSeedTool")
         PVTool.PVSeedTool.minClusterMult = 2
         PVTool.PVSeedTool.minCloseTracksInCluster = 2
         PVTool.PVSeedTool.ratioSig2HighMult = 1
         PVTool.PVSeedTool.ratioSig2LowMult = 1
-        PVTool.addTool(LSAdaptPVFitter, 'LSAdaptPVFitter')
+        PVTool.addTool(LSAdaptPVFitter, "LSAdaptPVFitter")
         PVTool.LSAdaptPVFitter.MinTracks = 2
 class VLoosePV(object):
-    '''Simple python class to configure Very loose PV settings for reconstruction'''
+    """Simple python class to configure Very loose PV settings for reconstruction"""
     def configureAlg(self, PVAlg=PatPVOffline("PatPVOffline")):
-        '''pass in an alg to configure'''
+        """pass in an alg to configure"""
         PVAlg.addTool(PVOfflineTool, "PVOfflineTool")
     def configureTool(self, PVTool):
-        '''pass in a tool method to configure'''
+        """pass in a tool method to configure"""
         PVTool.RequireVelo = False
         PVTool.PVFitterName = "LSAdaptPVFitter"
         PVTool.PVSeedingName = "PVSeed3DOfflineTool"
         PVTool.addTool(PVSeed3DOfflineTool, "PVSeed3DOfflineTool")
-        PVTool.addTool(LSAdaptPVFitter, 'LSAdaptPVFitter')
+        PVTool.addTool(LSAdaptPVFitter, "LSAdaptPVFitter")
         PVTool.LSAdaptPVFitter.MinTracks = 2
         PVTool.LSAdaptPVFitter.MinTracks = 3
         PVTool.LSAdaptPVFitter.acceptTrack = 0.000000000001
-        PVTool.LSAdaptPVFitter.trackMaxChi2 = 25.
+        PVTool.LSAdaptPVFitter.trackMaxChi2 = 25.0
         PVTool.LSAdaptPVFitter.minIter = 3
 class StandardPV(object):
-    '''Simple python class to configure Standard PV settings for reconstruction'''
+    """Simple python class to configure Standard PV settings for reconstruction"""
     def configureAlg(self, PVAlg=PatPVOffline("PatPVOffline")):
-        '''pass in an alg to configure'''
+        """pass in an alg to configure"""
         PVAlg.addTool(PVOfflineTool, "PVOfflineTool")
     def configureTool(self, PVTool):
-        '''pass in a tool method to configure'''
+        """pass in a tool method to configure"""
         PVTool.UseBeamSpotRCut = True
         PVTool.BeamSpotRCut = 0.3
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/AdaptivePV3DFitter.cpp b/Tr/PatPV/src/AdaptivePV3DFitter.cpp
index d938105021929c945f7c6d1b5a9f59304651e94f..f8354ed1b309b1809b1d2fc1bcf09d54c4941b36 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/AdaptivePV3DFitter.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/AdaptivePV3DFitter.cpp
@@ -27,26 +27,26 @@ public:
                         IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minTr{this, "MinTracks", 4, "Minimum number of tracks to make a vertex"};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_Iterations{this, "Iterations", 20, "Number of iterations for minimisation"};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minIter{this, "minIter", 5, "Min number of iterations"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaZ{this, "maxDeltaZ", 0.0005 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                      "Fit convergence condition"}; // 0.001 * Gaudi::Units::mm)
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minTrackWeight{this, "minTrackWeight", 0.00000001,
-                                           "Minimum Tukey's weight to accept a track"}; // 0.00001)
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_TrackErrorScaleFactor{this, "TrackErrorScaleFactor", 1.0};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2{this, "maxChi2", 400.0, "max chi2 of track-to-vtx to be considered for fit"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_trackMaxChi2{this, "trackMaxChi2", 12.};
+  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minTr{ this, "MinTracks", 4, "Minimum number of tracks to make a vertex" };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_Iterations{ this, "Iterations", 20, "Number of iterations for minimisation" };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minIter{ this, "minIter", 5, "Min number of iterations" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaZ{ this, "maxDeltaZ", 0.0005 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                       "Fit convergence condition" }; // 0.001 * Gaudi::Units::mm)
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minTrackWeight{ this, "minTrackWeight", 0.00000001,
+                                            "Minimum Tukey's weight to accept a track" }; // 0.00001)
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_TrackErrorScaleFactor{ this, "TrackErrorScaleFactor", 1.0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2{ this, "maxChi2", 400.0, "max chi2 of track-to-vtx to be considered for fit" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_trackMaxChi2{ this, "trackMaxChi2", 12. };
   double                  m_trackChi; // sqrt of trackMaxChi2
   Gaudi::Property<double> m_trackMaxChi2Remove{
       [this]( auto& ) { this->m_trackChi = std::sqrt( this->m_trackMaxChi2 ); },
-      Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}, // insure m_trackChi is in sync with m_trackMaxChi2
-      "Max chi2 tracks to be removed from next PV search"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaZCache{this, "maxDeltaZCache", 1 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                           "Update derivatives if distance of reference is more than this"};
+      Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true }, // insure m_trackChi is in sync with m_trackMaxChi2
+      "Max chi2 tracks to be removed from next PV search" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaZCache{ this, "maxDeltaZCache", 1 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                            "Update derivatives if distance of reference is more than this" };
   // Compute the 'adaptive' max chi2 used for the Tukey weights
   double getTukeyMaxChi2( int iter ) const {
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ namespace {
     // The following can all be written out, omitting the zeros, once
     // we know that it works.
-    Gaudi::Vector2                    res{vtx.x() - m_state.x(), vtx.y() - m_state.y()};
+    Gaudi::Vector2                    res{ vtx.x() - m_state.x(), vtx.y() - m_state.y() };
     ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 3, 2> HW = m_H * m_invcov;
     ROOT::Math::AssignSym::Evaluate( m_halfD2Chi2DX2, HW * Transpose( m_H ) );
     // m_halfD2Chi2DX2 = Similarity(H, invcov ) ;
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ namespace {
   inline double AdaptivePVTrack::chi2( const Gaudi::XYZPoint& vtx ) const {
     double         dz = vtx.z() - m_state.z();
-    Gaudi::Vector2 res{vtx.x() - ( m_state.x() + dz * m_state.tx() ), vtx.y() - ( m_state.y() + dz * m_state.ty() )};
+    Gaudi::Vector2 res{ vtx.x() - ( m_state.x() + dz * m_state.tx() ), vtx.y() - ( m_state.y() + dz * m_state.ty() ) };
     return Similarity( res, m_invcov );
 } // namespace
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/LSAdaptPV3DFitter.cpp b/Tr/PatPV/src/LSAdaptPV3DFitter.cpp
index 66e9deca21905d7bb6fda16a71a5794be4b46261..747451bc1b7a573500078fa322c39562ac0b40c6 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/LSAdaptPV3DFitter.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/LSAdaptPV3DFitter.cpp
@@ -28,43 +28,44 @@ public:
                         IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaZ{this, "maxDeltaZ", 0.0005 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Fit convergence condition"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minTrackWeight{this, "minTrackWeight", 0.00000001,
-                                           "Minimum Tukey's weight to accept a track"}; // 0.00001
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_TrackErrorScaleFactor{this, "TrackErrorScaleFactor", 1.0};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_trackMaxChi2Remove{this, "trackMaxChi2Remove", 25.,
-                                               "Max chi2 tracks to be removed from next PV search"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2{this, "maxChi2", 400.0,
-                                    "maximal chi2 to accept track"}; // Chi2 of completely wrong tracks;       //
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zVtxShift{this, "zVtxShift", 0.0};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minTr{this, "MinTracks", 5, "Minimum number of tracks to make a vertex"};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_Iterations{this, "Iterations", 20, "Number of iterations for minimisation"};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minIter{this, "minIter", 5,
-                                 "Minimum number of iterations"}; // iterate at least m_minIter times
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_AddMultipleScattering{this, "AddMultipleScattering", true,
-                                                "add multiple scattering calculation to not fitted tracks"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_CalculateMultipleScattering{this, "CalculateMultipleScattering", true,
-                                                      "calculate multiple scattering"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_UseFittedTracks{this, "UseFittedTracks", false, "use tracks fitted by kalman fit"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaZ{ this, "maxDeltaZ", 0.0005 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Fit convergence condition" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minTrackWeight{ this, "minTrackWeight", 0.00000001,
+                                            "Minimum Tukey's weight to accept a track" }; // 0.00001
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_TrackErrorScaleFactor{ this, "TrackErrorScaleFactor", 1.0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_trackMaxChi2Remove{ this, "trackMaxChi2Remove", 25.,
+                                                "Max chi2 tracks to be removed from next PV search" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2{ this, "maxChi2", 400.0,
+                                     "maximal chi2 to accept track" }; // Chi2 of completely wrong tracks;       //
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zVtxShift{ this, "zVtxShift", 0.0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minTr{ this, "MinTracks", 5, "Minimum number of tracks to make a vertex" };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_Iterations{ this, "Iterations", 20, "Number of iterations for minimisation" };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minIter{ this, "minIter", 5,
+                                  "Minimum number of iterations" }; // iterate at least m_minIter times
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_AddMultipleScattering{ this, "AddMultipleScattering", true,
+                                                 "add multiple scattering calculation to not fitted tracks" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_CalculateMultipleScattering{ this, "CalculateMultipleScattering", true,
+                                                       "calculate multiple scattering" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_UseFittedTracks{ this, "UseFittedTracks", false, "use tracks fitted by kalman fit" };
   double                  m_scatCons = 0.; // calculated from m_x0MS and 3 GeV
   double                  m_scatConsNoMom; // calculated from m_x0MS to be divided by momemntum [MeV]
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_x0MS{this, "x0MS", 0.02,
-                                 [this]( auto& ) {
-                                   double X0             = this->m_x0MS;
-                                   this->m_scatConsNoMom = ( 13.6 * std::sqrt( X0 ) * ( 1. + 0.038 * log( X0 ) ) );
-                                   this->m_scatCons      = this->m_scatConsNoMom / ( 3.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV );
-                                 },
-                                 Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}}; // X0 (tunable) of MS to add
-                                                                                            // for extrapolation of
-                                                                                            // track parameters to PV
-  double                  m_trackChi = 3.;                                                  // sqrt of m_trackMaxChi2
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_trackMaxChi2{this,
-                                         "trackMaxChi2",
-                                         9.,
-                                         [this]( auto& ) { this->m_trackChi = std::sqrt( m_trackMaxChi2 ); },
-                                         Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true},
-                                         "maximum chi2 track to accept track in PV fit"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_x0MS{ this, "x0MS", 0.02,
+                                  [this]( auto& ) {
+                                    double X0             = this->m_x0MS;
+                                    this->m_scatConsNoMom = ( 13.6 * std::sqrt( X0 ) * ( 1. + 0.038 * log( X0 ) ) );
+                                    this->m_scatCons      = this->m_scatConsNoMom / ( 3.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV );
+                                  },
+                                  Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } }; // X0 (tunable) of MS to
+                                                                                                // add for extrapolation
+                                                                                                // of track parameters
+                                                                                                // to PV
+  double                  m_trackChi = 3.; // sqrt of m_trackMaxChi2
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_trackMaxChi2{ this,
+                                          "trackMaxChi2",
+                                          9.,
+                                          [this]( auto& ) { this->m_trackChi = std::sqrt( m_trackMaxChi2 ); },
+                                          Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true },
+                                          "maximum chi2 track to accept track in PV fit" };
   // Add track for PV
   void addTrackForPV( const LHCb::Track* str, PVTracks& pvTracks, const Gaudi::XYZPoint& seed ) const;
@@ -196,7 +197,7 @@ StatusCode LSAdaptPV3DFitter::fitVertex( const Gaudi::XYZPoint& seedPoint, LHCb:
     if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) { debug() << " delta " << delta[0] << " " << delta[1] << " " << delta[2] << endmsg; }
-    xyzvtx += Gaudi::XYZVector{delta[0], delta[1], delta[2]};
+    xyzvtx += Gaudi::XYZVector{ delta[0], delta[1], delta[2] };
     // loose convergence criteria if close to end of iterations
     auto maxdz = ( 1. * nbIter > 0.8 * m_Iterations ? 10. * m_maxDeltaZ : m_maxDeltaZ.value() );
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/LSAdaptPVFitter.cpp b/Tr/PatPV/src/LSAdaptPVFitter.cpp
index 8e6f22c9b8a0c4024de62a576ae86d57e99fcea3..fab67f13c2519f0eeda4ab8543b14bd8547469b8 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/LSAdaptPVFitter.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/LSAdaptPVFitter.cpp
@@ -27,37 +27,37 @@ public:
                         IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minTr{this, "MinTracks", 5,
-                               [this]( auto& ) {
-                                 // do not allow less than 3 tracks in a vertex
-                                 if ( this->m_minTr < 3 ) {
-                                   this->m_minTr = 3;
-                                   this->warning() << "MinTracks parameter set to 3" << endmsg;
-                                 }
-                               },
-                               "Minimum number of tracks in vertex"};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_maxIterations{this, "Iterations", 50, "Maximum number of iterations"};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minIter{this, "minIter", 5, "Minimum number of iterations"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2{this, "maxChi2", 400.0, "Chi2 of completely wrong tracks"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaZ{this, "maxDeltaZ", 0.0005 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                      "Fit convergence condition delta z"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaChi2NDoF{this, "maxDeltaChi2NDoF", 0.002,
-                                             "Fit convergence condition delta chi2/ndof if not converged by dz"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minTrackWeight{this, "acceptTrack", 0.00000001,
-                                           "Value of the Tukey's weight to accept a track"};
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minTr{ this, "MinTracks", 5,
+                                [this]( auto& ) {
+                                  // do not allow less than 3 tracks in a vertex
+                                  if ( this->m_minTr < 3 ) {
+                                    this->m_minTr = 3;
+                                    this->warning() << "MinTracks parameter set to 3" << endmsg;
+                                  }
+                                },
+                                "Minimum number of tracks in vertex" };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_maxIterations{ this, "Iterations", 50, "Maximum number of iterations" };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minIter{ this, "minIter", 5, "Minimum number of iterations" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2{ this, "maxChi2", 400.0, "Chi2 of completely wrong tracks" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaZ{ this, "maxDeltaZ", 0.0005 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                       "Fit convergence condition delta z" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaChi2NDoF{ this, "maxDeltaChi2NDoF", 0.002,
+                                              "Fit convergence condition delta chi2/ndof if not converged by dz" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minTrackWeight{ this, "acceptTrack", 0.00000001,
+                                            "Value of the Tukey's weight to accept a track" };
   double                  m_trackChi = 3.; // sqrt of m_trackMaxChi2
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_trackMaxChi2{this,
-                                         "trackMaxChi2",
-                                         9.,
-                                         [this]( auto& ) { this->m_trackChi = std::sqrt( m_trackMaxChi2 ); },
-                                         Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true},
-                                         "maximum chi2 track to accept track in PV fit"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_trackMaxChi2Remove{this, "trackMaxChi2Remove", 25.,
-                                               "Max chi2 tracks to be removed from next PV search"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_trackMaxChi2{ this,
+                                          "trackMaxChi2",
+                                          9.,
+                                          [this]( auto& ) { this->m_trackChi = std::sqrt( m_trackMaxChi2 ); },
+                                          Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true },
+                                          "maximum chi2 track to accept track in PV fit" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_trackMaxChi2Remove{ this, "trackMaxChi2Remove", 25.,
+                                                "Max chi2 tracks to be removed from next PV search" };
   // Extrapolators
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_linExtrapolator{this, "LinearExtrapolator", "TrackLinearExtrapolator"};
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_fullExtrapolator{this, "FullExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_linExtrapolator{ this, "LinearExtrapolator", "TrackLinearExtrapolator" };
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_fullExtrapolator{ this, "FullExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator" };
   // Least square iterative PV fit
   StatusCode fit( LHCb::RecVertex& vtx, std ::vector<PVTrack*>& pvTracks,
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/PVOfflineRecalculate.cpp b/Tr/PatPV/src/PVOfflineRecalculate.cpp
index d94e2af51e418b05808848cf2f42f607c705d355..a0b75371aca1d217184dc0ac8cf5fc0e8f675997 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/PVOfflineRecalculate.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/PVOfflineRecalculate.cpp
@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( PVOfflineRecalculate )
 namespace {
   static constexpr const std::initializer_list<const char*> s_counter_name = {
-      "Total calls to PV recalculate             ",  // 0
-      "Sizes of PV and Weight containers differ  ",  // 1
-      "Specified input vtx not in PV container   ",  // 2
-      "Number of PV tracks and Weights differ    ",  // 3
-      "None of tracks to remove comes from PV    ",  // 4
-      "Error inverting hessian matrix            ",  // 5
-      "Number of PV tracks after removal too low ",  // 6
-      "No tracks to be removed from PV           ",  // 7
-      "No of PV recalculations performed         "}; // 8
+      "Total calls to PV recalculate             ",   // 0
+      "Sizes of PV and Weight containers differ  ",   // 1
+      "Specified input vtx not in PV container   ",   // 2
+      "Number of PV tracks and Weights differ    ",   // 3
+      "None of tracks to remove comes from PV    ",   // 4
+      "Error inverting hessian matrix            ",   // 5
+      "Number of PV tracks after removal too low ",   // 6
+      "No tracks to be removed from PV           ",   // 7
+      "No of PV recalculations performed         " }; // 8
 // Standard constructor, initializes variables
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/PVOfflineRecalculate.h b/Tr/PatPV/src/PVOfflineRecalculate.h
index 1215411e55efbc2cab19f9559ea019cdc0d609be..51f94b6bf861853d740819d141253dc7e4eb3b3f 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/PVOfflineRecalculate.h
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/PVOfflineRecalculate.h
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ public:
   void print_stats();
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_updatePVTracks{this, "UpdatePVTracks", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_updatePVTracks{ this, "UpdatePVTracks", false };
   // Extrapolators
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_linExtrapolator{this, "LinearExtrapolator", "TrackLinearExtrapolator"};
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_fullExtrapolator{this, "FullExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_linExtrapolator{ this, "LinearExtrapolator", "TrackLinearExtrapolator" };
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_fullExtrapolator{ this, "FullExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator" };
   mutable std::array<int, 9> m_counter_count;
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/PVOfflineTool.cpp b/Tr/PatPV/src/PVOfflineTool.cpp
index 8d87587f4045195bcb04fdb47e1933e297e98c8d..8303ae727cea1824290c145914ebbd8d2e9a31f3 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/PVOfflineTool.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/PVOfflineTool.cpp
@@ -67,25 +67,25 @@ public:
                                            IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_requireVelo{this, "RequireVelo", true, "Option to use tracks with VELO segment only"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_saveSeedsAsPV{this, "SaveSeedsAsPV", false, "Save seeds as PVs (for monitoring"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_requireVelo{ this, "RequireVelo", true, "Option to use tracks with VELO segment only" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_saveSeedsAsPV{ this, "SaveSeedsAsPV", false, "Save seeds as PVs (for monitoring" };
   // Tools
-  ToolHandle<IPVFitter>            m_pvfit{this, "PVFitterName", "AdaptivePV3DFitter"}; // PV fitting tool
-  ToolHandle<IPVSeeding>           m_pvSeedTool{this, "PVSeedingName", "PVSeed3DTool"}; // Seeding tool
-  ToolHandle<PVOfflineRecalculate> m_pvRecalc{this, "PVOfflineRecalculate", "PVOfflineRecalculate"};
+  ToolHandle<IPVFitter>            m_pvfit{ this, "PVFitterName", "AdaptivePV3DFitter" }; // PV fitting tool
+  ToolHandle<IPVSeeding>           m_pvSeedTool{ this, "PVSeedingName", "PVSeed3DTool" }; // Seeding tool
+  ToolHandle<PVOfflineRecalculate> m_pvRecalc{ this, "PVOfflineRecalculate", "PVOfflineRecalculate" };
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_pvsChi2Separation{this, "PVsChi2Separation", 25.};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_pvsChi2SeparationLowMult{this, "PVsChi2SeparationLowMult", 91.};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_pvsChi2Separation{ this, "PVsChi2Separation", 25. };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_pvsChi2SeparationLowMult{ this, "PVsChi2SeparationLowMult", 91. };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_useBeamSpotRCut{this, "UseBeamSpotRCut", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_beamSpotRCut{this, "BeamSpotRCut", 0.2};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_beamSpotRCutHMC{this, "BeamSpotRHighMultiplicityCut", 0.4};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_beamSpotRMT{this, "BeamSpotRMultiplicityTreshold", 10};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_useBeamSpotRCut{ this, "UseBeamSpotRCut", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_beamSpotRCut{ this, "BeamSpotRCut", 0.2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_beamSpotRCutHMC{ this, "BeamSpotRHighMultiplicityCut", 0.4 };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_beamSpotRMT{ this, "BeamSpotRMultiplicityTreshold", 10 };
-  ConditionAccessor<DeVP>                                m_vp{this, "DeVP", LHCb::Det::VP::det_path};
+  ConditionAccessor<DeVP>                                m_vp{ this, "DeVP", LHCb::Det::VP::det_path };
   ConditionAccessor<LHCb::Conditions::InteractionRegion> m_ir{
-      this, "InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + this->name() + "-InteractionRegion"};
+      this, "InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + this->name() + "-InteractionRegion" };
   // Member functions
   LHCb::RecVertex* matchVtxByTracks( const LHCb::RecVertex& invtx, std::vector<LHCb::RecVertex>& outvtxvec ) const;
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ private:
   void removeTracksUsedByVertex( std::vector<const LHCb::Track*>& tracks, LHCb::RecVertex& rvtx ) const;
   // timing
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>           m_doTiming{this, "TimingMeasurement", false};
-  ToolHandle<ISequencerTimerTool> m_timerTool{"SequencerTimerTool/Timer", this};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>           m_doTiming{ this, "TimingMeasurement", false };
+  ToolHandle<ISequencerTimerTool> m_timerTool{ "SequencerTimerTool/Timer", this };
   std::array<int, 3>              m_timer;
   enum class timers_t { Total = 0, Seeding, Fitting };
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ private:
   std::optional<TimerGuard> make_timeguard( timers_t type ) const {
     if ( !m_doTiming ) return {};
-    return TimerGuard{m_timerTool.get(), m_timer[static_cast<int>( type )]};
+    return TimerGuard{ m_timerTool.get(), m_timer[static_cast<int>( type )] };
   // trivial accessor to minimum allowed chi2
   double minAllowedChi2( const LHCb::RecVertex& rvtx ) const {
@@ -240,13 +240,13 @@ StatusCode PVOfflineTool::initialize() {
 #if defined( USE_DD4HEP )
     addConditionDerivation<LHCb::Conditions::InteractionRegion( const LHCb::Detector::DeLHCb& lhcb, //
                                                                 const DeVP&                   vp )>(
-        {LHCb::standard_geometry_top, LHCb::Det::VP::det_path}, m_ir.key() );
+        { LHCb::standard_geometry_top, LHCb::Det::VP::det_path }, m_ir.key() );
     if ( Gaudi::Utils::CheckData<Condition>()( this->detSvc(), LHCb::Conditions::InteractionRegion::ConditionPath ) ) {
       addConditionDerivation<LHCb::Conditions::InteractionRegion( const YAML::Node& )>(
-          {LHCb::Conditions::InteractionRegion::ConditionPath}, m_ir.key() );
+          { LHCb::Conditions::InteractionRegion::ConditionPath }, m_ir.key() );
     } else {
-      addConditionDerivation<LHCb::Conditions::InteractionRegion( const DeVP& vp )>( {LHCb::Det::VP::det_path},
+      addConditionDerivation<LHCb::Conditions::InteractionRegion( const DeVP& vp )>( { LHCb::Det::VP::det_path },
                                                                                      m_ir.key() );
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ StatusCode PVOfflineTool::reconstructMultiPVFromTracks( std::vector<const LHCb::
       assert( !outvtxvec.empty() ); // code below implicitly assumes not empty !!
       if ( !isChi2Separated( outvtxvec.back(),
-                             {outvtxvec.data(), static_cast<RecVertexSpan::size_type>( outvtxvec.size() - 1 )},
+                             { outvtxvec.data(), static_cast<RecVertexSpan::size_type>( outvtxvec.size() - 1 ) },
                              minAllowedChi2( outvtxvec.back() ) ) ) {
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/PVSeed3DOfflineTool.cpp b/Tr/PatPV/src/PVSeed3DOfflineTool.cpp
index efb520f0f4333319082655d5c9fcb8746946caca..7f2b1cf2c537caa9ea4ccf3a09eeba138ae07953 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/PVSeed3DOfflineTool.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/PVSeed3DOfflineTool.cpp
@@ -73,17 +73,17 @@ public:
                                          IGeometryInfo const&                 geometry ) const override;
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_fullExtrapolator{this, "FullExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_fullExtrapolator{ this, "FullExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator" };
   std::optional<seedPoint> simpleMean( std::vector<closeNode>& close_nodes ) const;
   seedPoint                wMean( const std::vector<closeNode>& close_nodes, const seedState& base_state ) const;
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_TrackPairMaxDistance{this, "TrackPairMaxDistance", 5. * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                                 "maximum distance between tracks"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_TrackPairMaxDistanceChi2{this, "TrackPairMaxDistanceChi2", 25.,
-                                                     "maximum distance pseudo Chi2 between tracks"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zMaxSpread{this, "zMaxSpread", 1000. * Gaudi::Units::mm, "for truncated mean"};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_MinCloseTracks{this, "MinCloseTracks", 3};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_TrackPairMaxDistance{ this, "TrackPairMaxDistance", 5. * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                                  "maximum distance between tracks" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_TrackPairMaxDistanceChi2{ this, "TrackPairMaxDistanceChi2", 25.,
+                                                      "maximum distance pseudo Chi2 between tracks" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zMaxSpread{ this, "zMaxSpread", 1000. * Gaudi::Units::mm, "for truncated mean" };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_MinCloseTracks{ this, "MinCloseTracks", 3 };
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/PVSeed3DTool.cpp b/Tr/PatPV/src/PVSeed3DTool.cpp
index cacbf3555549e0683bfab9897353afa4418e60c0..83a77ba237270267543241d51d898da55f8aebf7 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/PVSeed3DTool.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/PVSeed3DTool.cpp
@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ private:
   Gaudi::Property<double> m_TrackPairMaxDistance{
       this, "TrackPairMaxDistance", 0.3 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
       [this]( auto& ) { this->m_TrackPairMaxDistanceSq = std::pow( this->m_TrackPairMaxDistance, 2 ); },
-      Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}};
+      Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } };
   // maximum distance between tracks to come from same seed
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_MinCloseTracks{this, "MinCloseTracks", 4};
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_MinCloseTracks{ this, "MinCloseTracks", 4 };
   // for truncated mean
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zMaxSpread{this, "zMaxSpread", 3. * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                       [this]( auto& ) { this->m_zMaxSpreadSq = std::pow( this->m_zMaxSpread, 2 ); },
-                                       Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zMaxSpread{ this, "zMaxSpread", 3. * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                        [this]( auto& ) { this->m_zMaxSpreadSq = std::pow( this->m_zMaxSpread, 2 ); },
+                                        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } };
 namespace {
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/PVSeedTool.cpp b/Tr/PatPV/src/PVSeedTool.cpp
index 7079795913bc65b13e630f8b2ce7fd5ac6d1308c..16876248504b526d39fab054831598ef7bf04357 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/PVSeedTool.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/PVSeedTool.cpp
@@ -48,26 +48,27 @@ private:
   double zCloseBeam( const LHCb::Track* track, const Gaudi::XYZPoint& beamspot ) const;
   // steering parameters for merging procedure
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2Merge{this, "maxChi2Merge", 25.};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_factorToIncreaseErrors{this, "factorToIncreaseErrors", 15.};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2Merge{ this, "maxChi2Merge", 25. };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_factorToIncreaseErrors{ this, "factorToIncreaseErrors", 15. };
   // steering parameters for final cluster selection
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minClusterMult{this, "minClusterMult", 3};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_dzCloseTracksInCluster{this, "dzCloseTracksInCluster", 5. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minCloseTracksInCluster{this, "minCloseTracksInCluster", 3};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_highMult{this, "highMult", 10};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_ratioSig2HighMult{this, "ratioSig2HighMult", 1.0};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_ratioSig2LowMult{this, "ratioSig2LowMult", 0.9};
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minClusterMult{ this, "minClusterMult", 3 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_dzCloseTracksInCluster{ this, "dzCloseTracksInCluster", 5. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minCloseTracksInCluster{ this, "minCloseTracksInCluster", 3 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_highMult{ this, "highMult", 10 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_ratioSig2HighMult{ this, "ratioSig2HighMult", 1.0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_ratioSig2LowMult{ this, "ratioSig2LowMult", 0.9 };
   double                  m_scatCons = 0; // calculated from m_x0MS
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_x0MS{this, "x0MS", 0.01,
-                                 [this]( auto& ) {
-                                   double X0        = this->m_x0MS;
-                                   this->m_scatCons = ( 13.6 * sqrt( X0 ) * ( 1. + 0.038 * log( X0 ) ) );
-                                 },
-                                 Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}}; // X0 (tunable) of MS to add
-                                                                                            // for extrapolation of
-                                                                                            // track parameters to PV
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_x0MS{ this, "x0MS", 0.01,
+                                  [this]( auto& ) {
+                                    double X0        = this->m_x0MS;
+                                    this->m_scatCons = ( 13.6 * sqrt( X0 ) * ( 1. + 0.038 * log( X0 ) ) );
+                                  },
+                                  Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } }; // X0 (tunable) of MS to
+                                                                                                // add for extrapolation
+                                                                                                // of track parameters
+                                                                                                // to PV
 namespace {
@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ std::vector<Gaudi::XYZPoint> PVSeedTool::getSeeds( LHCb::span<const LHCb::Track*
   seeds.reserve( zseeds.size() );
   std::transform( zseeds.begin(), zseeds.end(), std::back_inserter( seeds ), [&]( double z ) {
-    return Gaudi::XYZPoint{beamspot.X(), beamspot.Y(), z};
+    return Gaudi::XYZPoint{ beamspot.X(), beamspot.Y(), z };
   } );
   return seeds;
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/PVUtils.h b/Tr/PatPV/src/PVUtils.h
index 186ffb88a4e9a25e569175a37b0c5d895bddeafe..1fa1acb75f564badd448ba6435fa12a206bc1d0a 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/PVUtils.h
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/PVUtils.h
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ typedef std::vector<PVTrack*> PVTrackPtrs;
 struct PVVertex final {
   PVTrackPtrs     pvTracks;
-  LHCb::RecVertex primVtx{0};
+  LHCb::RecVertex primVtx{ 0 };
 typedef std::vector<PVVertex> PVVertices;
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/ParticlePVAdder.cpp b/Tr/PatPV/src/ParticlePVAdder.cpp
index 9d05ccf931c2cec7190d38755530206ad5ebd65d..24a73c4adff9807b0b9e9730d557f9b2b23f9377 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/ParticlePVAdder.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/ParticlePVAdder.cpp
@@ -19,15 +19,16 @@ using PrimaryVertex = LHCb::PrimaryVertex;
 struct ParticlePVAdder
     : public LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<Particles( LHCb::Particle::Range const&, LHCb::PrimaryVertices const& )> {
   ParticlePVAdder( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"InputParticles", ""}, KeyValue{"PrimaryVertices", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputParticles", ""} ) {}
+      : Transformer(
+            name, pSvcLocator,
+            { KeyValue{ "InputParticles", "" }, KeyValue{ "PrimaryVertices", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation } },
+            KeyValue{ "OutputParticles", "" } ) {}
   Particles operator()( LHCb::Particle::Range const& inputparticles, LHCb::PrimaryVertices const& pvs ) const override {
     Particles outputparticles;
     for ( const auto& inputparticle : inputparticles ) {
       // copy the particle
-      auto* outputparticle = new LHCb::Particle{*inputparticle};
+      auto* outputparticle = new LHCb::Particle{ *inputparticle };
       outputparticles.add( outputparticle );
       const auto& pv = LHCb::bestPV( pvs, outputparticle->referencePoint(), outputparticle->momentum() );
       if ( pv ) outputparticle->setPV( pv );
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/ParticleUnbiasedPVAdder.cpp b/Tr/PatPV/src/ParticleUnbiasedPVAdder.cpp
index 20d6305db3b94a840de2b7bc19028c3a20156fac..2b671364fa7a8b8dfec2db1ac1f8481e91ae1db1 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/ParticleUnbiasedPVAdder.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/ParticleUnbiasedPVAdder.cpp
@@ -23,24 +23,24 @@ using Output_t          = std::tuple<LHCb::Particles, OutputPVContainer>;
 struct ParticleUnbiasedPVAdder : public LHCb::Algorithm::MultiTransformer<Output_t(
                                      LHCb::Particle::Range const&, LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer const& )> {
-  Gaudi::Property<uint16_t> m_minNumTracksPerVertex{this, "MinNumTracksPerVertex", defaultMinNumTracks,
-                                                    "Min number of tracks per PV"};
-  Gaudi::Property<uint16_t> m_maxFitIter{this, "MaxFitIter", defaultMaxFitIter,
-                                         "Maximum number of iterations for vertex fit"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDeltaChi2{this, "MaxDeltaChi2", -1, "Maximum chi2 contribution of track to vertex fit"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDeltaZConverged{this, "MaxDeltaZConverged", defaultMaxDeltaZConverged,
-                                              "Limit on change in z to determine if vertex fit has converged"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDeltaChi2Converged{this, "MaxDeltaChi2Converged", defaultMaxDeltaChi2Converged,
-                                                 "Limit on change in chi2 to determine if vertex fit has converged"};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>   m_mode{this, "Mode", 1, "The unbias mode (0:unbias,1:refit,2:unimplemented)"};
+  Gaudi::Property<uint16_t> m_minNumTracksPerVertex{ this, "MinNumTracksPerVertex", defaultMinNumTracks,
+                                                     "Min number of tracks per PV" };
+  Gaudi::Property<uint16_t> m_maxFitIter{ this, "MaxFitIter", defaultMaxFitIter,
+                                          "Maximum number of iterations for vertex fit" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDeltaChi2{ this, "MaxDeltaChi2", -1, "Maximum chi2 contribution of track to vertex fit" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDeltaZConverged{ this, "MaxDeltaZConverged", defaultMaxDeltaZConverged,
+                                               "Limit on change in z to determine if vertex fit has converged" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDeltaChi2Converged{ this, "MaxDeltaChi2Converged", defaultMaxDeltaChi2Converged,
+                                                  "Limit on change in chi2 to determine if vertex fit has converged" };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>   m_mode{ this, "Mode", 1, "The unbias mode (0:unbias,1:refit,2:unimplemented)" };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_unbiased{this, "PV unbiasing successful"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_unbiased{ this, "PV unbiasing successful" };
   ParticleUnbiasedPVAdder( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : MultiTransformer(
             name, pSvcLocator,
-            {KeyValue{"InputParticles", ""}, KeyValue{"PrimaryVertices", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation}},
-            {KeyValue{"OutputParticles", ""}, KeyValue{"UnbiasedPrimaryVertices", ""}} ) {}
+            { KeyValue{ "InputParticles", "" }, KeyValue{ "PrimaryVertices", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation } },
+            { KeyValue{ "OutputParticles", "" }, KeyValue{ "UnbiasedPrimaryVertices", "" } } ) {}
   Output_t operator()( LHCb::Particle::Range const&                   inputparticles,
                        LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer const& pvs ) const override {
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ struct ParticleUnbiasedPVAdder : public LHCb::Algorithm::MultiTransformer<Output
     auto n_unbiased = m_unbiased.buffer();
     for ( const auto& inputparticle : inputparticles ) {
       // copy the particle
-      auto* outputparticle = new LHCb::Particle{*inputparticle};
+      auto* outputparticle = new LHCb::Particle{ *inputparticle };
       outputparticles.insert( outputparticle, inputparticle->key() );
       if ( pvs.size() > 0 ) {
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ struct ParticleUnbiasedPVAdder : public LHCb::Algorithm::MultiTransformer<Output
         const auto veloids = LHCb::collectVeloSegmentIDs( *inputparticle );
         // 1. copy the PVs
-        boost::container::small_vector<const ExtendedPrimaryVertex*, 16> selectedpvs{pvs.size()};
+        boost::container::small_vector<const ExtendedPrimaryVertex*, 16> selectedpvs{ pvs.size() };
         std::transform( pvs.begin(), pvs.end(), selectedpvs.begin(), []( const auto& i ) { return &i; } );
         while ( selectedpvs.size() > 0 ) {
@@ -83,14 +83,14 @@ struct ParticleUnbiasedPVAdder : public LHCb::Algorithm::MultiTransformer<Output
           const int pvindex = bestpv->key();
           auto      unbiasedPV =
               m_mode == 0
-                  ? LHCb::Event::PV::unbiasedVertex( pvs, pvindex, LHCb::span<const uint32_t>{veloids} )
-                  : LHCb::Event::PV::refittedVertex( pvs, pvindex, LHCb::span<const uint32_t>{veloids}, fitconfig );
+                       ? LHCb::Event::PV::unbiasedVertex( pvs, pvindex, LHCb::span<const uint32_t>{ veloids } )
+                       : LHCb::Event::PV::refittedVertex( pvs, pvindex, LHCb::span<const uint32_t>{ veloids }, fitconfig );
           // 4. check that it has sufficient tracks left
           if ( unbiasedPV.nTracks() >= m_minNumTracksPerVertex || selectedpvs.size() == 1 ) {
             if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
               // check the number of velo ids in this PV
-              int         numInPV{0}, numNonzeroWeight{0};
+              int         numInPV{ 0 }, numNonzeroWeight{ 0 };
               const auto& themap = bestpv->veloSegmentIDMap();
               for ( const auto& id : veloids ) {
                 const auto it = themap.find( id );
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ struct ParticleUnbiasedPVAdder : public LHCb::Algorithm::MultiTransformer<Output
             // auto refittedPVs = refittedVertices( pvs,
             // veloids,m_maxDeltaChi2,m_maxDeltaZConverged,m_maxDeltaChi2Converged,m_maxFitIter) ; const auto pvindex =
             // LHCb::bestPVIndex(refittedPVs,*inputparticle) ;
-            const auto unbiasedPVp = new PrimaryVertex{std::move( unbiasedPV )};
+            const auto unbiasedPVp = new PrimaryVertex{ std::move( unbiasedPV ) };
             unbiasedpcvontainer.add( unbiasedPVp );
             outputparticle->setPV( unbiasedPVp );
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/PatPV3D.cpp b/Tr/PatPV/src/PatPV3D.cpp
index 5bf4886438a402edb55919a8fa97f458b2c055c4..c45e4cf02b7da72a686acf62618b610e185a6bd1 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/PatPV3D.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/PatPV3D.cpp
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ public:
                                                              DetectorElement const& lhcb ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_refitpv{this, "RefitPV", false, "Flag to refit PVs when converting to type PrimaryVertex"};
-  ToolHandle<IPVOfflineTool> m_pvsfit{"PVOfflineTool", this}; // PV fitting tool
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_refitpv{ this, "RefitPV", false, "Flag to refit PVs when converting to type PrimaryVertex" };
+  ToolHandle<IPVOfflineTool> m_pvsfit{ "PVOfflineTool", this }; // PV fitting tool
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_nbPVsCounter{this, "Nb PVs"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING>     m_failed{this, "reconstructMultiPV failed!"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_nbPVsCounter{ this, "Nb PVs" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING>     m_failed{ this, "reconstructMultiPV failed!" };
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( PatPV3D )
 PatPV3D::PatPV3D( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : MultiTransformerFilter( name, pSvcLocator,
-                              {KeyValue{"InputTracks", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                               KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
+                              { KeyValue{ "InputTracks", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                                KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
                               KeyValue( "OutputVerticesName", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Velo3D ) ) {}
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/PatPV3DFuture.cpp b/Tr/PatPV/src/PatPV3DFuture.cpp
index b37930a226279d8f2995fdb61959457e993a6ec3..3cae67d8551cc958b6326eb8d49bc46e7951f648 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/PatPV3DFuture.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/PatPV3DFuture.cpp
@@ -156,82 +156,85 @@ private:
   ////////  From PVOfflineTool
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_refitpv{this, "RefitPV", false, "Flag to refit PVs when converting to type PrimaryVertex"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_requireVelo{this, "RequireVelo", true, "Option to use tracks with VELO segment only"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_pvsChi2Separation{this, "PVsChi2Separation", 25.};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_pvsChi2SeparationLowMult{this, "PVsChi2SeparationLowMult", 91.};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_useBeamSpotRCut{this, "UseBeamSpotRCut", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_beamSpotRCut{this, "BeamSpotRCut", 0.2};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_beamSpotRCutHMC{this, "BeamSpotRHighMultiplicityCut", 0.4};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_beamSpotRMT{this, "BeamSpotRMultiplicityTreshold", 10};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_resolverBound{this, "ResolverBound", 5 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_beamLineOffsetX{this, "BeamLineOffsetX", 0.0f, "X correction applied to beamline position"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_beamLineOffsetY{this, "BeamLineOffsetY", 0.0f, "Y correction applied to beamline position"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_refitpv{ this, "RefitPV", false, "Flag to refit PVs when converting to type PrimaryVertex" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_requireVelo{ this, "RequireVelo", true, "Option to use tracks with VELO segment only" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_pvsChi2Separation{ this, "PVsChi2Separation", 25. };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_pvsChi2SeparationLowMult{ this, "PVsChi2SeparationLowMult", 91. };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_useBeamSpotRCut{ this, "UseBeamSpotRCut", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_beamSpotRCut{ this, "BeamSpotRCut", 0.2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_beamSpotRCutHMC{ this, "BeamSpotRHighMultiplicityCut", 0.4 };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_beamSpotRMT{ this, "BeamSpotRMultiplicityTreshold", 10 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_resolverBound{ this, "ResolverBound", 5 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_beamLineOffsetX{ this, "BeamLineOffsetX", 0.0f,
+                                            "X correction applied to beamline position" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_beamLineOffsetY{ this, "BeamLineOffsetY", 0.0f,
+                                            "Y correction applied to beamline position" };
   ////////  From AdaptivePV3DFitter
-  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minTr{this, "MinTracks", 4, "Minimum number of tracks to make a vertex"};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_Iterations{this, "Iterations", 20, "Number of iterations for minimisation"};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minIter{this, "minIter", 5, "Min number of iterations"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaZ{this, "maxDeltaZ", 0.0005 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                      "Fit convergence condition"}; // 0.001 * Gaudi::Units::mm)
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minTrackWeight{this, "minTrackWeight", 0.00000001,
-                                           "Minimum Tukey's weight to accept a track"}; // 0.00001)
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_TrackErrorScaleFactor{this, "TrackErrorScaleFactor", 1.0};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2{this, "maxChi2", 400.0, "max chi2 of track-to-vtx to be considered for fit"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_trackMaxChi2{this, "trackMaxChi2", 12.};
+  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minTr{ this, "MinTracks", 4, "Minimum number of tracks to make a vertex" };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_Iterations{ this, "Iterations", 20, "Number of iterations for minimisation" };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minIter{ this, "minIter", 5, "Min number of iterations" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaZ{ this, "maxDeltaZ", 0.0005 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                       "Fit convergence condition" }; // 0.001 * Gaudi::Units::mm)
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minTrackWeight{ this, "minTrackWeight", 0.00000001,
+                                            "Minimum Tukey's weight to accept a track" }; // 0.00001)
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_TrackErrorScaleFactor{ this, "TrackErrorScaleFactor", 1.0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2{ this, "maxChi2", 400.0, "max chi2 of track-to-vtx to be considered for fit" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_trackMaxChi2{ this, "trackMaxChi2", 12. };
   double                  m_trackChi; // sqrt of trackMaxChi2
   Gaudi::Property<double> m_trackMaxChi2Remove{
       [this]( auto& ) { this->m_trackChi = std::sqrt( this->m_trackMaxChi2 ); },
-      Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}, // insure m_trackChi is in sync with m_trackMaxChi2
-      "Max chi2 tracks to be removed from next PV search"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaZCache{this, "maxDeltaZCache", 1 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                           "Update derivatives if distance of reference is more than this"};
+      Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true }, // insure m_trackChi is in sync with m_trackMaxChi2
+      "Max chi2 tracks to be removed from next PV search" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaZCache{ this, "maxDeltaZCache", 1 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                            "Update derivatives if distance of reference is more than this" };
   ////////  From PVSeedTool
   // no beamline constraint is used in the 3D seeding case
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_seeding{this, "Seeding3D", false, "Flag to switch into 3D seeting without a beamline"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_seeding{ this, "Seeding3D", false, "Flag to switch into 3D seeting without a beamline" };
   // steering parameters for merging procedure
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2Merge{this, "maxChi2Merge", 25.};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_factorToIncreaseErrors{this, "factorToIncreaseErrors", 15.};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2Merge{ this, "maxChi2Merge", 25. };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_factorToIncreaseErrors{ this, "factorToIncreaseErrors", 15. };
   // steering parameters for final cluster selection
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minClusterMult{this, "minClusterMult", 3};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_dzCloseTracksInCluster{this, "dzCloseTracksInCluster", 5. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minCloseTracksInCluster{this, "minCloseTracksInCluster", 3};
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minClusterMult{ this, "minClusterMult", 3 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_dzCloseTracksInCluster{ this, "dzCloseTracksInCluster", 5. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minCloseTracksInCluster{ this, "minCloseTracksInCluster", 3 };
   double                  m_radialDistanceSeedingSq = 0;
   Gaudi::Property<double> m_radialDistanceSeeding{
       this, "radialDistanceSeeding", 0.3,
       [this]( auto& ) { this->m_radialDistanceSeedingSq = std::pow( this->m_radialDistanceSeeding, 2 ); },
-      Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}};
+      Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } };
   // steering parameters for 2D seedinhg
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_highMult{this, "highMult", 10};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_ratioSig2HighMult{this, "ratioSig2HighMult", 1.0};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_ratioSig2LowMult{this, "ratioSig2LowMult", 0.9};
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_highMult{ this, "highMult", 10 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_ratioSig2HighMult{ this, "ratioSig2HighMult", 1.0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_ratioSig2LowMult{ this, "ratioSig2LowMult", 0.9 };
   double                  m_scatCons = 0; // calculated from m_x0MS
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_x0MS{this, "x0MS", 0.01,
-                                 [this]( auto& ) {
-                                   double X0        = this->m_x0MS;
-                                   this->m_scatCons = ( 13.6 * sqrt( X0 ) * ( 1. + 0.038 * log( X0 ) ) );
-                                 },
-                                 Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}}; // X0 (tunable) of MS to add
-                                                                                            // for extrapolation of
-                                                                                            // track parameters to PV
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_x0MS{ this, "x0MS", 0.01,
+                                  [this]( auto& ) {
+                                    double X0        = this->m_x0MS;
+                                    this->m_scatCons = ( 13.6 * sqrt( X0 ) * ( 1. + 0.038 * log( X0 ) ) );
+                                  },
+                                  Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } }; // X0 (tunable) of MS to
+                                                                                                // add for extrapolation
+                                                                                                // of track parameters
+                                                                                                // to PV
   // steering parameters for 3D seedinhg
   double                  m_TrackPairMaxDistanceSq = 0.;
   double                  m_zMaxSpreadSq           = 0.;
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_TrackPairMaxCos2Theta{this, "TrackPairMaxCos2Theta", 0.998}; // 0.99
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_TrackPairMaxCos2Theta{ this, "TrackPairMaxCos2Theta", 0.998 }; // 0.99
   Gaudi::Property<double> m_TrackPairMaxDistance{
       this, "TrackPairMaxDistance", 0.2 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
       [this]( auto& ) { this->m_TrackPairMaxDistanceSq = std::pow( this->m_TrackPairMaxDistance, 2 ); },
-      Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}}; // 0.2
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zMaxSpread{this, "zMaxSpread", 0.9 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                       [this]( auto& ) { this->m_zMaxSpreadSq = std::pow( this->m_zMaxSpread, 2 ); },
-                                       Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}}; // 0.9
+      Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } }; // 0.2
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zMaxSpread{ this, "zMaxSpread", 0.9 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                        [this]( auto& ) { this->m_zMaxSpreadSq = std::pow( this->m_zMaxSpread, 2 ); },
+                                        Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } }; // 0.9
   // trivial accessor to minimum allowed chi2
   double minAllowedChi2( const RecVertex& rvtx ) const {
@@ -239,15 +242,15 @@ private:
                                       : m_pvsChi2Separation );
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_nbPVsCounter{this, "Nb PVs"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_nbPVsCounter{ this, "Nb PVs" };
 PatPV3DFuture::PatPV3DFuture( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                   {KeyValue{"InputTracks", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                    KeyValue{"InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion"}},
+                   { KeyValue{ "InputTracks", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                     KeyValue{ "InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion" } },
                    KeyValue( "OutputVerticesName", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Velo3D ) ) {}
 StatusCode PatPV3DFuture::initialize() {
@@ -544,7 +547,7 @@ namespace {
     // The following can all be written out, omitting the zeros, once
     // we know that it works.
-    Gaudi::Vector2                    res{vtx.x() - m_state.x(), vtx.y() - m_state.y()};
+    Gaudi::Vector2                    res{ vtx.x() - m_state.x(), vtx.y() - m_state.y() };
     ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 3, 2> HW = m_H * m_invcov;
     ROOT::Math::AssignSym::Evaluate( m_halfD2Chi2DX2, HW * Transpose( m_H ) );
     // m_halfD2Chi2DX2 = Similarity(H, invcov ) ;
@@ -554,7 +557,7 @@ namespace {
   double AdaptivePVTrack::chi2( const Gaudi::XYZPoint& vtx ) const {
     double         dz = vtx.z() - m_state.z();
-    Gaudi::Vector2 res{vtx.x() - ( m_state.x() + dz * m_state.tx() ), vtx.y() - ( m_state.y() + dz * m_state.ty() )};
+    Gaudi::Vector2 res{ vtx.x() - ( m_state.x() + dz * m_state.tx() ), vtx.y() - ( m_state.y() + dz * m_state.ty() ) };
     return Similarity( res, m_invcov );
 } // namespace
@@ -921,7 +924,7 @@ std::vector<Gaudi::XYZPoint> PatPV3DFuture::getSeeds2D( const std::vector<const
   auto zseeds = findClusters( vclusters );
   seeds.reserve( zseeds.size() );
   std::transform( zseeds.begin(), zseeds.end(), std::back_inserter( seeds ), [&]( double z ) {
-    return Gaudi::XYZPoint{beamspot.X(), beamspot.Y(), z};
+    return Gaudi::XYZPoint{ beamspot.X(), beamspot.Y(), z };
   } );
   return seeds;
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/PatPVConverters.cpp b/Tr/PatPV/src/PatPVConverters.cpp
index 5f5d9fce25b6ba88c40324d0ac8f701c07cff04f..e576e71adf8606ad1482a1f9a9f4262df136bd46 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/PatPVConverters.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/PatPVConverters.cpp
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ class PVToRecConverterV1 : public LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<LHCb::RecVertices
   PVToRecConverterV1( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"InputVertices", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation}, KeyValue{"InputTracks", ""}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputVertices", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "InputVertices", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation }, KeyValue{ "InputTracks", "" } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary } ) {}
   LHCb::RecVertices operator()( const LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer& vertices,
                                 const LHCb::Track::Range&                      keyed_tracks ) const override {
     // create the output container
@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ public:
 struct PVToRecConverterV1WithoutTracks
     : public LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<LHCb::RecVertices( const LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer& )> {
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_addTrackWeights{this, "AddTrackWeights", true};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_addTrackWeights{ this, "AddTrackWeights", true };
   PVToRecConverterV1WithoutTracks( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"InputVertices", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputVertices", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary} ) {}
+      : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "InputVertices", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary } ) {}
   LHCb::RecVertices operator()( const LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer& vertices ) const override {
     // create the output container
     LHCb::RecVertices recvertexcontainer;
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ struct PVToRecConverterV1WithoutTracks
 struct PVToLightPVConverter : public LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<LHCb::PrimaryVertex::Container(
                                   const LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer& )> {
   PVToLightPVConverter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"InputVertices", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputVertices", ""} ) {}
+      : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "InputVertices", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", "" } ) {}
   LHCb::PrimaryVertex::Container operator()( const LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer& vertices ) const override {
     // create the output container
     LHCb::PrimaryVertex::Container pvcontainer;
@@ -127,22 +127,22 @@ class PVToRecConverterV2
   PVToRecConverterV2( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"InputVertices", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation}, KeyValue{"InputTracks", ""}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputVertices", LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertexLocation::Primary} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "InputVertices", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation }, KeyValue{ "InputTracks", "" } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertexLocation::Primary } ) {}
   LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertices operator()( const EventContext&                            evtCtx,
                                            const LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer& pvdata,
                                            const LHCb::Event::v2::Tracks&                 v2tracks ) const override {
     auto memResource = LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx );
     // create the output container and copy the vertex data
-    LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertices recvertexcontainer{memResource};
+    LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertices recvertexcontainer{ memResource };
     recvertexcontainer.reserve( pvdata.vertices.size() );
     const auto pvtracks = pvdata.tracks.scalar();
     const auto fwdsize  = pvdata.tracks.prvelocontainers[0]->size();
     for ( const auto& vertex : pvdata.vertices ) {
       auto& recvertex = recvertexcontainer.emplace_back(
           vertex.position(), vertex.covMatrix(),
-          LHCb::Event::v2::Track::Chi2PerDoF{vertex.chi2() / vertex.nDoF(), vertex.nDoF()} );
+          LHCb::Event::v2::Track::Chi2PerDoF{ vertex.chi2() / vertex.nDoF(), vertex.nDoF() } );
       recvertex.setTechnique( LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertex::RecVertexType::Primary );
       recvertex.reserve( vertex.nTracks() );
       for ( int trkindex = vertex.begin(); trkindex != vertex.end(); ++trkindex ) {
@@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ class RecV1ToPVConverterWithoutTracks
     : public LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer( const LHCb::RecVertex::Range& )> {
   RecV1ToPVConverterWithoutTracks( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"InputVertices", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputVertices", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation} ) {}
+      : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "InputVertices", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation } ) {}
   LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer operator()( const LHCb::RecVertex::Range& vertices ) const override {
     // create the output container
     LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer pvcontainer;
@@ -190,8 +190,8 @@ class RecV1ToPVConverter
     : public LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer( const LHCb::RecVertex::Range& )> {
   RecV1ToPVConverter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"InputVertices", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputVertices", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation} ) {}
+      : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "InputVertices", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation } ) {}
   LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer operator()( const LHCb::RecVertex::Range& recvertices ) const override {
     // create the output container
     LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer pvcontainer;
@@ -215,14 +215,14 @@ class RecV1ToLightPVConverter
     : public LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<LHCb::PrimaryVertex::Container( const LHCb::RecVertex::Range& )> {
   RecV1ToLightPVConverter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"InputVertices", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputVertices", ""} ) {}
+      : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "InputVertices", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", "" } ) {}
   LHCb::PrimaryVertex::Container operator()( const LHCb::RecVertex::Range& vertices ) const override {
     // create the output container
     LHCb::PrimaryVertex::Container pvcontainer;
     pvcontainer.reserve( vertices.size() );
     for ( const auto& vertex : vertices ) {
-      auto            pv      = std::make_unique<LHCb::PrimaryVertex>( vertex->key() );
+      auto pv = std::make_unique<LHCb::PrimaryVertex>( vertex->key() );
       pv->VertexBase::operator=( *vertex );
       pvcontainer.add( pv.release() );
@@ -248,9 +248,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Event::PV {
 namespace {
   struct VertexSeed {
-    VertexSeed( const LHCb::RecVertex& v ) : position{v.position()}, recvtx{&v} {}
+    VertexSeed( const LHCb::RecVertex& v ) : position{ v.position() }, recvtx{ &v } {}
     Gaudi::XYZPoint        position;
-    const LHCb::RecVertex* recvtx{nullptr}; // keep for debugging
+    const LHCb::RecVertex* recvtx{ nullptr }; // keep for debugging
     auto                   x() const { return position.x(); }
     auto                   y() const { return position.y(); }
     auto                   z() const { return position.z(); }
@@ -261,23 +261,23 @@ class RecV1ToPVConverterWithPrTracks : public LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<LHCb:
                                            const EventContext&, const LHCb::RecVertex::Range&,
                                            const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks&, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& )> {
-  Gaudi::Property<uint16_t> m_minNumTracksPerVertex{this, "MinNumTracksPerVertex", 4};
-  Gaudi::Property<uint16_t> m_maxFitIter{this, "MaxFitIter", defaultMaxFitIter,
-                                         "Maximum number of iterations for vertex fit"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxDeltaChi2{this, "MaxDeltaChi2", defaultMaxDeltaChi2,
-                                        "Maximum chi2 contribution of track to vertex fit"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxDeltaZConverged{this, "MaxDeltaZConverged", defaultMaxDeltaZConverged,
-                                              "Limit on change in z to determine if vertex fit has converged"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxDeltaChi2Converged{this, "MaxDeltaChi2Converged", defaultMaxDeltaChi2Converged,
-                                                 "Limit on change in chi2 to determine if vertex fit has converged"};
+  Gaudi::Property<uint16_t> m_minNumTracksPerVertex{ this, "MinNumTracksPerVertex", 4 };
+  Gaudi::Property<uint16_t> m_maxFitIter{ this, "MaxFitIter", defaultMaxFitIter,
+                                          "Maximum number of iterations for vertex fit" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxDeltaChi2{ this, "MaxDeltaChi2", defaultMaxDeltaChi2,
+                                         "Maximum chi2 contribution of track to vertex fit" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxDeltaZConverged{ this, "MaxDeltaZConverged", defaultMaxDeltaZConverged,
+                                               "Limit on change in z to determine if vertex fit has converged" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxDeltaChi2Converged{ this, "MaxDeltaChi2Converged", defaultMaxDeltaChi2Converged,
+                                                  "Limit on change in chi2 to determine if vertex fit has converged" };
   RecV1ToPVConverterWithPrTracks( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"InputVertices", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary},
-                      KeyValue{"TracksBackwardLocation", "Rec/Track/VeloBackward"},
-                      KeyValue{"TracksLocation", "Rec/Track/Velo"}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputVertices", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "InputVertices", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary },
+                       KeyValue{ "TracksBackwardLocation", "Rec/Track/VeloBackward" },
+                       KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", "Rec/Track/Velo" } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation } ) {}
   LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer operator()( const EventContext&           evtCtx,
                                                       const LHCb::RecVertex::Range& inputvertices,
                                                       const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracksBackward,
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ public:
     auto memResource = LHCb::getMemResource( evtCtx );
     // allocate the output
-    PrimaryVertexContainer pvcontainer{memResource};
+    PrimaryVertexContainer pvcontainer{ memResource };
     auto&                  vertices = pvcontainer.vertices;
     auto&                  pvtracks = pvcontainer.tracks;
     pvtracks.prvelocontainers[0]    = &tracksForward;
@@ -306,16 +306,16 @@ public:
       RecV1ToPVConverter_PVSeedingTracks pvseedtracks;
       pvseedtracks.reserve( Nvelo + simd::size ); // reserve one extra for overflow of the padding when filling?
       // make sure to set the padding of the pv index since we need that to be valid for all simd values
-      pvseedtracks.simd()[simd::size * ( Nvelo / simd::size )].field<PVTrackTag::pvindex>().set( int_v{0} );
-      int icontainer{0};
-      for ( const auto& tracks : {&tracksForward, &tracksBackward} ) {
+      pvseedtracks.simd()[simd::size * ( Nvelo / simd::size )].field<PVTrackTag::pvindex>().set( int_v{ 0 } );
+      int icontainer{ 0 };
+      for ( const auto& tracks : { &tracksForward, &tracksBackward } ) {
         for ( auto const& track : tracks->simd() ) {
           auto loop_mask = track.loop_mask();
           auto index     = pvseedtracks.size();
           pvseedtracks.resize( index + popcount( loop_mask ) );
           auto pvseedtrack = pvseedtracks.simd()[index];
           pvseedtrack.field<PVTrackTag::veloindex>().set( icontainer, track.indices() );
-          pvseedtrack.field<PVTrackTag::pvindex>().set( int_v{0} );
+          pvseedtrack.field<PVTrackTag::pvindex>().set( int_v{ 0 } );
           pvseedtrack.field<PVTrackTag::ip2>().set( std::numeric_limits<float_v>::max() );
           // loop over all PVs. assign it if ip2 is smaller.
           for ( int iseed = 0; iseed < int( vertexseeds.size() ); ++iseed ) {
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ public:
       // This initializes the data-structures and fits the vertices
-      const AdaptiveFitConfig fitconfig{m_maxDeltaChi2, m_maxDeltaZConverged, m_maxDeltaChi2Converged, m_maxFitIter};
+      const AdaptiveFitConfig fitconfig{ m_maxDeltaChi2, m_maxDeltaZConverged, m_maxDeltaChi2Converged, m_maxFitIter };
       initializeFromSeeds( pvcontainer, vertexseeds, pvseedtracks, fitconfig );
       // remove vertices with too few tracks, just in case
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/PatPVLeftRightFinderMerger.cpp b/Tr/PatPV/src/PatPVLeftRightFinderMerger.cpp
index bd1d1f44e1ae8e829dca0c0170ed66e8d260f4b1..0f12d91eb11d66274bb31c757106d80aa057ac5e 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/PatPVLeftRightFinderMerger.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/PatPVLeftRightFinderMerger.cpp
@@ -31,24 +31,24 @@ class PatPVLeftRightFinderMerger
   /** Standard construtor */
   PatPVLeftRightFinderMerger( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLoc )
-      : MultiTransformer{name,
-                         pSvcLoc,
-                         {KeyValue{"InputTracks", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                          KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-                         {KeyValue{"OutputLeftVertices", ""}, KeyValue{"OutputRightVertices", ""},
-                          KeyValue{"OutputVertices", ""}}} {}
+      : MultiTransformer{ name,
+                          pSvcLoc,
+                          { KeyValue{ "InputTracks", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                            KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+                          { KeyValue{ "OutputLeftVertices", "" }, KeyValue{ "OutputRightVertices", "" },
+                            KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", "" } } } {}
   /** Algorithm execute */
   Output operator()( LHCb::Track::Range const&, DetectorElement const& lhcbtop ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<double>    m_maxDeltaZForMerge{this, "MaxDeltaZForMerge", 1 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>    m_maxDeltaZChi2ForMerge{this, "MaxDeltaZChi2ForMerge", 9};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>      m_addUnmergedVertices{this, "AddUnmergedVertices", false};
-  ToolHandle<IPVOfflineTool> m_toolpv{this, "PVOfflineTool", "PVOfflineTool"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_nMergedPVsCounter{this, "nMergedPVs"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_nLeftPVsCounter{this, "nLeftPVs"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_nRightPVsCounter{this, "nRightPVs"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double>    m_maxDeltaZForMerge{ this, "MaxDeltaZForMerge", 1 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>    m_maxDeltaZChi2ForMerge{ this, "MaxDeltaZChi2ForMerge", 9 };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>      m_addUnmergedVertices{ this, "AddUnmergedVertices", false };
+  ToolHandle<IPVOfflineTool> m_toolpv{ this, "PVOfflineTool", "PVOfflineTool" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_nMergedPVsCounter{ this, "nMergedPVs" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_nLeftPVsCounter{ this, "nLeftPVs" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_nRightPVsCounter{ this, "nRightPVs" };
 // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ namespace {
   RecVertices convert( const std::vector<LHCb::RecVertex>& vertices ) {
     RecVertices rc;
     rc.reserve( vertices.size() );
-    for ( const auto& v : vertices ) rc.insert( new RecVertex{v} );
+    for ( const auto& v : vertices ) rc.insert( new RecVertex{ v } );
     return rc;
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Output PatPVLeftRightFinderMerger::operator()( LHCb::Track::Range const& alltrac
   // divide the tracks in to 'valid' left and right tracks. we omit 'mixed' tracks.
   std::vector<const LHCb::Track*> lefttracks, righttracks;
   for ( const auto& tr : alltracks ) {
-    LHCb::HitPattern hitpattern{tr->lhcbIDs()};
+    LHCb::HitPattern hitpattern{ tr->lhcbIDs() };
     if ( hitpattern.numVeloA() > hitpattern.numVeloC() )
       lefttracks.push_back( &( *tr ) );
     else if ( hitpattern.numVeloC() > hitpattern.numVeloA() )
@@ -132,7 +132,8 @@ Output PatPVLeftRightFinderMerger::operator()( LHCb::Track::Range const& alltrac
             merged         = true;
             auto mergedvtx = new LHCb::RecVertex{};
             // we should perhaps make this a proper weighted average.
-            Gaudi::XYZPoint position{0.5 * ( Gaudi::XYZVector{ivtx->position()} + Gaudi::XYZVector{jvtx->position()} )};
+            Gaudi::XYZPoint position{ 0.5 *
+                                      ( Gaudi::XYZVector{ ivtx->position() } + Gaudi::XYZVector{ jvtx->position() } ) };
             mergedvtx->setPosition( position );
             mergedvtx->setCovMatrix( 0.5 * ( ivtx->covMatrix() + jvtx->covMatrix() ) );
             mergedvtx->setChi2AndDoF( ivtx->chi2() + jvtx->chi2(), ivtx->nDoF() + jvtx->nDoF() );
@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ Output PatPVLeftRightFinderMerger::operator()( LHCb::Track::Range const& alltrac
-      if ( !merged && m_addUnmergedVertices ) mergedvertices.insert( new RecVertex{*ivtx} );
+      if ( !merged && m_addUnmergedVertices ) mergedvertices.insert( new RecVertex{ *ivtx } );
   debug() << "Number of merged vertices: " << mergedvertices.size() << endmsg;
@@ -154,7 +155,7 @@ Output PatPVLeftRightFinderMerger::operator()( LHCb::Track::Range const& alltrac
   m_nMergedPVsCounter += mergedvertices.size();
   // Also create output containers for the left and right vertices, just in case anyone is interested.
-  RecVertices keyedleftvertices{convert( leftvertices )};
-  RecVertices keyedrightvertices{convert( rightvertices )};
-  return Output{std::move( keyedleftvertices ), std::move( keyedrightvertices ), std::move( mergedvertices )};
+  RecVertices keyedleftvertices{ convert( leftvertices ) };
+  RecVertices keyedrightvertices{ convert( rightvertices ) };
+  return Output{ std::move( keyedleftvertices ), std::move( keyedrightvertices ), std::move( mergedvertices ) };
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/PatPVOffline.cpp b/Tr/PatPV/src/PatPVOffline.cpp
index 2fe86677c2cbb654ab187571e143e93b1bf1de36..662670a9f6b2e790c826b9078fe79b89dbaf61ee 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/PatPVOffline.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/PatPVOffline.cpp
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ public:
   // Tools
-  ToolHandle<IPVOfflineTool> m_pvsfit{"PVOfflineTool", this};
+  ToolHandle<IPVOfflineTool> m_pvsfit{ "PVOfflineTool", this };
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( PatPVOffline )
 PatPVOffline::PatPVOffline( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                   {KeyValue{"InputTracks", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                    KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
+                   { KeyValue{ "InputTracks", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                     KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
                    KeyValue( "OutputVertices", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary ) ) {}
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/RecVertexAsExtendedPrimaryVertexFitter.cpp b/Tr/PatPV/src/RecVertexAsExtendedPrimaryVertexFitter.cpp
index fc56d449aa3a3b2cb90c4931f2cd4ec157232cf9..9ddbc355f251933b08dc9f54747484a64daa494d 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/RecVertexAsExtendedPrimaryVertexFitter.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/RecVertexAsExtendedPrimaryVertexFitter.cpp
@@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ using namespace LHCb::Event::PV;
 class RecVertexAsExtendedPrimaryVertexFitter : public extends<GaudiTool, IPVFitter> {
-  Gaudi::Property<int>   m_maxFitIter{this, "Iterations", AdaptiveFitConfig::defaultMaxFitIter};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDeltaChi2{this, "trackMaxChi2", AdaptiveFitConfig::defaultMaxDeltaChi2};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDeltaZConverged{this, "maxDeltaZ", AdaptiveFitConfig::defaultMaxDeltaZConverged};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDeltaChi2Converged{this, "MaxDeltaChi2Converged",
-                                                 AdaptiveFitConfig::defaultMaxDeltaChi2Converged};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_numAnnealingSteps{this, "NumAnnealingSteps", AdaptiveFitConfig::defaultNumAnnealingSteps};
+  Gaudi::Property<int>   m_maxFitIter{ this, "Iterations", AdaptiveFitConfig::defaultMaxFitIter };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDeltaChi2{ this, "trackMaxChi2", AdaptiveFitConfig::defaultMaxDeltaChi2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDeltaZConverged{ this, "maxDeltaZ", AdaptiveFitConfig::defaultMaxDeltaZConverged };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDeltaChi2Converged{ this, "MaxDeltaChi2Converged",
+                                                  AdaptiveFitConfig::defaultMaxDeltaChi2Converged };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_numAnnealingSteps{ this, "NumAnnealingSteps", AdaptiveFitConfig::defaultNumAnnealingSteps };
   Gaudi::Property<float> m_minTrackWeight{
       this, "minTrackWeight", 0,
-      "Minimum Tukey's weight to accept a track. Set to negative value if you want to include all tracks."};
+      "Minimum Tukey's weight to accept a track. Set to negative value if you want to include all tracks." };
   // Standard constructor
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/SimplePVFitter.cpp b/Tr/PatPV/src/SimplePVFitter.cpp
index 66051e23b101c6914809cf03ae198fac2b844707..acb2b6fb297e66e0d93408873e083fa217a7d55c 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/SimplePVFitter.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/SimplePVFitter.cpp
@@ -27,26 +27,26 @@ public:
                         IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minTr{this, "MinTracks", 5,
-                               [this]( auto& ) {
-                                 if ( this->m_minTr < 3 ) { // do not allow less than 3 tracks in a vertex
-                                   this->m_minTr = 3;
-                                   this->warning() << "MinTracks must be at least 3. Set to 3" << endmsg;
-                                 }
-                               },
-                               "Minimum number of tracks to make a vertex"};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_Iterations{this, "Iterations", 30, "Number of iterations for minimisation"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2{this, "maxChi2", 256.0, "Chi2 of completely wrong tracks"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_extrapRCut{this, "LinExtrapolation", 5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                       "Radial limit for linear extrapolation"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaZ{this, "maxDeltaZ", 0.001 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Fit convergence condition"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_acceptTrack{this, "acceptTrack", 0.00001, "Value of Tukey's weight to accept a track"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_trackMaxChi2Remove{this, "trackMaxChi2Remove", 36.,
-                                               "Max chi2 tracks to be removed from next PV search"};
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minTr{ this, "MinTracks", 5,
+                                [this]( auto& ) {
+                                  if ( this->m_minTr < 3 ) { // do not allow less than 3 tracks in a vertex
+                                    this->m_minTr = 3;
+                                    this->warning() << "MinTracks must be at least 3. Set to 3" << endmsg;
+                                  }
+                                },
+                                "Minimum number of tracks to make a vertex" };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_Iterations{ this, "Iterations", 30, "Number of iterations for minimisation" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2{ this, "maxChi2", 256.0, "Chi2 of completely wrong tracks" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_extrapRCut{ this, "LinExtrapolation", 5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                        "Radial limit for linear extrapolation" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaZ{ this, "maxDeltaZ", 0.001 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Fit convergence condition" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_acceptTrack{ this, "acceptTrack", 0.00001, "Value of Tukey's weight to accept a track" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_trackMaxChi2Remove{ this, "trackMaxChi2Remove", 36.,
+                                                "Max chi2 tracks to be removed from next PV search" };
   // Extrapolators
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_linExtrapolator{this, "LinearExtrapolator", "TrackLinearExtrapolator"};
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_fullExtrapolator{this, "FullExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_linExtrapolator{ this, "LinearExtrapolator", "TrackLinearExtrapolator" };
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_fullExtrapolator{ this, "FullExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator" };
   // Least square iterative PV fit
   StatusCode fit( LHCb::RecVertex& vtx, std::vector<PVTrack*>& pvTracks, std::vector<const LHCb::Track*>& tracks2remove,
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/TrackBeamLineVertexFinder.cpp b/Tr/PatPV/src/TrackBeamLineVertexFinder.cpp
index 65278678c482b3b7a0bfaac915e54d573b00a9a3..1cf158fa6ec3889878a62497d91e7ae1f89b7655 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/TrackBeamLineVertexFinder.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/TrackBeamLineVertexFinder.cpp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 #include <array>
 #include <vector>
 #  include "AIDA/IProfile1D.h"
@@ -54,44 +54,45 @@ public:
   StatusCode                      initialize() override;
-  Gaudi::Property<uint32_t> m_minNumTracksPerVertex{this, "MinNumTracksPerVertex", 4};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_zmin{this, "MinZ", -300 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Min z position of vertex seed"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_zmax{this, "MaxZ", +300 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Max z position of vertex seed"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_dz{this, "ZBinSize", 0.25 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Z histogram bin size"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxTrackZ0Err{this, "MaxTrackZ0Err", 1.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                         "Maximum z0-error for adding track to histo"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_minDensity{this, "MinDensity", 0. / Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                      "Minimal density at cluster peak  (inverse resolution)"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_minDipDensity{this, "MinDipDensity", 3.0 / Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                         "Minimal depth of a dip to split cluster (inverse resolution)"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_minTracksInSeed{this, "MinTrackIntegralInSeed", 2.5};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxVertexRho{this, "BeamSpotRCut", 0.3 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                        "Maximum distance of vertex to beam line"};
-  Gaudi::Property<uint32_t> m_maxFitIter{this, "MaxFitIter", 5, "Maximum number of iterations for vertex fit"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDeltaChi2{this, "MaxDeltaChi2", 12, "Maximum chi2 contribution of track to vertex fit"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxTrackBLChi2{this, "MaxTrackBLChi2", 10,
-                                          "Maximum chi2 of track to beam line contributing to seeds"};
+  Gaudi::Property<uint32_t> m_minNumTracksPerVertex{ this, "MinNumTracksPerVertex", 4 };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_zmin{ this, "MinZ", -300 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Min z position of vertex seed" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_zmax{ this, "MaxZ", +300 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Max z position of vertex seed" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_dz{ this, "ZBinSize", 0.25 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Z histogram bin size" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxTrackZ0Err{ this, "MaxTrackZ0Err", 1.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                          "Maximum z0-error for adding track to histo" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_minDensity{ this, "MinDensity", 0. / Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                       "Minimal density at cluster peak  (inverse resolution)" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_minDipDensity{ this, "MinDipDensity", 3.0 / Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                          "Minimal depth of a dip to split cluster (inverse resolution)" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_minTracksInSeed{ this, "MinTrackIntegralInSeed", 2.5 };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxVertexRho{ this, "BeamSpotRCut", 0.3 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                         "Maximum distance of vertex to beam line" };
+  Gaudi::Property<uint32_t> m_maxFitIter{ this, "MaxFitIter", 5, "Maximum number of iterations for vertex fit" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDeltaChi2{ this, "MaxDeltaChi2", 12, "Maximum chi2 contribution of track to vertex fit" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxTrackBLChi2{ this, "MaxTrackBLChi2", 10,
+                                           "Maximum chi2 of track to beam line contributing to seeds" };
-  AIDA::IProfile1D* m_timeperstepPr{nullptr};
-  AIDA::IProfile1D* m_timevsntrksPr{nullptr};
-  AIDA::IProfile1D* m_timevsnvtxPr{nullptr};
+  AIDA::IProfile1D* m_timeperstepPr{ nullptr };
+  AIDA::IProfile1D* m_timevsntrksPr{ nullptr };
+  AIDA::IProfile1D* m_timevsnvtxPr{ nullptr };
   static const uint16_t Nztemplatebins        = 16;
   static const uint16_t Nztemplates           = 32;
   static const uint16_t TemplateNormalization = 128;
   uint16_t              m_ztemplates[2 * Nztemplates][Nztemplatebins]; // odd and even, see note
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_nbPVsCounter{this, "Nb PVs"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_nbPVsCounter{ this, "Nb PVs" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackBeamLineVertexFinder )
 TrackBeamLineVertexFinder::TrackBeamLineVertexFinder( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : MultiTransformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                        {KeyValue{"InputTracks", LHCb::Event::v2::TrackLocation::Default},
-                         {KeyValue{"InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion"}}},
-                        {KeyValue{"OutputVertices", LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertexLocation::Primary},
-                         KeyValue{"UnusedTracks", "Rec/Track/NonPVTracks"}} ) {}
+    : MultiTransformer(
+          name, pSvcLocator,
+          { KeyValue{ "InputTracks", LHCb::Event::v2::TrackLocation::Default },
+            { KeyValue{ "InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion" } } },
+          { KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertexLocation::Primary },
+            KeyValue{ "UnusedTracks", "Rec/Track/NonPVTracks" } } ) {}
 StatusCode TrackBeamLineVertexFinder::initialize() {
   return MultiTransformer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
@@ -151,10 +152,10 @@ namespace {
   struct PVTrack {
     PVTrack() {}
     PVTrack( const LHCb::State& state, double dz, uint16_t _index )
-        : z{float( state.z() + dz )}
-        , x{float( state.x() + dz * state.tx() ), float( state.y() + dz * state.ty() )}
-        , tx{float( state.tx() ), float( state.ty() )}
-        , index{_index} {
+        : z{ float( state.z() + dz ) }
+        , x{ float( state.x() + dz * state.tx() ), float( state.y() + dz * state.ty() ) }
+        , tx{ float( state.tx() ), float( state.ty() ) }
+        , index{ _index } {
       // perhaps we should invert it /before/ switching to single FPP?
       // it doesn't seem to make much difference.
       const auto& V   = state.covariance();
@@ -164,11 +165,11 @@ namespace {
       W( 1, 1 )       = V( 1, 1 ) + 2 * dz * V( 3, 1 ) + dz2 * V( 3, 3 );
-    float                z{0};
-    Gaudi::Vector2F      x;        /// position (x,y)
-    Gaudi::Vector2F      tx;       /// direction (tx,ty)
-    Gaudi::SymMatrix2x2F W;        /// weightmatrix
-    uint16_t             index{0}; /// index in the list with tracks
+    float                z{ 0 };
+    Gaudi::Vector2F      x;          /// position (x,y)
+    Gaudi::Vector2F      tx;         /// direction (tx,ty)
+    Gaudi::SymMatrix2x2F W;          /// weightmatrix
+    uint16_t             index{ 0 }; /// index in the list with tracks
   template <typename FTYPE>
@@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ namespace {
   struct Extremum {
     Extremum( uint16_t _index, uint16_t _value, uint32_t _integral )
-        : index{_index}, value{_value}, integral{_integral} {}
+        : index{ _index }, value{ _value }, integral{ _integral } {}
     uint16_t index;
     uint16_t value;
     uint32_t integral;
@@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ namespace {
   struct Cluster {
     Cluster( uint16_t _izfirst, uint16_t _izlast, uint16_t _izmax )
-        : izfirst{_izfirst}, izlast{_izlast}, izmax{_izmax} {}
+        : izfirst{ _izfirst }, izlast{ _izlast }, izmax{ _izmax } {}
     uint16_t izfirst;
     uint16_t izlast;
     uint16_t izmax;
@@ -197,14 +198,14 @@ namespace {
     float    z;
     iterator begin;
     iterator end;
-    SeedZWithIteratorPair( float _z, iterator _begin, iterator _end ) : z{_z}, begin{_begin}, end{_end} {}
+    SeedZWithIteratorPair( float _z, iterator _begin, iterator _end ) : z{ _z }, begin{ _begin }, end{ _end } {}
   // Need a small extension to the track when fitting the
   // vertex. Caching this information doesn't seem to help much
   // though.
   struct PVTrackInVertex : PVTrack {
-    PVTrackInVertex( const PVTrack& trk ) : PVTrack{trk} {
+    PVTrackInVertex( const PVTrack& trk ) : PVTrack{ trk } {
       ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float, 3, 2> H;
       H( 0, 0 ) = H( 1, 1 ) = 1;
       H( 2, 0 )             = -trk.tx( 0 );
@@ -214,7 +215,7 @@ namespace {
     ROOT::Math::SMatrix<float, 3, 2> HW;
     Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3F             HWH;
-    float                            weight{1};
+    float                            weight{ 1 };
   struct Vertex {
@@ -235,16 +236,16 @@ namespace {
     auto&                        vtxpos = vertex.position;
     Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3F         vtxcov;
     vtxpos = seedposition;
-    const float maxDeltaZConverged{0.001};
-    float       chi2tot{0};
-    uint16_t    nselectedtracks{0};
-    uint16_t    iter{0};
+    const float maxDeltaZConverged{ 0.001 };
+    float       chi2tot{ 0 };
+    uint16_t    nselectedtracks{ 0 };
+    uint16_t    iter{ 0 };
     for ( ; iter < maxNumIter && !converged; ++iter ) {
       Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3F halfD2Chi2DX2;
       Gaudi::Vector3F      halfDChi2DX;
       chi2tot         = 0;
       nselectedtracks = 0;
-      Gaudi::Vector2F vtxposvec{float( vtxpos.x() ), float( vtxpos.y() )};
+      Gaudi::Vector2F vtxposvec{ float( vtxpos.x() ), float( vtxpos.y() ) };
       for ( auto& trk : tracks ) {
         // compute the chi2
         const float           dz   = vtxpos.z() - trk.z;
@@ -303,9 +304,9 @@ namespace {
 } // namespace
-TrackBeamLineVertexFinderOutput TrackBeamLineVertexFinder::
-                                operator()( std::vector<LHCb::Event::v2::Track> const& tracks,
-            LHCb::Conditions::InteractionRegion const& region ) const {
+TrackBeamLineVertexFinder::operator()( std::vector<LHCb::Event::v2::Track> const& tracks,
+                                       LHCb::Conditions::InteractionRegion const& region ) const {
   // Get the beamline. this only accounts for position, not
   // rotation. that's something to improve!
   Gaudi::XYZPoint beamline = region.avgPosition;
@@ -327,7 +328,7 @@ TrackBeamLineVertexFinderOutput TrackBeamLineVertexFinder::
     const float halfwindow = ( Nztemplatebins / 2 + 1 ) * m_dz;
     const float zmin       = m_zmin + halfwindow;
     const float zmax       = m_zmax - halfwindow;
-    for ( uint16_t index{0}; index < Ntrk; ++index ) {
+    for ( uint16_t index{ 0 }; index < Ntrk; ++index ) {
       const auto& trk = tracks[index];
       if ( trk.hasVelo() ) {
         // compute the (chance in) z of the poca to the beam axis
@@ -337,7 +338,7 @@ TrackBeamLineVertexFinderOutput TrackBeamLineVertexFinder::
         const double dz   = ( tx * ( beamline.x() - s.x() ) + ty * ( beamline.y() - s.y() ) ) / ( tx * tx + ty * ty );
         const double newz = s.z() + dz;
         if ( zmin < newz && newz < zmax ) {
-          *it = PVTrack{s, dz, index};
+          *it = PVTrack{ s, dz, index };
@@ -379,7 +380,7 @@ TrackBeamLineVertexFinderOutput TrackBeamLineVertexFinder::
     const float zerr    = 1 / std::sqrt( zweight ); // Q_rsqrt(zweight) ;
     // compute the bealine chi2. we make a cut for tracks contributing to seeding
     const float blchi2 = ROOT::Math::Similarity(
-        trk.W, Gaudi::Vector2F{float( beamline.x() ) - trk.x( 0 ), float( beamline.y() ) - trk.x( 1 )} );
+        trk.W, Gaudi::Vector2F{ float( beamline.x() ) - trk.x( 0 ), float( beamline.y() ) - trk.x( 1 ) } );
     const int zerrbin = Nztemplates * zerr / m_maxTrackZ0Err;
     if ( zerrbin < Nztemplates && blchi2 < m_maxTrackBLChi2 ) {
       // now perform a quick addition. this could easily be
@@ -590,7 +591,7 @@ TrackBeamLineVertexFinderOutput TrackBeamLineVertexFinder::
   std::vector<Vertex> vertices;
   std::transform( seedsZWithIteratorPair.begin(), seedsZWithIteratorPair.end(), std::back_inserter( vertices ),
                   [&]( const auto& seed ) {
-                    return fitAdaptive( seed.begin, seed.end, Gaudi::XYZPoint{beamline.x(), beamline.y(), seed.z},
+                    return fitAdaptive( seed.begin, seed.end, Gaudi::XYZPoint{ beamline.x(), beamline.y(), seed.z },
                                         m_maxFitIter, m_maxDeltaChi2 );
                   } );
@@ -605,21 +606,21 @@ TrackBeamLineVertexFinderOutput TrackBeamLineVertexFinder::
   // * merge vertices that are close
   // create the output containers
-  TrackBeamLineVertexFinderOutput output{std::vector<RecVertex>(), {tracks, Pr::details::alwaysFalse{}}};
+  TrackBeamLineVertexFinderOutput output{ std::vector<RecVertex>(), { tracks, Pr::details::alwaysFalse{} } };
   auto&                           recvertexcontainer = std::get<0>( output );
   //  std::vector<LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertex> recvertexcontainer;
   recvertexcontainer.reserve( vertices.size() );
   std::vector<bool> unusedtrackflags( Ntrk, true );
   const auto        maxVertexRho2 = sqr( m_maxVertexRho.value() );
-  uint32_t          used_tracks{0};
+  uint32_t          used_tracks{ 0 };
   for ( const auto& vertex : vertices ) {
     const auto beamlinedx   = vertex.position.x() - beamline.x();
     const auto beamlinedy   = vertex.position.y() - beamline.y();
     const auto beamlinerho2 = sqr( beamlinedx ) + sqr( beamlinedy );
     if ( vertex.tracks.size() >= m_minNumTracksPerVertex && beamlinerho2 < maxVertexRho2 ) {
       int   nDoF      = 2 * vertex.tracks.size() - 3;
-      auto& recvertex = recvertexcontainer.emplace_back( vertex.position, vertex.poscov,
-                                                         LHCb::Event::v2::Track::Chi2PerDoF{vertex.chi2 / nDoF, nDoF} );
+      auto& recvertex = recvertexcontainer.emplace_back(
+          vertex.position, vertex.poscov, LHCb::Event::v2::Track::Chi2PerDoF{ vertex.chi2 / nDoF, nDoF } );
       recvertex.setTechnique( LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertex::RecVertexType::Primary );
       for ( const auto& dau : vertex.tracks ) {
         recvertex.addToTracks( &( tracks[dau.first] ), dau.second );
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/TrackBeamLineVertexFinderSoA.cpp b/Tr/PatPV/src/TrackBeamLineVertexFinderSoA.cpp
index 8634c89d5a1a1461dda35f0d471aef1057d9c3fc..7fd13710eadf7f085fe3255dbc1cece175ae04ec 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/TrackBeamLineVertexFinderSoA.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/TrackBeamLineVertexFinderSoA.cpp
@@ -92,54 +92,58 @@ public:
                                      const LHCb::Conditions::InteractionRegion& ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<uint16_t> m_minNumTracksPerVertex{this, "MinNumTracksPerVertex", defaultMinNumTracks,
-                                                    "Min number of tracks per PV"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_minTotalTrackWeightPerVertex{this, "MinTotalTrackWeightPerVertex", 0.,
-                                                        "Min sum of Tukey weights per PV"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_zmin{this, "MinZ", defaultMinZ, "Min z position of vertex seed"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_zmax{this, "MaxZ", defaultMaxZ, "Max z position of vertex seed"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_zminIR{this, "MinZIR", -300., "Min z position of vertex seed for Interaction Region"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_zmaxIR{this, "MaxZIR", +300., "Max z position of vertex seed for Interaction Region"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_dz{this, "ZBinSize", defaultZBinSize, "Z histogram bin size"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxTrackZ0Err{this, "MaxTrackZ0Err", 10.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                         "Maximum z0-error for adding track to histo"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxTrackZ0ErrIR{this, "MaxTrackZ0ErrIR", 1.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                           "Maximum z0-error for adding track to histo for Interaction Region"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_Z0ErrMax{this, "Z0ErrMax", 1.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Maximum for z0-error binning"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_minBinContent{this, "MinBinContent", 0.01, "Minimal integral in bin for cluster boundary"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_minDipSize{this, "MinDipSize", 1.0, "Minimal track integral on one side of histogram peak"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_minDipDensity{this, "MinDipDensity", 0.0 / Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                         "Minimal depth of a dip to split cluster (inverse resolution)"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_minTracksInSeed{this, "MinTrackIntegralInSeed", 2.9};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxVertexRho{this, "BeamSpotRCut", 0.3 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                        "Maximum distance of vertex to beam line"};
-  Gaudi::Property<uint16_t> m_maxFitIter{this, "MaxFitIter", defaultMaxFitIter,
-                                         "Maximum number of iterations for vertex fit"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxDeltaChi2{this, "MaxDeltaChi2", defaultMaxDeltaChi2,
-                                        "Maximum chi2 contribution of track to vertex fit"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxDeltaZConverged{this, "MaxDeltaZConverged", defaultMaxDeltaZConverged,
-                                              "Limit on change in z to determine if vertex fit has converged"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxDeltaChi2Converged{this, "MaxDeltaChi2Converged", defaultMaxDeltaChi2Converged,
-                                                 "Limit on change in chi2 to determine if vertex fit has converged"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_minVertexZSeparationChi2{this, "MinVertexZSeparationChi2", defaultMinVertexZSeparationChi2};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_minVertexZSeparation{this, "MinVertexZSeparation", defaultMinVertexZSeparation};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxTrackBLChi2{this, "MaxTrackBLChi2", 25.,
-                                          "Maximum chi2 of track to beam line contributing to seeds"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_beamLineOffsetX{this, "BeamLineOffsetX", 0.0f, "X correction applied to beamline position"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_beamLineOffsetY{this, "BeamLineOffsetY", 0.0f, "Y correction applied to beamline position"};
-  static constexpr int   Nztemplatebins           = 16;
-  static constexpr int   Nztemplates              = 32;
+  Gaudi::Property<uint16_t> m_minNumTracksPerVertex{ this, "MinNumTracksPerVertex", defaultMinNumTracks,
+                                                     "Min number of tracks per PV" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_minTotalTrackWeightPerVertex{ this, "MinTotalTrackWeightPerVertex", 0.,
+                                                         "Min sum of Tukey weights per PV" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_zmin{ this, "MinZ", defaultMinZ, "Min z position of vertex seed" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_zmax{ this, "MaxZ", defaultMaxZ, "Max z position of vertex seed" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_zminIR{ this, "MinZIR", -300., "Min z position of vertex seed for Interaction Region" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_zmaxIR{ this, "MaxZIR", +300., "Max z position of vertex seed for Interaction Region" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_dz{ this, "ZBinSize", defaultZBinSize, "Z histogram bin size" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxTrackZ0Err{ this, "MaxTrackZ0Err", 10.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                          "Maximum z0-error for adding track to histo" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxTrackZ0ErrIR{ this, "MaxTrackZ0ErrIR", 1.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                            "Maximum z0-error for adding track to histo for Interaction Region" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_Z0ErrMax{ this, "Z0ErrMax", 1.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Maximum for z0-error binning" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_minBinContent{ this, "MinBinContent", 0.01, "Minimal integral in bin for cluster boundary" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_minDipSize{ this, "MinDipSize", 1.0,
+                                       "Minimal track integral on one side of histogram peak" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_minDipDensity{ this, "MinDipDensity", 0.0 / Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                          "Minimal depth of a dip to split cluster (inverse resolution)" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_minTracksInSeed{ this, "MinTrackIntegralInSeed", 2.9 };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxVertexRho{ this, "BeamSpotRCut", 0.3 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                         "Maximum distance of vertex to beam line" };
+  Gaudi::Property<uint16_t> m_maxFitIter{ this, "MaxFitIter", defaultMaxFitIter,
+                                          "Maximum number of iterations for vertex fit" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxDeltaChi2{ this, "MaxDeltaChi2", defaultMaxDeltaChi2,
+                                         "Maximum chi2 contribution of track to vertex fit" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxDeltaZConverged{ this, "MaxDeltaZConverged", defaultMaxDeltaZConverged,
+                                               "Limit on change in z to determine if vertex fit has converged" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxDeltaChi2Converged{ this, "MaxDeltaChi2Converged", defaultMaxDeltaChi2Converged,
+                                                  "Limit on change in chi2 to determine if vertex fit has converged" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_minVertexZSeparationChi2{ this, "MinVertexZSeparationChi2",
+                                                     defaultMinVertexZSeparationChi2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_minVertexZSeparation{ this, "MinVertexZSeparation", defaultMinVertexZSeparation };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxTrackBLChi2{ this, "MaxTrackBLChi2", 25.,
+                                           "Maximum chi2 of track to beam line contributing to seeds" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_beamLineOffsetX{ this, "BeamLineOffsetX", 0.0f,
+                                            "X correction applied to beamline position" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_beamLineOffsetY{ this, "BeamLineOffsetY", 0.0f,
+                                            "Y correction applied to beamline position" };
+  static constexpr int      Nztemplatebins        = 16;
+  static constexpr int      Nztemplates           = 32;
   static constexpr unsigned TemplateNormalization = 128;
   using ZHistoType                                = uint32_t;
   ZHistoType m_ztemplates[2 * Nztemplates][Nztemplatebins]; // odd and even, see note
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int>  m_nbPVsCounter{this, "Nb PVs"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<unsigned int> m_frFailedFits{this, "Fraction of failed PV fits"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<unsigned int> m_frUnconvergedFits{this,
-                                                                                 "Fraction of unconverged PV fits"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int>  m_nbPVsCounter{ this, "Nb PVs" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<unsigned int> m_frFailedFits{ this, "Fraction of failed PV fits" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<unsigned int> m_frUnconvergedFits{ this,
+                                                                                  "Fraction of unconverged PV fits" };
-  AIDA::IProfile1D* m_timeperstepPr{nullptr};
-  AIDA::IProfile1D* m_timevsntrksPr{nullptr};
-  AIDA::IProfile1D* m_timevsnvtxPr{nullptr};
+  AIDA::IProfile1D* m_timeperstepPr{ nullptr };
+  AIDA::IProfile1D* m_timevsntrksPr{ nullptr };
+  AIDA::IProfile1D* m_timevsnvtxPr{ nullptr };
@@ -150,10 +154,10 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackBeamLineVertexFinderSoA )
 TrackBeamLineVertexFinderSoA::TrackBeamLineVertexFinderSoA( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                   {KeyValue{"TracksBackwardLocation", "Rec/Track/VeloBackward"},
-                    KeyValue{"TracksLocation", "Rec/Track/Velo"},
-                    {KeyValue{"InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion"}}},
-                   KeyValue{"OutputVertices", LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertexLocation::Primary} ) {}
+                   { KeyValue{ "TracksBackwardLocation", "Rec/Track/VeloBackward" },
+                     KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", "Rec/Track/Velo" },
+                     { KeyValue{ "InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion" } } },
+                   KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertexLocation::Primary } ) {}
 // ::initialize()
@@ -244,7 +248,7 @@ namespace {
   struct Extremum {
     Extremum( uint16_t _index, uint16_t _value, uint32_t _integral )
-        : index{_index}, value{_value}, integral{_integral} {}
+        : index{ _index }, value{ _value }, integral{ _integral } {}
     uint16_t index;
     uint16_t value;
     uint32_t integral;
@@ -252,11 +256,11 @@ namespace {
   struct Cluster {
     Cluster( uint16_t _izfirst, uint16_t _izlast, uint16_t _izmax )
-        : izfirst{_izfirst}, izlast{_izlast}, izmax{_izmax} {}
+        : izfirst{ _izfirst }, izlast{ _izlast }, izmax{ _izmax } {}
     uint16_t izfirst;
     uint16_t izlast;
     uint16_t izmax;
-    uint16_t ntracks{0};
+    uint16_t ntracks{ 0 };
   // Function that extracts clusters from a container of extrema. It
@@ -302,8 +306,8 @@ namespace {
       if ( dipselector( extrema, std::min( largest, nextlargest ), smallest, std::max( largest, nextlargest ) ) ) {
         // create two new extrema containers and recurcively call this function on them.
         // Note that they overlap one element, which is okay.
-        ExtremaContainer c1{extrema.begin(), extrema.begin() + smallest + 1};
-        ExtremaContainer c2{extrema.begin() + smallest, extrema.end()};
+        ExtremaContainer c1{ extrema.begin(), extrema.begin() + smallest + 1 };
+        ExtremaContainer c2{ extrema.begin() + smallest, extrema.end() };
         clusterize( c1, clusters, dipselector );
         clusterize( c2, clusters, dipselector );
       } else {
@@ -353,9 +357,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Event::PV {
 } // namespace LHCb::Event::PV
-PrimaryVertexContainer TrackBeamLineVertexFinderSoA::
-                       operator()( const EventContext& evtCtx, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracksBackward,
-            const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracksForward, const LHCb::Conditions::InteractionRegion& region ) const {
+TrackBeamLineVertexFinderSoA::operator()( const EventContext& evtCtx, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& tracksBackward,
+                                          const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks&              tracksForward,
+                                          const LHCb::Conditions::InteractionRegion& region ) const {
   // Get the beamline. this only accounts for position, not
   // rotation. that's something to improve! I have considered caching
   // this (with a handle for changes in the geometry, but the
@@ -384,11 +389,11 @@ PrimaryVertexContainer TrackBeamLineVertexFinderSoA::
   const auto beamlineTy = region.tY();
   // actually we only need to store the (zbeam,veloindex) and fill a histogram. the rest we do not really need.
-  PVSeedingTracks pvseedtracks{Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), memResource};
+  PVSeedingTracks pvseedtracks{ Zipping::generateZipIdentifier(), memResource };
   auto            pvseedtracks_simd = pvseedtracks.simd();
   pvseedtracks.reserve( tracksForward.size() + tracksBackward.size() );
-  int icontainer{0};
-  for ( const auto& tracks : {&tracksForward, &tracksBackward} ) {
+  int icontainer{ 0 };
+  for ( const auto& tracks : { &tracksForward, &tracksBackward } ) {
     for ( auto const& track : tracks->simd() ) {
       auto loop_mask = track.loop_mask();
       auto index     = pvseedtracks.size();
@@ -454,7 +459,7 @@ PrimaryVertexContainer TrackBeamLineVertexFinderSoA::
     const float zminIR     = m_zminIR.value();
     const float zmaxIR     = m_zmaxIR.value();
-    int nacceptedtracks{0};
+    int nacceptedtracks{ 0 };
     for ( const auto pvtrack : pvseedtracks.simd() ) {
       auto const loop_mask = pvtrack.loop_mask();
       const auto zbeam     = pvtrack.get<PVTrackTag::z>();
@@ -472,16 +477,16 @@ PrimaryVertexContainer TrackBeamLineVertexFinderSoA::
                                zerr < m_maxTrackZ0Err.value() &&
                                ( zminIR > zbeam || zmaxIR < zbeam || zerr < m_maxTrackZ0ErrIR.value() ) ) );
       auto const zerrrebinfactor = int_v( 1 + zerr / m_Z0ErrMax.value() );
-      auto const zerrscale       = float_v{1.0} / zerrrebinfactor;
+      auto const zerrscale       = float_v{ 1.0 } / zerrrebinfactor;
       // auto const zerrbin = int_v(Nztemplates / m_Z0ErrMax.value() * (zerr/zerrrebinfactor)) ;
       auto const zerrbin = int_v( ( Nztemplates / m_Z0ErrMax.value() ) * ( zerr * zerrscale ) );
       // bin in which z0 is, in floating point
       auto const jbin =
-          int_v{4 * ( zbeam - m_zmin.value() ) / m_dz.value()}; // we need factor 4 to determine odd or even
-      int_v const dbin        = jbin & 3;                       // & 3 is the same as % 4
+          int_v{ 4 * ( zbeam - m_zmin.value() ) / m_dz.value() }; // we need factor 4 to determine odd or even
+      int_v const dbin        = jbin & 3;                         // & 3 is the same as % 4
       auto const  minbin      = to_std_array( ( jbin >> 2 ) - zerrrebinfactor * ( Nztemplatebins / 2 ) +
-                                        select( dbin == 0, int_v( 0 ), int_v( 1 ) ) );
+                                              select( dbin == 0, int_v( 0 ), int_v( 1 ) ) );
       auto const  oddtemplate = select( ( dbin == 0 ) || ( dbin == 3 ), int_v( 0 ), int_v( 1 ) );
       auto const templatebin         = to_std_array( 2 * zerrbin + oddtemplate );
@@ -644,7 +649,7 @@ PrimaryVertexContainer TrackBeamLineVertexFinderSoA::
   // happens so rarely that we can choose a lazy solution: if a PV is
   // removed, we just kill the corresponding seed and start over. We
   // can improve this in the future.
-  PrimaryVertexContainer output{memResource};
+  PrimaryVertexContainer output{ memResource };
   auto&                  vertices = output.vertices;
   auto&                  pvtracks = output.tracks;
   pvtracks.prvelocontainers[0]    = &tracksForward;
@@ -678,7 +683,7 @@ PrimaryVertexContainer TrackBeamLineVertexFinderSoA::
       while ( ibin < nZBins ) pvindexhisto[ibin++] = maxpvindex;
       // assign all the tracks
       for ( const auto& pvtrack : pvseedtracks.simd() ) {
-        auto ibin     = int_v{( pvtrack.get<PVTrackTag::z>() - m_zmin.value() ) / m_dz.value()};
+        auto ibin     = int_v{ ( pvtrack.get<PVTrackTag::z>() - m_zmin.value() ) / m_dz.value() };
         auto truncbin = max( 0, min( ibin, nZBins - 1 ) );
         auto pvindex  = gather( pvindexhisto.data(), truncbin );
         pvseedtracks.store<PVTrackTag::pvindex>( pvtrack.offset(), pvindex );
@@ -721,24 +726,24 @@ PrimaryVertexContainer TrackBeamLineVertexFinderSoA::
     /// Create a container that holds the seed positions. We can probably do this a little smarter, without explicitly
     /// creating the container.
-    boost::container::small_vector<Gaudi::XYZPoint, 32> seedpositions{clusters.size()};
+    boost::container::small_vector<Gaudi::XYZPoint, 32> seedpositions{ clusters.size() };
     std::transform( clusters.begin(), clusters.end(), seedpositions.begin(), [=]( const auto& clus ) {
       const auto z = zClusterMean( clus.izmax );
-      return Gaudi::XYZPoint{beamlineX + beamlineTx * z, beamlineY + beamlineTy * z, z};
+      return Gaudi::XYZPoint{ beamlineX + beamlineTx * z, beamlineY + beamlineTy * z, z };
     } );
     // Now copy all relations, fill data and fit
-    const AdaptiveFitConfig fitconfig{m_maxDeltaChi2, m_maxDeltaZConverged, m_maxDeltaChi2Converged, m_maxFitIter};
+    const AdaptiveFitConfig fitconfig{ m_maxDeltaChi2, m_maxDeltaZConverged, m_maxDeltaChi2Converged, m_maxFitIter };
     initializeFromSeeds( output, seedpositions, pvseedtracks, fitconfig );
     // Count the number of failed and unvonverged PV fits
       auto nFailed = std::count_if( output.vertices.begin(), output.vertices.end(),
                                     []( const auto& pv ) { return pv.status() == PVFitStatus::Failed; } );
-      m_frFailedFits += {size_t( nFailed ), clusters.size()};
+      m_frFailedFits += { size_t( nFailed ), clusters.size() };
       auto nUnconverged = std::count_if( output.vertices.begin(), output.vertices.end(),
                                          []( const auto& pv ) { return pv.status() == PVFitStatus::NotConverged; } );
-      m_frUnconvergedFits += {size_t( nUnconverged ), clusters.size()};
+      m_frUnconvergedFits += { size_t( nUnconverged ), clusters.size() };
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/TrackPVFinderUtils.cpp b/Tr/PatPV/src/TrackPVFinderUtils.cpp
index 929adb4c1efa49556bd91385643f059d14e6a3cd..220b67eed890c14377a02148a4149068abc646a0 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/TrackPVFinderUtils.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/TrackPVFinderUtils.cpp
@@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ namespace LHCb::TrackPVFinder {
     auto& vertices = pvcontainer.vertices;
     vertices.resize( recvertices.size() );
-    size_t N{0};
-    size_t ipv{0};
+    size_t N{ 0 };
+    size_t ipv{ 0 };
     for ( const auto& recvtx : recvertices ) {
-      auto&           vtx     = vertices[ipv++];
+      auto& vtx = vertices[ipv++];
       vtx.VertexBase::operator=( *recvtx );
-      const size_t    thisN   = std::count_if( recvtx->tracks().begin(), recvtx->tracks().end(),
+      const size_t thisN = std::count_if( recvtx->tracks().begin(), recvtx->tracks().end(),
                                           []( const auto& trkp ) { return trkp != nullptr; } );
       vtx.setRange( N, N + thisN );
       N += paddedsize( thisN );
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/TrackPVFinderUtils.h b/Tr/PatPV/src/TrackPVFinderUtils.h
index 4ff6fbf8205756a6920e04e8b146fa5d437c495b..4fe4074a7b1df3f440b917402f14007ff5c857bf 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/TrackPVFinderUtils.h
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/TrackPVFinderUtils.h
@@ -239,10 +239,10 @@ namespace LHCb::TrackPVFinder {
     // Initialize the vertices, setting the index for the first track
     vertices.reserve( seeds.size() );
-    uint32_t trackoffset{0};
-    int      iclus{0};
+    uint32_t trackoffset{ 0 };
+    int      iclus{ 0 };
     for ( const auto& seed : seeds ) {
-      auto& vtx = vertices.emplace_back( Gaudi::XYZPoint{seed} );
+      auto& vtx = vertices.emplace_back( Gaudi::XYZPoint{ seed } );
       vtx.setRange( trackoffset, trackoffset );
       // Add padding at the end of the vertex: not stricly needed but otherwise we cannot 'refit' individual vertices.
       // see:
diff --git a/Tr/PatPV/src/TrackUnbiasedPVFinderSoA.cpp b/Tr/PatPV/src/TrackUnbiasedPVFinderSoA.cpp
index 58f4483d312ba07330378ed6e5f8d6f5c877b49f..85dce148401d4a92c9e45fdc85b209eabe58d2d2 100644
--- a/Tr/PatPV/src/TrackUnbiasedPVFinderSoA.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PatPV/src/TrackUnbiasedPVFinderSoA.cpp
@@ -64,33 +64,35 @@ public:
                                      const LHCb::Conditions::InteractionRegion& ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<uint32_t> m_minNumTracksPerVertex{this, "MinNumTracksPerVertex", 5};
-  Gaudi::Property<uint16_t> m_minTotalTrackWeightPerVertex{this, "MinTotalTrackWeightPerVertex", 4.,
-                                                           "Min sum of Tukey weights per PV"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_zmin{this, "MinZ", defaultMinZ, "Min z position of vertex seed"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_zmax{this, "MaxZ", defaultMaxZ, "Max z position of vertex seed"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxTrackZ0Err{this, "MaxTrackZ0Err", 1.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                         "Maximum z0-error for adding track to histo"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxVertexRho{this, "BeamSpotRCut", 0.3 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                        "Maximum distance of vertex to beam line"};
-  Gaudi::Property<uint16_t> m_maxFitIter{this, "MaxFitIter", defaultMaxFitIter,
-                                         "Maximum number of iterations for vertex fit"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxDeltaChi2{this, "MaxDeltaChi2", defaultMaxDeltaChi2,
-                                        "Maximum chi2 contribution of track to vertex fit"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxDeltaZConverged{this, "MaxDeltaZConverged", defaultMaxDeltaZConverged,
-                                              "Limit on change in z to determine if vertex fit has converged"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxDeltaChi2Converged{this, "MaxDeltaChi2Converged", defaultMaxDeltaChi2Converged,
-                                                 "Limit on change in chi2 to determine if vertex fit has converged"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_minVertexZSeparationChi2{this, "MinVertexZSeparationChi2", 25};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_minVertexZSeparation{this, "MinVertexZSeparation", 1.0f * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_beamLineOffsetX{this, "BeamLineOffsetX", 0.0f, "X correction applied to beamline position"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_beamLineOffsetY{this, "BeamLineOffsetY", 0.0f, "Y correction applied to beamline position"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_nbPVsCounter{this, "Nb PVs"};
+  Gaudi::Property<uint32_t> m_minNumTracksPerVertex{ this, "MinNumTracksPerVertex", 5 };
+  Gaudi::Property<uint16_t> m_minTotalTrackWeightPerVertex{ this, "MinTotalTrackWeightPerVertex", 4.,
+                                                            "Min sum of Tukey weights per PV" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_zmin{ this, "MinZ", defaultMinZ, "Min z position of vertex seed" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_zmax{ this, "MaxZ", defaultMaxZ, "Max z position of vertex seed" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxTrackZ0Err{ this, "MaxTrackZ0Err", 1.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                          "Maximum z0-error for adding track to histo" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxVertexRho{ this, "BeamSpotRCut", 0.3 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                         "Maximum distance of vertex to beam line" };
+  Gaudi::Property<uint16_t> m_maxFitIter{ this, "MaxFitIter", defaultMaxFitIter,
+                                          "Maximum number of iterations for vertex fit" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxDeltaChi2{ this, "MaxDeltaChi2", defaultMaxDeltaChi2,
+                                         "Maximum chi2 contribution of track to vertex fit" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxDeltaZConverged{ this, "MaxDeltaZConverged", defaultMaxDeltaZConverged,
+                                               "Limit on change in z to determine if vertex fit has converged" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_maxDeltaChi2Converged{ this, "MaxDeltaChi2Converged", defaultMaxDeltaChi2Converged,
+                                                  "Limit on change in chi2 to determine if vertex fit has converged" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_minVertexZSeparationChi2{ this, "MinVertexZSeparationChi2", 25 };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_minVertexZSeparation{ this, "MinVertexZSeparation", 1.0f * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_beamLineOffsetX{ this, "BeamLineOffsetX", 0.0f,
+                                            "X correction applied to beamline position" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>    m_beamLineOffsetY{ this, "BeamLineOffsetY", 0.0f,
+                                            "Y correction applied to beamline position" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_nbPVsCounter{ this, "Nb PVs" };
-  AIDA::IProfile1D* m_timeperstepPr{nullptr};
-  AIDA::IProfile1D* m_timevsntrksPr{nullptr};
-  AIDA::IProfile1D* m_timevsnvtxPr{nullptr};
+  AIDA::IProfile1D* m_timeperstepPr{ nullptr };
+  AIDA::IProfile1D* m_timevsntrksPr{ nullptr };
+  AIDA::IProfile1D* m_timevsnvtxPr{ nullptr };
@@ -98,10 +100,10 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackUnbiasedPVFinderSoA )
 TrackUnbiasedPVFinderSoA::TrackUnbiasedPVFinderSoA( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                   {KeyValue{"TracksBackwardLocation", "Rec/Track/VeloBackward"},
-                    KeyValue{"TracksLocation", "Rec/Track/Velo"},
-                    KeyValue{"InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion"}},
-                   KeyValue{"OutputVertices", LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertexLocation::Primary} ) {}
+                   { KeyValue{ "TracksBackwardLocation", "Rec/Track/VeloBackward" },
+                     KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", "Rec/Track/Velo" },
+                     KeyValue{ "InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion" } },
+                   KeyValue{ "OutputVertices", LHCb::Event::v2::RecVertexLocation::Primary } ) {}
 StatusCode TrackUnbiasedPVFinderSoA::initialize() {
   return Transformer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
@@ -167,18 +169,18 @@ namespace {
     const auto& ty() const { return m_ty; }
     template <typename PVTrack>
     LightStateVector( const PVTrack& track )
-        : m_z{track.template field<PVTrackTag::z>().get().cast()}
-        , m_x{track.template field<PVTrackTag::x>().get().cast()}
-        , m_y{track.template field<PVTrackTag::y>().get().cast()}
-        , m_tx{track.template field<PVTrackTag::tx>().get().cast()}
-        , m_ty{track.template field<PVTrackTag::ty>().get().cast()} {}
+        : m_z{ track.template field<PVTrackTag::z>().get().cast() }
+        , m_x{ track.template field<PVTrackTag::x>().get().cast() }
+        , m_y{ track.template field<PVTrackTag::y>().get().cast() }
+        , m_tx{ track.template field<PVTrackTag::tx>().get().cast() }
+        , m_ty{ track.template field<PVTrackTag::ty>().get().cast() } {}
   struct LightState : public LightStateVector {
     Gaudi::SymMatrix4x4F m_cov;
     const auto&          covariance() const { return m_cov; }
     template <typename PVTrack>
-    LightState( const PVTrack& track ) : LightStateVector{track} {
+    LightState( const PVTrack& track ) : LightStateVector{ track } {
       m_cov( 0, 0 ) = track.template field<PVTrackTag::Vx>( PVTrackTag::XTxCovMatrixElement::xx ).get().cast();
       m_cov( 2, 0 ) = track.template field<PVTrackTag::Vx>( PVTrackTag::XTxCovMatrixElement::xtx ).get().cast();
       m_cov( 2, 2 ) = track.template field<PVTrackTag::Vx>( PVTrackTag::XTxCovMatrixElement::txtx ).get().cast();
@@ -202,16 +204,16 @@ namespace {
   template <typename PVTrack>
   LightStateVector makestate( const PVTrack& track ) {
-    return LightStateVector{track};
+    return LightStateVector{ track };
   struct VertexSeed {
     Gaudi::XYZPoint     position;
     Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3 covariance;
-    int                 index{-1};
-    size_t              ntracks{0};
-    size_t              nclosetracks{0};
-    float               chi2{0};
+    int                 index{ -1 };
+    size_t              ntracks{ 0 };
+    size_t              nclosetracks{ 0 };
+    float               chi2{ 0 };
     auto                x() const { return position.x(); }
     auto                y() const { return position.y(); }
     auto                z() const { return position.z(); }
@@ -301,10 +303,10 @@ PrimaryVertexContainer TrackUnbiasedPVFinderSoA::operator()( const EventContext&
   const size_t    Nvelo = tracksForward.size() + tracksBackward.size();
   pvseedtracks.reserve( Nvelo + simd::size ); // reserve one extra for overflow of the padding when filling?
   // make sure to set the padding of the pv index since we need that to be valid for all simd values
-  pvseedtracks.simd()[simd::size * ( Nvelo / simd::size )].field<PVTrackTag::pvindex>().set( int_v{0} );
+  pvseedtracks.simd()[simd::size * ( Nvelo / simd::size )].field<PVTrackTag::pvindex>().set( int_v{ 0 } );
-  int icontainer{0};
-  for ( const auto& tracks : {&tracksForward, &tracksBackward} ) {
+  int icontainer{ 0 };
+  for ( const auto& tracks : { &tracksForward, &tracksBackward } ) {
     // const size_t cursize = pvseedtracks.size();
     for ( auto const& track : tracks->simd() ) {
       auto loop_mask = track.loop_mask();
@@ -339,9 +341,9 @@ PrimaryVertexContainer TrackUnbiasedPVFinderSoA::operator()( const EventContext&
       auto       pvseedtrack = pvseedtracks.simd()[index];
       pvseedtrack.field<PVTrackTag::t2>().set( t2 );
       pvseedtrack.field<PVTrackTag::zweight>().set( zweight );
-      pvseedtrack.field<PVTrackTag::pvindex>().set( int_v{0} );
-      pvseedtrack.field<PVTrackTag::ipchi2>().set( float_v{9999.} );
-      pvseedtrack.field<PVTrackTag::ip2>().set( float_v{9999.} );
+      pvseedtrack.field<PVTrackTag::pvindex>().set( int_v{ 0 } );
+      pvseedtrack.field<PVTrackTag::ipchi2>().set( float_v{ 9999. } );
+      pvseedtrack.field<PVTrackTag::ip2>().set( float_v{ 9999. } );
       pvseedtrack.field<PVTrackTag::z>().set( pos.z() );
       pvseedtrack.field<PVTrackTag::x>().set( pos.x() );
       pvseedtrack.field<PVTrackTag::y>().set( pos.y() );
@@ -392,7 +394,7 @@ PrimaryVertexContainer TrackUnbiasedPVFinderSoA::operator()( const EventContext&
     const auto trackA = pvseedtracks_scalar[orderedtracks[i].first];
     if ( /*trackA.field<PVTrackTag::ip2>().get() > mindoca2*/
          trackA.field<PVTrackTag::ipchi2>().get() > m_minSeedTrackChi2ToOtherSeeds ) {
-      const auto stateA = LightState{trackA};
+      const auto stateA = LightState{ trackA };
       // this loop can in theory be vectorized
       for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < i; ++j ) {
@@ -402,7 +404,7 @@ PrimaryVertexContainer TrackUnbiasedPVFinderSoA::operator()( const EventContext&
              trackB.field<PVTrackTag::ipchi2>().get() > m_minSeedTrackChi2ToOtherSeeds ) {
           // compute a vertex. this needs to be fast. we would like to make some cuts on vertex quality, etc.
           // we could also first cut on the doca, to make this faster.
-          const auto stateB = LightState{trackB};
+          const auto stateB = LightState{ trackB };
           // cut on the opening angle of the two tracks
           const auto dtx = trackA.field<PVTrackTag::tx>().get() - trackB.field<PVTrackTag::tx>().get();
@@ -656,7 +658,7 @@ PrimaryVertexContainer TrackUnbiasedPVFinderSoA::operator()( const EventContext&
   // Create the output
-  PrimaryVertexContainer output{memResource};
+  PrimaryVertexContainer output{ memResource };
   auto&                  vertices = output.vertices;
   auto&                  pvtracks = output.tracks;
   pvtracks.prvelocontainers[0]    = &tracksForward;
@@ -668,7 +670,7 @@ PrimaryVertexContainer TrackUnbiasedPVFinderSoA::operator()( const EventContext&
     // For the rest we can use some standard routines.
-    const AdaptiveFitConfig fitconfig{m_maxDeltaChi2, m_maxDeltaZConverged, m_maxDeltaChi2Converged, m_maxFitIter};
+    const AdaptiveFitConfig fitconfig{ m_maxDeltaChi2, m_maxDeltaZConverged, m_maxDeltaChi2Converged, m_maxFitIter };
     initializeFromSeeds( output, seeds, pvseedtracks, fitconfig );
     // Check that every track points to a velo track if it is inside a PV
diff --git a/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/CMakeLists.txt b/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/CMakeLists.txt
index 2ff2f15263dbcc07400af0d6d57ebda0819bb0c4..508bd420bb69a88fec88d1fd4bc85f07e77a7265 100644
--- a/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -44,4 +44,3 @@ gaudi_add_module(PrKalmanFilter
diff --git a/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/include/PrKalmanFilter/KF.h b/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/include/PrKalmanFilter/KF.h
index 388865fcdff9a8cfdd8b9db03499d91798cad326..9c3da4547b30981bf99d6428a2f7335a86239340 100644
--- a/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/include/PrKalmanFilter/KF.h
+++ b/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/include/PrKalmanFilter/KF.h
@@ -98,13 +98,13 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
   template <typename T>
   auto get_out_names() {
     if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<T, V1Output> )
-      return std::array<std::string, 1>{"OutputTracks"};
+      return std::array<std::string, 1>{ "OutputTracks" };
     else if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<T, V3Output> )
-      return std::array<std::string, 1>{"OutputTracks"};
+      return std::array<std::string, 1>{ "OutputTracks" };
     else if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<T, V3ExtraOutput> )
-      return std::array<std::string, 2>{"OutputTracks", "OutputPartialChi2s"};
+      return std::array<std::string, 2>{ "OutputTracks", "OutputPartialChi2s" };
     else if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<T, V3FullOutput> )
-      return std::array<std::string, 3>{"OutputTracks", "OutputPartialChi2s", "OutputTrackFitResults"};
+      return std::array<std::string, 3>{ "OutputTracks", "OutputPartialChi2s", "OutputTrackFitResults" };
       throw GaudiException( "Output type is not supported", "PrKalmanFilter", StatusCode::FAILURE );
@@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
         const auto w      = hits_vec[idx].template get<UT::UTHitsTag::weight>();
         const auto dxdy   = hits_vec[idx].template get<UT::UTHitsTag::dxDy>();
         const auto id     = hits_vec[idx].template get<UT::UTHitsTag::channelID>();
-        const auto ut_id  = LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID{bit_cast<unsigned>( id.cast() )};
-        const auto lhcbid = LHCb::LHCbID{ut_id};
+        const auto ut_id  = LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID{ bit_cast<unsigned>( id.cast() ) };
+        const auto lhcbid = LHCb::LHCbID{ ut_id };
         fitnodes.emplace_back( x0.cast(), 0, z0.cast(), dxdy.cast(), 1, 0, ut_err( w ), Node::Type::UTHit, lhcbid );
@@ -245,13 +245,13 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
       const auto& hits_vp = get<HitType::VP>( containers );
       const auto  n_hits  = track.nVPHits().cast();
       // note velo is by default ordered from higher to lower z-coordinate
-      for ( int j{0}; j < n_hits; ++j ) {
+      for ( int j{ 0 }; j < n_hits; ++j ) {
         const auto idx    = track.vp_index( j ).cast();
         const auto vphit  = hits_vp.scalar();
         const auto pos    = vphit[idx].template get<VP::VPHitsTag::pos>();
         const auto id     = vphit[idx].template get<VP::VPHitsTag::ChannelId>();
-        const auto vp_id  = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID{bit_cast<unsigned>( id.cast() )};
-        const auto lhcbid = LHCb::LHCbID{vp_id};
+        const auto vp_id  = LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID{ bit_cast<unsigned>( id.cast() ) };
+        const auto lhcbid = LHCb::LHCbID{ vp_id };
         fitnodes.emplace_back( pos.x().cast(), pos.y().cast(), pos.z().cast(), 0, 1, 0, vp_err, Node::Type::VPHit,
                                lhcbid );
@@ -290,19 +290,20 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
       auto const dir      = vp_track.StateDir( Location::ClosestToBeam );
       auto const qop = mag_off ? get_qop_from_pt( ptVelo, dir.x().cast(), dir.y().cast(), 1.f ) : track.qOverP().cast();
-      return LHCb::StateVector{{pos.x().cast(), pos.y().cast(), dir.x().cast(), dir.y().cast(), qop}, pos.z().cast()};
+      return LHCb::StateVector{ { pos.x().cast(), pos.y().cast(), dir.x().cast(), dir.y().cast(), qop },
+                                pos.z().cast() };
     } else if constexpr ( isDownstream<InputTrackType> ) {
       auto const s   = track.template get<LHCb::Pr::Downstream::Tag::State>();
       auto const qop = mag_off ? get_qop_from_pt( ptVelo, s.tx().cast(), s.ty().cast(), 1.f ) : track.qOverP().cast();
-      return LHCb::StateVector{{s.x().cast(), s.y().cast(), s.tx().cast(), s.ty().cast(), qop}, s.z().cast()};
+      return LHCb::StateVector{ { s.x().cast(), s.y().cast(), s.tx().cast(), s.ty().cast(), qop }, s.z().cast() };
     } else if constexpr ( isSeed<InputTrackType> ) {
       const auto s   = track.StatePosDir( Location::FirstMeasurement );
       const auto qop = mag_off ? get_qop_from_pt( ptVelo, s.tx().cast(), s.ty().cast(), 1.f ) : track.qOverP().cast();
-      return LHCb::StateVector{{s.x().cast(), s.y().cast(), s.tx().cast(), s.ty().cast(), qop}, s.z().cast()};
+      return LHCb::StateVector{ { s.x().cast(), s.y().cast(), s.tx().cast(), s.ty().cast(), qop }, s.z().cast() };
     } else if constexpr ( isVelo<InputTrackType> ) {
@@ -314,7 +315,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
       auto const ty    = state.ty().cast();
       auto const qop   = get_qop_from_pt( ptVelo, tx, ty, 1.f );
-      return LHCb::StateVector{{x, y, tx, ty, qop}, z};
+      return LHCb::StateVector{ { x, y, tx, ty, qop }, z };
     } else if constexpr ( isUpstream<InputTrackType> ) {
@@ -325,7 +326,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
       auto const dir       = vp_track.StateDir( Location::ClosestToBeam );
       auto const qop = mag_off ? get_qop_from_pt( ptVelo, dir.x().cast(), dir.y().cast(), 1.f ) : track.qOverP().cast();
-      return LHCb::StateVector{{pos.x().cast(), pos.y().cast(), dir.x().cast(), dir.y().cast(), qop}, pos.z().cast()};
+      return LHCb::StateVector{ { pos.x().cast(), pos.y().cast(), dir.x().cast(), dir.y().cast(), qop },
+                                pos.z().cast() };
@@ -342,7 +344,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
       auto const ty    = state.ty().cast();
       auto const qop   = mag_off ? get_qop_from_pt( ptVelo, tx, ty, 1.f ) : track.qOverP().cast();
-      return LHCb::StateVector{{x, y, tx, ty, qop}, z};
+      return LHCb::StateVector{ { x, y, tx, ty, qop }, z };
     } else if constexpr ( isDownstream<InputTrackType> ) {
       auto const seed_tracks = tracks.getFTAncestors()->scalar();
@@ -351,13 +353,13 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
       auto const s           = ft_track.StatePosDir( Location::EndT );
       const auto qop = mag_off ? get_qop_from_pt( ptVelo, s.tx().cast(), s.ty().cast(), 1.f ) : track.qOverP().cast();
-      return LHCb::StateVector{{s.x().cast(), s.y().cast(), s.tx().cast(), s.ty().cast(), qop}, s.z().cast()};
+      return LHCb::StateVector{ { s.x().cast(), s.y().cast(), s.tx().cast(), s.ty().cast(), qop }, s.z().cast() };
     } else if constexpr ( isSeed<InputTrackType> ) {
       const auto s   = track.StatePosDir( Location::EndT );
       const auto qop = mag_off ? get_qop_from_pt( ptVelo, s.tx().cast(), s.ty().cast(), 1.f ) : track.qOverP().cast();
-      return LHCb::StateVector{{s.x().cast(), s.y().cast(), s.tx().cast(), s.ty().cast(), qop}, s.z().cast()};
+      return LHCb::StateVector{ { s.x().cast(), s.y().cast(), s.tx().cast(), s.ty().cast(), qop }, s.z().cast() };
     } else if constexpr ( isVelo<InputTrackType> ) {
@@ -370,7 +372,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
         auto const ty    = state.ty().cast();
         auto const qop   = get_qop_from_pt( ptVelo, tx, ty, 1.f );
-        return LHCb::StateVector{{x, y, tx, ty, qop}, z};
+        return LHCb::StateVector{ { x, y, tx, ty, qop }, z };
       } else {
         auto const x   = downstream_node.measurement_pos[0];
         auto const y   = downstream_node.measurement_pos[1];
@@ -379,14 +381,14 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
         auto const ty  = ctb_state.ty();
         auto const qop = ctb_state.qOverP();
-        return LHCb::StateVector{{x, y, tx, ty, qop}, z};
+        return LHCb::StateVector{ { x, y, tx, ty, qop }, z };
     } else if constexpr ( isUpstream<InputTrackType> ) {
       auto const s   = track.template get<LHCb::Pr::Upstream::Tag::State>();
       const auto qop = mag_off ? get_qop_from_pt( ptVelo, s.tx().cast(), s.ty().cast(), 1.f ) : track.qOverP().cast();
-      return LHCb::StateVector{{s.x().cast(), s.y().cast(), s.tx().cast(), s.ty().cast(), qop}, s.z().cast()};
+      return LHCb::StateVector{ { s.x().cast(), s.y().cast(), s.tx().cast(), s.ty().cast(), qop }, s.z().cast() };
@@ -404,7 +406,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
     // FIXME: furhtermore this logic isn't really ideal for downstream where the upstream seed is
     // in the middel of the UT, thus we extrapolate that to the first UT it and then go hit by hit
     // instead of going lef and right from the ut state.
-    Gaudi::TrackMatrix F{ROOT::Math::SMatrixIdentity()};
+    Gaudi::TrackMatrix F{ ROOT::Math::SMatrixIdentity() };
     // we need want to init the first node based on scifi state, otherwise ctb state
     StatusCode ret;
@@ -439,7 +441,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
       node->lhcb_ref_vector.parameters() = state_vec.parameters();
-    auto lhcb_ref_vector{std::cref( fitnodes.begin()->lhcb_ref_vector )};
+    auto lhcb_ref_vector{ std::cref( fitnodes.begin()->lhcb_ref_vector ) };
     // now we are going to go from scifi -> velo
     // and also create the transport matrices and vetors
     for ( auto node = std::next( fitnodes.begin() ); node != fitnodes.end(); ++node ) {
@@ -470,20 +472,20 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
   namespace KF {
     constexpr auto nan = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
     struct FitConfiguration {
-      double varianceX{nan};
-      double varianceY{nan};
-      double varianceTx{nan};
-      double varianceTy{nan};
-      double varianceQoP{nan};
-      double maxchi2perdof_pre_outlier{nan};
-      double min_chi2_for_outlier{nan};
-      double maxchi2perdof{nan};
-      int    max_outlier_iter{0};
-      int    max_fit_iter{0};
-      size_t minNumVPLayers{3};
-      size_t minNumUTLayers{3};
-      size_t minNumFTLayers{6};
-      size_t minNumMuonLayers{4};
+      double varianceX{ nan };
+      double varianceY{ nan };
+      double varianceTx{ nan };
+      double varianceTy{ nan };
+      double varianceQoP{ nan };
+      double maxchi2perdof_pre_outlier{ nan };
+      double min_chi2_for_outlier{ nan };
+      double maxchi2perdof{ nan };
+      int    max_outlier_iter{ 0 };
+      int    max_fit_iter{ 0 };
+      size_t minNumVPLayers{ 3 };
+      size_t minNumUTLayers{ 3 };
+      size_t minNumFTLayers{ 6 };
+      size_t minNumMuonLayers{ 4 };
     inline void pre_fit_init( LHCb::span<Node> fitnodes, const FitConfiguration& fit_config ) {
@@ -585,8 +587,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
       // and I can't think of a scenario where this could crash.
       fitnodes.front().predicted_state_vec[Node::forward] = fitnodes.front().ref_vector();
-      auto chi2_fwd = filter<Node::forward>( fitnodes.front() ) + LHCb::ChiSquare{0, -n_track_parameters};
-      for ( size_t i{1}; i < fitnodes.size(); ++i ) {
+      auto chi2_fwd = filter<Node::forward>( fitnodes.front() ) + LHCb::ChiSquare{ 0, -n_track_parameters };
+      for ( size_t i{ 1 }; i < fitnodes.size(); ++i ) {
         chi2_fwd += predict_and_filter<Node::forward>( fitnodes[i - 1], fitnodes[i] );
@@ -594,7 +596,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
       fitnodes.back().predicted_state_vec[Node::backward] = fitnodes.back().filtered_state_vec[Node::forward];
       // start independent from ref_vector
       // fitnodes.back().predicted_state_vec[FitNode::backward] = fitnodes.back().ref_vector();
-      auto chi2_bkwd = filter<Node::backward>( fitnodes.back() ) + LHCb::ChiSquare{0, -n_track_parameters};
+      auto chi2_bkwd = filter<Node::backward>( fitnodes.back() ) + LHCb::ChiSquare{ 0, -n_track_parameters };
       for ( int i( fitnodes.size() - 2 ); i >= 0; --i ) {
         chi2_bkwd += predict_and_filter<Node::backward>( fitnodes[i + 1], fitnodes[i] );
@@ -719,16 +721,16 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
     inline Gaudi::Matrix1x6 alignmentDerivatives( const Node& node, const Gaudi::XYZPoint& pivot ) {
-      Gaudi::Vector3 const r_pos{node.lhcb_ref_vector.x(), node.lhcb_ref_vector.y(), node.z()};
-      Gaudi::Vector3 const r_dir{node.lhcb_ref_vector.tx(), node.lhcb_ref_vector.ty(), 1.0};
+      Gaudi::Vector3 const r_pos{ node.lhcb_ref_vector.x(), node.lhcb_ref_vector.y(), node.z() };
+      Gaudi::Vector3 const r_dir{ node.lhcb_ref_vector.tx(), node.lhcb_ref_vector.ty(), 1.0 };
       Gaudi::Vector3 dist = r_pos - node.measurement_pos;
       Gaudi::Vector3 d0   = node.measurement_dir;
       Gaudi::Vector3 d1   = r_dir;
-      Gaudi::Vector3 c1{0, 0, 0};
-      const auto     mat    = std::array{Dot( d0, d0 ), -Dot( d1, d0 ), Dot( d1, d1 )};
-      auto           mu     = std::array{-Dot( dist, d0 ), Dot( d1, dist )};
-      const auto     decomp = ROOT::Math::CholeskyDecomp<double, 2>{mat.data()};
+      Gaudi::Vector3 c1{ 0, 0, 0 };
+      const auto     mat    = std::array{ Dot( d0, d0 ), -Dot( d1, d0 ), Dot( d1, d1 ) };
+      auto           mu     = std::array{ -Dot( dist, d0 ), Dot( d1, dist ) };
+      const auto     decomp = ROOT::Math::CholeskyDecomp<double, 2>{ mat.data() };
       if ( !decomp.Solve( mu ) ) throw std::runtime_error( "singular matrix" );
@@ -745,7 +747,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
       // Calculate the derivative of the poca on measTraj to alignment parameters.
       // Only non-zero elements:
       Gaudi::Vector3                    tmp = node.measurement_pos - node.measurement_dir * mu[0];
-      Gaudi::XYZPoint                   meas_poca{tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]};
+      Gaudi::XYZPoint                   meas_poca{ tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2] };
       Gaudi::XYZVector                  arm = meas_poca - pivot;
       ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 3, 6> dPosdAlpha;
       // Derivative to translation
@@ -766,8 +768,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
     inline StatusCode update_transport_matrix( LHCb::span<Node> fitnodes, IGeometryInfo const& geometry,
                                                const ITrackExtrapolator& extrap ) {
       mydebug( "Start of update_transport" );
-      Gaudi::TrackMatrix F{ROOT::Math::SMatrixIdentity()};
-      auto               lhcb_ref_vector{std::cref( fitnodes.front().lhcb_ref_vector )};
+      Gaudi::TrackMatrix F{ ROOT::Math::SMatrixIdentity() };
+      auto               lhcb_ref_vector{ std::cref( fitnodes.front().lhcb_ref_vector ) };
       StatusCode ret;
       for ( auto node = std::next( fitnodes.begin() ); node != fitnodes.end(); ++node ) {
@@ -798,15 +800,15 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
       auto const tolerance = prev_chi2.nDoF() * 0.01;
       // iterate until max iterations or chi2 change below tolerance
       // iter starts at 2 to align max_fit_iter property with TrackMasterFitter
-      int iter{2};
-      for ( bool has_converged{false}; iter <= fit_config.max_fit_iter && !has_converged; ++iter ) {
+      int iter{ 2 };
+      for ( bool has_converged{ false }; iter <= fit_config.max_fit_iter && !has_converged; ++iter ) {
         mydebug( "Iteration:", iter );
         smooth_and_update_ref_vector( fitnodes );
         for ( auto& node : fitnodes ) node.project_reference();
         if ( update_transport_matrix( fitnodes, geo, extrap ).isFailure() ) {
           iter_buffer += ( iter - 1 );
-          return std::tuple{prev_chi2, false, iter - 1};
+          return std::tuple{ prev_chi2, false, iter - 1 };
         auto const chi2  = fit( fitnodes, n_track_parameters );
         auto const dchi2 = prev_chi2.chi2() - chi2.chi2();
@@ -816,9 +818,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
       iter_buffer += ( iter - 1 );
       if ( prev_chi2.chi2PerDoF() >= fit_config.maxchi2perdof_pre_outlier ) {
-        return std::tuple{prev_chi2, false, iter - 1};
+        return std::tuple{ prev_chi2, false, iter - 1 };
-      return std::tuple{prev_chi2, true, iter - 1};
+      return std::tuple{ prev_chi2, true, iter - 1 };
@@ -834,17 +836,17 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
     auto remove_outliers( LHCb::span<Node> fitnodes, const FitConfiguration& fit_config, LHCb::ChiSquare& prev_chi2,
                           Buffer& outlier_iter_buffer, Buffer2& chi2_cut_buffer, int n_track_parameters ) {
-      const auto min_hits = std::array<size_t, 4>{fit_config.minNumVPLayers, fit_config.minNumUTLayers,
-                                                  fit_config.minNumFTLayers, fit_config.minNumMuonLayers};
+      const auto min_hits = std::array<size_t, 4>{ fit_config.minNumVPLayers, fit_config.minNumUTLayers,
+                                                   fit_config.minNumFTLayers, fit_config.minNumMuonLayers };
       // VP=0, UT=1, FT=2, Muon=3
-      LHCb::HitPattern pattern{LHCb::TransformedRange{fitnodes, []( const auto& node ) { return node.lhcbID; },
-                                                      []( const auto& node ) { return node.isHitOnTrack(); }}};
+      LHCb::HitPattern pattern{ LHCb::TransformedRange{ fitnodes, []( const auto& node ) { return node.lhcbID; },
+                                                        []( const auto& node ) { return node.isHitOnTrack(); } } };
-      int outlier_iter{0};
+      int outlier_iter{ 0 };
       for ( ; outlier_iter < fit_config.max_outlier_iter; ++outlier_iter ) {
         smooth_and_update_ref_vector_outlier( fitnodes );
-        const auto num_hits = std::array{pattern.numVelo(), pattern.numUT(), pattern.numFT(), pattern.numMuon()};
+        const auto num_hits = std::array{ pattern.numVelo(), pattern.numUT(), pattern.numFT(), pattern.numMuon() };
         Node* outlier     = nullptr;
         auto  worstChi2   = fit_config.min_chi2_for_outlier;
@@ -914,8 +916,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
   inline auto calc_extra_info( const std::vector<Node>& fitnodes, int n_track_parameters ) {
-    auto velo_chi2     = LHCb::ChiSquare{0, -n_track_parameters};
-    auto down_chi2     = LHCb::ChiSquare{0, -n_track_parameters};
+    auto velo_chi2     = LHCb::ChiSquare{ 0, -n_track_parameters };
+    auto down_chi2     = LHCb::ChiSquare{ 0, -n_track_parameters };
     auto upstream_chi2 = LHCb::ChiSquare{};
     auto NUTOutliers   = 0;
@@ -937,7 +939,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
     upstream_chi2 += velo_chi2;
-    return std::tuple{velo_chi2, upstream_chi2, down_chi2, NUTOutliers};
+    return std::tuple{ velo_chi2, upstream_chi2, down_chi2, NUTOutliers };
   inline auto make_fit_result( std::vector<Node>& fitnodes, int nIter, double scatteringMomentum,
@@ -961,7 +963,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
     if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<TrackProxy, LHCb::Event::v1::Track> ) {
       auto& statevec = newtrack.states();
-      statevec.emplace_back( new LHCb::State{std::move( state )} );
+      statevec.emplace_back( new LHCb::State{ std::move( state ) } );
     } else {
       const auto state_index = newtrack.state_index( state.location() );
       newtrack.template field<Event::v3::Tag::States>()[state_index].setPosition( state.x(), state.y(), state.z() );
@@ -1012,8 +1014,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
     // TODO: which states are added should come from available_states
     // for long, velo and upstream we add CTB first measurement here
     if constexpr ( isVelo<InputTrackType> || isLong<InputTrackType> || isUpstream<InputTrackType> ) {
-      auto state = LHCb::State{first_hit.filtered_state_vec[fwd], first_hit.filtered_state_cov[fwd], first_hit.z(),
-                               LHCb::State::Location::ClosestToBeam};
+      auto state = LHCb::State{ first_hit.filtered_state_vec[fwd], first_hit.filtered_state_cov[fwd], first_hit.z(),
+                                LHCb::State::Location::ClosestToBeam };
       // don't go outside the Velo volume
       // if CTB state is outside Velo: define CTB state to be the same as FirstMeasurement
@@ -1031,8 +1033,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
-      auto first_meas = LHCb::State{first_hit.filtered_state_vec[fwd], first_hit.filtered_state_cov[fwd], first_hit.z(),
-                                    LHCb::State::Location::FirstMeasurement};
+      auto first_meas = LHCb::State{ first_hit.filtered_state_vec[fwd], first_hit.filtered_state_cov[fwd],
+                                     first_hit.z(), LHCb::State::Location::FirstMeasurement };
       if ( is_ctb_first ) {
         update_state( newtrack, state );
@@ -1048,7 +1050,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
         auto const up = std::find_if( fitnodes.begin(), fitnodes.end(),
                                       []( auto const& node ) { return node.z() < StateParameters::ZBegRich1; } );
         assert( up != fitnodes.begin() );
-        return std::pair{up, std::prev( up )};
+        return std::pair{ up, std::prev( up ) };
       // TODO speedup by not using the big FitNode classes here
@@ -1059,8 +1061,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
       rich1_nodes.emplace_back( 0, 0, StateParameters::ZBegRich1, 0, 0, 0, 0, Node::Type::BegRich1, LHCbID{} );
       rich1_nodes.push_back( *upstream_hit );
-      auto               lhcb_ref_vector{std::cref( rich1_nodes.begin()->lhcb_ref_vector )};
-      Gaudi::TrackMatrix TransMat{ROOT::Math::SMatrixIdentity()};
+      auto               lhcb_ref_vector{ std::cref( rich1_nodes.begin()->lhcb_ref_vector ) };
+      Gaudi::TrackMatrix TransMat{ ROOT::Math::SMatrixIdentity() };
       for ( auto node = std::next( rich1_nodes.begin() ); node != rich1_nodes.end(); ++node ) {
         // wanted explicit copy
@@ -1100,35 +1102,35 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
       KF::average_node( rich1_nodes[1] );
       KF::average_node( rich1_nodes[2] );
-      update_state( newtrack, LHCb::State{rich1_nodes[2].final_state_vec, rich1_nodes[2].final_state_cov,
-                                          rich1_nodes[2].z(), LHCb::State::Location::BegRich1} );
-      update_state( newtrack, LHCb::State{rich1_nodes[1].final_state_vec, rich1_nodes[1].final_state_cov,
-                                          rich1_nodes[1].z(), LHCb::State::Location::EndRich1} );
+      update_state( newtrack, LHCb::State{ rich1_nodes[2].final_state_vec, rich1_nodes[2].final_state_cov,
+                                           rich1_nodes[2].z(), LHCb::State::Location::BegRich1 } );
+      update_state( newtrack, LHCb::State{ rich1_nodes[1].final_state_vec, rich1_nodes[1].final_state_cov,
+                                           rich1_nodes[1].z(), LHCb::State::Location::EndRich1 } );
     } else if constexpr ( isSeed<InputTrackType> ) {
-      update_state( newtrack, LHCb::State{first_hit.filtered_state_vec[fwd], first_hit.filtered_state_cov[fwd],
-                                          first_hit.z(), LHCb::State::Location::FirstMeasurement} );
+      update_state( newtrack, LHCb::State{ first_hit.filtered_state_vec[fwd], first_hit.filtered_state_cov[fwd],
+                                           first_hit.z(), LHCb::State::Location::FirstMeasurement } );
     } else if constexpr ( isDownstream<InputTrackType> ) {
       // for downstream tracks, first measurement is after RICH1
       // thus create state here but first add the RICH states
-      auto first_meas = LHCb::State{first_hit.filtered_state_vec[fwd], first_hit.filtered_state_cov[fwd], first_hit.z(),
-                                    LHCb::State::Location::FirstMeasurement};
+      auto first_meas = LHCb::State{ first_hit.filtered_state_vec[fwd], first_hit.filtered_state_cov[fwd],
+                                     first_hit.z(), LHCb::State::Location::FirstMeasurement };
       // RICH1 states are much simpler because they are only an extrapolation
-      auto end_rich1 = LHCb::State{first_meas};
+      auto end_rich1 = LHCb::State{ first_meas };
       ret            = extrapolate_and_noise( end_rich1, StateParameters::ZEndRich1,
-                                   TrackFit::param_scatter_impl::NodeType::EndRich1,
-                                   TrackFit::param_scatter_impl::nodetype( first_hit ) );
+                                              TrackFit::param_scatter_impl::NodeType::EndRich1,
+                                              TrackFit::param_scatter_impl::nodetype( first_hit ) );
       if ( ret.isFailure() ) { return ret; }
       end_rich1.setLocation( LHCb::State::Location::EndRich1 );
       // to keep the right order we first insert the BegRICH1 state
-      auto beg_rich1 = LHCb::State{end_rich1};
+      auto beg_rich1 = LHCb::State{ end_rich1 };
       ret            = extrapolate_and_noise( beg_rich1, StateParameters::ZBegRich1,
-                                   TrackFit::param_scatter_impl::NodeType::BegRich1,
-                                   TrackFit::param_scatter_impl::NodeType::EndRich1 );
+                                              TrackFit::param_scatter_impl::NodeType::BegRich1,
+                                              TrackFit::param_scatter_impl::NodeType::EndRich1 );
       if ( ret.isFailure() ) { return ret; }
       beg_rich1.setLocation( LHCb::State::Location::BegRich1 );
       update_state( newtrack, beg_rich1 );
@@ -1138,8 +1140,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
       update_state( newtrack, first_meas );
-    auto last_meas = LHCb::State{last_hit.filtered_state_vec[bkwd], last_hit.filtered_state_cov[bkwd], last_hit.z(),
-                                 LHCb::State::Location::LastMeasurement};
+    auto last_meas = LHCb::State{ last_hit.filtered_state_vec[bkwd], last_hit.filtered_state_cov[bkwd], last_hit.z(),
+                                  LHCb::State::Location::LastMeasurement };
     auto last_hit_type = TrackFit::param_scatter_impl::nodetype( last_hit );
@@ -1148,8 +1150,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
         return node.type() == LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit::Node::Type::FTHit;
       } );
-      last_meas = LHCb::State{( *it ).filtered_state_vec[bkwd], ( *it ).filtered_state_cov[bkwd], ( *it ).z(),
-                              LHCb::State::Location::LastFTHit};
+      last_meas = LHCb::State{ ( *it ).filtered_state_vec[bkwd], ( *it ).filtered_state_cov[bkwd], ( *it ).z(),
+                               LHCb::State::Location::LastFTHit };
       last_hit_type = TrackFit::param_scatter_impl::NodeType::FTHit;
@@ -1160,16 +1162,16 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
     if constexpr ( isLong<InputTrackType> || isDownstream<InputTrackType> || isSeed<InputTrackType> ) {
       // begRich2 is copy of last measurement
       // now extrapolate
-      auto beg_rich2 = LHCb::State{last_meas};
+      auto beg_rich2 = LHCb::State{ last_meas };
       ret            = extrapolate_and_noise( beg_rich2, StateParameters::ZBegRich2,
-                                   TrackFit::param_scatter_impl::NodeType::BegRich2, last_hit_type );
+                                              TrackFit::param_scatter_impl::NodeType::BegRich2, last_hit_type );
       if ( ret.isFailure() ) { return ret; }
       beg_rich2.setLocation( LHCb::State::Location::BegRich2 );
-      auto end_rich2 = LHCb::State{beg_rich2};
+      auto end_rich2 = LHCb::State{ beg_rich2 };
       ret            = extrapolate_and_noise( end_rich2, StateParameters::ZEndRich2,
-                                   TrackFit::param_scatter_impl::NodeType::EndRich2,
-                                   TrackFit::param_scatter_impl::NodeType::BegRich2 );
+                                              TrackFit::param_scatter_impl::NodeType::EndRich2,
+                                              TrackFit::param_scatter_impl::NodeType::BegRich2 );
       if ( ret.isFailure() ) { return ret; }
       end_rich2.setLocation( LHCb::State::Location::EndRich2 );
@@ -1177,8 +1179,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
       update_state( newtrack, end_rich2 );
       if ( last_hit.isMuon() ) {
-        update_state( newtrack, LHCb::State{last_hit.filtered_state_vec[bkwd], last_hit.filtered_state_cov[bkwd],
-                                            last_hit.z(), LHCb::State::Location::LastMeasurement} );
+        update_state( newtrack, LHCb::State{ last_hit.filtered_state_vec[bkwd], last_hit.filtered_state_cov[bkwd],
+                                             last_hit.z(), LHCb::State::Location::LastMeasurement } );
     return ret;
@@ -1270,12 +1272,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
     if ( add_fitted_states<InputTrackType>( *new_track, fitnodes, scatteringMomentum, geo, extrap, is_long_in_beam_pipe,
                                             beamspot )
              .isFailure() ) {
-      return std::unique_ptr<out_track>{nullptr};
+      return std::unique_ptr<out_track>{ nullptr };
     if ( fill_fitresult ) {
       auto kfr = make_fit_result( fitnodes, nIter, scatteringMomentum, smoother_gain_matrices, n_track_parameters );
-      new_track->setFitResult( new LHCb::PrKalmanFitResult{std::move( kfr )} );
+      new_track->setFitResult( new LHCb::PrKalmanFitResult{ std::move( kfr ) } );
     return new_track;
@@ -1325,33 +1327,33 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
       auto n_vp_hits = track.nVPHits();
       new_track.template field<tag::VPHits>().resize( n_vp_hits );
-      for ( int i{0}; i < n_vp_hits; ++i ) {
+      for ( int i{ 0 }; i < n_vp_hits; ++i ) {
         auto id = track.vp_lhcbID( i );
         new_track.template field<tag::VPHits>()[i].template field<tag::LHCbID>().set( id );
     } else {
-      new_track.field<tag::trackVP>().set( I{-1} );
+      new_track.field<tag::trackVP>().set( I{ -1 } );
     if constexpr ( hasUT<InputTrackType> ) {
       auto n_ut_hits = track.nUTHits();
       new_track.template field<tag::UTHits>().resize( n_ut_hits );
-      for ( int i{0}; i < n_ut_hits; ++i ) {
+      for ( int i{ 0 }; i < n_ut_hits; ++i ) {
         auto id = track.ut_lhcbID( i );
         new_track.template field<tag::UTHits>()[i].template field<tag::LHCbID>().set( id );
       if constexpr ( isLong<InputTrackType> )
         new_track.field<tag::trackUT>().set( track.trackUT() );
-        new_track.field<tag::trackUT>().set( I{-1} );
+        new_track.field<tag::trackUT>().set( I{ -1 } );
     } else {
-      new_track.field<tag::trackUT>().set( I{-1} );
+      new_track.field<tag::trackUT>().set( I{ -1 } );
     if constexpr ( hasFT<InputTrackType> ) {
       auto n_ft_hits = track.nFTHits();
       new_track.template field<tag::FTHits>().resize( n_ft_hits );
-      for ( int i{0}; i < n_ft_hits; ++i ) {
+      for ( int i{ 0 }; i < n_ft_hits; ++i ) {
         auto id = track.ft_lhcbID( i );
         new_track.template field<tag::FTHits>()[i].template field<tag::LHCbID>().set( id );
@@ -1362,7 +1364,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
       else if constexpr ( isSeed<InputTrackType> )
         new_track.field<tag::trackSeed>().set( track.indices() );
     } else {
-      new_track.field<tag::trackSeed>().set( I{-1} );
+      new_track.field<tag::trackSeed>().set( I{ -1 } );
     StatusCode ret = add_fitted_states<InputTrackType>( new_track, fitnodes, scatteringMomentum, geo, extrap,
@@ -1395,14 +1397,14 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
       return std::make_tuple( std::move( out_tracks ) );
     } else if constexpr ( isV3Tracks<OutputTrackType> ) {
       auto out_tracks = LHCb::Event::v3::Tracks{
-          v3_track_type<InputTrackType>(), Event::Enum::Track::FitHistory::PrKalmanFilter, backward, unique_id_gen};
+          v3_track_type<InputTrackType>(), Event::Enum::Track::FitHistory::PrKalmanFilter, backward, unique_id_gen };
       out_tracks.reserve( size );
       return std::make_tuple( std::move( out_tracks ) );
     } else if constexpr ( isV3TracksExtra<OutputTrackType> || isV3TracksFull<OutputTrackType> ) {
       auto out_tracks = LHCb::Event::v3::Tracks{
-          v3_track_type<InputTrackType>(), Event::Enum::Track::FitHistory::PrKalmanFilter, backward, unique_id_gen};
+          v3_track_type<InputTrackType>(), Event::Enum::Track::FitHistory::PrKalmanFilter, backward, unique_id_gen };
       out_tracks.reserve( size );
-      auto out_partial_chi2s = LHCb::Event::v3::Track::PartialChiSquareds{out_tracks.zipIdentifier()};
+      auto out_partial_chi2s = LHCb::Event::v3::Track::PartialChiSquareds{ out_tracks.zipIdentifier() };
       out_partial_chi2s.reserve( size );
       if constexpr ( isV3TracksExtra<OutputTrackType> ) {
         return std::make_tuple( std::move( out_tracks ), std::move( out_partial_chi2s ) );
diff --git a/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/src/KalmanFilter.cpp b/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/src/KalmanFilter.cpp
index d41bccb4e2a45fe91b890f9a5e83beb3e8bd189c..e85124ee3e2cceddcaa9eba1de70316245656390 100644
--- a/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/src/KalmanFilter.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/src/KalmanFilter.cpp
@@ -88,10 +88,10 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     KalmanFilter( std::string const& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : base_t( name, pSvcLocator,
-                  {KeyValue( "Input", "" ), KeyValue( getKey<Types>(), "" )...,
-                   KeyValue( "StandardGeometryTop", standard_geometry_top ),
-                   KeyValue( "InputUniqueIDGenerator", UniqueIDGeneratorLocation::Default ),
-                   KeyValue{"InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion"}},
+                  { KeyValue( "Input", "" ), KeyValue( getKey<Types>(), "" )...,
+                    KeyValue( "StandardGeometryTop", standard_geometry_top ),
+                    KeyValue( "InputUniqueIDGenerator", UniqueIDGeneratorLocation::Default ),
+                    KeyValue{ "InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion" } },
                   Algorithm::IOHelper<InputTrackType, OutputTrackType, base_t>::OutputNames(
                       get_out_names<OutputTrackType>() ) ) {}
@@ -112,66 +112,67 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
                                 Conditions::InteractionRegion const& region ) const override;
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_classic_smoothing_post{this, "ClassicSmoothing", false,
-                                                   "Run classical smoother as post processing step for alignment."};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorX{this, "ErrorX", 20.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Seed error on x"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorY{this, "ErrorY", 20.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Seed error on y"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorTx{this, "ErrorTx", 0.1, "Seed error on slope x"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorTy{this, "ErrorTy", 0.1, "Seed error on slope y"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorQoP{this, "ErrorQoP", 0.01, "Seed error on QoP"};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_fill_fitresult{this, "FillFitResult", false, "Fill PrKalmanFitResult"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxchi2perdof{this, "MaxChi2", 9999999, "Maximum Chi2 per DoF"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_min_chi2_for_outlier{this, "MinChi2Outlier", 9,
-                                                   "Minimum Chi2 of a node to be considered for outlier removal"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxchi2perdof_pre_outlier{this, "MaxChi2PreOutlierRemoval", 9999999,
-                                                        "Maximum Chi2 per DoF before outlier removal"};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_max_fit_iter{this, "MaxFitIterations", 10, "max number of fit iterations to perform"};
-    Gaudi::Property<int> m_max_outlier_iter{this, "MaxOutlierIterations", 2, "max number of fit iterations to perform"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_ptVelo{this, "VeloTrackPT", 400, "PT to use when fitting VELO tracks"};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_mag_off{this, "MagOff", false,
-                                    "If true, the transverse momentum set in m_ptVelo is used for q/p."};
-    Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumVPLayers{this, "MinNumVPHitsForOutlierRemoval", 3, "Minimum number of VP layers"};
-    Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumUTLayers{this, "MinNumUTHitsForOutlierRemoval", 3, "Minimum number of UT layers"};
-    Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumFTLayers{this, "MinNumFTHitsForOutlierRemoval", 6, "Minimum number of FT layers"};
-    Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumMuonLayers{this, "MinNumMuonHitsForOutlierRemoval", 4,
-                                               "Minimum number of Muon layers"};
-    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrap{this, "ReferenceExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator"};
-    ToolHandle<ITrackAddClusters>  m_clusterAdder{this, "TrackAddClusterTool", "AddClustersToTrackTool"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int>   m_counter_states_failed{this, "Add states failed"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                      m_counter_cut{this, "chi2 cut"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned int> m_counter_iterations{this, "nIterations"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned int> m_counter_outlier_iterations{this,
-                                                                                             "nOutlierIterations"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int>   m_counter_tracks_in{this, "nTracksInput"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int>   m_counter_tracks_out{this, "nTracksOutput"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                      m_counter_pre_outlier_cut{this, "Pre outlier chi2 cut"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int>   m_counter_transport_failed{this, "Transport failed"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_classic_smoothing_post{ this, "ClassicSmoothing", false,
+                                                    "Run classical smoother as post processing step for alignment." };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorX{ this, "ErrorX", 20.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Seed error on x" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorY{ this, "ErrorY", 20.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Seed error on y" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorTx{ this, "ErrorTx", 0.1, "Seed error on slope x" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorTy{ this, "ErrorTy", 0.1, "Seed error on slope y" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorQoP{ this, "ErrorQoP", 0.01, "Seed error on QoP" };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_fill_fitresult{ this, "FillFitResult", false, "Fill PrKalmanFitResult" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxchi2perdof{ this, "MaxChi2", 9999999, "Maximum Chi2 per DoF" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_min_chi2_for_outlier{ this, "MinChi2Outlier", 9,
+                                                    "Minimum Chi2 of a node to be considered for outlier removal" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxchi2perdof_pre_outlier{ this, "MaxChi2PreOutlierRemoval", 9999999,
+                                                         "Maximum Chi2 per DoF before outlier removal" };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_max_fit_iter{ this, "MaxFitIterations", 10, "max number of fit iterations to perform" };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_max_outlier_iter{ this, "MaxOutlierIterations", 2,
+                                             "max number of fit iterations to perform" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_ptVelo{ this, "VeloTrackPT", 400, "PT to use when fitting VELO tracks" };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_mag_off{ this, "MagOff", false,
+                                     "If true, the transverse momentum set in m_ptVelo is used for q/p." };
+    Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumVPLayers{ this, "MinNumVPHitsForOutlierRemoval", 3, "Minimum number of VP layers" };
+    Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumUTLayers{ this, "MinNumUTHitsForOutlierRemoval", 3, "Minimum number of UT layers" };
+    Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumFTLayers{ this, "MinNumFTHitsForOutlierRemoval", 6, "Minimum number of FT layers" };
+    Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumMuonLayers{ this, "MinNumMuonHitsForOutlierRemoval", 4,
+                                                "Minimum number of Muon layers" };
+    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrap{ this, "ReferenceExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator" };
+    ToolHandle<ITrackAddClusters>  m_clusterAdder{ this, "TrackAddClusterTool", "AddClustersToTrackTool" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int>   m_counter_states_failed{ this, "Add states failed" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                      m_counter_cut{ this, "chi2 cut" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned int> m_counter_iterations{ this, "nIterations" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned int> m_counter_outlier_iterations{ this,
+                                                                                              "nOutlierIterations" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int>   m_counter_tracks_in{ this, "nTracksInput" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int>   m_counter_tracks_out{ this, "nTracksOutput" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                    m_counter_pre_outlier_cut{ this, "Pre outlier chi2 cut" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_counter_transport_failed{ this, "Transport failed" };
   template <typename InputTrackType, typename OutputTrackType, HitType... Types>
-  OutputTrackType KalmanFilter<InputTrackType, OutputTrackType, Types...>::
-                  operator()( InputTrackType const& tracks, const Hits<Types>&... hits, DetectorElement const& lhcb,
-              UniqueIDGenerator const& unique_id_gen, const Conditions::InteractionRegion& region ) const {
+  OutputTrackType KalmanFilter<InputTrackType, OutputTrackType, Types...>::operator()(
+      InputTrackType const& tracks, const Hits<Types>&... hits, DetectorElement const& lhcb,
+      UniqueIDGenerator const& unique_id_gen, const Conditions::InteractionRegion& region ) const {
     m_counter_tracks_in += tracks.size();
     const auto* extrap       = m_extrap.get();
     const auto* clusterAdder = m_clusterAdder.get();
-    auto outlier_iter_buffer{m_counter_outlier_iterations.buffer()};
-    auto iter_buffer{m_counter_iterations.buffer()};
-    auto transport_failed_buffer{m_counter_transport_failed.buffer()};
-    auto states_failed_buffer{m_counter_states_failed.buffer()};
-    auto pre_outlier_chi2_cut_buffer{m_counter_pre_outlier_cut.buffer()};
-    auto chi2_cut_buffer{m_counter_cut.buffer()};
+    auto outlier_iter_buffer{ m_counter_outlier_iterations.buffer() };
+    auto iter_buffer{ m_counter_iterations.buffer() };
+    auto transport_failed_buffer{ m_counter_transport_failed.buffer() };
+    auto states_failed_buffer{ m_counter_states_failed.buffer() };
+    auto pre_outlier_chi2_cut_buffer{ m_counter_pre_outlier_cut.buffer() };
+    auto chi2_cut_buffer{ m_counter_cut.buffer() };
     const auto fit_config =
-        KF::FitConfiguration{m_errorX * m_errorX,    m_errorY * m_errorY,     m_errorTx * m_errorTx,
-                             m_errorTy * m_errorTy,  m_errorQoP * m_errorQoP, m_maxchi2perdof_pre_outlier,
-                             m_min_chi2_for_outlier, m_maxchi2perdof,         m_max_outlier_iter,
-                             m_max_fit_iter,         m_minNumVPLayers,        m_minNumUTLayers,
-                             m_minNumFTLayers,       m_minNumMuonLayers};
+        KF::FitConfiguration{ m_errorX * m_errorX,    m_errorY * m_errorY,     m_errorTx * m_errorTx,
+                              m_errorTy * m_errorTy,  m_errorQoP * m_errorQoP, m_maxchi2perdof_pre_outlier,
+                              m_min_chi2_for_outlier, m_maxchi2perdof,         m_max_outlier_iter,
+                              m_max_fit_iter,         m_minNumVPLayers,        m_minNumUTLayers,
+                              m_minNumFTLayers,       m_minNumMuonLayers };
     bool backward = [&] {
       if constexpr ( isVelo<InputTrackType> )
@@ -258,7 +259,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
         auto& new_tracks        = std::get<LHCb::Event::v3::Tracks>( output );
         auto& new_partial_chi2s = std::get<LHCb::Event::v3::Track::PartialChiSquareds>( output );
         auto  sc = add_output_v3_track( new_tracks, tracks, track, fitnodes, chi2, scatteringMomentum, *lhcb.geometry(),
-                                       *extrap, unique_id_gen, is_long_in_beam_pipe, region.avgPosition );
+                                        *extrap, unique_id_gen, is_long_in_beam_pipe, region.avgPosition );
         if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
diff --git a/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/src/KalmanFilterTool.cpp b/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/src/KalmanFilterTool.cpp
index 747ab080b79c62126e5d9425ec4afd1a975820bb..e8e41b541228336b34c2edf893a9a69905052df8 100644
--- a/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/src/KalmanFilterTool.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/src/KalmanFilterTool.cpp
@@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     const LHCb::StateVector getInitialEndVeloStateVector( TrackV1 const& track, std::vector<Node> const& fitnodes ) {
       if ( track.hasStateAt( LHCb::State::Location::LastMeasurement ) ) {
         const auto& state = *( track.stateAt( LHCb::State::Location::LastMeasurement ) );
-        return {{state.x(), state.y(), state.tx(), state.ty(), state.qOverP()}, state.z()};
+        return { { state.x(), state.y(), state.tx(), state.ty(), state.qOverP() }, state.z() };
       if ( track.hasStateAt( LHCb::State::Location::EndVelo ) ) {
         const auto& state = *( track.stateAt( LHCb::State::Location::EndVelo ) );
-        return {{state.x(), state.y(), state.tx(), state.ty(), state.qOverP()}, state.z()};
+        return { { state.x(), state.y(), state.tx(), state.ty(), state.qOverP() }, state.z() };
       // If none of the above are present, we 'fake' the state at the end
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       const auto& state    = *( track.stateAt( LHCb::State::Location::ClosestToBeam ) );
       const auto& lastNode = fitnodes.back();
-      return {{lastNode.measurement_pos[0], lastNode.measurement_pos[1], state.tx(), state.ty(), state.qOverP()},
-              lastNode.measurement_pos[2]};
+      return { { lastNode.measurement_pos[0], lastNode.measurement_pos[1], state.tx(), state.ty(), state.qOverP() },
+               lastNode.measurement_pos[2] };
@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
             const auto  vp_hits = hits_vp.scalar();
             const auto  vp_hit  = std::find_if( vp_hits.begin(), vp_hits.end(), [=]( const auto& proxy ) {
               const auto vp_id =
-                  LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID{bit_cast<unsigned>( proxy.template get<VP::VPHitsTag::ChannelId>() )};
-              return lhcbid == LHCb::LHCbID{vp_id};
+                  LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID{ bit_cast<unsigned>( proxy.template get<VP::VPHitsTag::ChannelId>() ) };
+              return lhcbid == LHCb::LHCbID{ vp_id };
             } );
             assert( vp_hit != vp_hits.end() );
@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
             const auto  ut_hits = hits_ut.scalar();
             const auto  ut_hit  = std::find_if( ut_hits.begin(), ut_hits.end(), [=]( const auto& proxy ) {
               const auto ut_id =
-                  LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID{bit_cast<unsigned>( proxy.template get<UT::UTHitsTag::channelID>() )};
-              return lhcbid == LHCb::LHCbID{ut_id};
+                  LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID{ bit_cast<unsigned>( proxy.template get<UT::UTHitsTag::channelID>() ) };
+              return lhcbid == LHCb::LHCbID{ ut_id };
             } );
             assert( ut_hit != ut_hits.end() );
@@ -189,12 +189,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
           if ( lhcbid.isMuon() ) {
             const auto& hits_muon = get<HitType::Muon>( containers );
-            const auto tileid          = Detector::Muon::TileID{lhcbid.muonID()};
+            const auto tileid          = Detector::Muon::TileID{ lhcbid.muonID() };
             const auto station         = tileid.station();
             const auto hits_in_station = hits_muon.hits( station );
             const auto it       = std::find_if( hits_in_station.begin(), hits_in_station.end(),
-                                          [=]( auto hit ) { return tileid == hit.tile(); } );
+                                                [=]( auto hit ) { return tileid == hit.tile(); } );
             const auto muon_hit = *it;
             const auto x        = muon_hit.x();
             const auto z        = muon_hit.z();
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
                                Gaudi::XYZPoint beamspot, int n_track_parameters ) {
       // start creating our output track
-      auto new_track = TrackV1{track.history(), track.type(), track.patRecStatus()};
+      auto new_track = TrackV1{ track.history(), track.type(), track.patRecStatus() };
       // set the LHCbIds of our new track
       new_track.setSortedLhcbIDs( track.lhcbIDs() );
@@ -265,8 +265,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       new_track.setChi2PerDoF( prev_chi2.chi2() / prev_chi2.nDoF() );
       auto velo_chi2 =
-          LHCb::ChiSquare{0, -n_track_parameters}; // initialized with the number of free param in the track fit
-      auto down_chi2     = LHCb::ChiSquare{0, -n_track_parameters};
+          LHCb::ChiSquare{ 0, -n_track_parameters }; // initialized with the number of free param in the track fit
+      auto down_chi2     = LHCb::ChiSquare{ 0, -n_track_parameters };
       auto upstream_chi2 = LHCb::ChiSquare{}; // not initialized because always used combined with one of the above
       auto muon_chi2     = LHCb::ChiSquare{};
@@ -325,11 +325,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
         auto const& last_hit   = fitnodes.front();
         auto const  fwd        = Node::forward;
         auto const  bkwd       = Node::backward;
-        auto        first_meas = LHCb::State{first_hit.filtered_state_vec[fwd], first_hit.filtered_state_cov[fwd],
-                                      first_hit.z(), LHCb::State::Location::FirstMeasurement};
+        auto        first_meas = LHCb::State{ first_hit.filtered_state_vec[fwd], first_hit.filtered_state_cov[fwd],
+                                       first_hit.z(), LHCb::State::Location::FirstMeasurement };
         update_state( new_track, first_meas );
-        auto last_meas = LHCb::State{last_hit.filtered_state_vec[bkwd], last_hit.filtered_state_cov[bkwd], last_hit.z(),
-                                     LHCb::State::Location::LastMeasurement};
+        auto last_meas = LHCb::State{ last_hit.filtered_state_vec[bkwd], last_hit.filtered_state_cov[bkwd],
+                                      last_hit.z(), LHCb::State::Location::LastMeasurement };
         update_state( new_track, last_meas );
@@ -426,12 +426,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       BoundInstance( const KalmanFilterTool* parent, const DetectorElement& lhcb,
                      const Conditions::InteractionRegion& region, const ITrackExtrapolator& extrap,
                      const ITrackAddClusters& clusterAdder, const UniqueIDGenerator& unique_id_gen )
-          : m_parent{parent}
-          , m_geometry{lhcb}
-          , m_IR{region}
-          , m_extrap{extrap}
-          , m_clusterAdder{clusterAdder}
-          , m_unique_id_gen{unique_id_gen} {}
+          : m_parent{ parent }
+          , m_geometry{ lhcb }
+          , m_IR{ region }
+          , m_extrap{ extrap }
+          , m_clusterAdder{ clusterAdder }
+          , m_unique_id_gen{ unique_id_gen } {}
       // these operators implement the interface!
       V1Output operator()( const Long::Tracks& tracks, const Hits<HitType::VP>& hits_vp,
@@ -608,15 +608,15 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     KalmanFilterTool( std::string type, std::string name, const IInterface* parent )
-        : ToolBinder{std::move( type ),
-                     name,
-                     parent,
-                     {{"StandardGeometryTop", standard_geometry_top},
-                      {"InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion"},
-                      {"ReferenceExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator"},
-                      {"TrackAddClusterTool", "AddClustersToTrackTool"},
-                      {"UniqueIDGenerator", UniqueIDGeneratorLocation::Default}},
-                     construct<BoundInstance>( this )} {}
+        : ToolBinder{ std::move( type ),
+                      name,
+                      parent,
+                      { { "StandardGeometryTop", standard_geometry_top },
+                        { "InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion" },
+                        { "ReferenceExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator" },
+                        { "TrackAddClusterTool", "AddClustersToTrackTool" },
+                        { "UniqueIDGenerator", UniqueIDGeneratorLocation::Default } },
+                      construct<BoundInstance>( this ) } {}
     StatusCode initialize() override {
       return ToolBinder::initialize().andThen( [&] {
@@ -625,15 +625,15 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
 #if defined( USE_DD4HEP )
         addConditionDerivation<Conditions::InteractionRegion( const Detector::DeLHCb& lhcb, //
                                                               const DeVP&             vp )>(
-            {standard_geometry_top, Det::VP::det_path}, inputLocation<Conditions::InteractionRegion>() );
+            { standard_geometry_top, Det::VP::det_path }, inputLocation<Conditions::InteractionRegion>() );
         if ( auto* detSvc = this->service( "DetectorDataSvc" ).get(); Gaudi::Utils::CheckData<Condition>()(
                  dynamic_cast<IDataProviderSvc*>( detSvc ), LHCb::Conditions::InteractionRegion::ConditionPath ) ) {
           addConditionDerivation<LHCb::Conditions::InteractionRegion( const YAML::Node& )>(
-              {LHCb::Conditions::InteractionRegion::ConditionPath}, inputLocation<Conditions::InteractionRegion>() );
+              { LHCb::Conditions::InteractionRegion::ConditionPath }, inputLocation<Conditions::InteractionRegion>() );
         } else {
           addConditionDerivation<Conditions::InteractionRegion( const DeVP& vp )>(
-              {Det::VP::det_path}, inputLocation<Conditions::InteractionRegion>() );
+              { Det::VP::det_path }, inputLocation<Conditions::InteractionRegion>() );
       } );
@@ -662,39 +662,40 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
                             const Hits<Types>&... ) const;
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_classic_smoothing_post{this, "ClassicSmoothing", false,
-                                                   "Run classical smoother as post processing step for alignment."};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorX{this, "ErrorX", 20.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Seed error on x"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorY{this, "ErrorY", 20.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Seed error on y"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorTx{this, "ErrorTx", 0.1, "Seed error on slope x"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorTy{this, "ErrorTy", 0.1, "Seed error on slope y"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorQoP{this, "ErrorQoP", 0.01, "Seed error on QoP"};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_fill_fitresult{this, "FillFitResult", false, "Fill PrKalmanFitResult"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxchi2perdof{this, "MaxChi2", 9999999, "Maximum Chi2 per DoF"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxchi2perdof_pre_outlier{this, "MaxChi2PreOutlierRemoval", 9999999,
-                                                        "Maximum Chi2 per DoF before outlier removal"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_min_chi2_for_outlier{this, "MinChi2Outlier", 9,
-                                                   "Minimum Chi2 of a node to be considered for outlier removal"};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_max_fit_iter{this, "MaxFitIterations", 10, "max number of fit iterations to perform"};
-    Gaudi::Property<int> m_max_outlier_iter{this, "MaxOutlierIterations", 2, "max number of fit iterations to perform"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_ptVelo{this, "VeloTrackPT", 400, "PT to use when fitting VELO tracks"};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_mag_off{this, "MagOff", false,
-                                    "If true, the transverse momentum set in m_ptVelo is used for q/p."};
-    Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumVPLayers{this, "MinNumVPHitsForOutlierRemoval", 3, "Minimum number of VP layers"};
-    Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumUTLayers{this, "MinNumUTHitsForOutlierRemoval", 3, "Minimum number of UT layers"};
-    Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumFTLayers{this, "MinNumFTHitsForOutlierRemoval", 6, "Minimum number of FT layers"};
-    Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumMuonLayers{this, "MinNumMuonHitsForOutlierRemoval", 4,
-                                               "Minimum number of Muon layers"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int>   m_counter_states_failed{this, "Add states failed"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                      m_counter_cut{this, "chi2 cut"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned int> m_counter_iterations{this, "nIterations"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned int> m_counter_outlier_iterations{this,
-                                                                                             "nOutlierIterations"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int>   m_counter_tracks_in{this, "nTracksInput"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int>   m_counter_tracks_out{this, "nTracksOutput"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                      m_counter_pre_outlier_cut{this, "Pre outlier chi2 cut"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int>   m_counter_transport_failed{this, "Transport failed"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_classic_smoothing_post{ this, "ClassicSmoothing", false,
+                                                    "Run classical smoother as post processing step for alignment." };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorX{ this, "ErrorX", 20.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Seed error on x" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorY{ this, "ErrorY", 20.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Seed error on y" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorTx{ this, "ErrorTx", 0.1, "Seed error on slope x" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorTy{ this, "ErrorTy", 0.1, "Seed error on slope y" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorQoP{ this, "ErrorQoP", 0.01, "Seed error on QoP" };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_fill_fitresult{ this, "FillFitResult", false, "Fill PrKalmanFitResult" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxchi2perdof{ this, "MaxChi2", 9999999, "Maximum Chi2 per DoF" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxchi2perdof_pre_outlier{ this, "MaxChi2PreOutlierRemoval", 9999999,
+                                                         "Maximum Chi2 per DoF before outlier removal" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_min_chi2_for_outlier{ this, "MinChi2Outlier", 9,
+                                                    "Minimum Chi2 of a node to be considered for outlier removal" };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_max_fit_iter{ this, "MaxFitIterations", 10, "max number of fit iterations to perform" };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_max_outlier_iter{ this, "MaxOutlierIterations", 2,
+                                             "max number of fit iterations to perform" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_ptVelo{ this, "VeloTrackPT", 400, "PT to use when fitting VELO tracks" };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_mag_off{ this, "MagOff", false,
+                                     "If true, the transverse momentum set in m_ptVelo is used for q/p." };
+    Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumVPLayers{ this, "MinNumVPHitsForOutlierRemoval", 3, "Minimum number of VP layers" };
+    Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumUTLayers{ this, "MinNumUTHitsForOutlierRemoval", 3, "Minimum number of UT layers" };
+    Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumFTLayers{ this, "MinNumFTHitsForOutlierRemoval", 6, "Minimum number of FT layers" };
+    Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumMuonLayers{ this, "MinNumMuonHitsForOutlierRemoval", 4,
+                                                "Minimum number of Muon layers" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int>   m_counter_states_failed{ this, "Add states failed" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                      m_counter_cut{ this, "chi2 cut" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned int> m_counter_iterations{ this, "nIterations" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned int> m_counter_outlier_iterations{ this,
+                                                                                              "nOutlierIterations" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int>   m_counter_tracks_in{ this, "nTracksInput" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int>   m_counter_tracks_out{ this, "nTracksOutput" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                    m_counter_pre_outlier_cut{ this, "Pre outlier chi2 cut" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_counter_transport_failed{ this, "Transport failed" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( KalmanFilterTool, "KalmanFilterTool" )
@@ -715,11 +716,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
                                           const ITrackExtrapolator& extrap, const ITrackAddClusters& clusterAdder,
                                           const Hits<Types>&... hits ) const {
     const auto fit_config =
-        KF::FitConfiguration{m_errorX * m_errorX,    m_errorY * m_errorY,     m_errorTx * m_errorTx,
-                             m_errorTy * m_errorTy,  m_errorQoP * m_errorQoP, m_maxchi2perdof_pre_outlier,
-                             m_min_chi2_for_outlier, m_maxchi2perdof,         m_max_outlier_iter,
-                             m_max_fit_iter,         m_minNumVPLayers,        m_minNumUTLayers,
-                             m_minNumFTLayers,       m_minNumMuonLayers};
+        KF::FitConfiguration{ m_errorX * m_errorX,    m_errorY * m_errorY,     m_errorTx * m_errorTx,
+                              m_errorTy * m_errorTy,  m_errorQoP * m_errorQoP, m_maxchi2perdof_pre_outlier,
+                              m_min_chi2_for_outlier, m_maxchi2perdof,         m_max_outlier_iter,
+                              m_max_fit_iter,         m_minNumVPLayers,        m_minNumUTLayers,
+                              m_minNumFTLayers,       m_minNumMuonLayers };
     bool is_long_in_beam_pipe = [&] {
       if constexpr ( has_hit_type<HitType::UT, Types...> )
@@ -733,25 +734,25 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     if ( !track.hasStateAt( LHCb::State::Location::FirstMeasurement ) &&
          !track.hasStateAt( LHCb::State::Location::ClosestToBeam ) )
-      throw GaudiException{"Track doesn't have a FirstMeasurement or ClosestToBeam state", "fit_v1_track",
-                           StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "Track doesn't have a FirstMeasurement or ClosestToBeam state", "fit_v1_track",
+                            StatusCode::FAILURE };
     if ( !( track.checkType( TrackV1::Types::Velo ) || track.isVeloBackward() ) &&
          !track.hasStateAt( LHCb::State::Location::LastMeasurement ) ) {
       std::cout << track << std::endl;
-      throw GaudiException{"Track doesn't have a LastMeasurement state (track:", "fit_v1_track", StatusCode::FAILURE};
+      throw GaudiException{ "Track doesn't have a LastMeasurement state (track:", "fit_v1_track", StatusCode::FAILURE };
     // Here, in general, we prefer the first measurement. If it's not there, we take CtB.
     const auto& first = ( track.hasStateAt( LHCb::State::Location::FirstMeasurement ) )
                             ? *track.stateAt( LHCb::State::Location::FirstMeasurement )
                             : *track.stateAt( LHCb::State::Location::ClosestToBeam );
-    const auto* last = track.stateAt( LHCb::State::Location::LastMeasurement );
+    const auto* last  = track.stateAt( LHCb::State::Location::LastMeasurement );
     const auto  first_state_vec =
-        LHCb::StateVector{{first.x(), first.y(), first.tx(), first.ty(), first.qOverP()}, first.z()};
+        LHCb::StateVector{ { first.x(), first.y(), first.tx(), first.ty(), first.qOverP() }, first.z() };
     const auto last_state_vec =
         ( !( track.checkType( TrackV1::Types::Velo ) || track.isVeloBackward() ) )
-            ? LHCb::StateVector{{last->x(), last->y(), last->tx(), last->ty(), last->qOverP()}, last->z()}
+            ? LHCb::StateVector{ { last->x(), last->y(), last->tx(), last->ty(), last->qOverP() }, last->z() }
             : getInitialEndVeloStateVector( track, fitnodes );
     const auto scatteringMomentum = std::clamp( track.p(), scatter_min, scatter_max );
@@ -806,18 +807,18 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     m_counter_tracks_in += tracks.size();
-    auto outlier_iter_buffer{m_counter_outlier_iterations.buffer()};
-    auto iter_buffer{m_counter_iterations.buffer()};
-    auto transport_failed_buffer{m_counter_transport_failed.buffer()};
-    auto states_failed_buffer{m_counter_states_failed.buffer()};
-    auto pre_outlier_chi2_cut_buffer{m_counter_pre_outlier_cut.buffer()};
-    auto chi2_cut_buffer{m_counter_cut.buffer()};
+    auto outlier_iter_buffer{ m_counter_outlier_iterations.buffer() };
+    auto iter_buffer{ m_counter_iterations.buffer() };
+    auto transport_failed_buffer{ m_counter_transport_failed.buffer() };
+    auto states_failed_buffer{ m_counter_states_failed.buffer() };
+    auto pre_outlier_chi2_cut_buffer{ m_counter_pre_outlier_cut.buffer() };
+    auto chi2_cut_buffer{ m_counter_cut.buffer() };
     const auto fit_config =
-        KF::FitConfiguration{m_errorX * m_errorX,    m_errorY * m_errorY,     m_errorTx * m_errorTx,
-                             m_errorTy * m_errorTy,  m_errorQoP * m_errorQoP, m_maxchi2perdof_pre_outlier,
-                             m_min_chi2_for_outlier, m_maxchi2perdof,         m_max_outlier_iter,
-                             m_max_fit_iter};
+        KF::FitConfiguration{ m_errorX * m_errorX,    m_errorY * m_errorY,     m_errorTx * m_errorTx,
+                              m_errorTy * m_errorTy,  m_errorQoP * m_errorQoP, m_maxchi2perdof_pre_outlier,
+                              m_min_chi2_for_outlier, m_maxchi2perdof,         m_max_outlier_iter,
+                              m_max_fit_iter };
     bool backward = [&] {
       if constexpr ( isVelo<InputTrackType> )
@@ -902,7 +903,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
         auto& new_tracks        = std::get<TracksV3>( output );
         auto& new_partial_chi2s = std::get<PartialChiSquareds>( output );
         auto  sc = add_output_v3_track( new_tracks, tracks, track, fitnodes, chi2, scatteringMomentum, *lhcb.geometry(),
-                                       extrap, unique_id_gen, is_long_in_beam_pipe, region.avgPosition );
+                                        extrap, unique_id_gen, is_long_in_beam_pipe, region.avgPosition );
         if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
diff --git a/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/src/ToolExample.cpp b/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/src/ToolExample.cpp
index b363ad2aacfa4f4b363080080fa2101cf3d82553..7e264a27b486cd6f785242c23921038ce7925a9d 100644
--- a/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/src/ToolExample.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/src/ToolExample.cpp
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ public:
   using base_t::info;
   KalmanFilterToolExample( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : base_t( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {typename base_t::KeyValue{"Input", ""}, typename base_t::KeyValue{"HitsVP", ""},
-                 typename base_t::KeyValue{"HitsUT", ""}, typename base_t::KeyValue{"HitsFT", ""},
-                 typename base_t::KeyValue{"HitsMuon", ""}, typename base_t::KeyValue{"TrackFitter", ""}},
+                { typename base_t::KeyValue{ "Input", "" }, typename base_t::KeyValue{ "HitsVP", "" },
+                  typename base_t::KeyValue{ "HitsUT", "" }, typename base_t::KeyValue{ "HitsFT", "" },
+                  typename base_t::KeyValue{ "HitsMuon", "" }, typename base_t::KeyValue{ "TrackFitter", "" } },
                 LHCb::Algorithm::IOHelper<InputTrackType, OutputTrackType, base_t>::OutputNames(
                     get_out_names<OutputTrackType>() ) ) {}
@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ public:
   using base_t::info;
   KalmanFilterToolExample_noUT( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : base_t( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {typename base_t::KeyValue{"Input", ""}, typename base_t::KeyValue{"HitsVP", ""},
-                 typename base_t::KeyValue{"HitsFT", ""}, typename base_t::KeyValue{"HitsMuon", ""},
-                 typename base_t::KeyValue{"TrackFitter", ""}},
+                { typename base_t::KeyValue{ "Input", "" }, typename base_t::KeyValue{ "HitsVP", "" },
+                  typename base_t::KeyValue{ "HitsFT", "" }, typename base_t::KeyValue{ "HitsMuon", "" },
+                  typename base_t::KeyValue{ "TrackFitter", "" } },
                 LHCb::Algorithm::IOHelper<InputTrackType, OutputTrackType, base_t>::OutputNames(
                     get_out_names<OutputTrackType>() ) ) {}
@@ -88,10 +88,10 @@ public:
 template <typename InputTrackType, typename OutputTrackType>
-OutputTrackType KalmanFilterToolExample<InputTrackType, OutputTrackType>::
-                operator()( InputTrackType const& tracks, const LHCb::Pr::Hits<LHCb::Pr::HitType::VP>& hits_vp,
-            const LHCb::Pr::Hits<LHCb::Pr::HitType::UT>& hits_ut, const LHCb::Pr::Hits<LHCb::Pr::HitType::FT>& hits_ft,
-            const LHCb::Pr::Hits<LHCb::Pr::HitType::Muon>& hits_muon, const IPrFitterTool& fit ) const {
+OutputTrackType KalmanFilterToolExample<InputTrackType, OutputTrackType>::operator()(
+    InputTrackType const& tracks, const LHCb::Pr::Hits<LHCb::Pr::HitType::VP>& hits_vp,
+    const LHCb::Pr::Hits<LHCb::Pr::HitType::UT>& hits_ut, const LHCb::Pr::Hits<LHCb::Pr::HitType::FT>& hits_ft,
+    const LHCb::Pr::Hits<LHCb::Pr::HitType::Muon>& hits_muon, const IPrFitterTool& fit ) const {
   if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<OutputTrackType, V1Output> ) {
     if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<InputTrackType, LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks> ) {
       // by construction same as PrKalmanFilter_Velo
@@ -184,10 +184,10 @@ OutputTrackType KalmanFilterToolExample<InputTrackType, OutputTrackType>::
 template <typename InputTrackType, typename OutputTrackType>
-OutputTrackType KalmanFilterToolExample_noUT<InputTrackType, OutputTrackType>::
-                operator()( InputTrackType const& tracks, const LHCb::Pr::Hits<LHCb::Pr::HitType::VP>& hits_vp,
-            const LHCb::Pr::Hits<LHCb::Pr::HitType::FT>&   hits_ft,
-            const LHCb::Pr::Hits<LHCb::Pr::HitType::Muon>& hits_muon, const IPrFitterTool& fit ) const {
+OutputTrackType KalmanFilterToolExample_noUT<InputTrackType, OutputTrackType>::operator()(
+    InputTrackType const& tracks, const LHCb::Pr::Hits<LHCb::Pr::HitType::VP>& hits_vp,
+    const LHCb::Pr::Hits<LHCb::Pr::HitType::FT>& hits_ft, const LHCb::Pr::Hits<LHCb::Pr::HitType::Muon>& hits_muon,
+    const IPrFitterTool& fit ) const {
   if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<OutputTrackType, V1Output> ) {
     // v1 tracks as input!
     // let's first fit the whole container
diff --git a/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/src/V1V1PrKalmanFilter.cpp b/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/src/V1V1PrKalmanFilter.cpp
index 482da8469d94830ac08d0a4cb4219ba7016f35ea..663e6567f44f004171c8f6357b9b56a8ee92f508 100644
--- a/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/src/V1V1PrKalmanFilter.cpp
+++ b/Tr/PrKalmanFilter/src/V1V1PrKalmanFilter.cpp
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ namespace LHCb {
     V1V1PrKalmanFilter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : base_t( name, pSvcLocator,
-                  {typename base_t::KeyValue{"Input", ""}, typename base_t::KeyValue{"HitsVP", ""},
-                   typename base_t::KeyValue{"HitsFT", ""}, typename base_t::KeyValue{"HitsUT", ""},
-                   typename base_t::KeyValue{"TrackFitter", ""}},
-                  {"OutputTracks", ""} ) {}
+                  { typename base_t::KeyValue{ "Input", "" }, typename base_t::KeyValue{ "HitsVP", "" },
+                    typename base_t::KeyValue{ "HitsFT", "" }, typename base_t::KeyValue{ "HitsUT", "" },
+                    typename base_t::KeyValue{ "TrackFitter", "" } },
+                  { "OutputTracks", "" } ) {}
     V1Tracks operator()( V1TrackRange const&, const Pr::Hits<Pr::HitType::VP>&, const Pr::Hits<Pr::HitType::FT>&,
                          const Pr::Hits<Pr::HitType::UT>&, const IPrFitterTool& ) const override;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackCheckers/CMakeLists.txt b/Tr/TrackCheckers/CMakeLists.txt
index 7178287a8c2a87a02766f4e599c355cb988e6824..38c79120214372cf5cd90cb5e4f8c2e40dfe5bd2 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackCheckers/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Tr/TrackCheckers/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ gaudi_add_module(TrackCheckers
-        src/TriggerObjectsCompatibilityProfileChecker.cpp 
+        src/TriggerObjectsCompatibilityProfileChecker.cpp
diff --git a/Tr/TrackCheckers/doc/release.notes b/Tr/TrackCheckers/doc/release.notes
index 4cd36d27d7f6cbd9b5ed09d25bb2b7c1fd483cc2..df173b1745e88dc9e55fe6987ffc3edd1f1bd010 100755
--- a/Tr/TrackCheckers/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Tr/TrackCheckers/doc/release.notes
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 !========================= TrackCheckers v4r21 2014-12-11 =========================
 ! 2014-11-14 - Michel De Cian
- - Remove 'TrackMatchChecker', as 'TrackMatching' was put in 'obsolete' (the code can be found under 
+ - Remove 'TrackMatchChecker', as 'TrackMatching' was put in 'obsolete' (the code can be found under
     'Tr/TrackingScripts' if still needed privately)
 !========================= TrackCheckers v4r20 2014-02-19 ======================
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
 ! 2010-03-24 - Rob Lambert
  - More windows fixes
- - Fixed bug in TrackEffChecker, savannah 64727, 
+ - Fixed bug in TrackEffChecker, savannah 64727,
    . "!" was in the wrong place
 ! 2010-03-23 - Rob Lambert
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
 ! 2009-06-03 - Stephanie Hansmann-Menzemer
  - add check not for MC reconstructible but for track found in best container
    (needed to validated HLT vs. offline efficiency)
- - add switch to check efficiency only for B daughters and for long tracks 
+ - add switch to check efficiency only for B daughters and for long tracks
  - fill ghost category in plot
  - bug fix in MC bAncestor method
@@ -277,10 +277,10 @@ em! 2007-11-19 Wouter Hulsbergen
  - Add new checking base class TrackCheckerBase
  - New checkers TrackResChecker (replaces TrackChecker), TrackEffChecker
  - Remove TrackChecker
- - ExtrapolatorChecker derives from TrackCheckerBase, particles 
+ - ExtrapolatorChecker derives from TrackCheckerBase, particles
    selected using IMCReconstructible not TrackCriteriaSelector
  - For configuration for long track see TrackChecking.opts in TrackSys
 !======================= TrackCheckers v2r14 2007-05-31 ======================
 ! 2007-05-31 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Follow change in interface locations to Kernel/MCInterfaces package
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ em! 2007-11-19 Wouter Hulsbergen
    ideal states.
 ! 2006-06-29 M Needham
- - many fixes: chi-sq histos added, p histos made at 
+ - many fixes: chi-sq histos added, p histos made at
    user defined z, memory leaks fixed,...
 !======================= TrackCheckers v2r3 2006-06-16 =======================
@@ -433,4 +433,3 @@ em! 2007-11-19 Wouter Hulsbergen
              TrackChecker.LinkerInTable = "Rec/Track/ZZZ";
              // Select only long type tracks
              TrackChecker.TrackSelector.TrackTypes = { 3 };
diff --git a/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/Map.cpp b/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/Map.cpp
index dca4c946f829980a783b2a27154806cca4b37240..b45070b38f14689574902c30f22539b0bce30a3b 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/Map.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/Map.cpp
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
 const TrackMaps::TypeMap& TrackMaps::typeDescription() {
   static const TrackMaps::TypeMap s_map = {
-      {"Velo", LHCb::Track::Types::Velo},         {"Long", LHCb::Track::Types::Long},
-      {"Upstream", LHCb::Track::Types::Upstream}, {"Downstream", LHCb::Track::Types::Downstream},
-      {"Ttrack", LHCb::Track::Types::Ttrack},     {"Muon", LHCb::Track::Types::Muon}};
+      { "Velo", LHCb::Track::Types::Velo },         { "Long", LHCb::Track::Types::Long },
+      { "Upstream", LHCb::Track::Types::Upstream }, { "Downstream", LHCb::Track::Types::Downstream },
+      { "Ttrack", LHCb::Track::Types::Ttrack },     { "Muon", LHCb::Track::Types::Muon } };
   return s_map;
@@ -31,20 +31,20 @@ const TrackMaps::TypeMap& TrackMaps::typeDescription() {
 const TrackMaps::RecMap& TrackMaps::recDescription() {
-  static const TrackMaps::RecMap s_map = {{"ChargedLong", IMCReconstructible::ChargedLong},
-                                          {"ChargedDownstream", IMCReconstructible::ChargedDownstream},
-                                          {"ChargedUpstream", IMCReconstructible::ChargedUpstream},
-                                          {"ChargedTtrack", IMCReconstructible::ChargedTtrack},
-                                          {"ChargedVelo", IMCReconstructible::ChargedVelo}};
+  static const TrackMaps::RecMap s_map = { { "ChargedLong", IMCReconstructible::ChargedLong },
+                                           { "ChargedDownstream", IMCReconstructible::ChargedDownstream },
+                                           { "ChargedUpstream", IMCReconstructible::ChargedUpstream },
+                                           { "ChargedTtrack", IMCReconstructible::ChargedTtrack },
+                                           { "ChargedVelo", IMCReconstructible::ChargedVelo } };
   return s_map;
 const TrackMaps::InfoHistMap& TrackMaps::infoHistDescription() {
   static const InfoHistMap s_map = {
-      {LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::FitTChi2, HistoRange( "FitTChi2", 0., 100. )},
-      {LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::FitTNDoF, HistoRange( "FitTNDof", 0., 50. )},
-      {LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::FitVeloChi2, HistoRange( "FitVeloChi2", 0., 100. )},
-      {LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::FitVeloNDoF, HistoRange( "FitVeloNDoF", 0., 50. )},
-      {LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::FitMatchChi2, HistoRange( "FitMatchChi2", 0., 100. )}};
+      { LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::FitTChi2, HistoRange( "FitTChi2", 0., 100. ) },
+      { LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::FitTNDoF, HistoRange( "FitTNDof", 0., 50. ) },
+      { LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::FitVeloChi2, HistoRange( "FitVeloChi2", 0., 100. ) },
+      { LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::FitVeloNDoF, HistoRange( "FitVeloNDoF", 0., 50. ) },
+      { LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::FitMatchChi2, HistoRange( "FitMatchChi2", 0., 100. ) } };
   return s_map;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/TrackCheckerBase.cpp b/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/TrackCheckerBase.cpp
index c8bb7d113c49810d9cb7f00ebde3e7033e021d08..399944e9b8c63186af864200882809b946401bee 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/TrackCheckerBase.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/TrackCheckerBase.cpp
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ StatusCode TrackCheckerBase::initialize() {
 const LHCb::MCParticle* TrackCheckerBase::mcTruth( const LHCb::Track& track, const LHCb::MCParticles& mcParts,
                                                    const LHCb::LinksByKey& links ) const {
-  const LHCb::MCParticle* mcparticle{nullptr};
+  const LHCb::MCParticle* mcparticle{ nullptr };
   links.applyToLinks( track.key(), [&mcparticle, &mcParts, this]( unsigned int, unsigned int mcPartKey, float ) {
     if ( !mcparticle ) {
       mcparticle = static_cast<const LHCb::MCParticle*>( mcParts.containedObject( mcPartKey ) );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/TrackCheckerBase.h b/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/TrackCheckerBase.h
index 91736cb9b46c84ce4e8c17d0e914e884ac597c35..38cdde2a18973fc39f0871d9840e2f277b650a12 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/TrackCheckerBase.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/TrackCheckerBase.h
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ public:
   struct LinkInfo {
     LinkInfo( const LHCb::Track* t, unsigned int c, double p ) : track( t ), clone( c ), purity( p ) {}
     LinkInfo() = default;
-    const LHCb::Track* track{nullptr};
-    unsigned int       clone{0};
-    double             purity{-1};
+    const LHCb::Track* track{ nullptr };
+    unsigned int       clone{ 0 };
+    double             purity{ -1 };
@@ -135,17 +135,17 @@ public:
   bool bAncestorWithReconstructibleDaughters( const LHCb::MCParticle* mcPart ) const;
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string>    m_selectionCriteria{this, "SelectionCriteria", "ChargedLong"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string>    m_selectionCriteria{ this, "SelectionCriteria", "ChargedLong" };
   IMCReconstructible::RecCategory m_recCat;
-  ServiceHandle<const IMagneticFieldSvc>      m_pIMF{this, "MagneticFieldService", "MagneticFieldSvc"};
-  ToolHandle<const ITrackGhostClassification> m_ghostClassification{this, "GhostTool",
-                                                                    "LongGhostClassification/GhostTool"};
-  ToolHandle<const IMCReconstructible>        m_selector{this, "Selector", "MCReconstructible/Selector"};
-  ToolHandle<const ITrackExtrapolator>        m_extrapolator{this, "Extrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator"};
-  ToolHandle<const IIdealStateCreator>        m_stateCreator{this, "StateCreator", "IdealStateCreator"};
-  ToolHandle<const IVisPrimVertTool>          m_visPrimVertTool{this, "VisPrimVertTool", "VisPrimVertTool"};
+  ServiceHandle<const IMagneticFieldSvc>      m_pIMF{ this, "MagneticFieldService", "MagneticFieldSvc" };
+  ToolHandle<const ITrackGhostClassification> m_ghostClassification{ this, "GhostTool",
+                                                                     "LongGhostClassification/GhostTool" };
+  ToolHandle<const IMCReconstructible>        m_selector{ this, "Selector", "MCReconstructible/Selector" };
+  ToolHandle<const ITrackExtrapolator>        m_extrapolator{ this, "Extrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator" };
+  ToolHandle<const IIdealStateCreator>        m_stateCreator{ this, "StateCreator", "IdealStateCreator" };
+  ToolHandle<const IVisPrimVertTool>          m_visPrimVertTool{ this, "VisPrimVertTool", "VisPrimVertTool" };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_splitByAlgorithm{this, "SplitByAlgorithm", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_splitByType{this, "SplitByType", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_splitByAlgorithm{ this, "SplitByAlgorithm", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_splitByType{ this, "SplitByType", false };
diff --git a/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/TrackIPResolutionCheckerNT.cpp b/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/TrackIPResolutionCheckerNT.cpp
index 98b125d64b71585c3fb31c6a2fc93ff9481cb39f..21b7f4dc6a059b47385f00b1f8ba4521a561cb60 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/TrackIPResolutionCheckerNT.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/TrackIPResolutionCheckerNT.cpp
@@ -327,8 +327,8 @@ namespace {
       } // end of recpv check
       // now do things linked to MC truth
-      const LHCb::MCParticle* mcparticle{nullptr};
-      double                  maxWeight{0};
+      const LHCb::MCParticle* mcparticle{ nullptr };
+      double                  maxWeight{ 0 };
           track->key(), [&maxWeight, &mcparticle, &mcparticles]( unsigned int, unsigned int mcPartKey, float weight ) {
             if ( weight > maxWeight ) {
@@ -541,11 +541,11 @@ class TrackIPResolutionCheckerNT final
   TrackIPResolutionCheckerNT( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                  {KeyValue{"TrackContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Velo},
-                   KeyValue{"MCParticleInput", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-                   KeyValue{"MCHeaderLocation", LHCb::MCHeaderLocation::Default},
-                   KeyValue{"LinkerLocation", "Link/Pr/LHCbID"},
-                   KeyValue{"PVContainer", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation}} ) {}
+                  { KeyValue{ "TrackContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Velo },
+                    KeyValue{ "MCParticleInput", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "MCHeaderLocation", LHCb::MCHeaderLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "LinkerLocation", "Link/Pr/LHCbID" },
+                    KeyValue{ "PVContainer", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation } } ) {}
   void operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range& tracks, const LHCb::MCParticles& mcparticles,
                    const LHCb::MCHeader& mcheader, const LHCb::LinksByKey& linker,
                    const Vertices& pvs ) const override {
@@ -563,12 +563,12 @@ public:
   TrackIPResolutionCheckerNTMCHits( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                      KeyValue{"TrackContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Velo},
-                      KeyValue{"MCParticleInput", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-                      KeyValue{"MCHeaderLocation", LHCb::MCHeaderLocation::Default},
-                      KeyValue{"LinkerLocation", "Link/Pr/LHCbID"},
-                      KeyValue{"PVContainer", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation},
-                      KeyValue{"MCHitsLocation", "/Event/MC/VP/Hits"},
+                      KeyValue{ "TrackContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Velo },
+                      KeyValue{ "MCParticleInput", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "MCHeaderLocation", LHCb::MCHeaderLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "LinkerLocation", "Link/Pr/LHCbID" },
+                      KeyValue{ "PVContainer", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation },
+                      KeyValue{ "MCHitsLocation", "/Event/MC/VP/Hits" },
                   } ) {}
   void operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range& tracks, const LHCb::MCParticles& mcparticles,
diff --git a/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/TrackResChecker.cpp b/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/TrackResChecker.cpp
index 59c788786c292fbd5fea9e179fc4ed47beba9a0e..823284598ea1b3f51509cce11171c503fac096bc 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/TrackResChecker.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/TrackResChecker.cpp
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ namespace {
     auto& get( LHCb::Track::Types t, std::string const& dir ) { return get( toString( t ) + "/" + dir ); }
     auto& get( std::string const& t ) {
       if ( !this->contains( t ) ) {
-        std::scoped_lock lock{m};
+        std::scoped_lock lock{ m };
         if ( !this->contains( t ) ) {
           // now we are alone and there is still nothing, let's create the histogram
           this->emplace( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple( t ),
@@ -103,55 +103,56 @@ private:
                         IGeometryInfo const& ) const;
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_plotsByMeasType{this, "PlotsByMeasType", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_fullDetail{this, "FullDetail", false};
-  ToolHandle<ITrackProjectorSelector> m_projectorSelector{this, "ProjectorSelector",
-                                                          "TrackProjectorSelector/Projector"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_differentFitHistory{this,
-                                                                              "Tracks have different fit history"};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_chi2PerDof{this, "chi2PerDof", "chi2PerDof", {1000, 0., 100.}};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_probChi2{this, "probChi2", "probChi2", {50, 0., 1.}};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_fitStatus{this, "fitStatus", "fit status", {5, -0.5, 4.5}};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_truemom{this, "truemom", "true p [GeV]", {100, 0, 50}};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_truept{this, "truept", "true pT [GeV]", {100, 0, 10}};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_correctcharge{this, "correctcharge", "correct charge", {2, -0.5, 1.5}};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_xres{this, "xres", "x resolution / mm", {101, -0.4, 0.4}};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_yres{this, "yres", "y resolution / mm", {101, -0.4, 0.4}};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_txres{this, "txres", "tx resolution", {101, -0.0025, 0.0025}};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_tyres{this, "tyres", "ty resolution", {101, -0.0025, 0.0025}};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_xpull{this, "xpull", "x pull", {101, -5., 5.}};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_ypull{this, "ypull", "y pull", {101, -5., 5.}};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_txpull{this, "txpull", "tx pull", {101, -5., 5.}};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_typull{this, "typull", "ty pull", {101, -5., 5.}};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_qopres{this, "qop_res", "qop", {101, -0.02, 0.02}};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_qoppull{this, "qoppull", "qop pull", {101, -5., 5.}};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_ppull{this, "ppull", "p pull", {101, -5., 5.}};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_dpoverp{this, "dpoverp", "dp/p", {101, -0.05, 0.05}};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_expecteddpoverp{this, "expecteddpoverp", "expected dp/p", {101, 0., 0.01}};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_measres{this, "/meas_res", " Measurement resolution", {100, -0.5, 0.5}};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_measpull{this, "/meas_pull", " Measurement pull", {100, -5., 5.}};
-  mutable HistoMap<1> m_measchi2{this, "/meas_chi2", " Measurement chi2", {200, 0., 10.}};
-  mutable HistoMap<2> m_measchi2ndf{this, "/meas_chi2ndf", "Measurement chi2 vs ndf", {200, 0., 10.}, {2, 0., 3.}};
-  mutable HistoMap<2> m_vdopp{this, "vertex/dpoverp_vs_p", "dp/p vs p", {25, 0., 50.}, {50, -0.1, 0.1}};
-  mutable HistoMap<2> m_vdopeta{this, "vertex/dpoverp_vs_eta", "dp/p vs eta", {20, 2., 5.}, {50, -0.05, 0.05}};
-  mutable HistoMap<2> m_vpullp{this,
-                               "vertex/p_pull_vs_p",
-                               "p pull vs p",
-                               {
-                                   25,
-                                   0.,
-                                   50.,
-                               },
-                               {50, -10., 10.}};
-  mutable HistoMap<2> m_vpulleta{this, "vertex/p_pull_vs_eta", "p pull vs eta", {20, 2., 5.}, {50, -10., 10.}};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_plotsByMeasType{ this, "PlotsByMeasType", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_fullDetail{ this, "FullDetail", false };
+  ToolHandle<ITrackProjectorSelector> m_projectorSelector{ this, "ProjectorSelector",
+                                                           "TrackProjectorSelector/Projector" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_differentFitHistory{ this,
+                                                                               "Tracks have different fit history" };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_chi2PerDof{ this, "chi2PerDof", "chi2PerDof", { 1000, 0., 100. } };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_probChi2{ this, "probChi2", "probChi2", { 50, 0., 1. } };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_fitStatus{ this, "fitStatus", "fit status", { 5, -0.5, 4.5 } };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_truemom{ this, "truemom", "true p [GeV]", { 100, 0, 50 } };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_truept{ this, "truept", "true pT [GeV]", { 100, 0, 10 } };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_correctcharge{ this, "correctcharge", "correct charge", { 2, -0.5, 1.5 } };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_xres{ this, "xres", "x resolution / mm", { 101, -0.4, 0.4 } };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_yres{ this, "yres", "y resolution / mm", { 101, -0.4, 0.4 } };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_txres{ this, "txres", "tx resolution", { 101, -0.0025, 0.0025 } };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_tyres{ this, "tyres", "ty resolution", { 101, -0.0025, 0.0025 } };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_xpull{ this, "xpull", "x pull", { 101, -5., 5. } };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_ypull{ this, "ypull", "y pull", { 101, -5., 5. } };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_txpull{ this, "txpull", "tx pull", { 101, -5., 5. } };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_typull{ this, "typull", "ty pull", { 101, -5., 5. } };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_qopres{ this, "qop_res", "qop", { 101, -0.02, 0.02 } };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_qoppull{ this, "qoppull", "qop pull", { 101, -5., 5. } };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_ppull{ this, "ppull", "p pull", { 101, -5., 5. } };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_dpoverp{ this, "dpoverp", "dp/p", { 101, -0.05, 0.05 } };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_expecteddpoverp{ this, "expecteddpoverp", "expected dp/p", { 101, 0., 0.01 } };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_measres{ this, "/meas_res", " Measurement resolution", { 100, -0.5, 0.5 } };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_measpull{ this, "/meas_pull", " Measurement pull", { 100, -5., 5. } };
+  mutable HistoMap<1> m_measchi2{ this, "/meas_chi2", " Measurement chi2", { 200, 0., 10. } };
+  mutable HistoMap<2> m_measchi2ndf{
+      this, "/meas_chi2ndf", "Measurement chi2 vs ndf", { 200, 0., 10. }, { 2, 0., 3. } };
+  mutable HistoMap<2> m_vdopp{ this, "vertex/dpoverp_vs_p", "dp/p vs p", { 25, 0., 50. }, { 50, -0.1, 0.1 } };
+  mutable HistoMap<2> m_vdopeta{ this, "vertex/dpoverp_vs_eta", "dp/p vs eta", { 20, 2., 5. }, { 50, -0.05, 0.05 } };
+  mutable HistoMap<2> m_vpullp{ this,
+                                "vertex/p_pull_vs_p",
+                                "p pull vs p",
+                                {
+                                    25,
+                                    0.,
+                                    50.,
+                                },
+                                { 50, -10., 10. } };
+  mutable HistoMap<2> m_vpulleta{ this, "vertex/p_pull_vs_eta", "p pull vs eta", { 20, 2., 5. }, { 50, -10., 10. } };
@@ -161,10 +162,10 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackResChecker )
 TrackResChecker::TrackResChecker( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {KeyValue{"TracksInContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                 KeyValue{"MCParticleInContainer", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-                 KeyValue{"LinkerInTable", "Link/" + LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                 KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}} ) {}
+                { KeyValue{ "TracksInContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "MCParticleInContainer", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "LinkerInTable", "Link/" + LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } } ) {}
 // Execute
@@ -227,14 +228,14 @@ void TrackResChecker::resolutionHistos( LHCb::Track::Types type, LHCb::Track con
     const double ptrue = mcPart.p();
     const double eta   = mcPart.pseudoRapidity(); // track.pseudoRapidity();
-    ++m_vdopp.get( type )[{ptrue / Gaudi::Units::GeV, invp * ptrue - 1}];
-    ++m_vdopeta.get( type )[{eta, invp * ptrue - 1}];
+    ++m_vdopp.get( type )[{ ptrue / Gaudi::Units::GeV, invp * ptrue - 1 }];
+    ++m_vdopeta.get( type )[{ eta, invp * ptrue - 1 }];
     const double invperr2 = track.firstState().covariance()( 4, 4 );
     if ( invperr2 > 0 ) {
       const double ppull = ( invp - 1 / ptrue ) / std::sqrt( invperr2 );
-      ++m_vpullp.get( type )[{ptrue / Gaudi::Units::GeV, ppull}];
-      ++m_vpulleta.get( type )[{eta, ppull}];
+      ++m_vpullp.get( type )[{ ptrue / Gaudi::Units::GeV, ppull }];
+      ++m_vpulleta.get( type )[{ eta, ppull }];
@@ -335,29 +336,29 @@ void TrackResChecker::plotsByMeasType( LHCb::Track::Types type, LHCb::Track cons
             int    ndf;
-          const auto [res, errMeasure, chi2, ndf] =
-              std::visit( Gaudi::overload(
-                              [&]( ITrackProjector::Project1DResult& projResult ) -> Result {
-                                auto res        = projResult.residual[0];
-                                auto errMeasure = projResult.errMeasure[0];
-                                return {res, errMeasure, ( errMeasure > 0 ? std::pow( res / errMeasure, 2 ) : 0. ), 1};
-                              },
-                              [&]( ITrackProjector::Project2DResult& projResult ) -> Result {
-                                auto residual   = projResult.residual;
-                                auto errMeasure = projResult.errMeasure;
-                                return {sqrt( pow( residual[0], 2 ) + pow( residual[1], 2 ) ),
-                                        sqrt( pow( errMeasure[0], 2 ) + pow( errMeasure[1], 2 ) ),
-                                        ( errMeasure > 0 ? std::pow( residual[0] / errMeasure[0], 2 ) +
-                                                               std::pow( residual[1] / errMeasure[1], 2 )
-                                                         : 0. ),
-                                        2};
-                              } ),
-                          projectResult );
+          const auto [res, errMeasure, chi2, ndf] = std::visit(
+              Gaudi::overload(
+                  [&]( ITrackProjector::Project1DResult& projResult ) -> Result {
+                    auto res        = projResult.residual[0];
+                    auto errMeasure = projResult.errMeasure[0];
+                    return { res, errMeasure, ( errMeasure > 0 ? std::pow( res / errMeasure, 2 ) : 0. ), 1 };
+                  },
+                  [&]( ITrackProjector::Project2DResult& projResult ) -> Result {
+                    auto residual   = projResult.residual;
+                    auto errMeasure = projResult.errMeasure;
+                    return { sqrt( pow( residual[0], 2 ) + pow( residual[1], 2 ) ),
+                             sqrt( pow( errMeasure[0], 2 ) + pow( errMeasure[1], 2 ) ),
+                             ( errMeasure > 0 ? std::pow( residual[0] / errMeasure[0], 2 ) +
+                                                    std::pow( residual[1] / errMeasure[1], 2 )
+                                              : 0. ),
+                             2 };
+                  } ),
+              projectResult );
           ++m_measres.get( type, dir )[res];
           ++m_measpull.get( type, dir )[res / errMeasure];
           ++m_measchi2.get( type, dir )[chi2];
-          ++m_measchi2ndf.get( type, dir )[{chi2, ndf}];
+          ++m_measchi2ndf.get( type, dir )[{ chi2, ndf }];
       } else {
         warning() << "could not get projector for measurement" << endmsg;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/TriggerObjectsCompatibilityProfileChecker.cpp b/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/TriggerObjectsCompatibilityProfileChecker.cpp
index f256ee62da05e0c19752de2e5497db1b9d6d1d6c..1045342b7d87d78b7480448e01c4893f54d73090 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/TriggerObjectsCompatibilityProfileChecker.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/TriggerObjectsCompatibilityProfileChecker.cpp
@@ -29,187 +29,192 @@ class TriggerObjectsCompatibilityProfileChecker final
   TriggerObjectsCompatibilityProfileChecker( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                  {KeyValue{"TrackContainerHLT1", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                   KeyValue{"TrackContainerHLT2", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                   KeyValue{"MCParticleInput", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default},
-                   KeyValue{"LinkerLocationHLT1", "Link/Pr/LHCbID"}, KeyValue{"LinkerLocationHLT2", "Link/Pr/LHCbID"},
-                   KeyValue{"PVContainerHLT1", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary},
-                   KeyValue{"PVContainerHLT2", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary}} ) {}
+                  { KeyValue{ "TrackContainerHLT1", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "TrackContainerHLT2", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "MCParticleInput", LHCb::MCParticleLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "LinkerLocationHLT1", "Link/Pr/LHCbID" },
+                    KeyValue{ "LinkerLocationHLT2", "Link/Pr/LHCbID" },
+                    KeyValue{ "PVContainerHLT1", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary },
+                    KeyValue{ "PVContainerHLT2", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary } } ) {}
   void operator()( const LHCb::Tracks& hlt1_tracks, const LHCb::Tracks& hlt2_track,
                    const LHCb::MCParticles& mcparticles, const LHCb::LinksByKey& linker_hlt1,
                    const LHCb::LinksByKey& linker_hlt2, const LHCb::RecVertices& hlt1_pvs,
                    const LHCb::RecVertices& hlt2_pvs ) const override;
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int> m_hlt2_fitted_track{
-      this, "hlt2_fitted_track", "hlt2 fitted track", {2, 0, 2}};
+      this, "hlt2_fitted_track", "hlt2 fitted track", { 2, 0, 2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int> m_hlt1_fitted_track{
-      this, "hlt1_fitted_track", "hlt1 fitted track", {2, 0, 2}};
+      this, "hlt1_fitted_track", "hlt1 fitted track", { 2, 0, 2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int> m_numPVs_hlt1{
-      this, "number_reconstructed_PVs_hlt1", "number_reconstructed_PVs_hlt1", {20, 0, 10}};
+      this, "number_reconstructed_PVs_hlt1", "number_reconstructed_PVs_hlt1", { 20, 0, 10 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int> m_numPVs_hlt2{
-      this, "number_reconstructed_PVs_hlt2", "number_reconstructed_PVs_hlt2", {20, 0, 10}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_probChi2_hlt1{this, "probChi2_hlt1", "probChi2_hlt1", {50, 0, 1.}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_probChi2_hlt2{this, "probChi2_hlt2", "probChi2_hlt2", {50, 0, 1.}};
+      this, "number_reconstructed_PVs_hlt2", "number_reconstructed_PVs_hlt2", { 20, 0, 10 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_probChi2_hlt1{
+      this, "probChi2_hlt1", "probChi2_hlt1", { 50, 0, 1. } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_probChi2_hlt2{
+      this, "probChi2_hlt2", "probChi2_hlt2", { 50, 0, 1. } };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_chi2_hlt1{this, "chi2_hlt1", "chi2_hlt1", {100, 0, 200}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_chi2_hlt2{this, "chi2_hlt2", "chi2_hlt2", {100, 0, 200}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_chi2_hlt1{ this, "chi2_hlt1", "chi2_hlt1", { 100, 0, 200 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_chi2_hlt2{ this, "chi2_hlt2", "chi2_hlt2", { 100, 0, 200 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int> m_ndof_hlt1{
-      this, "ndof_hlt1", "ndof_hlt1", {30, 0, 30}};
+      this, "ndof_hlt1", "ndof_hlt1", { 30, 0, 30 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int> m_ndof_hlt2{
-      this, "ndof_hlt2", "ndof_hlt2", {30, 0, 30}};
+      this, "ndof_hlt2", "ndof_hlt2", { 30, 0, 30 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_chi2_ndof_hlt1{
-      this, "chi2_ndof_hlt1", "chi2_ndof_hlt1", {100, 0, 50}};
+      this, "chi2_ndof_hlt1", "chi2_ndof_hlt1", { 100, 0, 50 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_chi2_ndof_hlt2{
-      this, "chi2_ndof_hlt2", "chi2_ndof_hlt2", {100, 0, 50}};
+      this, "chi2_ndof_hlt2", "chi2_ndof_hlt2", { 100, 0, 50 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int> m_type_hlt1{
-      this, "track_type_hlt1", "track_type_hlt1", {10, 0, 10}};
+      this, "track_type_hlt1", "track_type_hlt1", { 10, 0, 10 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int> m_type_hlt2{
-      this, "track_type_hlt2", "track_type_hlt2", {10, 0, 10}};
+      this, "track_type_hlt2", "track_type_hlt2", { 10, 0, 10 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_deltaX{
-      this, "deltaX_first_state", "hlt2 - hlt1 x firstate", {100, -0.2, 0.2}};
+      this, "deltaX_first_state", "hlt2 - hlt1 x firstate", { 100, -0.2, 0.2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_deltaY{
-      this, "deltaY_first_state", "hlt2 - hlt1 y firstate", {100, -0.2, 0.2}};
+      this, "deltaY_first_state", "hlt2 - hlt1 y firstate", { 100, -0.2, 0.2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_deltaZ{
-      this, "deltaZ_first_state", "hlt2 - hlt1 z firstate", {100, -2., 2.}};
+      this, "deltaZ_first_state", "hlt2 - hlt1 z firstate", { 100, -2., 2. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_deltaTX{
-      this, "deltaTX_first_state", "hlt2 - hlt1 tx firstate", {100, -0.005, 0.005}};
+      this, "deltaTX_first_state", "hlt2 - hlt1 tx firstate", { 100, -0.005, 0.005 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_deltaTY{
-      this, "deltaTY_first_state", "hlt2 - hlt1 ty firstate", {100, -0.005, 0.005}};
+      this, "deltaTY_first_state", "hlt2 - hlt1 ty firstate", { 100, -0.005, 0.005 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_deltaQOP{
-      this, "deltaQOP_first_state", "hlt2 - hlt1 qop firstate", {100, -0.00005, 0.00005}};
+      this, "deltaQOP_first_state", "hlt2 - hlt1 qop firstate", { 100, -0.00005, 0.00005 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_2d_X{
-      this, "x_first_state_2d", "firstate_x;hlt1;hlt2", {100, -1., 1.}};
+      this, "x_first_state_2d", "firstate_x;hlt1;hlt2", { 100, -1., 1. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_2d_Y{
-      this, "y_first_state_2d", "firstate_y;hlt1;hlt2", {100, -1., 1.}};
+      this, "y_first_state_2d", "firstate_y;hlt1;hlt2", { 100, -1., 1. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_2d_Z{
-      this, "z_first_state_2d", "firstate_z;hlt1;hlt2", {100, -200., 600.}};
+      this, "z_first_state_2d", "firstate_z;hlt1;hlt2", { 100, -200., 600. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_2d_TX{
-      this, "tx_first_state_2d", "firstate_tx;hlt1;hlt2", {100, -0.3, 0.3}};
+      this, "tx_first_state_2d", "firstate_tx;hlt1;hlt2", { 100, -0.3, 0.3 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_2d_TY{
-      this, "ty_first_state_2d", "firstate_ty;hlt1;hlt2", {100, -0.2, 0.2}};
+      this, "ty_first_state_2d", "firstate_ty;hlt1;hlt2", { 100, -0.2, 0.2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_2d_QOP{
-      this, "qop_first_state_2d", "firstate_qop;hlt1;hlt2", {100, -0.001, 0.001}};
+      this, "qop_first_state_2d", "firstate_qop;hlt1;hlt2", { 100, -0.001, 0.001 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_2d_PT{
-      this, "pt_first_state_2d", "firstate_pt;hlt1;hlt2", {100, 0., 10000.}};
+      this, "pt_first_state_2d", "firstate_pt;hlt1;hlt2", { 100, 0., 10000. } };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_deltaIP3D{this, "recdeltaIP3D", "delta_recIP3D", {100, -0.5, 0.5}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_deltaIPx{this, "recdeltaIPx", "delta_recIPx", {100, -0.5, 0.5}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_deltaIPy{this, "recdeltaIPy", "delta_recIPy", {100, -0.5, 0.5}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_deltaIP3D{
+      this, "recdeltaIP3D", "delta_recIP3D", { 100, -0.5, 0.5 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_deltaIPx{ this, "recdeltaIPx", "delta_recIPx", { 100, -0.5, 0.5 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_deltaIPy{ this, "recdeltaIPy", "delta_recIPy", { 100, -0.5, 0.5 } };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_IP3D{this, "recIP3D", "recIP3D;hlt1;hlt2", {100, 0., 1.}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_IPx{this, "recIPx", "recIPx;hlt1;hlt2", {100, -1., 1.}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_IPy{this, "recIPy", "recIPy;hlt1;hlt2", {100, -1., 1.}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_IP3D{
+      this, "recIP3D", "recIP3D;hlt1;hlt2", { 100, 0., 1. } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_IPx{ this, "recIPx", "recIPx;hlt1;hlt2", { 100, -1., 1. } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_IPy{ this, "recIPy", "recIPy;hlt1;hlt2", { 100, -1., 1. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_deltaIPxErr{
-      this, "delta_recIPxErr", "delta_recIPxErr", {100, -0.2, 0.2}};
+      this, "delta_recIPxErr", "delta_recIPxErr", { 100, -0.2, 0.2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_deltaIPyErr{
-      this, "delta_recIPyErr", "delta_recIPyErr", {100, -0.2, 0.2}};
+      this, "delta_recIPyErr", "delta_recIPyErr", { 100, -0.2, 0.2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_IPxErr{
-      this, "recIPxErr", "recIPxErr;hlt1;hlt2", {100, 0., 0.5}};
+      this, "recIPxErr", "recIPxErr;hlt1;hlt2", { 100, 0., 0.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_IPyErr{
-      this, "recIPyErr", "recIPyErr;hlt1;hlt2", {100, 0., 0.5}};
+      this, "recIPyErr", "recIPyErr;hlt1;hlt2", { 100, 0., 0.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1> m_deltaIPChi2{
-      this, "delta_recIPChi2", "delta_recIPChi2", {100, -10., 10.}};
+      this, "delta_recIPChi2", "delta_recIPChi2", { 100, -10., 10. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_IPChi2{
-      this, "recIPChi2", "recIPChi2;hlt1;hlt2", {40, 0., 20.}};
+      this, "recIPChi2", "recIPChi2;hlt1;hlt2", { 40, 0., 20. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_IPChi2_zoom{
-      this, "recIPChi2_zoom", "recIPChi2_zoom;hlt1;hlt2", {20, 0., 2.}};
+      this, "recIPChi2_zoom", "recIPChi2_zoom;hlt1;hlt2", { 20, 0., 2. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int> m_nTracksPerPV{
-      this, "nTracksPerPV", "nTracksPV;hlt1;hlt2", {50, 0, 50}};
+      this, "nTracksPerPV", "nTracksPV;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, 0, 50 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int> m_nTracks{
-      this, "nTracks", "nTracks;hlt1;hlt2", {50, 0, 100}};
+      this, "nTracks", "nTracks;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, 0, 100 } };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_PV_X{this, "x_PV", "PVx;hlt1;hlt2", {100, -0.5, 0.5}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_PV_Y{this, "y_PV", "PVy;hlt1;hlt2", {100, -0.5, 0.5}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_PV_Z{this, "z_PV", "PVz;hlt1;hlt2", {100, -200., 200.}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_PV_X{ this, "x_PV", "PVx;hlt1;hlt2", { 100, -0.5, 0.5 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_PV_Y{ this, "y_PV", "PVy;hlt1;hlt2", { 100, -0.5, 0.5 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_PV_Z{ this, "z_PV", "PVz;hlt1;hlt2", { 100, -200., 200. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_PV_cov00{
-      this, "cov00_PV", "PVcov00;hlt1;hlt2", {50, 0., 0.0001}};
+      this, "cov00_PV", "PVcov00;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, 0., 0.0001 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_PV_cov01{
-      this, "cov01_PV", "PVcov01;hlt1;hlt2", {50, -0.05, 0.05}};
+      this, "cov01_PV", "PVcov01;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, -0.05, 0.05 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_PV_cov02{
-      this, "cov02_PV", "PVcov02;hlt1;hlt2", {50, -0.05, 0.05}};
+      this, "cov02_PV", "PVcov02;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, -0.05, 0.05 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_PV_cov11{
-      this, "cov11_PV", "PVcov11;hlt1;hlt2", {50, -0.1, 0.1}};
+      this, "cov11_PV", "PVcov11;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, -0.1, 0.1 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_PV_cov12{
-      this, "cov12_PV", "PVcov12;hlt1;hlt2", {50, -0.1, 0.1}};
+      this, "cov12_PV", "PVcov12;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, -0.1, 0.1 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_PV_cov22{
-      this, "cov22_PV", "PVcov12;hlt1;hlt2", {50, 0., 1.}};
+      this, "cov22_PV", "PVcov12;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, 0., 1. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_stAtVtx_X{
-      this, "x_stAtVtx", "stAtVtx_x;hlt1;hlt2", {100, -1., 1.}};
+      this, "x_stAtVtx", "stAtVtx_x;hlt1;hlt2", { 100, -1., 1. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_stAtVtx_Y{
-      this, "y_stAtVtx", "stAtVtx_y;hlt1;hlt2", {100, -1., 1.}};
+      this, "y_stAtVtx", "stAtVtx_y;hlt1;hlt2", { 100, -1., 1. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_stAtVtx_Z{
-      this, "z_stAtVtx", "stAtVtx_z;hlt1;hlt2", {100, -200., 200.}};
+      this, "z_stAtVtx", "stAtVtx_z;hlt1;hlt2", { 100, -200., 200. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_stAtVtx_TX{
-      this, "tx_stAtVtx", "stAtVtx_tx;hlt1;hlt2", {100, -0.3, 0.3}};
+      this, "tx_stAtVtx", "stAtVtx_tx;hlt1;hlt2", { 100, -0.3, 0.3 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_stAtVtx_TY{
-      this, "ty_stAtVtx", "stAtVtx_ty;hlt1;hlt2", {100, -0.2, 0.2}};
+      this, "ty_stAtVtx", "stAtVtx_ty;hlt1;hlt2", { 100, -0.2, 0.2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_stAtVtx_QOP{
-      this, "qop_stAtVtx", "stAtVtx_qop;hlt1;hlt2", {100, -0.001, 0.001}};
+      this, "qop_stAtVtx", "stAtVtx_qop;hlt1;hlt2", { 100, -0.001, 0.001 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_stAtVtx_cov00{
-      this, "cov00_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov00;hlt1;hlt2", {50, 0., 0.01}};
+      this, "cov00_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov00;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, 0., 0.01 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_stAtVtx_cov01{
-      this, "cov01_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov01;hlt1;hlt2", {50, -1, 10.}};
+      this, "cov01_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov01;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, -1, 10. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_stAtVtx_cov02{
-      this, "cov02_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov02;hlt1;hlt2", {50, -500., 500.}};
+      this, "cov02_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov02;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, -500., 500. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_stAtVtx_cov03{
-      this, "cov03_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov03;hlt1;hlt2", {50, -10., 10.}};
+      this, "cov03_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov03;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, -10., 10. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_stAtVtx_cov04{
-      this, "cov04_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov04;hlt1;hlt2", {50, -10., 10.}};
+      this, "cov04_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov04;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, -10., 10. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_stAtVtx_cov11{
-      this, "cov11_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov11;hlt1;hlt2", {50, 0., 10.}};
+      this, "cov11_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov11;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, 0., 10. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_stAtVtx_cov12{
-      this, "cov12_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov12;hlt1;hlt2", {50, -500., 500.}};
+      this, "cov12_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov12;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, -500., 500. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_stAtVtx_cov13{
-      this, "cov13_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov13;hlt1;hlt2", {50, -1., 1.}};
+      this, "cov13_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov13;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, -1., 1. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_stAtVtx_cov14{
-      this, "cov14_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov14;hlt1;hlt2", {50, -1., 0.}};
+      this, "cov14_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov14;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, -1., 0. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_stAtVtx_cov22{
-      this, "cov22_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov22;hlt1;hlt2", {50, -500., 500.}};
+      this, "cov22_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov22;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, -500., 500. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_stAtVtx_cov23{
-      this, "cov23_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov23;hlt1;hlt2", {50, -500., 500.}};
+      this, "cov23_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov23;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, -500., 500. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_stAtVtx_cov24{
-      this, "cov24_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov24;hlt1;hlt2", {50, -500., 500.}};
+      this, "cov24_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov24;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, -500., 500. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_stAtVtx_cov33{
-      this, "cov33_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov33;hlt1;hlt2", {50, 0., 500.}};
+      this, "cov33_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov33;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, 0., 500. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_stAtVtx_cov34{
-      this, "cov34_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov34;hlt1;hlt2", {50, -1000., 1000.}};
+      this, "cov34_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov34;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, -1000., 1000. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1> m_stAtVtx_cov44{
-      this, "cov44_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov44;hlt1;hlt2", {50, 0., 800.}};
+      this, "cov44_stAtVtx", "stAtVtxcov44;hlt1;hlt2", { 50, 0., 800. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int> m_nVPHits{
-      this, "nVPHits", "nVPHits;hlt1;hlt2", {21, 0, 21}};
+      this, "nVPHits", "nVPHits;hlt1;hlt2", { 21, 0, 21 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int> m_nUTHits{
-      this, "nUTHits", "nUTHits;hlt1;hlt2", {4, 0, 4}};
+      this, "nUTHits", "nUTHits;hlt1;hlt2", { 4, 0, 4 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticProfileHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, int> m_nFTHits{
-      this, "nFTHits", "nFTHits;hlt1;hlt2", {16, 0, 16}};
+      this, "nFTHits", "nFTHits;hlt1;hlt2", { 16, 0, 16 } };
 // Difference between LHCb::Tracks and LHCb::Track::Range?
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( TriggerObjectsCompatibilityProfileChecker )
-void TriggerObjectsCompatibilityProfileChecker::
-     operator()( const LHCb::Tracks& hlt1_tracks, const LHCb::Tracks& hlt2_tracks, const LHCb::MCParticles& mcparticles,
-            const LHCb::LinksByKey& linker_hlt1, const LHCb::LinksByKey& linker_hlt2, const LHCb::RecVertices& hlt1_pvs,
-            const LHCb::RecVertices& hlt2_pvs ) const {
+void TriggerObjectsCompatibilityProfileChecker::operator()(
+    const LHCb::Tracks& hlt1_tracks, const LHCb::Tracks& hlt2_tracks, const LHCb::MCParticles& mcparticles,
+    const LHCb::LinksByKey& linker_hlt1, const LHCb::LinksByKey& linker_hlt2, const LHCb::RecVertices& hlt1_pvs,
+    const LHCb::RecVertices& hlt2_pvs ) const {
   std::map<const LHCb::MCVertex*, int> truepvs;
   for ( const auto& hlt2_track : hlt2_tracks ) {
diff --git a/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/VertexChecker.cpp b/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/VertexChecker.cpp
index 1eb5bc8caaf9c7c9b35689f903555c2faf1de58d..3860f9bf0d76c5ccdf16373f61d69d4419040ae0 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/VertexChecker.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackCheckers/src/VertexChecker.cpp
@@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ public:
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_inputLocation{this, "InputLocation", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>      m_deltaZForMatch{this, "DeltaZForMatch", 1.000 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>      m_minIPForTrack{this, "MinIPForTrack", 0.150 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>      m_maxIPForTrack{this, "MaxIPForTrack", 3.000 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>      m_maxRadius{this, "MaxRadius", 3.000 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>         m_nbBin{this, "NbBin", 10};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>         m_binSizeMC{this, "BinSizeMC", 20};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>         m_binSizeRec{this, "BinSizeRec", 5};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_inputLocation{ this, "InputLocation", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>      m_deltaZForMatch{ this, "DeltaZForMatch", 1.000 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>      m_minIPForTrack{ this, "MinIPForTrack", 0.150 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>      m_maxIPForTrack{ this, "MaxIPForTrack", 3.000 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>      m_maxRadius{ this, "MaxRadius", 3.000 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>         m_nbBin{ this, "NbBin", 10 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>         m_binSizeMC{ this, "BinSizeMC", 20 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>         m_binSizeRec{ this, "BinSizeRec", 5 };
   // TODO: replace with Gaudi::Accumulator
   mutable std::vector<int> m_mcVertices;
@@ -85,11 +85,11 @@ namespace {
 // Standard constructor, initializes variables
 VertexChecker::VertexChecker( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : Consumer{name,
-               pSvcLocator,
-               {KeyValue{"MCVertexLocation", LHCb::MCVertexLocation::Default},
-                KeyValue{"RecVertexLocation", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary},
-                KeyValue{"TrackLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Velo}}} {}
+    : Consumer{ name,
+                pSvcLocator,
+                { KeyValue{ "MCVertexLocation", LHCb::MCVertexLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "RecVertexLocation", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary },
+                  KeyValue{ "TrackLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Velo } } } {}
 // Initialization
@@ -205,12 +205,12 @@ void VertexChecker::operator()( LHCb::MCVertices const& mcVertices, LHCb::RecVer
     Gaudi::XYZPoint  point = itT->position();
     Gaudi::XYZVector dir   = itT->slopes();
     auto [lowestIP, best]  = std::accumulate(
-        myVertices.begin(), myVertices.end(), std::pair{1.e9, static_cast<const LHCb::RecVertex*>( nullptr )},
+        myVertices.begin(), myVertices.end(), std::pair{ 1.e9, static_cast<const LHCb::RecVertex*>( nullptr ) },
         [&]( auto current, const auto* v ) {
           double dx  = point.x() + ( v->position().z() - point.z() ) * dir.x() - v->position().x();
           double dy  = point.y() + ( v->position().z() - point.z() ) * dir.y() - v->position().y();
           double ip2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
-          return ( !current.second || ip2 < current.first ) ? std::pair{ip2, v} : current;
+          return ( !current.second || ip2 < current.first ) ? std::pair{ ip2, v } : current;
         } );
     lowestIP = sqrt( lowestIP );
     if ( lowestIP > m_minIPForTrack && lowestIP < m_maxIPForTrack ) {
diff --git a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/doc/release.notes b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/doc/release.notes
index a41a6222ed6a9321fd170b2dffee2c10dc9ebfe6..3406ec6ac07ae7ca40d505762ae980ee833eb0ac 100755
--- a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/doc/release.notes
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
    Leads to a 25% improvement in extrapolation speed.
 ! 2016-01-30 - Gerhard Raven
- - modernize TrackParabolicExtrapolator, TrackLinearExtrapolator, 
+ - modernize TrackParabolicExtrapolator, TrackLinearExtrapolator,
    TrackExtrapolator, TrackDistanceExtraSelector, TrackSimpleExtraSelector,
-   TrackStateAdder, TrackStateProvider, DetailedMaterialLocator, 
+   TrackStateAdder, TrackStateProvider, DetailedMaterialLocator,
    MaterialLocatorBase, SimplifiedMaterialLocator
 !=================== TrackExtrapolators v2r40 2016-01-19 =====================
@@ -92,11 +92,11 @@
 !========================= TrackExtrapolators v2r32p1 2011-12-15 =============
 ! 2011-11-22 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Fix gcc46 warning 
+ - Fix gcc46 warning
 !========================= TrackExtrapolators v2r32 2011-11-08 ===============
 ! 2011-10-07 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Fix/mask ICC warnings 
+ - Fix/mask ICC warnings
 !========================= TrackExtrapolators v2r31 2011-07-27 ===============
 ! 2011-07-27 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
 !======================= TrackExtrapolators v2r20 2008-09-05 =================
 ! 2008-08-27 - Wouter Hulsbergen
  - fixed bug in HeraBExtrapolator::rk5numde which would make it fail for q/p=0
 !======================= TrackExtrapolators v2r19 2008-07-29 =================
 ! 2008-07-10 - Wouter Hulsbergen
  - Small change in MaterialLocator base to protect it against 'null' extrapolations
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
   - check status code in finalize method of TrackMasterExtrapolator
 ! 2007-10-31 M Needham
- - Bug fixes in TrackLongExtraSelector 
+ - Bug fixes in TrackLongExtraSelector
 ! 2007-10-05 - Wouter Hulsbergen
  - make sure to release tool handle in MasterExtrapolator::finalize
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
 - added propagation of StateVector in TrackExtrapolator
 ! 2007-05-23 - Edwin Bos
- - Moved propagate(state,z,pid) method to TrackExtrapolator and minor 
+ - Moved propagate(state,z,pid) method to TrackExtrapolator and minor
  - improvements, o.a. misuse of gsl_pow_2
 ! 2007-05-21 Wouter Hulsbergen
@@ -292,8 +292,8 @@
 !======================= TrackExtrapolators v2r7 2006-10-11 ==================
 ! 2006-10-11 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Reduce number of warnings by better use of Warning method. Now only one 
-   warning of a given type per job is printed. Previous printout is still 
+ - Reduce number of warnings by better use of Warning method. Now only one
+   warning of a given type per job is printed. Previous printout is still
    available as debug()
 !======================= TrackExtrapolators v2r6 2006-08-31 ==================
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
 !======================= TrackExtrapolators v2r4 2006-06-15 ==================
 ! 2006-06-15 M Needham
- - Change m_F.kCols etc to TrackMatrix::kCols etc 
+ - Change m_F.kCols etc to TrackMatrix::kCols etc
 ! 2006-06-07 M Needham
  - Add Kisel extrapolator that integrates field
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@
  - Minor cosmetics.
 ! 2006-04-12 - Jeroen van Tilburg
- - TrackMasterExtrapolator: 
+ - TrackMasterExtrapolator:
    - Apply coding conventions
    - Clean up obsolete stuff
    - Thick scatterer is now also chosen when delta z == m_thickWall
@@ -400,14 +400,14 @@
 !======================= TrackExtrapolators v1r1 2005-07-20 ==================
 ! 2005-07-19 - Jose A. Hernando
- - relocating some of the methods to propagate to the plane to be in the 
+ - relocating some of the methods to propagate to the plane to be in the
  base class, and reparing some virtual method dependencies
  - solving the warning messages
 ! 2005-07-06 - Edwin Bos
  - Added Extrapolation methods 'to plane' and 'to point not on track'
  - Moved TrackFirstCleverExtrapolator to TrackMasterExtrapolator
- - TrackHerabExtrapolator is supposed to be called through the 
+ - TrackHerabExtrapolator is supposed to be called through the
 ! 2005-06-02 - Eduardo Rodrigues
@@ -430,11 +430,11 @@
  - name for TrackFirstCleverExtrapolator to be changed
 ! 2005-03-15 - Jose A. Hernando
- - Incorporating the Parabolic,FastParabolic,Herab,FirstClever 
+ - Incorporating the Parabolic,FastParabolic,Herab,FirstClever
 ! 2005-03-10 - Jose A. Hernando
- - rename of the classes. 
+ - rename of the classes.
    The extrapolator using Track are named XXXTrackExtrapolator
 ! 2005-02-09 - Eduardo Rodrigues
diff --git a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/DetailedMaterialLocator.cpp b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/DetailedMaterialLocator.cpp
index d517dbfbda4f6cc68f7000cf4b6e0662470a2bf1..8ba238ae9b0ef8df7cc41b237292789bcb18f05a 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/DetailedMaterialLocator.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/DetailedMaterialLocator.cpp
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ protected:
                                      IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minRadThickness{this, "MinRadThickness", 1e-4}; ///< minimum radiation thickness
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minRadThickness{ this, "MinRadThickness", 1e-4 }; ///< minimum radiation thickness
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_outside{
-      this, "No transport possible since destination is outside LHCb "};
+      this, "No transport possible since destination is outside LHCb " };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( DetailedMaterialLocator )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/ExtrapolatorTester.cpp b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/ExtrapolatorTester.cpp
index c84961d7bcd989a54902d8bd269666e520f89c0c..644de65aae95a4ad6739ceed761ac3e8b72a70c4 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/ExtrapolatorTester.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/ExtrapolatorTester.cpp
@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ class ExtrapolatorTester : public LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void( DetectorElemen
   ExtrapolatorTester( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}} ) {}
+      : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } } ) {}
   void operator()( DetectorElement const& ) const override;
-  ToolHandleArray<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extraps{this, "Extrapolators", {}};
+  ToolHandleArray<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extraps{ this, "Extrapolators", {} };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( ExtrapolatorTester )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/MaterialLocatorBase.cpp b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/MaterialLocatorBase.cpp
index b0605c40e694dbd00238a376f3ffaf19a6f6cf4d..988652a89af5942114d4e2c8bd05d1582a6fff22 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/MaterialLocatorBase.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/MaterialLocatorBase.cpp
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ IMaterialLocator::Intersections MaterialLocatorBase::intersect_point( const Gaud
   intersepts.reserve( origintersepts.size() );
   std::transform( origintersepts.begin(), origintersepts.end(), std::back_inserter( intersepts ),
                   [&]( auto const& i ) -> IMaterialLocator::Intersection {
-                    return {z1 + dz * i.first.first, z1 + dz * i.first.second, tx, ty, i.second};
+                    return { z1 + dz * i.first.first, z1 + dz * i.first.second, tx, ty, i.second };
                   } );
   return intersepts;
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ IMaterialLocator::Intersections MaterialLocatorBase::intersect( const LHCb::ZTra
     // The first two ndoes are just the endpoints. We sort the in z to
     // make things easier.
     const size_t                 maxnumnodes = m_maxNumIntervals + 1;
-    std::list<LHCb::StateVector> nodes       = {traj.stateVector( std::min( traj.beginRange(), traj.endRange() ) ),
-                                          traj.stateVector( std::max( traj.beginRange(), traj.endRange() ) )};
+    std::list<LHCb::StateVector> nodes       = { traj.stateVector( std::min( traj.beginRange(), traj.endRange() ) ),
+                                                 traj.stateVector( std::max( traj.beginRange(), traj.endRange() ) ) };
     auto                         inode       = nodes.begin();
     // reference states for this trajectory. may be empty.
diff --git a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/MaterialLocatorBase.h b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/MaterialLocatorBase.h
index dec77d83e23add823633d337421aaf70a70e2f58..4d840cc1e6485346a8a78cbf323f233668d59d94 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/MaterialLocatorBase.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/MaterialLocatorBase.h
@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ private:
   static constexpr double m_maxDeviationAtRefstates     = 2 * Gaudi::Units::mm;
   static constexpr double m_maxDeviationAtVeloRefstates = 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm;
-  ToolHandle<IStateCorrectionTool> m_scatteringTool{this, "StateMSCorrectionTool", "StateThickMSCorrectionTool"};
-  ToolHandle<IStateCorrectionTool> m_dedxtool{this, "GeneralDedxTool", "StateDetailedBetheBlochEnergyCorrectionTool"};
-  ToolHandle<IStateCorrectionTool> m_elecdedxtool{this, "ElectronDedxTool", "StateElectronEnergyCorrectionTool"};
+  ToolHandle<IStateCorrectionTool> m_scatteringTool{ this, "StateMSCorrectionTool", "StateThickMSCorrectionTool" };
+  ToolHandle<IStateCorrectionTool> m_dedxtool{ this, "GeneralDedxTool", "StateDetailedBetheBlochEnergyCorrectionTool" };
+  ToolHandle<IStateCorrectionTool> m_elecdedxtool{ this, "ElectronDedxTool", "StateElectronEnergyCorrectionTool" };
   /// Transport service
@@ -78,5 +78,5 @@ protected:
-      name()};
+      name() };
diff --git a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/SimplifiedMaterialLocator.cpp b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/SimplifiedMaterialLocator.cpp
index a5ddac64618aec5d8d65d2acb8fc302d15e21294..44c0020b6038eef89f6de1540e6d8631cc0bf0c3 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/SimplifiedMaterialLocator.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/SimplifiedMaterialLocator.cpp
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ namespace MaterialLocatorUtils {
     PVolumeWrapper( const IPVolume& volume ) : m_volume( volume ) {
       // get the global position of the center
-      m_zcenter = volume.toMother( {0, 0, 0} ).z();
+      m_zcenter = volume.toMother( { 0, 0, 0 } ).z();
       // determine the size in z
       const SolidTubs* solidtubs = dynamic_cast<const SolidTubs*>( solid() );
       const SolidBox*  solidbox  = dynamic_cast<const SolidBox*>( solid() );
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ public:
                                              IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string>                                               m_tgvolname{this, "Geometry",
-                                           "/dd/TrackfitGeometry/Geometry/lvLHCb"}; ///< path to the tracking geometry
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string>                                               m_tgvolname{ this, "Geometry",
+                                            "/dd/TrackfitGeometry/Geometry/lvLHCb" }; ///< path to the tracking geometry
   typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MaterialLocatorUtils::PVolumeWrapper>> VolumeContainer;
   VolumeContainer m_volumes; ///< wrappers around geo volumes to speed things up
diff --git a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackDistanceExtraSelector.cpp b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackDistanceExtraSelector.cpp
index f38e909d3cec885bbda61d23fb8ea8cf46c6cddc..f7c1c847e8c28b557b546738910e2f3d054bd17c 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackDistanceExtraSelector.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackDistanceExtraSelector.cpp
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ public:
   /// extrapolator to use for short transport in mag field
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_shortDistanceExtrapolator{this, "ShortDistanceExtrapolator",
-                                                             "TrackParabolicExtrapolator/ShortDistanceExtrapolator"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_shortDistanceExtrapolator{ this, "ShortDistanceExtrapolator",
+                                                              "TrackParabolicExtrapolator/ShortDistanceExtrapolator" };
   /// extrapolator to use for long transport in mag field
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_longDistanceExtrapolator{this, "LongDistanceExtrapolator",
-                                                            "TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator/LongDistanceExtrapolator"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>        m_shortDist{this, "shortDist", 100.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_longDistanceExtrapolator{ this, "LongDistanceExtrapolator",
+                                                             "TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator/LongDistanceExtrapolator" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>        m_shortDist{ this, "shortDist", 100.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackDistanceExtraSelector )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackExtrapolator.cpp b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackExtrapolator.cpp
index 50ba3aba3a86f55188ba963793b344f60510c318..b899d8d308a60e76334839e028df84dc08582240 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackExtrapolator.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackExtrapolator.cpp
@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ LHCb::Event::v3::States TrackExtrapolator::propagate( const LHCb::Event::v3::Sta
     auto ty  = s.ty().cast();
     auto qop = s.qOverP().cast();
-    LHCb::StateVector sv{{x, y, tx, ty, qop}, zin};
-    LHCb::State       st{sv};
+    LHCb::StateVector sv{ { x, y, tx, ty, qop }, zin };
+    LHCb::State       st{ sv };
     auto                  cov       = state.get<LHCb::Event::v3::StatesTag::Covariance>();
     Gaudi::TrackSymMatrix gaudi_cov = Gaudi::TrackSymMatrix();
diff --git a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackExtrapolator.h b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackExtrapolator.h
index 4bd1b7c8df20c6b86f362fb26368a543fba22147..51508e22eaf281390ba68848d810542180294655 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackExtrapolator.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackExtrapolator.h
@@ -91,14 +91,14 @@ public:
   /// Maximum number of steps in propagation to a plane
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_maxIter{this, "Iterations", 5};
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_maxIter{ this, "Iterations", 5 };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_impossible{
-      this, "Cannot propagate state to Z at given point. See debug for details", 0};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_parallel{this, "State parallel to plane!"};
+      this, "Cannot propagate state to Z at given point. See debug for details", 0 };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_parallel{ this, "State parallel to plane!" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_propfail{
-      this, "Failed to propagate to given z. See debug for details", 0};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_tolerance{this,
-                                                                    "Failed to propagate to plane within tolerance."};
+      this, "Failed to propagate to given z. See debug for details", 0 };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_tolerance{ this,
+                                                                     "Failed to propagate to plane within tolerance." };
diff --git a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackExtrapolatorTesterSOA.cpp b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackExtrapolatorTesterSOA.cpp
index 9082e37b59d033e52ab993d1a58202004b4e13d8..849f7a02d311eb47ae50ae77bf5c25a1b900869e 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackExtrapolatorTesterSOA.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackExtrapolatorTesterSOA.cpp
@@ -48,17 +48,18 @@ namespace LHCb {
     TrackExtrapolatorTesterSOA( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                    {{"TrackContainer", TrackLocation::Default}, {"StandardGeometryTop", standard_geometry_top}} ) {}
+        : Consumer(
+              name, pSvcLocator,
+              { { "TrackContainer", TrackLocation::Default }, { "StandardGeometryTop", standard_geometry_top } } ) {}
     void fill_states_collection( Event::v3::States&, v3_Tracks const& ) const;
     void operator()( v3_Tracks const&, DetectorElement const& ) const override;
-    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator>      m_refextrap{this, "ReferenceExtrapolator", "TrackSTEPExtrapolator"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double>             m_zi{this, "InitialZ", 0.};
-    Gaudi::Property<double>             m_zf{this, "FinalZ", 0.};
-    ToolHandleArray<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extraps{this, "Extrapolators", {}};
+    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator>      m_refextrap{ this, "ReferenceExtrapolator", "TrackSTEPExtrapolator" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double>             m_zi{ this, "InitialZ", 0. };
+    Gaudi::Property<double>             m_zf{ this, "FinalZ", 0. };
+    ToolHandleArray<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extraps{ this, "Extrapolators", {} };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( TrackExtrapolatorTesterSOA, "TrackExtrapolatorTesterSOA" )
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ void LHCb::TrackExtrapolatorTesterSOA::fill_states_collection( LHCb::Event::v3::
     auto ts       = track.state( init_SL );
     // assuming all input states are valid
-    StatusCode sc{StatusCode::SUCCESS};
+    StatusCode sc{ StatusCode::SUCCESS };
     newState.field<LHCb::Event::v3::StatesTag::Success>().set( int( sc.getCode() ) );
     newState.field<LHCb::Event::v3::StatesTag::State>().setPosition( ts.x().cast(), ts.y().cast(), ts.z().cast() );
@@ -147,13 +148,13 @@ void LHCb::TrackExtrapolatorTesterSOA::operator()( v3_Tracks const& tracks, Dete
     auto state = track.state( init_SL );
-    Gaudi::TrackVector    trackVector{state.x().cast(), state.y().cast(), state.tx().cast(), state.ty().cast(),
-                                   state.qOverP().cast()};
+    Gaudi::TrackVector    trackVector{ state.x().cast(), state.y().cast(), state.tx().cast(), state.ty().cast(),
+                                    state.qOverP().cast() };
     Gaudi::TrackSymMatrix cov      = Gaudi::TrackSymMatrix();
     auto                  simd_cov = track.covariance( init_SL );
     for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
       for ( int j = 0; j < 5; j++ ) cov( i, j ) = simd_cov( i, j ).cast();
-    LHCb::State origin{trackVector, cov, state.z().cast(), LHCb::State::Location::FirstMeasurement};
+    LHCb::State origin{ trackVector, cov, state.z().cast(), LHCb::State::Location::FirstMeasurement };
     // extrapolate the reference
     LHCb::State        reftarget = origin;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackFieldExtrapolatorBase.h b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackFieldExtrapolatorBase.h
index 581762ad7a63d0d1ada55ca3c88544fd6125866c..e95b82f4f85f48425b2c7304ff0a9190d16c23b9 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackFieldExtrapolatorBase.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackFieldExtrapolatorBase.h
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ private:
   const LHCb::Magnet::MagneticFieldGrid* currentGrid() const {
     static thread_local struct {
       std::optional<EventContext::ContextID_t> evt;
-      const LHCb::Magnet::MagneticFieldGrid*   grid{nullptr};
+      const LHCb::Magnet::MagneticFieldGrid*   grid{ nullptr };
     } current;
     auto& ctx = Gaudi::Hive::currentContext();
     if ( !current.evt || current.evt != ctx.evt() ) {
@@ -69,10 +69,10 @@ private:
   Gaudi::XYZVector ( *m_fieldFunction )( const LHCb::Magnet::MagneticFieldGrid*, const Gaudi::XYZPoint& ) = nullptr;
-  ConditionAccessor<DeMagnet> m_magnet{this, "Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path};
+  ConditionAccessor<DeMagnet> m_magnet{ this, "Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useGridInterpolation{this, "UseGridInterpolation",
-                                               true}; ///< Flag whether to interpolate on the grid or not
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useGridInterpolation{ this, "UseGridInterpolation",
+                                                true }; ///< Flag whether to interpolate on the grid or not
diff --git a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackHerabExtrapolator.cpp b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackHerabExtrapolator.cpp
index 454ed38da65270b42511d06326fb2534b615d30d..6b3f7fd4a3f1c08f397a959797c7337f28953f53 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackHerabExtrapolator.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackHerabExtrapolator.cpp
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ private:
   void rk4fast( const LHCb::Magnet::MagneticFieldGrid* grid, double& z_in, double* p_in, double& z_out,
                 double* p_out ) const;
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_extrapolatorID{this, "extrapolatorID", 5};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_error{this, "requiredPrecision", 0.005 * Gaudi::Units::mm}; ///< Error
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_extrapolatorID{ this, "extrapolatorID", 5 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_error{ this, "requiredPrecision", 0.005 * Gaudi::Units::mm }; ///< Error
   // Parameters for Runge-Kutta
   double m_qpCurls    = 0.02;                    ///< Maximum curvature
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ StatusCode TrackHerabExtrapolator::propagate( Gaudi::TrackVector& stateVec, doub
   for ( i = 0; i < 25; ++i ) { fQp[i] = 0.; }
   double zIn     = zOld;
-  double pOut[5] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
+  double pOut[5] = { 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. };
   int    istat   = 0;
   // transport
@@ -218,13 +218,14 @@ void TrackHerabExtrapolator::rk5order( const LHCb::Magnet::MagneticFieldGrid* gr
-  static const double a[6]  = {0.0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0, 7.0 / 8.0};
-  static const double c[6]  = {37.0 / 378.0, 0.0, 250.0 / 621.0, 125.0 / 594.0, 0., 512.0 / 1771.0};
-  static const double c1[6] = {2825.0 / 27648.0, 0., 18575.0 / 48384.0, 13525.0 / 55296.0, 277.0 / 14336.0, 1.0 / 4.0};
-  static const double b[16] = {0.0,           1.0 / 5.0,       3.0 / 40.0,         9.0 / 40.0,
-                               3.0 / 10.0,    -9.0 / 10.0,     6.0 / 5.0,          -11.0 / 54.0,
-                               5.0 / 2.0,     -70.0 / 27.0,    35.0f / 27.0,       1631.0 / 55296.0,
-                               175.0 / 512.0, 575.0 / 13824.0, 44275.0 / 110592.0, 253.0 / 4096.0};
+  static const double a[6]  = { 0.0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0, 7.0 / 8.0 };
+  static const double c[6]  = { 37.0 / 378.0, 0.0, 250.0 / 621.0, 125.0 / 594.0, 0., 512.0 / 1771.0 };
+  static const double c1[6] = { 2825.0 / 27648.0, 0.,       18575.0 / 48384.0, 13525.0 / 55296.0,
+                                277.0 / 14336.0,  1.0 / 4.0 };
+  static const double b[16] = { 0.0,           1.0 / 5.0,       3.0 / 40.0,         9.0 / 40.0,
+                                3.0 / 10.0,    -9.0 / 10.0,     6.0 / 5.0,          -11.0 / 54.0,
+                                5.0 / 2.0,     -70.0 / 27.0,    35.0f / 27.0,       1631.0 / 55296.0,
+                                175.0 / 512.0, 575.0 / 13824.0, 44275.0 / 110592.0, 253.0 / 4096.0 };
   double qp, hC, h;
   double k[24], x0[4], x[4], k1[24];
@@ -263,7 +264,7 @@ void TrackHerabExtrapolator::rk5order( const LHCb::Magnet::MagneticFieldGrid* gr
       for ( j = 0; j < step; ++j ) { x[i] += b[step_j + j] * k[j * 4 + i]; }
-    auto mB = fieldVector( grid, {x[0], x[1], z_in + a[step] * h} );
+    auto mB = fieldVector( grid, { x[0], x[1], z_in + a[step] * h } );
     tx        = x[2];
     ty        = x[3];
@@ -486,13 +487,14 @@ void TrackHerabExtrapolator::rk5fast( const LHCb::Magnet::MagneticFieldGrid* gri
-  static const double a[6]  = {0.0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0, 7.0 / 8.0};
-  static const double c[6]  = {37.0 / 378.0, 0.0, 250.0 / 621.0, 125.0 / 594.0, 0.0, 512.0 / 1771.0};
-  static const double c1[6] = {2825.0 / 27648.0, 0.0, 18575.0 / 48384.0, 13525.0 / 55296.0, 277.0 / 14336., 1.0 / 4.0};
-  static const double b[16] = {0.0,           1.0 / 5.0,       3.0 / 40.0,         9.0 / 40.0,
-                               3.0 / 10.0,    -9.0 / 10.0,     6.0 / 5.0,          -11.0 / 54.0,
-                               5.0 / 2.0,     -70.0 / 27.0,    35.0 / 27.0,        1631.0 / 55296.0,
-                               175.0 / 512.0, 575.0 / 13824.0, 44275.0 / 110592.0, 253.0 / 4096.0};
+  static const double a[6]  = { 0.0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0, 7.0 / 8.0 };
+  static const double c[6]  = { 37.0 / 378.0, 0.0, 250.0 / 621.0, 125.0 / 594.0, 0.0, 512.0 / 1771.0 };
+  static const double c1[6] = { 2825.0 / 27648.0, 0.0,      18575.0 / 48384.0, 13525.0 / 55296.0,
+                                277.0 / 14336.,   1.0 / 4.0 };
+  static const double b[16] = { 0.0,           1.0 / 5.0,       3.0 / 40.0,         9.0 / 40.0,
+                                3.0 / 10.0,    -9.0 / 10.0,     6.0 / 5.0,          -11.0 / 54.0,
+                                5.0 / 2.0,     -70.0 / 27.0,    35.0 / 27.0,        1631.0 / 55296.0,
+                                175.0 / 512.0, 575.0 / 13824.0, 44275.0 / 110592.0, 253.0 / 4096.0 };
   int    step_j, step4;
   double qp, hC, h;
@@ -530,7 +532,7 @@ void TrackHerabExtrapolator::rk5fast( const LHCb::Magnet::MagneticFieldGrid* gri
       for ( j = 0; j < step; ++j ) { x[i] += b[step_j + j] * k[j * 4 + i]; } // j
     }                                                                        // i
-    auto mB = fieldVector( grid, {x[0], x[1], z_in + a[step] * h} );
+    auto mB = fieldVector( grid, { x[0], x[1], z_in + a[step] * h } );
     tx     = x[2];
     ty     = x[3];
@@ -641,13 +643,14 @@ void TrackHerabExtrapolator::rk5fast(                          // Without deriva
-  static const double a[6]  = {0.0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0, 7.0 / 8.0};
-  static const double c[6]  = {37.0 / 378.0, 0.0, 250.0 / 621.0, 125.0 / 594.0, 0.0, 512.0 / 1771.0};
-  static const double c1[6] = {2825.0 / 27648.0, 0.0, 18575.0 / 48384.0, 13525.0 / 55296.0, 277.0 / 14336.0, 1.0 / 4.0};
-  static const double b[16] = {0.0,           1.0 / 5.0,       3.0 / 40.0,         9.0 / 40.0,
-                               3.0 / 10.0,    -9.0 / 10.0,     6.0 / 5.0,          -11.0 / 54.0,
-                               5.0 / 2.0,     -70.0 / 27.0,    35.0 / 27.0,        1631.0 / 55296.,
-                               175.0 / 512.0, 575.0 / 13824.0, 44275.0 / 110592.0, 253.0 / 4096.0};
+  static const double a[6]  = { 0.0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0, 7.0 / 8.0 };
+  static const double c[6]  = { 37.0 / 378.0, 0.0, 250.0 / 621.0, 125.0 / 594.0, 0.0, 512.0 / 1771.0 };
+  static const double c1[6] = { 2825.0 / 27648.0, 0.0,      18575.0 / 48384.0, 13525.0 / 55296.0,
+                                277.0 / 14336.0,  1.0 / 4.0 };
+  static const double b[16] = { 0.0,           1.0 / 5.0,       3.0 / 40.0,         9.0 / 40.0,
+                                3.0 / 10.0,    -9.0 / 10.0,     6.0 / 5.0,          -11.0 / 54.0,
+                                5.0 / 2.0,     -70.0 / 27.0,    35.0 / 27.0,        1631.0 / 55296.,
+                                175.0 / 512.0, 575.0 / 13824.0, 44275.0 / 110592.0, 253.0 / 4096.0 };
   int    step_j, step4;
   double qp, hC, h;
@@ -685,7 +688,7 @@ void TrackHerabExtrapolator::rk5fast(                          // Without deriva
       for ( j = 0; j < step; ++j ) { x[i] += b[step_j + j] * k[j * 4 + i]; } // i
     }                                                                        // j
-    auto mB = fieldVector( grid, {x[0], x[1], z_in + a[step] * h} );
+    auto mB = fieldVector( grid, { x[0], x[1], z_in + a[step] * h } );
     tx       = x[2];
     ty       = x[3];
@@ -818,9 +821,9 @@ void TrackHerabExtrapolator::rk4order( const LHCb::Magnet::MagneticFieldGrid* gr
-  static const double a[4] = {0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0};
-  static const double c[4] = {1.0 / 6.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 6.0};
-  static const double b[4] = {0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0};
+  static const double a[4] = { 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 };
+  static const double c[4] = { 1.0 / 6.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 6.0 };
+  static const double b[4] = { 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 };
   int    step4;
   double k[16], x0[4], x[4], k1[16];
@@ -855,7 +858,7 @@ void TrackHerabExtrapolator::rk4order( const LHCb::Magnet::MagneticFieldGrid* gr
-    auto mB = fieldVector( grid, {x[0], x[1], z_in + a[step] * h} );
+    auto mB = fieldVector( grid, { x[0], x[1], z_in + a[step] * h } );
     double tx        = x[2];
     double ty        = x[3];
@@ -1028,9 +1031,9 @@ void TrackHerabExtrapolator::rk4fast( const LHCb::Magnet::MagneticFieldGrid* gri
-  static const double a[4] = {0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0};
-  static const double c[4] = {1.0 / 6.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 6.0};
-  static const double b[4] = {0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0};
+  static const double a[4] = { 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 };
+  static const double c[4] = { 1.0 / 6.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 6.0 };
+  static const double b[4] = { 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 };
   int                 step4;
   double              qp, hC, h;
   double              k[16], x0[4], x[4], k1[16];
@@ -1064,7 +1067,7 @@ void TrackHerabExtrapolator::rk4fast( const LHCb::Magnet::MagneticFieldGrid* gri
-    auto mB = fieldVector( grid, {x[0], x[1], z_in + a[step] * h} );
+    auto mB = fieldVector( grid, { x[0], x[1], z_in + a[step] * h } );
     tx       = x[2];
     ty       = x[3];
@@ -1153,9 +1156,9 @@ void TrackHerabExtrapolator::rk4fast( // Without derivatives
-  static const double a[4] = {0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0};
-  static const double c[4] = {1.0 / 6.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 6.0};
-  static const double b[4] = {0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.};
+  static const double a[4] = { 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 };
+  static const double c[4] = { 1.0 / 6.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 6.0 };
+  static const double b[4] = { 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1. };
   int                 step4;
   double              qp, hC, h;
   double              k[16], x0[4], x[4];
@@ -1190,7 +1193,7 @@ void TrackHerabExtrapolator::rk4fast( // Without derivatives
-    auto mB = fieldVector( grid, {x[0], x[1], z_in + a[step] * h} );
+    auto mB = fieldVector( grid, { x[0], x[1], z_in + a[step] * h } );
     tx       = x[2];
     ty       = x[3];
diff --git a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackKiselExtrapolator.cpp b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackKiselExtrapolator.cpp
index b3dc37fbd361277cb22504f0a395a527ba845435..5d41f787df74e8dc0b1cd88e31c3eba5e0b1dd2b 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackKiselExtrapolator.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackKiselExtrapolator.cpp
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ private:
   void extrapolateAnalytic( const LHCb::Magnet::MagneticFieldGrid* grid, const double T_in[], double T_out[],
                             double J[], const double z_in, double z_out ) const;
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_order{this, "order", 3};
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_order{ this, "order", 3 };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackKiselExtrapolator )
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ StatusCode TrackKiselExtrapolator::propagate( Gaudi::TrackVector& stateVec, doub
   for ( i = 0; i < 25; ++i ) { fQp[i] = 0.; }
-  double pOut[5] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
+  double pOut[5] = { 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. };
   extrapolateAnalytic( grid, pIn, pOut, fQp, zOld, zNew );
@@ -132,68 +132,71 @@ void TrackKiselExtrapolator::getCoefficients( const double x, const double y, do
   const double xx1053 = y * ( 30 * xx + xx159 );
   const double yy1053 = x * ( 30 * yy + yy159 );
-  double X1[3] = {xy, -xx - 1, y};
+  double X1[3] = { xy, -xx - 1, y };
-  double X2[3][3] = {{x * yy31, -y * xx31, 2 * yy + 1}, {-y * xx31, x * xx33, -2 * xy}, {yy - xx, -2 * xy, -x}};
+  double X2[3][3] = { { x * yy31, -y * xx31, 2 * yy + 1 }, { -y * xx31, x * xx33, -2 * xy }, { yy - xx, -2 * xy, -x } };
-  double X3[3][3][3] = {{{xy * yy159, -xx * yy153 - yy31, y * yy86},
-                         {-xx * yy153 - yy31, xy * xx159, -x * yy82},
-                         {y2 * ( -xxyy2 + 1 ), -x * yy82, -3 * xy}},
-                        {{-xx * yy153 - yy31, xy * xx159, -x * yy82},
-                         {xy * xx159, -3 * ( 5 * xx * xx + 6 * xx + 1 ), y * xx82},
-                         {x2 * ( xxyy2 + 1 ), y * xx82, xx31}},
-                        {{y * ( -6 * xx + yy31 ), x * ( xx31 - 6 * yy ), -4 * xy},
-                         {x * ( 3 * xx - 6 * yy + 1 ), 3 * y * xx31, xxyy2},
-                         {-4 * xy, xxyy2, -y}}};
-  double X1x[3]      = {y, -x2, 0};
+  double X3[3][3][3] = { { { xy * yy159, -xx * yy153 - yy31, y * yy86 },
+                           { -xx * yy153 - yy31, xy * xx159, -x * yy82 },
+                           { y2 * ( -xxyy2 + 1 ), -x * yy82, -3 * xy } },
+                         { { -xx * yy153 - yy31, xy * xx159, -x * yy82 },
+                           { xy * xx159, -3 * ( 5 * xx * xx + 6 * xx + 1 ), y * xx82 },
+                           { x2 * ( xxyy2 + 1 ), y * xx82, xx31 } },
+                         { { y * ( -6 * xx + yy31 ), x * ( xx31 - 6 * yy ), -4 * xy },
+                           { x * ( 3 * xx - 6 * yy + 1 ), 3 * y * xx31, xxyy2 },
+                           { -4 * xy, xxyy2, -y } } };
+  double X1x[3]      = { y, -x2, 0 };
-  double X2x[3][3] = {{yy31, -6 * xy, 0}, {-6 * xy, 3 * xx31, -y2}, {-x2, -y2, -1}};
+  double X2x[3][3] = { { yy31, -6 * xy, 0 }, { -6 * xy, 3 * xx31, -y2 }, { -x2, -y2, -1 } };
   double X3x[3][3][3] = {
-      {{y * yy159, -x2 * yy153, 0}, {-x2 * yy153, xx1053, -yy82}, {-8 * xy, -yy82, -3 * y}},
-      {{-x2 * yy153, xx1053, -yy82}, {xx1053, -x4 * xx159, 16 * xy}, {2 * ( 6 * xx - 2 * yy + 1 ), 16 * xy, 6 * x}},
-      {{-12 * xy, 9 * xx - 6 * yy + 1, -y4}, {9 * xx - 6 * yy + 1, 18 * xy, x4}, {-y4, x4, 0}}};
+      { { y * yy159, -x2 * yy153, 0 }, { -x2 * yy153, xx1053, -yy82 }, { -8 * xy, -yy82, -3 * y } },
+      { { -x2 * yy153, xx1053, -yy82 },
+        { xx1053, -x4 * xx159, 16 * xy },
+        { 2 * ( 6 * xx - 2 * yy + 1 ), 16 * xy, 6 * x } },
+      { { -12 * xy, 9 * xx - 6 * yy + 1, -y4 }, { 9 * xx - 6 * yy + 1, 18 * xy, x4 }, { -y4, x4, 0 } } };
-  double X1y[3] = {x, 0, 1};
+  double X1y[3] = { x, 0, 1 };
-  double X2y[3][3] = {{6 * xy, -xx31, y4}, {-xx31, 0, -x2}, {y2, -x2, 0}};
+  double X2y[3][3] = { { 6 * xy, -xx31, y4 }, { -xx31, 0, -x2 }, { y2, -x2, 0 } };
-  double X3y[3][3][3] = {
-      {{yy1053, -y2 * xx153, 16 * yy + yy86}, {-y2 * xx153, x * xx159, -16 * xy}, {yy82 - 2 * xxyy2, -16 * xy, -3 * x}},
-      {{-y2 * xx153, x * xx159, -16 * xy}, {x * xx159, 0, xx82}, {-8 * xy, xx82, 0}},
-      {{-6 * xx + 9 * yy + 1, -12 * xy, -x4}, {-12 * xy, 3 * xx31, -y4}, {-x4, -y4, -1}}};
+  double X3y[3][3][3] = { { { yy1053, -y2 * xx153, 16 * yy + yy86 },
+                            { -y2 * xx153, x * xx159, -16 * xy },
+                            { yy82 - 2 * xxyy2, -16 * xy, -3 * x } },
+                          { { -y2 * xx153, x * xx159, -16 * xy }, { x * xx159, 0, xx82 }, { -8 * xy, xx82, 0 } },
+                          { { -6 * xx + 9 * yy + 1, -12 * xy, -x4 }, { -12 * xy, 3 * xx31, -y4 }, { -x4, -y4, -1 } } };
-  double Y1[3] = {yy + 1, -xy, -x};
+  double Y1[3] = { yy + 1, -xy, -x };
-  double Y2[3][3] = {{y * yy33, -x * yy31, -2 * xy}, {-x * yy31, y * xx31, 2 * xx + 1}, {-2 * xy, xx - yy, -y}};
+  double Y2[3][3] = { { y * yy33, -x * yy31, -2 * xy }, { -x * yy31, y * xx31, 2 * xx + 1 }, { -2 * xy, xx - yy, -y } };
-  double Y3[3][3][3] = {{{3 * ( 5 * yy * yy + 6 * yy + 1 ), -xy * yy159, -x * yy82},
-                         {-xy * yy159, xx * yy153 + yy31, y * xx82},
-                         {-x * yy82, -y2 * ( -xxyy2 + 1 ), -yy31}},
-                        {{-xy * yy159, xx * yy153 + yy31, y * xx82},
-                         {xx * yy153 + yy31, -xy * xx159, -x * xx86},
-                         {y * xx82, -x2 * ( xxyy2 + 1 ), 3 * xy}},
-                        {{-3 * x * yy31, y * ( 6 * xx - yy31 ), xxyy2},
-                         {y * ( 6 * xx - yy31 ), x * ( 6 * yy - xx31 ), 4 * xy},
-                         {xxyy2, 4 * xy, x}}};
-  double Y1x[3]      = {0, -y, -1};
+  double Y3[3][3][3] = { { { 3 * ( 5 * yy * yy + 6 * yy + 1 ), -xy * yy159, -x * yy82 },
+                           { -xy * yy159, xx * yy153 + yy31, y * xx82 },
+                           { -x * yy82, -y2 * ( -xxyy2 + 1 ), -yy31 } },
+                         { { -xy * yy159, xx * yy153 + yy31, y * xx82 },
+                           { xx * yy153 + yy31, -xy * xx159, -x * xx86 },
+                           { y * xx82, -x2 * ( xxyy2 + 1 ), 3 * xy } },
+                         { { -3 * x * yy31, y * ( 6 * xx - yy31 ), xxyy2 },
+                           { y * ( 6 * xx - yy31 ), x * ( 6 * yy - xx31 ), 4 * xy },
+                           { xxyy2, 4 * xy, x } } };
+  double Y1x[3]      = { 0, -y, -1 };
-  double Y2x[3][3] = {{0, -yy31, -y2}, {-yy31, 6 * xy, x4}, {-y2, x2, 0}};
+  double Y2x[3][3] = { { 0, -yy31, -y2 }, { -yy31, 6 * xy, x4 }, { -y2, x2, 0 } };
-  double Y3x[3][3][3] = {{{0, -y * yy159, -yy82}, {-y * yy159, x2 * yy153, 16 * xy}, {-yy82, 8 * xy, 0}},
-                         {{-y * yy159, x2 * yy153, 16 * xy},
-                          {x2 * yy153, -xx1053, -16 * xx - xx86},
-                          {16 * xy, -2 * ( 6 * xx - 2 * yy + 1 ), 3 * y}},
-                         {{-3 * yy31, 12 * xy, x4}, {12 * xy, -9 * xx + 6 * yy - 1, y4}, {x4, y4, 1}}};
+  double Y3x[3][3][3] = { { { 0, -y * yy159, -yy82 }, { -y * yy159, x2 * yy153, 16 * xy }, { -yy82, 8 * xy, 0 } },
+                          { { -y * yy159, x2 * yy153, 16 * xy },
+                            { x2 * yy153, -xx1053, -16 * xx - xx86 },
+                            { 16 * xy, -2 * ( 6 * xx - 2 * yy + 1 ), 3 * y } },
+                          { { -3 * yy31, 12 * xy, x4 }, { 12 * xy, -9 * xx + 6 * yy - 1, y4 }, { x4, y4, 1 } } };
-  double Y1y[3] = {y2, -x, 0};
+  double Y1y[3] = { y2, -x, 0 };
-  double Y2y[3][3] = {{3 * yy31, -6 * xy, -x2}, {-6 * xy, xx31, 0}, {-x2, -y2, -1}};
+  double Y2y[3][3] = { { 3 * yy31, -6 * xy, -x2 }, { -6 * xy, xx31, 0 }, { -x2, -y2, -1 } };
   double Y3y[3][3][3] = {
-      {{y4 * yy159, -yy1053, -16 * xy}, {-yy1053, y2 * xx153, xx82}, {-16 * xy, 4 * xx - 12 * yy - 2, -6 * y}},
-      {{-yy1053, y2 * xx153, xx82}, {y2 * xx153, -x * xx159, 0}, {xx82, 8 * xy, 3 * x}},
-      {{-18 * xy, 6 * xx - 9 * yy - 1, -y4}, {6 * xx - 9 * yy - 1, 12 * xy, x4}, {-y4, x4, 0}}};
+      { { y4 * yy159, -yy1053, -16 * xy }, { -yy1053, y2 * xx153, xx82 }, { -16 * xy, 4 * xx - 12 * yy - 2, -6 * y } },
+      { { -yy1053, y2 * xx153, xx82 }, { y2 * xx153, -x * xx159, 0 }, { xx82, 8 * xy, 3 * x } },
+      { { -18 * xy, 6 * xx - 9 * yy - 1, -y4 }, { 6 * xx - 9 * yy - 1, 12 * xy, x4 }, { -y4, x4, 0 } } };
   for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) {
     Xi[0][i] = X1[i];
@@ -247,7 +250,7 @@ void TrackKiselExtrapolator::integrateField( const LHCb::Magnet::MagneticFieldGr
   // no other way...
   double       B[3][3];
   unsigned int i = 0;
-  for ( auto p : {std::cref( p0 ), std::cref( p1 ), std::cref( p2 )} ) {
+  for ( auto p : { std::cref( p0 ), std::cref( p1 ), std::cref( p2 ) } ) {
     auto fV = fieldVector( grid, p );
     B[i][0] = fV.x();
     B[i][1] = fV.y();
@@ -256,17 +259,17 @@ void TrackKiselExtrapolator::integrateField( const LHCb::Magnet::MagneticFieldGr
   // coefficients
-  constexpr double c1[3]       = {1, 4, 1};                                // /=6.
-  constexpr double c2[3][3]    = {{5, -4, -1}, {44, 80, -4}, {11, 44, 5}}; // /=360.
-  constexpr double c3[3][3][3] = {{{35, 20, -1}, {-124, -256, 20}, {-19, -52, -1}},
-                                  {{524, 176, -52}, {1760, 2240, -256}, {-52, 176, 20}},
-                                  {{125, -52, -19}, {1028, 1760, -124}, {125, 524, 35}}}; // /=45360.
-  constexpr double C1[3]       = {1, 2, 0};                                  // /=6.
-  constexpr double C2[3][3]    = {{38, 8, -4}, {148, 208, -20}, {3, 36, 3}}; // /=2520.
-  constexpr double C3[3][3][3] = {{{85, 28, -5}, {4, -80, 4}, {-17, -20, 1}},
-                                  {{494, 200, -46}, {1256, 1376, -184}, {-94, 8, 14}},
-                                  {{15, -12, -3}, {252, 432, -36}, {21, 84, 3}}}; // /=90720.
+  constexpr double c1[3]       = { 1, 4, 1 };                                      // /=6.
+  constexpr double c2[3][3]    = { { 5, -4, -1 }, { 44, 80, -4 }, { 11, 44, 5 } }; // /=360.
+  constexpr double c3[3][3][3] = { { { 35, 20, -1 }, { -124, -256, 20 }, { -19, -52, -1 } },
+                                   { { 524, 176, -52 }, { 1760, 2240, -256 }, { -52, 176, 20 } },
+                                   { { 125, -52, -19 }, { 1028, 1760, -124 }, { 125, 524, 35 } } }; // /=45360.
+  constexpr double C1[3]       = { 1, 2, 0 };                                        // /=6.
+  constexpr double C2[3][3]    = { { 38, 8, -4 }, { 148, 208, -20 }, { 3, 36, 3 } }; // /=2520.
+  constexpr double C3[3][3][3] = { { { 85, 28, -5 }, { 4, -80, 4 }, { -17, -20, 1 } },
+                                   { { 494, 200, -46 }, { 1256, 1376, -184 }, { -94, 8, 14 } },
+                                   { { 15, -12, -3 }, { 252, 432, -36 }, { 21, 84, 3 } } }; // /=90720.
   // integrate field
@@ -313,7 +316,7 @@ void TrackKiselExtrapolator::extrapolateAnalytic( const LHCb::Magnet::MagneticFi
                                                   double       J[],     // output covariance matrix
                                                   const double z_in,
                                                   double       z_out // extrapolate to this z position
-                                                  ) const {
+) const {
   //  Part of the exact extrapolation formula with error (c_light*B*dz)^4/4!
@@ -336,12 +339,12 @@ void TrackKiselExtrapolator::extrapolateAnalytic( const LHCb::Magnet::MagneticFi
   double s1[3], s2[3][3], s3[3][3][3], S1[3], S2[3][3], S3[3][3][3];
   // get the points and field
-  XYZPoint r0 = {T_in[0], T_in[1], z_in};
-  XYZPoint r2 = {T_in[0] + T_in[2] * dz, T_in[1] + T_in[3] * dz, z_out};
+  XYZPoint r0 = { T_in[0], T_in[1], z_in };
+  XYZPoint r2 = { T_in[0] + T_in[2] * dz, T_in[1] + T_in[3] * dz, z_out };
   XYZPoint r1 = r0 + 0.5 * ( r2 - r0 );
   ///< returned field
-  auto mB = std::array{fieldVector( grid, r0 ), fieldVector( grid, r1 ), fieldVector( grid, r2 )};
+  auto mB = std::array{ fieldVector( grid, r0 ), fieldVector( grid, r1 ), fieldVector( grid, r2 ) };
   double Sy = ( 7 * mB[0].y() + 6 * mB[1].y() - mB[2].y() ) * dz * dz / 96.;
   r1.SetX( T_in[0] + 0.5 * tx * dz + ht * Sy * A1[0][1] );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackMasterExtrapolator.cpp b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackMasterExtrapolator.cpp
index bcb7a5181d5f991ec53abd002669ae9e85a0de24..c2b58b1d7bfc08073002d812c731486e1f63a053 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackMasterExtrapolator.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackMasterExtrapolator.cpp
@@ -80,32 +80,32 @@ public:
   /// extra selector
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtraSelector> m_extraSelector{this, "ExtraSelector", "TrackDistanceExtraSelector"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtraSelector> m_extraSelector{ this, "ExtraSelector", "TrackDistanceExtraSelector" };
   /// transport service
-  ToolHandle<IMaterialLocator> m_materialLocator{this, "MaterialLocator", "DetailedMaterialLocator"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_applyMultScattCorr{this, "ApplyMultScattCorr",
-                                             true}; ///< turn on/off multiple scattering correction
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_applyEnergyLossCorr{this, "ApplyEnergyLossCorr", true}; ///< turn on/off dE/dx correction
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxStepSize{this, "MaxStepSize", 1000. * Gaudi::Units::mm}; ///< maximum length of a step
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxSlope{this, "MaxSlope", 5.}; ///< maximum slope of state vector
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxTransverse{this, "MaxTransverse",
-                                          10. * Gaudi::Units::m}; ///< maximum x,y position of state vector
+  ToolHandle<IMaterialLocator> m_materialLocator{ this, "MaterialLocator", "DetailedMaterialLocator" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_applyMultScattCorr{ this, "ApplyMultScattCorr",
+                                              true }; ///< turn on/off multiple scattering correction
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_applyEnergyLossCorr{ this, "ApplyEnergyLossCorr", true }; ///< turn on/off dE/dx correction
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxStepSize{ this, "MaxStepSize", 1000. * Gaudi::Units::mm }; ///< maximum length of a step
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxSlope{ this, "MaxSlope", 5. }; ///< maximum slope of state vector
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxTransverse{ this, "MaxTransverse",
+                                           10. * Gaudi::Units::m }; ///< maximum x,y position of state vector
   /// turn on/off electron energy loss corrections
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_applyElectronEnergyLossCorr{this, "ApplyElectronEnergyLossCorr", true};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_applyElectronEnergyLossCorr{ this, "ApplyElectronEnergyLossCorr", true };
   // Gaudi::Property<double> m_startElectronCorr{ this, "StartElectronCorr", 2500.*mm };  ///< z start for electron
   // energy loss Gaudi::Property<double> m_stopElectronCorr { this, "StopElectronCorr",  9000.*mm };  ///< z start for
   // electron energy loss
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_absurd{
-      this, "Protect against absurd tracks. See debug for details", 1};
+      this, "Protect against absurd tracks. See debug for details", 1 };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_loop{
-      this, "Protect against looping tracks. See debug for details", 1};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_extrapFail{this, "Transport to wall FAILED", 1};
+      this, "Protect against looping tracks. See debug for details", 1 };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_extrapFail{ this, "Transport to wall FAILED", 1 };
   /// cache flag indicating if material corrections are enabled
-  bool m_useMaterial{true};
+  bool m_useMaterial{ true };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackMasterExtrapolator )
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ StatusCode TrackMasterExtrapolator::propagate( LHCb::State& state, double zNew,
     upMat     = &updateMatrix;
-  StatusCode sc{StatusCode::SUCCESS};
+  StatusCode sc{ StatusCode::SUCCESS };
   // check if not already at required z position
   const auto zStart = state.z();
   if ( std::abs( zNew - zStart ) < TrackParameters::propagationTolerance ) {
diff --git a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackParametrizedExtrapolator.cpp b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackParametrizedExtrapolator.cpp
index b30ae96bc9447c08127afafddaf4fd3e6a211c38..41df6777061b3383c309e8361f3462b90cf9290d 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackParametrizedExtrapolator.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackParametrizedExtrapolator.cpp
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ namespace {
         : z( z ), xmin( x1 ), xmax( x2 ), ymin( y1 ), ymax( y2 ) {}
     Plane( double z, double txmax, double tymax )
         : z( z ), xmin( -z * txmax ), xmax( z * txmax ), ymin( -z * tymax ), ymax( z * tymax ) {}
-    double z{0};
-    double xmin{0};
-    double xmax{0};
-    double ymin{0};
-    double ymax{0};
+    double z{ 0 };
+    double xmin{ 0 };
+    double xmax{ 0 };
+    double ymin{ 0 };
+    double ymax{ 0 };
   template <class FunctionBasisT>
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ namespace {
     const double          m_dz;
-    PropagatorParametrization( double deltaZ ) : m_coefficients{Coefficients::Zero()}, m_dz( deltaZ ) {
+    PropagatorParametrization( double deltaZ ) : m_coefficients{ Coefficients::Zero() }, m_dz( deltaZ ) {
       m_offset.fill( 0.0 );
       m_scale.fill( 1.0 );
@@ -133,10 +133,10 @@ namespace {
     double       dz() const { return m_plane2.z - m_plane1.z; }
     InterPlaneParametrization( const Plane& p1, const Plane& p2 )
-        : m_plane1{p1}
-        , m_plane2{p2}
-        , m_numbinsX{50}
-        , m_numbinsY{50}
+        : m_plane1{ p1 }
+        , m_plane2{ p2 }
+        , m_numbinsX{ 50 }
+        , m_numbinsY{ 50 }
         , m_propagators( m_numbinsX * m_numbinsY, Propagator( p2.z - p1.z ) ) {
       // do some work for every bin
       const double dx = ( m_plane1.xmax - m_plane1.xmin ) / ( m_numbinsX );
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ namespace {
     Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>   m_second;
-    PropagatorAccumulator( PropagatorParametrization& client ) : m_client{&client}, m_numentries( 0 ) {
+    PropagatorAccumulator( PropagatorParametrization& client ) : m_client{ &client }, m_numentries( 0 ) {
       m_second = Eigen::Matrix<double, Dim, Dim>::Zero();
       m_first.fill( Eigen::Matrix<double, Dim, 1>::Zero() );
@@ -258,15 +258,15 @@ public:
                         const LHCb::Magnet::MagneticFieldGrid* grid = nullptr ) const override;
-  const ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_refextrapolator{this, "RefExtrapolator", "TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator"};
+  const ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_refextrapolator{ this, "RefExtrapolator", "TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator" };
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_standardGeometry_address{this, "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_standardGeometry_address{ this, "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top };
   struct Parameters {
     std::vector<InterPlaneParametrization> forwardpars;
     std::vector<InterPlaneParametrization> backwardpars;
-  ConditionAccessor<Parameters> m_parameters{this, name() + "-Parameters"};
+  ConditionAccessor<Parameters> m_parameters{ this, name() + "-Parameters" };
   Parameters                    computeParameters( LHCb::Detector::DeLHCb const&, ITrackExtrapolator const& );
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackParametrizedExtrapolator )
 StatusCode TrackParametrizedExtrapolator::initialize() {
   return ConditionAccessorHolder::initialize().andThen( [&] {
-        {m_standardGeometry_address}, m_parameters.key(),
+        { m_standardGeometry_address }, m_parameters.key(),
         [&]( LHCb::Detector::DeLHCb const& lhcb ) { return computeParameters( lhcb, *m_refextrapolator ); } );
     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
   } );
@@ -295,10 +295,10 @@ TrackParametrizedExtrapolator::computeParameters( LHCb::Detector::DeLHCb const&
   // lets's create a few planes
   const double txmax = 0.3;
   const double tymax = 0.25;
-  Plane        endvelo{StateParameters::ZEndVelo, txmax, tymax};
-  Plane        beginUT{2200., txmax, tymax}; // need to add ZBegUT to StateParemeters
-  Plane        endUT{StateParameters::ZEndUT, txmax, tymax};
-  Plane        beginT{StateParameters::ZBegT, txmax, tymax};
+  Plane        endvelo{ StateParameters::ZEndVelo, txmax, tymax };
+  Plane        beginUT{ 2200., txmax, tymax }; // need to add ZBegUT to StateParemeters
+  Plane        endUT{ StateParameters::ZEndUT, txmax, tymax };
+  Plane        beginT{ StateParameters::ZBegT, txmax, tymax };
   forwardpars.push_back( InterPlaneParametrization( endvelo, beginUT ) ); // 770 to 2200
   forwardpars.push_back( InterPlaneParametrization( endvelo, beginT ) );  // 770 to 7500
   forwardpars.push_back( InterPlaneParametrization( endUT, beginT ) );    // 2700 to 7500
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ TrackParametrizedExtrapolator::computeParameters( LHCb::Detector::DeLHCb const&
   for ( auto& i : backwardpars ) planepars.push_back( &i );
   for ( auto& i : planepars ) {
     auto&        par        = *i;
-    const size_t npoints[5] = {par.OrderX + 1, par.OrderY + 1, par.OrderTx + 1, par.OrderTy + 1, par.OrderQoP + 1};
+    const size_t npoints[5] = { par.OrderX + 1, par.OrderY + 1, par.OrderTx + 1, par.OrderTy + 1, par.OrderQoP + 1 };
     for ( size_t xbin = 0; xbin < par.numbinsX(); ++xbin ) {
       for ( size_t ybin = 0; ybin < par.numbinsY(); ++ybin ) {
         auto&        binprop = par.propagators()[xbin + par.numbinsX() * ybin];
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ TrackParametrizedExtrapolator::computeParameters( LHCb::Detector::DeLHCb const&
             for ( const auto& tx : grid[2] )
               for ( const auto& ty : grid[3] )
                 for ( const auto& qop : grid[4] ) {
-                  Gaudi::TrackVector statein{x, y, tx, ty, qop};
+                  Gaudi::TrackVector statein{ x, y, tx, ty, qop };
                   // const double qop = statein[4] ;
                   Gaudi::TrackVector stateout = statein;
                   if ( std::abs( qop ) > 1e-9 ) {
@@ -372,8 +372,8 @@ TrackParametrizedExtrapolator::computeParameters( LHCb::Detector::DeLHCb const&
                     sc = refextrapolator.propagate( stateout, par.plane1().z, par.plane2().z, &jacobian,
                                                     *lhcb.geometry() );
                     if ( sc.isSuccess() ) {
-                      std::array<double, 4> delta = {jacobian( 0, 4 ), jacobian( 1, 4 ), jacobian( 2, 4 ),
-                                                     jacobian( 3, 4 )};
+                      std::array<double, 4> delta = { jacobian( 0, 4 ), jacobian( 1, 4 ), jacobian( 2, 4 ),
+                                                      jacobian( 3, 4 ) };
                       accumulator.add( statein, delta );
                     } else {
                       info() << "propagation failed! " << statein << endmsg;
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ TrackParametrizedExtrapolator::computeParameters( LHCb::Detector::DeLHCb const&
   chronoSvc()->chronoStop( "Training" );
   info() << "Ready training." << endmsg;
-  return {forwardpars, backwardpars};
+  return { forwardpars, backwardpars };
 StatusCode TrackParametrizedExtrapolator::propagate( Gaudi::TrackVector& in, double z1, double z2,
diff --git a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator.cpp b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator.cpp
index 870ca7b24e10bad7eed55964b32fbb9cf155f171..85c5bdcd74228cfcb1270ca8ec7927d4f6bb681c 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator.cpp
@@ -59,15 +59,15 @@ namespace RK {
     template <typename Component>
     ErrorCounters( Component* parent, const char* prefix = "", const int nMax = 0 )
-        : m_out{parent, prefix + StatusCode{ErrorCode::OutOfTolerance}.ignore().message(), nMax}
-        , m_curl{parent, prefix + StatusCode{ErrorCode::Curling}.ignore().message(), nMax}
-        , m_max{parent, prefix + StatusCode{ErrorCode::ExceededMaxNumSteps}.ignore().message(), nMax}
-        , m_dist{parent, prefix + StatusCode{ErrorCode::BadDistance}.ignore().message(), nMax} {}
+        : m_out{ parent, prefix + StatusCode{ ErrorCode::OutOfTolerance }.ignore().message(), nMax }
+        , m_curl{ parent, prefix + StatusCode{ ErrorCode::Curling }.ignore().message(), nMax }
+        , m_max{ parent, prefix + StatusCode{ ErrorCode::ExceededMaxNumSteps }.ignore().message(), nMax }
+        , m_dist{ parent, prefix + StatusCode{ ErrorCode::BadDistance }.ignore().message(), nMax } {}
-    ErrorCounters( const ErrorCounters& ) = delete;
-    ErrorCounters( ErrorCounters&& )      = delete;
+    ErrorCounters( const ErrorCounters& )            = delete;
+    ErrorCounters( ErrorCounters&& )                 = delete;
     ErrorCounters& operator=( const ErrorCounters& ) = delete;
-    ErrorCounters& operator=( ErrorCounters&& ) = delete;
+    ErrorCounters& operator=( ErrorCounters&& )      = delete;
     ErrorCounters& operator+=( RK::ErrorCode code ) {
       switch ( code ) {
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ namespace RK {
       State( Vec4<TYPE> _vec, const FloatType _qop, const FloatType _z )
           : parameters( std::move( _vec ) ), qop( _qop ), z( _z ) {}
       Vec4<TYPE> parameters;
-      FloatType  qop{0};
-      FloatType  z{0};
+      FloatType  qop{ 0 };
+      FloatType  z{ 0 };
       TYPE&      x() noexcept { return parameters( 0 ); }
       TYPE&      y() noexcept { return parameters( 1 ); }
       TYPE&      tx() noexcept { return parameters( 2 ); }
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ namespace RK {
     template <unsigned nStages, typename TYPE = FloatType>
     struct Cache final {
       std::array<Stage<TYPE>, nStages> stage;
-      int                              laststep{-1};
-      int                              step{0};
+      int                              laststep{ -1 };
+      int                              step{ 0 };
     template <typename TYPE = FloatType>
@@ -205,12 +205,12 @@ namespace RK {
       sumstep += rhs.sumstep;
       return *this;
-    double          sumstep{0};
-    double          minstep{1e9};
-    double          maxstep{0};
-    size_t          numstep{0};
-    size_t          numfailedstep{0};
-    size_t          numincreasedstep{0};
+    double          sumstep{ 0 };
+    double          minstep{ 1e9 };
+    double          maxstep{ 0 };
+    size_t          numstep{ 0 };
+    size_t          numfailedstep{ 0 };
+    size_t          numincreasedstep{ 0 };
     details::Vec4<> err;
@@ -238,298 +238,302 @@ namespace RK {
       // https://github.com/SciML/DiffEqDevTools.jl/blob/master/src/ode_tableaus.jl
       // https://docs.sciml.ai/v1.6/solvers/ode_solve.html
-      constexpr auto HeunEuler = ButcherTableau<2, false>{{Rat{1}}, {Rat{1}, Rat{0}}, {Rat{1, 2}, Rat{1, 2}}};
+      constexpr auto HeunEuler =
+          ButcherTableau<2, false>{ { Rat{ 1 } }, { Rat{ 1 }, Rat{ 0 } }, { Rat{ 1, 2 }, Rat{ 1, 2 } } };
       constexpr auto CashKarp = ButcherTableau<6, false>{
-          {Rat{1, 5},                                          //
-           Rat{3, 40}, Rat{9, 40},                             //
-           Rat{3, 10}, Rat{-9, 10}, Rat{6, 5},                 //
-           Rat{-11, 54}, Rat{5, 2}, Rat{-70, 27}, Rat{35, 27}, //
-           Rat{1631, 55296}, Rat{175, 512}, Rat{575, 13824}, Rat{44275, 110592}, Rat{253, 4096}},
-          {Rat{37, 378}, Rat{0}, Rat{250, 621}, Rat{125, 594}, Rat{0}, Rat{512, 1771}},
-          {Rat{2825, 27648}, Rat{0}, Rat{18575, 48384}, Rat{13525, 55296}, Rat{277, 14336}, Rat{1, 4}}};
+          { Rat{ 1, 5 },                                                //
+            Rat{ 3, 40 }, Rat{ 9, 40 },                                 //
+            Rat{ 3, 10 }, Rat{ -9, 10 }, Rat{ 6, 5 },                   //
+            Rat{ -11, 54 }, Rat{ 5, 2 }, Rat{ -70, 27 }, Rat{ 35, 27 }, //
+            Rat{ 1631, 55296 }, Rat{ 175, 512 }, Rat{ 575, 13824 }, Rat{ 44275, 110592 }, Rat{ 253, 4096 } },
+          { Rat{ 37, 378 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 250, 621 }, Rat{ 125, 594 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 512, 1771 } },
+          { Rat{ 2825, 27648 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 18575, 48384 }, Rat{ 13525, 55296 }, Rat{ 277, 14336 }, Rat{ 1, 4 } } };
       constexpr auto Fehlberg = ButcherTableau<6, false>{
-          {Rat{1, 4},                                               //
-           Rat{3, 32}, Rat{9, 32},                                  //
-           Rat{1932, 2197}, Rat{-7200, 2197}, Rat{7296, 2197},      //
-           Rat{439, 216}, Rat{-8}, Rat{3680, 513}, Rat{-845, 4104}, //
-           Rat{-8, 27}, Rat{2}, Rat{-3544, 2565}, Rat{1859, 4104}, Rat{-11, 40}},
-          {Rat{16, 135}, Rat{0}, Rat{6656, 12825}, Rat{28561, 56430}, Rat{-9, 50}, Rat{2, 55}},
-          {Rat{25, 216}, Rat{0}, Rat{1408, 2565}, Rat{2197, 4104}, Rat{-1, 5}, Rat{0}},
+          { Rat{ 1, 4 },                                                     //
+            Rat{ 3, 32 }, Rat{ 9, 32 },                                      //
+            Rat{ 1932, 2197 }, Rat{ -7200, 2197 }, Rat{ 7296, 2197 },        //
+            Rat{ 439, 216 }, Rat{ -8 }, Rat{ 3680, 513 }, Rat{ -845, 4104 }, //
+            Rat{ -8, 27 }, Rat{ 2 }, Rat{ -3544, 2565 }, Rat{ 1859, 4104 }, Rat{ -11, 40 } },
+          { Rat{ 16, 135 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 6656, 12825 }, Rat{ 28561, 56430 }, Rat{ -9, 50 }, Rat{ 2, 55 } },
+          { Rat{ 25, 216 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 1408, 2565 }, Rat{ 2197, 4104 }, Rat{ -1, 5 }, Rat{ 0 } },
       // https://doi.org/10.1016/0771-050X(80)90013-3
-      constexpr auto DormandPrice = ButcherTableau<7, true>{
-          {Rat{1, 5},                     //
-           Rat{3, 40},        Rat{9, 40}, //
-           Rat{44, 45},       Rat{-56, 15},
-           Rat{32, 9}, //
-           Rat{19372, 6561},  Rat{-25360, 2187},
-           Rat{64448, 6561},  Rat{-212, 729}, //
-           Rat{9017, 3168},   Rat{-355, 33},
-           Rat{46732, 5247},  Rat{49, 176},
-           Rat{-5103, 18656}, //
-           Rat{35, 384},      Rat{0},
-           Rat{500, 1113},    Rat{125, 192},
-           Rat{-2187, 6784},  Rat{11, 84}},
-          {Rat{5179, 57600}, Rat{0}, Rat{7571, 16695}, Rat{393, 640}, Rat{-92097, 339200}, Rat{187, 2100}, Rat{1, 40}},
-          {Rat{35, 384}, Rat{0}, Rat{500, 1113}, Rat{125, 192}, Rat{-2187, 6784}, Rat{11, 84}, Rat{0}}};
+      constexpr auto DormandPrice =
+          ButcherTableau<7, true>{ { Rat{ 1, 5 },                       //
+                                     Rat{ 3, 40 },        Rat{ 9, 40 }, //
+                                     Rat{ 44, 45 },       Rat{ -56, 15 },
+                                     Rat{ 32, 9 }, //
+                                     Rat{ 19372, 6561 },  Rat{ -25360, 2187 },
+                                     Rat{ 64448, 6561 },  Rat{ -212, 729 }, //
+                                     Rat{ 9017, 3168 },   Rat{ -355, 33 },
+                                     Rat{ 46732, 5247 },  Rat{ 49, 176 },
+                                     Rat{ -5103, 18656 }, //
+                                     Rat{ 35, 384 },      Rat{ 0 },
+                                     Rat{ 500, 1113 },    Rat{ 125, 192 },
+                                     Rat{ -2187, 6784 },  Rat{ 11, 84 } },
+                                   { Rat{ 5179, 57600 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 7571, 16695 }, Rat{ 393, 640 },
+                                     Rat{ -92097, 339200 }, Rat{ 187, 2100 }, Rat{ 1, 40 } },
+                                   { Rat{ 35, 384 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 500, 1113 }, Rat{ 125, 192 }, Rat{ -2187, 6784 },
+                                     Rat{ 11, 84 }, Rat{ 0 } } };
       // https://doi.org/10.1016%2F0893-9659%2889%2990079-7
       constexpr auto BogackiShampine3 =
-          ButcherTableau<4, false>{{Rat{1, 2}, Rat{0}, Rat{3, 4}, Rat{2, 9}, Rat{1, 3}, Rat{4, 9}},
-                                   {Rat{7, 24}, Rat{1, 4}, Rat{1, 3}, Rat{1, 8}},
-                                   {Rat{2, 9}, Rat{1, 3}, Rat{4, 9}, Rat{0}}};
+          ButcherTableau<4, false>{ { Rat{ 1, 2 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 3, 4 }, Rat{ 2, 9 }, Rat{ 1, 3 }, Rat{ 4, 9 } },
+                                    { Rat{ 7, 24 }, Rat{ 1, 4 }, Rat{ 1, 3 }, Rat{ 1, 8 } },
+                                    { Rat{ 2, 9 }, Rat{ 1, 3 }, Rat{ 4, 9 }, Rat{ 0 } } };
       constexpr auto BogackiShampine5 =
-          ButcherTableau<8, false>{{Rat{1, 6},
-                                    Rat{2, 27},
-                                    Rat{4, 27},
-                                    Rat{183, 1372},
-                                    Rat{-162, 343},
-                                    Rat{1053, 1372},
-                                    Rat{68, 297},
-                                    Rat{-4, 11},
-                                    Rat{42, 143},
-                                    Rat{1960, 3861},
-                                    Rat{597, 22528},
-                                    Rat{81, 352},
-                                    Rat{63099, 585728},
-                                    Rat{58653, 366080},
-                                    Rat{4617, 20480},
-                                    Rat{174197, 959244},
-                                    Rat{-30942, 79937},
-                                    Rat{8152137, 19744439},
-                                    Rat{666106, 1039181},
-                                    Rat{-29421, 29068},
-                                    Rat{482048, 414219},
-                                    Rat{587, 8064},
-                                    Rat{0},
-                                    Rat{4440339, 15491840},
-                                    Rat{24353, 124800},
-                                    Rat{387, 44800},
-                                    Rat{2152, 5985},
-                                    Rat{7267, 94080}},
-                                   {Rat{587, 8064}, Rat{0}, Rat{4440339, 15491840}, Rat{24353, 124800}, Rat{387, 44800},
-                                    Rat{2152, 5985}, Rat{7267, 94080}, Rat{0}},
-                                   {Rat{6059, 80640}, Rat{0}, Rat{8559189, 30983680}, Rat{26411, 124800},
-                                    Rat{-927, 89600}, Rat{443, 1197}, Rat{7267, 94080}, Rat{0}}};
-      constexpr auto SharpSmart5 =
-          ButcherTableau<7, false>{{Rat{16, 105},
-                                    Rat{2, 35},
-                                    Rat{6, 35},
-                                    Rat{8793, 40960},
-                                    Rat{-5103, 8192},
-                                    Rat{17577, 20480},
-                                    Rat{347, 1458},
-                                    Rat{-7, 20},
-                                    Rat{3395, 10044},
-                                    Rat{49792, 112995},
-                                    Rat{-1223224109959, 9199771214400},
-                                    Rat{1234787701, 2523942720},
-                                    Rat{568994101921, 3168810084960},
-                                    Rat{-105209683888, 891227836395},
-                                    Rat{9, 25},
-                                    Rat{2462504862877, 8306031988800},
-                                    Rat{-123991, 287040},
-                                    Rat{106522578491, 408709510560},
-                                    Rat{590616498832, 804646848915},
-                                    Rat{-319138726, 534081275},
-                                    Rat{52758, 71449}},
-                                   {Rat{1093, 15120}, Rat{0}, Rat{60025, 190992}, Rat{3200, 20709}, Rat{1611, 11960},
-                                    Rat{712233, 2857960}, Rat{3, 40}},
-                                   {Rat{84018211, 991368000}, Rat{0}, Rat{92098979, 357791680}, Rat{17606944, 67891005},
-                                    Rat{3142101, 235253200}, Rat{22004596809, 70270091500}, Rat{9, 125}}};
+          ButcherTableau<8, false>{ { Rat{ 1, 6 },
+                                      Rat{ 2, 27 },
+                                      Rat{ 4, 27 },
+                                      Rat{ 183, 1372 },
+                                      Rat{ -162, 343 },
+                                      Rat{ 1053, 1372 },
+                                      Rat{ 68, 297 },
+                                      Rat{ -4, 11 },
+                                      Rat{ 42, 143 },
+                                      Rat{ 1960, 3861 },
+                                      Rat{ 597, 22528 },
+                                      Rat{ 81, 352 },
+                                      Rat{ 63099, 585728 },
+                                      Rat{ 58653, 366080 },
+                                      Rat{ 4617, 20480 },
+                                      Rat{ 174197, 959244 },
+                                      Rat{ -30942, 79937 },
+                                      Rat{ 8152137, 19744439 },
+                                      Rat{ 666106, 1039181 },
+                                      Rat{ -29421, 29068 },
+                                      Rat{ 482048, 414219 },
+                                      Rat{ 587, 8064 },
+                                      Rat{ 0 },
+                                      Rat{ 4440339, 15491840 },
+                                      Rat{ 24353, 124800 },
+                                      Rat{ 387, 44800 },
+                                      Rat{ 2152, 5985 },
+                                      Rat{ 7267, 94080 } },
+                                    { Rat{ 587, 8064 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 4440339, 15491840 }, Rat{ 24353, 124800 },
+                                      Rat{ 387, 44800 }, Rat{ 2152, 5985 }, Rat{ 7267, 94080 }, Rat{ 0 } },
+                                    { Rat{ 6059, 80640 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 8559189, 30983680 }, Rat{ 26411, 124800 },
+                                      Rat{ -927, 89600 }, Rat{ 443, 1197 }, Rat{ 7267, 94080 }, Rat{ 0 } } };
+      constexpr auto SharpSmart5 = ButcherTableau<7, false>{
+          { Rat{ 16, 105 },
+            Rat{ 2, 35 },
+            Rat{ 6, 35 },
+            Rat{ 8793, 40960 },
+            Rat{ -5103, 8192 },
+            Rat{ 17577, 20480 },
+            Rat{ 347, 1458 },
+            Rat{ -7, 20 },
+            Rat{ 3395, 10044 },
+            Rat{ 49792, 112995 },
+            Rat{ -1223224109959, 9199771214400 },
+            Rat{ 1234787701, 2523942720 },
+            Rat{ 568994101921, 3168810084960 },
+            Rat{ -105209683888, 891227836395 },
+            Rat{ 9, 25 },
+            Rat{ 2462504862877, 8306031988800 },
+            Rat{ -123991, 287040 },
+            Rat{ 106522578491, 408709510560 },
+            Rat{ 590616498832, 804646848915 },
+            Rat{ -319138726, 534081275 },
+            Rat{ 52758, 71449 } },
+          { Rat{ 1093, 15120 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 60025, 190992 }, Rat{ 3200, 20709 }, Rat{ 1611, 11960 },
+            Rat{ 712233, 2857960 }, Rat{ 3, 40 } },
+          { Rat{ 84018211, 991368000 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 92098979, 357791680 }, Rat{ 17606944, 67891005 },
+            Rat{ 3142101, 235253200 }, Rat{ 22004596809, 70270091500 }, Rat{ 9, 125 } } };
       // Sharp-Verner Order 5/6 method
       // Completely Imbedded Runge-Kutta Pairs, by P. W. Sharp and J. H. Verner,
       //  SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol. 31, No. 4. (Aug., 1994), pages. 1169 to 1190.
-      constexpr auto SharpVerner6 = ButcherTableau<9, true>{
-          {Rat{1, 12},
-           Rat{2, 75},
-           Rat{8, 75},
-           Rat{1, 20},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{3, 20},
-           Rat{88, 135},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{-112, 45},
-           Rat{64, 27},
-           Rat{-10891, 11556},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{3880, 963},
-           Rat{-8456, 2889},
-           Rat{217, 428},
-           Rat{1718911, 4382720},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{-1000749, 547840},
-           Rat{819261, 383488},
-           Rat{-671175, 876544},
-           Rat{14535, 14336},
-           Rat{85153, 203300},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{-6783, 2140},
-           Rat{10956, 2675},
-           Rat{-38493, 13375},
-           Rat{1152, 425},
-           Rat{-7168, 40375},
-           Rat{53, 912},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{5, 16},
-           Rat{27, 112},
-           Rat{27, 136},
-           Rat{256, 969},
-           Rat{-25, 336}},
-          {Rat{53, 912}, Rat{0}, Rat{0}, Rat{5, 16}, Rat{27, 112}, Rat{27, 136}, Rat{256, 969}, Rat{-25, 336}, Rat{0}},
-          {Rat{617, 10944}, Rat{0}, Rat{0}, Rat{241, 756}, Rat{69, 320}, Rat{435, 1904}, Rat{10304, 43605}, Rat{0},
-           Rat{-1, 18}}};
+      constexpr auto SharpVerner6 =
+          ButcherTableau<9, true>{ { Rat{ 1, 12 },
+                                     Rat{ 2, 75 },
+                                     Rat{ 8, 75 },
+                                     Rat{ 1, 20 },
+                                     Rat{ 0 },
+                                     Rat{ 3, 20 },
+                                     Rat{ 88, 135 },
+                                     Rat{ 0 },
+                                     Rat{ -112, 45 },
+                                     Rat{ 64, 27 },
+                                     Rat{ -10891, 11556 },
+                                     Rat{ 0 },
+                                     Rat{ 3880, 963 },
+                                     Rat{ -8456, 2889 },
+                                     Rat{ 217, 428 },
+                                     Rat{ 1718911, 4382720 },
+                                     Rat{ 0 },
+                                     Rat{ -1000749, 547840 },
+                                     Rat{ 819261, 383488 },
+                                     Rat{ -671175, 876544 },
+                                     Rat{ 14535, 14336 },
+                                     Rat{ 85153, 203300 },
+                                     Rat{ 0 },
+                                     Rat{ -6783, 2140 },
+                                     Rat{ 10956, 2675 },
+                                     Rat{ -38493, 13375 },
+                                     Rat{ 1152, 425 },
+                                     Rat{ -7168, 40375 },
+                                     Rat{ 53, 912 },
+                                     Rat{ 0 },
+                                     Rat{ 0 },
+                                     Rat{ 5, 16 },
+                                     Rat{ 27, 112 },
+                                     Rat{ 27, 136 },
+                                     Rat{ 256, 969 },
+                                     Rat{ -25, 336 } },
+                                   { Rat{ 53, 912 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 5, 16 }, Rat{ 27, 112 }, Rat{ 27, 136 },
+                                     Rat{ 256, 969 }, Rat{ -25, 336 }, Rat{ 0 } },
+                                   { Rat{ 617, 10944 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 241, 756 }, Rat{ 69, 320 },
+                                     Rat{ 435, 1904 }, Rat{ 10304, 43605 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ -1, 18 } } };
       // Completely Imbedded Runge-Kutta Pairs, by P.W.Sharp and J.H.Verner, Siam Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol.31,
       // No.4. (August 1994) pages 1169-1190.  https://doi.org/10.1137/0731061
       constexpr auto SharpVerner7 = ButcherTableau<12, true>{
-          {Rat{1, 12},
-           Rat{4, 243},
-           Rat{32, 243},
-           Rat{1, 18},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{1, 6},
-           Rat{5, 9},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{-25, 12},
-           Rat{25, 12},
-           Rat{1, 15},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{1, 3},
-           Rat{4, 15},
-           Rat{319, 3840},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{161, 1536},
-           Rat{-41, 960},
-           Rat{11, 512},
-           Rat{245, 5184},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{1627, 10368},
-           Rat{151, 1296},
-           Rat{-445, 10368},
-           Rat{1, 6},
-           Rat{-556349853, 7539261440},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{-4356175383, 3015704576},
-           Rat{-814787343, 1884815360},
-           Rat{831004641, 3015704576},
-           Rat{355452237, 235601920},
-           Rat{107943759, 117800960},
-           Rat{-68998698967, 1063035863040},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{-767387292485, 425214345216},
-           Rat{-205995991597, 265758965760},
-           Rat{-22181208863, 141738115072},
-           Rat{26226796959, 15502606336},
-           Rat{1614200643, 1107329024},
-           Rat{187, 329},
-           Rat{24511479161, 17979371520},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{3889847115, 217931776},
-           Rat{22028391, 3681280},
-           Rat{614528179, 217931776},
-           Rat{-148401247, 10215552},
-           Rat{-3122234829, 318384704},
-           Rat{-4160, 1221},
-           Rat{15040, 20757},
-           Rat{5519, 110880},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{0},
-           Rat{83, 560},
-           Rat{932, 3675},
-           Rat{282123, 1047200},
-           Rat{2624, 24255},
-           Rat{3008, 19635},
-           Rat{37, 2100}},
-          {Rat{5519, 110880}, Rat{0}, Rat{0}, Rat{0}, Rat{0}, Rat{83, 560}, Rat{932, 3675}, Rat{282123, 1047200},
-           Rat{2624, 24255}, Rat{3008, 19635}, Rat{37, 2100}},
-          {Rat{15509, 341880}, Rat{0}, Rat{0}, Rat{0}, Rat{0}, Rat{6827, 15540}, Rat{22138, 81585}, Rat{78003, 387464},
-           Rat{-64144, 299145}, Rat{623408, 2179485}, Rat{0}, Rat{-15, 518}
-          }};
-      constexpr auto Verner6 =
-          ButcherTableau<8, false>{{Rat{1, 7},           Rat{4, 81},         Rat{14, 81},        Rat{291, 1372},
-                                    Rat{-27, 49},        Rat{1053, 1372},    Rat{86, 297},       Rat{-14, 33},
-                                    Rat{42, 143},        Rat{1960, 3861},    Rat{-267, 22528},   Rat{189, 704},
-                                    Rat{63099, 585728},  Rat{58653, 366080}, Rat{4617, 20480},   Rat{10949, 6912},
-                                    Rat{-69, 32},        Rat{-90891, 68096}, Rat{112931, 25920}, Rat{-69861, 17920},
-                                    Rat{26378, 10773},   Rat{1501, 19008},   Rat{-21, 88},       Rat{219519, 347776},
-                                    Rat{163807, 926640}, Rat{-417, 640},     Rat{1544, 1539},    Rat{0}},
-                                   {Rat{79, 1080}, Rat{0}, Rat{19683, 69160}, Rat{16807, 84240}, Rat{0},
-                                    Rat{2816, 7695}, Rat{1, 100}, Rat{187, 2800}},
-                                   {Rat{763, 10800}, Rat{0}, Rat{59049, 197600}, Rat{88837, 526500}, Rat{243, 4000},
-                                    Rat{12352, 38475}, Rat{0}, Rat{2, 25}}};
+          { Rat{ 1, 12 },
+            Rat{ 4, 243 },
+            Rat{ 32, 243 },
+            Rat{ 1, 18 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 1, 6 },
+            Rat{ 5, 9 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ -25, 12 },
+            Rat{ 25, 12 },
+            Rat{ 1, 15 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 1, 3 },
+            Rat{ 4, 15 },
+            Rat{ 319, 3840 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 161, 1536 },
+            Rat{ -41, 960 },
+            Rat{ 11, 512 },
+            Rat{ 245, 5184 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 1627, 10368 },
+            Rat{ 151, 1296 },
+            Rat{ -445, 10368 },
+            Rat{ 1, 6 },
+            Rat{ -556349853, 7539261440 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ -4356175383, 3015704576 },
+            Rat{ -814787343, 1884815360 },
+            Rat{ 831004641, 3015704576 },
+            Rat{ 355452237, 235601920 },
+            Rat{ 107943759, 117800960 },
+            Rat{ -68998698967, 1063035863040 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ -767387292485, 425214345216 },
+            Rat{ -205995991597, 265758965760 },
+            Rat{ -22181208863, 141738115072 },
+            Rat{ 26226796959, 15502606336 },
+            Rat{ 1614200643, 1107329024 },
+            Rat{ 187, 329 },
+            Rat{ 24511479161, 17979371520 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 3889847115, 217931776 },
+            Rat{ 22028391, 3681280 },
+            Rat{ 614528179, 217931776 },
+            Rat{ -148401247, 10215552 },
+            Rat{ -3122234829, 318384704 },
+            Rat{ -4160, 1221 },
+            Rat{ 15040, 20757 },
+            Rat{ 5519, 110880 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 83, 560 },
+            Rat{ 932, 3675 },
+            Rat{ 282123, 1047200 },
+            Rat{ 2624, 24255 },
+            Rat{ 3008, 19635 },
+            Rat{ 37, 2100 } },
+          { Rat{ 5519, 110880 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 83, 560 }, Rat{ 932, 3675 },
+            Rat{ 282123, 1047200 }, Rat{ 2624, 24255 }, Rat{ 3008, 19635 }, Rat{ 37, 2100 } },
+          { Rat{ 15509, 341880 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 6827, 15540 }, Rat{ 22138, 81585 },
+            Rat{ 78003, 387464 }, Rat{ -64144, 299145 }, Rat{ 623408, 2179485 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ -15, 518 }
+          } };
+      constexpr auto Verner6 = ButcherTableau<8, false>{
+          { Rat{ 1, 7 },           Rat{ 4, 81 },         Rat{ 14, 81 },        Rat{ 291, 1372 },
+            Rat{ -27, 49 },        Rat{ 1053, 1372 },    Rat{ 86, 297 },       Rat{ -14, 33 },
+            Rat{ 42, 143 },        Rat{ 1960, 3861 },    Rat{ -267, 22528 },   Rat{ 189, 704 },
+            Rat{ 63099, 585728 },  Rat{ 58653, 366080 }, Rat{ 4617, 20480 },   Rat{ 10949, 6912 },
+            Rat{ -69, 32 },        Rat{ -90891, 68096 }, Rat{ 112931, 25920 }, Rat{ -69861, 17920 },
+            Rat{ 26378, 10773 },   Rat{ 1501, 19008 },   Rat{ -21, 88 },       Rat{ 219519, 347776 },
+            Rat{ 163807, 926640 }, Rat{ -417, 640 },     Rat{ 1544, 1539 },    Rat{ 0 } },
+          { Rat{ 79, 1080 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 19683, 69160 }, Rat{ 16807, 84240 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 2816, 7695 },
+            Rat{ 1, 100 }, Rat{ 187, 2800 } },
+          { Rat{ 763, 10800 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 59049, 197600 }, Rat{ 88837, 526500 }, Rat{ 243, 4000 },
+            Rat{ 12352, 38475 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 2, 25 } } };
       // http://www.mymathlib.com/diffeq/
       // http://www.mymathlib.com/diffeq/embedded_runge_kutta/embedded_verner_7_8.html
       constexpr auto Verner7 = ButcherTableau<10, false>{
-          {.5e-2,
-           -1.076790123456790123456790123456790123457,
-           1.185679012345679012345679012345679012346,
-           .4083333333333333333333333333333333333333e-1,
-           0.,
-           .1225,
-           .6360714285714285714285714285714285714286,
-           0.,
-           -2.444464285714285714285714285714285714286,
-           2.263392857142857142857142857142857142857,
-           -2.535121107934924522925638355466021548721,
-           0.,
-           10.29937465444926792043851446075602491361,
-           -7.951303288599057994949321745826687653648,
-           .7930114892310059220122601427111526182380,
-           1.001876581252463296196919658309499980821,
-           0.,
-           -4.166571282442379833131393800547097145319,
-           3.834343292912864241255266521825137866520,
-           -.5023333356071084754746433022861176561240,
-           .6676847438841607711538509226985769541026,
-           27.25501835463076713033396381917500571735,
-           0.,
-           -42.00461727841063835531864544390929536961,
-           -10.53571312661948991792108160054652610372,
-           80.49553671141193714798365215892682663420,
-           -67.34388227179051346854907596321297564093,
-           13.04865761077793746347118702956696476271,
-           -3.039737805711496514694365865875576322688,
-           0.,
-           10.13816141032980111185794619070970015044,
-           -6.429305674864721572146282562955529806444,
-           -1.586437148340827658711531285379861057947,
-           1.892178184196842441086430890913135336502,
-           .1969933540760886906129236016333644283801e-1,
-           .5441698982793323546510272424795257297790e-2,
-           -1.444951891677773513735100317935571236052,
-           0.,
-           8.031891385995591922411703322301956043504,
-           -7.583174166340134682079888302367158860498,
-           3.581616935319007421124768544245287869686,
-           -2.436972263219952941118380906569375238373,
-           .8515899999232617933968976603248614217339,
-           0.,
-           0.},
-          {.4742583783370675608356917271757453469893e-1, 0., 0., .2562236165937056265996172745827462344816,
-           .2695137683307420661947381725807595288676, .1268662240909278284598913836473917324788,
-           .2488722594206007162204644942764749276729, .3074483740820063133530438847909918476864e-2,
-           .4802380998949694330818906334714312332321e-1, 0.},
+          { .5e-2,
+            -1.076790123456790123456790123456790123457,
+            1.185679012345679012345679012345679012346,
+            .4083333333333333333333333333333333333333e-1,
+            0.,
+            .1225,
+            .6360714285714285714285714285714285714286,
+            0.,
+            -2.444464285714285714285714285714285714286,
+            2.263392857142857142857142857142857142857,
+            -2.535121107934924522925638355466021548721,
+            0.,
+            10.29937465444926792043851446075602491361,
+            -7.951303288599057994949321745826687653648,
+            .7930114892310059220122601427111526182380,
+            1.001876581252463296196919658309499980821,
+            0.,
+            -4.166571282442379833131393800547097145319,
+            3.834343292912864241255266521825137866520,
+            -.5023333356071084754746433022861176561240,
+            .6676847438841607711538509226985769541026,
+            27.25501835463076713033396381917500571735,
+            0.,
+            -42.00461727841063835531864544390929536961,
+            -10.53571312661948991792108160054652610372,
+            80.49553671141193714798365215892682663420,
+            -67.34388227179051346854907596321297564093,
+            13.04865761077793746347118702956696476271,
+            -3.039737805711496514694365865875576322688,
+            0.,
+            10.13816141032980111185794619070970015044,
+            -6.429305674864721572146282562955529806444,
+            -1.586437148340827658711531285379861057947,
+            1.892178184196842441086430890913135336502,
+            .1969933540760886906129236016333644283801e-1,
+            .5441698982793323546510272424795257297790e-2,
+            -1.444951891677773513735100317935571236052,
+            0.,
+            8.031891385995591922411703322301956043504,
+            -7.583174166340134682079888302367158860498,
+            3.581616935319007421124768544245287869686,
+            -2.436972263219952941118380906569375238373,
+            .8515899999232617933968976603248614217339,
+            0.,
+            0. },
+          { .4742583783370675608356917271757453469893e-1, 0., 0., .2562236165937056265996172745827462344816,
+            .2695137683307420661947381725807595288676, .1268662240909278284598913836473917324788,
+            .2488722594206007162204644942764749276729, .3074483740820063133530438847909918476864e-2,
+            .4802380998949694330818906334714312332321e-1, 0. },
@@ -541,274 +545,274 @@ namespace RK {
-          }};
-      constexpr auto Verner8 =
-          ButcherTableau<13, false>{{Rat{1, 4},
-                                     Rat{5, 72},
-                                     Rat{1, 72},
-                                     Rat{1, 32},
-                                     Rat{0},
-                                     Rat{3, 32},
-                                     Rat{106, 125},
-                                     Rat{0},
-                                     Rat{-408, 125},
-                                     Rat{352, 125},
-                                     Rat{1, 48},
-                                     Rat{0},
-                                     Rat{0},
-                                     Rat{8, 33},
-                                     Rat{125, 528},
-                                     Rat{-1263, 2401},
-                                     Rat{0},
-                                     Rat{0},
-                                     Rat{39936, 26411},
-                                     Rat{-64125, 26411},
-                                     Rat{5520, 2401},
-                                     Rat{37, 392},
-                                     Rat{0},
-                                     Rat{0},
-                                     Rat{0},
-                                     Rat{1625, 9408},
-                                     Rat{-2, 15},
-                                     Rat{61, 6720},
-                                     Rat{17176, 25515},
-                                     Rat{0},
-                                     Rat{0},
-                                     Rat{-47104, 25515},
-                                     Rat{1325, 504},
-                                     Rat{-41792, 25515},
-                                     Rat{20237, 145800},
-                                     Rat{4312, 6075},
-                                     Rat{-23834, 180075},
-                                     Rat{0},
-                                     Rat{0},
-                                     Rat{-77824, 1980825},
-                                     Rat{-636635, 633864},
-                                     Rat{254048, 300125},
-                                     Rat{-183, 7000},
-                                     Rat{8, 11},
-                                     Rat{-324, 3773},
-                                     Rat{12733, 7600},
-                                     Rat{0},
-                                     Rat{0},
-                                     Rat{-20032, 5225},
-                                     Rat{456485, 80256},
-                                     Rat{-42599, 7125},
-                                     Rat{339227, 912000},
-                                     Rat{-1029, 4180},
-                                     Rat{1701, 1408},
-                                     Rat{5145, 2432},
-                                     Rat{-27061, 204120},
-                                     Rat{0},
-                                     Rat{0},
-                                     Rat{40448, 280665},
-                                     Rat{-1353775, 1197504},
-                                     Rat{17662, 25515},
-                                     Rat{-71687, 1166400},
-                                     Rat{98, 225},
-                                     Rat{1, 16},
-                                     Rat{3773, 11664},
-                                     Rat{0},
-                                     Rat{11203, 8680},
-                                     Rat{0},
-                                     Rat{0},
-                                     Rat{-38144, 11935},
-                                     Rat{2354425, 458304},
-                                     Rat{-84046, 16275},
-                                     Rat{673309, 1636800},
-                                     Rat{4704, 8525},
-                                     Rat{9477, 10912},
-                                     Rat{-1029, 992},
-                                     Rat{0},
-                                     Rat{729, 341}},
-                                    {Rat{31, 720}, 0, 0, 0, 0, Rat{16, 75}, Rat{16807, 79200}, Rat{16807, 79200},
-                                     Rat{243, 1760}, 0, 0, Rat{243, 1760}, Rat{31, 720}},
-                                    {Rat{13, 288}, 0, 0, 0, 0, Rat{32, 125}, Rat{31213, 144000}, Rat{2401, 12375},
-                                     Rat{1701, 14080}, Rat{2401, 19200}, Rat{19, 450}, Rat{0}, Rat{0}}
-          };
+          } };
+      constexpr auto Verner8 = ButcherTableau<13, false>{
+          { Rat{ 1, 4 },
+            Rat{ 5, 72 },
+            Rat{ 1, 72 },
+            Rat{ 1, 32 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 3, 32 },
+            Rat{ 106, 125 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ -408, 125 },
+            Rat{ 352, 125 },
+            Rat{ 1, 48 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 8, 33 },
+            Rat{ 125, 528 },
+            Rat{ -1263, 2401 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 39936, 26411 },
+            Rat{ -64125, 26411 },
+            Rat{ 5520, 2401 },
+            Rat{ 37, 392 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 1625, 9408 },
+            Rat{ -2, 15 },
+            Rat{ 61, 6720 },
+            Rat{ 17176, 25515 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ -47104, 25515 },
+            Rat{ 1325, 504 },
+            Rat{ -41792, 25515 },
+            Rat{ 20237, 145800 },
+            Rat{ 4312, 6075 },
+            Rat{ -23834, 180075 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ -77824, 1980825 },
+            Rat{ -636635, 633864 },
+            Rat{ 254048, 300125 },
+            Rat{ -183, 7000 },
+            Rat{ 8, 11 },
+            Rat{ -324, 3773 },
+            Rat{ 12733, 7600 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ -20032, 5225 },
+            Rat{ 456485, 80256 },
+            Rat{ -42599, 7125 },
+            Rat{ 339227, 912000 },
+            Rat{ -1029, 4180 },
+            Rat{ 1701, 1408 },
+            Rat{ 5145, 2432 },
+            Rat{ -27061, 204120 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 40448, 280665 },
+            Rat{ -1353775, 1197504 },
+            Rat{ 17662, 25515 },
+            Rat{ -71687, 1166400 },
+            Rat{ 98, 225 },
+            Rat{ 1, 16 },
+            Rat{ 3773, 11664 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 11203, 8680 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ -38144, 11935 },
+            Rat{ 2354425, 458304 },
+            Rat{ -84046, 16275 },
+            Rat{ 673309, 1636800 },
+            Rat{ 4704, 8525 },
+            Rat{ 9477, 10912 },
+            Rat{ -1029, 992 },
+            Rat{ 0 },
+            Rat{ 729, 341 } },
+          { Rat{ 31, 720 }, 0, 0, 0, 0, Rat{ 16, 75 }, Rat{ 16807, 79200 }, Rat{ 16807, 79200 }, Rat{ 243, 1760 }, 0, 0,
+            Rat{ 243, 1760 }, Rat{ 31, 720 } },
+          { Rat{ 13, 288 }, 0, 0, 0, 0, Rat{ 32, 125 }, Rat{ 31213, 144000 }, Rat{ 2401, 12375 }, Rat{ 1701, 14080 },
+            Rat{ 2401, 19200 }, Rat{ 19, 450 }, Rat{ 0 }, Rat{ 0 } }
+      };
       // http://people.math.sfu.ca/~jverner/RKV98.IIa.Robust.000000351.081209.FLOAT6040OnWeb
       constexpr auto Verner9 = ButcherTableau<16, false>{
-          {.40e-1,
-           -.198852731918229097650241511466089129345e-1,
-           .1163726333296965222173745449432724803716,
-           .3618276005170260466963139767374883778890e-1,
-           0.,
-           .1085482801551078140088941930212465133667,
-           2.272114264290177409193144938921415409241,
-           0.,
-           -8.526886447976398578316416192982602292786,
-           6.830772183686221169123271254061186883545,
-           .5094385535389374394512668566783434123978e-1,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           .1755865049809071110203693328749561646990,
-           .70229612707574674987780067603244497535e-3,
-           .1424783668683284782770955365543878809824,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           -.3541799434668684104094753917518523845155,
-           .7595315450295100889001534202778550159932e-1,
-           .6765157656337123215269906939508560510196,
-           .7111111111111111111111111111111111111111e-1,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           .3279909287605898328568406057725491803016,
-           .2408979601282990560320482831163397085872,
-           .7125e-1,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           .3268842451575245554847578757216915662785,
-           .1156157548424754445152421242783084337215,
-           -.3375e-1,
-           .4822677322465810178387112087673611111111e-1,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           .3948559980495400110769549704186108167677e-1,
-           .1058851161934658144373823566907778072121,
-           -.2152006320474309346664428710937500000000e-1,
-           -.1045374260183348238623046875000000000000,
-           -.2609113435754923412210928689962011065179e-1,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           .3333333333333333333333333333333333333333e-1,
-           -.1652504006638105086724681598195267241410,
-           .3434664118368616658319419895678838776647e-1,
-           .1595758283215209043195814910843067811951,
-           .2140857321828193385584684233447183324979,
-           -.362842339625565859076509979091267105528e-1,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           -1.096167597427208807028761474420297770752,
-           .1826035504321331052308236240517254331348,
-           .708225444417068325613028685455625123741e-1,
-           -.231364701848243126999929738482630407146e-1,
-           .2711204726320932916455631550463654973432,
-           1.308133749422980744437146904349994472286,
-           -.5074635056416974879347823927726392374259,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           -6.631342198657237090355284142048733580937,
-           -.252748010090880105270020973014860316405,
-           -.4952612380036095562991116175550167835424,
-           .293252554525388690285739720360003594753,
-           1.440108693768280908474851998204423941413,
-           6.237934498647055877243623886838802127716,
-           .7270192054526987638549835199880202544289,
-           .6130118256955931701496387847232542148725,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           9.088803891640463313341034206647776279557,
-           -.407378815629344868103315381138325162923,
-           1.790733389490374687043894756399015035977,
-           .714927166761755073724875250629602731782,
-           -1.438580857841722850237810322456327208949,
-           -8.263329312064740580595954649844133476994,
-           -1.537570570808865115231450725068826856201,
-           .3453832827564871699090880801079644428793,
-           -1.211697910343873872490625222495537087293,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           -19.05581871559595277753334676575234493500,
-           1.26306067538987510135943101851905310045,
-           -6.913916969178458046793476128409110926069,
-           -.676462266509498065300115641383621209887,
-           3.367860445026607887090352785684064242560,
-           18.00675164312590810020103216906571965203,
-           6.838828926794279896350389904990814350968,
-           -1.031516451921950498420447675652291096155,
-           .4129106232130622755368055554332539084021,
-           2.157389007494053627033175177985666660692,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           0.,
-           23.80712219809580523172312179815279712750,
-           .88627792492165554903036801415266308369,
-           13.13913039759876381480201677314222971522,
-           -2.604415709287714883747369630937415176632,
-           -5.193859949783872300189266203049579105962,
-           -20.41234071154150778768154893536134356354,
-           -12.30085625250572261314889445241581039623,
-           1.521553095008539362178397458330791655267,
-           0.,
-           0.},
-          {.1458885278405539719101539582255752917034e-1, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
-           .2024197887889332650566666683195656097825e-2, .2178047084569716646796256135839225745895,
-           .1274895340854389692868677968654808668201, .2244617745463131861258531547137348031621,
-           .1787254491259903095100090833796054447157, .7594344758096557172908303416513173076283e-1,
-           .1294845879197561516869001434704642286297, .2947744761261941714007911131590716605202e-1, 0.},
-          {.2034666655224434599707885098832906986649e-1, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
-           1.069617650982700109541321983413338230042, .7680834711303187278673130261850350530338e-1,
-           .1130778186885240437498706751119241126785, .2552587357981962194892445789565762186511,
-           -.9825898086919164036191607912120918904022, .3981545824421514217762002137442675068982, 0., 0.,
-           .4932600711506839027871318637915324696208e-1}};
+          { .40e-1,
+            -.198852731918229097650241511466089129345e-1,
+            .1163726333296965222173745449432724803716,
+            .3618276005170260466963139767374883778890e-1,
+            0.,
+            .1085482801551078140088941930212465133667,
+            2.272114264290177409193144938921415409241,
+            0.,
+            -8.526886447976398578316416192982602292786,
+            6.830772183686221169123271254061186883545,
+            .5094385535389374394512668566783434123978e-1,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            .1755865049809071110203693328749561646990,
+            .70229612707574674987780067603244497535e-3,
+            .1424783668683284782770955365543878809824,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            -.3541799434668684104094753917518523845155,
+            .7595315450295100889001534202778550159932e-1,
+            .6765157656337123215269906939508560510196,
+            .7111111111111111111111111111111111111111e-1,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            .3279909287605898328568406057725491803016,
+            .2408979601282990560320482831163397085872,
+            .7125e-1,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            .3268842451575245554847578757216915662785,
+            .1156157548424754445152421242783084337215,
+            -.3375e-1,
+            .4822677322465810178387112087673611111111e-1,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            .3948559980495400110769549704186108167677e-1,
+            .1058851161934658144373823566907778072121,
+            -.2152006320474309346664428710937500000000e-1,
+            -.1045374260183348238623046875000000000000,
+            -.2609113435754923412210928689962011065179e-1,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            .3333333333333333333333333333333333333333e-1,
+            -.1652504006638105086724681598195267241410,
+            .3434664118368616658319419895678838776647e-1,
+            .1595758283215209043195814910843067811951,
+            .2140857321828193385584684233447183324979,
+            -.362842339625565859076509979091267105528e-1,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            -1.096167597427208807028761474420297770752,
+            .1826035504321331052308236240517254331348,
+            .708225444417068325613028685455625123741e-1,
+            -.231364701848243126999929738482630407146e-1,
+            .2711204726320932916455631550463654973432,
+            1.308133749422980744437146904349994472286,
+            -.5074635056416974879347823927726392374259,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            -6.631342198657237090355284142048733580937,
+            -.252748010090880105270020973014860316405,
+            -.4952612380036095562991116175550167835424,
+            .293252554525388690285739720360003594753,
+            1.440108693768280908474851998204423941413,
+            6.237934498647055877243623886838802127716,
+            .7270192054526987638549835199880202544289,
+            .6130118256955931701496387847232542148725,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            9.088803891640463313341034206647776279557,
+            -.407378815629344868103315381138325162923,
+            1.790733389490374687043894756399015035977,
+            .714927166761755073724875250629602731782,
+            -1.438580857841722850237810322456327208949,
+            -8.263329312064740580595954649844133476994,
+            -1.537570570808865115231450725068826856201,
+            .3453832827564871699090880801079644428793,
+            -1.211697910343873872490625222495537087293,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            -19.05581871559595277753334676575234493500,
+            1.26306067538987510135943101851905310045,
+            -6.913916969178458046793476128409110926069,
+            -.676462266509498065300115641383621209887,
+            3.367860445026607887090352785684064242560,
+            18.00675164312590810020103216906571965203,
+            6.838828926794279896350389904990814350968,
+            -1.031516451921950498420447675652291096155,
+            .4129106232130622755368055554332539084021,
+            2.157389007494053627033175177985666660692,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            0.,
+            23.80712219809580523172312179815279712750,
+            .88627792492165554903036801415266308369,
+            13.13913039759876381480201677314222971522,
+            -2.604415709287714883747369630937415176632,
+            -5.193859949783872300189266203049579105962,
+            -20.41234071154150778768154893536134356354,
+            -12.30085625250572261314889445241581039623,
+            1.521553095008539362178397458330791655267,
+            0.,
+            0. },
+          { .1458885278405539719101539582255752917034e-1, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
+            .2024197887889332650566666683195656097825e-2, .2178047084569716646796256135839225745895,
+            .1274895340854389692868677968654808668201, .2244617745463131861258531547137348031621,
+            .1787254491259903095100090833796054447157, .7594344758096557172908303416513173076283e-1,
+            .1294845879197561516869001434704642286297, .2947744761261941714007911131590716605202e-1, 0. },
+          { .2034666655224434599707885098832906986649e-1, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
+            1.069617650982700109541321983413338230042, .7680834711303187278673130261850350530338e-1,
+            .1130778186885240437498706751119241126785, .2552587357981962194892445789565762186511,
+            -.9825898086919164036191607912120918904022, .3981545824421514217762002137442675068982, 0., 0.,
+            .4932600711506839027871318637915324696208e-1 } };
       // Runge-Kutta pairs of orders 5(4) using the minimal set of simplifying assumptions,
       // by Ch. Tsitouras, TEI of Chalkis, Dept. of Applied Sciences, GR34400, Psahna, Greece.
       // constants taken from https://github.com/SciML/DiffEqDevTools.jl/blob/master/src/ode_tableaus.jl
       constexpr auto Tsitouras5 = ButcherTableau<7, true>{
-          {Rat{161, 1000},
-           -.8480655492356988544426874250230774675121177393430391537369234245294192976164141156943e-2,
-           .3354806554923569885444268742502307746751211773934303915373692342452941929761641411569,
-           2.897153057105493432130432594192938764924887287701866490314866693455023795137503079289,
-           -6.359448489975074843148159912383825625952700647415626703305928850207288721235210244366,
-           4.362295432869581411017727318190886861027813359713760212991062156752264926097707165077,
-           5.325864828439256604428877920840511317836476253097040101202360397727981648835607691791,
-           -11.74888356406282787774717033978577296188744178259862899288666928009020615663593781589,
-           7.495539342889836208304604784564358155658679161518186721010132816213648793440552049753,
-           -.9249506636175524925650207933207191611349983406029535244034750452930469056411389539635e-1,
-           5.861455442946420028659251486982647890394337666164814434818157239052507339770711679748,
-           -12.92096931784710929170611868178335939541780751955743459166312250439928519268343184452,
-           8.159367898576158643180400794539253485181918321135053305748355423955009222648673734986,
-           -.7158497328140099722453054252582973869127213147363544882721139659546372402303777878835e-1,
-           -.2826905039406838290900305721271224146717633626879770007617876201276764571291579142206e-1,
-           .9646076681806522951816731316512876333711995238157997181903319145764851595234062815396e-1,
-           Rat{1, 100},
-           .4798896504144995747752495322905965199130404621990332488332634944254542060153074523509,
-           1.379008574103741893192274821856872770756462643091360525934940067397245698027561293331,
-           -3.290069515436080679901047585711363850115683290894936158531296799594813811049925401677,
-           2.324710524099773982415355918398765796109060233222962411944060046314465391054716027841},
-          {.9646076681806522951816731316512876333711995238157997181903319145764851595234062815396e-1, Rat{1, 100},
-           .4798896504144995747752495322905965199130404621990332488332634944254542060153074523509,
-           1.379008574103741893192274821856872770756462643091360525934940067397245698027561293331,
-           -3.290069515436080679901047585711363850115683290894936158531296799594813811049925401677,
-           2.324710524099773982415355918398765796109060233222962411944060046314465391054716027841},
-          {.9468075576583945807478876255758922856117527357724631226139574065785592789071067303271e-1,
-           .9183565540343253096776363936645313759813746240984095238905939532922955247253608687270e-2,
-           .4877705284247615707855642599631228241516691959761363774365216240304071651579571959813,
-           1.234297566930478985655109673884237654035539930748192848315425833500484878378061439761,
-           -2.707712349983525454881109975059321670689605166938197378763992255714444407154902012702,
-           1.866628418170587035753719399566211498666255505244122593996591602841258328965767580089, Rat{1, 66}}};
+          { Rat{ 161, 1000 },
+            -.8480655492356988544426874250230774675121177393430391537369234245294192976164141156943e-2,
+            .3354806554923569885444268742502307746751211773934303915373692342452941929761641411569,
+            2.897153057105493432130432594192938764924887287701866490314866693455023795137503079289,
+            -6.359448489975074843148159912383825625952700647415626703305928850207288721235210244366,
+            4.362295432869581411017727318190886861027813359713760212991062156752264926097707165077,
+            5.325864828439256604428877920840511317836476253097040101202360397727981648835607691791,
+            -11.74888356406282787774717033978577296188744178259862899288666928009020615663593781589,
+            7.495539342889836208304604784564358155658679161518186721010132816213648793440552049753,
+            -.9249506636175524925650207933207191611349983406029535244034750452930469056411389539635e-1,
+            5.861455442946420028659251486982647890394337666164814434818157239052507339770711679748,
+            -12.92096931784710929170611868178335939541780751955743459166312250439928519268343184452,
+            8.159367898576158643180400794539253485181918321135053305748355423955009222648673734986,
+            -.7158497328140099722453054252582973869127213147363544882721139659546372402303777878835e-1,
+            -.2826905039406838290900305721271224146717633626879770007617876201276764571291579142206e-1,
+            .9646076681806522951816731316512876333711995238157997181903319145764851595234062815396e-1,
+            Rat{ 1, 100 },
+            .4798896504144995747752495322905965199130404621990332488332634944254542060153074523509,
+            1.379008574103741893192274821856872770756462643091360525934940067397245698027561293331,
+            -3.290069515436080679901047585711363850115683290894936158531296799594813811049925401677,
+            2.324710524099773982415355918398765796109060233222962411944060046314465391054716027841 },
+          { .9646076681806522951816731316512876333711995238157997181903319145764851595234062815396e-1, Rat{ 1, 100 },
+            .4798896504144995747752495322905965199130404621990332488332634944254542060153074523509,
+            1.379008574103741893192274821856872770756462643091360525934940067397245698027561293331,
+            -3.290069515436080679901047585711363850115683290894936158531296799594813811049925401677,
+            2.324710524099773982415355918398765796109060233222962411944060046314465391054716027841 },
+          { .9468075576583945807478876255758922856117527357724631226139574065785592789071067303271e-1,
+            .9183565540343253096776363936645313759813746240984095238905939532922955247253608687270e-2,
+            .4877705284247615707855642599631228241516691959761363774365216240304071651579571959813,
+            1.234297566930478985655109673884237654035539930748192848315425833500484878378061439761,
+            -2.707712349983525454881109975059321670689605166938197378763992255714444407154902012702,
+            1.866628418170587035753719399566211498666255505244122593996591602841258328965767580089, Rat{ 1, 66 } } };
       // Runge-Kutta Pairs of Orders 5(4) using the Minimal Set of Simplifying Assumptions
       // AIP Conference Proceedings 1168, 69 (2009), https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3241561
       constexpr auto Tsitouras2009 = ButcherTableau<7, false>{
-          {0.231572163526079, 0.271356352139396, -0.059103796886580, 0.043071565237093, 4.560080615554683,
-           -4.006458683473722, 0.084777789595161, -2.443935658802774, 2.631461258707441, 0.524706566208284,
-           0.072257770735164, 9.516251378071800, -8.467630087008555, -0.987888827522473, 0.867009765724064},
-          {0.091937670648056, 1.156529958312496, -0.781330409541651, 0.197624776163019, 0.271639883438847,
-           0.063598120979232, 0},
-          {0.092167469090589, 1.131750860603267, -0.759749304413104, 0.205573577541223, 0.264767065074229,
-           0.040490332103796, Rat{1, 40}}};
+          { 0.231572163526079, 0.271356352139396, -0.059103796886580, 0.043071565237093, 4.560080615554683,
+            -4.006458683473722, 0.084777789595161, -2.443935658802774, 2.631461258707441, 0.524706566208284,
+            0.072257770735164, 9.516251378071800, -8.467630087008555, -0.987888827522473, 0.867009765724064 },
+          { 0.091937670648056, 1.156529958312496, -0.781330409541651, 0.197624776163019, 0.271639883438847,
+            0.063598120979232, 0 },
+          { 0.092167469090589, 1.131750860603267, -0.759749304413104, 0.205573577541223, 0.264767065074229,
+            0.040490332103796, Rat{ 1, 40 } } };
     } // namespace
     template <typename Callable>
@@ -845,7 +849,7 @@ namespace RK {
       case scheme_t::Verner9:
         return f( Verner9 );
-      throw std::domain_error{"invalid RK::scheme_t"};
+      throw std::domain_error{ "invalid RK::scheme_t" };
     namespace {
@@ -868,7 +872,7 @@ namespace RK {
         // this is 'dState/Dz'
         //       x   y   tx  ty   qop  z
-        return {{tx, ty, qop * Ax, qop * Ay}, 0, 1};
+        return { { tx, ty, qop * Ax, qop * Ay }, 0, 1 };
       details::Jacobian<> evaluateDerivativesJacobian( const details::State<>&                        state,
@@ -962,7 +966,7 @@ namespace RK {
               return lhs;
             [dz]( const details::Vec4<>& rhs, double a ) -> details::State<> {
-              return {a * rhs, 0, a * dz};
+              return { a * rhs, 0, a * dz };
             } );
         constexpr auto bad_distance = 100 * Gaudi::Units::meter;
         if ( std::abs( stage.state.x() ) > bad_distance || std::abs( stage.state.y() ) > bad_distance ||
@@ -970,7 +974,7 @@ namespace RK {
           return RK::ErrorCode::BadDistance;
         // evaluate the derivatives
-        stage.Bfield     = fieldVector( {stage.state.x(), stage.state.y(), stage.state.z} );
+        stage.Bfield     = fieldVector( { stage.state.x(), stage.state.y(), stage.state.z } );
         stage.derivative = evaluateDerivatives( stage.state, stage.Bfield );
         k[m]             = dz * stage.derivative.parameters;
@@ -999,30 +1003,30 @@ namespace RK {
         k[0].noalias() =
             dz * evaluateDerivativesJacobian( cache.stage[0].state, jacobian, cache.stage[0].Bfield ).matrix;
         k[1].noalias() = dz * evaluateDerivativesJacobian( cache.stage[1].state,
-                                                           details::Jacobian<>{jacobian.matrix + table.a[0] * k[0]},
+                                                           details::Jacobian<>{ jacobian.matrix + table.a[0] * k[0] },
                                                            cache.stage[1].Bfield )
-        k[2].noalias() =
-            dz * evaluateDerivativesJacobian(
-                     cache.stage[2].state, details::Jacobian<>{jacobian.matrix + table.a[1] * k[0] + table.a[2] * k[1]},
-                     cache.stage[2].Bfield )
-                     .matrix;
+        k[2].noalias() = dz * evaluateDerivativesJacobian(
+                                  cache.stage[2].state,
+                                  details::Jacobian<>{ jacobian.matrix + table.a[1] * k[0] + table.a[2] * k[1] },
+                                  cache.stage[2].Bfield )
+                                  .matrix;
         k[3].noalias() = dz * evaluateDerivativesJacobian( cache.stage[3].state,
-                                                           details::Jacobian<>{jacobian.matrix + table.a[3] * k[0] +
-                                                                               table.a[4] * k[1] + table.a[5] * k[2]},
+                                                           details::Jacobian<>{ jacobian.matrix + table.a[3] * k[0] +
+                                                                                table.a[4] * k[1] + table.a[5] * k[2] },
                                                            cache.stage[3].Bfield )
         k[4].noalias() = dz * evaluateDerivativesJacobian( cache.stage[4].state,
-                                                           details::Jacobian<>{jacobian.matrix + table.a[6] * k[0] +
-                                                                               table.a[7] * k[1] + table.a[8] * k[2] +
-                                                                               table.a[9] * k[3]},
+                                                           details::Jacobian<>{ jacobian.matrix + table.a[6] * k[0] +
+                                                                                table.a[7] * k[1] + table.a[8] * k[2] +
+                                                                                table.a[9] * k[3] },
                                                            cache.stage[4].Bfield )
-        k[5].noalias() = dz * evaluateDerivativesJacobian( cache.stage[5].state,
-                                                           details::Jacobian<>{jacobian.matrix + table.a[10] * k[0] +
-                                                                               table.a[11] * k[1] + table.a[12] * k[2] +
-                                                                               table.a[13] * k[3] + table.a[14] * k[4]},
-                                                           cache.stage[5].Bfield )
+        k[5].noalias() = dz * evaluateDerivativesJacobian(
+                                  cache.stage[5].state,
+                                  details::Jacobian<>{ jacobian.matrix + table.a[10] * k[0] + table.a[11] * k[1] +
+                                                       table.a[12] * k[2] + table.a[13] * k[3] + table.a[14] * k[4] },
+                                  cache.stage[5].Bfield )
       } else {
         for ( int m = 0; m != NStages; ++m ) {
@@ -1087,29 +1091,29 @@ private:
   // tool properties
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_toleranceX{this, "Tolerance",
-                                       0.001 * Gaudi::Units::mm};         ///< required absolute position resolution
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_relToleranceTx{this, "RelToleranceTx", 5e-5}; ///< required relative curvature resolution
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minRKStep{this, "MinStep", 10 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxRKStep{this, "MaxStep", 1 * Gaudi::Units::m};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_initialRKStep{this, "InitialStep", 1 * Gaudi::Units::m};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_sigma{this, "Sigma", 5.5};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minStepScale{this, "MinStepScale", 0.125};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxStepScale{this, "MaxStepScale", 4.0};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_safetyFactor{this, "StepScaleSafetyFactor", 1.0};
-  Gaudi::Property<RK::scheme_t> m_rkscheme{this, "RKScheme", RK::scheme_t::CashKarp};
-  Gaudi::Property<size_t>       m_maxNumRKSteps{this, "MaxNumSteps", 1000};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_correctNumSteps{this, "CorrectNumSteps", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_numericalJacobian{this, "NumericalJacobian", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_maxSlope{this, "MaxSlope", 10.};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_maxCurvature{this, "MaxCurvature", 1 / Gaudi::Units::m};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_toleranceX{ this, "Tolerance",
+                                        0.001 * Gaudi::Units::mm };         ///< required absolute position resolution
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_relToleranceTx{ this, "RelToleranceTx", 5e-5 }; ///< required relative curvature resolution
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minRKStep{ this, "MinStep", 10 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxRKStep{ this, "MaxStep", 1 * Gaudi::Units::m };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_initialRKStep{ this, "InitialStep", 1 * Gaudi::Units::m };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_sigma{ this, "Sigma", 5.5 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minStepScale{ this, "MinStepScale", 0.125 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxStepScale{ this, "MaxStepScale", 4.0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_safetyFactor{ this, "StepScaleSafetyFactor", 1.0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<RK::scheme_t> m_rkscheme{ this, "RKScheme", RK::scheme_t::CashKarp };
+  Gaudi::Property<size_t>       m_maxNumRKSteps{ this, "MaxNumSteps", 1000 };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_correctNumSteps{ this, "CorrectNumSteps", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_numericalJacobian{ this, "NumericalJacobian", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_maxSlope{ this, "MaxSlope", 10. };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_maxCurvature{ this, "MaxCurvature", 1 / Gaudi::Units::m };
   // keep statistics for monitoring
-  mutable std::atomic<unsigned long long>               m_numcalls{0};
+  mutable std::atomic<unsigned long long>               m_numcalls{ 0 };
   mutable LHCb::cxx::SynchronizedValue<RK::Statistics>  m_totalstats; // sum of stats for all calls
-  mutable RK::ErrorCounters                             m_errors{this, "RungeKuttaExtrapolator failed with code: "};
+  mutable RK::ErrorCounters                             m_errors{ this, "RungeKuttaExtrapolator failed with code: " };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_numerical_integration_problem{
-      this, "problem in numerical integration"};
+      this, "problem in numerical integration" };
@@ -1170,7 +1174,7 @@ StatusCode TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator::propagate( Gaudi::TrackVector& state, do
     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  RK::details::State<> rkstate( {state( 0 ), state( 1 ), state( 2 ), state( 3 )}, state( 4 ) * Gaudi::Units::c_light,
+  RK::details::State<> rkstate( { state( 0 ), state( 1 ), state( 2 ), state( 3 ) }, state( 4 ) * Gaudi::Units::c_light,
                                 zin );
   auto                 status = propagate( rkstate, zout, transMat, geometry, pid, grid );
@@ -1374,7 +1378,7 @@ RK::ErrorCode TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator::extrapolateNumericalJacobian( const L
   std::optional<step_t> cached{};
   if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
     cached.emplace( m_totalstats.with_lock( []( const RK::Statistics& s ) {
-      return step_t{s.numstep, s.numfailedstep};
+      return step_t{ s.numstep, s.numfailedstep };
     } ) );
@@ -1385,7 +1389,7 @@ RK::ErrorCode TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator::extrapolateNumericalJacobian( const L
       extrapolate( grid, table, state, zout, &jacobian, [&]( double step ) { stepvector.push_back( step ); } );
   if ( success == RK::ErrorCode::Success ) {
     // now make small changes in tx,ty,qop
-    constexpr auto delta = std::array{0.01, 0.01, 1e-8};
+    constexpr auto delta = std::array{ 0.01, 0.01, 1e-8 };
     for ( int col = 0; col < 3; ++col ) {
       auto astate = inputstate;
       switch ( col ) {
diff --git a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackSTEPExtrapolator.cpp b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackSTEPExtrapolator.cpp
index 9fa8f365671dcf2132622c9e4361d3ac56f11788..66c633d4613319cc9ccbe25a4ae954c1c69e5e2c 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackSTEPExtrapolator.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackSTEPExtrapolator.cpp
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ namespace {
     RKVec2<TYPE> xparameters;
     RKVec2<TYPE> txparameters;
-    FloatType       qop{0};
-    FloatType       z{0};
+    FloatType       qop{ 0 };
+    FloatType       z{ 0 };
     TYPE&           x() noexcept { return xparameters( 0 ); }
     TYPE&           y() noexcept { return xparameters( 1 ); }
     TYPE&           tx() noexcept { return txparameters( 0 ); }
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ namespace {
     TYPE            ty() const noexcept { return txparameters( 1 ); }
     TYPE            x() const noexcept { return xparameters( 0 ); }
     TYPE            y() const noexcept { return xparameters( 1 ); }
-    Gaudi::XYZPoint position() const noexcept { return {x(), y(), z}; }
+    Gaudi::XYZPoint position() const noexcept { return { x(), y(), z }; }
   template <typename TYPE = FloatType>
@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ namespace {
   template <typename TYPE = FloatType>
   struct RKCache final {
     std::array<RKStage<TYPE>, 4> stage;
-    int                          laststep{-1};
-    int                          step{0};
+    int                          laststep{ -1 };
+    int                          step{ 0 };
   template <typename TYPE = FloatType>
@@ -160,12 +160,12 @@ namespace {
       sumstep += rhs.sumstep;
       return *this;
-    double             sumstep{0};
-    double             minstep{1e9};
-    double             maxstep{0};
-    unsigned long long numstep{0};
-    unsigned long long numfailedstep{0};
-    unsigned long long numincreasedstep{0};
+    double             sumstep{ 0 };
+    double             minstep{ 1e9 };
+    double             maxstep{ 0 };
+    unsigned long long numstep{ 0 };
+    unsigned long long numfailedstep{ 0 };
+    unsigned long long numincreasedstep{ 0 };
     RKVec2<>           err;
@@ -283,25 +283,25 @@ private:
   // tool properties
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_toleranceX{this, "Tolerance", 0.005 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minRKStep{this, "MinStep", 10 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxRKStep{this, "MaxStep", 1 * Gaudi::Units::m};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_initialRKStep{this, "InitialStep", 1 * Gaudi::Units::m};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_sigma{this, "Sigma", 5.5};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minStepScale{this, "MinStepScale", 0.125};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxStepScale{this, "MaxStepScale", 4.0};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_safetyFactor{this, "StepScaleSafetyFactor", 1.0};
-  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_maxNumRKSteps{this, "MaxNumSteps", 1000};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_numericalJacobian{this, "NumericalJacobian", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxSlope{this, "MaxSlope", 10.0};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxCurvature{this, "MaxCurvature", 1 / Gaudi::Units::m};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_useFieldLastStep{this, "UseFieldLastStep", true};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_toleranceX{ this, "Tolerance", 0.005 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minRKStep{ this, "MinStep", 10 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxRKStep{ this, "MaxStep", 1 * Gaudi::Units::m };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_initialRKStep{ this, "InitialStep", 1 * Gaudi::Units::m };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_sigma{ this, "Sigma", 5.5 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minStepScale{ this, "MinStepScale", 0.125 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxStepScale{ this, "MaxStepScale", 4.0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_safetyFactor{ this, "StepScaleSafetyFactor", 1.0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_maxNumRKSteps{ this, "MaxNumSteps", 1000 };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_numericalJacobian{ this, "NumericalJacobian", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxSlope{ this, "MaxSlope", 10.0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxCurvature{ this, "MaxCurvature", 1 / Gaudi::Units::m };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_useFieldLastStep{ this, "UseFieldLastStep", true };
   // data cache
-  double m_toleranceX_inv{0}; ///< 1 / m_toleranceX
+  double m_toleranceX_inv{ 0 }; ///< 1 / m_toleranceX
   // keep statistics for monitoring
-  mutable unsigned long long m_numcalls{0};
+  mutable unsigned long long m_numcalls{ 0 };
   mutable RKStatistics       m_totalstats; ///< sum of stats for all calls
   mutable std::mutex         m_updateLock; ///< update lock
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ TrackSTEPExtrapolator::extrapolate( const LHCb::Magnet::MagneticFieldGrid* grid,
   RKCache<> rkcache;
   RKVec2<>  err;
-  std::size_t numfailedstep{0};
+  std::size_t numfailedstep{ 0 };
   const bool                  do_debug = msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG );
   std::optional<RKStatistics> stats;
@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ TrackSTEPExtrapolator::extrapolateNumericalJacobian( const LHCb::Magnet::Magneti
   RKErrorCode success = extrapolate( grid, state, zout, &jacobian, &stepvector );
   if ( success == RKSuccess ) {
     // now make small changes in tx,ty,qop
-    double delta[3] = {0.01, 0.01, 1e-8};
+    double delta[3] = { 0.01, 0.01, 1e-8 };
     for ( int col = 0; col < 3; ++col ) {
       RKState<> astate( inputstate );
       switch ( col ) {
diff --git a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackSimpleExtraSelector.cpp b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackSimpleExtraSelector.cpp
index 0591dffd5622e09f2f31fe82503aa7566e3ffd5d..c8e91bc34b4942226e277fbe4235aa7ff3362173 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackSimpleExtraSelector.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackSimpleExtraSelector.cpp
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public:
   const ITrackExtrapolator* select( double, double ) const override { return m_extrapolator.get(); }
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{this, "ExtrapolatorName", "TrackParabolicExtrapolator"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{ this, "ExtrapolatorName", "TrackParabolicExtrapolator" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackSimpleExtraSelector )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackStateProvider.cpp b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackStateProvider.cpp
index 9e4136ed24efd7583f58c82ebe2f8bb40dc2905d..209d391cfb5be422683bbc356c67e81672d825b4 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackStateProvider.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/src/TrackStateProvider.cpp
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ namespace {
     const LHCb::Track*      m_track = nullptr;
     std::deque<LHCb::State> m_ownedstates;
-    double                  m_zFirstMeasurement{-9999};
+    double                  m_zFirstMeasurement{ -9999 };
     /// Constructor from a track
@@ -203,14 +203,14 @@ private:
   // mutable DataObjectHandle<AnyDataWrapper<TrackCaches>> m_caches{this, Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer, "CacheLocation",
   //                                                               "TrackStateProviderCache"};
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{"TrackMasterExtrapolator", this};
-  ToolHandle<ITrackInterpolator> m_interpolator{"TrackInterpolator", this};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{ "TrackMasterExtrapolator", this };
+  ToolHandle<ITrackInterpolator> m_interpolator{ "TrackInterpolator", this };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_applyMaterialCorrections{this, "ApplyMaterialCorrections", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_linearPropagationTolerance{this, "LinearPropagationTolerance", 1.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_cacheStatesOnDemand{this, "CacheStatesOnDemand", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_applyMaterialCorrections{ this, "ApplyMaterialCorrections", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_linearPropagationTolerance{ this, "LinearPropagationTolerance", 1.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_cacheStatesOnDemand{ this, "CacheStatesOnDemand", false };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_addedNOnDemandStates{this, "AddedNumberOnDemandStates"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_addedNOnDemandStates{ this, "AddedNumberOnDemandStates" };
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ StatusCode TrackStateProvider::state( LHCb::State& state, const LHCb::Track& tra
 const LHCb::State* TrackStateProvider::addState( TrackCache& tc, double z, IGeometryInfo const& geometry,
                                                  LHCb::State::Location loc, std::ptrdiff_t position ) const {
-  auto state = LHCb::State{loc};
+  auto state = LHCb::State{ loc };
   state.setZ( z );
   if ( position < 0 ) {
     position = std::distance( tc.states().cbegin(),
@@ -371,13 +371,13 @@ TrackCache TrackStateProvider::createCacheEntry( TkCacheKey key, const LHCb::Tra
   // create a new entry in the cache
-  TrackCache tc{track};
+  TrackCache tc{ track };
   // make sure downstream tracks have a few ref states before the first measurement.
   if ( track.type() == LHCb::Track::Types::Downstream ) {
-    for ( const auto& loc : {std::pair{LHCb::State::Location::EndRich1, StateParameters::ZEndRich1},
-                             std::pair{LHCb::State::Location::BegRich1, StateParameters::ZBegRich1},
-                             std::pair{LHCb::State::Location::EndVelo, StateParameters::ZEndVelo}} ) {
+    for ( const auto& loc : { std::pair{ LHCb::State::Location::EndRich1, StateParameters::ZEndRich1 },
+                              std::pair{ LHCb::State::Location::BegRich1, StateParameters::ZBegRich1 },
+                              std::pair{ LHCb::State::Location::EndVelo, StateParameters::ZEndVelo } } ) {
       if ( !track.stateAt( loc.first ) ) { addState( tc, loc.second, geometry, loc.first ); }
diff --git a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/tests/options/test_extrapolators.py b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/tests/options/test_extrapolators.py
index 2372ca1a7c835c7e50316444c0e68038b19f0cc9..f561ef276668778905b162ce36d2b7cdfd7adf1c 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/tests/options/test_extrapolators.py
+++ b/Tr/TrackExtrapolators/tests/options/test_extrapolators.py
@@ -8,23 +8,25 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-from PyConf.application import configure, configure_input, ApplicationOptions
-from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode
-from PyConf.Algorithms import ExtrapolatorTester
-from Configurables import (TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator, TrackKiselExtrapolator,
-                           TrackHerabExtrapolator, TrackMasterExtrapolator,
-                           TrackSimpleExtraSelector)
+from Configurables import (
+    TrackHerabExtrapolator,
+    TrackKiselExtrapolator,
+    TrackMasterExtrapolator,
+    TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator,
+    TrackSimpleExtraSelector,
 from DDDB.CheckDD4Hep import UseDD4Hep
+from PyConf.Algorithms import ExtrapolatorTester
+from PyConf.application import ApplicationOptions, configure, configure_input
+from PyConf.control_flow import CompositeNode
 options = ApplicationOptions(_enabled=False)
-    "MiniBrunel_2018_MinBias_FTv4_DIGI")
 options.evt_max = 1
 config = configure_input(options)
 if UseDD4Hep:
-    dd4hepSvc = config[
-        "LHCb::Det::LbDD4hep::DD4hepSvc/LHCb::Det::LbDD4hep::DD4hepSvc"]
+    dd4hepSvc = config["LHCb::Det::LbDD4hep::DD4hepSvc/LHCb::Det::LbDD4hep::DD4hepSvc"]
     dd4hepSvc.DetectorList = ["/world", "Magnet"]
 # if UseDD4Hep:
@@ -37,17 +39,15 @@ if UseDD4Hep:
 #     ]
 extrapolators = []
-ex = ExtrapolatorTester(name='ExtrapolatorTester', Extrapolators=extrapolators)
+ex = ExtrapolatorTester(name="ExtrapolatorTester", Extrapolators=extrapolators)
 extrapolators += [
-    TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator(
-        "BogackiShampine3", RKScheme="BogackiShampine3"),
+    TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator("BogackiShampine3", RKScheme="BogackiShampine3"),
     TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator("Verner7", RKScheme="Verner7"),
     TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator("Verner9", RKScheme="Verner9"),
-    TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator(
-        "Tsitouras5", RKScheme="Tsitouras5", OutputLevel=1),
+    TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator("Tsitouras5", RKScheme="Tsitouras5", OutputLevel=1),
-    TrackHerabExtrapolator("Herab")
+    TrackHerabExtrapolator("Herab"),
 config.update(configure(options, CompositeNode("TopSeq", [ex])))
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/doc/release.notes b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/doc/release.notes
index 861836c30abee94a39ae7d826356a33652c15d5e..4350252055ef43f42dd3f4768925c75847488254 100755
--- a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/doc/release.notes
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 !========================= TrackFitEvent v6r6 2016-01-28 =========================
 ! 2015-12-05 - Gerhard Raven
- - reduce mention of 'static' and 'std::auto_ptr' 
+ - reduce mention of 'static' and 'std::auto_ptr'
 !========================= TrackFitEvent v6r5 2015-01-14 =========================
 ! 2015-01-12 - Gerhard Raven
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@
  - FitNode: use vectorized similarity to compute residual.
  - KalmanFitResult: introduce covariant return type on clone,
    clean up loop
 ! 2015-01-04 - Gerhard Raven
  - FitNode: speed up transport by a further factor of 2 by using vectorized
    version of the similarity transforms from LHCbMath.
 ! 2014-12-29 - Gerhard Raven
- - FitNode: speed up transport of covariance matrix by a factor of 2 by 
+ - FitNode: speed up transport of covariance matrix by a factor of 2 by
    just spelling out the entire 5x5 similarity transform....
 !========================= TrackFitEvent v6r4 2014-12-11 =========================
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 !========================= TrackFitEvent v6r2 2014-07-14 ========================
 ! 2014-06-12 - Heinrich Schindler
- - VPMeasurement: modify constructor, passing PixelPositionInfo directly 
+ - VPMeasurement: modify constructor, passing PixelPositionInfo directly
    instead of cluster position tool.
 !========================= TrackFitEvent v6r1 2014-05-13 ========================
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 !========================= TrackFitEvent v5r24 2013-10-01 =======================
 ! 2013-09-09 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Follow VP detector element and channel ID changes (r162190, 162191) 
+ - Follow VP detector element and channel ID changes (r162190, 162191)
 ! 2013-08-23 Heinrich Schindler
  - Remove calls to DeVPSquareType
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
 !========================= TrackFitEvent v5r21 2013-03-22 =======================
 ! 2013-03-13 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Cleanup of VL measurements. 
+ - Cleanup of VL measurements.
 !========================= TrackFitEvent v5r20 2013-02-14 =======================
 ! 2013-02-01 - Sascha Stahl
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
 - exploit emptiness of transport matrix in zero B field
 !========================= TrackFitEvent v5r15 2012-03-17 =======================
-! 2012-03-16 - Wouter Hulsbergen 
+! 2012-03-16 - Wouter Hulsbergen
 - bug fix in filter logic: backward state could be in state 'smoothed'
   without having gone through 'filtered'. a real fix requires
   decoupling the smooth state from the filter.
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
 !========================= TrackFitEvent v5r9 2011-04-27 ========================
 ! 2011-04-15 - Victor Coco
- - Fix KalmanFitResult copy constructor from a KalmanFitResult 
+ - Fix KalmanFitResult copy constructor from a KalmanFitResult
 ! 2011-04-08 - Victor Coco
  - Fix some initialised variables in constructor of FitNode, KalmanFitResult,
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
 !========================= TrackFitEvent v5r8 2011-04-05 ========================
 ! 2011-04-04 - Victor Coco
  - put the check for negative element in the state covariance matrix diagonal only
-   in the smoothing step. 
+   in the smoothing step.
 	 Update the error types of KalmanFitResult accordingly
 ! 2011-04-03 - Victor Coco
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
 ! 2011-01-19 - Victor Coco
  - Modification to the KalmanFitResult to store errors from the FitNode computation
 ! 2011-01-17 - Wouter Hulsbergen & Victor Coco
  - Major modification: all the logic of the fitter is passed in FitNode to allow
    on demand computation.
@@ -265,14 +265,14 @@
 =========================== TrackFitEvent v4r6 2010-04-26 ====================
 ! 2010-04-13 - Victor Coco
  - added VeloPixLiteMeasurment class to deal with pixel measurment for upgraded
- vertex locator. 
+ vertex locator.
 =========================== TrackFitEvent v4r5 2010-03-19 ====================
 ! 2010-03-19 - Wouter Hulsbergen
  - added ChiSquare::prob
 ! 2010-03-18 - Victor Coco
- - added velopix switch case in KalmanFitResult 
+ - added velopix switch case in KalmanFitResult
 !========================== TrackFitEvent v4r4 2010-02-15 ====================
@@ -316,9 +316,9 @@
 !========================== TrackFitEvent v3r21p1 2009-06-03 =================
 ! 2009-06-03 - Marco Cattaneo
- - In StateTraj.h: 
+ - In StateTraj.h:
    add temporary workaround for windows: define NOMINMAX when including
-   GaudiKernel/boost_allocator.h, to avoid conflict with max() macro 
+   GaudiKernel/boost_allocator.h, to avoid conflict with max() macro
    defined in windows.h. This will become unnecessary with Gaudi v21r2
 !========================== TrackFitEvent v3r21 2009-05-08 ===================
@@ -326,8 +326,8 @@
  - added accessor to matrix A and B in TrackStateVertex
 ! 2009-04-06 Jose A. Hernando
- - in src/MuonMeasurement.cpp x,y 
-   x-type, measures x, error = x-size/sqrt(12), j-vector trajectory, range +- y-size/2 
+ - in src/MuonMeasurement.cpp x,y
+   x-type, measures x, error = x-size/sqrt(12), j-vector trajectory, range +- y-size/2
 !========================== TrackFitEvent v3r20 2009-02-20 ===================
 ! 2009-01-20 David Hutchcroft
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
  - Remove un-needed module member from OT class
 ! 2008-11-09 M Needham
- - Add totalCharge member to velo measurement classes  
+ - Add totalCharge member to velo measurement classes
 ! 2008-11-05 M Needham
  - Improvements to STMeasurement and STLiteMeasurement classes
@@ -397,12 +397,12 @@
 !========================== TrackFitEvent v3r14 2008-04-30 ===================
 ! 2008-04-30 M Needham
- - Change STMeasurement to prevent crash in init due to 0 pointer for sensor 
+ - Change STMeasurement to prevent crash in init due to 0 pointer for sensor
 ! 2008-04-22 - Wouter Hulsbergen
  - Fixed bug in MuonMeasurement
-! 2008-04-18 M Needham 
+! 2008-04-18 M Needham
  - Update to changes in STDet to add sensor level
 !========================== TrackFitEvent v3r13 2008-03-27 ===================
@@ -463,11 +463,11 @@
  - Fixed a doxygen warning
 ! 2007-07-23 - Silvia Pozzi and Wouter Hulsbergen
-- changed MuonMeasurements to single trajectory 
+- changed MuonMeasurements to single trajectory
 !========================== TrackFitEvent v3r6 2007-06-25 ====================
 ! 2007-06-25 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Put back Gaudi:: namespace in StateTraj.cpp method calling sequences, 
+ - Put back Gaudi:: namespace in StateTraj.cpp method calling sequences,
    needed to please doxygen (expects .h and .cpp to be the same)
 ! 2007-06-22 - Edwin Bos
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@
  - Fix compilation warning in MuonMeasurement.h
 ! 2007-04-27 - Jose Hernando, Miriam Gandelman, Erica Polycarpo
-  - Create MuonMeasurement.xml 
+  - Create MuonMeasurement.xml
 !========================== TrackFitEvent v3r3 2007-04-17 ====================
 ! 2007-04-17 - Gerhard Raven
@@ -515,8 +515,8 @@
  - Remove rootmap for Dict library
 ! 2007-01-26 M Needham
- - Temp fix in STMeasurement to make sure correct strip 
-   is used for the trajectory calculation 
+ - Temp fix in STMeasurement to make sure correct strip
+   is used for the trajectory calculation
 !========================== TrackFitEvent v3r0 2006-12-18 ====================
 ! 2006-12-18 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@
 !========================== TrackFitEvent v2r8 2006-12-06 ====================
 ! 2006-12-06 - Gerhard Raven
- - add implementation of the new 'parameters' function in StateTraj which 
+ - add implementation of the new 'parameters' function in StateTraj which
    is now required by DifTraj (pure virtual!)
 !========================== TrackFitEvent v2r7 2006-11-30 ====================
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@
  - Bug fix to the phi trajectory offset
 ! 2006-11-29 - David Hutchcroft
- - Changed VeloRMeasurement and VeloPhiMeasurement to use offline cluster 
+ - Changed VeloRMeasurement and VeloPhiMeasurement to use offline cluster
    centroid calculation in trajectory
 ! 2006-11-17 - Jeroen VAN TILBURG
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@
  - moved range() to baseclass, updated constuctor initializationlist
 ! 2006-04-06 - David Hutchcroft
- - Changed VeloPhiMeasurement and VeloRMeasurement to match new format 
+ - Changed VeloPhiMeasurement and VeloRMeasurement to match new format
    for measurements
 ! 2006-04-04 - Juan Palacios (Jan Amoraal changes)
@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@
    a Trajectory
 ! 2006-02-21 - David Hutchcroft
- - Updated VeloRMeasurement and VeloPhiMeasurement to work with new 
+ - Updated VeloRMeasurement and VeloPhiMeasurement to work with new
 ! 2006-02-20 - Jeroen van Tilburg
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/FitNode.h b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/FitNode.h
index 7c1704fde34db8f19ff0c0cd545f70ef2d6191c9..4f2c4b1c2d751c71bbea011707e73601c519e037 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/FitNode.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/FitNode.h
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
         Gaudi::TrackVector unbiasedX = owner.state().stateVector();
         for ( int i = 0; i < dim; i++ ) { unbiasedX -= K.Col( i ) * r[i]; }
         ROOT::Math::AssignSym::Evaluate( unbiasedC, ( unit + K * H ) * biasedC );
-        return LHCb::State{unbiasedX, unbiasedC, owner.z(), owner.state().location()};
+        return LHCb::State{ unbiasedX, unbiasedC, owner.z(), owner.state().location() };
       struct computeResidualResult {
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
           R[i][i] = m_errMeasure[i] * m_errMeasure[i];
           for ( int j = 0; j < dim; j++ ) { R[i][j] += sign * HCH[i][j]; }
-        return computeResidualResult{r, R};
+        return computeResidualResult{ r, R };
     }; // end of dimension-specific struct
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
     using DimInfo = std::variant<DimInfos<TypeDim::one, double>, DimInfos<TypeDim::two, double>>;
-    DimInfo m_dim{FitNode::DimInfos<Enum::nDim::Type::one>{}};
+    DimInfo m_dim{ FitNode::DimInfos<Enum::nDim::Type::one>{} };
 #if defined( __GNUC__ ) && __GNUC__ >= 13
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/KalmanFitResult.h b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/KalmanFitResult.h
index 2ec713c56b7faedb78ef2fe16e5f44655ef42494..4324018a31495d8036f2cfb7aaf3d2249cf1070e 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/KalmanFitResult.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/KalmanFitResult.h
@@ -194,13 +194,13 @@ namespace LHCb {
         const LHCb::FitNode& operator*() const { return **iter; }
         bool                 operator!=( Iterator const& rhs ) { return iter != rhs.iter; }
-      Iterator begin() const { return {parent->begin()}; }
-      Iterator end() const { return {parent->end()}; }
+      Iterator begin() const { return { parent->begin() }; }
+      Iterator end() const { return { parent->end() }; }
       auto     front() const { return *( parent->front() ); }
       auto     back() const { return *( parent->back() ); }
       auto     size() const { return parent->size(); }
-    return Range{&fr.nodes()};
+    return Range{ &fr.nodes() };
 } // namespace LHCb
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/LinearStateZTraj.h b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/LinearStateZTraj.h
index 0fc425e241821c2bfa86c601e6d13cbe755a80f2..e00196c147a4cb64a2685950efbae9bc9742509c 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/LinearStateZTraj.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/LinearStateZTraj.h
@@ -36,22 +36,22 @@ namespace LHCb {
     using Point  = typename LHCb::ZTrajectory<FTYPE, NBELMT>::Point;
     using Vector = typename LHCb::ZTrajectory<FTYPE, NBELMT>::Vector;
     /// Constructor from a state
-    LinearStateZTraj( const LHCb::State& state ) : m_state{state} {}
+    LinearStateZTraj( const LHCb::State& state ) : m_state{ state } {}
     /// Clone
     std::unique_ptr<LHCb::Trajectory<FTYPE>> clone() const override final {
-      return std::unique_ptr<LHCb::Trajectory<FTYPE>>{new LinearStateZTraj{*this}};
+      return std::unique_ptr<LHCb::Trajectory<FTYPE>>{ new LinearStateZTraj{ *this } };
     /// Return the cached state
     const LHCb::State& state() const { return m_state; }
     /// Position at location z
     Point position( FTYPE z ) const override final {
-      return Point{m_state.x() + ( z - m_state.z() ) * m_state.tx(), m_state.y() + ( z - m_state.z() ) * m_state.ty(),
-                   1.0};
+      return Point{ m_state.x() + ( z - m_state.z() ) * m_state.tx(), m_state.y() + ( z - m_state.z() ) * m_state.ty(),
+                    1.0 };
     /// First derivative of position to z
-    Vector direction( FTYPE /*z*/ ) const override final { return Vector{m_state.tx(), m_state.ty(), 1.0}; }
+    Vector direction( FTYPE /*z*/ ) const override final { return Vector{ m_state.tx(), m_state.ty(), 1.0 }; }
     /// Second derivative of position to z
-    Vector curvature( FTYPE /*z*/ ) const override final { return Vector{0, 0, 0}; }
+    Vector curvature( FTYPE /*z*/ ) const override final { return Vector{ 0, 0, 0 }; }
     /// Distance in z until the deviation from the linear
     /// approximation differs from this trajectory by a given tolerance.
     FTYPE distTo1stError( FTYPE /*z*/, FTYPE /*tolerance*/, int /*pathDirection*/ ) const override final {
@@ -83,13 +83,13 @@ namespace LHCb {
     /// return a state vector at position z
     virtual LHCb::StateVector stateVector( FTYPE z ) const override final {
       const double dz = z - m_state.z();
-      return LHCb::StateVector{Gaudi::TrackVector{m_state.x() + dz * m_state.tx(), m_state.y() + dz * m_state.ty(),
-                                                  m_state.tx(), m_state.ty(), m_state.qOverP()},
-                               z};
+      return LHCb::StateVector{ Gaudi::TrackVector{ m_state.x() + dz * m_state.tx(), m_state.y() + dz * m_state.ty(),
+                                                    m_state.tx(), m_state.ty(), m_state.qOverP() },
+                                z };
     /// return the set of reference statevectors for this parameterization (if any)
     virtual std::vector<StateVector> refStateVectors() const override final {
-      return std::vector<StateVector>{StateVector{m_state.stateVector(), m_state.z()}};
+      return std::vector<StateVector>{ StateVector{ m_state.stateVector(), m_state.z() } };
 } // namespace LHCb
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/Measurement.h b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/Measurement.h
index 7fbb014ea8b8a0792e3e58161455ab094387e68d..d2c08ff75a87fdfd8533dd8cd279a5edb92dabb9 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/Measurement.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/Measurement.h
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
     template <typename T, typename Variant, std::size_t... I>
     constexpr int index_helper( std::index_sequence<I...> ) {
-      auto b = std::array{std::is_same_v<T, std::variant_alternative_t<I, Variant>>...};
+      auto b = std::array{ std::is_same_v<T, std::variant_alternative_t<I, Variant>>... };
       for ( int i = 0; i != static_cast<int>( size( b ) ); ++i ) {
         if ( b[i] ) return i;
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
     SubInfo m_sub;    ///< subdetector specific information
     template <typename SubI, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<SubI, SubInfo>>>
-    Measurement( LHCbID id, double z, SubI&& subi ) : m_z{z}, m_lhcbID{id}, m_sub{std::forward<SubI>( subi )} {}
+    Measurement( LHCbID id, double z, SubI&& subi ) : m_z{ z }, m_lhcbID{ id }, m_sub{ std::forward<SubI>( subi ) } {}
     /// VP constructor
@@ -173,7 +173,8 @@ namespace LHCb {
     Measurement( LHCbID id, double z, LHCb::LineTraj<double> traj, double errMeas, const DeVPSensor* elem )
-        : Measurement{id, z, VP{std::move( traj ), elem, errMeas, details::Measurement::isX( traj.direction( 0 ) )}} {
+        : Measurement{ id, z,
+                       VP{ std::move( traj ), elem, errMeas, details::Measurement::isX( traj.direction( 0 ) ) } } {
     /// UT constructor
@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
     Measurement( LHCbID id, double z, LHCb::LineTraj<double> traj, double errMeas, const DeUTSector* elem )
-        : Measurement{id, z, UT{std::move( traj ), elem, errMeas}} {
+        : Measurement{ id, z, UT{ std::move( traj ), elem, errMeas } } {
     /// FT constructor
@@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
     Measurement( LHCbID id, double z, LHCb::LineTraj<double> traj, double errMeas, const DeFTMat* elem )
-        : Measurement{id, z, FT{std::move( traj ), elem, errMeas}} {
+        : Measurement{ id, z, FT{ std::move( traj ), elem, errMeas } } {
     /// Muon constructor
@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
     Measurement( LHCbID id, double z, LHCb::LineTraj<double> traj, double errMeas, const DeMuonChamber* elem )
-        : Measurement{id, z, Muon{std::move( traj ), elem, errMeas}} {
+        : Measurement{ id, z, Muon{ std::move( traj ), elem, errMeas } } {
     /// VP2D constructor
@@ -209,7 +210,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
     Measurement( LHCbID id, double z, Point traj, ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 2> errMeas, const DeVPSensor* elem )
-        : Measurement{id, z, VP2D{std::move( traj ), elem, errMeas}} {
+        : Measurement{ id, z, VP2D{ std::move( traj ), elem, errMeas } } {
     // Observers
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/ParametrisedScatters.h b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/ParametrisedScatters.h
index d37805e62fd20a70e8959ed9cb21239d00aca7b4..23febd55d445cdc6c4006b6586c4e541cfb9524c 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/ParametrisedScatters.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/ParametrisedScatters.h
@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ namespace TrackFit {
     struct ParametrisedScatter {
-      float Q{0};        // effective scattering thickness in tx (usually in range 1-5)
-      float etaxx{0.5};  // always in [0,1]
-      float etaxtx{0.5}; // always in [0,1]
-      float eloss{1.0};  // energy loss in MeV
+      float Q{ 0 };        // effective scattering thickness in tx (usually in range 1-5)
+      float etaxx{ 0.5 };  // always in [0,1]
+      float etaxtx{ 0.5 }; // always in [0,1]
+      float eloss{ 1.0 };  // energy loss in MeV
     using ParametrisedScatters = std::map<int, std::map<int, ParametrisedScatter>>;
@@ -130,40 +130,40 @@ namespace TrackFit {
       ParametrisedScatters rc;
       // tuned on 10k events of upgrade-magdown-sim10-up08-30000000-digi from TestFileDB
-      rc[VPHit][ClosestToBeam] = {2.91, 0.808, 0.793, 1.29};
-      rc[VPHit][VPHit]         = {1.48, 0.643, 0.526, 0.592};
-      rc[EndVelo][VPHit]       = {4.2, 0.294, 0.233, 1.6};
-      rc[BegRich1][EndVelo]    = {7.52, 0.495, 0.469, 2.53};
-      rc[EndRich1][BegRich1]   = {5.71, 0.576, 0.496, 3.46};
-      rc[UTHit][EndRich1]      = {2.62, 0.722, 0.689, 1.81};
-      rc[UTHit][UTHit]         = {1.2, 0.634, 0.503, 0.735};
-      rc[BegT][EndRich1]       = {74.6, 0.249, 0.175, 26.5};
-      rc[BegT][UTHit]          = {5.99, 0.419, 0.283, 3.49};
-      rc[FTHit][BegT]          = {0.676, 0.909, 0.884, 0.594};
-      rc[FTHit][FTHit]         = {1.17, 0.62, 0.499, 1.05};
-      rc[BegRich2][FTHit]      = {0.501, 0.313, 0.253, 0.504};
-      rc[BegRich2][BegT]       = {14.7, 0.636, 0.568, 13.8};
-      rc[EndRich2][BegRich2]   = {22.4, 0.696, 0.611, 10.8};
-      rc[MuonHit][EndRich2]    = {1.58e+04, 0.571, 0.539, 1.76e+03};
-      rc[MuonHit][MuonHit]     = {1.04e+04, 0.543, 0.506, 120};
-      rc[MuonHit][FTHit]       = {1.58e+04, 0.743, 0.735, 1.77e+03};
+      rc[VPHit][ClosestToBeam] = { 2.91, 0.808, 0.793, 1.29 };
+      rc[VPHit][VPHit]         = { 1.48, 0.643, 0.526, 0.592 };
+      rc[EndVelo][VPHit]       = { 4.2, 0.294, 0.233, 1.6 };
+      rc[BegRich1][EndVelo]    = { 7.52, 0.495, 0.469, 2.53 };
+      rc[EndRich1][BegRich1]   = { 5.71, 0.576, 0.496, 3.46 };
+      rc[UTHit][EndRich1]      = { 2.62, 0.722, 0.689, 1.81 };
+      rc[UTHit][UTHit]         = { 1.2, 0.634, 0.503, 0.735 };
+      rc[BegT][EndRich1]       = { 74.6, 0.249, 0.175, 26.5 };
+      rc[BegT][UTHit]          = { 5.99, 0.419, 0.283, 3.49 };
+      rc[FTHit][BegT]          = { 0.676, 0.909, 0.884, 0.594 };
+      rc[FTHit][FTHit]         = { 1.17, 0.62, 0.499, 1.05 };
+      rc[BegRich2][FTHit]      = { 0.501, 0.313, 0.253, 0.504 };
+      rc[BegRich2][BegT]       = { 14.7, 0.636, 0.568, 13.8 };
+      rc[EndRich2][BegRich2]   = { 22.4, 0.696, 0.611, 10.8 };
+      rc[MuonHit][EndRich2]    = { 1.58e+04, 0.571, 0.539, 1.76e+03 };
+      rc[MuonHit][MuonHit]     = { 1.04e+04, 0.543, 0.506, 120 };
+      rc[MuonHit][FTHit]       = { 1.58e+04, 0.743, 0.735, 1.77e+03 };
       if ( is_long_in_beam_pipe )
-        rc[FTHit][EndUT] = {69.1, 0.404, 0.333, 25.6};
+        rc[FTHit][EndUT] = { 69.1, 0.404, 0.333, 25.6 };
-        rc[FTHit][EndUT] = {4.4, 0.655, 0.576, 2.82};
+        rc[FTHit][EndUT] = { 4.4, 0.655, 0.576, 2.82 };
-      rc[EndUT][EndRich1] = {2.99, 0.553, 0.479, 1.99};
-      rc[EndUT][UTHit]    = {0.454, 0.147, 0.0599, 0.295};
-      rc[EndUT][VPHit]    = {21.3, 0.431, 0.319, 9.91};
+      rc[EndUT][EndRich1] = { 2.99, 0.553, 0.479, 1.99 };
+      rc[EndUT][UTHit]    = { 0.454, 0.147, 0.0599, 0.295 };
+      rc[EndUT][VPHit]    = { 21.3, 0.431, 0.319, 9.91 };
       // needed for the state creation after fit in PrKalmanFilter
-      rc[BegRich1][VPHit] = {13.1, 0.535, 0.478, 4.49};
-      rc[FTHit][EndRich1] = {75, 0.298, 0.201, 27.1};
+      rc[BegRich1][VPHit] = { 13.1, 0.535, 0.478, 4.49 };
+      rc[FTHit][EndRich1] = { 75, 0.298, 0.201, 27.1 };
       // simple fitter doesn't use reference states so we need these transitions
-      rc[UTHit][VPHit] = {23.3, 0.482, 0.357, 10.5};
-      rc[FTHit][UTHit] = {6.97, 0.53, 0.383, 4.18};
+      rc[UTHit][VPHit] = { 23.3, 0.482, 0.357, 10.5 };
+      rc[FTHit][UTHit] = { 6.97, 0.53, 0.383, 4.18 };
       // fill the inverse table as well. I hope that I have the formulas right
       for ( int i = ClosestToBeam; i < NTypes; ++i )
@@ -184,11 +184,11 @@ namespace TrackFit {
                            bool is_long_in_beam_pipe ) {
       static const ParametrisedScatters scatters = fillParametrisedScatters( is_long_in_beam_pipe );
       Gaudi::TrackSymMatrix             Q;
-      double                            deltaE{0};
+      double                            deltaE{ 0 };
       auto const                        dz = z - prevnode_z;
       // this cna be optimized later
-      if ( std::abs( dz ) <= 0.5 ) return {Q, deltaE};
+      if ( std::abs( dz ) <= 0.5 ) return { Q, deltaE };
       // let's complete the correction for a thin scatterer, then use
       // that to take the known effects out of the noise.
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/PrFitNode.h b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/PrFitNode.h
index 2c009ed674a555d71cfaa6c3f9234d60a1c02fa7..75d1578846d39f1b3b2b49064b06b738b04a3f02 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/PrFitNode.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/PrFitNode.h
@@ -49,21 +49,21 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
     Node( double pos_x, double pos_y, double pos_z, double dir_x, double dir_y, double dir_z, double err, Type type,
           LHCb::LHCbID lhcbid )
-        : measurement_error{err}
-        , m_z{pos_z}
-        , m_type{type}
-        , lhcbID{lhcbid}
-        , measurement_pos{pos_x, pos_y, pos_z}
-        , measurement_dir{dir_x, dir_y, dir_z} {}
-    double                               ref_residual{0.0};
-    double                               measurement_error{std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN()};
-    double                               delta_energy{0.0};
-    double                               m_z{std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN()};
-    Type                                 m_type{Type::Unknown};
+        : measurement_error{ err }
+        , m_z{ pos_z }
+        , m_type{ type }
+        , lhcbID{ lhcbid }
+        , measurement_pos{ pos_x, pos_y, pos_z }
+        , measurement_dir{ dir_x, dir_y, dir_z } {}
+    double                               ref_residual{ 0.0 };
+    double                               measurement_error{ std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN() };
+    double                               delta_energy{ 0.0 };
+    double                               m_z{ std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN() };
+    Type                                 m_type{ Type::Unknown };
     LHCb::LHCbID                         lhcbID{};
-    bool                                 m_is_outlier{false};
-    LHCb::StateVector                    lhcb_ref_vector{{}, m_z};
+    bool                                 m_is_outlier{ false };
+    LHCb::StateVector                    lhcb_ref_vector{ {}, m_z };
     std::array<LHCb::ChiSquare, 2>       delta_chi2{};
     Gaudi::TrackProjectionMatrix1D       projection{}; // H in EKF formalism
     std::array<Gaudi::TrackVector, 2>    predicted_state_vec{};
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
     void project_reference() {
-      Gaudi::Vector3 const r_pos{lhcb_ref_vector.x(), lhcb_ref_vector.y(), z()};
-      Gaudi::Vector3 const r_dir{lhcb_ref_vector.tx(), lhcb_ref_vector.ty(), 1.0};
+      Gaudi::Vector3 const r_pos{ lhcb_ref_vector.x(), lhcb_ref_vector.y(), z() };
+      Gaudi::Vector3 const r_dir{ lhcb_ref_vector.tx(), lhcb_ref_vector.ty(), 1.0 };
       Gaudi::Vector3 const delta_pos = r_pos - measurement_pos;
       Gaudi::Vector3 const v         = Cross( measurement_dir, r_dir );
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
       const Gaudi::TrackSymMatrix unit = ROOT::Math::SMatrixIdentity();
       Gaudi::TrackSymMatrix       unbiasedC;
       ROOT::Math::AssignSym::Evaluate( unbiasedC, ( unit + K * H ) * biasedC );
-      return LHCb::State{unbiasedX, unbiasedC, m_z, LHCb::State::Location::LocationUnknown};
+      return LHCb::State{ unbiasedX, unbiasedC, m_z, LHCb::State::Location::LocationUnknown };
@@ -246,9 +246,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
   inline const LHCb::LHCbID     id( const Node& node ) { return node.lhcbID; }
   inline const Gaudi::XYZVector pocaVector( const Node& node ) {
     Gaudi::Vector3 d0 = node.measurement_dir;
-    Gaudi::Vector3 d1{node.lhcb_ref_vector.tx(), node.lhcb_ref_vector.ty(), 1.0};
+    Gaudi::Vector3 d1{ node.lhcb_ref_vector.tx(), node.lhcb_ref_vector.ty(), 1.0 };
     auto           unit_poca = Cross( d0, d1 ).Unit();
-    return Gaudi::XYZVector{unit_poca[0], unit_poca[1], unit_poca[2]};
+    return Gaudi::XYZVector{ unit_poca[0], unit_poca[1], unit_poca[2] };
   inline const LHCb::State state( const Node& node ) {
     return LHCb::State( node.final_state_vec, node.final_state_cov, node.m_z, LHCb::State::Location::LocationUnknown );
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit {
   inline const Gaudi::TrackSymMatrix& smoothedStateCovariance( const Node& node ) { return node.final_state_cov; };
   inline const LHCb::State            smoothedState( const Node& node ) {
-    return LHCb::State{node.final_state_vec, node.final_state_cov, node.m_z, LHCb::State::Location::LocationUnknown};
+    return LHCb::State{ node.final_state_vec, node.final_state_cov, node.m_z, LHCb::State::Location::LocationUnknown };
 } // namespace LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/PrKalmanFitResult.h b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/PrKalmanFitResult.h
index 96624aca184a1105791a8f8bcd17bdc8d0b0f556..a40d16c048d6b06a59e27352b1cfc5ee9a94b62e 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/PrKalmanFitResult.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/PrKalmanFitResult.h
@@ -65,6 +65,6 @@ namespace LHCb {
     ChiSquare chi2Muon() const;
   }; // class TrackFitResult
-  inline auto nodes( PrKalmanFitResult const& fr ) { return LHCb::span<const Pr::Tracks::Fit::Node>{fr.fitnodes}; }
+  inline auto nodes( PrKalmanFitResult const& fr ) { return LHCb::span<const Pr::Tracks::Fit::Node>{ fr.fitnodes }; }
 } // namespace LHCb
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/StateZTraj.h b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/StateZTraj.h
index 9d9ab6cfba2b51f52355dacc657dabae746ec094..35a956a11b43a91817af98c8e4edb9af2a0a91b9 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/StateZTraj.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/StateZTraj.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
   template <typename FTYPE, unsigned int NBELMT>
   inline auto upderiv( FTYPE deriv, FTYPE tolerance ) {
     if constexpr ( !std::is_floating_point<FTYPE>::value ) {
-      return select( abs( deriv ) < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon(), FTYPE{10 * Gaudi::Units::km},
+      return select( abs( deriv ) < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon(), FTYPE{ 10 * Gaudi::Units::km },
                      sqrt( abs( 2 * tolerance / deriv ) ) );
     } else {
       return fabs( deriv ) > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon() ? sqrt( fabs( 2 * tolerance / deriv ) )
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
     ~StateZTraj() {}
     /// Constructor from the magnetic field at the States position
-    StateZTraj( FTYPE x, FTYPE y, FTYPE tx, FTYPE ty, FTYPE qop, FTYPE z, const Vector& bField = {0., 0., 0.} );
+    StateZTraj( FTYPE x, FTYPE y, FTYPE tx, FTYPE ty, FTYPE qop, FTYPE z, const Vector& bField = { 0., 0., 0. } );
     /// Constructor from a State or StateVector and the magnetic field at the States position
     template <class StateT>
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
     template <typename U = FTYPE>
     Derivative derivative( FTYPE z,
                            typename std::enable_if<not std::is_floating_point<U>::value>::type* = nullptr ) const {
-      Derivative deriv{ROOT::Math::SMatrixNoInit()};
+      Derivative deriv{ ROOT::Math::SMatrixNoInit() };
       for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 3 * kSize; ++i ) deriv.Array()[i] = 0.;
       FTYPE dz      = z - m_z;
       deriv( 0, 0 ) = deriv( 1, 1 ) = 1.;
@@ -191,10 +191,10 @@ namespace LHCb {
     StateVector stateVector( FTYPE z ) const override {
       if constexpr ( !std::is_floating_point<FTYPE>::value ) {
         const Vector5 parameters( x( z ), y( z ), tx( z ), ty( z ), m_qOverP );
-        return StateVector{parameters, z};
+        return StateVector{ parameters, z };
       } else {
         const Gaudi::Vector5 parameters( x( z ), y( z ), tx( z ), ty( z ), m_qOverP );
-        return StateVector{parameters, z};
+        return StateVector{ parameters, z };
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
   template <typename FTYPE, unsigned int NBELMT>
   inline typename StateZTraj<FTYPE, NBELMT>::Parameters StateZTraj<FTYPE, NBELMT>::parameters() const {
-    return {m_cx[0], m_cy[0], m_cx[1], m_cy[1], m_qOverP};
+    return { m_cx[0], m_cy[0], m_cx[1], m_cy[1], m_qOverP };
   template <typename FTYPE, unsigned int NBELMT>
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/TrackFitResult.h b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/TrackFitResult.h
index 868a257dc05f241399b196963fd01746c81d10f1..fc2109ca5e3693b695e82bf5f80a2016d13600f2 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/TrackFitResult.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/TrackFitResult.h
@@ -199,13 +199,13 @@ namespace LHCb {
         difference_type operator-( Iterator const& rhs ) { return iter - rhs.iter; }
-      Iterator begin() const { return {parent->begin()}; }
-      Iterator end() const { return {parent->end()}; }
+      Iterator begin() const { return { parent->begin() }; }
+      Iterator end() const { return { parent->end() }; }
       auto     front() const { return *( parent->front() ); }
       auto     back() const { return *( parent->back() ); }
       auto     size() const { return parent->size(); }
-    return Range{&fr.nodes()};
+    return Range{ &fr.nodes() };
 } // namespace LHCb
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/ZTrajectory.h b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/ZTrajectory.h
index 724eb5772f42d019545e16a1431ab5ad26233e44..59216649740253da68f03b7aba35962b90f3cfaa 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/ZTrajectory.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/include/Event/ZTrajectory.h
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ namespace LHCb {
         alignas( 64 ) float data[6 * NBELMT];
         for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) sv.parameters[i].store( data + i * NBELMT );
         sv.z.store( data + 5 * NBELMT );
-        return {State( LHCb::StateVector(
-            {data[Is], data[NBELMT + Is], data[2 * NBELMT + Is], data[3 * NBELMT + Is], data[4 * NBELMT + Is]},
-            data[5 * NBELMT + Is] ) )...};
+        return { State( LHCb::StateVector(
+            { data[Is], data[NBELMT + Is], data[2 * NBELMT + Is], data[3 * NBELMT + Is], data[4 * NBELMT + Is] },
+            data[5 * NBELMT + Is] ) )... };
       } else {
-        return {State( sv )};
+        return { State( sv ) };
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/src/FitNode.cpp b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/src/FitNode.cpp
index 0d76aac4dc9163ed4161608029feb3273b90e49c..9366889e6d8f2a342776f1cef13735ea73af741d 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/src/FitNode.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/src/FitNode.cpp
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
   /// Constructor from a Measurement
   FitNode::FitNode( const Measurement& aMeas, FitNode::DimInfo dimi )
-      : m_type( Type::HitOnTrack ), m_refIsSet( false ), m_measurement( &aMeas ), m_dim{dimi} {
+      : m_type( Type::HitOnTrack ), m_refIsSet( false ), m_measurement( &aMeas ), m_dim{ dimi } {
     m_refVector.setZ( aMeas.z() );
     m_filterStatus[Forward] = m_filterStatus[Backward] = Uninitialized;
     m_hasInfoUpstream[Forward] = m_hasInfoUpstream[Backward] = Unknown;
@@ -171,10 +171,10 @@ namespace LHCb {
         for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < n.typedim; i++ ) {
           for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < n.typedim; j++ ) { chi2 += std::abs( res[i] * res[j] * err2inv[i][j] ); }
-        return LHCb::ChiSquare{chi2, n.typedim};
+        return LHCb::ChiSquare{ chi2, n.typedim };
       } );
-      return LHCb::ChiSquare{0, 0};
+      return LHCb::ChiSquare{ 0, 0 };
@@ -349,12 +349,12 @@ namespace LHCb {
       // filter this measurement and set the chi2 contribution
       m_deltaChi2[direction] = visit_r<LHCb::ChiSquare>( [&]( const auto& f ) {
-        return LHCb::ChiSquare{LHCb::Math::Filter( state.stateVector(), state.covariance(),
-                                                   this->refVector().parameters(),
-                                                   LHCb::Math::detail::to_span( f.projectionMatrix() ),
-                                                   LHCb::Math::detail::to_span( f.refResidual() ),
-                                                   LHCb::Math::detail::to_span( f.errMeasure2() ) ),
-                               f.typedim};
+        return LHCb::ChiSquare{ LHCb::Math::Filter( state.stateVector(), state.covariance(),
+                                                    this->refVector().parameters(),
+                                                    LHCb::Math::detail::to_span( f.projectionMatrix() ),
+                                                    LHCb::Math::detail::to_span( f.refResidual() ),
+                                                    LHCb::Math::detail::to_span( f.errMeasure2() ) ),
+                                f.typedim };
       } );
     m_totalChi2[direction] += m_deltaChi2[direction];
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
   void FitNode::updateResidual( const LHCb::State& smoothedState ) {
     assert( hasMeasurement() );
     visit( [&]( auto& f ) {
-      auto res = f.computeResidual( *this, smoothedState, AssumeHitIsUsed{type() == Type::HitOnTrack} );
+      auto res = f.computeResidual( *this, smoothedState, AssumeHitIsUsed{ type() == Type::HitOnTrack } );
       if ( !f.isValid( res ) ) {
         this->m_parent->setErrorFlag( 2, KalmanFitResult::ComputeResidual, KalmanFitResult::Other );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/src/KalmanFitResult.cpp b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/src/KalmanFitResult.cpp
index c2e737ac5b37be339bcfd003fd92a29593f15f92..28885b865f1c9292b1bb69d68798a70b101d8e8c 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/src/KalmanFitResult.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/src/KalmanFitResult.cpp
@@ -178,24 +178,24 @@ namespace LHCb {
       bool upstream = nodes().front()->z() > nodes().back()->z();
       m_chi2Muon = ( firstMuon == fitnodes.end() ? LHCb::ChiSquare{}
-                                                 : upstream ? ( **lastMuon ).totalChi2( FitNode::Forward )
-                                                            : ( **firstMuon ).totalChi2( FitNode::Backward ) );
+                     : upstream                  ? ( **lastMuon ).totalChi2( FitNode::Forward )
+                                                 : ( **firstMuon ).totalChi2( FitNode::Backward ) );
       m_chi2Downstream = ( firstT == fitnodes.end() ? m_chi2Muon
-                                                    : upstream ? ( **lastT ).totalChi2( FitNode::Forward )
-                                                               : ( **firstT ).totalChi2( FitNode::Backward ) );
+                           : upstream               ? ( **lastT ).totalChi2( FitNode::Forward )
+                                                    : ( **firstT ).totalChi2( FitNode::Backward ) );
       m_chi2Velo = ( firstVelo == fitnodes.end() ? LHCb::ChiSquare{}
-                                                 : upstream ? ( **firstVelo ).totalChi2( FitNode::Backward )
-                                                            : ( **lastVelo ).totalChi2( FitNode::Forward ) );
+                     : upstream                  ? ( **firstVelo ).totalChi2( FitNode::Backward )
+                                                 : ( **lastVelo ).totalChi2( FitNode::Forward ) );
       m_chi2Upstream = ( firstTT == fitnodes.end() ? m_chi2Velo
-                                                   : upstream ? ( **firstTT ).totalChi2( FitNode::Backward )
-                                                              : ( **lastTT ).totalChi2( FitNode::Forward ) );
+                         : upstream                ? ( **firstTT ).totalChi2( FitNode::Backward )
+                                                   : ( **lastTT ).totalChi2( FitNode::Forward ) );
       m_chi2Long = ( firstT == fitnodes.end() ? m_chi2Upstream
-                                              : upstream ? ( **firstT ).totalChi2( FitNode::Backward )
-                                                         : ( **lastT ).totalChi2( FitNode::Forward ) );
+                     : upstream               ? ( **firstT ).totalChi2( FitNode::Backward )
+                                              : ( **lastT ).totalChi2( FitNode::Forward ) );
       const LHCb::ChiSquare& chi2A = nodes().front()->totalChi2( LHCb::FitNode::Backward );
       const LHCb::ChiSquare& chi2B = nodes().back()->totalChi2( LHCb::FitNode::Forward );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/src/Measurement.cpp b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/src/Measurement.cpp
index 56f767535824c57426fe0d679808f0f27ad1b1ed..1fcbc644b5c7744e8e344973049f88885b1c5522 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/src/Measurement.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/src/Measurement.cpp
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ LHCb::MinimizeResult LHCb::minimize( const LHCb::Measurement& m, const LHCb::Sta
       [&]( LHCb::Measurement::VP2D const& m ) -> MinimizeResult {
         // 2D minimize for VP
         auto                             unitPoca = refTraj.position( m.trajectory.Z() ) - m.trajectory;
-        constexpr std::array<double, 10> d        = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0};
-        auto                             H        = Gaudi::Matrix2x5{d.begin(), d.end()};
-        return LHCb::Minimize2DResult{zState, 0., unitPoca.Dot( unitPoca ), std::move( H ), std::move( unitPoca )};
+        constexpr std::array<double, 10> d        = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0 };
+        auto                             H        = Gaudi::Matrix2x5{ d.begin(), d.end() };
+        return LHCb::Minimize2DResult{ zState, 0., unitPoca.Dot( unitPoca ), std::move( H ), std::move( unitPoca ) };
       [&]( auto const& m ) -> MinimizeResult {
         // Determine the two points on the measurement and reference trajectory
@@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ LHCb::MinimizeResult LHCb::minimize( const LHCb::Measurement& m, const LHCb::Sta
         // normally we don't do that, thus c_r is just a vector of 0s
         auto const c_r = refTraj.curvature( zState );
         // now we solve the linear system for mu
-        auto const mat    = std::array{d_m.mag2(), -d_r.Dot( d_m ), d_r.mag2() - dist.Dot( c_r )};
-        auto       mu     = std::array{-dist.Dot( d_m ), dist.Dot( d_r )};
-        auto const decomp = ROOT::Math::CholeskyDecomp<double, 2>{mat.data()};
+        auto const mat    = std::array{ d_m.mag2(), -d_r.Dot( d_m ), d_r.mag2() - dist.Dot( c_r ) };
+        auto       mu     = std::array{ -dist.Dot( d_m ), dist.Dot( d_r ) };
+        auto const decomp = ROOT::Math::CholeskyDecomp<double, 2>{ mat.data() };
         if ( !decomp.Solve( mu ) ) throw std::runtime_error( "singular matrix" );
         // we move to the correct point on the reference trajectory
@@ -142,6 +142,6 @@ LHCb::MinimizeResult LHCb::minimize( const LHCb::Measurement& m, const LHCb::Sta
         // compute the projection matrix from parameter space onto the (signed!) unit
         auto H = eval( dual( unitPoca ) * refTraj.derivative( p_r ) );
-        return LHCb::Minimize1DResult{p_r, m_r, unitPoca.Dot( doca_vec ), std::move( H ), std::move( unitPoca )};
+        return LHCb::Minimize1DResult{ p_r, m_r, unitPoca.Dot( doca_vec ), std::move( H ), std::move( unitPoca ) };
       } );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/src/PrKalmanFitResult.cpp b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/src/PrKalmanFitResult.cpp
index 5b3ba4dae98065603c86f25fd0f4ff934d539fc4..b2c52a6d984c1ba59666f3c5f2247f7ada41a05b 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/src/PrKalmanFitResult.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/src/PrKalmanFitResult.cpp
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 namespace LHCb {
   std::unique_ptr<LHCb::ITrackFitResult> LHCb::PrKalmanFitResult::clone() const {
-    return std::unique_ptr<PrKalmanFitResult>( new PrKalmanFitResult{*this} );
+    return std::unique_ptr<PrKalmanFitResult>( new PrKalmanFitResult{ *this } );
   unsigned int PrKalmanFitResult::nActiveMeasurements() const {
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ namespace LHCb {
                           [&]( const Pr::Tracks::Fit::Node& node ) { return node.isHitOnTrack(); } );
   ChiSquare PrKalmanFitResult::chi2() const {
-    auto chi2_bkwd = ChiSquare{0, -number_of_trackparameters};
-    auto chi2_fwd  = ChiSquare{0, -number_of_trackparameters};
+    auto chi2_bkwd = ChiSquare{ 0, -number_of_trackparameters };
+    auto chi2_fwd  = ChiSquare{ 0, -number_of_trackparameters };
     for ( auto const& node : fitnodes ) {
       chi2_bkwd += node.delta_chi2[Pr::Tracks::Fit::Node::backward];
       chi2_fwd += node.delta_chi2[Pr::Tracks::Fit::Node::forward];
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
   ChiSquare PrKalmanFitResult::chi2Velo() const {
-    auto velo_chi2 = ChiSquare{0, -number_of_trackparameters};
+    auto velo_chi2 = ChiSquare{ 0, -number_of_trackparameters };
     for ( auto const& node : fitnodes ) {
       if ( node.type() == Pr::Tracks::Fit::Node::Type::VPHit ) {
         velo_chi2 += node.delta_chi2[Pr::Tracks::Fit::Node::backward];
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
   ChiSquare PrKalmanFitResult::chi2Downstream() const {
-    auto down_chi2 = ChiSquare{0, -number_of_trackparameters};
+    auto down_chi2 = ChiSquare{ 0, -number_of_trackparameters };
     for ( auto const& node : fitnodes ) {
       if ( node.type() == Pr::Tracks::Fit::Node::Type::FTHit ) {
         down_chi2 += node.delta_chi2[Pr::Tracks::Fit::Node::forward];
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/src/TrackFitResult.cpp b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/src/TrackFitResult.cpp
index 6ccd9714faf69207e8125d0b6359c71382399774..1e3ff8aa062e71b65ad55fbb3d72c15b53a57edf 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/src/TrackFitResult.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/src/TrackFitResult.cpp
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ TrackFitResult::~TrackFitResult() { std::for_each( m_nodes.begin(), m_nodes.end(
 // Clone the track
 std::unique_ptr<LHCb::ITrackFitResult> TrackFitResult::clone() const {
-  return std::unique_ptr<TrackFitResult>( new TrackFitResult{*this} );
+  return std::unique_ptr<TrackFitResult>( new TrackFitResult{ *this } );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/tests/src/test_measurement_minimize.cpp b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/tests/src/test_measurement_minimize.cpp
index c434f6ae94db2fd64161104a996024a2d23a972b..dcf2dfa2ae54be3ddd27d8201e7c0f3094546f8d 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/tests/src/test_measurement_minimize.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/tests/src/test_measurement_minimize.cpp
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
 namespace {
   // input are begin and end point of measurement trajectory
-  LHCb::LineTraj<double> const meas_trajectory( {-0x1.3a22b4p+11, -0x1.814f77ffffff5p+3, 0x1.23a876p+13},
-                                                {-0x1.1fba36p+11, -0x1.2f59a2p+11, 0x1.2362e4p+13} );
+  LHCb::LineTraj<double> const meas_trajectory( { -0x1.3a22b4p+11, -0x1.814f77ffffff5p+3, 0x1.23a876p+13 },
+                                                { -0x1.1fba36p+11, -0x1.2f59a2p+11, 0x1.2362e4p+13 } );
   // need this for the constructor but it doesn't need to actually point to something
 #ifdef USE_DD4HEP
@@ -35,28 +35,28 @@ namespace {
   DeVPSensor* det = nullptr;
   // input: ID, z, trajectory, err, SubInfo
-  LHCb::Measurement meas{LHCb::LHCbID(), 0x1.23a898p+13, meas_trajectory, 0, det};
+  LHCb::Measurement meas{ LHCb::LHCbID(), 0x1.23a898p+13, meas_trajectory, 0, det };
   //  input is: x,y,tx,ty,qop,z, Bfield-vec
   LHCb::StateZTraj<double> const reference_no_b_field( -0x1.35675a91ee8dbp+11, -0x1.c68b550c7a396p+8,
                                                        -0x1.113aba118e781p-1, -0x1.989f13e3421ddp-5, -0x1.5b1b54p-12,
-                                                       0x1.23a898p+13, {0, 0, 0} );
+                                                       0x1.23a898p+13, { 0, 0, 0 } );
   //  input is: x,y,tx,ty,qop,z, Bfield-vec
   LHCb::StateZTraj<double> const reference_with_b_field( -0x1.35675a91ee8dbp+11, -0x1.c68b550c7a396p+8,
                                                          -0x1.113aba118e781p-1, -0x1.989f13e3421ddp-5, -0x1.5b1b54p-12,
-                                                         {0x1.65d6b4p-17, -0x1.a162dp-15, -0x1.828402p-16} );
+                                                         { 0x1.65d6b4p-17, -0x1.a162dp-15, -0x1.828402p-16 } );
 } // namespace
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( CHECK_MINIMIZE_NO_BFIELD, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( double{1e-12} ) ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( CHECK_MINIMIZE_NO_BFIELD, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( double{ 1e-12 } ) ) {
   BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( " Testing minimize with reference trajectory without B-field " );
-  double constexpr zState_true{0x1.239bbc7ea9dbep+13};
-  double constexpr sMeas_true{-0x1.7ff114977e4aep+9};
-  double constexpr doca_true{-0x1.79e1f9add5f0cp-8};
-  std::array<double, 3> const unitPoca_true{-0x1.c1a1059dce72ap-1, -0x1.33bbb15201d7dp-4, -0x1.e3ba40fe8ecd2p-2};
-  std::array<double, 5> constexpr H_true{-0x1.c1a1059dce72ap-1, -0x1.33bbb15201d7dp-4, 0x1.695142ca30c3dp+0,
-                                         0x1.ee952b35424e4p-4, -0x0p+0};
+  double constexpr zState_true{ 0x1.239bbc7ea9dbep+13 };
+  double constexpr sMeas_true{ -0x1.7ff114977e4aep+9 };
+  double constexpr doca_true{ -0x1.79e1f9add5f0cp-8 };
+  std::array<double, 3> const unitPoca_true{ -0x1.c1a1059dce72ap-1, -0x1.33bbb15201d7dp-4, -0x1.e3ba40fe8ecd2p-2 };
+  std::array<double, 5> constexpr H_true{ -0x1.c1a1059dce72ap-1, -0x1.33bbb15201d7dp-4, 0x1.695142ca30c3dp+0,
+                                          0x1.ee952b35424e4p-4, -0x0p+0 };
   // std::visit([&](const auto& min) {
   std::visit( Gaudi::overload(
@@ -64,17 +64,17 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( CHECK_MINIMIZE_NO_BFIELD, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( do
                     auto const [zState, sMeas, doca, H, unitPocaVector] = min;
                     // convert Gaudi::xyzvector vector because we can't index it...
-                    std::array<double, 3> unitpoca{unitPocaVector.x(), unitPocaVector.y(), unitPocaVector.z()};
+                    std::array<double, 3> unitpoca{ unitPocaVector.x(), unitPocaVector.y(), unitPocaVector.z() };
                     BOOST_TEST( zState == zState_true, zState << " == " << zState_true );
                     BOOST_TEST( sMeas == sMeas_true, sMeas << " == " << sMeas_true );
                     BOOST_TEST( doca == doca_true, doca << " == " << doca_true );
-                    for ( size_t i{0}; i < H_true.size(); ++i ) {
+                    for ( size_t i{ 0 }; i < H_true.size(); ++i ) {
                       BOOST_TEST_CONTEXT( "H index " << i )
                       BOOST_TEST( H( 0, i ) == H_true[i] );
-                    for ( size_t i{0}; i < unitPoca_true.size(); ++i ) {
+                    for ( size_t i{ 0 }; i < unitPoca_true.size(); ++i ) {
                       BOOST_TEST_CONTEXT( "UnitPocaVector index " << i )
                       BOOST_TEST( unitpoca[i] == unitPoca_true[i] );
@@ -85,33 +85,33 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( CHECK_MINIMIZE_NO_BFIELD, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( do
               minimize( meas, reference_no_b_field, 0x1.23a898p+13 ) );
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( CHECK_MINIMIZE_WITH_BFIELD, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( double{1e-12} ) ) {
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( CHECK_MINIMIZE_WITH_BFIELD, *boost::unit_test::tolerance( double{ 1e-12 } ) ) {
   BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( " Testing minimize with reference trajectory with B-field " );
-  double constexpr zState_true{0x1.239bb9c9bd50ap+13};
-  double constexpr sMeas_true{-0x1.7ff11492f8902p+9};
-  double constexpr doca_true{-0x1.790870d158c79p-8};
-  std::array<double, 3> const unitPoca_true{-0x1.c1a1e63a91dbbp-1, -0x1.33bc5aa823285p-4, -0x1.e3b6f721652d1p-2};
-  std::array<double, 5> constexpr H_true{-0x1.c1a1e63a91dbbp-1, -0x1.33bc5aa823285p-4, 0x1.699ddaebbe0a1p+0,
-                                         0x1.eefaf977e9a83p-4, -0x1.4167176a60aacp-6};
+  double constexpr zState_true{ 0x1.239bb9c9bd50ap+13 };
+  double constexpr sMeas_true{ -0x1.7ff11492f8902p+9 };
+  double constexpr doca_true{ -0x1.790870d158c79p-8 };
+  std::array<double, 3> const unitPoca_true{ -0x1.c1a1e63a91dbbp-1, -0x1.33bc5aa823285p-4, -0x1.e3b6f721652d1p-2 };
+  std::array<double, 5> constexpr H_true{ -0x1.c1a1e63a91dbbp-1, -0x1.33bc5aa823285p-4, 0x1.699ddaebbe0a1p+0,
+                                          0x1.eefaf977e9a83p-4, -0x1.4167176a60aacp-6 };
   std::visit( Gaudi::overload(
                   [&]( const LHCb::Minimize1DResult& min ) {
                     auto const [zState, sMeas, doca, H, unitPocaVector] = min;
                     // convert Gaudi::xyzvector vector because we can't index it...
-                    std::array<double, 3> unitpoca{unitPocaVector.x(), unitPocaVector.y(), unitPocaVector.z()};
+                    std::array<double, 3> unitpoca{ unitPocaVector.x(), unitPocaVector.y(), unitPocaVector.z() };
                     BOOST_TEST( zState == zState_true, zState << " == " << zState_true );
                     BOOST_TEST( sMeas == sMeas_true, sMeas << " == " << sMeas_true );
                     BOOST_TEST( doca == doca_true, doca << " == " << doca_true );
-                    for ( size_t i{0}; i < H_true.size(); ++i ) {
+                    for ( size_t i{ 0 }; i < H_true.size(); ++i ) {
                       BOOST_TEST_CONTEXT( "H index " << i )
                       BOOST_TEST( H( 0, i ) == H_true[i] );
-                    for ( size_t i{0}; i < unitPoca_true.size(); ++i ) {
+                    for ( size_t i{ 0 }; i < unitPoca_true.size(); ++i ) {
                       BOOST_TEST_CONTEXT( "UnitPocaVector index " << i )
                       BOOST_TEST( unitpoca[i] == unitPoca_true[i] );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/tests/src/test_traj.cpp b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/tests/src/test_traj.cpp
index acd94fc3b726ec516d8d511c5da1044c432035da..acb9887c413ea0b89b2530a51fd2439e1fb1006f 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitEvent/tests/src/test_traj.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitEvent/tests/src/test_traj.cpp
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ namespace {
     SOA_ACCESSOR( ty, &data[3 * line_size] )
     SOA_ACCESSOR( qop, &data[4 * line_size] )
     SOA_ACCESSOR( z, &data[5 * line_size] )
-    alignas( 64 ) float data[max_size]{0};
+    alignas( 64 ) float data[max_size]{ 0 };
     SoAData( std::array<const float, nb_entries> xs, std::array<const float, nb_entries> ys,
              std::array<const float, nb_entries> txs, std::array<const float, nb_entries> tys,
              std::array<const float, nb_entries> qops, std::array<const float, nb_entries> zs ) {
@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ namespace {
   SoAData data{
-      {-36.1555, -1.01366, 787.603, -5.59514, -5.59514},                 // x
-      {-273.555, -7.13817, -1087.02, -39.4269, -39.4269},                // y
-      {0.000175838, 0.000175838, 0.000179528, 0.000175838, 0.000175838}, // tx
-      {-0.0128336, -0.0166972, 0.213602, -0.0165059, -0.0165059},        // ty
-      {-0.116527, -0.116762, -0.111832, -0.117043, -0.117043},           // qop
-      {2320.28, 36.919, 9403, 313.081, 313.081}                          // z
+      { -36.1555, -1.01366, 787.603, -5.59514, -5.59514 },                 // x
+      { -273.555, -7.13817, -1087.02, -39.4269, -39.4269 },                // y
+      { 0.000175838, 0.000175838, 0.000179528, 0.000175838, 0.000175838 }, // tx
+      { -0.0128336, -0.0166972, 0.213602, -0.0165059, -0.0165059 },        // ty
+      { -0.116527, -0.116762, -0.111832, -0.117043, -0.117043 },           // qop
+      { 2320.28, 36.919, 9403, 313.081, 313.081 }                          // z
   std::array<LHCb::StateZTraj<float>, SoAData::nb_entries> aost;
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ namespace {
   struct InitAosZTraj {
     InitAosZTraj() {
       for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < SoAData::nb_entries; i++ ) {
-        aost[i] = {data.x<scalar::float_v>( i ).cast(),   data.y<scalar::float_v>( i ).cast(),
-                   data.tx<scalar::float_v>( i ).cast(),  data.ty<scalar::float_v>( i ).cast(),
-                   data.qop<scalar::float_v>( i ).cast(), data.z<scalar::float_v>( i ).cast()};
+        aost[i] = { data.x<scalar::float_v>( i ).cast(),   data.y<scalar::float_v>( i ).cast(),
+                    data.tx<scalar::float_v>( i ).cast(),  data.ty<scalar::float_v>( i ).cast(),
+                    data.qop<scalar::float_v>( i ).cast(), data.z<scalar::float_v>( i ).cast() };
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ namespace {
   struct InitSoaZTraj {
     InitSoaZTraj() {
       for ( unsigned int i = 0, j = 0; i < SoAData::nb_entries; i += simd::size, j++ ) {
-        soat[j] = {data.x<simd::float_v>( i ),  data.y<simd::float_v>( i ),   data.tx<simd::float_v>( i ),
-                   data.ty<simd::float_v>( i ), data.qop<simd::float_v>( i ), data.z<simd::float_v>( i )};
+        soat[j] = { data.x<simd::float_v>( i ),  data.y<simd::float_v>( i ),   data.tx<simd::float_v>( i ),
+                    data.ty<simd::float_v>( i ), data.qop<simd::float_v>( i ), data.z<simd::float_v>( i ) };
@@ -170,13 +170,13 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( CHECK_POSITION ) {
   // Point pp { 2.9, 5.18, 9.2 };
   for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < SoAData::nb_vec; ++i ) {
-    auto                res = soat[i].muEstimate( {2.9, 5.18, 9.2} );
+    auto                res = soat[i].muEstimate( { 2.9, 5.18, 9.2 } );
     alignas( 64 ) float soa_mue[simd::size];
     res.store( soa_mue );
     for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < simd::size; ++j ) {
       auto k = i * simd::size + j;
       if ( k == SoAData::nb_entries ) break;
-      auto aos_mue = aost[k].muEstimate( {2.9, 5.18, 9.2} );
+      auto aos_mue = aost[k].muEstimate( { 2.9, 5.18, 9.2 } );
       BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( " traj " << k );
       BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE( aos_mue, soa_mue[j], 1e-4 );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitter/doc/release.notes b/Tr/TrackFitter/doc/release.notes
index 521df838289b148ecd89b9bbc085d26614254014..c14f6f711c85a88aee6181e1ea3745e0b5b44cb4 100755
--- a/Tr/TrackFitter/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitter/doc/release.notes
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@
     measurement providers.
 ! 2013-02-01 - Sascha Stahl
- - Added VL measurements to the TrackMasterFitter. 
- - Changed structure of hittype map so that it reflects the measurements 
+ - Added VL measurements to the TrackMasterFitter.
+ - Changed structure of hittype map so that it reflects the measurements
    defined in Measurement.h
 !========================= TrackFitter v4r9 2012-11-28 =========================
@@ -169,15 +169,15 @@ TODO: remove unused properties from TrackKalmanFilter
 ! 2011-01-17 - Wouter Hulsbergen & Victor Coco
 - Major modification. All the node clculation logic went into FitNode, TrackKalmanFilter
-  is used to loop over nodes. 
+  is used to loop over nodes.
 !========================= TrackFitter v3r2 2011-01-17 =========================
 ! 2011-01-11 - Victor Coco
 - get the inverse matrix as reference in predictReverseFit in TrackKalmanFilter
 ! 2010-12-21 - Victor Coco
-- Change in predictReverse function of TrackKalmanFilter to get the cached 
-  inverse transport matrix store in FitNode  instead of recomputing it 
+- Change in predictReverse function of TrackKalmanFilter to get the cached
+  inverse transport matrix store in FitNode  instead of recomputing it
   (comuptation done when transport  matrix is set)
   Gain 7% of cycles spent in the fitter in HLT.
@@ -279,10 +279,10 @@ TODO: remove unused properties from TrackKalmanFilter
 !=========================== TrackFitter v2r40 2009-11-22 ===================
 ! 2009-11-22 - Wouter Hulsbergen
   - Added property to set fixed scattering momentum, e.g. for magnet off data
-  - Made fitter a toolhandle to make adjustment of configuration easier 
+  - Made fitter a toolhandle to make adjustment of configuration easier
 ! 2009-11-19 - Wouter Hulsbergen
- - Important bug fix in ConfiguredFitters: mustbe very careful with 'mutable' 
+ - Important bug fix in ConfiguredFitters: mustbe very careful with 'mutable'
    default arguments in python. See
@@ -312,10 +312,10 @@ TODO: remove unused properties from TrackKalmanFilter
    Configuration now identical for all track types except Seed.
 ! 2009-10-08 - Wouter Hulsbergen
- - Adapted to changes in LHCb::Track 
+ - Adapted to changes in LHCb::Track
 ! 2009-10-05 - Wouter Hulsbergen
- - Update ConfiguredFitters: remove default prefitters, add some flags 
+ - Update ConfiguredFitters: remove default prefitters, add some flags
 ! 2009-09-30 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Use Warning() instead of warning() in previous change
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ TODO: remove unused properties from TrackKalmanFilter
  - Fix typo in DoF in Configurables.py
 ! 2009-08-08 M Needham
- - Correct DOF to 4 in case of field off  
+ - Correct DOF to 4 in case of field off
 !=========================== TrackFitter v2r36 2009-07-28 ===================
 ! 2009-07-16 - Wouter Hulsbergen
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ TODO: remove unused properties from TrackKalmanFilter
 !=========================== TrackFitter v2r31 2009-02-20 ===================
 ! 2009-02-12 - Wouter Hulsbergen
  - add job option for minimum number of remaining hits in outlier removal
 ! 2009-02-12 - Wouter Hulsbergen
  - by request from gerhard: configuredfitter now also takes an instance as argument
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ TODO: remove unused properties from TrackKalmanFilter
 ! 2009-01-19 - David Hutchcroft
  - Added ability to fit Velo "lite" clusters
-   Added ConfiguredFitForwardLiteOnly and ConfiguredFitVeloLiteOnly to 
+   Added ConfiguredFitForwardLiteOnly and ConfiguredFitVeloLiteOnly to
 !=========================== TrackFitter v2r30 2009-01-13 ===================
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ TODO: remove unused properties from TrackKalmanFilter
    instance (or from the its method .getFullName()).
 ! 2008-10-23 - Wouter Hulsbergen
- - flag outliers, rather than remove them 
+ - flag outliers, rather than remove them
 ! 2008-10-21 - Chris Jones
  - Adapt to python changes in TrackSys
@@ -474,8 +474,8 @@ TODO: remove unused properties from TrackKalmanFilter
  - added debug output
 !=========================== TrackFitter v2r24 2008-04-04 ===================
-! 2008-03-31 M Needham 
- - Follow changes in fitter interface 
+! 2008-03-31 M Needham
+ - Follow changes in fitter interface
 !=========================== TrackFitter v2r23 2008-01-30 ===================
 ! 2008-01-29 Wouter Hulsbergen
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ TODO: remove unused properties from TrackKalmanFilter
 ! 2007-11-30 Wouter Hulsbergen
  - set and use reference for each node (no longer from measurement)
  - set references using TrackTraj from all existing states
- - add counters to TrackFitEvent 
+ - add counters to TrackFitEvent
 !=========================== TrackFitter v2r21 2007-11-06 ===================
 ! 2007-11-06 M Needham
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ TODO: remove unused properties from TrackKalmanFilter
 ! 2007-11-05 M Needham
   - fix unchecked status codes
   - use Warning() rather than private failure method in TrackKalmanFilter
-  - make checkInvertMatrix and CheckPositiveMatrix faster in TrackKalmanFilter 
+  - make checkInvertMatrix and CheckPositiveMatrix faster in TrackKalmanFilter
   - add possibility to check [safe] or not [faster] in TrackKalmanFilter
 !=========================== TrackFitter v2r20 2007-10-25 ===================
@@ -532,10 +532,10 @@ TODO: remove unused properties from TrackKalmanFilter
 !=========================== TrackFitter v2r18 2007-09-20 ===================
 ! 2007-09-13 M Needham
- - ensure error q/p is not zero for infinite momentum tracks  
+ - ensure error q/p is not zero for infinite momentum tracks
 ! 2007-09-13 M Needham
- - stable sort the nodes rather than sort (ensure order is always same) 
+ - stable sort the nodes rather than sort (ensure order is always same)
 ! 2007-09-05 - Wouter Hulsbergen
  - revision of verbose/debug output
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ TODO: remove unused properties from TrackKalmanFilter
 ! 2007-05-03 M .Needham
  - Correct counter service for monitoring fit success rate.
 ! 2007-04-27 M .Needham
  - Use counter service for monitoring fit success rate.
@@ -687,8 +687,8 @@ TODO: remove unused properties from TrackKalmanFilter
  - improved debug/warning/error messages, for clarity
 !=========================== TrackFitter v2r5 2006-06-30 ====================
-! 2006-06-23 - Jeroen Van Tilburg 
- - Improved the bidirectional fit in TrackKalmanFilter. Re-use of transport 
+! 2006-06-23 - Jeroen Van Tilburg
+ - Improved the bidirectional fit in TrackKalmanFilter. Re-use of transport
    parameters in the reverse direction. Store the predicted state from the
    reverse fit.
@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ TODO: remove unused properties from TrackKalmanFilter
    instance name: TrackNodeFitterName becomes NodeFitter
 ! 2006-06-20 M Needham
- - minor bug fix 
+ - minor bug fix
 ! 2006-06-19 - Jeroen Van Tilburg
  - Added bidirectional fit to the TrackKalmanFilter. It can be turned on by
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ TODO: remove unused properties from TrackKalmanFilter
  - Change matrix manipulations to benefit from making the projection Matrix
    a 1x5 matrix instead of a vector; remove related hacks that are no longer
    needed (TrackVectorProd)
- - change dynamic_cast to FitNode such that when it fails we get a 
+ - change dynamic_cast to FitNode such that when it fails we get a
    'bad cast' exception instead of a SEGV due to a 0-pointer dereference
 ! 2006-06-14 - Jeroen van Tilburg
@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ TODO: remove unused properties from TrackKalmanFilter
 !=========================== TrackFitter v2r3 2006-05-15 ====================
 ! 2006-05-15 M. Needham
- - correct name of setter for node 
+ - correct name of setter for node
 ! 2006-05-15 - Jeroen van Tilburg
  - TrackMasterFitter: Put in the functionality to automatically increase the
@@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ TODO: remove unused properties from TrackKalmanFilter
  - TrackKalmanFilter: use new transportIsSet method.
 ! 2006-04-12 - Jeroen van Tilburg
- - TrackKalmanFilter: Replace Place_at with operator equal assignment. 
+ - TrackKalmanFilter: Replace Place_at with operator equal assignment.
  - TrackKalmanFilter: Fix the return type for TrackVectorProd method.
 ! 2006-04-06 - Jeroen van Tilburg
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitter/python/TrackFitter/ConfiguredFitters.py b/Tr/TrackFitter/python/TrackFitter/ConfiguredFitters.py
index 5be8e201dc54f669eb604e05c694304cad3c2ced..41e65b0fc23c546fac1c151df1095db56bac2418 100755
--- a/Tr/TrackFitter/python/TrackFitter/ConfiguredFitters.py
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitter/python/TrackFitter/ConfiguredFitters.py
@@ -12,28 +12,38 @@
 #  Track fitting options
 # ====================================================================
+from Configurables import (
+    DetailedMaterialLocator,
+    MeasurementProvider,
+    SimplifiedMaterialLocator,
+    StateDetailedBetheBlochEnergyCorrectionTool,
+    StateThickMSCorrectionTool,
+    TrackDistanceExtraSelector,
+    TrackEventFitter,
+    TrackHerabExtrapolator,
+    TrackKalmanFilter,
+    TrackMasterExtrapolator,
+    TrackMasterFitter,
+    TrackProjectorSelector,
+    TrackSimpleExtraSelector,
 from future.utils import raise_
 from Gaudi.Configuration import allConfigurables
-from Configurables import (
-    TrackEventFitter, TrackMasterFitter, TrackKalmanFilter,
-    TrackProjectorSelector, TrackMasterExtrapolator, TrackSimpleExtraSelector,
-    TrackDistanceExtraSelector, TrackHerabExtrapolator,
-    SimplifiedMaterialLocator, DetailedMaterialLocator, MeasurementProvider,
-    StateDetailedBetheBlochEnergyCorrectionTool, StateThickMSCorrectionTool)
-def ConfiguredMasterFitter(Name,
-                           FieldOff=None,
-                           SimplifiedGeometry=None,
-                           NoDriftTimes=None,
-                           KalmanSmoother=None,
-                           LiteClusters=False,
-                           ApplyMaterialCorrections=None,
-                           StateAtBeamLine=True,
-                           MaxNumberOutliers=2,
-                           FastOutlierIteration=False,
-                           MSRossiAndGreisen=False):
+def ConfiguredMasterFitter(
+    Name,
+    FieldOff=None,
+    SimplifiedGeometry=None,
+    NoDriftTimes=None,
+    KalmanSmoother=None,
+    LiteClusters=False,
+    ApplyMaterialCorrections=None,
+    StateAtBeamLine=True,
+    MaxNumberOutliers=2,
+    FastOutlierIteration=False,
+    MSRossiAndGreisen=False,
     from GaudiKernel.Configurable import ConfigurableAlgTool
     fitter = Name
@@ -55,19 +65,19 @@ def ConfiguredMasterFitter(Name,
     # Using 'RossiAndGreisen' will omit the log term in the multiple scattering calculation (which should give better pulls).
     if SimplifiedGeometry:
         fitter.addTool(SimplifiedMaterialLocator, name="MaterialLocator")
-        fitter.Extrapolator.addTool(
-            SimplifiedMaterialLocator, name="MaterialLocator")
+        fitter.Extrapolator.addTool(SimplifiedMaterialLocator, name="MaterialLocator")
         fitter.addTool(DetailedMaterialLocator, name="MaterialLocator")
-        fitter.Extrapolator.addTool(
-            DetailedMaterialLocator, name="MaterialLocator")
+        fitter.Extrapolator.addTool(DetailedMaterialLocator, name="MaterialLocator")
-    fitter.MaterialLocator.addTool(StateThickMSCorrectionTool,
-                                   "StateMSCorrectionTool")
+    fitter.MaterialLocator.addTool(StateThickMSCorrectionTool, "StateMSCorrectionTool")
     fitter.MaterialLocator.StateMSCorrectionTool.UseRossiAndGreisen = MSRossiAndGreisen
-    fitter.Extrapolator.MaterialLocator.addTool(StateThickMSCorrectionTool,
-                                                "StateMSCorrectionTool")
-    fitter.Extrapolator.MaterialLocator.StateMSCorrectionTool.UseRossiAndGreisen = MSRossiAndGreisen
+    fitter.Extrapolator.MaterialLocator.addTool(
+        StateThickMSCorrectionTool, "StateMSCorrectionTool"
+    )
+    fitter.Extrapolator.MaterialLocator.StateMSCorrectionTool.UseRossiAndGreisen = (
+        MSRossiAndGreisen
+    )
     # not yet used for DC09 production
     # else:
@@ -80,8 +90,7 @@ def ConfiguredMasterFitter(Name,
     # special settings for field-off
     if FieldOff:
-        fitter.Extrapolator.addTool(
-            TrackSimpleExtraSelector, name="ExtraSelector")
+        fitter.Extrapolator.addTool(TrackSimpleExtraSelector, name="ExtraSelector")
         fitter.Extrapolator.ExtraSelector.ExtrapolatorName = "TrackLinearExtrapolator"
         fitter.Extrapolator.ApplyEnergyLossCorr = False
         fitter.Extrapolator.ApplyElectronEnergyLossCorr = False
@@ -98,23 +107,26 @@ def ConfiguredMasterFitter(Name,
     return fitter
-def ConfiguredEventFitter(Name,
-                          TracksInContainer,
-                          TracksOutContainer,
-                          FieldOff=None,
-                          SimplifiedGeometry=None,
-                          NoDriftTimes=None,
-                          KalmanSmoother=None,
-                          LiteClusters=False,
-                          ApplyMaterialCorrections=None,
-                          StateAtBeamLine=True,
-                          MaxNumberOutliers=2,
-                          MSRossiAndGreisen=False):
+def ConfiguredEventFitter(
+    Name,
+    TracksInContainer,
+    TracksOutContainer,
+    FieldOff=None,
+    SimplifiedGeometry=None,
+    NoDriftTimes=None,
+    KalmanSmoother=None,
+    LiteClusters=False,
+    ApplyMaterialCorrections=None,
+    StateAtBeamLine=True,
+    MaxNumberOutliers=2,
+    MSRossiAndGreisen=False,
     # make sure the name is unique
     if allConfigurables.get(Name):
-            ValueError, 'ConfiguredEventFitter: instance with name ' + Name +
-            ' already exists')
+            ValueError,
+            "ConfiguredEventFitter: instance with name " + Name + " already exists",
+        )
     # create the event fitter
     eventfitter = TrackEventFitter(Name)
     eventfitter.TracksInContainer = TracksInContainer
@@ -132,13 +144,15 @@ def ConfiguredEventFitter(Name,
-        MSRossiAndGreisen=MSRossiAndGreisen)
+        MSRossiAndGreisen=MSRossiAndGreisen,
+    )
     return eventfitter
 def ConfiguredHltFitter(Name):
     fitter = ConfiguredMasterFitter(
-        Name, FieldOff=None, SimplifiedGeometry=True, LiteClusters=True)
+        Name, FieldOff=None, SimplifiedGeometry=True, LiteClusters=True
+    )
     fitter.NodeFitter.ForceBiDirectionalFit = True
     fitter.NumberFitIterations = 1
     fitter.MaxNumberOutliers = 2
@@ -150,15 +164,12 @@ def ConfiguredHltFitter(Name):
     return fitter
-def ConfiguredForwardFitter(Name,
-                            FieldOff=None,
-                            LiteClusters=True,
-                            ForceUseDriftTime=True):
+def ConfiguredForwardFitter(
+    Name, FieldOff=None, LiteClusters=True, ForceUseDriftTime=True
     fitter = ConfiguredMasterFitter(
-        Name,
-        FieldOff=FieldOff,
-        SimplifiedGeometry=True,
-        LiteClusters=LiteClusters)
+        Name, FieldOff=FieldOff, SimplifiedGeometry=True, LiteClusters=LiteClusters
+    )
     fitter.NumberFitIterations = 1
     fitter.MaxNumberOutliers = 0
     fitter.AddDefaultReferenceNodes = False
@@ -168,18 +179,17 @@ def ConfiguredForwardFitter(Name,
     return fitter
-def ConfiguredForwardEventFitter(Name,
-                                 TracksInContainer,
-                                 TracksOutContainer,
-                                 ForceUseDriftTime=True):
+def ConfiguredForwardEventFitter(
+    Name, TracksInContainer, TracksOutContainer, ForceUseDriftTime=True
     eventfitter = TrackEventFitter(Name)
     eventfitter.TracksInContainer = TracksInContainer
     eventfitter.TracksOutContainer = TracksOutContainer
     fittername = Name + ".Fitter"
-        ConfiguredForwardFitter(
-            Name=fittername, ForceUseDriftTime=ForceUseDriftTime),
-        name="Fitter")
+        ConfiguredForwardFitter(Name=fittername, ForceUseDriftTime=ForceUseDriftTime),
+        name="Fitter",
+    )
     return eventfitter
@@ -192,46 +202,22 @@ def ConfiguredHltEventFitter(Name, TracksInContainer, TracksOutContainer):
     return eventfitter
-def ConfiguredVeloOnlyEventFitter(Name, TracksInContainer, TracksOutContainer):
-    eventfitter = ConfiguredFitter(
-        Name, TracksInContainer, TracksOutContainer, FieldOff=True)
-    eventfitter.Fitter.MeasProvider.IgnoreIT = True
-    eventfitter.Fitter.MeasProvider.IgnoreOT = True
-    eventfitter.Fitter.MeasProvider.IgnoreTT = True
-    eventfitter.Fitter.MeasProvider.IgnoreMuon = True
-    return eventfitter
-def ConfiguredStraightLineFitter(Name,
-                                 TracksInContainer,
-                                 TracksOutContainer,
-                                 NoDriftTimes=None):
-    fitter = ConfiguredFitter(
-        Name,
-        TracksInContainer,
-        TracksOutContainer,
-        FieldOff=True,
-        NoDriftTimes=NoDriftTimes,
-        StateAtBeamLine=False,
-        ApplyMaterialCorrections=False)
-    fitter.Fitter.AddDefaultReferenceNodes = False
-    return eventfitter
 def ConfiguredForwardStraightLineFitter(Name):
     fitter = ConfiguredForwardFitter(Name, FieldOff=True)
     fitter.ApplyMaterialCorrections = False
     return fitter
-def ConfiguredForwardStraightLineEventFitter(Name, TracksInContainer,
-                                             TracksOutContainer):
+def ConfiguredForwardStraightLineEventFitter(
+    Name, TracksInContainer, TracksOutContainer
     eventfitter = TrackEventFitter(Name)
     eventfitter.TracksInContainer = TracksInContainer
     eventfitter.TracksOutContainer = TracksOutContainer
     fittername = Name + ".Fitter"
-        ConfiguredForwardStraightLineFitter(Name=fittername), name="Fitter")
+        ConfiguredForwardStraightLineFitter(Name=fittername), name="Fitter"
+    )
     return eventfitter
@@ -241,62 +227,67 @@ def ConfiguredForwardStraightLineEventFitter(Name, TracksInContainer,
-def ConfiguredFitVelo(Name="FitVelo",
-                      TracksInContainer="Rec/Track/PreparedVelo",
-                      TracksOutContainer="Rec/Track/PreparedVelo"):
+def ConfiguredFitVelo(
+    Name="FitVelo",
+    TracksInContainer="Rec/Track/PreparedVelo",
+    TracksOutContainer="Rec/Track/PreparedVelo",
     # note that we ignore curvatue in velo. in the end that seems the
     # most sensible thing to do.
-    eventfitter = ConfiguredEventFitter(Name, TracksInContainer,
-                                        TracksOutContainer)
+    eventfitter = ConfiguredEventFitter(Name, TracksInContainer, TracksOutContainer)
     return eventfitter
-def ConfiguredFitVeloTT(Name="FitVeloTT",
-                        TracksInContainer="Rec/Track/VeloTT",
-                        TracksOutContainer="Rec/Track/VeloTT"):
-    eventfitter = ConfiguredEventFitter(Name, TracksInContainer,
-                                        TracksOutContainer)
+def ConfiguredFitVeloTT(
+    Name="FitVeloTT",
+    TracksInContainer="Rec/Track/VeloTT",
+    TracksOutContainer="Rec/Track/VeloTT",
+    eventfitter = ConfiguredEventFitter(Name, TracksInContainer, TracksOutContainer)
     # Make the nodes even though this is a refit, to add StateAtBeamLine
     # (PatVeloTT also fits but does not make nodes)
     eventfitter.Fitter.MakeNodes = True
     return eventfitter
-def ConfiguredFitSeed(Name="FitSeedForMatch",
-                      TracksInContainer="Rec/Track/Seed",
-                      TracksOutContainer="Rec/Track/Seed"):
-    eventfitter = ConfiguredEventFitter(Name, TracksInContainer,
-                                        TracksOutContainer)
+def ConfiguredFitSeed(
+    Name="FitSeedForMatch",
+    TracksInContainer="Rec/Track/Seed",
+    TracksOutContainer="Rec/Track/Seed",
+    eventfitter = ConfiguredEventFitter(Name, TracksInContainer, TracksOutContainer)
     ## Such a small error is needed for TrackMatching to work properly,
     eventfitter.Fitter.ErrorQoP = [0.04, 5e-08]
     return eventfitter
-def ConfiguredFitForward(Name="FitForward",
-                         TracksInContainer="Rec/Track/Forward",
-                         TracksOutContainer="Rec/Track/Forward"):
-    eventfitter = ConfiguredEventFitter(Name, TracksInContainer,
-                                        TracksOutContainer)
+def ConfiguredFitForward(
+    Name="FitForward",
+    TracksInContainer="Rec/Track/Forward",
+    TracksOutContainer="Rec/Track/Forward",
+    eventfitter = ConfiguredEventFitter(Name, TracksInContainer, TracksOutContainer)
     return eventfitter
-def ConfiguredFitMatch(Name="FitMatch",
-                       TracksInContainer="Rec/Track/Match",
-                       TracksOutContainer="Rec/Track/Match"):
-    eventfitter = ConfiguredEventFitter(Name, TracksInContainer,
-                                        TracksOutContainer)
+def ConfiguredFitMatch(
+    Name="FitMatch",
+    TracksInContainer="Rec/Track/Match",
+    TracksOutContainer="Rec/Track/Match",
+    eventfitter = ConfiguredEventFitter(Name, TracksInContainer, TracksOutContainer)
     return eventfitter
-def ConfiguredFitDownstream(Name="FitDownstream",
-                            TracksInContainer="Rec/Track/Downstream",
-                            TracksOutContainer="Rec/Track/Downstream"):
-    eventfitter = ConfiguredEventFitter(Name, TracksInContainer,
-                                        TracksOutContainer)
+def ConfiguredFitDownstream(
+    Name="FitDownstream",
+    TracksInContainer="Rec/Track/Downstream",
+    TracksOutContainer="Rec/Track/Downstream",
+    eventfitter = ConfiguredEventFitter(Name, TracksInContainer, TracksOutContainer)
     return eventfitter
 def ConfiguredFit(Name, TracksInContainer, TracksOutContainer):
-    eventfitter = ConfiguredEventFitter(Name, TracksInContainer,
-                                        TracksOutContainer)
+    eventfitter = ConfiguredEventFitter(Name, TracksInContainer, TracksOutContainer)
     return eventfitter
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitter/src/TrackEventFitter.cpp b/Tr/TrackFitter/src/TrackEventFitter.cpp
index d8dd9f6745d3feefa1b0e23333c4220b6b9613fc..c8c5c8a02c0e8cca65b1b306ebfb24e13e1f1c6d 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitter/src/TrackEventFitter.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitter/src/TrackEventFitter.cpp
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ public:
   TrackEventFitter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : MyBase<TrackListType>(
             name, pSvcLocator,
-            {typename MyBase<TrackListType>::KeyValue{"TracksInContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-             typename MyBase<TrackListType>::KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-            {"TracksOutContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default} ) {}
+            { typename MyBase<TrackListType>::KeyValue{ "TracksInContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+              typename MyBase<TrackListType>::KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+            { "TracksOutContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default } ) {}
   LHCb::Tracks operator()( const TrackListType&, const DetectorElement& ) const override;
   /// resets the internal fitter
@@ -63,22 +63,22 @@ public:
   /// interface to tracks fitter tool
-  ToolHandle<ITrackFitter> m_tracksFitter{this, "Fitter", "TrackMasterFitter/Fitter"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>     m_skipFailedFitAtInput{this, "SkipFailedFitAtInput", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>   m_maxChi2DoF{this, "MaxChi2DoF", 9999999,
-                                       "Max chi2 per track when output is a new container"};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned> m_batchSize{this, "BatchSize", 50, "Size of batches"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nTracksCount{this, "nTracks"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nFittedCount{this, "nFitted"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nBadInputCount{this, "nBadInput"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<double>       m_chisqprobSum{this, "chisqprobSum"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_badChisq{this, "badChisq"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_flipCharge{this, "flipCharge"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_numOutliers{this, "numOutliers"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_rejectedChisqCut{this, "rejectedChisqCut"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>         m_fitPerf{this, "Fit Failure Rate"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackFitter> m_tracksFitter{ this, "Fitter", "TrackMasterFitter/Fitter" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>     m_skipFailedFitAtInput{ this, "SkipFailedFitAtInput", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>   m_maxChi2DoF{ this, "MaxChi2DoF", 9999999,
+                                        "Max chi2 per track when output is a new container" };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned> m_batchSize{ this, "BatchSize", 50, "Size of batches" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nTracksCount{ this, "nTracks" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nFittedCount{ this, "nFitted" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_nBadInputCount{ this, "nBadInput" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<double>       m_chisqprobSum{ this, "chisqprobSum" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_badChisq{ this, "badChisq" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_flipCharge{ this, "flipCharge" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_numOutliers{ this, "numOutliers" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<unsigned int> m_rejectedChisqCut{ this, "rejectedChisqCut" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>         m_fitPerf{ this, "Fit Failure Rate" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( TrackEventFitter<std::vector<LHCb::Track>>, "VectorOfTracksFitter" )
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ LHCb::Tracks TrackEventFitter<TrackListType>::operator()( const TrackListType&
   // Loop over the tracks and fit them
   // ---------------------------------
-  unsigned int nFitFail{0}, nBadInput{0};
+  unsigned int nFitFail{ 0 }, nBadInput{ 0 };
   std::vector<LHCb::Track> tracks{};
   tracks.reserve( tracksCont.size() );
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ LHCb::Tracks TrackEventFitter<TrackListType>::operator()( const TrackListType&
   m_nTracksCount += nTracks;
   m_nFittedCount += ( nTracks - totFail );
   m_nBadInputCount += nBadInput;
-  m_fitPerf += {totFail, nTracks};
+  m_fitPerf += { totFail, nTracks };
   return retTracks;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitter/src/TrackKalmanFilter.cpp b/Tr/TrackFitter/src/TrackKalmanFilter.cpp
index 8546d921788b0b747cb68fb609de999e6106dcbb..04927de80d63bdcc81dae3cf6c9d7cedb5b897fa 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitter/src/TrackKalmanFilter.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitter/src/TrackKalmanFilter.cpp
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackKalmanFilter )
 StatusCode TrackKalmanFilter::fit( LHCb::Track& track ) const {
   // if( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) debug() << "TrackKalmanFilter::fit" << endmsg ;
-  StatusCode sc{StatusCode::SUCCESS};
+  StatusCode sc{ StatusCode::SUCCESS };
   // The seed covariance comes from the KalmanFitResult
   LHCb::KalmanFitResult* kalfit = dynamic_cast<LHCb::KalmanFitResult*>( track.fitResult() );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitter/src/TrackKalmanFilter.h b/Tr/TrackFitter/src/TrackKalmanFilter.h
index 7277961dc5a6171fdfe00e945d38e80fdcd7d983..3c530e2a94657c2b1a6140f66b34655b7bb3b765 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitter/src/TrackKalmanFilter.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitter/src/TrackKalmanFilter.h
@@ -49,10 +49,11 @@ private:
   void printStates( LHCb::Track& track ) const;
   // job options
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_forceBiDirectionalFit{this, "ForceBiDirectionalFit",
-                                                true};             ///< Flag for forcing bidirectional fit
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_forceSmooth{this, "ForceSmooth", false}; ///< Flag for force the smoothing (for debug reason)
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_DoF{this, "DoF", 5u};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_forceBiDirectionalFit{ this, "ForceBiDirectionalFit",
+                                                 true }; ///< Flag for forcing bidirectional fit
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_forceSmooth{ this, "ForceSmooth",
+                                       false }; ///< Flag for force the smoothing (for debug reason)
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_DoF{ this, "DoF", 5u };
   //! helper to print a failure comment
   StatusCode failure( const std::string& comment ) const;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitter/src/TrackMasterFitter.cpp b/Tr/TrackFitter/src/TrackMasterFitter.cpp
index 01f214cdb11b97d11ea38d7289990f4766c91008..85c466a236c2167e465e42433381cd00042cf5aa 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitter/src/TrackMasterFitter.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitter/src/TrackMasterFitter.cpp
@@ -439,11 +439,11 @@ LHCb::FitNode* TrackMasterFitter::outlierRemoved( Track& track ) const {
   auto        fr    = dynamic_cast<const LHCb::KalmanFitResult*>( track.fitResult() );
   const auto& nodes = fr->nodes();
   // Note: this only works if VP==0,UT==1,T==2,Muon==3!
-  const size_t     minNumPlanes[4] = {m_minNumVPHits, m_minNumUTHits, m_minNumTHits, m_minNumMuonHits};
+  const size_t     minNumPlanes[4] = { m_minNumVPHits, m_minNumUTHits, m_minNumTHits, m_minNumMuonHits };
   LHCb::HitPattern pattern{
-      LHCb::TransformedRange{nodes, []( const auto& node ) { return node->measurement().lhcbID(); },
-                             []( const auto& node ) { return node->type() == LHCb::FitNode::Type::HitOnTrack; }}};
-  const size_t numPlanes[4] = {pattern.numVelo(), pattern.numUT(), pattern.numFT(), pattern.numMuon()};
+      LHCb::TransformedRange{ nodes, []( const auto& node ) { return node->measurement().lhcbID(); },
+                              []( const auto& node ) { return node->type() == LHCb::FitNode::Type::HitOnTrack; } } };
+  const size_t numPlanes[4] = { pattern.numVelo(), pattern.numUT(), pattern.numFT(), pattern.numMuon() };
   // loop over the nodes and find the one with the highest chi2 >
   // m_chi2Outliers, provided there is enough hits of this type left.
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ LHCb::FitNode* TrackMasterFitter::outlierRemoved( Track& track ) const {
       int hittype = hittypemap( node->measurement() );
       if ( numPlanes[hittype] > minNumPlanes[hittype] ) {
         auto chi2MatchAndHit = totalchi2;
-        for ( FitNode::Direction dir : {FitNode::Direction::Forward, FitNode::Direction::Backward} ) {
+        for ( FitNode::Direction dir : { FitNode::Direction::Forward, FitNode::Direction::Backward } ) {
           if ( const auto* tmpnode = node->prevNode( dir ); tmpnode ) chi2MatchAndHit -= tmpnode->totalChi2( dir );
         // correct DoF for the track parameters still included in the top approach
@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ StatusCode TrackMasterFitter::updateMaterialCorrections( LHCb::Track& track, con
     if ( m_useFastMaterialApproximation ) {
       // still missing the energyloss
-      for ( size_t i{1}; i < nodes.size(); ++i ) {
+      for ( size_t i{ 1 }; i < nodes.size(); ++i ) {
         // relevant only if EndUT node is introduced, which is not by default. In that case, assumes that UT is included
         // in the reconstruction
         bool is_long_in_beam_pipe =
@@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ StatusCode TrackMasterFitter::initializeRefStates( LHCb::Track& track, IGeometry
   // we first add the states we already have
   const auto& tstates = track.states();
   std::transform( tstates.begin(), tstates.end(), std::back_inserter( states ), []( const LHCb::State* s ) {
-    return std::pair{s->z(), s};
+    return std::pair{ s->z(), s };
   } );
   // now add the other z-positions, provided nothing close exists
diff --git a/Tr/TrackFitter/src/TrackMasterFitter.h b/Tr/TrackFitter/src/TrackMasterFitter.h
index 6febae15632c517da3ed789751898da3edba30dc..058eda6ef9da7a2f359b21e4d6e2c0be3dc658ec 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackFitter/src/TrackMasterFitter.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackFitter/src/TrackMasterFitter.h
@@ -100,66 +100,67 @@ private:
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{this, "Extrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator"}; ///< extrapolator
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_veloExtrapolator{this, "VeloExtrapolator",
-                                                    "TrackLinearExtrapolator"}; ///< extrapolator for Velo-only tracks
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{ this, "Extrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator" }; ///< extrapolator
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_veloExtrapolator{ this, "VeloExtrapolator",
+                                                     "TrackLinearExtrapolator" }; ///< extrapolator for Velo-only tracks
   ToolHandle<ITrackKalmanFilter> m_trackNodeFitter{
-      this, "NodeFitter", "TrackKalmanFilter"}; ///< delegate to actual track fitter (which fits from nodes)
-  ToolHandle<IMeasurementProviderProjector> m_measProvider{this, "MeasProvider", "MeasurementProvider"};
-  ToolHandle<IMaterialLocator>              m_materialLocator{this, "MaterialLocator", "DetailedMaterialLocator"};
-  ToolHandle<ITrackAddClusters>             m_clusterAdder{this, "TrackAddClusterTool", "AddClustersToTrackTool"};
+      this, "NodeFitter", "TrackKalmanFilter" }; ///< delegate to actual track fitter (which fits from nodes)
+  ToolHandle<IMeasurementProviderProjector> m_measProvider{ this, "MeasProvider", "MeasurementProvider" };
+  ToolHandle<IMaterialLocator>              m_materialLocator{ this, "MaterialLocator", "DetailedMaterialLocator" };
+  ToolHandle<ITrackAddClusters>             m_clusterAdder{ this, "TrackAddClusterTool", "AddClustersToTrackTool" };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_upstream{this, "FitUpstream", true, "switch between upstream/downstream fit"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_addDefaultRefNodes{this, "AddDefaultReferenceNodes", true, "add default reference nodes"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_addEndUTNode{this, "AddEndUTNode", false, "add EndUT reference node"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_stateAtBeamLine{this, "StateAtBeamLine", true, "add state closest to the beam-line"};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_numFitIter{this, "NumberFitIterations", 10, "number of fit iterations to perform"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_chi2Outliers{this, "Chi2Outliers", 9.0, "chi2 of outliers to be removed"};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_numOutlierIter{this, "MaxNumberOutliers", 2, "max number of outliers to be removed"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_useSeedStateErrors{this, "UseSeedStateErrors", false, "use errors of the seed state"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_useClassicalSmoother{this, "UseClassicalSmoother", false, "Use classical smoother"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_fillExtraInfo{this, "FillExtraInfo", true, "Fill the extra info"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>              m_errorX{this, "ErrorX", 20.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Seed error on x"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>              m_errorY{this, "ErrorY", 20.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Seed error on y"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>              m_errorTx{this, "ErrorTx", 0.1, "Seed error on slope x"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>              m_errorTy{this, "ErrorTy", 0.1, "Seed error on slope y"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_errorQoP{this, "ErrorQoP", {0.0, 0.01}, "Seed error on QoP"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_makeNodes{this, "MakeNodes", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_makeMeasurements{this, "MakeMeasurements", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_updateTransport{this, "UpdateTransport", true,
-                                          "Update the transport matrices between iterations"};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>  m_maxUpdateTransports{this, "MaxUpdateTransports", 10,
-                                             "Update transport only n-times during iterations"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_updateMaterial{this, "UpdateMaterial", false,
-                                         "Update material corrections between iterations"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_upstream{ this, "FitUpstream", true, "switch between upstream/downstream fit" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_addDefaultRefNodes{ this, "AddDefaultReferenceNodes", true, "add default reference nodes" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_addEndUTNode{ this, "AddEndUTNode", false, "add EndUT reference node" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_stateAtBeamLine{ this, "StateAtBeamLine", true, "add state closest to the beam-line" };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_numFitIter{ this, "NumberFitIterations", 10, "number of fit iterations to perform" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_chi2Outliers{ this, "Chi2Outliers", 9.0, "chi2 of outliers to be removed" };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_numOutlierIter{ this, "MaxNumberOutliers", 2, "max number of outliers to be removed" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_useSeedStateErrors{ this, "UseSeedStateErrors", false, "use errors of the seed state" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_useClassicalSmoother{ this, "UseClassicalSmoother", false, "Use classical smoother" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_fillExtraInfo{ this, "FillExtraInfo", true, "Fill the extra info" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>              m_errorX{ this, "ErrorX", 20.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Seed error on x" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>              m_errorY{ this, "ErrorY", 20.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Seed error on y" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>              m_errorTx{ this, "ErrorTx", 0.1, "Seed error on slope x" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>              m_errorTy{ this, "ErrorTy", 0.1, "Seed error on slope y" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_errorQoP{ this, "ErrorQoP", { 0.0, 0.01 }, "Seed error on QoP" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_makeNodes{ this, "MakeNodes", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_makeMeasurements{ this, "MakeMeasurements", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_updateTransport{ this, "UpdateTransport", true,
+                                           "Update the transport matrices between iterations" };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>  m_maxUpdateTransports{ this, "MaxUpdateTransports", 10,
+                                              "Update transport only n-times during iterations" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_updateMaterial{ this, "UpdateMaterial", false,
+                                          "Update material corrections between iterations" };
   Gaudi::Property<bool> m_updateReferenceInOutlierIters{
       this, "UpdateReferenceInOutlierIterations", true,
-      "Update projection in iterations in which outliers are removed"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minMomentumForELossCorr{this, "MinMomentumELossCorr", 10. * Gaudi::Units::MeV,
-                                                    "Minimum momentum used in correction for energy loss"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_applyMaterialCorrections{this, "ApplyMaterialCorrections", true,
-                                                   "Apply material corrections"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_applyEnergyLossCorrections{this, "ApplyEnergyLossCorr", true,
-                                                     "Apply energy loss corrections"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaChi2Converged{this, "MaxDeltaChiSqConverged", 0.01,
-                                                  "Maximum change in chisquare for converged fit"};
+      "Update projection in iterations in which outliers are removed" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minMomentumForELossCorr{ this, "MinMomentumELossCorr", 10. * Gaudi::Units::MeV,
+                                                     "Minimum momentum used in correction for energy loss" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_applyMaterialCorrections{ this, "ApplyMaterialCorrections", true,
+                                                    "Apply material corrections" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_applyEnergyLossCorrections{ this, "ApplyEnergyLossCorr", true,
+                                                      "Apply energy loss corrections" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDeltaChi2Converged{ this, "MaxDeltaChiSqConverged", 0.01,
+                                                   "Maximum change in chisquare for converged fit" };
   Gaudi::Property<double> m_scatteringPt{
       this, "TransverseMomentumForScattering", 400. * Gaudi::Units::MeV,
-      "transverse momentum used for scattering if track has no good momentum estimate"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_scatteringP{this, "MomentumForScattering", -1,
-                                        "momentum used for scattering in e.g. magnet off data"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minMomentumForScattering{this, "MinMomentumForScattering", 100. * Gaudi::Units::MeV,
-                                                     "Minimum momentum used for scattering"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxMomentumForScattering{this, "MaxMomentumForScattering", 500. * Gaudi::Units::GeV,
-                                                     "Maximum momentum used for scattering"};
-  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumVPHits{this, "MinNumVPHitsForOutlierRemoval", 3, "Minimum number of VP layers"};
-  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumUTHits{this, "MinNumUTHitsForOutlierRemoval", 3, "Minimum number of UT layers"};
-  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumTHits{this, "MinNumTHitsForOutlierRemoval", 6, "Minimum number of T layers"};
-  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumMuonHits{this, "MinNumMuonHitsForOutlierRemoval", 4, "Minimum number of Muon layers"};
+      "transverse momentum used for scattering if track has no good momentum estimate" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_scatteringP{ this, "MomentumForScattering", -1,
+                                         "momentum used for scattering in e.g. magnet off data" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minMomentumForScattering{ this, "MinMomentumForScattering", 100. * Gaudi::Units::MeV,
+                                                      "Minimum momentum used for scattering" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxMomentumForScattering{ this, "MaxMomentumForScattering", 500. * Gaudi::Units::GeV,
+                                                      "Maximum momentum used for scattering" };
+  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumVPHits{ this, "MinNumVPHitsForOutlierRemoval", 3, "Minimum number of VP layers" };
+  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumUTHits{ this, "MinNumUTHitsForOutlierRemoval", 3, "Minimum number of UT layers" };
+  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumTHits{ this, "MinNumTHitsForOutlierRemoval", 6, "Minimum number of T layers" };
+  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minNumMuonHits{ this, "MinNumMuonHitsForOutlierRemoval", 4,
+                                            "Minimum number of Muon layers" };
   // job options
   std::string m_extrapolatorName;     ///< name of the extrapolator in Gaudi
@@ -169,31 +170,34 @@ private:
   StatusCode failureInfo( const std::string& comment ) const;
   bool                  m_debugLevel;
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useFastMaterialApproximation{this, "FastMaterialApproximation", true,
-                                                       "Use fast approximation of scattering corrections"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useFastMaterialApproximation{ this, "FastMaterialApproximation", true,
+                                                        "Use fast approximation of scattering corrections" };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_reference_info_error{this, "Problems setting reference info"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_reference_info_error{ this,
+                                                                                "Problems setting reference info" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_propagate_in_init_ref_states_error{
-      this, "initializeRefStates() fails in propagating state"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_node_without_reference_error{this, "Node without reference"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_project_statevector_error{this,
-                                                                                    "Unable to project statevector"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_measurements_error{this, "No measurements on track"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_kalman_fit_error{this, "Kalman fit error, check debug level"};
+      this, "initializeRefStates() fails in propagating state" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_node_without_reference_error{ this,
+                                                                                        "Node without reference" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_project_statevector_error{ this,
+                                                                                     "Unable to project statevector" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_no_measurements_error{ this, "No measurements on track" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_kalman_fit_error{ this,
+                                                                            "Kalman fit error, check debug level" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_clustersOnTrackFail{
-      this, "Could not find all clusters for these lhcbids."};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::DEBUG> m_project_reference_error{this, "Problem projecting reference"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::DEBUG> m_update_material_error{this, "Problem updating material"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::DEBUG> m_update_transport_error{this, "Problem updating transport"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::DEBUG> m_make_nodes_error{this,
-                                                                         "Unable to make nodes from the measurements"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::DEBUG> m_update_ref_vectors_error{this,
-                                                                                 "Unable to update the ref vectors"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::DEBUG> m_track_fit_error{this, "Unable to fit the track"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::DEBUG> m_determine_states_error{this, "Failed in determining states"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_load_measurements_error{this, "Unable to load measurements!"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_no_states_error{this, "Track has no states! Can not fit."};
+      this, "Could not find all clusters for these lhcbids." };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::DEBUG> m_project_reference_error{ this, "Problem projecting reference" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::DEBUG> m_update_material_error{ this, "Problem updating material" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::DEBUG> m_update_transport_error{ this, "Problem updating transport" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::DEBUG> m_make_nodes_error{
+      this, "Unable to make nodes from the measurements" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::DEBUG> m_update_ref_vectors_error{ this,
+                                                                                  "Unable to update the ref vectors" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::DEBUG> m_track_fit_error{ this, "Unable to fit the track" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::DEBUG> m_determine_states_error{ this, "Failed in determining states" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_load_measurements_error{ this, "Unable to load measurements!" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_no_states_error{ this, "Track has no states! Can not fit." };
diff --git a/Tr/TrackInterfaces/doc/release.notes b/Tr/TrackInterfaces/doc/release.notes
index 6095d69b618090a9ea2086e58f1ff3d72df45acb..0b76af7d60bfc108f4d68e8a53523b96efd595cd 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackInterfaces/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Tr/TrackInterfaces/doc/release.notes
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
 !========================= TrackInterfaces v6r0 2016-03-17 =========================
 ! 2016-02-13 - Gerhard Raven
  - major change: const-ify interfaces, use extend_interfaces
-   (needs corresponding versions of Pr/PrAlgorithms, Tf/FastVelo, 
+   (needs corresponding versions of Pr/PrAlgorithms, Tf/FastVelo,
    Tf/PatAlgorithms, Tf/PatVelo,Tf/PatVeloTT,Tr/TrackCheckers,
-   Tr/TrackFitter,Tr/TrackTools -- and Hlt/Hlt1Muons, 
+   Tr/TrackFitter,Tr/TrackTools -- and Hlt/Hlt1Muons,
    Hlt/HltL0Conf, Hlt/HltTracking)
 ! 2016-01-01 - Gerhard Raven
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 !========================= TrackInterfaces v4r26 2013-12-10 =========================
 ! 2013-12-05 - Thomas Bird
- - Added IVPExpectation, which is a new interface to VP Expectation class 
+ - Added IVPExpectation, which is a new interface to VP Expectation class
 ! 2013-11-15 - Michel De Cian
  - Rename IPrAddUTCoordTool to IPrAddUTHitsTool.
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
  - Add IPrAddUTCoordTool.h, which is the new interface for the (renamed) tool that adds UT hits to long tracks.
 ! 2013-10-31 - Michel De Cian
- - Remove IAddUTClusterTool.h from TrackInterfacesDict.h and TrackInterfacesDict.xml 
+ - Remove IAddUTClusterTool.h from TrackInterfacesDict.h and TrackInterfacesDict.xml
 ! 2013-10-30 - Michel De Cian
  - Remove IAddUTClusterTool.h, as it was not used by any other class (will be re-introduced in a different form)
@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@
 ! 2011-01-13 - Vanya Belyaev
  - add ITrackStateProvider into Reflex dictionary
- - cmt/requirements 
-    version increment to v4r18 
+ - cmt/requirements
+    version increment to v4r18
 !========================= TrackInterfaces v4r17 2010-10-25 =========================
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
 - change of argument type to const in removeTracksAndRecalculatePV of IPVOfflineTool interface
 ! 2010-10-18 - Mariusz Witek
- - New method removeTracksAndRecalculatePV to remove tracks and 
+ - New method removeTracksAndRecalculatePV to remove tracks and
    recalculate PV parameters without refitting
 ! 2010-09-29 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
 !====================== TrackInterfaces v4r16 2010-09-27 =====================
 ! 2010-09-20 - Mariusz Witek
- - modification of IPVOfflineTool.h conected to new PatPV to store track weights 
+ - modification of IPVOfflineTool.h conected to new PatPV to store track weights
 !====================== TrackInterfaces v4r15 2010-08-25 =====================
 ! 2010-08-23 - Wouter Hulsbergen
@@ -162,12 +162,12 @@
  - Fixed bug in IAddTTClusterTool.
 ! 2010-02-08 - Michel De Cian
- - Added new method to IAddTTClusterTool, which allows to return hits instead of 
+ - Added new method to IAddTTClusterTool, which allows to return hits instead of
    adding them to the track (in PatAddTTCoord). Corrects incompatibility.
 ! 2010-02-04 - Michel De Cian
  - Modified IAddTTClusterTool. Only the relevant methods in PatAddTTCoord have
-   now virtual methods definied. Causes incompatibility with (unused) 
+   now virtual methods definied. Causes incompatibility with (unused)
    AddTTClusterTool in Tf/TrackMatching
 ! 2010-02-01 - Manuel Tobias Schiller
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
 !====================== TrackInterfaces v4r3p1 2009-05-28 ====================
 ! 2009-05-28 - Marco Cattaneo
- - In requirements, add hack for Gaudi v21r1 to link dictionary on Windows 
+ - In requirements, add hack for Gaudi v21r1 to link dictionary on Windows
 !====================== TrackInterfaces v4r3 2009-05-07 ======================
 ! 2009-04-06 M Needham
@@ -225,8 +225,8 @@
  - TrackInterfaces/IFunctionTool.h
     add the unique interface IDs (and destructors) to I*FunctionTool classes
- - cmt/requirements 
-    version increment to v4r3 
+ - cmt/requirements
+    version increment to v4r3
 !====================== TrackInterfaces v4r2 2009-03-11 ======================
 ! 2009-03-11 - Stephanie Hansmann-Menzemer
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
 !====================== TrackInterfaces v3r18 2008-11-17 =====================
 ! 2008-10-16 - David Hutchcroft
- - Added IPromoteClusters to allow the "promotion" of Lite clusters to 
+ - Added IPromoteClusters to allow the "promotion" of Lite clusters to
    full clusters
 !====================== TrackInterfaces v3r17 2008-09-30 =====================
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@
 ! 2008-05-08 - Johannes Albrecht
    - IMatchTool: Interface for new tool implementation of PatMatch
-   - IPtTransporter: Interface for tool which transports pt from T 
+   - IPtTransporter: Interface for tool which transports pt from T
       to the origin
 ! 2008-05-05 - Adrian Perieanu
@@ -288,8 +288,8 @@
 !====================== TrackInterfaces v3r13 2008-04-03 =====================
 ! 2008-03-31 M Needham
- - Modify state correction and fitter interfaces to 
-   accept optional pid argument. 
+ - Modify state correction and fitter interfaces to
+   accept optional pid argument.
 !====================== TrackInterfaces v3r12 2008-02-20 =====================
 ! 2008-02-18 - Manuel Schiller
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
 ! 2007-11-30 - Wouter Hulsbergen
  - add method in IMeasurementProvider to create measurements with reference ztraj
- - add projection state to ITrackProjector::alignmentDerivatives, because 
+ - add projection state to ITrackProjector::alignmentDerivatives, because
    measurements no longer have a refvec
 ! 2007-11-20 - Tomasz Szumlak
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
  - Add interface IPatDebugTool, initially for debugging Velo tracking
 ! 2007-10-30 - Stephanie Hansmann-Menzemer
- - Add Interface for FastMomentumEstimate Tool 
+ - Add Interface for FastMomentumEstimate Tool
 ! 2007-10-23 - Marco Cattaneo for Olivier Callot
  - Add IPatDebugTTTool interface, and PatKernel dependency
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
  - Cleanup ITracksFromTrack.h
 ! 2007-07-05 - David Hutchcroft
- - Corrected comment in ITracksFromTrack.h 
+ - Corrected comment in ITracksFromTrack.h
 ! 2007-07-05 - Edwin Bos
  - Removed transportMatrix getter from and added a propagate method to the
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@
  - added forward declaration for `Measurement' in ITrackFitter.h
 ! 2005-05-25 - Jose A. Hernando
- - adding (draft) interface to ITrackFitter 
+ - adding (draft) interface to ITrackFitter
 !====================== TrackInterfaces v1r0 2005-05-24 ======================
 ! 2005-05-24 - Marco Cattaneo
diff --git a/Tr/TrackInterfaces/include/TrackInterfaces/IPrFitterTool.h b/Tr/TrackInterfaces/include/TrackInterfaces/IPrFitterTool.h
index 897803789474f93d5093435fbc9e32c4e10b5f3f..d1380626f8663b3afd5f0d21c4c90b95162d5e4c 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackInterfaces/include/TrackInterfaces/IPrFitterTool.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackInterfaces/include/TrackInterfaces/IPrFitterTool.h
@@ -159,4 +159,4 @@ struct IPrFitterTool : extend_interfaces<IAlgTool> {
   // fit v1 upstream track
   virtual LHCb::Event::Track operator()( const LHCb::Event::Track&, const LHCb::Pr::Hits<LHCb::Pr::HitType::VP>&,
                                          const LHCb::Pr::Hits<LHCb::Pr::HitType::UT>& ) const = 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tr/TrackInterfaces/include/TrackInterfaces/ITrackAddClusters.h b/Tr/TrackInterfaces/include/TrackInterfaces/ITrackAddClusters.h
index 3f7124863eb63245fd72067e770626d38e75c197..39feb719c7dbba5b54d185aca5d23e0f73056279 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackInterfaces/include/TrackInterfaces/ITrackAddClusters.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackInterfaces/include/TrackInterfaces/ITrackAddClusters.h
@@ -46,4 +46,4 @@ struct ITrackAddClusters : extend_interfaces<IAlgTool> {
   // Fill from LHCbIDs provided
   virtual StatusCode fillClustersFromLHCbIDs( LHCb::Event::v1::Track&, const std::vector<LHCb::LHCbID>& ) const = 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tr/TrackInterfaces/include/TrackInterfaces/ITrajFitter.h b/Tr/TrackInterfaces/include/TrackInterfaces/ITrajFitter.h
index 50812bf6c1c90cf50c954f332dff650f79775f84..dba7e6e19decd9062484de6ecc27887e8e5baf8b 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackInterfaces/include/TrackInterfaces/ITrajFitter.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackInterfaces/include/TrackInterfaces/ITrajFitter.h
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ public:
   template <unsigned N>
   StatusCode fit( LHCb::DifTraj<N>& traj, const std::vector<LHCb::Measurement*>& measurements ) const {
     typedef std::vector<std::pair<double, ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 1, N>>> R;
-    return Nfit( NDifTraj{&traj}, NResiduals{static_cast<R*>( nullptr )}, measurements );
+    return Nfit( NDifTraj{ &traj }, NResiduals{ static_cast<R*>( nullptr ) }, measurements );
   /** Fit a DifTraj to a set of measurements.
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public:
   template <unsigned N>
   StatusCode fit( LHCb::DifTraj<N>& traj, std::vector<std::pair<double, ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 1, N>>>& residuals,
                   const std::vector<LHCb::Measurement*>& measurements ) const {
-    return Nfit( NDifTraj( &traj ), NResiduals{&residuals}, measurements );
+    return Nfit( NDifTraj( &traj ), NResiduals{ &residuals }, measurements );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackKernel/doc/release.notes b/Tr/TrackKernel/doc/release.notes
index 5513a188ffe5bb6c9c31886b666dcd5fa5a3c16f..e3f968b54c681a92008aefef2ab0b088e4f4fa16 100755
--- a/Tr/TrackKernel/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Tr/TrackKernel/doc/release.notes
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ! Package     : Tr/TrackKernel
 ! Responsible : Wouter Hulsbergen
-! Purpose     : 
+! Purpose     :
 !========================= TrackKernel v3r1 2016-04-13 =========================
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
 !========================= TrackKernel v3r0 2016-01-28 =========================
 ! 2016-01-03 - Gerhard Raven
- - major change: follow substitution of std::unique_ptr in favor of  std::auto_ptr 
+ - major change: follow substitution of std::unique_ptr in favor of  std::auto_ptr
    in Kernel/LHCbKernel
 !========================= TrackKernel v2r4 2015-11-23 =========================
 ! 2015-11-08 - Gerhard Raven
- - remove static 
+ - remove static
 !========================= TrackKernel v2r3 2015-04-21 =========================
 ! 2015-02-26 - Manuel Tobias Schiller
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
    LHCb::TrackTraj::distTo2ndError, exposed by previous commit.
 ! 2013-05-17 - Chris Jones
- - Fix operator precedence order issue for ? and + in 
+ - Fix operator precedence order issue for ? and + in
    LHCb::TrackTraj::distTo1stError and LHCb::TrackTraj::distTo2ndError
 !========================= TrackKernel v1r14 2013-04-30 ========================
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
 !========================= TrackKernel v1r7 2011-02-22 =========================
 ! 2011-02-08 - Wouter Hulsbergen
- - Initialize unitialized variables in default constructors of CubicStateInterpolationTraj and 
+ - Initialize unitialized variables in default constructors of CubicStateInterpolationTraj and
 !========================= TrackKernel v1r6 2011-01-31 =========================
diff --git a/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/ChildRelation.h b/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/ChildRelation.h
index 39c73e018289b45af03194c79ee08ebcccc904e7..6361330e42a2ef1b70e125d437fa4b3fcdacf3bb 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/ChildRelation.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/ChildRelation.h
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@
 struct ChildRelation {
   ChildRelation() = default;
-  ChildRelation( std::size_t index, Zipping::ZipFamilyNumber family ) : m_index{index}, m_family{family} {}
+  ChildRelation( std::size_t index, Zipping::ZipFamilyNumber family ) : m_index{ index }, m_family{ family } {}
   std::size_t              index() const { return m_index; }
   Zipping::ZipFamilyNumber zipIdentifier() const { return m_family; }
   void                     setIndex( std::size_t index ) { m_index = index; }
   void                     setZipIdentifier( Zipping::ZipFamilyNumber family ) { m_family = family; }
-  std::size_t              m_index{std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max()};
-  Zipping::ZipFamilyNumber m_family{Zipping::generateZipIdentifier()};
+  std::size_t              m_index{ std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max() };
+  Zipping::ZipFamilyNumber m_family{ Zipping::generateZipIdentifier() };
diff --git a/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/PrimaryVertexUtils.h b/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/PrimaryVertexUtils.h
index 8576d058446fe89165a0ae214595715057a5362c..27dcd083c0e3a7216834c1c33f488485cd197b75 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/PrimaryVertexUtils.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/PrimaryVertexUtils.h
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
   template <typename VertexContainer, typename FTYPE>
   inline auto bestPVWithD2( const VertexContainer& pvs, const FTYPE x, const FTYPE y, const FTYPE z, const FTYPE tx,
                             const FTYPE ty ) {
-    std::pair best{std::end( pvs ), std::numeric_limits<FTYPE>::max()};
+    std::pair best{ std::end( pvs ), std::numeric_limits<FTYPE>::max() };
     for ( auto it = pvs.begin(); it != pvs.end(); ++it ) {
       const auto* pv = PrimaryVertexUtils::to_pointer( *it );
       // const auto& pv = PrimaryVertexUtils::deref_if_ptr(*it) ;
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
       auto dx = pv->position().x() - ( x + dz * tx );
       auto dy = pv->position().y() - ( y + dz * ty );
       auto d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
-      best    = best.first != pvs.end() && !( best.second > d2 ) ? best : std::pair{it, d2};
+      best    = best.first != pvs.end() && !( best.second > d2 ) ? best : std::pair{ it, d2 };
     return best;
@@ -137,11 +137,11 @@ namespace LHCb {
     using value_type = typename Container::contained_type;
     // only one constructor
     const Container& container;
-    ObjectContainerVectorView( const Container& c ) : container{c} {}
+    ObjectContainerVectorView( const Container& c ) : container{ c } {}
     // define the iterator
     struct const_iterator {
       typename Container::const_iterator it;
-      const_iterator( typename Container::const_iterator i ) : it{i} {}
+      const_iterator( typename Container::const_iterator i ) : it{ i } {}
       const_iterator& operator++() {
         return *this;
@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ namespace LHCb {
       bool              operator!=( const const_iterator& rhs ) const { return it != rhs.it; }
     // add begin and end
-    const_iterator    begin() const { return const_iterator{container.begin()}; }
-    const_iterator    end() const { return const_iterator{container.end()}; }
+    const_iterator    begin() const { return const_iterator{ container.begin() }; }
+    const_iterator    end() const { return const_iterator{ container.end() }; }
     const value_type& operator[]( size_t index ) const {
       const_iterator it = begin();
       std::advance( it.it, index );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/TrackCloneData.h b/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/TrackCloneData.h
index 3ac439a4f41bc6ec7f037d584865eb2b70ec5f0e..de900cb5114183df7bd2cbf1ced9e3669816acce 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/TrackCloneData.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/TrackCloneData.h
@@ -249,21 +249,21 @@ namespace LHCb {
       using WeightType = TrackCloneDataBaseFlagsSlice::WeightType;
       switch ( type ) {
       case Type::Unknown:
-        return WeightType{0};
+        return WeightType{ 0 };
       case Type::Velo:
-        return WeightType{11};
+        return WeightType{ 11 };
       case Type::VeloBackward:
-        return WeightType{10};
+        return WeightType{ 10 };
       case Type::Long:
-        return WeightType{20};
+        return WeightType{ 20 };
       case Type::Upstream:
-        return WeightType{15};
+        return WeightType{ 15 };
       case Type::Downstream:
-        return WeightType{16};
+        return WeightType{ 16 };
       case Type::Ttrack:
-        return WeightType{12};
+        return WeightType{ 12 };
       case Type::Muon:
-        return WeightType{2};
+        return WeightType{ 2 };
         throw std::invalid_argument( "No known weight for given track type" );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/TrackCompactVertex.h b/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/TrackCompactVertex.h
index fd25a36e242fcfc54b8c6a02dd0e65400a90d98c..023b23ae85708005d2fbd3526478a2c7dc68f52e 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/TrackCompactVertex.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/TrackCompactVertex.h
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
       template <typename FTYPE, typename TRACKPTR>
       struct DaughterDataStorage<LHCb::TrackKernel::Dynamic, FTYPE, TRACKPTR> {
         DaughterDataStorage( size_t numdaughters )
-            : NumDaughters{numdaughters}, NumCols{1 + 3 + 3 + numdaughters}, data( NumDaughters * NumCols ) {}
+            : NumDaughters{ numdaughters }, NumCols{ 1 + 3 + 3 + numdaughters }, data( NumDaughters * NumCols ) {}
         static constexpr size_t StorageSize = LHCb::TrackKernel::Dynamic;
         const size_t            NumDaughters;
         const size_t            NumCols;
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
       template <std::size_t N, typename FTYPE, typename TRACKPTR>
       struct DaughterData : public DaughterDataStorage<N, FTYPE, TRACKPTR> {
         using Base = DaughterDataStorage<N, FTYPE, TRACKPTR>;
-        DaughterData( size_t numdaughters ) : Base{numdaughters} {}
+        DaughterData( size_t numdaughters ) : Base{ numdaughters } {}
         constexpr std::size_t size() const { return Base::NumDaughters; }
         /// scalar momentum squared (p2) of daughter
         FTYPE&       P( size_t dauindex ) { return Base::data[dauindex * Base::NumCols]; }
@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ namespace LHCb {
       template <typename FTYPE, typename TRACKPTR>
       struct DaughterDataStorage<LHCb::TrackKernel::Dynamic, FTYPE, TRACKPTR> {
         DaughterDataStorage( size_t numdaughters )
-            : NumDaughters{numdaughters}
-            , RowLength{( 1 + 3 + 3 + numdaughters ) * sizeof( FTYPE ) + sizeof( TRACKPTR )}
+            : NumDaughters{ numdaughters }
+            , RowLength{ ( 1 + 3 + 3 + numdaughters ) * sizeof( FTYPE ) + sizeof( TRACKPTR ) }
             , data( NumDaughters * RowLength ) {}
         static constexpr size_t StorageSize = LHCb::TrackKernel::Dynamic;
         const size_t            NumDaughters;
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
       template <std::size_t N, typename FTYPE, typename TRACKPTR>
       struct DaughterData : public DaughterDataStorage<N, FTYPE, TRACKPTR> {
         using Base = DaughterDataStorage<N, FTYPE, TRACKPTR>;
-        DaughterData( size_t numdaughters ) : Base{numdaughters} {}
+        DaughterData( size_t numdaughters ) : Base{ numdaughters } {}
         FTYPE* fdata( size_t dauindex ) {
           return reinterpret_cast<FTYPE*>( Base::data.data() + dauindex * Base::RowLength );
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
       // TODO this needs reworking to support dynamic sizes
       std::array<ChildRelation, NumChildren> m_child_relations;
-      TrackCompactVertex( size_t ndaughters ) : daughters{ndaughters} {}
+      TrackCompactVertex( size_t ndaughters ) : daughters{ ndaughters } {}
       int                 nDoF() const { return daughters.size() * 2 - 3; }
       FTYPE               chi2() const { return m_chi2; }
       void                setChi2( FTYPE chi2 ) { m_chi2 = chi2; }
@@ -203,19 +203,19 @@ namespace LHCb {
       // Interface compatibility with ThOr
       friend LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3> referencePoint( const TrackCompactVertex& vtx ) {
-        return {vtx.x(), vtx.y(), vtx.z()};
+        return { vtx.x(), vtx.y(), vtx.z() };
       friend LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3> slopes( const TrackCompactVertex& vtx ) {
-        if ( vtx.mom.Z() == 0 ) { return {0, 0, 1}; }
-        return {vtx.mom.X() / vtx.mom.Z(), vtx.mom.Y() / vtx.mom.Z(), 1};
+        if ( vtx.mom.Z() == 0 ) { return { 0, 0, 1 }; }
+        return { vtx.mom.X() / vtx.mom.Z(), vtx.mom.Y() / vtx.mom.Z(), 1 };
       friend LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3> endVertexPos( const TrackCompactVertex& vtx ) {
-        return {vtx.x(), vtx.y(), vtx.z()};
+        return { vtx.x(), vtx.y(), vtx.z() };
       friend LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3> threeMomentum( const TrackCompactVertex& vtx ) {
-        return {vtx.px(), vtx.py(), vtx.pz()};
+        return { vtx.px(), vtx.py(), vtx.pz() };
       friend auto posCovMatrix( const TrackCompactVertex& vtx ) {
         return LHCb::LinAlg::convert<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v>( vtx.poscov );
@@ -243,15 +243,15 @@ namespace LHCb {
             // hack - hack -- client code sofar only needs mag2 of a vector....
             // so instead we need another customization point which default to returning threeMomentum(x).mag2()...
             auto threeMomentum() const {
-              return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3>{0, 0, vtx->daughters.P( i )};
+              return LHCb::LinAlg::Vec<SIMDWrapper::scalar::float_v, 3>{ 0, 0, vtx->daughters.P( i ) };
-          Proxy    begin() const { return {vtx, 0}; }
+          Proxy    begin() const { return { vtx, 0 }; }
           Sentinel end() const { return {}; }
-          Proxy    operator[]( unsigned i ) { return {vtx, i}; }
+          Proxy    operator[]( unsigned i ) { return { vtx, i }; }
           auto     size() const { return vtx->numChildren(); }
-        return children_t{&vtx};
+        return children_t{ &vtx };
       static constexpr auto canBeExtrapolatedDownstream = Event::CanBeExtrapolatedDownstream::no;
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
       p4.SetPz( vertex.mom.Z() );
       // now add the mass dependent part. compute E and the missing pieces of the covariance matrix
       auto const N = vertex.size();
-      double     E{0};
+      double     E{ 0 };
       // we need to cache daughter derivatives to P
       auto dEdPi = detail::ArrayTrait<double, TRACKCOMPACTVERTEX::NumChildren>::make( N );
       for ( size_t idau = 0; idau < N; ++idau ) {
diff --git a/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/TrackNProngVertex.h b/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/TrackNProngVertex.h
index 8dcdca956fa8c3c43f5ac849930a6266da92580a..3a14178f05c242ef583ac4dc8e9aa583226ee9c9 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/TrackNProngVertex.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/TrackNProngVertex.h
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
       const State m_state;
-      FTYPE       m_weight{1.0};
+      FTYPE       m_weight{ 1.0 };
       // In "fruhwirth's" notation
       SymMatrix2x2                     m_V; // cov matrix of (x,y) of state at vertex pos
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
       // Constructor
       TrackNProngVertexDaughter( const State& state, FTYPE weight = 1.0F )
-          : m_state{state}, m_weight{weight}, m_q{state.tx(), state.ty(), state.qOverP()} {}
+          : m_state{ state }, m_weight{ weight }, m_q{ state.tx(), state.ty(), state.qOverP() } {}
       /// set the weight
       void setweight( FTYPE w ) { m_weight = w; }
@@ -134,11 +134,11 @@ namespace LHCb {
       VertexTrackContainer m_daughters;
       PositionParameters   m_pos;
       PositionCovariance   m_poscov;
-      FitStatus            m_fitStatus{UnFitted};
-      ErrCode              m_error{NoError};
+      FitStatus            m_fitStatus{ UnFitted };
+      ErrCode              m_error{ NoError };
       // bool m_posInitialized = false ;
-      FTYPE              m_chi2{-1};
-      unsigned short     m_niter{0};
+      FTYPE              m_chi2{ -1 };
+      unsigned short     m_niter{ 0 };
       PositionParameters m_refpos;    // position of reference position
       PositionCovariance m_refweight; // weight (inverse cov) of reference position
       PositionCovariance m_posweight; // inverse of the position covariance matrix
@@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ namespace LHCb {
       /// Construct vertex from set of states.
       template <typename StateContainer>
-      TrackNProngVertex( const StateContainer& states ) : m_daughters{states} {
+      TrackNProngVertex( const StateContainer& states ) : m_daughters{ states } {
       /// Construct vertex from two states.
-      TrackNProngVertex( const State& state1, const State& state2 ) : m_daughters{state1, state2} { initPos(); }
+      TrackNProngVertex( const State& state1, const State& state2 ) : m_daughters{ state1, state2 } { initPos(); }
       /// Construct from a reference vertex. Then add track states
       /// later. If you use inverse of cov matrix, specify 'isweight=true'.
@@ -264,8 +264,8 @@ namespace LHCb {
       m_G             = m_V;
       const auto rc   = m_G.Invert();
       // compute residual
-      Vector2 res{vertexpos( 0 ) - ( m_state.x() + m_state.tx() * dz ),
-                  vertexpos( 1 ) - ( m_state.y() + m_state.ty() * dz )};
+      Vector2 res{ vertexpos( 0 ) - ( m_state.x() + m_state.tx() * dz ),
+                   vertexpos( 1 ) - ( m_state.y() + m_state.ty() * dz ) };
       // fill the projection matrix: use the fitted momentum!
       m_A( 0, 0 ) = m_A( 1, 1 ) = 1;
@@ -286,8 +286,8 @@ namespace LHCb {
       // first update the residual. (note the subtle difference with that in project!)
       const FTYPE dz = vertexpos( 2 ) - m_state.z();
       // compute residual
-      Vector2 res{vertexpos( 0 ) - ( m_state.x() + m_state.tx() * dz ),
-                  vertexpos( 1 ) - ( m_state.y() + m_state.ty() * dz )};
+      Vector2 res{ vertexpos( 0 ) - ( m_state.x() + m_state.tx() * dz ),
+                   vertexpos( 1 ) - ( m_state.y() + m_state.ty() * dz ) };
       // get the matrix that is the correlation of (x,y) and (tx,ty,qop)
       // This is the only place we need the 'extrapolated Vtx,x. Make sure to do it right!
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
       const auto  pz  = p / n;
       const auto  px  = pz * tx;
       const auto  py  = pz * ty;
-      sump3 += XYZVector{px, py, pz};
+      sump3 += XYZVector{ px, py, pz };
       ROOT::Math::SMatrix<FTYPE, 3, 3> dP3dMom;
       const auto                       n3 = n2 * n;
       dP3dMom( 0, 0 )                     = p * ( 1 + ty * ty ) / n3; // dpx/dtx
@@ -375,8 +375,8 @@ namespace LHCb {
     template <class STATETYPE, typename FTYPE>
     FTYPE TrackNProngVertexDaughter<STATETYPE, FTYPE>::chisq( const ROOT::Math::SVector<FTYPE, 3>& vertexpos ) const {
       const FTYPE dz = vertexpos( 2 ) - m_state.z();
-      Vector2     res{vertexpos( 0 ) - ( m_state.x() + m_state.tx() * dz ),
-                  vertexpos( 1 ) - ( m_state.y() + m_state.ty() * dz )};
+      Vector2     res{ vertexpos( 0 ) - ( m_state.x() + m_state.tx() * dz ),
+                   vertexpos( 1 ) - ( m_state.y() + m_state.ty() * dz ) };
       return Similarity( res, m_G );
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
     auto convertToCompactVertex( const TrackNProngVertex& vertex ) {
       using Ftype                  = typename TrackNProngVertex::Ftype;
       using TrackCompactVertexType = TrackCompactVertex<TrackNProngVertex::StorageSize, Ftype>;
-      TrackCompactVertexType cvertex{vertex.nDaughters()};
+      TrackCompactVertexType cvertex{ vertex.nDaughters() };
       cvertex.pos = vertex.position();
       cvertex.setChi2( vertex.chi2() );
       cvertex.poscov = vertex.covMatrix();
@@ -500,14 +500,14 @@ namespace LHCb {
         ROOT::Math::SMatrix<Ftype, 1, 3> posgainmatrix;
       auto dauPparts = detail::ArrayTrait<DaughterPParts, TrackNProngVertex::StorageSize>::make( vertex.nDaughters() );
-      for ( size_t idau{0}; idau < vertex.nDaughters(); ++idau )
+      for ( size_t idau{ 0 }; idau < vertex.nDaughters(); ++idau )
         vertex.tracks()[idau].addToThreeVector( cvertex.mom, cvertex.momcov, momposgainmatrix,
                                                 cvertex.daughters.P( idau ), dauPparts[idau].cov,
                                                 dauPparts[idau].momcov, dauPparts[idau].posgainmatrix );
       cvertex.momcov += Similarity( momposgainmatrix, cvertex.poscov );
       cvertex.momposcov = momposgainmatrix * cvertex.poscov;
       // fill the various parts of the daughter covariance matrices
-      for ( size_t idau{0}; idau < vertex.nDaughters(); ++idau ) {
+      for ( size_t idau{ 0 }; idau < vertex.nDaughters(); ++idau ) {
         // position
         auto Pposcov = dauPparts[idau].posgainmatrix * cvertex.poscov;
         for ( size_t ipos = 0; ipos < 3; ++ipos ) cvertex.daughters.Pposcov( idau, ipos ) = Pposcov( 0, ipos );
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
         cvertex.daughters.Pcov( idau, idau ) =
             dauPparts[idau].cov + ( Similarity( dauPparts[idau].posgainmatrix, cvertex.poscov ) )( 0, 0 );
         // note that we fill them both, even though it is symmetric. that's just to simplify things
-        for ( size_t jdau{0}; jdau < idau; ++jdau ) {
+        for ( size_t jdau{ 0 }; jdau < idau; ++jdau ) {
           cvertex.daughters.Pcov( idau, jdau ) = cvertex.daughters.Pcov( jdau, idau ) =
               ( dauPparts[idau].posgainmatrix * cvertex.poscov * Transpose( dauPparts[jdau].posgainmatrix ) )( 0, 0 );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/TrackStateVertex.h b/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/TrackStateVertex.h
index 7c28e9d419a4e7537fc2fe80358c74be39b96894..b4846f59b39450f5da9d87f8caf6e1f8a6b2819c 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/TrackStateVertex.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/TrackStateVertex.h
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
       inline TrackVector prediction( const PositionParameters& pos ) const {
         const auto dz = m_state.z() - pos( 2 );
-        return {pos( 0 ) + dz * m_q( 0 ), pos( 1 ) + dz * m_q( 1 ), m_q( 0 ), m_q( 1 ), m_q( 2 )};
+        return { pos( 0 ) + dz * m_q( 0 ), pos( 1 ) + dz * m_q( 1 ), m_q( 0 ), m_q( 1 ), m_q( 2 ) };
       /// residual for given position
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
       LHCb::State               m_state;
       const PositionCovariance* m_poscov = nullptr;
-      double                    m_weight{0};
+      double                    m_weight{ 0 };
       // In fruhwirth's notation
       Gaudi::SymMatrix5x5                                      m_G;   // weight matrix of state p=(x,y,tz,ty)
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
       mutable std::optional<ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 3, 3>> m_WBGA;
       mutable std::optional<Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3>               m_momcov;
       mutable std::optional<ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 3, 3>> m_momposcov;
-      Status                                                   m_status{InitFailure};
+      Status                                                   m_status{ InitFailure };
   } // namespace TrackVertexHelpers
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
     Gaudi::Matrix5x5 stateCovariance( const std::size_t i, const std::size_t j ) const;
     /// Fitted state for track i
     LHCb::State state( const std::size_t i ) const {
-      return {stateVector( i ), stateCovariance( i ), track( i )->state().z(), track( i )->state().location()};
+      return { stateVector( i ), stateCovariance( i ), track( i )->state().z(), track( i )->state().location() };
     /// Fitted state at vertex z position for track i
     LHCb::State stateAtVertex( const std::size_t i ) const;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/TrackTraj.h b/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/TrackTraj.h
index acd57ad7f961770ba9404ddc9fedbe04dc7b16b5..cc977d9b45fea639276b916b954ed157f96809aa 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/TrackTraj.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackKernel/include/TrackKernel/TrackTraj.h
@@ -56,14 +56,14 @@ namespace LHCb {
     // cppgsl 3.x gcc 9.x workaround. To be removed when gcc 9 or older no longer supported
     TrackTraj( const std::vector<LHCb::State*>& states, const DeMagnet* magfieldsvc = nullptr )
         : TrackTraj(
-              span<const LHCb::State* const>{states.data(),
-                                             static_cast<span<const LHCb::State* const>::size_type>( states.size() )},
+              span<const LHCb::State* const>{ states.data(),
+                                              static_cast<span<const LHCb::State* const>::size_type>( states.size() ) },
               magfieldsvc ) {}
     TrackTraj( const std::vector<LHCb::State*>& states, LHCb::Tag::State::AssumeSorted_tag tag,
                const DeMagnet* magfieldsvc = nullptr )
         : TrackTraj(
-              span<const LHCb::State* const>{states.data(),
-                                             static_cast<span<const LHCb::State* const>::size_type>( states.size() )},
+              span<const LHCb::State* const>{ states.data(),
+                                              static_cast<span<const LHCb::State* const>::size_type>( states.size() ) },
               tag, magfieldsvc ) {}
diff --git a/Tr/TrackKernel/src/CubicStateInterpolationTraj.cpp b/Tr/TrackKernel/src/CubicStateInterpolationTraj.cpp
index 5f27fbe22a32eb1fc7baa3e8578547e22dc55de4..9eddd4f251fbc255a58de24903e2536b5800b34d 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackKernel/src/CubicStateInterpolationTraj.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackKernel/src/CubicStateInterpolationTraj.cpp
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 namespace LHCb {
   LHCb::State CubicStateInterpolationTraj::state( double z ) const {
-    return LHCb::State( {x( z ), y( z ), tx( z ), ty( z ), qop( z )}, covariance( z ), z,
+    return LHCb::State( { x( z ), y( z ), tx( z ), ty( z ), qop( z ) }, covariance( z ), z,
                         LHCb::State::Location::LocationUnknown );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackKernel/src/CubicStateVectorInterpolationTraj.cpp b/Tr/TrackKernel/src/CubicStateVectorInterpolationTraj.cpp
index 429fff6fd32cd606fe28ace913d4f513dbfb067d..79d621323db18acfba2ffabbdb87b107bee5b4d1 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackKernel/src/CubicStateVectorInterpolationTraj.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackKernel/src/CubicStateVectorInterpolationTraj.cpp
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 namespace LHCb {
   LHCb::StateVector CubicStateVectorInterpolationTraj::stateVector( double z ) const {
-    return {{x( z ), y( z ), tx( z ), ty( z ), qop( z )}, z};
+    return { { x( z ), y( z ), tx( z ), ty( z ), qop( z ) }, z };
   double CubicStateVectorInterpolationTraj::arclength( double /*z1*/, double /*z2*/ ) const {
diff --git a/Tr/TrackKernel/src/LineDifTraj.cpp b/Tr/TrackKernel/src/LineDifTraj.cpp
index 98a79dd7aa99246de10071b5bc20f1fe451c1e08..293cf278acf8e913a09e8c68727be5d327491b46 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackKernel/src/LineDifTraj.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackKernel/src/LineDifTraj.cpp
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ double LineDifTraj::distTo1stError( double, double, int ) const { return 10 * Ga
 double LineDifTraj::distTo2ndError( double, double, int ) const { return 10 * Gaudi::Units::km; }
 LineDifTraj::Parameters LineDifTraj::parameters() const {
-  return {m_pos.x(), m_pos.y(), m_dir.x() / m_dir.z(), m_dir.y() / m_dir.z()};
+  return { m_pos.x(), m_pos.y(), m_dir.x() / m_dir.z(), m_dir.y() / m_dir.z() };
 LineDifTraj& LineDifTraj::operator+=( const Parameters& delta ) {
diff --git a/Tr/TrackKernel/src/StateTraj.cpp b/Tr/TrackKernel/src/StateTraj.cpp
index 8c0cb0f4db3e7fdeedd1715f5059bef49bb65480..bbf0b085648873365e39f87f41497bf3d4f12082 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackKernel/src/StateTraj.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackKernel/src/StateTraj.cpp
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ StateTraj::StateTraj( const Gaudi::TrackVector& stateVector, double z, const Gau
     , m_qOverP( stateVector( 4 ) )
     , m_bField( bField ) {
   // True when approximating the trajectory as a straight line
-  m_dir  = XYZVector{stateVector( 2 ), stateVector( 3 ), 1.}.unit();
+  m_dir  = XYZVector{ stateVector( 2 ), stateVector( 3 ), 1. }.unit();
   m_curv = ( Units::c_light * m_qOverP ) * ( m_dir.Cross( m_bField ) );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackKernel/src/TrackStateVertex.cpp b/Tr/TrackKernel/src/TrackStateVertex.cpp
index 61df123ae18425c4854a26e6ea47da7665b2074a..4f4d9eee1898b7e5b81c99aa37ceaab9a6687887 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackKernel/src/TrackStateVertex.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackKernel/src/TrackStateVertex.cpp
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
       // return the average state of the positions. this is what we
       // used to do, and I don't want things to break. it isn't quite
       // optimal though.
-      m_pos = std::accumulate( m_tracks.begin(), m_tracks.end(), PositionParameters{0, 0, 0},
+      m_pos = std::accumulate( m_tracks.begin(), m_tracks.end(), PositionParameters{ 0, 0, 0 },
                                []( PositionParameters p, const auto& t ) {
                                  const auto& s = t->state();
                                  p[0] += s.x();
diff --git a/Tr/TrackKernel/src/TrackTraj.cpp b/Tr/TrackKernel/src/TrackTraj.cpp
index d75a2ae880c5fd2694358cb751017729cf851a28..cf819150984bcddb3f8e7f2f268ba3cf8172ab7d 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackKernel/src/TrackTraj.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackKernel/src/TrackTraj.cpp
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
   TrackTraj::TrackTraj( const Track& track, const DeMagnet* magfieldsvc )
-      : ZTrajectory<double>{}, m_bfield{0, 0, 0}, m_cachedindex{InvalidCacheIndex} {
+      : ZTrajectory<double>{}, m_bfield{ 0, 0, 0 }, m_cachedindex{ InvalidCacheIndex } {
     // we rely on the fact that nodes and states in a track are already sorted.
     const auto& ts = track.states();
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
   TrackTraj::TrackTraj( span<const FitNode* const> nodes, const DeMagnet* magfieldsvc )
-      : ZTrajectory<double>{}, m_bfield{0, 0, 0}, m_cachedindex{InvalidCacheIndex} {
+      : ZTrajectory<double>{}, m_bfield{ 0, 0, 0 }, m_cachedindex{ InvalidCacheIndex } {
     // first add the states from the track.nodes(). make sure these
     // are ordered in increasing z.
     if ( !nodes.empty() ) {
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ namespace LHCb {
   TrackTraj::TrackTraj( span<const LHCb::State* const> states, const DeMagnet* magfieldsvc )
       : ZTrajectory<double>{}
-      , m_states{states.begin(), states.end()}
-      , m_bfield{0, 0, 0}
-      , m_cachedindex{InvalidCacheIndex} {
+      , m_states{ states.begin(), states.end() }
+      , m_bfield{ 0, 0, 0 }
+      , m_cachedindex{ InvalidCacheIndex } {
     // sort
     std::sort( m_states.begin(), m_states.end(), compareStateZ );
     // check states and initialize cache
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
   TrackTraj::TrackTraj( span<const LHCb::State* const> states, LHCb::Tag::State::AssumeSorted_tag,
                         const DeMagnet*                magfieldsvc )
-      : ZTrajectory<double>{}, m_bfield{0, 0, 0}, m_cachedindex{InvalidCacheIndex} {
+      : ZTrajectory<double>{}, m_bfield{ 0, 0, 0 }, m_cachedindex{ InvalidCacheIndex } {
     if ( !states.empty() ) {
       if ( front( states )->z() < back( states )->z() ) {
         m_states.insert( m_states.begin(), states.begin(), states.end() );
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
   TrackTraj::TrackTraj( span<const LHCb::State> states, LHCb::Tag::State::AssumeSorted_tag,
                         const DeMagnet*         magfieldsvc )
-      : ZTrajectory<double>{}, m_bfield{0, 0, 0}, m_cachedindex{InvalidCacheIndex} {
+      : ZTrajectory<double>{}, m_bfield{ 0, 0, 0 }, m_cachedindex{ InvalidCacheIndex } {
     if ( !states.empty() ) {
       if ( front( states ).z() < back( states ).z() ) {
         append_range( m_states, states | take_address );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMCTools/doc/release.notes b/Tr/TrackMCTools/doc/release.notes
index 5e710c79cc600130b43e33c91f82848b3cef8096..5b2f230a7d83553e837b58187b2ad19a91313699 100755
--- a/Tr/TrackMCTools/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Tr/TrackMCTools/doc/release.notes
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 ! 2016-12-14 - Jeroen van Tilburg
  - Adapt to new FT geometry and numbering scheme
- - Changed location of Linker tables. 
+ - Changed location of Linker tables.
 !========================= TrackMCTools v3r13 2016-03-18 =========================
 ! 2016-02-08 - Adam Davis
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@
 ! 2015-02-17 - Marco Cattaneo
  . Remove unnecessary PhysEvent includes from PGPrimaryVertex.h and remove
    PhysEvent dependency that they introduced
 !========================= TrackMCTools v3r11 2014-12-11 =========================
 ! 2014-11-24 - Paul Seyfert
  - Add wrapper for ghost track classification tools to decide on a track-by-track
    base which implementation to use
 !========================= TrackMCTools v3r10p1 2014-10-14 ======================
 ! 2014-10-03 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Add missing PhysEvent dependency in CMakeLists.txt (introduced by previous change)
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
 !======================= TrackMCTools v2r27 2010-09-27 =======================
 ! 2010-09-21 - Victor Coco
- - replace hardcoded VeloPix locations in LHCbIDs2MCHits to use 
+ - replace hardcoded VeloPix locations in LHCbIDs2MCHits to use
    the VeloPixClusterLocation
 !======================= TrackMCTools v2r26 2010-04-26 =======================
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
  - Modify isGhost method for Long tracks: it is a ghost if either T or Velo
    part is a ghost
  - bug fix in isGhost method
- - User MCParticleSelector in CleanPatTrackSelector 
+ - User MCParticleSelector in CleanPatTrackSelector
 ! 2009-01-28  M Needham
  - Add option to cut on p in CleanPatTrackSelector
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
 ! 2008-02-04 M Needham
   - Modifications in ghost classification tools to make them work better on DST:
     . get ghost parent from the LHCbIDs
-    . add specializations for downstream and upstream tracks  
+    . add specializations for downstream and upstream tracks
 !======================= TrackMCTools v2r16 2008-01-30 =======================
 ! 2008-01-23 - Wouter Hulsbergen
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
    information when debugging pattern recognition.
 ! 2007-10-22 - Olivier Callot
- - Implement PatDebugTTTruthTool for use in PatDownstream to print truth 
+ - Implement PatDebugTTTruthTool for use in PatDownstream to print truth
    information when debugging pattern recognition.
 !======================= TrackMCTools v2r13 2007-10-26 =======================
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
 ! 2007-06-26 M. Needham
   - LHCbIDsToMCParticles, LHCbIDsToMCHits:
     - Extend functionality to include muons
-    - check that all linker tables exist before using them 
+    - check that all linker tables exist before using them
       (missing linkers ---> throw exception)
 ! 2007-06-22 M. Needham
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/IdealStateCreator.cpp b/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/IdealStateCreator.cpp
index d7963624888f2f9a2c7afb5e41b2f7828ea45884..2c26d1ad8a3d366c67ba98f0247d3620403c40d7 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/IdealStateCreator.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/IdealStateCreator.cpp
@@ -79,27 +79,27 @@ public:
   /// Standard constructor
   using extends::extends;
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_eX2{this, "ErrorX2", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_eY2{this, "ErrorY2", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_eTx2{this, "ErrorTx2", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_eTy2{this, "ErrorTy2", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_eP{this, "ErrorP", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_correctSlopes{this, "CorrectSlopes", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_eX2{ this, "ErrorX2", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_eY2{ this, "ErrorY2", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_eTx2{ this, "ErrorTx2", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_eTy2{ this, "ErrorTy2", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_eP{ this, "ErrorP", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_correctSlopes{ this, "CorrectSlopes", false };
-  ServiceHandle<ILHCbMagnetSvc>  m_magSvc{this, "MagneticFieldService", "MagneticFieldSvc"};
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{this, "Extrapolator", "TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator"};
-  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCVertices> m_mc_vertices{this, "MCVertices", LHCb::MCVertexLocation::Default};
-  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCHits>     m_mc_vp_hits{this, "VPMCHits", LHCb::MCHitLocation::VP};
-  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::LinksByKey> m_mc_vp_hits_links{this, "VPMCHitLinks",
-                                                            LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::MCHitLocation::VP )};
-  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCHits>     m_mc_ut_hits{this, "UTMCHits", LHCb::MCHitLocation::UT};
-  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::LinksByKey> m_mc_ut_hits_links{this, "UTMCHitLinks",
-                                                            LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::MCHitLocation::UT )};
-  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCHits>     m_mc_ft_hits{this, "FTMCHits", LHCb::MCHitLocation::FT};
-  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::LinksByKey> m_mc_ft_hits_links{this, "FTMCHitLinks",
-                                                            LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::MCHitLocation::FT )};
+  ServiceHandle<ILHCbMagnetSvc>  m_magSvc{ this, "MagneticFieldService", "MagneticFieldSvc" };
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{ this, "Extrapolator", "TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator" };
+  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCVertices> m_mc_vertices{ this, "MCVertices", LHCb::MCVertexLocation::Default };
+  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCHits>     m_mc_vp_hits{ this, "VPMCHits", LHCb::MCHitLocation::VP };
+  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::LinksByKey> m_mc_vp_hits_links{ this, "VPMCHitLinks",
+                                                             LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::MCHitLocation::VP ) };
+  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCHits>     m_mc_ut_hits{ this, "UTMCHits", LHCb::MCHitLocation::UT };
+  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::LinksByKey> m_mc_ut_hits_links{ this, "UTMCHitLinks",
+                                                             LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::MCHitLocation::UT ) };
+  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::MCHits>     m_mc_ft_hits{ this, "FTMCHits", LHCb::MCHitLocation::FT };
+  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::LinksByKey> m_mc_ft_hits_links{ this, "FTMCHitLinks",
+                                                             LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::MCHitLocation::FT ) };
   // Correct slopes for magnetic field given an MCHit and a MCParticle
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/LHCbIDsToMCHits.cpp b/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/LHCbIDsToMCHits.cpp
index 74385628480eede9f218e33ab59240ba20a8c824..d7e705f34845221f2a418fb772191d269b5413db 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/LHCbIDsToMCHits.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/LHCbIDsToMCHits.cpp
@@ -161,37 +161,37 @@ void LHCbIDsToMCHits::handle( const Incident& incident ) {
 void LHCbIDsToMCHits::linkUT( const LHCbID& lhcbid, LinkMap& output ) const {
   if ( !m_utLinks ) {
     m_utLinks = SmartDataPtr<LHCb::LinksByKey>{
-        evtSvc(), LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::UTClusterLocation::UTClusters + m_endString )};
+        evtSvc(), LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::UTClusterLocation::UTClusters + m_endString ) };
     if ( !m_utLinks ) { throw GaudiException( "no UTLinker", "LHCbIDsToMCHits", StatusCode::FAILURE ); }
-  linkToDetTruth( lhcbid.utID(), LinkedTo<LHCb::MCHit>{m_utLinks}, output );
+  linkToDetTruth( lhcbid.utID(), LinkedTo<LHCb::MCHit>{ m_utLinks }, output );
 void LHCbIDsToMCHits::linkVP( const LHCbID& lhcbid, LinkMap& output ) const {
   if ( !m_vpLinks ) {
     m_vpLinks = SmartDataPtr<LHCb::LinksByKey>{
-        evtSvc(), LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::VPClusterLocation::Default + m_endString )};
+        evtSvc(), LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::VPClusterLocation::Default + m_endString ) };
     if ( !m_vpLinks ) { throw GaudiException( "no vPLinker", "LHCbIDsToMCHits", StatusCode::FAILURE ); }
-  linkToDetTruth( lhcbid.vpID(), LinkedTo<LHCb::MCHit>{m_vpLinks}, output );
+  linkToDetTruth( lhcbid.vpID(), LinkedTo<LHCb::MCHit>{ m_vpLinks }, output );
 void LHCbIDsToMCHits::linkFT( const LHCbID& lhcbid, LinkMap& output ) const {
   if ( !m_ftLinks ) {
     m_ftLinks = SmartDataPtr<LHCb::LinksByKey>{
-        evtSvc(), LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::FTLiteClusterLocation::Default + m_endString )};
+        evtSvc(), LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::FTLiteClusterLocation::Default + m_endString ) };
     if ( !m_ftLinks ) { throw GaudiException( "no FTLinker", "LHCbIDsToMCHits", StatusCode::FAILURE ); }
-  linkToDetTruth( lhcbid.ftID(), LinkedTo<LHCb::MCHit>{m_ftLinks}, output );
+  linkToDetTruth( lhcbid.ftID(), LinkedTo<LHCb::MCHit>{ m_ftLinks }, output );
 void LHCbIDsToMCHits::linkMuon( const LHCbID& lhcbid, LinkMap& output ) const {
   if ( !m_muonLinks ) {
     m_muonLinks = SmartDataPtr<LHCb::LinksByKey>{
-        evtSvc(), LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::MuonCoordLocation::MuonCoords + m_endString )};
+        evtSvc(), LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::MuonCoordLocation::MuonCoords + m_endString ) };
     if ( !m_muonLinks ) { throw GaudiException( "no MuonLinker", "LHCbIDsToMCHits", StatusCode::FAILURE ); }
-  linkToDetTruth( lhcbid.muonID(), LinkedTo<LHCb::MCHit>{m_muonLinks}, output );
+  linkToDetTruth( lhcbid.muonID(), LinkedTo<LHCb::MCHit>{ m_muonLinks }, output );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/LHCbIDsToMCParticles.cpp b/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/LHCbIDsToMCParticles.cpp
index 9ced55e340a9a0d29cbc2f6d24b8ab933d171ef6..da3c701b9f6ad201542a7bb46ccc8f6b5394b330 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/LHCbIDsToMCParticles.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/LHCbIDsToMCParticles.cpp
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ StatusCode LHCbIDsToMCParticles::initialize() {
 StatusCode LHCbIDsToMCParticles::link( LHCbIDs::const_iterator start, LHCbIDs::const_iterator stop,
                                        LinkMap& output ) const {
-  return std::accumulate( start, stop, StatusCode{StatusCode::SUCCESS}, [&]( StatusCode sc, const auto& id ) {
+  return std::accumulate( start, stop, StatusCode{ StatusCode::SUCCESS }, [&]( StatusCode sc, const auto& id ) {
     return sc.andThen( [&] { return link( id, output ); } );
   } );
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ StatusCode LHCbIDsToMCParticles::linkVP( const LHCbID& lhcbid, LinkMap& output )
         SmartDataPtr<LHCb::LinksByKey>( evtSvc(), LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::VPClusterLocation::Default ) );
     if ( !m_vpLinks ) { return Error( "no VPLinker", StatusCode::FAILURE, 10 ); }
-  linkToDetTruth( lhcbid.vpID(), LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{m_vpLinks}, output );
+  linkToDetTruth( lhcbid.vpID(), LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{ m_vpLinks }, output );
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ StatusCode LHCbIDsToMCParticles::linkUT( const LHCbID& lhcbid, LinkMap& output )
         SmartDataPtr<LHCb::LinksByKey>( evtSvc(), LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::UTClusterLocation::UTClusters ) );
     if ( !m_utLinks ) { return Error( "no UTLinker", StatusCode::FAILURE, 10 ); }
-  linkToDetTruth( lhcbid.utID(), LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{m_utLinks}, output );
+  linkToDetTruth( lhcbid.utID(), LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{ m_utLinks }, output );
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -178,6 +178,6 @@ StatusCode LHCbIDsToMCParticles::linkFT( const LHCbID& lhcbid, LinkMap& output )
                                                 LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( LHCb::FTLiteClusterLocation::Default ) );
     if ( !m_ftLinks ) { return Error( "no FTLinker", StatusCode::FAILURE, 10 ); }
-  linkToDetTruth( lhcbid.ftID(), LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{m_ftLinks}, output );
+  linkToDetTruth( lhcbid.ftID(), LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{ m_ftLinks }, output );
   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/TrackGhostClassificationBase.cpp b/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/TrackGhostClassificationBase.cpp
index 3bbbe66ea18bd96a9b3d67cc313934c9b58c4acc..392a7b3601ab4adad1b7d6413303698e0706fb50 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/TrackGhostClassificationBase.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/TrackGhostClassificationBase.cpp
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ LHCb::GhostTrackInfo::LinkPair TrackGhostClassificationBase::secondBest( const L
   } // iterMap
   double purity = double( best.second ) / tot;
-  return {best.first, purity};
+  return { best.first, purity };
 bool TrackGhostClassificationBase::decayInFlight( LHCb::GhostTrackInfo::LinkPair& p1,
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ TrackGhostClassificationBase::bestPair( const LHCb::GhostTrackInfo::LinkMap& lMa
   } // iterMap
   const double purity = double( best.second ) / tot;
-  return {best.first, purity};
+  return { best.first, purity };
 LHCb::GhostTrackInfo::LinkPair TrackGhostClassificationBase::bestPair( const LHCbIDs& ids ) const {
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ LHCb::GhostTrackInfo::LinkPair TrackGhostClassificationBase::bestPair( const LHC
     Warning( "Linking failed, no best pair", StatusCode::FAILURE )
         .ignore( /* AUTOMATICALLY ADDED FOR gaudi/Gaudi!763 */ );
     LHCb::MCParticle* mcpart = 0;
-    return {mcpart, 0.0};
+    return { mcpart, 0.0 };
   return bestPair( testMap );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/TrackListMCTruthRefiner.cpp b/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/TrackListMCTruthRefiner.cpp
index 31d2d89eba72f0a8eb28ec34167a58dddb8773f5..912ea13981cf4e3d89a41d47b6aa96792e714df1 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/TrackListMCTruthRefiner.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/TrackListMCTruthRefiner.cpp
@@ -60,8 +60,9 @@ public:
   TrackListMCTruthRefiner( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : with_functors(
             name, pSvcLocator,
-            {KeyValue{"InputTracks", {}}, KeyValue{"MCParticles", {}}, KeyValue{"TrackToMCPRelations", {}}},
-            {KeyValue{"OutputGhostTracks", {}}, KeyValue{"OutputPassTracks", {}}, KeyValue{"OutputFailTracks", {}}} ) {}
+            { KeyValue{ "InputTracks", {} }, KeyValue{ "MCParticles", {} }, KeyValue{ "TrackToMCPRelations", {} } },
+            { KeyValue{ "OutputGhostTracks", {} }, KeyValue{ "OutputPassTracks", {} },
+              KeyValue{ "OutputFailTracks", {} } } ) {}
   Split_track_collection_t operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range& inputTracks, LHCb::MCParticles const& mcParticles,
                                        Truth_match_relations_t const& relations ) const override {
@@ -116,12 +117,12 @@ public:
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nInputTracks{this, "# input tracks"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nGhosts{this, "# ghosts"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nPassed{this, "# passed"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nInputTracks{ this, "# input tracks" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nGhosts{ this, "# ghosts" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_nPassed{ this, "# passed" };
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_thresholdWeight{this, "ThresholdWeight", 0.7,
-                                           "Minimum weight for the MCParticle associated to the track"};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_thresholdWeight{ this, "ThresholdWeight", 0.7,
+                                            "Minimum weight for the MCParticle associated to the track" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackListMCTruthRefiner )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/UpgradeGhostIdNT.cpp b/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/UpgradeGhostIdNT.cpp
index 0d764101e7aed91d862d0b70c2dc780d36dc3c0f..964cc8cc47b3493ed3b267ee3abe65b60fed0702 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/UpgradeGhostIdNT.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMCTools/src/UpgradeGhostIdNT.cpp
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public:
   std::vector<float> netInputs( LHCb::Track& aTrack ) const override { return m_ghostTool->netInputs( aTrack ); };
-  ToolHandle<IGhostProbability> m_ghostTool{this, "Tool", "UpgradeGhostId"};
+  ToolHandle<IGhostProbability> m_ghostTool{ this, "Tool", "UpgradeGhostId" };
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ StatusCode UpgradeGhostIdNT::execute( LHCb::Track& aTrack ) const {
   SmartDataPtr<LHCb::LinksByKey> links( evtSvc(), LHCb::LinksByKey::linkerName( "Rec/Track/Best" ) );
   if ( links ) links->resolveLinks( evtSvc() );
-  auto range = LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{links}.range( &aTrack );
+  auto range = LinkedTo<LHCb::MCParticle>{ links }.range( &aTrack );
   Tuples::Tuple tup = GaudiTupleTool::nTuple( "tracks", CLID_ColumnWiseTuple );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/doc/release.notes b/Tr/TrackMonitors/doc/release.notes
index 788436d80f82084de10ea9549ec158de34c294d8..43f57c4ed31cf6719024900adf7b4a7ffda4107a 100755
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/doc/release.notes
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ ST Performance analysis mointoring (Efficiency and Residual). To be used for Onl
 ! 2015-11-01 - Gerhard Raven
  - replace LoKi::select with std::copy_if
- - replace raw loops with STL algorithms 
+ - replace raw loops with STL algorithms
  - replace BOOST_FOREACH with range-based for
  - various const-correctness fixes
  - prefer range-based for loops
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/python/TrackMonitors/BGIRecoConf.py b/Tr/TrackMonitors/python/TrackMonitors/BGIRecoConf.py
index 5eceb604992faea20161c735355e6746c1909ead..71f446f347eb5a4223e92312732cb044b903934d 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/python/TrackMonitors/BGIRecoConf.py
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/python/TrackMonitors/BGIRecoConf.py
@@ -8,62 +8,36 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+from Configurables import PVSplit
 from Gaudi.Configuration import appendPostConfigAction
 from LHCbKernel.Configuration import LHCbConfigurableUser
-from Configurables import PVSplit
 class BGIRecoConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
     __slots__ = {
-        "RecoVELOSeq":
-        None  # The sequencer to modify
-        ,
-        "RecoVertexSeq":
-        None  # The sequencer to modify
+        "RecoVELOSeq": None,  # The sequencer to modify
+        "RecoVertexSeq": None,  # The sequencer to modify
         # PV reconstruction options
-        ,
-        "PV3DTuning":
-        False  # custom parameters for PVSeed3DTool and LSAdaptPV3DFitter
-        ,
-        "PVAlgorithm":
-        "PatPV3D"  # PatPVOffline (def) or PatPV3D - no difference at all, but PatPVOffline is preconfigured with BeamSpotCut
-        ,
-        "PVSeedTool":
-        "PVSeed3DTool"  # PVSeed3DTool (def) (fixed for the moment)
-        ,
-        "PVFitterTool":
-        "LSAdaptPV3DFitter"  # LSAdaptPVFitter (def) or LSAdaptPV3DFitter
-        ,
-        "InputTracks":
-        "Rec/Track/Best"  #
-        ,
-        "PrimaryVertices":
-        "Rec/Vertex/Best"  #
+        "PV3DTuning": False,  # custom parameters for PVSeed3DTool and LSAdaptPV3DFitter
+        "PVAlgorithm": "PatPV3D",  # PatPVOffline (def) or PatPV3D - no difference at all, but PatPVOffline is preconfigured with BeamSpotCut
+        "PVSeedTool": "PVSeed3DTool",  # PVSeed3DTool (def) (fixed for the moment)
+        "PVFitterTool": "LSAdaptPV3DFitter",  # LSAdaptPVFitter (def) or LSAdaptPV3DFitter
+        "InputTracks": "Rec/Track/Best",  #
+        "PrimaryVertices": "Rec/Vertex/Best",  #
         # PVSplit options
-        ,
-        "PVSplitName":
-        "MyPVSplit"  #
-        ,
-        "RandomShuffle":
-        True  # Whether to shuffle tracks
-        ,
-        "SplitMethod":
-        "Middle"  # How to split track container
-        ,
-        "SplitVertices":
-        "Rec/Vertex/Split"  #
+        "PVSplitName": "MyPVSplit",  #
+        "RandomShuffle": True,  # Whether to shuffle tracks
+        "SplitMethod": "Middle",  # How to split track container
+        "SplitVertices": "Rec/Vertex/Split",  #
     def __apply_configuration__(self):
         vertexSeq = self.getProp("RecoVertexSeq")
-        if vertexSeq == None:
+        if vertexSeq is None:
             raise RuntimeError("ERROR : RecoVertexSeq not set")
         def action():
-            self._modify_vertex_seq(vertexSeq, alreadyModified)
+            self._modify_vertex_seq(vertexSeq)
@@ -74,35 +48,37 @@ class BGIRecoConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
         pvSeedToolName = self.getProp("PVSeedTool")
         pvFitterToolName = self.getProp("PVFitterTool")
-        pvAlgorithm.addTool(PVOfflineTool, 'PVOfflineTool')
+        pvAlgorithm.addTool(PVOfflineTool, "PVOfflineTool")
         pvOfflineTool = pvAlgorithm.PVOfflineTool
         pvOfflineTool.RequireVelo = True
-        pvOfflineTool.InputTracks = [self.getProp('InputTracks')]
+        pvOfflineTool.InputTracks = [self.getProp("InputTracks")]
         pvOfflineTool.PVSeedingName = pvSeedToolName
         pvOfflineTool.PVFitterName = pvFitterToolName
-        pv3dTuning = self.getProp('PV3DTuning')
+        pv3dTuning = self.getProp("PV3DTuning")
-        if pvSeedToolName == 'PVSeed3DTool':
+        if pvSeedToolName == "PVSeed3DTool":
             from Configurables import PVSeed3DTool
             pvOfflineTool.addTool(PVSeed3DTool, name=pvSeedToolName)
             if pv3dTuning:
-                pvOfflineTool.PVSeed3DTool.MinCloseTracks = 1.
-                pvOfflineTool.PVSeed3DTool.TrackPairMaxDistance = 2.
-                pvOfflineTool.PVSeed3DTool.zMaxSpread = 10.
+                pvOfflineTool.PVSeed3DTool.MinCloseTracks = 1.0
+                pvOfflineTool.PVSeed3DTool.TrackPairMaxDistance = 2.0
+                pvOfflineTool.PVSeed3DTool.zMaxSpread = 10.0
-        if pvFitterToolName == 'LSAdaptPV3DFitter':
+        if pvFitterToolName == "LSAdaptPV3DFitter":
             from Configurables import LSAdaptPV3DFitter
             pvOfflineTool.addTool(LSAdaptPV3DFitter, name=pvFitterToolName)
             if pv3dTuning:
-                pvOfflineTool.LSAdaptPV3DFitter.maxIP2PV = 4.
-                pvOfflineTool.LSAdaptPV3DFitter.TrackErrorScaleFactor = 2.
+                pvOfflineTool.LSAdaptPV3DFitter.maxIP2PV = 4.0
+                pvOfflineTool.LSAdaptPV3DFitter.TrackErrorScaleFactor = 2.0
                 pvOfflineTool.LSAdaptPV3DFitter.MinTracks = 5
     def _modify_vertex_seq(self, sequence, alreadyModified=False):
-        '''
-    Modify RecoVertexSeq sequence.
-    '''
+        """
+        Modify RecoVertexSeq sequence.
+        """
         import Configurables
         if not alreadyModified:
@@ -110,20 +86,19 @@ class BGIRecoConf(LHCbConfigurableUser):
             PVAlgorithm = getattr(Configurables, pvAlgorithmName)
             # !!! Always create algorithms with non-default names to avoid getting
             # !!! an already-created-and-behind-your-back-configured algorithm.
-            pvAlgorithm = PVAlgorithm('My' + pvAlgorithmName)
+            pvAlgorithm = PVAlgorithm("My" + pvAlgorithmName)
             outputPropertyName = {
-                'PatPVOffline': 'OutputVertices',
-                'PatPV3D': 'OutputVerticesName'
+                "PatPVOffline": "OutputVertices",
+                "PatPV3D": "OutputVerticesName",
-            setattr(pvAlgorithm, outputPropertyName,
-                    self.getProp('PrimaryVertices'))
+            setattr(pvAlgorithm, outputPropertyName, self.getProp("PrimaryVertices"))
-        pvSplitAlg = Configurables.PVSplit(self.getProp('PVSplitName'))
-        pvSplitAlg.InputVerticesLocation = self.getProp('PrimaryVertices')
-        pvSplitAlg.OutputVerticesLocation = self.getProp('SplitVertices')
-        pvSplitAlg.RandomShuffle = self.getProp('RandomShuffle')
-        pvSplitAlg.SplitMethod = self.getProp('SplitMethod')
+        pvSplitAlg = Configurables.PVSplit(self.getProp("PVSplitName"))
+        pvSplitAlg.InputVerticesLocation = self.getProp("PrimaryVertices")
+        pvSplitAlg.OutputVerticesLocation = self.getProp("SplitVertices")
+        pvSplitAlg.RandomShuffle = self.getProp("RandomShuffle")
+        pvSplitAlg.SplitMethod = self.getProp("SplitMethod")
         #    pvSplitAlg.OutputLevel = DEBUG
         #    pvSplitAlg.PVOfflineTool.OutputLevel = INFO
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/BeamSpotMonitor.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/BeamSpotMonitor.cpp
index a7e7231184cf87d47427aded7a186e2b6469e0d0..9cd8c804c3e2d5b05a858b09c960b35b336e8fd1 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/BeamSpotMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/BeamSpotMonitor.cpp
@@ -100,10 +100,10 @@ public:
   /// Internal representation of cached conditions
   struct IRConditionsCache {
     /// Cache variables
-    unsigned              nPVs{0};
-    unsigned              runNumber{0};
-    std::array<double, 3> position{0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
-    std::array<double, 6> spread{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
+    unsigned              nPVs{ 0 };
+    unsigned              runNumber{ 0 };
+    std::array<double, 3> position{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
+    std::array<double, 6> spread{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
     YAML::Node asYAML() const;
     void       emitYAML( YAML::Emitter& ) const;
@@ -168,19 +168,19 @@ private:
   /// Lookup map for checkers
   using TPRED = bool ( BeamSpotMonitor::* )( double ) const;
-  mutable std::map<std::string, TPRED> m_thresh_func_map{{"x", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_pos_delta_x_over_thresh},
-                                                         {"y", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_pos_delta_y_over_thresh},
-                                                         {"z", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_pos_delta_z_over_thresh},
-                                                         {"xx", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_spread_delta_xx_over_thresh},
-                                                         {"xy", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_spread_delta_xy_over_thresh},
-                                                         {"yx", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_spread_delta_xy_over_thresh},
-                                                         {"yy", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_spread_delta_yy_over_thresh},
-                                                         {"zx", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_spread_delta_zx_over_thresh},
-                                                         {"xz", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_spread_delta_zx_over_thresh},
-                                                         {"yz", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_spread_delta_yz_over_thresh},
-                                                         {"zy", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_spread_delta_yz_over_thresh},
-                                                         {"zz", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_spread_delta_zz_over_thresh},
-                                                         {"rho", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_pos_rho_delta_over_thresh}};
+  mutable std::map<std::string, TPRED> m_thresh_func_map{ { "x", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_pos_delta_x_over_thresh },
+                                                          { "y", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_pos_delta_y_over_thresh },
+                                                          { "z", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_pos_delta_z_over_thresh },
+                                                          { "xx", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_spread_delta_xx_over_thresh },
+                                                          { "xy", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_spread_delta_xy_over_thresh },
+                                                          { "yx", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_spread_delta_xy_over_thresh },
+                                                          { "yy", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_spread_delta_yy_over_thresh },
+                                                          { "zx", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_spread_delta_zx_over_thresh },
+                                                          { "xz", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_spread_delta_zx_over_thresh },
+                                                          { "yz", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_spread_delta_yz_over_thresh },
+                                                          { "zy", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_spread_delta_yz_over_thresh },
+                                                          { "zz", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_spread_delta_zz_over_thresh },
+                                                          { "rho", &BeamSpotMonitor::is_pos_rho_delta_over_thresh } };
   /// Check all configured thresholds
   using ThreshMap = std::map<std::string, double>;
@@ -196,111 +196,111 @@ private:
   // Output configuration properties
   /// Report conditions to log (INFO)
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_condToLog{this, "LogConditions", false,
-                                    "Write conditions to logfile with level INFO when updating"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_condToLog{ this, "LogConditions", false,
+                                     "Write conditions to logfile with level INFO when updating" };
   /// Create direct run conditions
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_writeDBFiles{this, "MakeDBRunFile", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_writeDBFiles{ this, "MakeDBRunFile", false };
   /// LHCB DB to write to path
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_conditionsDbPath{this, "conditionsDbPath",
-                                                  "/group/online/hlt/conditions.run3/lhcb-conditions-database"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_conditionsPathInDb{this, "conditionsPathInDb",
-                                                    "Conditions/LHCb/Online/InteractionRegion.yml/.pool"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_conditionsDbPath{ this, "conditionsDbPath",
+                                                   "/group/online/hlt/conditions.run3/lhcb-conditions-database" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_conditionsPathInDb{ this, "conditionsPathInDb",
+                                                     "Conditions/LHCb/Online/InteractionRegion.yml/.pool" };
   /// Use IPublishSvc Online
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_onlineMode{this, "OnlineMode", false, "Running in Online"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_knownAsName{this, "KnownAsToPublishSvc", "LHCb/Online/InteractionRegion",
-                                             "Name used to publish online conditions"};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_pubSvcName{this, "PublishSvc", "LHCb::PublishSvc",
-                                            "Publishing Svc implementing IPublishSvc"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_onlineMode{ this, "OnlineMode", false, "Running in Online" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_knownAsName{ this, "KnownAsToPublishSvc", "LHCb/Online/InteractionRegion",
+                                              "Name used to publish online conditions" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_pubSvcName{ this, "PublishSvc", "LHCb::PublishSvc",
+                                             "Publishing Svc implementing IPublishSvc" };
   // Accumulation configuration properties
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>          m_allowVeloOpen{this, "VeloOpenUpdates", false, "Allow updates if VELO is not closed"};
-  Gaudi::Property<long unsigned> m_minPVsForCalib{this, "MinPVsForCalib", 100ul,
-                                                  "Minumum number of accumulated PVs for a calibration"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_allowVeloOpen{ this, "VeloOpenUpdates", false, "Allow updates if VELO is not closed" };
+  Gaudi::Property<long unsigned> m_minPVsForCalib{ this, "MinPVsForCalib", 100ul,
+                                                   "Minumum number of accumulated PVs for a calibration" };
   /// Thresholds triggering updated publication
   Gaudi::Property<ThreshMap> m_maxAbsDeltaMap{
-      {{"x", 0.02 * Gaudi::Units::mm}, {"y", 0.02 * Gaudi::Units::mm}},
+      { { "x", 0.02 * Gaudi::Units::mm }, { "y", 0.02 * Gaudi::Units::mm } },
       "Map of {string: double} maximum allowed absolute differences from previous to produce new conditions.\nAllowed "
       "keys:  position components:  'x', 'y', and 'z'.\nspread matrix components:  'xx', 'xy', 'yy', 'xz', 'yz', and "
-      "'zz'.\nAdditional thresholds: 'rho': the transverse difference in the position"};
+      "'zz'.\nAdditional thresholds: 'rho': the transverse difference in the position" };
   Gaudi::Property<ThreshMap> m_inconceivableAbsDeltaMap{
       "Map of {string: double} thresholds defining IR conditions deviations that are 'too large'.\nThe format and "
       "allowed keys are the same as those for MaxAbsDeltaMap.\nThe handling of thresholds is controlled by "
-      "InconceivableHandling."};
+      "InconceivableHandling." };
   Gaudi::Property<IncHandType> m_inconceivableHandling{
       this, "InconceivableHandling", IncHandType::WarnUpdate,
       "How to handle updates that exceed any of the configured InconceivableAbsDeltaMap thresholds.  Allowed values "
-      "are 'WarnUpdate', 'WarnSkip', and 'ExceptionThrow'"};
+      "are 'WarnUpdate', 'WarnSkip', and 'ExceptionThrow'" };
   /// Histogram limits
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVXMin{this, "HistPVXMin", -2.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVXMax{this, "HistPVXMax", 2.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVYMin{this, "HistPVYMin", -2. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVYMax{this, "HistPVYMax", 2. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVZMin{this, "HistPVZMin", -200. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVZMax{this, "HistPVZMax", 200. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVZMin_wide{this, "HistPVZMin_Wide", -1.5e3 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                            "Wide z window for PV plot"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVZMax_wide{this, "HistPVZMax_Wide", 1.5e3 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
-                                            "Wide z window for PV plot"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_hist2DPVXMin{this, "Hist2DPVXMin", 0.8 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_hist2DPVXMax{this, "Hist2DPVXMax", 1.4 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_hist2DPVYMin{this, "Hist2DPVYMin", -0.1 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_hist2DPVYMax{this, "Hist2DPVYMax", 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_hist2DPVZMin{this, "Hist2DPVZMin", -200. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_hist2DPVZMax{this, "Hist2DPVZMax", 200. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVXYMin{this, "HistPVXYMin", -0.1 * Gaudi::Units::mm2};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVXYMax{this, "HistPVXYMax", 0.1 * Gaudi::Units::mm2};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVYZMin{this, "HistPVYZMin", -20. * Gaudi::Units::mm2};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVYZMax{this, "HistPVYZMax", 20. * Gaudi::Units::mm2};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVZXMin{this, "HistPVZXMin", -10.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm2};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVZXMax{this, "HistPVZXMax", 10.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm2};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVXMin{ this, "HistPVXMin", -2.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVXMax{ this, "HistPVXMax", 2.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVYMin{ this, "HistPVYMin", -2. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVYMax{ this, "HistPVYMax", 2. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVZMin{ this, "HistPVZMin", -200. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVZMax{ this, "HistPVZMax", 200. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVZMin_wide{ this, "HistPVZMin_Wide", -1.5e3 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                             "Wide z window for PV plot" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVZMax_wide{ this, "HistPVZMax_Wide", 1.5e3 * Gaudi::Units::mm,
+                                             "Wide z window for PV plot" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_hist2DPVXMin{ this, "Hist2DPVXMin", 0.8 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_hist2DPVXMax{ this, "Hist2DPVXMax", 1.4 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_hist2DPVYMin{ this, "Hist2DPVYMin", -0.1 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_hist2DPVYMax{ this, "Hist2DPVYMax", 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_hist2DPVZMin{ this, "Hist2DPVZMin", -200. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_hist2DPVZMax{ this, "Hist2DPVZMax", 200. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVXYMin{ this, "HistPVXYMin", -0.1 * Gaudi::Units::mm2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVXYMax{ this, "HistPVXYMax", 0.1 * Gaudi::Units::mm2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVYZMin{ this, "HistPVYZMin", -20. * Gaudi::Units::mm2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVYZMax{ this, "HistPVYZMax", 20. * Gaudi::Units::mm2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVZXMin{ this, "HistPVZXMin", -10.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histPVZXMax{ this, "HistPVZXMax", 10.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm2 };
   // Limits for conditions histos
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondPosXMin{this, "HistIRCondPosXMin", -2. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondPosXMax{this, "HistIRCondPosXMax", 2. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondPosYMin{this, "HistIRCondPosYMin", -2. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondPosYMax{this, "HistIRCondPosYMax", 2. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondPosZMin{this, "HistIRCondPosZMin", -200. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondPosZMax{this, "HistIRCondPosZMax", 200. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_hist2DCondDelPosXHW{this, "Hist2DCondDelPosXHalfWidth", 0.1 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_hist2DCondDelPosYHW{this, "Hist2DCondDelPosYHalfWidth", 0.1 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_hist2DCondDelPosZHW{this, "Hist2DCondDelPosZHalfWidth", 100. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadXXMin{this, "HistIRCondSpreadXXMin", 0. * Gaudi::Units::mm2};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadXXMax{this, "HistIRCondSpreadXXMax", 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm2};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadXYMin{this, "HistIRCondSpreadXYMin", -0.2 * Gaudi::Units::mm2};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadXYMax{this, "HistIRCondSpreadXYMax", 0.2 * Gaudi::Units::mm2};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadYYMin{this, "HistIRCondSpreadYYMin", 0. * Gaudi::Units::mm2};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadYYMax{this, "HistIRCondSpreadYYMax", 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm2};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadZXMin{this, "HistIRCondSpreadZXMin", -5. * Gaudi::Units::mm2};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadZXMax{this, "HistIRCondSpreadZXMax", 5. * Gaudi::Units::mm2};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadYZMin{this, "HistIRCondSpreadYZMin", -5. * Gaudi::Units::mm2};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadYZMax{this, "HistIRCondSpreadYZMax", 5. * Gaudi::Units::mm2};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadZZMin{this, "HistIRCondSpreadZZMin", 1.e3 * Gaudi::Units::mm2};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadZZMax{this, "HistIRCondSpreadZZMax", 3.e3 * Gaudi::Units::mm2};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondPosXMin{ this, "HistIRCondPosXMin", -2. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondPosXMax{ this, "HistIRCondPosXMax", 2. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondPosYMin{ this, "HistIRCondPosYMin", -2. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondPosYMax{ this, "HistIRCondPosYMax", 2. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondPosZMin{ this, "HistIRCondPosZMin", -200. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondPosZMax{ this, "HistIRCondPosZMax", 200. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_hist2DCondDelPosXHW{ this, "Hist2DCondDelPosXHalfWidth", 0.1 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_hist2DCondDelPosYHW{ this, "Hist2DCondDelPosYHalfWidth", 0.1 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_hist2DCondDelPosZHW{ this, "Hist2DCondDelPosZHalfWidth", 100. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadXXMin{ this, "HistIRCondSpreadXXMin", 0. * Gaudi::Units::mm2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadXXMax{ this, "HistIRCondSpreadXXMax", 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadXYMin{ this, "HistIRCondSpreadXYMin", -0.2 * Gaudi::Units::mm2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadXYMax{ this, "HistIRCondSpreadXYMax", 0.2 * Gaudi::Units::mm2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadYYMin{ this, "HistIRCondSpreadYYMin", 0. * Gaudi::Units::mm2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadYYMax{ this, "HistIRCondSpreadYYMax", 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadZXMin{ this, "HistIRCondSpreadZXMin", -5. * Gaudi::Units::mm2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadZXMax{ this, "HistIRCondSpreadZXMax", 5. * Gaudi::Units::mm2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadYZMin{ this, "HistIRCondSpreadYZMin", -5. * Gaudi::Units::mm2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadYZMax{ this, "HistIRCondSpreadYZMax", 5. * Gaudi::Units::mm2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadZZMin{ this, "HistIRCondSpreadZZMin", 1.e3 * Gaudi::Units::mm2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_histIRCondSpreadZZMax{ this, "HistIRCondSpreadZZMax", 3.e3 * Gaudi::Units::mm2 };
   // Accumulating statistics counters
-  mutable unsigned                                m_accRunNumber{0}; // Run number of last processed event
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>     m_pvXPosCtr{this, "PV x position"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>     m_pvYPosCtr{this, "PV y position"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>     m_pvZPosCtr{this, "PV z position"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_pvXYProdCtr{this, "PV x * y for covariance"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_pvYZProdCtr{this, "PV y * z for covariance"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_pvZXProdCtr{this, "PV z * x for covariance"};
+  mutable unsigned                                m_accRunNumber{ 0 }; // Run number of last processed event
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>     m_pvXPosCtr{ this, "PV x position" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>     m_pvYPosCtr{ this, "PV y position" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SigmaCounter<>     m_pvZPosCtr{ this, "PV z position" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_pvXYProdCtr{ this, "PV x * y for covariance" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_pvYZProdCtr{ this, "PV y * z for covariance" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_pvZXProdCtr{ this, "PV z * x for covariance" };
   // Cached statistics counters and variables
@@ -312,9 +312,9 @@ private:
   // Histograms
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_numPrimaryVertices{
-      this, "NumPrimaryVertices", "Primary vertices per event;Number of PVs;Entries", {11, -0.5, 10.5}};
+      this, "NumPrimaryVertices", "Primary vertices per event;Number of PVs;Entries", { 11, -0.5, 10.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvNTracks{
-      this, "NumTracks", "Number of tracks per primary vertex;Number of tracks;Entries", {101, -0.5, 100.5}};
+      this, "NumTracks", "Number of tracks per primary vertex;Number of tracks;Entries", { 101, -0.5, 100.5 } };
   // Histograms for individual PVs
   mutable std::optional<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>> m_histPVPosX;
@@ -361,9 +361,9 @@ private:
   // Warning counters
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_badPVCount{this, "Too few PVs to produce IR conditions"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR>   m_badPVCount{ this, "Too few PVs to produce IR conditions" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_extremeCondCount{
-      this, "Provisional IR Conditions update beyond conceivable thresholds"};
+      this, "Provisional IR Conditions update beyond conceivable thresholds" };
   // Other data members
@@ -378,10 +378,10 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( BeamSpotMonitor )
 // Standard constructor, initializes variables
 BeamSpotMonitor::BeamSpotMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : Consumer{name,
-               pSvcLocator,
-               {KeyValue{"ODINLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default},
-                KeyValue{"PVContainer", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary}}} {}
+    : Consumer{ name,
+                pSvcLocator,
+                { KeyValue{ "ODINLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "PVContainer", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary } } } {}
 /// Initialization
@@ -475,123 +475,126 @@ void BeamSpotMonitor::init_configurable_histos() const {
   // Histograms for individual PVs
   m_histPVPosX.emplace( this, "PVPosX", "Primary vertex X position;PV X [mm];Entries",
-                        axis1D{200, m_histPVXMin, m_histPVXMax} );
+                        axis1D{ 200, m_histPVXMin, m_histPVXMax } );
   m_histPVPosY.emplace( this, "PVPosY", "Primary vertex Y position;PV Y [mm];Entries",
-                        axis1D{200, m_histPVYMin, m_histPVYMax} );
+                        axis1D{ 200, m_histPVYMin, m_histPVYMax } );
   m_histPVPosZ.emplace( this, "PVPosZ", "Primary vertex Z position;PV Z [mm];Entries",
-                        axis1D{200, m_histPVZMin, m_histPVZMax} );
+                        axis1D{ 200, m_histPVZMin, m_histPVZMax } );
   m_histPVPosZWide.emplace( this, "PVPosZWide", "Primary vertex Z position (wide);PV Z [mm];Entries",
-                            axis1D{200, m_histPVZMin_wide, m_histPVZMax_wide} );
+                            axis1D{ 200, m_histPVZMin_wide, m_histPVZMax_wide } );
   m_histPVPosYvX.emplace( this, "PVPosYvX", "Primary vertex position Y vs. X;PV X [mm];PV Y [mm]",
-                          axis1D{100, m_hist2DPVXMin, m_hist2DPVXMax}, axis1D{100, m_hist2DPVYMin, m_hist2DPVYMax} );
+                          axis1D{ 100, m_hist2DPVXMin, m_hist2DPVXMax },
+                          axis1D{ 100, m_hist2DPVYMin, m_hist2DPVYMax } );
   m_histPVPosXvZ.emplace( this, "PVPosXvZ", "Primary vertex position X vs. Z;PV Z [mm];PV X [mm]",
-                          axis1D{100, m_hist2DPVZMin, m_hist2DPVZMax}, axis1D{100, m_hist2DPVXMin, m_hist2DPVXMax} );
+                          axis1D{ 100, m_hist2DPVZMin, m_hist2DPVZMax },
+                          axis1D{ 100, m_hist2DPVXMin, m_hist2DPVXMax } );
   m_histPVPosYvZ.emplace( this, "PVPosYvZ", "Primary vertex position Y vs. Z;PV Z [mm];PV Y [mm]",
-                          axis1D{100, m_hist2DPVZMin, m_hist2DPVZMax}, axis1D{100, m_hist2DPVYMin, m_hist2DPVYMax} );
+                          axis1D{ 100, m_hist2DPVZMin, m_hist2DPVZMax },
+                          axis1D{ 100, m_hist2DPVYMin, m_hist2DPVYMax } );
   m_histPVPosCovXY.emplace( this, "PVCovXY",
                             "Interaction region covariance X-Y;PV (X - X_mean)*(Y - Y_mean) [mm2];Entries",
-                            axis1D{200, m_histPVXYMin, m_histPVXYMax} );
+                            axis1D{ 200, m_histPVXYMin, m_histPVXYMax } );
   m_histPVPosCovYZ.emplace( this, "PVCovYZ",
                             "Interaction region covariance Y-Z;PV (Y - Y_mean)*(Z - Z_mean) [mm2];Entries",
-                            axis1D{200, m_histPVYZMin, m_histPVYZMax} );
+                            axis1D{ 200, m_histPVYZMin, m_histPVYZMax } );
   m_histPVPosCovZX.emplace( this, "PVCovZX",
                             "Interaction region covariance Z-X;PV (Z - Z_mean)*(X - X_mean) [mm2];Entries",
-                            axis1D{200, m_histPVZXMin, m_histPVZXMax} );
+                            axis1D{ 200, m_histPVZXMin, m_histPVZXMax } );
   // Histograms for individual PVs relative to conditions
   // Axis limits are not independent properties---based on limits for raw 2D PVs
       this, "PVDelPosYvX", "Primary vertex position relative to conditions Y vs. X;PV X [mm];PV Y [mm]",
-      axis1D{100, -( m_hist2DPVXMax - m_hist2DPVXMin ) / 2, ( m_hist2DPVXMax - m_hist2DPVXMin ) / 2},
-      axis1D{100, -( m_hist2DPVYMax - m_hist2DPVYMin ) / 2, ( m_hist2DPVYMax - m_hist2DPVYMin ) / 2} );
+      axis1D{ 100, -( m_hist2DPVXMax - m_hist2DPVXMin ) / 2, ( m_hist2DPVXMax - m_hist2DPVXMin ) / 2 },
+      axis1D{ 100, -( m_hist2DPVYMax - m_hist2DPVYMin ) / 2, ( m_hist2DPVYMax - m_hist2DPVYMin ) / 2 } );
       this, "PVDelPosXvZ", "Primary vertex position relative to conditions X vs. Z;PV Z [mm];PV X [mm]",
-      axis1D{100, -( m_hist2DPVZMax - m_hist2DPVZMin ) / 2, ( m_hist2DPVZMax - m_hist2DPVZMin ) / 2},
-      axis1D{100, -( m_hist2DPVXMax - m_hist2DPVXMin ) / 2, ( m_hist2DPVXMax - m_hist2DPVXMin ) / 2} );
+      axis1D{ 100, -( m_hist2DPVZMax - m_hist2DPVZMin ) / 2, ( m_hist2DPVZMax - m_hist2DPVZMin ) / 2 },
+      axis1D{ 100, -( m_hist2DPVXMax - m_hist2DPVXMin ) / 2, ( m_hist2DPVXMax - m_hist2DPVXMin ) / 2 } );
       this, "PVDelPosYvZ", "Primary vertex position relative to conditions Y vs. Z;PV Z [mm];PV Y [mm]",
-      axis1D{100, -( m_hist2DPVZMax - m_hist2DPVZMin ) / 2, ( m_hist2DPVZMax - m_hist2DPVZMin ) / 2},
-      axis1D{100, -( m_hist2DPVYMax - m_hist2DPVYMin ) / 2, ( m_hist2DPVYMax - m_hist2DPVYMin ) / 2} );
+      axis1D{ 100, -( m_hist2DPVZMax - m_hist2DPVZMin ) / 2, ( m_hist2DPVZMax - m_hist2DPVZMin ) / 2 },
+      axis1D{ 100, -( m_hist2DPVYMax - m_hist2DPVYMin ) / 2, ( m_hist2DPVYMax - m_hist2DPVYMin ) / 2 } );
   // Histograms for conditions (published and unpublished)
   m_histIRCondPosX.emplace( this, "CondPosX",
                             "Conditions IR Position X (published and unpublished);IR position[0] (x) [mm];Entries",
-                            axis1D{200, m_histIRCondPosXMin, m_histIRCondPosXMax} );
+                            axis1D{ 200, m_histIRCondPosXMin, m_histIRCondPosXMax } );
   m_histIRCondPosY.emplace( this, "CondPosY",
                             "Conditions IR Position Y (published and unpublished);IR position[1] (y) [mm];Entries",
-                            axis1D{200, m_histIRCondPosYMin, m_histIRCondPosYMax} );
+                            axis1D{ 200, m_histIRCondPosYMin, m_histIRCondPosYMax } );
   m_histIRCondPosZ.emplace( this, "CondPosZ",
                             "Conditions IR Position Z (published and unpublished);IR position[2] (z) [mm];Entries",
-                            axis1D{200, m_histIRCondPosZMin, m_histIRCondPosZMax} );
+                            axis1D{ 200, m_histIRCondPosZMin, m_histIRCondPosZMax } );
   m_histIRCondSpreadXX.emplace( this, "CondSpreadXX",
                                 "Conditions IR Spread XX (published and unpublished);IR spread[0] (xx) [mm2];Entries",
-                                axis1D{200, m_histIRCondSpreadXXMin, m_histIRCondSpreadXXMax} );
+                                axis1D{ 200, m_histIRCondSpreadXXMin, m_histIRCondSpreadXXMax } );
   m_histIRCondSpreadXY.emplace( this, "CondSpreadXY",
                                 "Conditions IR Spread XY (published and unpublished);IR spread[1] (xy) [mm2];Entries",
-                                axis1D{200, m_histIRCondSpreadXYMin, m_histIRCondSpreadXYMax} );
+                                axis1D{ 200, m_histIRCondSpreadXYMin, m_histIRCondSpreadXYMax } );
   m_histIRCondSpreadYY.emplace( this, "CondSpreadYY",
                                 "Conditions IR Spread YY (published and unpublished);IR spread[2] (yy) [mm2];Entries",
-                                axis1D{200, m_histIRCondSpreadYYMin, m_histIRCondSpreadYYMax} );
+                                axis1D{ 200, m_histIRCondSpreadYYMin, m_histIRCondSpreadYYMax } );
   m_histIRCondSpreadZX.emplace( this, "CondSpreadZX",
                                 "Conditions IR Spread ZX (published and unpublished);IR spread[3] (xz) [mm2];Entries",
-                                axis1D{200, m_histIRCondSpreadZXMin, m_histIRCondSpreadZXMax} );
+                                axis1D{ 200, m_histIRCondSpreadZXMin, m_histIRCondSpreadZXMax } );
   m_histIRCondSpreadYZ.emplace( this, "CondSpreadYZ",
                                 "Conditions IR Spread YZ (published and unpublished);IR spread[4] (yz) [mm2];Entries",
-                                axis1D{200, m_histIRCondSpreadYZMin, m_histIRCondSpreadYZMax} );
+                                axis1D{ 200, m_histIRCondSpreadYZMin, m_histIRCondSpreadYZMax } );
   m_histIRCondSpreadZZ.emplace( this, "CondSpreadZZ",
                                 "Conditions IR Spread ZZ (published and unpublished);IR spread[5] (zz) [mm2];Entries",
-                                axis1D{200, m_histIRCondSpreadZZMin, m_histIRCondSpreadZZMax} );
+                                axis1D{ 200, m_histIRCondSpreadZZMin, m_histIRCondSpreadZZMax } );
   // Histograms for conditions differences relative to cached conditions
   m_histIRCondDelPosYvX.emplace( this, "CondDelPosYvX",
                                  "Conditions IR Position relative to published Y vs. X;PV X [mm];PV Y [mm]",
-                                 axis1D{100, -m_hist2DCondDelPosXHW, m_hist2DCondDelPosXHW},
-                                 axis1D{100, -m_hist2DCondDelPosYHW, m_hist2DCondDelPosYHW} );
+                                 axis1D{ 100, -m_hist2DCondDelPosXHW, m_hist2DCondDelPosXHW },
+                                 axis1D{ 100, -m_hist2DCondDelPosYHW, m_hist2DCondDelPosYHW } );
   m_histIRCondDelPosXvZ.emplace( this, "CondDelPosXvZ",
                                  "Conditions IR Position relative to published X vs. Z;PV Z [mm];PV X [mm]",
-                                 axis1D{100, -m_hist2DCondDelPosZHW, m_hist2DCondDelPosZHW},
-                                 axis1D{100, -m_hist2DCondDelPosXHW, m_hist2DCondDelPosXHW} );
+                                 axis1D{ 100, -m_hist2DCondDelPosZHW, m_hist2DCondDelPosZHW },
+                                 axis1D{ 100, -m_hist2DCondDelPosXHW, m_hist2DCondDelPosXHW } );
   m_histIRCondDelPosYvZ.emplace( this, "CondDelPosYvZ",
                                  "Conditions IR Position relative to published Y vs. Z;PV Z [mm];PV Y [mm]",
-                                 axis1D{100, -m_hist2DCondDelPosZHW, m_hist2DCondDelPosZHW},
-                                 axis1D{100, -m_hist2DCondDelPosYHW, m_hist2DCondDelPosYHW} );
+                                 axis1D{ 100, -m_hist2DCondDelPosZHW, m_hist2DCondDelPosZHW },
+                                 axis1D{ 100, -m_hist2DCondDelPosYHW, m_hist2DCondDelPosYHW } );
   // Spread Delta histo axis limits are not independent properties atm
   // They are based on the limits for absolute conditions histos
       this, "CondDelSpreadXX",
       "Conditions IR Spread relative to published XX (published and unpublished);IR spread[0] (xx) [mm2];Entries",
-      axis1D{100, -( m_histIRCondSpreadXXMax - m_histIRCondSpreadXXMin ) / 2,
-             ( m_histIRCondSpreadXXMax - m_histIRCondSpreadXXMin ) / 2} );
+      axis1D{ 100, -( m_histIRCondSpreadXXMax - m_histIRCondSpreadXXMin ) / 2,
+              ( m_histIRCondSpreadXXMax - m_histIRCondSpreadXXMin ) / 2 } );
       this, "CondDelSpreadXY",
       "Conditions IR Spread relative to published XY (published and unpublished);IR spread[1] (xy) [mm2];Entries",
-      axis1D{100, -( m_histIRCondSpreadXYMax - m_histIRCondSpreadXYMin ) / 2,
-             ( m_histIRCondSpreadXYMax - m_histIRCondSpreadXYMin ) / 2} );
+      axis1D{ 100, -( m_histIRCondSpreadXYMax - m_histIRCondSpreadXYMin ) / 2,
+              ( m_histIRCondSpreadXYMax - m_histIRCondSpreadXYMin ) / 2 } );
       this, "CondDelSpreadYY",
       "Conditions IR Spread relative to published YY (published and unpublished);IR spread[2] (yy) [mm2];Entries",
-      axis1D{100, -( m_histIRCondSpreadYYMax - m_histIRCondSpreadYYMin ) / 2,
-             ( m_histIRCondSpreadYYMax - m_histIRCondSpreadYYMin ) / 2} );
+      axis1D{ 100, -( m_histIRCondSpreadYYMax - m_histIRCondSpreadYYMin ) / 2,
+              ( m_histIRCondSpreadYYMax - m_histIRCondSpreadYYMin ) / 2 } );
       this, "CondDelSpreadZX",
       "Conditions IR Spread relative to published ZX (published and unpublished);IR spread[3] (xz) [mm2];Entries",
-      axis1D{100, -( m_histIRCondSpreadZXMax - m_histIRCondSpreadZXMin ) / 2,
-             ( m_histIRCondSpreadZXMax - m_histIRCondSpreadZXMin ) / 2} );
+      axis1D{ 100, -( m_histIRCondSpreadZXMax - m_histIRCondSpreadZXMin ) / 2,
+              ( m_histIRCondSpreadZXMax - m_histIRCondSpreadZXMin ) / 2 } );
       this, "CondDelSpreadYZ",
       "Conditions IR Spread relative to published YZ (published and unpublished);IR spread[4] (yz) [mm2];Entries",
-      axis1D{100, -( m_histIRCondSpreadYZMax - m_histIRCondSpreadYZMin ) / 2,
-             ( m_histIRCondSpreadYZMax - m_histIRCondSpreadYZMin ) / 2} );
+      axis1D{ 100, -( m_histIRCondSpreadYZMax - m_histIRCondSpreadYZMin ) / 2,
+              ( m_histIRCondSpreadYZMax - m_histIRCondSpreadYZMin ) / 2 } );
       this, "CondDelSpreadZZ",
       "Conditions IR Spread relative to published ZZ (published and unpublished);IR spread[5] (zz) [mm2];Entries",
-      axis1D{100, -( m_histIRCondSpreadZZMax - m_histIRCondSpreadZZMin ) / 2,
-             ( m_histIRCondSpreadZZMax - m_histIRCondSpreadZZMin ) / 2} );
+      axis1D{ 100, -( m_histIRCondSpreadZZMax - m_histIRCondSpreadZZMin ) / 2,
+              ( m_histIRCondSpreadZZMax - m_histIRCondSpreadZZMin ) / 2 } );
@@ -620,14 +623,17 @@ void BeamSpotMonitor::operator()( LHCb::ODIN const& odin, PVView const& pvcontai
-    ++m_histPVPosYvX.value()[{pv->position().x(), pv->position().y()}];
-    ++m_histPVPosXvZ.value()[{pv->position().z(), pv->position().x()}];
-    ++m_histPVPosYvZ.value()[{pv->position().z(), pv->position().y()}];
+    ++m_histPVPosYvX.value()[{ pv->position().x(), pv->position().y() }];
+    ++m_histPVPosXvZ.value()[{ pv->position().z(), pv->position().x() }];
+    ++m_histPVPosYvZ.value()[{ pv->position().z(), pv->position().y() }];
     if ( m_cache.nPVs > 0 ) {
-      ++m_histPVDelPosYvX.value()[{pv->position().x() - m_cache.position[0], pv->position().y() - m_cache.position[1]}];
-      ++m_histPVDelPosXvZ.value()[{pv->position().z() - m_cache.position[2], pv->position().x() - m_cache.position[0]}];
-      ++m_histPVDelPosYvZ.value()[{pv->position().z() - m_cache.position[2], pv->position().y() - m_cache.position[1]}];
+      ++m_histPVDelPosYvX
+            .value()[{ pv->position().x() - m_cache.position[0], pv->position().y() - m_cache.position[1] }];
+      ++m_histPVDelPosXvZ
+            .value()[{ pv->position().z() - m_cache.position[2], pv->position().x() - m_cache.position[0] }];
+      ++m_histPVDelPosYvZ
+            .value()[{ pv->position().z() - m_cache.position[2], pv->position().y() - m_cache.position[1] }];
     // Must be incremented after accumulators to avoid excursion on first PV.
@@ -644,7 +650,7 @@ void BeamSpotMonitor::operator()( LHCb::ODIN const& odin, PVView const& pvcontai
 // Non-thread-safe resetting and publishing
 void BeamSpotMonitor::check_and_publish_reset( LHCb::ODIN const& odin ) const {
-  std::scoped_lock lock{m_mutex};
+  std::scoped_lock lock{ m_mutex };
   // Handle cacheing and publication before processing the event.
   const auto curRunNumber = odin.runNumber();
@@ -738,11 +744,11 @@ void BeamSpotMonitor::reset_accumulators( const unsigned curRunNumber ) const {
     if ( m_cache.nPVs > 0 ) {
-            .value()[{m_pvXPosCtr.mean() - m_cache.position[0], m_pvYPosCtr.mean() - m_cache.position[1]}];
+            .value()[{ m_pvXPosCtr.mean() - m_cache.position[0], m_pvYPosCtr.mean() - m_cache.position[1] }];
-            .value()[{m_pvZPosCtr.mean() - m_cache.position[2], m_pvXPosCtr.mean() - m_cache.position[0]}];
+            .value()[{ m_pvZPosCtr.mean() - m_cache.position[2], m_pvXPosCtr.mean() - m_cache.position[0] }];
-            .value()[{m_pvZPosCtr.mean() - m_cache.position[2], m_pvYPosCtr.mean() - m_cache.position[1]}];
+            .value()[{ m_pvZPosCtr.mean() - m_cache.position[2], m_pvYPosCtr.mean() - m_cache.position[1] }];
       ++m_histIRCondDelSpreadXX.value()[m_pvXPosCtr.unbiased_sample_variance() - m_cache.spread[0]];
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/FTHitEfficiencyMonitor.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/FTHitEfficiencyMonitor.cpp
index 6d4f5ad5f5ecbd89506c36b2cfcd10c12bf26955..93a9feda1885b9b26ebb08ac47359de77f581a58 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/FTHitEfficiencyMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/FTHitEfficiencyMonitor.cpp
@@ -53,109 +53,109 @@ class FTHitEfficiencyMonitor
                                              const DetectorElement&, const DeFT& ),
                                        LHCb::Algorithm::Traits::usesConditions<DetectorElement, DeFT>> {
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_layerUnderStudy{this, "LayerUnderStudy"};
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_layerUnderStudy{ this, "LayerUnderStudy" };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_expertMode{this, "ExpertMode", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_expertMode{ this, "ExpertMode", false };
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDoca{this, "MaxDoca", 2.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxTrackCov{this, "MaxTrackCov", 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_trackMaxChi2PerDoF{this, "MaxTrackChi2PerDof", 3.};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_trackMinP{this, "MinTrackP", 2000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_trackMinPt{this, "MinTrackPT", 400 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxDoca{ this, "MaxDoca", 2.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxTrackCov{ this, "MaxTrackCov", 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_trackMaxChi2PerDoF{ this, "MaxTrackChi2PerDof", 3. };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_trackMinP{ this, "MinTrackP", 2000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_trackMinPt{ this, "MinTrackPT", 400 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
-  ToolHandle<ITrackInterpolator> m_interpolator{this, "Interpolator", "TrackInterpolator"};
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{this, "Extrapolator", "TrackLinearExtrapolator"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackInterpolator> m_interpolator{ this, "Interpolator", "TrackInterpolator" };
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{ this, "Extrapolator", "TrackLinearExtrapolator" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<2> m_efficiencyVsXY{
       "Efficiency vs XY;X [mm];Y [mm]",
-      {660, -3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm},
-      {124, -2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm}};
+      { 660, -3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm },
+      { 124, -2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_efficiencyVsX{
       "Efficiency vs X;X [mm];Efficiency",
-      {660, -3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm}};
+      { 660, -3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_efficiencyVsModule{
       "Efficiency vs Module;GlobalModuleIdx;Efficiency",
-      {FTConstants::nModulesTotal, 0, FTConstants::nModulesTotal}};
+      { FTConstants::nModulesTotal, 0, FTConstants::nModulesTotal } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_efficiencyVsMat{
       "Efficiency vs Mat;GlobalMatIdx;Efficiency",
-      {FTConstants::nMatsTotal, 0, FTConstants::nMatsTotal}};
+      { FTConstants::nMatsTotal, 0, FTConstants::nMatsTotal } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_efficiencyVsSipm{
       "Efficiency vs Sipm;GlobalSipmIdx;Efficiency",
-      {FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, 0, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal}};
+      { FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, 0, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_efficiencyVsLocalChannel{
       "Efficiency vs Channel;LocalChannelIdx;Efficiency",
-      {FTConstants::nChannels, 0, FTConstants::nChannels}};
+      { FTConstants::nChannels, 0, FTConstants::nChannels } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_doca{
-      this, "Doca", "DOCA;DOCA [mm];Entries", {100, -4.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 4.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm}};
+      this, "Doca", "DOCA;DOCA [mm];Entries", { 100, -4.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 4.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_docaX{
-      this, "DocaX", "DOCA X;DOCA X [mm];Entries", {100, -4.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 4.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm}};
+      this, "DocaX", "DOCA X;DOCA X [mm];Entries", { 100, -4.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 4.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_docaY{
-      this, "DocaY", "DOCA Y;DOCA Y [mm];Entries", {100, -4.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 4.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm}};
+      this, "DocaY", "DOCA Y;DOCA Y [mm];Entries", { 100, -4.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 4.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_docaZ{
-      this, "DocaZ", "DOCA Z;DOCA Z [mm];Entries", {100, -4.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 4.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm}};
+      this, "DocaZ", "DOCA Z;DOCA Z [mm];Entries", { 100, -4.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 4.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_matchedHitsPerTrack{
-      this, "MatchedHitsPerTrack", "Matched hits per Track;Hits;Entries", {10, -0.5, 9.5}};
+      this, "MatchedHitsPerTrack", "Matched hits per Track;Hits;Entries", { 10, -0.5, 9.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<2> m_matchedHitsPerTrackVsXY{
       "Matched hits per Track vs XY;X [mm];Y [mm];Hits",
-      {660, -3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm},
-      {124, -2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm}};
+      { 660, -3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm },
+      { 124, -2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm } };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_allHitsVsXY{this,
-                                                          "AllHitsVsXY",
-                                                          "All Hits vs XY;X [mm];Y [mm];Entries",
-                                                          {660, -3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm},
-                                                          {2, -2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_allHitsVsXY{ this,
+                                                           "AllHitsVsXY",
+                                                           "All Hits vs XY;X [mm];Y [mm];Entries",
+                                                           { 660, -3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm },
+                                                           { 2, -2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_matchedHitsVsXY{
       "Matched Hit vs XY;X [mm];Y [mm];Entries",
-      {660, -3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm},
-      {2, -2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm}};
+      { 660, -3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm },
+      { 2, -2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm } };
   struct QuarterHistogram {
     QuarterHistogram( FTHitEfficiencyMonitor* parent, const std::string& prefix )
-        : efficiencyVsModule{parent,
-                             prefix + "-EfficiencyVsModule",
-                             prefix + " Efficiency vs Module;ModuleIdx;Efficiency",
-                             {FTConstants::nModulesMax, 0, FTConstants::nModulesMax}}
-        , efficiencyVsMat{parent,
-                          prefix + "-EfficiencyVsMat",
-                          prefix + " Efficiency vs Mat;MatIdx;Efficiency",
-                          {FTConstants::nMaxMatsPerQuarter, 0, FTConstants::nMaxMatsPerQuarter}}
-        , efficiencyVsSipm{parent,
-                           prefix + "-EfficiencyVsSipm",
-                           prefix + " Efficiency vs Sipm;SipmIdx;Efficiency",
-                           {FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter, 0, FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter}}
-        , efficiencyVsChannel{parent,
-                              prefix + "-EfficiencyVsChannel",
-                              prefix + " Efficiency vs Channel;ChannelIdx;Efficiency",
-                              {FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter, 0, FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter}} {}
+        : efficiencyVsModule{ parent,
+                              prefix + "-EfficiencyVsModule",
+                              prefix + " Efficiency vs Module;ModuleIdx;Efficiency",
+                              { FTConstants::nModulesMax, 0, FTConstants::nModulesMax } }
+        , efficiencyVsMat{ parent,
+                           prefix + "-EfficiencyVsMat",
+                           prefix + " Efficiency vs Mat;MatIdx;Efficiency",
+                           { FTConstants::nMaxMatsPerQuarter, 0, FTConstants::nMaxMatsPerQuarter } }
+        , efficiencyVsSipm{ parent,
+                            prefix + "-EfficiencyVsSipm",
+                            prefix + " Efficiency vs Sipm;SipmIdx;Efficiency",
+                            { FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter, 0, FTConstants::nMaxSiPMsPerQuarter } }
+        , efficiencyVsChannel{ parent,
+                               prefix + "-EfficiencyVsChannel",
+                               prefix + " Efficiency vs Channel;ChannelIdx;Efficiency",
+                               { FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter, 0, FTConstants::nMaxChannelsPerQuarter } } {}
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> efficiencyVsModule;
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> efficiencyVsMat;
@@ -168,9 +168,9 @@ private:
   FTHitEfficiencyMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                  {KeyValue{"TrackLocation", ""}, KeyValue{"PrFTHitsLocation", ""},
-                   KeyValue{"LHCbGeoLocation", LHCb::standard_geometry_top},
-                   KeyValue{"FTDetectorLocation", DeFTDetectorLocation::Default}} ) {}
+                  { KeyValue{ "TrackLocation", "" }, KeyValue{ "PrFTHitsLocation", "" },
+                    KeyValue{ "LHCbGeoLocation", LHCb::standard_geometry_top },
+                    KeyValue{ "FTDetectorLocation", DeFTDetectorLocation::Default } } ) {}
   StatusCode initialize() override {
     return Consumer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ public:
         auto [y0, y1] = hits.yEnd( index );
         auto yHit = 0.5 * ( y0 + y1 );
-        ++m_allHitsVsXY[{hits.x( index ), yHit}];
+        ++m_allHitsVsXY[{ hits.x( index ), yHit }];
         //---LoH: This has to be the ID and not the Idx because some hits are empty (station=0)
         if ( hits.id( index ).globalMatID() != ftMat->elementID().globalMatID() ) continue;
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ public:
         if ( std::abs( signedDoca ) <= m_maxDoca ) {
           matchedHit = 1;
-          ++m_matchedHitsVsXY[{hits.x( index ), yHit}];
+          ++m_matchedHitsVsXY[{ hits.x( index ), yHit }];
         // DOCA histograms
@@ -285,10 +285,10 @@ public:
       // Matched hits
-      m_matchedHitsPerTrackVsXY[{state.x(), state.y()}] += nMatchedHits;
+      m_matchedHitsPerTrackVsXY[{ state.x(), state.y() }] += nMatchedHits;
       // Efficiency histograms
-      m_efficiencyVsXY[{state.x(), state.y()}] += matchedHit;
+      m_efficiencyVsXY[{ state.x(), state.y() }] += matchedHit;
       m_efficiencyVsX[state.x()] += matchedHit;
       if ( m_expertMode.value() ) {
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/FTMatCalibrationMonitor.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/FTMatCalibrationMonitor.cpp
index c7b7c89bdcec4947fe589762290aad7f68b294c7..b50f464a229096186ed0bd8a9ffa6e4696bc59e3 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/FTMatCalibrationMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/FTMatCalibrationMonitor.cpp
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ class FTMatCalibrationMonitor
   FTMatCalibrationMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                  {KeyValue{"TracksInContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                   KeyValue{"FTDetectorLocation", DeFTDetectorLocation::Default}} ){};
+                  { KeyValue{ "TracksInContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "FTDetectorLocation", DeFTDetectorLocation::Default } } ){};
   StatusCode initialize() override { return Consumer::initialize(); }
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ public:
         YAML::Node yamlNode;
         // function that subtracts the average from a sequence of optionals
         auto subtractaverage = []( auto begin, auto end ) {
-          size_t n{0};
-          double sum{0};
+          size_t n{ 0 };
+          double sum{ 0 };
           std::for_each( begin, end, [&n, &sum]( const auto& i ) {
             if ( i ) {
@@ -180,12 +180,12 @@ public:
   enum Model { PerChannel = 0, PerAsic = 1 };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_produceYamlFile{this, "ProduceYamlFile", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_outputFileName{this, "OutputFileName", "matContraction.yaml"};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>       m_significanceThreshold{this, "SignificanceThreshold", -100.};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned>    m_minEntries{this, "MinEntriesPerChannel", 100};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>         m_calibmodel{this, "Model", Model::PerAsic};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_subtractMatAverage{this, "SubtractMatAverage", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_produceYamlFile{ this, "ProduceYamlFile", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_outputFileName{ this, "OutputFileName", "matContraction.yaml" };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>       m_significanceThreshold{ this, "SignificanceThreshold", -100. };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned>    m_minEntries{ this, "MinEntriesPerChannel", 100 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>         m_calibmodel{ this, "Model", Model::PerAsic };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_subtractMatAverage{ this, "SubtractMatAverage", false };
   template <typename TFitResult>
   void fillContainers( const TFitResult& track, const DeFT& ftDet ) const;
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ private:
               "DeltaUnbiasedresidualPerChannel" + mat,
               "Difference in unbiased residual per Channel, " + mat,
-              {FTConstants::nSiPM * FTConstants::nChannels, 0, FTConstants::nSiPM * FTConstants::nChannels}} {}
+              { FTConstants::nSiPM * FTConstants::nChannels, 0, FTConstants::nSiPM * FTConstants::nChannels } } {}
   // histogram to look at the unbiased residual, subtracting the current calibration values (i.e. residual wrt no
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ private:
               "Ref0UnbiasedresidualPerChannel" + mat,
               "Unbiased residual per Channel wrt 0, " + mat,
-              {FTConstants::nSiPM * FTConstants::nChannels, 0, FTConstants::nSiPM * FTConstants::nChannels}} {}
+              { FTConstants::nSiPM * FTConstants::nChannels, 0, FTConstants::nSiPM * FTConstants::nChannels } } {}
   std::map<unsigned int, DifferencePerChannelHistogram> m_histograms_mat_wrt_current_cond =
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ namespace {
     return mtraj.beginPoint();
   Gaudi::XYZPoint mpos( const LHCb::Pr::Tracks::Fit::Node& node ) {
-    return Gaudi::XYZPoint{node.measurement_pos[0], node.measurement_pos[1], node.measurement_pos[2]};
+    return Gaudi::XYZPoint{ node.measurement_pos[0], node.measurement_pos[1], node.measurement_pos[2] };
 } // namespace
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/FTTrackMonitor.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/FTTrackMonitor.cpp
index c8dbb567cced5c2b3b070b07fecbe4542c0d7781..be8c6b256e0a8a19de2cce19da0e54977c809f38 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/FTTrackMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/FTTrackMonitor.cpp
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ class FTTrackMonitor : public LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<
   FTTrackMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                  {KeyValue{"TracksInContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                   KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}} ){};
+                  { KeyValue{ "TracksInContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } } ){};
   StatusCode initialize() override {
     return Consumer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
@@ -66,73 +66,75 @@ private:
   void fillNodeInfo( const LHCb::Track&, const FitResultType& ) const;
   std::array<Gaudi::Property<double>, LHCb::Detector::FT::nStations> m_refVec{
-      {{this, "ReferenceZT1", LHCb::Detector::FT::GeomInfo::z_midT1, "midpoint of FTStation 1"},
-       {this, "ReferenceZT2", LHCb::Detector::FT::GeomInfo::z_midT2, "midpoint of FTStation 2"},
-       {this, "ReferenceZT3", LHCb::Detector::FT::GeomInfo::z_midT3, "midpoint of FTStation 3"}}};
+      { { this, "ReferenceZT1", LHCb::Detector::FT::GeomInfo::z_midT1, "midpoint of FTStation 1" },
+        { this, "ReferenceZT2", LHCb::Detector::FT::GeomInfo::z_midT2, "midpoint of FTStation 2" },
+        { this, "ReferenceZT3", LHCb::Detector::FT::GeomInfo::z_midT3, "midpoint of FTStation 3" } } };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_expertMode{this, "ExpertMode", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_verboseMode{this, "VerboseMode", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_expertMode{ this, "ExpertMode", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_verboseMode{ this, "VerboseMode", false };
   // Plots for the whole SciFi
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_unbiasedFTResidual{
-      this, "unbiasedFTResidual", "unbiasedFTResidual", {200, -2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, "X"}};
+      this, "unbiasedFTResidual", "unbiasedFTResidual", { 200, -2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, "X" } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_biasedFTResidual{
-      this, "biasedFTResidual", "biasedFTResidual", {200, -2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, "X"}};
+      this, "biasedFTResidual", "biasedFTResidual", { 200, -2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, "X" } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_unbiasedFTResidualLayer{
       "unbiasedResidual per FTLayer",
-      {{FTConstants::nLayersTotal, -0.5, FTConstants::nLayersTotal - 0.5, "X"},
-       {200, -2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Y"}}};
+      { { FTConstants::nLayersTotal, -0.5, FTConstants::nLayersTotal - 0.5, "X" },
+        { 200, -2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Y" } } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_biasedFTResidualLayer{
       "biasedResidual per FTLayer",
-      {{FTConstants::nLayersTotal, -0.5, FTConstants::nLayersTotal - 0.5, "X"},
-       {200, -2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Y"}}};
+      { { FTConstants::nLayersTotal, -0.5, FTConstants::nLayersTotal - 0.5, "X" },
+        { 200, -2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, "Y" } } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_RMSResidualModules{
       "Mean Residual (rms-unbiased) in each module",
-      {FTConstants::nModulesTotal, -0.5, FTConstants::nModulesTotal - 0.5}};
+      { FTConstants::nModulesTotal, -0.5, FTConstants::nModulesTotal - 0.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_residualPerModule{
       "residual per module",
-      {{FTConstants::nModulesTotal, -0.5, FTConstants::nModulesTotal - 0.5, "Global Module ID"}, {50, -1., 1., "Y"}}};
+      { { FTConstants::nModulesTotal, -0.5, FTConstants::nModulesTotal - 0.5, "Global Module ID" },
+        { 50, -1., 1., "Y" } } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_unbiasedFTResidualPerModule{
       "unbiased residual per module",
-      {{FTConstants::nModulesTotal, -0.5, FTConstants::nModulesTotal - 0.5, "Global Module ID"}, {100, -1., 1., "Y"}}};
+      { { FTConstants::nModulesTotal, -0.5, FTConstants::nModulesTotal - 0.5, "Global Module ID" },
+        { 100, -1., 1., "Y" } } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_RMSResidualQuarters{
       "Mean Residual (rms-unbiased) in each quarter",
-      {FTConstants::nQuartersTotal, -0.5, FTConstants::nQuartersTotal - 0.5}};
+      { FTConstants::nQuartersTotal, -0.5, FTConstants::nQuartersTotal - 0.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_UnbiasedResidualModules{
       "Unbiased residual in each module",
-      {FTConstants::nModulesTotal, -0.5, FTConstants::nModulesTotal - 0.5}};
+      { FTConstants::nModulesTotal, -0.5, FTConstants::nModulesTotal - 0.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_UnbiasedResidualQuarters{
       "Unbiased residual in each quarter",
-      {FTConstants::nQuartersTotal, -0.5, FTConstants::nQuartersTotal - 0.5}};
+      { FTConstants::nQuartersTotal, -0.5, FTConstants::nQuartersTotal - 0.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_globalSiPMIdx{
       "globalSiPMIdx of nodes",
-      {FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, 0, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, "globalSiPMIdx"}};
+      { FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, 0, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, "globalSiPMIdx" } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_residualPerSiPM{
       "(biased) residual per SiPM",
-      {{FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5, "X"}, {50, -1., 1., "Y"}}};
+      { { FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal, -0.5, FTConstants::nSiPMsTotal - 0.5, "X" }, { 50, -1., 1., "Y" } } };
   // Plots split by SciFi module
   struct HistoModules {
@@ -140,14 +142,14 @@ private:
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> RMSResidualModules_permodule;
     HistoModules( const FTTrackMonitor* owner, unsigned int module_id )
-        : UnbiasedResidualModules_permodule{owner,
-                                            LHCb::Detector::FTUtils::globalModuleToLocalString( module_id ),
-                                            LHCb::Detector::FTUtils::globalModuleToLocalString( module_id ),
-                                            {200, -2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, "X"}}
-        , RMSResidualModules_permodule{owner,
-                                       LHCb::Detector::FTUtils::globalModuleToLocalString( module_id ),
-                                       LHCb::Detector::FTUtils::globalModuleToLocalString( module_id ),
-                                       {200, -2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, "X"}} {}
+        : UnbiasedResidualModules_permodule{ owner,
+                                             LHCb::Detector::FTUtils::globalModuleToLocalString( module_id ),
+                                             LHCb::Detector::FTUtils::globalModuleToLocalString( module_id ),
+                                             { 200, -2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, "X" } }
+        , RMSResidualModules_permodule{ owner,
+                                        LHCb::Detector::FTUtils::globalModuleToLocalString( module_id ),
+                                        LHCb::Detector::FTUtils::globalModuleToLocalString( module_id ),
+                                        { 200, -2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2. * Gaudi::Units::mm, "X" } } {}
   // Plots split by SciFi station
@@ -162,30 +164,31 @@ private:
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2>        slopes;
     StationTrackHistogram( const FTTrackMonitor* owner, std::string const& station )
-        : RMSResidualModules{owner,
-                             "RMSResidualModules" + station,
-                             "Residual (rms-unbiased) in FTStation " + station,
-                             {FTConstants::nModulesMax * FTConstants::nQuarters * FTConstants::nLayers, -0.5,
-                              ( FTConstants::nModulesMax * FTConstants::nQuarters * FTConstants::nLayers ) - 0.5}}
-        , UnbiasedResidualModules{owner,
-                                  "UnbiasedResidualModules" + station,
-                                  "Unbiased Residual in FTStation " + station,
-                                  {FTConstants::nModulesMax * FTConstants::nQuarters * FTConstants::nLayers, -0.5,
-                                   ( FTConstants::nModulesMax * FTConstants::nQuarters * FTConstants::nLayers ) - 0.5}}
-        , x{owner, "x" + station, "Track x in centre FTStation " + station, {200, -3000, 3000}}
-        , y{owner, "y" + station, "Track y in centre FTStation " + station, {200, -3000, 3000}}
-        , Tx{owner, "tx" + station, "Track tx in centre FTStation " + station, {200, -0.2, 0.2}}
-        , Ty{owner, "ty" + station, "Track ty in FTStation " + station, {200, -0.2, 0.2}}
-        , pos{owner,
-              "pos" + station,
-              "extrapolated track position in FTStation " + station + ";x [mm]; y [mm]",
-              {200, -3000., 3000.},
-              {200, -3000., 3000}}
-        , slopes{owner,
-                 "slopes" + station,
-                 "slopes in FTStation " + station + ";t_{x}; t_{y}",
-                 {200, -0.2, 0.2},
-                 {200, -0.2, 0.2}} {}
+        : RMSResidualModules{ owner,
+                              "RMSResidualModules" + station,
+                              "Residual (rms-unbiased) in FTStation " + station,
+                              { FTConstants::nModulesMax * FTConstants::nQuarters * FTConstants::nLayers, -0.5,
+                                ( FTConstants::nModulesMax * FTConstants::nQuarters * FTConstants::nLayers ) - 0.5 } }
+        , UnbiasedResidualModules{ owner,
+                                   "UnbiasedResidualModules" + station,
+                                   "Unbiased Residual in FTStation " + station,
+                                   { FTConstants::nModulesMax * FTConstants::nQuarters * FTConstants::nLayers, -0.5,
+                                     ( FTConstants::nModulesMax * FTConstants::nQuarters * FTConstants::nLayers ) -
+                                         0.5 } }
+        , x{ owner, "x" + station, "Track x in centre FTStation " + station, { 200, -3000, 3000 } }
+        , y{ owner, "y" + station, "Track y in centre FTStation " + station, { 200, -3000, 3000 } }
+        , Tx{ owner, "tx" + station, "Track tx in centre FTStation " + station, { 200, -0.2, 0.2 } }
+        , Ty{ owner, "ty" + station, "Track ty in FTStation " + station, { 200, -0.2, 0.2 } }
+        , pos{ owner,
+               "pos" + station,
+               "extrapolated track position in FTStation " + station + ";x [mm]; y [mm]",
+               { 200, -3000., 3000. },
+               { 200, -3000., 3000 } }
+        , slopes{ owner,
+                  "slopes" + station,
+                  "slopes in FTStation " + station + ";t_{x}; t_{y}",
+                  { 200, -0.2, 0.2 },
+                  { 200, -0.2, 0.2 } } {}
   //---LoH: TODO Detector!442: why are these maps and not vectors?
   std::map<LHCb::Detector::FTChannelID::StationID, StationTrackHistogram> m_histograms =
@@ -206,17 +209,17 @@ private:
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<2> UnbiasedresidualPerXY_Profile;
     LayerTrackHistogram( const FTTrackMonitor* owner, std::string const& layer )
-        : UnbiasedresidualPerXY{owner,
-                                "unbiasedresidualVsXY" + layer,
-                                "unbiased residual per XY, layer under study" + layer,
-                                {660, -3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm},
-                                {124, -2500 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2500 * Gaudi::Units::mm},
-                                {100, -8.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 8.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm}}
-        , UnbiasedresidualPerXY_Profile{owner,
-                                        "unbiasedresidualVsXY_profile" + layer,
-                                        "unbiased residual profile per XY, layer under study" + layer,
-                                        {660, -3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm},
-                                        {124, -2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm}} {}
+        : UnbiasedresidualPerXY{ owner,
+                                 "unbiasedresidualVsXY" + layer,
+                                 "unbiased residual per XY, layer under study" + layer,
+                                 { 660, -3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm },
+                                 { 124, -2500 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2500 * Gaudi::Units::mm },
+                                 { 100, -8.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 8.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm } }
+        , UnbiasedresidualPerXY_Profile{ owner,
+                                         "unbiasedresidualVsXY_profile" + layer,
+                                         "unbiased residual profile per XY, layer under study" + layer,
+                                         { 660, -3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 3200. * Gaudi::Units::mm },
+                                         { 124, -2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm, 2500. * Gaudi::Units::mm } } {}
   std::map<unsigned int, LayerTrackHistogram> m_histograms_layer = []( const FTTrackMonitor* parent ) {
@@ -280,8 +283,8 @@ void FTTrackMonitor::fillContainers( const LHCb::Track& track, IGeometryInfo con
-    ++histos.pos[{aState.x(), aState.y()}];
-    ++histos.slopes[{aState.tx(), aState.ty()}];
+    ++histos.pos[{ aState.x(), aState.y() }];
+    ++histos.slopes[{ aState.tx(), aState.ty() }];
   if ( m_expertMode.value() ) {
@@ -362,10 +365,10 @@ void FTTrackMonitor::fillNodeInfo( LHCb::Track const& track, FitResultType const
       m_UnbiasedResidualModules[uniqueModule] += node.unbiasedResidual();
       m_UnbiasedResidualQuarters[uniqueQuarter] += node.unbiasedResidual();
-      ++m_unbiasedFTResidualLayer[{uniqueLayer, node.unbiasedResidual()}];
-      ++m_biasedFTResidualLayer[{uniqueLayer, node.residual()}];
-      ++m_residualPerModule[{uniqueModule, node.residual()}];
-      ++m_unbiasedFTResidualPerModule[{uniqueModule, node.unbiasedResidual()}];
+      ++m_unbiasedFTResidualLayer[{ uniqueLayer, node.unbiasedResidual() }];
+      ++m_biasedFTResidualLayer[{ uniqueLayer, node.residual() }];
+      ++m_residualPerModule[{ uniqueModule, node.residual() }];
+      ++m_unbiasedFTResidualPerModule[{ uniqueModule, node.unbiasedResidual() }];
       // plots per module on request
       if ( m_verboseMode.value() ) {
@@ -378,9 +381,9 @@ void FTTrackMonitor::fillNodeInfo( LHCb::Track const& track, FitResultType const
       // plots per layer
       auto& histos_layers = m_histograms_layer.at( chan.globalLayerIdx() );
-      ++histos_layers.UnbiasedresidualPerXY[{state( node ).position().x(), state( node ).position().y(),
-                                             node.unbiasedResidual()}];
-      histos_layers.UnbiasedresidualPerXY_Profile[{state( node ).position().x(), state( node ).position().y()}] +=
+      ++histos_layers.UnbiasedresidualPerXY[{ state( node ).position().x(), state( node ).position().y(),
+                                              node.unbiasedResidual() }];
+      histos_layers.UnbiasedresidualPerXY_Profile[{ state( node ).position().x(), state( node ).position().y() }] +=
       // plots per station
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/Map.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/Map.cpp
index 762c6cb3de45915133a8994e4a44ed1590c6832c..9f4c542d8df521a667446860397e7d1945987d1a 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/Map.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/Map.cpp
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
 namespace {
   using namespace TrackMonitorMaps;
-  static const InfoHistMap s_map2 = {{LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::FitTChi2, HistoRange( "8", 0., 100. )},
-                                     {LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::FitTNDoF, HistoRange( "9", 0., 50. )},
-                                     {LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::FitVeloChi2, HistoRange( "10", 0., 100. )},
-                                     {LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::FitVeloNDoF, HistoRange( "11", 0., 50. )},
-                                     {LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::FitMatchChi2, HistoRange( "12", 0., 100. )}};
+  static const InfoHistMap s_map2 = { { LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::FitTChi2, HistoRange( "8", 0., 100. ) },
+                                      { LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::FitTNDoF, HistoRange( "9", 0., 50. ) },
+                                      { LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::FitVeloChi2, HistoRange( "10", 0., 100. ) },
+                                      { LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::FitVeloNDoF, HistoRange( "11", 0., 50. ) },
+                                      { LHCb::Track::AdditionalInfo::FitMatchChi2, HistoRange( "12", 0., 100. ) } };
 } // namespace
 const TrackMonitorMaps::InfoHistMap& TrackMonitorMaps::infoHistDescription() { return s_map2; }
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/MonitorDetectorCorrelations.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/MonitorDetectorCorrelations.cpp
index be575e37060f74db14be945207c67c5424cb8d40..67d16e29f76445eb86c95bb6497df74109ace8d5 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/MonitorDetectorCorrelations.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/MonitorDetectorCorrelations.cpp
@@ -28,62 +28,62 @@ class MonitorDetectorCorrelations
   MonitorDetectorCorrelations( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                  {KeyValue{"VeloHits", ""}, KeyValue{"SciFiHits", ""}, KeyValue{"UTHits", ""},
-                   KeyValue{"MuonHits", ""}, KeyValue{"ECALClusters", ""}, KeyValue{"ECALDigits", ""},
-                   KeyValue{"HCALDigits", ""}, KeyValue{"RichPixels", ""}} ) {}
+                  { KeyValue{ "VeloHits", "" }, KeyValue{ "SciFiHits", "" }, KeyValue{ "UTHits", "" },
+                    KeyValue{ "MuonHits", "" }, KeyValue{ "ECALClusters", "" }, KeyValue{ "ECALDigits", "" },
+                    KeyValue{ "HCALDigits", "" }, KeyValue{ "RichPixels", "" } } ) {}
   StatusCode initialize() override {
     return Consumer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
       using axis1D =
           Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis<decltype( m_velo_scifi_hits_correlation )::value_type::AxisArithmeticType>;
       m_velo_scifi_hits_correlation.emplace( this, "VeloScifiHitsCorrelation", "VeloScifiHitsCorrelation",
-                                             axis1D{400, 0, m_velo_max, "Velo Hits"},
-                                             axis1D{400, 0, m_scifi_max, "Scifi Hits"} );
+                                             axis1D{ 400, 0, m_velo_max, "Velo Hits" },
+                                             axis1D{ 400, 0, m_scifi_max, "Scifi Hits" } );
       m_velo_ut_hits_correlation.emplace( this, "VeloUTHitsCorrelation", "VeloUTHitsCorrelation",
-                                          axis1D{400, 0, m_velo_max, "Velo Hits"},
-                                          axis1D{400, 0, m_ut_max, "UT Hits"} );
+                                          axis1D{ 400, 0, m_velo_max, "Velo Hits" },
+                                          axis1D{ 400, 0, m_ut_max, "UT Hits" } );
       m_velo_muon_hits_correlation.emplace( this, "VeloMuonHitsCorrelation", "VeloMuonHitsCorrelation",
-                                            axis1D{400, 0, m_velo_max, "Velo Hits"},
-                                            axis1D{400, 0, m_muon_max, "Muon Hits"} );
+                                            axis1D{ 400, 0, m_velo_max, "Velo Hits" },
+                                            axis1D{ 400, 0, m_muon_max, "Muon Hits" } );
       m_scifi_ut_hits_correlation.emplace( this, "ScifiUTHitsCorrelation", "ScifiUTHitsCorrelation",
-                                           axis1D{400, 0, m_scifi_max, "SciFi Hits"},
-                                           axis1D{400, 0, m_ut_max, "UT Hits"} );
+                                           axis1D{ 400, 0, m_scifi_max, "SciFi Hits" },
+                                           axis1D{ 400, 0, m_ut_max, "UT Hits" } );
       m_scifi_muon_hits_correlation.emplace( this, "ScifiMuonHitsCorrelation", "ScifiMuonHitsCorrelation",
-                                             axis1D{400, 0, m_scifi_max, "SciFi Hits"},
-                                             axis1D{400, 0, m_muon_max, "Muon Hits"} );
+                                             axis1D{ 400, 0, m_scifi_max, "SciFi Hits" },
+                                             axis1D{ 400, 0, m_muon_max, "Muon Hits" } );
       m_ECAL_energy_scifi_hits_correlation.emplace( this, "ECALScifiCorrelation", "ECALScifiCorrelation",
-                                                    axis1D{400, 0, m_ecalenergy_max, "ECAL energy"},
-                                                    axis1D{400, 0, m_scifi_max, "SciFi Hits"} );
+                                                    axis1D{ 400, 0, m_ecalenergy_max, "ECAL energy" },
+                                                    axis1D{ 400, 0, m_scifi_max, "SciFi Hits" } );
       m_ECAL_energy_velo_hits_correlation.emplace( this, "ECALVeloCorrelation", "ECALVeloCorrelation",
-                                                   axis1D{400, 0, m_ecalenergy_max, "ECAL energy"},
-                                                   axis1D{400, 0, m_velo_max, "Velo Hits"} );
+                                                   axis1D{ 400, 0, m_ecalenergy_max, "ECAL energy" },
+                                                   axis1D{ 400, 0, m_velo_max, "Velo Hits" } );
       m_ECAL_energy_ut_hits_correlation.emplace( this, "ECALUTCorrelation", "ECALUTCorrelation",
-                                                 axis1D{400, 0, m_ecalenergy_max, "ECAL energy"},
-                                                 axis1D{400, 0, m_ut_max, "UT Hits"} );
+                                                 axis1D{ 400, 0, m_ecalenergy_max, "ECAL energy" },
+                                                 axis1D{ 400, 0, m_ut_max, "UT Hits" } );
       m_ECAL_energy_rich1_hits_correlation.emplace( this, "ECALRICH1Correlation", "ECALRICH1Correlation",
-                                                    axis1D{400, 0, m_ecalenergy_max, "ECAL energy"},
-                                                    axis1D{400, 0, m_rich1_max, "RICH1 Hits"} );
+                                                    axis1D{ 400, 0, m_ecalenergy_max, "ECAL energy" },
+                                                    axis1D{ 400, 0, m_rich1_max, "RICH1 Hits" } );
       m_ECAL_energy_rich2_hits_correlation.emplace( this, "ECALRICH2Correlation", "ECALRICH2Correlation",
-                                                    axis1D{400, 0, m_ecalenergy_max, "ECAL energy"},
-                                                    axis1D{400, 0, m_rich2_max, "RICH2 Hits"} );
+                                                    axis1D{ 400, 0, m_ecalenergy_max, "ECAL energy" },
+                                                    axis1D{ 400, 0, m_rich2_max, "RICH2 Hits" } );
       m_scifi_hits_HCAL_energy_correlation.emplace( this, "ScifiHCALCorrelation", "ScifiHCALCorrelation",
-                                                    axis1D{400, 0, m_scifi_max, "SciFi Hits"},
-                                                    axis1D{400, 0, m_hcalcounts_max, "Total HCAL ADC counts"} );
+                                                    axis1D{ 400, 0, m_scifi_max, "SciFi Hits" },
+                                                    axis1D{ 400, 0, m_hcalcounts_max, "Total HCAL ADC counts" } );
       m_ECAL_energy_HCAL_energy_correlation.emplace( this, "ECALHCALCorrelation", "ECALHCALCorrelation",
-                                                     axis1D{400, 0, m_ecalenergy_max, "ECAL energy"},
-                                                     axis1D{400, 0, m_hcalcounts_max, "Total HCAL ADC counts"} );
+                                                     axis1D{ 400, 0, m_ecalenergy_max, "ECAL energy" },
+                                                     axis1D{ 400, 0, m_hcalcounts_max, "Total HCAL ADC counts" } );
       m_ECAL_energy_ECAL_clusters_correlation.emplace( this, "ECALECALCorrelation", "ECALECALCorrelation",
-                                                       axis1D{400, 0, m_ecalenergy_max, "ECAL energy"},
-                                                       axis1D{400, 0, 700, "ECAL Clusters"} );
+                                                       axis1D{ 400, 0, m_ecalenergy_max, "ECAL energy" },
+                                                       axis1D{ 400, 0, 700, "ECAL Clusters" } );
       m_scifi_rich1_hits_correlation.emplace( this, "ScifiRICH1HitsCorrelation", "ScifiRICH1HitsCorrelation",
-                                              axis1D{400, 0, m_scifi_max, "SciFi Hits"},
-                                              axis1D{400, 0, m_rich1_max, "RICH1 Hits"} );
+                                              axis1D{ 400, 0, m_scifi_max, "SciFi Hits" },
+                                              axis1D{ 400, 0, m_rich1_max, "RICH1 Hits" } );
       m_velo_rich1_hits_correlation.emplace( this, "VeloRICH1HitsCorrelation", "VeloRICH1HitsCorrelation",
-                                             axis1D{400, 0, m_velo_max, "Velo Hits"},
-                                             axis1D{400, 0, m_rich1_max, "RICH1 Hits"} );
+                                             axis1D{ 400, 0, m_velo_max, "Velo Hits" },
+                                             axis1D{ 400, 0, m_rich1_max, "RICH1 Hits" } );
       m_scifi_rich2_hits_correlation.emplace( this, "ScifiRICH2HitsCorrelation", "ScifiRICH2HitsCorrelation",
-                                              axis1D{400, 0, m_scifi_max, "SciFi Hits"},
-                                              axis1D{400, 0, m_rich2_max, "RICH1 Hits"} );
+                                              axis1D{ 400, 0, m_scifi_max, "SciFi Hits" },
+                                              axis1D{ 400, 0, m_rich2_max, "RICH1 Hits" } );
     } );
   void operator()( LHCb::Pr::VP::Hits const& velo_hits, LHCb::Pr::FT::Hits const& scifi_hits,
@@ -108,22 +108,22 @@ public:
     const auto ecaltot = std::accumulate( ecal_digits.begin(), ecal_digits.end(), 0.,
                                           []( auto init, const auto& digit ) { return init + digit.energy(); } );
-    ++m_velo_scifi_hits_correlation.value()[{velo_hits.size(), scifi_hits.size()}];
-    ++m_velo_ut_hits_correlation.value()[{velo_hits.size(), ut_hits.nbHits()}];
-    ++m_scifi_ut_hits_correlation.value()[{scifi_hits.size(), ut_hits.nbHits()}];
-    ++m_velo_muon_hits_correlation.value()[{velo_hits.size(), n_muon_hits}];
-    ++m_scifi_muon_hits_correlation.value()[{scifi_hits.size(), n_muon_hits}];
-    ++m_ECAL_energy_velo_hits_correlation.value()[{ecaltot, velo_hits.size()}];
-    ++m_ECAL_energy_ut_hits_correlation.value()[{ecaltot, ut_hits.nbHits()}];
-    ++m_ECAL_energy_scifi_hits_correlation.value()[{ecaltot, scifi_hits.size()}];
-    ++m_ECAL_energy_rich1_hits_correlation.value()[{ecaltot, rich_hits.nTotalHits( Rich::Rich1 )}];
-    ++m_ECAL_energy_rich2_hits_correlation.value()[{ecaltot, rich_hits.nTotalHits( Rich::Rich2 )}];
-    ++m_scifi_hits_HCAL_energy_correlation.value()[{scifi_hits.size(), hcal_adc_abovethreshold}];
-    ++m_ECAL_energy_HCAL_energy_correlation.value()[{ecaltot, hcal_adc_abovethreshold}];
-    ++m_ECAL_energy_ECAL_clusters_correlation.value()[{ecaltot, nClusters}];
-    ++m_velo_rich1_hits_correlation.value()[{velo_hits.size(), rich_hits.nTotalHits( Rich::Rich1 )}];
-    ++m_scifi_rich1_hits_correlation.value()[{scifi_hits.size(), rich_hits.nTotalHits( Rich::Rich1 )}];
-    ++m_scifi_rich2_hits_correlation.value()[{scifi_hits.size(), rich_hits.nTotalHits( Rich::Rich2 )}];
+    ++m_velo_scifi_hits_correlation.value()[{ velo_hits.size(), scifi_hits.size() }];
+    ++m_velo_ut_hits_correlation.value()[{ velo_hits.size(), ut_hits.nbHits() }];
+    ++m_scifi_ut_hits_correlation.value()[{ scifi_hits.size(), ut_hits.nbHits() }];
+    ++m_velo_muon_hits_correlation.value()[{ velo_hits.size(), n_muon_hits }];
+    ++m_scifi_muon_hits_correlation.value()[{ scifi_hits.size(), n_muon_hits }];
+    ++m_ECAL_energy_velo_hits_correlation.value()[{ ecaltot, velo_hits.size() }];
+    ++m_ECAL_energy_ut_hits_correlation.value()[{ ecaltot, ut_hits.nbHits() }];
+    ++m_ECAL_energy_scifi_hits_correlation.value()[{ ecaltot, scifi_hits.size() }];
+    ++m_ECAL_energy_rich1_hits_correlation.value()[{ ecaltot, rich_hits.nTotalHits( Rich::Rich1 ) }];
+    ++m_ECAL_energy_rich2_hits_correlation.value()[{ ecaltot, rich_hits.nTotalHits( Rich::Rich2 ) }];
+    ++m_scifi_hits_HCAL_energy_correlation.value()[{ scifi_hits.size(), hcal_adc_abovethreshold }];
+    ++m_ECAL_energy_HCAL_energy_correlation.value()[{ ecaltot, hcal_adc_abovethreshold }];
+    ++m_ECAL_energy_ECAL_clusters_correlation.value()[{ ecaltot, nClusters }];
+    ++m_velo_rich1_hits_correlation.value()[{ velo_hits.size(), rich_hits.nTotalHits( Rich::Rich1 ) }];
+    ++m_scifi_rich1_hits_correlation.value()[{ scifi_hits.size(), rich_hits.nTotalHits( Rich::Rich1 ) }];
+    ++m_scifi_rich2_hits_correlation.value()[{ scifi_hits.size(), rich_hits.nTotalHits( Rich::Rich2 ) }];
@@ -161,17 +161,17 @@ private:
           m_hcalcounts_max = 450000;
         case CollisionType::Unknown:
-          throw GaudiException{"Value for property CollisionType is not helpful", name(), StatusCode::FAILURE};
+          throw GaudiException{ "Value for property CollisionType is not helpful", name(), StatusCode::FAILURE };
-        throw GaudiException{"value for property CollisionType does not exist", name(),
-                             StatusCode::FAILURE}; // this will actually never be reached, as the parsing of the
-                                                   // `CollisionType` enum will (should!) fail before we ever get
-                                                   // here...
+        throw GaudiException{ "value for property CollisionType does not exist", name(),
+                              StatusCode::FAILURE }; // this will actually never be reached, as the parsing of the
+                                                     // `CollisionType` enum will (should!) fail before we ever get
+                                                     // here...
-      Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true}};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>   m_MinADCHCAL{this, "MinADCHCAL", 10}; // Minimum ADC threshold to have some zero suppression
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_MinEECAL{this, "MinEECAL",
-                                    100 * Gaudi::Units::MeV}; // Minimum energy threshold to have some zero suppression
+      Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true } };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>   m_MinADCHCAL{ this, "MinADCHCAL", 10 }; // Minimum ADC threshold to have some zero suppression
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_MinEECAL{ this, "MinEECAL", 100 * Gaudi::Units::MeV }; // Minimum energy threshold to have
+                                                                                  // some zero suppression
   mutable std::optional<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2>> m_velo_scifi_hits_correlation;
   mutable std::optional<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2>> m_velo_ut_hits_correlation;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/MonitorECALEnergyRawEventSizeCorrelations.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/MonitorECALEnergyRawEventSizeCorrelations.cpp
index 5138f4ae08afb327b4ab8d8ca9455bf81f2ad296..86c00f8c3d4c3b01ecac5abd1bdf12a98a4a7016 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/MonitorECALEnergyRawEventSizeCorrelations.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/MonitorECALEnergyRawEventSizeCorrelations.cpp
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 #include <algorithm>
 namespace {
-  const std::array<std::string, 11> s_sdHistNames = {"ODINHLT", "VELO", "RICH1", "UT",   "SCIFI", "RICH2",
-                                                     "PLUME",   "ECAL", "HCAL",  "MUON", "TDET"};
+  const std::array<std::string, 11> s_sdHistNames = { "ODINHLT", "VELO", "RICH1", "UT",   "SCIFI", "RICH2",
+                                                      "PLUME",   "ECAL", "HCAL",  "MUON", "TDET" };
   int8_t histIndex( const std::string& x ) {
     auto it = std::find( s_sdHistNames.begin(), s_sdHistNames.end(), x );
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class MonitorECALEnergyRawEventSizeCorrelations
                                              LHCb::Event::Calo::Digits const& edigits )> {
   MonitorECALEnergyRawEventSizeCorrelations( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"RawEvent", ""}, KeyValue{"ECALDigits", ""}} ){};
+      : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "RawEvent", "" }, KeyValue{ "ECALDigits", "" } } ){};
   void operator()( LHCb::RawEvent const& rawEvent, LHCb::Event::Calo::Digits const& edigits ) const override;
@@ -67,16 +67,17 @@ public:
-      {{200, 0, 60000000, "ECAL energy"}, {200, 0, 2e6, "Total raw data size (w/o MDF header)"}}}; // size range is
-                                                                                                   // tuned for PbPb
+      { { 200, 0, 60000000, "ECAL energy" }, { 200, 0, 2e6, "Total raw data size (w/o MDF header)" } } }; // size range
+                                                                                                          // is tuned
+                                                                                                          // for PbPb
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::HistogramArray<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2>, s_sdHistNames.size()>
           []( int i ) { return fmt::format( "ECAL{}EventSizeCorrelation", s_sdHistNames[i] ); },
           []( int i ) { return fmt::format( "ECAL{}EventSizeCorrelation", s_sdHistNames[i] ); },
-          {200, 0, 60000000, "ECAL energy"},
-          {200, 0, 1e6, "SD raw data size"}}; // size range is tuned for PbPb
+          { 200, 0, 60000000, "ECAL energy" },
+          { 200, 0, 1e6, "SD raw data size" } }; // size range is tuned for PbPb
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( MonitorECALEnergyRawEventSizeCorrelations )
@@ -97,8 +98,8 @@ void MonitorECALEnergyRawEventSizeCorrelations::operator()( LHCb::RawEvent const
-  ++m_ecaltot_size_correlation[{ecaltot, totalEventSize}];
+  ++m_ecaltot_size_correlation[{ ecaltot, totalEventSize }];
   for ( unsigned short sd = 0; sd < sdEventSize.size(); ++sd ) {
-    ++m_ecalot_sdeventsize_correlation[sd][{ecaltot, sdEventSize[sd]}];
+    ++m_ecalot_sdeventsize_correlation[sd][{ ecaltot, sdEventSize[sd] }];
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/PVToTracksRelationsMonitor.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/PVToTracksRelationsMonitor.cpp
index b9c10c300ece88c7e7a4915d24efabb3040630a3..7e96dcc0fceff01dca31a6796454a8a657cdb3a3 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/PVToTracksRelationsMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/PVToTracksRelationsMonitor.cpp
@@ -29,20 +29,20 @@ public:
   using KeyValue = base_type::KeyValue;
   PVToTracksRelationsMonitor( std::string const& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-      : base_type{name, pSvc, {KeyValue{"PVs", ""}, KeyValue{"Tracks", ""}}} {}
+      : base_type{ name, pSvc, { KeyValue{ "PVs", "" }, KeyValue{ "Tracks", "" } } } {}
   void operator()( PVs const&, Tracks const& ) const override;
   // properties
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_error_mode{this, "ErrorMode", false, "Make it fail if not all tracks are matched"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_error_mode{ this, "ErrorMode", false, "Make it fail if not all tracks are matched" };
   // monitoring
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_npvs{this, "Nb of PVs"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_npvtracks{this, "Nb of tracks associated to a PV"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_ntracks{this, "Nb of tracks (used in matching)"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_npvs{ this, "Nb of PVs" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_npvtracks{ this, "Nb of tracks associated to a PV" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_ntracks{ this, "Nb of tracks (used in matching)" };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_pvtrack_to_track_match{this, "PV track to track match"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_pvtrack_to_track_match{ this, "PV track to track match" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( PVToTracksRelationsMonitor, "PVToTracksRelationsMonitor" )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/PrSciFiHitsMonitor.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/PrSciFiHitsMonitor.cpp
index 9d9ad896ceb8a82f3cf94b3c8eb25f17bc294e47..8a47bed14094de5fdf9cb10819d8800fc7c624f6 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/PrSciFiHitsMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/PrSciFiHitsMonitor.cpp
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::FT {
     SciFiHitsMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"SciFiHits", ""}, KeyValue{"ODINLocation", ""}} ) {}
+        : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "SciFiHits", "" }, KeyValue{ "ODINLocation", "" } } ) {}
     // StatusCode initialize() override;
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::FT {
         return odin.eventTime() - i->second;
       } );
-      for ( auto zone{0u}; zone < nZonesTotal; ++zone ) {
+      for ( auto zone{ 0u }; zone < nZonesTotal; ++zone ) {
         const auto [start, end] = hits.getZoneIndices( zone );
         auto xPosHistoBuffer    = m_hitsXPosHistos.at( zone / 2u ).buffer();
         for ( auto iHit = start; iHit < end; ++iHit ) { ++xPosHistoBuffer[hits.x( iHit )]; }
@@ -51,53 +51,53 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr::FT {
     using Histo = Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, float>;
-    mutable std::array<Histo, nLayersTotal> m_hitsXPosHistos{{
-        {this, "T1X1", "SciFi hits x positions T1X1", {2000, -3000, 3000}},
-        {this, "T1U", "SciFi hits x positions T1U", {2000, -3000, 3000}},
-        {this, "T1V", "SciFi hits x positions T1V", {2000, -3000, 3000}},
-        {this, "T1X2", "SciFi hits x positions T1X2", {2000, -3000, 3000}},
-        {this, "T2X1", "SciFi hits x positions T2X1", {2000, -3000, 3000}},
-        {this, "T2U", "SciFi hits x positions T2U", {2000, -3000, 3000}},
-        {this, "T2V", "SciFi hits x positions T2V", {2000, -3000, 3000}},
-        {this, "T2X2", "SciFi hits x positions T2X2", {2000, -3000, 3000}},
-        {this, "T3X1", "SciFi hits x positions T3X1", {2000, -3200, 3200}},
-        {this, "T3U", "SciFi hits x positions T3U", {2000, -3200, 3200}},
-        {this, "T3V", "SciFi hits x positions T3V", {2000, -3200, 3200}},
-        {this, "T3X2", "SciFi hits x positions T3X2", {2000, -3200, 3200}},
-    }};
+    mutable std::array<Histo, nLayersTotal> m_hitsXPosHistos{ {
+        { this, "T1X1", "SciFi hits x positions T1X1", { 2000, -3000, 3000 } },
+        { this, "T1U", "SciFi hits x positions T1U", { 2000, -3000, 3000 } },
+        { this, "T1V", "SciFi hits x positions T1V", { 2000, -3000, 3000 } },
+        { this, "T1X2", "SciFi hits x positions T1X2", { 2000, -3000, 3000 } },
+        { this, "T2X1", "SciFi hits x positions T2X1", { 2000, -3000, 3000 } },
+        { this, "T2U", "SciFi hits x positions T2U", { 2000, -3000, 3000 } },
+        { this, "T2V", "SciFi hits x positions T2V", { 2000, -3000, 3000 } },
+        { this, "T2X2", "SciFi hits x positions T2X2", { 2000, -3000, 3000 } },
+        { this, "T3X1", "SciFi hits x positions T3X1", { 2000, -3200, 3200 } },
+        { this, "T3U", "SciFi hits x positions T3U", { 2000, -3200, 3200 } },
+        { this, "T3V", "SciFi hits x positions T3V", { 2000, -3200, 3200 } },
+        { this, "T3X2", "SciFi hits x positions T3X2", { 2000, -3200, 3200 } },
+    } };
     mutable LHCb::cxx::SynchronizedValue<std::map<Gaudi::TimeSpan::ValueType, Gaudi::Time>> m_offsets;
     using ProfileHisto = Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, float>;
-    mutable std::array<ProfileHisto, 2 * nLayersTotal> m_hitsPerLayerPerTime{{
-        {this, "HitsInT1X1vsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T1X1 bottom vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT1X1vsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T1X1 top vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT1UvsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T1U bottom vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT1UvsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T1U top vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT1VvsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T1V bottom vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT1VvsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T1V top vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT1X2vsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T1X2 bottom vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT1X2vsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T1X2 top vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT2X1vsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T2X1 bottom vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT2X1vsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T2X1 top vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT2UvsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T2U bottom vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT2UvsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T2U top vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT2VvsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T2V bottom vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT2VvsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T2V top vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT2X2vsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T2X2 bottom vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT2X2vsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T2X2 top vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT3X1vsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T3X1 bottom vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT3X1vsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T3X1 top vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT3UvsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T3U bottom vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT3UvsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T3U top vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT3VvsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T3V bottom vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT3VvsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T3V top vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT3X2vsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T3X2 bottom vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-        {this, "HitsInT3X2vsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T3X2 top vs time", {500, 0, 5000}},
-    }};
+    mutable std::array<ProfileHisto, 2 * nLayersTotal> m_hitsPerLayerPerTime{ {
+        { this, "HitsInT1X1vsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T1X1 bottom vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT1X1vsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T1X1 top vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT1UvsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T1U bottom vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT1UvsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T1U top vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT1VvsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T1V bottom vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT1VvsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T1V top vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT1X2vsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T1X2 bottom vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT1X2vsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T1X2 top vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT2X1vsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T2X1 bottom vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT2X1vsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T2X1 top vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT2UvsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T2U bottom vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT2UvsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T2U top vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT2VvsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T2V bottom vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT2VvsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T2V top vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT2X2vsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T2X2 bottom vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT2X2vsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T2X2 top vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT3X1vsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T3X1 bottom vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT3X1vsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T3X1 top vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT3UvsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T3U bottom vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT3UvsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T3U top vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT3VvsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T3V bottom vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT3VvsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T3V top vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT3X2vsTimeBottom", "SciFi hits in T3X2 bottom vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+        { this, "HitsInT3X2vsTimeTop", "SciFi hits in T3X2 top vs time", { 500, 0, 5000 } },
+    } };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( SciFiHitsMonitor, "PrSciFiHitsMonitor" )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackCaloMatchMonitor.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackCaloMatchMonitor.cpp
index 40b242dcc700f362bd60f10f6b0fd3da0386bb02..a903950ce49368537bb57fd3a5690cd1bd63a409 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackCaloMatchMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackCaloMatchMonitor.cpp
@@ -37,58 +37,66 @@ namespace LHCb {
     TrackCaloMatchMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                    {{"CaloClustersLocation", CaloClusterLocation::Ecal},
-                     {"TrackLocation", TrackLocation::Default},
-                     {"StandardGeometryTop", standard_geometry_top},
-                     {"GeometricZLocation", name + "GeometricZLocation"}} ) {}
+                    { { "CaloClustersLocation", CaloClusterLocation::Ecal },
+                      { "TrackLocation", TrackLocation::Default },
+                      { "StandardGeometryTop", standard_geometry_top },
+                      { "GeometricZLocation", name + "GeometricZLocation" } } ) {}
     StatusCode initialize() override;
     void       operator()( CaloClusters const&, Track::Range const&, DetectorElement const&,
                      GeometricZ const& ) const override;
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>          m_requireTHits{this, "RequireTHits", true}; // this you need for cosmics (MIPs)
-    Gaudi::Property<double>        m_clusterZCorrection{this, "ClusterZCorrection", -60 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{this, "Extrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>          m_requireTHits{ this, "RequireTHits", true }; // this you need for cosmics (MIPs)
+    Gaudi::Property<double>        m_clusterZCorrection{ this, "ClusterZCorrection", -60 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{ this, "Extrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator" };
     struct RegionHistos {
       std::unique_ptr<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>> histos[3];
       template <typename Parent>
       RegionHistos( Parent* p, const char* nameformat, const char* titleformat, double xmin, double xmax ) {
-        const char regiontitles[3][256] = {"outer", "middle", "inner"};
+        const char regiontitles[3][256] = { "outer", "middle", "inner" };
         char       name[256];
         char       title[256];
         for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) {
           sprintf( name, nameformat, regiontitles[i] );
           sprintf( title, titleformat, regiontitles[i] );
-          histos[i].reset( new Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>{p, name, title, {100, xmin, xmax}} );
+          histos[i].reset( new Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>{ p, name, title, { 100, xmin, xmax } } );
       auto& operator[]( unsigned i ) { return histos[i]; }
-    mutable RegionHistos m_dxASideH1{this, "dxASide_%s", "xEcal - xTrk (%s A-side)", -200, 200};
-    mutable RegionHistos m_dxCSideH1{this, "dxCSide_%s", "xEcal - xTrk (%s C-side)", -200, 200};
-    mutable RegionHistos m_dyASideH1{this, "dyASide_%s", "yEcal - yTrk (%s A-side)", -200, 200};
-    mutable RegionHistos m_dyCSideH1{this, "dyCSide_%s", "yEcal - yTrk (%s C-side)", -200, 200};
-    mutable RegionHistos m_dyVeloASideH1{this, "dyVeloASide_%s", "yEcal - yVeloTrk (%s A-side)", -200, 200};
-    mutable RegionHistos m_dyVeloCSideH1{this, "dyVeloCSide_%s", "yEcal - yVeloTrk (%s C-side)", -200, 200};
-    mutable RegionHistos m_eOverPH1{this, "eop_%s", "E/p (%s)", -2, 2};
-    mutable RegionHistos m_zH1{this, "zmatch_%s", "ZMatch (%s)", 12e3, 14e3};
-    mutable RegionHistos m_deltazH1{this, "dzmatch_%s", "zEcal - zMatch (%s)", -400, 400};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_dxVsXPr{this, "dxVsX", "xEcal - xTrk vs x", {50, -3500, 3500}};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_dxVsYPr{this, "dxVsY", "xEcal - xTrk vs y", {50, -3500, 3500}};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_dyVsXPr{this, "dyVsX", "yEcal - yTrk vs x", {50, -3500, 3500}};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_dyVsYPr{this, "dyVsY", "yEcal - yTrk vs y", {50, -3500, 3500}};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_dxVsTxPr{this, "dxVsTx", "xEcal - xTrk vs tx", {50, -0.6, 0.6}};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_dxVsTyPr{this, "dxVsTy", "xEcal - xTrk vs ty", {50, -0.3, 0.3}};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_dyVsTxPr{this, "dyVsTx", "yEcal - yTrk vs tx", {50, -0.6, 0.6}};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_dyVsTyPr{this, "dyVsTy", "yEcal - yTrk vs ty", {50, -0.3, 0.3}};
+    mutable RegionHistos m_dxASideH1{ this, "dxASide_%s", "xEcal - xTrk (%s A-side)", -200, 200 };
+    mutable RegionHistos m_dxCSideH1{ this, "dxCSide_%s", "xEcal - xTrk (%s C-side)", -200, 200 };
+    mutable RegionHistos m_dyASideH1{ this, "dyASide_%s", "yEcal - yTrk (%s A-side)", -200, 200 };
+    mutable RegionHistos m_dyCSideH1{ this, "dyCSide_%s", "yEcal - yTrk (%s C-side)", -200, 200 };
+    mutable RegionHistos m_dyVeloASideH1{ this, "dyVeloASide_%s", "yEcal - yVeloTrk (%s A-side)", -200, 200 };
+    mutable RegionHistos m_dyVeloCSideH1{ this, "dyVeloCSide_%s", "yEcal - yVeloTrk (%s C-side)", -200, 200 };
+    mutable RegionHistos m_eOverPH1{ this, "eop_%s", "E/p (%s)", -2, 2 };
+    mutable RegionHistos m_zH1{ this, "zmatch_%s", "ZMatch (%s)", 12e3, 14e3 };
+    mutable RegionHistos m_deltazH1{ this, "dzmatch_%s", "zEcal - zMatch (%s)", -400, 400 };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_dxVsXPr{
+        this, "dxVsX", "xEcal - xTrk vs x", { 50, -3500, 3500 } };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_dxVsYPr{
+        this, "dxVsY", "xEcal - xTrk vs y", { 50, -3500, 3500 } };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_dyVsXPr{
+        this, "dyVsX", "yEcal - yTrk vs x", { 50, -3500, 3500 } };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_dyVsYPr{
+        this, "dyVsY", "yEcal - yTrk vs y", { 50, -3500, 3500 } };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_dxVsTxPr{
+        this, "dxVsTx", "xEcal - xTrk vs tx", { 50, -0.6, 0.6 } };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_dxVsTyPr{
+        this, "dxVsTy", "xEcal - xTrk vs ty", { 50, -0.3, 0.3 } };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_dyVsTxPr{
+        this, "dyVsTx", "yEcal - yTrk vs tx", { 50, -0.6, 0.6 } };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_dyVsTyPr{
+        this, "dyVsTy", "yEcal - yTrk vs ty", { 50, -0.3, 0.3 } };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_dyVeloVsXPr{
-        this, "dyVeloVsX", "yEcal - yTrk vs x", {50, -3500, 3500}};
+        this, "dyVeloVsX", "yEcal - yTrk vs x", { 50, -3500, 3500 } };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_dyVeloVsYPr{
-        this, "dyVeloVsY", "yEcal - yTrk vs y", {50, -3500, 3500}};
+        this, "dyVeloVsY", "yEcal - yTrk vs y", { 50, -3500, 3500 } };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
@@ -98,7 +106,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
 StatusCode LHCb::TrackCaloMatchMonitor::initialize() {
   return Consumer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
-    addConditionDerivation( {DeCalorimeterLocation::Ecal}, inputLocation<GeometricZ>(),
+    addConditionDerivation( { DeCalorimeterLocation::Ecal }, inputLocation<GeometricZ>(),
                             [/*this*/]( DeCalorimeter const& caloDet ) {
                               const auto geoZ = caloDet.toGlobal( Gaudi::XYZPoint() ).z() + caloDet.zOffset();
                               // For now we lost the functionality to set the zrange properly
@@ -170,7 +178,7 @@ void LHCb::TrackCaloMatchMonitor::operator()( CaloClusters const& clusters, Trac
   for ( const Track* track : trackcontainer ) {
     if ( !m_requireTHits || track->hasT() ) {
       const State& closest = closestState( *track, geometricZ );
-      StateVector  state   = {closest.stateVector(), closest.z()};
+      StateVector  state   = { closest.stateVector(), closest.z() };
       m_extrapolator->propagate( state, geometricZ, geometry ).ignore( /* AUTOMATICALLY ADDED FOR gaudi/Gaudi!763 */ );
       const auto                       fullvelostate = unbiasedEndVeloState( *track );
@@ -182,8 +190,8 @@ void LHCb::TrackCaloMatchMonitor::operator()( CaloClusters const& clusters, Trac
         if ( !sc.isSuccess() ) velostate.reset();
-      constexpr double maxxbyregion[3] = {100., 60., 30.};
-      constexpr double maxybyregion[3] = {100., 60., 30.};
+      constexpr double maxxbyregion[3] = { 100., 60., 30. };
+      constexpr double maxybyregion[3] = { 100., 60., 30. };
       for ( const MyCaloPosition& cluster : calopositions ) {
         // state = &(closestState(*track,pos.z())) ;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackFitMatchMonitor.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackFitMatchMonitor.cpp
index 2890a7541f3bb0ccd4b1cc5f0306cc012202d5b4..21eac5f44b9aa34efc77ead13a4c601ceb668429 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackFitMatchMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackFitMatchMonitor.cpp
@@ -66,31 +66,31 @@ private:
   void fill( const TFitResult& fr, const LHCb::Track& track ) const;
-  Gaudi::Property<int>                                  m_constrainMethod{this, "ConstrainMethod", Projective};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_nullFitResult{this, "Fit result is NULL"};
+  Gaudi::Property<int>                                  m_constrainMethod{ this, "ConstrainMethod", Projective };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_nullFitResult{ this, "Fit result is NULL" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1>      m_curvatureRatioTToLongPr{
-      this, "curvatureRatioTToLongVsQoP", "curvature ratio T to Long versus q/p", {40, -0.4, 0.4}};
+      this, "curvatureRatioTToLongVsQoP", "curvature ratio T to Long versus q/p", { 40, -0.4, 0.4 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_curvatureRatioVeloUTToLongPr{
-      this, "curvatureRatioVeloUTToLongVsQoP", "curvature ratio Velo-UT to Long versus q/p", {40, -0.4, 0.4}};
+      this, "curvatureRatioVeloUTToLongVsQoP", "curvature ratio Velo-UT to Long versus q/p", { 40, -0.4, 0.4 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_curvatureRatioTToLongVsTxPos{
-      this, "curvatureRatioTToLongVsTxPos", "curvature ratio T to Long versus tx for pos", {40, -0.25, 0.25}};
+      this, "curvatureRatioTToLongVsTxPos", "curvature ratio T to Long versus tx for pos", { 40, -0.25, 0.25 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_curvatureRatioVeloUTToLongVsTxPos{
-      this, "curvatureRatioVeloUTToLongVsTxPos", "curvature ratio Velo-UT to Long vs tx for pos", {40, -0.25, 0.25}};
+      this, "curvatureRatioVeloUTToLongVsTxPos", "curvature ratio Velo-UT to Long vs tx for pos", { 40, -0.25, 0.25 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_curvatureRatioTToLongVsTxNeg{
-      this, "curvatureRatioTToLongVsTxNeg", "curvature ratio T to Long versus tx for neg", {40, -0.25, 0.25}};
+      this, "curvatureRatioTToLongVsTxNeg", "curvature ratio T to Long versus tx for neg", { 40, -0.25, 0.25 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_curvatureRatioVeloUTToLongVsTxNeg{
-      this, "curvatureRatioVeloUTToLongVsTxNeg", "curvature ratio Velo-UT to Long vs tx for neg", {40, -0.25, 0.25}};
+      this, "curvatureRatioVeloUTToLongVsTxNeg", "curvature ratio Velo-UT to Long vs tx for neg", { 40, -0.25, 0.25 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_curvatureRatioTToLongH1{
-      this, "curvatureRatioTToLong", "curvature ratio T to Long", {40, 0, 2}};
+      this, "curvatureRatioTToLong", "curvature ratio T to Long", { 40, 0, 2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_curvatureRatioVeloUTToLongH1{
-      this, "curvatureRatioVeloUTToLong", "curvature ratio Velo-UT to Long", {40, 0, 2}};
+      this, "curvatureRatioVeloUTToLong", "curvature ratio Velo-UT to Long", { 40, 0, 2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_curvatureRatioTToLongPullH1{
-      this, "curvatureRatioTToLongPull", "curvature ratio T to Long pull", {40, -5, 5}};
+      this, "curvatureRatioTToLongPull", "curvature ratio T to Long pull", { 40, -5, 5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_curvatureRatioVeloUTToLongPullH1{
-      this, "curvatureRatioVeloUTToLongPull", "curvature ratio Velo-UT to Long pull", {40, -5, 5}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_kickZH1{this, "kickZ", "Z position of magnet kick", {40, 4900, 5400}};
+      this, "curvatureRatioVeloUTToLongPull", "curvature ratio Velo-UT to Long pull", { 40, -5, 5 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_kickZH1{ this, "kickZ", "Z position of magnet kick", { 40, 4900, 5400 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_kickZVsXPr{
-      this, "kickZVsXPr", "Z position of magnet kick versus x", {40, -1500, 1500}};
+      this, "kickZVsXPr", "Z position of magnet kick versus x", { 40, -1500, 1500 } };
   // Define struct to store delta plot histograms
@@ -135,87 +135,87 @@ private:
     Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> dty_pull_tx_profile;
     Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> dty_pull_ty_profile;
     TrackingDeltaPlots( const TrackFitMatchMonitor* owner, std::string const& Tracker )
-        : dx_dtx_0_hist{owner, Tracker + "/dx for dtx==0", Tracker + " dx for dtx==0", {100, -20, 20}}
-        , dy_dtx_0_hist{owner, Tracker + "/dy for dty==0", Tracker + " dy for dty==0", {100, -20, 20}}
-        , dtx_dx_0_hist{owner, Tracker + "/dtx for dx==0", Tracker + " dtx for dx==0", {100, -0.010, 0.010}}
-        , dty_dy_0_hist{owner, Tracker + "/dty for dy==0", Tracker + " dty for dy==0", {100, -0.010, 0.010}}
-        , dx_pull_hist{owner, Tracker + "/dx pull", Tracker + " dx pull", {100, -10, 10}}
-        , dy_pull_hist{owner, Tracker + "/dy pull", Tracker + " dy pull", {100, -10, 10}}
-        , dtx_pull_hist{owner, Tracker + "/dtx pull", Tracker + " dtx pull", {100, -10, 10}}
-        , dty_pull_hist{owner, Tracker + "/dty pull", Tracker + " dty pull", {100, -10, 10}}
-        , dx_tx_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dx vs tx", Tracker + " dx vs tx", {100, -0.25, 0.25}}
-        , dx_txty_profile{owner,
-                          Tracker + "/dx vs tx ty prof",
-                          Tracker + " dx vs tx ty prof",
-                          {120, -0.30, 0.30},
-                          {25, -0.25, 0.25}}
-        , dy_txty_profile{owner,
-                          Tracker + "/dy vs tx ty prof",
-                          Tracker + " dy vs tx ty prof",
-                          {120, -0.30, 0.30},
-                          {25, -0.25, 0.25}}
-        , dtx_txty_profile{owner,
-                           Tracker + "/dtx vs tx ty prof",
-                           Tracker + " dtx vs tx ty prof",
-                           {120, -0.30, 0.30},
-                           {25, -0.25, 0.25}}
-        , dty_txty_profile{owner,
-                           Tracker + "/dty vs tx ty prof",
-                           Tracker + " dty vs tx ty prof",
-                           {120, -0.30, 0.30},
-                           {25, -0.25, 0.25}}
-        , dx_txty{owner,
-                  Tracker + "/dx vs tx ty",
-                  Tracker + " dx vs tx ty",
-                  {60, -0.30, 0.30},
-                  {25, -0.25, 0.25},
-                  {100, -10., 10.}}
-        , dy_txty{owner,
-                  Tracker + "/dy vs tx ty",
-                  Tracker + " dy vs tx ty",
-                  {60, -0.30, 0.30},
-                  {25, -0.25, 0.25},
-                  {100, -10., 10.}}
-        , dtx_txty{owner,
-                   Tracker + "/dtx vs tx ty",
-                   Tracker + " dtx vs tx ty",
-                   {60, -0.30, 0.30},
-                   {25, -0.25, 0.25},
-                   {100, -0.010, 0.010}}
-        , dty_txty{owner,
-                   Tracker + "/dty vs tx ty",
-                   Tracker + " dty vs tx ty",
-                   {60, -0.30, 0.30},
-                   {25, -0.25, 0.25},
-                   {100, -0.010, 0.010}}
-        , dx_ty_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dx vs ty", Tracker + " dx vs ty", {100, -0.25, 0.25}}
-        , dy_tx_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dy vs tx", Tracker + " dy vs tx", {100, -0.25, 0.25}}
-        , dy_ty_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dy vs ty", Tracker + " dy vs ty", {100, -0.25, 0.25}}
-        , dx_pull_tx_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dx pull vs tx", Tracker + " dx pull vs tx", {100, -0.25, 0.25}}
-        , dx_pull_ty_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dx pull vs ty", Tracker + " dx pull vs ty", {100, -0.25, 0.25}}
-        , dx_pull_qop_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dx pull vs qop", Tracker + " dx pull vs qop", {40, -0.2, 0.2}}
-        , dx_qop_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dx vs qop", Tracker + " dx vs qop", {40, -0.2, 0.2}}
-        , dy_pull_tx_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dy pull vs tx", Tracker + " dy pull vs tx", {20, -0.25, 0.25}}
-        , dy_pull_ty_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dy pull vs ty", Tracker + " dy pull vs ty", {20, -0.25, 0.25}}
-        , dtx_qop_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dtx vs qop", Tracker + " dtx vs qop", {40, -0.2, 0.2}}
-        , dtx_tx_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dtx vs tx", Tracker + " dtx vs tx", {20, -0.25, 0.25}}
-        , dtx_ty_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dtx vs ty", Tracker + " dtx vs ty", {20, -0.25, 0.25}}
-        , dty_qop_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dty vs qop", Tracker + " dty vs qop", {40, -0.2, 0.2}}
-        , dty_tx_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dty vs tx", Tracker + " dty vs tx", {20, -0.25, 0.25}}
-        , dty_ty_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dty vs ty", Tracker + " dty vs ty", {20, -0.25, 0.25}}
-        , dtx_pull_qop_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dtx pull vs qop", Tracker + " dtx pull vs qop", {40, -0.2, 0.2}}
-        , dtx_pull_tx_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dtx pull vs tx", Tracker + " dtx pull vs tx", {20, -0.25, 0.25}}
-        , dtx_pull_ty_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dtx pull vs ty", Tracker + " dtx pull vs ty", {20, -0.25, 0.25}}
-        , dty_pull_qop_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dty pull vs qop", Tracker + " dty pull vs qop", {40, -0.2, 0.2}}
-        , dty_pull_tx_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dty pull vs tx", Tracker + " dty pull vs tx", {20, -0.25, 0.25}}
-        , dty_pull_ty_profile{owner, Tracker + "/dty pull vs ty", Tracker + " dty pull vs ty", {20, -0.25, 0.25}} {}
+        : dx_dtx_0_hist{ owner, Tracker + "/dx for dtx==0", Tracker + " dx for dtx==0", { 100, -20, 20 } }
+        , dy_dtx_0_hist{ owner, Tracker + "/dy for dty==0", Tracker + " dy for dty==0", { 100, -20, 20 } }
+        , dtx_dx_0_hist{ owner, Tracker + "/dtx for dx==0", Tracker + " dtx for dx==0", { 100, -0.010, 0.010 } }
+        , dty_dy_0_hist{ owner, Tracker + "/dty for dy==0", Tracker + " dty for dy==0", { 100, -0.010, 0.010 } }
+        , dx_pull_hist{ owner, Tracker + "/dx pull", Tracker + " dx pull", { 100, -10, 10 } }
+        , dy_pull_hist{ owner, Tracker + "/dy pull", Tracker + " dy pull", { 100, -10, 10 } }
+        , dtx_pull_hist{ owner, Tracker + "/dtx pull", Tracker + " dtx pull", { 100, -10, 10 } }
+        , dty_pull_hist{ owner, Tracker + "/dty pull", Tracker + " dty pull", { 100, -10, 10 } }
+        , dx_tx_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dx vs tx", Tracker + " dx vs tx", { 100, -0.25, 0.25 } }
+        , dx_txty_profile{ owner,
+                           Tracker + "/dx vs tx ty prof",
+                           Tracker + " dx vs tx ty prof",
+                           { 120, -0.30, 0.30 },
+                           { 25, -0.25, 0.25 } }
+        , dy_txty_profile{ owner,
+                           Tracker + "/dy vs tx ty prof",
+                           Tracker + " dy vs tx ty prof",
+                           { 120, -0.30, 0.30 },
+                           { 25, -0.25, 0.25 } }
+        , dtx_txty_profile{ owner,
+                            Tracker + "/dtx vs tx ty prof",
+                            Tracker + " dtx vs tx ty prof",
+                            { 120, -0.30, 0.30 },
+                            { 25, -0.25, 0.25 } }
+        , dty_txty_profile{ owner,
+                            Tracker + "/dty vs tx ty prof",
+                            Tracker + " dty vs tx ty prof",
+                            { 120, -0.30, 0.30 },
+                            { 25, -0.25, 0.25 } }
+        , dx_txty{ owner,
+                   Tracker + "/dx vs tx ty",
+                   Tracker + " dx vs tx ty",
+                   { 60, -0.30, 0.30 },
+                   { 25, -0.25, 0.25 },
+                   { 100, -10., 10. } }
+        , dy_txty{ owner,
+                   Tracker + "/dy vs tx ty",
+                   Tracker + " dy vs tx ty",
+                   { 60, -0.30, 0.30 },
+                   { 25, -0.25, 0.25 },
+                   { 100, -10., 10. } }
+        , dtx_txty{ owner,
+                    Tracker + "/dtx vs tx ty",
+                    Tracker + " dtx vs tx ty",
+                    { 60, -0.30, 0.30 },
+                    { 25, -0.25, 0.25 },
+                    { 100, -0.010, 0.010 } }
+        , dty_txty{ owner,
+                    Tracker + "/dty vs tx ty",
+                    Tracker + " dty vs tx ty",
+                    { 60, -0.30, 0.30 },
+                    { 25, -0.25, 0.25 },
+                    { 100, -0.010, 0.010 } }
+        , dx_ty_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dx vs ty", Tracker + " dx vs ty", { 100, -0.25, 0.25 } }
+        , dy_tx_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dy vs tx", Tracker + " dy vs tx", { 100, -0.25, 0.25 } }
+        , dy_ty_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dy vs ty", Tracker + " dy vs ty", { 100, -0.25, 0.25 } }
+        , dx_pull_tx_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dx pull vs tx", Tracker + " dx pull vs tx", { 100, -0.25, 0.25 } }
+        , dx_pull_ty_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dx pull vs ty", Tracker + " dx pull vs ty", { 100, -0.25, 0.25 } }
+        , dx_pull_qop_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dx pull vs qop", Tracker + " dx pull vs qop", { 40, -0.2, 0.2 } }
+        , dx_qop_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dx vs qop", Tracker + " dx vs qop", { 40, -0.2, 0.2 } }
+        , dy_pull_tx_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dy pull vs tx", Tracker + " dy pull vs tx", { 20, -0.25, 0.25 } }
+        , dy_pull_ty_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dy pull vs ty", Tracker + " dy pull vs ty", { 20, -0.25, 0.25 } }
+        , dtx_qop_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dtx vs qop", Tracker + " dtx vs qop", { 40, -0.2, 0.2 } }
+        , dtx_tx_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dtx vs tx", Tracker + " dtx vs tx", { 20, -0.25, 0.25 } }
+        , dtx_ty_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dtx vs ty", Tracker + " dtx vs ty", { 20, -0.25, 0.25 } }
+        , dty_qop_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dty vs qop", Tracker + " dty vs qop", { 40, -0.2, 0.2 } }
+        , dty_tx_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dty vs tx", Tracker + " dty vs tx", { 20, -0.25, 0.25 } }
+        , dty_ty_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dty vs ty", Tracker + " dty vs ty", { 20, -0.25, 0.25 } }
+        , dtx_pull_qop_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dtx pull vs qop", Tracker + " dtx pull vs qop", { 40, -0.2, 0.2 } }
+        , dtx_pull_tx_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dtx pull vs tx", Tracker + " dtx pull vs tx", { 20, -0.25, 0.25 } }
+        , dtx_pull_ty_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dtx pull vs ty", Tracker + " dtx pull vs ty", { 20, -0.25, 0.25 } }
+        , dty_pull_qop_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dty pull vs qop", Tracker + " dty pull vs qop", { 40, -0.2, 0.2 } }
+        , dty_pull_tx_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dty pull vs tx", Tracker + " dty pull vs tx", { 20, -0.25, 0.25 } }
+        , dty_pull_ty_profile{ owner, Tracker + "/dty pull vs ty", Tracker + " dty pull vs ty", { 20, -0.25, 0.25 } } {}
   // map to associate tracking sub-detector to the relevant struct of histograms
   std::array<std::unique_ptr<TrackingDeltaPlots>, 3> m_histograms = [&] {
     auto create = [&]( Trackers t ) { return std::make_unique<TrackingDeltaPlots>( this, toString( t ) ); };
-    return std::array{create( Trackers::VeloUT ), create( Trackers::TUT ), create( Trackers::VeloT )};
+    return std::array{ create( Trackers::VeloUT ), create( Trackers::TUT ), create( Trackers::VeloT ) };
   /** Friend function for converting enum values to strings **/
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( TrackFitMatchMonitor, "TrackFitMatchMonitor" )
 // Standard constructor, initializes variables
 TrackFitMatchMonitor::TrackFitMatchMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : Consumer{name, pSvcLocator, {"TrackContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default}} {}
+    : Consumer{ name, pSvcLocator, { "TrackContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default } } {}
@@ -256,18 +256,18 @@ void TrackFitMatchMonitor::makePlots( Trackers tracker, Gaudi::TrackVector delta
   ++histos->dy_pull_hist[deltacpull( 1 )];
   ++histos->dtx_pull_hist[deltacpull( 2 )];
   ++histos->dty_pull_hist[deltacpull( 3 )];
-  ++histos->dx_txty[{state[2], state[3], deltac( 0 )}];
-  ++histos->dy_txty[{state[2], state[3], deltac( 1 )}];
-  ++histos->dtx_txty[{state[2], state[3], deltac( 2 )}];
-  ++histos->dty_txty[{state[2], state[3], deltac( 3 )}];
+  ++histos->dx_txty[{ state[2], state[3], deltac( 0 ) }];
+  ++histos->dy_txty[{ state[2], state[3], deltac( 1 ) }];
+  ++histos->dtx_txty[{ state[2], state[3], deltac( 2 ) }];
+  ++histos->dty_txty[{ state[2], state[3], deltac( 3 ) }];
   if ( std::abs( deltacpull( 0 ) ) < 5 ) {
     histos->dx_pull_tx_profile[state[2]] += deltacpull( 0 );
     histos->dx_tx_profile[state[2]] += deltac( 0 );
     histos->dx_ty_profile[state[3]] += deltac( 0 );
-    histos->dx_txty_profile[{state[2], state[3]}] += deltac( 0 );
-    histos->dtx_txty_profile[{state[2], state[3]}] += deltac( 2 );
-    histos->dty_txty_profile[{state[2], state[3]}] += deltac( 3 );
+    histos->dx_txty_profile[{ state[2], state[3] }] += deltac( 0 );
+    histos->dtx_txty_profile[{ state[2], state[3] }] += deltac( 2 );
+    histos->dty_txty_profile[{ state[2], state[3] }] += deltac( 3 );
     histos->dy_tx_profile[state[2]] += deltac( 1 );
     histos->dy_ty_profile[state[3]] += deltac( 1 );
     histos->dx_pull_ty_profile[state[3]] += deltacpull( 0 );
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ void TrackFitMatchMonitor::computeConstrainedDelta( Gaudi::TrackVector delta, Ga
                   << ROOT::Math::Dot( subcor, tmp ) << endmsg;
   } else {
-    int map[4] = {2, 3, 0, 1};
+    int map[4] = { 2, 3, 0, 1 };
     for ( size_t irow = 0; irow < 4; ++irow ) {
       int ref            = m_constrainMethod == QOverP ? 4 : map[irow];
       deltac( irow )     = delta( irow ) - cov( irow, ref ) / cov( ref, ref ) * delta( ref );
@@ -412,14 +412,14 @@ void TrackFitMatchMonitor::fill( const TFitResult& fitResult, const LHCb::Track&
   // inspired by the problems we see in the field. see also UT field study
-  LHCb::HitPattern hitpattern{track.lhcbIDs()};
+  LHCb::HitPattern hitpattern{ track.lhcbIDs() };
   const bool       hasT    = hitpattern.numFT() > 0;
   const bool       hasVelo = hitpattern.numVelo() > 0;
   const bool       hasUT   = hitpattern.numUT() > 0;
   if ( hasT && hasVelo && std::abs( track.firstState().qOverP() ) > 0 ) {
     // first make sure that we have hits in all 3 T stations
-    auto hitsInStation = std::array{0, 0, 0};
+    auto hitsInStation = std::array{ 0, 0, 0 };
     for ( const auto& node : nodes( fitResult ) ) {
       if ( node.isHitOnTrack() ) {
         const LHCb::LHCbID lhcbid = id( node );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackMonitor.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackMonitor.cpp
index fff59a584caca7852dc73c7f9228e0b7b435a078..b363914eef8d5a6809b757ade711070d935f1e53 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackMonitor.cpp
@@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ using namespace Gaudi;
 namespace {
   enum HitType { VPX = 0, VPY, VP2D, UT, FT, Muon, NHitTypes };
-  const std::vector<std::string> HitTypeName{"VPX", "VPY", "VP2D", "UT", "FT", "Muon"};
+  const std::vector<std::string> HitTypeName{ "VPX", "VPY", "VP2D", "UT", "FT", "Muon" };
   // TODO: not sure if these values still make sense for Run3?
-  constexpr auto HitTypeMaxRes = std::array{0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 10.0};
+  constexpr auto HitTypeMaxRes = std::array{ 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 10.0 };
   template <typename TNode>
   inline HitType hittypemap( const TNode& node ) {
     if ( node.isMuon() )
@@ -94,19 +94,19 @@ class TrackMonitor : public LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void( const LHCb::Track::R
   TrackMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                  {KeyValue{"TracksInContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                   KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}} ) {}
+                  { KeyValue{ "TracksInContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } } ) {}
   StatusCode initialize() override;
   void operator()( LHCb::Track::Range const&, DetectorElement const& ) const override;
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator>                        m_extrapolator{this, "Extrapolator",
-                                                "TrackMasterExtrapolator"}; ///< standard extrapolator
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator>                        m_veloextrapolator{this, "VeloExtrapolator",
-                                                    "TrackLinearExtrapolator"}; ///< extrapolator for Velo-only tracks
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_unknownFitType{this, "Unknown fit result type."};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator>                        m_extrapolator{ this, "Extrapolator",
+                                                 "TrackMasterExtrapolator" }; ///< standard extrapolator
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator>                        m_veloextrapolator{ this, "VeloExtrapolator",
+                                                     "TrackLinearExtrapolator" }; ///< extrapolator for Velo-only tracks
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_unknownFitType{ this, "Unknown fit result type." };
   // Struct Definition (TYPE + NAME)
@@ -116,8 +116,11 @@ private:
     Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> Residual;
     Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> ResidualPull;
     HitHistograms( const TrackMonitor* owner, std::string const& prefix, std::string const& name, float residualmax )
-        : Residual{owner, prefix + name + "Residual", name + "residual (rms-unbiased)", {50, -residualmax, residualmax}}
-        , ResidualPull{owner, prefix + name + "residualPull", name + " residual pull", {50, -5, 5}} {}
+        : Residual{ owner,
+                    prefix + name + "Residual",
+                    name + "residual (rms-unbiased)",
+                    { 50, -residualmax, residualmax } }
+        , ResidualPull{ owner, prefix + name + "residualPull", name + " residual pull", { 50, -5, 5 } } {}
@@ -195,129 +198,129 @@ private:
     std::array<std::unique_ptr<HitHistograms>, NHitTypes> hithistograms;
     TypeTrackHistogram( const TrackMonitor* owner, std::string const& type, std::string const& prefix = "" )
-        : probChi2{owner, prefix + "probChi2", "probChi2", {50, 0, 1}}
-        , chi2PerDoF{owner, prefix + "chi2_per_ndof", "chi2/ndof", {50, 0, 8}}
-        , ghostProbability{owner, prefix + "ghostProb", "ghostProb", {50, 0, 1.0}}
-        , nLHCbIDs{owner, prefix + "nLHCBIDs", "#nLHCbIDs", {61, -0.5, 60.5}}
-        , pseudoRapidity{owner, prefix + "eta", "eta", {50, 0.95, 6.05}}
-        , phi{owner, prefix + "phi", "phi", {50, -M_PI, M_PI}}
-        , nDoF{owner, prefix + "ndof", "ndof", {51, -0.5, 50.5}}
-        , flag{owner, prefix + "flag", "flag", {256, -0.5, 255.5}}
-        , typeHistory{owner,
-                      prefix + "history",
-                      "history",
-                      {int( LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::History::Last ), -0.5,
-                       int( LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::History::Last ) - 0.5}}
-        , fitStatus{owner, prefix + "fitStatus", "fit status", {6, -0.5, 5.5}}
-        , nMeasurements{owner, prefix + "nMeasurements", "#nMeas", {61, -0.5, 60.}}
-        , firststateX{owner,
-                      prefix + "x_firststate",
-                      "x of first state/hit",
-                      {50, -100 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 100 * Gaudi::Units::mm}}
-        , firststateY{owner,
-                      prefix + "y_firststate",
-                      "y of first state/hit",
-                      {50, -100 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 100 * Gaudi::Units::mm}}
-        , firststateZ{owner,
-                      prefix + "z_firststate",
-                      "z of first state/hit",
-                      {50, -200 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 200 * Gaudi::Units::mm}}
-        , firststateTX{owner, prefix + "tx_firststate", "tx of first state/hit", {50, -1.0, 1.0}}
-        , firststateTY{owner, prefix + "ty_firststate", "ty of first state/hit", {50, -1.0, 1.0}}
-        , firststateQoverP{owner, prefix + "qop_firststate", "q/p of first state/hit", {50, -0.001, 0.001}}
-        , Z{owner, prefix + "z_closest_tozaxis", "z closest to z-axis", {50, -2000, 2000}}
-        , P{owner, prefix + "p", "momentum", {100, 0, 100000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV}}
-        , PT{owner, prefix + "pt", "pt", {100, 0, 10000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV}}
-        , nIter{owner, prefix + "numiter", "number of fit iterations", {11, -0.5, 10.5}}
-        , pScatter{owner,
-                   prefix + "pscatter",
-                   "momentum used for material corrections",
-                   {50, 0, 100000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV}}
-        , nMuonHits{owner, prefix + "nMuonHits", "# Muon hits", {21, -0.5, 20.5}}
-        , nUTHits{owner, prefix + "nUTHits", "# UT hits", {11, -0.5, 10.5}}
-        , nVPHits{owner, prefix + "nVPHits", "# VP hits", {27, -0.5, 26.5}}
-        , nFTHits{owner, prefix + "nFTHits", "# FT hits", {16, -0.5, 15.5}}
-        , NumOutliers{owner, prefix + "noutliers", "#outliers", {11, -0.5, 10.5}}
-        , nVeloALayers{owner, prefix + "nVeloAHitLayers", "# Velo-A hit layers", {26, -0.5, 25.5}}
-        , nVeloCLayers{owner, prefix + "nVeloCHitLayers", "# Velo-C hit layers", {26, -0.5, 25.5}}
-        , nVeloOverlapLayers{owner, prefix + "nVeloOverlapLayers", "# Velo overlap layers", {26, -0.5, 25.5}}
-        , nVeloHoles{owner, prefix + "nVeloHoles", "# Velo holes", {11, -0.5, 10.5}}
-        , nFTHoles{owner, prefix + "nFTHoles", "# FT holes", {13, -0.5, 12.5}}
-        , nFTLayers{owner, prefix + "nFT", "# FT layers", {13, -0.5, 12.5}}
-        , nUTLayers{owner, prefix + "nUT", "# UT layers", {11, -0.5, 10.5}}
-        , HitVeloALayers{owner, prefix + "HitVeloALayers", "Hit Velo-A layers", {26, -0.5, 25.5}}
-        , HitVeloCLayers{owner, prefix + "HitVeloCLayers", "Hit Velo-C layers", {26, -0.5, 25.5}}
-        , HitUTLayers{owner, prefix + "HitUTLayers", "Hit UT layers", {4, -0.5, 3.5}}
-        , HitFTLayers{owner, prefix + "HitFTLayers", "Hit FT layers", {12, -0.5, 11.5}}
-        , TmpChi2PerDoF{owner, prefix + "chi2PerDofVelo", "chi/dof for velo segment", {50, 0, 5.}}
-        , TmpChi2DownStream{owner, prefix + "chi2PerDofDownstream", "chi/dof for T(Muon) segment", {50, 0, 5.}}
-        , TmpChi2Match{owner, prefix + "chi2PerDofMatch", "chi/dof upstream-downstream match", {50, 0, 5.}}
-        , TmpChi2Muon{owner, prefix + "chi2PerDofMuon", "chi/dof for muon segment", {50, 0, 5.}}
-        , FirstMStateCov0{owner, prefix + "xerrorAtFirst", "10log(x error) at first measurement", {50, -3, 2}}
-        , FirstMStateCov1{owner, prefix + "yerrorAtFirst", "10log(y error) at first measurement", {50, -3, 2}}
-        , FirstMStateCov2{owner, prefix + "zerrorAtFirst", "10log(z error) at first measurement", {50, -7, 0}}
-        , FirstMStateCov3{owner, prefix + "tyerrorAtFirst", "10log(ty error) at first measurement", {50, -7, 0}}
-        , FirstMStateCov4{owner, prefix + "qoperrorAtFirst", "10log(qop error) at first measurement", {50, -8, 0}}
-        , LastMStateCov0{owner, prefix + "xerrorAtLast", "10log(x error) at last measurement", {50, -3, 2}}
-        , LastMStateCov1{owner, prefix + "yerrorAtLast", "10log(y error) at last measurement", {50, -3, 2}}
-        , LastMStateCov2{owner, prefix + "txerrorAtLast", "10log(tx error) at last measurement", {50, -7, 0}}
-        , LastMStateCov3{owner, prefix + "tyerrorAtLast", "10log(ty error) at last measurement", {50, -7, 0}}
-        , LastMStateCov4{owner, prefix + "qoperrorAtLast", "10log(qop error) at last measurement", {50, -8, 0}}
-        , Multiplicity{owner, prefix + "multiplicity", type + " multiplicity", {101, -1., 201.}}
-        , MultiplicityCounter{owner, "#" + type}
-        , TrackStateAtEndVELOXVsY{owner,
-                                  prefix + "TrackStateAtEndVELOXVsY",
-                                  "x y position for tracks at the end of VELO [mm]x[mm]",
-                                  {{200, -50 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 50 * Gaudi::Units::cm, "X"},
-                                   {200, -50 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 50 * Gaudi::Units::cm, "Y"}}}
-        , TrackStateAtUTXVsY{owner,
-                             prefix + "TrackStateAtUTXVsY",
-                             "x y position for tracks at the Mid of UT [mm]x[mm]",
-                             {{200, -250 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 250 * Gaudi::Units::cm, "X"},
-                              {200, -200 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 200 * Gaudi::Units::cm, "Y"}}}
-        , TrackStateAtTXVsY{owner,
-                            prefix + "TrackStateAtTXVsY",
-                            "x y position for tracks at the Beginning of FT [mm]x[mm]",
-                            {{200, -300 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 300 * Gaudi::Units::cm, "X"},
-                             {200, -300 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 300 * Gaudi::Units::cm, "Y"}}}
-        , TrackStateAtTUpX{owner,
-                           prefix + "TrackStateAtTUpX",
-                           "x position for tracks at the Beginning of FT for y>0",
-                           {200, -300 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 300 * Gaudi::Units::cm}}
-        , TrackStateAtTDownX{owner,
-                             prefix + "TrackStateAtTDownX",
-                             "x position for tracks at the Beginning of FT for y<0",
-                             {200, -300 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 300 * Gaudi::Units::cm}}
-        , Chi2ProbVeloVsMom{owner,
-                            prefix + "chi2ProbVeloVsMom",
-                            "chi2 prob for velo segment versus momentum",
-                            {50, 0, 100000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV}}
-        , Chi2ProbVeloVsPhi{owner,
-                            prefix + "chi2ProbVeloVsPhi",
-                            "chi2 prob for velo segment versus phi",
-                            {50, -M_PI, M_PI}}
-        , Chi2ProbDownstreamVsMom{owner,
-                                  prefix + "chi2ProbDownstreamVsMom",
-                                  "chi2 prob for T(muon) segment versus momentum",
-                                  {50, 0, 100000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV}}
-        , Chi2ProbDownstreamVsPhi{owner,
-                                  prefix + "chi2ProbDownstreamVsPhi",
-                                  "chi2 prob for T(muon) segment versus phi",
-                                  {50, -M_PI, M_PI}}
-        , Chi2ProbMatchVsMom{owner,
-                             prefix + "chi2ProbMatchVsMom",
-                             "chi2 prob upstream-downstream match versus momentum",
-                             {50, 0, 100000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV}}
-        , Chi2ProbMatchVsPhi{owner,
-                             prefix + "chi2ProbMatchVsPhi",
-                             "chi2 prob upstream-downstream match versus phi",
-                             {50, -M_PI, M_PI}}
-        , Chi2ProbVsMom{owner,
-                        prefix + "chi2ProbVsMom",
-                        "chi2 prob versus momentum",
-                        {50, 0, 100000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV}}
-        , Chi2ProbVsEta{owner, prefix + "chi2ProbVsEta", "chi2 prob versus eta", {30, 2, 5}}
-        , Chi2ProbVsPhi{owner, prefix + "chi2ProbVsPhi", "chi2 prob versus phi", {50, -M_PI, M_PI}} {}
+        : probChi2{ owner, prefix + "probChi2", "probChi2", { 50, 0, 1 } }
+        , chi2PerDoF{ owner, prefix + "chi2_per_ndof", "chi2/ndof", { 50, 0, 8 } }
+        , ghostProbability{ owner, prefix + "ghostProb", "ghostProb", { 50, 0, 1.0 } }
+        , nLHCbIDs{ owner, prefix + "nLHCBIDs", "#nLHCbIDs", { 61, -0.5, 60.5 } }
+        , pseudoRapidity{ owner, prefix + "eta", "eta", { 50, 0.95, 6.05 } }
+        , phi{ owner, prefix + "phi", "phi", { 50, -M_PI, M_PI } }
+        , nDoF{ owner, prefix + "ndof", "ndof", { 51, -0.5, 50.5 } }
+        , flag{ owner, prefix + "flag", "flag", { 256, -0.5, 255.5 } }
+        , typeHistory{ owner,
+                       prefix + "history",
+                       "history",
+                       { int( LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::History::Last ), -0.5,
+                         int( LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::History::Last ) - 0.5 } }
+        , fitStatus{ owner, prefix + "fitStatus", "fit status", { 6, -0.5, 5.5 } }
+        , nMeasurements{ owner, prefix + "nMeasurements", "#nMeas", { 61, -0.5, 60. } }
+        , firststateX{ owner,
+                       prefix + "x_firststate",
+                       "x of first state/hit",
+                       { 50, -100 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 100 * Gaudi::Units::mm } }
+        , firststateY{ owner,
+                       prefix + "y_firststate",
+                       "y of first state/hit",
+                       { 50, -100 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 100 * Gaudi::Units::mm } }
+        , firststateZ{ owner,
+                       prefix + "z_firststate",
+                       "z of first state/hit",
+                       { 50, -200 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 200 * Gaudi::Units::mm } }
+        , firststateTX{ owner, prefix + "tx_firststate", "tx of first state/hit", { 50, -1.0, 1.0 } }
+        , firststateTY{ owner, prefix + "ty_firststate", "ty of first state/hit", { 50, -1.0, 1.0 } }
+        , firststateQoverP{ owner, prefix + "qop_firststate", "q/p of first state/hit", { 50, -0.001, 0.001 } }
+        , Z{ owner, prefix + "z_closest_tozaxis", "z closest to z-axis", { 50, -2000, 2000 } }
+        , P{ owner, prefix + "p", "momentum", { 100, 0, 100000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV } }
+        , PT{ owner, prefix + "pt", "pt", { 100, 0, 10000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV } }
+        , nIter{ owner, prefix + "numiter", "number of fit iterations", { 11, -0.5, 10.5 } }
+        , pScatter{ owner,
+                    prefix + "pscatter",
+                    "momentum used for material corrections",
+                    { 50, 0, 100000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV } }
+        , nMuonHits{ owner, prefix + "nMuonHits", "# Muon hits", { 21, -0.5, 20.5 } }
+        , nUTHits{ owner, prefix + "nUTHits", "# UT hits", { 11, -0.5, 10.5 } }
+        , nVPHits{ owner, prefix + "nVPHits", "# VP hits", { 27, -0.5, 26.5 } }
+        , nFTHits{ owner, prefix + "nFTHits", "# FT hits", { 16, -0.5, 15.5 } }
+        , NumOutliers{ owner, prefix + "noutliers", "#outliers", { 11, -0.5, 10.5 } }
+        , nVeloALayers{ owner, prefix + "nVeloAHitLayers", "# Velo-A hit layers", { 26, -0.5, 25.5 } }
+        , nVeloCLayers{ owner, prefix + "nVeloCHitLayers", "# Velo-C hit layers", { 26, -0.5, 25.5 } }
+        , nVeloOverlapLayers{ owner, prefix + "nVeloOverlapLayers", "# Velo overlap layers", { 26, -0.5, 25.5 } }
+        , nVeloHoles{ owner, prefix + "nVeloHoles", "# Velo holes", { 11, -0.5, 10.5 } }
+        , nFTHoles{ owner, prefix + "nFTHoles", "# FT holes", { 13, -0.5, 12.5 } }
+        , nFTLayers{ owner, prefix + "nFT", "# FT layers", { 13, -0.5, 12.5 } }
+        , nUTLayers{ owner, prefix + "nUT", "# UT layers", { 11, -0.5, 10.5 } }
+        , HitVeloALayers{ owner, prefix + "HitVeloALayers", "Hit Velo-A layers", { 26, -0.5, 25.5 } }
+        , HitVeloCLayers{ owner, prefix + "HitVeloCLayers", "Hit Velo-C layers", { 26, -0.5, 25.5 } }
+        , HitUTLayers{ owner, prefix + "HitUTLayers", "Hit UT layers", { 4, -0.5, 3.5 } }
+        , HitFTLayers{ owner, prefix + "HitFTLayers", "Hit FT layers", { 12, -0.5, 11.5 } }
+        , TmpChi2PerDoF{ owner, prefix + "chi2PerDofVelo", "chi/dof for velo segment", { 50, 0, 5. } }
+        , TmpChi2DownStream{ owner, prefix + "chi2PerDofDownstream", "chi/dof for T(Muon) segment", { 50, 0, 5. } }
+        , TmpChi2Match{ owner, prefix + "chi2PerDofMatch", "chi/dof upstream-downstream match", { 50, 0, 5. } }
+        , TmpChi2Muon{ owner, prefix + "chi2PerDofMuon", "chi/dof for muon segment", { 50, 0, 5. } }
+        , FirstMStateCov0{ owner, prefix + "xerrorAtFirst", "10log(x error) at first measurement", { 50, -3, 2 } }
+        , FirstMStateCov1{ owner, prefix + "yerrorAtFirst", "10log(y error) at first measurement", { 50, -3, 2 } }
+        , FirstMStateCov2{ owner, prefix + "zerrorAtFirst", "10log(z error) at first measurement", { 50, -7, 0 } }
+        , FirstMStateCov3{ owner, prefix + "tyerrorAtFirst", "10log(ty error) at first measurement", { 50, -7, 0 } }
+        , FirstMStateCov4{ owner, prefix + "qoperrorAtFirst", "10log(qop error) at first measurement", { 50, -8, 0 } }
+        , LastMStateCov0{ owner, prefix + "xerrorAtLast", "10log(x error) at last measurement", { 50, -3, 2 } }
+        , LastMStateCov1{ owner, prefix + "yerrorAtLast", "10log(y error) at last measurement", { 50, -3, 2 } }
+        , LastMStateCov2{ owner, prefix + "txerrorAtLast", "10log(tx error) at last measurement", { 50, -7, 0 } }
+        , LastMStateCov3{ owner, prefix + "tyerrorAtLast", "10log(ty error) at last measurement", { 50, -7, 0 } }
+        , LastMStateCov4{ owner, prefix + "qoperrorAtLast", "10log(qop error) at last measurement", { 50, -8, 0 } }
+        , Multiplicity{ owner, prefix + "multiplicity", type + " multiplicity", { 101, -1., 201. } }
+        , MultiplicityCounter{ owner, "#" + type }
+        , TrackStateAtEndVELOXVsY{ owner,
+                                   prefix + "TrackStateAtEndVELOXVsY",
+                                   "x y position for tracks at the end of VELO [mm]x[mm]",
+                                   { { 200, -50 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 50 * Gaudi::Units::cm, "X" },
+                                     { 200, -50 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 50 * Gaudi::Units::cm, "Y" } } }
+        , TrackStateAtUTXVsY{ owner,
+                              prefix + "TrackStateAtUTXVsY",
+                              "x y position for tracks at the Mid of UT [mm]x[mm]",
+                              { { 200, -250 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 250 * Gaudi::Units::cm, "X" },
+                                { 200, -200 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 200 * Gaudi::Units::cm, "Y" } } }
+        , TrackStateAtTXVsY{ owner,
+                             prefix + "TrackStateAtTXVsY",
+                             "x y position for tracks at the Beginning of FT [mm]x[mm]",
+                             { { 200, -300 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 300 * Gaudi::Units::cm, "X" },
+                               { 200, -300 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 300 * Gaudi::Units::cm, "Y" } } }
+        , TrackStateAtTUpX{ owner,
+                            prefix + "TrackStateAtTUpX",
+                            "x position for tracks at the Beginning of FT for y>0",
+                            { 200, -300 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 300 * Gaudi::Units::cm } }
+        , TrackStateAtTDownX{ owner,
+                              prefix + "TrackStateAtTDownX",
+                              "x position for tracks at the Beginning of FT for y<0",
+                              { 200, -300 * Gaudi::Units::cm, 300 * Gaudi::Units::cm } }
+        , Chi2ProbVeloVsMom{ owner,
+                             prefix + "chi2ProbVeloVsMom",
+                             "chi2 prob for velo segment versus momentum",
+                             { 50, 0, 100000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV } }
+        , Chi2ProbVeloVsPhi{ owner,
+                             prefix + "chi2ProbVeloVsPhi",
+                             "chi2 prob for velo segment versus phi",
+                             { 50, -M_PI, M_PI } }
+        , Chi2ProbDownstreamVsMom{ owner,
+                                   prefix + "chi2ProbDownstreamVsMom",
+                                   "chi2 prob for T(muon) segment versus momentum",
+                                   { 50, 0, 100000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV } }
+        , Chi2ProbDownstreamVsPhi{ owner,
+                                   prefix + "chi2ProbDownstreamVsPhi",
+                                   "chi2 prob for T(muon) segment versus phi",
+                                   { 50, -M_PI, M_PI } }
+        , Chi2ProbMatchVsMom{ owner,
+                              prefix + "chi2ProbMatchVsMom",
+                              "chi2 prob upstream-downstream match versus momentum",
+                              { 50, 0, 100000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV } }
+        , Chi2ProbMatchVsPhi{ owner,
+                              prefix + "chi2ProbMatchVsPhi",
+                              "chi2 prob upstream-downstream match versus phi",
+                              { 50, -M_PI, M_PI } }
+        , Chi2ProbVsMom{ owner,
+                         prefix + "chi2ProbVsMom",
+                         "chi2 prob versus momentum",
+                         { 50, 0, 100000 * Gaudi::Units::MeV } }
+        , Chi2ProbVsEta{ owner, prefix + "chi2ProbVsEta", "chi2 prob versus eta", { 30, 2, 5 } }
+        , Chi2ProbVsPhi{ owner, prefix + "chi2ProbVsPhi", "chi2 prob versus phi", { 50, -M_PI, M_PI } } {}
   // Struct Definition END
@@ -333,30 +336,30 @@ private:
   void initializeHistogramMap();
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_splitByType{this, "SplitByType", true};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_splitByType{ this, "SplitByType", true };
   using Type = LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type;
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<Type>>        m_typesToMonitor{this,
-                                                      "typesToMonitor",
-                                                      {Type::Velo, Type::VeloBackward, Type::Long, Type::Upstream,
-                                                       Type::Downstream, Type::Ttrack, Type::Muon, Type::LongMuon,
-                                                       Type::SeedMuon}};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_StatesFor2DHits{this, "StatesFor2DHits", {"VELO", "UT", "FT"}};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<Type>>        m_typesToMonitor{ this,
+                                                       "typesToMonitor",
+                                                              { Type::Velo, Type::VeloBackward, Type::Long, Type::Upstream,
+                                                                Type::Downstream, Type::Ttrack, Type::Muon, Type::LongMuon,
+                                                                Type::SeedMuon } };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_StatesFor2DHits{ this, "StatesFor2DHits", { "VELO", "UT", "FT" } };
   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TypeTrackHistogram>>   m_histograms;
   std::array<TypeTrackHistogram*, int( Type::Last )> m_histogrammap = {};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_trackNumbers{this, "nTracks", "# tracks", {50, 0, 500}};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_trackNumbers{ this, "nTracks", "# tracks", { 50, 0, 500 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_trackMultiplicity{
-      this, "TrackMultiplicityFine", "# tracks", {200, 0.0, 2000.}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_type{this, "trackType", "track type", {11, -0.5, 10.5}};
+      this, "TrackMultiplicityFine", "# tracks", { 200, 0.0, 2000. } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_type{ this, "trackType", "track type", { 11, -0.5, 10.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_history{
       "track history",
-      {int( LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::History::Last ), -0.5, int( LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::History::Last ) - 0.5}};
+      { int( LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::History::Last ), -0.5, int( LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::History::Last ) - 0.5 } };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_NTracks{this, "#Tracks"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_NTracks{ this, "#Tracks" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( TrackMonitor, "TrackMonitor" )
@@ -372,13 +375,13 @@ StatusCode TrackMonitor::initialize() {
 void TrackMonitor::initializeHistogramMap() {
   // range for residuals for different hittypes
   const std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, double, double>> range{
-      {{"8", 0., 100.}, {"9", 0., 50.}, {"10", 0., 100.}, {"11", 0., 50.}, {"12", 0., 100.}}};
+      { { "8", 0., 100. }, { "9", 0., 50. }, { "10", 0., 100. }, { "11", 0., 50. }, { "12", 0., 100. } } };
   if ( m_splitByType ) {
     // make seperate histogrammer for each requested type
     for ( const auto& t : m_typesToMonitor ) {
-      const std::string type{toString( t )};
-      const std::string prefix{type + "/"};
+      const std::string type{ toString( t ) };
+      const std::string prefix{ type + "/" };
       auto              histogrammer = std::make_unique<TypeTrackHistogram>( this, type, prefix );
       for ( auto hittype = 0; hittype < HitType::NHitTypes; ++hittype ) {
         const auto hitname = HitTypeName[hittype];
@@ -443,7 +446,7 @@ void TrackMonitor::operator()( LHCb::Track::Range const& tracks, DetectorElement
       if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
         if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) debug() << "Extrapolating longState to z = ZEndVelo failed " << endmsg;
       } else {
-        ++histos->TrackStateAtEndVELOXVsY[{ClosestVELOstate.x(), ClosestVELOstate.y()}];
+        ++histos->TrackStateAtEndVELOXVsY[{ ClosestVELOstate.x(), ClosestVELOstate.y() }];
@@ -455,7 +458,7 @@ void TrackMonitor::operator()( LHCb::Track::Range const& tracks, DetectorElement
       if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
         if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) debug() << "Extrapolating longState to z = ZMidUT failed " << endmsg;
       } else {
-        ++histos->TrackStateAtUTXVsY[{ClosestUTstate.x(), ClosestUTstate.y()}];
+        ++histos->TrackStateAtUTXVsY[{ ClosestUTstate.x(), ClosestUTstate.y() }];
@@ -466,7 +469,7 @@ void TrackMonitor::operator()( LHCb::Track::Range const& tracks, DetectorElement
       if ( sc.isFailure() ) {
         if ( msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) debug() << "Extrapolating longState to z = ZBegT failed " << endmsg;
       } else {
-        ++histos->TrackStateAtTXVsY[{ClosestTstate.x(), ClosestTstate.y()}];
+        ++histos->TrackStateAtTXVsY[{ ClosestTstate.x(), ClosestTstate.y() }];
         if ( ClosestTstate.y() > 0 )
@@ -499,7 +502,7 @@ void TrackMonitor::operator()( LHCb::Track::Range const& tracks, DetectorElement
-    const LHCb::HitPattern hitpattern{track->lhcbIDs()};
+    const LHCb::HitPattern hitpattern{ track->lhcbIDs() };
@@ -531,9 +534,7 @@ void TrackMonitor::operator()( LHCb::Track::Range const& tracks, DetectorElement
         auto masterFitResult = dynamic_cast<const LHCb::TrackFitResult*>( track->fitResult() );
         if ( masterFitResult )
           fillFitResultHistograms( *track, *masterFitResult, *histos );
-        else {
-          ++m_unknownFitType;
-        }
+        else { ++m_unknownFitType; }
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackMonitorTupleBase.h b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackMonitorTupleBase.h
index 6778be64d8cf768ca7c108abb7bff4e7e5d6016f..794e9622ed1417f7750437edac93117f61d2e715 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackMonitorTupleBase.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackMonitorTupleBase.h
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ protected:
   std::string histoDirName( const LHCb::Track& track ) const;
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>          m_splitByAlgorithm{this, "SplitByAlgorithm", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>          m_splitByType{this, "SplitByType", true};
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{this, "Extrapolator",
-                                                "TrackMasterExtrapolator"}; ///< Pointer to extrapolator
-  PublicToolHandle<ITrajPoca>    m_poca{this, "TrajPoca", "TrajPoca"};      ///< Pointer to the ITrajPoca interface
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>          m_splitByAlgorithm{ this, "SplitByAlgorithm", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>          m_splitByType{ this, "SplitByType", true };
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{ this, "Extrapolator",
+                                                 "TrackMasterExtrapolator" }; ///< Pointer to extrapolator
+  PublicToolHandle<ITrajPoca>    m_poca{ this, "TrajPoca", "TrajPoca" };      ///< Pointer to the ITrajPoca interface
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackMuonMatchMonitor.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackMuonMatchMonitor.cpp
index a138c7449105a3fea22e4f012527f7b50f5dba77..4bc86e21e695825dde04f9ef2328423e753563a7 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackMuonMatchMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackMuonMatchMonitor.cpp
@@ -46,44 +46,45 @@ namespace LHCb {
                                          Algorithm::Traits::usesConditions<DetectorElement, DeMuonDetector, Cache>> {
     TrackMuonMatchMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLoc )
-        : Consumer{name,
-                   pSvcLoc,
-                   {KeyValue{"TracksLocation", TrackLocation::Default}, KeyValue{"MuonCoords", "Raw/Muon/Coords"},
-                    KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", standard_geometry_top},
-                    KeyValue{"MuonDetectorPath", DeMuonLocation::Default}, KeyValue{"CachePath", name + "_Cache"}}} {}
+        : Consumer{ name,
+                    pSvcLoc,
+                    { KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", TrackLocation::Default }, KeyValue{ "MuonCoords", "Raw/Muon/Coords" },
+                      KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", standard_geometry_top },
+                      KeyValue{ "MuonDetectorPath", DeMuonLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "CachePath", name + "_Cache" } } } {}
     StatusCode initialize() override; ///< Algorithm initialization
     void       operator()( Track::Range const&, MuonCoords const&, DetectorElement const&, DeMuonDetector const&,
                      Cache const& ) const override;
-    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{this, "Extrapolator", "TrackLinearExtrapolator"};
+    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{ this, "Extrapolator", "TrackLinearExtrapolator" };
-    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_iMS{this, "WhichStation", 0};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxErrX{this, "MaxErrX", 5 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxErrY{this, "MaxErrY", 20 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_iMS{ this, "WhichStation", 0 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxErrX{ this, "MaxErrX", 5 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxErrY{ this, "MaxErrY", 20 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
     mutable std::array<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>, 4> m_resx_a{
-        {{this, "resX_ASide_M1R1", "resX_ASide_M1R1", {100, -80, 80}},
-         {this, "resX_ASide_M1R2", "resX_ASide_M1R2", {100, -120, 120}},
-         {this, "resX_ASide_M1R3", "resX_ASide_M1R3", {100, -160, 160}},
-         {this, "resX_ASide_M1R4", "resX_ASide_M1R4", {100, -200, 200}}}};
+        { { this, "resX_ASide_M1R1", "resX_ASide_M1R1", { 100, -80, 80 } },
+          { this, "resX_ASide_M1R2", "resX_ASide_M1R2", { 100, -120, 120 } },
+          { this, "resX_ASide_M1R3", "resX_ASide_M1R3", { 100, -160, 160 } },
+          { this, "resX_ASide_M1R4", "resX_ASide_M1R4", { 100, -200, 200 } } } };
     mutable std::array<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>, 4> m_resy_a{
-        {{this, "resY_ASide_M1R1", "resY_ASide_M1R1", {100, -80, 80}},
-         {this, "resY_ASide_M1R2", "resY_ASide_M1R2", {100, -120, 120}},
-         {this, "resY_ASide_M1R3", "resY_ASide_M1R3", {100, -160, 160}},
-         {this, "resY_ASide_M1R4", "resY_ASide_M1R4", {100, -200, 200}}}};
+        { { this, "resY_ASide_M1R1", "resY_ASide_M1R1", { 100, -80, 80 } },
+          { this, "resY_ASide_M1R2", "resY_ASide_M1R2", { 100, -120, 120 } },
+          { this, "resY_ASide_M1R3", "resY_ASide_M1R3", { 100, -160, 160 } },
+          { this, "resY_ASide_M1R4", "resY_ASide_M1R4", { 100, -200, 200 } } } };
     mutable std::array<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>, 4> m_resx_c{
-        {{this, "resX_CSide_M1R1", "resX_CSide_M1R1", {100, -80, 80}},
-         {this, "resX_CSide_M1R2", "resX_CSide_M1R2", {100, -120, 120}},
-         {this, "resX_CSide_M1R3", "resX_CSide_M1R3", {100, -160, 160}},
-         {this, "resX_CSide_M1R4", "resX_CSide_M1R4", {100, -200, 200}}}};
+        { { this, "resX_CSide_M1R1", "resX_CSide_M1R1", { 100, -80, 80 } },
+          { this, "resX_CSide_M1R2", "resX_CSide_M1R2", { 100, -120, 120 } },
+          { this, "resX_CSide_M1R3", "resX_CSide_M1R3", { 100, -160, 160 } },
+          { this, "resX_CSide_M1R4", "resX_CSide_M1R4", { 100, -200, 200 } } } };
     mutable std::array<Gaudi::Accumulators::StaticHistogram<1>, 4> m_resy_c{
-        {{this, "resY_CSide_M1R1", "resY_CSide_M1R1", {100, -80, 80}},
-         {this, "resY_CSide_M1R2", "resY_CSide_M1R2", {100, -120, 120}},
-         {this, "resY_CSide_M1R3", "resY_CSide_M1R3", {100, -160, 160}},
-         {this, "resY_CSide_M1R4", "resY_CSide_M1R4", {100, -200, 200}}}};
-    static constexpr double m_hisxmax[4] = {80, 120, 160, 200};
+        { { this, "resY_CSide_M1R1", "resY_CSide_M1R1", { 100, -80, 80 } },
+          { this, "resY_CSide_M1R2", "resY_CSide_M1R2", { 100, -120, 120 } },
+          { this, "resY_CSide_M1R3", "resY_CSide_M1R3", { 100, -160, 160 } },
+          { this, "resY_CSide_M1R4", "resY_CSide_M1R4", { 100, -200, 200 } } } };
+    static constexpr double m_hisxmax[4] = { 80, 120, 160, 200 };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
@@ -94,8 +95,8 @@ namespace LHCb {
 StatusCode LHCb::TrackMuonMatchMonitor::initialize() {
   return Consumer::initialize().andThen( [&]() {
-        {inputLocation<DeMuonDetector>()}, inputLocation<Cache>(), [this]( DeMuonDetector const& muonDet ) -> Cache {
-          return {muonDet.getStationZ( m_iMS ), muonDet.getOuterX( m_iMS ), muonDet.getOuterY( m_iMS )};
+        { inputLocation<DeMuonDetector>() }, inputLocation<Cache>(), [this]( DeMuonDetector const& muonDet ) -> Cache {
+          return { muonDet.getStationZ( m_iMS ), muonDet.getOuterX( m_iMS ), muonDet.getOuterY( m_iMS ) };
         } );
     std::string name;
   } );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackPV2HalfMonitor.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackPV2HalfMonitor.cpp
index 5e67341a89c27e0af562bea31b28c252b538b5dc..0071028fab7db972da93b9ae0fb64ddb272e8fdb 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackPV2HalfMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackPV2HalfMonitor.cpp
@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ class TrackPV2HalfMonitor
   /** Standard construtor */
   TrackPV2HalfMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLoc )
-      : Consumer{name,
-                 pSvcLoc,
-                 {KeyValue{"ODINLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default},
-                  KeyValue{"TrackContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                  KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}}} {}
+      : Consumer{ name,
+                  pSvcLoc,
+                  { KeyValue{ "ODINLocation", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "TrackContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                    KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } } } {}
   /** Algorithm initialize */
   StatusCode initialize() override;
@@ -48,21 +48,21 @@ public:
   void operator()( LHCb::ODIN const&, LHCb::Track::Range const&, DetectorElement const& ) const override;
-  PublicToolHandle<ITrackVertexer> m_vertexer{this, "TrackVertexer", "TrackVertexer"};
-  ToolHandle<IPVOfflineTool>       m_toolpv{this, "PVOfflineTool", "PVOfflineTool"};
-  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_zpvmin{this, "MinZPV", -20 * Gaudi::Units::cm};
-  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_zpvmax{this, "MaxZPV", 20 * Gaudi::Units::cm};
-  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_limpvx{this, "limPx", 2. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_limpvy{this, "limPy", 1. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_limpvz{this, "limPz", 150. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_meanpvx{this, "meanPx", 0. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_meanpvy{this, "meanPy", 0. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_limdpvx{this, "limDPx", 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_limdpvy{this, "limDPy", 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_limdpvz{this, "limDPz", 1. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_limchi2{this, "limChi2", 10.};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>    m_nprbins{this, "NumProfileBins", 20};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>    m_PV_trackmin{this, "MinNumTrPerPV", 5};
+  PublicToolHandle<ITrackVertexer> m_vertexer{ this, "TrackVertexer", "TrackVertexer" };
+  ToolHandle<IPVOfflineTool>       m_toolpv{ this, "PVOfflineTool", "PVOfflineTool" };
+  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_zpvmin{ this, "MinZPV", -20 * Gaudi::Units::cm };
+  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_zpvmax{ this, "MaxZPV", 20 * Gaudi::Units::cm };
+  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_limpvx{ this, "limPx", 2. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_limpvy{ this, "limPy", 1. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_limpvz{ this, "limPz", 150. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_meanpvx{ this, "meanPx", 0. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_meanpvy{ this, "meanPy", 0. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_limdpvx{ this, "limDPx", 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_limdpvy{ this, "limDPy", 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_limdpvz{ this, "limDPz", 1. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<GAFTYPE>         m_limchi2{ this, "limChi2", 10. };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>    m_nprbins{ this, "NumProfileBins", 20 };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int>    m_PV_trackmin{ this, "MinNumTrPerPV", 5 };
   // Left side histograms
   mutable std::optional<GAH1> m_numTracksPerPVLeft;
@@ -101,46 +101,46 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackPV2HalfMonitor )
 StatusCode TrackPV2HalfMonitor::initialize() {
   return Consumer::initialize().andThen( [&] {
-    m_numTracksPerPVLeft.emplace( this, "Left PV Num of track", "Left PV Num of track", GAAxis{100, 0.5, 100.5} );
+    m_numTracksPerPVLeft.emplace( this, "Left PV Num of track", "Left PV Num of track", GAAxis{ 100, 0.5, 100.5 } );
     m_xPosPVLeft.emplace( this, "Left PV x position", "Left PV x position",
-                          GAAxis{200, -m_limpvx.value() + m_meanpvx, m_limpvx.value() + m_meanpvx} );
+                          GAAxis{ 200, -m_limpvx.value() + m_meanpvx, m_limpvx.value() + m_meanpvx } );
     m_yPosPVLeft.emplace( this, "Left PV y position", "Left PV y position",
-                          GAAxis{200, -m_limpvy.value() + m_meanpvy, m_limpvy.value() + m_meanpvy} );
-    m_zPosPVLeft.emplace( this, "Left PV z position", "Left PV z position", GAAxis{200, -m_limpvz, m_limpvz} );
-    m_PVChi2Left.emplace( this, "Left PV Chi2 per dof", "Left PV Chi2 per dof", GAAxis{100, 0, m_limchi2} );
+                          GAAxis{ 200, -m_limpvy.value() + m_meanpvy, m_limpvy.value() + m_meanpvy } );
+    m_zPosPVLeft.emplace( this, "Left PV z position", "Left PV z position", GAAxis{ 200, -m_limpvz, m_limpvz } );
+    m_PVChi2Left.emplace( this, "Left PV Chi2 per dof", "Left PV Chi2 per dof", GAAxis{ 100, 0, m_limchi2 } );
     m_refittedPVChi2Left.emplace( this, "Left re-fitted PV Chi2 per dof re-fitted", "Left re-fitted PV Chi2 per dof",
-                                  GAAxis{100, 0, m_limchi2} );
-    m_numTracksPerPVRight.emplace( this, "Right PV Num of track", "Right PV Num of track", GAAxis{100, 0.5, 100.5} );
+                                  GAAxis{ 100, 0, m_limchi2 } );
+    m_numTracksPerPVRight.emplace( this, "Right PV Num of track", "Right PV Num of track", GAAxis{ 100, 0.5, 100.5 } );
     m_xPosPVRight.emplace( this, "Right PV x position", "Right PV x position",
-                           GAAxis{200, -m_limpvx.value() + m_meanpvx, m_limpvx.value() + m_meanpvx} );
+                           GAAxis{ 200, -m_limpvx.value() + m_meanpvx, m_limpvx.value() + m_meanpvx } );
     m_yPosPVRight.emplace( this, "Right PV y position", "Right PV y position",
-                           GAAxis{200, -m_limpvy.value() + m_meanpvy, m_limpvy.value() + m_meanpvy} );
-    m_zPosPVRight.emplace( this, "Right PV z position", "Right PV z position", GAAxis{200, -m_limpvz, m_limpvz} );
-    m_PVChi2Right.emplace( this, "Right PV Chi2 per dof", "Right PV Chi2 per dof", GAAxis{100, 0, m_limchi2} );
+                           GAAxis{ 200, -m_limpvy.value() + m_meanpvy, m_limpvy.value() + m_meanpvy } );
+    m_zPosPVRight.emplace( this, "Right PV z position", "Right PV z position", GAAxis{ 200, -m_limpvz, m_limpvz } );
+    m_PVChi2Right.emplace( this, "Right PV Chi2 per dof", "Right PV Chi2 per dof", GAAxis{ 100, 0, m_limchi2 } );
     m_refittedPVChi2Right.emplace( this, "Right re-fitted PV Chi2 per dof re-fitted", "Right re-fitted PV Chi2 per dof",
-                                   GAAxis{100, 0, m_limchi2} );
+                                   GAAxis{ 100, 0, m_limchi2 } );
     // Left-right histograms
     m_deltaxPVLeftRight.emplace( this, "Left-Right PV delta x", "Left-Right PV delta x",
-                                 GAAxis{100, -m_limdpvx, m_limdpvx} );
+                                 GAAxis{ 100, -m_limdpvx, m_limdpvx } );
     m_deltayPVLeftRight.emplace( this, "Left-Right PV delta y", "Left-Right PV delta y",
-                                 GAAxis{100, -m_limdpvy, m_limdpvy} );
+                                 GAAxis{ 100, -m_limdpvy, m_limdpvy } );
     m_deltazPVLeftRight.emplace( this, "Left-Right PV delta z", "Left-Right PV delta z",
-                                 GAAxis{100, -m_limdpvz, m_limdpvz} );
+                                 GAAxis{ 100, -m_limdpvz, m_limdpvz } );
     m_deltaxPVLeftRightPull.emplace( this, "Left-Right PV delta x pull", "Left-Right PV delta x pull",
-                                     GAAxis{100, -5, 5} );
+                                     GAAxis{ 100, -5, 5 } );
     m_deltayPVLeftRightPull.emplace( this, "Left-Right PV delta y pull", "Left-Right PV delta y pull",
-                                     GAAxis{100, -5, 5} );
+                                     GAAxis{ 100, -5, 5 } );
     m_deltazPVLeftRightPull.emplace( this, "Left-Right PV delta z pull", "Left-Right PV delta z pull",
-                                     GAAxis{100, -5, 5} );
+                                     GAAxis{ 100, -5, 5 } );
     // EventTime histo
-    m_eventTimeHisto.emplace( this, "EventTime TrackPV2HalfMonitor", "TimeMinute", GAAxis{1000, 0, 30000} );
+    m_eventTimeHisto.emplace( this, "EventTime TrackPV2HalfMonitor", "TimeMinute", GAAxis{ 1000, 0, 30000 } );
     // Left-right profiles
     m_deltaxzPVLeftRight.emplace( this, "PV left-right delta x versus z", "PV left-right delta x versus z",
-                                  GAAxis{m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax} );
+                                  GAAxis{ m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax } );
     m_deltayzPVLeftRight.emplace( this, "PV left-right delta y versus z", "PV left-right delta y versus z",
-                                  GAAxis{m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax} );
+                                  GAAxis{ m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax } );
     m_deltazzPVLeftRight.emplace( this, "PV left-right delta z versus z", "PV left-right delta z versus z",
-                                  GAAxis{m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax} );
+                                  GAAxis{ m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax } );
   } );
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ StatusCode TrackPV2HalfMonitor::initialize() {
 namespace {
   std::vector<const LHCb::Track*> myconvert( const SmartRefVector<LHCb::Track>& tracks ) {
-    return {tracks.begin(), tracks.end()};
+    return { tracks.begin(), tracks.end() };
   template <class TrackContainer, class Predicate>
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackParticleMonitor.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackParticleMonitor.cpp
index 83e89bbe4b7a669876971b9f32c09b6e3fcb1ac7..529ccf8b4429468311bc7bbaa75271e8fd81299b 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackParticleMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackParticleMonitor.cpp
@@ -80,26 +80,26 @@ public:
   // Tool to obtain track states
-  ToolHandle<ITrackStateProvider> m_stateprovider{"TrackStateProvider"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackStateProvider> m_stateprovider{ "TrackStateProvider" };
   // Particle properties handle
-  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_propertysvc{this, "ParticlePropertySvc", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc"};
+  ServiceHandle<LHCb::IParticlePropertySvc> m_propertysvc{ this, "ParticlePropertySvc", "LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc" };
   // Histogram settings. Default values are the standard ones for D0 -> KPi candidates
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_pdiff_bins{this, "PdiffBins", 20};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_bins_angles{this, "AngularBins", 20};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_min_mass{this, "MinMass", 1.835 * Gaudi::Units::GeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_max_mass{this, "MaxMass", 1.895 * Gaudi::Units::GeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_massbins{this, "BinsMass", 100};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_minpt{this, "MinPt", 0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_maxpt{this, "MaxPt", 30 * Gaudi::Units::GeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_minp{this, "MinP", 0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_maxp{this, "MaxP", 200 * Gaudi::Units::GeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_pdiff_range{this, "PdiffDelta", 100 * Gaudi::Units::GeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_vertex_x_range{this, "VertexDeltaX", 2.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_vertex_y_range{this, "VertexDeltaY", 2 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_vertex_z_range{this, "VertexDeltaZ", 200 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string>  m_particle{this, "ParticleSpecies", "D0"};
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_pdiff_bins{ this, "PdiffBins", 20 };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_bins_angles{ this, "AngularBins", 20 };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_min_mass{ this, "MinMass", 1.835 * Gaudi::Units::GeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_max_mass{ this, "MaxMass", 1.895 * Gaudi::Units::GeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_massbins{ this, "BinsMass", 100 };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_minpt{ this, "MinPt", 0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_maxpt{ this, "MaxPt", 30 * Gaudi::Units::GeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_minp{ this, "MinP", 0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_maxp{ this, "MaxP", 200 * Gaudi::Units::GeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_pdiff_range{ this, "PdiffDelta", 100 * Gaudi::Units::GeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_vertex_x_range{ this, "VertexDeltaX", 2.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_vertex_y_range{ this, "VertexDeltaY", 2 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>        m_vertex_z_range{ this, "VertexDeltaZ", 200 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string>  m_particle{ this, "ParticleSpecies", "D0" };
   // Track and vertex histograms
   struct TrackVertexHistos {
@@ -117,24 +117,24 @@ private:
     TrackVertexHistos( const TrackParticleMonitor* owner, float const& x_range, float const& y_range,
                        float const& z_range )
-        : track_chi2PerDoF{owner, "trackChi2", "Track #chi^2 per dof", {100, 0, 5, "#chi^2 / nDoF"}}
-        , track_pt{owner, "trackPt", "Track p_{T}", {100, 0, 20, "p_{T} [GeV]"}}
-        , track_p{owner, "trackP", "Track momentum", {100, 0, 100, "p [GeV]"}}
-        , vertex_chi2{owner, "chi2", "vertex chi2", {100, 0, 5, "#chi^2"}}
-        , vertex_chi2prob{owner, "chi2prob", "vertex chi2prob", {100, 0, 1, "#chi^2 probability"}}
-        , vertex_x_pos{owner, "vtxx", "x position of vertex", {100, -x_range, x_range, "x [mm]"}}
-        , vertex_y_pos{owner, "vtxy", "y position of vertex", {100, -y_range, y_range, "y [mm]"}}
-        , vertex_z_pos{owner, "vtxz", "z position of vertex", {100, -z_range, z_range, "z [mm]"}}
-        , vertex_x_error{owner,
-                         "vtxxerr",
-                         "error in vertex_x coordinate",
-                         {50, 0, 0.2 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "x_err [mm]"}}
-        , vertex_y_error{owner,
-                         "vtxyerr",
-                         "error in vertex_y coordinate",
-                         {50, 0, 0.2 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "y_err [mm]"}}
+        : track_chi2PerDoF{ owner, "trackChi2", "Track #chi^2 per dof", { 100, 0, 5, "#chi^2 / nDoF" } }
+        , track_pt{ owner, "trackPt", "Track p_{T}", { 100, 0, 20, "p_{T} [GeV]" } }
+        , track_p{ owner, "trackP", "Track momentum", { 100, 0, 100, "p [GeV]" } }
+        , vertex_chi2{ owner, "chi2", "vertex chi2", { 100, 0, 5, "#chi^2" } }
+        , vertex_chi2prob{ owner, "chi2prob", "vertex chi2prob", { 100, 0, 1, "#chi^2 probability" } }
+        , vertex_x_pos{ owner, "vtxx", "x position of vertex", { 100, -x_range, x_range, "x [mm]" } }
+        , vertex_y_pos{ owner, "vtxy", "y position of vertex", { 100, -y_range, y_range, "y [mm]" } }
+        , vertex_z_pos{ owner, "vtxz", "z position of vertex", { 100, -z_range, z_range, "z [mm]" } }
+        , vertex_x_error{ owner,
+                          "vtxxerr",
+                          "error in vertex_x coordinate",
+                          { 50, 0, 0.2 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "x_err [mm]" } }
+        , vertex_y_error{ owner,
+                          "vtxyerr",
+                          "error in vertex_y coordinate",
+                          { 50, 0, 0.2 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "y_err [mm]" } }
         , vertex_z_error{
-              owner, "vtxzerr", "error in vertex_z coordinate", {50, 0, 2.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "z_err [mm]"}} {}
+              owner, "vtxzerr", "error in vertex_z coordinate", { 50, 0, 2.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm, "z_err [mm]" } } {}
   // 1D histos of bias variables
@@ -161,42 +161,42 @@ private:
     BiasHistos( const TrackParticleMonitor* owner, float const& min_mass, float const& max_mass,
                 float const& pdiff_range, unsigned int const& mass_bins, unsigned int const& pdiff_bins,
                 unsigned int const& bins_angles )
-        : masspull{owner, "masspull", "mass pull", {mass_bins, -5, 5, "pull"}}
-        , mass{owner, "mass", "mass", {mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]"}}
-        , mass_negy{owner, "massNegativeY", "mass for y<0", {mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]"}}
-        , mass_posy{owner, "massPositiveY", "mass for y>0", {mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]"}}
-        , mass_negx{owner, "massNegativeX", "mass for x<0", {mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]"}}
-        , mass_posx{owner, "massPositiveX", "mass for x>0", {mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]"}}
-        , mass_negy_negx{owner,
-                         "massNegativeY_NegativeX",
-                         "mass for y<0 and x<0",
-                         {mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]"}}
-        , mass_negy_posx{owner,
-                         "massNegativeY_PositiveX",
-                         "mass for y<0 and x>0",
-                         {mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]"}}
-        , mass_posy_negx{owner,
-                         "massPositiveY_NegativeX",
-                         "mass for y>0 and x<0",
-                         {mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]"}}
-        , mass_posy_posx{owner,
-                         "massPositiveY_PositiveX",
-                         "mass for y>0 and x>0",
-                         {mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]"}}
-        , pdiff{owner,
-                "momdiff",
-                "Momentum difference",
-                {pdiff_bins * 5, -pdiff_range, pdiff_range, "p_{+} - p_{-} [GeV/c]"}}
-        , pAsym{owner, "asym", "Momentum asymmetry", {pdiff_bins * 5, -1, 1, "p asymmetry"}}
-        , eta{owner, "eta", "Pseudorapidity", {100, 2, 7, "eta"}}
-        , tx{owner, "tx", "tx slope", {100, -0.2, 0.2, "tx"}}
-        , ty{owner, "ty", "ty slope", {100, -0.2, 0.2, "ty"}}
-        , phi{owner, "phiangle", "Azimuthal angle of the decay plane", {bins_angles * 5, 0, M_PI, "phi [rad]"}}
-        , matt{owner,
-               "phimatt",
-               "Angle between the decay plane and the y axis",
-               {bins_angles * 5, 0, M_PI, "phiMatt [rad]"}}
-        , openingAngle{owner, "openingangle", "Opening angle", {bins_angles * 5, 0, 0.3, "Opening angle [rad]"}} {}
+        : masspull{ owner, "masspull", "mass pull", { mass_bins, -5, 5, "pull" } }
+        , mass{ owner, "mass", "mass", { mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]" } }
+        , mass_negy{ owner, "massNegativeY", "mass for y<0", { mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]" } }
+        , mass_posy{ owner, "massPositiveY", "mass for y>0", { mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]" } }
+        , mass_negx{ owner, "massNegativeX", "mass for x<0", { mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]" } }
+        , mass_posx{ owner, "massPositiveX", "mass for x>0", { mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]" } }
+        , mass_negy_negx{ owner,
+                          "massNegativeY_NegativeX",
+                          "mass for y<0 and x<0",
+                          { mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]" } }
+        , mass_negy_posx{ owner,
+                          "massNegativeY_PositiveX",
+                          "mass for y<0 and x>0",
+                          { mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]" } }
+        , mass_posy_negx{ owner,
+                          "massPositiveY_NegativeX",
+                          "mass for y>0 and x<0",
+                          { mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]" } }
+        , mass_posy_posx{ owner,
+                          "massPositiveY_PositiveX",
+                          "mass for y>0 and x>0",
+                          { mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]" } }
+        , pdiff{ owner,
+                 "momdiff",
+                 "Momentum difference",
+                 { pdiff_bins * 5, -pdiff_range, pdiff_range, "p_{+} - p_{-} [GeV/c]" } }
+        , pAsym{ owner, "asym", "Momentum asymmetry", { pdiff_bins * 5, -1, 1, "p asymmetry" } }
+        , eta{ owner, "eta", "Pseudorapidity", { 100, 2, 7, "eta" } }
+        , tx{ owner, "tx", "tx slope", { 100, -0.2, 0.2, "tx" } }
+        , ty{ owner, "ty", "ty slope", { 100, -0.2, 0.2, "ty" } }
+        , phi{ owner, "phiangle", "Azimuthal angle of the decay plane", { bins_angles * 5, 0, M_PI, "phi [rad]" } }
+        , matt{ owner,
+                "phimatt",
+                "Angle between the decay plane and the y axis",
+                { bins_angles * 5, 0, M_PI, "phiMatt [rad]" } }
+        , openingAngle{ owner, "openingangle", "Opening angle", { bins_angles * 5, 0, 0.3, "Opening angle [rad]" } } {}
   // Profile histograms of mass vs bias variables
@@ -215,46 +215,46 @@ private:
     MassvsBiasHistos( const TrackParticleMonitor* owner, std::string const& particle_name,
                       unsigned int const& pdiff_bins, float const& pdiff_range, unsigned int const& bins_angles,
                       float const& p_min, float const& p_max, float const& pt_min, float const& pt_max )
-        : mass_vs_p{owner,
-                    "massVersusMom",
-                    fmt::format( "m({0}) - m({0})_{{PDG}} [MeV/c^{{2}}] vs p", particle_name ),
-                    {20, p_min, p_max, "p [GeV/c]"}}
-        , mass_vs_pt{owner,
-                     "massVersusPt",
-                     fmt::format( "m({0}) - m({0})_{{PDG}} [MeV/c^{{2}}] vs pt", particle_name ),
-                     {20, pt_min, pt_max, "pt [GeV/c]"}}
-        , mass_vs_pdiff{owner,
-                        "massVersusMomDif",
-                        fmt::format( "m({0}) - m({0})_{{PDG}} [MeV/c^{{2}}] vs daughter p difference", particle_name ),
-                        {pdiff_bins, -pdiff_range, pdiff_range, "p_{+} - p_{-} [GeV/c]"}}
-        , mass_vs_pAsym{owner,
-                        "massVersusMomAsym",
-                        fmt::format( "m({0}) - m({0})_{{PDG}} [MeV/c^{{2}}] vs daughter p asymmetry", particle_name ),
-                        {pdiff_bins, -1, 1, "p asymmetry"}}
-        , mass_vs_eta{owner,
-                      "massVersusEta",
-                      fmt::format( "m({0}) - m({0})_{{PDG}} [MeV/c^{{2}}] vs eta", particle_name ),
-                      {20, 2, 7, "eta"}}
-        , mass_vs_tx{owner,
-                     "massVersusTx",
-                     fmt::format( "m({0}) - m({0})_{{PDG}} [MeV/c^{{2}}] vs tx", particle_name ),
-                     {40, -0.2, 0.2, "tx"}}
-        , mass_vs_ty{owner,
-                     "massVersusTy",
-                     fmt::format( "m({0}) - m({0})_{{PDG}} [MeV/c^{{2}}] vs ty", particle_name ),
-                     {40, -0.2, 0.2, "ty"}}
-        , mass_vs_phi{owner,
-                      "massVersusPhi",
-                      fmt::format( "m({0}) - m({0})_{{PDG}} [MeV/c^{{2}}] vs decay plane phi", particle_name ),
-                      {bins_angles, -M_PI, M_PI, "phi [rad]"}}
-        , mass_vs_matt{owner,
-                       "massVersusPhiMatt",
-                       fmt::format( "m({0}) - m({0})_{{PDG}} [MeV/c^{{2}}] vs decay plane phiMatt", particle_name ),
-                       {bins_angles, 0, M_PI, "phiMatt [rad]"}}
-        , mass_vs_openingAngle{owner,
-                               "massVersusOpenAngle",
-                               fmt::format( "m({0}) - m({0})_{{PDG}} [MeV/c^{{2}}] vs opening angle", particle_name ),
-                               {bins_angles, 0, 0.3, "Opening angle [rad]"}} {}
+        : mass_vs_p{ owner,
+                     "massVersusMom",
+                     fmt::format( "m({0}) - m({0})_{{PDG}} [MeV/c^{{2}}] vs p", particle_name ),
+                     { 20, p_min, p_max, "p [GeV/c]" } }
+        , mass_vs_pt{ owner,
+                      "massVersusPt",
+                      fmt::format( "m({0}) - m({0})_{{PDG}} [MeV/c^{{2}}] vs pt", particle_name ),
+                      { 20, pt_min, pt_max, "pt [GeV/c]" } }
+        , mass_vs_pdiff{ owner,
+                         "massVersusMomDif",
+                         fmt::format( "m({0}) - m({0})_{{PDG}} [MeV/c^{{2}}] vs daughter p difference", particle_name ),
+                         { pdiff_bins, -pdiff_range, pdiff_range, "p_{+} - p_{-} [GeV/c]" } }
+        , mass_vs_pAsym{ owner,
+                         "massVersusMomAsym",
+                         fmt::format( "m({0}) - m({0})_{{PDG}} [MeV/c^{{2}}] vs daughter p asymmetry", particle_name ),
+                         { pdiff_bins, -1, 1, "p asymmetry" } }
+        , mass_vs_eta{ owner,
+                       "massVersusEta",
+                       fmt::format( "m({0}) - m({0})_{{PDG}} [MeV/c^{{2}}] vs eta", particle_name ),
+                       { 20, 2, 7, "eta" } }
+        , mass_vs_tx{ owner,
+                      "massVersusTx",
+                      fmt::format( "m({0}) - m({0})_{{PDG}} [MeV/c^{{2}}] vs tx", particle_name ),
+                      { 40, -0.2, 0.2, "tx" } }
+        , mass_vs_ty{ owner,
+                      "massVersusTy",
+                      fmt::format( "m({0}) - m({0})_{{PDG}} [MeV/c^{{2}}] vs ty", particle_name ),
+                      { 40, -0.2, 0.2, "ty" } }
+        , mass_vs_phi{ owner,
+                       "massVersusPhi",
+                       fmt::format( "m({0}) - m({0})_{{PDG}} [MeV/c^{{2}}] vs decay plane phi", particle_name ),
+                       { bins_angles, -M_PI, M_PI, "phi [rad]" } }
+        , mass_vs_matt{ owner,
+                        "massVersusPhiMatt",
+                        fmt::format( "m({0}) - m({0})_{{PDG}} [MeV/c^{{2}}] vs decay plane phiMatt", particle_name ),
+                        { bins_angles, 0, M_PI, "phiMatt [rad]" } }
+        , mass_vs_openingAngle{ owner,
+                                "massVersusOpenAngle",
+                                fmt::format( "m({0}) - m({0})_{{PDG}} [MeV/c^{{2}}] vs opening angle", particle_name ),
+                                { bins_angles, 0, 0.3, "Opening angle [rad]" } } {}
   // 2D histograms of mass vs bias variables
@@ -274,48 +274,51 @@ private:
                         unsigned int const& bins_angles, float const& p_min, float const& p_max, float const& pt_min,
                         float const& pt_max, float const& min_mass, float const& max_mass,
                         unsigned int const& mass_bins )
-        : mass_vs_p_2D{owner,
-                       "massVersusMom2D",
-                       "mass vs p",
-                       {{20, p_min, p_max, "p [GeV/c]"}, {mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]"}}}
-        , mass_vs_pt_2D{owner,
-                        "massVersusPt2D",
-                        "mass vs pt",
-                        {{20, pt_min, pt_max, "pt [GeV/c]"}, {mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]"}}}
-        , mass_vs_pdiff_2D{owner,
-                           "massVersusMomDif2D",
-                           "mass vs momentum difference",
-                           {{pdiff_bins, -pdiff_range, pdiff_range, "p_{+} - p_{-} [GeV/c]"},
-                            {mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]"}}}
-        , mass_vs_pAsym_2D{owner,
-                           "massVersusMomAsym2D",
-                           "mass vs momentum asymetry",
-                           {{pdiff_bins, -1, 1, "p asymmetry"}, {mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]"}}}
-        , mass_vs_eta_2D{owner,
-                         "massVersusEta2D",
-                         "mass vs eta",
-                         {{20, 2, 7, "eta"}, {mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]"}}}
-        , mass_vs_tx_2D{owner,
-                        "massVersusTx2D",
-                        "mass vs tx",
-                        {{40, -0.2, 0.2, "tx"}, {mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]"}}}
-        , mass_vs_ty_2D{owner,
-                        "massVersusTy2D",
-                        "mass vs ty",
-                        {{40, -0.2, 0.2, "ty"}, {mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]"}}}
-        , mass_vs_phi_2D{owner,
-                         "massVersusPhi2D",
-                         "mass vs decay plane phi",
-                         {{bins_angles, -M_PI, M_PI, "phi [rad]"}, {mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]"}}}
-        , mass_vs_matt_2D{owner,
-                          "massVersusPhiMatt2D",
-                          "mass vs decay plane phiMatt",
-                          {{bins_angles, 0, M_PI, "phiMatt [rad]"}, {mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]"}}}
-        , mass_vs_openingAngle_2D{
-              owner,
-              "massVersusOpenAngle2D",
-              "mass vs decay plane opening angle",
-              {{bins_angles, 0, 0.3, "Opening angle [rad]"}, {mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]"}}} {}
+        : mass_vs_p_2D{ owner,
+                        "massVersusMom2D",
+                        "mass vs p",
+                        { { 20, p_min, p_max, "p [GeV/c]" }, { mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]" } } }
+        , mass_vs_pt_2D{ owner,
+                         "massVersusPt2D",
+                         "mass vs pt",
+                         { { 20, pt_min, pt_max, "pt [GeV/c]" }, { mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]" } } }
+        , mass_vs_pdiff_2D{ owner,
+                            "massVersusMomDif2D",
+                            "mass vs momentum difference",
+                            { { pdiff_bins, -pdiff_range, pdiff_range, "p_{+} - p_{-} [GeV/c]" },
+                              { mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]" } } }
+        , mass_vs_pAsym_2D{ owner,
+                            "massVersusMomAsym2D",
+                            "mass vs momentum asymetry",
+                            { { pdiff_bins, -1, 1, "p asymmetry" },
+                              { mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]" } } }
+        , mass_vs_eta_2D{ owner,
+                          "massVersusEta2D",
+                          "mass vs eta",
+                          { { 20, 2, 7, "eta" }, { mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]" } } }
+        , mass_vs_tx_2D{ owner,
+                         "massVersusTx2D",
+                         "mass vs tx",
+                         { { 40, -0.2, 0.2, "tx" }, { mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]" } } }
+        , mass_vs_ty_2D{ owner,
+                         "massVersusTy2D",
+                         "mass vs ty",
+                         { { 40, -0.2, 0.2, "ty" }, { mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]" } } }
+        , mass_vs_phi_2D{ owner,
+                          "massVersusPhi2D",
+                          "mass vs decay plane phi",
+                          { { bins_angles, -M_PI, M_PI, "phi [rad]" },
+                            { mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]" } } }
+        , mass_vs_matt_2D{ owner,
+                           "massVersusPhiMatt2D",
+                           "mass vs decay plane phiMatt",
+                           { { bins_angles, 0, M_PI, "phiMatt [rad]" },
+                             { mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]" } } }
+        , mass_vs_openingAngle_2D{ owner,
+                                   "massVersusOpenAngle2D",
+                                   "mass vs decay plane opening angle",
+                                   { { bins_angles, 0, 0.3, "Opening angle [rad]" },
+                                     { mass_bins, min_mass, max_mass, "m [GeV/c^{2}]" } } } {}
   // Maps storing histogram objects
@@ -328,10 +331,10 @@ private:
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackParticleMonitor )
 TrackParticleMonitor::TrackParticleMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : Consumer{name,
-               pSvcLocator,
-               {KeyValue{"InputLocation", ""}, KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top},
-                KeyValue{"Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path}}} {}
+    : Consumer{ name,
+                pSvcLocator,
+                { KeyValue{ "InputLocation", "" }, KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top },
+                  KeyValue{ "Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path } } } {}
 // Algorithm
 void TrackParticleMonitor::operator()( LHCb::Particle::Range const& particles, DetectorElement const& lhcb,
@@ -471,16 +474,16 @@ void TrackParticleMonitor::operator()( LHCb::Particle::Range const& particles, D
     // 2D histograms of mass vs bias variables
     auto& mass_vs_bias_2D = m_histograms_mass_vs_bias_2D.at( 0 );
-    ++mass_vs_bias_2D.mass_vs_p_2D[{mom, mass}];
-    ++mass_vs_bias_2D.mass_vs_pt_2D[{pt, mass}];
-    ++mass_vs_bias_2D.mass_vs_pdiff_2D[{pdif, mass}];
-    ++mass_vs_bias_2D.mass_vs_pAsym_2D[{asym, mass}];
-    ++mass_vs_bias_2D.mass_vs_eta_2D[{eta, mass}];
-    ++mass_vs_bias_2D.mass_vs_tx_2D[{tx, mass}];
-    ++mass_vs_bias_2D.mass_vs_ty_2D[{ty, mass}];
-    ++mass_vs_bias_2D.mass_vs_phi_2D[{phiangle, mass}];
-    ++mass_vs_bias_2D.mass_vs_matt_2D[{phimatt, mass}];
-    ++mass_vs_bias_2D.mass_vs_openingAngle_2D[{openangle, mass}];
+    ++mass_vs_bias_2D.mass_vs_p_2D[{ mom, mass }];
+    ++mass_vs_bias_2D.mass_vs_pt_2D[{ pt, mass }];
+    ++mass_vs_bias_2D.mass_vs_pdiff_2D[{ pdif, mass }];
+    ++mass_vs_bias_2D.mass_vs_pAsym_2D[{ asym, mass }];
+    ++mass_vs_bias_2D.mass_vs_eta_2D[{ eta, mass }];
+    ++mass_vs_bias_2D.mass_vs_tx_2D[{ tx, mass }];
+    ++mass_vs_bias_2D.mass_vs_ty_2D[{ ty, mass }];
+    ++mass_vs_bias_2D.mass_vs_phi_2D[{ phiangle, mass }];
+    ++mass_vs_bias_2D.mass_vs_matt_2D[{ phimatt, mass }];
+    ++mass_vs_bias_2D.mass_vs_openingAngle_2D[{ openangle, mass }];
     // Memory management
     for ( const LHCb::State* s : states ) delete s;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackTune.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackTune.cpp
index 9b4c9c94bdc27d42e003fb1c3f290a9a5d1d1d60..f54cd6a83b5fbea3bd888c83d9f9b8d20a51b15d 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackTune.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackTune.cpp
@@ -35,22 +35,22 @@ private:
   bool inMassRange( const LHCb::Particle& particle ) const;
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_resonanceName{this, "resonanceName", "J/psi(1S)"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_resonanceName{ this, "resonanceName", "J/psi(1S)" };
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_deltaMass{this, "resonance", 110.};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_deltaMass{ this, "resonance", 110. };
   double                  m_minMass = 0;
   double                  m_maxMass = 0;
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_selectBest{this, "selectBest", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPurityCut{this, "minPurityCut", 0.7};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_selectBest{ this, "selectBest", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPurityCut{ this, "minPurityCut", 0.7 };
 TrackTune::TrackTune( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-    : Consumer{name,
-               pSvc,
-               {KeyValue{"ParticleLocation", "/Event/Dimuon/Phys/SelDiMuonInciLoose/Particles"},
-                KeyValue{"TrackLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default}}} {}
+    : Consumer{ name,
+                pSvc,
+                { KeyValue{ "ParticleLocation", "/Event/Dimuon/Phys/SelDiMuonInciLoose/Particles" },
+                  KeyValue{ "TrackLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default } } } {}
 StatusCode TrackTune::initialize() {
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ bool TrackTune::isFound( const LHCb::Track::Range& tracks, const LHCb::Particle&
 std::vector<const LHCb::Particle*> TrackTune::select( const LHCb::Particle::Range& input ) const {
-  if ( !m_selectBest ) return {input.begin(), input.end()};
+  if ( !m_selectBest ) return { input.begin(), input.end() };
   double                bestChi2 = 9999.;
   const LHCb::Particle* bestPart = nullptr;
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ std::vector<const LHCb::Particle*> TrackTune::select( const LHCb::Particle::Rang
       bestPart = i;
-  if ( bestPart ) return {bestPart};
+  if ( bestPart ) return { bestPart };
   return {};
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackVPOverlapMonitor.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackVPOverlapMonitor.cpp
index 2f464b847783709e2e3a13832dabc76fb150b625..c8d60cb4950f5a4ca870adf45b810d78eef92b4d 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackVPOverlapMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackVPOverlapMonitor.cpp
@@ -51,18 +51,18 @@ namespace LHCb::Tr::Monitor {
     constexpr auto nStationsInVelo = VP::NModules / 2; // 2 modules per station
     namespace GA                   = Gaudi::Accumulators;
-    const auto modulelimits        = GA::Axis<double>{VP::NModules, -0.5, VP::NModules - 0.5, "module"};
-    const auto stationlimits       = GA::Axis<double>{nStationsInVelo, -0.5, nStationsInVelo - 0.5, "station"};
-    const auto reslimits           = GA::Axis<double>{100, -0.2, 0.2, "residual [mm]"};
+    const auto modulelimits        = GA::Axis<double>{ VP::NModules, -0.5, VP::NModules - 0.5, "module" };
+    const auto stationlimits       = GA::Axis<double>{ nStationsInVelo, -0.5, nStationsInVelo - 0.5, "station" };
+    const auto reslimits           = GA::Axis<double>{ 100, -0.2, 0.2, "residual [mm]" };
     // Helper class to store an {x,y} pair of nodes
     template <typename TNode>
     struct VPXYNode {
-      const TNode*                xnode{0};
-      const TNode*                ynode{0};
+      const TNode*                xnode{ 0 };
+      const TNode*                ynode{ 0 };
       LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID vpid;
-      double                      residualX{0};
-      double                      residualY{0};
+      double                      residualX{ 0 };
+      double                      residualY{ 0 };
   } // namespace
@@ -70,77 +70,81 @@ namespace LHCb::Tr::Monitor {
   struct TrackVPOverlapMonitor final
       : LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void( const LHCb::Track::Range&, DeVP const& ),
                                   Algorithm::Traits::usesBaseAndConditions<GaudiTupleAlg, DeVP>> {
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_apply_cuts{this, "Cuts", false, "Adding the cuts to reduce bias in the overlap residuals"};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_expertMode{this, "VerboseMode", false, "Create NTuple"};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_apply_cuts{ this, "Cuts", false,
+                                        "Adding the cuts to reduce bias in the overlap residuals" };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> m_expertMode{ this, "VerboseMode", false, "Create NTuple" };
     /// Standard constructor
     TrackVPOverlapMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Consumer{name,
-                   pSvcLocator,
-                   {KeyValue{"TrackContainer", TrackLocation::Default},
-                    KeyValue{"VPDetectorLocation", DeVPLocation::Default}}} {}
+        : Consumer{ name,
+                    pSvcLocator,
+                    { KeyValue{ "TrackContainer", TrackLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "VPDetectorLocation", DeVPLocation::Default } } } {}
     // define histograms which don't need string formatting
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> x_y_stationoverlap_histo{
-        this, "x vs y station overlap", "x vs y station overlap", {100, -80.0, 80.0, "X"}, {100, -80.0, 80.0, "Y"}};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> x_y_stationoverlap_histo{ this,
+                                                                        "x vs y station overlap",
+                                                                        "x vs y station overlap",
+                                                                        { 100, -80.0, 80.0, "X" },
+                                                                        { 100, -80.0, 80.0, "Y" } };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> x_y_tileoverlap_histo{
-        this, "x vs y tile overlap", "x vs y tile overlap", {100, -80.0, 80.0, "X"}, {100, -80.0, 80.0, "Y"}};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> module_histo{this, "module", "module", {52, 0.0, 52.0}};
+        this, "x vs y tile overlap", "x vs y tile overlap", { 100, -80.0, 80.0, "X" }, { 100, -80.0, 80.0, "Y" } };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> module_histo{ this, "module", "module", { 52, 0.0, 52.0 } };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> module_CLI_NLO_histo{
-        this, "CLI-NLO overlap per module", "CLI-NLO overlap per module", {52, 0.0, 52.0}};
+        this, "CLI-NLO overlap per module", "CLI-NLO overlap per module", { 52, 0.0, 52.0 } };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> module_CLI_NSI_histo{
-        this, "CLI-NSI overlap per module", "CLI-NSI overlap per module", {52, 0.0, 52.0}};
+        this, "CLI-NSI overlap per module", "CLI-NSI overlap per module", { 52, 0.0, 52.0 } };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> module_CSO_NSI_histo{
-        this, "CSO-NSI overlap per module", "CSO-NSI overlap per module", {52, 0.0, 52.0}};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> station_histo{this, "station", "station", {27, 0.0, 27.0}};
+        this, "CSO-NSI overlap per module", "CSO-NSI overlap per module", { 52, 0.0, 52.0 } };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> station_histo{ this, "station", "station", { 27, 0.0, 27.0 } };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_overlap_residual_x_CLI_NLO{
-        this, "x overlap residual CLI-NLO", "x overlap residual CLI-NLO", modulelimits, reslimits};
+        this, "x overlap residual CLI-NLO", "x overlap residual CLI-NLO", modulelimits, reslimits };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_overlap_residual_y_CLI_NLO{
-        this, "y overlap residual CLI-NLO", "y overlap residual CLI-NLO", modulelimits, reslimits};
+        this, "y overlap residual CLI-NLO", "y overlap residual CLI-NLO", modulelimits, reslimits };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_overlap_residual_x_CLI_NSI{
-        this, "x overlap residual CLI-NSI", "x overlap residual CLI-NSI", modulelimits, reslimits};
+        this, "x overlap residual CLI-NSI", "x overlap residual CLI-NSI", modulelimits, reslimits };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_overlap_residual_y_CLI_NSI{
-        this, "y overlap residual CLI-NSI", "y overlap residual CLI-NSI", modulelimits, reslimits};
+        this, "y overlap residual CLI-NSI", "y overlap residual CLI-NSI", modulelimits, reslimits };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_overlap_residual_x_CSO_NSI{
-        this, "x overlap residual CSO-NSI", "x overlap residual CSO-NSI", modulelimits, reslimits};
+        this, "x overlap residual CSO-NSI", "x overlap residual CSO-NSI", modulelimits, reslimits };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_overlap_residual_y_CSO_NSI{
-        this, "y overlap residual CSO-NSI", "y overlap residual CSO-NSI", modulelimits, reslimits};
+        this, "y overlap residual CSO-NSI", "y overlap residual CSO-NSI", modulelimits, reslimits };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_ACoverlap_residual_x_vs_station{
-        this, "x A-C overlap residual", "x A/C overlap residual", stationlimits, reslimits};
+        this, "x A-C overlap residual", "x A/C overlap residual", stationlimits, reslimits };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_ACoverlap_residual_y_vs_station{
-        this, "y A-C overlap residual", "y A/C overlap residual", stationlimits, reslimits};
+        this, "y A-C overlap residual", "y A/C overlap residual", stationlimits, reslimits };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_Aresidual_x_vs_station{
-        this, "x residual A side vs station", "x residual A side vs station", stationlimits, reslimits};
+        this, "x residual A side vs station", "x residual A side vs station", stationlimits, reslimits };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_Aresidual_y_vs_station{
-        this, "y residual A side vs station", "y residual A side vs station", stationlimits, reslimits};
+        this, "y residual A side vs station", "y residual A side vs station", stationlimits, reslimits };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_Cresidual_x_vs_station{
-        this, "x residual C side vs station", "x residual C side vs station", stationlimits, reslimits};
+        this, "x residual C side vs station", "x residual C side vs station", stationlimits, reslimits };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_Cresidual_y_vs_station{
-        this, "y residual C side vs station", "y residual C side vs station", stationlimits, reslimits};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_residual_x_vs_module{this, "x residual by module",
-                                                                     "x residual by module", modulelimits, reslimits};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_residual_y_vs_module{this, "y residual by module",
-                                                                     "y residual by module", modulelimits, reslimits};
+        this, "y residual C side vs station", "y residual C side vs station", stationlimits, reslimits };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_residual_x_vs_module{ this, "x residual by module",
+                                                                      "x residual by module", modulelimits, reslimits };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_residual_y_vs_module{ this, "y residual by module",
+                                                                      "y residual by module", modulelimits, reslimits };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_breakpoint_delta_x_aside{
-        this, "breakpoint delta-x A-side", "breakpoint delta-x A-side", {50, -0.5, 0.5}};
+        this, "breakpoint delta-x A-side", "breakpoint delta-x A-side", { 50, -0.5, 0.5 } };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_breakpoint_delta_x_cside{
-        this, "breakpoint delta-x C-side", "breakpoint delta-x C-side", {50, -0.5, 0.5}};
+        this, "breakpoint delta-x C-side", "breakpoint delta-x C-side", { 50, -0.5, 0.5 } };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_breakpoint_delta_x{
-        this, "breakpoint delta-x", "breakpoint delta-x", {50, -0.5, 0.5}};
+        this, "breakpoint delta-x", "breakpoint delta-x", { 50, -0.5, 0.5 } };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_breakpoint_delta_y{
-        this, "breakpoint delta-y", "breakpoint delta-y", {50, -0.5, 0.5}};
+        this, "breakpoint delta-y", "breakpoint delta-y", { 50, -0.5, 0.5 } };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_breakpoint_delta_tx{
-        this, "breakpoint delta-tx", "breakpoint delta-tx", {50, -0.01, 0.01}};
+        this, "breakpoint delta-tx", "breakpoint delta-tx", { 50, -0.01, 0.01 } };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_breakpoint_delta_ty{
-        this, "breakpoint delta-ty", "breakpoint delta-ty", {50, -0.01, 0.01}};
+        this, "breakpoint delta-ty", "breakpoint delta-ty", { 50, -0.01, 0.01 } };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_breakpoint_delta_x_vs_z{
-        this, "breakpoint delta-x vs z", "breakpoint delta-x vs z", {50, -300., 700.}};
+        this, "breakpoint delta-x vs z", "breakpoint delta-x vs z", { 50, -300., 700. } };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_breakpoint_delta_y_vs_z{
-        this, "breakpoint delta-y vs z", "breakpoint delta-y vs z", {50, -300., 700.}};
+        this, "breakpoint delta-y vs z", "breakpoint delta-y vs z", { 50, -300., 700. } };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_breakpoint_delta_x_pull{
-        this, "breakpoint delta-x pull", "breakpoint delta-x pull", {50, -5, 5}};
+        this, "breakpoint delta-x pull", "breakpoint delta-x pull", { 50, -5, 5 } };
     ///< Algorithm execution
@@ -172,11 +176,11 @@ namespace LHCb::Tr::Monitor {
       // So, let's do something else: We record the residuals for
       // the 'prediction from tracks that switch sides (like a
       // breakpoint analysis). See also TrackFitMatchMonitor.
-      LHCb::HitPattern hitpattern{track.lhcbIDs()};
+      LHCb::HitPattern hitpattern{ track.lhcbIDs() };
       const bool       hasacoverlap = hitpattern.numVeloA() >= 2 && hitpattern.numVeloC() >= 2;
       if ( hasacoverlap ) {
         // info() << "Overlap track: " << std::endl << hitpattern << endmsg ;
-        const TNode* inode{0};
+        const TNode* inode{ 0 };
         for ( const auto& node : nodes( fr ) ) {
           const TNode* jnode = &( node );
           if ( jnode->isVP() ) {
@@ -267,8 +271,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Tr::Monitor {
           const auto  mu    = 1. / ( H1[0] * H2[1] - H1[1] * H2[0] );
           xynode.residualX  = mu * ( H2[1] * res1 - H1[1] * res2 );
           xynode.residualY  = mu * ( H1[0] * res2 - H2[0] * res1 );
-          ++m_residual_x_vs_module[{xynode.vpid.module(), xynode.residualX}];
-          ++m_residual_y_vs_module[{xynode.vpid.module(), xynode.residualY}];
+          ++m_residual_x_vs_module[{ xynode.vpid.module(), xynode.residualX }];
+          ++m_residual_y_vs_module[{ xynode.vpid.module(), xynode.residualY }];
         // Now that we have efficiently computed the residuals in the global frame, we can compute the overlap
@@ -288,13 +292,13 @@ namespace LHCb::Tr::Monitor {
               if ( iside != LHCb::Detector::VPChannelID::Side::A ) std::swap( nodeA, nodeC );
               const auto globalpos = state( *( nodeA.xnode ) ).position();
-              ++x_y_stationoverlap_histo[{globalpos.x(), globalpos.y()}];
-              ++m_ACoverlap_residual_x_vs_station[{nodeA.vpid.station(), nodeA.residualX - nodeC.residualX}];
-              ++m_ACoverlap_residual_y_vs_station[{nodeA.vpid.station(), nodeA.residualY - nodeC.residualY}];
-              ++m_Aresidual_x_vs_station[{nodeA.vpid.station(), nodeA.residualX}];
-              ++m_Aresidual_y_vs_station[{nodeA.vpid.station(), nodeA.residualY}];
-              ++m_Cresidual_x_vs_station[{nodeA.vpid.station(), nodeC.residualX}];
-              ++m_Cresidual_y_vs_station[{nodeA.vpid.station(), nodeC.residualY}];
+              ++x_y_stationoverlap_histo[{ globalpos.x(), globalpos.y() }];
+              ++m_ACoverlap_residual_x_vs_station[{ nodeA.vpid.station(), nodeA.residualX - nodeC.residualX }];
+              ++m_ACoverlap_residual_y_vs_station[{ nodeA.vpid.station(), nodeA.residualY - nodeC.residualY }];
+              ++m_Aresidual_x_vs_station[{ nodeA.vpid.station(), nodeA.residualX }];
+              ++m_Aresidual_y_vs_station[{ nodeA.vpid.station(), nodeA.residualY }];
+              ++m_Cresidual_x_vs_station[{ nodeA.vpid.station(), nodeC.residualX }];
+              ++m_Cresidual_y_vs_station[{ nodeA.vpid.station(), nodeC.residualY }];
             } else {
               // Collect nodes in different sensors ont he same module. These are always consecutive.
               // Ladder map: { L0: CLI, L1: NLO, L2, NSI, L3: CSO }
@@ -308,7 +312,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Tr::Monitor {
               const int module  = node1.vpid.module();
               const auto globalpos = state( *( node1.xnode ) ).position();
-              ++x_y_tileoverlap_histo[{globalpos.x(), globalpos.y()}];
+              ++x_y_tileoverlap_histo[{ globalpos.x(), globalpos.y() }];
               // Obtain information about sensors and the position of the hits in global and local coordinates
               const DeVPSensor& sens1       = det.sensor( node1.vpid );
@@ -316,9 +320,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Tr::Monitor {
               const auto        nodeGlobal1 = state( *( node1.xnode ) ).position();
               const auto        nodeGlobal2 = state( *( node2.xnode ) ).position();
               const auto        nodeLocal1 =
-                  sens1.globalToLocal( Gaudi::XYZPoint{nodeGlobal1.x(), nodeGlobal1.y(), nodeGlobal1.z()} );
+                  sens1.globalToLocal( Gaudi::XYZPoint{ nodeGlobal1.x(), nodeGlobal1.y(), nodeGlobal1.z() } );
               const auto nodeLocal2 =
-                  sens2.globalToLocal( Gaudi::XYZPoint{nodeGlobal2.x(), nodeGlobal2.y(), nodeGlobal2.z()} );
+                  sens2.globalToLocal( Gaudi::XYZPoint{ nodeGlobal2.x(), nodeGlobal2.y(), nodeGlobal2.z() } );
               // Implement cuts removing hits on the last row or column of pixels of the sensors and require 3 hits
               // before and after the hit of interest
@@ -340,16 +344,16 @@ namespace LHCb::Tr::Monitor {
               if ( sensor1 == 0 && sensor2 == 1 ) { // CLI-NLO
-                ++m_overlap_residual_x_CLI_NLO[{module, node1.residualX - node2.residualX}];
-                ++m_overlap_residual_y_CLI_NLO[{module, node1.residualY - node2.residualY}];
+                ++m_overlap_residual_x_CLI_NLO[{ module, node1.residualX - node2.residualX }];
+                ++m_overlap_residual_y_CLI_NLO[{ module, node1.residualY - node2.residualY }];
               } else if ( sensor1 == 0 && sensor2 == 2 ) { // CLI-NSI
-                ++m_overlap_residual_x_CLI_NSI[{module, node1.residualX - node2.residualX}];
-                ++m_overlap_residual_y_CLI_NSI[{module, node1.residualY - node2.residualY}];
+                ++m_overlap_residual_x_CLI_NSI[{ module, node1.residualX - node2.residualX }];
+                ++m_overlap_residual_y_CLI_NSI[{ module, node1.residualY - node2.residualY }];
               } else if ( sensor1 == 2 && sensor2 == 3 ) { // NSI-CSO
-                ++m_overlap_residual_x_CSO_NSI[{module, node1.residualX - node2.residualX}];
-                ++m_overlap_residual_y_CSO_NSI[{module, node1.residualY - node2.residualY}];
+                ++m_overlap_residual_x_CSO_NSI[{ module, node1.residualX - node2.residualX }];
+                ++m_overlap_residual_y_CSO_NSI[{ module, node1.residualY - node2.residualY }];
               } else {
                 warning() << "How can these sensors overlap?: " << sensor1 << " " << sensor2 << endmsg;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackVertexMonitor.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackVertexMonitor.cpp
index 95f50af30e77e071ca0d4e6083ef0afb0b417bf6..b6704591c69a46363f8d6b241e1c39d4a2dd7d3a 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackVertexMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/TrackVertexMonitor.cpp
@@ -51,211 +51,216 @@ public:
   StatusCode initialize() override;
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_ipmax{this, "MaxIP", 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_ipmaxprof{this, "MaxIPProfile", 0.1 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_dzmax{this, "MaxDz", 5 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_xpvmax{this, "MaxXPV", 2 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_ypvmax{this, "MaxYPV", 2 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zpvmin{this, "MinZPV", -20 * Gaudi::Units::cm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zpvmax{this, "MaxZPV", 20 * Gaudi::Units::cm};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zpvmin_wide{this, "MinZPV_Wide", -150 * Gaudi::Units::cm, "Wide z window for PV plot"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zpvmax_wide{this, "MaxZPV_Wide", 150 * Gaudi::Units::cm, "Wide z window for PV plot"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxLongTrackChisqPerDof{this, "MaxLongTrackChisqPerDof", 5};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minLongTrackMomentum{this, "MinLongTrackMomentum", 5};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_nprbins{this, "NumProfileBins", 20};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_ntracksPV{this, "NumTracksPV", 2};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_produceHistogram{this, "produceHistogram", false}; // producing IP 1/pt histograms
-  ToolHandle<ITrackVertexer> m_vertexer{this, "TrackVertexer", "TrackVertexer"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_ipmax{ this, "MaxIP", 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_ipmaxprof{ this, "MaxIPProfile", 0.1 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_dzmax{ this, "MaxDz", 5 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_xpvmax{ this, "MaxXPV", 2 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_ypvmax{ this, "MaxYPV", 2 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zpvmin{ this, "MinZPV", -20 * Gaudi::Units::cm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zpvmax{ this, "MaxZPV", 20 * Gaudi::Units::cm };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zpvmin_wide{ this, "MinZPV_Wide", -150 * Gaudi::Units::cm, "Wide z window for PV plot" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zpvmax_wide{ this, "MaxZPV_Wide", 150 * Gaudi::Units::cm, "Wide z window for PV plot" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxLongTrackChisqPerDof{ this, "MaxLongTrackChisqPerDof", 5 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minLongTrackMomentum{ this, "MinLongTrackMomentum", 5 };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_nprbins{ this, "NumProfileBins", 20 };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_ntracksPV{ this, "NumTracksPV", 2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_produceHistogram{ this, "produceHistogram", false }; // producing IP 1/pt histograms
+  ToolHandle<ITrackVertexer> m_vertexer{ this, "TrackVertexer", "TrackVertexer" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_numTracksPerPV{
-      this, "NumTracksPerPV", "NumTracksPerPV", {50, -0.5, 149.5}};
+      this, "NumTracksPerPV", "NumTracksPerPV", { 50, -0.5, 149.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_numLongTracksPerPV{
-      this, "NumLongTracksPerPV", "NumLong", {50, -0.5, 99.5}};
+      this, "NumLongTracksPerPV", "NumLong", { 50, -0.5, 99.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_numBackTracksPerPV{
-      this, "NumBackTracksPerPV", "NumBackTracksPerPV", {50, -0.5, 99.5}};
+      this, "NumBackTracksPerPV", "NumBackTracksPerPV", { 50, -0.5, 99.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvChisquarePerDof{
-      this, "PV chisquare per dof", "PV chisquare per dof", {150, 0., 3.}};
+      this, "PV chisquare per dof", "PV chisquare per dof", { 150, 0., 3. } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvXPosition{
-      this, "PV x position", "PV x position", {200, -m_xpvmax, m_xpvmax}};
+      this, "PV x position", "PV x position", { 200, -m_xpvmax, m_xpvmax } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvYPosition{
-      this, "PV y position", "PV y position", {200, -m_ypvmax, m_ypvmax}};
+      this, "PV y position", "PV y position", { 200, -m_ypvmax, m_ypvmax } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvZPosition{
-      this, "PV z position", "PV z position", {200, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax}};
+      this, "PV z position", "PV z position", { 200, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvbeamlineDeltaX{
-      this, "PV-beamline delta x", "PV-beamline delta x", {200, -1, 1}};
+      this, "PV-beamline delta x", "PV-beamline delta x", { 200, -1, 1 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvbeamlineDeltaY{
-      this, "PV-beamline delta y", "PV-beamline delta y", {200, -1, 1}};
+      this, "PV-beamline delta y", "PV-beamline delta y", { 200, -1, 1 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_pvbeamlineDeltaXvsZ{
-      this, "PV-beamline delta x versus z", "PV-beamline delta x versus z", {m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax}};
+      this, "PV-beamline delta x versus z", "PV-beamline delta x versus z", { m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_pvbeamlineDeltaYvsZ{
-      this, "PV-beamline delta y versus z", "PV-beamline delta y versus z", {m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax}};
+      this, "PV-beamline delta y versus z", "PV-beamline delta y versus z", { m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvZPositionWide{
-      this, "PV z position (wide)", "PV z position (wide)", {200, m_zpvmin_wide, m_zpvmax_wide}};
+      this, "PV z position (wide)", "PV z position (wide)", { 200, m_zpvmin_wide, m_zpvmax_wide } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvLongChisquarePerDof{
-      this, "PV long chisquare per dof", "PV long chisquare per dof", {50, 0, 10}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvLeftX{this, "PV left x", "PV left x", {200, -m_xpvmax, m_xpvmax}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvLeftY{this, "PV left y", "PV left y", {200, -m_ypvmax, m_ypvmax}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvLeftZ{this, "PV left z", "PV left z", {200, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvRightX{this, "PV right x", "PV right x", {200, -m_xpvmax, m_xpvmax}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvRightY{this, "PV right y", "PV right y", {200, -m_ypvmax, m_ypvmax}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvRightZ{this, "PV right z", "PV right z", {200, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax}};
+      this, "PV long chisquare per dof", "PV long chisquare per dof", { 50, 0, 10 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvLeftX{ this, "PV left x", "PV left x", { 200, -m_xpvmax, m_xpvmax } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvLeftY{ this, "PV left y", "PV left y", { 200, -m_ypvmax, m_ypvmax } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvLeftZ{ this, "PV left z", "PV left z", { 200, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvRightX{
+      this, "PV right x", "PV right x", { 200, -m_xpvmax, m_xpvmax } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvRightY{
+      this, "PV right y", "PV right y", { 200, -m_ypvmax, m_ypvmax } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvRightZ{ this, "PV right z", "PV right z", { 200, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvLeftRightDeltaX{
-      this, "PV left-right delta x", "PV left-right delta x", {50, -0.1, 0.1}};
+      this, "PV left-right delta x", "PV left-right delta x", { 50, -0.1, 0.1 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvLeftRightDeltaY{
-      this, "PV left-right delta y", "PV left-right delta y", {50, -0.1, 0.1}};
+      this, "PV left-right delta y", "PV left-right delta y", { 50, -0.1, 0.1 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvLeftRightDeltaZ{
-      this, "PV left-right delta z", "PV left-right delta z", {50, -1, 1}};
+      this, "PV left-right delta z", "PV left-right delta z", { 50, -1, 1 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvLeftRightDeltaXPull{
-      this, "PV left-right delta x pull", "PV left-right delta x pull", {50, -5, 5}};
+      this, "PV left-right delta x pull", "PV left-right delta x pull", { 50, -5, 5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvLeftRightDeltaYPull{
-      this, "PV left-right delta y pull", "PV left-right delta y pull", {50, -5, 5}};
+      this, "PV left-right delta y pull", "PV left-right delta y pull", { 50, -5, 5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvLeftRightDeltaZPull{
-      this, "PV left-right delta z pull", "PV left-right delta z pull", {50, -5, 5}};
+      this, "PV left-right delta z pull", "PV left-right delta z pull", { 50, -5, 5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvLeftChisquarePerDof{
-      this, "PV left chisquare per dof", "PV left chisquare per dof", {50, 0, 10}};
+      this, "PV left chisquare per dof", "PV left chisquare per dof", { 50, 0, 10 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvRightChisquarePerDof{
-      this, "PV right chisquare per dof", "PV right chisquare per dof", {50, 0, 10}};
+      this, "PV right chisquare per dof", "PV right chisquare per dof", { 50, 0, 10 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvForwardBackwardDeltaX{
-      this, "PV forward-backward delta x", "PV forward-backward delta x", {50, -0.1, 0.1}};
+      this, "PV forward-backward delta x", "PV forward-backward delta x", { 50, -0.1, 0.1 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvForwardBackwardDeltaY{
-      this, "PV forward-backward delta y", "PV forward-backward delta y", {50, -0.1, 0.1}};
+      this, "PV forward-backward delta y", "PV forward-backward delta y", { 50, -0.1, 0.1 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvForwardBackwardDeltaZ{
-      this, "PV forward-backward delta z", "PV forward-backward delta z", {50, -1, 1}};
+      this, "PV forward-backward delta z", "PV forward-backward delta z", { 50, -1, 1 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvForwardBackwardDeltaXPull{
-      this, "PV forward-backward delta x pull", "PV forward-backward delta x pull", {50, -5, 5}};
+      this, "PV forward-backward delta x pull", "PV forward-backward delta x pull", { 50, -5, 5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvForwardBackwardDeltaYPull{
-      this, "PV forward-backward delta y pull", "PV forward-backward delta y pull", {50, -5, 5}};
+      this, "PV forward-backward delta y pull", "PV forward-backward delta y pull", { 50, -5, 5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvForwardBackwardDeltaZPull{
-      this, "PV forward-backward delta z pull", "PV forward-backward delta z pull", {50, -5, 5}};
+      this, "PV forward-backward delta z pull", "PV forward-backward delta z pull", { 50, -5, 5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvForwardChisquareDof{
-      this, "PV forward chisquare per dof", "PV forward chisquare per dof", {50, 0, 10}};
+      this, "PV forward chisquare per dof", "PV forward chisquare per dof", { 50, 0, 10 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_pvBackwardChisquareDof{
-      this, "PV backward chisquare per dof", "PV backward chisquare per dof", {50, 0, 10}};
+      this, "PV backward chisquare per dof", "PV backward chisquare per dof", { 50, 0, 10 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_trackIPX{
-      this, "track IP X", "track IP X (biased)", {50, -m_ipmax, m_ipmax}};
+      this, "track IP X", "track IP X (biased)", { 50, -m_ipmax, m_ipmax } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_trackIPY{
-      this, "track IP Y", "track IP Y (biased)", {50, -m_ipmax, m_ipmax}};
+      this, "track IP Y", "track IP Y (biased)", { 50, -m_ipmax, m_ipmax } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_trackTransverseIP{
-      this, "fast track transverse IP", "fast track transverse IP", {50, -m_ipmax, m_ipmax}};
+      this, "fast track transverse IP", "fast track transverse IP", { 50, -m_ipmax, m_ipmax } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_trackLongitudinalIP{
-      this, "fast track longitudinal IP", "fast track longitudinal IP", {50, -m_ipmax, m_ipmax}};
+      this, "fast track longitudinal IP", "fast track longitudinal IP", { 50, -m_ipmax, m_ipmax } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_fastTrackIPX{
-      this, "fast track IP X", "fast track IP X", {50, -m_ipmax, m_ipmax}};
+      this, "fast track IP X", "fast track IP X", { 50, -m_ipmax, m_ipmax } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_fastTrackIPY{
-      this, "fast track IP Y", "fast track IP Y", {50, -m_ipmax, m_ipmax}};
+      this, "fast track IP Y", "fast track IP Y", { 50, -m_ipmax, m_ipmax } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_twoProngMass{
-      this, "twoprong mass (GeV)", "twoprong mass (GeV)", {50, 0, 10}};
+      this, "twoprong mass (GeV)", "twoprong mass (GeV)", { 50, 0, 10 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_twoProngMomentum{
-      this, "twoprong momentum (GeV)", "twoprong momentum (GeV)", {50, 0, 200}};
+      this, "twoprong momentum (GeV)", "twoprong momentum (GeV)", { 50, 0, 200 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_twoProngDoca{
-      this, "twoprong doca (mm)", "twoprong doca (mm)", {50, -5, 5}};
+      this, "twoprong doca (mm)", "twoprong doca (mm)", { 50, -5, 5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_twoProngDocaPull{
-      this, "twoprong doca pull", "twoprong doca pull", {50, -5, 5}};
+      this, "twoprong doca pull", "twoprong doca pull", { 50, -5, 5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_twoProngDecayLength{
-      this, "twoprong decaylength", "twoprong decaylength", {50, -2, 2}};
+      this, "twoprong decaylength", "twoprong decaylength", { 50, -2, 2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_twoProngDecayLengthSig{
-      this, "twoprong decaylength significance", "twoprong decaylength significance", {50, -5, 5}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_twoProngCTau{this, "twoprong ctau", "twoprong ctau", {50, -0.1, 0.1}};
+      this, "twoprong decaylength significance", "twoprong decaylength significance", { 50, -5, 5 } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_twoProngCTau{ this, "twoprong ctau", "twoprong ctau", { 50, -0.1, 0.1 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_twoProngProperLifetime{
-      this, "twoprong proper lifetime (ps)", "twoprong proper lifetime (ps)", {50, -0.2, 0.2}};
+      this, "twoprong proper lifetime (ps)", "twoprong proper lifetime (ps)", { 50, -0.2, 0.2 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_twoProngIPChi2PerDof{
-      this, "twoprong IP chi2 per dof", "twoprong IP chi2 per dof", {50, 0, 10}};
+      this, "twoprong IP chi2 per dof", "twoprong IP chi2 per dof", { 50, 0, 10 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_numPrimaryVertices{
-      this, "NumPrimaryVertices", "NumPrimaryVertices", {16, -0.5, 15.5}};
+      this, "NumPrimaryVertices", "NumPrimaryVertices", { 16, -0.5, 15.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_pvYvsZ{
-      this, "PV y versus z", "PV y versus z", {m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax}};
+      this, "PV y versus z", "PV y versus z", { m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_pvXvsZ{
-      this, "PV x versus z", "PV x versus z", {m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax}};
+      this, "PV x versus z", "PV x versus z", { m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_pvLeftRightDeltaZvsZ{
-      this, "PV left-right delta z versus z", "PV left-right delta z versus z", {m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax}};
+      this, "PV left-right delta z versus z", "PV left-right delta z versus z", { m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_pvLeftRightDeltaYvsZ{
-      this, "PV left-right delta y versus z", "PV left-right delta y versus z", {m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax}};
+      this, "PV left-right delta y versus z", "PV left-right delta y versus z", { m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_pvLeftRightDeltaXvsZ{
-      this, "PV left-right delta x versus z", "PV left-right delta x versus z", {m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_pvForwardBackwardDeltaZvsZ{this,
-                                                                                "PV forward-backward delta z versus z",
-                                                                                "PV forward-backward delta z versus z",
-                                                                                {m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_pvForwardBackwardDeltaYvsZ{this,
-                                                                                "PV forward-backward delta y versus z",
-                                                                                "PV forward-backward delta y versus z",
-                                                                                {m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax}};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_pvForwardBackwardDeltaXvsZ{this,
-                                                                                "PV forward-backward delta x versus z",
-                                                                                "PV forward-backward delta x versus z",
-                                                                                {m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax}};
+      this, "PV left-right delta x versus z", "PV left-right delta x versus z", { m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_pvForwardBackwardDeltaZvsZ{ this,
+                                                                                 "PV forward-backward delta z versus z",
+                                                                                 "PV forward-backward delta z versus z",
+                                                                                 { m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_pvForwardBackwardDeltaYvsZ{ this,
+                                                                                 "PV forward-backward delta y versus z",
+                                                                                 "PV forward-backward delta y versus z",
+                                                                                 { m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax } };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_pvForwardBackwardDeltaXvsZ{ this,
+                                                                                 "PV forward-backward delta x versus z",
+                                                                                 "PV forward-backward delta x versus z",
+                                                                                 { m_nprbins, m_zpvmin, m_zpvmax } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_trackIPXvsPhi{
-      this, "track IP X vs phi", "track IP X vs phi (biased)", {m_nprbins, -Gaudi::Units::pi, Gaudi::Units::pi}};
+      this, "track IP X vs phi", "track IP X vs phi (biased)", { m_nprbins, -Gaudi::Units::pi, Gaudi::Units::pi } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_trackIPXvsEta{
-      this, "track IP X vs eta", "track IP X vs eta (biased)", {m_nprbins, 2.0, 5.0}};
+      this, "track IP X vs eta", "track IP X vs eta (biased)", { m_nprbins, 2.0, 5.0 } };
   // pt plots
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_trackIPXvsPt{
-      this, "track IP X vs pt profile", "track IP X vs pt (GeV) (biased)", {30, 0.0, 15.0}};
+      this, "track IP X vs pt profile", "track IP X vs pt (GeV) (biased)", { 30, 0.0, 15.0 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_trackIPXvsInversePt{
-      this, "track IP X vs inverse pt profile", "track IP X vs 1/pt (1/GeV) (biased)", {m_nprbins, 0.0, 3.0}};
+      this, "track IP X vs inverse pt profile", "track IP X vs 1/pt (1/GeV) (biased)", { m_nprbins, 0.0, 3.0 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_trackIPXInvPt{
-      this, "track IP X vs inverse pt", "(biased) track IP X in 1/pt", {20, 0.0, 3.0}, {50, -m_ipmax, m_ipmax}};
+      this, "track IP X vs inverse pt", "(biased) track IP X in 1/pt", { 20, 0.0, 3.0 }, { 50, -m_ipmax, m_ipmax } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_trackIPYvsPhi{
-      this, "track IP Y vs phi", "track IP Y vs phi (biased)", {m_nprbins, -Gaudi::Units::pi, Gaudi::Units::pi}};
+      this, "track IP Y vs phi", "track IP Y vs phi (biased)", { m_nprbins, -Gaudi::Units::pi, Gaudi::Units::pi } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_trackIPYvsEta{
-      this, "track IP Y vs eta", "track IP Y vs eta (biased)", {m_nprbins, 2.0, 5.0}};
+      this, "track IP Y vs eta", "track IP Y vs eta (biased)", { m_nprbins, 2.0, 5.0 } };
   // pt plots
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_trackIPYvsPt{
-      this, "track IP Y vs pt profile", "track IP Y vs pt (GeV) (biased)", {30, 0.0, 15.0}};
+      this, "track IP Y vs pt profile", "track IP Y vs pt (GeV) (biased)", { 30, 0.0, 15.0 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_trackIPYvsInversePt{
-      this, "track IP Y vs inverse pt profile", "track IP Y vs in 1/pt range (1/GeV) (biased)", {m_nprbins, 0.0, 3.0}};
+      this,
+      "track IP Y vs inverse pt profile",
+      "track IP Y vs in 1/pt range (1/GeV) (biased)",
+      { m_nprbins, 0.0, 3.0 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_trackIPYInvPt{
-      this, "track IP Y vs inverse pt", "(biased) track IP Y in 1/pt", {20, 0.0, 3.0}, {50, -m_ipmax, m_ipmax}};
+      this, "track IP Y vs inverse pt", "(biased) track IP Y in 1/pt", { 20, 0.0, 3.0 }, { 50, -m_ipmax, m_ipmax } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_trackTransverseIPvsPhi{
       "fast track transverse IP vs phi",
       "fast track transverse IP vs phi",
-      {m_nprbins, -Gaudi::Units::pi, Gaudi::Units::pi}};
+      { m_nprbins, -Gaudi::Units::pi, Gaudi::Units::pi } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_trackTransverseIPvsEta{
-      this, "fast track transverse IP vs eta", "fast track transverse IP vs eta", {m_nprbins, 2.0, 5.0}};
+      this, "fast track transverse IP vs eta", "fast track transverse IP vs eta", { m_nprbins, 2.0, 5.0 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_trackLongitudinalIPvsPhi{
       "fast track longitudinal IP vs phi",
       "fast track longitudinal IP vs phi",
-      {m_nprbins, -Gaudi::Units::pi, Gaudi::Units::pi}};
+      { m_nprbins, -Gaudi::Units::pi, Gaudi::Units::pi } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_trackLongitudinalIPvsEta{
-      this, "fast track longitudinal IP vs eta", "fast track longitudinal IP vs eta", {m_nprbins, 2.0, 5.0}};
+      this, "fast track longitudinal IP vs eta", "fast track longitudinal IP vs eta", { m_nprbins, 2.0, 5.0 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_fastTrackIPXvsPhi{
-      this, "fast track IP X vs phi", "fast track IP X vs phi", {m_nprbins, -Gaudi::Units::pi, Gaudi::Units::pi}};
+      this, "fast track IP X vs phi", "fast track IP X vs phi", { m_nprbins, -Gaudi::Units::pi, Gaudi::Units::pi } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_fastTrackIPXvsEta{
-      this, "fast track IP X vs eta", "fast track IP X vs eta", {m_nprbins, 2.0, 5.0}};
+      this, "fast track IP X vs eta", "fast track IP X vs eta", { m_nprbins, 2.0, 5.0 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_fastTrackIPYvsPhi{
-      this, "fast track IP Y vs phi", "fast track IP Y vs phi", {m_nprbins, -Gaudi::Units::pi, Gaudi::Units::pi}};
+      this, "fast track IP Y vs phi", "fast track IP Y vs phi", { m_nprbins, -Gaudi::Units::pi, Gaudi::Units::pi } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_fastTrackIPYvsEta{
-      this, "fast track IP Y vs eta", "fast track IP Y vs eta", {m_nprbins, 2.0, 5.0}};
+      this, "fast track IP Y vs eta", "fast track IP Y vs eta", { m_nprbins, 2.0, 5.0 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_twoProngDocavsEta{
-      this, "twoprong doca vs eta", "twoprong doca vs eta", {m_nprbins, 2.0, 5.0}};
+      this, "twoprong doca vs eta", "twoprong doca vs eta", { m_nprbins, 2.0, 5.0 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_twoProngDocavsPhi{
-      this, "twoprong doca vs phi", "twoprong doca vs phi", {m_nprbins, -Gaudi::Units::pi, Gaudi::Units::pi}};
+      this, "twoprong doca vs phi", "twoprong doca vs phi", { m_nprbins, -Gaudi::Units::pi, Gaudi::Units::pi } };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_pvndofzero{this, "PV ndof = 0"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_pvndofzeroleft{this, "left PV ndof = 0"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_pvndofzeroright{this, "right PV ndof = 0"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_pvndofzeroforward{this, "forward PV ndof = 0"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_pvndofzerobackward{this, "backward PV ndof = 0"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_pvndofzero{ this, "PV ndof = 0" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_pvndofzeroleft{ this, "left PV ndof = 0" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_pvndofzeroright{ this, "right PV ndof = 0" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_pvndofzeroforward{ this, "forward PV ndof = 0" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_pvndofzerobackward{ this, "backward PV ndof = 0" };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_leftrightcov00{this, "Left + Right PV cov(0,0) too small"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_leftrightcov11{this, "Left + Right PV cov (1,1) too small"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_leftrightcov22{this, "Left + Right PV cov(2,2) too small"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_leftrightcov00{ this, "Left + Right PV cov(0,0) too small" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_leftrightcov11{ this, "Left + Right PV cov (1,1) too small" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_leftrightcov22{ this, "Left + Right PV cov(2,2) too small" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_forwardbackwardcov00{
-      this, "Forward + Backward PV cov(0,0) too small"};
+      this, "Forward + Backward PV cov(0,0) too small" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_forwardbackwardcov11{
-      this, "Forward + Backward PV cov (1,1) too small"};
+      this, "Forward + Backward PV cov (1,1) too small" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_forwardbackwardcov22{
-      this, "Forward + Backward PV cov(2,2) too small"};
+      this, "Forward + Backward PV cov(2,2) too small" };
 // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
@@ -265,12 +270,12 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackVertexMonitor )
 // Standard constructor, initializes variables
 TrackVertexMonitor::TrackVertexMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : Consumer{name,
-               pSvcLocator,
-               {KeyValue{"PVContainer", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary},
-                KeyValue{"TrackContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top},
-                KeyValue{"InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion"}}} {}
+    : Consumer{ name,
+                pSvcLocator,
+                { KeyValue{ "PVContainer", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary },
+                  KeyValue{ "TrackContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top },
+                  KeyValue{ "InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion" } } } {}
 // Initialization
@@ -547,8 +552,8 @@ void TrackVertexMonitor::operator()( LHCb::RecVertex::Range const& pvcontainer,
         m_trackIPYvsInversePt[invPt] += dy;
         // single plots for 1/pt
-        ++m_trackIPXInvPt[{invPt, dx}];
-        ++m_trackIPYInvPt[{invPt, dy}];
+        ++m_trackIPXInvPt[{ invPt, dx }];
+        ++m_trackIPYInvPt[{ invPt, dy }];
       if ( goodlongtracks.size() >= 2 ) {
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/UTTrackMonitor.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/UTTrackMonitor.cpp
index 529acfc1ae9cce43bfd95db718efd5d6bfbc7dd0..f307f5eb4abc4a5941a685e1c4d930a29d372e41 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/UTTrackMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/UTTrackMonitor.cpp
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 #include "Event/Measurement.h"
 #include "Event/State.h"
 #include "Event/Track.h"
-//#include "PrKernel/UTHitHandler.h"
+// #include "PrKernel/UTHitHandler.h"
 #include "Event/UTHitCluster.h"
 #include "Event/FitNode.h"
@@ -53,25 +53,25 @@ namespace LHCb {
     double            m_yMax;
     const std::string sensor_types = "ABCD";
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_refZ{this,
-                                   "ReferenceZ",
-                                   2485.0,
-                                   [this]( auto& ) {
-                                     // guess that the size of the histograms at ref is ~ 0.35 by 0.3
-                                     this->m_xMax = 0.35 * this->m_refZ / Gaudi::Units::cm;
-                                     this->m_yMax = 0.3 * this->m_refZ / Gaudi::Units::cm;
-                                   },
-                                   Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{true},
-                                   "midpoint of UT"};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_refZ{ this,
+                                    "ReferenceZ",
+                                    2485.0,
+                                    [this]( auto& ) {
+                                      // guess that the size of the histograms at ref is ~ 0.35 by 0.3
+                                      this->m_xMax = 0.35 * this->m_refZ / Gaudi::Units::cm;
+                                      this->m_yMax = 0.3 * this->m_refZ / Gaudi::Units::cm;
+                                    },
+                                    Gaudi::Details::Property::ImmediatelyInvokeHandler{ true },
+                                    "midpoint of UT" };
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_minNumUTHits{this, "minNumUTHits", 2u};
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_minNumUTHits{ this, "minNumUTHits", 2u };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_histogram_trackTx{
-        this, "UTTrackTx", "dx/dz of fit nodes with UT hits; dx/dz;", {200, -0.2, 0.2}};
+        this, "UTTrackTx", "dx/dz of fit nodes with UT hits; dx/dz;", { 200, -0.2, 0.2 } };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_histogram_trackTy{
-        this, "UTTrackTy", "dy/dz of fit nodes with UT hits; dy/dz", {200, -0.2, 0.2}};
+        this, "UTTrackTy", "dy/dz of fit nodes with UT hits; dy/dz", { 200, -0.2, 0.2 } };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_histogram_trackP{
-        this, "UTTrackP", "|p| of states for UT hits; |p|", {40, 0.0, 125000}};
+        this, "UTTrackP", "|p| of states for UT hits; |p|", { 40, 0.0, 125000 } };
     struct HistogramsPerLayer {
       mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>        m_histogram_stateX;
@@ -99,68 +99,71 @@ namespace LHCb {
       mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_histogram_n_used_cluster;
       HistogramsPerLayer( const UTTrackMonitor* owner, std::string const& uniqueName )
           : m_histogram_stateX( owner, uniqueName + "UTStateX", "x of states for UT hits; x;",
-                                {100, -0.35 * 2500, 0.35 * 2500} )
-          , m_histogram_stateY{owner,
-                               uniqueName + "UTStateY",
-                               "y of states for UT hits; y;",
-                               {100, -0.32 * 2500, 0.32 * 2500}}
-          , m_histogram_unbiasedResidual{owner,
-                                         uniqueName + "unbiasedResidual",
-                                         "'unbiased' residual of hits on track used in the track fit; 'unbiased' "
-                                         "residual;",
-                                         {200, -2, 2.}}
-          , m_histogram_biasedResidual{owner,
-                                       uniqueName + "biasedResidual",
-                                       "Residual of hits on track *used* in the track fit; biased residual;",
-                                       {200, -2, 2.}}
-          , m_histogram_frac_strip_cluster_size{owner,
-                                                uniqueName + "fracSrip_clusterSize",
-                                                "Fractional strip position and cluster size correlation matrix; frac "
-                                                "strip; cluster size",
-                                                {100, -0.5, 0.5},
-                                                {4, 1.5, 5.5}}
-          , m_histogram_cluster_size{owner, uniqueName + "clusterSize", "Cluster size; cluster size;", {50, -0.5, 49.5}}
-          , m_histogram_cluster_size_zoomed{owner,
-                                            uniqueName + "clusterSizeZoomed",
-                                            "Cluster size; cluster size;",
-                                            {6, -0.5, 5.5}}
-          , m_histogram_cluster_size_vs_tx{owner,
-                                           uniqueName + "ClusterSizeVsTx",
-                                           "cluster size vs dx/dz; dx/dz; cluster size",
-                                           {100, -0.2, 0.2}}
-          , m_histogram_cluster_size_vs_ty{owner,
-                                           uniqueName + "ClusterSizeVsTy",
-                                           "cluster size vs dy/dz; dy/dz; cluster size",
-                                           {100, -0.2, 0.2}}
-          , m_histogram_cluster_size_vs_t2{owner,
-                                           uniqueName + "ClusterSizeVsT2",
-                                           "cluster size vs. sqrt(dx/dz^2 + dy/dz^2); ds/dz; cluster size",
-                                           {100, 0., 0.4}}
-          , m_histogram_cluster_charge_cluster_size{owner,
-                                                    uniqueName + "clusterCharge_clusterSize",
-                                                    "Cluster charge and cluster size correlation matrix; cluster "
-                                                    "charge; cluster size",
-                                                    {200, 0., 200.},
-                                                    {6, -0.5, 5.5}}
-          , m_histogram_cluster_charge_vs_tx{owner,
-                                             uniqueName + "ClusterChargeVsTx",
-                                             "cluster charge vs dx/dz; dx/dz; cluster charge",
-                                             {100, -0.2, 0.2}}
-          , m_histogram_cluster_charge_vs_ty{owner,
-                                             uniqueName + "ClusterChargeVsTy",
-                                             "cluster charge vs dy/dz; dy/dz; cluster charge",
-                                             {100, -0.2, 0.2}}
-          , m_histogram_cluster_charge_vs_t2{owner,
-                                             uniqueName + "ClusterChargeVsT2",
-                                             "cluster charge vs. sqrt(dx/dz^2 + dy/dz^2); ds/dz; cluster charge",
-                                             {100, 0., 0.4}}
+                                { 100, -0.35 * 2500, 0.35 * 2500 } )
+          , m_histogram_stateY{ owner,
+                                uniqueName + "UTStateY",
+                                "y of states for UT hits; y;",
+                                { 100, -0.32 * 2500, 0.32 * 2500 } }
+          , m_histogram_unbiasedResidual{ owner,
+                                          uniqueName + "unbiasedResidual",
+                                          "'unbiased' residual of hits on track used in the track fit; 'unbiased' "
+                                          "residual;",
+                                          { 200, -2, 2. } }
+          , m_histogram_biasedResidual{ owner,
+                                        uniqueName + "biasedResidual",
+                                        "Residual of hits on track *used* in the track fit; biased residual;",
+                                        { 200, -2, 2. } }
+          , m_histogram_frac_strip_cluster_size{ owner,
+                                                 uniqueName + "fracSrip_clusterSize",
+                                                 "Fractional strip position and cluster size correlation matrix; frac "
+                                                 "strip; cluster size",
+                                                 { 100, -0.5, 0.5 },
+                                                 { 4, 1.5, 5.5 } }
+          , m_histogram_cluster_size{ owner,
+                                      uniqueName + "clusterSize",
+                                      "Cluster size; cluster size;",
+                                      { 50, -0.5, 49.5 } }
+          , m_histogram_cluster_size_zoomed{ owner,
+                                             uniqueName + "clusterSizeZoomed",
+                                             "Cluster size; cluster size;",
+                                             { 6, -0.5, 5.5 } }
+          , m_histogram_cluster_size_vs_tx{ owner,
+                                            uniqueName + "ClusterSizeVsTx",
+                                            "cluster size vs dx/dz; dx/dz; cluster size",
+                                            { 100, -0.2, 0.2 } }
+          , m_histogram_cluster_size_vs_ty{ owner,
+                                            uniqueName + "ClusterSizeVsTy",
+                                            "cluster size vs dy/dz; dy/dz; cluster size",
+                                            { 100, -0.2, 0.2 } }
+          , m_histogram_cluster_size_vs_t2{ owner,
+                                            uniqueName + "ClusterSizeVsT2",
+                                            "cluster size vs. sqrt(dx/dz^2 + dy/dz^2); ds/dz; cluster size",
+                                            { 100, 0., 0.4 } }
+          , m_histogram_cluster_charge_cluster_size{ owner,
+                                                     uniqueName + "clusterCharge_clusterSize",
+                                                     "Cluster charge and cluster size correlation matrix; cluster "
+                                                     "charge; cluster size",
+                                                     { 200, 0., 200. },
+                                                     { 6, -0.5, 5.5 } }
+          , m_histogram_cluster_charge_vs_tx{ owner,
+                                              uniqueName + "ClusterChargeVsTx",
+                                              "cluster charge vs dx/dz; dx/dz; cluster charge",
+                                              { 100, -0.2, 0.2 } }
+          , m_histogram_cluster_charge_vs_ty{ owner,
+                                              uniqueName + "ClusterChargeVsTy",
+                                              "cluster charge vs dy/dz; dy/dz; cluster charge",
+                                              { 100, -0.2, 0.2 } }
+          , m_histogram_cluster_charge_vs_t2{ owner,
+                                              uniqueName + "ClusterChargeVsT2",
+                                              "cluster charge vs. sqrt(dx/dz^2 + dy/dz^2); ds/dz; cluster charge",
+                                              { 100, 0., 0.4 } }
           , m_histogram_cluster_charge_sensors{
                 [&uniqueName]( int n ) {
                   return fmt::format( "{}clusterCharge_Sensor{}", uniqueName, (char)( 'A' + n ) );
                 []( int n ) { return fmt::format( "clusterCharge_Sensor{};cluster charge;", (char)( 'A' + n ) ); },
-                {200, 0., 200.}}
+                { 200, 0., 200. } }
           , m_histogram_cluster_charge_sensors_strips{
                 [&uniqueName]( int n ) {
@@ -170,31 +173,31 @@ namespace LHCb {
                   return fmt::format( "clusterCharge_clusterSize_Sensor{};cluster charge;cluster size",
                                       (char)( 'A' + n ) );
-                {200, 0., 200.},
-                {4, 1.5, 5.5},
+                { 200, 0., 200. },
+                { 4, 1.5, 5.5 },
-          , m_histogram_overlap_residual{owner,
-                                         uniqueName + "overlapResidual",
-                                         "Overlap residuals; overlap residuals;",
-                                         {100, -1.0, 1.0}}
-          , m_histogram_overlap_first_residual{owner,
-                                               uniqueName + "overlapResidual_left",
-                                               "Overlap residuals (left); overlap residuals (left);",
-                                               {100, -0.5, 0.5}}
-          , m_histogram_overlap_second_residual{owner,
-                                                uniqueName + "overlapResidual_right",
-                                                "Overlap residuals (right); overlap residuals (right)",
-                                                {100, -0.5, 0.5}}
-          , m_histogram_stateXY{owner,
-                                uniqueName + "stateXY",
-                                "(x,y) position of UT states (interaction of track with layer around UT cluster);x;y",
-                                {100, -875, 875},
-                                {100, -800, 800}}
+          , m_histogram_overlap_residual{ owner,
+                                          uniqueName + "overlapResidual",
+                                          "Overlap residuals; overlap residuals;",
+                                          { 100, -1.0, 1.0 } }
+          , m_histogram_overlap_first_residual{ owner,
+                                                uniqueName + "overlapResidual_left",
+                                                "Overlap residuals (left); overlap residuals (left);",
+                                                { 100, -0.5, 0.5 } }
+          , m_histogram_overlap_second_residual{ owner,
+                                                 uniqueName + "overlapResidual_right",
+                                                 "Overlap residuals (right); overlap residuals (right)",
+                                                 { 100, -0.5, 0.5 } }
+          , m_histogram_stateXY{ owner,
+                                 uniqueName + "stateXY",
+                                 "(x,y) position of UT states (interaction of track with layer around UT cluster);x;y",
+                                 { 100, -875, 875 },
+                                 { 100, -800, 800 } }
           , m_histogram_n_used_cluster{
                 uniqueName + "fracUsedClusters",
                 "Frac. of clusters used on tracks (nClusterOnTrack / nClusterTotal); nClusterOnTrack/nClusterTotal;",
-                {100, -0.001, 1.01}} {}
+                { 100, -0.001, 1.01 } } {}
     /** this is pretty disgusting */
@@ -218,9 +221,9 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( LHCb::UTTrackMonitor, "UTTrackMonitor" )
 UTTrackMonitor::UTTrackMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {{"TracksInContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                 {"InputHitHandler", ""},
-                 {"DeUT", DeUTDetLocation::location()}} ) {}
+                { { "TracksInContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                  { "InputHitHandler", "" },
+                  { "DeUT", DeUTDetLocation::location() } } ) {}
 void UTTrackMonitor::operator()( LHCb::Track::Range const& tracks, LHCb::UTHitClusters const& clusters,
                                  DeUTDetector const& deUT ) const {
@@ -297,7 +300,7 @@ void UTTrackMonitor::fillHistograms( LHCb::Track const& track, LHCb::UTHitCluste
     auto& histos_this_layer = m_histograms_per_layer.at( uniquelayer );
-    ++histos_this_layer.m_histogram_stateXY[{aState.x(), aState.y()}];
+    ++histos_this_layer.m_histogram_stateXY[{ aState.x(), aState.y() }];
@@ -319,22 +322,22 @@ void UTTrackMonitor::fillHistograms( LHCb::Track const& track, LHCb::UTHitCluste
     const auto& cluster = findCluster( chan, utHits );
     if ( !cluster ) { error() << "Could not find cluster back in hit handler!" << endmsg; }
     // get the measurement and plot UT related quantities
-    ++histos_this_layer.m_histogram_frac_strip_cluster_size[{cluster->fracStrip(),
-                                                             (double)( std::min( (int)( cluster->size() ), 5 ) )}];
+    ++histos_this_layer.m_histogram_frac_strip_cluster_size[{ cluster->fracStrip(),
+                                                              (double)( std::min( (int)( cluster->size() ), 5 ) ) }];
     ++histos_this_layer.m_histogram_cluster_size[(double)( std::min( (int)( cluster->size() ), 49 ) )];
     ++histos_this_layer.m_histogram_cluster_size_zoomed[(double)( std::min( (int)( cluster->size() ), 5 ) )];
-    ++histos_this_layer.m_histogram_cluster_charge_cluster_size[{cluster->clusterCharge(),
-                                                                 (double)( std::min( (int)( cluster->size() ), 5 ) )}];
+    ++histos_this_layer.m_histogram_cluster_charge_cluster_size[{
+        cluster->clusterCharge(), (double)( std::min( (int)( cluster->size() ), 5 ) ) }];
     // for this one we actually need the component perpendicular to B field.
     Gaudi::XYZVector dir = node->state().slopes();
-    histos_this_layer.m_histogram_cluster_size_vs_tx[{dir.x()}] += (float)( std::min( (int)( cluster->size() ), 5 ) );
-    histos_this_layer.m_histogram_cluster_size_vs_ty[{dir.y()}] += (float)( std::min( (int)( cluster->size() ), 5 ) );
-    histos_this_layer.m_histogram_cluster_size_vs_t2[{std::sqrt( dir.x() * dir.x() + dir.y() * dir.y() )}] +=
+    histos_this_layer.m_histogram_cluster_size_vs_tx[{ dir.x() }] += (float)( std::min( (int)( cluster->size() ), 5 ) );
+    histos_this_layer.m_histogram_cluster_size_vs_ty[{ dir.y() }] += (float)( std::min( (int)( cluster->size() ), 5 ) );
+    histos_this_layer.m_histogram_cluster_size_vs_t2[{ std::sqrt( dir.x() * dir.x() + dir.y() * dir.y() ) }] +=
         (float)( std::min( (int)( cluster->size() ), 5 ) );
-    histos_this_layer.m_histogram_cluster_charge_vs_tx[{dir.x()}] += cluster->clusterCharge();
-    histos_this_layer.m_histogram_cluster_charge_vs_ty[{dir.y()}] += cluster->clusterCharge();
-    histos_this_layer.m_histogram_cluster_charge_vs_t2[{std::sqrt( dir.x() * dir.x() + dir.y() * dir.y() )}] +=
+    histos_this_layer.m_histogram_cluster_charge_vs_tx[{ dir.x() }] += cluster->clusterCharge();
+    histos_this_layer.m_histogram_cluster_charge_vs_ty[{ dir.y() }] += cluster->clusterCharge();
+    histos_this_layer.m_histogram_cluster_charge_vs_t2[{ std::sqrt( dir.x() * dir.x() + dir.y() * dir.y() ) }] +=
 #ifdef USE_DD4HEP
@@ -344,7 +347,7 @@ void UTTrackMonitor::fillHistograms( LHCb::Track const& track, LHCb::UTHitCluste
     ++( histos_this_layer.m_histogram_cluster_charge_sensors[sensor_type] )[cluster->clusterCharge()];
     ++( histos_this_layer.m_histogram_cluster_charge_sensors_strips[sensor_type] )[{
-        cluster->clusterCharge(), (double)( std::min( (int)( cluster->size() ), 5 ) )}];
+        cluster->clusterCharge(), (double)( std::min( (int)( cluster->size() ), 5 ) ) }];
   } // nodes
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/VPHitEfficiencyMonitor.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/VPHitEfficiencyMonitor.cpp
index 61c2a8af8392ba8fb32dd6ac23d57afdd2710707..b6110662855d1fe99d9646ea41648ec86ec56355 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/VPHitEfficiencyMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/VPHitEfficiencyMonitor.cpp
@@ -36,30 +36,30 @@ class VPHitEfficiencyMonitor
           void( const LHCb::Track::Range&, const LHCb::Pr::VP::Hits&, const DetectorElement&, const DeVP& ),
           LHCb::Algorithm::Traits::usesBaseAndConditions<GaudiHistoAlg, DetectorElement, DeVP>> {
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_sensorUnderStudy{this, "SensorUnderStudy"};
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_sensorUnderStudy{ this, "SensorUnderStudy" };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_expertMode{this, "ExpertMode", false}; // More detailed histograms
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_onlineMode{this, "OnlineMode",
-                                     false}; // Remove requirement for interpolation on first/last station
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_expertMode{ this, "ExpertMode", false }; // More detailed histograms
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_onlineMode{ this, "OnlineMode",
+                                      false }; // Remove requirement for interpolation on first/last station
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_tolerance{this, "ResidualTolerance", 0.1 * Gaudi::Units::mm}; // tolerance in mm, was 0.2
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxTrackError{this, "MaxTrackCov", 0.2 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_tolerance{ this, "ResidualTolerance", 0.1 * Gaudi::Units::mm }; // tolerance in mm, was 0.2
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_maxTrackError{ this, "MaxTrackCov", 0.2 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_fillHot{this, "FillHotEfficiencies", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_checkSensor{this, "CheckSensorPosition", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_splitACSide{this, "UseAandCSide", true};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_fillHot{ this, "FillHotEfficiencies", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_checkSensor{ this, "CheckSensorPosition", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_splitACSide{ this, "UseAandCSide", true };
-  ToolHandle<ITrackInterpolator> m_interpolator{this, "Interpolator", "TrackInterpolator"};
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_linearextrapolator{this, "Extrapolator", "TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackInterpolator> m_interpolator{ this, "Interpolator", "TrackInterpolator" };
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_linearextrapolator{ this, "Extrapolator", "TrackRungeKuttaExtrapolator" };
   // Needed for running in the online monitoring
   AIDA::IHistogram2D* hitPass  = nullptr;
   AIDA::IHistogram2D* hitTotal = nullptr;
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_hitEfficiency{
-      this, "hitEfficiencyASIC", "hit efficiency per ASIC", {3, -0.5, 2.5}};
+      this, "hitEfficiencyASIC", "hit efficiency per ASIC", { 3, -0.5, 2.5 } };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<1> m_hotEfficiency{
-      this, "hotEfficiencyASIC", "hot efficiency per ASIC", {3, -0.5, 2.5}};
+      this, "hotEfficiencyASIC", "hot efficiency per ASIC", { 3, -0.5, 2.5 } };
   // Definitions change when changing expert_mode
   mutable std::optional<Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<2>> m_hitEfficiencyPerRowColumn;
   mutable std::optional<Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<2>> m_hotEfficiencyPerRowColumn;
@@ -67,23 +67,23 @@ private:
   mutable std::optional<Gaudi::Accumulators::ProfileHistogram<2>> m_xyResidualsProfile;
   // Normalized residuals
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<2> m_resCorrected{
-      this, "resCorrected", "resCorrected", {200, -10, 10}, {200, -10, 10}};
+      this, "resCorrected", "resCorrected", { 200, -10, 10 }, { 200, -10, 10 } };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_interPolationError{this, "Could not interpolate"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_extrapolationError{this, "Could not extrapolate"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_moduleError{this, "Could not find this module"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_interPolationError{ this, "Could not interpolate" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_extrapolationError{ this, "Could not extrapolate" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_moduleError{ this, "Could not find this module" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_hitsError{
-      this, "Could not find hits downstream or upstream of the sensor being studied"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_activeAreaError{this, "NotInActiveArea"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_trackCounter{this, "TracksUsed"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_hitEff{this, "HitEfficiencyCounter"};
+      this, "Could not find hits downstream or upstream of the sensor being studied" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_activeAreaError{ this, "NotInActiveArea" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<>  m_trackCounter{ this, "TracksUsed" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_hitEff{ this, "HitEfficiencyCounter" };
   VPHitEfficiencyMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                  {KeyValue{"TrackLocation", ""}, KeyValue{"PrVPHitsLocation", ""},
-                   KeyValue{"LHCbGeoLocation", LHCb::standard_geometry_top},
-                   KeyValue{"VPLocation", DeVPLocation::Default}} ) {}
+                  { KeyValue{ "TrackLocation", "" }, KeyValue{ "PrVPHitsLocation", "" },
+                    KeyValue{ "LHCbGeoLocation", LHCb::standard_geometry_top },
+                    KeyValue{ "VPLocation", DeVPLocation::Default } } ) {}
   StatusCode initialize() override;
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ public:
                   // from a PV
       if ( !m_splitACSide.value() ) {
-        const LHCb::HitPattern hitpattern{track->lhcbIDs()};
+        const LHCb::HitPattern hitpattern{ track->lhcbIDs() };
         auto                   aHits = hitpattern.numVeloA();
         auto                   cHits = hitpattern.numVeloC();
         if ( aHits > 1 && cHits > 1 ) continue;
@@ -218,10 +218,10 @@ public:
           if ( bestResidual < 0 || residual < bestResidual ) { bestResidual = residual; }
-        ++m_resCorrected[{residual_vector.x() / std::sqrt( state.covariance()( 0, 0 ) ),
-                          residual_vector.y() / std::sqrt( state.covariance()( 1, 1 ) )}];
-        ++( *m_xyResiduals )[{residual_vector.x(), residual_vector.y()}];
-        ( *m_xyResidualsProfile )[{residual_vector.x(), residual_vector.y()}] += residual;
+        ++m_resCorrected[{ residual_vector.x() / std::sqrt( state.covariance()( 0, 0 ) ),
+                           residual_vector.y() / std::sqrt( state.covariance()( 1, 1 ) ) }];
+        ++( *m_xyResiduals )[{ residual_vector.x(), residual_vector.y() }];
+        ( *m_xyResidualsProfile )[{ residual_vector.x(), residual_vector.y() }] += residual;
         // find hit on track
         if ( m_fillHot.value() ) {
@@ -235,14 +235,14 @@ public:
       if ( !findchannel ) warning() << "not in the sensitive region ... no channel found!" << endmsg;
       m_hitEff += foundHit;
-      m_hitEfficiency[{double( expChannel.chip() )}] += foundHit;
-      ( *m_hitEfficiencyPerRowColumn )[{unsigned( expChannel.chip() ) * 256 + unsigned( expChannel.col() ),
-                                        unsigned( expChannel.row() )}] += foundHit;
+      m_hitEfficiency[{ double( expChannel.chip() ) }] += foundHit;
+      ( *m_hitEfficiencyPerRowColumn )[{ unsigned( expChannel.chip() ) * 256 + unsigned( expChannel.col() ),
+                                         unsigned( expChannel.row() ) }] += foundHit;
       // hit-on-track efficiency PerXY, sensor, chip, cov+row
       m_hotEfficiency[double( expChannel.chip() )] += foundHitOnTrack;
-      ( *m_hotEfficiencyPerRowColumn )[{unsigned( expChannel.chip() ) * 256 + unsigned( expChannel.col() ),
-                                        unsigned( expChannel.row() )}] += foundHitOnTrack;
+      ( *m_hotEfficiencyPerRowColumn )[{ unsigned( expChannel.chip() ) * 256 + unsigned( expChannel.col() ),
+                                         unsigned( expChannel.row() ) }] += foundHitOnTrack;
       if ( m_onlineMode.value() ) {
         if ( foundHit == 1 ) {
@@ -267,32 +267,32 @@ StatusCode VPHitEfficiencyMonitor::initialize() {
     if ( m_expertMode.value() ) {
       m_hitEfficiencyPerRowColumn.emplace( this, "hitEfficiencyVsRowColumn", "hit efficiency per Row/Column per sensor",
-                                           Axis1D{768, -0.5, 767.5}, Axis1D{256, -0.5, 255.5} );
+                                           Axis1D{ 768, -0.5, 767.5 }, Axis1D{ 256, -0.5, 255.5 } );
       m_hotEfficiencyPerRowColumn.emplace( this, "hotEfficiencyVsRowColumn", "hot efficiency per Row/Column per sensor",
-                                           Axis1D{768, -0.5, 767.5}, Axis1D{256, -0.5, 255.5} );
+                                           Axis1D{ 768, -0.5, 767.5 }, Axis1D{ 256, -0.5, 255.5 } );
       m_xyResiduals.emplace( this, "xyResiduals", "residual in x,y",
-                             Axis1D{600, -5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm},
-                             Axis1D{600, -5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm} );
+                             Axis1D{ 600, -5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm },
+                             Axis1D{ 600, -5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm } );
       m_xyResidualsProfile.emplace( this, "xyResidualsProfile", "residual in x,y",
-                                    Axis1D{600, -5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm},
-                                    Axis1D{600, -5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm} );
+                                    Axis1D{ 600, -5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm },
+                                    Axis1D{ 600, -5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm } );
     } else {
       m_hitEfficiencyPerRowColumn.emplace( this, "hitEfficiencyVsRowColumn", "hit efficiency per Row/Column per sensor",
-                                           Axis1D{48, -0.5, 767.5}, Axis1D{16, -0.5, 255.5} );
+                                           Axis1D{ 48, -0.5, 767.5 }, Axis1D{ 16, -0.5, 255.5 } );
       m_hotEfficiencyPerRowColumn.emplace( this, "hotEfficiencyVsRowColumn", "hot efficiency per Row/Column per sensor",
-                                           Axis1D{48, -0.5, 767.5}, Axis1D{16, -0.5, 255.5} );
+                                           Axis1D{ 48, -0.5, 767.5 }, Axis1D{ 16, -0.5, 255.5 } );
       m_xyResiduals.emplace( this, "xyResiduals", "residual in x,y",
-                             Axis1D{50, -5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm},
-                             Axis1D{50, -5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm} );
+                             Axis1D{ 50, -5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm },
+                             Axis1D{ 50, -5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm } );
       m_xyResidualsProfile.emplace( this, "xyResidualsProfile", "residual in x,y",
-                                    Axis1D{50, -5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm},
-                                    Axis1D{50, -5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm} );
+                                    Axis1D{ 50, -5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm },
+                                    Axis1D{ 50, -5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm, 5.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm } );
   } );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/VPTrackMonitor.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/VPTrackMonitor.cpp
index 2925abd58b86c9ac5655460359aad919f7d2b444..c5ddc699bc39b0143f0d77da719c337b80d433e9 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/VPTrackMonitor.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/VPTrackMonitor.cpp
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 namespace {
   enum HitType { VPX = 0, VPY, VP2D, UT, FT, Muon, HitTypeUnknown };
-  const std::vector<std::string> HitTypeName{"VPX", "VPY", "VP2D", "UT", "FT", "Muon"};
+  const std::vector<std::string> HitTypeName{ "VPX", "VPY", "VP2D", "UT", "FT", "Muon" };
   template <typename TNode>
   inline HitType hittypemap( const TNode& node ) {
@@ -102,20 +102,20 @@ namespace LHCb::Tr::Monitor {
       : LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void( LHCb::Track::Range const&, VPLightClusters const&,
                                         IDetailedHitExpectation const&, DeVP const&, DetectorElement const& ),
                                   Algorithm::Traits::usesBaseAndConditions<GaudiTupleAlg, DeVP, DetectorElement>> {
-    Gaudi::Property<int>  TrackEnum{this, "TrackEnum", 0, "Track type"};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool> ResidualDebug{this, "ResidualDebug", 0,
-                                        "Swithcing on the option to produce extra plots for residuals"};
+    Gaudi::Property<int>  TrackEnum{ this, "TrackEnum", 0, "Track type" };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool> ResidualDebug{ this, "ResidualDebug", 0,
+                                         "Swithcing on the option to produce extra plots for residuals" };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_unknownFitType{this, "Unknown fit result type."};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_unknownFitType{ this, "Unknown fit result type." };
     /// Standard constructor
     VPTrackMonitor( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Consumer{name,
-                   pSvcLocator,
-                   {KeyValue{"TrackContainer", ""}, KeyValue{"ClusterContainer", VPClusterLocation::Light},
-                    KeyValue{"VPHitExpectation", "VPHitExpectation"},
-                    KeyValue{"VPDetectorLocation", DeVPLocation::Default},
-                    KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}}} {}
+        : Consumer{ name,
+                    pSvcLocator,
+                    { KeyValue{ "TrackContainer", "" }, KeyValue{ "ClusterContainer", VPClusterLocation::Light },
+                      KeyValue{ "VPHitExpectation", "VPHitExpectation" },
+                      KeyValue{ "VPDetectorLocation", DeVPLocation::Default },
+                      KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } } } {}
     struct Histos {
       // Histograms filled per track
@@ -177,160 +177,170 @@ namespace LHCb::Tr::Monitor {
       Histos( const VPTrackMonitor* owner, std::string const& fwdbwd )
           : // Histograms filled per track
-          m_phi{owner, fwdbwd + "/phi", "phi", {200, -3.2, 3.2}}
-          , m_phi_shift{owner, fwdbwd + "/phi_shift", "phi_shift", {200, -3.2, 3.2}}
-          , m_eta{owner, fwdbwd + "/pseudoRapidity", "pseudoRapidity", {400, -6., 6.}}
-          , m_theta{owner, fwdbwd + "/theta", "theta", {200, 0., 700.}}
-          , m_chi2NDOF{owner, fwdbwd + "/chi2NDOF", "chi2NDOF", {50, 0., 20.}}
-          , m_probChi2{owner, fwdbwd + "/probChi2", "probChi2", {50, -0.1, 1.1}}
-          , m_nClusters{owner, fwdbwd + "/Clusters", "#clusters", {71, -0.5, 70.5}}
-          , m_pseudoEfficiency{owner, fwdbwd + "/PseudoEfficiency", "Track Pseudoefficiency", {50, -0.1, 1.1}}
-          , m_nVPHits{owner, fwdbwd + "/VPHits", "#VP hits", {27, -0.5, 26.5}}
-          , m_p{owner, fwdbwd + "/p", "p", {200, 0., 100.}}
-          , m_theta_nVPHits{owner, fwdbwd + "/VPHitsPerTheta", "#VP hits vs theta [mrad]", {200, 0., 700.}}
-          , m_eta_nVPHits{owner, fwdbwd + "/VPHitsPerEta", "#VP hits vs eta", {200, 0., 6.}}
-          , m_phi_nVPHits{owner, fwdbwd + "/VPHitsPerPhi", "#VP hits vs phi", {200, -3.2, 3.2}}
-          , m_phi_eta{owner, fwdbwd + "/PhiEta", "2D phi-eta distribution of tracks", {200, -3.2, 3.2}, {400, -6., 6.}}
-          , m_phi_shift_eta{owner,
-                            fwdbwd + "/PhiEta_shift",
-                            "2D phi-eta distribution of tracks with phi shifted by pi",
-                            {200, -3.2, 3.2},
-                            {400, -6., 6.}}
+          m_phi{ owner, fwdbwd + "/phi", "phi", { 200, -3.2, 3.2 } }
+          , m_phi_shift{ owner, fwdbwd + "/phi_shift", "phi_shift", { 200, -3.2, 3.2 } }
+          , m_eta{ owner, fwdbwd + "/pseudoRapidity", "pseudoRapidity", { 400, -6., 6. } }
+          , m_theta{ owner, fwdbwd + "/theta", "theta", { 200, 0., 700. } }
+          , m_chi2NDOF{ owner, fwdbwd + "/chi2NDOF", "chi2NDOF", { 50, 0., 20. } }
+          , m_probChi2{ owner, fwdbwd + "/probChi2", "probChi2", { 50, -0.1, 1.1 } }
+          , m_nClusters{ owner, fwdbwd + "/Clusters", "#clusters", { 71, -0.5, 70.5 } }
+          , m_pseudoEfficiency{ owner, fwdbwd + "/PseudoEfficiency", "Track Pseudoefficiency", { 50, -0.1, 1.1 } }
+          , m_nVPHits{ owner, fwdbwd + "/VPHits", "#VP hits", { 27, -0.5, 26.5 } }
+          , m_p{ owner, fwdbwd + "/p", "p", { 200, 0., 100. } }
+          , m_theta_nVPHits{ owner, fwdbwd + "/VPHitsPerTheta", "#VP hits vs theta [mrad]", { 200, 0., 700. } }
+          , m_eta_nVPHits{ owner, fwdbwd + "/VPHitsPerEta", "#VP hits vs eta", { 200, 0., 6. } }
+          , m_phi_nVPHits{ owner, fwdbwd + "/VPHitsPerPhi", "#VP hits vs phi", { 200, -3.2, 3.2 } }
+          , m_phi_eta{ owner,
+                       fwdbwd + "/PhiEta",
+                       "2D phi-eta distribution of tracks",
+                       { 200, -3.2, 3.2 },
+                       { 400, -6., 6. } }
+          , m_phi_shift_eta{ owner,
+                             fwdbwd + "/PhiEta_shift",
+                             "2D phi-eta distribution of tracks with phi shifted by pi",
+                             { 200, -3.2, 3.2 },
+                             { 400, -6., 6. } }
           // Histograms filled per cluster
-          , m_sensor{owner, fwdbwd + "/Sensors", "Sensors", {208, -0.5, 207.5}}
-          , m_module{owner, fwdbwd + "/Modules", "Modules", {52, -0.5, 51.5}}
-          , m_pseudoEfficiency_sens{owner,
-                                    fwdbwd + "/Pseudoefficiency_sens",
-                                    "Pseudoefficiency of sensors",
-                                    {208, -.5, 207.5}}
-          , m_pseudoEfficiency_sens_inner{owner,
-                                          fwdbwd + "/Pseudoefficiency_sens_inner",
-                                          "Pseudoefficiency of inner sensors",
-                                          {208, -.5, 207.5}}
-          , m_pseudoEfficiency_sens_outer{owner,
-                                          fwdbwd + "/Pseudoefficiency_sens_outer",
-                                          "Pseudoefficiency of outer sensors",
-                                          {208, -.5, 207.5}}
-          , m_nHit_sens{owner, fwdbwd + "/N_nhit_sens", "Hit Multiplicity on sensors", {208, -.5, 207.5}}
-          , m_nHit_mod{owner, fwdbwd + "/N_nhit_mod", "Hit Multiplicity on modules", {52, -.5, 51.5}}
-          , m_sensor_res{owner,
-                         fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualSensor",
-                         "Biased Residual per Sensor",
-                         {208, -.5, 207.5},
-                         {200, -.1, .1}}
-          , m_sensor_resPull{owner,
-                             fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualPullSensor",
-                             "Biased Residual / Error per Sensor",
-                             {208, -.5, 207.5},
-                             {200, -5., 5.}}
-          , m_module_res{owner,
-                         fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualModule",
-                         "Biased Residual per Module",
-                         {52, -.5, 51.5},
-                         {200, -.1, .1}}
-          , m_module_resPull{owner,
-                             fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualPullModule",
-                             "Biased Residual / Error per Module",
-                             {52, -.5, 51.5},
-                             {200, -5., 5.}}
-          , m_sensor_resX{owner,
-                          fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualXSensor",
-                          "Biased Residual X per Sensor",
-                          {208, -.5, 207.5},
-                          {200, -.1, .1}}
-          , m_sensor_resXPull{owner,
-                              fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualXPullSensor",
-                              "Biased Residual X / Error per Sensor",
-                              {208, -.5, 207.5},
-                              {200, -5., 5.}}
-          , m_module_resX{owner,
-                          fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualXModule",
-                          "Biased Residual X per Module",
-                          {52, -.5, 51.5},
-                          {200, -.1, .1}}
-          , m_module_resXPull{owner,
-                              fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualXPullModule",
-                              "Biased Residual X/ Error per Module",
-                              {52, -.5, 51.5},
-                              {200, -5., 5.}}
-          , m_sensor_resY{owner,
-                          fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualYSensor",
-                          "Biased Residual Y per Sensor",
-                          {208, -.5, 207.5},
-                          {200, -.1, .1}}
-          , m_sensor_resYPull{owner,
-                              fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualYPullSensor",
-                              "Biased Residual Y / Error per Sensor",
-                              {208, -.5, 207.5},
-                              {200, -5., 5.}}
-          , m_module_resY{owner,
-                          fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualYModule",
-                          "Biased Residual Y per Module",
-                          {52, -.5, 51.5},
-                          {200, -.1, .1}}
-          , m_module_resYPull{owner,
-                              fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualYPullModule",
-                              "Biased Residual Y / Error per Module",
-                              {52, -.5, 51.5},
-                              {200, -5., 5.}}
-          , m_prof_res_station{owner, fwdbwd + "/ProfResVsStation", "ProfResVsStation", {26, -.5, 25.5}}
-          , m_prof_resX_station_tx{owner,
-                                   fwdbwd + "/ProfResXVsStationTx",
-                                   "ProfResXVsStationTx",
-                                   {26, -.5, 25.5},
-                                   {100, -0.3, 0.3}}
-          , m_prof_resX_station25_tx{owner,
-                                     fwdbwd + "/ProfResXVsStation25Tx",
-                                     "ProfResXVsStation25Tx",
-                                     {100, -0.3, 0.3}}
-          , m_prof_resY_station_ty{owner,
-                                   fwdbwd + "/ProfResYVsStationTy",
-                                   "ProfResYVsStationTy",
-                                   {26, -.5, 25.5},
-                                   {100, -0.3, 0.3}}
-          , m_prof_resY_station25_ty{owner,
-                                     fwdbwd + "/ProfResYVsStation25Ty",
-                                     "ProfResYVsStation25Ty",
-                                     {100, -0.3, 0.3}}
-          , m_nTracksperEvent{owner, fwdbwd + "/NtracksperEvent", "nTracks Vs event", {351, -0.5, 350.5}}
-          , m_prof_resXLocal_Vs_qXLocal{owner, fwdbwd + "/LocalResX_Vs_LocalQx", "LocalResX Vs LocalQx", {100, -5, 50}}
-          , m_prof_resYLocal_Vs_qYLocal{owner, fwdbwd + "/LocalResY_Vs_LocalQy", "LocalResY Vs LocalQy", {100, -5, 20}}
-          , m_prof_resXGlobal_Vs_qXGlobal{owner,
-                                          fwdbwd + "/GlobalResX_Vs_GlobalQx",
-                                          "GlobalResX Vs GlobalQx",
-                                          {300, -80, 80}}
-          , m_prof_resYGlobal_Vs_qYGlobal{owner,
-                                          fwdbwd + "/GlobalResY_Vs_GlobalQy",
-                                          "GlobalResY Vs GlobalQy",
-                                          {300, -80, 80}}
-          , m_prof_resXGlobal_Vs_qXLocal{owner,
-                                         fwdbwd + "/GlobalResX_Vs_LocalQx",
-                                         "GlobalResX Vs LocalQx",
-                                         {100, -5, 50}}
-          , m_prof_resYGlobal_Vs_qYLocal{owner,
-                                         fwdbwd + "/GlobalResY_Vs_LocalQy",
-                                         "GlobalResY Vs LocalQy",
-                                         {100, -5, 20}}
-          , m_prof_resXLocal_Vs_qXGlobal{owner,
-                                         fwdbwd + "/LocalResX_Vs_GlobalQx",
-                                         "LocalResX Vs GlobalQx",
-                                         {300, -80, 80}}
+          , m_sensor{ owner, fwdbwd + "/Sensors", "Sensors", { 208, -0.5, 207.5 } }
+          , m_module{ owner, fwdbwd + "/Modules", "Modules", { 52, -0.5, 51.5 } }
+          , m_pseudoEfficiency_sens{ owner,
+                                     fwdbwd + "/Pseudoefficiency_sens",
+                                     "Pseudoefficiency of sensors",
+                                     { 208, -.5, 207.5 } }
+          , m_pseudoEfficiency_sens_inner{ owner,
+                                           fwdbwd + "/Pseudoefficiency_sens_inner",
+                                           "Pseudoefficiency of inner sensors",
+                                           { 208, -.5, 207.5 } }
+          , m_pseudoEfficiency_sens_outer{ owner,
+                                           fwdbwd + "/Pseudoefficiency_sens_outer",
+                                           "Pseudoefficiency of outer sensors",
+                                           { 208, -.5, 207.5 } }
+          , m_nHit_sens{ owner, fwdbwd + "/N_nhit_sens", "Hit Multiplicity on sensors", { 208, -.5, 207.5 } }
+          , m_nHit_mod{ owner, fwdbwd + "/N_nhit_mod", "Hit Multiplicity on modules", { 52, -.5, 51.5 } }
+          , m_sensor_res{ owner,
+                          fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualSensor",
+                          "Biased Residual per Sensor",
+                          { 208, -.5, 207.5 },
+                          { 200, -.1, .1 } }
+          , m_sensor_resPull{ owner,
+                              fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualPullSensor",
+                              "Biased Residual / Error per Sensor",
+                              { 208, -.5, 207.5 },
+                              { 200, -5., 5. } }
+          , m_module_res{ owner,
+                          fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualModule",
+                          "Biased Residual per Module",
+                          { 52, -.5, 51.5 },
+                          { 200, -.1, .1 } }
+          , m_module_resPull{ owner,
+                              fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualPullModule",
+                              "Biased Residual / Error per Module",
+                              { 52, -.5, 51.5 },
+                              { 200, -5., 5. } }
+          , m_sensor_resX{ owner,
+                           fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualXSensor",
+                           "Biased Residual X per Sensor",
+                           { 208, -.5, 207.5 },
+                           { 200, -.1, .1 } }
+          , m_sensor_resXPull{ owner,
+                               fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualXPullSensor",
+                               "Biased Residual X / Error per Sensor",
+                               { 208, -.5, 207.5 },
+                               { 200, -5., 5. } }
+          , m_module_resX{ owner,
+                           fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualXModule",
+                           "Biased Residual X per Module",
+                           { 52, -.5, 51.5 },
+                           { 200, -.1, .1 } }
+          , m_module_resXPull{ owner,
+                               fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualXPullModule",
+                               "Biased Residual X/ Error per Module",
+                               { 52, -.5, 51.5 },
+                               { 200, -5., 5. } }
+          , m_sensor_resY{ owner,
+                           fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualYSensor",
+                           "Biased Residual Y per Sensor",
+                           { 208, -.5, 207.5 },
+                           { 200, -.1, .1 } }
+          , m_sensor_resYPull{ owner,
+                               fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualYPullSensor",
+                               "Biased Residual Y / Error per Sensor",
+                               { 208, -.5, 207.5 },
+                               { 200, -5., 5. } }
+          , m_module_resY{ owner,
+                           fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualYModule",
+                           "Biased Residual Y per Module",
+                           { 52, -.5, 51.5 },
+                           { 200, -.1, .1 } }
+          , m_module_resYPull{ owner,
+                               fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualYPullModule",
+                               "Biased Residual Y / Error per Module",
+                               { 52, -.5, 51.5 },
+                               { 200, -5., 5. } }
+          , m_prof_res_station{ owner, fwdbwd + "/ProfResVsStation", "ProfResVsStation", { 26, -.5, 25.5 } }
+          , m_prof_resX_station_tx{ owner,
+                                    fwdbwd + "/ProfResXVsStationTx",
+                                    "ProfResXVsStationTx",
+                                    { 26, -.5, 25.5 },
+                                    { 100, -0.3, 0.3 } }
+          , m_prof_resX_station25_tx{ owner,
+                                      fwdbwd + "/ProfResXVsStation25Tx",
+                                      "ProfResXVsStation25Tx",
+                                      { 100, -0.3, 0.3 } }
+          , m_prof_resY_station_ty{ owner,
+                                    fwdbwd + "/ProfResYVsStationTy",
+                                    "ProfResYVsStationTy",
+                                    { 26, -.5, 25.5 },
+                                    { 100, -0.3, 0.3 } }
+          , m_prof_resY_station25_ty{ owner,
+                                      fwdbwd + "/ProfResYVsStation25Ty",
+                                      "ProfResYVsStation25Ty",
+                                      { 100, -0.3, 0.3 } }
+          , m_nTracksperEvent{ owner, fwdbwd + "/NtracksperEvent", "nTracks Vs event", { 351, -0.5, 350.5 } }
+          , m_prof_resXLocal_Vs_qXLocal{ owner,
+                                         fwdbwd + "/LocalResX_Vs_LocalQx",
+                                         "LocalResX Vs LocalQx",
+                                         { 100, -5, 50 } }
+          , m_prof_resYLocal_Vs_qYLocal{ owner,
+                                         fwdbwd + "/LocalResY_Vs_LocalQy",
+                                         "LocalResY Vs LocalQy",
+                                         { 100, -5, 20 } }
+          , m_prof_resXGlobal_Vs_qXGlobal{ owner,
+                                           fwdbwd + "/GlobalResX_Vs_GlobalQx",
+                                           "GlobalResX Vs GlobalQx",
+                                           { 300, -80, 80 } }
+          , m_prof_resYGlobal_Vs_qYGlobal{ owner,
+                                           fwdbwd + "/GlobalResY_Vs_GlobalQy",
+                                           "GlobalResY Vs GlobalQy",
+                                           { 300, -80, 80 } }
+          , m_prof_resXGlobal_Vs_qXLocal{ owner,
+                                          fwdbwd + "/GlobalResX_Vs_LocalQx",
+                                          "GlobalResX Vs LocalQx",
+                                          { 100, -5, 50 } }
+          , m_prof_resYGlobal_Vs_qYLocal{ owner,
+                                          fwdbwd + "/GlobalResY_Vs_LocalQy",
+                                          "GlobalResY Vs LocalQy",
+                                          { 100, -5, 20 } }
+          , m_prof_resXLocal_Vs_qXGlobal{ owner,
+                                          fwdbwd + "/LocalResX_Vs_GlobalQx",
+                                          "LocalResX Vs GlobalQx",
+                                          { 300, -80, 80 } }
           , m_prof_resYLocal_Vs_qYGlobal{
-                owner, fwdbwd + "/LocalResY_Vs_GlobalQy", "LocalResY Vs GlobalQy", {300, -60, 60}} {}
+                owner, fwdbwd + "/LocalResY_Vs_GlobalQy", "LocalResY Vs GlobalQy", { 300, -60, 60 } } {}
     std::array<Histos, 8> m_histograms{
         Histos( this, "Forward/TracksAside" ),   Histos( this, "Backward/TracksAside" ),
         Histos( this, "Forward/TracksOverlap" ), Histos( this, "Backward/TracksOverlap" ),
         Histos( this, "Forward/TracksCside" ),   Histos( this, "Backward/TracksCside" ),
-        Histos( this, "Forward/TracksAll" ),     Histos( this, "Backward/TracksAll" )};
+        Histos( this, "Forward/TracksAll" ),     Histos( this, "Backward/TracksAll" ) };
     struct optionalHistos {
       // Histograms filled per track
@@ -353,38 +363,38 @@ namespace LHCb::Tr::Monitor {
                 [&]( auto n ) { return fwdbwd + "/LocalResX_Vs_LocalXY_Sens" + std::to_string( n ); },
                 [&]( auto n ) { return "LocalResX Vs LocalXY" + std::to_string( n ); },
-                {100, -5., 50.},
-                {100, -5., 20.}}
+                { 100, -5., 50. },
+                { 100, -5., 20. } }
           , m_2Dprof_resXGlobal_Vs_XYGlobal{
                 [&]( auto n ) { return fwdbwd + "/GlobalResX_Vs_GlobalXY_Mod" + std::to_string( n ); },
                 [&]( auto n ) { return "GlobalResX Vs GlobalXY" + std::to_string( n ); },
-                {300, -80., 80.},
-                {300, -80., 80.}}
+                { 300, -80., 80. },
+                { 300, -80., 80. } }
           , m_2Dprof_resYLocal_Vs_XYLocal{
                 [&]( auto n ) { return fwdbwd + "/LocalResY_Vs_LocalXY_Sens" + std::to_string( n ); },
                 [&]( auto n ) { return "LocalResY Vs LocalXY" + std::to_string( n ); },
-                {100, -5., 50.},
-                {100, -5., 20.}}
+                { 100, -5., 50. },
+                { 100, -5., 20. } }
           , m_2Dprof_resYGlobal_Vs_XYGlobal{
                 [&]( auto n ) { return fwdbwd + "/GlobalResY_Vs_GlobalXY_Mod" + std::to_string( n ); },
                 [&]( auto n ) { return "GlobalResY Vs GlobalXY" + std::to_string( n ); },
-                {300, -80., 80.},
-                {300, -80., 80.}}
-          , m_res1D_module{owner,
-                           [&]( auto n ) { return fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidual1DMod" + std::to_string( n ); },
-                           [&]( auto n ) { return "Biased Residual Module " + std::to_string( n ); },
-                           {200, -0.1, 0.1}}
-          , m_resX1D_module{owner,
-                            [&]( auto n ) { return fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualX1DMod" + std::to_string( n ); },
-                            [&]( auto n ) { return "Biased X Residual Module " + std::to_string( n ); },
-                            {200, -0.1, 0.1}}
-          , m_resY1D_module{owner,
-                            [&]( auto n ) { return fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualY1DMod" + std::to_string( n ); },
-                            [&]( auto n ) { return "Biased Y Residual Module " + std::to_string( n ); },
-                            {200, -0.1, 0.1}} {}
+                { 300, -80., 80. },
+                { 300, -80., 80. } }
+          , m_res1D_module{ owner,
+                            [&]( auto n ) { return fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidual1DMod" + std::to_string( n ); },
+                            [&]( auto n ) { return "Biased Residual Module " + std::to_string( n ); },
+                            { 200, -0.1, 0.1 } }
+          , m_resX1D_module{ owner,
+                             [&]( auto n ) { return fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualX1DMod" + std::to_string( n ); },
+                             [&]( auto n ) { return "Biased X Residual Module " + std::to_string( n ); },
+                             { 200, -0.1, 0.1 } }
+          , m_resY1D_module{ owner,
+                             [&]( auto n ) { return fwdbwd + "/BiasedResidualY1DMod" + std::to_string( n ); },
+                             [&]( auto n ) { return "Biased Y Residual Module " + std::to_string( n ); },
+                             { 200, -0.1, 0.1 } } {}
     std::array<std::unique_ptr<optionalHistos>, 8> m_optionalhistograms;
@@ -419,9 +429,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Tr::Monitor {
         return i != end( clusters ) ? &*i : nullptr;
-      std::array<std::array<std::size_t, 208>, 8> N_exp{{{0}, {0}}};
-      std::array<std::array<std::size_t, 208>, 8> N_rec{{{0}, {0}}};
-      std::array<std::array<std::size_t, 52>, 8>  N_rec_mod{{{0}, {0}}};
+      std::array<std::array<std::size_t, 208>, 8> N_exp{ { { 0 }, { 0 } } };
+      std::array<std::array<std::size_t, 208>, 8> N_rec{ { { 0 }, { 0 } } };
+      std::array<std::array<std::size_t, 52>, 8>  N_rec_mod{ { { 0 }, { 0 } } };
       std::vector<int> nTracks( 8, 0 );
@@ -549,26 +559,26 @@ namespace LHCb::Tr::Monitor {
-                ++histos.m_sensor_res[{sensor, node.residual()}];
-                ++histos.m_sensor_resPull[{sensor, node.residual() / node.errResidual()}];
+                ++histos.m_sensor_res[{ sensor, node.residual() }];
+                ++histos.m_sensor_resPull[{ sensor, node.residual() / node.errResidual() }];
-                ++histos.m_module_res[{module, node.residual()}];
-                ++histos.m_module_resPull[{module, node.residual() / node.errResidual()}];
+                ++histos.m_module_res[{ module, node.residual() }];
+                ++histos.m_module_resPull[{ module, node.residual() / node.errResidual() }];
                 if ( isXRes ) {
-                  ++histos.m_sensor_resX[{sensor, node.residual()}];
-                  ++histos.m_sensor_resXPull[{sensor, node.residual() / node.errResidual()}];
+                  ++histos.m_sensor_resX[{ sensor, node.residual() }];
+                  ++histos.m_sensor_resXPull[{ sensor, node.residual() / node.errResidual() }];
-                  ++histos.m_module_resX[{module, node.residual()}];
-                  ++histos.m_module_resXPull[{module, node.residual() / node.errResidual()}];
+                  ++histos.m_module_resX[{ module, node.residual() }];
+                  ++histos.m_module_resXPull[{ module, node.residual() / node.errResidual() }];
                 } else {
-                  ++histos.m_sensor_resY[{sensor, node.residual()}];
-                  ++histos.m_sensor_resYPull[{sensor, node.residual() / node.errResidual()}];
+                  ++histos.m_sensor_resY[{ sensor, node.residual() }];
+                  ++histos.m_sensor_resYPull[{ sensor, node.residual() / node.errResidual() }];
-                  ++histos.m_module_resY[{module, node.residual()}];
-                  ++histos.m_module_resYPull[{module, node.residual() / node.errResidual()}];
+                  ++histos.m_module_resY[{ module, node.residual() }];
+                  ++histos.m_module_resYPull[{ module, node.residual() / node.errResidual() }];
                 const Gaudi::XYZPoint q( state( node ).position().x(), state( node ).position().y(),
@@ -596,23 +606,23 @@ namespace LHCb::Tr::Monitor {
                   if ( isXRes ) {
-                    optionalhistos.m_2Dprof_resXLocal_Vs_XYLocal[sensor][{ql.x(), ql.y()}] +=
+                    optionalhistos.m_2Dprof_resXLocal_Vs_XYLocal[sensor][{ ql.x(), ql.y() }] +=
                         ( cluLocal.x() - nodeLocal.x() );
-                    optionalhistos.m_2Dprof_resXGlobal_Vs_XYGlobal[module][{q.x(), q.y()}] += ( node.residual() );
+                    optionalhistos.m_2Dprof_resXGlobal_Vs_XYGlobal[module][{ q.x(), q.y() }] += ( node.residual() );
                   } else {
-                    optionalhistos.m_2Dprof_resYLocal_Vs_XYLocal[sensor][{ql.x(), ql.y()}] +=
+                    optionalhistos.m_2Dprof_resYLocal_Vs_XYLocal[sensor][{ ql.x(), ql.y() }] +=
                         ( cluLocal.y() - nodeLocal.y() );
-                    optionalhistos.m_2Dprof_resYGlobal_Vs_XYGlobal[module][{q.x(), q.y()}] += ( node.residual() );
+                    optionalhistos.m_2Dprof_resYGlobal_Vs_XYGlobal[module][{ q.x(), q.y() }] += ( node.residual() );
                 histos.m_prof_res_station[station] += node.residual();
                 if ( isXRes ) {
-                  histos.m_prof_resX_station_tx[{station, tx}] += node.residual();
+                  histos.m_prof_resX_station_tx[{ station, tx }] += node.residual();
                   if ( station == 25 ) histos.m_prof_resX_station25_tx[tx] += node.residual();
                 } else {
-                  histos.m_prof_resY_station_ty[{station, ty}] += node.residual();
+                  histos.m_prof_resY_station_ty[{ station, ty }] += node.residual();
                   if ( station == 25 ) histos.m_prof_resY_station25_ty[ty] += node.residual();
@@ -702,8 +712,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Tr::Monitor {
-              ++histos.m_phi_eta[{phi, eta}];
-              ++histos.m_phi_shift_eta[{phi_shift, eta}];
+              ++histos.m_phi_eta[{ phi, eta }];
+              ++histos.m_phi_shift_eta[{ phi_shift, eta }];
           } else {
             Tuple trackTuple = nTuple( "VPTrackMonitor_tracks", "" );
@@ -741,9 +751,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Tr::Monitor {
             auto masterFitResult = dynamic_cast<const LHCb::TrackFitResult*>( track->fitResult() );
             if ( masterFitResult )
               fillFitResultInfo( masterFitResult );
-            else {
-              ++m_unknownFitType;
-            }
+            else { ++m_unknownFitType; }
         } else {
           Warning( "Empty fit result. Track might be using wrong fit result type.", StatusCode::SUCCESS ).ignore();
diff --git a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/VertexCompare.cpp b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/VertexCompare.cpp
index a110e75b2acad959d0a4d8005d2e77fddb1d1ac7..9999182ece965c923344065adaf824046002363f 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/VertexCompare.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackMonitors/src/VertexCompare.cpp
@@ -65,17 +65,17 @@ using VertexType = Vertices::value_type;
 template <typename VERTEXTYPE>
 struct RecPVInfo {
-  int                  ntracks     = {0}; // number of tracks in a vertex
-  int                  nBackTracks = {0}; // number of backward tracks in a vertex
+  int                  ntracks     = { 0 }; // number of tracks in a vertex
+  int                  nBackTracks = { 0 }; // number of backward tracks in a vertex
   Gaudi::SymMatrix3x3  covPV;
-  Gaudi::XYZPoint      position;                // position
-  Gaudi::XYZPoint      positionSigma;           // position sigmas
-  int                  indexanothervert = {-1}; // index to another matched vertex in pair
-  VERTEXTYPE const*    pRECPV{nullptr};
+  Gaudi::XYZPoint      position;                  // position
+  Gaudi::XYZPoint      positionSigma;             // position sigmas
+  int                  indexanothervert = { -1 }; // index to another matched vertex in pair
+  VERTEXTYPE const*    pRECPV{ nullptr };
   bool                 rec1, rec2;
-  double               chi2   = {0.0};
-  double               nDoF   = {0.0};
-  int                  mother = {0};
+  double               chi2   = { 0.0 };
+  double               nDoF   = { 0.0 };
+  int                  mother = { 0 };
   Gaudi::LorentzVector momentum;
@@ -206,11 +206,11 @@ class VertexCompare
   /// Standard constructor
   VertexCompare( std::string const& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : Consumer{name,
-                 pSvcLocator,
-                 {KeyValue{"inputVerticesName1", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation},
-                  KeyValue{"inputVerticesName2", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation},
-                  KeyValue{"InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion"}}} {}
+      : Consumer{ name,
+                  pSvcLocator,
+                  { KeyValue{ "inputVerticesName1", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation },
+                    KeyValue{ "inputVerticesName2", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation },
+                    KeyValue{ "InteractionRegionCache", "AlgorithmSpecific-" + name + "-InteractionRegion" } } } {}
   StatusCode initialize() override; ///< Algorithm initialization
   void       operator()( Vertices const& recoVtx1, Vertices const& recoVtx2,
@@ -220,12 +220,12 @@ public:
   bool debugLevel() const { return msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) || msgLevel( MSG::VERBOSE ); }
-  static constexpr auto ntrack_bins = std::array{3.5, 15.5, 30.5, 45.5, 58.5, 70.5};
+  static constexpr auto ntrack_bins = std::array{ 3.5, 15.5, 30.5, 45.5, 58.5, 70.5 };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_produceHistogram{this, "produceHistogram", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_produceNtuple{this, "produceNtuple", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_monitoring{this, "monitoring", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_requireSingle{this, "requireSingle", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_produceHistogram{ this, "produceHistogram", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_produceNtuple{ this, "produceNtuple", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_monitoring{ this, "monitoring", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_requireSingle{ this, "requireSingle", false };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatAccumulator<Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, double> m_stat_dx;
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SumAccumulator<Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, double>  m_stat_dx_fourth_sum;
@@ -257,25 +257,25 @@ private:
     static std::array<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>, sizeof...( IDXs )>
     histo1DArrayBuilder( const VertexCompare* owner, const std::string& name, Gaudi::Histo1DDef def,
                          std::index_sequence<IDXs...> ) {
-      return {{{owner,
-                name + std::to_string( IDXs ),
-                def.title() + ", ntracks > " + std::to_string( ntrack_bins[IDXs] ) + " & " +
-                    std::to_string( ntrack_bins[IDXs + 1] ) + " <ntracks",
-                {static_cast<unsigned int>( def.bins() ), def.lowEdge(), def.highEdge()}}...}};
+      return { { { owner,
+                   name + std::to_string( IDXs ),
+                   def.title() + ", ntracks > " + std::to_string( ntrack_bins[IDXs] ) + " & " +
+                       std::to_string( ntrack_bins[IDXs + 1] ) + " <ntracks",
+                   { static_cast<unsigned int>( def.bins() ), def.lowEdge(), def.highEdge() } }... } };
     monitoringHistos( const VertexCompare* owner )
-        : m_histo_nTracksBins_dx{histo1DArrayBuilder( owner, "dx_Monitoring_ntracks_bin",
-                                                      Gaudi::Histo1DDef{"dx, mm", -0.15, 0.15, 50},
-                                                      std::make_index_sequence<5>() )}
-        , m_histo_nTracksBins_dy{histo1DArrayBuilder( owner, "dy_Monitoring_ntracks_bin",
-                                                      Gaudi::Histo1DDef{"dy, mm", -0.15, 0.15, 50},
-                                                      std::make_index_sequence<5>() )}
-        , m_histo_nTracksBins_dz{histo1DArrayBuilder( owner, "dz_Monitoring_ntracks_bin",
-                                                      Gaudi::Histo1DDef{"dz, mm", -1.5, 1.5, 50},
-                                                      std::make_index_sequence<5>() )}
-        , m_histo_pullx_Monitoring{owner, "pullx_Monitoring", "pull x", {20, -5, 5}}
-        , m_histo_pully_Monitoring{owner, "pully_Monitoring", "pull y", {20, -5, 5}}
-        , m_histo_pullz_Monitoring{owner, "pullz_Monitoring", "pull z", {20, -5, 5}} {}
+        : m_histo_nTracksBins_dx{ histo1DArrayBuilder( owner, "dx_Monitoring_ntracks_bin",
+                                                       Gaudi::Histo1DDef{ "dx, mm", -0.15, 0.15, 50 },
+                                                       std::make_index_sequence<5>() ) }
+        , m_histo_nTracksBins_dy{ histo1DArrayBuilder( owner, "dy_Monitoring_ntracks_bin",
+                                                       Gaudi::Histo1DDef{ "dy, mm", -0.15, 0.15, 50 },
+                                                       std::make_index_sequence<5>() ) }
+        , m_histo_nTracksBins_dz{ histo1DArrayBuilder( owner, "dz_Monitoring_ntracks_bin",
+                                                       Gaudi::Histo1DDef{ "dz, mm", -1.5, 1.5, 50 },
+                                                       std::make_index_sequence<5>() ) }
+        , m_histo_pullx_Monitoring{ owner, "pullx_Monitoring", "pull x", { 20, -5, 5 } }
+        , m_histo_pully_Monitoring{ owner, "pully_Monitoring", "pull y", { 20, -5, 5 } }
+        , m_histo_pullz_Monitoring{ owner, "pullz_Monitoring", "pull z", { 20, -5, 5 } } {}
   std::unique_ptr<monitoringHistos> m_monitoringHistos;
@@ -289,18 +289,18 @@ private:
   mutable std::optional<Gaudi::Accumulators::RootHistogram<1>> m_histo_pullz;
   mutable std::optional<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>>     m_nTracks_dif;
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nVtx{this, "Number of pairs of vertices in processed events"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nRec1{this, "Number of vertices in input1"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nRec2{this, "Number of vertices in input2"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nVtx{ this, "Number of pairs of vertices in processed events" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nRec1{ this, "Number of vertices in input1" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nRec2{ this, "Number of vertices in input2" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nRec_geq10tr_1{
-      this, "Number of vertices in input1 with more or exactly 10 tracks"};
+      this, "Number of vertices in input1 with more or exactly 10 tracks" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nRec_geq10tr_2{
-      this, "Number of vertices in input2 with more or exactly 10 tracks"};
+      this, "Number of vertices in input2 with more or exactly 10 tracks" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nVtx_geq10tr_matched1{
-      this, "Number of vertices with more or exactly 10 tracks in matched subset of input1"};
+      this, "Number of vertices with more or exactly 10 tracks in matched subset of input1" };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nVtx_geq10tr_matched2{
-      this, "Number of vertices with more or exactly 10 tracks in matched subset of input2"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nEvt{this, "Event number"};
+      this, "Number of vertices with more or exactly 10 tracks in matched subset of input2" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_nEvt{ this, "Event number" };
   void                                   printRat( std::string mes, int a, int b );
   void matchByDistance( std::vector<RecPVInfo<VertexType>>& vert1, std::vector<RecPVInfo<VertexType>>& vert2,
                         std::vector<int>& link ) const;
@@ -320,18 +320,18 @@ StatusCode VertexCompare::initialize() {
     using axis1D = Gaudi::Accumulators::Axis<Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1>::AxisArithmeticType>;
     if ( m_produceHistogram.value() || m_monitoring.value() ) {
-      m_nTracks1.emplace( this, "ntracks_set1", "Number of tracks in PV set 1", axis1D{50, 0., 150.} );
-      m_nTracks2.emplace( this, "ntracks_set2", "Number of tracks in PV set 2", axis1D{50, 0., 150.} );
+      m_nTracks1.emplace( this, "ntracks_set1", "Number of tracks in PV set 1", axis1D{ 50, 0., 150. } );
+      m_nTracks2.emplace( this, "ntracks_set2", "Number of tracks in PV set 2", axis1D{ 50, 0., 150. } );
     if ( m_produceHistogram.value() ) {
-      m_histo_dx.emplace( this, "dx", "dx, mm", axis1D{50, -0.15, 0.15} );
-      m_histo_dy.emplace( this, "dy", "dy, mm", axis1D{50, -0.15, 0.15} );
-      m_histo_dz.emplace( this, "dz", "dz, mm", axis1D{50, -1.5, 1.5} );
-      m_histo_pullx.emplace( this, "pullx", "pull x", axis1D{20, -5, 5} );
-      m_histo_pully.emplace( this, "pully", "pull y", axis1D{20, -5, 5} );
-      m_histo_pullz.emplace( this, "pullz", "pull z", axis1D{20, -5, 5} );
+      m_histo_dx.emplace( this, "dx", "dx, mm", axis1D{ 50, -0.15, 0.15 } );
+      m_histo_dy.emplace( this, "dy", "dy, mm", axis1D{ 50, -0.15, 0.15 } );
+      m_histo_dz.emplace( this, "dz", "dz, mm", axis1D{ 50, -1.5, 1.5 } );
+      m_histo_pullx.emplace( this, "pullx", "pull x", axis1D{ 20, -5, 5 } );
+      m_histo_pully.emplace( this, "pully", "pull y", axis1D{ 20, -5, 5 } );
+      m_histo_pullz.emplace( this, "pullz", "pull z", axis1D{ 20, -5, 5 } );
       m_nTracks_dif.emplace( this, "dtracks", "Difference in the number of tracks in two sets of PVs",
-                             axis1D{50, 0., 150.} );
+                             axis1D{ 50, 0., 150. } );
@@ -365,8 +365,8 @@ void VertexCompare::operator()( Vertices const& recoVtx1, Vertices const& recoVt
     recinfo1.pRECPV        = &pv;
     recinfo1.position      = pv.position();
     recinfo1.covPV         = pv.covMatrix();
-    recinfo1.positionSigma = Gaudi::XYZPoint{std::sqrt( recinfo1.covPV( 0, 0 ) ), std::sqrt( recinfo1.covPV( 1, 1 ) ),
-                                             std::sqrt( recinfo1.covPV( 2, 2 ) )};
+    recinfo1.positionSigma = Gaudi::XYZPoint{ std::sqrt( recinfo1.covPV( 0, 0 ) ), std::sqrt( recinfo1.covPV( 1, 1 ) ),
+                                              std::sqrt( recinfo1.covPV( 2, 2 ) ) };
     recinfo1.ntracks       = pv.nTracks();
     if ( recinfo1.ntracks >= 10 ) { ++m_nRec_geq10tr_1; }
     recinfo1.chi2 = pv.chi2();
@@ -383,8 +383,8 @@ void VertexCompare::operator()( Vertices const& recoVtx1, Vertices const& recoVt
     recinfo2.pRECPV        = &pv;
     recinfo2.position      = pv.position();
     recinfo2.covPV         = pv.covMatrix();
-    recinfo2.positionSigma = Gaudi::XYZPoint{std::sqrt( recinfo2.covPV( 0, 0 ) ), std::sqrt( recinfo2.covPV( 1, 1 ) ),
-                                             std::sqrt( recinfo2.covPV( 2, 2 ) )};
+    recinfo2.positionSigma = Gaudi::XYZPoint{ std::sqrt( recinfo2.covPV( 0, 0 ) ), std::sqrt( recinfo2.covPV( 1, 1 ) ),
+                                              std::sqrt( recinfo2.covPV( 2, 2 ) ) };
     recinfo2.ntracks       = pv.nTracks();
     if ( recinfo2.ntracks >= 10 ) { ++m_nRec_geq10tr_2; }
     recinfo2.chi2 = pv.chi2();
diff --git a/Tr/TrackProjectors/CMakeLists.txt b/Tr/TrackProjectors/CMakeLists.txt
index b70001a7fd8d7506321a180fe5223f5e93abc2aa..262e29bacd7d4eb4872397526b21b6250f07f8ab 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackProjectors/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Tr/TrackProjectors/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -24,5 +24,5 @@ gaudi_add_module(TrackProjectors
-        Rec::TrackInterfacesLib    
+        Rec::TrackInterfacesLib
diff --git a/Tr/TrackProjectors/doc/release.notes b/Tr/TrackProjectors/doc/release.notes
index 3f1b360bd722752df02ad17f5fb87ae8fb2cde1c..bd3ae11d2b0a64692b3466aaf1709f3b790aedf8 100755
--- a/Tr/TrackProjectors/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Tr/TrackProjectors/doc/release.notes
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
 !====================== TrackProjectors v2r27 2010-02-15 =====================
 ! 2010-02-14 Wouter Hulsbergen
- - improvements in OTProjector 
+ - improvements in OTProjector
    - implement new 'prefit' strategy proposed by Tjeerd Ketel
    - skip drifttimes that are ~2sigma (6ns) outside drifttime spectrum
    - set 'driftTimeStrategy flag in OTMeasurement
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
 !====================== TrackProjectors v2r19 2008-10-02 =====================
 ! 2008-09-15 Wouter Hulsbergen
  - added project method for FitNode
- - major cleanup 
+ - major cleanup
  - added TrajOTCosmicsProjector
 !====================== TrackProjectors v2r18 2007-11-30 =====================
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
 !====================== TrackProjectors v2r13 2007-06-25 ======================
 ! 2007-06-25 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Put back Gaudi:: namespace in .cpp calling sequences, 
+ - Put back Gaudi:: namespace in .cpp calling sequences,
    needed to please doxygen (expects .h and .cpp to be the same)
 ! 2007-06-22 - Edwin Bos
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
  - latter option is faster and set as default.
 !====================== TrackProjectors v2r12 2007-05-09 ======================
-! 2007-04-27 - Jose Hernando, Miriam Gandelman, Erica Polycarpo 
+! 2007-04-27 - Jose Hernando, Miriam Gandelman, Erica Polycarpo
  - Create MuonProjector class
 !====================== TrackProjectors v2r11 2007-03-21 ======================
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
 ! 2005-10-28 - Jose A. Hernando
  - RayIntersector
-   A class that computes the distance between two straight lines (rays)  
+   A class that computes the distance between two straight lines (rays)
    and the derivation of that distance.
  - TrackOTRayProjector
    Computing the OT projection using the Ray Intersector
diff --git a/Tr/TrackProjectors/src/TrackProjector.cpp b/Tr/TrackProjectors/src/TrackProjector.cpp
index 14536af160107027a4d9c2d2ca3cc9b0681f9393..bf0ed0d6da775e2d41766a1bdcfd175f4e00726b 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackProjectors/src/TrackProjector.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackProjectors/src/TrackProjector.cpp
@@ -62,14 +62,14 @@ TrackProjector::ProjectResult TrackProjector::internal_project( const LHCb::Stat
       [&]( const auto& m, LHCb::Minimize1DResult& mr ) -> ProjectResult {
         auto errMeasure = ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 1>( m.errMeasure );
         auto residual   = ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 1>( -mr.doca );
-        return Project1DResult{mr.sMeas,   mr.doca,           residual,
-                               errMeasure, std::move( mr.H ), std::move( mr.unitPocaVector )};
+        return Project1DResult{ mr.sMeas,   mr.doca,           residual,
+                                errMeasure, std::move( mr.H ), std::move( mr.unitPocaVector ) };
       [&]( const LHCb::Measurement::VP2D& vp2d, LHCb::Minimize2DResult& mr ) -> ProjectResult {
         auto dist     = refTraj.position( mr.zState ) - vp2d.trajectory;
         auto residual = ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 2>( -dist.X(), dist.Y() ); // TODO minus sign? wrong def elsewhere?
-        return Project2DResult{mr.sMeas,        mr.doca,           residual,
-                               vp2d.errMeasure, std::move( mr.H ), std::move( mr.unitPocaVector )};
+        return Project2DResult{ mr.sMeas,        mr.doca,           residual,
+                                vp2d.errMeasure, std::move( mr.H ), std::move( mr.unitPocaVector ) };
       [&]( const LHCb::Measurement::VP2D&, LHCb::Minimize1DResult& ) -> ProjectResult {
         throw std::logic_error( "invalid combination of 1D and 2D variants" );
@@ -85,10 +85,10 @@ std::tuple<StatusCode, TrackProjector::ProjectResult> TrackProjector::project( c
   try {
     // Project onto the reference (prevent the virtual function call)
     auto projectResult = internal_project( LHCb::StateVector( state.stateVector(), state.z() ), meas );
-    return {StatusCode{StatusCode::SUCCESS}, projectResult};
+    return { StatusCode{ StatusCode::SUCCESS }, projectResult };
     // Calculate the error on the residual
     // m_errResidual = sqrt( m_errMeasure*m_errMeasure + Similarity( m_H, state.covariance() )(0,0) );
-  } catch ( StatusCode sc ) { return {sc, ITrackProjector::Project1DResult{}}; }
+  } catch ( StatusCode sc ) { return { sc, ITrackProjector::Project1DResult{} }; }
@@ -138,9 +138,8 @@ TrackProjector::Derivatives TrackProjector::alignmentDerivatives( const LHCb::St
                     return dummy;
                   } );
-  auto sMeas = std::visit(
-      [&]( const auto r ) -> auto { return r.sMeas; }, resultvar );
-  Gaudi::XYZVector                  arm = trajectory.position( sMeas ) - pivot;
+  auto                              sMeas = std::visit( [&]( const auto r ) -> auto { return r.sMeas; }, resultvar );
+  Gaudi::XYZVector                  arm   = trajectory.position( sMeas ) - pivot;
   ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 3, 6> dPosdAlpha;
   // Derivative to translation
   dPosdAlpha( 0, 0 ) = dPosdAlpha( 1, 1 ) = dPosdAlpha( 2, 2 ) = 1;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackProjectors/src/TrackProjector.h b/Tr/TrackProjectors/src/TrackProjector.h
index 730f16734bd8d910f2cbe6aa4a9a3b5370a56efd..873ca0c579be7df0477c6783887c43784350be2f 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackProjectors/src/TrackProjector.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackProjectors/src/TrackProjector.h
@@ -65,10 +65,11 @@ protected:
   virtual ProjectResult internal_project( const LHCb::StateVector& statevector, const LHCb::Measurement& meas ) const;
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useBField{this, "UseBField", false}; /// Create StateTraj with or without BField information.
-  Gaudi::Property<double>     m_tolerance{this, "Tolerance",
-                                      0.0005 * Gaudi::Units::mm}; ///< Required accuracy of the projection
-  ConditionAccessor<DeMagnet> m_magneticfield{this, "Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>       m_useBField{ this, "UseBField",
+                                     false }; /// Create StateTraj with or without BField information.
+  Gaudi::Property<double>     m_tolerance{ this, "Tolerance",
+                                       0.0005 * Gaudi::Units::mm }; ///< Required accuracy of the projection
+  ConditionAccessor<DeMagnet> m_magneticfield{ this, "Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path };
   ITrajPoca*                  m_poca = nullptr; ///< Pointer to the ITrajPoca interface
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/doc/release.notes b/Tr/TrackTools/doc/release.notes
index 944ec15f975577d41695b037faab8c235a7ee258..d52abda81bc1a51d28e2664b52c24a6437fd4605 100755
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/doc/release.notes
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
 ! Package     : Tr/TrackTools
-! Responsible : 
+! Responsible :
 ! Purpose     : Package for tracking tools not accessing MC information
 ! 2016-12-14 - Jeroen van Tilburg
  - Adapt to new FT geometry and numbering scheme
- - Changed location of Linker tables. 
+ - Changed location of Linker tables.
 ! 2016-06-22 - David Hutchcroft
- - Added code to set the pT of the VELO only tracks with a sign based on the first strip 
-   in the first cluster rather than the track key (which was random). Also an option to reverse the sign 
+ - Added code to set the pT of the VELO only tracks with a sign based on the first strip
+   in the first cluster rather than the track key (which was random). Also an option to reverse the sign
    for mag up/mag down MC comparisons.
 !========================= TrackTools v6r2 2016-03-17 =========================
 ! 2016-02-22 - Sascha Stahl
- - Run2GhostID: Use OTHitCreator instead OTRawBankDecoder to get the total 
+ - Run2GhostID: Use OTHitCreator instead OTRawBankDecoder to get the total
    number of OT hits. This avoids a duplication of work.
 ! 2016-02-13 - Gerhard Raven
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
  - follow change in MuonInterfaces to pass MuonTileID by value
 ! 2015-12-17 - Heinrich Schindler
- - VPTrackSelector: remove obsolete and unnecessary includes. 
+ - VPTrackSelector: remove obsolete and unnecessary includes.
    Use range based for loop.
 ! 2015-12-11 - Christoph Hombach
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
  - Fixed memory leak in FTHitExpectation::collectHits
 ! 2015-10-23 - Michael Kolpin
- - Fixed unitiliased use of variable and naming conventions in VeloMuonBuilder 
+ - Fixed unitiliased use of variable and naming conventions in VeloMuonBuilder
 ! 2015-10-21 - Michael Kolpin
  - Removed distanceCut property from VeloMuonBuilder, as the value is hardcoded during execute
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
  - Reinstate the const nature of the Velo dE/dx nTracks method.
 ! 2015-06-14 - David Hutchcroft
- - Made TrackVelodEdxCharge work properly with 2015 configured tracking 
+ - Made TrackVelodEdxCharge work properly with 2015 configured tracking
    and print a line in log file of average number of real tracks per VELO track
 ! 2015-05-28 - Christoph Hombach
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
 !========================= TrackTools v5r9 2015-05-26 =========================
 ! 2015-05-05 - Michael Kolpin
- - Added PVLocation configurable to MuonTTTrack 
+ - Added PVLocation configurable to MuonTTTrack
 ! 2015-04-29 - Michael Kolpin
  - Fix to MuonTTTrack to only write out successfully fitted tracks
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
      exceeds the thresholds given above by more than the safety factor 4.
    - When used offline to run Seeding only on hits not used by Forward tracks,
      this reduces the time to look if a hit was used by the Forward by 36%
-     (down to about 160 CPU cycles per hit) 
+     (down to about 160 CPU cycles per hit)
 ! 2015-02-19 - Paul Seyfert
  - Ghost Probability for Run2. (cleaner code, removed time consuming inputs,
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
      called, fill an std::array of sufficient size instead
    - don't dynamic_cast when a static_cast will do
    - use vdt::fast_... versions of various trigonometric functions (they're
-     more than accurate enough not to affect Velo performance in any way) 
+     more than accurate enough not to affect Velo performance in any way)
 ! 2015-02-19 - Manuel Tobias Schiller
  - speed up StateThickMSCorrectionTool by 10% by reordering and regrouping
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
 !========================= TrackTools v5r2 2014-05-13 =========================
 ! 2014-05-07 - Heinrich Schindler
- - VPExpectation: follow change in DeVPSensor::isInActiveArea return type 
+ - VPExpectation: follow change in DeVPSensor::isInActiveArea return type
    (r172319), remove support for obsolete geometry, clang-format
 ! 2014-04-01 - Heinrich Schindler
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
 ! 2014-03-20 - Francesco Polci
  - Adapted to the new constructor of FTChannelID having 5 instead of 4 arguments
    Affected file: FTHitExpectation.cpp
 ! 2014-03-19 - Michel De Cian
  - Adapted FTMeasurementProvider to work with FTLiteClusters, added binary search to find LiteCluster corresponding to channelID
@@ -416,8 +416,8 @@
  - Fix a bug in the last fix, limiting the output range to 0-1.
 !========================= TrackTools v4r17 2012-08-28 ========================
-! 2012-08-23 - Johannes Albrecht & Johann Brehmer 
- - TrackNNGhostId: fix NN output value to range 0-1 
+! 2012-08-23 - Johannes Albrecht & Johann Brehmer
+ - TrackNNGhostId: fix NN output value to range 0-1
 !========================= TrackTools v4r16 2012-08-16 ========================
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@
   - TrackNNGhostID :Initialise all pointers in constructor
 ! 2012-08-16 - Johannes Albrecht
- - TrackNNGhostID + TMVA weight file: add tuning for MC2012, 
+ - TrackNNGhostID + TMVA weight file: add tuning for MC2012,
    only for long tracks, add switch to chose tuning.
 ! 2012-07-31 - Paul Seyfert
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@
 !========================= TrackTools v4r6 2011-05-15 =========================
 ! 2011-05-15 - Thomas Blake
  - Changed message level of message in MuonTTTrack
 ! 2011-05-09 - Michel De Cian
  - Fix several small memory leaks in MuonTTTrack
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@
 ! 2011-04-13 - Paul Seyfert
  - VeloMuonBuilder: - info on the muon chamber as extra info on the track
                     - initialisation of track type before track fit
 !========================= TrackTools v4r4 2011-04-05 =========================
 ! 2011-03-22 - Chris Jones
  - Protect TrackSelector::accept against exceptions being thrown from the
@@ -541,14 +541,14 @@
    NOTE! New messages:
    1) in case there is no condition in the db tool will use the default values
    UpdateManagerSv...  ERROR Cannot retrieve Conditions/Calibration/Velo from data provider!
    ToolSvc.VeloClu...   INFO  --> Error para condition not found!
-   ToolSvc.VeloClu...   INFO  --> The tool Will use the default values!    
+   ToolSvc.VeloClu...   INFO  --> The tool Will use the default values!
    2) if the condition is there one will see:
-   ToolSvc.VeloClu...   INFO  --> Tool configured using the Cond DB 
+   ToolSvc.VeloClu...   INFO  --> Tool configured using the Cond DB
 ! 2011-02-15 - David Hutchcroft
  - Change interface for CountVeloTracks to ICountContainedObjects
@@ -579,23 +579,23 @@
    and correcting for the same track used twice properly.
 ! 2011-01-21 - Gerhard Raven
- - In VeloClusterPositionTool when overruling with a pre-cooked error 
+ - In VeloClusterPositionTool when overruling with a pre-cooked error
    parameterisation, first clear before appending...
 !========================= TrackTools v4r0 2010-12-16 =========================
 ! 2010-12-14 - Tomasz Szumlak
- - rewording of the printouts in initialize (still VeloClusterPosition tool) 
+ - rewording of the printouts in initialize (still VeloClusterPosition tool)
 ! 2010-12-13 - Tomasz Szumlak
  - fix in requirements - add new dependency needed for interpolation
    in the VeloClusterPosition tool
- - change type of the m_corrFactor member from float to double 
+ - change type of the m_corrFactor member from float to double
 ! 2010-12-13 - Tomasz Szumlak
  - add VeloClusterPosition tool, previously at Velo/VeloTools
  - add new error parametrisation calculated based on the latest
    velo simulation tuning (this new parametrisation is set as
-   a default one) 
+   a default one)
 !========================= TrackTools v3r35p3 2010-11-11 =========================
 ! 2010-11-10 - Manuel Tobias Schiller
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@
  - Fix windows warnings, converting double to float
 ! 2010-09-27 - Victor Coco
- - modify initialisation of m_veloFitter in TrackStateInitTool, to be able to 
+ - modify initialisation of m_veloFitter in TrackStateInitTool, to be able to
    modify via configurables.
 ! 2010-09-24 - Stephanie Hansmann-Menzemer
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@
  - make TrackStateInitAlg/Tool deal properly with failures
 ! 2010-08-07 - Stephanie Hansmann-Menzemer
- - reverted changes from W.H. from 2010-07-23 as they screw up the 
+ - reverted changes from W.H. from 2010-07-23 as they screw up the
    calorimeter track linking
 !======================== TrackTools v3r34p1 2010-08-03 =======================
@@ -720,11 +720,11 @@
 ! 2010-03-19 - David Hutchcroft
  - Made dEdx parameters TrackVelodEdxCharge load from a condition in
- - Reset default used if condition is missing to MC09 setting for consistency 
+ - Reset default used if condition is missing to MC09 setting for consistency
    with existing MC
 ! 2010-03-17 - David Hutchcroft
- - retune dEdx in velo to match 2009 data and improve Doxygen comments for 
+ - retune dEdx in velo to match 2009 data and improve Doxygen comments for
 !======================== TrackTools v3r27 2010-02-24 ======================
@@ -754,8 +754,8 @@
 !======================== TrackTools v3r24p1 2009-12-18 ======================
 ! 2009-12-18 Stefania Vecchi
  - changes in the MuonMeasurementProvider::addToMeasurements
-    setting MuonProvider.clusterize = True it is possible to make 2 
-    measurements for each "cluster" of LHCbIDs 
+    setting MuonProvider.clusterize = True it is possible to make 2
+    measurements for each "cluster" of LHCbIDs
    The default is MuonProvider.clusterize = False (backward compatible)
    in this case the tool makes 2 measurement for each LHCbIDs
@@ -799,7 +799,7 @@
  - adapted to changes in LHCb::Track
 ! 2009-10-07 - Johannes Albrecht
- - Add TrackNNGhostId tool to compute the ghost probability using a standalone 
+ - Add TrackNNGhostId tool to compute the ghost probability using a standalone
    neural net
 ! 2009-10-06 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -807,7 +807,7 @@
 !======================== TrackTools v3r21 2009-09-03 ========================
 ! 2009-08-26 Georg Krocker
- - in TrackCloneFinder retuned cuts for fast clone finding to match the 
+ - in TrackCloneFinder retuned cuts for fast clone finding to match the
    performance of the full clone killing
 ! 2009-08-05 Stephanie Hansmann-Menzemer
@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@
 !======================== TrackTools v3r20 2009-07-28 ========================
 ! 2009-07-19 M Needham
-- Follow changes in IHitExpectation interface 
+- Follow changes in IHitExpectation interface
 !======================== TrackTools v3r19 2009-07-14 ========================
 ! 2009-07-14 - Marco Cattaneo
@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@
  - Minor change in TTHitExpectation to get required behaviour, again
 ! 2009-07-03 M Needham
- - Minor change in TTHitExpectation to get required behaviour  
+ - Minor change in TTHitExpectation to get required behaviour
 ! 2009-07-03 M Needham
  - Add isolated track selector for IT (ITIsolatedTrackSelector)
@@ -871,8 +871,8 @@
 !======================== TrackTools v3r17 2009-05-08 ========================
 ! 2009-05-08 - Georg Krocker
 - add the possibility of a restricted search to TrackCloneFinder tool. Possible
-  use case is HLT, were one would not compare the Hit content of each track 
-  with each other but rather restrict the clone search to track which are 
+  use case is HLT, were one would not compare the Hit content of each track
+  with each other but rather restrict the clone search to track which are
   physically close
 ! 2009-04-08 - Stephanie Hansmann-Menzemer
@@ -894,11 +894,11 @@
   a new states using Velo and TT hits. The PatVeloFitLHCbIDs and
   PatSeedingTool are used for the Velo and T-stations respectively.
   This tool should be used after the pattern recognition algorithms.
 -  New algorithm is implemented: "TrackStateInitAlg".
    It apply the TrackStateInitTool for the all tracks in container.
   Properties: default tracks container = LHCb::TrackLocation::Default,
-                     clear existing states on track = true.      
+                     clear existing states on track = true.
 ! 2009-03-02 - David Hutchcroft
  - Changed default tune of TrackVelodEdxCharge to expect 47.1 ADC per cluster
@@ -906,7 +906,7 @@
 !======================== TrackTools v3r15 2009-02-20 ========================
 ! 2009-02-09 - Johannes Albrecht
  - changes to run the track fit with Lite clusters in MeasurementProvider.cpp,h
-    undid all changes in the last two revisions and added instead the 
+    undid all changes in the last two revisions and added instead the
     properties for the providers for the subdetectors
 ! 2009-01-22 - Wouter Hulsbergen
@@ -925,7 +925,7 @@
 !======================== TrackTools v3r14 2009-02-20 ========================
 ! 2009-02-09 - Johannes Albrecht
  - changes to run the track fit with Lite clusters in MeasurementProvider.cpp,h
-    undid all changes in the last two revisions and added instead the 
+    undid all changes in the last two revisions and added instead the
     properties for the providers for the subdetectors
 ! 2009-01-22 - Wouter Hulsbergen
@@ -962,7 +962,7 @@
 ! 2008-12-02 M Needham
  - Move TrackVeloCharge algorithm to use SiChargeFun
-   + profit from new functionality of the measurement classes 
+   + profit from new functionality of the measurement classes
 !======================== TrackTools v3r13 2008-11-21 ========================
 ! 2008-10-24 M Needham
@@ -1115,7 +1115,7 @@
 ! 2007-12-03 - Wouter Hulsbergen
  - Added TrackVertexer
 ! 2007-11-30 - Wouter Hulsbergen
  - fixed Interpolator such that it also does the right thing for extrapolation
  - remove extrapolators from MeasurementProviders: use TrackTraj instead
@@ -1167,8 +1167,8 @@
  - got rid of != for doubles in MeasurementProvider
 ! 2007-08-27
- - Use chi2 in clone killing in case the two tracks have the 
-   same number of hits 
+ - Use chi2 in clone killing in case the two tracks have the
+   same number of hits
 !======================== TrackTools v2r17 2007-07-23 ========================
 ! 2007-07-23 - Silvia Pozzi and Wouter Hulsbergen
@@ -1186,9 +1186,9 @@
 !======================== TrackTools v2r15 2007-05-30 ========================
 ! 2007-05-29 M. Needham
- - Changes in VeloExpectation: 
+ - Changes in VeloExpectation:
    * Follow change to interface
-   * Use closestState rather than firstState                            
+   * Use closestState rather than firstState
 ! 2007-05-23 M. Needham
  - Follow change in TrackManipulator
@@ -1230,7 +1230,7 @@
 ! 2006-11-22 - Jeroen van Tilburg
  - TrackInterpolator: Fixed a problem with the internal filter step (residuals
-   were not calculated. 
+   were not calculated.
  - TrackInterpolator: Adapted to the new State naming convention in FitNode
    (no hidden assumption on the fit direction).
@@ -1381,7 +1381,7 @@
  - TrajectoryProvider tool now uses new VeloClusterPosition tool
 ! 2006-02-21 M Needham
- - Implementations of Track calorimeter matching tool and 
+ - Implementations of Track calorimeter matching tool and
    also the Track selector
 ! 2006-02-17 - Eduardo Rodrigues
@@ -1477,7 +1477,7 @@
    the new package Tr/TrackMCTools (for tools that access MC information)
 ! 2005-05-20 - Eduardo Rodrigues
- - all tool interfaces removed and put into the new package 
+ - all tool interfaces removed and put into the new package
    Tr/TrackInterfaces. Corresponding changes made to derived tools
  - ClusterLHCbIDCnv tool removed as no longer needed
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/python/ITSpilloverWeights_Data2015_25ns.py b/Tr/TrackTools/python/ITSpilloverWeights_Data2015_25ns.py
index cf257fff74ee0d0b12b421dda383470611e275eb..ea08a0d6ef6f7752295907e8152683383b72e57e 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/python/ITSpilloverWeights_Data2015_25ns.py
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/python/ITSpilloverWeights_Data2015_25ns.py
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 def getITWeights():
     # Array of weights
     weights = [
@@ -3022,25 +3021,137 @@ def getITWeights():
     # ADC bins: low edges
     adcLE = [
-        0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
-        20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,
-        38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
-        56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,
-        74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125,
-        130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 280,
-        320, 360, 440
+        0,
+        1,
+        2,
+        3,
+        4,
+        5,
+        6,
+        7,
+        8,
+        9,
+        10,
+        11,
+        12,
+        13,
+        14,
+        15,
+        16,
+        17,
+        18,
+        19,
+        20,
+        21,
+        22,
+        23,
+        24,
+        25,
+        26,
+        27,
+        28,
+        29,
+        30,
+        31,
+        32,
+        33,
+        34,
+        35,
+        36,
+        37,
+        38,
+        39,
+        40,
+        41,
+        42,
+        43,
+        44,
+        45,
+        46,
+        47,
+        48,
+        49,
+        50,
+        51,
+        52,
+        53,
+        54,
+        55,
+        56,
+        57,
+        58,
+        59,
+        60,
+        61,
+        62,
+        63,
+        64,
+        65,
+        66,
+        67,
+        68,
+        69,
+        70,
+        71,
+        72,
+        73,
+        74,
+        75,
+        76,
+        77,
+        78,
+        79,
+        80,
+        85,
+        90,
+        95,
+        100,
+        105,
+        110,
+        115,
+        120,
+        125,
+        130,
+        135,
+        140,
+        145,
+        150,
+        160,
+        170,
+        180,
+        190,
+        200,
+        210,
+        220,
+        230,
+        280,
+        320,
+        360,
+        440,
     # CosTheta bins: low edges
     costhLE = [
-        0.7, 0.94, 0.96, 0.98, 0.99, 0.992, 0.994, 0.995, 0.996, 0.997, 0.998,
-        0.999, 0.9995, 1
+        0.7,
+        0.94,
+        0.96,
+        0.98,
+        0.99,
+        0.992,
+        0.994,
+        0.995,
+        0.996,
+        0.997,
+        0.998,
+        0.999,
+        0.9995,
+        1,
     return {
-        'WeightVals': weights,
-        'WeightBins': bins,
-        'ADCLowEdges': adcLE,
-        'CosThetaLowEdges': costhLE
+        "WeightVals": weights,
+        "WeightBins": bins,
+        "ADCLowEdges": adcLE,
+        "CosThetaLowEdges": costhLE,
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/python/ITSpilloverWeights_MonteCarlo2015_25ns.py b/Tr/TrackTools/python/ITSpilloverWeights_MonteCarlo2015_25ns.py
index 39f24b11dade4ae67635fb8295dbc8f84ea02ba8..7006afab67cde149f181f454faa4e0f6372f803a 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/python/ITSpilloverWeights_MonteCarlo2015_25ns.py
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/python/ITSpilloverWeights_MonteCarlo2015_25ns.py
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 def getITWeights():
     # Array of weights
     weights = [
@@ -3022,25 +3021,137 @@ def getITWeights():
     # ADC bins: low edges
     adcLE = [
-        0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
-        20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,
-        38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
-        56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,
-        74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125,
-        130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 280,
-        320, 360, 440
+        0,
+        1,
+        2,
+        3,
+        4,
+        5,
+        6,
+        7,
+        8,
+        9,
+        10,
+        11,
+        12,
+        13,
+        14,
+        15,
+        16,
+        17,
+        18,
+        19,
+        20,
+        21,
+        22,
+        23,
+        24,
+        25,
+        26,
+        27,
+        28,
+        29,
+        30,
+        31,
+        32,
+        33,
+        34,
+        35,
+        36,
+        37,
+        38,
+        39,
+        40,
+        41,
+        42,
+        43,
+        44,
+        45,
+        46,
+        47,
+        48,
+        49,
+        50,
+        51,
+        52,
+        53,
+        54,
+        55,
+        56,
+        57,
+        58,
+        59,
+        60,
+        61,
+        62,
+        63,
+        64,
+        65,
+        66,
+        67,
+        68,
+        69,
+        70,
+        71,
+        72,
+        73,
+        74,
+        75,
+        76,
+        77,
+        78,
+        79,
+        80,
+        85,
+        90,
+        95,
+        100,
+        105,
+        110,
+        115,
+        120,
+        125,
+        130,
+        135,
+        140,
+        145,
+        150,
+        160,
+        170,
+        180,
+        190,
+        200,
+        210,
+        220,
+        230,
+        280,
+        320,
+        360,
+        440,
     # CosTheta bins: low edges
     costhLE = [
-        0.7, 0.94, 0.96, 0.98, 0.99, 0.992, 0.994, 0.995, 0.996, 0.997, 0.998,
-        0.999, 0.9995, 1
+        0.7,
+        0.94,
+        0.96,
+        0.98,
+        0.99,
+        0.992,
+        0.994,
+        0.995,
+        0.996,
+        0.997,
+        0.998,
+        0.999,
+        0.9995,
+        1,
     return {
-        'WeightVals': weights,
-        'WeightBins': bins,
-        'ADCLowEdges': adcLE,
-        'CosThetaLowEdges': costhLE
+        "WeightVals": weights,
+        "WeightBins": bins,
+        "ADCLowEdges": adcLE,
+        "CosThetaLowEdges": costhLE,
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/python/TTSpilloverWeights_Data2015_25ns.py b/Tr/TrackTools/python/TTSpilloverWeights_Data2015_25ns.py
index 1ddf5de0a7e1ab2897209cbaabb770c3a35171a1..8d3e0902928310bd237e7d4d305b1c9d504496f6 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/python/TTSpilloverWeights_Data2015_25ns.py
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/python/TTSpilloverWeights_Data2015_25ns.py
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 def getTTWeights():
     # Array of weights
     weights = [
@@ -3022,25 +3021,137 @@ def getTTWeights():
     # ADC bins: low edges
     adcLE = [
-        0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
-        20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,
-        38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
-        56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,
-        74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125,
-        130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 280,
-        320, 360, 440
+        0,
+        1,
+        2,
+        3,
+        4,
+        5,
+        6,
+        7,
+        8,
+        9,
+        10,
+        11,
+        12,
+        13,
+        14,
+        15,
+        16,
+        17,
+        18,
+        19,
+        20,
+        21,
+        22,
+        23,
+        24,
+        25,
+        26,
+        27,
+        28,
+        29,
+        30,
+        31,
+        32,
+        33,
+        34,
+        35,
+        36,
+        37,
+        38,
+        39,
+        40,
+        41,
+        42,
+        43,
+        44,
+        45,
+        46,
+        47,
+        48,
+        49,
+        50,
+        51,
+        52,
+        53,
+        54,
+        55,
+        56,
+        57,
+        58,
+        59,
+        60,
+        61,
+        62,
+        63,
+        64,
+        65,
+        66,
+        67,
+        68,
+        69,
+        70,
+        71,
+        72,
+        73,
+        74,
+        75,
+        76,
+        77,
+        78,
+        79,
+        80,
+        85,
+        90,
+        95,
+        100,
+        105,
+        110,
+        115,
+        120,
+        125,
+        130,
+        135,
+        140,
+        145,
+        150,
+        160,
+        170,
+        180,
+        190,
+        200,
+        210,
+        220,
+        230,
+        280,
+        320,
+        360,
+        440,
     # CosTheta bins: low edges
     costhLE = [
-        0.88, 0.94, 0.96, 0.98, 0.99, 0.992, 0.994, 0.995, 0.996, 0.997, 0.998,
-        0.999, 0.9995, 1
+        0.88,
+        0.94,
+        0.96,
+        0.98,
+        0.99,
+        0.992,
+        0.994,
+        0.995,
+        0.996,
+        0.997,
+        0.998,
+        0.999,
+        0.9995,
+        1,
     return {
-        'WeightVals': weights,
-        'WeightBins': bins,
-        'ADCLowEdges': adcLE,
-        'CosThetaLowEdges': costhLE
+        "WeightVals": weights,
+        "WeightBins": bins,
+        "ADCLowEdges": adcLE,
+        "CosThetaLowEdges": costhLE,
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/python/TTSpilloverWeights_MonteCarlo2015_25ns.py b/Tr/TrackTools/python/TTSpilloverWeights_MonteCarlo2015_25ns.py
index 16bfca9801fdb40e2590b734707fd312836a0d9c..4c23df708fe7f41bf59e154d55680ef44462444e 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/python/TTSpilloverWeights_MonteCarlo2015_25ns.py
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/python/TTSpilloverWeights_MonteCarlo2015_25ns.py
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 def getTTWeights():
     # Array of weights
     weights = [
@@ -3022,25 +3021,137 @@ def getTTWeights():
     # ADC bins: low edges
     adcLE = [
-        0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
-        20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,
-        38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
-        56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,
-        74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125,
-        130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 280,
-        320, 360, 440
+        0,
+        1,
+        2,
+        3,
+        4,
+        5,
+        6,
+        7,
+        8,
+        9,
+        10,
+        11,
+        12,
+        13,
+        14,
+        15,
+        16,
+        17,
+        18,
+        19,
+        20,
+        21,
+        22,
+        23,
+        24,
+        25,
+        26,
+        27,
+        28,
+        29,
+        30,
+        31,
+        32,
+        33,
+        34,
+        35,
+        36,
+        37,
+        38,
+        39,
+        40,
+        41,
+        42,
+        43,
+        44,
+        45,
+        46,
+        47,
+        48,
+        49,
+        50,
+        51,
+        52,
+        53,
+        54,
+        55,
+        56,
+        57,
+        58,
+        59,
+        60,
+        61,
+        62,
+        63,
+        64,
+        65,
+        66,
+        67,
+        68,
+        69,
+        70,
+        71,
+        72,
+        73,
+        74,
+        75,
+        76,
+        77,
+        78,
+        79,
+        80,
+        85,
+        90,
+        95,
+        100,
+        105,
+        110,
+        115,
+        120,
+        125,
+        130,
+        135,
+        140,
+        145,
+        150,
+        160,
+        170,
+        180,
+        190,
+        200,
+        210,
+        220,
+        230,
+        280,
+        320,
+        360,
+        440,
     # CosTheta bins: low edges
     costhLE = [
-        0.88, 0.94, 0.96, 0.98, 0.99, 0.992, 0.994, 0.995, 0.996, 0.997, 0.998,
-        0.999, 0.9995, 1
+        0.88,
+        0.94,
+        0.96,
+        0.98,
+        0.99,
+        0.992,
+        0.994,
+        0.995,
+        0.996,
+        0.997,
+        0.998,
+        0.999,
+        0.9995,
+        1,
     return {
-        'WeightVals': weights,
-        'WeightBins': bins,
-        'ADCLowEdges': adcLE,
-        'CosThetaLowEdges': costhLE
+        "WeightVals": weights,
+        "WeightBins": bins,
+        "ADCLowEdges": adcLE,
+        "CosThetaLowEdges": costhLE,
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/AddClustersToTrackTool.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/AddClustersToTrackTool.cpp
index 6ca57789a3f9aa214f3b53538f6bbc2aa3bb458c..516cf1ddea1b5c7bb6dfa42a0b6cf677bf7dd392 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/AddClustersToTrackTool.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/AddClustersToTrackTool.cpp
@@ -100,15 +100,15 @@ namespace LHCb {
     using extends::extends;
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_could_not_find_ut{this, "Could not find all UT clusters"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_could_not_find_vp{this, "Could not find all VP clusters"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_could_not_find_ft{this, "Could not find all FT clusters"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_could_not_find_ut{ this, "Could not find all UT clusters" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_could_not_find_vp{ this, "Could not find all VP clusters" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_could_not_find_ft{ this, "Could not find all FT clusters" };
-    DataObjectReadHandle<VPMicroClusters> m_vpClusters{this, "VPMicroClusterLocation", "",
-                                                       "Location of VP micro clusters"};
-    DataObjectReadHandle<FTLiteClusters>  m_ftClusters{this, "FTLiteClusterLocation", "",
-                                                      "Location of FT lite clusters"};
-    DataObjectReadHandle<UTHitClusters>   m_utClusters{this, "UTHitClusterLocation", "", "Location of UT clusters"};
+    DataObjectReadHandle<VPMicroClusters> m_vpClusters{ this, "VPMicroClusterLocation", "",
+                                                        "Location of VP micro clusters" };
+    DataObjectReadHandle<FTLiteClusters>  m_ftClusters{ this, "FTLiteClusterLocation", "",
+                                                       "Location of FT lite clusters" };
+    DataObjectReadHandle<UTHitClusters>   m_utClusters{ this, "UTHitClusterLocation", "", "Location of UT clusters" };
     StatusCode fillClustersFromLHCbIDs( LHCb::Event::v1::Track&          track,
@@ -166,4 +166,4 @@ namespace LHCb {
 } // namespace LHCb
-DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( LHCb::AddClustersToTrackTool, "AddClustersToTrackTool" )
\ No newline at end of file
+DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( LHCb::AddClustersToTrackTool, "AddClustersToTrackTool" )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/FTHitExpectation.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/FTHitExpectation.cpp
index 3ed2e0531cfd74b458597931d995c5fab7a7fbb4..39a028cdd3f257fdb97ed30a69824be3d1254027 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/FTHitExpectation.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/FTHitExpectation.cpp
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
       const DetElementRef<DeFT> m_detector;
-      BoundInstance( FTHitExpectation const* parent, DeFT const& det ) : m_parent{parent}, m_detector{det} {}
+      BoundInstance( FTHitExpectation const* parent, DeFT const& det ) : m_parent{ parent }, m_detector{ det } {}
       unsigned int nExpected( const Track& aTrack, IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const override {
         return m_parent->nExpected( aTrack, geometry, *m_detector );
@@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ namespace LHCb {
     FTHitExpectation( std::string type, std::string name, const IInterface* parent )
-        : ToolBinder{std::move( type ),
-                     std::move( name ),
-                     parent,
-                     {KeyValue{"FTLocation", DeFTDetectorLocation::Default}},
-                     construct<BoundInstance>( this )} {}
+        : ToolBinder{ std::move( type ),
+                      std::move( name ),
+                      parent,
+                      { KeyValue{ "FTLocation", DeFTDetectorLocation::Default } },
+                      construct<BoundInstance>( this ) } {}
     /** Returns number of hits expected, from zFirst to inf
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ namespace LHCb {
     Tf::Tsa::Parabola xParabola( const Track& aTrack, const double z, IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const;
     Tf::Tsa::Line     yLine( const Track& aTrack, const double z, IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const;
-    ServiceHandle<IMagneticFieldSvc> m_pIMF{this, "MagneticFieldSvc", "MagneticFieldSvc"};
-    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator>   m_extrapolator{this, "extrapolatorName", "TrackParabolicExtrapolator"};
+    ServiceHandle<IMagneticFieldSvc> m_pIMF{ this, "MagneticFieldSvc", "MagneticFieldSvc" };
+    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator>   m_extrapolator{ this, "extrapolatorName", "TrackParabolicExtrapolator" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( FTHitExpectation, "FTHitExpectation" )
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ IHitExpectation::Info LHCb::FTHitExpectation::expectation( const LHCb::Track& aT
   // Loop over all layers
   auto func = [this, &aTrack, &geometry, &info, &ftHits]( const DeFTLayer& layer ) {
-    const DeFTMat*  mat{nullptr};
+    const DeFTMat*  mat{ nullptr };
     Gaudi::XYZPoint intersectionPoint;
     bool            expectHit = findIntersectingMat( layer, aTrack, mat, intersectionPoint, geometry );
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ void LHCb::FTHitExpectation::collect( const LHCb::Track& aTrack, std::vector<LHC
   // Loop over all layers
   // FIXME
   auto func = [this, &aTrack, &geometry, &ids]( const DeFTLayer& layer ) {
-    const DeFTMat*  mat{nullptr};
+    const DeFTMat*  mat{ nullptr };
     Gaudi::XYZPoint intersectionPoint;
     bool            expectHit = findIntersectingMat( layer, aTrack, mat, intersectionPoint, geometry );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/FTMeasurementProvider.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/FTMeasurementProvider.cpp
index 38cdcdfe8680b1fe50233fea76428056a0602047..a3d8e9b26b87800d497cec9f71cc7d6e26a6b9de 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/FTMeasurementProvider.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/FTMeasurementProvider.cpp
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ public:
-  ConditionAccessor<DeFT>                                   m_det{this, DeFTDetectorLocation::Default};
-  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::FTLiteCluster::FTLiteClusters> m_clustersDh{this, "ClusterLocation",
-                                                                         LHCb::FTLiteClusterLocation::Default};
+  ConditionAccessor<DeFT>                                   m_det{ this, DeFTDetectorLocation::Default };
+  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::FTLiteCluster::FTLiteClusters> m_clustersDh{ this, "ClusterLocation",
+                                                                          LHCb::FTLiteClusterLocation::Default };
@@ -77,15 +77,15 @@ void FTMeasurementProvider::addToMeasurements( LHCb::span<LHCb::LHCbID>        i
           throw GaudiException( "Can not find FTLiteCluster for given lhcbID", __func__, StatusCode::FAILURE );
 #ifdef USE_DD4HEP
-        return LHCb::Measurement{itH->channelID(), ftMat->globalZ(),
-                                 ftMat->trajectory( itH->channelID(), itH->fraction() ),
-                                 0.04 + 0.01 * itH->pseudoSize(), // FIXME need a better error parametrization
-                                 *ftMat};
+        return LHCb::Measurement{ itH->channelID(), ftMat->globalZ(),
+                                  ftMat->trajectory( itH->channelID(), itH->fraction() ),
+                                  0.04 + 0.01 * itH->pseudoSize(), // FIXME need a better error parametrization
+                                  *ftMat };
-        return LHCb::Measurement{itH->channelID(), ftMat->globalZ(),
-                                 ftMat->trajectory( itH->channelID(), itH->fraction() ),
-                                 0.04 + 0.01 * itH->pseudoSize(), // FIXME need a better error parametrization
-                                 ftMat};
+        return LHCb::Measurement{ itH->channelID(), ftMat->globalZ(),
+                                  ftMat->trajectory( itH->channelID(), itH->fraction() ),
+                                  0.04 + 0.01 * itH->pseudoSize(), // FIXME need a better error parametrization
+                                  ftMat };
       } );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/FTTrackSelector.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/FTTrackSelector.cpp
index 88a18e0cff8cf07e8a3e5b8a988c2a54fae75afc..55ec93672a9758c17f4fce761779efba1832f710 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/FTTrackSelector.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/FTTrackSelector.cpp
@@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ public:
   bool accept( const LHCb::Track& track ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minHitsCSide{this, "MinHitsCSide", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minHitsASide{this, "MinHitsASide", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minHitsTopHalf{this, "MinHitsTopHalf", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minHitsBottomHalf{this, "MinHitsBottomHalf", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minHits{this, "MinHits", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_nExcludedChannelsFromMatEdge{this, "NExcludedChannelsFromMatEdge", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_nExcludedChannelsFromSiPMEdge{this, "NExcludedChannelsFromSiPMEdge", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_nExcludedChannelsFromSiPMCenter{this, "NExcludedChannelsFromSiPMCenter", 0};
+  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minHitsCSide{ this, "MinHitsCSide", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minHitsASide{ this, "MinHitsASide", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minHitsTopHalf{ this, "MinHitsTopHalf", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minHitsBottomHalf{ this, "MinHitsBottomHalf", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_minHits{ this, "MinHits", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_nExcludedChannelsFromMatEdge{ this, "NExcludedChannelsFromMatEdge", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_nExcludedChannelsFromSiPMEdge{ this, "NExcludedChannelsFromSiPMEdge", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_nExcludedChannelsFromSiPMCenter{ this, "NExcludedChannelsFromSiPMCenter", 0 };
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/FastMomentumEstimate.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/FastMomentumEstimate.cpp
index 1387e4ca7ef7933cef7450a98a6e80851c1699c6..3d35d6548da645e173ab95dde333dbfdd64703ee 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/FastMomentumEstimate.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/FastMomentumEstimate.cpp
@@ -79,15 +79,15 @@ private:
                             const floatType zT, floatType& qOverP, floatType& sigmaQOverP, bool tCubicFit ) const;
   /// Momentum parameters (coefficients) for T state when using cubic fit
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_paramsTCubic{this, "ParamsTCubic", {0.0}};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_paramsTCubic{ this, "ParamsTCubic", { 0.0 } };
   /// Momentum parameters (coefficients) for T state when using parabolic fit
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_paramsTParab{this, "ParamsTParabola", {0.0}};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_paramsTParab{ this, "ParamsTParabola", { 0.0 } };
   /// Momentum parameters (coefficients) for Velo and T state when using cubic fit
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_paramsVeloTCubic{this, "ParamsVeloTCubic", {0.0}};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_paramsVeloTCubic{ this, "ParamsVeloTCubic", { 0.0 } };
   /// Momentum parameters (coefficients) for Velo and T state when using parabolic fit
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_paramsVeloTParab{this, "ParamsVeloTParabola", {0.0}};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>              m_tResolution{this, "TResolution", 0.025};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>              m_veloPlusTResolution{this, "VeloPlusTResolution", 0.015};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_paramsVeloTParab{ this, "ParamsVeloTParabola", { 0.0 } };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>              m_tResolution{ this, "TResolution", 0.025 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>              m_veloPlusTResolution{ this, "VeloPlusTResolution", 0.015 };
   bool m_useDefaultParametrization = false;
@@ -98,18 +98,18 @@ private:
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( FastMomentumEstimate )
 namespace {
-  static constexpr std::array<double, 4> DEFAULT_REAL_T_PARAB       = {-6.30991, -4.83533, -12.9192, 4.23025e-08};
-  static constexpr std::array<double, 6> DEFAULT_REAL_VELO_PARAB    = {1.20812,  0.636694, -0.251334,
-                                                                    0.414017, 2.87247,  -20.0982};
-  static constexpr std::array<double, 4> DEFAULT_REAL_T_CUBIC       = {-6.34025, -4.85287, -12.4491, 4.25461e-08};
-  static constexpr std::array<double, 6> DEFAULT_REAL_VELO_CUBIC    = {1.21352,  0.626691, -0.202483,
-                                                                    0.426262, 2.47057,  -13.2917};
-  static constexpr std::array<double, 4> DEFAULT_NO_REAL_T_PARAB    = {-6.3453, -4.77725, -14.9039, 3.13647e-08};
-  static constexpr std::array<double, 6> DEFAULT_NO_REAL_VELO_PARAB = {1.21909,  0.627841, -0.235216,
-                                                                       0.433811, 2.92798,  -21.3909};
-  static constexpr std::array<double, 4> DEFAULT_NO_REAL_T_CUBIC    = {-6.31652, -4.46153, -16.694, 2.55588e-08};
-  static constexpr std::array<double, 6> DEFAULT_NO_REAL_VELO_CUBIC = {1.21485,  0.64199, -0.27158,
-                                                                       0.440325, 2.9191,  -20.4831};
+  static constexpr std::array<double, 4> DEFAULT_REAL_T_PARAB       = { -6.30991, -4.83533, -12.9192, 4.23025e-08 };
+  static constexpr std::array<double, 6> DEFAULT_REAL_VELO_PARAB    = { 1.20812,  0.636694, -0.251334,
+                                                                        0.414017, 2.87247,  -20.0982 };
+  static constexpr std::array<double, 4> DEFAULT_REAL_T_CUBIC       = { -6.34025, -4.85287, -12.4491, 4.25461e-08 };
+  static constexpr std::array<double, 6> DEFAULT_REAL_VELO_CUBIC    = { 1.21352,  0.626691, -0.202483,
+                                                                        0.426262, 2.47057,  -13.2917 };
+  static constexpr std::array<double, 4> DEFAULT_NO_REAL_T_PARAB    = { -6.3453, -4.77725, -14.9039, 3.13647e-08 };
+  static constexpr std::array<double, 6> DEFAULT_NO_REAL_VELO_PARAB = { 1.21909,  0.627841, -0.235216,
+                                                                        0.433811, 2.92798,  -21.3909 };
+  static constexpr std::array<double, 4> DEFAULT_NO_REAL_T_CUBIC    = { -6.31652, -4.46153, -16.694, 2.55588e-08 };
+  static constexpr std::array<double, 6> DEFAULT_NO_REAL_VELO_CUBIC = { 1.21485,  0.64199, -0.27158,
+                                                                        0.440325, 2.9191,  -20.4831 };
 } // namespace
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/GhostProbabilityTool.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/GhostProbabilityTool.cpp
index 7d7c5bd0d176b7519c0c2761784552a2fbcb3ca3..bf7a74d96e4399e9a57d6b2acc509d7ea1406210 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/GhostProbabilityTool.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/GhostProbabilityTool.cpp
@@ -83,19 +83,20 @@ public:
   // properties
   Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_weightsfilename{
-      this, "WeightsFileName", {}, "locations of weights files, to be read with ParamFileSvc"};
+      this, "WeightsFileName", {}, "locations of weights files, to be read with ParamFileSvc" };
   LHCb::Track::Types           m_tracktype;
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_trktypesprop{this, "TrackType", "", [&]( auto& ) {
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_trktypesprop{ this, "TrackType", "", [&]( auto& ) {
                                                 if ( parse( m_tracktype, m_trktypesprop ).isFailure() )
                                                   m_tracktype = LHCb::Track::Types::Unknown;
-                                              }};
+                                              } };
   std::unique_ptr<Model> m_model;
   // services
-  ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_filesvc{this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc", "Service used to retrieve file contents"};
+  ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_filesvc{ this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc",
+                                        "Service used to retrieve file contents" };
 // declare specific model versions of the tool
@@ -123,8 +124,8 @@ namespace LHCb::Event::v3 {
     /// Standard constructor
     GhostProbabilityAlg( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"InputTracksName", ""}, KeyValue{"InputInfoName", ""}},
-                       KeyValue{"OutputGhostProbName", ""} ) {}
+        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "InputTracksName", "" }, KeyValue{ "InputInfoName", "" } },
+                       KeyValue{ "OutputGhostProbName", "" } ) {}
     StatusCode initialize() override {
       return Transformer::initialize().andThen( [&]() {
@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Event::v3 {
     operator()( const LHCb::Event::v3::Tracks&                    inputTracks,
                 const LHCb::Event::v3::Track::PartialChiSquareds& info ) const override final {
-      GhostProbabilities ghostProbs{inputTracks.zipIdentifier()};
+      GhostProbabilities ghostProbs{ inputTracks.zipIdentifier() };
       if ( inputTracks.empty() ) { return ghostProbs; }
       auto trackInfoZip = LHCb::Event::make_zip<SIMDWrapper::Best>( inputTracks, info );
@@ -160,14 +161,14 @@ namespace LHCb::Event::v3 {
     // properties
     Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_weightsfilename{
-        this, "WeightsFileName", {}, "locations of weights files, to be read with ParamFileSvc"};
+        this, "WeightsFileName", {}, "locations of weights files, to be read with ParamFileSvc" };
     std::unique_ptr<Model> m_model;
     // services
-    ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_filesvc{this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc",
-                                         "Service used to retrieve file contents"};
+    ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_filesvc{ this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc",
+                                          "Service used to retrieve file contents" };
   // declare specific model versions of the tool
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/GhostProbabilityTupleAlgs.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/GhostProbabilityTupleAlgs.cpp
index b1d916745f46c16ebff3c60a82bdd807be994394..a0d8a435270b985e509be35691111f9d86ad50b9 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/GhostProbabilityTupleAlgs.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/GhostProbabilityTupleAlgs.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace {
   template <typename KeyedObject>
   LHCb::MCParticle const* mcTruth( KeyedObject const* obj, LHCb::MCParticles const& mcparts,
                                    LHCb::LinksByKey const& links ) {
-    LHCb::MCParticle const* mcp{nullptr};
+    LHCb::MCParticle const* mcp{ nullptr };
     if ( obj ) {
       links.applyToLinks( obj->key(), [&mcp, &mcparts]( unsigned int, unsigned int mcpkey, float ) {
         if ( !mcp ) mcp = static_cast<LHCb::MCParticle const*>( mcparts.containedObject( mcpkey ) );
@@ -42,7 +42,9 @@ public:
   using KeyValue = typename base_type::KeyValue;
   GhostProbTrainingTupleAlg( std::string const& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-      : base_type{name, pSvc, {KeyValue{"InputObjects", ""}, KeyValue{"MCParticles", ""}, KeyValue{"LinksToMC", ""}}} {}
+      : base_type{ name,
+                   pSvc,
+                   { KeyValue{ "InputObjects", "" }, KeyValue{ "MCParticles", "" }, KeyValue{ "LinksToMC", "" } } } {}
   StatusCode initialize() override {
     auto sc = base_type::initialize();
@@ -96,13 +98,14 @@ public:
   // properties
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_modelname{this, "ModelName", ""};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_weightsfilename{this, "WeightsFileName", "",
-                                                 [&]( auto& ) { evaluate_model = m_weightsfilename.value() != ""; }};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_modelname{ this, "ModelName", "" };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_weightsfilename{ this, "WeightsFileName", "",
+                                                  [&]( auto& ) { evaluate_model = m_weightsfilename.value() != ""; } };
   bool                         evaluate_model;
   // services
-  ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_filesvc{this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc", "Service used to retrieve file contents"};
+  ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_filesvc{ this, "FileAccessor", "ParamFileSvc",
+                                        "Service used to retrieve file contents" };
   // data members
   ModelEvaluator m_model;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/Line.h b/Tr/TrackTools/src/Line.h
index 577377d2e778d6f56d200363f21582b10893ec0f..49dd9636ec44086f609c0b3766286df9ceca728e 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/Line.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/Line.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ namespace Tf {
       Line( const double y1, const double y2, const double x1, const double x2 )
-          : m_m{( y2 - y1 ) / ( x2 - x1 )}, m_c{y1 - ( m_m * x1 )} {}
+          : m_m{ ( y2 - y1 ) / ( x2 - x1 ) }, m_c{ y1 - ( m_m * x1 ) } {}
       Line( const double m, const double c ) : m_m( m ), m_c( c ) {}
       Line( const double m, const double y, const double x ) : m_m( m ), m_c( y - ( m * x ) ) {}
       double value( const double x ) const { return ( m_c + ( m_m * x ) ); }
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/Line3D.h b/Tr/TrackTools/src/Line3D.h
index ead27decdd99e6ba21c9e01ce3b097ab7f5c5ede..c2f7415ae1d247e3060c488ecf0f8e3a97a52fa0 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/Line3D.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/Line3D.h
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ namespace Tf::Tsa {
   /// Create a Line3D from a point line and z reference point
   inline Line3D createLine3D( const Tsa::Line& xLine, const Tsa::Line& yLine, const double zRef ) {
-    return Line3D{Gaudi::XYZPoint{xLine.value( zRef ), yLine.value( zRef ), zRef},
-                  Gaudi::XYZVector{xLine.m(), yLine.m(), 1.}.Unit()};
+    return Line3D{ Gaudi::XYZPoint{ xLine.value( zRef ), yLine.value( zRef ), zRef },
+                   Gaudi::XYZVector{ xLine.m(), yLine.m(), 1. }.Unit() };
 } // namespace Tf::Tsa
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/MakeMuonTracks.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/MakeMuonTracks.cpp
index ee7a492d00bc91676a6964bb2c25313b732e5a85..7bc5aac2c29ea90e92ef5d84035fab9f3e90a86b 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/MakeMuonTracks.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/MakeMuonTracks.cpp
@@ -44,23 +44,23 @@ namespace LHCb {
     Event::v1::Tracks executionCore( NNMuonTracks const&, const DeMagnet&, DetectorElement const& lhcb ) const;
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_skipBigClusters{this, "SkipBigClusters", false};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_Bfield{this, "BField", false};
-    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_MaxNTiles{this, "MaxNTiles", 6};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_fitTracks{this, "FitTracks", true};
-    ToolHandle<ITrackFitter>           m_TrackMasterFitter{this, "Fitter", "TrackMasterFitter/Fitter"};
-    ToolHandle<ITrackMomentumEstimate> m_fCalcMomentum{this, "TrackPtKick", "TrackPtKick", "momentum tool"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_hitsPerTrack{this, "nb MuonHits per track"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_tilesPerTrack{this, "nb tiles used per track"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_trackRejecteBigCluster{this,
-                                                                    "nb track not saved due to BIG cluster rejection"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_trackFitFailed{this, "nb track with Fit failure"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_nbTracks{this, "nb tracks created"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_nbInputTracks{this, "nb input tracks"};
-    bool m_isTMF{true};
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_skipBigClusters{ this, "SkipBigClusters", false };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_Bfield{ this, "BField", false };
+    Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_MaxNTiles{ this, "MaxNTiles", 6 };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_fitTracks{ this, "FitTracks", true };
+    ToolHandle<ITrackFitter>           m_TrackMasterFitter{ this, "Fitter", "TrackMasterFitter/Fitter" };
+    ToolHandle<ITrackMomentumEstimate> m_fCalcMomentum{ this, "TrackPtKick", "TrackPtKick", "momentum tool" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_hitsPerTrack{ this, "nb MuonHits per track" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_tilesPerTrack{ this, "nb tiles used per track" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_trackRejecteBigCluster{
+        this, "nb track not saved due to BIG cluster rejection" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_trackFitFailed{ this, "nb track with Fit failure" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_nbTracks{ this, "nb tracks created" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_nbInputTracks{ this, "nb input tracks" };
+    bool m_isTMF{ true };
   struct MakeMuonTracks_TMF
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ namespace LHCb {
             LHCb::Algorithm::Traits::usesBaseAndConditions<MakeMuonTracksBase, DeMagnet, DetectorElement>> {
     MakeMuonTracks_TMF( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                       {KeyValue{"MuonTracksLocation", ""}, KeyValue{"DeMagnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path},
-                        KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-                       KeyValue{"TracksOutputLocation", TrackLocation::Muon} ) {}
+                       { KeyValue{ "MuonTracksLocation", "" }, KeyValue{ "DeMagnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path },
+                         KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+                       KeyValue{ "TracksOutputLocation", TrackLocation::Muon } ) {}
     Event::v1::Tracks operator()( NNMuonTracks const& tracks, DeMagnet const& magnet,
                                   DetectorElement const& lhcb ) const override {
       return executionCore( tracks, magnet, lhcb );
@@ -86,10 +86,10 @@ namespace LHCb {
             LHCb::Algorithm::Traits::usesBaseAndConditions<MakeMuonTracksBase, DeMagnet, DetectorElement>> {
     MakeMuonTracks_PrKF( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                       {KeyValue{"MuonTracksLocation", ""}, KeyValue{"MuonHitsLocation", ""},
-                        KeyValue{"KalmanFilterTool", ""}, KeyValue{"DeMagnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path},
-                        KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-                       KeyValue{"TracksOutputLocation", TrackLocation::Muon} ) {
+                       { KeyValue{ "MuonTracksLocation", "" }, KeyValue{ "MuonHitsLocation", "" },
+                         KeyValue{ "KalmanFilterTool", "" }, KeyValue{ "DeMagnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path },
+                         KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+                       KeyValue{ "TracksOutputLocation", TrackLocation::Muon } ) {
       m_isTMF = false;
     StatusCode initialize() override {
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
       state.setLocation( State::Location::Muon );
       track->addToStates( state );
-      LHCb::State first_meas_state{state};
+      LHCb::State first_meas_state{ state };
       first_meas_state.setLocation( State::Location::FirstMeasurement );
       track->addToStates( first_meas_state );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/MeasurementProvider.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/MeasurementProvider.cpp
index bbcd523c200174651934e8c9cfcae7902253e8ee..eb7d8106a7c503708d2b8d722a6f5437b28a22cf 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/MeasurementProvider.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/MeasurementProvider.cpp
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ StatusCode MeasurementProvider::load( Track& track ) const {
   newmeasurements.reserve( newids.size() + n2d ); // note: count VP & Muon, as they have 2 measurments/id
   // provide  a reference trajectory to addToMeasurements...
-  addToMeasurements( newids, newmeasurements, LHCb::TrackTraj{track} );
+  addToMeasurements( newids, newmeasurements, LHCb::TrackTraj{ track } );
   // add the measurements to the track
   fit->setMeasurements( std::move( newmeasurements ) );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/MeasurementProvider.h b/Tr/TrackTools/src/MeasurementProvider.h
index 68dbfa17f3fa72251205c7bb4bf5faa0bd49466a..7f1c94ea332e9a2711f8ad4c0d0e941054dee913 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/MeasurementProvider.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/MeasurementProvider.h
@@ -55,18 +55,18 @@ public:
   // Handles to actual measurement providers
-  ToolHandle<IMeasurementProviderProjector> m_vpProvider   = {"VPMeasurementProvider", this};
-  ToolHandle<IMeasurementProviderProjector> m_utProvider   = {"UTMeasurementProvider", this};
-  ToolHandle<IMeasurementProviderProjector> m_ftProvider   = {"FTMeasurementProvider", this};
-  ToolHandle<IMeasurementProviderProjector> m_muonProvider = {"MuonMeasurementProvider", this};
+  ToolHandle<IMeasurementProviderProjector> m_vpProvider   = { "VPMeasurementProvider", this };
+  ToolHandle<IMeasurementProviderProjector> m_utProvider   = { "UTMeasurementProvider", this };
+  ToolHandle<IMeasurementProviderProjector> m_ftProvider   = { "FTMeasurementProvider", this };
+  ToolHandle<IMeasurementProviderProjector> m_muonProvider = { "MuonMeasurementProvider", this };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_ignoreVP{this, "IgnoreVP",
-                                   false}; // VP does not exist in default detector   ///< Ignore VP hits
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_ignoreUT{this, "IgnoreUT", false};    ///< Ignore UT hits
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_ignoreFT{this, "IgnoreFT", false};    ///< Ignore FT hits
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_ignoreMuon{this, "IgnoreMuon", true}; ///< Ignore Muon hits
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_ignoreVP{ this, "IgnoreVP",
+                                    false }; // VP does not exist in default detector   ///< Ignore VP hits
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_ignoreUT{ this, "IgnoreUT", false };    ///< Ignore UT hits
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_ignoreFT{ this, "IgnoreFT", false };    ///< Ignore FT hits
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_ignoreMuon{ this, "IgnoreMuon", true }; ///< Ignore Muon hits
   Gaudi::Property<bool> m_initializeReference{
-      this, "InitializeReference", true}; ///< Initialize measurement reference vector with closest state on track
+      this, "InitializeReference", true }; ///< Initialize measurement reference vector with closest state on track
   boost::container::static_vector<std::pair<LHCb::Measurement::Type, IMeasurementProviderProjector*>, 9> m_providers;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/MeasurementProviderProjector.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/MeasurementProviderProjector.cpp
index 9cba84de436cd4820d9532a270a30dc2cf0cf6d1..9397459b79cd69e68bb2ad17cd7e892ce4499214 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/MeasurementProviderProjector.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/MeasurementProviderProjector.cpp
@@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ MeasurementProviderProjector::internal_project( const LHCb::StateVector& stateve
       [&]( const auto& m, LHCb::Minimize1DResult& mr ) -> ProjectResult {
         auto errMeasure = ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 1>( m.errMeasure );
         auto residual   = ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 1>( -mr.doca );
-        return Project1DResult{mr.sMeas,   mr.doca,           residual,
-                               errMeasure, std::move( mr.H ), std::move( mr.unitPocaVector )};
+        return Project1DResult{ mr.sMeas,   mr.doca,           residual,
+                                errMeasure, std::move( mr.H ), std::move( mr.unitPocaVector ) };
       [&]( const LHCb::Measurement::VP2D& vp2d, LHCb::Minimize2DResult& mr ) -> ProjectResult {
         auto dist     = refTraj.position( mr.zState ) - vp2d.trajectory;
         auto residual = ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 2>( -dist.X(), dist.Y() ); // TODO minus sign? wrong def elsewhere?
-        return Project2DResult{mr.sMeas,        mr.doca,           residual,
-                               vp2d.errMeasure, std::move( mr.H ), std::move( mr.unitPocaVector )};
+        return Project2DResult{ mr.sMeas,        mr.doca,           residual,
+                                vp2d.errMeasure, std::move( mr.H ), std::move( mr.unitPocaVector ) };
       [&]( const LHCb::Measurement::VP2D&, LHCb::Minimize1DResult& ) -> ProjectResult {
         throw std::logic_error( "invalid combination of 1D and 2D variants" );
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ MeasurementProviderProjector::project( const LHCb::State& state, const LHCb::Mea
   try {
     // Project onto the reference (prevent the virtual function call)
     auto projectResult = internal_project( LHCb::StateVector( state.stateVector(), state.z() ), meas );
-    return {StatusCode{StatusCode::SUCCESS}, projectResult};
+    return { StatusCode{ StatusCode::SUCCESS }, projectResult };
     // Calculate the error on the residual
     // m_errResidual = sqrt( m_errMeasure*m_errMeasure + Similarity( m_H, state.covariance() )(0,0) );
-  } catch ( StatusCode sc ) { return {sc, MeasurementProviderProjector::Project1DResult{}}; }
+  } catch ( StatusCode sc ) { return { sc, MeasurementProviderProjector::Project1DResult{} }; }
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/MeasurementProviderProjector.h b/Tr/TrackTools/src/MeasurementProviderProjector.h
index 2e2d9e49680353f3149da654098223ed83890771..52ab5d3c8270a15d09c539cf773fa5194346a57a 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/MeasurementProviderProjector.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/MeasurementProviderProjector.h
@@ -70,12 +70,13 @@ protected:
   virtual ProjectResult internal_project( const LHCb::StateVector& statevector, const LHCb::Measurement& meas ) const;
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useBField{this, "UseBField", false}; /// Create StateTraj with or without BField information.
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useBField{ this, "UseBField",
+                                     false }; /// Create StateTraj with or without BField information.
   /// Project a state onto a measurement.
   virtual std::tuple<StatusCode, ProjectResult> project( const LHCb::State&       state,
                                                          const LHCb::Measurement& meas ) const;
-  ConditionAccessor<DeMagnet> m_magnet{this, "Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path};
+  ConditionAccessor<DeMagnet> m_magnet{ this, "Magnet", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path };
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/MuonMeasurementProvider.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/MuonMeasurementProvider.cpp
index dd8f8d364eb00c659707c1ab21fdc733c9add9fc..bf6d52165d4f2520e7589d6f21dcfd19f5febbbd 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/MuonMeasurementProvider.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/MuonMeasurementProvider.cpp
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ namespace {
     double av = sum / np;
-    return {av, np > 1 ? sqrt( ( sum2 - sum * av ) / ( np - 1 ) ) : data.back()[1]};
+    return { av, np > 1 ? sqrt( ( sum2 - sum * av ) / ( np - 1 ) ) : data.back()[1] };
   std::array<LHCb::Measurement, 2> makeMeasurements( LHCb::LHCbID id, const DeMuonDetector& det, Gaudi::XYZPoint p,
@@ -51,14 +51,14 @@ namespace {
     const DeMuonChamber* chamber =
         &det.getChamber( muid.station(), muid.region(), det.Tile2FirstChamberNumber( muid ) );
-    return {LHCb::Measurement( id, p.z(),
-                               LHCb::LineTraj<double>{p, Gaudi::XYZVector{0, 1, 0}, std::pair{-dy, dy},
-                                                      LHCb::Trajectory<double>::DirNormalized{true}},
-                               2. * dx * LHCb::Math::inv_sqrt_12, chamber ),
-            LHCb::Measurement( id, p.z(),
-                               LHCb::LineTraj<double>{p, Gaudi::XYZVector{1, 0, 0}, std::pair{-dx, dx},
-                                                      LHCb::Trajectory<double>::DirNormalized{true}},
-                               2. * dy * LHCb::Math::inv_sqrt_12, chamber )};
+    return { LHCb::Measurement( id, p.z(),
+                                LHCb::LineTraj<double>{ p, Gaudi::XYZVector{ 0, 1, 0 }, std::pair{ -dy, dy },
+                                                        LHCb::Trajectory<double>::DirNormalized{ true } },
+                                2. * dx * LHCb::Math::inv_sqrt_12, chamber ),
+             LHCb::Measurement( id, p.z(),
+                                LHCb::LineTraj<double>{ p, Gaudi::XYZVector{ 1, 0, 0 }, std::pair{ -dx, dx },
+                                                        LHCb::Trajectory<double>::DirNormalized{ true } },
+                                2. * dy * LHCb::Math::inv_sqrt_12, chamber ) };
 } // namespace
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ private:
   std::array<LHCb::Measurement, 2> measurement( const DeMuonDetector& det, LHCb::span<LHCb::LHCbID> ids ) const;
   // pointer to detector
-  ConditionAccessor<DeMuonDetector> m_det{this, DeMuonLocation::Default};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>             m_clusterize{this, "clusterize", false};
+  ConditionAccessor<DeMuonDetector> m_det{ this, DeMuonLocation::Default };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>             m_clusterize{ this, "clusterize", false };
@@ -157,9 +157,9 @@ std::array<LHCb::Measurement, 2> MuonMeasurementProvider::measurement( const DeM
     double dx = pos->dX();
     double dy = pos->dY();
     double dz = pos->dZ();
-    padx.push_back( {x, dx} );
-    pady.push_back( {y, dy} );
-    padz.push_back( {z, dz} );
+    padx.push_back( { x, dx } );
+    pady.push_back( { y, dy } );
+    padz.push_back( { z, dz } );
     if ( ( x - dx ) < hit_minx ) hit_minx = x - dx;
     if ( ( x + dx ) > hit_maxx ) hit_maxx = x + dx;
     if ( ( y - dy ) < hit_miny ) hit_miny = y - dy;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/MuonSeeding.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/MuonSeeding.cpp
index 361dd9209dee077c1df251e25554d114325c6f9e..f36f6f6b11b5df5a025ea73ab43228b3ef7f2dca 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/MuonSeeding.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/MuonSeeding.cpp
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ public:
   /// Standard constructor
   MuonSeeding( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : base_t( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {KeyValue{"InputMuonTracks", "Rec/Track/Muon"},
-                 KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-                KeyValue{"OutputMuonTracks", "Rec/Track/MuonSeed"} ) {}
+                { KeyValue{ "InputMuonTracks", "Rec/Track/Muon" },
+                  KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+                KeyValue{ "OutputMuonTracks", "Rec/Track/MuonSeed" } ) {}
   LHCb::Tracks operator()( const LHCb::Tracks&    tracks,
                            DetectorElement const& lhcb ) const override; ///< Algorithm execution
@@ -65,17 +65,17 @@ private:
                           const Gaudi::XYZPoint& PVPos, double qOverP, IGeometryInfo const& lhcb ) const;
   // -- Properties
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_fitTracks{this, "FitTracks", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_tolerance{this, "Tolerance", 0.5};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxIterations{this, "MaxIteration", 10};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>         m_fitTracks{ this, "FitTracks", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_tolerance{ this, "Tolerance", 0.5 };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxIterations{ this, "MaxIteration", 10 };
   // -- Tools
-  ToolHandle<ITrackFitter>       m_trackFitter{this, "Fitter", "TrackMasterFitter/Fitter"};
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{this, "Extrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator/Extrapolator"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackFitter>       m_trackFitter{ this, "Fitter", "TrackMasterFitter/Fitter" };
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{ this, "Extrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator/Extrapolator" };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_countMuCandidates{this, "nMuonTrackCandidates"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING>     m_failed_iteration{this, "Failed iteration to PV!", 0};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING>     m_failed_trackfit{this, "Failed track fit!"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_countMuCandidates{ this, "nMuonTrackCandidates" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING>     m_failed_iteration{ this, "Failed iteration to PV!", 0 };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING>     m_failed_trackfit{ this, "Failed track fit!" };
 // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ StatusCode MuonSeeding::iterateToPV( LHCb::Track* track, LHCb::State& muonState,
   for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_maxIterations.value() && std::abs( deltaX ) > m_tolerance.value(); ++i ) {
     dummyState = muonState;
     sc         = m_extrapolator->propagate( dummyState.stateVector(), dummyState.z(), PVPos.z(), &jacobian, geometry,
-                                    LHCb::Tr::PID::Muon() );
+                                            LHCb::Tr::PID::Muon() );
     dXdQoP     = jacobian( 0, 4 );
     deltaX     = -( dummyState.x() - PVPos.x() );
     double deltaQoP = deltaX / dXdQoP;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/MuonTrackSelector.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/MuonTrackSelector.cpp
index 1a692dbeb13dddae25fefb9c90e867859f70bb7c..60f2b1b2ecbd12567b023d02df4b0374ba40fbaf 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/MuonTrackSelector.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/MuonTrackSelector.cpp
@@ -41,30 +41,30 @@ namespace LHCb {
     typedef std::map<std::string, bool ( LHCb::LHCbID::* )() const> LHCbDetChecks;
     MuonTrackSelector( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"TracksInputContainer", TrackLocation::Default}},
-                       KeyValue{"TracksOutputContainer", "Alignment/FilteredTracks"} ) {}
+        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "TracksInputContainer", TrackLocation::Default } },
+                       KeyValue{ "TracksOutputContainer", "Alignment/FilteredTracks" } ) {}
     LHCb::Tracks operator()( const LHCb::Tracks& inputTracks ) const override;
-    Gaudi::Property<std::size_t> m_nStation{this, "minHitStation", 2};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>         m_theR{this, "TheRegion", -1};
-    Gaudi::Property<double>      m_pcut{this, "MuonPcut", 0. * Gaudi::Units::GeV};
-    Gaudi::Property<double>      m_muonChisquareCut{this, "MuonChisquareCut", 0.};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_calo{this, "inCaloAcceptance", false};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_noOverlap{this, "noOverlap", false};
-    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_trackType{this, "TrackType", "Long"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_lowMomentum{this, "Not selected (low momentum)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_unwantedRegion{this, "Not selected (unwanted region)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_doesnothitRegion{this, "Not selected (does not hit region)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_moreThanOneRegion{this, "Not selected (more than one region)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_lowNbHits{this, "Not selected (low number of hit station)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_overlapHitStation{this, "Not selected (overlap hit stations)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_offCaloAcceptance{this, "Not selected (off the CALO acceptance)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>          m_badChisquare{this, "Not selected (bad chisquare)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_filteredTracks{this, "Nb selected tracks"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_nbInputTracks{this, "Nb input tracks"};
+    Gaudi::Property<std::size_t> m_nStation{ this, "minHitStation", 2 };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>         m_theR{ this, "TheRegion", -1 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double>      m_pcut{ this, "MuonPcut", 0. * Gaudi::Units::GeV };
+    Gaudi::Property<double>      m_muonChisquareCut{ this, "MuonChisquareCut", 0. };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_calo{ this, "inCaloAcceptance", false };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>        m_noOverlap{ this, "noOverlap", false };
+    Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_trackType{ this, "TrackType", "Long" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_lowMomentum{ this, "Not selected (low momentum)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_unwantedRegion{ this, "Not selected (unwanted region)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_doesnothitRegion{ this, "Not selected (does not hit region)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_moreThanOneRegion{ this, "Not selected (more than one region)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_lowNbHits{ this, "Not selected (low number of hit station)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_overlapHitStation{ this, "Not selected (overlap hit stations)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_offCaloAcceptance{ this, "Not selected (off the CALO acceptance)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_badChisquare{ this, "Not selected (bad chisquare)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_filteredTracks{ this, "Nb selected tracks" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_nbInputTracks{ this, "Nb input tracks" };
     bool printDebug() const { return msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ); };
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/MuonUTTracking.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/MuonUTTracking.cpp
index 10bcdcd58e42fd2094dabed709bb9072dade70c3..46e7c4ece64ed7ab2ecdc6dda34d31bbf3ee7347 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/MuonUTTracking.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/MuonUTTracking.cpp
@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ class MuonUTTracking final
   MuonUTTracking( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"InputMuonTracks", ""}, KeyValue{"RecVertices", ""},
-                      KeyValue{"AddUTHitsTool", "PrAddUTHitsTool"},
-                      KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputTracks", ""} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "InputMuonTracks", "" }, KeyValue{ "RecVertices", "" },
+                       KeyValue{ "AddUTHitsTool", "PrAddUTHitsTool" },
+                       KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputTracks", "" } ) {}
   LHCb::Tracks operator()( const LHCb::Tracks&, const Vertices&, const IPrAddUTHitsTool&,
                            DetectorElement const& ) const override;
@@ -70,21 +70,22 @@ private:
   LHCb::State     iterateToPV( LHCb::Track*, Gaudi::XYZPoint&, double, IGeometryInfo const& ) const;
-  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_tolerance{this, "Tolerance", 0.5};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxIterations{this, "MaxIteration", 10};
-  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_minNumberUTHits{this, "MinNUTHits", 2};
+  Gaudi::Property<double>       m_tolerance{ this, "Tolerance", 0.5 };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_maxIterations{ this, "MaxIteration", 10 };
+  Gaudi::Property<unsigned int> m_minNumberUTHits{ this, "MinNUTHits", 2 };
   //--- Tools
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{this, "Extrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator"}; ///< extrapolator
-  ToolHandle<ITrackFitter>       m_trackFitter{this, "Fitter", "TrackMasterFitter"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_failed_propagation{this, "Could not propagate state to VELO!",
-                                                                             0};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                m_countEvents{this, "nEvents"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_countMuonTracks{this, "nMuonTracks"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_countMuonUTTracks{this, "nMuonTracks with UT hits added"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_fitMuonUTTracks{this, "nMuonUTTracks passing fit"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{ this, "Extrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator" }; ///< extrapolator
+  ToolHandle<ITrackFitter>       m_trackFitter{ this, "Fitter", "TrackMasterFitter" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING>     m_failed_propagation{ this,
+                                                                              "Could not propagate state to VELO!", 0 };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                    m_countEvents{ this, "nEvents" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_countMuonTracks{ this, "nMuonTracks" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_countMuonUTTracks{ this,
+                                                                                 "nMuonTracks with UT hits added" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_fitMuonUTTracks{ this, "nMuonUTTracks passing fit" };
@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ LHCb::Tracks MuonUTTracking::operator()( const LHCb::Tracks& muontracks, const V
   for ( auto& track : muontracks ) {
     // -- Change Q/p until it points to the PV (stolen from Wouter)
     auto muonState    = iterateToPV( track, PVPos, track->firstState().qOverP(),
-                                  *lhcb.geometry() ); // -- This is the function that iterates
+                                     *lhcb.geometry() ); // -- This is the function that iterates
     auto veloStateVec = muonState.stateVector();
     auto sc           = m_extrapolator->propagate( veloStateVec, muonState.z(), PVPos.z(), nullptr, *lhcb.geometry() );
     if ( !sc ) {
@@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ Gaudi::XYZPoint MuonUTTracking::fillPVs( const Vertices& pvs ) const {
   // Return the position of the PV with the largest multiplicity
   auto it = std::max_element( pvs.begin(), pvs.end(),
                               []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.nDoF() < rhs.nDoF(); } );
-  return it != pvs.end() ? it->position() : Gaudi::XYZPoint{0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
+  return it != pvs.end() ? it->position() : Gaudi::XYZPoint{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/PtTransporter.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/PtTransporter.cpp
index bb668e6b194e0bb0fedd72012cd3d91fdb2fcfb2..69e5f6db0c3fd2e3423a03e9c4ac12b5d021b28a 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/PtTransporter.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/PtTransporter.cpp
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ public:
   double ptAtOrigin( const LHCb::State& state ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zMagnet{this, "zMagnet", 5300. * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zMagnet{ this, "zMagnet", 5300. * Gaudi::Units::mm };
 // Declaration of the Tool Factory
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/SeedMuonBuilder.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/SeedMuonBuilder.cpp
index fa7c17fadcfa5125d173d1540335f4e64383bc53..68ef62ade9bc62f9ac767c51ff589c1f1e53bd85 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/SeedMuonBuilder.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/SeedMuonBuilder.cpp
@@ -35,20 +35,20 @@ public:
   // Standard constructor
   SeedMuonBuilder( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"MuonTracksLocation", ""}, KeyValue{"SciFiTracksLocation", ""},
-                      KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputSeedMuonTracks", "Rec/Track/SeedMuon"} ){};
+                     { KeyValue{ "MuonTracksLocation", "" }, KeyValue{ "SciFiTracksLocation", "" },
+                       KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputSeedMuonTracks", "Rec/Track/SeedMuon" } ){};
   LHCb::Tracks operator()( const LHCb::Tracks& muontracks, const LHCb::Tracks& scifitracks,
                            DetectorElement const& lhcb ) const override;
   // properties
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_minSlopeDiff{this, "minSlopeDiff", 0.05};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_minSlopeDiff{ this, "minSlopeDiff", 0.05 };
   // counters
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_countSeedMuons{this, "nSeedMuons"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_countSeedMuons{ this, "nSeedMuons" };
   // tools
-  ToolHandle<ITrackFitter> m_tracksFitter{this, "Fitter", "TrackMasterFitter/Fitter"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackFitter> m_tracksFitter{ this, "Fitter", "TrackMasterFitter/Fitter" };
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/StandaloneMuonRec.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/StandaloneMuonRec.cpp
index 0707a8d0f626c57d294fe6f9d57bd14b7611bfb3..7d40d979d5ecc5c6e18fcc1de82336342c209540 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/StandaloneMuonRec.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/StandaloneMuonRec.cpp
@@ -56,18 +56,18 @@
 namespace {
   // -- initialize the pad size. Hardwired to speed up.
-  constexpr std::array<float, 12> m_Xmax = {{                          //   R1  R2   R3   R4
-                                             100., 200., 300., 400.,   // M2
-                                             100., 200., 300., 400.,   // M3
-                                             400., 400., 400., 400.}}; // M4
+  constexpr std::array<float, 12> m_Xmax = { {                             //   R1  R2   R3   R4
+                                               100., 200., 300., 400.,     // M2
+                                               100., 200., 300., 400.,     // M3
+                                               400., 400., 400., 400. } }; // M4
-  constexpr std::array<float, 12> m_Ymax = {{                         //  R1   R2   R3   R4
-                                             60., 120., 180., 240.,   // M2
-                                             60., 120., 240., 480.,   // M3
-                                             60., 120., 240., 480.}}; // M4
+  constexpr std::array<float, 12> m_Ymax = { {                            //  R1   R2   R3   R4
+                                               60., 120., 180., 240.,     // M2
+                                               60., 120., 240., 480.,     // M3
+                                               60., 120., 240., 480. } }; // M4
   // -- Set tolerances for hit search in region
-  constexpr std::array<float, 4> m_tolForRegion{{2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 10.0}};
+  constexpr std::array<float, 4> m_tolForRegion{ { 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 10.0 } };
   class Cache {
@@ -93,16 +93,16 @@ public:
   /// Standard constructor
   StandaloneMuonRec( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : base_class_t( name, pSvcLocator,
-                      {KeyValue{"MuonHitsLocation", MuonHitContainerLocation::Default},
-                       KeyValue{"ConditionsCache", "StandaloneMuonAlg-" + name + "-ConditionsCache"}},
-                      KeyValue{"OutputMuonTracks", "Rec/Track/Muon"} ) {}
+                      { KeyValue{ "MuonHitsLocation", MuonHitContainerLocation::Default },
+                        KeyValue{ "ConditionsCache", "StandaloneMuonAlg-" + name + "-ConditionsCache" } },
+                      KeyValue{ "OutputMuonTracks", "Rec/Track/Muon" } ) {}
   StatusCode initialize() override {
     return base_class_t::initialize().andThen( [&] {
-      this->addConditionDerivation( {DeMuonLocation::Default, LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path},
+      this->addConditionDerivation( { DeMuonLocation::Default, LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path },
                                     [&]( const DeMuonDetector& det, const DeMagnet& magnet ) {
-                                      Cache                 cache{det};
+                                      Cache                 cache{ det };
                                       const Gaudi::XYZPoint begin( 0., 0., 0. );
                                       const Gaudi::XYZPoint end( 0., 0., cache.stationZ[M2] );
                                       m_bIntegrator->calculateBdlAndCenter( magnet.fieldGrid(), begin, end, 0.0001, 0.,
@@ -118,18 +118,18 @@ public:
   LHCb::Tracks operator()( const MuonHitContainer& hitContainer, const Cache& cache ) const override;
-  ToolHandle<IBIntegrator> m_bIntegrator{this, "BIntegrator", "BIntegrator"};
+  ToolHandle<IBIntegrator> m_bIntegrator{ this, "BIntegrator", "BIntegrator" };
   enum { M2 = 0, M3, M4, M5 };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>               m_cloneKiller{this, "CloneKiller", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>               m_chi2Cut{this, "Chi2Cut", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>              m_maxchi2Cut{this, "MaxChi2Cut", 1.0};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>               m_strongCloneKiller{this, "StrongCloneKiller", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>               m_secondLoop{this, "SecondLoop", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<float>> m_ParabolicCorrection{this, "ParabolicCorrection", {1.04, 0.14}};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<float>> m_resParams{this, "m_resParams", {0.015, 0.29}};
-  Gaudi::Property<float>              m_Constant{this, "ConstantCorrection", 0., "In MeV"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>               m_cloneKiller{ this, "CloneKiller", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>               m_chi2Cut{ this, "Chi2Cut", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>              m_maxchi2Cut{ this, "MaxChi2Cut", 1.0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>               m_strongCloneKiller{ this, "StrongCloneKiller", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>               m_secondLoop{ this, "SecondLoop", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<float>> m_ParabolicCorrection{ this, "ParabolicCorrection", { 1.04, 0.14 } };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<float>> m_resParams{ this, "m_resParams", { 0.015, 0.29 } };
+  Gaudi::Property<float>              m_Constant{ this, "ConstantCorrection", 0., "In MeV" };
   std::vector<StandaloneMuonTrack> muonSearch( const MuonHitContainer& hitContainer, const Cache& cache ) const;
   bool findCoincidence( const float x, const float y, const unsigned int station, const unsigned int regionBefore,
@@ -141,11 +141,11 @@ private:
   void detectClone( std::vector<StandaloneMuonTrack>& muonTracks, const Cache& cache ) const;
   // counters
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                    m_countEvents{this, "nEvents"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_countMuCandidates{this, "nMuonTrackCandidates"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>                    m_countEvents{ this, "nEvents" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_countMuCandidates{ this, "nMuonTrackCandidates" };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::INFO> m_failed_linearfit{this, "Linear Fit Failed!"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::INFO> m_error_zeroBint{this, "B integral is 0!!"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::INFO> m_failed_linearfit{ this, "Linear Fit Failed!" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::INFO> m_error_zeroBint{ this, "B integral is 0!!" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( StandaloneMuonRec )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/StateDetailedBetheBlochEnergyCorrectionTool.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/StateDetailedBetheBlochEnergyCorrectionTool.cpp
index 744d40aa0eaaf498ba8f4c9c5cfa60ad974a82b7..508dd5c560563da44dadd8cf5aff715f56e03ed8 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/StateDetailedBetheBlochEnergyCorrectionTool.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/StateDetailedBetheBlochEnergyCorrectionTool.cpp
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ namespace {
     struct CacheData {
       double X0, C, X1, a, m, DensityFactor, LogI;
       CacheData( MaterialRef mat )
-          : X0{mat.X0()}
-          , C{mat.C()}
-          , X1{mat.X1()}
-          , a{mat.a()}
-          , m{mat.m()}
-          , DensityFactor{( 30.71 * MeV * mm2 / mole ) * mat.Z() * mat.density() / mat.A()}
-          , LogI{std::log( mat.I() )} {}
+          : X0{ mat.X0() }
+          , C{ mat.C() }
+          , X1{ mat.X1() }
+          , a{ mat.a() }
+          , m{ mat.m() }
+          , DensityFactor{ ( 30.71 * MeV * mm2 / mole ) * mat.Z() * mat.density() / mat.A() }
+          , LogI{ std::log( mat.I() ) } {}
     using Material2FactorMap = std::unordered_map<InternalPtr, CacheData>;
@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ public:
   // Job options
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_energyLossCorr{this, "EnergyLossFactor", 1.0}; ///< tunable energy loss correction
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxEnergyLoss{this, "MaximumEnergyLoss",
-                                          100. * Gaudi::Units::MeV}; ///< maximum energy loss in dE/dx correction
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_energyLossCorr{ this, "EnergyLossFactor", 1.0 }; ///< tunable energy loss correction
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxEnergyLoss{ this, "MaximumEnergyLoss",
+                                           100. * Gaudi::Units::MeV }; ///< maximum energy loss in dE/dx correction
 // Declaration of the Tool Factory
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/StateElectronEnergyCorrectionTool.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/StateElectronEnergyCorrectionTool.cpp
index 271cf77cf7e20f7b2bc409c6fca4734029d8e98d..c81795b25b939c9246b99cb4d8835dac700d4513 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/StateElectronEnergyCorrectionTool.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/StateElectronEnergyCorrectionTool.cpp
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ public:
   // Job options
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxRadLength{this, "MaximumRadLength", 10.}; ///< maximum radiation length (in mm)
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxRadLength{ this, "MaximumRadLength", 10. }; ///< maximum radiation length (in mm)
 // Declaration of the Tool Factory
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/StateSimpleBetheBlochEnergyCorrectionTool.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/StateSimpleBetheBlochEnergyCorrectionTool.cpp
index dfe8d17e2983608c8954fcd3c8a18adf366abc03..a38da0cbc0e1f2d7f09baf1dd9991d4a5e0474d7 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/StateSimpleBetheBlochEnergyCorrectionTool.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/StateSimpleBetheBlochEnergyCorrectionTool.cpp
@@ -43,18 +43,18 @@ public:
   // Job options
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_energyLossCorr{this, "EnergyLossFactor",
-                                           354.1 * Gaudi::Units::MeV* Gaudi::Units::mm2 /
-                                               Gaudi::Units::mole}; ///< tunable energy loss correction
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxEnergyLoss{this, "MaximumEnergyLoss",
-                                          100. * Gaudi::Units::MeV}; ///< maximum energy loss in dE/dx correction
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_energyLossCorr{ this, "EnergyLossFactor",
+                                            354.1 * Gaudi::Units::MeV* Gaudi::Units::mm2 /
+                                                Gaudi::Units::mole }; ///< tunable energy loss correction
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxEnergyLoss{ this, "MaximumEnergyLoss",
+                                           100. * Gaudi::Units::MeV }; ///< maximum energy loss in dE/dx correction
   Gaudi::Property<double> m_minMomentumAfterEnergyCorr{
-      this, "MinMomentumAfterEnergyCorr", 10. * Gaudi::Units::MeV}; ///< minimum momentum after dE/dx correction
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_sqrtEError{this, "EnergyLossError",
-                                       1.7 * sqrt( Gaudi::Units::MeV )}; // proportional to sqrt(E); ///<
-                                                                         // sigma(dE)/sqrt(dE)
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useEnergyLossError{this, "UseEnergyLossError",
-                                             false}; ///< flag to turn on using error on energy loss
+      this, "MinMomentumAfterEnergyCorr", 10. * Gaudi::Units::MeV }; ///< minimum momentum after dE/dx correction
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_sqrtEError{ this, "EnergyLossError",
+                                        1.7 * sqrt( Gaudi::Units::MeV ) }; // proportional to sqrt(E); ///<
+                                                                           // sigma(dE)/sqrt(dE)
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_useEnergyLossError{ this, "UseEnergyLossError",
+                                              false }; ///< flag to turn on using error on energy loss
 // Declaration of the Tool Factory
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( StateSimpleBetheBlochEnergyCorrectionTool )
@@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ void StateSimpleBetheBlochEnergyCorrectionTool::correctState( LHCb::State& state
   //  double minMomentumForEnergyCorrection = 10*Gaudi::Units::MeV;
-  double qOverP        = 0.0;
+  double qOverP = 0.0;
   tX[4] < 0.0 ? qOverP = std::min( tX[4], -LHCb::Math::lowTolerance )
               : qOverP = std::max( tX[4], LHCb::Math::lowTolerance );
-  double newP         = 0.0;
+  double newP = 0.0;
   qOverP < 0.0 ? newP = std::min( 1.0 / qOverP - bbLoss, -m_minMomentumAfterEnergyCorr.value() )
                : newP = std::max( 1.0 / qOverP + bbLoss, m_minMomentumAfterEnergyCorr.value() );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/StateThickMSCorrectionTool.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/StateThickMSCorrectionTool.cpp
index ccd744f4fba015e3779c152d4dc3c9e376d2b2be..a2683d4b819f1a9bacf15a3b53763fbb6e301250 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/StateThickMSCorrectionTool.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/StateThickMSCorrectionTool.cpp
@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ private:
                                                 ///< initialize isn't called
   // Job options
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_msff2{this, "MSFudgeFactor2", 1.0}; ///< fudge factor for multiple scattering errors
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_msff2RossiAndGreisenFact2{this, "RossiAndGreisenFact2",
-                                                      -1e42}; ///< factor to use when log term is omitted
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_useRossiAndGreisen{this, "UseRossiAndGreisen", false}; ///< if true, not log term is used
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_msff2{ this, "MSFudgeFactor2", 1.0 }; ///< fudge factor for multiple scattering errors
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_msff2RossiAndGreisenFact2{ this, "RossiAndGreisenFact2",
+                                                       -1e42 }; ///< factor to use when log term is omitted
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_useRossiAndGreisen{ this, "UseRossiAndGreisen", false }; ///< if true, not log term is used
 // Declaration of the Tool Factory
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/StateThinMSCorrectionTool.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/StateThinMSCorrectionTool.cpp
index e209f3b7ac8733013d93e2daf6aa91cc894dce19..909332098df9fa4b209c3529724f2f632f673b3e 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/StateThinMSCorrectionTool.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/StateThinMSCorrectionTool.cpp
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public:
   // Job options
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_msff2{this, "MSFudgeFactor2", 1.0}; ///< fudge factor for multiple scattering errors
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_msff2{ this, "MSFudgeFactor2", 1.0 }; ///< fudge factor for multiple scattering errors
 // Declaration of the Tool Factory
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackCaloMatch.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackCaloMatch.cpp
index 6414acafaa4c2ffd82945446d09c49bfd61c8928..2858437056598419b666ef8417907a650a9ece76 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackCaloMatch.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackCaloMatch.cpp
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ private:
   std::string m_hcalLocation;
   std::string m_prsLocation;
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_alpha{this, "alpha", 8.};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_beta{this, "beta", 1.};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_gamma{this, "gamma", 1.};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_alpha{ this, "alpha", 8. };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_beta{ this, "beta", 1. };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_gamma{ this, "gamma", 1. };
   mutable bool m_configured = false;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackChi2Calculator.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackChi2Calculator.cpp
index a822ecb0a842cdbd82be32cb83af74debb1cb3d8..76d77642acd8321ffe63e1626c28c42e8c2ce902 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackChi2Calculator.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackChi2Calculator.cpp
@@ -63,12 +63,12 @@ private:
   // job options
   // -----------
   /// Re-scale the track covariance matrices with this vector
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_scaleVector{this, "ScaleVector"};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_scaleVector{ this, "ScaleVector" };
   /// Remove Tx from chi2 contribution in case of matching inside the magnet
   /// with straight lines
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_matchInMagnet{this, "MatchInMagnet", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_matchInMagnet{ this, "MatchInMagnet", false };
   /// Add momentum information to the matching chi2 criterium
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_addMomentum{this, "AddMomentum", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_addMomentum{ this, "AddMomentum", false };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackChi2Calculator )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackCloneFinder.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackCloneFinder.cpp
index f71b9d2579229eca1e5de7448af8bcc3fde7d84b..fe4e872f101f1085026fc3413640fa4daee97415 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackCloneFinder.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackCloneFinder.cpp
@@ -84,21 +84,21 @@ private:
   // ---------------
   /* fraction of hits in common that defines the overlap between the
    * two tracks and their being clones or not */
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_matchingFraction{this, "MatchingFraction", 0.7};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_matchingFractionT{this, "MatchingFractionT", 0.50};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_compareLDT{this, "CompareLDT", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_matchingFraction{ this, "MatchingFraction", 0.7 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_matchingFractionT{ this, "MatchingFractionT", 0.50 };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_compareLDT{ this, "CompareLDT", false };
   // In some cases, such as HLT we want to search for clones only if the tracks
   // are close. To do so, set RestrictedSearch to true
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_restrictedSearch{this, "RestrictedSearch", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_restrictedSearch{ this, "RestrictedSearch", false };
   // The search windows for which two tracks in the velo are supposed to be
   // close.
   // TODO: The Value of this parameters is currently determined iteratively
   // and may bot be optimal. This has to be investigated further.
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_xseparationV{this, "VeloXSeparation", 100};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_yseparationV{this, "VeloYSeparation", 100};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_txseparationV{this, "VeloTXSeparation", 3e-2};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_tyseparationV{this, "VeloTYSeparation", 2e-2};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_xseparationV{ this, "VeloXSeparation", 100 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_yseparationV{ this, "VeloYSeparation", 100 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_txseparationV{ this, "VeloTXSeparation", 3e-2 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_tyseparationV{ this, "VeloTYSeparation", 2e-2 };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackCloneFinder )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackInterpolator.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackInterpolator.cpp
index 4a494370a1d6c6eec86c5e4aa49068fb957d7cd4..62d78c744c0dc8861006ac2fffe006b121755ca9 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackInterpolator.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackInterpolator.cpp
@@ -57,19 +57,19 @@ public:
   /// extrapolator
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{this, "Extrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{ this, "Extrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator" };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_inverse_failure{this, "Failure inverting matrix in smoother",
-                                                                          0};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_inverse_failure{ this, "Failure inverting matrix in smoother",
+                                                                           0 };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_propagate_upstream_failure{
-      this, "Failure propagating upstream state", 0};
+      this, "Failure propagating upstream state", 0 };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_propagate_downstream_failure{
-      this, "Failure propagating downstream state", 0};
+      this, "Failure propagating downstream state", 0 };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_out_of_range{
-      this, "Failure extrapolating outside measurement range", 0};
+      this, "Failure extrapolating outside measurement range", 0 };
   mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::ERROR> m_locating_fitnodes_failure{
-      this, "Logic failure in locating fitnodes", 0};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_nodes_size_zero{this, "The size of fitnodes is zero", 0};
+      this, "Logic failure in locating fitnodes", 0 };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_nodes_size_zero{ this, "The size of fitnodes is zero", 0 };
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ StatusCode TrackInterpolator::Interpolator( const TFitResult& fitResult, const T
   // bail out if we have actually reached our destination
-  for ( const auto& node : {*nextnode, *prevnode} ) {
+  for ( const auto& node : { *nextnode, *prevnode } ) {
     if ( std::abs( node.z() - z ) < TrackParameters::propagationTolerance ) {
       istate = state( node );
       return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackMuonMatching.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackMuonMatching.cpp
index 8b15f024504e2ff7f56aac6c05bed412e2e1e198..41a7721c2fe00b595413fb84c2b3e4f05750e67a 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackMuonMatching.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackMuonMatching.cpp
@@ -65,20 +65,20 @@ private:
   auto createMatchedTrack( const LHCb::Track& longt, const LHCb::Track& muont ) const;
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_matchAtZ{this, "MatchAtZ", 12500 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_matchAtFirstMuonHit{this, "MatchAtFirstMuonHit", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_matchChi2Cut{this, "MatchChi2Cut", 100.0};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_allCombinations{this, "AllCombinations", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_fitTracks{this, "FitTracks", true}; // Stefania
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_matchAtZ{ this, "MatchAtZ", 12500 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_matchAtFirstMuonHit{ this, "MatchAtFirstMuonHit", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_matchChi2Cut{ this, "MatchChi2Cut", 100.0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_allCombinations{ this, "AllCombinations", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_fitTracks{ this, "FitTracks", true }; // Stefania
   using Type = LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::Type;
-  Gaudi::Property<Type> m_tracktype{this, "trackType", Type::Long};
+  Gaudi::Property<Type> m_tracktype{ this, "trackType", Type::Long };
-  ToolHandle<ITrackFitter>         m_trackFitter{this, "Fitter", "TrackMasterFitter/Fitter"}; // Stefania
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator>   m_extrapolator{this, "Extrapolator", "TrackLinearExtrapolator"};
-  ToolHandle<ITrackChi2Calculator> m_chi2Calculator{this, "Chi2Calculator", "TrackChi2Calculator"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackFitter>         m_trackFitter{ this, "Fitter", "TrackMasterFitter/Fitter" }; // Stefania
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator>   m_extrapolator{ this, "Extrapolator", "TrackLinearExtrapolator" };
+  ToolHandle<ITrackChi2Calculator> m_chi2Calculator{ this, "Chi2Calculator", "TrackChi2Calculator" };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_countMatchedTracks{this, "nMatchedTracks"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_countMatchedTracks{ this, "nMatchedTracks" };
 using namespace LHCb;
@@ -125,11 +125,11 @@ auto TrackMuonMatching::createMatchedTrack( const LHCb::Track& input_track, cons
 TrackMuonMatching::TrackMuonMatching( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                   {KeyValue{"TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default},
-                    KeyValue{"MuonTracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Muon},
-                    KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top},
-                    KeyValue{"DeMuonDetector", DeMuonLocation::Default}},
-                   KeyValue{"TracksOutputLocation", "Rec/Track/Best/TMuon"} ) {}
+                   { KeyValue{ "TracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default },
+                     KeyValue{ "MuonTracksLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Muon },
+                     KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top },
+                     KeyValue{ "DeMuonDetector", DeMuonLocation::Default } },
+                   KeyValue{ "TracksOutputLocation", "Rec/Track/Best/TMuon" } ) {}
 LHCb::Tracks TrackMuonMatching::operator()( const InputTracks& tracks, const InputTracks& muonTracks,
                                             const DetectorElement& geo, const DeMuonDetector& ) const {
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackPtKick.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackPtKick.cpp
index 6e571449d1197f0b53264867ea79f63014a7ed1e..a2d3774ca7e22df61330e3cc2ad1ce8d9f29b931 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackPtKick.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackPtKick.cpp
@@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ public:
                         simd::float_v& sigmaQOverP, bool tCubicFit ) const override;
-  PublicToolHandle<IBIntegrator> m_bIntegrator{this, "BFieldIntegrator", "BIntegrator"};
+  PublicToolHandle<IBIntegrator> m_bIntegrator{ this, "BFieldIntegrator", "BIntegrator" };
   /// Define the parameters of the Z dependance
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_ParabolicCorrection{this, "ParabolicCorrection", {1.04, 0.14}};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_resParams{this, "resParams", {0.015, 0.29}};
-  Gaudi::Property<double>              m_Constant{this, "ConstantCorrection", 0. * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_ParabolicCorrection{ this, "ParabolicCorrection", { 1.04, 0.14 } };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<double>> m_resParams{ this, "resParams", { 0.015, 0.29 } };
+  Gaudi::Property<double>              m_Constant{ this, "ConstantCorrection", 0. * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ StatusCode TrackPtKick::calculate( const DeMagnet& magnet, const LHCb::State* tS
   // the primary vertex
   // scan in cm steps
-  const Gaudi::XYZPoint begin{0., 0., 0.};
+  const Gaudi::XYZPoint begin{ 0., 0., 0. };
   Gaudi::XYZVector      bdl;
   double                zCenter;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackSelector.h b/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackSelector.h
index 5153d65f61cd60b5fac287abaa85319cb9cc36d5..d5e09c86f99538df66f6f489398aaf56e7187407 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackSelector.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackSelector.h
@@ -64,54 +64,54 @@ public:
   bool accept( const LHCb::Track& aTrack ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minChi2Cut{this, "MinChi2Cut", -1, "Min chi2 cut"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2Cut{this, "MaxChi2Cut", -1, "Max chi2 cut"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPCut{this, "MinPCut", 0.0, "Min p cut in GeV"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxPCut{this, "MaxPCut", -1, "Max p cut in GeV"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPtCut{this, "MinPtCut", 0.0, "Min p cut in GeV"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxPtCut{this, "MaxPtCut", -1, "Max p cut in GeV"};
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minNDoF{this, "MinNDoF", 0, "Minimum number of dofs"};
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_maxNDoF{this, "MaxNDoF", std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), "Maximum number of dofs"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minEtaCut{this, "MinEtaCut", std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(),
-                                      "Minimum track eta cut"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxEtaCut{this, "MaxEtaCut", std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), "Maximum track eta cut"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPhiCut{this, "MinPhiCut", std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(),
-                                      "Minimum track phi cut"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxPhiCut{this, "MaxPhiCut", std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), "Maximum track phi cut"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minLikCut{this, "MinLikelihoodCut", std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest()};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxLikCut{this, "MaxLikelihoodCut", std::numeric_limits<double>::max()};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_acceptClones{this, "AcceptClones", true, "Flag to turn on/off reject of clones"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minCloneCut{this, "MinCloneDistCut", -1e10, "Minimum Clone distance cut"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxCloneCut{this, "MaxCloneDistCut", std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
-                                        "Maximum Clone distance cut"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minGhostProb{this, "MinGhostProbCut", std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(),
-                                         "minimum ghost probability cut"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxGhostProb{this, "MaxGhostProbCut", std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
-                                         "maximum ghost probability cut"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2Velo{this, "MaxChi2PerDoFVelo", -1};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2Upstream{this, "MaxChi2PerDoFUpstream", -1};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2Downstream{this, "MaxChi2PerDoFDownstream", -1};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2Match{this, "MaxChi2PerDoFMatch", -1};
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minNVeloHits{this, "MinNVeloHits", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minNTHits{this, "MinNTHits", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minNVeloLayers{this, "MinNVeloLayers", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minNVeloALayers{this, "MinNVeloALayers", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minNVeloCLayers{this, "MinNVeloCLayers", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minNVeloOverlap{this, "MinNVeloOverlap", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minNTLayers{this, "MinNTLayers", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minNUTLayers{this, "MinNUTLayers", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_maxNVeloHoles{this, "MaxNVeloHoles", 999, "Maximum number of holes in Velo segment"};
-  Gaudi::Property<int> m_maxNTHoles{this, "MaxNTHoles", 999, "Maximum number of holes in T segment"};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minChi2Cut{ this, "MinChi2Cut", -1, "Min chi2 cut" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2Cut{ this, "MaxChi2Cut", -1, "Max chi2 cut" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPCut{ this, "MinPCut", 0.0, "Min p cut in GeV" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxPCut{ this, "MaxPCut", -1, "Max p cut in GeV" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPtCut{ this, "MinPtCut", 0.0, "Min p cut in GeV" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxPtCut{ this, "MaxPtCut", -1, "Max p cut in GeV" };
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minNDoF{ this, "MinNDoF", 0, "Minimum number of dofs" };
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_maxNDoF{ this, "MaxNDoF", std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), "Maximum number of dofs" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minEtaCut{ this, "MinEtaCut", std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(),
+                                       "Minimum track eta cut" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxEtaCut{ this, "MaxEtaCut", std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), "Maximum track eta cut" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minPhiCut{ this, "MinPhiCut", std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(),
+                                       "Minimum track phi cut" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxPhiCut{ this, "MaxPhiCut", std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), "Maximum track phi cut" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minLikCut{ this, "MinLikelihoodCut", std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest() };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxLikCut{ this, "MaxLikelihoodCut", std::numeric_limits<double>::max() };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_acceptClones{ this, "AcceptClones", true, "Flag to turn on/off reject of clones" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minCloneCut{ this, "MinCloneDistCut", -1e10, "Minimum Clone distance cut" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxCloneCut{ this, "MaxCloneDistCut", std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
+                                         "Maximum Clone distance cut" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minGhostProb{ this, "MinGhostProbCut", std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(),
+                                          "minimum ghost probability cut" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxGhostProb{ this, "MaxGhostProbCut", std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
+                                          "maximum ghost probability cut" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2Velo{ this, "MaxChi2PerDoFVelo", -1 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2Upstream{ this, "MaxChi2PerDoFUpstream", -1 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2Downstream{ this, "MaxChi2PerDoFDownstream", -1 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2Match{ this, "MaxChi2PerDoFMatch", -1 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minNVeloHits{ this, "MinNVeloHits", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minNTHits{ this, "MinNTHits", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minNVeloLayers{ this, "MinNVeloLayers", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minNVeloALayers{ this, "MinNVeloALayers", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minNVeloCLayers{ this, "MinNVeloCLayers", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minNVeloOverlap{ this, "MinNVeloOverlap", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minNTLayers{ this, "MinNTLayers", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_minNUTLayers{ this, "MinNUTLayers", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_maxNVeloHoles{ this, "MaxNVeloHoles", 999, "Maximum number of holes in Velo segment" };
+  Gaudi::Property<int> m_maxNTHoles{ this, "MaxNTHoles", 999, "Maximum number of holes in T segment" };
 #endif // TRACKTOOLS_TrackSelector_H
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackSelectorBase.h b/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackSelectorBase.h
index fdcb43f09a6b9d9a5a3e472d8c7705b910916602..c2c4f21e15f59fe8c6e724a5f9e369829b57c10e 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackSelectorBase.h
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackSelectorBase.h
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ namespace details {
     friend StatusCode parse( TrackTypeChecker& ch, std::string const& s ) {
       std::vector<TrackType> types;
       using Gaudi::Parsers::parse;
-      return parse( types, s ).andThen( [&] { ch = TrackTypeChecker{types}; } );
+      return parse( types, s ).andThen( [&] { ch = TrackTypeChecker{ types }; } );
     friend std::string toString( TrackTypeChecker const& tr ) {
       std::vector<std::string> strs;
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ protected:
   /// Track types to accept
-  Gaudi::Property<details::TrackTypeChecker> m_selTypes{this, "TrackTypes",
-                                                        LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::members_of<TrackType>()};
+  Gaudi::Property<details::TrackTypeChecker> m_selTypes{ this, "TrackTypes",
+                                                         LHCb::Event::Enum::Track::members_of<TrackType>() };
   // select backward tracks
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_onlyBackwardTracks{this, "OnlyBackwardTracks", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_onlyBackwardTracks{ this, "OnlyBackwardTracks", false };
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackVertexer.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackVertexer.cpp
index 197aaa6650bcb4555b81dfcd006f9077f02132c2..ff78fa285bf796ce1a48da66cf8e738a6ab0abc6 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackVertexer.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/TrackVertexer.cpp
@@ -66,14 +66,14 @@ public:
   double ipchi2( LHCb::State const& state, LHCb::RecVertex const& pv, IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const override;
-  ToolHandle<ITrackStateProvider> m_stateprovider{this, "StateProvider", "TrackStateProvider"};
-  ToolHandle<ITrajPoca>           m_pocatool{"TrajPoca"};
-  Gaudi::Property<size_t>         m_maxNumIter{this, "MaxNumberOfIterations", 10}; ///< Max number of iterations
-  Gaudi::Property<double>         m_maxDChisq{this, "MaxDeltaChisqForConvergence",
-                                      0.01}; ///< Min change in chisquare to run another iteration
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>           m_computeMomCov{this, "ComputeMomentumCovariance",
-                                        true}; ///< Flag to switch on/off computation of momentum covariance matrix
-  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_discardFailedFits{this, "DiscardFailedFits", false}; ///< Return nullptr if fit fails
+  ToolHandle<ITrackStateProvider> m_stateprovider{ this, "StateProvider", "TrackStateProvider" };
+  ToolHandle<ITrajPoca>           m_pocatool{ "TrajPoca" };
+  Gaudi::Property<size_t>         m_maxNumIter{ this, "MaxNumberOfIterations", 10 }; ///< Max number of iterations
+  Gaudi::Property<double>         m_maxDChisq{ this, "MaxDeltaChisqForConvergence",
+                                       0.01 }; ///< Min change in chisquare to run another iteration
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>           m_computeMomCov{ this, "ComputeMomentumCovariance",
+                                         true }; ///< Flag to switch on/off computation of momentum covariance matrix
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_discardFailedFits{ this, "DiscardFailedFits", false }; ///< Return nullptr if fit fails
 // Declaration of the Tool Factory
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackVertexer )
 std::unique_ptr<LHCb::TwoProngVertex> TrackVertexer::fit( const LHCb::State& stateA, const LHCb::State& stateB,
                                                           IGeometryInfo const& ) const {
   std::unique_ptr<LHCb::TwoProngVertex> rc;
-  std::array<const LHCb::State*, 2>     states{&stateA, &stateB};
+  std::array<const LHCb::State*, 2>     states{ &stateA, &stateB };
   LHCb::TrackStateVertex                vertex( states, m_maxDChisq, m_maxNumIter );
   if ( vertex.fitStatus() == LHCb::TrackStateVertex::FitSuccess || !m_discardFailedFits ) {
     // create a two prong vertex
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<LHCb::RecVertex> TrackVertexer::fit( LHCb::span<LHCb::Track cons
   Gaudi::XYZVector deltaX;
   double           z1( 0 ), z2( 0 ), z( 0 );
   StatusCode       sc = m_pocatool->minimize( *( trajectories[trk1] ), z1, *( trajectories[trk2] ), z2, deltaX,
-                                        0.001 * Gaudi::Units::mm );
+                                              0.001 * Gaudi::Units::mm );
   if ( sc.isSuccess() ) z = 0.5 * ( z1 + z2 );
   // collect the states at the poca
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/UTHitExpectation.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/UTHitExpectation.cpp
index c48da71a0a3927eb57912b9e0ce45d16bc27bc22..5158c21a061f27da750d2838a9cb031bf66e8242 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/UTHitExpectation.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/UTHitExpectation.cpp
@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ namespace LHCb {
       const DetElementRef<DeUTDetector> m_detector;
-      BoundInstance( UTHitExpectation const* parent, DeUTDetector const& det ) : m_parent{parent}, m_detector{det} {}
+      BoundInstance( UTHitExpectation const* parent, DeUTDetector const& det )
+          : m_parent{ parent }, m_detector{ det } {}
       unsigned int nExpected( const Track& aTrack, IGeometryInfo const& geometry ) const override {
         return m_parent->nExpected( aTrack, geometry, *m_detector );
@@ -72,11 +73,11 @@ namespace LHCb {
     UTHitExpectation( std::string type, std::string name, const IInterface* parent )
-        : ToolBinder{std::move( type ),
-                     std::move( name ),
-                     parent,
-                     {KeyValue{"UTLocation", DeUTDetLocation::location()}},
-                     construct<BoundInstance>( this )} {}
+        : ToolBinder{ std::move( type ),
+                      std::move( name ),
+                      parent,
+                      { KeyValue{ "UTLocation", DeUTDetLocation::location() } },
+                      construct<BoundInstance>( this ) } {}
     /** intialize */
     StatusCode initialize() override;
@@ -115,12 +116,12 @@ namespace LHCb {
     Gaudi::XYZPoint intersection( const Tf::Tsa::Line3D& line, const Gaudi::Plane3D& aPlane ) const;
-    ToolHandle<Gaudi::Interface::Bind::IBinder<IUTChannelIDSelector>> m_selector{this, "SelectorType",
-                                                                                 "UTSelectChannelIDByElement"};
-    PublicToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{this, "Extrapolator", "TrackParabolicExtrapolator"};
+    ToolHandle<Gaudi::Interface::Bind::IBinder<IUTChannelIDSelector>> m_selector{ this, "SelectorType",
+                                                                                  "UTSelectChannelIDByElement" };
+    PublicToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{ this, "Extrapolator", "TrackParabolicExtrapolator" };
-    ConditionAccessor<Cache> m_cache{this, name() + "_Cache"};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>    m_allStrips{this, "allStrips", false};
+    ConditionAccessor<Cache> m_cache{ this, name() + "_Cache" };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>    m_allStrips{ this, "allStrips", false };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( UTHitExpectation, "UTHitExpectation" )
@@ -138,11 +139,11 @@ bool LHCb::UTHitExpectation::insideSensor( const DeUTSensor& sensor, const Tf::T
 StatusCode LHCb::UTHitExpectation::initialize() {
   return ToolBinder::initialize().andThen( [&]() -> StatusCode {
-    addConditionDerivation( {DeUTDetLocation::location()}, m_cache.key(), [&]( DeUTDetector const& utDet ) -> Cache {
+    addConditionDerivation( { DeUTDetLocation::location() }, m_cache.key(), [&]( DeUTDetector const& utDet ) -> Cache {
       if ( utDet.nStation() != 2u ) {
         throw GaudiException( "2 stations needed in UT", "UTHitExpectation::initialize", StatusCode::FAILURE );
-      return {utDet.zStation( 0 ), utDet.zStation( 1 )};
+      return { utDet.zStation( 0 ), utDet.zStation( 1 ) };
     } );
     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
   } );
@@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ void LHCb::UTHitExpectation::collect( const LHCb::Track& aTrack, std::vector<LHC
   // convert to LHCb ids
   ids.reserve( expectedHits.size() );
   std::transform( expectedHits.begin(), expectedHits.end(), std::back_inserter( ids ),
-                  []( Detector::UT::ChannelID chan ) { return LHCbID{chan}; } );
+                  []( Detector::UT::ChannelID chan ) { return LHCbID{ chan }; } );
 void LHCb::UTHitExpectation::collectHits( std::vector<LHCb::Detector::UT::ChannelID>& chans, LHCb::StateVector stateVec,
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/UTMeasurementProvider.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/UTMeasurementProvider.cpp
index f086717140e18a4bf14273b3e56007e08fb50038..0787dbd50452b0be50119a51150a5cb9aaeaf21c 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/UTMeasurementProvider.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/UTMeasurementProvider.cpp
@@ -47,25 +47,25 @@ private:
   LHCb::Measurement measurement( DeUTDetector const& det, Cluster const& cluster ) const;
-  DataObjectReadHandle<ClusterContainerType> m_clustersDH{this, "ClusterLocation", UTInfo::HitLocation};
+  DataObjectReadHandle<ClusterContainerType> m_clustersDH{ this, "ClusterLocation", UTInfo::HitLocation };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>          m_useReference{this, "UseReference", true, "[[deprecated]] ignored"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>          m_use2D{this, "Use2D", false, "[[deprecated]] ignored"};
-  ToolHandle<IUTClusterPosition> m_positiontool = {"UTOnlinePosition/UTLiteClusterPosition"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>          m_useReference{ this, "UseReference", true, "[[deprecated]] ignored" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>          m_use2D{ this, "Use2D", false, "[[deprecated]] ignored" };
+  ToolHandle<IUTClusterPosition> m_positiontool = { "UTOnlinePosition/UTLiteClusterPosition" };
-  ConditionAccessor<DeUTDetector> m_ut{this, "DEUT", DeUTDetLocation::location()};
+  ConditionAccessor<DeUTDetector> m_ut{ this, "DEUT", DeUTDetLocation::location() };
 LHCb::Measurement UTMeasurementProvider::measurement( DeUTDetector const&                   det,
                                                       UTMeasurementProvider::Cluster const& clus ) const {
 #ifdef USE_DD4HEP
   auto utSector = det.findSector( clus.chanID() );
-  return {clus.lhcbID(), utSector.globalCentre().z(), utSector.trajectory( clus.chanID(), clus.fracStrip() ),
-          m_positiontool->error( clus.pseudoSize() ) * utSector.pitch(), utSector};
+  return { clus.lhcbID(), utSector.globalCentre().z(), utSector.trajectory( clus.chanID(), clus.fracStrip() ),
+           m_positiontool->error( clus.pseudoSize() ) * utSector.pitch(), utSector };
   auto utSector = det.findSector( clus.chanID() );
-  return {clus.lhcbID(), utSector->globalCentre().z(), utSector->trajectory( clus.chanID(), clus.fracStrip() ),
-          m_positiontool->error( clus.pseudoSize() ) * utSector->pitch(), utSector};
+  return { clus.lhcbID(), utSector->globalCentre().z(), utSector->trajectory( clus.chanID(), clus.fracStrip() ),
+           m_positiontool->error( clus.pseudoSize() ) * utSector->pitch(), utSector };
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/VPClusterPosition.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/VPClusterPosition.cpp
index 3d9dd06fdb190ace5e4e94c8469cca9dd36ac825..8e2e6b53b414a6b4de16abecdb1dd180f9bf6e4a 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/VPClusterPosition.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/VPClusterPosition.cpp
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ public:
   /// Average error for single-pixel clusters
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorSinglePixel{this, "ErrorSinglePixel", 12.5 * Gaudi::Units::micrometer};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorSinglePixel{ this, "ErrorSinglePixel", 12.5 * Gaudi::Units::micrometer };
   /// Average error for two-pixel clusters
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorTwoPixel{this, "ErrorTwoPixel", 8. * Gaudi::Units::micrometer};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorTwoPixel{ this, "ErrorTwoPixel", 8. * Gaudi::Units::micrometer };
   /// Average error (all cluster sizes)
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorAverage{this, "ErrorAverage", 12. * Gaudi::Units::micrometer};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_errorAverage{ this, "ErrorAverage", 12. * Gaudi::Units::micrometer };
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/VPHitExpectation.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/VPHitExpectation.cpp
index b27f92e4f3ac3d0a6b3f736fa91f14ac2d20a908..632c94bd928d9d8bce12741f51bf130deeb424f2 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/VPHitExpectation.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/VPHitExpectation.cpp
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
       const DetElementRef<DeVP> m_detector;
-      BoundInstance( VPHitExpectation const* parent, DeVP const& det ) : m_parent{parent}, m_detector{det} {}
+      BoundInstance( VPHitExpectation const* parent, DeVP const& det ) : m_parent{ parent }, m_detector{ det } {}
       // FIXME BoundInstnace and VPHitExpectation should also implement the IHitExpectation interface
       // However the Binder mechanism is not supporting it right now and this interface is
       // currently not used anywhere. Thus it has been commented for now
@@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ namespace LHCb {
     VPHitExpectation( std::string type, std::string name, const IInterface* parent )
-        : ToolBinder{std::move( type ),
-                     std::move( name ),
-                     parent,
-                     {KeyValue{"VPDetectorLocation", DeVPLocation::Default}},
-                     construct<BoundInstance>( this )} {}
+        : ToolBinder{ std::move( type ),
+                      std::move( name ),
+                      parent,
+                      { KeyValue{ "VPDetectorLocation", DeVPLocation::Default } },
+                      construct<BoundInstance>( this ) } {}
      * Returns number of hits expected
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/VPMeasurementProvider.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/VPMeasurementProvider.cpp
index 53d4fc838b40c707f97214f1531b6d68df6f4495..f24833178bcd2173f6a3dfc7786c7e21569ebea6 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/VPMeasurementProvider.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/VPMeasurementProvider.cpp
@@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ private:
   LHCb::Measurement measurement( DeVP const& det, Cluster const& cluster,
                                  LHCb::Measurement::VP::Projection proj ) const;
-  DataObjectReadHandle<ClusterContainerType> m_clustersDH{this, "ClusterLocation", LHCb::VPClusterLocation::Light};
+  DataObjectReadHandle<ClusterContainerType> m_clustersDH{ this, "ClusterLocation", LHCb::VPClusterLocation::Light };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>          m_useReference{this, "UseReference", true, "[[deprecated]] ignored"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>          m_use2D{this, "Use2D", false}; // use 2D measurements for VP
-  ToolHandle<IVPClusterPosition> m_positiontool = {"VPClusterPosition"};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>          m_useReference{ this, "UseReference", true, "[[deprecated]] ignored" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>          m_use2D{ this, "Use2D", false }; // use 2D measurements for VP
+  ToolHandle<IVPClusterPosition> m_positiontool = { "VPClusterPosition" };
-  ConditionAccessor<DeVP> m_vp{this, "DEVP", LHCb::Det::VP::det_path};
+  ConditionAccessor<DeVP> m_vp{ this, "DEVP", LHCb::Det::VP::det_path };
 LHCb::Measurement VPMeasurementProvider::measurement( DeVP const& det, Cluster const& clus,
@@ -68,22 +68,22 @@ LHCb::Measurement VPMeasurementProvider::measurement( DeVP const& det, Cluster c
   if ( proj == LHCb::Measurement::VP::Projection::XY ) {
     // 2D measurement
-    std::array<double, 2> r = {info.dx, info.dy};
-    return LHCb::Measurement{clus.channelID(), clus.z(), position, ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 2>{r.begin(), r.end()},
-                             sensor};
+    std::array<double, 2> r = { info.dx, info.dy };
+    return LHCb::Measurement{ clus.channelID(), clus.z(), position,
+                              ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 2>{ r.begin(), r.end() }, sensor };
   } else {
     if ( proj == LHCb::Measurement::VP::Projection::Y ) {
-      return LHCb::Measurement{clus.channelID(), clus.z(),
-                               LHCb::LineTraj<double>{position, LHCb::Trajectory<double>::Vector{1, 0, 0},
-                                                      LHCb::Trajectory<double>::Range{-info.dx, info.dx},
-                                                      LHCb::Trajectory<double>::DirNormalized{true}},
-                               info.dy, sensor};
+      return LHCb::Measurement{ clus.channelID(), clus.z(),
+                                LHCb::LineTraj<double>{ position, LHCb::Trajectory<double>::Vector{ 1, 0, 0 },
+                                                        LHCb::Trajectory<double>::Range{ -info.dx, info.dx },
+                                                        LHCb::Trajectory<double>::DirNormalized{ true } },
+                                info.dy, sensor };
     } else {
-      return LHCb::Measurement{clus.channelID(), clus.z(),
-                               LHCb::LineTraj<double>{position, LHCb::Trajectory<double>::Vector{0, 1, 0},
-                                                      LHCb::Trajectory<double>::Range{-info.dy, info.dy},
-                                                      LHCb::Trajectory<double>::DirNormalized{true}},
-                               info.dx, sensor};
+      return LHCb::Measurement{ clus.channelID(), clus.z(),
+                                LHCb::LineTraj<double>{ position, LHCb::Trajectory<double>::Vector{ 0, 1, 0 },
+                                                        LHCb::Trajectory<double>::Range{ -info.dy, info.dy },
+                                                        LHCb::Trajectory<double>::DirNormalized{ true } },
+                                info.dx, sensor };
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/VPTrackSelector.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/VPTrackSelector.cpp
index ee48b415f8cf79b9389c7f507aa8de910417a0af..2db37baab0c9e559c3ede2d2541c9a91ab98f0b2 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/VPTrackSelector.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/VPTrackSelector.cpp
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public:
   bool accept( const LHCb::Track& track ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_requireTileOverlap{this, "RequireTileOverlap", false};
+  Gaudi::Property<size_t> m_requireTileOverlap{ this, "RequireTileOverlap", false };
diff --git a/Tr/TrackTools/src/VeloMuonBuilder.cpp b/Tr/TrackTools/src/VeloMuonBuilder.cpp
index fde71c6d62b8460894cc48fefe44dc69bf7ad5b2..01b52df38d61c758fc87d69bc45d88fb825f2d84 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackTools/src/VeloMuonBuilder.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackTools/src/VeloMuonBuilder.cpp
@@ -40,29 +40,29 @@ public:
   // Standard constructor
   VeloMuonBuilder( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"MuonTracksLocation", ""}, KeyValue{"VeloTracksLocation", ""},
-                      KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top},
-                      KeyValue{"MagnetLocation", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputVeloMuonTracks", "Rec/Track/VeloMuon"} ){};
+                     { KeyValue{ "MuonTracksLocation", "" }, KeyValue{ "VeloTracksLocation", "" },
+                       KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top },
+                       KeyValue{ "MagnetLocation", LHCb::Det::Magnet::det_path } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputVeloMuonTracks", "Rec/Track/VeloMuon" } ){};
   LHCb::Tracks operator()( const LHCb::Tracks& muontracks, const LHCb::Tracks& velotracks, DetectorElement const& lhcb,
                            DeMagnet const& magnet ) const override;
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_countVeloMuons{this, "nVeloMuons"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_countVeloMuons{ this, "nVeloMuons" };
-  Gaudi::Property<float>  m_distcutmultiplyer{this, "cutScale", 1};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zmagnet{this, "zmagnet", 5400.f * Gaudi::Units::mm};
+  Gaudi::Property<float>  m_distcutmultiplyer{ this, "cutScale", 1 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_zmagnet{ this, "zmagnet", 5400.f * Gaudi::Units::mm };
   // determination on private ntuple from Run 2
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<float>> m_distcut{this, "DistanceCut", {30 * 30, 60 * 60, 110 * 110, 200 * 200}};
-  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<float>> s_xscale{this, "xScale", {0.06f, 0.1f, 0.15f, 0.15f}};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<float>> m_distcut{ this, "DistanceCut", { 30 * 30, 60 * 60, 110 * 110, 200 * 200 } };
+  Gaudi::Property<std::vector<float>> s_xscale{ this, "xScale", { 0.06f, 0.1f, 0.15f, 0.15f } };
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_ptkickConstant{this, "pTkick", 1265.f * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_tCubicFit{this, "tCubicFit", true};
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_ptkickConstant{ this, "pTkick", 1265.f * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_tCubicFit{ this, "tCubicFit", true };
-  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator>     m_linearextrapolator{this, "LinearExtrapolator", "TrackLinearExtrapolator"};
-  ToolHandle<ITrackFitter>           m_tracksFitter{this, "Fitter", "TrackMasterFitter/Fitter"};
-  ToolHandle<ITrackMomentumEstimate> m_fastmomestimate{this, "FastMomEstimate", "FastMomentumEstimate"};
+  ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator>     m_linearextrapolator{ this, "LinearExtrapolator", "TrackLinearExtrapolator" };
+  ToolHandle<ITrackFitter>           m_tracksFitter{ this, "Fitter", "TrackMasterFitter/Fitter" };
+  ToolHandle<ITrackMomentumEstimate> m_fastmomestimate{ this, "FastMomEstimate", "FastMomentumEstimate" };
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ LHCb::Tracks VeloMuonBuilder::operator()( const LHCb::Tracks& muontracks, const
     Gaudi::XYZPoint muonpunktx, muonpunkty;
     muonpunkty = chamber;
     auto sc    = m_linearextrapolator->position( *( muontrack ), m_zmagnet, muonpunktx, *lhcb.geometry(),
-                                              LHCb::Tr::PID::Muon() );
+                                                 LHCb::Tr::PID::Muon() );
     if ( sc.isFailure() ) continue;
     auto minweight         = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/doc/release.notes b/Tr/TrackUtils/doc/release.notes
index e610cdc0027cbae1060898bfbd66f5242818705d..c340d83f67b3d22ab4591d86fd8a5f3a2cb3e39c 100755
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/doc/release.notes
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/doc/release.notes
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 ! 2016-06-22 - David Hutchcroft
- - Added code to set the pT of the VELO only tracks with a sign based on the first 
+ - Added code to set the pT of the VELO only tracks with a sign based on the first
    strip in the first cluster rather than the track key (which was random).
 !========================= TrackUtils v1r65 2016-04-14 =========================
@@ -40,17 +40,17 @@
  - remove static
 ! 2015-12-13 - Michel De Cian
- - Replace property to set summary location in TrackBestTrackCreator by 
+ - Replace property to set summary location in TrackBestTrackCreator by
    predefined location 'LHCb::RecSummary:Track'
 ! 2015-12-12 - Michel De Cian
- - Add possibility to write out 'RecSummary' in TrackBestTrackCreator with 
-   number of identified ghosts (maybe used for event index). Default is off 
+ - Add possibility to write out 'RecSummary' in TrackBestTrackCreator with
+   number of identified ghosts (maybe used for event index). Default is off
    for the moment. Fix indentation.
 !========================= TrackUtils v1r62 2015-11-23 =========================
 ! 2015-11-11 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Fix forward broken declaration broken in Gaudi HEAD build 
+ - Fix forward broken declaration broken in Gaudi HEAD build
 !========================= TrackUtils v1r61p1 2015-10-13 =========================
 ! 2015-08-12 - Gerhard Raven
@@ -66,19 +66,19 @@
 !========================= TrackUtils v1r60 2015-04-21 =========================
 ! 2015-04-16 - Sascha Stahl
- - TrackBestTrackCreator: Added the possibility to save clone killed and fitted 
+ - TrackBestTrackCreator: Added the possibility to save clone killed and fitted
    tracks in separate containers according to track type. This is preferred in the Hlt.
-   A separation afterwards in a separate algorithm takes a long time as 
-   fitted tracks are huge. No change in the standard behaviour.					
+   A separation afterwards in a separate algorithm takes a long time as
+   fitted tracks are huge. No change in the standard behaviour.
 ! 2015-04-17 - Chris Jones
  - Change logic in TrackContainerCopy to use obsolete inputLocation instead
    of inputLocations if that option is set. Warning is issued to change to
    use the newer list option.
 ! 2015-04-16 - Chris Jones
- - Add back the inputLocation to TrackContainerCopy to allow for a proper 
+ - Add back the inputLocation to TrackContainerCopy to allow for a proper
    deprciation period, as its removal broke the nighlties stripping QM tests.
-   A warning is printed if this option is used. It is an error to set both 
+   A warning is printed if this option is used. It is an error to set both
    inputLocation and inputLocations.
 ! 2015-04-08 - Michel De Cian
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
 ! 2015-03-29 - Sascha Stahl
  - TrackBestTrackCreator: Added option to skip fit of already fitted tracks.
    False by default.
- - TrackBestTrackCreator: Added option to add ghost probability and to use 
+ - TrackBestTrackCreator: Added option to add ghost probability and to use
    it in the selection of good tracks. False by default.
 ! 2015-03-27 - Maurizio Martinelli
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
    be used to restore the old behaviour if needed
  - factor out the remove_if_partitioned algorithm from TrackEventCloneKiller
    and TrackBestTrackCreator, and move it to its own header file; adapt
-   TrackEventCloneKiller and TrackBestTrackCreator accordingly   
+   TrackEventCloneKiller and TrackBestTrackCreator accordingly
 ! 2014-12-09 - Manuel Tobias Schiller
  - TrackEventCloneKiller: rewrite internal logic so fewer comparisons are
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
 !========================= TrackUtils v1r51 2013-03-22 =========================
 ! 2013-03-11 - Marco Clemencic
  - Fixed compilation with C++11.
 !========================= TrackUtils v1r50 2013-02-14 =========================
 ! 2013-01-29 - Jianchun Wang
  - Add UT in TrackHitAdder.
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
 ! 2012-07-06 - Wouter Hulsbergen
 - Loosened cuts in TrackV0Finder to make it much more efficient for Ks from B.
   Minimized use of extrapolator.
 !========================= TrackUtils v1r47 2012-05-08 =========================
 ! 2012-05-08 - Jeroen Van Tilburg
  - TrackBestTrackCreator: Changed to dynamic array (vector) for the size of the
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
 !========================== TrackUtils v1r37 2010-06-21 ======================
 ! 2010-06-17 - Olivier Callot
- - Add new algorithms FilterMatchTracks, FilterDownstreamTracks and 
+ - Add new algorithms FilterMatchTracks, FilterDownstreamTracks and
    FilterSeedTracks to remove tracks identical/inclued to previously
    foudn ones, before the fit. Tis is to be faster...
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
  - added HltTrackConverter (still needs testing)
 ! 2010-06-10 - V. Gligorov
- - Remove obsolete default HLT track locations. 
+ - Remove obsolete default HLT track locations.
 ! 2010-06-08 - Rob Lambert
  - Fix final windows warning
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@
 !========================== TrackUtils v1r35 2010-02-15 ======================
 ! 2010-03-26 - David Hutchcroft
- - Added an option to TrackPrepareVelo to reverse the arbitary charge assigned 
+ - Added an option to TrackPrepareVelo to reverse the arbitary charge assigned
    to VELO only tracks for the field reversed qm test.
 !========================== TrackUtils v1r34 2010-02-15 ======================
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@
 !========================== TrackUtils v1r32 2009-12-11 ======================
 ! 2009-12-10 - Wouter Hulsbergen
- - Small modifications in TrackV0Finder: mostly just adding more properties. 
+ - Small modifications in TrackV0Finder: mostly just adding more properties.
    no actual change in cuts.
 !========================== TrackUtils v1r31 2009-11-13 ======================
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@
 - HitPattern is not anymore member of Track class, adapt ComputeExpectedTrackInfo
 ! 2009-08-27 - Stephanie Hansmann-Menzemer
-- Adapt to another change in HitPattern class 
+- Adapt to another change in HitPattern class
 ! 2009-08-11 - Stephanie Hansmann-Menzemer
 - Adapt to changes in HitPattern class
@@ -417,8 +417,8 @@
 - small bug in TrackEventCloneKiller fixed
 ! 2009-05-08 - Georg Krocker
-- added possibility to just set the flag LHCb::Track::Clone for found 
-  clonetracks and not copy the tracks to an output container in 
+- added possibility to just set the flag LHCb::Track::Clone for found
+  clonetracks and not copy the tracks to an output container in
 ! 2009-04-07 - Manuel Tobias Schiller
@@ -457,10 +457,10 @@
 ! 2008-11-29 - M Needham
  - Add TrackCompetition algorithm
 !========================== TrackUtils v1r22 2008-11-21 ======================
 ! 2008-10-23 - Jan Amoraal
- - Make TrackEventCloneKiller less verbose at initialisation. 
+ - Make TrackEventCloneKiller less verbose at initialisation.
    Used to print all properties.
 ! 2008-10-20 - Wouter Hulsbergen
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@
 !========================== TrackUtils v1r18 2007-12-20 ======================
 ! 2007-12-20 - Marco Cattaneo
- - Fix TrackV0Finder to follow changes in TwoProngVertex.h 
+ - Fix TrackV0Finder to follow changes in TwoProngVertex.h
 !========================== TrackUtils v1r17 2007-12-04 ======================
 ! 2007-12-03 - Wouter Hulsbergen
@@ -544,8 +544,8 @@
 ! 2007-08-28 M Needham
  - Add clone killing algorithms based on relative entropy
-! 2007-08-28 M Needham 
+! 2007-08-28 M Needham
  - Add selection possibility to TrackContainer copy
 !========================== TrackUtils v1r13 2007-07-05 ======================
@@ -578,10 +578,10 @@
 ! 2006-11-03 M Needham
- - Bug fix in TrackPrepareVelo  
+ - Bug fix in TrackPrepareVelo
 ! 2006-11-03 M Needham
- - Add FirstMeasurement state to T state list for DST writing  
+ - Add FirstMeasurement state to T state list for DST writing
 ! 2006-10-19 - Eduardo Rodrigues
  - TrackFromDST keeps the key of the original track in the "best" container
@@ -625,7 +625,7 @@
 !========================== TrackUtils v1r4 2006-07-27 =======================
 ! 2006-07-27 - Marco Cattaneo
  - Add bool "copyFailures" option to TrackContainerCopy, by default does not copy
-   tracks that failed the track fit 
+   tracks that failed the track fit
  - Add some debug to TrackToDst
 ! 2006-07-21 M. Needham
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@
 !2006-06-14 M Needham
  - Add track cleaning algorithm
- - Bug fixes in TTrackFromLong 
+ - Bug fixes in TTrackFromLong
 !2006-06-13 M Needham
  - Add algorithms to copy tracks from one container to another
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/FilterDownstreamTracks.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/FilterDownstreamTracks.cpp
index b0bc3cb5aa51ca44720597f03393cbccc7ecea76..f9dae6e9bd699f0f50657318d72bfc5421fa7353 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/FilterDownstreamTracks.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/FilterDownstreamTracks.cpp
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ public:
   StatusCode execute() override; ///< Algorithm execution
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>              m_filter{this, "Filter", true};
-  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Tracks> m_forward{LHCb::TrackLocation::Forward, this};
-  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Tracks> m_downstream{LHCb::TrackLocation::Downstream, this};
-  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Tracks> m_match{LHCb::TrackLocation::Match, this};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>              m_filter{ this, "Filter", true };
+  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Tracks> m_forward{ LHCb::TrackLocation::Forward, this };
+  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Tracks> m_downstream{ LHCb::TrackLocation::Downstream, this };
+  DataObjectReadHandle<LHCb::Tracks> m_match{ LHCb::TrackLocation::Match, this };
 // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/MergeFTClusters.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/MergeFTClusters.cpp
index 6632248b094a911696bd3044236d37f1612cc592..0ba7cbefe4f41d0e9311c35225b41dfcd46b5b90 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/MergeFTClusters.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/MergeFTClusters.cpp
@@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ namespace LHCb {
   struct FTClustersMergerT final : Algorithm::MergingTransformer<ClusterContainerType(
                                        Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<ClusterContainerType> const& )> {
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_n_clusters_input{this, "No. of input clusters (in total)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_n_clusters_output{this, "No. of output clusters"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_n_clusters_input{ this, "No. of input clusters (in total)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_n_clusters_output{ this, "No. of output clusters" };
     FTClustersMergerT( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Algorithm::MergingTransformer<ClusterContainerType(
               Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<ClusterContainerType> const& )>(
-              name, pSvcLocator, {"InputClusters", {}}, {"OutputLocation", {}} ) {}
+              name, pSvcLocator, { "InputClusters", {} }, { "OutputLocation", {} } ) {}
     operator()( Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<ClusterContainerType> const& cluster_lists ) const override {
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/MergeVPClusters.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/MergeVPClusters.cpp
index 3c34f2790635cd49702f0ead65a37abff5512546..a6229868ebd2e5572c2d7f5e0a2991f74e2df973 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/MergeVPClusters.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/MergeVPClusters.cpp
@@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ namespace LHCb {
   struct VPClustersMergerT final : Algorithm::MergingTransformer<ClusterContainerType(
                                        Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<ClusterContainerType> const& )> {
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_n_clusters_input{this, "No. of input clusters (in total)"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_n_clusters_output{this, "No. of output clusters"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_n_clusters_input{ this, "No. of input clusters (in total)" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<> m_n_clusters_output{ this, "No. of output clusters" };
     VPClustersMergerT( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Algorithm::MergingTransformer<ClusterContainerType(
               Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<ClusterContainerType> const& )>(
-              name, pSvcLocator, {"InputClusters", {}}, {"OutputLocation", {}} ) {}
+              name, pSvcLocator, { "InputClusters", {} }, { "OutputLocation", {} } ) {}
     operator()( Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<ClusterContainerType> const& cluster_lists ) const override {
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/PrCloneKiller.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/PrCloneKiller.cpp
index 70e790e51b181045f2b513b1671be297732f18e1..3a260b538d639d5c8a98ee092a41db06c3603cc4 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/PrCloneKiller.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/PrCloneKiller.cpp
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       SimpleTrackData( Event::Track const* tr ) : SimpleTrackData( tr->lhcbIDs(), tr->firstState().qOverP() ) {}
       float qOverP() const { return m_qOverP; }
-      float m_qOverP{0};
+      float m_qOverP{ 0 };
     constexpr int track_combi( TrackType T1, TrackType T2 ) {
@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
     PrCloneKiller( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : base_class_t( name, pSvcLocator,
-                        {typename base_class_t::KeyValue{"TracksInContainer", ""},
-                         typename base_class_t::KeyValue{"TracksRefContainer", ""}},
-                        typename base_class_t::KeyValue{"TracksOutContainer", ""} ) {}
+                        { typename base_class_t::KeyValue{ "TracksInContainer", "" },
+                          typename base_class_t::KeyValue{ "TracksRefContainer", "" } },
+                        typename base_class_t::KeyValue{ "TracksOutContainer", "" } ) {}
     InTracksType operator()( const InTracksType& inTracks, const RefTracksType& refTracks ) const override {
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
       std::vector<std::vector<LHCbID>> idsCollection;
       if constexpr ( std::is_same_v<RefTracksType, Tracks> ) {
-        refdatapool = std::vector<SimpleTrackData>{refTracks.begin(), refTracks.end()};
+        refdatapool = std::vector<SimpleTrackData>{ refTracks.begin(), refTracks.end() };
       } else {
         // -- This is for  v3::Tracks and zips with it
         for ( const auto& track : refTracks.scalar() ) { idsCollection.push_back( std::move( track.lhcbIDs() ) ); }
@@ -147,13 +147,13 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
         assert( std::all_of( refTracks.begin(), refTracks.end(),
                              []( auto const* tr ) { return tr->type() == RefTypeHint; } ) );
         if ( ( *refTracks.begin() )->type() != RefTypeHint ) {
-          throw GaudiException{"Type hint for reference tracks does not match actual type.", this->name(),
-                               StatusCode::FAILURE};
+          throw GaudiException{ "Type hint for reference tracks does not match actual type.", this->name(),
+                                StatusCode::FAILURE };
       } else {
         if ( refTracks.type() != RefTypeHint ) {
-          throw GaudiException{"Type hint for reference tracks does not match actual type.", this->name(),
-                               StatusCode::FAILURE};
+          throw GaudiException{ "Type hint for reference tracks does not match actual type.", this->name(),
+                                StatusCode::FAILURE };
       // it is beneficial for performance to reserve some memory outside of the filtering loop to avoid
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
         id_vec = track.lhcbIDs();
         assert( std::is_sorted( id_vec.begin(), id_vec.end() ) );
-        auto const t = SimpleTrackData{id_vec, qop};
+        auto const t = SimpleTrackData{ id_vec, qop };
         return std::none_of( refdatapool.begin(), refdatapool.end(), [this, &t]( SimpleTrackData const& t2 ) {
           return areClones<InTypeHint, RefTypeHint>( t, t2 );
@@ -230,14 +230,14 @@ namespace LHCb::Pr {
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxOverlapFracVelo{this, "MaxOverlapFracVelo", 0.5};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxOverlapFracT{this, "MaxOverlapFracT", 0.5};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxOverlapFracUT{this, "MaxOverlapFracUT", 0.35, "essentially: max 1 common hit"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minLongLongDeltaQoP{this, "MinLongLongDeltaQoP", -1};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minLongDownstreamDeltaQoP{this, "MinLongDownstreamDeltaQoP", 5e-6};
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxOverlapFracVelo{ this, "MaxOverlapFracVelo", 0.5 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxOverlapFracT{ this, "MaxOverlapFracT", 0.5 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxOverlapFracUT{ this, "MaxOverlapFracUT", 0.35, "essentially: max 1 common hit" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minLongLongDeltaQoP{ this, "MinLongLongDeltaQoP", -1 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minLongDownstreamDeltaQoP{ this, "MinLongDownstreamDeltaQoP", 5e-6 };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_counter_input{this, "nTracksInput"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_counter_selected{this, "nTracksSelected"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_counter_input{ this, "nTracksInput" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<unsigned int> m_counter_selected{ this, "nTracksSelected" };
   using PrCloneKillerLongV1     = PrCloneKiller<Long::Tracks, Tracks>;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/RandomTrackContainerSplitter.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/RandomTrackContainerSplitter.cpp
index a40cc8844d7e1c7d5afde7c879229a96927c649e..34b8e1cfb20b0a6d7fe77f4b06b37aceba2162b2 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/RandomTrackContainerSplitter.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/RandomTrackContainerSplitter.cpp
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ class RandomTrackContainerSplitter final
     : public with_functors<LHCb::Algorithm::MultiTransformer<OutConts( const LHCb::Track::Range& )>, TrackPredicate> {
   RandomTrackContainerSplitter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : with_functors( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"TracksInContainer", ""}},
-                       {KeyValue{"PassedContainer", ""}, KeyValue{"RejectedContainer", ""}} ) {}
+      : with_functors( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "TracksInContainer", "" } },
+                       { KeyValue{ "PassedContainer", "" }, KeyValue{ "RejectedContainer", "" } } ) {}
   OutConts operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range& input_tracks ) const override {
     OutConts out;
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ public:
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_inputs{this, "#inputs"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_passed{this, "#passed"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_inputs{ this, "#inputs" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_passed{ this, "#passed" };
-DECLARE_COMPONENT( RandomTrackContainerSplitter )
\ No newline at end of file
+DECLARE_COMPONENT( RandomTrackContainerSplitter )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/RandomVeloTrackContainerSplitter.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/RandomVeloTrackContainerSplitter.cpp
index 15de57ebb5ddc0017ab1b84d24666ad79192bd92..dcce5d38a2bbc1ebffd054aa54399f0c0e3ae94d 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/RandomVeloTrackContainerSplitter.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/RandomVeloTrackContainerSplitter.cpp
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ class RandomVeloTrackContainerSplitter final
                            TrackPredicate> {
   RandomVeloTrackContainerSplitter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : with_functors( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"TracksInContainer", ""}},
-                       {KeyValue{"PassedContainer", ""}, KeyValue{"RejectedContainer", ""}} ) {}
+      : with_functors( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "TracksInContainer", "" } },
+                       { KeyValue{ "PassedContainer", "" }, KeyValue{ "RejectedContainer", "" } } ) {}
   OutConts operator()( const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& input_tracks ) const override {
     OutConts out;
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ public:
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_inputs{this, "#inputs"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_passed{this, "#passed"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_inputs{ this, "#inputs" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_passed{ this, "#passed" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( RandomVeloTrackContainerSplitter )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/SelectFTClusters.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/SelectFTClusters.cpp
index 7cae6734d9920d8d7e3038edd1adc49b120b69cb..a689c6234e008f86cca2990d089216a945689b60 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/SelectFTClusters.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/SelectFTClusters.cpp
@@ -131,13 +131,13 @@ namespace LHCb {
   template <typename InputListType, typename ClusterContainer>
   struct SelectFTClustersT final
       : Algorithm::MergingTransformer<ClusterContainer( Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<InputListType> const& )> {
-    DataObjectReadHandle<ClusterContainer> m_inputClusters{this, "InputClusters", ""};
+    DataObjectReadHandle<ClusterContainer> m_inputClusters{ this, "InputClusters", "" };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_clusterPerEvent{this, "Average clusters copied per event"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_clusterPerEvent{ this, "Average clusters copied per event" };
     SelectFTClustersT( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Algorithm::MergingTransformer<ClusterContainer( Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<InputListType> const& )>{
-              name, pSvcLocator, {"Inputs", {}}, {"OutputLocation", {}}} {}
+              name, pSvcLocator, { "Inputs", {} }, { "OutputLocation", {} } } {}
     ClusterContainer operator()( Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<InputListType> const& lists ) const override {
       ClusterContainer* const pInputClusters = m_inputClusters.get();
@@ -172,11 +172,11 @@ namespace LHCb {
   template <typename InputListType>
   struct SelectFTClustersFromTrackT final
       : Algorithm::MergingTransformer<FTLiteClusters( Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<InputListType> const& )> {
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_clusterPerEvent{this, "Average clusters copied per event"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_clusterPerEvent{ this, "Average clusters copied per event" };
     SelectFTClustersFromTrackT( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Algorithm::MergingTransformer<FTLiteClusters( Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<InputListType> const& )>{
-              name, pSvcLocator, {"Inputs", {}}, {"OutputLocation", {}}} {}
+              name, pSvcLocator, { "Inputs", {} }, { "OutputLocation", {} } } {}
     FTLiteClusters operator()( Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<InputListType> const& lists ) const override {
       std::set<unsigned int> ids;
@@ -213,4 +213,4 @@ namespace LHCb {
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( SelectFTClustersFromParticles, "SelectFTClustersFromParticles" )
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( SelectFTClustersFromTracks, "SelectFTClustersFromTracks" )
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( SelectFTClustersFromProtoParticles, "SelectFTClustersFromProtoParticles" )
-} // namespace LHCb
\ No newline at end of file
+} // namespace LHCb
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/SelectUTClusters.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/SelectUTClusters.cpp
index 1e8e95ef51f0417c942830c9eceb3305e45f370d..ff6ccd8e8837cc1afb8acb1cc19a8da9e980767b 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/SelectUTClusters.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/SelectUTClusters.cpp
@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ namespace LHCb {
   template <typename InputListType>
   struct SelectUTClustersFromTrackT final
       : Algorithm::MergingTransformer<UTHitClusters( Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<InputListType> const& )> {
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_clusterPerEvent{this, "Average clusters copied per event"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_clusterPerEvent{ this, "Average clusters copied per event" };
     SelectUTClustersFromTrackT( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Algorithm::MergingTransformer<UTHitClusters( Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<InputListType> const& )>{
-              name, pSvcLocator, {"Inputs", {}}, {"OutputLocation", {}}} {}
+              name, pSvcLocator, { "Inputs", {} }, { "OutputLocation", {} } } {}
     UTHitClusters operator()( Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<InputListType> const& lists ) const override {
       std::set<unsigned int> ids;
@@ -115,4 +115,4 @@ namespace LHCb {
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( SelectUTClustersFromParticles, "SelectUTClustersFromParticles" )
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( SelectUTClustersFromTracks, "SelectUTClustersFromTracks" )
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( SelectUTClustersFromProtoParticles, "SelectUTClustersFromProtoParticles" )
-} // namespace LHCb
\ No newline at end of file
+} // namespace LHCb
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/SelectVPClusters.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/SelectVPClusters.cpp
index 034309dccff7cfa6fd9f07cd01a7dc4ff97d2508..e53f54635ebf9aaf5f9c8e70a6c35d920d2ed1da 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/SelectVPClusters.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/SelectVPClusters.cpp
@@ -146,14 +146,14 @@ namespace LHCb {
   template <typename InputListType, typename ClusterContainerType>
   struct SelectVPClustersFromContainerT final : Algorithm::MergingTransformer<ClusterContainerType(
                                                     Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<InputListType> const& )> {
-    DataObjectReadHandle<ClusterContainerType> m_inputClusters{this, "InputClusters", ""};
+    DataObjectReadHandle<ClusterContainerType> m_inputClusters{ this, "InputClusters", "" };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_clusterPerEvent{this, "Average clusters copied per event"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_clusterPerEvent{ this, "Average clusters copied per event" };
     SelectVPClustersFromContainerT( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Algorithm::MergingTransformer<ClusterContainerType(
               Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<InputListType> const& )>{
-              name, pSvcLocator, {"Inputs", {}}, {"OutputLocation", {}}} {}
+              name, pSvcLocator, { "Inputs", {} }, { "OutputLocation", {} } } {}
     ClusterContainerType operator()( Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<InputListType> const& lists ) const override {
       ClusterContainerType* const pInputClusters = m_inputClusters.get();
@@ -193,12 +193,12 @@ namespace LHCb {
   template <typename InputListType>
   struct SelectVPClustersFromTrackT final : Algorithm::MergingTransformer<LHCb::VPMicroClusters(
                                                 Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<InputListType> const& )> {
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_clusterPerEvent{this, "Average clusters copied per event"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<> m_clusterPerEvent{ this, "Average clusters copied per event" };
     SelectVPClustersFromTrackT( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Algorithm::MergingTransformer<LHCb::VPMicroClusters(
               Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<InputListType> const& )>{
-              name, pSvcLocator, {"Inputs", {}}, {"OutputLocation", {}}} {}
+              name, pSvcLocator, { "Inputs", {} }, { "OutputLocation", {} } } {}
     LHCb::VPMicroClusters operator()( Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<InputListType> const& lists ) const override {
       std::set<unsigned int> ids;
@@ -253,4 +253,4 @@ namespace LHCb {
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( SelectVPMicroClustersForParticles, "SelectVPMicroClustersFromParticles" )
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( SelectVPMicroClustersForProtoParticles, "SelectVPMicroClustersFromProtoParticles" )
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( SelectVPMicroClustersForTracks, "SelectVPMicroClustersFromTracks" )
-} // namespace LHCb
\ No newline at end of file
+} // namespace LHCb
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TTrackFromLong.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TTrackFromLong.cpp
index 7b190546b5f0a2147dc162171f77f30fdfa39ac4..c13f8166c3db449400b37508a7ee6c02e4e23e59 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TTrackFromLong.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TTrackFromLong.cpp
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ namespace {
 struct TTrackFromLong : LHCb::Algorithm::ScalarTransformer<TTrackFromLong, LHCb::Tracks( const LHCb::Tracks& )> {
   TTrackFromLong( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : ScalarTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue( "inputLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Forward )},
+      : ScalarTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue( "inputLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Forward ) },
                            KeyValue( "outputLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Seed ) ) {}
-  using ScalarTransformer::  operator();
+  using ScalarTransformer::operator();
   std::optional<LHCb::Track> operator()( const LHCb::Track& trk ) const // Note: this is NOT a virtual function!!
     auto count = std::count_if( begin( trk.lhcbIDs() ), end( trk.lhcbIDs() ), isT );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackAncestorAssociator.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackAncestorAssociator.cpp
index 2fd708d3f9215c23a4674d536674ce139312a556..83891c428a891285b251821fe136649ecfa36585 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackAncestorAssociator.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackAncestorAssociator.cpp
@@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ using KeyValue2 = base_t2::KeyValue;
 class TrackAncestorAssociatorByKey : public base_t2 {
   TrackAncestorAssociatorByKey( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : base_t2( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue2{"InputTracks", {}}, KeyValue2{"AncestorTracks", {}}},
-                 {KeyValue2{"OutputLocation", {}}} ) {}
+      : base_t2( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue2{ "InputTracks", {} }, KeyValue2{ "AncestorTracks", {} } },
+                 { KeyValue2{ "OutputLocation", {} } } ) {}
   V1Tracks operator()( const V1Tracks& tracksin, const V1Tracks& unfittedTracks ) const override {
     V1Tracks tracksout;
-    for ( std::size_t i{0}; i < unfittedTracks.size(); i++ ) {
+    for ( std::size_t i{ 0 }; i < unfittedTracks.size(); i++ ) {
       if ( !tracksin.object( i ) ) continue; // skip if track didn't pass fit
       if ( tracksin.object( i )->ancestors().size() > 0 ) {
         throw GaudiException( "Track already has ancestors, downstream algorithms expect ancestor index to be 0",
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ class TtrackAncestorAssociatorByTableIndex : public base_t {
   TtrackAncestorAssociatorByTableIndex( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : base_t( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {KeyValue{"InputTracks", {}}, KeyValue{"InputTracksTable", {}}, KeyValue{"AncestorTracks", {}}},
-                {KeyValue{"OutputLocation", {}}} ) {}
+                { KeyValue{ "InputTracks", {} }, KeyValue{ "InputTracksTable", {} }, KeyValue{ "AncestorTracks", {} } },
+                { KeyValue{ "OutputLocation", {} } } ) {}
   V1Tracks operator()( const V1Tracks& tracksin, const PrSelection& trackSelection,
                        const V1Tracks& unfittedTracks ) const override {
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public:
     V1Tracks tracksout;
-    for ( std::size_t i{0}; i < trackSelection.scalar().size(); i++ ) {
+    for ( std::size_t i{ 0 }; i < trackSelection.scalar().size(); i++ ) {
       if ( !tracksin.object( i ) ) continue; // skip if track didn't pass fit
       if ( tracksin.object( i )->ancestors().size() > 0 ) {
         throw GaudiException( "Track already has ancestors, downstream algorithms expect ancestor index to be 0",
@@ -87,4 +87,4 @@ public:
-DECLARE_COMPONENT( TtrackAncestorAssociatorByTableIndex )
\ No newline at end of file
+DECLARE_COMPONENT( TtrackAncestorAssociatorByTableIndex )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackBestTrackCreator.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackBestTrackCreator.cpp
index 96bee04a1ea1fa8d5164bec8ae551ac60ca7a996..c9b1ea66cb2df0a6fa040c922c834110b7087086 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackBestTrackCreator.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackBestTrackCreator.cpp
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ namespace {
   // does NOT own the track
   class TrackData : public LHCb::TrackCloneData<false> {
-    bool                   m_isAccepted{false};
-    double                 m_qOverP{0};
-    LHCb::Track::FitStatus m_fitStatus{LHCb::Track::FitStatus::Unknown};
+    bool                   m_isAccepted{ false };
+    double                 m_qOverP{ 0 };
+    LHCb::Track::FitStatus m_fitStatus{ LHCb::Track::FitStatus::Unknown };
     enum { Clone = 1 };
@@ -121,43 +121,44 @@ namespace LHCb {
-    ToolHandle<ITrackFitter>           m_fitter{this, "Fitter", "TrackMasterFitter"};
+    ToolHandle<ITrackFitter>           m_fitter{ this, "Fitter", "TrackMasterFitter" };
     ToolHandleArray<IGhostProbability> m_ghostTools{
-        this, "GhostProbTools", {}, "List of ghost probability tools (per track type)"};
-    DetDesc::ConditionAccessor<DetectorElement> m_lhcb{this, "StandardGeometryTop", standard_geometry_top};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxOverlapFracVelo{this, "MaxOverlapFracVelo", 0.5};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxOverlapFracT{this, "MaxOverlapFracT", 0.5};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxOverlapFracUT{this, "MaxOverlapFracUT", 0.35, "essentially: max 1 common hit"};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minLongLongDeltaQoP{this, "MinLongLongDeltaQoP", -1};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minLongDownstreamDeltaQoP{this, "MinLongDownstreamDeltaQoP", 5e-6};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2DoF{this, "MaxChi2DoF", 3};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2DoFVelo{this, "MaxChi2DoFVelo", 999};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2DoFT{this, "MaxChi2DoFT", 999};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2DoFMatchAndUT{this, "MaxChi2DoFMatchUT", 999};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxGhostProb{this, "MaxGhostProb", 99999};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_fitTracks{this, "FitTracks", true, "fit the tracks using the Kalman filter"};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_addGhostProb{this, "AddGhostProb", false, "Add the Ghost Probability to a track"};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_useAncestorInfo{this, "UseAncestorInfo", true,
-                                            "use ancestor information to identify obvious clones"};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_doNotRefit{this, "DoNotRefit", false, "Do not refit already fitted tracks"};
+        this, "GhostProbTools", {}, "List of ghost probability tools (per track type)" };
+    DetDesc::ConditionAccessor<DetectorElement> m_lhcb{ this, "StandardGeometryTop", standard_geometry_top };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxOverlapFracVelo{ this, "MaxOverlapFracVelo", 0.5 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxOverlapFracT{ this, "MaxOverlapFracT", 0.5 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxOverlapFracUT{ this, "MaxOverlapFracUT", 0.35, "essentially: max 1 common hit" };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minLongLongDeltaQoP{ this, "MinLongLongDeltaQoP", -1 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minLongDownstreamDeltaQoP{ this, "MinLongDownstreamDeltaQoP", 5e-6 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2DoF{ this, "MaxChi2DoF", 3 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2DoFVelo{ this, "MaxChi2DoFVelo", 999 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2DoFT{ this, "MaxChi2DoFT", 999 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2DoFMatchAndUT{ this, "MaxChi2DoFMatchUT", 999 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxGhostProb{ this, "MaxGhostProb", 99999 };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_fitTracks{ this, "FitTracks", true, "fit the tracks using the Kalman filter" };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_addGhostProb{ this, "AddGhostProb", false, "Add the Ghost Probability to a track" };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_useAncestorInfo{ this, "UseAncestorInfo", true,
+                                             "use ancestor information to identify obvious clones" };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_doNotRefit{ this, "DoNotRefit", false, "Do not refit already fitted tracks" };
     // A merging transformer does not easily allow this to be passed in the operator(), so we just do it manually and
     // pass it as a member variable.
-    LHCb::DetDesc::ConditionAccessor<LHCb::Detector::DeLHCb> m_det{this, "DeLHCb", LHCb::standard_geometry_top};
+    LHCb::DetDesc::ConditionAccessor<LHCb::Detector::DeLHCb> m_det{ this, "DeLHCb", LHCb::standard_geometry_top };
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>         m_fittedBeforeCounter{this, "FittedBefore"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>         m_fitFailedBeforeCounter{this, "FitFailedBefore"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_badInputCounter{this, "BadInput"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_fitFailedCounter{this, "FitFailed"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>         m_fittedBeforeCounter{ this, "FittedBefore" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Counter<>         m_fitFailedBeforeCounter{ this, "FitFailedBefore" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_badInputCounter{ this, "BadInput" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<> m_fitFailedCounter{ this, "FitFailed" };
-    mutable CounterSet<Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<double>> m_chisqProbSumCounters{this, "chisqProbSum"};
-    mutable CounterSet<Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<double>> m_ghostProbCounters{this, "ghostProbability"};
-    mutable CounterSet<Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned int>> m_numOutliersCounters{this, "numOutliers"};
-    mutable CounterSet<Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned int>> m_fitFailedCounters{this, "FitFailed"};
-    mutable CounterSet<Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>>              m_badChisqCounters{this, "badChisq"};
-    mutable CounterSet<Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>>              m_flipChargeCounters{this, "flipCharge"};
+    mutable CounterSet<Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<double>> m_chisqProbSumCounters{ this, "chisqProbSum" };
+    mutable CounterSet<Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<double>> m_ghostProbCounters{ this, "ghostProbability" };
+    mutable CounterSet<Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned int>> m_numOutliersCounters{ this,
+                                                                                                   "numOutliers" };
+    mutable CounterSet<Gaudi::Accumulators::AveragingCounter<unsigned int>> m_fitFailedCounters{ this, "FitFailed" };
+    mutable CounterSet<Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>>              m_badChisqCounters{ this, "badChisq" };
+    mutable CounterSet<Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialCounter<>>              m_flipChargeCounters{ this, "flipCharge" };
     /// are tracks clones in Velo
@@ -190,10 +191,10 @@ LHCb::TrackBestTrackCreator::TrackBestTrackCreator( const std::string& name, ISv
                           // container ordering. The quality is related to the track type and number of LHCbIDs. See
                           // LHCBPS-1757 for more details. One should be careful to set this order deterministically.
                           // NOTE that optimising the order may improve algorithm performance -- to be checked
-                          {"TracksInContainers",
-                           {TrackLocation::Forward, TrackLocation::Match, TrackLocation::VeloTT,
-                            TrackLocation::Downstream, TrackLocation::Tsa, TrackLocation::Velo}},
-                          {"TracksOutContainer", TrackLocation::Default} ) {}
+                          { "TracksInContainers",
+                            { TrackLocation::Forward, TrackLocation::Match, TrackLocation::VeloTT,
+                              TrackLocation::Downstream, TrackLocation::Tsa, TrackLocation::Velo } },
+                          { "TracksOutContainer", TrackLocation::Default } ) {}
 // Initialization
@@ -217,8 +218,8 @@ StatusCode LHCb::TrackBestTrackCreator::initialize() {
 // Main execution
-LHCb::Tracks LHCb::TrackBestTrackCreator::
-             operator()( Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<LHCb::Track::Range> const& ranges ) const {
+LHCb::TrackBestTrackCreator::operator()( Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<LHCb::Track::Range> const& ranges ) const {
   // This ifdef only exists because we use ConditionAccessors by hand
   // This should not be done, the Conditions should be declared at the algorithm level
@@ -324,20 +325,20 @@ int LHCb::TrackBestTrackCreator::fitAndSelect( TrackData& td, IGeometryInfo cons
   if ( td.isAccepted() && ( track.type() == Track::Types::Long || track.type() == Track::Types::Upstream ||
                             track.type() == Track::Types::Downstream ) ) {
-    const ChiSquare& chi2 = {track.chi2(), track.nDoF()};
+    const ChiSquare& chi2 = { track.chi2(), track.nDoF() };
     // compatibility for tracks fitted with simple_fitter
     // since they don't have a fitresult
     auto const* fit = fitResult( track );
     const ChiSquare chi2T = ( fit ? fit->chi2Downstream()
-                                  : ChiSquare{track.info( Track::AdditionalInfo::FitTChi2, 0 ),
-                                              static_cast<int>( track.info( Track::AdditionalInfo::FitTNDoF, 0 ) )} );
+                                  : ChiSquare{ track.info( Track::AdditionalInfo::FitTChi2, 0 ),
+                                               static_cast<int>( track.info( Track::AdditionalInfo::FitTNDoF, 0 ) ) } );
     const ChiSquare chi2Velo =
         ( fit ? fit->chi2Velo()
-              : ChiSquare{track.info( Track::AdditionalInfo::FitVeloChi2, 0 ),
-                          static_cast<int>( track.info( Track::AdditionalInfo::FitVeloNDoF, 0 ) )} );
+              : ChiSquare{ track.info( Track::AdditionalInfo::FitVeloChi2, 0 ),
+                           static_cast<int>( track.info( Track::AdditionalInfo::FitVeloNDoF, 0 ) ) } );
     // note: this includes UT hit contribution
     const ChiSquare chi2MatchAndUT = chi2 - chi2T - chi2Velo;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackCloneKiller.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackCloneKiller.cpp
index 8a82f0fd722a4bd1084968399a4f8d8ededa3cb8..7d615b0a827a5822b57a62b2ccf6e02d8f6706e2 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackCloneKiller.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackCloneKiller.cpp
@@ -35,15 +35,15 @@ namespace {
   /// structure to save some data for each track
   class TrackData : public LHCb::TrackCloneData<false> {
-    bool                   m_isAccepted{false};
-    double                 m_qOverP{0};
-    LHCb::Track::FitStatus m_fitStatus{LHCb::Track::FitStatus::Unknown};
+    bool                   m_isAccepted{ false };
+    double                 m_qOverP{ 0 };
+    LHCb::Track::FitStatus m_fitStatus{ LHCb::Track::FitStatus::Unknown };
     enum { Clone = 1 };
     /// constructor
     TrackData( LHCb::Track* tr )
-        : TrackCloneData<false>{tr}, m_qOverP( track().firstState().qOverP() ), m_fitStatus( track().fitStatus() ) {}
+        : TrackCloneData<false>{ tr }, m_qOverP( track().firstState().qOverP() ), m_fitStatus( track().fitStatus() ) {}
     /// return q/p (or what it was at construction time)
     double                 qOverP() const { return m_qOverP; }
     LHCb::Track::FitStatus previousStatus() const { return m_fitStatus; }
@@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ public:
   LHCb::Tracks       operator()( const LHCb::Tracks& inTracks, const LHCb::Tracks& refTracks ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxOverlapFracVelo{this, "MaxOverlapFracVelo", 0.5};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxOverlapFracT{this, "MaxOverlapFracT", 0.5};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxOverlapFracUT{this, "MaxOverlapFracUT", 0.35, "essentially: max 1 common hit"};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minLongLongDeltaQoP{this, "MinLongLongDeltaQoP", -1};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minLongDownstreamDeltaQoP{this, "MinLongDownstreamDeltaQoP", 5e-6};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_keepUnFitted{this, "KeepUnFitted", false, "Keep unfitted tracks"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_useUnFittedRef{this, "UseUnFittedRef", false, "Use unfitted tracks from reference"};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_skipSameContainerTracks{this, "SkipSameContainerTracks", true};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxOverlapFracVelo{ this, "MaxOverlapFracVelo", 0.5 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxOverlapFracT{ this, "MaxOverlapFracT", 0.5 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxOverlapFracUT{ this, "MaxOverlapFracUT", 0.35, "essentially: max 1 common hit" };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minLongLongDeltaQoP{ this, "MinLongLongDeltaQoP", -1 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minLongDownstreamDeltaQoP{ this, "MinLongDownstreamDeltaQoP", 5e-6 };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_keepUnFitted{ this, "KeepUnFitted", false, "Keep unfitted tracks" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_useUnFittedRef{ this, "UseUnFittedRef", false, "Use unfitted tracks from reference" };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_skipSameContainerTracks{ this, "SkipSameContainerTracks", true };
   std::vector<TrackData> fillDataPool( const LHCb::Tracks& inTracks, bool keepUnFitted = false ) const;
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackCloneKiller )
 // Standard constructor, initializes variables
 TrackCloneKiller::TrackCloneKiller( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"TracksInContainer", {}}, KeyValue{"TracksRefContainer", {}}},
-                   {"TracksOutContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default} ) {}
+    : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "TracksInContainer", {} }, KeyValue{ "TracksRefContainer", {} } },
+                   { "TracksOutContainer", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default } ) {}
 // Initialization
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackCompetition.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackCompetition.cpp
index 0d6df588690990ac1dac8e2165640322b6691147..4e37682883bd109b906c341a88a5624187d4b061 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackCompetition.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackCompetition.cpp
@@ -30,14 +30,16 @@ public:
   Tracks operator()( const Tracks& ) const override;
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_fracUsed{this, "fracUsed", 0.25};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_fracUsed{ this, "fracUsed", 0.25 };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackCompetition )
 TrackCompetition::TrackCompetition( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : Transformer{
-          name, pSvcLocator, {"inputLocation", TrackLocation::Default}, {"outputLocation", TrackLocation::Default}} {}
+    : Transformer{ name,
+                   pSvcLocator,
+                   { "inputLocation", TrackLocation::Default },
+                   { "outputLocation", TrackLocation::Default } } {}
 Tracks TrackCompetition::operator()( const Tracks& in ) const {
@@ -45,9 +47,9 @@ Tracks TrackCompetition::operator()( const Tracks& in ) const {
   outCont.reserve( in.size() );
   // sort
-  auto inCont = std::vector<const LHCb::Track*>{in.begin(), in.end()};
+  auto inCont = std::vector<const LHCb::Track*>{ in.begin(), in.end() };
   std::sort( inCont.begin(), inCont.end(), []( const LHCb::Track* lhs, const LHCb::Track* rhs ) {
-    return std::tuple{lhs->nLHCbIDs(), rhs->chi2()} > std::tuple{rhs->nLHCbIDs(), lhs->chi2()};
+    return std::tuple{ lhs->nLHCbIDs(), rhs->chi2() } > std::tuple{ rhs->nLHCbIDs(), lhs->chi2() };
   } );
   // TODO: maybe a set is better? This is O(N^2)..
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackContainerCopy.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackContainerCopy.cpp
index 1a63bdeef5b607c6a3bdcbbdb5a142ea5b4884b7..ac76bf71a543a1ed531631574348ed4a19c59172 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackContainerCopy.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackContainerCopy.cpp
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ class TrackContainerCopy final : public LHCb::Algorithm::MergingTransformer<LHCb
   TrackContainerCopy( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : MergingTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, {"inputLocations", {LHCb::TrackLocation::Velo}},
-                            {"outputLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default} ) {}
+      : MergingTransformer( name, pSvcLocator, { "inputLocations", { LHCb::TrackLocation::Velo } },
+                            { "outputLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default } ) {}
   LHCb::Tracks operator()( const Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<LHCb::Track::Range>& trackLists ) const override {
     LHCb::Tracks outCont;
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ public:
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>      m_copyFailures{this, "copyFailures", false}; ///< If true, copy also tracks that failed fit
-  ToolHandle<ITrackSelector> m_selector{this, "Selector", ""};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool> m_copyFailures{ this, "copyFailures", false }; ///< If true, copy also tracks that failed fit
+  ToolHandle<ITrackSelector> m_selector{ this, "Selector", "" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackContainerCopy )
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class TrackContainerFilteredCopy final
                            TrackPredicate> {
   TrackContainerFilteredCopy( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : with_functors( name, pSvcLocator, {"Inputs", {}}, {"Output", ""} ) {}
+      : with_functors( name, pSvcLocator, { "Inputs", {} }, { "Output", "" } ) {}
   operator()( const Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<LHCb::Track::Range>& input_tracks_list ) const override {
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ public:
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_inputs{this, "#inputs"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_passed{this, "#passed"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_inputs{ this, "#inputs" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_passed{ this, "#passed" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackContainerFilteredCopy )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackContainerSplitter.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackContainerSplitter.cpp
index 61b9fc3239988acacd3c92caf47aaa59c57d25e6..80166956701cb4241f8d3b2dceacd411f0c062c8 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackContainerSplitter.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackContainerSplitter.cpp
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ class TrackContainerSplitter final
     : public with_functors<LHCb::Algorithm::MultiTransformer<OutConts( const LHCb::Tracks& )>, TrackPredicate> {
   TrackContainerSplitter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : with_functors( name, pSvcLocator, {KeyValue{"TracksInContainer", ""}},
-                       {KeyValue{"PassedContainer", ""}, KeyValue{"RejectedContainer", ""}} ) {}
+      : with_functors( name, pSvcLocator, { KeyValue{ "TracksInContainer", "" } },
+                       { KeyValue{ "PassedContainer", "" }, KeyValue{ "RejectedContainer", "" } } ) {}
   OutConts operator()( const LHCb::Tracks& input_tracks ) const override {
     OutConts out;
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ public:
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_inputs{this, "#inputs"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_passed{this, "#passed"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_inputs{ this, "#inputs" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_passed{ this, "#passed" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackContainerSplitter )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackContainersMerger.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackContainersMerger.cpp
index d02d41034e2f6bcef93a1ab8e44eccd5bab658c5..9454e645883c13f1242e00492de985a5671468a9 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackContainersMerger.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackContainersMerger.cpp
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ template <typename TrackListType, typename TrackLists = Gaudi::Functional::vecto
 struct TrackContainersMergerT final : LHCb::Algorithm::MergingTransformer<TrackListType( const TrackLists& )> {
   TrackContainersMergerT( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : LHCb::Algorithm::MergingTransformer<TrackListType( const TrackLists& )>(
-            name, pSvcLocator, {"InputLocations", {}}, {"OutputLocation", {}} ) {}
+            name, pSvcLocator, { "InputLocations", {} }, { "OutputLocation", {} } ) {}
   TrackListType operator()( const TrackLists& lists ) const override {
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ namespace LHCb::Event::v3 {
     TrackContainersMerger( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : LHCb::Algorithm::MergingTransformer<TrackListType( const TrackLists&, const UniqueIDGeneratorLists& )>(
               name, pSvcLocator,
-              {KeyValues{"InputLocations", {}},
-               KeyValues{"InputUniqueIDGenerators", {LHCb::UniqueIDGeneratorLocation::Default}}},
-              KeyValue{"OutputLocation", ""} ) {}
+              { KeyValues{ "InputLocations", {} },
+                KeyValues{ "InputUniqueIDGenerators", { LHCb::UniqueIDGeneratorLocation::Default } } },
+              KeyValue{ "OutputLocation", "" } ) {}
     TrackListType operator()( const TrackLists& lists, const UniqueIDGeneratorLists& unique_id_list ) const override {
@@ -75,12 +75,12 @@ namespace LHCb::Event::v3 {
         throw GaudiException( "Only one Unique ID generator can be used", "TrackContainersMerger",
                               StatusCode::FAILURE );
-      if ( lists.size() == 0 ) { return TrackListType{LHCb::Event::v3::TrackType::Unknown, *unique_id_list.begin()}; }
+      if ( lists.size() == 0 ) { return TrackListType{ LHCb::Event::v3::TrackType::Unknown, *unique_id_list.begin() }; }
       // -- Get the track type of the first container in the list.
       const auto type = ( *lists.begin() ).type();
-      TrackListType out{type, *unique_id_list.begin(), lists[0].zipIdentifier()};
+      TrackListType out{ type, *unique_id_list.begin(), lists[0].zipIdentifier() };
       for ( const auto& list : lists ) {
         auto listType = list.type();
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackListFilter.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackListFilter.cpp
index 0903533ce6579424133573981c9c9588d236170d..214b93bf6eef907864ac0aeb26b8ed37f43f6e8a 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackListFilter.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackListFilter.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 namespace LHCb {
   struct TrackListFilter final : Algorithm::FilterPredicate<bool( const LHCb::Track::Range& )> {
     TrackListFilter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : FilterPredicate{name, pSvcLocator, {"inputLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default}} {}
+        : FilterPredicate{ name, pSvcLocator, { "inputLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default } } {}
     bool operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range& r ) const override { return !r.empty(); }
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackListMerger.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackListMerger.cpp
index b9296a1f0d207922a583c2cac527fc07ace40291..3158061d23e628c62aaea0a1103eb603d82373b9 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackListMerger.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackListMerger.cpp
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
       : Algorithm::MergingTransformer<OutputListType( const Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<InputListType>& )> {
     TrackListMergerT( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Algorithm::MergingTransformer<OutputListType( const Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<InputListType>& )>{
-              name, pSvcLocator, {"InputLocations", {}}, {"OutputLocation", {}}} {}
+              name, pSvcLocator, { "InputLocations", {} }, { "OutputLocation", {} } } {}
     OutputListType operator()( const Gaudi::Functional::vector_of_const_<InputListType>& lists ) const override {
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackListPrinter.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackListPrinter.cpp
index df908954162dd5058d0bccc42ce5ecb8a37cbcd8..9b35fa9b8232892fce9f02752bf9f5bd07c8f9a2 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackListPrinter.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackListPrinter.cpp
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 struct TrackListPrinter final : LHCb::Algorithm::Consumer<void( const LHCb::Track::Range& )> {
   TrackListPrinter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
-      : Consumer{name, pSvc, {"InputLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default}} {}
+      : Consumer{ name, pSvc, { "InputLocation", LHCb::TrackLocation::Default } } {}
   void operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range& in ) const override {
     for ( const auto& t : in ) info() << *t << endmsg;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackListRefiner.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackListRefiner.cpp
index a79142b396ed45d79baf7c0d17d6419fff14ec58..21bd3afe987bd2f49db944038532ac27d48bb970 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackListRefiner.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackListRefiner.cpp
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class TrackListRefiner
                            TrackPredicate> {
   TrackListRefiner( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : with_functors( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{"inputLocation", {}}, KeyValue{"outputLocation", {}} ) {}
+      : with_functors( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{ "inputLocation", {} }, KeyValue{ "outputLocation", {} } ) {}
   LHCb::Track::Selection operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range& tracksin ) const override {
     m_seeds += tracksin.size();
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ public:
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_seeds{this, "#seeds"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_passed{this, "#passed"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_seeds{ this, "#seeds" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_passed{ this, "#passed" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( TrackListRefiner )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackSelectionToContainer.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackSelectionToContainer.cpp
index e8d2322f6441f65e5c5b70f0f0d7a88f063e4caf..31731aad580341d99f0b9bc778da441160eb8776 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackSelectionToContainer.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackSelectionToContainer.cpp
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 struct TrackSelectionToContainer final : LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<LHCb::Tracks( const LHCb::Track::Selection& )> {
   TrackSelectionToContainer( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, {"InputLocation", {}}, {"OutputLocation", {}} ) {}
+      : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, { "InputLocation", {} }, { "OutputLocation", {} } ) {}
   LHCb::Tracks operator()( const LHCb::Track::Selection& tracks ) const override {
     LHCb::Tracks out;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackV0Finder.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackV0Finder.cpp
index fb66e9bcd4c47661d5c2c44d0d51217644c3a7bb..b4f7b5897e17c31a0e9abb19ef38289d8c3adbd1 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackV0Finder.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TrackV0Finder.cpp
@@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ namespace {
   using OutContainer = KeyedContainer<LHCb::TwoProngVertex, Containers::HashMap>;
   // set of constants
-  constexpr double maxTrackChi2PerDoF{10};
-  constexpr double zmin{-100 * Gaudi::Units::cm};
-  constexpr double zmax{StateParameters::ZEndUT};
-  constexpr double minVertexPVChi2{25};                   // 3 dofs
-  constexpr double sigmaBFlightX{1.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm}; // approx RMS of flight length of B in X
-  constexpr double sigmaBFlightY{1.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm}; // approx RMS of flight length of B in Y
-  constexpr double sigmaBFlightZ{20 * Gaudi::Units::mm};  // approx RMS of flight length of B in Z
-  constexpr double stateZTolerance{TrackParameters::propagationTolerance};
+  constexpr double maxTrackChi2PerDoF{ 10 };
+  constexpr double zmin{ -100 * Gaudi::Units::cm };
+  constexpr double zmax{ StateParameters::ZEndUT };
+  constexpr double minVertexPVChi2{ 25 };                   // 3 dofs
+  constexpr double sigmaBFlightX{ 1.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm }; // approx RMS of flight length of B in X
+  constexpr double sigmaBFlightY{ 1.0 * Gaudi::Units::mm }; // approx RMS of flight length of B in Y
+  constexpr double sigmaBFlightZ{ 20 * Gaudi::Units::mm };  // approx RMS of flight length of B in Z
+  constexpr double stateZTolerance{ TrackParameters::propagationTolerance };
 } // namespace
 namespace LHCb {
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ namespace LHCb {
     TrackV0Finder( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
         : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                       {{"PVContainer", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation},
-                        {"TrackContainers", TrackLocation::Default},
-                        {"StandardGeometryTop", standard_geometry_top}},
-                       {"V0Container", RecVertexLocation::V0} ) {}
+                       { { "PVContainer", LHCb::Event::PV::DefaultLocation },
+                         { "TrackContainers", TrackLocation::Default },
+                         { "StandardGeometryTop", standard_geometry_top } },
+                       { "V0Container", RecVertexLocation::V0 } ) {}
     StatusCode   initialize() override;
     OutContainer operator()( LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexContainer const&, Track::Range const&,
                              DetectorElement const& ) const override;
@@ -70,38 +70,38 @@ namespace LHCb {
     template <class PVContainer>
     bool hasV0Topology( TwoProngVertex& vertex, const PVContainer& pvs, double& decaylength ) const;
-    ToolHandle<ITrajPoca>               m_pocatool{this, "TrajPoca", "TrajPoca"};
-    ToolHandle<ITrackVertexer>          m_vertexer{this, "TrackVertexer", "TrackVertexer"};
-    ToolHandle<ITrackStateProvider>     m_stateprovider{this, "StateProvider", "TrackStateProvider"};
-    ServiceHandle<IParticlePropertySvc> m_propertysvc{this, "ParticlePropertySvc", "ParticlePropertySvc"};
-    const ParticleProperty*             m_ksProperty{nullptr};
-    const ParticleProperty*             m_lambdaProperty{nullptr};
-    const ParticleProperty*             m_pionProperty{nullptr};
-    const ParticleProperty*             m_protonProperty{nullptr};
-    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_maxNumCommonHits{this, "MaxNumCommonHits", -1};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minDeltaZ{this, "MinDeltaZ", 1 * Gaudi::Units::cm};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDocaDD{this, "MaxDocaDD", 1 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDocaLL{this, "MaxDocaLL", 5 * Gaudi::Units::mm};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2V0Vertex{this, "MaxChi2V0Vertex", 16};         // 1 dof
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2PVConstraint{this, "MaxChi2PVConstraint", 25}; // 2 dofs
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minDecayLengthSignificance{this, "MinDecayLengthSignificance", 5};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_correctBFlight{this, "CorrectBFlight", true};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_ksmasscutLL{this, "KsMassCutLL", 40 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_ksmasscutDD{this, "KsMassCutDD", 60 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_lambdamasscut{this, "LambdaMassCut", 20 * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minCTauKs{this, "MinCTauKs", -1};         // ctau =27 mm
-    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minCTauLambda{this, "MinCTauLambda", -1}; // ctau =79 mm
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_useExtrapolator{this, "UseExtrapolator", true};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_excludePVTracks{this, "ExcludePVTracks", true};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_rejectUpstreamHits{this, "RejectUpstreamHits", true};
-    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_addStateAtVertex{this, "AddStateAtVertex", true};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>            m_nSelected{this, "numselected"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_trajPocaFailure{this, "TrajPoca Failure"};
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_vertexerFailure{this, "TrackVertexer Failure"};
+    ToolHandle<ITrajPoca>               m_pocatool{ this, "TrajPoca", "TrajPoca" };
+    ToolHandle<ITrackVertexer>          m_vertexer{ this, "TrackVertexer", "TrackVertexer" };
+    ToolHandle<ITrackStateProvider>     m_stateprovider{ this, "StateProvider", "TrackStateProvider" };
+    ServiceHandle<IParticlePropertySvc> m_propertysvc{ this, "ParticlePropertySvc", "ParticlePropertySvc" };
+    const ParticleProperty*             m_ksProperty{ nullptr };
+    const ParticleProperty*             m_lambdaProperty{ nullptr };
+    const ParticleProperty*             m_pionProperty{ nullptr };
+    const ParticleProperty*             m_protonProperty{ nullptr };
+    Gaudi::Property<int>    m_maxNumCommonHits{ this, "MaxNumCommonHits", -1 };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minDeltaZ{ this, "MinDeltaZ", 1 * Gaudi::Units::cm };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDocaDD{ this, "MaxDocaDD", 1 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxDocaLL{ this, "MaxDocaLL", 5 * Gaudi::Units::mm };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2V0Vertex{ this, "MaxChi2V0Vertex", 16 };         // 1 dof
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2PVConstraint{ this, "MaxChi2PVConstraint", 25 }; // 2 dofs
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minDecayLengthSignificance{ this, "MinDecayLengthSignificance", 5 };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_correctBFlight{ this, "CorrectBFlight", true };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_ksmasscutLL{ this, "KsMassCutLL", 40 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_ksmasscutDD{ this, "KsMassCutDD", 60 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_lambdamasscut{ this, "LambdaMassCut", 20 * Gaudi::Units::MeV };
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minCTauKs{ this, "MinCTauKs", -1 };         // ctau =27 mm
+    Gaudi::Property<double> m_minCTauLambda{ this, "MinCTauLambda", -1 }; // ctau =79 mm
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_useExtrapolator{ this, "UseExtrapolator", true };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_excludePVTracks{ this, "ExcludePVTracks", true };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_rejectUpstreamHits{ this, "RejectUpstreamHits", true };
+    Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_addStateAtVertex{ this, "AddStateAtVertex", true };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<>            m_nSelected{ this, "numselected" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_trajPocaFailure{ this, "TrajPoca Failure" };
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_vertexerFailure{ this, "TrackVertexer Failure" };
     mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::MsgCounter<MSG::WARNING> m_extrapolationFailure{
-        this, "Extrapolation failed. Rely on trajectory interpolation"};
+        this, "Extrapolation failed. Rely on trajectory interpolation" };
   // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ namespace {
                         } );
-  Gaudi::Vector3 transform( const Gaudi::XYZVector& vec ) { return {vec.X(), vec.Y(), vec.Z()}; }
+  Gaudi::Vector3 transform( const Gaudi::XYZVector& vec ) { return { vec.X(), vec.Y(), vec.Z() }; }
   struct TrackTrajPair final {
     TrackTrajPair( const LHCb::Track* atrack, const LHCb::TrackTraj* atraj )
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ OutContainer LHCb::TrackV0Finder::operator()( LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexCont
         State                           posstate = postraj.state( z );
         State                           negstate = negtraj.state( z );
-        std::unique_ptr<TwoProngVertex> vertex{m_vertexer->fit( posstate, negstate, geometry )};
+        std::unique_ptr<TwoProngVertex> vertex{ m_vertexer->fit( posstate, negstate, geometry ) };
         double decaylength;
         if ( !vertex ) {
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ OutContainer LHCb::TrackV0Finder::operator()( LHCb::Event::PV::PrimaryVertexCont
             negstate = negtraj.state( z );
-          std::unique_ptr<TwoProngVertex> newvertex{m_vertexer->fit( posstate, negstate, geometry )};
+          std::unique_ptr<TwoProngVertex> newvertex{ m_vertexer->fit( posstate, negstate, geometry ) };
           if ( newvertex ) vertex = std::move( newvertex );
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksDownstreamConverter.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksDownstreamConverter.cpp
index aea3e7a85678ec56bad903bb49a6b32aff4502a9..71e69d3425ef41e57930f0a73ac3d7a1a5a8357f 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksDownstreamConverter.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksDownstreamConverter.cpp
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ class TracksDownstreamConverter
   TracksDownstreamConverter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"TracksFTLocation", "Rec/Track/v2/Seed"},
-                      KeyValue{"TracksDownstreamLocation", "Rec/Track/Downstream"}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputTracksLocation", "Rec/Track/v2/Downstream"} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "TracksFTLocation", "Rec/Track/v2/Seed" },
+                       KeyValue{ "TracksDownstreamLocation", "Rec/Track/Downstream" } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputTracksLocation", "Rec/Track/v2/Downstream" } ) {}
   std::vector<Track> operator()( const std::vector<Track>& tracksFT, const Tracks& tracksUT ) const override {
     std::vector<Track> out;
@@ -80,18 +80,18 @@ public:
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbTracksCounter{this, "Nb of Produced Tracks"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbTracksCounter{ this, "Nb of Produced Tracks" };
   // - StateErrorX2: Error^2 on x-position (for making Track)
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorX2{this, "StateErrorX2", 4.0};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorX2{ this, "StateErrorX2", 4.0 };
   // - StateErrorY2: Error^2 on y-position (for making Track)
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorY2{this, "StateErrorY2", 400.};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorY2{ this, "StateErrorY2", 400. };
   // - StateErrorTX2: Error^2 on tx-slope (for making Track)
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorTX2{this, "StateErrorTX2", 6.e-5};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorTX2{ this, "StateErrorTX2", 6.e-5 };
   // - StateErrorTY2: Error^2 on ty-slope (for making Track)
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorTY2{this, "StateErrorTY2", 1.e-4};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorTY2{ this, "StateErrorTY2", 1.e-4 };
   // - StateErrorP:  Error^2 on momentum (for making Track)
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorP{this, "StateErrorP", 0.15};
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_stateErrorP{ this, "StateErrorP", 0.15 };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( TracksDownstreamConverter )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksEmptyProducer.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksEmptyProducer.cpp
index ac06d5fb43af6d014c25b406ad3461532b80f2ce..d37e57412db5ff1748d85946390498f5d66ce0b5 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksEmptyProducer.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksEmptyProducer.cpp
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@
  * @brief dummy producer of empty container of tracks
-DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( EmptyProducer<LHCb::Tracks>, "TracksEmptyProducer" )
\ No newline at end of file
+DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( EmptyProducer<LHCb::Tracks>, "TracksEmptyProducer" )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksMatchConverter.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksMatchConverter.cpp
index 1cb1e4ac6cb418b23e96ab961896f96bb4bf7d12..9739c0c17fb0430dcc25f46af95341cf3065e854 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksMatchConverter.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksMatchConverter.cpp
@@ -36,12 +36,13 @@ class TracksMatchConverter : public LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<std::vector<LHC
   TracksMatchConverter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
       : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                     {KeyValue{"TracksSeedLocation", "Rec/Track/Seed"},
-                      KeyValue{"TracksVeloLocation", "Rec/Track/Velo"},
-                      KeyValue{"TracksMatchLocation", "Rec/Track/MatchSOA"}},
-                     KeyValue{"OutputTracksLocation", "Rec/Track/Match"} ) {}
+                     { KeyValue{ "TracksSeedLocation", "Rec/Track/Seed" },
+                       KeyValue{ "TracksVeloLocation", "Rec/Track/Velo" },
+                       KeyValue{ "TracksMatchLocation", "Rec/Track/MatchSOA" } },
+                     KeyValue{ "OutputTracksLocation", "Rec/Track/Match" } ) {}
-  Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, 5>> m_covarianceValues{this, "covarianceValues", {4.0, 400.0, 4.e-6, 1.e-4, 0.1}};
+  Gaudi::Property<std::array<float, 5>> m_covarianceValues{
+      this, "covarianceValues", { 4.0, 400.0, 4.e-6, 1.e-4, 0.1 } };
   std::vector<Track> operator()( const std::vector<Track>& tracksSeed, const std::vector<Track>& tracksVelo,
                                  const Tracks& tracksMatch ) const override {
@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ public:
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbTracksCounter{this, "Nb of Produced Tracks"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbTracksCounter{ this, "Nb of Produced Tracks" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( TracksMatchConverter )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksSplitterPerType.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksSplitterPerType.cpp
index 37fb9eab8f2cec6387e569f9cc65afdeeaaaf112..2b9e16e2e1f5a58f59f1a4f1e6d7e9995384993a 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksSplitterPerType.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksSplitterPerType.cpp
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ namespace LHCb {
     TracksSplitterPerType( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvc )
         : TracksSplitterPerType<TracksOut>::MultiTransformer(
-              name, pSvc, {KeyValue( "InputTracks", "" )},
-              {KeyValue( "LongTracks", "" ), KeyValue( "DownstreamTracks", "" ), KeyValue( "UpstreamTracks", "" ),
-               KeyValue( "Ttracks", "" ), KeyValue( "VeloTracks", "" )} ) {}
+              name, pSvc, { KeyValue( "InputTracks", "" ) },
+              { KeyValue( "LongTracks", "" ), KeyValue( "DownstreamTracks", "" ), KeyValue( "UpstreamTracks", "" ),
+                KeyValue( "Ttracks", "" ), KeyValue( "VeloTracks", "" ) } ) {}
     OutData operator()( Track::Range const& tracks ) const override {
       OutData out_tracks;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksToSelection.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksToSelection.cpp
index af0ea215bfc22da4ee29ccce1c8c35d2f6aab289..dc7e10a0fbf0038ed057e532419624da265367f3 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksToSelection.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksToSelection.cpp
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 struct TracksToSelection final : LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<LHCb::Track::Selection( const LHCb::Track::Range& )> {
   TracksToSelection( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, {"InputLocation", {}}, {"OutputLocation", {}} ) {}
+      : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, { "InputLocation", {} }, { "OutputLocation", {} } ) {}
   LHCb::Track::Selection operator()( const LHCb::Track::Range& tracks ) const override {
     LHCb::Track::Selection out;
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksVPMerger.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksVPMerger.cpp
index 609892b801cb31c22fcefc48b55274108abf5ca0..d677958bd3eb4a1a1d73ff8bf41b317cb1146cb8 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksVPMerger.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TracksVPMerger.cpp
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ namespace LHCb {
     TracksVPMerger( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-        : Transformer(
-              name, pSvcLocator,
-              {KeyValue{"TracksLocation1", "Rec/Track/VeloBackward"}, KeyValue{"TracksLocation2", "Rec/Track/Velo"}},
-              KeyValue{"OutputTracksLocation", "Rec/Track/VeloMerged"} ) {}
+        : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator,
+                       { KeyValue{ "TracksLocation1", "Rec/Track/VeloBackward" },
+                         KeyValue{ "TracksLocation2", "Rec/Track/Velo" } },
+                       KeyValue{ "OutputTracksLocation", "Rec/Track/VeloMerged" } ) {}
     Tracks operator()( const Tracks& tracks1, const Tracks& tracks2 ) const override {
       Tracks     out;
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ namespace LHCb {
-    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbTracksCounter{this, "Nb of Produced Tracks"};
+    mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::SummingCounter<> m_nbTracksCounter{ this, "Nb of Produced Tracks" };
   DECLARE_COMPONENT_WITH_ID( TracksVPMerger, "TracksVPMerger" )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TtracksCatboostFilter.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TtracksCatboostFilter.cpp
index 5a3eb98ca9e230a66e53da6081550a35f6ada17e..3eda0cfeac32c8b6ff548cc3255341a0d98d9a06 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TtracksCatboostFilter.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/TtracksCatboostFilter.cpp
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ class TtracksMVAFilter : public base_t {
   TtracksMVAFilter( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : base_t( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{"InputLocation", {}},
-                {KeyValue{"OutputTracks", ""}, KeyValue{"Relations", ""}} ) {}
+      : base_t( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{ "InputLocation", {} },
+                { KeyValue{ "OutputTracks", "" }, KeyValue{ "Relations", "" } } ) {}
   StatusCode initialize() override;
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public:
     auto const inputTrackContainer = tracksin.scalar();
     m_inputTracks += tracksin.size();
-    auto output1 = std::tuple{Tracks(), LHCb::Event::RelationTable1D<LHCb::Pr::Seeding::Tracks>( &tracksin )};
+    auto output1 = std::tuple{ Tracks(), LHCb::Event::RelationTable1D<LHCb::Pr::Seeding::Tracks>( &tracksin ) };
     auto& [prseedingtracks1, tracksout] = output1;
     prseedingtracks1.reserve( tracksin.size() );
@@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ public:
     if ( !m_applyTrackPairFilter ) { return output1; }
-    auto output2                         = std::tuple{Tracks(), Selection( tracksout.from() )};
+    auto output2                         = std::tuple{ Tracks(), Selection( tracksout.from() ) };
     auto& [prseedingtracks2, tracksout2] = output2;
     prseedingtracks2.reserve( tracksout.size() );
-    for ( std::size_t outer{0}; outer < tracksout.scalar().size(); ++outer ) { // begin outer loop
+    for ( std::size_t outer{ 0 }; outer < tracksout.scalar().size(); ++outer ) { // begin outer loop
       const auto outerTrack      = tracksout.scalar()[outer].from();
       bool       outerTrackAdded = false;
       for ( auto inner = outer + 1; inner < tracksout.scalar().size(); ++inner ) { // begin inner loop
@@ -145,24 +145,24 @@ public:
   } // end operator
-  ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_fileSvc{this, "FileSvc", "ParamFileSvc", "Service used to retrieve file contents"};
+  ServiceHandle<IFileAccess> m_fileSvc{ this, "FileSvc", "ParamFileSvc", "Service used to retrieve file contents" };
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_inputTracks{this, "#input tracks"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_passed{this, "#passed single track MVA selection"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_passed2{this, "#single tracks passed track pair MVA selection"};
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_inputTracks{ this, "#input tracks" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_passed{ this, "#passed single track MVA selection" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_passed2{ this, "#single tracks passed track pair MVA selection" };
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_applySingleTrackFilter{this, "applySingleTrackFilter", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_applyTrackPairFilter{this, "applyTrackPairFilter", true};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_singleTrackMVAThreshold{this, "singleTrackMVAThreshold", 0.5};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_trackPairMVAThreshold{this, "trackPairMVAThreshold", 0.8};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_momentumThreshold{this, "momentumThreshold", 2000.};
-  Gaudi::Property<float> m_zMin{this, "zMin", 1500};
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_applySingleTrackFilter{ this, "applySingleTrackFilter", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>  m_applyTrackPairFilter{ this, "applyTrackPairFilter", true };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_singleTrackMVAThreshold{ this, "singleTrackMVAThreshold", 0.5 };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_trackPairMVAThreshold{ this, "trackPairMVAThreshold", 0.8 };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_momentumThreshold{ this, "momentumThreshold", 2000. };
+  Gaudi::Property<float> m_zMin{ this, "zMin", 1500 };
   Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_paramFilesLocationSingleTrackMVA{
       this, "ParamFilesLocationSingleTrackMVA",
-      "paramfile://data//ttracks_catboost_single_track_MVA_filter-202405.cbm"};
+      "paramfile://data//ttracks_catboost_single_track_MVA_filter-202405.cbm" };
   Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_paramFilesLocationTrackPairMVA{
-      this, "ParamFilesLocationTrackPairMVA", "paramfile://data/ttracks_catboost_track_pair_MVA_filter-202405.cbm"};
+      this, "ParamFilesLocationTrackPairMVA", "paramfile://data/ttracks_catboost_track_pair_MVA_filter-202405.cbm" };
   std::unique_ptr<NCatboostStandalone::TOwningEvaluator> m_StandAloneCatBoostModelSingleTrackMVA;
   std::vector<unsigned char>                             m_CatBoostModelBlobSingleTrackMVA;
   std::unique_ptr<NCatboostStandalone::TOwningEvaluator> m_StandAloneCatBoostModelTrackPairMVA;
@@ -241,9 +241,9 @@ float TtracksMVAFilter::applyBDT( const Track& trk ) const {
   const float p = trk.p().cast();
-  const Gaudi::XYZVector slopes   = {trk.StateDir( FirstMeasurment ).X().cast(),
-                                   trk.StateDir( FirstMeasurment ).Y().cast(),
-                                   trk.StateDir( FirstMeasurment ).Z().cast()};
+  const Gaudi::XYZVector slopes   = { trk.StateDir( FirstMeasurment ).X().cast(),
+                                      trk.StateDir( FirstMeasurment ).Y().cast(),
+                                      trk.StateDir( FirstMeasurment ).Z().cast() };
   const Gaudi::XYZVector momentum = slopes * ( p / slopes.R() );
   const float            pz       = momentum.z();
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ float TtracksMVAFilter::applyBDT( const Track& trk ) const {
   const float absqop = abs( trk.qOverP().cast() );
   // respect the order
-  std::vector<float> features = {nhits, ty, y, eta, pt, pz, r, absqop};
+  std::vector<float> features = { nhits, ty, y, eta, pt, pz, r, absqop };
   if ( features.size() != m_catboostCalcerSingleTrack->GetFloatFeaturesCount() ) {
     throw GaudiException(
         "The number of features passed to the model disagree with the number of features in the model", this->name(),
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ float TtracksMVAFilter::applyBDT( const Track& trk ) const {
 float TtracksMVAFilter::applyTrackPairBDT( float ygap, float trackgap, float adtx, float adty, float yzIntersectionZ,
                                            float yzIntersectionY ) const {
-  std::vector<float> features = {ygap, trackgap, adtx, adty, yzIntersectionZ, yzIntersectionY};
+  std::vector<float> features = { ygap, trackgap, adtx, adty, yzIntersectionZ, yzIntersectionY };
   if ( features.size() != m_catboostCalcerTrackPair->GetFloatFeaturesCount() ) {
     throw GaudiException(
         "The number of features passed to the model disagree with the number of features in the model", this->name(),
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/VertexListRefiner.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/VertexListRefiner.cpp
index 2bf294d992c248ac657a7b9d4535b0ed1c387bf0..f30073259f492d6aceb20d28792804f8af07a1d5 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/src/VertexListRefiner.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/src/VertexListRefiner.cpp
@@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ class VertexListRefiner
     : public LHCb::Algorithm::Transformer<LHCb::RecVertex::Selection( const LHCb::RecVertex::Range& )> {
   VertexListRefiner( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-      : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{"InputLocation", {}}, KeyValue{"OutputLocation", {}} ) {}
+      : Transformer( name, pSvcLocator, KeyValue{ "InputLocation", {} }, KeyValue{ "OutputLocation", {} } ) {}
   LHCb::RecVertex::Selection operator()( const LHCb::RecVertex::Range& verticesin ) const override {
     LHCb::RecVertex::Selection verticesselected;
     const auto                 Nin = verticesin.size();
     m_PVtotal += Nin;
-    std::vector<const LHCb::RecVertex*> verticestmp{verticesin.begin(), verticesin.end()};
+    std::vector<const LHCb::RecVertex*> verticestmp{ verticesin.begin(), verticesin.end() };
     // The isolation
     if ( m_isolationDeltaZ > 0 && Nin > 1 ) {
       std::sort( verticestmp.begin(), verticestmp.end(),
@@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ public:
                     bool accept = int( tracks.size() ) >= m_minNumTracks && int( tracks.size() ) <= m_maxNumTracks;
                     accept      = accept && ( m_minNumLongTracks == 0 ||
                                          std::count_if( tracks.begin(), tracks.end(),
-                                                        TrackPredicates::Type( LHCb::Track::Types::Long ) ) >=
+                                                             TrackPredicates::Type( LHCb::Track::Types::Long ) ) >=
                                              m_minNumLongTracks );
                     if ( accept && ( m_minNumBackwardTracks > 0 || m_minNumForwardTracks > 0 ) ) {
                       int numback    = std::count_if( tracks.begin(), tracks.end(),
-                                                   TrackPredicates::Type( LHCb::Track::Types::VeloBackward ) );
+                                                      TrackPredicates::Type( LHCb::Track::Types::VeloBackward ) );
                       int numforward = tracks.size() - numback;
                       accept         = numback >= m_minNumBackwardTracks && numforward >= m_minNumForwardTracks;
@@ -94,22 +94,22 @@ public:
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minNumTracks{this, "MinNumTracks", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_maxNumTracks{this, "MaxNumTracks", std::numeric_limits<int>::max()};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minNumBackwardTracks{this, "MinNumBackwardTracks", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minNumForwardTracks{this, "MinNumForwardTracks", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minNumLongTracks{this, "MinNumLongTracks", 0};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2PerDoF{this, "MaxChi2PerDoF", -1};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minX{this, "MinX", 1};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxX{this, "MaxX", -1};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minY{this, "MinY", 1};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxY{this, "MaxY", -1};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minZ{this, "MinZ", 1};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxZ{this, "MaxZ", -1};
-  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_vetoFiducialRegion{this, "VetoFiducialRegion", false};
-  Gaudi::Property<double> m_isolationDeltaZ{this, "IsolationDeltaZ", -1., "Minimum distance in z to other vertices"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_PVtotal{this, "#total"};
-  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_PVpassed{this, "#passed"};
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minNumTracks{ this, "MinNumTracks", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_maxNumTracks{ this, "MaxNumTracks", std::numeric_limits<int>::max() };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minNumBackwardTracks{ this, "MinNumBackwardTracks", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minNumForwardTracks{ this, "MinNumForwardTracks", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<int>    m_minNumLongTracks{ this, "MinNumLongTracks", 0 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxChi2PerDoF{ this, "MaxChi2PerDoF", -1 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minX{ this, "MinX", 1 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxX{ this, "MaxX", -1 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minY{ this, "MinY", 1 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxY{ this, "MaxY", -1 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_minZ{ this, "MinZ", 1 };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_maxZ{ this, "MaxZ", -1 };
+  Gaudi::Property<bool>   m_vetoFiducialRegion{ this, "VetoFiducialRegion", false };
+  Gaudi::Property<double> m_isolationDeltaZ{ this, "IsolationDeltaZ", -1., "Minimum distance in z to other vertices" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_PVtotal{ this, "#total" };
+  mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::StatCounter<> m_PVpassed{ this, "#passed" };
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( VertexListRefiner )
diff --git a/Tr/TrackUtils/tests/src/TestZipInfrastructure.cpp b/Tr/TrackUtils/tests/src/TestZipInfrastructure.cpp
index 5fc445a8afd0f40979242bdb88cefb466ff8d2b8..a28b4b68a5786b5165caaf9498b03fafb1a8403b 100644
--- a/Tr/TrackUtils/tests/src/TestZipInfrastructure.cpp
+++ b/Tr/TrackUtils/tests/src/TestZipInfrastructure.cpp
@@ -42,10 +42,11 @@ Vertices make_vertices() {
   Vertices vertices;
   auto constexpr nvertices = 3;
   std::mt19937                    gen( 24 ); // Random engine with fixed seed
-  std::normal_distribution<float> xy_dist{0.f, 0.05f}, z_dist{0.f, 1.f};
+  std::normal_distribution<float> xy_dist{ 0.f, 0.05f }, z_dist{ 0.f, 1.f };
   for ( auto i = 0; i < nvertices; ++i ) {
     auto x = xy_dist( gen ), y = xy_dist( gen ), z = z_dist( gen );
-    vertices.emplace_back( Gaudi::XYZPoint{x, y, z}, make_covmatrix(), LHCb::Event::v2::Track::Chi2PerDoF{1.f, 42} );
+    vertices.emplace_back( Gaudi::XYZPoint{ x, y, z }, make_covmatrix(),
+                           LHCb::Event::v2::Track::Chi2PerDoF{ 1.f, 42 } );
   return vertices;
@@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( filter_tracks_using_zip ) {
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( new_struct_from_zip ) {
-  constexpr bool print{false};
+  constexpr bool print{ false };
   auto           ntracks   = 20;
   auto           tracks    = LHCb::Event::v3::generate_tracks( ntracks, unique_id_gen );
   auto           relations = make_relations( tracks );
@@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( new_struct_from_zip ) {
   // Check we can iterate over it, and manually check the retention of the cut
   // that we're about to apply
-  std::size_t passing_cut{0};
+  std::size_t passing_cut{ 0 };
   for ( auto const& chunk : zipped ) {
     auto pt           = chunk.pt();
     auto discriminant = chunk.bestPV().discriminant();
diff --git a/Utils/CatboostStandaloneEvaluator/CMakeLists.txt b/Utils/CatboostStandaloneEvaluator/CMakeLists.txt
index e7f0d4b3f393415c4f02c9bf4fff24fc8b8cc7d5..b81e6ee64c54a5f20735c8c9b337e42f8b8cae03 100644
--- a/Utils/CatboostStandaloneEvaluator/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Utils/CatboostStandaloneEvaluator/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ This package is a port of some catboost example that is needed to use
 catboost models in LHCb.
 We need to import these files because of a change in the LCG deployment
-of catboost going from version 0.26.1 to 1.2. 
+of catboost going from version 0.26.1 to 1.2.
diff --git a/Utils/CatboostStandaloneEvaluator/evaluator.cpp b/Utils/CatboostStandaloneEvaluator/evaluator.cpp
index cd59abb521dea3a46943dde493c77aa2ea18cbb1..33c7f13f84a01a4c94d29cd60e2898c492062c1c 100644
--- a/Utils/CatboostStandaloneEvaluator/evaluator.cpp
+++ b/Utils/CatboostStandaloneEvaluator/evaluator.cpp
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #include <functional>
 #include <iterator>
-static const char MODEL_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_CHARS[4] = {'C', 'B', 'M', '1'};
+static const char MODEL_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_CHARS[4] = { 'C', 'B', 'M', '1' };
 namespace {
   unsigned int GetModelFormatDescriptor() {
diff --git a/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/CMakeLists.txt b/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/CMakeLists.txt
index be9ee9400821d02506abc6710fee70d8d8f04e39..5e2e3d67307f0ad1817671a7652ff46bfff47898 100644
--- a/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
-Event Data Dumper Algorithms from raw format to json format. 
+Event Data Dumper Algorithms from raw format to json format.
 A new Algorithm for the addition of new event data can be easily added by
-following the boilerplate format of the existing ones. 
+following the boilerplate format of the existing ones.
 Detalied doc of the usage etc can be found on the LHCb project under the Vis/Phoenix directory.
diff --git a/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpFTHitsToJson.cpp b/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpFTHitsToJson.cpp
index b601acda18b52da043626965e690b6f2302bc232..544dfded2cfad538be3b25644b758721ff6a67bc 100644
--- a/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpFTHitsToJson.cpp
+++ b/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpFTHitsToJson.cpp
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace nlohmann {
       float dxDy          = ft_hits.dxDy( i );
       auto [y_min, y_max] = ft_hits.yEnd( i );
       float x_max         = x_min + ( y_max - y_min ) * dxDy;
-      j += {{"channelID", FTChannelID}, {"type", "Line"}, {"pos", {x_min, y_min, z, x_max, y_max, z}}};
+      j += { { "channelID", FTChannelID }, { "type", "Line" }, { "pos", { x_min, y_min, z, x_max, y_max, z } } };
@@ -64,21 +64,21 @@ namespace LHCb::Phoenix {
     void operator()( FTHits const&, ODIN const& ) const override;
-    mutable Store m_storeFT{this, "FTHits_store", "Phoenix:FT"};
+    mutable Store m_storeFT{ this, "FTHits_store", "Phoenix:FT" };
 } // namespace LHCb::Phoenix
 LHCb::Phoenix::DumpFTHitEvent::DumpFTHitEvent( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : Consumer(
-          name, pSvcLocator,
-          {KeyValue{"FTHitsLocation", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation}, KeyValue{"ODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default}} ) {}
+    : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
+                { KeyValue{ "FTHitsLocation", PrFTInfo::SciFiHitsLocation },
+                  KeyValue{ "ODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default } } ) {}
 void LHCb::Phoenix::DumpFTHitEvent::operator()( FTHits const& ft_hits, ODIN const& odin ) const {
-  m_storeFT.storeEventData( {{"gps time", odin.gpsTime()},
-                             {"run number", odin.runNumber()},
-                             {"event number", odin.eventNumber()},
-                             {"bunch crossing type", odin.bunchCrossingType()},
-                             {"Content", {{"Hits", {{"FTHits", ft_hits}}}}}} );
+  m_storeFT.storeEventData( { { "gps time", odin.gpsTime() },
+                              { "run number", odin.runNumber() },
+                              { "event number", odin.eventNumber() },
+                              { "bunch crossing type", odin.bunchCrossingType() },
+                              { "Content", { { "Hits", { { "FTHits", ft_hits } } } } } } );
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( LHCb::Phoenix::DumpFTHitEvent )
diff --git a/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpMuonHitsToJson.cpp b/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpMuonHitsToJson.cpp
index e038737581cbc16dad3dd9cf75dee17fdd5c28a4..52b97932ec564300e04364d62e763866dcee75eb 100644
--- a/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpMuonHitsToJson.cpp
+++ b/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpMuonHitsToJson.cpp
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ namespace {
         auto tileID = hit.tile();
         auto pos    = muonDet.position( tileID );
         if ( pos ) {
-          j += {{"tileID", (unsigned int)tileID},
-                {"type", "Box"},
-                {"pos", {pos->x(), pos->y(), pos->z(), 2 * pos->dX(), 2 * pos->dY(), 2 * pos->dZ()}}};
+          j += { { "tileID", (unsigned int)tileID },
+                 { "type", "Box" },
+                 { "pos", { pos->x(), pos->y(), pos->z(), 2 * pos->dX(), 2 * pos->dY(), 2 * pos->dZ() } } };
@@ -64,24 +64,24 @@ namespace LHCb::Phoenix {
     void operator()( MuonHitContainer const&, ODIN const&, DeMuonDetector const& ) const override;
-    mutable Store m_storeMuon{this, "MuonHits_store", "Phoenix:Muon"};
+    mutable Store m_storeMuon{ this, "MuonHits_store", "Phoenix:Muon" };
 } // namespace LHCb::Phoenix
 LHCb::Phoenix::DumpMuonHitEvent::DumpMuonHitEvent( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {KeyValue{"HitContainer", MuonHitContainerLocation::Default},
-                 KeyValue{"ODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default},
-                 KeyValue{"MuonDetectorPath", DeMuonLocation::Default}} ) {}
+                { KeyValue{ "HitContainer", MuonHitContainerLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "ODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "MuonDetectorPath", DeMuonLocation::Default } } ) {}
 void LHCb::Phoenix::DumpMuonHitEvent::operator()( MuonHitContainer const& muonHits, ODIN const& odin,
                                                   DeMuonDetector const& muonDet ) const {
   auto jsonHits = buildHits( muonHits, muonDet );
-  m_storeMuon.storeEventData( {{"gps time", odin.gpsTime()},
-                               {"run number", odin.runNumber()},
-                               {"event number", odin.eventNumber()},
-                               {"bunch crossing type", odin.bunchCrossingType()},
-                               {"Content", {{"Hits", {{"MuonHits", jsonHits}}}}}} );
+  m_storeMuon.storeEventData( { { "gps time", odin.gpsTime() },
+                                { "run number", odin.runNumber() },
+                                { "event number", odin.eventNumber() },
+                                { "bunch crossing type", odin.bunchCrossingType() },
+                                { "Content", { { "Hits", { { "MuonHits", jsonHits } } } } } } );
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( LHCb::Phoenix::DumpMuonHitEvent )
diff --git a/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpPlanarCaloCellsToJson.cpp b/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpPlanarCaloCellsToJson.cpp
index 3d8f325d0828bd9e181e39697fbca3077a1ff4b9..c2b1156c8f056e3a5efa9b8d05996e7aa99ef474 100644
--- a/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpPlanarCaloCellsToJson.cpp
+++ b/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpPlanarCaloCellsToJson.cpp
@@ -44,21 +44,21 @@ namespace {
 namespace nlohmann {
   /// converter of XYZPoint to json
-  void to_json( json& j, Gaudi::XYZPoint const& point ) { j = {point.x(), point.y()}; }
+  void to_json( json& j, Gaudi::XYZPoint const& point ) { j = { point.x(), point.y() }; }
   /// converter of DigitDet to json
   void to_json( json& j, DigitDet const& input ) {
-    j = {{"pos", input.det.cellCenter( input.digit.cellID() )},
-         {"energy", input.digit.energy()},
-         {"cellID", input.digit.cellID().all()},
-         {"cellSize", input.det.cellSize( input.digit.cellID() )},
-         {"color", input.color}};
+    j = { { "pos", input.det.cellCenter( input.digit.cellID() ) },
+          { "energy", input.digit.energy() },
+          { "cellID", input.digit.cellID().all() },
+          { "cellSize", input.det.cellSize( input.digit.cellID() ) },
+          { "color", input.color } };
   /// converter of DigitsDet to json
   void to_json( json& j, DigitsDet const& input ) {
     j = json::array();
-    for ( const auto& d : input.digits ) { j.push_back( DigitDet{d, input.det, input.color} ); }
+    for ( const auto& d : input.digits ) { j.push_back( DigitDet{ d, input.det, input.color } ); }
 } // namespace nlohmann
@@ -83,40 +83,41 @@ namespace LHCb::Phoenix {
                      DeCalorimeter const& ) const override;
-    mutable Store                             m_storePl{this, "Calo_store", "Phoenix:Calo"};
+    mutable Store                             m_storePl{ this, "Calo_store", "Phoenix:Calo" };
     Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> colors{
-        {"#8FF0A4", "#FFBE6F"},
-        "Colors to be used for the different calo deposits as a vector of strings with format '#rrggbb'"};
+        { "#8FF0A4", "#FFBE6F" },
+        "Colors to be used for the different calo deposits as a vector of strings with format '#rrggbb'" };
 } // namespace LHCb::Phoenix
 LHCb::Phoenix::DumpPlanarCaloCellsToJson::DumpPlanarCaloCellsToJson( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {KeyValue{"CaloEDigits", CaloDigitLocation::Ecal}, KeyValue{"CaloHDigits", CaloDigitLocation::Hcal},
-                 KeyValue{"ODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default}, KeyValue{"DetectorEcal", DeCalorimeterLocation::Ecal},
-                 KeyValue{"DetectorHcal", DeCalorimeterLocation::Hcal}} ) {}
+                { KeyValue{ "CaloEDigits", CaloDigitLocation::Ecal },
+                  KeyValue{ "CaloHDigits", CaloDigitLocation::Hcal }, KeyValue{ "ODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default },
+                  KeyValue{ "DetectorEcal", DeCalorimeterLocation::Ecal },
+                  KeyValue{ "DetectorHcal", DeCalorimeterLocation::Hcal } } ) {}
 void LHCb::Phoenix::DumpPlanarCaloCellsToJson::operator()( CaloV2Digits const& calo_Edig, CaloV2Digits const& calo_Hdig,
                                                            ODIN const& odin, DeCalorimeter const& det_E,
                                                            DeCalorimeter const& det_H ) const {
-      {{"gps time", odin.gpsTime()},
-       {"run number", odin.runNumber()},
-       {"event number", odin.eventNumber()},
-       {"bunch crossing type", odin.bunchCrossingType()},
-       {"Content",
-        {{"PlanarCaloCells",
-          {{"HCal",
-            {{"plane", {0., 0., 1, det_H.toGlobal( Gaudi::XYZPoint{0, 0, 0} ).z()}}, // this one gives the
-                                                                                     // z point of the
-                                                                                     // plane of the
-                                                                                     // calorimeter
-             {"cells", DigitsDet{calo_Hdig, det_H, colors[1]}}}},
-           {"ECal",
-            {{"plane", {0., 0., 1, det_E.toGlobal( Gaudi::XYZPoint{0, 0, 0} ).z()}},
-             {"cells", DigitsDet{calo_Edig, det_E, colors[0]}}}}}}}}} );
+      { { "gps time", odin.gpsTime() },
+        { "run number", odin.runNumber() },
+        { "event number", odin.eventNumber() },
+        { "bunch crossing type", odin.bunchCrossingType() },
+        { "Content",
+          { { "PlanarCaloCells",
+              { { "HCal",
+                  { { "plane", { 0., 0., 1, det_H.toGlobal( Gaudi::XYZPoint{ 0, 0, 0 } ).z() } }, // this one gives the
+                                                                                                  // z point of the
+                                                                                                  // plane of the
+                                                                                                  // calorimeter
+                    { "cells", DigitsDet{ calo_Hdig, det_H, colors[1] } } } },
+                { "ECal",
+                  { { "plane", { 0., 0., 1, det_E.toGlobal( Gaudi::XYZPoint{ 0, 0, 0 } ).z() } },
+                    { "cells", DigitsDet{ calo_Edig, det_E, colors[0] } } } } } } } } } );
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( LHCb::Phoenix::DumpPlanarCaloCellsToJson )
diff --git a/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpProtoParticlesToJson.cpp b/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpProtoParticlesToJson.cpp
index fcc3837bd31e61118f7c19a093609d4ec50c234f..fe58f2e6c1d6e47202db7cd2871436c5a9c26214 100644
--- a/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpProtoParticlesToJson.cpp
+++ b/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpProtoParticlesToJson.cpp
@@ -55,31 +55,33 @@ namespace LHCb::Phoenix {
     // Needed to extend the tracks in the detector
-    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{this, "TrackMasterExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator"};
+    ToolHandle<ITrackExtrapolator> m_extrapolator{ this, "TrackMasterExtrapolator", "TrackMasterExtrapolator" };
     /// the entity which the Tracks Event Data will be stored
     /// thread safe
-    mutable Store m_storeTr{this, "Tracks_store", "Phoenix:Tracks"};
+    mutable Store m_storeTr{ this, "Tracks_store", "Phoenix:Tracks" };
 } // namespace LHCb::Phoenix
 LHCb::Phoenix::DumpProtoParticlesEvent::DumpProtoParticlesEvent( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {KeyValue{"ChargedProtoParticles", ProtoParticleLocation::Charged},
-                 KeyValue{"NeutralProtoParticles", ProtoParticleLocation::Neutrals},
-                 KeyValue{"ODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default}, KeyValue{"VeloTracks", "Rec/Track/Velo"},
-                 KeyValue{"BackwardTracks", ""}, KeyValue{"PrimaryVertices", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary},
-                 KeyValue{"StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top}} ) {}
-void LHCb::Phoenix::DumpProtoParticlesEvent::
-     operator()( ProtoParticle::Range const& charged, ProtoParticle::Range const&, ODIN const& odin,
-            const LHCb::Event::v1::Tracks& veloTracks, const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks& backwardTracks,
-            const LHCb::RecVertices& primaryVertices, DetectorElement const& geometry ) const {
+                { KeyValue{ "ChargedProtoParticles", ProtoParticleLocation::Charged },
+                  KeyValue{ "NeutralProtoParticles", ProtoParticleLocation::Neutrals },
+                  KeyValue{ "ODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default }, KeyValue{ "VeloTracks", "Rec/Track/Velo" },
+                  KeyValue{ "BackwardTracks", "" }, KeyValue{ "PrimaryVertices", LHCb::RecVertexLocation::Primary },
+                  KeyValue{ "StandardGeometryTop", LHCb::standard_geometry_top } } ) {}
+void LHCb::Phoenix::DumpProtoParticlesEvent::operator()( ProtoParticle::Range const& charged,
+                                                         ProtoParticle::Range const&, ODIN const& odin,
+                                                         const LHCb::Event::v1::Tracks& veloTracks,
+                                                         const LHCb::Pr::Velo::Tracks&  backwardTracks,
+                                                         const LHCb::RecVertices&       primaryVertices,
+                                                         DetectorElement const&         geometry ) const {
   // Cloning a local copy of all protoparticles, to be able to edit the tracks states
   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ProtoParticle>> updated_charged;
   updated_charged.reserve( charged.size() );
-  for ( const auto* proto : charged ) { updated_charged.push_back( std::unique_ptr<ProtoParticle>{proto->clone()} ); }
+  for ( const auto* proto : charged ) { updated_charged.push_back( std::unique_ptr<ProtoParticle>{ proto->clone() } ); }
   // To keep track of the allocated tracks
   std::deque<LHCb::Event::v1::Track> all_tracks;
@@ -102,7 +104,7 @@ void LHCb::Phoenix::DumpProtoParticlesEvent::
         // we bail out if there is a state close by already, as this messes up the spline in Phoenix
-      auto new_state = LHCb::State{s};
+      auto new_state = LHCb::State{ s };
       m_extrapolator->propagate( new_state, z, geometry, pid ).ignore();
       new_track->addToStates( new_state );
@@ -151,17 +153,17 @@ void LHCb::Phoenix::DumpProtoParticlesEvent::
-  m_storeTr.storeEventData( {{"gps time", odin.gpsTime()},
-                             {"run number", odin.runNumber()},
-                             {"event number", odin.eventNumber()},
-                             {"bunch crossing type", odin.bunchCrossingType()},
-                             {"Content",
-                              {{"Tracks",
-                                {{"LongTracks", json_updated_charged_long},
-                                 {"VeloTracks", filteredVeloTracks},
-                                 {"SeedTracks", json_updated_charged_seed},
-                                 {"BackwardTracks", backwardTracks}}},
-                               {"Vertices", {{"primary", primaryVertices}}}}}} );
+  m_storeTr.storeEventData( { { "gps time", odin.gpsTime() },
+                              { "run number", odin.runNumber() },
+                              { "event number", odin.eventNumber() },
+                              { "bunch crossing type", odin.bunchCrossingType() },
+                              { "Content",
+                                { { "Tracks",
+                                    { { "LongTracks", json_updated_charged_long },
+                                      { "VeloTracks", filteredVeloTracks },
+                                      { "SeedTracks", json_updated_charged_seed },
+                                      { "BackwardTracks", backwardTracks } } },
+                                  { "Vertices", { { "primary", primaryVertices } } } } } } );
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( LHCb::Phoenix::DumpProtoParticlesEvent )
diff --git a/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpRichToJson.cpp b/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpRichToJson.cpp
index 82ab359002c5da66cf74345b5a960166b95517b0..2e99f01d5368021ddba14429329a486879aa3e4e 100644
--- a/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpRichToJson.cpp
+++ b/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpRichToJson.cpp
@@ -51,15 +51,15 @@ namespace LHCb::Phoenix {
     void operator()( DAQ::DecodedData const&, Rich::Utils::RichSmartIDs const&, ODIN const& ) const override;
-    mutable Store m_storeTr{this, "Tracks_store", "Phoenix:Tracks"};
+    mutable Store m_storeTr{ this, "Tracks_store", "Phoenix:Tracks" };
 } // namespace LHCb::Phoenix
 LHCb::Phoenix::DumpRichEvent::DumpRichEvent( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {{"DecodedDataLocation", DAQ::DecodedDataLocation::Default},
-                 {"RichSmartIDs", Rich::Utils::RichSmartIDs::DefaultConditionKey},
-                 {"ODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default}} ) {}
+                { { "DecodedDataLocation", DAQ::DecodedDataLocation::Default },
+                  { "RichSmartIDs", Rich::Utils::RichSmartIDs::DefaultConditionKey },
+                  { "ODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default } } ) {}
 void LHCb::Phoenix::DumpRichEvent::operator()( const DAQ::DecodedData& data, const Rich::Utils::RichSmartIDs& smartIDs,
                                                ODIN const& odin ) const {
@@ -72,19 +72,20 @@ void LHCb::Phoenix::DumpRichEvent::operator()( const DAQ::DecodedData& data, con
           if ( pdID.isValid() ) {
             for ( const auto& id : PD.smartIDs() ) {
               const auto gPos = smartIDs.globalPosition( id );
-              hits +=
-                  {{"pdID", (unsigned int)id}, {"type", "Box"}, {"pos", {gPos.x(), gPos.y(), gPos.z(), 15, 15, 15}}};
+              hits += { { "pdID", (unsigned int)id },
+                        { "type", "Box" },
+                        { "pos", { gPos.x(), gPos.y(), gPos.z(), 15, 15, 15 } } };
-  m_storeTr.storeEventData( {{"gps time", odin.gpsTime()},
-                             {"run number", odin.runNumber()},
-                             {"event number", odin.eventNumber()},
-                             {"bunch crossing type", odin.bunchCrossingType()},
-                             {"Content", {{"Hits", {{"RichHits", hits}}}}}} );
+  m_storeTr.storeEventData( { { "gps time", odin.gpsTime() },
+                              { "run number", odin.runNumber() },
+                              { "event number", odin.eventNumber() },
+                              { "bunch crossing type", odin.bunchCrossingType() },
+                              { "Content", { { "Hits", { { "RichHits", hits } } } } } } );
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( LHCb::Phoenix::DumpRichEvent )
diff --git a/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpTracksToJson.cpp b/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpTracksToJson.cpp
index 40825ede06ca1a4e87c85108a21b6dec038e105a..4c1ad9b6e2d0a83c3df4cf5a9612cea6ca69e0c0 100644
--- a/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpTracksToJson.cpp
+++ b/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpTracksToJson.cpp
@@ -43,24 +43,24 @@ namespace LHCb::Phoenix {
     void operator()( Tracks const&, ODIN const& ) const override;
-    mutable Store m_storeTr{this, "Tracks_store", "Phoenix:Tracks"};
+    mutable Store m_storeTr{ this, "Tracks_store", "Phoenix:Tracks" };
 } // namespace LHCb::Phoenix
 LHCb::Phoenix::DumpTracksEvent::DumpTracksEvent( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {KeyValue{"InputTracksName", Event::v1::TrackLocation::Velo},
-                 KeyValue{"ODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default}} ) {}
+                { KeyValue{ "InputTracksName", Event::v1::TrackLocation::Velo },
+                  KeyValue{ "ODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default } } ) {}
 void LHCb::Phoenix::DumpTracksEvent::operator()( Tracks const& tracks, ODIN const& odin ) const {
   // first extrapolate tracks until calo or Muon
   for ( auto const* track : tracks ) { std::cout << "Track type " << track->type() << std::endl; }
   // And now simply dump all tracks
-  m_storeTr.storeEventData( {{"gps time", odin.gpsTime()},
-                             {"run number", odin.runNumber()},
-                             {"event number", odin.eventNumber()},
-                             {"bunch crossing type", odin.bunchCrossingType()},
-                             {"Content", {{"Tracks", {{"LongTracks", tracks}}}}}} );
+  m_storeTr.storeEventData( { { "gps time", odin.gpsTime() },
+                              { "run number", odin.runNumber() },
+                              { "event number", odin.eventNumber() },
+                              { "bunch crossing type", odin.bunchCrossingType() },
+                              { "Content", { { "Tracks", { { "LongTracks", tracks } } } } } } );
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( LHCb::Phoenix::DumpTracksEvent )
diff --git a/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpUTHitsToJson.cpp b/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpUTHitsToJson.cpp
index 8a4ee234ccc5274ddd154c8f6f0c73653ec0d900..ee7dd8d17a7bdbba9b92eec2b87f8bd9b8aeab9d 100644
--- a/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpUTHitsToJson.cpp
+++ b/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpUTHitsToJson.cpp
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ namespace nlohmann {
     j = nlohmann::json::array();
     for ( auto const& utHit : ut_hits.hits() ) {
       float z = utHit.zAtYEq0();
-      j += {{"channelID", (int)utHit.chanID()},
-            {"type", "Line"},
-            {"pos", {utHit.xMin(), utHit.yMin(), z, utHit.xMax(), utHit.yMax(), z}}};
+      j += { { "channelID", (int)utHit.chanID() },
+             { "type", "Line" },
+             { "pos", { utHit.xMin(), utHit.yMin(), z, utHit.xMax(), utHit.yMax(), z } } };
@@ -54,20 +54,21 @@ namespace LHCb::Phoenix {
     void operator()( UT::HitHandler const&, ODIN const& ) const override;
-    mutable Store m_storeUT{this, "UTHits_store", "Phoenix:UT"};
+    mutable Store m_storeUT{ this, "UTHits_store", "Phoenix:UT" };
 } // namespace LHCb::Phoenix
 LHCb::Phoenix::DumpUTHitEvent::DumpUTHitEvent( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
-    : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {KeyValue{"UTHitsLocation", UTInfo::HitLocation}, KeyValue{"ODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default}} ) {}
+    : Consumer(
+          name, pSvcLocator,
+          { KeyValue{ "UTHitsLocation", UTInfo::HitLocation }, KeyValue{ "ODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default } } ) {}
 void LHCb::Phoenix::DumpUTHitEvent::operator()( UT::HitHandler const& ut_hits, ODIN const& odin ) const {
-  m_storeUT.storeEventData( {{"gps time", odin.gpsTime()},
-                             {"run number", odin.runNumber()},
-                             {"event number", odin.eventNumber()},
-                             {"bunch crossing type", odin.bunchCrossingType()},
-                             {"Content", {{"Hits", {{"UTHits", ut_hits}}}}}} );
+  m_storeUT.storeEventData( { { "gps time", odin.gpsTime() },
+                              { "run number", odin.runNumber() },
+                              { "event number", odin.eventNumber() },
+                              { "bunch crossing type", odin.bunchCrossingType() },
+                              { "Content", { { "Hits", { { "UTHits", ut_hits } } } } } } );
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( LHCb::Phoenix::DumpUTHitEvent )
diff --git a/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpVPHitsToJson.cpp b/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpVPHitsToJson.cpp
index b15da267d5c2f220e1559c4e25d080ec1fe61e1a..b37c47b50dea9423c7695980bb55b6d47ef3236f 100644
--- a/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpVPHitsToJson.cpp
+++ b/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/DumpVPHitsToJson.cpp
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ namespace nlohmann {
       float z         = hit.template get<LHCb::Pr::VP::VPHitsTag::pos>().z().cast();
       int   channelID = hit.template get<LHCb::Pr::VP::VPHitsTag::ChannelId>().cast();
-      j += {{"channelID", channelID}, {"pos", {x, y, z}}};
+      j += { { "channelID", channelID }, { "pos", { x, y, z } } };
@@ -67,20 +67,20 @@ namespace LHCb::Phoenix {
     void operator()( Hits const&, ODIN const& ) const override;
-    mutable Store m_storeVP{this, "VPHits_store", "Phoenix:VP"};
+    mutable Store m_storeVP{ this, "VPHits_store", "Phoenix:VP" };
 } // namespace LHCb::Phoenix
 LHCb::Phoenix::DumpVPHitEvent::DumpVPHitEvent( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
     : Consumer( name, pSvcLocator,
-                {KeyValue{"VPHitsLocation", "Raw/VP/Hits"}, KeyValue{"ODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default}} ) {}
+                { KeyValue{ "VPHitsLocation", "Raw/VP/Hits" }, KeyValue{ "ODIN", LHCb::ODINLocation::Default } } ) {}
 void LHCb::Phoenix::DumpVPHitEvent::operator()( Hits const& hits, ODIN const& odin ) const {
-  m_storeVP.storeEventData( {{"gps time", odin.gpsTime()},
-                             {"run number", odin.runNumber()},
-                             {"event number", odin.eventNumber()},
-                             {"bunch crossing type", odin.bunchCrossingType()},
-                             {"Content", {{"Hits", {{"VPHits", hits}}}}}} );
+  m_storeVP.storeEventData( { { "gps time", odin.gpsTime() },
+                              { "run number", odin.runNumber() },
+                              { "event number", odin.eventNumber() },
+                              { "bunch crossing type", odin.bunchCrossingType() },
+                              { "Content", { { "Hits", { { "VPHits", hits } } } } } } );
 DECLARE_COMPONENT( LHCb::Phoenix::DumpVPHitEvent )
diff --git a/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/JsonConverters.cpp b/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/JsonConverters.cpp
index 452e76c78d7d4c153109240e08a4b7923ad4f280..09e22f4c5872f53b73c5efa05a01c4c8c15bebc6 100644
--- a/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/JsonConverters.cpp
+++ b/Vis/PhoenixAlgs/src/JsonConverters.cpp
@@ -19,19 +19,21 @@ namespace {
   using json   = nlohmann::json;
   const std::map<Rich::ParticleIDType, std::string> color_map{
-      {Rich::ParticleIDType::Unknown, "0xff0000"},  {Rich::ParticleIDType::Electron, "0xff00ff"},
-      {Rich::ParticleIDType::Muon, "0x0000ff"},     {Rich::ParticleIDType::Pion, "0x777777"},
-      {Rich::ParticleIDType::Kaon, "0x007700"},     {Rich::ParticleIDType::Proton, "0x00ffff"},
-      {Rich::ParticleIDType::Deuteron, "0x777700"}, {Rich::ParticleIDType::BelowThreshold, "0xff0000"}};
+      { Rich::ParticleIDType::Unknown, "0xff0000" },  { Rich::ParticleIDType::Electron, "0xff00ff" },
+      { Rich::ParticleIDType::Muon, "0x0000ff" },     { Rich::ParticleIDType::Pion, "0x777777" },
+      { Rich::ParticleIDType::Kaon, "0x007700" },     { Rich::ParticleIDType::Proton, "0x00ffff" },
+      { Rich::ParticleIDType::Deuteron, "0x777700" }, { Rich::ParticleIDType::BelowThreshold, "0xff0000" } };
 } // namespace
 namespace nlohmann {
-  void to_json( json& j, State const* stateOfTrack ) { j = {stateOfTrack->x(), stateOfTrack->y(), stateOfTrack->z()}; }
+  void to_json( json& j, State const* stateOfTrack ) {
+    j = { stateOfTrack->x(), stateOfTrack->y(), stateOfTrack->z() };
+  }
   void to_json( json& j, Track const* track ) {
-    j = {{"chi2", track->chi2()}, {"dof", track->nDoF()}, {"pos", track->states()}};
+    j = { { "chi2", track->chi2() }, { "dof", track->nDoF() }, { "pos", track->states() } };
   void to_json( json& j, Tracks const& tracks ) {
@@ -44,12 +46,12 @@ namespace nlohmann {
     for ( const auto& t : tracks.scalar() ) {
       auto                  pos0 = t.StatePos( State::Location::ClosestToBeam );
       auto                  dir0 = t.StateDir( State::Location::ClosestToBeam );
-      ROOT::Math::XYZVector p0{float( pos0.x() ), float( pos0.y() ), float( pos0.z() )};
-      ROOT::Math::XYZVector d0{float( dir0.x() ), float( dir0.y() ), float( dir0.z() )};
+      ROOT::Math::XYZVector p0{ float( pos0.x() ), float( pos0.y() ), float( pos0.z() ) };
+      ROOT::Math::XYZVector d0{ float( dir0.x() ), float( dir0.y() ), float( dir0.z() ) };
       auto                  p1 = ( p0 + d0 ).Unit() * 300;
-      json                  p  = {{"pos",
-                 {{float( pos0.x() ), float( pos0.y() ), float( pos0.z() )},
-                  {float( p1.x() ), float( p1.y() ), float( p1.z() )}}}};
+      json                  p  = { { "pos",
+                                     { { float( pos0.x() ), float( pos0.y() ), float( pos0.z() ) },
+                                       { float( p1.x() ), float( p1.y() ), float( p1.z() ) } } } };
       j.emplace_back( p );
@@ -63,8 +65,8 @@ namespace nlohmann {
       if ( proto->richPID() ) { pid = proto->richPID()->bestParticleID(); }
-    j = {{"chi2", proto->track()->chi2()},  {"dof", proto->track()->nDoF()}, {"charge", proto->charge()},
-         {"pos", proto->track()->states()}, {"id", Rich::text( pid )},       {"color", color_map.at( pid )}};
+    j = { { "chi2", proto->track()->chi2() },  { "dof", proto->track()->nDoF() }, { "charge", proto->charge() },
+          { "pos", proto->track()->states() }, { "id", Rich::text( pid ) },       { "color", color_map.at( pid ) } };
   void to_json( json& j, LHCb::ProtoParticles const& protos ) {
@@ -74,7 +76,7 @@ namespace nlohmann {
   void to_json( json& j, LHCb::RecVertex const* v ) {
     const auto pos = v->position();
-    j              = {{"x", pos.x()}, {"y", pos.y()}, {"z", pos.z()}};
+    j              = { { "x", pos.x() }, { "y", pos.y() }, { "z", pos.z() } };
   void to_json( json& j, LHCb::RecVertices const& vertices ) {
diff --git a/cmake/FindXGBoost.cmake b/cmake/FindXGBoost.cmake
index baa398ea2a35628537e2852f749d5b4bf9daf3ee..6e6409fce9eadcf59561240b2f24d15fdd60e0f8 100644
--- a/cmake/FindXGBoost.cmake
+++ b/cmake/FindXGBoost.cmake
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@
 #  XGBoost::XGBoost
-find_path(XGBoost_INCLUDE_DIR xgboost/c_api.h 
+find_path(XGBoost_INCLUDE_DIR xgboost/c_api.h
           HINTS $ENV{XGBoost_ROOT_DIR}/include ${XGBoost_ROOT_DIR}/include)
 find_path(XGBoost_EXTRA_INCLUDE_DIR rabit/c_api.h
-          HINTS ${XGBoost_INCLUDE_DIR}/../rabit/include 
+          HINTS ${XGBoost_INCLUDE_DIR}/../rabit/include
 	  $ENV{XGBoost_ROOT_DIR}/rabit/include ${XGBoost_ROOT_DIR}/rabit/include)
 find_library(XGBoost_LIBRARY NAMES xgboost
diff --git a/ruff.toml b/ruff.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4f7303ae7f78f666ba632fbbb1054f0701ec5fb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruff.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+select = [
+    # Pyflakes
+    "F",
+    # Pycodestyle
+    "E71",
+    "E9",
+    "W1",
+    "W6",
+    # isort
+    "I001"
+ignore = [
+    # this is disabled for now, as we have imports with side effects
+    # and isort breaks such code
+    "F401", # unsued import
+    "F403", # import *
+    "F405", # `xyz` may be undefined, or defined from star imports