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RICH-7 - RichRecQC: Added new set of tkCuts to called "TightMirror" and corresponding new Monitor called PhotonMonitoringAlignOnline - RichAlignment: decreased Max GhostProb cut to 0.5

Paras Naik requested to merge pnaik-20170317-RichRecQC into master

In Rich/RichRecQC:

Added new set of tkCuts to called "TightMirror", and corresponding Monitor in PhotonMonitoring, for the mirror alignment. The only difference from "Tight" is that MinPCut = 60 instead of 10.

Added corresponding new Monitor for "TightMirror" tkCuts called PhotonMonitoringAlignOnline, for the mirror alignment. PhotonMonitoringAlignOnline is only in the list of known_monitors and not in the slots

In Rich/RichAlignment:

Changed Max GhostProb cut to 0.5 in the configuration for Rich1 and Rich2, since we don't get tracks with GhostProb above 0.5 anymore anyway.

Merge request reports
