Tracking efficiency lines update
Performing same structural changes as in S34r0p1 restripping:
- Added lowMult line to MuonTT (feedback to be given by Albert?)
- Unified and cleaned the cuts
- Unified and simplified the structure
- Removed hard-coded constrains from MuonTT
- Split DownMuon into two lines
Furthermore, removed trackCHI2NDOF constrains for long tracks (applied already in previous steps) and loosened several cuts compare to previous S21:
- VeloMuon: tag PID, tag PT, probe P
- MuonTT: tag PID, tag IP, tag IPCHI2, Jpsi PT
- DownMuon: Probe P
Moreover, small changes were made to gain some speed (removed 0 efficiency cuts, tag/probe/resonance cuts are not performed more than once)
Rates for DownMuonLine1 and DownMuonLine2 are higher than 0.05% required for DST. However, the rates of original DownMuonNominal line are comparable to DownMuonLine1 and DownMuonLine2 combined. I would then suggest trading the Nominal line for the two new DownMuonLines and keeping the validation line (rates below required threshold)
Moreover 2012 MuonTT JpsiLines rates are above the threshold (increase from 0.046 to 0.059 and 0.075 to 0.063). I would like to keep the selection as loose as possible, however it is up to discussion if this is too much.
Rates for VeloMuon lines are way below 0.05% in both years.
Adding a pdf with changes made listed: S21_TrackEff_summary.pdf
VeloMuon 2011 rates:
StrippingReport INFO Event 100000, Good event 100000
| Decision name|Rate,% |Accepted| Mult| ms/evt|
|_StrippingGlobal_ | 0.0050| 5| | 3.981|
|_StrippingSequenceStreamCalibration_ | 0.0050| 5| | 3.965|
|!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine1 | 0.0030| 3| 1.000| 1.754|
|!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine2 | 0.0020| 2| 1.000| 0.739|
|!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine1_TIMING | 0.0030| 3| 1.000| 0.052|
|!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine2_TIMING | 0.0020| 2| 1.000| 0.049|
StrippingReport INFO Event 100000, Good event 100000
| Decision name|Rate,% |Accepted| Mult| ms/evt|
|_StrippingGlobal_ | 0.0050| 5| | 4.249|
|_StrippingSequenceStreamCalibration_ | 0.0050| 5| | 4.229|
|!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine1 | 0.0030| 3| 1.000| 1.811|
|!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine2 | 0.0020| 2| 1.000| 0.768|
|!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine1_TIMING | 0.0030| 3| 1.000| 0.058|
|!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine2_TIMING | 0.0020| 2| 1.000| 0.056|
VeloMuon 2012 rates
StrippingReport INFO Event 100000, Good event 100000
| Decision name|Rate,% |Accepted| Mult| ms/evt|
|_StrippingGlobal_ | 0.0160| 16| | 5.018|
|_StrippingSequenceStreamCalibration_ | 0.0160| 16| | 5.002|
|!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine1 | 0.0110| 11| 1.000| 2.361|
|!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine2 | 0.0060| 6| 1.000| 0.962|
|!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine1_TIMING | 0.0110| 11| 1.000| 0.057|
|!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine2_TIMING | 0.0060| 6| 1.000| 0.052|
StrippingReport INFO Event 100000, Good event 100000
| Decision name|Rate,% |Accepted| Mult| ms/evt|
|_StrippingGlobal_ | 0.0170| 17| | 5.257|
|_StrippingSequenceStreamCalibration_ | 0.0170| 17| | 5.240|
|!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine1 | 0.0120| 12| 1.000| 2.556|
|!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine2 | 0.0060| 6| 1.000| 0.857|
|!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine1_TIMING | 0.0120| 12| 1.000| 0.061|
|!StrippingTrackEffVeloMuonLine2_TIMING | 0.0060| 6| 1.000| 0.053|
MuonTT 2011 rates
StrippingReport INFO Event 100000, Good event 100000
| Decision name|Rate,% |Accepted | Mult| ms/evt|
|_StrippingGlobal_ | 0.0290| 29| | 4.256|
|_StrippingSequenceStreamCalibration_ | 0.0290| 29| | 4.243|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1 | 0.0200| 20| 1.000| 1.521|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2 | 0.0090| 9| 1.111| 0.253|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1_TIMING | 0.0200| 20| 1.000| 0.054|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2_TIMING | 0.0090| 9| 1.111| 0.045|
StrippingReport INFO Event 100000, Good event 100000
| Decision name|Rate,% |Accepted | Mult| ms/evt|
|_StrippingGlobal_ | 0.0270| 27| | 5.985|
|_StrippingSequenceStreamCalibration_ | 0.0270| 27| | 5.967|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1 | 0.0150| 15| 1.000| 1.635|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2 | 0.0120| 12| 1.083| 0.321|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine2 | 0.0010| 1| 1.000| 0.054|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1_TIMING | 0.0150| 15| 1.000| 0.064|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2_TIMING | 0.0120| 12| 1.083| 0.055|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine2_TIMING | 0.0010| 1| 1.000| 0.031|
MuonTT 2012 rates
StrippingReport INFO Event 100000, Good event 100000
| Decision name|Rate,% |Accepted | Mult| ms/evt|
|_StrippingGlobal_ | 0.1040| 104| | 5.205|
|_StrippingSequenceStreamCalibration_ | 0.1040| 104| | 5.190|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1 | 0.0460| 46| 1.022| 1.699|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2 | 0.0570| 57| 1.053| 0.413|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_UpsilonLine2 | 0.0010| 1| 1.000| 0.040|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine1 | 0.0010| 1| 1.000| 1.718|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine2 | 0.0010| 1| 1.000| 0.060|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1_TIMING | 0.0460| 46| 1.022| 0.058|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2_TIMING | 0.0570| 57| 1.053| 0.051|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_UpsilonLine2_TIMING| 0.0010| 1| 1.000| 0.028|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine1_TIMING | 0.0010| 1| 1.000| 0.029|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine2_TIMING | 0.0010| 1| 1.000| 0.029|
StrippingReport INFO Event 100000, Good event 100000
| Decision name|Rate,% |Accepted | Mult| ms/evt|
|_StrippingGlobal_ | 0.1250| 125| | 7.890|
|_StrippingSequenceStreamCalibration_ | 0.1250| 125| | 7.872|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1 | 0.0590| 59| 1.017| 2.262|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2 | 0.0630| 63| 1.048| 0.596|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine1 | 0.0040| 4| 1.000| 1.743|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine2 | 0.0010| 1| 1.000| 0.152|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine1_TIMING | 0.0590| 59| 1.017| 0.066|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_JpsiLine2_TIMING | 0.0630| 63| 1.048| 0.056|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine1_TIMING | 0.0040| 4| 1.000| 0.031|
|!StrippingTrackEffMuonTT_BJpsiKLine2_TIMING | 0.0010| 1| 1.000| 0.031|
DownMuon rates 2011
StrippingReport INFO Event 100000, Good event 100000
| Decision name|Rate,% |Accepted| Mult| ms/evt|
|_StrippingGlobal_ | 0.3630| 363| | 23.724|
|_StrippingSequenceStreamCalibration_ | 0.3630| 363| | 23.707|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonNominalLine | 0.3180| 318| 1.085| 21.674|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonValidationLine | 0.0300| 30| 1.000| 0.037|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonNominalLine_TIMING | 0.3180| 318| 1.085| 0.079|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonValidationLine_TIMING| 0.0160| 16| 1.000| 0.028|
StrippingReport INFO Event 100000, Good event 100000
| Decision name|Rate,% |Accepted| Mult| ms/evt|
|_StrippingGlobal_ | 0.4280| 428| | 24.542|
|_StrippingSequenceStreamCalibration_ | 0.4280| 428| | 24.524|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonNominalLine | 0.3180| 318| 1.085| 22.141|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonValidationLine | 0.0300| 30| 1.000| 0.039|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonLine1 | 0.1420| 142| 1.070| 0.084|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonLine2 | 0.1640| 164| 1.049| 0.069|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonUpsilonLine | 0.0020| 2| 1.000| 0.458|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonNominalLine_TIMING | 0.3180| 318| 1.085| 0.077|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonValidationLine_TIMING | 0.0160| 16| 1.000| 0.029|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonLine1_TIMING | 0.1420| 142| 1.070| 0.056|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonLine2_TIMING | 0.1640| 164| 1.049| 0.054|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonUpsilonLine_TIMING | 0.0020| 2| 1.000| 0.031|
DownMuon rates 2012
StrippingReport INFO Event 100000, Good event 100000
| Decision name|Rate,% | Accepted| Mult| ms/evt|
|_StrippingGlobal_ | 0.6240| 624| | 29.510|
|_StrippingSequenceStreamCalibration_ | 0.6240| 624| | 29.494|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonNominalLine | 0.5870| 587| 1.119| 25.567|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonValidationLine | 0.0190| 19| 1.000| 0.036|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonNominalLine_TIMING | 0.5870| 587| 1.119| 0.079|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonValidationLine_TIMING | 0.0190| 19| 1.000| 0.028|
StrippingReport INFO Event 100000, Good event 100000
| Decision name|Rate,% | Accepted| Mult| ms/evt|
|_StrippingGlobal_ | 0.7350| 735| | 30.683|
|_StrippingSequenceStreamCalibration_ | 0.7350| 735| | 30.665|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonNominalLine | 0.5870| 587| 1.119| 26.301|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonValidationLine | 0.0190| 19| 1.000| 0.040|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonLine1 | 0.2980| 298| 1.070| 0.084|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonLine2 | 0.2600| 260| 1.077| 0.069|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonNominalLine_TIMING | 0.5870| 587| 1.119| 0.084|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonValidationLine_TIMING | 0.0190| 19| 1.000| 0.032|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonLine1_TIMING | 0.2980| 298| 1.070| 0.060|
|!StrippingTrackEffDownMuonLine2_TIMING | 0.2600| 260| 1.077| 0.057|