electron reconstruction efficiency lines for s21 patches run1 restripping
@nskidmor @lohenry PLEASE WAIT TO MERGE THIS UNTIL @adavis green-lights this (even if it's not in WIP).
Here is the MR (WIP for the moment while we get confirmation from other experts) for the electron reconstruction efficiency lines. Rates are:
StrippingReport INFO Event 20000, Good event 20000
| *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
|_StrippingGlobal_ | 0.0450| 9| | 6.961|
|_StrippingSequenceStreamBhadronCompleteEvent_ | 0.0450| 9| | 6.943|
|!StrippingDetachedEEKPairLine | 0.0050| 1| 1.000| 2.369|
|!StrippingDetachedEEKstarPairLine | 0.0100| 2| 1.000| 1.389|
|!StrippingDetachedEEPhiPairLine | 0.0000| 0| 0.000| 0.513|
|!StrippingDetachedMuMuKPairLine | 0.0250| 5| 3.200| 1.269|
|!StrippingDetachedMuMuKstarPairLine | 0.0050| 1| 1.000| 0.203|
|!StrippingDetachedMuMuPhiPairLine | 0.0050| 1| 8.000| 0.219|
|!StrippingDetachedEEKPairLine_TIMING | 0.0050| 1| 1.000| 0.054|
|!StrippingDetachedEEKstarPairLine_TIMING | 0.0100| 2| 1.000| 0.049|
|!StrippingDetachedEEPhiPairLine_TIMING | 0.0000| 0| 0.000| 0.045|
|!StrippingDetachedMuMuKPairLine_TIMING | 0.0250| 5| 3.200| 0.045|
|!StrippingDetachedMuMuKstarPairLine_TIMING | 0.0050| 1| 1.000| 0.042|
|!StrippingDetachedMuMuPhiPairLine_TIMING | 0.0050| 1| 8.000| 0.045|
I will remove the WIP tag and be good for merge as soon as experts comment, but should be OK to look at @lohenry, @cvazquez, @nskidmor.
Edited by Carlos Vazquez Sierra