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B&Q Omega_b decays fix timing

Valeriia Zhovkovska requested to merge BandQ_OmegabDecays_fix_timing into 2018-patches

Problematic lines:


Line tested using Reco18_RunFile_46, because it was the most problematic one (log_before) Test with 20K files with applied changes: log_after


TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO          StrippingOmegabDecaysXicgammaKpiLine               |     0.655 |     0.668 |    0.036    2477.2    17.82 |   20000 |    13.366 |
TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO           StrippingOmegabDecaysXicgammaKpiLinePreScaler     |     0.008 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |   20000 |     0.138 |
TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO           StrippingOmegabDecaysXicgammaKpiLineFilterSequence|     0.613 |     0.629 |    0.006    2477.1    17.82 |   20000 |    12.591 |
TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO            SELECT:Phys/StdLooseAllPhotons                   |    11.340 |    11.669 |    0.171      94.7    10.37 |     776 |     9.056 |
TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO            OmegabDecaysXicgammaKpiLine                      |     4.613 |     4.641 |    0.167    2468.6    91.74 |     724 |     3.361 |


TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO          StrippingOmegabDecaysXicgammaKpiWSLine             |     0.236 |     0.236 |    0.037    2845.3    20.13 |   20000 |     4.727 |
TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO           StrippingOmegabDecaysXicgammaKpiWSLinePreScaler   |     0.004 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |   20000 |     0.138 |
TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO           StrippingOmegabDecaysXicgammaKpiWSLineFilterSequen|     0.201 |     0.197 |    0.006    2845.1    20.13 |   20000 |     3.953 |
TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO            OmegabDecaysXicgammaKpiWSLine                    |     5.372 |     5.199 |    0.138    2845.0   105.75 |     724 |     3.765 |


TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO          StrippingOmegabDecaysOmegacpipipiLine              |     0.172 |     0.168 |    0.035    2383.3    16.85 |   20000 |     3.379 |
TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO           StrippingOmegabDecaysOmegacpipipiLinePreScaler    |     0.004 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |   20000 |     0.137 |
TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO           StrippingOmegabDecaysOmegacpipipiLineFilterSequenc|     0.134 |     0.131 |    0.006    2383.2    16.85 |   20000 |     2.627 |
TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO            OmegabDecaysOmegacpipipiLine                     |    25.625 |    25.611 |    0.094    2383.2   243.15 |      96 |     2.459 |


TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO          StrippingOmegabDecaysOmegacpipipiWSLine            |     0.180 |     0.189 |    0.036    2794.1    19.76 |   20000 |     3.790 |
TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO           StrippingOmegabDecaysOmegacpipipiWSLinePreScaler  |     0.003 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |   20000 |     0.136 |
TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO           StrippingOmegabDecaysOmegacpipipiWSLineFilterSeque|     0.151 |     0.152 |    0.006    2794.0    19.76 |   20000 |     3.046 |
TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO            OmegabDecaysOmegacpipipiWSLine                   |    29.791 |    29.980 |    0.101    2793.9   285.07 |      96 |     2.878 |


TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO          StrippingOmegabDecaysXic0piKpiLine                 |     0.354 |     0.352 |    0.036    1286.0     9.09 |   20000 |     7.051 |
TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO           StrippingOmegabDecaysXic0piKpiLinePreScaler       |     0.004 |     0.006 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |   20000 |     0.138 |
TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO           StrippingOmegabDecaysXic0piKpiLineFilterSequence  |     0.314 |     0.307 |    0.006    1285.9     9.09 |   20000 |     6.154 |
TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO            Xic0ForOmegabDecays                              |     0.222 |     0.223 |    0.113      17.6     0.17 |   19421 |     4.335 |
TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO            OmegabDecaysXic0piKpiLine                        |    23.703 |    23.937 |    0.153    1267.7   172.45 |      54 |     1.293 |


TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO          StrippingOmegabDecaysXic0piKpiWSLine               |     0.094 |     0.090 |    0.036     821.3     5.81 |   20000 |     1.810 |
TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO           StrippingOmegabDecaysXic0piKpiWSLinePreScaler     |     0.006 |     0.007 |    0.005       0.1     0.00 |   20000 |     0.143 |
TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO           StrippingOmegabDecaysXic0piKpiWSLineFilterSequence|     0.048 |     0.050 |    0.006     821.2     5.81 |   20000 |     1.011 |
TimingAuditor.TIMER                                            INFO            OmegabDecaysXic0piKpiWSLine                      |    15.370 |    15.528 |    0.148     821.1   111.69 |      54 |     0.839 |
Edited by Valeriia Zhovkovska

Merge request reports
