Reduce processing time in B2XMuMu: Change Pi0ForOmegaMINPT from 500 to 800
Rare busy events caused timeouts in processing of 2018 data. Such a busy event was identified in
(ev. no 5420) where B2XMuMu finds 5679 candidates and takes >15s to process.
Several config changes were studied in order to reduce this number of candidates, and a tightening of pi0ForOmegaMINPT, which is the minimum pt of pions that are used to form an omega candidate, is found to be effective. With
pi0ForOmegaMINPT = 800
(currently: 500) we find 3955 candidates and need 10.5s to process this event.
This value of 800 is then also consistent with pi0MINPT which is also at 800.
Therefore, we suggest to tighten this pi0 pt selection in order to reduce the processing time for busy events like this and avoid the timeouts that now cause problems in data processing.