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WIP: Adding Xic2LambdaKPi and Xic2SigmaKPi modules

Marian Stahl requested to merge mstahl_CharmExclXic2StrangeBaryonKPi into 2017-patches

Xic2LambdaKPi module

Stripping lines for \Xi_c^+\to\Lambda^0K_S^0\pi^+ and \Xi_c^0\to\Lambda^0K^-\pi^+ with wide mass windows to partially reconstruct the decay modes with a \Sigma^0\to\Lambda\gamma where the photon is not reconstructed. The lines have been re-written with respect to the 2015/2016 stripping.

Xic2SigmaKPi module

Stripping lines for \Xi_c^+\to\Sigma^0K_S^0\pi^+, \Xi_c^0\to\Sigma^0K^-\pi^+ and \Xi_c^+\to\Sigma^+K^-\pi^+ with \Sigma^0\to\Lambda\gamma and \Sigma^+\to p \pi^0 using long proton tracks only. Modes with a \Sigma^0 are put in to cross-check partial reconstruction techniques planned for the lines above

Retention rates:

StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 100000, Good event 100000
 |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
 |_StrippingGlobal_                                            |  0.6620|       662|       |  25.416|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamCharm_                               |  0.6620|       662|       |  25.400|
 |!StrippingXicpToSpKmPipLine                                  |  0.0600|        60|  1.467|  14.932|
 |!StrippingXicpToSzKzPipLine                                  |  0.0260|        26|  1.885|   2.974|
 |!StrippingXiczToSzKmPipLine                                  |  0.2750|       275|  2.345|   1.083|
 |!StrippingXic2LambdaKPi_XicpLine                             |  0.0580|        58|  1.224|   0.353|
 |!StrippingXic2LambdaKPi_XiczLine                             |  0.4600|       460|  1.393|   0.808|
 |!StrippingXicpToSpKmPipLine_TIMING                           |  0.0600|        60|  1.467|   1.641|
 |!StrippingXicpToSzKzPipLine_TIMING                           |  0.0260|        26|  1.885|   0.163|
 |!StrippingXiczToSzKmPipLine_TIMING                           |  0.2750|       275|  2.345|   1.006|
 |!StrippingXic2LambdaKPi_XicpLine_TIMING                      |  0.0580|        58|  1.224|   0.154|
 |!StrippingXic2LambdaKPi_XiczLine_TIMING                      |  0.4600|       460|  1.393|   0.677|

Timings of the lines involving \Sigma, especially of the \Xi_c^+\to\Sigma^+K^-\pi^+ line, are relatively high because sensitive cuts can only be made at a very late stage of the reconstruction. @cvazquez please double-check if this is OK.

Edited by Marian Stahl

Merge request reports
