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BandQ lines for s29r2p1

Valeriia Zhovkovska requested to merge BandQ_s29r2p1 into 2017-patches

Incremental re-stripping of 2017 data with implementing all changes we have accumulated during incremental (S34r0p1 and S21rXp2) and full (S24r2 and S28r2) re-strippings this year:

Included lines

Retention rates (Full log_sel from selection with 20K events) (Full log_sett from settings with 20K events)

StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 20000, Good event 20000
 |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
 |_StrippingGlobal_                                            |  9.0900|      1818|       |  38.419|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamBhadron_                             |  3.2250|       645|       |  24.184|
 |!StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2pKpiLine                             |  0.3450|        69|  1.580|  10.205|
 |!StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2D0pKpiLine                           |  0.4550|        91|  5.253|   2.724|
 |!StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2DpKLine                              |  0.3550|        71|  2.211|   0.447|
 |!StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2LcKpiLine                            |  0.4000|        80|  2.025|   1.778|
 |!StrippingXibcBDT_XibcP2LambdaPiLine                         |  0.1550|        31|  1.065|   1.474|
 |!StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2pKLine                                |  0.4000|        80|  1.288|   0.150|
 |!StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2D0pKLine                              |  0.4100|        82|  1.671|   0.172|
 |!StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LambdaPhiLine                         |  0.2100|        42|  1.119|   0.466|
 |!StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LcPiLine                              |  0.3250|        65|  1.385|   0.113|
 |!StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LcKLine                               |  0.2900|        58|  1.293|   0.087|
 |!StrippingXibcBDT_Xibc2LbKpiLine                             |  0.2000|        40| 43.100|   0.106|
 |!StrippingOmegabDecaysXicKpiLine                             |  0.0650|        13|  2.000|   0.655|
 |!StrippingOmegabDecaysXicKpiWSLine                           |  0.0400|         8|  3.125|   0.051|
 |!StrippingOmegabDecaysXicgammaKpiLine                        |  0.1000|        20| 10.350|   0.559|
 |!StrippingOmegabDecaysXicgammaKpiWSLine                      |  0.1000|        20|  9.850|   0.087|
 |!StrippingOmegabDecaysXic0piKpiLine                          |  0.0050|         1|  4.000|   0.272|
 |!StrippingOmegabDecaysXic0piKpiWSLine                        |  0.0050|         1|  1.000|   0.043|
 |!StrippingOmegabDecaysOmegacpiLine                           |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.257|
 |!StrippingOmegabDecaysOmegacpiWSLine                         |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.035|
 |!StrippingOmegabDecaysOmegacpi0piLine                        |  0.1750|        35| 10.029|   0.112|
 |!StrippingOmegabDecaysOmegacpi0piWSLine                      |  0.1450|        29|  7.690|   0.043|
 |!StrippingOmegabDecaysOmegacgammapiLine                      |  0.0050|         1|  4.000|   0.035|
 |!StrippingOmegabDecaysOmegacgammapiWSLine                    |  0.0050|         1|  2.000|   0.039|
 |!StrippingOmegabDecaysOmegacpipipiLine                       |  0.0500|        10|  3.200|   0.036|
 |!StrippingOmegabDecaysOmegacpipipiWSLine                     |  0.0500|        10|  5.800|   0.050|
 |!StrippingB2Chic0KPi_2hLine                                  |  0.0500|        10|  1.500|   0.602|
 |!StrippingB2Chic0KPi_4hLine                                  |  0.0850|        17| 11.471|   0.383|
 |!StrippingB2Chic0phiK_2hLine                                 |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.082|
 |!StrippingB2Chic0phiK_4hLine                                 |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.035|
 |!StrippingLb2Chic0pK_2hLine                                  |  0.0050|         1|  1.000|   0.261|
 |!StrippingLb2Chic0pK_4hLine                                  |  0.0100|         2|  1.500|   0.126|
 |!StrippingLb2EtacKp_KsKPiLine                                |  0.0400|         8|  1.625|   0.405|
 |!StrippingLb2EtacKp_PPbarLine                                |  0.0100|         2|  1.500|   0.058|
 |!StrippingLb2EtacKp_4hLine                                   |  0.1600|        32|  3.719|   0.425|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamCharmCompleteEvent_                  |  0.2900|        58|       |   3.925|
 |!StrippingCcbar2PpbarDetachedLine                            |  0.0350|         7|  1.000|   0.467|
 |!StrippingBc2EtacMu_PpbarLine                                |  0.0400|         8|  2.000|   0.131|
 |!StrippingBc2EtacMu_KsKpiLine                                |  0.1150|        23|  1.957|   0.474|
 |!StrippingInclusiveDoubleDLine                               |  0.0950|        19|  9.895|   2.468|
 |!StrippingOmegaC0ForPromptCharm                              |  0.0150|         3|  1.000|   0.234|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamCharm_                               |  6.2650|      1253|       |   5.185|
 |!StrippingCcbar2PpbarLine                                    |  0.3900|        78|  1.013|   0.097|
 |!StrippingEtap2pipimumuDs2EtaPLine                           |  0.0300|         6|  1.333|   0.584|
 |!StrippingEtap2pipimumuDs2PhiLine                            |  0.0300|         6|  4.333|   0.073|
 |!StrippingEtap2pipimumuBu2EtapLine                           |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.149|
 |!StrippingEtap2pipimumuBu2JPsiLine                           |  0.0100|         2|  1.000|   0.070|
 |!StrippingCcbar2KsKpiLine                                    |  0.5650|       113|  1.389|   0.116|
 |!StrippingCcbar2PpbarExclusiveLine                           |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.043|
 |!StrippingCcbar2LambdaLambdaLine                             |  0.0750|        15|  1.200|   0.866|
 |!StrippingD02KpiForPromptCharm                               |  0.5750|       115|  1.061|   0.072|
 |!StrippingDstarForPromptCharm                                |  0.4200|        84|  1.060|   0.132|
 |!StrippingDForPromptCharm                                    |  0.5150|       103|  1.019|   0.056|
 |!StrippingDsForPromptCharm                                   |  0.6500|       130|  1.031|   0.066|
 |!StrippingLambdaCForPromptCharm                              |  0.4600|        92|  1.033|   0.090|
 |!StrippingLambdaCLooseChi2IPForPromptCharm                   |  1.4950|       299|  1.171|   0.038|
 |!StrippingXiC0ForPromptCharm                                 |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.035|
 |!StrippingLambdaC2pKKForPromptCharm                          |  0.4600|        92|  1.283|   0.077|
 |!StrippingSigmaCForPromptCharm                               |  0.3250|        65|  3.677|   0.035|
 |!StrippingLambdaCstarForPromptCharm                          |  0.0600|        12|  6.417|   0.043|
 |!StrippingOmegaCstarForPromptCharm                           |  0.3300|        66|  4.394|   0.043|
 |!StrippingXiCprimeForPromptCharm                             |  0.1850|        37|  3.676|   0.079|
 |!StrippingXiCstarForPromptCharm                              |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.038|
 |!StrippingOmegaCstar2XiCPiKForPromptCharm                    |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.052|
 |!StrippingOmegaCstar2XiCprimeKForPromptCharm                 |  0.1450|        29| 23.897|   0.036|
 |!StrippingXiCstarstar2LambdaCPiKForPromptCharm               |  0.1150|        23| 34.826|   0.036|
 |!StrippingOmegaCC2XiCKpiForPromptCharm                       |  0.7300|       146| 66.822|   0.061|
 |!StrippingOmegaCC2XiCKKForPromptCharm                        |  0.4600|        92| 19.054|   0.039|
 |!StrippingXic02LcPiForPromptCharm                            |  0.1100|        22|  1.909|   0.033|
 |!StrippingChiAndCharmForPromptCharm                          |  0.0100|         2| 11.000|   0.091|
 |!StrippingCharmAndWForPromptCharm                            |  0.0050|         1|  7.000|   0.094|
 |!StrippingDiMuonAndCharmForPromptCharm                       |  0.0250|         5|  2.600|   0.025|
 |!StrippingDiCharmForPromptCharm                              |  0.0550|        11|  4.455|   0.255|
 |!StrippingTriCharmForPromptCharm                             |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.119|
 |!StrippingDiMuonAndDiCharmForPromptCharm                     |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.035|
 |!StrippingDoubleDiMuonAndCharmForPromptCharm                 |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.037|
 |!StrippingD02KKForPromptCharm                                |  0.2950|        59|  1.017|   0.073|
 |!StrippingD02pipiForPromptCharm                              |  0.3550|        71|  1.014|   0.095|
 |!StrippingDstarCPForPromptCharm                              |  0.1800|        36|  1.194|   0.170|
 |!StrippingCcbar2PhiPhiLine                                   |  0.9350|       187|  1.316|   0.364|
 |!StrippingCcbar2PhiKKDetachedLine                            |  0.0050|         1|  1.000|   0.215|
 |!StrippingCcbar2PhiBs2JpsiPhiLine                            |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.048|
 |!StrippingCcbar2PhiB2JpsiKLine                               |  0.0050|         1|  1.000|   0.035|
 |!StrippingCcbar2PhiPiPiDetachedLine                          |  0.1050|        21|  1.238|   0.037|
 |!StrippingCcbar2PhiBs2TriPhiLine                             |  0.0450|         9|  1.667|   0.037|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamBhadronCompleteEvent_                |  0.5500|       110|       |   4.755|
 |!StrippingInclusiveCharmBaryons_LcLine                       |  0.2950|        59|  1.034|   1.768|
 |!StrippingInclusiveCharmBaryons_XicLine                      |  0.2150|        43|  1.047|   0.704|
 |!StrippingInclusiveCharmBaryons_Xic0Line                     |  0.0300|         6|  1.167|   1.038|
 |!StrippingInclusiveCharmBaryons_Omegac0Line                  |  0.0450|         9|  1.000|   1.087|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamLeptonic_                            |  0.0050|         1|       |   0.330|
 |!StrippingDiMuonAndWForPromptCharm                           |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.061|
 |!StrippingChiAndWForPromptCharm                              |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.031|
 |!StrippingDoubleDiMuonForPromptCharm                         |  0.0050|         1|  1.000|   0.041|
 |!StrippingTripleDiMuonForPromptCharm                         |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.036|
Edited by Valeriia Zhovkovska

Merge request reports
