Adding K3piee and K3pimumu lines to
Adding two new lines to
StrippingBu2LLK_mm_K3piLine: Rate: 0.074% Timing: 0.267 ms/evt StrippingBu2LLK_ee_K3piLine: Rate: 0.228% Timing: 0.910 ms/evt
These lines are designed to select the decays B0 -> l+ l- K+ pi- pi+ pi-, B0 -> l+ l- K+ K- K+ pi-, Bs0 -> l+ l- K+ K+ pi+ pi- and Bs0 -> l+ l- K+ K+ K+ K+ for prospective LU analyses and branching fraction measurements of both the rare and charmonium control modes. These lines do not use the filterHadron, filterDiLepton selections applied to other lines in the file due to low efficiency on the multiple soft hadrons and so use separate lines with softer requirements on the daughter tracks but harder requirements on the B meson IP chi2, FD chi2 and DIRA.