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Added Lb->{pK,Ksppi}Gamma, B+->K+PhiGamma, B0->KsPhiGamma

Added four new radiative modes to the module (full DST). Rates are:

StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 85000, Good event 85000
 |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
 |_StrippingGlobal_                                            |  0.1588|       135|       |   9.549|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamBhadronCompleteEvent_                |  0.1588|       135|       |   9.535|
 |!StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclTDCPVLb2pKGammaLine               |  0.0141|        12|  1.583|   0.445|
 |!StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclTDCPVLb2KsppiGammaLine            |  0.0388|        33|  1.394|   0.154|
 |!StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclTDCPVBd2KsPhiGammaLine            |  0.0388|        33|  1.364|   0.042|
 |!StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclTDCPVBu2KPhiGammaLine             |  0.0447|        38|  1.579|   0.042|
 |!StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclTDCPVLb2pKGammaLine_TIMING        |  0.0141|        12|  1.583|   0.026|
 |!StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclTDCPVLb2KsppiGammaLine_TIMING     |  0.0388|        33|  1.394|   0.036|
 |!StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclTDCPVBd2KsPhiGammaLine_TIMING     |  0.0388|        33|  1.364|   0.033|
 |!StrippingBeauty2XGammaExclTDCPVBu2KPhiGammaLine_TIMING      |  0.0447|        38|  1.579|   0.029|

@sferrere @iwilliam

Edited by Ifan Williams

Merge request reports
