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Adding Raw Info to BnoC Xb2p3h Line (2017-patches)

Merged Gediminas Sarpis requested to merge gesarpis-Xb2p3h-raw into 2017-patches
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# (c) Copyright 2000-2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration #
# #
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public #
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING". #
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# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
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This line is a clone of Xb2p3h line, but it is rerun with Raw Event Banks saved. 06/04/21 G. Sarpis
To avoid any confusion or backwards compatibility issues, all class names are renamed with +'_raw'
The original authors of this line are: Jan Mickelle V. Maratas, Stephane Monteil, Andrea Merli.
Original description below:
Module for construction of Xb->phhh Stripping Selections and StrippingLines.
Provides class Xb2p3hConf, which constructs the Selections and StrippingLines
given a configuration dictionary.
Exported symbols (use python help!):
- Xb2p3hConf
__author__ = ['Gediminas Sarpis', 'Hendrik Jage']
__date__ = '06/04/2021'
__version__ = 'v1r0'
__all__ = {'Xb2phhhrawConf',
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import Selection
from StrippingConf.StrippingLine import StrippingLine
from StrippingUtils.Utils import LineBuilder
from GaudiConfUtils.ConfigurableGenerators import FilterDesktop, DaVinci__N4BodyDecays
from StandardParticles import StdNoPIDsPions as Pions
from StandardParticles import StdLooseANNProtons as Protons
default_config = {
'NAME' : 'Xb2phhh_raw',
'WGs' : ['BnoC'],
'BUILDERTYPE' : 'Xb2phhhConf_raw',
'CONFIG' : {'Trk_MaxChi2Ndof' : 4.0,
'Trk_MaxGhostProb' : 0.4,
'Trk_MinIPChi2' : 16.0,
'Trk_MinP' : 1500.0,
'Trk_MinProbNNp' : 0.05,
'Xb_MinSumPTppi' : 1500.0,
'Xb_MinSumPTppipi' : 2500.0,
'Xb_MinM_4body' : 5195.0,
'Xb_MaxM_4body' : 6405.0,
'Xb_MinSumPT_4body' : 3500.0,
'Xb_MinPT_4body' : 1500.0,
'Xb_MaxDOCAChi2' : 20.0,
'Xb_MaxVtxChi2' : 20.0,
'Xb_MinFDChi2' : 50.0,
'Xb_MaxIPChi2' : 16.0,
'Xb_MinDira' : 0.9999,
'ConeAngles' : [0.8,1.0,1.3,1.7],
'ConeInputs' : {'Displaced' : ['/Event/Phys/StdNoPIDsPions'], 'Long': ['/Event/Phys/StdAllNoPIDsPions'] },
'ConeVariables' : ['CONEANGLE', 'CONEMULT', 'CONEPTASYM'],
'Prescale' : 1.0,
'Postscale' : 1.0,
'RequiredRawEvents' : ["Calo", "Rich", "Velo", "Tracker"] # Wasn't included in the original - G. Sarpis
'STREAMS' : ['Bhadron']
class Xb2phhhConf_raw(LineBuilder) :
Builder of Xb -> phhh Stripping Selection and StrippingLine.
Constructs Xb -> phhh Selections and StrippingLines from a configuration dictionary.
>>> config = { .... }
>>> Xb2phhhConf_raw = Xb2phhhConf_raw('Xb23phTest', config)
>>> Xb2phhhLines_raw = Xb2phhhConf_raw.lines
>>> for line in Xb2p3hLines_raw :
>>> print, line.outputLocation()
The lines can be used directly to build a StrippingStream object.
Exports as instance data members:
selXb2phhh_raw : Xb -> phhh
lineXb2phhh_raw : StrippingLine made out of selXb2phhh_raw
lines : List of lines, [lineXb2phhh_raw]
Exports as class data member:
Xb2phhhConf_raw.__configuration_keys__ : List of required configuration parameters.
__configuration_keys__ = default_config['CONFIG'].keys()
def __init__(self, name, config) :
LineBuilder.__init__(self, name, config)
self.pion = Pions
self.proton = Protons
trkFilterP = FilterDesktop(Code = '(MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) > %(Trk_MinIPChi2)s) & \
(TRGHOSTPROB < %(Trk_MaxGhostProb)s) & \
(TRCHI2DOF < %(Trk_MaxChi2Ndof)s) & \
(P > %(Trk_MinP)s) & \
(PROBNNp > %(Trk_MinProbNNp)s)' % config )
trkFilterPi = FilterDesktop(Code = '(MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) > %(Trk_MinIPChi2)s) & \
(TRGHOSTPROB < %(Trk_MaxGhostProb)s) & \
(TRCHI2DOF < %(Trk_MaxChi2Ndof)s) & \
(P > %(Trk_MinP)s)' % config )
self.myPions = Selection( 'PionsFor'+name,
Algorithm = trkFilterPi,
RequiredSelections = [self.pion] )
self.myProtons = Selection( 'ProtonsFor'+name,
Algorithm = trkFilterP,
RequiredSelections = [self.proton] )
self.makeXb2phhh_raw(name+'_4body', config)
self.lineXb2phhh_raw = StrippingLine(name+'Line',
prescale = config['Prescale'],
postscale = config['Postscale'],
selection = self.selXb2phhh_raw,
RelatedInfoTools = self.RelatedInfoTools,
RequiredRawEvents = config['RequiredRawEvents'])
def makeXb2phhh_raw(self, name, config) :
# Define all the cuts
_mass12CutPreVtx = '(AM < (%s - 280)*MeV)' % config['Xb_MaxM_4body']
_sumpt12CutPreVtx = '( (APT1 + APT2) > %s*MeV)' % config['Xb_MinSumPTppi']
_doca12chi2CutPreVtx = '(ACHI2DOCA(1,2) < %s)' % config['Xb_MaxDOCAChi2']
_combCuts12 = _mass12CutPreVtx+' & '+_sumpt12CutPreVtx+' & '+_doca12chi2CutPreVtx
_mass123CutPreVtx = '(AM < (%s - 140)*MeV)' % config['Xb_MaxM_4body']
_sumpt123CutPreVtx = '( (APT1 + APT2 + APT3) > %s*MeV)' % config['Xb_MinSumPTppipi']
_doca123chi2CutPreVtx13 = '(ACHI2DOCA(1,3) < %s)' % config['Xb_MaxDOCAChi2']
_doca123chi2CutPreVtx23 = '(ACHI2DOCA(2,3) < %s)' % config['Xb_MaxDOCAChi2']
_combCuts123 = _mass123CutPreVtx+' & '+_sumpt123CutPreVtx+' & '+_doca123chi2CutPreVtx13+' & '+_doca123chi2CutPreVtx23
_wmass3pKCutPreVtx = "(AWM('p+','p~-','p+','K-') > %s*MeV)" % config['Xb_MinM_4body']
_massCutPreVtx = '(AM < %s*MeV)' % config['Xb_MaxM_4body']
_sumptCutPreVtx = '( (APT1 + APT2 + APT3 + APT4) > %s*MeV)' % config['Xb_MinSumPT_4body']
_ptCutPreVtx = '(APT > %s*MeV)' % config['Xb_MinPT_4body']
_docachi2CutPreVtx14 = '(ACHI2DOCA(1,4) < %s)' % config['Xb_MaxDOCAChi2']
_docachi2CutPreVtx24 = '(ACHI2DOCA(2,4) < %s)' % config['Xb_MaxDOCAChi2']
_docachi2CutPreVtx34 = '(ACHI2DOCA(3,4) < %s)' % config['Xb_MaxDOCAChi2']
_massCutsPreVtx = _massCutPreVtx+' & '+_wmass3pKCutPreVtx
_combCuts = _massCutsPreVtx+' & '+_sumptCutPreVtx+' & '+_ptCutPreVtx+' & '+\
_docachi2CutPreVtx14+' & '+_docachi2CutPreVtx24+' & '+_docachi2CutPreVtx34
_vtxChi2CutPostVtx = '(VFASPF(VCHI2) < %s)' % config['Xb_MaxVtxChi2']
_fdChi2CutPostVtx = '(BPVVDCHI2 > %s)' % config['Xb_MinFDChi2']
_diraCutPostVtx = '(BPVDIRA > %s)' % config['Xb_MinDira']
_ipChi2CutPostVtx = '(BPVIPCHI2() < %s)' % config['Xb_MaxIPChi2']
_motherCuts = _vtxChi2CutPostVtx+' & '+_fdChi2CutPostVtx+' & '+_diraCutPostVtx+' & '+_ipChi2CutPostVtx
_Xb = DaVinci__N4BodyDecays()
_Xb.Combination12Cut = _combCuts12
_Xb.Combination123Cut = _combCuts123
_Xb.CombinationCut = _combCuts
_Xb.MotherCut = _motherCuts
_Xb.DecayDescriptor = "[Lambda_b0 -> p+ pi- pi+ pi-]cc"
_Xb.ReFitPVs = True
self.selXb2phhh_raw = Selection(name, Algorithm = _Xb, RequiredSelections = [self.myProtons, self.myPions])
def defineRelatedInfoTools(self, config):
self.RelatedInfoTools = []
for Angle in config['ConeAngles']:
for Name,Inputs in config["ConeInputs"].iteritems():
self.RelatedInfoTools.append({ "Type" : "RelInfoConeVariables",
"ConeAngle" : Angle,
"Variables" : config["ConeVariables"],
"Inputs" : Inputs,
"Location" : self.getConeVarLocation(Angle,0,Name),
"DaughterLocations" : { '[Lambda_b0 -> ^p+ pi- pi+ pi-]CC' : self.getConeVarLocation(Angle,1,Name),
'[Lambda_b0 -> p+ ^pi- pi+ pi-]CC' : self.getConeVarLocation(Angle,2,Name),
'[Lambda_b0 -> p+ pi- ^pi+ pi-]CC' : self.getConeVarLocation(Angle,3,Name),
'[Lambda_b0 -> p+ pi- pi+ ^pi-]CC' : self.getConeVarLocation(Angle,4,Name)} } )
self.RelatedInfoTools.append({ "Type" : "RelInfoVertexIsolation",
"Location" : "VertexIsoInfo" })
def getConeVarLocation(self,angle,num,name):
return "ConeVar{angle}_{num}_{name}".format(angle=str(angle).replace('.',''),num=str(num),name=name)