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Bc -> Bs X, update values for vertex chi2, IP, add DsK

Adam Davis requested to merge adavis_bc_bs_validation_iteration into 2017-patches

After validation, adjusted the default values for cuts (especially IP) and add Bs -> Ds K channels.

Rate test of 5k events:

StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 5000, Good event 5000
 |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
 |_StrippingGlobal_                                            |  0.7400|        37|       |  13.222|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamLeptonic_                            |  0.7400|        37|       |  13.204|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsMu_Dspi                                  |  0.1400|         7|  1.714|   1.104|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsMu_DsK                                   |  0.0800|         4|  1.500|   0.108|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsE_Dspi                                   |  0.0800|         4|  1.000|   0.314|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsE_DsK                                    |  0.0400|         2|  1.000|   0.050|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsPi_Dspi                                  |  0.4800|        24| 13.667|   0.284|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsPi_DsK                                   |  0.3600|        18| 13.056|   0.068|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsK_Dspi                                   |  0.4200|        21|  7.286|   0.048|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsK_DsK                                    |  0.3200|        16|  5.812|   0.048|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsMu_Ds_TIMING                             |  0.1400|         7|  1.714|   0.050|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsMu_DsK_TIMING                            |  0.0800|         4|  1.500|   0.058|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsE_Ds_TIMING                              |  0.0800|         4|  1.000|   0.068|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsE_DsK_TIMING                             |  0.0400|         2|  1.000|   0.046|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsPi_Ds_TIMING                             |  0.4800|        24| 13.667|   0.026|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsPi_DsK_TIMING                            |  0.3600|        18| 13.056|   0.046|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsK_Ds_TIMING                              |  0.4200|        21|  7.286|   0.062|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsK_DsK_TIMING                             |  0.3200|        16|  5.812|   0.044|

rate test over 50K events

StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 50000, Good event 50000
 |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
 |_StrippingGlobal_                                            |  0.8380|       419|       |  13.014|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamLeptonic_                            |  0.8380|       419|       |  12.993|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsMu_Jpsiphi                               |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   5.592|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsMu_Dspi                                  |  0.1960|        98|  1.724|   1.091|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsMu_DsK                                   |  0.1260|        63|  1.873|   0.110|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsE_Jpsiphi                                |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   2.672|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsE_Dspi                                   |  0.1200|        60|  1.700|   0.293|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsE_DsK                                    |  0.0840|        42|  1.881|   0.068|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsPi_Jpsiphi                               |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.314|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsPi_Dspi                                  |  0.5580|       279| 13.670|   0.290|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsPi_DsK                                   |  0.3860|       193| 14.585|   0.068|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsK_Jpsiphi                                |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.423|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsK_Dspi                                   |  0.4700|       235|  6.357|   0.054|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsK_DsK                                    |  0.3360|       168|  6.845|   0.054|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsMu_Jpsiph_TIMING                         |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.053|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsMu_Ds_TIMING                             |  0.1960|        98|  1.724|   0.055|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsMu_DsK_TIMING                            |  0.1260|        63|  1.873|   0.050|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsE_Jpsiph_TIMING                          |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.055|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsE_Ds_TIMING                              |  0.1200|        60|  1.700|   0.046|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsE_DsK_TIMING                             |  0.0840|        42|  1.881|   0.045|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsPi_Jpsiph_TIMING                         |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.045|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsPi_Ds_TIMING                             |  0.5580|       279| 13.670|   0.048|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsPi_DsK_TIMING                            |  0.3860|       193| 14.585|   0.046|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsK_Jpsiph_TIMING                          |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.044|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsK_Ds_TIMING                              |  0.4700|       235|  6.357|   0.047|
 |!StrippingBc2BsBc2BsK_DsK_TIMING                             |  0.3360|       168|  6.845|   0.046|

Happy to iterate if need be.

cc: @alupato @tmcgrath @gersabec

Merge request reports
