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Add ALP2TauTau prompt and detached lines

Carlos Vazquez Sierra requested to merge ALP2TauTau_QEE into 2018-patches

Lines for an axion-like-particle decaying into pairs of tau leptons, both displaced and prompt. Multiplicity is higher than for some lines, however, the rate is quite low so this should be OK (HTau3HTau3 is a bit overrate if taking into account multiplicity, but we can't tight the cuts much more). Timings are fine.

StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 25000, Good event 25000
 |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
 |_StrippingGlobal_                                            |  0.0760|        19|       | 216.000|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamBhadronCompleteEvent_                |  0.0760|        19|       | 215.973|
 |!StrippingHTau3HTau3HLine                                    |  0.0480|        12|  2.250| 102.944|
 |!StrippingHTau3HTauMuLine                                    |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   4.656|
 |!StrippingHTau3HTauELine                                     |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   4.966|
 |!StrippingHTauMuTauELine                                     |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.138|
 |!StrippingHTau3HTau3HDisplacedLine                           |  0.0240|         6|  2.667|  96.414|
 |!StrippingHTau3HTauMuDisplacedLine                           |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   4.016|
 |!StrippingHTau3HTauEDisplacedLine                            |  0.0040|         1|  1.000|   0.996|
 |!StrippingHTauMuTauEDisplacedLine                            |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.058|
 |!StrippingHTau3HTau3HLine_TIMING                             |  0.0480|        12|  2.250|   0.068|
 |!StrippingHTau3HTauMuLine_TIMING                             |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.052|
 |!StrippingHTau3HTauELine_TIMING                              |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.048|
 |!StrippingHTauMuTauELine_TIMING                              |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.046|
 |!StrippingHTau3HTau3HDisplacedLine_TIMING                    |  0.0240|         6|  2.667|   0.055|
 |!StrippingHTau3HTauMuDisplacedLine_TIMING                    |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.046|
 |!StrippingHTau3HTauEDisplacedLine_TIMING                     |  0.0040|         1|  1.000|   0.047|
 |!StrippingHTauMuTauEDisplacedLine_TIMING                     |  0.0000|         0|  0.000|   0.051|

@ikostiuk @jcidvida

Edited by Carlos Vazquez Sierra

Merge request reports
