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BnoC line Lb2ph for v28r2p1

Ao Xu requested to merge v28r2p1-patches-bnoc-axu into v28r2p1-patches

Add the following lines for the CPV study to Bhadron stream and BnoC WG:

  • Xib- -> Lb (-> p h) pi-
  • (WS) Xib- -> Lb (-> p h) pi+
  • Xib- -> Lb (-> p h) mu-
  • (WS) Xib- -> Lb (-> p h) mu+

Note that no pointing cuts are applied to Lb candidates such that they can originate from Xib weak decays.

The test result based on 100K events are available here.

Edited by Federico Leo Redi

Merge request reports
