From c6ae4289bc38259860f6ce32f6bfcb2c029f5b9f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ganrong Wang <>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2021 21:15:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Bnoc new strippingline to the incremental restripping of 2016

 .../StrippingBnoC/    | 211 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../StrippingBnoC/                 |   2 +-
 .../       |  34 +++
 3 files changed, 246 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingBnoC/

diff --git a/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingBnoC/ b/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingBnoC/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..836258945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingBnoC/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+# (c) Copyright 2000-2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
+#                                                                             #
+# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
+# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
+#                                                                             #
+# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
+# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
+# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+Stripping options for (pre-)selecting Xib -> Lb pi/mu, Lb -> p h
+Authors: Ao Xu
+__author__ = ["Ao Xu"]
+__date__ = "06/09/2021"
+__version__ = "1.0"
+__all__ = ("Xib2LbXLb2phLines",
+           "default_config")
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
+from GaudiConfUtils.ConfigurableGenerators import CombineParticles, FilterDesktop
+from StandardParticles import (StdAllNoPIDsPions,
+                               StdAllNoPIDsProtons,
+                               StdAllLooseMuons)
+from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import Selection
+from StrippingConf.StrippingLine import StrippingLine
+from StrippingUtils.Utils import LineBuilder, checkConfig
+default_config = {
+    "NAME"        : "Xib2LbXLb2ph",
+    "WGs"         : ["BnoC"],
+    "BUILDERTYPE" : "Xib2LbXLb2phLines",
+    "CONFIG"      : { "PrescaleXib2LbX"  : 1,
+                      "MinPTLb2ph_h"     : 1000,
+                      "MinPTLb2ph_p"     : 1000,
+                      "MinPTXib2LbX_h"   : 100,
+                      "MinIPChi2Lb2ph"   : 8,
+                      "MinIPChi2Xib2LbX" : 4,
+                      "TrChi2"           : 4,
+                      "TrGhostProb"      : 0.5,
+                      "MaxPTLb2ph"       : 1500,
+                      "MaxIPChi2Lb2ph"   : 12,
+                      "DOCA"             : 0.08,
+                      "VCHI2"            : 10,
+                      "XibVCHI2"         : 25,
+                      "BVDCHI2"          : 100,
+                      "BPT"              : 1500,
+                      "XibPT"            : 1500,
+                      "BTAU"             : 0.0006,
+                      "LbCombMassLow"    : 4900,
+                      "LbCombMassHigh"   : 6200,
+                      "LbMassLow"        : 5000,
+                      "LbMassHigh"       : 6100,
+                      "XibCombMassLow"   : 5100,
+                      "XibCombMassHigh"  : 6300,
+                      "XibMassLow"       : 5200,
+                      "XibMassHigh"      : 6200,
+                      "ConeAngles"       : [ 1.0, 1.5, 1.7, 2.0 ] },
+    "STREAMS"     : [ "Bhadron" ]
+class Xib2LbXLb2phLines( LineBuilder ) :
+    """Class defining the Xib -> Lb pi/mu, Lb -> ph stripping lines"""
+    __configuration_keys__ = default_config["CONFIG"].keys()
+    def __init__( self,name,config ) :
+        LineBuilder.__init__(self, name, config)
+        # inputs
+        pion_filter = FilterDesktop( Code = require_all(
+            "TRGHOSTPROB < {}".format(config["TrGhostProb"]),
+            "TRCHI2DOF < {}".format(config["TrChi2"]),
+            "PT > {} * MeV".format(config["MinPTLb2ph_h"]),
+            "MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) > {}".format(config["MinIPChi2Lb2ph"])) )
+        self.pions = Selection( "pions_for_"+name,
+                                 Algorithm = pion_filter,
+                                 RequiredSelections = [StdAllNoPIDsPions] )
+        proton_filter = FilterDesktop( Code = require_all(
+            "TRGHOSTPROB < {}".format(config["TrGhostProb"]),
+            "TRCHI2DOF < {}".format(config["TrChi2"]),
+            "PT > {} * MeV".format(config["MinPTLb2ph_p"]),
+            "MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) > {}".format(config["MinIPChi2Lb2ph"])) )
+        self.protons = Selection( "protons_for_"+name,
+                                  Algorithm = proton_filter,
+                                  RequiredSelections = [StdAllNoPIDsProtons] )
+        soft_pion_filter = FilterDesktop( Code = require_all(
+            "TRGHOSTPROB < {}".format(config["TrGhostProb"]),
+            "TRCHI2DOF < {}".format(config["TrChi2"]),
+            "PT > {} * MeV".format(config["MinPTXib2LbX_h"]),
+            "MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) > {}".format(config["MinIPChi2Xib2LbX"])) )
+        self.soft_pions = Selection( "soft_pions_for_"+name,
+                                     Algorithm = soft_pion_filter,
+                                     RequiredSelections = [StdAllNoPIDsPions] )
+        muon_filter = FilterDesktop( Code = require_all(
+            "TRGHOSTPROB < {}".format(config["TrGhostProb"]),
+            "TRCHI2DOF < {}".format(config["TrChi2"]),
+            "PT > {} * MeV".format(config["MinPTXib2LbX_h"]),
+            "MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) > {}".format(config["MinIPChi2Xib2LbX"])) )
+        self.muons = Selection( "muons_for_"+name,
+                                Algorithm = muon_filter,
+                                RequiredSelections = [StdAllLooseMuons] )
+        # Lb -> p h
+        Lb2phName = name + "Lb2ph"
+ = self._make_lb(Lb2phName,config)
+        # Xib- -> Lb pi-
+        decay = "[Xi_b- -> Lambda_b0 pi-]cc"
+        inputs = [,self.soft_pions]
+        line_name = name + "Xib2LbPiLb2ph"
+        xib2lbpi_rs = self._make_xib(line_name,decay,inputs,config)
+        self._make_line(line_name,xib2lbpi_rs,config["PrescaleXib2LbX"])
+        # (WS) Xib- -> Lb pi+
+        decay = "[Xi_b- -> Lambda_b0 pi+]cc"
+        inputs = [,self.soft_pions]
+        line_name = name + "Xib2LbPiWSLb2ph"
+        xib2lbpi_ws = self._make_xib(line_name,decay,inputs,config)
+        self._make_line(line_name,xib2lbpi_ws,config["PrescaleXib2LbX"])
+        # Xib- -> Lb mu- (nu)
+        decay = "[Xi_b- -> Lambda_b0 mu-]cc"
+        inputs = [,self.muons]
+        line_name = name + "Xib2LbMuLb2ph"
+        xib2lbmu_rs = self._make_xib(line_name,decay,inputs,config)
+        self._make_line(line_name,xib2lbmu_rs,config["PrescaleXib2LbX"])
+        # (WS) Xib- -> Lb mu+ (nu)
+        decay = "[Xi_b- -> Lambda_b0 mu+]cc"
+        inputs = [,self.muons]
+        line_name = name + "Xib2LbMuWSLb2ph"
+        xib2lbmu_ws = self._make_xib(line_name,decay,inputs,config)
+        self._make_line(line_name,xib2lbmu_ws,config["PrescaleXib2LbX"])
+    def _make_lb(self,name,config):
+        """make Lb -> p h decay
+        """
+        cc = require_all(
+                "AMAXDOCA('') < {}".format(config["DOCA"]),
+                "AM > {} * MeV".format(config["LbCombMassLow"]),
+                "AM < {} * MeV".format(config["LbCombMassHigh"]) )
+        mc = require_all(
+                "MAXTREE(((ABSID=='p+')|(ABSID=='pi+')),PT) > {} * MeV".format(config["MaxPTLb2ph"]),
+                "MAXTREE(((ABSID=='p+')|(ABSID=='pi+')),MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)) > {}".format(config["MaxIPChi2Lb2ph"]),
+                "PT > {} * MeV".format(config["BPT"]),
+                "VFASPF(VCHI2) < {}".format(config["VCHI2"]),
+                "BPVVDCHI2 > {}".format(config["BVDCHI2"]),
+                "BPVLTIME() > {}".format(config["BTAU"]),
+                "M > {} * MeV".format(config["LbMassLow"]),
+                "M < {} * MeV".format(config["LbMassHigh"]) )
+        combine_lb2ph = CombineParticles( DecayDescriptors = ["[Lambda_b0 -> p+ pi-]cc"],
+                CombinationCut = cc,
+                MotherCut = mc )
+        return Selection( name,
+                          Algorithm = combine_lb2ph,
+                          RequiredSelections = [ self.protons, self.pions ] )
+    def _make_xib(self,name,decay,inputs,config):
+        """make Xib -> Lb X decay
+        """
+        cc = require_all(
+                "AM > {} * MeV".format(config["XibCombMassLow"]),
+                "AM < {} * MeV".format(config["XibCombMassHigh"]) )
+        mc = require_all(
+                "PT > {} * MeV".format(config["XibPT"]),
+                "VFASPF(VCHI2) < {}".format(config["XibVCHI2"]),
+                "M > {} * MeV".format(config["XibMassLow"]),
+                "M < {} * MeV".format(config["XibMassHigh"]) )
+        combine_xib2lbx = CombineParticles( DecayDescriptors = [decay],
+                CombinationCut = cc,
+                MotherCut = mc )
+        return Selection( name,
+                          Algorithm = combine_xib2lbx,
+                          RequiredSelections = inputs )
+    def _make_line(self,name,selection,prescale):
+        """make the stripping line
+        """
+        line = StrippingLine( name+"Line",
+                              prescale  = prescale,
+                              selection = selection,
+                              EnableFlavourTagging = False,
+                              RequiredRawEvents = ["Velo"] )
+        self.registerLine(line)
+def require_all(*cuts):
+    """
+    return string of "and" of inputs
+    """
+    cuts = ["({})".format(c) for c in cuts]
+    return " & ".join(cuts)
diff --git a/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingBnoC/ b/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingBnoC/
index 6f541f8b2..2700e75f1 100644
--- a/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingBnoC/
+++ b/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingBnoC/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-_selections = ('StrippingB2CharmlessInclusive', 'StrippingB2HHPi0', 'StrippingB2KShh', 'StrippingB2hhpipiPhsSpcCut', 'StrippingLb2V0hh', 'StrippingLb2V0pp','StrippingBu2KSh','StrippingB2HHBDT','StrippingB2LambdapppLines','StrippingBs2Kst_0Kst_0', 'StrippingXb2p3h_raw')
+_selections = ('StrippingB2CharmlessInclusive', 'StrippingB2HHPi0', 'StrippingB2KShh', 'StrippingB2hhpipiPhsSpcCut', 'StrippingLb2V0hh', 'StrippingLb2V0pp','StrippingBu2KSh','StrippingB2HHBDT','StrippingB2LambdapppLines','StrippingBs2Kst_0Kst_0', 'StrippingXb2p3h_raw', 'StrippingXib2LbXLb2ph')
 for _sel in _selections :
     try :
diff --git a/Phys/StrippingSettings/python/StrippingSettings/Stripping28r2p1/ b/Phys/StrippingSettings/python/StrippingSettings/Stripping28r2p1/
index 4199e6ba5..50974326e 100644
--- a/Phys/StrippingSettings/python/StrippingSettings/Stripping28r2p1/
+++ b/Phys/StrippingSettings/python/StrippingSettings/Stripping28r2p1/
@@ -190,3 +190,37 @@ Xb2phhh_raw = {
     'STREAMS'     : ['Bhadron']
+Xib2LbXLb2ph = {
+    "WGs"         : ["BnoC"],
+    "BUILDERTYPE" : "Xib2LbXLb2phLines",
+    "CONFIG"      : { "PrescaleXib2LbX"  : 1,
+                      "MinPTLb2ph_h"     : 1000,
+                      "MinPTLb2ph_p"     : 1000,
+                      "MinPTXib2LbX_h"   : 100,
+                      "MinIPChi2Lb2ph"   : 8,
+                      "MinIPChi2Xib2LbX" : 4,
+                      "TrChi2"           : 4,
+                      "TrGhostProb"      : 0.5,
+                      "MaxPTLb2ph"       : 1500,
+                      "MaxIPChi2Lb2ph"   : 12,
+                      "DOCA"             : 0.08,
+                      "VCHI2"            : 10,
+                      "XibVCHI2"         : 25,
+                      "BVDCHI2"          : 100,
+                      "BPT"              : 1500,
+                      "XibPT"            : 1500,
+                      "BTAU"             : 0.0006,
+                      "LbCombMassLow"    : 4900,
+                      "LbCombMassHigh"   : 6200,
+                      "LbMassLow"        : 5000,
+                      "LbMassHigh"       : 6100,
+                      "XibCombMassLow"   : 5100,
+                      "XibCombMassHigh"  : 6300,
+                      "XibMassLow"       : 5200,
+                      "XibMassHigh"      : 6200,
+                      "ConeAngles"       : [ 1.0, 1.5, 1.7, 2.0 ] },
+    "STREAMS"     : [ "Bhadron" ]